Law 15 – Crush your Enemy Totally (The 48 Laws of Power)

Here is the complete text of Law 15 from the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. This law is pretty disturbing to most people as it pretty much goes against the teachings of the New Testament. Jesus, as you might recall, advises you to “turn the other cheek” and “let by-gones be by-gones”. Instead, this law requires that you identify who is an enemy and who is not. Those that are identified as an enemy must be slain completely and totally.

Some people can be considered to be a “Dangerous Enemy”, and that if you do not vanquish the enemy totally that it will regroup, strong and better, and continue to attack you. Do not assume that everyone thinks, acts or behaves as you do. There are many kinds of people “out there” and some are very, very dangerous. Take no chances.

Crush your enemy totally. Don’t go halfway with them or give them any options whatsoever. If you leave even one ember smoldering, it will eventually ignite. You can’t afford to be lenient.

Kill or be killed. It’s the law of the jungle.

LAW 15



All great leaders since Moses have known that a feared enemy must be crushed completely. (Sometimes they have learned this the hard way.) If one ember is left alight, no matter how dimly it smolders, a fire will eventually break out. More is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation: The enemy will recover, and will seek revenge. Crush him, not only in body but in spirit.


The remnants of an enemy can become active like those of a disease or fire. Hence, these should be exterminated completely.... 

One should never ignore an enemy, knowing him to be weak. He becomes dangerous in due course, like the spark of fire in a haystack.


No rivalry between leaders is more celebrated in Chinese history than the struggle between Hsiang Yu and Liu Pang.

These two generals began their careers as friends, fighting on the same side. Hsiang Yu came from the nobility; large and powerful, given to bouts of violence and temper, a bit dull witted, he was yet a mighty warrior who always fought at the head of his troops. Liu Pang came from peasant stock. He had never been much of a soldier, and preferred women and wine to fighting; in fact, he was something of a scoundrel. But he was wily, and he had the ability to recognize the best strategists, keep them as his advisers, and listen to their advice. He had risen in the army through these strengths.

In 208 B.C., the king of Ch‘u sent two massive armies to conquer the powerful kingdom of Ch’in. One army went north, under the generalship of Sung Yi, with Hsiang Yu second in command; the other, led by Liu Pang, headed straight toward Ch’in. 

The target was the kingdom’s splendid capital, Hsien-yang. And Hsiang Yu, ever violent and impatient, could not stand the idea that Liu Pang would get to Hsien-yang first, and perhaps would assume command of the entire army.


At one point on the northern front, Hsiang’s commander, Sung Yi, hesitated in sending his troops into battle. Furious, Hsiang entered Sung Yi’s tent, proclaimed him a traitor, cut off his head, and assumed sole command of the army. Without waiting for orders, he left the northern front and marched directly on Hsien-yang.

He felt certain he was the better soldier and general than Liu, but, to his utter astonishment, his rival, leading a smaller, swifter army, managed to reach Hsien-yang first. Hsiang had an adviser, Fan Tseng, who warned him, “This village headman [Liu Pang] used to be greedy only for riches and women, but since entering the capital he has not been led astray by wealth, wine, or sex. That shows he is aiming high.”

Fan Tseng urged Hsiang to kill his rival before it was too late.

He told the general to invite the wily peasant to a banquet at their camp outside Hsien-yang, and, in the midst of a celebratory sword dance, to have his head cut off.

The invitation was sent; Liu fell for the trap, and came to the banquet.

But Hsiang hesitated in ordering the sword dance, and by the time he gave the signal, Liu had sensed a trap, and managed to escape. “Bah!” cried Fan Tseng in disgust, seeing that Hsiang had botched the plot. “One cannot plan with a simpleton. Liu Pang will steal your empire yet and make us all his prisoners.”

Realizing his mistake, Hsiang hurriedly marched on Hsien-yang, this time determined to hack off his rival’s head. Liu was never one to fight when the odds were against him, and he abandoned the city.

Hsiang captured Hsien-yang, murdered the young prince of Ch’in, and burned the city to the ground.

Liu was now Hsiang’s bitter enemy, and he pursued him for many months, finally cornering him in a walled city. Lacking food, his army in disarray, Liu sued for peace.

Again Fan Tseng warned Hsiang, “Crush him now! If you let him go again, you will be sorry later.”

But Hsiang decided to be merciful. He wanted to bring Liu back to Ch’u alive, and to force his former friend to acknowledge him as master.

But Fan proved right: Liu managed to use the negotiations for his surrender as a distraction, and he escaped with a small army. Hsiang, amazed that he had yet again let his rival slip away, once more set out after Liu, this time with such ferocity that he seemed to have lost his mind.

At one point, having captured Liu’s father in battle, Hsiang stood the old man up during the fighting and yelled to Liu across the line of troops, “Surrender now, or I shall boil your father alive!” Liu calmly answered, “But we are sworn brothers. So my father is your father also. If you insist on boiling your own father, send me a bowl of the soup!” Hsiang backed down, and the struggle continued.

A few weeks later, in the thick of the hunt, Hsiang scattered his forces unwisely, and in a surprise attack Liu was able to surround his main garrison.

For the first time the tables were turned.

Now it was Hsiang who sued for peace. Liu’s top adviser urged him to destroy Hsiang, crush his army, show no mercy. “To let him go would be like rearing a tiger—it will devour you later,” the adviser said. Liu agreed.

Making a false treaty, he lured Hsiang into relaxing his defense, then slaughtered almost all of his army.

Hsiang managed to escape.

Alone and on foot, knowing that Liu had put a bounty on his head, he came upon a small group of his own retreating soldiers, and cried out, “I hear Liu Pang has offered one thousand pieces of gold and a fief of ten thousand families for my head. Let me do you a favor.” Then he slit his own throat and died.

Now, consider Italy...

On the day Ramiro was executed, Cesare [Borgia] quit Cesena, leaving the mutilated body on the town square, and marched south.

Three days later he arrived at Fano.

There, he received the envoys of the city of Ancona, who assured him of their loyalty.

A messenger from Vitellozzo Vitelli announced that the little Adriatic port of Sinigaglia had surrendered to the condottieri [mercenary soldiers].

Only the citadel, in charge of the Genoese Andrea Doria, still held out, and Doria refused to hand it over to anyone except Cesare himself.

[Borgia] sent word that he would arrive the next day, which was just what the condottieri wanted to hear.

Once he reached Sinigaglia, Cesare would be an easy prey, caught between the citadel and their forces ringing the town….

The condottieri were sure they had military superiority, believing that the departure of the French troops had left Cesare with only a small force.

In fact, according to Machiavelli. [Borgia] had left Cesena with ten thousand infantry-men and three thousand horses, taking pains to split up his men so that they would march along parallel routes before converging on Sinigaglia.

The reason for such a large force was that he knew, from a confession extracted from Ramiro de Lorca, what the condottieri had up their sleeve.

He therefore decided to turn their own trap against them.

This was the masterpiece of trickery that the historian Paolo Giovio later called “the magnificent deceit. ”

At dawn on December 31 [1502], Cesare reached the outskirts of Sinigaglia….

Led by Michelotto Corella, Cesare’s advance guard of two hundred lances took up its position on the canal bridge….

This control of the bridge effectively prevented the conspirators’ troops from withdrawing….


Cesare greeted the condottieri effusively and invited them to join him.... 

Michelotto had prepared the Palazzo Bernardino for Cesare’s use, and the duke invited the condottieri inside.... 

Once indoors the men were quietly arrested by guards who crept up from the rear.... 

[Cesare] gave orders for an attack on Vitelli’s and Orsini’s soldiers in the outlying areas.... 

That night, while their troops were being crushed, Michelotto throttled Oliveretto and Vitelli in the Bernardino palace.... 

At one fell swoop, [Borgia] had got rid of his former generals and worst enemies.



Hsiang Yu had proven his ruthlessness on many an occasion.

He rarely hesitated in doing away with a rival if it served his purposes. But with Liu Pang he acted differently.

He respected his rival, and did not want to defeat him through deception; he wanted to prove his superiority on the battlefield, even to force the clever Liu to surrender and to serve him.

Every time he had his rival in his hands, something made him hesitate—a fatal sympathy with or respect for the man who, after all, had once been a friend and comrade in arms.

But the moment Hsiang made it clear that he intended to do away with Liu, yet failed to accomplish it, he sealed his own doom. Liu would not suffer the same hesitation once the tables were turned.

This is the fate that faces all of us when we sympathize with our enemies, when pity, or the hope of reconciliation, makes us pull back from doing away with them.

We only strengthen their fear and hatred of us.

We have beaten them, and they are humiliated; yet we nurture these resentful vipers who will one day kill us.

Power cannot be dealt with this way. It must be exterminated, crushed, and denied the chance to return to haunt us. This is all the truer with a former friend who has become an enemy.

The law governing fatal antagonisms reads: Reconciliation is out of the question. Only one side can win, and it must win totally.

Liu Pang learned this lesson well.

After defeating Hsiang Yu, this son of a farmer went on to become supreme commander of the armies of Ch‘u.

Crushing his next rival—the king of Ch’u, his own former leader—he crowned himself emperor, defeated everyone in his path, and went down in history as one of the greatest rulers of China, the immortal Han Kao-tsu, founder of the Han Dynasty.

To have ultimate victory, you must be ruthless.

Those who seek to achieve things should show no mercy.

-Kautilya, Indian philosopher third century B.C.


Wu Chao, born in A.D. 625, was the daughter of a duke, and as a beautiful young woman of many charms, she was accordingly attached to the harem of Emperor T’ai Tsung.

The imperial harem was a dangerous place, full of young concubines vying to become the emperor’s favorite.

Wu’s beauty and forceful character quickly won her this battle, but, knowing that an emperor, like other powerful men, is a creature of whim, and that she could easily be replaced, she kept her eye on the future.

Wu managed to seduce the emperor’s dissolute son, Kao Tsung, on the only possible occasion when she could find him alone: while he was relieving himself at the royal urinal.

Even so, when the emperor died and Kao Tsung took over the throne, she still suffered the fate to which all wives and concubines of a deceased emperor were bound by tradition and law: Her head shaven, she entered a convent, for what was supposed to be the rest of her life.

For seven years Wu schemed to escape.

By communicating in secret with the new emperor, and by befriending his wife, the empress, she managed to get a highly unusual royal edict allowing her to return to the palace and to the royal harem.

Once there, she fawned on the empress, while still sleeping with the emperor.

The empress did not discourage this—she had yet to provide the emperor with an heir, her position was vulnerable, and Wu was a valuable ally.

In 654 Wu Chao gave birth to a child.

One day the empress came to visit, and as soon as she had left, Wu smothered the newborn—her own baby.

When the murder was discovered, suspicion immediately fell on the empress, who had been on the scene moments earlier, and whose jealous nature was known by all.

This was precisely Wu’s plan.

Shortly thereafter, the empress was charged with murder and executed.

Wu Chao was crowned empress in her place.

Her new husband, addicted to his life of pleasure, gladly gave up the reins of government to Wu Chao, who was from then on known as Empress Wu.

Although now in a position of great power, Wu hardly felt secure.

There were enemies everywhere; she could not let down her guard for one moment.

Indeed, when she was forty-one, she began to fear that her beautiful young niece was becoming the emperor’s favorite.

She poisoned the woman with a clay mixed into her food.

In 675 her own son, touted as the heir apparent, was poisoned as well.

The next-eldest son—illegitimate, but now the crown prince—was exiled a little later on trumped-up charges. And when the emperor died, in 683, Wu managed to have the son after that declared unfit for the throne.

All this meant that it was her youngest, most ineffectual son who finally became emperor.

In this way she continued to rule.

Over the next five years there were innumerable palace coups.

All of them failed, and all of the conspirators were executed.

By 688 there was no one left to challenge Wu.

She proclaimed herself a divine descendant of Buddha, and in 690 her wishes were finally granted: She was named Holy and Divine “Emperor” of China.

Wu became emperor because there was literally nobody left from the previous T’ang dynasty. And so she ruled unchallenged, for over a decade of relative peace. In 705, at the age of eighty, she was forced to abdicate.


All who knew Empress Wu remarked on her energy and intelligence.

At the time, there was no glory available for an ambitious woman beyond a few years in the imperial harem, then a lifetime walled up in a convent.

In Wu’s gradual but remarkable rise to the top, she was never naive. She knew that any hesitation, any momentary weakness, would spell her end. If, every time she got rid of a rival a new one appeared, the solution was simple: She had to crush them all or be killed herself.

Other emperors before her had followed the same path to the top, but Wu—who, as a woman, had next to no chance to gain power—had to be more ruthless still.

Empress Wu’s forty-year reign was one of the longest in Chinese history. Although the story of her bloody rise to power is well known, in China she is considered one of the period’s most able and effective rulers.

A priest asked the dying Spanish statesman and general Ramón Maria Narváez. (1800-1868), 

“Does your Excellency forgive all your enemies ?”

"I do not have to forgive my enemies,” answered Narváez, ”I have had them all shot. ”


It is no accident that the two stories illustrating this law come from China: Chinese history abounds with examples of enemies who were left alive and returned to haunt the lenient.

“Crush the enemy” is a key strategic tenet of Sun-tzu, the fourth-century-B.C. author of The Art of War.

The idea is simple: Your enemies wish you ill. There is nothing they want more than to eliminate you.

If, in your struggles with them, you stop halfway or even three quarters of the way, out of mercy or hope of reconciliation, you only make them more determined, more embittered, and they will someday take revenge.

They may act friendly for the time being, but this is only because you have defeated them. They have no choice but to bide their time.

The solution: Have no mercy. Crush your enemies as totally as they would crush you. Ultimately the only peace and security you can hope for from your enemies is their disappearance.

Mao Tse-tung, a devoted reader of Sun-tzu and of Chinese history generally, knew the importance of this law.

In 1934 the Communist leader and some 75,000 poorly equipped soldiers fled into the desolate mountains of western China to escape Chiang Kai-shek’s much larger army, in what has since been called the Long March.

Chiang was determined to eliminate every last Communist, and by a few years later Mao had less than 10,000 soldiers left.

By 1937, in fact, when China was invaded by Japan, Chiang calculated that the Communists were no longer a threat. He chose to give up the chase and concentrate on the Japanese. Ten years later the Communists had recovered enough to rout Chiang’s army.

Chiang had forgotten the ancient wisdom of crushing the enemy; Mao had not.

Chiang was pursued until he and his entire army fled to the island of Taiwan.

Nothing remains of his regime in mainland China to this day.

The wisdom behind “crushing the enemy” is as ancient as the Bible: Its first practitioner may have been Moses, who learned it from God Himself, when He parted the Red Sea for the Jews, then let the water flow back over the pursuing Egyptians so that “not so much as one of them remained.”

When Moses returned from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments and found his people worshipping the Golden Calf, he had every last offender slaughtered.

And just before he died, he told his followers, finally about to enter the Promised Land, that when they had defeated the tribes of Canaan they should “utterly destroy them… make no covenant with them, and show no mercy to them.”

The goal of total victory is an axiom of modern warfare, and was codified as such by Carl von Clausewitz, the premier philosopher of war.

Analyzing the campaigns of Napoleon, von Clausewitz wrote, “We do claim that direct annihilation of the enemy’s forces must always be the dominant consideration….

Once a major victory is achieved there must be no talk of rest, of breathing space…

…but only of the pursuit, going for the enemy again, seizing his capital, attacking his reserves and anything else that might give his country aid and comfort.”

The reason for this is that after war come negotiation and the division of territory. If you have only won a partial victory, you will inevitably lose in negotiation what you have gained by war.

The solution is simple: Allow your enemies no options. Annihilate them and their territory is yours to carve. The goal of power is to control your enemies completely, to make them obey your will. You cannot afford to go halfway. If they have no options, they will be forced to do your bidding. This law has applications far beyond the battlefield. Negotiation is the insidious viper that will eat away at your victory, so give your enemies nothing to negotiate, no hope, no room to maneuver. They are crushed and that is that.

Realize this: In your struggle for power you will stir up rivalries and create enemies. There will be people you cannot win over, who will remain your enemies no matter what. But whatever wound you inflicted on them, deliberately or not, do not take their hatred personally. Just recognize that there is no possibility of peace between you, especially as long as you stay in power. If you let them stick around, they will seek revenge, as certainly as night follows day. To wait for them to show their cards is just silly; as Empress Wu understood, by then it will be too late.

Be realistic: With an enemy like this around, you will never be secure. Remember the lessons of history, and the wisdom of Moses and Mao: Never go halfway.

It is not, of course, a question of murder, it is a question of banishment.

Sufficiently weakened and then exiled from your court forever, your enemies are rendered harmless. They have no hope of recovering, insinuating themselves and hurting you. And if they cannot be banished, at least understand that they are plotting against you, and pay no heed to whatever friendliness they feign. Your only weapon in such a situation is your own wariness. If you cannot banish them immediately, then plot for the best time to act.

Image: A Viper crushed beneath your foot but left alive, will rear up and bite you with a double dose of venom. An enemy that is left around is like a half-dead viper that you nurse back to health. Time makes the venom grow stronger.

Authority: For it must be noted, that men must either be caressed or else annihilated; they will revenge themselves for small injuries, but cannot do so for great ones; the injury therefore that we do to a man must be such that we need not fear his vengeance. (Niccolò Machiavelli, 1469-1527)


This law should very rarely be ignored, but it does sometimes happen that it is better to let your enemies destroy themselves, if such a thing is possible, than to make them suffer by your hand.

In warfare, for example, a good general knows that if he attacks an army when it is cornered, its soldiers will fight much more fiercely.

It is sometimes better, then, to leave them an escape route, a way out.

As they retreat, they wear themselves out, and are ultimately more demoralized by the retreat than by any defeat he might inflict on the battlefield.

When you have someone on the ropes, then—but only when you are sure they have no chance of recovery—you might let them hang themselves. Let them be the agents of their own destruction.

The result will be the same, and you won’t feel half as bad.

Finally, sometimes by crushing an enemy, you embitter them so much that they spend years and years plotting revenge.

The Treaty of Versailles had such an effect on the Germans. Some would argue that in the long run it would be better to show some leniency. The problem is, your leniency involves another risk—it may embolden the enemy, which still harbors a grudge, but now has some room to operate. It is almost always wiser to crush your enemy.

If they plot revenge years later, do not let your guard down, but simply crush them again.


History is replete with examples of leaders who defeated their enemies but left them alive out of mercy. Of course, the opponent always bided his time, becoming ever more resentful and determined, until he was strong enough to seek revenge.

Your enemies feel nothing but animosity for you, and want to eliminate you. According to Law 15 of the 48 Laws of Power, the only way to have security and peace is to do to them what they would do to you.

When you get the upper hand, don’t hesitate to deliver the final blow. This doesn’t necessarily mean killing them, but at minimum neutralizing them by totally eliminating their ability to fight back. In the old days, banishment often worked.

For instance, in the 1930s, Chiang Kai-shek had almost decimated Mao Tse-tung‘s Communists, so he turned his attention to the invading Japanese instead. But over ten years, the Communists recovered and eventually routed Chiang’s army, forcing him to flee to Taiwan. He didn’t learn to follow Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally, and it cost him his power.

You need to crush your enemy totally — don’t go halfway with them or give them any options whatsoever. Don’t negotiate — negotiation will undercut your victory. For your security, you must crush them.

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Law 10 – Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky (48 Laws of Power)

Amoral, cunning, ruthless, and instructive, The 48 Laws of Power is the definitive manual for anyone interested in gaining, observing, or defending against ultimate control in human relationships, society or business. There are 48 laws in this book, and this post is the complete reprint of Law 10.

In The 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene contends that since you can’t opt out of the game of power, you’re better off becoming a master player by learning the rules and strategies practiced since ancient times.

People can’t stand to be powerless. Everyone wants power and is always trying to get more. Striving for and wielding power is a game everyone participates in, whether they want to or not. You’re either a power player or a pawn someone else is playing with.

An Interesting Fact about The 48 laws of power is it is one of the most Requested books among American Prisoners, it is also a favorite book by many world leaders like Fidel Castro, and hip-hop superstar such as 50 cents, it has been dubbed by critics as a cult classic for its widespread success among America’s rich and famous.

The 48 laws of power illustrate 48 laws America rich and powerful use to acquire and maintain power, Greene presents these laws with actionable steps for the average reader to incorporate into their approach to life. The book covers areas Such as Negotiations, how to make people do what you want, and how to maintain an ideal relationship with superiors at the workplace, these 48 laws can help anyone who wants to see themselves at top of their career.


So, what is The 48 Laws of Power book about?

Greene has codified 48 laws of power based on examples and writings going back 3,000 years of people who’ve excelled or failed at wielding power, with glorious or bloody results.

Greene argues that following the 48 laws will generally increase your power, while failing to follow them will decrease it, or worse. He provides details on how to practice the laws, plus examples and analysis.

Some laws teach the need for prudence (“Law 1: Never Outshine the Master”), others teach the value of confidence (“Law 28: Enter Action with Boldness”), and many recommend absolute self-preservation (“Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally”).

Staying on top and increasing your power required strategy and tactics, but at the heart of the game lay an essential skill — deception, which was employed in myriad ways.

Since then, the game of power hasn’t changed much, although it’s gotten a bit less bloody (more heads roll figuratively than literally). To practice deception effectively requires an understanding of human behavior (your own and others’), the relentless study of the people around you, complete self-control, outward charm, adaptability, strategic thinking, and deviousness.

In a world seemingly gone bat-shit insane, it is important to know the “rules of the game” and how they are played. You might not wish to use them yourself, but it is important to recognize that others do. So learn at your own risk.

LAW 10



You can die from someone else’s misery—emotional states are as infectious as diseases. You may feel you are helping the drowning man but you are only precipitating your own disaster. The unfortunate sometimes draw misfortune on themselves; they will also draw it on you. Associate with the happy and fortunate instead.


Born in Limerick, Ireland, in 1818, Marie Gilbert came to Paris in the 1840s to make her fortune as a dancer and performer. Taking the name Lola Montez (her mother was of distant Spanish descent), she claimed to be a flamenco dancer from Spain.

By 1845 her career was languishing, and to survive she became a courtesan—quickly one of the more successful in Paris.

Only one man could salvage Lola’s dancing career: Alexandre Dujarier, owner of the newspaper with the largest circulation in France, and also the newspaper’s drama critic.

She decided to woo and conquer him. Investigating his habits, she discovered that he went riding every morning. An excellent horsewoman herself, she rode out one morning and “accidentally” ran into him.

Soon they were riding together every day. A few weeks later Lola moved into his apartment.

For a while the two were happy together. With Dujarier’s help, Lola began to revive her dancing career. Despite the risk to his social standing, Dujarier told friends he would marry her in the spring.

(Lola had never told him that she had eloped at age nineteen with an Englishman, and was still legally married.)

Although Dujarier was deeply in love, his life started to slide downhill.

His fortunes in business changed and influential friends began to avoid him. One night Dujarier was invited to a party, attended by some of the wealthiest young men in Paris.

Lola wanted to go too but he would not allow it. They had their first quarrel, and Dujarier attended the party by himself. There, hopelessly drunk, he insulted an influential drama critic, Jean-Baptiste Rosemond de Beauvallon, perhaps because of something the critic had said about Lola.

The following morning Beauvallon challenged him to a duel. Beauvallon was one of the best pistol shots in France.

Dujarier tried to apologize, but the duel took place, and he was shot and killed. Thus ended the life of one of the most promising young men of Paris society…

Devastated, Lola left Paris.

In 1846 Lola Montez found herself in Munich, where she decided to woo and conquer King Ludwig of Bavaria. The best way to Ludwig, she discovered, was through his aide-de-camp, Count Otto von Rechberg, a man with a fondness for pretty girls.

One day when the count was breakfasting at an outdoor café, Lola rode by on her horse, was “accidentally” thrown from the saddle, and landed at Rechberg’s feet.

The count rushed to help her and was enchanted. He promised to introduce her to Ludwig.

Rechberg arranged an audience with the king for Lola, but when she arrived in the anteroom, she could hear the king saying he was too busy to meet a favor-seeking stranger.

Lola pushed aside the sentries and entered his room anyway. In the process, the front of her dress somehow got torn (perhaps by her, perhaps by one of the sentries), and to the astonishment of all, most especially the king, her bare breasts were brazenly exposed. Lola was granted her audience with Ludwig.

Fifty-five hours later she made her debut on the Bavarian stage; the reviews were terrible, but that did not stop Ludwig from arranging more performances.

A nut found itself carried by a crow to the top of a tall campanile, and by falling into a crevice succeeded in escaping its dread fate. It then besought the wall to shelter it, by appealing to it by the grace of God, and praising its height, and the beauty and noble tone of us bells. “Alas,” it went on, “as I have not been able to drop beneath the green branches of my old Father and to lie in the fallow earth covered by his fallen leaves, do you, at least, not abandon me. When I found myself in the beak of the cruel crow I made a vow, that if I escaped I would end my life in a little hole. ”At these words, the wall, moved with compassion, was content to shelter the nut in the spot where it had fallen. 

Within a short time, the nut burst open: Its roots reached in between the crevices of the stones and began to push them apart; its shoots pressed up toward the sky. They soon rose above the building, and as the twisted roots grew thicker they began to thrust the walls apart and force the ancient stones from their old places. Then the wall, too late and in vain, bewailed the cause of its destruction, and in short time it fell in ruin.


Ludwig was, in his own words, “bewitched” by Lola. He started to appear in public with her on his arm, and then he bought and furnished an apartment for her on one of Munich’s most fashionable boulevards.

Although he had been known as a miser, and was not given to flights of fancy, he started to shower Lola with gifts and to write poetry for her. Now his favored mistress, she catapulted to fame and fortune overnight.

Lola began to lose her sense of proportion. One day when she was out riding, an elderly man rode ahead of her, a bit too slowly for her liking.

Unable to pass him, she began to slash him with her riding crop. On another occasion she took her dog, unleashed, out for a stroll.

The dog attacked a passerby, but instead of helping the man get the dog away, she whipped him with the leash.

Incidents like this infuriated the stolid citizens of Bavaria, but Ludwig stood by Lola and even had her naturalized as a Bavarian citizen.

The king’s entourage tried to wake him to the dangers of the affair, but those who criticized Lola were summarily fired.

In his own time Simon Thomas was a great doctor. I remember that I happened to meet him one day at the home of a rich old consumptive: 

He told his patient when discussing ways to cure him that one means was to provide occasions for me to enjoy his company: 

He could then fix his eyes on the freshness of my countenance and his thoughts on the overflowing cheerfulness and vigor of my young manhood; by filling all his senses with the flower of my youth his condition might improve. 

He forgot to add that mine might get worse. 

-MONTAIGNE, 1533-1592

While Bavarians who had loved their king now outwardly disrespected him, Lola was made a countess, had a new palace built for herself, and began to dabble in politics, advising Ludwig on policy.

She was the most powerful force in the kingdom.

Her influence in the king’s cabinet continued to grow, and she treated the other ministers with disdain.

As a result, riots broke out throughout the realm.

A once peaceful land was virtually in the grip of civil war, and students everywhere were chanting, “Raus mit Lola!”

Many things are said to be infectious. Sleepiness can be infectious, and yawning as well. In large-scale strategy when the enemy is agitated and shows an inclination to rush, do not mind in the least. 

Make a show of complete calmness, and the enemy will be taken by this and will become relaxed. You infect their spirit. You can infect them with a carefree, drunklike spirit, with boredom, or even weakness.


By February of 1848, Ludwig was finally unable to withstand the pressure. With great sadness he ordered Lola to leave Bavaria immediately. She left, but not until she was paid off. For the next five weeks the Bavarians’ wrath was turned against their formerly beloved king. In March of that year he was forced to abdicate.

Lola Montez moved to England. More than anything she needed respectability, and despite being married (she still had not arranged a divorce from the Englishman she had wed years before), she set her sights on George Trafford Heald, a promising young army officer who was the son of an influential barrister.

Although he was ten years younger than Lola, and could have chosen a wife among the prettiest and wealthiest young girls of English society, Heald fell under her spell.

They were married in 1849.

Soon arrested on the charge of bigamy, she skipped bail, and she and Heald made their way to Spain. They quarreled horribly and on one occasion Lola slashed him with a knife. Finally, she drove him away. Returning to England, he found he had lost his position in the army. Ostracized from English society, he moved to Portugal, where he lived in poverty.

After a few months his short life ended in a boating accident.

A few years later the man who published Lola Montez’s autobiography went bankrupt…

In 1853 Lola moved to California, where she met and married a man named Pat Hull. Their relationship was as stormy as all the others, and she left Hull for another man. He took to drink and fell into a deep depression that lasted until he died, four years later, still a relatively young man.

At the age of forty-one, Lola gave away her clothes and finery and turned to God. She toured America, lecturing on religious topics, dressed in white and wearing a halolike white headgear.

She died two years later, in 1861.

Regard no foolish man as cultured, though you may reckom a gifted man as wise; and esteem no ignorant abstainer a true ascetic. Do not consort with fools, especially those who consider themselves wise. And be not self-satisfied with your own ignorance. 

Let your intercourse be only with men of good repute: for it is by such assotiation that men themselves attain to good repute. 

Do you not observe how sesame-oil is mingled with roses or violets and how, when it has been for some time in association with roses or violets, it ceases to he sesame-oil and is called oil of roses or oil of violets?



Lola Montez attracted men with her wiles, but her power over them went beyond the sexual. It was through the force of her character that she kept her lovers enthralled. Men were sucked into the maelstrom she churned up around her. They felt confused, upset, but the strength of the emotions she stirred also made them feel more alive.

As is often the case with infection, the problems would only arise over time. Lola’s inherent instability would begin to get under her lovers’ skin. They would find themselves drawn into her problems, but their emotional attachment to her would make them want to help her. This was the crucial point of the disease—for Lola Montez could not be helped. Her problems were too deep. Once the lover identified with them, he was lost. He would find himself embroiled in quarrels. The infection would spread to his family and friends, or, in the case of Ludwig, to an entire nation. The only solution would be to cut her off, or suffer an eventual collapse.

The infecting-character type is not restricted to women; it has nothing to do with gender. It stems from an inward instability that radiates outward, drawing disaster upon itself. There is almost a desire to destroy and unsettle. You could spend a lifetime studying the pathology of infecting characters, but don’t waste your time—just learn the lesson. When you suspect you are in the presence of an infector, don’t argue, don’t try to help, don’t pass the person on to your friends, or you will become enmeshed. Flee the infector’s presence or suffer the consequences.

Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much.... 
I do not know the man I should avoid so soon as that spare Cassius.... 
Such men as he be never at heart’s ease whiles they behold a greater than themselves, and therefore are they very dangerous.

-Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare. 1564-1616


Those misfortunates among us who have been brought down by circumstances beyond their control deserve all the help and sympathy we can give them. But there are others who are not born to misfortune or unhappiness, but who draw it upon themselves by their destructive actions and unsettling effect on others. It would be a great thing if we could raise them up, change their patterns, but more often than not it is their patterns that end up getting inside and changing us. The reason is simple—humans are extremely susceptible to the moods, emotions, and even the ways of thinking of those with whom they spend their time.

The incurably unhappy and unstable have a particularly strong infecting power because their characters and emotions are so intense. They often present themselves as victims, making it difficult, at first, to see their miseries as self-inflicted. Before you realize the real nature of their problems you have been infected by them.

Understand this: In the game of power, the people you associate with are critical. The risk of associating with infectors is that you will waste valuable time and energy trying to free yourself. Through a kind of guilt by association, you will also suffer in the eyes of others. Never underestimate the dangers of infection.

There are many kinds of infector to be aware of, but one of the most insidious is the sufferer from chronic dissatisfaction. Cassius, the Roman conspirator against Julius Caesar, had the discontent that comes from deep envy. He simply could not endure the presence of anyone of greater talent. Probably because Caesar sensed the man’s interminable sourness, he passed him up for the position of first praetorship, and gave the position to Brutus instead. Cassius brooded and brooded, his hatred for Caesar becoming patliological. Brutus himself, a devoted republican, disliked Caesar’s dictatorship; had he had the patience to wait, he would have become the first man in Rome after Caesar’s death, and could have undone the evil that the leader had wrought. But Cassius infected him with his own rancor, bending his ear daily with tales of Caesar’s evil. He finally won Brutus over to the conspiracy. It was the beginning of a great tragedy. How many misfortunes could have been avoided had Brutus learned to fear the power of infection.

There is only one solution to infection: quarantine. But by the time you recognize the problem it is often too late. A Lola Montez overwhelms you with her forceful personality. Cassius intrigues you with his confiding nature and the depth of his feelings. How can you protect yourself against such insidious viruses? The answer lies in judging people on the effects they have on the world and not on the reasons they give for their prob-Image: A Virus. Unseen, it lems. Infectors can be recognized by the misfortune they draw on them-enters your pores without selves, their turbulent past, their long line of broken relationships, their un-warning, spreading silently and stable careers, and the very force of their character, which sweeps you up slowly. Before you are aware of and makes you lose your reason. Be forewarned by these signs of an infec the infection, it is deep inside you. tor; learn to see the discontent in their eye. Most important of all, do not take pity. Do not enmesh yourself in trying to help. The infector will remain unchanged, but you will be unhinged.

The other side of infection is equally valid, and perhaps more readily understood: There are people who attract happiness to themselves by their good cheer, natural buoyancy, and intelligence. They are a source of pleasure, and you must associate with them to share in the prosperity they draw upon themselves.

This applies to more than good cheer and success: All positive qualities can infect us. Talleyrand had many strange and intimidating traits, but most agreed that he surpassed all Frenchmen in graciousness, aristocratic charm, and wit. Indeed he came from one of the oldest noble families in the country, and despite his belief in democracy and the French Republic, he retained his courtly manners. His contemporary Napoleon was in many ways the opposite—a peasant from Corsica, taciturn and ungracious, even violent.

There was no one Napoleon admired more than Talleyrand. He envied his minister’s way with people, his wit and his ability to charm women, and as best he could, he kept Talleyrand around him, hoping to soak up the culture he lacked. There is no doubt that Napoleon changed as his rule continued. Many of the rough edges were smoothed by his constant association with Talleyrand.

Use the positive side of this emotional osmosis to advantage. If, for example, you are miserly by nature, you will never go beyond a certain limit; only generous souls attain greatness. Associate with the generous, then, and they will infect you, opening up everything that is tight and restricted in you. If you are gloomy, gravitate to the cheerful. If you are prone to isolation, force yourself to befriend the gregarious. Never associate with those who share your defects—they will reinforce everything that holds you back. Only create associations with positive affinities. Make this a rule of life and you will benefit more than from all the therapy in the world.

Authority: Recognize the fortunate so that you may choose their company, and the unfortunate so that you may avoid them. Misfortune is usually the crime of folly, and among those who suffer from it there is no malady more contagious: Never open your door to the least of misfortunes, for, if you do, many others will follow in its train…. Do not die of another’s misery. (Baltasar Gracián, 1601-1658)


This law admits of no reversal. Its application is universal. There is nothing to be gained by associating with those who infect you with their misery; there is only power and good fortune to be obtained by associating with the fortunate.

Ignore this law at your peril.


Emotional states can be as infectious as diseases. Occasionally, some unfortunate individuals bring their own misfortune upon themselves and can bring you down too if you get too close. Therefore, make sure to associate only with the happy and the fortunate.

The incurably unhappy tend to portray themselves as victims, and before you realize they are the cause of their own misfortune, they have infected you with their misery.

Who you decide to associate with is critical. Through associating with the miserable, you waste your valuable time and drain your potential power.

This DOES NOT mean for you to be selfish or not help others. This instead means that you must recognize that people have a being, a series of actions, behaviors, and thoughts that can influence you. You need to be selective in who you habitually associate with and who you surround yourself with.

Happy people, living life, carefree and sunny…

…avoid the perpetually gloomy, emotionally distraught, and internally terrorized fighting their own demons and hostilities.

For a happy, productive and successful life, recognize that it is not your job to change others. Rather you are to be a beacon, a tower, a great shining star for others to admire and look up to. You need to be the light that others come towards. Not the greasy oil mechanic that is perpetually fixing the old broken-down automobile postponing it’s final ride to the junk yard.

Avoid the perpetually unhappy. They have an illness that will seep into your being. You are not immune. The only way to immunize yourself is through isolation. Stay away from the bad. Live and surround yourself only with the good.

Do you want some more?

I have more posts along these lines in my Life and Happiness Index here…

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On the remote control of insects…

It’s funny how life can take you on interesting roads, and on journeys that you might otherwise not have taken. Here, we are going to discuss my experience on an R&D project that I headed while I was working in Boston, Massachusetts. It’s not associated with MAJestic in any way, though I cannot help but think that I was “led” towards it by my thoughts and intentional “signposts”. This R&D project involved the remote control of insects.

The Time and the Place

This entire story took place within a two year span of time from 1990 to 1992 (plus or minus six months either way). The company that I was working with at that time was Holmes Products, which was THE top supplier of consumer appliances to Walmart, and Target (as well as some others).

I was the Head of New Product Development, and my title was “NPD Manager”. The company was located Milford, Massachusetts. It was located in “Granite park”, which was a small mountain of rock that jutted up outside of Milford.

One of the many fond memories that I have of this company, and this area is the concept of “Summer hours”. The Company owner allowed us to only work seven hours a day in the Summer instead of eight. We would get off one hour earlier to enjoy the warm Summer afternoons. To make this happen, he would tack on a half-and hour to the days leading up to the Summer. It was a great system and we really did appreciate it.

The Background Story

It turns out that five years previously, a (former) employee at Holmes Products worked in the drafting group. He drew up the CAD drawings on the CAD software known as ProE. He was fired. He was a troublemaker, lazy, and a liar. He had concocted schemes to obtain over-time pay, when all he was doing was just clocking in and out without actually sitting at his station.

Anyways. He was fired.

Five years later he comes to his old boss, now my supervisor, with this invention of his. He had movies, and ugly-ass prototypes made out of children’s metal lunch boxes. He was able to clearly demonstrate that some mosquitoes would be attracted to his invention and that they kept on trying to “bite” the metal surface of the lunch-boxes.

The long-story-short is that the owner of Holmes Products, Jerry Khan was intrigued and asked me and my boss if we could develop this products. We said yes, and offered a timeline, and a budget, and he gave us the “green light” a “go-ahead” to develop it with specific milestones that must be met. If we couldn’t meet those milestones we would abort the project and continue on with other projects that we were working on (at that time).

The inventor would be given a salary (to keep him happy and out of our hair) and be permitted to observe our efforts, and work with us in the remote testing of this project.

The Blue Light

There are a lot of mosquito killing traps on the market that utilizes a UV blue light to attract and kill mosquitoes. THEY DO NOT WORK. This machine might attract moths and an occasional fly, but they do not work on biting insects… insects that bite humans and animals as part of it’s life cycle. These lights do not work on “blood feeders”.

Some types of mosquitoes found in the Untied States.
Some types of mosquitoes found in the United States.

We setup a R&D Project

This project was named “The Elephant Project”.

As with most R&D, and NPD efforts, it’s usually just done with a small and tight knit of people. Maybe the software world more resembles the science-fiction concept of the development of new devices and systems, with enormous teams of engineers and billions of dollars in funding, but not us in military, or consumer appliances. We had a small team of five people, of which all also were working on other projects as well simultaneously.

We had a lab inside the office complex, with a lock and closed circuit television. The lab had maybe eight bench / tables, compressed air source and was adjacent to the small machine shop that was staffed with four experienced machinists and model makers.

I hired a project manager / lead engineer to supervise the development process. My role was being his boss. As I had many other simultaneous projects in development at that time. That does not mean that I was “hands off”. I took a special interest in this project from the Git-go, and made sure that the project kept on track and did not stray too far off the “project road map”. As well as get “my hands dirty” building prototypes and working the various issues that come up in every R&D / NPD project.

We collaborate with the inventor

Now, of course, the inventor wanted to “be the boss”, and acted like a “little Napoleon”. Honestly and truthfully, he was a royal pain in the ass, and would make surprise visits and expect us to treat him to free lunches, mess up our schedules, come in and wreck up the lab with one of his frequent alarmist explosions of anger and just be a general asshole.

But that was the price that we had to pay. So we “took it on the chin” and just accepted it.

Now, he might have “invented” this concept, and went ahead with promoting it, but he knew nothing about project management, the theory of experimentation, the actual design of mechanical systems, and mechanical development. All he knew was how to draw pretty pictures on a computer screen.

After a few of his disruptions, we pretty much kept him away at “arms reach” and went our own way with product development efforts.

In short, we developed the product and he was able to take what we did, fly off to Steamy Florida with the prototypes and test them in the semi-tropics. It was an agreeable situation for everyone involved.

Development of Prototypes

The thing was that we didn’t know what was making the mosquitoes want to bite the metal. If we could discover their “secret” then we could replicate it in different ways. Perhaps cheaper, and consumer product friendly ways, that would make a viable product for sale in the market place.

So, the first thing in our development plan was to try to figure out just what was attracting these mosquitoes.

So we built up a number of prototypes with this in mind. They consisted of an electrical mesh (to entrap and kill the mosquitoes) that surrounded the test mechanism. With most mechanisms being a tin of heated water that is pumped into a pulsed array of tubing that would move and vibrate with each pulse.

We made a number of these prototypes. Perhaps ten solid testing units and four experimental units that were used to various modifications and to help us answer a few questions as they would come up. (As they always do in a new development venture.)

We had a little production facility making these hand-crafted prototypes, and a special rack that we would sit them in. On the top of each one was a number (we used the big number stickers from Home Depot that people put on their front porches to give their addresses with), and tracked the changes on each unit as time went on.

Testing of Prototypes

Now, since Holmes Products also made Air Purifiers and Humidifiers, we had a testing chamber. This was a small room that was 2 meters by 2 meters by 2 meters. It was a nice square chamber. Next to it was a window and a control booth.

What we would do is obtain 100 pure bred female mosquitoes (Aedes Vixis) and release them in the chamber for one hour. We would count the attempts at biting by using a capacitance sensor when they landed on the (electrical killing) grid.

We would also take turns being a human subject. Here we would strip down to shorts and a tee shirt, and sit on a chair in the room for one hour. We would then count the number of bites that we would have. Yes.

No kidding!

At the start of the project, we noticed that a machine was capable of replicating approximately 20% that of a human.

After eight to nine months, with successive improvements, we were able to have the machine equal to that of a human with approximately the same number of bites on the machine that a human would receive. But even at that it wasn’t the “wow!” moment that we were looking for.


One day while filming a test, we noticed that one of the prototypes (number 5) was malfunctioning. One of the latex tubes had a kink in it and with each pulse of hot water into the tube the tube would shutter and expand, and then contract. It resembled a glove that you blow air into, and then release. Each time the tube would grow bigger, and the walls of the latex get thinner. And with each increase in size, the mosquitoes would pause in mid flight.

They wouldn’t bite, though. But boy oh, boy did they take notice.

Finally, at one split second of time, when the tube was blown up to enormous size before contracting again, all 100 mosquitoes in the chamber simultaneously converged on the moving, vibrating bubble of tubing…

…right before it exploded.

Working with Tufts University

Well, we discovered the mechanism. It had to do with vibration, heat, and a certain set of conditions. But how could we best understand what is going on?

Well, we went to the local university and asked an expert to work with us. We found a mosquito entomologist.

And we worked with us, and observed the chamber trials, and the field trials. Though his suggestions and advice, we were able to improve and tweak the machine to replicate 800% that of the performance of a human.

Seriously, it was amazing.

The little buggers would swarm over the machine.

It would attract all kinds of mosquitoes from five miles out, and they would converge on the machine in huge piles. It looked like old coffee ground piling up on top of the machine. Each mosquito was busily trying to climb over all the others to feed on the machine.

Human feeders, dog feeders, bird feeders. It did not mater what their preferred host animal was. They wanted the machine!

How it worked

Well, it turns out that there are these little tiny hairs on the legs of the female mosquitoes. They feel the subsonic vibrations of their preferred feed hosts blood capillaries. And what the machine did was replicate the vibrations that the tiny hairs would feel. And this would trigger the female biting mosquitoes to head towards the source of those subsonic vibrations.

And it wasn’t just mosquitoes either. It was all biting insects, from flea to ticks and anything in between.


We constructed a few “demonstrator units” that were absolutely stunning in effectiveness. And while the team started work on pilot models prior to production, I started on work for the remote control of these critters.

I had developed a system where I could selectively beam subsonics to the creature and confuse it as to where the source of the subsonic originated from. In short, I created a “carrot and stick” method to lead the mosquitoes to a given target.

Whether the target was an electrical killing grid, or a person that I was angry at made no difference. I could remotely control entire swarms of blood-feeding mosquitoes.

The company is sold

While all this was going on, the company that I was working in was sold. the owner, Jerry Khan got $300 million dollars for it. The new owners decided to make some structural changes.

This was 1992, remember.

So we had layoffs, and you might call them up-sizes, or down-sizes or restructuring efforts. But the point was that all new product development and R&D would end.

The engineers would be laid-off, and instead the existing products would be kept on “life support” without any further development efforts (no “living development” of existing products) in favor of acquisition of other appliance companies.

The Project is killed

The project, as will all the other on-going projects, were all killed. Development efforts all stopped. The model shop was reduced in staffing, the R&D group shuttered, and the NPD group reduced to only one or two people.

The Sales force (however) was increased, as was efforts to acquire other companies. To this end “experts” were hired whose entire role was the acquisition of companies. So in short, the company completely changed once it was acquired. It grew larger and absorbed many smaller appliance companies, it cut staffing levels, and grew enormous levels of dept.

But that didn’t really matter to me. I was out of work and “on the street“.

I am laid off

I was given one hour notice and escorted out the building on a Friday. At the time this was pretty much standard practice. And it really sucked.

At the time I was married to my first wife who was showing signs of her mental illness. The layoff, sent her “off the deep end”, and her behavior became unbearably erratic. She started to paint the bathroom mirror with fingernail polish, started to read and collect discarded egg shells, and started to break into people’s houses because she “heard the screams of trapped women in the basements”.

I dealt with things to the best of my ability while conducting a full-scale job-search. I worked some fast-food (Wendy’s) to make ends meet, and dealt with my wife going through a full-blown schizophrenia episode….

And YES, it really sucked.

And YES, I was still part of MAJestic at the time.

And YES, I was still going in and out of slides as part of my MWI mission parameters.

And YES, it has made me a very different man. And when I was retired with all the associated unfairness, my thoughts were very, very black.

The project is sold off to Lentek

The entire project, all prototypes, technical information, and email trail was sold to another company for a few hundred thousand dollars. This other company was Lentek which had an interest in using carbon dioxide plumes to attract mosquitoes.

The only association that the new owners of the project had with us is their association with the mosquito entomologist that we had worked with. The rest of us were considered to be “disposable” and no longer useful.

And that was that.

Lentek goes broke and is acquired by American Biophysics

NORTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. & ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 20, 2004--The United States Bankruptcy Court, Middle District Florida, Orlando Division, recently awarded American Biophysics Corporation (ABC), manufacturer of the Mosquito Magnet(R) Advanced Mosquito Defense System(TM) (, all of the intellectual property rights, including all trademark and patent rights, for Orlando, Florida-based Lentek International, Inc.'s (Lentek) carbon dioxide-generating "Mosquito Traps." Lentek filed for bankruptcy on July 11, 2003 and was liquidated by court order on June 17, 2004.

The bankruptcy court ruling in favor of ABC is the result of an investigation ABC initiated with the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) against Lentek in November 2003, alleging a violation under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 as amended (19 U.S.C. 1337). ABC accused Lentek of violating its patent rights relating to methods and devices for trapping insects - including its patented Counterflow(TM) and propane combustion technology - by Lentek's manufacture and distribution of their insect trapping devices, known as the Protector Mosquito Trap or the Mosquito Killing Machine.

American Biophysics “sits” on the technology

Well, was the market flooded with this new technology?


It turned out that American Biophysics has their own method of entrapping and luring mosquitoes. They would use Carbon Dioxide plumes and then vacuum up the mosquitoes. Their device worked, though not nearly as well as our “elephant project” did.

American Biophysics Mosquito Magnet.
American Biophysics Mosquito Magnet.

However, the business model was far superior. You see, their device for catching mosquitoes required that the owner continuously purchase tanks of carbon dioxide. This steady revenue flow was exactly what the owners of the company wanted. they didn’t make money on the devices themselves, just on the the replacement tanks of gas.

Our device was a “one buy deal”. You bought it, and it would last for twenty to forty years. It might be super effective in attracting and killing mosquitoes, but no sustainable business model could be wrapped around it.

In short, the new owner of the technology embraced the use of carbon dioxide plumes and order to attract mosquitoes provided that replaceable packets would provide a stead income stream for the company. Our “Elephant Project” which used the generation of subsonics to lure and trap mosquitoes was shelved simply because it could not offer a stead revenue stream.


This is simply a story about one of the many, many projects that I worked on while I was involved in my role within MAJestic. As I lived life, I was monitored and my reality adjusted accordingly. I was (I suppose) “the canary in the coal mine“.

Canary in a coal mine

Something or someone who, due to sensitivity to his, her, or its surroundings, acts as an indicator and early warning of possible adverse conditions or danger. Refers to the former practice of taking caged canaries into coal mines. The birds would die if methane gas became present and thereby alert miners to the danger.

This little story has many lessons within it. I do hope that someone benefits from the knowledge that I wish to share.

  • Just because you have a “better mousetrap” does not mean that it will automatically be marketed and sold.
  • The people who develop, invent, and design these products are considered an expendable resource to use and discard.
  • It was China who snapped up all the technical expertise while America was throwing them away like used toilet paper. Now, the USA is complaining and crying. Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo! China bad! America Great! You reap what you sow, fuckers.
  • Were I to be a malevolent fuck, I could use my expertise for personal gain, and create weapons that would really would be on a level far, far above that of “Joe Average”.
  • Everything that is going on right now is being monitored, observed, and a great reset is building. You all have no idea of the magnitude of the tsunami that is building up.

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Yah. I have more posts in my Happiness Index here…

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The atrocities of the French revolution, a reminder for those wishing for sudden change in America.

As I watch from afar, I see numerous “interests” cheering for radical change inside the USA. I can see their sentiment, and for certain there are agitators and people promoting this level of extreme change. But people(!), history tells us that there is unpleasant change, and then there is REALLY UNPLEASANT CHANGE. Please be careful what you are wishing for.

Let’s look at the French Revolution. For in many ways it mirrors what the USA is going through right now…

…in many ways.

The French Revolution changed everything. France’s kings were replaced almost overnight by the most radical government the world had ever seen. France was suddenly a beacon of freedom: “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite” was the motto of the revolution.

Gosh. Really, it is still used to defend liberalism today.

But the revolution wasn’t all positive.

Thousands of innocent people lost their lives and the country was torn between different groups who used force to crush rebellion. It led France into dictatorship and, eventually, back to the days of kings and serfs…

Just like what might happen to modern contemporaneous America today.

The French Revolution (The Reign of Terror) 1789-1799

The story of the French Revolution is the story of a country collapsing in on itself.

It’s unfair to compare these events to the colonial uprising of the American Revolution. That is because that conflict did not take place at the center of power, and King George wasn’t exactly removed from the throne and decapitated.

… which is kinda how things went down in France in the 1790’s.

It was a time when the hostilities between the royalty and the common folk took on a real nasty tone.

Spoiler alert: things got ugly real fast.

Towards the end of the Eighteenth Century, France was dissected into three distinct classes / estates: the Nobility, the Clergy, and the smelly broke peasants who really didn’t count (aka everyone else).

At this time in France, people of the poorer classes were members of what was called the “Third Estate” in French legislature.

This is how things had been for longer than anyone could remember, and no one really second guessed it…

At least until a dangerous new idea came along…

The Third Estate: Other

The Enlightenment was a grass-roots movement that caused the underrepresented 99% to question EVERYTHING.

It was kinda like if Morpheus was going door to door with red pills and pamphlets about how the machines are harvesting our bodies as living batteries while we’re living our lives in virtual reality.

“No one can be told what <The Enlightenment> is, you have to see it for yourself.”

The Enlightenment, or Age of Reason, was an extension of the Italian Renaissance (meaning ‘Rebirth’), which brought new emphasis on discovery, and a search for truth and meaning through critical thinking, rather than just listening to what ‘they’ wanted you to think. This began an unprecedented drive for equality and individual rights which would ultimately challenge the hierarchy of the monarchy based government system.

The Catalysts of Change Chaos

Enter: the Bourbon King, Louis XVI (yes, that’s Louis the SIXTEENTH). Prince Louis (the 16th) was a reluctant ruler, with little to no interest in politics…

…then, suddenly he became the default king of France during the worst crisis of his country’s history in 1765.

The Bourbon monarchy reigned from the palace of Versailles.

This was Louis the 14th’s palatial estate. It was built 20 miles outside the districts of Paris, the nation’s capitol. Which was pretty handy. It was close enough for royal Kingly duties, yet far enough away from the stench of its open sewer system, and the complaints of the commoners.

This truly monstrous mansion would put every single house on MTV’s Cribs to shame.

Versailles: a 2,300 room, gold-plated, Sixty-Seven-THOUSAND-Square-Meter estate of PURE unadulterated EXCESS.

Versailles: Extravagance personified.
Versailles: Extravagance personified.

Not only did Louis get to be King, and live in a gigantic theme park dedicated to him…

…but he also married the young and beautiful, (albeit a little ditzy), Marie Antoinette, the Archduchess of Austria, in 1770. Louis XVI had won the lottery of arranged marriages and couldn’t really care either way.

Marie Antoinette: Madame Deficit
Marie Antoinette: Madame Deficit

Meanwhile, back in the real world: France was simmering in a toxic mixture of hunger, and anger.

Enormous fiscal mismanagement

On July 11, 1789, finance minister Jacques Necker, who was already not in good standing with the King, was fired for suggesting that the royal family go on a budget to help conserve funds.

To make matters exponentially worse, the French lost against Great Britain during the Seven Years War in North America, effectively draining the bank as it were.

They took all the money in the Treasury and used it on wars, and the salaries of the military forces.

Much like how the United States has been draining the Treasury on an endless expanse of wars and military policing activities.

The French people were the ones who ultimately paid the price, starving in the streets while their privileged leaders partied around the clock like it was already 1999.

Then, when America rose up against France’s long term nemesis (they were still bitter about that whole Hundred Years War affair), Louis further bankrupted the country to send money and troops to help out the revolutionary colonists, an oversight that worked out rather well in America’s interest, but not so much for the French people.

All the while, Louis’s Queen (Marie Antoinette), ran up the credit card bills with her increasingly extravagant purchases to the point where she earned the title: Madame Deficit.

France had grown significantly in a short period of time, putting increased pressure on the government. Bakery raids, and riots swept the country. So between the food shortage, increased taxes, economic crisis, and political discourse, France was one gamma-inducing-accident away from Hulking out.

Maximilian Robespierre

That’s when a man named Maximilian Robespierre, leader of the Third Estate, came forth as the voice of the poor and disenfranchised.

You might want to consider the "Third Estate" to be the party of the "common man". It's closest equivalent would be the American Democrat Party.

Max reasonably demanded that the wealthy paid their fair share in taxes.

In his address, he blamed the royal court for their pile of problems, and essentially called Louis XVI a greedy jerk, which he definitely was.

Maximilian Robespierre
Maximilian Robespierre

The Oligarchy refuses to listen

“A great revolution is never the fault of the people, but of the government.” 

—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1789: During an appeal to the courts, the nobility and clergy completely ignored their pleas.

Since legal channels didn’t work, they decided to take a different route.

The representatives of the Third Estate got up during the meeting, and simply walked out.

Well, that didn’t sit well.

After being locked out of a meeting, the members of the Third Estate regrouped outside the court house in a tennis court (randomly), and announced an Oath against the King’s authority and formed The National Assembly.

The aptly named Tennis Court Oath was basically like a French version of the Declaration of Independence.

Perhaps some compromises might help…

King Louis, unsure of how to proceed, attempted to make both sides happy, which he failed to do, on both ends.

Then as a last step, he called in troops from abroad to ‘keep the peace’. Within days 30,000 troops surrounded Paris. 

Sort of like how President Trump had called up the DHS and Border Patrol troops to seize people off the streets in Portland, Oregon. 

In response, The People formed a guard to fight the power! 

Sheer revolt had taken hold at long last. Paris erupted into violence as the people of Paris demanded retribution. Revolution had come at last, and things were about to get fugly…

The only problem? The make-shift militia had plenty of muskets…

…but not much in the way of ammo…

The solution: Raid the Armory!!!

The French Revolt!

Spurred on by these factors, on the morning of July 14, 1789, members of the Third Estate stormed the Bastille, a political prison in Paris, in search of gunpowder. 

The Bastille, though only housing seven prisoners, was a symbol of government tyranny at the time. The assault on the Bastille is now considered a flashpoint of the Revolution, and is still celebrated today in France.

“Storm the Bastille!”  they cried (in French, presumably).

And so the 99% marched towards the Bastille, ready to dish out some old school justice on some fools. 

The Bastille was a literal fortress. It was a tall dark fortress with an enormous dungeon that symbolized the monarchy’s absolute power, and the citizens of Paris were about to tear it apart, quite literally brick by brick!

Storm the Bastille!
Storm the Bastille!

“Enough is enough!” – a French Revolutionary

The soldiers stationed at the Bastille crapped their collective pants as the entire population of Paris came down on them shouting ‘Vive La France!’ 

Those that were too stupid to abandon their posts met a gruesome death at the hands, knives, and pitchforks of the angry mob that swarmed the castle like a colony of killer bees!

Afterwards the amount of blood splashed on the walls and pooling on the floor become a symbol for the “revolution!”.

The mob reaches the palace.

Meanwhile, ¡Vive la Revolución! had reached the gates of Versailles.

The angry mob of mothers and bakers tore into the palace, pillaging the flour storage… and royal blood!

Accounts of the time claim that more than one of the palace guards was literally ripped limb from limb.

According to an urban myth of the time, when Marie Antoinette was approached by her servants about the starving, angry, people rioting outside, the Queen dismissively pointed to the leftovers from the party, and told her advisors, “Let them eat cake.”

As funny as that is, she never actually said it.

In reality Marie was shocked.

She had no idea just how bad things had gotten, from her sheltered lifestyle in the palace.

Some claim that as she was running for her life, she may have said something in panic, along the lines of “If they’re hungry, can’t we give them some Brioche?” not fully grasping the severity of the situation.


King Louis XVI looked out the window, saw the torches and pitchforks, and immediately set about dipping his quill in ink to sign their Declaration of the Rights of Man, relinquishing his power.

The King and Queen attempted to sneak away, but were captured, and marched unceremoniously back to Paris in a parade of revolutionaries waving red, white, blue…

… oh and the severed heads of the royal guards on pikes. 

The National Assembly took control of the system, aristocracy was thrown out for democracy (by extreme means) and a Constitutional Monarchy was established by the people of France.



If you think that’s the happy end of our triumphant story you’re dead wrong.

Now, we get to the entire point of this.

It is now 2020. America is in a state of upheaval, and the ruling Oligarchy are oblivious. The actions taken are "half-measures" and doomed to fail. Soon, one way or the other, a successful change will come about, and when it does, there will be a period of readjustment.

Consider the readjustment that occurred during the French Revolution...


The Reign of Terror.
The Reign of Terror.

In 1791, the King and Queen attempted an escape to Austria, disguised as servants. Unfortunately they kinda sucked at acting. They were found out, arrested, and dragged back to Paris to await trial.

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette kept their identities secret from the people of France, and only guests who stayed at Versailles really knew what they looked like. This came in handy during the Revolution as the pair tried to make their escape, but there was one flaw in the plan: the king’s face was stamped on all gold coinage. They made it as far as the border before being recognized.

All the while, Jon Paul Marat became the voice of the Revolution. As it turns out, Marat was a voice of insanity.

Jon Paul Marat
Jon Paul Marat

His solution to every problem was the rolling of heads.

In his newspaper (entitled, “The Friend of the People”), he claimed that betrayal was everywhere.

He was sort of the Alex Jones / Bill O Reilly of Eighteenth Century France. 

Jon Paul Marat demanded the execution of hundreds, and when that wasn’t enough, he upped it to hundreds of thousands!!

As it turns out, people believed every angry word he put into his one-sided tabloid, and took up arms to carry out his will…

The September Massacre

1792: War breaks out between Prussia and Austria!

The Revolution back home in France takes a turn for the worse: The September Massacre – 1600 prisoners are slaughtered by crazed revolutionaries.

Many are given quick, biased show-trials before being hanged, or worse. Enemies of the revolution are made an example of. Criminals and aristocrats alike are killed without mercy.

A noble woman, Charlotte Corday, eventually got sick of all the death and destruction brought about by Jean-Paul Marat’s poisonous words.

So with a concealed knife she set about silencing him.

Charlotte shanked Marat (in the bathtub, mob-style) with hopes of bringing peace to her country.

Unfortunately, things didn’t work out that way…

… seeing as who he was, he suddenly become praised as a martyr…

…which only made things much, much worse.

 Jon Paul Marat's famous death
Jon Paul Marat’s famous death.

Eat This: Guillotine Cuisine!

Speaking of bloodshed… There was A LOT of it going around, which was not only work, but (as you can imagine) created quite a mess.

The French janitors were tired of mopping up crimson streets.

Turns out, Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin had just the invention to streamline the whole mass execution process. His shiny new killing machine was christened, ‘The Guillotine’!

The Guillotine was created as a ‘humane’ form of decapitation. I can only imagine Doctor Guillotine giving a demonstration like a day time TV commercial, “It’s quick, efficient, (effortless), and ‘painless’!” CHOP! (Thud.)

The Guillotine was placed in the center of a town square in Paris, for all to see. This unsanitary death-dealing device soon became the bloody symbol of the French Revolution, with a name that evokes a cross between a pro-wrestler and a death-metal band: “The Nation’s Razor”!!

The Nations Razor.

Maximillian Robespierre, a former adversary of the death penalty, did a 360, flip flopping with the times, and became the Guillotine’s most outspoken supporter overnight.

Robespierre would help fulfill Marat’s blood lust as the people demanded it.

By the end of the century, 40,000 would lose their heads to the dreaded Guillotine!

Peasants looted and burned homes of tax collectors and landlords in what became known as “The Great Fear.” Many nobles fled France at this time, fearful of the rebellion. This inspired the end of feudalism, which was officially abolished on August 4, 1789.

Death of the King

1793: The King is tried as a traitor. He is declared guilty of treason.

The punishment: Death.

Both King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette were beheaded during the Revolution. The king was beheaded on January 12, 1793. Marie Antoinette followed her husband to “The National Razor” on October 16, 1793. Her last words were “I'm sorry”—not to the people, but to her executioner; she had accidentally stepped on his foot.

A few argued that the death of the former King would only excuse violence as a means to happiness. Those who spoke against it however were drowned out by the savage calls for his head.

King Louis, the 16th, was led to the maroon-stained scaffold.

He turned to his people in remorse and attempted to give a dignified final speech.

The crowd toned him out, booing and throwing rotten cabbage. They had come for blood (especially those in the splash zone).

Poor Marie Antoinette was also put on trial. When she was brought into the courtroom, she barely resembled her former self, as a list of made-up charges was rattled off. At 38 her hair had gone gray while awaiting her sentencing in a dungeon.

She too was led to the Guillotine.

“Whose next?”

It wasn’t all smooth sailing: the so-called “Reign of Terror” followed the initial revolutionary events, starting from around 1793 and ending with the fall of Robespierre in 1794. During the Reign of Terror, many political dissidents or perceived enemies of the Revolution were executed. Between June 1793 and July 1794, there were 16,594 official death sentences across France.

Britain takes advantage of the situation

Then, without warning, Britain began invading and panic filled the streets! (More so then before.)

An emergency government was put in place, the constitution suspended, and a police force of spies were institutionalized.

A revolutionary tribunal – a 12 men council – the ironically titled ‘the Committee of Public Safety’ was a collective dictatorship.

The government became extremely paranoid.

The Catholic Church was abolished, religious icons and statues were destroyed, thousands of priests drowned.

People were rounded up and sent to the guillotine on the most mundane of charges. Even a lack of enthusiasm could be seen as traitorous.

The Reign of Terror was in full swing.

France becomes a dictatorship

Maximillian Robespierre implemented dictatorial powers, declared himself the supreme ruler, and made lists upon lists of people to kill.

“Terror without Virtue is disastrous. But, Virtue without Terror is powerless!” 

-Maximillian Robespierre spoke before his groupies. 

In 1794, Robespierre helped sponsor a cult based on the Goddess of Reason in place of Christianity.

In his free time he established a new holiday: The Festival of the Supreme Being.

During the festivities, Maximillian Robespierre symbolically descended from atop a paper-machete mountain in the clouds, clad in robes.

This was seen as a thinly veiled attempt at making himself appear divine.

Though, in general, people were convinced that he’d lost his marbles, and began to get suspicious.

Robespierre chose this moment to deliver a speech of threats, with an all new list of enemies against the Republic.

The best way to tell what side a man was on was to check out his clothing. The French nobility wore knee-length silk breeches, whereas the lower class militiamen wore long trousers, short-skirted coats, clogs, and red caps that symbolized liberty.

This (of course) backfired in his face when the people flipped out and silenced him.

He was immediately arrested, and sentenced to death before he could finish reading off his latest hit list.

While in captivity, Robespierre attempted suicide. His advisors succeeded, but Max only managed to shoot off his jaw. The revolutionaries carted him off to the guillotine to finish the job for him.

As poetic justice would have it, Maximillian Robespierre was killed by his own revolution. FAIL

Maximillian Robespierre guillotined.

Enter… Napoleon

By 1804, a guy by the handle of Napoleon had risen through the ranks from General to Emperor.

On November 9, 1799 Bonaparte staged a coup d’état that abolished the Directory, the government in power at the time; he then pronounced himself as “first consul” of France. This event ended the French Revolution proper and began the Napoleonic era in France.

France had gone full circle, trading one monarchy for another.

After the rise and fall of Napoleon, the other European powers reestablished a constitutional monarchy in France.

King Louis XVIII (the 18th) was followed by Charles X (not to be confused with Professor Charles Xavier), and Emperor Napoleon III. During this time France would go on to have a few more Revolutionary movements.

The subsequent French Revolutions were minor in comparison to the first, and were by and large unsuccessful:

  • The July Revolution of 1830
  • The June Rebellion of 1832 (which was a complete disaster – as seen in the play / multiple movie adaptations of ‘Les Misérables’, by Victor Hugo)
  • The French Revolution of 1848.

The last of which established the Second Republic of France, which lasted until Napoleon the Third’s coup in 1851, effectively establishing the Second French Empire.

The Second French Empire eventually collapsed…

… and the Third Republic of France was established in 1870.

Everything was peachy until of course World War II when Hitler’s Nazi Party went around their massive defensive perimeter (the Maginot Line) to invade and temporarily conquer France (1940-1944).

The *FOURTH* Republic of France that followed ended up imploding in 1958 due to the Algerian Crisis (long story) to finally be replaced by the current administration:

The FIFTH (and Final?) Republic of France.

THE (first) French Revolution may have been a bloody mess that seemingly accomplished little, but it’s arguable that it had a greater impact on the world at large than the American Revolution, by challenging the old ways, and making way for the modern era.

In the end, the French Revolution would lead to a century full of instability, with two more Revolutions taking place. The country would be governed as a dictatorship, republic, constitutional monarchy, and two different empires before reaching equilibrium.

The Beheading Louis XVI

The beheading of Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette was one of the biggest events of the French Revolution, but it didn’t have to happen.

Before he was king, Louis XVI was quiet, dedicated to his studies and painfully shy. It took him seven years to consummate his marriage to the beautiful and intimidating Hapsburg heiress.

When he became king he was cautious and indecisive, eager to be loved. In another age he would have been a great king, but he was entirely unsuited to the political crisis of the time.

People around him took advantage of his weakness to seize more power.

Louis was little more than a figurehead.

It was no surprise when the new government voted to abolish the monarchy shortly after.

Some revolutionaries argued against executing Louis, but the revolution was in full swing and the public hated him. Louis XVI was killed by guillotine in January 1793.

Louis XVI guillotined.

The move shocked many across the world since Louis had always been seen as a moderate king. His death enraged nearby European countries and led to a war that might have been avoided. He faced his death fearlessly: with his final breath, he forgave those who condemned him and hoped that no more blood would be spilled.

The Toppling Of Statues

Executing Louis wasn’t enough: later that year, the rebels decided to remove all trace of the old kings from the country.

They started with the tombs of St Denis, the traditional resting place of France’s royals.

To begin with, the masons were happy just to destroy the old Carolingian statues and other symbols of royalty.

Destruction of Statues in America in 2020.
Destruction of Statues in America in 2020.

But within a month they were hammering into the old vault that held the kings from the House of Bourbon.

When they were in, they started destroying the old coffins.

Some of the kingly remains were put on public display, while others were dumped into a large burial pit, to cries of joy from the crowd.

Many people came to watch—so many that the laborers struggled to do their work. According to eyewitnesses, members of the crowd grabbed at the bodies when they could, taking stray hairs, teeth and other things as personal mementos.

These acts were later condemned both within France and across the world, but by that time it was too late.

Destruction of Statues in America in 2020.

After the Bourbon Restoration, the kings were retrieved from the pit and moved to the crypt in the basilica, but the damage was already done: many of the kings were unrecognisable.

The Law of Suspects

The revolution started because the rebels wanted everyone to be free and equal.

After they won, though, their anger didn’t come to an end: instead, they started hunting down anyone who might be a threat.

This period is now known as the Reign of Terror, and it resulted in thousands of innocent deaths.

Reign of Terror
Reign of Terror

The Reign of Terror started with the Law of Suspects, which granted the government the power to accuse pretty much anyone of being a rebel.

They attacked the priests, who were driven underground—for a while, being Catholic was actually illegal. In the end, anyone who might have been connected to the old nobles could be imprisoned and executed.

Over two years around 500,000 people were accused—a huge number for the time.

So many were accused, in fact, that the prisons were too full and people had to be put under house arrest.

Though most were eventually allowed to walk free, around 16,000 people were killed—and many thousands more died in prison.

Under the law, anyone whose “conduct, relations or language [showed them to be] partisans of tyranny … and enemies of liberty” was arrested and put on trial.

The Lyon Erased

Not everyone in France supported the revolution.

The city of Lyon backed the moderate Girondins, a group who were part of the revolution but were not as bloodthirsty as the others.

The rebel leaders considered Lyon a centre of royalist support, so they laid siege to it in 1793.

Over the course of the fighting over 2,000 people were killed in Lyon and the city was conquered. The revolutionaries had won, but they had further plans for the city.

In October, the National Convention issued a decree calling for Lyon to be destroyed.

Everyone who lived in Lyon was to have their weapons taken away.

They would be given to revolutionaries.

Any building “inhabited by the wealthy” was to be torn down, leaving only the homes of the poor, factories, and some monuments.

They even planned to purge the city’s name from history.

The city’s name would be erased: Lyon would be called Liberated City (Ville Affranchie) instead. They planned to build a column with an inscription on it saying: “Lyon made war on Liberty; Lyon is no more.”

Fortunately, this project was never finished.

The Girondins Executed

France’s new government had two main groups: the Girondins and the Montagnards.

  • Girondins – Moderates
  • Montagnards – Extremists

The Girondins were moderates: they wanted to build a free, capitalist, democratic country where everyone had a say in how they were ruled—regardless of who they were.

They were supported across France but the people of Paris liked the Montagnards more.

They were extremists who “wanted everything leveled”.

Anyone seen as elite had to give up their status or be executed. The groups got along well to begin with, but fell out over Louis’s death. The Montagnards wanted to kill him, but the Girondins wanted the country to vote on it. The Montagnards said they were plotting to save the king and called them traitors.

Things boiled over on the streets of Paris.

A group of soldiers and citizens surrounded the government buildings and demanded the Girondins be kicked out of the government.

The Montagnards duly did so.

Some Girondins were able to escape, but a few months later, those who were left were rounded up and guillotined.

Many Girondins guillotined.

The Drownings at Nantes

The city of Nantes was a center of revolution, but much of the countryside surrounding it was royalist. The region rose up in rebellion, leading to the Battle of Nantes. After this, the new French government decided to purge the city of anyone who still supported the monarchy.

To do this, they sent Jean-Baptiste Carrier, one of their most committed supporters.

Jean-Baptiste Carrier
Jean-Baptiste Carrier.

Jean-Baptiste took his job very seriously. In around five months, between 12,000 and 15,000 people were killed by his order.

Nantes lies on the Loire, which Jean-Baptiste called “the national bathtub”.

He and his men built special boats called lighters which were specifically designed for drowning prisoners.

The captives would be shackled to each other, often naked, and herded onto the boats—which had trap doors on the bottom.

The boats were then sunk with the prisoners on board. The elderley, pregnant women and children were all drowned without distinction.

In the end Jean-Baptiste’s methods were too extreme even for the revolution: he was recalled to Paris by the Committee of Public Safety, put on trial and executed by guillotine.

Jean-Baptiste guillotined.

The Law of 22 Prairial

Over the course of the Reign of Terror, thousands of people were imprisoned, some for absurd reasons. By June 1794, the prisons of France—particularly Paris—were overcrowded, so action had to be taken.

