Incredible Western Paintings by Mark Maggiori

I woke up today, only to find my “news” feeds all stuffed up with a most amazing psyops campaign. Wow! I’ll tell youse guys, it’s really impressive. They must have unleashed every free ‘bot they could get their hands on. Jeeze!

According to the “news”, Russia is deeply regretting invading the Ukraine and trying to fight the forces of “democracy”, with little old grandmothers fighting to protect their cabbage patches, and fields littered with the carcasses of destroyed Russian armor.

“The same pilot who shot down six Russian warplanes, he was nicknamed the ‘Ghost of Kiev”. “A column of scorched Russian equipment near Konotop”. “Snake Island recaptured”. Such messages have quickly gone viral on Russian-language telegram channels, which are a major source of information for the world media. 

The impression is that Russia has already lost the war and its last reserve are Kadyrov’s 10,000 guards, an army of absolute evil, who lined up outside the Chechen leader’s gloomy palace, preparing to be sent to Ukraine. Well, it also looks like Russia has lost the war, the war of fake news.

The first time Ukrainian telegram channels were caught in a lie was on the morning of February 24, just a few hours after the war broke out, when they started spreading photographs of the first Russian tanks knocked out by the Ukrainian military. 

It soon transpired, however, that the snapshots had been taken in Syria and were several years old, yet the unverified information about Russian losses had already been picked up by the media. 

The fact is that the Russians had unwittingly played into the hands of the Ukrainian PR people. 

The Russians advance in mobile, self-directed columns. Therefore, if a vehicle breaks down (the cruising range of a tank or infantry fighting vehicle is several times shorter than that of a civilian jeep), they simply abandon it, because they have to move fast. 

Before long, the photos of the abandoned tank or APC appear on Ukrainian messenger services and in social networks as a “destroyed tank of the invaders.” 

-Batko Milacic

Who are “they”?

“They” of course, is the United States DoD who is running this proxy war against Russia. Make no mistake about that. So the USA got what it wanted. The USA is fighting Russia, and it is doing so where they planned, and engaging it in such a way to become a long-drawn-out war.

It’s not going to be one. So don’t worry.

Now, you can go on the internet and read all about the brave Ukrainians, but Jeeze!, it’s all disinfo. I’m sure the well-armed, and well-dug-in neo-Nazi forces are fighting heroically. But they will be overwhelmed. The timetable is in motion, and the clock is ticking and things are going according to plan, so don’t worry about it.

Let others chat about that.

We’ve got better things to do.

I just got a comment from a Korean who is living in the High Desert of California. Yeah. I lived there, don’t you know. That’s where I got my MAJestic probe calibration and training. It’s awfully nice. Well, if you like pine tree forests on gravel, twisty and turny roads on the edge of cliffs with no guardrails, and fresh cool mountain air.

There’s a real Western “cowboy” vibe about the High Desert. And that has inspired me to present the work of one of the best “Western” themed artists that I have ever come across.Let’s take a look at some of his amazing work.

I hope you enjoy this post.

Mark Maggiori is a French painter who paints modern cowboys in the nostalgic American West. Maggiori’s approach is realistic and academically tuned.

Maggiori is a graduate from the prestigious Academie Jullian in Paris, France and currently resides in the United States.

More: Mark Maggiori, Instagram, Facebook

At the age of 15, Maggiori visited the United States and drove cross-country with his uncle, it was love at first sight. Ever since that trip, he dreamed of returning to live in the American West.

After graduating Academie Jullian in 2000, Disney Studios recruited Maggiori with a prestigious Art Director position in Los Angeles, CA. Maggiori declined the offer to stay in Paris where he could be free to excel in various types of art including photography, animation, and music video directing, all while heading the rock band Pleymo as their lead singer.

In 2001 Pleymo signed with Sony records and toured the globe for 10 solid years, and still the dream of the American West never left him.

With his desire to discover America, he returned to the USA with a film camera and lost himself in the rural South for months.

Through directing music videos, he had the opportunity to wander the country, including Los Angeles, where his life changed.

Petecia Lefawnhawk, was a talented and very creative artist living in Los Angeles.

Maggiori was lucky enough to work with her in one of his music videos; this encounter changed the course of his life forever. Lefawnhawk introduced Maggiori to the ghost towns of the west, including Chloride, Arizona where she grew up.

It was in this setting that Maggiori directed a feature film “Johnny Christ” in 2010.

Soon after they visited the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City…and it was that day that Maggiori decided he would stop everything and dedicate his life to documenting the American West.

Today, Maggiori lives in Los Angeles, CA with his wife Petecia and paints the American West full time.

“I love to paint and dream about the good old times, Cowboys always represented, for me, a time when America was still a promise land…a huge dream for whoever wanted it, before corporations and plastic…I am trying to paint pieces that will tell a story itself and bring to the viewer certain nostalgia, a moment to remember what it felt to be riding a horse on a wide-open range. I am so fascinated by the era 1860 to 1910 in Europe and in America. Those were some golden ages.” 

– Mark Maggiori



















This next painting has got to be the best of the best…


































Lost mines

He’s a pretty awesome artist, eh?

As a boy, I grew up reading “Treasure Magazine” that talked about gold and silver and precious stones, all in great abundance in the California deserts. I would daydream about being a cowboy of the Old West, or even better, finding the discoveries that lie hidden in plain sight.

Things, like old belt buckes, and rusty old swords and pistols were of chief interest in those days. I also used to daydream about finding some of those “lost mines” and venturing inside to gather a handful of precious gold nuggets, and then becoming wealthy as only a ten-year-old boy could conceive.

Of course, when I actually lived in the desert, it was a different story. But still, the romance of the west is undeniable. Here’s some pictures of abandoned mines of the California deserts.

Keep out!

Of course, most of the mines areound Ridgecrest were just a hole in the ground that went deep, deep, deep down, and if you accidently fell into one of these holes you ain’t never getting out.

But if you start venturing up into the high mountains, you start seeing some green grasses and plants. And you can sometimes stumble upon scenes like this…

Or perhaps something like this…

Of course, Treasure Magazine no longer exists as a paper magazine. Instead, it went online with a host of other organizations.

The Lost Treasure Magazine Obituary

It’s a well-known fact that print is in decline. However, despite this, a number of niche magazines have been able to hold on. Sadly, Lost Treasure magazine met its untimely end in December 2018, ending its over 50-year run covering treasure hunters past and present.

Lost Treasure first launched way back in 1966 and from there it came out monthly from its Grove, Oklahoman headquarters, far from the epicenter of publishing. One of its common features were reviews of metal detectors that modern-day prospectors might use in their quest for gold.

Where Lost Treasure really went above and beyond, however, was in talking about the treasure hunters of old, not as events frozen in time, but in terms of their relevance for gold prospectors in the present day.

The lost treasures of America were a particular focus, as the name might imply, with a particular interest in gold lost during the War Between the States. But there were also gripping tales of old-time stagecoach robberies and the golden age of bank robbery. Lost mines were another focus of the magazine, as well as sunken pirate treasure still sitting around waiting to be taken.

Photos were used, but the magazine also had a distinctive style of drawings that kept readers coming back for more. These were old-timey looking illustrations of everything from six-shooters to scorpions, evoking the symbolism of the Old West. Most were in a charcoal-and-pencil format, which further evoked a bygone age, though watercolors did sometimes appear in the pages of Lost Treasure.

Sadly, it isn’t just the print version of Lost Treasure that disappeared when it ceased publication. The website and Facebook page likewise went the way of the Old West.

