Learning about China by Looking at Pretty Girls (3)

This is the third of a series of post on Chinese cute girls and Chinese culture.

My intention is that we cannot fully appreciate our role as Americans and ignore all the changes going on in China. The absolute dearth of  “real” information on China is terrible. It WILL HURT Americans, unless this situation is corrected.

Here is a quote from JobTubeDaily;

"Popular U.S. media perpetuates constant negative narratives about China: ghost cities, real estate bubbles, pollution, corruption. While many of these problems are real, the predominately negative coverage drowns out the positive elements of life in China and its abundant economic opportunities. In doing so, the media dissuades America’s rising students, as well as business and political leaders, from learning more about the country."

Here is a quote from LinkedIN;

"And the western media aren't particularly helpful in explaining the real China of 2018.  They're serving so much bias and prejudice about China, it is nearly impossible for the general public to get in touch with the real China."

China is a very, very big nation. Many times I am asked what it is like. Honestly, there is so much to say, that I end up going on some tangent or the other. However, one thing that I noticed when talking to other men, is that what they really want to know is what Chinese girls are like…

Wow! That is in itself a huge subject.

Here I try to compose  a series of micro-videos of Chinese girls taking little vignettes of themselves being cute, dancing, eating, and doing girl things. It is in no way comprehensive, but it should give you a general idea of what Chinese girls are like. It will also help you to get a better idea of what China is like as well.

Here we look at ten micro-videos…

Farm style restaurant…

Let’s start with a “farm-style restaurant.  This is a pretty awesome place. It can be found through out the Southern section of China. It consists of … basically, a farm. there are chickens walking around. There are ducks in pens, as well as  snakes and ducks. It is a fundamentally a pavilion set in the middle of a rural farm.

You eat in a nice (fan cooled) open area under a nice rood, and fresh (really, fresh) food is presented to you.  You pick out a live critter. It could be a chicken, a fish, a snake, a duck. They get it out of the pen, and take it to the kitchen where they kill it and dress it right there on the spot.

It is actually, pretty darn awesome.

This girl is obviously showing off her awesome rear-end while she walks behind the kitchen area in a rural farm-kitchen. I congratulate her.  How can you possibly argue that her choice in music and her attitude is not appropriate for the emotions that she is trying to convey. This is a exceptional woman.

At a mall…

Malls in China re pretty much what malls used to be in the United States before the middle class was destroyed.  Malls in China are actually very lively places, and are considered to be contemporaneous social centers.

Here we have a chick that is dancing around one of the central-assemblies (that crop up every two weeks or so). I enjoy her freedom and her liveliness.

The video was filmed at a nail or skin care salon that is located in a Pavilion booth set up in one of the wide open spaces inside the mall. You can tell this by the chairs and the product display. The pink and white “lady like” chairs are a dead give away. These venues are highly popular in China. It seems like all the girls take good care of their skin. As they should. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why Chinese women age so gracefully.

Take a look around her. We have numerous Chinese businesses that cater to the rising middle class in China. Note the people. They, as can be considered as normal, pass by a cute Chinese girl dancing randomly. Such is China. Isn’t it just great?

At a pool…

Most Chinese are really not that good swimmers. However, that does not mean that they don’t like pools. In fact, in the Southern sections of China, public pools are everywhere, as well as in most apartment buildings and complexes. However, the water level is kept pretty shallow. Mostly it varies from 3 feet deep to five feet deep.  Maybe 1 to 1.5 meters deep.

You can swim and play around, but you don’t have to worry about drowning in the deep water.

The costs vary. In our apartment pool in Shenzhen, the cost for a membership pass was 50 yuan a family. So for my wife and I, a year’s membership was under $5/year. A public pool in more expensive. Here in Zhuhai, we can pay $35 yuan a person for an all-day swim per person. That is roughly $6/day.

This girl is at a public pool. I personally think that she looks great in that swimsuit. Though, I must warn her that she should be swimming in the evening. The hot such will burn her skin, and chances are that she would probably be spending hours trying to scrub the darkness off.

Notice that you can bring all sorts of inflatables, floats and toys into the pool. This includes squirt guns and super-soakers. You will also notice that the life guards wear an ID-badge around their neck and wade in and walk among the people in the pool. They are hands-on and help people and keep order as need be. They don’t sit on a chair and watch everyone under an umbrella.

At a apartment park area…

This is a very interesting photo. It’s hard to tell, but she is on the third floor of an apartment complex. If you were to look at the building, you would see one enormous building… the size of a complete city block. It would only be three stories high. The parking garage would be underground, and the first three floors would be devoted to small businesses and offices. Then the top of the third floor is this big park that only the apartment residences can access.

Springing up out of the third floor are smaller, singular apartment buildings. This varies from one to six in number. They are typically identified as building “A”, building “B”, etc. Each one has their own set of elevators for only that building.