Robespierre and his allies drafted a new law which would allow trials to be concluded much quicker: they pushed this law through the Convention and it was passed on 10 June 1794.

It meant that people could be put on trial for simple things like ‘spreading fake news’ or ‘seeking to inspire discouragement’.

Citizens were expected to confront or report their neighbors if they expressed any kind of opposition to the government.

When these people were put on trial, they weren’t treated fairly: the judges and jury only had three days to come to a conclusion, and they had to choose whether to allow the accused to go free or be put to death.

This new law marked the beginning of the Grand Terror.

Executions per day increased dramatically across France, and most of those killed were undoubtedly innocent. The Grand Terror came to an end after two months, but not because people were horrified by the killings.

No, the new law had also made it so members of the Convention could now be put on trial. Looking to preserve their own skins, the members of the Convention removed Robespierre and guillotined him, bringing an end to the killings.

Robespierre guillotined.

The Massacre in the Vendee

The revolution was supposed to be a movement that freed the French lower classes and gave them liberty and security.

But anyone who opposed the new government was harshly punished, even those who were lower class.

In the early days, the church was singled out for its wealth and excess.

The revolutionary government veered between atheism and a new state religion, the Cult of the Supreme Being, but they were united in their desire to destroy the old Catholic system.

In the Vendee, however, the people rose up to protect their priests and churches from the new revolutionary government.

When the government ordered them to form a conscript military unit, they rebelled, joining together in local militias which were collectively known as the Catholic and Royal Army. This alarmed the new government, who sent the army to tackle the problem. After a series of pitched battles, the Catholic and Royal Army was defeated.

But the government didn’t stop there.

Determined to prevent another such uprising, the government sent General Louis Marie Turreau with twelve columns of troops to destroy to Vendee. Farms, villages, supplies and forests were destroyed, and the soldiers killed without restriction.

When it was over, General Francois Joseph Westermann wrote a letter back to the government saying:

“There is no more Vendée… According to the orders that you gave me, I crushed the children under the feet of the horses, massacred the women who, at least for these, will not give birth to any more brigands. I do not have a prisoner to reproach me. I have exterminated all.”

“Scorched Earth” on the Vendee.

The Law of the Maximum

Unlike many other atrocities on this list, the Law of the Maximum was implemented with good intentions—though the government was forced to do it. One of the biggest reasons people joined the rebellion in the first place was because food was too expensive, but by 1793 even the basics were going back up in price.

The enrages, a collection of anti-elite protestors who might today be called Marxists, argued that the nobility had been replaced by greedy merchants. Action was needed to take away their wealth and help the poor.

The government passed the Law of the Maximum in response.

It set a maximum price for goods, from bread and wine to iron and shoes.

Merchants had to display a list of prices outside their stores and, if any of their prices were above the maximum, they would be fined. Instead of going to the government, the fine went to whoever informed the authorities about the illegal pricing, encouraging people to rat out merchants who ignored the law.

It had a disastrous impact on France.

While merchants did reduce their prices, it left them with almost no money.

The less honest shopkeepers began watering down their goods, disguising ash as ground pepper, starch as sugar and pear juice as wine.

Farmers in rural areas began hoarding their produce because they couldn’t get a good enough price in the cities, meaning that people in the cities starved.

The result was a black market where the rich could still buy the goods they needed, while the poor had no access to food at all.

These famines were fixed temporarily when the government sent soldiers to take food from the farmers and bring it to the city by force, but this only caused more unrest.

The September Massacres

Or, in other words, the whole-scale slaughtering of all the prisoners in all the jails and prisons throughout France…

After Louis was killed, the government fell into chaos. No-one knew who was in charge. In the meantime the Paris Commune, who were supported by the armed mob, had all the power. Chaos reigned as the new government fought over who should be in power, alongside issues like the economy, the army, and the justice system.

What dominated, however, was a fear of counter-revolutionary backlash.

The new movement had been denounced in Britain, Austria and Prussia, and war loomed on the horizon.

Meanwhile, French royalists were gathering support in other parts of the country.

The revolutionaries feared that, if a royalist army was to attack Paris, the new revolutionary government would fall.

In particular, they came to believe that the inmates of the city’s prisons would join with the counter-revolutionaries if given a chance. These fears were exacerbated when it came time for the new army to leave the city, with the people believing it would leave the city vulnerable to a prison break.

Between the 2nd and 6th of September 1792, the inmates were attacked by revolutionary mobs, with over 1000 being killed in the space of a single day.

Half the city’s entire prison population was massacred, with corpses left mutilated in the streets.

The revolutionary government sent letters to regional governments saying that conspirators in the city’s prisons had been executed. The act was repeated elsewhere: murders of prisoners took place in 75 of France’s 83 departments.


History can be interesting.

This is especially true if you are living through a time period that would most certainly be put into the history books.

This is 2020. A revolution has been brewing for some time, and (rightly so) many people are beginning to recognize the start of this period in America as 2008 when the banks fell, and massive financial fraud was committed. Now, the chain of events are starting to accelerate and it’s starting to look like elements of numerous historical catastrophes are starting to converge within America…

  • The Wall Street Crash.
  • The Fall of the Roman Empire.
  • The collapse of the Soviet Union.


  • The French Revolution.

Most certainly the elements are all there, and I cannot tell you what will happen. But I can paint some broad “brush strokes” for you all to ponder…

  • Do not expect any election to change anything substantially. It will only change form, but it will still keep moving in the same direction.
  • Things are going to get worse before they get better. We have not yet reached the peak.
  • When it appears that the old order has been toppled, and a new order is forming, that is when the REAL DANGERS will start to appear.
  • Expect some kind of foreign war or military action to distract attention. Expect a villainization of some nation, race or people. But note that it will not really work the way it is intended to.
  • The implementation of all the strife and chaos will not be uniform. It will be patchy, with some areas more dangerous than others.

Who survived the French Revolution?

Not the oligarchy, nor those that lead the revolution. Not those that were “moderate”. The survivors were those that lived outside the cities that also had strong connections with friends and families within their communities.

The American culture of “lone wolf” and “every man for himself” will be problematic at this time. I do not advise it. instead I strongly advise the formation of small tightly knit communities that share and work together.

I recommend the following…

  • Stay away from crowds.
  • Do not get involved in politics at any level.
  • Practice strong provisioning, and practice familial disciplines.
  • Be a member of your local community.
  • Offer your time, resources, and supplies to your community. Think of it as an extended family.

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MUGWUMP 4 (1959) by Robert Silverberg the complete text of this fine science fiction story

This is a nice tight little science fiction story. It’s pretty much about a normal guy who gets tangled up with forces way beyond his understanding. It’s a cute little comedy and fun recreational reading during these hot July afternoons.



Al Miller was only trying to phone the Friendly Finance Corpo­ration to ask about an extension on his loan. It was a Murray Hill number, and he had dialed as far as MU-4 when the receiver clicked queerly and a voice said, “Come in, Operator Nine. Oper­ator Nine, do you read me?”

Al frowned. “I didn’t want the operator. There must be some­thing wrong with my phone if—”

“Just a minute. Who are you?”

“I ought to ask you that,” Al said. “What are you doing on the other end of my phone, anyway? I hadn’t even finished dialing. I got as far as MU-4 and—”

“Well? You dialed MUgwump 4 and you got us. What more do you want?” A suspicious pause. “Say, you aren’t Operator Nine!”
“No, I’m not Operator Nine, and I’m trying to dial a Murray Hill number, and how about getting off the line?”

“Hold it, friend. Are you a Normal?”
Al blinked “Yeah—yeah, I like to think so.”
“So how’d you know the Number?”

“Dammit, I didn’t know the number! I was trying to call some­one, and all of a sudden the phone cut out and I got you, whoever the blazes you are.”
“I’m the communications warden at MUgwump 4,” the other said crisply. “And you’re a suspicious individual. We’ll have to in­vestigate you.”

The telephone emitted a sudden burping sound. Al felt as if his feet had grown roots. He could not move at all. It was awkward to be standing there at his own telephone in the privacy of his own room, as unbending as the Apollo Belvedere. Time still moved, he saw. The hand on the big clock above the phone had just shifted from 3:30 to 3:31.

Sweat rivered down his back as he struggled to put down the phone. He fought to lift his left foot. He strained to twitch his right eyelid. No go on all counts; he was frozen, all but his chest mus­cles—thank goodness for that. He still could breathe.

A few minutes later matters became even more awkward when his front door, which had been locked, opened abruptly. Three strangers entered. They looked oddly alike: a trio of Tweedle­dums, no more than five feet high, each wide through the waist, jowly of face and balding of head, each wearing an inadequate sin­gle-breasted blue-serge suit.

Al discovered he could roll his eyes. He rolled them. He wanted to apologize because his unexpected paralysis kept him from act­ing the proper part of a host, but his tongue would not obey. And on second thought, it occurred that the little bald men might be connected in some way with that paralysis.

The reddest-faced of the three little men made an intricate ges­ture and the stasis ended. Al nearly folded up as the tension that gripped him broke. He said, “Just who the deuce—”

We will ask the questions. You are Al Miller?”
Al nodded.

“And obviously you are a Normal. So there has been a grave error. Mordecai, examine the telephone.”

The second little man picked up the phone and calmly disem­boweled it with three involved motions of his stubby hands. He frowned over the telephone’s innards for a moment; then, hum­ming tunelessly, he produced a wire-clipper and severed the tele­phone cord.

“Hold on here,” Al burst out. “You can’t just rip out my phone like that! You aren’t from the phone company!”

“Quiet,” said the spokesman nastily. “Well, Mordecai?”

The second little man said, “Probability one to a million. The cranch interval overlapped and his telephone matrix slipped. His call was piped into our wire by error, Waldemar.”

“So he isn’t a spy?” Waldemar asked.

“Doubtful. As you see, he’s of rudimentary intelligence. His dialing our number was a statistical fluke.”

“But now he knows about Us,” said the third little man in a surprisingly deep voice. “I vote for demolecularization.”

The other two whirled on their companion. “Always blood­thirsty, eh, Giovanni?” said Mordecai. “You’d violate the Code at the snap of a meson.”
“There won’t be any demolecularization while I’m in charge,” added Waldemar.

“What do we do with him, then?” Giovanni demanded. Mordecai said, “Freeze him and take him down to Head­quarters. He’s their problem.”
“I think this has gone about as far as it’s going to go,” Al ex­ploded at last. “However you three creeps got in here, you’d better get yourselves right out again, or—”

“Enough,” Waldemar said. He stamped his foot. Al felt his jaws stiffen. He realized bewilderedly that he was frozen again. And frozen, this time, with his mouth gaping foolishly open.

he trip took about five minutes, and so far as Al was con­cerned, it was one long blur. At the end of the journey the blur lifted for an instant, just enough to give Al one good glimpse of his surroundings—a residential street in what might have been Brook­lyn or Queens (or Cincinnati or Detroit, he thought morbidly)— before he was hustled into the basement of a two-family house. He found himself in a windowless, brightly lit chamber cluttered with complex-looking machinery and with a dozen or so alarmingly identical little bald-headed men.

The chubbiest of the bunch glared sourly at him and asked, “Are you a spy?”

“I’m just an innocent bystander. I picked up my phone and started to dial, and all of a sudden some guy asked me if I was Op­erator Nine. Honest, that’s all.”

“Overlapping of the cranch interval,” muttered Mordecai. “Slipped matrix.”
“Umm. Unfortunate,” the chubby one commented. “We’ll have to dispose of him.”

“Demolecularization is the best way,” Giovanni put in immedi­ately.

“Dispose of him humanely, I mean. It’s revolting to think of taking the life of an inferior being. But he simply can’t remain in this fourspace any longer, not if he Knows.”

“But I don’t know!” Al groaned. “I couldn’t be any more mixed-up if I tried! Won’t you please tell me—”

“Very well,” said the pudgiest one, who seemed to be the leader. “Waldemar, tell him about Us.”

Waldemar said, “You’re now in the local headquarters of a se­cret mutant group working for the overthrow of humanity as you know it. By some accident you happened to dial our private com­munication exchange, MUtant 4—”

“I thought it was MUgwump 4,” Al interjected.

“The code name, naturally,” said Waldemar smoothly. “To continue: You channeled into our communication network. You now know too much. Your presence in this space-time nexus jeop­ardizes the success of our entire movement. Therefore we are forced—”

“To demolecularize—” Giovanni began.

“Forced to dispose of you,” Waldemar continued sternly. “We’re humane beings—most of us—and we won’t do anything that would make you suffer. But you can’t stay in this area of space-time. You see our point of view, of course.”

Al shook his head dimly. These little potbellied men were mu­tants working for the overthrow of humanity? Well, he had no reason to think they were lying to him. The world was full of little potbellied men. Maybe they were all part of the secret organi­zation, Al thought.

“Look,” he said, “I didn’t want to dial your number, get me? It was all a big accident. But I’m a fair guy. Let me get out of here and I’ll keep mum about the whole thing. You can go ahead and overthrow humanity, if that’s what you want to do. I promise not to interfere in any way. If you’re mutants, you ought to be able to look into my mind and see that I’m sincere—”

“We have no telepathic powers,” declared the chubby leader curtly. “If we had, there would be no need for a communications network in the first place. In the second place, your sincerity is not the issue. We have enemies. If you were to fall into their hands—”

“I won’t say a word! Even if they stick splinters under my fingernails, I’ll keep quiet!”

“No. At this stage in our campaign we can take no risks. You’ll have to go. Prepare the temporal centrifuge.”

Four of the little men, led by Mordecai, unveiled a complicated-looking device of the general size and shape of a concrete mixer. Waldemar and Giovanni gently shoved Al toward the machine. It came rapidly to life: dials glowed, indicator needles teetered, loud buzzes and clicks implied readiness.

Al said nervously, “What are you going to do to me?”

Waldemar explained. “This machine will hurl you forward in time. Too bad we have to rip you right out of your temporal ma­trix, but we’ve no choice. You’ll be well taken care of up ahead, though. No doubt by the twenty-fifth century our kind will have taken over completely. You’ll be the last of the Normals. Practi­cally a living fossil. You’ll love it. You’ll be a walking museum piece.”

“Assuming the machine works,” Giovanni put in maliciously. “We don’t really know if it does, you see.”

Al gaped. They were busily strapping him to a cold copper slab in the heart of the machine. “You don’t even know if it works?

“Not really,” Waldemar admitted. “Present theory holds that time-travel works only one way—forward. So we haven’t been able to recover any of our test specimens and see how they reacted. Of course, they do vanish when the machine is turned on, so we know they must go somewhere.”

Oh,” Al said weakly.

He was trussed in thoroughly. Experimental wriggling of his right wrist showed him that. But even if he could get loose, these weird little men would only “freeze” him and put him into the ma­chine again.

His shoulders slumped resignedly. He wondered if anyone would miss him The Friendly Finance Corporation certainly would. But since, in a sense, it was their fault he was in this mess now, he couldn’t get very upset about that. They could always sue his estate for the three hundred dollars he owed them, if his estate was worth that much.

Nobody else was going to mind the disappearance of Albert Miller from the space-time continuum, he thought dourly. His par­ents were dead, he hadn’t seen his one sister in fifteen years, and the girl he used to know in Topeka was married and at last report had three kids.

Still and all, he rather liked 1969. He wasn’t sure how he would take to the twenty-fifth century—or the twenty-fifth century to him.

“Ready for temporal discharge,” Mordecai sang out.

The chubby leader peered up at Al. “We’re sorry about all this, you understand. But nothing and nobody can be allowed to stand in the way of the Cause.”
“Sure,” Al said. “I understand.”

The concrete-mixer part of the machine began to revolve, bear­ing Al with it as it built up tempokinetic potential. Momentum in­creased alarmingly. In the background Al heard an ominous dron­ing sound that grew louder and louder, until it drowned out everything else. His head reeled. The room and its fat little mu­tants went blurry. He heard a pop! like the sound of a breaking balloon.

It was the rupturing of the space-time continuum. Al Miller went hurtling forward along the fourspace track, head first. He shut his eyes and hoped for the best.

When the dizziness stopped, he found himself sitting in the mid­dle of an impeccably clean, faintly yielding roadway, staring up at the wheels of vehicles swishing by overhead at phenomenal speeds. After a moment or two more, he realized they were not airborne, but simply automobiles racing along an elevated roadway made of some practically invisible substance.

So the temporal centrifuge had worked! Al glanced around. A crowd was collecting. A couple of hundred people had formed a big circle. They were pointing and muttering. Nobody approached closer than fifty or sixty feet.
They weren’t potbellied mutants. Without exception they were all straight-backed six-footers with full heads of hair. The women were tall, too. Men and women alike were dressed in a sort of tunic-like garment made of iridescent material that constantly changed colors.

A gong began to ring, rapidly peaking in volume. Al scrambled to his feet and assayed a tentative smile.

“My name’s Miller. I come from 1969. Would somebody mind telling me what year this is, and—”

He was drowned out by two hundred voices screaming in terror. The crowd stampeded away, dashing madly in every direction, as if he were some ferocious monster. The gong continued to clang loudly. Cars hummed overhead. Suddenly Al saw a squat, beetle-shaped black vehicle coming toward him on the otherwise empty road. The car pulled up half a block away, the top sprang open, and a figure clad in what might have been a diver’s suit—or a spacesuit—stepped out and advanced toward Al.
“Dozzinon murrifar volan,” the armored figure called out.

“No speaka da lingo,” Al replied. “I’m a stranger here.”

To his dismay he saw the other draw something shaped like a weapon and point it at him. Al’s hands shot immediately into the air. A globe of bluish light exuded from the broad muzzle of the gun, hung suspended for a moment, and drifted toward Al. He dodged uneasily to one side, but the globe of light followed him, descended, and wrapped itself completely around him.

It was like being on the inside of a soap bubble. He could see out, though distortedly. He touched the curving side of the globe experimentally; it was resilient and springy to the touch, but his finger did not penetrate.

He noticed with some misgiving that his bubble cage was start­ing to drift off the ground. It trailed a rope-like extension, which the man in the spacesuit deftly grabbed and knotted to the rear bumper of his car. He drove quickly away—with Al, bobbing in his impenetrable bubble of light, tagging willy-nilly along like a caged tiger, or like a captured Gaul being dragged through the streets of Rome behind a chariot.

He got used to the irregular motion after a while, and relaxed enough to be able to study his surroundings. He was passing through a remarkably antiseptic-looking city, free from refuse and dust. Towering buildings, all bright and spankingly new-looking, shot up everywhere. People goggled at him from the safety of the pedestrian walkways as he jounced past.

After about ten minutes the car halted outside an imposing building whose facade bore the words ISTFAQ BARNOLL. Three men in spacesuits appeared from within to flank Al’s captor as a kind of honor guard. Al was borne within.

He was nudged gently into a small room on the ground floor. The door rolled shut behind him and seemed to join the rest of the wall; no division line was apparent. A moment later the balloon popped open, and just in time, too; the air had been getting quite stale inside it.

Al glanced around. A square window opened in the wall and three grim-faced men peered intently at him from an adjoining cu­bicle. A voice from a speaker grid above Al’s head said, “Murrifar althrosk?”

“Al Miller, from the twentieth century. And it wasn’t my idea to come here, believe me.”

“Durberal haznik? Quittimar? Dorbfenk?”

Al shrugged. “No parley-voo. Honest, I don’t savvy.”

is three interrogators conferred among themselves—taking what seemed to Al like the needless precaution of switching off the mike to prevent him from overhearing their deliberations. He saw one of the men leave the observation cubicle. When he returned, some five minutes later, he brought with him a tall, gloomy-look­ing man wearing an impressive spade-shaped beard.

The mike was turned on again. Spadebeard said rumblingly, “How be thou hight?”

“An thou reck the King’s tongue. I conjure thee speak!”

Al grinned. No doubt they had fetched an expert in ancient lan­guages to talk to him. “Right language, but the wrong time. I’m from the twentieth century. Come forward a ways.”

Spadebeard paused to change mental gears. “A thousand par­dons—I mean, sorry. Wrong idiom. Dig me now?”

“I follow you. What year is this?”

“It is 2431. And from whence be you?”

“You don’t quite have it straight, yet. But I’m from 1969.”

“And how come you hither?”

“I wish I knew,” Al said. “I was just trying to phone the loan company, see. . . anyway, I got involved with these little fat guys who wanted to take over the world. Mutants, they said they were. And they decided they had to get rid of me, so they bundled me into their time machine and shot me forward. So I’m here.”
“A spy of the mutated ones, eh?”

“Spy? Who said anything about being a spy? Talk about jump­ing to conclusions! I’m—”

“You have been sent by Them to wreak mischief among us. No transparent story of yours will deceive us. You are not the first to come to our era, you know. And you will meet the same fate the others met.”

Al shook his head foggily. “Look here, you’re making some big mistake. I’m not a spy for anybody. And I don’t want to get in­volved in any war between you and the mutants—”

“The war is over. The last of the mutated ones was extermi­nated fifty years ago.”

“Okay, then. What can you fear from me? Honest, I don’t want to cause any trouble. If the mutants are wiped out, how could my spying help them?”
“No action in time and space is ever absolute. In our fourspace the mutants are eradicated—but they lurk elsewhere, waiting for their chance to enter and spread destruction.”

Al’s brain was swimming. “Okay, let that pass. But I’m not a spy. I just want to be left alone. Let me settle down here some­where—put me on probation—show me the ropes, stake me to a few credits, or whatever you use for money here. I won’t make any trouble.”

“Your body teems with microorganisms of disease long since extinct in this world. Only the fact that we were able to confine you in a force-bubble almost as soon as you arrived here saved us from a terrible epidemic of ancient diseases.”

“A couple of injections, that’s all, and you can kill any bacteria on me,” Al pleaded. “You’re advanced people. You ought to be able to do a simple thing like that.”

“And then there is the matter of your genetic structure,” Spade- beard continued inexorably. “You bear genes long since elimi­nated from humanity as undesirable. Permitting you to remain here, breeding uncontrollably, would introduce unutterable confu­sion. Perhaps you carry latently the same mutant strain that cost humanity so many centuries of bloodshed!”

“No,” Al protested. “Look at me. I’m six feet tall, no pot­belly, a full head of hair—”

“The gene is recessive. But it crops up unexpectedly.”

“I solemnly promise to control my breeding,” Al declared. “I won’t run around scattering my genes all over your shiny new world. That’s a promise.”

“Your appeal is rejected,” came the inflexible reply.

Al shrugged. He knew when he was beaten. “Okay,” he said wearily. “I didn’t want to live in your damn century anyway. When’s the execution?”
Execution?” Spadebeard looked stunned. “The twentieth-cen­tury referent—yes, it is! Dove’s whiskers, do you think we would— would actually—”

He couldn’t get the word out. Al supplied it.

“Put me to death?”

Spadebeard’s expression was sickly. He looked ready to retch. Al heard him mutter vehemently to his companions in the observa­tion cubicle: “Gomirn def larriraog! Egfar!”

“Murrifar althrosk,” suggested one of his companions.

Spadebeard, evidently reassured, nodded. He said to Al, “No doubt a barbarian like yourself would expect to be—to be made dead.” Gulping, he went gamely on. “We have no such vindictive intention.”
“Well, what are you going to do to me?”

“Send you across the timeline to a world where your friends the mutated ones reign supreme,” Spadebeard replied. “It’s the least we can do for you, spy.”

The hidden door of his cell puckered open. Another space-suited figure entered, pointed a gun, and discharged a blob of blue light that drifted toward Al and rapidly englobed him He was drawn by the trailing end out into a corridor.

It hadn’t been a very sociable reception, here in the twenty-fifth Century, he thought as he was tugged along the hallway. In a way, he couldn’t blame them. A time-traveler from the past was bound to be laden down with all sorts of germs. They couldn’t risk letting him run around breathing at everybody. No wonder that crowd of onlookers had panicked when he opened his mouth to speak to them.

The other business, though, that of his being a spy for the mu­tants—he couldn’t figure that out at all. If the mutants had been wiped out fifty years ago, why worry about spies now? At least his species had managed to defeat the underground organization of potbellied little men. That was comforting. He wished he could get back to 1969 if only to snap his fingers in their jowly faces and tell them that all their sinister scheming was going to come to nothing.

Where was he heading now? Spadebeard had said, Across the timeline to a world where the mutated ones reign supreme. What­ever across the timeline meant, Al thought.

He was ushered into an impressive laboratory room and, bubble and all, was thrust into the waiting clasps of something that looked depressingly like an electric chair. Brisk technicians bustled around, throwing switches and checking connections.

Al glanced appealingly at Spadebeard. “Will you tell me what’s going on?”
“It is very difficult to express it in medieval terms,” the linguist said. “The device makes use of dollibar force to transmit you through an inverse dormin vector—do I make myself clear?”
“Not very.”
“Unhelpable. But you understand the concept of parallel con­tinua at least, of course.”

“Does it mean anything to you if I say that you’ll be shunted across the spokes of the time-wheel to a totality that is simulta­neously parallel and tangent to our fourspace?”

“I get the general idea,” Al said dubiously, though all he was really getting was a headache. “You might as well start shunting me, I suppose.”

Spadebeard nodded and turned to a technician. “Vorstrar althrosk,” he commanded.


The technician grabbed an immense toggle switch with both hands and groaningly dragged it shut. Al heard a brief shine of closing relays. Then darkness surrounded him.

Once again he found himself on a city street. But the pavement was cracked and buckled, and grass blades shot up through the neglected concrete.

A dry voice said, “All right, you. Don’t sprawl there like a ninny. Get up and come along.”

Al peered doubtfully up into the snout of a fair-sized pistol of enormous caliber. It was held by a short, fat, bald-headed man. Four identical companions stood near him with arms folded. They all looked very much like Mordecai, Waldemar, Giovanni, and the rest, except that these mutants were decked out in futuristic-look­ing costumes bright with flashy gold trim and rocketship insignia.

Al put up his hands. “Where am I?” he asked hesitantly.

“Earth, of course. You’ve just come through a dimensional gateway from the continuum of the Normals. Come along, spy. Into the van.”

“But I’m not a spy,” Al mumbled protestingly, as the five little men bundled him into a blue-and-red car the size of a small yacht. “At least, I’m not spying on you. I mean—”

“Save the explanations for the Overlord,” was the curt instruc­tion.

Al huddled miserably cramped between two vigilant mutants, while the others sat behind him. The van moved seemingly of its own volition, and at an enormous rate. A mutant power, Al thought. After a while he said,

Could you at least tell me what year this is?”

“It is 2431,” snapped the mutant to his left.

“But that’s the same year it was over there.”

“Of course. What did you expect?”

The question floored Al. He was silent for perhaps half a mile more. Since the van had no windows, he stared morosely at his feet. Finally he asked, “How come you aren’t afraid of catching my germs, then? Over back of—ah—the dimensional gateway, they kept me cooped up in a force-field all the time so I wouldn’t con­taminate them. But you go right ahead breathing the same air I do.”

“Do you think we fear the germs of a Normal, spy?” sneered the mutant at Al’s right. “You forget that we’re a superior race.” Al nodded. “Yes. I forgot about that.”

The van halted suddenly and the mutant police hustled Al out, past a crowd of peering little fat men and women, and into a co­lossal dome of a building whose exterior was covered completely with faceted green glass. The effect was one of massive ugliness.

They ushered him into a sort of throne room presided over by a mutant fatter than the rest. The policeman gripping Al’s right arm hissed, “Bow when you enter the presence of the Overlord.”

Al wasn’t minded to argue. He dropped to his knees along with the others. A booming voice from above rang out, “What have you brought me today?”

“A spy, your nobility.”

“Another? Rise, spy.”

Al rose. “Begging your nobility’s pardon, I’d like to put in a word or two on my own behalf—”

“Silence!” the Overlord roared.

Al closed his mouth. The mutant drew himself up to his full height, about five feet one, and said, “The Normals have sent you across the dimensional gulf to spy on us.”

“No, your nobility. They were afraid I’d spy on them, so they tossed me over here. I’m from the year 1969, you see.” Briefly, he explained everything, beginning with the bollixed phone call and ending with his capture by the Overlord’s men a short while ago.

The Overlord looked skeptical. “It is well known that the Nor­mals plan to cross the dimensional gulf from their phantom world to this, the real one, and invade our civilization. You’re but the latest of their advance scouts.

Admit it!”

“Sorry, your nobility, but I’m not. On the other side they told me I was a spy from 1969, and now you say I’m a spy from the other dimension. But I tell you—”
“Enough!” the mutant leader thundered. “Take him away. Place him in custody. We shall decide his fate later!”

Someone else already occupied the cell into which Al was thrust. He was a lanky, sad-faced Normal who slouched forward to shake hands once the door had clanged shut.

“Thurizad manifosk,” he said.

“Sorry. I don’t speak that language,” said Al.

The other grinned. “I understand. All right: greetings. I’m Dar­ren Phelp. Are you a spy too?”

“No, dammit!” Al snapped. Then: “Sorry. Didn’t mean to take it out on you. My name’s Al Miller. Are you a native of this place?”

“Me? Dove’s whiskers, what a sense of humor! Of course I’m not a native! You know as well as I do that there aren’t any Nor­mals left in this fourspace continuum.”

“None at all?”

“Hasn’t been one born here in centuries,” Phelp said. “But you’re just joking, eh? You’re from Baileffod’s outfit, I suppose.”

“Baileffod. Baileflod! You mean you aren’t? Then you must be from Higher Up!” Phelp thrust his hands sideways in some kind of gesture of respect. “Penguin’s paws, Excellency, I apologize. I should have seen at once—”
“No, I’m not from your organization at all,” Al said. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, really.”

Phelp smiled cunningly. “Of course, Excellency! I understand completely.”

“Cut that out! Why doesn’t anyone ever believe me? I’m not from Baileffod and I’m not from Higher Up. I come from 1969. Do you hear me, 1969? And that’s the truth.”

Phelp’s eyes went wide. “From the past?

Al nodded. “I stumbled into the mutants in 1969 and they threw me five centuries ahead to get rid of me. Only when I ar­rived, I wasn’t welcome, so I was shipped across the dimensional whatzis to here. Everyone thinks I’m a spy, wherever I go. What are you doing here?”

Phelp smiled. “Why, I am a spy.”

“From 2431?”

“Naturally. We have to keep tabs on the mutants somehow. I came through the gateway wearing an invisibility shield, but it popped an ultrone and I vizzed out. They jugged me last month, and I suppose I’m here for keeps.”

Al rubbed thumbs tiredly against his eyeballs. “Wait a minute— how come you speak my language? On the other side they had to get a linguistics expert to talk to me.”

“All spies are trained to talk English, stupid. That’s the lan­guage the mutants speak here. In the real world we speak Vorkish, naturally. It’s the language developed by Normals for com­munication during the Mutant Wars. Your ’linguistics expert’ was probably one of our top spies.”
“And over here the mutants have won?”

“Completely. Three hundred years ago, in this continuum, the mutants developed a two-way time machine that enabled them to go back and forth, eliminating Normal leaders before they were born. Whereas in our world, the real world, two-way time travel is impossible. That’s where the continuum split begins. We Normals fought a grim war of extermination against the mutants in our fourspace and finally wiped them out, despite their superior men­tal powers, in 2390. Clear?”

“More or less.” Rather less than more, Al added privately. “So there are only mutants in this world, and only Normals in your world.”

“And you’re a spy from the other side.”

“You’ve got it now! You see, even though strictly speaking this world is only a phantom, it’s got some pretty real characteristics. For instance, if the mutants killed you here, you’d be dead. Per­manently. So there’s a lot of rivalry across the gateway; the mu­tants are always scheming to invade us, and vice versa. Confiden­tially, I don’t think anything will ever come of all the scheming.”

“You don’t?”

“Nah,” Phelp said. “The way things stand now, each side has a perfectly good enemy just beyond reach. But actually going to war would be messy, while relaxing our guard and slipping into peace would foul up our economy. So we keep sending spies back and forth, and prepare for war. It’s a nice system, except when you happen to get caught, like me.”
“What’ll happen to you?”

Phelp shrugged. “They may let me rot here for a few decades. Or they might decide to condition me and send me back as a spy for them. Tiger tails, who knows?”

“Would you change sides like that?”

“I wouldn’t have any choice—not after I was conditioned,” Phelp said. “But I don’t worry much about it. It’s a risk I knew about when I signed on for spy duty.”

Al shuddered. It was beyond him how someone could volun­tarily let himself get involved in this game of dimension-shifting and mutant-battling. But it takes all sorts to make a continuum, he decided.

Half an hour later three rotund mutant police came to fetch him. They marched him downstairs and into a bare, ugly little room where a battery of interrogators quizzed him for better than an hour. He stuck to his story, throughout everything, until at last they indicated they were through with him. He spent the next two hours in a drafty cell, by himself, until finally a gaudily robed mu­tant unlocked the door and said, “The Overlord wishes to see you.”

The Overlord looked worried. He leaned forward on his throne, fist digging into his fleshy chin. In his booming voice—Al realized suddenly that it was artificially amplified—the Overlord rumbled, “Miller, you’re a problem.”
“I’m sorry your nobil—”

Quiet! I’ll do the talking.”

Al did not reply.

The Overlord went on, “We’ve checked your story inside and out, and confirmed it with one of our spies on the other side of the gate. You really are from 1969, or thereabouts. What can we do with you? Generally speaking, when we catch a Normal snooping around here, we psychocondition him and send him back across the gateway to spy for us. But we can’t do that to you, because you don’t belong on the other side, and they’ve already tossed you out once. On the other hand, we can’t keep you here, maintaining you forever at state expense. And it wouldn’t be civilized to kill you, would it?”

“No, your nobil—”


Al gulped. The Overlord glowered at him and continued think­ing out loud. “I suppose we could perform experiments on you, though. You must be a walking laboratory of Normal microor­ganisms that we could synthesize and fire through the gateway when we invade their fourspace. Yes, by the Grome, then you’d be useful to our cause! Zechariah?”

“Yes, Nobility?” A ribbon-bedecked guardsman snapped to at­tention.

“Take this Normal to the Biological Laboratories for examina­tion. I’ll have further instructions as soon as—”

Al heard a peculiar whanging noise from the back of the throne room. The Overlord appeared to freeze on his throne. Turning, Al saw a band of determined-looking Normals come bursting in, led by Darren Phelp.
There you are!” Phelp cried. “I’ve been looking all over for you!” He was waving a peculiar needle-nozzled gun.
“What’s going on?” Al asked.

Phelp grinned. “The Invasion! It came, after all! Our troops are pouring through the gateway armed with these freezer guns. They immobilize any mutant who gets in the way of the field.”

“When—when did all this happen?”

“It started two hours ago. We’ve captured the entire city! Come on, will you? Whiskers, there’s no time to waste!”

“Where am I supposed to go?”

Phelp smiled. “To the nearest dimensional lab, of course. We’re going to send you back home.”

A dozen triumphant Normals stood in a tense knot around Al in the laboratory. From outside came the sound of jubilant singing. The Invasion was a howling success.

As Phelp had explained it, the victory was due to the recent in­vention of a kind of time-barrier projector. The projector had cut off all contact between the mutant world and its own future, pre­venting time-traveling mutant scouts from getting back to 2431 with news of the Invasion. Thus two-way travel, the great mutant advantage, was nullified, and the success of the surprise attack was made possible.

Al listened to this explanation with minimal interest. He barely understood every third word, and, in any event, his main concern was in getting home.
He was strapped into a streamlined and much modified version of the temporal centrifuge that had originally hurled him into 2431. Phelp explained things to him.

“You see here, we set the machine for 1969. What day was it when you left?”

“Ah—October ten. Around three thirty in the afternoon.”

“Make the setting, Frozz.” Phelp nodded. “You’ll be shunted back along the time-line. Of course, you’ll land in this continuum, since in our world there’s no such thing as pastward time travel. But once you reach your own time, all you do is activate this small transdimensional generator, and you’ll be hurled across safe and sound into the very day you left, in your own fourspace.”

“You can’t know how much I appreciate all this,” Al said warmly. He felt a pleasant glow of love for all mankind, for the first time since his unhappy phone call. At last someone was taking sympathetic interest in his plight.

At last, he was on his way home, back to the relative sanity of 1969, where he could start forget­ting this entire nightmarish jaunt. Mutants and Normals and spies and time machines—

“You’d better get going,” Phelp said. “We have to get the occu­pation under way here.”
“Sure,” Al agreed. “Don’t let me hold you up. I can’t wait to get going—no offense intended.”

“And remember—soon as your surroundings look familiar, jab the activator button on this generator. Otherwise you’ll slither into an interspace where we couldn’t answer for the consequences.”

Al nodded tensely. “I won’t forget.”

“I hope not. Ready?”


Someone threw a switch. Al began to spin. He heard the pop­ping sound that was the rupturing of the temporal matrix. Like a cork shot from a champagne bottle, Al arched out backward through time, heading for 1969.

He woke in his own room on Twenty-third Street. His head hurt. His mind was full of phrases like temporal centrifuge and transdimensional generator.

He picked himself off the floor and rubbed his head.

Wow, he thought. It must have been a sudden fainting spell. And now his head was full of nonsense.

Going to the sideboard, he pulled out the half-empty bourbon bottle and measured off a few fingers’ worth. After the drink, his nerves felt steadier.

His mind was still cluttered with inexplicable thoughts and images.

inister little fat men and complex machines, gleaming roadways and men in fancy tunics.

A bad dream, he thought.

Then he remembered. It wasn’t any dream. He had actually taken the round trip into 2431, returning by way of some other continuum. He had pressed the generator button at the proper time, and now here he was, safe and sound. No longer the football of a bunch of different factions. Home in his own snug little fourspace, or whatever it was.

He frowned. He recalled that Mordecai had severed the tele­phone wire. But the phone looked intact now. Maybe it had been fixed while he was gone. He picked it up. Unless he got that loan extension today, he was cooked.

There was no need for him to look up the number of the Friendly Finance Corporation; he knew it well enough. He began to dial. MUrray Hill 4—
The receiver clicked queerly. A voice said, “Come in, Operator Nine.

perator Nine, do you read me?”

Al’s jaw sagged in horror. This is where I came in, he thought wildly.

He struggled to put down the phone.

ut his muscles would not respond. It would be easier to bend the sun in its orbit than to break the path of the continuum. He heard his own voice say, “I didn’t want the operator. There must be something wrong with my phone if—”

“Just a minute. Who are you?”

Al fought to break the contact. But he was hemmed away in a small corner of his mind while his voice went on, “I ought to ask you that. What are you doing on the other end of my phone, any­way? I hadn’t even finished dialing. I got as far as MU-4 and—”

Inwardly Al wanted to scream.

No scream would come. In this continuum the past (his future) was immutable. He was caught on the track, and there was no escape. None whatever. And, he real­ized glumly, there never would be.

Do you want more?

I have a ton load of science fiction stories for your enjoyment here in my Science Fiction Index…

Fictional Stories

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Some more advanced techniques for conducting a prayer or intention campaign.

Here, we get back to more posts on directed thought. As I have repeatedly stated, time is the perception of our consciousness as it moves in and out of the many world-lines within our “reality universe”. You can use thought to navigate which world-lines to move towards and to arrive at. This is called an “intention campaign” or a “prayer campaign”.

Here we look at some specific “add on” systems or techniques that you might want to incorporate into your intention / prayer campaign.

You do NOT need to use any of them, but if you particular unique system calls for it, you can use any of these techniques with some degree of success.

We will start with “dodging the thoughts of others”…

Weaving (Dodging)

"Hey! Can you kids please shut the Hell up? I can't hear my self thinking!"

-My father when us kids were being particularly loud and boisterous. 

What? You ask.

How can someone’s thoughts influence me?

I cannot see it, so therefore it doesn’t exist. And besides, how do we know that these thoughts are bad…

We are constantly bombarded with the thoughts of others. This is all throughout our reality. It’s constant. It’s non-stop. It moves in waves, and washes over us, and it crashes us and collapses us from time to time.

These thoughts come in so many forms. But you all should be aware that they exist.

It can be from a well-meaning prayer-group from a local church, to the CIA (Pompeo) launching yet another one of his “hate China” news media campaigns, to a subliminal advertisement to drink Coke-cola in the movie theater, to an obsessed lover that will not leave you alone.

Thoughts of others, directed or not, will affect your prayer affirmation campaign.

That is something that you DO NOT WANT to happen.

In weaving (or dodging), you specifically isolate the impact of certain people, news, or social media so that it does not infringe upon your affirmations. This should be considered a “normal” thing that you must do for all prayer campaigns, but the truth is that it is not easy.

We are humans and live within society, and all the time we are bombarded with other thoughts, ideas and manipulations. It’s not an easy thing to do. Especially when we are forced to work around people in this environment or attend classes in school with them.

These attacks might be intentional or not; or directed or not, but you must isolate and control your thoughts irregardless.

The use of this technique of “weaving”, or as I like to say “dodging” is to specifically and functionally avoid certain people, news articles, or the thought influences at certain times of the day, and / or on certain days. There are numerous techniques, and here are just a few to consider.

  • One day or one period of “freedom” from the thoughts of others. Such as a camping trip at a remote lake, or a religious sabbatical, or some other similar way to physically isolate yourself from others and their thoughts.
  • A daily “fast” of isolation from others. It could be one hour long, or even a half of a day. You isolate yourself and have no outside contact with the rest of the world.
  • You purposely reduce your time on social media to a set time limit.
  • You purposely stop visiting certain websites intentionally, and never go back to them.
  • You purposely isolate yourself from certain people or groups of people.
  • You spend more time with a dog, or a cat. Their thoughts are neutral, and their influence is always POSITIVE on your reality. (Horses as well, but I don’t have much experience with them.)

The effectiveness of each techniques within this category depends on the person, the type of prayer intentions being conducted, and the local situation. There is no “best” technique to use.

"I just couldn't leave my friends. Sitting alone in the house, drinking beer alone. Watching TV. It's not living."

-My good friend Robbie, who explained to me why he started doing Heroin all over again. One of our last conversations before he died of an overdose.

You “weave” your life in and out of the thought “firing range” of others and their systems. You “dodge” the “thought bullets” so that they cannot influence your thoughts, and your thought campaign.

We like to think of ourselves as “strong” and that we are able to do what we want with our body. It’s a lie. We are all entangled within a very complex spider web of thoughts and this entanglement increase as we cruse the MWI. In order to have better navigational ability, we absolutely need to start severing those strands of thought to enable us some latitude in movement.

Keep in mind that the thoughts of others are terribly counter-productive and quite damaging to your thought objectives. You MUST tame that influence.

Now I have mentioned this, over and over, in prior posts. The difference in this post is that you intentionally INCORPORATE an added step to your prayer affirmation campaign that is intentionally dedicated towards a reduction in the influences of the thoughts of others.

Never neglect the importance of isolating yourself from the dangerous impacts of “thought imposition”. Find a quiet place, and go there. Just let your mind unravel. Try to do this weekly if possible…

Wet Towel (Kinesthetic technique)

The term “Wet Towel” refers to how to you conduct a given prayer campaign. Instead of conducting verbal affirmations once a day for a number of months, this technique adds one more step. This step devotes one day a week to let the “affirmations soak into your reality”. Much like that of a wet towel placed upon a tablet of paper.

Here, what you do is as follows;

  • You rank the prayer affirmations in order of importance to you.
  • You take the top three affirmations, and select ONE that you will focus on.
  • You then, create a project, or an event around that particular thought.
  • You work that “project”, or “event”, or “intense prayer period” for a set period once a week during the prayer affirmation campaign.

For instance, let’s suppose that you have an on-going prayer campaign. Your number one intention / goal is to “sail around the world”.

In this example, any of the following events would agree with your “wet towel” technique when used IN CONJUNCTION with the existing intention / prayer campaign…

  • For one hour a week you can take sailing lessons at the nearby marina.
  • You can go to the local library and read books on sailing for one hour at the local library.
  • You can buy a model of a sailing boat, and spend at least one (uninterrupted) hour a day building it.

The idea behind this is Kinesthetic. You use something related to “doing things” to focus your thoughts in that direction. This is also known as “Hands on” training, or in this case, “wet towel” directed prayer.

Positioning / Staging

You can plan a series of prayer campaigns on the assumption that each one will obtain sub-goals. You can position different prayer campaigns through out your life to make sure that your goals are kept on track. This is how you need to conduct an affirmation / prayer campaign for long-term, distant (in a MWI sense) goals.

Let’s suppose that you have a long term goal. Something that is just enormous in size, scope, and influence in your personality and social standing. If you devoted your time to that singular goal using the normal prayer / affirmation campaign you would be bound to have problems. It is too large, and far too distant not to run into difficulties in implementation.

The way to hand these large, and “distant” objectives is to do so in small bits, and then monitor your progression of thoughts as you proceed.

Question: "How do you eat an elephant?"

Answer: "in small bites."

While it is true, that you can pray for anything…

… what you desire might not be what you really want.

In order to make sure and to guarantee that it becomes what you truly desire and want, you need to stage it for implementation. This technique does so.

Let’s suppose that your intention / affirmation campaign is for you to become the President of the United States. (Hopefully you are not that crazy to want such a thankless and political job, but heck, everyone is different. “What ever makes your boat float!”) You might want to break your intention objectives down into mini-prayer campaigns such as this, and run the campaigns over a ten-year period of time…

  • Be elected as a local dog catcher.
  • Be elected on the town council.
  • Be elected as a State Representative.
  • Be elected as a State Governor.
  • Be elected as a President of the United States.

When you think about it, it’s all pretty simple. With each stage, you obtain new knowledge and skills that can be used to help you on the next stage in your overall objectives.

Image vocalization

You can associate images with your verbal affirmations. You need to follow a general procedure to do this.

It is not enough to run an intention campaign, and have an image board (whether physical or electronic) you need to incorporate the affirmations or prayers to connect the two together.

You can use many techniques to connect the visual elements, but the important thing is that you have a statement within your prayer affirmations that does connect the affirmations to the images. Here’s some example statements that you can use.

  • My folder in XXXXXXX contains images that represent what my intention campaign is intended to materialize.
  • The screen saver that is in use on my XXXXXX computer represents the images that my verbal affirmations are intending to generate.
  • The intention dream board located in XXXXXX is working in parallel to manifest and accelerate the implementation of my verbal affirmations.

For example, let’s suppose that you have a folder with images of pizza. And your intention campaign is one that has a goal of your owning a Pizza Parlor. What you would do is then collect all sorts of pictures of pizza, and pizza parlors, and workers inside a pizza parlor. Then add an affirmation that would connect the images of pizza to that of the affirmation.

Make sure that your selection of images is EXACTLY what you want to connect to your verbal affirmations.
Make sure that your selection of images is EXACTLY what you want to connect to your verbal affirmations.

Time track control

You can control how quickly or slowly the prayer / affirmations are implemented. In general, a slow implementation is more careful, and easier to absorb. A fast implementation might result in some discomfort. And if not handled properly the discomfort can become enormous.

Now, the reader should realize that for a while (years actually) I wanted a calm and simple life that provided me a fine and gentle life; a “rich” life that enabled me comfort over anything else. And I did get it.

Everything is fine, and I am living a good fine rich life. But you know, I wanted some more things. Some physical things. But then when I added some new affirmations, for some physical items, I discovered that they started to take much longer than they used to to take to manifest in the past.

In the past, simple physical things would manifest within a year. Now, they seemed to “take forever” to materialize.

For a while I didn’t know what was going on, and then I figured it out.

My affirmations were taking the “calm, peaceful, and careful” way to obtain my material possessions. And, boy oh boy, this path was a long one. So in order to speed up the acquisition of certain physical elements into my reality, I had to adjust my affirmations away from a “calm and peaceful life” to one that accepted minor discomfort, aggravation, and strife as long as no one was hurt (physically, emotionally, or intellectually) in the process.

And then (of course) the physical things started to appear.

And of course, faster and sooner meant, quicker with more discomfort.

  • Slow, comfortable = takes forever to manifest.
  • Balanced, within a reasonable time period = some discomfort.
  • Quick and sudden = Expect some great and significant discomfort.

So, you have to pay attention to how all your affirmations within a given Prayer Campaign interact together. Some of the affirmations might negate or slow others down.

To avoid this, you might want to utilize the techniques of “time tracking” the affirmations. This will usually (but not always) include a [1] time-line or due date, and [2] a specification that describes just what you are willing to sacrifice into to expedite your wishes or desires to come true.

Dates and time-lines must be reasonable. I would suggest that you stick with a comfortable three-year to five-year goal. Any sooner than that, and you risk some really trying events and times.

Here is an example of an affirmation that you can add…

These affirmations manifest by XXXXX in a YYYYY period of time. At no way is anyone in my family harmed or hurt in the process. Some discomfort is acceptable provided that the discomfort is manageable and dissipates within a short period of time.

Selective impact(s)

You can have the prayer concentrate on certain elements more than others. It can be selective in implementation. Or to put it better, and more accurately… more careful for certain elements.

The best way to do this is to implement an “implementation schedule” within your verbal affirmation prayer campaign.

If you do not do this, when your intention manifests, it might come with unintended consequences. So you want to minimize those unintended consequences.

Metallicman in Pago Pago, in American Samoa. I had waged a "lazy" intention campaign to live in the South Pacific, without any priorities on what would be unacceptable to me in doing so. As a result, while I did indeed manifest a South Pacific paradise, it came with a host of unexpected consequences that I did not enjoy in the least.
Metallicman in Pago Pago, in American Samoa. I had waged a “lazy” intention campaign to live in the South Pacific, without any priorities on what would be unacceptable to me in doing so. As a result, while I did indeed manifest a South Pacific paradise, it came with a host of unexpected consequences that I did not enjoy in the least.

Essentially, this method reduces the number of unintended consequences by prioritizing events, and placing constraints on what is desirable and what is not.

What this is, is a system where you prioritize the various intention prayers within the affirmation campaign. You can specify which affirmations that you wish to implement the strongest, or the quickest, or to the extent of everything else, if that is your desire. While others can be put “on the back burner” as necessary when implementing your affirmations.

For instance, you can add this line at the start or the end of your verbal affirmations…

In regards to implementing these affirmations. the priority should go towards [1] XXXXXX, followed by [2] YYYYYY and everything else is rated lower in implementation priority.

Aggressive implementation control

You can control how quickly, or aggressively, a certain segment of your prayer / affirmations are implemented.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that it comes at a price.

While I have discussed this above, here you can really stress the implementation of one group of affirmations over the others. And, as I have stated, this does come with a price. They key is the acceptance of that price. Such as in this example.

My desire for XXXXXXX occurs and I accept any misfortune, trouble or discomfort in obtaining it's manifestation.

And, for your information, I would not suggest anyone do this unless it is an absolute emergency for a critical or urgent desire.

Present Tense

You must, ABSOLUTELY, use present tense when vocalizing your intentions. Here’s some examples of what you can do and what you shouldn’t do.


  • One day, I hope to have XXXXXX.
  • Soon, I will strive to XXXXX.
  • It is my wish, that my dream, XXXXXX.
  • I would like that XXXXX.

This is what you DO actually DO…

  • I have obtained XXXXX.
  • I am living my goal of XXXXX.
  • I possess XXXXX.
  • I daily XXXXX and I do enjoy it.

You absolutely use a present and strong direct tends in your affirmations. Do not be “wishy washy” about it.

If you use the following affirmation…

Some day, my hope of happiness will be closer to my dreams.

You will see exactly that materialize. You will never be happy, and the hope of happiness with just be beyond your reach.

Instead, you must say something like this…

I am happy. I am happy right now, and every day is one filled with happiness.

Do not get caught up in the nonsense that exists on the internet. Most people writing the blogs and websites on the internet are amateurs that haven’t a clue as to what they are working with. Sorry, but that is the truth.


It’s difficult to rate these additional “add on” techniques in usability. It all depends on the person and the individual situation involved. If I were to say what you should implement to any existing affirmation campaign, I would strongly suggest…

  • Using positive tense in your prayer affirmations.
  • Staying away for thought imposition.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Prayer Affirmation index here…

Intention Campaigns

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More pretty girls within China (8) and why finding the right girl is important.

Here we continue, yet again, with more videos of Chinese beauties. In each case, the video is associated with a picture, and if you click on the picture, a video will open up in a new tab. These videos were all taken during the months of June and July 2020 within China, and posted by the respective girls on those dates. I find all of these ladies quite lovely and I hope that you, the reader will agree with me on this.

I suppose that I tend to post in clusters of related posts until I am tired of it, and the Metallicman audience grows tired of my articles. There’s much going on in the world today. With Pompeo saying that “new” techniques and methods must be used to “suppress China”, at the same time that two complete invasion carrier fleets are steaming towards China…


Enjoy the pretty girls.

Do you want more?

I have more posts along these lines in my Pretty Girls Index, here…

Pretty Chinese Girls

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Learning about China by looking at exceptionally pretty and beautiful girls (7)

Here we continue with our exploration of China by focusing our attention on the ladies there. For the longest time, I have devoted my time to the Trump Trade Wars, DIY dimensional portal construction, the art that all ended with the progressive movement in 1913, and science fiction stories. Yet, I felt that if you don’t take the time to “smell the roses”; meaning look at pretty girls and enjoy good food, you are truly losing out on what life can provide. Thus this post.

Again, just click on the picture to see the video. It should open up in a new separate tab. Depending on the internet traffic at your location it could be either slow or fast. Enjoy.

Do you want more?

I have more videos in my Attractive Chinese Girls Index here…

Pretty Chinese Girls

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Learning about China by looking at pretty girls (6)

In this post, I am going to get back to posting some information about China and living there. In particular, I will post using a new format, that maybe you readers might find easier to use and more interesting. Gosh, I hope that you all will like it! This post consists of videos, short videos, of Chinese women. They are indexed by a static photo with a brief paragraph description.

Simply click on the picture that you are interested in, and a new window will pop up that will have the video of the girl. Most videos are under 15 seconds, so it shouldn’t take long to download or to appear. Just allow the videos to load. If there is a lot of internet traffic, it might take some time.

The Girls of China.

Learning can be fun, as long as you are with a pretty girl to show you things.

Do you want more?

If so, you can have some fun in my China index here…

Pretty Chinese Girls

Why Vault 7 matters. It’s not about collection of your information, instead it’s about control of your mind.

All the people writing about the intrusive nature of the NSA, and the collection of data through the cell-phones by back-door access has got it all wrong. It’s not about the collection of data. It’s about using your phone to control your mind.

All these “back doors” and secret embedded code within your electronics, your chips, and your cell-phones is not simply about collecting your personal information. That is the obvious purpose, but that is not the ultimate purpose.

The ultimate purpose is to enable the embedding of special algorithms and embedded code that allow the government to manipulate what you see, read and hear. These enormous (and hidden) embedded programs overlay instructions to your mind. They alter the selection of programs that you might want to use, they change the access and ease of access to websites. They alter the type, range and frequency of information on your feeds, and change what you would watch, see and listen to.

Have you ever been on your cell phone, and musing about something... thinking about a memory or an event... and then suddenly you see a link or an article related to a similar type of event?

No. It's not coincidence.

It's intentional. 

You are being subconsciously manipulated to act, think, and behave as part of a herd of humans, that the oligarchy wants to shepherd into certain defined behaviors.

And the revelations by Wiki-leaks in Vault 7 proves this.

Vault 7

Whenever you mention the “power” that the United States has over the serfs citizens living there, you really need to mention “Vault 7”. “Vault 7” proves, beyond all and any shadow of a doubt, that the United States government has complete distain for the Bill of Rights, and everything that it stands for. Americans have no protections.  ZERO. Americans exist at the mercy of their government.

Democrat Senator Feinstein trying to put limits on the the first amendment to the Bill of Rights.
Democrat Senator Feinstein trying to put limits on the the first amendment to the Bill of Rights.

Americans are just monitored cattle. They are monitored by their owners; those handful of Billionaires that fully control the government.

WikiLeaks has published what it claims is the largest-ever release of confidential documents on the CIA. It includes more than 8,000 documents as part of “Vault 7”, a series of leaks on the agency, which have allegedly emerged from the CIA’s Center For Cyber Intelligence in Langley, and which can be seen on the org chart below, which Wikileaks also released:

A total of 8,761 documents have been published[v] as part of “Year Zero”. This “Year Zero” is the first in a series of leaks the whistle-blower organization has been dubbed “Vault 7.” WikiLeaks said that “Year Zero” revealed details of the CIA’s “global covert hacking program,” including “weaponized exploits” used against company products including “Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android and Microsoft’s Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones.”

WikiLeaks tweeted the leak, which it claims came from a network inside the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virginia.

Wikileaks released ORG Chart.
Wikileaks released ORG Chart.

Among the more notable disclosures which, if confirmed, “would rock the technology world“, the CIA had managed to bypass encryption on popular phone and messaging services such as Signal, WhatsApp and Telegram. According to the statement from WikiLeaks, government hackers can penetrate Android phones and collect “audio and message traffic before encryption is applied.”

Another profound revelation is that the CIA can engage in “false flag” cyberattacks which portray Russia as the assailant. Discussing the CIA’s Remote Devices Branch’s UMBRAGE group, Wikileaks’ source notes that it “collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.

“With UMBRAGE and related projects the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the “fingerprints” of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from. UMBRAGE components cover keyloggers, password collection, webcam capture, data destruction, persistence, privilege escalation, stealth, anti-virus (PSP) avoidance and survey techniques.”

As Kim Dotcom summarizes this finding,

"CIA uses techniques to make cyber attacks look like they originated from enemy state. It turns DNC/Russia hack allegation by CIA into a JOKE"

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) March 7, 2017

But perhaps what is most notable is the purported emergence of another Snowden-type whistleblower: the source of the information told WikiLeaks in a statement that they wish to initiate a public debate about the “security, creation, use, proliferation and democratic control of cyberweapons.”  Policy questions that should be debated in public include “whether the CIA’s hacking capabilities exceed its mandated powers and the problem of public oversight of the agency,” WikiLeaks claims the source said.

The FAQ section of the release, shown later, provides further details on the extent of the leak, which was “obtained recently and covers through 2016”. The time period covered in the latest leak is between the years 2013 and 2016, according to the CIA timestamps on the documents themselves. Secondly, WikiLeaks has asserted that it has not mined the entire leak and has only verified it, asking that journalists and activists do the leg work.

Weeping Angel

Among the various techniques profiled by WikiLeaks is “Weeping Angel”, developed by the CIA’s Embedded Devices Branch (EDB), which infests smart TVs, transforming them into covert microphones. After infestation, Weeping Angel places the target TV in a ‘Fake-Off’ mode, so that the owner falsely believes the TV is off when it is on. In ‘Fake-Off’ mode the TV operates as a bug, recording conversations in the room and sending them over the Internet to a covert CIA server.

As Kim Dotcom chimed in on Twitter,

BREAKING: CIA turns Smart TVs, iPhones, gaming consoles and many other consumer gadgets into open microphones. #Vault7Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) March 7, 2017

Dotcom also added that “Obama accused Russia of cyberattacks while his CIA turned all internet enabled consumer electronics in Russia into listening devices. Wow!”

Obama accused Russia of cyberattacks while his CIA turned all internet enabled consumer electronics in Russia into listening devices. Wow!

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) March 7, 2017

Julian Assange, WikiLeaks editor stated that

“There is an extreme proliferation risk in the development of cyber ‘weapons’. Comparisons can be drawn between the uncontrolled proliferation of such ‘weapons’, which results from the inability to contain them combined with their high market value, and the global arms trade. But the significance of “Year Zero” goes well beyond the choice between cyberwar and cyberpeace. The disclosure is also exceptional from a political, legal and forensic perspective.”

Key Highlights

  • “Year Zero” introduces the scope and direction of the CIA’s global covert hacking program, its malware arsenal and dozens of “zero day” weaponized exploits against a wide range of U.S. and European company products, include Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android and Microsoft’s Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones.
  • Wikileaks claims that the CIA lost control of the majority of its hacking arsenal including malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized “zero day” exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation. This extraordinary collection, which amounts to more than several hundred million lines of code, gives its possessor the entire hacking capacity of the CIA. The archive appears to have been circulated among former U.S. government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner, one of whom has provided WikiLeaks with portions of the archive.
  • By the end of 2016, the CIA’s hacking division, which formally falls under the agency’s Center for Cyber Intelligence (CCI), had over 5000 registered users and had produced more than a thousand hacking systems, trojans, viruses, and other “weaponized” malware. Such is the scale of the CIA’s undertaking that by 2016, its hackers had utilized more code than that used to run Facebook.
  • The CIA had created, in effect, its “own NSA” with even less accountability and without publicly answering the question as to whether such a massive budgetary spend on duplicating the capacities of a rival agency could be justified.
  • Once a single cyber ‘weapon’ is ‘loose’ it can spread around the world in seconds, to be used by rival states, cyber mafia and teenage hackers alike.

CIA targets iPhones, Androids, smart TVs:

CIA malware and hacking tools are built by EDG (Engineering Development Group), a software development group within CCI (Center for Cyber Intelligence), a department belonging to the CIA’s DDI (Directorate for Digital Innovation). The DDI is one of the five major directorates of the CIA (see this organizational chart of the CIA for more details).

The EDG is responsible for the development, testing and operational support of all backdoors, exploits, malicious payloads, trojans, viruses and any other kind of malware used by the CIA in its covert operations world-wide.

The increasing sophistication of surveillance techniques has drawn comparisons with George Orwell’s 1984, but “Weeping Angel”, developed by the CIA’s Embedded Devices Branch (EDB), which infests smart TVs, transforming them into covert microphones, is surely its most emblematic realization.

The attack against Samsung smart TVs was developed in cooperation with the United Kingdom’s MI5/BTSS. After infestation, Weeping Angel places the target TV in a ‘Fake-Off’ mode, so that the owner falsely believes the TV is off when it is on. In ‘Fake-Off’ mode the TV operates as a bug, recording conversations in the room and sending them over the Internet to a covert CIA server.

As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks. The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.

The CIA’s Mobile Devices Branch (MDB) developed numerous attacks to remotely hack and control popular smart phones. Infected phones can be instructed to send the CIA the user’s geolocation, audio and text communications as well as covertly activate the phone’s camera and microphone.

Despite iPhone’s minority share (14.5%) of the global smart phone market in 2016, a specialized unit in the CIA’s Mobile Development Branch produces malware to infest, control and exfiltrate data from iPhones and other Apple products running iOS, such as iPads. CIA’s arsenal includes numerous local and remote “zero days” developed by CIA or obtained from GCHQ, NSA, FBI or purchased from cyber arms contractors such as Baitshop. The disproportionate focus on iOS may be explained by the popularity of the iPhone among social, political, diplomatic and business elites.

A similar unit targets Google’s Android which is used to run the majority of the world’s smart phones (~85%) including Samsung, HTC and Sony. 1.15 billion Android powered phones were sold last year. “Year Zero” shows that as of 2016 the CIA had 24 “weaponized” Android “zero days” which it has developed itself and obtained from GCHQ, NSA and cyber arms contractors.

These techniques permit the CIA to bypass the encryption of WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloackman by hacking the “smart” phones that they run on and collecting audio and message traffic before encryption is applied.

Take aways…

  • CIA malware and hacking tools are built by EDG (Engineering Development Group), a software development group within CCI (Center for Cyber Intelligence), a department belonging to the CIA’s DDI (Directorate for Digital Innovation). The DDI is one of the five major directorates of the CIA (see this organizational chart of the CIA for more details).
  • The increasing sophistication of surveillance techniques has drawn comparisons with George Orwell’s 1984, but “Weeping Angel”, developed by the CIA’s Embedded Devices Branch (EDB), which infests smart TVs, transforming them into covert microphones, is surely its most emblematic realization.

CIA malware targets Windows, OSx, Linux, routers

The CIA also runs a very substantial effort to infect and control Microsoft Windows users with its malware. This includes multiple local and remote weaponized “zero days”, air gap jumping viruses such as “Hammer Drill” which infects software distributed on CD/DVDs, infectors for removable media such as USBs, systems to hide data in images or in covert disk areas ( “Brutal Kangaroo“) and to keep its malware infestations going.

Many of these infection efforts are pulled together by the CIA’s Automated Implant Branch (AIB), which has developed several attack systems for automated infestation and control of CIA malware, such as “Assassin” and “Medusa”.

Attacks against Internet infrastructure and webservers are developed by the CIA’s Network Devices Branch (NDB).

The CIA has developed automated multi-platform malware attack and control systems covering Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, Linux and more, such as EDB’s “HIVE” and the related “Cutthroat” and “Swindle” tools.

Also cars,

  • As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks.
  • The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.

This is quite suggestive of the CIA having a role in the death of Michael Hastings.

And computers:

  • The CIA also runs a very substantial effort to infect and control Microsoft Windows users with its malware.
  • This includes multiple local and remote weaponized “zero days”, air gap jumping viruses such as “Hammer Drill” which infects software distributed on CD/DVDs, infectors for removable media such as USBs, systems to hide data in images or in covert disk areas ( “Brutal Kangaroo”) and to keep its malware infestations going.

Hoarding of Zero Day exploits:

In the wake of Edward Snowden’s leaks about the NSA, the U.S. technology industry secured a commitment from the Obama administration that the executive would disclose on an ongoing basis — rather than hoard — serious vulnerabilities, exploits, bugs or “zero days” to Apple, Google, Microsoft, and other US-based manufacturers.

Serious vulnerabilities not disclosed to the manufacturers places huge swathes of the population and critical infrastructure at risk to foreign intelligence or cyber criminals who independently discover or hear rumors of the vulnerability. If the CIA can discover such vulnerabilities so can others.

The U.S. government’s commitment to the Vulnerabilities Equities Process came after significant lobbying by US technology companies, who risk losing their share of the global market over real and perceived hidden vulnerabilities. The government stated that it would disclose all pervasive vulnerabilities discovered after 2010 on an ongoing basis.

“Year Zero” documents show that the CIA breached the Obama administration’s commitments. Many of the vulnerabilities used in the CIA’s cyber arsenal are pervasive and some may already have been found by rival intelligence agencies or cyber criminals.

As an example, specific CIA malware revealed in “Year Zero” is able to penetrate, infest and control both the Android phone and iPhone software that runs or has run presidential Twitter accounts. The CIA attacks this software by using undisclosed security vulnerabilities (“zero days”) possessed by the CIA but if the CIA can hack these phones then so can everyone else who has obtained or discovered the vulnerability. As long as the CIA keeps these vulnerabilities concealed from Apple and Google (who make the phones) they will not be fixed, and the phones will remain hackable.

The same vulnerabilities exist for the population at large, including the U.S. Cabinet, Congress, top CEOs, system administrators, security officers and engineers. By hiding these security flaws from manufacturers like Apple and Google the CIA ensures that it can hack everyone &mdsh; at the expense of leaving everyone hackable.

Take aways…

  • In the wake of Edward Snowden’s leaks about the NSA, the U.S. technology industry secured a commitment from the Obama administration that the executive would disclose on an ongoing basis — rather than hoard — serious vulnerabilities, exploits, bugs or “zero days” to Apple, Google, Microsoft, and other US-based manufacturers.
  • Serious vulnerabilities not disclosed to the manufacturers places huge swathes of the population and critical infrastructure at risk to foreign intelligence or cyber criminals who independently discover or hear rumors of the vulnerability. If the CIA can discover such vulnerabilities so can others.
  • Please see the table of contents for the full list of projects described by WikiLeaks’ “Year Zero”. (Over 500 and counting…)

Proliferation of leaked/hacked Cyberwar programs:

  • While nuclear proliferation has been restrained by the enormous costs and visible infrastructure involved in assembling enough fissile material to produce a critical nuclear mass, cyber ‘weapons’, once developed, are very hard to retain.
  • Cyber ‘weapons’ are in fact just computer programs which can be pirated like any other. Since they are entirely comprised of information they can be copied quickly with no marginal cost.
  • Over the last three years the United States intelligence sector, which consists of government agencies such as the CIA and NSA and their contractors, such as Booze Allan Hamilton, has been subject to unprecedented series of data exfiltrations by its own workers.
  • Once a single cyber ‘weapon’ is ‘loose’ it can spread around the world in seconds, to be used by peer states, cyber mafia and teenage hackers alike.

The U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt is a covert CIA hacker base

  • In addition to its operations in Langley, Virginia the CIA also uses the U.S. consulate in Frankfurt as a covert base for its hackers covering Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
  • CIA hackers operating out of the Frankfurt consulate ( “Center for Cyber Intelligence Europe” or CCIE) are given diplomatic (“black”) passports and State Department cover.
  • The instructions for incoming CIA hackers make Germany’s counter-intelligence efforts appear inconsequential: “Breeze through German Customs because you have your cover-for-action story down pat, and all they did was stamp your passport”

Examples of CIA projects

  • The CIA’s Engineering Development Group (EDG) management system contains around 500 different projects (only some of which are documented by “Year Zero”) each with their own sub-projects, malware and hacker tools. The majority of these projects relate to tools that are used for penetration, infestation (“implanting”), control, and exfiltration.
  • Umbrage: The CIA’s Remote Devices Branch’s UMBRAGE group collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation. With UMBRAGE and related projects the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the “fingerprints” of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from.
  • Fine Dining:  Fine Dining comes with a standardized questionnaire i.e menu that CIA case officers fill out. The questionnaire is used by the agency’s OSB (Operational Support Branch) to transform the requests of case officers into technical requirements for hacking attacks (typically “exfiltrating” information from computer systems) for specific operations.  Among the list of possible targets of the collection are ‘Asset’, ‘Liason Asset’, ‘System Administrator’, ‘Foreign Information Operations’, ‘Foreign Intelligence Agencies’ and ‘Foreign Government Entities’. Notably absent is any reference to extremists or transnational criminals.
  • ‘Improvise’; a toolset for configuration, post-processing, payload setup and execution vector selection for survey/exfiltration tools supporting all major operating systems like Windows (Bartender), MacOS (JukeBox) and Linux (DanceFloor).
  • HIVE: HIVE is a multi-platform CIA malware suite and its associated control software. The project provides customizable implants for Windows, Solaris, MikroTik (used in internet routers) and Linux platforms and a Listening Post (LP)/Command and Control (C2) infrastructure to communicate with these implants. The implants are configured to communicate via HTTPS with the webserver of a cover domain; each operation utilizing these implants has a separate cover domain and the infrastructure can handle any number of cover domains.

Evading forensics and anti-virus

A series of standards lay out CIA malware infestation patterns which are likely to assist forensic crime scene investigators as well as Apple, Microsoft, Google, Samsung, Nokia, Blackberry, Siemens and anti-virus companies attribute and defend against attacks.

“Tradecraft DO’s and DON’Ts” contains CIA rules on how its malware should be written to avoid fingerprints implicating the “CIA, US government, or its witting partner companies” in “forensic review”. Similar secret standards cover the use of encryption to hide CIA hacker and malware communication (pdf), describing targets & exfiltrated data (pdf) as well as executing payloads (pdf) and persisting (pdf) in the target’s machines over time.

CIA hackers developed successful attacks against most well known anti-virus programs.

These are documented in AV defeats, Personal Security Products, Detecting and defeating PSPs and PSP/Debugger/RE Avoidance.

For example, Comodo was defeated by CIA malware placing itself in the Window’s “Recycle Bin”. While Comodo 6.x has a “Gaping Hole of DOOM“.

CIA hackers discussed what the NSA’s “Equation Group” hackers did wrong and how the CIA’s malware makers could avoid similar exposure.


The CIA’s hand crafted hacking techniques pose a problem for the agency. Each technique it has created forms a “fingerprint” that can be used by forensic investigators to attribute multiple different attacks to the same entity.

This is analogous to finding the same distinctive knife wound on multiple separate murder victims. The unique wounding style creates suspicion that a single murderer is responsible. As soon one murder in the set is solved then the other murders also find likely attribution.

The CIA’s Remote Devices Branch’s UMBRAGE group collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.

With UMBRAGE and related projects the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the “fingerprints” of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from.

It’s easy to have the NSA place “digital fingerprints” on their hacking efforts using these tools, and then blame another nation.

UMBRAGE components cover keyloggers, password collection, webcam capture, data destruction, persistence, privilege escalation, stealth, anti-virus (PSP) avoidance and survey techniques.

Unless maintained, the Bill of Rights becomes useless and superannuated.
Unless maintained, the Bill of Rights becomes useless and superannuated.

Fine Dining

Fine Dining comes with a standardized questionnaire i.e menu that CIA case officers fill out. The questionnaire is used by the agency’s OSB (Operational Support Branch) to transform the requests of case officers into technical requirements for hacking attacks (typically “exfiltrating” information from computer systems) for specific operations.

The questionnaire allows the OSB to identify how to adapt existing tools for the operation, and communicate this to CIA malware configuration staff. The OSB functions as the interface between CIA operational staff and the relevant technical support staff.

Among the list of possible targets of the collection are ‘Asset’, ‘Liason Asset’, ‘System Administrator’, ‘Foreign Information Operations’, ‘Foreign Intelligence Agencies’ and ‘Foreign Government Entities’. Notably absent is any reference to extremists or transnational criminals. The ‘Case Officer’ is also asked to specify the environment of the target like the type of computer, operating system used, Internet connectivity and installed anti-virus utilities (PSPs) as well as a list of file types to be exfiltrated like Office documents, audio, video, images or custom file types. The ‘menu’ also asks for information if recurring access to the target is possible and how long unobserved access to the computer can be maintained. This information is used by the CIA’s ‘JQJIMPROVISE’ software (see below) to configure a set of CIA malware suited to the specific needs of an operation.


