Face it. The U.S. government no longer belongs to the people and it no longer represents them. This causes a rage, an anger because Americans feel helpless. You see, there is absolutely nothing they can do about anything. Nothing. Americans are absolutely powerless, and the ballot box is simply a facade.
One reason the American public is so passive relates to the fact many people live in a state of willful denial. To admit your country runs more like the Corleone family than some famed tome of Greek political-philosophy is a difficult step to take. To admit this means you’re either going to cower in a corner and hope to stay safe, or you’re going to do something about it. Many people still don’t want to do anything about it, so they continue to exist in a comfortable mental and emotional narrative of what they want to believe the U.S. is, as opposed to reality. -LibertyBlitzkreig
It is no longer possible to redress grievances in America. At best you will be ignored. At worst you will be shot dead and killed.
Take note, this uneasy feeling is not misplaced. It reflects the real state of affairs. It’s a very sad thing to say. But, yes. Yes. We have lost the government we learned about in civics class.
You’ll squeal like stuck little piggies when Real Americans finally get themselves a bellyful, and some of that same mostly-peacefulness that far too many of us have already experienced from your side gets unleashed upside your heads for a change. Glad to hear it; that means the Second Amendment, against all odds, is still working as intended. It also suggests there might actually remain some small hope, however minuscule, of you frothing fascists coming to your senses and stepping back from the brink before it’s too late. People like you are precisely whom the Founders warned us about; the 2A was written not to protect anybody’s right to hunt but to act as a deterrent to your kind, a last line of defense should you fail to heed its warning at last. Your fear is wise and proper. May God grant that you never lose or dismiss it—for ALL our sakes. -Cold Fury
Oh yes. It was a great ideal while it lasted. It sounded so perfect with its democratic election of representatives. With the representatives compelled to do the voters’ will in framing laws. And one in which the president vows to execute faithfully, unless (of course) the Supreme Court rules them unconstitutional.
That small government of limited powers that the Founders designed, hedged with checks and balances, hasn’t operated for a century at least. While you can trace many contributors back even further, the real America; the one described in the Constitution, was eviscerated back a hundred years ago.
Of course, all its parts still have their old names.
And yes, indeed, they still appear to be carrying out their old functions.
They appear to be functional…
Yet in fact, a new kind of government has grown up inside the old structure. It’s insidious. It’s like those parasites hatched in another organism that grow by eating up their host from within, until the adult creature bursts out of the host’s carcass.
This transformation is not an evolution. It’s an usurpation.

The Government today…
“I believe that to pursue the American Dream is not only futile but self-destructive because ultimately it destroys everything and everyone with it. By definition it must, because it nurtures everything except those things that are important: integrity, ethics, truth, our very heart and soul. Why? The reason is simple: because Life/life is about giving, not getting.” -Hubert Selby, Jr., Requiem for a Dream (Preface 2000)
What has now largely displaced the Founders’ government is what’s now called the “Administrative State”. It’s a horrible, horrible, monster. It has all the characteristics of all the worst aspects of the human experience.

Over the last twenty years we have watched this monster burst forth from it’s host. Those, whom we have elected to control this beast, were consumed by it. Perhaps, the election of Donald Trump was the final, last middle finger and effort to control this beast.
Every single institution in the United States is either actively malicious toward the American people, or a complete scam—and often both. - From Darren Beattie at American Greatness
So far it looks like the monster is far too big. It appears that radical surgery will be necessary to medically control the monster. It will not be surgical. It will be messy and quite ugly.
It will be nasty.
How this monster came about…
It’s a transformation that was premeditated by its main architect, Woodrow Wilson.
I am a "conspiracy theorist". I believe men and women of wealth and power conspire. If you don't think so, then you are what is called "an idiot". If you believe stuff but fear the label, you are what is called "a coward". — Dave Collum (@DavidBCollum) July 19, 2019
The destruction of the United States government, as established by the Founders in 1776, was premeditated by its main architect, Woodrow Wilson.

