More videos of personal heroism in China. This is the September 2021 edition. These videos all take place in China, with a few notable exceptions, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Make a difference. Be like Rufus!
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full experience.
Video – Rescue of people trapped in a flipped over car
A Rufus springs into action and helps those in need. Are you that kind of person. If you saw this car upside down in the water would you drive on by because you were afraid of being late for work? Or, would you stop and help? VIDEO.

Video – Rufus Taxi Driver
A middle school girl has been waiting for a taxi. It pulls up and a bunch of strangers run over to it and barge their way inside. She remains outside politely. What does the Rufus taxi driver do? He kicks those people out and gets out of the taxi and helps the student in. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.

Video – Woman gives birth on a flight of stairs!
And everyone in the hallway helps. One woman covers her with her coat, another man calls the hospital. Another one gets her family. One raises her legs and another one gets water. Rufus’s work alone or part of a team, but they always work! VIDEO.

Meanwhile in Hong Kong
No video.
“Back to work today, forgot my pass so locked bike outside Cannon Street station. Left work at 6pm to find just the cut lock and no bike, resigned to never seeing my trusty stead again asked the station if they have cameras.
A guy appeared waving at me, asked me to put the code into my cut lock.
He replied ‘I have your bike’ with a smile I will never forget!!
His name is Abdul Muneeb and he works for South Eastern Railways, he was on a break and saw a guy bolt cut the lock and challenged him to give it back, he then took it inside and waited 4 hours after his shift finished to personally make sure I got my bike back.
The world needs more Abdul’s, he is a legend of a man and a credit to his employer.”

Video – Collapse on the walkway
You don’t pretend that it isn’t happening. You do whatever it takes. You help others and you be the Rufus. Do what it takes. Be kind. Be considerate. Be helpful. VIDEO.

Video – Three month old baby tries to save his mother!
Sure the mother is just getting a back-rub, but the kid doesn’t know that. So what does he do? He crawls out of his crib, and crawls on the floor to the other room to “help” his father “save” his mother! Charming, and yet so very Rufus! VIDEO.

Video – Motorcycle cop drives an old woman home on her tricycle
Rufus’s NEVER say “that’s not my job”. They do what ever it takes and helps those in need. Here we have an older woman. In her 90’s and she no longer can petal her tricycle home. But the motorcycle cop sees this and takes her home on his own. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.

Video – Collapsing fence traps scores of people
So you are on a busy road in the middle of rush hour, and then a major road fence collapses on cars, bikes, people, everything. What’s a Rufus to do? I’ll tell you what. A Rufus goes out and helps everyone. VIDEO.

Video – Racing to save a boy’s life
You are minding your own business and a toddler comes racing down the highway heading straight towards on-going traffic. What are you going to do? Wait and watch the carnage? Film it? Be the Rufus. VIDEO.

Video – Skyscraper rescue
China is skyscraper after skyscraper, and many kids and children like to get on the porch and crawl over outside. Many die. And it is heart rendering. Here we have a man climb down from the sixteenth floor to rescue a child on the fifteenth floor. Just an average guy. Just an extraordinary time. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.

Video – Helping a homeless woman
Sometimes, all we need is an excuse to brighten up someone’s gloomy day. We just make an excuse and find a way. That’s all it takes to make someone’s day.

Be the Rufus
“OKAY, I just saw the most amazing thing today. I was waiting for my prescription at Walgreen, and I noticed this man is picking up his medicines.. He is asking how much they are, and starting to get nervous about the price. The total was $170 and the pharmacist asked if he would rather only get one month of his medicines instead of 3.
“THIS lady next to me, walks up to them and says: NO, he is getting all three months and pays for his bill. I was walking out of there with tears in my eyes, what an amazing woman…”

Video – Distraught mother
It’s a risky time. Life happens and the stress and the emotions become unbearable. Don’t let it get to you. Be the Rufus. Help others. VIDEO.

Video – A woman provides CPR
Maybe it’s her husband. Maybe it’s a stranger. But a Rufus doesn’t just stand around. He / She mans the phones. Calls the ambulance. Helps the woman. Gets information to tell the parametric. A Rufus participates. VIDEO.

Video – Fire in the neighborhood
You see a house on fire in your own neighborhood. What are you going to do? Wait for the fire department to come. Well this video tells you everything you want to know. VIDEO 70MB

Please compare the difference from the slovenly American firefighters taking their time walking to the burn-site, to the Chinese firefighters running for their lives to help put out fires. It’s like night and day.
Video – Barrier down, no problem!
A real community works together for the common good. People don’t sit things out because it’s their “freedom”. They participate. They help. They make their community better. They work together. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.

Video – Have some compassion
No one notices that the boy is standing out int he cold without a coat or even a light jacket. What is going on? Well, a Rufus notices everything. Something doesn’t “feel” right and so the Rufus takes action. VIDEO.

Video – Old man rescues a child in the freezing March Winter.
There’s a young girl flailing in the icy water. What are you going to do. I mean you’re in your 80’s after all. Well, you shed you clothes and your rescue her. That’s what you do. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.

Video – Public Servants
This is how the police behave when you have a society of Rufus’s. Everyone works to make the place a better one. We all need to do our part. We all need to participate. We all need to be helpful, kind and understanding. Be the Rufus. VIDEO.

Video – Saving a dog tied to the tracks
I do not know why this dog was tied to the train tracks. Maybe an accident, maybe on purpose by a busy owner. Maybe by some evil assholes. Whatever the reason, this guy goes forth to rescue it.

Video – Rufus compilation
Good deeds, consideration towards others, rescues, and being helpful. All are traits of a Rufus. Here is a compilation of just a few of the many Rufus activities that occur every day but that are never reported. Be the Rufus. It’s our highest calling. VIDEO.

Video – Child goes over the side
Again, it’s a cold winter day. The child falls one story into the cold water below. What are you to do? Are you going to wait and call the police, or are you going to do something. A real Rufus takes action! Be that Rufus! VIDEO.

Video – Infant rescue to the hospital
Your baby is in distress. No time to get a taxi. No time to stop and think. So what do you do? You go to the traffic policeman and enlist his help. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.

Video – American Rufus’s in Jacksonville, Florida
It’s scenes like this that give me so much hope for America. Look at how everyone comes to help this poor guy. It doesn’t matter. Old or young, tall or short, big and fat or frail and skinny, Black or White. Everyone comes to help. Rufus. You are either one or you are not. VIDEO

Thank you for reading this.
God bless.
We do not know when the calling will come.
However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.
Do you want more?
I have more articles like this in my Rufus Index here…
Hero Stories.
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