She is dancing in her apartment complex, and she obviously lives in one of the buildings near by her. As you can see the park is expansive and contains walkways for dogs, exercise machines for the people and maybe a play area or two. You can often find ping-pong tables, and similar structures on this type of apartment park area.

It looks like there is an area for some upper street parking, and a place for bicycles as well. She is dancing to a song by Cindy Wong that is maybe ten years old now. It is a happy song that many Chinese girls know how to dance to. I don’t know the routine, as I think that it is really complicated and complex.

Dance Studio…

Here we now migrate to a professional dance studio. There are many, many dance studios throughout China. They vary from small studios that cater to Children, to K-pop and C-pop dance troupes, to professional studios. The professional studios are all quite good, and they host a wide selection of styles and types of dance.

Many middle-aged Chinese women go to these studios for exercise and companionship. The membership in these studios are not cheap, but neither is the companionship and the experience either.

She’s quite good, don’t you think? I would classify her at “expert” level in skill and ability.

Military Barracks…

Ok. Now, let’s go to a totally different location. Here is a Chinese military barracks. In China, both men and women serve in the armed forces. They go through training just like American soldiers do.

Here are some youngish girls in a barracks. You can tell from the uniforms that they are with the military. The barracks isn’t that much different from what you would see elsewhere in the rest of the world. She is sharing it with her colleagues. And they are all doing typical things that you would see in a barracks. Including drinking a Pepsi-cola.

On a nice boat…

Of course, with so many miles of coastline, the Chinese love to boat around and enjoy themselves.  Here we have an attractive girl riding around in a nice yacht. It looks like the South China sea to me. She sports a tattoo on her arm with is a little bit on the big size. This is suggestive of a Westernized city like Hong Kong or Shanghai.

Song is “Superstar” by Beatrich. The Chinese listen to music from around the world. While many listen to mainland Chinese music, Taiwan pop, and Cantonese pop are also popular as is music from Russia and the United States.

On the beach…

While there are pools all over China, and beaches all along the coast, there are also many private “swimming holes”. These are simply a small pond or lake with a beach and a nice big parking lot. Nearby are some stores for the purchase of swimming toys and some icy beverages such as Coke and beer.

This is very similar to a number of “swimming holes” that used to exist in and around Boston.

Here we have a nice cutie who is sporting a tiny bikini and enjoying the water, and the sun on a nice summer day.  Just by looking at how she carries herself, and her smile should be enough to convince you WHY I like Chinese girls so very much. What a smile!

I think that the way she carries herself is amazingly sexy. No, it’s not the clothes (or maybe lack of them), and no it’s not the curves of her body. I honestly believe that a person who is good, kind and happy… who is confident and pleasant to be around is just a magnet for me. I am drawn by her strength, and pleasant disposition.

Don’t tell me that you didn’t get a smile on your face when she looked straight at you and gave you such a calm confident smile. Come on!

You will note that there is a waterside in the background. I would not be surprised if there were also a few amusements nearby and other venues such as tent rentals, and Hot Pot restaurants.


Speaking of watersides, here is another micro-video of a waterside in China. Watersides are very popular here, and there are some truly enormous ones with all sorts of twists and turns. They can be found outside and inside huge mall complexes.

This is a typical one that might be found in one of the smaller cities. It contains not only the elements of water and fun but supportive elements such as a playground, lifeguards, stores and recreational supplies.

Here is a cute girl wearing a nice swim suit. I find her very attractive. Heck, maybe you think that I find all girls attractive. Well, maybe that is because I do. She has nice curves, and is hanging out with her friends.

If you look  in the background, you can see the little children playing with their parents. Everyone is having a great time together. Isn’t that what life is all about? Isn’t it great to have family, and to have friends that you can do things with? I really think so. Life is not about sitting behind a computer screen, or watching a Netflix movie at night. It is all about being with those whom you love.

Outside a Garage

While most of China has these enormous housing complexes which are just mega-apartments, China is also growing another kind of residence. This is an American-style single-residence. These are springing up everywhere and the upper-middle class are moving into them. The price on these homes are not cheap and could easily be double that you would expect to pay for a comparable house in an apartment complex.

Here we have two girls dancing in front of a garage in front of one of these houses. On the surface the style is reminiscent of South-Western United States mass-produced housing.

The girls are pretty typical. They are wearing little white shoes, shorts or skirt and a tight top. Contrary to what the fucking idiots in Arkansas think, these girls do not look like pre-adolescent children. In fact, they look quite grown up to me. I would place them at college age or so.

Behind them are two of the most popular cars in China; a Range Rover and a Porsche.

If I were to take a wild guess, I would suppose that they both live in the neighborhood. That their parent or relatives own one of the houses, and that they are making the video in front of it.