Yes, that thin-skinned, sanctimonious college-professor president.
You know the one. The self-righteous smug know-it-all who thought himself enlightened far beyond the citizenry he was supposed to represent.
This jerk-off had no respect for the Constitution, or for his fellow Americans. When he wasn’t trying to ship young men off to distant wars to die, he was busy rewriting the Constitution in his own image.
An image, that I must make clear, had no resemblance at all to the original Constitution signed in 1776.
Take a look at how he wanted to be remembered…

A “Living Constitution”
He laughingly dismissed the Declaration of Independence’s inalienable rights as so much outmoded “nonsense”.
- He viewed individual Rights as nonsense.
Further, he rejected the Founders’ clunky constitutional machinery as obsolete.
- He viewed the Constitution as an obsolete document that needed to be replaced with a modern progressive one.
What a modern enlightened country needed, he said, was a “living constitution”. It was a construction that would keep pace with the fast-changing times. It would do so by continual, “Darwinian adaptation”, as he called it. He achieved this goal by fundamentally altering the Judicial Branch.

You see, he wanted things to change often and fast. A Constitutional Convention was far too slow for his vision. Instead he worked out a scheme in which the Judicial Branch would be the key element to institute change.
In effect his changed empowered the federal courts to act as a permanent constitutional convention.
- He changed the Justice Branch to act as a permanent constitutional convention.
A new modern progressive America.
Modernity, Wilson thought, demanded efficient government.
So, in his progressive mind, an efficient government would be one run by independent, nonpartisan, benevolent, hyper-educated experts. It would be run by trained experts cultivated to fit the political mold that he would create.
Sounds good, right?

These experts would apply the latest scientific, economic, and sociological knowledge to solve the various issues that can occur when running a nation. He strongly believed that the industrial revolution created unprecedented problems. Problems that were too complex for self-governing free citizens to solve.
- He created the bureaucracy that the United States government relies upon. With NO oversight. He assumed that the organization would be self-policing and self-governing.
But not only that. Without wasting any time, he got Congress to create additional executive-branch administrative agencies. Such as the Federal Trade Commission, to start running administrative tasks.

FDR feeds the monster.
While he might have started this nightmare, other progressive presidents expanded upon it. It was in their benefit. The more they expanded upon it, the greater the power that they could wield.
For instance, during the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) proliferated such agencies.

This started from the [1] National Labor Relations Board and the [2] Federal Housing Administration to the [3] Federal Communications Commission and the [4] Securities and Exchange Commission. All of which were fully intended to put the New Deal into effect.
- Using the administrative agencies as a baseline, subsequent presidents created many such specialty agencies.

Packing the Supreme Court
The problem with this, however, is that all these agencies (that he created) violated the Constitution. Which was, as I must remind the reader, intended to support a small limited government. Let me repeat;
All these agencies are in violation of the Constitution as written in 1776, and every time they were constructed and put in place, the Supreme Court ruled them unconstitutional.
- When the Supreme Court ruled that the actions of the President was unconstitutional, he changed the composition of the court to be more progressive and agree with his policies.

Thus, FDR had altered the Constitution.
He had to stretch the Constitution’s Commerce Clause beyond recognition. Which he did by changing the Supreme Court in fundamental ways. These changes allowed him to change the meaning of the Commerce Clause.

Abuse of the Commerce Clause
FDR packed the Supreme Court with people friendly to his progressive vision. As such they made rulings which altered the meaning of this clause. Thus, this clause now had a new meaning. The new progressive meaning now puts the federal government in charge of all economic activity, not just interstate transactions.
- FDR, though his revised SCOTUS, redefined the Commerce Clause to mean “everything“.
FDR also had to pressure the justices to allow Congress to delegate legislative power. This was, in effect, what the lawmakers did by setting up agencies with the power to make binding rules. The Constitution, of course, vests all legislative power in Congress, empowering it to make laws, not to make legislators.
- FDR enabled Congress to delegate their powers to Federal Agencies.
Every single institution in the United States is either actively malicious toward the American people, or a complete scam—and often both. - From Darren Beattie at American Greatness
These changes radically, and profoundly, affected the economic makeup of the United States.

