Hey! Just for fun, I went on Google and typed the words “Democrat ban”. Why are democrat busybodies so active in banning things? It came back with millions upon millions of entries. I did it on Bing, Duckduckgo, and a few others. In every instance, the results were astounding. Heck! Why are busybodies permitted to go on like they do? What do these busybodies expect to accomplish by to taking people’s money away and banning things? What is their malfunction?
Busybodies. It’s all pretty messed up…
Now, to be fair, the Republicans are also out to ban things. It is just not so frantic, crazed, and so active at it as the Democrats are. If the internet is to be believed, Democrats are over one hundred times more likely to ban things than a Republican is. Nevertheless, that means nothing. Not really. Both political parties are run by crazed busybodies. Ah, that is why I like Libertarians and Libertines. They just want to be left alone and don’t give a darn what anyone else wants to do about their own life.
The beliefs of other people really shouldn’t matter to anyone, if we are in the kind of society that America was initially set up as. However, that is promised really not our present reality. The United States does not operate at all as if it was intended; as a guaranteer of freedom and liberty.
Rather it has been run as an empire run by the wealthiest people in the world (many who are not Americans) who have set up serfdom where they successfully milk the American citizenry for financial gain.
American are Controlled
In order to keep the “rank and file” Americans in line, they have setup a system of fears, rules and laws. Each and every single one is an encroachment of individual liberties and freedom.
To put this in perspective, you (the reader) must understand what “freedom” is. It’s not taught in school. It’s hardly ever discussed in a political speech (except by a handful of notable exceptions). What is freedom? Freedom is the ability to do what you want without impediment.
You want to eat sunny-side-up eggs? If you can eat them, then that is freedom. If you cannot, such as in certain places in New Jersey, that is not freedom. It doesn’t matter what the reasoning is for banning something. (A person can come up will all kinds of reasons to justify any action.) Fundamentally, when you take an ability away, you limit freedom.
When you cannot do something, you do not have that freedom. It is gone. It is obliterated.
The Impossible Dream
Ah, the incredulous internet millennial responds; “So you are telling me that I can kill someone else and that is freedom?” My response is very simple. If you can do SOMETHING, without any barriers by society and government, then you have freedom.
Now, let’s not get silly.
No one should have the ability to infringe on other people’s freedom. Killing a person would do that. Therefore, you do not have the freedom to remove other people’s freedom.
Which is, if you think about it, the primary purpose of society and governments instituted by men (“people” for you progressives out there, as well as Microsoft word affectionados). It’s all in the fundamentals.
What about the Constitution?
What has become of the freedom and liberty that was promised to us in the Constitution? This is both the State Constitution as well as the Federal Constitution. The government should be the guaranteer of liberty and freedom, not the arbitrators of it.
The government is not your parent, or some autocratic leader who hands out gifts to favored individuals (a nod to former President Barrack Obama).
As intended, the United States should let people be people. Then, while people are doing what people do, stand back and let them live life unencumbered.
That is not the way it is.
Busybodies Run our World
The fact is that America is filled with “busybodies”. They are everywhere. From the five year old bossing their classmates around to the coworker from Hell. All they way up the scale to organized (and funded) Democrat busybodies and beyond. They occupy almost every single position in society, and tend to pester and aggravate everyone else.
Unfortunately, in the United States, they have become organized into huge busybody collectives. Which go by such names a BLM, Antifa, and “deep state“.
As such, they are a royal “pain in the neck”. They demand to tell us how to live our lives. They want to do so many many miles away from us. Those that are already established with a rich support network, such as billionaire George Soros, live in wealthy enclaves. They use surrogates to perform their street-level activities.

Indeed, it can be summed up quite simply. They want to take your money to fund their lavish lifestyles while they pronounce edicts to limit what you can do.
They call themselves many names. They justify their actions in many ways. However, the sad and factual truth is that they are nothing less than busybodies. Oh, excuse me, busybodies with great PR (if you have been paying even a smidgeon of attention to American media today).
Today, I want to discuss one of the biggest organized groups of busybodies in the United States today; the Democrat party. (We will also spend some time discussing some aligned offshoots such as the BLM, SJW, and Antifa movements.)
In particular, I would like to take the opportunity to concentrate on their love for bossing people around, meddling into other people’s business, and generally destroying freedoms every single chance they get. They are amok. They are like a spoiled child that is throwing food all over a room. They are like a rabid dog, all out of control.
Let’s take a look at their busybody activities…
America is Complicated
There are many articles about Democrats in the United States today. You simply cannot watch any news without some democrat, or a democrat aligned organization, trying to redefine things, stripping freedoms away, or generally trying to take your money.
I’ve got to tell you all, it’s out of control.
They have become more than just a simple nuisance. They have become the enemy of freedom. Oh, they have their excuses! Moreover, what excuses they have become! My gosh, you’ve got to have an IQ of a snail to actually believe some of the excuses.
- “It’s for the children.” That’s a famous line from former President Bill Clinton. He used it quite often.
- “It’s to stop racism.” Poof out of thin air, sometime around 2009 EVERYTHING in the United States became racist. It’s a manufactured narrative. I have other writings on this curious sequence of events. Stay tuned.
- “It’s for your own good.” Ah, the “take your medicine and shut up defense”. This is used by dictators all over the world. Ah, the list can go on and on…
America is Out of Control
Ok, now let’s take a “reality check” here.
There are so many things that are going on in the United States today, that it is just impossible to enumerate every single one of them. I am not going to bother. If you are offended by this, then go away. America today is what it has evolved into. This is neither right or wrong. It just is the way things are.
Some people say that American has gone to “Hell in a hand basket”, while other says it’s just fine as it is. They say America is an exceptional place; a worthy place. It is a place of greatness. Both narratives have their followers. I can actually see both points of view. As such, I would argue that it is both and neither of those two extremes. What America is today is complicated.
America is complicated because we have permitted that crazy busybody down the street to tell us what we can and cannot do.
America was never structured that way. Our founders assumed that their children would recognize a “spoiled brat”, a thief, a crazy person, a misfit, a megalomaniac, a radical, and a busybody. They believed that our children (us) would have the “Brass Balls” to deal with the insolent before they got out of hand and created some “real” damage.
“There is such a large difference in the experience of generations growing up in the post WWII era and those growing up today that it is almost impossible for most youngsters of today to understand and accept as truth a grandfather’s tales of “the way it was”. That 1950’s style childhood freedom might still exist to some extent in small towns and for kids raised on farms but it isn’t even a believable tale for most kids of today. Kids today who aren’t permitted to walk to the corner store or a few blocks to school cannot comprehend what it was like for children their age to walk back and forth to schools a mile or more away or walk a paper route of several miles every day. It wasn’t unusual to see a couple of young boys walking down the street carrying their rifles to go shoot some squirrels in the woods or plink at rats at the local open dump. Today they send kids home from school for making the letter “L” with their thumb and forefinger.” -14 posted on 2/3/2018, 6:55:18 PM by Vlad The Inhaler (The only trannie I want to see is a Muncie 4 Speed M-22 Rock Crusher)
You might not like what I am saying because it is so blunt. However it is very true.
Look at the people in who are demanding changes to the society. They want multiple genders. They demand equality by punishing non-conformance. These people would have been locked up behind bars just a few years ago. They would be considered a danger to themselves, as well as a general danger to the public good. All of them have obvious mental disorders and you would need a DSM handbook to classify many of them.
Listen to what they are saying. Listen to what they are demanding. These are Busybodies of the lowest order. I do not care about their reasons, their excuses, or their justifications. Do not give me any excuses. They are busybodies. Period.
American Rent-a-Busybody
Just who are these “busy bodies” that want to control your and my life? Who are they really? What makes them get up out of bed and come all the way over to your town? What makes them want to interrupt YOUR coffee and donut? Why do they block the road while you are off trying to make it to work? Why?
Often times they don’t live locally.
They do not live “down the street”. Instead they are often in another state often geographically far removed from where we live. They are typically bused in to the protest location, taught how to protest, fed, provided with signs and “battle gear” and instructed in strategies to utilize. They are “rent a radical”, they are “paid protesters”. They are pawns in a huge game of chess. They are the cat’s paw used by the people who really control all of us.

Busybodies are bused in to where you live. They are paid to influence YOUR life. They are paid to disrupt your life and are permitted to break laws without consequence. Their media support arm protects them every step of the way. They work hand in hand to achieve combined objectives.
Meanwhile, they and those who support them, promptly surround their property with fences and guards, if it wasn’t already in a gated community, that is. Then, safe and secure, they dictate their poison and spew their hate. Why are they so fixated in what we do? What is their problem? What is their malfunction? What compels them to think that they know better than I do?
Why it is Out of Control
They ARE out of control, and the society of Americans inside America isn’t doing anything to stop them. There just aren’t any controls. There aren’t any brakes on their behaviors. There are no punishments when they commit crimes, and there aren’t any consequences when they hurt or damage others, property or lives.
The argument is that, “…well, it’s their freedom of speech”.
Wow, how so very selective. They can block emergency vehicles and cause people to die. They can destroy public monuments, interrupt public discourse, and attack people with mace, acid and nails, and no one is permitted to stop them. It’s their freedom, is the argument.
Well that argument is specious.
The truth is that Americans are enduring a constructed reality. It is a reality and a situation that was put in place by powerful and rich oligarchs with a set defined objective. That these individuals pay off people and police to look the other way, that they pay off the media to report on things selectively, that they pay off the protesters. All this money and all these funds come directly for you; the tax payer. It is recycled out of your pocket to manipulate you.
It is designed to change the society that you and I live in.
26th of 48 laws of power Keep your hands clean You must seem a paragon of civility and efficiency, your hands are never soiled by mistakes and nasty deeds. Maintain such a spotless appearance by using others as scapegoats and cat’s-paws to disguise your involvement.
This has happened before. It has happened in other nations. It always is successful in it’s short-term goals. However, the long-term changes are often a surprise to the oligarchs which manufacture this construct.
The results of all this will be a surprise.
Let’s look at another time, and learn from it. Let’s look at the consequences of the aftermath of the American Civil War. For that was one horrific and bloody war. It split the United States into pieces and brother fought brother, and there were many a crippled and emotionally damaged person afterwards.
Let’s look what happens when a mentally deranged busybody rises to a position of power, and what happens when the checks and balances of society fail to stop their madness.
Let’s look at a typical busybody and what motivates them. As there are many, in different sizes and shapes. Some are just loners who hide behind the curtains in their homes and make “anonymous” complaints against others. Some are more brazen, and show up in public surrounded by a mini-mob or supporters. Others, take a even more active role they go into politics.
For now, let’s take a look at what happens when a busybody gets power. Let’s look at prohibitionist Carry A. Nation. After all, she, nearly singlehandedly, “improved” America by banning alcohol.
Prohibitionist Carry A. Nation
Here, a “busy body”, with obvious emotional issues managed to galvanize a nation against drinking alcohol. There are many articles about her and the chain of events that she set in motion. I will assume that the reader understands that for about a decade (1920 to 1933 in the United States) it was against the law to make, drink or sell alcohol.
This is the woman who started this event.
Let’s look at who she was and what her motivations were. For obviously, in her mind, she knew what was best for everyone else. She was better. She was superior. She was smarter. She was more spiritual. She was above everyone else.
Sounds like some people in government today, eh? Any other public person comes to mind? How does someone embrace such a mental illness and get away with it?
The answer is very simple. We let them.

She had a Failed Marriage
Why? My goodness, why did she go about trying to change America? Why did she believe that banning social gatherings and taking away drinking would benefit America. How did she think it would improve America? Why did she insist in fundamentally changing America?
Well, for starters, she had a mental illness.
Yup, she really most certainly did. Now, historians have blamed her failed marriage for the sickness. However, I have other ideas. You have to realize that mental illness is never caused by one lone single event. It is caused by a collect of events that contribute to a fixed mental state over time. Yes. She had a failed marriage, but her sickness ran much deeper than that.
She was the Scarlet O’Hara in real life.
She lost her slaves, and her family plantation. She lost her family, and her loved ones. She lost her status in society. She lost her social network, and everything that mattered to her. Then, at an early age married a heavy drinker. I am sure that there were other contributors, things that were never written about at that time in history…

She had a sad life. She has my sympathy. It’s tough sometimes, especially when you are alone and no one knows your hurt.
However, rather than focusing on her contribution to the failure, she went outward. She blamed others, and other situations. It is sort of like Hillary Clinton trying to blame everyone else for her 2016 Presidential failure. It doesn’t work. It never works. (Oh, her followers might disagree. You know, Hitler, Stalin, and Vlad the Impaler had followers too.)
When things go wrong you need to see what happened, you identify what you could have changed and what was beyond your control. Then you make adjustments and better your life. At least that is what “normal” people do.
We need to Confront our Demons
You cannot grow as a person unless you confront your failures. That is how humans learn. That is how we grow.
This is a woman who came from the hills of Kentucky. She was a spoiled, pampered girl who grew up in a large slave-holding family. We know that her family was quite “well to do” and that they owned a large farm with a lot of slaves, according to the State Historical Society of Missouri. She was probably attended to by her own house slave as was common at the time.
Yup, she was used to giving orders and lording over other people.
When she was 21, after the Civil War, her family lost their farm. They lost the main house, all the outbuildings, and all of their farm equipment. They lost their house slaves. They lost their field hands and all of their field slaves. They lost everything except their lives.
So they bundled everything into their lone remaining carriage and abandoned the ruins of their home. They left everything they knew and all that they loved.
They then chose to relocate to Missouri, where she married Charles Gloyd. He was a young doctor who had served in the Union Army. However, he had his own demons, as he was an alcoholic who couldn’t hold down a job or support her.
Shortly after her marriage, she became pregnant. (As was quite common at the time. First time sex and nine months later she pops out a baby.) She left her husband and went back to her parents. Her daughter Charlien, named after Gloyd, was born in September, and her husband Gloyd died just a few months later.