Everyone likes to look at pretty girls. Even other pretty girls. I, as a man, think that pretty girls liven up our lives and make it more interesting and fun. I would not mind taking any one of these girls out and having a nice meal or playing around in a park or some other place. Having good companionship, great conversation, and enjoying a wonderful meal would be awesome with any of these women.

Beautiful girls of the world.
Here is a composite of faces from various geographic regions. Every one of these girls are beautiful. Why are the oligarchs and the leaders of our respective nations so bent out of shape wanting to fight each other? I mean, they have enough money, don’t they? I mean, how much power is enough? Or, are they just evil.

Today it is difficult to see what other places are like, if you are an American. Our news is heavily propagandized.

  • Those on the liberal side have the impression that China eats dogs, is full of poor waifs that sell their bodies for sex, and is full of dirty smog filled air.
  • Those on the conservative side, have the impression that China is a great war-mongered beast who wants to take over the Pacific, that they are ruthless businessmen, and want to keep their citizens imprisoned in a communist gulag.

Neither impression is correct. They are both terrible distortions.

China is a huge nation, bigger geographically than the United States, and with an enormous population far larger than America’s. In fact, there are more people in China that speak English than there are Americans in the entire world.

They live life. They work. They study hard. They try to do their best. They have fun. They raise families. They are, in many ways, like “old fashioned” Americans around 1950. While America has moved toward a progressive socialist paradise ruled by an oligarchy, China has moved in a different direction. It has moved toward free-market policies originating out of a central government. China is not at all what we think it is.

This post is my little way to help introduce China to the readership.

Chinese APPS
These are the major APPS in China. If you don’t what these are, or what they represent, then you are wholly deficient in your understanding of China, and a sizable portion of the global community. Take heed.

Take Aways

  • Chinese women are attractive.
  • Many of the buildings in China are new, and have a modern supporting infrastructure.
  • Chinese people like to dance, sing, and have fun with their friends.
  • Chinese women DO NOT look like pre-adolescent children. (Here’s a nod to the idiots in Arkansas who were absolutely convinced that Chinese women look like little pre-adolescent girls.)
Beverly Hillbillies
Here is a scene from the 1960’s era situation comedy called the “Beverly Hillbillies”. I really loved that show. Then, later on, when I went to Arkansas to be retired from MAJestic, I met actual hillbillies. It was painful. Imagine the worst aspects of the movie Idioticracity combined with an evil FBI director trying to “get Trump”. Ugh. Anyways, their understanding of life outside of Little Rock was pathetic. They thought that Memphis, Tennessee was another nation. They were that pathetic.


Q: Why do you only have beautiful Chinese girls? What about being more diverse and inclusive? Why do you objectify girls?
A: Well, for one, this article is about attractive Chinese girls. It wouldn’t do to have non-Chinese girls in it. Nor would it be appropriate to have men, homosexuals, fat and ugly girls, children or LGBT creatures in the article.

If you want to purge beauty out of your life, no problem. Go ahead and do it. Just like American beauty pageants are no longer about beauty. Just like American airlines have purged themselves of age and beauty standards. Just like race-cars have purged themselves of attractive women. But you won’t see that in China.

However, here in China, you won’t see this nonsense permitted.

Grid Girls
Formula 1 Grid Girls in Asia. Sure maybe they are banned in the United States but the rest of the world appreciates fast cars and beautiful women. America i going through a social upheaval with white is black and new is old. It is a terrible time. However, eventually everything will reset. Don’t be under any illusion that having ugly people in control of things would eventually be eclipsed. It is the nature of our reality.

Now here, I like to surround myself with beauty. I like to surround myself with things that I like and I love. That includes dogs, cats, pizza, bacon, tomatoes, friends and of course my loved ones.

Who doesn’t like a BLT (Bacon, Lettuce, and tomato) sandwich with egg on toasted bread? Ah, such a delicious meal! Most certainly. I also like it with a nice frosty drink, like a nice beer. Or, barring that, how about a nice sweet Southern-style iced-tea. Ah, now that is awesome.

Q: Why do you use micro-videos in this post?
A: I think it does a nice job of giving a snapshot of what China is like. Many of the videos have Chinese songs. They all feature beautiful Chinese girls in China doing things that beautiful Chinese girls like to do. Of course, if you would rather go to you-tube, go ahead. You won’t find very many Chinese girls there. You-tube is banned in China because it, like Facebook, Google, and Tumblr, all collect user information and pipe that information directly to the NSA for American government’s use.

Q: Why do you think these girls are beautiful?
A: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What constitutes for beauty in China is different from what is beautiful elsewhere. I chose these videos because I happen to think the girls are cute, beautiful or attractive. Of course, if you disagree with me, you can leave.

