new joe camel face

Today, America Taxes it’s Expats without Representation

Yup. It’s true. America Taxes it’s Expats without Representation. Exactly like King George did back in 1775. However, given everything, today it is only much, much worse.

This is not something that you are going to have CNN pontificate about. You won’t hear about this on MSNBC, WaPo or the Huffington Puffington Post. Nope. It’s all “under the radar”. It’s quiet and hidden from most Americans.

They don’t want YOU to know about it.

Instead they want you focused on other matters like Masturbation Booths in Japan, Sex Dolls, Zombie bird flu pandemic, Russia Russia Russia

They want you to have a trivial mind-set. They want you fixated on article summaries that do not exceed two paragraphs. They want you to have a short-term memory, and they want your attention directed elsewhere. Anywhere but on how your life actually is.


The moment the die was cast, and the law was written, it was determined. No, this wasn’t “just” another law. No, this wasn’t “just another” in a long string of usurpation of liberty. Nope. This was something else entirely. It was the last straw of a bale of hay that broke the proverbial camels back.

This was the law that proved once and for all that you Americans are just cattle.

Oh, we know this, after all, we are treated like cattle. We are raised and educated as cattle. We are separated (“Animal Farm” style) into cattle and owners. It’s just that we had at least a semblance of unity and order.

Not any longer.

There should be no question about it. When your government treats you like cattle, you are – for all practical purposes –  just that; cattle.


No single event caused the revolution. It was, instead, a series of events that led to the war. Essentially, it all began as a disagreement over the way Great Britain treated the colonies and the way the colonies felt they should be treated. Americans felt they deserved all the rights of Englishmen. The British, on the other hand, felt that the colonies were created to be used in the way that best suited the Crown and Parliament. This conflict is embodied in one of the rallying cries of the ​American Revolution: No Taxation Without Representation.

-The Root Causes of the American Revolution

While there were many causes and reasons why America came into being, the first and foremost was when Britain treated it’s American citizens as cattle. At that time, there wasn’t an America. Everyone who lived in America were British citizens. However, since they had no representation; no one to address their grievances with, they were expats.

They lived in the “grey area” of non-people.

They were subject to British laws. They were subject to British rulings. They were subject to British taxes. However, they had absolutely no control, dispute or avenue to participate in governance. As such, functionally, the British government treated them as cattle.

They were a useful mechanism to obtain profits and taxes. The government could raise the taxes, apply levies on goods, implement tariffs and make laws, all without a peep from the British citizens in the American territories.

Those who lived in America didn’t like this situation one bit.

True to expectations. A percentage of them revolted. They demanded that they be allowed to have a representative to talk to the government on their behalf. However, the government would have none of that. Why “rock the boat” when you have a good thing going, they reasoned.

Well, out forefathers could not stand being treated like cattle. So they revolted. The revolution that they had against the British empire became famous. It became known as “The American Revolution” against tyranny.

British colonists
How the British government treated the British expats in the American territories back in 1775, British citizens were considered to be cattle. They were a free source of labor, income and a resource for the government to use as it determined.

Well, you know, if you go on the internet there will be all kinds of “experts” and “historians” who will pontificate on the causes of the American revolution. But, you know what? They really revolted against one basic principle. They simply did not like being treated like cattle.

The American Revolution was the direct result of being treated as cattle.

Why Cattle?

Basically, a government is rather simple. You see, a government raises taxes to support the benefits that it provides to it’s citizenry. Taxes are raised to help the citizens who pay the taxes.

That’s all that there is to it. Fundamentally.

Now, make no mistake, in order to function properly, the government requires a “feed back loop”. This is to guarantee that the populace is being adequately cared for. In Democratic and Republican societies, this is in the form of representatives and representation. If things go wrong, or bad, the population have a means to communicate with their government to address concerns and problems.

Without this feed back loop, the government is not representative.

When there is not a feed back loop, the population toils, not for themselves or their communities, but rather for the government alone. They pay taxes, but who knows what the taxes would be used for. There isn’t any feed back loop.

The population becomes a utility; an element that can be milked which provides nourishment to the leadership and the government, but not to the population. The population becomes cattle.

