The Hammer inside the Rock – The “London Hammer”

There are many mysteries in this world. Naturally, people yearn and search for nice tight and straight answers to these mysteries. No one wants to feel small, insignificant or living within a world run amok. We want a safe and orderly world. We want a world where everything has a nice answer, and has a place within our world that we well understand and accept.

Alas, not everything is so orderly and clear. Some things are. But not everything.

There are things that appear to defy our understanding of reality, but they are only illusions. For instance, the Dorchester Pot Artifact seems to be a misidentified smoking lamp holder. There are other OOPART objects that also just misidentified hardware. It is not just objects that have been discovered. Some discoveries actually revise our understanding of history. For instance, there have been many visitors to the Americas before Columbus “discovered” it.

However, some artifacts are not so easy to explain away. I would like to take a moment to look at one such artifact, an “OOPART” artifact that seemingly has no place in our tight and ordered world. I would like to take a look at the so-called “London Hammer” artifact…

A Quick Introduction

This particular OOPART came to my attention by the highly unusual material used in the object. Until this post was first written, no one gave the unusual material any thought. The contemporary statists were all over the place arguing that this was just an everyday steel hammer.

It’s not made of steel.

Steel is an alloy of iron with carbon.

The Hammer is six inches (15.24cm) long with a diameter of one inch.  The metal has been identified as consisting of 96.6% iron, 2.6% chlorine, and 0.74% sulfur.  Believers point out that this hammer has not rusted since its discovery over sixty years ago.  This is certainly a unique blend of metallurgy which some claim be a lost technology of ancient man.

-Historic Mysteries

And that is what is interesting.

It’s made out of a highly unusual alloy of iron. This material contains no carbon, but contains a sizable percentage of the highly reactive chlorine. Which pretty much points to a very special and unique metallurgical process in the manufacture of the object.

By looking at the unique and unusual metallurgical properties of this OOPART we can learn a lot. We can understand the manufacturing process used, and the technologies invested in the creation of a corrosion-free iron hammer.

A Hammer found inside a Stone

In June 1936 (or 1934 by some accounts), Max Hahn (1897-1989) and his wife Emma were hiking along Red Creek near London, Texas. They discovered a rock while they were walking. Rocks are not typically something that you would pick up. They are heavy. They are dirty. Moreover, if you like the rock, you would need to haul it back home, which would be a major exertion. Most people leave rocks alone. Especially big ones.

Except for geologists, and rock hounds, like my brother…

Anyways, the Hahns found this odd rock sitting loose on a rock ledge beside a waterfall.  We can assume that any possible abutment in the area was compromised by the waterfall. The general area primarily consists of Eocene (33.9 to 56 million years old) rock. This differs from all other reports available. Other reports state much older dates for the rocks. (Which could possibly be true. There are areas of much older strata within the general area.)

According to the GIS database, London Texas sits in the middle of Eocene strata. You can see the geology of Texas using this viewer. Here is the location of London, Texas on a geologic map as provided by the Texas Almanac;

London, Texas is in a defined geological zone that strongly suggests an age around 40 million years.
The geologic map of Texas showing the location of London, Texas relative to the prevalent geology in the region.

The Hahn’s, noticing that this weathered rock had petrified wood protruding from it, went and collected the stone.  Like anyone else, once they saw the wood protruding out of the rock, they proceeded to break the wood free of the rock. As such, they broke the stone open, exposing what was clearly a hammer head affixed to a wooden handle. Thus, the tale of the so-called “London Hammer” artifact was born.

Battle Lines are Drawn

Well, we cannot have our nice ordered life thrown out of kilter, now can we? “Everyone knows” that a metal hammer cannot possibly be found within a rock. Most especially within a rock that is many tens of millions of years old. Thus, we have the OOPART presented; an object that is impossible to explain away using conventional explanations.

The London Hammer as found with petrified wood handle and encased within a stone.
This is the (more or less) famous “London Hammer”. An OOPART that is claimed to resemble an ordinary mining hammer.

However, that doesn’t stop the Scientific Statists.  They hurriedly hopped up upon their great white horses and began to beat the drums loudly.  They shouted “This is just an ordinary hammer. The age of the rock is incorrect. Everything else is nonsense.” They went to great lengths to explain this object away. However, they tend to miss the obvious.

My definition of scientific statism;

A concentration of a set scientific theory in the hands of a closed elite group of people. Often they have direct ties to a highly centralized government. To alter or change that theory to revise it to meet new discoveries or data often requires government derived politics and peer-group approvals.

They failed to study the manufacturing process. In this particular case, to the statist investigators, a steel is “just” a steel. Wood is just a “typical ordinary” wood. A shape is just a shape. A hammer is “only” a hammer. There is nothing else that be derived through observation of composition, shape and shape.

They are wrong. There are many things that can be learned through study of this object. Most notably HOW the hammer HAD to be made tells us a great deal about the hammer itself.

Thus, this particular post…

There are metals, and there are steels and there are “high end” specialty grade materials. Utility steel is made using the most common and easiest processes. More durable and corrosion resistant steels require extensive processes. They take time, are expensive and difficult to manufacture. In fact, many of the specialty steels were just being invented at the time of the discovery of this artifact.

How it was made is important.

Any hammer made out of metal would have been produced within a mold. The mold would have been used at a factory using the available technologies to make that particular composition of metal. Further, wood cannot be fossilized in less than one hundred years. (Maybe a few thousand years, yes. Not in a few decades.) Finally, radio carbon dating has limits that make dating this artifact impossible.

Ah, then we have the other extreme point of view.

In this opposing point of view, anything that does not fit the established narrative must fit snugly inside THEIR narrative. So as a result you have people who believe in “The Great Flood”, “Biblical Historical Reality” and “Spacemen who came to Earth” using this artifact to justify their versions of reality.

I counter that the reality is somewhere between the never-changing very-organized world of the (government-sponsored) scientific statist and the out-of-the-mainstream alternative “fringe” theorists. I do not know what the truth is. Both could be correct, and both could be wrong. One could be correct while the other could be very wrong.

I counter that reality is not at all what we think it is. As such, this object can be used as a “sign post” to show us the way towards the true reality. (Whatever it may be.)

"Always be suspicious of those who pretend to know it all, claim their way is the best way and are willing to force their way on the rest of us."

 -Walter E. Williams

The Arguments

In almost every OOPART object, the process is always the same.

An object is discovered that does not fit the established narrative. People, often well-intentioned, but lacking in resources try to come up with answers and theories to try to explain the object. They announce their ideas to the public. The public responds with ridicule, and a handful of scientific statists work hard at denouncing the theories.

That is certainly the case with the London Hammer.

What we know of the Surrounding Rock

The first place we need to look at is the rock strata where the artifact originated from. Unfortunately, there is confusion as to the age of the rock strata where the hammer was found.  Here is a quote from a scientific statist attacking the evolving theory related to the age of the rock found;

“A report in Creation Ex Nihilo (Mackay, 1983) stated the hammer was "in limestone dated at 300 million years old" (which would make it Pennsylvanian).

A subsequent CEN article (Mackay, 1984) stated that the hammer was in "Ordovician rock, supposedly some 400 million years old" (although that age would make it Devonian, not Ordovician).

In yet another CEN report (Mackay, 1985) stated, "the rocks associated with the hammer are supposedly some 400-500 million years old" (which would include part of the lower Devonian, all of the Silurian, and most of the Ordovician Period).

Baugh and others (Wilson and Baugh, 1996) continued to claim the rock was in Ordovician or "Ordovecian [sic]" rock, even after researcher John Watson, according to Helfinstine and Roth (1994) pointed out that the rock outcrops at the Red Creek site were actually Lower Cretaceous (Hensell [sic] Sand Formation), to which they ascribed (incorrectly) an orthodox age "near to 135 mybp."”

- Glen J. Kuban

Where is a good geologist around when you need him?

To me, this all looks more than just a little silly. It is like a man going to eat dinner at an expensive restaurant, and gets up screaming and throwing plates about and yelling at the waiter simply because his toothpick is broken. Ya, it is broken, and the point is what?  In this case, yes, there are different dates. What does this prove, or show? Why, it only shows that the theories evolve over time.

That’s a good thing, right?

Anyways, does it really matter? If you left the cake out in the rain, would it matter if it were out for one week or one year? Or, a decade? After a point of time, the relative value of the article no longer becomes an issue. A wet cake that is one year old as opposed to a wet cake that is ten years old has the same value. Which is… absolutely worthless.

Now, based on data from the GIS database, most of the strata around the London, Texas area are associated with the Eocene. This is a time period that is from 33 to 56 million years ago.

But, what does this mean?

Who’s to say that the rock was formed just exactly where it was picked up, or that it traveled along the water and fell from the nearby water? Who’s to say that some wandering native Indian didn’t pick up the rock and carried all over Texas as a good luck charm, and dropped it when he encountered a rattlesnake? (Which would have been either a Caddo, Atakapan, or a Tonkawa Indian.)

We just don’t know.

Whenever you encounter an odd object, you need to study it just as it is found. That is not always possible. In the case of this artifact, it was removed from where it was found, broken open in place, and the parts of interest were returned home.

If we had studied the area of whence it was found we would be able to make a determination as to how this object became encased in stone. We could determine, for instance, how a fifty-year-old hammer (or so) could get encased inside of clay, and then come up with theories on how the clay turned into stone. We could see the geology of the strata that it was removed from. We could identify various aspects of the material that surrounds the object, instead of saying that it was found in a rock outside of London, Texas.

The broken off portion of the hammer clearly shows that the hammer was indeed encapsulated within the rock, and that the rock contained seashells.
This photo shows the London Hammer with the part that was initially broken off when it was first discovered.

London Hammer Object. (Image Source)

All we know is that the rock was nearly identical to the nearby strata. (If not absolutely identical.) As such, give it’s placement, it is assumed to tumble out of the strata as some point in time, and was picked up at a place not too far from whence it has been entombed. All of which is a pretty reasonable assumption.

Don’t you think?


For our purposes, let’s simply keep with the standard narrative and state that the regional rock was “old”. For Pete’s sake the hammerhead does look ancient, doesn’t it? It is not your typical rusty hammer sitting in the basement. (Hint; the way metal corrodes can tell us quite a bit. Just like how a dead body decays. Ever watch the television show “The Forensic Files”?)

The appearance hasn’t changed much since it was discovered. How a scientific statist can look at this object and say that is a normal contemporary hammer that is only a few decades old just boggles my mind.

Have they EVER been to a junk yard?

Yunk yards around in America. Often they are specialized with common, automoble and industrial junkyards being the most common.
American junk yard showing components that have been exposed to the air for a few decades. The iron and the steel are obviously rusted. they are old, but are NOT aged. (Image Source.)

While the London Hammer does appear “old”, it more accurately appears “ancient”. The photo of a junkyard above shows the rust and weathering effects of some fifty years exposed to the elements. In any and all events, the hammer appears much older than the fifty year old metal in the photo above.

Further, we can elaborate and say that the rock surrounding the hammerhead appears older than 500 years, and thus predates the production of any conventional mining hammer. Thus, unless someone can prove that native Indians used similar hammers, we can say that the object appears to be an OOPART were it to come from the surrounding strata.

It could be as old as 33 million years if we date to the youngest strata that are found in the area. Or, we could date to and age of 56 million years if we date to the oldest strata in the local area. We could, if we wanted to, point to older outcrops scattered all through Texas and lay claim to various other dates. (Which is what has often been done previously.)

The date from the start of the Eocene to the end consists of a pretty long time period. A lot can happen in 23 million years. Since it is impossible to provide an exact date for this object, I suggest that we date it to the local strata found nearby. (We can always revise later on.) I suggest a date of 44.5 +/- 11.5 million years before present if we measure to the local strata.

Ai Ya! That is a HUGE span of time.

In so doing, we can further state that it appears that the rock belonged to the strata nearby, but that it was not found in it. Therefore, there is the possibility that the object might be in some kind of rocky inclusion formed amongst older strata formations. That inclusion could be as young as 1936, the date the rock was discovered.

At this point in time we can say that the object can either be...

[1] contemporaneous to 1936, or 

[2] an OOPART ancient to 44.5 +/- 11.5 million years before present.

What we can do is study the object

The object in question is a hammer.

As such, it has a metal head that is used to pound or hit an object using muscular force. It also has a handle that appears to be made out of some kind of wood. The handle is broken. We do not know it’s true length. The material in it is fossilized. The design and shape of the hammer can also tell us things about the purpose of the hammer and what it was used for. Within the little of what we do know about this object, we can study the knowns, and come to some conclusions about how the hammer was made, what it’s purpose was, and maybe why it was found where it was.

What we do know is that the formation that it is in is actually stone. It is not hard clay, cement or some kind of tough dirt. The stone has the shells of aquatic creatures on it. The area that the rock was found has similar strata that are dated to around 40 million years ago when the area was under the water.

We know that it was found in the 1930’s in the Texas desert near a waterfall.

Studies on the Metal Used

To verify that the hammerhead was actually made of metal, the investigators cut into one of the beveled sides with a file. The bright metal in the nick is still there, with no detectable corrosion. The unusual metallurgy of the hammerhead is 96% iron, 2.6% chlorine and .74% sulfur.

  • 96% – iron – Fe
  • 2.6% – chlorine – Cl
  • 0.74% – sulfur – S
  • 0.0% – Carbon – C *** NO CARBON ***

This is not “typical” or “everyday” steel. This is NOT an everyday utility hammer. The hammer head is NOT made out of steel, which is something very special and very, very rare.

This is a specialty iron metal alloy that requires a very comprehensive and exacting equipment to produce.

The hammerhead material is uncommon and unique.

This is an odd chemical composition.  In fact, it is an extremely odd combination, as for one to create a hammerhead of this style; one would have to have an unusual understanding of metallurgy, and the advanced technologies to forge it.

Typically, iron is a very soft metal, and it is mixed with small quantities of carbon to make steel.  Yet this alloy has no carbon in it at all! There are other alloys, of course. Yet none of these other alloys match the composition of this odd hammer.

Why it was alloyed with chlorine and sulfur remains a mystery. 

Alloying elements can play a dominant role in the susceptibility of cast irons to corrosion attack. 

Silicon is the most important alloying element used to improve the corrosion resistance of cast irons. Silicon is generally not considered an alloying element in cast irons until levels exceed 3%. Silicon levels between 3 and 14% offer some increase in corrosion resistance to the alloy, but above about 14% Si, the corrosion resistance of the cast iron increases dramatically. 

The most common alloys with iron include the aforementioned carbon, silicon, manganese, chromium, nickel, copper, and magnesium. 

If one wanted to make a strong and durable hammerhead, one would certainly use one of the more common materials to alloy with it.  The use of the chlorine as an alloy is a significant mystery as it is difficult to mix and work into a usable alloy because chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent.

People, this is not “rocket science”.

Contemporaneous Hammer Design

  • Iron is inherently corrodes.
  • If you add carbon to it, you make it hard, and it becomes steel.
  • But steel rusts just like iron does.
  • So you can add chromium to it to prevent it from rusting.

But this is NOT the product development route used in this OOPART object. The makers of the hammer did not intend it to be hard-at-all-costs like steel. They wanted reasonably-hard with ductility. They wanted a corrosion-less utility grade hammer with ductile properties.

Unique and Unusual Hammer Design

  • You take a soft ductile iron.
  • You make it hard and durable by adding sulfur.
  • Then during processing you add chlorine, and the material no longer rusts.

If you are going to make a common utility object (such as a hammer), you would make it using utility grade materials. You would not make it out of rare alloys that require specialized and expensive facilities and materials. The material composition is very odd. As such it is either suggestive of a special purpose, or a society that considers this particular material composition to be used in common utility.

I find it hard to believe that a Texan or a Mexican would treat a chlorine infused iron as a utility grade material.

Unusual Sulfur (S) Content

Sulfur is always present in iron ore in small quantities. Typically a small percentage of sulfur in both iron and steel is inadvertently introduced through iron ore and fuel (coal and coke). This smelting process results in the creation of small quantities of sulfur. To remove the sulfur is a very tedious and difficult process. Therefore, it is typically left in just as is.

Conventionally, the acceptable rates of sulfur in iron and steel are rather low. For instance, common alloy steels contain no more than 0.04 % Sulfur. Anything over 0.04% is considered excessive.

The percentage of sulfur in this hammer however is larger than an residual sulfur inclusion.  Instead of 0.04% it is 0.74%. It is much, much higher.

When I make the statement that this sulfur percentage is rare, I mean that it is unheard of.

The closest examples that I can find regarding the use of sulfur in iron and steel is this…


The effect of sulfur on gray cast iron

(1) Because sulfide can be used as the base of eutectic graphite  nucleation, and at the same time can inhibit the growth of eutectic  cluster, but sulfur is an element that promotes the formation of white  mouth in cast iron, therefore, an appropriate amount of sulfur is  beneficial. From the perspective of reducing white mouth, when the  sulfur content is 0.041%, the white mouth width is the smallest, whether  it is inoculated or not, but the number of eutectic clusters is in an  intermediate state.

(2) The test of the influence of sulfur on the mechanical properties of  gray cast iron shows that whether inoculated or non-inoculated cast  iron, when the content of sulfur not more than 0.04%, the brinell  hardness increases rapidly with the increase of sulfur content, when the  content of sulfur more than 0.04%m the hardness is the increase slows  down, when the sulfur content is 0.06%, there is 40% pearlite in the  matrix, and when the sulfur content is 0.04%, the pearlite content is  100%. Regardless of the inoculated or non-inoculated gray cast iron, the  tensile strength is SO, it reaches the maximum value between  0.04-0.06%, and the relative hardness reaches the minimum value, at the  same time, experiments have shown that when the sulfur content of gray  iron is less than 0.04%, it is difficult to make Sr-containing FeSi play  a role in incubation.

There are no commercially made steels, of any type, in any nation, that makes this composition with such a high concentration of sulfur. Here are some of the designations for high sulfur content in American steels; Free machining resulphurized carbon steels in the AISI/SAE 11xx series contain 0.08 % to 0.13 % Sulfur, but the AISI/SAE 12xx series carries up to 0.24 % to 0.33 % Sulfur (and 0.04 %  0.09 % P). Resulphurized stainless steels, such as types 303 and 416, contain up to 0.35 % Sulfur. And, that’s about it folks.

Those stainless steels that are used all over the world have high sulfur content. However, this hammer has double that sulfur content. It is extraordinary. And it isn’t even a steel.

We we do know is that the hardness of iron increases rapidly with an increase in sulfur content. Thus, given [1] that this is an iron with no carbon, and [2] that the percentage of sulfur is extraordinarily high, we must conclude that…

The sulfur was intentionally added to make the iron very hard.

Intentional Metallurgy

This strongly suggests that the percentage of sulfur was increased intentionally.

While not commercially used in the manufacture of irons, we know what happens when it is added to steels.

Many steels are intentionally resulphurized to allow for post casting machining. It allows for proper chip formation. Thus, the parts are easier to cut and shape on a lathe.

Resulphurization is normally performed in the steel teeming ladle. It is added under strict quality controls, and can be controlled relatively easily, though it tends to stink to high heaven. Typically, the sulfur is added as wires, blocks or sodium or in other forms.

The problem with steel with high sulfur content is that the sulphide inclusions lower weldability and corrosion resistance. The presence of sulfur may also lead to development of tear and cracks on reheating the steel. Once you add sulfur, your ability to weld decreases. So parts made out of high sulfur steels are intended to be standalone castings. They cannot be welded or have any other post casting process.

What the sulfur in the hammerhead tells us is that the head was cast and then machined. Because of the uniqueness of the material composition, it was used in a batch process. As such, the hammerheads were mass produced in a batch and machined to shape.

The Presence of Chlorine (Cl)

Another curious aspect of this hammerhead is the percentage of chlorine in it. 

The addition of chlorine is used to improve the “stainless” properties of corrosion-less steel.  Typically, one can expect around 12% of Chlorine to be present in a stainless steel. However, the chlorine levels in this metal object aren’t that at all. It is only 2.6%.

The use of Chlorine during the melting processes improves the passivation of the iron. This is something that has not been well studied, and it is something that we learn from this OOPART.

Passivation, in physical chemistry and engineering, refers to a material becoming "passive," that is, less affected or corroded by the environment of future use. 

Passivation involves creation of an outer layer of shield material that is applied as a microcoating, created by chemical reaction with the base material, or allowed to build from spontaneous oxidation in the air. 

As a technique, passivation is the use of a light coat of a protective material, such as metal oxide, to create a shell against corrosion. 

Passivation can occur only in certain conditions, and is used in microelectronics to enhance silicon. The technique of passivation strengthens and preserves the appearance of metallics. 

In electrochemical treatment of water, passivation reduces the effectiveness of the treatment by increasing the circuit resistance, and active measures are typically used to overcome this effect, the most common being polarity reversal, which results in limited rejection of the fouling layer. Other proprietary systems to avoid electrode passivation, several discussed below, are the subject of ongoing research and development.


All the evidence points the to Chlorine to be used in a very reactive process during the melting of the iron ore. This resulted in substantive anti-corrosion properties to the iron without the addition of carbon, or chromium.

I have yet to find a standardized SAE or related standard that calls out such an odd percentage of chemicals in either an alloy of steel or an alloy of iron.

What the reader needs to understand is that in our reality everything is standardized. That plastic in your microwave is specified by standard and meets testing requirements by government approved testing labs (UL, ESL, NOM, and CSA for example.) Steels, aluminum, and all metals are made to exacting specifications and tested as such. Factories do not go “hog wild” and develop their own formulations “willy nilly”. They use handbooks and select the best alloy for the application in question. These handbooks, notes, and rules have been honed over the centuries since the Industrial Revolution. Every material formulation is use today has an identification number, a test specification, and manufacturing protocols.

While it is true that they might have been some early formulations developed before the standards were released and set in place, it is unlikely that they would do so using the materials in question. Chlorine is a very difficult material to work with. It requires very elaborate and specialized equipment. There would be very exacting specifications for this material were it to be commercially viable.

You ever look at the appliances in your home, the cellphone, and the electronics? Do you know what the ESL mark means, the FCC mark, and the UL mark means? They all mean that the design, systems, production, and material specifications are all safe and approved for use by the public. If this hammerhead was made during this last century, it would have been made to commonly available metal standards.

That means that the zero carbon iron was hot forged, possibly oil quenched, and heat treated. If it does not fit the known technology of the 1800’s then it truly is an OOPART.

Why not Chromium (Cr)?

Well, for starters… there isn’t any carbon in it. It’s not a steel.

It’s an iron alloy.


It’s a common enough misunderstanding. A young “wet behind the ears” high-school know it all pops in with a Holier-than-thou attitude and says that somehow I am mistaking the chemical composition.

Without carbon, chromium isn’t going to be of much benefit as an alloying element. Go enroll in university and take a few classes in basic metallurgy. The secret is in the carbon.


Chromium is critical in the manufacturing of stainless steel.

Most stainless steel contains about 18 percent chromium; it is what hardens and toughens steel and increases its resistance to corrosion, especially at high temperatures. The chromium oxidizes quickly to form a protective layer of chromium oxide on the metal surface. This oxide layer resists corrosion, while at the same time prevents oxygen from reaching the underlying steel. Other elements in the alloy, such as nickel and molybdenum, add to its rust-resistance.

Oddly, the material has no chromium in it,

Which is WHY this particular post was written.

But let’s talk about steel…

…You know, if there was carbon in the alloy…

…which there isn’t

…but what the fuck….


The dominant corrosion-free iron in use today is a steel using a percentage of chromium.

The corrosion resistance of austenitic stainless steel is mainly due to the fact that…

… chromium in stainless steel promotes the passivation of steel…

… and maintains the steel in a stable and passive state under the action of meeting material.

In austenitic stainless steel, chromium is an element that strongly forms and stabilizes the ferrite, narrowing the austenite zone, as the content of the steel increases, ferrite (δ) can appear in the austenitic stainless steel Organization, research shows that in chromium-nickel austenitic stainless steel, when the carbon content is 0.1% and the chromium content is 18%, in order to obtain a stable single austenite structure, the minimum nickel content is required, about 8%.

In this regard, the commonly used 18Cr-8Ni chromium-nickel austenitic stainless steel is the most suitable one for chromium-nickel content.

Chromium steel : According to IFL SCIENCE, an invention that  dominated the late-20th Century was in fact made 1000 years ago, not 100  years ago as historians originally thought.
It turns out that Chromium steel (which is very similar to what we  now consider tool steel) was actually made in Persia, not Europe,  according to a new study led by UCL researchers.
The discovery was published in the Journal of Archaeological Science,  and was supported by a number of medieval Persian manuscripts. Dr.  Rahil Alipour (UCL Archaeology), who was the lead author on the study,  said, ‘Our research provides the first evidence of the deliberate  addition of a chromium mineral within steel production. We believe this  was a Persian phenomenon.’

As well as providing the only known evidence of chromium steel dating  back to the 11th century, it is said that this research also provides a  chemical tracer that could help identify crucible steel artefacts in  museums or trace archaeological collections back to their origin in  Chahak or the Chahak tradition.
According to several historical manuscripts from the 12th to the 19th  century, Chahak was once famous for its steel production. Although it  is the only archaeological site known to exist in Iran at that time, its  location is still a mystery, as several villages have the same name.

Today, stainless steel plays an important role in our lives. The use of steel mixed with chromium and other metals provides protection against rust, which means it is used in ways that could never have been imagined in the past.

It was originally thought that this way of using steel was first discovered in the 1800’s and became more popular during the mid-19th century. However, evidence proves that advanced steelmaking actually came into play much earlier.

Previous discoveries of trace amounts of chromium in ancient steel  weapons and tools have often been thought to be an accident. But  according to Dr. Rahil Alipour, the Persians were steelmakers for  hundreds of years and were very adept at it.
The evidence doesn’t just come from the ancient steel itself. It is  also apparent in a manuscript titled “al-jamahir fi Marifah al-Jawahi”  (‘A Compendium to Know the Gems’, 10th-11th c. CE), written by the  Persian polymath Abu-Rayhan Biruni.

This manuscript was particularly important to researchers, since it  provided the only recipe known for making steel in a crucible. It is  also the only existing document dating back to an era in which  steelmakers were largely illiterate.
Professor Marcos Martinon-Torres (University of Cambridge), the last  author on the study, said that the process of identification can be  quite long and complicated.

Mainly because the manuscript is recorded in a different language,  but also because the terms used to describe the technological processes  or materials may not be in words that we would use today.
Also, at that time, writing and education were usually reserved for  the social elites. You wouldn’t usually find a tradesman who was  literate, which means there may have been errors or things missing from  the text.
Abu-Rayhan Biruni (author of the manuscript) referred to a vital  ingredient for steelmaking. But, due to the passage of time, it has been  unclear to scholars which ingredient he was referring to. However, in  the Journal of Archaeological Science, Dr. Rahil Alipour argues that the  vital ingredient was chromite.
He says, ‘Our research provides the first evidence of the deliberate addition of a chromium mineral within steel production.’

1000 years ago, rust resistance wasn’t important in the way that it is today. At that time, it was more important that the goods made from steel (such as weapons for soldiers) were sturdy rather than rust-resistant. However, if the ancient method had been preserved, modern steel-making techniques could have been developed long before they eventually were, in the 19th Century.

-Chromium Steel was NOT Invented in Sheffield: Persians Added the Element to Steel 1,000 Years Before

In austenitic stainless steels, with the increase of chromium content, the formation tendency of some intermetallic phases (such as δ phase) increases.

When the steel contains molybdenum, the chromium content will increase and x will form equal, as before as mentioned, the precipitation of σ, x phase not only significantly reduces the plasticity and toughness of the steel, but also reduces the corrosion resistance of the steel under certain conditions.

The increase of the chromium content in the austenitic stainless steel can make the martensite to hydrocarbon temperature (Ms ) Decreases, thereby improving the stability of the austenite matrix. Therefore, high-chromium (for example, more than 20%) austenitic stainless steel is difficult to obtain a martensite structure even after cold working and low temperature treatment.

Chromium is a strong carbide forming element, and it is no exception in austenitic stainless steel.

Generally comes, as long as the austenitic stainless steel pipe maintains a complete austenite structure without the formation of delta ferrite, etc., only improves content of chromium will not have a significant effect on the mechanical properties, and chromium will affect austenite.

Chromium improves the performance of steel’s oxidation resistance medium and acid chloride medium; under the combined action of nickel, molybdenum and copper, chromium improves the resistance of steel to some reducing media, organic acid, urea and alkaline media; chromium also improves the resistance of steel to localized corrosion, such as intergranular corrosion, pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, and stress performance under certain conditions.

It has the greatest impact on the sensitivity of austenitic stainless steel intergranular, the factor is the carbon content in the steel, and other elements.

In the MgCl2 boiling solution, the role of chromium is generally harmful, but in aqueous media containing Cl- and oxygen, Under high temperature and high pressure water and stress corrosion conditions with pitting corrosion as the origin, increasing the chromium content in the steel is beneficial to stress corrosion resistance. Chromium can also prevent austenite stainless steel and alloys that are prone to appear between the grains due to the increased nickel content. The tendency of type stress corrosion, the effect of chromium on stress corrosion of open causticity (Nq0H) is also beneficial.

Sanity Check

One way that we can prove that this hammer was contemporaneous to 1933 or earlier is to identify a local factory producing chlorine infused white iron. Then, from there, we could identify the mold shops that would turn the ingots into utility grade tools.

The closest is Texas Iron and Steel. But, they are a new factory, and they were established in 1990. At that, however, they do not work with any kinds of chlorine infused iron, as it is far too exotic a material to work with. To see what kinds of iron were produced or manufactured prior to 1933 that might be applicable to this hammer, we need to look deeper.

Now, during the American civil war there were many iron factories and steel mills in the South. They produced many types of carbon steels and decorative iron used in grillwork’s, and such things as bathtubs. For instance, there was the Birmingham Iron and Steel Company. There was the Sloss Furnace Company, and  The Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Company (TCI), from the Sequatchie Valley near Chattanooga, Tennessee. Others included The Woodward Iron Company, Pioneer Mining and Manufacturing Company, and The DeBardeleben Coal and Iron Company. They maintained the “cutting edge” iron and steel mill technology at that time.

To further investigate the potential of factories to make this type of specialized white iron, the reader is encouraged to go to the “Foundry Database” and point out which foundry had the ability to cast such a unique hammerhead prior to 1933 This is of course, as comprehensive list as you can get today. As such, however, it is not 100% complete.

Since the technologies used to make chlorine infused iron, are rather elaborate, only the larger and more established mills would even have a “shot” at.  With this in mind, the reader is encouraged to study the following mills. I have not been able to identify any one that had that ability. Maybe you could. Seriously, go for it.

A&N –
A&W Mfg. Co. – Chicago IL
Ahrens & Arnold – Wapakoneta OH
Abbott & Lawrence – Philadelphia PA
American Brass & Iron – Oakland CA
The Ace Co. – St. Louis MO
Adams –
The Adams Co. – Dubuque IA
Adams & Britt – Cincinnati OH
Advance –
Aga Stove Co. – Elizabeth NJ
A.G.P. – Columbus OH
A.H.W. & CO. – Pittsburgh PA
Alabama Pipe Company – Anniston AL
The Alb Co. – Bellville IL
Albert Mfg. Co. – Los Angeles CA
Albert & Zola Mfg. Co. – Los Angeles CA
A.M. Andersen & Co. – Chicago IL
Alfred Andresen & Co. – Minneapolis MN
Arcade Mfg. Co. – Freeport IL
Arcole Foundry – Buffalo
Arnold & Bacon – RI
A.S.& N.W. Co. – Philadephia PA
Atlanta Stove Works – Atlanta GA
The Atlas-Ansonia Co. – New Haven CT
Attalla Fdy & Mch Co. – Attalla AL
Auger & Lord Chester – CT
Aunt Jemima Meal –
“Axford” – San Francisco CA

B&P –
Baccellieri Bros. Mfg. Co. – Philadelphia PA
L.S. Bacon –
A. Baldwin & Co. – New Orleans LA
C.W. Ball & Co. – Cincinnati. OH
Ball & Davis – Cincinnati. OH
Ballard & Ballard Co., Inc. – Louisville KY
E.T. Barnum Iron Works – Detroit MI
Barrows Savery & Co. –
Barstow Stove Co. – Providence RI
J.G. Baxter – Louisville KY
Baxter Kyle & Co. – Louisville KY
Baxter & Davis – Cincinnatti OH
Baxter & Fisher – Louisville KY
B.E. & Co. –
E.L. Beale – Springfield OH
W.E. Beckmann B. & C. S. – St. Louis MO
Belknap Hardware And Mfg. Co. – Louisville KY
Joseph Bell & Co. – Wheeling WV
C.S. Bell Co. – Hillsboro OH
Joseph Bell & Co. – Wheeling WV
“Belmont” – Louisville KY
Albert Benchoff – Menard TX
“Best Made” – Chicago IL
Beveridge Mfg. Co. – Baltimore MD
Birdsboro Casting Co. – Birdsboro PA
Birmingham Stove & Range Co. – Birmingham AL
Blackhawk Product –
Blacklock Foundry – South Pittsburg TN
Blue Valley Fdry. Co. – Kansas City MO
Bluff City Stove Works – Memphis TN
S.H. Boardman – Boston MA
Bonnet, Duffy & Co. – Quincy IL
Boothmac –
Bowers & Snyder – Richmond VA
A. Bradley & Co. – Pittsburgh PA
Brendlinger & Co. – Boyertown PA
Bridge Beach & Co. – St. Louis MO
Bridgeford & Co. – Louisville KY
Brighton –
Brilliant –
Brinkmeyer & Co. – Evansville IN
Britt & Folger – Cincinnati OH
Brooklyn Broiler –
Brown-Bowman – Troy NY
Bennet, Sloan & Co. – New York NY
Buck & Wright – St. Louis MO
Francis Buckwalter & Co – Royersford PA
Bussey Clexton & Co – Troy NY
Bussey & McLeod – Troy NY
Buxton Co. – Milwaukee WI

C. Mfg. Co. – Rocky Hill CT
CA –
Charles Cage – St.Louis MO
Cahill Iron Works – Chattanooga TN
Campbell Foundry Co. – Harrison NJ
Cannonball Ware –
Canton Cake Griddle Co. – Canton OH
F.S. Carbon Co. – Buchanan MI
Carlisle –
Cast Iron Products Inc. – Richmond VA
Central Oil & Gas Stove Co. – Gardner MA
C.F. & M. Co. – Providence RI
Job Chandler – New York NY
Chattanooga Roofing And Foundry Co – Chattanooga TN
Chemung Hollow Ware Works – Elmira NY
Chicago Hardware Foundry Co. – North Chicago IL
Cleveland Stove Works – Cleveland TN
Cline & Co. – Philadelphia PA
Club –
C. N. & CO. –
Cochran, Hackett & Co. – Louisville KY
Colbertson & Fisher Foundry – Wheeling WV
The Columbus Hollow Ware Co. – Columbus OH
Columbus Iron Works – Columbus GA
Comstock & Co. – Quincy IL
C.W. & C. – Conklin, Willis & Co. – Baltimore MD
Corning & Goewey – Albany NY
A.&J. Cox – Philadelphia PA
Cox Foundry – Atlanta GA
Cox, Whiteman & Cox – Philadelphia PA
M.H. Crane & Co. – Urbana OH
Wm. M. Crane Company – New York NY
Crescent Foundry Co. – St. Louis MO
W.P. Cresson – Philadelphia PA
Cresson, Stuart & Peterson – Philadelphia PA
S.J. Creswell – Philadelphia PA
L.B. Crittendens –
Cruso –
Culbertson & Fisher Foundry – Wheeling WV

John P. Daleiden Co. – Chicago IL
Dandy –
Dangler –
J. M. B. Davidson & Co. – Albany NY
F.P. Davis & Co. – Cincinnati OH
W.C. Davis & Co. – Cincinnati OH
J.H. Day & Co. – Cincinnati OH
Israel Derr – Hamburg PA
Detroit Iron & Brass Mfg Co. – Detroit MI
Detroit Stove Works – Detroit MI
Dighton Furnace Co. – Taunton? MA
Dixie Foundry Co. – Cleveland TN
Dixie Mfg. & Sales Co. – Kansas City MO
G. W. Dodsons –
I. Droege & Co. – Covington KY
Durawear –

Eagle – Hope AR
Eagle Foundry – Greensboro NC
Eagle Stove Works – Rome GA
Early Fdy. Co. – Dickson PA
Eclipse – St. Louis MO
E.F. Co. –
Wm. Enders – St Louis MO
“ERIE” – Erie PA
The Estate Stove Co. –
Eureka Griddle –
Excelsior Mfg. Co. (G.F. Filley) – St. Louis MO
Excelsior Stove & Mfg. Co – Quincy IL
Excelsior Stove Works – Quincy IL

Fair, Day & DeKlyne – Knoxville TN
Falkirk –
Famous Stove Ware –
Fanner Mfg. Co. – Cleveland OH
Favorite Stove And Range Co. – Piqua OH
“THE FAVORITE” – Columbus OH
F B & Co –
“G. F. Filley” – St. Louis MO
R.R. Finch s Sons – New York NY
Fischer, Leaf & Co. – Louisville KY
B. Fisher. Star – Foundry – Wheeling WV
Fisher Bros. & Co. – Lewisville KY
Florence Machine Co. – Florence MA
Ford & Co. – Concord NH
Foster Stove Co. – Ironton OH
Foxell & Jones – Troy NY
Foxell, Jones & Millard – Troy NY
Foxell, Woodnorth & Jones – Troy NY
Francis, Buckwalter & Co. – Royersford PA
Freidag Mfg. Co. – Freeport IL
Frimaster The Kitchen King – Lansdale PA
F.S. Co. – Reading PA
Fuller, Warren & Co – Troy NY

A. J. Gallagher – Philadelphia PA
Garfield Cake Griddle Mfg Co. – Boston MA
Garland Ware – The Michigan Stove Co. – Detroit MI
Gasco –
E.B. Gates –
Gay Nineties Wafer Iron Company – Columbus GA
Geddes & Marsh – Lewisburg PA
General Housewares Corp. (GHC) – Sidney OH
Gibson & Lee Mfg. Co. – Chattanooga TN
Gibson Love Mfg. Co. – Chattanooga TN
The Gladd Co. – Minneapolis MN
G.T. Glascock & Son(s) – Greensboro NC
J.A. Goewey (John A. Goewey) – Albany NY
Gene Goff – Dallas TX
Graff & Mugun – Pittsburgh PA
M.N. Grasby – Lacrosse WI
Gray & Dudley Co. –
Greenwood Stove Co. – Cincinnati OH
J. Greer & Co. –
Greer & King – Dayton OH
Griswold Mfg. Co. – Erie PA
G & S Metal Products – Cleveland OH

H & Co. Limited – Pittsburgh PA
William Hailes – Albany NY
J. Hamilton & Co. – Wheeling VA
Hamilton & Clark – Wheeling VA
Hanks – Rome GA
Harbster Bros. – Reading PA
Harco –
Hardwick Stove Co. – Cleveland TN
Hare, Leaf & Co. – Louisville KY
John B. Harker & Co. – Minneapolis MN
The Harker Mfg. Co. – Columbus OH
Chas. L. Hartmann –
Hartue – Wiley Co. – Pittsburgh PA
Harwi –
Haslet, Flanagen & Co. – Philadelphia PA
Haverty s –
Frank W. Hay & Sons – Johnstown PA
“Hearthstone” – Sidney OH
Hemenway s –
HF Co. – Highland Foundry Co. – Boston MA
Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. – Chicago IL
Higgins, Mcloud & Martin – Troy NY
Highland Foundry Co. – Boston MA
Hill Whitney Co. – Boston MA
Hinckley & Rollins – Bangor ME
Hollands Mfg. Co. – Erie PA
Home Comfort – The Malleable Iron Range Co. – Beaver Dam WI
The Home Griddle Mfg. Co. – Buffalo NY
Hunger Mfg. Co. – Erie PA
The Hunter Sifter Mfg. Co. – Cincinnati OH

I.A.S. & Co. – Philidelphia PA
“Ideal” –
Illinois Griddle Co. – Morris IL
Indiana Stove Co. –  IN
Indianapolis Stove Co. – Indianapolis IN
A. Ingraham & Co. – Troy NY
“I.O.A.” –
Iowa Griddle Co. – Sioux City IA
Iron Age –
Iron Craft – Freedom NH
Ironwood Cookware – Otter Lake MI
Irwin Mfg Co. – Louisville KY

Jagger, Treadwell & Perry – Albany NY
E. A. Jeffrey – New York NY
Jesup & Sterling – NY
Sherman S. Jewett & Co. – Buffalo NY
Jewett & Root –
J J C & R –
J.K. Jr. & Co. – Baltimore MD
John C. Johnson Co. – Birmingham AL
Jones –

The Keeley Stove Co. – Columbia PA
Keen & Hagerty – Baltimore MD
Kenton Brand – Kenton Harware Company – Kenton OH
Kentucky Griddle Co. – Lexington KY
Kentucky Stove Co. – Louisville KY
J. Kern Jr. & Co. – Baltimore MD
Keystone Food Chopper – Boyertown PA
C. Kieffer – Lancaster PA
King Stove & Range Co. – Sheffield AL
Kingery Mfg. Co. – Cincinnati OH
A. Klauer – Dubuque IA
Klyne – Knoxville TN
Knox Stove Works –
Knoxville – B & I – Foundry – Knoxville TN
S S Kresge Company –

Landers Frary and Clark – New Britain CT
Langdon –
Lanier & Driesbach – Cincinnati OH
Lawler Machine & Foundry Co. – Birmingham AL
Lee Hardware – Salina KS
Lehigh Stove Co. – Lehighton PA
Leibrandt & McDowell Stove Mfg. Co. –
L H & F Co. – New York NY
J.S. Lithgow – Louisville KY
Lithgow Mfg Co – Louisville KY
Littlestown Hdwe & Fdry Co Inc. – New York NY
Lodge Mfg Co. – South Pittsburg TN
The W.J. Loth Stove Co. – Waynesboro VA
Lutton, Bradley & Co. – Cincinnati OH

MacDonald –
Magee Furnace Co. – Boston MA
Majestic Mfg. Co. – St. Louis MO
Makomb –
March, Sisler, & Co – Lawrenceville PA
Marietta C. Co. –  PA
Marion Stove Co.(or Works) – Marion IN
Martin Stove & Range Co. – Florence AL
The Master Bake Pot Co. – Bloomfield NJ
Matthai, Ingram & Co. – Baltimore MD
McClure Bean Soup –
Medina –
Menard Mfg. Co. – Menard IL
M H & E Co. – Marietta PA
A. G. Miller – Minneapolis MN
M.J. Miller & Co. – Oneonta NY
Mission Foundry & Stove Works – San Francisco CA
Modern Fdy. & Mfg. Co. – Mascoutah IL
W.W. Montague & Co. – San Francisco CA
Montgomery Ward & Co. – Chicago IL
Morgan M F G. Co. – Kalamazoo MI
Mound City Foundry – St. Louis MO
Mt. Penn Stove Works – Reading PA
Mountain City Stove Co. – Chattanooga TN

NAC & Co. –
Nashville Casting Co. Inc. – Nashville TN
L.E. Nelson –
N. Nelson – Lacrosse WI
New England Butt Co. – Providence RI
New Era –
N & N Mfg Co – Bangor ME
Cha s Noble & Co. – Philadelphia PA
Nordic Ware – Minneapolis MN
North, Chase & North – Philadelphia PA
Norths, Harrison & Chase – Philadelphia PA
Noyes & Hutton – Troy NY
Noyes & Nutter Mfg. Co. – Bangor ME
W.J. Noyes – Albany NY
N.Y. Holloware Co. – NY
M.L. Nyberg & Co – Erie PA
A.T. Nye & Son – Marietta OH

Oberman s Perfection –
O Brien & O Brien – Chicago IL
Ohio Stove Co. – Portsmouth OH
Olde Ironsides –
O.P.& Co. – Orr Painter & Co. – Reading PA
J.F. Osborn & Bro. – Clarksburg WV
Otter River Foundry – Otter River MA
A. Overbagh – Hudson NY
“Ozark” – St. Louis MO

Pagoma – Omaha NE
Daniel E. Paris & Co. – Troy NY
Parisian L & D M.F.G. & IN. O. –
N. Patterson & Co. – Cincinnati 0H
Patterson & Co. – Gervais OR
Patton Mfg. Co. – Columbus OH
P&B Mf g Co. – Nashville TN
H.S. Pease – Cincinnati OH
J.S.&M. Peckham – Utica NY
Peerless –
Penn Mfg. Co. – Hulton PA
Perfection Waffle Baker –
Perin & Gaff Mfg. Co. – Cincinnati OH
C.P. Peterson – Richmond IN
G.H. Phillip s & Co. – Troy NY
Phillips & Buttorff – Nashville TN
Pitty Pat s Porch – Atlanta GA
Plymouth Iron Foundry – Plymouth MA
P&M Self Cooker – NY
Pocasset Iron Works – NY
Pomeroy, Peckover & Co. – Cincinnati OH
Portland Stove Foundry Co. – Portland ME
Portsmouth – Portsmouth OH
Prairie Flower –
Premium Hollow Ware – Richmond VA
Preston – Lowell MA
Primus –
Prizer-Painter Stove Works – Reading PA
P.S.F. Co. – Portland ME
P&W –
Pyne Hacket & Co. – Louisville KY

Q.M. Broiler –

R & Co. – Marrietta PA
Rainbow & Co. – Pittsburgh PA
S.H. Ransom & Co. – Albany NY
J.F. Rathbone & Co. – Albany NY
Raymond & Campbell – Middletown PA
R&E Mfg. Co. – New Britain CT
J.M. Read – Boston MA
W. Reed & Co. – Cincinnati OH
Reid s –
Renfrow Ware – Los Angeles CA
W. Resor & Co. – Cincinnati OH
“REV-O-NOC” – Chicago IL
Rex Mfg. Co. –
Richmond Stove Co. – Richmond VA
Ripley Cake Griddle Co. – Ripley OH
E. Ripley s – Troy NY
Ritch & Pidge Mfg. Co. – Fultonville NY
J. C. Roberts – Bedford PA
W.F. Robertson & Co. – Beverly OH
J.H. Roelker & Company – Evansville IN
Roelker Blount & Co. – Evansville IN
L.H. Rogan & Co. – Knoxville TN
Rome Hollow Ware & Stove Mfg. Co. – Rome GA
Rome Industries – Peoria IL
Rome Stove Works –
D. Root & Co. – Indianapolis IN
Roper – Rockford IL
Rosenbaum & Co. – Cincinnati OH
Roys & Wilcox Co. – Astberlin CT
RS Co –

S. Mfg. Co. – New York NY
Sampson & Tisdale – New York NY
J.A. Sandstrum – Portland OR
D.E. Sanford Co. – Los Angeles CA
Sanford & Clute – Schenectady NY
San Francisco Stove Works – San Francisco CA
Savery & Co. – Philadelphia PA
B.M. Savery – New York NY
Savery, Shaw & Co. – Albany NY
J. Savery s Son & Co. – New York NY
S.B. & Co. –
Scandinavian Importing Co. – Boston MA
SCF Co –
Schofield s – Macon GA
S.C.T. CO. –
H. Seabury – Albany NY
Selden & Griswold Mfg. Co. – Erie PA
Shaeffer Griddle Co. – Canton OH
Shantz & Keeley – Spring City PA
Shapleigh Hardware Co. – St. Louis MO
Shepard Hardware Co. – Buffalo NY
Sheppard – Philadelphia PA
Shinnick, Hatton & Co. – Zanesville OH
Shinnick & Co. – Zanesville OH
Shinnick, Woodside & Gibbons – Zanesville OH
Fred. L. Shoch – Philadelphia PA
“Sidney” – Sidney OH
Sidney Hollow Ware Co. – Sidney OH
Sidney M f g. Co. – Sidney OH
Silver & Co. –
E.C. Simmons – Simmons Hardware Co. – St. Louis MO
Jos Simpson – Columbus OH
Skinner Safety Kettle Co. – Erie PA
S M Co. – Pittsburgh PA
Smith, Francis & Wells – Springville (Chester Co.) PA
Smith & Seltzer – Philadelphia PA
W.B. Smith s –
So-Co-Op F dy Co. – Rome GA
South Pittsburg Hollow Ware Works – South Pittsburg TN
Southard, Robertson & Co. – New York NY
Southard & Co. – New York NY
S.P. & Co. –
S-P Co. –
S & P Co. – Philadelphia PA
D.R. Sperry & Co – Batavia IL
E. Spoors – New York NY
Springville Stove & Hollow Ware Works – Springville PA
“S.R. & Co.” – Chicago IL
S & T Co. –
Standard –
Standard Gas Equipment Corp. – New York NY
Standard Mfg. Co. – Monongahelia PA
Star Foundry – Wheeling VA
E. C. Stearns & Co. – Syracuse NY
Stewart –
F. M. Still – NY
Stove Co. – Scranton PA
Stover Mfg. Co. – Freeport IL
H. Strickland & Co –
Butler N. Strong – Chatham CT
Stuart Peterson & Co. – Philidelphia PA
J.A. Studabaker Hardware – Bluffton IN
Sullivan & Herdman – Zanesville OH
Superior Cleveland – Cleveland OH
Supreme Fdry-Mfg Co. – Belleville IL
Susquehanna Iron Works – Middletown PA
S.W. Co. – Philadelphia PA
Sweeney’s –

J.A. Talbo – Cassopoli MI
F L Tarbell Mfg Co – Chicago IL
Taunton Iron Works – Taunton MA
Tecumseh – Techmseh MI
Tennessee Agricultural Works – Nashville TN
Terstegge, Gohmann & Co. – New Albany IN
Texaloy Foundry – Floresville TX
Thomas, Roberts, Stevenson & Co. – Quakertown PA
Thompson & Parkins – Philadelphia PA
T.I.W. Co. –
Tremen & Bros – Ithaca NY
Triumph –
TRS & Co – Philadelphia PA
Trumbore Hromsco –
Tuthill & Avery – Easton MD

F.M. Van Etten – Chicago IL
Victor –
Vitantonia Mfg. Co. – Cleveland OH
Vollrath Mfg. Co. – Sheboygan WI
Vose & Co – Albany NY

Waffledog Corp. – Washington DC
Wagner Mfg. Co. – Sidney OH
Walker –
Geo. W. Walker & Co. – Boston MA
Wapak Hollow Ware Co. – Wapakoneta OH
Montgomery Ward –
Warnick & Leibrandt – Philadelphia PA
N. Waterman – Boston MA
W.B. Co. – Bangor ME
House Of Webster – Rogers AR
Weed & Cornwell – Savanna GA
H. Wells & Bro. – Martinsferry OH
Western Foundry – Leavenworth KS
The Western Foundry Co. – Chicago IL
Western Importing Co. – Minneapolis MN
Western Stove Mfg. Co. – St. Louis MO
Mrs. Wheelock s Wafer Irons – St. Paul MN
Thomas White – Quincy IL
Wilton –
W.I.R.CO. – Wrought Iron Range Co. – St. Louis MO
Witte Hardware Co. – St. Louis MO
W.M.C. Co. – William M. Crane Company – New York NY
Wolters & Bergerman – Pueblo CO
Wood, Bishop & Co. – Bangor ME
Wright & Bridgeford – Louisville KY
Wrightsville Hardware Co. –
W. S. & Co. Arcole Iron Works –

Canadian Sources
Provinces: NB=New Brunswick, NS=Nova Scotia, ON=Ontario, QC=Quebec
Amherst Foundry Co. – Amherst NS
A. Belanger Limitee – Montmagny QC
“Bhouka Grill” – Granby QC
Clement & Co. – Toronto ON
Coral – Granby QC
Eaton’s Housewares –
Eatonia Housewares –
Enamel & Heating Products Limited – Sackville NB
Fawcett’s Stove Works – Sackville NB
Findlay – Carleton Place ON
General Steel Wares – Toronto ON
Javelin – Joliette QC
L’Islet – L’Islet QC
Lisser –
Mayfair Housewares –
McClary’s – London ON
Menard & Cie – Montreal QC
James Smart Mfg. Co. Limited – Brockville ON
Taylor Forbes – Guelph ON

If the London Hammer was contemporaneous as the statists state, then one of the factories listed above would have a record of making it. They would have [1] a record and a [2] manufacturing procedure, as well [3] as the tooling to infuse chlorine into purified iron. This isn’t just paper records, boys and girls, this is hard equipment that you can walk up to and touch with your own hands. If the London Hammer is contemporaneous with 1933, then the equipment that made it would be available for all to see.

The reader must recognize that the hammers that you see in stores today, and the irons used during the American civil war are two completely different “animals”. They have decidedly different qualities. Not only in material composition, but in grain form, shape and density.

"All of the existing companies in Birmingham produced "pig iron," which was formed in molds laid out in a pattern resembling piglets nursing at the belly of a sow, hence the name. Pig iron has a very high carbon content and as a result is very brittle and difficult to work with and therefore has limited use in manufacturing. Steel is an alloy, or mixture, of iron and a small but crucial amount of carbon that (depending on the quality of the iron used) produces a highly workable metal that was more suitable for shaping into rails for the expanding railroad industry. Birmingham's local iron ore was high in phosphorus, which produced inferior steel."

-Encyclopedia of Alabama

So, even if any of the mills were able to produce (by some miracle) chlorine infused white iron, the quality would be poor. There would be high percentages of carbon and phosphorous in the metals. Something that is not seen nor found in the London Hammer.

This tells us something significant. Any iron or steel produced prior to (say) 1900 would contain impurities. These impurities would be a “fingerprint” that could identify where the iron or material came from. The problem is that this London Hammer does NOT contain impurities, it has a fixed and homogenous composition.

It has no forensic “fingerprint”!

To really appreciate this discovery, one really needs to understand what iron and steel actually is, as well as to understand the difficulties in manufacturing the hammerhead that is found in the London Hammer. With that in mind, let’s cover this subject briefly…

Iron Alloys

Most utility tools in the world are made out of steel. Obviously there are variations in the types of steels. There are specialty materials that will prevent spark formation, and resist corrosion. Never the less, it is quite rare for a tool to be made out of a utility grade iron.

The alloy used in this hammer is known as “Alloyed Iron”. What is so darn confusing about the hammer is the material selection used. Why use such a hard alloy to manufacture, and one that has properties that don’t seem to fit the narrative of a simple “Mining hammer”? A mining tool made out of white iron instead of steel is unheard of. It really is!

"Not only was iron cheaper and easier to get than bronze, it also made better tools. With an iron sword, you could slice as well as stabbing with the point. Iron armor was lighter and stronger than bronze. Iron knives and scissors were sharper than bronze ones and stayed sharp longer. Iron fish-hooks were stronger and lighter and sharper than bronze or bone hooks. Iron cooking pots weighed less, got hot faster, and held heat better than clay pots. Iron bars were stronger and could hold more weight. In India, by the 1000s AD architects were even making iron beams to hold up the roofs of big temples."

-History of Iron

Let’s take a moment to investigate this alloy.

In general, the term “cast Iron “ is a generic term that is used to define any iron alloy that does not have the presence of carbon in it. The six types of “cast iron” are [1] gray iron, [2] ductile iron, [3] compacted graphite iron (CGI), [4] malleable iron, [5] white iron and [6] alloyed iron. The “London Hammer” has a hammerhead that is made out of “alloyed iron”.


The basic strength and hardness of all iron alloys is provided by the metallic structures containing a crystalline allotropic form of carbon.  Which is what makes it really difficult to track from whence this material came from. Almost all irons have some graphite inside of it. The carbon graphite gives the iron the properties that we so know and love about steel.

By controlling the type of carbon, and how it is added, one can significantly improve and enhance the properties of the metal. It can range from those of soft, low-carbon steel (18 ksi/124 MPa) to those of hardened, high-carbon steel (230 ksi/1,586 MPa). Indeed, the modulus of elasticity varies with the class of iron, the shape of the cast part (sphericity) and volume fraction of carbon inside of it. All of which is a knowledge base that helped to greatly expand the steel industry in Pittsburgh and the Ohio valley.

Other minerals can be added to iron to add other properties as well…

"Huge amounts of iron are used to make steel, an alloy of iron and carbon. Steel typically contains between 0.3% and 1.5% carbon, depending on the desired characteristics. The addition of other elements can give steel other useful properties. Small amounts of chromium improves durability and prevents rust (stainless steel); nickel increases durability and resistance to heat and acids; manganese increases strength and resistance to wear; molybdenum increases strength and resistance to heat; tungsten retains hardness at high temperatures; and vanadium increases strength and springiness. Steel is used to make paper clips, skyscrapers and everything in between."

-It's elemental (Iron)

Now all this excitement about the hammer not corroding is really “much a do about nothing”. So what? It is precisely because of their relatively high silicon content, cast irons inherently resist oxidation and corrosion. Until you add carbon…then it starts to rust. So that is why Stainless Steels were such a big thing back in the day. It was a method by which carbon could be added to the steel, to make it hard, and a process put in place to reduce corrosion.

Heat Treatment

Properties of the cast iron family can be adjusted over a wide range of various alloys and can be further enhanced by heat treatment. This heat treatment is done in different ways, though I am most familiar with oil quenching under pressure. You cart the iron in to a huge pressure cooker filled with oil. Clamp it down, and raise the temperature and pressure. Let it “cook” for a while and then control the cool-down process.

Here are the various types of commercially available irons. Note that they all utilize carbon in one way or the other. While we all like to call them “cast iron”, the truth is that they are quite different from each other.

Gray iron – Engine blocks

When you add graphite in the form of flakes to molten iron, you get “Grey Iron”. This iron has a microstructure with a very strong grey color to the microfractures. While you can’t see it using the naked eye, you can see it under a microscope. That is how it got it’s name.

The flake graphite (carbon) provides gray iron with some very desirable properties For instance, there is the all important machinability, and signifigant hardness levels. It is the hardness that produces superior wear-resistant characteristics. This includes the ability to resist galling and excellent vibration damping.

This makes it ideally suited for machine bases and supports, engine cylinder blocks and brake components. This type of iron is often classified in accordance to its tensile strength. If ou want to find out more, you can reference ASTM Standard A48 and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Standard J431 .

Ductile iron – Decorative, Castings & Pipes

Ductile iron is very useful for pipe fittings and decorative pieces. An unusual combination of properties is obtained in ductile iron because the carbon graphite occurs as spheroids rather than as flakes. The factory can produce different grades by controlling the matrix structure around the graphite. They can do this either as to how it is cast or by how it is heat treated.

Five grades of ductile iron are classified by their tensile properties in ASTM Standard A536. SAE Standard J434c (for automotive castings and similar applications) identifies these five grades of ductile iron only by Brinell hardness.

Ductile iron has the ability to be used as-cast. That means that it is really easy to make simple cast parts and have them last for a long time. It might not be the toughest iron, but it is often good enough. It has a tensile strength comparable to many steel alloys and a modulus of elasticity between that of gray iron and steel. As its name implies, it has a high degree of ductility. It can be cast in a wide range of casting sizes and section thickness.

Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) – Modern Engines

In CGI, the carbon graphite locally occurs as interconnected blunt flakes. It is all about the shape and form of the carbon. The compacted graphite shape also is called quasi-flake, aggregated flake, semi-nodular and vermicular graphite. CGI is an alternative to both gray iron and light metals in heavily loaded applications. It combines much of the strength and stiffness of ductile iron with the thermal conductivity and castability of gray cast iron.

The microstructure definition of CGI is formally specified by ASTM Standard A842 as a cast iron containing a minimum of 80% of the graphite particles in compacted form. The grades of CGI are 250, 300, 350, 400 and 450, based on their tensile strength. The lowest strength is ferritic, and the highest strength is pearlitic.

White iron – Brakes, bearings

This is an iron without any carbon.

The phase changes of iron as a function of percentage of carbon.
Phase diagram of iron and steel. This is a very great chart that shows (obviously) how the material changes when you add carbon to the molten iron. (Image Source.)

