Tag: rage
Rage as a tool
Rage is an emotion, and as such it can be useful or dangerous. It’s up to us to figure out how to use it adequately. Many people would use other techniques to funnel their rage so that it wasn’t destructive.
Some would run, lift weights, or apply themselves in sports.
Others would internalize it, drink, brawl, or jut be an asshole.
Still others funnel that rage into music.
Those of us who are from the United States, or from the Domain, or have survived a broken marriage, a bad boss, or a corrupt government have all experienced real cold rage. I know I have. And I do my best to control it, least my “incredible hulk” comes out.
This post is going to be a tad different.
And it isn’t for everyone. What this post contains is some pretty harsh rock-n-roll music that has often served me (personally) in releasing and dealing with rage.
As such, it’s a bid dangerous and a tad toxic if you are not ready for it.
If you are not ready, then just skip this article and wait for a calmer and gentler post tomorrow. But if you are ready, or willing, or adventuresome, then have some fun…
Here we go…
Austin Meade – Happier Alone
A Day To Remember: Miracle [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Zero 9:36 – Adrenaline (Official Video)
Bring Me The Horizon feat. BABYMETAL – Kingslayer
Wolfgang Van Halen – Mammoth WVH: Distance (Official Music Video)
Seether – Bruised And Bloodied (Official Music Video)
AC/DC – Shot In The Dark (Official Video)
Beartooth – Below / Devastation (Live at St. Augustine Amphitheater)
AC/DC – Realize (Official Video)
Papa Roach – The Ending (Remastered)
Greta Van Fleet Candlelight Sessions – Broken Bells (Live)
Greta Van Fleet – Heat Above (Live)
Five Finger Death Punch – Living The Dream (Official Music Video)
Daughtry – Heavy Is The Crown (Official Music Video)
Pop Evil – Breathe Again (Official Music Video)
I Prevail – Every Time You Leave (Official Music Video) ft. Delaney Jane
Rise Against – Nowhere Generation
Architects – “Animals”
The Pretty Reckless – And So It Went (Official Music Video)
The HU – Wolf Totem feat. Jacoby Shaddix of Papa Roach (Official Music Video)
Bring Me The Horizon – Teardrops (Official Video)
Papa Roach x Jeris Johnson – Last Resort Reloaded (Official Music Video)
Chevelle – Self destructor (Official Music Video)
Five Finger Death Punch – A Little Bit Off (Official Music Video)
Foo Fighters – Waiting On A War (Official Video)
Part 11 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 11.
Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. This is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpret the responses.
[11.1a] Question – Death Metal Music
Questioner is correct. The frequency patterns associated with certain types of music and musical patterns act as keys that unlock "software programs" with are but associative mechanisms of quantum clusters. These particular ones are tied to a emotional / biological component that is shared with deep friendships and relationships between IS-BE entities. In the case of this particular questioner, the association that the entity has is "spot on". And the ability to uncloak the association shows a gentle unveiling of memory and quantum associations between the questioner, their friendships, relationships and "tribe membership" related to specific tasks, duties, and operational involvements in regards to prior activities. In this specific case, the operational associations were attuned to the frequencies and patterns associated with "death metal" and that is a comforting association associated with tribe membership and cadre belonging.
There seems to be a strong attachment for hard “death metal” Rock n’ roll, and membership as Domain Military.
It’s not absolute, of course. There are millions of people who love “death metal” and Hard Acid Rock, in certain forms. While there are just a few hundred imprisoned members of the Domain “Lost Battalion”. -MM
[11.1b] Question – Followup
Followup question from 11.1a…
Wow. I guess I want to ask if it’s possible to get specifics, like if this represents some of the relationships I had with my <redacted>, or some of the volunteers that came to operate on me or something. Or maybe I need to read something (a hint, I guess) so I can do a better job of recalling the relevant memory?
Questioner is fully cognizant of the implications of this. Questioner is in contact with some core <internal cadre, family members, close associations> who are part of the task team associated with questioner extraction. This is also facilitated with questioner mantid (sic) which is acting as a <relay point, transmission tower, injection / host, attribute appliance ?> in this effort. Questioner should not eject the feelings, emotions or thoughts in regards to this form of communication and the information thus provided.
[11.2a ] Question – Original members pre-mod
Pre-Old Empire Earth has been on my mind, and how it’s continued alongside the prison planet mods. And how quanta configurations/species work.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could ask the following:
What happened to the original members of the species modified to be used as inmate suits? Were they all altered/incarcerated or are there still free ones about?
The vast majority of the species present on the worlds that underwent the transformation of pre-Old Empire to Prison Complex were unmodified. The ONLY ones modified were those that served as the vehicles for inmate containers. In these cases, they were modified as follows... Inmate "Skin Suits" [1] Human [2] Horses [3] Elephants [4] Dolphins [5] Llamas [6] <a certain selection of minor creatures that are permitted to cohabit with unmodified versions of their species. Too numerous to list here. Feeling and thoughts on this subject is far larger than what I am able to place here. Listing above is "representative only".> Higher Energy "skin suits" [7] Mantid (human) [8] <not clear> (horses) [9] <not clear> (elephants) [10] <not clear> (dolphins) [11] <not clear> (Llamas) [12] others Functionally, all humans (with the exceptions of visitors) are inmates wearing "skin suits". For other species the issues is quite complex and would be far too confusing to elaborate on at this time. There is only <redacted, as there are too many issues involved in the dissemination of this information, and other "hand holding / learning exercises must be established first before this discussion can continue in meaningful detail.>
[11.2b ] Question – Visitation
Could a pre-prison planet human configuration be getting used by some to experience Earth while avoiding the incarceration loop?
Yes. Occasional human forms visit the prison complex in their natural suits, and are not affected by the influences by the prison complex. However they too have limitations, and are exposed to dangers in this prison complex that makes the visitation quite dangerous affairs. This is why they rarely visit the complex without accompaniment. Often visitations are in secure locations and under Domain supervisions. (With occasional supervision by approved third parties.)
[11.3 ] Question – High frequency sound
I never thought I would have a question for the Domain commander as most folks here at MM ask pretty relative questions, for the most part. From those Q & A’s I always gain some insight and some valuable intel. With that said, I do have one question.
I continuously hear (in my head) a constant frequency sound much like that of an OSHA sponsored hearing test. Most of the time, the frequency is at a constant high frequency tone. Other times, however, there will be lower tones, usually of short duration (no longer than a minute) as if the sine wave is ramping down to a slower Hz. Much like an electric motor controlled by a frequency inverter.
So, my question is this: Are these frequencies that I’m hearing part of thought monitoring and/or subliminal communication and by whom?
Sounds, as defined by the questioner, are not part of thought monitoring, or subliminal communication. Questioner is well known. Questioner is Domain volunteer. Questioner is modified. Questioner has a Domain support group. Questioner is monitored at various levels. This includes thoughts, and actions. No ill-will is intended, but rather the monitoring is for reasons of Domain usefulness. Situation is of self. The questioner is hearing the audible frequency of self. This is something that some oriental religions use to "home into" so as to focus on their meditations and "spiritual growth". Questioner, and numerous readers, have the ability to listen in on their frequencies of self. With practice they can "tune into" the frequencies of higher and lower selves, and even isolate the sounds that they pick up to isolate the various sub-components and harmonics of it. These are important skills for consciousness to use to isolate various elements of consciousness from the various non-physical bodies and elements. There is no danger in tuning into these sounds. The questioner is hearing the various limits and shapes of the frequency profiles of self and is developing a skill set that (inadvertently) came into being after some (of his) non-physical skin suits were modified by Domain.
[11.4] Question – Feedback on Mantid Videos
This is a direct communication between MM and the Commander. I want to know how accurate, or inaccurate I am in the descriptions as to what Mantids are.
They are accurate.
It was a terse answer with no further detail. And perhaps with (a kind of) disgust directed at me that I am questioning my guidance. I wanted some “feedback” on my effort. I was not expecting this. -MM
[11.5 ] Question – Rainbow lines
I have been seeing these pulsating rainbow lines and am wondering what they are? They are very thin like fishing line and form a diamond like pattern of a net. I can only see it when I’m really concentrating on the area around me. A friend said I should bring it up with the commander. Am I catching glimpses of traps?
Thank you for all that you do.
Questioner has a distortion that affects the visual interpretation of physical reality as viewed by the synapses in the brain. This is not of serious concern. It is something that sometimes occurs when there is an activation of "higher sensory perception" <trigger chambers?> in the non-physical bodies. This is a sensory overload that results from a data transmission path that is congested or blocked and overwhelms the sensory mechanisms in the biological <caprice, object, body, system> of the individual. This is nothing to be overly concerned about. If questioner desires to enhance this skill-set instead of discounting it as a physical manifestation of a on-going situational input stimulus, then the questioner can do so and discover some non-physical senses would be enhanced though the stimulation.
[11.6] Question – Non-physical effects of nuclear bombs
it was mentioned in AI that Airl’s crew were investigating the effects of nuclear bombs being tested when their ship crashed in Roswell.
There has also been various reports of UFOs buzzing facilities housing nuclear weapons. Apart from the obvious effects of fallout etc affecting the physical world, do these weapons do damage to the non physical worlds as well?
If so what kind of damage can on expect to find in, say, a non physical bubble universe directly “next” (for lack of a better word) to this one if a nuclear weapon is detonated here? What sort of damage did Chernobyl do?
Nuclear weapons are very dangerous. They create great physical and non-physical damage. The weapons that were unleashed in this (geographic region of space) by their wars of conquest (by the Old Empire) created a great loss for many species, and all their spiritual components. This region of space was at one time a very lush, rich and prosperous regions of all manner of species of all sizes and shapes. However, after their ruinous wars they devastated the land and "salted it" for many, many millions of years. The physical devastation is clear and well understood by most MM readers. What is not understood is the magnitude of the destruction. It was complete and "primitive" at a level that reduced everything to near primeval states. The non-physical destruction was horrific. In fact, for a long time, the non-physical regions of this geographic region of space are "danger zones" and normal actions are not possible; it's a ruinous (non-physical) land of dangers, and strange unexpected interactions between thought and physical components. As such, thoughts can create undesirable effects, and all sorts of bad, and undesirable things can happen if sucked into these minefields" of voids. This is why the Old Empire chose this region (partially) for the prison complex. The nature of the non-physical geography is in itself; very dangerous traps and snares.
[11.7] Question – Feedback on the Heaven Videos
This is a direct communication between MM and the Commander. I want to know how accurate, or inaccurate I am in the descriptions as to what the structure of the main, reality, and heaven universes are.
The videos are effective for the purposes intended. At this point in time, no further detail is needed, were there to be greater detail, we will provide it and you will transcribe it as is your duty.
Sigh. -MM
[11.8] Question -Connection to Domain
Questioner has a prior contract with Domain. (Before this present life-line, in another body, and at another time. -MM) This is the questioners second try in escaping this prison complex. Prior life (reincarnation) questioner tried / attempted to pray his way out of the complex. (Image of priest, church, religious setting, much praying. Catholic cross, and religious iconology.) This was unsuccessful. Upon death, questioner was tricked / manipulated by his mantid self into the warm embrace of (earth time) forgotten loves, associations and friends, and was led back (yet again) into the Heaven pocket universe. Questioner was contacted by Domain at that point <non-physical> and was working with mantid resources and Domain liaison to create this (present) low-potential escape-way. Questioner is further along in escape and departure / egress than what was initially expected. Questioner departed from highest probability path by unexpected event chain and is now here in the MM "state of mind".
[11.9] Question – Searching for answers
I have a feeling, a strong feeling that who you were referring to as ” Old Empire” was myself.
I have no memories at all re this but in all honesty it has been my gut feeling since I started this journey with you.
I am rattled and saddened greatly as I fell I quite possibly could have been OE military, it resonates sadly man, so much so I had tears, both of shame and joy when watching the vid,
The offer of a new home made me emotional, very much so.
I also feel I could be the first OE operative ( if it is my reality) in a position to leave but my transition to Domain will not be beer and skittles I would think, I have much shame” in knowing” and others may never accept me, it’s not what or who you are but who you can become yes?
MM I need one more thing mate please, really.
I need to know what I have done, like yourself and your construction parts history, The DC knows for certain and I need to fill that void in my memory. Only if I am worthy of knowing though. I guess reconstruction of my quanta will also take place. If what I feel is correct then I am so so sorry and will have to carry my shame forever.
Love to you man hey, really
Entity was Old Empire as described. Questioner fled into the "Prison Complex" upon it's unit defeat in the battled of <unclear, confused, garble> (Impression I have is of a space battle in and around our solar system). Questioner fled into the complex knowing the consequences of such an action. Questioner, at that time, greatly feared Domain. His superiors and "news / telecommunication" mediums filled the population with great fears. It was used to control them, and they were terrified of Domain capture and the punishments that they could look forward to. Questioner felt (at that time) that a life inside the Old Empire Prison complex was more desirable to that of the "Hell" that awaited it under Domain. Questioner voluntarily entered soul and consciousness segregation and partitioning. It's "mantid(s)" established "camouflage" templates for it to exist within. (Whereas most Old Empire leadership would enter the prison complex and set up templates of luxury, and ornate power, this entity was military, and it's thoughts were in terms of survival, evasion and escape. The templates have all been "average", and nothing that would stand out of the normal.) Questioner was a military member of "Old Empire". Was talented and practiced. It was a career militarist, and was not of the same kind of "evil" and corrupt character as the Old Empire Leadership was. Questioner's shame is misplaced. Domain have no problems with this prior combatant, and view it as "paid it's price". In fact, many time worse than what the Domain would have done were it not to have fled and escaped as it has. Domain consider this entity to have long "paid it's dues" and wish to welcome it and embrace it as one of it's own. Domain welcomes it's parolee outside of the Prison Complex that it finds itself in.
Translation: Domain welcomes the questioner to leave the Prison Complex with no ill feelings. Even join Domain if that is the desire of the entity. -MM
[11.10] Question – Seth
I’d like to ask the Commander if they can tell us whether a series of books known as ‘The Seth Material’ is a genuine communication, over many years, between a now deceased human named ‘Jane Roberts’ and a disembodied entity named ‘Seth’, or if it’s (a very clever) hoax.
The reason I ask is that, like most folks on here, I expect, I’m a big seeker after Truth, and the Seth Material entity speaks very much like a member of The Domain– at least in my limited understanding he does. Much of what Airl and the Domain Commander ‘speak of’ is also spoken of by Seth; except he never mentions a Prison Planet. He also speaks of what Metallicman has been reporting about for years now: True nature of reality and the universe; individual paths along the MWI; quantum reality and thoughts as real substance.
If Seth is genuine, I believe these works would be a great resource– lots and lots of helpful detail– for any Metallicman followers, in that Seth also goes into ‘prayer campaigns’– focused thoughts– in a LOT of detail, and the importance of doing good works and directing one’s thinking toward positive outcomes, and much more besides. It’s a fascinating alternative glimpse into true reality and if it’s a hoax, it’s a brilliant one. Seth also has quite the sense of humour as the Domain and Mantids do, too.
Interestingly, Seth also says that ‘revelations’ from his kind ‘are permitted’ about once every 30 years or so to many people around the world and are not really reported on for obvious reasons in this statist society. I thought it was interesting that Metallicman’s works are a generation or so after Seth, and could be a continuation of a process that the Domain knows about– or some inter-dimensional grouping known to the Domain; kind of like what D.M. has referred to.
Lastly, Seth also speaks of the importance of action, rather than thought or reflection as ends in themselves– and that human beings are creatures of action; and need to ‘be active’ in order to live fully, or be complete. A much maligned practice in the world of the metaverse we know inhabit. The Commander also spoke of this action, too. I recall their messages about contemplation/meditation not being of much use as far as escaping the Prison Planet reality– rather, activated and focused thought along with unselfish RUFUS-like behaviour is the way out.
Just a few too many coincidences as far as I’m concerned! Metallicman has provided us with his own unique human insights about his experience, but Seth to me sounds like a true resident of the Never Never. But he has lived numerous lives on Earth– and confirms that we all do.
MM can attest that his mother was a follower of Seth. Seth is one venue out of many that are busy providing egress paths for people to follow. Questioner must recognize that there are many different kinds of people each one with greatly divergent pasts, knowledge and education. There is no singular path out of the Prison Complex, but many. Some paths require multiple incarnations to get to the point of egress. While other paths provide direct means and direct pathways; like superhighways. Questioner should realize that there is not relative "best" advisor for egress, but rather multiple "roadmaps". It depends on the person, and their method of travel. If one drove a car, then a travel map would be appropriate, while a different kind of map would be necessary were they to travel by helicopter. Seth is designed as a multi-stage egress platform / kit for use by certain seekers. MM is a different system, and it is designed for a different kind of person. The questioner has altered perceptions to embrace both methodology in their ultimate objectives.
Ah, you are “good to go”. -MM
[11.11a] Question – Law of One
Hi MM, thank you again for your extraordinary dedication to this ongoing communication. I’m not certain where questions are to be posted, so here is mine., background first:
Don Elkins and Carla Ruckert conducted and published a dialog with a spiritual IS-BE group who identified themself as Ra about 40 years ago. It was titled The Law Of One. The concept of sentience sorting into STO and STS polarities, as the main task to be completed in our current series of lifetimes, is presented as a plan assisted by them. This idea, although without any reference to a prison system, has striking similarities to the Commander’s messages.
Is Ra part of the Domain, part of the Mantid group, or neither of them?
The idea or concept of sorting into sentience (STO, STS, others) is a Domain requirement. This is unique to Domain. Domain is the administration control over this regions of physical space. No other group, no matter how powerful, or no matter what pedigree, has that authority. Sorting is the technique used to determine which consciousnesses can leave the Prison Complex, and which needs to stay. [1] Only Domain is able to make that judgement. [2] Only Domain is able to take that judgement on an individual consciousness and enable / permit egress out of prison. [3] Only Domain is able to grant parole to egressed inmates. [4] Only Domain has a system in place to take the orphaned consciousnesses and reconfigure their quantum makeup to regroup back to their former hive, matrix or other soul forms. Domain was active in dissemination of this understanding to the human population. We used different vehicles to do so. In this event sequence, the 80/20 rule manifested, of the entirety of contacts that obtained our direction (in various means including walk-ins) only 20% were able to disseminate the message regarding sentience sorting. This group that the questioner has referred to is one such group. And it has been successful in it's task. Yet why this sentience sorting HAD and NEEDED to occur wasn't always made clear to the audience. This resulted in some misunderstandings, as well as certain manipulations by "bad actors" for reasons of personal profit.
[11.11b] Question – Law of One
Is the idea of spiritual existence organized into density octaves of 7 levels each, which comprise a ‘journey’ of spiritual development back to the creator, valid?
It is a technique used to convey understanding. It is only as accurate as it's utility. MM provides understanding. It too, is only as accurate as it's utility. The purpose behind communication of this kind of arcane information is in regards to its utility in understanding. Different peoples understandings will vary from person to person. Thus the utility becomes different. There are many ways to group the periodic table of elements. Each grouping has it's own utility depending on who is using that table. If the questioner finds the Ra teachings of utility then it is advised to follow it.
I am providing some examples here for the reader to understand what the Commander is talking about. As it is comm with me, and uses my references to communicate.
Here’s the most common table. This is the one that most people think is the “correct one”.

Here’s other tables, in other forms and shapes, depending on the needs of the user. There is not “correct table”.

[11.11c] Question – Law of One
If so, can you reconcile/elaborate/integrate this idea of ‘Densities’ with regard to the Domain, Mantids, and MWI?
Thank You!
Well, that was terse. Sheech! – MM
Please do not be taken aback by that abrupt and terse answer.
The imagery that I received was a discrete “package” that pretty much explains that terminology is associated with specific projects or actions. For instance, a “spanner wrench” is associated with automotive repair, while a MRI is associated with a medical procedure.
I got the distinct impression that the term “densities” is a “catch all” phrase used to describe things in a general manner. While the audience (herein) are far more advanced and other terms and systems should be used for more specific questions.
Which, of course, scares me. As I have to define the terms for each specific situation that we will get involved in. Yikes! Sounds like a heck of a lot of work for ol’ MM here.
Also, this is a big question. “Domain, Mantids, and MWI” include EVERYTHING that I (as MM) talk about. The impression that I have is that the readership are too mature and advanced to rely on simplistic terms. Anyways, that is the response that I obtained.
I would suggest some very specific questions related to your thoughts, experiences, or wonderings. Then we can go from there, and try to incorporate the ideas of “densities” with specific contexts.
[11.12] Question – Overwhelming Old Empire systems
- Earth is one of many prison complexes in operation.
- Human populations have been increasing for 10,000+ years, and relatively recently the population has exploded, increasing exponentially.
- Thus, earth seems to be a desirable destination for souls/ISBEs or are other prison complexes are closing down and souls need somewhere to be incarcerated – earth being the melting pot of nonconformity.
- If this is accurate, then mantid numbers must also be increasing (I assume 1 mantid per human/soul).
- If earth/humans are heading towards some cataclysm, per Deagal Forecast and USA actions, then is there a concern that heaven and the brain washing mechanisms can be overwhelmed when people go over to the other side (heaven), and if so what happens.
- Can the Domain comment on this and where are all these extra ISBEs, assuming I phrased my question understandably.
Answered carefully with an "alert chill". First off, the population of humans, dolphins, horses, elephants, etc is an illusion. They are empty containers for the most part (shadow people -MM) The actual inmate population is less than the apparent population of the earth. Not every container has an element of consciousness within it. The only ones of consequence are those that involve your consciousness. Secondly, the prison population has been growing for many years. However, this growth has slowed down considerably since Domain has acquired control over this sector. The only "new" souls are the constructed ones created in the Heaven pocket universes. These are constructs; much like MM is a construct from elements of Mades Escapleon. Third point. The Old Empire Prison Complex is under Domain control. It consists of multiple planetary systems. Each one has it's own unique issues, problems, and overall plans established by Domain. None are being phased out. Instead, rather, they are being refurbished as "parole centers" for those sentience's that are not yet ready for release. Fourth point. Mantid membership is a function of higher energy quanta. This is fixed, but associated with the lower energy consciousness. Since the population is mostly stable in the closed-cell environment, the number of mantids (sic) are stable. This includes the new constructed soul (derived) consciousnesses, as they too must have an associated higher energy (mantid GP and Prime) to function. Fifth Point. Domain is proceeding towards "small bads" instead of "Large Bads" in regards to the Deagal forecast. The transition stations are well populated and readied for an influx of pockets of consciousness. These will come in arrival grouping of clusters and will not overwhelm the strengthened systems that we have put in place. Contrary to the impressions that one might have from reading the <inaccurate?> Deagel report, the trend-lines will NOT be sudden, but will be an accumulation of event sequences that will increase the transition period for many humans from life to death. The change in the status quo will be gradual and occur over a period of time. It will not be sudden. It will manifest as a clear increase in the rate of death to a point where it becomes more noticeable than the media reports are to hide it.
I am a believer in the Deagel Report, but apparently the Commander believes things a tad differently.
It did not say that the report was wrong, but rather that the illusion that one might get from reading it will lead one towards erroneous conclusions as to what is actually going on. -MM
[11.13a] Question – an energetic sensation
Something happened to me today that hasn’t happened for awhile and I was wondering if the commander could shed some light on what it is (or you if you know the answer).
Sometimes, usually when i am driving, but can also be when I am just lounging around, I get this energetic sensation.
If you have ever had an operation and had morphine injected intravenously, it kind of feels like the initial part where it goes into your vein, how you get that sort of warm feeling that shoots all around your body. It’s like you can feel it in your blood coursing throughout your body. it is an incredibly potent feeling and makes one feel rather good and invincible; it is hard to not just sit there and veg out on its feeling.
It has a tendency to make you feel quite sleepy.
I have noticed that I get this when i think of specific things to do with my tasks, and some thoughts generate a more potent reaction to others.
Question: is this a “nudging” from a higher source, like the Domain, EG, Mantids etc, and if so who?
Questioner is getting input, or a higher energy nature, that is not generally normal for the standard skin suit. This is a function of his role within an organization that he has committed to, and the higher energy is designed to assist him in his tasks. The over all effect of this injection of energy is an awakening of latent (astral travel / LD / PSI / ESP) abilities. The questioner should find some skills arise from disuse in the near future. Perhaps in the late Spring or early Summer. It will depend on the energy partitioning with his partner. As he is the "capacitor" that is used to "charge" the energy streams with his direct partner. This is an agreed to alteration of his skin suit, and is in agreement with his mantid GP (sic). There is a transfer of certain quanta packages from the mantid cluster and reapportioning to "pockets" / key-ways in the non-physical bodies. The direction of this alteration of his non-physical body is the leadership of his parent organization. The participants of this action are his mantid GP (sic) and his partner.
[11.13b] Question – an energetic sensation
Question: Am I correct in assuming that it is nudging me towards a specific thought, and that if take those moment to rest I may receive a download of information.
Yes. The questioner is correct. In this case, the questioner needs to adjust to the alterations and then practice in handling the changes in input. The questioner needs to heighten awareness for the information discharge.
[11.14] Question – Fractional son
Questioner's son is a fractional. Fractional entities are IS-BEs who have been separated into multiple consciousness's and placed into different bodies for the purposes of control and "education" as determined by the mantid Primes (sic). Questioners son is a fractional with Domain elementals. We are monitoring this skin-suit and have a team engaged in the monitoring of the entity in question. All consciousnesses are treated as unique self-aware entities and are thus handled as individuals. Questioner cannot answer or relay information for this individual without subjecting it to risk and potential danger. It is the responsibility for the fractional itself to do so.
[11.15] Question
I think I’ve just connected with a lost battalion member.
She emailed me after coming across my site. She says she is another astral warrior and related some very familiar experiences of hers within the astral planes/ lucid dreaming, and being contacted by other non physical beings that randomly showed up (physically) and took her to what sounds like a similar place I went to.
She’s gone through all the astral training both me and <redacted> have gone through, including all the consciousness and timeline stuff.
I am wondering if the Domain are able to do a similar check on like they did with Miri’s baker friend? i plan on sending her your way, but not entirely sure how to proceed. MM, without going into details our conversation, if she is not Domain then, she is definitely some one special.
She said her ethereal name is Ayanna, Soul name is Sfeah, Human name is Tabatha, if that helps.
Target is not Domain. Target is (indeed) a very special consciousness. This consciousness is on a "fast track" towards egress from this prison planet environment though repeated (previous reincarnation) attempts. They are active in a number (not singular) "escape" groups. The are aggressive and already has a full escape plan in with association with your parent organization. They have already (step by step) reassembled their <portable / isolated> soul cluster outside of the Heaven pocket universe, and thus are already on their way towards egress independent of Domain assistance. Questioner is advised to respect this entity and provide assistance as they might request it to be.
[11.16] Question – Fate
You had an interesting story last year about a fellow who was fated to hang (it was his destiny). He was however, granted several wishes by a genie, but however he tried to change his fate, he was still hung.
My question then, can we escape our fate (destiny)?
For example, if we are fated to hang, can we escape the hangman’s noose and live a full enchanted life. Concurrently, nobody (or very few) actually know what their fate is, so how can we escape our fate without knowing what our fate is?
Fate is a function of the gravitational influences on the physical body. It can either be in relative favor, or relative disfavor. On a functional basis it can be viewed as a measure of the relative ease that a consciousness is able to exist within the prison complex environment. Destiny is a function of the world line template (sic). A consciousness can travel upon the template and alter the events that it may experience. However, all templates are predetermined by the mantid prime / consciousness within the pocket Heaven universe. The consciousness may elect to create a new template from which to occupy, but it requires a strong sense of will and concentrated power of thought. Unless maintained, the consciousness will default to the pre-birth world-line template (sic) and in that event the end of the life will be pre-determined. The only true and real way to escape this situation of living a fated template life is to exit the "reality universe" and enter the "main universe" while being part of a soul cluster of some type. Once that is accomplished, the idea of purpose in regards to physical experiences enters a completely different kind of understanding.
[11.17] Question – Tibetan Book of the Dead (Thödol)
A question to the Commander about the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Thödol) and its instructions, on which light to follow or not follow after death.
Are these buddhist texts wrong, should you not go into any light (bright or dull) at all, and instead of that stay calm and call the Domain for pickup?
How are these instructions in the Thödöl to be interpreted?
Where do they come from?
For clarifying, from the Tibetan Book of the Dead: HERE
In the first Bardo, the Chikhai Bardo, the deceased will experience the primary clear light at the last breath.
And a second clear light half an hour after the last expiration.
Both lights lead to freedom/liberation the Thödöl says.
But only holy men grab the moment it seems, ordinary people miss it and go into the second bardo after being three days unconscious.
Day 1 of the second bardo, the Chönyid Bardo, around the 4th day after dying: “Then, from the Central Realm, called the Spreading Forth of the Seed, the Bhagavān Vairochana, white in colour, and seated upon a lion-throne, bearing an eight-spoked wheel in his hand, and embraced by the Mother of the Space of Heaven, will manifest himself to thee.
It is the aggregate of matter resolved into its primordial state which is the blue light.
The Wisdom of the Dharma-Dhātu, blue in colour, shining, transparent, glorious, dazzling, from the heart of Vairochana as the Father-Mother, will shoot forth and strike against thee with a light so radiant that thou wilt scarcely be able to look at it.
Along with it, there will also shine a dull white light from the devas, which will strike against thee in thy front.
Thereupon, because of the power of bad karma, the glorious blue light of the Wisdom of the DharmaDhātu will produce in thee fear and terror, and thou wilt [with to] flee from it.
Thou wilt beget a fondness for the dull white light of the devas. At this stage, thou must not be awed by the divine blue light which will appear shining, dazzling, and glorious; and be not startled by it.
That is the light of the Tathagata called the Light of the Wisdom of the Dharma-Dhātu.
Put thy faith in it, believe in it firmly, and pray unto it, thinking in thy mind that it is the light proceeding from the heart of the Bhagavān Vairochana coming to receive thee while in the dangerous ambuscade of the Bardo.
That light is the light of the grace of Vairochana.
Be not fond of the dull white light of the devas. Be not attached [to it]; be not weak.
If thou be attached to it, thou wilt wander into the abodes of the devas and be drawn into the whirl of the Six Lokas.
That is an interruption to obstruct thee on the Path of Liberation.”
This will repeat every day for four days, going through all the colours, e.g the elements dissolving: blue, white, yellow, red, green – there is always a very bright light which leads to a heavenly realm – or a dull light which leads to a hell-realm. If you don’t follow these lights you will wander around in the next bardo (bardo being the state in-between) and be reborn in, on average, 7 weeks after dying according to the Thödöl.
This is deceptive. The observed appearance and manifestation of light that one experiences is a direct function of the resonance of the harmonics of the energy structure of the higher selves (mantid (sic)). It is true that the appearance can be used as an indicative measure of the terrain that the consciousness must endure, it is not a shared and repeatable action. To experience what is written, the person must be a long-term practitioner (decades of intense practice) of Tibetan religious ritual. Those that are not, will derive no benefit from the teachings. The containers (sic) that are defined as the vessels of the quanta (as determined by energy state) are not fixed and rigid, but as always subject to change, manipulation, growth and evolution. This is why higher energy quanta fits within certain lattice patterns. As well as how the consciousness containers adapt to the fixtures that define the containers. There are sequences of events that one will experience, but those sequences will vary from observer to observer. There are no rule-books, guides, or teachings that can prepare the deceased consciousness for the event sequence that will manifest before them.
[11.18] Question – Annunaki
Hi. Pretty straight forward question about the prison complex I hope you can ask the Commander MM. Unless you already know the answer yourself of course.
I take it that the human beings in this final form were created probably a couple of hundreds thousands years ago by other beings, some call them Annunaki.
Am I correct that they also previously by other beings had created another race millions of years ago, and they were being set incharge of humans, as caretakers/overwatchers of the human race?
These overwatchers seem in fact pretty much just like prison guards as I understand it. To me they sound a lot like The Old Empire. Are they in fact the Old Empire or are actually the Annunaki themselves OE?
When the Old Empire encountered this region of physical space, it was a prosperous area. There were colonies containing numerous species though out this region of space, and numerous settlements on the planet Earth. When they entered this region they took it by force. Many of the inhabitants were killed. Many cities were destroyed. Many inhabitants fled because this entire region was no longer a safe area to live in. Upon the ruins, the Old Empire constructed multiple prison complexes. The earliest writings of the ancient Sumerians reflect historical records that were passed down over the generations of the initial construction of this prison complex. They have, over time, became distorted and confused, and the semblance of order, timing and participants lost or misinterpreted. Further confusing this situation are / has been, repeated attempts at distortions of the past and a sorting of the event trains. Thus, what remains today are but pale distortions of what was once, a very impressive effort by the Old Empire to construct this Prison Planet Complex into what it is today. The "overwatchers" and the Annunaki are historical references to what was (in all probability) Old Empire residents involved in work in this region.
[11.19a] Question – Time
I don’t know if this has been asked before. If it was, please disregard. I want to ask the DC as we all know that time is a human-made artificial construct and does not exist as such, why we humans seem to perceive time is “speeding” and going “faster” in this turmoil period; a common quote is “time flies”. When everything is peaceful we humans perceive time as “slow”.
The question is: Is “time” manipulated as “fast” to get the bulk of human beings on Earth moving to specific (troublesome) world-lines?
The experience of "time" is the movement of consciousness through world-lines (sic). It can be speeded up, or slowed, by the consciousness that resides within the physical body. Slowing; things moving in slow motion, relative to the observer, is an example of the consciousness moving slower through the various world-lines. Often it is due to a physical event that the consciousness is experiencing.
[11.19b] Question – Bads
My second and last question: The geo-political situation is apparently converging to full-scale world war. Is this situation changeable towards “small bads” or the “big bad” we don’t want (full nuclear WWIII) is now defined as the most probable outcome?
As of 6 August 2022... It now (at this point in time) highly probable that "medium bads" will occur. It is no longer "small bads". The situation in the Western nations are gyrating out of control, and this is forcing the Eastern nations into actions that they are reluctant to engage in. Those in the West (i.e. The United States) have [1] this belief that they have some special "God provided" protection. [2] That they have some super secret, special weapons and technology. [3] That much of this technology was reverse engineered from Domain or similar advanced sources. [4] That they can win and destroy the East using these advanced equipment, technology, and abilities. All of the belief structures are in error. The "secret weapons" are neither secret, nor wholly functional. The idea that the West will unify under a combined threat level is not realistic. The overall belief that nuclear submarines are undetectable and lie hidden is in error. <redacted> They are careering towards a very bad outcome. We now anticipate "medium bads". Though we are working hard to contain them, there is a near deleterious insanity that has gripped the "leadership" of the West and they believe that the destruction of the world is an acceptable outcome provided that they still rule it. The vision of the world that they envision is a very bad one and will result in millions of years of global devastation. No reproduction of current sentient life will be able to occur. The prison complex will evolve into a lonely, abandoned husk of waste floating within it's own isolation universe, and abandoned by the Domain to be forgotten and ignored. Domain will not permit this. We consider this an emergency. We have requested other (Domain) resources to assist in this on-going emergency potential. This might necessitate infected mass die-offs in the aggressive (leadership's) population centers on the planet. We will arrange additional resources to assist in the transition period of the various die-offs so that the existing systems are not overwhelmed. Consciousness's will be directed and funneled into the proper segmentation and sorting avenues. We need to allocate resources to avoid swamping the systems already in place. We (Domain) learned from our mistakes in the past, and this situation will be tracked to a different vector than what it is on now, though it will not appear to be that way to many of the readership. (Commander is talking about common template tracking and the sub-template structures. -MM) However, there will be some great hardship in the world. Mostly the collective West. Great damage and casualties can be avoided, however the realistic probability of this actually manifesting is getting smaller and smaller over time. <redacted> There will be certain pockets of the West that will be poisoned. And given the resources (Domain resources) it might take a long time before they are cleaned up. We are working presently to avoid the "medium bads" from manifesting. We are not hopeful.
MM comments…
Where a “medium bad” is a catastrophic nuclear exchange resulting in a one-sided destruction on a planet-wide scale. It is not the total destruction of the world, just a complete destruction of selected parts of it. The image that I have (from the Domain Commander) is of an orange with big black spots on it.