Cattle are the ideal citizenary of a tyranny.
This is what citizens become when there isn’t a way for them to control, or (at the very least) give feed-back to their government. They become useless pawns. They become product. They become cattle that can be farmed for profit.

When the population works and toils, and pays taxes to the government, but does not see the benefit of those taxes; nor any control on how those taxes will be used, the government is a full-on tyranny.

The people are cattle for those who rule.

Tale of two Expats; One British and One American

Yeah, we revolted from a tyrannical government. Big whoop! Where has it brought us to?  I will tell you where. It brought us around full circle. We are now at a point in time where it is better to be a British Citizen than an American Citizen.

Because that is exactly the way it is today.


Here I am. I am in China. I am surrounded by many British expats, and a handful of American expats. The British are far…far… far better off than the Americans are.

When in their home nation, they pay less in taxes than Americans do (this is true, no matter what the WaPo and Blue Ribbon panels have to say), the government follows British Common Law, and not arbitrary laws designed to police behavior. Which pretty much sums up American law. We have laws for just about everything, and when you boil them all down, they pretty much revolve around policing the behavior of people.

  • Drive a car, you MUST wear a seat belt.
  • You cannot buy liqueur on Sunday.
  • When hunting you MUST display the permit visibly.
  • You cannot ask for a person’s age or sex on a job advertisement.

In England, however, they pretty much follow British Common Law. Which  generally means that criminal laws are formed and written to protect people from becoming a victim. Under British Common Law, if you do not have a victim, you cannot have a law. Criminal laws require a victim.

  • Steal someone’s car, the owner of the car is a victim.
  • Stab someone, and the person who is stabbed is a victim.
  • Run your car on someone’s rose bushes, and the owner of the roses is a victim.

Not so in the United States. Laws are written not to protect you. they are written to enforce behavior.

Law in the United States

Just like fences are constructed to keep cattle penned in. Just like dogs are used to round up the cattle, and just like electric shock fences are used to keep the cattle in place. So, the United States uses law.

In the United States, laws are used to enforce the behavior of the citizen-cattle.


The laws are not used to enforce any behaviors of the elite and the ruling class. They have their own system of government, rules and things. They are not subject to the same rules as us cattle are.

Powerful in Government and Hollywood
Whether it is the rich and the powerful in Hollywood, or the wealthy in Washington D.C., they have their own rules of behavior. They are able to get away with blatant crimes. They can get away with obvious crimes, and survive with only a “slap on the wrist”. Us cattle are treated differently.

They can rape at will, over and over again, and not suffer any consequences. They can steal 30,000 top secret documents, put it on a server that is a direct line to a foreign government, and still be walking the streets instead of being strung up by a rope and hung until death. The can sell government secrets, property, and resources, and pocket the money directly all without a single peep from anyone.

Hillary and justice
Comic from Ben Garrison on the law and the outrageous crimes of Hillary Clinton and her immunity from the law.

America has two systems; one for us cattle and one for our owners (rulers). The British has one system. Everyone must follow the law and play by the same rules. Though, there is some recent evidence that Muslims in the major cities have their own tiered approach to laws.

HIllary Clinton.
Lock her up by Ben Garrison at Grr Graphics. All credit to the artist. Hillary Clinton sure has managed to get away with a lot. This is a characteristic of a third world banana republic. It is not the characteristic of a functioning Republic.

When I talk to my British friends, I am often astounded. They are my age, with similar career backgrounds. Yet how can they be doing so much better than myself?


Specific Examples

For instance, when they die the government does not seize their property to pay “back” taxes. It’s their property. They do not have to report the sale of the house and the property to the government. There just isn’t any kind of inheritance taxes.

Finally, when they are in China, they pay only the local taxes. They don’t report their income to the British version of the IRS, have their bank accounts monitored, and seized, and once they step outside the shores of their nation, they don’t have to pay expat taxes. We Americans do. In fact, the consequences for not paying taxes is terribly severe.

American must pay the local taxes, and also American taxes. We have to pay taxes on everything as if we lived in the United States.  We pay double taxes. We are forced and compelled to report on our income and the various worth of properties and possessions outside of the United States with severe consequences if we do not meet their expectations on our worth.