White iron is hard and essentially free of graphite. The metal solidifies with a compound called cementite, which is a phase that dominates the microstructure and properties of white iron. The carbides are in a matrix that may be pearlitic, ferritic, austenitic, martensitic or any combination thereof.

“White cast irons are usually made by limiting the silicon content to a maximum of 1.3 percent, so that no graphite is present and all of the carbon exists as cementite (Fe3C). The name white refers to the bright appearance of the fracture…”


High-chromium white irons are used for elevated-temperature service.  High-chromium white irons and nickel-chromium white irons (Ni-Hard) are used for abrasion-resistant service. Other alloyed irons are used for corrosion resistance or elevated-temperature service. This iron is unique in that it is the only member of the cast iron family in which carbon is present only as a carbide. The presence of different carbides, depending on the alloy content, makes white iron hard and abrasion-resistant but also very brittle.

Malleable iron – Cast Iron Fittings, Brackets, Clamps

In malleable iron, the graphite occurs as irregularly shaped nodules called temper carbon because it is formed in the solid state during heat treatment. The iron is cast as a white iron of a suitable chemical composition to respond to the malleabilizing heat treatment. ASTM Specification A220 defines eight grades of pearlitic malleable iron with increasing strength and decreasing ductility. Specification A47 is for ferritic malleable iron, which has the lowest strength and highest ductility. Malleable iron is ideal for thin-sectioned components that require ductility. Ferritic malleable iron is produced to a lower strength range than pearlitic malleable iron but with higher ductility. It is the most machinable of cast irons, and it can be die-strengthened or coined to bring key dimensions to close tolerance limits.

Alloyed iron – The London Hammer

This classification includes gray irons, ductile irons and white irons that have more than 3% alloying elements (nickel, chromium, molybdenum, silicon or copper) but no carbon.

Malleable irons are not heavily alloyed because many of the alloying elements interfere with the graphite-forming process that occurs during heat treatment.

These irons are classified as two types: corrosion-resistant and elevated-temperature service.

  • Corrosion-resistant alloyed cast iron is used to produce parts for engineering applications that operate in an environment such as sea water, sour well oils, commercial organic and inorganic acids and alkalis.
  • Elevated-temperature service alloyed iron resists formation and fracture under service loads, oxidation by the ambient atmosphere, growth and instability in structure up to 1,100F (600C). The ability to cast complex shapes and machine alloyed irons makes them an attractive material for the production of components in chemical processing plants, petroleum refining, food handling and marine service.

The only thing that would benefit a tool being corrosion-resistant is if it were to be utilized in a marine or otherwise wet environment. Obvious, if the selection of the material was intentional, as it most certainly was, then the hammer was intended for use in areas where corrosion would be an issue. That implies that the hammer was designed for use in marine environments.

This hammer was designed for use in a marine environment.

Hammer Head Density

Density tests indicated that the casting was of exceptional quality. The density of the iron in a central, cross-sectional plane shows the interior metal to be very pure, with no bubbles. Obvious this object was cast from a mold and was done so in a facility of great metallurgical capacity. This must be the case as it is not easy adding chlorine gas to molten iron. Think about the problem. How would YOU add dangerous and corrosive chlorine gas to a cauldron of molten iron?

The people that made this hammerhead did so with many years of experience with this particular alloy. If this is a contemporaneous material in a contemporaneous hammerhead, then there would be other products, not necessarily hammerheads that would use this exact formulation of metal alloy. Are there?

I ask the reader to try to identify other examples of this particular alloy so that we can close out this matter.

Processing & Fabrication Concerns

It is not just that the material composition is odd, well it is VERY odd, but that it needed very specialized equipment to fabricate the part.  It’s not that it was cast, but it had post machining processing as well. It is obvious that this part was not made in some crude backyard factory, or blacksmith shop. It was made in a well-equipped processing facility.

The london hammer was found encased within a stone.
The London Hammer as found before the section was section was broken off. Handle showing the section of the rock that was broken off. (Image Source)

The part needed to be cast. That was easy; sand casting has been around for a long, long time. The problem is that there is an unusual quantity of Chlorine involved.

Chlorine is not an everyday material that you just add to the molten material in the ladle. Chlorine is dangerous and very corrosive. Exposure to chlorine is irritating to the eyes, nose, throat, and mucous membranes. At high enough levels, exposure could cause serious injury or death. It is highly corrosive and reacts violently (think explosion) with petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, oil, solvents, and turpentine.

Chlorine can also react with carbon monoxide and other combustion products to make highly toxic and corrosive gases. You DO NOT smoke around chlorine, nor do you have any kind of smoke, soot or petroleum vapors near it.

Thus, any manufacturing process that adds chlorine to the steel must do so in a very safe and cautious manner. No leakages of the gas can be tolerated. There needs to be extensive quality controls, and the insertion of the deadly gas into the molten iron must be carefully conducted.

The reader is reminded that the “London Hammer” was found in the early 1930’s.

Technology was very simple and primitive in the early 1930's. It was too primitive to be able to add the toxic and corrosive gas chlorine to molten iron.
When the London Hammer was discovered, the world was entering a period of great technology. Wireless was invented. People started to drive Model A automobiles, and ice-boxes were just starting to be replaced with huge refrigeration units. High Technology in the 1930’s (image Source)


Iron and steel factories in the 1930’s were dark, dim and smoky places. Gas fumes were everywhere as you had large locomotives carting ore and ash. You had internal combustion engines motoring about, and dusty working conditions. Carbon monoxide was everywhere. (Not to mention smoking workers on their cigarette breaks.) These kinds of gasses react explosively with chlorine gas. This was in the 1930’s remember. If this hammer was made before then, as the statists presuppose, then the conditions were much, much worse. I guess that the statists have never been to a steel factory, eh?

The environment within a steel factory is a very dirty and dangerous one.
The environment inside a steel factory up to the last decade or so, has been far too dirty, and dangerous for injection of chlorine into the ladle of molten iron. When chlorine gets near most gasses and smoke, the chlorine undergoes a serious change and typically explodes violently. To control this, the insertion of chlorine must be in a sterile, clean and controlled environment. (Image source.)


In short, in 1933 the production environment was too dangerous to even attempt to add chlorine gas to molten iron. It is highly unlikely that there was a safe, sterile, clean environment to infuse iron ingots with the deadly, toxic and dangerous chlorine gas during the American civil war.

Stainless Steel

Steel that would not rust was unheard of until 1913.

If there was some factory producing any kind of iron objects that would not rust, they would have been well known. Obviously there weren’t any, as the hunt to find non-corrosive steel continued in earnest until the invention of stainless steel.

It is reported that the first true stainless steel, a 0.24% Carbon, 12.8% Chromium ferrous alloy, was produced by Brearley in an electric furnace on 13 August 1913. He was subsequently awarded the Iron and Steel Institute’s Bessemer Gold Medal in 1920. In 1924, Hatfield patented the 18-8 stainless steel, 18% chromium and 8% nickel. This austenitic stainless would soon rise to become the most popular and widely used type of stainless steel. Adding titanium to the 18-8, Hatfield is also credited with the invention of 321 stainless.

The material in the head of this hammer is a “stainless” steel, but it is NOT any known alloy of steel. The Chlorine and Sulfur in it prevents corrosion. However, that is not the way stainless steel is made anywhere in the world today.  It is a “stainless” iron alloy.

The dimensions of the london hammer are quite small.
The London hammer as viewed from the “top”. Notice the size of the thumb of the person holding the hammer. The hammerhead is about the thickness of a thumb and the length of the striking surface (the face) along the “neck” is quite short. Top view of the hammer. (Image Source.)

Wood in the Handle Grip

The handle eye is partially fossilized and coalified with quartz and calcite crystalline inclusions, oval shaped, and roughly 1″ x 1/2”.

The wood has not been identified.

There hasn’t been any kind of studies that I am aware of on composition or radiocarbon analysis. However, I caution the reader on this. The accuracy of radiocarbon analysis decreases with age and is only good for 50 thousand years or so.

"Despite its usefulness, radiocarbon dating has a number of limitations. First, the older the object, the less carbon-14 there is to measure. Radiocarbon dating is therefore limited to objects that are younger than 50,000 to 60,000 years or so."

-Carbon Dating

While I know that anything is possible in this world, I find it difficult to believe that a piece of wood can become fossilized and coalified within a few years. For after all, that is the statist argument. The argument is that this object of metal was [1] of recent manufacture (to the 1930’s), and [2] local conditions somehow fossilized the wood and [3] turned the material surrounding it into rock.

Wood petrifies when it is buried in silt deposited by flooding rivers or seas and silicates, such as are found in volcanic ash, dissolve and impregnate it. These substances replace the hydrogen and oxygen portions in the wood and begin the petrifaction process by silicification. This may produce very solid opal or quartz minerals. The final product is approximately 5 times as heavy as common pine wood.

It is difficult to radio carbon date a stone.
Fossilized wood can be found all over the world. Obviously they are very difficult to radio carbon date, being stone and all. Not to mention, the fact that there is no carbon left in the mineralized structure left to date! (Image source.)


It is difficult to determine which kind of wood was used. The wood is fossilized, and the photographs available do not permit the kind of study that is necessary for full investigation of the wood. However, we can make some general determinations. Based on the photographs, the “tree rings” shown at the eye of the hammer appear to be near to each other (less than 1mm from each other) and thus, resemble a hardwood.

Today, tree rings that are close together are typically suggestive of hard woods. While tree rings that are far apart are typically suggestive of soft woods. This is interesting, but it doesn’t tell us much, except to say that the wood could have been similar to a modern softwood. Also, from what is observable, there are no knots in the wood.

Yet, even this tells us something…

History of Wood 101

Let’s take a look at the wood used in the handle. Well, back in 2011 discovery in the Canadian province of New Brunswick yielded the earliest known plants to have grown wood, approximately 395 to 400 million years ago. So we do know that there were wood trees long before the time of the formation of the local strata. This is refreshing in that it puts a “new face” on what the plant life was at that time.

At the beginning of the Permian, plant life consisted of various ferns, mossess and similar plants. Eventually the swamps and low areas full of huge ferns and similar plants were replaced by new types of plant life. In many Permian forests the tree canopy became dominated by cordaites, tree ferns like Psaronius and horsetails like Calamites. Back then, most of the plant life still looked much like ferns and mosses. However, they began to evolve.

The plant life during the Permian was very primitive.
Typical plant life during the early Permian.(Image source.)


Seed ferns (Pteridosperms) like Medullosa also accounted for a good percentage of the plant life while the role of lycopsids decreased. The best-known seed plants alive today are the conifer trees such as pine, spruce and larch. Indeed, these seed plants, such as conifers became more diverse and more abundant towards the end of the Permian. In some locations Dadoxylon, are among the largest and most numerous of tree trunks found in this time period. I have read that Arizona’s “petrified forest” was a forest of the first conifers, or gymnosperms. And, all those exposed fossilized logs are the crystallized remains of the tree species Araucarioxylon arizonicum.

In my mind, I like to think of the Permian (300 to 250 million years ago) to be when the first softwoods began to replace all the tall ferns and grasses. They quickly began to dominate the forests. Within a few million years, many softwoods populated the forests all over the world. This continued until the evolution of the hardwoods came about.

The advent of the hardwood (angiosperm) began about 150 million years ago in the early Cretaceous. That was a 100 million years after softwoods. They appeared at about the same time geologists believe that the earth started to break apart from the single continent called the Pangaea.  Early into that Tertiary period, hardwoods exploded and diversified themselves on each new continent.

If the London Hammer was made and lost in the Eocene, then it is very possible that the handle could have been made out of some sort of hardwood.

  • Those claiming earlier dates older than 150 million years cannot support the contention that the handle is made out of hardwood.
  • Those claiming dates older than 300 million years cannot support the contention that the handle was made out of either hardwood or softwood, as before that time, all plant life consisted of ferns and fern like plants.

Dating of the Wood

I, of course, would absolutely welcome the dating of the wood. Though, it would be pretty fucking difficult noting that it is a fossilized stone, and there are limits to radio-carbon dating.

You fucking cannot perform radio-carbon dating on a God-damn stone. For Pete’s sake! So, imagine my interest when I read this;

“A recent radiocarbon-dating test was performed on a sample of wood removed from the interior of the handle. The results showed inconclusive dates ranging from the present to 700 years ago.”

I followed their link for proof, and poof! It dead ends. Bummer!

Well, that wasn’t helpful. So I went a looking elsewhere.

The current owner of the hammer is Mr. Carl Baugh at the Creation Evidence Museum. He has NEVER authorized any testing of the wood in the handle. Nor has there EVER been any testing on the wood. Anyone who makes claims that the wood has gone through testing is lying.

No one has ever tested the wood. So…

I guess that if the scientific statists can’t convince anyone of their narrative, they must resort to lying.

Sheath around the Hammer Head

The portion of stone surrounding the hammerhead also seems to present abnormalities.  There seems to be a cavity of sorts that suggest that there might have been some sort of sheath covering the hammer. The sheath has since disappeared for one reason or the other. We are unable to determine anything about the sheath other than it might have been some sort of wrapping.


Surrounding, connecting, and attached to the rock containing the hammer are a number of shellfish.

These are bivalves that clearly have the same appearance and shape as bivalves of the Eocene. For those readers that don’t know the difference, bivalves evolved over time. Creatures all evolve over time, and general appearance can be helpful to identify a specific point in time.

A seashell from 50,000,000 years ago looks quite different from one found on the beach outside your house today.

By looking at the shells that are embedded in the rock surrounding the hammer, we can date the evolution of those creatures. And low and behold! They match the strata of the rock that the hammer was found in.

Imagine that!

In any event, shellfish no longer thrive in the London, Texas region. They only thrive in open water, not in hot and dry desert regions.  Unless someone carted this rock from the ocean in the Gulf of Mexico and placed it on the rock ledge, the shellfish that covered the rock of the London Hammer were from the Eocene.

The shell type, configuration and shape can tell us a lot about the objects thta they attach themselves to.
Shellfish evolve over time. Those that study these creatures can easily determine the age of the shells that attached themselves to the hammerhead. Photo from a museum showing shellfish from different time periods. (Image Source & Permissions.)

Protective Coating

"research continues into the unusually shiny transparent layer which surrounded the hammer when it was discovered and why it did not corrode for several months."

- Mackay, John (ed). "Ordovician Hammer Report". Creation Ex Nihilo Feb. 1984. Vol. 2, No. 3. 

I know nothing about this. What I do know is that surface treatments of the early 1930’s did not include thin transparent or clear surfaces.

The Eye of the Hammer

All hammers need a mechanism that holds the wooden handle in place near the hammerhead.  This device or mechanism is called the “wedge”. It is typically a metal sliver or wedge shaped piece of metal that is hammered into the top end of the wooden handle near the hammerhead. This particular area is known as the “eye”.

Typically, it is a cast metal part, though it can actually be just about any kind of material as long as the material is harder than the wood handle. Typically, it is hammered or more often, pressed into place. The material conventionally is often steel or a cast iron part.

Looking at the eye of the hammer tells us that the wedge had a width around 10mm to 15mm. We do not know the depth of the wedge, nor the thickness. We can guess proportionally based on contemporaneous conventional wedges. That doesn’t help us much.

A study of the eye of the London hammer also shows clearly that only one wedge was used. It was located in the center of the handle end within the “eye”. However, it has since disappeared. We can only assume that the wedge disappeared after the time the London Hammer was lost. Otherwise, the hammerhead would have detached from the hammer, and the two parts would not have been found together in the state that it was discovered in.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the wedge was encapsulated along with the entire handle at the same time. As such, and because the wedge was not found when the rock was cracked open, it is highly reasonable to expect that the wedge corroded into dust while encapsulated within the rock.

This fact tells us some important things;

  • The wedge was made of a different material than the hammerhead.
  • The wedge had a different negative electropotential than the hammerhead, and thus possibly acted as a Sacrificial Anode comparatively. This is much like the way zinc is used on steel ocean vessels.
  • The galvanic series table clearly shows that corrosion resistant metals have a cathodic (or more noble) role in the comparative chart. This tells us that when two metals are placed in close proximity to each other, the metal that is anodic (or less noble) will corrode first. From established tables we can see that there are many materials that are less noble than corrosion free materials.
  • Thus, it is probable that the material that the wedge was made of was possibly made of plain carbon steel, aluminum, zinc, or magnesium. (Though other materials are also a possibility.)

If the London Hammer was contemporaneous, as the scientific statist’s state, then we know…

  • Production quantities of aluminum were available as early as April 2, 1889, when Charles Martin Hall patented an inexpensive method for the production of aluminum.
  • It was extremely expensive, and not used in any kinds of mass produced products.
  • It was considered a precious metal until 1914.
  • Limited applications for aluminum filtered into specialized products beginning in the middle 1920’s.
  • Since the London Hammer was discovered in the middle of the 1930’s, it is highly unlikely that production quantities of utility-grade aluminum wedges were used in a utility hammer, and that aluminum completely corroded into dust within a ten-year span of time.

Which leaves us with magnesium. Magnesium would need to be in some form of alloy and given it’s cost and material properties it is highly unlikely that it would ever be considered as a wedge in a hammer. it is decidedly NOT a utility grade material.

Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the wedge was made either out of simple low carbon steel, or aluminum. If it was made out of aluminum, it is unlikely that it is a contemporaneous object. My bet is on a different alloy iron (either as a low carbon steel, or something else), or barring that as an aluminum. In any event the metal or material in the wedge was more anodic than the hammerhead.

The metal or material in the wedge of the London Hammer was more anodic than the hammerhead.

Conventional Hammerhead Design

Today, and for the last one hundred years, hammerheads have been made of high carbon, heat-treated steel. This is for strength and durability. They are also heat treated. The heat treatment helps prevent chipping or cracking caused by repeated blows against other metal objects. Certain specialty hammers may have heads made of copper, brass, babbet metal, bronze and even rubber.

The steel hammerhead is conventionally made by a process called hot forging. A length of steel bar is heated to about 2,200-2,350° F (1,200-1,300° C) and then die cut in the shape of the hammerhead. Once cut, the hammerhead is heat treated to harden the steel.

The problem with this particular hammerhead is that the apparent manufacturing process was completely different. The hammerhead is not made of steel, it was apparently not hot forged, and it was not heat-treated. Instead, it was cast out of a mold using an unusual metal compound, allowed to cool and then machined to shape. After machining, it was apparently coated with some kind of clear coating. It is an unconventional manufacturing process for metal parts.

The hammerhead on the London Hammer was fabricated using a very unusual and unorthodox manufacturing process.

I would welcome a metallurgical study on this hammerhead to help us identify the process involved. As I am sure that it would tell us much more than I can presuppose.

18th Century Miner’s Hammer

There are those (scientific statists)  who claim that this is just your ordinary hammer used by miners in the 18th century. If so, then it was an awfully tiny mining hammer. If I would have used this hammer when I worked the mines, I would have been relentlessly  mocked.

I am sorry to use coarse vernacular, but this isn’t a fucking mining hammer.

At best, it’s a jeweler’s hammer. It’s way, way, WAY too tiny. Maybe it was designed for the seven dwarves to mine gold with.

“The hammer in question was probably dropped or discarded by a local miner or craftsman within the last few hundred years, after which dissolved limy sediment hardened into a nodule around it.”

- Glen J. Kuban


“Cole also concluded that, judging by its style, the artifact is a 19th century miner's hammer.”

-John Cole as reported in rationalwiki


“The Hammer is identical to commonly used 19th century miners hammers, of American provenance.”


Apparently, the intellectuals have made their “official” pronouncements.

I guess that they figured all this out while they were drinking a latte in Starbucks. I’m sure they might have gotten a second opinion from the pretty girl behind the counter with the nose piercing large enough to drive a truck through. Or maybe they simply yelled upstairs and asked their mother what her opinion was.

"What I learned is that it's arrogant to be certain of anything. The world is a complex place and only idiots or assholes think they know it all."

 -Lisa Gardner


That’s a “mining hammer” said the young’un who wouldn’t know the difference between a dragline, a break line, Gunite or a tipple maul. Probably never worked a good lick of work in their life.

No dirt between the God-damn fingernails, I’d guess.

Hey, I’m just being “real”.

How about doing this; get a “Jewelers Hammer” (which is approximately the same dimensional size and hammerhead weight) and try to break a chunk of granite,  basalt, or limestone with it. I am serious. Do it. Every single one of these statists who claim that this is a friggin’ mining hammer has NEVER picked up a hammer and even tried to break up a rock with it. Yet, here they are. Professing their knowledge to the world when they haven’t even doing the physical work that they so profess to know.

This reminds me of an instance when I lived in Mississippi.

One of the projects that I was working on was designing a new coffeemaker. It was intended to revolutionize the coffee industry. (it, like so many other design projects, eventually gets canned or canceled. In this case Sunbeam-Oster bought a large company up North called Mr. Coffee, and the project was shelved.) Anyways, I had hired an Industrial Design firm to help us brain-storm some ingenuous solutions in packaging (external design) of the new coffee maker.

After paying them around $50,000 they came back two months later with a great presentation. They had all kinds of ideas. They had a very nice presentation. They had nice slides, and a great brochures.

However, they had not even bothered to try any experimenting with coffee beans. They did not bother to cook the coffee, or roast their own coffee beans. Not one single person had ever had coffee made from raw coffee beans, or a “French Press”, or anything other than “drip coffee”. Only one had ever had “Percolated coffee”.

They were “book smart” but had no physical “hands on” experience. They did not go out of their way and actually experiment. They just sat behind their computers and spewed out ideas. It was useless. It was worthless. We couldn’t use any of their ideas. Have you, the reader, ever had a similar experience?

To understand something you need to be able to touch it, taste it, feel it, smell it. You need to see it with every one of your senses.

To understand the size of 1 mm, you need to look at the thickness of a dime. To understand what the length of one inch is you need to look at your thumb. To fully appreciate how heavy one hundred pounds is, you need to lift it and carry it across the room.

Typing meaningless words on a university campus is worthless and helps no one.

Hey guys! This is what a real and actual “mining hammer” looks like…

Mining hammer.
This is what a real mining hammer looks like. It is not called a hammer. It is called a maul. Most modern-day mauls have replaced the wood with a steel bar (the wood breaks, and cracks). This is the real-deal folks. The tiny hammer found inside the inclusions doesn’t look anything like this. It just doesn’t.

Stylistically Similar Hammers

In almost all of the scientific statist articles, they lay claim that the London Hammer is “similar in style” to contemporaneous mining hammers. Yet, they don’t provide any examples to go by. You would think that it would be an easy thing to do, now wouldn’t you?

  • For something to be “identical” to something else, ALL the major characteristics must be the same.
  • For something to be “similar” to something else, MOST of the major characteristics must be the same.

The defining major characteristics of the London Hammer, as best as we can determine, are;

  1. The hammerhead dimensional relationships. (The proportions of the length x width x height x cross sectional area of the face x thickness of the bell/poll x eye width within the hammerhead.)
  2. The length of the hammerhead.
  3. The width of the hammerhead.
  4. The hammerhead weight.
  5. The shape, dimensions and the unique features of the hammerhead cheeks.
  6. The hammerhead material composition.
  7. The face and poll construction.

As far as I can determine NONE of these characteristics match those on any contemporaneous mining hammers. Which, of course, is one of the reasons why I rant on so much about the scientific statists. Their claims are like saying that a cement-mixer is the same as a Porsche 911 simply because they both have wheels.

Mining Maul.
Here is another mining maul. This was taken at a work bench near the primary lift. The maul was sitting on the table with other tools. Again, the handle was replaced with a welded bar. Yet the maul head is similar.

My Search

If these statements are true then there should be records of similar hammers in catalogs from that period. It goes without saying. Yes? If it is typical…

So, I went a looking. My first stop was Sears & Roebucks.  Which was, and continued for nearly a hundred years, the first stop in outfitting mining expeditions.  I found nothing. I then searched Montgomery Ward & Company. Also, no luck. Then Bloomingdales. I couldn’t find anything. While I did find hammers, and I did find small mining hammers, none of the pictures illustrated shown a hammer in the same style and shape as the London Artifact. I also tried to locate vintage or antique hammers for sale on eBay. Nothing at all resembled this hammer. Which is odd as there are Scientific Statists who note,

“That the hammer is stylistically consistent with typical American tools manufactured in the region in the late 1800s.”

If so, then there should be some examples of “stylistically consistent tools” that the “experts” are referring to. I myself could not find any. I would most certainly welcome some examples.

(As an aside, what is an “expert” in this particular matter? Is it someone who has actually used a mining hammer? If so, then I actually am an expert. For I have actually used a mining hammer to mine with, and got paid for using it…not much, mind you, but yes, I am an expert in mining hammers.)

Remember boys and girls, termites look like ants to most people. However, they are not ants. They are completely different. We should never make snap judgments based on appearance alone. We should look at all aspects of a given mystery. We should not devote the bulk of our efforts to disprove the conclusions of another. Instead, we should study the mysterious object alone and not encumber ourselves with the opinions and thoughts of others.

"The less people know, the more stubbornly they know it."


In the interests of science, perhaps there is someone out there that can find this object advertised in a vintage catalog so that we can put this matter to rest. It would be a welcome relief.

You have to give the statists some credit. Maybe they have seen examples of this particular tool lying about. So, I just had to do some investigation. So, I fired up the old internet search engine and went a looking. Here is what I found;

Photos of Vintage Hammers

I went on the internet and started to look for vintage or antique hammers used in mining. I tried numerous key words to this end, and I used different search engines. In almost all of the results that I have managed to compile, the hammers are substantially larger than the London Hammer is. Typically, the London Hammer is tiny, it is half the size of almost every single (single handheld) mining hammer or mining pick that I found.

There are no stylistically similiar hammers to the London Hammer.
Stylistically similar hammers to the London Hammer that can be found throughout the world. In each and every case, the only stylistically similar feature is that the objects have a handle, and a head made out of metal. In all cases the metal hammerhead is a low carbon steel. None are made out of chlorine infused, high sulfur white iron. This includes, hammers, mawls and picks.

Why is this? If this is actually a hammer used in mining, then the people who used it were either dwarfs, children or tiny people of small stature.

Hammer 2
This is what miners look like to scientific statist and the liberal idiots that inhabit the “Ivory Towers” in our universities today. They are all way, way out of touch with reality. They live a life of sipping overpriced soy-latte coffee with their pinky up and checking the internet for the latest news out of Salon, and the Washington Post, all along eating their (100% all natural) avocado on gluten-free whole-wheat toast listening to some trendy jazz. Woo woo!

Vintage Catalogs

As stated previously, I also looked into some vintage catalogs to see if there were any hammers that were similar to the London Hammer. I was a bit disappointed. As the catalogs were line drawings, with no comparative scales shown. They had some rough drawings that could possibly look something like the London Hammer, but they could also resemble any of the above hammers just as easily.

Vintage mining tools catalog illustration.
Vintage catalog illustration showing mining tools of the last century. Note that none of them resemble the London Hamer. At best, you have a hand mawl. However the hammerhead is significantly larger than the head on the London Hammer. Mining Tools (Image Source). Item #h appears to be similar to the London Hammer, except that the hammerhead design is all wrong. Item #g is a heavy hand-sledge, which indicates a mass six to four times the weight of the London Hammer’s hammerhead.

Man, for something that “easily resembles local mining hammers”, I sure as heck couldn’t find any examples anywhere.

I guess that my definition of “easy” differs from that of the arm-chair statists.

"Keep learning; don't be arrogant by assuming that you know it all, that you have a monopoly on the truth; always assume that you can learn something from someone else."
 -Jack Welch

Photos of Miners

I also went looking at vintage photos of miners. In every case, I was unable to find a miner holding a hammer that looked like the London Hammer. Most miners used large sledgehammers and picks to break the rock up. The smaller hammers were used in tight spaces and confined areas.

Vintage photo of miners taken underground.
When you mine, you need strong, heavy and robust tools. That is because you need to break up the rock and stone into gravel sized bits that can be shoveled away into carts. The London Hammer is far too small for this work. It is designed for hitting objects that are already small in size. Perhaps the objects are about the size of a handful or smaller. Coal Miners (Image Source)

Of course, if you have never worked in the mines, or used a hammer to break rocks up you wouldn’t have any idea of their utility. After all, unless you tried to smash two stones together, you just couldn’t appreciate the importance of a hammer.

The only way that you could get an idea of what a hammer was or how it is used is from your friends or family who work in the mines. You might listen to their stories and try to imagine what a mining hammer might look like. Barring that, your only window to mining might be through the lens of Hollywood.

I pretty much believe that this is where they got the idea that this was a mining hammer…

Hollywood idea of a miner with hammer.
Most people who have never worked with their hands have severely retarded ideas of what labor is like. This is true about everything, especially about mining. People who’s idea about work is limited to pushing keys on a computer keyboard might get their impressions of what mining is like from Hollywood movies. Here is a typical Hollywood example of a miner. Note that he too has a hammer on his belt. Notice how tiny it is. Why it is almost the exact size and shape as the London Hammer. Imagine that! I just cannot help but think that this is where all the statist experts got their ideas of “stylistically similar” mining hammers from. Hollywood (and scientific statist) idea of a miner, from Hollywood.

The internet has made the opinions of everyone available to the world. As a result the internet is flooded with ideas and opinions, of which most are based on a fantasy. That is ok. There is nothing wrong with living a fantasy. that is, of course, up until your fantasy hits the “brick wall” of reality.

Dudes, if you want to believe in evil shape-changing reptilians, and enlightened spiritual beings from Sirius, just go ahead. If it helps you through your day, I say go for it. But if you really want to understand our reality, and YOUR role in it, then you had best broaden your horizons a tad bit.

The world is NOT at all what most people think it is.


You would think that a scientific statist would do their “due diligence”, right? That they would do their homework. If you are going to say something is a particular item, you would present examples. You would discuss where it was made and how. You would show how it was used and where.

However, NOT ONE SINGLE scientific statist did that. They just pull out some passages out of context, and arrange it in jargon filled treatise.

Texas is full of mines.

So, it should also be full of hammers.

It should be full of photos of people using hammers. It should be full of old used hammers. It should be full of abandoned mines with “stylistically similar” hammers discarded and lying about for anyone to pick up.

That is not the case.

You would think that the difficulty in finding exact duplicates of an obviously mass produced object would be easy to do. Especially in Texas.

Well, let’s not waste any time. Get your gloves, sturdy working trousers, a GPS and get started searching. Here is a link to a map of every mine in Texas. Go for it. Let’s find duplicates of the mystery OOPART London Hammer; Let’s go!

Hand Sledge

One of the most common things that occur in the mines is to use an ordinary sledgehammer, and cut the wood down to one-fourth the length. (You saw it down with a wood saw. One knee holding the handle down on the ground.) It becomes a “handsledge” or “hand mawl”. 

In Pennsylvania and West Virginia, we simply referred to it as a “mawl” or the “handsledge”. This makes it easier to knock out the rocks and debris in tight locations where a normal sledgehammer could not fit.

A handsledge has the exact same style and type of a hammerhead as a normal sledgehammer has. The only difference is the length of the handle is much shorter. Of course, the hammerhead for both types of hammers is quite heavy and robust.

I can see where a village idiot might think that the London Hammer was a handsledge. Maybe for a dwarf or a midget, it is. However, seriously the proportional variances from the hammerhead length, to width and cross section are not stylistically compatible with anything.

The “face” of a handmawl is around four to six times (4x to 6x) that of the face of the London Hammer. The “head” of a handmawl is around two to three times (2x to 3x) as large as the face of the London Hammer. Dimensionally the London Hammer has no business inside a mine or part of any kind of mining operation. At best, it is suitable as a jewelers hammer inside of an office space in downtown Cairo.

My Opinions

This artifact has collected the opinions of everyone who has encountered it. There are those who discount it as “just an old mining hammer”, yet they fail to provide even the simplest examples of what they are referring to. You would think that they would dredge up a picture of a vintage mining hammer to illustrate their point. (Like they did with the Dorchester Pot.) Now, wouldn’t you?

I would. But, then again, I actually WORKED for a living.

Well, as you can see. I did all the “heavy lifting” in this regard.

There are others who state that this artifact exists as evidence to support their claims for their own narrative.  This narrative can be prior civilizations of great technology, pre-flood Biblical environments, and extraterrestrial visitations in the deep past. As much as I truly enjoy these alternative speculations, I am afraid that there isn’t much that the hammer can used to support these assertions. All that it can do is point to a time outside of the accepted norm where there was someone who designed, made, and used a hammer. I am sorry guys.

Here are my opinions.

The hammer does NOT look like a mining hammer (a “Prospector’s Hammer “ or “Brick hammer”) at all.

The closest hammer that it looks like is a “tack hammer”.

The size and configuration is not suitable for looking for rocks and chipping away at them.  If the hammerhead were thinner, it might resemble a miniature “Railroad-spike maul Hammer”.  However, it is obvious that it is not any of these known hammer types.

The hammer is small. It is tiny.

It is substantially smaller than most of the single-hand hammers that have ever been used for mining. This also goes for hand-held picks. It is too small. That in itself should mean one of two things. Either [1] it is not a mining hammer, and instead used for some time of specialized work, or [2] it is a hammer, but the people who used it was of small size.

The hammerhead has a small dome on one end, and what appears to be a kind of concave end at the other. The presence of these features clearly states that the object had a specialized purpose.

This was not a general utility hammer.

But what was the purpose?

The closest thing that I can think of is as a hammer to knock off shellfish (such as clams, mussels and oysters) off of rocks at low tide.

Here, in China, we commonly see locals using small hammers such as these to collect and gather shellfish. They go down into the water at low tide. Then with the water up to their knees, they stand by the rock. Using a hand to brace themselves, they use the other with a hammer to solidly tap the shellfish loose from the rock. Sometimes they also use a small screwdriver (with a bent end like a tiny claw) to pry the shellfish off. Which, if you think about it, looks a little similar to the concave end of the artifact hammerhead.

The problem with this possibility is the mystery of how a shellfish hammer ended up in the middle of a Texas desert in the 1930’s. The last time this area was near shellfish was during the Tertiary period around 40 million years ago.

This is curious. It is curious because this happens to be not only the age of the rocks in that area, but also indicative of the shellfish found attached to the stone that the hammer was found in.

At this time, the area was covered in a low shallow sea. The tides would rise and fall, and the rocks in the area would support all kinds of shellfish.

Now, 40 Ma is a long, long time ago. It was when mammals just started to evolve. At that time they were mostly smaller and with longer legs. This was after the age of the dinosaurs, but before the time of the large mammals. Early humans did not exist though there were proto-primates at this time.

Proto-primates looked a little like a cross between a monkey and a squirrel.

What that means is that humans had yet to evolve from apes. This is because apes had yet to evolve from proto-primates. Yes, that was a really long time ago indeed.

So thus, we have our mystery.

How can a specialized (by the head design) marine-grade (by the composition of the hammerhead) hammer designed for dislodging shellfish (size, shape, and design) be designed, fabricated, used and lost in a shallow sea long before the progenitors of proto-humans ever existed? This is the question that should be asked when we study the material composition, fabrication concerns and style of the hammer.

This OOPART is a specialized shellfish dislodging tool. The metallurgy of the object is very interesting and very telling. The head of the tool has a hardness generated by the unusual percentage of sulfur, and anti-corrosion properties due to the passivation of chlorine during the casting process. It was cast, forged, machined and possibly heat treated using an oil-quenching process under pressure. As the object was located encased in shellfish remains, at local geographic strata dated to 40 million years before humans walked the Earth, it is reasonable to conclude that it was lost during the harvesting of the local shellfish in the region. It is considered an OOPART because humans are arrogant and cannot believe that other tool-making creatures lived on the earth long before humans evolved.

And, that is my opinion.

Harvesting Shellfish
Woman harvesting shellfish in China. She uses a short hammer. In this case the hammer is the exact same size as the mystery hammer, except that the head is pointed like a pick-axe.

A final word

This is pretty much what a 75 to 100 year old hammer looks like…

Request for Help

I have a tendency for sarcasm, I know that. However, I would like to know what the story is on this hammer. I tend to get sarcastic when someone just dismisses something away without at least addressing that there are some issues or mysteries that need to be resolved.

  • If you want to say it looks like something, then pull that object out so we all can compare.
  • If you want to say that it is stylistically similar to a certain design, then show us the designs and styles that you are referring to. Let us all see the stylistic elements that you are referring to. Enumerate them.
  • If you want to say that a ten or twenty year old piece of wood can be fossilized, then show us examples of a ten or twenty-year old section of fossilized wood. Don’t reference a journal discussing a 45,000 year old example.
  • If you say that the metal is common then, go ahead and [1] show everyone examples of the same metal being used elsewhere. Show us [2] the factories that used that process, and [3] what the process was. Then, of course, [4] show us the molds used, and [5] other examples of such an obviously mass-produced object.

Don’t just make a statement, and run away like a coward or a five year old petulant child.

Man up.

Cowards spend all their time trying to disprove things. Only cowards do this. They are the people who sit in their “Ivory Towers” and figure out things for others to do. Meanwhile it is us workers that have to get our hands dirty. We’re the ones carrying the water. So don’t piss on our legs and tell us it is raining.

I worked in the mines. This is not a fucking hand sledge. I’m not a God damned idiot. Neither is anyone else. If you don’t know, then shut the fuck up. It is the leaders; the makers, and the shakers that open up doors, and show us the truth. Be a leader.

Let’s see [1] how chlorine was added to molten iron around the days of the American Civil War. Let’s see [2] photographs of the process used to add chlorine to the molten iron. These process are documented, you know. Pull them out. Do your homework goddammit.

Let’s see [3] photographs of miners using this ridiculously small hammer at the mines. Or, barring that, [4] ANY type of tiny tool in a mine. And, please pictures of the seven dwarfs from Walt Disney does not count. Let’s [5] identify the species of the shellfish that was found clinging to the metal hammerhead.

To this end, I would hope that others help all of us out here.

  • Can someone find a photo, and advertisement showing the contemporaneous “mining hammer” that this is supposed to be kin to?
  • Can someone provide examples that show that this hammer fits a regional style or shape common at one time in this area? Then can you point out and enumerate the stylistic similarities for us? (For instance, the [1] hammerhead dimensional relationships, the [2] hammerhead weight, the [3] unique features of the hammerhead cheeks, [4] the hammerhead material composition, and the [5] face and poll construction. All five characteristics must be identical in “stylistically similar” hammers.)
  • Can someone assist in the determination of the wood composition and history?
  • Can someone please help in the heat treating and secondary operations of the metal?
  • Can someone point out the local mining operations in the London, Texas region so that we can investigate the sites directly?

I am not a God. I cannot do this alone. I welcome any and all assistance in solving this mystery.

Maybe it is contemporaneous. Maybe it is from a time before the Biblical flood. Maybe it is from an extraterrestrial visitor. I don’t know. However, there are people out there (in internet-land) who do know some of these answers. I humbly request your help.


This object has a very unique material composition that is uncommon and difficult to manufacture. This object shows aging, and a presence within a rock that is suggestive of great age. While it has a general contemporaneous appearance, that alone should not be a reason to ignore the other curious aspects of this object. Those willing to discount this object as a modern object do so without proper study of the materials used in the object. The study would include not only the materials, but also how the materials and objects were manufactured and fabricated.

This object can tell us quite a bit about our reality and our world. All we need to do is listen to what it is trying to say to us with an open mind.


A hammer designed to dislodge shellfish in marine environments was found encased in shellfish within rock that dated to when the area was a shoreline. It’s millions of years older than mankind.

The people or creatures that used this hammer were smaller, and had a smaller grip, but they knew their metallurgy, and possessed a very sophisticated method of iron alloy manufacture. This tool is specifically designed for the task of dislodging shellfish, particularity the types present on the shoreline 40 million years ago. Which would be mostly bivalves, and Cerith. We know this by the shape of the hammer bell/poll and face.

Take Aways

  • The metal in the hammer is uncommon.
  • The material in the hammerhead is not the same as what has been used in American-made hammers ever.
  • The process used to make the hammerhead intentionally added sulfur to ease in machining.
  • The material in this hammer does not contain enough carbon to consider it steel.
  • Chlorine was added to the hammerhead, and that required a very elaborate and advanced production facility. That level of complexity was unlikely prior to the 1940’s.
  • The combination of Sulfur and chlorine in iron suppresses the oxidation of the hammerhead. That is why it will not corrode like a low-carbon steel.
  • The hammer was cast in a mold, and the metal alloy head was machined afterwards.
  • The corrosive-less hammer was found approximately ten years after stainless steel was patented. It is not made of stainless steel but of a different composition that was not patented.
  • The hammer was found in a hard mineral deposit resembling rock.
  • The metal in the hammerhead is suggestive of an intended marine working environment.
  • The rock contained bivalve fossils from the Eocene time period.
  • The handle was partially fossilized and coalified.
  • The handle appears to be made of a hardwood.
  • The eye of the hammer possessed a wedge of a different material than the hammerhead.
  • There are no similar hammers sold in any vintage catalogs that I have been able to research.
  • This object is not easily explained away as a contemporaneous relic as its composition is suggestive of unique and comprehensive technologies not available in the 1930’s.
  • The object appears to be a specialized “Shellfish Hammer” and appears to be quite ancient.
  • All of this is speculative.
  • It would be interesting to see if someone skilled in Psychometry or Retrocognition would have to say when holding this object.


Q: What is the London Hammer?
A: It is an OOPART (Out Of Place ARTifact) that cannot be explained by conventional knowledge and understanding. It is a hammer that was found within a rock. The rock is much older than humanity is.

Q: Where is the London Hammer?
A: The object has been donated to Baugh’s Creation Evidence Museum where it is now on display.

Q: Who made the London Hammer?
A: No one knows. Evidence is suggestive of a great age for the object. We (officially) have no knowledge of any civilizations older than humanity. Thus who made it is speculative. It comes from a time long before human history.

Q: How old is the London Hammer?
A: The hammer was located in strata that have been dated around 40 million years. Scientific statists refuse to accept this, and argue that the object is contemporaneous. They have even gone as far as to make up stores that it has been tested and that the dates are contemporaneous.

Q: How big is the London Hammer?
A: The metal hammerhead is approximately 6 inches (15 centimeters) long and has a diameter of 1 in (25 mm). The wooden handle is broken so it is difficult to determine what its original length was.

Q: What is the London Hammer made out of?
A: The hammer has two components. The hammerhead is an iron alloy consisting of 96.6% iron, 2.6% chlorine, and 0.74% sulfur. The wooden handle material has not been identified, but appears to be a hardwood.

Q: How was the London Hammer dated?
A: It was never dated. There were no tests on the hammer that could be used to obtain a date. The rock from whence it was extracted from appears to be 40 million years old.

Q: Does the hammer prove that there was a Biblical flood?
A: No. It does not prove anything.

Q: What should we do if it is discovered that this hammer was contemporaneous and lost in the 1930’s?
A: Well, we should find the owner. They would be old, but might still be alive. They could tell us how they lost the hammer and what they did to it to make it look so old. Maybe they pissed on it after eating saltpeter and that fossilized the handle.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my OOPART index here…

Mysteries Explained


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Sirius is not the home of the Enlightened Extraterrestrials

The internet is filled with stories of enlightened beings. Often these beings provide information and advice to selected contactees. They provide instructions on how to live your life in a full and beneficial manner. Often they are said to come from Sirius. Yet, are there really intelligences that live in the Sirius solar system? Let’s take a look at this curious situation.

One of things that we fail to do is look up at the sky at night. It is just an oversight to us. We know there are stars. We know that they inhabit the dark, dark night sky. We know that they are different and look like points of light. However, for most people they are just an uninteresting aspect of the world around us. When finally, we are out at night, and we just happen to look up in the sky, we often don’t see anything. For either the sky is cloudy or the view is obscured by nearby lights (as is the case in all cities). We never see the stars that we read about.

The largest and brightest star is Sirius. As such, it has obtained near mythical significance. Today, if you surf the Internet you can run across all kinds of articles on this fabulous star. Many are filled with glowing stories of great-enlightened beings, while others are dry tomes listing raw astronomical data. No one has ever tried to personalize this star. This article is my lonely attempt to do so…

Some Basics

Sirius is the colloquial name for a solar system that is visible from our planet. It is a binary system, which means that it is really two stars. It is close to us, so we can see it pretty well. One of the stars is very large, so it is unusually bright.

In the world of astronomy, the largest star is given the Bayer designation of Alpha Canis Majoris (α CMa). It is often referred to as Sirius A. It has companion star that is much, much smaller (and dimmer) that is called Sirius B. They are pretty close together. Sirius B orbits around Sirius A in an elliptical orbit.

The orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A is a very straight forward orbit.
The orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A as viewed from above. The orbital plane is tilted relative to the earth, so we view the orbits as elliptical paths.

One easy way to measure distance is by comparison. (As is the most common method used by humans to learn about our surroundings.) We can compare the distances in the Sirius system with the distance of our planet Earth from our sun. That distance is known as one AU. This is one “unit” of distance. Since we are talking about astronomical issues here, it is one “Astronomical Unit” or 1 A.U..

Thus, when the Sirius binary pair is closest together (known as the perihelion) they are 8.2 AU apart. This is around the distance that Saturn is from our sun (9.58 AU on average). At the farthest point, they are apart by 31.5 AU. (This is known as the aphelion.)  This distance is about the distance of Pluto. (Typically this is a distance of 27.9 AU at the closest approach.) The pair rotates about each other with a period of around 50 years.

In general this orbits of this pair lie on a two dimensional plane. That plane is at an angle to us. Therefore, to us, it seems that the stars are moving towards us and then moving away from us. We cannot see the visual paths clearly. They need to be mapped out over a fifty-year span.


The Sirius system might be the most visible and the brightest, but it is not the closest star to us. There are other stars such as the nearest system; Alpha Centauri. There are also a number of some small dim “Red Dwarf: stars as well.

Because stellar distances are so large, we don’t measure them using AU. If we did, the values would be too large to be meaningful. (How many cups of water are in the Pacific ocean? I don’t know. Does it even matter?) We measure them using LY. This means “Light Year” and it is a measure of the distance light travels in physical space. As such the Sirius system is approximately 8.6 LY from us.

The Sirius solar system is relatively close to our solar system. It is only 8.6 light years away.
The Sirius solar system is 8.6 light years (approximately) from our solar system.

Star Classifications

All stars are classified by what we can measure. Since we are way out here on Earth, it is pretty darn difficult to know much about stars. The only way that we can learn about these objects is to observe them and compare our observations with other things. For the most part, we can classify stars from the light that we observe. This is because the type of light we see can be broken down into its spectra.  (Think about a glass prism and how it takes light and breaks it down into a rainbow.) From these spectra we can determine what materials the star is made out of and exactly how hot it burns.

Both Sirius A and Sirius B have a combined spectrial profile.
The composite spectral composition of the Sirius solar system.

Over the years, we have identified patterns within the stars. We know how they are born. We know how they age, and we know how they die. Depending on how they are born, they can become just absolutely huge stars, or tiny hardly visible stars. In general, stars are born from gas. At some point in time, the gas ignites and a star is born. Over time, the fire burns and burns until all the gas is used up. Then the star dies a slow, long and cold death.

This is a simple pattern, and it works for the vast majority of stars. However, there are many exceptions to this rule. It depends on many factors. Some stars are too large initially, and burn too hotly, and too brightly, and too fast. They die out really quickly. Some stars burn up and move into a kind of “fatso phase”. There they get really large and huge. Sometimes they explode. Other times they simply chill out and die.

Further complicating this process is how the stars relate to other stars. Some stars feed off other stars, and steal their gas. The point being that stars age, just like people do. They grow up, they become mature, and then they die. What we observe depends on the age of the star (and solar system) that we are observing.

Today, when we look at the Sirius solar system, we see two stars. The largest, Sirius A is classified as a “white main-sequence star of spectral type A1V”. The much smaller star, Sirius B, is classified as a “faint white dwarf companion of spectral type DA2”.

About Sirius A

Sirius A is a “main-sequence” star. This means that the star looks like it fits within a typical stellar aging process. The reader should not get confused. Just because a person looks happy, doesn’t mean that they have a good home life. The same is true with stars. Many stars go through many changes and disruptions before they enter the “main sequence”.

Today Sirius A is a hot, big star of “early” A with a surface temperature of 9,950K. It burns bright and hot. Due to its enormous size, it is a very visible and noticeable star.

It is also very young. We have estimated it to be only 240 Million years old. In the world of astronomy, this isn’t just a baby. It is a newborn infant. We know, from studies and computer models that the star grew from a huge molecular cloud. When it was about 10 million years old, it began to run self-sustaining nuclear reactions and thus ignited and became what we see today. However, evidence suggests that there is a distinct possibility that it could have been different in size, shape and appearance.

We are able to predict what will happen to this young’un.  We have predicted this based on observations of other similar stars. After a billion years it will get enormously fat (as what happens when it runs out of hydrogen) and become a “red giant”. Then, it will slowly die and become a tiny little dim white dwarf. This means that the star will be very short lived. Our own star is over four billion years old, and it is just reaching stellar adulthood. The most numerous stars, the cooler ones, live for many billions of years.

Sirius A is a very young, youthful and hot star. It has a typical and contentious childhood.
The life sequence of Sirius A was typical for a very large and youthful solar system.

About Sirius B

Sirius B is a “white dwarf”. It is tiny, and very very hot.  As far as white dwarfs go, it is considered to be on the heavy side. As far as I know, it is one of the most massive white dwarfs ever found. It is tiny but compact. It is about the same size as the earth, but has the mass of our sun.  It is also mind boggling hot. At 25,000 K it is almost three times hotter than Sirius A, and 4.3x times the temperature of our own sun.

It is important to note that as a white dwarf is very hot when it forms, because it has no source of energy, it will gradually radiate its energy and cool down. Eventually it will become very cold over the great gulfs of time.

We do know a little about this star as well.

We know that it is about 240 million years old. It is the same age as Sirius A. It too is awfully youthful. We know that when it was younger, it was much larger than it is today. In fact, we estimate it to have been five times larger by mass. We know that about 120 million years ago it exited the “main sequence”, and became very large and entered the “red giant” evolutionary stage. Then it collapsed to the star that we see today. It will eventually die a long cold death many billions of years in the future.

Sirius B has a very short lifespan. It is a youthful star.
The life cycle of Sirius B is similar to Sirius A. However, we view the solar system at a point in time where the entire solar system is still youthful.

Aptian Extinction Event

Since the Sirius solar system is very youthful, compared to our solar system, being only 250 million years old, and the time when Sirius B turned into a “red giant” is estimated to have occurred 125 million years ago, we can make a conjecture that there MIGHT be an extinction event that would be a direct result of this time period.  After all, the Sirius solar system is very close to us. It is only 8.2 LY from us.

That would be sometime around the Mesozoic Period (250 Ma).  Also around this time, but about 100 million years later, is the second best candidate for the effects of a nearby stellar event is the Aptian extinction event.  (Given the vast gulfs of time, it is immensely difficult to ascribe a date to this event.)

The Aptian extinction was an extinction event of the early Cretaceous Period. It is dated to c. 116 or 117 million years ago, in the middle of the Aptian stage of the geological time scale. This event has sometimes been termed the mid-Aptian extinction event as a result.  It is classified as a minor extinction event. This is different than a major event like the famous Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event (that brought about the end of the “age of dinosaurs” and the Mesozoic Era).  Officially, no one knows what caused it, and numerous theories have been present, but none of them have been generally accepted by the majority (of the scientific establishment.)

The Aptian event is most readily detected among marine rather than terrestrial fossil deposits. In this event, large numbers of shellfish and marine creatures died due to inadequately explained events.  That is pretty strange. As it suggests that something affected the oceans in such a way as to cause mass extinctions. Perhaps it was a rising of ocean temperature. But, who really knows?

Thus, perhaps the stellar changes in the Sirius solar system 125 million years ago can help shed some light on this mystery.

The Life Sequence of the Sirius System

Knowing what we know, we can piece together the known history of the Sirius solar system. We can see that it is a very young system that grew too big very early on. We can see that both stars interacted and continue to interact with each other in a dynamic manner. Finally, we can see that in the past there has been material transfer of gasses from one star to the other due to the orbital proximity of each other.

The Sirius system is a young system comprised of two stars. Both very youthful.
The Sirius solar system is composed of two stars; Sirius A and Sirius B. Each has their own history, and each interacts with each other over time.

The Period of Transformation

A very interesting aside is that when the star was in its “red giant” phase it could have very possibly transferred some of its mass to Sirius A. The problem is that we don’t know for sure, and can’t possibly tell from observation after the fact. However, it is probable that when the Sirius B (as a “red giant”) approached Sirius A, streams of hot gasses would move from it to be absorbed into Sirius A.

This means that when Sirius B blew up to the size of a gigantic star, it lost its mass through cannibalization to Sirius A. These transfers of gasses made Sirius B smaller, and made Sirius A larger. This would occur sometime from 120 million years to (maybe) a few thousand years in our past. We just don’t know when the gas transfer ended.

When Sirius B was a “red giant” it blew up to an enormous size. How big is up to speculation.

We typically believe that our sun will enter the “red giant” phase having a diameter of 1 to 3 AU. We know that the progenitor star for Sirius B was five times larger than our sun.  Thus, it is quite possible that the “red giant” version of Sirius B could be from 5 AU to 15 AU in diameter. (Multiply by five.)

We know that at the perihelion (a distance of 8.2 AU) where Sirius B is closest. Therefore it is very possible that both stars touched each other when close. If is also possible that large streams of gasses moved from Sirius B to Sirius A during long portions of the orbit.

It is possible that the material transfer of gasses from Sirius B to Sirius A was obsrved by proto-humans on earth.
Material transfer from Sirius B to Sirius A during the first 500 million years of the solar system, as viewed from earth.

This would be an impressive sight to behold. Firstly because, as viewed from the earth, it would be quite bright and very visible. While today we can’t see Sirius B, as a “red giant” it would be very visible a few million years ago. It would also be impressive. Ancients who viewed the star could see it changing within their lifetime. The orbital period is 50 years after all. They could actually see the light waxing and waning. They might even be able to see the streams of gasses to their naked eyes.  After all, the sky at night was (we suppose) much darker then.

About those Ancients…

Everyone knows… Ah yes, everyone knows that historical records only go back 6,000 years or so. Yet, we have found remains of implements dating as far back as 300,000 years ago. However, there are those that refuse to accept that as a factual possibility. I would hazard a guess that human kind is far, far older than we are led to believe.

Nevertheless, is the human race millions of years old? Wow, that is quite a stretch. Isn’t it?

Well, we do not know when the transfer of gasses ended. It is very possible that they might have ended mere seconds before the invention of the telescope. Why not?  If so, then ancient man could have actually watched the heavens and saw the strange behaviors of the Sirius system. And if so, could they not have recorded it in their customs and passed the information down, generation by generation?

Maybe so…

Enter the Dogon Tribe

The Dogon are a tribe of Africans that have a culture that worships the orbits and behaviors of the Sirius system. A number of books have come out and describes this interaction in detail. The key points of interest are that they knew that the Sirius system was a binary system. They knew the orbital behavior, and seemingly witnessed the exchange of gasses during the “red giant” phase of Sirius B. It seems impossible because “everyone knows” these natives are “primitive”.

“The Dogon tribe of West Africa believes that the starting point of creation is a star that revolves around Sirius and is known as the 'Digitaria star'. Their understanding is that this star is small, but heavy, and contains the building elements of creation."

Two French anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen studied the Dogon tribe that live in an isolated mountainous region of Bandiagara, south of the Sahara Desert in Mali, West Africa. Mr. Griaule wrote about their discoveries of the Dogon tribe in his book, "Conversations with Ogotemmeli", published in 1947.”

- The Dogon Tribe Of Mali West Africa,The Nommos and The Sirius Stars

Today, Sirius B is too small and tiny to see with the naked eye. However, if it were a “red giant”, it most certainly would have been visible.

The studied customs and traditions seem to indicate that the Dogon witnessed and recorded in their culture the behavior of the Sirius system. In fact, it appears that their traditions record the orbital interplay during the gas exchange phase after Sirius B became a “red giant”. It seems impossible as that phase began 240 million years ago.

Of course the believers of the stable, unchanging universe, have “proven” that this possibly cannot have occurred. I like to call these people “defenders of the changeless” or statists. (Not to be confused with Ayn Rand’s definition.) They have even made money writing books on it. From my point of view it all seems just more than a little bit silly. Observations were made at the dawn of humanity describing astronomical events that could have certainly been visible from earth. The only opposition to this fact are the statists that refuse to revise their tidy understanding of history.

My definition of scientific statism;

A concentration of a set scientific theory in the hands of a closed elite group of people. Often they have direct ties to a highly centralized government. To alter or change that theory to revise it to meet new discoveries or data often requires government derived politics and peer-group approvals.

Statists, Revisionists, and Cultists… Oh my!

Sometimes I just want to hit a statist on the head and tell them that what we observe now is NOT how things have always been. The physical world is dynamic. That means it changes. What is not visible today could have been highly visible in the past.

Aside from statists, there are also revisionists who look for excuses to justify everything that does not fit nicely in the preferred historical narrative.  They search for alternative explanations for these nasty elements of confusion. Because of the Dogon and their culture, many believe that it is proof that earth was visited in the past by extraterrestrials from Sirius. As a result, some of the more inspired members take what they know and run rampant with it. As a result many believe all kinds of things in regard to this. Now you know, there is nothing wrong in searching for alternative explanations. I only posit the most likely one as I see it.

Along with the statist historians, and revisionists, are the “new age” cultists whom associate everything with the spiritual realm. Again, there is nothing wrong with that either. I myself strongly believe in intelligences that are beyond human understanding. However, that does not necessarily mean that they come from Sirius. Sirius is a physical system that is very hot, young and inherently hostile. It is bright and visible in the night sky, but being obvious does not make it compatible with biological life. To understand what I mean, we must first do what humans do best. We compare things.

Comparative Ages

Let’s compare the Sirius solar system with our own solar system. We need to do that because that is the only solar system that we have studied in detail. As such, it is reasonable to assume that there are degrees of similarity between the Sirius system and our own solar system. Based on the similarities, we can make reasonable conclusions regarding the physical environment around Sirius. We call the base of our comparative endeavors the “Earth Model”.

According to the Earth model a solar system has to be a minimum of 2.5 Billion years old to have any planets that might house an oxygen based atmosphere.  Further, to expect to have native flora and fauna traipsing about on any planet in the system, it needs to be at least (bare minimum) 4.5 Billion years old.  Our planet was nearly 5 Billion years old when man started to think and hunt.

The needs to understand that the (so called) “Earth-model” is but an assumption. It is based on the idea, theory, or even statement that the development of life on our planet earth is typical in this universe.  This model establishes that life begins when situations and conditions are ripe for it to occur.  According to the model, life on a planet orbiting Sirius would begin approximately at the same period in time as when it occurred on the earth.

Sirius is Youthful

We know, through our investigations on earth, at what ages that life developed around our star. We know what the environment was within our solar system at different times. We know what happens to planets within our solar system over the years, and the migratory forces that create a dynamic environment that advances (and stunts) biological growth. We know all this because our solar system is over 4.5 billion years old. While the Sirius solar system is only 25% of a billion years old.  It is a mere infant compared to our solar system.

Let’s compare what we know about our solar system with that of the Sirius solar system.

Development of planets

We know that planets formed at about the same time that the sun ignited. Although those planets were not really what we would consider to be hard, solid planets. They were more like hot molten masses of dirt, metals and rock. We also know that they took a while to cool down. The first shape of the molten earth occurred during the Hadean Eon, and as the earth cooled down, about one billion years later, it entered the more stable Archean Eon.

The Hadean Eon is so named because earth at that time looked like the Biblical version of Hell. It was hot, molten, gaseous, rocky, dirty and full of fire and brimstone. Hey guys, that’s what the Sirius system looks like today.

The Hadean Eon lasted from stellar ignition until around one billion years of age. Since we know that the Sirius system is only a mere 250 million years old, it goes to understand that any existing planets in the system would be very primitive.  We do know that during this period the earth was hot and still in formation. Water just began to form around 125 million years, and the very first hardy microbes began to form around 250 million years. These were simple single celled organisms of the most primitive sort.