So here is a pampered Southern Belle whose life was turned upside down by the American Civil War. Her parents fled the ravages of their plantation and started life anew. She was a young woman then, and fell in love with a doctor. He was young, full of “piss and vinegar”, and had his own issues. She gave birth to a child and her husband died.
All in all, it sounds like she had an awful life.
Although she rebuilt her life, becoming a teacher and eventually remarrying to a lawyer named David Nation, the memory of her first dysfunctional marriage influenced Nation. Though, I would bet that it was just a focus for many issues that haunted her life. Nothing in this world is the result of one singular issue. That is a “black and white” narrative. Everything is a combination of many factors. It is often complex.
You know the world can be a tough and a difficult place. Sometimes those who have to endure it are scarred for life; they are scarred in ways that others cannot see. They hurt deeply and tragically. They carry this hurt around with them deep down inside.
If she were alive today, my guess is that she would be overweight, shaved away one side of her hair, and dyed the remaining hair a bright color. She would also have many tattoos and piercings. The costumes change, the looks change, but the people stay the same.
It is the socially acceptable look of an angry woman bound down by the chains of her past.
She was a Religious Zealot
“The reign of tears is over. The slums will soon be only a memory. We will turn our prisons into factories and jails into storehouses.” - Billy Sunday
As she got older, Nation began having “visions” and became increasingly religious. (For those of you who are unaware, there is a series of mental illnesses that describe this condition.) Yah, she was a sick person for certain.
Having “visions”, eh?
Her husband also became a preacher, the historical society writes. They moved to Kansas, she found other women who also had demons to slay. She found an audience who would listen to her. She found listeners. She found followers. In them, she found strength. With these followers, she organized a local chapter of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union.

The union, founded in 1874, had the singular goal of banning alcohol. Of course they had a reason. They said that it was because of the suffering it caused to families. They specifically organized to protect the women and children whose male relations drank to excess. Oh yes, you read that right…
They did it for the children.
It was a Different Time
27th of 48 laws of power Play on people’s need to believe to create a cult-like following People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something. Become the focal point of such desire by offering them a cause, a new faith to follow. Keep your words vague but full of promise; emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and clear thinking. Give your new disciples rituals to perform, ask them to make sacrifices on your behalf. In the absence of organized religion and grand causes, your new belief system will bring you untold power.
Now that was a different time. At that time, women lacked many legal rights that we take for granted today. They had to depend on male breadwinners for some or all of the family income. If the primary breadwinner was an alcoholic (and perhaps violent) it was a really big deal.
Unfortunately, the anti-alcohol crusade quickly came to also encompass other perceived sources of social “impurity”. They expanded to ban such things as smoking and sexual promiscuity. (Lord knows that no male in his right mind would want to date an angry woman who would not let him drink. My guess is that she and her followers probably didn’t get enough loving. This does not necessarily mean sexual activity, but compassion and understanding. Without this physical need fulfilled, they lashed out in anger over it.)
They took to politics.
Their union proposed to cure these vices through empowering women to vote. Then with the power to vote they could leverage a huge voting bloc. With this power they could revise the laws so that they would benefit women and woman’s causes. They could move the nation away from being a nation ruled by men to a nation ruled by women! (Though they most certainly promoted it as a nation ruled by both men and women.)
Ah yes. The world domination theme.
Sound familiar, or maybe you saw this in a Hollywood movie. Or maybe you have been watching Washington, D.C. politics. You become a political power and ENFORCE your desires on your fellow citizens through the blunt force of law.

The Bolder the Better!
28th of 48 laws of power Enter action with boldness If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it. Your doubts and hesitations will infect your execution. Timidity is dangerous, better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid.
As a leader, Carry Nation, took a more direct-action approach to the prohibition crusade than many of her followers who surrounded her. Noting all her supporters, she became emboldened. She felt that she was above the law.
She believed that through her divine understanding that she could do what she wanted.
So, in 1900, she grabbed a hatchet and barged right into a bar and started to swing it about wildly. She started to smash things, including tables, chairs, bottles, and the men who were quietly minding their own business alone in the bar. This particular episode in the bar at the Carey Hotel in Wichita, Kansas made her famous. She was arrested, but…
“Nation, who was released shortly after the incident, became famous for carrying a hatchet and wrecking saloons,” -History.com.
She discovered something important. The news media will promote you for free. All you need to do is be outlandish, and do outrageous things. You need to be a train wreck. Like Charlie Sheen, she was the train wreck of her day.
She made Money by Promoting Prohibition.
Carry Nation knew that she had to have rituals and brands that she could take and popularize. For starters, she had her unusual name (which is also spelled “Carrie” in some accounts) trademarked in Kansas.
This was a very unusual thing to do. It simultaneously illustrates both her genius and her madness. Nation, who was almost six feet tall, used her commanding presence (at that time, most people were typically short in stature) to promote her movement and her desires. She also moved outside of Kansas, where the sale of alcohol was already technically illegal, and brought her vision (along with her trademark hatchet) to other places.
“Her behavior provoked a tremendous uproar and sent her to jail repeatedly for disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. Later, fines were paid by the sale of pewter hatchet pins, Nation wielded her voice as effectively as her hatchet, eloquently speaking her mind and inspiring others on numerous occasions. Even sworn enemies acknowledged her success with compelling enforcement of prohibition laws and spreading her message.”
Nation and her husband divorced in 1901. I am sure that it was for good reason. Divorce was very rare at that time. So to grant a divorce there had to be a really good reason. After the divorce she went on a number of speaking tours throughout the rest of her life. It’s an easy way of making money.
Barrack Obama, and both the Clinton’s do this today. It’s an excellent way to collect huge sums of money for little physical exertion. (The truth be told that there wasn’t really anything new that she could say. People went to the rallies to give her money . That was the mechanism, and they might get the opportunity to meet her in person as a result of it.)
I am not judging, just saying.
Her efforts enabled her to buy a small farm in Arkansas. We know that she intended to turn it into a prohibition school to teach her followers how to be an obnoxious busybody and fight for the “good cause”. Luckily, she died in January 1911. Her train wreck of a life was finally over. However, her followers persisted. She started a trend that soon grew into a tidal wave of support.
Around a decade later, the Eighteenth Amendment was passed.
Consequences of her Insanity
In the United States, everyone associated with alcohol became a criminal. That represented a huge swath of the nation. In fact, I dare say, that all Americans at that time in one way or the other were breaking the (various) laws set up to create an American utopia.
This was, of course, a utopia driven by and manufactured by people with serious personality flaws. These were flaws so egregious that they were strongly suggestive of mental illness. Here are some of just a few of the other problems that resulted when we permitted her insanity to influence us;
- Racism became common under prohibition. Yeah. You “cure” one societal ill, and you make others much, much worse.
- Organized Crime Flourished. Only organized crime represented the needs of the American people. The police became the “bad guys”. The government became the “club” of the ultra-rich and they became more and more dissimilar to the “rank and file” Americans each and every day.
- Decline in amusement and entertainment industries. Prohibition’s supporters were initially surprised by what did not come to pass during the implementation of their utopia. When the law went into effect, they expected sales of clothing and household goods to skyrocket. They figured that with men no longer going to bars and spending money on booze, that they would spend it on clothing and furniture for the children. That did not happen. Other people hopping on to the prohibition’s “band wagon” were surprised as well. Real estate developers and property owners expected rents to rise as saloons closed and neighborhoods improved. Chewing gum, grape juice, and soft drink companies all expected growth. Theater producers expected new crowds as Americans looked for new ways to entertain themselves without alcohol. None of it came to pass. Instead, the unintended consequences proved to be a decline in amusement and entertainment industries across the board. Restaurants failed, as they could no longer make a profit without legal liquor sales. Theater revenues declined rather than increase, and few of the other economic benefits that had been predicted came to pass.
- Prohibition Criminalized Everyday People. Until that time, most people thought of the police as always “on their side”. The police were people who helped you out when you need it. By making everyone a potential criminal, the entire dynamic of the United States changed. Now, as it still is in many places, it’s “us” versus “them”.
- It forced the expansion of the Income Tax. On the whole, the initial economic effects of Prohibition were largely negative. Apparently, the only people who prospered during this time were those “running the show”; the followers of Carry nation and their ilk. The closing of breweries, distilleries and saloons led to the elimination of thousands of jobs, and in turn thousands more jobs were eliminated for barrel makers, truckers, waiters, and other related trades. It completely wrecked an entire industry, and all the other industries that supported it. The unintended economic consequences of Prohibition didn’t stop there. One of the most profound effects of Prohibition was on government tax revenues. Before Prohibition, many states relied heavily on excise taxes in liquor sales to fund their budgets. In New York, almost 75% of the state’s revenue was derived from liquor taxes. With Prohibition in effect, that revenue was immediately lost. At the national level, Prohibition cost the federal government a total of $11 billion in lost tax revenue, while costing over $300 million to enforce. Prohibition lasted from 1920 until 1933. The most lasting consequence was that many states and the federal government would come to rely on income tax revenue to fund their budgets going forward. The federal income tax, and well as many State taxes expanded during this time. If you are unhappy doing your taxes come April, you should start screaming that the crazy bitch who forced them into your life, not the taxman.
- Corruption of public officials. Prohibition led to the growth of widespread corruption of public officials by organized crime. This enabled gangsters to conduct their illegal operations. The extent of the corruption was a national scandal. There were other effects as well. Prior to Prohibition, most people didn’t give firearms a second thought. However, during Prohibition, organized crime started to arm themselves with military grade weapons. They began to be equipped with Tommy guns, and BARs.
- Extension of US Naval territorial waters. The U.S. government began to push for an extension of the area of the ocean over which governments have jurisdiction, from 3 miles to 12, which would make it much more difficult, time-consuming, and dangerous to run liquor in from the larger ships. The U.S. eventually succeeded in pushing its national borders outward, expanding national sovereignty over oceans, another unexpected consequence of our anti-alcohol policies.
- The Rise Of Cocaine And Heroin. Cocaine was taken by people in the United States long before Prohibition came into effect, but it experienced a spike in popularity in the 1920s, particularly among the jazz scene of the time. Whether or not this was due to Prohibition or pure coincidence is unclear. However Prohibition was probably a major contributor.
- Court System breakdown. One of the main reasons that Prohibition ultimately failed was the pressure it placed on law enforcement, the courts, and prisons. By the time it became apparent that people would not simply abstain from alcohol as largely expected, US law enforcement was at its breaking point, the court systems were backing up, and the prisons were getting full. You can thank this full-on crazy bitch for making the Prison a household word in America.
- A distrust in elected officials. Um, they should be distrusted.
Well, let’s look at the checklist for this famous busybody.
- She had a failed life.
- Unable to reconcile it, she turned outward.
- She became a religious fanatic, and set up a profitable business around her religious message.
- Using the money she made and her huge following, she was able to pressure the government to do her bidding.
- They prohibited alcohol.
In the process they hurt America and it, to this day, has not recovered. Indeed, the rest is history.

