snopes CEO arrested for multiple charges of fraud corruption and vice

What is – Can it be Trusted?

We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, 'What is real?' Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. “

-Philip K. Dick

Not strictly limited to politics, is a website that supposedly attempts to debunk and invalidate urban legends, Internet rumors and other stories of uncertain origin. Today, they are the voice of the statist globalist oligarchy.

Of course, others mostly rich country-club Democrats, think otherwise. They point out the mission statement at the website. It is officially an “independent entity” privately owned by its operators.

Snopes is a long established website which emerged from the alt.folklore.urban newsgroup and was originally a reference site about urban legends. In recent years it has become a staunch defender of the official narratives, to the extent that it has been referred to as "the go-to website for CIA propaganda". 


Not for profit?

The owners, Barbara and David Mikkelson, have both publicly stated that they receive no funding in any form.  Curious. Most curious. This is really, really interesting. You know, it sure is curious that someone who has no income, no funding, and no sources of income can live in an upscale mansion. Not only that, but do so in one of the most expensive sections of California, travel the world extensively, and drive around in some very, very expensive cars

Ah, but that’s ok. You know.

Whether you are hob-nobbling with Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein, Race baiter (the Reverend) Jessie Jackson, or international arch villain George Soros, we all know that you are never influenced by their money. (Wink, wink.)

“Just used Snopes to check the following: Hillary Clinton farts pixie dust which cures gay children of cancer. Turns out it's true!”

-Comment by Zero Point

Full of Lies and Half-truths

This group has been caught in more than a few outright lies, disinformation and distortions of truthful and actual events.  This is true whether it is a study on whether Donald Trump sits on a solid gold toilet when he takes a dump, or how the Palestinians funded their network of attack-tunnels.

As far as UFO’s and other extraordinary events are concerned, they are firstly, a mouthpiece of the status quo.  Do not expect them to understand quantum physics, chemistry or anything too cerebral.  Their interest lies in the dissemination of popular trite responses to extraordinary events. They do in a way that finds its greatest appeal to an audience of a dumbed-down populace of limited education.

It's got what plants crave.
It’s got what plants crave. Idiotcracity is a 2006 American science fiction comedy film. The film tells the story of two people who take part in a top-secret military human hibernation experiment, only to awaken 500 years later in a dystopian society where anti-intellectualism and commercialism have run rampant, and which is devoid of intellectual curiosity, social responsibility, and coherent notions of justice and human rights.

They are promoted by Google

They must certainly have a great relationship with Google.  I say this as they tend to be ranked in the top five websites whenever a relevant search is conducted.  Do you, the reader, have any idea how difficult it is to obtain a decent ranking on Google? It’s not for the faint of heart, for certain.

If this does not SCREAM collusion, then nothing will.

See elsewhere for the hacked evidence by Julian Assange in 2016 showing this connection to be true and real.

While I have not been able to find an obvious tie between this organization and the United States government myself, the disconnect between their sustaining income and actual work outlay is quite large.

Where do they get their funding?  And how are they able to devote the time to do all the work that they do?  What do they live on?  How can they devote 80 hours a week to this “hobby” of theirs?  Are they independently wealthy? Are they “blue bloods”? Do they invest in cryptocurrency? What is their secret?

There is an obvious void that is unexplainable at this time.

Ties to the DNC Political Party

Circumstantial evidence definitely seems to indicate ties with the DNC political party.

Yup, the political machine known as the Democrat National Party is quite busy with all kinds of efforts in progress. Whether it is social re-engineering, towards getting the Untied States into a global thermonuclear Armageddon, or trying to import illiterate waifs from South America, this organization is quite the busy work-horse.

Snopes staff
This couple is responsible for fact checking everything from the radar profiles on UFO’s to whether or not Bill Clinton’s cat was fed well while in the White House. They are experts in everything apparently. You know what? I really like their cat. Though, I think that he eats a little bit too much, the poor thing.

Enter Metallicman

You get on the internet and you start chatting with someone. They disagree with you. You disagree with them. You state what you know and offer facts. They pull out a "fact check" from and all discussions cease.