What this means is that if the Sirius solar system followed the same evolutionary model as our solar system that any planets there today would be near molten, hot and quite inhospitable. Water might just now be forming in the atmosphere. It might be in the form of steam, or in the form of ice crystals. In any event, due to the temperatures and pressures on the surface, it is highly unlikely that any life aside from microbes would exist.

Development of life on planets

We do know that on the earth, microbes have been found from the early Hadean Eon.  The earliest are simple single cell organisms that somehow managed to develop on the hot molten and crusty surfaces when the earth was about 250 million years old. We know that this was after around 125 million years of water formation. The water was certainly present in various states. I tend to believe that the microbial life began when the water was in a liquid state, but that is just my own personal belief.

If there is any native life in the Sirius solar system, it would most certainly be microbial. It would be of simple construction and probably located in isolated regions on any planet that could possibly have free standing water.

Frequency of extraterrestrial bombardment

We know in our solar system that the formation of it was not pristine. That is to say that during the formation of the solar system from the initial debris disc that all kinds of planetary bodies formed. These bodies varied from large gas giants, to rocky planets, to small planetoids, to even smaller asteroids, and ice bearing comets. We also know that over the years, these bodies would slam into our planet.

Initially, especially during the Hadean Eon, the bombardment was quite excessive. Over the years it tapered off and dissipated. There is evidence that over time that the impacts seriously affected the development of life on our planet. When life eventually recovered, it was stronger and more adaptable.

However, the key point in regards to this is a measure of the planetary bombardment and how effective is the migration and evolution of the binary solar system affected the orbits of other planetary bodies. Were they absorbed by the orbital companion star or were they trapped into small close spiraling orbits that negatively influenced planetary development? We don’t know. Speculations on this are of most curious concern. However, the fact is this; any planetary bombardment during a Sirius-style Hadean Eon would be of moderate influence.

Migration of planets

This will probably anger the statists, but it is true. Things change. They really do.

This is true for people. This is true for houses. This is true for nations. This is true for animals over the ages (a nod to Darwin). This is true for fashions. This is true for relationships (a nod to Elizabeth Taylor). This is also true for solar systems.

Immanuel Velikovsky wrote the book “Worlds in Collision” in 1950 and was immediately ridiculed by the statists in power of our educational and government institutions. While there might be some debate on some of his examples and more radical ideas, the concept is quite sound. Planets migrate over time. As they migrate they are influenced by the gravitational orbits of other planets and this causes all sorts of changes to the solar system composition.

We know that in our solar system that the larger gas giants migrated outward from the sun. We know that the tilt of planetary bodies change over time. We know that there are asteroids that orbit in all kinds of orbits in our solar system, and that they often influence other planetary bodies. In fact we even witnessed an impact on Jupiter, which was quite spectacular.

We can’t possibly know what the migration of planets would be around Sirius; however we do know that that Sirius B already went through a huge “red giant” phase. This phase would have certainly “cleaned up” the environment around that star. We can also presuppose a high probability that the orbit around Sirius A was enough to shepherd, if not complete eviscerate, whatever hot molten planets orbited Sirius A.

It is quite reasonable to expect that the planetary changes and migrations over the last 250 million years in the Sirius system seriously altered the development of planetary bodies in that system.

It is my personal belief that this system has no planetary bodies of any importance.  Any planetary bodies are probably small rocky frozen masses in the Oort cloud of the Sirius system. Closer bodies, independent of size, were hot and inhospitable. They might have showed promise, but the rapid growth and changes in Sirius B most certainly caused them to be absorbed into the corona of either Sirius B or Sirius A.

Habitable Zone around Sirius A

Is there a zone where human habitable planets could exist around Sirius A? Yes. But the reality is that there probably wouldn’t be any planets in that zone that would be inhabitable.  It is my guess is that the odds are zero to unlikely.  There are, I believe, no planets in the system that would be deemed habitable by ambulatory humanoids such as humans are today.

With an age of 250 million years, the reader must realize that Sirius is still a very young star, but this time would have been more than sufficient for terrestrial planets to begin form.   Those who still hang on to the belief that there are indigenous intelligent creatures in this system would be welcomed by the knowledge that Sirius has a very wide and broad habitable zone.  Due to its enormous brightness, the habitable zone of Sirius would be very broad, ranging from 2 AU to about 5 AU. So Sirius might be orbited by three or even four (potentially) habitable worlds. Of course, the term habitability might (at best) mean (imported, not evolved) creatures. It is unlikely to have complex (indigenous) vertebrates.

So theoretically, the potential habitable zone might look something like this;

It is highly unlikely that Sirius A or Sirius B has a zone of habitability for earth-bred humans. However here is the apparent zone if one were to discount the reality of the history of the solar system.
The habitable zone around the various stars of Sirius (Sirius A and Sirius B) provided that one discounts the contentious history of the relationship between these two stars, the youth of these two stars, and the time required to generate a stable planetary environment.

Of course, it assumes many things. It assumes a statist, non-changing reality. It assumes no gravitational influences on either star. It also assumes water and a nitrogen and oxygen environment on a planet, which we know is not possible during the first billion years of existence.

Any potentially habitable planet of Sirius would have to be a very hot and young world, covered by warm, shallow oceans. It would be scarred, rocky and suffering from tidal effects and the intense radiation of the primary star.  If any continents could have formed already, they would be small, (comparatively) un-eroded and volcanic. The planet would have to be shielded by a thick and very humid atmosphere, and this entire scene would be dominated by a bright, violent sun. At the bottom of the oceans, protected from the sterilizing ultraviolet light, simple forms of bacterial life may find their niche, nourished by hydrothermal vents from the planet’s interior. Any future explorers to this world should not forget their Sirius glasses, because the radiation from the star is relentless.

Any kind of life on our (hopeful) model planet will die before it ever had a chance to grow. Sirius will leave the main sequence in only 700 million years at best, destroying all the planets it may have. For this reason, stars of type A are routinely excluded from the search for extraterrestrial life.

Comparison with the Earth Model

There are those who talk about habitable planets around (or even on) Sirius. Yup, they really do. They discuss these things with great passion and authority. However, it is all nonsense. At best, the Sirius solar system is a hot inhospitable place, suitable only for the hardiest primitive organizations that somehow managed to grow on some free standing water attached to a passing comet or body in the Sirius Oort Cloud. Which, I must add, is pretty darn unlikely. (You think Pluto is cold? You ain’t seen nothing yet.)

It takes time to develop and evolve physical life. We can simply look at how life developed on the earth to see this. A simple comparison tells us that the Sirius solar system is today a much more dangerous and energetic system than earth in the Hadean Eon. This can be interpreted as very hostile to biological physical life today.

The Sirius system is too youthful to have native ambliroty derived and evolved life.
The youth of the Sirius solar system is never taken into account when one discusses the possibility of naturally evolved life on a planet around one of these stars. The odds of it actually occurring is rather small. The Sirius system is very youthful.

If you compare that it took around four billion years to develop native life on earth, that it is pretty unlikely that life developed around Sirius. Really. It should be pretty clear by looking at how life developed on our planet that the idea that life has developed independently around Sirius is pretty unlikely.

This is in regards to what we know through observation. This assessment is based on other factors, and does not include our feelings on this matter. Certainly this universe is a large place. Anything is possible. However, from what we can observe, this system is very young and quite dangerous.

There are no physical white robed intelligences that migrate to the earth and teach us the “wisdom of the ancients”.

Contrary Views

Of course, these are only my opinions. I have never been to the Sirius solar system. I have never met anyone who claimed to be from that system. I have never “felt” that someone from that system was trying to contact me. That means nothing.

There are others who say otherwise.

Here are some examples of the various people who claim that intelligences in various forms live in and around the Sirius solar system. They also almost universally claim that these intelligences interact with humans on earth. I find their claims fantastical, as I have absolutely no experiences that validate their statements.

“The planet Xylanthia is located in the Sirius Star System, which is comprised of three stars; Sirius A, B and C. Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C. Planet Xylanthia orbits around Sirius C, which is a black dwarf star. Xylanthia is the home-planet of the extraterrestrials that visited Earth and founded Atlantis.”


Many people associated with UFO and extraterrestrial contact experiences claim that many of the extraterrestrials came from this solar system.  They are, of course, wrong.

In a like way, the Dogon in Mali, the so called “Nordics” and other races associated with abduction phenomena claim that this system is a major origination point.  That is absolutely false.

This region is among the most toxic to biological life in our neighborhood.  As a nod to those whom make these claims; any extraterrestrials who come from this solar system can only do so at a much higher (potential) energy state of density and vibration.

In general, anyone who states that they (as a wholly physical biological entity) came from a habitable planet around Sirius is telling a falsehood.  It is extremely unlikely that this statement is true.

While I, for one, do not believe that there are any indigenous life forms in this system.  However, there are many who actually believe that this is the case.  Since, I have never been to the Sirius system, nor have I ever been outside our solar system, I can’t validate or discredit their belief structures.  Therefore, I present what I have learned through the Internet, in context with what I currently know, for your own investigative pleasures, and possible humor.

Here I present some well-known extraterrestrial lore concerning the (so called) “Sirians”.  While I cannot confirm, nor deny their statements, I do NOT believe them.  I do not believe them at all.  I have many reasons for this, but primarily because I am highly skeptical of the evolution of native life in the region around the Sirius solar system.

Alex Collier

According to Alex Collier (a very well-known author who writes about extraterrestrials, visitations and abductions), there are a number of human looking extraterrestrials from Sirius B.  Alex Collier describes extraterrestrials from Sirius B as follows:

“The cultures around Sirius B have a very controlling vibration. Some of the humans are red, beige and black-skinned. The planets around Sirius B are very arid and generally occupied by reptilian and aquatic-type beings… The society is more obsessed with political thought patterns instead of spiritual attributes. “

-Alex Collier

Alex Collier explains the role of this group of extraterrestrials in technology exchanges with national security agencies:

“Those from Sirius B have come here and really messed with our heads, and they are the ones who originally gave our government the Montauk technology.”

-Alex Collier

While I cannot vouch for anything related to “Montauk technology”, whatever the fuck that is, I can positively state that ABSOLUTELY no intelligences provided technology to MAJestic outside of the “core group”. Anything outside of this was either derived through reverse engineering, or developed independently.

Anyways, this “exotic technology” was provided for the purpose of encouraging national security agencies to develop offensive military capabilities vis-à-vis possible extraterrestrial threats. This technological assistance even involved biological weapons research according to Collier who claims:

“The biological material that has been added to the Ebola [virus] was given to the government by the humanoids from Sirius B. I don't know if was one of their viruses that they picked up somewhere or whether it is actually from them.”

-Alex Collier

Personally, I think that this is all nonsense. I think ol’ Alex has a great thing going with his books, lectures and writings. It’s a nice income stream. I respect that. I should have set something up like he did. Maybe I would get a large following and have numerous books to my name. Maybe.

Yeah. I most certainly need that. That is for sure. Living off Social Security sucks when you have no pensions or 401(K)’s.

Sorry, I gave up making a lot of money when I joined MAJestic. None of us are paid well. We are left to our own designs to scramble for money like every other smuck in this world.

Paul McCarthy

Paul McCarthy, Channel for the evolved Star Beings and the leading Star Seed Teacher, offers classes to teach everyone about the wonderful “Star Beings” that surround us. He has some ideas about the “inhabitants” of Sirius;

“The Sirians are another wonderful civilization of christed ETs. They are more advanced in the metaphysical sense as Sirius is one of the more advanced training centers or universities to which the Ascended Masters travel.

Sirius has a direct link with our solar system and the Sirians have been amongst us since the time of the Mayan and Egyptian civilizations. They gave the Egyptians much advanced astronomical and medical information and also gave the Mayan race advanced knowledge. They helped the Earth during the time of the cataclysmic period in Atlantis.

Sirius is a star system which is a meeting place for Earth beings who wish to continue their spiritual studies The Sirians helped to build the Pyramids and temples of Egypt and they are involved with helping Earth into this new Golden age.

-Paul McCarthy

I do believe in non-physical entities that reside within the non-physical realities. However, the odds that they cluster around the Sirius system is remote. Me thinks he too, like Alex, are just milking a system for profit.

Preston Nichols

Preston Nichols claims to be a ‘whistleblower’ who participated in a clandestine project at Montauk that involved a number of extraterrestrial groups. (Everyone is talking about the “Montauk” experiments and such. It’s all nonsense. All technical work related to extraterrestrials and MWI are focused in geographical areas in Ohio, California, Kansas, and some others.)

A (so called, and yet unidentified) “independent investigator” found Nichols “to be a very reliable and solid witness and that for myself, his information checked out across the board–right down the line; to the extent that it was at all possible to verify particular information.”

The humans from Sirius B, according Nichols, played a role in providing exotic technology such as time/inter-dimensional travel to clandestine government agencies involved in both the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project.

Again, I know nothing about this.

Steve Beckow

What can I say? This introduction says it all;

“Steve is apparently from Arcturus and has lived on Earth eight times: as a non-dual monk in Atlantis, a community leader in Biblical times, a formulator of mathematical principles and sacred geometry, a warrior, the founder of a religious order, and a helper in the development and spread of the printing press. This lifetime he works as a communicator serving Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother.”

From one of his aligned websites;

“As the Pleiadians, the Sirians are part of the alien-cultures who assist Earth and all her inhabitants (Humans, Animals and Nature).

Sirians are spiritual warriors, and strong connected to life-forms of dolphins and whales. Lot of people feel familiar with these life-forms, because they lived in those forms as well, and perceive those entities as loving friends.”

- Steve Beckow

Pretty cool stuff. Hey, can I wear “love beads”, smoke some of that marijuana, and have free sex with tattooed girls in dreadlocks as well?

Daniel Salter

According to Daniel Salter another “whistleblower” with long military service which included a period in the National Reconnaissance Office, extraterrestrial related issues drive human-extraterrestrial cooperation in a clandestine organization in the National Security Agency called the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO).

According to leaked information from an alleged whistleblower on a website called the Wingmakers, information which Daniel Salter affirms to be accurate, ACIO is cooperating with a consortium of extraterrestrials to develop sophisticated time travel technologies for future extraterrestrial threats.

According to the Wingmakers website:

“Blank Slate Technology or BST … is a form of time travel that enables the re-write of history at what are called intervention points. Intervention points are the causal energy centers that create a major event like the break-up of the Soviet Union or the NASA space program.

BST is the most advanced technology and clearly anyone who is in possession of BST, can defend themselves against any aggressor. It is, as Fifteen [leader of the Labyrinth] was fond of saying, the freedom key.

Remember that the ACIO was the primary interface with extraterrestrial technologies and how to adapt them into mainstream society as well as military applications. We were exposed to extraterrestrials and knew of their agenda. Some of these extraterrestrials scared the hell out of the ACIO. “

-Wingmakers Website

According to this source, it is likely that this consortium of extraterrestrials includes those from Sirius B who allegedly provided some time travel/inter-dimensional travel technology for the Montauk Project, and assistance in researching biological weapons.

According to Daniel Salter , the Sirians do not appear to be closely connected to the Gray or Reptilian groups that have been the main extraterrestrial groups involved in technology transfers. The Sirian interaction with the shadow government appears to have been an independent initiative designed to provide an alternative source of extraterrestrial technology.

Ugh. What can I say? It’s nonsense like this that give actual agents bad names. You know, everyone has an “angle”. Everyone is trying to scrape some of that ash to put in their wallet. Everyone is trying to snare some pretty girl or two or directionless groupie. I understand and respect that.

However, it is easy to be led astray when all you see is either the statist viewpoint or the more incredulous fantasies of these individuals on the periphery.

My Opinions

From the point of view of an “extraterrestrial enthusiast”; Sirius has merits.  For one, [1] Sirius is a great name.  It is short and simple.  It is easy to remember.  It’s got a rememberable “ring” to it.

Not only that, but [2] it is visible in the night sky.  People can see it.  It is tangible.  It is something that someone can point to, and look at.  It is also predominant in the night sky of the Northern hemisphere on earth.  (This is where most of the largest human cities lie.)  [3] Other people have heard the name before.  It is vaguely familiar.  It is comfortable, and convenient.  It is thus, no wonder why many people choose this as a source of origin for extraterrestrial races.

However, I personally think that many people who believe in physical intelligent beings from the Sirius system are more than just a little bit confused.

This is a big universe. It has elements of both the physical and the non-physical in it. It could very well be possible that some of these individuals were confusing physical contact with non-physical events. This is because there are certainly many things that we humans cannot perceive.

Additionally, there are those whom try to profit from other people’s belief structures. They offer promises and hope to people in need for it. These searchers and dreamers are easy prey to those with a good story and an open pocketbook. I think that it is horrible that someone would try to fleece the needy, the weak, the troubled and the hurt. They need to be offered real hope, not some lie no matter how interesting it sounds.

Sirius is a very interesting solar system. Its close proximity to our planet has had an influence. The extent of that influence is up to debate. However, I dare say, it is unlikely one involving intelligent extraterrestrial guidance.

Take Aways

  • Sirius is a nearby solar system, not a planet.
  • The Sirius that we see today is a very young and hot, and dangerous place.
  • Sirius went through massive changes 125 million years ago.
  • These changes were visible from earth.
  • Primitive humans could have witnessed the Sirius changes.
  • It is unlikely that native extraterrestrial life exists in the Sirius solar system.
  • There are people who claim that the Sirius system is inhabited.
  • These inhabitants are claimed to influence human behaviors.
  • I am skeptical of these claims.


How about a Request For Help? I tire of busybodies and statists who poke fun at the ideas and theories of others. They offer no constructive dialog. Rather they just make fun, ridicule, and then scurry under a rock.

I use this forum as a way to disseminate some of the things that I learned though my thirty years of involvement in MAJestic. However, I am forbidden to posit my knowledge directly. I cannot tell the interested, the “secrets of the universe”. The best that I can do is share my opinions about things that interest me, and flavor it indirectly with my forbidden understandings.

To help put this in perspective, put yourself in my shoes…

Imagine that you are working at a company with a brutal NDR. You cannot divulge anything about what you are involved in for any reason.

 Now, let’s suppose that for thirty years you were involved in training unicorns to dance with bigfoot. To help with your training, the Lock Ness Monster would gather “magical beans” that you would award the unicorns when they did a particularly impressive dance move; like the cha cha or a nice rendition of the samba.

 Now, there is no way that you can talk about unicorns, bigfoot, or the Lock Ness Monster. But, the NDR doesn’t cover “magic beans”. So in the best interests of society, you might want to posit your thoughts about growing “magic beans” and how they might be of interest to imaginary creatures.

 That is the situation that I find myself in.

So, if you, the reader, were so interested, I would welcome your thoughts on the Sirius solar system. I would welcome your comparisions to other stars in the early stages of life. I would welcome your thoughts on the presence or lack of debris discs. I would be very interested in your thoughts about the Dogon Tribe. Do you have any thoughts to contribute?

This is my callout, to you the reader, to assist all of us in solving these mysteries. After all, this is a far better use of the internet than for looking at Justin Bieber videos.


Q: Who are the Sirians?
A: They are the supposed inhabitants of worlds in orbit around the stars of the Sirius solar system. They are typically considered to be carnate beings, though some insist that they are incarnate creatures.

Q: Who are the bright enlightened beings?
A: I do not know. I have never met any.

Q: Does Sirius have intelligent people or civilizations?
A: Probably not.

Q: Why do the Dogon worship Sirius?
A: They have a history and traditions that appear to describe the behavior of Sirius when Sirius B entered the red giant phase. If their ancestors witnessed this event then that tells us that we need to take a serious relook at the history of mankind (personkind for you Progressives out there).

Q: Is there a habitable zone around Sirius?
A: There is a habitable zone around both Sirius A and Sirius B. However, it is unlikely that any habitable planet would exist within that zone given what we know about the system.

Q: Are the reptilians from Sirius?
A: It is unlikely.

Q: Are the Nordics from Sirius?
A: It is unlikely.

Q: Do the Zeta Reticuli aliens travel to Sirius?
A: I do not know, though I think that it would be a dangerous trip.

Q: Are All Aliens Enlightened Benevolent Beings?
A: No. Every specie has their own interests and ways of obtaining their needs and desires.

Q: Where are we, as humans, heading as a species?
A: This is a very good question. We are being cultivated. Cultivation is not a bad thing. Cultivation is a sort of rearranging of the stuff that comprises our souls. I have other posts on this subject that covers this issue in great detail.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Did Extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania

Maybe they actually did. The evidence is certainly suggestive of it. For reasons of my own, I have embraced the concept and idea that there have been creatures from other planets, with other intelligences, and different technologies that have visited our planet. This belief was expanded upon by the books by Erich von Däniken in the 1970’s. Oh, of course there are armies of people that dismiss this belief. I’m unfazed. Everyone can believe what they want in regards to their own realities.

As such…

Given what little I know about reality, I can see some patterns. As such, these patterns are quite interesting. One such pattern is the development of colonies, or remote societies that settle away from the main cluster or home. America was birthed from thirteen colonies that were established by European colonists. Australia was birthed from cantankerous Englishmen. Brazil was birthed from Portuguese colonists. If we humans ever want to leave this little planet that we call our home, and venture elsewhere, we will need to set up colonies on other worlds.

In a like way, if some creatures came from another planet and wanted to move to earth, they would need to set up a colony first.  Yet, what would this colony look like? Would it have skyscrapers and color televisions? Would it be peopled with creatures with tentacles and five eyes? Or, would it look something out of the Wild West, with stockades protecting strange and unusual people with technologies that we cannot understand? I would guess the later.

With this in mind, let me introduce the reader to the Andaste Indians (The Susquehannocks)… 


I would like to begin this discussion with an unusual group of people who used to live in and around Pennsylvania, in the United States.  This group of people was known as the Susquehannocks / Andaste Indians.

To begin with, however, we need to understand that this tribe or race of people is now long dead. We only know of them through ancient records. These are the writings of the explorers who ventured into early America and encountered these people. Indeed, what they wrote about was quite amazing and spellbinding.

It was a different time.

As such we need to touch on the time period for a spell. When the Pilgrims were first standing on Plymouth Rock, this race was engaged in aggressive trade. All the local Indians feared them. The king of the Susquehannocks was the Negan of their day. (As an aside, have you ever been to Plymouth Rock? Let me tell you that it was quite a disappointment. It was more like a shallow well, than a rock. But, anyways, the town is quite quaint.)

What American Indians were REALLY Like

Today most American people are unaware of the life of the native inhabitants of America. At best, they have an idea of cone shaped Teepees, and bare chested men on horseback with some feathers in their hair. They might have some “scalps” tied around their waist, and a vest of sticks around their chest. They might sit tall on a white and black spotted horse, and have an attractive “squaw” waiting for them in their Teepee. Hah!  Indeed, the truth of the pre-European colonization native life in America is now hidden and secret. It is not really adequately covered in American textbooks.

However it really should be…

During the Middle Ages, plagues ravaged Europe. These plagues were devastating. They killed many people, and in certain communities, most of the inhabitants. Entire towns became empty. A visitor would enter these deserted communities and find horses, chickens and pigs, but all the humans would be dead. It was a devastating time. As such, many people chose not to travel about, but to hide behind walls and seek protections and safety. Europe, during the post plague “dark ages”, was a land not unlike a Hollywood apocalypse.

Instead of a handful of survivors battling it out against zombies in abandoned ghost towns as portrayed in “The Walking Dead” and other apocalyptic movies, the survivors in Europe hid in walled towns, fortresses, and ventured out only when absolutely necessary. They didn’t know what caused the plagues. They thought it was due to their sins and wrong doings.

Of course, today we know the causes as diseases carried by the insects on rats and mice. However, at that time, no one knew the causes.

While Europe was beginning to rebuild, the survivors of the plague started their life anew. They did not realize that they had grown immunities to many of the (associative) sicknesses and illnesses that ravaged the European countryside. Then, later when they began to set sail for foreign lands and search for new lands and new beginnings, they carried the plagues and sickness that they were immune to.

When the explorers first arrived in “the new world” they were astounded by what they found. It was not as many contemporaneous Americans assume; a heavily wooded land with sparse communities located here and there in the mist of untouched natural beauty. It was not like that at all. For instance, a sailor named Giovanni da Verrazzano sailed up the East Coast and described it as “densely populated” and so “smoky with Indian bonfires” that you could smell them burning hundreds of miles out at sea. America was densely populated.

These were not the primitive savages as portrayed by Hollywood; no matter no noble, they portray them.

American Indians were Civilized

The Indians lived in wood homes, with good solid wood floors. They lived in both log and bark houses. Some even created stone buildings, many of which are still mysterious and have no discernable purpose.  They created huge networks of stonewalls. This was true not only in New England, but in California as well. They were (and are) all over North America. (Don’t buy into the simpleton narrative that they were built by early American colonists. The walls do not match the land ownership and titles at that time.) The native Indians had a developed and active commerce that involved trade all through the Americas. They used the various rivers to move about and trade.

I know that there are those who find common everyday answers to the stone ruins that existed prior to the European arrival. They say the Warwick tower was a windmill, and such. Has the reader actually been there and looked at it? Well, if it was a windmill, it must have been a really tiny one.

About this “mystery”…

Why set up a windmill when a nearby river (the most common place to grind grain) was nearby. Streams are far more reliable as a motive source. Winds are periodic. Thus, steams are better places to locate gristmill facilities. Especially as they are a “mature technology” and financial viable. The only reason that windmills are used in the Netherlands is that constant free flowing water under a head was not available. Think people. Think!

Remember, boys and girls, things must have a purpose and a reason for being made. Stones are heavy. It takes time, requires people and funds to make.

Then, if it is a business, it needs to have customers and records. This is from Colonial times, for Pete’s sake. If you want to prove that, a tower is grain-grinding windmill, then show who owned the land, who built the structure, the commerce that derived from it, the customers involved.

As is true throughout the Internet today, and in general culture (though that is an argument for another day), people posit the most ridiculous things. They get away with it, because “everyone knows” that is the most “logical” answer. That must be, you know, because native American Indians were “savages”.

Don’t you know…

All of this is certainly a far cry from what many Americans have been led to believe.

America was the Home of Many Nations

So when the first explorers from Europe entered North America they entered a very well established and ordered society. America was the home of many Indian nations. These nations were just as valid as any European nation. They were not primitive but large, with their own distinct cultures and societies. As the first explorers ventured forth, they brought many things with them. One of which was the plagues and sicknesses that previously ravished Europe.

The first explorers, without even trying, set in motion a biological apocalypse. It In the decades between Columbus’ discovery of America and the Mayflower landing at Plymouth Rock, the most devastating plague in human history raced up  and down the Eastern Coast of America. It was horrific. It devastated entire communities, Indian nations, and cultures.

So, by the time the first thirteen colonies were getting established, they moved about in the immediate aftermath of a full-blown biological apocalypse. Reports suggest that a mere two years before the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, the plague wiped out about 96 percent of all the Indians in Massachusetts.

The Plague

There are very few reports of what it must have been like. Within a period of years, the deaths of significant numbers of the population must have been horrific. One can well imagine the shock and horror that it must have gripped the native inhabitants. As diseases such as smallpox covered everyone from head to toe with painful pustules, and the survivors fearful of contact with others who might be affected by this scourge, the environment must have been very tense. We can only guess the fearful respect that the local Indians would have for these new strangers that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Using your history books to understand what America was like in the 100 years after Columbus landed there is nearly impossible. This is a history that was never taught.  It’s like trying to understand what modern day Manhattan is like based on the post-apocalyptic scenes from “I Am Legend”.

Historians estimate that before the plague, America’s population was anywhere between 20 and 100 million (Europe’s at the time was 70 million). The plague would eventually sweep West, killing at least 90 percent of the native population. For comparison’s sake, the Black Plague killed off between 30 and 60 percent of Europe’s population.

History and Historians

There are always reasons why history is not reported accurately. Sometimes it’s because the knowledge is lost and filled in by later historians with their own personal biases. However, it is mostly because the government, which creates your “free education”, actually has an objective that they wish to enforce through a historical narrative.

In fact, many historians believe that the pre-colonization plague was the single most important event in American history. But, you know, it’s just a little more fun to believe that your ancestors won the land by being the superior culture. (History is always written to persuade and manipulate.)

Actually, the European settlers had a hard enough time defeating the remaining stragglers of the once huge Native American population. The survivors must have been some seriously hardy people. The closest thing that I can picture is a scene out of one of the “Mad Max” movies. You need to remember that the American Indians did not mess around. When the Vikings tried to explore North America they got their collective hides handed to them on a platter. Those few that managed to escape the fury of the natives, never returned back.

Within the devastated countryside lay many proud Indians. The lone survivors were something both amazing and frightening at the same time.

At the time of the colonization of North America and the thirteen colonies, the European settlers started to meet and interact with the native Indians. Those they met were a hardy bunch indeed, but terribly weak after their society collapsed. One such group that they met was a society of unique natives located in Northern Pennsylvania.

The Andaste Indians (Susquehannocks)

This group is a former American-Indian tribe located in North Central Pennsylvania.  (The French called them Andastes.) They no longer exist.  All members of the tribe were exterminated through armed conflict approximately 400 years ago.  As far as I know, they neither bred with the neighboring indigenous Indian tribes nor inter-married with any of the European colonists whom encroached onto their claimed territories.  They were an isolated community surrounded by other Indian communities that they traded with, but would not breed with.

The name Susquehannock is derived from the word Sasquesahanough. It is a descriptive term used by Captain John Smith’s Algonquian interpreter (in 1608) to mean “People at the Falls”, or alternatively as the “People of the Muddy River”.  (Which might be suggestive of the name “The people from Niagra Falls”.) Two other names that were used to refer to them were “Andaste” (particularly by the French) or “Minqua,” “Minques,” or “Minckas” by the Dutch. Additionally, there seems to be many other names used as well.

Indians in Pennsylvania

Most people haven’t a clue as to what American Indians are. When most people think of the Native Americans that lived in the Pennsylvania and New York regions they usually think of the Iroquois. However, the most fundamental truth is that the Iroquois didn’t live in this region. Well, that is, not until relatively recently.

Specifically, the Susquehannocks lived in the Pennsylvania region for around 15,000 years. That is one long stretch of time. Around 1400AD the Iroquois started to show up. It would take them a couple of centuries before they set up settlements. They started to live in the region, and battle with the Susquehannocks, about the same time that the Europeans started to arrive.

The entire Middle to Eastern Pennsylvania and the bulk of Southern New York area was fully controlled by the Susquehannocks. They were a huge, powerful and frightening people. To put this into perspective, the dangerous and fierce Iroquois Indians are said to fear only one people; the Susquehannocks. Many accounts say they were very warlike. Not one report says otherwise.

Records and evidences support the notion that they were much larger than average people were. We have historic records that show that they were responsible for winning many battles against the Iroquois and wiping out many smaller Native American groups along the Susquehanna. They were ruthless. They were the Khmer Rouge of their day.

This race of fierce and terrifying Indians had full control of the entire region and they controlled it with an “iron fist”. In fact, they didn’t give up control of their territory to the Iroquois until the late 1600’s. This was about the same time as the Americas were devastated by European transported illnesses. It is my guess that the Iroquois leveraged biological warefare to their advantage.

An Extraterrestrial Colony?

So what? There were just a bunch of Indian savages that eventually were subdued by the superiority of the European settlers. Right?

This particular article is an investigation into the REMOTE possibility that the Susquehannocks might be the remains of a colony of extraterrestrials. (Here we discuss the possibility, and why it could be. Not that it is. So there shouldn’t be any reason for “knee-Jerk” scientific statist responses.)

These individuals can be considered a typical embodiment of what an extraterrestrial humanoid colony would look and behave like. We have named them as “American Indians”, but they did not act, look like, or behave like any other Indians elsewhere in the Americas. They stood unique. This is both physically and figuratively.

From my own personal point of view, I hold this belief upon the known information that I have on them.  Consider the curious circumstances surrounding them.  They were [1] totally unique; they stand apart in culture, behavior and appearance in the region, and they had [2] various skills and abilities that were noteworthy in themselves. Their [3] physical appearance was different, and they maintained [4] technological skills that were different from that of the surrounding region.

Characteristics of the Andaste

Therefore, of all the examples that I provide herein, perhaps one of the most interesting was that of the characteristics of Andaste Indians.  I found them fascinating due to their physical appearance, plus the fact that I once visited a museum that displayed some of their skulls, which made an impression on me in my youth. I was 13 at the time, and travelling with my father.  He was doing engineering sales and was driving though the Pennsylvania countryside visiting factories and companies all over the territory.  I went along for the ride.  Sometimes he would pull over and we would visit an obscure museum or park, way off the “beaten track” in the hinterlands.

"Of many points of historic interest in our valley, perhaps none has attracted more attention or roused more speculation, from the earliest times to the present, than the mound called Spanish Hill.  This prominence is due not only to its unusual position (isolated from the hill ranges and regions), but also to its odd outline, the remains of fortifications on the top, and its present name."

- Louise Welles Murray -"History of Old Tioga Point and Early Athens -"1908.

Today, if you look up this subject on the Internet you will find very little information.  It is, alas the case with most studies of American Indian archeology.  For most Americans, the study of Americans is one of arrowheads, animal-hide teepees, and a hand-full of dirt mounds and stories of the Wild West.

This is unfortunate, because prior to the invasion of the Europeans in the 1500’s, North America was a thriving and heavily populated region divided into many nations, all of which were engaged in trade, wars and the various aspects of civilization.  Few actually lived in tents.  Most lived in large log houses, with wood floors, doors, furniture and stone fences.  They traveled the world on worn paths and by river travel using well-made boats.  They maintained a large and complex intercontinental trading arrangement and had mastered regional herbal medicines and localized agriculture.

In the Americas were numerous Indian nations, and within these nations were federations of tribes and sub-cultures.  Many had similarities but often they were peppered with unique cultural and societal customs and behaviors.  Yet, there were more than a few surprisingly isolated and biologically unique “Indians” who were part of these nations, but remained aloof from them.

These are the kinds of potential extraterrestrial colonies that I would like to investigate.

History is being Forgotten

At one time there was quite a bit of information about this “Indian Tribe” known as the Andaste.  But time, the lack of interest, and the lack of funding have resulted in the dissemination of many of the relics of this colony.  What remains is but a precious few items.  When one searches for tangible information on this race, one is confronted with an amazing slew of disbelief and incredulity.  It is typically discounted off hand by the ignorant. It’s a photoshop hoax they pontificate. It’s all nonsense, they argue. It just possible cannot be true.

For the record, this is neither a hoax, a fabrication based on a single specimen (Over 80+ skeletons have been found of this race.  They all confirm the size, facial structure and (yes) horns as described herein.), or a wild outlandish story.  The race did exist.  They had their capital in the Bradford area for a very long time; over fifteen centuries, and (I suggest that) they did originally settle in the area (possibly) from an extraterrestrial location.

“After very careful study of all accessible facts, I unhesitatingly commit myself to the conclusion that Spanish Hill is nothing more or less than this ancient fortified town, the stronghold of the Carantouans" 

 -John S. Clark

Their Nation

The Indians had nations. These were identical to the nations of Europe. They possessed armies, borders, society and a form of taxation on the various communities within the nation.

When the Europeans arrived in North America they found a well developed society composed of various indian nations and social-lingustic groups.
The Indian tribes, community, and social traditions of the Eastern early United States. Early Indian nations. (Image Source.)

The first historic records by Europeans indicate that the Susquehannocks were a nation made up of several villages. These communities ruled a large area that included parts of present day New York, and Eastern Pennsylvania. Researchers claim that the Susquehannocks were made up of 5 to 6 principal tribes. These tribes were spread out and divided amongst approximately 20 villages along the Susquehanna river.

As an amateur, I personally find it hard to understand what a “tribe” is relative to an “Indian nation”. I am sure, than an expert in these historical matters could explain much better than I ever could. As far as I have been able to make out, a “tribe” is a collection of similar people that occupies a regional area. To best understand this arrangement, the reader should consider a “tribe” as a state. Just like the original colonies were comprised of thirteen colonies that eventually became states, these tribes can be considered as individual states within the nation of Carantouan. Thus, the nation was divided into five or six states, or sub-regions.

The extent of this nation was unknown until a surveyor from the European colony at Auburn NY, by the name of General John S. Clark mapped out their communities. He determined that their most Northerly village was Carantouan (Spanish Hill). He determined that they were the people of the nation of Carantouan . The first European explorer to visit this site was Etienne Brule in 1615.

Physical Dimensions

“In 1822, while digging a cellar on the farm of General McKean, excavations came  to what was supposed to be "an impenetrable rock, but striking it with a crow  bar it gave forth a hollow sound."

They re-doubled their efforts, and at last  the stone broke and fell into a vault. And now, with visions of long-buried  treasure flitting through their minds, they carefully removed the earth from the arch, speculating the wile as to the probable extent of the "treasure-trove," and the amount of salvage the General would be likely to claim.

On removing the cap they found "not what they sought," but a sepulchre.

A careful examination of the sarcophagus reveled it flagged at the bottom, the sides artistically built up, and a flat stone laid on the top. The sarcophagus measured nine feet in length, two and a half feet in width, and ten feet deep.

In it was found a skeleton measuring as it lay, eight feet and two inches in length.

The teeth were sound, but the bones were soft and easily broken. There were ten of these sepulchres within the space of the cellar, one of which had a pine growing over it three feet in diameter.”

-Source: BRADFORD REPORTER, Towanda, Pennsylvania Aug 14, 1884 - article on Burlington Township.

The first thing that sets this tribe apart from the other tribes in the area was the physical appearance of the members in the community.  They did not act, look or behave like any of the Indians associated in that region.  Not only was their [1] physical appearance different, but [2] they dressed uniquely and acted differently, as [3] well as spoke a completely different language.

Tall Beings with Horns

These individuals were very tall humanoids with males uniformly standing over seven feet tall.  In fact, many males often reached heights of 8 to even 9 feet tall.  This is amazing when one considers that most local Indians and European explorers stood around 5 feet tall.  To put this into perspective, the reader must realize that these individuals were almost twice the size of the people surrounding them.

Not only that, but all the males had horns.  That is right; they had horns!  The horns were proportionally and genetically disposed to grow out of the upper forehead region in a set of two distinct and prominent horns.  These were not one-inch long stubs, but rather 5 to 9 inch long protuberances!  They were shaped like very long and thick goat horns!

Furthermore, these were not coincidentally abnormally tall and thin men either.  They were husky, fully proportioned men of significant girth and strength.  Records from that period described them as “impressive”, “awesome” and “breathtaking” in appearance.

As if that wasn’t enough, however, the fact that their skin color was a decidedly reddish color (Their skin was not a dark reddish-brown like the Iroquois, but a decidedly different color.) would make most anyone go into shock.  Imagine the sight of bright red giants with horns that were twice your size.  They were indeed a most noteworthy race.


There are reports that suggest that the race was not a long-lived one.  Adolescence came early, and so did death.  By all accounts very few of the race lived past 40 years.  This is odd, as all humans have the potential to live up to their early 100’s.  This race was considered to be lucky if it lived to 50 years.

The susquehannock indians were very large and very tall. They were larger than any of the Europeans who came to North America.
Size comparison between a susquehannock male and a European man. Height comparison with the Andaste Indians.

At the time of the apparent height of the Andaste culture, the local Indians stood a mere 4.5 to 5 feet tall, and the Andaste Indians stood between seven and eight foot all.  This has been confirmed by the excavation of their remains and substantiated the local Indian legends.

Think about that for a minute.

That would be around at least two feet taller than any “normal” man at the time. And it would still be considered to be HUGE by our contemporaneous standards today. After all, the supremely tall Shaquille O’Neal is only 7 feet 1 inch, and weighs 315 lbs. These people were taller, and much heavier. Oh, and did I mention that the men all had horns?

Women and Children

It is curious that none of the females, or the children had horns.  While all were of gigantic size and proportions, the females were of smaller stature than the males.  And, of course the children began as a normal infant and grew into manhood through a normal growth development curve.  As such, we can imply that the adolescent males grew horns in their teens and the horns were in some way associated with the attainment of manhood.

Everyone, including the females had a distinctly strong reddish pigmentation to the skin.  Depictions of them show a hairless body with long flowing head hair, but we do not know if this was genetic or cultural.  None of the descriptions includes beards or other kinds of facial hair.

". . . 60 of those Susquehannocks came to us . . . such great and well-proportioned men are seldom seen, for they seemed like giants to the English . . .these are the strangest people of all those countries both in language and attire; for their language it may well beseeme their proportions, sounding from them as a voice in a vault.

Their attire is the skins of bears and wolves, some have cassocks made of bears heads and skins . . . The half sleeves coming to the elbows were the heads of bears and the arms through the open mouth . . . one had the head of a wolf hanging from a chain for a jewel . . . with a club suitable to his greatness sufficient to beat out ones brains.

Five of their chief wereowances came aboard us . . . (of) the greatest of them his hair, the one side was long and the other shorn close with a ridge over his crown like a cocks combed . . . The calf of whose leg was half a yard around and all the rest of his limbs so answerable to that proportion that he seemed the goodliest man we ever beheld!"

-Voyages of CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH (of Jamestown, Va.) during the Years 1607-9.

There is no doubt in my mind that after reading numerous accounts of these gigantic skeletons being found throughout this area, that this is not a mere “legend,” it is a fact. These Susquehannocks (Andaste) were GIANTS especially to the men of average height (4- 5.3 feet) of that time period, but also seemed “huge” to the people who dug them up over the past 100 years.  The Andaste’s AVERAGE height seems to be between 6 and 7 feet, with some exceptional human specimens being recorded to be about 8+ feet in height.

Susquehannock women were very large.
Susquehannock women were smaller than the men, but still significantly larger than the male European colonists. Susquehannock women were quite large but were normally proportioned.

Trade and Commerce

They were terribly warline, but they DID maintain trade relations with their neighbors. They were clever and known to be shrewd traders and businessmen.  Their single and lone colony occupied a fortified bluff or small (natural) hill (This hill was very unique as it had nearly vertical harsh cliff sides and a very flat “tabletop” apex.) with steep sides that overlooked the convergence of two rivers.  Both rivers, by the way, were major trade arteries for the local Indians in that region. (Rivers, prior to the expansion of the American colonies, were the major trade, communication and travel routes.  They were the highways of that time period.)

We do not know much about the trade agreements that they had with other races in the region because that information has been lost through the passage of time.  However, the local legends of the nearby Indian tribes suggest that this nation consisted of individuals who were extremely shrewd businessmen and would engage in commerce in a very strict and formal way.  They would always warn that those engaging in business dealings must first make sure that they knew exactly what kind of agreement that they were getting into.  As there would be “most terrible” consequences if the agreement was not followed exactly “to the letter”.

care is warented with dealign with the susquehannock indians.
You must be careful when dealing with the Andaste and susquehannock Indians. Be careful when dealing with the Andaste. (Image Source.)

The Only Known Colony

Instead of thinking of the Susquehannock “Indian Nation”, for our purposes let’s consider them an extraterrestrial colony. As such, their only known existent colony was in the United States.

The capital complex was located in what is now Bradford County located in north-central Pennsylvania near the New York state line.  This colony was located near the town of Sayre, which is at the intersection of two rivers; Chemung river and the Susquehanna river.  Because of that, they are sometimes referred to as the “Sayre Giants”.  This colony was located on a lone hill with steep sides and a very flat top that overlooked the river.

Today, Sayre is a pretty small town located in the Pennsylvania countryside.

Over time, 15,000 years to be frank, they set up colonies “down river”. These colonies were similar to the main Bradford site. These people were all giants. However the  presence of horns on top of the heads apparently are limited to the Bradford area. Culturally they all shared a common culture.

The susquehannock males all had horns on the top of their heads.
A skull of a male Andaste susquehannock unearthed in Bradford, Pennsylvania.

Andaste skull unearthed in Bradford Pennsylvania. (Image source.)

The Andaste Indian males all had horns, while the children and the women did not.  The horns started to develop during adolescence in young boys when they began to reach maturity. The horns were all uniform and grew out of the upper forehead approximately at the hairline.

Proportionally the horn length varied from individual to individual but was typically at least 6 inches long. Horn diameter also varied considerably with diameters at the base of the horns varying from one to two and a half inches in diameter.  Excavated remains suggest that the horns would sometimes be damaged and would break off, suggestive of combat of some type. (Maybe. Maybe…)

A Fortified Community

This “Indian Tribe” occupied a fortified hill strategically placed nearby, which was once, a major intersection of Indian trade routes.  They had no other villages or settlements.  There were no other similarly sized or culturally similar races nearby.  They were unique and occupied a lone fortified hill.

The fortification; “Onnontioga” (Tioga Point) is located where the Susquehanna River and the Chemung river join. The hill was renamed “Spanish Hill” by the European settlers to the region.  The name referred to the shape and style of the fortifications and ramparts at the hill.  They were decidedly different than any of the other local Indian ramparts.  These were more reminiscent in appearance to those associated with known Spanish fortifications. Early explorers to that region remarked how impressive and advanced the fortifications were.

This is a significant point. The  Onnontioga fortifications were substantially more advanced, technologically engineered, and superior to locally manufactured Indian fortifications; some could argue that it was equal to the superiority of Spanish fortifications of the time.

Other Colonies

Were there other colonies of these people elsewhere in Pennsylvania?  No.  Apparently they were a unique and isolated group.  That stands apart as significant, and is worthy of discussion.

There are legends of these creatures all over the globe.  Much of the folklore about the red devil with horns, and the signing of contracts (could possibly) indirectly originate from these people.  When one comes across the legend of a huge people with horned skulls, red skin and who were very shrewd in business, one must consider the possibility of interaction with this race.

If true, then it has become obvious that they have tried to set up other colonies on the earth over the last 10,000 years, with the colony at Sayre being the longest lasting one.  But none of their other colonies ever seemed to stabilize.  Eventually they all died out, or were assimilated with the indigenous peoples.  Apparently, if true, they had established colonies in other places as well to include Western Russia, and of course the Americas.

There are historical records that the investigator needs to research in order to know the true story of the susquehannock people.
Vintage newspaper article describing the discovery of Indian bones of the susquehannocks who used to live in the area. Vintage Newspaper article.


There is indisputable evidence that the Sayre race that lived here were not simply tall, horned, red skinned humanoids.  They had access to firearms as well!  One must keep in mind that these reports come from the year 1500.  At that time the export of gunpowder from China had just then reached Europe.  Its use was just beginning to displace that of the crossbow and long sword.  The Europeans were just getting their first exposure to the precursors of modern firearms, so one must truly imagine their surprise when they encountered enormous red horned giants with rifles!

"There is, however, undisputed evidence from the earliest settlers (Shepards, Hannas, and others) that when they came the Indians remaining in this locality… …stood in awe of the hill, and avoided ascending it"

"Early in the last century, Alpheus Harris settled at the foot of the hill. An old Indian was a frequent visitor, but when asked to ascend the hill he always refused, saying a Great Spirit lived there who would kill Indians.  That he spoke with a thunderous voice and made holes through Indians bodies. This suggests muskets or cannons"

- Louise Welles Murray 1908:62, 64

We also have reports that some of their weapons were quite large. These larger weapons were considered to be cannons (!) by the European settlers to the region.

"Lalemant now describes the warfare which had continued between Canadian and other tribes and the Iroquois.

The latter attack the Andastes, far down the Susquehanna, but find that the villages of this tribe are defended with European cannon; and, moreover, the Andastes are a match for them in cunning — seizing twenty-five Iroquois spies, and burning them to death in the sight of their own army.

Not only do the invaders meet disaster, but their own villages are ravaged by smallpox, and their fields remain half tilled. Thus menaced, the Iroquois plan to form an alliance with the French, hoping that the latter may help them against their enemies; but they abandon this scheme, upon hearing that the king of France is about to send many soldiers to Canada, to crush the enemies of the colonists. Meanwhile, some souls among them are saved; for certain captive Frenchmen baptize over three hundred children, and some adults who are dangerously ill."

-The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents Volume 48

The Colony Layout

"The fortifications of all this family of tribes were, like their dwellings, in essential points alike.

[1] A situation was chosen favorable to defence, the bank of a lake, the crown of a difficult hill, or a high point of land in the fork of confluent rivers.

[2] A ditch, several feet deep, was dug around the village, and the earth thrown up on the inside.

[3] Trees were then felled by an alternate process of burning and hacking the burnt part with stone hatchets, and by similar means were cut into lengths to form palisades. These were planted on the embankment, in one, two, three, or four concentric rows, those of each row inclining towards those of the other rows until they intersected.

[4] The whole was lined within, to the height of a man, with heavy sheets of bark; and at the top, where the palisades crossed, was a gallery of timber for the defenders, together with wooden gutters, by which streams of water could be poured down on fires kindled by the enemy.

[5] Magazines of stones, and rude ladders for mounting the rampart, completed the provision for defence.

The forts of the Iroquois were stronger and more elaborate than those of the Hurons; and to this day large districts in New York are marked with frequent remains of their ditches and embankments."

-Francis Parkman, "The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century". Edited for readability with the addition of numbered points.

The tribe lived within a Fortified Village or Citadel.

Inside the walled complex was a geometric array of housings and facilities.  It was surrounded by reinforced ramparts of wood and dirt ditches.  The various houses were strategically spaced apart and away from the ramparts.  All the houses were of bound live wood. (Tolkien elf style.) The interiors were of log construction with multi-tiered wooden floors.  Though the building system was different than contemporaneous European methods, it was not inferior. They used bark over live saplings instead of cut and processed logs. Which is much like how traditional homes are constructed in Japan and throughout Europe. It was a superior system for as the settlement aged, the houses became older and stronger. As the early saplings grew into large mature trees.

The houses were aligned in an orderly geometric arrangement suggestive of a military garrison. A comparison of ancient Viking settlements and their longhouses show a distinct similarity. (I wonder if this was a characteristic of warlike peoples…)

Because of its size, shape, and location, Spanish Hill has been believed to be an excellent location for a defensive stand for an attack. Thus, in defense of my proposed narrative, would naturally have been used by early civilizations for mere survival.  It also has a view of many miles in each direction around it because it stands alone on the flat land surrounding it. For this reason, many believe that Spanish Hill was either a Susquehannock village site or site of refuge during attacks during at least the 1500’s and 1600’s. Evidences of campfires, and village remains have been located on the hill to include “hardened fortifications” which also support this school of thought.

There is no question that there were stockades built around the top of this hill (fortifications) around the 1600’s, and a moat or ditch was built around the bottom.  It is known that some Indian villages had two or three levels of stockades built around them, and this hill may have had more than one as well.  I have also been told by several historians that were involved in “excavation digs” on the hill that there was a covered stockade area going vertically down the hill on the west side to a natural spring that was about 1/2 down the side from the top.  This meant that the entire fort had access to clear and fresh spring water, and did not depend on the nearby rivers for drinking water at all.

Living Arrangements

What we know of how they lived is through documented records and journals.

"They covered a space of from one to ten acres, the dwellings clustering together with little or no pretension to order. In general, these singular structures were about thirty or thirty-five feet in length, breadth, and height; but many were much larger, and a few were of prodigious length.

In some of the villages there were dwellings two hundred and forty feet long, though in breadth and height they did not much exceed the others.

- Brebeuf, Relation des Hurons, 1635, 31.

In comparison, their homes were quite large. They were far larger than any homes made by the European settlers to the region. They were larger than the impressive public and religious structures in Europe at the time.

“Champlain says that he saw them, in 1615, more than thirty fathoms long; while Vanderdonck reports the length, from actual measurement, of an Iroquois house, at a hundred and eighty yards, or five hundred and forty feet!”

To put this in perspective, an American football field is 360 feet long (120 yards long). Thus, an actual measurement of an existing Andaste house was much longer than a football field. This is an enormous size, and was most especially impressive in that it was constructed by using live trees interlaced with each other and covered in an array of bark.

“In shape they were much like an arbor overarching a garden-walk. Their frame was of tall and strong saplings, planted in a double row to form the two sides of the house, bent till they met, and lashed together at the top. To these other poles were bound transversely, and the whole was covered with large sheets of the bark of the oak, elm, spruce, or white cedar, overlapping like the shingles of a roof, upon which, for their better security, split poles were made fast with cords of linden bark. At the crown of the arch, along the entire length of the house, an opening a foot wide was left for the admission of light and the escape of smoke.

At each end was a close porch of similar construction; and here were stowed casks of bark, filled with smoked fish, Indian corn, and other stores not liable to injury from frost.

Within, on both sides, were wide scaffolds, four feet from the floor, and extending the entire length of the house, like the seats of a colossal omnibus.”

- Francis Parkman, "The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century"

This differs from other native American Indians. Often, especially among the Iroquois, the internal arrangement was quite different. The scaffolds or platforms were raised only a foot from the earthen floor, and were only twelve or thirteen feet long, with intervening spaces, where the occupants stored their family provisions and other articles. Typically, five or six feet above were yet another platform, often occupied by children.

One pair of platforms sufficed for each family, and here during summer they slept pell-mell, in the clothes they wore by day, and without pillows. But the Susquehannocks were different.

(The platforms) “These were formed of thick sheets of bark, supported by posts and transverse poles, and covered with mats and skins. Here, in summer, was the sleeping place of the inmates, and the space beneath served for  storage of their firewood.

The fires were on the ground, in a line down the middle of the house.

Each fire sufficed for two families, who, in winter, slept closely packed around them.

Above, just under the vaulted roof, were a great number of poles, like the perches of a hen-roost, and here were suspended weapons, clothing, skins, and ornaments.

Here, too, in harvest time, the squaws hung the ears of unshelled corn, till the rude abode, through all its length, seemed decked with a golden tapestry. In general, however, its only lining was a thick coating of soot from the smoke of fires with neither draught, chimney, nor window.

So pungent was the smoke, that it produced inflammation of the eyes, attended in old age with frequent blindness. Another annoyance was the fleas; and a third, the unbridled and unruly children. Privacy there was none. The house was one chamber, sometimes lodging more than twenty families."

-Francis Parkman, "The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century"

Social Structure

The Susquehannocks seemed to follow, a more or less conventional Native American Indian social structure, as far as I can tell. Yet, the reader must be made aware, the reports on this are few and far between. They naturally reflect the biases of the reporter of that time.

"In the organization of the savage communities of the continent, one feature, more or less conspicuous, continually appears.

Each nation or tribe to adopt the names by which these communities are usually known is subdivided into several clans. These clans are not locally separate, but are mingled throughout the nation. All the members of each clan are, or are assumed to be, intimately joined in consanguinity.

Hence it is held an abomination for two persons of the same clan to intermarry; and hence, again, it follows that every family must contain members of at least two clans.

Each clan has its name, as the clan of the Hawk, of the Wolf, or of the Tortoise; and each has for its emblem  the figure of the beast, bird, reptile, plant, or other object, from which its name is derived.

This emblem, called totem by the Algonquins, is often tattooed on the clansman's body, or rudely painted over the entrance of his lodge.

The child belongs, in most cases, to the clan, not of the father, but of the mother. In other words, descent, not of the totem alone, but of all rank, titles, and possessions, is through the female.

The son of a chief can never be a chief by hereditary title, though he may become so by force of personal influence or achievement. Neither can he inherit from his father so much as a tobacco-pipe. All possessions alike pass of right to the brothers of the chief, or to the sons of his sisters, since these are all sprung from a common mother.

This rule of descent was noticed by Champlain among the Hurons in 1615. That excellent observer refers it to an origin which is doubtless its true one. The child may not be the son of his reputed father, but must be the son of his mother, a consideration of more than ordinary force in an Indian community."

-Francis Parkman, "The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century"

Opinions of the European Settlers to the area

The earliest “locals” referred to the remains of fortifications as “Spanish Ramparts” and it is said that the Indians in this area would not go up on to the hill because there was something that made a thunderous noise and made holes in those that dared to climb the hill.

The earliest description known is that of Duke Rochefoucault de Liancourt, a French Traveler in 1795, who, while enroute to the tow of Niagara, saw the hill and thus wrote of it:

"Near the confines of Pennsylvania a mountain rises from the bank of the river Tioga (Chemung) in the shape of a sugar loaf upon which are seen the remains of some entrenchments. These the inhabitants call the Spanish Ramparts, but I rather judge them to have been thrown up against the Indians in the time of M. de Nonville. One perpendicular breastwork is yet remaining which, though covered with grass and bushes, plainly indicates that a parapet and a ditch have been constructed here."

-La Rochefoucald-Liancourt 1795:76-7

The End of the Colony

The colony eventually died out in sometime in the mid 1750’s.  (Mr.La Rochefoucald-Liancourt reported that ruins, devoid of inhabitants, were still visible standing on top of the hill in 1795.) It exactly coincided with the encroachment of European settlers to the region.  Obviously, many of the inhabitants were killed by the European settlers, either directly or through transmitted diseases.  As are all records from that time, secretive combative activities were never recorded.  So no one knows their true fate.  What we do know is that the colony completely died at exactly the same time as the European settlers moved into the region.  One must logically assume that the community died out as a direct consequence of the European advancement into that area.

Why consider them Extraterrestrial?

The point of this discourse is to consider them to be an expert example of what a true and real extraterrestrial colony would look like.

Whether they actually are, however, is speculative.  I, myself, consider it to be speculative, and the reader should as well.  We must not underestimate the creativity and uniqueness of diverse peoples and humans of various backgrounds.  Just because they are different does not automatically imply that they are extraterrestrially derived.  But, at the same token, they indeed could be.

Why even bother with this kind of consideration?

For this work, I wish to introduce the possibility that they were but an extraterrestrial colony of expats.  Of which their home world is unknown.  Indeed, if true; it is not known where they came from.  Their genetic makeup was odd and unusual.  Thus, they could have entirely been members of an extraterrestrial colony that was established on the Earth in numerous locations globally.

Or not.

After all, simply because they look different than “normal” humans do not make them extraterrestrial.  There are many regional variations of humans.  Look at the comparative differences from that of an inhabitant of Zambia to one of Norway.  But nowhere is the genetic variances so pronounced, and so isolated.  That in itself should signify that there is something significantly odd about them.  This oddness should be considered and investigated.

The Reasoning

Consider this reasoning.  Any extraterrestrial colony to a planet that hosts “native” humanoid bipedal entities would stand out as different.  There would be a number of obvious tell-tale signs and indicators of this.

For instance, they would be [1] physically different from the local races.  Their size might be different, their skin color or hair color might be different.  [2] They might speak a different language or have a different set of sounds that they would make.  [3] They might possess technologies or do things using different techniques than those in the surrounding regions.  [4] They might create fortifications and structures designed to protect them from others because they would be so different.  [5] Finally, they might interact with the surrounding local natives in ways suggestive of trade, or collaborative ventures.

All of these points are obvious regarding the Andaste Indian race.  So, while they are classified as the Susquehannocks (Andaste) Indian tribe associated with the Indian nation of Carantouan, I suggest that they could simply be an extraterrestrial colony allied with them.

It is a certainly interesting proposition.

I do not have any proof of this belief.  But everything that I have read seems to be indicative of this.  Therefore, I suggest that the reader consider the possibility that these people might actually be the remains of an extraterrestrial colony.  I suggest the reader do this because this is exactly what a true and real extraterrestrial colony would look like.

Where are the Spaceships, then?

There are quite a few misconceptions regarding an extraterrestrial colony.  One must consider the realistic expectations of any colonist whom comes to earth.  Any colony on the earth would NOT have futuristic spaceships and equipment.  It would not.  They would equip themselves with renewable and replaceable resources in every case.  They would not rely on irreplaceable manufactured devices that would become useless when faulty.  Instead it would depend on the local materials and flora and fauna to sustain itself.  After all, getting spare parts for your contrivances would be impossibility.  Space travel, except for the most advanced extraterrestrial races is not something that is taken lightly.  It requires assets, investments in time and labor, and a steady commitment over decades.