How they get away with all this
It does not matter what their “cause” is. It does not matter who they are, where they are, who they influence or what manner that they go about wreaking havoc. They get away with it when good men stand aside and do nothing.
- When laws are not enforced.
- When repeat offenders are not monitored.
- When the mentally ill are permitted to organize.
- When an issue / cause get’s promoted in the media.
- When they are funded, and those funding their behaviors face no consequences.
Such is the case today in the United States. While crazy lunatic Carry Nation disrupted the lives of Americans for a couple of decades, it is the SWJ movement that is really out of control.
Social Justice Warriors (SJW)
Here is a real “pain in the ass” group of “busy bodies”. They are called “Social Justice Warriors”. Or, SWJ for short. They are busybodies on steroids. Not only that but they are funded by powerful financial interests, and allowed to fester in incubators such as university campuses.
Need I remind everyone that this was the exact same breeding ground for the 1989 pro-democracy movement in China. What happened to those SWJ’s? Anyone?
Anyone remember what happened to them? Anyone?
Tanks were called in to a very large public rally and they were all machine gunned down. Those not at the rally were hunted down, rounded up and put into hard-labor camps. Many are still there. Working in the mines, eating lard and fish heads, and having their organs harvested.
American SWJ; following in the footsteps of their China SWJ brethren…
They are pretty active now at the time that this article was being written. It might be due to the water, or maybe global warming. Whatever the reason, they are really a problem. Here, it is not one person, but an organized onslaught created with a sole purpose and objective in mind; a Social Utopia run and managed by “Busy Bodies”.
They want a utopia where they can sit up on a throne and tell everyone else HOW to live their life. They want to control other peoples speech, actions, activities, interests, dress, thoughts and religion. They want to control their thoughts. They want to control their actions. They want to control their appearance. They want to control everything.
Obviously they do not believe in America, freedom nor liberty. Obviously.
I have looked up and down the internet for a half decent description of what an SJW is. Everyone that I could find seemed to concentrate on one or two characteristics of the group. However, nothing really came close to defining exactly what a SWJ was. For most people, apparently, SJW fit whatever you wanted it to be. This wasn’t helpful.
That is like saying a busybody is a person who is busy with their body.
However, I have eventually found a very good description. A very good, detailed, description of what a SJW is can be found reprinted from “What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?” written by Roosh on 6OCT14. It’s pretty good;
Social justice warriors believe in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly white men. They are the internet activist arm of Western progressivism that acts as a vigilante group to ensure compliance and homogeny of far left thought. The true definition of SJW is up for debate, but most generally it has become a catch-all term that describes feminists and liberals who actively try to solve the perceived social injustices of modern society by organizing in online communities to disseminate propaganda, censor speech, and punish individuals by getting them terminated from their employment. They have also been successful at positioning themselves in the upper echelons of universities, media organizations, and tech companies.
I do have to agree with this.
There are people who have come up with different definitions for what a Social Justice Warrior is. Their explanations vary from the point of the view of the author.
To some, they are heroes and heroines. They will make the world right, and everyone will be happy with rainbows, and unicorns prancing about in fields of bright green clover. Men will turn into hermaphrodites. Everyone would be the same, and all would think and act exactly like the leadership; ah, the leadership of a mentally unstable person.
32nd of 48 laws of power Play to people’s fantasies The truth is often avoided because it is ugly and unpleasant. Never appeal to truth and reality unless you are prepared for the anger that comes for disenchantment. Life is so harsh and distressing that people who can manufacture romance or conjure up fantasy are like oases in the desert, everyone flocks to them. There is great power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses.
Personally,I think those people need to read a little more history. Especially the Cultural Revolution in China in 1966, and Pol Pot in Cambodia. If you play with fire, you can and will get burned. Thank God, Americans still have their firearms!
Then there are those, like myself, who find them a potentially dangerous nuisance.
SWJ in China
Luckily for me, I live in China. There aren’t any SJWs out here. Not any longer.
Now you know, they began to make a little noise a few years back. Do you remember the “Tiananmen democracy protests“? (Yeah, let’s force China to become a democracy! Woo Woo!) Well, that didn’t go down very well. The government tried to negotiate with them, but they wouldn’t have anything to do with it. They wanted all or nothing.
The time was around 1987 to 1989. (It had been fomenting underground for a year or two.) Now the Chinese government well-learned the lessons of the Cultural Revolution. (Yet, another SWJ effort, only this time being lead out of Beijing itself.) Now that event happened around two decades earlier. It was still FRESH in the minds of everyone. They remembered it as an AWFUL time.
That is because it actually WAS an awful time.
It was a terrible mistake that almost threw China into the dark ages. It resulted in the deaths of millions of people and just about destroyed the Chinese heritage. During that event, the SWJ’s were permitted to run amok. As a result they devastated the nation. They destroyed so many good things about China and almost ruined the nation to a point where it could NEVER recover.
They would NEVER permit that ever to happen again. Never, ever, they won’t ever allow that mistake to reoccur. No matter what.
The Chinese government quickly summed up the situation.
These SWJ’s had no intention on working together for change. They wanted things their way on their terms. They wanted to repeat the Cultural Revolution, only this time it was THEIR turn. And they would do it right. They wouldn’t make the same mistakes. (Oh, where have we heard that before?)
The SWJ’s felt that they had global public opinion on their side. They believed that if they could control the media, that they could control the Chinese government. As a result they started to work hand-in-hand with CNN and other western media outlets. CNN told them, instructed them, what to do and how to act. They started to attend specially constructed and staged photo-opportunities.
Well, CNN and their sister organizations weren’t doing the SWJ’s any favors. Over a short period of time, it became clear that powerful forces OUTSIDE of China wanted the SWJ movement to succeed.
Thus the Chinese government knew that they had to take action and move quickly. Like it or not, they moved internal military forces in and took control of the situation promptly. The radical SWJ’s were all rounded up and collected. Public punishments were necessary for stability and to maintain social harmony. They were all thrown in prison back in the early-1990’s during the Tiananmen event.
Do not fall for the pro-democracy propaganda from the fake-news media in America. America is not, and never was, a democracy. These people were NOT peaceful protesters who wanted liberty and freedom. They were something else. They were radical SWJ who wanted and demanded a “seat at the table” so that they could set up a “new” government with THEM in charge.
Yeah. Do not fall for the Western propaganda.
Their behavior is not tolerated here, nor is the behavior of ANY busybody. You try to act as a SJW here, and you will be put away and organ harvested while you do hard labor. The same goes for BLM, AntiFa, and the myriad of similar organizations. China and the Chinese people have zero tolerance for this nonsense.

Yes. You read that correct. Do NOT fall for the media propaganda, and it is propaganda. Those involved with the Tiananman event were anti-society busybodies who wanted to turn the nation on it’s head, and take over and make China into a Utopia with them in charge of it. CNN and the leadership only made it appear that they wanted a democracy. They wanted full tyrannical control using democracy as the means to obtain it.
Anyways, today China has ZERO tolerance for busybodies.
It doesn’t matter what their intentions are. It doesn’t matter how wonderful their idea of Utopia is. It doesn’t matter how many think-tanks, blue-ribbon panels, or studies that they arm themselves with. It doesn’t matter if you have contracts with CNN, Facebook, Google or any other large global software organization. It doesn’t matter if you have talked to the King of Social Upheaval, Barrack Obama the First. The Chinese don’t give a rat’s ass. If you are a busybody in China you will be segregated from society, punished, and if necessary, killed.
If you see an SWJ on the street, or they call you at work, or try to harass you in any way it’s easy to take care of. Just dial 119. Bye bye SJW, say hello to a country that DOESN’T MESS AROUND.

Not only that, but they will seek you out if you live in another nation. If you even try to fuck around with the Chinese social structure, you will be sought out. One person, or one hundred businesses, it doesn’t matter. They will come FOR YOU. You will be hunted down. You will be carted back to China, and you WILL suffer the consequences.

Ah, you’ve got to love China. This is a nation that knows what it’s priorities are and does not mess around.
Humans are not equal
Hey! Here’s a newsflash: no one is equal. We are all different. We look different. We act different. We have different strengths, and desires. The only time when we should be treated equal is in regards to proportion exercises. Other than that, fuhgeddaboudit.
And, while I am at it, don’t lecture me on my “white privilege”.
I sure as heck didn’t have any. My life was HARD. When I was fourteen I was hauling coal under the friggin’ ground and then loading them into railroad hoppers at the crack of dawn. We rode busted hoppers down inclines with faulty brakes. We rode the underground train to blast sites and stood by while we blew out coal shutes. What were you doing?
When I got older, I stood under hot molten steel while it was being poured into molds that I had to hold upright with metal poles. We inhaled toxic gasses, and were allowed a ten minute break to grab some fresh air and a smoke before we had to go back and stand under that blazing cauldron. What were you doing?
After work I had to go to school, and all the time I was being picked on because my family were Polock Catholics. Yeah, I was called names. So fucking what? Yeah, I was crappy playing basketball, and I was the last one picked on school teams. So fucking what? What the fuck have you been doing with your worthless life? How have you been contributing to your family? To your friends? To your society?
Life is hard. Get over it.
I most especially don’t want to be lectured by a fat, obese chick that hasn’t taken a bath in a week, thinks tattoos on the face are beautiful, has nose plugs the size of quarters, and is unemployed. I do not appreciate being yelled at while you try to shove your fat obese body up to me. Do not think that I will not punch you back in the face when you do so.
Just leave me alone.

Back to Roosh and his discussion of SWJ
Roosh goes on and breaks down some significant characteristics of SJW “warriors”. He has done quite a good job on this. (Warning, if you are under the age of ten, you might get “triggered”. I suggest you either leave, or take a Valium.)
Remember, boys and girls, the quotes are from Roosh and are HIS own opinions. They are not my quotes or statements. So if you are triggered or angry then you will need to take a stress pill and relax.

Roosh goes on, in his very opinionated way, about SJW’s and the value that they place on the view of other people. Ok. It’s his opinions. But all busybodies, no matter where you live, hold this same belief…
Being a SJW is a badge that says “I am a busybody, and I am in your face about it! I am better than you. Bow to me. Because I am the silver clad knight protecting and righting the wrongs of the past!”
Using a “privilege” hierarchy, SJW’s calculate the worth of a human being based on perceived injustices or wrongs that group has suffered since the time of ancestral man, using selective and narrow interpretations of history. SJW’s elevate groups that they believe have received the least amount of “privilege” in the past, and then use internet activism in the form of mobs and community purges to target those who are determined to have greater amounts of privilege. The idea of privilege is so essential to SJW ideology that a common debate tactic they use is to say “check your privilege,” which roughly translates to, “you must immediately halt or change your speech because your ancestors may or may not have done bad things to women or minority races.” For example, if a notable white American male makes a joke about a lesbian black woman who practices Islam, SJW’s will coordinate using a combination of blogs, Youtube, and social networking to dox him (publish his personal information, including where he works). They will then pressure the man’s company by flooding it with calls and messages with the goal to remove his source of income while engaging in a mass reporting campaign to get his online accounts suspended. Their ultimate goal is to silence all speech that they don’t like and which they find offensive while also punishing the speech offender by removing his source of income. As they grow in power, the acceptable range of speech that would trigger an SJW witch hunt is becoming more narrow, and those who are high up on the privilege hierarchy (white men) have to speak through a careful filter if they don’t want to be subject to an SJW attack.
Roosh has a point. It is very difficult to argue against this. Numerous examples of this are everywhere. And yes, by selectively targeting people based on their exercise of American free speech, they actually are being selective in how they treat, attack and judge people.
They can make up the criteria on the spot out of thin air. They do not need to follow any guidelines except how the accuser SWJ feels.
Of course, none of this would actually be an issue, if the governments enforced the law, monitored radicals, and imprisoned people trying to upset social harmony. Luckily there are still nations that have concern for their citizens.
China does not mess around. If you think that you can can hide in Taiwan and try to disrupt the harmony of some one who lives in China, you are sorely mistaken. The Chinese will come for you. They will get you. They will give you a trial and a fair sentencing. You will then learn what real justice is. You don’t mess around with a country that takes SWJ activity seriously.

Consensus is Better than Objectivity
It is the end of the individual. It is the end of private and personal opinion. It is the end of free speech. Everything that a person must do or say must be approved by the group collective. These busybodies use popular opinion while they have strength in numbers to push their agenda, whatever it is at the moment. In earlier times this was called “rule by mob”, or simply shortened to “mob rule”.
SWJ use groups of people to form mobs to influence others. They browbeat others. They attack, attack, attack and make life pretty miserable if you do not bow before them. They are the kings. They are the Gods that YOU must OBEY.
Indeed, Roosh breaks this down quite well.
SJW’s do not believe in objectivity. Instead, speech and ideas must be viewed relatively depending on the source and its intended audience. The feeling of the statement must also be taken into account, which can be affected by current news, cultural moods, and pop trends. For example let’s consider the statement “Asian people are nerds.” If a famous white man uttered this phrase on Twitter after a major Japanese earthquake, a punitive SJW witch hunt may be triggered, but if a popular gay black female Youtuber said the exact same statement, no action would be taken. The reason is because the black woman is low in the SJW privilege hierarchy and therefore has a greater range of free speech that she could give before triggering a witch hunt. The white man, who is at the top of the privilege hierarchy, has no leeway to make a joke about any race since he is not in a protected SJW class. He would be decried as racist and a bigot, in spite of the fact that a statement like “Asian people are nerds” has low ambiguity regardless of the race or status of the person who said it. The lack of such objectivity in SJWism is by design. It’s borrowed from Cultural Marxist thought, which argues that objectivity and the idea of right or wrong is less important than consensus. The reason is that consensus can be easily accomplished by controlling the narrative—cultural facts, ideas, and memes that are possessed by a specific population.
There are serious roots that are tied closely with Marxist thoughts and beliefs. It is the method that enabled the decline of many societies to the enrichment of a mere handful of people.