‘Improvise’ is a toolset for configuration, post-processing, payload setup and execution vector selection for survey/exfiltration tools supporting all major operating systems like Windows (Bartender), MacOS (JukeBox) and Linux (DanceFloor). Its configuration utilities like Margarita allows the NOC (Network Operation Center) to customize tools based on requirements from ‘Fine Dining’ questionairies.


What is an "implant"?

It is the embedded code that instructs your brain what to do and how to behave when you are using electronics technology.

It is the software that has the back of your mind musing about certain things, issues of the day, or getting all emotionally upset about something.

HIVE is a multi-platform CIA malware suite and its associated control software. The project provides customizable implants for Windows, Solaris, MikroTik (used in internet routers) and Linux platforms and a Listening Post (LP)/Command and Control (C2) infrastructure to communicate with these implants.

The implants are configured to communicate via HTTPS with the webserver of a cover domain; each operation utilizing these implants has a separate cover domain and the infrastructure can handle any number of cover domains.

Each cover domain resolves to an IP address that is located at a commercial VPS (Virtual Private Server) provider. The public-facing server forwards all incoming traffic via a VPN to a ‘Blot’ server that handles actual connection requests from clients. It is setup for optional SSL client authentication: if a client sends a valid client certificate (only implants can do that), the connection is forwarded to the ‘Honeycomb’ toolserver that communicates with the implant; if a valid certificate is missing (which is the case if someone tries to open the cover domain website by accident), the traffic is forwarded to a cover server that delivers an unsuspicious looking website.

The Honeycomb toolserver receives exfiltrated information from the implant; an operator can also task the implant to execute jobs on the target computer, so the toolserver acts as a C2 (command and control) server for the implant.

Similar functionality (though limited to Windows) is provided by the RickBobby project.

See the classified user and developer guides for HIVE.


“You could have all the crazy thoughts you wanted, as long as you smiled and kept them to yourself.”

― Mara Purnhagen, Past Midnight

99.9% of the articles (on the internet and in books) discuss how “unconstitutional” the collection of information, by the NSA, is. They argue (and rightfully so) that the United States government should not be doing this, that it is against the Constitution, the law, the purpose of government, and is a dangerous precedent. Ah. We all get this and understand it.

I argue something a little different.

The reason why the United States wants your reading, watching, listening, and Geo-location information (as well as your passwords, your friends, and your associations) is not so much to track your actions and behaviors. But instead, to be able to feed embedded algorithms into your phone.

These hidden and secretive signals direct your subconscious actions.

They control what you look at, what you listen to, and what you are exposed to.

Thus, they “box you in” to a particular “mind set”. And in so doing, they control you.

And the American PTB (Deep State) Oligarchy leadership are believing that this 2D manipulation of minds will guarantee their successful implementation of change; guarantee that they will remain in power forever, and guarantee that their goals and societal adjustments will occur without any opposition.

But the universe is far more complex than any 2D operation. It’s at a bare minimum, an 11D exercise. And pushing this controlling narratives into the minds of millions of Americans will have , or is having…

… unexpected, or unintended consequences.

It should be no surprise that the United States is now balkanized into violently radical warring factions. All of which are attuned to certain pre-defined narratives. Individual, independent thought no longer exists. You are either “A”, or “B” or “C”. And they have further classified you in to a direct subcategory all for the purposes of your control. “A-4”, or “B-7”.

Vault 7 exposes this.

Now a cursory look at the files might (indeed) give you the impression that it’s just advanced techniques for the collection and gathering of information. I urge the reader to think past that. Any nation that has an intimate knowledge of your “private papers” and “personal privacy” in real time has the ability to control you.

It’s all about control.

The control of what and how you think, by a very powerful government.

And this is why Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo are all up in arms about 5G, and Huawei. It's not that the technology is better, dangerous, or would have "back doors". It is that the stranglehold of the American government control over people would come to an end as less and less people use programs with these embedded algorithms. 

If you want to protect yourself from being manipulated by hidden, invisible and secret manipulations, you need to start using phones, and software developed outside of the United States. Those products that are being “banned from American use” such as Huawei and Xiaomi are almost certainly devoid of NSA malware.

Though, perhaps the best thing might be to just move away from all electronic media and live a far simpler life.

A simpler life.
A simpler life.

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Some selected favorite artworks by Jean-Léon Gérôme

Jean-Léon Gérôme is a favorite painter of mine. in his amazing life, he painted at least 351 artworks. He is considered to be a “French , Orientalist painter, draftsman and sculptor” He is awesome.

You can see all of his artwork at the Art Renewal Center here.

Pollice Verso

When I first saw this painting, I was stunned. You have to see it in it’s entirety. It is a huge canvas with a very impression spectacle.

The Latin phrase pollice verso is used in the context of gladiatorial combat for a hand gesture used by Ancient Roman crowds to pass judgment on a defeated gladiator. In modern popular culture, it is assumed that "thumbs down" was the signal that a defeated gladiator should be condemned to death.

-Thumbs signal - Wikipedia

Consider the 2000 movie, Gladiator, in which Joaquin Phoenix is shown giving a defeated gladiator a thumbs down to signify that he wishes for him to be killed. According to director Ridley Scott, that scene was inspired by a painting from 1872 called “Pollice Verso“.

The painting depicts a victorious gladiator standing over the lifeless body of his opponent while a baying crowd jeers and delivers a tsunami of down-turned thumbs. Scott stated of the painting, “That image spoke to me of the Roman Empire in all its glory and wickedness. I knew right then and there I was hooked.”

That particular painting has been noted by historians as the catalyst for why the concept of pollice verso is so poorly understood today by the masses.

What makes this fact so surprising is that the painter behind the piece, Jean-Léon Gérôme, was a hugely respected historical artist who was internationally renowned for his “archaeologically correct history paintings”. Gérôme has been described as a “learned classicist” and was famous for extensively researching his pieces before putting brush to canvas.

For example, with “Pollice Verso” Gérôme studied actual pieces of armor from the ruins of Pompeii so that the gladiators in his paintings looked authentic. Gérôme’s legendary attention to detail is probably the reason that his interpretation of pollice verso was so widely accepted by academics.

The fights between gladiators in ancient Rome were brutal. It was not like a football game (American or otherwise) where it would be assumed that both sides would go home with just a couple of bruises. Death was a fairly common occurrence at a gladiatorial game, but that doesn’t mean it was inevitable. One gladiator might be lying prone in the blood-absorbing sand of the arena, with the other gladiator holding a sword (or whichever weapon he was assigned) at his throat. Instead of simply plunging in the weapon and consigning his opponent to death, the winning gladiator would look for a signal to tell him what to do.

The Editor Was in Charge of the Gladiator Fight

The winning gladiator would get his signal—not from the crowd as illustrated in the famous 19th century painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824–1904)—but rather from the referee of the game, the editor (or editor muneris), who might also be a senator, emperor or another politico.

He was the one to make the final decisions about the fates of the gladiators in the arena. However, since the games were meant to curry public favor, the editor had to pay attention to the wishes of the audience. Much of the audience attended such brutal events for the single purpose of witnessing the bravery of a gladiator in the face of death.

By the way, gladiators never said "Morituri te salutant" ("Those who are about to die salute you"). That was said once to Emperor Claudius (10 BC–54 CE) on the occasion of a staged naval battle, not gladiatorial combat.

Ways to End a Fight Between Gladiators

Gladiatorial contests were dangerous and potentially fatal, but not as often fatal as Hollywood would have us believe: Gladiators were rented from their training school (ludus) and a good gladiator was expensive to replace, so most battles did not end in death.

There were only two ways that a gladiatorial battle could be ended—either one gladiator won or it was a draw—but it was the editor who had the final say on whether the loser died on the field or went on to fight another day. 

The editor had three established ways to make his decision. 

  1. He might have established rules (lex) in advance of the game. If the fight’s sponsors wanted a fight to the death, they had to be willing to compensate the lanista (trainer)who had rented out the dead gladiator. 
  2. He could accept the surrender of one of the gladiators. After having lost or cast aside his weapons, the losing gladiator would fall to his knees and raise his index finger (ad digitatum).  
  3. He could listen to the audience. When a gladiator went down, cries of Habet, Hoc habet! (He’s had it!), and shouts of Mitte! (Let him go!) or Lugula! (Kill him!) could be heard.

A game that ended in death was known as a sine remissione (without dismissal).  

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Thumbs Sideways

But the editor didn’t necessarily listen to any of them.

In the end it was always the editor who decided whether a gladiator would die that day. Traditionally, the editor would communicate his decision by turning his thumb up, down, or sideways (pollice verso)—although modes changed as did the rules of the gladiatorial arena over the length of the Roman empire. The problem is: the confusion over exactly what thumb direction meant what is one of a longstanding debate among modern classical and philological scholars.

Latin PhraseMeaning
Pollices premere or presso polliceThe “pressed thumb.” The thumb and fingers are squeezed together, meaning “mercy” for a downed gladiator.
Pollex infestusThe “hostile thumb.”  The signaler’s head is inclined to the right shoulder, their arm stretched out from the ear, and their hand extended with the hostile thumb. Scholars suggest the thumb pointed upward, but there is some debate; it meant death to the loser. 
Pollicem vertere or pollicem convertere“To turn the thumb.” The signaler turned his thumb towards his own throat or breast: scholars debate about whether it was pointed up or down, with most picking “up.” Death to the loser. 
Signals from the CrowdThe audience could use the ones traditionally used by the editor, or one of these.
Digitis mediusUp-stretched middle finger “of scorn” for the losing gladiator. 
Mappae Handkerchief or napkin, waved to request mercy.

When a Gladiator Died

Honor was crucial to the gladiatorial games and the audiences expected the loser to be valiant even in death. The honorable way to die was for the losing gladiator to grasp the thigh of the victor who would then hold the loser’s head or helmet and plunge a sword into his neck.

Gladiator matches, like much else in Roman life, were connected with Roman religion.

The gladiator component of Roman games (ludi) appears to have started at the start of the Punic Wars as part of a funeral celebration for an ex-consul. To make sure the loser wasn’t pretending to be dead, an attendant dressed as Mercury, the Roman god who led the newly dead to their afterlife, would touch the apparently-dead gladiator with his hot iron wand. Another attendant, dressed as Charon, another Roman god associated with the Underworld, would hit him with a mallet.


Diogenes of Sinope (c. 404-323 BCE) was a Greek Cynic philosopher best known for holding a lantern (or candle) to the faces of the citizens of Athens claiming he was searching for an honest man.

He was most likely a student of the philosopher Antisthenes (445-365 BCE) and, in the words of Plato (allegedly), was “A Socrates gone mad.”

He was driven into exile from his native city of Sinope for defacing currency (though some sources say it was his father who committed the crime and Diogenes simply followed him into exile).

Diogenes’ Beliefs

Diogenes came to Athens where he met Antisthenes who at first refused him as a student but, eventually, was worn down by his persistence and accepted him. Like Antisthenes, Diogenes believed in self-control, the importance of personal excellence in one’s behavior (in Greek, arete, usually translated as `virtue’), and the rejection of all which was considered unnecessary in life such as personal possessions and social status.

He was so ardent in his beliefs that he lived them very publicly in the market place of Athens.

He took up residence in a large wine cask (some sources claim it was an abandoned bathtub), owned nothing, and seems to have lived off the charity of others. He owned a cup which served also has a bowl for food but threw it away when he saw a boy drinking water from his hands and realized one did not even need a cup to sustain oneself.

Duel After a Masquerade

The Duel After the Masquerade is a painting by the French artist Jean-Léon Gérôme, currently housed in the Musée Condé in Chantilly, France.

Duel: a prearranged combat between two persons, fought with deadly weapons according to an accepted code of procedure, especially to settle a private quarrel.

While dueling may seem barbaric to modern men, it was a ritual that made sense in a society in which the preservation of male honor was absolutely paramount. A man’s honor was the most central aspect of his identity, and thus its reputation had to be kept untarnished by any means necessary. Duels, which were sometimes attended by hundreds of people, were a way for men to publicly prove their courage and manliness. In such a society, the courts could offer a gentleman no real justice; the matter had to be resolved with the shedding of blood.

In the ancient tradition of single combat, each side would send out their “champion” as the representative of their respective armies, and the two men would fight to the death. This contest would sometimes settle the matter, or would serve only as a prelude to the ensuing battle, a sign to which side the gods favored.

“A coward, a man incapable either of defending or of revenging himself, wants one of the most essential parts of the character of a man.” 

-Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

Dueling began in ancient Europe as “trial by combat,” a form of “justice” in which two disputants battled it out; whoever lost was assumed to be the guilty party. In the Middle Ages, these contests left the judicial sphere and became spectator sports with chivalrous knights squaring off in tournaments for bragging rights and honor.

But dueling really became mainstream when two monarchs got into the act. When the treaty between France and Spain broke down in 1526, Frances I challenged Charles V to a duel. After a lot of back and forth arguing about the arrangements of the duel, their determination to go toe to toe dissipated. But the kings did succeed in making dueling all the rage across Europe. It was especially popular in France; 10,000 Frenchmen are thought to have died during a ten year period under Henry IV. The king issued an edict against the practice, and asked the nobles to submit their grievances to a tribunal of honor for redress instead.

Despite putting on a courageous front, no gentleman relished having to fight a duel and risk both killing and being killed (well, perhaps with the exception of Andrew “I fought at least 14 duels” Jackson). Thus duels were often not intended to be fights to the death, but to first blood. A duel fought with swords might end after one man simply scratched the arm of the other. In pistol duels, it was often the case that a single volley was fired, and assuming both men had survived unscathed, satisfaction was deemed to be achieved through their mutual willingness to risk death. Men sometimes aimed for their opponent’s leg or even deliberately missed, desiring only to satisfy the demands of honor. Only about 20% of duels ended in a fatality.

Duels founded on greater insults to a man’s honor, however, were often designated to go well beyond first blood. Some were carried out under the understanding that satisfaction was not gained until one man was incapacitated, while the gravest insults required a mortal blow.

The Serpent Charmer

I discovered that Bing censored this image from my sight. I guess that they felt that I couldn’t handle it, or that it would affect my notions about snakes and nudity. It’s a lovely example of Orientalist painting technique and thought.

Populating their paintings with snake charmers, veiled women, and courtesans, Orientalist artists created and disseminated fantasy portrayals of the exotic 'East' for European viewers. 

Although earlier examples exist, Orientalism primarily refers to Western (particularly English and French) painting, architecture and decorative arts of the 19th century that utilize scenes, settings, and motifs drawn from a range of countries including Turkey, Egypt, India, China, and Algeria. 

Although some artists strove for realism, many others subsumed the individual cultures and practices of these countries into a generic vision of the Orient and as historian Edward Said notes in his influential book, Orientalism (1978), 

"the Orient was almost a European invention...a place of romance, exotic beings, haunting memories and landscapes, remarkable experiments". 

Falling broadly under Academic Art, the Orientalist movement covered a range of subjects and genres from grand historical and biblical paintings to nudes and domestic interiors.

-The Art Story

This painting should not be confused with his other work with the exact same name;

Here’s some great links of his art style and how they all come together…

  • One of the keys genres of Orientalism was the harem picture. Denied access to actual seraglios, male artists relied on hearsay and imagination to depict opulent interiors and beautiful women, many of whom were Western in appearance. The genre also allowed artists to depict erotic nudes and highly sexual narratives outside of a mythological context as their exotic location distanced the Western viewer sufficiently to make them morally permissible.
  • Orientalism disseminated and reinforced a range of stereotypes associated with Eastern cultures most notably regarding a lack of ‘civilized’ behavior and perceived differences in morality, sexual practices, and character of the inhabitants. This often aligned with propaganda campaigns initiated by Britain and France as colonializing powers and images are best viewed within the context of Europe’s political and economic relationships with Eastern countries.
  • Many Orientalist images are infused with rich colors, particularly oranges, golds and reds (although blue tiles are also prevalent) as well as decorative details and these operated in conjunction with the use of light and shadow to create a sense of dusty heat that Westerners would associate with the prevailing view of the Orient.

Le Combat de Coqs

The Cock Fight

Did you know from whence the English slang for penis came from? Yes, I am talking about a “cock”. Well, listen up…

The following are excerpts from the article “The Cultural Poetics of the Greek Cockfight” by Eric Csapo, in The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens Bulletin, Vol. 4 (2006/2007) pp. 20-37.

The Cultural Poetics of the Greek Cockfight

In antiquity, the cock, like the sphinx, was a liminal creature. Its habit of crowing at dawn made it a symbol of transition from night to day and darkness to light. As a marker of time and transitions, it is associated with birth, death and rebirth, and thus gains a close association with liminal deities such as Leto, Hermes, Demeter/Persephone and Asclepius. 

Adolescence was also closely connected to death and rebirth: Artemidorus, the dream interpreter, claims that dreams about adolescence signify marriage for the bachelor and death for the aged (1.54). [...]

In myth, the cock is closely connected with the war-god, Ares. Originally the cock was a human companion of Ares named Alectryon, which is simply the Greek word for ‘cock’. 

At first, however, there was nothing martial about Alectryon. Before becoming a cock, Alectryon is said by Lucian to have been ‘an adolescent boy, beloved of Ares, who kept company with the god at drinking parties, caroused with him, and was his companion in lovemaking’.[1] 

His only soldierly duty was to keep watch while Ares made adulterous love to Aphrodite, so as to prevent the rising sun from seeing them and from reporting the affair to Aphrodite’s husband Hephaestus. Alectryon failed to keep his post even in this lightest of all soldierly duties. 

He fell asleep and as a result Hephaestus learned of the affair and set the trap, so memorably described in the Odyssey 8, that led to the public exhibition and humiliation of Ares and Aphrodite caught by invisible bonds in the love embrace. As punishment Ares turned Alectryon into a cock, adding, as penance, an ineluctable impulse to crow at the approach of the sun in eternal compensation for his failure to cry warning on that fateful night. [...]

Cocks served as ready symbols for that supreme agon and most enduring theme of Greek art and poetry: WAR. In Aeschylus the expression ‘hearts of cocks’ stands metaphorically for the spirit of violent confrontation Eum. 861). 

For this reason, cocks are a favourite motif on shield blazons. Programmatic decoration on Attic vase-painting frequently draws similes between fighting cocks and mythological combatants or hoplites (see, e.g., fig. 8).[2] [...]

The cock, as we noted, belongs not only to the realm of Ares, but is also close to Aphrodite. The epigrammatist Meleager took the cock on a grave stele to signal the dead man’s devotion to Aphrodite.[3] 

Aristotle declares that chickens are ‘most given to Aphrodite’ (HA 488b4). Oppian thinks them sex-crazed beyond all known birds.[4] 

This is partly justified by observation: Aristotle notes that chickens are the only animals, besides humans, whose mating habits are not seasonal or limited. Indeed they are less limited than humans. [...]

Given the cock’s association with both sex and masculinity, it is not surprising that it was the preferred love gift given by mature men to beautiful youths (fig. 13).[5] 

In Margaret Visser’s words ‘the cock expressed the sheer maleness of the couple, their virile aggressivity and energy’.[6] [...]

In most parts of the world cockfighting is a sport practised exclusively by adult males, but in Greece the sport was ideally represented as a pastime for adolescent boys, and particularly young aristocrats. 

We have seen that in Greek art the human figures associated with fighting cocks are boys, and mostly adolescent boys. 

Language also encouraged a close identification between the adolescent and the cock. Cocks were, like their owners, ‘aristocrats’; fighting cocks were termed ‘noble’, those unfit for sport ‘ignoble’ or ‘vulgar’.[7] 

The harsh sounds made by an adolescent whose voice is breaking are referred to as crowing, kokkusmos (gallulare in Latin).[8] 

And while words for ‘cock’ and ‘penis’ are homonymous in the vernacular of a great many languages, the Greek equivalent, koko, is only ever used as a ‘pet name’ for the puerile member.[9] The close almost exclusive identification of fighting cocks with élite adolescents is hard to square with a tale about martial valour, an express concern of all Greek males. 

Rather, it reflects the particular configuration of male homosexuality in Classical Greece with its emphasis on pederasty and its predominantly aristocratic milieu.

Pygmalion and Galatea

Classical Mythology. a sculptor and king of Cyprus who carved an ivory statue of a maiden and fell in love with it. It was brought to life, in response to his prayer, by Aphrodite.

The story of Pygmalion and Galatea is quite known and popular till, well… nowadays.

Pygmalion, a famous sculptor, falls in love with his own creation and wishes to give this creation life. This simple and imaginary concept is actually the basis from a psychological understanding of male behavior and wish. This nice myth is considered as the depiction of the masculine need to rule over a certain woman and to inanimate his ideas into a female living creature.

n. Greek Mythology A maiden who was originally a statue carved by Pygmalion and who was brought to life by Aphrodite in answer to the sculptor's pleas.

The strange sculptor

Pygmalion was a sculptor par excellence, a man who gave to every one of his ivory a life-like appearance. His deep devotion to his art spared him no time to admire the beauty of women.

His sculptures were the only beauty he knew.

For reasons known only to him, Pygmalion despised and shunned women, finding solace only in his craft. In fact, he was so condemning to women that he had vowed never to marry.

Falling in love with his own creation

One fine day, Pygmalion carved the statue of a woman of unparalleled beauty. She looked so gentle and divine that he could not take his eyes off the statue. Enchanted with his own creation, he felt waves of joy and desire sweeping over his body and in a moment of inspiration he named the figurine, Galatea, meaning “she who is white like milk”.

He draped over her the finest of cloths and bedecked her with the most dazzling of ornaments, adorned her hair with the prettiest of flowers, gave to her the choicest of gifts and kissed her as a sign of adoration.

Pygmalion was obsessed and madly in love with his creation.

The spell the lifeless woman cast on him was too much to resist and he desired her for his wife. Countless were the nights and days he spent staring upon his creation.

The realization of his dream

In the meantime, the celebration of goddess Aphrodite was fast approaching and preparations were well under way.

On the day of the festival, while making offerings to goddess Aphrodite, Pygmalion prayed with all his heart and soul, beseeching the goddess that she turns his ivory figurine into a real woman.

Touched by his deep veneration, Aphrodite went to the workshop of Pygmalion to see this famous statue by herself. When he looked upon the statue of Galatea, she got amazed by its beauty and liveliness.

Looking better at it, Aphrodite found that Galatea looked like her in beauty and perfection, so, satisfied, she granted Pygmalion his wish.

Upon returning home the master-sculptor went straight to Galatea, full of hope. At first, he noticed a flush on the cheeks of the ivory figurine but slowly it dawned upon him that Aphrodite had heard his pleas.

Unable to restrain himself, he held Galatea in his arms and kept her strongly. What had been cold ivory turned soft and warm and Pygmalion stood back in amazement as his beloved figurine came into life, smiling at him and speaking words of admiration for her creator.

Their love blossomed over the days and before long, wedding vows were exchanged between the two lovers with Aphrodite blessing them with happiness and prosperity.

The happy couple had a son.

His name was Paphos, and he later founded the city of Paphos in Cyprus. Some say that Pygmalion and Galatea also had a daughter, Metharme.

The bottom line is that the couple lived happily ever after.

Black Bashi-Bazouk

Bashi-bazouk, Turkish Başibozuk, (“corrupted head,” or “leaderless”), mercenary soldier belonging to the skirmishing or irregular troops of the Ottoman Empire, notorious for their indiscipline, plundering, and brutality. 

Originally describing the homeless beggars who reached Istanbul from the provinces of the Ottoman Empire, the term bashi-bazouk was later applied to all Muslim subjects who were not members of the armed forces. 

Finally it was applied to units of irregular volunteers (both infantry and cavalry) attached to the army but under independent officers and providing their own weapons and horses. 

These forces became notorious for their lawlessness. 

They appeared at the end of the 18th century and fought in Egypt against Napoleon. 

During the Crimean War the allied generals made fruitless attempts to discipline them. Their excesses during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78 at last forced the Ottoman government to abandon their use.

-Bashi-bazouk | Ottoman soldier | Britannica

This arresting picture was made after Gérôme returned to Paris from a twelve-week journey to the Near East in early 1868.

He was at the height of his career when he dressed a model in his studio with textiles he had acquired during the expedition.

The artist’s Turkish title for this picture—which translates as “headless”—evokes the unpaid irregular soldiers who fought ferociously for plunder under Ottoman leadership, although it is difficult to imagine this man charging into battle wearing such an exquisite silk tunic.

Gérôme’s virtuosic treatment of textures provides a sumptuous counterpoint to the figure’s dignified bearing.

The Slave Market

Orientalism is, in a nutshell, “the way that the West perceives of — and thereby defines — the East”.

Imagine you are a 13th or 14th century European. The Silk Road has just recently established contact and trade with a distant land; a land so far away and so difficult to reach that it exists only in the imagination of the average European.

Earlier accounts of this land have been passed down by the Greeks from centuries ago, telling of an alien world inhabited by “dog-faced creatures”, or Phasians so yellow it was as if they “suffered from jaundice” (summarized by Gary Okihiro in “When and Where I Enter”).

Centuries after that, Egeria’s 4th century text Peregrinatio ad terram sanctam describes an exotic, fantastic Asia that “served to highlight the positive, the real, the substantial Europe”.

These tales are not just stories; for the West, they become synonymous with “what Asia is”.

In recounting Marco Polo’s travels, one historian wrote…

“[Polo’s] picture of the East is the picture which we all make in our minds when we repeat to ourselves those two strange words ‘the East’ and give ourselves up to the image which that symbol evokes”.

Thus, almost from the moment of first contact, the West established a unique and specific relationship with the East — one that still impacts and influences our conceptions of these regions today.

In this relationship (as defined by Edward Said), the West is the “Occident”: the norm, the standard, the center, the fixed point around which the rest of the world orbits.

The East is, by contrast, the “Orient”: the abnormal, the exotic, the foreign, the Other defined specifically by its deviancy from the Occidental, Western norm.

Importantly, this relationship — what Said terms “Orientalism” — draws upon exaggerations of both Occidental and Oriental traits in order to create an Orientalist fantasy that is a fictional recapitulation of both East and West.

Western men are re-imagined as universally Godly, good, moral, virile, and powerful — but ultimately innately human.

By contrast, those traits that best serve as a counter-point to the Occidental West are emphasized in the West’s imagined construct of the East: strange religions and martial arts, bright colors and barbaric practices, unusual foods and incomprehensible languages, mysticism and magic, ninjas and kung fu.

Asia becomes innately unusual, alien, and beastly.

In Orientalism, Asia is not defined by what Asia is; rather, Asia becomes an “Otherized” fiction of everything the West is not, and one that primarily serves to reinforce the West’s own moral conception of itself.

It is also important to note that Orientalism historically arose both from an attempt to “honor” Eastern cultures as well as to redefine them for the West.

Orientalism purports to be a faithful recreation of Eastern traditions and peoples, but actually draws upon real practices and traditions to create an Eastern construct that is largely exaggeration and myth.

Which leads us to this display of slaves in front of a store…

Ave Caesar, Morituri te Salutant

Hail Caesar, We Who Are About to Die Salute You!

This is another painting that depicted the gladiatorial battles and events of ancient Rome. I have read that this saying “we who are about to die salute you” was not all that common, and perhaps only occurred once. But who really knows? Eh?

It’s a nice painting, done in magnificent style.

Le Barde Noir

The Black Bard

Usually artists that paint Caucasian peoples have a difficult time painting other races. Not so in this painting. The colors and the skin tones are all right on and correct. This is a lovely painting and would be particularly impressive over a fireplace in a Victorian home.

Le Tigre et le Gardien

The Tiger and the Guardian

Another fine work. I love how hot it appears outside and how cool the inside of the building appears.

Harem Women Feeding Pigeons in a Courtyard

A fine example of his work. No explanation is required.

The Negro Master of the Hounds

This is a nicely done painting, with great “atmosphere” and a particularly excellent rendering of the dogs. Most figurative painters have spent decades working on their technique and skills with the human body. As a result, when they paint animals, the skill level is often incomplete. While horse and dogs are sometimes rendered perfectly, for the most part, cats and other creatures tend to suffer artistically.

No so in this painting.

Napoleon and His General Staff

In ordering an expedition to Egypt and creating an Army of the Orient in April 1798, under the command of the young General Bonaparte, France’s post-revolutionary Directory sought to do two things.

  • The first was to block Britain’s trade route to India and re-establish commerce with the Levant.
  • The second unstated objective was to remove the ambitious young Bonaparte, whose popularity following his success in the Italian Campaign of the previous year rendered him a threat in current volatile politics.

General Bonaparte famously addressed his troops on their arrival in Egypt with the words …

From the heights of the Pyramids, forty centuries look down on us”.

The reality of France’s Egyptian Campaign was less grandiose, and descriptions by surviving French Officers of Napoleon’s decision to trek his 37,000 troops across the desert rather than follow the Nile River from Alexandria, tell of appalling mismanagement, of thirst, discomfort, disease and death.

Nevertheless it was in the Battle of the Pyramids (more accurately the Battle of Embabeh in the Gaza plain where the battle actually took place) that Napoleon famously routed the Mameluke cavalry by putting into practice his innovative use of the massive so-called ‘divisional square’, a tactic first deployed in Antiquity.

The Mamelukes had effectively ruled Egypt since the thirteenth century and were legendary, apparently invincible, and fearless warriors. Their defeat at the hands of General Bonaparte further enhanced his reputation. 

The Battle of the Pyramids, between French troops led by Bonaparte and 21,000 Egyptian Mameluke soldiers was a resounding victory for the French.

In contrast, the French naval fleet, stationed in the Bay of Aboukir, was attacked by the newly arrived British fleet, under the command of Horatio Nelson, and was roundly defeated.

Following this naval defeat, Bonaparte’s Egyptian campaign remained land-based.

Having installed himself as master of Egypt by force, Bonaparte then set about installing in Egypt what he viewed as the benefits of western civilization. He established the Institut d’Egypte for French scholars, a library, a chemistry laboratory, a health service, a botanical garden, an observatory, an antiquities museum and a zoo.

Diane et Acteon

According to a Greek myth, Actaeon, the son of Aristaeus and Autonoe, surprises Diana, the Greek Artemis, while she was bathing with her nymphs. As a punishment she turned him into a stag and, no longer recognized by his pack of 50 hounds, she was torn to pieces by them.

Greek myths were not very accepting of voyeurism, I guess.

What I find interesting is that the myth takes place in ancient Greece, and that the women are bathing in the pool together, while suddenly a troop belonging to an English Fox Hunt comes barrelling in from the top of a Hill. This juxtaposition of different times and cultures is curious to say the least.

In Victorian painting, and Orientalism, the use of Greek and Roman histories and myths to elaborate upon “modern” life was all the rage. And, as I might add, helps sell the works to a hungry audience.

Harem Pool

Orientalism had a great deal of interesting subject matter to paint. Slaves, mercenaries, hot deserts, magnificent ruins, blue skies, steamy hot sands, and harems. Here is one such painting that depicts a harem and a bath pool.

I love so many things about this particular painting.

  • Look at the detail on the carpet!
  • Study the artwork of the blue tiles.
  • The drapery and clothing of the woman in blue.
  • The two nudes in the forefront.
  • The folds of the towel of the woman up front and how her hand lightly touches her leg.

Slave Auction

A slave being auctioned off in Rome.

This painting, and the next one after it are different views of the same scene. The auctioneer and the maiden being sold are in both paintings, but the view of each are different. The only thing that is different is the building in the background. The first is a brick circular structure with a corbelled ceiling, the second is a traditional Roman pillared motif.

Roman Slave Market

Slave markets were a big thing with Orientalism. Most non-artists would argue that this is because all Victorian men and artists were demented sexual perverts that beheld secret fantasies. This is really nonsensical. There are really three reasons why this was a great subject for Victorian Orientalism paintings.

  • You were able to paint a female body on display in all it’s nuanced form.
  • The subject matter makes for a great story, and has significant history behind it.
  • Paintings that depicted slavery in any form were a prized commodity and sold quickly.

Here we have a picture of slave being sold to the highest bidder in Rome…

King Candaules

Imagine you are the queen of Lydia.

It is late and you are about to disrobe before your king in the privacy of his royal bedchamber. The monarch is reposing on a sumptuous bed that is perfumed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

His eyes keep fixated on you as you move toward a chair situated near the doorway of the room. You stand motionless for a time, as is your custom, soaking in your exquisite surroundings through the flickering candlelight.

He clutches giddily at a plush cushion with trembling hands.

It is time.

You pull the ivory pin fastening your hair, shake out your dark-brown curls, and proceed to slip out from your finely embroidered robe and place it on the chair.

In captivating fashion you let drop your undergarments one after another around you. There you stand before your adoring husband with your youthful form revealed in all its beauty.

But just then, all of a sudden, a strange sense of being watched creeps over you.

You cast a furtive glance toward the doorway, instantly recognizing the voyeur peering back at you from the shadows. The interloper gasps. A panicky utterance from the king cannot mask the ensuing patter of feet followed by an awful clatter down the stairs.

As a succession of muted groans reverberate into the night, you are faced with the infuriating realization that the king was behind the entire plot.

In the awkward silence that follows you [1] confront the king, [2] cover yourself and scream for the royal guards, or [3] say it was probably just the cat and handle it in the morning.

If your name is Queen Nyssia, the voyeur is Gyges, and Candaules is king, then you will choose option [3] and handle it in the morning.

This at any rate is the story as it is related by Herodotus. That is apart from Gyges toppling headlong down the royal staircase, which is an elaboration on the series of events of my own invention.

Herodotus, in any case, writes in some detail on Candaules’ efforts to persuade Gyges to view his wife:

This Candaules, then, fell in love with his own wife, so much so that he believed her to be by far the most beautiful woman in the world; 

...and believing this, he praised her beauty beyond measure to Gyges son of Dascylus, who was his favorite among his bodyguard; 

...for it was to Gyges that he entrusted all his most important secrets. 

After a little while, Candaules, doomed to misfortune, spoke to Gyges thus: 

“Gyges, I do not think that you believe what I say about the beauty of my wife; men trust their ears less than their eyes: so you must see her naked.”

Gyges made every attempt to turn down Candaules’ request, but in the end the king’s will prevailed, and he consented to the proposal.

Nyssia, having surmised all of this, sent for Gyges at dawn the next morning and presented him with a choice:

  • Either commit suicide at once as retribution for his transgression.
  • Murder Candaules and usurp the throne with her as his wife.

Gyges pleaded with Nyssia to reconsider, but he soon found this to be a hopeless cause, and reluctantly agreed to kill his master. They murdered Candaules in his bed on the very next night.

After being named king, Gyges legitimised his hold on power, which was still precarious, by securing a favourable declaration from a Delphic oracle.

The wife of Candaules discovers the hidden Gyges by Dutch painter Eglon Hendrik van der Neer around 1675–80.
The wife of Candaules discovers the hidden Gyges by Dutch painter Eglon Hendrik van der Neer around 1675–80.

The oracle coupled a confirmation of Gyges’ right to rule over the Lydians with a prophesy that Candaules’ family – the Heraclids – would take revenge on the usurper in the fifth generation.

The prophecy proved true, but by that time Gyges was dead.

In recognition of the oracular endorsement, Gyges had a hoard of gold and silver sent to the shrine at Delphi.

The delivery included, we are told, six golden mixing-bowls that weighed nearly 800kg when taken all together.

Gyges reigned for a total of 38 years (from 716 BC to 678 BC according to tradition) and was succeeded by his son Ardys II. No further details on the life of Nyssia are recorded.

This is the Herodotean narrative of Gyges’ rise to power.

Modern scholarly opinion has Herodotus drawing on dramatic rather than historical sources, and it has been speculated that his story is based on a tragedy in five acts with three actors and a chorus.

Heads of the Rebel Beys at the Mosque of El Hasanein, Cairo

Bey, Turkish Bey, Old Turkish Beg, Arabic Bay, or Bey, title among Turkish peoples traditionally given to rulers of small tribal groups, to members of ruling families, and to important officials. 

Under the Ottoman Empire a bey was the governor of a province, distinguished by his own flag (sancak, liwa). 

In Tunis after 1705 the title become hereditary for the country’s sovereign. Later “bey” became a general title of respect in Turkish and Arab countries, added after a personal name and equivalent to “esquire” (or “sir” in conversation) in English. In the 20th-century Turkish republic, bey, though surviving in polite conversation, was replaced by bay before the name (equivalent to “Mr.”).

-Bey | Turkish title | Britannica

I would imagine that this is the display of the chopped off heads of rebels in Egypt. Little else is known about this work. Certainly one can let their imagination run wild and contemplate a group of rebels that want to wrest control of the government from the egyptian leadership..

And that is one of the beautiful things about Orientalism. You look at the beautiful images of far-away and distant lands and contemplate what the story might be behind those images…

Slave Market

Then as today, much of the Arab world engages in slave trading. Here we see an image that was sure to shock the Victorian sensibilities of Europe. Shocking; where a Caucasian woman is displayed as a slave for purchase.

Recently I found myself at the Clark Art Institute in Massachusetts, standing in front of an orientalist image. Together with a colleague I was looking at The Slave Market by Jean-Léon Gérôme, painted in 1866, only one year after the official abolition of slavery in the US. The caption of the painting said the following:

A young woman has been stripped by a slave trader and presented to a group of fully clothed men for examination. A prospective buyer probes her teeth. This disturbing scene is set in a courtyard market intended to suggest the Near East. The vague, distant location allowed nineteenth-century French viewers to censure the practice of slavery, which was outlawed in Europe, while enjoying a look at the female body.

My colleague repeated the words in a whisper: indeed, highly disturbing. I couldn’t respond, unsure whether I was really disturbed by the painting or rather by the official institutional rendering of my emotions. I had no courage to stand there longer and dwell on the scenery of the slave market, because the atmosphere created by the museum’s visitors seemed to force me away from what was supposed to be disturbing.


Un Bain Maure ­ Femme Turque au Bain, No.2

A Moorish Bath – Turkish Woman Bathing, No.2

I love this painting. It’s got mood, and “environment”. You can imagine a steamy bath with dim shadows, and piercing rays of incredibly bright sunlight piercing through the gloom.

Qui que tu sois, voici ton maitre

Whoever you are, here is your master

It looks to me that cupid has control over all animals of the world. I see lions, tigers and other cats… perhaps an panther. But nothing else. I wonder if this is a statement about love, or a statement about cats… It’s hard to tell which.

The Terrace of the Seraglio

I like to believe that Gerome was unaware of adding romanticism in his works. However, the classical rigorously composition, strong oriental flavor and exotic atmosphere made people feel his romantic trend.

In 1856 Gerome went to Egypt and the Near East and developed his keen interest in the oriental culture. Therefore he painted many works depicting the local customs of Egyptian and Near Eastern societies. After the exhibition at the Paris salon, his works created a great sensation.

In 1868, he followed the geologists through the Sinai desert and arrived in port Alexander in Cairo. Regardless of this very dangerous journey, the oriental culture gave the painter a very deep impression. The Arabia market, Turkey bathroom and bath of maids, Islamic religious ceremonies, and the chambers with the mysterious colors seemed to be mysterious, interesting, beautiful and amazing.

The Terrace of the Seraglio made by Gerome depicted the most secret imperial life of the Arabia palace. And this painting also portrayed the lives of the princesses and the maids.

Some were in the bath, some were chatting, and some were meditating…almost all showed a melancholy and vacant look.

The beautiful terrace was as cold as a cell suffering the oppression. Only the outside gazebo had the clear sky and the fresh air. Both the composition and color processing were left with the classical principle of preciseness, harmonious contrast and attention to detail, characters, clothing and building which were especially important to the performance of the texture and the exotic sense.

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The construction of a DIY dimensional portal for world-line travel (part 9) frequency visualization using Mandelbrot sets.

Here, in this post we are going to take a look at ways to convert the “frequencies of location” into a map with coordinates.

There is no right or wrong way to do this. In fact, there are many, many ways. Each with it’s own benefits and liabilities.

Consider this scenario

It’s easy enough to imagine a map with two sets of geographical coordinates. Right?

Conventional mapping of Geo-positioning coordinates.
Conventional mapping of Geo-positioning coordinates.

Now, add time. Where each coordinate can go “into the past”, stay in the present, or “move into the future”.

Adding coordinates that represent time at a given geographical location.
Adding coordinates that represent time at a given geographical location.

Now, add an entirely new set of criteria. It’s a big enormous set that describes variations in a world-line, for each coordinate. And the variations are nearly infinite, so it’s a very wide and open-ended coordinate. The only way that you can reasonably control all the many, many variations of a world-line variation is comparative. Using the current baseline, what is the delta changes to it?

Adding the coordinates of world-line variations to the map.
Adding the coordinates of world-line variations to the map.

When you break things down simply, it really isn’t that difficult.

The coordinate system that you use has really three major components to it. These are as described above. They are [1] geographic location, [2] time, and [3] world-line variation from egress coordinates.


Coordinate = [1] location + [2] time + [3] world-line variation.

Converting frequencies into something that you can map

Unfortunately, the system that we have laid out describes the collection of frequencies of location with an isolation of the frequencies associated with the traveler. We need to convert that into a usable map.

We need to, don’t you know.

Well, it’s going to be pretty difficult to identify where you are in the enormous MWI. It’s darn near impossible to identify who you are relative to a near infinite number of world-lines that surround you. Not to mention all the variations and the changes associated with a destination coordinate.

It will look like a long string of numbers, in a long, thick book.

And because of this, it really isn’t very useful. You need to convert those numbers into a map that you can read, chart a course, and execute a travel algorithm.

Here we talk about this.

Why bother?

When I entered the fixed dimensional portal so many years back, the destination coordinates were in the form of long strings of numbers on bound print outs. It was the height of technology at the time, and the Commander made tweaks to the destination values upon reviewing my printed out handout.

Here is a bound stack of computer printout sheets nearly identical to what was used when I first entered the fixed dimensional portal…

Bound stack of computer printout sheets that described the destination coordinates that I was to be sent to.
Bound stack of computer printout sheets that described the destination coordinates that I was to be sent to.

In those days, most computers did not have a monitor or screen. Those few that did were pretty much a visual display that showed green colored text on a black background. Instead, the worker would sit behind a “terminal” and type. It in many ways resembled an electric typewriter, and had the added advantage of leaving a defined paper trail record of your keystrokes.

It looked something like this…

Late 1970's to the early 1980's high technology in computers and office equipment.
Late 1970’s to the early 1980’s high technology in computers and office equipment.

At that time, there was little option to do anything else. Visualization of large sets of data, or other systems for better and more understandable information retention and exchange was embryonic. We just used the systems available to us, as crude as they were at the time.

It’s not that the visualization of large data sets was unknown, it’s just that we didn’t have the tools necessary to organize the data.

The first instances of infographics as we know them today – as data made visual – dates back to the late 1700s with a chart of wheat prices and labor wages. The creator, William Playfair, might be considered the father of modern day infographics.

The key to infographics is that the brain processes images more readily than words: A picture really was worth a thousand words.

For instance, here is an infographic that discusses slavery in the Southern United States prior to the American Civil War;

Infographic example.
Infographic example.

In the example above, you can clearly see where Slavery was the most prevalent, and where it was scarce. You can also be able to deduce and extrapolate information from this graphic. That is the benefits of an infographic as opposed to large streams of numbers.

The advantage of visualization of large complex number sets

As computer technology became more and more sophisticated, a new branch of technology came into being. This was known as “information visualization”, and most reader have probably heard of it. Because “infographics” is a well understood off-shoot of this technology.

The importance of this should not be overlooked.

Relevant data sets would be highlighted, while other data sets could be ignored. As such, there are many different shapes and forms that they can be displayed into. The best one depends on the application.

For instance, here is a “tree” data visualization style.

A complex data set visualized using "tree" structure and organization.
A complex data set visualized using “tree” structure and organization.

And here is a “cluster” visualization style.

Cluster visualization style.
Cluster visualization style.

In regards to visualization of the enormous sets of data associated with world-line portal coordinates, it is important that the visualization be such that it is easy to understand, and equally easy to plot out destinations.

Visualizing frequencies

This technology has actually been around for a while. Anyone who has any of a zillion audio players on their computer can observe the ever changing music (frequencies of sound) depicted in eye-catching arrays for amusement purposes.

In the 1980's the amplitude of various frequencies were isolated and presented in a bar-code format as lighted LED bars.
In the 1980’s the amplitude of various frequencies were isolated and presented in a bar-code format as lighted LED bars. Here, 16 frequencies are shown with the various amplitudes of the isolated signals.

In these applications, we watch with amusement how the visual designs change with the changes in the music. Fun, huh?

But it gets old.

What we want is something similar, but quite different. We do not want to watch the frequencies of location change. We only want to see what the frequencies of location are. Then “freeze it” and then manipulate each one precisely to obtain our objectives (what ever they might be)…

  • Geographic
  • Time
  • World-line

So what we need is a software program that will take all theses frequencies, broken down into a large number of very tiny separate frequencies, and display that in a pictorial format.

What we need is a special map display

What we want is a display of all the frequencies of location, compared to amplitude. Something along these lines…

Graph of amplitude of various frequencies at a set point in time.
Graph of amplitude of various frequencies at a set point in time.

But with a display of two other characteristics. So instead of just attenuation and frequency, we can also display (in color, and along the Y-axis) timbre, and pitch (to use audio terms) at any frozen moment in time.

A coordinate of location can be described by five characteristics: Wavelength, Amplitude, Time-Period, Frequency and Velocity.

Mandelbrot set

If you manage to plot out these data visualizations you might be surprised to discover that they start to appear as Mandelbrot sets.

A mandelbrot set
A mandelbrot set.
The Mandelbrot set is the set of complex numbers c for which the function fc(z)=z²+c does not diverge when iterated from z=0, i.e., for which the sequence fc(0), fc(fc(0)), etc., remains bounded in absolute value. Its definition is credited to Adrien Douady who named it in tribute to the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot. The set is connected to a Julia set, and related Julia sets produce similarly complex fractal shapes.


Without getting to involved in the mathematics involved, any set of coordinates (which are the gravitational frequencies measured at the portal) can be reduced to equations. These are equations of location, and can be simplified to involve complex numbers.

Now, the purpose of this conversion is to help visualize the components of the various frequencies so that changes and alterations can be made. Once these groupings are identified, then they can be altered so that the actual data is used when defining coordinate changes.

It works something like this…

Clusters shown within the Mandelbrot set can be useful to alter and revise coordinates. For instance, a primary bulb might represent the characteristics of a given time, while "antennas" might represent attributes of a given world-line.
Clusters shown within the Mandelbrot set can be useful to alter and revise coordinates. For instance, a primary bulb might represent the characteristics of a given time, while “antennas” might represent attributes of a given world-line.

So, in short, we can use mathematics and convert the frequencies of location into another form using complex numbers. Then we can graph the result. It will appear as a Mandelbrot set.

Through a series of experiments, we should be able to identify which characteristics of the Mandelbrot set has the greatest relevance for us, and then modify the destination coordinates appropriately.


But there is more…


If you study the Mandelbrot set you might be able to identify fractals with “self similarity”. These little mathematical nuances can help you determine the relative stability of a world-line.

Stability? What are you talking about?

I am talking about the anchoring of world-lines, and how world-lines tend to cluster together. Our consciousness tend to cycle through world-lines rather rapidly. So the moment you enter a new world-line, you are off on the way to other ones.

It’s called “time”, don’t you know.

Well, if we want a world-line, say where the most popular food is pineapple on pizza (why? Why Lord, why?) and when we get there, we suddenly discover after a few seconds that no one eats pineapple on pizza. And so we think, “WTF? What happened?”

The abomination of pineapple on pizza.
The abomination of pineapple on pizza.

What happened was that we arrived at our destination world-line, but it was not stable.

So we want stability, and thus we want to find forms and shapes within the Mandelbrot set that are prone for fractal behavior.

In mathematics, a fractal is a self-similar subset of Euclidean space whose fractal dimension strictly exceeds its topological dimension. Fractals appear the same at different levels, as illustrated in successive magnifications of the Mandelbrot set. 

Fractals exhibit similar patterns at increasingly small scales called self similarity, also known as expanding symmetry or unfolding symmetry; if this replication is exactly the same at every scale, as in the Menger sponge, it is called affine self-similar. Fractal geometry lies within the mathematical branch of measure theory.


To find specific values to manipulate during the visualization of the data set, you will find that other mathematical manipulations might become useful. Such is the case with fractals.

Higuchi and Katz fractal.
Higuchi and Katz fractal.


By converting the frequencies of location into Mandelbrot sets, we can create a map that we can use to plot our travel through the MWI. This is true whether it is geographical, involve time-travel or exploring the near-infinite variations of different world-lines.

Happy exploring.

Happy exploring.
Happy exploring.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my DIY World-Line Dimensional Portal index here…

DIY Teleportation

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How to have a baby in China and give it Chinese citizenship when you are a foreigner.

This was so interesting for me to see, because I've experienced the same thing - people I know who have lived & worked there (China)  have such a different view from those who haven't. 

And if you talk positively about China in the US, you are viewed with skepticism at best, at worst - viewed as a traitor. Judged by people who have never been to China!

-Greg Reed

How to have a baby in China. This article discusses what it is like for a foreigner to have a baby inside of China and give it Chinese citizenship. If you do not want to give it Chinese citizenship then there are few other options available for you. The baby would be born within China and be a “stateless person”. It would be your responsibility to apply for citizenship at the nearest embassy or consulate.

Why not automatically make it American?

I cannot tell you, my dear reader, how many times people have asked me this. They ask “Why didn’t you give your Child American citizenship?” As if, suddenly the American citizenship would grant my child an automatic and wonderful life…

American family
A sizable population of Americans are not working, and are instead being paid existence money. I want my children to be productive and make the world a better place as opposed to subsisting.

Hey! Have you been watching the United States lately?

But I will describe it in the simplist way possible.

Imagine three children;

  • Tom. Chinese born. Chinese citizen. Raised in China.
  • Dick. Chinese born. American citizen. Raised in China.
  • Harry. Chinese born. American citizen. Raised in America.

If you look at the three children, you can pretty much say that “Tom” represents most Chinese people. They are born in China of Chinese parents, and they attend Chinese schools, and have excellent opportunities within China.

Dick is the kind of child that a number of expats are faced with. As an expat, they come to China as part of a two or three year long duration package as part of a career move. They want their children to be raised where ever they live, but they want them to be American citizens to “enjoy” the rights and privileges of “being an American”.

Harry represents a scenario that many rich Chinese face. They want to move to America and raise their children as American citizens. So while the child might be born inside of China, they are raised in America as an American.

The Trade offs…

Well, most people reading this are neither native Chinese living in China (the “Tom” situation), nor a rich and wealthy Chinese who emigrated to China. (The “Harry” situation.) They are in the “Dick” situation.

And their question is simple.

Should the baby apply for Chinese citizenship or American (or other country) citizenship?

Well, to make the decision process easier, I have broken it down. Keep in mind that it is a far greater amount of work to make your baby a Chinese citizen than to make it an American citizen.

[1] Baby as a Chinese citizen…

You must follow the application procedures and be approved. The government will monitor the healthy of the baby and you must take tests and attend classes during the entire pregnancy.

Once the baby is born, it can attend Chinese schools, and be treated as a Chinese citizen even if one of it’s parents is non-Chinese. It gets social insurance, and placement in schools and the educational process.

When it grows up, it will have a “Family Register”, with a history, and be able to set up businesses within China. It will be subject to Chinese income tax which (for around 80% of citizens) is under 3% of the yearly income taken directly from the paycheck with no annual reporting requirements.

[2] Baby as a American citizen…

The baby can be birthed anywhere and no tests or procedures are required. However, it will not be granted a birth certificate. So the parents must work with the embassy before the birth to apply for citizenship. If you give birth, and do not have a birth certificate, you have until the baby is five years old before the difficulty in application process goes exponential.

Once the baby is approved and is an American (or other national), it can live pretty much like it’s expat parents, except…

It cannot go to most schools. Only Chinese students can go to the local school. It must go to an “approved” school that is permitted to take foreign students.

Can Foreigners Go to Primary or Secondary School in China?

While most international schools will only accept Chinese students who hold a foreign passport, Chinese public schools are required by law to accept children of legal foreign residents. 

Admissions requirements vary but most schools require an admissions application, health records, passport, visa information, and previous school records. Some, like nurseries and kindergartens, require a birth certificate. Others require recommendation letters, assessments, on-campus interviews, entrance exams, and language requirements.

Students who cannot speak Mandarin are usually held back a few grades and usually start in first grade until their language skills improve. All classes except English are taught entirely in Chinese. Going to a local school in China has become a popular choice for expat families who live in China but can’t afford the high price of international schools.

The admissions materials at local schools are typically in Chinese and there’s little support for families and students who do not speak Chinese. Schools in Beijing that accept foreign students include Fangcaodi Primary School (芳草地小学) and The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China Beijing Ritan High School (人大附中).

There are over 70 schools approved by China’s Ministry of Education to provide foreign instruction. Unlike local children, foreigners must pay a yearly tuition which varies but starts at about 28,000RMB.

-What Is School in China Like

So your child has three options.

[1] If you live in a big city like Shanghai, Beijing, or Shenzhen, there is the possibility that an “approved” school will take in your child. Be prepared to pay a fee, and your child will probably need to go down a few grades until their Chinese language skills are improved.

[2] You child can be home schooled.

[3] Your child can attend “International Schools”. In China, the international schools are among the most expensive in the world with costs approaching $10,000 / month or 70,000 rmb/month.

Then once the baby gets older, it must obey American tax law where ever it lives. Which means that if the child decides to stay in China, it must pay both American taxes to the IRS as well as Chinese taxes. It will be double taxed for the rest of it’s life. This handicap MUST be taken into consideration in any calculus regarding the child’s future.

Things have mitigated somewhat for expats, but Americans do need to be careful and file yearly reports to the government. These requirements of reporting income, telling the American government what you do and why, and asking permission on how you handle financial affairs, whether it results in tax liabilities or not, are repugnant to a free person. It is up to you to decide if you want to saddle your child with this reporting nightmare.

Applying for Citizenship.

Most people assume that China is like their nation. That it has birth-right citizenship. You know, like America has. And that all you need to do is have sex, go to a hospital or even to a parking-lot, and have some witnesses that sign a birth certificate, and zoom! Your baby is a citizen.

Birthright citizenship is the legal principle that any person born on U.S. soil automatically becomes a citizen of the United States. 

Birthright citizenship was established in 1868 by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and confirmed by the US Supreme Court in the 1898 case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark.

-Birthright Citizenship in the United States

Nope. China doesn’t have this. Not in the least. And that is a good thing. It helps mitigate if not eliminate entirely many of the ills that America is facing with unrestricted immigration, “birthright immigration” and a “welfare state”.

If you want your baby to become a citizen of China, you must apply.

In short, you need to go down to the local government office, and fill out the application form; “Application for a baby to become a Chinese citizen while still in the womb.” (Or something like that.)

The rules are very strict. You either meet them or you do not. There is no “wiggle room” for borderline cases.

To become a citizen in China, you need to have a [1] male father, a [2] female mother, and [3] one of the parents must be of Chinese ancestry. Further, you need to apply with these criteria, to the local government office, and be approved by them.

If they approve, then they will issue you with two books. (And they are books.) One is white and one is pink. You will use these books to record and monitor the baby health while in the womb.

Monitoring the prenatal growth of the fetus.

The local government watches and maintains records of the baby’s growth in the womb. They provide mandatory training sessions for the mother, and pay for the tests to make sure that the baby will not have any defects or any sort of retardation.

If the baby has a physical, or mental defect, you will have a problem.

In short, you will not be permitted to have the baby and obtain citizenship for it.

Yes. You can still have the baby if your really want to. It’s just that it will not be a Chinese baby.

However, you will [1] need to pay for all the medical care and support by yourself. It will be a great financial burden, and [2] it will not be a citizen. Which means additional headaches.

In short, the odds that a parent would want to continue and give birth to the baby once it was found to have a defect at some level, like an inherited illness, a genetic defect that might cause a mental or psychological disorder, or a physical disorder is very… very small.

During the entire nine months of pregnancy a series of tests must occur that includes bloodwork and exams of the mother, as well as scans of the baby in the womb.

In order to prevent termination of the embryo because it might not be of the preferred gender (typically male in remote rural areas, like the Xinjiang Muslim areas), strict rules are in place that keeps the baby gender unknown until the moment of birth. This goes through every test. Including the DNA test.

In the DNA test, a needle is inserted into the womb and extracts a DNA sample of the baby. It then goes to a lab and is studies for all sort of inherited or rare illnesses or unusually allergies that might be present in abnormal DNA. The DNA that determines whether it is a boy or a girl is intentionally blacked out so the parent is unable to see what sex the baby would be.

Birthing Hospital

While any hospital can give birth to a baby, the local government would prefer you to use a “birthing hospital”. This hospital deals in one thing… anything about giving birth from the moment of conception to post birth problems.

These are busy places.

They usually are part of a big, wide campus. And on that campus are various buildings for pre-birth training, and what to expect for young mothers. As well as traditional Chinese medicine services. (Which actually DO WORK.)

Story time…

When we were trying to get pregnant (my wife that is), we were having a difficult time at it. We used artificial insemination, and yet, we had four (x4) miscarriages. Yikes! It’s was not only totally and completely expensive but a roller-coaster ride of emotion. After the fourth miscarriage, we went to the head doctor who said that we were doing everything right, but it wasn’t working. So she had us go to the Chinese traditional doctor section.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

So we went to the “Traditional Chinese Medicine” wing of the sprawling hospital complex. We made an appointment with the doctor there.

The doctor sat her down. Looked at her hands. Looked at her mouth. Looked at her feet. Then studied her spine. After examining her, the doctor said “well, of course!” She explained. “Your womb is cold!” She elaborated. “You can never give birth if your womb is cold and not receptive. You need to make it warm”.

Now the terms “warm” and “cold” are not direct translations for the Chinese terms. For there are no English terms for what they were describing. But it was close enough.

So she had to make these terrible concoctions of drinks that she quaffed down. She was put on a strict diet of what she could eat and drink. She also had to perform a kind of smoke therapy with this “smoke box” that she put on her belly and burned these kinds of strange grasses and plants on top of it with.

After four months of this, the doctor looked at her tongue and hands, then examined her feet and said “ok, you are ready and ripe to have a baby”.

Then, we went and had another artificial insemination (her egg and my little guys) and it took! So yeah, nine months later we had a beautiful Chinese baby girl.

Nay-Sayers say that this was just coincidence. But nope. It’s not. This and other events have 100% convinced me of the benefits of Traditional Chinese medicine.

The paperwork was automatic. Not only did she get a birth certificate, but she was placed in the “Family Register”. This is a book that lists all the members of a given household.


The government has an entire operation and system for monitoring the growth and well-being of young children. That includes monitoring of the child’s growth and weight. A review of the condition of the mother and the family environment. As well as all inoculations.

This is tied together with the local police.

If you do not attend the training course, or the doctor visits, the police will call you up and ask you if everything is going ok. I am not taking about missing a few scheduled appointments. I am referring to missing one singular appointment.

The Chinese view the early development of children to be the future of society; the bedrock of the Chinese nation and culture, as well as important to the future health of the economy of the world.

Certain regions have this police interaction all automated, and in Wenzhou there is an APP that is a straight direct line to the local police.

Yes. The local police knows who your baby is and everything about your child. If you child is lost or disoriented, it can go into any police station and they will be able to find out who it is and where it lives. If a new child appears in any police districts, it is noticed. And thus added to the central database. Thus stolen or lost childen are quickly found and accounted for.

Buying a house so the child can attend school.

Free government schools do not exist in China.

The schools are all associated with the local communities. For your child to attend a local school in the neighborhood, you must own a house.  Housing complexes have kindergarden, primary and middle schools attached.

Chinese children all get a primary and middle school public education. Each class averages 35 students. After middle school, parents must pay for public high school.

-What Is School in China Like

Now, unlike the USA, there are limits in house ownership. While it depends on the region, I can tell you that the limits for house ownership in Zhuhai, China are as follows…

  • Three house limit for the Father to own.
  • Three house limit for the Mother to own.
  • If the parent is a foreigner, then it is a two house limit.
  • The child is permitted to own no more than three houses.

Thus, a family of three (father, mother and baby) can own at most nine homes in Zhuhai, China.

Some notes.

Houses in China typically are part of enormous housing developments with schools and businesses set up in clusters.

Houses tend to be smaller than American houses.

Houses tend to be much more expensive than American houses.

In China property is not taxed. The Chinese believe that real freedom is the ability to own property, and real ownership of this means that it is free of taxiation and regulation.

Once you obtain a house, then your child can potentially attend the local school there. There is a criteria that is used for placement within the school, and it all revolves around your own personal family stability and social history.

Housing complex in Zhongshan China. The three schools are circled in red, and the central administration area for the local police, and government is circled in blue.
Housing complex in Zhongshan China. The three schools are circled in red, and the central administration area for the local police, and government is circled in blue.

When I mention this to Americans the “knee jerk” reaction is to think that that most Chinese students then don’t attend school. Their reasoning is that since most Americans are either renters or paying a mortage, that this must be true in the rest of the world as well. But actually the exact opposite is true. Most Chinese people OWN their houses. Renting is what is typically done by unmarried couples, or people who have to work away from their homes.

Obtaining the certificate of motherhood.

In order to assure that your child is able to get a seat within a local school, you will need to meet certain criteria based on your roles, your work, your career, and your contribution to society. This is the much maligned “social credit scoring” that you hear so much about in the American media.

But it’s not really a bad thing. Just don’t be rude, a criminal, or disruptive. You can increase your social rating through community efforts, being helpful, and other means.

If you are a troublemaker with a history of scamming people, or polluting, or just being rude, your score will be lower than someone who isn’t.

  • If you participate in the riots in Hong Kong, for example, your social rating is now zero… forever.
  • If you pushed someone on the bus or had some kind of altercation, or just threw trash on the road and was filmed by a road cam in the process, you will have a reduction in your social rating.

Now, in order to guarantee high placement of your child in a local school you will need to take a class in being a mother. You will get a certificate, and that grade and the presence of the certificate will guarantee placement in the best classes of students in the best schools.

This class is a very comprehensive and difficult class that involves books, movies, first-hand class instruction and homework. You must get over a 90% to pass the class and obtain the certificate. My wife took the class, and it consists of two tests. The first being 1000 questions and the second being 300 questions.


The decision to have a child in China is a big one, but need not be frightening. China is a fair and just place that is well organized, if very large and populated. The key to your child’s health and well being lies with you. And the very first decision you should make is what citizenship should your child have.

In this case, do you want Chinese or American citizenship?

American citizens get to have all sort of free stuff, like free healthcare, free food, and free housing. While in China, the citizens must work or die.
American citizens get to have all sort of free stuff, like free healthcare, free food, and free housing. While in China, the citizens must work or die.

As an American citizen, I chose Chinese citizenship for my children. I see China in 2040 bigger, stronger, happier and better in just about every way compared to a 2040 America. But that is just me. Many others disagree with me, and believe the opposite; that America is the best, always was and always will be.


Only time will tell.

Best Regards.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Chinese index here…


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What is so special and great about the human race from an extraterrestrial point of view (part 1)

I haven't been posting too many "extraterrestrial" things lately. But, I've got some followers that live for this kind of stuff. So, in the interests of balance, I'm gonna post this article. And it will most probably anger the rest of my readership in the process.


Here goes…

If you were to have an ongoing conversation with an extraterrestrial, and ask them what they thought about the human race, and the human species, what would they say? What do you think they would say?

Well, here I am going to tell you.

Well, actually, I’m going to tell you (in my way) what one particular species thinks, anyways. I just can’ speak for every species. Just those with whom I’m exposed to.


Is it our culture? Is it our society? It is out spirituality? Is it our technology? Is it our attractiveness? It is our various religions? Is it our adaptability? Is it our kindness? What is it?


None of the above.

It is our “human-ness”.


There are many species out in our universe (though I am only referring to those in our immediate vincinity) and they all have their own societies, and their own technologies, and their own histories, and all of that. What makes the human species “special” is our unique “human-ness”.

What is “human-ness”?

A trait.

It’s a trait that is very difficult to put into words because it is a comparative measure. It is not something that is recognized by us as having. It’s something you see and appreciate when you compare humans to other species. We don’t know it exists because we can’t see it.

We are it.

If you compare species A, to species B, to species C, and then to humans, you will not help but to be amazed at our “human-ness”.


Maybe “amazed” is not the right word. Perhaps a better one woould be “pleased”, or “pleasantly amused”, or “comforted”.


Now I am going to upset some people, but do not shoot the messenger. OK?

Don’t shoot the messenger is an admonition to not blame the bearer of bad news. It is often used when someone reveals a difficult truth that the listener does not want to hear. It reminds the listener that the truth is not the fault of the person revealing the truth.


The best example that I know of that highlights and showcases our “human-ness” is the various shades of Japanese culture and society. I know this because of <redacted>.

And it occured to me that perhaps there are others who might want to know about what makes humans so “unique”.

Well, we are sort-of unique, because <redacted>.

It has been “thrown into my face” on numerous occasions by <redacted> that the Japanese have some really inherent attributes that highlight the human species. And while most of the world might think that the Japanese are bonkers crazy, they are not viewed as such by non-humans.

They are instead viewed as sublime.


"of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe."

In fact, the Japanese are probably (I am not too far out of line here) the most approachable culture of humans because of their saturation of human-ness qualities. This has been impressed to me numerous times, and on different occasions.

The Japanese culture and socity is infused with “human-ness”.

I know that it is going to upset many people, but Americans are not high on the list of being appreciated or even understood by the extraterrestrials that I know of.

The Japanese are.

And while you might snort, and laugh, you all have to realize that there are many things that we humans have but do not appreciate or understand. The Japanese culture and society highlights these characteristics and enlarges them. And, well… “showcases” our “human-ness”

A descriptive video

The following is a video that (I personally believe) is filled with examples of what “human-ness” is and now it is used. The group is “World Order”, and the song is “have a nice day”.

I could have picked out any number of other videos.

I chose this one because it seems to have the widest range of “human-ness” related events that I have found. (I am sure that there are better candidates, but I don’t have all day, don’t you know.)

And yeah. I know.

It’s bat-shit, off the wall, bonkers nuts.

But, it displays our “human-ness”.

Here is a few embeds of Videos of world order have a nice day. I hope that they are able to play. I have put a few embeds as I don't know which one will work in your region.

Try YouTube first…

You tube

If you cannot access the embed on YouTube, then try metatube…


<iframe src='' width='750' height='390'></iframe>

Cat videos

You know how we like to watch “cat videos”?

Well, it’s sort of like that. When we watch cat videos we are admiring the cats being feline in all it’s glory. Well, it’s sort of like that. You might go as far as to say that the <redacted> like to watch Japanese Music Videos to enjoy our human-ness…

…except they do something different. But it’s like that. It really is.

Instead of videos, of course, they <redacted>.

The attributes

In the above video is at least 35 scenes or elements of “human-ness”. Can you identify what they are? Can you see why they would be appreciated by another species?

Or maybe you can’t.

If you think that the Japanese are too off the wall, and not “with the program” then I am not making myself clear. The qualities that make us human; our human-ness is our relationships with others and how we interface with the universe within our reality.

Watch the video again, if you still “don’t get it”.

Pay attention to the interactions between the individuals, both singular and in groups. Note the interaction of the groups of people with things and items. These characteristics define our human-ness.

Like anything… it is our relationships with others, and our actions and thoughts that define our sentience. That is what makes us attractive.

Do you want some more?

I have more posts about extraterrestrials in my extraterrestrial index here…


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Some selected favorite artworks by John William Waterhouse

John William Waterhouse was an amazing artist that produced at least 180 artworks during his career. He is considered to be a “English , Victorian Romanticist painter and draftsman”. He was born in 1849 and Died on 2/10/1917.

You can see his entire collection on the Art Renewal Center here.

Like my post on Lawrence Alma-Tadema, you might want to consider this post to be an excurion into Greek mythology and Roman history through the artwork of renessance painters in Europe.

The Lady of Shalott

I have often admired this painting but really had little understanding about what was so appealing about it. To me, it was a sad woman in boat, alone and drifting off into the mists.

This painting depicted an event or circumstance that was described in a poem.

"The Lady of Shalott" is a lyrical ballad by the English poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809–1892). It tells the story of a young noble woman imprisoned in a tower on an island near Camelot.

-The Lady of Shalott - Wikipedia

This poem depicted a sad and forlorn woman who was locked up and who had little freedom. That lack of freeom and the imprisonment was not obvious to anyone but herself.

During the period of the 19th century in which “The Lady of Shalott” poem was written, women were not treated in the same way that they are today. History tells us the story of how women came to be “equal” to men, yet when reading this poem, we see that this was not the case for the Lady of Shalott.

The women during this period were seen more as a possession rather than a person or a partner to a male. They were kept in the house and were sometimes not allowed to go outside and socialize. We see this neglect of women demonstrated many times throughout Tennyson’s poem.

Kept as a sort of prisoner in a building, or castle, on the secluded island of Shalott, the Lady of Shalott is described as a “fairy” woman who has been cursed.

For me, I could see this situation. Not only for the woman, in that time and plce, but for anyone who is trapped in a situation that they cannot get out of easily…


Consulting the Oracle

An oracle is a priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods in classical antiquity.

There were many other oracles in Greece, but the Oracle at Delphi was the most famous, and everyone who could afford to consult the Oracle at Delphi preferred to do so.

Of course, there was a long waiting period to consult the oracle (sometimes several months), and there were a number of expensive, preliminary sacrifices. Most of the people who consulted the Oracle at Delphi were wealthy individuals or even heads of state.

The long path leading up the mountain to Apollo’s temple, called the Sacred Way, was lined with treasure houses. These treasuries were filled with costly gifts that leaders and cities had given to Apollo. Some of these treasuries are still standing, and a very few of those precious gifts can still be seen in the museum at Delphi.

When someone came to ask a question of the Oracle, he would need to make a preliminary sacrifice of a goat, and then purify himself in the nearby Castilian Spring.

Then he would approach the adyton of Apollo’s temple.

The adyton is a room inside the temple that was off limits; no one could go in. It is unclear whether those who were consulting the oracle were allowed to go inside the adyton, or whether they had to remain outside.

The Pythia is usually conceived of as sitting on a tripod when she gave her prophecies.

A tripod (as its name implies) was a three-footed stand, usually made of metal. Tripods had a round, metal band around the top, and they were usually used to hold a cauldron over the fire for cooking. But in this case, the Pythia would sit on it, almost like she was sitting on a three-legged stool, to give her prophecies.

In the painting we see this tripod in use at the center of the room, but the oracle is not sitting on it.

The Oracle by Camillo Miola (1880) in the Getty Museum
The Oracle by Camillo Miola (1880) in the Getty Museum

After the person consulting the Oracle asked his question, the Pythia would go into a trance; it was believed that Apollo himself possessed her.

She would speak and a priest (or several priests) who were standing near-by would take down what she said and translate her words into a poem written in hexameters.

It is usually assumed that the Pythia’s original words were coherent, but not very clear. Of course, there is no way to know for sure what her words were really like, but perhaps we can get a good idea from Cassandra’s prophecies in Aeschylus’ play, the Agamemnon.

In that play, Cassandra gives several prophecies that make sense to the audience (because we know what is going to happen), but are so fragmented and confusing that the other characters in the drama do not understand them.

Once the Pythia’s words were translated into hexameter poetry, the poem was written down and given to the person who sought the advice; it was always the responsibility of the recipient to interpret the oracle correctly.

And the oracles, even in their final form, were always ambiguous. Frequently (though not always), the recipients did not interpret them correctly, and they suffered as a result.

Saint Cecilia

This is a true story that actually happened. As a result, the woman in the story became a Catholic Saint. As such, the story of St. Cecilia is not without beauty or merit. She is said to have been quite close to God and prayed often:

In the city of Rome there was a virgin named Cecilia, who came from an extremely rich family and was given in marriage to a youth named Valerian. She wore sackcloth next to her skin, fasted, and invoked the saints, angels, and virgins, beseeching them to guard her virginity

During her wedding ceremony she was said to have sung in her heart to God and before the consummation of her nuptials, she told her husband she had taken a vow of virginity and had an angel protecting her. Valerian asked to see the angel as proof, and Cecilia told him he would have eyes to see once he traveled to the third milestone on the Via Appia (Appian Way) and was baptized by Pope Urbanus.

Following his baptism, Valerian returned to his wife and found an angel at her side. The angel then crowned Cecilia with a chaplet of rose and lily and when Valerian’s brother, Tibertius, heard of the angel and his brother’s baptism, he also was baptized and together the brothers dedicated their lives to burying the saints who were murdered each day by the prefect of the city, Turcius Almachius.

Both brothers were eventually arrested and brought before the prefect where they were executed after they refused to offer a sacrifice to the gods.

As her husband and brother-in-law buried the dead, St. Cecilia spent her time preaching and in her lifetime was able to convert over four hundred people, most of whom were baptized by Pope Urban.