The magazine suffered from the generalized decline in publishing, however, its content did not lend itself to continued survival as a niche magazine. Information about metal detectors is not only readily available to the general public on the Internet, it is also much more reliable than the “reviews” in Lost Treasure, which were oftentimes glorified advertisements. What’s more, the historical events cataloged in the magazine are likewise easily available to anyone with an Internet connection. As with the reviews of metal detectors, the information is also far more accurate.

The treasure stories were what sold the magazine — the notion that you could go out today with nothing but a metal detector and be the man who discovered the next mother lode of gold ore to become a millionaire.

It was an aspirational magazine before there was such a word for such a thing. One didn’t need to strike gold or even hunt for it to appreciate Lost Treasure magazine. One could get a little piece of that life every time one opened up a copy of Lost Treasure. That was where the magazine’s enduring appeal came from rather than practical advice.

Practical advice is now readily available for those seeking to hunt treasure. What’s more, large capital investments are no longer necessary to get your start at hunting for treasure. Such materials can now be rented, allowing you to dip your toes in the pond to find out if a prospector’s life is for you or not.

Speaking of treasure…

Read the Reader’s Digest article that inspired Rick Lagina to hunt for treasure on The Curse of Oak Island

The Curse of Oak Island star Rick Lagina was just 11 years old when he picked up an edition of Reader’s Digest and first his eyes on an article that would change his life forever.

The January 1965 edition of the publication — which was at the time the best-selling magazine in the United States — included an article reprinted from The Rotarian magazine and written by David MacDonald.

It’s title? “Oak Island’s Mysterious ‘Money Pit’.”

The subheading, enough to entice any 11 year old worth their salt (and any mystery-loving adult for that matter), added: “There is something down there — but for 170 years no one has been able to solve the riddle of how to get at it.”

He didn’t know it yet, but for the young Rick — who like his younger brother Marty loved adventure stories like The Hardy Boys books — that article sealed his future.

The Reader’s Digest story was in fact the same one that sparked an interest in the Oak Island mystery in fellow treasure-hunter and The Curse of Oak Island star Dan Blankenship, who moved to the island the same year it was published.

The article delved into how the famous Money Pit was first discovered by 16-year-old Daniel McInnes all the way back in 1795, when he stumbled across an “odd depression” at one end of the island. McInnes and two of his friends, Tony Vaughan and Jack Smith, then found mystery oak platforms every 10 feet down as they dug deeper and deeper into the ground.

The article went on to chronicle the massive and repeated efforts by various teams over the decades to try and find out just what is down there. Booby traps, deaths, $1,500,000 (at the time) already spent on trying to uncover the island’s secrets — this story had it all.

The article also included a diagram showing what had been found at various depths in the Money Pit, and included a picture of a prominent oak tree that used to sit at the top — which has since gone.

The article ended with a 1955 quote from petroleum engineer George Greene, who had spent time drilling on the island for a syndicate of Texas oilmen.

It said: “Someone went to a lot of trouble to bury something here. And unless he was the greatest practical joker of all time, it must have been well worth the effort.”

And so with that sentence did the little Rick Lagina set off into a future that would one day see him and his more skeptical brother Marty find themselves at the center of the biggest treasure hunt the world has ever seen.

The Reader’s Digest article had a slightly different layout in the US and Canadian versions of the magazine — with it starting on page 136 of the American edition and more prominently, on page 22, of the Canadian one.

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And if you all are so inclined for some inspiration, perhaps these links might send you in the right direction. Happy treasure hunting!

Western Treasures – An online magazine.

FMDAC – The Federation of Metal Detector & Archaeological Clubs, Inc. (FMDAC) was organized in 1984 as a legislative and educational organization and incorporated as a non-profit, non-commercial, non-partisan organization dedicated to preserving the sport/hobby of recreational metal detecting/prospecting.

SMARTER HOBBY – Getting started with a metal detector. Everything you need to know.

THE RING FINDERS – Lost rings, lost watch, lost brooch, lost pendant, lost jewelry?

TOP10METALDETECTORS – Ranked by price, vote for your favorite.

USMETALDETECTOR – Shop for metal detectors, accessories on Amazon, etc.

DISCOVER DETECTING – Discover Detecting is a site aimed at both metal detecting beginners and longtime enthusiasts.


RARE GOLD NUGGETS – Where/how to find gold, natural gold for sale, gold mining equipment, gold panning/prospecting tips.

STOUT STANDARDS – Musings from an old “beeper”.

HOBBY HELP – A beginners guide to metal detecting.

KELLY NOELLER – Metal detecting treasure hunter.  Learn how to metal detect, we have the equipment and knowledge for all your treasure hunting needs.  Read my blog.

UNDERCOIL.COM – A beginners guide to metal detecting.

DETECTING RESEARCH SITE – Detecting Research is your online portal to help you expand your knowledge of places to detect.

Do you want more?

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Bad News

There’s no way to say things nicely. And while I want you all to remain calm, the situation is devolving. It’s horrible to see. I am sorry to announce this. Here, we present some developing events.

The collective West is on a runaway train. They are galloping towards a bridge that no longer exists, and they are carrying carloads of mad, angry, frustrated people whao are starting to kill each other in abject frustration of their hopeless condition.


It’s not random.

This entire reaction from Russia was planned years ago. Yes. It was planned by people now long dead, and being carried out by idiots who have no concept about what REAL life and death are all about.

Planned yes.

But not as they think.

The Asian nations are merit driven, desperate and angry. There will not be any mercy. They are ready to kill the “mad dogs” once and for all.

And they have a counter-plan.

Keep in mind, that every situation that we are witnessing has been planned out and war-gamed to every detail. The Asian nations know what they are doing. And I just hope that the Domain Commander can maintain “little bads instead of big bads”. Because the picture, as I see it, is truly frightening.

I will not spend too much on the details on what is going on in the Ukraine. Just a little bit. That has and is being covered by others in various ways. Much of it is disinformation. This article concerns itself with NATO deciding to get involved, and thus the United States getting involved as well.

Keep in mind that Asia is fighting for their very existence; they are very, very serious. ANd when they try to communicate theri concerns they are treated horribly and ignored by appatent imbeciles.

As a result, the country was not prepared to counter the invasion by Nazi Germany, which attacked our Motherland on June 22, 1941, without declaring war. 

The country stopped the enemy and went on to defeat it, but this came at a tremendous cost. 

The attempt to appease the aggressor ahead of the Great Patriotic War proved to be a mistake which came at a high cost for our people. 

In the first months after the hostilities broke out, we lost vast territories of strategic importance, as well as millions of lives. 

We will not make this mistake the second time. 

We have no right to do so.

Those who aspire to global dominance have publicly designated Russia as their enemy. 

They did so with impunity. 

Make no mistake, they had no reason to act this way. 

It is true that they have considerable financial, scientific, technological, and military capabilities. 

We are aware of this and have an objective view of the economic threats we have been hearing, just as our ability to counter this brash and never-ending blackmail. 

Let me reiterate that we have no illusions in this regard and are extremely realistic in our assessments. 

-Putin 26FEB22

It’s pretty obvious, as long as you trun off those screeching propaganda shrills. When you do, things become crystal clear.

We start with a review of what is going on…

Today, and throughout the Western press are articles about what is going on in the Ukraine. Most are treating it like some kind of spectator sport. With much Rah! Rah! for their side. However, the lethality and devastation of war must not be downplayed as a game.

On top of it all, there is a massive psyops going on that has convinced everyone that old grandmothers are shooting down Russian jets and Russia will surrender any day now. Sheech!

The latest political maneuver by Russian president Vladimir Putin was a game-changing masterstroke to avoid the American war trap. At every step in the build-up of tensions surrounding Ukraine, Russia has foiled US enticements to attack. To understand it all, one needs to start further back in time.