Obviously, the leadership in the SJW movement believe that they too, one day, will profit and benefit from the direction that the movement takes on. Indeed…
If one can manufacture consensus by controlling this narrative through domination of the media or by swiftly eliminating speech which goes against what “should” be believed, specific beliefs can be held even if they go against proven scientific thought or basic rationale. SJW tactics evolved by necessity to keep their ideology alive in a modern climate where science—even 100-year-old science—contradicts the bulk of their ideas. For example, a basic tenet of SJW thought is that there is no difference between men and women besides their physical bodies, that evolution stopped at the neck for human beings and gave both sexes an identical brain. Human biology can not sustain this notion, so when a person tries to state that men and women are different to a large audience, the SJW does one of three things: (1) Attempts to censor the speech through mob action (2) Calls the person a misogynist who hates women to inoculate the general population from considering the accurate information presented (3) Destroys the livelihood of the person by contacting his employer so that he is less able to exercise his free speech
Now, none of this should be a surprise to anyone. These are well known and well documented techniques. They are using techniques that have been proven to work in the past. They are using them with modern communication techniques, support and funding from very wealthy individuals and with a support network that includes selected government officials and a compliant media operation.
Roosh continues…
You’ll often encounter SJW debate tactics trying to use consensus to persuade you: “How can you think X when so many people think Y?” As you may already know, consensus is a poor judge of facts or morality. Consensus used to believe that the earth was flat and that the sun revolved around the Earth. Sadly, many great men were imprisoned or executed for going against consensus on beliefs that we know are true today. Consensus in America also supported the institution of slavery, which of course didn’t make it right. And not long ago consensus believed in segregation between whites and blacks, even in the north where slavery was not practiced. Consensus has been shown to be a dangerous method to validate ideas or behavior. Observers will note that information control is a huge component of SJW ideology. They have no other choice—their ideas do not hold water to basic science and logic so SJW’s evolved mechanisms where they must control and censor speech which goes against their beliefs. By controlling what arguments or ideas people are exposed to, they have a greater chance of convincing others through manipulation and outright bullying of their world view to create the consensus they need to affect societal change. Some individuals buy into their cause because opposing viewpoints were hidden from them, often labeled as “hate speech.”
I have to tell the reader, I wouldn’t be able to devote such a large amount of time dissecting the way or techniques busybodies employ. For me, it is just enough to know that busybodies exist and how to avoid them.
All this talk about group think and group consensus is something right out of a George Orwell novel. All of it. It is like America has become some kind of crazy dystopian novel. However, the craziness is confined to the United States and similar nations.
Here in China, the SWJ’s are kept at bay. They know better than to try to disrupt the harmony of the Chinese society. In fact, if I were so bold, they are particularly sensitive to SWJ activity. The moment that there is any evidence of an SWJ trying to mess around in China, the entire weight of the Chinese legal system (and military) is mobilized. They go after SWJ’s no matter where they are. Even if they are hiding in South America or Mexico.
No use trying to be anonymous in the Americas. China will find you and come and get you. In the past, neither the United States, Canada, Mexico stopped the Chinese efforts to capture SWJ fugitives.

The messenger is Most Important
SWJ believe that they are important. They are the messengers of truth; the guardians of what is good and right.
There are many elements of this that are indicative of mental illness. Indeed anyone who runs entirely on emotion, with little in the way of mental reasoning are traditionally thrown into a mental hospital as they are unable to exist in any semblance of normalcy. Intellect alone can be dangerous. Emotion alone can be dangerous. Wisdom is a careful blending of both.
Unfortunately, an inability to proportion out intellect and emotion is a mental illness. Roosh continues…
A big chunk of their activism depends on subjective feeling and perceived value of the parties involved. Before an SJW can make a decision on what is right or wrong, she must first know the race, gender, and sexuality of the involved participants so that she can decide whether or not to be outraged. A statement or idea in isolation is not enough for them to come to a conclusion on the acceptability of a statement. For example, consider the following statement: “Abortion should not be used as a method of birth control.” An SJW could not definitively respond to this statement unless they knew who uttered it. If I—a Caucasian man—published this statement on a popular site like CNN, the outrage would be immense. Most comments would accuse me of hating women and wanting to control their bodies. A petition would be started to prevent me from ever writing on CNN again. On the other hand, if a popular feminist like Jessica Valenti said this statement in the same publication, the response would be more balanced. She would receive some criticism but even support from individuals who would try to destroy my life had I said the exact same thing. A person who believes in the scientific method would not be swayed by the messenger. They would analyze the statement and attempt to either verify it or not based on logic. SJW’s avoid such objective behavior.
Emotion fuels the actions of SWJ. Emotion. This is the same energy-cell that fuels crazy people. It is the exact same source of power that got all of Hitler’s followers killed. It was the source that resulted in the deaths of millions in Russia, in China, and in Cuba.

Only China and Russia recognizes the dangers of SWJ’s. Americans are fat, lazy and stupid. They do not stand up for their nation, their culture, and their history. As a result, they are at the risk of losing it all to some wacked SWJ nut-cases embolden, financed and powered by the enemies of the United States.
I am reminded of a science fiction story by Ray Bradbury, where an alien race wants to invade the Earth. They don’t know how to do it because humans are so strong and powerful. So they find out a method. They decide to use the children, and in using them, they take over the world.
SWJ’s attack america by using our laws and our fears against us.
Groups are More Equal than Others
In many ways, SJWs are modern day “Brown Shirts”. For those who don’t know, the Brown Shirts were an organization called The Sturmabteilung. They were a paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party. In fact, it was the Brown Shirts that helped Hitler rise to power in Germany. (Then he had the leadership all killed during the “night of the long knives”. Ah, yes. Know your history.)
Know your history.
The Sturmabteilung or SA men were often called Brown shirts because of the color of their uniforms which were similar to Benito Mussolini’s Blackshirts. Oh, they had their glory days. I think it lasted for under two decades. Then they were all killed. That’s life. Know your history, especially if you are trying to duplicate it.
Roosh continues…
SJW’s make a big show of wanting “equality,” but as the Animal Farm quote goes: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” They absolutely do not believe that a man deserves the same treatment that should be given to a woman of his same race. When they say “equality,” what they really mean is to apply special benefits to protected groups in order to create equality based on their subjective perception and feeling. They even go so far as to claim that women and non-whites can not possibly be racist against white men. If a black woman calls a white man a cracker, honky, redneck, hick, or peckerwood, she’s correcting historical wrongs and injustices, not being a racist individual. Since they have no objective measure or guide of equality, it is only achieved when they feel it has been achieved, but then that would destroy the very reason for their existence, meaning that their war on inequality is similar to the war on drugs or terrorism. It’s a perpetual war that will never be won in their minds because there will always be the creation of a new group needing privilege and equality. If you substitute the word “power” whenever they use “equality,” you’ll come to a more accurate descriptor of what motivates their activism. If you want to do a simple test that hurts an SJW’s argument that she is about equality, ask her the following: “Do you believe a black woman is equal to a white woman?” They will squirm mightily and may look to the left and right at their SJW friends to know what they think first before giving you a muddled answer that is inconsistent with their other stated beliefs.
You know, it’s going to get really interesting to see what happens to all these SJW individuals in the next ten years of so. If they become more powerful, then there will be a very nasty surprise for the SJW leadership. If they fade into the black, then the cultural impact will adversely affect the industries that support this behavior. It will be most certainly curious.
Roosh is correct.
Of course, the Chinese here will not care if you are hiding out in a suburb of liberal San Francisco or off on one of the islands of the Philippines. They will go and come after you. There is zero tolerance for disruption of social order.

People must be Labeled
The tools of all tyrants.; depersonalize, demonize, and attack. However, you know what? We are all sick and tired of being labeled.
Every. Single. One. Of. Us.
Now, we wear it as a badge of honor. President Donald Trump’s former adviser, Steve Bannon, told French far-right nationalists accused of racism to “wear it as a badge of honor.” Name calling, like swearing loses its’ effectiveness through overuse. Don’t ya know…
If censorship is not an option, SJW’s attempt to destroy the reputation of the speech offender by labeling him a racist, misogynist, creep, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe, or transphobe. This is one of their most reliable tactics to prime the general public against listening to individuals they don’t like because of the negative weight that such terms still carry. I personally have been called every label under the sun and a site I operate, Return Of Kings, was denounced in mainstream blogs sympathetic to SJW’s and then put on blacklists. While labels are still effective today, SJW’s are diluting the power of them through overuse. If the majority of men are decided to be “misogynist,” the general public will become desensitized to hearing it. We are already seeing signs of this whereby SJW’s have to escalate the labels to outright crimes. A tactic I have been seeing lately is accusing men of “sexual harassment,” which is often when a man did nothing more than factually criticize a woman or flirt with her.

Even worse, SJW’s have started labeling men as rapists based on anonymous internet allegations, even when the supposed victims never reported the crime to police. It doesn’t matter that a conviction is not present via due process of law, and “rapist” labels persist against men even when authorities refuse to file charges. This eradicates the presumption of innocence whereby an individual is innocent until proven guilty, a basic right used since Roman times and included in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It’s possible that we may reach a point where all men are presumed to have raped a woman, and when a men says something improper, this label will be used against him to limit his speech.
It’s already happened.
A Busybody is Always Right
There is no doubt about this. Read campusreform if you want a hundred or so examples.
There is no open debate with SJW types. It’s the same with other busybodies of the past like Carry Nation. She was right and there was no argument with her. You’d better watch out, or she’d pull a hatchet out on you.
One of the foremost characteristics of a busybody is that there do not like to debate, discuss or talk about things. They just end up yelling and screaming rehearsed and memorized mantras at the top of their lungs. Really, it is like a five year old child who can’t have a lollypop.
Busybodies are so silly.
Roosh continues…
Another feature of the SJW is their total unwillingness to engage in a civilized one-on-one debate instead of mob action through what they call “campaigns” or “pressure groups.” Unable to take criticism or consider factual evidence, a lone SJW will respond to having her arguments defeated by playing the victim card (“Stop attacking me!”, “Stop triggering me!”, “Stop shaming me!”) or engaging in one of numerous argumentative fallacies. These tactics are used to buy time before fading back into the power and safety of her large mob group. SJW’s avoid engaging in debate because they do not have the logical tools that an objective discussion requires. If your beliefs are held together by subjectivity, feelings, and the perceived worth of an individual based on an imaginary scale of privilege, it would be impossible for you to debate someone else who uses facts. The lack of educational rigor in SJW communities means they are more comfortable re-blogging content on Tumblr or sharing funny images than sifting through scientific data to find proof of what they claim. On university campuses, it’s common for SJW’s to obstruct speakers they can not defeat with facts. To some observers, this behavior may resemble a child putting his fingers in his ears and yelling as loud as he can. They have no choice but to silence someone else’s speech because their own speech can not properly counter arguments that go against their world view. They simply don’t have the intellectual rigor to do so.
All the reader need do is watch videos of SJW in public. There are many examples of this.