Cecilia was later arrested and condemned to be suffocated in the baths. She was shut in for one night and one day, as fires were heaped up and stoked to a terrifying heat – but Cecilia did not even sweat.

When Almachius heard this, he sent an executioner to cut off her head in the baths.

The executioner struck her three times but was unable to decapitate her so he left her bleeding and she lived for three days. Crowds came to her and collected her blood while she preached to them or prayed. On the third day she died and was buried by Pope Urban and his deacons.

St. Cecilia is regarded as the patroness of music, because she heard heavenly music in her heart when she was married, and is represented in art with an organ or organ-pipes in her hand.

Officials exhumed her body in 1599 and found her to be incorrupt, the first of all incurrupt saints. She was draped in a silk veil and wore a gold embroidered dress. Officials only looked through the veil in an act of holy reverence and made no further examinations. They also reported a “mysterious and delightful flower-like odor which proceeded from the coffin.”

The church viewed this as a measure of sanctity, and incorruptibles -- people whose bodies mysteriously thwart decay -- were canonized into the tenets of Catholic mysticism. Incorruptibility became a component of beatification -- the process of becoming sainted.

-How can a corpse be incorruptible? 

St. Cecilia’s remains were transferred to Cecilia’s titular church in Trastevere and placed under the high altar.

The Favourites of the Emperor Honorious

Flavius Honorius was born in the east in 384, the younger son of the emperor Theodosius I (379-395) and Aelia Flavia Flaccilla. In his youth he was named Most Noble Child (nobilissimus puer), and in 386 he held the consulate. He was summoned by his father to Rome when he was five, but in 391 he returned with him to Constantinople, where in 393 he was proclaimed emperor of Rome.

After the Visigothic invasion of Italy in 402, Honorius and the imperial court retired from Milan to the inaccessible and heavily defended city of Ravenna.

Only rarely did later emperors reside for any length of time elsewhere.

Meanwhile, palace intrigues resulted in Stilicho’s assassination in 408, and Honorius was left to deal with barbarians Alaric and the Visigoths.

The indecisive emperor, influenced first by one adviser and then by another, vacillated between resistance and conciliation. The end result was the sack of Rome in 410.

Here we see a painting of the emperior playing idily with pigeons while Rome collapses all around him.

As for the feckless and timid Honorius, he generally took little part in public affairs. He was generally passive in nature, except when he was motivated to act by fear. He left military operations to his generals, but he did become involved in a controversy over the choice of a bishop of Rome in 418. 

He eventually died of "dropsy" -- perhaps edema of the lungs -- in 423. 

He left no issue, which resulted in the proclamation of Johannes, the Chief Secretary, after his death. Not until 425 did his nephew Valentinian III, the son of Galla Placidia and Constantius, restore the legitimate dynasty. 

Even though the unity of the western empire was shakily maintained during Honorius' reign -- only Britain was lost for good (Honorius wrote to the Britons advising them to defend themselves) -- he left a legacy of fragmentation and feeble, lackluster leadership which eventually would result in the dissolution of the western empire.

-Roman Emperors - DIR Honorius

Flora and the Zephyrs

A nymph called Chloris was kissed by the West Wind, Zephyrus, and was turned into Flora. This story is the subject of Sandro Botticelli’s Primavera.

Flora, in Roman religion, the goddess of the flowering of plants. 

Titus Tatius (according to tradition, the Sabine king who ruled with Romulus) is said to have introduced her cult to Rome; her temple stood near the Circus Maximus. 

Her festival, called the Floralia, was instituted in 238 BC. A representation of Flora’s head, distinguished only by a floral crown, appeared on coins of the republic. 

Her name survives in the botanical term for vegetation of a particular environment.


Zephyrus or Zephyros (Gr: Ζεφυρος) is the god of the west wind and spring. He is the gentlest of the winds. He lived in a cave in Thrace.

Zephyr was the son of Astraeus and Eos, the goddess of the dawn and he was the father of the spring flowers. His mate was Podarge and together they created the two immortal horses of Achilles, Xanthus and Balius

For centuries, poets have eulogized Zephyrus, the Greek god of the west wind, and his "swete breeth" (in the words of Geoffrey Chaucer). Zephyrus, the personified west wind, eventually evolved into zephyr, a word for a breeze that is westerly or gentle, or both. Breezy zephyr may have blown into English with the help of William Shakespeare, who used the word in his 1611 play Cymbeline: "Thou divine Nature, thou thyself thou blazon'st / In these two princely boys! They are as gentle / As zephyrs blowing below the violet." Today, zephyr is also the sobriquet of a lightweight fabric and the clothing that is made from it.


The painting by Waterhouse depicts Zephyrus kidnapping Chloris…

From whence he “kissed” her and turned her into a Flora.

Oh, those lustful Gods.

The Awakening of Adonis

Adonis was the mortal lover of the goddess Aphrodite in Greek mythology. 

In Ovid's first-century AD telling of the myth, he was conceived after Aphrodite cursed his mother Myrrha to lust after her own father, King Cinyras of Cyprus. 

Myrrha had sex with her father in complete darkness for nine nights, but he discovered her identity and chased her with a sword. 

The gods transformed her into a myrrh tree and, in the form of a tree, she gave birth to Adonis. 

Aphrodite found the infant and gave him to be raised by Persephone, the queen of the Underworld. 

Adonis grew into an astonishingly handsome young man, causing Aphrodite and Persephone to feud over him, with Zeus eventually decreeing that Adonis would spend one third of the year in the Underworld with Persephone, one third of the year with Aphrodite, and the final third of the year with whomever he chose. 

Adonis chose to spend his final third of the year with Aphrodite.


Those were lustful times back then.

Waterhouse’s great mythological subject The Awakening of Adonis (Collection of Lord Lloyd-Webber) was painted in 1899.

However, it was not finished in time to send to the Royal Academy that year, and was therefore held over to the summer exhibition of 1900. 

On that occasion it was recognised as one of the artist’s most powerful and characteristic works and one that aimed, in the words of one reviewer, ‘at representing the passionate emotions of an historic tragedy in a highly dramatic fashion’ (Athenaeum, 1900, p.568).  

The Awakening of Adonis takes its subject from the ancient fable, retold by Apollodorus, Hyginus and Ovid, which tells how Adonis was the child of Myrrha and her father Theias, the king of Syria. The goddess Venus had encouraged this incestuous union and, when Adonis was born from the trunk of the myrrh tree into which his mother had been transformed, it was she who took care of him, entrusting him to Persephone, goddess of the Underworld. 

The child grew up to be so beautiful that Persephone found that she could not bear to return him to Venus, leading to a dispute between the two. 

This was settled by Zeus, who decided that Adonis should spend four months of the year with Venus and another four with Persephone. 

The remaining third of the year he might spend with whichever of the two goddesses he preferred. 

Venus used the power of magic to cause him to want her rather than Persephone. 

In Waterhouse’ painting the beautiful boy is awakened with a kiss from Venus in her Elysian pleasure-garden. 

Cupid, the god of love, blows on a torch to rekindle a flame, and is accompanied by a band of putto holding flowers. White doves take to the air and the garden is fecund with roses (symbols of Venus) and anemone flowers that were said to grow from the blood of the dying Adonis. 

The mythological legend of Adonis, as represented in the present painting, is therefore symbolic of the renewal of life, vigour, and desire at the arrival of spring. 

– From Sotheby’s catalogue.

A Naiad

In Greek mythology, the Naiads are a type of female spirit, or nymph, presiding over fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of fresh water.


Naiad, (from Greek naiein, “to flow”), in Greek mythology, one of the nymphs of flowing water—springs, rivers, fountains, lakes.

The Naiads, appropriately in their relation to freshwater, were represented as beautiful, lighthearted, and beneficent.

Like the other classes of nymphs, they were extremely long-lived, although not immortal. Greek mythology, naiads supposedly drowned the young men with whom they became enamored.

-Naiad | Definition of Naiad by Merriam-Webster


  • Nymph. Nymph, in Greek mythology, any of a large class of inferior female divinities. The nymphs were usually associated with fertile, growing things, such as trees, or with water. They were not immortal but were extremely long-lived and were on the whole kindly disposed toward men. They were distinguished according to the sphere of nature with which they were connected.
  • The Oceanids, were sea nymphs.
  • The Nereids inhabited both saltwater and freshwater; the Naiads presided over springs, rivers, and lakes.
  • The Oreads (oros, “mountain”) were nymphs of mountains and grottoes.
  • The Napaeae (nape, “dell”) and the Alseids (alsos, “grove”) were nymphs of glens and groves.
  • The Dryads or Hamadryads presided over forests and trees.
  • Myth. Myth, a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that ostensibly relates actual events and that is especially associated with religious belief. It is distinguished from symbolic behaviour (cult, ritual) and symbolic places or objects (temples, icons). Myths are specific accounts of gods or superhuman beings involved in extraordinary events or circumstances in a time that is unspecified but which is understood as existing apart from ordinary human experience.

Good Neighbours

I love this picure for it’s technique, attention to detail, and the timelessness of it. I think that it is a “treasure”.

Hylas and the Nymphs

Hylas, in ancient Greek legend, son of Theiodamas (king of the Dryopians in Thessaly), favourite and companion of Heracles on the Argonautic expedition. 

Having gone ashore at Cios in Mysia to fetch water, he was dragged down by the nymphs of the spring in which he dipped his pitcher.

-Hylas | Greek mythology | Britannica

The story isn’t long, but it does seem important. It has continued to be represented in art and in story (though there have DEFINITELY been some changes made to make it fit into the new cultures), but it was also super important in ancient Greece, where sacrifices were made in a festival in his honor. Rituals were done in his name.

This story is found slightly more fully in Book One of the Argonautica, and in that version, it is clarified that he walked off from the group hoping to get water to make a meal for his man.

His man, of course, was Herakles.

Now, we should sidenote here that Herakles definitely liked a sexy youth or two. Hylas is the most famous of his beloveds, but by no means the only one.

This does not mean that Heracles was gay. It does not even mean that he was bi. These terms did not even exist. Although I think this topic is fascinating, I will suffice it to say that the relationship between Hylas and Herakles was very normal and even celebrated in ancient Greek culture. 

So it would make sense that Hylas (the beloved and “passive” partner) would be getting water to make something nice before Herakles got back to camp.

But, unfortunately for him, he was deep in Pegae territory.

Now, most of them were away guarding the forest for a nymphaic jamboree they were planning on throwing for Artemis, but one chick was left to hold down the fort, I suppose and when she saw Hylas, standing there in the moonlight (moonlight is like mood lighting …) lookin’ all pretty and sexy, her heart just went pitter pat.

It didn’t help that Aphrodite was there aiding the whole process (didn’t help Hylas that is).

And if you have read about the nymphs, then you know, this is NOT a good situation our young man is walking into.

The authors have already established that he’s kinda delicate, that he’s relatively passive in his relationships, he’s young, and he’s mortal.

Said nymph may appear delicate, but she is super powerful compared to this dude, and no good can come from relationships where women hold more power than men – at least not in ancient Greek mythology.

You already know what happens next, but I’ll spin in out all poetic like.

Hylas, dipping like a dancer, kneels and drags his pitcher through the water. And as his arm went into the water, her arm came out and wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer for a kiss.

Truly, our source must have been a mouse watching from land, because the story ends there.

We do not even know if she got her kiss, because when Hylas tumbled into the water, it was the last anyone ever heard of him.

Sure, Herakles searched the island for a long time, but eventually, the crew of the Argo gave up and continued their quest without him.

The moral of the story?

Don’t be like Hylas.

Saint Eulalia

Eulalia was a Christian girl who had the cosmic misfortune of being born in Barcelona in the third century after Jesus, during the reign of Roman emperor Diocleciano.

Diocleciano was the kind of emperor who didn’t like Christians and wanted them all to recant their faith.

Unfortunately, Eulalia was of the mindset that she’s an independent girl who don’t need no emperor telling her who to worship.

Diocleciano didn’t like that.

So her ordered that Eulalia suffer 13 tortures, one for each of her years on earth. Yep, she was 13 when she was tortured to death and subsequently martyred. 


Her tortures were (because we’re a morbid bunch when fucked-up shit happened to ancient people):

  1. Imprisonment in a tiny prison,
  2. Being whipped,
  3. Tearing her skin in strips,
  4. Making her walk barefoot on burning embers,
  5. The cutting off of her breasts,
  6. Rubbing her wounds with rough stones,
  7. Branding her with cast iron,
  8. Throwing boiling oil and,
  9. Molten lead over her,
  10. Submerged in burning lime,
  11. Locked in a flea box,
  12. Rolled down a hill, naked, in a barrel full of knives, swords and glass, and finally,
  13. Crucified in the form of a cross.

After all that she was decapitated and apparently a white dove flew from her neck. This is why there are 13 geese in the Barcelonan cathedral of Saint Eulalia. (doves, geese, whatevers).

Holy smokes!

And now, after all of that, she gets a relatively crappy festival compared to Merce’s amazing one? How flaky are the Catalans? Poor Eulalia goes through all that and then they try and replace her because she maybe didn’t chase off some insects? Give us a break!

The Story and History of Saint Eulalia

The story and history of Saint Eulalia. Saint Eulalia was a native of Merida, in Spain. 

She was but twelve years old when the bloody edicts of Diocletian were issued. 

Eulalia presented herself before the cruel judge Dacianus, and reproached him for attempting to destroy souls by compelling them to renounce the only true God. 

The governor commanded her to be seized, and at first tried to win her over by flattery, but failing in this, he had recourse to threats, and caused the most dreadful instruments of torture to be placed before her eyes, saying to her: "All this you shall escape if you will but touch a little salt and frankincense with the tip of your finger." 

Provoked at these seducing flatteries, our Saint threw down the idol, and trampled upon the cake which was laid for the sacrifice. 

At the judge's order, two executioners tore her tender sides with iron hooks, so as to leave the very bones bare. 

Next lighted torches were applied to her breasts and sides; under which torment, instead of groans, nothing was heard from her mouth but thanksgivings. 

The fire at length catching her hair, surrounded her head and face, and the Saint was stifled by the smoke and flame.

-St. Eulalia of Merida - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Mariamne Leaving the Judgement Seat of Herod

Things were totally and completely fucked-up in the old days.

King Herod of Judea

Herod I ( c. 74/73 BCE – 4 BCE/1 CE), also known as Herod the Great, was the King of Judea from 37 to 4 BC. At the time Judea was a client state of Rome. During his 33 year reign, Herod was an excellent administrator. But he is most famous for the Bible account of his killing the boys of Bethlehem.

-Herod the Great

Herod was an Idumaenean, from the Land of Edom, a desert region of nomads to the south of Judaea. His father was Antipater, who became a trusted procurator of Judaea, and his mother was Kupros, a woman of Arab descent.

At that time the King of Judaea was Hyrcanus II.

He was from the family of Hasmoneans, a popular nationalist, Jewish family who had been priests and Kings of the area from about the second century BC.

Antipater was, in his new position and friendship with King Hyrcanus II able to secure good jobs for his sons.

One of them, Phasael was made prefect of Jerusalem and the other son, Herod, was given the job of military prefect of Galilee.

Herod, now moving in the royal circles, caught the eye of Mariamne, the granddaughter of Hyrcanus II and, after divorcing his wife Doris, they became engaged to be married.

However, in 40 BC things took a turn for the worse as the Parthians invaded the area and set up Antigonus, another Hasmonaean, as King.

As Jerusalem fell, Herod escaped with his family but Hyrcanus and Phasael were captured.

After making sure that his family were safe he set off for Rome where he persuaded the Roman senate to give him the title, ‘King of the Jews’, and to pledge himself to return and take Judaea back under Roman allegiance.

He returned to the Palestine region and starting from Galilee he slowly took control of his kingdom.

In just three years he succeeded in capturing Antigonus, and with his new bride Mariamne, the grandaughter of Hyrcanus, he began to rule his kingdom.

King Herod began to rebuild the temple.

He established new towns and harbours and brought neighbouring regions into his own kingdom and in alliance to Rome. However, this apparently successful story of how a member of an Idumaenean nomadic family became the ruler of a kingdom was unfortunately marred by Herod’s chronic insecurity.

This was partly because the Jews did not like him because he was an Idumaenean.

Although he practised Judaism, it was not thought that he gave it much priority.

In modern terms he was a multi-faith enthusiast, giving credence to other religious ideas which in Jewish eyes diluted his conviction to the faith .

Also against him was his overthrowing of Antigonus from the popular Hasmonean family.

He tried to overcome this by marrying Mariamne, King Hyrcanus II’s grandaughter, and therefore a Hasmonean princess.

He also curried favour with the people by placing Hasmoneans in important positions in his court.

This had the affect of making people tolerate his kingship but it also made him feel under even more threat from the very people he had promoted. and led to increasing insecurity.

Having reached the heights of Kingship, he never felt totally secure and he saw conspiracy and plotting from every quarter.

(uh oh…)

First to be killed on his orders was his brother-in-law and high priest, Aristobulus.

While answering the charge of his murder in Egypt he gave the order to his uncle Joseph that if he should die, then his wife and her mother were to be executed.

Herod managed to talk his way out of the murder charge, but on his return to Jerusalem found that his wife had learned his arrangement with Joseph.

Needless to say Mariamne was none too pleased to hear of this arrangement!


Herod began to wonder why Joseph had told Mariamne, and came to the wrong conclusion they were having an affair.

In fact Joseph had told her of the plan in order to demonstrate Herod’s love for her.

However, despite the total lack of evidence Joseph was executed.

Herod was very much in love with Mariamne, but with jealous accusations from his other wives and Mariamne’s increasing coldness towards him, he eventually persuaded himself to have her executed too.

He regretted it straight away and became filled with guilt, making himself mentally and physically ill.

Thinking that Herod was about to die, Alexandra, Mariamne’s mother made arrangements to put Herod’s children by Mariamne, Alexander and Aristobulus, on the throne.

She too was then executed for her presumption!

Herod had 10 wives altogether and towards the end of Herod’s life, Antipater, the eldest son by his first wife began to realise that he was not favoured to take over from his father.

He was deeply jealous of the sons of Mariamne, and in order to discredit them he accused his two step brothers of treachery and, believing him, Herod had them both executed too.

Antipater must have thought he had got away with it, but just before Herod died, Antipater was executed as well, accused of trying to accelerate his death.

Signing Antipater’s death warrant, Augustus Caesar remarked that he would rather be Herod’s pig than Herod’s son!

Just before his death, Herod, realising that when he died there would be no great mourning, sent letters to the principle heads of every family in Judaism demanding their presence on pain of death.

Having got them to Jerusalem, Herod ordered them to be locked up in the horse-racing ground.

He then gave the orders to his sister that upon his death they were all to be executed.

Thus making sure that the whole nation would mourn when he died, albeit not for him.

(Talk about a fucked-up plan!)

Fortunately, when Herod died, his sister released the imprisoned Jews and allowed them to return home. Herod died 37 years after being declared ‘King of the Jews’, leaving four sons, to whom was given one quarter of his kingdom each. 


Diogenes of Sinope (c. 404-323 BCE) was a Greek Cynic philosopher best known for holding a lantern (or candle) to the faces of the citizens of Athens claiming he was searching for an honest man.

He was most likely a student of the philosopher Antisthenes (445-365 BCE) and, in the words of Plato (allegedly), was “A Socrates gone mad.” He was driven into exile from his native city of Sinope for defacing currency (though some sources say it was his father who committed the crime and Diogenes simply followed him into exile).

Diogenes came to Athens where he met Antisthenes who at first refused him as a student but, eventually, was worn down by his persistence and accepted him.

Like Antisthenes, Diogenes believed in self-control, the importance of personal excellence in one’s behavior (in Greek, arete, usually translated as `virtue’), and the rejection of all which was considered unnecessary in life such as personal possessions and social status.

He was so ardent in his beliefs that he lived them very publicly in the market place of Athens. He took up residence in a large wine cask (some sources claim it was an abandoned bathtub), owned nothing, and seems to have lived off the charity of others.

He owned a cup which served also has a bowl for food but threw it away when he saw a boy drinking water from his hands and realized one did not even need a cup to sustain oneself.

It seems clear that Diogenes believed what people called `manners’ were simply lies used to hide the true nature of the individual.

He was known for brutal honesty in conversation, paid no attention to any kind of etiquette regarding social class, and seems to have had no problem urinating or even masturbating in public and, when criticized, pointed out that such activities were normal and that everyone engaged in them but hid in private what he did openly.

Diogenes was a widely misunderstood man.


In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first human woman created by Hephaestus on the instructions of Zeus. As Hesiod related it, each god co-operated by giving her unique gifts. Her other name—inscribed against her figure on a white-ground kylix in the British Museum—is Anesidora, "she who sends up gifts".


When Prometheus stole fire from the gods, Zeus created Pandora as a punishment for mankind. One would think Zeus had doled out enough punishment after sentencing Prometheus to spend an eternity chained to a rock while birds pecked at his liver, but it seemed the king of the gods had more in store.

Zeus commissioned the god Hephaestus to sculpt a beautiful woman out of clay, and she was given gifts from a few gods before she was sent down to fulfill her purpose. Pandora was sent to be the wife of Epimetheus (Prometheus’s brother), and only brought one thing with her: a container full of all the world’s evils. 

Of course, Zeus didn’t tell Pandora what was inside the box – instead, he told her to never open it, and then gave the key to her husband, because when you tell someone to not do something, you put temptation as close as possible. Can you blame her for sneaking a peek? 

Pandora's box is an artifact in Greek mythology connected with the myth of Pandora in Hesiod's Works and Days. In modern times an idiom has grown from it meaning "Any source of great and unexpected troubles", or alternatively "A present which seems valuable but which in reality is a curse". Later depictions of the fatal container have been varied, while some literary and artistic treatments have focused more on the contents of the idiomatic box than on Pandora herself. The container mentioned in the original story was actually a large storage jar but the word was later mistranslated as "box".


Like any rational creature, Pandora’s curiosity was piqued when she was given a secret container, told never to open it, and sent to earth to marry a stranger who held the key to this mystery vessel. Unfortunately, the temptation was just too much and it was this curiosity that unleashed all the world’s evils.

The list of items released from Pandora’s box are a handful: illness, worry, crime, hate, envy… basically any bad thing you could think of. They flew out of the box like little bugs, and Pandora tried to shut it back up as quickly as she could. She did, according to some of the versions of her myth, manage to trap one important thing inside: hope

It is disputed why Zeus would even put hope in a vessel of evils. One rationale is that Zeus wasn’t the worst, and snuck hope in there as some sort of nicety in the midst of all the other horrors. Another is that Zeus meant for hope to remain in the box, to make the people suffer even more, and make them understand why they should never cross him again.  

When Zeus sent Pandora to Earth, he married her off to Prometheus’s brother, Epimetheus. It seems odd that Zeus would gift a beautiful woman to the brother of someone he hated, but Pandora was supposed to be a punishment, so maybe it was part of his bigger plan. In fact, Prometheus warned his brother not to accept any gifts from the gods, but Epimetheus was too drawn in by Pandora’s beauty. She was crafted by the gods, after all.

Zeus entrusted Epimetheus with the key to Pandora’s box, which he refused to give to her no matter how hard she begged. So, eventually, Pandora snuck it away from him as he slept and unlocked the box herself (other versions of the myth also say Pandora simply broke the seal of the pithos). 

Nymphs finding the Head of Orpheus

Nymphs Finding The Head of Orpheus is one of his most dramatic. The painting depicts two curious nymphs sitting by a small waterfall watching the head of Orpheus as it floats in a pool of water among the lily pads. A beautiful gift for fans of John William Waterhouse, Mythological Paintings, Orpheus, and Fantasy art

-Nymphs Finding The Head of Orpheus

Orpheus is a figure from ancient Greek mythology, most famous for his virtuoso ability in playing the lyre or kithara.

His music could charm the wild animals of the forest, and even streams would pause and trees bend a little closer to hear his sublime singing. He was also a renowned poet, travelled with Jason and the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece, and even descended into the Underworld of Hades to recover his lost wife Eurydice.

Orpheus was seen as the head of a poetic tradition known as Orphism where, according to some scholars, adherents performed certain rituals and composed or read poems, texts, and hymns, which included an alternative view of humanity’s origins. Orpheus is widely referenced in all forms of ancient Greek art from pottery to sculpture.

He had quite an interesting life…

  • A member of Jason’s expedition to find the Golden Fleece.
  • Orpheus married Eurydice (aka Agriope).
  • Eurydice died, in some accounts, on her wedding night.
  • Orpheus followed his love down to Hades, the Greek Underworld.
  • He was able to rescue her, provided he would not glance behind.
  • He did, and lost her.
  • He never got over her and roamed the forests of Thrace.

Orpheus’ misery would soon end, though, when he was set upon by a group of frenzied Maenads (the female followers of Dionysos, the god of wine).

They stoned him to the ground and ripped him to pieces for his lack of merriment.

According to Plutarch (c. 45-50 – c. 120-125 CE), the Maenads were punished for their crime by being turned into trees. Other Thracian women had their bodies tattooed by their husbands as a warning not to repeat such a crime – a cultural practice in the region stretching from antiquity to modern times. 

And thus…

… in the forests of Thrace…

…Nymphs find the stoned head of Orpheus.

The Orange Gatherers

It’s just a nice painting. I love the technique and the composition.

At Capri

And finally, I’ll end this post with another nice printing. There might be a story abhind it, but I don’t really know what it is. I just love the colors and composition.

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False Positives in an affirmation intention campaign and what to do about them.

One thing that can be pretty common in an intention campaign is the presence of “false positives”.

What is a “false positive”?

False positives are events or things that appear to match your verbal affirmations in substance, but have some glaring defect that makes them unusable.

Which is why you need to be very specific in what you affirm.

Ah, but you'd better be very specific.

Here's some wishes that an Craven Morehead wanted if he could have three wishes granted by a genie. It is found in this chat room titled "Genie grants you three wishes, what are they?"

   Better vision, no more glasses
   Better teeth
   Bigger dick

Now, if you were a mischievous person, how would you twist those wishes into something undesirable? Think about it a second.

Now, instead of that nice fairy-tale fantasy. Consider quantum physics and the nature of the universe. Thoughts create reality. So, if those are your wishes, then imagine a totally impartial world-line cross over where you head directly to the world-line that first offers you those destinations.

Is the first world-line that offers you a "bigger dick" the one that you want to inhabit?

   Kenyan's enormous penis means he cannot have sex
   Penis Enlargement Gone Wrong: A Wealthy Diamond Trader ...
   Yes, a Penis Can Be Too Big To Fit Inside a Vagina

Personally, I would prefer to have "free, unlimited sex with anyone I want at any time" over "a bigger dick". But that is just me.

These attributes are called “false positives”, but they can just as well be called an “echo image” of your target desire. Here we are going to discuss this.

Like ripples in a pond, a target object or situation can often create “ghost” or “echo” images. These items are not necessarily exactly what you are striving for. Though, it might (truthfully) be exactly what you are asking for.

Thoughts within the MWI are like ripples in a pond. And when you have a strong directed goal, it is like a big ripple. Sometimes, the ripple is not exactly what we want. It is instead, exactly what we asked for. Thus it is a "ghosted echo image".
Thoughts within the MWI are like ripples in a pond. And when you have a strong directed goal, it is like a big ripple. Sometimes, the ripple is not exactly what we want. It is instead, exactly what we asked for. Thus it is a “ghosted echo image”.

I will use an example from my own life to illustrate this.

An example

This is an actual true to life example. It's my example and it is about me.

Metallicman is not a wealthy man. He lives a comfortable life; a “rich” life. But it is not a wealthy life.

  • If you do not know the difference between a “wealthy life” and a “rich life” then watch the movie “Bronco Billy” starring Clint Eastwood. Pay attention to Miss Lilly.
Bronco Billy.
Pay attention how Miss Lilly went from a wealthy life to a rich life.

To survive, and put food on the table, Metallicman often runs “projects”, works, and efforts that help himself and his family with the day to day needs of life. One of which is a small company that he owns that provides services.

It’s not big, or noteworthy other than to say that it provides a periodic income when needed. And, aside from income, it also provides purpose and meaning. All men, especially Metallicman, must have an occupation and a purpose that provides for their family and to their community.

So after losing a customer, Metallicman decides that he wants to obtain a new customer. But a substantial one. One that has a lot of money to work with, and who would provide a stable source of labor and income to his business.

So Metallicman adds this line to his “affirmation campaign”…

I am in charge of billions of dollars of worth/value.

Now, Metallicman did not say that he was a billionaire. He did not say that he wanted to be rich and wealthy. He added a line to a affirmation campaign that referred to his business. That his business would expand to a point where he would be in charge of billions of dollars of worth / value.

Safe, huh?

The affirmation campaign ends. The “pause” sequence begins. Then approximately three months after the completion of the last affirmation campaign, while in the midst of the “pause”, he is introduced to a new (potential) client.

The client’s story

Well, Metallicman is in China. Most of his clients are not Chinese though. They are mostly Europeans, with a smattering of Australians and Africans. But this new client is a Chinese American. He’s a Chinese man who emigrated to America and holds American citizenship.

His story…

Now, while he was in China, over the last twenty years, he would take the United States Dollars that Americans would use to set up companies, and convert them into RMB and give the RMB back to the new Americans starting their businesses within China. He would exchange, for a price, USD to RMB.

United States dollars were exchanged for Chinese RMB.
United States dollars were exchanged for Chinese RMB.

Then he would keep the United States dollars himself. For he did not trust the Chinese yuan. And in those days, having “green backs” could open up a lot of doors for you.

It kind of became an obsession with him, and he started collecting more and more United States currency. And using it to create even more United States currency.

He would have piles of currency in his home, and they would get larger and larger. Until he had to rent out a large building to store them in. It was a real-life scene from the movie “Blow”.

Scene from the movie "Blow" starring Johnny Depp.
Scene from the movie “Blow” starring Johnny Depp.

Well, apparently, the care-taking of the money became too much for him. He ran out of space in his multiple holding locations, and went to a local bank.

He opened up an account, all completely legal, and deposited the money into the account. “Phew!” he thought. No longer did he have to worry about rats chewing up his money, or some punks breaking into the buildings and running off with the cash.

A year or two passed.

Then, as part of an anti-corruption campaign, the Chinese government made some laws designed to combat fraud and corruption. They established a new branch of the government called the “Corruption Police” and passed a slew of laws designed to tightly control money flow and reduce corruption.

Part of this was drastic measures in the use of non-Chinese money; the RMB.

The key was that you can only use Chinese money in China. Which is (pretty much) a “duh! moment”. But for the longest time, people were conducting all sorts of “back room” deals and activities hidden from public oversight.

Anyways, the law was that no one can move non-Chinese currency inside of outside China without oversight.

  • Max use limit is 50,000 USD/year per person. (In / out or transaction.)
  • All movement of money must have an approved reason, and documentation. Mostly paperwork, but used as part of your citizen profile.
  • You cannot use USD inside of China legally. You must use RMB.

So in effect, he has all this money, but he cannot use any of it (aside from a very small amount).

Metallicman opportunity

So this man comes up to Metallicman though his financial advisor and asks if Metallicman can help him convert this money into legal RMB currency.

Metallicman listens.

Metallicman thinks.

Metallicman asks “how much money is it”?

And Metallicman is shown some banking financial records that confirm that the money is real, and it is in legal storage with an authorized Chinese bank.


… as far as how much money is involved, Metallicman is shown this statement…

Bank statement.
A golden opportunity for Metallicman.

What this means.

People. This is a lot of money.

It’s floor to ceiling stacks of one hundred dollar bills. It’s not just a large number in a ledger or spreadsheet. It’s stacks and stacks of one hundred dollar bills piled on top of each other.

It’s an amazing amount of money.

Here is what one billion dollars looks like if you used $100 bills;

What one billion dollars looks like using $100 dollar bills.
What one billion dollars looks like using $100 dollar bills.

Now, that is a lot of money.

But, you know, it’s not just one billion dollars. It’s many many times that amount.

The thing is that he has 23.6 billion dollars. That is twenty three times the amount shown in the picture. Or roughly 276 pallets full of $100 dollar bills.


And, he was asking Metallicman to help him convert it to Chinese RMB.

A one-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Eh?

The Options

Essentially in situations such as this, you [1] come up with ways to solve the problem / situation, and [2] work out a system of payment for your time and efforts (and resources).

So that is exactly what Metallicman did.

  • The first option was really simple. You just find enough people, and each person individually converts 50,000 USD to an equivalent amount in Chinese RMB. The only problem with this is that you need a lot of people to do so. Like 472,000 people.

That’s really not a practicable solution.

Finding people that want to convert this money one-on-one for free is difficult. But to find more than a handful is really difficult, and well finding 472,000 people is down right impossible.

So the direct legal option is out.

But there are other options, as well.

  • You can use option two. Here, you can use the money on large scale buildings, or purchase property or large projects directly. The restrictions on this is that [1] you must first find someone wanting and willing to accept USD for property or objects, and secondly [2] it must be within the geographic legal boundaries of the local government. (In China, while Beijing makes the rules, everything is governed at the local level.)

Well, apparently he did just that. And already used up a bunch of the money in the process. So much, apparently, that the builders, and real-estate developers in his region are simply no longer willing to accept United States dollars for their projects. He saturated the market.

  • Option Three. There is an option that he can obtain Beijing approval to use the money outside of the local region for a specific project. This option allows him to conduct large-scale investments and building projects using USD as long as there is complete Beijing and corruption police monitoring.

He was not keen on this idea.

He did not say why, but I suspected that it might have to do with some “bad blood” in Beijing or perhaps some history regarding how he was able to come up with so much currency in the first place.

So that leaves…

  • Option Four. I came up with option four knowing my relationships with factories and other hard industry within China. I came up with a process that would use the money to produce ingots or other raw materials bought in USD, and then sell it to Chinese factories that would pay in RMB. It was simple. It was legal. It was useful.

The drawback was that there would be operation costs to run the operation, but that would be offset by the profits from the transactions. In my mind, this was the best option to disperse the money, follow Chinese law, and make a profit.

But the Billionaire had other ideas…

Well, Metallicman made the presentation with his aide over dinner with the financial advisor and her partner. After a round of talking and drinks it became obvious what the billionaire was looking for.

  • A direct conversion of USD to RMB. Cash to cash.
  • Large scale transactions with nothing smaller than increments of $10 million.
  • He would pay 1% transaction fee. (around $10,000 per 1 million dollars)

And, with a great deal of sadness and regret, I had to say “no”.

Why I turned it down…

There were many reasons, but let’s stick to the basics…

  • I do not know that many people who are desirous to convert their RMB to USD directly. The need is not there.
  • The number of people who do want to do so is very small. The desire to conduct “under the table” dealings in untraceable bills is even smaller. In China, with all the electronic “checks and balances” it is a very risky operation. To do so needs a strong and compelling reason.


  • While not directly illegal, it skirts the law in legality. It’s risky.
  • To find these people, locate them, meet them, have dinner with them, and convince them to trust you… takes time, money and a substantial amount of “wining and dining”.
  • A mere $10,000 dollar per one million dollars will not be sufficient. There would need to be some type of expense account, and it would exceed the payment terms by a factor of five or ten.

So what does this mean?

A false positive.

A "False Positive";

A test result which incorrectly indicates that a particular condition or attribute is present.

This 23.6 billion dollar opportunity was unobtainable to me. While it did meet my verbal affirmation prayer campaign literally, it did not meet its’ intent. I was unable to use the money in any way to provide a stable source of income to me and my family.

If you recall, my affirmation stated…

I am in charge of billions of dollars of worth/value.

Indeed, for a very brief period of time, I was actually “in charge of billions of dollars of worth and value“. But it was not sustainable. I could not profit from it because the limitations placed upon it by the owner were not appropiate for my management.

Yet, even as I was unable to [1] find people that were [2] willing to convert the transaction, my prayer affirmations were still valid and did actually materialize…

But it was not what I wanted.


  • I was willing to work for a payment scheme, but the scheme suggested by the client was not realistic for the task / opportunity.
  • What the client wanted was outside my skill base, my knowledge level, and my network of contacts.
  • (In regards to my affirmation campaign), I did not specify exactly how I would profit from this relationship, just that I would be “in charge”.

This is a pretty dangerous condition to place within your affirmation campaign.

  • Open ended.
  • Not specifying how you would benefit from it.

For instance, if you state something along the lines of “I work in a big company”, you could very well end up…

…in a situation that you might not like…

…like, perhaps, being the janitor (figuratively) “handcuffed” to a job you might not want or like.

You do not want that.

In this universe you need to work from the world-line that you are inhabiting, and then adjust your thoughts accordingly so as to best fit your desires.

Let me explain…

You are always “half way” there…

While the objective of managing a multi-billion dollar account is still in place, it is not exactly what I desire. As it stands. But…


… do not give up. The game is not yet over.

Get a grip! The game is not yet over. You need to calm down, and come up with a plan.
Get a grip! The game is not yet over. You need to calm down, and come up with a plan. You now know more than what you did before. You know what options you have and are far closer to realizing your objectives than before.

You are still in play. The thoughts are still working for you and they are still manifesting the reality that you desire.

You just need to adjust them.

You need to perform a “course correction”.

What is a course correction? 

When a spacecraft gets off of its trajectory, or path through space, it must be put back on the right path. The location of the spacecraft is determined and its course vector (the speed and direction of its flight) is calculated.

-What is a course correction?

Of all the millions of world-lines that I traversed in the MWI, I did manage to reach a cluster that contained “billions of dollars in resources” that I can exploit.

Just because that particular opportunity is not my ideal condition, it does not mean that the opportunity is gone. It’s not. Rather you are actually looking at the outside of a very enormous iceberg, and you need to conduct a course correction to exploit it to your advantage.

Here's a mind exercise.

Imagine that you want to become a figurative painter in Paris, France. 

To this end, you conduct a prayer affirmation campaign.

And after a few years you suddenly find yourself in Belgium. It is not France, but it is close.

You are not painting figures, but you are dating a woman with a large dancing studio with enough room for you to "dabble in your hobby". You occupation in Belgium permits you to have plenty of time to drink wine, paint (a factory that makes oils for painting is down the street - offering discount prices), and continue your painting dream.

It's not exactly what you want, but it is getting closer and closer to your goal.

In this situation…

Well in this situation, what options do I have?

There are numerous options, let’s review them.

  • Accept the terms of the Billionaire. Try to find clients and convert USD to RMB and accept his payment terms.
  • Renegotiate with the Billionaire. Try to find clients to convert USD to RMB but with payment terms to my own satisfaction plus all expenses paid for.
  • Renegotiate with the Billionaire, have him accept my proposal to perform factory to factory commodity trading to convert the money.
  • Drop the entire opportunity completely.

In any event, regardless as to how the physical matter is dealt with, there does need to be a readjustment and course correction to the verbal affirmations used within the prayer / affirmation campaign.

It should have elements that maintain…

  • Sustainability and duration. Or how long will this goal last for.
This reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode. Where she granted a man his wish to be able to fly. 

So he jumps of the 50 story building window, and indeed he could fly. He laughed and flew. He felt the wind on his face and on his arms.

The only thing was that the contract did not specify the duration of his ability. And so after 30 seconds he fell to his death.
Funny thing about this contract, it did not specify the duration of how long you could fly for…

Do not assume anything in regards to your affirmations. If you want to have a nice, long duration customer, that will use your services, and from which you can profit from; then SPECIFY IT.

I am in charge of this money for many years.
  • And secondly, you need to specify how this relationship will benefit you personally…
I make a very nice salary, profits, interest, and margin in transactions regarding this money.

I am able to use the money to provide a stable source of income to me and my family.

I attend KTVs, eat fine food, meet interesting and sexy girls as part of dealing with this money.

A false positive

False positives often occur within affirmation / prayer campaigns.

Our natural reaction when a false positive occurs is to assume that exactly what we have specified within our prayer campaign has actually manifested. But this is an illusion. We need to study what has manifested, and then adust our affirmations accordingly. Remember, just because it looks like what you asked for, might not be what you actually want.

This might be such things as “the man of your dreams”, or “the house of your dreams”. You take what is presented to you, and then you make course corrections.

Your prayer affirmation campaigns never end. They only adjust and reorient to new information, and you should be constantly and constantly refining and redefining them.

May your deepest dreams come true.

May your deepest desires come true.

Do you want more?

I have more posts on this subject in my Intention Index here…

Intention Campaigns

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Some stories from prison. How other people ended up being locked up. The landscaper.

Prison is full of stories. Some are lies. Some are half-truths and some are truths that add insight to the human condition.

When you are in prison, you adjust. You adapt. You make friends and alliances. You survive.

You get to know other people; other inmates. And you hear their stories. And you learn from them.

Here is one such story…

The Landscape Business Owner

He wasn’t a rich man, but he was making a good living. He had about fifteen steady customers and a small crew that helped him mow lawns and trim hedges. He had a truck (new) that pulled a trailer that held the tools of his trade, and emblazoned on the side of the truck was his landscape businesses name and his logo.

He lived in a modest middle class house in a nice neighborhood. He was making mortgage payments, but they would be paid off in five years and then the home would be his completely.

His life was easy. It was relaxed and very low stress. He would get up in the morning, eat a nice breakfast and coffee at the local diner, and pick up his crew at 9 am, so that they could start work on the lawns while his clients were working at their regular 9-5 jobs in town.

He described the work as easy.

The crew would do the hard boring tasks and he would supervise and do the tasks that he wanted to do. Like, perhaps, planting flowers, or arranging bushes, or trimming moss. He told me that he would just enjoy the day. Do the job. (Take a) Break for lunch. Take a nap in the truck, and then resume work.

Then he would come home on time and his wife would make the dinner while the kids would be off doing kid stuff.

Then one day…

As he was leaving the house in the morning, getting ready for his normal routine… (two eggs, over medium, whole wheat toast, chicken fried steak with gravy and grits with coffee)…

A hearty breakfast for a working man.
A hearty breakfast for a working man.

…two police cars pulled up.

One blocked the truck in. The other pulled behind the truck.

“Friendly officer” Dan came out and asked him if he was Mr XXXXXXX. Well, of course he was. He knew the officers himself. Everyone knew everyone else.

His neighborhood was small enough that it would fit within a Norman Rockwell painting.

They told him to turn around, put his hands behind his back, and they loaded him into the squad car to take to the office.

What is going on?

Once he was handcuffed, they informed him that he was arrested for forgery, creating false documents and accessory to crimes valued at the hundreds of thousands of dollars.


He was 46 years old. Running a laid-back landscape business, that had been in operation for at least 15 years. His greatest crime that he could recall was being late paying his water bill.

What was going on?

Well, as it turned out the anti-terror legislation passed in the wake of 9-11, eliminated the statute of limitations for anything that could be used by terrorists. So an entire swath of crimes, which normally had a seven year statue of limitations now were open-ended and had no “sunset date”.

  • Forgery
  • Identity Theft
  • Interstate criminal activity
  • Use of the internet to conduct crimes
  • Use of a road to conduct crimes
  • Use of computers to commit crimes…

Any law can be twisted to serve a purpose…

Further, certain states had agreed to match the requirements of the Federal statutes and his (our) state was one of them.

Which meant that he was being dragged into the “system” by federal anti-terror legislation for crimes committed a long time ago, and was being charged on both the federal and the state level. Two sets of charges for one singular crime.

How is this even possible?

What happened?

Well, it seemed that over twenty five years ago, when he was in college, he set up a small operation making fake driver’s licenses. In America, they have minimum drinking ages, and you cannot buy alcohol or cigarettes or even enter a restaurant, bar or club unless you were over that minimum age requirement.

In America you need to show identification showing that you are of legal age to drink beverages that contain alcohol.
In America you need to show identification showing that you are of legal age to drink beverages that contain alcohol.

What he would do is make a fake ID.

With a fake ID the kids could get around that legal requirement. They could enter bars, clubs and restaurants that served alcohol. They could also go into liquor stores and buy beer, wine, and hard alcohol.

The client would give him a name, and he would make an ID for them that resembled a state driver’s license in every detail. He had worked out a system where he got original blanks for the ID’s, and used the same machines that the state used. Thus producing a genuine appearing, but fake ID.

He did this for his friends.

And then, as his reputation expanded, for others in other schools as well.

At the time, a fake driver's license was not difficult to make, and had no serious criminal penalties attached with it.
At the time, a fake driver’s license was not difficult to make, and had no serious criminal penalties attached with it.

He did this for a few years, and then about two years after he graduated, he shut the business down. He no longer associated with the younger set of “kids” and moved on to bigger and better things.



His cards were still out there. Still being used. Not just thrown into a cluttered drawer of old socks and brick-a-brack. Not just forgotten. Not just discarded when the clients got older.

Some were no longer being used to buy alcohol…

The events…

Well it turned out, that of the thousands of cards that he sold to students, one was sold to a girl…

…who was now a grown woman.

And who used that fake identification to procure an entire slew of bank credit cards. And she used those card to purchase all kinds of things.

  • Expensive clothes.
  • Television screens.
  • Expensive watches.
  • Fine clothing.
  • and automobiles…

When she was caught, she had racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in fraudulent purchases.

And while under investigation, the FBI and the DHS were able to ascertain her system and method. They were able to track down everything back to a lone fake ID that was made some 25 years previously.

She of course, was looking at state and federal charges for wire fraud, and an entire slew of interstate commerce violations.



She used a fake identification. And fake identification, the generation and creation of it, is now a federal issue that involves terrorism and the Department of Homeland Security.

Thus the arrest, and imprisonment.

Long story short

He was facing both State and Federal charges. He was threatened with everything from Gitmo, to twenty five years in a Federal prison, to life at hard labor in a State Prison.

He accepted a plea bargain.

He got two years of prison in a State Prison (Brickeys – North Arkansas Regional Unit) at hard labor. And that is where I met him.

A look at the issue of “Rights”

One of the first things that you realize when you hit prison is that the idea of what a Right is, and what it actually is do not match. We are told that we have “Rights” and a “Rule of Law”. But that is not true.

The laws in America, at both the States and Federal levels are capricious.

They are whatever those with the guns say they are.

They are in constant change; in flux, and anyone can get snared in them.


Including you.

If the American Federal and State constitution were being followed, this entire event sequence would be avoided.

  • Following the Statute of limitations.
  • The criminal activity charge must fit the actual actions.
  • Local crimes do not apply to international issues.
  • A trial for jury should never be usurped by a plea bargain.
  • No double jeopardy.

But none of that matters now.

I am sure that he is out and back to living life.


Last I heard, his wife took over the business and ran it while he was absent. When he got out, I’m sure that after he was able to readjust, he went back to work. And his life went on and continued.

He fared better than others that I have met. Their stories are also quite interesting and illustrative. I’ll discuss some of them in further posts.

Do you want some more?

I have more stories about my retirement in my MAJestic Index here…


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Some selected Favorite artworks by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

This post is a selection of artworks by artist Lawrence Alma-Tadema. In his life, he produced at least 362 artworks. In the art world, he is classified as a “Netherlands Victorian Neoclassical, Olympian Classical Revivalist painter and draftsman”. He was born 1/8/1836 and died 6/28/1912. His works are awesome.

There is no other way to say this. His works, each and every single one of them, are masterpieces. These little tiny pictures just do not do them justice. You need to go and see the HD version and look at the details close up.

He is stunning and his works are wonderful. It has been said by “art experts” that they are “cold, sterile, and obsolete” and not deserving presentation in a museum. But I disagree with that perception. I find them intriguing, worthy of contemplation, and physically beautiful. I had the opportunity to see of his his works up from and close, and the level of detail astounded me.

Here is only a small tiny overview of some of my favorites. Since he painted in enormous canvases, the level of observed detail here is just pitiful. You all should see his works up close and in all it’s amazing and glorious detail.

Rather than discuss the emotions garnered by the expressions on the canvasses of James Jacques Joseph Tissot, instead I will emphasize the period histories behind the works. Here, once you know the history behind the illustrations of the art, will you really start to see and understand the 5-D beautify and complexity of the work.

You can go ahead and see all of his works at the Art Renewal Center here.

The Roses of Heliogabalus

We will start with this stunning work.

Elagabalus or Heliogabalus was the emperor of Rome from 218 to 222. Though his reign was a very short one, he is remembered in history for being one of the most eccentric and vulgar emperors of all time. He was related to the imperial Severan dynasty of Rome through his mother.

-Elagabalus Biography

Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth. Three of the Seven Deadly Sins are depicted in Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema’s The Roses of Heliogabalus.

Many other sins are depicted alongside these cardinal vices making this an extremely wicked painting.


But what’s the story about all the flowers and the flower petals?

Listen up.

While the late Victorian world was morally prudish and clad in dark velvets, late Victorian paintings were often morally bankrupt and clad in light silks. Academic paintings were all the rage, and they frequently used juicy historical anecdotes for the basis of their subjects.

The Roses of Heliogabalus is no exception.

This painting depicts an infamous party scene hosted by Emperor Heliogabalus.

The Roman emperor lays nonchalantly, drinks his wine, and observes as his guests below are smothered to death by rose petals. This is the ultimate party prank. This is the ultimate Roman death.


Death by flower petals!

Yes. That is exactly what happened.

The Roman emperor, after a day / night of eating, drinking and orgies had all the attendees die through suffocation of tiny flower petals.

No. I am not kidding.

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema painted The Roses of Heliogabalus in 1888 when the British Empire was at its peak of power and influence. The Victorians were the undisputed rulers of one-fourth of the world’s land, and the phrase, “The sun never sets on the British Empire,” was penned to describe such a global domain that practically had territories in every time zone.

The British were proud of their international power, uniting vast regions under the British flag.

Because of their vast dominion and unrivaled prosperity, the Victorians viewed themselves as the inheritors of the former Roman Empire. They believed they brought civilization to the uncivilized, manners to the unmannered, and morality to the immoral.

Therefore, with a joyful backward glance, the Victorians reflected on Roman Imperial history with its peaks…

And with it’s pitfalls…

Emperor Heliogabalus was definitely a pitfall worthy of note.

Detail from The Roses of Heliogabalus.
Detail from The Roses of Heliogabalus.

Heliogabalus was a Roman Emperor who ruled from 218 to 222. In his short four-year reign he scarred Roman society and the annals of world history with his extremely debauched lifestyle.

Frequent scandals surrounded Heliogabalus due to his decadent lifestyle and his transgressions against sexual and religious norms.

He was an extremely unpopular emperor, and he eventually alienated everyone supporting his regime. His lifestyle must have been that ridiculously unacceptable because, after only four years of ruling, Emperor Heliogabalus was assassinated by his family, including his very own grandmother!

In The Roses of Heliogabalus, Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema depicts one of the most infamous moments in the life of Emperor Heliogabalus.

It is recorded in the Historia Augusta that Heliogabalus invited guests to his palace one evening to partake in his drinking party and orgy.

After several hours of drinking heaving wine and swapping sexual partners, his guests were hopelessly intoxicated and tired. They lounged listlessly around the room. While they were so delightfully glowing from the heavy drinking and amusing entertainment, the ceiling above them opened and flutterings of flower petals began to fall.

At first, the gentle wafting of petals added to the dream-like prettiness of the party. It perfumed the atmosphere with a slight floral scent. It heightened the senses and added pleasure to the moment.

More petals fell, and more, and more. The petals became a cascade of flowers. More flowers fell, and more descended upon the sleepy guests. A waterfall of petals erupted upon the helpless guests.

They were showered, covered, and blanketed.

Puddles formed into lakes that formed into oceans of petals. Hills had become petal mountains, and the guests were smothered under the endlessly growing sea of flowers.

They breathed… in the tiny petals…

…and they choked…

… gasping for air.

The tiny petals entered their lungs, and they died covered in floral glory.

The quickening smell of death was masked by the smell of flowers. 

Floral perfume wafted from the human-infused mountains of flowers. Emperor Heliogabalus was amused by the floral carnage and continued to drink his wine.

Death was tonight’s real entertainment.

Detail from the roses of Heliogabalus.
Detail from the roses of Heliogabalus.

According to the original source, Historia Augusta, Emperor Heliogabalus used violets and other flowers to suffocate his dinner guests.

However, Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema uses roses as his method of death.

During the late Victorian era, when Alma-Tadema painted The Roses of Heliogabalus, roses represented lust and desire in the Victorian language of flowers known as floriography.

In simple terms, floriography is the language of flowers. The language is spoken by selecting specific flower types with associated meanings to communicate feelings or wishes. Artists too have used floriography to communicate deeper messages in their work. Martin Johnson Heade (1819–1904), Victorian Vase with Flowers of Devotion.

-Floriography: The Secret Language of Victorian Florals

Roses were a more appropriate flower for Alma-Tadema to paint because violets represented faithfulness and modesty in the Victorian floriography.

Emperor Heliogabalus was many things, but he was certainly not faithful and modest. Therefore Alma-Tadema smothers the guests of Heliogabalus in roses and not violets, and adds a contemporary meaning his audience would have recognized.

When Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema displayed The Roses of Heliogabalus in the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition of 1888, it was warmly received by the public.

The public appreciated classical-inspired scenes especially if a moral story could be interpreted.

Remember, this is the Victorian era, and unpunished vice would not be tolerated!

The public easily interpreted Alma-Tadema’s symbolism and message: as the guests’ lust was smothered by the lustful rose, so does lust smother the virtuous soul. A contemporary message was conveyed using an ancient anecdote.

Detail from the roses of Heliogabalus.
Detail from the roses of Heliogabalus.

A contemporary message could command a contemporary price. When Sir John Aird, 1st Baronet, commissioned Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema to paint The Roses of Heliogabalus, he paid Alma-Tadema 4,000 GBP.

The price of 4,000 GBP in 1888 would approximately be 150,000 USD in 2020.

Alma-Tadema was an appreciated artist in his time, and the price reflects the four months it took Alma-Tadema to create this great work.  

What is sad is that shortly after Alma-Tadema’s death in 1912, his works and the Academic Style quickly fell out of favor with the public.

The social changes brought by WWI, the 1920s, and the Great Depression culminated in his works being quickly forgotten and ignored. It was not until the 1960s that his works and the Academic Style began to be reevaluated for their stylistic majesty and clarity.

The Academic Style is still being reevaluated today, and while it is not as popular as other styles of the same timeframe like Pre-Raphaelites, Impressionism, and Arts & Crafts, the Academic Style has its own masterpieces like Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema’s The Roses of Heliogabalus

The Roses of Heliogabalus
Detail from The Roses of Heliogabalus.

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema fuses Victorian morality and symbolism with Roman Imperial history in The Roses of Heliogabalus.

  • It brings to life a moment from one of Rome’s most hated and reviled emperors.
  • It brings ancient history to a contemporary audience.
  • It makes it both entertaining and educational.
  • Who knew that a Roman Emperor literally smothered his dinner guests with flowers?

We have Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema to thank for capturing that humorous anecdote to enliven our next dinner party. The Roses of Heliogabalus is a history lesson on canvas. It is the ultimate party prank. It is the ultimate Roman death.

Antony and Cleopatra

Well, everyone knows about Antony and Cleopatra, right? There was a movie, or two, or three, or four… about the couple.


Forget the movie. Let’s consider history.

Regarded by the Romans as “fatale monstrum”- a fatal omen, Cleopatra is one of the ancient world’s most popular, though elusive figures.

The pregnant phrase fatale monstrum comes at a crucial point in the third and longest of the three sentences of the ‘Cleopatra Ode’. Before it Cleopatra is being hissed from the stage of history with cries of disapproval; after it she is recalled to receive plaudit after plaudit for her courage and resolution.

-Cleopatra as Fatale Monstrum (Horace, Carm. 1. 37. 21 ...

The Egyptian Queen has been immortalized by numerous writers and film-makers, most popularly by Shakespeare in Antony and Cleopatra, and by Hollywood in Cleopatra (1963) starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.

The latter work features the memorable image of the enticing young Cleopatra emerging gracefully from an unfurled carpet in front of Roman general Julius Caesar.

But is Cleopatra to be regarded merely as the lover of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony? Or did she play an important role not only in the history of Egypt, but also in that of the mighty Roman Republic?

Cleopatra VII Philopator ('father-loving') was born in January 69 BCE in the city of Alexandria, Egypt, the daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes (117 BCE –51 BCE) and possibly Cleopatra V Tryphaena (c. 95 BCE – c. 57 BCE). 

Cleopatra was to become the last monarch of the Ptolemaic Empire (established in 323 BCE after the death of Alexander the Great), ruling Egypt from 51 BCE to 30 BCE.

In 48 BCE Cleopatra had become an ally and lover of Julius Caesar and remained so until his assassination in Rome in March of 44 BCE.

The death of Caesar threw Rome into turmoil, with various factions competing for control, the most important of these being the armies of Mark Antony (83 BCE– 30 BCE) and Octavian (63 BCE – 14 CE), the former a supporter and loyal friend Caesar, the latter his adopted son.

In 41 BC Cleopatra was summoned to Tarsus (in modern southern Turkey) by Mark Antony. She is said to have entered the city by sailing up the Cydnus River in a decorated barge. It was a barge with purple sails, all the time while dressed in the robes of the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

Antony, who equated himself with the god Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, was instantly won over.

Much like the meeting between Cleopatra and Caesar, both sides saw something in the other which they needed. For Cleopatra it was another opportunity to achieve power both in Egypt and in Rome, for Anthony the support of Rome’s largest and wealthiest client states in his campaign against the might of the Parthians (Parthia was a region in modern north-eastern Iran) was highly desirable.

At the meeting Cleopatra allegedly requested that her half-sister Arsinoë, living in protection at the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, be executed to prevent any future attempts on her throne.

Anthony and Cleopatra soon became allies and lovers and he returned with her to Alexandria in 40 BCE.

In Alexandria Cleopatra and Antony formed a society of “inimitable livers”, which some historians have interpreted as an excuse to lead a life of debauchery, though it was more likely to have been a group dedicated to the cult of the mystical god Dionysus.


In that year Cleopatra bore Antony the twins Alexander Helios (the Sun) and Cleopatra Selene (the Moon).

The political situation in Rome compelled Antony to return to Italy where he was forced to conclude a temporary settlement with Octavian, part of which was that he married Octavian’s sister, Octavia.

It was to be three years before he and Cleopatra were to meet again, at the city of Antioch (near the modern Turkey / Syria border) under the shadow of the Octavian’s growing military power in the West.


One result of this meeting was that Cleopatra became pregnant with her third child by Antony (the future Ptolemy Philadelphus); another was that parts of Rome’s eastern possessions came under Cleopatra’s control.

Celebrations in Alexandria

In 34 BCE, despite the fact that Antony’s Parthian campaign had been an extravagant failure, Antony and Cleopatra celebrated a mock Roman Triumph in the streets of Alexandria.

Crowds flocked to the Gymnasium to see the couple seated on golden thrones surrounded by their children, and Antony made a proclamation known today as the ‘Donations of Alexandria’. In this declaration Antony distributed lands held by Rome and Parthia amongst Cleopatra and their children, and proclaimed Caesarion as Caesar’s legitimate son.


Not surprisingly, the ‘Donations of Alexandria’ caused outrage in Rome, where the rumour began to spread that Antony intended to transfer the empire’s capital from Rome to Alexandria.

In 32 BCE, Octavian had the Senate deprive Antony of his powers and declare war against Cleopatra, calling her a whore and a drunken Oriental.

To avoid another civil war, Antony was not mentioned in the declaration, but this was to no avail and Antony decided to join the war on Cleopatra’s side.

The Battle of Actium & the Invasion of Egypt

The culmination of the war came at the naval Battle of Actium, which took place near the town of Preveza in northwestern Greece, on September 2, 31 BCE.

Here Mark Antony and Cleopatra’s combined force of 230 vessels and 50,000 sailors were defeated by Octavian’s navy commanded by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, effectively handing control of the Roman world over to Octavian.

In 30 BCE Octavian invaded Egypt and laid siege to Alexandria. Hopelessly outnumbered, Anthony’s forces surrendered and, in the honourable Roman tradition, Antony committed suicide by falling on his sword.

The Death of Cleopatra

After Antony’s death Cleopatra’s was taken to Octavian who informed her that she would be brought to Rome and paraded in the streets as part of his Triumph. Perhaps unable to bear the thought of this humiliation, on August 12, 30 BCE Cleopatra dressed in her royal robes and lay upon a golden couch with a diadem on her brow.

According to tradition (found in ancient historian Plutarch, for example) she had an asp (an Egyptian cobra), brought to her concealed in a basket of figs, and died from the bite.

Two of her female servants also died with her.


The asp was a symbol of divine royalty to the Egyptians, so by allowing the asp to bite her, Cleopatra became immortal.

Other historians (including Joyce Tyldesley) believe that Cleopatra used either a poisonous ointment or a vial of poison to commit suicide.

Cleopatra had lived thirty nine years, for twenty-two of which she had reigned as queen, and for fourteen she had been Antony’s partner in his empire.

After her death her son Caesarion was declared pharaoh, but he was soon executed on Octavian’s orders. Her other children were sent to Rome to be raised by Antony’s wife, Octavia.

Cleopatra represented the last significant threat to Roman authority and her death also marks the end of the Ptolemaic Kingdom.

The vast treasures of Egypt were plundered by Octavian, and Egypt itself became a new Roman province. Within a few years the Senate named Octavian Augustus and he became the first Roman Emperor, consolidating the western and eastern halves of the Republic into a Roman Empire.

Octavian later published his biography in which he stripped Cleopatra of her political ability and portrayed her as an immoral foreigner, a temptress of upright Roman men.

A number of Roman historians and writers (the poets Horace and Lucan for example) reinforced the image of Cleopatra Empire an incestuous, adulterous whore who used sex to try and emasculate the Roman Empire.

Unfortunately, such Roman propaganda has had a profound influence on the image of Cleopatra that has been passed down into Western culture.

The real Cleopatra was highly skilled politically (though ruthless with her enemies), popular with her subjects, spoke seven languages, and was said to be the only Ptolemy to read and speak Egyptian.

It is also a sobering thought to remember how different the history of western civilization might have been if Cleopatra had managed to create an eastern empire to rival the increasing might of Rome, which she very nearly succeeded in doing.


Recent archaeological work has cast some interesting but controversial light on the possible location of Cleopatra’s tomb.

Greco-Roman historian Plutarch wrote that that Antony and Cleopatra were buried together. Then, in 2008 CE archaeologists from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities and from the Dominican Republic, working at the Temple of Taposiris Magna, 28 miles west of Alexandria, reported that one of the chambers in the building probably contained the bodies of Cleopatra and Mark Antony.

The team have so far discovered 22 bronze coins inscribed with Cleopatra’s name and bearing her image, a bust of Cleopatra, and an alabaster mask believed to represent Mark Antony. Work at the site is ongoing, and only time will tell if the archaeologist are correct in their theory that the great couple were interred at such a distance from Alexandria.

Other works

You can see that the amount of artistic skill, creativity and history that goes into each of these paintings are not something that you can devote a one or two SEO friendly paragraph to. Art, real serious art, is about humans and our humanity. And when we see these spectacular images, we should also be advised o the history behind the images.

Or you can check out “modern art”. It is SEO friendly and doesn’t need explanation for discussion. Like this multi-million dollar piece…

Cy Twombly’s work at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

If you want SEO friendly art, you can check out these links…


Don’t get too hot and bothered about it. It’s a way that the ultra-rich can avoid government oversight in large money transfers. They assign a value to a “piece of art” and hand the money to the “artist”. He then gives a sizable portion back (a kick back scheme) and volia(!) money suddenly goes “off the books”.

Most nations are unable to tax, track and regulate works of art. So the very wealthy use it as a mechanism to “launder money” legally.

May 19, 2017 · I wake up in cold sweats because of that god damn stupid blue painting being sold for 44 million dollars. It’s garbage. It’s idiotic. It’s nothing better than a starvin Marvin could do with his toes with his last dying breath. But some asshole decided it’s “art” so it’s worth 44 million dollars. Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuu.

-Nothing Triggers Me As Much As God Damn Stupid Prices …

So, yeah.

It’s all a fraud.

Enough of the scams…

Here’s some other works by this great artist. Each one can have an entire chapter devoted to it….

The Colosseum

Colosseum, also called Flavian Amphitheatre, giant amphitheatre built in Rome under the Flavian emperors. Construction of the Colosseum was begun sometime between 70 and 72 ce during the reign of Vespasian. It is located just east of the Palatine Hill, on the grounds of what was Nero’s Golden House.

The artificial lake that was the centrepiece of that palace complex was drained, and the Colosseum was sited there, a decision that was as much symbolic as it was practical. Vespasian, whose path to the throne had relatively humble beginnings, chose to replace the tyrannical emperor’s private lake with a public amphitheatre that could host tens of thousands of Romans.

The structure was officially dedicated in 80 ce by Titus in a ceremony that included 100 days of games.

Later, in 82 ce, Domitian completed the work by adding the uppermost story.

Unlike earlier amphitheatres, which were nearly all dug into convenient hillsides for extra support, the Colosseum is a freestanding structure of stone and concrete, using a complex system of barrel vaults and groin vaults and measuring 620 by 513 feet (189 by 156 metres) overall.


Three of the arena’s stories are encircled by arcades framed on the exterior by engaged columns in the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders; the structure’s rising arrangement of columns became the basis of the Renaissance codification known as the assemblage of orders.

The main structural framework and facade are travertine, the secondary walls are volcanic tufa, and the inner bowl and the arcade vaults are concrete.

The amphitheatre seated some 50,000 spectators, who were shielded from the sun by a massive retractable velarium (awning).

Supporting masts extended from corbels built into the Colosseum’s top, or attic, story, and hundreds of Roman sailors were required to manipulate the rigging that extended and retracted the velarium.


The Colosseum was the scene of thousands of hand-to-hand combats between gladiators, of contests between men and animals, and of many larger combats, including mock naval engagements. However, it is uncertain whether the arena was the site of the martyrdom of early Christians.

A Dedication to Bacchus

Bacchus was a Roman agricultural god who was associated with the harvest — particularly that of grapevines. The son of Jupiter by a human woman, Bacchus was said to wander the world educating people about the delightful wines that could be made from grapes.

The word bacchanalia comes from Bacchus, and the wild parties thrown in his honor.

According to legend, Bacchus traveled the earth teaching people how to make wine, and is credited with spreading grapevine cuttings around the world.

Secret rituals for women only were held in Bacchus' honor during the ancient Roman period.

Much like his Greek counterpart Dionysus, Bacchus earned the title of party god. In fact, a drunken orgy is still called a bacchanalia, and for good reason. Devotees of Bacchus whipped themselves into a frenzy of intoxication, and in the spring Roman women attended secret ceremonies in his name.

Bacchus was associated with fertility, wine and grapes, as well as sexual free-for-alls. Although Bacchus is often linked with Beltane and the greening of spring, because of his connection to wine and grapes he is also a deity of the harvest. A celebration is held in his honor each year at the beginning of October.

Bacchus is often portrayed crowed with vines or ivy. His chariot is drawn by lions, and he is followed by a group of nubile, frenzied priestesses known as Bacchae. Sacrifices to Bacchus included the goat and the swine, because both of these animals are destructive to the annual grape harvest — without grapes, there can be no wine.

Bacchus has a divine mission, and that is his role of liberator. During his drunken frenzies, Bacchus loosens the tongues of those who partake of wine and other beverages, and allows people the freedom to say and do what they wish.

In mid-March, secret rituals were held on Rome’s Aventine hill to worship him. These rites were attended by women only, and were part of a mystery religion built up around Bacchus.

In addition to being the patron of wine and drink, Bacchus is a god of the theatrical arts. In his earlier incarnation as the Greek Dionysus, he had a theater named for him in Athens. He is often portrayed as a slightly effeminate figure, prone to good humor and general bawdiness.

The Women of Amphissa

This painting was inspired by an historical event recorded by Plutarch, a Greek historian, biographer and essayist. This painting shows the morning after a celebration of Bacchus/Dionysus, the God of wine and ritual madness.

This celebration caused a group of women to wander into the city of Amphissa from Phocis.

Despite these two cities being at war, the women of Amphissa allowed the women from Phocis to fall asleep in their marketplace and stood guard throughout the night to ensure the men of the city caused them no harm.

As seen in this painting, the women of Amphissa also provided them with food and care the next morning.

While The Women of Amphissa is both ethereal and dream-like, it is also very realistic as the details created by Alma-Tadema make the painting come to life. From the hair and clothing of the women, to the flowers and sculptures in the wall, the details create the beauty of this painting.

Alma-Tadema also uses a lot of white and varying shades likely representative of the peace between these groups. It is reported that Alma-Tadema used his second wife, Laura, as a model for this painting.

Many interpret this painting as a lesson in charity and humanity for the Victorian people of Alma-Tadema’s time as this was an era with lots of poverty, child labour and morality standards. It has also come to represent the strength of femininity and the importance of protection because the women of the city would have stood up to soldiers if necessary.

After his death in 1912, Alma-Tadema’s work was held in low esteem by the public despite his success during his life.

In the 1960s, however, his body of work was re-examined and deemed very significant for art history and in particular English art of the nineteenth century. Today, The Women of Amphissa is part of the private collection of the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute.

The Finding of Moses

Moses, Hebrew Moshe, (flourished 14th–13th century bce), Hebrew prophet, teacher, and leader who, in the 13th century bce (before the Common Era, or bc), delivered his people from Egyptian slavery. In the Covenant ceremony at Mt. Sinai, where the Ten Commandments were promulgated, he founded the religious community known as Israel. As the interpreter of these Covenant stipulations, he was the organizer of the community’s religious and civil traditions. In the Judaic tradition, he is revered as the greatest prophet and teacher, and Judaism has sometimes loosely been called Mosaism, or the Mosaic faith, in Western Christendom. His influence continues to be felt in the religious life, moral concerns, and social ethics of Western civilization, and therein lies his undying significance.

-Moses | Story, Summary, Significance, & Facts | Britannica

According to the biblical account, Moses’ parents were from the tribe of Levi, one of the groups in Egypt called Hebrews. Originally the term Hebrew had nothing to do with race or ethnic origin. It derived from Habiru, a variant spelling of Ḫapiru (Apiru), a designation of a class of people who made their living by hiring themselves out for various services.

The biblical Hebrews had been in Egypt for generations, but apparently they became a threat, so one of the pharaohs enslaved them.

Unfortunately, the personal name of the king is not given, and scholars have disagreed as to his identity and, hence, as to the date of the events of the narrative of Moses.

One of the measures taken by the Egyptians to restrict the growth of the Hebrews was to order the death of all newborn Hebrew males. According to tradition, Moses’ parents, Amram and Jochebed (whose other children were Aaron and Miriam), hid him for three months and then set him afloat on the Nile in a reed basket daubed with pitch.


The child, found by the pharaoh’s daughter while bathing, was reared in the Egyptian court.

While many doubt the authenticity of this tradition, the name Moses (Hebrew Moshe) is derived from Egyptian mose (“is born”) and is found in such names as Thutmose ([The God] Thoth Is Born).

Originally, it is inferred, Moses’ name was longer, but the deity’s name was dropped. This could have happened when Moses returned to his people or possibly even earlier, because the shortened form Mose was very popular at that time.


Moses’ years in the court are passed over in silence, but it is evident from his accomplishments later that he had instruction in religious, civil, and military matters.

Since Egypt controlled Canaan (Palestine) and part of Syria and had contacts with other nations of the Fertile Crescent, Moses undoubtedly had general knowledge of life in the ancient Near East. During his education he learned somehow that he was a Hebrew, and his sense of concern and curiosity impelled him to visit his people.


According to the biblical narrative, Moses lived 120 years and was 80 when he confronted Pharaoh, but there is no indication how old he was when he went to see the Hebrews. Later Jewish and Christian tradition assumed 40-year periods for his stay in the Egyptian court, his sojourn in Midian, and his wilderness wanderings.

Most likely Moses was about 25 when he took the inspection tour among his people. There he saw the oppressive measures under which they laboured. When he found an Egyptian taskmaster beating a Hebrew, probably to death, he could control his sense of justice no longer. After checking to make sure that no one was in sight, he killed the tough Egyptian overlord.


As a prince in the court, Moses was probably in excellent physical condition, and apparently he knew the latest methods of combat.

The flush of victory pulled Moses back the next day. …

Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends

The Parthenon frieze, which runs on a continuous line around the exterior wall of the cella, is 1 meter high and 160 meters long. The sculptures are executed in low relief and depict the people of Athens in two processions that begin at the southwest corner and parade in opposite directions until they converge over the door of the cella at the east end of the Parthenon. Almost certainly it represents the Panathenaic procession that was a central celebration in Athens during Classical times.

-The Parthenon Frieze - Ancient Greece

The full title of this startling painting is Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to His Friends, and it was painted by Lawrence Alma-Tadema in 1868. You can’t get much more Classical than this for inspiration.

In the painting, which takes place sometime in the 5th century BCE, the famous ancient Greek sculptor Phidias (ca. 480-430 BCE), the man in the dark robes at center, shows off the magnificent creation he’s made for Athens’s famous temple, the Parthenon.

The friends, obviously well-to-do citizens of Athens, admire his handiwork.

The frieze of the Parthenon is a long series of sculpted bas-reliefs, chiseled from marble, that adorned the top of the Parthenon beneath the eaves. The frieze, evidently depicting a ceremonial procession of the Athenians, was/is one of the great works of art of classical Greece.