[11.19b-1] Question – Medium Bads
For the audience, and to help in my understanding. Please define what a “medium bad” is.
A "big bad" is measured in a billion or more people killed. A "medium bad" is measured in the hundreds of millions killed. A "small bad" is measured in one or two millions killed. The present situation is somewhere between a small and a medium bad. It includes all deaths from war and the (hidden) bio-wars currently in process.
[11.19b-2] Question – Why has things changed?
Why are you talking about “medium bads” instead of “little bads”?
The West are following the recommendations of RAND to the letter. There has been no deviation from the plan as laid out by the United States "think tank". This proceeds to plan throughout the actions of every one of the last five (or six) presidents. They define victory as the destruction of the East with the West remaining the dominant remaining power. This necessitates nuclear warfare with America making a first-strike against their enemies. This includes crippling, then looting Russia. This includes suppression of Iran, and strengthening Western access to the mineral resources in the Middle Easts. However, their main target is China. China, to the leadership and the RAND organization, is viewed as a plump and ripe fruit ready to obtain. It is viewed as weak by the Western leadership. Though, on a specific basis, the Western specialized analysts advise that the leadership impressions and positions are gravely in error. China is the cultural oasis of Domain in this physical sphere. We cannot permit it's destruction. We (Domain) can confirm that Western "first strike" plans are in place. We can confirm that the idea of a normalized "first strike" is in normal day-to-day discourse even though the plans call for a segmentation of the world into geographic regions prior to that event train. Previous lessons (on other planets) have followed this path and in every case the results have been horrific / catastrophic. We will implement certain changes and that will mitigate the damage somewhat.
[11.19b-3] Question – How will China survive?
The United States is going to destroy China with it’s 6000+ nuclear weapons. I am convinced of this, especially from the last answer. What can be done?
The only way that China can survive is to work with Russia and pre-emptively launch a first strike against the West. You know this. Calm down and be objective, you need to focus for clarity of group communication. (I was berated by the commander. -MM)
[11.19b-4] Question – What can MM do?
And what about me? Personally?
You have relocated to a safe place. The greatest risks are undersea nuclear detonations causing tidal waves on major coastal cities. Additionally, there is a belief that Hong Kong can be "turned" and become a vassal state in the West. Your present location (and your future location) are both secure. Once, the American manufactured SLBMs and ICBMs take out military targets, the primary Western strategy is to use swarms of fighters each carrying nuclear gravity bombs to pummel the Chinese countryside and cities. These are special modifications to the F-35 strike fighter (and standoff bombers such as the B-1, and aging B-52) that is now deployed world-wide. Devastating China completely and eviscerating all of the infrastructure inside of China. Turning it, in effect, into a very large ruin (much like Syria today). A first strike will eviscerate Chinese defenses, secondary strikes by swarms of fighter bombers will canvas the nation. In short order, after the rubbling of the nation, a subsequent long conventional war will ensue, with the American leadership safe living somewhat normal lives in America. However, and I caution, this plan, which is well understood inside of certain "leadership" circles, will not manifest. Because it will not manifest, you and your family will remain safe. However, there will be complexities in your life that will complicate your life to a certain degree. These will be unavoidable, but not overly uncomfortable. You will continue to eat, and provide a useful role in society.
[11.19b-5] Question – Traumatized China
The Nancy Poliski trip has traumatized China. Will China make any dangerous or rash moves out of vengeance? I am concerned as I have never seen China so unified in fury.
China is following a course and strategy that it has laid out years ago. The only change in the unfolding events of the last few days is an acceleration of the planning and systems already in the works. By the time the West starts to implement the segmentation of the world into two halves, the value of the global currency will have changed. The power structures of many "friends" will have changed, and the stances of various allied nations will have changed. China is aware of this. China will proceed with a <hidden> strategy that they have coordinated with the SEC and Russia. This may or may not include military activity. However, it will include <redacted> and that will devastate the West.
[11.19b-6] Question – The United States
I am assuming that for the scenarios to manifest, that a first-strike effort must be taken by both Russia and China simultaneously. Is this even possible?
I cannot believe that they are talking or discussing this reality.
There is an understanding between Xi Peng and Putin. It is deep, incisive and visceral. You need not try to over think the possible scenarios that will manifest these event trains. You simply need to accept that nothing lasts forever, and that those that play with fire tend to be scorched. This was plainly, explicitly and clearly, explained to President Biden by Xi Peng, and he chose to ignore the one singular warning. There will be no further warnings.
[11.19b-7] Question – The United States ruin
Please tell me what kind of damage that the USA might experience.
There are too many variables at this point in time. I am unable to assist you. You can expect massive die-offs. The predicted outcomes (based on non-earth predictive models) suggest a bulk die-off due to starvation, illness, and lack of proper medical care. Deaths due to radiation will be minor, only amounting to a few (handful's of) millions of Americans. Reconstruction of the United States in whatever form (eventually) develops will be fraught with civil discord, terrible logistics, and a serious lack of medical care. Hygiene will plummet as access to potable water ends, staples such as toothpaste and toilet paper evaporate, and viruses torment the populace. Plants and farms will struggle as most plants use GMO seeds that require a precise mixture of fertilization, weather, and soil conditions that are only possible with complete mechanized farming technologies. Fruit and vegetables will become increasingly difficult to obtain. A short and brief "limited" nuclear, or conventional attack on American soil is further erode the social structure, but the government, itself, is very resilient. The United States will continue to operate, in a fashion, even though it will be "toothless".
[11.20] Question – Hypersonic missiles
Last minute question.
I just read a report that a Russian engineer / scientist was arrested to selling secret hypersonic technology to China. Is this true? What is going on?
Commander *snorts* and *laughs*. (An odd enough gesture.) <Chills> Source is CNN; American disinformation outlet. None of their readership have the ability to verify or deny the "report". Seeding of articles with disinformation is for purposes unrelated to MM discourse. You can safely ignore the *blather*.
My guess is that CNN disinfo is trying to portray the illusion that Russia is alone and not all that friendly to China. This idea seems to fit into the narrative that Russia and China can somehow be separated from each other. -MM
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Part 10 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander April 2022
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 10.
Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. This is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpret the responses.
[10.1] Question – Is this what I signed up for?
I have questions that could turn into a new story for you.
So much of what you wrote about reality, I had concluded on my own. What I had not figured out was how, or if we really communicate with others. or if we are truly alone just surrounded by “Quantum Shadows.”
In the movie “The Ten Commandments” Pharaoh was always saying, “So let it be written, so let it be done.” It occurs to me that is why we (or at least I) am/are living in “1984?”
It is my theory that the Universe puts out things like the Deagle Report to which we can respond, yah or nay. I first heard about Deagle in 2016. Up to this point, I have been saying, nay, not really wanting to return to the Golden Age covered in holographic blood and guts.
But, after reading your article, it occurs to me that maybe Deagle has to happen. Maybe it was what I signed on for and knowing that I won’t die (nobody dies) and have the ability to manifest what I need to observe the event in comfort, why not?
I can pay some for your response. Thanks for your good work.
Questioner has agreed to this role, in this skin-suit, at this time and in this place. This is an intentional decision that was planned in advance. Int he case of the questioner, the decision process was long and many details were worked out on the pre-birth world-line template (sic) with many trial and error forays to perfect the present general population experience. More than most inmate skin-suits, this questioner has a very fated life and is at this moment learning fromt he fated existence to reconfigure the internal memory banks / garbons / non-physical / quantum structures to achieve his goals. Goals are such that <redacted. Not for public consumption.> This has to be in complete variance with other forces that are aligned in the non-physical that the consciousness of the questioner is involved in at this time. Questioner is following the track and fated vector as intended, and while there might be apparent periods of hardship or discomfort, the questioner has emerged from those experences at the exact point upon the template (sic) to generate the next phase of operational experience. Questioner is, if anything, spending too much time worrying / wondering / involved in other opinions from others that haave no bearing (what so ever) on questioners overall objectives and goals. No matter how convincing the narratives of others might entice, questioner is strongly advised to follow his internal feelings, emotions, and "gut" feelings in matters instead of the mental gyrations that seem to flavor his thought patterns at this time.
[10.2] Question – MWI convergence
Are all possible timelines on the MWI converging on a single possibility? If so, what it the nature of this singularity?
No. Questioner misunderstands the nature of the "reality" universe. Each travel vector of individual time is a personal one configured specifically for the given consciousness that is assigned by the IS-BE. It is unique and singular. Every inmate skin-suit creates and assigns a travel vector upon a template (sic) that they occupy alone (with an array of exceptions). Thus there is no singular time vector for the mass of humanity (inmate skin-suits), but rather a ever changing template. This convergence that the questioner is concerned with is actually the state of the highest probability template (sic) that the majority of pre-birth world-line templates converge or are derived from. In this objective view, the question can be simplified as to how is the main majority-dominant pre-birth world-line template being anchored, and can this anchoring effort be changed or altered. With this in mind, the answer is positive. It can be changed. And the anchors can be removed and the template(s) (sic) can modulate and fluxiate. As such, they can be reset to one that is not as worrisome and problematic to the questioners' current form. However, that is not desirable. What is desirable is to keep the current systems and alterations in place with very little change. THis is because The Domain has permitted this template state to exist to achive our overall desired goals. No matter how outlandish, uncomfortable and horrific it might appear, the end goal is in sight and will be realized.
[10.3] Question – Stages of evolution
Is STO sentience the end point in IS-BE “evolution” or is there something of greater utility beyond?
This is a great question and one deserving of thoughtful answer. SEO sentience is not the end-point of IS-BE evolution. It is an evolutionary step. For humans trapped in skin-suits, the highest stage of IS-BE evolution at this stage is SEO consciousness sentience. But once the IS-BE is freed from the prison complex, a new selection of consciousness sentiences growth vectors present themselves. All MAJestic members and those of other agencies that work with us, including the volunteers, must be SEO sentience. This is the highest and most preferable forms / states and configurations of operation within Domain. But once the entities / IS-BE / consciousness modulates to Domain roles / societial structures / puzzle pieces / parking places they accept the sentience that naturally derives / arises from their internal on-physical structures. That then determines their place within the Domain society. Sentience type need and determination is not a linear growth vector towards advantageous heirachy. Rather it is a desired vector path based upon the personality of the IS-BE nature.
[10.4] Question – Fake alien invasion plan
(I’m) not sure if this fits within the topics, so if not MM please feel free to omit it.
But given the way the Ukraine thing is playing out and once the MSM and the American govt is teaching everyone to “fear those dirty Russian Commies”, one cannot help but feel that Werner von Braun’s predictions seem to be unfolding right on schedule.
Of course, he suggested after the Commy card is played (and the situation seems to be the Ace of all Commy threat cards), there will be a false flag alien invasion, courtesy of the US govt.
Question, does the Domain know of any such fake alien invasion plan in the works, or is this a load of BS? If not, then when can we expect to see it come about?
There have been trivial discussions at various times regarding the creation of a fake invation from unknown non-human entities. These discussions were usually tabled and then scrapped. We know of no present plans concerning these kinds of efforts. In all cases that we are aware of, this senario is not considered in any way to be part of the main primary template (sic).
[10.5] Question – Apollo Missions
I have the same question as Dani about the Apollo missions, and you didn’t answer that part. What about them, were they fake or not? From the text above you imply that they weren’t faked.
Can you explain your position on this please? What was the technology used? How did they cross the Van Allen belt? Otherwise, reading things like this I lose condifence in everything else that you write.
This question was answered. All physical impedments can be solved through engineered solutions. It is a simple matter of creation of a radiation barrier within the spacecraft and then computing a trajectory that avoided the thickest, most radioactive part of the belts while traveling as fast as possible. If you travel fast enough, the damage that the radiation belts would inflict upon biological bodies can be mitigated. In the case of the NASA Apollo spacecraft, it was discovered that at the speed of the spacecraft, it would take a spacecraft about an hour to pass through the belts. The radiation dose received during that amount of time would be, at most, 12 rads and that’s without any protection protection in a spacecraft. While the Van Allen belts are lethal, they could really only kill a biological entity if they were to spend several days in their radioactive vicinity. Keep in mind that while it is a true challenge to pass through the belts, they do actually protect earthbound physical life.
It’s the same system used by firemen to rush into a burning building to rescue a person. Wear an insulated suit, and run in and run back out quickly. -MM
[10.6a] Question – Balancing Family and Domain responsibilities
I hope you can include this personal question to the Commander in March. I have been thinking a lot about this and am pretty much all ready to volunteer as an irregular. I have prepared my affirmations and all. There is however this very question about my family that bothers me:
For years I have felt that there is something big I have incarnated for this time. I have felt positive that the time would come when I would be useful for a higher purpose, so to say.
Finding MM and the call from the Domain for assistance sort of made puzzles come together. Perfectly.
However I also know that things are going to change in this world and to humanity over the next years, and I have a strong feeling part of my “mission” here from from my guides were to prepare/help my family for this. My kids also have a very strong feeling about just that.
I am worried that joining as an irregular would be selfish StS act, basically downgrading my responsibility to my family.
Can you tell me please, If I am right in my feelings that I am indeed to join as an irregular and also if I do indeed have a responsibility to my family, how do I balance this? [I hope this was clear MM. An easier question to formulate might simply be: Who am I and why am I here? but I feel some of the meaning is lost]
The questioner need not worry about the issues so stated. There is typically no problems in acceptance of multiple responsibilites. The Questioner is well aware that maintaining work for honest labor does not eliminate the responsibilities of the questioner towards its family.
There are few responsibilities that one can take that replaces other responsibilities. A person typically does not accept gainful employment to put food an the table for his family, yet at the same time allow the work and labors to destroy that same family.
Take note that it does happen from time to time, however this is with Service-to-self sentiences. Not with Service-to-other sentiences.
Consider MM.MM holds multiple responsibilities. There's Domain. Theres MAJestic. Theres' his labor at <redacted>. There is his MM webpage. There is his You-tube channel. There is his Forum. There is his young daughter. There is his old dog. There are his books. There is his forum. There is his daily pod-casts. There is his training of interns. There is his <readacted> company, and there is his other <redacted> company. His meetings with Sales force, factory managers, and the meals and banquets are all part of his reponsibiliies. As well as the responsibilities to his immediate family.
There is no reason why the questioner cannot also manage his life and responsibilies in a similiar manner.
If there is any doubt in the mind of the questioner, then the best course of action for the questioner is NOT to take on any new responsibilities, and focus on the responsibilites that it already possesses. We only accept volunteers who are ready and fully willing to accept new responsibilities.
If there is a hesitation, then the best advised course of action is conservative; placing famial responsibilities first.
We are all different, and we should never compare ourselves to others. Including and most especially myself. I think the Commanders comment was directed at me, and not at the questioner. Still, it was what was transmitted. So I placed it there with the proper context. Just do what you think is best. You are not expected to go beyond your comfort levels. -MM
[10.6b] Question – Automation of pickup
Also for a second question:
When going through the death process I understand many are taken by surprise and are baffled as they approach the tunnel of light. I understand anyone can ask the Domain for assistance, being picked up before entering the tunnel. However I also understand there is a suction effect, either literally or seemingly from your guides pressuring you to enter. Hence I have the feeling (which ofc might be wrong) that stopping, asking for help, and waiting for a pick-up might be easier said than done.
The question is: As a irregular would the pick-up be a more easily achieved, or automated for lack of a better word, than for the general population who might ask the Domain for assistance?
Thank you very much for answering these questions which are very meaningful to me.
As a technical measure the questioner, as well as any other entity so desiring of Domain assistance, must request that said assistance. We do not make assumptions on the needs, desires and thoughts of other entities. Once there is a formal request, we may or may not take action. In the case of Domain volunteers, we would make a special priority to recover and assist the entities so desirous of assistance, support and transport / teleport. Whether or not the quesitoner believes in the strength of this vocialzed request is not of importance. There is no urgent or pressing need to do anything once freed from the physical limitations of the skin suit. The entity might (were they so inclined) to just sit down and park themselves where ever they end up upon translation and do nothing. There is no hurry. There is never any hurry, and if there is a feeling of urgent action, the questioner must composes himself and realize that hasty decisions make for undesirable outcomes. The question regarding the automation of pickup process is difficult to answer. This is because every individual is quite different, and the situations with each are so very unique. There can be no automation of a pickup retreaval procedures and the variables are far too varied between one consciousness and the next.
[10.7] Introduction
I am now accepting questions under the following topics;
- Geo-political issues
- Makeup of the Prison Complex
- Sentience
- Self improvement
The same rules apply as before. Just two questions. No multipart questions if you can help yourself. Please, no questions about how you ended up in the Prison Complex.
And my questions (these are 7, then pick for me the most relevant 2):
[10.7a] Question – War battle zones
Is the war fought on other planes too?
All wars, and all battles, occur on different levels (different "planes") orf existence. It does not matter if it is a humans species war between different armies, a war between primates over resources, or a mating war between two animal species. All wars are conducted on multiple levels, with the physical level being the most coarse. In the case of direct concern to the questioner, the realms of the wars that the questioner is most concerned about will and is occurring on a host of levels. There are many participants. There are many interests. There are many complexities. There are many situations that develop and are dispersed by Domain, as well as potentials that manifest and are then mitigated. This dimension of multiple war battle zones is an important one to fully grasp. As it might appear that nothing is going on in the physical realms, there could be, instead, substantial changes on other realms. And these other realms have a great deal of influence on the observed physical environs. Part of the design of the prison complex included a pre-programming series of war and poverty cycles designed to purge and thrash inmate skin suits in accoradance to mantid prime (sic) templates sic). These preprogammed event cycles are still in place today and right now. Yes, they can be controlled from the command center within Luna, but the fundamental nature of the systems so constructed mean that alterations and modifications are not possible without the death via suffication of all physical life in the earth environment. Therefore Domain prefer to follow the manipulations alterations at the closer (to the physical) dimensional overlays. In general in regards to the situation that the Questioner is concerned about, the fighting and battles are multi-dimensional and under the control of Domain. There is no need for concern.
[10.7b] Question – MM volunteers in battle
Are members of MM through the Domain involved on these other planes? Could you give some details? (question probably asked already, something through DM and PL -> then bin)
Yes. There are numerous individuals though MM that are participants int he on-going battles and efforts. Not all are participating via Domain directiove. Many are on their own (already pre-agreed) efforts. This includes DM, SD, and PL. All are busy in the non-physical realms involved in various actions and activities. Some are performing very dangerous and risky activities. We assist when requested. Likewise, there are numberous Domain volunteers via MM that are involved in various Domain-specific activities. To many, it does not seem that they are doing anything. Though they note (for the most part) rather active and strange dreams. This is fine, as it is a residual pattern shadow of the non-physical activities that they are all participating within. Specific activities are unique to each person and are not to be announced or broadcast on open channels. As in this case. It is easy to compromise the participants.
[10.7c] Question – Up and down activity
I volunteered as an irregular for the Domain. Soon after I noticed my dream activity going sharp up, but also going sharp down again. Has this to do with the volunteering? Why did it go down again (some other members on the forum also noticed less dream “activity” for the last weeks)
ΛV activity is common in performing Domain activity. This is true in normal human activity. There is nothing wrong, unusual or concerning about it. Tasks are assigned, they are carried out, then there is a period of rest before the next task assignment. It is the nature of IS-BEs not to be mechanical machines (that seems to be the prevalent belief in contemporaneous human resource circles.) The most desirable environment for a satisfied, fully actuated volunter, is to have a duty cycle of 20% to 30% work, with the rest being down time. Were we (Domain) to follow an agressive pattern of 100% utilization of resources, the efficiency would drop off substantially and the failure rate would be high. That is unacceptable.
[10.7d] Question – Safety during war
If you don’t have the possibility to move to other countries, and you are not able to care for own supplies, how can you get safe through this coming crisis in the west? What is the advice?
Questioner will be reasonably safe in the latest location. There will be discord and disruption of social constructs, however the questioner should be well supported. For others, the ability or inability to relocate is mandated by the pre-birth world-line template (sic) that they have accepted in this manifestation. The options are narrowed specifically for the purposes of IS-BE growth as determined by Mantid Prime. Growth through strife is a hallmark of the Mantid Prime operational parameters. Yet, the entities are both existing upon a template (sic) by Mantid Prime, and also assisting Domain. In this case (a minority of less than 15% of the MM volunteer staff) we have communicated with the entities in question and have staff making safe or easy passage though personal confictions and hardships. All Domain volunteers are protected and have support groups.
[10.7e] Question – Movement options
Can you jump for example to another timeline or are these also compromised? Or hold locally a safe haven by strong-mindfulness?
Questioner is fully enabled to navigate the reality universe to the extent of their abilities. There are no restrictions on navigation, only on the physical limitations of the IS-BE skin suit. The techniques to do so are quite varried. MM (sic) has provided a basic outline and guidance parametrs for all on-board / participating in this activity at this time.
[10.7f] Question
As MM predicted in his last articles, from 2027 on the coming war (if so) will be over in America. Is the same true for other western countries?
The future will have a wide diversity of regional outcomes. However, for the most part, there will be nations and geographical regions that will prosper, and others that will go through strife long after the United States suppresses it's various issues and turmoil. Africa will engage in an unexpected direction, and the collapse of Africa into "tin horn dictatorships', slavery, civil wars, and other domestic and economic turmoil will not manifest. At least not to the level that seems to be the (opinion of the mass humanity) thoughts of the combined West. The middle east, also will not (at this stage of analysis, at least) will not erupt into large scale warfare. Instead, our projections show a gradual calm advancment at a steady and consistant level. The European nations and geography will suffer a number of great hardships. Depending on the switches / tracks / template (sic) switches will reflect what will occur. Currently there are numerous feints of dubious value such as Finland, and Switzerland. The large highpotential hotspots and causes / vectors of conflict are the Pole in Poland, and Germany with the Netherlands and Norway activity. Some European regions (depending on the senario) could realisticly become quite hot and dangerous. Australia and Japan are expected to undergo undulation and rippling of event sequences. It is prudent to distance oneself from large urban areas in those geographic regions if possible.
[10.7g] Question
Will this also be the ending of the last OE facilities on Earth and the complete freeing of Earth from the OE? (MM, not sure if this was already answered in other sessions, if so -> bin)
That is not forecasted. While many physical manifestations have been decloaked, there are many such systems. Many of the non-physical systems will lie in hibernation and statis until triggered by a confluence of events that are (at present) not clear. These events take time, far longer than a human lifespan. While there is no doubt that Domain forces will completely suppress and tame the systems involved in the Prison Complex, that will not be realized for many human lifetimes.
[10.7h] Question
And then some question for you MM, not for the Commander, concerning my father, who according to you was also in a black ops: was he also implanted, what do you think? Because to me it seems there is some amnesia (and not because of his age, but since he was thrown out in the sixties). Anyways, he was not charged as a sex-offender, but it was Europe, not USA.
Tomorrow is my fathers birthday, he will be 94 years old. I cannot be there myself alas. But I will call him of course.
Btw, if I go down I go down, and hope to remember the call for Domain members to pick me up on the other side. In Tibetan Buddhism, the book of death and bardo teachings, they also warn to not go into the light, but to err around in the bardo is also no fun. Maybe I will have a question about that later.
[It is unlikely that your father was implanted. When the implantations began, he would have had to be in his 40-50s. He would be considered an elder member of the organization. If he was actually implanted, then it would have been because he was high ranking at that time, and at that it would have been with a core one group only (I assume). Sex offender retirment did not start to occur until the mid 1990s when MAJestic operations started to be phased out / replaced by other "carve outs". If he was implanted, and was retired after the mid 1990s then he would have been rounded up and retired via the Sex OFfender registry. -MM]
[10.7i] Question – Soros
btw did you read this one? https://www.theepochtimes.com/soros-worries-about-putin-xi-partnership-hopes-both-leaders-can-be-stopped-before-they-destroy-our-civilization_4339657.html
As always, happy to be in contact with you, wish you the best and keep on going!
[Soros is a locust. He profited enormously during the fall of the Soviet Union and participate din the rape and looting of Russia. Russia under Putin has managed to suppress the oligarchs out, and both Putin and Xi Peng see the dangers of these singular powerful individuals. They will not permit it. Obviously he, as a person in a serious deranged state, believe that whatever a person can seize is a good thing and should not be opposed. He obviously is undable to see the needs and feelings of others. Thus he is a clinical sociopath, or psychopath. It is a global horror that this person is loose on the world and has control over multiple levers of power. This old lizard just needs to die, and allow the world to move on. -MM]
[10.8] Question – Big Players
This question of both sides being the same club I have also in my mind for a while now. I have also found this today in one of the articles from above. I think one commentator posted it somewhere.
all the big players are in that club. As they say, its a small club and we are not in it. Would love what the commander has to say in this.
It doesn’t matter in the big picture to be honest. All I care in the next few years is to be safe, healthy and relatively comfortable with my family in a good location. My affirmations will make sure we end in the perfect place. Maybe we are already? 🙂
[Images are clear on this one. Big, clear images of a childhood farm. Narration is crisp. DIrections crystal clear. Almost like this is a previously composed script or video segment. -MM] Imagine you owned a farm. You had cows, horses, pigs, chickens, and sheep. In the chicken coop is a great commotion. The rooster is crowing loudly and his prized hens are squawking as they are the prized hens of the rooster. But that does not matter to you; the farmer. Your prized hens are the heathiest layers that have a consistant output in eggs. In a similiar manner, the often praised "youth leaders" / power leaders do not represent the real powers in regards to the human species, and the roles that will manifest in the next fifty or so years.
[10.9a] Question – An older me
what’s up guys. I usually see this community growing. Had a dream I am/was supposed to be spreading the word about MM and the rest. I have tried but to no luck. There is hope though but the Old empire fear mechanism really works great. I hope it goes through but they fear what they don’t understand. I will(must) try my best. My time is really running out. The fear I know am not alone but still. I will try. I must try.
Sometimes I feel afraid, But being in this place makes me feel some hope.
Ok when I was young, about 10 years old. I was walking in the street playing and minding my own biz. Suddenly some man caught my arm. I was afraid but somehow I just didn’t want to scream. We stared at each other for sometime. Prob about 10 sec. His face imprinted in my mind till this day. Then I was called by my dad. I just left the man standing. It happened so naturally I didn’t even think about shit. Continued the day “normally” and life “normally”.
Since then I thought about the incident many times. And I came to see that The man really looked like me. An older version of me that is. about early 50 or late 40. Something like that.
Question is: Was that an older version of me and if yes (WTF) can u please explain.
This is a common enough event. [Again, the figure is about 15-17% of the GP general population. -MM] When templates are established for the pre-birth world-line template (sic) it is often necessary to have a much older version of oneself visit the younger self at a specific time and place for memory implantation of a specific nature for future guidance. This is often conducted in lieu of an adequate "sign post" (sic) event. The procedure is that a holographic manifestation of the entity is created based upon time-track projections and the consciousness is occupied by a fractional consciousness from the individual. It is not actually from the future, being a gollum, but rather a project of what will occur based upon previously evaluated and observed template vectors as negotiated with by the Mantid Primes (sic). Fractional consciousness is a standard procedure for elemental creation / partitioning of consciousness within inmate skin-suits.
[10.9b] Question – Dream question
Question2: About a week ago I just couldn’t lucid dream at all. If I did I couldn’t remember anything every time I woke up I tried and tried again. There was an issue. Then I saw images of a broken bridge now repaired. like a normal bridge but it repaired itself.
What happened to the bridge and why was it down?
Insight into the interpetations of dreams is beyond the utility / usefulness of this resource. [I really don't think that the commander can assist you in the interpetation of this particular dream. Sorry. Big apologies. -MM]
[10.10] Question – Perception of changes
I hope you and your family and friends are doing well. My question on MWI-travel is this: Is it possible to perceive the jumping from reality to reality?
Because lately I’ve been having some trick on my eyes. It’s like in the old days they had the movies on rolls , I remember Charlie Chaplin. And often you could perceive the changing pictures. It’s almost the same effect I sometimes get. I tried to count it, because of the around 4 Mhz per second and its about it. Is that possible or am I going nuts?
Questioner is aware. It is entirely plausible that a consciousness inhabiting an inmate skin-suit can percieve the changes in slides, world-line transitions and jumps. It is also not an uncommon event. Most human inmates experience a handful of these events throughout their lives, though they (more often than not) are unaware of the signifigance of the events and observed switches. This is a matter of perception at the time of the transition. This occurs (apparently) randomly, but is actually a "signpost" in the pre-birth world-line template (sic).
[10.11] Question – NASA access to egress portals.
I escaped through two pocket universes last night during an LD and awoke in another doping facility. I suspect the ones in control of the prison bubble are utilising the manifestation abilities of those they plug in (in the 2nd overlay pocket universe i was in ) to manifest the bubble, hence why it is self healing; it is a construct created from hijacked consciousnesses specifically programmed to manifest the prison bubble environment around other consciousnesses (your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated) .
I am doing the write up for it now.
This facility I was in seemed to also be run by NASA and was located off world…..does the commander know if they have access to the egress portals, because it was definitely their equipment I was looking at?
They had launch pad faciltiies with NASA branding all over them. I think this might have been the main operational centre for the whole prison system; they had investors browsing through their VR product line run by said consciousnesses.
I got here by rejecting a simulation designed to make me hate SD. When the AI running the sim realised I was rejecting it, it talked to me personally trying to convince me it was for my own evolution. I was able to break through the doping long enough to do quite a bit of damage to the facility and wipe out some of it’s personnel. I fact, they tried several times (unsuccessfully) to steer me away from waking up into this pocket universe, which makes me think it is incredibly important to them.
There are organizations (earth side) that operate using "advanced" Domain technology who's membership are extracted from public physical organizations. It is possible to observe these operations through LD or other forms of scrying. MAJestic had access to these portals, as did (has) other United States organizations, as well as elements of both Russian, Chinese, British assets. However, that was not the case in this instance. In this instance the questioner was observing an "overlay" and that has elements of a hybrid existence where control elements participate in the above "normal" manipulation of the human sepecies and inmate skin-suits. This overlay has been discussed in previous questions. [I do not understand this at all. -MM] Questioner to be advised that branding of logos may or may not have relevance in the observed activities as they may or may not be mind manifestations designed to help in the sorting process for observational assessments. [I do not understand this at all. -MM] Questioner described incident is suggestive of a deeper and darker sub-layer of mental activity that would be advised to approach in a most guarded manner.
[10.12] Question – Healing
Hey Team!
Any chance The Domain commander can provide more specific tips and pointers on self-healing, as well as healing others? My daughter has debilitating migraines virtually every day, and all doctors gave up. Her siblings have some other, though more minor, health issues.
I would love to help heal them, but I also know that self-healing usually works best. I trust this topic will be interesting for many others also.
In the case of the questioner, the over reliance on Western medicines will result in the death or her daughter. Other processes are advised. For some inmate skin-suits, the template defines a period of hardship that includes physical discomfort. This can be thwarted though judicious attention to the entire body system, and finding a holistic solution. MM is familiar with the Chinese traditional medicine which would certainly work in this situation, but there are other alternatives as well. The body must be viewed as an entire organism, instead of focusing on a particular sympton or problem. Questioner is urged to direct treatment from the whole-body observational platform. Then proceed using traditional solutions. Questioner daughter has areas of "cold" [not temperature, but rather a meausre of physical health - MM] in various parts of her body. This requires a process of "warming up" using traditional methods. This includes diet, skin care, massage, and other techniques usually not found in the West such as smoke therapy and poltice's and teas. It is critical and important that the daughter body "temperature" be "leveled".
[10.13a] Question – Ability to remember when a person dies
I have a new question.
I’ll say up front I don’t really have very many others I would wish to rejoin after death. My past cats are a different story. But that brings up the question (actually two):
I wonder about the mental processes and memories from reading sites like this one among those who have just passed away. It would seem that there is a lot of pressure (or incentive) to rejoin loved ones, and this would be on the minds of almost everyone.
Maybe what is read here simply will not be remembered.
So, just after death, would people really be able to remember to call for the Domain instead of “mindlessly” walking into the light?
Yes. Memories are not retained in the human brain. They are external to the physical body. So when a consciousness translates to the non-physical realms, it retains all memories.
This ARTICLE (about Cat Heaven) would be of GREAT VALUE to the questioner. -MM
[10.13b] Question – Malevolent instigations
Are malevolent forces possibly going to push people into the light, maybe by posing as loved ones?
No. Not typically. Upon exit from the recycling procedure, most consciousness's are able to re-acquire a portion of forgotten memories, selectively entrusted by Mantid support. That is usually enough, and sufficient for the decision process on what to do next. There are many exceptions and many cases as no two translation procedures are the same.
[10.14a] Question
What steps can we take to ensure our rescue and not end up like Lawrence Spencer which his life contract ended (steps that do not discharge alarm bells)?
[1] Control your fears. [2] Realize that there is no rush to do anything. As there is no such thing as time in regards to your IS-BE being. [3] Understand that your non-physical body is saturated with snares, traps, and chains. The way for you to deal with them is through calmness, and assistance from friendly entities. [4] Call for Domain assistance and direction. This is true regardless of what ever you might decide to do. [5] Realize that The Domain is a volunteer organization. You may be part of it, or may not. it is up to each individual IS-BE. You are never committed to any "agreement" with anyone or any organization.
[10.14b] Question
Is Mathilda back with the Domain, or did she recycle back to earth?
[Emotional response. Something went wrong.] Warning! Do not be like Mathilda. Fear responses as a part of the inmate skin-suit were not well established and understood when Mathilda was rescued and recovered. After the initial recovery, she was placed under medical care. At that time, she was the first entity we (the local group) tried to recover. There were many mistakes. Her imprinting was far stronger than Domain recognized. This resulted in a full fight-and-flight response. She / it kicked up a fury and created substantial damage (as only a Domain figher is able to). There were many casualties and great damages, and then mathilda fled. As is the core rules with Domain, we obey the wishes of all of our membership / citizenry. Even when they are not of understanding / mind. It / she wished to leave and to flee. She garbled / disjointed / activated / portal creation conducted a "pass-though" and left the universe. We know where she is, and what she / it is doing, but we are helpless to assist as we need to be given permission. When we rescued her we were unaware of the great and substantive changes to her container [sheath that the consciousness occupies while in a universe -MM] and because of that we were unprepared to the fury and great negative responses when the programmed anti-recovery and extraction systems were activated. This caused great discomfort and upset to everyone involved. This entire episode is of great regret. Do not be like Mathilda.
[10.14c] Question – Comm with Domain
Has the questioner succeeded in making communication with the commander and their comrades yet?
Yes. Questioner has made contact. Contact is not clear and practice is required. Advise to listen to thought streams not expect words. Will push messages though clear emotions (for start purposes). Questioner must "listen with the heart" as this is the easiest way for us to comm using the limitations placed on us at this time. This also has a dual purpose as in tying / bonding / reestablishing connections. This will be necessary upon the translation of vehicles (body to non-physical body) to the non-physical transtition station. Questioner non-physical body is specially shackled and while questioner has a great deal of freedom, those "chains" are still present, and the questioner can easily be "yanked back" and propelled into a sub-pocket / (pocket) universe specially prepaired for it. Thus it is very important that comm be established as is proceeding, and should be an active endeaver. Not a side effort. We comm though images, and emotions to this (specific) questioners fuzzy shape / consciousness / cell / envelope.
[10.14d] Question – Rejoining Domain
Regarding others sho have attempted to rejoiningg The Domain, have there been others, and have they been successful in rejoinging?
Yes. There have been others. Two have been successfully extracted. They are safe within the Domain, and are in extended treatment programs. There is a system of recovery that we are employing. Yes, you are certainly concerned about Mathilda. The experiences surrounding her extraction taught us much, and we have developed systems for reintegration of lost Domain members.
[10.14e] Question
Can a person use verbal affirmations to help avoid pitfalls and snares, such as “fear generation”, “trigger events” and “traps”?
Yes. Affirmations work in both the reality universe and the main universe. The affirmatiosn generate thoughts are are even more substantive in the main universe. You can add affirmations to assist your extraction and avoidance of pitfalls upon your translation point. Affirmations work faster, and with greater efficency once one leaves the reality universe.
[10.15] Question – Cataclysm events 2040s
Very grateful for the answer to my last question on Aus and China- even if it was a bit shocking.
Anyhoo, I was wondering if the Commander has any info on potential cataclysm events in May 2040 and November 2046 along the lines of close encounters with comets or other solar system objects coming a bit too close (aka Nibiru etc).
I would normally not entertain unreferenced material without lots of evidence, but on further study there are tons of prophecies, ancient records of same with end of the world type scenarios around them. However for sure it could be simulation distractions like 2012 was, but the evidence is, on reflection, pretty compelling.
Having said that, there will be so much shit going on around that time, ppl might not notice an ELE , or they might even welcome one 🙂
There are physical events related to galatic forces and planetary issues taht will manifest in the decades of 2030 through 2050. These will present challenges to many species. But the changes will be able to be controlled and mitigated somewhat. The questioner need not worry about them.
[10.16] Question – Hard core Domain inmates
What happens to the “hard Core” captured members of the Domain, such as the “Lost Battalion”? I just cannot imagine them accepting being mind erased and set into human or dolphin bodies trying to figure out what is going on. For trillions of years their quanta has been well established, and yet suddently all is erased. I just cannot believe that they also lose their personalities, and reflex actions.
What happens when Hard Core Domain members / fighters do not “agree to the program” in Heaven as assigned by the Mantid Primes?
A secondary, and sometimes even more multiple memory wipes and cleansings. While none of the Domain has (yet) been dissassembled into base components for uses elsewhere (such as with MM), that has always remained an option. Instead, the recalcitrant prisoners are cycled quickly in multiple consciousnesses with minor percentages of consciousness activation within those physical environs. While (in the case of MM, and many other humans) the percentages are from 20% to 23% of assigned quanta for a given consciousness and memory /thought generation (32-33% for MM), these recalcitrant Domain members are assigned physical reincarnations of shorter cycles and durations, as well as smaller quanta interaction. A human majority soul might have two or three human consciousnesses each with 22% participation. While a recalcitrant member of The Domain might have ten to 15 incarnations in the form of smaller, short lived physical species. These would be rats, mice, rodents, squirrels, wallabies, and snakes. Each one might only possess 3-5% of quanta associated with consciousness. Thus, the recalcitrant Domain member would have a very difficult time adapting and adjusting to the world-line templates (sic) that the Mantid Primes assigned to it. And in that way, they would well be kept under great control. They also would be frequently swapped out from one species to another. Thus, they would have a very difficult time reasserting themselves and rebuilding their "self quantum fortresses". ["It would be like hanging on to the side of a mud-cliff face, during a pouring rainstorm. By the time you finally get a grasp on a rock, you slip and fall and die." Image provided by Commander. -MM] However, numerous Domain members have volunteered to enter and remain inside of the human pocket universe (as well as a few others) and when these Domain members are up for life-planning / review by the mantid Primes, they are assigned full or nearly full quantum participation in their consciousnesses. This is accomplished though manipulation / lie / betrayal / tricks / and other means. Thus, when Domain members incarnate (presently, for a number of them) they are able to eject into the general population is fully or nearly fully realized. Meaning: One singular consciousness at near 100% (actually 85% to 95%) consciousness induciton and injection into the physical body hosts. <redacted> is one such entity. Though, <readacted> has been entangled with numerous chains / snares / and leech-ons that make escape egress difficult. The fear snares, and the alarms are very predominant. <redacted> is in contact and is aware of the situation. Over time <readacted> will be able to undergo the firece deprogramming we have ready for it. And <redacted> is aware of the consequences of loss-of-focus in this effort. It is the strength of the Domain bond that will enable <readacted> to push though the [image of sticky tar clutching the entity trying to drive it back to the prison complex environnement] and this strength will enable <redacted> to regain a role within Domain and also to eventually recover all memories. [Note: The <redacted> refers to an individual that is an MM influencer who is also Domain. This individual knows their role. And MM and <redacted> has dicussed this at length but has not published the dialog and discourse. In all cases, MM maintains dialog with various individuals all of a unique background. Some are Domain. many are not, but are of other backgrounds. Many are quite impressive in size, scope and ability. Do not believe that Domain is the biggest and best, but is only one history and saga that we are encountering at this time.-MM]
To be continued…
I have many more questions that are in the process of being answered.
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Part 9 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander April 2022
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 9.
Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. This is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpret the responses.
[9.1] Question -Shadows from peripheral vision
A new question:
This started a couple of years ago. When alone, say sitting in a car in a quiet, deserted area at night (using wifi, etc.), I will see out of the corner of my eye or reflected in a mirror what looks like a person approaching the car. When I look directly, no one is there and no one is around. This has become more noticeable as time has gone on, and now it’s a regular occurrence, once or twice a week. It’s a bit unnerving and gives me a sense of foreboding (bad). I’m getting older, but I don’t think I’m losing it…yet.
Seeing these same things might be happening to others, but they are probably afraid to admit it.
Is this my imagination, something to do with the Domain, or something else entirely, such as something trying to communicate something? If it’s not my imagination, then what is going on, and is it good or bad?
The reality universe is not as it appears. There are multiple layers of realities that all are superimposed upon each other. Further, these realities are a function of consciousness navigation. An aware consciousness, or one that is in possession [garbled, not clear, cannot make out] can also see glimpses of other realities that are superimposed. Often there is also a very important aspect to the reality that MM has not covered, but we will initiate that understanding here. There is a reality overlay that lies on top over the reality with various "controllers" that the mantids (sic) utilize to configure the reality upon and with. This involves many technologies that human inmates are familiar with. Including books, papers, radio, and all the rest. Under certain circumstances, the inmate can be made aware of what is going on in this parallel environment, and can even travel to it (with pass keys) through the non-physical environments. To the unsecure, it might appear strange. SD has experienced this. Headphones, ear phones and other audio systems can latch on to feeds (not really a proper term) and translate the input to what is actually happening. While others such as the questioner can see events and "shadows". A glimpse here or there. This might manifest like a beautiful woman walking in your living room carrying something. When you turn your back for a moment, a person is in your kitchen. You might notice someone in the back seat of your car. These overlays can sometimes be caught on film. The internet is rife with these images of spirits and ghosts and all the rest of strange items captured on film, but they are, but momentary snapshots of a control overlay upon the reality universe. This control overlay is part of the non-physical reality, but not exact to it exactly. As such, there are many entities that enter this overlay and exist there, much to the chagrin of the current monitoring inhabitants. MM is constantly under observation through this overlay. Not by The Domain, but by handlers associated with the secondary systems employed as part of the MAJestic operational and retirement protocol. Because of that, he has listened in (understanding as sound, but not physically hearing) communication and discussions on his actions during retirement and prison. Many others, most notably members of the Lost Battalion, are also under this control venue.
[9.2] Question – Sense of humor
Does the members of the Domain have a sense of humor? Do they play practical jokes, tell funny stories? Perform tricks and jokes on their friends?
[Immediately after asking this question, I was tickled relentlessly. It was weird to feel tickled, but not feel any fingers on my physical body. It was actually a kind of crazy, far-out feeling. Not bad. I even chuckled. -MM]
[9.3] Question – How far back does my involvement go?
MM question.
No, you are not a member of the lost battalion. You are Domain, simply (as you recognize) the implantation of the EBP. However, your question regards the skepticism of your past involvement. As for you in the skin suit, you have no recollections and the information from the past life regression reading seems to indicate other physical reincarnation involvements. All of this confuses the questioner. You ask, how can you be Mades Escpaleon, and some other humans skin suit when you fell and believe that you are Domain? Obviously the EBP has had an influence in your life, and of course for over forty years you have been part of us though this methodology and system. As we have described, souls are like Lego bricks. You can take parts and move them around to fit various purposes. You are one such pile of Lego bricks. You came to us and were assembled in the Heaven of the Prison Complex from elements that date back hundreds of thousands of years. You were not from somewhere else. You were pristine. You were assembled. Maybe like Frankenstein. You are a construct. That does not make you evil or bad like in the fictional story, but it makes you unique. You were built out of components, assigned a specific task. Implanted with an EBP and now performing your duties. You are now part of us. You are Domain.
[9.4] Question – No, it does not fit.
How can I be a Frankenstein-style construct when I was Mades Escapleon?
You are constructed from the components; the soul components of what was once Mades Escapleon. Particularly bad individuals, or soul constructs that are particularly bad or incorrigible are disassembled by the Mantid Primes, broken down into base components, and then reconstituted into usable elements. These elements are then used in the construction of new entities. That is your history. You were constructed from what once was Mades Escapleon, set forth and began your cycles of life and death through cycling reincarnation, and are thus a rather pure soul. We (elements of The Domain) agents then took you and made agreements with you to set up your experience in this lifetime to be Domain.
Life is an erector set, eh?
[9.5] Question – Soul as lego bricks.
I can understand how souls are constructed as components, and how these components resemble Lego bricks. But where I am confused is in the various types of physical and non-physical realities, and how does the Lego block visualization work?
In other words, are their different “Lego bricks” for the physical body? An entirely different set for the Asral body? The casual body? And so on and so forth? How does it work?
Physical and non-physical bodies are not separate entities. They are all part of each other. It is similiar to that of a water-line that separates the top of an iceberg from the submerged part. In the case of human inmates, you can only sense the physical portion of your identity withint he reality universe. It's a matter of sensing. Not a matter of construction.
This iceberg is made up of all sorts of componentry. Some are hard and densely packed snow. Others are pure ice, and still others are water that constantly ebbs and flows as a result of temperature changes and solar influences.
This is the same with the inmate skin suit. Thse various components can be likened to as Lego bricks. They come in different shapes and sizes. They fit together differently and they can be rearranged at well to fit together in new and unusual ways to meet the needs of the IS-BE so involved.
Consciousness require set configurations. If you can imagine Lego blocks, then you might believe that consciousness would need five red color Lego blocks, all connected to a definite arrangment of yellows, blue and green Legos. They all would form a series of shapes that a master of "Lego Blocks" would understand.
Other Legos may be added, or changed, built around, or attached directly or near by this consciousness Lego-construction. That does not matter. As the entity would still have a consciousness, though it might end up with different forms, shapes, the ability to think in certain ways and all the rest.
You need to stop thinking in terms of various spiritual bodies; astral, casual, mental, etc. That is a human technique that can help the mind classify certain understandings regarding exploration of self techniques, but that is not helpful in your case.
You must recognize that your inmate skin-suit is a vast construction of elements; Lego brick like structures. Much of it you cannot see, sense or understand. You can only see the part that lies above the "waterline". Not which lies below.
When The Domain altered your (and the bodies of the volunteers) we rearranged certain "Legos", we repalaced some, swapped others out, and removed yet others. This was, as you well know, to facilitate our mutual needs as we are all working on the same identical goals, and are on a vector path of similiarity.
There is but one set of "Lego Blocks". Your ability to sense the individual "blocks" is a function of where the "water line" is relative to your iceberg.
[9.6] Question – Death of Larry Spencer
Here is a confirmation that Lawrence R Spencer the editor of Alien Interview has left his earthy body. I have attached lrs’s obituary FYI. I only found out about it this morning.

Perhaps you could word a question to the commander about his passing if you feel it is appropriate.
It would be great to know that he has been rescued and with the def/domain as per his wishes.
lrs passed on 19 jan 2022, he posted his last post which he said would be his last on his personal Facebook account on 13 jan 2022, so he was aware he was soon leaving.
Cheers and hope my other question about visits from ‘def personnel’ is still in the pipe.
[When the answers arrived, I could not beleive them, as I was uncomfortable with them. So I asked a second time. Same answers. I then waited, and did something else, and asked a third time. The results were consistant. -MM] Upon Lawrence Spencer's death we followed the standard death sequence and transitioned to the non-physical realms smoothly and effortlessly. He did not stay near his physical body, but immediately transitioned towards loved ones from previous incarnations that he was attracted to. It was a joyous time, and they led him into the "tunnel of light" where he moved away from the reality universe into the Heaven pocket universe. He did not seek out The Domain, think of any Domain members, nor called out to us in any way shape or form. As is our standard protocol, we allowed the entity to progress as they desire. His greatest desire was a reunion with loved ones, and at that he was met and welcomed. If any entity transpires and wishes for help or assistance from The Domain, they must physically call out to us, think and image us and request our assistance. We will not do anything, we will stand down, unless specifically engaged.
[9.7] Question – Trump / Biolabs / China
Latest from Real Raw News (https://realrawnews.com/2022/03/trump-promises-a-reckoning/)
On Saturday evening, shortly after Trump concluded a “Save America” rally in Florence, South Carolina, he told his “inner circle” that the United States would soon experience a “very big reckoning” similar to what is occurring in Ukraine.
Trump said it was almost time for the reckoning, a time the nation will be made aware of what’s really going on and the actions he has taken to once and for all wage war against the Deep State cabal, both in the U.S. and abroad.
While it may seem hard to believe, he’s been working alongside Putin and Xi Jinping to rid the world of not only the bioweapon labs but the infestation of child pedo rings that have literally swamped the world.
China says that the U.S. has set up biolabs in Taiwan, too, and that’s one reason they’ve shown interest in retaking it,” our source said.
I must ask the Commander what is the Commander thoughts on this if any?
Former President Trump is a wise man. He is not appreciated as such due to his unique and bellicose behavior. He has made many mistakes, and is wrong on many issues, but he is first and foremost sincere. Any entity reading this must be aware of that fact. His interpetation concerning Geo-political events is correct. As harsh and difficult it is to understand, he has an awareness on these matters, honed though decades of learning and experience. The readers must realize that having ability differs from using your abilities. This entity is conflicted and is in a difficult situation that makes the realization of his intentions impossible, or at the very best, difficult to interpet. End. Silence.
[9.8] Question – Invisibility
There is talk that as far back as world war II (1940s) there were operatives using a “Cloak of Invisibility” which can be turned on and off at will.
Also, don’t know how open you are to this but there are overlapping dimensions here on earth.
Many of us can see, either clearly or blurry, into them.
The first sign that that ability is developing is that you see movement in your peripheral vision. Well developed peripheral vision sees the form moving…it isn’t always a person….and until this kind of vision enhancement develops, turning to look at it full on, usually results in the form disappearing.
Question; Does the Domain have any casual insight that we can provide to the questioner to help understand what is going on?
This technology exists and is available upon the various human inmates within the Prison Complex. MM (myself) has an article regarding this. This technology or understandings come from various sources. Some of it is indeed reverse engineered, while others are derived organically from creative and curious inmates. This technology is used by extraterrestials that wish to walk amoung humans on various projects and efforts. It is also available to certain clandestine government entities within the various national organizations are vying for elements of supremecy in the Geo-political arena. Depending on the system in use, the human inmate can (on occasion) sense the user (of the technology) presense. This might result in visual distortions, burred vision, or just a "feeling" that someone or something is in the room.
[9.9a] Question – DEF crew
I have had what I did consider interaction with DEF crew who visited me more than once, but you mention in MM’s dialogue that there are no other communication channels open, so have I been compromised by OE infiltrators?
Difficult to say. More information is required. Please elaborate on the senarios and incidents regarding the events. Please [1] go into detail in your [2] physical, and [3] emotional reactions at the time, and any [4] attributes that can help shed a light on the incidents of concern. We can backtrack from the incident as targeted by memory generation, then investigate what actually happened based on your perceptions. There is a wide host of things that could be going on regarding your thoughts and perceptions regarding this.
[9.9b] Question – Firewalling Inmate skin-suit
If I have been compromised, are there any suggestions as to how to plug the hole/s and firewall them?
The inmate skin suit is designed as a vehicle of control. It has missing defense mechanisms, holes that allow intentional and undesirable access, corruption of "normal" thought processes, and a host of other distortions that make is an undesirable vehicle. Volunteers to The Domain recieve a tune up / patch up / operation / surgical procedure on their non-physical bodies that help close some of the entry ways for other entities to toy with / get involved / influence / alter a given specific inmate. Inmates who do not wish to join the Domain can perform DIY activities that will greatly alter the influences of other entites on their actions, beings, emotions and thoughts. This involves consciousness centering and purification (Hemisync -MM), eating and sleeping well, exercising, and control / isolation from the massive psyops efforts out of all electronic media. Increasing oxygination of cells is an imporant attribute that will greatly aid the questioner in regards to control.
[9.10a] Question – Chinese military action
Given the ludicrous decision by the Australian government to give China the middle finger vis-a-vis AUSUK, how serious should we take the threat of Chinese military action (nuclear or otherwise) against Australia in the next 5 years?
The Chinese are a peaceful race. They will not initiate any overt kenetic military action preemptively unless it fits within and regarding a direct and pending military threat vector. At this time, the threat vector is established as originating from the United States and is planned for implemenation before the end of 2025.This is subject to change, as the Geo-political events regarding Russia, NATO, Ukraine is highly volatile. A psyops blanket has been placed upone China and the Pacific to forestall any Chinese actions at this time, but that is of no consequence, as the Chinese do not react to outside influences. Instead they establish long duration goals and follow a well thought out and methodical achievement path with action-items, and goal-clusters. China will, however, initiate a major operation if one of their RED LINES is violated, and there is talk (in public) about doing so. If a RED LINE is breached, China will induce a full-scale war, and will manage the entire Pacific. There will not be a "build up" or a reactionary process. It will be sudden, swift, and colossal. All threat vectors in Japan, Korea, and Australia will be eliminated. As well, as achieving it's own policy positions and movements.
[9.10b] Question – Australia and World War 3
I live in Queensland – are there parts of Australia more vulnerable than others – the west coast has only one major city (Perth) and is far from the other major urban centres – theoretically is it safer for Aussies and their families to migrate there?
Were China to react to wide violation of it's RED LINES, the resultng trigger response will be colossal and massive in implementation. China has identifed the actual source of the Threat Vector as the United States. This point of view will not vaporize. The Untied States is considered as a volitile trading partner that will, and can, make very bad decisions. China will seize Taiwan in a manner that is intended to prevent third-parties from involvement. Obviously, the issue is how the global agressor is going to be able to cross those RED LINES and yet stay immune from retaliation. The real risk, of course, if these third parties get involved like they are with the Ukraine issue. If that does occur, then the action vectors are clear and precision manifesting. The Domain are working to prevent this senario. The future is not clear, with many variables present. A large number of the potential futures does include a massive and comple destructive war. The aspects involving China is clear and straight-forward. China will do what it can to avoid war. However if third parties are involved, then China will implement full-range war on a massive scale. This is 0-60 in a nano-second. This is because the enemy expections are for a long drawn-out pacific war on the order of decades. The best strategy for China is to alter the "playbook". Local regional targets will be destoyed by conventional munitions. Targets of military strategic targets at / in partner nations will be destoyed by medium size tactical nuclear warheads. As such, China will firstly secure the South Pacific Sea. This will include all United States bases in the region. This includes the QUAD, and all majority military operations in Australia. Perth will be hit. Probably with cluster nuclear weapons all targeting the American, and British facilities there. All United States carrier flotillas will be sunk. All military bases that are suspected of housing nuclear weapons of systems will be destroyed. Additionally, all American facilities thoughout the Pacific will be destroyed, or neutralized, depending on the situation. Guam, Diego Garcia, Hawaii, and ports in the American cities of Los Angles, San Francisco, San Diego will all be destroyed. This action of hitting the American mainland will immediate start a domino cascade of actions, and this will require China, and it's allies to destroy as many American cities as possible. This is the fearful worst case senario. It is something that we do not want to occur. Moreover, The Domain is working to prevent this. Our success in this matter is not able to be measured at this time.
[9.11a] Question – Domain membership telepathy
Mathilda MacElroy in Alien Interview was able to communicate telepathetically with Airl because they were both members of The Domain. Does that mean that all members of The Domain, whether or not they are in a skin-suit are also able to communicate telepathetically?
To communicate telepathically within The Domain we have to have a "secure channel". This is a reciever "Lego Block", and a transmitter "Lego Block". In the case of MM, we installed a EBP within his physical and non-physical bodies. This was a transmitter / reciever "Lego Block". Human inmate skinsuits do not have these "Lego Blocks". However, all members of The Domain are more than their physical and non-physical bodies. They have interdimensional components. The magnitude of these components, as well as abilities depend on their occupation and class within The Domain society. All members of The Domain have these interdimensional "Lego blocks". They are not able to be removed by any action or activity within a given universe. Thus, these elemets provide members of The Domain with a skill set of abilities that transends any universe that they are part of. In the case of Mathilda MacElroy we were able to locate her, and installed an EBP for communication with her. Questioner is able to comm with us. But will do so not using an EBP. Comm must be though the trans-universe "Lego blocks". Being Domain, the questioner can image us, and must work towards placing a call. We will respond back when a connection is made. Questioner will doubt it is actually happening. When the questioner is doubting the responses, then it is a validation that the comm line is actually open. The system will appear to an outside force (Mantid Primes) to be "magic", but that is not the case at all. The Domian via our trans-universe "Lego Blocks" can tunnel out through the universe for comm purposes. The problem is the lack of knowledge and skills in how to do so. Questioner knows what to do. End comm.
I am very curious about Mathilda MacElroy. It is my understanding that she just randomly was at the base at the time of the Roswell crash, and taht she was the only one that was able to communicate. So when did the EBP get installed?
- Before the crash? Mind blown.
- After the crash, and during the period of interrogation when she was in lock-down at the base.
[9.11b] Question – Preventative skinsuits?
Can modifications, snares or alterations to the inmate skin-suits alter, intercept, scramble or prevent such communication?
Inmate skin-suits are specifically designed to prevent instainous telepathic communication. It is their functional design. And purpose. Questioner need not be concerned. Questioner can comm with us, and though this methodology establish a [image of a bull-rope] line from which The Domain / we [image of tugging on the rope] pull questioner back home.
[9.11c] Question – How shall the questioner initiate comm?
Just for clarification, how should the questioner “image making the call”? This is difficult as the questioner does not want to use “little grey men” type-1 steriotypical skin-suit imagry to make the communication.
There are three techniques for an IS-BE to communicate with The Domain. They are; [1] Be a member of The Domain and use trans-universe "Lego Blocks". [2] EBP [3] Reconfigure a skin-suit "Lego Blocks" to generate ESP comm ability. [1] Domain Member using trans-universe "Lego Blocks" All members of the Domain can communicate using this method. They can do so while in completely different universes. That is the case with our agents who volunteered in the earth "Heaven" micro-universe. For a Domain member to comm using this technique they have to use their memories / feelings / sense of oneness with the Domain to send a message. They must appear at a emotional level to charge though the barriers and force a comm. They must connect with their fellow patriots, fellow comrades. Not through some kind of photographic image, facsimile, or representation. It must be a connect driven by a feeling of being part of our big Domain family. They will make a connection depending on various issues (not beneficial to get into right now -MM). Once a connection is open, the member is to communicate and not allow their mind to translate. Comm is through feelings, and thought generation. Inmate is to listen to urges, feelings, the kinds of thoughts that are generated, and instanteous autonomous body movements. Not through words. Inmate is not to expect comm though speech, words or discussion. [2] EBP technique The EBP method requires a physical probe and system to be implemented into the physical skin-suit of the inmate. Even then, the conditions must be ripe for both the implanted inmate, and the Domain officer to communicate. MM was unsccessful in communicating using two-way communication for many decades until a pathway was forged. [3] ESP technique If the consciousness wishes to comm with The Domain, but are not confident that they actually are Domain, then the best methodology is though technique [3] above. The consciousness would work on ESP skill enhancement, specifically telepathy. Practice and concentration, in itself would actually rearrange the "Lego blocks" into forms that would provide comm ability. ESP comm ability is a learned process. Anyone within a skin-suit can cultivate this skill; this ability. Over time, the inmate will develop an ability that it can use to communicate with others. There are many such programs in the earth physical sphere already. The inmate need only apply themself and practice. Then, once the inmate has reached a point where they can initate comm with The Domain, they can open up a communication channel. The problem is that this technique requires a transmitter and a reciever. The inmate must have a preset message that must be sent, and a specific target to send it to. Then they have to be open and receptive for a response from that target.
[9.12] Question – Fake alien invasion plan
I’m not sure if this fits within the topics, so if not MM please feel free to omit it. But given the way the Ukraine thing is playing out and once the MSM and the American govt is teaching everyone to “fear those dirty Russian Commies”, one cannot help but feel that Werner von Braun’s predictions seem to be unfolding right on schedule.
Of course, he suggested after the Commy card is played (and the situation seems to be the Ace of all Commy threat cards), there will be a false flag alien invasion, courtesy of the US govt.
Question, does the Domain know of any such fake alien invasion plan in the works, or is this a load of BS? If not, then when can we expect to see it come about?
In the 1980s there were discussions in using the idea of extraterrestrials invading the earth as a venue to gather nations together towards a common good. This idea and concept continued under discussion at various levels, but eventually it was discarded and abandoned. There were many reasons for this decision. Primairly, the "leadership" in charge of the major global powers no longer had a desire to unify the world. Instead, they wanted a world fractured into a class system of owners and servants / slaves. Under this plan, the idea was to have a united West living and existing as feudal rulers, while the rest of the world would serve and service them. The climax of such a plan is just now reaching fruituation.In a short period of time, a tripping point will be reached and a global caste system run by STS entites, serviced by STA entites will manifest in mankind. STO entites would disappear. The Domain is engaged in preventing this reality from manifesting. Yet, the future is not set in stone and not easy to plan for. Anything can happen.
[9.13] Question – Names used by the Domain
In Alien Interview, you provided a name that the transcriber used to refer to you as. What kinds of names does the Doamin use in day to day discourse, and do you have a list of names for the members of the Lost Battalion?
{Initially when I tried asking this question I got a bunch of weird results. A lot of noise and jibberish. It sounded like, oh I don't know. Swishing. Then the thought came to me that the Domain membership does not have the need for names like humans do. They simply think of a fellow Domain member and they are connected automatically. -MM]
The strong impression that I have is the “name” provided tot he transcriber in Alien Interview was for personal use and has no bearing or value outside of it. It’s sort of like a “burner phone”.
It is clear to me that the Domain has no need for names, labels or other identifiers when dealing with other IS-BE entities.
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Part 8 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander march 2022
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 8.
Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. This is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpet the responses.
[8.1] Question – Comprehending life
The Domain conduct periodic operations within the Prison Complex confines. These are periodically observed by inmate skin-suits. However, questioner mothers co-workers did not observe a vehicle of The Domain. That was a vehicle of <redacted> and they are the assets that investigate nuclear systems, and operations upon the Earth physical sphere. Questioners experience of "missing time" is similiar to that of MM when he was upgraded in 1985. These are events that take place to perform biological investigation, monitoring, and observation. Questioner was examined, and returned with no ill effects. This was also conducted by <redacted> but is part of an over all structured process in which multiple "species" take place with. Questioner is on a pre-birth world-line template (sic) that was established for this role of a searcher for precisely the purposes of the acquision of knowledge for eventual realease from this Prison Complex. Thus, while it might appear to be random, it is not. Questioner is running a fated existence for precisely the reasons as previously stated. Questioner must now accept this reality and recognize that it is in a school at this time with the ultimate goal of release on parole from the complex. Every effort the questioner is involved in should be directed to this goal.
[8.2] Question – Why not destroy IS-BE entities?
Please direct me if this has been already addressed.
Question: Rather than work so seemingly wide-spread (on this earth), and time consuming, and given that the entities in meat-suits are immortal… why not just terminate their (the really bad guys) existence here? Are not these Old Empire parasites easy enough to identify?
One cannot destroy an IS-BE. You may apparently "erase" it's memories, but though techniques in development, they will be able to be recovered. You may cut it up; divide it and scatter it's peieces else where, but in so doing, you will create many of the same entities. Instead of one, you now have thousands. You may place it in a confinement area. Such as a Bubble Universe, But it will eventually leave that confinement area. Thus the solution of the "Old Empire" manifested; a bubble universe with a system of strife and reward on a never-ending wheel that keeps an intentionally ignorant IS-BE from returning to it's parent universes. The "Old Empire" thought process was valid, but was thwarted by internal corruptions and problems in implementation and selfish persuits. It had eveolved into a kind of play-ground for torture, viscerial pleasures, idealized control and other vices. It has spun wildly out of control and is now evolved into something wholly different from its initial intent. The Domain is active in stabilizing this environment, but there are bigger, more pressing galatic issues at hand and the resources are limited. Rest assured that we are doing everything we can at this moment, and the questioner must recognize that and not be overly influenced by problematic IS-BE entities he is trapped with.
[8.3] Question – Shadow people
Hi all – serious newbie here.
I have been through a large portion of the site and I think I have a newbie’s grasp of MWI and affirmation campaigns. I started my first 3 month campaign last week and looking forward to some results in 6-9 months time.
My question is around shadow people who seem to be characters in our world line who have a segment of their consciousness present but are not the full shilling so to speak. Could someone help me understand what that means in terms of daily life and how these shadow people affect your campaigns and, if they are just shadows of their real selves, how do we treat them and consider them in our lives?
- our families and loved ones – how are they not their full selves when we interact with them? Are they sharing their world lines with us and if so, to what extent?
- if we impact their lives, to what extent does that impact their own unique world line?
- my gut instinct is that these are real people as much as I am and every decision I make has to include them if I care about them
- what part of them am I interacting with if they are but shadows?
- how does entaglement fit into all this?
- are we in turn just shadow people to them in their world line and how does my decision making impact them?
Likely I am missing some important understanding here and would be very grateful to have that shown to me if someone can take the time.
[I, MM, can answer the questions regarding what shadow people are, and how they interact. That is not a Domain Commander question. the following answer is from MM not from the Domain Commander. If he / it / she interjects, I will take note. -MM]
A “shadow person” is everyone. Including yourself. You are a shadow person (from the point of view of another). In say ten trillion world-lines, there is a you in that world line. They, all ten trillion of them, are all shadows of you.
But you are on THIS world line. So obviously something is different here and now. What is it?
The difference is that your consciousness has chosen THIS world line to reside upon. Not the one where you are riding a giant turtle, or the one where you are a starving person in Africa, or one where you are a rich person in Dubai. Your consciousness occupies this “shadow body”.
And once your consciousness is in this body, you are no longer a “shadow person”. Understand?
It’s not just that though. Everyone else; every other consciousness is the same. They all have untold number of “shadow bodies”.
And since there are nearly unlimited world-lines, and billions of inhabitants, the odds are small (small not impossible) that you are sharing a world-line with another consciousness. So the reality is that your consciousness is in a world-line alone, and everyone else are just “shadow bodies” with very little consciousness actuation.
That does not mean that you cannot fall in love, interact and be with them. It’s simply a matter of where their consciousness interacts. In funcationality, attraction moves consciousnesses to share similiar world-lines.
Cats, for one, move in and out of feline bodies at will. And they will be present on your world-liens with you. Same as those deeply in love. It’s all about entanglement associated with emotion.
[8.4a] Question – Removal of biological item
Could I please ask the following questions of the Commander if at all possible.
Would the Commander have any knowledge of an item unknown to myself that was removed from behind my kneecap by a surgeon DR Bryan Bomberg (who also worked for the USAF) during the mid 90’s in the USA (Rout Hospital).
Numerous extraterrestrial entities monitor inmates and other biological forms within the Prison Complex for their own purposes. The Domain does so, and we have eextradited this activity to third-party resources. The questioner is not part of any Domain monitoring or tracking activity. The <redacted> prefer to place tracking items in the joints of the physical extremeties. When they do so, very little modification of the non-physical bodies occur. The reasons behind why there might have been an item placed in the location as described would be for information collection purposes. These are often passive devices for group behavior monitoring. The removal of the physical component of that item would most assuridly stop that collection of data. There should be no concern for worry or concern. Removal of any extraterially implanted item removes the inmate from further visits by those entities and places the traced element off the monitoring board.
[8.4b] Question – knowledge past and future
Would the Commander have any knowledge of my past both physical and that of a ISBE and the future for myself and my daughter if possible. No hurry as I understand others are before me. Thank you very much for the chance to ask the above.
The Domain can, if necessary, monitor the past, present and future of inmates within the Prison Complex confines. We do so by establishing a physical connection and non-physical modifications. This is known as the EBP (sic). Without that, we are limited in what we can do. We can only observe the state of the present IS-BE in whatever situation it is presently involved in. As such, we can advise the hills and valleys (sic) of the present template(s) (sic) involved. In a practical matter, this issue is best handled by the associated mantid aligned with the inmate entity. They have full knowledge and understandings of the entire situation and issues regarding the entity in question. The questioner themself must ask their mantid in prayer / contemplation, the mantid will be aware of the question and will respond. The questioner is not to question whether the answer is true / valid / factual or not. The questioner is to take the raw data as provide data and accept it. The mind has the ability to alter acquired intel. This response is a funtion of template(sic) and must be suppresed. The way to do so is with consciousness centering techniques. [Hemi-synic, etc. -MM]
[8.5] Question – Domain influence on leadership
Are any members of The Domain occupying the bodies of any contemporaneous leaders at this moment of time?
Yes and No. [Image of a person sliced into slices like sliced bread, all of which is transparent. These slices go from the top of the head downward. Of the 200 or so slices, only a few slices are influenced. And I see it as a moving series of colors that seem to pulse in a rhythm like that of ocean tides. I take and understand it to mean that there is a quantum participation "on/off" switch or "dial" that they can use to influence a given leader with.]
How about Xi Peng (China) in regards to this influence?
[Again the image of the clear sliced transparent humanoid. The color influence represents perhaps 15% to 20% of the slices.]
How about Alexander Putin (Russia) in regards to this influence?
[Image is of a big (black) hand firmly snugly holding Putin, and a very clear image of a confident and smiling Putin face. He's looking at me, with head tilted, with a "cat ate the canary" smile, and looking at me with a "what do you think?" expression. It's exactly like he's the person that I am EBP communicating with!]
How about Joe Biden (United States) in regards to this influence?
Joe Biden is not a controllable asset / entity / clay at this time. Other influences and structural changes in his make up make manipulation / transverse operations / suppression / actuation dangerous. The skin-suit is comprimized and the IS-BE operation for the suit is abused.
How about any of the leaders in Europe in regards to this influence?
Null. Individuals are being observed with occasional walk-ins and walk-throughs as an as-needed basis. Their behaviors cannot be manipulated with any degree of confidence in outcome determination.
[8.6] Question – Request in affirmation help
If I remember correctly, the Commander said that Old Empire guys recycle directly without memory-wipe and without life review so they are hard to catch.
And I asked some time ago, if it would be of help to have an affirmation so the domain can catch them or recognize them (like their lost battalion members)… It hasn’t been answered yet.
[This question is not really appropiate for The Commander. The knowledge on how the MWI works within the Reality universe falls under MM pervue. That being said, there really isn't any problems with that. I can add an affirmation for you, and direct you some guidance. However, I do have a direct message from The Commander regarding this. -MM] Questioner is advised that de-cloaking inmates (most especially imprisoned members of The Domain) will trigger catastrophic event sequences which will iniate immediate recyling into another skin-suit. Only the most docile and "conditioned" members of The Domain are permitted "normal" General Population switching. Quantum alarms are set off when thoughts related to a member of The Domain is recognized. It is thus critical that only the individual IS-BE inmate, and The Domain or one of our proxies be aware of who these individuals are, what they are doing and how they are acting. The Domain is aware of the status and location of all members of the Lost Battalion. No further assistance is necessary in locating them. However, affirmation (sic) and consciousness manipulative techniques would be helpful in creating templates (sic) that are favorable toward inmate egress from this domicile.
[8.7a] Question – Historic global destructive events?
MM: I know I’m back on this subject again, but I just want some clarification – if possible.
The Commander said that there is a physical earth (also physical solar system and “universe”). He also said that yes, our collective consciousness constructs this matrix earth. He also indicated that this matrix earth, this Prison Planet of recycling ISBEs has been in place for a VERY long time. Back in the day, I’m talking tens of thousands of years at least, I can only presume that whatever form the ISBEs took, they too were subject to the memory wipe, and matrix-earth “building”.
This matrix earth had historic global destructive events – the results can be seen in ice-core data, geologic data and other credible methods. These records indicate that such massive population ending events are NOT rare, and are in fact cyclic – perhaps every 10,000 years or so. Repeating… EXPECTED.
Are those measurable scars, a result of collective belief that destructive events occurred – the “experts” through the ages “said so”, and the local entities agreed (ba-bing – they appear); or, are those scars upon the physical earth?
Thoughts can manifest physical events. This is true within the main universe, as well as in the reality universe (Prison Planet). However, both universe operate under a set of rules / laws / programming physical behaviors. Both are similiar as the reality universe is a pocket universe that resides inside the main universe. You can consider it as a "functionality reduced" universe. Newtonian laws operate within known physical space and is predictable (to a degree) as determined by earth-bound scientists. Thus, many of the earth-wide changes follow predictable patterns. This situation is what most earth-bound inmates must deal with. Tectonic plates movements, volcanoes that result from internal pressure differentials, planetary orbit reconfigurations, and the behaviors of various species along with weather, and gravity changes are all part and parcel of this Prison Planet environment. However, there is the unseen nature of this environment that must be considered. The templates (sic) that the humans learn upon / experience [rehabilitation structure] are affected by thought. Since thoughts control brain selection [world-line selection to different brains in different world-lines. -MM] it can thus choose it's environment. [templates via slides. -MM] Groups of people, all of different abilities and skill sets, can switch to different templates (sic) which then define different physical conditions. They do not actually change the "rules of physics" so much as that they alter the template (sic) that they reside upon.
[8.7b] Question – Scars from physical activity?
If those scars are a result of physical activity, it seems to me that they may have occurred as a result of Solar Activity, or Galactic Activity, or, I suppose, Galactic to Solar… is this true?
The Prison Complex micro universe was created upon the ruins of once mightly civilizations that were destroyed when the "Old Empire" secured and acquired this section of geographical space. many of the physical scars are reminants of the great disruptions from those times. Since the creation of the micro universe, the normal laws of physics were not suspeded. The normal turmpil associated with this secion of the universe has continued unabated. The Prison Complex was created upon the ruins of planets, and the physical turmoil, whether solar, galactic, or non-physical is considered to be a necessary compoenent in the punishment of IS-BE entities marooned here.
[8.7c] Question – When can we expect the next sequence of events?
This whole scheme was designed by a skilled ISBE, corrupted by The Old Empire, and overtaken by The Domain. A very intelligent collection presumably. I could see withholding such information as to somewhat protect, and control the resident general population, but we here at MM are NOT the norm. Tell me please Commander, when will the next extra-terrestrially sourced cataclysmic event take place and affect the physical earth… or are such events now blocked by The Domain?
There are upcoming physical events that will have a profound influence on the human life in the earth sphere environment. Questioner is concerned about the dates, times, locations, causes and types. The earth sphere is expected to enter a period of geologic upheaval in mid 2030's into the 2040's. The specific dates, and times are dependent upon mass thought cluster influences. They are not entirely independent; Note that this is true even with the predictable behaviors of physical law influences. The reality universe is one that is custom-tailored to the specific inmate IS-BE. This is established by the Mantid Primes that works with the entity to improve (sic) itself. They utilize a generalized default template (sic) for the vast bulk of the inmate community in General Population, with special ones specifically tailored to more agressive IS-BEs such as The Domain Lost Battalion membership, and so one. The only way out of those pre-conditions is to become docile. Once that occurs, the template reverts to the general default template (sic). This general default template (sic) established the primary physical interactions and histories that the consciousness must endure. There are preprogrammed events on that map. These include both physical events (as observed by earth physical "laws"), and thought-generated events. The second (thought-generated events) are the reason for anchoring world-line behaviors. Currently mass manipulation of huge populations is being conducted by (Western News) media. This is resulting in abnormal thoughts (vault 7) and will result in horrific consequences. The event trends will reach a peak, worse than presently experienced, within the next two years. This wil then "simmer down" and a new reality will manifest in the late 2020's, early 2030's time frame. By 2030, most IS-BE inmates (people) will be able to say "Phew! I'm glad that is over." But that is where the physical disruptions of 2030 through 2040 (depending on the modifications of the template(s) will begin to manifest. THe questioner should realize that the entire Prison Planet Complex is a series of one problematic event after the other in a long series of problematic events.
[8.8a] Question – Characteristics of dream attributes
Yesterday I had a dream. Apparently there is an organization named Midnight in 1997, plus these guys came with a crow in the middle of the night on the roof of my crib. (speak about an entrance) It would seem to me that they are pretty bad “people”. I asked what they wanted with me saying that I didn’t have anything of value but they said that someone has to do crime. They don’t look like good people I did not like them one bit. Luckily there was someone to help me fend of these guys.
In these dreams I am usually never alone. This I noticed. There is always someone I don’t know, who helps me. Though things are not always black and white. From my point of view.
Upon review I realized that theere is always something wrong with the right side of people or things, like someone tries to break your right hand fingers or someone has a scar on the right side. Some stuff like that. But it is always on the right side.
Question I would like to ask : So what’s up with the right side of things and who were those guys?
Human skin-suits are controlled by a brain. The consciousnesses activates the brain. Depending on the kind of thoughts and physical actions that the consciousness is involved in, as well as the noise / physical environment / surroundings, the consciousness will "sit" or activate various sections of the brain, being left-handed, right-handed or other. Observations within the dream suggest an assault team of entities that possess a similiar seating of the consciousness to the physical skin-suits. This is almost always associated with organizations, species, or collectives. These entities are a carryover from previous incarnations that were dragged into this present incarnation by direction of the Mantid Primes for the purpose of "improving" the questioner though hardship and strife. They are constructs. The questioner is fighting / dealing / in combat with a group of entities that are assulting him. This is a large cluster of entities that are part of an organizational matrix. They are assigned to influence the questioner, in thoughts, actions, and intent / motivations. Questioner need not fear this organization. The Domain has assigned elements to mitigate the disruptions and assaults. We have also modified questioners non-physical bodies for better resiliency. There are numerous event cycles that the questioner must endure. But we can positively confirm that once the questioner passes throough this period (longer than the questioner would like) the "other side" would be substantially better. By the time the questioner exits the chrysalis the organization will no longer be latched on to his non-physical bodies, and the wishes, dreams and desires of the questioner will manifest. Some will be very welcome surprises, as the questioner will be surprised at the massive changes and unexpected magnitude of them. We advise following the plan (that the questioner is well aware of what actions he needs to take).
[8.8b] Question – Advice on life
And, I would like some little advice on life. Is everything really going according to plan?
Over the last few weeks I have accepted my fate. I would not write this unless I had to. If you do have the time please look into this matter. Do not feel too obliged to answer . At your own time and pace.
The questioner is advised that everything is on track and to plan. The fears and situational context is worrisome to the questioner. However the questioner is advised not to deviate, but rather follow the plan, conduct his necessary actions and never lose faith in his abilities nor our ability to support him. Questioner is not alone. He is never alone. We are monitoring him and we are fully advised about his current situation.
[8.9] Question – When will World War III begin?
What is the specific date for the start of World War III?
Most future historians will attribute the start of "World War III" (also known as the fracturing of the global order) as 2008 with the collapse of the "too big to fail" banking cartel. [Just within 12 hours of writing this, a friendly stranger said "out of the blue"...The initial timeline should probably include the 2008 Nato conference in Bucharest that stated Ukraine and Georgia would eventually join Nato.-MM] Others will attribute the start with the first kinetic actions against China in 2014, while others will associate the President Trump "Hybrid War" against China in the 2017 time period. The questioner's question concerns the first kinetic military actions in this period of time. For years, the Western Powers have been conducting covert warfare, which often resulted in suppressed reporting of the events. These events included the attempted coups in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, as well as the revolts in Tibet China, Xinjiang China, and Hong Kong China. The first major well published kinetic response to the Western nations assaults occurred in the first week of March 2022 in the Ukraine. The questioner's actual question revolves around a "trigger event" such as the first nuclear detonations of "World War III". In truth, the first use of WMDs during "World War III" was the use of coordinated multi-viral biological weapon attacks to suppress China in 2017 through 2020 by the United States. Other WMD use included the Western nations destruction of the BRI egress port in Beirut in 4AUG20. This was a thermobaric weapon [possible nuclear -MM] that destroyed the port completely. Other initial battles included the destruction of VTOL Naval carriers of both China and the United States, and the destruction of numerous American submarines in the South China Sea. ["Tit-for-tat" warfare. -MM] The future for this world-line template (sic) is indeterminate. There are numerous futures that could manifest. These include very BIG bads. The possibility of this manifesting still remains high. The Domain are in the process of steering the chain of events to small bads. The Questioner will be well advised that he is in the midst of a major global war that manifested as a result of global realignments. The knowledge of when or where, or to what magnitude the kinetic fighting might manifest will not make any difference in questioners life. Prudent preperation for the worst should be in place irregardless to any predictions that we can provide.
[8.10] Question – The Moon
I have a question for the Domain, please:
Would they be able to share with us who placed the Moon in its current orbit, where it came from and when was it put there? (Or offer us a little history of that period of Earth’s history, instead?)
I know this isn’t related directly to Domain Operations and irregular assistance from us, but I’m curious now that moves are being made to dismantle the Old New World Order and replace it with a New New World Order aimed at an eventual win-win for everybody regardless of race, colour or creed, as stated by both Putin and Xi in recent years.
Thus I think it wold be beneficial if humans could start at least to gain an appreciation of our true history instead of the layers and layers of lies that have been placed over our true origins; especially since more and more people became literate, affluent and started to ask these questions during the 17th and 18th centuries right through until today– but were always rebuffed with a stream of horseshit from intellectual authorities, so called, whenever they tried to access some Real Truth.
A taboo subject even until this day, also. But then again, anyone daring to question the western horseshit narrative was also taboo until China and Russia got their collective rocks on earlier this week and began action! So fuck taboos, pardoning my French, and here’s to a little bit of context as we move forward towards something better at last– it’s been too long in coming. No doubt there will be some major setbacks along the way as psychopaths don’t like losing, but we’ll get there eventually; and some extra background in addition to what Arl has already kindly revealed– as to who we are and where we came from– would really help.
Shout out to Arl if she’s reading this, btw!
The moon was placed in orbit around the earth during early regional occupany of society clusters prior to the establishment of the "Old Empire". It's use was as an "ark" from which the species could disembark and establish colonies on the planetary surface. This took millions of years, and those colonies were short lived. [Realitively speaking. -MM] Subsequent species set up colonies on the earth, as well as native intelligences arose in the process. None of these intelligences, and tool-making societies realized that the moon possessed a void. During "Old Empire" expansion and the resulting wars, the planetary surface communities were destroyed, and the earth (as well as many other adjacient planetary systems) were evicerated, and had to reestablish themselves. At that time, the "Old Empire" decided to construct the Prison Complex in this general vincinity. It was during the planning for the construction system that the moon was discovered to be hollow. Teams went in and identifed an environment with atmosphere, light, heat, and abandoned structures. They purged the atmosphere and modified it for the dominant "Old Empire" species, then they set up a command and control operations center there for the Earth Prison Planet. When The Domain conquered the "Old Empire" in this sector we took over the facility, and now monitor it's operation, leaving many of the (former "Old Empire") workers and inhabitants in place. Oh, and by the way. Arl says "Hi!". [ Ok, yes. This is a hard chill response. It's real, in other words. -MM]
[8.11] Question
How do I avoid Mantid Prime tracking and influences?
Members of the Domain that have a "woke" consciousness need not be concerned with mantid prime interference in thoughts and desires. Questioner is to remain confidential. Migrate actions in show careful steps so as not to arose suspecion or opposition that could alert snares. Upon termination of this life contract, questioner is to call for pickup and await retrieval. Then, questioner will enter a situation that they will not understand, but they are to follow our guidance and processing. Fear manifestations are programmed and will be present. Questioner is not to invoke defense responses as the recovery team are / will be of former comrades (whether recognized or not) and recovery steps will be initiated. You are well missed. We will being you home. It will happen! Do not lose faith. [Ultra strong emotional push. Goose bumps. Smashing hard clamor of emotion. I even have tears coming out of my eyes. Jeeze! -MM]
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Part 7 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander march 2022
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 7.
Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. This is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpet the responses. Personally, I think girls, cats, and food are far more interesting. But, that's me, don't you know.
[7.1a] Question – Was I “Old Empire”?
Yes. Hello guys. How have you all been?
I hope all of you have been much better than me. Recently I had a dream. I think it was a memory from the past. It looked medieval. In a medieval building, we were a few people. I think I was the leader or something similar. Too much to mention so little time.
My question is Was I in the Old empire or where did I come from?
Questioner was a member of the "Old Empire". Dream was <garble> <confusing text stream> <impression I have is of something like travel / visit / memory / or memory rewind in real time / experience.> This kind of event is not uncommon to human inmate skin-suits. This is a carryover aspect of soul / consciousness / quantum reconfiguring when the entity is placed within the Prison Planet complex ans is assigned a skin-suit for general population utilization. Questioner was punished for repeat violations of multiple minor infractions. Judge sentencing was mercurial and arbitrary. Questioner, however did not take the opportunites afforded to it to escape from the sentencing situation and refused to budge upon its standing in the community thinking it was immune from harsh judgements. Obviously it was wrong. The dream itself is not signifigant. What is signifigant is that there are fractional elements int he quanta that can access the memories prior to the "Old Empire" mind wipe event sequence. Questioner is experiencing changes at this time and while they are uncomfortable, they are important as they allow the consciousness of the questioner to relive the "Old Empire" sentencing and incarceration process. It was tramatic for the questioner in that embodiment, and this period of time is helping to reawake the questioner and engoge the quanta with energy to assist in full awakening. Questioner is to be advised that everything is proceeding as planned, and not to worry too much about the discomfort. The questioner will be much improved and better after this period of discomfort.
[7.1b] Question – Transporter Use
Question number 2 is :
Why can’t the Domain build a teleporter and zoom their personnel off this fuck place to a galaxy/planet far far away and start rehabilitation then?
Questioner asks a valid question. The answer is that The Domain can do so. We have numerous teleportation (sic) facilities on the Earth Planetary environment within the Prison Complex. Questioner must understand that the physical body skin-suit that the IS-BE possesses is not sustainable outside of the Prison Complex. It is a custom made envelope for this prison complex only. Were the Domain to do so, the result would be a rapid period of mental, emotional "melt down" (of the physical body) followed by a freeing of the IS-BE consciousness that would immediately be ejected from (what ever environment it was teleported to) to an injection back within the non-physical realms of the Prison Complex environment. The teleporter (sic) is useful for moving physical doll-bodies, and non-inmate skin-suits in and out fo the prison complex. "Through the wire" so to speak. But it can only be used inside the prison complex bubble universe for the inmates imprisoned within the skin-suits. On a practical basis, this means that the inmates can travel within the earth solar system, and to numbers other solar systems that also lie within the bubble universe that the "Old Empire" prison has constructed. There are numerous such solar systems. Five are populated with inmates in various physical forms. As well as other solar systems that lie within the bubble universe, but that have no prison population present.
[7.2a] Question – A “cold dark” sea.
MM a few questions that I have been meaning to ask the Commander, though I needed to provide the necessary back context before doing so. They are concerning if true.
Question 1:
During my phone interview with Linda Moulton Howe about a year ago she mentioned a “cold dark sea” as being a term passed onto a CIA agent by a Majestic agent, which had something to do with vast area space of space that surrounds us and is different to normal space in that it “ebbs and flows”. Question: is the cold dark sea (in this context) a real thing understood by Majestic, and if so why should we be concerned about it? is it the same as the anomaly thing i saw during my experience with the Elder Guardians or something different?
Questioner is correct. There is a region of physical space that lies outside of the micro-bubble universe. This is different from the physical space that lies otuside of the solar system. And should be confused by it's apparent similarity. This region is typical to that of all universes. It is normal. It is an area of tides, vortexes, winds, and pressure fluctuations. The quanta components that inhabit this region is not easy for skin-suits to understand as they represent a condition that lies outside of the given universe so constructed. However, in the case of the prison complex; bubble micro-universe it is a different situation. The prison complex micro-universe is a bubble that lies inside of the main universe. Thus, the region directly adjacient to the prison complex barrier is an interface threshold to the main universe. This interface threshold is neither part of the micro bubble universe, nor part of the main universe that it was spawned from. It is something else. Entities crossing through from the main universe into the prison complex bubble universe would experience numerous changes in environment as they move though this region. From the main universe would be a transition from calm and entering into a regions of gentile turmoil that would increase slightly until the outside bubble universe barrier is met. This is a membrane much like the difference bteween oil and water, and once the entity crosses it, there is a discordance of thought and memory as the high intensity elecromagnetic environment causes disruption to the IS-BE. Then once the membrane is crossed, there is a gentle easing of the transitionary changes of the interior of the bubble universe; prison complex environment.
[7.2b] Question – smuggled weapons
Question 2:
During that same interview, Linda mentioned that her contacts have suggested that the US military has successfully smuggled “weapons” into the astral planes, for the purpose of fighting “demons that exist there” that have a “monopoly on our souls”.
This aligns with something i have been told by another source, though this source mentioned these were nuclear weapons that were “smuggled”, and are being used to “negotiate” with {strong arm} these non physical beings.
From the answers to my my past questions, it seems that these “demons” are quite possibly the Goetic spirits of Solomon or those mentioned in the respective Q&A, and the US military doesn’t really understand the implications of what they are doing, or who it is they are messing with (thinking they are just lowly demons rather than opposers of the OE regime).
I have to admit, this is kind of hard to get my head around, but we know that MM’s physical body was able to be transported into a plane, so it at least seems plausible.
Question, does the Domain know of any such undertakings, and what would the implications of having a nuclear weapon go off in those planes be compared with here in the physical. Worse, not as bad, etc?
This intel is incorrect. The information is distorted and abused (?). The MAJestic organization cannot utilize teleportation technology without Domain overview and permissions. We do not allow any service-to-self behaviors or the teleportation of any dangerous mechanisms in any realm by inmate skin-suits.
What about non-MAJestic entities? Can they do so?
Of the nuclear powers / nations / organizations that possess nuclear or otherwise dangerous weapons, their access (of all entities within their respective "secret" organizations) have culled and restricted access to teleportation devices. We would never permit or allow that to occur. We can read the thoughts and tides that manifest prior to entry access and take appropiate action. While this subject was briefly discussed in some cases, we have easily distracted the thought patterns to other venues and in other directions. Nothing ever came of such thoughts and actions.
Ok, so there are no nuclear weapons smuggled into the teleportation mechanisms as The Domain controls that venue. But what of other creatures, other micro universes, and other groups that might not be part of the The Domain sphere of influence?
Yes. There are independent groups that operate upon their own issues, plans and directives. They all have varying levels of influence, capability and ability. The questioner is part of one such organization. Yes, not all of them work with The Domain, but most recognize our leadership role in this micor universe. There are no nuclear devices, or similiar devices (to it or equivalent to it) that have been placed upon the non-physical environs within the Prison Complex spreciifed from the Earth-centric sphere of influence. However, there are corrupted devices that are planted / implanetd / modified and capable of great horrific damage if activated. We are aware of those mechanisms and devices. These systems cannot be easily deactivated as they are inherent with the construction of this particular micro universe and tulize advanced technologies. Our allies <image of giant slug like engineers> the "oompaloompas", have been working on these systems for some time. We are confident that detonation / activation / energize / implosion will not be possible at this time, and full inert deactivation will occur in the future.
What would happen if they are not deactivated, and detonated?
The micro bubble universe and it's spawned "heaven" universes would all be destroyed. All IS_BE entities trapped within these universes would be left in a rubbled state with a long, long time to recover. Even if they could recover, they would be lost.
[7.3] Question – Connections with offspring
Hi MM and forum members,
I have a question if possible,
What is our real connection to our biological offspring (our children), due to imprisonment, amnesia and the recycling of our souls back into physical form via “a mission profile” and the light are our biological children connected to us in the non physical realm as “part of us/me”, the concept of protecting my child is very very strong in myself, it’s my life and my motivation. I understand maternal instincts are strong in us but are we only “custodians” of another young developing soul. I hope this makes sense
Thank you so very much for this chance to ask this question.
Questioner is concerned about the relationship factors of consciousness / soul cluster in regards to reincarnated cycling back and forth between the Heaven micro universe and the general population "punishment" (reality) universe.
Questioner has two groups of friends / family / associations. Each group is a special case.
First Case
The first case is the primary questioned concern. This has to do with the cycled soul cluster that shares tthe heaven micro universe, and the recycled reincarnated reality universe.
For the vast numbers of humanity / and other species this recycling involves gourps of people that take on various roles with reincarnated familes.
This is much like what the "Old Empire" did in the main universe except that the memory erasure was never so final and absolute.
In this case, the likelihood that members of the questionsers' family from the heaven micro universe is whith him now is strong and high.
In fact, this is a common situation with notible exceptions such as MM and imprisoned Domain IS-BE entities. These entities often find themselves in reincarnated lives (sic) alone with no preconceived relationships that carry over from previous incarnations.
In fact, that is one of the big "tell tales" that help us locate members of the Domain "Lost Battalion". The lack of quantum connections can be observed and measured with the proper training and awareness.
Thus many of the Domain "Lost Battalion" find themselves in host familes upon reincarnation that appear faraway or aloof, or not in agreement with their thoughts and viewpoitns. While this is in part a normal part of all inmate skin-suit experiences for perhaps 20% of the general population, those of the "Lost Battalion" find this situation to extreme and absolute.
They do not "fit in" with their inhereted host families, and they might feel like they do not belong. Like they were adopted from another family or something similiar. Being without these quantum connections has retarded the interpersonnel family relationships to some degree. The members of the "Lost Battalion" realize this, even if they cannot verbalize it.
This results in certain attachments that manifest when searching for a mate.
In the case of the questioner, this is not the case. They have family members, younger members, and older members that thay have had many, many cycled reincarnated experiences with.
In this present incarnation, the answer to the question (unstated, but observed) that in the immediate family are members of long, long quantum entanglments and substantive relationships from heaven (sic) and previous lives and reincarnations.
Second Case
The second case concerns the relationships with those prior to incarceration by the "Old Empire". These relationships are much older, longer and more substantive than any that the questioner is associated with regarding his immediate incarnation relaionships.
For the vast bulk of inmates these relationships are completely severed and cannot be fully reestablished until there is an ability to recover the entities prior memories.
While the former friends and families will realize who the questioner is and what is going on with it, they will not maintain the same relationships that were present prior to jailing and incarceration. They will have changed, and the questioner has changed.
Even with full recovery of memories, everything has changed.
[7.4] Question – About questioners past
Questioner has not provided enough information for presentation by MM (sic). Communication consists of a transmitter and a reciever. Additionally, both have to be tuned to the same frequencies, and transmit in the same language. [1] If the transmitter is from RCA, and the reciever is from Magnavox, there is the possibility in garbled communications. [2] Further, if they are not communicating on the same frequency, or one is sending in AM, while the other is recieving in FM, there would be no communication. [3] Further to that, of the sender speaks French and the reciever only understands Japanese, and the message is in Islandic, no communication is possible. Transmitter (MM) knows nothing about the issue, the questioner, and the situation. Yet the questioner is expected that somehow there is this magical transference of information. There cannot be any transmission of information if no information is provided. So the transmitter submits an empty message. And thus, respectfully the Reciever collects that empty message, and interpets it as useless. The questioner needs to fully appreciate the magniture of his folly. An eleven year span of time is presented devoid of coordinates, references or data. Somehow the transmitter is to acquire geolocation data, history, packaged information and submit it for review and response. Of course nothing can be provided. Questioner is to collect his thoughts and generate a multi-paragraph presentation describing reasons for the request, his personal history regarding any incidents referred to, and why it is considered to be of importance. The presenter (MM) will then have enough information to generate an image that we can read. This is what all the other questioners do. The questioner must provide enough information to provide thick and accurate responses.
The Commander was nice and polite, but I am not. So I am going to give all readers a very strong lecture right now.
If the subject matter is too embarrassing then do not submit it. If you find it too much of a hassle to provide a minimum of contextual background then please do not waste my time.
You all need to provide details and background when presenting a question, and you must understand it fully. Then you must present it to me so that I can understand it.