But the Administrative State’s constitutional transgressions cut deeper still.
Changing the nature of Justice…
Think about it. As per the 1776 Constitution; if Congress can’t delegate its legislative powers, it certainly can’t delegate judicial powers either. The 1776 Constitution reserves this power exclusively to the judiciary.
But now it’s a whole new “ball game”. Now, after these administrative agencies make rules like a legislature, they now then can exercise judicial authority like a court. They can do this by prosecuting violations of their edicts and inflicting real criminal penalties, such as fines and cease-and-desist orders.
FDR’s alterations fundamentally changed the nature of crime, law, and justice.
- Crimes now no longer require a victim or an aggrieved person. Anyone can now get arrested for anything.

The Separation of Powers redefined.
All of these changes severely redefined the separation of powers that the United States Constitution defined.

Now, today, as the agencies can now perform all these functions, they also violate the principle of the separation of powers.
After all, if congress has the power to make laws, and they delegate that power to an agency, then whoever controls that agency now has the power to make laws instead. The power has been transferred to someone else elsewhere.
The separation of powers lies at the heart of our constitutional theory. Though, ivory-tower president Wilson believed that it really was just senselessly curbing efficiency.
- Without a clearly defined separation of powers, there becomes no limit to the growth of the Federal Government.
Democracy doesn’t die in darkness; it dies when our institutions shred their mandate to serve us and start serving themselves. And that’s all they do – serve themselves. -Townhall
So now, we have a government that fits this progressive template. It’s “efficient” and “modern”, and “progressive” arrangement. You can see simply by looking at the organization charts.
Social Services…

The ACA, ObamaCARE agency…

Due Process of Law changed.
This collapse of the separation of powers also severely altered the due process of law.
Fifth Amendment in the Bill of Rights For they trample the citizen’s Fifth Amendment right not to lose his property unless indicted by a grand jury. As well as to be tried by a jury of his peers. Fourth Amendment in the Bill of Rights Today they can search a citizen or a company’s private papers or premises, without bothering to get judge-issued subpoenas or search warrants based on probable cause. Which is, of course, a Fourth Amendment protection.
- Changing the due process clause, eviscerates the Bill of Rights protections.

Laws can be selectively enforced…
The government can now issue waivers to their rules. The end result of this is that the law is not the same for all citizens and companies but is instead an instrument of arbitrary power.
- FDR made sure that laws can be arbitrarily applied.
Rule of law in America? Don’t be ridiculous. There are rulers and the ruled. Which bucket do you think you’re in? -Liberty Blitz
FDR himself ruefully remarked that he had expanded a fourth branch of government that lacked constitutional legitimacy. Not only does it reincarnate the arbitrary power of the Stuarts’ tyrannical Star Chamber, but also it doesn’t even meet the minimal conditions of liberty that Magna Carta set forth 801 years ago.
In modern usage, legal or administrative bodies with strict, arbitrary rulings and secretive proceedings are sometimes called, metaphorically or poetically, star chambers. This is a pejorative term and intended to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the proceedings. The inherent lack of objectivity of any politically motivated charges has led to substantial reforms in English law in most jurisdictions since that time. -enacademic.com
- Rulings on laws can now be made with strict, arbitrary rulings.
Basically, the best-case scenario here is that our government is unbelievably incompetent, not a particularly soothing thought. But the alternative is that it is corrupt and criminal in ways we can barely imagine. There’s an even less soothing thought. I can’t wait until these Einsteins take over my health care and are no longer restrained by the citizen veto of the guns we bitter normal people have, so far, wisely clung to. The fact is you cannot trust our institutions. They are not, and have not been, operating in the interests of Normal Americans for quite some time. They have degenerated into seedy scams run by, and for the benefit of, a garbage ruling caste that inherited the most powerful society in human history and seems determined to do in a couple generations what the Romans took a few hundred years to do – squander it. Look at our useless Department of Justice. It gave Hillary a pass and basically rubbed it in our faces. If you or I pulled the classified material shenanigans she did, we’d could have been Epstein’s federal pokey pals. But James Comey – who we were duly informed by the smart set was a paragon of integrity – let her walk. Later, that Looming Doofus distributed classified material to his media pals to undermine the president we rubes elected and who he did not approve of, and so far he’s walking too. There are rules for them, and rules for us, and that’s not exactly going to reinforce our faith in our DOJ’s commitment to justice without an agenda, is it? -Townhall
- The government can protect itself, and go after those that question it’s abuses.
The Progressive onslaught…
Adding insult to injury, Wilson, his allies, and their current followers call themselves “progressives“. This is for certain a fatuous boast implying that they are the embodiment’s (and chosen instruments of the spirit) of an ever-improving, irresistible future.
- The goal of all these changes is to make a more “progressive” America.
These “progressives” claim to be marching toward an as-yet-unrealized goal of human perfection.
Now, that perfection, the original German philosophers believed, would look something like Prussia’s enlightened despotism. Progressism would manifest as “enlightened despotism”.