Historians are unsure whether it was carved in place, or carved previously and somehow hoisted up toward the roof. The majority of the frieze was removed from the Parthenon about 1800 and now resides in the British Museum in London, where Alma-Tadema saw it. (I saw it there too in the year 2000).

Phidias was an Athenian sculptor, the son of Charmides, and is generally acknowledged as the greatest ancient Greek sculptor and instigator of the classical style of the 5th and 4th centuries BC. Although few facts are known about his life, it is believed he lived from around 490 until 430 BC. No originals of his work exist, but his recognition as a renowned sculptor has been guaranteed due to the praise of ancient writers, as well as the influence his sculptures had on the development of the art. He gained most of his fame for his two enormous chryselephantine (gold and ivory) sculptures: One of Athena in the Parthenon, and the other of Zeus at Olympia. These statues had such a profound impact that they determined all subsequent conceptions of Athena and Zeus.

-Ancient Greece

This wonderful painting combines the best of 19th century Classical-themed art with a sort of romantic-tinged realism. The figures do appear realistic, though stylized in a way most of us would conceive of ancient Greece, looking back on it from several thousand years.

Note, however, the hairstyles on Phidias and the man on the far left, and Phidias’s beard curls. The tight kinky hair, a bit too perfect to look natural, is the way hair was often portrayed in ancient Greek art. The colors here are warm and rich, almost evocative of 19th century gaslight. I absolutely love paintings like this, for they bring to life the classical world in a very vivid and eye-catching way.

The sculpted marble depicts the Olympian gods seated while the citizens on Athens carved in low relief move stoically in the procession towards the central point around a scene depicting the folding of the peplos. The peplos was a central item in the Panathenaea and was woven by the virgins dedicated to the goddess Athena exclusively for use during the procession.

A large number of cavalry dominates the west end of the frieze, while a host of elders, musicians and people escorting sacrificial animals, fill the spaces towards the east end. The frieze over the door places the “peplos scene” at the center, while gods, and heroes, and women flank it on both sides. The gods are seated, making them twice as large as the rest of the figures who are standing or riding, and they appear in the typical realistic mortal form we are accustomed to seeing in Classical art.

The inclusion of a continuous Ionic freeze is not exclusive to the Doric Parthenon. What is unique however is the depiction of mere mortals as the subject in the decoration of a temple in Ancient Greece. If we accept that the frieze depicts the Panathenaic procession we are confronted with the fact that the line between the divine and the human has been deliberately blurred not only through the formal aesthetic conventions as with other sculptures, but via an intentional thematic narrative that places the gods among the mortals or the humans among the divine. Perhaps in the Parthenon frieze we finally glimpse the definitive formulation of Greek thought into concrete iconography: the natural world and the human being as a divine entity worthy of exploration and immortality through the arts.

In ancient times all the sculptures as well as the buildings were vividly painted and were complemented with metal attachments in the form of spears, swords, horse reins and other appropriate accessories. The result must have been a dazzling, (if not gaudy) array of three dimensional paintings, with a much different visual interpretation than the one we derive today trough the “sterilized” museum exhibits of white stone at eye level.

-The Parthenon Frieze - Ancient Greece

The painter, Lawrence Alma-Tadema, was obviously a brilliant artist, and he seems to have been an interesting person. He was born in Holland but moved to Britain in 1870 when the Franco-Prussian War broke out. A gregarious extrovert, he is said to have loved parties, wine and women. There’s a touch of melancholy about him; widowed twice, Alma-Tadema was thrown into deep depressions after the deaths of his two wives, Pauline in 1869 and Laura in 1909. Alma-Tadema died in Germany in 1912, and is buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Art like this makes life worth living. Kudos to Lawrence Alma-Tadema. As I say often, I could run Metallicman for decades on nothing but Historic Paintings posts!


Spring is an 1894 oil painting by Lawrence Alma-Tadema, currently in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, California . Spring depicts the festival of Cerealia in a Roman street. One of Tadema's most famous and popular works, it took him four years to complete.

-Spring (painting) - Wikipedia

This is an enormous work. The painting is like two stories high and so filled with detail that it boggles the mind. To really appreciate it, you need to look at the various sections of it in detail.

Here is a small section…

Detail of the procession.

Alma Tadema finished painting “Spring” in 1894. The subject is the celebration parade marking the return of spring.

He had worked on it for four years, making at least one major alteration. It is a tall narrow painting, 178.4 × 80.3 cm, painted in oil on canvas, and also its original, hefty, classic-style frame was designed by the artist. The painting was first put on display at the Royal Academy in 1895 and enjoyed great success. The picture’s popularity continued over the next few years with prints very much in demand.

Detail of a pillar.

After a memorial exhibition in 1913, the painting disappeared from the art scene, and it was not until 1970 that it made a comeback. It joined the collection of a certain Mr. Funt, an American TV personality/art collector, and it was subsequently purchased at auction by the Getty Museum in 1972. It was thought at the time to represent the realities of ancient Rome and it took pride of place in the Getty “Roman Villa” in 1974. The apparent authentic “Romanism” of the painting had even inspired certain scenes in Cecil B. De Mille’s Hollywood production of “Cleopatra” of 1934. However, further research into the painting’s subject and significance suggests it is more an idealised Victorian representation of spring, rather than a specific Roman festival.

Detail of the audience.

The scene, with a procession of young people, flowers and musical instruments, is a joyful springtime celebration. It has been likened to the Roman spring festivals: Floralia, Cerealia or Ambarvalia.

The artist may have been inspired by descriptions of the spring festival in honour of Ceres or Flora as described by the Roman poet Ovid.

It also corresponds to Victorian Mayday festivities, where young girls went out into the countryside and collected flowers, then carried them back in blithesome procession.

Alma Tadema presents the scene as a parade in a festive jubilant setting, and it was something the people could relate to. Processions abounded in late Victorian England: receptions for visiting heads of state, royal weddings of Queen Victoria’s children/grandchildren, and particularly for the queen’s fifty, and then sixty, years of reign.

Detail of the flower bearers.

Here, the backdrop is ancient Rome and the procession winds through shining marble passageways.

Young girls carry pretty flowers or branches with buds or blossoms. Pipers are making music. Others follow carrying symbolic ritual items, including the bearers of a fine chalice, a casket and an ivory altar.

Excited onlookers line the way. These beautifully detailed groups of figures and the surrounding Roman architecture are the key to the painting. Lawrence Alma Tadema was known for his glorious details; it is said that Alma Tadema compositions are the sum of his details.

Detail of the wealthy up above.

Looking closely, we behold richly ornamented columns and partial columns, full statues that replicate authentic Roman statues in silver and bronze, finely detailed nature elements, and above all, a dazzling feast of delicate yet vibrant spring flowers.

The faithfully wrought architecture of this Tadema Rome has numerous columns, arches and balconies to seem almost like a stage set. Indeed, the artist had a background in creating grandiose stage sets for Shakespeare plays in the 1880s that amply satisfied the Victorian taste for spectacle.

Against this stage-like background of white marble, and the pale, pastel clothing of the people, the strong bright colors of the flowers and garlands really stand out. The eye goes from one spot of color to another, then, in the distance, to the red walls of the “royal box”, where the viewer pauses to absorb a myriad of refined details.

The impact of the picture is the contrast between vibrant colorful flowers and the stark white marble. It is the flowers that provide the most important detail, a detail that reflects the artist’s well-known fondness for flowers. However, the flowers in the picture are not all Mayday blossoms; many were selected for their colors and symbolism rather than appropriateness of season.

Detail from the heights.

One last detail gives us an insight into the Roman period that Alma Tadema wanted to represent in his celebration of spring: the inscription and relief on the archway at centre left of the picture.

The artist has reproduced the dedication sculpted on the Arch of Trajan in Benevento, near Rome, built to commemorate the opening of the Appian Way and completed during the reign of the Emperor Hadrian (reigned 117-138).

This leads us to presume that the setting for Lawrence Alma Tadema’s joyous “Spring” is Emperor Hadrian’s prosperous Rome.

Who says that art is a purely visual enjoyment?

Detail from the sidelines.

This gracious painting of “Spring” is full of fragrant air, you can almost smell the faint perfume of the darling buds of May, you can hear the light lilting music, you can feel the warming rays of the sun.

“As the sun colors flowers, so art colors life”.

This was the artist’s personal motto, and the idea is present in every Lawrence Alma Tadema composition. Originally from Holland, the young Lawrence, or Lourens as he was originally named, studied art at the Royal Academy of Antwerp. In 1870, he moved to England where he settled permanently in London. He adjusted his name to the more Britannic “Lawrence”, and his Dutch origins are often overlooked.

He had a passion for nature and for ancient, particularly Roman, history; both of these interests are evident in many of his paintings.


“Spring” is the quintessence of the Lawrence Alma Tadema artistic style. He paid great attention to natural and historic details in his paintings, striving for authenticity.

He was an avid historical researcher and always strove to get historic details exactly right.

Where the setting is of Roman inspiration, as here, he made sure that architecture, dress and musical instruments were accurate.

He had a personal archive of photographs depicting Roman antiquities that enabled him to get true-to-life historical accuracy in his paintings. He possessed a tremendous curiosity about all things ancient and acquired a precious expertise which he poured into his art.

He created over 300 paintings in this vein, bringing antiquity vividly to life on the canvas.

The full painting.

The Vintage Festival

The ancient Romans loved celebrations. They especially enjoyed a holiday they celebrated around the 25th of December.

Remind you of any date, eh?

The Romans feasted, gave gifts, were merry, and decorated their homes with greenery. Roman Festivals were also held in ancient Rome in response to particular events, or for a particular purpose such as to assuage or to honor the gods.

Check out Ten Roman Festivals that were pretty cool…

Anna Parenna Festival

The Roman Festivals for Anna Parenna, “goddess of the returning year” was held each year on the first day of the ancient year. Traditionally, Romans would cross the Tiber and “go abroad” into Etruria and have picnics in flimsy tents or huts made of branches. Both men and women would drink as much alcohol as they could, for it was thought that one would live for as many years as cups of alcohol one could drink on this day.


This one’s a classic, and it gives us the origins of Christmas. Held in late December, it involves general feasting and present-giving. Most notably, though, it was the night when masters and slaves exchanged places. Can you imagine how awkward that would be? Sure it sounds like it’s a bit of fun, letting the slaves have a night off, but they were back as slaves the next day, so I can’t think they would let themselves have too much fun… The most important thing about this festival, though, is that the blokes do the cooking.


Opinions are divided on whether this February festival is a ritual of purification or fertility. What they do know is that it involved barely-clad young men running through the streets, striking people with a goat thong. No, I do not know what a goat thong was. Moving on…


On April 1, this was another festival involving topsy-turviness (technical term there). It was the one day in which women (aristocrats and plebs mingling together) were allowed to enter the men’s baths, wearing myrtle wreaths in honour of Venus Verticordia. They would take a statue of Fortuna Virilis (fortune of men) in with them, removing her jewellery (yep, statues wore jewellery) to wash her.


A rural festival, this one involves shepherds jumping over bonfires. And, um, sheep. The sheep jump over the bonfires. I can’t even imagine how that works.


I’m not even kidding. Don’t get too excited, though, this one’s just about the baking of the corn. Honest. Corn-baking. Festival of ovens.


This one has shades of Halloween in that it’s a festival of the dead. Held in February in honour of the deified ancestors, this is a week of sacrifices (flower garlands, wheat, salt, wine-soaked bread, violets) to the manes or shades of the dead. At the end of the week, on the Feralia, the paterfamilias (senior male of the family) exorcises the ghosts, and the following day on the Caristia, everyone has a nice lunch and says nice things about the ancestors who are now (we hope) thoroughly gone again until next year.


No, this isn’t the holy Roman festival celebrating lemurs (though, wouldn’t that be awesome??), it’s another day of making sure the dead lie down. Possibly instituted in honour of the death of Remus (killed by his ambitious twin brother Romulus), this May festival is about appeasing the restless dead with the creative application of beans. Also, the Vestals baked cake. Salt cake, not layer cake, which is a shame because you’d think after a hard day of spirit-appeasing, everyone could do with a bit of cake.


Another nearly week-long festival, this one in April-May and revolving around flowers, flowers and more flowers. Also colourful clothes, milk and honey. It was dedicated to the springy goddess Flora, and was particularly popular with prostitutes, who claimed the festival as their own. This is the origins of the May Day celebration, of course, with its ribbons and morris dancers. The Romans also held the Ludi Florales or Games of the Flowers, which actually involved lots of theatre and performing arts as well as good old circus acts. Apparently at the end of the performing animal acts in the Circus Maximus, all the animals were set free, which sounds like a very bad idea indeed.

The October Horse

The famous racing festival of Rome (Melbourne Cup and Ascot, eat your heart out), this one took part on the Ides (full moon) of October, and involved a two-horse chariot race. This one is famous because the right-hand (outer) horse of the winning pair would be slaughtered, beheaded, chopped into little bits and burned as sacrifice. And the Vestals would keep some of the blood, for cake-making purposes. Oh yes they would. And everyone thinks they’re so sweet…

The Bona Dea.

This one’s my favorite. The first rule of Bona Dea is, you don’t talk about Bona Dea. The second rule of Bona Dea is, YOU DON’T TALK ABOUT BONA DEA. This was a women’s festival, no men allowed, and the rites were famously secret. This did not prevent male writers and artists from getting lasciviously excited about what actually happened at these ceremonies. There were rumors of snakes. Of drinking wine and calling it ‘milk.’ Did I mention the snakes? The important thing, though, is that no women have recorded what went on, because speaking of it was forbidden, leaving us with just the speculations of men. I’m suspecting that Lindsey Davis had it right with mint tea and finger sandwiches, sadly.

What we do know is that in 62 BCE it was being hosted by the wife and mother of Julius Caesar, and a tribune called Publius Clodius sneaked in, disguised as a flute girl, in the hope of seducing Caesar’s wife. Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up. He was put on trial for blasphemy, but the women all refused to testify against him, saying in essence: the goddess will get him. And indeed she did…

Well, okay, he died in a riot, but it was near the temple.

Fine, it was within sight of the temple.

The moral of the story is that you don’t mess with the gods, okay? Just keep killing the animals and baking the cakes and everything’s Going to be Fine.

Unconscious Rivals

I like this particular painting because of the great arching ceiling and the expressions on the faces of the two women. It’s a masterpiece for certain. Just look at the details on the flower bush.

After the Audience

Here’s another favorite. I enjoy the deference of the people to the emperor. The photo below does not give it justice. You have to see it close up and look at the details to fully appreciate it.

A Favorite Custom

Baths for bathing and relaxing were a common feature of Roman cities throughout the empire. The often huge bath complexes included a wide diversity of rooms offering different temperatures and facilities such as swimming pools and places to read, relax, and socialise.

Roman baths, with their need for large open spaces, were also important drivers in the evolution of architecture offering the first dome structures in Classical architecture. 

Public baths were a feature of ancient Greek towns but were usually limited to a series of hip-baths.

The Romans expanded the idea to incorporate a wide array of facilities and baths became common in even the smaller towns of the Roman world, where they were often located near the forum. In addition to public baths, wealthy citizens often had their own private baths constructed as a part of their villa and baths were even constructed for the legions of the Roman army when on campaign.

However, it was in the large cities that these complexes (balnea or thermae) took on monumental proportions with vast colonnades and wide-spanning arches and domes. Baths were built using millions of fireproof terracotta bricks and the finished buildings were usually sumptuous affairs with fine mosaic floors, marble-covered walls, and decorative statues.

Generally opening around lunchtime and open until dusk, baths were accessible to all.

Generally opening around lunchtime and open until dusk, baths were accessible to all, both rich and poor. In the reign of Diocletian, for example, the entrance fee was a mere two denarii – the smallest denomination of bronze coinage. Sometimes, on occasions such as public holidays, the baths were even free to enter.    

Typical features (listed in the probable order bathers went through) were:

  • apodyterium – changing rooms.
  • palaestrae – exercise rooms.
  • notatio – open-air swimming pool.
  • laconica and sudatoria – superheated dry and wet sweating-rooms.
  • calidarium – hot room, heated and with a hot-water pool and a separate basin on a stand (labrum)
  • tepidarium – warm room, indirectly heated and with a tepid pool.
  • frigidarium – cool room, unheated and with a cold-water basin, often monumental in size and domed, it was the heart of the baths complex.
  • rooms for massage and other health treatments.

Additional facilities could include cold-water plunge baths, private baths, toilets, libraries, lecture halls, fountains, and outdoor gardens.

Early baths were heated using braziers, but from the 1st century BCE more sophisticated heating systems were used such as under-floor (hypocaust) heating fuelled by wood-burning furnaces (prafurniae).

This was not a new idea as Greek baths also employed such a system but, as was typical of the Romans, they took an idea and improved upon it for maximum efficiency.

The huge fires from the furnaces sent warm air under the raised floor (suspensurae) which stood on narrow pillars (pilae) of solid stone, hollow cylinders, or polygonal or circular bricks. The floors were paved over with 60 cm square tiles (bipedales) which were then covered in decorative mosaics.

The vast amount of water needed for the larger baths was supplied by purpose built aqueducts and regulated by huge reservoirs in the baths complex. The reservoir of the Baths of Diocletian in Rome, for example, could hold 20,000 m³ of water. Water was heated in large lead boilers fitted over the furnaces. The water could be added (via lead pipes) to the heated pools by using a bronze half-cylinder (testudo) connected to the boilers. Once released into the pool the hot water circulated by convection.

The Egyptian Widow

It wasn’t just Rome that the artist favored. He was interesting in ancient Greece, and Egypt as well. Here we see his marvelous attention to detail in his depiction of a grieving widow at the death of her husband. No one can depict the past like artist Lawrence Alma-Tadema could.

The Frigidarium

A frigidarium is a large cold pool at the Roman baths.When entering the bath house, one would go through the apodyterium, where they would store their clothes.After the caldarium and the tepidarium, which were used to open the pores of the skin, the frigidarium would be reached. The cold water would close the pores, however, hot water will open them.

-Frigidarium - Wikipedia

In this painting we see a woman dressing and attending to a bather of a Roman frigidarium. We can well imagine the attendants that would maintain this structure. As the cool water is pumped or flows from icy mountain springs, the area within the complex must have been cool and relaxing from the hot Italian Summer climate.

Another Opinion.

Not everyone sees value in fine art.

They consider it old, out-dated and obsolete.

It’s not “hip”, modern and “progressive”. So to add some balance and appreciation, here’s come work by one of the hottest artists in America today; Cy Twombly. His works easily reach millions of dollars each. And as a result he has become famous, and well regarded thorough out the art world.

Here’s one of his multi-million dollar masterpieces…

Cy Twombly 1

And, if that doesn’t evoke any emotions within you, perhaps this “piece” might… I am told that it evokes the childlike simplicity of complex undercurrents in modern contemporaneous thought…

Cy Twombly 2

Or this “ground breaking” and “stunning” work…

Cy Twombly “untitled”

Do you want more?

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The extreme intention prayer challenge.

Are you up for a fun challenge?

Let me explain, but first…

What an interesting turn of events in Pahrump, Nevada:

Diamond D's brothel began construction on an expansion of their building to increase their ever-growing business.

In response, the local Baptist Church started a campaign to block the business from expanding -- with morning, afternoon, and evening prayer sessions at their church

Work on Diamond D's progressed right up until the week before the grand re-opening when lightning struck the whorehouse and burned it to the ground!

After the brothel burned to the ground by the lightning strike, the church folks were rather smug in their outlook, bragging about "the power of  prayer."

But late last week 'Big Jugs' Jill Diamond, the owner/madam, sued the church, the preacher and the entire congregation on the grounds that the church......  "was ultimately responsible for the demise of her building and her business -- either through direct or indirect divine actions or means."

In its reply to the court, the church vehemently and vociferously denied any and all responsibility or any connection to the building's demise.

The crusty old judge read through the plaintiff's complaint and the defendant's reply, and at the opening hearing he commented, 

"I don't know how the hell I'm going to decide this case, but it appears from
the paperwork, that we now have a whorehouse owner who staunchly believes in the power of prayer.... and an entire church congregation that thinks it's all bullshit."

You know, there is a tendency for us to establish prayer affirmation campaigns that are based upon what we know.

  • We want a nice car.
  • We want a bigger house.
  • We want more money.
X-files episode titled "Je Souhaite".
X-files episode titled “Je Souhaite”.

Our wishes and our dreams are always based upon our experiences and what we know.


What we know…

"The X-Files" Je Souhaite (TV Episode 2000)

"Two brothers have a less than helpful genie who grants their wishes with disastrous consequences. Mulder comes into possession of the same genie, and his wishes garner similar results."

There is a scene in the show when Moulder asks the genie what her very first wish was, way back when she first decided to make a wish to become a genie. 

She responds that back then all she wanted was a bag that was endlessly full of turnips. 

She then shrugs her shoulders. Saying, well, "hey, it was the dark ages".

Our wishes are based on what we know.

In the X-files episode titled “Je Souhaite”, a genie is found by some “white trailerpark trash” (poor Caucasian people, often near-illiterate, living in cheap housing in the countryside). Instead of wishing for “big and great things”, they wish for things that their limited perceptions can imagine…

  • A boss with no mouth.
  • A big boat. Much bigger than their house.
  • A solid gold wheelchair.
  • Invisibility.
  • Bringing the dead back to life.

In the MWI, as we travel the various world-lines, the direction of travel and the duration of travel are all a function of [1] how cautious we are in our travels, and [2] how many world-lines that we must pass through. Distant goals and dreams, converted into prayers might take much longer than simple and easy desires.

Je Souhaite - the genie gets her wish.
Je Souhaite – the genie gets her wish.

No Limits

There are no limits as to what you can wish for. But there is a physical constraint.

The more unobtainable your wish is, the greater the number of world-lines that you must pass through.

  • Easy goals – Maybe only a few thousand world-lines.
  • Difficult goals – Maybe a few billion world-lines.
  • “Impossible” goals – Maybe a trillion, trillion, trillion world-lines.

In extreme cases, the wish objective might require so many world-lines to traverse that you just physically cannot reach it in this lifetime.

So I urge people to have a prayer campaign that contains a mixture of 80% “realistic” achievable goals, and 20% goals that are “further out” in the MWI.

“Realistic goals” might include such things as…

  • New Job or occupation.
  • New house, car, physical possessions.
  • Different relationships.
  • Knowledge, skills, appearance.
  • How others view you.
  • Travel, adventure, love, romance, sex.

“Further out” goals, are obtainable, but might take some time to manifest.

  • Having a large sum of money.
  • Living in a strange place that you have never been before.
  • Associating with certain groups of rich, wealthy, or famous people.
  • Curing yourself of a bad illness or health issue.
  • Influencing your community, city, or nation to do certain things.

“Impossible” goals aren’t really impossible. It’s just that the number of world-lines that you need to traverse might exceed that of your assigned life within this physical body.

  • Reverse aging; at an extreme level.
  • Becoming the richest, most popular, most famous, largest, etc (in a global population of 9 billion people.)
  • Owning the “White House” in Washington, DC.

So, I urge everyone to conduct prayer campaigns that concentrate on a mixture of small / simple goals with about 20% being “further out” or more outrageous.

The challenge

Since “impossible goals” require such a large amount of time to manifest, we are going to concentrate on the “further out” goals. The beauty about these goals is that once they manifest you KNOW that it was the intention campaign that manifested them.

The key here is that the result must be so plainly obvious to you that there can be absolutely no chance of misunderstanding.


Oh, but it’s not all that easy.

You need to plan.

These goals and objectives are so far out that there is a greater change in getting entangled up with undesirable world-lines. You don’t want to aim for a goal and have bad things happen in the process, do you?

In Be Careful What You Wish For, a salesman arrives in New York City who can grant your deepest desire. However, it soon becomes apparent that each of the granted wishes cause more harm than good.


Elsewhere in the city, the salesman stood outside a store and made his sales pitch. A woman, with many shopping bags, politely turned down the salesman and admitted she had gotten everything. The salesman coyly asked if he got everything she wanted. The woman looked into the suitcase and revealed she always wanted to be young again. He gave her the body of a baby.


The salesman was in Central Park making his pitch to a freckled man. The man admitted he wouldn't mind having the good looks of another man nearby. The salesman obliged him and soon there were two heads on one body.


In another part of the park, the salesman met a bicyclist. The bicyclist wished he could reconnect with his family and get back to his roots. The Salesman turned him into a tree.


At the flea market, another man fell victim to Duophanes and wished he was made of money. Duophanes literally turned him into banknotes. The people around him scrambled to grab the money.

-Ghostbusters Wiki

You will need to added specific “fail safe” affirmations so that you can avoid any pitfalls in your efforts to achieve your objectives.

You must be careful of what you wish for.
You must be careful of what you wish for.

We have discussed this in other posts. Just remember to make sure that in your journey to your goals that you avoid trouble, discomfort, and a trip that is far longer than you find comfortable. You need to put on a time limit (This will occur within five years, etc.).

Remember safety is important. Never neglect this.


Now, you don’t want to seize things from others. You also don’t want to hurt anyone in the process. You want to be a neutral to the surroundings as possible with a great positive energy flow directed to your intended objectives.

The task


You know, there are the “nay sayers” that want to say that it was just coincidence, or luck, or some other excuse that caused your dreams and goals to manifest. They just cannot get it through their thick skulls that the universe that the believe exists is a fairy tale. That the true reality is the MWI and world-line travel via thought. They don’t want that. They don’t want their illusions destroyed.

In the X-files episode titled "Je Souhaite". Skully could not believe that a man could actually become invisible. So she covers this invisible man with powder to see him.
In the X-files episode titled “Je Souhaite”. Skully could not believe that a man could actually become invisible. So she covers this invisible man with powder to see him.

In your next prayer affirmation campaign, I would like you to add one singular item that is “extreme”. Or, in other words, once it manifests you will absolutely know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it came true because of your affirmation campaign.

Now, what I mean is that it must be something so unique, that you would want in you life. And it must be such that you just cannot ascribe it to random chance. It’s got to be unique.

Here’s some ideas.

  • You’ve never dated a girl from Iceland. None of your friends have, and there isn’t a single person in your city, that you know of, that even knows a person from Iceland. So how about “meeting and dating an exceptionally beautiful person from Iceland”.
  • Everyone has cars. You see them all the time. How about getting a rare or unusual car. Something that stands out and just cannot be ascribed to random chance? Or in other words…”what are the odds?”
1930's Art Deco Henderson Motorcycle
1930’s Art Deco Henderson Motorcycle
  • Or you can add something specific into your intention affirmations. Some minor thing. Like a set of numbers, or a name, or a color. “My house will have a house number with an ’88’ in it.“. Or “I will meet a girl wearing a fluorescent lime green dress with red polka-dots that will fall passionately in love with me.

It does not matter what it is.

What does matter is the deviance from your present life-track be significant enough for you to identify what is going on.

Using an “extreme” goal, you can identify just how successful a prayer campaign can be.

The above illustration shows that the use of an “extreme goal” can cause a significant deviation from your current life path and track.

Some suggestions…

Plan accordingly. What you want is that the extreme goal fit in HARMONY with the rest of your other goals. Here’s some scripts that you might want to use.

  • All of my intention objectives manifest in harmony with each other.
  • At no time are there any discomfort, emotional or physical distress in the process of obtaining these goals and objectives.
  • These goals will be realized within a three year window, and minor discomforts and stress are acceptable as long as danger, trouble, and catastrophe are avoided.

Do you want more?

I have more posts on intention and world-line travel in my MAJestic index here…

Intention Campaigns

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Some selected favorite artworks by James Jacques Joseph Tissot

James Jacques Joseh Tissot was a painter of realistic scenes in allegorical settings. His and his style is considered to be “French Victorian Neoclassical artist”. Ah, whatever it is called, I would really love to have a reprint of one of his works in all it’s large glorious full-size spectacular substance.

To see a full view of all of his 237 artworks, please visit his profile on the Art Renewal Center.

These are some of my favorite works of his. Please allow the images to load. It’s worth it.

The Thames

He loved to paint sea and naval scenes regarding people and relationships. When you look at his work, doesn’t it take you away to another time and another place?

The man is sporting the fashion at the time with white slacks with cuff or rolled up trousers. Those shoes are prevalent throughout Tissot’s painting career. They were really popular in the day. He also wears a thick wool jacket and the beard with bushy mustache.

I wonder what he is thinking.

What about the ladies? What do you suppose is on their minds, if anything?

The Widower

A life alone without your wife. Caring for a young daughter. It is hard now, and it was hard back then. You can see the burdens of life on his shoulders. You can tell the pleasant joys of the child totally oblivious to the burdens of her father…

He looks at the beauty of the flower. What do you suppose is on his mind?

Hide and Seek

Oh, the furniture is different. The outfits are dated. And the news is via newspaper instead of social media on a smart hone. But this scene can be replicated anywhere in the world today. Be it China, or the USA. Be it Russia or Africa. It’s a story about domestic life and the carefree joys of children at play.

In the Sunshine

A family gathers in their backyard. You can see the rich colors and fabrics of that time period. The infant is under a colorful parasol to keep out of the sun, while the rest lie on the bearskin rug that covers the grass.

The mother to the left is wearing black. That means that she is in morning. Her husband is dead, maybe recently. No one is crying, but all are subdued. It’s almost like they are waiting for something…

Young Women Looking at Japanese Objects

I suppose that this is pre-Tic Tok. Young unmarried girls out for the afternoon doing some “window shopping”. They are looking at Japanese and Oriental objects for sale in a store. Personally, I find the outfit that the girl in red is wearing alluring. It’s a red velvet dress with a nice frilly bow in the back. They really had some cool and fun fashion back then.

Portsmouth Dockyard

I wonder what is going on here. Is that some interest I see in the eyes of the fair lass to the left? And what do you think that the man is thinking? What about the girl to the right. As the boat slowly and peacefully passes through the bay, I wonder what emotions grow and blossom on that short trip?

The Fireplace

From a technical point of view, the detail in this painting is exceptional. Look at the dress, and the shimmering reflections on the highlights.

I do love the period dresses and styles.

There used to be a KTV in Shenzhen where the women would wear these big elaborate fancy dresses like this. Oh, my God! They were so alluring. One would get in front and lead you while one girl on the left and one on the right would lead you arm in arm to the KTV room for your private party.

I wonder what the little pug is thinking…

The Captain and the Mate

Two couples on the boat. This is a farewell dinner. The ship will probably set off tomorrow morning. The emotions about what this means are on the faces of all involved. Though each one has different ideas and visions of what it is like.

It’s the night before loved ones leave.

Certainly you have all experienced this.

Look at the Captains face, and the the face of the woman in white.

The Bunch of Lilacs

I am stunned by the technical expertise on this work. Painting shades of white are difficult in itself, but the depth of shadowing and composition is just amazing. And look at the reflections on the floor. My God!

I think that the right kind of clothes enhances a person’s personal beauty and attractiveness. It is said that a man in a Tuxedo will increase his attractiveness to a woman by 20 points. I can say the same thing about clothing on a woman. You don’t need to show skin, or wear tight clothes to be attractive. It is what is not shown, and only hinted at that entices…

The Gallery of H.M.S. ‘Calcutta’ (Portsmouth)

But it is a wonderful work showing two young ladies on board a boat enjoying the view with a sailor trying to get their attention. Perhaps in the hope that he can win their affections. Oh, but we know that. The girls are laying it coy. With the one on the right hiding her face behind a hand fan.

The other girl has some pretty complex emotions, don’t you think? I wonder what she thinks of the young sailor and whether she wants him to leave or stay?

The Ball on Shipboard

Another technical masterpiece.

This picture can take you away to another time and another place. It’s a place where shipboard romances are made, relationships are forged and strengthened, and where memories; treasured memories are made.

Again, note the gents shoes, and the straw hat. Notice that most of the women are wearing white for a nice Sunday outing in the great afternoon. While down below the people are laughing, dancing and being merry. It’s the human condition.

The Prodigal Son in Modern Life: The Fatted Calf

The prodigal son, or lost son, was an abuser of grace. Grace is most often defined as unmerited or unearned favor. He had a loving father, a good home, provision, a future, and an inheritance, but he traded it all in for temporal pleasures.

-Who Was the Prodigal Son? The Meaning of this Parable

Here, the Prodigal son returns. He has made a life for himself and has come back to make amends with his father. While in no way as wealthy, he is part of a crew. Notice the impressions on the faces of everyone else at the table. Their disapproval is thick and present.

He approaches him humbly and with respect…

The Prodigal Son in Modern Life: The Return

Here, the Prodigal Son returns. Only his father was correct, and he asks for forgiveness and compassion. He returns wearing torn clothing, and without shoes. Life has not been good to him. It appears that he has lived a life as a beggar.

Look at the emotions on the faces of the couple in the background. Look at what is going on to the far left of the painting.

A Winter’s Walk

I find this painting extremely sexy. Look at that expression of calm confidence and strength. This is a woman who is in control of her life; a strong proud woman. She’s not just beautiful. She’s handsome.

The Hammock

Again, for the final image in this post we look at another great painting. Notice the picture composition, the balance of colors and the precision in the details on the leaves and the hammock. If this picture were to hand over my fireplace, it would certainly be a centerpiece of discussion, as well as set the mood for the entire household.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Art Index here…


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The new realism art movement, or why realism in art is important to the future of humanity.

One of my all-time favorite websites is The Art Renewal Center. For there, you can go to the museum and see thousands of beautiful, and stunning, works of art by masters at the craft. No, I’m not talking about a photograph of dog piss on a cross in a jar, either. I am talking about art that stirs the emotions and causes you to stop dead in your tracks and stare at the work for hours.

Art is a reflection of what it means to be a human.

As the world unravels away from the old and enters a new state of being, we need to remember that it is our human-ness that will become the “valuable commodity” that will bring the world together. This “human-ness” encompasses many, many things.

  • Passion.
  • Kindness.
  • Strength of character.
  • Helpfulness.
  • Compassion.

Here, in this post, I want to talk about art, but what art really is and what it represents. For real art is an expression of our human-ness. While progressive, modern reconstructive art is an expression of the exact opposite.

Art, real expressive art, moves the soul.

Realistic art is expressive and moves the soul.
Realistic art is expressive and moves the soul.
Excerpt from ARC Chairman Fred Ross's 2002 speech at the Salmagundi Club:

In October 1977, I walked into the Clark Museum to see their thirty Renoirs, and after leaving the Renoir galleries walked out into a major hall, at the end of which was a painting that grabbed me body and soul. It was a life-size painting of four water nymphs playfully dragging a mythological satyr into a lake against his will. 

Frozen in place, gawking with my mouth agape, cold chills careening up and down my spine, I was virtually gripped as if by a spell that had been cast. 

It was so alive, so beautiful and so compelling. Finally, after about fifteen or twenty minutes of soaking up wave after wave of artistic and spiritual ecstasy, I started to take back control of my consciousness .... my mind started racing with unanswered questions. 

My first thought was "I haven't felt this way about a work of art since I stood before Michelangelo's David. 

Then I thought, "This must be one of the greatest old master paintings every produced. But no name or country or time would come to mind. Italian High Renaissance, 17th Century Dutch, Carravaggio, Fragonard, Ingres, Prudhon ... back further perhaps ... Raphael, Botticelli, Leonardo, no! no! NO! Not one of those names or times felt anything like what I was looking at.

Then I approached the painting more closely, and saw the name mispronouncing it as Bouguereau at the bottom, and the date 1873 -- 1873?

How was that possible?

I'd learned that the greatest artists at that time were, Manet, Corot, Courbet, and Renoir ... that the techniques and greatness of the old master's had died out, and that nobody knew how to do anything remotely this great by the 1870's.

Years of undergraduate courses and another sixty credits post graduate in art, and I had never heard that name. Who was he? Was he important? How could he not be important? Anyone who could have done this must surely be deserving of the highest accolades in the art world. 

Then I asked the guard if they had any more works by him, and he asked somebody else, and I was led to a second work of a single female nude, seated by the water holding her knees. It was one of the finest nudes I had ever seen.
In somewhat of a state of shock from this experience, I decided that I must find out if this artist ever comes up for sale at the largest auction house in New York, Parke Bernet who was years later bought out by Sotheby's. Was he deemed important enough to be sold at auction? 

My only experiences collecting up to then at auction was to purchase a few etchings by old master's: Rembrandt, Durer, Breughel and Goya. But they were very famous names.

I was at the Clark on Sunday October 2nd 1977, I stopped in at Sotheby's that Tuesday October 4th, and as fate would have it, there were three Bouguereau paintings being offered for sale that coming Friday. 

I purchased one called Les Enfants Endormis, of two babies asleep in each other's arms. The hands of fate certainly seemed involved, for later I learned that these were the first Bouguereaus to come up for sale in the last eighteen months, and another was not to appear on the auction block until twelve months later. 

So the timing could not have been any more precise for fortuitous. I remember too, there was an energy of excitement in the air, and I somehow knew that I would never again be able to purchase works by these artists at these prices. But I didn't know which ones to buy.

And I still didn't know who he was. During the next few weeks I started researching Bouguereau and the entire period as much as I could using any free time I had.
But almost immediately, I discovered that he had won the Grand Prix de Rome in 1851 at the age of twenty-six, and after winning nearly every accolade and award imaginable for an artist of his time, ultimately become the President of the Academy, Head of the Salon, President of the Legion of Honor. 

He was in fact, considered the greatest French artist of his time, and Paris was the center of art world. 

All this made me feel very good about my instincts, and that I had intuitively identified as being one of the worlds' greatest artists somebody who had generally been considered as such by most of the world during the final decades of the 19th century.

It was sometime in the early 1960’s and I was with my parents visiting museums and other cultural structures. As my family went inside the museum, I stayed in the lobby. I stood on the steps and spend a timeless period staring at this enormous picture of a Satyr being pulled into a pool of water by water nymphs.

My father chucked.

He said “You like that picture, don’t you?”

I don’t remember what I said back, but I do remember that I did not want to leave the museum. I didn’t even look at the Renoirs, except for a sculpture or two in the courtyard. None of them appealed to me. All that mattered to me was the image of the satyr and the nymphs.

It haunted me during the drive home and all afternoon.

I never forgot that image…

Nymphes et Satyre Nymphs and Satyr 260 x 180 cms | 102 1/4 x 70 3/4 ins Oil on canvas Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Williamstown | United States

Four nymphs tease and play with a satyr by trying to pull him into a lake. One nymph waves behind to three other nymphs in the distance, perhaps beckoning them to come and play with the satyr as well. The satyr half-heartedly tries to resist the nymph’s wiles, entranced by their beauty.
As an aside, consider this interesting article in the New York Times, published April 7, 2000, by KATIE HAFNER:

Lenn D. Lowry, the director of the Museum of Modern Art [let me repeat 'the director of the Museum of Modern Art'], has a vivid memory of the first time he was profoundly moved by a work of art. At age 7, during a visit to the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Mass., he was separated from his parents.

"While wandering in search of them, he came upon a huge painting, Nymphs and Satyr, by William Bouguereau. His parents found him a half-hour later, still staring at the 6-by-8-foot painting. 'I just remember being completely transfixed by it,' said Mr. Lowry, who is now 45.

"The experience helped Mr. Lowry believe in the transformative power of art and what he calls the 'unique encounters that occur when one is fortunate to confront directly an extraordinary object.' Mr. Lowry, as well as other museum directors, wants to broaden the opportunity for such transforming moments by providing encounters with virtual art, viewed on a computer screen and brought to the art-viewing public via the World Wide Web.

Nymphs are from Greek mythology. They are considered to be minor female deities, and have a duty to protect different elements of nature such as streams, mountains and meadows (pantheon). The male counterpart for a nymph is a satyr. A satyr is a creature also from Greek mythology having the torso and face of a man, ears and tail of a horse, and feet of a goat. They are known for being lustful and fertile creatures.

Bouguereau captures an incredible sense of motion in this piece. One can feel the struggle for the satyr to keep his ground, and the nymphs’ joyous struggle to pull him in. The three-dimensional rendering of form and movement is reminiscent of some of Bernini’s most famous works at the Palace Borghesi in Rome, such as Pluto and Proserpine, and Apollo and Daphne.

The following is the stunning philosophy statement from the founder of the website. It is reproduced herein in it’s entirety. Please give it a read.

The Philosophy of ARC

Why Realism?

by Fred Ross


Fine art at its best has the power to move one to tears, or grab your sensibilities and rivet you in the moment with an overwhelming sense of beauty and excitement. People often report the sensation of cold chills going up and down their spine. It may be the rare work that accomplishes this, but for those who have had this experience, many have credited it as the stimulus that set them on a personal lifetime quest; whether as an artist, collector or art historian. Other human activities can create a similar experience, whether in poetry, literature, dance, theatre, or music, but it is the experience of beauty in fine art and beauty and its relationship to fine art that is the focus of this essay.

If you are reading this, in all probability you are one of the millions of art lovers who in the 21st Century are disillusioned with the Modernist paradigm which for more than a century has been the dominant way the concept of art has been taught and presented in nearly all institutions of higher learning throughout the world.

If you are like us, it seems more than a little self-evident to you that works of art have infinitely more to say and communicate if they portray the real world, or use figures and objects from the real world even when portraying fantasies and dreams. You experience such “realist” works as infinitely more successful than any Modernist works.

The success of Modernism seems like a form of mass insanity, a nightmarish anomaly from which we pray the art world will finally soon awake.

For most of the 20th century, people who felt as we do, found themselves attracted to fine art in most if not all cases from having been to museums and fallen in love with a number of works of art created in the 15th through 19th centuries.

Fine art took skill, talent, and an eye for not only beauty, but he human condition; the highs and lows of the human experience.
Fine art took skill, talent, and an eye for not only beauty but the human condition; the highs and lows of the human experience.

You may have wanted to become an artist yourself and were channeled by advisors into fine art courses taught in the art departments of colleges and Universities where you were promptly told that your instincts were all wrong.

That such works had a place in their time, but that modernist works were far superior. What followed was an attempt to change your attitudes and beliefs and to convince you that works, which commemorated the destructions of some aspect of what used to be traditional Realism were the only worthwhile artworks and concepts.

You were never told that these “educators” had never themselves learned any of those skills needed by all artists during prior centuries, and so were completely bereft of any of the experience, skills and knowledge for which you had assumed your tuition bills would be paying.

They made you believe that they all could draw and paint but had chosen to abandon those skills due to some great epiphany.

Jackson Pollak splatter painting.
Jackson Pollak splatter painting.

If you were true to yourself and your feelings and beliefs, you probably left that “art” department and considered doing something else with your life. Many of you went into commercial art. Others became art historians, but most found other fields entirely. A rare few of you searched out and found one of a handful of ateliers who actually still taught the methods of the old masters. To the best of our knowledge there were 7 such ateliers in 1980 and all of them were taught by students of Pietro Annigoni or Ives Gammell 1. Both atelier masters could trace their training seamlessly to the 19th century and beyond.

By 2002 when the Art Renewal Center decided to add to their website a section of ARC Approved® Ateliers schools the number of such schools had grown to 14 with each having between 5 and 15 students. We added a map of the world where it became very easy to identify all the schools and to find the nearest one to any local. Within a few months the numbers of students able to find these schools started to grow geometrically, and today, just 14 years later, there are over 100 schools teaching the atelier style training and thousands of students.2

So, what do all these students and educators see that Modernists do not? And why is it that most educated people who are not part of the art world seem to also prefer traditional realism?3

The purpose of this essay

It is the purpose of this essay to answer that question in the clearest most direct way possible. It is also to help establish for artists and the consumers of art, a set of criteria by which they can judge works of art. Where they can understand their own preferences. And if needed, to arm them with the facts, concepts and information to deal with the modernists, educators and apologists who are constantly attacking and denigrating the skills and subjects which enable fine art.

The skills like with literature, poetry and theatre that enable us to communicate our shared humanity.

We will accomplish this by delineating a simple way to understand and define what fine art is. We will also look in particular at the aesthetic foundation of fine art as it evolved during the 19th Century. As well as the Modernist juggernaut which almost lead to its complete suppression during most of the 20th Century.

The future belongs to a sane, calm and productive humanity. A humanity that is in touch with it's role in the universe. Elements of this humanity will become evident in the works of humanity.
The future belongs to a sane, calm and productive humanity. A humanity that is in touch with it’s role in the universe. Elements of this humanity will become evident in the works of humanity.

The following information also advances criteria by which to view artists and movements, and help to determine why some works of art are experienced as beautiful and successful and why others seems to fall flat or are even boring. It will hopefully also satisfy the needs of practicing artists to determine what type of art and subjects they wish to explore and which skills and techniques they will need to learn and practice in order to accomplish this.

As in all education, individuals should ultimately decide for themselves what makes sense and what is nonsense or babble.

Beauty and Fine Art Versus Craft

To determine a cohesive theory on fine art (or aesthetics) we need to answer this question: 

What Makes Something Beautiful Or Aesthetically Successful?

The purpose of fine art is to create beauty in the broader sense4, or to create works of art that are experienced as beautiful. Therefore, it would seem that the definition of fine art itself is inextricably tied to successfully defining beauty in art as opposed to beauty in the natural world. There are generally recognized works of art that are experienced as beautiful by most people. In addition, people are motivated to surround themselves with objects of beauty and to create art as a life enriching and life-affirming experience.

In the fine arts there are two over riding kinds of beauty. There is beauty of form and there is beauty in thought, idea or subject matter, in essence its’ emotional, intellectual and spiritual thrust. What is the purpose or what are the feelings that the artist is attempting to capture or express? Then all the choices made of size, drawing, modeling, composition, color, design, perspective, etc., are all formal elements that make up the forms used by the artist to support and harmonize with the chosen emotional thrust. If the artist has chosen well and successfully marries idea and form, then it is possible for a great work of art to be created. Beauty in forms, minus any specific subject or idea, can and does exist in many objects created by human beings, but it is combining them with subjects and themes that makes a work fine art.5

Some examples of things that are beautiful that do not have a specific subject would be:

  • Persian rugs,
  • English silver,
  • porcelain,
  • Russian enamel, 
  • haute cuisine,
  • high couture,
  • furniture etc.

Beauty in such things is a different type of beauty and generally encompasses beauty of form without incorporating beauty of idea, subject or theme. It should be noted that there are many exceptions to this general rule. For example, the Gate of Paradise, the famous golden door of the Baptistery in Florence; spirituality, religious feelings of transcendence engendered by the architectural splendor achieved in great cathedrals temples or mosques.

Lorenzo GhibertiThe Gates of ParadiseGilded bronze, 1425–52
Individual reliefs: 31 1/4 x 31 1/4 inches (78.74 x 78.74 cm)
Duomo Museum, Florence
Lorenzo GhibertiThe Gates of ParadiseGilded bronze, 1425–52
Individual reliefs: 31 1/4 x 31 1/4 inches (78.74 x 78.74 cm)
Duomo Museum, Florence

So how are we to differentiate fine art from these other human activities and achievements? The single clear element of differentiation is that all of these other activities at their best are the product of highly skilled crafts people who are creating objects with varying levels of skill and complexity. These objects may be experienced as attractive, handsome or elegant, and are also usually functional in some way. In some cases, even functionality isn’t essential.

An example might be a finely knotted silk Persian or Indian rug, which may be hung on the wall as decoration instead of being walked upon; though it still may be useful to warm the room and perhaps improve the acoustics.

We will call these other creative, often important, sometimes essential instances of human creativity “craft”, fine craft, or finely crafted. So what makes “fine art” different from “fine craft”?

Fine craft produces objects that are functional, beautiful and well-constructed to last and to perform a needed or desired function and often to also delight the senses. It can even be demonstrated in things that don’t have a physical presence. If a mathematician solves a math problem in a way that is overly burdensome and complex his peers may feel that his proof lacks elegance.

But if another mathematician finds a much more direct solution which is clear and bypasses half the steps, using a new creative path to come to the same conclusion, his peers will praise the elegance and even aesthetic beauty of his solution. Depending on the field of endeavor the sense of aesthetics or beauty can and will vary based on specific aspects of the goals that are sought.

In each field there will be ways to determine beauty and elegance versus banality and ugliness, and while differences of motivation and taste would surely cause differences of opinion, most people who create or consume the output of each craft usually concur to a significant degree. But what is different about fine art? What does it seek to accomplish which makes it worthy of designating this art as fine art?

The term “state of the art” is a wonderful phrase and aids us in understanding this difference. Every other form of craft has evolved and developed over the course of human history and the best and most exceptional examples in each field are held up prototypically and called “state of the art”.

Of course that phrase is used in science, engineering, mathematical theories and computer programing and in all other technologies, many of which produce things of great value for humanity. It is a matter of opinion whether Fine art is superior to science or even crafts for that matter.

Regardless, it has a different purpose and fills a different human need. That need is in its ability to communicate and capture and express ideas about life and living which people care about after their basic biological needs are filled.

People need to share their lives and feelings with other people and this is done through communication which helps give meaning to our lives.

Most communication is in spoken and written language.

Fine art also communicates, which it does best when it successfully captures, depicts, and expresses our shared humanity: how we feel about ourselves, other people and the world around us. It may be seeking to capture an emotional state of mind like reverie, jealousy, joy, sadness, fear, etc., or it may attempt to tell a story like Ghiberti’s famous scenes from the Old Testament on the doors of the Baptistery in Piazza Duomo in Florence or Norman Rockwell’s Homecoming Marine.

Norman Rockwell (American, 1894-1978)
Homecoming Marine
Oil on canvas, 1945
46 x 42 inches (116.8 x 106.7 cm)
Norman Rockwell (American, 1894-1978)Homecoming Marine
Oil on canvas, 1945
46 x 42 inches (116.8 x 106.7 cm)

If someone with little skill attempts a work of fine art it will likely be unsuccessful or awkward and fail, but an attempt at fine art was still made as opposed to an attempt at fine craft. Failure to achieve doesn’t turn fine art into craft or vice versa.

All of the other crafts and sciences (other than pure research*) have a utilitarian purpose or a purely decorative purpose, but in fine art, human beings endeavor to look at themselves and others, to contemplate the nature of living as a human being, and to find ways of capturing, expressing and communicating with empathy, passion and compassion the road we all must take between birth and death. So, the purpose of fine art is similar in its goal to the purpose of poetry, fine literature or theatre.

Based on the above, I posit:

The visual fine arts of drawing, painting and sculpture are best understood as a language ... a visual language. 

Very much like spoken and written languages, it was developed and preserved as a means of communication. And very much like language it is successful if communication takes place and unsuccessful if it does not.

This simultaneously helps define the term “Fine Art.” So fine art is one important way that human beings can communicate.

This realization conversely poses the question:

Can it be fine art if it does not communicate or does not even attempt to do so?

Communication can only occur if the language of the speaker is understood by those who are listening. An absolute necessity for communication is that the language employed has vocabulary and grammar shared by speaker and listener or by writer and reader and therefore logically by painter and viewer.

The earliest forms of written languages used simple drawings of real objects to represent those objects as observed in Hieroglyphics and the earliest cave drawings. The origins of written language and the origins of fine art overlap in this nearly identical way. Without a common language there is no communication and no understanding, whether in writing, speaking or fine art.

All three have the uniquely human purpose of describing the world in which we live, and how we feel about every aspect of life and living.

As a language, fine art is like all of the hundreds of the spoken and written languages that are capable of expressing the enormous, limitless scope of human thoughts, ideas, beliefs, values and especially our feelings, passions, dreams, and fantasies; all the varied experiences and stories of humanity.

The vocabulary of fine art are the realistic images which we see everywhere throughout our lives. The grammar is made up of the rules and skills needed to successfully and believably render the images.6

Here are some of the rules of grammar which hold together the real objects or vocabulary of the visual language of fine art: finding contours; modeling; manipulating paint to create shadows and highlights with the use of glazing and scumbling which enhances the form through layers of pigment; use of selective focus; perspective; foreshortening; compositional balance; balancing warm and cool color; lost and found shapes and lines, etc.

Now ponder this self-evident truth:

Even our dreams and fantasies as well as all stories of fiction, which are not real, are expressed in our conscious and subconscious minds by using real images. 

Only real images are used in our fantasies and dreams ... none which look like modern art. 

Therefore, non-objective abstract painting does not reflect the subconscious mind. Dreams and fantasies do that and artwork can also do that; but only by using real images and assembling them in ways that feel like fantasies or dreams.

Compare these now to two artist who are considered amongst the greatest Abstract Expressionists: William De Kooning and Jackson Pollock.

William DeKooningWoman I1952/53Jackson PollockFull Fathom Five1947

What is being communicated in these two Modernist paintings and which method of working is more successful way to communicate, realism or abstract?


Furthermore, the vocabulary of traditional realism in fine art has something which makes it unique, in one important way … the language of traditional realism cuts across all those other languages and can be understood by all people everywhere on earth regardless of what language it is they speak or write. 

Thus Realism is a universal language that enables communication with all people, past ... present ... and future. 

Modernist and abstract art is not a language.

It’s the opposite of language because it represents the destruction of the language of fine art and is therefore the absence of language. The absence of language means the loss of communication; it takes away from mankind perhaps our most important characteristic … that which makes us human…the ability to communicate in great depth, detail and sophistication.

And in the case of fine art; 

The Modernist paradigm banished the only universal language that exists: realistic imagery, with the techniques and skills required to achieve it. This knowledge had grown, developed, and was carefully documented and preserved as it was passed down for centuries from masters to students.

The artist tries to express his or her feelings about life and to communicate with others through their art. The artist has found a constructive way to deal with the truth of human existence, the knowledge that we all die.

Instead of shaking their fist at eternity and being overcome by sadness, hate and depression, the artist “rages at the dying of the light” (to quote Dylan Thomas) seeking to overcome for themselves and their audience the basic loneliness of existence.

They strive not to be engulfed by despairing the brevity of life, or the absence of meaning that we face in the wake of the certainty of death and the certainty of loss.

This, together with the absence of meaning, is the central belief of Existential Nihilism. It’s no wonder then that Existentialism would espouse Modern art or that Modern artists would associate their work to Existentialism since the essence of fine art had always been to express things which people find as meaningful whether religious paintings of the early and High Renaissance or genre paintings of the 17th and 19th centuries.

Fine art finds meaning instead, by using the infinite creativity of the human soul, and the untapped brilliance within the human brain to find endless ways of communicating with each other about our difficult and differing journeys and odysseys that can and do occur through life.

We all are born helpless, utterly dependent, and profoundly ignorant about who we are and what lies ahead. We all yearn to be loved, to be understood, and we all need and want mentors.

We want them to be kind and patient and to teach us what we need to know about life and navigating society.

We want to be respected.

During adolescence, we invariably explore paths to happiness which can be dangerous and destructive. We all want to find work that inspires us and is fulfilling.

We want families and if we have children we want to be good parents and to offer better lives to them. We all must endure sickness and the eventual pain of death and witness those we love suffering.

Human beings all have universal and shared characteristics as well as an infinite variety of unique and different traits that constitute our differing personalities.

We all want and need love and companionship, warmth and friendship. We also have pride and are vulnerable to having our feeling hurt or to being ridiculed, or feeling envy or jealousy.

Sir Edwin Landseer (British 1802–1873)The Faithful HoundOil on canvas, 1830
26 x 35 2/5 inches (66 x 88.9 cm)
Tate Britain, London
Sir Edwin Landseer (British 1802–1873)The Faithful HoundOil on canvas, 1830
26 x 35 2/5 inches (66 x 88.9 cm)
Tate Britain, London

Fine art can deal with all or any of the seemingly endless arrays of feelings and experiences that benefit, excite, terrorize or plague humanity. This is the broader sense of the definition of “beauty” that we use in the aesthetics of fine art.

The artist is said to be successful, who can communicate some portion of human experience and do so with beauty, poetry and grace.

As with prose, poetry or theatre, there are subtle and nuanced ways to express ideas and feelings and to captivate and inspire one’s audience, or there are blatant, self-conscious, awkward, inane, childish attempts which fail as works of fine art, as well as en endless continuum of degrees of success or failure.

Often people ask how sad or negative subject matter can be beautiful.

The beauty is achieved by poetically communicating some aspect of the human condition with empathy so that the viewer/audience can relate to how it might feel to actually live through some unhappy or horrible experience. Or perhaps they have already lived through such an experience which evokes similar emotions.

The artist is telling a story that has strong meaning due to some aspect of their personal history.

The viewer says to themselves either consciously or subconsciously, “I know how you feel brother, or sister.”

Fine art helps people connect with one another and can even act as a pressure valve releasing tensions and can reduce the likelihood of conflict. Uncomfortable or unpleasant subjects may not be pretty but they can be very beautiful and we can learn from them.

Modern works with their indecipherable meanings can do the opposite: alienate and agitate us. Often Modernist works are praised for doing just that. Their stated goals are often to shock or insult.

Academically trained realist artists were accused of being elitist.

But what could be more elitist than saying “only we enlightened” can understand what Rothko, Warhol, De Kooning and Pollock were saying. If we don’t like it, they say: “You all are too ignorant, tasteless and clueless to get it.”

They call realist art simple and less sophisticated, because its meaning is too obvious and easy to understand.

In other words, if a work succeeds in the primary purpose for which it was created, human communication, that very success becomes the reason it is denigrated. The living realists of today as well as all realist artists of the past were expressing universal themes and reaching out to all people of all time.

We all have lives that include sadness and harsh realities; we all suffer loss and we all die. We all look to be comforted and we find comfort when communication takes place using the language of beauty, even when it deals with difficult material.

What is elitist? What could be elitist about that? Realist paintings of the past as well as those today are intended to bring humanity closer together. Nothing could be less true about all of the “isms” of Modernism.

Stanhope Forbes (British, 1857-1947)The Health of The BrideOil on canvas, 1889
60 x 78 3/4 inches (152.5 x 200 cm)
Tate Gallery, LondonWalter Langley (British, 1852-1922)MemoriesOil on canvas, 1906
109 x 133 cm
Ferens Art Gallery, Hull MuseumJules Giardet (French, 1856-1938)Soir du Bataille: Episode De La Bataille De Quiberon, Le 21 JuilletOil on canvas, 1795
581/2 x 933/4 inches (148.6 x 236.2 cm)

Let us once and for all put a spike through the heart of the Modernist argument that realism is trite, petty, inane, and devoid of meaning. For if that is true of technically skilled, Realism, then it would equally have to be true of all poetry and literature which also uses a vocabulary and structure which are recognizable by writer and reader, speaker, and listener; as it is too by painter and viewer alike.

In theatre the task at hand is whether the playwright, director and actors can enable the audience to “Suspend disbelief.” They endeavor to create a world in which the storyline of their play, or movie takes place. For this to work, the things that happen “the business” and the dialogue need to seamlessly work together in a manner that feels logical and believable. Even in magical realism, science fiction, and fantasy the goal is to make it all feel possible.

We all know that the movie or live show has been carefully written and orchestrated. Each word that is said, every movement the actors make, and each element of the set design, backdrops, and props that appear and are seen or used, have all been planned, usually down to the smallest detail.

The actors need to make it seem like they are saying their lines as if they were spontaneous responses to things that might be said in the situation or circumstance being portrayed. Indeed, some directors allow ad-libbing and extemporaneity from their actors to enhance believability.

But, careful planning is the underlying “truth” of what is going on.

For a theatrical performance to succeed as a work of art, it all must seem to be happening spontaneously as it would in real life. In that context, the writer can explore ideas about life that he or she chooses; whether it is about poverty caused by an indifferent or malevolent government or corporations, as seen in Grapes of Wrath, or the waste of life and the ennui and indolence that accompanies inherited wealth in The Great Gatsby, or the injustices and corrupt society and its effect on otherwise good people portrayed in Les Miserables.

All these books have been made into successful theatrical productions and films that can be said to have reached a level of fine art through the language of theater with its similar vocabulary and grammar of realism.

They have culminated in productions that suspend the audience’s dis-belief and they have each created their own unique forms of beauty.

In poetry, two good examples would be Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat, or Robert Frost’s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, both poems are about confronting death and characterize how to live one’s life, knowing that the grim reaper lies just over the horizon. These two poems use the language of words to deal with difficult subject matter in a beautiful way and all the images conjured are ones from our experiences in reality.

If the structure of the work of art is awkward or self-conscious, so that the details of how it is has been constructed is evident to the listener or viewer, the artist or author is thought to have failed. In theater, if the writing is fine, but the acting is terrible, then we might blame the actors or the director. But in every case you have the work of art constructed from elemental parts and assembled by the writer, director, composer, musician, actor, singer, dancer, painter or sculptor.

The importance in understanding this underlying process becomes very evident if we now look at the debate that has occurred between Modern art vs. Traditional art. The modernist artists who are credited with the origins of Modernism are celebrated for pointing directly at the underlying reality of what fine art is constructed from. Cézanne, Manet and Matisse we are told showed us the “truth” that a painting is really just colored paint applied to a flat canvas, paper or surface.

Henri MatisseSorrow of the KingGouache, paper, 1952
9' 7" x 12' 8" (292 x 386 cm)
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

Modernism claimed traditional art, as taught in the art academies throughout the 19th Century, was engaged in lying to the public, trying to make the flat canvas look three dimensional; trying to use drawing, modeling and perspective to create illusions of space; trying to make you believe that you are perhaps looking into a room where people are doing something or at a landscape outdoors, etc. … all deceptions and lies. The job of the artist then, during Modernism’s 20th century ascendancy, was to make painting have value by focusing on the one aspect of what a painting was that no other art form had, which was the flatness of the picture plane. Focusing on the formal, underlying, fundamental components of art, became more important than focusing on why art existed in the first place, which was to communicate ideas, feelings, values and beliefs and all human experience.

Art's purpose was to justify itself, which ironically pretty much cancelled out all of its purpose and value.

Here is a quote from Clement Greenburg that makes this point:

 Realistic, naturalistic art, had dissembled the medium, using art to conceal art; Modernism used art to call attention to art. The limitations that constitute the medium of painting, the flat surface, the shape of the support, the properties of the pigment — were treated by the Old Masters as negative factors that could be acknowledged only implicitly or indirectly. Under Modernism, these same limitations came to be regarded as positive factors, and were acknowledged openly. Manet's art became the first Modernist pictures by virtue of the frankness with which they declared the flat surfaces on which they were painted. The Impressionists, in Manet's wake, abjured underpainting and glazes, to leave the eye under no doubt as to the fact that the colors they used were made of paint that came from tubes or pots. Cézanne sacrificed verisimilitude, or correctness, in order to fit his drawings and designs more explicitly to the rectangular shape of the canvas.

It was the stressing of the ineluctable flatness of the surface that remained, however, more fundamental than anything else to the processes by which pictorial art criticized and defined itself under Modernism. For flatness alone was unique and exclusive to pictorial art. The enclosing shape of the picture was a limiting condition, or norm, that was shared with the art of the theater; color was a norm and a means shared not only with the theater, but also with sculpture. Because flatness was the only condition painting shared with no other art, Modernist painting oriented itself to flatness as it did to nothing else. 

-Clement Greenberg  , 19607

The truth was that there were no people, no landscape, no real objects to paint other than the concrete reality of the paint and the canvas. The artist, endlessly pointing directly to his underlying materials was the birth of Modern art.

Cézanne flattened the landscape, Matisse flattened our homes and families and the so called abstract artists after them, like De Kooning, Pollock and Rothko, put it all in a blender and threw it at us, thus making flat color design the end goal of the artist.

Expressing and communicating human emotions was not a worthy purpose for art, and so all human emotions were denigrated as petty sentimentality.

The equivalent of this system of thought applied to written languages would be to say that all writing is untruthful and finding the truth can only be discovered by pointing directly to the underlying materials and structure of written words.

All that is really there on the page are different shapes of straight or curved or squiggly lines. Since that is closer to the truth than placing meaning in those shapes and lines…than using them to make words and the words to form ideas … that too must be a lie and an unworthy purpose for the writer.

Therefore, to bring the analogy full circle … the best book would be one that demonstrates this “truth” with page after page of meaningless shapes and squiggles…thus showing us the modernist’s profound definition of truth. How many books and poems would be purchased and read in which all that could be found between the covers were meaningless shapes on every page? 

Modernism endows the meaningless with meaning. Each of us must decide for ourselves whether there is meaning to be found and if that meaning has great value.

Is it petty and banal to show romantic or familial love and caring? Or is it petty banality to spend one's career insisting that the only paintings that have value are those which demonstrates that they are flat, or to focus as have the post-modernists on endlessly claiming to show the degradation of life via the degradation of art?

What then is fine art?

And for that matter, what is fine literature, music, poetry, or theatre? In every case human beings use materials supplied by nature (the clay, colors and materials of the earth and the movements and sounds of life) and creatively combine or mold them into something else which is capable of communication and meaning.

It is that ability to communicate, whether subtle or blatant, complex or nuanced and modulated wherein the value of art lies and makes it worthy of the term “fine art”.

Throughout history, people have found one way after another of communicating their thoughts, ideas, beliefs, values and the entire range of their shared experiences of living.

When it comes to the visual arts, modernists like to say “why waste your time doing realism? It’s all been done already.”

That would be exactly like saying “Why waste your time writing anything? It’s all already been written. There is nothing left to say.”


Illustration is often thought of as a lesser form of art. Often we hear people say something like: “That’s only an illustration, it’s not fine art.” However, given the clear description of what fine art is, that no longer makes any sense. All fine art is illustration. What is different is what is being illustrated and then how well it has been accomplished.

If you look at illustrations in young children’s books, often those illustrations are done quickly and the cost and time involved in creating them plays a big role when writer’s or publishers choose them.

However, there are illustrations for books and poems which have been created by some of the greatest of artists. Gustave Doré illustrated Dante’s Inferno and Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven. Edmund Dulac illustrated Edward Fitzgerald’s translation of the Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam, and Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling with illustrations inspired by the Bible. All of the early and High Renaissance artists illustrated scenes from the Old and New Testaments. 19th Century artists illustrated Shakespeare, poetry and myths and legends.

MichelangeloCeiling of the Sistine Chapel CeilingFresco, 1508-1512 Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Italy

The attempt to pigeonhole images that tell a story as illustration which has been separated in many art schools as a lesser form of art is strictly a tactic to further entrench Modernist ideology.

Since all fine art is representational and since only realistic objects, figures and settings are capable of communication, one is drawn to the logical conclusion that all illustration belongs in the category of fine art. The differences are all qualitative: a difference in degree not a difference in kind.

Once we recognize that, we can see that variation in quality can be enormous and it may even be useful but problematic, to make an attempt to create categories along a continuum of some sort based on quality, purpose, and success or failure of the art and artist to communicate or illustrate what was intended.

There also can be qualitative differences in subjects and themes. Some themes are about more powerful emotions or moments during life that therefore have greater potential for achieving the beautiful. For example a painting illustrating wartime wives listening to a radio broadcast for the names of the men who were killed, has vastly more potential than a bowl of fruit or a painting of a can of soup.

Therefore, illustration and fine art are one and the same and all fine art illustrates something.

Gustave Doré (French, 1832-1883)Dante et Virgil dans le neuvieme cercle de l'enferOil on canvas, c.1860-c.1869
50 x 73 inches (127 x 185.5 cms)John William Waterhouse (British, 1849-1917)Lady of ShallottOil on canvas, 1888
Tate Gallery, LondonGabriel Joseph Marie Augustin Ferrier (French, 1847-1914)Chaperon Rouge, NDOil on canvas, 1906
58 3/4 x 35 inches (149.2 x 88.9 cm)
Tate Gallery, London


Let us talk now about modernism’s obsession with “being original”.

In any field of endeavor the idea “that it’s all been done before” places an impenetrable wall of hopelessness in front of any creative pursuit. Imagine becoming a doctor and not being required to learn what is already known?

Knowing doesn’t stop you from doing something new but it keeps you from wasting your time on searching for knowledge that already is known and readily available. It also decreases the chance of making very serious mistakes.

The refusal to learn from the past will inevitably prevent anything new from actually being discovered, as breakthroughs are always built on the discoveries of those who came before. In the arts, the fear of doing what has been done before places a ball and chain on your mind and on the joy of creativity, one of the greatest joys in life.

Only someone who has learned what is already known can strive to create fearlessly and will have any chance of actually creating something new. For invariably, humankind has a history of creative accomplishments going back thousands of years, so someone who is creative will surely stumble upon many things that have been thought of and done before in advance of achieving the truly original.

And if we are honest, the most favored subjects are as old as humanity itself and there are unlimited and original ways in which they can be expressed again and again.

Modernism in its need to banish anything seeming unoriginal, has banished all of the tools and skills with which original work was accomplished and then tells their artists without skills and without tools to go and create worthwhile works of fine art.

Since there is no meaningful language in their art, a thousand words are needed to imbue it with meaning. Actually the words have to be incredibly creative and shrewd to convince otherwise educated and intelligent people that something of value is present when little or nothing is there.

Modernists create art that is about art: “art about art,” whereas all the great art of the past was “art about life”.

A painting should no more attempt to make the viewer conscious of the paint and canvas than the writer should make the reader conscious of the ink or type of paper being used, or for that matter than the film maker should make the audience endlessly aware of the kind of cameras being used or that the movie is actually composed of a fast moving series of still images.

The resurgent realist artists whose ranks are rapidly expanding in the 21st century, consider their materials and skills as a vital means of communicating artistic subjects and ideas. Modernism banished the real world from the tools they could use. Of course, without the full vocabulary of the real world to draw and to draw from, the only way complex ideas could be presented to us by modernism is if people “in-the-know” explain to us what ideas were intended and then required us to believe it.

Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973)Portrait of Dora MaarOil on board, 1939
60 x 45 cm
Museo National Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, MadridFranz Kline (American, 1910-1962)TurinOil on canvas, 1960
803/8 x 951/2 inches (204.14 x 242.57 cm)
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City

Franz Kline’s harsh slashing black lines on a white ground, we’re told, represents how harsh life is and Picasso’s distorted human forms are meant to represent how distorted society is and how psychologically malformed mankind has become.

Now, once we have been told that’s what he means and that’s what he’s doing, if we’re ready to be one of the savvy, then we can start to see it.

Perhaps accuracy is better served if we realize that we had better see it if we don’t want to suffer derision and ridicule by the ruling cognoscenti in today’s art world?

They say that modernism created a new way of seeing.

Or is this new way of seeing really just pointing out the painfully obvious. Even if we give them some benefit of the doubt that someone needed to point out that the canvas was flat, how many times does it need to be proved? After all, any three-year-old who is taken to a museum knows that the canvases are all flat.

How great then was it that Cézanne and Matisse spent the rest of their careers saying it over and over again?

Or perhaps we should not give them the benefit of the doubt? Did it really need to be said and did it really need to be then taken to the extreme of abstract expressionism? Which, by-the-way, is neither abstract nor expressive.

A blueprint is an “abstract” of the layout of a house or how the electrical system will be installed or it shows the footprint of the house in a carefully drawn representation of the piece of land it’s to be built upon.

The word “bottle” when spoken is an abstracted representation of the object that can hold liquids. The written word bottle is a further abstraction of the spoken word. A painting of a bottle is another abstraction of that object and the more it looks like a bottle the more accurate the abstraction becomes.

So the word “abstract” means the opposite of how it is used by Modern art and their apologists. Realist paintings are accurate abstractions of ideas, events and an endless number of other possible subjects.

Globs and dribbles of paint on a canvas are actually quite concrete. They are the end product: a glob, a smear or a dribble of specific size and shape which has no other meaning besides what it is and clearly is expressive of nothing at all.8

Is there any need in these abstract works to suspend disbelief? No, that would be a lie by their definition. Or is “belief” instead compelled, not by the acting, writing, drawing or painting, but instead by the intimidation of power and position?

Prestige Suggestion

Do students believe in this new inheritor of Western Art? Or does not believing in it threaten their grades and positions (and the wallets of those invested in such art.) It is amazing how the need to avow one’s belief repeatedly in something that was previously difficult or impossible to believe, will become increasingly easier when supported by figures of authority. A useful term for this phenomenon is “prestige suggestion.”

What Modernists have done has been to aid and abet the destruction of the only universal language by which artists can communicate our humanity to the rest of, well, … humanity. They then have built up a labyrinth of justifications and blocked all other viewpoints. If the history of what actually took place is not to be lost due to the transitory prejudice and taste of a single era, then we must question any practice that deliberately suppresses documented evidence.

Art history must not be reduced to little more than propaganda directed towards market enhancement for valuable collections passed down as wealth conserving stores of value.

Successful dealers, who derived great wealth by selling works created in hours instead of weeks, had little trouble lining up articulate, eloquent and persuasive masters of our language to build complex portrayals presented everywhere as brilliant analysis to justify what are really very uncomplicated, unsophisticated and simplistic works; creations which arguably should have and would have been rejected out-of-hand but for their ingenuous sophistry, expansive jargon and artfully cunning patois.

Any time people or brands or logos become the symbols of quality, value or expert authority, then other people when presented with those symbols will see quality, value or importance regardless of what is actually there.

For example, a wealthy consumer will see a purse with the name “Prada” or “Gucci” on it and will automatically assume value and quality.

Perhaps the price will be $5000 and if it’s on sale for $1200 they’ll believe they got a good deal and be proud to wear it or show it off to friends. Take the same bag without a label and try to sell it on a table on 42nd street with an $80 price tag and the same person may think it’s over priced and will try to talk the price down perhaps to $40, or not buy it at all.