Pretty girls.
I think that it is really nice and enjoyable to look at pretty girls. I love how they look, and like looking at the outfits that they wear. I like how they carry themselves. I love how they smile. I love the shoes that they select. I think it is really nice and fun.

Links about China

Pretty Chinese Girls

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  1. Composed 19AUG18.
  2. SEO review 21AUG18.
  3. Published 22AUG18

An Observed World Line Switch – The Aluminum Foil Lady

Let’s spend a short moment looking at an observed world-line switch. Here, a woman exits one world-line and appears in ours. She is wearing a thermal coat / blanket, of the type that looks like aluminum foil. The MWI can be traversed in many, many ways and methods. Let’s take a look at what was observed and discuss it based on what I know from my experiences within MAJestic…


Here, let me spend s precious small amount of time to discuss very, very briefly something that I am well versed in. While, in other posts, I have mentioned some of my training, and some of what I know about the universe and our reality. I have also covered some things about our non-physical reality. Let’s talk about a specific event that was caught on camera and observed, via the internet, around the world.

But first, let’s lay out some ground rules.

  • The MWI is real. There are alternative “world-lines” and other realities.
  • Contrary to what impression that you might have from Hollywood, we do not live on a “world-line” we occupy a “bubble of reality”. Sorry “Doc Brown”…
Back to the future blackboard
In the movie “Back to the Future II”, a mad scientist named Doc Brown invented a time travel machine out of a Delorian. Here he explains that happens to a “world-line” when you alter the past. Since that movie, many people are under the incorrect impression that we all live on fated “world-lines”. We do not. We live with individual bubbles of reality that are constantly changing and evolving by our own thoughts and the thoughts and actions of those around us.
  • Once we are in that “bubble”, we can alter it and change it by our actions as well as by our thoughts. We have this ability through physical action, and thought.
  • There are many different techniques for changing your reality. I know specifically of four…

These are;

  1.  Simple changes to your reality. This can be accomplished by the power of intention or prayer. Not to mention the obvious changes by physical action.
  2. Large scale changes that require fixed machinery and devices to manifest. These are used to transport not only into a different reality, but also to a different geographical region. In this kind of alterations, time and geographic location can be changed.
  3. Large scale changes that can utilize portable devices to manifest. This can be in the form of large and heavy devices, and also in the form of much smaller device, depending on the technology of the user species.
  4. Changes to both the physical and non-physical realities by “piggy-backing” onto an entity with the inherent ability to conduct world-line travel via the MWI.
This is pretty "off the wall" stuff for casual reading, and not really something that you would find on most conspiracy websites. That's fine with me. This is the real deal. Read it or not. I just don't care.

Here we are going to discuss an observed MWI slide, or world-line switch (if you prefer) that took place in Russia on a highway. While I do not know of the specific method used, I personally tend to believe that it involved #2 above.

Travel by Intention

As I have just stated, there are four different ways (that I know of) to traverse the various realities that we can inhabit. The first and time-honored method is to make “slight” changes to our reality. We can do this by taking control of our physical world. This is the realm of (concentrated and directed) prayer. This is the world of “Intention“. By controlling your thoughts, you can control the direction of your life.

The power of intention
The Rice Experiment opened more than a few teenage eyes on how their words and intentions impact their environment. Hopefully, the lesson will translate into their homes and future workplaces. The middle school teens conducted the Rice Experiment. After cooking a pot of rice, they placed a scoop of rice into separate, identical jars and sealed the lids. On the outside of one jar, they wrote “LOVE” while on the other jar they wrote, “HATE.” For the next week, they talked to the jars filling the LOVE jar with kind, loving, compassionate intentions and thoughts. They told the HATE jar it was stupid, ugly, mean and nasty. Then, they watched the results. A year later, these same jars sit on the shelf of our teen room, telling the story of our intentions. The LOVE jar, filled with our divine, loving intentions, remains filled with white fluffy rice. The HATE jar started decomposing right away and quickly turned into a grey, slimy sludge. No kidding. Credit to HERE.

Travel by Portal

There are other techniques. These other techniques are more in-line with science fiction and Hollywood. In fact, my very first experience in MAJestic utilized such a device. Here we have a device that can open up a “space” or a “portal” that one can walk into. Once you enter that portal you can be transported to [1] other geographic locations, [2] other realities, and [3] other times.

This device uses the MWI, multiple world realities, to transport a person from one place to another. Imagine a device that can traverse the MWI, but one that is utilized towards moving things to other “world-lines” with little deviance. The resultant and only change might be geographic. Thus you could use this device to take you from New York City to Pluto, if you wanted.

Pretty cool. Sort of like the movie “Stargate SG1”.