- A “Progressive America” is one ruled by an enlightened despot. The people would live in this utopia as serfs.
I will repeat. The idea, and the end-game for the progressive utopia is for the feudal-model. There are a very small band of rulers, with a supporting cast of assistants, and the rabble. The rabble will be further grouped into the slave-class, the serf-class, and the utility-class.
But this is America, “The Land of the Free”!
For Americans to think that it is progress to move from the Founders’ revolutionary achievement…
...a nation of free citizens, endowed with natural rights, living under laws that they themselves have made, pursuing their own vision of happiness in their own way and free to develop as fully as they can whatever talent or genius lies within them...
…to a regime in which individuals derive privileges granted to them from a benevolent government superior to them is contemptible.
It’s an ugly monster.
Seriously now. How in heck, is a return to serfdom an advance on freedom?
How is being a serf, in any way, being free?

No lover of liberty should ever call such left-wing statism “progressive.” In every way. From every angle, it is a regression towards an environment of a ruler class, and a serf class. In historical terms, this elevation of state power over individual freedom is not even “liberal” but quite the reverse.
It is now quite obvious.
And it is quite dangerous. Dangerous to everyone.
It’s a wreck. That’s the legacy of our elite. We did not do that. Our alleged betters did that – it’s on them. Yeah, I know Trump’s our president – and he has been for about 30 months. This disaster didn’t start when Trump swore in, and he’s not going to be able to hose it out anytime soon. But at least he’s trying. We elected Trump because we couldn’t ignore the unfolding disaster any longer. -Townhall
The United States today is in a serious situation.
In any sociopolitical project aimed toward a preconceived end, there’s a “point of no return,” after which the result must be either complete success or devastating failure. There’s no going back to try for some other end. Once past the point of no return, it’s win or die. The Left has taken us past that point. -Baston of Liberty

Not only have all these agencies grown in size, became corrupted, and expanded their power with zero limits, but they have not aged well. Like a cancer they have metastasized.
As these agencies have metastasized, they have borne out not a single premise that justified their creation. You now have the FDA preventing the implementation of 99.99% of all new medications. (This remains true even though many of the new medications would functionally perfectly well for 99% of the population.) You have TSA screening that violates fundamental rights within the Bill of Rights, and you have the IRS that blatantly violate fourth amendment protections with casual aplomb.
All this hasn’t gone unnoticed. Indeed, their increasingly glaring failure has drawn citizens’ angry attention to them.
And of these “experts” that run these agencies…
As a New Deal congressman immediately recognized with shock, many of those who staffed the Administrative State were kids just out of law school, with zero real-world experience or technical knowledge. Today, once people find a seat within a government agency, they need not worry about being up-sized, downsized, laid-off, fired, or suffer though down-turns, to right-sizing. They do not need to perform. They can relax and provide a minimum of effort.
They can become slothful, and many take advantage of this situation.