How absolutely convenient. All on-line discussions that have a conservative, traditional or Christian point of view are automatically discounted as 'FALSE".

In August 2016, there were a number of DNC staffers who died under suspicious circumstances. After a major DNC email leak that Wikileaks insisted that came from inside the DNC, three individuals associated with the email system were found dead.

Rumors persisted that these killings were intentional and were the result of the staffers leaking the emails to the press. Of course, if that was the case, then the management of the DNC had something to do with it. But, not to fret, the DNC insisted that the murders were random. They assured everyone that they were not associated with the DNC in any way.

DNC staffer Seth Rich was mysteriously murdered in the streets of Washington, D.C., on July 10. Although it is being investigated as a robbery, his wallet, credit cards and watch were not taken. 

The 27-year old was shot in the back on July 10 at 4:15 a.m. near his affluent neighborhood, while he was reportedly walking home from his girlfriend’s apartment. Police still have no suspects, witnesses or motive. His mother told the local NBC station that there were bruises on his face, knees and hands, apparently from trying to fend off his attackers.

Some are speculating that Hillary Clinton is behind the murder, because Rich could have been the DNC staffer responsible for leaking the 20,000 damaging DNC emails to Wikileaks. 

The allegation is that powerful Sanders allies convinced Rich to leak the data. He had previously worked on the U.S. Senate campaign for Nebraska businessman Scott Kleeb, who lost his election. The Clinton Global Initiative provided funds for a clean energy business started by Kleeb, which had come under investigation after losing $300,000 in 2010 and another $300,000 in 2011 despite the subsidies. 

Rich was also previously employed at a data firm that had worked with the Clintons. After news of possible corruption emerged between the Clinton Global Initiative and Kleeb, supposedly that led to Sanders’ cronies pressuring Rich to leak what was going on, so it is very possible he could have had access to the DNC’s emails. 

Julian Assange of Wikileaks said on TV that it wasn’t Russian hackers who intercepted the emails, as the Hillary Clinton campaign has alleged; instead, any one of a number of staffers within the DNC could have leaked them

As the rumors started to fly, Snopes took center-stage.

They immediately squashed all rumors. They publicly and officially labeled the suspicion over Shawn Lucas, John Ashe, and Seth Rich’s deaths as “FALSE”. This was a great relief to the DNC and everyone else associated with the Democrat party.

Soon, all the main-stream media parroted the Snopes pronouncement. The investigations were “proven” to be concluded and just random occurrences. They loudly and repeatedly stated that the investigations were over and the DNC was vindicated.

Which was really strange as all investigations were on-going at the time. The investigators would even begin to suggest any conclusions.

The former President of the United Nations General Assembly, John Ashe, mysteriously passed away on June 22. This was a few days before he was scheduled to begin pretrial meetings involving shady financial dealings regarding a former Clinton crony. 

Local police officers said he died from dropping a barbell on his throat while working out, but the UN oddly first claimed he died of a heart attack. 

The 61-year-old was supposed to testify against Chinese real estate developer Ng Lap Seng, who was implicated in the “Chinagate” scandal for funneling money to the DNC for Bill Clinton through Arkansas restaurant owner Charlie Trie. 

Ashe was arrested last year for allegedly taking over $3 million in bribes from Chinese businessmen, including over half a million from Ng Lap Se, in exchange for building a United Nations conference center in Macau.

Dominican attorney Henry Shillingford questioned his death, “It is strange for Antigua’s most senior diplomat to be implicated and die under such troubling circumstances.” 

The New York Post’s Page Six ran a skeptical article questioning the circumstances. A source told the paper, “During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed.”

So, with all this controversy, Snopes automatically labeled the rumor “False”. This is strange, since how did Snopes know that it is false? The police haven’t even completed any of their investigations yet!  And, if you were to ask the police themselves, they would say that they have no public conclusions to provide.

Political Ties

Mikkelson has previously publicly stated that Snopes does not take any political positions whatsoever. Well, that was a lie.