Stargate portal
The Hollywood movie, and later, the television series, depicted the use of a gate; a “star gate” that our heroes can use to travel the universe. Of course, since this is Hollywood, there are all sorts of cool special effects and a nice water shimmering effect. In reality none of that is present. You just simply walk into absolutely nothing.

The only thing is that when you travel you have to be very careful how you travel.

If you are not careful, you might end up in a different geographic region AND with a different history. The device alters everything. So you must be extremely careful on what you are doing. When you enter such a machine, you will need to be exactly calibrated to make sure that where you are going is where you will actually end up.

Which is sort of the reason why I, and the girls, had to fill out that detailed questionnaire at the ELF portal at NAMI. (More about that later on in a different post.)

Evil Spock
If you are not careful, you could end up in a (so called) “parallel world” that has some serious differences from the world reality that you departed from. here we have a scene (a very famous scene) from the television show Star Trek where our heroes are thrown into a “Parallel world” where they were very uncomfortable in. Sort of how I miss baked beans with my breakfast eggs. On this “world line” it’s all about potatoes with eggs.

Travel by Vehicle / Self

If you had the proper technology, you could miniaturize the equipment that you would use to conduct the MWI slide. You could put it in a vehicle and drive on the roads. Provided that you are not conducting great deviations, any MWI slides would be safe on a road.

Depending on the length of time that that road existed, often hundreds of years, you would be safe on it. The odds of hitting another car, even on a busy road would be small.

That is to say, there won’t be a tree, a building or some obstruction in your way. The land beside a road is often chaotic. You have trees growing and dying over time. You have fields appearing, and disappearing. You have buildings sprouting up and falling into decay. Not so with a road.

The chances would be that the road would be mostly clear… though there would always be a chance of an accident by other vehicles moving within the destination reality.

John Titor dimensional machine
The John Titor saga revolves round an individual who claimed that he was able to conduct dimensional reality slides through use of a device that he carried inside of his vehicle. The device not only permitted time travel, but carried with it a risk of dimensional variation.

Travel by “Piggy Back”

Here is what I am most familiar with. While MAJestic has been very involved with a specific extraterrestrial benefactor (notably the infamous “greys” found so ubiquitously in popular culture), my involvement has been associated with them only tangentially.

I say this two times. I have been associated with them ONLY during [1] my training and [2] implantation “off-world”. After that, I have had no association with them.


Instead of working with them on various MAJestic projects, they had a different role for me. Their role, as far as I am concerned, was very limited. In it, they helped implant a device that originated from a different secondary species into my skull.

To repeat. My other implants; my extraterrestrial implants, originate from a different extraterrestrial species. They do not originate from the “grey” extraterrestrial species. The “grey” extraterrestrials only installed them within my skull.


This device has many functions, but fundamentally it connects me directly to a (censored) reality of that particular secondary species. It connects to them in specific ways, and offers two-way communication.

However there are many limitations from my point of view. For instance, certain experiences are beyond the ability of my mind to comprehend. there are also ‘closed off” and restricted features & functions. Not to mention, that they control my entire access to it. It is all at the pleasure of that species.

I have no control over any of it. Absolutely zero control.

This species is much older than those (numerous, FYI) that we have been working with. It is an invertebrate species with a very, very different understanding and (ability to sense) reality than we could ever conceive of.

Since I am so tethered, I can be considered to have some shared experiences and shared realities of the parent species. As they can migrate through the MWI, I can too participate in a limited way with their approval. As they can experience the various realities of “Heaven”, then I too can be made aware of their experiences to a very controlled level of participation.

The reader should not get too excited. It's like a watch dog who their entire life only ate dry dog food. One day, he is given the job of guarding the door to the kitchen. The cook decides to open the door to the kitchen, but the dog is forbidden to enter. However, he was permitted to smell the scents coming from a gourmet kitchen. It doesn't mean that it can go inside and eat it's fill. It just means that if the cooks and chefs felt there was a need or benefit they might toss a scrap or two to the watch dog.

My entanglement was exactly like that.

I performed a service that this extraterrestrial species wanted. In exchange, I was able to have some perceptions and minor experiences. Now, for some reason, as part of their prerogative I am permitted to relate certain perceptions to my fellow humans. I believe that this helps further their objectives. Though I cannot fully understand how.

Dog in the kitchen.
Just because the dog can now be allowed in the kitchen, it does not mean that they will be permitted to eat and taste everything that they smell. Certainly some things will smell delicious. Other things, like maybe celery, not as pleasant. It is up to the chef to decide what to give the dog, and how much and when. Otherwise there is a great risk of the dog eating something bad… like an entire jar of mustard. (Which actually happened when I lived in Arkansas. The dog jumped up on the table, knocked off a big jar of yellow mustard and ate the entire thing while I was sleeping. When I woke up the next day yellow diarrhea dog shit was everywhere, and I do mean everywhere!) Anyways,  Piggy backing with an extraterrestrial benefactor species is exactly like that. They know what is safe and what is dangerous. We haven’t a clue.