Therefore, if you live abroad for 10 years, and then return to the United States, the IRS may question your failure to file returns for those ten years and later  can make assessments based on their best estimate of your income.   The interest and penalties on any old tax amounts owed grows faster than you can imagine and after 4-5  years may exceed the amount of the original taxes owed.


In short, a British expat has it much better than their American counterpart.

You see, British expats are treated as full-on citizens that are abroad (outside of their home). American expats are treated as cattle to be “milked” for all they are worth. This is true whether or not they are in-country or an expat abroad.

The Law

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a 2010 United States federal law requiring all non-U.S. ('foreign') financial institutions (FFIs) to search their records for customers with indicia of 'U.S.-person' status, such as a U.S. place of birth, and to report the assets and identities of such persons to the U.S. Department of the Treasury.


Hum… What ever happened to the fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights? Am I correct in assuming that the 16th amendment made the fourth amendment null and void?

FATCA allows government personnel to locate U.S. persons not living in the United States, so as to assess U.S. tax or penalties.


What ever happened to the right to privacy, the right to be forgotten, and the right to be left alone? I guess that cattle don’t have those rights. The owners of the cattle must know where each and every animal is, and what its value is, so that they can profit from it.

The Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (of which FATCA is a part) was passed on party lines: It narrowly passed the House, with no Republican members voting "yes" and passed the Senate with only one Democrat member voting "no". 

President Obama (D) signed the bill into law.


Yup. Why am I not surprised that it was Democrats that want to treat American citizens as cattle that have no privacy.

Americans do not have access to their own money. Rich people and banks own the money. Not americans.Democrat Senator Nancy Pelosi believe that Americans are not entitled to the money they earn. She believes that it is the property of the government, and use of the money is only granted to elected officials.

The Notification

The IRS now has new power over passports. The IRS can't take your passport exactly, but it can tell the State Department to do so. Whether this is a good idea can be debated, but it is now the law. It wasn’t even an executive order that did it. It came from Congress over a year ago in H.R.22, adding Section 7345 to the tax code. It isn't limited to criminal tax cases, or even cases where the IRS thinks you are trying to flee. The idea was proposed and rejected in 2012.

But by late 2015, Congress passed it and President Obama signed it. Now, over a year later, the IRS has finally released new details on its website. If you have seriously delinquent tax debt, IRS can notify the State Department. The State Department generally will not issue or renew a passport after receiving a certification from the IRS. 


The Despots who Nurtured and Created the Law

Here’s a nasty group of elected Democrat congress-critters who are upset that President Trump has lowered taxes, and are putting minorities to work instead of providing them social benefits. They have been very unhappy with that. They take it personally, as if someone is sealing water out of their backyard pool using a teaspoon.

As mentioned previously, the law that placed this burden on Americans was forged by Democrats. It was rammed through a Democrat controlled congress, approved by a Democrat controlled Senate, and signed into law by a Democrat President. Fundamentally, this legislation…

  • Connects the IRS with the department of State. (Tagging the cattle.)
  • Permits Americans to be taxed outside of the United States, beyond territorial borders. (Milking the cattle.)
  • Forces foreign banks to report on what Americans do with their finances without privacy protection. (Monitoring the cattle behavior.)
  • Forces foreign individuals and institutions to report on the locations of Americans abroad. (Monitoring the cattle location.)
  • Forces Americans to return to the United States, if they do not pay enough in taxes. (Return the cattle to it’s owner.)

How it is implemented

The deputy director general of legal affairs of the People's Bank of China, the central bank of the People's Republic of China, Liu Xiangmin said "China's banking and tax laws and regulations do not allow Chinese financial institutions to comply with FATCA directly. 