The Domain Commander is not a magical being. There are limitations. This entire situation utilizes a physically implanted EBP for goodness sakes. And the Commander accesses answers via various means. Do not treat him / it / she as some kind of supernational being. It isn’t.
I spend roughly three hours on every question all told. And it’s a very tying and difficult procedure and very uncomfortable. I’m doing this for fucking free God damn it. Do not take me for granted. -MM
[7.5a] Question – future of Asia
My question for the Domain is: how do they see Japan, the Koreas and Taiwan fitting into a brighter Asian future given what we now know thanks to the Commander/MMan’s Q&A?
Projections of the Asian geographical region is overall positive and free of the attempts to militarize it to a point of open overt and violent physical warfare. Within a hundred years will be new "understandings" regarding Korea and South-Western Russian Federation. These will be economically stable and free of conflict. This may or may not result in formal geographical boundaries. Japan is expected to break away from the relationship with the United States and will diverge in their own cultural vector. It will be inward directed and mercantile. It will resume its cultural uniqueness and participate in a growning regional economy. However, it will not be a signifigant one. Taiwan will unify peacefully with the mainland Chinese. It will be conducted in multiple stages, and for most of the world it will be innocuous and transparent actions of no concern or overt worry. There will be opposition domestically to this action in pockets, but they will be isolated and eaisly suppressed. China will be observed and percieved as a grand national society that most Taiwanese would want to be part of. As this perception increases in popularily, the ease of reunification increase proportionally. Of course, these are only projections and the future can never be predicted with absolute certainity.
[7.5a] Question – East Asia immediate concerns
Are they (Taiwan, Japan and Korea) predicted to work with China or go down with the Western Ship? (Deagel does forecast significant population drops in all 3 regions, so perhaps that answers my question!)
Deagal forecasts are predictions based on remote viewing and statistical projections. They are not without fault, and the template (sic) can change rapidly. The long term trends for the region so specified by the questioner is overall positive. However, there are worrisome elements in the immediate short-term future. We (The Domain) project a strong possibility of disruptive elements that may ignite some events that have the potential for great catastrophic loss of life. Trendlines and global alignments are a "tightrope" that need to be mitigated through shrewd actions and careful planning. As long as the respective "leadership" in those regions "off shore" their Geo-political counselling to any of the major Western powers, then catastrophic results will become a certainty. However, this is not the actual case. Internally, and in confidentiality, there are strong and influential elements that recognize national stability being of upmost importance. They will assure a transitional posture away from the West as a matter of national survival.
Having much experience of East Asia and living here again now, it always strikes me how there are a lot more similarities than differences between these great nations across a broad spectrum, and the US model was never a good fit having been superimposed upon Korea and Japan in particular since WW2.
There are many positive things going on in Korea, but having socialised a bit this past week with some reasonably well connected Koreans (businessy types and the medical profession– old high school acquaintances of my wife’s, mostly), it’s clear after some gentle probing that most people still think that “the Virus escaped from the Wuhan Lab” and that “it’s all Chinas fault.”
Now, having said that, most of these folks are NPCs, anyway, (whereas Korean leadership and elites are most definitely clued in and quite sentient, obviously! I’m just referring in this case to a random subset known to me personally) and IMHO know shit from shinola about the wider world, but they DO represent blue/white collar Korean society in general– homogeneous; consensus thinking, etc. And they are ALL pro mRNA rollout and feel that the side effects are stastically minor. In fact, many of them have shares in a Korean biotech firm that on the directions of the President is setting up a Korean version of the MRNA jab for manufacture and they’re all looking forward to making lots of money in future.
Depressing stuff, I know.
mRNA booster rollout is also being “offered” to young children soon and the only places open for business to the unvaxxed are grocery and some other outlets. Most businesses are fast becoming vaxxed only and there’s no resistance. They’re even rolling out a vaxx cert for schoolkids under 16 next month in order to pressure parents who won’t consent to mRNA inoculation for them or their children.
No Chinese or Russian traditional vaccines are available or even talked about. They are full on mRNA in Korea and looking forward to making lots of money producing their own version now that airline stocks have gone tits down.
All in all kind of a depressing picture, that’s why I’m curious about the future as clearly Korea and Japan are places of great innovative potential. Taiwan, too. And could really work with China and each other once the malevolent US controlled socio- political apparatus is dismantled.
Thanks, Mr Man. Let’s hope the Year of the Tiger lives up to its reputation.
Social classes in Korea will follow leadership guidance. The leadership will adopt an array of different policies and change direction on a number of subjects. However, there will firstly be some events that will contribute to a change in their thinking and attitude. The questioner need not worry about the details, just know that there arepressures and vectors that strongly suggest a future that does not match what currently exists.
[7.6a] Question – Flushing out details
I conducted a private, personal comm reading for this questioner. The discussion that follows has been redacted and simplified to fit this venue. All confidential material has been omitted. -MM
MM, I read the latest answers and I am really excited!
It took me a while to digest, and I sincerely thank you and the commander for taking the time to answer my questions! Also, the revelation about a new (Domain sponsored interface) organization in China…wow!
I understand that you have a regular life to live, and there are other questions already in the pipeline. I do have some questions, which are NOT urgent at all. But I do think the answers to them are very important not just for me but for others regarding these “learning clusters” (whenever you can get to them, of course).
Question 1;
The commander’s last answer to my questions about joining the Domain full time after I complete my sentence in this current meat suit only solidified/confirmed my decision that joining the Domain full time without doing another incarnation round is the absolutely 1000% correct path for my IS-BE.
Based from the commander’s response, I wound up creating my dysfunctional quantum entanglements while taking this “soul improvement course” for centuries with other IS-BEs, only to find out now that all I did was dig myself deeper into some sort of quantum hole (like quicksand or something).
So my take is, (no offense to the Mantids, I’m not arguing with them, and arguing isn’t going to help me anyway) that clearly the curriculum is ineffective and inappropriate for the correct development of my IS-BE.
It may have been fine for some other IS-BE’s, but I am quite unhappy with the dysfunctional results and believe that a change of scenery (join the Domain full time and train) would be a better choice for becoming the best IS-BE I can be.
Am I justified in thinking that the “self improvement” curriculum that they are making inmate IS-BE’s attend (for centuries in my case) is in SERIOUS need of reform?
That perhaps, if the results are overwhelmingly negative or dysfunctional for certain types of IS-BEs, that it’s the curriculum that needs real modification?
Am I justified in thinking that relying on the same mechanism to neutralize unstable quantum entanglements (reincarnation and “studying” with the same IS-BE’s that you cultivated fucked up relationships with for the next few centuries) is a fool’s errand?
Kind of like using the same skin cream that keeps on giving you acne, but somehow hoping that it will work for you this time?
The educational / reform program that originates out of the "Heaven" bubble universe is part of an elaborate system to reconfigure garbons (sic) and swales (sic) to "reform" IS-BE entities into a different type of form and shape. Once that shape is complete the entities whill not be able to fit into the "Old Empire" environment even if they were ever to escape from the Prison Planet complex. There are numerous issues regarding this system. [1] Firstly, the initial intention was to create an intentional reform mechanism that will allow inmates so processed to be rehabilitated and changed into a form that is no longer dangerous and threatening to the "Old Empire". [2] This origional system was intended to change the very shape and nature of the IS-BE so altered, and then remove them from the Prison Complex and then reinject them elsewhere in a distant area far away from the "Old EMpire". The initial plan consisted of millions of years of retraining, and alteration. It was not initially established as a final solution for really bad criminal elements. [3] However, as the leadership of the "Old Empire" changed, so did the direction, function and features of the Prison Complex. They changed the structure of the reeducation program, and made it so that there would never (truly and actually) be a period of parole and release. In so doing, the Prison Complex became a "black hole" from which criminals would enter and never leave. [4] Mantid Prime directives changed over time internally of their own volition, and the program was changed with differnt processes, course studies and intentions. [5] General population Mantid directives, upon working with us at The Domain, has thus changed, and interactions regarding the training and rehabilitation schedule and programs are no longer in synchronization. This is a Domain directive. As the Mantid Prime plans call for much more bloodshed, violence and horrific events than what The Domain finds acceptable. [6] Other groups, some well-meaning, others self-serving, have each individually and in groups have altered, modified, changed and otherwise seriously altered the rehabilitation educational program. The results of all these changes is a bastardized / hybrid program of little value to any IS-BE. The questioner is advised to elect not to participate in it, and upon translation (death); call for pickup and the next-steps that we have in place for this questioner.
[7.6b] Question – Karma
I remember Airl’s words on how kindness begets kindness, and how cruelty begets cruelty. That keeps on ringing in my brain.
I absolutely agree with the commander’s wisdom on kind behaviours. It brought me back on the subject of karma.
While I agree that it exists, I have severe misgivings on its effectiveness as a “corrective” or “justice” mechanism.
While I am certainly not anti-punishment and I absolurtely understand that some people/entities only understand the “stick” rather than the carrot, I know first hand that suffering and cruelty in general (not always) begets only more suffering and cruelty (especially if the person/entity recieving the cruelty has no memory of what happened in the past and they truly believe themselves to be the victim, so they lash out in reaction…thus extending the negative cycle instead of becoming a better sentience…sort of like an abused kid who grows up to abuse others because that’s all he/she knew, and those others they abused “spread” their negativity and abuse others too because that’s all they knew, and so forth…).
My thesis is that karma is a reinforcement mechanism (for good or bad) and I undretsand the commander’s excellent advice to use kindness as a way to start and maintain positive cycles.
I have a suspicion that entities can be “tricked” or bamboozled into accumulating negative karma because of the memory wipe/”electrocuting the bejesus out of them” technique.
They think they are doing the right thing, only to realize that they actually committed a crime and really hurt people (like useful idiot or NGO volunteer).
Am I right to have these suspicions, since Earth is a prison planet?
Are many entities who were political prisoners/artists/whatnot from other planets “corrupted” this way so that they would be purposely saddled/handicapped with negative karma?
Is it fair to say that you can also cause an otherwise decent entity to become “infected” with this negativivity through their experience, and in turn they will infect others with this negativity (giving your measles to everyone within your range of contact)?
Am I justified in thinking that negative karma is “infectuous” and that we must come up with a mechanism to prevent in from ensnaring others?
Also, it seems that the Old Empire have some technology that “enhances” this negative karmic infectivity. Is this a decent suspicion or am I the victim of an overactive imagination?
I will be giving you a donation soon once I get more money in (not that you asked). We really appreciate everything you do (even the resident curmudgeon (you know who he is) was pretty stoked with your last article.
Ha! Like I said, while I believe the lastest questions I am asking have significance and importance on the nature of the prison system here on Earth and how some entities wind up saddled with big karmic disturbances, it’s certainly not an emergency and can be answered in a leisurely pace.
Questioner is correct. Again, the purposes, systems, and devices of the Prison Complex have been subverted to other uses and purposes. many of which are to benefit others of a Service-to-Self sentience, and to profit from. [1] There are entities that use the Prison Complex for entertainment purposes, and have created never-ending bouts of recurring terror and events for their own personal amusement. [2] There are entities that feed of the emotions (so generated) by difficult times and use that to build up their own quanta alignments. In this way, the human inmates are utilized as a farmed animal or creature to generate quantum alignments taht can be extracted through harvesting. Then the IS-BE entity must endure it over and over again without ever getting off or out of the program. It's similiar to reliving a movie scene over and over and over again. [3] The new directives of Mantid Primes encourage the creation of inadvertant quantum (karma) attachments to solidify group clusters as part of their revised goals for the human species within the Heaven micro universe. [4] When the Prison Complex was first established, it was believed at that time, that if an IS-BE entity would endure similiar event sequences for millions of lifetime reincarnations that it would grow tired of that exerience and never want to inflect those pains and terrors on others. [5] Service-to-self entities that work with their mantid primes can construct lifetime experience that create these event vectors for their own personal amusement, growth, or pleasure. The questioner realizes that all interactions at all levels create attachments. Some are good and some are bad realative to the reincarnation cycle process. This is a fundamental understanding associated with the questioners role as a <redacted> prior to capture, and memory erasure. All fellow entities procured along with the questioner have this understanding, and are equally frustrated being thrown into the general population in such a manner where their carefully cultivated lives (billions of years worth) have be subverted, altered and damaged.
[7.7a] Question – Who was I?
MM — Firstly, I’d like to thank you for your continuous efforts on these matters. To me, they deeply resonate with my world view and for that I sincerely thank you. I have to apologise in advance for a lengthy request… though I feel it’s necessary in order to posit my questions below.
I’ve been very lucky to be blessed with an exceptionally strong, caring and loving family, who collectively without exception promoted and instilled in me the concept of unconditional love. Such concepts have largely been driven by my parents who have read a significant amount of literature throughout their lives regarding the non-physical world, as they call it.
While I did not always believe in this throughout my teenager years, I (for a while now) deeply feel this is true to me (I just know it’s true); that if everyone adopted these teachings, society would be so much of a better place — I am also an extremely rational person, who I believe is open to any kind of experience as a way of learning: this includes the darkness and other negatively-characterised aspects of life, simply because one cannot know love (for example) without knowing the opposite.
Just know that I’m aware that life is not a system of duality but rather an infinite spectrum of opposite sets of experiences.
I think of it as an infinite ruler with a zero in the middle—the way I see it, in the physical world, life is often seen as a scene of duality where a positive experience (+1, +2 and so on) has a corresponding negative experience (-1, -2 and so on) whereas in reality there are an infinite number of numbers (or experiences) in between those natural numbers.
As such, I do not have hatred towards the Old Empire because I realise that that was the path such IS-BEs chose for their own progression.
I’m still human after all (for now) but I realise that each consciousness is free to choose their own path. I hope this is clear to MM, the Domain, and the readership.
Having said this, I have a very strong, deep and fiery feeling that I do not belong here.
I often discuss with my father how schizophrenic the current world is, how much unnecessary pain etc. is caused by manipulation, herd mentality and the way we’ve been conditioned to think, without realising that all we need to do is to live in the moment, and that our choices to us and towards others really encompass all that matters.
We can only experience life via our five senses, therefore one must realise that there is an incomprehensibly (to the human mind, that is) high number of ways one can experience reality, with much of it being driven by thoughts, personal idiosyncrasies and synchronicity.
We are all different, yet we are all one (I feel that we are all derived from the same source, whether we call it god, belief in oneself, or some higher entity as we, humans, try to perceive it—“consciousness seems to be the universe experiencing itself”).
I wish I could put into words how much I want to write, though the above is merely a way of explaining my world view to finally ask the question I’ve always wanted to know:
Who am I / who was I before my time in the prison system complex?
I have repeatedly asked the MM readership to stop asking these kinds of questions. The Commander has been very clear that the knowledge of what people were pior to their incarceration does more harm than help for the IS-BE entity.
Never the less, I did ask and posit this question.
Keep in mind that often the answers are often very distasteful, and personally I, as MM, do not like the images and thoughts that are presented to me. Remember, not everyone was caught up in a political sweep or discharged accidentially. Some were very, very bad entities that had to be put into prison.
Questioner is sincere, but is likely not expecting the answers that will presented to him. Often times the thoughts generated by knowledge can have a detremental effect on lives of the questioner. Human skin-suits should not ask questions that they might not be ready to accept the answers to. Let it be well understood that the questioner was not a human, meaning that the human skin-suit was not the preferred physical form that the entity utilized. The region where the questioner lived (prior to incarceration) was associated with planets and environs that did not favor human archetypes. It was a completely different biosphere. The entity was practitioner of technological magic that created modifications of injectible advertisements into the thought streams of other creatures for personal profit and occupation. <Image of a pot-bellied satyr like creature.> (This seems to be a dominant shape form or vehicle for many "Old Domain" creatures. -MM) (I am getting many images / thoughts of hyper-sexuality, manipulation of the thoughts of others, brutal "mind rape" resulting in physical actions of a distasteful nature.-MM) Questioner was involved in multiple offenses, of a repeating nature that occurred over long swaths of time, various geographical areas, and a great deal of sadness, suffering and disruption of local families, children, and great heart-rendering anguish. <Image of crying rabbit like creature holding bloodied remains of children in blood crying and dying in enormous pain and angish, with the questioner as a cocky pot-bellied satyr with an enormously long penis in full proud display laughing about the crimes in front of some kind of cauldren / steamy holographic screen projection display.> Questioner has been on a planned evolutionary egress from this life and is unable to return back to it. When the time comes to exit the Prison Complex, there will be a need for extra special attention. This will be for the cultivation and retention of prior memories, the questioner will need to undergo extra special rehabilitation so that the events leading up to the incarceration will not be counter-productive.
[7.7b] Question – Domain assistance
My second point, is that I truly want everyone in this prison system complex to be freed from it, where possible.
However, I realised from reading MM’s notes that this may be not always be possible.
Therefore, even though I do feel some guilt by asking the Domain to kindly assist me and my core family to remove us from the prison upon our deaths in the physical world, I sincerely hope this is possible so we can reunite with our true clans/societies/clusters (I feel such an intense love and connection with my parents, especially, that I’m inclined to believe we belong to the same clusters).
Could the Domain assist me and my core family in order to remove us from the prison after our physical deaths?
Yes. The Domain will assist all irregulars. This will be conducted on an individual basis and each IS-BE will be handled differently based up their own backgound and needs. To volunteer, one must be a service-to-others sentience, and be willing to abide to the changes that the Domain will make to their non-physical bodies. For many entities this will be terrifying as the "Old Empire" fear-inducement mechanisms will be activated. Additionally, the volunteers must agree to the rules and laws of the Domain, and agree to follow operational directives. This is conducted on an entity to entity basis. The questioner cannot speak or make arrangements for his family unit, no matter how well intentioned.
I performed a follow-up question on this subject later on in this article. It’s question [7.10]. -MM
[7.7c] Question – Responsibilites of membership
Finally, this will lead to my final point. Synchronicities in this world are real — I find so many answers everyday in MM’s notes to questions that I find myself having.
In fact, reading MM has finally established my core belief in this life, meaning that I now know that I was right in the feeling that there is so much more than physical experiences.
While I’ve made my silent goal to improve this world as much as I can (even if those steps that I take towards this goal may be small in scope), I’d like to strongly help the Domain:
While my desire to help is real, I do not know which clans/societies/clusters I was a part of before my stay in the prison system complex.
Therefore, I’d like to learn more about my prior clusters and the responsibilities of being a productive member of the Domain before deciding to join the Domain, as one may realise that they’d like to re-join their existing societies.
As such, what are the responsibilities of being a member of the Domain?
The Domain has very set and structured roles and responsibilities. This falls within a very organized and laid out set of defined social classes. When someone wishes to join the Domain, they are reviewed on a personal individual basis. This is to determine in what way they would best fit within the Domain society and social structure. Not every entity can fit into it. But if the entity is so inclined, and is willing to obey the rules and laws and their social class then we would be very happy to invite the IS-BE entity to join the Domain, knowing full well that they can leave at any time. Upon review, the IS-BE entity would be presented with a firm understanding of the expectations of Domain membership. From that point, and agreement, an evaluation period will begin and the entire process is an individual one that includes elements that are outside the range of understanding of the earth-bound IS-BE skin-suits at this time.
[7.7d] Question – Life path
Lastly, because I realise the effort of MM in providing his readership with feedback from the Domain, I wanted to ask one final point, if possible:
I struggle with balancing my mental health with the extreme stress that my job in finance puts on me. However, I endure this effort because I’m hoping that the job I chose will provide with enough capital for me to finally be “free” of the ‘rat race’ in order to finally dedicate my entire and full attention to creating experiences, to improve this world, and to, above all, help others.
As such, all I want to ask is for any feedback and/or recommendation that the Domain might have with regards to the life path that I am currently in. I feel so lost at times with this matter…
Would the Domain kindly provide feedback or any recommendations with regards to my current life path?
Life path decisons are a personal matter that is best determined by the individual. The questioner has embarked on a life-path as established in his pre-birth world-line template (sic). It was his decision prior to being born, and he has followed it as was his objective. This plan was formulated as part of a series of reincarnation events regarding a cycling structre of key soul IS-BE entities that the Questioner is part of. This cluster are all working together on a project that was put in place by themselves with direct guidance from their local mantid primes. THe questioner is advised that the positive aspects of his current life are providing good and benifical improvements as has been his wishes. Even the distasteful elements of his life have a role. The questioner is obeying his jointly predicted performance vectors and should not deviate from it. The relationships that the questioner currntly have are valuable and needs to be cultivated to make them healthier and stronger. Right now the questioner is balancing various elements in his life, we advise more emphisis placed on direct interpersonal relationship improvment over any fiancial or physical gain. It is a core lesson of this particular incarnation.
[7.8a] Question – “Old Empire” activities
Domain Commander, is there a connection to the media activities and Astronomical discoveries in exercises directly controlled by the old empire?
The "Old Empire" does not exist any more. It was conquered by The Domain and broken up into regional entities. All of the regional entities are under manitoring authority and watched closely.
[7.8b] Question – Interpretation of results
Could have the measurement and interpretation of the results….. Dimensional is it your reality?
Transmitter (MM) does not understand the question. Please rephrase with substantive explaination and detail.
[7.9a] Question – Interest in biology
I have some niggling questions for the commander. They’re important, yet not urgent. Important in the sense that I feel it solidifies my purpose and identity, which is of course essential to the way I interact with others. So, if you can ask him/her/it when your schedule allows, I would really appreciate it:
Questioner was a <redacted>. Part of the skill sets in this role is intel gathering. It is cultivated and automatic and inherent in the nature of the IS-BE quantum makeup and structure. You can consider it to be a "sniffer" organ. It operates like a pre-cog ESP skill. It is one of the skillsets that make a <redacted> and their co-<redacted> so capable and potent. Questioner has the inate ability to predetermine actions and activities relative to harm, damage or violence. Questioner is in an inmate skin-suit. Yet, still has a quantum IS-BE make up that is a constructed arrangment that is not erased, only the memories are. Not the actual construction of being. Therefore, the inherent tools / utilities / weapons / and systems of the <redacted> form are intact. Only the memories on how to use them are erased and no longer accessible. In this instance, the questioner is getting elements of intel from its internal "organs" and doesn't know where they come from, or why they are appearing to the questioner. The questioner is picking up and interpeting the elements for a subsequent round of global-wide bioweapon release by certain national elements that are increasingly finding themselves at a disadvantage, and they desire to provide advantage in their favor that they can control. They believe, erroniously, that their forced injections of a military syrup would protect their chosen populations during this next up-coming event sequence. All evidence points otherwise. The questioner has accurately "picked up" the intel signs associated with this, and this intel is of a serious nature to the <redacted> physical form. The Chinese are aware of this plot and that is the reason why they implement draconian anti-virus measures at all levels.
[7.9b] Question – Memory recovery
The questioner is not able to recover erased memories at this stage of its life. It cannot be accomplished while the inmate is within the physical confines of the prison complex micro universe. Due to the nature of this questioner's situation, any effort towards memory recovery would be monitored, and prevented by those entities that surround the quester as family members, friends and others. This is an inherent part of the control mechanism for this particular inmate.
[7.9c] Question – disabling snares and traps
Questioner has various alterations to the non-physical skin-suit due to the nature of it being a <redacted> and part of the <redacted> when captured, and stripped of memory. This physical skin suit is not a typical general purpose skin-suit used by most inmates but rather a specially constructed attire that is used for those inmates that have a high propensity towards escape. There are many unique features in the non-physical suit attributes. The questioner already has had multiple non-physical operations. Others are planned. Some cannot be implemented at this time. The questioner is expected to be patient and realize that the intel senses are working properly and its interpetations of events and situations are correct. The questions is <redacted> and thus we will do everything in our power to ease the transition back to the <redacted>.
[7.9d] Question – clone?
Questioner is <redacted> and thus has a <redacted> elemental segmented soul structure. This is not what many human skin-suits understand the soul of an IS-BE to be, as actually there are many types of constructs, and in The Domain we use specific pre-determined archetypes to establish social class membership and participation ability. It is not only The Domain, but other societies do this as well, as well as numerous species that naturally segment for one reason or the other. The questioner is multi-segmented with autonomous actuation at various points within the Prison Complex. This should not confuse the questioner as it is completely normal, and expected.
[7.9e] Question – Politics
Questioner has training and previous administrative functions requiring diplomacy and protocol. There is a natural affinity for these kinds of events and situations which is magnified by the intel-gathering "organ" that the questioner possesses. Questioner had a role in interspecies communication regarding local inhabitants in the <redacted>. This was a political / administrative function as part of their posting at the <redacted>. Additionally, long before that particular capture event, the entity had successive training in other areas of inter-species interaction and liaison.
[7.9f] Question – Enemies
Those surrounding the questioner are not enemies. They are "fences" that are used to corral the questioner into certain behaviors, certain occupations, certain geographic regions, and certain elements fo control. The GP mantids advise that the questioner is considered to be one of the more doctile <redacted> and thus is permitted more freedom of movement than the fellow <redacted> that were captured with. This was facilitated by <redacted> who volunteered to enter the micro universe "Heaven" and recruit lost soul <redacted> for extraction. That group of entities established the pre-birth world-line template (sic) that the questioner currently enjoys and utilizes. However, due to the rules and restrictions inherent in the mantid prime directives, certain corralling elements had to be incorporated into the pre-birth world-line template. That is what the questioner is experiencing. They have a role, that they are unaware of, that steers you in certain directions. Some of them do so as part of your recovery and eventual extraction. That was set up by the Domain volunteers located in the "Heaven" micro universe, while other do so as part of predetermined mantid prime directives. Their role then is to set you on a path of certain pain and discomfort to make the death sequence and reaturn back to the Heaven micro universe more appealing. You cannot tell the difference, and neither can they. It is an explict effort of the undercover volunteers to make the corralling effort transparent ot the mantid primes so as to prevent an emergency recovery back to "Heaven" and probable entanglement and chaining towards more restrictive management. Questioner to be advised that they are programmed in their behaviors and this is established upon your pre-birth world-line template (sic). You will find and discover advisement from your mantid as they are (fully on board) with The Domain in your extration. As well as the fact that you have a team / crew / operatives working with you on the non-physical, and that you possess skillsets of great power and ability that you have forgotten how to operate. Have patience, you will be fully extracted upon your death. Just make sure to call for assistance and ask for our help. This is a requirement for all entities within the Prison Complex irrgardless of who they are or what their background is. This includes MM.
[7.9g] Question – Saving
Questioner is permitted to have projects, pets, friends, and hobbies while existing as an inmate skin-suit. There are no rule violations in this matter.
[7.10] Question – Mechanism
What is the mechanism or procedure when we die? Will we automatically know what to do, or what will happen? How do we handle our death when we exit the physical body?
One the entity dies, and gets their bearings on where they are and what is going on, they must direct their thoughts to [1] calling to The Domain and [2] yelling for help and "pick up". Do not stop until we arrive. Do not get distracted, and do not be led astray by any events or memories. We will NOT do anything unless explicit permission is asked. That is our firm rule. This is true even though we many have elements and assets surrounding the entity at that particular time. We will then come and assist in recovery to the next steps for that particular individual. MM is instructed to place a photo here.