Anyways, back to the sliding in and out of the MWI…

When you are “piggy backed” to a species that does this MWI slide naturally, you get to experience it as well. They think nothing of it. It is normal to them. It is something that they did ever since they were a little tiny harvested larva. But to us, who have never experienced this, it is strange and beyond our comprehension.

It took me some training to get used to it. Though the staff at the ELF facility at China Lake absolutely had no idea what it was like for me going through the various ‘exercises”. They just read through the printed out instructions, and I followed their guidelines and script.

They would say something like “depress the half circle”, and I would do it with my mind while sitting in the chair. An observer would see nothing. I would then confirm that I did it, and then they would read something else…

China Lake Review
Various military personnel reviewing project performance and testing at China Lake naval Weapons Center. For me, in my carve-out under MAJestic, the access was heavily restricted. Those who participated and knew of Sebastian and my training were very small in number and limited.

The Event

With all that introductory information out of the way, let’s talk about the “mystery in Russia”. Here we have a woman who just appeared out of “nowhere” in the middle of a busy road. Her appearance was captured on the dash cam of the trailing vehicle.


I want to talk about it relative to what I know, and speculate on what is going on and why.

This example, this observed event, comes from the dash cam on a car as it moves along a highway in a semi-rural section of the country.  The video claims that this was filmed in Russia, but given the environment could have been filmed anywhere.

Here is a very interesting teleportation event.  It is unique because not only does she “pop” into reality, but there is apparently a “force bubble” that surrounds her that pushes a moving truck out of the way. She calmly walks off the road.  She is observed wearing a thermal blanket and is otherwise a “normal” and “boring” person. Again, she is neither overly attractive, youthful or wearing colorful clothing. She is bland, and materializes in the middle of a flat boring section of the countryside.

Screen captures of a woman in a foil blanket
Woman in a foil blanket or covering materializes at the side of a busy road (highway) somewhere in Russia. These images are screen captures from a video that was obtained from a dash cam in a vehicle in Russia.

In the labeled frames, one can see the truck being pushed out of the way to the left by some kind of force, or force bubble in frame 0013. In that frame, there is no woman at all. In the next frame 0014, the truck “rides” along the bubble and again, there is no woman at all.

Suddenly in frame 0015, the woman “pop’s” into reality.

She just calmly starts to walk to the side of the road, as if nothing has happened.  Indeed, if it were me, I would be totally shaken and run to the side of the road.  That is not what she does.  She just calmly walks to the edge.

In frame 0019, she is seen walking off the road.

In frame 0021, you get a better view of her.  Her hair is cut short and at neck level.  Her face is indeterminate.  She is wearing a thermal foil blanket or coat that goes to her knees.  Her hands appear to be in her pockets.  She seems to be wearing black leggings or socks and flat normal shoes.  Not high heels. A close up of the foil coat is obvious in frames 0022, and 0023.  In addition, the coat is made out of foil of some type.

I can’t help but remember a scene from the television show “Better call Saul” where Saul’s brother was afraid of light and wore the thermal blanket to protect him from radiation.

Protective foil coat.
This woman reminds me of the “space blanket” or “survival blanket” that was used in the television show “Better call Saul”. There is only one thing, in this reality THERE ARE NO FOIL COATS made out of this material. Only blankets are made out of this material.

This specific event can be viewed on the following video.  Please note that this video has other examples of fakes and hoaxes interspersed in it.  Also the voice over and music track leaves much to be desired.  Please turn off the audio and watch the video free of “Halloween style” or “B-grade movie” music.


Watch from 4:08 to approximately 4:32.

An important note is that this exact type of coat; one made out of space blanket material (Mylar Thermal Blankets ) is not available anywhere, in any nation, in this world line. While there are those that are similar, none are an exact match for the one that this woman is wearing. The closest that I could find were;

The version on Amazon, shown below is a close match. However, there are no jackets that are thermal nylon material with a reflective surface that goes down to the knees, comes in a woman’s size, has a side slit, and does NOT come with a hood. This woman’s jacket is completely unique.

Reflective survival jacket.
Reflective foil nylon / Mylar jacket that is commercially available on the internet. Note that this comes with a hood, and is of short length. The one used by the woman has no hood, is knee length, comes in a woman’s size and has a slit up the side.

About the Jacket

Why would someone need to wear such a jacket?

Well there are many reasons. First off, let me posit to the reader that there are many ways and different kinds of technologies that one can use to do things. All the reverse engineering efforts of the 1950’s to today clearly indicate a great diverse spectrum of technology and ways to accomplish similar tasks. Different species use different technologies, at different levels of advancement. Different variations of a species also have different kinds and levels of technologies as well.