No Morality
A life without morals is a life living as a wild animal.
Which is one of the benefits that I had living in a Catholic “God fearing” household. We were taught morals, and rules of behavior. We learned what right and wrong was. Not today. Now the SJW can say that anything they don’t like is wrong. Likewise, anything that they actually like is right. It is all arbitrary.
Here is what Roosh thinks;
Thanks to the subjectiveness of their ideology, SJW’s lack morality or virtue. The reason this is a feature and not a bug to the SJW is because accumulated knowledge, morals, and wisdom of the past was developed and promoted by white men, who are seen as the harbingers or pain and doom to the classes that they want to protect. Even if Aristotle, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Thomas Aquinas, or Henry David Thoreau had valuable wisdom that continues to help how millions of people live today, the information derived from their work must be completely discarded since they were white men. Since white men were at the forefront of advancing humanity for the past several centuries, especially after the decline of the Egyptian, Persian, Mongol, and Ottoman empires, this precludes the bulk of moral guidance that we can use to determine right and wrong. SJW’s invent their own moral code but it is often based on what they are upset about in the present moment. It does not serve as a guide for more than a month or two, suggesting that their book of code would have to be written in pencil. The biggest exception I’ve found to their discrimination against white men is Steve Jobs, inventor of the iPhone, a gadget that SJW’s prefer to use. The irony of this is that SJW’s are against “greedy” capitalism in favor of socialism or communism, but iPhones are made with low-cost labor in Asia where some workers have committed suicide in the very factories the phones are produced because of horrid working conditions. SJW’s are capable of applying blind spots to their most cherished ideals so that their consumer lifestyle is not inconvenienced. SJW’s don’t believe in god, have no belief in the heterosexual nuclear family as the principal unit of human organization, and have no sense of local community as opposed to ones that exist solely on the internet. Instead of reading historical texts for guidance, they read Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, and Reddit. A significant amount of them gets their information from image-based memes that they share enthusiastically on Imgur and Facebook. They are pagans who worship women, minorities, homosexuals, and other non-capitalistic or non-Catholic features of humanity. Since their belief system is based on trends and feelings, an SJW will display rapidly shifting thought from one month to the next depending on what is “hot” or not in SJW discussion forums. As of late, homosexuality—an alternative lifestyle at best and the disseminator of HIV at worst—seems to be the centerpiece of their activism, especially as the homosexual marriage issue has become suddenly more urgent in America in the past five years. Some predict that the bulk of their activism will now move onto transsexuality, and one must wonder how the movement will handle so many fringe groups that are angling for least privileged status.
They don’t read. They don’t know history. They are enraptured in the present and enraptured with the artificial world as spoon-fed to them by the propagandized media.
Busybodies are Mentally ill
Evidence does seem to point to the idea that busybodies are mentally ill to one degree or another. We know that Carry Nation was traumatized when she lost her personal slaves, and then had to move to a small house many miles away. We know that she married a man who did not treat her like she expected to be treated…
Which leads me to ask, what does a pampered Southern Belle who lost all of her personal slaves expect to be treated in the post-Civil War reconstruction period?
Ah, life was not as she expected it to be. And this caused some very interesting actions by her. Of which some were combative and argumentative. These are sure fire signs of mental illness. Roosh says it quite clearly…
Many SJW’s readily admit to serious mental illness and being bullied or mocked as a kid. They have gone on to be bullies themselves on the internet, a platform where physical strength, courage, or defined identity is not needed to be an effective activist. Even though they are confused about how to live their own lives thanks to the lack of values they possess, and many deal with suicide, cutting, or other mental issues that prevent them from reading certain articles without a “trigger warning” to act as a disclaimer to reality, they have no problem telling society how to live. It’s unclear why they respond to their life problems in such a manner instead of seeking professional help or reading self-help, but we can speculate that they seek to control others to compensate for the lack of control they have in their own lives. SJWism is a form of treatment to their problems because they can focus on the perceived problems of other people instead of their own. A common problem SJW’s have is confusion about their own sexual identity or outright biological sex. Most of them find out about SJWism when they are in their teen years and not yet absolutely certain of their sexual preference. Once exposed to SJW writing that presents the theory that two sexes don’t exist, proven biology is wrong, and that you are free to place yourself on a kaleidoscope of gender including multiple kinds of homosexuality and transsexuality, the newly SJW activist mixes and matches her sexual identity to seek approval within her new group.
Mental illness struck SWJ’s early in their life. They never had the opportunity to grow up properly. They are like a stunted plant that will never bear good fruit.
SJW’s have invented new sexes and sexual preferences, the most popular of which being pansexual, the definition of which can vary depending on which SJW you ask but which comes close to bisexuality. Other inventions include polysexuality, genderqueer, pangender, skoliosexual, and the most curious one of all which assumes a new mammalian life form that science has yet to describe—trigender. While many of their members are plain vanilla heterosexual, they despise any sexuality or behavior that comes from the straight male. A male is someone exhibiting offensive privilege when he rates a girl on her attractiveness, exhibits a preference for thin women, or flirts with a woman he wants to have sex with, but when a woman does the same things, she is making an empowered display of her sexuality and must therefore be encouraged. The male sex drive is considered dangerous and oppressive to women but the female sex drive is wonderful, natural, and deserving of firm praise. It’s worth noting that some in the SJW community believe that all penis-in-vagina sex is rape, even when the sex is consensual. Masculinity exhibited by men is dangerous and criminal, but masculine behaviors in women (cutting their hair short, becoming burly in body size, cursing, sexually pursuing other women) are promoted. Again, this highlights the subjectivity and inequality of SJW thought.
Oh Roosh is quite blunt. However, can you really argue with his points? Have you been paying attention to the cultural collapse in the United States? Busybodies don’t get that way by living in a nice and healthy environment. They get that way after being hurt and emotionally damaged while their self-image is still under formation.

How did they become a powerful force?
Today they are a powerful force. Their rise came about during the Obama administration, and the organization and implementation of their belief structures is most certainly curious. I suppose that there are many others who have documented this rise. It is certainly interesting. Indeed, how does any busybody become a powerful force?
Obvious it is NEVER a “grass roots” organization. It needs direction from a skilled community organizer, and funding from a group of large wealthy donors. It needs objectives and a long term strategy. These truths are obvious.
In America today, someone and something is instigating the overthrow of the core American values to replace it with a dictatorship disguised as a social utopia.
We can only speculate why an ideology that is so removed from science and Western values has established roots in America. One theory is that their ideology is soma for confused people who have been disappointed in life or have failed in achieving their goals. It’s easy for these sub-performers to flock to an ideology that says, “You failed because you were held down by the white patriarchy, who still maintains invincible privilege and is robbing you of your daily bread and happiness.”
Sounds like “The Wave” experiment, doesn’t it? Yeah, I wouldn’t be too surprised.
Obviously, it’s a much easier job to blame others or play the victim card than to solve the individual problems of your life. Hard work is not as valued in today’s society as in the past, so when you give someone a choice between expending effort on one hand to complaining and mob bullying on the other, it’s not hard to see how many (as in millions of people) pick the latter option. It’s also more satisfying to their egos from a power standpoint. That leads to the question of why straight white males become a part of the SJW movement, since it would be similar to a Jewish person joining the Nazis. Most of these men are shy with low confidence and low muscle mass. They have social anxiety issues and simply want to be part of a co-ed group that increases their access to women. It turns out that white men are carrying the water of SJW’s who would denounce them in a second all for the hopes of getting sex. The male sex drive is so strong that a man is willing to throw his entire race and sex under the bus in order to possibly fornicate with a woman. Even though men are usually the targets of SJW’s, it is not uncommon for them to turn on their own. For example, if a white woman, a protected group in SJW ideology, offends a transsexual, who is more protected on the privilege scale, SJW’s may attack the white woman, even if they may have defended her previously (this happened with Laci Green, a protected feminist who once used the word “tranny” and was threatened with death by transsexual SJW’s). Since SJW’ism is so subjective, at whim to constantly shifting winds, an SJW who is on the right side of SJW thought today may find themselves on the wrong side tomorrow.
Now Roosh has a tendency to be rather blunt. I think that there is an element of this in all males, and indeed we all go a little nuts when we fall in love with a lovely lady. However, this point and belief of his might be a little more extreme than I wish to sign on to.
My point is that a nation must protect it’s own people. America is not doing so. It permits these crazy people to go disrupt the social fabric of the nation. Many Americans bash China, most especially Conservatives do. They shouldn’t. China is doing things right. When someone tries to attack the nation, they go after them.

What do SJW’s want to achieve?
For most of them, they don’t know.
They are lashing out at everything and everyone. The more evil amongst them have conspired and have put forth plans and goals. (With a significant profit motive, of course.) I don’t know what their goals are. Roosh has some ideas, however…
Their goal is power and domination over the Western cultural narrative to manufacture a consensus that is aligned with their extreme far-left ideology. Since their ideas are so far removed from science, logic, and rationale, this requires a complete control of information to disseminate their immoral world view along with the complete silencing of those who contradict them. It is not clear what their end game is when it comes to the white men who they believe are a bane to planet Earth, but it’s not a stretch to predict violence in the future assuming their mobs grow in size, anger, and power, which would put them close to being classified as terrorists according to the FBI. Currently their main strategies are bullying, spreading propaganda, and censoring opponents. A growing way they have been accomplishing this goals is by installing SJW activists in prominent institution and communities. Many are now active moderators on popular forums, leaders in campus groups, tenured professors, or popular bloggers and entertainers who have huge audiences they spread SJW propaganda to. Some SJW’s, like Zoe Quinn, simply achieved prominent status by having heterosexual sex with men who have access to information that they want to modulate. Since most feminists, progressives, and liberals are sympathetic to the SJW cause, it’s easy to see how they have reached a stunning amount of influence in America to spread their message.
SJWs are a threat to Western values
They, like their historical counterparts, are a danger to society. In their angry march toward radical change, they will destroy things that have endured for centuries.
SJW’s utilize censorship, discriminate against white men, and disagree with basic human rights concerning due process that has existed in the Western legal canon for centuries. They are against free speech as granted by the US Constitution and don’t believe that all men are created equal. They disregard science and wrongly apply labels, accusations, and criminal allegations to those who dare cross their path. They have determined that some groups should be elevated to receive more benefits and speech rights than others, and have been successful in silencing the speech of those whom they disagree with through their internet witch mobs. They continue to infect every group, platform, and community that they come into contact with. Their goal is not to add value or to create, but to control the flow of ideas and thereby thought. Their values are opposed to Western values.
SJW ideas have reached a critical mass in America. University students are indoctrinated with progressive thought that is becoming aligned with SJWism, and even students in grade school are becoming exposed to SJW ideas through feminist-friendly teachers who read the same sites as SJW’s.

My fear is that their efforts at censorship and cultural domination will become more onerous as they cement positions in prominent media companies, Silicon Valley, universities, and even in politics. If your belief system is against that of SJW’s, it would be prudent to take measures to protect yourself from their witch hunts, because there is no sign that they will be weakening in power anytime soon.

They are a nasty group of individuals who have found a way to exert power over others. Here’s some examples;
- Students Sign Petition To Ban “Offensive” Valentine’s Day.
- Limiting what a person can wear on Halloween.
- Attacking anyone who believes in traditional marriage.
- SJW organization forces Formula 1 to stop using sexy girls. From “Formula One Bans Sexy Grid Girls Over SJW Objections, Grid Girls Hit Back” with this quote;
“Amid a brave new world of sexual consent forms and rage over the "patriarchy," Formula 1 and its FAI ruling body has decided to ban the use of promotional models, known as "grid girls," from its events because they don't "resonate with [the] brand values [of F1] and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms."
Whose societal norms? Has anyone checked out a college campus lately?”
- Arresting anyone who promotes the Pledge of Allegiance. From “Child abuse charges vs. teacher who allegedly forced student to stand for Pledge of Allegiance” with this quote;
“LAFAYETTE, Colo. - A Boulder Valley School District teacher now faces child abuse and assault charges for allegedly forcing a child to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance earlier this month, CBS Denver reports. Lafayette police say Karen Smith, a physical education teacher at Angevine Middle School, grabbed a boy by his jacket, lifted him to his feet and took him out of class on February 1. Police were called.”
- Forcing limits on forms of “cultural appropriation”.
- Waging war on white heterosexual men.
- Restricting Christmas celebrations for fear of offending non-Christians.
…and shuts down anything where a Caucasian person would get a lead role. It’s a war on gender, tradition, and white people. It’s Mr. Mao ‘s cultural revolution all over again. Just like the armies during the Chinese “Cultural Revolution”, political SJW agents are all out busy rewriting the English language. It is getting pretty darn ridiculous.
It’s hard to pin a leader for the SJW movement. It is pretty obvious that it serves only the ruling elite. Though I suppose it could be a number of activist feminists. I suppose that you could lay partial claim that Hillary Clinton is one such leader. She’s something else. Did you know that Hillary Clinton says that Climate Change is sexist?
“It's unclear what responsibilities men will shoulder after the climate catastrophe has arrived in the future envisioned by Clinton. “I would say that particularly for women, you’re absolutely right, they will bear the brunt of looking for the food, looking for the firewood, looking for the place to migrate to when all of the grass is finally gone as the desertification moves south and you have to keep moving your livestock for your crops are no longer growing, they’re burning up in the intense heat that we’re now seeing reported across North Africa, into the Middle East, and into India.” “So yes, women once again, will be the primary…primarily burdened with the problems of climate change." -Hillary Clinton
Clinton made these remarks during a speech at Georgetown University. Oh, she didn’t stop there, she also griped about how endemic misogyny was responsible for her embarrassing loss to President Donald Trump. Which is (to anyone with a brain bigger than a toads) a continuing practice of never accepting responsibly for her failures. You know, I can see her frustration. She believed that she had successfully rigged the election. Of course she was going to win. She held all the cards.
The pandering is pretty bad. Uh huh.
“The Ruling Elites loves political correctness, for it serves the Elite so well. What is political correctness? Political correctness is the public pressure to conform to "progressive" speech acts by uttering the expected code words and phrases in public. Note that no actual action is required. This is why the Ruling Elite loves political correctness: conformity is so cheap. All a functionary of the Ruling Elite need do is utter the code words ("hope and change," "we honor diversity," "thank you for your service," etc.) and they get a free pass to continue their pillaging.” - Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog
A Modern Busybody
With this in mind, let me present a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) who is hell-bent on enforcing his version of perfection on an unsuspecting public. Let him be an illustration of the kind of people who possess the destructive behaviors that hurt society. In their minds they want to “improve” the world, but in all reality, they are just worthless and useless. Do not be like this jackass.
Ah, not all SWJ’s are college students protesting with signs, and putting black masks on their faces. Many hold respectable and responsible positions of power. They campaigned for those positions. They were elected or appointed for those positions, and once in place, they try to make the world a better place based on THEIR ideas of perfection.
Did you know that there is a terrible battle within the state of Wisconsin? It is over how laws are enforced over the quiet people of the Amish religion.
Up to now, they’ve successfully dodged Uncle Sam (the United States government) as they are exempted on religious grounds from a great many “manditory” state and federal laws. These laws include such things as the presence and use of seat belts and child safety seats in all motor vehicles.
Their horse-drawn buggies lack motors, of course, as well as seatbelts and child seats. They don’t have air bags or back-up cameras or tire pressure monitors, either. The Amish don’t believe such things are necessary and therefore do without. They also believe it’s their decision, their business and as such, they just want to go about their business, leave others alone and be left alone in turn. After all, they’re not harming anyone else. And if they harm themselves, the Amish take care of themselves.
It seems reasonable enough.
But not by everyone. Indeed, there are those who can’t stand FREEDOM and independence.
Let me introduce a SWJ by the name of Bill Winch. (He should win the “Asshole of the Year” award.) He is a member of the Wisconsin Rapids Board of Supervisors. He is a perfectionist. He is a busybody. He uses whatever power he can wield to implement his vision of perfection. In regards to the Amish, who live NEAR (not IN) his community, he believe that he can tell them how to live their lives. He does not think the Amish ought to be exempted from anything . Anything, including other laws requiring driver’s licenses and mandatory insurance.
He has proposed a new law precisely to that effect.