The residents would maintain their culture and a small select collection of mechanical contrivances, but they would not decidedly cart with them high-tech gadgetry.  This is because those very items would be useless when damaged.  In fact, this is one of those truisms that many have forgotten.  When a race creates an expat colony in another planet, they effectively isolate themselves from all sorts of support structures.  They must rely on local vegetation, and wildlife to exist.  (Obviously, if the equipment to travel large distances is difficult, the more likely the colony is to rely on native resources.)  They would adopt native modes and forms of transport, and appear in many ways to live just like the American Indians did; in complete harmony with the surrounding land.

Their End

The last thing that we know about them is how they met their demise. In the middle 1700’s (around 1750) the last remaining 20 Susquehannocks were living in peace in Conestoga, PA. They had relocated to a smaller settlement after being devastated by European sickness, and wars with the Iroquois Indians and Europeans. There they lived peacefully and apart. In 1763, the entire community was slaughtered by the Paxton Boys in revenge for Indian raids that these specific people had nothing to do with.


With the spread of disinformation on the Internet, it is a wonder that anyone can find anything of value today.  The investigator might end up finding sites that promote incredulity, and those that might end up in investigative “dead ends”.  But to truly search and research these mysteries one need simply visit the local sites in question.  Just go there and see for yourself.

Today, one can see the skulls, relics and history of this race at the Tioga Point Museum in Athens, PA.  They are open from 10 – 1pm on Saturdays, and 1-8 on Tuesdays and Thursdays (570-888-7225.)  There are some amazing things there and it is indeed worth a visit.

The museum was founded in 1895, by historian Louise Welles Murray 1854 – 1931. To celebrate the formal opening, she helped open the sepulcher that was about 3 feet by 5 feet in diameter – covered with 2 Devonian fossils that made up the tomb for a man who was most likely an Andaste chief, and “six feet or more in height.”

In 1908, historian Louise Welles Murray wrote a book called “Old Tioga Point”.  It was published with an extensive amount of information about the Andaste Indians and Spanish Hill. Copies of this book are for sale still at the Tioga Point Museum.  Spanish Hill is also a state recognized Indian site in Bradford County with the ID number – 36BR27.

Other Links and Articles

There are other links and articles regarding this most interesting of subjects. I would suggest that the interested reader visit which is where most of the following links originated from. The author of this site Deb Twigg is an expert in all matters regarding this group of Indians. (Although she might be aghast that I would consider them as possible extraterrestrial immigrants.) This site is the first stop and the most important source of information on this subject.

Take Aways

  • If an extraterrestrial species were to set up a colony on earth they would appear unique.
  • The Andaste Indians at Tioga Point were a community of “Indians” that were unique.
  • These people were giants, had red skin, long substantive horns and possessed firearms.
  • The women were also large.
  • They disappeared at the same time that European settlers arrived.
  • All that is left of their culture is a museum in Bradford County, Pennsylvania.


Q: Where are the extraterrestrials?
A: They lie hidden from most humans. As far as most humans are concerned, they do not exist.

Q: How many extraterrestrials are there?
A: We do not know. Conventional understanding is that there are no extraterrestrials at all. Those who have reported that they have met extraterrestrials tend to claim that there are many extraterrestrials all over the universe.

Q: Why would extraterrestrials want to come to Pennsylvania?
A: They would settle in an area or colony that would be comfortable for them and that would meet the needs of their society. Besides, Pennsylvania has great apples. The corn in Pennsylvania is fantastic. The people are wonderful, and the women are very attractive. What is not to love?

Q: What did the Andaste Indians look like?
A: They looked like huge giants with bright red skin, had long horns on the top of their heads and carried firearms.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Top Secrets and Flying Pigs

When I was growing up, I used to watch spy shows, adventure shows, and War movies. In each of which the hero would be asked to join a special organization, or obtain special “secret” clearance so that they could be briefed on their tasks and projects. When I got older and was actually offered a role in one such program, I was surprised at how different it was from the Hollywood narrative that I had so expected.

Hollywood is NOT reality.

Here, I would like to take a moment to discuss how Top Secret programs are actually implemented in the United States. Now, of course, all that I can state is all that I know, and do so relative to my very narrow understanding of it. As such the reader can do with it as they will. Most of what I relate can be found elsewhere, by I am sure, better people than myself. When I was exposed to all this, all I was told was what I needed to know to perform my role, and nothing else.

I entered the program blindly on promises, and gave up my role as a Naval Aviator in the process.

As such, I maintained this new role for over thirty years, and was then retired. I learned a lot during my stint, even though it was narrowly defined. Here is my attempt to disseminate the information that I learned, provided that I do not jeopardize any secrets in the process. It is important, I believe. For, to best understand what we humans are, where we are going, and our place in the universe, you will need to know a little about my role and the program that I was in. You will need to know a little bit about MAJestic.

Not the popular narrative, mind you, but the “real deal”.

That’s going to be a hard sell.  Because, in the United States, everything is placed in compartments or boxes. Only a very limited group of people have access to any of the boxes, and often they can only have access to but one box only. Within each box, are other levels or compartments. Your role within the organization that you are part of will determine what compartments you can access.

This system of boxes, and internal compartments, are collectively known as “Special Access Programs”, or SAP…

When Pigs Fly

The truth is that the United States government has a very sophisticated system in place regarding secrecy.  No longer are secrets simply handled by oaths, and promises.

(SAP programs are) “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress”.

-A 1997 US Senate report

No longer are they classified only as “confidential” and “top secret”.  (For those are just general classification groupings.)  Instead, they are classified as “access to information” routes. People only know the absolute minimum of what they need to know, and no more.

To repeat; no one person knows everything about anything. We are all just ants working on our little tiny role in the construction of the anthill.

Pretend that there is a a top secret program that concerns the ability for pigs to fly.
For our purposes, let’s construct a fictitious secret program. Let’s call this program the “Flying Pig Program”.

For instance, imagine that you are in a top secret program. In this program, you would be part of a team designing a system so that pigs can fly. Now, you don’t know why you are doing it. At best, you might be told that it is for “National Security” concerns. Nor do you know who authorized the program. Though, you might be told that “it was authorized from within the highest levels of the government”. You would not know any of the background information’s of who, what, why or where.

Naming the Program

Instead of giving this program a name like “Operation Pig Flight”,  you would give it a much different name. You would call it project N5638U11.

Ah, good old program N5638U11. It just rolls of your tongue. Doesn’t it?

Now, since this is a very important program, and it regards issues of the upmost interest to the national security (or at least that is how it has been explained to us), members wouldn’t work together or collaborate either. People collaborate on all kinds of things as needed. But not in absolutely-secret programs. For, after all, it is a REAL secret program. (Ah… there are secrets and then there are SECRETS.)

There’s not a secret place where meetings are held. Nope. Sorry. Nor are there coffee mugs with cool logos and mission patches either. You won’t have a mission patch of a pig flying with fire out of its ass and an inscription in Latin saying something like “flying pigs to the stars”. (ad astra volantem porcos.) It just won’t happen.

Need to Know

You, as a very important member of this team, would only know just what you needed to know and no more.

Now, let us suppose that you would be involved in ignition thermodynamics. In your role, you would be in charge of the ignition system of pig farts. The idea being that once ignited, that the pig would have the necessary propellant force to fly about in the sky. As such, that is all that you would know. It is the only thing that you would know as well. You would have no idea about navigation, landing, sustained flight, or anything else. All you would know was how to ignite farts.

Your role would be carefully specified and narrowly defined.

That way, if some nefarious mad scientist wanted to capture you and extract all of the valuable pig information that you had, they would have a hard time. As such, they could only get (at most) the limited amount that you know and nothing else. That way they cannot extract your information and the information from the entire team.  They could only learn about the combustive properties of pig farts. They could only learn about your personal opinions on bacon, and maybe a tale or two about your opinions of notable pig personalities on television (like Arnold the pig, on “Green Acres” or  “Miss Piggy“).

Cells of Three People

To keep it secret and so that they don’t go after your other team members, you would only know two others. You would work independently within a “cell” of three people. Further, where possible, you would also be isolated geographically from the others, and only contact them when it was absolutely important to do so. You might be located in Paducah, Il, and your nearest cell member might be in Kalaupapa, HI. So there wouldn’t be a company with a sign out front that says “Flying Pig Industries, Inc.”, nor would there be a webpage, a twitter account, a toll free number, or a LinkedIn profile. Real secret programs operate in parallel with other processes.

A Secret Life

You would be working in your “secret” role while you were working at “ACME Widgets”.

In that case you might be a line supervisor officially, and a “pig fart expert” secretly. Which brings up one of the most important points in this dialog, real secret agents work two roles simultaneously. They must juggle two roles at all times.

The secret role is known to no one. Not even the wife of the pig scientist. The boss at ACME Widgets wouldn’t have any idea that his star employee is also designing flying pigs. Your friends wouldn’t have a clue, and when ever you went out with them for a beer, you wouldn’t even bother to mention it.

Let me repeat this very important point.  Real secret agents maintain two roles. One is their “white”, and obvious role. It is the role and work that everyone knows that they do. The other is their “black’ and secret role. No one knows this role except the two other members in their cell. No one else. Not even their family.

They live like Batman. Or, like Superman. They have a obvious life, and a secret life.

Surreptitious Communication

Because of this, and the nature of the work, communication would be surreptitious. In fact, you would use a form of secure communication. It would be encrypted, and possibly only able to broadcast and not receive. It would involve something way different from normal radio, internet or conventional communication techniques. Let other people try to hack into the internet. Let others try to peer into radio waves. You communicate using a totally different method altogether. Maybe you use smells, fruit or temperature gradients.

Your method of communications would not look anything like communication. It would be unhackable. Because no one would be aware that anyone could even be able to communicate using these other methods.

Again, boys and girls, real secrets are SECRET.

The Aggregator

There would be one person in the project that would know everything about it. This person would be the aggregator. He would compile the information, distill it into a viable program. He would direct tasks, set up milestones and organize the entire operation. Ultimately, he would create an executive summary (summarizes and makes recommendations) to HIS supervisor. The supervisor would monitor all such programs, but would not know any of the details. Only the aggregator would know all of the details of the project. Because the aggregator would be in possession of such important information, they would be kept isolated and apart from everyone else. Their role would be the most important, and because of it, they would be the most isolated.

The supervisor would at best only know the rough outline of any of the programs under his purview.

None of the agents would ever know who the supervisor was, or who the aggregator was. They would only know the three people within their team cell. They would not know the roles of the people either. They would only know that they worked on pig farts at the same time that they clock into work at “ACME Widgets”. They would report their findings through the secure communication method and work independently.

They would work in secret and live their life. They would have a black and a white life. The program would exist for a set defined period of time. It would have goals, objectives, and a sunset. Once the program is over, it would close down. But, now you have a problem. What is going to stop the agent from going about and talking about the program?

Program Shut Down

It’s easy enough to do while the agent is still working the project. He is still connected to the organization. He is constantly monitored and observed. Of course the agent will keep quiet.

How do you keep the agent quiet, once the program is shut down?

What you do is put him in a monitoring program.

That is right. You would [1] monitor him, and all his communication, where he lives and who he associates with. You would also [2] do something that would make him shunned. You don’t want him to have close friends either.

You want to keep him isolated and monitored, for after all you don’t want an evil organization to get their hands on thirty-years of information on pig farts.

Well, the monitoring of Americans is pretty much illegal. (I know, I know, with Facebook, DHS, the FCC, and the NSA. But these systems did become capable until after 2000.)

There’s only two ways to monitor the agent. You either [1] slam him in jail, and keep him there for a nice long time, or [2] you put him in a strong monitoring registry. Now, it’s going to be pretty difficult to put a person in prison unless you have a dead body lying around. You need some kind of mechanism that will make it easy to accuse an agent, arrest them, and put them in prison. Then, you will need to keep them shunned from society, and then monitor them for a long time after release.

This is not the television show “The Prisoner” where the retired agent is sent to an isolated island. You cannot do that. That is far too visible a solution, and while the retired agent is quite isolated from the general society, he is part of a community of other retired agents.

No. What you need is a system that makes the agent completely shunned by everyone. You want to make it so that every time the agent opens his mouth, he is shut down and silenced. When he says something… immediately no one even hears what he says. You must make a cartoon out of him. You must paint him as a pariah.

There is only one monitoring registry in the United States; it is the sex offender registry. So what you would do, when it is time to retire your agent after thirty years of service, you would arrest him for sex crimes and place him in a lifetime monitoring program.

The moment the retired agent opens his mouth, you just scream “SEX OFFENDER” at the top of your lungs and point at him. No one will ever pay any attention to what he has to say.

And that dear boys and girls is how a REAL SECRET program operates.

Top Secrets and REAL Secrets

Now, the reader probably doesn’t have a clue as to what I am talking about. Because we know that there are secrets that are being released in the United States daily.

Look at all the leaks in the White House. Look at WikiLeaks. Heck, we know that Hillary Clinton even made her own computer server-farm and vacuumed up every secret she could get her hands on, and successfully sold them to foreign agents for huge wads of money. The money then accumulated into a huge “slush fund” that her family drew upon to live a kingly life. Ah, she was investigated, and the investigator Comey couldn’t find a motive which made her innocent. Duh! As if pure raw greed isn’t a motive! And, the need for a motive was more important than the crime itself! My Gawd!

But I digress.

Now, let’s not get confused. This particular article isn’t about how secrets are kept in the United States. It is about how REAL secrets are kept within MAJestic. As such, you all had best pay attention as this is not how everyone thinks things work. Those “leaks” out the White House are no more than (unofficial) releases of confidential information. Those documents found by Wikileaks are “secret”, and many might even be part of a SAP. However, they are not SECRET. Real secrets are something else altogether.

When there are REAL secrets that must be kept secret, you don’t mess around. You put real strong systems in place.

Which is quite different from what everything thinks. In fact, I am quite surprised about it. Even though many people are aware of Special Access Programs, and they know that a big nation like the United States has secrets, everyone still treats things as if all you need is to take an oath and put your hand on the Bible.  Well, maybe for the State Department it is that way. Maybe for certain military operations it is that way. But not for REAL secret programs, and most certainly not for MAJestic operations.

There are Secrets and there are SECRETS

There are many levels and types of access programs, and this particular post deals with the subject in some level of detail.  Thus to understand my story, one must understand the system.

The reader, like all typical Americans, knows about “secret government programs”.  Indeed, the three-tier standard government security clearance levels are well known: confidential, secret and top secret. There are of course, other systems, as well. While at NAS China Lake we used that basic system, as does all contractors, by a color coded system. You can tell by the color of the badges. For instance, confidential access is shown as a green badge color.

However just having a clearance at anyone of these levels does not automatically give access to any information at that level. You can have a “Top Secret” badge and still not have access anywhere.  There must  be a demonstrable “need to know” in order to be briefed or read in on a given project, program, facility or intelligence product.   There are thousands of “Top Secret” programs.  Does a person in one “top secret” program have access to another “Top Secret” program?  No, of course not.  Each program is identified by a specific identifier and only those assigned to that identifier can access it.

This system seems to work pretty well.

Outsiders are Always Compromised

The problem with this system is that there are people and organizations outside the program that might know of the existence of the program.  (Therefore, how can they be actually and ultimately “secret”?) For instance, the person who makes the badges and puts them together, knows that a particular person has “Top Secret” clearance. This includes the clerks in Washington, D.C. who process the various piles of paperwork that the particular person signs. So, yeah. It can get difficult to keep secrets. Everyone can, in one way or the other, touch on the works of a “secret” operation.

These people generally also include the elected Congress and Senators who rotate in and out of government circles and are highly subject to compromise in various forms.  In fact, I urge the reader NEVER to trust an elected official.  They have already been compromised.

Which is why the MAJestic organization DOES NOT includes elected officials in the organization.  (There are always rare…rare exceptions, of course.) That knowledge by those people is dangerous in that it comprises the program at its most fundamental level.  Therefore this system is merely the visible side of the security system.


Here is an example of a Federal Judge…

First some background. In a period of time ranging somewhere between 1975 and 1979, Peter Gersten, a lawyer representing CAUS (the Citizens Against UFO Secrecy) sued the NSA after its refusal to release requested files via FOIA (the Freedom Of Information Act).  In 1980, the chief of the Policy Office for the agency, Eugene Yeates, sent a document larger than 20 pages to Gerhart Gessell, the Federal Judge who was overseeing this particular case, explaining why the files in question must remain classified. This is known as the Yeates Affidavit. But, this document was classified as well.  The judge was not authorized to read the actual content of the files, but the letter itself convinced him alone.

Here is what he said.

“The public interest in disclosure is far outweighed by the sensitive nature of the materials and the obvious effect on national security their release may well entail.”

-Gerhart Gessell , Federal Judge, when explaining why the government would not release any information regarding UFO’s. 

Systems that Control Systems

There has to be a system that controls “outside” knowledge of the secret programs from everyone whom might discover the presence of such programs.  Therefore, there is a massive secret “black” (non-visible) system as well.   The existence of which is known while the details (naturally) is deeply hidden. This structure has been described (by some) as a “shadow military” existing in parallel with open or overtly classified programs. It is designed for programs considered to be too sensitive for normal classification measures.

These “black” programs are called Special Access Programs (SAPs).

SAP – Special Access Programs

These programs are protected by a security system of great complexity.

In fact, many of the SAPs are located outside of the United States government. Instead, they are located within technical industries directed and funded through special contracts. In the United States, this occurs under arrangements known as “carve-outs”. Here, such programs and funds become removed from the usual security and contract-oversight organizations.   After all, how can you compromise a given secret program, if you don’t even know where the heck it is?

The way to keep them secret is to move them outside government control and reporting structures. You “carve them out” of the huge government organization.

We know, for example, that in 1997 there were at least 150 SAPs. Thus, there were at least 150 programs that NO ONE in the government knew the details of. All they knew was their alphanumerical designation and the necessity of funding them.

Levels of SAP

“The way things are supposed to work is that we’re supposed to know virtually everything about what [government officials] do: that’s why they’re called public servants.

They’re supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that’s why we’re called private individuals. This dynamic - the hallmark of a healthy and free society - has been radically reversed. Now, they know everything about what we do, and are constantly building systems to know more. Meanwhile, we know less and less about what they do, as they build walls of secrecy behind which they function. That’s the imbalance that needs to come to an end. 

No democracy can be healthy and functional if the most consequential acts of those who wield political power are completely unknown to those to whom they are supposed to be accountable.”  

-Glenn Greenwald

Just being in a special access program is not enough. There are also levels of SAP, the first being a division into acknowledged and unacknowledged SAPs.  All SAP’s can be classified into belonging into one type or the other.  These types are “acknowledged” and “unacknowledged”.

Secrets are protected by a system of special access programs.
Special Access Programs can be divided into acknowledged and unacknowledged.

What the point here is whether it will EVER be admitted that this program exists.  An “acknowledged” program, can and might eventually be recognized as a program of importance to various people.  However, an “unacknowledged” program never will be recognized as existing at all.  It never; ever will be.  It will forever be kept secret and the members will keep the knowledge of its existence to their graves.

As the reader can tell, there are all kinds of designations for the government to collect information. But that is not really what I am referring to.  Instead, this is what I specifically refer to dig down deeper and involves much more serious issues.

  • A “Black Program” is slang for a SAP. (SAP).
  • A “Deep Black Program” is slang for an unacknowledged SAP. (U-SAP).
  • Any program that is more secret than a U-SAP is waived from all reporting and has no slang designation. (W(U)-SAP). It is a waived unacknowledged special access program.

An unacknowledged SAP is so sensitive that its very existence is a “core secret.” Indeed, some unacknowledged SAPs are so sensitive to the extent that they are “waived” (a technical term) from the normal management and oversight protocols.  My program; the one that I was in was a “waived” unacknowledged Special Access Program. I tend to refer to this as a W(U)-SAP, but this is my own nomenclature.

It’s pretty serious stuff.

Appropriations Committees

Indeed, even members of Congress on appropriations committees (the Senate and House committees that allocate budgets) and intelligence committees are not allowed to know anything about these programs. In the case of a waived SAP, only eight (8) members of Congress (the chairs and ranking minority members of the four defense committees) are even notified that a given program has been waived (without being told anything about the nature of the program). Such a program is certainly a deep black program.

Top secret programs are funded by congress. Congress sets up and allocates funds. They have no knowledge o many of the things that they actually fund.
American appropriations committee going over the funding for Special Access Programs. Appropriations Committee.(Image Source.)

The number of people with access to multiple SAPs is deliberately very limited.  Most members of a SAP are involved in ONE and ONLY ONE Special Access Program (SAP). Such as myself, I was only involved in one W(U)-SAP.

This assures that no one knows what is going on in another program.

Black programs are often covered by white (normal classification system) or unclassified programs.  For instance, the U2 spy-plane was covered by a weather-research aircraft program.  The Roswell crash was also covered by a Weather balloon.  (Such was the mindset in the 1960’s.) Such covering allows technology to be relatively openly developed until such time as it is ready for application to a black program. The overt cover program is then usually cancelled, having accomplished its purpose.

The X-30 NASP

Indeed, this happened to the X-30 National Aerospace-plane project (NASP) in 1994.   To the media and the public, it appeared to be an unrealistically ambitious program that was eventually cancelled, but was in reality a cover project. The media had a “field day” making fun of Ronald Reagan’s (R) “Orient Express” as he politically named the program. They praised Bill Clinton (D) for killing the program. When the real truth was hidden from the American people; the program was a stellar success.

That narrative and dialog was promoted by the military DARPA and their spokesmen, with the objective being to have the United States media parrot what they wanted everyone to think.  The truth was that the program was a success, and showed far more promise than they expected.  What we know now, decades later, is that this project went “deep black”.  Indeed, this is a project for what is almost certainly a black-world hypersonic aircraft.

Many programs go from white to black when they become successful and show promise.
The X-30 NASP National Aerospace Plane was a successful program that existed the “white” world and went “black” for geopolitical advantage. X-30 NASP. (Image Source.)

Very Secret SAP – Unacknowledged

So far, we have discussed some black programs. These are normal, “everyday”, and typical SAP’s; diplomatic relationships, secret funding methods, gun running, and other “everyday” enterprises of the State Department. In addition there are the more secretive aspects of technology; a cutting edge spy plane, the recovery of an extraterrestrial spaceship, and a LEO ferry vehicle. These are things we can understand. While there are hoards of deniers, and skeptics, these things are all understandable. They are vehicles, machines, and technologies that are plausible. Even if you refuse to accept the idea of them.

Now, let’s put that all aside for a minute. Let’s get to REAL secrets.

Here is a world that is very far beyond what “normal” people consider reality. It is a world where there are extraterrestrials, science, technology, and abilities far in advance of what is considered to be normal. Oh, there a science fiction movies about this kind of reality. Time travel, dimensional doors, and mind control are all popular themes. But they could never actually exist… right?

It’s all just science fiction. Right?


Passive Measures

It is important that secrets be kept secret.

Someone read in on an unacknowledged SAP would be required to deny even its existence, i.e. even a “no comment” would be a serious breach of security. It can also happen that someone, such as a general or admiral (ostensibly responsible for certain types of programs or areas of technology) would be kept ignorant of the program. Indeed, they would not even be briefed on the existence of a program. Even if it was within his jurisdiction.

The towering wall of denial in the deep black world can thus be maintained.  It can be accomplished by both deception and a deliberately crafted lack of cognizance. That way, the head officials can truthfully deny the existence of any deep black project.

Active Measures

In addition to passive security, active measures can also be deemed necessary.  You know, keeping all the key people ignorant only goes so far. What happens when a farmer stubs his toe on a buried extraterrestrial fuselage? What happens when an agent has a hernia operation and starts reciting code to the startled nursing staff? What happens when an agent starts to phase in and out of reality while being interviewed on television? Yikes!

These include [1] disinformation, and of course [2] probe implantation.

Discrediting Binder

One disinformation ploy is to divulge both real and fabricated information of equal apparent credibility mixed together to someone or some group. The fabricated information can then be used to discredit claims, individuals or organizations.

A discrediting binder is attached with all MAJestic members to enable and instigate a formalized, exacting plan to complete discredit anything that they say or do.  Part of this discrediting protocol is retirement of W(U)-SAP agents though the Sex Offender registry. (No one ever believes a sex offender.  They are shunned, and automatically discredited even before they even open their mouth to speak.)

This is a highly effective way to keep a major secret. Make it so that no one ever listens to an ex-agent. Make it so that they are shunned, isolated, and ridiculed.

Probe Implantation

When you join a deep-black program you are implanted. Everyone is implanted. There are no exceptions.

The implants control memory access among other things. These probes are put within your skull. They come in different “packages” or “kits”. The most basic is a simple system that controls your ability to recall certain memories.

Everyone who is part of MAJestic is implanted.  EVERYONE.


Of course there are other kits with other purposes and abilities. These other kits provide “keys” that enable the implanted person to access certain “dimensional doors”. There are also kits that enable a given agent to be entangled with other devices, artifices, and creatures for various purposes. There are also kits that provide one with the ability to switch world-lines.

Like I stated previously, deep back SAPs are the stuff of science fiction.

Now, boys and girls, this is also the litmus test for membership in MAJestic. If you are going to disclose anything of importance regarding actual extraterrestrials, then you will have these memory probes. They can be viewed on an MRI, and with an X-ray. If you don’t have them, you were never in the organization. It’s very cut and dry and very clear. I have them. In fact, I have three complete sets, all with very specialized purposes.

So when someone makes claims of “space marines”, and top secret MAJestic projects, test them at a hospital. Otherwise forgetaboutit.

Carve Outs

You never keep real secrets within the government. All governments are compromised. So you put them elsewhere. You keep them out of the government, and put them within private companies.

“Careful consideration of the record as it is available to us leads us to conclude that further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced thereby.”

-1968 University of Colorado report to the Air Force.

Deeply buried programs in contractor facilities are called “carve outs”.

As such, and in the case for most of MAJestic operations, you will need to have a technical background to even be able to walk into the door there. For what it is worth, you would need a university degree and membership in some military organization before you would even be considered to go near any MAJestic program. So when I see these non-technical people spouting off nonsense about MAJestic on the internet, I just end up shaking my head. The two fundamental requirements to work in MAJestic are that you must be part of the military (at some point in time) and have a technical degree.

What is truly ironic is that the Hollywood actors that pretend to be members of a W(U)-SAP are paid millions of dollars, when the actual and real members are generally not paid at all.  Or if they are, the agents are paid in small amounts. Matt Damon played the role of a person in a Hollywood version of a U-SAP and made millions of dollars in doing so.  However, I was the “real deal” and the most I made while in training was $9/hour. WTF?

Ah, just keeping it real you know.

The reader should realize that the MAJestic umbrella consists of W(U)-SAP “carve outs” that operate as IRAD entities.  These entities are outside the government, but operate under their protection elements. They operate in the Military-Industrial theater, and are managed by former military with technical backgrounds.

Selection for inclusion in MAJestic is under the purview of a non-human species. MAJ membership must first obtain permission prior to implantation.

“I find it hard to imagine something as explosive as recovered alien technology remaining under wraps for decades. So while I have no reason to believe there is any recovered alien technology, I will say this: 

If it were me, and I were trying to bury it deep, I’d take it outside government oversight entirely and place it in a compartment as a new entity within an existing defense company and manage it as what we call an “IRAD” or “Independent Research and Development Activity.”

-Christopher Mellon


Political leaders come and go, pandering to the masses for votes. As such, all of us have varying degrees of respect and trust for them. Deep black programs are quite independent of any given administration. What this means is it would certainly be unrealistic to assume that a given president has been briefed on every SAP.

A president does not automatically have a need to know.

“Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited. . . . 

The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone.” 

 – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon)

I do not know of any fundamentally limiting factors in the potential longevity of a program. The extreme compartmentalization and limited oversight would tend to keep a program in existence, perhaps indefinitely.  Most programs that I know of seem to indicate a total lack of [1] program management audits, [2] performance measurables tied to longevity, and [3] sunset procedures.

Most importantly, Freedom of Information Act requests cannot penetrate unacknowledged special access programs. So, to the reader, all I can say is “good luck” in trying to get an FOA to penetrate MAJestic secrecy.

Would the President be Briefed on a W(U)-SAP?

If the reader expects that “someday” a United States President will tell the truth of MAJestic and the knowledge of extraterrestrial life, they are seriously in error.  It will never happen.  The presence of the organization, it’s missions, it’s purpose and it’s activities will NEVER be disclosed. EVER.


Elected officials, with some notable exceptions, are never privy to this information.  They are, and properly so, considered to be compromised.  The best bet or likelihood of a disclosure would be from a Presidential candidate who has strong military and aerospace connections.  Typically, that would imply a Republican elected official.  That is the truth and the facts, no matter how disgusting the concept might be to the reader.

Hillary Clinton (D)

On January 6, 2016, Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (D) announced she would “get to the bottom” of the mystery behind UFO’s.  CNN reported this as a humorous joke, but others took it seriously.

Well, I personally wish her the best, but the truth is that she is exactly the kind of person who is banned from knowing anything about MAJestic.  The reason is quite simple, her political philosophy is in direct opposition to the interests of the industrial leadership that is part of MAJestic.  Further, she is not secure.  She has a wide ranging web of political and financial ties in which she is indebted to.  She is thus easily compromised.  Finally, and perhaps most importantly, her sentience does not fit the sentience requirements for MAJestic. I say this knowing just how apparently well-connected she is. She does not have, nor will ever have, the qualifications to be privy to many of the secrets of MAJestic.

Those in MAJestic consider her (as well as most Republican political players as well) as a serious threat to the security of the organization.

In MAJestic we all view our tasks at a level far above that of the petty squabbles between nations.  Sure, we are often personally affected by the decisions and laws of the nations, but our role and purpose is of a much higher order.  A Presidential candidate such as Hillary Clinton would turn the great and grand effort into something far less; a temporary media circus, and eventually disassembly into components that could be sold off to the highest bidder for short-term political gain.  No.  People and individuals such as herself are forever banned from the fountain of knowledge that is MAJestic.

She can promise the world to her loyal followers, but her ability to deliver substantive results is minuscule.

“This thing has gotten so highly-classified…it is just impossible to get anything on it. 

I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.” 

Senator Barry Goldwater , Chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, discussing his attempts to find out exactly what the US government knows about UFO’s.

Jimmy Carter (D)

In 1976 presidential candidate Jimmie Carter promised the American people that he would open any government UFO files that might exist.  The reader might also recall that while governor of Georgia, Carter had a UFO sighting and actually filed a report.   Then, after winning election to President, Carter met with CIA Director George H. W. Bush seeking a briefing on the topic.  There was no question that the new President wanted answers and the full extent of the United States involvement with extraterrestrials and/or “UFO’s.

Could you blame him?

I am sure that the wanted to find out what those things were that were flying about. Perhaps he might even has suspected that there might have been a recovery of one or two craft. Of course, that is so laughable. MAJestic has been working with the caretakers of this planet for many decades.

However, as the reader has probably guessed, Mr. Bush turned him down, claiming that neither [1] as President nor as [2] Commander-in-Chief did he have a “need to know.” Obviously this was a severe “let down” for the new President.

This seems rather harsh and blunt, because the common misconception is that the United States President is the highest authority in the land.  However, that misconception is flawed and very, very wrong.

The President is the highest authority of only one of the three branches of government (the executive branch), and the highest authority of the military.  Unless the program is tied to the executive branch, or the military, the President has no authority over it.

In extraterrestrial matters, our extraterrestrial partners select who has access to their programs.  Not us.  They specifically exclude certain individuals for specific reasons.

Elected officials who have not met the sentience requirements are routinely disbarred from participation in the programs.

Anyways, back to Jimmy Carter…

A few months passed.

Once, firmly in office, Carter turned to NASA for information. It was his hope that the Space Agency would be able to help him in ways that the others were unable or unwilling to.  To this end he directed presidential science advisor Frank Press to ask NASA administrator Robert Frosch to “form a small panel of inquiry” to investigate the UFO situation.  (Ugh!  Yup, another one of those “Blue Ribbon Panels” to unearth secrets and investigate with solutions. Yeah, I have a personal distain for these political panels full of borderline losers who managed to climb to undeserved positions of power and authority.)

However, to the surprise of many in the UFO field, nothing at all came of this.

The story of “the great thud” was recounted by Richard C. Henry — then a young astrophysicist (now a prominent Johns Hopkins professor) working as a deputy to the director of what was the Astrophysics Division at NASA headquarters .  It was on his desk this “hot potato” request landed.

When asked about this request, and what actions the “Blue Ribbon Panel” took to resolve the questions asked by the President, Richard C. Henry couldn’t say. For five months, NASA went through some amusing twists and turns, recounted by Henry, before politely declining.

The exploratory panel found out nothing.  They investigated nothing.  They wrote no summary’s, and provided no answers to the President at that time.

The information regarding UFO’s, extraterrestrial species, treaties with them, their technology, and the social implications of communication with them are not, and never was, part of the administrative functions of the President of the United States.

They would only become an issue with the President when it became a matter of National Security involving military personnel.

This was the case during the formation of MAJestic with Truman, and when Ronald Reagan became involved in the program. In both cases there was a concern about military intervention using military forces. Other than that, relations with the core extraterrestrial species have been cordial and did not require presidential participation.

 “I recall instances when White House officials sought briefings on highly compartmented DOD programs and were flatly refused.  

Access to such programs is on a need to know basis. In general, nobody outside DOD, including the Secretary of State, is deemed to have a need to know. Officials like John Podesta and Secretary Clinton can easily serve for years in senior positions and be avid consumers of classified intelligence analysis but never obtain access to DOD’s compartmented programs, which mostly relate to new weapons systems. 

Information about such programs rarely leaks because it doesn’t circulate, unlike the constant stream of leaked information regarding classified intelligence activities.”

-Christopher Mellon

The Extraterrestrial issues

Our relationship with known extraterrestrials is via their conveyance.  They control the technology egress.  They control our lives, and they control us.  They have reasons and purposes for operating here on the earth.  Their sole concern is to help the human sentience establish itself into a quantum configuration that is galactically approved.

Special access Programs are carefully vetted and monitored. Not everyone can enter the program.
When you lie on your resume and still get the job. In general, American elected officials do not quality for MAJestic membership. Most American Presidents are not qualified to join MAJestic. (Image Source.)

With that being stated, they control [1] how we interact with them and [2] what information is dished out to the human population in general.  [3] They control MAJestic, and they control [4] the membership of MAJestic.  It is important for them and the success of the program to do so.

Thus, from their point of view, it makes no difference what the person’s role or position is in the earth human society.  They do not care.  It does not matter if they are attractive, famous, rich, intelligent, powerful, or popularly elected.  They have a completely different set of criteria by which to make a determination of who will be involve in MAJestic and what their role would be.

Here is the truth.

If a newly elected President wants to know all about extraterrestrials and their role in the world of UFO’s and society, they will first have to meet the requirements of acceptability by the governing extraterrestrial species.  Their requirements are specific and unwavering.  No exceptions are permitted at all.  These participation requirements are;

  1. Must have a “Service to Others” sentience. Every single person in the MAJestic organization is of the same sentience. There is no blending of sentience’s for diversification purposes. Humans in general are confilicted with three types of sentiences. The organization requires homogeneous sentience’s. This is an extraterrestrial requirement.
  2. Must have a fairly “clean” or “pure” quantum cloud envelope. This is also an extraterrestrial requirement. More about this later on.
  3. Must be willing to give up a part of their soul towards the good of the human species. To join you must give up a part of what you are and who you are. It is a sacrifice, but I like to think of it more like a “down payment”. This is a fundamental extraterrestrial requirement.
  4. Must place the well being of the human race before any government or nation. Of course, this is an extraterrestrial requirement.
  5. Must not be part of any entrenched political machine. This is because they might “owe” some favors that might compromise the good of the program. It is an extraterrestrial requirement.
  6. Must not be famous or well-known. (Group thoughts are terribly polluting to the quantum cloud.) It is a requirement, though I am not sure if it is wholly an extraterrestrial requirement.


The reader might doubt the policies of MAJestic.  They might question the reasoning behind why a given political personage would be forever barred from joining the organization.  They might argue that the President absolutely must be the most secure person to hold a secret.  This would simply be because of his position.

However, the arguments are completely and wholly inaccurate.

Hillary Clinton and Membership in MAJestic

Consider the 2016 Presidential Candidate; Hillary Clinton.  Here is a famous “Service to self” candidate.  Well known, and much beloved by her followers.  Her political strengths are legendary.  Her connections and experience are outstanding.  Yet she would be denied membership in MAJestic, and forever barred from any MAJestic related information.  Why?

Well, aside from her sentience type (all MAJestic members are of one set sentience), the mere fact that she is a politician is reason for concern.  Politician’s do not keep secrets.  They are unable to.  The mainstream population might think and believe that everyone in the Whitehouse holds and keeps secrets, but that is not the truth; nor the reality.

As of early 2016, at least a dozen email accounts handled the “top secret” intelligence that was found on Hillary Clinton’s server and recently deemed too damaging for national security to release.  Officials said the accounts include not only Clinton’s but those of top aides – including Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines – as well as State Department Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and others.  Secondly sources (not authorized to speak on the record) said the number of accounts involved could be as high as 30 and reflects how the intelligence was broadly shared, replied to, and copied to individuals using the unsecured server.  As of 2017, we were collectively shocked to discover that the number of “mishandled” secret documents was much, much higher than that.  This sort of rampant mishandling of classified material cannot be minimized.  This is actually a rather common practice, and well understood by the MAJestic leadership.

She was “cleared” by the FBI Director Comey due to political concerns.  However, the aligned extraterrestrial leadership would not be so understandings were they to judge her actions.

Political personages CANNOT keep secrets unless they believe in a higher order or purpose.  This is impossible for “service to self” sentience. Most, if not ALL, service to self sentience DO NOT BELIEVE in a higher purpose.  This is true no matter how much they pretend to believe in a God, or in Nature, or in an improved social order.  They only believe in one thing; THEMSELVES.

It is precisely because of this kind of behavior that certain classes of human sentience are forever disbarred from information access with MAJestic.

MAJestic Agents

When you first join MAJestic you are typically young and in your 20’s. You make commitments, and receive training. You are then set loose to live your own life. That might be anything from being a CPA to working as an engineer in an appliance company.

You are just let loose to build up a life.

You get married. You have children. You go from job to job as the markets expand, contracts, and society carves it’s tentacles into your life. You get promoted, and your career expands. You get fired, and you suffer losses. You have divorces, and accidents. You have children, and train them to be good citizens. You have parents that get old and pass on. Life continues for everyone. It doesn’t stop. It doesn’t stop if you are a member of a secret organization either.

Life happens to everyone.

While all this is going on, the agent is expected to work in his role. Whatever that role might be. Situations will arise to make it easier for the agent to their role. Even though agents are left to fend for themselves, there is a sort of support arm that makes it possible for the agent to survive and maintain their dual roles. Though the support arm could certainly be improved somewhat.

For instance, the engineer working on the “Flying Pig Program” might lose his job at “ACME Widgets”, and end up being a manager at a Burger King restaurant.  He might work long shifts. He might be involved in a corporate expansion program, and might be dealing with twin daughters. When he is not doing his “day” job, he is taking care of his family responsibilities at the same time that he is working as an agent. He will receive communications, process tasks, and report to his cell-mate. No one will know the difference.

He will be the master of hamburgers in the day, and the creator of flying pigs in secret.

The MAJestic W(U)-SAP

Let’s talk about MAJestic.

Overall, it is a very close-knit and secretive organization.

Members at my level of involvement were all members of three-man cells, in addition to all of us being implanted.  That was just how secretive the organization was / is.  No one knows the entire extent of this organization.  I don’t. Nobody knows.

September 24, 1947


Dear Secretary Forrestal,

As per our recent conversation on this matter, you are hereby authorized to proceed with all due speed and caution upon your undertaking.  Hereafter this matter shall be referred to only as Operation MAJestic Twelve.

It continues to by my feeling that any future considerations relative to the ultimate disposition of this matter should rest solely with the Office of the President, following appropriate discussions with yourself, Dr. Bush and the Director of Central Intelligence.

-Harry Truman

Those whom wish more details can find other books on the subject elsewhere.  In all cases, public knowledge is greatly retarded.  No one person knows the full extent of the organization.  No one person knows the full extent of the program  No one does.  This includes the highest levels of the organization itself.

Anyone who says that they know all about the organization is lying.

It is important that imerging species be nurtured and protected.
What happens when a technologically advanced culture meets a technologically inferior culture? Absorption, modification, enslavement, or genocide? It happens all the time. Which is why it is important that emerging sentience’s be protected in a planetary nursery and policed by extraterrestrial guardians. Superior culture meets a primitive culture. (Image Source.)

Interesting photo this. It looks like it is from the “Golden Age of Travel”.  At that time, the world was still a big place, and many regions maintained their own culture, customs, dress, and history.  The more advanced cultures and nations provided outlets for exploration and adventure using the modern contrivances of that time.  During such adventures culture encounters were varied and meaningful.

The MJ-12 “MAJestic” Committee is tasked with the study and management of all extraterrestrial events and phenomenon.  This is an organization that does actually exist.  (To repeat; this is an actual organization that functions within the framework of the United States government.)  It is not a figment of some kind of “tin foil hat” conspiracy.  It is a real and actual organization.  It does exist.

While I know very little about its initial formation and earlier incarnations, I do know about the manifestation of what it had evolved into while I was involved in it.  This was from 1981 through to 2006.  (What it is today, and how it works today, is unknown by myself at this time.  I exited from the active participation in the organization in 2006, and exited from my “retirement” in 2011.)

Conspiracies do exist. In the 1920 and 30s, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston, Seattle and countless other major American cities had sprawling electric streetcar rail systems until General Motors, Standard Oil, Phillips Petroleum and Firestone bought up a controlling interest in National City Lines.

Once the monopolizing companies owned the railways, they shut them down, forcing Americans to buy cars or ride GM-manufactured buses, fuelled with Standard Oil and Phillips Petroleum, and fitted with Firestone tires.

This deliberate campaign to kill the electric-powered streetcars is known as the General Motors conspiracy. The full story didn’t become public knowledge until a Harvard Law began investigating the conspiracy in the seventies and took it all the way to the Senate.

During the hearings, which brought forward the proposal to restructure the automobile, truck, bus, and rail industries, General Motors was described as ‘a sovereign economic state’ and affirmed that the company played a major role in the displacement of rail and bus transportation by buses and trucks.

By the time the Justice Department caught wind of what was going on, National City Lines had already acquired and taken control of 46 transit network lines. In 1946, nine corporations were indicted in federal district court, accused of “conspiring to acquire control of a number of transit companies, forming a transportation monopoly” and “conspiring to monopolize sales of buses and supplies to companies owned by National City Lines”.

Five corporations, including GM and the usual suspects, were convicted of conspiring to monopolize the sale of buses and related products to local transit companies controlled by NCL; but were acquitted of conspiring to monopolize the ownership of these companies.

General Motors was fined $5,000.

GM treasurer H.C. Grossman was fined $1.

The General Motors conspiracy is also frequently dismissed however, claiming the corporations’ did nothing that wasn’t already happening to a bankrupt system which was already being dismantled across the country. An in-depth Vox article on the subject (one of the vocal mouthpieces of the oligarchy) points out that

From publicly disclosed information (that is contentious), apparently MJ-12 was first authorized in 1947 by President Truman.

This program was kept secret and entirely hidden from the public for many decades.  It wasn’t until a surreptitious public disclosure (Released by request upon the death of one of the original MJ-12 members.) was made that others became aware of it.  (Hotly and fiercely disparaged by NSA infiltrators and vocal statists.)

Disinformation Campaign

During my time in the program, no one knew about our organization or our involvement in it.  Thus, when it’s existence was disclosed, it sent shock waves through the UFO and conspiracy-minded community.  As a result, it forced an immediate debunking and disinformation campaign.

This continues to this day, with many (of the more popular and well known) conspiracy and UFO web sites and organizations touting the official government party line.

“…ongoing research indicates that many, possibly all, the so-called MJ-12 UFO documents were officially fabricated as instruments of U.S. covert psychological warfare . . .”

-International Space Sciences Organization (ISSO)


What can be Told

The reader should not be deceived by the disinformation campaign. This program is real and quite active.  Though what form and designation it currently has contemporaneously is unknown to me at this time.  Some important considerations must be taken into account;

About nomenclature;

  • MAJestic falls under the MAJI (the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence) umbrella.
  • I prefer to refer to this organization as “MAJestic” simply because that was the terminology used at the time of my entry into the program. I do not know what it is actually called today.
  • Only the top members of the organization referred to it using the MAJestic nomenclature. Everyone else in the organization referred ONLY to their specific part within the organization.  Typically using slang or their alphanumerical designator when necessary. Personally, we referred to it as “the program”.
  • This program is often confusingly referred to as “MAJestic”, “MJ-12”, “MAJI”, “MAJIC” or as “MAJestic-12”. The various names used all refer to specific areas of procedural interest, but are often used incorrectly though inadvertent ignorance.
  • This program has hundreds of tiny sub-programs that all have dedicated membership.
  • The umbrella organization operates “programs” and “projects” that are unaware of the overall parental control.

The above should be quite understandable, no great secrets are being disclosed. I think that the reader can come up with this information on their own if they looked hard enough. It’s really all over the internet, no matter what efforts were put forth by disinformation experts. Now, to further elaborate on some of the secrecy aspects…

  • In most specialized sub-programs, all direct and active members operate in 3 man cells. No one person knows the full extent of the program.
  • Most members are not told anything other than what they immediately need to know to accomplish their tasks.
  • All members in this organization are part of the W(U)-SAP security classification.
  • It is not a political organization. Political members are typically considered to be security risks, with only the ones with the strongest religious or national values even considered to participate.
  • Officially, the United States government disavows all knowledge and involvement in this organization. But it does exist.  This is why a W(U)-SAP has the “U”. All involvement is denied.

None of this should be a surprise. Again, all of this can be found on the internet in one form or the other. All real genuine secret programs operate this way. To continue on some of the more uncommon or UNKNOWN aspects of MAJestic secrecy…

  • All members in the organization, from the very top to the lowest member are implanted with probes into their brains. The minimum requirement is a Core Kit #1 set of probes. I know of NO member who was not implanted. If you fall under the MAJ umbrella, you are implanted.
  • Individual members typically stay within one project for their entire stint within MAJestic. There are absolutely no cross-project transfers.
  • Members in possession of Core Kit #2 probes have to alter their “normal human” behaviors and lifestyle as it might interfere with their operations. This behavioral “lock out” is maintained through various methods and is only released upon retirement.
  • Members are in the organization for life. Retirement typically involves memory lock-out and a lifetime of monitoring (such as the sex offender program).
  • Any risks to the security of the organization results in termination of the individual without debate. There are no exceptions.

Now, why this organization exists in the first place. This information can be derived through the internet to some extent, though most of the available information is incorrect or in error.

Here is the real deal.

  • MAJestic was established to work with the various extraterrestrial species that humans would encounter for [1] geopolitical concerns and to [2] acquire advanced technology. The idea was to obtain technological advantage so that global world-wide leadership could be maintained.
  • MAJestic has since made an agreement to assist certain extraterrestrials in the monitoring of this planet. They did this in exchange of certain technologies and geopolitical advantages.
  • Extraterrestrials work with MAJestic to assist in the policing and maintenance of the “human sentience nursery”.
  • It is tasked with the coordination of ALL things extraterrestrial around the world. This includes all relationships, treaties, interaction, science exchanges, and reengineering efforts.
  • Some MAJestic projects involve the [1] biological aspects of extraterrestrials, while others were involved [2] in their technologies. Some are involved in [3] projects that assist in maintenance of the human nursery.

Now, perhaps some word can be said about the projects.  I know nothing about other projects, there are some things that one can (through extension) figure out.

About the projects…

  • The organization is quite large consisting of various “projects”. Each project has a bland alpha-numeric designator.
  • It is wholly a United States organization, though it does have relationships with other nations.
  • The senior level or executive management in MAJestic is the only level with any idea of the scope and extent of the organization.
  • Executive management does not know any of the details. They only know a simplistic overview. No one person knows everything about the organization. Not even the top head of the organization.
  • Details of the “projects” are limited to the various heads or project managers of the projects. This is an extraterrestrial requirement.

Now, to best help differentiate between the bullshit on the internet, and some real hard intel, let’s talk about membership. Let’s talk about personnel and selection…

  • Every person that I know of who was directly associated in the program had a technical background. To be in direct contact with extraterrestrials, one needed to possess a technical background. There are NO exceptions.
  • Every person that I was aware of, in the organization, had [1] a minimum of a four-year college education in the sciences, and [2] a military background of some sort.
  • Membership is carefully selected and culled. Most, if not ALL, members come from the military community, either directly or indirectly.  All must be approved by our extraterrestrial allies. (Actually, the extraterrestrials select the candidates first, and then MAJestic recruits them.)
  • Membership to the organization can only come from approval AND selection from our extraterrestrial allies. At no time will a person be selected for membership without extraterrestrial approval and vetting.
  • All MAJesticmembers, are “service to others” sentience.

About the membership…

  • The organization is entirely separated into isolated groups. No one person knows the full extent of everything. NOT ONE PERSON.
  • The MAJestic organization has a top level steering committee within the highest levels of the American government. But they only know the basics. Their understanding about things is laughingly simplistic.
  • The individual projects has one person who functions as the aggregator. They know everything regarding one very specialized project.
  • Agents within MAJestic are very specialized and are the only ones that interact with extraterrestrials personally and directly.
  • Most MAJestic activities, that do not involve extraterrestrial interaction, are farmed out and placed under U-SAP program “carve outs”. They might handle artifacts, and conduct studies. They might be involved with reverse engineering efforts, but they do not interact with the extraterrestrials directly. No matter what you read on the internet to the contrary.
  • Retirement is handled outside of the MAJestic sphere, and is monitored by non-MAJestic personnel.

Finally, about THIS disclosure…

  • Disclosure of MAJestic information, without prior approval by our extraterrestrial allies, will result in the death of the person disclosing the information. (Including everything posted by myself if it is not already preapproved.). That means myself. So NOTHING herein is NOT preapproved.
  • I only post, and carefully vet, what I am approved to release. I say this TWO TIMES.
  • In no way, was I in a leadership or management position in the program.
  • I held a very specialized role within the program.
  • In a way, you could actually say that this blog is my ULTIMATE task within the organization. The MAJestic membership, and our extraterrestrial friends both see a need to release SOME basic information to the public. Provided that the information released does not compromise any ongoing efforts.
  • This posted article was APPROVED for posting. I made sure of it.
  • Most of what is published on the Internet regarding MAJestic is fabricated nonsense.

Key Points

We, as agents of the program, have always referred to this program as the “ELF program” or the more simpler version “The Program”.  However, that is a misnomer.

  1. ELF refers to the mandatory implant procedure to control thoughts and memories of agents.
  2. “MAJestic” refers to the parent organization (old name and description) that oversees the specific program and the ELF implantation procedure. To this date, MAJestic has continued to exist in various forms and names depending on who was involved and what their role was.  I am not absolutely sure of what its current incarnation is.

This organization is one huge (multiple compartment) black-budget program that answers to the highest reaches of the American Political-Scientific-Industrial cabal.

Depending on who is President at the time, they may or may not be included in MAJestic membership.  Even if included, their access to the true scope of information and issues regarding MAJestic would be severely limited.

This is a huge organization.

All members of this organization, except those at the very top of the administration pyramid, are implanted.  They enter the program, usually via military channels, and are implanted and instructed that they are entering a “Special Access Program”, or SAP.

Depending on their particular involvement in the program they might fall into various subsets of access and authority.  Those involving direct contact with extraterrestrial technologies and individuals are generally classified as an “Unacknowledged Special Access Program” designator, or U-SAP.  Those involved in much more serious and controversial projects, such as ourselves, answer only to the highest levels of administration and are given the “Waived & Unacknowledged Special Access Program” designation, or W(U)-SAP.


There is an organization that is embedded deep within the United States. It was initially set up by President Truman, but is no longer under Presidential authority. While it operates internally to the United States, it operates independently of it.

The organization is known as MAJestic.

All agents work as an element of a W(U)-SAP. They enter through a very careful vetting procedure. They are all implanted for memory control, and retired after thirty years of service. Agents are typically retired as sex offenders. That way they are carefully monitored and their actions are controlled.

MAJestic agents assist the maintenance of this sentience nursery that we consider to be our planet.

Take Aways

If you read the news in America today, it is full of “leaks” and stories of “hacks”. It seems odd that real serious programs never seem to be breached. Maybe that is because either [1] they don’t exist, or [2] they do exist, but their secrecy is of upmost importance.

I suggest the second answer;

  • There are secrets, and then there are REAL SECRETS.
  • Real secrets are maintained most carefully.
  • Agents are selected carefully, implanted, and trained for their roles.
  • Agents are monitored at all times through probes.
  • Agents are retired after thirty years.
  • After retirement, the probes are turned off, and agents are monitored as sex offenders.


How about a Request For Help? I tire of busybodies and statists who poke fun at the ideas and theories of others. They offer no constructive dialog. Rather they just make fun, ridicule, and then scurry under a rock.

I use this forum as a way to disseminate some of the things that I learned though my thirty years of involvement in MAJestic. However, I am forbidden to posit my knowledge directly. I cannot tell the interested, the “secrets of the universe”. The best that I can do is share my opinions about things that interest me, and flavor it indirectly with my forbidden understandings.

To help put this in perspective, put yourself in my shoes…

Imagine that you are working at a company with a brutal NDR. Perhaps it is lead by Tony Soprano. You cannot divulge anything about what you are involved in for any reason.

Now, let’s suppose that for thirty years you were involved in training unicorns to dance with bigfoot inside of crystal castles in the sky. To help with your training, the Lock Ness Monster would gather “magical beans” that you would award the unicorns when they did a particularly impressive dance move; like the cha cha or a nice rendition of the samba.

Now, there is no way that you can talk about unicorns, bigfoot, or the Lock Ness Monster. But, the NDR doesn’t cover “magic beans”. So in the best interests of society, you might want to posit your thoughts about growing “magic beans” and how they might be of interest to imaginary creatures.

That is the situation that I find myself in.

I can talk about how the cha cha might be improved if horses danced it. I can talk about how to grow “magic beans” in chicken poop. I can talk about OTHER crystal castles in the sky. I can talk about many things about my life. But I cannot divulge anything that might compromise the project I was part of.

So, if you, the reader, were so interested, I would welcome your thoughts on how Hillary Clinton had thousands of SAP documenation on a home made server, and wasn’t killed on spot when it was discovered. I would welcome your thoughts on the structure of very secret organizations, and why the USA maintains organizations without “sunset” clauses. I am “all ears”.

This is my callout, to you the reader, to assist all of us in solving these mysteries. After all, this is a far better use of the internet than for looking at Justin Bieber videos.


Q: Does MAJestic operate fleets of patrol vessels or a military force of some type.
A: No. Not that I am aware of. My role did not involve anything that looked like that in any way.

Q: What can you tell us about your role in MAJestic?
A: I am sorry, but

  • [1] I cannot divulge anything that would compromise my project, nor [2] any existing projects.
  • I can [3] explain some things that I have been exposed to that were not part of my project.
  • I can [4] put together already known public knowledge in a form that presents clarity.
  • I can [5] introduce the reader to an overview of the true reality, provided that it does not compromise MAJestic in any way.
  • I can [6] summarize certain things in a distilled narrative for (pre-approved) public consumption.

Everything posted is scrutinized by my handler and edited appropriately. Let it be understood that my program is no longer active. I am retired, and my handler is a non-human entity. I only post what has been approved. You the reader can think what you may. I don’t give a shit.

Q: Is MAJestic involved in reverse engineering efforts of extraterrestrial hardware.
A: Yes and No. They have a broad degree of control over the disposition of any item of extraterrestrial origin. However, agents themselves are not involved in any type of reengineering.

That task is “farmed out” to other groups that fall within a SAP.

For instance the C.A.R.E.T. program was one such program. The engineers working there were not members of MAJestic. However, the supervisory and management staff all had to have SAP clearance.

Q: What is the overall role of MAJestic?
A: The initial tasking was as an organization to monitor, control, and utilize any information, experience, or technology that could be obtained from other extraterrestrial intelligences.

Over the years, as we have become more familiar with our role in this galaxy and the role of humankind, MAJestic has been tasked with assisting in the monitoring and growth of the human sentience in the sentience nursery that we call the earth.

Q: What was your role?
A: You know, what is conventionally understood about extraterrestrials via Hollywood, and the esteemed brilliant minds in their ivory towers are not part of the reality at all. I am reminded of the pictures of robots at the turn of the 19th century, and how people pictured the future. It was wildly incorrect.

What people picture the future and reality to be is often wildly incorrect.
This is what people thought computerized cars would look like at the turn of the century.

Turn of the century robot, and what people thought automated cars would look like. In a similar way, this is the image that Hollywood paints of extraterrestrials. (Image source.)

I am also reminded about a movie titled “Defending your life”. The guy is in Heaven, and he’s trying to understand how everything works there. So he asks his assigned angel to tell him what he was doing. The angel tells him, and it makes absolutely no sense to him. The reason being, of course, is that his understanding of the physical reality is completely different than is understanding of the absolute reality. The two are not the same.

Yeah. I gave up being a trained rocket scientist and a naval aviator to join MAJestic. They couldn’t tell me what my role was going to be because even the MAJestic management couldn’t understand it’s utility. The reader should ask themselves WHY a person of my background would be chosen, and for WHAT particular role would I be assigned.

Nope, it was NOT about reverse engineering of technology, I can certainly confirm that. Nor was it about being a pilot of the “Space marines” or something like that.

Sorry that is all Hollywood nonsense.

What I can say is that physicists are publically divided into the reality of MWI. While they are arguing back and forth, back and forth, seemingly endlessly, others have just moved passed the debate stage. Indeed, there are others who have the funding and resources to work with extraterrestrials in these fields of debate.

But of course, MWI is unproven. Extraterrestrials don’t exist. Man has no place in the universe outside of this planet, and the government is always looking out for our best interests.

Don’t you know…

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

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Consciousness Migration for World-Line Travel

Consciousness can migrate about in and out of the physical world. A truly advanced civilization and culture recognizes this fact. For us to grow as humans we must also recognize this fact.

For me to perform my operations relative to MAJestic, I needed to migrate my consciousness. As such, I was exposed to numerous technologies involved in this action. Fundamental to that is an understanding of what soul is. Here, I would like to introduce the reader to the reality of soul. Yes, boys and girls, souls do exist. There is a reason to life.

Of course, this post, like all my other posts, is going to ruffle some tail feathers. Hey, no problem. You can leave if you don’t like what I have to say.

Contrary what you (the reader) might be expecting, I am not going to repackage any of the teachings of the major religions. Nor am I going to point out an approved “scientific” narrative, either. What I am presenting here is what I have learned through entanglement experiences. As such, it can be wrong, because what was taught to me was in error, or it could be wrong because my understanding is faulted. It can also just be a bunch of nonsense. You the reader can decide.

You can read it or not…

Elementary Summary of History

Here is my very simplified explanation as to how Heaven came about. It was pretty simple.

There was a point of beginning. The reader can think of it as “The Big Bang”, but for reasons that I cannot get into at this moment, I think it was something else. Let’s, for now, just consider it “The Start”. It was very similar to the “Big bang” in that there was nothing, and then there was something.

Heaven was formed after the very start of evertything as we understand it.
Heaven was created after the start of all there is. It did not come before.

When the “The Start” erupted, the universe was flooded with quantum strings. Over time, the quantum strings began to interact with each other. They developed into different forms and shapes. They also developed into different energy states. Within this place were all sorts of these weird quantum strings. Over time, as they interacted with each other, they created a stratified place. (In the picture above, this stratified place is shown as a color gradient.) The different energy states and different behaviors of the quantum strings occurred within a strange reality. It is one that our minds cannot grasp. It is a reality where there just isn’t anything known as time, and anything known as space. It was, for lack of a better word, a “place”. It is NOT the universe.

That place can be considered to be “Heaven”.