- The Scale of FBI and DOJ Corruption is Beyond comprehension
- FBI Stonewalls Corruption Probe | Power Line
- Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DOJ, IRS, and FBI
- Obama IRS Corruption Update
- 2015 FIFA corruption case – Wikipedia
- FBI In Free-Fall Collapse Under Comey’s Lack Of Leadership
Alleged sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein received far more jail work-release privileges about a decade ago than the public previously knew, according to records released Friday. At one point in 2009, Epstein’s already generous work-release agreement was modified to allow him to leave Palm Beach County Jail seven days a week, for up to 16 hours a day — including two hours per day at the Palm Beach mansion where he previously sexually abused dozens of minor girls, records from the Sheriff’s Office reveal. Epstein’s suicide while facing sex trafficking charges in New York six days ago has not stopped scrutiny about Epstein’s time in Sheriff Ric Bradshaw’s custody after Epstein pleaded guilty to two state prostitution counts in 2008. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is conducting a criminal investigation into how the Sheriff’s Office and former state prosecutor handled Epstein back then. The Sheriff’s Office released the expanded Epstein case file Friday in response to a public records request. Epstein was the only sex offender among 21 inmates in the work-release program at the time, and his approval for the program both surprised and concerned federal prosecutors, records show. State Sen. Lauren Book, D-Plantation, led the calls for an FDLE investigation, noting how “Epstein enjoyed an unprecedented and deeply troubling level of leniency and luxury while incarcerated by PBSO … We need answers if we want accountability.” - Jeffrey Epstein’s special treatment in jail was far more lenient than anyone knew
Modern and efficient?
Can-do America, free of government agency restrictions, can build the Empire State Building in 11 months and ramped up airplane production during World War II from 2,000 in 1939 to nearly 100,000 in 1944. But now, under the oppressive government, now takes years of bureaucratic EPA busywork to do the simplest of actions. Say, to repair a bridge or lay a pipeline. Now, who knows how many businesses never expand or even start because the maze of government regulation is too daunting and costly to navigate?
Nothing is more glaring than the corruption that siphoned $77 billion dollars from High Speed Rail, and left us with 15 miles of track in the middle of nowhere, and a fiberglass and cardboard mock up of a locomotive.

Serving the people, as benevolent?
Benevolent? As in non-political?
Ask Lois Lerner at the Internal Revenue Service.
Oh wait: she pleaded the Fifth Amendment. Oh yes, and her boss, John Koskinen, simply ignores Congress’s orders. He does as he wishes, for without any controlling oversight, you can have your very own fiefdom.
- The Agencies and the Federal Government no longer serves the people. Instead it serves the wealthy oligarchy.
You are right, our govt is a mafia/gangster state. I’ve read that pedopilia networks are a part of all govts and they will do anything & everything to cover it up, including destroy people’s lives, their careers, family, and murder to cover evidence. Schaeffer Cox , an AK resident Patriot, was exposing pedophila at the AK state level. The FBI came and ‘staged’ an event to indict Cox, set up a ‘kangaroo court’ to convict him, including omitting critical evidence that would have proven him innocent. He was sentenced to 26 years in a maximum security prsion in IN, rarely gets to see his wife and young children. This is a young man who was completely innocent. Most of his life will be wasted in a prison cell. Our govt is as corrupt as it gets. -Carolyn McDowell
Representative of the people it serves?
And it is a fiefdom.
The Constitution specifically warns and prevents the placement of military on American soil (to be used against Americans), even as more than 2,000 of his enforcement agents have acquired military-grade weaponry, among 200,000 of such administrative-agency officers now similarly equipped with lethal arms, presumably for coercion of the citizens they supposedly serve.
"From and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress; . . . " - The Posse Comitatus Act in 1878
Renaming a grinder (also known as a po-boy, subway, and torpedo) and calling it a sandwich, does not change it’s function, or appearance. A military force is a military force.