9 February 1990 — US secretary-of-state James Baker promised USSR president Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would “not [move] one inch eastward” in exchange for allowing German unification.

1999 — Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland join NATO and move several inches nearer the dissolved USSR.

2004 — Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia join NATO.

2009 — Albania and Croatia join NATO.

February 2014 — A US-backed coup in Ukraine results in a Nazi-friendly government coming to power.

March 2014 — Crimeans vote overwhelmingly in a referendum to secede from Ukraine and become part of Russia.

September 2014 — The Minsk I Agreement is signed by Ukraine, Russia, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) calling for an immediate ceasefire, withdrawal of heavy weapons, and prisoner exchanges.

February 2015 — The Minsk II Agreement calls again for a ceasefire, the withdrawal of weapons, ceasefire monitoring by the OSCE, and the holding of local elections in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics on their future status in Ukraine. Differing interpretations have led to major disagreements over Minsk II.

2017 — Montenegro joins NATO.

2020 — North Macedonia joins NATO. It is apparent that there is an increasing eastward crawl, and Ukraine is also seeking membership.

18 November 2021 — Russia reiterates its red lines.

17 December 2021 — Russia presents its concerns about security in proposals to the US.

16 January 2022 — Putin identifies Ukraine’s membership in NATO as a red line in Russia-NATO relations that impinge upon Russian security. US secretary-of-state Antony Blinken dismissed Russian security concerns: “I can’t be more clear — NATO’s door is open, remains open, and that is our commitment.”

26 January 2022 — Russia received a written response from the US to its security proposals. Russia would not be pleased.

16 February 2022 — According to national-security adviser Jake Sullivan, based on credible US intelligence, this was the date that Russia would invade Ukraine. The date came and went without any invasion.

17 February 2022 — Russia responds to US and NATO proposals about Ukraine and European security.

There have been many provocations leading up to the Russian recognition of the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. Among them are NATO expansion, not taking Russian security concerns seriously, the arming of Ukraine, and demonizing Russia via the western monopoly media. The final nail was the shelling from Ukraine into Donbass causing the evacuation of its civilians into Russia.

It appears to be a foolhardy act by Ukraine. If Ukraine had adhered to the Minsk Agreements, Donetsk and Luhansk would still be a part of Ukraine, autonomous though they may be. Autonomy is not uncommon within countries. Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Tibet, Xinjiang are autonomous provinces in China. Russia also has one autonomous region and 10 autonomous areas. Nonetheless, the lure of war and playing with fire has caused Ukraine to shrink a little bit more.

As I have repeatedly stated, Russia (and China) are NOT being reactionary, no matter what anyone thinks. They are following a master grand plan, just like the United States is. It’s just that the United States plan is obsolete, easily replicated, and there no longer are leaders to set a new direction.

So don’t worry too much.

Today, I am including some minor reports that I have acquired regarding some key events inside the Ukraine.

[Item 0] Why Russia is acting this way

President Putin said so very clearly in his speech on 26FEB22;

For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of containing Russia, with obvious geopolitical dividends. 

For our country, it is a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a nation.

This is not an exaggeration; this is a fact. 

It is not only a very real threat to our interests but to the very existence of our state and to its sovereignty. 

It is the red line which we have spoken about on numerous occasions. 

They have crossed it.

[Item 1] US to impose sanctions on Putin personally

The immediate reaction from Scott Ritter on this development does not bode well.

[Item 2] Reaction from Moscow on this development

Russia will fully break diplomatic relations with all countries that are going to sanction president Putin or members of the Russian govt.  Breaking diplomatic relations with a nation is equivalent to declaring war.

Russian Foreign Ministry on new Personal sanctions on assets of Putin and Lavrov: “Neither Putin nor Lavrov have accounts either in Britain or anywhere else abroad.”

The United Arab Emerates will now fly Chiense trainers

The UAE will purchase a dozen of advanced Chinese jet trainers, a move that reflects a significant strategic shift in the country’s long-standing policy of obtaining solely Western military aircraft.

The UAE Defense Ministry will sign a contract with China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC) to procure the L15 training and light combat aircraft, with the possibility of purchasing another 36 planes later, the official Emirati news agency WAM reported.

And this video 38MB...

[Item 3] Finland and Sweden suggest joining NATO

Russian Foreign Ministry: We warn Finland and Sweden that they will face military and political consequences if they try to join NATO.

Obviously they are ruled by moronic idiots. The last thing their leadership should do is pick sides in a building conflict.

The Chinese know their roots

I have seen this time and time again, ABC (American Born Chinese) being so proud of who they are, and their race. Great video.

video 1MB

[Item 4] NATO Rapid Reaction Force Activated

For the first time in history, the NATO RAPID REACTION FORCE has been activated and deployed.  40,000 NATO troops now moving into NATO member countries along the eastern border of Russia.  It certainly is a clear signal that NATO is going to engage Russia

These IDIOTS are simply verifying Putin's greatest fears and cementing why he had to attack Ukraine in order to at least try to maintain peace.  

NATO and the US are ramping things up in both rhetoric and deed. 

They are mobilizing 40,000 troops to the Eastern bloc of NATO other words, WE are massing troops on RUSSIA'S Border just as we witnessed Russia do to Ukraine. 

WE saw that as a provocation, why the HELL wouldn't Russia see OUR movements in the same way?) 

-Hal Turner

Worse, “NATO” has just sent it’s first convoy of what they call “LETHAL AID” across the Ukraine border from Poland.   Poland’s Minister of Defense Mariusz Błaszczak shared this picture.


This is staggeringly bad on every level.    Look, Putin has said something, which was very clear. He said, to not get involved, or else you and us will regret it in the end.

It was a simple message . . .

…and they managed to ignore it.

Out of their stupidity and ego.

By doing this, they are forcing Putin to stand up for what was said, otherwise he will look weak.

This just dragged the United States into a direct, hot kinetic shooting war with Russia.   Now, none of us is safe. Honestly, I think this is the spark that sets the world on fire.

If we look at the history of all this, the real problem is actually NATO.

It was NATO”s broken promise of “not expanding one inch to the east” that set this in motion decades ago.

"I have felt for 30 years ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall that we have made a huge geopolitical error. We absolutely promised the Russians that we would not extend NATO to the east. But we did," 


After all, it was NATO trying to bring Ukraine into itself, to position US missiles on Ukraine soil.

And now it is NATO doing precisely what Putin warned EVERYONE not to do: interfere.

How to separate and herd your cats.

You know it’s really difficult to herd cats and get them to do anything. But, you know, the Chinese have a solution to this problem.


 [Item 5] Russian seizure of the Ukraine CIA / SBU building

Shootings inside a building in Melitopol, Ukraine after being captured by Russian forces.

Some report of executions taking place.   

FURTHER INFORMATION: This building is the Ukraine SBU Intelligence Building and yes, there is torture and execution of Ukraine Intelligence officers taking place inside this building.

War is an ugly business.

Enjoy our differences

We have been ramrodded the idea that in a “democracy” that everyone must accept diversity, but that once accepted you must conform to the approved norm. I disagree. You should embrace the differences in the world. Like this fella (bloke?) from Australia. Yeah. This video is so Australian that it drips with Aussie.

video 7MB

[Item 6] Central Banks Risk Being Hit With Missiles if they Cut Russia from SWIFT Banking System

Central Banks around the world risk having their main banking offices hit with Russian missiles if they cut Russia off from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) Banking system, as some countries are endeavoring to do.

Such is information LEAKING out of Russia Saturday and is NOT yet “official.”

Says one Russian,

"If the Banks want to wage war against Russia, they should expect war to be waged back upon them - personally - in the buildings where they work."

