More examples of personal heroism in China. This is part seventeen.
This continues earlier posts and presents some new and curious situations that only a real Rufus will know how to handle.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Make a difference. Be like Rufus!
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full experience.
Video 1 – Never give up on your training.
Sure, you might be a martial arts expert, but your day to day job is as a common laborer. That means nothing. Nothing! You are not your job. Nor, are you your career. People need to stop identifying themselves by those antiquated measures.
Here we have a common laborer practicing GongFu while he is sweeping the street. The Rufus is always on point.
Video 2 – Off duty policeman stops a hold up.
The Rufus is always ready to take action at a moment’s notice. here we have a normal (everyday) police man going inside to grab a coke (or pack of cigarettes) and minding his own business. When three teenage youths decide to rob the store. Bad move, kids…
Video 3 – There are three kinds of people in the world.
Yup, this video is pretty funny. So the father decides to pretend that he is ill and see what his triplet girls react to it…
The one girl take the candy out of his hand and leaves. Mission accomplished.
One girl freaks out. Gets all emotional and screams and cries in panic.
The last girl tries to find oout what is wrong and goes to help the father.
Yuppur. There are three kinds of people in the world.
Video 4 – A sense of community.
In rural and small town America you have a sense of community. People help each other out. They visit each other and offer gifts and support to the fire and police. Well, it is the same in the rest of the world also. This is especially true in China where people are hyper-patriotic about their nation and their race.
Here we see just average people giving some “good will” gifts to the local fire departments.
Video 5 – Saving a boy from drowning.
Here is a video that I might have pasted before, but this is the better, longer and more detailed version. A boy falls (jumps?) into a deep pool and then discovers that he cannot swim. Yikes!
The people nearby all freak and run around trying to do things. Notice that one doesn’t care, and just jumps in immediately to save the boy. A real hero. Rufus is in all of us.
Video 6 – Rescue before the car goes off the side of a cliff.
Yikes! You are driving along and then suddenly your car starts to slide off the road and down the sharp and steep cliff side. What are you going to do? Well, if you are the Rufus, you spring into action and help pull the people to safety. That’s what!
Video 7 – Alert Stop n’ Go employee.
China is filled with gas stations, and fast food quickie marts. Here we have a motor-trike that catches on fire. Luckily the station attendants are all well trained, and immediately spring into action. Time her actions. Within three seconds there is a fire extinguisher being sprayed on the fire.
The Rufus comes in all sizes and shapes!
Video 8 – Truck driver shelters disabled motorcycle rider.
This poor motorcycle rider is in distress. His bike konked out, in the middle of a very busy super highway and cars are racing left and right. Lucky for him that the truck driver decides to use his enormous rig to shelter the bike from the on-coming cars. This is a pure Rufus action. Heroes. They come in all sizes and shapes. They are people like YOU!
Video 9 – Rescue of an old man on the escalator.
When the unexpected happens, Rufus comes to the rescue.
Video 10 – Takedown of a radicalized uyghur Muslim with a machete.
So you are in China and this guy is threatening everyone in the parking lot. He’s got a large machete, and screaming “God is great!” in some kind of strange language. What are you going to do?
Thank you for reading this.
God bless.
We do not know when the calling will come.
However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.
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Funny Pictures

Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.

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