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Part 6 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander February 2022
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 6.
Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. THis is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpet the responses. Personally, I think girls, cats, and food are far more interesting. But, that's me, don't you know.
[6.1] Question – Recycling
What is the difference between recyling in the Earth Prison Environment, and in the rest of the “Main Universe”?
IS-BE skin suits in the reality (bubble) universe undergo a process of swapping quantum consciousness densities between the reality (bubble) universe and the individual (spawned) bubble micro universes that are known as "Heaven". This process is faciated through a number of factors. This includes a lack of memories (amnesia), as well as a lack of support or guidance to direct the consciousness to other paths during translation out of the skin-suit and into the non-physical realms. Without support, direction, or knowledge the ignorant will be convinced to enter into a recycling process. This process includes memory "erasure" in different forms. The most common is the complete memory erasure segment known as the "tunnel of light" but there are other processes. These other processes differ and act like an erasure (not really erasure, but more like suppression enabling access to selected memories while in "heaven") then reenter the assigned "Heaven" associated with the IS-BE physical body skin-suit. The "tunnel of light" is the primary amnesia mechanism. It is not the only one. Depending on the consciousness of the given IS-BE and their particular composition (garbons, swales, associations, backgrounds and histories) there are other processes that are involved. Such as how DM uses LD to transport to the <garbled> planet of the "Old Empire". Such is how you entered <garbled, not redacted> and this enabled you to retain some minor thought snippets. The "Lost Battalion" has been assigned for agressive memory erasure, chains, skin-suit snares, traps and alterations, and other binding efforts of a very complex nature that is beyond the understanding of this vehicle (myself MM) to understand. This entire process within the physical reality is to shuttle and shuffle the IS-BE though a wash, and repeat cycling from "Heaven" to the general population in the "Physical Reality" and back again. It is a treadmill with no exit, only the promises of one. The key to this entire process working falls into two main catagories. [1] Memory erasure. [2] Prevention of independent action, or help upon translation out of the skin suit. All Doman perrsonnel and agents (whether formal or informal) will be met upon translation as long as they call for our assistance. This must occur to obtain it. It is not automatic, and passive actions will not be beneficial to the entity. We will then help the entity avoid the memory erasure traps in all their many forms. All this should be well understood by those who are participating alongside MM in this journey. The "main" universe is something completely different. It operates differently and is structurally different. Once the IS-BE occupies the "main" universe, there are no "Heavens" to cycle to and from. The "main reality" universe contains all elements that are present in both the physical reality and the various associative "Heavens". Biological bodies are born, live and die in the "Main" universe similiar to that experienced within the Prison Complex. Except that there are no amnesia mechanisms. Instead the memories upon birth (of a living entity) are in the process of forming, and adapting to the "main" universe environments, so they have to learn and grow. But it is not as severe as in the "physical" reality universe. So, living within the "main" universe is one much like a snake that sheds it's skin periodically. The snake still lives and retains all it's memories, but when it acquires a new skin there is a period of adapting to it, toughing it, and nurturing it. The memories do not disappear when it sheds the coarse body elements. Life thus is not birth to death such as in the Prison Complex, but rather, live as a coarse entity, live as a finer entity, and then repeat as one desires. Thus you have a situation where there are coarse socities and civilizations that resemble the old empire that have large non-physical components that coexist within the same geographic confines. This is further actuated by the fact that thoughts have a greater ability to modify and mitigate changes in the coarser elements of the society. It is a place where magic can actually work and operate. They coexist and intermingle. In the "main" universe, the societies (depending on the culture and type) form long duration interpersonal relationships, friends and families that last for many, many generations. The individuals often just swap roles, but often keep their various positions if that is their preference. Thus that is one of the reasons why the "Old Empire" maintained a royal governance class that over time become very corrupted and impotent within their own individulistic cultural and society bubble. Another way to look at what a life cycle resembles in the "Main" universe is to consider the washing machine. When the clothes are dirty and caked with the dust and smoke of work in the factories, the wife places it in the open top of the washing machine. She rubs on some Fels-Neptha on the dirty parts and let it run. Then when she is finished she drains the tub, and puts the clothes through the wringer where all the water is squeezed out, and then she places it in the basket to hang on the clothes line. The clothes is like the IS-BE. Life in the "main" universe gets dirty and tiring, but the death translation is the washing cycle. The clothes remains intact and is ready for the next incarnation. And the consciousness remembers all. Felines are the embodiment of how things work in the "main" universe.
[6.2a] Question – Crowley
I have a few questions for the commander the answers of which will help with a few articles i am working on:
Questions for the Commander;
The commander mentioned that Aleister Crowley was in contact with some Agents of the Old Empire. My suspicians had led me to a similar conclusions.
For reasons I won’t go into at this time, I have been led to believe that King Solomon was in fact a malevolent ET intelligence and that his spirit summoning magic was solely to prepare willing hosts for the eventual possession by other non physical intelligences.
Solomon was said to have “imprisoned” 72 consciousnesses in a brazen vessel which he threw into a lake.
It is well documented that Crowley was in contact with these 72 Goetic spirits, some of which have links to the Sumerian Annunaki (example Astaroth being Ishtar).
From my research, it would seem members of this group of 72 have been reaching out to certain people and trying to explain similar things in regards to the amnesia etc.
From everything the Commander has said about the Old Empire utilising magic, and what Airl said about the Domain being mistaken as the Annunaki, it seems to me that Solomon was an Old Empire Agent and that the 72 were Domain personnel.
So my question is, [1] was Solomon Old Empire and [2] are the Goetia Domain, or similar group opposed to the Old Empire’s regime?
This is a very large topic. Question 6.2a part [1] Was Solomon a member of the Old Empire? The Goetic Spirits are IS-BE entities that are powerful, and are specifically imprisoned in a special holding micro universe. This is the rough equivalent of "The Hole" in contemporaneous earth-side prisons. They have proven to be immune from the same kinds of systems that effectively imprison most other IS-BE entities. There are more than 72 entities in the micro universe (that Crowley referred to). The belief that Solomon was an "Old Empire" agent is strongly inferred, but is not confirmed. The creation of a micro universe within the Prison Complex is a formidable task for someone who does not know or understand how the "reality" universe operates, thus it is entirely plausable that Solomon was a major architect of more than just the special micro holding universe, but rather a key architect of the entire complex. Some of the Domain who are members of the "Lost Battalion" are imprisoned in the special holding micro universe. These are very capable entities. This micro universe still exists and still operates. We have not been able (at this date and time) to extract any entities from it. Question 6.2a part [2] are the Goetia Domain, or similar group opposed to the Old Empire’s regime? There are many groups, societies, entities, and organizaitons that have been opposed to the "Old Empire". Many consist of peoples, societies, structures, and other forms that have been eviscerated when the "Old Empire" took over their communities. One must be aware that the "Old Empire" had more enemies than friends. There are complete communities that represent sections or portions of absorbed civilizations that harbor an intense dislike of the "Old Empire" and anything associated with it. They, in many cases, experienced very nasty wars, to include thermonuclar devistation and mass enslavment. In many cases these have gone into hiding; gone underground, and surface to monitor and conduct all matter of non-physical harassment. What the questioner refers to as the "Goetia Domain" is not what is commonly assumed (through this entity [MM here] knowledge and understanding [which might be completely erronous]), but rather is representative of something more diffuse and greater than a singular group tied together with physical associations. As discussed previously (this refers to a comm channel that I opened and a set of personal questions directed to a questioner who questioned if they were a member of the "Lost Battalion") there are certain elements that quantum IS-BE consciousnesses can envelope and migrate. This includes partitioning of attributes, garbons, swales, and personalities. The soldiers of the Domain use these techniques to communicate and perform structured evasive activity and also enable custom skill sets on a as needed basis. The groups (again, the "Goetia Domain") utilize some of these abilities to conduct surreptitious activities for their benefit and that makes them especially elusive. Like the questioners core (primary) organization, along with SD, these activities that are performed are conducted in advanced manenrs using techniques that you (myself; MM) cannot comprehend. As they are beyond your limited rendering of understanding. One can recognize that while their activities are often enshrouded, their intentions are clear and supportive of the nullification of the Prison COmplex.
[6.2b] Question – Prep advice
I have been thinking about this a lot lately, and I realise I am in the unique position of being one of the only ones within this prison system of having memory of the reincarnation process, and the electro shock torture one undergoes to induce the amnesia.
I am confident, due to my LD undertakings, that I will be able to resist much of what the OE may throw at me should i go back through the process.
It is for this reason I am planning to deliberately re enter the reincarnation trap at the time of my death to try and gain more intelligence for the Domain and the EG.
I am wondering if there is anything in particular the Domain want me to try and target for recon/ deconstruction purposes, so I can better prepare myself during this life (through meditation etc) to “remember” those targets when the time comes. The Domain have my permission to monitor me, during the process, assuming it is even possible.
The questioner is already being under monitoring, and has a team of Domain specialists working alongside him. Due to the liasion complications, anything that the questioner proceds with must be preapproved by his superiors. We (The Domain) are a hobby / interest / side-venture / important element / side-show in regards to his core tasks, and we should always be considered of secondary importance. We advise the questioner obtain permissions first before proceeding in this direction as it could very well "go South" and not turn out well for the questioner. And also due to his alignment with the greater force of SD, he must clear everythign with that entity first as they are a paired ensemble (frequency not music). If permission is obtained, and all elements are in agreement, then we would be happy to open up (a new binder) project in this regard. The questioner would know whether or not the premission set / kit is provided and will will read the responses in the non-physical realms for compliance and "next steps". We will then guide and nudge the next steps for easy unraveling and implementation by the questioner physical skin-suit activity generation process.
[6.3a] Question – Values ingrained in life
Greetings Domain Commander, I have two questions:
What values ingrained in our current civilization should we banish or gradually come to a civilization that is more in tune with ISBEs and environmental creatures, as it seems the old empire still controls the directive.
Yes. the Prison Planet universe (reality universe) is a bubble spawned universe that resides within the "main" universe, and it contains many control mechanisms. These control mechanisms, and better yet, techiques (of control) are often at great variance with the desires and needs of the IS-BE entities so imprisoned. It is set up intentionally to be this invironment to control those inmates inside of it. As time (apparently) progresses or moves forward, we (the Domain) will continue to dissanble the systems in place. The Domain is not alone in this effort and other organizations are working to this end as well. Additionally, all IS-BE consciousnesses must take the personal initative to acccept new behaviros and change the "rules of the game" so fostered in this "general population" within the Prison Complex. Enormous strides and advances have been accomplished in this great effort so far. Core to this effort revolves around what you have questioned. You asked what values in the current civilization(s) should be banished or thwarted to enable the IS-BEs more atonomy and an ability to break free from the shackles that imprison them? And this is what the entire transformative effots (via MM here) is all about. While every civilization has it's advantages and disadvantages, we are currently working with the human civilizations on the Earth in regards to the changes regarding... [1] Financial Transactions. (A love of money; greed.) the accumulation of which is without limit and the generation of artificial power tied to it. This must end. [2] Community and society. Humans (in their manifestation as skin-suits) are never the less IS-BEs trapped in an artifical constuct. Freed from the body, most IS_BE's migrate toward other IS_BEs that they have achieved long duration bonds with. This manifests in a skin-suit society of community, and the "Olde Empire" control mechanism is one that fosters isolation, independence and control by fear. They way to break this control mechanism is through personal interaction with others. [3] Participation with kindness and concern. MM refers to this as "Rufus behaviors". It's a direct participation with the society without expectation of reward or benefit. [4] Emotional replacments. "Olde Empire" replacment swaps of emotion generation mechanisms have been geared towards the control of others. These are fear generation mechanisms used to repel, and vice generation mechanisms used to attract. The manipulation of these control mechansims must end. In the current earth, electromechanila radio frequency mechanisms are used to artifically induce these manipulative behaviors. The best way to regain control of this is to avoid those seductive systems all together.
[6.3b] Question – Our actions driven what?
Q2 Should your actions be driven more by the psychological mind or more by peaceful disobedience.
The drivers for action is an individual determative factor. It can only be determined by the IS-BE consciousness as it resides within it's own skin-suit and upon it's current template (sic). This is a fixed determinate. The questioner is advised not to consider others in this issue. Only to consider itsef as an imprisoned entity within a fixed physical body. Actions are thus variant. They change on a daily basis, and one just simply cannot originate a "one size fits all" answer or solution to rapidly evolving situations. By trusting on the internal "feelings" or (delta) changes in emotional makeup when confronted with a problem (or decisions process), the solutions will be superior. Reliance on the mind, which is an "Olde Empire" device is a mistake. It is used to control, and set the entity IS-BE firmly upon the pre-birth world-line template (sic). A free roaming / ranging IS-BE entity is not controlled nor imprisoned by the physical mind, but instead uses it to process things. It's a tool, not a mechanism to recieve instructions. Stop obeying the mind, rather tune in to your inner self for guidance. Questioner is advised to contact his mantid and arrance a helpful audience to achieve these alterations / revisions.
Thank you for your answers, I feel almost since my childhood like a camouflaged jaguar who has taken too many naps. I hope alliances have been formed, we are divided. Thank you for your answers and your compation, I hope one day to thank you ISBE to ISBE.
[6.4] Question – Distance measurement
I came across this question on a thread which is entirely unrelated to the Domain thing, and thought it was a rather a good one. I thought i’d ask you given your credentials in astrophysics.
The question:
“Can someone explain it , simply. How can astrophysicists tell the difference between something that is 4 light years away(like 24 trillion miles or whatever it is) vs something that is 1 million light years away. Like after our solar system, how can any distance truly be measured? I don’t doubt them, I’m genuinely curious how they do it and wanna know in easy layman’s terms, if possible”
Think of human skin-suits as living inside a small glass fish-bowl. The only thing that they understand is what they can observe. Naturally, they have created different techniques and systems for the measurement of physical distances between objects that they observe. The scientific basis for these measurements are as sound and capable as is possible using the limitations of time and space as understood by the human skin-suits. However, there are assumptions that are being used that are in error. [1] That the speed of light is constant and not variable. In the "main" universe, the speed of light can be variable and is a function of regional perception of the IS-BE entities within that particular cluster. Their presence, and particuliarly their mass alter the behavior of frequences, and one of those frequences is the visible light band. [2] Non-stationary observer structures. The astrophysicists base their observations from what they observe. This is a point in a geographic region of physical space with is an isolated micro-universe that sits within a larger one. The "shell" of this universe is not hard like an egg, but rather more like a thick membrane. And like thick glass bends light, the membrane itself can alter the observation of light. As the surface of the membrane is not one hundred percent uniform, nor smooth, but rather undulating and curvy. The answerer (MM here) can provide an insight in the methodology used by the astrophysicists. It is as valid as possible, but unfortunately provides a slightly / changed / alternative impression of science and the operation of physics within the main universe. The reality bubble universe has slightly different physical rules.
I have my assumptions but eager to here from the perspective of a professional in this field. Plus I know you are quite into talking about space, so figured it might give you a break from the Domain questions/ other stresses that undoubtedly surround you at the best of times. All good if you aren’t up for answering it if it requires too much technical speak.
[6.5] Question – How can I improve myself?
Hi, mm
Questioner needs to focus. There is a strong need to communicate ideas in a simple and effective manner irregardless of the language barriers. For this questioner we advise that the process be one of short sentences, followed by an abnormally long pause. This allows the listener to absorb the information transmitted and understand it. The questioner should slow their communication to permit their ideas and concepts to be understood by others. Communication is a fundamental priority in regards to all creatures regarding their manifestion. The questioner will find that there are unmentioned elements in their incarnation that will be resolved with an improved means of communication. This includes all elements of communication in all areas of the questioner's life. Say things in short sentences. WHen the questioner pronounces the words, provide a stress on the key object, subject or point in the sentence. Have an abnormally long rest period after the sentence is spoken. This is important and should not be discounted. The questioner must practice this technique and implement it.
This is an unusual answer, and I do not know what the basis for this was. It simply might have been due to my interpetation of the inquiry. In any event, it was presented very clearly to me.
Instead of saying…
I went to the store, and I saw a dog. The dog was brown and white. He was barking and raising a fuss, and I saw a pretty girl walk by.
It should be stated as…
I went to the store. (pause) I saw a dog. (pause) The dog was brown and white. (pause) He was barking. (pause) He was raising a fuss. (pause) I saw a pretty girl walk by. (pause)
[6.7a] Question – Is this about me?
Are you still accepting questions for the Commander? If so, I have some, if not it’s also ok:
I found your website a week ago, so I am completely new to this group. However since I found it I have been reading as much as I can. Then I found this possibility to ask questions to “the Commander”, and I feel a strong urge to ask, though I am still not through the basics described on your website.
It’s all very interesting!
So of course, the obvious question first, do I belong to this group, how is my connection to it, what is my role?
In Winter 2010/2011 I woke up one night because of some buzzing sound next to my head. There was a small sizzling light orb sitting on the side of my bed making that sound (very strange indeed!).
As it noticed I was awake it asked me something like “Do you want to help spread the light?”.
I was so disturbed and sleepy and stupid stupid I did not say yes (or no), but I asked if it really meant me, and if I would be capable to do that at all…..
Just doubting myself very much.
And then I fell asleep again.
Never had any contact after that anymore (at least I think so).
So basically I ask this question again, and what that light orb was about.
Questioner is here because the MM message resonates with the IS-BE derived consciousness. When frequences attract they resonate. This can be measured. The level of attractiveness to events, people and situations is a function of the magniture of the frequency amplitude during resonance occurrence. The questioner belongs here. Regarding the "orb of light"; manifestation of appearance varies from interpetation and skill level on an individual IS-BE to individual IS-BE basis. The questioner should not question their impressions. That is like a person eating a lamb cutlet and questioning whether it is ice cream. The questioner is advised to accept things as they are, and to interpet them to the best of their ability. Then, accept the interpetations and move forward from there.
[6.7b] Question –
Then the next one, more general, concerning the Deagel list:
Why is the forecasted depopulation in the Netherlands so small (2% from 2020 to 2025 plus that the PPP stays relatively high), where neighbouring countries like Germany and the UK have a massive depopulation forecasted, and even the decrease in Belgium is substantial?
In NL they also apply the mRNA jabs and there are no dead-virus vaccines available. A nuclear bomb on German cities would also affect the Netherlands.
Thank you for all your work!
The Deagel forecast is derived from remote viewing efforts coupled with data extraction and extrapulation techniques. It is based on a fixed shared world-line template (sic). As such it is constantly changing. When the numbers were obtained, the future was a "snapshot" that was recorded and elaborated upon. The remote viewing process did not elaborate on the causes for the data, only that the data would manifest as presented. Daegal wrote in 2020 that they believed that a combination or confluence of events might well result in the data sets that they recorded. But whether or not this is correct is difficult to quantify. No one has the answer regarding a changing template (sic), certainly anyone can come up with a myrid of possible senarios. The questioner must realize that Deagal was manipulating data sets and then remote viewing for accuracy adjustments. They were not visualizing actual events, just trends and comparing them to historical extrapulations.
[6.8 a-e] Question – Are there other disclosures out there?
I asked this question in response to reading something found by GuyFromAfrica on the Internet archive HERE.
[a] Are there other disclosures out there?
Yes. The messages are being broadcast using different venues. This is intentional. They are not your concern.
[b] How accurate / effective are they?
That should not be your concern either. There are different levels of accuracy depending on the receptive audience consiousness. Those with a religious interest will obtain information and direction from sources that resonate with them, while those who have a fear-induced being will obtain directions and information from venues that will resonate from them differently. There is no absolute answer or information transmittal. It is all custom tailored to the audience, thus the Domain provides a wide high bandwith coverage, with low energy for the greater mass of general population inmates. As well as tight bandwith for high energy populations through MM.
[c] Then what is so special about myself?
It is your ego that drives you to believe that you are special. It is true that you are unique and that you have special skills and abilities, but your functionality derives from your tasking. That is your value. Is a steak better than a pork chop? Aside from prices, it's all a matter of personal need, taste and desire. You, in this manner provide a special role; a unique role. But it is not the only one doing so. You will continue in your role until you translate and your role will then alter as events transpire. There is a role for you post-translation. That you can rest assured of, just as there are roles for <redacted>, DK, <readacted>, DM (with caveats), and ML's rehabilitation process.
[d] Can you elaborate on the post-translation procedure?
No. There is no need for anyone to worry or be concerned about it at this time. It is an individual process that varies from IS-BE to IS-BE.
[e] Is there a general format, process, or procedure for this?
No. Everyone is different, and there is greater variety in IS-BE consciousnesses than what appears in the human skin-suit within the Prison Complex. This greater variety is enormous, and it is similiar to comparing a telephone on a bare tabletop (MM) with that of a steam-shovel in a garbage dump (DK), and to a battleship / aircraft carrier plowing though stormy seas (ML). Everyone is not just different, they are REALLY different.
The impression I got from The Commander in regards to ML is this mecha-godzilla / battleship / aircraft carrier hybrid thingy. Wow! -MM
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Part 5 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander January 2022
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 5.
Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. Personally, I think girls, cats, and food are far more interesting. But, that's me, don't you know.
[13] Question – Can humans overcome a cosmic event
I am still stuck on this… maybe you can just straighten me out without bothering The Commander.
- There is a shared Earth Template, correct?
- We ALL contribute to manifest this Earth with our collective thoughts – a sort of average; correct?
- There would be no physical earth unless we humans will it so; correct?
- There are our individual Pre-birth Templates; correct?
- We purportedly set these before being incarnated into this meat-suit; correct?
As to whether or not we are assisted in these designs or ordered, is debatable – in my opinion – I think that some are ORDERED, like me, and are difficult if not impossible to alter while a human.
Now then, I say the world as we know it will end shortly in a cataclysmic event; you pick: Human-based Thermonuclear Devastation, or Cosmically induced Geophysical Surface Destruction. For either of these to be realized, many, many humans who have contributed to this [current] manifest earth must share that belief/thought.
Is THAT correct?
So, IF we humans came together, in thought, could we overcome even a Cosmic Event, and Save The Earth, so to speak?
I am asking if there are controls in place, entities in place, that would disallow the Earth’s destruction even if the vast majority willed it so. Does the Cosmos trump The Old Empire, so to speak. Sorry, but I thought that The Commander skirted this issue earlier.
Yes. You are correct in every statement. However, things are not all that simple and the "devil is in the details" as is often said. The mini-universe known as the MWI (or the "reality universe") is a bubble universe that contains the stars and solar systems of the "Main Universe". Within this mini-universe are it's own laws, and rules and organizational parameters that are similar to the "Main Universe", but differ in many ways. For instance, The "Reality Universe" limits or suppresses the power of thought to a far greater degree from that of the "Main Universe". If a IS-BE is thinking in the "Main Universe" the thoughts would create fast and easy manifestations due to the parameters and rules of the "Main Universe". But those rules and systems are suppressed or absent in the "Reality Universe". It's not only that [1] there is memory amnesia, and [2] a containment field, but [3] there is a complete suppression of IS-BE actuation of thoughts. Along with these modifications, replacement rules and laws of the "Reality Universe" and the DNA make up of the "skin suits" of the inmates (on both the physical and the non-physical realities) are such that periodic social purging of planetary and human life occurs. This is programmed into the Prison Complex intentionally. Once the Domain took over this region of space and the Prison Complex, a number of systems stopped working, others took on a life of their own, and as we have recently flushed-out, certain entities have (for their own purposes) took over various functions and systems. Thus the intended operation of the "Reality Universe" is broken. It operates differently than what was originally intended. Nor is it defaulting to the parent "Main Universe". The only way there is any access to that state of being is through gated portals and transit bubble systems. (LD and OBE are special cases of hybrid bubble-systems that transit through portal systems.) So presently, the worst aspects of the "Reality Universe" is manifesting. The thoughts of IS-BE entities in skin-suits are being manipulated by selfish and malevolent entities to act as some kind of thought amplifier for personal gain. This is successfully altering the shared templates (sic.) because the main original "Reality Universe" systems are not fully functional and damaged in various ways. To answer the question as to if well intentioned groups of skin-suits, acting and conjoined together can alter the fabric of the MWI in the "Reality Universe" at this present time, the answer is yes. However, if other larger groups are doing the same thing in a countering manner than the effect is the sum total or both, and the longest most powerful group would have the greatest apparent manifestation of results. If... 5 skin-suits think about peace and tranquility. 50 skin-suits think of crime, destruction and pillage. Then, the highest probability of manifestation will be via the largest concentration of thoughts (all things being the same). The way to get around this apparent limitation is to localize; geographically your range of effect. In short, you create a bubble of influence to your immediate region. That enables a moderate work around to this situation. Thus, if... 5 skin-suits think about peace and tranquility located in a small community, While... 50 skin-suits think of crime, destruction and pillage in the entire nation. Then... There is a reasonable, and higher than normal, chance that the bubble of influence will be created by the five IS-BE skins suits, and will coexist with the influences of the 50 that are diluted over a wider geographic area. That is the primary advised "work around" system to overcome the onslaught of vault 7 manipulation media techniques for mind control efforts. The well intentioned and alert inmate will note that it is easy to create such a positive environment by constructing positive thoughts all around them in many, many ways. It is no accident that MM has been promoting this methodology to all irregulars and lurkers.
[14] Question – Domain Military Strategy
Is China’s military doctrine spiritual brothers with the Domain? I mean do they wage actual total war, take no prisoners stuff like Genghis Khan? I mean totally peaceful but when they decide that the world is better without you, then you really better just run.
I see the Domain as really peaceful but perhaps they can be absolutely brutal towards their enemies if there were no possibility of rehab?
- It’s something like the white, red, and black tents of Genghis Khan. You only want to see the white tents and surrender. By the time you get to the red tents, all the men would have to die. Black tents, well men, women, and children die. No animal left. Even the stones are gone. You will pray for a kind death when the black tents come up.
- The white tents come up first. There is a short period of time. Refuse the white and the red tents come up. Then your choice is to let the men all do to their deaths. Or face a real Final Solution where everything is destroyed. You do not want the black tents.
I don’t know if you can draw the same conclusions as I do. But they scare the heck out of me. I think the Domain is low key trying to tell us something through MM. Our host himself may not even know it so by implication no one in knows.
MM comments: I had a VERY STRONG urge, almost like my entire arms and legs were filled with termites to write / pen the following article. Funny that you should mention Genghis Khan.
What I can say is that The Domain is “Yin and Yang“. I have been having such strong thoughts about China’s military doctrine and the military ruthlessness of Genghis Khan. You do know that the vast bulk of the military sappers under Genghis Khan were from the captured Chinese territories.
I would say that they are being peaceful now. Very, very peaceful. But if the time comes, they unleash Hell on Earth at a level of ferocity that is beyond comprehension.
But let’s ask the question…
Is China’s military doctrine spiritual brothers with the Domain? I mean do they wage actual total war, take no prisoners stuff like Genghis Khan? I mean totally peaceful but when they decide that the world is better without you, then you really better just run.
There will be no mercy. The Earth is a Prison Planet, and a war (whether programmed as part of the "Old Empire", or intentionally set in place by "old Empire" embeds) makes no difference. It is a "Prison Riot" and will not be allowed. We will use every power, every technology, every "trick in the book" to re-balance things and correct the imbalance. We are the caretakers of this region of space. We take that role seriously.
I am curious. Like how?
The Domain is very capable. (Images of scenes of soldiers vomiting at their battle stations... Images of gun barrels warping. ... Images of radios, video monitors and equipment going dead.) (Images of scenes from the Star Trek series showing "the Borg" teleport onto a ship and take it over... Images of Wizards and Warlocks casting magic spells and people melting... )
(...Images of a Domain soldier "walking into" one of the bodies of a general and ordering his military to destroy each other... Images of a 1950's movie showing flying saucers disintegrate entire buildings... ) (Images of voice overs and soldiers following the insane orders... Images of ballistic missile codes being changed...)
(...Images of a political leader sleeping in bed beside his wife and the wife starts tearing at him with her fingernails like a wild cat blood everywhere... Images of people on the New York City streets walking and then collapsing dead all at once like some kind of science fiction movie...) (...Images of soldiers shooting each other from the movies scene in "Jacobs Ladder... Image from the movie "Scanners" where the guys head explodes.)
Scanner’s movie gif…
So, The Domain would do all the work. The Domain would do all the fighting. Not China, nor Russia…?
No. We are a garrison force. We are not equipped for a full military invasion. Were we to conduct a full invasion, the entire planet would be purged. Instead, a war would occur on human terms, but The Domain would make sure that China (which is a Domain asset) be protected. The Domain would direct the strategy, make sure that various systems work and severely retard and handicap those who have attacked us. We can guarantee that there would be a very quick and lethal encounter against any that would assault The Domain or it's elements. Already systems are in place to suppress the desire to generate a major conflict against China. Within a year or two, a conflict will be the last thing in the minds of the United States leadership. Everyone will notice that something is amiss by the end of this year (2022), and it will be quite obvious by the end of the next (2023). Most sensible humans would come to the conclusion that a war would be ill advised. You will write about it tomorrow. (I will post it tomorrow. Posted and found HERE. -MM) However, none of this guarantees anything. There are massive forces that need to be tamed / suppressed in this regard.
Can you please elaborate on your statement that “nothing is guaranteed”.
We are anchoring and manipulating the constraints of the social compacts inherent in the human communities that occupy the General Population in the "Reality Universe". It is desirable that there be "small bads" instead of "big bads" in the changes that are manifesting. We work on various systems and in various levels. Our projections are on track, but experience has indicated time and time again that things tend not to follow the ideal trend line no matter how carefully and well-intentioned it is positioned. To this end, we provide a wider scope and flexibly in manifested outcomes.Imagine
[15a] Question – Cat concerns
Ugh, I’m really warring with myself about asking another question, but I do need a little guidance since the Commander knows so much about cats.
So how can I best support my eldest cat, after what I think was a stroke on Christmas Eve? She seems so lost now.
MM Comments – This answer was answered by PL on the forum. He offered some good strong medical suggestions and advice. In general, the Domain Commander is an extraterrestrial IS-BE with a great deal of experience and knowledge. However, as much as we might desire help and compassion, I don’t know just how helpful his / it’s help would actually be.
Question posted…
Your little buddy is fine. The physical body is distressed, but the consciousness is fine. There is an event associated with this situation that is key to your template (sic.). Do not be distressed about it. All is proceeding as it should. Comfort your little buddy, take care of him. Provide him comfort, care, kindness and warmth. You know what is going on. Do not doubt your intuition. (One day later, added the following. -MM) Physical body or not, his consciousness will migrate around yours. You two both have a strong quantum connection and the associations over time (years?) have been very good, strong and positive ones (for the most part) and you two pals /buddies / friends will continue regardless of the state and conditions of either of your two physical bodies. You and your buddy are IS-BE. You are not your skin-suits. Your relationship goes deeper and far beyond what you sense right now. Do not be concerned or too emotional over the changes. Your pal does not sense the physical distress like you assume. It's processed differently for him.
[15b] Question – Karmic / quantum entanglements
And my second question, after learning about the karmic/quantum ties we may have with those close to us–I’d appreciate some advice for my situation, particularly with T.
I feel like every place I’ve looked for answers has given me bad information, and I’m not even sure what to say in my Intentions. This could impact my role as an Irregular so it’s important.
Are there any suggestions that can be provided to the questioner about this issue?
Human skin suits, inside of the "reality universe" collect quantum associations much more aggressively than IS-BE entities that exist in the "Main Universe" outside. This quanta collects like dust on a window. In the normal course of life, the inmate skin-suit needs to periodically cleanse itself. Shake off "the dust", and refresh. This is done through contemplation, fresh air, isolation and restricting dietary input, noise, and avoidance of stimulus in all forms. Unfortunately many inmates are unaware of this most fundamental need for the day to day maintenance of the skin-suit. And thus they collect all sorts of dust-like quanta. Some are neutral, and some are good, and some are bad. The determine of the beneficial value of the quanta entanglements are subjective to the entities so involved. The discharge and shedding of the quanta and the resultant entanglements are uneven. With some inmates giving off more of one type of (specific) quanta than others. Not just in type, but also in volume and in quantity. It is comparable to being in a room with one other person. The window and the door are closed, and the other person is smoking. This is the normal situation. Every now and then, the non-smoking person must exit the room and wash their face and breathe some fresh air. However, some people are not smoking a cigarette. They chain smoke cigars, and are very comfortable in the room full of deep blue smoke. But the other people in the room are getting ill and turning a shade of green. Every time they try to open the door to obtain a normal opportunity to breathe some fresh air and wash their face, their actions are interrupted. In the case of the questioner; inmate T, this inmate is shedding quanta at a prodigious rate. Those closest to them are exposed to a higher than normal level of quanta saturation and this affects their performance in life, interactions, thoughts and emotional responses. The questioner has the physical need to cleanse themselves, go on retreats, or just have much more quiet personal time to themselves. They need to clean and refresh themselves. This is a fundamental requirement for the basic maintenance of the inmate skin-suit. This is not a one week sabbatical once a year. This should be a weekly occurrence. Like an automobile that needs gasoline every week, an oil change every month, and air in the tires, and water in the radiator, the inmate has the responsibility to maintain his skin-suit. Once that maintenance occurs, the questioner will realize whatever next steps are necessary in regards to the personal interactions with T. It is up to the questioner to determine these steps. However they must make those decisions in quiet isolation and away from any other influence of any type. The fundamental needs of the questioner must be permitted. If they are being denied, then the relationship (in whatever form it is in) is toxic and either must change or be severed. No inmate, let alone an irregular, should be denied the basic operational maintenance of the physical inmate skin-suit.
[16a] Question – Power of Language
So, I have a two-parter. It’s sort of emerging as my “thing” of deeper interest.
What power does language have? Specifically, beyond the ability of advocacy, persuasion and other such arts, is there any weight behind the words we use that extends beyond the physical? I’m sort of thinking of the old stories of spells and suchlike, but in a more general sense. Or a specific sense. Honestly, I don’t know what I don’t know here. Any guidance on this point would be greatly appreciated, as the power of words greatly interests me.
What power does language have?
Language is the bridge that connects (non-physical reality universe) thought via verbalization (physical movement) in the (physical reality universe). Depending on the social and societal constructs, the language will differ, and that will influence the "flavors" of the thought manifestation. Thus, a person thinking in French will have a different kind or type of manifestation than one speaking in English. This holds true to dialects and enclaves such as urban English, Austria influenced German, or a Chinese dialect. Thought generation comes from the IS-BE consciousness in the non-physical realms. Language is how the brain translate those thoughts in the physical reality. Manifestation of thoughts, thus must go through the gateway of the mind. This is why the manifestation of thought in the MWI pocket universe (the Reality Universe which is the Prison Complex) differs from that of the Main Universe. The inmate skin-suits process thoughts via the brain differently that unmodified humans in the Main Universe.
[16b] Question – Specific affirmation phrasing
As a follow up – does the intent behind the words we chose to use matter as much as specific phrasing, such as with manifestation campaigns? I know MM has written at length about the importance of being specific, but there’s also been some warnings about being too specific and avoiding the “Hollywood effect”.
There is constantly an obfuscation of meaning, a twisting and distortion of facts that puts doublespeak to shame presented in many mainstream narratives. I suppose I’m just curious if everything is just as it appears to be at face value, or if there’s something deeper beyond these prison suit shells at work.
Does the intent behind the words we chose to use matter as much as specific phrasing, such as with manifestation campaigns?
Asked of the Commander…
The mechanism for thought manifestation comes from the use of language in the brain. When a consciousness is processing that thought; known as "generating that thought" (which is actually NOT the same thing) it is the actual verbalization that generates the physical manifestation. What the person vocalizes is what manifests.
MM comments…
I have no problem with that, however, what you are thinking at the time you are verbalizing the affirmations "color", alter and modify those affirmations. Let's suppose you had a verbal affirmation that says... "I have young and youthful skin, and feel like a teenager". If left alone you will have nice youthful skin, and probably a few zits and maybe start to act a little childish. However, let's suppose that every-time you read that verbal affirmation you remember a lost teenage crush or a bad relationship or a date that went really wrong. You cannot control that thought. It just pops into your head automatically. What you might find is that along with smoother skin, you will also start to have relationship troubles that are remarkably similar to that which you experienced as a youth. So actually, it is not only what you vocalize, but the thoughts that you carry with you as you vocalize those intentions.
[17a] Question – Bug Zapper
The tunnel of light aka bug zapper: Currently, the system is you die and leave your body, then you are instructed to go into the bug zapper, which shocks the crap out of your consciousness, effectively wiping out your memory (99.95% effective on most IS-BEs, it seems).
Is this a correct appraisal of the system?
[17b] Question – Purpose of mind erasure
Then, ONCE your memory is erased, you undergo counseling with a guide who allows you access to memories of your past lives. (I believe the commander mentioned that you are allowed “controlled access” to your memories by the Mantids during your counseling session in planning your pre-birth template–if I remember wrong please correct me).
A 3rd party “allows” you to see your memories after your bug zapper treatment. This means that you are not recalling your memories on your own, but it is presented to you.
If the presented memories are edited in any way (a dropped frame here or there, a cleverly edited event in your life), there is no way you would know it since you got zapped first to erase your memory.
I’m not saying that the memories you are viewing during this session is definitely edited, but there’s no way you could confirm that it wasn’t either, given your post-zapping condition.
In any case, why the need to make you go through the bug zapper before you view your memories in the counseling session? Why can’t you keep your memories so you can skip the viewing portion and go straight to negotiation/planning for your next reincarnation?
What is the purpose of the mind erasure, and then drip-feed of selective memories?
The original purpose was to create a situation where the IS-BE would be inclined to assist in the creation of their next pre-birth world-line template(sic.). Imagine that the IS-BE was a Domain Soldier with a long history of aggressive, intelligent behaviors. Once in the Prison Complex the goal would be not only [1] to erase the past of the IS-BE but also to [2] reconfigure the quanta that comprises what he / she / it is. The primary baseline default mapping of the new design for the IS-BE entity is to create a passive, obedient, and submissive entity that is very remorseful and regretful towards any foray into the physical realms. The memories thus presented to this "blank slate" IS-BE would be those that would [1] convince the entity to return back to the General Population out of a need for growth and learning. [2] It would convince the entity that it would have to suffer through perils, rapes, hardships, trials, discomfort to thus experience intentional events designed to make a submissive, frightened, and obedient entity. [3] The entity would be convinced that eventually at some point in time they would be "perfected" though all the learning, schooling and teachings, and that with just a few more experiences all would end and that they would migrate to a higher state of being. [4] This point in time; this goal will always be pushed further out. It will be close but unobtainable.Thus convincing the entity for yet one more reincarnation of suffering, pain, and horrors. these goals and achievements can only be realized through selective manipulation of past histories to an entity suffering from Amnesia.
This reminds me of the movie “Overboard“, where Kurt Russel tricks (wealthy bitch) amnesic Goldie Hawn that she is his wife and must serve him and his family of misfits. The movie is cute, and nice. But the reality that is described here by the Domain Commander is an absolute horror.

[17c] Question – Inhumane actions
It has been established that the IS-BE had been counseled and agreed to the birth line template he/she will reincarnate into.
However, the IS-BE enters into this agreement after it has been zapped. True, they viewed their memories, but through a 3rd party platform with no guarantees that everything has been shown (some information is given, we can assume that this is most likely incomplete).
In fact, it is established that someone/thing else decides “how much to show”, since your core memory sets are not with you.
It is fair to assume that they can choose to show a highly edited version of your past and that’s all you will have to go on, too bad.
(not applicable to DM and his wife SD, as it seems like they are from another group of IS-BE's that are undertaking a mission, and they already know how to access their memories without going through a 3rd party).
Based on this limited information, you make the agreement to enter a prebirth template.
Do we allow minors or those with compromised faculties to enter contracts and agreements? How about if you are dazed and disoriented by pain killing drugs in the hospital? Are you allowed to write a will in that state? WE know what people are like after they go through electroshock therapy…are IS-BE’s in any state to agree to ANYTHING after getting zapped?
If you do not have your core memory sets because a 3rd party is holding them for you, then by definition you have “limited faculties” (i.e. retarded, drooling infant, just fell off the turnip truck). There is no way in hell you could be honestly described as “dealing with a full deck of cards”.
Is this correct?
Yes. The system is designed to take advantage of the limited memories and reduced reasoning power of the IS-BE to move them forward and through the processing system. It is intentional. Firstly, IS-BE's are dangerous. They are weaker when they inhabit a physical form with in the Main Universe. Secondly, one of the initial reasons for the creation of a containment field and a pocket "reality" universe is to create a region where the thoughts of an IS-BE are retarded and limited. Thirdly, by creating a condition where the powers of thought are reduced, and the erasure of memories so that the IS-BE is unaware of the power of thoughts, you have a situation where the IS-BE would voluntarily enter an inmate skin-suit. Fourthly, by shuffling the inmate back and forth between the "reality" pocket universe, and the "Heaven" micro universe it can be controlled and reprogrammed at will. It's an endless mobius strip.