Russia has plans to make war as personal and “in your face” as possible. All those people sitting behind their safe borders, and seas are going to experience real, FUCKING, war!

Cutting Russia off from SWIFT is a “matter of days”, according to a central bank within the eurozone according to a report from Reuters.

Inside Russia, plans are being reviewed as to what response the nation might make if the West “attacks” Russia economically.

Russian President Vladimir Putin was explicitly clear during his speech wherein he announced Russia would be moving to de-militarize and de-nazify Ukraine:

"Anyone who interferes will have consequences the likes of which they have never seen in history."  

Hitting central bank buildings with precision missiles would likely fit that description.

President Putin’s exact quote was

“I would now like to say something very important for those who may be tempted to interfere in these developments from the outside. 

No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history. 

No matter how the events unfold, we are ready. 

All the necessary decisions in this regard have been taken. 

I hope that my words will be heard.”

Such action by Russia would, of course, be considered an act of war by the nations wherein the banks are actually hit.

However, a war breaking out between NATO and Russia has been a foregone conclusion since the Russian operation began.

Putin, in an earlier speech after a 6-hour meeting with French President Macron made clear:

"The military capability of Russia to NATO is incomparable.  (Meaning NATO is superior) 

We know that.   

But Russia is also a nuclear power.  

And our capability is superior to many others in this area.  

If the West engages Article 5 (NATO mutual defense), you will be drawn into a war with Russia without your consent. 

It will be a war that no one will win (Meaning an actual nuclear war, which is the only war that most everyone agrees "cannot be won and must never be fought."). 

President Macron doesn't want that.  

I don't want that."

So Putin has already laid out the cards for the whole world to see. If the West persists in interfering with what Russia is doing, it not only may trigger a direct response with missile strikes against the Banks, it may unleash actual nuclear war.

MM tries to improve the readership’s overall health

Well, at least according to this video, anyway. video 1.5MB

So I try to help…

video 14MB

[Item 7] Mobile ICBM launchers on the move

Inside of Moscow? What is Putin up to?

Last night, Russian TOPOL-M intercontinental ballistic missiles – nuclear missiles – were moving on Truck Launchers around Moscow and on highways moving toward Europe.

TOPOL-M intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM’s)

Terrifying new photos and video have came out of interior Russia showing road-launchable TOPOL-M intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM’s).  The TOPOL-M is a nuclear missile with a single warhead of 800 kilotons (800kt) and a range of about ten thousand kilometers (10,000km)

This is not what you deploy inside of a city, or near a city. It’s something that is deployed in the countryside. Something is up.

The fact that these missiles are OUT IN PUBLIC, and moving, should be all you need to know about where this Ukraine/NATO trouble is actually heading.

As we saw with the Russian troop build-up around Ukraine, Russia does not bluff.  When they move military gear, they intend to use it.

The entire world is now in grave danger from the shenanigans our governments are pulling with Ukraine.

I also want to remind everyone that both Russia and China have anti-missile systems that can shoot the ICBMs down. The West, including the United States does not.

Meanwhile, night life in Japan

Yeah. This is sort of what it can be like in ceratin areas at certain times.

Video 68MB

And, this cute girl… video 11MB

[Item 8] Day of reckoning is near

From the Russian Foreign Ministry Friday night: Russia is approaching the point in its relations with the US beyond which there is no return.

Whether this converts into Russia firing missiles into the Central Banks that ban it from SWIFT, remains to be seen.  Clearly they wouldn’t have to do that to ALL central banks, just to enough of them that the rest decide living is more important to them.

And if they start to see their Banker pals blown up, many people think the rest would choose life rather than choose making economic war on Russia.   It’s just a matter of how many Bankers have to get killed before the rest stop their economic war.

There is no question in my mind that the complete financial “house of cards” that has artificially existed is going to be destroyed and eventually rebuilt into something different after this period of climax occurs. How it will collapse, is unknown.

[Item 9] The United States is busy deleting all information about it’s bioweapons operations in the Ukraine

The US Embassy in Ukraine has just deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine. They are retained on the internet by bloogers, and published all them (now deleted by the Embassy) here;

The Chinese claim that there are 17 bioleapon labatories and operational centers in the Ukraine. Not 11.

US DoD Biolaboratories in Ukraine

  • Kyiv – 5,
  • Lvov -3,
  • Odessa – 2,
  • Vinnitsa -1,
  • Ternopil -1
  • Uzhgorod – 1,
  • Kherson – 1,
  • Kharkiv -1.
  • And also 2 (two) biological laboratories in the immediate vicinity of the peninsulas of Crimea and the city of Lugansk!

Which brings me to this curious article…

Report: Russia Claims they prevented US backed bio-weapons attack in Ukraine

SF: The Russian military special operation in Ukraine coincided with the planned launch of U.S. military biolaboratories in Kiev and Odessa. On February 26, the US Embassy in Ukraine rushed to delete all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded bio-laboratories in Ukraine from its website. All these documents (now deleted by the Embassy), you can read HERE.

In October 2021, the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) of the U.S. Department of Defense published on the U.S. government procurement website an additional agreement on “combating highly dangerous pathogens. The document concerns the final stage of work on the launch of two bio-laboratories in Ukraine: in Kiev and Odessa.

The additional agreement covers the equipping and training of personnel and commissioning of the facilities. The cost of the work is 3.6 million dollars, but some figures in the document are hidden for reasons of secrecy. According to the document, the laboratories were more than 90 per cent ready. However, the projects’ completion was delayed up to seven months from the date of signing the document (July 2021), thus to the end of February 2022:

The laboratories in Ukraine were built within the U.S. Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, which was launched in 1991 and was aimed against Russia and the former Soviet Union. They were funded in frame of the Biological Threat Reduction Program. Cooperation between Ukraine and the United States in this field intensified after the first Maidan revolution in Ukraine in 2005.

You can read more on the U.S. bio-laboratories, including in Ukraine: HEREHEREHERE.

Two new laboratories are being created on the basis of the Kiev State Research Institute for Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise and the Odessa division of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection. The main part of the Ukrainian collection of endemic strains of dangerous disease agents is stored in Odessa. The buildings of the new biolaboratories in Kiev and Odessa were built back in 2019, but were not put into operation.

The document above notice makes it clear that this project is important and urgent for the U.S. government: further potential delays are called unacceptable, and “DTRA requires the urgent completion and surrender of both laboratories to ensure the active and safe execution of the DTRA mission.”

Both facilities are owned and secured by the Government of Ukraine, but neither facility is currently performing active biological work because DTRA has asked the Ukrainian authorities not to begin work until acceptance and completion is complete, the procurement materials said.

Moscow has claimed its concern over the developing biological weapons near Russia’s borders. Russian President Vladimir Putin worried about the “purposeful and professional” collection of biomaterials of Russians by foreigners.

The on-going Russian military operation in Ukraine may stop the DTRA program in Ukraine. Anyway, the projects in Kiev and Odessa will be postponed if not cancelled. The U.S. has already spent over 2 billion dollars on such programs in Ukraine alone, and there are more in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.

Now, as Russian forces  are advancing in Ukraine, Kiev seems to be in a rush to hide the evidence that the USA violates the convention on non-proliferation of biological weapons. The end of the Russian operation will show.

Ok. Let’s chat a little about the Ukraine operation…

[Item 10] Day 3 of the Russian operation in the Ukraine

I found pretty decent maps on the YouTube channel of Iurii Podoliaka and I will do something ugly but, I hope, effective: add a few things to his maps with my thick black marker.

But first, this: it appears that  yesterday Putin had ordered a temporary stop to the Russian offensive while talking with “Ze” but when the latter stop talking, Putin gave a “full ahead” order.