At this time, nothing existed except the presence of the quantum strings.

Since it was stratified by energy potential, certain combinations or configurations of strings started to “drop out” or “fall into” a state of comfort or stability. They did so suddenly, as if on cue.  The lowest or less energetic of the quantum strings found a point of stability and created a “bubble”. All of the lower order strings migrated towards that “bubble”. We call this event ‘The Big Bang”.

Now, many scientists wrap the “Big Bang” together with “The Start”. It is as if, they were one and the same. Maybe they were. I don’t know. What I do know is that the “Big Bang” came after the formation of “Heaven”.

The universe was spawned out of Heaven.
The “Big Bang” occurred after Heaven was created. We do not know the amount of “time” that passed. All that we know is that the universe that we recognize occurred after the creation of Heaven.

We exist within this “bubble”. To us, it is all that there is. It is the universe as we observe it. The highest energy potentials are beyond range of our human ability to perceive.

What is not clear to us, but should be obvious, is that other collections of quantum strings formed other bubbles. In many ways, these bubbles were similar to the one that we now consider to be our universe. However, that is where the similarity ends. These other bubbles or “other universes” are all different from ours in strange and unusual ways.

At the time of our "Big Bang", other universes were spawned as well. Our universe was not the only universe that was spawned from the "unorganized" heaven.
More than one “universe” was spawned from our “Heaven”. There were many other universes. Each one was different, with different attributes, and rules.

Just as the slower and denser arrangements of quantum, strings precipitated out and became our universe. Other collections of quantum strings arranged themselves into new orders and migrated into other “bubbles”.

Many collections of quantum strings formed “arrangements”.  They fell into ordered shapes. They became ordered quanta. As such, over time they began to develop sentience. As such, they migrated into bubble “universes” that was attractive to them. For humans, when the quantum strings began to form a human-like sentience, they all migrated to a new “bubble universe”. For lack of a better term, I call this universe the “Human Universe”. And, for lack of a better term, I call the parent Heaven as the “Zone of Unordered Quanta”.

Primordial Heaven is a realm of unordered quanta. It was from whence our universe was spawned from.
To prevent confusion, it is important to distingush between primordial Heaven, and contemporaneous Heaven(s). Primordial Heaven is a realm of unordered quanta.

This is the way the universe works. Our physical bodies reside within a physical universe. Our souls reside within a “Human Heaven”. We know that there are other “Heavens” for different types of sentience. There is a “Dog Heaven”. There is a “Cat Heaven”. There is even a “Turtle Heaven”.

The Human Soul

Most Americans know what a “soul” is, though they would be hard pressed to explain it. The problem with this is that it is difficult to describe and measure in three-dimensional Newtonian terms. That is because the mathematics of how the brain functions describe a multi-dimensional existence (more about this later.).

I think that everyone, including the reader, must understand the reality of soul.  They must understand that it has form. That it also has a function and features that can be defined and measured if one has the proper tools and equipment.  It’s not some kind of imaginary spiritual feel-nice flowery “stuff”. It is a major component of who and what we are. Just because we, today, are having trouble pinning it down today does not mean that it will always be impossible to do so. We, as humans, just simply don’t have the proper equipment yet to do so.

The soul is quite real.

We are having trouble trying to detect it because it does not reside within our physical reality. It exists outside of our reality. The only thing that we can detect is our consciousness. Luckily, for us, our consciousness is a part of our soul. They are intimately connected.

The Soul Resides within Heaven

The (human) soul exists in a higher dimensional state, which we commonly refer to as “Heaven”.  (From now on, I will use shorthand notation. “Heaven” will always refer to “Human Heaven” unless specified otherwise.) It does not exist in the physical world.  Instead, it creates a “connection” or “link” to the physical world. The link or connection is our consciousness.

Heaven is a real where souls live and exist.
Souls exist within a Heaven. Human souls exist within a Human Heaven. Cat souls exist within a Cat Heaven.

Souls exist in “Heaven”. In the illustration above, it is clear that while all souls exist within a “Heaven”, they are NOT equal.  They occupy different energy states or states of being (ability).  In the picture above, soul B has a coarser or denser energy level compared to that of soul A. That does not mean that soul A is “better” or “more spiritual” than soul B. It simply means that they are different.

Those differences between the two souls are meaningless. It holds no understanding for us as physical beings existing as we do, within our physical reality.

In truth, there are numerous characteristics of a given soul. These characteristics are defined how the “stuff” that souls are made out of (ordered quantum strings), interact with the “stuff” that Heaven is made out of (unordered quantum strings). Thus, we have different energy potentials, different entropic states, different sizes, different arrangements of quanta, and different resultant post-formulation self-constructions.


No one (human) really knows exactly what “Heaven” is.  For our purposes, we shall keep it simple. “Heaven” is state of existence that lies outside of our physical reality.  Its dimensions, shape, composition, and limitations are unknown to us.

Thus we know of two states of existence. There is the one state that we reside in. It is our reality. It is all that we know. Then, there is a second state of existence. It lies outside of our reality. We know nothing of this state, except that it exists.

How do we know that it exists? Because we, as consciousness, know and understand that there is something “out there”; something bigger and grander than the reality that we exist within. We don’t know anything more than that. We just know that there is something “else” once our physical body dies within this reality.

While we do know that Heaven is composed of unordered quanta, we do know that it is self- segregated. We do know that within “Heaven” are states, or “levels” of existence.  Some might refer to this as “energy levels”, “power”, “entropy”, “purity”, or some other means that would help express the concept of Heaven to us humans. Some religions break these regions into “planes”, or “levels” of Heaven. We, as physical mortals do not know what they are. We only know that they exist.

Our minds put these various regions in a two dimensional existence. When in reality, instead of a two dimensional (up and down, with better or “more” spiritual states up top, and lesser states below) there are multiple components regarding this state situation. (The picture above shows the two dimensional concept.) When in reality it might look like something much more complex. (Please see the picture below.)

Heaven is a place of great complexity. It is a place where quanta dwell.
Heaven is a very detailed and complex place. It is a realm where quanta takes on forms that are beyond our understandings at this time.

Souls exist in a “Heaven” of unique complexity.

Composition of Souls

Within Heaven are Souls.

Souls are also not well understood.  In fact, it is still under debate by many well-learned scientists.  For our purposes, we will define both Heaven and Souls to be made up of the same “stuff”. We will define the “stuff”, makeup or composition of both Souls and Heaven to be the smallest and basic elements of the known universe.  That is “strings”.  Both Heaven and Souls are composed of quantum strings.

To continue, and to greatly simplify, the “stuff” of Heaven can be considered to be “unorganized” quantum strings.  While Souls can be considered to be “ordered” or “organized” quantum strings that have obtained sentience. Within this environment, souls with the proper experience and training, can take unordered quantum strings and create order.

Unordered Quantum Strings + Experience = Ordered Quantum Strings

Thus, in this most simple explanation of our universe, we have a universe that is composed of ordered and unordered quantum strings, and within this are souls.  With Souls consisting of ordered quantum strings that have obtained sentience.

A soul is a collection of quantum strings that have obtained sentience.

Sentience is the first step in growth of a soul. There are many other steps. In order to grow and achieve these other steps or levels, we need to expand soul. This is accomplished by adding and arranging ordered quantum strings.

As stated previously, ordered quantum strings are a consequence of experience.

Realities are Constructs to obtain Experiences

Within the world of Heaven, it is very difficult to configure, compile and grow Souls. Souls grow by attachments and relationships between quantum strings.

In short, it is rather very simple to explain.  Souls grow by the attainment of experiences.  With each experience, the soul can configure, grow, adapt, and learn.

Souls create realities so that humans can acquire experiences.
Souls create realities so that they have a “place” where they can acquire experiences.

Soul A creates a “Reality” so that it can obtain experiences in.

The reader who might be a “Star Trek, the Next Generation” fan can consider our “Reality” to be a universe-sized “Holodeck”.


Experiences, and most especially how we handle them, determine the quantum attachments we make. Therefore, it is very important to watch our behaviors and control our actions. This not only concerns actions, but our thoughts as well. I will cover this in more detail later. For now, the reader just needs to note that thoughts and actions together define the shape our reality takes on. That reality, in turn, translates into the type of quantum entanglements that our consciousness collects.

When our soul collects entanglements via the consciousness, it can use them build upon, create and expand with. In general, the soul wants the best “quality” entanglements. Poor quality entanglements retards growth.

The best way to obtain high quality entanglements is to [1] be active and be outgoing,  [2] think good thoughts, [3] be a moral person, and [4] be kind to others (including animals). Intention is everything.

To obtain the largest amount of entanglements, you need to out and be around a lot of people. We, as humans in the physical world, are like huge vacuum cleaners, entangling with everyone and everything we meet. To obtain the highest quality of entanglements, we need to be around good people, in a good environment. Now, we can be around bad people, but we must be good and positive around them. We must not let them affect us in a negative way.

The reader can think of it this way;

You walk down a road at night. A robber mugs you and you hand over your wallet. He leaves. You are one wallet poorer. That entire event was an experience. Like it or not, that experience is now part of who you are.

However, how you react to that experience will determine the shape of the quantum attachments that you collect. If you are angry and hold on to it, the attachment gets courser, and more primitive. You attract other events and people of a similar nature. The longer you hold on to it, the worse it gets. If, however, you let it go. You forget about that event and move on with your life, you will chalk up that experience and benefit from it. It didn’t change who you are, and you have learned from it. It became a positive growth experience and you have benefited from it.

Control of thoughts and actions is there most important thing that we can do on this planet within our reality.

One Reality per Person

There is only one reality per person. It is set up by the soul specifically to obtain experiences from. We do not share our reality with anyone. It only looks that way. We might think that we are sharing it with our loved one. We are not. It is an illusion. We are sharing it with the version of them within our reality.

To facilitate educational growth, Souls create “Realities”. Realities are a classroom that Souls can grow through a surrogate “human” (If you are a human. Different realities exist for different animals.). In each reality (or world-line), there is but one physical reality with but one person existing within it. (This is not what everyone thinks. We all believe that we share our realities. We do not. We share the universal “template”.) The Soul connects to this reality through a mechanism known as “Consciousness”.

This “connection” or “link” is known as consciousness.


Sentience is meaningless in of itself.

Souls can partition their sentience into small groups known as “consciousness”. These smaller elements are set forth to inhabit a physical reality. This is done in order to acquire experiences. Each body that the consciousness acquires needs to have a physical component of sentience.  There is no word for this in the English language. Therefore, we are stuck with the confusion resulting from two types of sentience. One is a GOD-level sentience, and one is a physical-level-sentience.

The soul constructs a consciousness that resides within a reality.
Soul places an “interface” within the constructed reality. This interface is known as “consciousness”.

Soul places an “interface” within the constructed “reality”.  This is known as “consciousness”.

The consciousness, when it resides within the physical reality can move about freely. It takes on wave behavior. As such, it can move in and out the constructed reality. The reality (of course) has both a physical and non-physical components. The consciousness can move about both quite adeptly.

However, that really isn’t very useful. The consciousness is not able to interact with anything. In order to gain experiences, and attract quanta (it’s like a big vacuum cleaner, don’t you know…) the consciousness must interact with other physical things within the reality construct. The best way to do this is for the consciousness to occupy a physical body.

To occupy the physical body, the consciousness needs to leave the wave state and enter a particle state. Once in the particle state, it can interact with the physical body. It can move the physical body, learn and grow.

Souls create realitites and places a consciousness withint that reality from which experiences can be recorded and learned from.
Souls create realities from which to create events by which experiences can be obtained. To acquire those experiences and learn from them, the soul creates a consciousness within that reality.

Souls create “Realities” to obtain experiences.

Thus the soul, in this “Heavenly” environment, it creates various “realities” or “bubbles” of realities from which to learn and obtain experiences.  Experiences are how souls grow.  They collect quantum particles and form them into shapes that create advancement of soul states. When the soul wishes to obtain an experience, it creates a consciousness that it assigns to a physical body within one of the realities.

A soul is NOT a consciousness. A given consciousness is but a small part of a soul that is dispatched into a “reality” to learn and acquire experiences. Consciousness is a part of a soul that is allocated for physical education.

Each reality can be segregated into the physical and the non-physical reality. The physical reality is well known and understood.  It is the Newtonian reality that we have all been taught in school. The non-physical reality is (currently) the realm of the “spiritual”.  It is the world of the unseen.  It is also the home of the spiritual worlds such as evidenced by “astral projection” and the various other planes of existence.

The consciousness is not imprisoned within a body.  The consciousness can move within the physical reality so created, or with proper training, enter into the non-physical realities surrounding the reality bubble. It is a matter of changing the quantum state of the quantum particles that form the consciousness component of the soul. (Particle dynamics change to wave dynamics; more about that later.)

However, it is always limited to one specific reality at a time.

The soul creates an environment to learn from.

Consciousness is a “Passageway”

Consciousness can be thought of as a “passageway”.

We like to think of it as “who we are”. However, that is not what it is. It is something else entirely. So instead of thinking of it as a set being or entity, consider it as a long road. Think of it as a window or path that connects your physical brain to your non-physical soul. As such, your consciousness connects your physical reality to heaven.

It is a passageway.

It is a passageway from your soul to your present reality. This reality is NOT a shared reality that you share with others. No. It is to a specific “reality” that resides within the universe.  This reality is but one of the many, many possible combinations of what can, did and will happen in our universe.

The consciousness is connected to the soul by a device. This device is known as consciousness.
Consciousness is the passageway or “tunnel” that connects the physical reality to the soul.

Consciousness should be considered a “Passageway” or “Tunnel” to our soul.

The Universal Template

The universe is, fundamentally, a template from which a reality can be constructed from.

This is NOT what we think it is. We consider the universe to be fixed, and never changing. We all think that we all share the same universe at the same time. We do not. That is just what it appears to be while we exist within it. We share the same universal template. From that are spawned various realities as needed.

Individual realities tend to cluster. They are not that dissimilar.

This is both for different souls, and for given particular lessons. For must humans, the realities are constructed from a universal template that centers around the earth. Experiences are drawn from different variations of experiences in different time periods. Yes, so the idea that we all share the same experience in the same place at the same time is wrong. It only appears that way.

The universal template consists of every single human, and every possible action that they were involved in, from the earliest dates to the end of humanity. The soul selects individual realities out of this universal template. It then positioned a consciousness within a physical body, which lies within a reality drawn from this physical template.

Our reality is customized for a given soul and given consciousness. It is pulled off from a template of an infinite number of possibiities.
Reality is spawned from the universal template.

Your reality is spawned from the Universal Template.

As such, a reality can be mixed up and taken at random as needed. It does not need to follow a sequential “arrow” of time. If a given soul needs the experiences of a baker working in Paris in the year 1850, it will construct that reality from the template. Then it will send a consciousness into that reality so to obtain experiences.

Once the experiences, and the lessons, are finished the consciousness leaves the physical reality. It returns home to soul.

If the soul then wants to have other additional experiences (as is often the case), it reinserts the consciousness in another reality that it constructs. Perhaps, it might want to have the experiences of an American aviator fighting in the South Pacific ocean during World War II. It then would spawn a new reality from the universal template. It would then insert the consciousness into that reality. As such, it would then obtain those experiences.

Once the experiences (and the lessons) were finished, the consciousness would leave the body. It returns home to soul yet again.

Now, let’s suppose that the soul wants to have the experiences as a slave involved in the building of one of the pyramids in ancient Egypt. It can most certainly do so. As such, it would pull a reality from the universal template and reinsert the consciousness into that reality. It can do this because “time” doesn’t really exist. It only appears that way to us who are within an extracted reality.

Thus, through continuous manipulation of realities, and the movement of consciousness, the soul grows and rearranges quanta. Each time it improves itself. It keeps progressing and doing so until it can reach the next stage of existence for the soul. (Whatever that might be.)

Putting it all Together

So far, I have introduced the reader to the reality of all there is. The reader should now know what a “Human Heaven” is like, and how it came about. The reader should now also know what the universe is, and how it came about as well. The reader should also understand how souls use the Physical Universe” to select “Realities” from which the soul can obtain experiences.

So, putting everything together, it looks something like this…

Realities are constructed from a universal template. The soul draws realities from this template from which to build events and experiences by which the consciousness can acquire experiences and build the quanta into forms that the soul can use.
The timeless universe is the universal template. The soul uses this template from which to create realities from.

And, ladies and gentleman, that is exactly how the universe works. As you can see it is quite different from what is taught in churches, and in schools. Never the less that is the way it is.

A brief set of summaries are in order;

  • Heaven is a place that best suits a set of organized quanta that has obtained sentience.
  • As such, there is a Heaven for each creature that has obtained sentience.
  • Heaven was created by the “Big Bang” after an event which I refer to as “The Start”.
  • Our souls exist in Heaven.
  • They create “realities” so they can obtain experiences.
  • Experiences allow souls to organize unorganized quanta and thus grow and advance.
  • We do not share realities.
  • Each reality is unique to the consciousness that inhabits it.
  • Because each reality is unique, we as consciousness can change it…

From which I would like to segway to some aspects of my role within MAJestic; World-Line travel.


The idea of world-lines is a very simple concept in regards to this.

There are a (near) infinite number of world-lines that a consciousness (person) can experience.  However, it is only beneficial for the person to experience a different world-line as long as it guarantees the same level of learning (of the Soul) will be obtained.

A “world-line” is a variation of a reality that a consciousness inhabits.

There is NO physical movement from one world-line to another.  It is after all, the same reality bubble. (The reader is advised NOT to get confused in this regard.  Some of the illustrations might give that impression.  It is not the case.  In the absolute reality of the soul, world-line travel is not really travel at all.  Instead, it is a change in the composition of reality.) What changes are the entropy presets that are associated with the reality bubble. More about this later on.

The soul can created different realities from the universal template and migrate the consciousness through these realities so as to acquire experiences.
Consciousness can migrate from one reality to another reality. This is often referred to as world-line travel.

Consciousness can migrate from one reality to another reality. This is commonly known as world-line travel. The consciousness would migrate from one world-line reality to another world-line reality.

The only benefit in the migration is relative to the experiences that soul can obtain. For now, in this section, let’s keep our focus on the human soul as viewed by a human within a bubble reality.

In the above picture we can see that a person is living within a reality. The soul then decides to move or migrate the consciousness to another reality. It can happen ONLY as long as the experiences are similar or “better”. So the reader can imagine that he / she  is living within a reality where they are a taxicab driver in New York City. If the soul wanted to, or if the conditions and technologies were acceptable, the consciousness of the taxicab driver could migrate to a world-line where he is the CEO of an Ice Cream company in Hartford, CT.

Consciousness migration can change EVERYTHING within that reality.

Typically, in the “real world” (the reality that I happen to inhabit at this point in time), most contemporaneous world-line travel is limited by the technologies utilized.  These technologies limit the travellers to world-lines were they share the same (approximate) physical body. If you are a white male named “Fred” in the first reality, you will move to a new reality where you are still a white male named “Fred”.

By changing certain defaults and energy settings an entire world of change can manifest during world-line travel. This is typically known as a “Level Three” migration. It’s not for the faint of heart, however. When the vector coordinates change radically, so can find yourself in a new environment with little in the way of commonality. You might leave the first reality as a “Fred” and enter the new world-line reality as a “Susan”. While your memories won’t change (they are stored in the non-physical reality) yourself within the new reality might take some getting used to.

Types of World-Line Migrations

There are numerous ways that world-line migration can manifest for us humans. I know of only five ways. Most of them are beyond the capabilities and experiences of most humans as they require specialized equipment, and training to conduct.

Typically, the most common changes are rather simple.

Level Zero Migration

The most common, and simple migrations are achievable by everyone. That means YOU, the reader. You can manifest these changes yourself. These are “Level Zero” migrations. Here the alterations are very simple and hardly noticeable. They take time to manifest. Typically six months to three years. Nevertheless, if you are careful and persistent, they will always manifest. These are changes in the reality of less than a fraction of a percentage. For instance;

  • Slight alterations of friends and nearby people’s behaviors
  • Changes in the reality that surrounds you physically.
  • General alterations in people, places and things.
  • Specific alterations in furniture, money, luck or skill
  • Minor changes in weather

As such, these changes help to bring about desired experiences and lessons. They are but “tweaks” that are useful in obtaining the necessary experiences that a given consciousness needs.  Most consciousness’s experience these kinds of tweaks due to subconscious direction, or verbal affirmations that directs the individual power of intention. Level zero migrations are achievable by everyone and do not require any technology to accomplish.

The power of prayer is a “level zero” migration.

Most people do not know how to pray. They ask for things. That is not how to pray. You must visualize what you desire to alter. Then impress it with emotion. Perform this ritual for a set period of time, maybe ten minutes every day for two weeks or something similar, and then release it. Let it go. It will manifest… eventually. Don’t wait for it.

As such, it is very powerful. Just because it is classified as a “Level zero” migration, does not diminish it’s significance. This, of course, only pertains to self-prayer. Or, prayer that is directed to the person making the prayer. Prayer directed outwards is another issue altogether and another thing entirely. It does not work. The only types of prayer that will manifest for you is ones directed at you, by you.

Level One Migration

However, given mastery of certain (assistive) technologies, a consciousness with a given reality can migrate automatically and autonomously. This can be considered a “Level One” migration ability. This can accomplish greater experiences and learning exercises.

It does requires technology to accomplish.  That means an actual machine.

There is a lot of this going on. Those that possess this ability typically waste it on “time travel” activities. Which is pretty silly when you really think about it. As such, the person so empowered can change the following attributes during reality migration;

  • Geographic location
  • Date and time
  • Weather
  • Culture

These are the most common changes during world-line travel. But that is only because the changes and influences were small. Here a person can go back in time (apparently) and return (apparently). These changes will have corresponding alterations in culture and society the greater the delta deviation from the baseline to the origination point is. Any changes will alter their reality. It will not alter your reality as you are occupying a different reality.

Now, when a person gets involved in level one migration they can (possibly under certain conditions) enter realities where other “versions” of themselves might share the reality. This can include examples of older or younger versions of yourselves. This can included examples of different versions of yourself. This type of migration can certainly get very confusing.

Level Two Migration

“Often people claim to remember past lives; I claim to remember a different, very different, present life. …I rather suspect that my experience is not unique; what perhaps is unique is the fact that I am willing to talk about it.”

-Philip K. Dick

To obtain large-scale experiences and radical changes, much greater deviations can occur. Here, a person (Consciousness) can migrate to far different realities. This would be a “Level Two” migration ability.

Like a Level One migration, technology is required. However the technology level is similar. What differs is the manipulation of the target coordinates. It is much more comprehensive and complex.

This is the most important type of world-line travel, as the benefits to consciousness is the most advantageous. However it is also the most dangerous, as the risks are quite large. Here, we can add the changes of;

  • Revised historical pasts (What if Hitler won World War II…)
  • Altered cultural and scientific advancements (What if McDonalds was a car wash…)
  • Changed behaviors and cultural norms (What if people rubbed their butts instead of shaking hands when they met…)

This is the kind of travel that one would experience when one would  move from drinking a Starbucks coffee in a San Francisco under the presidency of Donald Trump to drinking  out of a water fountain filled with Bondo (it has electrolytes!)  in a “charge by the hour” ear massage room (near a McStarbucks) located in New Stalingrad under Vice-Queen Lady Gagagaga the third.

I have had a brief taste of this during my training at China Lake. It can be really really startling.

Again, since level two migration is more involved than a level one migration, that all the complexities of a level one migration is maintained and expanded upon. It can become very disorienting and very disturbing.

Level Three Migration

A level three migration changes the physical person who is involved in world-line migration. You exit a world-line as one person and you enter a new world-line as a different person.  You will ALWAYS migrate as the same species. This can include, gender and appearance. This can include occupation, and age. This can include everything EXCEPT the apparent associated memories of the new world-line. You will arrive in your new location with your previous memories.

For instance, you might be a thirty year old female software programmer. As such you might be married, have a pet dog, and have some friends that you like to go out with and have a coffee. You would speak English and watch football on television. Once you migrate, you might end up as an overweight 55 year old Russian male who lives alone in the basement of his parents’ house. You might be unemployed and on welfare and taking Zoloft for depression.

Because of this, this level four migration is a very difficult thing to do and very uncomfortable.  I have never been involved in this. I do not know of any person who has ever done this.

Level Four Migration

Level four migration combines a level two and a level three migration together. Why anyone in their right mind would want to do this is beyond me. The risks are significant. Remember, the ability to migrate is a function of technology, and the selection of destination coordinates is not that easy. While you might want to end up in some place in some type of new reality, the result could easily turn sour and go very, very badly.

For instance, you might be a twenty five year old male who is busy working as an engineer at Google. After work, you like to go and have pizza and beer with your friends at the local bar. You ride a nice Harley Davidson motorcycle and you are very stylish with the latest iPhone and APPs. The president is Donald Trump and the news is talking about “Russian collusion”. It is a nice sunny day.

After a level four migration, your life might look something like this;

You are now a 67 year old transgender feminist who is a vocal supporter for the new King; Justin Clinton. You are supported though your owner (as you are actually a short-term slave), who allows you one night off a month to go to the elephant races at the other end of South Berlin. There you eat your favorite food; oysters and jellied duck feet hamburgers. Then you come home to your master who usually have “some tasks” for you to do before you turn in for the night. The news is all excited about the new taxes that are coming out of Beijing this year. As normal, it is a dreary, foggy day.

Like I said, you never know what kind of life that you will end up with. Life might be a box of chocolates, but what happens when you change the box?

Memories do not Migrate

The reader might question why the memories do not migrate. The answer is simple. The purpose of our physical reality is to obtain experiences. Each experience that we have obtained helps shape our quanta and helps build and construct our soul. The realities that we inhabit are but training grounds by which we can acquire these experiences. It would defeat the purpose of obtaining an experience in the first place if this were to occur.

Also, and I will cover this in another post, memories are not retained within the brain.  They are processed in the brain, but they are not retained there. Memories are retained and stored outside the physical reality.  The memories are used to help us adjust and learn from the experiences that we have had during the time within our reality.

But… but…

Scientists have identified places where the memories are retained. Isn’t that correct? No it is not. They have identified places within the physical brain where memories (that lie outside of our physical reality) are accessed. They have just located the access points and the methods of accessing them. They have not identified the actual memories.

What can you do?

I hope that this was helpful. Understanding the reality of our life helps us to better control it and shape our destiny. So, to keep it simple;

  • There is a “Hell”, no matter what the Pope says. It is a different “universe” or “Heaven” if you want to use that nomenclature.
  • Our physical reality is constructed through our actions and thoughts.
  • Action and thoughts create and modify our physical world. To best be the master of it, we must master ourselves.
  • Be good. Be kind. Be helpful. Be just and be fair.
  • Everything you do is recorded by memory. These memories lie outside of our constructed reality.
  • All actions will be tallied at the end of our life. If we behaved poorly, then that will adversely affect our soul’s construction.

As such, many of us need the help of others to go about our day to day activities. We need to be helpful, supportive and positive in every way. Life can be hard, but if just one person can do one small thing, it can make all the difference in the world. Surprise others with small acts of kindness, and be the ray of light in this often dark and gloomy world. What do you do?


I know that most people will not care about souls and Heaven outside of their religion. So all of this can just be considered to be nonsense.

I know that officially MWI is only considered to be a theory. That’s fine. It’s treated very seriously by those in control of this world that we occupy. It is also FUNDED. There are many, many things that are well understood by those who are permitted to understand them. Like I said, you can believe me or not. I really don’t care.

I also know that world-line travel is not contemporaneously accepted as a reality. Fine. Believe what you want. The reality template what we all base our realities off of is a very interesting place. To understand it, you will need to undo all of what you think you know. This is how the universe works.

You can believe it or not. It’s no skin off my back.

Take Aways

  • Every person lives within his or her own reality.
  • Realities are constructs of the soul.
  • Realities are drawn from a Universal Template.
  • Consciousness is a bridge between the soul and experiences in the reality.
  • Souls consist of organized quantum strings that have obtained sentience.
  • With the skill of intention, a person can tweak their reality.
  • With the utilization of technology, one can alter their reality substantially.


How about a Request For Help? I tire of busybodies and statists who poke fun at the ideas and theories of others. They offer no constructive dialog. Rather they just make fun, ridicule, and then scurry under a rock.

I use this forum as a way to disseminate some of the things that I learned though my thirty years of involvement in MAJestic. However, I am forbidden to posit my knowledge directly. I cannot tell the interested, the “secrets of the universe”. The best that I can do is share my opinions about things that interest me, and flavor it indirectly with my forbidden understandings.

To help put this in perspective, put yourself in my shoes…

Imagine that you are working at a company with a brutal NDR. You cannot divulge anything about what you are involved in for any reason.

 Now, let’s suppose that for thirty years you were involved in training unicorns to dance with bigfoot. To help with your training, the Lock Ness Monster would gather “magical beans” that you would award the unicorns when they did a particularly impressive dance move; like the cha cha or a nice rendition of the samba.

 Now, there is no way that you can talk about unicorns, bigfoot, or the Lock Ness Monster. But, the NDR doesn’t cover “magic beans”. So in the best interests of society, you might want to posit your thoughts about growing “magic beans” and how they might be of interest to imaginary creatures.

 That is the situation that I find myself in.

So, if you, the reader, were so interested, I would welcome your thoughts on soul composition. I would welcome your understanding of MWI in relation to multi-dimensional soul structure. I would welcome your thoughts about the soul structures of other creatures. I would welcome links to other websites of interest, or videos of interest.

This is my call out, to you the reader, to assist all of us in solving these mysteries. After all, this is a far better use of the internet than for looking at Justin Bieber videos.


Q: What is the difference between souls vs. consciousness?
A: Soul is the entire being of a given entity. It includes everything. It includes all physical histories, memories, and energy states of that entity. It resides within Heaven. Consciousness is a part of the soul. It is partitioned from it and resides within a physical construct within a reality. It is a mechanism from which experiences are obtained.

Q: What is the highest level of spirituality?
A: In this narrative, the highest level of spirituality is one in which the soul transcends Human Heaven. Each Heaven is constructed for a specific animal or physical construct type. Therefore, to achieve the highest level of spirituality means that the soul exits a “lower state of Heaven” and enters a “higher state of Heaven”. In other words, it exits one Heaven and enters into a different and “better” Heavenly realm. This would mean, of course, that it now occupies a Heaven associated with a different physical animal or being.

Q: What is the relationship between quantum theory and consciousness?
A: Soul is comprised of ordered quantum strings. It creates a consciousness to occupy a set physical reality in order to obtain experiences. Consciousness is the pathway for the soul within the physical reality it has created. The quantum consciousness takes on a particle reality when it occupies a body, and takes on a wave reality when it lies outside of the body.

Q: What are the levels of the soul?
A: The soul is very complex and holds many attributes that our physical science and spiritualists do not understand. In order to help us understand things, they have often divided things into levels or gradients. The truth is that there are many aspects of soul that just cannot be simplified into simple layers or levels.

Think of a soul like that of a race car. Is the speed of the race car the most important thing, or is it a combination of handling ability, maintenance, acceleration, energy efficiency or the driver’s ability?

Q: How does quantum physics reconcile itself with the soul?
A: The soul is comprised of quantum strings. They can be ordered and unordered. The ordered strings become entangled with other particles and form arrangements. Eventually these arrangements attain sentience.

Q: What are the levels of consciousness?
A: Consciousness has one level of understanding when it inhabits a physical body. At that point of time it behaves as a particle. When it leaves the body it behaves as a wave and can take on different levels of behavior. The behavior of consciousness depends on the lessons and experiences that the soul wishes to impart.

Experiences are very important. Each time a quantum particle meets up with another one, they become entangled and related in various ways. If a group of particles meets up and interacts with other particles the situation can be greatly enhanced. These relationships are the experiences that build up (or tear down) a given soul. Therefore it is critical that consciousness learn and interacts with the surrounding reality properly.

Q: What are the differences between consciousness, spirit, and soul?
A: Soul is the center of all that we are. That is the sum total of everything at every moment relative to the (apparent) vector of time. Conscious is a portion of the soul that is assigned to a reality so as to acquire experiences. Spirit is sometimes considered to be the consciousness as it enters a wave form instead of a particle form within a given physical body.

Q: Where does the Bible say that soul is a collection of ordered quantum particles?
A: It doesn’t. Where does the Bible say that the soul is not a collection of ordered quantum particles?

Q: Is world-line travel possible?
A: Yes.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

News as Everyday Dog Shit

"The  Philippines press enjoys all the freedoms of the US system but fails  the people: a wildly partisan press helped Philippines politicians flood  the marketplace of ideas with junk and confuse and befuddle the people  so that they could not see what their vital interests were in a  developing country. And, because vital issues like economic growth and  equitable distribution were seldom discussed, they were never tackled  and the democratic system malfunctioned. Look at Taiwan and South Korea:  their free press runs rampant and corruption runs riot. The critic  itself is corrupt yet the theory is, if you have a free press,  corruption disappears. Now I'm telling you, that's not true. Freedom of  the press, freedom of news critics, must be subordinated to the  overriding needs of the integrity of Singapore and to the primacy of  purpose of an elected government.

“Singapore’s  domestic debate is a matter for Singaporeans. We allow American  journalists in Singapore in order to report Singapore to their fellow  countrymen. We allow their papers to sell in Singapore so that we can  know what foreigners are reading about us. But we cannot allow them to  assume a role in Singapore that the American media play in America, that  of invigilator, adversary and inquisitor of the administration. If  allowed to do so, they will radically change the nature of Singapore  society, and I doubt if our social glue is strong enough to withstand  such treatment."  

-A Third World Perspective on the Press. RH Lee Kwan  Yew, Prime Minister of Singapore. C-SPAN, APRIL 14, 1988

Every day I take my dog out for a walk. I actually do it twice a day. It is first thing in the morning and at the end of the day after the evening meal. We live on the beach, and there is a nice long park right in front of the house (it is a boardwalk) with an absolutely magnificent view of the ocean and the skyscrapers of Macao in the distance. While we are out there enjoying the morning air and watching the joggers on the beach, our dog is nose-to-the-ground and smelling everything like a canine vacuum cleaner. He really enjoys it. He cannot wait to smell the latest news on the road, and contribute a post or two of his own.

Every morning, I too much check out the latest news. However, as of late it is so boring and predictable that I just simply scan the headlines. It’s always the same old news, just repackaged. Buy more stuff! Support a war! Be afraid! Hate Trump! Pay higher taxes! Oh, and don’t forget Global Warming! Russia! Russia! Russia!

Are we any different? Humans are just as bad as canines. This has gotten me thinking…

About Dogs

I personally like dogs.  While I am, I suppose, a “cat person”, dogs are very special to me personally. There is nothing better than coming home from work, and my loyal buddy (Shao PiPi) is lying down at the door waiting for me. (I know, my wife takes photos to show me.  He gets in position about a half an hour before I arrive home.  Cat’s too.  But my little buddy is special.) Then he gets so excited, grabs his little toy (an old sewed up sock ball), and wants to play with me with it. Then he is all over me in happiness. It’s the best!

Dogs are loyal and fun to be with.
Here is a scene from a great movie about a dog in Japan. The dog’s name is Hachiko, and it is a true story. If you haven’t seen it yet, you need to.

Animal haters won’t understand.

Dogs are wonderful creatures.  From when they are puppies to their old and grizzly old age, they are wonderful, loyal and quite compassionate.  However, you and I both know, they are not human.  No matter how much we may want to dress them up in clothing, teach them to “speak”, take them out and tell them not to eat out of the trashcan, the fact remains, dogs are dogs. For them, poop is wonderful, trash (the smellier, the better) is an adventure, and there is nothing better than smelling another dog’s ass.

(BTW, someone had best describe this to the folks in China. They don’t treat dogs as dogs. They treat them as little children. They just love to dress up their dogs in clothing including underwear, hats, socks, and shoes. Well yeah, even my dog has socks and shoes. But, really, it does tend to be a little strange, especially with all those ever-changing doggie hairstyles that seem to come and go with the local doggie fashions of the day. Indeed, China can sure be weird at times. The Chinese, for the most part treat their pets as family members. Oh, one more thing… Dog lovers far outnumber the dog eaters in China. Don’t fall for all the anti-China propaganda.)

Anyways, dogs are dogs. That is neither good nor bad.  It is a statement of reality.  Dogs, regardless of the breed, are members of the canine family.  They have certain individual differences depending on which breed, but overall they will all act like dogs. You can dye their hair fashionable colors, and dress them up in outfits. You can put socks and shoes on them, and give them eyeglasses and a LV handbag, but you can’t change who they are. Dogs are dogs.

Dogs can do things that humans cannot. We might not want to recognize this fact, but it is (after all) a fact.

Dogs can Smell


What I know about dogs come from personal experience. I never studied anything about our canine friends. What I have learned about dogs comes from the Internet. (In addition, perhaps an odd television program or two as well.) So the reader can take my opinions however, they want. I am decidedly not an expert. I am at best a generalist who has the ability to put various “puzzle pieces” together in very interesting ways.

I’m just an average dog lover. Maybe like you? Eh?

You (the reader) should realize this, but many people do not. Dogs can smell much better than humans can. Whoa… let’s replace “much better”, with “unbelievably, superbly, and stunningly better”.  It is really true, and I am not at all exaggerating in the least. In fact, a dog’s brain is specialized for identifying scents.

While we need room in our brains to think, and work, dogs use a huge portion to analyze scents.  We use our brain to help us think and reason. They use their brain to smell. We use our brain to better understand the universe. They use their brain to smell better. We use our brain to try to fix and repair things. They use their brain to best understand the ways of smelling.

Dogs have an amazing ability to smell.
Dogs can pretty much smell anything. They can be trained to find scents that represent danger and serious medical conditions. Photo is from a National Geographic article published in 2014 (Go here to read a report on the article.)

There are all kinds of reports and studies on just about how much better a dog’s sense of smell is than ours. The problem is that there are so many variables that it’s nearly impossible to quantify or perform comparisons. In a true sense, it is like comparing a black and white photo of an apple, with a freshly baked pizza hot out of the oven. There just isn’t really any good and real way to compare the two.

Real Estate

A dog’s sense of smell may be much better than over 1000 times better than ours, making it the most sensitive (and vulnerable) part of its body. (Other reports place this figure much higher.) Comparatively, if you look at the mechanism of smell between humans and dogs, you can see a striking difference. The human nose has only three-square centimeters of olfactory membrane. While, compared to dogs such as Bloodhounds, can have as much as 150 square centimeters of scent-sensing material in their noses. So that means, we have three (3x), and (some) dogs has one hundred and fifty (150x) cm squared of area to smell with. More is better, right?

A small parabolic dish might be able to pick up a satellite signal with come careful positioning, but a larger one will have a much better change in getting the signal and locking on to it. The same is true with dogs. Their snozes give them ability.

Brain Power to Process the Scents

Dogs also have forty times more scent processing cells in their brains than humans. They need this computation power to be able to handle the enormous sensory input from their huge snoozes. It’s never just an issue with size, it’s an issue about what you can do with the larger members and capacities. (No sexual references, here please.)

“Dogs can smell 100,000 times better than humans.  In tests, dogs have been able to detect a chemical in a solution diluted to 1 to 2 parts per trillion. The human brain has a large area devoted to vision, while dogs have a large portion dedicated to olfaction, in fact, 40% more of a dog’s brain than a human’s is committed to smell.  The average person has 5 million smell receptors, while the average dog, depending on breed, has 125 to 250 million smell receptors.  The Bloodhound has an incredible 300 million smell receptors!  Dogs can smell things up to 40 feet underground.  Dogs can even smell human fingerprints that are a week old!”

- The Incredible Sense of Smell in the Dog

We who hang around dogs, know that they can “feel” or sense our emotions.  If you are around dogs (or cats) and haven’t noticed this, I would be truly surprised. It’s a very common thing. Not only is it common, but research seemingly proves this as well. Indeed, it’s quite likely that dogs can actually smell emotions.  (I would say that it is a given, but you know there are always exceptions to the rule.) Dogs can smell fear, anxiety, even sadness. The flight-or-fight hormone, adrenaline, is undetectable by our noses, but dogs can apparently smell it. In addition, fear or anxiety is often accompanied by increased heart rate and blood flow, which sends telltale body chemicals more quickly to the skin surface.  Oh yeah, your dog will most certainly know your feelings. Not only that, but there are indications that dogs can even smell if you have cancer.

 “Dogs read about the world through their noses, and they write their messages, at least to other dogs, in their urine.” 

- Stanley Coren

Doggie Facebook

I know, I know, the dog is spending way too much time smelling a fence post, or a pile of shit. You are getting impatient, and want him to get a move on. But, he is just there, oblivious to the world around him, just totally absorbed in what he has just “discovered”. I know that it’s tempting to drag your dog away from that pile of shit. I have actually done so myself (when we used to walk him out on a leash).

But… even though he’s sniffing everything with an annoying slowness, maybe we should give him a break and let him spend some time at that post (get the pun?). Let him have some time to smell the local neighborhood gossip.  And, if he is satisfied with it, let him give a “like” to it. Let him do a posting on his own.

Dog urine is the “ink” of the dog social-network. Think of it as an exciting blog post on Facebook or your favorite social networking platform. Instead of “Face-book”, it’s “Doggie-ass” and just as important.

Information is Hidden within Scents

When dogs start sniffing each other’s asses, the chances are that they’re really learning a lot. It’s far, far more than what we can comprehend. Indeed, it is obviously much more than just simple idle chitchat. The ability to smell given the geometry of the nose, and the ability to interpret that information in the brain can lead us to some interesting conclusions.

Exactly what the dogs are learning, and what they do with that information, is unknown. As of this writing, no one has figured it out yet. (No one is even studying this, as far as I know.) Many people claim that it is “simply” just “marking their territory”.  However, it’s probably much more than that. In fact, it’s very likely far beyond “this is my territory, keep out!”

I really don’t know.  But, I would guess that it’s probably more along the lines of, “Oh, you’re a nice male dog, 3.26 years old. You are a collie and beagle mix. And… I notice that you’ve been hanging around the park on Dixon Avenue again, you had some baked chicken wings recently (that you found on 8th street), and you like to sleep on your left side.”


Here’s some great links on dog’s ability to smell;

Humans communicate through the Written word

While dogs communicate through the sense of smell, humans communicate through the written word. (Yes, I know that there are other mediums. Let’s not get off track here.) We communicate through writing our thoughts down in printed media. This can be electronics or on paper.

It wasn’t always that way. It used to be carved in stone, but that is rarely done these days.

In the “old days” people would chisel their writings into stone for everyone to know and remember. These records would spell out major events, and accomplishments. They would tell stories and help us understand our relationships with the Gods of Heaven. It was written and carved to be everlasting.

History used to be set in stone; recorded in stone.
Kings and rulers used to carve their deeds, rulings, laws, and pronouncements into stone so that no one could misinterpret them, or rewrite them. The only way that the history could be forgotten was if the stone or writing was physically destroyed. (Image Source.)

Ah, but you know, Humans are a mercurial lot.

When individuals come to power, they want something that is easily erased and written over. In the old days, they would have to chisel off the names of their predecessors on all the temples and government buildings. It took a while, and left garish scars on otherwise beautiful structures.

For what ever it is worth, let it be well understood that the Egyptians were pretty bad at this.


Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792 - 1822

I met a traveller from an antique land

Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:

‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

Now, let it be known; the printing press really rocked our world. Not only could things be printed on paper and mass produced, but governments and individuals in power can host periodic burning of books and records. They could rewrite history to fit their new narrative. (Maybe sort of, like how a dog will try to over pee another dog’s urine.)

Ah. Yah don’t say…

Book burnings are very common. They go by many names. Progressive liberals and their established socialist governments always have book burnings. It’s their thing. It’s kind of like how they like to wear white sheets, hate Catholics, and use masks to cover their faces.

The progressive socialist nationalists of Germany (Nazi for you under-educated folk) held massive book burnings. They really took the time to make them impressive. They would have uniforms, orchestrated dance and march movements, flags and special effects. It must have been impressive. Huge barn fires rising up into the Heavens. People dancing around in uniforms with crazed people throwing books into the fires.

The Nazi’s really loved to use school kids to do it. They would organize these rallies and allow the school children to leave the school. The kids were, of course, happy to do so. There, the kids would gleefully destroy their own history.

book burnings are popular and associated with power struggles.
Progressive Socialist Democrats in Germany (Known as NAZI.) having one of their many book burnings. These were often festive affairs with music, speeches, and youth that gleefully toss their collective histories into the fire. Book burnings are ALWAYS associated with power struggles. (That and other things such as statue desecration, and politically correct types of speech.) When one movement ascends to power they start to rewrite history. (Image Source.)

The Chinese which is also a progressive liberal government structure (officially socialist with Chinese characteristics ) held massive book burnings during the Cultural Revolution.  They also used children to promote their agendas. This included the full range from gun control to destruction of history, to (of course) book burnings. Unlike the Germans, who able to recover about two decades later after a global war, the Chinese took around four decades to recover, and in many ways the cuts and destruction were too deep. Various aspects of the Chinese culture never really recovered.

Darn those progressive democrat socialists. Always trying to mess up everyone else’s lives!

In many ways, the Antifa movement is a cross between the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and the German Socialists of the 1930’s. (I do cover this in another writing elsewhere.) You know, you don’t really need to be a student to history to know any of this.

You just need to be awake and listening.

Which, I am sad to say is a real rarity today. For the record, book burnings occurred in the Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba, and Argentina as well as just about any other nation in the world.

Animal farm is like the black board that is being erased and rewritten over.
One of the best books to describe how history, rules and laws are rewritten is the book by George Orwell titled “Animal Farm“. As history is always being rewritten in order to manipulate people into doing things that go against their well being.

Now that everything is migrating to the internet, the ability to erase and rewrite history has never been easier. Indeed, the internet is like one large “white board”. You erase what you don’t like, and rewrite it to fit your new revised narrative. There are all kinds of examples. I have covered one myself on the subject of Calexit and the American Civil War by President Obama.

It is the way that it is done. There isn’t too much that we can do about it. Except change our behaviors and be skeptical of all the news. Especially to take notice to avoid any kind of pre-approved or “fact checked” news deemed worthy by others. Indeed, that is the most dangerous.

The United States has rewritten the meaning of just about everything.
News in America in 2018 has completely gone full-on Orwell. George Orwell well predicted the American media in his book “Animal Farm”. Good is bad. Happy is sad. White is black. American media in 2018 is absolutely off the charts in insanity.

War with Russia

News from the media today is all about dragging the United States into yet another war. Jeeze! Can’t we ever get a break. The USA has been at war almost every year since it was founded.

Hey, have you been watching the news lately?

Have you noticed any trends? Man, I’ll tell you it seems like everyone is writing on and on just how bad Russia is, and that there will eventually be a world war between the great powers. How can that be? Bill Clinton was paying Russia to keep it’s military intact through most of the 1990’s. Now why would they want to nuke us now? Didn’t Hillary Clinton just give them 25% of our nuclear stockpiles? It just doesn’t make too much sense.

We’d make a far better trading partner than an enemy. But, anyways… Now what do you all think is gonna happen once, the USA and Russia nukes each other? It’s a great question. It’s one that deserves some thought. What do you think is going to happen once the USA gets involved in a nuclear war?

Nuclear war is terrible and it manifests when the media goes full Orwell.
Nuclear war is terrible and it is nothing to take lightly. If a nuclear war were to break out, there would be many things that would be nearly impossible in a post nuclear-exchange United States. Things such as easy cell phone access, nope the War Powers act will limit that. Things such as your Starbucks coffee are also going to be changed as the headquarters would be reduced to radioactive glass. Nope, a nuclear exchange will impact YOUR life in ways that you are unaware of.

Do you believe that the world will be over? Is that what you really think will happen? Do you believe that since the USA is number one, that the rest of the world will just scurry under rocks or something?  Is that what you think? Ha!

Not. Going. To. Happen.

What do you think China will do while both Russia, Europe (of course the EU, as they are driving this war narrative), with the USA are in ruins with radioactive rubble for cities?

Do you think that the rest of the world will continue to live like a scene from a “Save the Children” commercial? Do you think that it will make a big difference in the lives of other people in Sydney, Australia? How about Osaka, Japan? What about Sao Paulo Brazil?

Hong Kong is very beautiful.
Hong Kong is a very western Chinese city. It is very modern and very crowded. I like it, but I can only take it in small doses as they use Western pricing and it tends to be too expensive for my tastes.

Do you think that they will care…?

The rest of the world has a vibrant middle class. There are factories, farms, subways, tollbooths, ATM machines, and McDonalds all over the world. They have toothpaste, football, cars, cable television, and the internet. If American shuts itself off from the rest of the world… the rest of the world will go on as if nothing happened. America will just be a footnote in the latest Wikipedia entries as maintained from Beijing servers…


Do you think that the USA will still be able to project “it’s interests” globally? Do you think that the domestic issues, internally, will be just the same-old same-old script? Nope, boys and girls, it is going to be awfully hard for most Americans. Especially those from the cities.

Most especially for those urban or suburban folk.

What are they going to do when Starbucks runs out of coffee? When Wi-Fi has zero hot spots, or when girls will need to “put out” for a half-bowl of pea soup? Know your history people. How do you think that the young lasses of Germany survived when the Russians moved in through the devastated countryside? How do you think the people of Cambodia, and Burma survived? I cannot predict the future, but I can report on what happened in the past when this situation raised it’s ugly head.

The Media is out of control.
Nuclear tipped ICBM’s are nothing to take lightly. Yet, here we are with the media promoting war as if it was just “another” issue like “racist peanut butter and jelly sandwiches”. Ugh!

Oh sure, the surviving Americans will try to leave the glassed rubble of their cities. Though, I doubt that they will make it very far into “deplorable land”. You know with all those squads of “good ol’ boys” hunting down all the urban folk escaping from all that glassed wreckage.

Oh, their Prius or Tesla might make it a few hundred miles into “flyover country”. They might even get some militia assistance. Oh, some will make it to FEMA camps. There, of course they will be pre-screened and set to work.

Ain’t nothing for free in this world. We all will have to pay the tolls. The tolls will, or course, be guarded by men with guns.

While the USA is all busy straightening out it’s house, the rest of the world will continue as if nothing happened. Since the exports to the United States account for around 11% of what China makes, there will certainly be an impact.

However, it won’t be life-threatening. China will survive. The nuclear exchange between the USA and Russia will be noted. Maps will be redrawn with huge “Forbidden to Enter” areas marked in red. But that will be about it.

If a nuclear exchange were to hit the United States, the rest of the world would go on as if nothing had happened.
If the United States were to get involved in a hot nuclear war, those nations that do not participate in the war would benefit. Many of these nations, such as China, South Africa, Europe, Dubai, Tokyo and many others are just as advanced as the United States is and would thrive if competition from Los Angles, San Francisco and New York were to end.

China will take over. Not a bad thing. I’ll tell you what.

War with the President

Oh but not all the news is about trying to get people to go to war. Jeeze! This is not 1960 people! While America might be populated with half-asleep sheep, they do know when they are being manipulated. At least the older ones do. The news is really pretty obvious. The only way that you wouldn’t notice the obvious propaganda is if you were on some kind of drug like a painkiller, or an anti-depressant…

Anyways, the other news concerns president Trump.

It’s a non-stop hate fest. I have never seen such vitriol and hate from the American propaganda mills. These idiots actually believed that Hillary the Horrible could actually be elected. They thought that the game was rigged in her favor, and even if she did manage to become President that no one would bat an eye and it would be accepted. Hah! I’ll tell you, these people are absolutely delusional.

So, when I see the “Russia, Russia, Russia!” anti-Trump narrative, it just bores me. It’s not news. There just isn’t any news there.

It’s just a bunch of attractive actors reading scripted lines, and being paid large bucks to make up news.

I’m beyond bored with it. I will honestly say that I haven’t seen ABC, NBC or a CBS newscast in over a decade. It’s all just junk. CNN? Give me a break. I was turned off from them way back in the 1990’s when they were caught staging a protest.

CNN stages fake news all the time. Donald Trump rightfully called them out on this.
CNN staging a fake protest. In this case they reported that a huge groundswell of Muslims were protesting Islamic terror. Those individuals weren’t even’t actual Muslims. They were paid actors. Jeeze!

It’s all propaganda with a set agenda that benefits the richest people in the world.

War with Non-Official News

That is why it is important to read grass-root reporting. Read from small-time bloggers, and get your news from other sources. Of course, the powers-that-be don’t want you to do that. No sir ree! You can bet that those in the oligarchy want their control over all thought, ideas and media. You will follow their directions or not at all. The Bill of Rights, and the first Amendment can just go to hell as far as they are concerned.

Here is Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein on her attack on people who have a “five dollar blog”…

Democrats have always been trying to take away people's rights. Here is a noted senator trying to take away the freedom of speech.
Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein making a formal statement that the Bill of Rights does not apply to American Citizens. She makes the case that it ONLY applies to elected officials. Therfore, it is important to prevent citizens from writing or blogging on the Internet using their “five dollar blog”.

Diane Feinstein talking about the need to only allow properly vetted, government “approved”, people to have “Free Speech”. Doesn’t she look like the teacher from Hell? (Image Source.)

You can watch the video here where she argues against average people having opinions. You can also read on Reddit on what people think of her redefining a Right as a Privilege that the government provided.

You can read about the Democrat efforts to eliminate or “water down” the first Amendment hereYou-tube also has a recording on this attack on the First Amendment. Here is another response to the attacks on the first amendment.

I wonder why there are no progressive liberal attacks. I guess that it is just ok to take away freedoms… how about we start with Facebook, then Tumblr, Pinterest, Google, Snapchat, for starters.

Unless you have lived under a rock for the last ten years, what constitutes news out of the United States today is anything but news. It has become a complete political propaganda machine that is populated by highly paid actors and actresses reading scripted lines. There is a science to this, and there is a feedback loop that dictates what propaganda that should be dished out to the American population at which specific times.

American media is nothing but lies.
American media is just propaganda. Nothing that you see is real and truthful. It is all distorted lies and partial-truths.

Real news would tell us details about the hidden cavity in the Great Pyramid, or a review of NASA funding for the next fiscal year. It would cover topical news; a protest here, a murder there, and a car crash there in brief one or two sentence bites. When a President speaks, they would play his entire speech, not show him speaking with the audio off and then translate for us what he is saying.

They would not have “panels of experts” who are just actors with nice titles (not nice titties, or… um I take that back), farmed out by rich organizations for propagandized purposes. They would provide balance of different viewpoints (if they wanted a broad viewership base). Or not have any dissent on the editorial sections if they wanted to become the foremost expert in their political narrative.

It’s ALL fake.

Creeping propaganda doggie style

This reminds me of an incident in my own house with my own dog…

Our floor is mostly hardwood and tiled marble. It’s the Chinese way. That is unlike the States, where the floor is carpeted (wall to wall) over a plywood floor if the house was built after the 1980’s. In China, most houses have a stone floor. The stone is typically cut at a ¼ inch thick sliced tile, polished, and provided into two feet square sections. Most floors use a light colored granite or marble. In upper-scale homes, wood floors are provided in the bedrooms. Cheaper flooring methods such as linoleum or carpeting are never used.

As such, we have a few throw rugs to lie down and make the house a home.

Now our dog knows, absolutely knows, that peeing in the house if forbidden. We have a rule that he must pee and crap in the bathroom (if not outside). We have trained him to use a blue mat (Indoor/outdoor carpeting that is blue instead of green.) just for this purpose.

In fact, the reader should know, that the way we trained him was that we got a really large mat, and put it in the shower. (In China, the showers do not have a tub. Therefore, the shower goes straight down to the floor.) Once the dog knew that he could do all the peeing and crapping he needed to do, on the shower, that is where he went. Over time, we cut the mat down smaller and smaller. It was one yard by one yard, then it became two feet by two feet. Then one foot by two feet, then one foot by one foot. We kept cutting it down. Finally it was one square inch, and you should have seen him trying to aim and hit that tiny little mat.

Anyways, long story short, he knew that he could only pee in the shower.

Well, we also have a few throw rugs. We decided to not use them when he took up the (terrible) habit on peeing on them.

Now, I really don’t know why he would pee on them. Maybe it was because he was trained to pee on mats due to his bathroom training. Or, perhaps, maybe he wanted to make the house feel more lived in and “doggie friendly”.


One day, we decided to lay down this black and white shag rug that we have. (Yeah, I know that it is shag, but it fits with our modern Asian décor.) We wanted to make the living room area more comfortable, and that would include a rug nested in between the sofas and the various chairs. However, we were very concerned because our dog had a propensity to pee on the rugs.

So we laid the rug down. We told him, in no uncertain ways, that it was “off limits” to pee upon. We then watched him like a hawk.

I can tell the reader that he knew not to do anything. He would walk near the rug with a hunched back look, and with tail down. He was afraid to do anything with that rug. Indeed, he would walk around it rather than walk on it.

All was well. Then one day, the wife saw him do a “dryless pee” on the rug. That I mean to say is that he pretended to pee for a split second, but no pee came out. She chalked it up to him getting old, and let it fly. Of course, the reader might say, “Hey, why don’t you simply lift up the rug, you moron?”. Well, we couldn’t. The rug was under this massive marble coffee table. It is an enormously heavy sheet of brown veined marble (Also known as Adobe Granite, Golden Brown Marble, Canadian Mahogany, or Deer Brown granite.) that is at least one inch thick, with beveled sides. It weighs a ton. It is far too heavy for me to move alone, or even to have two people move it. You actually need four strong men to move this friggin’ coffee table.

Well, the design (with the cold gold metal sides, and the glass bottom) looks a lot like a KTV table. Which wasn’t our intention, but hey the wife picked it out and now we have it. Anyways, the other ends of the rug are buried under large sofas and leather chairs. So for us to move everything about, would take a lot of effort. It wouldn’t be something that we would ever do casually. So, we just let it slide.

A few days later, I thought that I smelled pee, but the rug was dry. It must have been my imagination, I reasoned.

A few weeks later, my wife too smelled something. It was driving us crazy. The rug was dry, but the smell of urine was unbearably strong. We had been watching him carefully but he wasn’t doing anything. When it looked like he would pee, nothing came out, and so we took no action. So, to us, it was very perplexing.

Finally, around six o’clock on a Saturday, we couldn’t stand it any longer. We moved the sofas out, and the (enormously heavy) coffee table away. Then we lifted up the rug.

My God! The entire underside was wet and saturated with dog urine! Somehow, the shag carpet stayed dry on top, no matter how wet it got. But the underside acted like a massive sponge. It absorbed the urine and just collected it there. It was absolutely horrid and disgusting. Weeks of moldy pee saturated the matting making it look and smell like an outdoor shithouse in the middle of August.

Apparently what had happened was that our dog knew that it was wrong to pee on the rug. However, when it wasn’t punished for tiny efforts to pee, it thought that it could pee at will as long as it wasn’t caught. We were delusional in thinking that the dog would not do this. The end result was that our intention (of a pee-less rug) never materialized. Our dog thought it could pee away… as long as it could not be caught.

I guess that is what happens when we let people get away with things that are wrong. Unless we stop them in the early stages, their behavior will get worse and worse over time.

I have seen that this is true, and I am sure that the reader knows examples of this. Perhaps with children. Maybe with criminals. With classmates, and with other things as well. It just seems that if you do not have limits, it is within our nature to treat things as without limits. As such, we tend to keep pushing and pushing until we start to hit some roadblocks.

News and Politics

Which of course, brings us back to the Democratic Senator from California, Diane Feinstein and her attempt(s) to ban the first amendment. (Now, she like any other “good” Democrat is off trying to ban everything from ice cream to baby pacifiers. It’s in their nature. However, for now, let’s just focus on this one particular instance, and not get sidetracked.)

You know, she (and others of her ilk) believes that they can get away with their actions simply because no one is stepping up and stopping them. Like our dog, who needed a good hard paddle after his first attempted pee, this woman needed to spend five years at hard labor when she first started to suggest banning a Right. It would have stopped her dead in her tracks, and served as a notice to others who might try to follow in her footsteps.