His current wife, has a history of participation in liberal politics. The Daily Mail reports that Young ran for the U.S. Congress in Hawaii on the Libertarian ticket in 2004, during which time she distributed cards that read “Re-Defeat Bush” and condoms with the words “Don’t Get Screwed Again” printed on the wrapping.

Elyssa Young
Elyssa Young is also know as Erin O’Bryn and maintains a website advertising her services as an escort with photographs of her over the years. She was pretty successful over the years, and has run for political office.

On her campaign website, she outright stated, “Let’s face it, I am an unlikely candidate. I fully admit that I am a courtesan.”  Ultimately, her campaign was unsuccessful, and she lost to Democratic incumbent Neil Abercrombie.

Propaganda for the Oligarchy

Snopes certainly seems to be the mouth-piece of the people in power.

As I have mentioned numerous times in the past and in my various posts.  Question everything and everyone. Most especially question those who have quick and easy answers for everything.  For nothing is black and white.  The world is a complex place, with situations that can astound when investigated.

Nothing has an easy answer.

In the case with Snopes, when there is a mountain of dead bodies piling up, and the status-quo media is saying “there is nothing here, move along now”, there is an obvious disconnect between observed reality and the preferred governmental narrative.

Victor Thorn, who wrote four books exposing the Clintons, reportedly killed himself with a gun on his 54th birthday, August 1, while on top of a mountain near his Pennsylvania home. 

The books he wrote were Hillary (And Bill): The Sex Volume, Hillary (And Bill): The Drugs Volume, and Hillary (And Bill): The Murder Volume, and his latest which was published in February, Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn't Be in the White House.

According to the Inqisitr, Thorn had appeared multiple times on The Russell Scott Show and told the host,

“Russell, if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.”

Joe Montano, an aide to Hillary’s running mate Tim Kaine, died of a heart attack on July 25. He had worked for the DNC and was only 47.

A man named Larry Nichols claimed on the Pete Santilli Show that he was hired as a hitman for the Clintons, and killed several people years ago.

What is comes down to is this: how many other politicians have you heard of who have had so many mysterious deaths associated with them? You don’t hear of a Bush body count. You don’t hear of an Obama body count.

You never hear of a Jimmy Carter body count, a Ronald Reagan body count, a JFK body count. So what gives?

Snopes, the left-leaning internet myth debunker, labels the Clinton body count as false. However, the main site that hosts a list of the Clinton body count reports that is admittedly constantly under attack by computer hackers on the behest of Hillary Clinton. I guess that that curious (and inconvenient) fact never made it into the Snopes calculus.

Soap Opera Management

Before we proceed too much further, please take into account that people - good and bad - live life. They get into situations. They get into troubles. They have personal problems.

This is certainly the case for the CEO of Snopes.

The fighting and the arguments and accusations thrown against him by his ex-wife should not be taken at face value. Rather they should be considered as a side of a very complex man embroiled in a difficult relationship...

The CEO of has been accused, in divorce proceedings, of appropriating company funds which he allegedly spent on expensive holidays and prostitutes.

The Daily Mail reports that the CEO of Snopes, David Mikkelson, has been  embroiled in a vicious legal battle with his former wife. She was more than just his wife, she was the co-founder of Snopes; Barbara Mikkelson.

I am sorry for both of them. The more that I read about them, and the lives that they have led, the more they seem to be meant for each other. I really hate it when people end up going in different directions. It’s really very sad.

Snopes staff
It is important for all of us to make peace with ourselves and with those around us. However, it is just simply not right to deceive others for the sake of personal wealth and prosperity.

The couple divorced sometime around 2014, but legal proceedings have continued between the couple. Honestly, both of them must be living a hellish existence dealing with this. Maybe, on a hot and steamy night, one would wake up and yell to the ceiling, “can’t this ever end?”