There is a saying in China; "There are many ways to get to Beijing.". 

What it means is that you can have different methods and ways to achieve the same goal. If you have a lot of money, and you need to get there quickly, then a private jet is possible. If you have money, and need to get there in a day, an airline is a possibility. Alternatively you can take a high-speed train, a train, a bus, a shuttle, a car rental, a ride-share, or even a donkey cart. It all depends on your knowledge, and your resources at the time.

In a like way, depending on the technology to slide through the MWI, you might need protection.

According to John Tutor, he claimed that if you crossed the MWI using the technology at his disposal, there would be a short and brief exposure to some extreme radiation. If this woman is using a similar technology, then she would need a coat or protective attire to reflect any burst of radiation. Excessive radiation is very bad for you.

Now, in all the cases of the technology that I have used, not one of them experienced a burst of radiation of any type that I am aware of. To elaborate;

  • When you use prayer or intention, the effects as subtle and manifest over swaths of time.
  • When you enter a fixed portal, it is as if you are just walking into nothing. Though there is a feeling as if you were walking though a waterfall. And for a few seconds later you would feel soaking wet.
  • When you “piggy back” there is no effect. Not even a shimmer. Things just look slightly different.

Why on a road?

While my personal experience NEVER required a road, I am aware that there are technologies that are used to travel along the time vector that DOES require a road. Anyone who wishes to use the MWI to travel through time needs to have exact coordinates. Both spatially and in regards to the person traveling.

Roads last for decades, even centuries.

For instance, let’s suppose you wanted to do some kind of time travel in the Boston area. You could travel on the interstate I-90.  This means that you could go back in time to when I-90 was first made. Possibly that would take you to 1956. Yet, even before the highway came into existence, it was a road, and an early dirt road as far back as 1900.

The American interstate system showing the entire length of the I-90 roadway.

How long do you, the reader, think that I-90 will exist for? Another five years, 20 years, maybe 100 years? If you consider that it might last until the year 2100, then a time traveler would  have a 200 year wide “window” from which to explore and take care of their business with.

Now, all this is very interesting…

But, aside from just a few very, very sanitized instances, my own time travel events were limited. There just wasn’t any need for them in my role. I was doing other things in regards to human sentience and social observation. So, it is beyond my understanding WHY anyone would NEED to travel through time. Isn’t this reality good enough for ya?

Anyways, I have various examples of cars disappearing and reappearing on roads. I have examples of cars appearing out of the blue in cross roads and getting into accidents. I have other examples of people appearing out of the blue on the side of the road and getting hit. I will post these examples later.

Given the large number of examples, we can conclude the following…

  • There are numerous people / civilizations / species / societies that utilize roads to egress from a MWI event.
  • The need to travel through time as a destination vector is deemed (by some) to be important.
  • Accidents can and do happen when this technology is utilized.

Her Dress

If I were to travel as a time traveler, I would wear the clothes of my destination era. If I were to visit medieval England, then I must dress as a wealthy merchant, or commoner. Which ever venue would attract the least amount of notoriety.  If I were to travel back to 1960, what would I dress as?

  • A beatnick
  • A hip teenager
  • A working man
  • A rich businessman
  • A police man

The answer is that I would dress as unassuming as possible. I would dress as common and plain as possible. I would dress as an “average Joe”. That’s what I would disguise myself as.


But, what if you don’t have that kind of control in your time vector? What if the technology and the dispatch and arrival coordinates are not so precise? What are you going to do then? What if there is a wide variance in dates of arrival. What if you could enter a given reality (“world line”) anywhere from 1930 to 2010? How would you dress?

Think about it.

If you were going into the past, you most certainly wouldn’t have any tattoos, or large piercings. Your hair would be cut in a conventional style. What you carried on with you would be plain and unassuming. If you wore classes or spectacles, you might be wearing contacts or have Lasik eye surgery.

If you were a woman, you might dress in some clothes that hasn’t changed much in that stretch of time. You might dress as a Mennonite (provided that yo could speak their dialect and know their culture), or you could dress in something more conventional. You could dress as a nun in a Christian order. There, the clothes are pretty standardized and hasn’t change much in decades.

If you look closely at the woman’s shoes, and sock, and hair style, it looks EXACTLY like the image that she is trying to portray.

Typical attire.
Here is the typical attire of a Christian nun. Note that the only portion of the “lady in foil” that we could see were her legs. In my mind they look suspiciously in alignment with the uniform of Christian nuns throughout the world. This includes the clunky black shoes and the black stockings. Were she to remove her foil coat, my guess would be that she was wearing black, and would have no problem fitting in society as a nun.

MWI and not an Invisible vehicle?