I will begin with an older (by a few hours) map of this:

The ugly think black lines are from me.

Starting at the top left and going clockwise here is what is important:

  1. Kiev will soon be encircled
  2. The Ukie forces in the Donbass are fleeing hoping to avoid being surrounded, or “cauldroned” if you wish, (look how long and narrow the red lines are around the Ukies!)
  3. Mariupol is almost surrounded
  4. Nikolaev is under attack

Now, another of these maps, but updated.

Again, going clockwise can clearly see the race between the evacuating Ukie forces from the Donbass and the attempt by Russian forces to envelop them in an “operational cauldron”, exactly as predicted.

Next, Nikolaev is either fully surrounded or will be very soon.

So, what does all that mean?

It means that we are coming to some kind of informational climax here.  So far, in the West, that information is suppressed (even Sputnik and RT are under regular DDoS attack).  I won’t even bother on the 500 foot high wave of disinformation produced by western PSYOPs in the social media.  The bottom line is this, pretty soon I expect

  • The operational cauldron in the Donbass to lock in the Ukie forces which did not have time to evacuate
  • The entire coast from roughly Nikolaev to Mariupol will be liberated
  • Kiev will be if not physically surrounded, then at least “surrounded by fire”, which means that main axes of evacuation will come under steady Russian fire control

Notice something else.  In the 2nd map, some cities in the Russian rear are circled in blue: Chernigov, Konotop, Sumy, Kharkov and Kherson.  I would add Mariupol to that list.  These are all cities which were cut of from the rest of the Ukie forces, but which still have pockets of resistance inside, that is especially true of Mariupol where a large Nazi contingent appears to be ready to take its last stand.

All this is to say that the mopping up operations inside bigger cities might take a while.  That is normal and won’t affect any outcome.

So right now the western PYSOPs can still throw out as many claims as it wants, but pretty soon the entire narrative will collapse, at which point the Russia-hating-and-bashing hysteria will reach a new feverish pitch.

Be mentally prepared for that.

I will conclude with something quite typical: remember how yesteryear tons of weapons were distributed in Kiev?  Well, overnight, various gangs have been engaged in firefights, but not against Russians (who have still not entered the city), but against each other.  Some of the wannabe Ukie Volkssturm even took a group of SBU officers prisoners.  Some rumors report 60 dead or so just overnight.

Let’s hope that this crazy nonsense stops and that some Ukrainian commanders will restore law and order before their entire country turns into a “Mad Max Zone”.  If such commanders are found, I am sure that the Russians will not only not engage them, but will even offer some degree of collaboration.

Putin tried to reason with Ze.  Predictably, this did not work.

Now the Russians badly need to find somebody to talk to on the other side.  If they don’t, Russia will have to continue to take unilateral actions and turn up the pain dial on both Banderastan and the West.

I hope to be back with a summary of the day later.


Brutal Honesty

Well, yeah. I think all of us have been there at one stage of our life or the other. video

[Item 11] Intel Drop

Great Stuff from one of my must-read blogs. HERE.

Putin, Ukraine and the Perfect Burger, an Intel Drop (updating)

VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff drops mad truth on the world about Putin and Ukraine; a must-read.

Grass fed ground beef looks like this. Smell it.

VT: We have taken the bull by the horns here.  We have entered a bitter controversy over ‘the burger’…Our suggestion…as to our ‘burger hack’… Try it.  We have and have run it against the best.  We used a mix of ‘Triple D’ experiences, a touch of Gordon Ramsey and apply it to available materials which can be done by anyone…in ten minutes.  The results will stand against anything but a Houston based Fuddrucker… their meat is beyond anything in the Midwest

We should have called this ‘The Burger War in Ukraine’

…by the Senior Editor

With so much talk about Ukraine, time an expert speaks out.  In the absence of an expert…I will do my best.
Listen to no one…the bullshit is drowning us all.  Some facts:


– Russia was promised secure borders.  I was privy to what is in the agreement that paid $365 million to Gorby.  The accords have been gone over dozens of times for other reasons.

– Among those reasons was the coup in Georgia, replacing the government there, and the immediate move against South Ossetia.  Our CIA director and his chief of staff explained it all to me while they were getting a flight for Tbilisi.  I remember every word of it…which is a warning to some.

– The overthrow of the Russian puppet government in Ukraine was not unexpected.  Russia really got blindsided there.  The move, used as cover facilities in Poland for torturing innocent kidnapped fake terrorists is also a major training facility for Gladio, alive and well.

– Ah…Gladio.  The new version was sold to the Bush administration…with tons of Gulf Cartel cash paid out to sweeten the pot, banked from Cuba, secret accounts in the Caymans.  It is all in the recording of that FBI agent that came to us in 2012…laundering the cash…though banks tied to major US families….like those who own all those stores.  We have it all…every single word.

– Running Gladio this time is “Ukrainians” and “Turks.”  All are Israeli citizens.  They used Gladio/Freemason trained snipers, part of the teams that trained Breivik, same place.

– Then they got their lists…and began hunting down not only Russian speakers but anyone who threatened totalitarian rule.  This means eliminating media, killing off political rivals, and destroying trade unions.  Remember Odessa…this was about wiping out trade unions.

– Then they stole everything in the country…and turned it over to Israelis…like the one who ran the TV network that had a show about a mindless clown.

– Then they made him Prime Minister.

– Russia was always going to move into Donbass…and the reason is simple.  Ukraine has totally ignored the Minsk accords…and the US has been silent.  Silence by the Israel lobby that seeks both Ukraine and Crimea as homelands and plays both…Russia and Ukraine against one another…a game they are teaching to the Turks and Saudis as well.

– There is nothing whatsoever wrong with the Ukrainian people.  That they have been victimized here…by everyone…including the Soviet Union and Russia is very real.  Putin lost Ukraine because he was lazy and distracted…

– Then Ukraine was used as a power base by the Kosher Nostra to put Donald Trump into office.  The Russians were able to gain 100 percent control over Trump through in-place agents around him…dozens…many of whom are still working for Russia and safe to a degree under Trump pardons.

– But are they really working for Russia or are Kosher Nostra oligarchs vying for power against Putin?  Spent a couple of days going over this with our intelligence officials.  This is a top concern but…never spoken of.

– Russia didn’t need this and Putin doesn’t want Ukraine.  He wants to stop Erdogan.  Erdogan and Netanyahu first tried to go after Iran…setting up bases in Azerbaijan together, bringing in weapons through Georgia…where they make bio-weapons and poison gas for the White Helmets.

– Then they destroyed Armenia.

– What Zelensky did with the Minsk accords, Erdogan is going with Russia over his agreements to end terrorism in Idlib and to leave Syria.  Instead…he has cut deals with key families in Kurdish Iraq (all people I know personally…).

– One of those deals, going back a few years, was to set ISIS on Iraq with full Turkish backing…full Kurdish backing…and the full backing of the key Sunni families in Baghdad.

– In January 2014, I led a team to Baghdad to discuss ISIS and the defense of Iraq.  I met the leaders working with ISIS and told them they were making a mistake.  By June, with the fall of Mosul, 9 of the Sunni leaders I met with had been executed by ISIS.  ‘Told ya so.’

I could go on forever…but time to discuss something more important.  I have always been displeased at the burgers I make at home.  Going to local restaurants, and burgers are a $45 lunch now with tip and NO drinks…An important thing with VT…several of us are foodies.

Burgers are about prep.  If you want…list any favorite food and I will do the prep to make it.  If I don’t know…Mike Chester will.  Mike and I have been cooking together since…well since Kennedy was still alive.

Meat Selection

When cooking at home fat can be a problem.  It spatters…and though fat might make a burger…pass.