Newsflash to everyone; Senators are just like everyone else. The only thing that they have that you (the reader) do not have is a title, and a good PR firm. They must follow the rules. It doesn’t work that way of course. But it should.


The young millennial asks “what rules, and what laws are you referring to?”

To this, I must teach the reader something that is a very well-kept secret. Yes, it is. Why it is the “Preamble to the Bill of Rights” of course. This is one of the most secretive documents in the entire United States. Everyone tries to hide it, because it clearly and plainly says what a Right is, and what the purpose of a Right is. Hey! Surprise! Here it is so you can read it for yourself.

THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.

ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.

And, for those of you who only have a public education, let me translate for you.

The Bill of Rights is a special set of rules inside, yet set apart from the Constitution. It is designed to prevent the Constitution to be used to harm the citizens of the United States. It offered protections in that it clearly stated that no elected official, nor anyone appointed by them, could influence, takeaway or disparage any of the RIGHTS listed in the Bill of Rights.

That’s correct.

No one, let alone a Senator can even consider taking or limiting a right. That means ANY right, for those of you who are confused out there. Now there are ten Rights. The first group of Rights is in a collection known as the first amendment. One of these rights is, of course, the Right of freedom of speech. Which means that you can say anything, or write anything, or even think anything NO MATTER WHAT. You offend someone… tough cookies. You swear or use profanity…meh. You  call a person a bad name, or say something that someone doesn’t like… no problem.

The RIGHT to speak your mind; America used to stand for this freedom. Not anymore apparently.

Ah… but I digress yet again.

Bad Behaviors

Wouldn’t you think that being a Senator, and not following the Constitution is wrong? Wouldn’t you think that it is a “bad behavior”? I would.

But, you know, defining what “bad behavior” is and what isn’t is really meaningless unless there is an enforcement arm.

When we were all children, we knew that there were things that we were not permitted to do. If we crossed the line, and did those “naughty” things, our parents would get angry and punish us. Now, we all had friends who could seemingly get away with anything. Their parents apparently didn’t care in the least. They were always on our case, acting like bullies or worse. Their parents were either oblivious, or defensive of their actions. It was truly frustrating. However, now that I am much older I see where the lack of discipline and parental guidance led the kids. It wasn’t pretty.

I would guess that perhaps one of the reasons why the United States is in such a mess today is partially because there just hasn’t been any enforcement to follow the Constitution. People could seemingly get away with anything. As such, they never would get in trouble. Look at Louis Learner, and the rest of her ilk, and how they were never punished.

This all reminds me of my dog, and when he’s acting poorly.

Being in the Dog House

Here in China, it is very crowded. As such, there is a necessity in making sure that everyone follows certain basic rules. Because, one or two odd balls behaving badly can cause all kinds of trouble in a crowded environment. Now, that is not to say that China has their act together, as there are many things about China that could use some improvement. However, there are things that they do right.

One of the things that they have in China that just isn’t so popular in the United States is security guards in every building for the purposes of keeping order. That differs from the United States, where security is used to enforce laws. In China, while laws might be enforced or not, the primary purpose of a baoan (security guard) is to keep order.

In a crowded place, especially a residential building, excessive noise is not tolerated. If you think that you can jam with your stereo up all night long and not have the rest of the building lynch you, you are sorely mistaken. You will have a baoan knock on your door, and if you are not corporative, they will pick up your stereo and toss it of the 65th floor below. If you complain, they will arrest you and in China, this is decidedly NOT a good thing.

Anyways, back to my dog.

For a while we had two dogs. Our current dog (Pipi) and a younger dog named “Super”. Super was a beautiful dog. The problem with him is that he hated my guts. He just could not stand me. When I would come home, he would bark at me all night long. It would continue hour after hour. He would be bleary-eyed from lack of sleep, and his voice would be hoarse, but he would keep it up like it was his duty. He would bark like there was no tomorrow. You could hear his voice getting hoarser and hoarser. It would crackle and dry up, yet still he barked. Then when I would leave the house, he would collapse in his bed from exhaustion. I know, as my wife would show me pictures of him collapsed from exhaustive barking. He would lay there on his back, his mouth open and his tongue out exhausted.

For my wife, she loved the loyalty of the dog. However, she saw that it was a problem. On more than just a few instances, we would have the guards knock on our doors to get the dog quiet. One time they were going to toss him off the 63rd floor, if we didn’t get him quiet. Indeed, for a long time it was a real problem. That is… until we consulted a vet about what to do.

When confronted with this problem, many Chinese simply cut the vocal cords of the dog. That way, they can live their life normally, but they will no longer be able to bark. Now, before any reader has a heart attack, please relax. We didn’t do any such thing. Instead we turned to technology for an answer.

We put on a barking shock collar on him.

Whenever there was a loud sound the dog would get a three second beep. If the barking continued, there would be a shock. The collar would then wait for five minutes. If there were additional loud sounds in those five minutes, there would be four louder beeps and a louder shock. This continued up the scale to ten. If the dog were still barking after fifty minutes (10 x 5 minutes = fifty minutes) of barking, a very loud shock would be released.

Super was a smart dog, and quickly discovered how the system worked.

Trainging collar to train dogs to stop barking.
Anti-barking training device used to train dogs to stop barking. This particular model is available in the United States. Chinese models are (ahem) more efficient.

Anti-barking shock training collar for dogs. (Image Source.)

Problem solved. Right?

Now Super whispered his barks. Instead of BARK! BARK! BARK!, it was bark… um, bark,  … bark. (Timidly.) It was cute, and it did work. Our dog had figured out how it worked and realized that he could no longer bark in the house. There weren’t any more visits from the building guards. Great right? Of course it wouldn’t work if the dog were not bright or slow. But Super was smart, so it worked.

But then, again our other dog (Pipi) was smart as well.

And he too discovered how it worked. He discovered that he could shock Super by barking at him. Super could be sleeping, and our dog would walk up to him and bark right into his collar. What a shocking way to wake up! Oh, my goodness! What hath we wrought?

One day we came home to barking and howls of pain from Super. Our other dog Pipi was pacing around Super barking crazily, and watching him get shocked. Then he gleefully would start up again, to watch it all over again.

We had to put an end to this mess.

We initially didn’t know what to do. We were afraid that if we removed the collar that Super would start barking again. There was a real and serious risk that he would find out the hard way how to fly. We needed to do something. We discussed it back and forth, over wine (as was our preference) and decided a solution. We put shock collars on both of them.

That’s right. Now it wasn’t fair. But it was the best thing to do.

We had a small cage for both of them, and put them both in it with shock collars. We then put on a camera and watched them from our cellphones, and left the house for dinner.

Sure enough, our one dog would start barking and Super would start to cower in fear. The only difference now was that both collars started to beep. Now, both dogs got a shock. Our dog didn’t know what was going on, so he started to bark and attack Super. Then off goes the stage-two beeps…then shock. It continued, and then Super started to fight back. He started to bark back. There was a mess of fighting, howling, beeping and electric shocks. It took maybe two hours before they all collapsed from exhaustion.

Neither dog would bark after that.

After that one massive battle, everything went quiet and peaceful. Neither dog barked. Though, they didn’t look at each other either. They would take turns eating and they would stay in separate rooms in the house. The good news is that Super wasn’t thrown out the window, no dog had a operation to stop barking, and the Baoan never visited us again. Mission accomplished.

That makes me think…

It's time to put shock collars on members of Congress.
I must admit that I am pretty sick and tired of Congress. Not one of them are acting the interests of their constituents. Not one of them. They are self-serving and evil.

It makes me think that maybe we should have shock-collars for everyone in Congress. The moment they start to put restrictions on people and any of their Rights, that they get graduated electric shocks. Maybe that would teach them that they couldn’t violate the Constitution no matter what their excuses are. Try to ban free speech, get a shock. Try to ban guns, get a shock. Try to ban religion… get a shock. Try to ban large sodas… get a shock. Try to ban straws… get a shock. Try to ban bikini’s… get a shock. Try to ban chewing gum… get a shock. Try to ban bacon…get a shock. Try to ban knives and forks… get a shock.

It’s a win-win situation!

When does information stop and propaganda begin

Well, isn’t that the way life works. You start talking about dog shit and end up talking about putting shock collars on American Senators. Ah, my goodness,  life as an American.

People say that we live in an “information age”. I disagree. We live in an “age of manipulation”. I say this because never before have we ever been so assaulted upon by propagandized media, and surveilled so severely. Face the facts.

All, the totality of, American media is owned by only six people.

American media is owned by six mega-corporations.
Everything that you see on the “mainstream” media is directed and spoon fed to you by the desires of six people.

Why use propaganda unless you want to manipulate, and why utilize surveillance if you have no intention about using the information you obtain. The answers to both questions point squarely towards manipulation.

This being stated…

How does the news benefit you?

Really, how does the “news” benefit you? If you were to go without watching, reading, or listening to the news for a week, would your life collapse? Would your quality of life decrease? Would your income drop?

Do you like being afraid of the latest pandemic being shoved right before your morning coffee?

I am willing to bet that your quality of life would increase. Your stress level would definitely decrease, and your levels of happiness would increase. I think that maybe we have become so addicted to the news that we have forgotten it’s relative importance in our lives. Since most of the news is used to manipulate and alter your way of thinking, it is refreshing to ignore it.

People who ignore the news, and the warnings about all the wars and troubles in other nations, go out and are happy outside of the USA. They are not afraid.

Those who ignore the news, don’t know that they cannot do certain things, so they do them anyways. They survive and succeed. News in many cases, is like a big weight around your neck that weighs you down and holds you back. It holds you back.

So, like a dog, I would suggest that you ignore that big pile of shit on the sidewalk. Let other dogs smell it. There are other trees to pee on. Other places to run and play. Don’t let anyone tell you that you must smell that pile of shit and no others. You can choose your very own pile of shit and do with it as you may.

You, yes YOU, can choose your own pile of shit to smell. Don’t let anyone tell you what shit to smell.

What you can do

To steal a quote from the movie “Forrest Gump”, life is like a box of chocolates, you don’t know what you are going to get. But, my dear friends, you can most certainly choose the box. Don’t listen to the propaganda.

"Ben Rhodes from Obama’s national security apparatus made the comment that your average journalist today is 27. They don’t know anything; they believe everything we tell ’em. It was a snap. 

It was right out of the page of Jonathan Gruber, who was the architect of Obamacare, who after it was signed into law, ran around the country bragging about how easy it was to lie to the American people about it because the American people are essentially ignoramuses."

-Rush Limbaugh

Likewise, don’t do what all the other dogs do. Don’t go towards the biggest and most popular pile of shit. Be different, be selective in which shit that you smell. Only pee where you want to be.

Don’t go from tree to tree peeing indiscriminately. Use some thought and planning. I am sure that your life would benefit from some judicial peeing responsibility.

We cannot change the world, and maybe we shouldn’t even try. All that we can change is ourselves.

If there are something’s that I urge the reader to do, I would suggest the following;

  • Stop watching, reading, and viewing all the “major” media outlets. (CNN,MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc.)
  • Replace the time with something involving food, fresh air, friendships, or animals. (Oh, sex and pizza with wine would be a good thing also.)

Now, that should take care of most of your need to take medication (if you are an American). Now, in addition I would also suggest a phased approach of the following suggestions;

  • When you go on the internet, do not visit any of the “minor” news sites. (Drudge, Huffington Post, Forbes, WaPo etc.) Give yourself a break.
  • Replace the sites with websites that have interesting and in depth stories. (History, Discover, Messie Nessie, Dark Roasted Blend, The Art of Manliness, etc.)
  • Avoid sites that promise to tell you “the truth”. Or “fact check”, they will just inform you of what the truth is relative to the person who paid them. They are always lying for financial gain. While Snopes is perhaps one of the most famous, all of them utilize a financial model that promotes one version of the truth over others for financial gain. There is nothing free out there. You have to pay a price for everything. Being “educated” so you are manipulated is the price that you must often pay as an American.
  • Avoid “Social media”, like Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, or any of the others. If you need to go on it, pledge to stop using “likes”, and responding to posts.

Go there, do your task, and leave. A kitchen timer helps too.

The goal to all of this is to simplify your life by removing the anxiety and excitement of the internet from your life. You don’t need it. It hasn’t helped you at all, and it has only made your life miserable. Forgetaboutit.

I’ve noticed that in my rush to check out Tumblr, that I ended up acting like my dog anticipating a great pile of stinky poop. I just couldn’t wait to what was on my feed. But you know what? It’s just another addiction. It doesn’t really matter. Don’t be like my dog that just cannot wait to smell the freshest pile of shit in the park. Then he just has to pee on top of it. You don’t need it. It’s addictive, and other people know that you are addicted to it, and use that to control you.

Other people control you this way.

Some Final Comments

This being my opinions, and with the world populated with others, there will be some disagreements. Maybe some readers won’t like my comparisons between American news and dog shit. But, you know, that is exactly how most of America views the media, reporters, and those who are on the news shows. We think that they all stink.

Idea: 689,003 Facebook users participated in a social experiment during which researchers wanted to see what would happen if people started reading bad news every day. For an entire week, some users had to view news posts which had negative information, some of which were incredibly stressful emotionally. The opposite was also tested out by using positive news instead of negative posts.

Result: Like a lot of us instinctively predicted, reading lots of negative news over 7 days changed Facebook users' behavior online. Not only were they more prone to posting similar information as in the negative news more often, they were also more likely to emphasize negative emotions. Meanwhile, positive news stories made people feel happier, act more compassionately and kindly towards others. In other words, the news that we consume on social media shapes how we react because, on some level, we feel that what we see and read happens to us in reality.

Maybe some readers will take offense on what I have to say about Nazi’s, Liberal Progressives, and similar organizations like the Antifa and the KKK. Well, heck, that is what the First Amendment is for; the ability to speak your mind. Or to paraphrase the good Democrat Senator, “to express non-approved ideas on my five dollar blog”. Well, there is a solution that will prevent you from getting upset. Don’t read any of my opinions. Leave. Thank you.

This entire article is based on one thing; the musing that I had while I was walking my dog along the beach in front of my house. I noticed how excited he was smelling crap and his urgency to pee everywhere. In turn, I too wanted to see what the latest feed was on the news. And then, for a brief second of clarity, it became totally clear to me. Dogs and humans are the same.

We are the same, and you cannot convince me otherwise.

In my desire to keep my dog focused, and to keep him from getting hit by a car, I would often need to direct him. He cannot crap in the middle of a road, and not run blindly across a road to smell a fire hydrant. It is dangerous in many ways. As such, I need to help him and to protect him.

Isn’t that the same with us humans?

If we blindly react to the canned news that is fed to us, and the manipulative narratives that tug at our hearts and souls, we can get ourselves into a great deal of danger and hurt. I suggested the Russian narrative that is really being pushed by CNN, MSNBC, and Drudge. But other narratives are just as dangerous. America has been at war for over two hundred years. Don’t you think we all ought to give it up and chill out some? Really!

Take Aways

Well, there are some take aways from this dialog;

  • Dog poop is stinky.
  • Dogs like to smell things, and what they smell is more than we humans can understand.
  • News can be compared to dog crap.
  • There is no reason for us to be so interested in the news, as MOST news does not affect us personally.
  • News or Social Media is addictive to humans. It is like stinky shit to a dog.
  • Addiction to news can be dangerous, and it MIGHT be a contributor to the opioid problem in America today.
  • Manipulation of the news is equally dangerous, and could result in a most terrible turn of events.
  • I think that it might be a good idea to have Senators wear shock collars


Q: Do you think that all news is bad?
A: No. I am just concerned that all news is used to manipulate. Our addition to news and Social Media might be harmful to us.

Q: Do you hate dogs?
A: No. I actually love them. I also think that they should be permitted to smell all the stinky stuff they want. They just need to be careful so that they don’t get hurt in the process.

Q: Do you hate Senator Feinstein?
A: No. I think that she is more than a little confused.

Old age does that, you know. You forget things and your sense of judgment tends to be distorted. She came to Congress when telephones had dials and hung on walls. There was no such thing as computers, and people wrote letters with “Bic banana” pens. Everyone was saying “Groovy”, and the movie Jaws just came out.
I think she should have retired three or four decades ago. Like when Microsoft DOS first came out.

Q: Do you read the news and listen to it?
A: Yes I do. However, I have been actively trying to reduce the impact of it in my life. I think that I have been far too involved in it in the past. Looking back, I can see how silly it has been.

Posted On Free Republic

This article was posted on Free Republic in the chat section on 31JUL18. It was edited as the language was deemed improper. It used the word “shit”. The comments can be read HERE.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

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  1. Drafted 25MAR18.
  2. Updated 11APR18.
  3. Internet ready 28APR18.
  4. SEO check 8MAY18.
  5. FR posting update 1AUG18.

The Oxia Palus Facility

There are all kinds of extraterrestrial facilities in our solar system. All one needs to do is look for them with an open mind.

No, I am not referring to things that have a similarity to contemporaneous human articles. Like a lizard on the Martian surface, a statue, or a bone of an ox. Those are just fun optical illusions that some folk take quite seriously. It’s all just fun and silly nonsense. No, instead, I am referring to actual “brick and mortar” structures constructed by extraterrestrials that are viewed, photographed, and exploited by MAJestic.

This post is in regards to one of the facilities; the Oxia Palus facility on the planet Mars.

This facility is very interesting in that it is an active factory. It is a complete “stand alone” full-purpose facility with mining, habitation, water source, tunneling, and fabrication constructions. It is also occupied and the relationship between MAJestic and the occupants is a very interesting one. As such let’s just take a general look at this facility.

Now, of course, it’s not supposed to exist. 

Humans are alone in this universe, don’t ya know. It is just like the narrative that extraterrestrials do not exist, and that Americans aren’t taxed enough compared to the rest of the world, and of course that great knee slapper; Hillary Clinton never had anyone murdered. (You can read about it here, here, here, here, here, and here.) Those are realities that are dismissed off-hand by the ignorant, and those paid to do so. At this point, I must comment that if you (the reader) believe any of that “official” nonsense then you really just don’t belong here. This place is all about what I know, from my point of view. As such it does not fit into the narrative designed for general public consumption.

Ok, am I clear on this? So let’s go ahead and talk about this facility…


As stated previously, the facility is located on the planet Mars. It is not on the Earth. The specific physical location for the facilities(s) can be found at 3°7’17.34” North, 19°27’46.01’ West.  It is in the Oxia Palus region of the northern Mars hemisphere, slightly above the Martian equator.  (Thus the name.)

It consists of a number of satellite facilities, also large, but significantly smaller than the main base facility.  Most of the complex is under the ground. The only visible portions are the two external domes, gas discharge ports and ejection tubes, and the North-East Sally port to the main underground habitation area.

You can see it on Google Earth (Mars option) at coordinates M11-00099.  The last time that I checked using Google Earth, this area was censored.

3°7’17.34” North, 19°27’46.01’ West

The following is a screen capture of Google Earth showing the censored area. Luckily, there are other photographic references that can be used. The United States is not the only nation which has mapped Mars don’t ya know. Even India has sent spacecraft to Mars and orbited it. (Phew!)

Mars has been censored by Google. There are geologic and non-geologic structures that must be kept hidden and secret from American people.
Google censorship of the Oxia Palus facility on the surface of Mars. Google Earth censorship. (Author screen capture.)

The censorship is so bad (or obvious) that they have needed to make public statements regarding it. According to Google, things on Google Earth are censored by local governments, and that most censorship by the American government ended around 2005. Conveniently, that was right before Obama was elected president (in 2007). After all, he’s the most “transparent president”. (Bah Ha Haw!)

Today they claim that any and all censorship is driven by the needs of local governments to protect people’s privacy. Ah. There is no need to dispute that. Google is well known to censor the search items, and all of their products for all sorts of reasons, by all sorts of organizations, including the American (and other) governments. (All you need to do to accomplish this is to pay them enough money or offer them personal incentives. They are rather mercenary, don’t you know. I can’t blame them. They have gotten quite wealthy by observing the dictates of the “powers that be”. Same for Snopes, especially for Snopes, but that is another story for another time.)

That’s why Mars was censored; to protect privacy.

They now claim that in most cases the censorship is due to the quality of the images that they receive. In the case of the various Martian orbiters; Mars Odyssey, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), and the Mars Global Surveyor all simultaneously presented garbled images on every one of their multiple overpasses over this particular geographic location. You know, there are many articles praising the high quality images taken of Mars, and the high-resolution photos. Yet, for some reason, they never seemed to make it to the Google headquarters. Me thinks that someone had best wake someone up at that massive Google complex and tell them to clean up their act.

Now the truth be told, you and I both know that they were instructed to censor this location. We also know that the United States government are particularly anal about how private companies are able to disclose instructions from the United States government.  I am sure that the employees at Google would love not to censor, but their hands are tied on this matter. So, no hard feelings you Googlers, you.

Well, Google is of absolutely no use.  That should be expected So good luck finding anything of significance from any large American software company or any United States agency.  They only provide censored and sanitized images for common folk that fits a common, conventional narrative. They’ve got to keep the illusion alive don’t ya know.

Luckily, there are other photos available. Don’t use Google. It is a slick “user friendly” interface that provides absolute false and misleading information.  They do not do anything without permission by the American government. All those visits between the upper management and President Obama were for a reason. Young man, you need to go elsewhere.

Other Map Resources

There are other sources that the interested reader can turn to. Here are just a few that are available;

  • Bing Image Search. Note that the site scans for images, and only posts images that it can find. Looking for a specific photo here is often like looking for a “needle in a haystack”.
  • JPL. This is the site where the photos to follow were obtained from. However, finding the proper image is rather difficult.

The reader can find the location and zoom into it. The photo below shows the general location for the Oxia Palus facility as viewed from high orbit.

The Oxia Palus facility can be located quite readily on the Martian surface.
General location of the Oxia Palus facility on Mars. The general location of the facility. (Image Source)

Mapped Region

The following is a map generated from a different photograph of the same region on Mars. This map was taken on the 16 March 2000 and released by JPL. It was taken by the Mars Global Surveyor.

Raw image feed of Mars in the Oxia Palus region.
This is the raw image feed of the Oxia Palus facility. It is uncensored, and without modification; thus “raw”. It’s pretty difficult to find unedited Martian images on the internet today. So the reader needs to be careful. Raw Photograph of the Oxia Palus base. (Image Source)

The above is a (formerly) publically available photograph of the base taken and released to the public prior to the discovery of the facility. The reader should note that at this time the facility was not dormant. It was still generating heat, operating the furnaces, ejecting hot gasses, and discharging slag.

I ask the reader if they remember when Bill Clinton was President of the United States. Do you remember? Well, the photo above was taken during his presidency.

General Layout

The Oxia Palus Facility is located in the Oxia Palus quadrangle.  Its approximate location is considered to be at 20° west and 3° north in the northern hemisphere of the planet Mars.  This area is along the Martian equator.

There are numerous advantages for launching from a site near the equator, and it is suspected that these advantages were considered when the initial base was constructed.  There is evidence that one (of many, obviously) of the first considerations in the construction in this facility was the conservation of delta-V during operation.  This is an observation that suggests that their overall space flight technology was not nearly as sophisticated as their planet side construction ability.  This concern might be illusionary, however.

The exact location of the center of the triangle formed by the three major complexes is at 3°7’17.34″ N, 19°27’46.01″W.  This facility is amazingly ancient.  It is ancient from the point of view of human experience, as well as from the point of view of geologic time.

The Oxia Palus base is divided into three primary sections.  These sections consist of a [1] Main habitation area that lies underneath a large hill, and two externally exposed domes [2] and [3].  The underground habitat is (by far) the largest part of the facility.  It is well protected from any kinds of harmful radiation that might bombard the planet by the layer of protective dirt.  It also extends deep downward into the soil and rocks below.

The main habitation area houses the bulk of the living quarters for the residents of the base.  It also contains the life support, food, recreation (what is determined to be “recreation” resources), and living quarters. Access to interplanetary vehicular transport is through the sally port closest to the domes. The upper exposed domes house the industrial facility as well as the power support structure.

Of the exposed domes, the one that houses the power plant and supply facilities is the oldest dome.  It also houses the remains of a now obsolete or nonfunctional manufacturing facility and ejection chamber with the associate systems.  The former now lies in disused ruin outside the dome. It cannot be repaired or reused, as there is a section that is completely damaged.

Next to this dome is a newer “secondary” dome.  Inside of it is an expanded manufacturing facility that was constructed during a later phase of occupation.  The two domes are connected underground seamlessly such that it appears that this is one large self-contained facility structure, and not the two domes as the outside view would suggest.

The Oxia Palus facility is located on Mars and is an extraterrestrial mining facility.
Narrated view of the Oxia Palus facility showing ejection ports, domes, sally port and associated middens. View of the main complex and the two external domes.

This is an overhead view of the Oxia Palus base.  This photo was taken by the Mars Global Surveyor on 16 March 2000.  You can get the full sized image at Malin Space Imaging Systems.  (You’d best hurry before they take it down. People like YOU shouldn’t have access to this kinds of information, don’t you know.) This image is courtesy of JPL.

The primary dome resides under the small hill to the left of the picture.  The two industrial and power domes are to the right side of the picture.  The ejection nozzles from the facility can be clearly seen.  The photo is from NASA and I am sure that the rank and file employees did not know that was going on at the time. The photo was taken at one of the moments when there was material ejecting from the dome. Thus the bright white plume of gasses during ejection.

During ejection, the gases also carry away some debris and small particles. This is borne aloft by the local weather and tends to travel away from the ejection port. Typically, there is a Northwest trajectory for the gas plume during discharge.

The ejection nozzle(s) consist of a large tube that leads from the dome, crosses through the hill(s) in an excavated trough and then is on stilts like a railroad bridge above the Martian surface. Each time the hot gasses are discharged, there is a degree of wear and tear on the pipe. This eventually will damage the tube so that repairs are periodically required. It is not a safe activity, and repairs in the Martian atmosphere, high above the ground is not something that is taken lightly.


The Oxia Palus base is located near an ancient Martian lakebed.  Surrounding the area is a fluvio-lacustrine environment indicative of standing water in the remote past.  There was no indication that the flow of water occurred after the facility was created.  There was no apparent external evidence of water-type erosion on any of the facility structures at all.  However, evidence of airborne particulate erosion and damage was prevalent throughout the facility.

There was extensive evidence for the remains of ancient lakes, springs, and valleys that formed deltas where water once flowed a long, long time ago.  The local area was composed of both various compositions of clays and rocks.

Most of the rocks, we believe were carried off from distant areas during a wet period in the distant Martian past.  The rocks vary from slightly rounded pebbles (formed from abrasive water action) to imbricated rock clusters.  In this region, the rocks are mostly exposed with patches of hard crusty and compacted soils rich in minerals.

Generally, most rocks had sharp edges and were split in patterns indicative of the types of rocks found.  Apparently, the flow of water in the remote past was not of a long enough duration to create extensive water erosion on the rocks.  There weren’t beds of rounded pebbles like one would see around Earth Side Rivers.  Instead are found splintered and jagged rocks with slightly rounded edges.

Generally, the rocks are eroded by either water or air, and have an overall grey appearance.  But that is not obvious to the casual observer.  They are typically covered with a fine reddish dust that permeates everything in the region.  The rocks are typically layered with water erosion creating an exposed surface.  Most of the rocks near the facility were andesite’s however, ore bearing stone was found in ample quantities near the primary ore processing facility.

Water Under the Surface

The layering of rocks showed the encapsulation of ice within alternating layers of rock that are typically three meters thick (from nine to ten feet thick). In some areas, especially where there was evidence of clays and prior water flows, the layer thickness approaches 20 meters thick (that is around 90 feet).   Within the clays and gravels are encapsulated pockets of ancient water / ice containing a high concentration of salts and minerals.

There is also evidence of previous hot springs in the area as is indicated by the presence of Opaline silica bearing ores and gravels.  It is strong evidence for this that one of the apparent sites of liquid water to the site originated from an underground aquifer or possible hot springs site at one time.  It remains to this day a curious avenue of investigation, as are some of the mine tunnels most certainly mine(d) the ice found there.


The current occupants are NOT the ones who have first constructed the facility.  The species that made the facility abandoned it a long time ago. When they abandoned it, and who they were has never been ascertained.

It is currently occupied by humanoids with a “similarity” to contemporaneous earth-humans.  These individuals are there for the duration. They can never return back to their point of origination as they are now. They have been changed.

The occupants do not really understand the technologies at the facility and are learning as best they can. The facility is old and the equipment does tend to fail and malfunction. There are very few spare parts available to the staff there.

It is an ordered, semi-military / scientific / industrial  environment there, but the staff does not wear military uniforms. Instead, the occupants wear uniforms of a bluish color. The occupants have two sexes, with males being the dominant gender. Leadership is hierarchical through merit, and is all male. The few females that are present are involved in scientific and medical roles. Everyone there has multiple roles and multiple duties. The work hours are long. There are few days (off) for rest or relaxation. It is something that is not allowed or permitted for the current occupants.

While this facility is uniform of one species type, they do interact with other extraterrestrial species from time to time.

In general, the occupants are not a happy lot. This is not the biological environment that their physical bodies require. There is little in the way of entertainment. They spend much of their time during the occupation of this post engaged in work that was promoted to them as for the “betterment of their species”. There are no efforts to breed or grow families. This posting is a functional one and not a colony.


Access to the facility is via a portal.  There are numerous portals.  The primary personnel portal is located underground in the main habitat. There is also a utility portal located in the older dome, off to the side near the power generation area. It is a larger portal and is used as needed. The portals are not doors in the conventional sense, they are points of access where things can enter and leave from one geographical place to another.

Whenever there is interplanetary transport involved, the transports land next to the sally port and are accessed externally from that point. There are no other points for external access.

The vast bulk of visitors and supplies transit through the ports. Vehicular landings are rare. As are efforts related to egress from the facility, and external maintenance tasks.

Dome Wall

The two domes are constructed of an interesting material. It is the same for material for both dome walls. The material is not transparent, but is actually opaque. The thickness of the material apparently varies over the total surface of the wall, with the thicker sections being closest to the (lower) local Martian topography. They are thicker at the base than at the apex.  The thickness is also neither uniform nor regular in any way.  This is a confusing attribute and suggests an organic construction methodology.  The thickness varies from just over three cm (an inch thick) at the apex to over 0.6 meters (two feet) thick at the base.

The domes at the Oxia Palus facility on Mars had a variable cross section.
Typical cross section of the dome wall(s) at the Oxia Palus facility.

The most outwardly visible aspect of this base, as well the reason how it was discovered in the first place, are the two external domes.  These domes are large structures, which from the outside appear to be smooth, featureless surfaces.

However, the appearance is deceptive. It is not actually true.  The outer skin of the domes shows signs of wind borne weathering.  This was especially noticeable when one stands outside the domes and can physically observed the surface close up.  A person can feel the roughness even through their gloved hand.

The shapes of the domes are not spherical.  Instead they are elliptical.  This is not only in regard to the overall top projection, but also in terms of the cross sectional views.  This too, lends one to conclude that the manufacturing and construction methods used were more of an applied organic technique of some significance and utility.

The domes did not interface with the surrounding Martian bedrock as one would assume.  On the earth we use a poured concrete foundation solidly located upon a prepared flat bed, but apparently this was not the case at all.  Here, they actually used some kind of technique that would cause a merging or transmutation of the dome material with that of the surrounding bedrock.  It is unknown how this was accomplished.

Dome Material

The dome material is apparently a closed-cell ceramic-appearing composite material. Yet its composition was neither entirely a metal, nor a ceramic.  It was something altogether different.  The material is currently opaque, but possibly was translucent at one time.  Apparently the weathering of the outside domes affected this property. Both domes have weathered differently over time.

Structurally it is a polyaromatic amide. That is, it contains aromatic and amide groups.   One could say that for the most part, the individual polymer strands of the wall material were held together by hydrogen bonds that form between the polar amide groups on adjacent chains.  The aromatic components of the polymers in the material had a radial (spoke-like) orientation, which gave a high degree of symmetry and regularity to the internal structure of the fibers.

What was the most unique characteristic of the material was that silica tetrahedron. This tetrahedron is composed of a single silicon atom surrounded by four equidistant oxygen atoms, all seemed to be embedded within “pockets” that were structurally oriented around the polyaromatic amides.  That was confusing.  Generally, the silica structure is the basic structure for many ceramics, as well as glass. It has an internal arrangement consisting of pyramid (tetrahedral or four-sided) units.   Four large oxygen (0) atoms surround each smaller silicon (Si) atom.

When silica tetrahedrons share three corner atoms, they produce layered silicates (talc, kaolinite clay, mica). When silica tetrahedrons share four comer atoms, they produce framework silicates (quartz, tridymite).  But, by being embedded within malleable “pockets’ the material was able to link the individual polymer strands of the wall material on adjacent chains.  Thus a situation of enormous strength was achieved, while at the same time the ease of manufacture of clay-like products was facilitated.

At least that is the theory. No one has ever tried to duplicate this engineering feat. At least, I am not aware of it. But, then, what do I know? No body ever tells me anything.

If samples were to be taken at various points in the dome wall structure, one would notice  Frenkel-defect’s in the lattice arrangements of the crystals near the upper most portion of the dome.  This is a characteristic of both domes, with the primary dome (the oldest) having the most defects.

Obviously the material consisted of degraded aramid fibers, fragile ionic bonding, and strange material forms that made no sense altogether.  We should not bother with this kind of dedregration, and simply label it fossilized junk and leave it at that.

Ah, but all this is speculative. Don’t ya know…


The initial intended purpose of this facility was to process ores into raw material. It is primarily a smelting facility.  It has since been repurposed for scientific study, and some other specialized activities.

There are actually two factories at the location. There is [1] an original factory, and [2] a newer replacement factory.

Each facility lies under a dome that is constructed at the side of the hills at that location. Each facility has a gas ejection port that is elevated above the ground and leads away from the facility proper. When gas is ejected, it is discharged away from the facility and shielded by the low hills.

Slag and other residue are carted out of the facility through a port that lies under the old (initial) dome. The newer facility utilizes the port in the older facility. It is a “shared” port for slag egress. The ore is carted down a pathway and discharged into numerous piles or middens.

All contemporaneous operations are conducted out of the newer facility. The older facility was scrapped and the parts that could be reused were incorporated into the replacement facility. All what remains now are the foundations under the dome, and the long gas discharge tube.

Both facilities were created by the original builders of the facility. The entire facility was abandoned at some time in the past, and is now repurposed under new “management” with a different species.


Currently, the open space under the original dome holds storage and processing equipment. It is also, where the mines open up and access the processing facility.  Under the facility is a warren of mines that plunge down deep into the Marian rock. These mines have numerous levels, and they branch outward from the facility. All of the tunnels connect to the original dome and use the main elevator system located there.

The elevator system is dissimilar from what one would find on Earth under human construction. It utilizes a completely different system of transport. However, stars and ramps are often quite similar to their human counterparts. The only difference is the step height, width, and breadth is quite uncomfortable for human use.

When ore is mined, it is carted to the original facility dome, stored until needed, and then delivered to the new replacement facility dome next door. Once processed, the slag is discarded through the port under the original dome into piles of middens. The processed material is stacked and organized under the original dome.


The smelting operation is functionally not that much different from what is conducted traditionally on earth. Ore is mined and collected. The ore is then undergoes redox to free the desired minerals from the ores. In the Oxia Palus facility, the process involves heat and pressure. It generates gas, and that hot gas needs to be discharged carefully away from the facility.

During the process, there is a tremendous amount of heat that is generated. Not only inside the equipment involved in the smelting process, but also inside the protective dome, that surrounds the facility. During the operation, this heat builds up, and causes a kind of condensation on both the inside and the outside walls of the dome, and wispy vapors in the thin Martian atmosphere. Inside the workers need to be very careful. While the dome itself is amazingly robust, periodic checks must occur to guarantee that the stability of the facility is maintained. The temperature and pressure cycling of the dome is typically very uncomfortable for the workers there.

Temperature swings of 40 to 50 degrees Celsius is not unheard of. So if the ambient temperature of the interior (new) dome is say 20 degrees Celsius (around 68F), the temperature can become a very uncomfortable 70 degrees Celsius (around 150F) when the facility is in operation.

The equipment primarily consists of a huge chamber that combines the ore, heat and pressure together. There is equipment to add various other materials to the molten mix after the smelting operation. This equipment can add materials in solid, liquid and gaseous states. Materials to add are provided in ingots if solid, and within elliptical containers if in a gaseous or liquid state.

The equipment has problems and often breaks down.

Part of the reason for this is age. Part of the reason is due to the inexperience of the present staff.


This facility is ancient. It was constructed a very, very long time ago.

No one has been successful in dating the facility. As the aging process on earth is different than on Mars simply because the atmosphere is quite different. No serious investigator has considered a recent date for this facility.  It is old, but not just “human old” it is “geologic old”. The age of this facility defies the human experience.

Further, the illusion of the passage of time as perceived by humans varies from planet to planet. The gravitational effect of the planet and the orbit contributes to the perception of time. When you change the geographical location, you will also change your perceptions. Time is not what we think it is. Nor is reality.

With that in mind, it is impossible to place a comparative age on the facilities present at the Oxia Palus facility. It is truly like comparing apples with bananas.

What we can do, however, is speculate on the age of the earth at the time of when the Oxia Palus facility was constructed. This is easier, though the illusion is temporary. Time passes differently on Mars for biological creatures, especially transplanted ones. Please understand that everything is relative from the point of view of the observer.

There are those who suggest that the age is relatively recent, while others posit a much older date. From what little we know, and what we can conjecture, it is all just a “crap shoot”. There is nothing at the facility that would be able to give us any idea of when it was constructed relative to what was going on around the earth at that slice of time.

For my own reasons, I have my own opinions that place the first construction of this facility many millions of years in the past. However, those are just my thoughts based on things that I cannot disclose at this time. As far as the reader is concerned, it is simply a very ancient facility.

So what?

I think that it should be enough to know that there are other intelligence’s “out there”. One of the problems with secrecy is that no one knows where to put limits on it. Sure we do not need to “let the cat out of the bag” regards to specific technologies and things that can provide us strategic advantage, but some basic rudimentary truths should not be harmful to anyone.

We don’t need to waste time trying to figure out “are we alone in the universe?” We aren’t. In fact, the galaxy is a very ordered place. This is especially true in our local area (A spherical bubble with a radius of around 25 LY.). It is like a well-tended and well-manicured garden. It’s not some kind of wild expanse where we can grab habitable planets as soon as we are able to travel to them. We just cannot do that. We need to ask for and obtain permissions.

Listen up, people.

Our galaxy is really much like a baseball game in a jam-packed stadium. The game has been going on all afternoon. The crowd is all involved in the game. There are people selling hotdogs, soda and beer. Nearby are some fans chatting about the game. Some people are comparing player stats. While other people are just chatting with each other talking about the game, the weather, and other trivial matters.

Meanwhile, we humans are like a baby sitting in a child-carrier on one of the stadium seats, totally fixed on the pacifier that is in our chubby little hand.


This facility was not intended to be anything other than a smelting operation.  It was discovered, and occupied by interested local parties once proper permissions were obtained. (Permission needed to be obtained, and assistance was needed to transport staffing to the facility.) The staffing involves trained individuals who were recruited after their secondary education. The site was repurposed for scientific study.

Americans are not to be told of the existence of this facility.

Take Aways

  • There is an extraterrestrial facility located at Oxia Palus on the planet Mars.
  • This facility is a smelting operation.
  • The facility is ancient.
  • It is currently repurposed as a center for study of the technologies of those whom built the facility.
  • The American government believes that it is important to keep the knowledge of this facility secret.


How about a Request For Help? I tire of busybodies and statists who poke fun at the ideas and theories of others. They offer no constructive dialog. Rather they just make fun, ridicule, and then scurry under a rock.

I use this forum as a way to disseminate some of the things that I learned though my thirty years of involvement in MAJestic. However, I am forbidden to posit my knowledge directly. I cannot tell the interested, the “secrets of the universe”. The best that I can do is share my opinions about things that interest me, and flavor it indirectly with my forbidden understandings.

To help put this in perspective, put yourself in my shoes…

Imagine that you are working at a company with a brutal NDR. You cannot divulge anything about what you are involved in for any reason.

 Now, let’s suppose that for thirty years you were involved in training unicorns to dance with bigfoot. To help with your training, the Lock Ness Monster would gather “magical beans” that you would award the unicorns when they did a particularly impressive dance move; like the cha cha or a nice rendition of the samba.

 Now, there is no way that you can talk about unicorns, bigfoot, or the Lock Ness Monster. But, the NDR doesn’t cover “magic beans”. So in the best interests of society, you might want to posit your thoughts about growing “magic beans” and how they might be of interest to imaginary creatures.

 That is the situation that I find myself in.

So, if you, the reader, were so interested, I would welcome your thoughts on this matter. I would welcome your theories as to why Google censors Mars. I would welcome your ideas on what an ore processing facility is doing in Oxia Palus. I would welcome your ideas as to the location of the deposits of ice under the surface. I would welcome your thoughts on the possible repurposing of this facility.

This is my callout, to you the reader, to assist all of us in solving these mysteries. After all, this is a far better use of the internet than for looking at Justin Bieber videos.


Q: Do extraterrestrials exist?
A: Yuppur, but don’t tell an American that. They are not to know anything. How do I know? All American government agencies make a point to censor all information. They do not do this on their own. They do it under direction.

Q: Will man ever walk on Mars?
A: The question is framed poorly. Perhaps it should be “Has man ever walked on Mars?”.

Q: What is a smelting operation?
A: To smelt is to take a rock, and apply temperature and pressure until a metal drips out. The metal is then collected and the waste is thrown away as “slag”. The process says pretty much the same from whence early man started to smelt tin and copper. There has been advances in technology, most certainly, but the process is still pretty much unchanged.

Q: What is done with the material that is collected at the facility?
A: It is formed into set predefined shapes and shipped elsewhere where it is used for various construction projects.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

The Gorilla Cage in the Basement

Sometimes we are exposed to dark secrets when we are little. It isn’t until we are much older when we realize what we were exposed to. Ah. When I was a young boy, perhaps five or six years old, I used to play around in our neighborhood. There is nothing strange about that. All the children did it…

As a Young Boy

Children play. That is how they learn. At that time, childhood was spent either outside alone in “free ranging” play or in front of the television set.

Television was big, but still had a lot of room to grow. We would watch “Diver Dan”, and “Hoody Doody”, “Soopy Sales” while our parents were busy. At night we would watch “Gilligan’s Island”, “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.”, “The Twilight Zone”, “The Rat Patrol” and “Lassie”. This was at a time during my early formative years. Naturally, our television was black and white.

At that time I lived in Bridgeport, Connecticut. If there is one thing that I can say about it is this; it was quite different from what it is now. At that time, it looked a little like “Mayberry R.F.D”. Our neighborhood was all Caucasian. My school mates were mostly Catholic, and the immigrant children that I played with came from Germany, Poland and France. Today, well it looks quite different indeed.

Where we lived was a community of duplex apartments that catered to the rising middle class. Our parents, in the early Beatle years (early 1960’s), let us play outside and be children. There was none of that contemporaneous perpetual observation and structured play. We were free to roam and engage in unstructured play.

Which, of course, was something that we most certainly did.

The Abandoned Building Next Door

Adjacent to our housing complex was an abandoned flower garden. It was wedged between our housing complex and a (then new) school complex known as the Kennedy Center. There, we would play our childhood games, and explore the ruins. We would play “Army” and shoot at each other with plastic guns. We all had snap-cap pistols that resembled six-shooters. We would wear them in a holster that draped around our waist. We also had various larger toy arms. The Thompson tommy-gun was popular, as was a M1 carbine, and my favorite was the M14 with action sound. If we didn’t have our toy guns with us, we would cut down some branches with our cub scout knives and pretend that they were guns instead.

There, we would hunt each other in the brambles, bushes and ambush others from the tree tops. It was a time of running around on broken glass and exposed nails. In fact, I even ended up stepping on a protruding nail and had to get a tetanus shot as a result. Yeah, I ended up crying from the pain. It went right up through the sole of my shoe and was solidly lodged in my foot. Never the less, as a five or six year old, we loved all the debris and ruin. It was one huge playground to us.

The flower garden was more than just a small patch of overgrown weeds. It had, at one time, been a small working farm. On the property was a small craftsman-style bungalow, and behind it were rows and rows of straight cement paths that were used to plant roses and other flowers that were sold in the bungalow office. The flowers were still there. They were a colorful mess of tangled brambles, weeds, and odd flowers. It was obvious, even to us children, that the property was used to grow and sell flowers. In the decaying garage were stacks of clay earthenware flower pots (covered in green moss), bags of mulch (or something equivalent) and mechanical implements used in the tending of shrubs and flowers. We would climb in and out of the broken windows and even push ourselves up onto the roof. Occasionally we would jump down to the ground, and it hurt!

Pretty ballsy for a five year old, eh?

As a ruin, the structure was pretty typical. Thick rusty red water poured out of the faucets when you opened them up. The windows were all broken. The front door was open and the outer screen door was just a wooden frame with tattered collapsed rusty screening. The front lawn was overgrown and to us kids, the grass was as high as our waists. In and buried within the grass were bits of broken everything.

The second floor in the bungalow consisted of two rooms, and both were flooded with paper and unopened letters. That was it. It was a fully empty area filled with bags of unopened mail. As kids we would open the letters to see what was inside. They were just bills and boring letters. There just wasn’t anything exciting there.

The first floor consisted of a rear kitchen painted yellow with white trim, with windows over the sink that overlooked the rear gardens. The ancient white refrigerator was outside lying on its’ side. It was of the antique type with condenser coils on the top. It lay there like some kind of beached whale. The entry rooms were filled with piles of debris which seemed to be mostly display cabinets and a handful of chairs. The bathroom was outside. It was an outhouse with two toilet “holes” that were side by side. You know, for family or close friend use. On the floor were old ears of corn. Needless to say, we didn’t play in that.

The most interesting feature of this bungalow was its basement.

The Basement

Off from the kitchen was a nondescript door. It opened up to a staircase going down into darkness. Alongside the walls of the steps were old rusty cans of paint, dusty and cobweb covered mops, wires wrapped on nails, and boxes of rusty nails. The stairs plunged into pitch black darkness.

When we were able to brave the darkness and go downstairs, the stairs opened up to a landing in a large single room. It was a big open room made of cement cinderblocks. Light illuminated the dirty floor through low and dusty rectangular windows set at the sides of the cellar. There really wasn’t anything particularly interesting about the place, as it was filled with rubbish and rusty metal shelving containing empty wooden boxes, cans and empty glass bottles. There were piles of clutter. Even to us children, the clutter was dirty and uninteresting.

The clutter contained such things as cheap paintings of clowns (Why?), and oils of cats with enormous big sad eyes. There just wasn’t any toys of interest there. The closest thing was a speckled finish set of bongo drums, minus the drum covers. Even as a young boy, I didn’t want to touch the greasy filthy rubbish. It was a place where rats, mice and black widow spiders lived. I wouldn’t have anything to do with it.

Looking around, we soon discovered that set into the wall was a hidden door. The door was made out of matching cinderblocks. It rested on a rusty frame that pivoted outwards, and was stuck and frozen in place. When closed, it was obvious that you wouldn’t be able to see that there was a concealed door at all. However, now, we could easily see the door as it was stuck in the open position and held in place with a dirt floor.  The door did not have an obvious handle. It looked like it could swing open and be bolted in place with a heavy rusted steel bar.

What was most interesting to us was what lay behind that hidden door.

The Gorilla Cage

For set in the exact middle of the room was a low cage. It too had a door that was frozen in the open position. The lower parts of the cage were all buried in the dirt of the floor. The bars were quite thick and were maybe ¾ inch thick. The top also had bars. It stood about five feet high, large animal size, and was maybe 5 feet by 5 feet square.

The door was set in the middle of one side. A rusty chain with a rusty padlock was affixed to the front door above an old keyhole lock.

We called it “the gorilla cage”.

It was empty. The floor of the basement had somehow flooded at some point in time and a layer of dirt covered everything.

We would play around this cage as children.  We would take turns standing inside of the cage, and play “tag” inside the building. Like the other room, this room also had windows, but they covered with slats. The light would shine through the broken slats and fall flat upon to the dusty floor. It would give the dirty and dingy basement a medieval feel.

I know nothing about the cage, or why it was there. As such, the cage is just a dusty mystery that has been forgotten over the years.


It wasn’t until decades later that I began to ponder the cage. Was it where a gorilla was kept? No, most certainly not. That was just a name coined by our childhood friends. As I grew older I began to wonder about that cage. What was it doing within a secret room? Indeed, why was there a secret room under a flower garden in the first place? What was its history?

Could if have been used to illegally import banned animals? No, not very likely. In the United States in the 1950’s and 1960’s there really wasn’t much in terms on legal restrictions on the importation of animals of any kind.

Perhaps the owners of the house had a pet lion, or tiger. Perhaps that was where they kept it. They would keep it down there and play with it from time to time. Maybe they actually had a pet gorilla, or maybe a monkey that they would take out with an organ grinder music box and have the monkey collect change from passers’ by. Perhaps they used the cage as some kind of safe. The bars were strong and thick. They were the bars used to hold convicts, not casual animals in a pet store. They obviously kept it well locked. After all, it had both a locked chain and a keyhole lock on it.

It has remained a mystery to me.

Today it is a long forgotten history. In fact, if it wasn’t for this post, this history would have ended when the building was torn down in 1964. As such, it is a personal curiosity. It is something that I experienced and offers yet another mystery of the past that will never be solved.

I tend to believe that the world is filled with such mysteries and secrets. Many times curious and strange events and actions are kept secret from others. The secrets remain with the observers, and when the die the histories behind those secrets die with them. This is but one small example of one such secret.

What do you think?

Some people have suggested that this might have been used for nefarious purposes in the past. Others suggest that maybe it was used to hold the most valuable roses and flowers, or the secrets to their growth, within that locked cage. Still others think that it was nothing of consequence, just a set of bars that just looked like a cage.

I don’t know what to think. Anyone have any ideas?

Take Aways

  • Many children can play in abandoned buildings and not die.
  • Someone, at some time, played bongo drums under a flower garden.
  • People used to think that paintings of clowns were attractive decorations.
  • Discoveries made as a child can develop into mysteries as we age.
  • There are things that we will never know about, and can only speculate on.
  • It is mysteries like this that fuel our imaginations.


How about a Request For Help? I tire of busybodies and statists who poke fun at the ideas and theories of others. They offer no constructive dialog. Rather they just make fun, ridicule, and then scurry under a rock.

I use this forum as a way to disseminate some of the things that I learned and experienced. I use it to tell stories so that others can learn and grow from my experiences. So I have to ask, what are you (the reader’s) experiences? Are they similar to this? Have you also found paintings of clowns in long forgotten basements? Have you ever played the bongos? Maybe you have recited poems while playing the bongos? What stories do you have? Don’t let them die when you pass on. Share them, we all are listening.


Q: Can children play in abandoned buildings?
A: Yes, they can, but caution is strenuously advised. A parent certainly needs to teach the child how to behave and what to watch out for prior to any excursion.

Q: What is a cage doing in the basement?
A: That is the big mystery.

Q: Can the cage hold people?
A: Yes. Anyone locked in the cage would have a very difficult time getting out.

Q: Can people have a gorilla as a pet?
A: Not in the United States today. Pets and animals are regulated for personal use.

Q: Can you have a pet monkey?
A: Sure. You will need to check with the local ordinances in your city or town.

  • Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

    Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

    Mad scientist
    Gorilla Cage in the basement
    Work in the 1960's
    School in the 1970s
    Cat Heaven
    Corporate life
    Corporate life - part 2
    Build up your life
    Grow and play - 1
    Grow and play - 2
    Baby's got back
    A womanly vanity
    The Warning Signs
    Army and Navy Store
    Playground Comparisons
    Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

    More Posts about Life

    I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

    Being older
    Civil War
    Bronco Billy
    r/K selection theory
    How they get away with it
    Line in the sand
    A second passport
    Paper Airplanes
    Taxiation without representation.
    Make America Great Again.
    1960's and 1970's link
    Democracy Lessons

    Stories that Inspired Me

    Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


    Articles & Links

    • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
    • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
    • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
    • You can find out more about the author HERE.
    • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
    • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Initially drafted on 8MAR18.
  2. Edited for publication 20APR18.
  3. SEO check 8MAY18.

Calexit and the American Civil War

The American Civil War was a tumultuous time. A number of states were very unhappy with the federal government and wanted to leave the union. The federal government would have none of that. Instead, they wanted the states to obey the dictates from Washington. Is that any different from today?

Let’s look at Calexit from a historical perspective.

When I was in school I was quite the history buff. Indeed, one of my most favorite classes was history. I would read my textbooks for fun, and I completely absorbed the information there like a sponge. It didn’t matter what I was reading. I loved it all…

As a Boy Growing Up

Like all boys my age, I was interested in everything. My historical interests varied considerably. It was everywhere from giant man-eating dinosaurs (or so I believed, heh heh) to buried temples of gold. It ran the gambit from the German experience on the Eastern battlefront against the Russians, to the mysterious tunnels under the ground in South America. Like most other children, I devoured reading about the mysteries of the past, the huge cities buried under the sand in Egypt, and the American Indians. When I grew older, I went and visited many of the earthen mounds built by the various American Indians. I visited historical reenactments of Civil War battles, and would go out and search the fields for “arrowheads” and other evidence of a life long gone.

The area where I grew up was filled with history. No, it wasn’t the same kind of history that one would find in the streets of Rome, or in the mountains of Peru. It was local history. It was the lore of the families that lived where I lived. As it was a very colorful place. People such as Davy Crockett, and Johnny Appleseed trundled through the woods in the past. Others would paddle by canoe up and down the river trading in animal hides. Battles were fought against the French, and the British. Indian tribes came and went. Industry grew, and then collapsed. The hills were alive with secrets. These were secrets that my friends could only whisper about. Least their parents found out.

There were isolated (and well-hidden) caves with shackles hammered into the low stonewalls. There were aged and overgrown platforms, often in inaccessible sections high up on the sides of cliffs. There were hermits living in tumble down sheds living with a pack of dogs. There were old men, living alone, who eked out a living with their lone oil well. Thrashing through the woods, we would sometimes run across an old millstone, or an abandoned train tunnel; dark and cool with water dripping down from the ceiling.

Local Lore

As a boy, we all knew about local lore. We knew about the early smelting furnaces that dotted the sides of the Allegheny River. For that is how American steelmaking began. It started in Western Pennsylvania. As there were all the elements necessary for the dawn of the steel industry. There was iron ore. Coal, and easy water transport. Ore was transported by river to the furnaces, smelted, and turned into iron ore. Then the ore went downstream to the emerging metropolis of Pittsburgh where it was turned into steel.

We would ride our bicycles (“banana seatSchwinn with “drag strip” rear tires and “ape hanger” handle bars), along the old train tracks and dirt roads to the now abandoned communities alongside the river. Then, once we would visit the long overgrown communities, we would explore. We would collect one hundred year old bottles, crawl in and out of the decaying wood structures, and walk along the ancient stone walls and decaying “spring houses”.

The nearest abandoned town to us was Sara Furnace, but there were many others. This included such communities as Redbank Furnace, Allegheny Furnace, Cornwall Furnace, and Sligo Furnace. These were communities that revolved all around a central smelting furnace. These were large stone structures, which resembled an Egyptian pyramid in shape. I have another article totally devoted to this subject, and the reader can get their fill of this most interesting tidbit of Pennsylvania lore HERE.

Obviously, I grew up in the coalfields of Western Pennsylvania.

The Earth was filled with History

My interests weren’t limited to one or two centuries hence. I loved all history. This included mysteries and secrets from long, long ago.

For instance, when I was around ten years old, there were renovations at a pool that we attended. While my family was out swimming, I would go through the shale that the diggers unearthed. (Yeah, I was very weird.) In the shale, I would find images of forgotten plants and animals, and fossils of a time long before the introduction of man. I would collect these rocks. Let me tell you, it drove my mother crazy. In no time, I had my walls and bedroom shelves filled with the patterns of millions of years old leaves, twigs, and plants. Who knows where these rocks are today. They were probably dumped at the side of the road when I left for college.

The past has always been an interest of mine.

"I've never owned, or was a slave, and a large percentage of our forefathers weren't wealthy enough to own one either. Please stop blaming me because some prior white people were idiots -- and remember, tons of white, Indian, Chinese, and other races have been enslaved too -- it was wrong for every one of them. "

-Ted Nugent

Western Pennsylvania was known for its coalmines, and steel mills. Like everyone there who worked in mines, were tales of all sorts of things that would fall out of the rock and shale that we dug up. Things such as metal pins, nails, chains, parts of metal pots and other odd things were always falling out of the coal chunks. They would leave behind their impressions in the rocks, like a mold. These were not borderline curiosities. No. These were complex metal parts; formed, machined and cast metal parts that somehow found their way into rock hard chunks of coal.

This is not just hearsay. When I was in my teens, I worked at the rock crusher at the coalmines. I saw it happen numerous times with my own eyes. I felt the coal and rock. I ran my finger along the natural molds that the parts came out of.

Many times the parts would be tossed. After all, who wants to pocket a nail, or an oddly shaped screw, or an unusual shaped metal part? We certainly didn’t. Now we might have kept these items if they resembled a coin or an arrowhead. However, when an interesting part would tumble out of the chunk, it usually went to the tipple supervisor. My supervisor (Barney) actually had a small collection of various metal constructions that resembled doll-sized teapots, splayed leg holders, and shined-side metal pan lids.

Back then, my job was to make sure that the rock would enter the crusher and not get hung up. To this end, I would stand above the rock crusher, standing on metal slits, and would use a pole to push the coal chunks into the crushing machine below. It was quite dangerous work. As numerous times I had slipped and fell below onto the coal as it was entering the rock crusher. I would need to crawl back up to the top of the bin so that I would not get eaten by the crushing jaws below. I would quickly scramble upward and grab hold of the slats and pull myself up through the bars. It was frightening, but after a few times, it was no big deal. It was fine because no one ever got hurt. Though, I did lose a hard hat or two as they were chewed up into tiny bits.

We worked alternating shifts. About half the time we worked “the tipple” which was where we stood above the rock crusher, and fed the coal into the maws of death. The other half of the time, we worked below underneath. Here we would sort out the junk that came out from the crushed rocks. The crushed rocks would enter the top in huge chunks the size of a washing machine. Then once it was crushed, it would be in the size of a toaster with many pieces of gravel-sized debris. This would consist of chunks of clay, and all sorts of things. Not only rocks, gravels, and tree limbs, but also everyday-trash tumbled down below. This would include anything from beer cans, to doll heads, and bent up license plates.

I, myself, have seen odd things fall out of a cracked block of coal. These were impossible things. Such as worked screws and nails. Things that were too impossible to exist. As we humans are only a few thousands of years old, don’t ya know.

Yah. Don’t ya know…

It was my interest in history that caused me to take additional classes in history and anthropology while I was attending college. In fact, one of my favorite classes involved a summer excavation of the remains of an Indian community on the banks of Lake Erie in Pennsylvania. There, I would joyously excavate cm by cm a one-meter square plot of ground. I found scrapers, “arrow heads” (which really weren’t for arrows, but rather the tips of spears), and various implements used in the grinding of corn.

Ah, but that is a story for another time…

A Fan of History

The point is that I am a fan of history. I cannot say that I am an expert, but I have more than just a mere passing interest in it.  You, the reader, can consider me an interested amateur.

To me, history is about people.

It is not about dates, rules, laws and places. It is about the hopes and dreams of those whom have come before. I would read their stories and imagine what I would do if I were “in their shoes”. I could imagine myself building a log cabin in the woods. I could easily picture myself as a Roman soldier with my legion. I could see myself sailing around the Grecian islands. I could even picture myself wearing a funny white powdered wig and dancing in a palace in Paris. I always enjoyed reading about historical events. I am the kind of guy who would buy a book on an interesting segment of history. This included such things as war, adventure, romance, and science.