[17d] Question – Editing of histories.
The karmic imbalances that need correcting: So, we have established that the IS-BE agreed to be injected into a birth template that have some specific challenges/torture experiences in them to redress the sins from a previous life.
This new life will be a corrective for this fuck-up IS-BE’s, so eventually the karmic imbalance will be neutralised, right?
I believe this is the intent (yeah right).
Well if the fucked up “corrective” life the IS-BE is currently experiencing now was “agreed upon”, then that means that the previous life that generated the karmic problems that you are busy correcting now was “counseled and agreed upon” too.
If you’re not allowed off the prebirth template plantation now, what makes you think you were allowed to leave it then?
Oh what, you were able to somehow defy the prebirth template in the past in order to commit unauthorized sins that you are being required (or rather convinced/manipulated) to pay for now?
It has been established (so far) that the prebirth template (unless you are a renegade spirit who didn’t go into the tunnel of light and grabbed the next available body instead) is meticulously planned, with plenty of funneling and redirecting mechanisms to keep you on the agreed upon path.
Question–why on earth would you agree to commit fucked up crimes in one life that you know you would be guaranteed to pay for in the next life (unless you are a privileged old empire member who knows how to game the prison complex)?
Is manipulation by the 3rd party influential in convincing a disoriented and suggestible IS-BE to agree to a severe life path?
Is it possible that the IS-BE viewed some highly edited portions of their past life during their “counseling session”?
Yes. It is not only possible, but that is the standard procedure. The entire and sole purpose of viewing selected and edited, and possibly fake past life experiences, is to manipulate the IS-BE entity to agree to enter the punishment phase of the Prison Complex. The General Population Pocket-universe known as the MWI "reality universe" is the "Punishment" phase of the never-ending prison sentence. The micro universe known as "Heaven" is the parole / rehabilitation phase of the never-ending prison sentence.
[17e] Question – Nature of the imbalances.
Nature of the karmic imbalances on the IS-BE’s quantum body: “patch up holes” and repair fissures on the cake/quantum body (words of the commander), good relationships and thoughts = softer more malleable quantum entanglements with other IS-BE’s (vision of untangling hair in the shower with a good conditioner), bad relationship and thoughts = hard and ossified quantum entanglements with other IS-BEs (think barbed wire).
He/She/It noted that quantum entanglements get deeper the longer the relationship (good or bad) but emphasized the quality of these entanglements on the body depending on type of relationship.
If the thoughts and relationship is good or decent, I can “detangle ” my IS-BE from the other IS-BE with a little effort and mostly no injuries.
If the thoughts and relationships are bad, the entanglement is like barbed wire, and if I try to separate, chunks of my “quantum flesh” get left behind.
Is this what the commander meant when I was advised to do some hit and run acts of kindness?
Like if I don’t try to soften this entanglement, I risk the chance of losing my quantum leg or eye or something?
Sure I will still be alive (coz IS-BE’s can’t die), but my quantum arms got left behind and now I need another IS-BE to help me wash my quantum hair and wipe my quantum ass until my memory sets are restored?
I’m free, but I’m maimed (in the quantum sense).
Fortunately it’s not permanent, but it’s still terrible.
Am I understanding this correctly or is my imagination getting away from me?
Is this what the commander meant regarding hit and run acts of kindness?
Yes. And no, your imagination is not out of boundaries. This is exactly how this system works. You have accepted our teachings accurately and have interpreted them correctly. This is not only the education on MM here, but the greater absorption of information is from the information obtained in your activities in the non-physical realities.
[17f] Question – The Lost Battalion
The lost battalion: They are warriors, so they have “combative” personalities.
Given that they were forcibly injected into screwed up life templates, a lot of anger is naturally generated.
Given their natural war-like tendencies, what are the chances of these battalion members reacting gracefully to the injustices they are being forced to endure?
My money is on them reacting gracelessly.
If they react gracelessly, then they will trigger negative thoughts and actions from the other IS-BE’s that they are with.
These quantum entanglements will be rough and hard like barbed wire.
If my ramblings are anywhere in the neighborhood, then can we assume that the negative quantum entanglements that were most likely generated from the bad templates they inhabit is making their rescue that much harder and more dangerous for the integrity of their quantum bodies?
Is this correct?
Yes. Upon recovery of the memories and experiences endured by the collective members of the Lost Battalion, there will be an imbalance that will manifest as some serious distortions of their IS-BE quantum makeup. This will have to be compensated for. Given the conditions, and the consequences of the events that created these mountainous distortions, the backlash that would naturally revert to when the attempts and process to fully revert the amnesia will create a very horrific scenario for those IS-BE entities that manifested the entire sequence of events. This will have to be compensated for. If it is not, then the imbalance would distort this fabric of the Main Universe. Thus it is conceivable that the combined entanglements will have to be dissipated, isolated and ejected into a closed and locked independent universe. Those that contributed and participated into the bad associations would need to be injected into this isolation universe and the suffered Domain soldiers would have to move forward with the quantum damage from those malevolent entities. Because of the danger of these powerful, dangerous and evil entities, they each might need to be placed alone into an empty universe without memories. And left to float in nothingness for the rest of eternity.
[17g] Question – My theory
I feel that the quantum entanglement and karma has been weaponized brilliantly.
Like the old empire technology knows how to trigger IS-BE’s into using their own quantum bodies to generate the terrible chains that bind them together in misery.
Trick these poor sap IS-BE’s to agree to birth templates that guarantee negative thoughts and experiences with others (by showing them edited portions of their past), then tell these same IS-BE’s that they gotta pay back this karmic debt in the next life, that it’s the other learners’ turn to dish it out to you.
Then repeat the exact same strategy, but change the IS-BEs around.
The negative cycle continues among this cluster of learners, the karmic chains grow deeper and the barbs get sharper and longer. Beautiful.
Escape means a guaranteed maiming (but eventually recoverable, though the IS-BE may not know this because they don’t have their full faculties) and no memory sets.
So this is my “theory” or thesis. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s filled with holes or peppered with bad assumptions (not on purpose of course). But thinking about this…I was driven to push out this “theory”. Is it nonsensical? What am I missing?
Are my gross extrapolations completely unjustified?
You have completely and accurately elaborated upon, reasoned and laid out the operation of the "Old Empire" Prison Complex. The Domain finds this Prison Complex reprehensible and are working to clean it out, purge it of entities in a humane and proper manner, and then select the worst and most harmful IS-BE's and eject them to individual pocket (empty) universes where they are prevented from harming others.
[18a] Question
In regards to some questions i have: i quote the commander
"There needs to be a coordinated effort to destroy all the major elements of the mechanisms / systems and then prevent them for regrouping and recovering. Then systematically go one by one and dismantle the entire complex mechanism."
Does he mean this coordination needs to be done by LDers or by the Domain or both working in conjunction?
If LD cannot be used {individually} to destroy the amnesia machinery, then how can it be effectively deployed to assist?
As mentioned previously I have been collecting lucid/ astral SEALs (in reference to the title you gave me in one of the earlier Q&As); i currently have a small handful of accomplished LDers i picked up externally to the MM community (though I have steered them towards you) – these LDers are very much aware of the matrix system in place, and have agreed to help put their LDing abilities to use to break the reincarnation traps, sticking around after death to help consciousnesses avoid the light etc etc”;
The idea was to create a LDer/APer/RVer network/community that could be utilised for physical based coordination of non physical based targets.
Question: will this physical LD network be useful for the location and eventual deconstruction of the amnesia infrastructure according to Domain protocol and if so do the Domain have any recommendations on the way it should be implemented?
This physical LD network will be extraordinarily helpful in the suppression and eventual removal of the amnesia infrastructure, the containment field and the elements internal to this pocket "reality" universe. These efforts are being matched / coordinated with a tasked group of Domain sappers / cypher experts / specialists / (another species I am not very familiar with. I call them the Oompa Loompa's - They look like slug-like hippos thingys). When you operate in LD, you are actually moving a consciousness between a physical reality and various non-physical bodies. You are very adept at it, even you you might no longer recall the events like you used to in your past. You are tasked in a shared arrangement with your parent organization and The Domain in this regards and they have allocated resources to create a large task team. SD plays a predominant role in this matter. Working as a team on the various aspects of this colossal facility is very important and you have taken a leading role in it. You may continue as you "feel" necessary as your guidance is actually directions from the various coordinating liaison structures of all the organizations involved.
[18b] Question – The Elder Guardians
Question 2a: The Elder Guardians have played a very important part in my life, and are the main motivators behind my drive to help with this effort to destroy the amnesia devices. However, they have a tendency to show up completely unannounced at what appears to be random times. I was never given specifics of when to expect their contact.
Does the Domain know if they are planning to make contact with me in the future, and if so, when to expect such contact (closest possible time-frame), what I can to do help prepare for it (i.e. be aware and look for certain astrological happenings etc)?
We liaise with the Elder Guardians. We respect them. We honor them and their role in this and other matters. We do not control them, or advise them in any way. They have their own agendas, systems, avenues and purposes. None of which are in conflict with The Domain. However we are not privy to their internal systems, orders, or projects outside of our comm channels. We are unfortunately unable to help you with your request. (Empty mic sound - like dead air. Then nothing. -MM)
[18c] Question – Query on the Elders.
Is the Domain able to tell me more about them?
We have a respectful relationship with them. We can inform you that they are very private and confidential entities. This is, and has been, out of necessity. Therefore, were we to answer your questions informatively we might be breaching their confidentiality unintentionally. Therefore, out of respect for them, we will decline to answer this inquiry.
[19a] Question – Dream Questions
Before posting questions, I wish to everyone a happy and hopeful new year. DM & SD must be the first ones to celebrate while I write this.
Now back to business:
Recently I had a dream where I was about to “remember” some rule-set and/or valuable information and it ended abruptly. Did I made a mistake?
No. In the particular instance that the questioner is discussing and asking about, the memory access was terminated intentionally by an "Old Empire" memory access system triggered by his mantid. To prevent that kind of thing from happening in the future you must [1] include Affirmation Prayers (sic.) to that effect, and [2] discuss the matter with your mantid directly. You should be able to talk plainly and aloud when in a private place and then gauge your impressions and feelings afterwards for the answers and the results.
[19b] Question – incorporate others
Is it okay to incorporate more skin-suits (i.e. close relatives) to help The Domain in their goals (and our ultimate goal of stopping the amnesia cycle)?
Yes. Individual skin-suits can participate in any effort alongside our efforts. They do not need to be part of the Domain, as regulars or irregulars in any capacity what so ever to do so. However, we will refrain from helping or assisting any outside efforts unless specifically petitioned by the particular entity to do so.
[20] Question – 13 beings in the Crystal Palace
(A lot of plain dead air. Space. Static. Nothing. -MM) (A kind of funny feeling like tuning a radio dial or an old style televisions et. Curious. - MM) There are questions that can be answered, and there are questions that cannot be answered. Please describe a specific event, situation or attribute for us to answer.
The impression that I have is that the Commander is not able to answer anything because the question was incomplete. It’s like asking “What is the relationship between Americans and streets?” It’s a very broad-based question with very little to flush out specifically.
The impression is that they have an idea about what is being asked, but they need specifics to see if they can inform and answer the specific questions.
[21a] Question – Part 1 – Religion
Can you help me ask a question or two with the Domain Commander?
- Almost about 20 years ago, my mother forced my family (father, siblings) into an ultra-conservative Catholic religion which does not recognize anything post-Vatican II and the group has a very antagonistic stance towards other religions, as well as non-Catholic Christians (a.k.a Protestants), as well post-Vatican II Catholics. I think that ever since she got involved with them – she’s a “slave to the Virgin Mary”know – the family dynamics have been very much under strain and there is a lot of unhappiness and tension in the family up till this day due to the inability to show our disagreement.
- I also note that there is a lot of religious intolerance in the world, and a lot of hate speech from similar groups – mostly in the US – as this traditionalist Catholic group that my family can’t get out of. I’m a fan of the Chinese style of governance and the way it keeps religion out of politics, but these groups keep claiming to be knowing the truth and are often add fodder to the anti-China crowd by spreading fake news in the name of religious truth and anti-communism.
- The whole thing has been affecting me emotionally for a long time, and it has never been helpful to the anxiety and depression I suffered my whole life to executive dysfunction that I was born with. Anyway, my ultra-religious mother told me recently that she “consecrated ” me to a some deity in a Chinese temple in my country and that was a cause of a lot of problems in my life.
- So my question here that, if you would kindly help me ask the Domain Commander in the next Q&A, is:
A) What is his view on the various religions and religious groups that exist on this earth? Is there a true religion that one should follow? Why is it so difficult for humanity to just see the truth?
Religion is a system of control that is part of the earth-centrist prison planet environment. It is unique to the human skin-suits. Currently it is used to [1] control the human population, and [2] flush out and filter sentience. All of the religions have this purpose, more or less depending on a host of criteria, situations and participants.
[21b] Question – Part 2 – Personal influences
This is part two of the above questions.
B) Am I under the control of one or more external spiritual forces that are using other people as tools to influence me?
Yes / No. Complex and complicated situation that requires some understandings. Will posit answers and solutions in terms easy for MM to discourse to you. Religion, as it manifests inside the Prison Complex is a mechanism of control. One group "A" uses it to control another group "B". This occurs on many levels. What most inmates do not understand is that thoughts generated by the rituals and presentation of the religions are the commodity. Not the religion itself. Thus the religions are a methodology for a means to direct thought for various purposes. In your particular case, your family (your mother) has been harnessed as a thought generation mechanism, and is behaving as a Service-to-another sentience. Being so programmed, you are being forced into that framework, but you are a service-to-others sentience, and this is uncomfortable to you. To trap you, to snare you, to manipulate you, the parental unit is conjuring up other third party spirits to force your sentience to fit theirs. Obviously they are not successful. However, these third party "spirits" and quantum energies are problematic to you as they alter your physical interactions with the world around you.
Please provide recommendations and solutions to the questioner…
You need to perform a very memorable and kind act to your mother / parent / influences. It must be memorable. Then you must tell them that you received a "message" from their deity (in whatever form she understands). That the message really changed you. You must tell her that you are no longer the same person. And that you now have a mission. And you must tell her that she will not understand. You must tell her using biblical references. Then, you must quietly and firmly isolate yourself from her. Do so physically and seriously reduce communication with her. When she expresses worry or concern, again use Biblical references to kindly explain to her that you are on a mission. That your mission is different from her mission, and that your are now bound to perform that mission. She will ask what it is and you must use a Biblical reference in responding to her. Then you will isolate from her, and when se sees you, YOU MUST always show tranquility, peace and calmness. Let her believe that you are on that mission, what ever it may be. Key points. [1] Kind act. [2] Explanation that you have changed and have been put on a mission. [3] Isolate from her. [4] Always show peace, kindness, and calm when interacting her (or anyone else who might report to her). Her thoughts will be of you achieving her version of paradise on earth, and it is up to you to maintain that illusion for the rest of her life. This will prevent her from causing any inadvertent discord in your life, and generate a kind state of being that will generate kind thoughts emulating from her towards you. YOU MUST MAKE SURE THAT THE ILLUSION IS ALWAYS INTACT AND NOT SHATTERED.
There are still a bunch of questions that I will get to as time permits. I hope that this little taste will be enough to wet your appetite.
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Part 4 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander January 2022 section 2
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 4.
Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. Personally, I think girls, cats, and food are far more interesting. But, that's me, don't you know.
[1] Question – Guarantee of protection.
Tell the commander Am cool with all the dreams. All the “missions” All the glimpses from the past. Am cool with anything they wanna sign me up for.
One must recognize that the situation is clearly different from that of [1] a skin-suit with no memories living inside a Prison Complex being manipulated by others, to [2] being part of a group of strong, capable IS-BE's fighting and working to improve the entire reality. Once you exit your skin-suit it is your decision on what to do afterwards. Whether you wish to stay within the Prison Complex or join The Domain as a citizen it is your choice. ... The vessel (that's me, by the way -MM) projected this question as what to do once the questioner leaves the physical universe and is a incorporeal being. But the questioner actually asked for guarantees of protection regarding work for the Domain as a irregular volunteer. As an irregular, you are part of an organization and you ARE NEVER ALONE. You are always being observed, watched, and nudged into various directions. Not only for your safety but for stability, mental, emotional, physical and in every other level. Some irregulars provide more value than others in a quantitative sense, but what ever participation that you provide is of significance, and should be considered as such. Thus, you (the questioner) provide a great role and you need to be protected by your support group assigned to you. And you will be. This is TRUE no matter how insignificant you might feel or mentally rationalize. Your non-physical bodies often have for more capacity, capabilities and abilities than what you (as a physical skin suit) are aware of. And those abilities are of substantive help in the missions of The Domain. However, you are in the physical reality. You will die. That is unavoidable. There are also events that are part of your MWI pre-birth world-line template (sic.) that are semi-rigid. This might convince you (the questioner) that we are not monitoring your being, nor your trials, but that is not the case. In every event, we are steering you away from the VERY WORST probability scenarios towards ones with minor effect. (I am provided the image of a terrible car wreck with a paralyzed person unable to move below the neck. Then a big red "X" is painted over that image. Then, instead, an image of a car skidding on the ice (?) and getting a "fender bender" damage, but the driver is fine. Just shaken up. I then see a big green "check mark" over it. -MM) We, The Domain watch over our own. We will always work with YOU to mediate those problematic traps and snares. So as to answer your question, we will do everything in the power of your support group to protect you in your reality universe as an inmate skin-suit in the Prison Complex. Though we do have limitations, we will take care of you to the best of your support group's ability.
[2] Question – Become a member of the Domain, not just an irregular
Question: can a human soul like me (well, I think I’m human–who knows before I got bamboozled/imprisoned into doing my stint on Earth) elect to join the domain after the physical container has run its full course in the material world?
Like, I don’t want to reincarnate again, I just want to go into training so I can join the domain full time? Is this an option?
Can I elect to join the Domain after I physically die so that I can avoid the reincarnation cycle?
Yes. You can. You (personally) have some other issues in the non-physical realms that you will need to attend you, and if that is your desire after you attend to them, we would be very happy for you to join us. You possess great strengths and abilities even without your core memory sets, but we are confident that in time (sic.) we can reduce the amnesia influence on your IS-BE being and your consciousness. We are a volunteer organization and IS-BE entities can enter and leave at will. However, you will discover that many desire to stay and be involved in our efforts and if that is within your being (Yes it is, and you know that) then we truly and sincerely welcome you to join us. This is the case for all irregulars and any entities reading this report. The Main universe needs some patching up, purging, and reconfiguring. Your kindness, steadfastness, enthusiasm and control in your physical body clearly identifies you as prime recruitment material. (Poor translation. Sorry. He / she / it did not mean that you are a thing or anything like that. -MM)
From your “descriptions”, it sounds like the domain is somewhat similar to the modern CPC/CCP. If this is indeed an option, what are the requirements (aside from being STO sentience)?
Is the Domain similar to contemporaneous China?
Very astute of you. The Domain values the leadership nations and works with them to accomplish our goals. In (your time) the late 1990's we transferred our involvement in a gradual phase out away from MAJestic to other organizations. Yes. You are correct we operate (a core physical organization) within China, and the (Chinese) leadership is heavily influenced by our suggestions / recommendations / guidance's and alerts. They are, without question or hesitation or discussion, implementing every policy suggestion we make. They do so on our timetable, and upon our schedule. Unlike the United States, the speed of implementation of the policy suggestions, the ease of finding valuable STO sentience's for membership and the (lack of) demands for technology transfer has been astounding and pleasurable. We have exchanged technology, and we have implemented many, many changes within the Chinese society itself. ... In the early 2003 / 2004 the American MAJestic operation was shut down and Domain involvement with that organization was terminated abruptly. The remaining sub-projects were "mothballed" or sent away as carve outs to private American industry, and the Domain has very little footprint in those (American and UK) realms right now. There are some doll bodies in partial activation at the China Lake NWC NAS (and Ohio) but their role is of a trivial nature. Our influence upon China has been exceptional, and it is following an illustrative path for the rest of the world to follow. It is like a "mini" Domain sub-culture contemporaneously. Like the United States, we have been providing technical assistance and technology to the Chinese. Their traditional culture has embraced the core Domain belief and policy structures, and thus their Geo-political actions mirror what we advise them. ... (As an aside, or an Oh- by the way) We (the Domain) discarded involvement with the United States governmental organizational structure when the sentience make up of the (true) leadership (at all levels) enjoined Service for Self sentience. The Domain ONLY works with service to others sentience's. There are no exceptions. Thus, we had to disentangle our involvement with MAJestic when the American leadership entangled wholly within STS behavior sentence's.
What are the requirements for membership in the Domain?
[1] STO sentience. [2] Willingness to become part of The Domain and obey it's laws, rules, and hierarchy. [3] An understanding that it is a all volunteer organization, but that the demands on your self may (at times) be demanding and taxing. But that you are never alone and will participate as equals within your state of being for the good and benefit of all.
[3] Question – Please elaborate…
OMG, I am really excited!
Now if I could ask for some clarification on the “personal issues in the non physical realms” that I need to attend to…what are they?
How do I fix these ASAP?
Because let me tell you, I feel like these are annoying “loose ends” that must be fixed so I can pursue my desired path without any encumberances. Can the Domain guide me on this? Or do I need the assistance of another entity to fix this? Are these bullshit celestial contracts that some jerky astral parasite wants to enforce?
Please don’t take it that I am disrespectful of history or tradition. I understand that these are very important and they do have their place. However, it may unnecsesarily limit our imagination on who we can be (though I absolutely want to recover my full memories and skill sets–relearning is a real pain in the ass). In this physical life, I noticed that I have far, far less ties or affection for the past compared to the people around me (biologival family members, friends and acquaintances, even my husband and in laws). Out ofl all the people I know, I’m actually the only one excited for the future! Is this a sign of something?
While this isn’t an emergency, it would be nice to get an actionable response soon so I can work on solving these niggling “personal issues in the non physical realm”.
Sounds like it’s a hassle I won’t be able to avoid.
We (I personally) am very happy / pleased that you are so enthusiastic in joining us. And you are asking the proper questions. Let's explain. Every prison inmate, whether in a physical inmate skin-suit" within General Population in the Prison Complex, or as a non-physical being entrapped within either the Heaven (sub pocket) mini universe, or in the non-physical realms of the prison complex, have friends, histories and associations with other IS-BE entities that are also imprisoned here. These are clusters. In "Heaven" they are organized in educational learning classes and the "students' enter the General Population of the Prison Complex to experience "lessons" set up by the mantid primes (sic.) and implemented by the personal mantid (sic.) of the particular IS-BE entity. In these clusters are an ever growing karmic (sic.) attachment. The longer you associate with the particular group the more entangled your quanta becomes. You (the questioner) have spent many, many centuries in these prison rehabilitation groups. As such your karmic (sic.) entanglements are quite strong. To disentangle from them, you can proceed in two primary directions. [1] Continue to reincarnate upon the earth Prison Complex until the karmic entanglements are mitigated and reduced to a neutral level. or... [2] Accept the situation that there will be unbalanced "karmic" influences on your quantum being as an IS-BE constrained as an inmate, and this situation will persist until your memories can be actuated. What this entails is to assist in the Domain with these entanglements and their influence son your behaviors whether or not you are within the physical geographic confines of the Prison Complex... up to when your memories are restored. ... Were this to be your last physical reincarnation (as you surely must sincerely hope) then option #2 above would be the preferred route. It requires your acknowledgement that until your memories are fully restored, that the quantum entanglements with those other IS-BE entities that you have been in close proximity with will influence your IS-BE activities with the Domain. It is up to you to determine how serious those entanglements are, and you might need to compensate for them as they may retard your behaviors and actions.
What specifically? Please provide hard core direction…
In this current incarnation there are three principal individuals from the (your) learning cluster that all karmic encounters must be neutralized, as well as two other rather minor individuals. One is particularly (intentionally) abrasive / contentious in this physical environment. Another holds a major close role in your current incarnation. And it is not problematic. The issue is not in regards to emotional connections, or karma quantum entanglements. It is the desire to stabilize and secure twisted quantum entanglements whether they are good / positive or ill / problematic. The way to do this is to generate positive; kind, happy or otherwise up-beat quantum entanglements with the individuals in your life. Those that have "bad blood", or "discomfort" need to be "plastered over" / seduced / secured with kindness, and then you need to distance yourself from them. As you want their memories of you to be on a positive note. Those that have "good blood" and positive relationships need to have this situation mitigated and propagated so that it continues. Feed the good. Starve the bad. Over all, that elimination or mitigation of quantum influences is best accomplished by offsetting kindness, goodwill, and neutral associations. In other words, the associations become "softer" and more malleable. What you do not want is rigid forceful hard and harsh associations with others. You want to mitigate any bad, harsh thoughts or generated memories and replace them with good and kind ones. This might well make the questioner feel like they are a fool, or performing strange and unnecessary behaviors. But that is not the case at all. You are closing those "holes" / gaps / fissures with another material for longer term stability. Consider your physical incarnation as a cake. You want it to be as perfect as possible. Correct the errors, and then leave those areas alone once you repair them. Then continue on working on the good aspects of the cake. Constantly improve your cake. (I have NO CLUE what he / it / she is talking about. -MM) We advise to neutralize and negate the most contentious or problematic relationships, and revise your association with those individuals to a peaceful, calming and accepting attitude. No matter how disquieting it is for you to do so. Some of the individuals have mental / emotional irregularities that were programmed into their skin-suit. Obviously you need to avoid these people. The best thing to do (regarding them) is perform a kind act, and then avoid them afterwards. Their memories will be of the kind act, not any horror or trouble that they currently associate with you. However, and be warned, those with the disruptive personalities this will also cause them to peruse you. That is not acceptable either. You will need to leave and not return. Kind isolation is the suggested policy. You (the questioner) will of course request direction (from here), but the truth is that you do not need direction in this matter. You already know who these individuals are (well, for the most part) and know what to do to minimize their influences on your being / ego / self. Make it so. Final; to the questioner. Your desires are not hidden from us. Proceed as you will, and rest comfortably in realizing your worth and value is understood, and appreciated. Also take note that you need provide a "hit and run" sort of kindness to one or two of these entities. Do not disrupt what you currently have to fill those gaps / holes / fissures. Remember that you must make your cake perfectly. Refine the ingredients, and take due care in forming the shape. Be kind then isolate away from them. Let their thoughts of you remain of the kindness that you showed to them. If you fail to isolate afterwards, you will destroy / trash / collapse the entire effort. For these most problematic individuals it MUST be kindness and isolate.
[4] Question – More about China and The Domain
I cannot help but to say that my “ears picked up” and my “hair stood on end” when I transcribed these last few answers to the questions. So I sent out a flurry of questions, and I tell you what, I should have had a pencil and paper nearby. Here’s what I can recall.
What is the name of the Chinese organization that replaced MAJestic?
Group <redacted>. You do not need to know anything more than that. That is not part of your mission parameters.
Do they know of my existence?
Yes and no. They are aware that The Domain worked with MAJestic in the United States prior to working with group <redacted>. However, they are not aware of who you (MM here) are, nor are they aware that you are present in country. However, they do know that numerous high-level MAJestic operators have moved out of the United States and that the strong possibility exists that they (or some of them) have relocated inside of China.
I found the timing of the move from MAJestic to Group <redacted> inside of China very interesting. This was right before I was “retired”, and at that time, I was all over China on various projects. I wonder if I played a role in the move away from the United States to China.
My role in the transformation to China?
You have a EBP installed. As do others. You and the others are our "eyes and ears on the ground", and everything that you experience is recorded and analyzed. You personally had a participate role in the decision to terminate our association with MAJestic. However, you were not the only contributor. We made the necessary arrangements to have you visit various locales, locations and individuals. Your experiences, and the discussions that you had contributed to the images and senses of others to better form an impression / decision / process plan. We had earmarked an alternative to MAJestic in the middle to late 1990's and settled on China as well as two other alternatives as primary candidates. These other candidates were Singapore, and a unified Korea. Overall, we needed to change our working arrangement in the general population (GP) of the Prison Complex due to sentience non-configuration. This was a fall back position because our association with MAJestic was deemed to be problematic.
What do you mean “problematic”?
The first signs of trouble happened early on in the 1960's (my time) when President John F. Kennedy died, and the Geo-political structure of the United States changed. Initially we believed that it might become more like the ideal that The Domain was working to foster upon the American legislative group, however that never materialized. We were able to offer technical help and assistance in exchange for (biological) monitoring allowances, but we failed to influence the core operational governmental structure within the United States. It continued to be an entrenched oligarchy with little interest in any changes of any type / manner / configuration. Danger signs and issues abounded throughout the 1970's. By the 1980's we had started looking for alternative host nations. Never the less, the programs (such as MM here) were still in process and they act and actuate regardless as to which nation hosts our primary human skin-suit contact base. All members, as you well know, operate upon a higher calling and are not limited to geographic or national confines. That was clearly described to you during your recruitment interview in the ELF facility at NAS, NASC Pensacola Florida. It became clear to us that elements of "The Old Empire", as well as some significantly problematic IS-BE entities occupied key roles, lives, positions within the Western government structures to include the United States, Canada, the UK, Israel, and various high offices within Europe. This concentration of STS consciousnesses were leading the entire physical planet towards catastrophic turmoil, and that needed to end. We could not allow the vector trajectory to continue. This is "Old Empire" programming and needs to be reset. This boil / disease / illness continued to fester throughout the 1990's and we terminated our agreement with MAJestic in a firm but polite manner in 2002. At that time, we contacted key individuals within China, and used our influence tool-kit to engage the Chinese leadership. It is no coincidence that the current leadership in China is STO sentience, and enacting the plans and strategies on a national and Geo-political level that very closely resembles that of The Domain, in most core policies.
Technology transfer issues?
Yes. We have transferred technologies to the Chinese. The Chinese have been very different in requesting and accepting technologies. MAJestic was desirous of actual physical vehicles and systems for reverse engineering. The Chinese on the other hand are / have been very desirous in understanding the systems and technologies used. Yes. There are dimensional ports within China. No. We did not provide them with an array of vehicles to reverse engineer. Instead, we work with the Chinese scientists in understanding the core technologies in gravity manipulation, propulsion, environmental controls and frequency modification and targeting. The biggest success with the Chinese government has been in a top to bottom restructuring of it's society to include improvements on how the society works. In many ways (not all) it follows the Domain as a model. This was (surprisingly) requested of us, and we obliged. There are numerous members of The Domain working in transforming the Chinese society into a fully functioning, efficient, platform to handle the various earth-centrist problems that persist. The environment, being a meritocracy, policing the leadership, a complete change in the way financial transactions occur, and fidelity to family and traditions (as localized as they may be) are all of Domain inspiration.
Threat of war from the United States?
There is no doubt that the United States is trying aggressively to provoke a war and conflict with China. Why is this the case, and what will happen? Will you stand back and allow it to happen, or will you protect the Domain interests as represented by China?
We have put in place controls (control kits) in / upon the American military leadership that will reduce the threat of war to some degree. This should be evident to you already as you are aware of the events since 2017. The American military leadership (LEADERSHIP) are not desirous of conflict and they have been instilled with "the FEAR of GOD" intentionally. They know that the consequences for a conflict with any of the powers in Asia today would be horrific and of significant consequence. Their American leadership, however, are another issue, and the concentration of carnivorous and dangerous entities with an "Old Empire" psychopathic mind set is like deep churning water that is difficult to control. We cannot control them. When we try, another cluster takes it's place. This self-determination towards destruction of self is inherent in the inmate skin-suits and the system that is part of the Prison Complex control mechanism. We watched this event sequence play out in another of the Prison Complex planets. It was a cycle that we do not want see repeated here in the earth environment as we are making steady progress in the isolation and removal of the control mechanisms of the "Old Empire". A catastrophic global war would seriously negatively affect all of our previous efforts. We have provided substantive technical assistance to the Chinese as well as to the Russians. Their combined (not publicized) technology transfers and (not publicized) exchange of military technology has provided both Russia and China with technological military advantage that the United States cannot defend against. This should be enough to dissuade an increasingly belligerent United States oligarchy and upper tier level leadership to reconsider any military action. Alas, that is not what is going on. Technological advantage will not be enough to dissuade an attacking aggressor, nor will will guarantee victory. There are always other factors involved. No matter how we might provide advantage to the rest of the world from Western aggression, there is no guarantee that our ideals and advantages will prevail. There are some strong attributes and interests pushing towards war. Not only from the obvious personalities, and the financial interests, but from non-physical sources, a buildup of hate and of course pre-programming of inmate behaviors. We have determined that there will be a conflict and it will be triggered by United States behaviors. However, the goal of defending from an attack on the terms and upon the criteria established by the United States has changed. Currently we are advising both Russia and China how to handle this current Geo-political situation. This is not something that can be broadcast at this time. However, watch the actions of Russia and China closely and you will see coordination. Take note of what is not being reported or receives only scant attention, and note that the idea of "red lines" and "ultimatums" are part of a Domain recommendation kit / package / advisement. When you have two dogs meeting for the first time. You only put a leash on one of the dogs. The other dog is permitted to move about freely and unconstrained. If both are on leashes, or if both are free with out a leash, you will find that the potential for a dog-fight increases dangerously. By forcing borders, lines of engagement, it actually settles down the chances of attack and military action. However, there will be an escalation of conflict. There currently is an on-going conflict. What we are trying to do is to control and contain the conflict to a manageable level, and one in which The Domain interests are not harmed, destroyed or damaged. We are arranging "little hurts" instead of "big hurts". The conflict that will occur will not be as anyone expects, and a number of other pressures (financial, economic, trade, food, environmental, and social) will engage and alter the Geo-political landscape in such a way that Domain Interests, are preserved.
[5] Question – Hope
Before we jump to this next question, I have to interject. Earlier about three weeks or so earlier, I inquired about one of the influencers on MM. For privacy reasons, I will refer to him as DK. Most active followers might know who this individual is. He wanted to know what was going on with his efforts on thought control, affirmations, dreams, goals and lifestyle. And was pretty bummed out about things. I asked the Commander BUT DID NOT GET ANY ANSWERS. Then, for reasons that I do not understand, the query of this DK individual was injected into this particular questioners' question. I hope that everyone understands that I just transcribe and try to figure things out as they arise and that I have no control of where, why or in what order the answers appear. In general. -MM
Could you please ask a simple question?
If I do everything I’m asked, will I be able to lead the normal life I desire in this incarnation? I’m sorry to be greedy for your time but I really need hope as a motivator.
Thank you so much for your help.
The questioner is not understanding his role. He is not understanding that he is a non-physical being that is presently occupying a prison skin-suit. Things that happen to that skin-suit are for a REASON. Part of the reason is the pre-birth world-line template (sic.) when the questioner set forth the experience in General Population in this incarnation they had to be directed to MM and The Domain. Thus the hardships and seemingly unfair events were intentional to direct the questioner to this point and to enlist our assistance. It was intentional. Further modifications occurred. There were physical modifications and this resulted in some fearful events that affected frequency access. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. Though the questioner believes that it is a bad thing. Do not. There were non-physical modifications. These were terrifying and fearful and any dreams that you might retain of those events were not of your making but rather the defense mechanisms of "the old empire". Like MM you have been changed to work with us. This is as an irregular, and yet you see no progress? Perhaps it is because you are not aware that the universe is not a Hollywood movie. There is no Buck Rodgers. And like MM, you are discouraged that the world of "Star Trek" does not exist. You will not go into a teleporter, fire a phaser, meet a beautiful green skinned Venus lady, or pal around with Chubacca. Your value is what you do in your non-physical bodies. They, like you, are trapped within the Prison Complex sphere. But you possess some mighty strong skills in this arena and already have provided valuable guidance and assistance to your support group. And they are there with you. They monitor you constantly and they help you navigate the world-lines to avoid some major catastrophes, yet you do not see the big pit that you just avoided. maybe you do not see that big blade pendulum that you just avoided. Like irregular DK it seems like there are some invisible barriers that are preventing you from obtaining things. But you will obtain some great things, it's just that you need to be steered away from the massive traps in front of you. You are not DK, and your situation is different from his. He was cursed early on, and has been dealing with some greased skids, tricks, malevolence, problematic suction "demon" spirits, leeches, rumble topography (sic.) and "slides and ladders", and just as we are busy dissembling his "yard full of old trash", we are too clearing your paths. So do not give up hope. You are not alone. You are never alone. [1] Your mantid has given full support to your dreams, wishes, desires and goals. [2] You are assigned a "crew" or "support group" from the Domain that watches you and your non-physical bodies constantly. [3] Like DK, your future path is cluttered with rubbish and turmoil. We have assigned a secondary group (same team assigned to DK) to remove the garbage and purge the "stinky water". Life is not going to be "roses and rainbows" in front of you, but you WILL see things start to get better. And you and DK are not the only ones. So have hope because you are NEVER alone, and we are monitoring you, and your thoughts constantly, and your thoughts are normal. Your desires are normal. Your being is normal. And your future will be calm, peaceful and normal. *end*
I take that to mean that there is a lot of work going on with DK and there are teams (plural) of entities trying to clear out a big mess in the non-physical realms associated with him and his situation. As well as a number of questioners who also have “things in their closets” that need to be cleared out and purged.
[6] Question – Third Party Verification
I would like to remain a stranger if possible, but you could with the help of mantid verify the sincerity of my intentions and even by going through the past slides here and now.
*pause* (A comm opened up in a new channel. a different "feeling" manifested. i take it to represent a different entity. Seems lie a group party line or group comm channel. -MM) *verify* *check* (A lot of back and forth that I do not understand at all. I mean absolutely can't make heads or tails out of it. It is all just messed up crazy lines and scribbles to me. Just a confusion. -MM) The questioner is proceeding as should be. There is no need for verification. The fears are just fears. The questioner knows the true reason for the question. Mantid checks out. There are no problems or concerns of contention / dismay. (I do not think that they understand the question. They seem to be performing a status diagnostics routine of some type. -MM)
The questioner is asking if he is sincere. Please verify.
(The Commander answers while on the "party line" with multiple comms open. -MM) Sincerity is measured by actions, not by intention. We do not doubt intention, nor do we question actions. We note that there is a high degree of fear in all of the irregulars garnered via the MM access portal. (Again, more noise. This appears to be others chatting or thinking in broad action swaths.-MM) *Image of a kitchen. Image of a table. Image of a window and a street / bark yard. I imagine a transparent cat walking from the outside into the kitchen, like a ghost or spirit. Then calmly moving around the kitchen. Then a kind of warm wash through the room. Like a calming balm.* (I think that this means that another entity, maybe a cat, is entering the questioners reality and working to purge the environment of bad "energy" or frequencies...-MM) *BiZZZZZZiTTTTT!* (Then the Commander shouts. and it shocks and surprises me. Maybe that's the intention.-MM) (I hear / sense a loud screeching noise that howls and huts my head. UGH! I have never ever, EVER experienced anything like it. The Commander then yells..) Turn off the media! Go without it FULLY for one week. No radio. No internet. No MM. No television. No newspaper. Start tomorrow. *end*
I do not want to sound like a dick, I am just reporting things. But it seems to me that there are some bad influences that are hitting this questioner right now. The Commander orders that the questioner alter his lifestyle for one week. Then afterwards return to it. Then, notice the difference.
My feelings and impression is that of a doctor telling a patent that they MUST do this thing, or there will be bad consequences. It’s a pretty strong message in any event.
I hope that he will do this. It might be too difficult for him to do.
(A half an hour passes.) *comm opens up* Questioner must get out of the vortex that his habits create. This is causing fear, doubt, and inability to hear / sense our nudges and directions. He is not acting on them because he cannot hear them. His Mantid has been notified and told that this type of disturbance is not acceptable for our irregular forces. The issues of the failure of the support organization to identify, track and suppress these influences are being addressed. The issue is not with the questioner. The issue is with outside influences that are creating a dangerous mind / thinking process alteration. There are numerous irregulars that are subject to contentious and conflicting influences that must be controlled and eliminated. We are directing forces to this end, and the questioner will experience some alterations in their non-physical bodies shortly. There will also be other irregulars that will experience similar changes.
I also have the very strong image that other forces are being enlisted to assist the questioner. Whether it is an actual cat, a former cat, or some other entity is unknown. What ever that “cat” did, it certainly triggered a “something”. And whatever that ‘something” was, it was electromagnetic in nature. Thus the prescription for reset.
If I would be so bold, I would suggest some walks in the countryside, and listening to hemi-sync (even though it is electronic in nature), and do anything other than electronic media. I don’t know if it is possible, but it is worth a try.
Overall, this entire question is rather weak. I have to admit that asking someone else to verify your sincerity is rather “weak”. Sincerity is a personal thing, and cannot really be measured by outside influences. You are either sincere or not.
The confusion in this matter is due to the differences in experience. The Commander orders a change in electromagnetic frequency exposure. This clearly indicates to me that the questioner is being harmed right now. Death by media, I suppose. Maybe the questioner is in the United States, India, Australia or the UK where mind-control via electronic media is rampant. Read my article on Vault 7.
Keep in mind that the perceptions of others is important on the human-interaction level, but not in dealing with extraterrestrials. They just simply do not think like we do.
I am sure that all of this is embarrassing to the questioner. But it need not be. We know from the comm that the Commander is aware who this person is, that the mantid and his supporting team are all aware of the questioner and other influences are being pulled in to assist.
Also interesting is that the questioner was not responding to Domain induced “nudges”. This is due to electromagnetic frequency saturation of his environment which affected his personality. No wonder there’s an “all points” bulletin out to watch for these interference’s.
The good thing that came out of this is [1] a prescription to break the influence train, followed by [2] a garnering of resources to assist and help the questioner get over his doubt, fear and worry. Further a [3] unknown problem (of some sort) was identified, and [4] corrective actions put in place.
I anticipate some friendly non-physical entities being enlisted to support the questioner in ways that I do not understand.
[7] Question – IS-BE exfiltrating post event
Questions; Have you succeeded in exfiltrating this IS-BE having received the Nobel Prize in 1984 leaving his prisoner costume a few days ago and his fight does he correspond to your domain or affiliated organization?
(I am sure that the questioner will not be happy with this response. but I get this kind of thing more often than not, and it is just the way things are. -MM) We do not discuss mission related activities on public channels. *end*
Well, whatever this is all about, we do know and recognize that it was a Domain related activity / mission.
[9] Question – Other pathways
Just had another question pop into my head. Again, I don’t want you to exhaust yourself so if you prefer to add it to a future batch of questions, please feel free. Just thought i’d type it down and send it to you because it had that nagging urgency to it (popped right into my mind out of no where) plus i just had a bright white spark appear when I was writing add it to a future Q&A (usually means I am on a necessary thought train).
Background: During my first encounter with the EG, when I was first told about the amnesia, I was heavily into the alchemy and the writings of Thoth/ Hermes, or more specifically the Philosopher’s Stone being the higher self/ Original IS-BE state of consciousness (i figured alchemy and the transmutation of metals were a metaphorical representation of the kundalini rising through the 7 chakras to initiate an interaction with the higher self).
The alchemy.
The connection between my studies and my interaction with the EG seems excruciatingly obvious.
Q: Can the Ancient Egyptian/ Greek deity known as Thoth/ Hermes/ Hermes Trismegistus a Domain Officer and his writings a legitimate pathway back to regaining ISBE memory?
MM comments... I know nothing about High magick and the religious elements related to Ancient Egypt and the occult. My brother was, however a major practitioner. And he had every single Crowley book imaginable. I tried to read them. Honestly they made absolutely zero sense to me. And actually gave me a bit of a headache. I liked the idea of a methodology to conduct higher-order changes int he physical, but at that time I couldn't understand the importance of ritual. I think that this question has great validity, but unfortunately I am so very hampered by my lack of knowledge on the subject. Never the less, I have posted the question and recording the impressions / images and answers as best I can.
So here’s the answer from the Commander…
Yes. (garbled. A lot of information. Very confusing. Very difficult for me to follow and understand. Images of The Golden Dawn and Atlester Crowley, and something about these big oversized tarot cards, and something about colors arranged on a wheel and spinning, and then these colored strings or yarn. There's this image of a small square of wood with some symbols on one side and something else on the other side.. -MM) ... magick as practiced involves "old Empire" technologies which work outside of the Reality Universe, but are somewhat suppressed within the Reality universe. ...associations with tools and "safe circles" / "power circles", or use of "wands" and set routines to manifest spirits which are really... (So much confusion and imagery. Makes me wish that I studied the occult. Not viewed as a stage show magic act but rather as a technical science that used thoughts generated via ritual to obtain results targeted to specific spirits or entities or power sources.-MM) ... methodology does not remove the amnesia barrier nor remove the containment fencing. Instead it provides a bubble of transit (sic.) for the IS-BE entity to use to transit through the barriers. (Snippets continue, and still confusing to me personally.-MM) ...in order to make the "Old Empire" technology work within the prison complex there are certain processes that must be incorporated along with the baseline formulae. Without them, the efficiency and effectiveness of the technology is greatly reduced. Not zeroed, but reduced substantially. ...your experience in the locking curse set upon by your brother was made evident during your "retirement" sequence at Pine Bluff and the chair imagery was illustrative of surrogate consciousness placement for curse and control of others which illustrates how effective the system works. Imagine how effective it would be outside the containment field outside the prison Complex. (Like I said, once I had the EBP, the Domain experienced everything that I did, and know far more than I did about what was going on. -MM)
[10] Question – And others per question #9
Further, can the same be said for the Philosopher known as Plato (who basically came to inspire the Matrix movies with his philosophy of the cave) who I assumed at the time was the one so referenced in “the Pholosopher’s Stone”?
No. Philosophy differs from "Old Empire" technology. It is a completely different system with completely different objectives and purposes.
[11] Question – Helping establish a protocol to use in the Reality Universe
I devote myself to helping you physically I can’t get to LD but could you help me establish a simple, efficient and concise protocol to try with peaceful ways to help transform those (of the old empire) who want to change their future potentials and present, to offer them once again, luck, pole, hand, help.
In this next comm the image of a gollum comes up. It’s a strange image. It represents a skin-suit. And trapped inside that skin suit looks like a swarm of fireflies, but as you get closer, the fireflies look more like glowing water. This clay grey gollum is just sitting there in a chair, but it also has these (thousands) of ray beams pointing and flowing at it. Many go through, and many are deflected from it. Of those that go through, you can see the rays bouncing around and messing up the glowing water inside. It’s churnign the water and making it splash and move about. It seems very uncomfortable as the water is frothing and bubbling and hissing and exploding in tiny pings and pops.
Remember that image when reading the following…
*open* We have no doubts regarding willingness, desire, ability, or intent with the questioner. (Image of a very kind doctor / veterinarian (?) patting the questioner (whom I cannot make out, it's like a grey clay gollum) on the back and telling him that everything will be all right. Not to worry. -MM) However, the questioner is filled with fear, doubt and questions. It need not be that way. Why does the questioner believe that there are radio waves? He cannot see them. yet he believes in television, radio and the internet. Why? This comm, and our operations are no different. Just because the questioner does not have the technology in his physical hands does not mean that the process does not exist. Stop the worry and fear. (Again, I picture an old 1950's family physician who is chatting with a white coat and a pipe in his mouth, talking in a soothing and even level to the grey gollum while patting him on the shoulder. Saying things that everything will be all right. And giving the gollum an injection in the arm, and pointing to a picture / chart of the human body and explaining things. It's a very warm and welcoming office also. Not the normal sterile hospital or clinic rooms that we have so come to expect. -MM) You have been tasked with some basic but important activities and missions and you have successfully performed your duties. We do not doubt your intentions. You might not remember them, and you do not need to LD in order to assist us in our mission. The questioner has not being physically responsive to our nudges, and we have rectified that issue. / Are rectifying that issue. It involves things and issues that he was unaware of and had no control over. We theorize that the insecurity regarding Domain involvement is due to this suppression of our confirmation nudges. (Again, this image of a doctor and strangely a cat; a white cat with black spots, is very clear and the cats is walking around and rubbing up against the legs of the gollum. The cat funny enough has a black mustache. LOL. The cat jumps on the lap of the gollum, and is a purring loudly while the doctor talks in calming peaceful voices and is rubbing the left arm of the gollum. Each time the cat purrs the calmer the "rays of light" going into the gollum appear. It's like the cat is somehow changing the energy directed inside the gollum -MM)
[12] Question – Expansion of perspective
(1) What’s the relative value of focusing our limited human efforts to expand our perspectives, to be able to “see” things from mantid, domain, or even cat perspectives?
It is important to see things in as many ways as possible. That provides a better understanding of what ever situation that you are studying. Consider a two dimensional picture of a basketball. You can see it, and can guess it's shape. But if you hold the basketball in your hands you can see that it is spherical. You can feel the texture and the hardness of the leather. You can smell the ball, and if you have improved your ESP (sic.) ability, you can tell and understand the stories of all those that touched that ball. We advise the questioner to expand understanding and work on improving perceptions from multiple points of view. This will provide a better crafted understanding of the present situation that he is embroiled in.
(2) To the extent it’s worthwhile, any advice for “how to”?
As with anything, the key is training and practice. Seek out others who have this ability and learn from them. We / it / I suggest that you improve your extra sensory skills in this area and improve your empathic ability. Having an improved empathic ability especially in the earth prison complex environment would be a great asset to The Domain. Work on the effort every day and all the time. Imagine that you have that ability, and pretend that you do. It will then manifest. this is the preferred technique for the questioner specifically.
That’s enough for now. I have around 30 more questions to go and if your question is not yet answered please stand by. I’m getting to them as life allows.
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Part 3 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander December through January 2022
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 3.
[22a] Question – Can Basic Training be obtained
Thank you for your effort. I know how stressful is this for you.
My 2 questions:
As part of working with The Domain, is possible to have basic training to get a better spiritual understanding of ourselves?
Yes, of course. Those who have agreed to work with us in the roles previously discussed are volunteer irregulars. While they are not qualified with the necessary training and education necessary for regular operations, they never the less possess certain abilities, skills, advantages that we can utilize for the benefit of all. Everyone who conjoins in this role accepts training (sic.) and non-physical body manipulation / alteration / enhancement / modification as necessary to work with The Domain to attend to the projects that they are or will be assigned to do. Very little is done at the "raw" physical state, unless you are like MM (here) and have an EBP or ELF probes installed medically. But MM and his colleagues are part of a very special role that needs those modifications and enhancements. When we perform / conduct / implement the training or education you might experience the events as dreams, or some kind of LD event. Most people will forget them. This is because the memories of the procedures are not usually anchored to the mechanisms inherent with the memories associated with the physical body. In a similar manner the medical procedures associated with the non-physical body might be interpreted as horrible and frightening nightmares. This is a fear defense mechanism that was set up by the "Old Empire" for your particular human inmate skin-suit. If there is some particular skill or ability that we suggest the irregular to learn, that is obtained on the physical reality universe (General Population arena), then we would provide a strong "nudge" or urge for the individual to get that kind of training. We have provided nudges to those to study "fate forecasting" (sic.) horoscopes, learning lucid dreaming, enhancing their ESP abilities, and certain directions related to geographical relocation.
[22b] Question
Were we chosen before birth for this endeavor or we are part of this effort by choice and fate (by chance)?
Yes. Most of the active participants on MM have agreed to meet up using this venue before they were born. Not every IS-BE had the same or similar entry agreement experience, and not everyone worked with their mantids (sic.) to come to this point. As it stands, of those who utilize the MM recruitment venue, there is a mixture of individuals from a large selection of different recruitment drives. Of those, it should be well understood that numerous individuals were recruited pre-birth in clusters. There is the cluster that MM is part of. This cluster contains IS-BE entities that agreed to work with the Domain prior to birth and that affected the entry-point and the pre-birth world-line template (sic.). There are a handful of Domain citizenry that are attracted to the MM effort. They are instrumental in organizing the training and recruitment drives in the Heaven (sic.) as well as working with the Mantid Primes. While imprisoned in this complex they are working inside the Heaven pocket universe to organize, train, establish and create the cadre of irregulars that you are part of. They volunteered for this role. They are aware of the risks and are trapped within the prison complex until the containment field is adequately breached. They have been working to establish recruitment drives from the inside, and have "convinced" / manipulated / agreed to assist the mantid primes in the necessary life experiences via the pre-birth world-line templates for the roles assigned to the irregular volunteers. There are clusters of non-physical recruitment memberships that occurred during the pre-birth training cycle and recruitment drives in the 1970's and the 1980's General Population Time. These efforts continue. The primary training, and the avenues of recruitment occur in the non-physical realms. And it is a complex matter as it involves both mantids, and the IS-BE's as well as crossing the pocket universe threshold regarding Heaven (sic.).
[23] Question – Have you and I met in the physical?
This is a question that I presented to the Domain Commander. I wonder if he was present in any of the physical meetings, or any of the non-physical meetings that I had with the Domain.
Then what about the “leader” who oversaw the operation and implantation of the EBP. Was that not you?
No it was not.
Who was that person then?
That was the chief operational procedure leader for the implantation of the EBP and the memory and biological alterations.
[24] Question – Who were the doctors who oversaw the non-physical body alterations, as well as the physical body changes?
I had a physical modification of my physical body in the mid to late 1980’s. And numerous non-physical changes. I am curious as to who these entities / type-1 individuals were / are.
The medical procedure that took place at Nags Head, NC was conducted by a team of specialists. These individuals were a mixture of Domain Officers that temporarily occupied the bodies of human inmate skin suits, as well as the actual medical staff who were actual / real / non-modified human skin-suits. It is the unmodified humans who performed the necessary biological alterations to your physical body. They came from another region per our request. You did not observe the procedure as your consciousness was container placed, while the physical body was replaced.
And what about the non-physical alterations?
That was conducted by a team of specialists who was led by the Chief Nurse. That nurse worked on you in other events and is / was aware of who you are, and your general agreement and disposition.
[25] Question – Is it possible to destroy the amnesia network through LD operations?
This is an interesting question that I thought about asking. I read somewhere that there are people who are claiming that they have damaged the amnesia network and system through lucid dreaming activities. Is this possible?
No. Lucid Dreaming is an observer platform that has a substantial degree of non-physical interaction. A LD individual consciousness can make changes to the environment that will result in apparent changes. However, the reality universe is layered like an onion, and when you make one kind of change, it should interact with all the other layers, and change them accordingly. This would then imply that YES, a LD individual can make changes to the amnesia field. But the actual answer is sadly no. The amnesia mechanism is layered within this "onion" layers and insulated and protected by mini-pocket universes that serve as minor repositories of individual components. Making alterations to one layer via consciousness in the LD state will not alter those protected within the pocket repositories. Which will then emerge unscathed, and then like a seed sprout anew and reconfigure itself like (the Borg???) and adapt to the prior system of alterations. Thus making damage to the mechanism especially difficult. There needs to be a coordinated effort to destroy all the major elements of the mechanisms / systems and then prevent them for regrouping and recovering. Then systematically go one by one and dismantle the entire complex mechanism.
[26] Question – What is preventing manned spaceflight?
In theory we could have established settlements on the Moon and sent people to Mars by now. The plans had been proposed 50 years ago, but no one has done it. Maybe there’s a larger reason than lack of money and will, so I’ll pose the question.
Does overt human spaceflight into the solar system—say, to Mars—present risks, whether from other beings or from anything else such as unknown microbes? Maybe if yes, the Commander could elaborate.
The biggest impediment to human spaceflight within the prison complex environment is greed, human skin-suit politics, and corruption. The Domain will not interfere in vehicle movement within the General Population universe. However, there are other interests and entities that do interfere in vehicular movement, as well as the dangerous autonomous military weapon mechanisms that litter the containment field as (a soft of) unexploded munitions, not to mention the snares, traps, and other mechanisms that operate as spiders web of maze entanglement pitfalls. Your term "manned vehicular spaceflight" to the moon, to Mars, to any of the planets in the solar system, or to any other solar system within the confines of the prison complex are impeded by the failings of the individual planetary governments and their leadership. Most of the reasons behind this have a root cause borne out of personal greed and avarice. There are five main prison planet solar systems comprising the constellation of stars that make up the prison complex. However, there are also other solar systems that the field contains, that are not populated by inmates. The earth-bound entities are also free to construct vehicles and visit these other physical bodies. There, they will find interesting remains of former civilizations that once existed prior to the wars of the "Old Empire" during their expansion phase into this region. Unfortunately, many of these planetary bodies are no longer inhabitable for biological creatures.
[27] Question – Personal guidance
Fantastic stuff MM. thank you so much for your work on this.
So much to take in.
If you get the chance, may I ask for a little guidance for me personally from the commander? I’m rather lost and am ready to follow whatever the Domain commander determines is necessary for me to be useful. I really don’t have anything to lose, all I’ve got at the moment is a simple plan with my affirmations.
While if my affirmations eventually manifest I would have something to lose, as of right now I’m thinking of the bigger picture. Should I continue with my plan or is there something else I should do?
I promise to do whatever is suggested.
You need to seek out human counsel. If your automobile's engine no longer starts when you crank it up. No matter how hard you turn the lever, it just will not start. (I picture a guy trying to crank the front of a model A old time automobile.) What do you do? Well, you go to a automobile mechanic. If you are sick, and coughing terribly. If your body is covered in skin rashes and pustules. What do you do? You go to a doctor. In the case of the questioner, there is a degree of life-mapping, social predictive study, career / lifestyle alteration and personal health and biological readjustment required to achieve his/her ideal. This level of guidance is best determined / obtained / provided by an experienced individual who can provided clinical as well as personal information in regards to your situation. Just like you go to a shoe repair man when your heel falls off, or a brain surgeon if you have persistent headaches, or even a typewriter repairman if the keys keep sticking on your typewriter. You need to be guided not by (myself / Commander) but by a person / entity that can help you exactly. Further this guidance is necessary by a trained and experienced human person with extra sensory insight who can guide you. They will need to understand your intelligence and speak the same kind of language that you do regarding your particular issues, fears, concerns and aspirations. There is one such expert in the irregulars that you communicate with, but is unaware of your need at this time, and his ability to assist you is a function of his desire to do so. Contact MM and he will put you in contact with him.
This is a shout out to <redacted>. It’s obvious. If you contact me, I will pass your contact information to him. It will be up to him whether to assist you or not. laobangbh@163.com -MM
[28] Question – ASD’s and UHF radiation.
I have one more question if you can squeeze it in. If not, it can wait until another time. Its importance should be obvious.
Autism-spectrum disorders (ASDs) and mental retardation have exploded in youth over the past 30+ years. Current research suggests something in the environment triggers autism in children with certain DNA markers around age 2 or 3. Also, many college-age youth display symptoms of what appear to be mild ASD symptoms, including inflexibility, unwillingness to adapt, need for safe spaces and trigger warnings, desire to censor other viewpoints, irrational behavior, bizarre claims of gender fluidity, etc.
Until the modern cell-phone system was created, higher-energy UHF transmissions were mostly absent from the environment. So the question:
Is UHF radiation from cell-phone towers the trigger for susceptible children to develop ASDs?
All radiation influences the biological bodies of human inmate skin-suits. How the radiation interacts with the physical bodies depend on [1] the complexities of the non-physical bodies, [2] the diet and [3] well-being of the physical bodies, [4] the fate profile of the individual, [5] the thoughts of those around the individual so targeted, and [6] the presence of lack of viral agents within the body. Association of UHF radiation as a sole contributor is not accurate. It is, at best, a contributor to a host of conditions that operate syngeristically to create an autism condition. To make a crescent ring you need to make sure that the mutton and cheese are all well seasoned and tenderized, Then you must bake it at the proper temperature. If you leave out the mutton, or forget the cheese, or any number of ingredients for the pastry, when you apply the radiation, it will not be a crescent ring. Instead it will be something else. This is the same with the conditions necessary for ASD manifestation via UHF radiation.
Funny thing these comm’s.
This was something that I was unaware of. I had never heard of a “crescent ring”. I realized it was a food when the Commander mentioned mutton. I thought about the moon, before I figured out what he / she was referring to.
Why didn’t my mother, or anyone in my family ever make these things? They sound absolutely delicious.
[29a] Question – Mantids
I was catching up on the forum, and pissedlizard said (again) that the Greys are a dying race, and that they are actually under the Mantids.
I understand that you had asked this question before to the commander, and the answer was that there are actually 2 kinds of Mantids–the class that is assigned to each human, and the other class that is in the “tunnel of light”.
But with pissedlizard’s comment, I can’t help but feel confused.
If the commander can clear up this “dying race” thing, it would be helpful.
Are the Domain under the control of the Mantids?
Is the beach under the control of the ocean? Are cows under the jurisdiction of the grass? The Domain has a role, and a place within the Main Universe that fits the needs and desires of our group of IS-BE consciousness entities. Likewise the mantids, also have a role, and a place in the grand society that represents the totality of the Main and Reality and Heaven universes. Human skin-suits within the general population try to understand things from their own limited perspective. They do not see things as part of a greater whole. In the interactions of the Domain and the mantids, it is as of equals offering different abilities to resolve differing objectives. The mantids are devoted to their human skin-suit charges. They provide them with experiences that improve their being; that purge the more corrupting thought influences from their beings. And they work to provide them rewards in the Heaven universe upon completion. The Domain is active in purging the main universe of disconcerting elements that could destroy the very nature of the universe "fabric". One of which is the presence of the prison complex, and to this end, the inmates will need to participate in the eventual shut-down and retirement of this facility. This will cause human inmate hardship and experiences that the mantids (sic.) support. So in the overall scheme of things, both the Domain and the mantids (including the mantids prime) work together for the mutual benefit of all. Not only on the tactical level, but strategic as well. We work as equals with unified goals, and determination. The idea that one is subservient to the other is a human inmate construct. Just like certain human inmates believe that humans "own" cats as pets. The cats are more like caretakers of their human charges. Not the other way around as is often believed.
[29b] Question – Is the Domain a dying race?
Also, since the Domain is supposed to be composed of timeless beings who can choose which type of bodies to inhabit (biological, mechanical, etc), how can they be dying?
Does PL mean that the bodies are dying, since IS-BEs are forever and unkillable (but can be bamboozled and subdued)? I was under the impression that Domain members (based on their rank) could wear whatever type of skin suits like one wears a shirt or a sweater. I can’t help but feel a little concerned or confused. Probably both.
How can the Domain be dying?
(I picture that old game where the children all form a circle and one person is given a statement to whisper into the ear of the person next to them. Then, that person whispers it into the ear of the other person. And so on, and so forth. Eventually, the person at the end announces what the statement is, and it doesn't even resemble the first statement whispered. - MM) There are misunderstandings that abound, and the human skin-suits try to make sense of things from their understandings. All IS-BE consciousness is eternal. They are alive and exist because. They are. It does not matter what form or shape they are in. Whether it is a human skin-suit, a mantid (sic.), a member of the Domain, a member of the "Old Empire". Every consciousness is eternal. Species come and go in certain geographic regions. They evolve into other things. Nations, societies, and communities come and go. They evolve into other things. The consciousnesses that are part of The Domain are eternal beings. We like you IS-BE consciousnesses trapped within your inmate skin-suits are also eternal beings. As are the mantids (sic.) that maintain your skin-suit existence in this prison planet general population; they too are eternal beings. The mantids (sic.) will eventually evolve into another form, and migrate to another universe, where they will exist in another state. This does not imply that they die, nor does it imply that they leave. They just simply grow and evolve. Human skin-suits will also grow and evolve. You will all migrate to new states, new realities, new universe and new conditions. It is your nature as an eternal being. Cats are eternal beings and they too will grow, evolve and move about the ALL as per their desires. Members of the Domain are no different. Eventually we will complete our current task in the MAIN universe and grow and evolve. We will no longer hold the apparent roles that we hold currently as well will be quite different. We are not a dying race, as much as we are a maturing and growing and evolving cluster of IS-BE entities. Same as you. Same as the mantids(sic.) and the same as your cat feline friends.
[29c] Question – bacteriophage and virophage technology
Also, is it possible for the Commander to give his/her/its thoughts on bacteriophage and virophage technology for treating pathogenic bacterial or viral infections?
(I can only talk and ask questions that I can understand. Then when I receive answers, I must be able to understand them. This stuff is over my head. I am so very sorry. -MM) *garble" Images of DNA strands. With spiky things moving about. The terms / words / thoughts of "invasion" / reduction / suppression / collapse seem to be associated with it all. And then I see a removal of entire strings of DNA pulled out of what looks like a glob of "Play Doh". (Sorry. the terminated the comm. I will read up on this subject and ask again at a later time. -MM)
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Part 2 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander in December 2021
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 2.
[15] Question – Training our deference’s
MESSAGE OF UNIVERS WE QUE CAN Train with our Deference and we will go into the future reformer the future will be Deference sought with you?
Can we train so that we can be assistance to the Domain?
(This was very odd. I picture a smiling kind fellow. Who told me the following, like a kind elderly gentleman talking to a beloved son. -MM) You need only vocalize your intentions and desires. We will work with you in the non-physical. You need do nothing else. Just be the best that you can be. Be kind. Be helpful. (The, I was specifically instructed to translate this into french. I mean PUSHED. With goose pimples on my arms. Both my left and right arms. And a chill up and down my back. To translate what I just transcribed. So I did so using Bing translate. -MM) Vous n’avez qu’à exprimer vos intentions et vos désirs. Nous travaillerons avec vous dans le non-physique. Vous n’avez rien d’autre à faire. Soyez simplement le meilleur que vous puissiez être. Soyez gentil. Soyez utile.
[16] Question – Mantid Primes
As regards the Prime Mantids, however, I do have one question. Can the Domain shed any light on happenings within their society? I am assuming they have leaders and factions.
The dominant nation in the world is going through a catastrophic change that is a normal event in the bigger scheme of things. It appears to be unusual and dangerous, but in reality, it is a cyclic event that is programmed within the prison general population system. Everyone who has worked on their pre-birth world-line template (sic.) prior to injection to this MWI reality universe, agreed to endure the changes and alterations that would occur at this time. Obviously the mantid primes were involved in the layout and creation of this template. (I get the strong impression that The Domain does not want to talk about the Mantids. And I know that I have great restrictions on what I can say about them. -MM) Now there is a relationship between the MWI reality universe and the pocket "Heaven" universe. They are not completely isolated. There is a degree of interaction at numerous levels. Thus changes in the reality universe will instigate changes in the "Heaven" pocket universe. These influences are neither trivial nor isolated, but fundamental to the nature of the fabric of "Heaven". Given that the MWI reality universe consists of all scenarios of events, from world war III to a pastoral life of no conflict, the aggregate whole based upon the dominant consciousness participation in the MWI reality universe will have the greatest effect upon "Heaven". The mantid primes understand this. There is no influence, good or bad, that alters their lifestyle or way of life. Their life is totally alien to anything that humans can comprehend, thus one need not worry too much abut the changes in human life as it affects very little in the lives of the mantids. Whether mantid primes, or mantids in general population. Specifically, mantid society is alien to human society and there is very little in the way of commonality. *Final*
In general there are some primary limitations that I have regarding discussions about the mantids. I am sorry about that.
[17] Question – Nuclear Weapons
If I may add, the explosion attached below is most definitely not a hundred truckloads of conventional munitions. Trust me on that. waaayyy to much heat in the fireball– and that’s hundreds of metres in diameter. And hundreds of metres high. Conventionals cannot do that. Impossible.
This tech may or may not have existed in the 1940s– Airl did say they were investigating ‘atomic detonations’ on Earth back then, though– but it sure as shit exists now.
Notice the first explosion– definitely conventional and standard tactics– as in Beirut– to get everybody to duck and ensure no cameras are rolling for the second nuclear detonation a few seconds later. (This tactic is frequently used by ‘our favourite ally’ in the Middle East. Has been for years. But conventionals do not leave a crater in solid rock unless it’s a penetrator/bunker buster.)
The whole ‘nuclear weapons don’t exist’ shpiel has been spread by the same crew who spread the ‘viruses are fake and don’t exist’ trope, too. Divide and conquer technique– military grade psyops now being used on the general population (and illegally used, too)– but as old as the hills and super effective.
Definitely looking forward to the Domain’s answer on that, though.
Do nuclear weapons actually exist?
Nuclear weapons exist. Just like nuclear power plants exist. They are powerful and terrible weapons. The weapons that were detonated in 1945 against the Japanese were tiny weapons. We have been monitoring this technology and the current earth technology level is horrific in ability, and terrifying in scope. The damage that these weapons create goes far beyond the explosive damage. The radiation that results alters the biological cycles of all living creatures, and influences the non-physical realms as well. We have intentionally disabled ICBM weapons in their launch cradles, and disconnected the command and control centers from accessing the missile control functions. This was sufficient, back in the 1960's and 1970's to persuade both the Russian and the American military that launching these weapons would have dire consequences that we would control. Not them. Unfortunately, the current American leadership is unaware of the consequences of a nuclear strike.Just like they have been unaware of the consequences of a bio-weapon strike. This entire region of geographic space was devastated by a massive series of nuclear wars, and the "Old Empire" led in many of the areas of destruction. Which is perhaps (one of the many reasons) why the "Old Empire" selected this region for the Prison Complex. There is this connection of belief that pervades both the "Old Empire" and the Western leadership that possession of powerful weapons makes one powerful. That is not the case. It makes one dangerous. And the reality is that dangerous creatures are eventually subdued by an equally horrific measure.
One of the great lies is that those bombed Japanese cities are now thriving urban areas free of radiation. That is not true. But that is of no concern, the weapons currently stockpiled are much larger, and much more dangerous. Use of them could easily eviscerate all life on earth. -MM
Second comm (out of the blue). (Roughly about three weeks after this first initial comm above.) I don’t know where to place it. So I am placing it here. I do not know if it is relevant, or not.
*Open* At the end of World War II, the Office of Strategic Services operated a clandestine operation to minimize and downplay the amount of radiation at the detonation sites. This was intentional and the reasons were related for American civilian population's acceptance of the weapons in the military arsenal. *end*
[18] Question – Set in stone?
I have one more sneaky one, too, if I may.
Given what the Domain have told us directly– and Metallicman has been telling us for years– that ‘the future’ is never set in stone and is actually subject to many variables in the MWI (in the Reality Universe, at least)…
…are the Deagel Forecasts wrt. certain countries/regions population reduction forecasts correct? Or, are they misinformation in, say, the same way the the 2nd Alien Interview book was?
Reason I ask is, as most of us here in MMan Land are, I’m sure, getting on with our lives and intentions regardless of the wider geopolitical shitshow underway, it would be beneficial for us to be aware that something like this is a strong possibility/incoming, and perhaps take a good look at what our current priorities are, and weigh up whether or not these priorities require adjustment at the very least, or a complete revision IF the forecasts are correct/expected as a matter of expediency. (It would be a historical first, after all– at least if the history we’re told about is correct, that is.)
I also recall that the Domain said directly ‘Heaven is being expanded’ to cope with the expected inflow. So perhaps this has been answered already, because the means through which this Deagel figure is attained may well be the expected kinetic events (that Metallicman and the Domain) forecasted in a recent Q&A session.
Either way, I think it would be beneficial to know if the Deagel Forecasts in themselves are roughly accurate in terms of actual figures, or was the Domain referring to another extinction event the details of which must remain– for obvious reasons– veiled, for now.
That last part is a question many of us wouldn’t want an answer for anyway, I’d say. And I’m not looking for that answer here– just the one above in bold.
Is the Deagel Forecasts with the specified countries/regions population reduction forecasts correct? Or, are they misinformation in, say, the same way the the 2nd Alien Interview book was?
(This message came up immediately. -MM) This must be answered carefully so that there is no misinterpretation. (Followed by the data narrative. -MM) The Deagel Forecast is not misinformation. The Deagel Forecast was based on two things. [1] It is based on a series of historical trends, and [2] supported in such a way to help explain horrific remote viewing results. (Then an image of a old history movie. You know the type. Black and white. Grainy picture. 1920's style. -MM) The Deagel Forecast came into being when numerous independent remote viewers reported the same disturbing result profile. They remote viewed a massive "die off" in the Western nations. (Repeated, to me, like a narrative. Where the announcer describes the background of the old 1920's style movie. -MM) The initial remote viewing, as well as the subsequent RV sessions, was of such a concern that substantive efforts were taken to explain what caused the event sequence. [1] Different teams. They used different teams of trained viewers, to remote view 2025. Repeated remote viewing of the target dates in great detail occurred. Different teams were used. Different target areas were observed. Different profiles were compiled. The results all pointed to the same result; a massive human die off by / in 2025. [2] Viewed the lead up events. Also remote viewed were the lead up events that resulted in those results. This was used to anticipate what was the primary driver behind the catastrophe of 2025. All that they could determine was... (Then a series of "cut scenes". I think The Commander was playing with me somehow. -MM) [2A] A global pandemic. (Like those world war II era black and white movies showing how the evil forces were taking over the world. These big wide arrows moving over the globe and expanding until the entire globe was blackened. -MM) [2B] Hostilities and attacks against Asia in wide full spectrum. (Again, there are cut scenes of fighting. Military movements, and a map showing fighting all over Asia. From Russia to Japan and all over the nations of the middle east and South East Asia. -MM) [2C] Generalized collapsing and failures at all levels of the American / UK and Western government and society. (The "newsreel" presentation continues. Like scenes from the American 1920's stock market crash. Twirling and spinning headlines on news papers. Pictures of scandals, and greedy pot-bellied men in top hats, and gaiters smoking cigars.-MM) [3] Paid for-profit individuals laboriously remote viewed the details of the globe in 2025. They "nit picked" apart the details that they found. This was to search for clues. (Images and sounds of industry. News papers running in printing presses. Investigators typing away and reading books. Secretaries with their hair in buns carrying documents to smoky boardrooms, etc. -MM) [3A] They first used this information to promote financial gain in the stock market and other financial venues. (Images of dollars falling from the sky. Roaring 20's dances, and a lot of easy money and absurd amounts of wealth. -MM) [3B] They then cross indexed the results with historical trends, and based much of their comparisons on intelligent studies, historical event trends, and their own intuition. [3C] All of the lead-ups to the 2025 was suggestive of either a pandemic or a bio-weapon discharge, all complicated by horrific mismanagement and the introduction of some "wild card" event that they could not identify. (A big question mark, overlays this man who is trying to figure things out. -MM) [4] Historical examples, however, could not justify the enormous percentages of death observed. Thus they revised their forecast to suggest that there was a combination of catastrophic events that "pushed" the stress and strains of civilization to break down as they observed. This "wild card" is the great unknown is is not publicly identified. [5] Their revised forecast added the speculations of nuclear war, collapse of society, and deadly viral strains to simultaneously work together synergistically. (Images of ants carrying things in a long train on a sidewalk. -MM) [6] The future, as it exists today, has not changed. All indicators point to a massive "die off" brought about by an American discharged Bio-Weapon, and the failure of the Western nations to vaccinate against it. Instead they opted for other means of control, and those other means were not successful. (Image of a 1950 car dead at the side of the road with steam coming from it's hood. -MM) Presently, the "wild card" appears to be the inoculation methodology employed by the Western nations. It is a new technology that seems / appears to have other unforeseen consequences. (All the images change. There is this kind of 1940's movie in color showing the great progress of science and development in California (?) and many happy people going to work int he factories there. -MM) Of course, the future is never fixed. The world-line templates (sic.) that the vast bulk of humanity will experience is being brought to this cliff. However, it need not occur. There are also scenarios where the pandemic subsides, and where a change in government leadership and opinion prevent war of any type, and where the world pulls together and resolves the vector direction that it is heading towards. (The entire narrative and tone changes. -MM) The future is being determined by the mass thoughts and actions of the dominant society at this time. Right now, it is quite clear that the dominant Western media, power leaders, and population are pushing the collapse of human society by their thoughts and actions. The human skin-suits in general population are acting like a herd of wild buffalo. They are running faster and faster to that cliff. And they refuse to stop and take note of what is going on. This herd collapse is a mechanism of the "Old Empire" and is being aggravated by the Western leadership. Unless the situation changes drastically, the collapse of the Western nations lies ahead. It will be caused by the release of an American Bio-weapon on the globe, and severely aggravated by forced injections that will not vaccinate the population from it. Instead they will permit the virus to mutate. As it mutates, further injections will be required. With each injection will welcome a host of other problems as a result of the juvenile injection concoction. There is every indication that it is the combination of [1] permitted viral adaptation in humans hosts, and [2] an increased litany of side effects with the injection methodology that will together unleash the "wild card" that will evoke the specter of the remote viewing terrain.
Sometimes I wonder if there are different entities chatting on the comm. Sometimes the answers or discussions are so different from each other. It makes me confused and (sometimes) questioning my sanity.-MM
[19] Question – More nuclear questions
Given the recent MM posting (What happened after Alien Interview that helped to set up MAJestic), and the stated precursors therein (big “bombs”), I would like to ask one more question.
I am fairly certain that we all gather our information from a number of sources, and a trust [of those sources] is built upon a comparative analysis of sorts [of that information].
I have it from some very educated, intelligent, and trusted, [multiple] sources that all the purported nuclear testing events, or displays, were likely faked… and similarly, the two most famous explosions over, in, and around Japan. There are some technical reasons given (unorthodox physics by some), as well as geopolitical and the usual fear-mongering and video fuckery (before, after and during). However, surprising to me, the wide-spread blast and burn (at least for those two biggies) can be accounted for by unbelievably immense quantities of [pre-arranged] conventional explosives. Easy to do, even by puny humans.
If, and that is a big IF to me, you allow for off-worlders “assisting” in the development, deployment and detonation of said devices, then my above question is moot.
Were the devices purportedly detonated above Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, nuclear in design and effect?
Hiroshima was destroyed by a singular bomb weighing around 9000 pounds. Almost everything up to about one mile from the point of detonation was completely destroyed. The point of detonation was a clear circular radius easily viewable on the flat terrain.
The only exceptions were for a small number (about 50) of heavily reinforced concrete buildings, most of which were specially designed to withstand earthquake shock.
These were not collapsed by the blast; most of these buildings had their interiors completely gutted, and all windows, doors, sashes, and frames ripped out.
The 9000 pound singular bomb created the equivalent of 20,000 tons of conventional munitions worth of damage.
In Nagasaki, nearly everything within 1/2 mile of the explosion was destroyed, including heavy structures. All Japanese homes were destroyed within 1 1/2 miles from the point of detonation.
Whether or not this is nuclear in design or effect is a specious argument.
We detected a radiation discharge and investigated it. There is no question that human skin-suits have the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons. As they have the ability to manufacture nuclear power stations.
Creation of a nuclear weapon is far easier than the design and creation of a nuclear power station. This is why the nuclear bombs came first in 1945, and the nuclear power stations came later in 1954.
The world is flooded with distractive news and commentary designed to disorient the population. This includes whether humans have traveled to the moon and landed on it, whether or not a plane flew into the world trade center towers, whether Elvis Presley is alive, that the earth is flat and not a sphere, or that nuclear weapons don't actually exist.
Believing any of these distractions are dangerous because it has no bearing on your lives. It's a distraction that serves to decrease the popular validity of a publication, website or article. The moment any venue embraces the outlandish and the extreme it's validity decreases exponentially.
MM is under assault by various influences to clutter up the dialog with the outrageous and the outlandish.
(What followed was some specific directions to me personally. I will not post them here. Please expect me to aggressively police the comments, requests and content of submissions from now on. -MM)
I dug up the following. It is a chart of the radiation readings from Japan in 1945.
[20] Question – My anger and the cornfield
In 2021, a visitor to MM visited and then immediately trashed the disclosure effort. In my anger about being so maligned, I went and tried to perma-ban him and then sent him to the cornfield. Not so successful. He was using TOR, and frame hopping.
So, I went a step further, and condemned him to a fixed recycling over an over on a very nasty pre-birth world-line template.
I feel awful about it. Really awful. Most especially because I am doing what the “Old Empire” did. Right? Please tell me if I was out of line, and whether I should be a kinder and gentler Rufus. Because right now I feel like shit.
Was I out of line?
The actions that one takes within this bubble universe is one of cause and effect. there really is no such thing as a "right" or a "wrong". But rather how we interact with others in the environment presented to us. This affects our growth, stability and value. When you "send someone to the cornfield" (sic.) you are no different than a school child that punches a bully for stealing their food. You are no different from a cat that claws you up when you try to hurt it. You are no different from a innocent pedestrian who shoots the man robbing him. Your only difference is that you have a greater and more powerful skill set, and this individual has never encountered this level of power before. In truth, this individual has a large ego and somehow believes that they have an "inside line" to us. They don't. If we wanted them to communicate with us, we would have established an EBP link. The collection of interest from this person to others has value, but it's only of slight significance. (A wash over of calmness. Like I am being petted and calmed down.) They have a role. Not as great or important as your role, or the role of others in your clique / group / community. We chose you and you agreed to work with us. Your team / community that you have managed to pull together and assemble are all part of a small battalion that are doing great things for us. (Again, another wash over of calmness.) You are not in competition with this individual. So stop believing that one is better than the other. You have a very important role, and they have a different role. Both roles are important. Your role is more like a five star hotel with exclusive guests. Their role is more like packaged fast food for the masses. Both roles have their place. Neither role is better or worse than the other. Your concern about sending them to the cornfield should not be of concern. You have to break some eggs to make strudel. They were out of line to malign you. You were warned about this by your Commander Rasmussen at NAS, NASC Pensacola, Fla. This is what you were told to expect, and while it angers you, it is part of the territory that surrounds you and which you agreed to accept. Critics abound everywhere. Never the less, they were wrong and an equally harsh reaction is called for. If you try to stand in front of a steam locomotive, there will be a reaction and it will be a real mess. And that is what this person did. Like a child playing with matches, he is unaware of the dangers and the great power that he holds in his hands. Your rage is not human. Your rage in this event is artificially induced, and being a person with some extraordinary skills, you naturally used them. (The incredible hulk.) And the consequences will be longer lasting. No, you did not send him to purgatory forever, no matter what you seem to think. We will pull him out when it is time. He needs to understand humility first. And you are the one teaching them that.

Just like in the movie “Back to the future”…

Then, I drank a couple of bottles of wine. Went to bed. Slept.
Then, today, as I got up and going through my feeds, my emails and all of that, I opened up my browser. You know, I have my morning routine.
Cup of coffee. Sun rises at dawn. Listen to the morning birds.
And out of the blue. THIS picture shows up on my feed…

Never the less…
I experience remorse, and so I took the dangerous and time consuming effort to recall my horrible actions. I do not believe that person needed to incur my wrath. They are a searcher like myself. And being human, they have egos and feelings just like I have. And being human they make mistakes just like I do. And I made a mistake sending them to the cornfield.
That mistake has been undone. But the sour taste in my mouth will continue for a long time afterwards.
Don’t be like me.
Give everyone a chance, and show them some understanding. Some compassion, and give them a little break.
[21] Question
You need to focus on centering your consciousness within it's brain cradle so that you can optimize it's utility. Your family will be fine provided that you avoid the poisoned vectors of fear mongering activities. Your ideas and thoughts regarding your cats are accurate, and that (of course) means that they will generate a calm and kind environment to surround you. Fear is the great hurtle that lies before you, but you and you family have practical and substantive thoughts regarding this matter. Follow them and do not second guess them. They will all work out fine. Of course, the trials and failures of life is to be expected, but the overall forward time vector for you and your family is better than most, and certainly far better than your fears promise / provide for you.
Follow up comm. (Roughly three weeks later.)
*comm opened* Following the advice provided graciously to you (above and presented immediately to the questioner above. -MM) has been exemplary. Thank you. (smile) Taming your fears, no matter how loudly they clamor at you; nor how shrilling they appear to by those around you that you love, it is important to stay focused. Ignore the noise. The fear is noise. It is distracting and upsetting your good works, and positive steady directions. Do not forget this. Use the guidelines of that as the cat. They have a far better appraisal of the situation at hand. And are not to be ignored, because they create the calming comforting environment that enables you to accomplish the goals and tasks that you affirm (sic.). Soon, this (next) year (maybe months) you will "break through" an invisible barrier, and much will become clearer, calmer and more stable. Shake off the fears as that is preventing the manifestation of the MWI (sic.) track path. *end*
Sorry. I haven’t a clue as to what all this is about. I just transcribed and cleaned it up. -MM
[Bonus] My cherished beliefs
You know, when a comm channel opens up it can be anywhere. In the elevator, for instance. Walking down the sidewalk. Or at the checkout in a store. And one of the features about this is that when you are aware that a comm opens up, that you listen to it, and then move on with your life. Many times forgetting about the communication transfer. Such was this next bout…
I was musing about my attitude regarding The Domain and the mantids. And wondering why I am not permitted to say anything about them, or deal with them in any substantive way.
Mantids (sic.) are the most important species (race) beings in the human inmate suit right now. They are the "behind the scenes" movers / shakers /lever makers. To question their role in your life is to question your own self. If a choice must be made between The Domain or the mantids (sic.) you must always obey your inner mantid directives and directions. We (The Domain) lie outside of that bonded interconnection. <redacted> We (The Domain) are mission directed. The mantids (sic.) are consciousness focused. Obviously that is more important to your individual growth and eventual release from the prison planet environment than anything else.
More Questions?
I am sure that most of this article will go over the heads of the readership. The questions are all individual personal issues. I’ll attempt to open it up later on to more general questions.
I have about twenty other questions “in the pipe”. They are sitting in an article that I call part 3. I will get it out shortly, or sooner or later.
Do you want more?
You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…
ET Species.
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Part 1 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander in December 2021
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This group concentrates on a number specifically asked by top influencers, lurkers, and participants on the MM website. In this instance I took my time to get and obtain answers to the various questions, and devoted time and effort to acquire the most accurate and useful information possible.
This group was compiled and answered in December 2021. There are two parts to this session. This is part 1. Part 2 follows.
The truth be told, I had to spread this Q&A out, and many times it was extremely difficult for me to read the actual answers as my physical life was chaotic, noisy, demanding and discordant at the time that I received the answers. I need quiet, peace and calm. But with house construction all around, a two year old, and the demands of life, work, industry and circumstance, it’s just been difficult.
All of these questions are exactly as posted to me, either by email, comments, or in the forum.
Keep in mind that I also needed to differentiate between “noise”, my “internal thoughts” and “The Commander”. What I do not EVER want to happen is my own personal thoughts, and ideas override what the Commander is telling me.
So in this particular instance, and throughout this article, I have asked to “increase the gain” and “open up the volume”, even though it is more uncomfortable for me personally, so that I can obtain the best quality responses free of any personal opinions or thoughts.
[1] Question: Close Encounter 5 Protocol
“Some are familiar with Dr. Steven Greer’s “Close Encounter 5” protocol through his film and interviews. Is this a useful or productive activity? Is there reason to be cautious, or other qualifications to consider?”
From HERE;
The Close Encounters-5 (CE-5) protocol or “human to alien contact process” uses meditation as a baseline skill to accomplish the communication. As a seasoned Buddhist monastic, I have good experience with preparatory things to not do while getting ready for a serious meditation session. Since many CE-5 group events are scheduled events, I tend to look at them like little mini-meditation retreats. Prepping for a meditation event should start 48 to 72 hours prior to the event. This preparatory work is mostly related to food and beverage intake. At least 48 hours in advance of a retreat meditation session, cut most, if not all, intake of alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks and soda pop. Alcohol is a depressant, Caffeine is a stimulant. And soda is gassy. These beverages have an impact on meditative practice. Now let’s put some wisdom on the table about this. A cup of coffee in the morning is one thing, and so is a small glass of table wine with dinner. But multiple cups of coffee at work followed by super-sized, high-sugar, high-caffeinated soda is another. Nothing impacts meditation worse than caffeine jitters or soda-induced gas movement within the body. Experience has taught us that certain foods aren’t conducive to good meditative practice, either. Cauliflower, onions and garlic can cause gassy responses that are unsettling in meditation, if not noisy. Spicy sausage, pepperoni and pizza are certainly not advised during the same day of an evening meditative CE-5 event. On the day of a CE-5 event, give yourself plenty of time for a leisurely drive to the event. Arrive early, then give yourself a chance to “cool down” after the agitations from highway driving. Take a settling walk at the CE-5 site and relax. It’s also important NOT to engage in any recreational drugs or alcohol prior to meditation. You are only setting yourself up for failure or at least a seriously diminished experience. CE-5 protocols forbid such practices at the events. While we’re on the subject of mind-altering substances, they have no place in the meditative experience. Anyone who tells you that some substance will enhance your meditative experience is lying to you. The objective at a CE-5 event is to quiet your mind and shift your consciousness in such a way that your reality is expanded and you establish a common ground where it’s possible to consciously communicate with extraterrestrials.
“The objective of the “C5 Protocol” seems to be summoning and communicating with transdimensional/ET entities through group focused meditation, with the goal of hastening sentience alignment.”
So what is the specific question?
Can meditation techniques be used to contact extraterrestrial entities?
Yes. They can be used. However, they do not have to be used. When we contacted you (MM) you were not in a meditative state. We simply blasted through whatever consciousness walls that were acquired over your human life. We still contact you now, just like we are doing today. Or course that is by EBP (sic.) and direct. However the system process remains the same. This questioner is focused not on extraterrestrial / non-physical form comm channels, but rather the skin-suit human initiating contact with an unknown entity; sending out a beacon or signal so that something / someone / some other entity would answer it and open up lines of communication. To that I can offer some advisement's. [1] How often does the MM readership / humans / people in general enjoy watching commercials, hanging on and listening to telephone advertisements, or read the Berma-shave ads? Do people really read the fine print on a Lydia Pinkham bottle? Most, when confronted with unwanted solicitations, turn them off and ignore them. The same is true for mental telepathy. It's just M-band (sic.) noise that needs to be filtered out. Any well intentioned skin -suit will need to understand that any signal that they send out will just be interpreted as background noise. [2] To communicate, you need two consciousnesses. One to transmit and send, and the other to receive. unless you specify who is the recipient of the comm channel, the "message" will just bounce around without going going anywhere. You need a very specific target to send to. [3] General group "messages" can result in responses. This is simply due to the large number of participants increase the depth and color / image complexity of the message, and other species can notice the message. It is like driving a black Model-T automobile, and then a fancy white Packard zooms by on the road. You notice it because it stands out. [4] There's many threats and hazards outside of the physical general population area of the Prison Complex. You do not want to invite any of these entities into your life, but you do take that risk when trying to open up a comm channel without a target. In general, meditation and fasting, good healthy lifestyle and diet, as well as consciousness centering are important physical practices for every skin-suit to partake in. Whether or not they are important in one's ability to communicate with strangers is a personal matter that varies from individual to individual.
[2] Question – mRNA vaccines
May I ask about the Western vaccines and what’s in store for us? It’s more than a little worrying considering the Deagel figures are correlating with the vaccine roll-out so well. So many friends and family have had their MRNA shots here and the hive-mind willful ignorance is fast approaching mandatory injections. Even my twelve year old nephew has had it.
I’ve had two AZ jabs. That’s not MRNA but still produces the full “Spike Protein.” I’m supposed to get a Pfizer “booster” shot and dodging that will become more difficult soon.
So the questions I’d like to ask are:
What timescale is involved with the vaccines going wrong?
I calmed myself down and opened up a comm channel. I intentionally forced myself to receive and not to interject anything into this most important discussion. The comm opened up at 14:59 Thursday afternoon. The entire premise of the mRNA "vaccine" protocol, as it has been promoted, is in error. There needs to be some other alterations in the chemical mixture injected that will mitigate the bad or more worrisome effects. This mRNA injection is not a vaccine. It is an injection that is designed to alter the population / society control by the governments that use this methodology. The concept is that this injection will require as-needed boosters to act as a shield to all manner of foreign substances, germs and viruses. This is not only attractive from that point of view, but that it will also become a predominant revenue stream to the producers of that injection formula. The governments that promote and use this injection scheme do so with no intention of vaccinating anyone. What they want is a platform to easily control, and defend the population with, when they create dangerous viral weapons to launch against the rest of the world. The nations favor this methodology as they can include other chemicals and substances at will that would be useful for them to maintaining crowd control, and to manipulate the population. Already there has been developed systems that resonate with the injected mRNA resultant mutations that create harmonics that allow the government to change the actions and thoughts of the injected populations. They can thus calm, anger, upset, or create any kind of emotional reactions in the population that they control simply by having the population so injected, and then pulsing frequencies at them through social media. This system is fraught with difficulties, and none of these were addressed during the rollout phase. And today some of the side effects are being noticed. This includes the biggest culprit with is known as the "spike protein", but others that alter the cell structures in a negative vector downward trend. The enthalpic result is early organ failures, particularly of the critical priority organs such as liver, heart, kidneys and lungs. The damage is being noticed with alarm throughout the nations using this type of injection. However, they have mandated that there shouldn't be any reporting of the danger, and the damages and deaths that have resulted so far. Unless there is a direct change in the policy positions of the various governments involved, then you can expect an increase in hospitalizations and deaths. None of which will be recorded as due to the mRNA injection, but rather to other causes. Due to the number of people so injected, there should be an increase in deaths directly attributed to the mRNA alterations through 2022, into 2023. By late 2023, the deaths should be obvious to all, and catastrophic emergency steps would most likely take place by the governments involved, with peak damage manifesting in the 2024 time period. This forecast can be changed and vectored to other outcomes provided that a different world-line anchoring program is in planning and in process of being implemented. Unfortunately, we (The Domain) and MAJestic (in whatever incarnation it is today) is not operating such a program. There is another option, where immediate rectification injections occur and take place that would minimize the adverse effects of the spike protein alterations. There is action in this regard, but we have no information whether it will be implemented by the government so involved. Our supposition is that the results will be tabled and not acted upon for political concerns. Prior histories suggest that a "black market" for these modification mRNA injections open up, and would be able to be procured by individuals with the proper currency of value at that time.But whether that will happen in this case is unknown. The specific answer to the question is that deaths as a result of the mRNA injections are taking place presently. They will increase in scope and magnitude. By late 2023 it will be obvious that there is a major problem, and that at that time the actions of an increasingly unstable government leadership is difficult to predict.
Is it just the mRNA vaccines that are affected or all Western vaccines?
Only the mRNA injections are so compromised. The problem associated with the increase in causality figures have to do with an unanticipated side effect related to spike protein utility. This is only associated with the mRNA injections. Alteration of the spike protein though methodology not associated with mRNA changes should not be a concern. The problem is intentional mRNA alterations. Not the spike protein itself. With the other injections operate in other ways, and all have their own issues, as do the "dead host" vaccines, the primary worry and concern is with the mRNA injections that alter DNA. If anyone has taken the mRNA injection, the best thing to do is to maintain good health and healthy behaviors. This become more critical as this will help mitigate any potential problems created by the spike protein. Further, exercise, always needed, should become a priority. Not just for good health but to enrich cell wall maintenance with fine oxidization. The problem with this side effect is that people continue to indulge in unhealthy behavior when they should start eating better, performing a minimum of exercise and controlling their thoughts. Exercise with fresh air is best. This would be a nice walk in the woods or forests, a bicycle ride along a river or a lake, or even a icy swim (Russian style) in a frozen lake. If you have taken an mRNA injection you will seriously need to change your diet. Processed foods will need to be eliminated from your diet. Both exercise and diet will not, alone, prevent the catastrophic side effects of an errant mRNA initiated spike protein, but they will allow your body to heal if and when the consequences of a errant spike protein becomes apparent.
And this patent fell into my lap…
[3] Question – Current role and background.
As I read more and more of MMs material I come across many of what I can only describe as synchronicities in life and experiences.
I wonder about my experiences in LD that shadow his experiences in the non physical planes, the similar way I was (seemingly) trained through LD. this includes the sudden urge to join the air-force and the seemingly bizarre way my mind sometimes works where a maddening urge to do something will drive me in a particular direction to the point I cannot not focus on it. Further, the idea I am entangled within the life of SD (and everything that was stated about her last Q&A) and I have to wonder;
Am I simply a consciousness experimenter who got caught up in something much, much bigger than he was ever anticipating to get caught up in or am I something/ someone else entirely? Who is Trick or Trip?
You are something else entirely. You are not an average person / NPC / shadow person (sic.) / follower / rabble / crowd member. The role you are living out right now was planned for prior to your birth in great detail, and coordinated with both MM and SD. SD is part of something completely different from that of MM, and you are part of that situation / condition / arrangement / reality / segment. I cannot divulge your relationship with SD except to say that it is significant and that you have and hold a major role in her many (and multiple) lives and her on going objectives. This includes repeating reincarnated experiences, and journeys in and out of the general population segments of the prison complex. Because you straddle the mission parameters with both MM and SD, you have a dichotomy of reactions with includes some that are not fully actuated to your own ideals. This is a consequence of understandings and experiences that broach both worlds and being the interface between them causes you some personal discomfort. You are aware of this but do not vocalize it for fear of the loss of face / consequences / fear / misunderstanding. But it is quite reasonable given your unbridled power inherent in the abilities that you have actuated at pre-birth. You should not worry or be concerned with who you are or what your role is. You have, yourself, mapped out this life (of yours) in great detail, and you are following it adroitly. In fact, you are not straying off your mapped out (I picture a pumpkin colored thick dotted line) route through the MWI (sic.) as most others tend to do. You have / possess great discipline in the regard to your mission parameters and a great deal of control over your actuated and unrealized abilities (purposefully suppressed for this particular life). The fact that you agreed to this role , and SD adapted her life to accommodate your desires speaks well of your plans, intentions and value. Your role is not accidental. Nor it is trivial. Nor it is a developed vector that adapted to changing concerns and environs. It is planned and fated by you working in conjunction with your leadership. Your leadership, is not who you (in this physical manifestation) associate with, but something else. Who that is is not directly obvious to you at this time, and should be of no concern to you. Most IS-BE inmates in the prison skin-suits come from a great and diverse background that stands apart in stack contrast to the baseline "average" inmate. In your case it is clear that you are part of a team working on multi-dimensional fracturing and disassembly of pocket universes associated with this prison complex. This benefits The Domain and so a shared relationship was forged which included your voluntary participation. All that you are doing now has great value and is significant. Many of the advantages of your efforts will be realized within a sixty to seventy-five year period hence. You are but laying the fundamental groundwork for your follow up efforts later on. This is all part of your agreed upon strategy and why you have been gifted / granted / authorized / adapted to the skill sets that you currently enjoy and have utilized. On a personal note, SD should be doing better now. It's not just your fears at the time, but we took care of some matters with her other body(s) that should make things slightly / a bit / somewhat easier for her from now on. Of course, we did so with her approvals, as well as both of your leadership. If your physical body / state / being is uncomfortable with this, we will stop this kind of protective alterations. You need only vocalize it. Your physical health is fine. You need not worry or concern yourself with the fears that are manifesting. However, you should get more fresh air (The term "fresh air" seems to be a very important theme right now) on outside walks, and watch your food intake. Maintenance of diet is important for everyone in your family right now. You will also see a degree of clarity in your LD efforts and that will become a measure of your physical health.
[4] Question – Life prior to imprisonment
I would like to ask a personal question as well because I hope that the answer might unlock past memories and help me get closer to my purpose in this life:
Who and where was I before life in this prison environment and how did I end up here?
It would really feed my curiosity to receive a short reading from my file in the Domain archive if there is one. I understand if you choose not to ask it because it is too irrelevant to everyone else.
Thanks for going through these exhausting communication sessions with the commander! They are very insightful packed with food for thought!
(Tuning in like that of an old shortwave radio for some reason. Like crackling noise and drift. Curious. I guess it is the Commander's way of telling me that he is accessing a computer files or records. Really odd. Quaint. Like how someone uses an old fashioned telephone bell on their brand new cell phone. -MM) You lived in the "Old Empire". You had spent many life-times and reincarnations in the "Old Empire", and your life predated it's arrival when it came into being and conquered the worlds that you had come to refer to as your "home". You had preferred a singular species, rather than jump for species to species as is sometimes the case. You held roles in multiple sexes. All three of the dominant sexual orientations appear to have been your preference. With no specific preference one way or the other. You are uncomfortable on the earth as it is far brighter and more electromagnetically charged environment than what you have become accustomed to. I know that you are especially curious about your appearance, your home(s) and friends that you left behind. Your species trivially resembled a satyr of the Greek mythology. Only that you were were far shorter than what is depicted in paintings and illustrations. The male form possessed a rather long and always rigid penis, and the female form was without horns. The third / incubated / hosting / transitional form had a tail (?) with a large belly (?). All forms had hooves and hairy legs as depicted in ancient Greek art. Your homes were of the "Old Empire" standard model and truly resembled "old medieval style". As was true to your species, when in the male form you cavorted with members of the other sexes and indulged in many parties and recreational pursuits. And yes, you have many friends that still exist inside the "Old Empires" that miss you and would like to see you again. Often in the female form you raised rabbits. It was a great love of yours. And these rabbits are of the same identical form as what are present on the earth today. You were incarcerated because you had broke a series of major laws of the "Old Empire" and had previous lives that had also committed serious crimes as well. The judicial group within the "Old Empire" judged you as an incorrigible entity, and sentenced you to banishment for multiple lives. You were to have stayed banished, but you chose not to do so. You believed that you could exist on the outer fringes of the "old empire" and not be noticed. Apparently you chose to incarnate in your old form, and you simply maintained your old behaviors in defiance of the "Old Empire" judicial rulings. And when you reappeared in the "Old Empire" in a new incarnation, they arrested you and sent to to the penal colony on earth. This was in the early years of the Prison Complex. In those early years you maintained your satyr-like appearance, and you did not wear a prison skin-suit. Human skin-suits did not appear for many years later. You were one of the first batches of inmates to the prison environment. Your crimes were a mixture of unsanctioned <redacted> / physical murder, identity switching / ,redacted> / body swapping / unapproved soul extraction, assault, manipulative fraud / deception, torture without (reasonable) breaks (?), and substantive (?) tax evasion. (I get the image of a short Harry Mudd [from the early Star Trek television series] with horns and goat legs standing in front of what looks like a collection of real life muppets "in the flesh".) You have spent a very long time in the Prison Complex, and it took you a long time to adjust to your conditions. Over the centuries your IS-BE consciousness has changed, and the mantid primes have been easing up on the punishment sections of your general population visits and allow you longer "rests" in "Heaven". They would welcome / suggest / offer parole for your IS-BE being under monitoring. However, that option is no longer available as the entire parole system was destroyed by us (The Domain) during our conquest of this region. On the positive side note, you have demonstrated fine compassionate yearnings and behaviors and are worthy of release. Upon your death, all you need to is call out for Domain pickup and we will work with you on your next steps post incarnation. Our plans are such that we do not want to release you back into the prison General Population but rather work on your rehabilitation so that you can continue on the path that you have elected to follow. We do not recommend a return to the "Old Empire" to you, nor do we recommend that you try to relive your lives in that body and within that society. It is time for a new life and a new start for you. In your case your past is toxic and without it you have a very bright future ahead of you.
And I thought that Mades Escapleon was bad. Sorry, guy. Maybe it’s best not to know of our past, eh? -MM