The Prada name and the fact that it’s being sold in Bergdorf’s or Bloomingdale’s tends to give it the prestige and assumed value which has been suggested into the mind of the consumer.

Many years ago I took my son on a class tour they were giving at a General Motors assembly plant where we witnessed the assembly of a Chevrolet.

Then another identical car came down on the same production line and they placed a different grill and hood ornament on it and labeled it Oldsmobile. A third identical car came through and they put a still different grill on it with a label calling it a Cadillac. Nearly everything about it was the same, but the Cadillac brand was double the price of the Oldsmobile and the Olds was selling for a third more than the Chevy.9

There is a difference between value due to prestige suggestion and value due to intrinsic quality.

Surely, in the search to define beauty, we need to understand that difference. We should be able to see through prestige and determine when we are in the presence of the truly beautiful, versus a work that’s the greatest quality is the prestige attached to the name of the artist or the movement.

In this way a canvas with little intrinsic value that has the signature of De Kooning, Pollock, Rothko or Mondrian on it, are assigned high values because people with a PhD or the title of Professor or Museum Director next to their names have told us what to think about their worth.

Then, major dealers or auction houses have assigned estimates of millions of dollars to their work. Most people do not feel themselves knowledgeable enough to know what has or does not have value, when it comes to pocketbooks, Persian carpets, or wristwatches, and much less so with works of art. This is “prestige-suggestion”. Even if their instincts are to reject something, they keep silent lest they expose themselves to ridicule for being considered ignorant, tasteless or out-of-touch, succumbing to “social pressure”.


There is a second very useful expression identified that aids us in understanding what has occurred and how Modernism, after gaining ascendance, has been able to maintain its position.

That term is called “Art-speak”. Art-speak is a contrived form of language, which uses self-consciously complex and convoluted combinations of words to impress, mesmerize and silence opposition.

“Art-speak” is generally used by people in positions of power and authority and in combination with “prestige suggestion” is ultimately employed to silence contrary instincts and ideas to prevent people from identifying honestly what has been paraded before them.10 

This is accomplished by brainwashing society through authority and confounding, with “art-speak”, the evidence of our senses about objects and ideas that otherwise any sane person would question.

The “authority” of high positions, and the “authority” of books and periodicals, and the “authority” of certificates of accreditation attached to the names of the chief proponents of modernism, which have all worked in combination to impress and humble those whose common sense would otherwise rise up in opposition.

Without a doubt they would clearly see this art for what it is, evident nonsense, if it’s supposed value had not emanated from the pretentious mouths and pens of those with such a preponderance of “authority” to back them up. Many students and even teachers have come forward to report how traditional realism has been virtually or actually banned from their art departments. They want to share their sufferings at the hands of Modernist educators, and ask what they can do.11

Banning of ideas and not permitting free and open debate has been a problem throughout history. Most often relating to religion or politics it rears up in other fields as well. For example, global warming is often taught as settled science with the suggestion that only fools would listen to arguments questioning it despite mountains of conflicting evidence. John Stuart Mill’s remarks on speech suppression are as alive and accurate today as they were two hundred years ago:

 Where there is a tacit convention that principles are not to be disputed; where the discussion of the greatest questions, which can occupy humanity, is considered to be closed, we cannot hope to find that generally high scale of mental activity, which has made some periods of history so remarkable. 


 However unwillingly a person who has a strong opinion may admit the possibility that his opinion may be false, he ought to be moved by the consideration that however true it may be, if it is not fully, frequently, and fearlessly discussed, it will be held as a dead dogma, not a living truth. 
John Stuart Mill's essay "On Liberty"
from Great Political Thinkers by William Bernstein, p.569

Without a dynamic living network of experts teaching technical knowledge in drawing and painting, it will never be possible for college and university art departments to have students who are able to enrich the debate and the academic environment for all students by producing works of art that are capable of expressing complex, vital and spirited ideas.

To forbid these skills to be taught on campus in any real depth is as ridiculous as having a music department that refuses to teach the circle of fifths or only teaches three or four notes from which they insist all music must be composed. It is as absurd as having an English department in which all words that had recognizable meanings were forbidden and only writing without words or sentence structure would be admissible.

If there was nothing to be ashamed in their teaching methods and in their results, they would welcome the chance to confront the ideas that they should be well equipped to refute.

They have a solemn duty to maintain the integrity of thought made possible by what has been handed down to them by those artists, writers and thinkers before us, who established a vast, complex and rich system of training with which to teach and pass on a wealth of knowledge.

Deliberately preventing access to this information is crippling to the goals of education and a severe obstruction to insuring a society based on freedom of thought without which progress is impossible. Where is it more important to vouchsafe these principles than at our nation’s colleges and universities who are training the next generation of leaders? Even if they don’t agree, they have a duty to expose their students to responsible opposing views in all fields and disciplines.

While it is beyond the scope of this chapter to fully delineate the evidence and arguments on both sides of the Modernism vs. Realism schism in fine arts and aesthetics, for the purpose at hand, we are focusing on the realist position which in recent decades has had very few proponents, ceding nearly a century to an ascendant modernist leviathan. And that century has seen the greatest strides forward in every other field of human endeavor. If the proponents of realism are as correct as it seems, the art world is woefully behind our times and will need to do a lot of catching up.


Modernist theory, as we’ve seen, looks to redefine the purpose of painting by means of:

  • Elevating the flatness of the canvas or the medium as the primary subject,
  • Explaining the transcendent value of their work with art-speak,
  • Maintaining their ascendant position with prestige suggestion.
Yet there is another underlying idea that propels the Modernist hegemony. Simply stated it's called "relativism" which is at the heart of Existentialist philosophy.

To this end, one hears employed several popular maxims. These sayings are then used for the purpose of contradicting the whole notion that one can actually define or describe either fine art or what is beautiful. The modernists then often rely on distorting the meanings generally ascribed to these expressions to help establish the value they then ascribe to modernist theory and the products created in their service, which are offered up as fine art.

  1. There is nothing good nor bad but thinking makes it so (William Shakespeare.
  2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  3. One man’s meat is another man’s poison

These sayings have all been used over and over when it comes to the concept of beauty and aesthetics.

When taken to the extreme in the visual arts the implication is that no matter what the object is, whether it is art or for that matter anything else, there is no way to gage good from bad, right from wrong, beautiful from ugly or elegant and graceful from ungainly and awkward.

All that matters is that nothing matters. Therefore there can be no judgment or assessment of quality. This concept makes aesthetics unimportant. If everything’s value is a matter of opinion, than why discuss it? Everyone is right; which is the same as saying nobody is wrong. It is clear that this cannot be true. So many throughout history have taken so much time in trying to define what is beautiful and to differentiate between good and bad aesthetics and perhaps even more important, between what is right and what is wrong; a dilemma that confronts us constantly every day of our lives.

Stated simply, in the visual arts as in all the other arts and in all other fields of human endeavor, it is necessary and important to be able to make judgments. Yes, to judge, and use words of judgment that has been deemed in many classrooms and philosophies as inappropriate. How could understanding goodness, beauty and truth be inappropriate? 

Behind the wish to ban judgment is “political correctness.” 

Political correctness worries that if one person is doing well than it must mean that someone else is doing poorly. If we celebrate accomplishment, we must then acknowledge failure; which means someone will feel badly or will feel inferior.

One common solution for this reality is to point out that different people are good or better at different things and worse at others. But no matter how much we don’t like it, the truth is that there are also some people who are good at nearly everything and others who are not good at nearly anything.

Fortunately, most people do have some talents that can be found. The upshot of trying to avoid and run from the truth (that there is good and bad, better and worse) is to force everyone to value and function in mediocrity.

There are few things more depressing than that. We’ve all heard of some schools banning grades and competitive activities like spelling bees and even some sports. How likely will their charges be made ready to compete in the outside world after graduation?

The way to help people who have special needs or who are born with less skills and talent should not be by limiting possibilities to succeed and achieve for those who have great talents and the work ethic to see them actualized. Brilliant achievements are unlikely to come from a society that refuses to recognize great works.

Political correctness is a bit of a tangent, but like Modernism it sees the world through relativist lenses. All three of the popular phrases listed above, are succinct ways of expressing a belief in “relativism.” There is no good and no bad; no up or down. All things are relative to circumstances and position and the ultimate expression of this philosophy, called “Existentialism” is that “There is no truth”, and if there is no truth there is no beauty nor goodness. There are no absolutes of any kind.

Of course the true believers in the absence of truth are always unable to explain the obvious paradox that the statement “There is no truth” is itself a statement of what they “firmly” believe to be the truth. It’s very similar to the paradox always discussed in logic courses which revolves around this avowal, “This statement is false” If it is true than it must be false and if it is false it must be true.

It’s a circular argument that goes nowhere fast.

Despite the frequency with which we hear this, it is also clear that nobody really believes that “there is no truth.” The simplest way to prove that someone does not believe it is to ask them if they would place themselves or their families in the middle of a major highway during rush hour. Would they bite into a light bulb or wear a shirt whose collar was made of razor blades or jump off the roof of a skyscraper?

It’s really just hubris to claim there is no truth when everyone every day in a thousand different ways all people demonstrate that they believe in the truth and that they believe that some things are good and other things are bad.

There may be categories of things for which people can have differing opinions as to their relative values or dangers, but there are many…very many things that people believe in absolutely.

The very fact that they are there telling you there is not truth proves they believe in many things including the fact that you are a different person from them and that they can communicate to you using a common language and that the words have recognizable meaning.

William Adolphe Bouguereau
432 artworks
French Academic Classical painter, teacher, frescoist and draftsman
Born 1825 – Died 1905

They believe that they can speak using their mouth and that people have ears and brains with which to interpret what they say.

They believe that the sounds they make when they speak can go through the air and they believe pretty much in what they see around them. I hesitate to now point out that those common phrases are somewhat true and have their use depending on what is being discussed.

For example, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” can be accurate in a circumstance where we are reviewing different things in the same category. To then say beauty or goodness is relative of one to the other will make sense. I prefer chocolate ice cream, my wife prefers coffee, and my daughter vanilla. 

But all people will prefer ice cream to arsenic. There is no relative benefit between those choices for human beings everywhere. It’s an absolute: arsenic is bad and ice cream is good.

Modern art seems to especially need these existential phrases as the raison d’etre for their “anything goes” mantra. However, if everything is art, than nothing is art. Relativism has led to “production” by some artists of things like blank canvases, empty rooms and piles of garbage, for which some of them have been celebrated as geniuses by Modernist art critics.

The Turner Prize recently was an empty room with the lights going on and off every five seconds. 12 Another year the award went to a pile of excrement. 13 

It’s hard to even have to say it.

Realist philosophy would pretty much deny the credentials of such critics a priori since they are rejecting all of the basic parameters of what constitutes fine art. If we think about it, relativist existential ideology is at the core of all Modern art, and these artists are celebrated for work that is seen to articulate the idea that there is no good nor bad, no truth and basically no beauty as well.

So I ask you how can a belief that there is nothing beautiful be the driving force to create beauty? 

All human sentiment, which is regularly belittled by calling it sentimentality, is rejected by existentialism. Another word that describes much of the philosophy of modern art is “nihilism” which believes there is no meaning in life. Their art is a continuous stream of celebrating the absence of value and thereby all of the preferences and desires of humanity.

The ultimate hypocrisy is that they then shower accolades, riches and fame, upon those whose art proves that nothing has value, paradoxically ascribing great value to it.

It was inevitable that intelligent people would eventually identify the duplicity of this central underlying contradiction.

Said another way, modernists ascribe great value to proving everything is worthless.

As I have shown, we can readily prove that nobody actually believes that nothing has any value. It’s patently false. If it is false that there are no truths, then there must be truth; there must be good and bad; there must be value and importance in human sentiments and feelings; there must be value in communication between people and the forms of communication, which document and preserve our shared humanity. Therefore, there must be value in all of the fine arts, and for our purpose today, there must be value in traditional realism.

I feel it’s important here to go back to “art speak” and “Prestige Suggestion” and show an example of how they sounds and work.

As discussed, Modernism, in order to buttress the value of what it produces, employs experts at “art-speak” who articulate and promote modernism by the use of complex esoteric verbiage, which project an aura of value and importance onto objects that are clearly bereft of any sophistication. Imagine reading a review by a food critic expounding on the virtues of Jell-O.

You are first told how this critic graduated the Culinary Institute with honors and travelled the world to learn about every kind of cuisine.

He writes for the New York Times and has a TV show on food with a big following. Then, after learning about his credentials, the first review you read by him is about Jell-O, which he praises as great American cuisine.

The Jell-O, he goes on to describe, is a perfectly nuanced colloidal melt-on-the-tongue stasis boiled to the moment of perfection when a moment less would tend it towards sineresis 14 and a few seconds longer would allow the jell to become too stiff, clearly showing true mastery of the chef’s use of vacuum pans and rare Bavarian rapid set pectin.

Clearly the chef who created this delicate sensation must have used a double boiler for modulation, with a deft control of vacuum reduction.

It’s all reminiscent of the finer aspects served by Wolfgang Puck or Gordon Ramsey. Surely a search of seven continents had produced the finest mix of simulated strawberry piquancy, capturing the eloquence of deep red Tudor and delicate Nova Scotia Wild straws.

Taking my tongue out of my cheek, how much experience and education does one need to reject such nonsense out-of-hand? It’s Jell-O you’re being shown, which to many has considerably more actual value than a canvas with paint flung at it.

Jean-Léon Gérôme
Orientalist painter, draftsman and sculptor
Pollice Verso
Thumbs Down

And yet, the art world is filled with far more flagrantly absurd objects praised in ways which might be described as a convoluted quandary wrapped in an enigma and embedded in a paradox. “Art speak” generally demonstrates far more creativity in the writers who write it than it does in the artists whose product they have, described, explained and justified.

Modern and postmodern works, absurd, nonsensical and mind-numbing, have taken control of the world’s formerly great art institutions. One can’t help but bring to mind echoes of infants playing with their own excrement. It seems, the simpler and more naïve the creation, the more sophisticated it’s purported to be.

Barnet Newman’s huge canvas, from what is considered the high point of Modernism (1950’s and 60’s), is called Black Fire 1. It sold for an incredible $84,000,000, this past June, 2014. Here’s what the auction house’s specialist said about it; clearly far more masterful at art-speak than Barnet Newman is at painting:

 Black Fire I is a sublime Abstract Expressionist masterpiece that perfectly captures Barnett Newman’s radically reductive and uncompromising aesthetic.

The Zen-like simplicity of Black Fire I embodies the spirituality, grandeur and solemnity that define all of Newman’s greatest works. Painted during a period of refrain after suffering the loss of his younger brother, Newman negotiated his emotions through the language of abstraction.

Continuing the dynamic tension between light and dark that was first established in the Stations of the Cross, the composition of Black Fire I exhibits a similar weighty sense of the absolute.

Through creating the Stations of the Cross, Newman had chosen to reject the allegorical distractions of color in order to create a pure, distilled emotional statement through the subtle nuances of spatial relationships and expressive brushwork alone.

Newman’s decision to place black pigment on raw canvas gave way to Black Fire I and it was this deliberation that allowed Newman to communicate, at the highest degree, the universal dualities of existence: light and darkness, creation and destruction, form and formlessness. 

Black Fire I holds an important place within Barnett Newman’s oeuvre, having resided in several distinguished American collections of modern art. It was featured in two important international group exhibitions shortly after it was created. 

It is nothing more than a canvas half beige and half black with another black line going through the beige portion.

Art history courses in nearly every university and college in the world are likely to have staff members ready to praise this canvas unabashedly, and thousands of students, many whose instincts tell them how absurd it is, have in recent decades had to shrink back fearful of the ridicule they’d receive if they gave voice to what they really thought.

Of course after a long series of courses, lectures and books filled with “prestige suggestion” and “art-speak” and without any exposure to responsible opposing viewpoints, many of them start to convince themselves of what is not there.

Before long black is white, up is down, and nothing is something.

Ultimately there is a kind of religious fervor associated to this system of thought. If Modern art is so great, if blank canvases and splattered colors have so much meaning, why do they need the most complex and sophisticated language to imbue meaning into them? Thomas Wolfe saw through this decades ago when he published his book, The Painted Word, in which he basically expresses the same idea, that Modernism relies on the most sophisticated and advanced kinds of language and ideas to justify objects which clearly have no intrinsic value.15

We’ve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. When we look at a Rembrandt , Michelangelo , Bouguereau or John Singer Sargent we are awed by the inherent beauty and we then consider what we are feeling and try to find the right words to describe it.

But with Modernist works by De Kooning, Pollock, Miro, Mondrian and dozens of others, clever critics, who are really just language manipulators, have built up ever more tortuous vagaries and conjured imaginings, layering their silver tongued alchemy, one sentence after another onto these “creations” which they proclaim as iconic, platinum and gold; when even lowly lead is missing. A new generation is now seeing blatant instead of brilliant; ingenuous not ingenious and sophistry not sophistication.

If the macro story of humanity and the micro story of individuals are sentimental and unworthy for artists, then what is a fitting purpose for modernist and post-modernist philosophy?

What is relevant? They will tell you: ‘form for its own sake” … “color for its own sake” … “Line or mass for their own sake.” That is art. There is nothing else that art should communicate or express. As if line, mass and color have wants and needs and an independent purpose of their own. They say they’re showing us how to see differently, but if we are true to ourselves, we all see what’s there and more-so what is not there. Clearly, “the Emperor has no clothes.”

To the Modernists these abstract or minimalist canvases are far more worthy of accolades of merit than recreating scenes from the real world, or from our fantasies, myths or legends; more profound than imagery which shows our hopes, dreams, and the most powerful moments in life.

Blank canvases, or empty rooms, or a mound of rocks are more “relevant” subject matter than the times during life that are most memorable, which describe and define our shared humanity. Simple shapes of color are preferred to subjects about people of color; strata of textured paper trumps showing the textured strata of life.

Dribbles of paint are more compelling than a child learning how to dribble a basketball. Piles of garbage are considered more sophisticated than showing the transition from self-conscious adolescent to self-assured adult; and a light blinking on and off in an empty room attracts journalistic praise, while the blinking passage of life and time are but worthless sentimentality.

These are the ignorant precepts of the prefects who hold our museums and college art departments in a hundred-year long grip of meaningless irrelevancies; boring us and our youth alike in a system where the highly skilled are scorned and the talented are passed over and disillusioned. The true artistic masters, until very recently, were dying off without a trained generation to protect, preserve and perpetuate that which had been preserved for so many centuries before.

Sir Hubert Von Herkomer (German/British, 1849-1914)On StrikeOil on canvas, 1891
89 3/4 x 49 3/4 inches (228 x 126.4 cm)
Collection of the Royal Academy of Arts
Sir Hubert Von Herkomer (German/British, 1849-1914)On StrikeOil on canvas, 1891
89 3/4 x 49 3/4 inches (228 x 126.4 cm)
Collection of the Royal Academy of Arts

Modernism shakes its fist at the realist artists of today and the academic artists of the 19th century, claiming that their focus on the development of skills leads to constraining true creativity. They heap adulation on any artist who is focused on throwing off one or another of the definitions and parameters of classical, academic art, all of which are viewed as restrictive and limiting. 

The sad irony is that Modernist ideology is far more restricting and limiting to creativity than any of the art and movements that came before it, or the new realist movement that has emerged today.

Artists have been virtually (if not actually) imprisoned; whether we are talking about the chained constraints of “conceptual art,” or the drudgery of “deconstruction,” the “shackles of shock”, being mired in “minimalism,” or the vapid, inane impoverishment of works described as “abstract”. All are chains which have been “forged link by link and yard by yard”, paying lip service to composition and design, having long ago abandoned all of the parameters of fine art; but especially the paramount need to harmonize great subjects and themes with drawing, modeling, perspective, color, tone, and the expert manipulation of paint. And what are these subjects and themes?

They are the ideas, values, beliefs and the endless range of human thought, feelings and experience.

19th Century Overview

In order to understand the need and search for beauty as indispensable to an artist’s compositions and choices of subjects, we need to see how that quest for beauty and the academic skills and techniques needed for artists to realize their creative ideas, were employed by the last generation of artists who believed in their critical importance: those of the late 19th Century. To state it another way: to comprehend how Modernism gained ascendancy for so long, we need to describe what the artists before them were actually painting and why. How did skill-based Humanist art fall into such decline?

Without any doubt, the art world of the past century has seen a relentless effort to malign and degrade the status and the reputations of the artists and their artwork produced during the Victorian era and its equivalents in Europe and America. Their success in doing this had been nearly total by the end of the Second World War and continued nearly unabated and unopposed until the 1980’s.

It continues in most ways to the present day. But, in the past thirty years it started to change, very slowly at first, but clearly picking up considerable momentum since the end of the millennium.

I tend to think of 1980 as the first beginning of this change in attitude, when the Metropolitan Museum took some of their finest academic paintings that had been in storage since World War I and hung them in the new Andre Meyer Wing announcing their decision to the world and suffering considerable editorial drubbing by famous critics in major newspapers.

Hilton Kramer of the NY Times led a widespread journalistic assault accusing the museum of taking corpses from their basement and excoriated them for daring to hang William Bouguereau and Jean-Léon Gérôme next to Goya and Manet .16

That was when voices who supported the Met’s actions started to be heard even though they had been trying to be for years before.

Over the past three decades, art historians have done a great deal of research and found an overwhelming preponderance of the evidence that shows that the modernist descriptions of this era are no more than misinformation and distortions fabricated in order to denigrate all of the traditional realist art produced between 1850 and 1920.

Amazingly, Emile Zola wrote a novel called The Masterpiece (L’Oeuvre): a fictional account of how Impressionist painters were mistreated by the official academic masters who ran the Paris Salons. This totally made-up account of what occurred was then used and written into most art history texts as if it had actually occurred.

For example, in his story The Salon de Refusé was formed due to a public outcry over the rejected impressionist artists when it actually was the brain child of Napoleon III who felt sorry for the mostly academic artists who walked out of the Salon lead by Meissonier who was famous for his precise cabinet and military paintings. To this day the heart of Modernist accounts of the art history between 1850 and World War I are based on this work of fiction.

The truth was very different.

Impressionism showed up in the Paris Salons nearly as soon as it appeared in the art world. They never suffered a tiny fraction of the suppression that realist artists actually have experienced in the 20th Century. Much of it has been conceived as retribution for what the Impressionists supposedly endured at the hands of realist academicians.

The only problem is that the original causal events never happened and even if they had, the current realist artists couldn’t possibly have had anything to do with it. The information presented here suggests far more profound and underlying core reasons why this should never have happened and why it needs to be reversed.

The suppressed truth about the fine art of the 19th century is that it was a time of explosive artistic activity unrivaled in all prior history. Thousands of properly trained artists pouring out of the great academies and master ateliers throughout the western world developed a myriad of new techniques and explored countless new subjects, styles and perspectives that had never been done before.

These new works covered nearly every aspect of human activity. They were the product of the expansion of freedom and democracy with a profound respect for life, for humanity and for individual human beings, including their minds, their souls and their boundless creative potential. They helped disseminate the growing view that every individual was valuable, that all people are born with equal inalienable rights; especially the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The artists and the writers of the 19th century identified, codified, protected and perpetuated the great humanist values and momentous Age of Reason discoveries of the Enlightenment.


The writers from that era, such as Honoré de Balzac, Victor Hugo, Mark Twain, and Charles Dickens, have been widely praised and celebrated, while the artists of the same period, communicating the same concepts and values … in stark contrast … have been mercilessly ridiculed and slandered.

Working together, their generation played a direct role in helping to free the slaves, in bringing into awareness the damage the industrial age was doing to the environment, in bringing public outrage to child labor and unsafe working conditions, and implementing the process that would lead to equal rights for women and their right to vote.

Their work laid the foundation for breaking up monopolies, protecting and assuring minority rights along with a nearly endless list of societal improvements. The modernists point to the fact that in the 19th century, these things needed to be changed, claiming it was a repressed society.

In truth, all these injustices had been going on for centuries and all of human history before. But the 19th century was the start of the evolution that transformed society into the modern era. It was a society emerging from repression and oppression. Their developing self-awareness led to implementing all the forms of freedom we now take for granted: and history rarely gives the artists any of the credit.

The writers of that time who described this period are today widely celebrated. The visual artists were addressing the same things as the writers and for this incalculably supreme accomplishment their recompense, has been for a century to dismiss their work, denigrate their technical skills, lie about the significance, meaning and importance of their subjects and to totally berate them and their achievements.


Because they didn’t lead the way to splattered paint, blank canvases or industrial size soup cans? They didn’t believe that proving the canvas is flat was the most important subject for fine art? Therefore they were all branded as “irrelevant”?

Here we have a primary concept used by modernists, “Relevance”. These widely beloved 19th century artists are not considered “relevant”, and if they are not relevant, certainly today’s realists are even less relevant. Only works and techniques that shed all the former definitions and parameters of fine art were considered “relevant”. Only those artists that lead the way to abstract expressionism were worthy and “relevant”. Nothing could be further from the truth!

As described above, the purpose of fine art is to communicate. It is successful if it explores the human experience, with poetry, beauty, and grace. If it is unskilled, awkward, and self-conscious, it fails.

Therefore, to say that the realistic movements of the 19th Century were irrelevant to their times or to the major path of the fine arts through the ages, is utterly wrong and incorrect. They were, in fact, at the pinnacle of five hundred years of growth and evolution of their chosen field and had an incalculable impact on the social reforms that were to follow them.

Even the symbolist movements of the 19th century was using modern concepts of psychology before the psychologists. 17 The modernists took art in a completely different direction.

It will be for future generations to determine if that new road was important and meaningful or a dead end in which future progress within their genre was impossible. There are those today who believe it can only be saved by finding a way back to the place where the detour started.

Some of the most significant events in human history were taking place between 1776 and 1914.

The academic artists of that time were not only “relevant” to the times, and relevant to the major thread of art history, but they were relevant to the evolution of art itself, which as a visual language communicating humanity’s knowledge and passions, was growing and expanding by leaps and bounds, breaking ever-new ground and pushing the proverbial envelope.

Their envelopes were however, filled with passion, reason, and exploring every region and element of life and living. Year after year, their work advanced in equal importance alongside the other arts and sciences.

These artists were working at what will surely be considered one of the most important crossroads in the whole of human history. Their art communicated the magnitude of their era in every way.

Does fine art still do that today after 100 years of contorting itself into the Modernist vision and limiting itself to Modernist constraints?

Art history has generally been accurate in its description of fine art from the early Renaissance until about 1840 (With the advent of photography).

For the most part, art historians have given the great and near great their due or at least reasonable notice. That was true until we get to the mid nineteenth century. From roughly 1848 onwards, all of the normal criteria for judging, describing, and chronicling the history of art have been unceremoniously abandoned by 20th century educators.

Almost all the art text books that have been used since the middle of the 20th century have rewritten the history of the 19th century to fit the needs and prejudices of the “modernist” art world; which sees all of art history through a “deconstructionist” lens that defines as important, valuable, and relevant, only those works which broke one or another of the rules and parameters by which works of art were formerly valued and appreciated.

Art history was seen as a long march from the “breakthroughs” of Impressionism, through a stream of different movements which led the way to abstraction, and was espoused with a strident religious fervor by the followers of this “new history” to be the greatest of all forms and styles of art.

Then, with a double-think out of George Orwell’s 1984 they separated the analysis of all previous eras, (pre-19th Century), into its own separate history. It is as though there is one art history with one set of parameters, and then a new art history that built itself on destroying 19 Century’s relevance by attacking the very parameters they still use to praise all other earlier centuries. Indeed, they have created a supremely illogical schism.

You can literally have art professors praising the anatomical perfection, the drawing and paint handling in Raphael or Botticelli , and then talk about the graceful harmonizing of subject and composition and the emotional power of a Madonna and Child by Fillippo Lippi with its brilliant coloration, or the drama and theatre achieved in Rembrandt’s Healing the Sick, and then with a double think that could have been written by the “Ministry of Truth” in George Orwell’s 1984 [which fabricated history] those same educators will rip into the petty sentimentality of the Victorian era and use the same criteria against artists like Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema , John Everett Millais , or French artists like Jules Breton or William Bouguereau .

They criticize how overly perfect their anatomical handling is and how the very same kinds of sentiments and subject matter to these earlier periods are now viewed as sweet and maudlin, even though any truly objective viewing would have to see the work of the 19th century as equal or more successful when it came to harmonizing emotionally powerful subjects with the highest levels of skills and techniques. In fact, the 19th century was the pinnacle of artistic accomplishment.

The artists and writers of the late 19th Century, incorporated in their work a new heightened respect for human dignity. They saw democracy and capitalism as the political and economic systems that could best work together to enable people to live more freely the lives they wanted.

Without a system where it was possible to own private property with a form of government that protected people from the tyranny of despots or the tyranny of the majority it would not be possible to live free.

For many of these artists, their compositions were a reflection of their beliefs and how they lived. William Bouguereau , who was considered perhaps the greatest living artist in France during his life, is one of the best examples, since so many other artists emulated and adored his work and his contribution to his field.

He was accused of just working for his bourgeois and nouveau riche clients, but in truth he prided himself on being able to paint anything he wanted and the demand for his work was so great that most works were sold before the paint had barely started drying. He was a workaholic, painting 14 to 16 hours a day, producing over 20 paintings per year; most life-size and many multi-figured. He took a direct personal interest in his employees, his students and his colleagues and was widely known to help almost anyone who was in need who touched his life.

On more than a couple of occasions, he insured a livelihood to the widows of colleagues of his who had passed on with very little to leave their wives and children. He was much beloved and respected, especially by his students. Bouguereau also played a central role in opening up the Paris Salon and the French Academies to women artists. Starting in 1868, he along with Rudolph Julian , Jules Lefebvre , Gabriel Ferrier and Tony Robert-Fleury , all amongst France’s most successful and famous painters, at that time, started holding regular classes and critiques for women. By 1893 all major art schools in France had courses for women, even the much renowned Academie des Beaux Arts in Paris.

Bouguereau was born in 1825, after the great upheavals of the American and French Revolutions, two events which embody the breakthroughs of Enlightenment thought. Bouguereau and Victor Hugo were at the top of the list of the leading artists and writers of their day, whose work was to codify those advances.

They bridged the gap from centuries of societies ruled by kings and emperors, empowered by “divine right”, that led to a civilization made of men and laws whereby governments could only gain legitimacy from the consent of the governed: justice, equality under the law, elections by popular vote; protection of human rights; the obligation of government and society to identify, organize, and protect those rights; freedom of the press permitting and insuring popular disclosure, debate and resolution of countless injustices still embedded in recalcitrant institutions which were still run by aristocrats and bureaucrats who fought to hold on to their power. Let me quote from Alexis De Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, written in 1835-1840, where he states:

 The society of the modern world, which I have sought to delineate, and which I seek to judge, has but just come into existence. Time has not yet shaped it into perfect form: the great revolution by which it has been created is not yet over; and amid the occurrences of our time, it is almost impossible to discern what will pass away with the revolution itself, and what will survive its close.

The world which is rising into existence is still half encumbered by the remains of the world which is waning into decay; and amid the vast perplexity of human affairs, none can say how much of ancient institutions and former manners will remain, or how much will completely disappear. 

-De Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America, opening of Chapter VIII  .

It was not at all certain what kind of world would evolve, but freedom and security were essential for the pursuit of happiness, for only a free and secure people can build a civilization in which culture and the arts could flourish. So it was the writers and artists of mankind’s “first” century of liberty and freedom, the 19th Century, that considered it their duty and responsibility to organize, to codify, to popularize and protect the values, laws, and democratized institutions of society which would insure the perpetuation of liberty; a way of life so recently come to the affairs of man. How they accomplished this would surely effect future generations perhaps for centuries. The Western world moved from a world filled with edicts of the “sovereign” to a world ruled by “sovereign states.” Terms like the “general will” and “social contract” and “government, of, by and for the people” were disseminated everywhere throughout the newly “free” world.

These revolutionary ideas were increasingly embedded in the educated classes, spreading rapidly to workers in the fields, and laborers in factories and shipyards, all of whom were to participate in the benefits of a newly free and democratic society as the 18th century origins led to 19th century codification and 20th Century implementation a process which still continues today. It started first narrowly, as with only land owners voting in the original US Constitution, and then ever more broadly until by the time the 20th century had finished dealing with two world wars, the great Depression and countless other horrors, we saw an evolution from an agricultural society to the industrialized and then the technologically advanced society of today.

So it is these core beliefs of the Enlightenment, its ideas values and concepts that are so crucial to understanding the context in which the artists of the 19th century lived. They were, in fact, addressing the very heart of Enlightenment thought.

Bouguereau painted young peasant girls with a solemn dignity and a hushed and reverential beauty. One of his works shows a strong but beautiful peasant girl holding a staff and looking at the viewer directly and unabashedly in the eye. She is standing her ground, so to speak.

In another major work, a life-size gypsy mother holds her daughter and both are standing on a mountaintop looking down at the viewer. Their gaze, too, is direct but welcoming. In this painting Bouguereau is elevating these gypsies by silhouetting them against a vast sky with a low horizon line like you might expect in a painting of the Madonna and child. We are looking up to them.

Their kind and welcoming expressions implies their acceptance of us; the viewer is asked to return this show of respect, which can only be properly echoed by our acceptance of them regardless of the lowly status of their birth.

The very truth and reality of their birth once a negative, now elevates them to the heavens… a status wherein all of humanity now resides.

In the 19th Century, all people doing any and all activities were considered worthy subjects and themes for the artists to address. Subjects included paintings of the poor and homeless, women thrown out in the cold by tyrannical husbands, or children toiling until late at night, enduring 16 hour work days.

There were scenes of marriage and children and family life; scenes of schools and courts and hospitals and industry, parks and mountains and countless other topics. For example, a popular theme was of a hypocritical clergy preaching to renounce worldly possessions from their opulent apartments filled with art, antiques and personal servants.

How revolutionary a theme this was for artists. When the French artists Vibert , Brunery and Crogaert satirized the clergy,18 and painted cardinals in sumptuous surroundings, playing cards with pretty young socialites, or hiring the services of a fortune teller, they were saying that the clergy was human and vulnerable to the same weaknesses and frailty of character as other people.

But beyond that, to spoof the clergy represented our newfound freedom of speech. A modernist professor once said to me “how inane and silly to show cardinals in silly poses like that.” His prejudice blinded him from even beginning to figure out what Vibert had done … what rules of conduct he had broken from the prior rulers of society.

We have been taught to elevate artists for breaking rules and conventions of perspective or for undermining realistic drawing, or daring not to follow prior precepts for creating art, but the academic artists who had been on the front lines of culture, helping all of us to win our freedoms and rights, were also helping to create a climate where it was even possible to consider breaking the rules of art; which by comparison is a weak and shallow accomplishment when compared to breaking the rules that lead to our freedom from oppression.

In previous centuries, an artist might have had his head cut off for spoofing cardinals in this way. When writers spoke of modern art and the modern era during the late 1800’s this is what they meant by modern. And indeed these artists were pushing the envelope and showing a gutsy willingness to openly degrade the immorality of aristocracy, clergy and corrupt politicians as well as the unjust laws. This was really “sticking your neck out.”

From exposing societal ills and portraying the value and equality of all people, it was but a half step away to explore the personal inner life of individuals and to value and elevate mankind’s hopes, fantasies, and dreams.

For academic artists and writers of the 19th Century, humanity was what counted, and everything that made us human; how we see ourselves and how we see the world.

Humanity was glorified and people of every type and shape, every nationality and color, every occupation and avocation, were represented in their work. We were what counted…we were what was important and we were the greatest of all subjects for the creative bounty of the top artistic minds on earth.

Everything about humanity became the new fodder for the unique forms of communication produced by the writers prose, the poet’s pentameter, and the painter’s pigments. Glorified we were, as thousands of artists produced millions of images, often new and original, and the best of the best of these were masterpieces of the highest order.

Returning then to Beauty and aesthetics

The experience of beauty in fine art also described as Aesthetic sensibilities is therefore inextricably bound to subject and themes about humanity; about life and living and documenting how we see the world and how we feel about life. 

It’s clear how this relates directly back to what fine art is all about and what things we as human beings consider beautiful and hold as sacred. Fine art like poetry, literature and theatre achieves beauty by capturing and memorializing those things we as human beings all share and hold dear.

Art is celebrated because it helps us celebrate the human experience. And the creations that communicate some aspect of our shared humanity with beauty, poetry, grace and a respect for human dignity are our greatest works of art.

Aesthetics in the fine arts is equally tied to the formal skill-based elements of drawing painting and sculpture listed earlier in this chapter. The subject and theme chosen by the artist must harmonize with all the other skill-based elements mentioned before and listed below.

Endless numbers of choices and decisions must be made by the artist and a vast array of problems arise and need to be solved during the creative process by always constantly keeping in mind, the subject, theme and the purpose that they have given themselves for each specific work of art.

Since we live in a 3-dimensional world, artists use objects from the real world as part of their visual vocabulary. The achievement of three-dimensional effects, then, increases the strength and success of artwork when using the visual language of realism. Some other factors, principles and parameters, which aid the highly skilled in their pursuit of beauty, are worth noting. Here is an incomplete list of elements for which decisions must be made or problems solved:

  • Subtle vs. obvious
  • Balance vs. unbalanced
  • Homogeneity of execution vs. disconnected, awkward and incongruent whether in shapes, forms, sizes, perspective, shadowing, light source, etc.
  • Integration of subject and form
  • Integration of subject and form
  • Selective focus often achieved through experienced blending of impressionist and academic techniques.
  • Accurate drawing skills as fundamental to painting
  1. Finding the correct contour lines
  2. Modeling them to create the illusion of three dimensional forms
  • Proportions
  • Foreshortening
  • Perspective
  • Lost and found edges or contours
  • Juxtaposing of positive and negative space
  • Glazing and scumbling
  • Brushwork studied color alternatives for creating shadows and highlights that go beyond strict modeling of light and dark.
  • Proper preparation of materials: choosing of panel or canvas; stretching the canvas treating the surface and preparing the ground.
  • Composition: from an infinite number of possibilities the artist must decide on placement of figures, what they are doing and what expressions should be on their faces, in their body language, and all other elements to include in order to best express the subject and enrich the image, theme or idea being attempted. Limiting those choices to avoid the work becoming too busy as too many objects can be distracting to the theme or idea being attempted.
  • Choice of clothing if figures are not to be naked along with which accessories.
  • Dramatic and powerful vs. soft and peaceful
  • Coloration choices and transitions
  • Light and atmosphere
  • Size of the work
  • Availability of models or other elements that will be needed for reference during the entire process.
  • Choice of medium: oils, acrylics, watercolor, pastels
  • Color palette and placement. Colors need to be mixed dynamically on the spot and countless decisions concerning colors and blending of color are made in real time while painting.

Modernism has mostly ignored most of these. A work of art that successfully harmonizes subject and theme with all of the elements of painting and drawing listed above is likely to be successful. A work will not be successful, which is inconsistent, awkward, incongruent, lacking in homogeneity, unbalanced, poorly composed, or any combination of many possibilities in which these elements do not harmonize choices which can sabotage and undermine an artist’s goals.

Modern art has eliminated nearly all of the above skills and qualities and made virtually every element formerly considered a virtue into a vice.

Conversely, the vices have become virtues. Can both forms of art exist side by side in college art departments and in our museums? Their goals and beliefs are diametrically opposite from each other.

Perhaps colleges and universities which are not prepared to support or suppress either one would be better advised to have different departments with different faculties.

Ultimately in a world where freedom prevails: freedom to think, to speak and to create whatever kind of art we want for reasons of our own choosing, it will fall to those who acquire art to decide which kinds of art they prefer to beautify their homes, their cities and their world.

People will decide which set of objects and beliefs they wish to elevate, protect and preserve as sacred memorials of their values, their lives and their culture that will pass down to their children and posterity.

My hope is that would-be artists and art historians, by understanding the underlying principles of aesthetic beauty will be in a more informed place from which to examine and decide for themselves between the principles, values and beliefs behind the Modernist paradigm, and those that underlie skill-based and subject-based traditional and contemporary Realism.

Traditional skill-based art in recent decades has had very few proponents, ceding nearly a century to an ascendant modernist leviathan. Ironically, that century has seen the greatest strides forward in every other field of human endeavor. If the proponents of realism are as correct as it seems, the art world is woefully behind our times and will need to do a lot of catching up.

The new Realism movement now has thousands of artists. 

That is a staggering turn-around from the handful who were working 30 years ago. 

There are many upscale art galleries in major cities throughout the world who concentrate on art with images from the real world. ARC Living Masters and Associate Living Masters have taken great strides forward in reclaiming our century's long heritage in Realist fine art. 

We are now seeing solid indications of the rich creativity developing at the heart of the 21st Century art world. 

The exhilaration and optimism that flows forward from here could not be more thrilling or more exciting. 

I can't wait to see the magic and beauty that is in store for us as these artists are inspired by an avalanche of original perspectives, innovative methods, and brilliant game-changing subject matter in a rapidly growing Realist movement… as artists share their ideas together seeding and cross pollenating a landslide of creative and innovative thinking that will lead us to ever more poetic, inspirational and beautiful artwork in the studios, salons and exhibitions in the years that lie ahead. 

Just half way through the second decade of the first century of this the third millennia, we are truly at the very beginning of a new era that celebrates the beauty and poetry of the human soul.

Fred Ross

Fred Ross

Founder and Chairman of the Art Renewal Center, Ross is the leading authority on William Bouguereau and co author of the recently published Catalogue Raisonné William Bouguereau: His Life and Works.

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America is heading straight for a civil war. It is obvious and frightening.

Well, you cannot help but notice. The United States is a fucking mess. It really is, and the only ones that cannot see this are partisan loyalists and oligarchs inside their comfortable mansions. Here is a great article that pretty much comes to this conclusion. And after decades of warnings, and nuanced complaining, the often discounted SHTF and civil strife seem to be building up to its ultimate conclusion.

You can see this just by reading the headlines on the Drudge Report…

Yes, the United States is in a state of turmoil.

Whatever the leadership is doing, it’s ineffectual.

I get the impression of a ship sinking, and everyone on the deck fighting each other. The Captain of the ship is just locked in his cabin. The rest of the crew just aren’t doing anything substantive. Any lifeboats are partially unfurled, and only partial measures are in place for all the many problems that are igniting all over the ship.

Its a mess, a flame that out of control, and the blaze is burning brightly.

Is America Heading For Civil War? Of Course It Is…

The following is an article by Brandon Smith, written on July 7th, 2020. Tt can be found at Alt-Market, and all credit to the author. This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at Alt-Market. 

In last week’s article, I discussed the issue of American “balkanization” and the rapid migration of conservatives and moderates from large population centers and states that are becoming militant in their progressive ideology. In my home state of Montana, there has been a surge of people trying to escape the chaos and oppression of leftist states.

Some are here because of the pandemic and the harsh restrictions they had to endure during the first lockdowns. Others are here because they can’t stand the hostility of identity politics, cancel culture, and race riots. Either way, they are fleeing places with decidedly leftist influences.

Uprooting and moving to an entirely new place is not an easy thing to do, especially in the middle of a pandemic. For many people, such an idea would have been unthinkable only a few years ago. Believe me, moving to a place like the Rocky Mountain Redoubt is not an easy transition for most. Hopefully, these people understand that they will have to make extensive preparations for the rough winter and be ready to work hard in the spring and summer months to survive. Maybe they don’t realize yet how tough it is here; maybe they know and don’t care.

That’s how bad the situation has become – Rational and reasonable people are willing to leave behind their old life and risk it all to keep a margin of freedom.

Armed "Black Panthers" march in Texas with a list of demands for substantive changes to society.
Armed “Black Panthers” march in Texas with a list of demands for substantive changes to society.

In my view, it is clear that the political left has gone so far off the rails into its own cultism that there is no coming back. There can be no reconciliation between the two sides, so we must separate, or we must fight. I advocate for separation first for a number of reasons:

First and foremost, conservatives are the primary producers within American culture. If we leave the leftists to their own devices there is a chance they will simply implode in on themselves and eat each other because they have no idea how to fill the production void. The recent developments in the defunct CHAZ/CHOP autonomous zone are a perfect example. Those people don’t have the slightest clue what they are doing and it shows.

Second, if conservatives separate it provides a buffer that helps defuse future random conflicts. When you force the two sides into a box together eventually they will find a reason to try to kill each other. Putting some distance between them and us reduces the angst.

Third, if the leftists decide they don’t like that we have separated and are thriving on our own, and they attempt to antagonize or attack us where we live, then we hold the clear moral high ground when we smash them to pieces in response.

Antifa elements along with some non-aligned protestors have taken over vast areas of the city of Seattle.
Antifa elements along with some non-aligned protestors have taken over vast areas of the city of Seattle.

I fully realize that the third outcome is the most likely. War is probably inevitable. Why? Because collectivists and narcissists are never satisfied. They desire unlimited control over the lives of others and they will use any means to get that control no matter how destructive. Separating from them is only a stop-gap that allows us to take a superior position. Through peaceful migration, we set the pace of the conflict. Eventually, they will come after us, and there will be no doubt about our response then. There will be no way to spin the result in their favor, no way for them to play the victims.

Some people might question if we are actually to the point of open conflict; they might accuse me of “doom-mongering”. Others may argue that conservatives are acting “passive” and that we will never take any action. These assumptions are common right now because such people do not understand how history progresses and how group psychology evolves.

Domestic war is not something pursued lightly, or haphazardly. The average person knows at least subconsciously that it’s better to seek resolution or to remain patient as events unfold. Conservatives aren’t stupid; we know that before any civil war there is first a culture war. And, we know that the cards are stacked against us and that if we act rashly in any way we will lose position in that culture war.

So, we let the leftists spit and rage like madmen for a little while. Each day people who were on the fence when it comes to the culture war are witnessing this and come over to our side because we’re the only side that is sane. The drawback is, there comes a point in which calm professionalism might be wrongly perceived as weakness. And when people sense weakness among conservatives, they might run into the arms of the extreme left thinking that it’s safer to join the “winning team”.

Lawless areas are springing up all over America's cities. Where the government steps back and allows others, often a local crime boss, to take over portions of the city.
Lawless areas are springing up all over America’s cities. Where the government steps back and allows others, often a local crime boss, to take over portions of the city.

I believe conservatives have not been sucked into a reactionary stance yet because they are thinking logically and refusing to play the game for now. In some ways, it is how we enter the fight that is more important than the fight itself.  To understand why, we have to look at the bigger picture beyond the left/right conflict.

As I noted last week, the political left is a tool for a greater agenda. They are being used as a weapon of chaos by globalist interests. This is not “conspiracy theory”, this is a conspiracy fact. Millions of dollars have poured into Antifa and BLM related groups through elitist donors like George Soros and his Open Society Foundation as well as the Ford Foundation. Globalist institutions like these have been influencing the extreme left and promoting identity politics for DECADES. This is openly admitted. What we are witnessing in 2020 is simply the culmination of a half-century-long propaganda campaign that created the modern feminist movement, victim group status, entitlement culture, etc.

The reason for the agenda should be obvious: Chaos creates fear. Fear creates division and crisis. And, crisis creates opportunity (as globalist Rahm Emanuel once bragged). Meaning, the extreme left is going to start a war because that’s exactly what the global elites created them for.

Now, some might suggest that this places conservatives in a Catch-22 position; if we don’t fight back then we will look weak. We will be culturally isolated and eventually overrun and wiped from the history books. If we do fight back we will be giving the globalists what they want – A civil war that will tear America apart.

The suggestion by certain special interests will be that there is only one way out; use government power to turn the tide to our advantage. In other words, institute martial law. I don’t really see it that way.

Once we understand that a fight is coming regardless, our task is to position ourselves with the most advantage possible while keeping our culture and our principles intact. This includes our belief in constitutionalism, civil liberties, and opposition to tyranny in ANY form. Winning the fight is important, but maintaining our principles in the process is more important. Becoming a monster to fight the monster is the same as losing.

When the left comes for us (and they will), the fight has to be won by us, not government. We cannot hand even more power to government in the name of security. We cannot become the fascists the leftists accuse us of being.

I am often asked these days about my view of the 2020 election and how it will turn out. I did predict Trump’s election win in the summer of 2016 based on the idea that Trump’s presence in the White House would drive the left insane, as well as give the globalists a perfect “conservative” scapegoat for the economic collapse they had been engineering since at least 2008.

Trump’s cabinet of global elitists suggests his complacency in this plan.  We still live under a one-party system pretending as if it is a two-party paradigm.

Furthermore, I am not convinced there will even be an election in November. With pandemic lockdowns surely returning as infections spike once again, the US economy will be in ruins by winter. Voting in a traditional fashion will be difficult or restricted in some states. And, mail-in or digital ballots will not be accepted by most conservatives because of their history of being used to rig election outcomes.

Look at it this way: If Trump “wins”, or delays the election, the left will riot and a civil war will be triggered. Conservatives will have to deal with the violence of the left while also dealing with the potential for martial law (which we cannot tolerate or support either). If Biden “wins”, it will be perceived by many conservatives who still think elections matter as a stolen presidency engineered through fraudulent ballot practices.

To summarize, if Trump is still in the White House in 2021, get ready to fight back against leftist mobs as well as martial law measures. If you believe in freedom, realize that fake conservatives that support government tyranny will be as much a problem as Marxist lefties. If Biden enters the White House, expect him to immediately implement unconstitutional policies including medical tyranny, gun confiscation, and martial law. Either way, it ends in war.

BLM supporters demanding an "improved" society of segregation where they make the rules.
BLM supporters demanding an “improved” society of segregation where they make the rules.

It’s also the classic false choice narrative:  You can choose Marxism and communism, or you can choose fascism.  Communism being the elevation of the weak and the oppression of the strong in the name of arbitrary “equality”, and fascism being the elimination of the weak or less fortunate in the name of making more room for the strong.  Both sides rely on totalitarian government to assert dominance, and both sides benefit the elitist establishment.  The great con is that there is no third option when there is; the non-aggression principle, citizen defense, voluntarism, and freedom.

Frankly, I almost prefer a scenario in which Biden and the left are perceived as stealing the election. At least then conservatives will be fully united once again and ready to fight, instead of passively relying on a Pied Piper like Trump to save them.

The truth is, in 2020-2021 we stand at a massive nexus point in human history. We are spiraling into a decade and a fight that will decide the fate liberty for the next century or more. On one side stands the global elites and the useful idiots on the hard left. They will push for a collectivist system that erases all memory of the Constitutional Republic we once knew, and they will get help from fake conservatives that value power over principle. On the other side stands the people that just want to be left alone; the free minds, the people that don’t need or desire to have power over anybody.

If humanity is to have a future at all, the second group must continue to exist and prosper. They are the wellspring that feeds us, that gives us something to hope for. If the elites and the social justice mob take control, there can be no future for our species. They desire what they cannot and should not have. They value only what they can take from others. They have a hunger that can never be satiated. They will devour the world until there is nothing left while claiming they stand for the “greater good”. War cannot be avoided with such people; the only question is, will liberty-minded people stay the course and stick by their principles or will they fall to their darker impulses to ensure victory?


It certainly seems to me that the United States is a mess. The government is corrupt, inefficient and squabbling to a point that few things can get done. The entire premise of what the United States is today is being questioned, with the entire political left leaning towards a mix of fascism and communism to sort things out.

Whether this will result in a shooting civil war is unknown. Certainly, historical precedents seem to point in that direction, but we really do not know. What we do know is that every time that the United States seems to be on the edge of chaos, it suddenly gets pulled back from the brink and things calm right back down.

So we just don’t know what will happen.

Certainly, the comments to this article (on the original site) express a mix of emotions and thoughts that pretty much display emotional rants, with little constructive dialog. That in itself is worrisome.

If you all in the United States now, please take care of yourself, your family, and your friends. Your strength lies in your community; your local community and your role in it. If things get better, then your life will be richer for it. If things get worse, you will be able to survive it with others in a similar situation.

Make sure that you are protecting yourself from the many threats that circle around you and your family.

These threats include COVID-19 and more. Have food stockpiles, have them hidden, and keep quiet about them. You know, canned food will keep for a long time. And, it wouldn’t hurt to have a few bags of flour or rice lying around. Some small bottles of alcohol are great trade items and can be used for other things if needed. If you don’t drink, you might want to buy a case of cheap whiskey in small bottles. The same goes for cigarette lighters – the disposable kind. A box of 100 can be bought on the internet cheaply.

Make absolutely sure that you have antibiotics. These are like gold during a SHTF event. Aspirin, Tylenol, and any prescription pain relievers are good things to have. Rubbing alcohol, and a couple of books on emergency first aid procedures will not cost much, but would really come in handy if things go “South”.

It never hurts to begin preparations now, if you haven’t already.

Reinforce your fences, gates, and protective measures, a long row of tangled foliage will work wonders. Supplement your front and rear doors with a two-by-four that you can effectively double bar the door with.

Extra protective measures might not be needed, but are always prudent when times become unstable.
Extra protective measures might not be needed, but are always prudent when times become unstable.

Train, and drill with family. Nothing radical or worrisome. Just concentrate on the basics. What happens at home is confidential. Avoid crowds. How to handle fires, or strangers who come to your neighborhood. Be alert. Do simple things like that.

You would be amazed at the number of "preppers" who discover that their children participate in BLM marches, and rallies. And who communicate on pro-BLM and Antifa social media. For a family to survive, it needs to be unified.

Use the rule of three on weapons and hiding them; One group for ease of use. One group hidden to your family, and one group that only you know about.

Make sure that you are gardening. Even if you don’t eat the food, it’s a wonderful pastime and helps relieve stress.

Gardening need not be a big thing. Just start out small, and plant something. So you missed spring, you can plant things throughout the year.
Gardening need not be a big thing. Just start out small, and plant something. So you missed spring, you can plant things throughout the year.

Canning is also fun. Give it a spin if you have the opportunity. Riding a bicycle is a lot of fun. Get out of your car or truck and go riding on some local back roads. Get to know the feel of the land. Have fun.

If you can, go out fishing with your family.

Again, I do not know what will happen. But I do expect that certain areas of the country might experience some degree of civil lawlessness. Not just in Seattle. YOu will be able to see urban migrants trying to enter your area. They might come in campers, or with tents and backpacks. Be wary of tent cities and encampments. Often they are not reported, but “everyone” will know where they are. More areas than what is currently being reported. If your area becomes one such area, you need to be prepared and ready.

Start now.

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It’s too late now. You should have gotten out while you could. Now it is too late.

I have some things to say. So brace yourself. I’ve got some strong ideas about life, happiness, peace, freedom, and liberty. I also have ideas about property, hamburgers, beer, wine, and pizza. So fortify yourself with some strong drink and something to crunch upon. Here we go…

You know, the sole purpose of government is to protect it’s citizenry.

That is it.

Nothing else matters. It should make sure that the people are fine and living life, or as they used to say in the United States, being in the “pursuit of happiness“.

Now, this can mean many things, but most fundamentally it means that the people are protected from thieves, robbers, and hoodlums. It also means that they are protected from other nations who might which to perform large-scale robbery, rape, and crimes against people, property, and things.

Different nations handle this differently.

  • Some (like early America) were small, and provided only the necessities.
  • Others believed in a central government that controlled everything.
  • While others set up military empires that pretty much ran the nation through strength.
  • And still others have varying degrees of “democratic” rule.

All nations change over time. Sometimes those changes are gradual, and sometimes those changes are rapid and violent. But change is the norm in human society and it’s high time that America starts to experience some of the long-delayed changes that have been building up for decades, if not centuries.

America today is an oligarchy (PTB) run military empire undergoing the pains of social, financial, economic, and leadership contraction.

It’s painful to watch.


Fundamentally, at the most basic level, a nation that cannot protect its people and that cannot provide for its people is no longer a nation. It is a dysfunctional “something”. It might have a flag, and passports and colored lines on a geographic map, but functionally it has ceased being a nation.

It’s people can see this.

And when they can no longer rely on the police and the government to protect them, they make changes. They seek means of protecting themselves. One of the greatest indicators in a loss of respect and confidence in a nation is when the citizens start buying up firearms and weapons.

When the government can no longer protect it's people, the people try to protect themselves. they purchase guns and ammunition.
When the government can no longer protect it’s people, the people try to protect themselves. they purchase guns and ammunition.

Most of the citizens in a dysfunctional nation can see this.

Only those living within protective enclaves of the elite are unable to see this. Yet, over time, even they too can see what is going on, and those with the necessary means, flee. They construct safe places far away and abandon the nation under collapse.

Those that remain behind have only two options available to them…

  • Accept the status quo and adapt.
  • Or change the nation into something that is functional.

If you, for whatever reason, are unable to participate or accept these options then you must leave. Because no matter how you look at it, there is going to be trying times ahead.

And things could get… uncomfortable.

Things can get uncomfortable when there is no order, no skills, and when laws are not followed. Accidents can happen. Both accidental and intentional.
Things can get uncomfortable when there is no order, no skills, and when laws are not followed. Accidents can happen. Both accidental and intentional.

There were numerous people writing articles arguing that you should construct a “life boat” and leave before things get worse. I was one of them. Here’s another fellow named Llpoh. He wrote an article about escape a few years back, and now he revisits it with some interesting insight…

The following article is from the Burning Platform Blog. In it he revisits an earlier article that he wrote titled “Llpoh: Get Out While You Can”. This article updates it with the day to day craziness that is the norm in America today. It’s a pretty sobering look at what the USA is, or what it has become. All credit to the original author.

Llpoh: Get Out While You Can, Revisited

Just under two years ago I wrote the article that follows. It garnered a lot of comments, and I encourage you to revisit them to see how well they have stood the test of time. The original article can be found here:

If anything, I was far too optimistic in my assessment. It is now too late to get out, as you can easily see. I did what I could to sound the alarm. I told you so, and it brings me no pleasure (well, maybe a little) to say that.

Interestingly, there are a number of posters on the original thread that said they would fight when the time came. I called bullshit then and still do. Things are far worse today than then, but no fighting is happening.


The other side is better organized, and they are marching armed and un-impeded wherever they choose. It looks more and more like the normal folks are surrendering without even a dying whimper. Much as I suspected and predicted. It is not a criticism, just a statement of fact. The left and the minorities have won. If the Hispanics ever join the leftist march, it is well and truly over.

Does anyone see a way out?

The $5 trillion or more yearly deficit, the loss of Liberty to the pandemic, the acquiescence of all organizations and businesses to the demands of the left, the inability to even argue with a black person without losing your job, the loss of freedom of movement, the ability of the radicals to commandeer interstate highways and cities without so much as a “that is illegal” from elected officials, the erasure of history, the inability to defend your person or property, etc., are just some of the thousands of examples that show the normals have lost.

If they are not standing up now, then it is not going to happen.

Because this is as bad as it gets.

Oh, it can get worse, but when you have reached Hell, and you have, it is just the particular level in Hell that is the question.

So the question is – does anyone see a way out? And if so what is it. Because there is nothing happening now that I can see. Please give me some hope. I sure could use it about now. I just do not see it.

This is the text of the original article, for reference:

LLPOH: Get Out While You Can

I am currently stateside. It has been a few years, and I had to take care of some business. My wife and I have revisited some of our favorite spots, and caught up with some family. We have driven through some of God’s finest works. There is no more beautiful landscape anywhere on earth than the west coast, Route 66, southern Colorado, the Badlands, etc.

That said, I say this most sincerely, and with great sorrow. Those of you who can, get out now.

Discussing what to do over drinks.
Discussing what to do over drinks.

What I have seen leads me to depression, and there is no road back for the US, in my opinion.

The blinkered people, the tax collectors roadside (police everywhere collecting taxes), the tax collecting at every opportunity, the welfare state, the severe drop in service at restaurants, the tattoos, the green hair, the lard-asses everywhere, the severe over-population of great swathes of the country, the hideous media out only to inflame, and not to report, the aged and infirm working at whatever jobs they can find, the homeless everywhere, the beggars, the filth roadside, the severe health issues seen at every turn (people everywhere too fat to walk, carrying oxygen, diabetes inflicted, toothless), casinos one after another, hideous roads, etc. ad naseum, lead me to but one conclusion: the US is fucked. It grieves me to say it. It disgusts me to see it.

Of all of these things, the most serious is the blinkered people. They have no insight, no curiosity, no sense of understanding of the world, no vision of anything outside their tiny bubble.

Put together a "go bag" also known as a "bug out bag".
Put together a “bug out bag”.

There are far too many people. California has 40 million, almost double that of Australia, which is more or less the size of the lower 48. I struggle to breathe around such masses.

I can feel the desperation wherever I go, but the people cannot see that they cause their own issues by living far beyond their means, with leased cars and pickups, and mortgaged to the hilt.

I spoke with many relying on pensions, who do not realize the precariousness of their positions. I ask how well funded are their plans, and they stare at me mouths agape, unable to even grasp the question.

If you have the means then use them and go to a safe place.
If you have the means then use them and go to a safe place.

I spoke to many business owners, who are so angry it defies belief. To a man, they are wanting to throw in the towel. The government has choked them to death, and dealing with employees is killing them day by day. One has seven lawsuits going and has been sued 25 times. He services equipment for other companies. Whenever an idiot maims someone with the equipment he services, he gets roped into the lawsuit. The equipment never fails, but some idiot, not employed by him, runs over someone, and he gets sued, guilty by association.

The immigration policy of the US is helping destroy the country. As a reference point, Australia takes a couple hundred thousand immigrants a year, talent-based. Talent based. Compare that to the US insanity.

On and on it goes.

Pick a destination and leave.
Pick a destination and leave.

So I say this. Get out if you can. I recommend New Zealand or Australia. Others might recommend somewhere else. These countries have issues, but they are a few decades behind those that the US has. If not that, then if possible move away from the big cities.

My Concluding Thoughts

Ai! The USA is certainly a big mess.

I know, I left it and ended up in my “life boat” in China. You might hate China, but most people who do, do so out of ignorance. They just don’t know what I know, or what China is like.

I can tell you one thing, though…

China is a functional nation, run by serious people, who do not play. They invest in their people and in their society. They honor their traditions and make sure that they are preserved. All of them, including the 80+ minority groups. It’s beautiful here. The sky is blue, the trees are lush green, the ocean is a rainbow of light blues to dark greens, and all the flowers are vibrant and sweet.

The people are relaxed, and nice. The roads are new and well maintained. The police are alert and there are many freedoms that most Americans have long given up ages ago.

But that is my story.

What is obvious is that the United States is a mess and the elite in positions of power are so “off the grid” in reality that they don’t know if they are coming or going. It can only get worse before it gets better.

If you are stuck in the United States right now, I would suggest that you fortify your home, stockpile supplies, and practice, practice and practice. While it might not end up as a shooting hot conflict, that is (after all) the historical norm. Be prepared.

I would suggest that you fortify your home, set up strong fencing, add strong metal doors, and 2x4 barricades that you can put in place. Hide your supplies and plant shrubbery to hide you home from view.
I would suggest that you fortify your home, set up strong fencing, add strong metal doors, and 2×4 barricades that you can put in place. Hide your supplies and plant shrubbery to hide your home from view.

Do not expect things to get better.

In fact, I argue, that if suddenly things did get better, then I would dig a hole in the ground and hide. For it is possible that even worse things are down the road.

It’s long past the time for “temporary fixes” and “band-aides” and other “kick the can down the road” solutions.

Things have run out.

We all can see the wreck that the United States is today. We can see that the entire government is dysfunctional, that the police are either dangerous or useless, and that the leadership are nothing but greedy evil people who will sell you out in a heartbeat.

It’s game over!

It's game over.
It’s game over.

Things have run out. The end of the road is getting clearer with each passing day.

As the car barrels down the highway and pumping the breaks no longer work… you can see the signs on the highway that read “Dead End”, “Road Closed”, “Bridge Out”, and…

..and when your car crashes through the wooden roadblock and sprinters of the sign are all over the windshield…


You realize that perhaps it’s too late.

Maybe you should jump out of the speeding car. Even though it is going 60 mph on a twisty and winding road…

Even though you might get scratched in the process, it will probably be far safer than getting trapped inside the car as it goes engine first diving onto the rocky shores below.

If you are stuck and trapped in the United States right now, I would advise living a quiet low-key life. You would need to tone down your internet presence. Keep your private home and personal life quiet. Keep your political opinions quiet. Blend in, and then only come out when the “all clear” siren sounds.

Only come out when it is safe to come out.
Only come out when it is safe to come out.

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Constructing a DIY dimensional world-line portal (part 8); A discussion on indexing coordinates

In this post, we will discuss the issues with assigning a gravitational frequency profile for both the destination coordinates and the egress coordinates. In addition, we will look at the indexing coordinated for the individual human traveler and what that can mean for other applications.

One of the most stunning realizations that you will encounter when dealing with world-line travel is the idea of fixed and set coordinates.

These coordinates are fixed to a given world-line within the MWI. They include a set time, and a geographic location, as well as the entire world-line that you are targeting. And by changing these coordinates just a small amount can have dramatic changes in location, time, and whatever world-line that the portal opens up to.

But it’s not only the coordinates of destination.

It’s also the coordinates associated with the human traveler that uses the dimensional portal.

So far, we have talked about using the dimensional portal as a gateway. We discussed using it as a gateway to other geographic locations. We also discussed it as a gateway to other times; a time-machine. And, of course, we discussed it as a gateway for other world-lines.

But we never talked about what would happen if you made slight alterations to the human traveler when they are in the portal.

Let’s look at all these issues.


When we refer to coordinates, what we are actually referring to is a complete gravitational frequency profile. This profile can take many forms and be massaged into all sorts of graphs and data sets for ease of understanding.

When I went through the MAJestic portal back in 1981, the coordinate set consisted of a thickly bound book of computer printouts. It was just reams and reams of numbers and symbols. But it need not be that way. Things have advanced technologically since that date.

In short, there are four groups of “coordinates” that we need concern ourselves with;

  • The egress coordinates of the dimensional portal at the time of use.
  • The destination coordinates of the destination. It may or may not be associated with a portal.
  • The coordinates of the human traveler as they enter the portal.
  • The coordinates of the human traveler as the leave the portal at the destination.

In all the previous posts / articles, we have discussed keeping the traveler coordinate identical from the egress portal to that of the destination coordinates. In this way, the traveler would experience no change at all when they enter the dimensional portal for teleportation purposes.

However, if you were to change the destination coordinates of the traveler, you can actually physically change the traveler itself.

Changes to the coordinates

By now, the reader should well understand that the dimensional portal erases all the coordinates from a traveler who enters it. It erases not only the coordinates of the traveler, but the coordinates of the portal itself.

By changing the coordinates of the destination, we can control…

  • The geographic location of where the traveler ends up at.
  • The time and date of where the traveler goes to.
  • The world-line (variance) or deviance from the egress world-line.

By changing the coordinates of the traveler, we can control…

  • His/her age.
  • His/her body and organs.
  • His/her intelligence.
  • Even change him into “mush” like a teleportation mishap on the television series Star Trek.
Teleportation mishap on the movie "Galaxy Quest".
Teleportation mishap on the movie “Galaxy Quest”.

Medical Uses

So if all you do is keep the destination coordinates equal to that of the egress coordinates, then you can limit the changes to the traveler alone.

If you were able to accurately map out how the coordinates for a human change over time, you can then selectively age or regress various organs or parts of the body to another time period.

Age regression is possible with a carefully configured dimensional portal. The only key to this is that only the traveler coordinates change, not those of the portal.
Age regression is possible with a carefully configured dimensional portal. The only key to this is that only the traveler coordinates change, not those of the portal.

In short, you might be able to turn a 90 year old man into a studly 21 year old full of “piss and vinegar”. Since memories are stored outside of the brain in the non-physical realities, his memories would stay intact while his body would be that of a much younger man.

You could do this with organs, and limbs as well.

With a solid understanding of the human biological makeup and how it pertains to the overall person, you might begin to alter the design of a given person.

You might be able to make them smarter, for instance, or give them bigger organs (a heart for instance, or a penis… perhaps). Heck, you might be able to change their gender or their physical appearance, and if you were really good, alter the physical structure of the person completely.

Using the dimensional portal technology, it is possible to completely revamp and change the body appearance. From just small minor cosmetic changes to an entirely different person completely.
Using the dimensional portal technology, it is possible to completely revamp and change the body appearance. From just small minor cosmetic changes to an entirely different person completely.

Of course, all this would require extensive experimentation. And, I am sure, that there would be some tradeoffs involved as well.

Interstellar Travel Technology

One of the great benefits of this technology is to allow a person to go anywhere in the universe. And since the universe is so gosh darn enormous, this is amazing. We, as humans, like to think that the Moon is far away, and the nearby star of Alpha Centauri as impossible…

But imagine traveling at will throughout our entire Milky Way galaxy. Imagine it. Not only would there be no limits, but you could do so in a fraction of a second and not worry about that Einstein time-compression issue.

Our Milkyway galaxy.
Our Milkyway galaxy.

But not only can this technology take you to nearby stars, but distant ones as well. It can also take you to other galaxies. And, of course, very distant galaxies as well. It is truly mind-boggling.

The galaxies of our "local" group of galaxies.
The galaxies of our “local” group of galaxies.

Who needs FTL technology, when all you need to do is step into a dimensional portal?

Of course, of course, you do need to know where you are going. Otherwise you would probably end up in the middle of deep space, or inside a hot star or somewhere else that would be very dangerous for your health.

Time Travel

With the configuration of the destination coordinates limited to the “dimension” coordinate of “time”, you can construct a real honest-to-goodness “time machine”.

It could take you a few years back where you might want to invest in some Microsoft or Google stock.

Or it could take you further back where you could experience the American Civil War close up and personal.

Or even further back than that. Perhaps the Middle Ages. Or maybe Ancient China. Or perhaps ancient Greece or Egypt.

Exploring Egypt might be interesting.
Exploring Egypt might be interesting.

You could use it to explore the future.

Like in the movie “Back to the Future” you could see what is in store (on a certain world-line) and then return and make the necessary adjustments. You can go forwards and backwards in time at will.

Creative Time Travel with Age Regression

If you were creative, you could age regress yourself to your age when you were 18 years old, and then use the portal to go back to that time and relive it all knowing what you know now.

It’s possible. It really is.

Of course, there would be no return for you, and you would be stuck back in that particular time period. And there would be two of “you”.

For me, that would trap me back in 1976…

The Jimmy Carter years. I was still in High School and living the "Dazed and Confused" lifestyle. I had many opportunities back then that I did not take. I am sure, knowing what I know now, that I should have taken them... What a ride it would have been!

Remember, while we talk about age regression and time travel, any trip would be one way unless you end up taking a portal back with you.

All fun and games aside. It was a different time and a different place, and I might feel really, really out of place. Don’t you think?

1976 was a time when I hung out with my friends, went to keg parties and jammed to classic rock while stoned and drinking beer.
1976 was a time when I hung out with my friends, went to keg parties and jammed to classic rock while stoned and drinking beer.

World Line Travel

As I have stated throughout my narrative, I home from a deviant world-line and this one that I happen to be involved in is a bit on the uncomfortable side.

We can alter our course through the world-lines over time and eventually get where we intend to go, but all world-lines move about in clusters and groups. This group is a pretty contentious one for certain.

Never the less, if you really want to explore alternative world-lines, this technology will permit that. It will land you and your consciousness at a new worldline from whence you can start traveling and changing the reality as you see fit through intention.

But it’s really difficult to grasp what kind of world-line that you would end up at.

Imagine a world-line where the hamburgers tend to be on the small side, and are provided with a dipping sauce.
Imagine a world-line where the hamburgers tend to be on the small side, and are provided with a dipping sauce.

The issue is really what changes and what deviance are you willing to accept? Can you accept a world-line where coke-cola was never invented? Can you handle a world-line where it is the law that pineapple be placed on pizza?

Are you willing to accept a world-line where there are no High Schools or universities, and instead people apprentice with a local craftsman? You do need to be careful, don’t you know.

Mouth condoms might be all the rage in your new world-line. You do need to be ready for some really odd changes.
Mouth condoms might be all the rage in your new world-line. You do need to be ready for some really odd changes.

I have discussed some of my experiences with world-line travel.

But, you all must keep in mind that my experiences were controlled and monitored by experts. And even at that, it was some pretty strange “shit” that I experienced. You will need to steel yourself for the really odd, and if you are not careful, you might end up in a far, far away world-line cluster and it might be near impossible to ever come back.

So you really do need to be careful.

Some things (well, heck… MANY) things that we consider taboo are normal on other world-lines. On this world-line as well, but most Americans are insulated from it all. From the “happy ending” at Chinese massage parlors (it’s fine, it’s not against the law) to the restaurant-chain-style bordellos in Germany. But the odd and the weird can really get mixed up in these areas when you conduct world-line travel.

Imagine landing in a new world-line and wanting to get a hamburger at a fast food joint, and when you say that you want to have the daily special, all the girls get on the counter and do this…

A daily special might be too strange for most Americans.
A daily special might be too strange for most Americans.

Anyways, the point that I am trying to make is that there are so many aspects of the coordinates and combinations of coordinates that describe a particular world-line that navigation to a particular one is very difficult. Because if you change one coordinate value it will influence other values as soon as you “land” at that destination coordinate.

So it is true.

You might actually end up in a world-line where pineapple on pizza is not only praised, it is considered the ONLY way to make a pizza. You know, guys, you must really be careful.