  • Barbara has claimed that her former husband embezzled money from the company. Court documents obtained by the Daily Mail state that Barbara accused David of “raiding the corporate business Bardav bank account for his personal use and attorney fees.”
  • Barbara also claims that David embezzled $98,000 over four years, which “he expended upon himself and the prostitutes he hired.” (Wow. Now, that’s a lot of prostitutes.)
  • Barbara claims that David spent $10,000 from their business accounts between April and June of 2016 to fund an expensive 24-day holiday for him and his “girlfriend.”
  • In a court filing from June, Barbara claims that David has “been depleting the corporate account by spending monies from it on his personal expenses,” and that David’s access to account debit cards and check books must immediately be revoked “right away before there are no funds left in the corporate account.”

Well, all sorts of dirty laundry comes out in the wash. You can’t fault the guy for wanting a divorce from a woman that he once loved so tenderly. Now they are apart. So what if he is lonely and wants to go out with other women?  You know, if he is lonely, why not pay for some fun with other women? Will ya, give this guy a break? Huh?

I do feel sorry for both of them. This divorce has wrecked their lives, their source of income, and the website that they both put together. Sad. So, sad.

Software giants assisting Snopes

It was announced that Snopes would be helping Facebook to determine and label “fake news” with the help of ABC News and Politifact. Lordy!

Enormous Salary

George soros uses snopes as a propiganda arm to support many of his nefarious activities within the united states. snopes is not impartial. They have a political agenda. It is an agenda that they are paid to promote.
George Soros was an early contributor to Snopes, and has provided financial backing to the organization for years.

A key point of contention during the divorce proceedings was David’s salary.

David demanded that his salary be increased from $240,000 a year to $360,000, a sum that David agreed he would settle for, but believed was below “industry standards.” He argued that he should be making up to $720,000 a year.

“As I said, based on industry standards and our revenues, my salary should be about 2x to 3x what it is now,I’ll settle for $360K with the understanding that it’s to be retroactive to the start of the year.”

- David wrote in an email to Barbara in April of 2016.

Barbara disputed David’s request, stating that it was “not even in the galaxy of reasonable.”

That all being said, where in the heck does this money come from?

Prostitute Employer

The fact-checking website that more recently set its sights on determining if “fake news” was indeed fake has found itself in a financial collapse after it was discovered that the owner and his new wife were living an outlandish lifestyle. There are also reports of embezzling and hiring prostitutes on the company’s dime according to a new report by the Daily Mail and a lawsuit filed by shareholders of the website.


According to the Daily Mail, David has remarried since his divorce from Barbara in 2014.  I for one, am happy that he found love. Maybe his first wife didn’t understand him, but now that he found another, I am sure that she will be able to mend his hurting heart and put the pieces back together.

His current wife, Elyssa Young, works as an administrative worker at Snopes.

The key of contention is that she previously had a lengthy career as an escort. She was a pretty good one apparently, and also worked as a adult film star working under the name Erin O’Bryn. Good for her.

Escort Advertisement
Escort advertisement for Snopes investigator and wife of the founder.

Reviews for Young’s “services” have been left on her personal escort website as recently as 2015. Young’s websites and Twitter account describe her as “a mature and experienced courtesan, idealist, activist & dreamer.” Her website further states, “Here’s the donation I request for my time, companionship, and entertainment” with “non-negotiable” rates of $1,200 for her minimum four hours and $5,000 for 24 hours.

  • $1,200 for a “short time”.
  • $5,000 for a “long time”.

You know guys, she’s a bit on the expensive side. So either she is way overpriced, or she is extremely good at what she does.

Snopes escort
Elyssa Young was a model for adult magazines in the 1990s, and appears to have continued posing for photographs until recently. She is now an administrative worker at and travels with her husband David Mikkelson, its co-founder

Questionable Processes

The rapid acceptance of the point of view of the oligarchy is a point of contention. It tends to force the use of the website to justify their actions.

  • Speaking to the Daily Mail, David Mikkelson stated that Snopes did not have a “standardized procedure” for fact-checking “since the nature of this material can vary widely.”
  • He also stated that the process “involves multiple stages of editorial oversight, so no output is the result of a single person’s discretion.”