Winch goes further. The buggies of the Amish should also be fitted with automotive safety glass, windshield and side glass. It does not matter what it costs the Amish and how impractical it is to install such things in a horse-drawn buggy. In his mind, there should be rear view mirrors that must be electrically heated (so they don’t fog up). Speaking of fog, of course the buggies must have fog lamps, and a backup alarm.
After all, no one wants to get crushed by a horse drawn buggy backing up! The list goes on and on. Why not include anti-lock brakes, GPS tracking, and mandatory safety seats for young children?
For their safety. Of course.
Their horse-drawn buggies should also be required to have headlights and turn signals. The argument goes; just like everyone else’s car. If this requires expense, so be it. And new buggies manufactured after a certain date surely ought to be required to have at least driver and front seat passenger air bags and comply with some sort of government crash test regime.
I can see it now; a test in a government testing facility where a horse races towards a brickwall. Slams into it, and the flight of the “crash test dummies” is recorded in slow motion.
Think of it. It’s necessary! Lord only knows the danger that might befall the passenger of a horse-drawn buggy were he to go speeding and run his team of horses into a cinderblock wall! Safety glass, airbags, seatbelts, child-restraining devices, electronic auto-locking buggy doors, all needs to be included in all horse-drawn buggies. Of course, they will have to be tested, and inspected yearly… at a cost. You know the drill…
…to pay various fees to the government. For the children… don’t you know?
Additionally, Amish teenagers must not be allowed to “operate” a buggy until they have attained a certain government prescribed age, and then only when accompanied by an adult, and never accompanied by other teens, unsupervised. There will need to be a special type of license. One that you get after you can prove that you can operate a standard automobile.
Logically according to this SJW busybody, as a matter of principle, either all of us and not just the Amish should be left in peace to go about our business or no one should be left in peace. It’s all or nothing.
Why should the claim of the Amish that seatbelts and insurance and all the rest are against their Rights, be any different than what other claim? Why should it be different than a Libertarian who sees no need for the government to tell him how to sit in his car? Or the Christian who refuses to bake a cake, simply because they don’t want to?
Why should the government dictate anything… anything at all unless it is specifically specified within the Constitution?
So, here we are. Either, [1] Winch is absolutely correct. Or [2] he is a consistent authoritarian control freak. You know, like those elected to Washington. (After all, how could you explain 30, 40, and 50 year’s terms of office for multi-millionaires in the Senate? You can’t, unless you classify them as control freaks that love power.)
BTW. As an aside. The argument is that you have to have an amendment to limit the terms for someone to serve in the Senate or in Congress. I propose something simpler. Any public official who has diminished faculties due to age, or in possession of a age-related illness (such as dementia) shall be removed from office. Simple, huh?
The Amish, no matter how pious, are not immune to the forces of nature.
If an Amish buggy driver wrecks his buggy, he might be injured just like anyone else. And if he is not buckled up , if his buggy lacks shatterproof automotive safety glass , his injuries could be more severe than would otherwise have been the case. Undeniable facts of physics.
There are those that believe that it is role of government to tell people how to live their lives. They believe that the government’s role is as a parent that oversees lesser people.