Bacon, pineapple and cheddar pizza.
Bacon, pineapple and cheddar pizza.

The only way to accurately map the MWI is though careful experimentation.


The DIY dimensional world-line portal is useless unless you are able to specify destination coordinates for either the destination or the traveler or both. This will require some experimentation and tests. But once you are able to do so, the universe of all-possibilities lies open to you.

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The rest of the world is living life, what is holding you back? Is it the belief that you are somehow “special”?

Americans are constantly reinforced how dark and gloomy the rest of the world is. They are told that America must fight wars all over the globe to “free people” from the evils of Communism, and “to spread democracy” and the “American way of life”. It’s all a big nasty lie. The rest of the world is doing just fine thank you. And Americans need to straighten up, get their collective shit together and stop putting their nose in everyone else’s’ business.

This post consists of some videos from the rest of the world. And no, it doesn’t look like a “save the children” commercial either. People are living life, having fun and just enjoying themselves. They are not probed, monitored, reported on, and over taxed. They are doing just fine. And we are going to have some glimpses into their lives right about now.

Meanwhile in America

Ah. The Drudge Report offers us a snapshot of how America is doing. It’s a fucking mess, I’ll tell you what.

I will tell you how bad things are.

I know that change is a normal art of life, but man….

And yet, if you go on American social media it’s still the same old narrative. America is so fantastic and so wonderful and so great that it must be the “will of God”, and all the rest of the world is evil. America needs to get involved and “teach them lessons”.

Today, Sen. Ernst says, we face a different supply chain threat: China.
"We rely on communist China for far too much," she explains.

She hasn't only been talking about the Chinese threat. Sen. Ernst recently wrote a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in which she stressed that the U.S. must be more aggressive toward China, particularly after the communist regime's mishandling and cover-up of the coronavirus. China's role in the pandemic resulted in the loss of thousands of American lives, as well as devastating economic consequences.

-Joni Ernst Focuses on China in First TV Ad of the Year

Oh Fucking Brother!

"...the communist regime's mishandling and cover-up of the coronavirus..."

Please give me a fucking break.

The videos of people dying all over China during CNY were everywhere.  I myself have collected thousands.  And while this was going on, you had President Trump telling everyone that "nothing is going on", and that you don't need to wear a mask. The idea that there was some sort of coverup is just political theater.

What “mishandling”?

Six days after discovery, everything went public and under lock-down. If anyone is mishandling anything it is the idiots running the United States right now.


America is in bad shape. And the general “rule of thumb” (historically) is to claim some foreign threat. Then launch a war, claiming that it’s all in “self-defense”. Right now, the build up is all against China.

But if Trump loses the election, the build up will be redirected against Russia.

And if so, then it looks like the John Tutor narrative will really start to have some legs...

… Nuclear War.

But of course, the PTB, the Oligarchy aren’t thinking this. They just simply cannot envision a life where they are not inside their nice comfortable homes living life and sipping tea while fondling with their pearl necklaces. They cannot envision major change on the order of Genghis Khan level disruptions.

Instead, they are pushing the same, tired old, narrative…

Export “democracy” to the rest of the world so that they can be as fantastically wonderful as Americans are, with all those American “freedoms”!

American freedoms in action. Let's export this to the rest of the world!
American freedoms in action. Let’s export this to the rest of the world! Woo woo!


Let me tell you’se guys. The rest of the world doesn’t want any “American exceptionalism”. They just wish to be left alone, and the dearly wish that America would just “go away”.


Because the are NOT suffering. They are NOT some starving village out of a “Save the Children” commercial. And most people are very, very far removed to that 0.0003% of people who live in the elitist bubble in Washington DC where stocks, bonds and public manipulation are the norm.

They are having fun.

They are living life.

Having fun like everyone used to back in the day, in America before all those progressive "improvements".
Having fun like everyone used to back in the day, in America before all those progressive “improvements”.
Here's some glimpses into the rest of the world. The images are from South East Asia. This includes Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Burma. Now, there is a lot of cultural back-and-forth going on in these areas, so there is a chance that I am mixing up a few regions with nearby societies. lease excuse the mistakes if appropriate.

Burma Music Video

Most Americans don’t know where Myanmar is.

It’s a small nation West of Thailand. It’s relatively poor, but peaceful. The only time most Americans hear about it has to do with some military excursion one way or the other. Then suddenly the news is plastered with buzz-words and trigger phrases. You know the drill “democracy”, “military junta”, “regime” and “communist”.

But aside from that, Americans are kept ignorant.

Myanmar map.
Myanmar map.

Americans just do not care.

“Out of sight is out of mind” as we all used to say.

At most, Americans might look at the news and see what constitutes as a video portrayal of events and daydream of starting a KFC franchise, introducing those “poor starving people” to ATM machines, and American social media. Not realizing of course, that they already have all of this. Each and every bit, only under their terms. Not under the oppressive terms of the iron-fisted American empire.


Here’s what it’s really like.

This is what the rest of the world is like.

And while you Americans were out having a BBQ with some chicken, some hamburgers, bags of potato chips, and watermelon, this is what other people were doing. While you were flying the red, white and blue flag on your porch, and drinking some fine Budweiser beer or PBR. Only…



…they didn’t need an official government holiday to do it. They just went out and lived life. Because for the rest of the world, just about every day is a holiday.

Check out this (partial) MV video from Burma…

Burma music video.

Ah it’s one of my favorites.

Now for some bad news…

Political Islam against China
by Thierry Meyssan

You are probably aware that you are incompletely informed about what is brewing in Myanmar, and you probably haven’t heard about the military coalition that is preparing to attack that country. And yet, as Thierry Meyssan reveals here, these current events have been in preparation by Riyadh and Washington since 2013. Don’t take sides before you read this article and digest the information.

All in the name of “freedom” and “democracy”…

But, take a gander. Do these people seem to need “democracy”, or “The American way of life”, or “American exceptionalism” that Donald Trump so loudly proclaim?

DO you really think that they want ANYTHING that America exports right now?

Do they look like they eat a lot of McDonald’s hamburgers, are all worked up and stressed about the IRS reporting dates, the up coming November elections, the new laws on social distancing on beaches or fishing? Nope. They are not. Because that nightmare world that all Americans live within is far, far removed for the lifestyle, and the societies of the rest of the world.

Thirteen years ago my life changed forever.

Colin Powell, then US Secretary of State and the most credible person in George W. Bush’s cabinet, made the case for war in Iraq on February 5, 2003.

As a young military intelligence officer at the time, watching from a makeshift army base in Kuwait not far from the Iraq border.

Back then I was a true believer, trusting that the government was a force for good “making the world safe for democracy. . .”

But that night it all changed.

Powell told the world unequivocally that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, an assertion that history has proven categorically wrong.

But within the intelligence community, many people knew the appalling truth immediately.

That night it became clear to me that the government was lying and that the whole case for war was being fabricated.

It was crushing, like finding out everything I’d been told throughout my life was total bullshit.

So for the first time, I broke out of the spell and began questioning. Everything.

I started learning about the extraordinary political power of the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned about.

That led me to the fraud of many previous wars going as far as the Mexican War in 1845, one deeply criticized by Abraham Lincoln himself.

That led me to the Constitution, to which all military officers swear an oath to support and defend…

… and it surely didn’t seem like supporting or defending the Constitution in waging an ill-conceived, illegal war.

Needless to say I couldn’t talk to my professional colleagues. Everyone was so gung-ho, I felt like an outcast.

When I returned home, things didn’t improve.

While I was away the country had noticeably turned into a police state.
Yet people seemed oblivious to the change, drinking in the propaganda like a spiked punch bowl.

All the loud, bombastic nonsense and pledges of allegiance were merely illusions masking modern day serfdom.

-Simon Black

And now, well America is really knee-deep in shit. And it desperately needs a major military conflict for the PTB to stay in control and they are all “chomping at the bit” to make it happen.

It’s terrifying.

Yes. I know. I am in a “safe place”. And I know that change is going to happen. But, you all do know that I want peaceful change. Not violent change. And these elitists sitting in Washington DC are just delusional. On both sides of the isle. They do not know what they are asking, and the result will NOT be what they expect.


Did the starvation of China work? How about the mass riots in Hong Kong? What about the UN going against the Uighur “concentration camps” (nonsensical, but still) or of course the COVID-19 bioweapons attack against China on the CNY eve 2020? How did it all pan out.?

Do you all somehow think that a war with a major power is going to be a “walk in the park”?

The United States needs to leave the rest of the world alone.

It needs to concentrate on it’s own problems and start fixing things.

No one believes the United States any longer. All the masks of self-righteous truth and Godliness has been stripped away to expose the evil dark underneath.
No one believes the United States any longer. All the masks of self-righteous truth and Godliness has been stripped away to expose the evil dark underneath.

Instead of filling their own pockets and letting the rest of the nation suffer. And that is what is going on right now. Those trillions of dollar bailouts are not going tot he citizens. They are, instead, going to the politically connected and the cronies that support the PTB. This is not good…

It’s like throwing kerosene on a smoldering fire.


The rest of the world is living life. Having fun. Chilling.

Let’s go to Thailand.

Local Thailand Music

Of course, in Thailand you can hear classic American Rock blaring from the bars and nightclubs, but if you listen carefully and go outside the tourist areas you can find real genuine local music. And it’s all pretty darn cool.

One of the most curious things that fascinated me is that the local music, and the styles all tended to resemble the hotter sections of Southern Mexico. And I am not the first to notice it.

A curious new trend has emerged in Bangkok, where young Thai men are identifying as “Mexican gangsters.” 

On the outside, many of these Thais resemble the Cholos who inspire them. Their clothes, tattoos, and hairstyles emulate those sported by real homies.

What became clear is that the Thai obsession with these groups is simply an appreciation of their aesthetic. All of the men we spoke with were captivated by “the clean and simple style” that “worked well in this (Thai) weather,” as one gang member said. 

So while they might appear and look like Mexican gangsters, they really emulate their style and appearance. As they both have a similar build / stature, a similar family lifestyle, a similar society, and similar weather. One should not, however, think that they aren’t able to handle themselves were “push comes to shove”. Thailand is the land of “kick boxing” and they do not play.

I dont know about the clothes but on a hand to hand combat fight my moneys on the thai boys! 

They would kick their ass in about 2 seconds with that martial arts shit! 

As for the idiot who wondered wtf this story got to do with anything? Get the f**k outta here! U need a change of pace sometimes! 

I saw a little woman from thailand once bring a grownass man to the floor with a damn broom handle once honest! If i hadnt seen it myself i wouldnt have believed it! 

I was like dayuum!

March 20, 2014 at 11:19 PM

Perhaps what most separates the Thais from the Mexicans they imitate is that almost all of them hold innocuous 9-5s as teachers, policemen and bureaucrats. Many are family men, and some admitted to consulting their wives before getting certain tattoos.

Thailand Music Video

In a nutshell, this is a brotherhood of style-conscious men who bond over baggy white shirts and gothic-baroque tattoos.

That’s not to say that the Thais don’t have an understanding of the fierce take-no-shit Cholo attitude. Thanks to Youtube and movies they’re very much aware of that culture’s hyper-aggressiveness and machismo. One Balcony Pain gang member – Mr. Shiro Local – bared his inner gangster to us when he rapped a few lines from an original song he had written called “Fuck the Popo” in which he compared corrupt Thai police to parasites in his scrotum. 

Such outright vitriol is rarely directed towards people in authority in Thailand, where the dominant culture is one of extreme deference towards the powerful. Yet, you’d be hard pressed to find Thais who disagree with Mr. Local’s assessment of Bangkok’s cops. Perhaps a little more Mexican gangstah chutzpah is exactly what Thailand needs. 

Just some local Thai men being themselves and living life.

Nice. Eh?

Local societies doing local things. People living life.

Good. Right?


Not everyone thinks so…

Trump, Pompeo and Bolton.
Trump, Pompeo and Bolton.

Now all this is going on while the PTB and the Oligarchy are moving military forces around the world. Both the American and English forces are moving in preparation for the World War that America so desperately needs…

What this article in fact announces is the state of war between the Anglo-American Empire and the PRC which with characteristic euphemism is called "hybrid".

"Britain’s armed forces pivot east to face growing China threat
Security and defence review dominated by ways to counter Beijing’s hybrid warfare"

The FT as a mouthpiece of the Establishment is announcing that the conventional warfare elements are being mobilised as cover for covert operations already in progress for at least 18 months.
By placing visible assets near the "front" any PRC responses to covert action can be dressed as provocations justifying selective escalation.

Since the AAE is aware that it is unable to challenge PLAN elements in Chinese territorial waters or EEZ, these naval elements serve to inhibit or disrupt maritime traffic toward or from China.

The preoccupation with repeated instances of viral infection not only consume resources but reinforce the negative public image of the PRC and force its "self-isolation".

Since at the same time the promoters of the "pandemic" are determined to drive Trump out of office at all costs, both to restore control over the W**** House and hence the state bureaucracy and to continue the rollout against China and Russia unobstructed, there is little reason to expect any change in the WHO status before December.

By that time the scale of basic economic disaster will require the draconian "public health (in fact policing) measures" on a far more coordinated scale than at present is apparent.

We are going through what might best be called an indoctrination phase. This is a shift from overt criminal policing or political repression to a general "health and safety" doctrine- already well anchored in Britain and the US (the white dominions).

My gut feeling is that the protests in the US are in fact a managed "watertight integrity" test. The natural anger and opposition to all sorts of real and imagined injustice is being selectively detonated. This will starve the real opposition of the "oxygen" it needs to resist the next phase of suppression.

It would be nice to think that it is all more chaotic and less subject to management than I describe above. However, I see little cause for optimism of this sort.

Dr. T. P. Wilkinson


I know that it is depressing. It’s like you have this really nice calm life. It’s fine and tranquil and then suddenly American planes zoom overhead and release a fireball that completely wipes out your small village.

Americans spreading “democracy”.

Like what happened in Panama…

In Libya…

In Afghanistan, Syria…

And many, many other places…

Syria before and after America spread "democracy" and let them have a fine taste of American "freedom".
Syria before and after America spread “democracy” and let them have a fine taste of American “freedom”.

Hey! I know it’s depressing.

You want to know what’s even more depressing?

It’s that any attack on China or Russia will end up with nuclear attacks on American soil. And yet somehow, somehow and in some crazy way, the American and British PTB Oligarchy leadership doesn’t think that this will happen. Thinking that a war with China will be limited to conventional weapons in the South China Sea is absolutely foolish.

What is the matter with these people?

  • It will not be limited to conventional weapons.
  • It will not be limited to the South China Sea.

Don’t they realize that on the grand scale of things that you just cannot move about… being a destroyer of things and NOT have some “flash back”?

Look at these videos.

America is a bubble of insanity.

Has anyone seen this from Rod Campbell of Australia Institute? He claims thousands of bot accounts controlled by US government spread the Wuhan bioweapons narrative nearly 5 million times in the first half of 2020:

The life of the people in the rest of the world is…

… normal.

The life of Americans in America is…


People… the rest of the world is not like this. The rest of the world is normal and doing well. The rest of the world is living life and having fun. They are not in the same kind of extremes that Americans are enduring.

It is like night…

… and day.

Having fun at the clubs in Thailand.
Having fun at the clubs in Thailand.

They are not living in this bubble of extreme freak-out that exists within the USA today. They are innocents. They are just minding their own business. And when the brave American bombs start dropping, there will be a response…

… you want to avoid the areas where the response(s) will end up.

Come on…

Look at the rest of the world.

What about life in Cambodia?

How about checking things out there…eh?

America Needs a War

As I am trying to make the point, I want you the reader to pay attention and listen. It’s simple really.

  • Americans are living within a “bubble”.
  • The rest of the world lies outside this “bubble”.

They are happy, doing well, and want to be left alone. They are now protected with strong military alliances with peer-capable weapons, serious and powerful leadership, and an understanding of the stakes and the evils of the American Military Empire as it exists today.

America needs a war. It is the only technique remaining in the arsenal of control that will allow the United States to stay coherent and not break apart through internal division.

The severity of the internal American discord is an indicator of how serious the projected war that America wants…

…and the rest of the world is aware of this.

If you all think that the Chinese, and the Russians are going to sit back and allow the America to go initiate a global war to preserve their control over the rapidly crumbling American structure…

…you are sadly mistaken.

Right now, and keep this in mind… China is STILL at DEFCON ONE. Last week they just called up all of the national reservists. All of them. (What? You didn’t see this in the American or Western press did you?) If you think that China is going to permit the five aircraft (2 + 3 = 5) carriers heading to China right now, and the two invasion flotillas to be a threat, you are crazy.

Chinese and Russian military advisors have been having a flurry of meetings over this last month.

Do not think that the rest of the world is going to sit back and pretend that nothing is going on? Don’t be silly. The leadership of both China and Russia are experts that obtained their positions through merit. Not though some diversity checklist and under-the-table bribes.


…In Cambodia.

Party Time in Cambodia

It’s “party time”. There, just like it used to be in America, people would customize their vehicles and make them into mobile party-centers. Then all they would need to do is go to an empty parking lot and have a good time. Sort of like this…

Cambodian Music Video


The rest of the world is just having fun. They are just enjoying themselves. There’s nothing wrong with that.

But, you would never know that this was going on from reading the American news…

To Americans within their own bubble, they are convinced that they are “special”, and “wonderful”, and all is “great”.

How could they get this kind of idea?


It’s because it has been drummed into them ever since they first started attending school, and getting participation trophies for showing up.


I’ve got news for everyone.

Americans are NOT special. In fact, most aren’t really functional at the most basic level. The PTB realize this, and many people are starting to wake up to this frightening situation.

Here’s one…

The following is the full text of an article titled “RAW TRUTH: Why 97% of lives really DON’T matter at all to the future of humanity” by Mike Adams. It was found on Natural News and all credit to the Author.

The opinions are of the author and not necessairly that of Metallicman. So please take advisements. Realize that there are changes and you need to be a participant or else you will be flushed down the drain with the rest. Be advised.

Aside from that. Realize that other people are starting to "wake up" and look around...

RAW TRUTH: Why 97% of lives really DON’T matter at all to the future of humanity

Sunday, July 05, 2020 by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) The mantra of “Black Lives Matter” has been pounded into our heads 24 hours a day, and we’re told it’s an enlightened, progressive statement while anyone who claims “White lives matter” is somehow a racist bigot. Even worse, those who utter “ALL lives matter” are now threatened with being killed by this Harvard graduate, and people are being fired from their jobs for claiming “all lives matter.”

In truth, almost no lives really matter to the future of humanity, and that’s because roughly 97% of the people are oblivious, clueless consumers who are doing absolutely nothing to help secure a legacy of truth and freedom for future generations.

If you are sitting on your ass, watching The View and devouring Weight Watchers donuts as you allow the TV to fill your brain with mush, your life actually doesn’t matter. If you were to cease to exist, nothing about the future of human history would change one iota.

If you are still watching CNN and predominantly using Facebook, Twitter and Google because you don’t realize all the voices of truth have been banned by the authoritarian Left, your life probably doesn’t matter. You are nothing but a mind puppet of the globalist-run corporate propagandists (Big Tech and Big Media).

If you conform to the insane demands of the progressive left-wing fascists because you cower in fear over being “cancelled,” your life doesn’t matter, either.

If you’re not standing up against the lunatic left-wing mob to defend logic, reason and rationality, your existence really doesn’t matter. You aren’t changing history; you’re being used as a “useful idiot” to help achieve the aims of the anti-human globalists who despise human populations.

If you’re not fighting for the right to speak, the right to disagree and the right to question the lunacy of the mob, your life doesn’t matter.

If you’re doped up on a dozen prescription drugs to the point that you’re mentally incapacitated and can barely process events happening right in front of you, your life doesn’t matter. (But you might get nominated as the Democratic Presidential candidate, notably.)

If you vote for candidates based on political tribalism without having any real clue what those candidates stand for, your life doesn’t matter.

If you think you are owed everything without having to work for anything, your life doesn’t matter.

If you think the answer to today’s existential threats to our nation, our freedom and our Bill of Rights are no big deal and everybody should just “think positive,” then your life doesn’t really matter. You will accomplish nothing that matters.

Approximately 97% of the lives of Americans today don’t matter one bit. They are NPCs — Non-Player Characters — also known as PLFs (Programmable Life Forms), and they will do whatever they are told by the media, the corporations and the fake establishment “authorities.” They add exactly zero value to society and if they vanished tomorrow, the course of human history wouldn’t be altered one bit.

Here’s a video showcasing some members of the 97% — the clueless masses whose lives are pointless and inconsequential. Watch as they explain how the United States of America achieved its independence “in 1964” by fighting “the Civil War” against “America.” Seriously… and two of them are teachers!

Whose lives matter? Those who are informed and who make a difference. The 3%.

Only about 3% of the population have any clue about our history and are actively engaged in shaping our future. That’s fewer than 10 million people nationwide.

It is these 10 million people who will determine our shared future and whether or not we end up enslaved under left-wing tyranny or are able to reclaim our constitutional republic and defeat the anti-American forces that are rising.

So out of a nation of 330 million people, about 320 million lives make no difference at all. They are what globalists call “useless eaters,” and they are on the list to be exterminated via global depopulation efforts that are now underway via the plandemic and the coming coronavirus “vaccine.”

Another way to look at this is by simply being active in the effort to spread the truth and defend humanity against tyranny, you matter more than any 33 other people who are oblivious. Your life “counts” more, in other words, because you’re fighting to make a difference. And the 97% figure for the clueless masses is actually quite generous. The real number is probably more like 99%, which means one active, aware person “matters” more than 99 other people who are clueless.

What makes your life matter isn’t the color of your skin or your political affiliation. What determines whether you matter is how committed you are to fighting for human freedom and opposing authoritarianism and tyranny. Notably, people who really matter are self-selected: They alone determine that they wish to take a stand and make a difference. No one can appoint you to this position of relevance; you must seize it for yourself and become a person whose life really does make a positive difference in the world.

How to make your life matter

If you are an oblivious conformist who surrenders to the lunatic mob, your life is pointless and redundant. But if you want your life to really matter, you must break away from the mob and start thinking (and acting) for yourself.

There are many, many people who have set the example of independent thinking that you might allow to inspire yourself to do the same:

… and many others. There are lots of examples out there. Are you among these types of independent thinkers who challenge the status quo and work to truly empower and uplift humanity with wisdom and knowledge?

Don’t go through life on a pointless, narcissistic rampage of a cult-like obedience to the puppet masters of our time: Think for yourself. Learn history. Share knowledge. Branch out and away from the content controllers at Facebook, YouTube, Google and Twitter. Change the channel and stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed by CNN, MCNBC and NPR.

Use alternative platforms for sharing real knowledge, like…


Seek out uncommon knowledge and use it to empower yourself. Create your own channels and post your own videos, texts or articles.

Freedom is so easily accessible that you can find it by typing a URL into your browser. Instead of typing “,” type “” and discover a whole new world.

Be someone who matters.

Change the future for the better. Join those of us who are doing this work every single day, dedicating our lives to protecting human freedom and a sustainable future of abundance and liberty for all.

97% of lives don’t matter, but yours can. What will you choose to do with it?

Be the Rufus

Make no mistake. Those that will survive and be permitted to procreate and live life through this tumultuous time period with be those that are aware, kind and knowledgeable. But most certainly have the kind of sentience deserving of mankind.

Sitting on a couch, smunching on pork rinds, and demanding that taxes get raised so that you can still keep using your food stamps is not representative of the future of mankind.

This is…

The rest of the world is starting to fight back.

The rest of the world is changing.

The way things have been is coming to an end, and people are starting to fight back. They demand stability, families, and stable relationships. They tire of the vermin… rich and the poor that prey on the rest of society. Now, with the proper tools, and the proper motivation they have declared a new order of society.

Have you noticed?

  • The CIA/NED instigation of the Hong Kong “pro-democracy” movement and the pay-offs of the Judges to let the criminals have a pass. Even when it came to killing people, damaging critical infrastructure, and maiming people.


  • China changing the law. Throwing out the judges. Shutting down the CIA/NED “safe spaces”. Arresting and severely punishing the wrong-doers. Organ harvesting with life-time of hard-labor in the salt mines for many many years. No wonder that even Joshua Wong has disbanded his organization.

It’s all starting to come down. It’s all starting to fall apart.

USA compared to China. 2020.
USA compared to China. 2020.

And the petty criminals and the evil folk in positions of power must change or else they will face the consequences.

Remember this;

A functional nation devotes 100% of it's time, energy and resources on bettering the lives of it's people.

If it is unable to do that, or devotes a smaller percentage of time, money and effort to the domestic needs of it's people, it is disfunctional.

The world, and the human race, needs functional, healthy and substantive people, organizations and governments. Anything less MUST be purged and culled from existence.

Do you want more?

I have more articles like this in my Happiness Index here…

Life & Happiness

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While the United States is busily celebrating their “freedom” on the fourth of July, this is what the rest of the world is doing.

Not knocking “freedom”, mind you. I think it’s very important. It’s just that what passes for “freedom” in the “Land of the Free” isn’t freedom at all. Freedom is the ability to own property. And… the property is inviolate. Meaning no one can tax it, regulate it, or put retainers on it in any way. And if you look at things that way, then you see that Americans have just about ZERO freedoms.

But you heard me freak out about this before, right?

A true and real measure of "freedom" is the cumulative amount of worth of everything that you own THAT IS NOT taxed, regulated, associated with fees, or subject to seizure. 

Under this definition the actual amount of “freedom” that most Americans have is ZERO. Everything in the United States is both regulated, and taxed (not to mention subject to seizure). That goes from your home (even after you pay off your mortgage, you still need to pay taxes on it), to your car (duh!), to every item you purchase with state and federal taxes associated with it.

Face it, Americans have zero freedom.

And no screeching at the screen is going to change that fact. Don’t yell at me. Don’t blame me. Don’t get all “hot and bothered” and shoot up an innocent school full of kids.

I am just pointing out the obvious.

Now, here we are going to watch videos of the rest of the world. A place where if you buy a house it is yours. You own it. You don’t pay taxes on it, or deal with regulations on it in any way. When you buy some cigarettes there are no taxes on it, or when you drive a car you don’t need to have it inspected or “approved” for road use.

Freedom. You either have it or you don’t.

Freedom can be measured; it is the cumulative monetary value of everything you own that is NOT subject to tax, regulation, fees, or seizure by any government.

Go ahead. Add it all up. See how free you are.

So watch these videos and see what the rest of the world looks like without that “great American freedom”. We are going to look at the “communist” China. You know, where if you own a house you NEVER need to pay any taxes, property, or school on it. Where you NEVER have to have it inspected or regulated by the central headquarters, and where you NEVER need to “show your papers” to the police when you are walking down the street.

Freedom is the ability to own things… real ownership… free of regulation… free of taxation… free of fees and reporting of any kind at any level.

Feel special yet?

And we are going to Segway from a discussion on freedom, and why it is important, to Rufus behaviors...

And then to sentience...

And then back to why "freedom" matters.

Video 1 – Having a home recording studio

So what’s so great about having a home recording studio? These have been common in the United States since the dawn of radio. What’s the big deal?


You are right.

These things have been in the United States for years. What began in the basements and garages of the 1950’s and 1960’s, migrated to churches in the 1970’s to keep out of the laws of intense regulation and scrutiny. Then after a brief period of relaxation under the Reagan administration, they all came back and most recording studios in the United States today are highly regulated, “for-profit” affairs.

The days of home recording studios in the United States are pretty much over.

Not so in the rest of the world.

Here we have a video of a home recording studio in China.

It’s not taxed. It’s not regulated. It’s not subject to workplace rules and IRS reporting procedures. It’s not subject to inspection by the various local and state and federal boards. It’s a private, personal space that is used for whatever a person wants it to be used as and the government (in this case Chinese) has absolutely ZERO say on how it is managed.

There are no lit up “exit signs”. You are permitted to smoke inside if you want and there are no fire extinguishers or “people capacity” stickers on the walls. The height of the recording desk is not specified. Nor is the temperature of the room, the decorations or sound isolation foam. It’s all up to the owner to determine. Not the government.

A life where you can own a home recording studio, free of taxation, regulation, fees or rules is far freer than one where everything you do is under the scrutiny of some kind of government organization.

Freedom. You either have it, or you don’t.

There are no grey areas in this issue.

But, but, but you NEED regulation to have a modern functioning society…

That’s the narrative isn’t it?

"Well, China is a developing country. It is a third-world shit-hole. It is where people eat dogs, and cats. Get coronavirus at filthy "wet-markets" and evil mean people riding bicycles try to pick your pocket every chance they get. It's no secret that they all yearn to move to America and be free!"

This narrative, that you NEED regulation to have freedom is an oxymoron. It is one of those never ending lies that are repeated over, and over, and over again, and the stupid ignorant people believe it. They don’t pause and think about what they are saying…

That you NEED to have all this regulation because that is how a modern society works.

"Regulation is a necessary evil. It is how America became great. It is because of regulation that we have trains, bridges, skyscrapers, and the post Office. Take away regulation and America would be back to the stone age."


Regulation serves one thing, and one thing only. Standardization of utility. That’s it.

The idea is that if you make everything one way, and that way is standard then the number of accidents and mishaps will decrease because you have centralized the rules and made a unified standard that everyone by abide to.

  • Like the sizes of steps on a stairway.
  • Like the minimum width in a doorway.
  • Like the minimum number of pages of paper in a pad of paper.

This next video is Nanshan. It’s a suburb of Shenzhen, China. This is the escalator up from the subway below. Now, Shenzhen is a “new” city. Just thirty years ago it was just a sleepy fishing village with some dirt roads and some fishing boats.

But China decided to take a “spin” with this new concept that Ronald Reagan was promoting (at the time) called “Reaganomics”. And Mr. Deng implemented capitalism to communist China.

China constructed a “economic bubble” and implemented every single element of Reaganomics into that bubble. From low taxes, to low to absent regulation, to every other aspect of it. China went full-speed ahead on this “experiment”.

And while President Bush put an end to the American experiment with Reaganomics, China plowed forward…

Shenzhen is the result…

Shenzhen is a pretty awesome place. Not because of Reaganomics so much as the freedom from government regulation.

Freedom. You either have it or you don’t.

Freedom has nothing to do about the economy

There is this unspoken myth in the United States that America is “exceptional” because of it’s “freedoms” and it’s “democracy”. And that the tremendous advantage that the American economy has globally, is proof of this.

That is false.

Let it be absolutely clear that the economy of a nation has absolutely nothing to do with whether you are free or not.

There are people in the poorest sections of Africa and South America that are far freer than Americans are.

Remember, boys and girls, a measure of how free you are is the cash value of the possessions that you have that is not taxed, regulated or has associated fees or can be seized from you.


Here we have some poor kids in the heart of Africa. Their poor clothes had no fees, taxes or regulations when they bought them. Their homes are untaxed and unregulated. And yet, and yet, they are happy and living life.

Of course, I do get this. I do understand.

For many, many years Americans have been taught that being great is the accumulation of wealth, and America is thus great because it is a leading economic power.

But, people, the accumulation of things and paper scripts is not success. It is not happiness. It is not joyous abandon. It is not freedom.

If there is one thing that I have learned over my many, many years is that real freedom has a calming effect on your soul. You stop caring about others, worries about things, or getting all entangled and wrapped up in all sorts of drama.

There are so many things that Americans think are true that are not…

While I am discussing truths and reality here, let it be absolutely understood that we all (all over the world) have been fed a steady diet of lies and untruths and distortions all our lives.

It goes back thousands of years.

But we can point our fingers to just about every aspect of science and society.

  • When the emergence of science came about in Europe, suddenly all stories and tales of non-physical creatures became myths.
  • When money lenders (banks) can manufacture money though the invention of interest… the net trade off was a decrease in value of everything.
  • When the lie of “democracy” equals “freedom”…
  • Or that a strong national economy is a sign that God favors that nation.
  • Or that being smart, intelligent or getting good grade somehow equates to wealth.
  • Or that being popular is a desirable trait that with make a person happier.

Lies, lies, and more lies.

People(!) for the human society to survive this great period of change, we will need to readjust our perceptions on what is real and what isn’t,

In truth, much of what has been force fed (over the last 50 years) through the American media are half-truths and lies. They are designed to convert individual non-established sentience’s to follow a service-for-self or a service-for-another sentience. When in reality, pure and real freedom comes with the third sentience; service-to-others.

Be the Rufus.

Be the Rufus

Ah. But what does being a “Rufus” has to do with anything?

How is it connected to wealth? To fame” To “freedom”? To “democracy”? To science, to society…?

We have gotten so wrapped up on the trivial…

Society is the bedrock of our personal experiences. It is from personal experiences that our sentience manifests and fills in. And thus it is who we are and why we do things. It is our roles in society. It fills out and establishes our place… our experiences and whether or not our lives are fulfilling.

So, I urge everyone to stop listening to the bullshit narratives.

Be the Rufus.

Not only will you obtain better and more enjoyable experiences, but your soul growth and quanta entanglements will end up being of a far higher quality.

It all goes to this.

Taxes and regulations are said to be necessary for a “modern” well-functioning society. That is a lie. They are not. That is what the service-to-self people want you to believe.

Migrate towards a service-to-others sentience. Be helpful and make your life a worthwhile one.

Be the Rufus.

Be the Rufus


The ONLY way that the oligarchy PTB that continue to maintain their level of absolute control is to keep individuals separate. The most tyrannical governments in the world are those that praise the individual and not the group. It is when you praise the efforts of a singular lone person, that everyone else starts to believe that the entire universe is based upon the idea of “every man for himself”.

That is a service-for-self mentality.

But that is not how it works.

Service-for-others sentience is always unhappy in places where freedom is suppressed. And even though they are told over and over again 24-7 that they actually are "free" they know, in their bones, that this is not the case.

We are consciousness. And we inhabit a physical body that migrates though a long stream of world-lines to obtain experiences. These experiences are what causes our quanta to clump together and form associations.

We can be selfish. We can “master” our physical environment though greed, power and selfish exploits. And all of these experiences will also contribute to the creation of the soul consciousness.

But it is a dead-end. It is a trap.


Because humans ARE NOT singular “lone wolf” creatures. We are social animals. And thus the best sentience for us is one that the physical elements of our being match up with the spiritual elements of our being.

That is service-for-others sentience.

As social animals, we occupy a social role. We contribute to society. We help others. We make the world a better place. We do so in small ways, but we do so…

Street worker buying clothing for his young daughter. He only has so much money. So he has to count out the money carefully to buy some clothes so that she will not be laughed at during school.

The great sorting is upon us. How long this will last is unknown. It might last for a century in total. Though it might be over in as short as ten years. Most certainty there will be all sorts of elements of change here and there in different geographical areas over time.

You cannot control the world, but you can control your little part of it.

Be the Rufus.

Why does it matter?

A service-for-self person will do their intention affirmations over and over again, and still have trouble manifesting their desires. No matter what they get, they will still want more. Bigger, better, more and more. They will never be satisfied. So that when one reality manifestation occurs it is what makes them happy.

That is because their WANTS will always be a “want”.

A service-for-others person will find that their prayer affirmation intention campaigns will have a strong degree of permanency with it. When it happens, and their dreams manifest, they will be free to concentrate on other elements of their intention prayers / desires.

Like this…

How things manifest is subject to the sentience of the person making the intention campaign.

Be the Rufus.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Rufus Index, here…

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What to expect when an intention prayer campaign starts to work. No, it’s not comfortable.

Well… things are not what you expected are they? Yeah. I get it. The moment you started to do your affirmations and prayer campaign things just started to go against you. It’s almost like you are going up hill on a windy day and everything around you is falling apart, breaking and everyone suddenly is turning into a truly foul mood. What’s going on?

Don not freak out. It’s normal. It means that your affirmations are actually working. And thus what you want will manifest for you.

Don’t believe me?

Let me tell you.

You cannot implement your desires without changing your life. And, after all, that’s why you are doing it in the first place. You want to change your life in certain, specific, ways. Well…

The road, the route, to these changes means that some things around you will need to change. In other words, to obtain those changes, you will need to experience change.

And, experiencing change, is not comfortable.


The Mechanism

It’s simple really.

If you want to make changes in your life, then changes will start to happen.

What is confusing to most people is that most of the changes aren’t anything like they are expecting. Other things start changing, not what they intended.

But the reason for this is very straight-forward. You see, everything is connected, and in order to get certain changes to manifest within your life, you are going to experience many changes in other areas of your life.

For example. Suppose you have a prayer affirmation / intention that depicts you living on the beach in a nice big mansion.

The thing is, you are living in a mobile home, in Kentucky.

You make the intention prayers just like you are supposed to. And then shortly afterwards your entire world starts to crumble around you. You haven't even finished the prayers and entered into the mandatory stop / pause sequence. Yet, everything is going wrong.

There are arguments with your relatives. Arguments with your closest friends. Arguments with your lover. Things are breaking. Everything is breaking. The mobile home catches fire. Your car breaks down,and then again right after you have it repaired. People shun you, and the IRS decides that you make too much money.

The neighbor kid gets a new dirt-bike and decides to go around, and around and around your house for hours on end. Then he runs over your rake and crashes. He gets all mangled up and you end up getting sued. You complain about this, and call him a "little rascal", and the newspaper prints it up as you being racist. A small lynch mob arrives at your door demand you apologize and donate to their cause for racial reparations.

Your shoe heel falls of. Your bra strap breaks. Your favorite picture falls off the wall and smashes into a thousand pieces. The mailman somehow forgets that you exist and rerouted all your mail to the "dead letter office". There is a recall on the medicine that you are taking. The washing machine breaks down.

Your girlfriend accuses you of rape. Your dog shit on your pillow. The cat claws up your laptop. The cardkey to open the car door somehow resets. The computer you use at work gets the most crazy clitches. You walk past an emergency exit and the alarm starts going off for no reason. A random dog on the street runs up to you and pee'd on your leg.

You run away from him, and step on a banana peel and slip and fall... into a pile of stinky dog shit. You reach into your pocket for a hankerchief to wipe off the mess, and discover that your wallet is missing. A little old lady who is is crossing the street sees you and starts hitting you on the head with her parasol. And you haven't a clue as to why.

The police pull you over for a faulty taillight... on your new car. The eggs that you bought at the store has Avian Flu. Someone hacked into your email. Someone else steals the emergency fund that you had stashed in your freezer. The coupons that you bought that "were good for the next three years" expired after one week. The "full" propane tank that you bought was empty.

The government mandates that you must replace your toilet with a lo-flo verson. And this change bankrupts your budget. While living off of Ramen noodles you discover that a nest of cockroaches were inside one of the packs. A snake moves into your garden hose, while some kid shoved a potato in your muffler tailpipe and it blew up your car engine.

Your pet gets mange. An embaressing selfie that you took years ago while drunk somehow made it to the HR office where you work, and they decide to fire you. A racoon moves into your car engine. A bird starts dive bombing you whenever you leave the front door to your house. Your next door neighbor not only steals the packages from your front porch but has the audacity to wear your new clothes in public.  

You go outside and it rains, but when you go into work the most beautiful day ever made appear. Too bad you have the meeting from Hell with your new boss from Hell. You get pulled over for bald tires, yet the tires were only six months old. Your best friend steals your girlfrend as well as your dog. While taking a shower, the hot water heater blows. An ice storm hits and the power line tower smashed down on your house and it takes two days for the rescue team to find you.

You start to have chronic diherria. And the toilet gets clogged up and overflows. While you are mopping it us, a housing inspection team decides to perform a random house inspection, and the look of disapproval and disgust on their faces is classic. You try to set things right by offering them a can of coke, and then you find out later that the coke was tained at the factory and all the housing inspectors ended up going into the Hospital ICU.

You are fined for not mowing your grass. The case of beer that you bought and drank last week was recalled because a disgrunted worker pissed into all the beer. The grass seed that you bought turned out to be fake. The bank closed your account because you were too poor, and not worth their time.

Then things start to get bad...

You put up with it and "roll with the punches".

Things happen. Many things. Life goes on. You forget about your prayer campaign as there are far too many things going on in your life... 

Life moves on...

Ever on...

Then, one sunny morning, as you wake up to the morning sun shining on your breakfast balcony overlooking the sea you start to remember what it was like five years ago. Suddenly this "normal" every-day scene ooutside you mansion isn't all that big of a deal. For, you remember that this was the exact prayer affirmation sequence that you wanted.

You wanted change.

Well it’s coming, and you can see it all around you.

Solar power panels hit by a hail storm.
Solar power panels hit by a hail storm.

No, it’s not what you expected, but that is the way these things work. Since everything is connected, all sorts of things will start to change, break and go wrong. The larger the change, and the greater the intensity of your current life, the harsher the changes that will manifest around you…

The Good

The good news is that your prayer affirmation campaign is actually working. You can measure the effectiveness of the campaign by the strife in your life during the campaign, and during the “pause” afterward. In general, the greater the strife, the bigger the changes that are moving towards you.

  • The more stress means the stronger the changes.
  • The more arguments that you have means that the more relationship changes that are coming your way.
  • The more things that break down and fall apart, means the greater the physical changes in your life.

So please try to be positive in all this. Because there are two really good things that I need to really emphasize to you all right now. They are…

  • Your wishes and intentions will actually happen.
  • These hardships will actually end.

So don’t get all caught up in the nasty details at this very moment…

Car chewed up by neighbors pit bull.
Car chewed up by neighbors pit bull.

The Bad

The bad news is that this is a very uncomfortable period.

"MM, how can I possibly do my prayer affirmations with all this turmoil and drama that is going on (in my life)?"

It might make you want to give up. And if the changes and the strife are really, terribly bad, it might cause you to want to completely chuck everything away.

Just don’t.

I feel things are changing. I know people feel it, too. I am having a bit of trouble. I know you aren’t a genie () but, both my cars are broke down. That’s how I work. so as much as I try not to stress about things, it’s hard not to right now. 

I know I need to keep my affirmations basic and simple right now. I get that. Would it hurt to add more? I know I’ve asked you this, so please don’t be frustrated with me. It’s just really taking a toll on me.

This is hard on everyone.

Change is never easy.

Younger folk, who are unaccustomed to change, might take this the hardest. While older folk, might just shrug it off and just give up, and become a drunk hobo on the skids.

The bad news is that this is a very uncomfortable period. It will not be fair. It will not be right or just. It will be absolutely unfair, and uncalled for and very, very rude. it will hurt.
The bad news is that this is a very uncomfortable period. It will not be fair. It will not be right or just. It will be absolutely unfair, and uncalled for and very, very rude. it will hurt.
What's going on? This is insane! My life is now upside down. The man who I am engaged with left me, and gave away all my clothes to Goodwill. What the Hell is going on?

Summary and Conclusion

You need to master the change to make it happen.

And during all this the changes will be coming at you hard and fast. Things WILL break. Things WILL go wrong. There WILL be arguments, and it WILL be unfair and very uncomfortable. You will not like it, and you will want to give up.




Your dreams and your desires are in process. They are all changing and all are manifesting right now. For every broken beltloop, for every broken shoelace, for every argument, or flat tire, or new bill that seems to overwhelm you or stress you out, know that there is a KEY element that is moving into place RIGHT NOW that will manifest your intentions to happen and come true for you.

So do not give up.

Do not stop.

Keep with the program.

Things will work out and your dreams and desires will manifest just as you desire them to. Do not worry at all.

I tell you this TWO TIMES.

Now smile and keep on…

Keep on keeping on! I do believe in you. I really, really, really do.

Remember… any life that you dream of can come true. Let the changes roll on. They will take you to interesting places…

They can make your richer, give you a more comfortable lifestyle. A nicer home, better food, a more interesting life. Happier friends. Better clothes and a smarter lifestyle.

There are absolutely NO LIMITS.

They can take you overseas…

Vietnam girls out for a night stroll.

These changes will occur.

You did not waste your time on a list of affirmations, and a dream board, and strong desires all with the goal of discarding them all when changes jsut started to manifest. Did you? Well, you wanted change. Now it’s coming.

Change is not just coming…

It’s happening.

And you are seeing it, and you all jsut cannot figure out what the heck is going on.

Change is always uncomfortable.

Remember that.

The real truth is that change is very, very uncomfortable, and you are just now feeling and experiencing those changes that you and your affirmations have set into motion.

Never forget that YOU can change the parameters of your life. You don’t know where your intentions might take you. Allow them to manifest. And just grit your teeth and let them manifest…

Change will take your life into interesting direcitons.

It will make it more interesting, more adversome, more attractive, more colorful…

You will be surprised with the changes that will manifest. You just need to continue on your prayer affirmations and grit your teeth with the changes manifest all around you. Don’t fight the changes. Roll with the changes.

You might be surprised where they will take you…

Traditional Dreams of China…

Whatever your dreams are. They can really, really and I mean it, REALLY happen. You just need to focus on your thoughts. You need to keep them in mind and burn these thoughts into your reality. They will happen. They really will.

You can ask any person that posts here on Metallicman that when they do a prayer campaign that they come true. They can tell you that it is not a theory. It works, oh my God does it ever. And these things will happen. And the dreams WILL absolutely happen to you.


Everyones got them.

Have you ever wondered why?

I mean, why do you want to live in a mansion, or have a house with a white picket fence? Or why everyone wanted to drive a fast convertible and dress like Tibbs and Don Johnson (back in the 1980’s) like Miami Vice? Why?

Is it because we have been told what we should aspire towards?

Or is it something deeper? Could our dreams and desire be associated with things that are deep? Deep things, and things that are there at the tip of our fingers but that we cannot reach. What is going on? Why can’t we be the person that we wanted to be when we were little?

What is different now?

Maybe we have accepted too much of what others think, and not enough of what we ourselves want.

Like the ladies that want to get in touch with the faerie side of their life…

Here’s an inspirational girl who just wants to merge her faerie life with her real life. This is a thing in Asia. And people do it. They actually do it though costumes and rituals. Doesn’t this girl look like she is being…

… the “real deal”?

Faeries are not a fantasy.

Faerie’s life comes real.


But, it’s not just faeries, or dreams, or desires. Sometimes the society puts limits on you, and puts chains on you, and your deepest desires yearn to break away and be free from them.

In Asia, whether it is Korea, China, Vietnam, Japan, or any other Asian nation there are rules of behavior, strong family, and group connections and roles that one must play. Often these are all very stressful. And inside people have a difficult time trying to be who they want to be.

So there are outlets. You can go to the KTV. You can go to the bars, and you can go ahead and get involed in sports and other activites. But you can also become who ever you want to be by joining a group. Which is why so many dance groups are popular in Aisa.

Here we have a girl that is just “average”, but now she is part of a dance group and now she is performing in front of a Chinese military base. She is being who she wants to be with a role that she chooses and getting the appreciation and sense of belonging from it.

Sure, when an American see this, we go… “so what?” .

We say “she’s just a chick dancing”.

But we are missing the entire point of what Asian and Chinese culture is. It is to find your role within your “tribe”. Everyone has dreams, wants, and desires. Use the intention/prayer affirmations and make yours happen.

Let the rest of the world stand by and be spectators. You, do your affirmations, and make your dreams happen…

Make your dreams happen.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my MAJestic Index here…


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Creating your very own DIY dimensional portal for world-line access and teleportation (part 7); traveler notes

In this post we will cover a few basics regarding the operation of the egress portal for dimensional change. In this post our concentration will be on the magnetic flux itself as well as the way the traveler must enter the portal. For if you do not enter it properly, any thing could happen. And let’s not at all forget the horror movie “The Fly” to remind us of this issue. So let’s talk about this.

Good thing, we are not going to be too technical here. Heck! I can hear all the moans and groans across the globe as I release this post. (“Oh! Not another high jargon, high technology, a high mathematical treatise on world line adventures!)

Magnetic flux

The key to this entire dimensional portal concept is to use a “bath” of magnetism within a magnetic field. The magnetic field is used to erase the attachments of the human traveler with his environment. This field consists of a very strong magnetic force that cycles along a sinusoidal path.

A magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence of electric charges in relative motion and magnetized materials. A charge that is moving parallel to a current of other charges experiences a force perpendicular to its own velocity. 

The effects of magnetic fields are commonly seen in permanent magnets, which pull on magnetic materials (such as iron) and attract or repel other magnets.



Look, people, it need not be complex. When you have a magnet (an iron ferrite rod with a coil wrapped around it) and you pulse it (with electricity through the wire), a magnetic field arises.

Now, within the magnetic field you have the movement of charged electrons. That is, after all, what a magnetic field is. It is the movement of charged electrons.

So if you were to stand within the air gap (of a huge magnet) and receive a “bath” within a magnetic field, you would experience a “shower” of charged electrons.

This “shower” can be heavy or light. Depending on the design of the system.

The determination of whether it is “heavy” or “light” is known as it’s “magnetic flux”.

In physics, specifically electromagnetism, the magnetic flux (often denoted Φ or ΦB) through a surface is the surface integral of the normal component of the magnetic field flux density B passing through that surface. 

The SI unit of magnetic flux is the weber (Wb; in derived units, volt–seconds), and the CGS unit is the maxwell. 

Magnetic flux is usually measured with a fluxmeter, which contains measuring coils and electronics, that evaluates the change of voltage in the measuring coils to calculate the measurement of magnetic flux.


Now there are all sorts of ways that we can describe these attributes and how to increase the density of the magnetic field, and the design of the magnet. All of which are extremely interesting, but would probably have my readership lynch me. So, what I am going to do is talk a little bit about the effect of a magnetic field on a human being.

The strongest magnetic field an average human would ever be exposed is in an MRI machine, which produces magnetic fields of about 1.5 to 7 tesla. Compared to this, the magnetic field strength of our Earth is just .0003 tesla. And the electromagnets at the LHC is around 8.3 tesla.

We can safely say that it is normal for humans to be exposed to magnetic fields with an average dose being around 0.0003 tesla.

We can also safely say that a magnetic field on the order of 7 tesla would be safe for humans to be exposed to. as this is the norm in the medical profession.

We also know that if we expose the human body to extreme levels of magnetic field(s) that it can actually levitate the human body. This would be on the order of 10+ tesla.

Now, I do not actually know the magnetic field density that is required to erase the egress coordinates attachments for the Alan Holt system to function, but my guess is that it would be somewhere between 5 to 10 tesla. too weak and it would not work, to great, and you might end up with physical disruptions inside the body. In general, ti would probably be best to be nearer to the large tesla number than away from it.


Magnetic flux arises when you pulse electricity though a wire that is wrapped around an iron ferrite rod. That’s the basic, basic theory and function.

R Type EMI Rod Ferrite Core .
R Type EMI Rod Ferrite Core 

The moment that an electrical current enters the wire and the truns of wire around the ferrite core, a magnetic field develops. Then it ends.

The field ONLY exists when the electrons are zooming through the electric wire in the first place. Once they have established themselves, the magnetic flux ends. So in order to prevent this, you need to pulse the electricity. This pulsing will create a magnetic field that comes and goes in intensity.

If you look at the sketch of the egress portal and study the magnetic flux generator, you can see that the electrical substation would be used to transform the electricity into a system that would be used to generate the necessary flux bath to enable dimensional travel.

Dimensional portal showing magnetic field generator.
Dimensional portal showing magnetic field generator.

Now, by using diodes and the proper electronics we can control the size and shape of the pulsed magnetic field “bath”…

System overview

This is important because, we need to time HOW the person enters the field.

We want the field to be such that when the person enters the field, the magnetic flux is increasing to a point that his egress coordinates (and his person coordinates) are erased. Then during a peak period of intensity, all coordinates (frequencies of location) are rendered null. Then, the field starts to change, and the new set of destination coordinates are implanted on to the field.

It will work like this…

The operation of the teleportation mechanism works for a three second period in which case the old coordinates are swapped out, and new ones are applied.
The operation of the teleportation mechanism works for a three-second period in which case the old coordinates are swapped out, and new ones are applied.

About the traveler

Now, the traveler will need to center and calm their mind. You see, the way that the mind functions must be neutral when it enters the field. If it is not neutral, then there is a risk of brain or mental instability when the traveler is exposed to peak flux density.

Thus, we need to implement the “feducials” to center the mind.

Feducial Training

And that, boys and girls, is how MAJestic does it.


When you look at this dimensional portal from “my” point of view; from my experiences, and from my knowledge, you can see how everything fits together. This “new” information about a DIY dimensional portal strangely fits up and matches with MAJestic technology in widespread use back in the early 1980’s . Fully forty years ago.

It makes sense. It all makes sense. It all fits together.

Sure makes much more sense than being part of a fleet of “space marines” fighting a global cabal of disguised Reptilians who want to enslave the human race. Or have invisible star people give us the gift of “magic crystals” that were developed in Atlantis many centuries ago. Or, to be part of an elite team of people who were selected at birth to “father” the new human race.


Now, people(!), I did not pull of of this shit out of my ass. I am either a [1] genius, [2] a complete lunatic, or [3] someone who is telling the truth. I’ve given enough, heck!, more than enough information herein for you the reader to choose.

Pick your “poison”.

This is how it’s done. This is how it works. This is what is going on, and with all that in mind… know that I really want you the reader to live a good, happy and safe life. I want you all to control your environment and do everything in your power to ply off the gook and nonsense spewed onto you by over five decades of intensive lies and manipulations.

Time to go forth and party!

It’s time to party!

Do you want more?

I have more posts in this series here…

DIY Teleportation

I have more posts in my MAJestic Index here…


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Constructing your very own DIY dimensional teleportation portal for world-line travel; creating the magnetic field generator (part 6)

This post continues on our study of how to create your very own DIY (Do It Yourself) dimensional portal for world-line travel. This is part six. In this post, we will discuss the generation of the magnetic field that is critical to the operation of the entire mechanism. We will look at the aspects involved and how it works.


Here is a brief summary of our efforts so far…

  • Introduction.
  • Gravity separation and isolation.
  • Measurement of the gravitational frequencies.
  • Alan Holt Teleportation mechanism.
  • The coordinate mapping mechanism.

And now this post…

The Magnetic Field Generator

A magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence of electric charges in relative motion and magnetized materials. A charge that is moving parallel to a current of other charges experiences a force perpendicular to its own velocity. The effects of magnetic fields are commonly seen in permanent magnets, which pull on magnetic materials (such as iron) and attract or repel other magnets.


The creation of a magnetic field is a very mature technology. If you are lucky, you can probably purchase some large surplus magnetic field generators from the United States government, or you can have some custom made at a reasonable cost. This component of the dimensional portal might not be the most complicated item of equipment, but it will certainly be the most expensive on your “bill of materials” for the project.

In any event, you will want something that can create a large magnetic field that a person can walk into. It must be able to create a portal at least seven feet high, and three feet wide at the minimum.

Having this piece of equipment custom made is not hard to do, but you will need to be able to speak the language of the engineers and the designers at the factory or warehouse. So here are some of the basic terms that you will need to acquaint yourself with…

Maxwell’s Equations – The equations behind major modern electromagnetism

Maxwell's equations are a set of coupled partial differential equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, and electric circuits. The equations provide a mathematical model for electric, optical, and radio technologies, such as power generation, electric motors, wireless communication, lenses, radar etc. They describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by charges, currents, and changes of the fields. The equations are named after the physicist and mathematician James Clerk Maxwell, who, between 1861 and 1862, published an early form of the equations that included the Lorentz force law. Maxwell first used the equations to propose that light is an electromagnetic phenomenon.


Maxwell’s set of four equations forming the basis for electromagnetism are as important as Newton’s laws in mechanics. Maxwell’s equations are applied in almost all modern technologies. The equations provide a mathematical model for electric, optical, and radio technologies, such as power generation, electric motors, wireless communication, lenses, radar, etc. Firstly let us see these four sweet equations one by one and then discuss them as a whole.

1. Gauss’ Law or Maxwell’s first equation

The following equations are licensed. (no shit! Can you fucking believe it? That's God damn America for you. Everything for a price. Tons of little hands in your pockets.) You can read about this license here. 

Maxwell’s first equation, which describes the electrostatic field, is derived immediately from Gauss’s theorem, which in turn is a consequence of Coulomb’s inverse square law. Gauss’s theorem states that the surface integral of the electrostatic field DD over a closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed by that surface. That is

Here ρρ is the charge per unit volume.

But the surface integral of a vector field over a closed surface is equal to the volume integral of its divergence, and therefore


or, in the nabla notation,

And thus we can summarize all this as…

Electric charges produce an electric field. The electric flux across a closed surface is proportional to the charge enclosed.

2. Gauss’ Law for Magnetism or Maxwell’s second equation

Unlike the electrostatic field, magnetic fields have no sources or sinks, and the magnetic lines of force are closed curves. Consequently the surface integral of the magnetic field over a closed surface is zero, and therefore

There are no magnetic monopoles. The magnetic flux-and-faradays-law-quantitative across a closed surface is zero.

3. Faraday’s Law or Maxwell’s third equation

This is derived from Ampère’s theorem, which is that the line integral of the magnetic field HH around a closed circuit is equal to the enclosed current.

Now there are two possible components to the “enclosed” current, one of which is obvious, and the other, I suppose, could also be said to be “obvious” once it has been pointed out! Let’s deal with the immediately obvious one first, and look at the figure below…

I am imagining a metal cylinder with current flowing from top to bottom – i.e. electrons flowing from bottom to top. It needn’t be a metal cylinder, though. It could just be a volume of space with a stream of protons moving from top to bottom. In any case, the current density (which may vary with distance from the axis of the cylinder) is JJ, and the total current enclosed by the dashed circle is the integral of JJ throughout the cylinder. In a more general geometry, in which JJ is not necessarily perpendicular to the area of interest, and indeed in which the area need not be planar, this would be ∫J⋅dσ∫J⋅dσ.

Now for the less obvious component to the “enclosed current”. 

I imagine two capacitor plates in the process of being charged. There is undoubtedly a current flowing in the connecting wires. There is a magnetic field at A, and the line integral of the field around the upper dotted curve is undoubtedly equal to the enclosed current. The current is equal to the rate at which charge is being built up on the plates. Electrons are being deposited on the lower plate and are leaving the upper plate. There is also a magnetic field at B (it doesn’t suddenly stop!), and the field at BB is just the same as the field at A, which is equal to the rate at which charge is being built up on the plates. The charge on the plates (which may not be uniform, and indeed won’t be while the current is still flowing or if the plates are not infinite in extent) is equal to the integral of the charge density times the area. And the charge density on the plates, by Gauss’s theorem, is equal to the electric field DD between the plates. Thus the current is equal to the integral of D˙D˙ over the surface of the plates. Thus the line integral of HH around either of the dashed closed loops is equal to ∫D˙⋅dσ∫D˙⋅dσ.

In general, both types of current (the obvious one in which there is an obvious flow of charge, and the less obvious one, where the electric field is varying because of a real flow of charge elsewhere) contributes to the magnetic field, and so Ampère’s theorem in general must read

But the line integral of a vector field around a closed plane curve is equal to the surface integral of its curl, and therefore

Thus we arrive at:

Time-varying magnetic fields produce an electric field.

4. Ampere’s Law or Maxwell’s fourth equation

Steady currents and time-varying electric fields (the latter due to Maxwell’s correction) produce a magnetic field.

Maxwell’s Equations as a Whole

As a whole, what do Maxwell’s Equations mean?

Maxwell’s equations describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by charges, currents, and changes of the fields. One important consequence of the equations is that they demonstrate how fluctuating electric and magnetic fields propagate at a constant speed (c) in the vacuum, the “speed of light“. These electromagnetic waves have a wide variety of usage, they are used in small things like routers to big things like search for aliens using radio telescopes and all these devices involves the use of Maxwell’s equations. Maxwell understood the connection between electromagnetic waves and light with these equations in 1861, thereby unifying the theories of electromagnetism and optics.

Now, on a practical level, seriously no one is going to sit down and create their hand-crafted magnetic field generator. Aside from it being a heck of a lot of work, it will require some specialized fabrication tools and some skill. And with something that large and costly, it would best serve the “Mad Scientist” in you to just simply compile some money and have one built to you to your specifications.

Thus, you can use these laws listed above to help you on your way.

The point that I am trying or attempting to make is that the generation of a magnetic field is not difficult it is common place and is in just about every electrical motor in the world. What is different, however is the [1] scale and [2] the utilization of it.

Generation of a magnetic field

This is pretty much how it is done…

You push an electrical current through a coil wrapped around an insulated magnetic core. By cycling the current in a sinusoidal manner, you will be able to generate a magnetic field within that core. If you have a gap in the core (shown by the cross hatched area) a person can enter the generated magnetic field.
You push an electrical current through a coil wrapped around an insulated magnetic core. By cycling the current in a sinusoidal manner, you will be able to generate a magnetic field within that core. If you have a gap in the core (shown by the cross-hatched area) a person can enter the generated magnetic field.

We (who have torn apart old motors, generators, and television sets) are well accustomed to seeing this kind of set up. To us, it pretty much looks like a typical transformer only scaled up in size immensely.

This is probably the scale and size of the magnetic field generator that we are discussing herein.
This is probably the scale and size of the magnetic field generator that we are discussing herein. The image is of a large transformer.

Though, given it’s purpose and requirements, it might be larger and more complex than a standard run-of-the-mill power transformer. Perhaps something along the lines of this, eh?

RAKESH TRANSFORMER INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD, Established in 1984,  is a leading Manufacturer of Power & Distribution Transformers. The company is registered with SSI and has the entire infrastructure to manufacture Transformers upto 5MVA & voltage class of 11KV, 22KV, 33KV.
RAKESH TRANSFORMER INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD, Established in 1984,  is a leading Manufacturer of Power & Distribution Transformers
. The company is registered with SSI and has the entire infrastructure to manufacture Transformers upto 5MVA & voltage class of 11KV, 22KV, 33KV.

So, you can pretty much expect a layout something along these lines…

Magnetic field generator and the egress portal arrangement…

This is a cross-section view of how the set up would look. You would have this enormous ferrite frame that would carry the magnetic field through an air gap that a person can walk through. This field is generated through a transformer that would pull it from existing powerlines.

Cross sectional view of the egress portal showing the magnetic field generator.
A cross-sectional view of the egress portal showing the magnetic field generator.

This drawing is not to scale, but it should give the reader an idea of the general size of what we are talking about here. In fact, if the ceiling covers the ferrite end of the top air-gap, the person entering the portal wouldn’t even be aware that there was a invisible door there at all. It would jsut be a floor and a wall at the end.

Sizing of the air gap

The amount of magnetic flux you can generate will be a function of the size of the ferrite core, and the air gap. In fact, all things taken into account, it will be the air gap that will pretty much establish the power and technical requirements for the mechanism.

The effect of an air gap on a magnetic circuit.
The effect of an air gap on a magnetic circuit.

Construction notes

This is a large and expensive piece of equipment and it would be in the best interests of all involved if it is custom made by people who are experts in this kind of thing. You can find these people on the internet. You want to find companies or engineering design teams that specialize in the design of windings, transformers, chokes, ferrite components and windings. Perhaps something like these fellas…

Or, if you want to go it alone, you can access any number of resources on the internet on coil winding, and transformer design. Perhaps something along these links might be of interest…

Now there are some things that you need to take into account if you go the hard (but interesting) way to DIY your very own components…

How Transformers, Chokes and Inductors Work, and Properties of Magnetics

The magnetic properties are characterized by its hysteresis loop, which is a graph of flux density versus magnetization force as shown below:

hysteresis loop
An hysteresis loop.

When a electric current flows through a conductor ( copper wire), it generate a magnetic field. The magnetic field is strongest at the conductor surface and weakens as its distance from the conductor surface is increased. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of current flow and its direction is given by the right hand rule shown below.

The Right Hand Rule.
The Right Hand Rule.

When the conductor or wire is wound around a magnetic materials ( ferrite, nanocrystalline, amorphous, iron, nickel steel, grain oriented steel, MPP, sendust, high flux, etc), and current flows through the conductor, a flux is induced on the magnetic materials. This flux is induced by the magnetic field generated by the current carrying conductor. The magnetic material’s atomic parts got influenced by the magnetic field and causes them to align in a certain direction.

The application of this magnetic field on the magnetic materials is called magnetization force.

Magnetization force is called Oersted or A/m (amperes per meter)or A/cm.
The units for Magnetization force is “H”.

The results of applying these magnetic field from the current carrying conductor causes the magnetic materials to have magnetic flux being formed inside the magnetic materials. The intensity of these flux is called flux density. Therefore flux density is defined as the flux per square area.

Flux density is called gauss or Tesla. I Tesla is10,000 gauss, or 1mT is 10 gauss.

The unit for Flux is “B”.

Thus, the hysterisis loop is often called the BH curve. Understanding of the BH curve is extremely important in the designs of transformers, chokes, coils and inductors.

For a square wave application as in SMPS (square wave), the Flux density or B in Gauss is given as:

Note that B is a function of voltage ( input voltage if calculated from primary windings, and output voltage if calculated from secondary side). For square wave, the constant in the above formula is 4.0, and for sinewave, it is 4.44. Flux will reduce if you increase the number of turns, increase the switching frequency or increasing the size of the cores ( increasing the area).

The magnetization force or H in Oersted is given as:

Note that H is a function of input current. The unit for H in the above formula is in Oersted. The conversion from Oersted to A/m or A/cm is one Oersted = 1.2566 A/cm. As the current swings from positive to negative the flux changes as well, tracing the curve.

The permeability of a magnetic material is the ability of the material to increase the flux intensity or flux density within the material when an electric current flows through a conductor wrapped around the magnetic materials providing the magnetization force.

The higher the permeability, the higher the flux density from a given magnetization force.

If you look at the BH loop again, you will note that the permeability is actually the slope of the BH curve.

The steeper the curve, the higher the permeability as shown below.

As the magnetization force increases ( or the current over the conductor is increased), a point is reached where the magnetic material or core will saturate. See point “S” above on the curves. When that happens, any further increase in H, will not increase the flux. More importantly, the permeability goes to zero as the slope now is flat. In this situation the magnetic material or core will fail to work as a transformer, chokes, or inductors.

So, it is very important in a choke or inductor design, not to drive the core into saturation by increasing the current (AC or DC). Usually it is the DC current that saturate the cores since it is a constant current, and puts the cores to a certain flux level.

In a transformer design, you must make sure that the maximum AC current swings from positive to negative is well below the saturation point.

Another way to get saturation is by increasing the flux density which is normally achieved by increasing the voltage ( see equation above).

From the BH curve, you can see that when the permeability is high ( slope is steep), the cores will go into saturation faster. Conversely, when the permeability is low, the cores saturate at a much higher flux density.

Power ferrite cores normally have a permeability of about 2000, and they saturate faster than iron powder or MPP cores where the permeability of Iron Powder or MPP core is 125 or so.

The typical saturation flux density of Power Ferrite material is under 4000 gauss (400mT). Whereas the saturation flux density of MPP material is 7000 gauss. High Flux is 15,000 gauss and Iron Powder is 10,000 gauss.

A transformer is an energy transfer device, so you want to have minimum losses when you transfer energy from primary side to secondary side. This is why a ferrite cores is used.

In a choke or inductor design, the application is for energy storage, and there is always a DC current flowing through, so you want to use a iron powder, MPP, sendust or high flux cores. Also, the saturation flux is a lot higher, so a higher DC current can flow through.

Core Losses
There are always energy losses in transformers and chokes. These energy losses will generate heat and cause thermal problems. The losses in a transformer, chokes or inductors are from the following sources:

  1. Hysteresis loss from the sweeping of flux from positive to negative and the area enclosed by the loop is the loss. Hysteresis loss is due to the materials intrinsic properties due to the energy used to align and re-align the magnetic domains. You can lower this loss by using a more expansive materials such as TDK PC 44, for example.
  2. Eddy current loss from the circulating currents within the magnetic materials due to differential in flux voltage inside the cores itself. This loss is high dependent upon the thickness of the walls of the cores. The higher the switching frequency, the higher will be this eddy current loss.
  3. Copper or winding loss. This is also dependent on the wire size, switching frequency, etc. Skin effect and proximity effect will contribute to this loss.


This was a collection of thoughts related to the construction for the magnetic flux generator for the dimensional portal egress station. I recommend that a rent-a-engineer be utilized to design up the system, and then you all can make it from bits and pieces of scrap stock materials.

I have much more to say about this project, and I will actually say much more. I think it’s time, however, to give this particular post a break. It’s time for me to let my hair down and have some fun.

Please stand by…

Time to party!

Do you want some more?

I have more posts in this series here…

DIY Teleportation

I have more posts related to this in my MAJestic Index. You can visit it here…


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Constructing your very own DIY world-line dimensional portal; the mechanism that slides a person into a new reality (part 5)

In this post, we will discuss the real actual mechanism in creating a slide into another world-line. It’s not enough to obtain coordinates and set up a magnetic field, you need to be able to imprint those coordinates on the traveler and make the transition happen. Here, we discuss how it works, and how this dimensional portal works to take a person from one world-line to another.

A quick important note

It is relatively easy to find articles about quantum teleportation on the internet.

These articles discuss a “recently” developed association of quantum physics that allow the entanglement of widely separately spaced particles to be attached to each other. Those involved in the work repeatedly say that scaling up this principle to that where you can teleport a human would take centuries.

This series of articles that I am posting is similar to but quite different from the “quantum teleportation” experiments.

So whatever you read about on the internet, do not associate it with this series of posts. While the procedures and systems described herein does involve entanglement at a quantum level, it relies on an entirely different set of processes to accomplish these world-line slides.

So, let’s make one thing absolutely clear; the methods discussed within this series has very little to do with the quantum teleportation methods that you can discover on the internet. So you can ignore these other articles as they have zero bearing on this series of posts.

The big summary overview

This post has some real valuable nuggets of information. Unfortunately, the information associated with those packets of information might be too overwhelming.

While the mechanism details are very interesting, but really need to be parsed out so that you all can fully understand what is going on. So here is the super-simplistic overview…

  • In short, when the human traveler enters the portal, he/she enters a magnetic field.
  • This field creates a neutral environment, it supersedes the natural environment.
  • Then, as the magnetic field collapses, the coordinate frequencies are changed from that of the egress portal to the destination coordinates.
  • And the person thus is instantly entangled with the new coordinates.
  • Thus, using the Alan Holt’s frequency resonance system, the person is instantly teleported to the new location.

This happens because it is the nature of the universe that everything interacts intimately with it’s surroundings.

We automatically become entangled with the things around us. Physically and through our thoughts. These entanglements can be very strong.

Saying it is a slightly different way…

When you enter into a magnetic field (of the proper configuration) you are isolated from the surrounding influences. You become an individual within a ‘container”. This container is where the human traveler changes his physical world-line entanglements.

  • When entering the magnetic field, the entanglements associated with the egress location are turned off (if not momentarily erased).

So now, that traveler is alone and detached from everything. He/she has no entanglements with anything outside of that magnetic field. That is all entanglements; Physical, and non-physical.

So what we can do is trick the human body of the traveler to have entanglements with a new set of coordinates. These can be a geographic location, a point in time, or a completely different world-line.

  • The dimensional portal provides a new set of coordinates.

The moment that the person is in the magnetic field, his/her old coordinates are nullified and for a spit second, he/she is without any outside entanglements. Then a set of destination coordinates (which are frequencies, from the other posts) are presented immediately.

  • The human then becomes entangled with the new set of coordinates within the field.

When the magnetic field is immediately turned off, he/she immediately teleports to the new set of coordinates.

And, ladies and gentlemen, this is how the (teleportation) dimensional portal works.

How can this be accomplished?

This is accomplished is through the use of the Alan Holt frequency resonance method, where everything in this universe is associated with entanglements.

  • Like entanglements attract.
  • Dissimilar entanglements repel.

And that is, after all, the Alan Holt resonance frequency system in a “nutshell”.

Now the quantum physics involved in this is pretty much established, but there is a great deal of parsing on all the fine details involved…

Einstein's equation has a metric solution, from which the geodesics can be calculated, giving the trajectories followed by particles. RHS, the stress-energy tensor Tµν. When the field is created by ordinary matter and the particle velocities are weak with respect to the speed of light, this tensor contains only one term, proportional to the density of matter ρ.

Geodesics can be calculated around a spherical mass of constant density. This gives two connected sets of geodesics (lying within this mass, and outside). The result is that a positive mass generates geodesics that express the classical gravitational attraction and that a negative mass (ρ changed to -ρ) on the contrary evokes gravitational repulsion.

Anglo-Austrian physicist Hermann Bondi showed in 1957 in that, since both positive and negative masses would follow the same geodesics (as there is one metric tensor gµν in the Einstein field equations):    

• Positive mass attracts anything.
• Negative mass repels anything. 

The creation of the new entanglements is through the association of the frequencies (destination coordinates) at the portal.

-Negative Energy States and Interstellar Travel

The arguments are interesting, but I don’t want the reader to get too bogged down on a side topic.

In the figure below, the positive mass, repelled by the antigravitational potential of the negative mass, runs away from it, while the negative mass falls into the gravity well of the positive mass and chases it. The couple is then uniformly accelerated, but the total energy stays constant because the kinetic energy associated with the negative mass is negative.

Newtonian interaction laws according to Einstein's equations
Newtonian interaction laws according to Einstein’s equations

Such interaction between particles with opposite masses violates the action-reaction principle.

Note that this is based on the fact that test particles with a positive or a negative passive gravitational mass would behave the same way when they are embedded in a gravitational potential created by a large positive mass M.