When asked about the requirements for becoming an employee at Snopes, Mikkelson stated, “Accordingly, our editorial staff is drawn from diverse backgrounds; some of them have degrees and/or professional experience in journalism, and some of them don’t.”

Preoccupation with Sex

Also according to the Daily Mail, another one of Snopes’ lead fact-checkers has a history of sex blogging. Yes, they definitely fit the r-strategist behavior snugly.

Fact checker.
You know, it’s fine to have hobbies. I happen to like sandwiches, drinking, singing and dancing. Others like to play with sex toys. Heck, what ever makes your boat float, what ever… It’s all good. How can we make such judgement on a person. Maybe she is a really good fact checker who likes to play with herself. What’s wrong with that?

Writing under the pseudonym Vice Vixen, Snopes fact-checker Kim LaCapria regularly wrote about sex and fetish gear on her own blog, which was described as a lifestyle blog “with a specific focus on naughtiness, sin, carnal pursuits, and general hedonism and bonne vivante-ery.

Snopes Assistant.
One of the debunkers on Snopes is also an escort, who loves to play with sex toys and enjoys sex to it’s fullest. I cannot fault that. Anyone who doesn’t like sex has a real problem with their identity. That being said, is she qualified to discuss pulsed radar emissions from high speed transitory vehicles? I say do what you love.

LaCapria’s blog often featured reviews of sex toys.

  • One particular review reads, “If you are doing something to your fella, and you apply this to the base of his cash-and-prizes while you carry on, he will scream and perhaps cry.”
  • On another blog, LaCapria once described what she did on her day off, writing that she “played scrabble, smoked pot, and posted to Snopes.” She then added, “That’s what I did on my day ‘on,’ too.”

Tied to Nefarious Organizations used to Manipulate Public Opinion

From the article titled “ CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption” found HERE, are the following curious statements;

Evidence obtained by police has revealed that, which markets itself as "the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation," has a history of accepting money and favors from left-leaning and pro-Islamic political groups and individuals for helping them to advance their cause by rigging public discourse with selective fact-finding and deliberate manipulation of public opinion.

Arrest of the CEO

From the previously mentioned article…

Late Monday morning, Brian Williston, a editor, who also doubles as the accountant, found himself at a flea market on the outskirts of Los Angeles. 

As he was browsing the different tables and tents looking for antiques, an old mechanical piano began playing Dixie's Land, a song that was adopted as a de facto anthem of the Confederacy during the American Civil War and is now considered offensive by some due to its link to the iconography and ideology of the Old South.

The tune sparked an outrage in Williston, who began yelling and cursing those who "would like to bring back slavery and racial separation," and ordering the vendors to "turn off that racist music." 

When no one nearby claimed to know how to turn off the one-hundred-year-old machine, Williston became violent. 

He started grabbing various antique objects from the vendors' tables and throwing them at the antique piano in an attempt to silence the music. 

A bystander, later identified as William Barksdale, working as a courier for the L.A. Messenger Service, attempted to calm Williston down, saying that "someone is just trying to see if that the piano still works" and "it's only a song, don't shoot the pianist," but that only prompted the infuriated editor to redirect his rage to the messenger. 

Williston, who is white, began to choke Barksdale, who is black, while screaming "Shut up! Shut up!" as the mechanical piano continued to play Dixie's Land in the background.

Well, that did not go well.  However the police was able to find out who this nut case was.

After some of the shoppers intervened and pried Williston's hands off the courier's throat, the editor fled the scene of the incident. LAPD quickly identified Williston by the personal check he left with one of the vendors, which contained his full name and address. While inside his home, Williston ignored commands to open the door, causing police to use forced entry in order to detain him.

Discovery of Bribes and Payoffs

American media is nothing but lies.
American media is just propaganda. Nothing that you see is real and truthful. It is all distorted lies and partial-truths.

So the police forced their way into his home and began searching it.

The arresting officer caught Williston slipping some papers under a Persian rug, which prompted the police to remove the rug and examine the documents underneath it.