- Renaming something does not change it’s functional utility.
Protecting Citizens?
Protecting citizens? What about from industrial capitalism’s giant corporations?
Where were the [1] Securities and Exchange Commission, [2] the Federal Reserve, [3] the Office of Thrift Supervision, and [4] the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight as the mortgage bubble blew up in 2008?
Asleep at the wheel. Obviously.
It was such an massive failure in oversight, that it lies completely withing the realms of criminality. This fiasco was horrible, nearly taking the whole financial system with it and producing the worst economic bust since the Great Depression. It was so horrible, that even today has sunk the labor-force participation rate and hiked the suicide rate among working-class men and women to record levels.
These agencies have become tools of the wealthy.
- These Federal Agencies are the de-facto tools to control Americans for the benefit for the wealthy.
"Moreover, from the establishment of the first administrative agency—the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1887, essentially designed to create shared railroad cartels—these agencies have been key instruments of crony capitalism, which today often takes the form of senators and congressmen pressuring agencies for rule changes or waivers to benefit their contributors, usually at the expense of their competitors as well as the public, as the author of the recent Confessions of Congressman X complains of his fellow legislative “puppets.” "
Little wonder that today’s Americans think that such people don’t represent them.
Pollsters report that trust in government is at its lowest level ever, with only 19 percent expecting government to do the right thing, according to Gallup and Pew polls.
- Americans’ Trust in Government to Handle Problems at New Low
- Trust in government: 1958-2015 | Pew Research Center
- Survey: American public’s trust in government
- CNN Poll: Trust in government at all-time low
- Poll: 1 In 5 Americans Trusts The Government : NPR
- Trust in Government | Gallup Historical Trends
- Trust in Institutions | Pew Research Center
Protecting Health and Safety?
Ensuring the citizens’ health and safety?
Consider the TSA. As for the infamously dysfunctional Transportation Security Administration, its Keystone Kops’ regularly reported inability to spot journalists carrying banned weapons onto airplanes, no government official takes action. Why? They are too busy fondling travelers’ private parts or undressing grannies, is a standing national joke—on us.
We lost our constitutional safeguards for this?

FDR spewed out his agencies in a “try anything” spirit to cure a Depression that his predecessor’s misguided palliatives had worsened. Now, the debate still surges over whether the New Deal agencies did harm or good, instead of considering their doubtful legitimacy.
- America needs to erase all the progressive “improvements” that are destroying the nation.
But America is just fine with “good intentions”
Well, that is the conventional belief. How do we know? Well the media tells us.
- The mainstream American media is owned by five people. All of whom are members of the wealthy elite oligarchy.
Then came Obama…

Today, however, it is obvious to see all the actions and activities of Obama when he was in office. he conducted many ploys and techniques to expand and extend the Government control over the citizenry. Today people see his actions as a cynically calculated ploys to extend government’s power over the people.
On the pretext of addressing the financial crisis, the administration partially socialized American medicine with legislation that only Democrats voted for. (Of course) without bothering to read it. With the American citizens who opposed the measure—still a solid majority of those polled—saw it as a kind of coup d’état, against them.
It was framed with utter irresponsibility and ignoring the scary financial mess.
As happened during the New Deal, a timid Supreme Court found the act constitutional only by the politically driven concerns.
It struck many as flimflam, not government by consent.
New Agencies in abundance…
The result was a spectacular expansion of the Administrative State, with some 150 new agencies and commissions created (no one knows the exact number).
And these agencies purposely removed the Administrative State even further from government by the people.