So why should the Amish, but not the rest of us, get a break?
Why should they get to live a simple, unencumbered, exempted life? What makes them so very special? Why are they free? Why are they free of not just government busybodyism but also the financial pressure of having to constantly earn money in order to pay for all that busybodyism?
The Amish man can farm his land. He can raise his crops. He doesn’t have to worry about coming up with thousands of dollars every year to pay for mandatory this and tax that. He deoesn’t have to worry about Social Security and Obamacare taxes. Or air bags and seat belts and back-up cameras and shatterproof safety glass. He has no dealings with the DMV.
This makes him a very free man.
Which is very unfair to the rest of us. It is an outrage! No one should be free in the United States. We all must follow the rules set forth by our leadership. The Amish are, indeed, throwbacks
If the rest of us can’t be free, well neither should the Amish..
It’s not just because of their buggies and beards. They are living fossils of a species almost extinct: The Free Man. They’re not interested in your goods and don’t want to control your life. If you’re interested in their lifestyle, you’re free to emulate it and even to become Amish, if that is your desire. In return, the Amish only ask that you leave them free to be Amish. Let them live their lives their way.
But that is too much to ask for busybodies like Bill Winch.
Democrat Busybodies
Well, I do hope that [1] I have managed to express my belief that there are busybodies in this world. I hope that [2] my explanation as to how they became busybodies, and [3] why they are still busily being busybodies makes some degree of sense. I also provided [4] contemporaneous examples of busybodies who are all trying to enforce their version of “who knows what” on an asleep public. I have [5] quoted from Roosh, who tends to be much more radical than myself. Yet, he has made some good points, even if it makes some people uncomfortable. (That’s how you grow don’t you know.)
Now, I want to take a moment to get to the heart of this matter and address why this post was written in the first place.
Being a busybody can be enormously profitable.
Which of course is why American Democrats are all, without ANY exception, involved in being a busybody. They can make money! In fact, by latching on the right cause, they can become enormously wealthy! All they need to do is find someone willing to pay them cash in exchange for them for implementing unpopular laws.
You can boss people around AND get paid for it at the same time! Imagine that!
Democrats want to Ban (or Control) Everything
You know, how can I possibly write anything without offending someone? I really do not know if it is possible? Yet the truth is the truth.
- It was a Democrat who banned Large size soda in New York. (A Democrat before becoming an “Independent” in order to get elected Michael Bloomberg, and followed through by Democrat Bill de Blasio.)
- It was a Democrat that banned sunny-side-up eggs in NJ.
- It was a Democrat who made it so that everyone must wear seatbelts.
- It was a Democrat who made it so that everyone must file taxes in April.
- It was a group of two Democrats that made sure that Americans must pay Income tax even if they live and work outside of the USA.
- Today it is a Democrat that wants to ban motorcycles (of all things).
What is their friggin’ problem?
Well, there is [1] a part of me that wants to believe that they are well intentioned, but think that everyone else is stupid. That belief is one where they believe that they are better, smarter, and greater than everyone else. (Sound like an SJW? Hum?)
Then, [2] there is a part of me that believes the truth; that there is a money angle involved. Some business, or foreign nation, comes to the representative and pitches a new law or two. In exchange for the promotion of that law, the represent can get a huge sum of money. This sum of money might be public (like a campaign slush fund) or private (as in a brown bag full of cash). As time move on, I am more and more convinced that the reasoning is the latter.
Hey, I grew up in Pennsylvania, and the potholes in the roads are STILL not fixed. You think that it is a minor oversight? Why do you suppose that is the case? Do you think that graft doesn’t exist?
"I believe a self-righteous liberal with a cause is more dangerous than a Hell's Angel with an attitude. " -Ted Nugent
Anyways here just some of the things that Democrats want to ban. This list includes individuals who are registered as Democrats, as opposed to official policy positions of the DNC. I know it’s an incomplete list, but I don’t have all day, and the point is pretty much being made anyways. Each attempt by Democrats to ban something has a link for verification efforts. I am not making any of this stuff up.
So here it goes;
- Ban Barbie dolls (For Pete’s sake, why?)
- Ban the National Anthem
- Ban Islamophobic Lawmaker From the U.S.
- Ban sitting or lying down
- Ban air fresheners
- Ban scary appearing weapons
- Ban using the word “too”
- Ban shoelaces
- Ban tackle football
- Ban ice cream in the park (Children can fall down while licking ice cream.)
- Ban bottled water
- Ban swings on playgrounds
- Ban use of the term “Husband and Wife” from US Code
- Ban gay conversion therapy
- Ban all cars that use gasoline or diesel fuel
- Ban mining
- Ban Balloons.
- Ban bottled water
- Ban painting your house in a non-approved color
- Ban the sale of box cutters to minors
- Ban cars from turning (How is this even possible?)
- Ban sale of machetes to minors
- Ban energy drinks
- Ban coffee unless the cup has cancer warnings
- Ban plastic flatware
- Ban guns completely made out of plastic
- Ban Mahjong games
- Ban wood-burning stoves
- Ban collecting rainwater
- Ban the American Flag
- Ban fantasy football
- Ban peanut butter (Some children are allergic, so it must be banned for everyone!) And HERE is an example of a SJW busybody trying to tell other people how to parent their children.
- Ban Christmas at the VA (Ah… but non-Christian practices are just fine.)
- Ban smoking in parks
- Ban sand at playgrounds
- Ban the Bible
- Ban smoking everywhere
- Ban chocolate milk
- Ban switchblades
- Ban landscape lights at night
- Ban marijuana (Yuppur, it was a democrat who started the entire ‘war on drugs”.)
- Ban Fracking
- Ban using the word “Alien”
- Ban weed-killers
- Ban free water
- Ban string bikinis
- Ban wood-burning stoves
- Ban cafeterias
- Ban high heels
- Ban things shown in Walt Disney Movies
- Ban coal rolling
- Ban candy cigarettes
- Ban the word “illegal” (And replace it with what?)
- Ban nunchucks
- Ban early start times at school
- Ban the word “thug” (it’s racist, don’t ya know…)
- Ban drug testing for welfare
- Ban certain chemicals used in pizza boxes
- Ban pizza (From a parody website. So don’t take this entry seriously.) But, the Obama administration is trying to regulate it into oblivion.
- Ban carrying booze outside
- Ban American holidays that were birthdays
- Ban all pork products from the subway restaurant chain
- Ban Easter Candy (It’s because of Global Warming, don’t ya know.)
- Ban air rifle clubs (like air-soft) in schools (ah, it “promotes” gun “culture”.)
- Ban 50 caliber revolvers
- Ban vegetable gardens
- Ban blogging
- Ban “upskirting”
- Ban American flags from fire engines
- Ban your passport if the IRS says you owe money
- Ban candles
- Ban outdoor broilers
- Ban Happy Meal toys (It’s “for the children”…)
- Ban motorized scooters for rent
- Ban on menthol cigarettes
- ban water-gun fights
- Ban on parents to teach their children the Bible
- Ban darts
- Ban youth football
- Ban playing “Tag” on playgrounds
- Ban on the appearance of “Tide Pods” (They look too good to hungry people!)
- Ban on the purchase of guns by military reservists
- Ban archery clubs in schools
- Ban incandescent light bulbs
- Ban leaf blowers
- Ban high-capacity toilets
- Ban plastic bags
- Ban plastic bags AND force fees on paper bags
- Ban bra holsters
- Ban baggy pants
- Ban on political lawn signs
- Ban on neckties (I have no problem with that, but why is the government involved?)
- Ban free speech zones
- Ban private jet flights if you work in the government
- Ban any commercial that uses the word “God” in any way
- Ban shoelaces and guns (you can’t have both at the same time)
- Ban all guns of any kind or type (Yawn, as if we didn’t know this already.)
- Ban makeup
- Ban beef from Brazil.
- Ban Holidays named after a birthday
- Ban pull-top rings on soda and beer cans
- Ban felt soles
- Ban cheese
- Ban eating on the subway
- Require cancer warnings on Coffee
- Ban the word “dinosaur” from standardized tests
- Ban VCRs (Why stop there, why not BetaMAX as well?)
- Ban all software that originates out of Russia
- Ban stolen guns (How?)
- Ban bras
- Ban carnivals
- Ban “devices“
- Ban teaching of catechism by Catholics in the State
- Ban gun and DIY videos on You-Tube
- Ban plastic shopping bags
- Ban the word illegal (it’s racist…?)
- Ban the display of pigs, sausages and bacon from children’s books (Yes, seriously!)
- Ban large caliber (and bore) guns (Um, which part of “cannot be infringed” isn’t clear?)
- Ban “Happy Meal Toys”
- Ban consumer loans
- Ban toy guns
- Ban old shotguns
- Ban gun modifications that improve ROF
- Ban the President from making policy decisions in the military.
- Ban gay marriage (Surprise!)
- Ban Portable Toilets
- Ban the word “welfare”
- Ban plastic bags at grocery stores
- Ban “paid prioritization” on the Internet
- Ban bullets that are fired in the AR-15 (It used to be AK-47, now it is AR-15. Sigh.)
- Ban on STOPPING efforts for states to collect taxes on Internet transactions (Pro-taxation legislation.)
- Ban collapsible batons
- Ban McDonald’s Happy Meal
- Ban depictions of pigs in children’s books (It would offend Muslims. Yes. Seriously.)
- Ban powdered medical gloves and here
- Ban water guns (Man, It’s a good thing that they don’t live in Thailand.)
- Ban laundry detergent that looks delicious
- Ban outsourcing or at the very least tax it into oblivion
- Ban certain ways of talking (Political Correct monitoring of the Internet.)
- Ban horse drawn carriages
- Ban water pistols
- Ban horse racing
- Ban turtles (well, because…)
- Ban on loaded guns or rifles on public roads
- Ban on words (Yes… words.)
- Ban turtle eggs
- Ban dog racing
- Ban race cars that were built from commercial cars
- Ban sunscreen (you see it is destroying coral…)
- Ban software (Not all software, just selected types.)
- Ban on gas stations
- Ban paid prioritization on ISPs
- Ban on cryptocurrency
- Ban chlorine bleach
- Ban fake guns
- Ban garbage disposals
- Ban all kinds of sunscreen products (in Hawaii?)
- Ban birthday cake candles
- Ban college football
- Ban shipments of coal
- Ban certain types of books
- Ban all children’s books
- Ban toilets at the beach
- Ban the word Vagina
- Ban on parents at playgrounds
- Ban single adults near playgrounds
- Ban hotdogs in public schools (All processed meat is bad, don’t ya know…)
- Ban hotdogs in children’s hospitals (Hum. It seems like there is a trend here…)
- Ban hotdogs and all meat from public schools (Oh no. It’s the vegetarian arm of the DNC!)
- Ban the betel nut (No shit! Have you ever tried it? Good golly, it was banned because they couldn’t find advantages in it. Not because it was dangerous!)
- Ban the sales of pets
- Ban selling kittens and puppies
- Ban oil drilling off-shore
- Ban online banking for Infowars
- Ban goldfish
- Ban pitbulls
- Ban agricultural chemicals
- Ban common hunting rifles
- Ban ice picks
- Ban balloons
- Ban on novelty lighters
- Ban eating cats and dogs
- Ban bulk caffeine products
- Ban on plastic grocery bags
- Ban on ED medication
- Ban anyone from using a website that triggers a SWJ
- Ban on herbal Viagra
- Ban water fountains (So you need to buy bottled water. Luckily this was rescinded.)
- Ban penis pistols (are they a thing?)
- Ban bottled water (So you have to buy sugary drinks.)
- Ban sugary drinks (Or, not.)
- Ban homeopathy and herbal medicine
- Ban bitcoins and all cryptocurrency
- Ban police from having sex with people they pull over for traffic violations
- Ban all kinds of prayer except for Muslim prayer
- Ban private lawns
- Ban on retirees owning guns
- Ban glitter
- Ban birthday cake candles and regulate cupcakes
- Ban dark Maple Syrup
- Ban pencils and a parody on the reasons why
- Ban the plastic bags used to collect dog poop
- Ban gun clubs in schools
- Ban asbestos use
- Ban the “traditional” way to make potato chips
- Ban ping-pong balls
- Ban on all food from China
- Ban fishing
- Ban sandwiches
- Ban lunch shaming
- Ban corporate donations
- Ban gun magazines
- Ban horse-drawn carriages
- Ban marijuana (That was a surprise! Now that it is legal…WTF?)
- Ban on porn didn’t work, so they want mandatory registration and fees to view it.
- Place tougher restrictions (if cannot ban) on concealed carry of firearms
- Ban Silly String on Halloween
- Ban switchblades
- Ban backpacks
- Ban Belts
- Ban singing the national anthem.
- Ban Red, White, and Blue crayons (They are confederate colors!)
- Ban cork guns (Remember those toy guns with a cork on a string at the end of the barrel?)
- Ban first person shooter video games
- Ban on tackle football
- Ban in-class sweets
- Ban cartoons (because they are racist)
- Ban junk food
- Ban Civil War Reenactments
- Ban goldfish
- Ban air guns (such as Airsoft)
- Ban pet meat consumption
- Ban on smoking everywhere
- Ban Disney Movies from getting Awards
- Ban glue traps
- Ban flirting
- Ban peanuts from schools
- Ban on all pork products in Federal Prisons
- Ban descriptive Identity Statements
- Ban potato chips unless they have labeled warnings on the bags
- Ban glue guns from sale at craft stores (They look like weapons!)
- Ban the term “Pizzagate”
- Ban .50 bullets
- Ban fried foods in daycare
- Ban the purchase of lottery tickets by those on welfare
- Ban tattoos on pets
- Ban listening on police scanners
- Ban flavored tobacco
- Ban plastic toy guns
- Ban Christians from public office (Ok, this is a Bernie Sanders ban, and he is a “progressive Independent”, not a “Democrat”. That what is in a name? After all, he did run as a Democrat primary candidate.)
- Ban the Sale of Spells
- Ban wearing masks in public
- Ban gun sales to those with misdemeanor offense history (Parking tickets?)
- Ban loud music
- Ban on preventing new Toll Booths and Toll Roads (More taxes, you know.)
- Ban frosted flakes
- Ban dogs off-leash
- Ban on throwing away leftovers
- Ban e-cigs (Yeah, they should smoke real cigars, don’t ya know.)
- Ban selling iPhones in New York
- Ban all sources of outside income from lawmakers
- Ban milkshakes (You know, to be healthy…)
- Ban microwave popcorn
- Ban on using E-cigarettes to smoke pot
- Ban US employers from asking about a job candidate’s salary history
- Ban drinking coffee when in a car
- Ban machete ownership
- Ban video games
- Ban ETS water heaters (yes. Those pesky darn Democrats actually got this banned through regulation.)
- Ban sales of ammo online
- Ban minors use of a tanning bed
- Ban lawnmowers
- Ban unsupervised cartwheels on the playground (this is in Australia, but I just had to include it here.)
- Ban fish farming and Here as well.
- Ban wearing Star Wars T-shirts
- Ban on following the Constitution
- Ban Internet sales of ammo
- Ban on Taxpayer-Funded Gun Research
- Ban using derogatory terms such as mascots
- Ban ammunition used in hunting
- Ban summer vacations
- Ban vasectomies
- Ban pastors from ministering to homosexuals
- Ban sales of Bibles
- Ban all Fast Food
- Ban asbestos
- Ban cross-hair symbols
- Ban drinking soda in public places
- Ban Nerf Guns
- Ban bump stocks
- Ban Redskins Clothing
- Ban any gun that looks like an “Assault Gun”
- Ban the words “husband” and “wife”
- Ban “bulk caffeine” products
- Ban bulletproof Plexiglas (It’s racist, don’t ya know.)
- Ban breeding captive killer whales in California.
- Ban popcorn sales at movie screenings (California)
- Ban semi-auto rifles
- Ban popcorn (In NYC, if you are going to ban soda, why not…)
- Ban the placement of the Confederate Flag on the graves of Confederate soldiers
- Ban of guns in churches
- Ban on exporting US oil
- Ban the use of crumb rubber on playground decking
- Ban felt sole waders and boots worn by anglers
- Ban on any video game that has violence
- Ban use of drones to assist in hunting or fishing
- Ban on E-cigarettes (It’s a “gateway drug”, don’t ya know.)
- Ban the college fencing team from practicing with their “weapons”
- Ban on glitter and glitter related products
- Ban on “Hate Speech” (Only have approved speech.)
- Ban on Free Speech (Or, not.)
- Ban Ice-cream vans
- Ban the word “welfare” (It’s demeaning and racist.)
- Ban on powdered caffeine (Is it a thing?)
- Ban eating ice-cream in city parks
- Ban running in the playground
- Ban easy to remember passwords
- Ban “right to work” laws
- Ban “dangerous” playground games (Like “Hide and Seek”. Dangerous.)
- Ban rent increases
- Ban “violent” first person shooter video games
- Ban vacation rentals in certain areas
- Ban home owners from renting their property out
- Ban toy weapons such as guns, knives and swords
- Ban income-based rent
- Ban on any ban on internet toll collecting activities (They want to be able to collect tolls.)
- Ban smoking in your car under all conditions
- Ban restaurant owner from working in his own kitchen
- Ban parents from teaching their children on how to use a firearm
- Ban flavored cigars (is it really a thing?)
- Ban on antiques that have elephant ivory in it
- Ban smoking in a car if there is a minor present
- Ban on smoking at beaches
- Ban on flights to South Carolina
- Ban facial scrubs
- Ban cigarette advertisements on the TV and radio
- Ban sales of “Black Rifle Coffee” in Massachusetts (It’s the name that is offensive.)
- Ban arrests of deadbeat tenants
- Ban wearing saggy pants and in this state as well
- Ban body armor
- Ban milk (not an exactly a call-out, its certainly a prep for a ban)
- Ban exposing underwear in public
- Ban Christmas (From a Catholic priest of all people.)
- Ban oil drilling in the gulf of Mexico (So Americans can import more oil from Saudi Arabia.)
- Limit men masturbating unless they are doing it in a sanctioned session at a hospital or clinic.
- Ban Handgun Advertisements
- Ban books on treating unwanted gay attraction
- Ban on bacon in Federal Prisons
- Ban universities from accepting money from beer companies
- Ban plastic silverware
- Ban harvesting horses for meat
- Ban poultry shows
- Ban wearing costumes in public
- Ban descriptive identity statements
- Ban feeding pigeons
- Ban Nerf guns (Someone can get hurt, or even worse; triggered.)
- Ban pistols
- Ban pencils from school
- Ban Alex Jones because he hurts people’s feelings
- Ban on flavored cigarettes (It’s racist, don’t ya know…)
- Ban cigarette vending machines and here and here
- Ban fried- food in the US Navy and here also
- Ban fried food in daycare
- Ban “open carry” in grocery stores
- Ban french fries in the White House
- Ban on feeding wildlife
- Ban open-carry in Starbucks (Democrats have been lobbying for this.)
- Ban BB Guns
- Ban “frosted flakes” cereal in daycare
- Ban steel-head fishing
- Ban selling e-cigarettes from vending machines
- Ban raffles
- Ban selling iPhones in New York
- Ban cheese on cheeseburgers (Lawyer is a Democrat. Figures.)
- Ban bingo
- Ban the second amendment right if you don’t bake a cake
- Ban pastors from ministering to homosexuals
- Ban hunting ammo
- Ban fast food
- Ban organized bird shoots
- Ban hunting with dogs
- Ban on threaded barrels in firearms
- Ban suntanning for anyone under the age of 18
- Ban Halloween
- Ban food sharing
- Ban on feeding the homeless
- Ban “open carry” in restaurants
- Ban on semi-automatic firearms (what part does “shall not be infringed” is so unclear?)
- Ban on cutting down live trees for Christmas trees
- Ban salmon fishing
- Ban the showing of the American flag at the DNC
- Ban “Proud to be an American” stickers
- Ban on potato guns
- Ban lapel pins that show the American flag (It’s not just the media, but the President as well.)
- Ban on using certain types of software
- Ban lead in ammo
- Ban on internet cafés
- Ban cultivation of pot (once it was made legal in the state)
- Ban wearing any tee-shirt in school that has a depiction of a gun or firearm
- Ban chocolate and strawberry flavored milk in schools in LA, and in NJ.
- Ban the first amendment on the Internet.
- Ban eel fishing
- Ban Junk food from food stamp program
- Ban on Redskins clothing
- Ban on feed and lures for game animals
- Ban on using “white potatoes” in welfare programs (It’s racist, don’t ya know…)
- Ban selling goods that come from countries that use slave or child labor
- Ban bicycle repair in parks
- Ban Valentine’s Candy
- Ban flowers and balloons from VA Hospitals
- Ban all firearms that use plastic in any part of it
- Ban mythical weapons
- Ban riding bicycles on Iowa roads that are used to move food from farm to distribution points (Organized by the Citizens for Safety Coalition of Iowa (CFSC)… sounds like a George Soros organization. Eh?)
- Ban men masturbating (as an act against an unborn child)
- Ban Bibles
- Ban greyhound racing
- Ban texting while driving
- Ban on following Congressional rules
- Ban peanuts and nut products
- Ban things that hang from vehicle rear bumpers that look like men’s genitalia.
- Ban serving peanuts on commercial airlines
- Ban Books, Speech That Violate LGBT Priorities
- Ban breast implants, silicon, textured, everything about them.
- Ban soda
- Ban on potatoes at school cafeterias
- Ban water fountains
- Ban all ammo used in weapons
- Ban on Christmas
- Ban .50 caliber revolvers
- Ban stolen guns
- Ban gillnet fishing
- Ban flamethrowers
- Ban texting while riding a bicycle
- Ban Auto Tents
- Ban pizza rolls
- Ban the Confederate flag from flying anywhere
- Ban ICE from operating within city limits
- Ban certain types of plant seeds
- Ban Foie Gras being served in restaurants
- Ban texting and walking at the same time (Maybe like banning chewing gum while walking…eh?)
- Ban felt-soled wader
- Ban sales of guns to Americans (The Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment be damned!)
- Ban saying “Merry Christmas” at VA centers
- Ban fireplaces
- Ban public expression of Biblical morality
- Ban ammo that is “popular“
- Ban Christmas trees at VA centers
- Ban using goose down in clothing
- Ban the State of the Union Address
- Ban use of EBT money at strip clubs
- Ban duck hunting
- Ban Asking Questions on Job Interviews
- Ban duck decoys
- Ban ornaments on Christmas trees
- Ban on hunting on Sunday
- Ban trapping and hunting in state parks
- Ban guns on roads (you can only have them on your property)
- Ban easy to open pill bottles
- Ban chocolate milk in schools
- Ban fellow Democrats from wearing label pins
- Ban funding for security at public schools
- Ban Police and armed guards from schools
- Ban saying “I am not racist” as a microaggression
- Ban tattoos on pets
- Ban all news that is not liberal or progressive
- Ban on dangerous knives in Florida
- Ban on butcher knives in New York
- Ban early football kickoffs
- Ban on MDMA (Yup. It was a democrat who changed the scheduling for it.)
- Ban growing pot outdoors
- Ban lead weights for fishing tackle
- Ban on lightbulbs (just they refuse to use the word “ban”)
- Ban on free speech on the Internet
- Ban pet goldfish
- Ban smokeless tobacco
- Ban muzzle-loaders
- Ban rapid ROF gun accessories
- Ban children’s meals that serve drinks other than milk or water
- Ban home gardens
- Ban smoking in the park
- Ban Berger Cookies
- Ban the Drudge Report
- Ban Trick or Treating over 12 years of age
- Ban tobacco in hospitals
- Ban yogurt (Part of the Obama “healthy military” program…)
- Ban “Happy Meal” toys
- Ban Therapy
- Ban importing snakes
- Ban Kinder Surprise
- Ban genetically modified salmon
- Ban plastic straws
- Ban tobacco coupons
- Ban the Pledge of Allegiance (The atheist arm of the DNC.)
- Ban the words “In God we Trust” on money (More DNC atheists.)
- Ban tobacco sales to anyone in the military
- Ban internet cigar sales
- Ban slingshots
- Ban on ammo clips
- Ban corporate donations
Hey, is it just me, but has anyone else noticed a trend here?