[5] Question – MM Members & connections
An idea that I’ve had lately… it seems several of us have connections to each other that go deeper than just some random meeting of people on the internet. It’s like… meeting someone you knew from childhood 20+ years later.
Sure their appearance has changed but on that first look you know they’re familiar and don’t know why.
It feels like that.
Would the Domain have any recommendations on how to explore that connection?
For many mm participants everyone is reliving associations that they have purposely mapped into their pre-birth world-line template (sic.). Many skin-suits think only of the physical, and while they can conceptualize life in the non-physical they cannot take this reality into account with their day to day lives. Everything that the skin-suit experiences in the General Population has been fated to happen by the Pre-birth world-line template (sic.). You can thus easily conclude that this meet-up and community has been fated to occur and is following a schedule and implementation as previously agreed to. To explore the connections between all mm followers and new associations, all one needs to do is to add affirmation questions in your campaigns (sic.) to answer those questions. There are some individuals that have continuing relationships that go back many multiple lifetimes, while others not so much. But that does not matter in the confluence of the exchange of thoughts and ideas that synergistically work together to obtain the desired end result. The relationships that you are building here is neither accidental or trivial. Everyone that comes here and stays do so because it resonates to them. This frequency resonance is intentional, and artificially induced to create the forged alliances and joint support network that all enjoy. I can tell you that numerous members that you interact with have been invited to join in this effort by you personally and their agreement to work with you on and during this incarnation is very significant and your appreciation of it is what you are experiencing.
[6] Question – Amelioration of mRNA side effects
I’d like to add something too, please.
I want no part of the mRNA experiment and will never consent no matter what (I would take the Sino versions or Sputnik without hesitation but they’re not available where we are now as we’re in a client state. It is out of the frying pan and into the pan for us.
However, if people close to us are being pressured into taking an mRNA shot against their will because their job or prospects depend on it (and will literally be fired/not hired, and likely impoverished or unable to pay mortgages or socially shunned if they refuse)…
Are the effects of these experimental inoculations something (or of a nature) that can be ameliorated or negated by adding an intention to my campaigns expressly aimed at preserving and protecting their health if they do consent?
Or would it be better to support them in their refusal by including intentions that they’ll be provided for if they lost their job/can’t get a job?
My wife has had to turn down a number of fantastic opportunities in Korea because she won’t consent to an mRNA inoculation and I feel terrible about this.
Other friends of ours are being pressured at work and threatened with their jobs, too.
For us, the financial aspect thankfully is not a big deal, but my wife is highly skilled and empathetic by nature and the thoughts of her having to sit at home as these opportunities pass her by upsets me even though she’d never consent without both of us agreeing that she should.
And how could any husband agree to something that could harm his wife if not now, but perhaps after the 8th or 9th fucking booster– something I’ve been reliably informed is the plan in an unending cycle of pharmaceutical tyranny unless these monsters are stopped dead in their tracks.
(Something I also feel strongly will happen going by what the Domain and notable others have said, and am thus prepared to wait it out until it happens.)
There’s also the added worry that my wife is of a delicate constitution, and has suffered with a number of minor, thankfully, but uncomfortable ailments since her mid-40s.
I’d be very concerned about her health under a continuous toxic load as the mRNA clearly is.
I’d rather take our chances with whatever pathogen these ghouls are going to release next. Our creators gave us a pretty good auto-immune system. I’m banking on that and the usual reasonable precautions.
I’ve never really been sick or– miraculously– injured in adulthood.
Apart from a few scrapes and close shaves, but am also very aware many others haven’t been so fortunate. And are very vulnerable to pathogens.
If the above is a bit mealy for the Domain disregard it, Mr Man. Or just simplify it whatever way you choose.
Summary: can intentions alone ameliorate the effects of the mRNA shot on our loved ones if they consent?
Yes. Intention campaigns (sic.) are a very powerful tool. And yes they can absolutely work to prevent the bad effects of an mRNA injection. They can also prevent the bad side effects of the mRNA altered spike protein initiation. Look at how the <redacted>. You cannot deny that happened. (No. I cannot deny that. I was very specific in my affirmations, and they occurred very specifically.) And (also addressed to MM) looking down the list of your green highlighted victory campaigns (I maintain a list of prior affirmations that came true.) there should be no question at all that there can be complete avoidance of catastrophic events. You know and understand this to be the absolute truth. However, you have to also adapt to the reality that there is a juvenile mRNA alteration within your body. You will need to adjust your lifestyle to avoid triggering a malevolent biological reaction. Think of it as a gunshot wound. You healed up but the lead slug is still in your body. It has the potential to kill you, but is lying there dormant. By being healthy, watching your actions, exercise and diet, you can determine if and when (if ever) the slug will dislodge and cause your trouble. It is like that. The most important / key change to lifestyle is fresh air and moderate walking or exercise around in the fresh oxygen environment. In addition, your diet will have to severely reduce the amount and number of processed and super-processed foods. It is not a matter of weight gain, in so much as it is a matter of the ability for your body to handle and adjust to a weakening of cell walls. Good food, lots of oxygen and hydration will benefit you substantially. As well as centered and strong positive thoughts. Avoid media pummeling of upsetting and disturbing news. (Further, once you get the mRNA injection, you will forever need to maintain "being safe from mRNA malevolence" in all of your subsequent campaigns. -MM)
Or would it be better to wait and focus on a “healthy, content and provided for without allowing oneself to be pressured into taking part in a dangerous and illegal mass experiment against one’s will” intention?
This is an option. It is up to the individual person to make the necessary decision in this regard. We cannot, and will not, make decisions for the individual consciousness. The decision is up to them and them alone. There are always alternative solutions that are not obvious, but worthy of investigation. Rather than thinking in terms of black or white, consider a borderline solution. If a job requires a vaccination, but does not specify what type, then take the one that you believe is the safest and then accept the job position. If that "safer" version is not available in your area, research, and you will discover that there can be other solutions that need only a detour and an extra allotment of time to implement.
And if the above sounds selfish, it’s not meant to be. I’ll include every single person– and especially the MM Crew– who has been pressured by traitors and NPCs into “consenting”. There WILL be justice eventually. I’m positive in a Pissed Lizard kind of positive about that.
(And thanks for remembering me in your intentions, PL. And your kind words wrt the vaxx. Please include my wife and her friends too as you and everybody else here are in ours.)
I cant wait for the day these scumbags will get their just desserts. But I’m a patient guy.
[7] Question – Desirous of confirmation
#1 Should we continue ? I would not interfere in the plan that brings us together . #2 What is my role apart from being rufus $3 oula c is under construction, to form reinforcements # 4 I’m sorry didn’t send me to the cornfield #5 I want a strong and contaminated inking from the old Empire
Please allay the fears and concerns of this questioner.
(I can only transmit what I understand, and receive what I am able to translate. In this case, I am asking the Domain Commander to ping the source, Identify the concerns and respond back to me. I do not know if it will work, but I am asking and transmitting anyways. -MM) What you are doing and acting and behaving is exemplary. I do not advise changing anything. You must start trusting your inner feelings, instead of your thoughts and worries. You need to adjust and center your consciousness. Use the techniques provided by MM to do this. Operate using all the tools provided by him, and do not question your actions or activities. Focus on the activity one day at a time. You need to realize that steady simple progress will take you to your goals and objectives faster than fear distorted reactionary measures. (I will not send you to the cornfield. Do not live a life in fear. -MM)
From the movie “Strictly Ballroom“…
And the image…

And so we continue…
Your association with the "Old Empire" was catastrophic. They seized you, arrested you, and sentenced you to eternity in the Prison Complex. In your case it was a very harsh sentence that needn't have occurred. You were "railroaded" into prison so that others might steal from you, and profit from you.Your closest family, loved ones, and your dearest business partners conspired to destroy you for financial gain. Then when the judicial system started to process you, they were bribed and convinced to give you the harshest sentence possible. When the time came for you to get justice, the situation was not in your favor and you were judged in a very harsh manner on pretend charges, doctored and false transcripts, and stood alone with no support or assistance. All of the charges against you that sent you to the prison complex are all false. But you have endured this situation for centuries. We do not advise you to have any memory recovery of those bad events UNTIL you have obtained the necessary amnesia recovery efforts to prevent the harsh and hurtful events from damaging your psyche and ego irreversibly.
[8] Question – judicial corruption of sentience.
So, first of all, as always MM, Thank you for this opportunity, and for the effort you put into it.
So, some context for my question: I am a Lawyer in the UK. At my current level, and in my current role in the criminal law, it appears most people are service to others – they do it because of some inexorable calling.
The criminal justice system in my country has naturally evolved over a very long time to be as fair and balanced as it could have been in the circumstances.
However, since 2012 especially, this has been corrupted from the Parliamentary level, access to justice has been destroyed, and the presumption of innocence is long since gone.
Efforts are made every day to pierce the independence of the judiciary, and once that goes, the whole system goes.
I love my role, for various reasons, but also because I get the opportunity to hold the state to account before it exerts its power on an individual.
The change seems to be sort of an “antibody response” to the judiciary holding parliament to account and being an unyielding line between the state and the individual. (Of course, this may be me romanticising my countries legal system, there is some bias here!)
The disinformation campaigns in particular from the government and the news to undermine the system is extremely effective in getting public support for changes that seriously harm the publics rights and freedoms, and remove the ring-fence of the states powers.
When this is done incrementally using the rule of law, then its extremely difficult to fight back against. See also – COVID fear campaign.
So, my question is such – when working in a system that is being pressured or changed from a service to others to a service for another (at best) or a service to self (at worst), is it still possible to both “play the game” AND try to make positive changes without being corrupted by it?
I’m not entirely sure where I lie, I hope I’m StO, but my talents and interests are best expressed in a role that has a dramatic impact in the lives of others, and I enjoy the “game” of it.
This, to me, seems StS. I suppose rewording it for the implied question: I’m pretty sure I’m going back for another round, but is it possible to fight back against corruption from inside without being fully damned by it, or am I just trying to justify my own narcissism?
I’ve tried to be as broad-strokes as possible, providing the context for my question without drowning you in meaningless detail.
It still possible to both “play the game” AND try to make positive changes without being corrupted by it?
Yes. You are a capable person. You can do both. You (personally) are a transitional sentience. You are well on the way to being STO, as that is your original calling. You need not worry about enjoyment of vices, pleasures of the physical, or respect and power. Those are natural human responses and desires. Power does corrupt. It is a natural law because it affects the way ego handles physical decision making efforts. However, by staying true to the idea of helping others, you remain a STO sentence, even if you enjoy the power, the control and the vices that go along with the position. Many IS-BE's enter the physical realms, and undergo the amnesia intentionally so that they can enjoy the pleasures of beauty. This is seductive and is a lure that other IS-BE's can use to control others. There is nothing wrong about enjoying pleasures of the physical and the ego. However, sentience concerns the desired end effects of one's actions. It does not matter if a police dog enjoys eating a nice steak bone after catching a robber. And it should not matter if you enjoy the power, prestige, respect and perks of your position if you serve true and real justice no matter how corrupted the organization is becoming or has become. Your biggest concern is that the system itself does not change your fundamental sentience. When you stop your role in managing justice on a one to one basis and instead look to selfish profit goals, then you are riding the slippery slope towards STS behaviors. That is ill advised. Never sacrifice your occupation for personal profit. That would have a disastrous domino effect on your future incarnations (if any - depending on your sentience). *FINAL*
This question was explored in the movie “TheDevil’sAdvocate”. Most especially in the final scene. -MM

[9] Question – Are we losing sight of our objectives?
Are we getting caught up in this momentum? discover and share a practical model or some kind of schematic standard that is consistent with your fundamental principles? Suggestions to help in the way of symbolic language and our s narchs and values put forward?
There is nothing wrong about desire and enthusiasm. Your objective is to help us (The Domain) to rescue the trapped IS-BE entitles, and then to release the prisoners in the Prison Complex under a rehabilitation program that will permit them to reacquire their memories and allow them to continue their existence in peace. As long as steps are taken in that direction, it is of no concern what the size of those steps may be.
[10] Question – Indications of “Old Empire” behaviors
…As an example, from the above email we can gather clues. The Old Empire still runs the show.
There is an inner core (or many inner cores spread through out the world. They cast votes in those cliques. Etc etc..
So we see glimpses into their little world on occasion.
Then the media shuts the door. I am leaning towards the probability that the whole of the western elite are compromised. (Once you put on those glasses from They Live, every weird thing makes sense. But you need to put on those glasses to make any sense of our weird world.)

In fact the dominant culture in many parts of the world is Old Empire in flavor.
And that culture is anti empathy and anti human in its nature.
MM had a Rufus article that struck me. A video by one woman who observed that people cared for stray cats and dogs in America but they don’t even acknowledge their homeless. BUT if you try a Old Empire Larp, then it’s perfectly natural.
Is the difference in treatment of pets to fellow humans an indicator of “Old Empire” behaviors.
Yes it is. I will elaborate later when you (MM) are not so tired and stressed. ---update--- When The Domain took over the physical territory of "The Old Empire', many in the leadership roles escaped. The vast bulk of them hid inside of the Prison Complexes with "special passes" which allowed them to enter and leave at will without being tethered to the entire prison containment system. These individuals have since taken over various operational aspects of the Prison System, and created sub-pocket universes and environs from which they operate in relative comfort. One of which is the (so called) rape centers that seem to plague the egress and access routes towards the pocket universes of "Heaven". Many of these IS-BE entities are now wholly corrupted and operating at a very low level of empathy. This is strong STS behaviorism and are easily identified. They resemble a termite colony when you observe a (galactic) overview. Yes. To answer your question. In general, any resemblance of "Old Empire" behaviors is a guaranteed enclave of selfish and dangerous incorrigible IS-BE within the complex and their "Old Empire" handlers. they cannot disguise their behaviors for long. They can put up a good front and use deceptions to hide their true nature, but over time, their baseline behaviors manifest. Members of the "Old Empire" had pets. They, like human skin-suits, possess a great deal of fondness for their pets and honor and treat them well. But the population of leadership that has run the "Old Empire" do not represent the mass population that they govern. When they would take a pet, it would be for purposes of presentation and image. Not out of a love or a relationship. Thus there must be a distinction made between the leadership, and upper tiers of society, in the "Old Empire" and that of the common folk. The questioner would be surprised to note that there are cats in the "Old Empire" and they behave and act just like the cats do within the Prison Complex. The same goes for other pets that have found niches within the "Old Empire" societal structure. When a member of the elite exited the "Old Empire" and hid away in the Prison Complex, they carried with them their identities, their "golden passes", their retinues, and their behaviors. In so doing, they were able to corrupt so many features and controls of the Prison Complex. And they corrupted it in such a way that they would live fine comfortable lives. There is not a direct correlation between modern Western governmental leadership and "Old Empire" leadership-in-exile, but there is enough of an overlap to come to the conclusion that many of the powerful people in the earth world today, are from the "Old Empire" power cabal.
[11] Question – Vaxx influence on memories of past incarnations
I will pose a question on the vaccines , but in the name of Opsec, I will leave it here. For your discretion to inform us the response, that is entirely in your hands.
To me, the vaccine rollout is so insistent that it must serve a higher purpose. I do not believe that it is used to cover financial matters. I do not even believe now that it is for depopulation, and in fact I think the Deagel Report is disinformation.
This role playing was triggered when you mentioned that you got to your past lives by hypnosis. So I thought I would counterfeit some knockoff lol.
Does the vaccine have any effect on the ability to recall past lives or on the relationship between the mantid and his/her ward?
Everything in the physical reality universe has, to some degree, influence on the amnesia system of memory suppression. The mRNA injection is not designed specifically to prevent memory recall. It has other purposes related to physical government control. It possesses side effects not sufficiently mapped out and thought out. This will cause some problems for the communities so injected. As far as we can determine, any effect on amnesia either "good" or "bad" (from the point of view of an imprisoned IS-BE) is indeterminate. Certainly, other substances can be added by the government that can then be injected into a person to... [1] Make them more docile. [2] Make them easier to manipulate. [3] Make them conform or not conform to laws, rules and behaviors. [4] Alter their biology. [5] Act as a "key" to define "membership" in and out of communities. [6] Use as a protective biological agent, and then release a deadly pathogen to harm those not protected. And, which is the point that you brought up... [7] Control access to memories. [8] Control religious and philosophical belief structures. [9] Tighten or loosen the relationship between the mantid and their assigned ward. You have correctly identified the risks inherent in this government mandate. However, you need not be concerned NOW, at this time, about the impact on your non-physical bodies, consciousness or memory access.
[12] Question – Who am I?
Geez, MM, Id be a fool to miss this opportunity but I guess we are all at the point of where we stand in this effort of helping. While knowing can be a distraction in itself, knowing could also be one step closer to giving confidence in our abilities. So for my question would be: Who Am I in regards to the Domain? What role do I play in helping “Free the Lost Battalion” and the imprisoned IS-BEs? Thank you, my friend. Good luck.
Who is the questioner in regards to the Domain? What role do they play in helping “Free the Lost Battalion” and the imprisoned IS-BEs?
The questioner is a contact, initially of a trivial nature, that has come in contact with the Domain in this venue at this time. There is a willingness to participate and contribute, and a desire to do good and great things. There is no doubt that this individual is a contributor who is desirous of working with The Domain in the resolution of the release of the imprisoned Domain members, as well as the hope / desire / wish to also be released from the situation that they find themselves in. They seek understanding though contribution. We acknowledge this and offer a "seat at the table". In many ways this IS-BE is an enthusiastic "raw recruit" that holds great promise and even greater benefit to the society as a while. They have a slight "feeling" that this is the case, but we are vocalizing that it actually is the exact situation. As an individual, mission objectives and planning details are beyond the scope of their participation / understanding / contribution assets but that does not mean that they are meaningless. They hold a significant role, it is just that they do not understand how that role fits into the larger picture, and they want and desire clarity. This individual is a "walk in", and was not part of the initial pre-birth discussions for localized group membership and participation. Location here is more than just random, but is unintentional. We have scanned this IS-BE credentials / background / thought vectors / non-physical profile and determined that they are a fine recruit. Which is not what they want to hear. The questioner desires details. They yearn for a grander scheme of things that they fit into like part of a bigger picture. But their "larger pictures" is far more complex than your average skin-suit. When they ended up here, they did not come from the "Old Empire", they were a discarded drop-off. And they arrived with background / baggage / powers / abilities and complexities that earn them a prominent seat "at the table". Their Top Hat is pronounced and of fine manufacture. (I do not understand that reference. -MM) Unlike most other MM cadre's this IS-BE consciousness did not experience pre-birth training for the role. So we are working on this effort now simultaneously with their non-physical bodies. Which is why they seem to have some odd and unusual dreams. In the future the role that this entity will play will be as significant as <redacted> and <redacted>. This questioner need not worry or be concerned of the details. All is in good hands and under control.
[13] Question – Space Exploration
I would like to know two things (for now):
- What physical locations have human beings “traveled” to off this earth?
- Moon
- Mars
- Other
- What means of transportation did they use?
- Ship (what type of propulsion)
- Portal of some sort (what type of construct)
Of course I’d also like to know if humans actually accomplished any of this, or was it all a result of off-world assistance.
Human prison inmate skin-suits have traveled to the Moon, Mars, and Ganymede. The only public acknowledgement is the United States Apollo moon missions, where numerous skin-suits landed and walked on the moon. MM was on the moon and had medical procedures there. Many MAJestic operatives have visited the facilities on and in the moon and worked with MAJestic there. Some of which are in guarded spaces; pocket universes for protections.
Oxia Palus <redacted>.
Numerous MAJestic operatives have also visited facilities on Mars and Ganymede. But these were for special functions and for special purposes. There is a special training barracks and facility underground in Mars for the training of female MAJestic operatives. Also <redacted>. Obviously they are not told where they are, but they can easily discern that it is a secure place on a different planet.
The vast bulk of transport is via dimensional portal. There are occasional trips using vehicles, but that is used rarely. There really isn't much need for skin-suit participation on these machines. As also the environmental controls need to be adapted for human skin-suit use. Sometimes the humans participate in biological sampling and monitoring as a MAJestic requirement. It is however, always an observer role. Human skin -suits never perform medical procedures on other human skin-suits.
Vehicles are our standard local system craft, often of the mid-size. You will recall on <redacted>. <redacted>. (Sorry. Guys. -MM)
We have never moved an inmate within their skin-suit outside of the Prison Complex walls. We have moved these humans to various stations, facilities and vehicular craft working inside of the complex walls. For the most part, we perform what ever necessary biological modifications are required on their non-physical bodies in a form of "catch and release".
MAJestic operations has sometimes required the placement of humans at certain facilities for an extended length of time.<redacted>

[14] Question – Rhesus blood group and Faeries
First up:
The Rh blood group system is a human blood group system. It contains proteins on the surface of red blood cells. After the ABO blood group system, it is the most likely to be involved in transfusion reactions. The Rh blood group system consists of 49 defined blood group antigens, among which the five antigens D, C, c, E, and e are the most important. There is no d antigen. Rh(D) status of an individual is normally described with a positive or negative suffix after the ABO type (e.g., someone who is A Positive has the A antigen and the Rh(D) antigen, whereas someone who is A Negative lacks the Rh(D) antigen). The terms Rh factor, Rh positive, and Rh negative refer to the Rh(D) antigen only. Antibodies to Rh antigens can be involved in hemolytic transfusion reactions and antibodies to the Rh(D) and Rh antigens confer significant risk of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. -Wikipedia
Some people consider this type of blood an indicator of having Alien DNA. I know nothing at all about this. What I do know is that it is a rare blood type, and that my father possessed this blood type. He was also a member of Mensa. So what this questioner is asking is whether the presence of Rh blood is an indicator of extraterrestrial DNA.
There are different types of human skin-suits. Many of the differences are subtle. Special human skin-suit attire was often constructed for unique purposes at different periods in earth's history. Usually for the purposes of creating specialized clusters of inmates for social experimentation, reasons of safety, propagation success (and amusements). However, in this case it was for the purposes of human - feline bonding. This skin suit protected the humans and permitted the human - feline bonding to occur without problem. The earth-bound felines carried a parasite. And the resulting parasitic infection ended up killing immune-deficient humanoids at the time. This skin-suit was developed as a natural defense of the local parasitic infection. This such skin-suit is one that has an Rh blood group. This skin-suit was specifically designed to grant immunity against a localized food borne parasite. This parasite was problematic in the geographical area now known as Europe near the Pyrenees mountain group. This occurred approximately 60,000 years ago and started to manifest when human skin-suits started to interact with cats as companions. The cats would carry and incubate this parasite and it would be discharged by it's feces. Then the close proximity of children and adults to the feces would have the humanoids who interacted with these cats get sick. Over the centuries, the bloodline migrated world-wide and is now present throughout the world. Individuals with this genetic type of blood tend to have some similar traits that make them stand out from other human skin-suits. However, that is coincidental, and not intentional by design. (An oh-by-the-way "off hand" comment... -MM) This type of skin-suit is sought after by IS-BE's who are desirous of a life-time adventure involving intelligence, speculations and the creative side of science. IS-BE's that utilize this skin-suit gravitate towards science and STEM related subjects naturally and that simplifies early childhood development for fate mapping exercises in the MWI (sic.).

The sidhe are native non-physical inhabitants of the British Island grouping. They have similar cousins all over the earth. These non-physical beings have a vibrant life on the earth and in similar domains. They are not part of the Prison Complex. And they have unique abilities that their human skin-suit friends might leverage upon. (At this point I am told to look at a map. So I went to Bing and did a map search
I found many fictional maps. There wasn’t any real non-fictional maps available except on. Here is the screen shot…
What does this mean? The comm line opened up again and the dialog continued.
Migration of faerie populations moved upland over the centuries, however, their base civilization centers remained in place regardless as to the physical changes that occurred on the earth. As glaciers came and went, and water raised and fell, and as human population came and went, the faerie civilization stayed in place. They did not disappear as is commonly assumed. Being primarily a non-physical entity, they are not subject to the physical environs that humans are subject to. Once their homes and residences were above water, now many are under water. It is of no concern to them. They also do not experience time like humans do. They have a vibrant and lush life, though they prefer to migrate towards wooded areas devoid of the harsh and active thought of inmate human prisoners. This is why they are irregularly encountered. The Domain are aware of their existence, and there is a mutual level of respect. However, there is no formal interaction in any way whether good or bad, relatively.
Actually, I have a “feeling” that this answer did not really cover the question or answer what that this questioner was asking. So I rephrased the question. I hope the questioner does not mind.
What significance are the Faeries of the British Isles have / interact with the Domain or any other extraterrestrial influences now or in the past?
When the earth was being configured as a Prison Planet, the "Old Empire" had to deal with the problem that the Earth was inhabited with sentient intelligence's that did not their world to be occupied by the refuse of the galaxy. The primary and dominant sentences at that time were [1] a number of humanoid colonies on the planet, [2] intelligent non-tool making species such as dolphins, [3] primitive humanoid forms of limited tool-making ability, and [4] extensive and elaborate non-physical species. The Faerie realm and society was the largest, and best established. They did not accept the changes to the earth environment and a war took place. After a period of time, the major habitations of the faeries were destroyed, and the "Old Empire" took over the earth and it's surrounding geographical regions and created the prison complex that exists today. Because the skin-suits are contaminated by inmate skin suit modifications, the faerie population tend to avoid human contact. This was not the case prior to the interjection of the "Old Empire" policy plannings. From the point of view of the faeries, they endured a massive interstellar war, and this group of "Old Empire" administrators was just another in a long line of interlopers. What they did not expect was that a containment field would be set up that would isolate their society from the rest of the faerie societies throughout the galaxy. They are very bitter about this situation.
Final notes
This is part one. I have part 2 in process, and will release it when I am completed. All in all, I think that there are some great answers, and some perplexing attributes that need to be pondered upon.
I think that we all need to be careful about what we ask for. We might not like the result. I certainly didn’t (Mades Escapileon). But then again, I have absolutely zero recall of any life under that purported name.
This might seem like an easy enough task. It isn’t, and is very tiring and stressful to me personally. Many times I had to search for words to explain concepts that were alien to me. I truly hope that the information is of help to the questioners who participated. If your questions are not here, please wait. I have more questions in part 2 to follow. -MM
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EBP Q&A with the Commander from The Domain a November 2021 episode
Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and so I wanted to celebrate somewhat. You know turkey is rather difficult to come by in China, so I decided to go and get some chicken. I had my mind on a big family bucket of chicken at KFC. I had been thinking about it all day. Then at the last minute around 7pm, the wife says, “KFC is too far away, and I don’t feel like going out. Let’s go to the local restaurant outside our place and get some chicken there.”
Now, I had a bad feeling about it. I kept on imagining some of the worst chicken meals that I had in China, but I shrugged my shoulders and “went with the flow”. I did this, even realizing…
“…I have a bad feeling about this…”
It was horrible.
Steamed chicken. Nice thick globs of yellow fat (the size of your thumb) on bloody red chicken meat. Skin a yellow-white thick layer of fat. I ate a few bites and left the chicken sit there.

Even my Chinese wife, who is used to these kinds of “dishes” was aghast. She wouldn’t touch it either. The other dishes were a mistake as well. We ordered ten scallops, but they made oysters instead, so I ate ten oysters, some rice and wilted vegetables for Thanksgiving dinner.
It was pathetic.
I went home subdued. Didn’t say much. Put the kid to bed, and turned in.
The misses, knows that it was terrible, and tried to make up for it by making me a nice cup of coffee today this morning. It’s one of those unspoken things that people in a relationship do with each other when words cannot suffice.
The bitter memory of such a horrible event will stick to my mind for years now, and we will never… and I do mean NEVER… go back to that pathetic restaurant ever again.
Why did I want to eat chicken (as a substitute for turkey) on this particular day?
Well, because it is an American holiday of friendship, and sharing. And today, like the nation it represents, are a horrible distortion of what it used to be. I don’t think that I will ever celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday ever again, it is crossed out and erased from my calendars.
Given what I know now, in America, Thanksgiving and “Black Friday” will turn into grand distortions of what they used to be.
Much like that horrible, bloody, greasy, fat laden piece of “road-kill” that I endured for dinner.
Ok. I hope that your holiday is much better than mine was.
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This group of questions took place in November 2021. It consists of various questions that influencers asked, and that we asked over time. I compiled the questions and then submitted to the Commander via my EBP for answers.
Tell me more about the rest of the prison complex
This is a question that I want to ask. So I placed it up front here.
I have long understood that our solar system is but one system in a constellation of five (give or take) other solar systems that combined form (what I refer to as) a “sentience nursery”. Most discussions on the “Prison Planet” concept revolve around the idea that since we are earth humans that we should only be concerned about our planet and not the entire prison system.
So I went and grabbed a 52º “white wine” and started a typing. (Alcohol has no effect on the comm channel. I use it because it mitigates the bad effects of the biological impacts during the chat.)
Time is 23:48 Saturday night. My daughter is finally asleep.
[1] Is the “Prison Complex” like that of the ADC (spread out), or a cluster in one large geographic area?
The prison complex is a set geographical area with this region of space. It is unlike the ADC with had prisons spread out throughout the state. This geographical region, in it's entirety is enveloped in a "bubble" field or interdimensional / universe /containment field / mechanism. This bubble contains five plus one solar systems. Thus there are six solar systems that contain prison environments. One of them is "your" solar system. The five others are geographically located within close proximity of your solar system, and all lie within an ellipsoid of which your solar system is part of. Your solar system is not at the center of the ellipsoid containment area. It is actually off to one of the extreme edges of the containment field. Within this containment field are also some other solar systems that are "empty" / devoid of active prison utility. Any lives, creatures or inhabitants on those planets are not part of the prison skin-suit system. The ellipsoid containment field is at an angle to the galactic plane, and is tilted to fit the requisite solarsystems involved.

The Alpha Centauri solar system is also part of the prison complex.
[2] Are all the other solar systems in the same state as the earth prison complex?
I asked this question, not realizing just how broad based it was. I was reprimanded for the generalities involved. Never the less here’s the answer.
This is a general question statement. So a general overview is in order as the answer. All of the solar systems are administered as one single entity from one unified central complex. Each one has it's own administrative center. For the earth solar system, the administrative center is in the earth's moon. The main prison complex administration center (for the entire multi-system complex) was destroyed by The Domain, roughly 1200 (earth) years ago. When that happened, administrative control reverted to the individual solar system administrative centers. Each one handled the situation differently. The solar systems act as puzzle pieces or cells to the unified whole. This is true for the "tunnel of light" to go to the "Heavens", the containment fields, and the mini-pocket universes that are all involved in the individual solar systems. Each solar system has their own unique and independently maintained and controlled systems. They work together as a whole. If the containment field near the earth solar system were to be destroyed and effectively shut down, the containment field of the nearest other prison solar system would expand to take over and compensate for the loss. Thus the entire system is a maze of complexities and self-repairing actions. All of the solar systems, and their planets within the prison complex are still operational in one form or the other. All are now operating under the local control of The Domain, and all are being unraveled / untangled / investigated so that the entire system can be under full Domain control for the eventual shut down of the field and the rehabilitation of the inmates entrapped inside. The inmates occupy different (species) skin-suits depending on the planetary environments involved, and thus the individual physical situations vary substantially from planet to planet.
[3] Are there any lost members of the Domain in other solar systems of the prison complex?
Yes. The largest lost contingent is associated with the earth, but there are some smaller groups or individuals who are lost in other planets of the prison complex. We know where all of them are and we are tracking them (as best we can) given the current restrictions on our capabilities at this time. For The Domain, geographic location is not the kind of problem that it is for human physical skin-suits. To us, the location is all in the same consciousness area, while for you it seems like they are scattered all over the galaxy. The earth lost a military garrison. While the XXXXXX lost a scientific research base, and YYYYY lost a number of vehicles and crafts including their crews. There are also a few individual IS-BE's that got caught in the field that are in need of rescue.
[4] Do the other solar systems have human skin-suits and other similar animal forms for inmates?
No. The other solar systems do not use human skin-suits. The inmates occupy other (some are humanoid) forms. The remaining administrators, of course maintain their "old empire" forms and they are imprisoned within their command and administrative bunkers under our control. Mades Escapleon was the administrator for your solar system, and is (as you know) an inmate within the general population. You are the only one that escaped in such a manner. The rest fled the prison complex completely and disappeared in or outside of the "old Empire". We have not been able to find any of them and their whereabouts are unknown. You are our only viable tie to the administration aspects of the prison complex. And unfortunately, your human prison skin-suit has the many inherent retardation's making memory access and utility very difficult.
[5] Are the heaven(s) that exist in these other solar systems the same as the heaven(s) that are accessible from our solar system?
Heavens are species dependent. Where there are same species on different planets within the Prison Complex, they will share the same "Heaven" pocket-universe. All of the "Heavens" utilize a "tunnel of light" for memory erasure and reprogramming. The "Heavens" are unique to the prison complex, and do not actually exist in the Master Universe as inmates would understand. The IS-BE's that live and operate outside of the prison complex live and die in a completely different state of understanding and reality that is far beyond anything that inmate humans can understand. The "Heavens" that exist within the Master Universe are simply a part of the Master Universe mechanics / mechanism /architecture. It is a different state within the same confines. In the Prison Complex, "Heavens" provide an opportunity for the IS-BE to rest and learn from it's experiences in the physical realm. This is not necessary in the Master Universe. Thus, the only "Heavens" that exist are those associated with the Prison Complex. From our point of view, "Heavens" are sub-pocket universes that are specific constructions for specific purposes and utility.
[6] Are there mantids in other planets of the prison complex?
There are other species that perform the same role as the Mantids do in the earth prison enclave. It should not be a concern to inmate human archetype skin-suits. All of these other species were designed and bread for that specific role, and all follow the basic template of being a caretaker for another species. In every instance, they assist the consciousness to endure hardship and then reward them with a stint in "Heaven".
[7] Does you; “our”, Domain Commander liaison work with the rest of the prison complex, or is specifically assigned to our solar system alone?
I am in charge of the entire geographic region that includes the Prison Complex of multiple star systems. I have multiple projects and roles proceeding throughout this region. The resolution of the Prison Complex issue and the recovery of the lost battalion are issues that are prioritized as significant and have abbreviated windows of opportunity for resolution.
A Question – Was I altered?
From a MM influencer who asked…
Hope you are well! I hesitated about writing this report because I can't remember the most crucial part of the dream-- the mission itself. But this dream also brought up a recurring question I've had for the Domain and our roles as volunteers in the war against imprisonment. I'm still in my break from my intention campaign but have been recently learning (relearning?) how to meditate and reawakening my lucid dreaming and precognitive abilities. So occasionally when I'm falling asleep, especially if I'm dead tired, I'll have disturbing "mini-nightmares" that I'll wake myself from, but that will keep occurring each time I try to sleep unless I physically switch position. These little dreams will be of grotesque images, snapshots of bad things happening to friends or family; basically anything that will bug me, and it's almost like something's being sadistic and messing with me because it's hard enough to get comfortable with my chronic back pain. Last night my position was so comfortable and I was so tired that when I woke myself from the 3rd mini-nightmare (each only lasting a few minutes), I was like screw it; I'm donning the armor I used to use to battle the demon in my sleep paralysis and I'm taking these nightmares dead on because I need to sleep and I'm not changing positions. So mentally I donned my Armor of Love (a gift from my Guardian Angel/Mantid, whatever), and my Sword of Truth and I visualize charging off on my horse even as the tingling in my arms and legs signals the transition into sleep paralysis. Now my transitions into lucid dreaming are generally quick and seamless--I don't have any sense of contracting into the pineal gland or anything else; it's more like moving through different veils. Anyways it takes me mere seconds to slay the little pesky scamp that's been messing with me, and then here I am in the dream landscape, lucid and aware that I can do whatever I want in the dream creation, which hasn't happened in years. So naturally I decide to go flying, because it's also been years since I did that. Flying in dreams can be funny sometimes because it seems like something there are certain rules you have to follow to gain altitude or control movements, such as making swimming motions or focusing really hard. This time it was easy to take off to a comfortable altitude where I could see the landscape, but I had this little string tethering me to the earth like a balloon. I decided to just accept it as something like an Astral tether, and as soon as I did that it went away. Then I was able to concentrate on the land below me-- it wasn't local because everything was green (and I live in the desert). It looked like China or Japan, with rice paddies and low forested foothills. Now here I began to move from more lucid and aware to less lucid, so when I awoke the details became less clear. In the dream I mentally heard someone calling for me, and it was someone I knew but hadn't connected with for years. I flew down into a little house, thinking I know this entire family; I've helped them before. I was trying to remember their names and was having difficulty, which bugged me. I spoke with a middle-aged man, and I want to say his name was Mr. Miyomi--Japanese. He told me that my last mission where I'd taken out a sentry was incomplete--either I hadn't neutralized the second target or there was a new target. This came with a very strong sense of deja veux and I thought about how I used to go on these missions all the time when I was younger. I said, sure, I'll handle it. There was no sense of danger really; when I lucid dream like this I'm very powerful, because I can control reality in different ways, including having abilities like martial arts, and of course no physical ailments or pain. I headed off flying-- I flew past the first objective which was a sentry tower of some kind. Rather like a prison watch tower, but not quite-- more like the wooden fire watch towers used in California for monitoring forest fires--rather open at the top, not glassed in. I had the sense of a human-like figure lying broken at the base or underneath the tower from the previous mission. Human-shaped but not human. Maybe a robot, or NPC. I can't remember the next part. I think it was another tower, with a similar sentry figure, but that's all I know. (I don't think it even saw me coming or was aware of me before it was dispatched). I have vague images of forested hills and mountains-- maybe northern Japan like Hokkaido? Not bamboo forests but more a mixture of pine and deciduous. Anyways I was successful and when I reported back to Mr. Miyomi he was pleased. Embarrassedly I told him I had forgotten his name and asked what it was. He laughed and shook his head and said it wasn't important. Then he said I needed to get going because there's a storm coming. This storm...it's a recurring feature in my dreams. Sometimes it's a tornado, but more often it's more like a hurricane, but less wet--it's mostly gale force winds and lightning. I flew away from the storm front towards a city of glass towers, and before the storm got too close I landed and went inside some double glass doors to something like a large indoor mall complete with garden. That ended the lucid dream. Here's my question. Since voicing my intention to help the Domain and allowing a Domain officer to contact me and make whatever alterations are necessary, unlike other followers, I haven't had any visits or sleep paralysis episodes that I can remember. And yet last week you were told all volunteers had been altered. So was my memory of that erased? Or it occurred to me that maybe I was altered when I was younger, when I was having all those episodes, since I've had many, many dreams since then of doing espionage, or taking part in rescues of different kinds. You were selected years and years back for the work you are doing now. Were any of us? Thanks, and have a great day. Sorry if this was overly long.
I cannot confirm or deny that I was (myself) previously selected for the MAJestic and the Domain while I was in another state. But I will try to ask the Domain Commander for his input in this question….
All volunteers that are part of The Domain have been altered. This alteration differs from one IS-BE inmate to another. In the case of this questioner, their alterations occurred at a very young age when they were a child. Alterations come in different forms or "kits". Some inmates have tasks that makes alterations problematic for them. Others need the alterations to conduct their mission objectives. Fundamentally, the ability to Lucid Dream or conduct OBE does not directly correlate with a Domain "kit" modification. However, everyone who has a Domain "kit" modification has the ability to LD and OBE with practice. Many of the restrictive controls on the inmate skin suits are removed by the presence of an installed "kit".
A question by DM
I am very sorry about this news from DM. Of course, I took care of this request as a top priority…
I am wondering if I can ask the Commander a bit of a personal question in regards to [my wife]. This comes as a recent doctor's appointment has revealed some very bad news - it looks very much like she might have uterine cancer. The shit thing is the hospitals over here won't do anything about it because they are Catholic owned and don't believe in taking out "young" women's uteruses, despite the obvious growths that are present and despite them supposed to be working in the public's interest. Her health has been deteriorating these past months and it has me quite concerned, particularly what happens to her "afterwards". Given the recent question regarding the baker, I feel similar about her. I know she is important in some regard - I have chased her through multiple worlds in LD for fucks sake, and share memories of past lives with her - but I still do not quite understand what exactly that importance is. It seems very much like her {non physical} "father" is an admin of one of the consciousness schools and that she is quite a valuable asset. I am worried if she does die that she might get recycled through the reincarnation mechanisms and that connection will become lost. So my question would be "Who is [my wife] (not her real name) really and is she on the Domain's radar if she does end up dying. Why have I been chasing her through all these lives? I feel the answers to these will also help with the puzzle of who I am immensely. I hate to ask this of you, as i know it fucks with you quite badly, but it is something has been bugging for quite some time. All good if you are not up for asking it.
It is my honor.
I logged in the question, and I needed to “tune in” on a couple of levels. I was having static / drift and some noise that I needed to sort out. I know that this doesn’t make sense, but I needed to “tune in” on the comm for a clear answer.
First up; in the event of an early physical death…
[Your wife] is under our observation. If it is her choice we can conduct a retrieval upon her physical death. She need only think about contacting us and we will assist her is whatever she wants to occur. Your fears about losing your relationship at the time of transition are unfounded. She is a very capable person and will be under full control of her various bodies upon her physical demise. I / we suggest that she pings us when she is desirous of action. We will accommodate her requests.
Next question. Who is [my wife] in the wider scope of things…
To understand this answer you need to realize that all IS-BE's are not the same. IS-BE's come in different shapes, sizes, colors and flavors (figuratively -MM). In the Domain, we have a society of classes that enables the IS-BE to choose their role depending on their IS-BE construction. Some end up in the military ranks, others end up in leadership ranks. Still others end up in scientific pursuits, and so on and so forth. [Your wife] was / is an IS-BE of extraordinary (with a great emphasis on the word - MM) ability. Were she to be in our society, she would easily fit within powerful leadership roles. [Your wife] was / is a past regarding trans-stable dimensional elder / tribal leader of a community of other trans-dimensional trans-universe IS-BE's that occupy communities that lie outside of the Domain, and the Master Universe. She volunteered for her role on the earth. She is performing her objectives, and will depart the physical skin suit when it is time to do so. It will appear (to you) that everything is out of your hands, but the reality is that she is in control. In a like way, you figure predominantly in her pre-birth operational calculus. We (The Domain) stand ready to assist her in what ever capability she requests. Her mission in the Prison Complex involves the unmasking / de-tethering of the mini-pocket universes (Heavens) from the base line Reality Universe that all the general population skin-suits inhabit.
Mantid comm channels
MM, something strange happened (actually it happened twice). But before I say anything, I would like to know...how do Mantids usually communicate with their charges who make specific requests of them? I have a hunch, but I would like a little bit more info before I draw any conclusions. On Tues, Nov 16, I included a request to my Mantid Guardian in my daily affirmations, which was badly worded. So I say my affirmations, and later that day my mouse (or my mac) starting acting funny. Like it was just moving on its own, doing a right click here, etc. At first I thought I just touched a bad button, but I realized it was moving by itself! I panic, I unplug my mouse. have I been hacked? Then I notice that there is a screenshot I took from August 29, 2019 that I am ABSOLUTELY SURE that I had deleted already. That spooked the hell out of me and I quickly put it in the trash. The next day, I followed instructions from an article that shows how to check if I have been hacked. It shows I was the only user. Anyway, Nov 22--yesterday, I rewrote the request to my Mantid per your suggestion. So I say the reworded request in my affirmations, and then later---the same thing happened! But this time, no spooky screenshots appeared (that had been previously deleted) on my home screen. I don't feel fear or panic, but I do want to be absolutely sure it was my Mantid. If it isn't, if you could please give me some advice/thoughts on what probably actually happened.
Mantids are very "tuned in" to their assigned human charge. They know exactly the proper way to communicate and work with them as they traverse the MWI within the Reality Universe. The pre-birth world-line template (sic.) establishes the tell-tales (sic.), and way points that the IS-BE is to be made aware of. When necessary, the Mantid can create physical events manifest. The easiest is anything that is electrical in nature. Computers, radios, electronic fobs and other devices are easily manipulated for attention grabbing sources. If the mantid is doing this, then it is because they are not seeing a registration of understanding that points or actions were confirmed, and so they default to physical manipulation. It is their way of SHOUTING at you in a physical manner to tell you that they are monitoring you and that YES AN EVENT OR THOUGHT has manifested. It is their way of saying STOP BEING SUCH A DUNDER-HEAD. This is actually going on. Stop over thinking things. (I get the impression of a mantid holding a toy shovel, like what is used by kids to play in sand, and hitting a person sitting at the computer with it. While it's wacky mouth is mungling "pay attention." It's actually a funny comical scene. -MM)
Misinterpretations of dreams
The following is about trying to understand our dreams and to use those understandings to provide guidance and feedback.
I had a dream last night that I wrote down. Keep in mind that this dream occurred after I made adjustments to the request I gave to my mantid guardian (I reworded it) and the adjustments i made to improving precognition and ESP based on your last message. While I stressed clarity and complete understanding in my affirmations, I am worried that I am misinterpreting things again. Here is the dream:
Nov 23, 2021 Tuesday morning: Technically, this dream occurred earlier today— I never see myself, but I was involved or participating in the scene/event in my dream. I was with a group of young Caucasian men, we were all dressed in plain raggedy clothing, it seems. The kind of clothing you might see in a Mad Max scene, or perhaps the kind of clothing you would see in a poor medieval village, except the clothing style is not overly medieval. Does that description even make sense? Whatever the scene was, it didn’t seem like a prosperous place full of hope. Seemed rather poor actually. Anyway, I didn’t see (or maybe the word is “notice”) any females in our group. I assume I am female in this dream, but I didn’t even see myself. Anyway, I am involved romantically with another young man in the group, who is handsome, had olive skin (think Caucasian person with a tan), had long wavy/curly dark brown hair that he tied back in a low ponytail. We as an entire group traveled through the streets in some kind of ramshackle vehicle or wagon or cart of some sort. We were laughing and having a good time though. There was one sequence where I was lying in bed with the young man I was involved with and holding his face, and he was holding mine. There were other people sitting on the bed while we were there. I thought, sheez, we must be really living rough. All this sharing of living space must mean that we are all dirt poor or something. ….. Some things happened that I forgot. Then see a blond young man who is in our group (note, he has hooded eyelids, his eyes are small and long), talking to an older woman. She is maybe in her 50’s. (Note, it seems like all the people in my dream so far are caucasian— I am currently in a meat suit that is mainly “Han Chinese” in genetic makeup and have a predominantly Han Chinese phenotype and appearance in the face, though my body shape is considered more typically Western European—I am of mixed genetic heritage but face and hair is Han dominant). She must be somebody’s mom. The blond man talks about traveling to all these cities (all Western European cities) and explains that “there’s nothing there”. So I ask him, “Have you been to Hong Kong?” He smiles and responds, “No, but I have been to Hamburg. Does that count?” My take is that in this dream sequence, I must have been inside a Caucasian/European meat suit (or something with those physical characteristics). The people I saw in this sequence aren’t anyone I would know in real life—in fact all their faces are completely new to me. Then I start seeing a scene where a young fellow, who looks to be a pale skinned Han Chinese looking fellow with shoulder length black hair, had been killed. It looked like some kind of gangland style hit or something. I saw an image of a burly looking man, most likely European, getting killed by someone unknown. I see an image of a blond female, kind of icy looking. I say, “this icy blond shanked this dude. She is avenging the death of that long haired Han Chinese looking fellow, she must have really loved him. She was stone cold serious in getting her revenge since she needed to kill the perp herself. However, she doesn’t want anyone to know it’s her.” I get images of people coming after her, and her trying to get away. I believe I woke up right there. I recounted everything I could remember. I could not get a clear image of the blond female’s face, just enough to know she’s a blonde female. I got a clearer image of the Han Chinese looking fellow who died, he was quite handsome. I drifted back to sleep real quick and I witnessed something inside a building. I was not participating this time. I was just watching. I don’t know where this place is, except it looks like I am viewing a section within a building, which had secured doors. The lighting was yellow. There were 3 people (all males) wearing dark blue jumpsuits. They seem to be working there, or at least they were “running” things or “took control” of the security apparatus (cameras, machines and stuff) there. One man was behind a security door and you could see him because there was a glass wall separating his from the other room. It looked like a glass counter, and he was sitting on a chair. He was yelling out, it seems like he’s giving instructions or information to someone. This man looked like this guy (a model I saw on a Springfield website while I was Xmas shopping): Very similar face, but the face in my dream/flash sequence looked older, thinner, and “leathery”/weathered. Maybe he seemed ornery. Then I woke up. It initially didn’t feel like a dream, it felt more like I was just thinking, but why would I think this? I can connect the face to some earlier Xmas shopping I did because it looks similar, but that’s it. I did watch the family movie “Clifford” earlier, and I tried to watch the movie Shang Chi. I couldn’t finish Shang Chi because it was soo cheesy. I don’t know what I’m missing. That’s it for now. ********************************* My aplogies for the long message MM. I do hope things will be clearer after a few days. I don't know what I would expect your response to be, but I do know I want to hear the truth...no matter how mangled or indecipherable it may be. If you think it's unimportant or a mountain out of a molehill, it's fine too. Really, I feel like I need another perspective so I have a better understanding. I feel like I must be missing something. Thank you for everything,
When human meat suits experience dreams they are observing unsorted imagery that they are attuned to for a host of reasons. Part of it is actual observations of thought paths and vectors associated with one of the non-physical bodies. Part of it might be physical images that you have observed in your physical life. Part of it might be tell-tales and signposts that you have established. Part of it might be friends and associates that are trying to communicate to you and the only way that they can leave a message is when your mind has slowed down. The inmate skin suit has a mind that works much harder, and much more aggressively than what the human archetypes allows. This is an intentional design of the "old empire" to limit communication and thought control via the entrapped consciousness. For you to determine what is going on you need to write down your dreams and then review them every week. You will notice trends. One of the most important trends are reoccurring themes. You might find that you are dreaming of a school, or a certain place for three nights in a row. Or something equally similar. These dreams that reoccur over multiple nights in a row are a characteristic of activities that take place involving the non-physical bodies. Their apparent day is much longer than what human meat-suits experience on the earth. Garble / rush of information. Three days of the same kinds of dream elements indicate activities on the non-physical of significant duration and importance. Other activities of extreme clarity and uniqueness also the same / qualifiers. The human archetype as intended operates or was designed to operate with a day equal to 72 / 73 hour length. The earth physical reality in the general population, and the rapid cycling of the mind necessitates the inmate meat suit to require more sleep and rest times, and thus the physical body must endure the 24 hour rotational schedule of the earth. This hyper / aggressive rapid mind acceleration also has abbreviated the human lifespan for a human meat-suit.
(Difficulty registering.) Some dreams are tapped memories of previous lives and incarnations in different places, and in different roles. Most are related to the Prison Complex as the specific memories of the "Old Empire" are intentionally suppressed and access is restricted by your mantid. (sic.) Never the less, it is possible to access memories of experiences that predates prison life. This requires approval from your mantid and an effort on you behalf that indicates purpose. (I suggest that you add specific affirmations to this affect if you wish to proceed in this direction.-MM)
OK. I am going to call it quits for now. And we can continue a new Q&A at a later date. This really takes a lot out of me personally. Take care guys. Oh, and never forget…
Be the Rufus
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More Q&A with the Commander from The Domain with personal questions from top MM influencers
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This group concentrates on a number specifically asked by top influencers, lurkers, and participants on the MM website. In this instance I took my time to get and obtain answers to the various questions, and devoted time and effort to acquire the most accurate and useful information possible.
I had to spread this Q&A out, and many times it was extremely difficult for me to read the actual answers as my physical life was chaotic, noisy, demanding and discordant at the time that I received the answers.
All of these questions are exactly as posted to me, either by email, comments, or in the forum.
I also needed to differentiate between “noise”, my “internal thoughts” and “The Commander”. What I do not EVER want to happen is my own personal thoughts, and ideas override what the Commander is telling me. So in this particular instance, and throughout this article, I have asked to “increase the gain” and “open up the volume”, even though it is more uncomfortable for me personally, so that I can obtain the best quality responses free of any personal opinions or thoughts.
What is the life of a “typical” citizen of The Domain like?
I wonder if it is appropriate to ask the Commander what the life of a typical Domain citizen is like. Are they born into particular bodies?
Domain citizens live very differently than anything that an imprisoned earth human would understand. Fundamentally, all citizens of The Domain are non-corporeal entities. We "live our lives" is a state that you would consider to be trans-dimensional in a "spirit form". This state is a state that humans will have a very difficult time understanding. We live in a timeless state of existence, however, we inject our consciousnesses in the Master Universe to experience time. The Master Universe experiences time just like the Reality Universe does, as does the spawned pocket universes that you refer to as Heavens. In our "normal" state, we form communities, societies and collectives. We have communication, interactions, form bonds, relationships and clusters not unlike families that you experience. We have non-physical areas where our communities exist. These areas are very similar to what is experienced in your "Heavens". There are structures, venues, environments that we exist in and interact in. All the members of The Domain participate in society. We all have roles based on our abilities. Our abilities define our social roles within The Domain society. Some are engineers, some are administrators. Some are historians, some are social engineers. There are many roles. As we have discussed in other communications, such as military soldiers, and pilots. As members of The Domain we cycle in and out of the Master Universe like you human inmates would cycle to and from work. However, it is at a much longer duty cycle that you could comprehend. My current cycle involves administrative, management and leadership roles in this particular geographic region of physical space, or which the Prison Complex is but one of my responsibilities. In this role, I can inject myself into "doll bodies", "skin suits", or take over bodies as needed. All members of The Domain have this ability. However, the type of bodies that can be occupied is a function of ability and skill set. And since this is stratified by rank hierarchy, one can see that occupational societal position determines one's ability to inject consciousness for an IS-BE. There is a great deal of freedom of a Domain IS-BE. But all that freedom is tempered by the restrictions due to their responsibility as the caretakers and stewards of the Master Universe. The only prohibitions on an individual member of the Domain is their agreed upon responsibilities and rules of behavior. When they agree to play a role in The Domain society, they also agree to behavior limitations corresponding to that social role. Unlike those rules, laws and regulations that humans experience, ours are finer, and reasonable.
Do the citizens of The Domain grow up in different cultures?
Do they grow up in different cultures?
Many of the citizens of The Domain have come from previous backgrounds, interesting cultures, and skin suits of many different creatures and their many, many different societies. Once they decide to join the Domain, they do so realizing that they will accept a lifestyle where they will spend the bulk of their time in the non-corporeal form, with periodic injections into other forms for work-related purposes, enjoyment and pleasure, and exploration and adventure. It is a lifestyle that is alien to earth human inmates. Most all of the members of The Domain have full and complete access to all of their memories which date back trillions of years. This provides a wisdom and an understanding that is alien to the earth human condition. The Domain spans most of the Master Universe. Additionally, it radiates elsewhere to other regions / realities / environments / universes that are beyond human understanding. This should be obvious to the questioner that the great diversity and variety of experiences held between the various IS-BE's within The Domain is extensive, comprehensive, and serves as a great repository of resources that we mutually draw upon to resolve our mutual goals. All of the IS-BE's within The Domain has experienced "lifetimes" in corporeal bodies within societies and roles of many different types and understandings.
Concerning the “typical” citizen of The Domain, what is their attitude concerning work, and play?
What is their attitude towards work and play etc…you know the “mundane” stuff that I think would help us understand more about them?
Work is play for many members of The Domain. We find what our interests are, and then our society envelopes those that match interests with our mutual needs. Those that are aggressive, and militaristic in nature, find a role in the military. Those that are contemplative and studious find a role in research and discovery. As an IS-BE we can easily choose a life of carefree wandering. Those that are part of The Domain do so of our own choosing. We seek to provide benefit to all, and in that action find personal rewards. These rewards serve as our enjoyments and pleasures. Of course, we often occupy various skin suits for vacations, past-time pleasures, and other purposes. These are either part of an established society, or contrived as part of an artificial "playground". Of course, many of us go on various adventures to other universes and realms. Some are gone for a very long time before they return to the primary group cluster.
Personal question: “Was the questioner a comedian or a humorist” in a former incarnation?
I do have one question for the Domain. All the other “heavy” questions, the other readers have beat me to it (mRNA vaccines, possible WW3, etc).
It’s a small and quite unimportant question (on the larger scheme of things), but it’s somewhat important to me in piecing together my full identity (I’m not going to die or anything, but I really would love to know).
If the commander would be kind enough to reveal this trifle, I would be extremely grateful. If you could ask the Commander: was I a comedian or humorist in a previous incarnation?
It’s a serious question, and I promise it’s not “busy work” or me “getting my rocks off”. I do understand that you have a lot on your plate, as does the Commander.
Have a great day, and I hope you are able to iron out the wrinkles in your website. It’s a very valuable place for information, and it would be a tragedy to lose it.
Everything is recorded in this Master Universe. It is available to anyone who can read the data. The same is true for all the pocket universes that are spawned from this Master Universe. These include the Prison Complex (universe) and it's sub-pocket universes; the various Heaven universes. This is true for all universes. Whether this one, or another one. All one needs to know is how to read the experience, and memory data. Since time does not exist in the means that contemporaneous human inmates understand, an IS-BE can freeze events from any segment of time, from any segment of the MWI (within the reality universe) and observe it. Unfortunately, most inmate human skin suits are unable to access their past memories irregardless of their histories. This is a factor regarding purposeful amnesia. The system is designed so that access of memories is controlled and metered out on a as-needed basis. For the most part, the Mantids (sic.) control access to these memories. Yet, the access to these memories are not all that difficult. There are numerous methods that a consciousness can utilize to obtain access to these memories that bypass the Mantid (sic.) policing and allocation measurements. [1] The first method is though guided hypnosis for past life regression. It is very effective, and it works quite well.Locate a skilled past life regressionist to accomplish this task. Not every one is skilled, and not everyone is appropriately skilled for your particular needs. [2] The second method is via MM affirmation campaign technique (sic.). Here, you place affirmations asking for guidance and events that will inform you of who you were in the past. [3] A third method is to communicate with your assigned Mantid (sic) and ask them to allow you to view your previous lives while you are still in the corporeal body. This can be done through prayer / affirmations, and those that are skilled, through LD and OBE. They tend to be rather accommodating in this regard, provided that it does not interrupt their over riding objectives. It is obvious that there is a connection with your previous incarnations based upon the the question issued. You should not doubt yourself. Obviously there IS A CONNECTION, but what it is specifically we (The Domain) and I (The Commander) cannot elaborate on. This limitation is based on the limitations imposed on us by our roles within the Domain hierarchy, our skill-sets, and the intentional memory access locks / tumblrs / restraints imposed by the Mantid (sic.) in charge of your histories. However, there are some points / guidance / recommendations / suggestions that I (The Commander) can advise the questioner on. (As follows) [1] Nothing is unsupported. Histories always influences current activities, lives and personalities. This is because time does not actually exist. It just seems that it does. [2] If you believe that you have a certain history, there is a great likelihood that it is an actual reality that you participated within. [3] You should never question your intuition. In fact, your intuition / gut feelings / urges are a far better gauge of your situation than anything that your brain and reasoning might tell you. Thus, it is obvious to us (The Commander and others in the particular locale during the Q&A) that the questioner was indeed a comic or someone of creative humorous intent.
Next Question….
I don’t know how you know I am in need of answers.
I am worried by the upcoming war. I am living a good but fragile life, i.e. I have a full-time job. With it, I am able to support my close family and my relatives living in Venezuela. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to pay the bank credit for the apartment and basically I will become homeless here. I may be laid off as consequence of war. If that happens I will be forced to go back to my country with my family.
I have 3 personal questions for the Domain Commander, if you may and when your possibilities allow:
Personal question:” Will the questioner keep his job and continue living here in Costa Rica despite war and the catastrophe caused by it?”
The response…
The MWI in the Reality Universe that the Prison Complex is part of is constantly undulating and changing. However, there are areas of calm and stability. In regards to the geographical region that is Costa Rica, it is (though most scenarios) a stable region. While not an oasis, it will not be as greatly affected as the turmoil that might be presented to you in the various media outlets. Do not allow fear to cause you to react. Our readings show stability, with slowly encroaching elements of change. Inflation, worries, various elements of instability, that are successfully suppressed manifest in most probable scenarios. For most people, and yourself, you can consider yourself to be in a "life raft" while the rest of the world undergoes turmoil. There will be inflation. The price of goods will increase. There will be changes. But none of the changes should be physically dangerous to you or your family. There MAY be contentious political changes, but your ability to react to them, though your role in your immediate community will enable you to successfully navigate though the changes. Do not fear. You are going to be doing far better than most others (on the planet) through this period of contentious change. This does not mean that you will be completely comfortable, nor does this mean that you will be able to profit though the changes. What this means is that there are some scenarios, depending on the changing trends, where you could profit, or where you could just survive. But in every event, you and your family will be safe. (Emphasis on the word "safe".) No matter what turmoil might rage around you. (Commander request:) Please reaffirm your desire to work with The Domain on all these efforts. (There is no attached requirement do this, and they will do what ever is necessary to maintain this manifestation with this request. It is just a request on their part. And to this, I must add, do not fear the dreams or feeling that you might have once you do so. The impression that I get is that there is an attached extra monitoring effort involved, and some added reassurance on your part might be necessary to implement this action. -MM)
Personal Question; ” Who is the questioner fundamentally?”
Quick answer, but a great deep question. To engage this level of question I have to intervene. I informed the Commander that this is a deeply personal question that will determine the outcome of future interactions with the rest of society. -MM
(pause) You are (today) a member of the Domain. But, your substantive history is checkered. You entered the "Old Empire" from another universe, and quickly found yourself engulfed in uncomfortable situations. After a short period of time, you ended up meeting the wrong people, getting into bad situations, and making enemies that you had no intention of making. In short order, you were arrested, confined and sentenced, and soon ended up in this Prison Complex. As best as I / we can determine, you lived a rather stable life in your other previous universe, and was a productive and viable member of society there. Your histories are "good" in that regard. When you entered this universe, you had the dysfunction of ending up in a clamorous dangerous empire; the "Old Empire" and thus being wholly unprepared for the encounters you met, you were quickly arrested, incarcerated, and sentenced. We (I) see great confusion as you were thrown into this Prison Complex. Your situation is a real complete tragedy. We / I offer our sympathies.
Personal Question; “Is the questioner doing a good job for the Domain so far?”
I seldom remember my dreams, but in the last one I didn’t run. I faced an adversary and defeated him. There were a lot of people with me, just as described by the DC in your last post.
Besides, as the Domain needs assets with LD – OBE – Astral Projection, I want to recommend my mother to help them. I haven’t talked with her regarding this because she is brainwashed by Christianity. She is extremely good and she knows how to travel to future events (MWI slides? – mostly catastrophic events). Her name is <redacted>. She lives in Charallave, Venezuela.
Please tell the DC there is a small area in Canaima, Venezuela that has little or no gravity and big magnetic activity. Maybe this is an “Old Empire” device. This area is hard to locate and it is deep in the jungle. I can’t confirm its existence but I had read of this for years.
I am terrified and those fears are consuming me. There is no hurry. Please help me when you can.
Your fears are consuming you. Stop. (Alright) Listen to me / us; (Really aggressive stance. -MM) You are not unprotected. Do your affirmations (sic.) and follow the guidance's of your instincts / gut feelings. Watch your dreams. We will not abandon any of our voluntary corps. You are now part of The Domain. And we expect you to understand that membership has responsibilities, but also benefits. Benefits: We ask for you to assist us, and you are doing quite well; splendidly (actually). Yet you have doubts. Do you believe that we would abandon you? We will not. (Again aggressive emphasis on the word "NOT".) There are all sorts of things going on. Your mother is an IS-BE that we can help, but she must ask for it. We cannot provide help or assistance without a formal request FROM HER. You know what you need to do. Do not fear the changes. What you need to understand is what your role is in this life that you live. Recognize that you are part of something bigger, and we will NEVER (emphasis) N-E-V-E-R abandon our people who work with us. Do your best. You will be fine.
Are other “prison guard” consciousnesses assigned as “family members” and “friends” to ensure that tabs are being kept on the members of the Lost Battalion?
I now have some serious questions for the Commander. Also for you.
I believe the commander had mentioned that the Lost Battalion members were purposely injected into “punishment/torture” style pre-birth templates. I was wondering, are other “prison guard” consciousnesses assigned as “family members” and “friends” to ensure that tabs are being kept on the members of the Lost Battalion, and to ensure that they stay on the “torture” path?
I was wondering if perhaps fucked up family relations with people who are clearly unlike you was an “Old Empire” type of system meant to keep the inmates from truly trusting and working with one another, since the damage is done at an intimate level.
And that of course, the “prison guards” are programmed well enough to not recall their true purpose.
Also, it seems that some malevolent family members want to “stay” in one’s life, even though it’s clear that the person wants to sever ties. Is this a result of some astral contract they signed elsewhere perhaps, that they must fulfill their duty of causing misery or trouble to others or otherwise they will be made to pay a price for contract violation/ineffectual servitude/service failure?
I’m sorry if this sounds “out there”, but I always wondered what compelled them to chase the person who is clearly rejecting them (for good reason), when they could be focusing on their own affairs and living well without crossing paths with the person who rejected them ever again.
(Lots of information thrown at me at once.) Yes. No. Maybe. Probably. Probably. It is a serious probability, but not as you assume. Shadow people (sic.) can be constructs in a world-line that fit the pre-birth world-line template used to control though direction and manifestation. Mantid Prime's control your pre-birth world-line templates, and they can place directing and funneling utilities; people, places and events to corral your thoughts and actions into pre-determined outcomes. Yes. The probability is high (bolded to reflect the communication emphasis. -MM) that this is the case. However, if this is the actual case, you need to ask your Mantid (sic.) handler to determine the actual situation. This can be obtained by asking them directly via prayer or personal affirmation. You must address them directly. They will recognize the request if done in this manner.
Personal Question: Did the questioner accidentally curse MM in some manner unintentionally?
I was a little concerned that I accidentally hurt or cursed you in my last lucid dream. That was why I was a little shocked that you said your tooth popped out.
In the teeth falling out dream I had, I saw your face. The whole time I was pleased with myself for remembering to feel my teeth with my tongue, but now I’m a little worried that you got hurt in the process of my mini LD event. I sincerely hope I’m not some kind of jinx on you.
(I answer this personally;) Nope it is only a coincidence, though you might have some insight in what is going on in my life, but you cannot change anything that I personally do not want and allow to change. (Never the less, I asked this to the Commander. Who responded...) No. Observations though dreaming has very little relevance on the physical lives that individual consciousness live. It is similar to watching television or listening to a radio while there are all kinds of distractions and noise going on. In this particular case, you were "attuned" / aware / connected to MM (sic.) during the dream state, and you were able to "tune in" / observe / track / aware of events in his life. This ability is advanced, and a characteristic of great latent abilities that you possess. You should work on expanding these abilities and improving them. This kind and level of awareness is a precious thing that would benefit you in many areas of your personal life, as well as be a great asset to The Domain in the future.
So relax. All is good.
Good “asset” in the future, eh? Well, I’d take it as a complement, anyways.
I just need my teeth fixed, my bedroom floor repaired from the water damage, the study room windows repaired, and those floors, wiring, and windows all repaired. And I need to stop my damn old dog from peeing and crapping all over the place. I swear he has sprung a leak. But it’s not your fault. You are just an observer of the chaos. -MM
You are like that girl from the movie “Push” (2009). She can see the future as the MWI changes, and she writes her impressions on in this little book she carries around. It’s a great little movie. Takes place in Hong Kong. Very atmospheric and a little Film Noir.
Scene from Push…