One of the arguments is that perhaps this woman is not utilizing MWI or some elements of “time travel”. Instead, the argument goes, she is egressing from an invisible vehicle.

This is certainly possible, as it seems to be common knowledge that many of our extraterrestrial friends can make themselves and their vehicles invisible. It has to do with the light cones that are within our eyes. By manipulating the radiation that surrounds something you can trick the light cones from not seeing anything. Since different species have different biology, the eyes cones can be species determinant.

Light cones
All creatures that have eyes also have the internal biology to interpret the light that they view. This is accomplished though the geometry and biology of the light cones and rods that act as receptors of radiation. The technology that I am familiar of can subtly alter the radiation of vehicles that they travel in to make them invisible to the humans in the general vicinity.

A fun example of this is in the Star Trek movie titled “Star Trek IV – The Voyage Home”. In the movie, the character utilize a captured Klingon space vessel that has “cloaking” ability. The characters use this ability to hide the spaceship in plain sight int he middle of a park in San Francisco. Then they fly away and materializes directly above a whaling vessel.

Star Trek
Here, in the science fiction adventure “Star Trek – The Voyage Home” we have a vehicle or vessel that materializes in front of a startled ship’s crew.

I would argue that a “cloaked” vehicle that is “invisible” or “transparent” still has substance. You might not be able to see it, but you still can run into it. If the woman was egressing from an invisible vehicle, then that truck would have smashed into it.

This reminds me of an “X files” show where a genie appears. The episode is “Je Souhaite”. She offers everyone three wishes. One of the people who obtained the wishes wanted to be invisible. So he gets to be invisible, and promptly gets run over by a truck. You can watch the video HERE on the internet.

A lot happens: A guy (Anson Stokes) finds a woman rolled up in a rug in a storage locker. His boss instantly loses his mouth. Anson then gets a boat in his driveway and *then* is found dead, invisible, having been hit by a truck. Cue a wonderful scene of Scully dusting an invisible corpse with lycopodium powder while grinning like an idiot.

No, I do not think that she is egressing from an invisible vehicle.

Another example.

This is a video posted in China during the middle of the coronavirus outbreak. Video is apparently taken sometime in November prior to the first signs of the virus outbreak in December.

It shows a man entering the observed physical reality. Once he arrives he immediately “books it out” onto the sidewalk and merges in with the crowd. He appears to be Caucasian in a city that is 99.9% Asian.

What I am seeing (as far as the transport mechanism) is exactly what I was exposed to when I was in the Navy at NAS NASC Pensacola Florida.

Man appears from no where in China in November 2020.

The video posits many questions. And, it also implies some even worrisome situations.


There are multiple realities. There are individual bubbles in time that the realities can manifest. Individuals from one reality can enter into another reality by “sliding into it. This is accomplished in many ways.

We can occasionally see people crossing into our reality. Just as we can witness people egressing from our reality.

This lady has been filmed by a vehicle dash cam in Russia entering our reality through MWI egress via a road. Her attire is suggestive of time travel, and a “crude” MWI technology. As such, the destination coordinates can vary (as inferred from her clothing), and there might be some radiation leakage during egress (from the protective coat that she wears).

Take Aways

  • The MWI exists. It is not some theory that needs to be debunked or “proven”.
  • Travel within the MWI is possible using different techniques.
  • MAJestic is aware of this technology and has been using it for decades.
  • Time travel is a time vector variation of MWI switching.
  • While I doubt the usefulness of time travel, apparently others consider it important.
  • My operations used MWI slides at the behest of my extraterrestrial benefactors. My experiences were quite boring and would lull the reader into a peaceful slumber.


Q: Is the lady in the foil jacket a time traveler?
A: I do not know for certain. However, I have my suspicions.  The need to conduct a MWI slide while on a major road is certainly suggestive of this. Why she would want to do it, in the first place, however is a mystery to me.

Q: Have you ever used a portable MWI event slide mechanism?
A: No. I have read stories of numerous individuals who have claimed to have a portable device that does this. John Titor is one such individual. There is also the fellow who ended up carrying a mix tape of the Beatles back with him.

Q: Why did you have MWI-slide ability?
A: I personally think that the ability that I had to conduct MWI-slides was an accidental “side effect” of being implanted and entangled to an extraterrestrial species with this ability. They never sent me on any interesting missions or stuff like that. They tended to constantly adjust the functioning of our reality relative to my personal experiences. Which was my purpose in MAJestic. I was a “Dimensional Anchor”. It helped the development of human sentience be realized.

Q: Can you conduct autonomous MWI slides and “world line” travel on your own?
A: No. I have no ability to do anything like that. Other than what ability that I have to control my intentions and dreams. For the most part, I gave away part of myself to take on this position. This species controls me and my abilities to a great deal of control. I conduct their wishes without thought.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...
How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2
Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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