This has precluded any consideration of negative mass in astrophysics and cosmology for 60 years.

Two coupled field equations: the Janus cosmological model

If we want to consider something that works, we need two metrics gµν(+) and gµν
(−) from which two different families of geodesics are calculated, referring to positive mass particles and negative mass particles, respectively. From these metrics, we calculate Ricci tensors Rµν(+) and Rµν(−) as well as Ricci scalars R(+) and R(−).

This is the core of the Janus cosmological model, which describes the universe as a
Riemannian manifold associated to two coupled metrics, populated by positive and negative mass species.

These solutions come from a system of two coupled field equations, built from a Lagrangian derivation;

General relativity reduces to Newtonian gravity in the limit of weak gravitational potential and low velocities with respect to the speed of light, so that Newton’s law of universal gravitation can be found from the Newtonian approximation of the Einstein field equations.

Likewise, our system of two coupled field equations provides the following interaction laws (proportional to 1/r2):

Newtonian interaction laws according to two coupled field equations
Newtonian interaction laws according to two coupled field equations

To sum up:

• Positive masses mutually attract.
• Positive mass and negative mass mutually repel.
• Negative masses mutually attract.

Which is, in effect, not only the natural laws of our universe, but also the Alan Holt resonance frequency method of physical transport.

The problem…

But, there is a problem.

You see, the primary problem is that everything is entangled with the environmental sphere that surrounds us. This is quantum physics, in case you are not paying attention. Not “new agey” “mumbo jumbo”.

When a person enters the magnetic field there are two sets of isolated frequencies involved.

They are…

  • Frequencies associated with the human gravity mass as he/she enters the portal.
  • Frequencies associated with the portal itself (and the surroundings).

What we need to do is to change the “frequencies of location” associated with the dimensional portal. But not change the frequencies associated with the person. The two events must absolutely be kept separate.

This is a problem.

How do you do it?

What we need to do is somehow change the egress frequencies to be the destination frequencies inside the portal. We need to superimpose the destination “frequencies of location” over on top of the egress portal “frequencies of location”.

And all the time, NOT permitting any changes to the traveler.

Suppressing the gravity frequencies of the traveler inside the magnetic field would completely erase that person from the universe! Yikes!

Then, when the human enters the magnetic field, his/her frequencies of location become entangled with whatever the destination coordinates are at the dimensional portal. And being so entangled, when the (magnetic) field is turned off, the traveler is instantly teleported to the new destination coordinates.

This is how it is done…

How to superimpose destination frequencies of location on the egress portal.

Here is how we suppress the egress portal frequencies (coordinates)…

[1] Nullify the egress coordinates

The problem evolves into swapping out the existing egress coordinates with a set of new coordinates in the portal.

And the way that we will do this is…

  • Nullify the existing egress coordinates / frequencies.
  • Superimpose the destination coordinates / frequencies in it’s place.
  • All the time, absolutely not interfering with the gravitational frequencies of the traveler.

The big hurtle is to nullify the existing egress coordinates.

This, is, believe it or not, a common problem in radio, and television. How do you stop one signal from interfering with another one?

The technique is simple, really.

You generate a “noise cancelling” signal. It is the completely opposite of the signal that you want to cancel out, and thus 1-1=0. For every high, you subject it to a low. For every low, you subject it to a high.

Techniques have been developed that are highly efficient in doing this. All noise canceling headphones use this technology.

In our use, we will consider the egress portal’s gravitation frequency profile to be “noise”. We will want to cancel it out, and make it “null”. There are numerous ways to do this. In our example we will use a digital signal processor to accomplish this task.

Feedforward ANC is, arguably the simplest type of active noise cancellation.  It uses a digital signal processor (DSP) or other dedicated ANC processing hardware to map the noise signal. 

And this is how it’s done with our egress dimensional portal…

[2] Use Digital Signal Processing

What follows is nothing "new". This is what Electrical Signal Engineers work with on a daily basis. This subject is perhaps jsut as confusing to people who do not use the technology day-in and day-out.

Do not get discouraged if you do not understand it. Just keep in mind that this is the exact process that you will use to suppress and control the egress portal frequency coordinates. It's now, right here, for your future use.

What we will do is take the frequencies and signals calculated, computed for the egress dimensional portal and perform “digital data acquisition”. Which pretty much means that we will take the recorded analog signal recorded and convert it to a digital signal.

During digital data acquisition, the transducers which output the analog signals (of the associated gravity of the egress portal) is then digitized for use with a computer.

The reason for this is that a computer cannot store continuous analog time waveforms. Which is pretty much what the transducers produce. So instead it breaks the signal into discrete ‘pieces’ or ‘samples’ to store them.

Data is recorded in the time domain, but often it is desired to perform a Fourier transform to view the data in the frequency domain.

The Fourier Transform is a tool that breaks a waveform (a function or signalinto an alternate representationcharacterized by sine and cosinesThe Fourier Transform shows that any waveform can be re-written as the sum of sinusoidal functions.

There are unique terms used when performing a Fourier transform on this digitized data, which are not always used in the analog case.

They are listed in Figure 1 below:

Figure 1: Time domain and frequency domain terms used in performing a digital Fourier transform
Figure 1: Time domain and frequency domain terms used in performing a digital Fourier transform

Whether viewing digital data in the time domain or in the frequency domain, understanding the relationship between these different terms affects the quality of the final analysis. Some key Digital Signal Processing (DSP) terms are:

Time Domain Terms

  • Sampling Rate (Fs) – Number of data samples acquired per second
  • Frame Size (T) – Amount of time data collected to perform a Fourier transform
  • Block Size (N) – Total number of data samples acquired during one frame

Frequency Domain Terms

  • Bandwidth (Fmax) – Highest frequency that is captured in the Fourier transform, equal to half the sampling rate
  • Spectral Lines (SL)– After Fourier transform, total number of frequency domain samples
  • Frequency Resolution (Δf) – Spacing between samples in the frequency domain

Sampling Rate (Fs)

Sampling rate (sometimes called sampling frequency or Fs) is the number of data points acquired per second.

A sampling rate of 2000 samples/second means that 2000 discrete data points are acquired every second. This can be referred to as 2000 Hertz sample frequency.

The sampling rate is important for determining the maximum amplitude and correct waveform of the signal as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: In the top graph, the 10 Hertz sine wave sampled at 1000 samples/second has correct amplitude and waveform. In the other plots, lower sample rates do not yield the correct amplitude nor shape of the sine wave
Figure 2: In the top graph, the 10 Hertz sine wave sampled at 1000 samples/second has correct amplitude and waveform. In the other plots, lower sample rates do not yield the correct amplitude nor shape of the sine wave

To get close to the correct peak amplitude in the time domain, it is important to sample at least 10 times faster than the highest frequency of interest. For a 100 Hertz sine wave, the minimum sampling rate would be 1000 samples per second. In practice, sampling even higher than 10x helps measure the amplitude correctly in the time domain.

It should be noted that obtaining the correct amplitude in the frequency domain only requires sampling twice the highest frequency of interest. In practice, the anti-aliasing filter in most data acquisition systems makes the requirement 2.5 times the frequency of interest. The Bandwidth section contains more information about the anti-aliasing filter.

The inverse of sampling frequency (Fs) is the sampling interval or Δt. It is the amount of time between data samples collected in the time domain as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Sampling frequency and sampling interval relationship
Figure 3: Sampling frequency and sampling interval relationship

The smaller the quantity Δt, the better the chance of measuring the true peak in the time domain.

Block Size (N)

The block size (N) is the total number of time data points that are captured to perform a Fourier transform. A block size of 2000 means that two thousand data points are acquired, then a Fourier transform is performed.

Frame Size (T)

The frame size is the total time (T) to acquire one block of data. The frame size is the block size divided by sample frequency as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Frame size (T) equals block size (N) divided by sample frequency (Fs)
Figure 4: Frame size (T) equals block size (N) divided by sample frequency (Fs)

For example, with a block size of 2000 data points and a sampling rate of 1000 samples per second, the total time to acquire a single data block is 2 seconds. It takes two seconds to collect 2000 data points.

The total time frame size is also equal to the block size times the time resolution (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Frame size (T) equals block size (N) time the time resolution (delta t)
Figure 5: Frame size (T) equals block size (N) time the time resolution (delta t)

When performing averages on multiple blocks of data, the term total amount of time might be used in different ways (Figure 6) and should not be confused:

  • Total Time to Acquire One Block – The frame size (T) is the time to acquire one data block, for example, this could be two seconds
  • Total Time to Average – If five blocks of data (two seconds each) are to be averaged, the total time to acquire all five blocks (with no overlap) would be 10 seconds
Figure 6: Five averages of 2 second frames
Figure 6: Five averages of 2 second frames

The ‘Throughput Processing knowledge base article’ further explains the interaction between frames and averages.

Bandwidth (Fmax)

The bandwidth (Fmax) is the maximum frequency that can be analyzed. The bandwidth is half of the sampling frequency (Figure 7). The Nyquist sampling criterion requires setting the sampling rate at least twice the maximum frequency of interest.

Figure 7: Bandwidth, or the maximum frequency, is half the sample frequency (Fs)
Figure 7: Bandwidth, or the maximum frequency, is half the sample frequency (Fs)

A bandwidth of 1000 Hertz means that the sampling frequency is set to 2000 samples/second.

In fact, even with a sampling rate of 2000 Hz, the actual usable bandwidth can be less than the theoretical limit of 1000 Hertz. This is because in many data acquisition systems, there is an anti-aliasing filter which starts reducing the amplitude of the signal starting at 80% of the bandwidth.

Figure 8 - At 80% of the bandwidth, a anti-aliasing filter starts reducing the amplitude of the incoming signals. The 'Span' represents the frequency range without any anti-aliasing filter effects.
Figure 8 – At 80% of the bandwidth, a anti-aliasing filter starts reducing the amplitude of the incoming signals. The ‘Span’ represents the frequency range without any anti-aliasing filter effects.

For a bandwidth of 1000 Hertz, the anti-aliasing filter reduces the bandwidth to 800 Hertz and below. The filter attenuates frequencies above 800 Hertz in this case.

In Simcenter Testlab, under ‘Tools -> Options -> General’, it is possible to view only the usable bandwidth by switching to ‘Span’ under ‘Frequency’ as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Under ‘Tools -> Options -> General’ switch to ‘Span’ instead of ‘Bandwidth’

‘Span’ represents the actual useable bandwidth, and the switching to the ‘Span’ setting makes all the Simcenter Testlab displays show only 80% of the bandwidth.

Spectral Lines (SL)

After performing a Fourier transform, the spectral lines (SL) are the total number of frequency domain data points. This is analogous to N, the number of data points in the time domain. There are two data ‘values’ at each spectral line – an amplitude and a phase value as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: At each frequency there is an amplitude (top graph) and phase (bottom graph)
Figure 10: At each frequency there is an amplitude (top graph) and phase (bottom graph)

Note that while the Fourier Transform results in amplitude and phase, sometimes the frequency spectrum is converted to an autopower, which eliminates the phase.

The number of spectral lines is half the block size (Figure 11).

Figure 11: Spectral lines equals half the block size
Figure 11: Spectral lines equals half the block size

For a block size of 2000 data points, there are 1000 spectral lines.

Frequency Resolution

The frequency resolution (Δf) is the spacing between data points in frequency. The frequency resolution equals the bandwidth divided by the spectral lines as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Frequency resolution equals bandwidth (Fmax) divided by spectral lines (SL)
Figure 12: Frequency resolution equals bandwidth (Fmax) divided by spectral lines (SL)

For example, a bandwidth of 16 Hertz with eight spectral lines, has a frequency resolution of 2.0 Hertz (Figure 13).

Figure 13: Frequency resolution equals bandwidth (Fmax) divided by spectral lines (SL)
Figure 13: Frequency resolution equals bandwidth (Fmax) divided by spectral lines (SL)

The eight frequency domain spectral lines are spread evenly between 0 and 16 Hertz, which results in the 2.0 Hertz spacing on the frequency axis. Note that 0 Hertz is not included in the spectral line total. The calculated value at zero Hertz represents a constant amplitude DC offset. For example, if a 1 Volt sine wave alternated around a 5 Volt offset, the offset value would be placed at zero Hertz, while the sine wave’s 1 Volt amplitude would be placed at the spectral line corresponding to the sine wave’s frequency.

Digital Signal Processing Relationships

Putting the above relationships together, the different digital signal processing parameters can be related to each other (Figure 14).

Figure 14: Digital signal processing relationships
Figure 14: Digital signal processing relationships

This can be boiled down to one ‘golden equation’ of digital signal processing (Figure 15) which related frame size (T) and frequency resolution (Δf):

Figure 15: The ‘golden equation’ of digital signal processing
Figure 15: The ‘golden equation’ of digital signal processing

This means that:

  • The finer the desired frequency resolution, the longer the acquisition time
  • The shorter the acquisition time, or frame size, the coarser the frequency resolution

The frequency resolution is important to accurately understand the signal being analyzed. In Figure 16, two sine tones (100 Hertz and 101 Hertz) have been digitized, and a Fourier Transform performed. This was done with two different frequency resolutions: 1.0 Hertz and 0.5 Hertz.

Figure 16: Left – Spectrum with 1.0 Hertz frequency resolution makes two separate tones appear as one peak. Right - Spectrum with 0.5 Hertz frequency resolution makes two separate tones appear as two different peaks.
Figure 16: Left – Spectrum with 1.0 Hertz frequency resolution makes two separate tones appear as one peak. Right – Spectrum with 0.5 Hertz frequency resolution makes two separate tones appear as two different peaks.

With the finer frequency resolution of 0.5 Hertz, rather than 1.0 Hertz, the spectrum shows two separate and distinct peaks. The benefit of a finer frequency resolution is very obvious. This might beg the question, why not use the finest frequency resolution possible in all cases?

There is a tradeoff. Per the ‘golden equation’ the amount of time data per frame is higher as the frequency resolution is made finer (Figure 13). This can cause requirements for long time data acquisition:

  • 10 Hz frequency resolution is desired, only 0.1 seconds of data is required
  • 1 Hertz frequency resolution requires 1 second of data
  • 0.1 Hertz frequency resolution requires 10 seconds of data
  • 0.01 Hertz frequency resolution requires 100 seconds of data!

In some situations, these long time acquisition requirements are not practical. For example, a sports car may go from idle to full speed in just 4 seconds, making a 100 second acquisition, and the corresponding 0.01 frequency resolution, impossible.

Rather than using the sine formulation of the Fourier Transform, a wavelet formulation can be used instead. This can address some of the time-frequency tradeoffs. See the knowledge base article Time-Frequency Analysis: Wavelets.

Simcenter Testlab Settings

In Simcenter Testlab (formerly LMS Test.Lab), depending on the software module, only some of these parameters may be settable by the user. However, the digital signal processing relationships are still in effect. For example, when setting the bandwidth to 1024 Hz and spectral lines to 2048 as shown in Figure 17, several other parameters are automatically set.

Figure 17: Simcenter Testlab acquisition parameters
Figure 17: Simcenter Testlab acquisition parameters

For these settings, the frame size is 2 seconds (inverse of frequency resolution). The sampling frequency is 2048 samples per second, or 2048 Hertz.

Note: Why are the sampling rates and block sizes all powers of two? In the digital world, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) are computer algorithms used to perform a Fourier Transform. The Fast Fourier Transform requires a block size that is a power of two (1024, 2048, 4096, etc.) and is computationally quicker than the DFT, which can use any number of data points. With today’s modern computers, the differences in speed are not as noticeable in the past. But due to historical reasons many data acquisition systems still use power of two numbers.

Hopefully this information will be a useful reference for performing digital data acquisition of the egress portal gravity frequency wave profile. Some of the key points discussed: Sampling frequency (Fs) must be set properly to capture the correct amplitude:

  • High as possible to capture peak amplitude in time domain. Should be set no lower than 10x the highest frequency of interest.
  • At least two times higher than the highest frequency of interest for the frequency domain. This would be at least 2.5x higher if accounting for an anti-aliasing filter.
  • There is an inverse relationship (the ‘golden equation’) relating frequency resolution (Δf) and frame size time (T)

Once the egrss portal frequencies (coordinates) are suppressed, we then need to overlap the destination coordinates on top of it.

[3] Overlaying the destination frequency over the suppressed egress.

Nothing new here. It’s standard “boiler plate” frequency manipulation.

There are numerous techniques involved. But, the one that I am most familiar with is known as “single-sideband modulation” (SSB).

In radio communications, single-sideband modulation (SSB) or single-sideband suppressed-carrier modulation (SSB-SC) is a type of modulation used to transmit information, such as an audio signal, by radio waves. A refinement of amplitude modulation, it uses transmitter power and bandwidth more efficiently. Amplitude modulation produces an output signal the bandwidth of which is twice the maximum frequency of the original baseband signal. Single-sideband modulation avoids this bandwidth increase, and the power wasted on a carrier, at the cost of increased device complexity and more difficult tuning at the receiver.


It need not be too complicated. Remember that an AM signal

has the Fourier transform

The spectral components in the AM signal equal distances above and below the carrier frequency contain identical information because they are complex conjugates of each other.

The portion above the carrier frequency is called the upper sideband and the portion
below the lower sideband.

In single-sideband (SSB) modulation only the upper sideband or the lower sideband is transmitted. Thus, SSB modulation requires half the bandwidth of AM or DSBSC-AM modulation.

We will assume that the baseband message signal m(t) is band limited with a cutoff
frequency W which is less than the carrier frequency ωc. Then the required channel
bandwidth for an SSB signal is W.

SSB Modulator Using DSBSC-AM and Filtering
SSB Modulator Using DSBSC-AM and Filtering

First the DSBSC-AM signal

is formed which has the transform

and is centered at the carrier frequency ωc. Then H(ω) selects the desired sideband.

Upper sideband modulation uses the highpass filter

and the lower sideband SSB modulation uses the lowpass filter

Representing SSB Signals in Terms of Hilbert Transforms

Let the baseband message be m(t) and its Hilbert transform ˆm(t). The pre-envelope of the SSB signal has the transform

Upper Sideband Case

Substituting Hu(ω) for H(ω) gives

The complex envelope is

Therefore, the SSB signal can be expressed as

Lower Sideband Case

The transform of the complex envelope is

The corresponding SSB signal is

Single-Sideband Modulator Using a Hilbert Transform

A Single-Sideband Modulator Block Diagram
A Single-Sideband Modulator Block Diagram

Another Approach to the SSB Signal Representation

Let the baseband message have transform M(ω). An example is shown in Figure 3. Its pre-envelope is

which has the transform

The upper-sideband SSB signal pre-envelope is

which has the transform

The transmitted SSB signal is

Signal Fourier Transforms in Steps for
Generating an Upper-Sideband
Signal Fourier Transforms in Steps for
Generating an Upper-Sideband

Coherent Demodulation of SSB Signals

An SSB Demodulator
An SSB Demodulator

First the received signal is multiplied by a locally generated replica of the carrier signal. Multiplying the formulas for upper and lower sideband SSB signals by 2 cos ωct yields

Observe that

The components around 2ωc are removed by the lowpass filter G(ω) with cutoff frequency W.

In practice, the demodulator shown above should be preceded by a receive bandpass filter that passes s(t) and eliminates out-of-band noise.

Frequency Domain Analysis of Operation

Remember that b(t) = s(t)2 cos ωct. So

This translates the sidebands around ±ωc down to baseband and forms M(ω) which is the desired term and also translates them up to ±2ωc which are the terms removed by the lowpass filter.

SSB Demodulator Using a Hilbert Transform

First, take the Hilbert transform of s(t) and form the pre-envelope

where the plus sign is for upper sideband and the minus sign is for lower sideband modulation

This demodulator requires taking a Hilbert transform but does not require filtering out terms at twice the carrier frequency.

The modulator shown is also a block diagram for a demodulator that implements the formula at the bottom of the previous slide if the input m(t) is replaced by the received signal s(t), the cosine and sine amplitudes are set to 1, and the plus sign is chosen at the output adder.

In practice, the demodulator would be preceded by a bandpass filter that passes the
signal components and rejects out-of-band noise.

Need for a Pilot Tone

These two demodulators assume that the receiver has perfect knowledge of the received carrier frequency and phase. Unfortunately, this information cannot be derived by a system like the Costas loop because the SSB signal is the sum of an inphase component m(t) cos ωct and a quadrature component ˆm(t) sin ωct.

A standard approach to solving this problem is to add a small sinusoidal component called a pilot tone whose frequency is not in the SSB signal band and has a known relationship to the carrier frequency. The pilot tone frequency is often chosen to be the carrier frequency when the baseband message signal has no DC components.

The receiver can then generate a local carrier reference by using a narrow bandwidth bandpass filter to select the pilot tone and possibly following this filter by a phase-locked loop.

Reasons for needing frequency translation:

  • To place the signal spectrum in an allocated channel.
  • Several messages can be multiplexed together by shifting them to non-overlapping adjacent spectral bands and transmitting the sum of the resulting signals. This is called frequency division multiplexing (FDM).
  • To correct for carrier frequency offsets caused by oscillator inaccuracies or Doppler shifts.

Let s(t) be a bandpass signal with the frequency ω0 somewhere in its passband. The
problem is to translate the spectrum so that ω0 is moved to ω1 = ω0 + ∆ω.

The first step is to form the pre-envelope

The corresponding Fourier transform is

The next step is to multiply by a complex exponential with frequency ∆ω to get

This translates the original spectrum to the right by ∆ω and moves the value at ω0 to the frequency ω1 = ω0 + ∆ω.

Taking the real part of r+(t) gives the following formula for the translated signal:

The real part of r+(t) can also be expressed as

so its Fourier transform is

Notice that the formula for computing r(t) from s(t) and ˆs(t) above can be used even when the passband of the translated signal overlaps that of the original signal.

To do this using real signals would require a double conversion process where the signal is

  • first shifted to a non-overlapping band by multiplying by cos ω3t,
  • one sideband of this modulated signal is selected with a highpass filter,
  • and then another modulation is performed with the appropriate carrier frequency and the signal in the desired band is selected with a filter.

This is generally not as convenient for DSP applications.

Now, after this process has been completed, we now have the destination coordinate frequencies overlaid upon the egress coordinates. To the traveler, and to the portal it is residing within a space outside of time and space within the magnetic field, and upon the collapse of the field, the destination coordinates would automatically be imprinted upon the traveler within the magnetic field.


Unless you “connect” the traveler’s gravitational frequency with the new destination coordinates, nothing will happen. The field would just collapse and the traveler would reconnect with the egress portal coordinates instead…

How to solve this problem?

[4] Adding the gravitational frequency profile of the traveler to the mix.

It’s surprisingly easy.

…in theory.

You hold on to the destination coordinates longer than the egress coordinates. Or, in other words, continue with the suppression of the egress coordinates while the magnetic field collapses.

In truth, there is a gradual change from the suppression of the egress coordinates to a null state, and a gradual change from the null state to the destination coordinates. This description is apt, but the “gradual” change happens very rapidly.


This post describes the “nuts and bolts” behind the control that ejects the human traveler from the egress portal to the destination coordinates.

  • In short, when the human traveler enters the portal, he/she enters a magnetic field.
  • This field creates a neutral environment, it supersedes the natural environment.
  • Then, as the magnetic field collapses, the coordinate frequencies are changed from that of the egress portal to the destination coordinates.
  • And the person thus is instantly entangled with the new coordinates.
  • Thus, using the Alan Holt’s frequency resonance system, the person is instantly teleported to the new location.

As you can see, essentially the mechanism is basically frequency control, modulation and pulsing of the environment around a very intense magnetic field containing a human traveler.

And that is it.

Of course there are other issues involved. Like the actual electrical controls, the creation of the magnetic field, and how the traveler enters the field (he has to be prepared and ready), not to mention the actual mapping of the destination coordinates.

In the next post we will talk about making the magnetic field. Exciting stuff this, eh?

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DIY Teleportation

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Who is actually running things in this crazy, out of control, world. You might be surprised.

The following is an outstanding article that was originally published on UNZ. It is pretty much “spot on” and tells you who is behind all the issues, the turmoil and the stress that the world is going through right now. It it good? I don’t know. Is it bad? I don’t know. But it should be worth your while to understand what is going on in this world and why.

This was originally published as “The World Through the Eyes of a Globalist(Twilight Zone 2020)” written by Steven Yates on June 23, 2020. All credit to the author.

You are a globalist.

Not you personally, gentle reader.

Let me explain. We’re going on a voyage through sight and sound and mind, unlocking that door with that key of imagination (it’s still around), crossing over into Twilight Zone 2020. When we’re done, you’ll have seen the world through the eyes of a globalist. Which one? It doesn’t matter. Not all are the same, ‘tis true. But we’re interested in what they share, not where they differ. What they share is a plan — for total control. Whether it’s called world government or the “softer” global governance, you’ll see it as an inevitable result of technology and modernity. For the past three centuries, things have gotten more centralized and consolidated. The process is now accelerating. For you and your fellow globalists, many your superiors in a vast treelike hierarchy, the world is like a game of Risk. You know the rules, you have the skills, and you’re playing to win. It is a game, after all. Populations are like pieces on a board, to be moved around or removed at will or whim, as you challenge other global players and bring everyone into your fold.

Our voyage has begun. I should warn you, gentle reader, before we go all the way through that door. When we return you may feel queasy, with an urge to take a bath. Do not be alarmed. This comes with the territory.

So you are a globalist. You were born to wealth and real privilege, educated at Harvard (or Yale or Columbia). You came of age assuming that as one of the blue bloods, your destiny is to help shape the new world order to come. Your name may be unknown. This doesn’t bother you. If visibility should come your way, you’ll accept it. But you’re not preoccupied with it. You see no reason to seek it out. More gets from behind the curtain, anyway.

You’re in awe, admittedly, of the wealth accumulated by such dynasties as the Rothschilds, how they managed to drop from sight over a century ago and remain hidden — not on lists of the rich such as Forbes publishes — despite their absolute lock on trillions through the central banks they control and hundreds of “shell” corporations whose managers have no idea, because many in the dynasty don’t use that name.

You are properly disdainful of the masses. Like your fellow globalists you don’t see them as more than cattle, fit to be caged in work cubicles and ruled. But you’ve noticed, even from their inferior genes come, every so often, intelligent men and a few women with the right attitude. Such individuals can be plucked from the mass environment, tested for their reaction when they learn how the world really works, and if they pass the test, trained. The rest — with their gleeful mass consumption, their addictions to screens, their adulation of celebrities and sports icons, their blind adherence to religion or ideology whether “left” or “right” — leave you singularly unimpressed. Most you can barely tell apart since they dress, wear their hair, and talk the same, as members of various tribes. Tribalism, you were told as a child, is our natural state, and you’ve no cause to doubt it. A few idealistic intellectuals once thought they could transcend tribes with their god Reason. They called this the Enlightenment, which had its uses. But here we are back again. You look at society and you see tribes.

If you’re anything, you’re a realist. Since the masses act like cattle, why not treat them like cattle? At some point, you might be one of the people who gets to decide who lives and who dies, as the crisis your superiors did so much to engineer and then to hide inside continues to unfold: the genetically-engineered coronavirus, the planned-emic, the fomented racial unrest, the cancellation of history through programmed destruction of monuments to it. Fairytales like “white privilege.” Whatever divides, helps, because when groups are at each other’s throats over “microaggressions” and “racism” or trans-confusion or whatever, they’re not watching you.

Are you a sociopath? You don’t know. You understand the question, but you don’t think it has much meaning. You were raised as you were, you know what you know, and you do what you have to. You can empathize with your own, you think, but who knows? You tell your wife you love her, and she was picked for you because she’s good stock, too, but should she make the slightest wrong move, or show too much curiosity about what you do during the day, she’s gone in less time than it takes to say divorce. And without the niceties of a division of assets.

You have superiors who’ll cut you out in the same way if you display weakness or remorse or guilt, especially for the fate of the cattle. This you also know. Superior breeding, intelligence, and strength of will got them where they are, and yours hasn’t hurt you any. If anything, you think those some call sociopaths might be a superior breed of human. To your superiors, emotional cravings after ethics are signs of weakness and stupidity. The cattle are as they are because they believe that stuff.

You believe in Hegelian dialectic because you’ve seen it used. Crisis  Reaction  Response. Foment a crisis, or through inaction at the right time, allow one to develop. The crisis prompts a predictable reaction. As things come to a head, your political groupies move in with the response that was wanted all along, and it usually comes hassle-free. Your media mouthpieces praise it. The cattle lap it up like warm milk. The crisis could be a planned terror attack or a threat of war or an economic downturn or the planned-emic. What you hear from the cattle is that collective cry, “Do something!

So you and your fellows do something, and what you do brings you greater control. It could be funneling money to support a policy decision that will lead to more centralization and dominance. Or supporting a candidate who will do your bidding because he’s afraid of what will happen if he doesn’t.

Or it could be going to war against a designated target, someone in the way of globalist goals. If the masses are told they’re in danger, and that destroying your enemy will restore their safety, they’ll go along, because as you and your fellow globalists have understood from the start, they want safety more than freedom. That was the core failing of those who founded the country you grew up in but no longer recognize, so completely have its founding principles been dismantled. They believed more than a tiny minority of the human race are suited for freedom. Several of those ideals once presented the greatest potential roadblock to you and your superiors’ goals for the world. But that was long ago. Now things are falling apart, and you’re satisfied as you watch the mayhem in the streets.

What strikes you as funny is how the few who notice what you do are so easily labeled “conspiracy theorists” and how this totally shuts discussion down. If it’s on CNN or in the Washington Post, it has to be true, after all. Would these outlets lie to their readers? Even more amusing is how some kool-aid drinkers among the cattle police the herd without your help. You’ve seen this over and over on Internet forums, especially those attached to city newspapers. There’s usually some cyberbully, usually more liberal than thou, with fake superiority who calls out the “conspiracy nuts,” and he keeps the rabble in line without having the slightest idea whose interests he’s serving.

Sometimes you can’t stop laughing.

Because conspiracies by definition are hidden. You and your superiors aren’t hiding. You haven’t been hiding for decades. Some of your predecessors wrote books about globalist proposals for the world. They had major publishers with regular distribution networks. Visibility in financial media. Part of you wants to ask, is the World Economic Forum hidden from anyone? Or this, about the Great Reset, as they call the purpose of this crisis, right there on YouTube with all those links to more information?

You understand that the way to control the minds of the masses is to control the information that reaches them. This, too, was discovered long ago. Hence sending their children to public schools to learn “subjects” crafted to specification while they acquired habits of regimentation and attitudes of subservience to authority.

The way to control their bodies is through economics, which is based on incentives. Everything in this world follows its food supply, and secondarily, the need for warmth and safety and sex. The masses need to buy food and pay for shelter, and they can be led by their noses with sex appeal. Corporate machinations determine what jobs are available and in what quantities. It wasn’t hard to drive the bulk of the public into employment of one sort of another, because employment meant dependence. Advertising drives them to consume, so the economic engine keeps humming.

Schools tell them they are free, of course, because they can vote every two and four years for candidates you and your fellows have approved, at least in most cases. Trump was an odd case, but your superiors have partially bent him to their will.

All this said, you and your fellow globalists are not gods, and you don’t view yourselves as gods. There are no gods any more than there are ghosts, goblins, ghouls, poltergeists, or space aliens. You’re just a superior breed of human, that’s all. You blue bloods tamed emotions the masses can’t tame, while focusing on long-term goals, developing the right technological tools, and getting everyone and everything into alignment.

Speaking of Trump, he and a few others monkeywrenched things a little. Fortunately, most of what Trump has actually done benefited the very corporations serving your superiors — as if he actually knew who had been buttering his bread all along (his commerce secretary, Wilber Ross, who helped him out of a financial jam years ago, is a Rothschild agent, after all). And it’s not like he was going to Drain the Swamp. If he truly thought he was going to oppose globalism, he was opposing something 90 percent finished.

But getting back to the godhood question….

You’re not gods because God if He really existed wouldn’t make mistakes, and you globalists have made some epic blunders over the years. You made basically the same mistake twice, in fact! Letting a technology get away from you.

Back in the 1960s, your predecessors let television get away. Television, that new and potentially fantastic panacea for bored housewives and sports fans, that instrument for communicating propaganda passed off as news, and a source of revenue for companies great and small who threw millions into commercial ads that supported programming that would condition viewers to what your predecessors wanted them to think. But they let parts of it get away from them. It’s a cultural cesspool now, but back then, the ship had sailed.

The mistake was permitting boots-on-the-ground coverage of what was really going on in Vietnam. Kids saw the bodybags and were horrified. A critical mass of a generation came of age telling each other, “We’re not doing this anymore!” They would have sent a man to the White House to stop that war, which your predecessors wanted badly. A couple of their jackals took him out, just like a different group took out his brother five years earlier, but it was too late. The movement survived and ended that war prematurely. It wasn’t economically feasible to continue fighting it. It took a long time to build the war machine back to where it had been. Globalism lost valuable time!

Then, more recently, your fellows let the Internet slip through their fingers! Originally a DARPA creation, this work of genius programmed computers to “talk to one another” within the burgeoning communications grid. It migrated from government to computer science labs in universities and from there, slow but sure, to dissident voices who hadn’t had such platforms before. It also made its way to the masses. Some turned it into the same cesspool television had become, but for others — refuseniks, you call them — it was an oasis of “free speech” and they made full use of it. Some were clever and gathered a lot of essentially truthful information about what you and your fellows have been up to all these years and decades. The “conspiracy” meme worked somewhat but didn’t carry the same weight it once had.

So your minions seeded it with all manner of bogus information and confusion and false rabbit trails. Sometimes — proving they have a sense of humor, you suppose — they pushed stuff that was outright idiotic, such as the Earth being flat and this being science’s darkest secret and the devil’s greatest triumph after convincing the world he doesn’t exist. Here your generation came in. Part of your work involves creating content that distracts and confuses. You love your work. Because you can endlessly play mind games with truthseekers. Even if there isn’t any way to prevent some truth from getting out (such as the role of a certain powerful Middle Eastern nation with Washington’s most powerful lobby in 9/11), you and your fellows can see to it that even intelligent and discerning researchers have a hard time telling what is true from what isn’t. Helping your cause is the sheer quantity of information, whether about historical events or more recent ones such as the 9/11 attacks, or even the 2008 financial crisis where you could confuse and misdirect to so people would look at unqualified loan recipients instead of manipulative Wall Streeters and their instruments. It was easy to ensure that discussions of the latter were so complex and technical, as well as written in extremely dry language, so the average reader would quickly get bored and give up.

But when all is said and done, even though you helped create the post-truth world we live in now, it wasn’t enough.

Some of the refuseniks got organized! A Global Populist Revolt was at hand!

It started slow and fractured and ultimately compromised, like Occupy Wall Street and Arab Spring. But with Brexit and the rise of Trump, the Revolt grew sharper teeth, since even if Trump was basically an asshole and had all kinds of vulnerabilities, his command of all the major media was so superior and his opponents so weak that no one really stood a chance against him back in 2016. It would have been too risky to just take him out, like your predecessors did those two brothers all those years ago. Hotheads among his supporters would have blown the lid off. So you made the best of it, you and your fellow globalists. Then Hillary Clinton self-sabotaged with her idiotic “baskets of deplorables” remark and blew the election! Clinton, who had destroyed two countries almost singlehandedly (Libya and Honduras), would have been perfect at blending the drums of war with fanning the flames of black vs white, male vs female, straight vs gay, all helping distract from the looming financial catastrophe your fellows’ central bankers were busy engineering behind the scenes to prepare for the Great Reset.

Now you had a problem on your hands!

And by 2017 too many people were awake (not “woke”). They didn’t buy “Russia-gate” (God, how you hate such terms!). Nor did they buy “Ukraine-gate” which would be your Democrat Party servants’ last straightforward gambit for getting Trump out of office.

Nor were they buying into the man-made climate change narrative.

But you globalists are nothing if not smart, and with tremendous foresight. Some of you had been anticipating just such possibilities, having funneled millions into coronavirus research in places like Wuhan, China, where nobody in the West would notice.

It would be necessary to crush the Populists and refuseniks!

Enter the “novel” coronavirus. And how the Chinese Communist Party also played it smart doing your bidding keeping the lid on until global travel ensured that the virus would spread and start infecting vulnerable populations, laying the groundwork for a broader panic: your planned-emic. Your servants in governments closes borders, locked down economies forcibly closing thousands of small businesses, while slamming corporate media viewers with 24/7 coverage of COVID-19, letting them watch death numbers rack up.

The start of the greatest redistribution of wealth upwards in world history!

Then came the George Floyd riots, which some of you helped orchestrate — brilliant moves to increase the general level of mayhem and distraction.

Through the wrecked businesses and ruined lives you hear the cries of “do something!” You are your superiors are counting on this.

What a perfect opportunity for a Great Reset!

A few of you are saying almost visibly that only a world government can address this pandemic — which has certainly caused more fear than climate change and soft-minded phrases like “global problems call for global solutions.”

They weren’t personally threatened by climate change like they are getting sick and dying, and that’s the key. The object lesson is that the masses have to feel fear personally. They have to believe they or those they care about or things they care about are in danger, otherwise they won’t get with the program.

Now it’s appropriate to use TV to show bodybags and rows of graves!

This will also be the best opportunity you and your fellow globalists have to get rid of physical cash and digitize everything. Tell the masses that cash could spread the virus, not just that drug dealers, child traffickers, and other forms of lowlife scum use physical cash. Since most people have never seen a child trafficker or drug lord, again that’s not personal enough.

Eventually you’ll criminalize cash transactions that aren’t recorded digitally and can’t be monitored. Once your financial grid is set, you’ll know every detail of who has what, where they are getting it and how, what they are doing with it, and whether there’s anything suspicious going on. Your ideal is for the masses to have credit chips implanted in them, perhaps between the thumb and index finger of their left hand. A global ID. Everybody’s birth and parentage records, educational records, employment records, health records, and financial transactions, all in one place! Nothing will any more get lost, nothing will be stolen. You’ll tell the people that identity theft is a thing of the past.

Some still won’t go along, of course. Refuseniks, ideological descendants of those who rejected modernity, don’t trust authority, and would live like savages rather than enjoy the benefits of the new world order you globalists offer.

This is not a choice, though. Your superiors’ offer isn’t coming with an opt-out button.

You’re not sure what’s in the offing, because such things are on a need-to-know basis and you don’t need to know.

You realize there are things you don’t know. You know your immediate superiors who brought you to where you are, and you know the higher-ups past them reach up through Wall Street corporations and City of London enclaves past central banks and Bank of International Settlements and Davos culture, past even Those You Can’t Criticize to still higher “alchemists” of power. And they might be answering to someone above them. There may be curtains you can’t see, much less peer behind. Maybe someday you’ll be invited to gatherings in the “grove” if you perform well. But where does this go? You’ve had a few uneasy thoughts you’ve always been able to push away.

One thing you know: no one leaves this life except in a box. A few tried. They regretted it. A handful tried to tell their tale. They discovered the truth: no one believed them. They became laughingstocks, like those glassy-eyed, disheveled loons on sidewalks bearing signs and wailing through bad teeth that the end of the world is at hand.

As to what’s planned for the refusenik brigades, it’s sure to be something nastier than this planned-emic was.

This coronavirus wasn’t lethal except for certain groups like the elderly that can’t contribute to the global economy anyway and might as well be eliminated. Some 80 percent of everyone else infected got over it. Rough estimate.

You’ve heard rumors, though — Bill Gates mentioned one in passing, like he was talking about a mere possibility — of something waiting in the wings that will be lethal. Something able to wipe out not a few million but a few billion. Maybe reduce the world’s population by well over half, given that many who survive the plague will die in food riots, croak from heart attacks, OD on drugs, or commit suicide. Many may simply starve to death. You remember reading back in 2005 that Terry Schiavo, the disabled brain damaged woman, lived without food and water for 13 days after she was unplugged from life support. You wince a little as you imagine someone mostly healthy and with normal cognition going maybe longer without food, wandering to find it anywhere he can, failing because there isn’t any food, then collapsing and doubling up in agony because his stomach and small intestines are starting to digest themselves—

Sometimes you think you can empathize after all, and you’re deathly afraid it will show at some point….

You’re a globalist, a blue blood, and above such things.

Less population is a good thing. As the Georgia Guidestones say, no more than 500 million is the ideal. With more and more robotics coming, there’s going to be less work for people to do. Are your servants in governments really supposed to pay Universal Basic Income to masses who will lay around and play video games all day for the rest of their lives?

You’re thinking: supply them with Huxleyan soma. Eventually, as your co-opted scientists learn more about how to integrate technology into the developing fetal brain (or the brain into the technosphere!), you’ll be able to go well beyond what Huxley envisioned. You’ll be able to program whole populations so they’re born to the status you want for them, and be both physically and mentally unable to question it.

Transhumanism at its finest! Eternally!

Resistance is futile, and all that….

So there you are. This is your world — and the world to come. A world with a single governing structure about to pull everyone in, willingly or not; a single world marketplace dominated by corporations some of your superiors own and control, with employment for those who got with the program; maybe a single religion of humanity (something one of your heroes, sociology-founder Auguste Comte, promoted) and whatever spiritualism and woo the masses want to mix into it (you and your superiors don’t care just so it isn’t Christianity).

Things are going well enough that your superiors think they’ll have the basics in place by 2030, and given how many people actually did fall in line behind the COVID-19 scare, you’re thinking this as well. There’s a document out there in plain view citing that year, with silly stuff about things like eradicating poverty. You know your superiors don’t care about eradicating poverty, but such sentiments play to the emotions of those you want to influence. Even the more intelligent of the masses are still, after all, creatures of emotion. Their primary emotions being fear, greed, and lust, you, your superiors, and their predecessors have known for decades how to incentivize most of them.

As for the refuseniks? In time, they’ll be dealt with—

Well, gentle reader, we’ve looked at the world — your world — through the eyes of a globalist. It is time to return you back from this journey of sight and sound and mind. Back from Twilight Zone 2020. Back through that door to the familiarity of home and hearth. The bathroom is still the first room on your left.

STEVEN YATES is an author and independent scholar with a PhD in philosophy. He works as a freelance editor and ghostwriter, and blogs at Lost Generation Philosopher. His last book was Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (Brush Fire Press International, 2011). His next book, What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory has been accepted for publication by Wipf and Stock. He lives with his wife and two spoiled cats in Santiago, Chile. Please consider supporting his work on Patreon.

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Constructing your very own DIY Dimensional portal for world-line crossovers; the teleportation mechanism (part 4)

This is part four of a multi-part post. Here we will discuss what happens once you have isolated the human mass from the portal mass, assigned a frequency profile of both, and then established a destination coordinate system. Here we will discuss the actual mechanism that will slide the human “passenger” within the dimensional portal to another world-line.


Now, I have read all sorts of speculations of whether or not a person can actually teleport, go into worm-holes, or visit other world-lines. Most writers consider themselves “experts” on this and say that it cannot be done.

Teleportation has not yet been implemented in the real world. There is no known physical mechanism that would allow this. Frequently appearing scientific papers and media articles with the term teleportation typically report on so-called " quantum teleportation ", a scheme for information transfer.

An actual teleportation of matter has never been realized by modern science (which is based entirely on mechanistic methods). It is questionable if it can ever be achieved, because any transfer of matter from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them violates Newton's laws, a cornerstone of physics.

-Rubens Talukder, Ph.D.

The “experts” have spoken!

To be honest, our understanding of teleportation is as clear as that of black holes, at this point. Dematerializing matters surely consumes a lot of energy and data. We should also take into consideration that the human brain contains so much information that it takes a football field-sized computer to completely replicate its prowess. 

Remember, your entire being will be disintegrated into particles and the same exact ones should be reassembled at the destination point. Not only that, all your memories and your brain functions must remain intact after the process. Teleportation is similar to being killed and reborn, all in a short period of time. The timing must be precise through the whole of the process, because the slightest disturbance will really alter the state of your being. More importantly, who knows what might happen when an experiment goes wrong? You are relatively lucky if you come off with a missing limb or a different eye color, but things can really go south. Worse, you might not be reborn at all. Good luck getting locked in a quantum limbo for eternity, in that case.

Unfortunately, at the moment, we do not have the technology and the know-how to teleport matter visible to the naked. The technique also involves transferring us at the speed of light, and that alone clashes with Einstein’s theory of relativity. Sadly, technology is not the only limitation, but also the current rules of physics.

-Gizmo Shack

What ever floats your boat, cowboy.

I’ve done it.

I know that it can be done.

I have experienced it first hand. It is a technology that is in possession of the United States government under the aspects of MAJestic within the ONI.

It’s an advanced technology, that is sure, but it is not impossible. It’s just that the methods involved tend to be esoteric.

So let’s see what I’ve covered within Metallicman, eh?

  • Intention / prayer for self-navigation of consciousness through the MWI.
  • Magick and ritual, and religious intention.
  • MAJestic “dimensional portal” used at NAS NASC Pensacola Florida.
  • Use of extraterrestrial technology and a biological apparatus for world-line “anchoring”.
  • Outfitting a vehicle for (apparent) “time travel” like John Titor.
  • My DIY series on manufacturing your own “Dimensional Portal”.

And here we are. We are at part four of DIY dimensional portal theory and construction.


This is a pretty complex subject, don’t you know. And it is so easy to get all bogged down on the “nitty-gritty” details. So let’s just review a little bit of the first three prior posts.

  1. Introduction. (What you can find on the internet.)
  2. Gravity isolation of the human traveler from the portal.
  3. Converting the individual gravity elements into waves and coordinates.

And now, we are going to discuss the actual teleportation of a person from the portal to another world-line…

Please take note that unless you have a dimensional portal at your destination location, you will be forever trapped there, and can never return back home.

Field Resonance Systems

We will use a “field resonance system” to conduct the teleportation. This is a well-known “theory” (well supported by conventional science) embraced by NASA for the future transport of people over large distances.

The field resonance system artificially generates an energy pattern which precisely matches or resonates with a virtual pattern associated with a distant world-line space-time point.

According to the model, if a fundamental or precise resonance is established (using hydromagnetic wave fine-tuning techniques), the person entering the dimensional portal will be very strongly and equally repelled by surrounding virtual patterns.

At the same time, through the virtual many-dimensional structure of space-time, a very strong attraction with the virtual pattern of a distant space-time point will exist.

The model predicts that this combination of very strong forces will result in the translocation of the person from the egress portal’s initial position through the many-dimensional virtual structure to the distant world-line space-time point.

It’s not a “turn key” solution. You just cannot make a device and expect it to work immediately “right off the bat”. The mechanics of this resonance effect will be determined through extensive experimentation, which may also revise the basic resonance requirements. You never know with R&D and NPD efforts.

However, the result, a space-time “jump,” most certainly appears to be supported by astrophysical research.

Several analogies can be used to clarify this effect. It can be described as the temporary formation of an Einstein-Rosen bridge. Which is a tunnel through space-time which connects two different regions in space-time in a way similar to that which has been otherwise proposed for such things as a black hole/white hole (quasar) portal.

The resonance effect can be considered to be analogous to the nuclear particle tunneling phenomena.

In this phenomenon, the wave nature of the particle enables it to tunnel through a potential barrier without having the energy required to go over the barrier. 

Following this analogy, the traveler’s wave characteristics are increased dramatically by the artificially generated energy pattern, allowing it to tunnel through the space-time barrier without having the energy normally required to traverse the space between the two space-time points.

The travel times for such trips are expected to be nearly instantaneous.

If complex coordinate destinations are specified, short durations might manifest (seconds to weeks). All of which is dependent on the pattern precision, the amount of energy in the pattern, the space-time distance, and the virtual structure entry point.


There is no such thing as “time”. That is the impression of a train of world-line experiences taken together.

We know it does not really exist.

Time does not have an independent existence in the General Theory of Relativity and it will be redefined in the model as a type of energy flow. However, since time will continue to be used to catalog our experiences in daily life, its use is likely to continue in the description of this type of dimensional travel.

Secondary Resonance Effect

Now there may be other effects and things going on when you enter the egress dimensional port.

If the artificial energy pattern does not precisely match the virtual pattern at a distant world-line space-time point, a secondary resonance effect may be observed.

In this case, the repulsive and attractive forces are not strong enough to relocate the traveler, but the resonance is sufficient to connect the two points through the virtual structure, resulting in energy flow to or from the distant world-line space-time point.

We do not know what this might manifest as.

  • Dissemination of a person into “the void”.
  • A partial teleportation of a person to the destination, while the rest of that person stays at the egress portal.
  • A merging of elements of the traveler with the portal components.

Extreme destinations

In order to explore distant coordinate systems in wildly divergent world-lines, several intermediate world-line space-time jumps would likely be required for safety purposes.

The initial slide would take the traveler into a world-line with only one significant change in the destination coordinates. The next slide would be a destination coordinate with a different major change to the destination coordinates, followed by a slide to a destination with minor coordinate changes for control and reliability considerations. At each step, the predicted and actual locations would be compared and computerized models would be updated accordingly. Exploration of a world-line would probably be best done by a gravimagnetic system that could be carried inside the larger field resonance system.

If the energy pattern generation system of the field resonance portal has an ultrafine-tuning system, world-line space-time jumps to the nearby world-lines could be accomplished. If the portal cycled frequent and very short slides, it would appear in many cases to be in a smooth continuous long-duration slide through world-line space-time.

Hydromagnetic wave fine-tuning techniques

Here we are going to model the process of what happens when a person enters the dimensional portal.

For we know the frequency coordinates of both the person and the portal, and when we bathe the portal in a strong magnetic field and artificially induce the destination coordinates over that of the egress coordinates, the human traveler would be teleported to the new world-line.

In modeling this process we will simplify the equations a bit to simulate the human traveler, and the two portals; egress and destination.

The dynamics of wave propagation in a hydromagnetic waveguide has been well studied and established. For our purposes, we will simplify the equations to represent an electrically conducting conduit (the human traveler) inserted in the field of a steady magnetic field which is the egress dimensional portal. For our purposes, we will treat the human traveler to act as if he/she behaved as plasma.

In the simplest case, the applied field is parallel to the axis of the tube. When the plasma moves with a fluctuating velocity in a direction normal to the axis of the waveguide, the lines of force are shaken to and fro in the direction of the applied velocity. A transverse wave is thereby made to travel along the lines of force.

It is well known to workers in hydromagnetics that the governing relations for the motion of a plasma in a magnetic field are analogous to those describing the behavior of an ideally conducting fluid in the presence of a magnetic field. Hence, our discussion begins with the relations for the conservation of momentum and matter and with the equation of state. As a result of linearization, we find that these equations are

In these expressions, zero subscripts indicate quiescent values, and lower-case letters fluctuating variables. The velocity is denoted by V, the pressure by p, the density by p, the velocity of sound waves in free space by a, the fluctuating local current density by j, and the applied steady magnetic field by B o .

The set of corresponding Maxwellian relations, corrected for relativistic effects, is

The fluctuating magnetic field is denoted by b, the electric field by e, and the permeability of the medium by t. Relations 4, 5, and 6 are valid when the plasma is quasineutral, and when the characteristic dimension of the apparatus is large compared with both the mean free path of the gas and the Debye shielding distance.

It can be readily found that the velocity satisfies the equation

in which k = w/c, the wave number for the Alfven wave velocity in free space. This velocity c equals Bo/(p)/2. The parameter p = a/c is the ratio of the two velocities of wave propagation, and ib indicates a unit vector in the direction of the magnetic field. Similar relations for the other field variables can be obtained by manipulating the set of Eqs. 1-6. The appropriate boundary conditions for the problem require the vanishing
of the normal components of the oscillating velocity and the magnetic field at the walls of the waveguide. If we define the velocity by the identity

it can be shown by substituting Eq. 8 in Eq. 7 that we obtain two simultaneous equations in the velocity potentials c and M. These equations for the general case, when ib is at an arbitrary angle with the axis of the waveguide, are quite complicated and have to be solved approximately.

Two extreme cases, however, allow the equations to be solved exactly.

The results for these two cases will now be briefly indicated.

Case 1. The magnetic field is aligned with the axis of the waveguide. Then the two wave modes propagate along the axis of the waveguide. One of these modes displays the character of a longitudinal, or compressive, wave and is called, in this report, the “acoustic wave.”

The other mode is of transverse character and represents the hydromagnetic mode. Several interesting alternatives may occur that depend upon whether p is less than or greater than unity. When P is less than unity, the acoustic mode has no cutoff for all orders of the wave eigen numbers. This is quite different from the conventional acoustic wave propagation that takes place in a pipe. The hydromagnetic mode does, however, have a cutoff that depends upon the order of the eigen number. It can be checked that whenever p < 1, the pressure from collisions, p, is considerably lower than the hydromagnetic pressure Bo/2L. This means, of course, that the collective behavior of the electrons is controlled, in large part, by the electromagnetic forces. When P > 1, we find that the hydromagnetic mode is then the mode that suffers no cutoff for all orders of the wave eigen number. The acoustic mode, on the other hand, has a cutoff frequency that depends on the order of the wave eigen number. The case of p > 1 indicates that the density of the plasma is high, and is probably more representative of the density of a liquid metal than of the density of a plasma.

An interpretation of the reversal of the noncutoff property of the two waves for B >< 1 can be given by visualizing the behavior of the plasma as it is squeezed by the lines of forces during their transverse motion. For stronger magnetic forces with P < 1, a side distortion of the lines is always accompanied by a longitudinal forward motion of the plasma, hence the acoustic wave suffers no cutoff. A similar explanation can be given for the behavior with P > 1. The expression for the component of the velocity transverse to the axis of the waveguide is given by

in which n, m = 0, ±1, ±2 … ; and 2L 1 2L2 are the width and height of the waveguide section. In expressions 9 and 10, K is the propagation constant for the waves. The functional relation of K on k, the wave number, is shown in graphical form in Fig. III-1 for p 1 and p = 1.

It is obvious that for p = 1, it is not possible to identify the particular wave associated

with the two branches of the function K = f(k).

Case 2. The magnetic field direction is at right angles to the axis of the waveguide.

In this case, the analysis shows that no hydromagnetic wave propagates along the axis of the waveguide. Indeed, consideration of this situation leads us to conclude that the hydromagnetic wave appears as a standing wave along the lines of force, and hence it is trapped between the walls of the waveguide.

The alignment of the magnetic field in another direction besides the two that have been mentioned gives rise to intermediate situations which, however, cannot be obtained as a superposition of the two waves indicated in Eqs. 1 and 2 because Eq. 7 is not linear in the vector ib.

The analysis that has been given cannot be extended to frequencies higher than the ion cyclotron frequency, without taking into account the necessary correction, because the plasma is now composed of two fluids interacting with the magnetic field.

This correction is easily made, and it can be shown that the symmetry of the eigenfunctions in the positive and negative values is lost.

Magnetohydrodynamic Shocks

Whenever you are dealing with plasma (a human) in a magnetic field that undergoes a force or acceleration of some type, you can expect a magnetohydrodynamic shock. In other words, just how useful would this portal be if the person slams into the destination coordinates at a very high speed squashing him/her into jelly?

Luckily this does not seem to be the case.

The work reported here was started for the purpose of investigating the dynamics and the structure of hydromagnetic shocks. In particular, the parameters of the shock that have to be estimated are its thickness, pressure ratio, magnetic-field ratio, and the corresponding density ratio. The preliminary theoretical work was carried out on the basis of a continuum theory.

The calculations follow conventional techniques for studies on shock waves, i. e., the discussion begins with the equation for the conservation of momentum and mass. An appropriate equation of state is also introduced. The hydromagnetic interaction is taken into account by means of a well-known relation for the magnetic field,

where 11 is the intensity of the magnetic field, – is the velocity, N is the permeability, and o- is the conductivity.

It can be shown that a one-dimensional dependence for the variables leads to expressions 2 and 3 which relate the value of the upstream parameters of the shock to its downstream parameters. The relations are valid for distances that are large compared with the thickness of the shock.

Manipulation of all of the equations mentioned in Sec. III-A
leads to a pair of simultaneous expressions, the first of which is

stands for the ratio of the square of the Alfen velocity to the square of the velocity of sound; Mo, 1 is the appropriate hydromagnetic Mach number, defined as the ratio of the local velocity to the Alfvn velocity.

For the second relation, we have

Equations 2 and 3 are sufficient to define completely the state of the gas downstream of the shock.

The experimental verification of this discussion will be carried out by means of an apparatus that will allow a magnetically driven shock to travel in an externally applied uniform magnetic field.

The ponderomotive force (PMF)

The ponderomotive force (PMF) is a ubiquitous nonlinear wave effect arising in plasma physics when applied wave fields or plasma parameters have significant spatial gradients.

We should include the possibility that the PMF may energize magnetospheric ions in significant numbers. In particular, the PMF may play a role in transporting and energizing O+ ions at the destination coordinates. This might result in the experience of the traveler experiencing O+ ionic buildup on their exposed skin. This would appear and feel like they had just come from a warm Summer rain shower.

The PMF can also generate nonlinear coupling between the slow magnetosonic mode and the other hydromagnetic modes. This should lead to limitation of density enhancements and, notably in the case of standing Alfvén waves, to spatial harmonic generation, secularly growing frequency shifts, and saturation of driven wave fields. These effects might result in some minor discomfort for the traveler as they egress from the destination portal coordinates.


The use of the Alan Holt field resonance proposal along with hydromagnetic wave fine-tuning techniques will be sufficient to transport a human from an egress dimensional portal to a destination portal / or coordinate on another world-line.

There are concerns related to…

  • Secondary Resonance Effects.
  • The ponderomotive force (PMF).
  • Magnetohydrodynamic shock.

However, calculations indicate that these concerns are minor, or can be minimized with proper care and due diligence.

Now, with all this being clear, we can now discuss the mechanism used to implement the Alan Holt resonance transfer procedure within the magnetic field when a person enters into the egress portal. We will cover that in the next post. Post five. Stay tuned.

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Constructing your very own DIY dimensional world-line portal; measuring and creating frequency profiles of location (part 3)

This post continues in the discussion of building yourself a DIY dimensional portal (or some type of vehicle) for world-line crossovers and slides. This is part three. Part one was an introduction to the concepts that various people can build a DIY dimensional portal. Part two discussed the very important aspects of mass / gravity separation of the entity (person) entering the portal, and the portal itself.

And here, in this part we will discuss measuring the frequencies of the gravity elements involved when a person enters the portal. This measurement of frequencies is the assignment of coordinates of where you are right now at the moment of teleportation.

Measure frequencies = Assign egress coordinates.

High Frequency Gravity Waves

The fundamental idea is that we would detect the super weak HFGW that is associated with both the mass of the person entering the portal, and that of the portal itself. This would create a frequency profile. This profile in turn, can be considered a set of coordinates for the dimensional portal to work with.

Gravitational waves (GW) are a prediction of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, but (due to their weakness) took a long, long time to discover.

Measurement of their indirect effects on the orbits of certain binary neutron stars was a major experimental triumph, and merited the award of a Nobel Prize in Physics. Further; these measurements agree with theory to better than 1%. Therefore, there really isn’t any question of their existence. The issue is really how to detect them for small gravitational masses, up close, quickly and accurately.

The term HFGW has come to mean gravitational waves at much higher frequencies of several GHz, say 10GHz to be specific. A general rule of thumb is that the highest gravitational wave frequencies produced will be at around the reciprocal of the freefall timescale for a system fmax∼ √Gρ, where ρ is the average density of the system. 

Dr. Robert Baker, Jr. has a design for an open cavity High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Detector in the GHz band. His design consists of a high-quality-factor open microwave cavity and a Gaussian beam (GB) passing through a static magnetic field in free space.

Baker is regarded as the preemininent researcher in the field of High-Frequency Gravitational Wave research, and proposes this new detector model as a means of facilitating significant new potential applications for the wireless telecommunications sector.

Essentially this effect is an inverse Gertsenshtein effect in which HFGWs are converted into electromagnetic (EM) waves when passing through a static magnetic field.

Our dimensional portal would detect the isolated HFGW’s from both the portal and the person entering the portal. It would convert the values into electromagnetic waves when the person enters the dimensional portal. Of course, for this to work, the entire portal would need to be a static magnetic field.

The Physics of HFGW’s

Newton’s formulation of the theory of gravity,

for two spherical gravitating masses MG(1) and MG(2) is equivalent to the
“non-relativistic” gravitational field description

in which a non-dimensional “potential” hˆ has been chosen to agree with the mathematical language used for it in General Relativity. Here MI and MG are the inertial and gravitational masses respectively, and ρI and ρG are the distributions of these masses. Equations (3-4) and (3-5) are an instantaneous action-at-a-distance description which is inconsistent with the constraints of Special Relativity.

In General Relativity (which is generalizes Newton’s theory) Equations
(3-4) – (3-6) become

Tμ ν is the complete relativistic stress-energy tensor of everything including the gravitational field itself, and T is its trace. (gμ ν is the Minkowski metric tensor of Special Relativity plus ˆhμ ν .) Confirmed predictions include the equivalence principle ρI = ρG (to better than 10−10), the calculated value for the bending of light passing near the sun and gravitational lensing of light in other parts of the Universe, many solar system observations, and remarkably accurate observations of neutron star binaries.

The full content and implications of General Relativity are not needed
for any of the HFGW predictions to be considered below. For example the
quantum energy density in a vacuum is negligibly small compared to the other important matter and field contributions to Tμ ν in our local environment. All of the HFGW amplitudes of interest here are so small that their contributions to energy density can be neglected in Tˆμ ν.

In a vacuum with only hˆμ ν present the RHS of Equation (3-7) vanishes, leaving the familiar free field wave equation

The robustness of the basic theory for the HFGWs discussed below is
even more robust than that of General Relativity.

Hypotheses about changes in gravity and Tμ ν from string theory might change it at length scales  1 cm and some have proposed changes at huge (astronomical/cosmological) scales but neither would change Equations (3-7) on the scales of interest here.

Because we are concerned with such small HFGW intensities it is often
constructive to describe these flows as a flow of gravitational quanta (gravitons).

Gravitons are a necessary consequence of Quantum Mechanics applied to Equation (3-9) and bear the same necessary relationship to Equations (3-9) and (3-7) as photons do to electromagnetic fields.

In particular

with ω = 2π× frequency and k = 2π/λ.

Figure 1 shows the electromagnetic-gravity field interactions in Equation
(3-7) as (static gravity or graviton) – (photon or static electromagnetic field)

Figure 1: Feynman diagrams of quantum (graviton/photon) reactions in
quantized gravitational field versions of General (and Special) Relativity.
γ ≡ HF electromagnetic field or static field (B0); g ≡ graviton: A ≡ any

Measuring HFGW from gravity masses

The LIGO detectors, which measured the waves, do not use bar detectors; they use interferometers. Bar detectors have been used for decades, but they have not been sensitive enough to make actual detections. They are necessarily very short, which reduces the effect of a gravitational wave. As you indicate they also have fairly narrow resonant frequencies at which they are most sensitive. Interferometers, on the other hand, can be made 4 kilometers long (like the LIGO detectors), which magnifies the effect of the waves. They are also sensitive over a fairly broad range -- roughly 40Hz to 2000Hz.

As anna v rightly points out, there actually are plenty of references to frequency if you look at the science papers. I work in gravitational-wave astronomy, and decomposing things into frequencies is our bread and butter. There's less coverage of this in the popular press, presumably because the public tunes out talk of frequencies, and pop-sci journalists know where their bread is buttered. But Fourier transforms are really how the analysis gets done.

-Physics Stack Exchange

Dr. Robert Baker, Jr. has a design for an open cavity High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Detector in the GHz band, which consists of a high-quality-factor open microwave cavity and a Gaussian beam (GB) passing through a static magnetic field in free space.

Essentially this effect is an inverse Gertsenshtein effect in which HFGWs are converted into electromagnetic (EM) waves when passing through a static magnetic field.

Converting measured HFGW into electromagnetic waves for frequency generation.

A basic mechanism for generating a EM wave from a measured HFGW is the direct conversion of the same frequency by a strong static magnetic field (−→B0).

This Gertsenshtein process is idealized in Figure 3. The GW power out, PG W (in), is proportional to the electromagnetic wave incoming power PEMW (out):

Figure 3: Gertsenshtein HFGW generation by EMWs passing through a constant magnetic field B0,
Figure 3: Gertsenshtein EMW generation by HFGWs passing through a
constant magnetic field B0,

where U is the total EMW energy in the volume (V) in which the EMW passes through B0.

is the energy density in that region.

Figure 4: HFGW generation by standing wave electromagnetic modes in a
Figure 4: HFGW generation by standing wave electromagnetic modes in a

For the geometry of Figure (3) in which the passage of the EMW through
B0 is not otherwise interrupted

For P(in) ∼ 10 kW, and L = 30 cm, U = 10−5 joules. If the EMF is
contained as a normal mode within V,U can be very much larger. However, there are various limits to U which are independent of the available EMW power. For a cavity with EM dissipation time τ

For a (generous) cooling rate from an exterior coolant flow around a
copper cavity H˙ ∼ 106 watts, Q ∼ 2 × 103, Umax ∼ 2 × 10−1 joules and

(We note that it would take a continual EM power input of one MWatt to
maintain this tiny GW output.)

If we replace the copper-walled cavity by one with superconducting walls
τ may increase from the ∼ 10−7 sec of Cu by a factor ∼ 107. However, Umax
could not increase by nearly such a factor, even if we ignore any problems
of maintaining superconductivity near the huge −→B0, and keeping the very low temperature needed. The u inside the superconducting cavity would be limited by unacceptable electron emission from a mode’s strong electric field perpendicular to a wall:

Even if this crucial limit is ignored there would be a limit to u from the
maximum mechanical strength of the container confining the electromagnetic modes:

The limit of Equation (3-23) and V ∼ 3 × 103 cm3 gives UMax ∼ 3 × 106J

Finally we could ask the ultimate limit when, instead of −→Bo ∼ 105 Gauss
and EM waves V is filled with moving masses, EM energy, etc. all contained
within V ∼ 3 × 103 cm3 to the limit where the container explodes. Then

where d is the distance to the target and b a directional beaming factor
which we take ∼ 102. Then for d > 1 km the maximum flux at a target

for the unrealistically large limit of Equation (3-25). Increasing V to 107
cm3 would still limit

Almost none will be stopped or converted within the target. (But even
if they were their total impulse would cause no damage to any part of it.)

HFGW Detectors [1]

Proposed HFGW detectors have generally been based upon versions
of the inverse Gertsenshtein process. The most elementary one is that in
Figure 5. As in Equations (3-13) and (3-14)

For the maximum HFGW generator production of 102 graviton/sec of Equation (3-22), and b ∼ 102 and d ∼ 10 m in Equation (3-26), and a detector area transverse to the beam (Aˆ) = 104cm2

Such a small photon flow would, of course, never be observed, no matter
what plausible changes are made in HFGW generator, d, b, or Aˆ. However
proposals have been made to decrease this interval by very great factors.

One such proposal introduces an additional EMW0 with the same frequency as the GW and the very weak EMW it generates in passing through the strong −→B0 region. This is well understood “homodyning” of the weak signal. It does not increase a signal to noise ratio when the noise is the minimal photon noise from quantization. If we consider the simple geometry of

Figure 5: Inverse Gertsenshtein conversion of HFGWs to EMWs of the same
Figure 5: Inverse Gertsenshtein conversion of HFGWs to EMWs of the same

Figure 6 with the electromagnetic waves electric field normal to the plane of wave propagation and −→B0, there are two possibilities for interference between EGW, the electric field of the EMW generated by the GW and E0. In one the original propagation directions are coincident. Then the total field (−→E T )

with −→E T the homodyning field and −→E GW that from GW conversion along the common trajectory. If EGW reaches the photon detector so must E 0. That detector’s photon counting rate

Figure 6: Homodyning of weak EMW with much stronger EMW0.
Figure 6: Homodyning of weak EMW with much stronger EMW0.

with N˙ 0 the counting rate when N˙ GW = 0 and N˙ GW the very much smaller rate when N˙ 0 = 0. A non-zero cos δ can arise from phase match between −→E 0 and −→E GW .

The large N0 = N˙ 0t is the expectation value of a Poisson distribution
of width N1/2 0 which is intrinsic to the quantum (photon) distribution in the classical wave description.

The main N˙ GW contribution to the detector counts (2 (N˙ 0N˙ GW)1/2 cos δ t) must be significantly larger than this fluctuation (N˙ 0t)1/2 for the signal/minimal photon noise ratio to exceed unity:

i.e., it will still take the t ˆγ of Equation (3-30) to identify with any confidence a single EMW photon from incoming GW graviton conversion.

If the −→E 0 photons differ enough in direction from the EGW ones so that they do not reach the detector the photon fluctuations |−→E 0|2 term of Equation (3-31) could be absent, but so would 2−→E 0· −→E GW so that again t ∼ 1/N˙ γ . The history of this interference term before the detector is reached is not relevant: t ∼ 1/N˙ GW whether or not −→E 0 reaches the photon detector with −→E GW or what its magnitude there is as long as it gives the minimal fluctuation in photon number as the major noise source at the EMW detector.

If instead of −→E 0 with the same frequency at the EMW from HFGW
conversion (homodyning), the −→E 0 wave has a different frequency (ω
) and the detector admits ω ± ω (heterodyning) the quantum limit still gives the same needed t (to within a factor 2) for a signal to noise ratio exceeding one; see Marcuse [13] (Eqs. 6.5–14,6.5–17) with the minimum bandwidth B ∼ t−1 achieved over a time t,

HFGW Detectors [2]

A second kind of proposal for greatly increasing the photon counting rate from graviton → photon conversion is to contain the conversion volume within reflecting walls for EMWs.

This is similar to the same sort of proposal to increase the efficiency of Gertsenshtein conversion of photons to gravitons in Figure 3. It differs, however, in that the containing cavity does not reflect the gravitons which are the source for conversion, but only the photons which are the product of it.

If we start with an empty cavity with mode decay time τ and a resonance frequency ω0 = ω (or at least |ω − ω0| < ω0/Q) the cavity will initially fill with EM mode energy (U) at a rate

which will continually increase until a steady state is reached at t ∼ τ ≡ Q/ω. (U is not limited in the cavity detector by the considerations of Sec 3.
because it is always so tiny in comparison to those in a GW generator).

if cavity photons are counted instead of being dissipated in the cavity walls.

Figure 7: GW conversion on B 0 pumping a resonant cavity with the same frequency.
Figure 7: GW conversion on B 0 pumping a resonant cavity with the same

If, unphysically, finite cavity mode decay time did not limit N˙ γ we might
still note how long (t1) it would take for the expected number of GW induced photons inside the cavity to reach one, i.e.

However, finite τ = (Q/ω) does limit the cavity U. The maximum expected value for GW induced photon number in the cavity never approaches
unity. Instead

A copper-walled cavity with Q ∼ 2×103 would decrease the time interval
between GW induced photons in the cavity, but only to

The largest plausible τ would be for a cavity with superconducting walls.
Then τ might reach, say, 10 seconds (Q ∼ 10E11). Then

still essentially an infinite time between photon counts.

If the cavity GW induced photon energy were homodyned (or heterodyned) by introducing additional resonant mode electromagnetic field energy the photon number fluctuations in that energy would again not allow interference to increase the time interval for signal/photon noise > 1 to be less than the ˆtγ/Q of Equations (3-40)- (41).

What this means

There is a way (of a couple of ways) to measure the gravity waves associated with the gravity of a person entering a portal, and that of the portal itself. These waves at a precise moment in time can be used as a coordinate.

It is not practical to use this technology for any other purposes.

The photon counting rates for confident detection of graviton-induced photons from proposed HFGW generators and detectors is so small that development of HFGW communication links is not a reasonable prospect.

  • Not useful for communication.

The graviton interception-transformation rate at a large cooperative
target (specially designed to detect gravitons)  10−20 [ cf Equations (3-29)
and (3-36)]. When combined with the comparably small fraction for photo → graviton efficiency in HFGW generators this implies that to deposit even an ergs worth of HFGW gravitons in a target requires  1040 ergs of electric power input to a HFGW generator. This is more than total energy from electric power generation on the earth (< 1012 watts) for longer than the age of the Universe.

Use of HFGW beams for destroying, deflecting, or compromising distant targets (or close ones) has no promise.

  • Not useful for weapons.

Thus it seems silly that the United States government would consider putting this technology in a “black project” to keep it out of the public eye.


This part discussed creation of a mechanism to measure the gravity waves associated with the gravity of both the dimensional portal and a person entering it.

With this mechanism you can identify the exact world-line you are in at an exact frozen moment of time, and assign a coordinate to it.

You can do so in isolation of the person, and thus create a mechanism that would take this “person” at one coordinate and slide him to another coordinate instantaneously.

Since the coordinate is very detailed, it includes not only the physical geography of a place, but a moment in “time”, and if you change the coordinates slightly, you can use this mechanism to move a person back and forth in …

  • Geography. You can move about from place A to place B.
  • Time. You can move from one point in time to another.

But since, you have the entire spectrum of coordinates at your “finger tips” you can alter the parameters of the coordinates to enter completely different world-lines. You can go into the so-called parallel universes…

  • World-line. You can go from one world-line to another.

In the next post, we will discuss how to use these frequencies to move a person from one set of coordinates to another set. Hang on…

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