One of them turned out to be a handwritten ledger,.

The ledger contained the names of well-known individuals and organizations who have been paying to debunk stories. Particularly, stories that cast them in a bad light, while also validating damaging half-truths and rumors about their political opponents.

Apparently, having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases.

Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars (according to sources).

So the guy has become millions of dollars richer because he controls a popular “fact checking” website, and he provides “facts” that fit the narrative of those who pay him to change history and write the “truth”.

The Scandal

Especially scandalous is the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations.

  1. They began with with payments to to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting.
  2. Eventually, they evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a fake media narrative.
  3. It is a narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

So, the “powers that be” control what the “truth” is.

Who are these people?

Democrats banning free speech.
Democrat Senator saying during Congressional hearings that the Bill of Rights does not apply to citizens. Rather it is a document that protects the government from citizens who would abuse the privileges that the government provides to them. The “funny thing” about this is that this quote is now restricted on Internet search engines. Yeah. No friggin’ shit. Type it in Bing or Google. I dare you. Image is a screen shot with closed caption.

Who are these people?  Well, from the previously mentioned article;

The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website's clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority. 

None of the specifics or individual names are being revealed while the investigation is still ongoing, but a police source has indicated that "the shock waves will rock the world of the media and the political establishment." 

Several watchdog groups have already condemned as a corrupt organization with zero credibility and urged their readers to disregard any political debunking from this tainted source.

To underline a key statement, let me repeat it.

Several watchdog groups have already condemned as a corrupt organization with zero credibility and urged their readers to disregard any political debunking from this tainted source. as a corrupt organization with zero credibility.

The Future

The future for Snopes does not look too healthy. After the Hillary Clinton election loss in 2016, their primary funding source (the “slush fund” via the non-profit Clinton Foundation) dried up.

No more money from the Clinton’s or George Soros.

Apparently so did many of their other sources of income as well. Perhaps this article from 25JUL17 might put things into better perspective. ‘Hookers, lies and fraud’: Snopes ‘in danger of closing doors’

From the linked article;

“…one of Snopes’ leading fact-checkers is a former sex-and-fetish blogger who described her routine as smoking pot and posting to Kim LaCapria is disclosed to be a former sex-blogger who called herself “Vice Vixen.” Her blog had “a specific focus on naughtiness, sin, carnal pursuits, and general hedonism and bonne vivante-ery.” LaCapria’s day-off activities she said on another blog were: “played scrabble, smoked pot, and posted to Snopes.'”

Scam after scam

New car for Snopes CEO
I am sure that it would be very interesting to see who donated to this guy. I’ll bet that it would include a lot of dictators and tyrants, as well as a few evil over lords and malcontents in the DNC.
After founder and owner David P. Mikkelson started a crowd-funding website to raise money for the companies’ apparent financial troubles, having raised more than $600k within 24 hours, it is being reported that David was spotted purchasing a brand new $300k+ Ferrari at a California Fiat dealership.

Mikkelson resorted to a crowd-funding site where thousands of kind users decided to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to the dying Snopes, seemingly saving Mikkelson and Snopes for the time being, however, reports of Mikkelson purchasing a brand new $300,000 Ferrari are raising some questions. “I thought we were saving him” says Gary Upton, a Snopes donor, “Even though David is a mess, I love Snopes, It’s very helpful when they debunk crazy stories i come across from sites like Celebtricity and Huzlers. But i didn’t think he would finesse us and buy himself a Ferrari, oh well”, finished Gary.

Is this report true? Or, is it false? I just don’t know. What I do know is that other fact checkers have checked out the goings-on with Snopes. They have found some outrageous activities…


The comments found on line make for interesting and amusing reading.  Here are just some of the comments found on Zero Hedge.