One agency, the Independent Payment Advisory Board (the so-called death panel) is so democratically unaccountable that Congress can only abolish it by a three-fifths vote in both houses within a seven-month period next year.
After that, the law bars Congress from altering any of the board’s edicts, a provision as far from democratic self-government as you can get.
- It is now easy to create independent agencies with no oversight.
- It is now difficult to remove agencies when they are problematic or are of no value.
Stimulus program scams…
To keep the American citizenry compliant with an out of control government, they offer all sorts of “free things”. Much as how you give a sugar cube to a horse from time to time. These “free things” are often in the form of “stimulus programs”.
The public idea of a “stimulus program” is a system to take money directly from the government and apply it selectively to key areas in the economy. Or, in other words, to the people in key important areas that need financial backing.
BTW. Our nation was founded on the premise that everyone was equal and that equal treatment for everyone equally would be protected. Selective "gifting" of money, for any reason, goes absolutely against the core principles of the Constitution.
As for the Obama “stimulus” that was supposed to give a Keynesian boost to the economy: since you can’t prove a negative, no one can show that if all that money had stayed in the private economy. No one could show that. It should have created more jobs and economic growth than the economically anemic Obama era has done.
What unemployed or underemployed workers saw, though, is that a good portion of stimulus money went elsewhere. It went, instead, to protect the jobs of public employees. Not to assist people in the private sector.
Coal miners saw that, even as the administration aimed to kill their jobs, its "stimulus program" instead, shoveled out hundreds of millions of dollars elsewhere. The huge bales of money went to the now-defunct Solyndra and other nonviable, crony-capitalist “green” energy companies.
Ah, the “green hoax”, read about it here…

For some reason, I attribute to greed, these supposed solutions to a global-warming crisis is fiercely defended by Washington Insiders and key-people working in these Federal agencies.
There are some two dozen public officials who seem keen to suppress, Inquisition-style, the very utterance of the thought that “climate change” is a money-making scheme founded on a hoax. And those individuals that defend this hoax the loudest live within America’s three highest-income counties. Of course, which are in the Washington suburbs that house the federal government’s recession-proof functionaries.
Of course.
America’s highest-income counties are in the suburbs that house Washington’s recession-proof functionaries.
More and more…
There are many, many things wrong with the United States today.

Everything from “open borders”, to serfs earning money to pay for the dreams of oligarchs elsewhere in the world. We can parse the various issues, of course. We could discuss the Trump wall. We could talk about the off-shoring of American industry. We could go round and round about the abuses by the Clinton’s, and the mainstream media with tries to herd Americans into any matter of pre-defined traps.

We can discuss our bloated military that is way… way… outside the pervue of a defensive military. We can discuss our involvement in Syria, Yemen, Iran, and all those other nations that have zero impact in the lives of Americans. We can talk about how big pharma and their lackeys in the government work hand in hand to steal from us.
The last 100 years.
For the last 100 years, the progressive sickness has infested our government, our lives and our society.
- Fully functional traditional conservative families had to split up to enable both parents to work.
- Everything in America now is either regulated, taxed, or has to be paid for in fees. Even extending to water.
- The wealthy have gotten filthy rich.
- The middle class has all but disappeared.
- There is zero privacy in all methods of communication, and in all public or private locations.
- Most Americans cannot save, or support a family on a single person income. (The historical norm.)
- Private ownership of property no longer exists; except in name only.
- The Bill of Rights no longer functionally exists.
It is so outrageously bad that there are more freedoms in Communist China than anywhere in the United States. That’s pretty darn bad. And, very, very disgustingly sad.

Rather than "poo, poo" that statement. Click on the link and learn something new for a change.
Why bother?
Why bother indeed. It is obvious to all except those who profit personally from this broken, corrupted monster of a nation. It must change or be allowed to die.
- America must change or be allowed to die.
Americans will either [1] accept to live under a King as serfs as they have been doing under progressive enlightenment, or [2] they will need to kill the beast.