I have collected books on a wide and diverse range of subjects. These things were all over the place. From a guide to ancient Roman fashion, multiple old school texts, and translations of Samarian clay tablets. In fact, I would collect former history textbooks that I picked up in yard sales and repurposed them for casual bathroom reading. I used to have a stack in “my” bathroom full of old history books, copies of Discover and Omni magazine, old copies of the “Freak Brothers”, a tattered old “Last Whole Earth Catalog”, and some ancient “Men’s Magazines” (such as “Men’s Adventure”) and a “Mad Magazine” or two. Which is the reason, don’t you know, among others why this post is written.

I like to read, and I especially love stories from history.

I enjoy history. It holds meaning to me, and helps to explain to me the trends and behaviors of modern culture. I say this because contemporaneous American culture and society is perplexing to me. The only way that I can sort it out is through the prism of those who have come before us. I look at the lessons of the past to help understand the complexities of the present. And, unless you have been living under a rock, life today is very complex.

As stated previously, this post is written as a knowledgeable fan of history and NOT as an expert.

History has been Rewritten and it is Insulting

My current concern is the manipulation of the historical record for political gain.

"Mr. Obama never missed an opportunity to sew racial divide. During his term in the Oval Office, racial relations literally went off the cliff. Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle promoted the false narrative that white America was literally guilty of hunting down blacks with glee. They whipped up resentment in minority communities against the police, even though a Harvard study found that blacks are no more likely to be killed by police than whites."

-L. Todd Wood 

Ah, it is true. History is constantly being rewritten. There is a saying that the history of war is always written by the victors. I tend to agree with that. You don’t have to be an Egyptian pharaoh to chisel away the records and deeds of your predecessors. All you need to do is to hit the reset button and rewrite the dialog. For today as in the past, history today is defined by those in power. This means, unfortunately, that those who have the most money get to define what our past was.

So that anti-social nerd that you laughed at in school, you know the one who is now worth billions of dollars, can direct the narrative of your past. That über -rich American-Hungarian Nazi collaborator can now direct how your children learn history. That lazy dope-smoking ignoramus from the back of the school classroom who is now in government can dictate what to put in textbooks.

My gawd, the world is being run by imbeciles.

We all know (or should know) that historical perspectives vary from geographical narrative to geographical narrative. The American “War of Independence” is described quite differently to students in Britain.

A perfect example of this is in China. What is being taught in Chinese schools is quite different than what is taught in American schools. For example, in China the “Cultural Revolution” in China is described quite differently (in horror as a great mistake) than what is being taught in American universities as a massive success of liberal progressive ideals.

We all can see this. There should be nothing surprising about this at all.

Look about how Stalin had airbrushed people out of photos. Look at how China discusses Tiananmen. Look at how ISS treated museums. And all of this is only about published books, journals and magazines. Now consider adding the Internet to the mixture of sources that can be manipulated and rewritten. In fact, the Internet is one big “whiteboard” (Blackboard, for those older readers.) that is constantly being rewritten to fit whatever purposes deemed necessary by those with the funds, time, and resources to do so.

However, it would take time. Typically, it would take a decade to change public opinion. It would take about one generation to bring people about.

That is, until the Internet came about.

Where once it would take a full generation before the revised history could manifest. It can now be accomplished within weeks. Or, months at the latest.  In the past, old texts would be discarded and replaced with new texts. The changes and revisions were slight. They were small, and were too insignificant to be concerned about. However, that is all different today. Within weeks, or at worst, months, a complete new narrative can be concocted and presented as the “truth” to an unwitting public.

History is Rewritten for a Purpose

History is often changed for political purposes.

For example, it was difficult to have American Western expansion in and through Indian held territory unless the Indians were presented as wild savages, and barbaric non-humans. It was difficult to convince immigrants of the Midwest to join forces to battle the Germans in World War I. To enter into war in the Mideast, we had to fight to “save” the people of Kuwait. To battle against Iraq we had to prevent nuclear armageddon because they supposedly had weapons of mass destruction.

To justify the attack on the Falkland Islands, Argentina needed a massive propaganda campaign to convince the citizenry that war was justified. To round up and kill Jews, Hitler spent years readying the German people through propaganda and targeted attacks. In the United States, the War on Drugs spent enormous amounts of money on propaganda. Indeed, if history tells us anything it is this; in order for the population to be compliant with changes in society, they need to be primed and acquiescent.

It’s fine when you have uneducated people walking around in a daze, for they are easily manipulated. The problem comes when not everyone is asleep.

Elected officials are like used car salemen.
Used car salesman, coming up with all kinds of persuasive techniques to get you to buy his junk. (Image Source.)

Imagine that you, the reader, are going to buy a used car. While you are waiting in the Sales Office, you hear the salesman cracking jokes about how stupid you are. You overhear how you are going to pay over three times the amount that the dealership paid for it. Further, to make matters worse, you actually had already signed the paperwork. It’s too late to make changes. You are stuck with a deal that you know is bad for you.

That’s how it is when you actually know a little about history.

You know the past. You can “feel” the past. You know the history, the reasons, the people involved. While you might not have been there, you can at least understand what “went down”. You understand that the past was complicated. You know that things happened, and often the events were complex and confusing. You realize that there is never a simple answer for the events of the past. Decisions were made by people who are now long dead. They made those decisions based on what they knew.

So it is an insult when someone tries to ram down a simplistic political narrative down our throats. We know better.

We know that life is complex and wonderful. We know that smoking one marijuana cigarette will not turn most people into heroin addicts. We know that not every illegal immigrant is a member of a violent drug gang. We know that listening to rock music will not turn us into worshippers of Satan. We know that we won’t die if we refuse vaccinations. We know that wearing cute and sexy clothing is not an invitation to rape someone.

There is an American saying in regards to this. “Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it is raining.”

Contemporaneous Manipulation of History

One of the things that have upset many people in the United States today, and which contributed to the election of Donald Trump, is an overt contempt for the American people by those in the federal government. And, as such, it’s so open. It’s so brazen. It’s so provable and beyond question. It is an insult to my intelligence. As such, I am absolutely aghast at the political rewriting of history. Not that it is being done, but rather where it is being done. It is being done in America.

Of course, what I am talking about is changing the historical record.

The ignorant can’t possibly notice. They never paid attention during history class. They don’t read. They have no interests in anything other than the latest fashion, and popular culture. They are interested in the trivial. It doesn’t matter who the most popular person or issue is. It could be Kim Kardashian or Soopy Sales. It could be anything. They are mostly just attractive people with a good PR firm. They are mostly actors and people of moderate talent who have managed to charm the likes of the billionaire oligarchy that runs the American media. (I wonder how they manage to get into the spotlight?)

However, those of us who know history are actually aware of the changes to the historical record. It is disturbing, and when coupled with other rampaging alterations to various narratives, upsetting.

That awareness hurts.

Changes to the History of the American Civil War

The history of the Civil War is under revision.

Just like the removal of historical Statues, and the desecration of graves, American history is being altered. It’s blatant and “in your face”. It is organized. Popular television shows are cancelled and access to them is getting to be impossible. Speaking up, even the slightest smidgeon, will result in an army of enraged water buffalos (figuratively) stampeding towards you.

Before any SWJ or BLM has a conniption fit, let me make myself perfectly clear.

The reader is cautioned that I was not alive during the time of the American Civil War. In fact, my ancestors were not even Americans at the time. That’s right, so throw out your messed up ideas about my “White Privilege”. I had no privilege. I friggin’ worked. My entire family worked, and at best eked out a middle class lifestyle. At best, that is. (If you need to know, I friggin’ mined coal underground, then worked in a steel mill. So, cut the shit!) My ancestors weren’t in the United States, and they had nothing to do about the Civil War or any of the issues that surrounded it. Instead, they had their own problems to worry about.

My relatives were too busy struggling with a potato blight in Ireland , and having to get drawn into servitude to escape it, and enslavement by the Russians in Poland. Don’t know about that, do you? It doesn’t fit the desired political narrative. Yeah. Just like your pampered baby who cries when it tosses it’s food on the floor. Life is hard. Get over it.

Get. Over. It.

What I opine about is not about the things that I personally experienced regarding the American Civil War. As I have no experiences, have you? Nope. The American Civil War ended a long, long time ago. Everyone who participated in it is now DEAD. They are dead. If you did dig them up, you will see rotting flesh and foul odors.

You make the best of your life with what you have, and don’t cry over the failures of people long dead and gone.

This is not in defense of slavery. I think slavery is despicable. This is not in defense of separation from the Union. Though, it is clear that the grievances raised by the Southern States were not addressed by the federal government. This is not about what the actual causes were. This is not about who was involved. It is not about their skin color. It is not about the terrible things that happened during the war. This particular post is about one thing and one thing only; that history can be rewritten and is constantly in the process of being rewritten.

This is about HOW past history can change.

The Causes of the American Civil War

I choose to use the “causes of the American civil war” as an illustration of this.

Why? It is because it is an excellent example.  I contend that for political reasons, that it is expedient to change the historical narrative. In the historical narrative there is a significant change. Starting in 2008, and culminating in 2013, the historical narrative went from “many causes with State’s rights being predominant” to “only one main cause being slavery”.

Pause. Think about it.

I contend that prior to 2008, most published books state the reasons for the American Civil War involved a host of issues. (Don’t believe me? Get any school textbook published before the year 2000. See for yourself.) All of the issues fit within a single overriding issue with the tenth amendment. This is known, collectively, as “state’s rights”.

I further contend that after 2008, through to 2016, the narrative changed substantially. It became something else. The reason became “slavery”.

I am not alone in this belief. Indeed, former first-wife Michelle Obama herself expressed a need to change the historical narrative regarding American history. She said it. She told everyone. She let the “big secret” out of the bag. The narrative changed to show that America is and was always a racist, bigoted nation. She said that we needed to change our history.

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”

-Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008

In their race to change history, I’m sure for good reasons, they have actually implemented it very sloppily.

As such, the changes were implemented too quickly. They were too obvious. They were easy to crosscheck against. They did not do their homework. What they should of done first was preceded the implementation of the new historical narrative with mandatory book-burnings and various purges of libraries. That always happens before a new social narrative takes place and is implemented. Mostly it is conducted in secret. Books are collected. Newspapers are bought up and their records purged.

Obviously they didn’t know how to implement this new narrative properly. They should have studied history, and learned from the experts. Come on, it is obvious. Before you change the past, destroy all evidence of it.

It is the first thing you do when you establish a liberal progressive utopia. You erase the past. Then you construct a new past that allows your “reforms” to be implemented.

An Interesting Time

The change in narrative is about a specific singular issue regarding the American Civil War. It is concerned with the causes of the war.

The build up to the American Civil War was a very interesting time. (Let’s not get caught up in any of the other interesting aspects of this time. Let’s stay focused.) In fact, there are many parallels to what is going on today. (This is why this post was written.) The decision of the Southern States to leave the American Union was not an easy one. In fact, there were years of debate over it. It did not happen overnight. There were years of activities that eventually resulted in discussions for leaving the Union. The American Congress and the Senate endlessly debated the issues that eventually led to the rupture of the North and South.

Luckily for us, it’s all on record.

The Reasons Given by the States


“One method by which to analyze this historical conflict is to focus on primary sources.  Every state in the Confederacy issued an “Article of Secession” declaring their break from the Union.

Four states went further.

Texas, Mississippi, Georgia and South Carolina all issued additional documents, usually referred to as the “Declarations of Causes," which explain their decision to leave the Union.  The documents can be found in their entirety here.”

This debate clearly framed the causes and reasons why the South left the Union.  It’s all there. Just read the historical record. Don’t take my word for it. Read what is in the actual transcripts. Read, for yourself, what the Senator from South Carolina had to say. Read for yourself, what the Senators from Mississippi, and Virginia had to say about this matter. Don’t listen to the conventional narrative. Read the transcripts yourself. You read the texts yourself.

It’s a federal record.

A Note of Warning

That being said, anything found on the Internet is suspect. The link above directs us to transcribed  versions of the original documents. It does not direct us to the actual documents. It directs us to transcribed versions. Versions, I must add, were created at the same time when revisionist history was assaulting established history. Instead, the reader should always use the original historical documents and NOT the transcribed versions. Read the originals. Avoid all transcribed versions when possible.

The reader can see the actual documents here;

State of Georgia

The state of Georgia drafted up Declaration of Causes as to why they left the union. What the State of Georgia had to say is interesting. They mention slavery but in terms of financial interests. Here’s what they had to say about that;

“Northern anti-slavery men of all parties asserted the right to exclude slavery from the territory by Congressional legislation and demanded the prompt and efficient exercise of this power to that end.”

The Northern states demanded that the Southern states abolish slavery. That is pretty clearly stated. However, they were very concerned about commerce and financial issues. While the issue about slavery consisted of three (rather long) sentences, the bulk of the document revolved around paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph solely devoted to commerce and financial interests that were being suppressed by the Federal government. But don’t my word for it, you can read it yourself.

“The material prosperity of the North was greatly dependent on the Federal Government; that of the South not at all. In the first years of the Republic the navigating, commercial, and manufacturing interests of the North began to seek profit and aggrandizement at the expense of the agricultural interests. Even the owners of fishing smacks sought and obtained bounties for pursuing their own business (which yet continue), and $500,000 is now paid them annually out of the Treasury. The navigating interests begged for protection against foreign shipbuilders and against competition in the coasting trade.
Congress granted both requests, and by prohibitory acts gave an absolute monopoly of this business to each of their interests, which they enjoy without diminution to this day. Not content with these great and unjust advantages, they have sought to throw the legitimate burden of their business as much as possible upon the public; they have succeeded in throwing the cost of light-houses, buoys, and the maintenance of their seamen upon the Treasury, and the Government now pays above $2,000,000 annually for the support of these objects. Theses interests, in connection with the commercial and manufacturing classes, have also succeeded, by means of subventions to mail steamers and the reduction in postage, in relieving their business from the payment of about $7,000,000 annually, throwing it upon the public Treasury under the name of postal deficiency.

The manufacturing interests entered into the same struggle early, and has clamored steadily for Government bounties and special favors. This interest was confined mainly to the Eastern and Middle non-slave-holding States. Wielding these great States it held great power and influence, and its demands were in full proportion to its power. The manufacturers and miners wisely based their demands upon special facts and reasons rather than upon general principles, and thereby mollified much of the opposition of the opposing interest. They pleaded in their favor the infancy of their business in this country, the scarcity of labor and capital, the hostile legislation of other countries toward them, the great necessity of their fabrics in the time of war, and the necessity of high duties to pay the debt incurred in our war for independence. These reasons prevailed, and they received for many years enormous bounties by the general acquiescence of the whole country.

But when these reasons ceased they were no less clamorous for Government protection, but their clamors were less heeded-- the country had put the principle of protection upon trial and condemned it. After having enjoyed protection to the extent of from 15 to 200 per cent. upon their entire business for above thirty years, the act of 1846 was passed. It avoided sudden change, but the principle was settled, and free trade, low duties, and economy in public expenditures was the verdict of the American people. The South and the Northwestern States sustained this policy. There was but small hope of its reversal; upon the direct issue, none at all.”

The problem, it seems is that the Federal government was too busy dictating what the State of Georgia was to do. This was unacceptable to an “independent” state. As such, Georgia did not like it one bit. As the tenth amendment gave Georgia independence in manners related to everything not specifically laid out in the US Constitution.

“With these principles on their banners and these utterances on their lips the majority of the people of the North demand that we shall receive them as our rulers.”

They were correct.

Why is this important? Well, look to our contemporaneous issues. Where in the United States Constitution does it say that California must pay taxes to the Federal government? Why can’t California keep all of its tax revenue itself? It certainly needs it. Where does the Constitution say that California must fund, build and maintain a wall to keep people out of the USA? It doesn’t. Yet, here we have the Federal government dictating to California what it must do.

Then, as now, the issues were the same.

Georgia recognized these issues as serious ones. They did not want the federal government telling them what they could and could not do with their own laws; with their own finances, and their own people.

Why did Georgia leave the United States? Was it because of slavery? The answer is right in front of our eyes. We don’t need Al Sharpton to tell us. We don’t need President Obama to tell us. We don’t need Maxine Walters to tell us. We can simply read the reasons directly from the people who made those decisions.

They gave their reasons. They most certainly did. They spelled it out quite clearly. Here is why…

“Why? Because by their declared principles and policy they have outlawed $3,000,000,000 of our property in the common territories of the Union; put it under the ban of the Republic in the States where it exists and out of the protection of Federal law everywhere; because they give sanctuary to thieves and incendiaries who assail it to the whole extent of their power, in spite of their most solemn obligations and covenants; because their avowed purpose is to subvert our society and subject us not only to the loss of our property but the destruction of ourselves, our wives, and our children, and the desolation of our homes, our altars, and our firesides. To avoid these evils we resume the powers which our fathers delegated to the Government of the United States, and henceforth will seek new safeguards for our liberty, equality, security, and tranquility.

Approved, Tuesday, January 29, 1861”

It seems to me, after reading what Georgia had to say, that the issues were complex and involved. The issue was not a singular and simple issue. It was not only slavery. There is not one single word stating that slavery was a reason for leaving the union. That should be clear to anyone with an intelligence IQ over 5.

In short, they did not like the federal government and the Northern states telling them what to do. They reasoned that the tenth amendment limited the powers of the federal government and that they could do what they wished within their own territory. That included everything, including and not limited to, slavery. They felt that the federal government was involved in substantial overreach, and they could no longer tolerate it.

Isn’t that true today… only worse?


Every state had their reasons for leaving. They were all different. Mississippi was a major slave-holding state. What did they have to say? Their Declaration of Causes was quite blunt.

“In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove.”

Ah, so in the case of Mississippi, the major cause of their departure from the Union was actually slavery. By outlawing slavery, the economic foundation of Mississippi would collapse, and the state government could not accept that.

They continued by listing the various concerns, but the message is clear. If they continue along the course and direction from the federal government, the state government would be a mere shadow of its former self. It would be a “puppet government” under the control of the all-mighty federal government.

Isn’t that what happened?

It looks like what they were afraid of, actually happened. They were right. They were correct.

“In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove.”

South Carolina

They were not too happy with the federal government either. They also drafted up a document describing their reasons for leaving the Union. You know, dear reader, for all the stuff on the Internet saying that the one lone cause of the American Civil War was slavery, why don’t they simply post the actual documents. They say it better than any simplistic singular reason could ever do.

Yes. Why not post the originals? The answer is simple. It is the same reason why CNN, MSNBC and WaPo never shows unedited videos of President Trump speaking. They just have a GIF loop of him talking, while their newscasters tell us what he means. Same thing.

“Thus were established the two great principles asserted by the Colonies, namely: the right of a State to govern itself; and the right of a people to abolish a Government when it becomes destructive of the ends for which it was instituted. And concurrent with the establishment of these principles, was the fact, that each Colony became and was recognized by the mother Country a FREE, SOVEREIGN AND INDEPENDENT STATE.”


They argue that they always have the right to govern themselves independently of the federal government and that right cannot be infringed upon. They rejected the overreach of the federal government.  In fact, they went into great detail regarding the legality of the agreement with the federal government and that they had the right to live their lives as they seemed fit.

Finally, paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph, we eventually get to the part about slavery. They wrote;

“These ends it endeavored to accomplish by a Federal Government, in which each State was recognized as an equal, and had separate control over its own institutions. The right of property in slaves was recognized by giving to free persons distinct political rights, by giving them the right to represent, and burthening them with direct taxes for three-fifths of their slaves; by authorizing the importation of slaves for twenty years; and by stipulating for the rendition of fugitives from labor.”

Ah, thus they argue that state revenue would collapse if slave owners no longer had slaves. This was because slave owners paid taxes on the slaves. They go on to describe how the federal government assists in the abolition of slavery and how this affects the state income tax derived from the slave owners.

After reading the South Carolina Declaration of Causes it is clear that they wanted to revert to the status of an independent nation again. Unlike the Georgia declaration that listed a multitude of reasons, and the Mississippi declaration that rested upon slavery, this declaration revolved around the reasons why South Carolina joined the United States in the first place, what they expected what would happen, and what actually did happen. They obviously wanted no part of it.

If I were California and wanted to leave the United States, I would model my declaration of Causes from the South Carolina model. Pay attention Calexit activists.


At the time of the Declaration of Causes Texas was still quite new to the United States. Indeed, they had only joined the Union a mere fifteen years earlier in 1845. They begin clearly stating that the United States PROMISED that Texas could remain free and independent.

Hah! It didn’t happen. Oh, once you make a deal with the devil, it’s very difficult to get your soul back.

“The government of the United States, by certain joint resolutions, bearing date the 1st day of March, in the year A.D. 1845, proposed to the Republic of Texas, then *a free, sovereign and independent nation* [emphasis in the original], the annexation of the latter to the former, as one of the co-equal states thereof,

The people of Texas, by deputies in convention assembled, on the fourth day of July of the same year, assented to and accepted said proposals and formed a constitution for the proposed State, upon which on the 29th day of December in the same year, said State was formally admitted into the Confederated Union.

Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated Union to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings.”

But, but… is that what actually happened? They promised, don’t ya know…

“The controlling majority of the Federal Government, under various pretenses and disguises, has so administered the same as to exclude the citizens of the Southern States, unless under odious and unconstitutional restrictions, from all the immense territory owned in common by all the States on the Pacific Ocean, for the avowed purpose of acquiring sufficient power in the common government to use it as a means of destroying the institutions of Texas and her sister slaveholding States.

By the disloyalty of the Northern States and their citizens and the imbecility of the Federal Government, infamous combinations of incendiaries and outlaws have been permitted in those States and the common territory of Kansas to trample upon the federal laws, to war upon the lives and property of Southern citizens in that territory, and finally, by violence and mob law, to usurp the possession of the same as exclusively the property of the Northern States.

The Federal Government, while but partially under the control of these our unnatural and sectional enemies, has for years almost entirely failed to protect the lives and property of the people of Texas against the Indian savages on our border, and more recently against the murderous forays of banditti from the neighboring territory of Mexico; and when our State government has expended large amounts for such purpose, the Federal Government has refuse reimbursement therefor, thus rendering our condition more insecure and harassing than it was during the existence of the Republic of Texas.

These and other wrongs we have patiently borne in the vain hope that a returning sense of justice and humanity would induce a different course of administration.”

Wow. It seems like the federal government was not holding up to its end of the bargain. These were the reasons. Like South Carolina, one has to read a number of paragraphs (again, paragraph after paragraph) until we eventually… eventually… eventually we find slavery mentioned. This is what they had to say about that issue.

“They demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States.”

With that being stated, the declaration further discusses that causes of all the wrong doings that the federal government has engaged in. It’s quite a long list. Slavery is listed as one of the reasons. However it is not the sole and only reason.

“They have proclaimed, and at the ballot box sustained, the revolutionary doctrine that there is a 'higher law' than the constitution and laws of our Federal Union, and virtually that they will disregard their oaths and trample upon our rights.

They have for years past encouraged and sustained lawless organizations to steal our slaves and prevent their recapture, and have repeatedly murdered Southern citizens while lawfully seeking their rendition.
They have invaded Southern soil and murdered unoffending citizens, and through the press their leading men and a fanatical pulpit have bestowed praise upon the actors and assassins in these crimes, while the governors of several of their States have refused to deliver parties implicated and indicted for participation in such offenses, upon the legal demands of the States aggrieved.
They have, through the mails and hired emissaries, sent seditious pamphlets and papers among us to stir up servile insurrection and bring blood and carnage to our firesides.

They have sent hired emissaries among us to burn our towns and distribute arms and poison to our slaves for the same purpose.

They have impoverished the slave-holding States by unequal and partial legislation, thereby enriching themselves by draining our substance.

They have refused to vote appropriations for protecting Texas against ruthless savages, for the sole reason that she is a slave-holding State.

And, finally, by the combined sectional vote of the seventeen non-slave-holding States, they have elected as president and vice-president of the whole confederacy two men whose chief claims to such high positions are their approval of these long continued wrongs, and their pledges to continue them to the final consummation of these schemes for the ruin of the slave-holding States.

In view of these and many other facts, it is meet that our own views should be distinctly proclaimed.”

Again, the reasons list federal overreach. The Constitution clearly states what the federal government can and cannot do. The Bill of Rights clearly state that what is not explicitly stated in the Constitution is RESERVED for the states.

I can see that the slavery issue was one contributor to the decision to leave the Union, but in no way was it the only reason.


Virginia also wrote up a Declaration of Causes as to why they left the union. They clearly were not happy with the federal government. In fact, they believed that the federal government has perverted and abused the Constitution. They felt that the federal government was not acting in the interests of the citizens of Virginia. It was the first thing that they described in their declaration;

“having declared that the powers granted under the said Constitution were derived from the people of the United States, and might be resumed whensoever the same should be perverted to their injury and oppression; and the Federal Government, having perverted said powers, not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern Slaveholding States.”

This declaration was short and sweet. It did not ramble on like the other declarations. It just announced that they would not be part of a government that did not follow the Constitution, and then left.

Slavery or State’s Rights

The big disconnect is in the narrative.

Prior to 2008 every (well, nearly every) hardcover, paperback, and newspaper listed the reason(s) for the American Civil War as “State’s Rights”. They clearly explained that each state had their own individual issues, and chose to join the rush to get out of the United States based on those reasons. Collectively, of all the reasons listed, slavery was but one issue out of many.

After 2008, generally around 2012, it began to change. By 2013 to 2014 the changes were all in place. At least on the Internet they were. (Don’t believe me? Check out the Wikipedia history for entries regarding the American Civil War. In fact, in many cases all entries prior to 2013 vaporized. It is as if they never ever existed before. The only way that you can find them is to use the “wayback machine”.) Although, there is now evidence that even the wayback machine is subject to alteration of the past. Ugh!

In all cases, a multitude of causes were replaced by the most simplistic cause possible; Slavery. Its great simplicity was easily understood by simpletons and ignoramuses alike. This effort was supported, and served as a major platform for the radical BLM movement. While the “true believers” might like and accept the “narrative of choice”, the rest of us just scoff at it in silence. We know better than to argue with the village idiot.

This Should Not be a Surprise

When one group wants to separate from a larger body, there are always multiple reasons. There isn’t just one reason. There NEVER is only one reason. Certainly some reasons weigh more heavily in the minds of the populace than others. However, to simplify things as one big “catch all” is just insulting.  The primary cause of the American Civil War was not about slavery. It was due to a long list of grievances that were worsening over a period of years.

Don’t believe me? Consider other separation movements.

In Brexit, the discussions pro and con for leaving the Union persisted for months, if not years.  It is clear for anyone willing to take the time to read the actual discussions. According to the EU (European Union) the entire Brexit movement is a misguided selfish effort based on xenophobia.  When in reality, there were many reasons to leave.

Consider California and the Calexit effort there.

Californians have long wanted to leave the American Union. I cannot say I don’t blame them. They are completely out of step with the rest of the nation. This is neither good nor bad. It depends on your point of view. Obviously, they have grown in a different direction. They have a different set of values and do things differently than the rest of the country. They are big enough to maintain their own national status, and if it wasn’t for the precedent of the American Civil War, I am sure that they would probably be an independent nation today. In fact, if I had any say in the matter, I would let them leave and give them the best wishes bye bye.

I have MANY conservative, and liberal friends who feel the same way.

The idea of a huge power all-controlling central government is a very old and outdated concept. It has its roots in the movements of the 1920’s, but time has proven how inefficient it is. It only benefits the global elite, those with delusions of grandeur and the perpetually selfish (aka “busybodies”). Ask any Chinese person if they want to go back to the central policies of Mr. Mao. Ask any Russian if they think that the Soviet Union was a better place than modern Russia. Ask any escaping North Korean. Ask any one from Venezuela.

Why does California want to leave? Is it because of one particular reason? It is because of illegal immigration? Is because of related issues? As that is what it seems like if you read and watch the news. Or, is it due to multiple reasons?

Fact Checking the Causes

No, I am not talking about using “fact checking” websites, software, and paid “experts”. They are anything BUT impartial. Many, if not all of them, are propaganda arms funded by wealthy individuals who wish to maintain a political narrative so that they might benefit from it’s implementation.

George soros uses snopes as a propiganda arm to support many of his nefarious activities within the united states. snopes is not impartial. They have a political agenda. It is an agenda that they are paid to promote.
George Soros was an early contributor to Snopes, and has provided financial backing to the organization for years.

In the case of the “causes for the American Civil War”, it is pretty easy to check. Not everything is ONLY on the Internet. There are textbooks. There are books on history written before President Obama came to be President. There are tombstones, carved in stone. There are Federal transcripts. There are state transcripts. There are books by the participants in the war on both sides.

One need not limit themselves to reading what is found on the Internet. (A one-sided narrative, this.) You can go down to a used bookstore and purchase an old history book. You can get speech and debate transcripts from the Federal government. You can go down to the state courthouses and get copies of their floor debates.

You aren’t limited to Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton to find out what caused the American civil war. You can find out what really caused it. For starters, I would suggest any one of the following books as a good starting point. Read what they have to say and then read what is on the Internet. In particular, take special note to the revision history of Wikipedia during the Obama administration. That will tell you all that you need to know.

Contemporaneous books;

A mixture of significant Vintage books that helps describe this time period;

An Opportunity

If anyone can find an (hardcover) American textbook dated before 2000 that states that the cause of the American Civil War was only due to slavery, I will post that information here, and offer a redaction in support of the new information.

So, you internet sleuths, go forth and prove me wrong. Go for it. Make money in the process too. It’s a “win – win”. It’s a “no brainer”. To quote a famous television character; “it’s easy-peasy lemon-squeezy!”

Key Conclusions

It is obvious that there were multiple benefits for redefinition of the narrative. It pushed the attention away from federal overreach and onto racial issues. It helped supply racist-narrative ammo to various progressive  groups. It enabled President Obama to greatly expand federal power and overreach to levels that were unheard of, even during the “overreach king” President Bush.

By distraction and redirection, the new narrative was able to squelch the Calexit movement, and take away any hope that they would ever be able to move against the all-powerful federal government. The truth be told; they wanted full control without any dissent. The murmurings of succession needed to be squelched immediately. As such, they actually were. The “fingerprints” are everywhere. President Obama kept the United States intact and prevented a breakup that would probably have a domino effect throughout the United States.

If California were to be broken up, the congressional voting block that is now democrat, would end up being diluted by republican voting districts. The break up gives power and a voice to the conservative counties in California. This needed to be squelched by President Obama.

At that time, Calexit was about breaking California into six states. The vast majority would have been “red states” (Republican and Conservative leaning).

California was origionally proposed to be broken up into six individual states.
When Obama was president, the threat of breaking up California into six states, the majority conservative, was worrisome. (Image source.)

Guest Comment

Civil War . . . How do civil wars happen? 

Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can't settle the question through elections because they don't even agree that elections are how you decide who's in charge. That's the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war. 

The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it's not the first time they've done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn't really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There's a pattern here. 

What do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don't accept the results of any election that they don't win. It means they don't believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections. 

That's a civil war. 

There's no shooting. At least not unless you count the attempt to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice. But the Democrats have rejected our system of government. 

This isn't dissent. It's not disagreement. You can hate the other party. You can think they're the worst thing that ever happened to the country. But then you work harder to win the next election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don't win, what you want is a dictatorship. 

Your very own dictatorship. 

The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to Democrats, is its own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it's inherently illegitimate. The Democrats lost Congress. They lost the White House. So what did they do? They began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States can't scratch his own back without his say so, that's the civil war. 

Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that's not the system that runs this country. The Democrat's system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country. 

If the Democrats are in the White House, then the president can do anything. And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. His power is unlimited. He's a dictator. 

But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can't do anything. He isn't even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented. A Democrat in the White House has 'discretion' to completely decide every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican doesn't even have the 'discretion' to reverse him. That's how the game is played That's how our country is run. Sad but true, although the left hasn't yet won that particular fight. 

When a Democrat is in the White House, states aren't even allowed to enforce immigration law. But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their own immigration laws. 

Under Obama, a state wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission. But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries. 

The Constitution has something to say about that. 
Whether it's Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is suddenly the supreme power in the land. This is what I call a moving dictatorship. 

Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding: Professional government is a guild. Like medieval guilds. You can't serve in if you're not a member. If you haven't been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. If you aren't in the club. And Trump isn't in the club. He brought in a bunch of people who aren't in the club with him. 

Now we're seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down. 

That's not a free country. 

It's not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an 'insurance policy' against Trump winning the election. It's not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of the opposition. It's not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media. It's not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn't supposed to win did. 

Have no doubt, we're in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and a leftist Democrat professional government. 

-Jack Minzy was in the Department of Education, at Eastern Michigan University.

Take Aways

  • I contend that history is always being rewritten. As such, it is rewritten to meet certain objectives. The objectives typically have a political foundation.
  • I have used the stark deviation in the “causes for the American Civil War” from pre and post-Obama presidency to illustrate this fact. This is because there is a very clear delineation from the printed word and the words available on the Internet. The narrative is starkly different.
  • The reasons for war are NEVER simple. They are often quite complex.
  • I further contend that to follow the simple narrative is to risk manipulation. The manipulation is designed to achieve various political objectives.
  • In this particular issue, the narrative was used to hold the United States together under a controlling federal government and eliminate any thoughts given to succession.
  • As such, the Obama presidency used this revised narrative to squelch the Calexit movement.
  • If you really want to know what will happen if another civil war were to occur, then stop dreaming about it, and measure the pro’s and con’s. Read this most excellent article on the subject.
  • In conclusion, President Obama did what President Lincoln could not; he prevented succession of states from the United States union. He did this without any bloodshed in battle during a period of rapid federal expansion.


Q: What is Calexit?
A: Calexit is the movement for the state of California to leave the United States.

Q: Will there be a civil war if Calexit leaves the USA?
A: Probably not. However, I cannot forecast the future. There are numerous advantages that the federal government has by keeping California part of the union. There are also numerous disadvantages to the government as well.

Q: What was the cause of the civil war?
A: According to the Declarations of Causes given by the states, the primary reason was encroachment of the federal government on the rights of the states. They argued that they were protected by the tenth amendment to the Constitution which prevented the federal government from the behaviors and transgressions that it was involved in. The only outlier to this is the state of Mississippi, which stated that the primary reason was slavery.

Q: Why don’t schools teach the causes of the civil war?
A: They used to. The teaching of the causes for the American civil war was changed during the Obama presidency. It has since been replaced by a simple one-word narrative.

Q: What history books say that the causes of the American Civil War were due to State’s Rights?
A: All of them. (Oh, well all of them prior to the year 2008.)

Free Republic Posting

This post was introduced to Free Republic on 22JUL18, and can be viewed here. The comments are interesting.

I believe Salmon P Chase found a way to put the last nail in the coffin of secessionism.

Before 1869, secession of a state was considered a state right, After the Civil War, Chase refused to give Jeff Davis a “Treason” trial in fear he might prove secession constitutional.

So in 1869, Chase used the Texas v. White, 74 U.S. (7 Wall.) 700 (1869) as an excuse to deny states the right to leave the Union.

-posted on 7/22/2018, 8:01:21 AM by Ruy Dias de Bivar
  • Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

    Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

    Mad scientist
    Gorilla Cage in the basement
    Work in the 1960's
    School in the 1970s
    Cat Heaven
    Corporate life
    Corporate life - part 2
    Build up your life
    Grow and play - 1
    Grow and play - 2
    Baby's got back
    A womanly vanity
    The Warning Signs
    Army and Navy Store
    Playground Comparisons
    Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

    More Posts about Life

    I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

    Being older
    Civil War
    Bronco Billy
    r/K selection theory
    How they get away with it
    Line in the sand
    A second passport
    Paper Airplanes
    Taxiation without representation.
    Make America Great Again.
    1960's and 1970's link
    Democracy Lessons

    Stories that Inspired Me

    Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


    Articles & Links

    • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
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  1. Initial draft on 8MAR18.
  2. Edited by request 15MAR18.
  3. Edited by request 16MAR18.
  4. Edited by request 17MAR18.
  5. Edited by request 18MAR18.
  6. Edited by request 20APR18.
  7. Readied for the internet 24APR18.
  8. SEO review 8MAY18.
  9. Added guest comment 13JUL18.

The Hollow Moon

The world that we live in is filled with all kinds of interesting things. Some of which are simply curious, while others give us time to pause and reflect. Still other things make us sit up straight and yell WTF! That’s what life is all about. It’s those things that really shake up our world.

I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes our world needs a good shaking or two. It helps cull the herd, so to speak.

Today, I would like to discuss “our” moon. This is the moon that orbits our planet. We call it “the moon”. We know that it is a cold, desolate and lonely place. It is an icy cold rock. It is covered in deep grey dust, and has both mountains and valleys.

It is also quite hollow…

How Planets Form

I would like to take a moment to discuss the hollow moon, and why it is hollow. However, first we need to lay out some real basic information in regards to how planets form. Because, if you know how planets form, you might end up having a better idea of how a planet could eventually become hollow.

Now, to most people, the idea that a planet could be hollow is a real stretch. It really is. We know that all planets are solid masses, and that most of them have hot molten cores. The cores are compressed under intense pressure and it takes a long, long time for them to cool down and solidify.

We know this. Not because we have been there. Not because we have tunneled down and touched the surface of the core. We know this because we assume it to be that way based on our current understandings of planetary formation.

Ah, we assume such things. And, because so many people assume the same thing that “everyone knows” that that is the way it is everywhere for all situations.

Well, let’s look at the contemporaneous theories of planetary formation, and then let’s take a look at what we know about the moon. We can put the two together and get a better picture of how the moon could actually become hollow. Right?

With that being stated, let’s look at the theories. We have a general idea about how planets form. Obviously we weren’t around when the solar system was first being formed. Our knowledge about such things is through observations of other stars. Most particularly younger stars and the dust that surrounds them.

Debris discs

Personally, I first started getting interested in debris discs when I started to follow the news about Epsilon Eridani, Fomalhaut, and Groombridge 1618. Now, I know the reader probably wants to go straight to all the “good stuff” about the moon. But, please indulge me. How can you talk about the moon and any voids inside of it, without discussing early planetary formation?

We know about early planetary formation through observation. We have observed the formation of planets within nearby youthful solar systems. Indeed, there are many youthful and young stars near our solar system. Some of my favorites include;

Of course, this is not a complete list. There are just elements out of my own personal collection of interesting local solar systems of great youth (less than one billion years in age).  And, yes, I do maintain files on solar systems that interest me. All of these nearby stars can well educate us on how stars are born and solar systems are created.

Yeah, I’m a bit strange. Once a nerd, always a nerd. I guess.

Young solar systems are dangerous.  Whether they have managed to have planets, or not, they still have to contend with meteoroid and comet bombardments, not to mention a stabilization of gravitational orbits. On our planet, we needed four billion years to create physical ambulatory life.  Many of the stars and systems on this list are a mere fraction of that age. Thus, suggestive of very hot molten planets if any exist at all.

Stars age. Humans age. A star can be compared to a human.
Stars age just like humans do. Of course, they are much older. Our sun (Sol) is almost middle age. It is around 4.5 billion years old. Age of stars compared to human aging.

Scientists have watched these younger stars (and many, many others) and tracked the development and evolution of the dust around these stars. We have watched how they behave, and watched how they clumped together to form planets.

This clumping action is believed to follow a model (or technique) known as “spontaneous dust traps”. This theory, or model, suggests that the dust starts to clump together when a property of the dust, known as “aerodynamic drag back-reaction” starts to clump the dust together into “spontaneous dust traps”. Anyways, that is the theory put forth by a French-UK-Australian team working on this problem.

As the dust starts to clump, it gets larger and larger, forming masses or clouds that rotate around the parent star.

If you were to take a photo or snapshot of this period of time, the solar system would look very strange. There would be the young sun (of course). It would no longer be a proto-sun. (The gasses that coalesced to form the star would have ignited.) The star would be blazing away, but like all youthful stars, would be very unpredictable. It would possibly have large solar flares, and numerous properties making it a very dangerous place to be around. It wouldn’t be as nice and stable as our sun is today.

Surrounding the star would be numerous “belts” or rings of asteroids, dust and gas. They would tend to lie within a plane of rotation. This plane of rotation would be similar to that of the rotation of the star. These belts or rings would possess the various clumps of dust and gas. The solar system would also start to see the formation of asteroids and comets. They would go around the star in long elliptical orbits depending on the conditions of the solar system at the time. Eventually the clumps of dust and gas could form into planets.

Let’s look at three very interesting examples of young solar systems with observed debris discs. These are nearby systems. They are considered to be “local”, and all have debris discs that will eventually one day turn into planets. They are Epsilon Eridani, Groombridge 1618, Zeta Leporis and Fomalhaut.

Epsilon Eridani (BD−09°697)

The first star in our discussion is Epsilon Eridani. Epsilon Eridani (ε Eri, ε Eridani) is a star in the southern constellation Eridanus.  It just happens to be a nice K-class star, which is of immediate interest to those of us who live around the sun; a nice G-class star.

As such, it is a main-sequence star of spectral class K2, which is slightly smaller and cooler than our sun, with an orange hue.  Also, as a K-class star it is worthy of special consideration, as we, as humans, have evolved to live around class G and class K type stars.

It is important.  All stars of G and K classes have attributes that significantly are compatible with our individualized biological archetype.  (Apparently, that is not necessary the case with many of the other extraterrestrial species that we have come in contact with.  They seem to prefer the cooler K and M class stars. It is an interesting subject, and I will devote a post to it later on.)

However, this solar system is not truly perfect for the needs of contemporaneous humans.

It is a young solar system. Indeed, its age is estimated at far less than a billion years. (Our own sun and its associated solar system is 4.5 billion years old.)  Therefore, it is considered to be a young system, even infantile in construction.

Because of its youth, Epsilon Eridani has a higher level of magnetic activity than the present-day Sun, with a stellar wind 30 times as strong as our suns.  The reader should understand that for young stars the internal organization of the sun is complex. there are internal “battles” and “reorganizations” of internal components depending on the star size, shape, orientation and many other factors. These changes manifest in many ways. All of which are hostile to organic life.

At less than a billion years of age, any rocky planets would be rather hot and inhospitable places; provided they follow the earth evolutionary model.  One should not place too high expectations on this solar system as it is probably hazardous to spaceflight.  The density of gas and dust in the system would probably be very high compared to our solar system. Fast, unprotected or unshielded, travel would be ill advised.


Because it is a nearby K-class star, astronomers have taken a greater than average degree of interest in this system.  (Who figures? It’s a young star. It’s like being interested in the construction of a bakery because in two years they might start making crusty bread and rolls.)

Anyways, to this end a great search for planetary companions has been under way for some time.  Because of this, there have been some discoveries of note.  The system is believed to contain a number of planets and two belts of rocky asteroids: one at about 3 AU and a second at about 20 AU from the star.  (One AU is equal to the distance of our earth from our sun.) Our asteroid belt is around 2 to 3 AU distant.

Knowing what we know about the formation of our own solar system; over time, many of the rocky bodies from these asteroid belts would eventually land on the other rocky and gas planets.  Thus creating the craters that we now see on the moon and on Earth, and the “spots” on the gas giants.  Any evolutionary efforts in this system at this time would be severely handicapped and retarded by the periodic bombardment of planetary bodies onto the potential habitable worlds.  We call these events Periodic Mass Extinction Events.

It is believed that the structure of the outer asteroid belt may be maintained by a hypothetical second or even third planet, Epsilon Eridani b and Epsilon Eridani c.

Aside from the inner asteroid disk, and the outer asteroid disc, Epsilon Eridani also harbors an extensive outer debris field of remnant planetesimals left over from the system’s formation.  This would manifest as an outer area of a surprising number of asteroids, comets and other planetary debris.  As mentioned earlier, this solar system might be problematic to travel within.

For all practical purposes, this youthful system should be considered to be off limits to humanoids and consist of a dangerous region of dust, rocky debris and hot new planets.

BY Draconis variable

Epsilon Eridani is classified as a BY Draconis variable because it has regions of higher magnetic activity that move into and out of the line of sight as it rotates. Observations have shown that Epsilon Eridani varies as much as 0.050 in V magnitude due to star-spots and other short-term magnetic activity. The reader should understand that [1] high levels of chromospheric activity, [2] strong magnetic field, and [3] the relatively fast rotation rate of Epsilon Eridani are characteristic of a pretty young star.

Because of this, the age of Epsilon Eridani is estimated to be about 440 million years, but this remains subject to debate. Most age estimation methods place it in the range from 200 million to 800 million years.   Compared to our earth, this would place any planet in orbit around the star to be a rocky planet with a heavy and dense gaseous body swathed in vicious storms that shrouds a very hold, mostly molten planet surface.  On the planet, particularly around the pole might be some early rocky continents with bleak mountains punctuated with volcanoes and extreme seismic activity.  Not really a very hospitable place to live. The closest earth-similar geologic comparative would be the Hadean Eon.

In any event, this is a particularly young star and system.  As such it is only marginally of interest towards habitability considerations. Of course, that doesn’t stop most people from looking up (on the internet) what the potential habitable zone would be around this star. (You can see one at Sol Station for Epsilon Eridani  here.) It’s seems rather silly, doesn’t it?

I mean to say, yes in theory you can drive a road listed on a map near an active volcano. But, whether that road is clear and has a drivable surface is another issue altogether. The same is true with (potentially) habitable zones around really young stars. The data associated with the (so-called) zone of habitability is only appropriate in stable solar systems. It is not appropriate for young, growing, and immature solar systems.

The epsilon eridani system has debris discs and possible planets that orbit it. WHile it is a young star, the planets that orbit it might be hot and molten.
The Epsilon Eridani system showing the observed dust and debris disks.

Kuiper belt

Surrounding Epsilon Eridani is a compact dusty disk structure that is considered to be the Solar System’s Kuiper belt. From Earth, this belt is viewed at an inclination of roughly 25° to the line of sight.  Dust and possibly water ice from this belt migrates inward because of drag from the stellar wind and a process by which stellar radiation causes dust grains to slowly spiral toward Epsilon Eridani.  This is known as the Poynting–Robertson effect.

Multiple Asteroid belts

Observations from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope suggest that Epsilon Eridani actually has two asteroid belts [1 & 2].  In addition it has a [3] cloud of exozodiacal dust.   This dust is an analog of the zodiacal dust that occupies the plane of our Solar System.

One belt sits at approximately the same position as the one in our Solar System, orbiting at a distance of 3.00 ± 0.75 AU from Epsilon Eridani.  This belt consists of silicate grains with a diameter of 3 μm and a combined mass of about 1018 kg. If the planet Epsilon Eridani b exists then this belt is unlikely to have had a source outside the orbit of the planet, so the dust may have been created by fragmentation and cratering of larger bodies such as asteroids, or small moonlets.

Age and probability of life

The age of the star can be a useful data point when it comes to habitability. Here we look at the timescale on which life arises, a challenging issue because all we have to work with is what we know of life’s development on Earth.  In general planets in the habitable zone of F, G or K stars should see the last wave of giant impacts on their young surfaces at around 100 million years. Given that impacts likely sterilized our planet for several million years, this is an important issue, and stellar age, if known, can factor into the question of habitability.

It is thus my opinion that the system is too youthful for meaningful potentially habitable planets.  There is no chance of naturally evolved life greater than a germ, and the presence of the two large asteroid belts suggest that periodic bombardment of asteroids and comets are a regular occurrence.  This would be a great place to visit, not a place that anyone would want to call home.

Planet Hunting Efforts

Epsilon Eridani is a target for planet finding programs because it has properties that allow an Earth-like planet to form.   However, if any planet has formed in the system it would be very young and inhospitable to human life. It would resemble the earth during the early Hadean time period.

Habitable Zone

The orbital radius at which the stellar flux from Epsilon Eridani matches the solar constant—where the emission matches the Sun’s output at the orbital distance of the Earth—is 0.61 astronomical units (AU). That is within the maximum habitable zone of a conjectured Earth-like planet orbiting Epsilon Eridani, which currently stretches from about 0.5 to 1.0 AU.  However, the presence of a large planet with a highly elliptical orbit in proximity to Epsilon Eridani’s habitable zone reduces the likelihood of a terrestrial planet having a stable orbit within the habitable zone (at this stage in the solar system’s life).

All told, the likelihood of any kind of Earth-like or marginally habitable world in this system is extremely remote.  The youth of the solar system, coupled with the dangers inherent in a dust and rock strewn system, not to mention the wide variability of orbits all create an environment that is absolutely not conducive to human life.

UV Radiation

A young star such as Epsilon Eridani can produce large amounts of ultraviolet radiation that may be harmful to life. The orbital radius where the UV flux matches that on the early Earth lies at just under 0.5 AU. Epsilon Eridani’s proximity, Sun-like properties and suspected planets have made it a destination for interstellar travel in science fiction stories.  Unfortunately, the authors of these fictional stories have failed to take into account the dangers of living in a UV saturated environment.  As such, most, if not all, biological life would be irritated into sterility in short order.

Reports of Extraterrestrial Life

There have been statements made by numerous people concerning life in this system.  As such, I present these reports here for your curiosity and amusement.   For the record, I do NOT believe any of these reports. I do not believe a single one of them.

There is absolutely no native evolved life in this solar system.

Reports that imply or state directly that there is native, naturally evolved life around this planet are false. Additionally, reports that state that there is an established colony of some kind of transplanted intelligent life around this solar system is also false. At best, there might be a periodic visit by interested scientific parties, but that is about it.

I have collected some of these statements for the reader to consider. I do not believe any of them.

Wendelle Stevens

Wendelle Stevens mentions an extraterrestrial civilization in the Eridanus Constellation:

"Another contact that has been going on since October of 1969, and still continues, involves a life-form from another atmospheric planet orbiting a sun some 20 light years away near the star we call Epsilon Eridani. We believe the star indicated to be 82 Eridani as this is a G5 star quite similar to our own sun which is in spectral class GO and is about the right 20 light years distance away. 

These creatures were larger, like 7 to 7.5 feet tall, and were covered with wrinkled skin and had very large arms with 3 fat fingers on the end. The skin has plates and wrinkles, something like crocodile skin. They had strange faces and a large mouth and very large ears, but they, like the Iargans demonstrated a highly advanced technology."

- Wendelle Stevens


The Branton material, in Mojave II, quotes the “Ufo Journal of Facts, Spring 1991” that tells the story of the recovery of a crashed craft with a Mediterranean or Latin American looking alien.

"His skin was a bronze color, reminiscent of Mediterranean or South American cultures. His hair was similarly brown and very short in a Roman or crew style cut. The only real difference in appearance from earth humans were that his ears were slightly pointed." 


The inhabitant was “confirmed” to be from Epsilon Eridani.

“Bashar’s Lab”

It seems like everyone has an opinion. Here is an instance of a “channeled entity” if you go into those things. (Means if you believe in the possibility of this occurring.) The movie “Bashar’s lab” discusses many universal principles, and at the end of it, Bashar went through a list of nearby star systems where he (or it) said that intelligent alien life existed at this time.  One of them was Epsilon Eridani.

“Epsilon Eridani - 10.5 light years away, one indigenous civilization”


Victor Martinez

Victor Martinez, the e-mail information coordinator, is a former federal employee with an interest in space, defense and current affairs. Recipients of his e-mail news items include a wide variety of people interested in emerging and leading-edge scientific and other developments. He is somehow tied together with this Serpio issue (hoax or not). Meh. You can read about it here. I don’t know what to think, but he was NOT in MAJestic.

Martinez quoted one of his alleged established contacts, one of a handful of current or former officials of the DIA, regarding any new or updated information on extraterrestrial encounters that would be of interest to the public. A source reportedly stated to Martinez that the home world of the alleged hostile alien species, the Trantaloids;

"…is the third planet out from the star Epsilon Eridani in the constellation Eridanus at 10.5 light-years away. Although somewhat cooler and fainter than our sun, it is very similar."

-Victor Martinez

My Opinions

This system consists of very active BY Draconis variable star. It is a very young and dangerous physical system.  It fries the planets surrounding it with UV radiation. There are no naturally evolved native life (that we would recognize as such) around this system.  Anyone claiming otherwise is deluded, or worse.

Groombridge 1618 (Gliese 380)

Groombridge 1618 is a star in the constellation Ursa Major. It is also located close to Earth, at a distance of less than 16 light years. It is an orange dwarf star of spectral type K8 V.

Groombridge 1618 is a young K-type main sequence star that is generating energy by fusing hydrogen at its core. It has 67% of the mass of the Sun, 61% of the Sun’s radius, but radiates only 4.6% of the Sun’s energy. The effective surface temperature of the star’s photosphere is about 4,000 K, giving it an orange hue.  To our human eyes it would appear much dimmer than our sun.

It is also a BY Draconis variable with a surface magnetic field strength of 750 G. The chromosphere is relatively inactive and possesses star spots comparable to Sun spots. However, like the star UV Ceti, it has been observed to undergo increases in luminosity as a flare star. It has a greater luminosity than most flare stars, which are typically red dwarfs, but is less active. The level of activity suggests that this is a somewhat youthful star.

Debris Disk

A search for an excess amount of infrared emission from this star by the Infrared Space Observatory came up negative, implying that Groombridge 1618 does not possess a debris disk (such as Vega). Which would normally be a good enough reason not to include it in this calculus.

However, observations using the Herschel Space Observatory showed a small excess suggesting the presence of a low temperature debris disk. The data can be modeled by a ring of coarse, highly-reflective dust at a temperature below 22 K orbiting at least 51 AU from the host star. If this star does have a companion, astrometric measurements appear to place an upper bound of 3–12 times the mass of Jupiter on such a hypothetical object (for orbital periods in the range of 5–50 years).

Planetary Companions

According to Marcy & Benitz (1989), a possible periodicity of 122 days has been detected, inferring the potential presence of a massive planetary object with minimum mass 4 times that of Jupiter. This candidate planet has not been confirmed and the signal the authors had found could have been due to intrinsic stellar activity from the star’s young age. If confirmed, the planet would be located at the outer edge of the star’s habitable zone.

Habitable Zone

Since Groombridge 1618 is sort of like a distant cousin to Sol, some speculate whether it might just be bright enough to support Earth-type life on a planet “lucky enough” to orbit in its habitable zone.

Estimates provided by the NASA Star and Exoplanet Database indicate that the inner edge of Groombridge 1618’s habitable zone could be located around 0.354 AU from the star, while the outer edge lies around 0.691 AUs out. The distance from the star where an Earth-type planet could have liquid water on its surface is centered around 0.523 AU — between the orbital distances of Mercury and Venus in our Solar System. At that distance from the star and assuming that it has 0.64 Solar-mass, such a planet would have an orbital period of nearly 173 days (or close to half an Earth year).

Which is just great. You have a planet that looks like a Biblical version of Hell located in an area where water and breathable atmosphere might form… Maybe, in around a billion years, that is.

Zeta Leporis

Zeta Leporis is located about 70.2 light-years from Sol. (Therefore, it is perhaps rather confusing to place it herein.  Eh?  But, you know, our extraterrestrial associates consistently reiterate to us that physical distance is not at all the barrier to travel that we make it out to be.)  It lies in the northeastern part of Constellation Lepus, the Hare.

In 1983, astronomers used the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) to determine that the star has a remnant, circumstellar dust disk. Subsequently, astronomers announced in June 2000 that abundant, warm dust around this star was strong evidence of a massive asteroid belt. This feature might also indicate that planets are or have already formed in this system.

The Star

Zeta Leporis is a bluish-white main-sequence dwarf star of spectral and luminosity type A2-3 Vann.   Zeta Leporis has a stellar classification of A2 IV-V(n), suggesting that it is in a transitional stage between an A-type main-sequence star and a subgiant star. The (n) suffix indicates that the absorption lines in the star’s spectrum appear nebulous because it is spinning rapidly, causing the lines to broaden because of the Doppler effect. The star has about 1.46 times the mass of the Sun, more than 1.7 times its diameter, and over 15 times its luminosity. At least one past spectroscopic analysis has suggested that the star might have a binary companion.


It appears to be very young, probably only around 100 million years old but could be anywhere between 50 and 500 million years old.    This is far too young to develop cool rocky planets from which to establish any kind of known planets or planetary bodies.  Any planetary companions will be rather hot, dusty and gaseous.  Think of planets like a completely molten Venus, or a very hot Jupiter.

Hey, maybe if you landed on one of these planets, and picked up a pick axe, and thrust it into the rocky soil… a plume of molten magma would ooze out.

Asteroid Belt & Dust Disk

In June 2001, astronomers announced that Zeta Leporis is enveloped by swirling dust in substantial quantities and at elevated temperatures.  These observations appear to indicate that solid rocks are colliding and generating dust in an asteroid belt shaped ring.  This might be similar to the one surrounding our own Sun between Mars and Jupiter.

By observing at two infrared wavelengths, the investigators estimated that the average temperature of the dust around the star is around 340 K (150 F or 65 C), hot enough to suggest that the dust grains may be as close as 2.5 AUs to the star. This is approximately the same distance as the asteroid belt is to our sun.

The history of this discovery is interesting.

The star was initially found to have a ring of dusty debris in 1983 along with some other young stars.  This was very curious, and resulted in other subsequent studies of the solar system.  After a period of observation, in 1991 astronomers learned that this debris ring was unusually warm and close to its parent star.  This was quite unlike other disks (found in other stars) that are much farther out and substantially colder.

This dust, given its known properties, should spiral into a star within 20,000 years, according to current theories of physics and star formation. Since Zeta Leporis is much older (than the other “early stars” that had been studied previously), its observed dust grains were not there when the star first formed, and so they must be generated through some secondary process.  Such  as collisions between larger objects. These presumed asteroids could be the size of small or large boulders, which collide and grind against each other to form micron-sized grains.

From the strength of the infrared signature of the dust, the astronomers estimate that the mass of the asteroid belt may be about a thousand times (1,000x) that of the Main Asteroid Belt in the Solar System lying between Mars and Jupiter.

The ring of debris appears to be confined to a region between 2.5 and 12.2 AUs from the star. Previous research reported in 1999 suggested that these circumstellar dust disks tend to disappear when a star is about 400 million years old which is towards the upper end of the age estimate for Zeta Leporis.

Solar encounter

Calculations from 2010 suggest that this star passed as close as 1.28 parsecs (4.17 light-years) from the Sun about 861,000 years ago.

Earth like planets

The orbit of an Earth-like planet (with liquid water) around Zeta Leporis may be centered around 3.9 AU (around the central orbital distance of the Main Asteroid Belt in the Solar System) with an orbital period of several years.

Even if an Earth-sized planet has already formed around young Zeta Leporis, it is unlikely to have cooled off sufficiently to have formed crustal rock. After it cools off enough for life to develop, only primitive single-cell, anaerobic bacteria is likely survive under constant bombardment by meteorites and comets as Earth was for the first billion years of existence.

Since there is unlikely to be free oxygen in the atmosphere of such a planet, it probably would not have an ozone layer (O3) although Zeta Leporis puts out a lot more hard radiation (especially ultraviolet) than Sol. Astronomers would find it very difficult to detect an Earth-sized planet of this star using present methods.


Fomalhaut (Alpha Piscis Austrini, Alpha PsA, α Piscis Austrini, α PsA) is the brightest star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus and one of the brightest stars in the sky. It is a class A star on the main sequence approximately 25 light-years (7.7 pc) from Earth as measured by the Hipparcos astrometry satellite.

Since 1943, the spectrum of this star has served as one of the stable anchor points by which other stars are classified.   It is classified as a Vega-like star that emits excess infrared radiation, indicating it is surrounded by a circumstellar disk.  Fomalhaut, K-type star TW Piscis Austrini and M-type star LP 876-10 constitute a triple system even though the companions are separated by several degrees.

Fomalhaut holds a special significance in extrasolar planet research, as it is the center of the first stellar system with an extrasolar planet candidate (Fomalhaut b) imaged at visible wavelengths. The image was published in Science in November 2008. Fomalhaut is the third brightest star known to have a planetary system (as viewed from Earth), after Pollux and the Sun.