SlowBro ThaBigPerm Jul 24, 2017 5:07 PM

I got an email just last week saying that Snopes had turned the corner and apologized for slanting so heavily to the left. Should check Snopes on that one.
2000 SlowBro Jul 24, 2017 5:14 PM

It's a fact-checking garbage dump. I asked them to correct their claims about Target's Bathroom Boycott affecting their business after Target admitted it did affect their business (I was a peeved shareholder). No response. Here's their drivel:

And proof that it did impact their business:

I knew it was impacting the sales, and the first announcement (IMO) of them acknowledging it was when the CEO started trying to cover his behind by saying he never approved the memo. Anyways, I ditched the stock pretty quickly once I realized their strategy was to stand tall and hope it blew over. Eventually, that strategy "worked" in the sense that people don't seem to still be talking about it...

But their shares are still down 34%!  Stupidity running that company just like most others. So, I'm happy to see this lying, scumbag of a site begging on the street corners.
johngaltfla WTFRLY Jul 24, 2017 4:39 PM

LOLOLOLOLOL! Bunch of Marxist propagandists got their ass busted!!!!
JLee2027 Peterman333 Jul 24, 2017 4:10 PM

New wife Elyssa Young is employed by the website as an administrator .  She has worked as an escort and porn actress and despite claims website is non-political ran as a Libertarian for Congress on a 'Dump Bush' platform . Its main 'fact checker' is Kimberly LaCapria, whose blog 'ViceVixen' says she is in touch with her 'domme side' and has posted on while smoking pot.
meditate_vigorously Peterman333 Jul 24, 2017 5:00 PM

A lot of dark money found its way to them during the campaign. Millions most likely from (((donors))) of Clinton and/or her Super PACs. That obviously dried up after Trump won. Too bad they blew it all on hookers, blow, and cats.
knukles Pernicious Gold Phallusy Jul 24, 2017 4:43 PM

Huh? I read somewhere credible long ago that Snopes was originally funded by guess who? George Soros No surprise, is it?


The reader need not take my opinion on this, they can investigate on their own.  There are more than a few article concerning the outright fraud of this organization.  The videos are quite enjoyable.  Here are some links;

Summary & Conclusions

In the mid-1990’s, about the time of the Bill Clinton Presidency, there was a period of panic in the newsrooms all across the United States. The dominance of the big three television networks was coming to an end. There was a rise in “independent” news that was making itself known on the internet.

People like Rush Limbaugh were gaining listeners. The sales of newspapers, and other types of paper-media was on a downward vector. The alternative media were able to quickly refute the statements made by the well-known and powerful media outlets. The main-stream media seemed incapable of dealing with this shift in power.

Their first attempt failed. They tried to ban Rush Limbaugh and other Conservative media off the air, as well as ban them from print. That failed. Then they tried to limit speech on the internet, it wasn’t successful at that time.

A solution presented itself…

Organizations would be set up that would support the “official” news, and disparage the contrary views found on the internet. These organizations would be known as “fact check” experts. As a result, “Fact checking” websites began to appear that supported the narrative of big-mainstream media and the oligarchies that run America. They all surfaced about the same time, and many were funded by the same people.

In the mid-1990’s we  have…

Followed shortly by…

I cannot say for sure why they were created. What I do know is that over time political influences, often with very large coffers full of money have tried to influence the narrative in these “fact checking” organizations. Whether or not they were successful to the various websites is up to the reader to determine. However, we do know, that in the case of Snopes, they were quite successful in doing so.

The progressive liberal management was paid handsomely to “fact check” news with a liberal bias.

We found out the extent of their ties to the various political organizations through various events. Notably…

  • A nasty divorce.
  • The discovery of a second set of secret and hidden payment ledgers.
  • The personal escapades of numerous prostitutes in the employment at Snopes.

You know, it’s easy to get on someone’s case when they are down. But, you know, they did a bad thing and for a while they were riding high. They were flush with money and no one was the wiser. Hey had their hands in the pockets of some pretty powerful people. So how can you blame them?

Now, they have to pick up the pieces from a scam that collapsed. Let’s hope that they learn from this. I don’t know about you, the reader, but there are some really good lessons here…

  • Even though you have opinions, please try to frame them as your opinions. Restrain from calling them out as facts.
  • Playing with dirty money will eventually make what you do, tainted.
  • Don’t pretend to be something that you are not.
  • Your past does not really matter; what matters is what you do in the present.