The rest of the world does not do this. Really, only America does this. ONLY. AMERICA. DOES. THIS. Other nations, even communist ones, treat their citizens with due respect. They are not permitted to treat anyone like cattle. Hard to believe eh? How does America get away with this? Why won’t the people complain to their representatives?

via GIPHY One of the key tenets with life in America is the understanding and the realization that the American government works hand-in-hand with the mainstream-media to control Americans. Part of that is a constant flow of propaganda covering many subjects over long stretches of time. The key is that you really need to keep Americans stupid and distracted to make this work…

via GIPHY One part of this propaganda is the idea that everything done by a communist nation is BAD, and that everything done by a “free” democratic nation is “good”. However, the work-around this lie to to make some astute and fundamental observations. Namely…

  • America is NOT a democracy. Nor is it “free”. (At least not in terms recognized by the founders of the nation, as written in the “Federalist Papers”.)
  • China is NOT communist. Actually it is a “Free Market” social dictatorship. (Mr. Mao might have founded the nation, but it was Mr. Deng who set economic and social policy.)


Who it affects

This law affects all Americans. It also affects all green card holders. The idea behind it is to make sure that no American citizen can live a life without paying “his fair share” of taxes. The individuals who forged this legislation were outraged that wealthy Americans can utilize “tax havens” to reduce their tax burden. However, this legislation functionally does not affect those people that this was supposedly targeted for. It affects much poorer Americans abroad. The moment you use your passport, the IRS is now notified. They now expect the American citizen to either return home, or earn money. The money earned is to be taxed. Failure to do so will result in the wrath of the IRS tax police.

IRS in 1776
Historically, when Americans didn’t want to pay taxes without representation, the ruling government hired aggressive para-military forces to take control of the situation. Their goal was to instill order through fear and very aggressive subjugation of the population.

What now?

So, let’s suppose that you are an American who obtained a job teaching English in China. You must pay the local Chinese taxes, and then must pay American taxes. The Chinese taxes are automatically deducted from your pay. They tend to be small. Then the entire amount, including what was already paid to the Chinese government, is considered taxable income. Americans must file their taxes, and probably use an expensive tax accountant to do so. It is more than an inconvenience. It places American expats at a decidable disadvantage to other expats in the work force. There is nothing you can do about this. Since expats no longer live in the United States, they do not have a representative in Washington D.C. to address their grievances with. The last time that this situation occurred was in 1776. Americans did not like being ruled like cattle, and shot the elite trying to rule them.

Fight back
The movie “The Patriot” depicted the situation in America when Americans were treated like cattle by an uncaring and evil ruling class.


Americans are treated like cattle. They are intentionally kept stupefied and confused so that they can be effectively “milked” for personal gain by the people in power. This has become absolutely obvious with the passage of  H.R.22, which added Section 7345 to the tax code.
Obama rewriting the Bill of Rights
The democrats want to rewrite the Constitution to better enable them to profit individually at the expense of the nation. They have been systematically revising the law and putting people and forces in positions of power to implement their desires.
America has moved so far from the original intention of the Constitution, that in many cases it operates in the exact opposite manner than what it was intended.

Take Aways

  • Americans are treated like cattle.
  • When Americans work outside of the USA they are taxed without representation.
  • Dual taxation of Americans is now permitted by the IRS.
  • American expats are placed at a disadvantage when overseas.
  • Americans have no expectation of privacy.
  • Americans are no longer safe and secure in their personal papers.


Q: I do not live outside the USA. How does this matter to me? A: This simply illustrates your value and worth in terms of what our elected rulers think. If they can treat expats in this manner, what makes you think that they will not treat penned up American-cattle worse? I argue that this is an obvious five-alarm warning bell that is flashing and screaming. I think we should take heed. Q: Why do you say that America treat’s it’s citizens like cattle? A: Because it does. In fact, it does so exactly. The only thing that it does not yet do is sell the cattle to other nations. I’d give it another fifty years or so before this happens. I mean, it makes sense. They want to import as many ignorant people into the United States as possible and they want to tax everyone and everybody to an excessive amount. Q: The IRS says that the payment of taxes are voluntary. Why don’t you just stop paying taxes? A: It’s not voluntary. It is compulsory, no matter what the IRS says. The failure to pay your taxes would result in serious fines and troubles.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


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  1. Initially composed July18.
  2. Completed 18AUG18.
  3. SEO review and publish 18AUG18.
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