Fomalhaut A

At a declination of −29.6°, Fomalhaut is located south of the celestial equator, and hence is best viewed from the Southern Hemisphere. Fomalhaut is about 45˚ south of Alpha Pegasi, with no bright stars in between.

Properties of Fomalhaut A

Fomalhaut is a young star, for many years thought to be only 100 to 300 million years old, with a potential lifespan of only a billion years. A 2012 study gave a slightly higher age of 440±40 million years. The surface temperature of the star is around 8,590 K (8,320 °C). Fomalhaut’s mass is about 1.92 times that of the Sun, its luminosity is about 16.6 times greater, and its diameter is roughly 1.84 times as large.

Fomalhaut is slightly metal-deficient as compared to the Sun, which means it is composed of a smaller percentage of elements other than hydrogen and helium. The metallicity is typically determined by measuring the abundance of iron in the photosphere relative to the abundance of hydrogen. A 1997 spectroscopic study measured a value equal to 93% of the Sun’s abundance of iron.  A second 1997 study deduced a value of 78% by assuming Fomalhaut has the same metallicity as the neighboring star TW Piscis Austrini, which has since been argued to be a physical companion. In 2004, a stellar evolutionary model of Fomalhaut yielded a metallicity of 79%. Finally, in 2008, a spectroscopic measurement gave a significantly lower value of 46%.

Fomalhaut has been claimed to be one of approximately 16 stars belonging to the Castor Moving Group. This is an association of stars that share a common motion through space and have been claimed to be physically associated. Other members of this group include Castor and Vega. The moving group has an estimated age of 200±100 million years and originated from the same location. Unfortunately more recent work that has found that purported members of the Castor Moving Group appear to not only have a wide range of ages, but their velocities are too different to have been possibly associated with one another in the distant past.  Hence, “membership” to this dynamical group has no bearing on the age of the Fomalhaut system.

Debris disks and planet

Fomalhaut is surrounded by several debris disks.

The inner disk is a high-carbon small-grain (10-300 nm) ash disk clustering at 0.1 AU from the star. Next is a disk of larger particles with inner edge 0.4-1 AU of the star. The innermost disk is unexplained as yet.

The outermost disk is at a radial distance of 133 AU (1.99×1010 km; 1.24×1010 mi), in a toroidal shape with a very sharp inner edge, all inclined 24 degrees from edge-on. The dust is distributed in a belt about 25 AU wide. The geometric center of the disk is offset by about 15 AU (2.2×109 km; 1.4×109 mi) from Fomalhaut. The disk is sometimes referred to as “Fomalhaut’s Kuiper belt”. Fomalhaut’s dusty disk is believed to be protoplanetary, and emits considerable infrared radiation. Measurements of Fomalhaut’s rotation indicate that the disk is located in the star’s equatorial plane, as expected from theories of star and planet formation.

On November 13, 2008, astronomers announced an object, which they assumed to be an extrasolar planet, orbiting just inside the outer debris ring. This was the first extrasolar orbiting object to be seen with visible light, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. [A planet’s existence had been previously suspected from the sharp, elliptical inner edge of that disk. The mass of the planet, Fomalhaut b, was estimated to be no more than three times the mass of Jupiter but at least the mass of Neptune.  There are indications that the orbit is not apsidally aligned with the dust disk, which may indicate that additional planets may be responsible for the dust disk’s structure.

However M-band images taken from the MMT Observatory put strong limits on the existence of gas giants within 40 AU of the star[ and Spitzer Space Telescope imaging suggested that the object Fomalhaut b was more likely to be a dust cloud. In 2012, two independent studies confirmed that Fomalhaut b does exist; but it is shrouded by debris, so it may be a gravitationally-bound accumulation of rubble rather than a whole planet.

Herschel Space Observatory images of Fomalhaut reveal a large amount of fluffy micrometer-sized dust is present in the outer dust belt. Because such dust is expected to be blown out of the system by stellar radiation pressure on short timescales, its presence indicates a constant replenishment by collisions of planetesimals. The fluffy morphology of the grains suggests a cometary origin. The collision rate is estimated to be approximately 2000 kilometer-sized comets per day.

Observations of the star’s outer dust ring by the Atacama Large Millimeter Array point to the existence of two planets in the system, neither one at the orbital radius proposed for the HST-discovered Fomalhaut b.

If there are additional planets from 4 to 10 AU, they must be under 20 MJ; if from 2.5 outward, then 30 MJ.

The Fomalhaut planetary system
(in order from star)
MassSemimajor axis
Orbital period
Inner hot disk0.08–0.11 AU
Outer hot disk0.21–0.62 AU or 0.88–1.08 AU
10 AU belt8–12 AU
Interbelt dust disk35–133 AU
b ? MJ177±68~17000.8±0.1−55°
Main belt133–158 AU−66.1°
Main belt outer halo158–209 AU

Fomalhaut b is one of the planets selected by the International Astronomical Union as part of their public process for giving proper names to exoplanets.  The process involves public nomination and voting for the new name, and the IAU plans to announce the new name in mid-November 2015.

"Still, it rankles me and some others in astronomy that the professional astronomers of the IAU are claiming the exclusive right to give ‘approved’ names to the stars. The stars – and the sky – belong to all of us. Other organizations have popped up that will also name these features for you, for a price. "

I suggest the name of “Commode” for Fomalhaut Ab. It belongs on this table.

Fomalhaut B (TW Piscis Austrini)

Fomalhaut forms a binary star with the K4-type star TW Piscis Austrini (TW PsA, Fomalhaut B).

TW Piscis Austrini lies 0.28 parsecs (0.91 light years) away from Fomalhaut, and its space velocity agrees with that of Fomalhaut within 0.1±0.5 km/s, consistent with being a bound companion. A recent age estimate for TW PsA (400±70 million years), agrees very well with the isochronal age for Fomalhaut (450±40 million years), further arguing for the two stars forming a physical binary.

The designation TW Piscis Austrini is astronomical nomenclature for a variable star. Fomalhaut B is a flare star of the type known as a BY Draconis variable. It varies slightly in apparent magnitude, ranging from 6.44 to 6.49 over a 10.3 day period. While smaller than the Sun, it is relatively large for a flare star. Most flare stars are red M-type dwarfs.

Fomalhaut C (LP 876-10)

LP 876-10 (Fomalhaut C) is also associated with the Fomalhaut system, making it a trinary star.

In October 2013, Eric Mamajek and collaborators from the RECONS consortium announced that the previously known high-proper-motion star LP 876-10 had a distance, velocity, and color-magnitude position consistent with being another member of the Fomalhaut system. LP 876-10 was originally catalogued as a high-proper-motion star by Willem Luyten in his 1979 NLTT catalogue, however a precise trigonometric parallax and radial velocity was only measured quite recently.

LP 876-10 is a red dwarf of spectral type M4V, and located even further from Fomalhaut A than TW PsA—about 5.7° away from Fomalhaut A in the sky in the neighboring constellation Aquarius, whereas both Fomalhaut A and TW PsA are located in constellation Piscis Austrinus. Its current separation from Fomalhaut A is about 0.77 parsecs (2.5 light years), and it is currently located 0.987 parsecs (3.2 light years) away from TW PsA (Fomalhaut B). LP 876-10 is located well within the tidal radius of the Fomalhaut system, which is 1.9 parsecs (6.2 light years). Although LP 876-10 is itself catalogued as a binary star in the Washington Double Star Catalog (called “WSI 138”), there was no sign of a close-in stellar companion in the imaging, spectral, or astrometric data in the Mamajek et al. study.

In December 2013, Kennedy et al. reported the discovery of a cold dusty debris disks associated with Fomalhaut C, using infrared images from the Herschel Space Observatory. Multiple-star systems hosting multiple debris disks are exceedingly rare. The disc is roughly from 10 to 40 AU.


We can summarize the known debris discs on nearby stars. We can also compare them to the discs that orbit our star. Here is a quick and handy summary;

StarDistance of Inner DiscDistance of Middle DiscDistance of Outer Disc
Sol2 – 3 AU 2K – 5K AU
Epsilon Eridani3.00 ± 0.75 AU20 AU 
Groombridge 1618 51 AU 
Zeta Leporis2.5 AU  
Fomalhaut A8–12 AU35–133 AU133–158 AU
Fomalhaut C; LP 876-10 10 – 40 AU 


The importance of debris discs should not be underestimated. It is from these rings of dust and debris that planets form.

Now, once the dust and debris discs start to form into clumps, it is only a matter of time before the clumps start to form into planets. On a geologic scale, this activity occurs rather rapidly. The gas and dust collects and then compresses as it rotates and swirls during it’s rotation around the star. As it does so, the compression draws the gas and dust towards the mass. It starts forming into a ball. It get hotter and hotter as the dost and gas fall into it. But, unlike stars, it fails to ignite. It just forms an “almost star”, a planet.

There are numerous types of planets that they could form into.

For our purposes, we can best classify them simply. They can be as either “rocky planets” or “gaseous planets”. A rocky planet might or might not have an atmosphere. A gaseous planet would be one that would have both a gaseous atmosphere, and be rather large. In our solar system all of the “outer planets” are gaseous planets, and all of the “inner planets” are rocky.

There is a dividing line between these two types of planets known as the “frost line”. It is considered to be well understood, but after viewing other solar systems, we find that is riddled with all kinds of exceptions. It is a theory that works well for our solar system, but seems to have a few bugs when we look at other solar systems. (But then again, my understanding of it might be flawed.)

The formation of planets around young stars is a very interesting subject. It is also a very complex one involving the dynamics of particles under the ingluence of gravity around hot and young rotating bodies.
The evolution and birth of planets around very young stars; showing the frost and soot lines. The conditions of the protostar determines the orientation of the frost line. (Image Source.)

Over time, the planets age. They go through stages or eons. This is much the same way that people age. They are born hot. As such they are very uncomfortable. The environment is hot, the atmosphere, if any is toxic and unstable. The magnetic field and other attributes such as planetary rotation, pole tilt, and orbital inclination might be subject to change.

Most planets will go through an aging process much like what we have seen on the earth. These periods are in general;

  1. Hadean . Most planets look like the medieval idea of Hell.
  2. Archean . First microbes. Possible liquid water.
  3. Proterozoic . Early life.
  4. Phanerozoic . Dinosaurs to humankind.

We really haven’t come up with older time periods because we are trapped on the earth, and we do not know enough about planets older than our planet. What we can assume is pretty much a stabilization of the planet over time. As the solar system stabilizes, so does the planets orbiting within it. Over time the risk of planetary bombardment decreases. Over time the star becomes more stable (except for O, B, and A stars for the most part), and that affects the planets as well. With planetary and stellar stability comes native life.

We know that life pretty much can crop up anywhere. There are those who are still looking for “proof” that this is possible. Fine for them. I’ll let the reader into a little secret; Yah it’s damn common everywhere. You don’t need too much effort to get it all started.

While life is scurrying about on the planet surface, the planet ages like anything else. It gets colder. The internal heat that kept the interior nice and toasty eventually starts to cool down. Eventually, it will cool down enough that the core becomes solid and the planet sort of “dies”. Now those on the surface of the planet might not be aware of it, but that is what happens. It’s like a tooth where the root dies. It might be salvaged with a “crown”, but the old tooth is gone. It is dead.

As a planet gets older, it starts to cool down. As it cools the internal movement of the planet decreases and stability of the planet increases.
The aging process of a rocky planet such as the earth or the moon.

All planets age.

We are still learning about this. However, as the planet ages, the amount of heat inside the planet decreases. It cools down. That means that there is a decrease in the fluidity of the interior, a decrease in the magma movement, a decrease in the convective currents, and a noticeable decrease in the resiliency of a given planet. Once the planet cools down sufficiently, it becomes a cold, solid rocky body.

The closer a planetary body is to a star, the longer it will take to cool down. The further away it is from the star, the quicker it will take to cool down.

Anyways, the life that we see on the planet all round us is what happens after around 4.5 billion years of planetary growth. It didn’t just spring up out of nothing. It formed over time.

How the Moon Formed

Now there is a minor debate on how the moon was formed.

Scientific method
The scientific method should be used to consider all issues regarding the moon, not selected issues.

Here are some of the theories, with the “giant impact hypothesis” being the strongest contender. Initially, when people started to ponder the construction of “our” moon and why it is there, they came up with various theories. The first of which was the most obvious. It is known as the Co-formation hypothesis.

Co-formation hypothesis

Of course, who is to say that the moon did not form at the same time as the earth did? That is the key premise behind the co-formation theory. In this theory eddies and tides formed as the dust and gas started to create the earth. One such collection of dust and debris began to from near the earth and entered orbit around it.

Such a moon would have [1] a very similar composition to the planet earth, and [2] would explain the moon’s present location.  This, and the fact [3] that this seems a logical extension of planetary evolutionary theory makes this a very attractive scenario.

However, there is a problem.  While both the earth and the moon are pretty much composed of the same materials, they do not share the same density. That’s right. The moon is significantly less dense that our earth. This would not at all be the case if both the moon and the earth started out with the same materials during formation.

Which  brings us to the Giant Impact hypothesis…

Giant impact hypothesis

To refine the theory regarding how the moon came to be, and to take into account its’ odd density, scientists have come up with a different theory.

The prevailing theory, which is supported by the scientific community, is one known as “the giant impact hypothesis”. This theory suggests that the moon formed when an object smashed into the early Earth. This would have been really early on during the Hadean period. The earth was hot, semi-molten, and constantly bombarded with dust, gas and meteoroids. After all, during that time period the early solar system was awash in all kinds of clumps of early planetoids, proto-planets, and just plain masses and clumps of “stuff”.

The theory believes that the original earth was much larger than it is today. As such, it was bigger in size, with a stronger gravitational pull.

The theory has even named the object that apparently collided with the earth. It has been named as Theia.  According to the theory, Theia was the size of (present day) Mars when it collided with the Earth. Now, of course, such a collusion would have been quite messy and spectacular. Obviously you would not want to be present when this occurred. It would have been very unhealthy.

When it hit the earth, it threw up vaporized chunks of the earth into space. These chunks would find orbits around the sun. These chunks might be anything from gravel sized rocks, to huge blocks of crust looking more like humongous planetoid-sized orange peels than anything else.

Over time, the orbits of many of these objects would boomerang them back towards the earth. They would enter into orbits that would cause them to be gravitationally bound to the earth. Over time, these chunks would then again be drawn together. Since these elements came for the lighter material of the earth’s surface, and not from the heavier material inside the earth, they formed a large planetary object. A planetary object containing elements of the torn earth and Theia. This object became gravitationally bound to the earth. It orbited it and became the moon that we know of today.

Of course, the assumptions regarding this theory has some issues that do need to be addressed. For instance, why would the debris clump together and form the moon, and not fall back into the earth instead? If you believe and follow this theory, they you would come to the conclusion that it is easier to form a moon than to be gravitationally attracted to the earth.

But hey, what do I know?

They theory has many believers. Firstly because the apparent composition of the moon is suggestive of this theory, and secondly that as the material drew together around what was left of Theia’s core, it would have centered near Earth’s ecliptic plane.  This ecliptic plane is whereupon the path the sun travels through the sky. It is also which is where the moon orbits today.

This theory, also has its problems as well.

Most computer models suggest that most of the moon (over 60%) should be made up of the striking object; Theia. These models are based on classical dynamics. As such, it is surprising to note that actual rock samples from the Apollo space missions indicate otherwise. Either the samples from the missions are of something else, the computer simulations are wrong, the presumed material content of Theia is incorrect, or the entire theory is just bunk. Ah, such is the bane of the theory-of-the-day.

"In terms of composition, the Earth and moon are almost twins, their compositions differing by at most few parts in a million. This contradiction has cast a long shadow on the giant-impact model."

- Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti, an astrophysicist at the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, as interviewed by

Some links;

The Multiple-Impact hypothesis

Since the actual findings of the rocks brought back from Apollo do not agree with the Giant Impact hypothesis, maybe there are other theories that might.

One team, quoted above, the Mastrobuono-Battisti’s team, was able to create a model to do just this. Their model suggests that Theia and the Earth shouldn’t be as widely different as previously believed.

Their theory is that instead of one huge planet named Theia smashing into the earth, many smaller objects did so. This was a rain of small debris that kicked up the earth’s crust into orbit. Over time, the debris entered orbit around the earth and collapsed together forming the moon. Their belief suggests that there was a constant rain of debris that collided with the proto-planet. This debris ended up forming the moon as well now know it.

This theory has been named the “Multiple-Impact hypothesis”, but I find it a poor naming convention. I prefer to consider this theory to be more like a “dribble of debris” rather than a “Multiple-Impact hypothesis”. After all, the impression that you get from the naming convention is a number of larger objects colliding into the proto or early earth. This is instead of a “dribble of debris” that splashed into the molten, early earth kicking up a large disc of debris that orbited the earth and eventually became the moon.

Well, that is all well and good. However, I am still having some trouble getting my arms around that most basic concept of the theory. Which is that orbiting objects would prefer to form a moon rather than fall towards a larger gravitational sink; the earth.

The Multi-Collision hypothesis

Perhaps some of the problems with the theory might be explained away by having multiple bodies that plunged into the earth. In 2012, researcher Robin Canup, of the Southwest Research Institute in Texas, proposed that Earth and the moon formed at the same time, much like the co-formation theory. However, it was not due to swirling eddies of gas and debris that became gravitationally bound. Rather it was when two massive objects, both five times the size of Mars, crashed into each other.

"After colliding, the two similar-sized bodies then re-collided, forming an early Earth surrounded by a disk of material that combined to form the moon. The re-collision and subsequent merger left the two bodies with the similar chemical compositions seen today.”

-NASA said.

Some Links;

Capture hypothesis

This is a pretty much “textbook” theory.

In the “Capture hypothesis”, Earth’s gravity managed to attract and capture a passing planetary body. This thesis has many advocates, as that was exactly what happened with many other moons in the solar system. Examples include the two moons of Mars, and numerous moons around the outer planets.

The capture theory solves and answers many of the perplexing questions that arise with other theories. For instance, it would explain the differences in the composition of Earth and its moon.

However, is also a problem with this theory as well. Typically, from what we know, captured planetoids are often oddly shaped. They are not spherical bodies like the moon is. Additionally, their orbital paths don’t conveniently line up with the ecliptic of their parent planet. Which is something that the moon does.

Apparently, the capture took some time with the moon starting in long elliptical paths where it would swing close to the earth (far closer than it does now), and swing far out and away from the earth. Eventually the orbits settled down into what we observe here today.

"Present-day nautilus shells almost invariably show thirty daily growth lines (give or take a couple) between the major partitions, or septa, in their shells. 

Paleontologists find fewer and fewer growth lines between septa in progressively older fossils. 420 million years ago, when the moon circled the earth once every nine days, the very first nautiloids show only nine growth lines between septa. 

The moon was closer to the earth and revolved about it faster, and the earth itself was rotating faster on its axis than it is now. The day had only twenty-one hours, and the moon loomed enormous in the sky at less than half its present distance from earth."

-Earth’s days used to be just 18 hours long, but the Moon changed that

The Placement hypothesis

Of course, if you go through the “approved” search engines you can find the above theories quite readily. Like anything else, if you hit 100,000 websites talking about the “Giant Impact hypothesis” you might be under the impression that that is most prevailing theory. So when you come across an odd-ball theory, there is a tendency to discount it as “radical”, “out of the mainstream”, or just plain “nonsense”.

So, here is the ruler for all of you out there in Internet land; all theories are just theories. Some have more validity than others, based on their observed and measured attributes.

Here is a theory that deserves consideration. Especially, in light of other characteristics that will be addressed later on.  This theory, which goes by the name “The Placement hypothesis” concerns that (outrageous) idea than an advanced spacefaring society intentionally placed the moon in orbit around the earth.

 “The world, we are told, was made especially for man — a presumption not supported by all the facts.” 

John Muir, A Thousand-Mile Walk to the Gulf

Hum. Is that so?

You think?

Currently, conventional scientific theory holds that the Moon was born from earth during an early period of formation.   This is a theory based on some solid and compelling information, but it is a theory and not without its problems.

To go along with this theory would require some pretty steep proof. For not only would the moon have to be composed of the same kinds of isotopes found in our solar system, but it would need to have a different composition than the earth. Which some of the other theories also address. Yet, this theory must ALSO indicate the following more problematic characteristics;

Firstly [1], that there are other extraterrestrials “out there”, that [2] have the technical ability to actually move a planet or planetoid in an orbit around the earth, [3] that they did so hundreds of millions of years ago, and finally [4] they have a reason to do so.

Because these four characteristics are considered to be “outlandish” by the scientific statists, the theory is ignored and neglected as not even worthy of comment. But others have asked this question. I contend that we should always ask questions. Especially if the answers to those questions point into new directions of thought and investigation.

I get very disturbed when I see a bleaching of the internet to only the “approved” versions of scientific discourse, and the government policy, with no regard to anything else. This falls into the category of book burnings, and the Nazi-like behavior at American software companies of “approved group mind-think”.

My definition of scientific statism;

A concentration of a set scientific theory in the hands of a closed elite group of people. Often they have direct ties to a highly centralized government. To alter or change that theory to revise it to meet new discoveries or data often requires government derived politics and peer-group approvals.

It is in light of this premise, I present this “outrageous” theory.

The theory contends that the moon formed within our solar system, but was “placed” as opposed to “captured”, in orbit around the earth. In many ways this theory is an extension of the “Capture hypothesis”, in that it is identical in the core statements, but add the additional three characteristics to help answer some strange facts about the moon.

Let’s begin with a statement by author Isaac Asimov.  Isaac Asimov, stated,

"It’s too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible."

Conventionally, it is considered that the material the Moon is made from came from the outer surface of the Earth and left a shallow hole that filled with water and we now call the Pacific. This rock left the Earth to produce the Moon very quickly after our planet had formed around 4.6 billion years ago; or very early during the formation of our solar system.  This Earth- spurned Moon theory is a seductive one.

Let’s look at this “outrageous theory’, the “Placement hypothesis”. The moon was formed the same way the earth was formed, and was formed using many of the same materials.  It is believed that if the moon was formed in our solar system that it is contemporaneous with the same approximate location as it resides today; the “inner” rocky planets.  However, that, for reasons not clear, it migrated outbound and entered into a long elliptical orbit about the sun.  Eventually it was captured by one of the gas giants.  There, it orbited for a few billion years.  Later it was relocated into a stable parking orbit around the earth.

For that is why theories exist; to help answer as many attributes of a mystery as possible.

 “Could it be that the Moon is artificial? Could it even be hollow? And does the Moon really exist through some happy accident, or is a blueprint apparent – and if so, who was the architect? “

– New Dawn 

Granted, it’s a pretty outlandish theory.

But it meets all the criteria of what we observe in the moon today. It covers material composition, location, orientation, rotation, and other attributes that we should address now.

You know, the more conventional theories address the basics. They don’t really address the mysteries. This is unfortunate, as the moon is full of mysteries.

The outrageous “Placement hypothesis”, for all of its faults, does address the full extent of the mysteries of the moon. It also explains something else; it explains WHY there was a sudden and rapid “Cambrian Explosion” around 500 Ma.

The moon and it’s mysteries

Over the years, we have learned quite a bit about “our” moon. All you need to do is go to Wikipedia and look up the moon and start investigating all that is known about it. Yet, with all that we know, there are certain unknowns or mysteries that are worth noting.

Total Eclipses

The reader must consider that Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous.  It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth. Therefore, both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky, which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse. Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.

No other object in the universe, that we know of, has this ability. None. Not one single body.

The presence of the moon and the ability to create eclipses is a special property worthy of note.
The moon creates eclipses. This is not naturally occurring behavior, as it occurs NOWHERE else in the universe. The Moons unusual planetary alignment.

The location of the moon is truly unique.  From the point of view of an observer on the planet surface, the moon can eclipse the sun given the correct orbital alignment.  This is a truly rare alignment and the reasons for this are unknown.

I cannot help but think that it was set up so by intelligent design, rather than coincidence.  It seems impossible, doesn’t it. How can it possibly be coincidence?

The early sun & a possible moon influence

What I find most interesting about eclipses is that they are regular enough events. In fact, Solar Eclipses (shadow of the Moon partially or fully blocking the Sun) can occur two to five times a year, but the majority are partial eclipses. Total eclipses occur about once every 18 months, and affect a very limited area. The maximum coverage of the solar disk lasts between 6 and 7.5 minutes.

The only other astronomical events that have similar event cycles to eclipses are variable stars.

If the sun was once a Cepheid Variable it’s variation might have well matched that of the eclipses of the moon.

Now Cepheid variables are very luminous stars, 500 to 300,000 times greater than the sun, with short periods of change that range from 1 to 100 days. They are pulsating variables that expand and shrink dramatically within a short period of time, following a specific pattern. Obviously, if there was a relationship between the variable star and the moon, it must have occurred early on in the solar system. Perhaps in the first billion years of our solar system.

For me, speculation of the early life of our sun is enjoyable. No, our sun did not start out a G-class star. It grew into the star that we see today. We don’t really know what it was when it was young. Some of my ideas of candidates of what our sun might have been in the distant past are;

The reader need not be confused. I am only suggesting a possible correlation between the timing of the eclipses and a variable star. Perhaps there is more to this mechanism than we are aware of. Perhaps there is some kind of deeper relationship that we are unaware of. Perhaps it is something else.

Anyways, it sure is a fun thing to ponder.

Mirrors the Star

Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the Sun does at opposite solstices. For example, this means the Moon rises at midwinter at the same place the Sun does at midsummer. There is no logical reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in this way and it is only meaningful to a human standing on the Earth.

Thus, it assists in the belief that the moon is a special gift to mankind. This alignment is only meaningful to an intelligent person residing upon the surface of the earth. All in all, it’s pretty odd, and cannot be explained in light of the behaviors of other bodies in our solar system.

No other planetary body does this. For all the centuries of study on planetary bodies, and stars, not one other object in space has this ability. Not one.

Maybe this too is just a coincidence…

Strange Age

The idea that the moon formed within the solar system is a very seductive and alluring story for the formation of the moon.  Unfortunately, that idea also has its problems. Studies of the rocks returned from the moon indicate that the moon originated outside of our solar system. As such, it is easily one billion years older than the earth.

The oldest age for the Earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old. However, the moon rocks were dated at 5.3 billion years old, and the dust upon which they were resting was at least another billion years older.  The dust on the moon has been dated to 6.3 billion years.

This discrepancy is one that is often dismissed with a smirk. Oh, the smirk implies, the rocks and dust on the moon are not PART of the moon, they are from elsewhere. Oh, how convenient. Ah, just keep on adjusting the facts until they fit your pet theory or prevailing hypothesis.

The fact is that the dust on the moon, as well as the rocks obtained from the Apollo moon landings indicate ages much, much older than our solar system. If we take them as face value, then we need to accept the fact that the moon might be from outside our solar system.

If so, then we really do not know from whence the moon originated from.

Possible Candidates

If the moon did not originate from our solar system, then where did it come from? Well, luckily, there are numerous candidates that offer the possibility that one of the planets around another star might have been attracted to and relocated to our solar system.  Some of the candidates include;

  • Perhaps it was part of the Gamma Microscopii system, when it came close to the solar system. Backwards extrapolation of the motion of γ Microscopii has shown that approximately 3.8 million years ago, it was only around 6 light-years from the Sun.
  • Perhaps it was a member of Scholz’s star. Estimates indicate that the WISE 0720−0846 system passed about 52,000 astronomical units (0.25 parsecs; 0.82 light-years) from the Sun about 70,000 years ago. 98% of mathematical simulations of the star system’s trajectory indicated it passed through the Solar System’s Oort cloud, or within 120,000 AU (0.58 pc; 1.9 ly) of the Sun.
  • Perhaps it came from Zeta Leporis. Bobylev’s calculations from 2010 suggest that this star passed as close as 1.28 parsecs (4.17 light-years) from the Sun about 861,000 years ago.
  • Or maybe it came from Gliese 208. Calculations from 2010 suggest that this star passed as close as 1.537 parsecs (5.0 light-years) from the Sun about 500,000 years ago.

In any event all of the above candidates are really rather young. The oldest of the lot, Gliese 208 is still only 2.7 billion years old. To help answer this mystery, the star and solar system would need to be at least 5.5 billion years old.

The Chinese Rescue


But, wait! The Chinese are not going to let this mystery stand. They took the rocks obtained from the lunar excursions and reexamined them. They came to the conclusion that NASA and their team of expert American geologists were all wrong. They had made a mistake! Yessur. The Chinese have retested the rocks, and low and behold they find that it almost exactly agrees with the age of our solar system. Imagine that!

“A new analysis of lunar rocks brought to Earth by Apollo 14 astronauts in 1971 suggests that the moon formed 4.51 billion years ago — just 60 million years after the solar system itself took shape.”

- Xinhuanet   2017-01-13 14:48:59

It’s sort of like how Democrats keep on finding more and more ballots after they lost an election. And, low and behold the ballots are all voting democrat! Imagine that!

The Cold Core

If the moon is the same age as the rest of the solar system, then there is a real problem with the fact that the moon is no longer geologically active. Because from what we have observed, the moon’s core should still be molten.

If the moon was the same age as the earth, the inner cores, while different in size, would still be similar. Since the earth’s core is molten, then it goes to follow that the moon’s should be molten as well.

However, that is not the case.

The core of the Moon cooled substantially earlier than any of the inner planets or planetoids.

Which means that either the moon was;

  1. The same age as the solar system, but occupied a substantially colder orbit before it was located where it is today.
  2. Is a different age than the solar system, and thus being older, the core has since solidified.

The Tungsten-182 Mystery

The mystery of an ancient moon is very perplexing. It is very, very strange. Because we do know (or at least we think we know.) that the moon actually did come from our solar system. We know this, we believe, through a study of isotopes.

Researchers have [1] presented evidence that the chemical similarity between the earth and the moon is due to a violent mixing of material that occurred when Theia hit Earth. Another study [2] presents evidence that an alternate explanation (that against all odds, the far-flung Theia happened to be made of similar stuff to our Earth) may be more plausible than previously assumed.

The authors of the first two studies looked at tungsten in Earth and the moon, tracing how much of a particular isotope has formed in each body.  The isotope, Tungsten-182, doesn’t come from these basic building blocks. It’s created by another element as it decays. So by comparing the ratio of the parent element to the daughter element (in this case tungsten) the researchers were able to work backward and establish that the moon and the Earth had the same isotopic compositions when they formed.

So one of either two situations support this;

  1. The moon was formed in our solar system.
  2. All solar systems generate similar isotropic signatures.

As such, the mystery is this; how can the moon be older than our solar system, if the isotropic signatures are similar?

Completely Circular Orbit

The moons orbit is intentionally designed to be completely circular.  It’s orbit is not elliptical like the vast majority of stellar objects. Our moon is the ONLY moon in the solar system that has a stationary, near-perfect circular orbit.  Maybe that is because of the size of the moon relative to the size of the earth. Maybe it is due to some under examined attribute of the earth, or you know, maybe it is just coincidence.

Yah. Maybe it is just another coincidence.

Unusual Center of Gravity

Stranger still, the moon’s center of mass is about 6000 feet closer to the Earth than its geometric center (which should cause wobbling), but the moon’s bulge is on the far side of the moon, away from the Earth. On rocky planetary bodies, the center of gravity is almost completely centered in the middle of the core. This is what assists in stable rotation, like a (child’s toy) top.

Once the CG is not located in the center, it will create an off-center and off-balance condition. Much the same way you would topple over if you tried lifting up a heavy boulder. The weight throws off your center of gravity, and you need to support yourself and brace yourself to lift that boulder up properly.

Now, this might be due to other things, like a massive bombardment of very heavy masses into the moons crust. But if you look at the gravitational map, the mass variations are pretty much evenly dispersed. Indeed, the moon has a strange gravitational map.

Bizarrely, its concentration of mass are located at a series of points just under its surface – which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft. It is NOT at the center of the planetary body. Looking at the map can tell us a lot about how the moon came to be what it is today.

The gravity on the moon varies from location to location.
This is an accurate gravitational map of the moon accurate to 2017. The unusual gravitational map of the moon.

It sure looks like the moon is composed of areas (or spots) that have heavy, while most of the moon is rather light. Further, there seems to be some evidence that heavy objects plunged into the moon and formed craters.

Tidal Influence

Every schoolboy and girl knows that the moon creates the tides. The ocean moves; it raises and falls because of the gravitational tug and pull of the moon. We all think that this is natural, expected and normal. That is because the entire human race has lived with this effect since the dawn of man. We never think about it, or it’s significance.

The kind of effect that we see and experience is only possible with a large moon orbiting a planet in the configuration that we observe with the moon. For instance, the moons of Mars would have quite a difficult time trying to replicate such an effect. This effect, provides movement of the seas. This movement permits coastal creature evolution from that of an aquatic being to that of a land-dwelling creature. I cannot imagine that kind of evolutionary leap on a world with a quiet quiescent placid ocean.

If you think about it, the moon seems to be specifically designed to create the same kind of tidal effects that are present on a planet (with a moonlet) that is in close orbit to a red dwarf star.  Interesting, very interesting.

Magnetized Rocks

The presence of magnetized rocks on the surface of the moon, which has no global magnetic field, has been a mystery since the days of the Apollo program. You can well understand how this would be a mystery. The moon is cold, geologically dead, and lifeless. It has no magnetic field. Yet, when the Apollo team returned back to the earth, they hauled back rocks that were all heavily magnetized.

The only way that these rocks could have been magnetized was if the moon was close to another body with a large magnetic field, like the sun, Jupiter or Saturn.

“Based on their calculations, the researchers estimate the lunar magnetic field might have lasted for about a billion years, somewhere between around 2.7 billion and 4.2 billion years ago.”

While there have been efforts to take into account this strange situation, they all follow the same prescription. You take the prevailing theory of the moon formation, and then come up with new techniques, new processes, and new things to explain away the elephant in the room.

Truly, that is what is going on.

The easiest explanation is that the moon was in a periodic (maybe short lived) orbit around a very strong magnetic generator, and then moved (somehow) to its current position around the earth. The problem with this is that it doesn’t fit in with the prevailing populist theories of moon planetary formation.

Here’s what I am talking about;

All of the internet was abuzz with the apparent blind acceptance of a theory that seems to solve the magnetization mystery. Yet, I see no subsequent tests to validate this theory, nor any examples of other planets or systems that seem to maintain this narrative.

It’s just blind acceptance. At that, I must admit that I am flabbergasted.

Intentional or Intelligent Design?

Stepping back from the moon, for a brief spell, and taking a look at the big picture, we can see some “special characteristics” that our solar system has as opposed to the other solar systems that we have observed. If, our solar system was crafted or tailored as a “special place” for “special purposes”, then perhaps the odd characteristics found on the moon might teach us about our role in the universe, and the role of our solar system in all of this…

“We find that the properties of the planets in our solar system are not so significantly special compared to those in exosolar systems to make the solar system extremely rare. The masses and densities are typical, although the lack of a super-Earth-sized planet appears to be somewhat unusual. The orbital locations of our planets seem to be somewhat special but this is most likely due to selection effects and the difficulty in finding planets with a small mass or large orbital period. The mean semi-major axis of observed exoplanets is smaller than the distance of Mercury to the Sun. The relative depletion in mass of the solar system’s terrestrial region may be important. The eccentricities are relatively low compared to observed exoplanets, although the observations are biased toward finding high eccentricity planets. The low eccentricity, however, may be expected for multi-planet systems. 

Thus, the two characteristics of the solar system that we find to be most special are the lack of super-Earths with orbital periods of days to months and the general lack of planets inside of the orbital radius of Mercury.”

- Martin and Livio, “The Solar System as an Exoplanetary System,” The Astrophysical Journal Vol. 810, No. 2 (3 September 2015)

Just saying…

Now let’s get to the number one curiosity that I have devoted this post towards. The fact that the moon is hollow.

A Hollow Moon

The Moon does not have a solid core like every other planetary object.   It has a unique, and even strange kind of core.  It is either hollow or has a very low-density interior.   Possibly the strongest evidence for it to be a “hollow object”’ comes from the fact that when meteors strike the Moon, the Moon rings like a bell.

More specifically when the Apollo crew in November 20, 1969 released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour.  This ringing effect is simply the sounds travelling from one surface to the opposite surface.  That is how one obtains a ringing sound.  That implies an empty void of some unknown dimension.

The moon’s mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth’s is 5.5. What does this mean? In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated,

"If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere."

Nobel chemist Dr. Harold Urey suggested the moon’s reduced density is because of large areas inside the moon where is “simply a cavity.” MIT’s Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote,

"the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon’s gravitational field... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow."

In Carl Sagan’s treatise, Intelligent Life in the Universe, the famous astronomer stated,

"A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object."

On November 20, 1969, the Apollo 12 crew jettisoned the lunar module ascent stage causing it to crash onto the moon. The LM’s impact (about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site) created an artificial moonquake with startling characteristics—the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour.

This phenomenon was repeated with Apollo 13 (intentionally commanding the third stage to impact the moon), with even more startling results. Seismic instruments recorded that the reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and traveled to a depth of twenty-five miles, leading to the conclusion that the moon has an unusually light—or even no—core.

But, how could this be?

The answer is right there for all of us to see. It is just that no one wants to consider it. To answer this question we have to go back to elementary school. That’s right. Now I really don’t know what they are teaching in schools today. I suspect that it is something along the lines of…

“Now, boys, and girls, and transgenders… Water is wet. Brando  has electrolytes. That’s it for science. 

Now let’s talk about important things. Let’s talk about how you feel about Muslims not being as privileged as White people are.”

Yeah, it’s that obvious.

Anyways, let’s talk about iron. You know, that stuff that (over time) migrates to the center of a planet. Well the properties of iron is pretty well known, and the various alloys have all been mapped out. To understand what happens to the iron core as it cools down we need to look at a phase diagram for iron. Here’s a pretty decent one. It plots the phases of various steel / iron alloys by temperature at a constant pressure (Ugh! Unfortunately, we’ve got to assume 1 atm pressure in this chart.).

The phase changes of iron as a function of percentage of carbon.
Phase diagram of iron and steel as a percentage of carbon. This is a very great chart that shows (obviously) how the material changes when you add carbon tot he molten iron. Phase Diagram for Iron (and Steel). (Image Source.)

If there is one thing that should be clear in this diagram, it is that regardless of the concentration of residual carbon in the iron matrix, a ball of liquid molten iron will solidify. It will go from liquid to solid. Now this is pretty much well known, especially in astronomical circles. What you need to take into account is pressure as well as temperature. To this end, here is a nice chart showing at which temperature and pressure that iron in the core of a planet goes from liquid to a solid state.

Planetary iron goes through phases changes like any other material.
P-T diagram showing the phase state conditions for planetary iron. The inner core can be a solid even at very high temperatures. Great article this. (Image Source.)

And, what is most important to this discussion is that when iron goes from liquid to solid it shrinks. Now, this should be common knowledge. Most metals shrink when they get cold.

The amount of shrinkage varies from alloy to alloy and material to material. The rate of shrinkage changes as well, and depends on many, many factors. If the reader is so inclined, you can look at the shrinkage of steel under thermal contraction as it solidifies HERE. It’s good stuff, but a little too dry for casual reading.

Now, metal shrinks in stages during the cooling process. It doesn’t just shrink all of a sudden. An observer wouldn’t be stunned or startled when it happens.

In the solidification of molten metals, there are  three separate degrees of shrinkage. These degrees or stages, include [1] liquid-to-solid shrinkage, [2] liquid shrinkage, and finally a process [3] known as patternmaker’s contraction.

Liquid Shrinkage

“During solidification of a metal, the density of the material changes due to cooling of the metal in both liquid and solid state as well as due to the solid to liquid phase transformation itself. Phase transformations in the solid state during solidification may also cause a volume change which will affect the solidification process.”

-On the shrinkage of metals and its effect in solidification processing, by Anders Lagerstedt.

The first stage is not too exciting. What actually happens is that the molten metal starts to contract, while it is still liquid. If you had a container of molten iron on your desk and you kept cooling it down, then there would be a point where the iron was still liquid, but the amount of liquid would decrease. The liquid itself would shrink. This is known as “liquid shrinkage”.

If you were astute, and noticed this, you might think that the molten iron evaporated into the air. (Like how a pan of boiling water eventually gets less and less over time. However, this is not the case at all. The actual liquid iron shrinks.

Liquid to Solid Shrinkage

The second stage is called the Liquid-to-solid shrinkage. As the mass of metal changes from the fragmented molecular particles into the integrated blocks, it starts to shrink. It is a process involving the molecular arrangement of the substance.  Of course, the amount of solidification shrinkage varies from low to high shrinkage volumes as well as from alloy to alloy.

There is an entire science to this process, and it is extremely interesting. However, for our purposes, let’s just keep it simple.

Patternmaker’s Contraction

After the solidification of the metal is complete and cooling is to ambient temperatures, the contraction that occurs is known as the Patternmakers Contraction. The proportions of the mold cavity are changed by this contraction from those of the molten metal in the cast to that of the alloy’s grade of compression. This is a problem that all people experience when they try to cast parts out of iron. The iron shrinks during cooling and it becomes smaller than the mold that it was cast out of. If the mold maker is not careful, there will be distortions in the final part.

The state changes and phase states of an ideal metal.
This diagram shows the cooling curve and states for a pure metal. All metals follow these rules with variations in temperatures, duration and properties. The cooling curve of a pure metal/ (Image Source.)

A moon with a contracted iron core

Which brings us back full circle to our moon.

Most planets in our solar system, with the exception of the smaller planetoids, asteroids and comets have a warm and hot interior.  At the center of most of the planets in our solar system reside hot molten liquid cores.  The mantle and cooler surfaces of the planets surround these hot cores.  But that is not the case with our moon.

A long time ago, when is unknown, the moon cooled down and the hot and molten interior normally associated with planets became cold and lifeless.  As it cooled down, it shrank.

All metals, and metal ores shrink when they cool down.  The interior center of the moon was mostly iron, and so when the hot molten iron cooled, it shrunk.  As it shrunk, it created numerous gaps.  One of which was the largest and most predominant gap.

This was much like the core of a peach.  When the seed inside a peach shrinks, it creates a void or space gap inside.

In the case of “our” moon, the heavy iron core was much denser than the Moon’s outer mantle and thus it was more apt to be affected by the Earth’s gravitational attractive forces.  The gravitational pull on the moon (by our earth) eventually caused the cool iron core to displace.

This displacement tugged the core to one side of the hollow void.  It tugged the core towards the Earth, thus creating a displaced center of gravity.  And, thus helped to make the Moon tidally locked in place.  (The core of  iron was “flattened” in addition to being displaced.)  This movement caused the void to change shape.  Thus making the existing void larger and greater in height.

While we do not know the absolute composition of the core of the moon, we do strongly suspect that it is of iron composition.

Meteoritic Iron

Until someone bores down into the core of a planet, there is really no way for us to know what the composition of iron is at the core. For reasons of my own, I like to think that the best approximation of the iron composition of the core of the moon is something resembling meteoritic iron.

“Meteoric iron, sometimes meteoritic iron, is a native metal found in meteorites and made from the elements iron and nickel mainly in the form of the mineral phases kamacite and taenite. Meteoric iron makes up the bulk of iron meteorites but is also found in other meteorites. Apart from minor amounts of telluric iron, meteoric iron is the only naturally occurring native metal of the element iron on the Earth's surface.”


Without getting into too much detail, we can clearly see that Irregardless to the percentage of kamacite or taenite in the core of the moon, the core will eventually phase change into a solid mass eventually. There is a variation on when this occurs and how, depending on the amount of nickel, but this doesn’t change the fact that the core will eventually go completely solid.

All materials have a phase diagram. Here is one on planetary iron and it's components of kamacite as a percentage of nickel.
Phase diagram for kamacite depending on the percent of nickel. Phase diagram for kamacite and taenite, as a percentage of nickel. (Image source.)

The iron core, of some unknown alloy (probably a mixture of kamacite and taenite), contracted when it cooled. It shrank. From what we know about the shrinkage of iron (and iron alloys) it underwent stages of shrinkage. If the behavior of cooling iron in a planetary core is similar to that of cooling iron in a metallic mold, then we know that the iron core would delaminate from the interior core of the planet.

This would be exactly as what is observed by the “Patternmaker’s contraction”.

“Most iron meteorites are thought to come from over 50 asteroids 5-100 kilometers in size that were melted, differentiated into metallic cores and silicate mantles, and broken open by impacts long after they had slowly cooled. 

However, we find that the cooling rates for one group of iron meteorites (dubbed the IVA group) and other irons require a much more complex history and much larger parent bodies. 

The IVA metal was probably derived originally from a body at least 600 kilometers in diameter, and possibly much larger, that was dispersed by an impact leaving a molten metal body 300 kilometers in diameter. 

The molten metal body solidified and cooled slowly with scarcely any enveloping silicate mantle. This history supports several recent theoretical studies that infer that differentiated asteroids and meteorites are debris from protoplanetary collisions, that protoplanets were abundant in the asteroid belt, and that parent bodies of iron-rich meteorites were broken up early.”

- Edward Scott (Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology), Jijin Yang and Joseph Goldstein (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) from the article titled “When Worlds Really Did Collide”.

While no one, that I know of, has ever worked on the behavior of the metallic iron that would exist at the core of a planet, the team of Scott, Yang and Goldstein have come close. They studied the microscopic cross-sections of meteors and meteorites to learn about how they cooled. They concluded that…

“Our only clues to their sizes come from the thermal histories of meteorites as the larger a solid body, the longer it took to cool. Most cooling rates for meteorites have been obtained from studies of Fe-Ni metal grains, which on cooling from 1000 to 700 K change their crystal structure. For iron meteorites, which are mostly derived from asteroidal cores, this structural change produces the well-known Widmanstätten pattern of crystallographically oriented kamacite plates in taenite.”

They studied the taenite grains with an electron microprobe. From this, they then plugged the observed data into a computer program that reproducing the data with computer models for kamacite growth together with diffusion rates and equilibrium mineral compositions at 1000-700 K. This produced a computer model that simulates the formation of the Widmanstätten pattern of oriented kamacite plates.

It is a very, very interesting subject. However, rather than getting down and deep into all the dirt concerning this, let’s skip all the chapters and go to the end of the book.

After all their analysis, they derived a chart showing the cooling rate of an iron core within a planet (as a function of nickel percentage). This is the “quick and easy” chart;

The amount or percentage of nickel in a mass of planetary iron will influence the cooling rate of a planetary body.
There is an apparently linear relationship on the cooling rates of planetary iron as a function of nickel percentage. (Image Source.)

They, however, are concerned with the accuracy of this study. They do not think that it would be applicable to cooling within a planet. “Since two different techniques show that the IVA irons cooled at very diverse rates, they could not have cooled in a mantle-covered metallic core.”

Each curve in this diagram shows how the cooling rate changes with falling temperature at a specific location inside the metallic body. Our IVA cooling rates, indicated by the two straight lines, suggest that the IVA irons were located between 0.4R and 0.97R, where R is the radius of the body (150 kilometers). In other words, the meteorites come from depths 97% of the way to the surface (0.97R) from the center to only 40% (0.4R).

A Shrunken Core

The details have far too many variables for us to nail down exactly what happened. What we do know is that the core of the moon went from a hot molten mass to a cold metallic mass over time.

We believe that the amount of time that it took to occur was due to the composition of the core. This depended on the amount of kamacite and taenite, as well as the percentage of nickel at the core. Other influences included the thickness and composition of the mantle.

We know that today, with an age of 5.5 billion years, the moon’s core is cold, lifeless and dead. We also know that at one time, it was alive and active. We do not know how long that it took for it to cool down to a lifeless rock, and as such we don’t know exactly how long the core has been cool. It is strongly suggested that this amount of time exceeded that of the age of our solar system.

What is of most interest to us today, is what the shrinkage rate is for kamacite and taenite. For that would give us a rough idea of the size of the core when it was molten, compared to the size of the core now that it is cold and solid. The general rule of thumb in calculation of shrinkage in industry is to multiply the total volume by .06 to find out the total shrinkage.

Of course, this isn’t truly accurate. The rate of shrinkage will vary from metal to metal. Here is a comparative chart;

Typical Shrinkage Allowances for Important Casting Metals

(per cent)
(mm per meter)
Grey cast iron0.7 to 1.057 to 10.5
White cast iron2.121
Malleable iron1.515
Aluminum alloys1.3 to 1.613 to 16
Bronze1.05 to 2.110.5 to 21
Manganese steel2.626.5

Since we believe that the core was composed of an alloy of iron, mostly containing  kamacite and taenite with an unknown percentage of nickel, we can reasonably assume that it is a variation of “white iron”. Thus, it has a shrinkage rate of 2.1%, or  21 mm/meter. (That is about a inch for every yard of iron.)

A Debate on the Core

Not everyone believes that the moon has a dead, solid core.

There are those who believe that it is still geologically active. As such, they envision the core to be identical to that of the earth, only much, much smaller. Their computations on the size of the core are based on this assumption. As such, if the moon has a core like that of the earth, they reason, it MUST be completely out of step with every other planet in the solar system. For it to fit their models, it has to be very tiny.

You can read their arguments here;

The argument goes a little something like this. The lunar core is, by latest accounts, 1 to 3% of the total mass, but Earth’s core is 33% of the total mass. The Moon’s core is, in fact, proportionately smaller than the cores of any of the inner planets in the Solar System. Why this must be so has never been worked out, and there are no theories to explain it.

However, if you ignore the statist arguments that the moon has a geologically active core, and embrace the idea that the moon is far older than the earth (as proven by the rocks), and thus the core has one or maybe two billion years longer to cool down, then we can accept a hypothesis that matches observed data. The moon has a normal core, of a normal and “typical” size. The only difference is that it is dead and no longer hot and molten. As dead, we consider it to be 3% of the diameter, and not 33% of the moon’s diameter.

What the Core looks like

At this stage of the game, it is very difficult to identify the amount of shrinkage that the iron core underwent. It is also difficult to determine what percentage of the cavity was produced during the shrinkage process, and what form it took on. Certainly there would be areas of geodes and pockets of various sizes and shapes.

Additionally, the migration of the shrinking core would be towards the largest nearby planetary body, the earth. The solid iron core would more than likely rest along the inside of the cavity nearest to the earth. As such it might compress the inner cavity walls somewhat, making the void slightly bigger opposite it.

Ignoring their statist studies (spending time to make things fit an established narrative), and working out our calculations based on observations from all other planets in our solar system, we come up with the following baselines;

  • The moon diameter is 3,476.28 km / 3,471.94 km = 3,374.11 km.
  • The geologically active core diameter is 33% of the moon diameter = 1,146.46 km.
  • The dead core diameter is 3% of the moon diameter = 104.22 km.
  • The shrinkage of the core is 2.1% = 2.18 km.

Since we have to assume that the earth provided a gravitational influence during the shrinking process, there would be movement of the core during the shrinking process. The core would move closer to the earth. The movement would equal that (or be very similar to) that of the shrinkage.

  • Movement of the center of gravity = 2.18 km.

This makes me feel really good that I am on the right track. Apollo 15 and 16 both used laser altimeters to navigate the moon. To the surprise of everyone in NASA, the center of gravity of the moon was determined to be offset by around 2 km. So, my calculations are absolutely confirmed by actual readings. I calculated an offset of 2.18 km, and actual measured offset was “approximately 2.0 km”.

The iron core shrunk and created a hollow; a pit or a space inside of the moon.
The shrunken metal core sitting inside the cavity that remains. The iron core went from a molten state to a solid state. As it did so, it shrunk. The result was a cavity created when it was molten, and now empty as it has shrunk and delaminated away from the edges. The core now sits on the earth side of the cavity, and exists as the “sky” for a huge internal cavity that is larger than the surface area of the state of Massachusetts. Shrunk iron core sitting inside a cavity inside the moon.


What I find interesting about this whole situation is the idea that there is this huge cavity inside the moon. What would it be like? Would people there be weightless because they are in the middle of a planet? No, not likely. Chances are that they would walk on the surface of the largest gravitational attractor. This would NOT be the solidified core. No. It would be on the solidified mantle.

The solid core would be above them in their “sky”.

Further, even with a solid core, it would still take a long, long time for the core to go completely cold. In other words, the solid iron ball in the “sky” would be emitting heat and light in the IR range (via “black body” radiation) for a long time. This radiation would keep the cavity temperature warm, and provide light to those creatures adapted to that kind of radiation.

So, to an inhabitant inside of the cavity, there would be a large “sun” that would illuminate the ground around us all. This sun would emit heat and light in the IR range. To a creature who could see in the IR range, it might look a little like this…

IR view of a lake
The views can be amazing. It all depends on what eye cones a given species has. For species that evolve around dwarfs, they must have eye cones that can see in the infrared range. This leads to some very beautiful images when we explore this realm. Here we see what it would look like if you could see in both the IR and the blue range.

This is similar to what it is like in a steel mill. If you were standing near an Electric Arc Furnace when the steel is poured, you would feel pretty hot. This is because the hot furnace is sending out infra-red radiation. This is part of the electromagnetic spectrum – with a wavelength slightly longer than visible light.  You cannot see it, but boy can you feel it. The same is true for ingots that are pulled right out of the mold. They sizzle in heat, but if you didn’t know better, you might walk up to them and touch them and maybe lose an arm in the process.

When the infra-red radiation hits your face or hands, it is absorbed and warms you up. The hotter the molten iron, the more intense the radiation and the hotter you will feel.

A species, from say a red dwarf, would be well suited to seeing in this wavelength. To them, it would be like bright daylight on a summer day.

View in the IR
Were a civilization were to be established on a planet around a brown dwarf, the inhabitants would need to see in the infrared spectrum. To them, the life would be the same as the life that us humans have. It is only that they would perceive it differently. Perception is everything, and ti molds the scientific advantages that a civilization can muster.

Putting it all Together

No one will ever know for certain, the story behind the moon and how it ended up where it is today. At best, we can come up with theories.

The theories that seem to solve all the of the mysteries of the moon, do seem to be the most outlandish. After all, to believe in the certainty of the more outlandish theories is to accept the insignificance of the human species.

Which brings up a point that is worthy of consideration. If the earth is important enough to warrant repositioning of a planet, then the species capable of doing so, must also still be involved in this  planet to some degree.

Is it really too difficult to believe that the earth is indeed a special place? Is it too difficult to consider that either by [1] intelligent direction, or by [2] a coincidence of rare events, that the earth is truly unique?

Consider the possibility;

  • The Moon was formed outside of our solar system.
  • The moon formed close to a star or a large body like a Jupiter sized gas giant.
  • After the first one billion years during the formation of the solar system it migrated outward for reasons unknown.
  • Many of the rocks on the moon are magnetized because of the large magnetic field associated with the star / gas giant that it orbited.
  • During the movement process, the Moon collected (or had) a large number of orbital companions that fell into a more or less unstable orbit around the former Moon equator.  These minor planetary bodies eventually fell to the moon and created a banded cratering effect.
  • The moon location around the earth relative to the sun is intentional. The reasons for this is not altogether clear.  Perhaps we can speculate that it was because (at the time the moon was moved) the sun was more active or variable and thus the moon had to “protect” the earth.
  • The presence of a huge underground void caused by the displacement of the core is a significant feature of the Moon and does absolutely create a secure underground habitation were a species capable of the technology to harvest that advantage.
  • The presence of the moon considerably changed the development of many naturally evolved creatures on the surface of the planet.  As without the tides, the evolutionary sequence of many creatures would be vastly different today.


The moon is no longer geologically active. It is a large and dead object that orbits our planet. It is an interesting object that has more than just a few mysteries.

There are many theories on how the moon came to be, but the most outrageous theories are the ones that actually fit the observed data and characteristics.

Chart of moon formation theory comparisions.
A comparison of selected theories on moon formation and whether they fit the observed characteristics of the moon. The theories that fit the largest number of observed characteristics are the ones that are considered the most outrageous.

The moon possesses a hollow cavity that is very enormous. It was formed when the iron core solidified, and during the shrinking process it delaminated from the primarily silicon mantle.  At the widest point, the ceiling for the cavity is at 2.1 km, or 6889.76 feet. This is a huge volume of space.  As such it can contain stratus, stratocumulus, and cumulous clouds and rain (given a proper oxygen atmosphere with water and nitrogen).

The surface area on the iron core surface is also enormous. At over 32,685 km, it is bigger than the state of Massachusetts.

Now, for the kicker, if the moon was placed in orbit around the earth through the “placement hypothesis” by an extraterrestrial intelligence, then they would also have the technology to detoxify the inner void present inside the moon. They would occupy it, and create a stable and safe environment from which to monitor the earth by.

It is unknown how long this void would have been inhabited, however it is reasonable to assume that creatures and fauna presently now long extinct, could have continued their existence within that chamber and evolved in different ways over the time from their earth brothers and sisters. That is, were the inhabitants of the moon’s interior desirious of the creation of an internal natural habitat.

Take Aways

All this being stated;

  • Nobody knows how the moon was formed. All we have are theories.
  • Nobody knows why the earth and the moon have such an unusual relationship. No one is brave enough to provide any reasonable hypothesis.
  • The moon is old, much older than our solar system. No matter what the latest study from China purports.
  • The moon is not precisely hollow, it has a large void instead.
  • The void was formed by the solidification of the iron core, and a delamination during the “Patternmaker’s contraction”.
  • The gravity of the earth displaced the core towards the earth by 2.1 km.
  • The early life of the sun and the solar system is very interesting, but hasn’t really been given the study it deserves.
  • If the earth has a role in the evolution and development of the human sentience, then the moon would play an important role in it.


How about a Request For Help? I tire of busybodies and statists who poke fun at the ideas and theories of others. They offer no constructive dialog. Rather they just make fun, ridicule, and then scurry under a rock.

To help put this in perspective, put yourself in my shoes…

Imagine that you are working at a company with a brutal NDR. You cannot divulge anything about what you are involved in for any reason.

Now, let’s suppose that for thirty years you were involved in training unicorns to dance with bigfoot. To help with your training, the Lock Ness Monster would gather “magical beans” that you would award the unicorns when they did a particularly impressive dance move; like the cha cha or a nice rendition of the samba.

Now, there is no way that you can talk about unicorns, bigfoot, or the Lock Ness Monster. But, the NDR doesn’t cover “magic beans”. So in the best interests of society, you might want to posit your thoughts about growing “magic beans” and how they might be of interest to imaginary creatures.

That is the situation that I find myself in.

So, if you, the reader, were so interested, I would welcome calculations that are more accurate on the displacement of the moon. Or, perhaps the radiative heating of the chamber void. I would welcome a discussion on the possibility of our sun once being a variable star. I would welcome a discussion on what kinds of large body would be able to magnetize the rocks thus found on the moon. I would welcome a relook at the Chinese study that claims that the moon is not as old as the rocks portray.

This is my call-out, to you the reader, to assist all of us in solving these mysteries. After all, this is a far better use of the internet than for looking at Justin Bieber videos.


Q: Is the moon hollow?
A: The moon has an enormous void deep in the center of it. This void is over the size of the state of Massachusetts, and is large enough to have clouds and a stable atmosphere.

Q: How was the moon formed?
A: No one knows. We had best believe that it formed using typical processes, and migrated to its current position in some manner that we are unaware of.

Q: How old is the moon?
A: The rocks obtained by the Apollo team, at various and numerous landing sites, confirmed that the moon was at least one billion years older than our solar system. The dust that they collected was one billion years older than that. This suggests that the moon originated outside of the solar system.

However, the Chinese have determined that NASA’s calculations were all incorrect. The actual age of the moon absolutely agrees with the age of the solar system.

Q: What is the significance of the magnetized rocks on the moon?
A: The presence of magnetized rocks points to a very strong magnetic flux. This can only occur when the moon was in close proximity to a star or large gas giant. Close proximity means in close and very tight orbit around it.

Q: Was the moon positioned around the earth intentionally?
A: The only theory that describes some of the more perplexing attributes of the moon is one that suggests exactly this.

Q: Is the moon inhabited?
A: If you had the ability, the technology, and the desire, the moon would make a very nice and stable habitat.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

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How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2
Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

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