Take Aways

  • Snopes should never be considered a source to “fact check” anything.
  • Snopes has demonstratively lost all credibility in the “fact checking” industry.
  • It is reasonable to assume that ALL “fact checking” organizations are compromised to some extent.
  • Today, “fact checking” organizations are used to add credibility to a mainstream news media that is no longer credible.


Q: Is David Mikkelson a bad person?
A: No. He is a man who saw and opportunity and provided a service to help people sort out the good from the bad when the internet was first getting started. Together with his first wife, he started a “fact checking” organization from scratch. Sure he bent some rules to get it up and running. So what? Most companies start that way, either intentionally or (more often than not) unintentionally.

Then, with the website in place, people started to come to him. They offered him money, cash, presents, fun, trips, and the opportunity to meet interesting people. Like any man, he took advantage of the benefits of his role and position. He is a human man. Be honest, if some one gave you a duffel bag of hard currency and some attractive girls to “convince” you to do something, else they would go to your competitor, what would you do? Throw the opportunity away? Say no to the money? Tell the girls to leave, and ply their trade elsewhere?

is that what you would really do?

Ok, so he got caught. It’s not like he needed to be caught. It was pretty obvious the liberal bent of the site, and the near perfect record of siding with the global oligarchy in just about every issue. The only problem is that seemingly all of the big software and media companies followed their pronouncements. That has made it rather difficult to get information out from the gutter.

Now he has the opportunity to set things right. What he does from this moment on will determine his legacy. Making this decision is a personal thing. Some people might try to continue and move forward, while others might want to reverse direction. Everyone is different. It’s all up to him.

Q: Is Barbara Mikkelson a bad person?
A: No. She is a woman with a bright and colorful past who managed to find a rich and wealthy man with direct ties to the global wealthy. Good for her. Now she lives a life in love with the man of her dreams. I believe that she loves him. They share a cat together. I wish her the best.

I just cannot find fault with her. Though, I really do wish that their cat would lose some weight. I fear that it will not live a long and healthy life if it is overweight. Maybe they could put it on a good healthy diet, and get it some specially designed cat food.

You know, life is never set. You can change your life. It’s never too late. It never is. Take that kitty out and let it chase some birds. Put it on a strict but tasty diet. Play with it more. Get a weasel in the house and have the cat chase after it.


Yeah. Let the cat out and let it prowl the neighborhood. Let it climb trees, attack the wildlife and generally raise some heck. It will be able to lose weight in no time. Just let it loose.


Q: Is Kim LaCapria a bad person?
A: No of course not. To be honest, I think that she should concentrate on the things that she loves rather than to concentrate on boring things like politics, and urban legends. If you do what you love, the time will fly by. If you do what you love, you will put your heart and feelings into everything that you do.


I think that her love of sex toys is a passion that is being wasted. It’s like a fisherman working in a canning factory. Every day he makes cans of fish, yet all the time he is dreaming of fishing. He is dreaming of the day when he can get his pole and go out to the water.

Why write about boring political figures and what they said? When you could easily describe the joys of various toys and how you feel about them. I believe that she would be happier doing things that she loves, with people she loves to be around. In a way, working for a paycheck when your heart is elsewhere is sad. You know, it doesn’t have to be that way. It really doesn’t.

You know, when I read the various articles, I ended up with the impression that the staff at Snopes were paid to do a job, AND paid to provide other services. Well, no one stated that explicitly. But, you know, you do have to keep in mind that this is California and they do things differently than the rest of the world does. It’s a cultural thing, don’t you know.

In any event, be who you are. Do what you love. Everything else will fall into place. Stop pretending for other people. Be true to yourself.


Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

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  1. Compiled and first draft 13AUG18.
  2. Completed 14AUG18.
  3. SEO review 14AUG18.
  4. Published 14AUG18.
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