Look for a small meat store that accesses local grass-fed cattle.  Use a chuck or ground beef.  Hold off on those briskety (I just invented that word) blends.

If you are frying…make sure you have tons of ventilation. I have a 1200 CFM Italian thing that can lift the paper off a counter.  It helps.


I use one of two things…based on factors…mostly laziness…the only real factor.

One is a 12 inch…large…even 14 Silverstone frying pan with lid.  I also use a cast iron grill…which sits on two burners.  I have a built-in grill…I have never used it…it confuses me.  (commercial range)

Prep work

Everything is about prep.

Decide how big burgers need to be…how hungry?  How old?  How messy?

Lots of choices.

Prep begins with bacon…I fry 4 pieces to medium crisp for 3 burgers.

Campari tomatoes…they sell them everywhere…pricey…buy them.  Use two …they are small…slice them carefully and set them aside.

Onions…if you only have cooking onions, consider frying them down with a bit of sugar….like with a “slider.”

But..currently available are Peruvian sweet onions.  Pick the flattest ones.  Slice half of one of these…carefully…and set aside.

Velveeta.  Yes….about 3/4ths of a cup microwaved to melt…and this is VERY DIFFICULT to Time.  Get someone to help you..lots of stirring.

Buns are vital.  To put us on common ground here, pick up a package of Pepperidge Farm buns…Sour Dough or similar.  They are pricey but hold up.

I suggest steaming the buns…and that has to  be done carefully…not too much…just to “release.”  No toasting.  No microwaves.

Or you can use fresh and go from there.

Pickle slices are optional.


Ah..secret sauce.  A trick from Smokey Bones.

Make some BBQ sauce…

Small saucepan.  Add vinegar…half a cup.  Use malt vinegar if you have it. Then 1/4th cup molasses.  Then one tablespoon Wrights smoke.  I buy the quarts…but you can get a small bottle for about a buck.

You will need about a third of a cup of catsup/ketchup for the body.  Sorry.

Oh…brown sugar…about 2/3rds of a cup.  heat on low…set aside…it lasts forever…


Ah…now you are playing restaurant…but “good” restaurant.

Go to about a third of a pound for burgers…using the PF buns.  Get the steamer going.

You can make a fake steamer with a medium saucepan, crumpled foil…a lid…water, and heat.  YouTube probably shows you how.  Buy a real one at the Salvation Army.

Make someone else do the side dishes…or buy them in cans.

High heat…season burgers with McCormick’s Montreal Steak seasoning…my choice.

Put bacon in the pan on medium heat…10 minutes there remove and set aside.  Retain some fat in the pan.  Heat to smoking…the put-in burgers…

Two flips and a minute or two with the lid…then check to see if they are done.

While this is going down…steam the buns…and watch them very carefully.

Don’t forget the Velveeta.

Hot buns out of the steamer on plates…then spoon hot Velveeta on each…generously

place burger on top…

drizzle a small amount of bbq sauce on the burger….you will see why

slice on onion..optional

mustard on the top bun…spoon it over the cheese.

Tomato slices…4 small ones usually.

Hold off on hot peppers and other stuff.

Now the bacon.

The final step

Eat immediately.

Compare to the best restaurant burger.  Note that these cost about $4 each to make at home.

Forget about Ukraine.

How you act defines your sentience

Scenes from ambulences inside of China. AI records all videos, and license plates and knows who contributes to society and who does not. video. 117MB

[Item 11] My most popular article on MM right now

I wonder why?

Percentage drop in population in 2025. The USA has a 70% drop in population. Australia has a 35% drop. Japan has an 18% drop. While Russia and China have no significant losses.

Here’s the article for all the great juicy details…

The Shocking 2025 ‘Deagel’ Forecast and Remote Viewing the future

[Item 12] Will our lives be destroyed?

No. Not necessairily.

There’s obviously a bunch of idiots running the West right now, and they have opened up a Pandora’s box that is going to change everything that we know and have come accustomed to.

Yet, how it might influence us on a personal level will vary greatly from person to person.

I will tell you that there is no doubt in my mind that all of this has been “gamed out” and planned to every detail. Things are NOT unwinding to an elaborate plan concocted inside Washington DC. Instead, a counter operation is in play. And I will never forget that feeling that I got when Xi Peng and Putin signed the joint memorandum last January during the Winter Olympics 2022.

Look at them.

Looks like both cats ate the canary.

Putin and Xi Peng in Beijing during the WInter Olympics 2022.

They completely know what they have been doing and are doing now.

Now, let’s have a look at who is leading the West right now…

Now look at who is running the EU right now…

God, they both look like gouls.

I suggest…

If you all want to be safe, and have your families safe, move to either Russia or China. They know what they are up against and how to deal with it. Look at the Deagal Forecast.

  • Europe is not safe.
  • The United States is not safe.

In general, whether it’s nuclear missiles flying, more bioweapons released, or a financial collapse, the West is going to have a hard time of it. Seriously.

Have you seen America lately?

And I will advise good prudent measures that you all must do and conduct religiously.

Those are fundamental. You also need to implement changes in your immediate surroundings…

  • Be the Rufus in deeds and thought.
  • Be part of your community. Meet people. Talk to people. Be helpful. Volunteer.
  • Stock up your larder. Have supplies.
  • Stock up on some cheap trade goods.
    • Disposible cigarette lighters.
    • Small bottles of very cheap hard alcohol.
    • Duck-tape.
    • Antibiotics.
    • Vitamins.
  • Learn to fish.

No. Your lives will NOT be destroyed.

But everything will change around you. You will need to be firmly grounded. You will need to take up a kind, quiet strength while all the rest of the world completely goes down the toilet. Be the strength that reinforces confidence.

You will need to start eating better. That’s a start.

There’s nothing so satisfying than eating a good home-cooked delicious meal and then relaxing with freinds and family.  May I suggest…

Chili Con Carne Bread Pie

Chili Con Carne was an exciting twist on classic chili taste that fell to the wayside years ago. This recipe unearths the classic and finds a way to serve it up as a casserole that leaves you stuffed. Smokey paprika, peppers, and cumin all combine to make this a knockout recipe that both you and your grandparents can get behind.

Get the recipe from Recipe Tin Eats.

What are you waiting for? It goes great with beer (wink. wink.)

Now, being happy and well fed, let’s look at some reminders that life is not all doom and gloom. You all can omit these next few videos and entries if you want to really get all wrapped up in the “news”.

Chinese traditional clothing

This woman dons the Han Clothing fashion that is so popular in China these days, and walks around Europe and the United States wearing it. The looks on other peoples faces are precious. Now, THIS is what real “diversity” is all about.


video 9MB

Rufus stands up for the cleaning woman from a troll

Internet trolls are no different from cronic malcreants, litters or evil psychopaths. It’s up to the community to work together to protect ourselves from the bad behaviors of others who only desire to hurt, harm and cause grief.  video

Troll related comic

Rufus rushes to help a man who collapsed

Rufus. Be that Rufus. video

Keep in mind that these changes are necessary

It’s programmed into humans on this eath. SO you have to ride it out. I can tell you that when the radioactive dust settles, and people crawl out of their habitats that the new world will be a much better one.

A 13 year old Tech Billionaire gives some advice.

Listen to her. She’s right. video

[Item 13] Finally, what is driving the idiocy of the collective West?

This guy pretty much nails one major contributor. I think that he has a point.

video 3MB


Remember; A Rufus is always there when you need help

Here, the staffing at a hospital runs to setup a testing clinic for Coronavirus when an outbreak was discovered. video 3MB

One last thing

Don’t over think.

