“Although the US has intervened in many countries claiming to promote human rights, the outcome has often been the wholesale destruction or destabilization of these countries”
In January and February 2020, the very dangerous “B” strain of the COVID-19 hit China hard.
Is is not the mind “A” strain that the American Trump administration wanted everyone to obtain “herd immunity with. It’s the lethal strain.
This lethal “B” strain hit China, North Korea, Iran and Russia simultaneously. We are expected to believe that it’s just a coincidence that these nations are all considered to be “enemies” of the Untied States.
Anyways, during this time everyone started filming the events.
And President Donald Trump made sure that no Americans could witness the events going on inside of China, and he banned the Chinese social media venues that showed these videos in real time.
There’s all sorts of videos that people have taken during this period.
They are all very interesting, and here’s a collection of them. I have collected hundreds more, and I just couldn’t keep them all. Never the less these videos serves as a very good idea of how China has handled the American COVID-19 bio-weapon attack on CNY eve 2020.

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