Busybodies always have a reason, a justification or a need to fulfill. When they are children, it is to show just who is better, stronger or more powerful. If they are smart, they become a “know-it-all”. If they aren’t, they become a bully. It is almost always associated with some emotional issue.
Today, as adults the motivations are not so clear and obvious. I personally think that it is more related to them coveting a new mansion or two, myself. Their excuses are pretty much predictable. “It’s for the children.”, or “It’s to put an end to racism.”, or it’s to “make the country safer”, or “it’s to end the divide between one group of the other”. Ugh! Nah. It’s all just bullshit excuses.
I am not the only one who noticed this.
“In fact, you probably did five illegal things before breakfast without having a clue about it, which you'll find out about the moment some liberal decides you have to be put in your place and looks for a way to do it. Liberals control what you eat, what clothes you wear, what TV you watch, what kind of car you drive, what size soda you can drink, and even what toilet or light bulb you can use in your house. Complain about it and you're accused of wanting to end restaurant inspections and safety standards that prevent cars from exploding.” -John Hawkins
Even my father, who was a life-long staunch Democrat, questioned the actions of these radical progressives. Now that he is dead and buried, I am sure that he will still be voting Democrat, even though, his heart is no longer in it.
The truth is plain as the nose on your face. They have no interests for anyone else except themselves. Someone gives them some money, and they use their power and influence to do their donor a favor (or two or three… for a price.) They come up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, but come on… please. It is obvious that they are just busybodies that have found a way to get rich being a stingy busybody. What a racket!
Both Republicans and Democrats are Busybodies
For the sake of fairness, here are some links to things that Republicans want to ban. After all, we should look at the entire picture. Both are busybodies. There is something about about politics that attract busybodies. It is just that Democrats are more active at it. Republicans just act like fat cats in their mansions and collect the money from “donors”. Heh heh…
Republicans want to…
- Ban abortions (I think that by now all Americans are aware of this. After all, the United States media is pretty fixated on this one issue, that and guns.)
- Ban the Death Penalty
- Ban child marriages
- Ban Yoga Pants
- Ban ethnic studies
- Ban Czars in the government
- Ban gender reassignment operations on military troops
- Ban eye tattoos
- Ban transgender soldiers
- Ban salmon net pens in the Atlantic Ocean
- Ban on the use of Stingrays without a warrant
- Ban sex dolls because they look like children
- Ban teen sexing
- Ban using food stamps for junk food
- Ban any laws that oppose GMO seed
- Ban string underwear
- Ban birth control pills (What? I find this hard to believe. Well, the article is from CNN- Fake News central.)
- Ban personal use of campaign funds
- Ban books about wizards and magic
- Ban the television show “The Bachelor”
- Ban life-saving research (WTF?)
- Ban live-streaming video recording on the Senate floor (Watch out CSPAN!)
- Ban illegal immigrants
- Ban Howard Zinn history books
- Ban Political Talk in School
- Ban Down-Syndrome abortions
- Ban arbitration-clauses on new credit cards offered by banks (Yeah, you can bet that some money exchanged hands on this. Eh?)
As such, the reader can see that individuals on both “side of the isle” are busybodies. While all the news coverage might give one the idea that Republicans are out to ban everything, and Democrats are opposed to the efforts that is just an illusion. The media has flooded the networks and internet with huge quantities of articles on the same tired subject.
For instance, there might be one hundred thousand articles on Republicans wanting to ban abortions, but only two articles on Democrats trying to ban pickles. It’s all just an illusion.
The truth is that both people are busybodies.
The political party that one ascribes to is just a formality. They just choose the one that has the greatest chance of them getting power. If they think it will be under the “Democrat Flag” then they become Democrats. (Like most politicians in New York City, for example.) If they think that they will have a better chance as a Republican, they become one, yet they will still vote like a Democrat. Good examples of this are John McCain, and Arlen Specter.
As far as being a busybody is concerned, those with a “D” after their name are much more aggressive at it. Those with an “R” after their name have to deal with an enormous media that will make an issue of everything that they do. Combined, this gives everyone a slanted coverage of who these people are and what they are doing.
Obviously, the media is not doing their Constitutional responsibility. But, that is an article for another time…
Obviously, those elected to office isn’t taking their responsibilities seriously either…
Taxing what you can’t ban
When I was compiling this list of things that Democrats want to ban, I can across a smaller, but significant list of things they want to tax. It is almost like “if you cannot ban it, then tax it.” then, if they cannot tax it outright… “rename the tax as a use fee” or some thing similar. It’s almost like Bizzaro World…
Taxing tap water
NEW JERSEY (FOX5NY) - Never short on ideas for things to tax, lawmakers in New Jersey are considering a tax on tap water. The proposal is being floated by State Sen. Bob Smith D-Middlesex, who is trying to say it's not actually a tax but a 'user fee'. "It is a user fee based on volume," Smith told Fox 5's Chasing New Jersey.
What you can do?
Hey, I am always open for new links to things that people are trying to ban. Please collect them and post them here. I will add them to the list.
Many of the things that we deal with now, are the result of an effort by a busybody to ban things. If you the reader have a link to an article regarding this, please post them here. I am really interested in collecting them.

For instance, which government official got Jarts banned? Or how about the genius that put those stupid “child protective caps” on pill bottles? Which official insisted in making analog broadcasting of video television illegal, and forcing digital on us? Who’s great idea was it to make sure that shirts and shoes needed to be worn inside a restaurant?
Heck, you go to another country, and they have none of these bans. Yet, life goes on and people are happy, productive and living life. What is Americas’ malfunction?
Busybodies. Always trying to improve our world. Taking one freedom away at a time.
What is the point of all this?
- Busybodies are everywhere.
- Crazy / evil people use other people (often young) as tools to further their agendas.
- They organize them, finance them, and provide support in terms of media propaganda, and use of aligned confederates.
- The agenda is usually towards major changes in society or governance.
- The general population is typically slow to react to this type of attack.
- When there is eventually a response, the result is typically contentious and disturbing.
We know all of this because it has happened in the past. In fact it has happened over and over in the past. The playbook has not changed, even though certain elements of conflict has advanced technologically.
As such, in China…
- China experienced a SWJ event around 1966. This was known as the “Cultural Revolution”. The communist leadership used the movement to control unrest and strengthen it’s power base.
- The movement was a disaster, and almost destroyed the nation.
- A second movement began in 1997. It was also led by SWJ leadership. It was known as “The Pro-Democracy Movement”.
- It was supported and partially financed for powerful non-Chinese forces. They wanted to change the government and leadership of China.
- The Chinese government suppressed this activity, and hunted down all the leadership and their followers.
- Surviving remnants of the “Pro-Democracy moment”, set up cells within traditional Chinese organizations. Thus the SWJ take over of the “Falun Gong” began.
- China suppressed this movement and all elements of it.
- Today, China has zero tolerance for any SWJ activity.
Meanwhile in the United States…
- Active “Progressive Democratic” / “Socialist” elements have taken over the American political party known as Democrats.
- They have infiltrated all levels of society and have virtually full control of most American media outlets, court systems, congress and many support organizations. They operate as a “Deep State”.
- They have organized into “movements”. These movements are all SWJ but each has their own objective. They include (unorganized) SWJ, BLM (Black Lives Matter), AntiFa (a socialist organization that advertises itself as anti-Nazi), as well as smaller splinter groups.
- There is apparently no action being taken to suppress the activities of thes organizations.
Will we ever get rid of busybodies? Nope. I find it unlikely. However, I do like the Chinese method of controlling busybodies. They put them down humanely. (Three years of organ harvesting, then death. The family is then billed for the cost.) The Chinese society is too large, and too complex to have such interruptions and disruptions. They have well learned from their last mistake when they permitted Chinese SJW’s to run reckless and rampant. It was ugly. As such, it will never be permitted to reoccur.
One can only hope that soon the United States will recognize the kind of threat that busybodies represent before it gets out of hand.
Take Aways
- Busybodies are everywhere (except in China).
- Historically, busybodies cause great damage to the societies that they influence.
- Busybodies are either mentally ill, or are using the venue for selfish purposes.
- Busybodies hate being called that name. They prefer to be called something like “Hero of the people”.
- In the United States today, busybodies have organized into two major and aligned groups; the Democrats and the SJW. Other groups include the BLM, Antifa and any organization with the word “democratic” in it.
- Being a busybody can be profitable, as long as the people are unaware of your intentions.
- In general, busybodies can become very wealthy at the expense of the destruction of society.
- Busybodies are not tolerated in China.
Q: What freedoms do busybodies restrict?
A: All of them. There are no limits to the restrictions that a busybody can try to limit.
Q: Is America free?
A: America was initially designed to be a place where everyone was free. Over the years, that freedom permitted busybodies to behave badly. In so doing, they started to infringe on the freedoms of others. As a result, over the years, many freedoms have been taken away or severely limited. Today, America is a place where freedom barely limps along.
Q: How does banning something limit freedom?
A: It works like this;
• Freedom is an ability to do what you want.
• A restriction is an inability to do something that you want.
• A ban takes a freedom and turns it into a restriction.
Q: Why do Democrats, and SJW people want to restrict freedoms?
A: They justify their actions in many ways. However, if you tear away all their excuses it boils down to either [1] ignorance though propagandized education, [2] mental illness, or [3] greed.
The person who banned sand on playgrounds did not have a loved one get hurt on sand. The person who banned candles did not have their home damaged by a candle fire. The person who wants to ban motorcycles, doesn’t ride one. The person wanting to force the Amish to put anti-lock brakes on their horse drawn carriages is neither Amish, nor interacts with any of them.
They often have OTHER REASONS for their actions.
Q: What does SWJ’s have to do with MAJestic?
A: Nothing. It has nothing to do with MAJestic. Our extraterrestrial benefactors couldn’t care less about how we run our lives. Their primary concern is the battle over sentience dominance. The ultimate result of this nursery is to have one primary sentience for humans so that we can evolve into an approved archetype. Until that happens, we will remain segregated in this nursery.
Q:Why all this talk about China and Busybodies?
A: In the United States, the media and the Internet is all “lit up” over the SWJ phenomenon. Yet, it is all either cheering on the SWJ’s or reporting with prejudice. No one is discussing what to do about these people, the forces behind all the terror, and what laws or rules would be best served to control those trying to turn society on its’ head. No one seemingly know what to.
Yet, China had this experience in the past. The first time was 1966, and the people and the government stood by and let it run it’s course and the nation almost collapsed as a result. Then, in 1989 it reoccurred again. This time, China knew what to do and took steps to suppress all the chaos.
America, and the American citizens are different from the Chinese. Yet in many ways we are very similar. Rather that sitting alone in our own propaganda-filled “fake news” echo chamber, Americans should look at China and copy their very effective techniques. As I stated previously, China does not mess around.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Articles & Links
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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- First draft 12MAR18.
- Double-checking the people who were banning the items required some effort. It turns out that most articles did not state the political alignments of the people who were involved with the ban. Therefore, I would need to go find out the actual individuals involved, if the articles did not specify them, and then research what their political policy alignments were. Obviously, this took a long time. This particular article was first drafted in 2013 and resided in an “active” folder for years until I repurposed the information towards a blog post.
- Updated 11APR18.
- Internet ready 21APR18.
- Edited per request 22APR18.
- SEO check 6MAY18
- Edited by request 8MAY18.
- Added additional bans, all from Democrats unfortunately. 7JUL18.
- Added link on Chinese AI to recognize anyone in the world. 10JUL18.