If the SHTF goes down, the first thing that you might notice is no internet. Do not freak out. If that happens, things might be dark for a while. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. And if the very worst happens, well… I’ll see you all on the other side.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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[daegonmagus] – Part 20 – SD’s Premonition of an Imminent Nuclear Attack set for 28th February 2022

The following is the 19th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 

This particular read is truly enjoyable. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have.


Part 20 – SD’s Premonition of an Imminent Nuclear Attack set for 28th February 2022

Let’s get a few things straight, right off the bat; I am not here to fear monger people with this article. I ummed and arred about whether I should bother typing it, and after considering things I believe it warrants putting down on virtual paper, given the current situation unfolding in Ukraine. We all know how delicate this situation is. We all saw it coming. What concerns me is that SD and I have had our fair share of “dreams” – both lucid and not – that allude to the very real kicking off of WW3. These premonitions, as I guess you could call them have, quite readily shaped both of our ideals on survivalism. From nukes going off in out neighborhood, through the unleashing of the “black dragon” in China, to the Covid vaccine toilet paper shortage, we have had a myriad of premonition like dreams between us that upon reflection many years later seem to be at the very least metaphorically describing things unfolding around us. Other times they have been pinpoint accurate, like the closing off regional borders in our state, and placing of military personnel in the exact same places we had the border closure dreams (in both of our dreams beyond the borders were represented by a void of total nothingness.)

Here’s the concerning part, and I hope to fuck it is a complete miss on my part. I must apologize for not getting out sooner; the Ukraine shit has been unfolding so fast I have been trying to keep up with it all.

Back at the start of February SD tells me “the 22nd is when shit is going to go down”. Ok, so to put this into context, like I said our dreams have shaped our survivalism ideals, and have solidified the idea that all out nuclear war is at this stage, more likely a “when” than it is an “if”.

So when she says the 22nd is when shit is going to down, assume that automatically translates as some sort of SHTF event leading to WW3.

I press her on what it will be, but she tells me she doesn’t know, only that someone or something suggested to her the 22nd or “possibly even the 23rd for us when you take into account different time zones”. She just can’t get out of her head the 22nd/23rd February 22.

That day rolls around and what happens….well, we all know the answer to that question. Putin decides enough is enough and drives his army into Ukraine.

But that is not all.

The night of Putin’s grand entrance, SD has another dream. She is literally woken up by her own voice shouting at her “THE 28th”.

Then, whilst in the hypnogogic/ sleep paralysis state, she is suddenly in the middle of a city, with modern western style skyscrapers, and a big bomb is going off. And I mean BIG.

She specifically mentions this thing has a mushroom cloud, and the explosion seems to “cut the tops off the buildings” before the shockwave breaks all the windows and hits her.

It is so vivid she can smell and taste all the sulphur and metal.

The next day, again she is in hypnogogia and she has a follow up dream to the blast; a woman is standing at a podium either addressing the bomb or announcing her country’s intent to become involved.

This woman, SD says, her clothing makes her looks like she could be chubby, blonde hair put up in a bun behind her head, 40 to 50 years old, wearing a business suit style jacket.

SD end’s up looking up female women in power to try and see if she can find anyone resembling her. She comes across what she said was an “exact match” but the fucking phone loses the page before she can figure out who it is.

She looks up secretaries of defense of European countries and says the at both the Czechoslovakian and Belgian secretaries of defense look very similar to the woman she saw giving the address.

Something else that concerns me is a dream I had back on November 25th which suggested a military was prepping for a major nuclear exchange. I went back through the dream share thread and found my write up on it:

I was some kind of special forces military guy. Not sure what division, but I am fairly sure I wasn’t a SEAL. The people around me seem to be wearing American Military camos but they could have just as easily been Russian.

It was night time and I was on this long straight road that seemed to run for miles through fields of either dead yellow grass, wheat or some other type of crop.

There are multiple military bases every couple of kilometres along this road. I pass one in particular, and it has a big metal cylindrical missile thing sticking out of the ground in a clearing on the other side of the fence that hugged the road. it didn’t look like a typical missile – it was more like a giant tin can with a flat top and it’s protrusion from its silo wasn’t very high – only a little bit taller than me.

To begin with I was walking.

I receive a call from my superior officer. He tells me that I need to assemble all the military personnel from the nearby {standard} bases to the silos that are scattered around the area. My orders are to go to each silo and personally give the orders to their commanding officers to prime the nuclear warheads, and to their lower ranking personnel that we are preparing for a test launch.

The real reason he tells me is different; we are either preparing for a pre-emptive strike on our enemies, or preparing for a retaliation attack for some other shit “we” have planned, I can’t specifically remember.

IT could have even been that America was the enemy.

I hop in my jeep and drive down this road; there are ALOT of these silos surrounded by a whole farm’s worth of vacant land. I watch as hundreds upon hundreds of these silo doors open and out pop these giant tin cans, ready for me to give the launch signal. Satisified I make my way up the road to continue with the rest.

This didn’t feel like a standard dream looked similar to this but without the fins. Google image caption reads “US nukes stored in Netherlands”:

just checked my fb and get this – i have a fucking friend request from a woman named “{first name} Littleboy”…. holy shit that’s not good

The edges were sharper just like a tin can. They didn’t really look like a typical bomb/ missile shape – certainly not very aerodynamic. Though I do remember thinking of them as “littleboys” at some points in the dream and when I woke up.

Hence why I figured it was America – i am very much aware of the littleboy and fat man bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima/Nagasaki – fuck come to think of it a couple of them may have even been called Minutemans by some of the military staff. Whatever was going on, someone was arming practically their entire {ground based} nuclear arsenal for war.

Maybe the littleboy thing was for me to pay attention to the synchronicity.”

I sure as fuck hope me and SD are wrong on this one, but in case we aren’t, if you live in Europe, I suggest taking a spontaneous camping trip a few miles away from your house for a few days. Stay safe and let’s weather out whatever shit may unfold from here on out.


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The art of Myeong-Minho and his portraits of love and relationships

All of these Earth-shattering events have really eaten up my time and had to; and forced me, to put important articles / posts on the “back-burner”. Here, in this article, we are going to explore the beauty of art. Oh, don’t give me that look. Art is wonderful and stupendous. And I happen to treasure it.

I hope you enjoy this article as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

South Korea is full of talented artists, and Myeong-Minho is one of them. This man is slowly but surely taking over the hearts of people all over the internet with his beautiful drawings. And after looking at them, you might feel the beauty of falling in love yourself.

Myeong-Minho draws cozy, intimate daily moments of a cute couple’s lives – from cooking, napping together, to travel.

The cat that can be seen in most of Myeong drawing ideas is inspired by his real-life cat Dorim.

But the art is about family.

And it is about relationships.

It is about feelings.

And it is about community.

“Dorim has a lot of charm and playfulness like a puppy,” illustrator wrote on his Instagram.

“He is really cute and pretty, except for his hand and claws.”

Myeong-Minho adopted the kitten when in the early fall of 2016, a woman came to him when he was drawing near The Dorimcheon river and asked him to hold the cat for a few minutes but then disappeared.

And so the kitten left in the artist’s hands.

Myeong-Minho is an amazing illustrator whose warm and cute drawings are worth the praise and recognition, so take a look at some of his creations below.

And so let me present this…

And this…

And so let me present this…

And this…

And so let me present this…

This too…

And so let me present this…

And this…

Yes. So many beautiful prints.

Ah, it’s only the “tip of the iceberg”.

Here’s one about COVID…

So many drawings to select from.

This is only a small sampling.

Imagine these prints all over your home…

Looks like paradise? It’s reality. If you allow it.

If you allow these images in your life, they will manifest for you.

Understand the power of thought.

It bends your reality and changes it.

It’s quantum physics 101.