There are NO OTHER options.
In any sociopolitical project aimed toward a preconceived end, there’s a “point of no return,” after which the result must be either complete success or devastating failure. There’s no going back to try for some other end. Once past the point of no return, it’s win or die. The Left has taken us past that point. -Baston of Liberty
Do not buy into the platitudes out of Washington D.C.
The fact is that the USA is in need for a complete overhaul. Not some minor cosmetic tweaks or fixes. And, no a “blue panel” of “experts” is not the solution. America is totally and completely broken. The most important and fundamental institutions DO NOT WORK. They need to be discarded, and replaced with functional, working ones.
In order to erase all the damage done by the last century of progressive change, the entire nations must erase everything and return back to the original Constitution of 1776. However, it must also add safeguards to prevent another progressive socialist usurpation of liberty.
This will be a fight.
The progressive socialists will not go quietly into the night.
Hard times produce geniuses, heroes, and saints. Easy times produce idiots, cowards, and criminals. They both produce lot of corpses. -Zero Hedge

But maybe it’s too late.
It is becoming increasingly clear, that upon termination of the Trump Presidency, that the March of progressive Marxism will go from a trot to a gallop.
Unless we reign in those horses, we will get run over.
Do YOU understand?
We must kill the beast so that it can no longer harm us.
Deference to the greater wisdom of government, which Wilsonian progressivism deems a better judge of what the era needs and what the people “really” want than the people themselves, has been silently eroding our unique culture of enterprise, self-reliance, enlightenment, and love of liberty for decades.

And killing the beast will not be pleasant. It will be very, very, very nasty.
People will get hurt.

It will be very, very ugly.
It will make the American Civil War look like a kindergarten playground.
Those progressives are radical Marxists that believe that you and me should be exterminated, the records of our existence burned, and the land salted for centuries afterwards.
It WILL be ugly.

Listen to me for once.
Many of us sense an existential crisis is close at hand, and the U.S. is ill-prepared for such a crisis. Possibilities broached by others include a global war, a break-up of the U.S. into regional states, or a civil war of some sort. My bet is on a moral and financial crisis in which the ruling elites and the federal state lose their legitimacy, i.e. the consent of the governed. - Charles Smith says at Of Two Minds
Just listen.

For if we do not kill this monster now, we may never get the chance again.
We might never get another chance.
Look at the youth today; Pre-packaged zombie-serfs. Do you think that they will do something? Heck, to them the freshness and newness of their shackles is a sign of their "liberty".
Now’s our time.
We are over the edge. We’ve actually passed the red line.
We’re into the black now.

Take note, this uneasy feeling is not misplaced. It reflects the real state of affairs. It’s a very sad thing to say. But, yes. Yes. We have lost the government we learned about in civics class. We need to get it back or accept a life of servitude.
You’ll squeal like stuck little piggies when Real Americans finally get themselves a bellyful, and some of that same mostly-peacefulness that far too many of us have already experienced from your side gets unleashed upside your heads for a change. Glad to hear it; that means the Second Amendment, against all odds, is still working as intended. It also suggests there might actually remain some small hope, however minuscule, of you frothing fascists coming to your senses and stepping back from the brink before it’s too late. People like you are precisely whom the Founders warned us about; the 2A was written not to protect anybody’s right to hunt but to act as a deterrent to your kind, a last line of defense should you fail to heed its warning at last. Your fear is wise and proper. May God grant that you never lose or dismiss it—for ALL our sakes. -Cold Fury
May God grant us the strength to confront the monster.

Great Links
I am not the only one who feels this way. Here are some other related articles on this very same subject…
SHTF and Related Index
This is a collection of my posts related to SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory) and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things that really should be said.
Here are the posts.

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Great article today, but the pictures/videos of
war are sickening. They are hell on earth for
the innocents in particular. Maybe I don’t care
so much for people anyway. Reading in bed/exhausted
from yesterday. I have 2 big dogs with me/95# and 70#
and growing. Actually I prefer their company over most
people. I love kind and ethical well mannered people.
Thank you for your work.
Again, thank you for your kind words.
There are precious few of us left, Suz.