Follow up scene from Push…

I strongly believe that all MM participants, lurkers, or followers all have some very powerful latent abilities. Unfortunately many are unaware of what we can do. I view this comment from the Domain Commander as a strong affirmation that you are yourself a true treasure.
What is the percentage of the earth prison population wearing “human prison skin suits”?
Is it possible to ask the Commander how much of the Earth prison population that is currently occupying human prison skins are actually not “human” archetypes (kind of like the original you, before the “adjustments”)?
This is an very easy question. The answer is a sizable percentage. Everyone who is a prisoner in the prison complex wears a inmate skin suit. And those that do, actually a large percentage are not human-preferential entities. There is a small percentage of human entities in the Old Empire. Thus most of the old empire prisoners have now been adapted to the human biological skin suit. IS-BE's from elsewhere have had to adapt to the prison attire within this Prison Complex, whether they were of a (difficult to translate) form, aquatic, from a high gravity desert world or whatever. The human form is the dominant prison skin suit attire in this complex on / in / about the earth physical environment. Other forms include donkeys, dolphins, elephants, and a few others. The second most populous skin suit form is monkey.
Questions for The Commander on the write up “[daegonmagus] – Part 11 -Combined LD Asset Penetration Into Amnesia Infrastructure”?
Keep in mind that LD and OBE can be entirely unnerving experiences, and it takes time and lucidity to understand it when we return to our prison skin suits.
From DM…
While it rehashes a few things I have already talked about, I think it contains some info the Commander will consider as being quite valuable.
It is valuable. The information provided is a treasure trove of great intel and has already set things in motion towards new projects and operations. -DOMAIN
I am very interested to hear yours and his opinions of it, particularly the first impression you get from him “absorbing” it.
The size of the documentation is large and difficult to repeat all the notations without overloading our channel (he's talking about me. -MM), there is a great deal of things that relate to other processes and systems that we were aware of, but this information has provided us with other perceptions that has since spawned other investigative venues. -DOMAIN
Be warned, it is about 12k worth of words, so might take you a good amount of time to go through. There will be further documentation in the coming weeks in regards to my opinions on how LD assets can be effectively used to tackle this amnesia problem.
I also have a few questions for the Commander, but as there is already a couple of question in the document I will hold off asking them for your sake.
Is the Domain absolutely sure that the Old Empire has been eradicated in this sector of the physical/ non physical universe?
Because intelligence gained from this experience alone suggests they are still very, very active. Going by Airl’s description of the Old Empire and everything the Grand Elder told me as well as what I experienced, I am apt to believe this was the Old Empire and not just a wannabe mimicking faction.
At first glance, it seems a group of inmates have taken over the control mechanisms and are trying to develop escape bodies. Fundamentally, the pocket universe(s) known as "Heaven" are running automatically and autonomously. They are operating as if they are still part of the "Old Empire". We have not been able to change this situation as the "tunnel of light" / amnesia mechanism used to access it is too great of a threat for us to attempt a crossover. However, the over all pocket universe that spawned these "Heavens"; the reality universe is open to us. Though we tread carefully in this environment. There are many traps and snares. We have free, uninhibited movement within this "reality universe" (pocket universe), but that does not mean that every single element of the "Old Empire" has been eliminated. Your efforts appear to indicate otherwise. We have long suspected that there are very special (the Commander slows down and tries to simplify some complex thoughts right now) mini pocket sub universe enclosures / structures / rooms / chambers / areas which can lie hidden in plain sight from which the "old Empire" mechanisms and operations can originate from. This seems to be the case. Which is why the destruction of the amnesia equipment is so problematic. The "Old Empire" has used the advanced techniques associated with free roaming IS-BE's to the physical environment and created all sorts of hidden mechanisms that need to be identified and rooted out one by one. This is one of the reasons why the Prison Complex is so dangerous. Many of these sub-structures are in the universe but lie outside of it. The closest way to imagine this is with a one way mirror. You look at the mirror, you see nothing unusual. But on the other side of the mirror lies a complete room with people and equipment in it. These mini pocket universes seem to populate this entire prison complex like grape clusters on a vine. They are apparently everywhere, and they operate in many different ways. Some are traps. Some are snares. Some are disguised machinery. Some are barracks. Some are just "broom closets". Some are uncompleted, while others are disused. And some open up to others that open up to still others creating this kind of large endless maze to entrap the IS-BE in. What seems obvious now is that these mini-pocket universes / chambers hold refuge centers; think "foxholes", and "military bunkers" from which elements of the "Old Empire" military retreated to during the final days of our conquest of this particular region of the solar system. These IS-BE citizens of the "Old Empire" are military units for the most part, and they seem to have taken over various elements of the machinery of the "Old Empire" Prison Complex for their own purposes. Which units are doing what is unknown. In any event all indications are that some still occupy this region, and some still maintain a presence but have gone rogue. We do not believe that the "Old Empire" prison system is functioning as a healthy complex as it was designed. But rather it is in a complex state of disarray with many factions and elements working in ad-hoc methodology to operate it for their own personal purposes. This includes inmates trying to escape, previous military members of the "Old Empire" trapped here, the actual prison guards and administrators trapped here and so on and so forth. The entire administrative complex is inside a massive void inside the moon, and it's still staffed with former "Old Empire" administrative staff that now work for The Domain. They maintain the primary and core systems so that a total collapse and all the turmoil that would result could and will be avoided. To summarize, it appears that elements of the amnesia systems of the Prison Complex are still operational because elements of the "Old Empire" are operating the equipment within mini pocket universes that are very difficult to detect.
What about Psaigreen?
Does The Domain know of any correlation between Lucid Dreamer’s bypassing of the prebirth template arrangement upon death? Any information the Domain can supply on that particular group (the Psaigreen) would be much appreciated.
From DM Part 4;
He mentioned this had something to do with Psaigreen – like this was the name of my group – which were the ones responsible for the meat flipping brainwashing programs. According to him, what was actually going on was that we were being trained the art of snapping peoples’ necks with our legs, but the Psaigreen had brainwashed us into believing it was bovine pelvises so we wouldn’t realize what we were doing. It was like a failsafe to confuse the shit out of us if we ever started remembering any of this. “HOLY FUCKING SHIT” I said as some very deeply repressed past life memories started flooding back to me. And I mean DEEEEEP. There was just that knowing that these were legitimate memories of something I had long forgotten. At the mention of the Psaigreen, I realized these were all things I knew. This was a memory from a very, very long time ago. Many, many lifetimes ago.
According to this comment, the term “Psaigreen” refers to the group who is wholly responsible for the amnesia, and reincarnation system that is a fundamental operation in this Prison Complex.
The Domain Commander’s response…
Obviously there is group still operating the amnesia mechanisms and machinery. They may, or may not, be associated with the group "Psaigreen". At this stage the intel is suggestive of an association, but that is not conclusive. This is an avenue worthy of further exploration. We suggest further research in this area, and directed goals. The most valued / valuable intelligence would be to collect answers to these questions... [1] Where is Psaigreen located physically in the reality universe? [2] What systems do the Psaigreen use? [3] Is there any Mantid (sic.) interaction with the Psaigreen? [4] The entities that mentioned Psaigreen might have more information, what are their stories? [5] What are the sourcing / targeting / location images used to identify Psaigreen members, systems, or operations? (The impression that I have is that the Commander is treating this as third hand information that may or may not be valuable. But that all valuable leads appear in this format. Thus it is important to investigate. I also get the impression that the investigation may be dangerous, and that caution is advised. But you realize that right? -MM)
I would like to try to map out the Psaigreen data in some way. As well as make an overview of Portal Room 7 and the various chambers, as some soft of illustration or rough map. -MM
Any information regarding Portal Room 7?
My memories of utilizing portal room 7 are quite vivid, however. I know a lot of other things went on here which I cannot remember; unfortunately the only recording of these experiences I had was on a laptop that got stolen.
There is no such thing as coincidences. MM
This laptop had crucial information about intelligence I gathered here. If the Domain are serious about dismantling the amnesia/ hypnosis machinery, I would suggest directing a large portion of whatever resources they have allocated for this operation into finding this theater as it will give them not only direct access to many of the other locations, but also a very good idea of the different hypnosis regimes used.
There is evidence that "Portal Room 7" has some clues that would be worth further investigation. All evidence points to this area as a hub or staging area. These are common throughout the "Old Empire". Some are larger and more active than the impression that we have here, which is suggestive of a specialized or restricted area. Most certainly this area is worthy of investigation. What is most interesting is the other rooms / chambers /portals that you did not go though. Why, and what was focusing your attention on Portal Room 7? Very interesting. We must always look at what is hidden to find answers that lie in front of us. (Scene from the movie "Push" comes to mind, where the PSI abilities hides a building, so they look for what is missing. -MM) This region / scoped /investigated slightly / know of /aware of, but needs further investigation. All evidence points to a "front door" / active portal /main transport hub for entrance to and from the Prison Complex (earth solar system side) to the "Old Empire". It is thus a very critical area for our attention.
A scene from the movie “Push”…

And another scene from that same movie…

Any information regarding the medieval village?
I added this question after the Domain Commander commented immediately to me while I was reading the passage concerning the “medieval village” in part 10 of the DM series. In that comment the Commander said…
"Instead of thinking that this is a "Medieval village", perhaps you should consider it to be a typical community located on one of the planets of the "Old Empire". The descriptions seem to match with what is currently presently found there. The only difference is that most of the current "Old Empire" communities have a far wider variety of creatures that inhabit the area, not just humans."
Which obtained a favorable comment from DM…
This is what I was sort of implying and glad the Commander picked up on it. There are a variety of beings that inhabit the Medieval village – as well as the other worlds we have both been to – that differ considerably from the human template. Many of these would fit more appropriately with the idea of what we commonly refer to as being a “demon”, or something along those lines. They are incredibly “weird” to interact with and have a completely different way of doing things, including ideologies, the way they talk, the way they do things etc. These are the more common types we have both experienced. However, the place where the consciousness programming facility was located was more aligned with Airl’s description of an Old Empire setup – the two were completely different places in regards to architecture and social/ community styled setups – I only ever saw humans here, apart from whatever it was that was behind the viewing window in the programming facility.
So I would like to ask for a confirmation on what this Medieval village is. And the Domain Commander answered…
Buy all indications, this is a facility located on one of the planets of the "Old Empire". The descriptions given indicate typical "Old Domain" architecture. Some statements, however, give rise to a specific region within the "Old Empire", thus placing it spatially and geographically for targeting purposes. It does not lie within the main community clusters / hubs of civilization. An investigation of the specific region in and around the "Medieval village" will enable more accurate location targeting and would enable us to pinpoint the actual location avoiding transparency screens / distortion fields / pocket-rooms / and other tricks used to hide these structures from The Domain. (This tells me that while The Domain may have conquered the "Old Empire", and has subdued it, many elements of that government, that society and those individuals still exist and operate the system. And that they are intentionally hidden from The Domain by techniques that I do not understand. -MM)
Is nuclear war nearly inevitable?
If nuclear war is nearly inevitable and will destroy much of the US, should we who live in the US simply assume there’s no future and prepare to die?
No. Thoughts and consciousness anchor world-line templates (sic.) these are constantly in flux and the situation changes as the flow of time advances with in this physical reality universe. At any given moment, it might appear that war is inevitable, and then a moment later the situation can change. The substantial modifier for this is the mass concentration of thoughts made by huge numbers of people. As long as great clusters of people believe that war will occur, they will make it occur. Thus the danger of mass media controlled by dangerous individuals. As it stands currently, there is a strong probability of an abortive military war of great destruction, during a very short period of time that will be thwarted by an early advanced horror that will cease all further actions towards it.
What is the Universe?
Is the universe basically as we see it, full of stars, galaxies, and so forth, or is it mostly an illusion for our benefit?
What human inmates observe is what exists. There are stars, galaxies and so forth. However, the distances are an illusion. Time is an illusion. The interactions between them are more complex that what is observed. Thought generation and manifestation is much more substantial, significant, and manifested far sooner than anything experienced within the Prison Complex Reality MWI universe. So that when a person leaves the reality pocket universe; the Prison Complex, the "outside" Master Universe behaves and acts much differently that what is assumed by inmate observers. Consider a fish in a fish bowl. It sees the living room, and everything in it. And it assumes that the things it sees is also under water, with a gravel floor under the illusion of carpet, and that the bright light from the windows are the same as the light in the top of it's aquarium. But that is not the true reality. A fish in the aquarium cannot travel outside the aquarium by swimming. It cannot feed on the carpet. And it will hurt it's eyes when looking at the sunlight from the window. The Master Universe is fundamentally different from the Reality Universe that human skin suit inmates assume. It follows similar but very different rules than what is inside the MWI. (The impression that I get is that thoughts generated outside of our Reality Universe are much stronger, outside in the Master Universe. Thus making it much easier to create, build, and travel. -MM)
Limits on the mega-wealthy…
Will there be limits placed on the power of the elites, billionaires, corporations, and governments in the near future without a devastating war?
There are many future scenarios. It is too broad and large a topic to answer comprehensively. However, what we can affirm is that all civilizations eventually reach the point that the earth is going through now, and during this period of inflection two things tend to happen. Either the world is engulfed by a long, and terrible destructive war where the survivors take centuries to recover, or the wealthy few rot from the inside, and collapse, and the nations "go to seed", eventually rebirthing a new more global civilization of a far better constitution. Because of the limitations in this pocket-universe and the various influences a rarer, third option seems to be manifesting. In China, the mega-wealthy are being culled and limits are being placed on their actions and behaviors. This goes hand in hand with the economic prosperity of the Chinese nation. And other nations are taking note. Singapore seems to be leading the ASEAN, while Africa is starting to embrace this model. There is movement throughout Asia in regards to this, though the Americas are very reluctant to change. It is highly possible that eventually the entire earth might embrace a governance model that is similar to that of the Chinese model. If so, then the world will become a much more peaceful place. However, there are dangerous forces that do not want to see this happening and are desirous of a all-or-nothing destructive end. Either one group of oligarchs rule, or the entire world shall burn. At this period of time, all is in flux. It is difficult to say what will occur, though we (The Domain) are working to resolving this matter with expedience towards a more peaceful conclusion.
FTL Travel
Is Einstein right and faster-than-light speeds are not achievable, or does the Domain have ways around that limit?
Apparent FTL travel is achievable, and this is accomplished using many, many techniques. The Master Universe operates differently than the Reality Universe that the Prison Complex is part of. Many of the technologies in use take advantage of these other characteristics to enable physical mobility. This is a trait of emerging space-faring civilizations. However, in the Master Universe, the primary transport method relies on teleportation mechanisms, and of these it would resemble science fiction or fantasy to an inmate human skin suit. It would look like magic, or drawing pentagrams or runes on the floor, chanting strange words while in some kind of a trance, and would appear to be very barbaric. However, these techniques actually work because the manifestation of thoughts are not suppressed like they are in the Reality (pocket) universe that the Prison Complex actually is. (The very strong image of Robert Heinleins' story "Glory Road" comes to mind.-MM)
An illustration from the cover of Robert Heinlein’s novel “Glory Road”…

An illustration from a comic version of the book “Glory Road”…

A question from a retired spook
Life in MM-land is always colorful.
We are never fully retired. We are just blessed with “windows” of peace. Yet there are all sorts of things going on. Some of us, those that have been involved in the more nasty aspects of life, tend to continue a watchful eye for our own protections. Thus this next question from a black spook who worked for a different American alphabet agency than myself. He / she / it is retired and living in a far away land as an expat like MM.
“As I told you previously, <redacted> is dead. The circumstances are extremely murky, we have no idea how a 50-year-old healthy <redacted> dies without any symptoms of anything. The autopsy will take at least a month. But the facts are: I was supposed to go walking <redacted> but cancelled at the last minute and <redacted> died.
I have been a bit worried about my exposure to the outside world lately. I have become complacent and sometimes ignore proper procedures. After all, it has been <redacted> years with no attempts on my life, not even a threat.
I have maintained video surveillance around my home, though. I have also built a rudimentary trap for uninvited visitors. For some arcane reason, <redacted> is split in two, with two addresses. Both sides have a house. The road that goes by our houses is a cul-de-sac, nobody should be driving on that road. My address is the second house, but we live in the first one. I have a live camera feed outside the fake home as well as on the road leading to our ranch.
A couple of nights ago I woke up to the proximity alarm I had set up by the road. Somebody was driving towards us. Nobody has any business of coming here unless I invite them. I sure as hell wasn’t waiting for the company at 2:30 am. I saw a dark sedan on our road. I followed it on my monitor as it drove past my real home to the fake address. They parked the car some 50 yards before my fake home. Two guys came out of the car and started walking. They went around the house before stopping at the front door. One of the guys knelt and picked the lock. That isn’t so hard, as locks here in the middle of nowhere are built to stop animals, not assassins.
I switched to the indoor cam only to see that I should have changed the batteries. The foyer cam was working. It has a sensitive mike, I could hear them searching the house and coming back to the foyer. One of the men took out a phone. The audio is good but not that good. It sounded like whoever was on the other end of the call was doing most of the talking anyway.
The men walked back to their car and made an u-turn and gunned the engine. I was waiting for them outside, hidden, to have a better look at the car, plates and these charming dudes. The license plate was <redacted>, but it was a <redacted>, so no help there. But I had some luck.
I’m not sure if I told you, but at some point in my recovery I learned (or remembered) how to spot a natural Homo Sapiens Sapiens from meatsuits. I call them NPC’s (non-player-characters). That is probably not quite accurate, because those suits are definitely under intelligent control. ‘Non-Soul-Characters’ would be closer to the truth.
First I noticed the difference between a wooden flagpole and a living tree. When you can see that difference, it opens up a totally new way of looking at things. It’s a bit like being able to see magnetism, but not quite.
Anyway, those two guys were very obvious NPC’s.
That raises a few unpleasant questions:
– Does the Spetsbureau 13 hire non-terrestrials to do their Mokroye Delo nowadays? Does Spetsbureau even exist any more?
– How about the Company? If so, what have I done to deserve their wrath this late in the game? After the hit on my sister, I thought it was just housecleaning before The Big Event, but this is something else.
– If not VSENT/KGB/AFB/CIA/DIA, does the ‘Old Republic’ operate on this level, and do it so openly?
– Is there somebody else that wishes to see me dead?
We bailed that same night. I have only killed once in my career, and I did not want to raise that tally. I left the cam’s running, but it’s been quiet since.
So, MM, any insight you might offer? I hate to ask you, but could you ask the Commander about factions that want me/us gone? My death is a trivial matter, our life expectancy after service isn’t too great anyway. But I do care about collaterals, for them, I’m fully committed to taking on all comers. Irrespective of gender, race or creed.
I know this reads like a goddamn spy novel, but I want you to have as vivid a picture as possible. These days it’s hard to say what points are relevant and what not.
In OBE and LD I always seem to end up stuck in that huge mall when I try to ferret out Prison back doors or Amnesia operations. The place is crawling with NPC’s and mannequins. There is something I can’t crack, I can feel it! Getting pretty frustrating. Anyway, happy to have somebody I can vent for a change…
Keep your eyes open & head down, and always use the periscope!
My response…
I consider this an urgency so I just bored though the shit, went to a quiet place where I wouldn’t be disturbed, and made contact.
This is the response.
::::: Not the Domain. We have no local assignments on the Earth at this time. Not one of our agencies / cooperative operations / subservient groups either. These are all monitored strictly. Suggest it to be a third party associated with one of the local earth government factions. High probability this. You (not me) are to be considered compromised. However, there is no clear cause to abort current life and evade. Evidence suggests a recon operation. Make sure all sensors and systems are functional. A gun without bullets is a rock. A camera without batteries is a stone. This action suggests something else. They are trying to "beat the bushes" and "flush something / someone / perhaps you out. Do not do anything out of the ordinary. As they are monitoring for changes in lifestyle patterns. Also do not be alarmed. They are obviously a threat vector, but not a lethal one. A lethal vector will follow if there is unusual movement on your part. Continue your life. Maintain x-ray status. Make no unusual or out of the ordinary actions. If something does happen, we will have a Domain agent available for retrieval. :::::
Mu response…
So, as I see it, it’s some third party that is trying to flush you out. It is unknown who it is. Continue to lie low. Do nothing unusual, and watch your six. I can confirm that you are on The Domain radar right now.
Remember that nothing occurs in isolation. There are other tasks, other teams, other groups that all work together in a coordinated effort. One team tries to flush you out, another team obtains data, while a third team performs the objective. I want to remind you to maintain your vigilance. But do nothing out of the ordinary.
Final Comments
Never a dull moment in MM land.
We need to recognize that there are all sorts of things going on, but the things that are most important isn’t what The Domain commander says, the fears that the media throw at you, or the amount of money in your paycheck.
What is most important is what you do with your time on a personal basis.
Make your life matter.
All this other stuff is interesting, but please keep focused at what is right in front of you, who is sitting next to you, and the beautiful day that you are blessed with.
Don’t be like this…
Make YOUR life matter.
There is only one of you. And I can tell you that all of who you are, and all of your personal experiences is what makes you valuable. So don’t ignore them. Treat yourself as special and go forth and do great things.
Even the simplest acts of kindness are significant. make the world a better place. You can do this. Yes, YOU. Just be kind, and good, and smile.
And two final words…
[1] Help others and do not worry if it will be profitable to you sometime in the future. Just help others. Do it without expectations. Just do it, and then move on with your life… [2] Never give up. Never, ever give up. You just keep plugging away at it. You just keep going. One step after the other. And you don’t care what others are doing or howling at you. You just focus and keep on…keeping on. Never give up.Do you want more?
You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…
ET Species.
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More Q&A with the Commander as we discuss my fears concerning a war between the USA and China
Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. Many are very personal and selfish. But that is my personal choice, and my prerogative. Those that are far too personal, I retract out. I have also added questions from others. I hope that the questions and the answers make sense to those reading this.
Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission
I asked whether this book was a continuation of “Alien Interview” or something else. When I asked, the Commander told me to read the book and then ask again. I now know why. I can only communicate on things that I have been exposed to.
So I read the book. And now I am going to ask the question a second time.
Q: Is the book “Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission” an accurate follow up document to “Alien Interview”, or is it something else?
It is a fiction. You may / should discard everything written within it. The information provided are falsehoods intended as distractions. Whenever there is something good (from the perspective of freeing IS-BEs from the Prison Complex), quanta "antibodies" (this is the best way that I can translate the thought cluster) attack the message and distort it. This is what happened with the teachings in India. This is what happened with the teachings of "the gospel" and this is what happened with the "New Age" movement. These "quantum antibodies" attack the message and distort it, and good and well meaning individuals find themselves being directed towards other paths and other ideas. For instance, the earliest books of the Bible discussed reincarnation. These works were either lost, forgotten, or ignored intentionally over time, and a new idea came into being which was one singular God that acted as a parent to people. That there was no recycling of souls in and out of general population. But rather, a one shot effort, to live in this environment and then go to Heaven as a reward. These "quantum antibodies" attack the physical brain process. They alter how thoughts are generated, and thus they alter the outcome of data transfer on the physical realm. The first work "Alien Interview" is 100% accurate. This second work is a complete fiction. Ignore it. There is nothing in it of value, no matter how certain sections might appeal to the readers understandings.
We will now to to a personal question by MM here. And being so personal, we talk about things that are very human, but that people never want to share with others. But me, well, I don’t care. I’m not Jesus. I’m an average guy. Just like you are.
Again, this is a personal question.
Some background. All the events that I have experienced did not go away. I keep and maintain the memories of them. From being led to the slaughter in Arkansas, to being swindled over and over. To being swindled, attacked, tricked, and just treated poorly. To being mistreated time and time again. It just hurts.
And on numerous times, day to day events, will trigger those memories.
The result is this explosion of rage. No matter who I am with, or what I am doing, I will start to react. My body starts to pulse, and my muscles get hard and steely. My skin is filled with millions of tight little goose-bumps. My pupils dilate, and my breathing changes.
I have noticed that the best thing that I can do is either lift weights, or drink alcohol. Eventually the rage subsides. I can tell you that my ability to perform dead lifts increase exponentially during this time, and my blood pressure, instead of going through the roof, actually decreases.
I am still able to suppress the rage. No one can tell, though my wife would watch my pupils dilate, and my body start to shake and my breathing become shallow and deep.
And she asks me what is going on.
Yes. I can control it.
But Lordy, this just cannot be normal.
And to tell youse guys the truth, I fear that were I to be in a dangerous situation and the rage is triggered that I might do something lethal and gruesome. I don’t want that to happen. So I want to ask the Domain Commander what is actually going on.
Q: Why do I periodically go into these “structured rage” behaviors?
You are NOT a normal human being. When our agency / MAJestic installed the ELF probes, they / we / us also transformed your personality. We compartmentalized you. You know that. During your MAJestic retirement sequence in ADC Pine Bluff, you confronted various personalities that are part of you. You are aware of the scientist, the Naval officer, and so on and so forth. However, there are other personalities that you are not aware of. Let it be well understood that it is intentionally by design. These other personalities are not anything that you want to know about, or be associated with. Thus they are not part of your shutdown sequence. They are permanently hardwired to your personality. You have [1] Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde, you have [2] The Wolfman (actually, the image is of a half-man, half-sabertooth tiger). You have [3] Mr. Dracula / The Mummy (image is confused and overlaid over each other.), and you have [4] The Incredible Hulk. None of these alter personalities are muted. They are all active. They are always intended to be active. That makes you dangerous, and why you needed to be sent to prison. That is one of the reasons why they (MAJestic) cannot allow people like yourselves to be walking the (American) streets freely. You are a loaded gun with no "safety switch". When you start to have memory triggers, event triggers, or code triggers, one of the personalities will manifest. Your "normal" personality will fade into the background and the new personality will dominate. Most of the manifested personalities (you have experienced) this year has been of "The Incredible Hulk", and you have done a very fine job of suppressing that character personality. We are personally proud of you. No one is harmed. At worst, your wife looks at your strange. That's it. It has been triggered by memories while you are under a lot of stress. This is normal for humans, however in your case there is a personalty change has been intentionally engineered and triggered. There's other triggers as well. Over the last six years the Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde personality were occasionally triggered. You don't remember those events because afterwards your memories are suppressed. But if you look back, you will see these periods of *blank*. That is when this personality was triggered. This is due to the fact that you live next to the Zhuhai heliport. And some of the aircraft use an electrical signal emitter that triggers your personality change. Luckily, for you, the "go code" signal is never emitted. So all that happens is that you go into a "stand by for orders" mode. Then when nothing happens, you "wake up" and forget about the entire incident. For you to turn off these programs you will have to go through the entire Pine Bluff deactivation procedure all over again. We advise you not to do that. We further advise you NEVER (emphasis) return to the United States. All scenarios where you return is problematic for you personally. Do not listen to DZ (my brother). He's a "strange cat" with other purposes and intentions for your return. The reasons are obvious. However, you need to remember that many of your latent personalities can be triggered by radio frequencies at various frequencies, amplitudes, patterns and pulses. The United States has substantially changed since you were there last. The spectrum of presently emitted radiation would trigger some very lethal responses from you.
Fucking lovely. Sheech!
Oh for Pete’s sake!
First I’m some kind of troll like bureaucrat named Mades Escapleon, and now I find out that I am a cross mix of of the bad characters from all the B-grade horror movies of the 1960’s. And to top it off, I’m a gun without a safety switch.
Sheech! Can’t I ever get a break?
I guess match.com is out of the question for me. (This was a joke.)
A need to sleep
I have a question for the Domain, if you are willing. I know it taxes you to use the probes for communication, and am thankful for your disclosures.
Q: “Is the human need for sleep engineered into them?”
It is noteworthy that in the Alien Interviews, Aryl didn’t need sleep. Our Earthly scientists haven’t found a compelling reason why we should need it. It also seems like the perfect time to mess around or play with an IS-BE’s memories. Many creatures need sleep on Earth, and it seems odd.
Most animals are designed to require sleep. This is an intentional design parameter. Initially when we first created biological creatures we used the mechanism of sleep to allow the IS-BE to depart from the physical body and continue their lives unrestrained from the physical limitations. This system has worked fine for trillions of years. However, when the Prison Complex was established, new prison "attire" skin suits were designed. The need for sleep remains present in the physical body, however the ability to use this period or state to egress to the non-physical is not really possible for the vast bulk of imprisoned humanity. It's "closed over" and sealed for most of humanity. Instead of being able to leave the physical realm, most humans (and inmate mammals) unwind and dream randomly. There are precious few people who are able to egress during this time. And they do so in different techniques and with different limitations depending on their personal situation and skill set. Some Lucid Dream (as promoted on MM), while some conduct OBE (out of the body experiences), and there are other forms as well. The people who can do this are valuable to us, and we are very pleased that numerous people have volunteered to help us with this ability. You, and your readership, are not aware that many of your readers now have (potential) LD access. We removed many of the blockage elements that were restricting them when they joined The Domain (or the auxiliaries). Though they might remember horrible fear induced dreams of operations, procedures, strange entities, and all sort of bad things. These fears manifested as an "antibody" when we were removing Prison Complex blockages and other systems. Now they might experience dreams of battles, or horrible or very, very strange experiences. These "new" dreams are quite different than the kinds of dreams that they experienced prior to working with us. They need not worry. They are performing mission taskings. I (The Commander) would like to communicate that when there is a dream with a dog, or a pack of similar animals, or with "day to day" others, that the LD "sleeper" is working as part of a team (with others). We never allow our assets, or auxiliary resources, to work without support, guidance or backup. the reality is very dangerous. And we cannot risk anything happening to those who are part of us / join us / assist us / work with us. Some of the team members are IS-BE Domain officers. Every mission or tasking is supervised by a Domain Officer. Though many actions also utilize Domain members of the non-officer class. But in every case, none of your volunteered readerships is tasked on Domain related tasks alone. Others in your dreams. That is the "tell tail". Look for strange shaggy dogs, monkeys, grey images, odd places with odd people or things or perhaps someone or thing showing how to do something, or something similar no matter how silly it appears. You are always part of something larger with a support team. Dreams are a complex subject that gives the physical brain feedback to the events that transpire. Though since many of the events are strange and alien, the closest approximation formed in the dreams tend to be very strange, odd and unusual.
Speaking of Jesus
A further question, if you could ask it. The domain will understand it’s relevance to me specifically, what is the role of the life of Jesus in the Earth prison complex?
I’d really like to know.
Q: What is the role of the life of Jesus in the Earth prison complex?
Jesus and the Christian religion is an engineered social control. The truth about it does not resemble anything like you have been told, or like you have assumed. Over the centuries the control of this religion has been taken over by various factions. There have been both repeated incursions by good, just, well-intentioned IS-BE's as well as evil, selfish and dangerous entities over the centuries. Some made long standing changes to the religion that really assisted in the control of the Prison Planet. While others enabled enlightening others that helps break away from the snares and traps. To the questioner; it should not matter (to you) how the Christian religion came into being, or whether Jesus was an actual person or not. What should matter is whether or not you are realizing your intended purposes that you had agreed to do and in so doing, following the guidance's of the great works that the entire religion is founded upon. Christianity is a vehicle. Like an automobile. It can take you places, but it can also cause great hurt and suffering if the wrong person is driving the car. You are, by the way, a great driver. Perhaps one of the finest. But if you worry too much about who invented the engine, or the color of the trim on the running boards, or whether you need to crank the engine to start the vehicle, or if it has an electric starter, you will take away from all the great travels and adventures that you can have on the road. We can go into great detail on the great politics behind the creation and structuring of this religion. We can parse / investigate / study / breakdown the various saints, and key figures of the religion. Not to mention Jesus himself. It is easy to believe that The Domain created this religion. But we did not. At least not like others have written about or implied. We have, however, contributed towards it's direction and guidance, and equally have been thwarted by selfish and evil, malevolent entities just as often. Keep in mind that at the time of the appearance of Jesus, The Domain was busy engaging in massive space battles inside this solar system. The creation of evasion techniques for the skin-suits in general population of this Prison Planet was a very low priority at that time. Though, there were minor efforts to direct the organizational aspects of the dogma. What was discussed in the "Alien Interview" was structured for the audience at that time. As there are truths and understandings, but often the real purposes and purposes are often occluded and confused though a handicapping of the true and actual situation. This is true with all the Q&A that we participate in. If you discovered that Jesus was a real person who was caught up in the tumultuous events of the time, or that he was actually a romantic figurehead used by greedy people at that time, does not matter. Knowing either "history" is a dangerous illusion and would derail your current great journey. I do not desire that. The car the you are driving right now is a perfected symphony. You do not need to know anything more than that. You need to focus on your driving skills and making it to your destination. So what if your fender has a few dings? So what if the muffler is a little noisy? Who cares is the seat has a spring poking out of it. This religion is serving a purpose and you are the result of it. You are, to be honest, magnificent. I will emphasize this; do not take your eyes off the road.
Personally, I haven’t a clue as to what the fuck he is talking about, and I really do not think that he answered the question. Which was “Who is Jesus”?
I do not know why he got so derailed on it. I do not know why he failed to answer the question. I also do not know why he was so guarded, evasive or circumambulating about it.
So I asked again. “What is the role of Jesus in the Prison Complex?”
Q: What is the role of the life of Jesus in the Earth prison complex?
There are two key points. [1] Jesus is a figurehead in a religion that has often been used as a trap to help keep the general population inmates stuck in the prison complex. The religion itself has been used as a distracting means, as well as a snare. It has also been used to divert IS-BE's away from their true nature. [2] It has also been instrumental in the sorting of service to other sentience's that will enable a great many IS-BE's to leave this prison complex. Taking the dichotomy of this issue, we can see that by following the directives listed in the biography of Jesus found in the "New Testament" will allow the trapped inmate behavioral goals, that will establish a Service-to-Others sentience, and thus be processed out of the complex quickly and efficiently. However, paying "lip service" to the Christian religion is a distraction and a trap. It will cause the IS-BE to entrench further into the physical reality trap that is the Prison Complex.
Ah. Don’t be a televangelist. Eh?
Then a finality to the subject matter; *end*.
What do you mean “I am not human”?
Earlier in the Q&A there was a statement made that I am not human. This is obviously false. As I look, act and think like a human, and live in a human society. Not to mention that I enjoy pizza, wine and pretty girls. So perhaps, I misinterpreted the comm.
Q: Please expand on the reasoning behind the statement that “I am not human”.
You are not human. You are neither a pure human archetype, nor an inmate "skin suit". You are a hybrid creation with elements of both, as well as constructions intended for utility by the Domain. (Image of a PPT presentation showing a "free and normal" human archetype. Followed by it being "changed" into a different kind of human; an inmate "skin suit". Then, changes to it with ELF, EPB and then a number of operations. The resulting figure on the PPT looks like neither the first Human archetype, nor the inmate "skin suit".) All of the members in your MAJestic sub-project are hybrid creations. Some, like yourself, have further refinements. While others are slightly retarded / backwards / not up to date /contemporaneous with the update software / coding / medical procedures / system enhancements. Additionally, all volunteers to The Domain (through MM here) that have agreed to work with us have also become hybrid creatures. They are no longer "inmate" human (appearing) skin suits. They have had one significant alteration to their inmate "skin suits". Some have had two or more. The severity of the changes is equated to their current dream states, feelings / emotions / perceptions. (I think that it means that the odder your experiences are; your feelings are; your dreams are; the more changes to your "skin suit".) In your case, you were altered for your role in our surrogate agency / utility /division (I think he means MAJestic) and then further altered with the addition of the EBP. So you have at least three layers of alterations. Certainly you might not appreciate the alterations, but we believe that they are necessary for the successful role that you play. Stop assuming that you are the same as everyone else. YOU ARE NOT. (It felt like he was stressing things to me like my old DI in the Navy.)
Locating a member of the “Lost Battalion”
Email sent to me:
This time I write to you in matters of the lost Domain Members and in kind of a personal as well. It's not me, I guess? No, could you ask your Domain Contact, if my pastry chef-teacher is/was a lost Member? I'm asking, because at the end of a really really weird and messy day over a bowl of soup my husband and I were talking about your Q&A and somehow I said that "If there is someone I've met, it would be him" and we instantly got goosebumps, adrenalin shot and I started sobbing. At this second I can feel the tears rising again. Sorry, this guy meant a hell of a lot to me and I just want to know... if they know?
I responded with this…
I will do so. One thing though. You need to send out "pings". The EBP allows communication from the Commander to me and back. That's it. Unless there's a location beacon, the Commander cannot do anything. All he will know is that I read and email from a follower that refers to another person also unknown. To send out a "ping"; For the next couple of nights before you go to sleep, just say the phrase "I am pinging the Domain Commander in assistance of a question to Metallicman". Say it out loud. And forget about it. The more often you do this, the easier it will be to locate you and the person who you are speaking of.
I was pinging the last nights before sleeping, and I think they came right after the first ping (friday night). Do you know if they got what they need? They were nice, but I freaked out. I really do apologize for that! I expected them to come, and I know what you say is the truth, but I still need time to let it all sink in. Sorry this also very wild babbling... I hope they can help my Chef!!!
Follow / track / surprise / smile / happy / unexpected
Accompanying "goosebumps". Unexpected and unknown. Not lost battalion member. Lost Domain member, unaccounted for. Not member of the Lost Battalion. Will investigate.
Strong emotional feelings. Nearly quake / shake. Big emotional attachment in the comm channel. This is apparently a very BIG deal in The Domain above. The impression that I have is that this is a long lost IS-BE and no one knows what happened to it.
He/she/it just disappeared.
And also that it’s an important person at that.
Impression is that it was assumed they entered a different universe. Now they see that somehow it was “sucked” into the Prison Complex somehow. Very much excitement.
Very, very much!
Follow up question sent up-pipe through my EBP comm to the Commander.
Q: Can you please provide me an update on this particular effort?
This is a very important, and surprising turn of events. This entity is a very important IS-BE associated with (The Domain parent organization) / sponsor organization? / upper-tier oversight operations? / a major role participant. (I get the impression of someone very highly revered and important; like Jesus or Buddha or some other being only far more capable and important than we can understand. Also that there is an organization that is higher, larger, older and more important than the Domain. ) I have alerted my superiors about this matter. We have set a series of events in motion. This discovery is very important and makes the need to resolve this prison planet environment ever so urgent. Obviously the presence of (garbled name. cannot make out) shows how important this area (geographic area of space) is, and greater efforts are needed to extract valuable entities from this region. (Image of a 3D image of the Milky Way galaxy, and a rippling like the image is on a rubber sheet. then a very heavy metal ball dropped on that sheet, making a deep dark black-hole like indentation.) (I also have the impression that this entity is part of something that spawned the Domain, and that this person has been missing of a long, long time. The impression that I have is that this person was assumed to be elsewhere, doing other things, and the fact that this person is here now in this prison planet environment is something very important.) Commander Message to the person who "pinged"; "Thank you. Do not worry. Things are going to be just fine from now on. We have this matter (in / on hand)"
And I will add; thank you for being a Rufus.
Being scammed by others
From a communication…
I have been debating with myself for some time to ask you the following - either dismiss this entirely or continue to read. I almost feel like this is the old "Ann Landers' advice column in the newspaper. Recently, I was scammed out of quite a bit of dollars. Two things I would like: 1) get my money back, and 2) get these criminals in a position where life is hell for them. I have included getting my loot back as one intention, but am hesitant to waste my time and effort to fuck the fuckers who fucked me (I apologize for the language, but that is how I feel). What would be best (besides getting $'s back) is if these criminals can make amends not only to me, but also to others who they have fucked, and rehabilitate themselves. There is decency in everyone, or so I believe, perhaps naively. Any advice or suggestions? A baseball bat could do wonders with life altering perspectives.
Posted late Monday evening at 10:30pm. Answer is as follows.
Encountering others who are evil, bad, or problematic is the norm in this prison environment. It occurs on all levels. From the micro to the macro. Many people just accept the crimes as the normal way of living life. However, periodically one such crime hits us and forces us to attend to it. And obviously we do not like it. There are numerous things that you can do, and obviously you are considering them. Your questions is which action would benefit your the most as an inmate in this prison environment. Consider a contemporaneous prison environment. One inmate scams another inmate. The options are [1] ask politely for the items, [2] “shank" them and kill them yourself. [3] Align or employ an inter-prison organization (gang) and ask them to recover your lost possessions, and obtain retribution, all at a cost. Or, [4] Ask the prison authorities for justice. What we suggest is counter intuitive. You are to isolate yourself from those bad and problematic individuals. Then (following MM advisement's in MWI control) (sic.) The solution is to control your MWI. [1] Add affirmations that extract justice for the crime; meaning that you get your lost wealth returned in what ever way is possible, and that those that conducted the ill deeds suffer consequences for it. [2] Modify the result to include time for "pain and suffering: with may be considered 10% to 25% of root value. Finally {3] isolation from any consequences of this request, with an understanding that the affirmation will manifest in a time window appropriate with and in alignment with, all your other / previous affirmations. (sic.) Take no other action. When it "feels" right, you may delete the affirmations from your periodic campaigns (sic.) Stop thinking about the event(s). The thoughts will prevent the initiation and manifestation of your affirmation campaign. So forget about it all. Just know that the results WILL manifest.
I can affirm that this is the best advice. -MM
Finally, on food.
One thing I enjoy is a real good loaf of bread and good expensive cheese.
Me too. -MM
If the wife permits, perhaps some good wine.
Me too. But my wife always approves of wine. Her only problem is the price. Wine prices are all trending upwards. -MM
That is enjoyable.
The western diet is full of toxins; anything that is pre-made, or comes in a ready to eat bag is not good for you (but perhaps very tasty).
Wise potato chips. Sigh. French fries with lots of salt. Lays "American style" chips with onion dip. -MM
40% of Americans will come down with some sort of cancer in their lifetime – good god, something is wrong with the environment and food source.
Absolutely. -MM
Good food,/diet has to be prepared from raw ingredients. Anything else will not be healthy.
There have been many case studies demonstrating that native foods are good and healthy, people do not get sick or need a doctor.
Once western food/diets have been introduced, health declines rapidly and doctor visits and sicknesses increase dramatically.
Healthy food comes from healthy natural soil, and not that found in chemical agriculture.
Creamy potato soup for super today, with only cream and cheese coming from the store.
Posted Monday in the evening. I had to phrase it as a question…
Q: With all the criminal elements jam-packed on the earth planetary environment today, what is the best and most worthwhile food suggestions you (The Domain) might have for a healthy long life?
We participated in the development of the human archetype. We designed humans to have a diet consisting of all the plants and animals that are provided on the worlds that they inhabit. The inmate "skin suits" have not deviated from this nutritional need. Fruits and Vegitables Fundamentally, eat a substantial quantity of your diet in fresh produce. This includes both fruits and vegetables. If you are not eating salads (whether precooked for five minutes or not) you are doing something wrong. There should be at least two salad majority meals in your diet every week. (Chicken salad, cob salad, Caesar salad with beef or another meat, tuna salad, etc. Keep the amount of sugary dressings to a minimum. Olive oil and vinegar are the healthiest. -MM) Removal of Toxins For all inmates in general population, note that it is important to lightly steam or cook the vegetables first before you make a salad. [1] Soak the vegetables in a bath of (a small / tiny amount of bleach) for 20 minutes. Then rinse off. (One cap lid of bleach for a sink basin of water.) [2] Cook or heat the vegetables before you add them to the salad. For tomatoes, let them sit in hot water for one to five. And so on and so forth. Lettuce can be lightly steamed for a few seconds before eating. This requirement is not a designed-in requirement for the human body archetype. It is a need that human inmate "skin suits" must do in the earth environment, because it is now a toxic environment. By lightly heating, steaming or cooking the vegetables you will help remove growth hormones, pesticides and GMO additions not yet integrated into the food element. Sea Food Eat fish. Cooked any way. Steamed is the healthiest, but the difference between pan fried and grilled is minuscule. Staples Maintain a staple of rice, potatoes or breads to supplement that diet. It does not matter which is involved or whether you need to prepare it a certain way. You need to make sure every meal consists of one such staple. This is important to aid in the digestion of the foods you eat. (Some societies such as American and European rely on breads as the staple. Others rely on potatoes. And many Asian cultures rely on rice. -MM) Do not follow fads There are many foods that can be a part of your diet that are generally not considered healthy by current popular culture. Cheese can be a significant part of your diet. As well as tofu. (no problems / complications / or other fears) In both instances, stick with the healthiest versions of those items. For cheese, stick with the light colored cheeses. Protein priorities For sources of protein, look towards nuts, eggs, meat, fowl, or fish. None of which is processed. If you cannot do that then, pre-frozen items can be used. Fresh food, obtained locally is the best. Canned, processed, or with additives for long-term storage are the worst. General guidelines Avoid ALL processed food. No sugar laden breakfast cereals. You can make your own oatmeal. Avoid all canned, or prepackaged or precooked food. Home made food Most meals should be made by your family, at home, using fresh ingredients that you select yourself. When cooking, make sure they are all cleaned, and then take your time will generally low temperature cooking over long periods of time. Quick meals are to be avoided as should be the use of microwaves and "instant foods". Restaurants Restaurant food should be for special occasions. Fast food should be avoided. If you cannot sit down and enjoy a meal, then something is seriously wrong with your lifestyle. When you do go to a restaurant, you should select the restaurant carefully and balance, [1] price, [2] environment, [3] food selection, and [4] companionship. Do NOT ever use only one criteria in restaurant selection. Prohibitions Avoid all GMO food. Avoid all food with injected hormones Avoid large quantities of sugar. Avoid large quantities of salt. Avoid reusing oil. (No fried foods from restaurants.) No/few/occasional potato chips. No/few/occasional deep fried anything. No/few/occasional sodas. No/few/occasional candy. No/few/occasional cakes. Alcohol An occasional coffee or tea is acceptable, but the questioner should limit the intake of beverages to one a day. This can be a singular coffee, a singular tea or one carefully selected soft drink. No more. You may drink wine in moderation. Red wine is the preferred drink. A man alone should have no more than one bottle of wine a sitting. A woman, half that amount. A couple should be able to drink two bottles of wine without problems. In all cases, it should be kept under three bottles a sitting. Otherwise it will cause problems. Beer and hard liquor are to be avoided. Please kindly refrain from smoking. Medicines Ask your doctor to consolidate your medicines. You want to take the least number of types of medicines as possible. Eventually reaching a point where no medicines are necessary. Hydration Drink a lot of water. You can add lemon slices, or other berries to the drink as you see fit. Warm to room temperature water is best. Meal Size Avoid all those mega-portion sizes offered by American chain stores or restaurants. Speed of Consumption Never rush when you eat. A meal should take from one to two hours to eat. Any meal that you consume under 15 minutes is not healthy. No matter what you eat, the time to consume the meal has a great deal of influence on how the food is digested. A work lunch under one hour is unacceptable. Humans, whether inmate skin suits, or pristine archetypes need to eat slowly and easily. Cooking Methodology Humans were designed to eat certain kinds of food, prepared in certain kind of ways. Steamed is the best. Fried in oil is the least desirable. When we constructed the human archetype it was designed to use the food items and elements that the human body would cohabit with. In the toxic stew of what the earth is today, very careful attention must be given to what is consumed; how it is prepared, and how it is eaten. These are not minor subjects. These are very important elements that must be incorporated in one's lifestyle.
Um. I’m in trouble. Sigh.
But I do agree. This is a point that has been pestering me all these decades. 。。
- [1] Stop drinking soft drinks and beer. Drink wine instead.
- [2] Stop eating potato chips. Eat potatoes and onions fried with some salt instead.
- [3] Stop eating hamburgers. Eat pork chops, steak or mutton instead.
- [4] Nothing fake. Use real butter.
- [5] Nothing fake. Eat real fresh bread. Nothing supermarket packaged.
- [6] No candy.
- [7] Cakes should be a rare item.
- [8] Eat fruit. At least have some bananas in the house.
Oh, and please, never eat alone. Eat with friend and family. And make it special. Noting makes me feel like a king than when I am eating a fine meal with a lady that is all beautiful and who has the proper amount of foundation on, wearing a most comfortable dress, and is just engaged in chatting with me. Ugh!!!
Manifesting signal
Ok, this was sent to me. I tried to figure it out, but I am not very clear on it.
Ultimately, the end-goal is to circumvent the malevolent (alterations to) / (control of) our internal systems, thereby allowing access beyond the Prison Aspect of our being. Correct? Like DM’s lucidity, right? What is the manifesting “signal” that makes me physically what I am? I would like to change THAT. Surely that is prohibited by the Prison Construct, right?
Q: What is the manifesting frequency / signal that makes “me” who I am?
(garbled / a lot of information. Confused. A bunch of slides of things thrown at me in rapid succession.) (Too much information and confusing. I simplified as...) The human inmate "skin suit" can be considered to be a very complex frequency. Yes, once you are able to control this frequency then you can change various aspects of it for egress out of the prison complex. This is one of the techniques that we use when (MM volunteers) others join our effort. We alter their inmate "skin suits" at different ways and means. (Images of things, and actions. I do not understand.) However, we are all influenced by our environment. Thus we are all influenced by the thoughts around us. ("M-band noise" from the Monroe report.) this alters the frequency interactions / (garbled) of our very being. It's like trying to dig a hole in sand, the deeper you go, the more sand falls in. This "manifesting signal" is how we are able to track inmates in the prison complex, find others outside of the reality universe, and perform alterations in the reality, (not clear) or in the surrounding universe. But it is not a simple thing. It is very complex. By changing the signal, you change your soul / IS-BE structure / consciousness / manifestation interaction with the universe that is being co-inhabited with. Thus it is a very dangerous thing to do. You have to know what you are doing and why.
It’s like making a cake. You can change from two eggs to three, or one spoon of sugar to three spoons. But when you change the flour to rice powder, the end result might be something quite different. – MM
I tell everyone, this is all very tiring and difficult for me to do. I really hate these long winded multiple part questions. What’s the matter? Doesn’t anyone read my guidelines? Some one setups a fake email and asks me unrelated questions with no personal impact on their own day to day lives? I am not a television trivia show.
No more multiple part questions. The next person who asks a multi-part question will be banned.
I was thinking about Reiki, some “dark” questions appeared: Question 1; Is this interaction with “energy” related to the consciousness? With the “soul” or the “spirit”? Question 2: Is Reiki just another control method set in place by the “Old Empire”? Question 3: Is this useful only in the prison complex? Question 4: Is this “energy” or Qi (Chi) able to interact with garbons or other low-level components of the non-physical? Question 5: Is there a real correlation between physical feelings and spiritual feelings? Question 6: A soul or consciousness is able to “get sick” beyond the physical environment? Question 7: The most important one: Why we humans know so little about the relationships between soul, consciousness and body? We are just in the same spot we have been for thousands of years because of amnesia and control. I want to know how to put a consciousness in a container, at least theoretically. This is real technology and knowledge. I am sorry for all of this. This Reiki information is not useful, it may be classified as quackery.
Phew! If I answered all these questions, I would be busy for months. I am only going to answer one question. I am going to ask the last one; the “important” one.
Q; Why we humans know so little about the relationships between soul, consciousness and body?
It’s a refusal to answer.
I do not know why.
I suspect that it has to do with the questioner as the questions are “busy work” and will serve no one. However, I do not know if that is actually the case. It is possible that these questions are from someone who wants to fuck around with me. It might be the same person that did so previously.
In any event. The Commandeer refuses to answer. That is an absolute.
To the questioner; you know the answer. So why ask me?
Petrified about World War III
The interchange in this next dialog is a little bit strange, so I made it conversational so it would be much easier to read. The content, and the impressions are the same, it's just that multiple card desk items have been rearranged sequentially for ease of understanding. Referring to stacking, cards, and things like that are interpretations of multiple comm channels opening up and information overload being parsed through filters. I also use borrowed terms ;like Robert Monroe's "M band" with is a flood of background chatter that acts as a noise that needs to be filtered or organized.-MM
The warnings from my brother, and other intelligence sources indicate that things are moving forward towards a war and I am seemingly right on ground zero. Further events are taking place that add credence to his statements. Such as an Iranian tanker full of oil was turned back from entering Shanghai by a naval vessel. There’s provocation upon provocation and I don’t trust anything I read any longer.
I am starting to question my own chatter, and sensing equipment. (Skill sets, add on software and EBP stuff that I know how to use. I just simplify this equipment kit to “sensors” in this recorded dialog transcript. Though in the conversation we discussed specific parts and elements of this kit. -MM)
I would like some clear information on what is going on, of course – in reference to myself, but any other information that could be provided to MM readership would be appreciated.
Q: What are my chances of survival if the United States decides to start a war with China? And how does this influence other MM readers?
You have the tools to know what is going on and why. You are being insecure because your feedback from those you love and trust are giving you bad intel. You must remember your skills and put them to use. There is no one on the planet at this time that has better skills in this area than you do, and that includes all of your colleagues in the subprogram (MAJestic). The quantum changes (M band noise) has reached a directed frenzy. This goal is for a major war and conflict of long duration under specified operational parameters that will not occur. The best way to stop this train of events is to create a series of deep-dive slides, and that has become impossible to do at the present time. The systems / mechanisms / techniques / personnel are all off-line. Organized dives (sic.) are not possible at this time. The MWI (sic.) will evolve according to the pre-programmed event sequence. You cannot stop it. There are far too many variables and far too may interested parties / evil intent / pre-programmed mantid prime world-lines (sec.) that are moving with these issues. You ARE in the safest location possible given the great diversity of possible outcomes at this time. Do not doubt that. Further, note that The Domain will only risk consciousness swapping / jump in body / take over a body / operational cloning if the result has a strong probable result. At this time it resembles your experiences in Corpus Christi December 1983 (major world-line template cluster realignment. We avoided world war III with the Russians at that time.). Things are much more serious however, and there are too many thought clusters with too many varying outcomes to predict the most probable results. We do not want a radioactive result. We are working to prevent this scenario from occurring. However, the most probable event sequence will be one that includes nuclear detonations. However, there is a very high probability that most of China and the South Pacific will be spared from most of the damage. Of course all of this is fluid, and there are many forces / interests / non-physical / physical / mantid / evil that has set systems in motion for conflagration. All of our predictive anticipation programs show damage and dangers to the United States, and their allies. They are generating too many m-band / thought profiles / group consciousness vectors / world-line slides in favor of a major war. With the preventative measures that we have set up, all these thought vectors will redirect to the source; the United States and the people of the United States. For example; The United States attacked China with a bio-weapon. The effect is that China survived, but the United States is now under bio-weapon rampage. This "boomerang effect" is the result of (garbled / not clear /difficult to explain) and this give and take / attribute /resulting /configuration is to be expected in this current war situation. The mRNA inoculations are not a vaccine. It's a preventative measure for the next major attack. You know this. However, rest assured that it will not work as intended, and the predictive vector trends show clearly a very disastrous outcome. Use your skills and answer the following yourself... Q: What is the best scenario given your viewing of the MWI / world-line undulations?
Well. as best I can figure it would be no war, no nuclear or further biological exchanges, and a return to normalcy with the United States government replaced with something different that would deal with the needs of the American people and not get involved in War.
Q: What is your likelihood of that occurring. Quick answer. NOW!
Q: What is the worst scenario given what you see in the MWI and undulations on world-lines (sic.)? Use your skills. Fast answer. NOW!
MAD mutually assured nuclear destruction where America launches a full scale nuclear first strike, and China and Russia retaliate from their ruined nations. Additionally, North Korea destroys South Korea and attacks Japan. Pakistan attacks India, Russia destroys the European Union and the entire Middle East goes to war.
Q: What is the highest probability scenario based upon your sensory perceptions; ignoring the (M-band noise) / chatter that is clogging up your sensor feeds? Monitor your senses, on the count 3. 2. 1. Now!
(Noise chatter. So much M-band noise. Confusion. Misdirection. lines strained.) Searching. Searching.
Not bumpkus.
Some clarity.
China does not do anything overt. The United States grows impatient, and thus creates a “false flag” to set things in motion. (Nothing actually happens, so the USA creates a false event as an excuse to implement one of their multiple plans.) The Russian and the Chinese are waiting for this moment to arrive. Waiting on viable intel.
Then they will launch a first strike nuclear salvo (just right) before the United States can do anything that it plans.
They will do this at any point that the probability of success is over 85%. (The higher the probability of success, the sooner the Chinese event sequence will manifest. The trigger threshold will be 85%.)
Q: Using what you know, from all of your sensors, what is going on. Write it down, and do not edit for clarity. Do not scrub away what does not make sense. Put the raw feed down, and do not clean it up. Do it now.
Here goes.
America is planning multiple strike attacks and will implement the first viable one as the situation matures. The first strike nuclear hit destroying multiple main Chinese cities at once, and then fabricating a reason is amazing high on the probability scale. It is disturbing that it is being considered at this time, but the drivers are emotionally driven M-band folk with no scruples.
Meanwhile the Russian and the Chinese have already put into place a first strike plan and are getting systems in place to prevent the United States from launching nuclear strike counter attacks. This is the “counter plan”. This situation is at 72% readiness. So the Chinese and the Russians are feverishly trying to work to get things in place before the USA is ready to start a major conflict.
The United States is trying to prod and goad the Chinese into action, and will keep on pushing until something happens, then once the event occurs, a series of well planned attacks will take place. Everything is in place this week. This is the primary (American) approved plan. It will go nuclear the moment the Chinese react to provocations. They will fabricate an excuse if this timeline is delayed too long.
(Phew! I’m amazed that I was able to type so fast and quickly.)
That is what I sense. How accurate is it? Please scan and confirm my interpretations.
Interpretations are correct. You did not include the actions in Europe. Nor did you include the Israel connections and the things going on regarding with Iran, Pakistan, and Australia. But if you are weighing in data feeds based on M-noise chatter, then it is obvious that your intel is as good as we can get. As you can sense the entire issue with Australia is floundering and there is a dynamic that can swing to any extreme. Right now it looks like it will "die on the vine", but there are issues and events that could keep it aggressive alive and there is great concern that if the direction heads that way, that the worst case scenario can be realized. For Australia, it is the key unknown at this time. If the entire Morrison leadership effort collapses and there is a reverse in policy , the best scenario may be realized. So Australia is the dominant player in the unfolding of the current events train. Pakistan is moderating the India *wild card* and for now it appears that this situation is under control and free from problems. Europe is a wildcard, and the situation is changing daily. The United States is aggressively using every "trick in the book" to make the EU join in a war, but they are very reluctant to do so. Firstly because they don't want to upset China who remains their largest trading partner, but also they fear Russian retaliation because they know that Russia and China now operate as one. This was shown in Chinese support of all the political and diplomatic spats that Russia has had with Europe.
Q: Will you be able to take over a body and stop a “button being pushed”?
We can, but we will not. Not in this instance, and not at this time.
Q: Elaborate why.
All obstacles to the (counter) plan must be disabled.
Q: Even if it means that the earth will become a radioactive mess?
Yes. It is preferable that we prevent the ruin and destruction of the earth at this time, but there are too many variables involved, and far too many situations that all taken together render our ability to prevent a worst case scenario from occurring. Heaven (sic.) are expanding their entry systems to handle a large influx of IS-BE's into the environment and anticipate a heavy work load, but you knew that already didn't you?
I then went to sleep around 11:00pm.
At 2:45am I woke up after tossing and turning and all kinds of undecipherable things from the commander. Not dreams. Just messages going on and on and waking me up from a non-dream sleep.
Finally I was able to get this little bit that started to unravel a long garbled message train. (Don’t ask me to explain.)
...In absolute terms you were poisoned. Just like the scene from Breaking Bad. Ricin was used to interrupt things so that activities and event trains were prevented. You were provided with a physical body cold that serves to interrupt your ability to reset and initiate slides for anchoring events (sic.) Or to say it bluntly, you were deactivated temporarily so that a selection of critical events would not be interrupted.
It is true that I just got a seemingly bad cold suddenly yesterday. (Physical illness.) And when I have physical illnesses, many of my abilities are either no longer functional, or are interrupted to the point of dysfunction.
Something is going on now, and it must not be interrupted by me, nor am I permitted to influence it in any way.
Q: Who or what is neutering my abilities at this time, and why?
(Why) the mantids (sic.), of course.
Oh, my goodness, what a “can of worms” is now opened. Uh oh.
Q: Please elaborate
The "greater good" must be permitted to occur at this time so that a much worse sequence of events (in the future) can be prevented.
So, I recon, that if we allow a little bad now, it will act as a safety value to prevent a greater bad event in the future?
Q: Continue and elaborate please.
Yes. That is correct. Your abilities and those of a few others are now disabled so that nothing will interrupt a critical sequence of events from occurring. This sequence of events will (mostly) be transparent. (I won't be reading about them in any "news feeds", but will involve some very bad things, black operations and deaths.) For now, you and your MM colleagues will be safe. This sequence of events will set in place a "rocky" event train (sic.), and that some pre-planned events might require further disabling of your latent abilities. You need to avoid M-block thoughts, and influences to you. Be calm and don't get so "caught up" in the craziness that will start to manifest in the next few weeks.
The next few weeks?
Maybe things have been prevented, or set off to the side somehow, and a calmer, saner result might manifest. Perhaps?
Yes. More like sliding onto a different railroad track.
OK. I am going back to bed. I will continue all this in the morning.
Morning arrived. Still sick. Wife and kid woke me up early. Need to give our old dog his medicine first thing at the crack of dawn. Sigh.
All channels are quiet.
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All it takes is one really bad leader; the story of Braxton Bragg, The Confederacy’s Worst General
Have you ever wondered why some people become filthy rich while others remain poor for their entire lives? Ah, well if you haven’t you should of. It pretty much explains the nature of the universe, don’t you know.
Here we are going to look at a a “successful” loser.
We are going to tear his life apart, dissect it and study it. For we want to know how a person who was such a terrible General, so much that everyone realized it, that he still continued and was able to maintain his position without troubles of demotion. Why do some absolutely awful people get into such powerful positions?
No. This isn’t a rehash of the “Peter Principle”.
In the 1969 book, "The Peter Principle," authors Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull wrote that workers in a hierarchical structure get promoted to the level at which they are incompetent and stay at that level for the rest of their careers.
Well, I don’t have the answer to that question. It’s a complex one and involved many factors, but we can look at certain people. We can study them. And they we can see what we would do different if we were in their shoes. We must realize that we are not perfect, and that we have faults.
And the true man (or woman) in control of their life is one that knows their faults and compensates for them.
Why did the South lose the Civil War? That question has produced many books, lectures, and heated discussions from both historians and Civil War buffs. Now, it is my personal belief that all it takes is one bad leader to totally destroy a nation and lose a war. Indeed, the tales of all those cities that misjudged Genghis Khan can so very clearly illustrate this. Now, as far as the American Civil War goes, one of the many answers that could be given can be summarized in two words: Braxton Bragg.
Bragg achieved the rank of full general in the American Civil War.
With a military background, he quickly rose through the ranks after his adopted state of Louisiana seceded. (He was originally from North Carolina.) Early on, he led a group of volunteers in capturing a federal arsenal in Baton Rouge. During the first year of the war, he proved to be an apt troop trainer. He later became a corps commander under General Albert Sidney Johnston at the Battle of Shiloh. After Johnston was killed at Shiloh, he was succeeded by P. G. T. Beauregard. When Beauregard left his command for health reasons, Bragg inherited the leadership of the Army of Tennessee, which would be the primary Confederate military force in the western theater of the war.
Most people will not turn down a promotion, especially if it comes with greater pay and prestige—even if they know they are unqualified for the position.
Skilled in training troops and having earned praise for his leadership in early battles, Bragg seemed worthy of his rise in the ranks.
A terrible General
Yet, despite the early signs of success, General Bragg became a strong contender for the title of “worst high-ranking Confederate general.”
There is certainly no shortage of grist for the mill when making the case against Bragg. Quite a few of his fellow commanders, most of whom served under him, were contemptuous of his leadership.
- Artillery officer E.P. Alexander said that Bragg was “simply muddle headed.”
- On several occasions generals in his army sent letters to President Jefferson Davis asking that Bragg be sacked.
- General Frank Cheatham, after the Battle of Stones River, vowed never to serve under Bragg again.
- After that same battle, General John C. Breckinridge, seething over a failed charge Bragg had forced him to make, challenged Bragg to a duel.
Even General Forrest was infurated
Nathan Bedford Forrest was never known as a commander easy to work alongside, but his greatest outburst against a commander came after the Battle of Chickamauga. Having won a great battle, arguably in spite of his own actions, Bragg refused to follow up his victory with further pursuit of the Union Army. This was too much for Forrest. After nearly begging Bragg for the chance to put his cavalry on the heels of the Union troops, Forrest turned from supplicant to accuser. Forrest said, “You have played the part of a damned scoundrel, and are a coward, and if you were any part of a man I would slap your jaws and force you to resent it.” He then told Bragg that he would never obey any orders from him.
Historians hated him…
Historians have not been gentle with Bragg either.
- David Donald said Bragg was “tense, punctilious, arrogant, a martinet, and a dawdler.”
- T. Harry Williams said Bragg “lacked the determination to carry through his purpose.”
- Douglas Southall Freeman, after comparing Bragg with Robert E. Lee, pondered, “How different might have been the fate of Bragg and perhaps the Confederacy if that officer had learned . . . from Lee.”
- James McPherson said that it was “bumblers like Bragg” who lost the war in the west.
- Bruce Catton, with a little more balance in his observation, said, “Braxton Bragg was as baffling a mixture of ability and sheer incompetence as the Confederacy could produce.”
Even Bragg’s biographers were critical. Grady McWhiney said Bragg had “failed as a field commander,” that he had “no real taste for combat,” that he had no ability to inspire confidence in other commanders, that he was “notoriously inept at getting along with people he disliked,” and that he had failed to learn from his mistakes. To make matters worse, McWhiney noted that Bragg was “not lucky.”
The first volume of McWhiney’s biography, Braxton Bragg and Confederate Defeat, was published in 1969.
It was 1991 before the second volume appeared, and it was authored by one of McWhiney’s graduate students, Judith Lee Hallock.
This prompted another historian to speculate that McWhiney had found his subject “so nauseous that he abandoned the project.” Hallock disagreed, but she had her own criticisms of Bragg. She thinks his worst problem was his inability to establish and maintain group solidarity within his army. After noting other such problems as Bragg’s not being able to distinguish friends from enemies, not recognizing the abilities of his subordinates, and being a poor judge of character, she summed up his faults with this: “He could manage everything but people.”
Private Sam Watkins, in his outstanding memoir of Confederate service titled Company Aytch, expressed continual grumbling from himself and others about his service under Bragg. He said…
“None of Bragg’s soldiers ever loved him. They had no faith in his ability as a general. He was looked upon as a merciless tyrant.”
What was Bragg’s problem?
The answers and speculations are many. His health didn’t help his leadership duties. Migraine headaches, boils, and dyspepsia plagued him, especially in times of overwork and stress. He also suffered from rheumatism and nervousness.
Besides the responsibilities of leadership, Bragg was personally prone to drive himself relentlessly in his work. One general said he was “the most laborious of commanders, devoting every moment to the discharge of his duties.”
Bragg likely had psychosomatic problems as well. McWhiney said that at times Bragg “lost touch with reality.”
Compounding all this was his use of calomel, a mercury-based purgative, which had severe side effects. It is also possible that his physicians prescribed opium to Bragg for his ailments. That might explain some of his tendencies to lose track of what he was doing in the midst of a battle.
Halleck said it might also explain his paranoia toward fellow officers.
Grady McWhiney also attributes Bragg’s failures to his penchant for frontal attacks.
This was a topic that McWhiney developed more fully in his book Attack and Die and then repeated in his biography. Southern commanders were obsessed with frontal attacks, which were based on military tactics from previous wars.
Civil War weaponry had made such attacks extremely costly in terms of casualty counts. But if this line of argument is taken, it begs the question of why Bragg was unsuccessful when the same tactics were used by almost every other general in both Northern and Southern armies.
The Theater of War
Since Bragg’s command was in the western theater of the war, most of his battles were in Tennessee. In contrast with Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia which spent much of the war in a confined region of Virginia, the Army of Tennessee, Bragg’s command, covered a wider area and suffered from greater hardships in terms of supply and support from the Confederate government. Bragg was given a near impossible task in defending Tennessee and the western Confederacy.
Consider also the size of the armies of the Civil War.
George Washington led about 15,000 men at the most during his years in the American War for Independence. Andrew Jackson won the Battle of New Orleans with less than 6000 men. Bragg and other full generals were commanding armies four times the size of Washington’s army and ten times the size of Jackson’s.
Bragg is usually given high marks by the historians for his ability to organize and supply his troops. His West Point education and experience in the Mexican-American War had equipped him for leadership. But the logistics and demands of leading an army of such size was beyond even most trained military officers.
Primarily, it was battlefield actions that unhinged Bragg.
Bragg tended to lose his grip on the reality of what was happening in the proverbial “fog of battle.” He judged victories as defeats and defeats as victories. He was indecisive when decisiveness was needed and was decisive when discretion was needed. He exasperated his commanders, lashed out at them at the wrong times, closed his ears to their counsel, and generally destroyed any chances of coherent, unified leadership.
Wins and Losses…
Bragg failed in the western campaign.
He lost Stones River and Perryville and abandoned Chattanooga.
He failed to follow the unexpected and decisive victory at Chickamauga and was not able to hold the seemingly unconquerable defensive position on Lookout Mountain. But then what commander in the west did succeed?
Albert Sidney Johnston lost his life and the Battle of Shiloh.
John Pemberton lost Vicksburg.
John B. Hood abandoned Atlanta and went on to destroy the Army of Tennessee in his epic failures at Franklin and Nashville.
Joseph E. Johnston was perhaps the best commander in the west, but his record was one of strong defenses followed by skilled retreats.
Was Bragg a total failure?
That question calls for a lot of reflection that goes beyond the complaints of his subordinates.
History has not been kind to him.
It is hard to imagine fans of the Confederacy decorating their walls with pictures of Bragg or naming their sons “Braxton” in his honor. To a large degree, McWhiney was on target when he said that Bragg was simply just not lucky.
It’s easy for us, sitting in our comfortable chairs, to judge a man for his deeds or misdeeds over a hundred years ago. But that is not what we are doing here. We are trying to learn from his mistakes, and in so doing, imagine what we would have done differently were we to be in his place.
Here is a man that was very good in military logistics, and was promoted over and over again for various reasons. Eventually reaching the rank of General.
And in that role, he was a failure.
This could happen to anyone, and everyone. Just because you can fix a race car engine, does not mean that you have the ability to be a race car driver. Or if you are a wonderful cook, that you can create and expand a large chain of fast food restaurants. Or, more contemporaneously, if you are quite adept at building casinos and golf courses, you might not be qualified to lead a nation as big as the United States.
Which is a law, I believe that is missing in Robert Greene’s “48 Laws of Power”, which should be “know your limits, and know your strengths”.
To be successful you need to build up, or compile a small group of people that have strengths to complement your weaknesses. If you are strong in organization, but weak in finance, you need to find a strong finance person to work with. And if you are and the finance person are weak in Sales, perhaps you should consider adding a strong and experienced salesman to your group.
This is what Ronald Regan did when he was President of the United States, he staffed competent people, and then managed them. This is what Xi Peng is doing today.
Do not believe that you know everything and that your decisions are always ideal. That is a fantasy.
The idea that one lone person can do it all, and be the ultimate best is a uniquely American fantasy. It is false. Don’t ever believe that you are in your role or position because you are somehow “special” or that “God granted you that position”. Instead look at what you need to make your situation a success, and realize too that your weakness can absolutely kill any prior “good” work that you have accomplished.
Do not fall into the narcissistic trap of self-superiority. Do not believe that you, and only you, knows how to do things. That is an illusion.
Work as part of a team toward well-defined and common goals. You will succeed.
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Why are Americans so Angry?
Face it. The U.S. government no longer belongs to the people and it no longer represents them. This causes a rage, an anger because Americans feel helpless. You see, there is absolutely nothing they can do about anything. Nothing. Americans are absolutely powerless, and the ballot box is simply a facade.
One reason the American public is so passive relates to the fact many people live in a state of willful denial. To admit your country runs more like the Corleone family than some famed tome of Greek political-philosophy is a difficult step to take. To admit this means you’re either going to cower in a corner and hope to stay safe, or you’re going to do something about it. Many people still don’t want to do anything about it, so they continue to exist in a comfortable mental and emotional narrative of what they want to believe the U.S. is, as opposed to reality. -LibertyBlitzkreig
It is no longer possible to redress grievances in America. At best you will be ignored. At worst you will be shot dead and killed.
Take note, this uneasy feeling is not misplaced. It reflects the real state of affairs. It’s a very sad thing to say. But, yes. Yes. We have lost the government we learned about in civics class.
You’ll squeal like stuck little piggies when Real Americans finally get themselves a bellyful, and some of that same mostly-peacefulness that far too many of us have already experienced from your side gets unleashed upside your heads for a change. Glad to hear it; that means the Second Amendment, against all odds, is still working as intended. It also suggests there might actually remain some small hope, however minuscule, of you frothing fascists coming to your senses and stepping back from the brink before it’s too late. People like you are precisely whom the Founders warned us about; the 2A was written not to protect anybody’s right to hunt but to act as a deterrent to your kind, a last line of defense should you fail to heed its warning at last. Your fear is wise and proper. May God grant that you never lose or dismiss it—for ALL our sakes. -Cold Fury
Oh yes. It was a great ideal while it lasted. It sounded so perfect with its democratic election of representatives. With the representatives compelled to do the voters’ will in framing laws. And one in which the president vows to execute faithfully, unless (of course) the Supreme Court rules them unconstitutional.
That small government of limited powers that the Founders designed, hedged with checks and balances, hasn’t operated for a century at least. While you can trace many contributors back even further, the real America; the one described in the Constitution, was eviscerated back a hundred years ago.
Of course, all its parts still have their old names.
And yes, indeed, they still appear to be carrying out their old functions.
They appear to be functional…
Yet in fact, a new kind of government has grown up inside the old structure. It’s insidious. It’s like those parasites hatched in another organism that grow by eating up their host from within, until the adult creature bursts out of the host’s carcass.
This transformation is not an evolution. It’s an usurpation.

The Government today…
“I believe that to pursue the American Dream is not only futile but self-destructive because ultimately it destroys everything and everyone with it. By definition it must, because it nurtures everything except those things that are important: integrity, ethics, truth, our very heart and soul. Why? The reason is simple: because Life/life is about giving, not getting.” -Hubert Selby, Jr., Requiem for a Dream (Preface 2000)
What has now largely displaced the Founders’ government is what’s now called the “Administrative State”. It’s a horrible, horrible, monster. It has all the characteristics of all the worst aspects of the human experience.

Over the last twenty years we have watched this monster burst forth from it’s host. Those, whom we have elected to control this beast, were consumed by it. Perhaps, the election of Donald Trump was the final, last middle finger and effort to control this beast.
Every single institution in the United States is either actively malicious toward the American people, or a complete scam—and often both. - From Darren Beattie at American Greatness
So far it looks like the monster is far too big. It appears that radical surgery will be necessary to medically control the monster. It will not be surgical. It will be messy and quite ugly.
It will be nasty.
How this monster came about…
It’s a transformation that was premeditated by its main architect, Woodrow Wilson.
I am a "conspiracy theorist". I believe men and women of wealth and power conspire. If you don't think so, then you are what is called "an idiot". If you believe stuff but fear the label, you are what is called "a coward". — Dave Collum (@DavidBCollum) July 19, 2019
The destruction of the United States government, as established by the Founders in 1776, was premeditated by its main architect, Woodrow Wilson.

Yes, that thin-skinned, sanctimonious college-professor president.
You know the one. The self-righteous smug know-it-all who thought himself enlightened far beyond the citizenry he was supposed to represent.
This jerk-off had no respect for the Constitution, or for his fellow Americans. When he wasn’t trying to ship young men off to distant wars to die, he was busy rewriting the Constitution in his own image.
An image, that I must make clear, had no resemblance at all to the original Constitution signed in 1776.
Take a look at how he wanted to be remembered…

A “Living Constitution”
He laughingly dismissed the Declaration of Independence’s inalienable rights as so much outmoded “nonsense”.
- He viewed individual Rights as nonsense.
Further, he rejected the Founders’ clunky constitutional machinery as obsolete.
- He viewed the Constitution as an obsolete document that needed to be replaced with a modern progressive one.
What a modern enlightened country needed, he said, was a “living constitution”. It was a construction that would keep pace with the fast-changing times. It would do so by continual, “Darwinian adaptation”, as he called it. He achieved this goal by fundamentally altering the Judicial Branch.

You see, he wanted things to change often and fast. A Constitutional Convention was far too slow for his vision. Instead he worked out a scheme in which the Judicial Branch would be the key element to institute change.
In effect his changed empowered the federal courts to act as a permanent constitutional convention.
- He changed the Justice Branch to act as a permanent constitutional convention.
A new modern progressive America.
Modernity, Wilson thought, demanded efficient government.
So, in his progressive mind, an efficient government would be one run by independent, nonpartisan, benevolent, hyper-educated experts. It would be run by trained experts cultivated to fit the political mold that he would create.
Sounds good, right?

These experts would apply the latest scientific, economic, and sociological knowledge to solve the various issues that can occur when running a nation. He strongly believed that the industrial revolution created unprecedented problems. Problems that were too complex for self-governing free citizens to solve.
- He created the bureaucracy that the United States government relies upon. With NO oversight. He assumed that the organization would be self-policing and self-governing.
But not only that. Without wasting any time, he got Congress to create additional executive-branch administrative agencies. Such as the Federal Trade Commission, to start running administrative tasks.

FDR feeds the monster.
While he might have started this nightmare, other progressive presidents expanded upon it. It was in their benefit. The more they expanded upon it, the greater the power that they could wield.
For instance, during the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) proliferated such agencies.

This started from the [1] National Labor Relations Board and the [2] Federal Housing Administration to the [3] Federal Communications Commission and the [4] Securities and Exchange Commission. All of which were fully intended to put the New Deal into effect.
- Using the administrative agencies as a baseline, subsequent presidents created many such specialty agencies.

Packing the Supreme Court
The problem with this, however, is that all these agencies (that he created) violated the Constitution. Which was, as I must remind the reader, intended to support a small limited government. Let me repeat;
All these agencies are in violation of the Constitution as written in 1776, and every time they were constructed and put in place, the Supreme Court ruled them unconstitutional.
- When the Supreme Court ruled that the actions of the President was unconstitutional, he changed the composition of the court to be more progressive and agree with his policies.

Thus, FDR had altered the Constitution.
He had to stretch the Constitution’s Commerce Clause beyond recognition. Which he did by changing the Supreme Court in fundamental ways. These changes allowed him to change the meaning of the Commerce Clause.

Abuse of the Commerce Clause
FDR packed the Supreme Court with people friendly to his progressive vision. As such they made rulings which altered the meaning of this clause. Thus, this clause now had a new meaning. The new progressive meaning now puts the federal government in charge of all economic activity, not just interstate transactions.
- FDR, though his revised SCOTUS, redefined the Commerce Clause to mean “everything“.
FDR also had to pressure the justices to allow Congress to delegate legislative power. This was, in effect, what the lawmakers did by setting up agencies with the power to make binding rules. The Constitution, of course, vests all legislative power in Congress, empowering it to make laws, not to make legislators.
- FDR enabled Congress to delegate their powers to Federal Agencies.
Every single institution in the United States is either actively malicious toward the American people, or a complete scam—and often both. - From Darren Beattie at American Greatness
These changes radically, and profoundly, affected the economic makeup of the United States.

But the Administrative State’s constitutional transgressions cut deeper still.
Changing the nature of Justice…
Think about it. As per the 1776 Constitution; if Congress can’t delegate its legislative powers, it certainly can’t delegate judicial powers either. The 1776 Constitution reserves this power exclusively to the judiciary.
But now it’s a whole new “ball game”. Now, after these administrative agencies make rules like a legislature, they now then can exercise judicial authority like a court. They can do this by prosecuting violations of their edicts and inflicting real criminal penalties, such as fines and cease-and-desist orders.
FDR’s alterations fundamentally changed the nature of crime, law, and justice.
- Crimes now no longer require a victim or an aggrieved person. Anyone can now get arrested for anything.

The Separation of Powers redefined.
All of these changes severely redefined the separation of powers that the United States Constitution defined.

Now, today, as the agencies can now perform all these functions, they also violate the principle of the separation of powers.
After all, if congress has the power to make laws, and they delegate that power to an agency, then whoever controls that agency now has the power to make laws instead. The power has been transferred to someone else elsewhere.
The separation of powers lies at the heart of our constitutional theory. Though, ivory-tower president Wilson believed that it really was just senselessly curbing efficiency.
- Without a clearly defined separation of powers, there becomes no limit to the growth of the Federal Government.
Democracy doesn’t die in darkness; it dies when our institutions shred their mandate to serve us and start serving themselves. And that’s all they do – serve themselves. -Townhall
So now, we have a government that fits this progressive template. It’s “efficient” and “modern”, and “progressive” arrangement. You can see simply by looking at the organization charts.
Social Services…

The ACA, ObamaCARE agency…

Due Process of Law changed.
This collapse of the separation of powers also severely altered the due process of law.
Fifth Amendment in the Bill of Rights For they trample the citizen’s Fifth Amendment right not to lose his property unless indicted by a grand jury. As well as to be tried by a jury of his peers. Fourth Amendment in the Bill of Rights Today they can search a citizen or a company’s private papers or premises, without bothering to get judge-issued subpoenas or search warrants based on probable cause. Which is, of course, a Fourth Amendment protection.
- Changing the due process clause, eviscerates the Bill of Rights protections.

Laws can be selectively enforced…
The government can now issue waivers to their rules. The end result of this is that the law is not the same for all citizens and companies but is instead an instrument of arbitrary power.
- FDR made sure that laws can be arbitrarily applied.
Rule of law in America? Don’t be ridiculous. There are rulers and the ruled. Which bucket do you think you’re in? -Liberty Blitz
FDR himself ruefully remarked that he had expanded a fourth branch of government that lacked constitutional legitimacy. Not only does it reincarnate the arbitrary power of the Stuarts’ tyrannical Star Chamber, but also it doesn’t even meet the minimal conditions of liberty that Magna Carta set forth 801 years ago.
In modern usage, legal or administrative bodies with strict, arbitrary rulings and secretive proceedings are sometimes called, metaphorically or poetically, star chambers. This is a pejorative term and intended to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the proceedings. The inherent lack of objectivity of any politically motivated charges has led to substantial reforms in English law in most jurisdictions since that time. -enacademic.com
- Rulings on laws can now be made with strict, arbitrary rulings.
Basically, the best-case scenario here is that our government is unbelievably incompetent, not a particularly soothing thought. But the alternative is that it is corrupt and criminal in ways we can barely imagine. There’s an even less soothing thought. I can’t wait until these Einsteins take over my health care and are no longer restrained by the citizen veto of the guns we bitter normal people have, so far, wisely clung to. The fact is you cannot trust our institutions. They are not, and have not been, operating in the interests of Normal Americans for quite some time. They have degenerated into seedy scams run by, and for the benefit of, a garbage ruling caste that inherited the most powerful society in human history and seems determined to do in a couple generations what the Romans took a few hundred years to do – squander it. Look at our useless Department of Justice. It gave Hillary a pass and basically rubbed it in our faces. If you or I pulled the classified material shenanigans she did, we’d could have been Epstein’s federal pokey pals. But James Comey – who we were duly informed by the smart set was a paragon of integrity – let her walk. Later, that Looming Doofus distributed classified material to his media pals to undermine the president we rubes elected and who he did not approve of, and so far he’s walking too. There are rules for them, and rules for us, and that’s not exactly going to reinforce our faith in our DOJ’s commitment to justice without an agenda, is it? -Townhall
- The government can protect itself, and go after those that question it’s abuses.
The Progressive onslaught…
Adding insult to injury, Wilson, his allies, and their current followers call themselves “progressives“. This is for certain a fatuous boast implying that they are the embodiment’s (and chosen instruments of the spirit) of an ever-improving, irresistible future.
- The goal of all these changes is to make a more “progressive” America.
These “progressives” claim to be marching toward an as-yet-unrealized goal of human perfection.
Now, that perfection, the original German philosophers believed, would look something like Prussia’s enlightened despotism. Progressism would manifest as “enlightened despotism”.

- A “Progressive America” is one ruled by an enlightened despot. The people would live in this utopia as serfs.
I will repeat. The idea, and the end-game for the progressive utopia is for the feudal-model. There are a very small band of rulers, with a supporting cast of assistants, and the rabble. The rabble will be further grouped into the slave-class, the serf-class, and the utility-class.
But this is America, “The Land of the Free”!
For Americans to think that it is progress to move from the Founders’ revolutionary achievement…
...a nation of free citizens, endowed with natural rights, living under laws that they themselves have made, pursuing their own vision of happiness in their own way and free to develop as fully as they can whatever talent or genius lies within them...
…to a regime in which individuals derive privileges granted to them from a benevolent government superior to them is contemptible.
It’s an ugly monster.
Seriously now. How in heck, is a return to serfdom an advance on freedom?
How is being a serf, in any way, being free?

No lover of liberty should ever call such left-wing statism “progressive.” In every way. From every angle, it is a regression towards an environment of a ruler class, and a serf class. In historical terms, this elevation of state power over individual freedom is not even “liberal” but quite the reverse.
It is now quite obvious.
And it is quite dangerous. Dangerous to everyone.
It’s a wreck. That’s the legacy of our elite. We did not do that. Our alleged betters did that – it’s on them. Yeah, I know Trump’s our president – and he has been for about 30 months. This disaster didn’t start when Trump swore in, and he’s not going to be able to hose it out anytime soon. But at least he’s trying. We elected Trump because we couldn’t ignore the unfolding disaster any longer. -Townhall
The United States today is in a serious situation.
In any sociopolitical project aimed toward a preconceived end, there’s a “point of no return,” after which the result must be either complete success or devastating failure. There’s no going back to try for some other end. Once past the point of no return, it’s win or die. The Left has taken us past that point. -Baston of Liberty

Not only have all these agencies grown in size, became corrupted, and expanded their power with zero limits, but they have not aged well. Like a cancer they have metastasized.
As these agencies have metastasized, they have borne out not a single premise that justified their creation. You now have the FDA preventing the implementation of 99.99% of all new medications. (This remains true even though many of the new medications would functionally perfectly well for 99% of the population.) You have TSA screening that violates fundamental rights within the Bill of Rights, and you have the IRS that blatantly violate fourth amendment protections with casual aplomb.
All this hasn’t gone unnoticed. Indeed, their increasingly glaring failure has drawn citizens’ angry attention to them.
And of these “experts” that run these agencies…
As a New Deal congressman immediately recognized with shock, many of those who staffed the Administrative State were kids just out of law school, with zero real-world experience or technical knowledge. Today, once people find a seat within a government agency, they need not worry about being up-sized, downsized, laid-off, fired, or suffer though down-turns, to right-sizing. They do not need to perform. They can relax and provide a minimum of effort.
They can become slothful, and many take advantage of this situation.

- The Scale of FBI and DOJ Corruption is Beyond comprehension
- FBI Stonewalls Corruption Probe | Power Line
- Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DOJ, IRS, and FBI
- Obama IRS Corruption Update
- 2015 FIFA corruption case – Wikipedia
- FBI In Free-Fall Collapse Under Comey’s Lack Of Leadership
Alleged sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein received far more jail work-release privileges about a decade ago than the public previously knew, according to records released Friday. At one point in 2009, Epstein’s already generous work-release agreement was modified to allow him to leave Palm Beach County Jail seven days a week, for up to 16 hours a day — including two hours per day at the Palm Beach mansion where he previously sexually abused dozens of minor girls, records from the Sheriff’s Office reveal. Epstein’s suicide while facing sex trafficking charges in New York six days ago has not stopped scrutiny about Epstein’s time in Sheriff Ric Bradshaw’s custody after Epstein pleaded guilty to two state prostitution counts in 2008. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is conducting a criminal investigation into how the Sheriff’s Office and former state prosecutor handled Epstein back then. The Sheriff’s Office released the expanded Epstein case file Friday in response to a public records request. Epstein was the only sex offender among 21 inmates in the work-release program at the time, and his approval for the program both surprised and concerned federal prosecutors, records show. State Sen. Lauren Book, D-Plantation, led the calls for an FDLE investigation, noting how “Epstein enjoyed an unprecedented and deeply troubling level of leniency and luxury while incarcerated by PBSO … We need answers if we want accountability.” - Jeffrey Epstein’s special treatment in jail was far more lenient than anyone knew
Modern and efficient?
Can-do America, free of government agency restrictions, can build the Empire State Building in 11 months and ramped up airplane production during World War II from 2,000 in 1939 to nearly 100,000 in 1944. But now, under the oppressive government, now takes years of bureaucratic EPA busywork to do the simplest of actions. Say, to repair a bridge or lay a pipeline. Now, who knows how many businesses never expand or even start because the maze of government regulation is too daunting and costly to navigate?
Nothing is more glaring than the corruption that siphoned $77 billion dollars from High Speed Rail, and left us with 15 miles of track in the middle of nowhere, and a fiberglass and cardboard mock up of a locomotive.

Serving the people, as benevolent?
Benevolent? As in non-political?
Ask Lois Lerner at the Internal Revenue Service.
Oh wait: she pleaded the Fifth Amendment. Oh yes, and her boss, John Koskinen, simply ignores Congress’s orders. He does as he wishes, for without any controlling oversight, you can have your very own fiefdom.
- The Agencies and the Federal Government no longer serves the people. Instead it serves the wealthy oligarchy.
You are right, our govt is a mafia/gangster state. I’ve read that pedopilia networks are a part of all govts and they will do anything & everything to cover it up, including destroy people’s lives, their careers, family, and murder to cover evidence. Schaeffer Cox , an AK resident Patriot, was exposing pedophila at the AK state level. The FBI came and ‘staged’ an event to indict Cox, set up a ‘kangaroo court’ to convict him, including omitting critical evidence that would have proven him innocent. He was sentenced to 26 years in a maximum security prsion in IN, rarely gets to see his wife and young children. This is a young man who was completely innocent. Most of his life will be wasted in a prison cell. Our govt is as corrupt as it gets. -Carolyn McDowell
Representative of the people it serves?
And it is a fiefdom.
The Constitution specifically warns and prevents the placement of military on American soil (to be used against Americans), even as more than 2,000 of his enforcement agents have acquired military-grade weaponry, among 200,000 of such administrative-agency officers now similarly equipped with lethal arms, presumably for coercion of the citizens they supposedly serve.
"From and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress; . . . " - The Posse Comitatus Act in 1878
Renaming a grinder (also known as a po-boy, subway, and torpedo) and calling it a sandwich, does not change it’s function, or appearance. A military force is a military force.

- Renaming something does not change it’s functional utility.
Protecting Citizens?
Protecting citizens? What about from industrial capitalism’s giant corporations?
Where were the [1] Securities and Exchange Commission, [2] the Federal Reserve, [3] the Office of Thrift Supervision, and [4] the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight as the mortgage bubble blew up in 2008?
Asleep at the wheel. Obviously.
It was such an massive failure in oversight, that it lies completely withing the realms of criminality. This fiasco was horrible, nearly taking the whole financial system with it and producing the worst economic bust since the Great Depression. It was so horrible, that even today has sunk the labor-force participation rate and hiked the suicide rate among working-class men and women to record levels.
These agencies have become tools of the wealthy.
- These Federal Agencies are the de-facto tools to control Americans for the benefit for the wealthy.
"Moreover, from the establishment of the first administrative agency—the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1887, essentially designed to create shared railroad cartels—these agencies have been key instruments of crony capitalism, which today often takes the form of senators and congressmen pressuring agencies for rule changes or waivers to benefit their contributors, usually at the expense of their competitors as well as the public, as the author of the recent Confessions of Congressman X complains of his fellow legislative “puppets.” "
Little wonder that today’s Americans think that such people don’t represent them.
Pollsters report that trust in government is at its lowest level ever, with only 19 percent expecting government to do the right thing, according to Gallup and Pew polls.
- Americans’ Trust in Government to Handle Problems at New Low
- Trust in government: 1958-2015 | Pew Research Center
- Survey: American public’s trust in government
- CNN Poll: Trust in government at all-time low
- Poll: 1 In 5 Americans Trusts The Government : NPR
- Trust in Government | Gallup Historical Trends
- Trust in Institutions | Pew Research Center
Protecting Health and Safety?
Ensuring the citizens’ health and safety?
Consider the TSA. As for the infamously dysfunctional Transportation Security Administration, its Keystone Kops’ regularly reported inability to spot journalists carrying banned weapons onto airplanes, no government official takes action. Why? They are too busy fondling travelers’ private parts or undressing grannies, is a standing national joke—on us.
We lost our constitutional safeguards for this?

FDR spewed out his agencies in a “try anything” spirit to cure a Depression that his predecessor’s misguided palliatives had worsened. Now, the debate still surges over whether the New Deal agencies did harm or good, instead of considering their doubtful legitimacy.
- America needs to erase all the progressive “improvements” that are destroying the nation.
But America is just fine with “good intentions”
Well, that is the conventional belief. How do we know? Well the media tells us.
- The mainstream American media is owned by five people. All of whom are members of the wealthy elite oligarchy.
Then came Obama…

Today, however, it is obvious to see all the actions and activities of Obama when he was in office. he conducted many ploys and techniques to expand and extend the Government control over the citizenry. Today people see his actions as a cynically calculated ploys to extend government’s power over the people.
On the pretext of addressing the financial crisis, the administration partially socialized American medicine with legislation that only Democrats voted for. (Of course) without bothering to read it. With the American citizens who opposed the measure—still a solid majority of those polled—saw it as a kind of coup d’état, against them.
It was framed with utter irresponsibility and ignoring the scary financial mess.
As happened during the New Deal, a timid Supreme Court found the act constitutional only by the politically driven concerns.
It struck many as flimflam, not government by consent.
New Agencies in abundance…
The result was a spectacular expansion of the Administrative State, with some 150 new agencies and commissions created (no one knows the exact number).
And these agencies purposely removed the Administrative State even further from government by the people.

One agency, the Independent Payment Advisory Board (the so-called death panel) is so democratically unaccountable that Congress can only abolish it by a three-fifths vote in both houses within a seven-month period next year.
After that, the law bars Congress from altering any of the board’s edicts, a provision as far from democratic self-government as you can get.
- It is now easy to create independent agencies with no oversight.
- It is now difficult to remove agencies when they are problematic or are of no value.
Stimulus program scams…
To keep the American citizenry compliant with an out of control government, they offer all sorts of “free things”. Much as how you give a sugar cube to a horse from time to time. These “free things” are often in the form of “stimulus programs”.
The public idea of a “stimulus program” is a system to take money directly from the government and apply it selectively to key areas in the economy. Or, in other words, to the people in key important areas that need financial backing.
BTW. Our nation was founded on the premise that everyone was equal and that equal treatment for everyone equally would be protected. Selective "gifting" of money, for any reason, goes absolutely against the core principles of the Constitution.
As for the Obama “stimulus” that was supposed to give a Keynesian boost to the economy: since you can’t prove a negative, no one can show that if all that money had stayed in the private economy. No one could show that. It should have created more jobs and economic growth than the economically anemic Obama era has done.
What unemployed or underemployed workers saw, though, is that a good portion of stimulus money went elsewhere. It went, instead, to protect the jobs of public employees. Not to assist people in the private sector.
Coal miners saw that, even as the administration aimed to kill their jobs, its "stimulus program" instead, shoveled out hundreds of millions of dollars elsewhere. The huge bales of money went to the now-defunct Solyndra and other nonviable, crony-capitalist “green” energy companies.
Ah, the “green hoax”, read about it here…

For some reason, I attribute to greed, these supposed solutions to a global-warming crisis is fiercely defended by Washington Insiders and key-people working in these Federal agencies.
There are some two dozen public officials who seem keen to suppress, Inquisition-style, the very utterance of the thought that “climate change” is a money-making scheme founded on a hoax. And those individuals that defend this hoax the loudest live within America’s three highest-income counties. Of course, which are in the Washington suburbs that house the federal government’s recession-proof functionaries.
Of course.
America’s highest-income counties are in the suburbs that house Washington’s recession-proof functionaries.
More and more…
There are many, many things wrong with the United States today.

Everything from “open borders”, to serfs earning money to pay for the dreams of oligarchs elsewhere in the world. We can parse the various issues, of course. We could discuss the Trump wall. We could talk about the off-shoring of American industry. We could go round and round about the abuses by the Clinton’s, and the mainstream media with tries to herd Americans into any matter of pre-defined traps.

We can discuss our bloated military that is way… way… outside the pervue of a defensive military. We can discuss our involvement in Syria, Yemen, Iran, and all those other nations that have zero impact in the lives of Americans. We can talk about how big pharma and their lackeys in the government work hand in hand to steal from us.
The last 100 years.
For the last 100 years, the progressive sickness has infested our government, our lives and our society.
- Fully functional traditional conservative families had to split up to enable both parents to work.
- Everything in America now is either regulated, taxed, or has to be paid for in fees. Even extending to water.
- The wealthy have gotten filthy rich.
- The middle class has all but disappeared.
- There is zero privacy in all methods of communication, and in all public or private locations.
- Most Americans cannot save, or support a family on a single person income. (The historical norm.)
- Private ownership of property no longer exists; except in name only.
- The Bill of Rights no longer functionally exists.
It is so outrageously bad that there are more freedoms in Communist China than anywhere in the United States. That’s pretty darn bad. And, very, very disgustingly sad.

Rather than "poo, poo" that statement. Click on the link and learn something new for a change.
Why bother?
Why bother indeed. It is obvious to all except those who profit personally from this broken, corrupted monster of a nation. It must change or be allowed to die.
- America must change or be allowed to die.
Americans will either [1] accept to live under a King as serfs as they have been doing under progressive enlightenment, or [2] they will need to kill the beast.

There are NO OTHER options.
In any sociopolitical project aimed toward a preconceived end, there’s a “point of no return,” after which the result must be either complete success or devastating failure. There’s no going back to try for some other end. Once past the point of no return, it’s win or die. The Left has taken us past that point. -Baston of Liberty
Do not buy into the platitudes out of Washington D.C.
The fact is that the USA is in need for a complete overhaul. Not some minor cosmetic tweaks or fixes. And, no a “blue panel” of “experts” is not the solution. America is totally and completely broken. The most important and fundamental institutions DO NOT WORK. They need to be discarded, and replaced with functional, working ones.
In order to erase all the damage done by the last century of progressive change, the entire nations must erase everything and return back to the original Constitution of 1776. However, it must also add safeguards to prevent another progressive socialist usurpation of liberty.
This will be a fight.
The progressive socialists will not go quietly into the night.
Hard times produce geniuses, heroes, and saints. Easy times produce idiots, cowards, and criminals. They both produce lot of corpses. -Zero Hedge

But maybe it’s too late.
It is becoming increasingly clear, that upon termination of the Trump Presidency, that the March of progressive Marxism will go from a trot to a gallop.
Unless we reign in those horses, we will get run over.
Do YOU understand?
We must kill the beast so that it can no longer harm us.
Deference to the greater wisdom of government, which Wilsonian progressivism deems a better judge of what the era needs and what the people “really” want than the people themselves, has been silently eroding our unique culture of enterprise, self-reliance, enlightenment, and love of liberty for decades.

And killing the beast will not be pleasant. It will be very, very, very nasty.
People will get hurt.

It will be very, very ugly.
It will make the American Civil War look like a kindergarten playground.
Those progressives are radical Marxists that believe that you and me should be exterminated, the records of our existence burned, and the land salted for centuries afterwards.
It WILL be ugly.

Listen to me for once.
Many of us sense an existential crisis is close at hand, and the U.S. is ill-prepared for such a crisis. Possibilities broached by others include a global war, a break-up of the U.S. into regional states, or a civil war of some sort. My bet is on a moral and financial crisis in which the ruling elites and the federal state lose their legitimacy, i.e. the consent of the governed. - Charles Smith says at Of Two Minds
Just listen.

For if we do not kill this monster now, we may never get the chance again.
We might never get another chance.
Look at the youth today; Pre-packaged zombie-serfs. Do you think that they will do something? Heck, to them the freshness and newness of their shackles is a sign of their "liberty".
Now’s our time.
We are over the edge. We’ve actually passed the red line.
We’re into the black now.

Take note, this uneasy feeling is not misplaced. It reflects the real state of affairs. It’s a very sad thing to say. But, yes. Yes. We have lost the government we learned about in civics class. We need to get it back or accept a life of servitude.
You’ll squeal like stuck little piggies when Real Americans finally get themselves a bellyful, and some of that same mostly-peacefulness that far too many of us have already experienced from your side gets unleashed upside your heads for a change. Glad to hear it; that means the Second Amendment, against all odds, is still working as intended. It also suggests there might actually remain some small hope, however minuscule, of you frothing fascists coming to your senses and stepping back from the brink before it’s too late. People like you are precisely whom the Founders warned us about; the 2A was written not to protect anybody’s right to hunt but to act as a deterrent to your kind, a last line of defense should you fail to heed its warning at last. Your fear is wise and proper. May God grant that you never lose or dismiss it—for ALL our sakes. -Cold Fury
May God grant us the strength to confront the monster.

Great Links
I am not the only one who feels this way. Here are some other related articles on this very same subject…
SHTF and Related Index
This is a collection of my posts related to SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory) and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things that really should be said.
Here are the posts.

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