To understand how to control your life, you have to realize this basic principle.

Thought is everything.

Control your thoughts and you control your life.

How do you feel after looking at all these drawings?

Do you feel sad? Gloomy? Or, do you feel positive and hopeful?

Whatever your age, and whatever your situation, I promise you that there is a GREAT life waiting for you.

Whether alone with a sunshine monkey daughter…

Or getting old and grouchy…

We all have some traits that define us in a good way. Embrace them.

You deserve it. You really, really do.

The art is about a boy and a girl falling in love.

Then, they get married and set up a home.

Then, they have a child.

And a kitty cat.

And another child.

And then they grow old together.

The art carries me away to happy times.

And I hope, that it carries you also to good places and happy times.

Have a wonderful day!

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my (underutilized, and rarely visited) Art Index. Please go there to see some more beauty…



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A further continuation of thoughts and discussions on the changing of Geo-Political powers with Ukraine actions

Ok, so the Russians make a move that they were forced into by the United States. Of course the USA knew what it was doing. Every American knows about the “Cuban Missile Crisis”.

To pretend that it doesn’t is ridiculous.

If you place, or threaten to place, nuclear weapons on the border of a major nation, you can expect CERTAINLY a series of responses.

Plan to attack Russia.

This is exactly what happened, but of course, it’s not being reported this way in the American / British “news”. According to that “news”, the Russians are taking a beating by the proud and brave Ukranians.

Russia facing more resistance than it expected!
Putin's losses now stand at 2,800 troops...
Readies 'father of all bombs'...
Hero Ukrainian soldier blows himself up to destroy bridge...
Chernobyl radiation levels rising...
US intel predicted invasion plans. Did it matter?
More than 50,000 flee in 48 hours...
Jews seek refuge in synagogues...
Europe says it has 'financial nuclear weapon'. But uncertain if it wants to use it...

And then we have these…

Seven, eh?

So, I go on LinkedIN, and other other mainstream media, and Lordy! It’s all about the brave Ukranians fighting the evil communists. Sheech! Talk about spinning a narrative! So here, we are going to put some perspectives in place and then resume business as usual.

This is a fine meandering article hosting a wide selection of rambling thoughts and interests. Remember, don’t look at one singular issue and study it. Look at the big picture, as that is how everything is actually connected.

First, a look at a map…

Did you know that the Ukraine is the fourth-largest recipient of American equipment and weapons in the world? Imagine that.

Why? Why in Good God’s name, why?

Now, we begin with a statement that The Domain Commander made; “We are striving for little bads, so we can avoid the Big Bads”…

Nuclear Weapons in the Ukraine

Here is the link for the quotes:


President Putin didn’t spark World War III, he just averted it

Now for some very beautiful eyes

Yeah. I get it. Too many cute and beautiful girls. Well, I am in China. I can’t help it. I am surrounded by them. To understand China, is to understand beauty.

video 3MB

Social media giants will be forced to help users block trolls in new clampdown on poisonous posts

  • Users will be able to block anonymous unverified accounts in a new crackdown 
  • These new measures have been added to the upcoming Online Safety Bill
  • Individuals will be allowed to choose whether to join the verification process  

Social media users will be given new powers to control who can interact with them under a major crackdown on hate-filled internet trolls.

Platforms like Facebook and Twitter will by law have to give users the tools to block anonymous unverified accounts.

Users will also be given the option to verify themselves. The onus will be on the firms to find a suitable verification method, but it could range from taking a selfie to providing proof of a passport or driving licence.

The new measures have been added to the upcoming Online Safety Bill, which will impose a duty of care on tech companies to protect users.

However, individuals will be allowed to choose whether to join the verification process – despite calls from some campaigners to make it a requirement.

Ministers were concerned it could jeopardise the safety of vulnerable users. Online anonymity can be crucial for domestic abuse victims, activists living in authoritarian countries and young people exploring their sexuality.

The Government has also announced a measure that will force platforms to provide adult users with tools to block ‘legal but harmful content’ such as racist abuse and Covid disinformation.

This could include allowing users to turn on settings that would stop them receiving recommendations on certain topics or place sensitivity screens over that content.

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) said the new measures would ‘put more power in the hands’ of social media users by giving them more choice over who they communicate with.

Digital Secretary Nadine Dorries said: ‘Tech firms have a responsibility to stop anonymous trolls polluting their platforms.

‘We have listened to calls for us to strengthen our new online safety laws and are announcing new measures to put greater power in the hands of social media users themselves.

‘People will now have more control over who can contact them and be able to stop the tidal wave of hate served up to them by rogue algorithms.’

It comes after calls from MPs, footballers and celebrities to take action on internet trolls after highlighting the horrific abuse they suffered.

The Government has already announced tougher punishments for trolls, with those found guilty of the worst abuse facing up to five years in prison under the new Bill.

The latest measures will only apply to the biggest social media platforms deemed ‘category one’ such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as they pose the severest risk.

Watchdog Ofcom will be given the power to fine them up to 10 per cent of annual global turnover for any breach or even block the sites from being used in the UK.

A DCMS spokesman said of the new measures: ‘While this will not prevent anonymous trolls posting abusive content in the first place – providing it is legal and does not contravene the platform’s terms and conditions – it will stop victims being exposed to it and give them more control over their online experience.’

The Bill will also force social media giants to remove illegal content such as child sexual abuse imagery, the promotion of suicide, hate crimes and incitement to terrorism.

But there is a growing list of toxic content and behaviour on social media which falls below the threshold of a criminal offence which still causes significant harm.

The spokesman added: ‘Much of this is already expressly forbidden in social networks’ terms and conditions, but too often it is allowed to stay up.’ Firms will have to make tools available that will allow users to block this on news feeds.

Three ways to crack down on hate

New measures added to the Online Safety Bill today will force social media giants like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to ensure users can:


Users must be given the option of verification. It will be up to the platforms what methods they use, but this could range from uploading a selfie to match their profile picture or providing proof of Government-issued ID like a passport.


Tools must be provided to enable individuals to block other users who choose to remain anonymous. These could include ticking a box within settings that allows direct messages or replies to posts to be sent only by verified accounts.


Users must also be given a way to block content that falls below the criminal threshold but still causes significant harm, such as racist abuse. Tools could include allowing users to alter settings so the site does not recommend certain topics or placing sensitivity screens over such content.

And for MM here…

I am SERIOUSLY considering making everyone apply to comment. I have to verify their email, and I am considering interviewing everyone via skype as well. This should seriously, seriously CUT down on trolls.

And don’t give me that “free speech” speil. There is no “free speech” in MM land. You join a community, and we police that community. If you disfunctional, or sociopathic, we kill you off.

It’s really simple.

Here, we operate like the social clubs of yore. Like the “Polish Falcons”, “The Elks”, “The grand woodsmen”, and others. You apply to join, and you pay membership dues. And the community polices itself.

Why community? Well this is why…

video 11MB


You are NOT alone. This is a community. And as members of that community, we all work together as one. Like they do in China. As this video clearly shows what happens to sociopaths and other people with strange mental illnesses.

Video 5MB

Participation in your community is what a Rufus is all about. It is the heart beat a thumping that makes the community, safe, calm, kind, happy and secure. As this next video clearly shows…

video 17MB

A Rufus is not a spectator. It is not a bystander. It is not a passive consumer. A Rufus is a participant in the community.  Watch how this Rufus leave the pack of bystanders and actually does something. What a Rufus!

video 7MB

The mood in the Ukraine

Ah. America and the EU do not look good.

Girl in Shenzhen

I know this mall. It’s Coco park in Shenzhen. Some great restrurants, bars, and clothings shops. She’s nice. One of my favorites. She’s wearing a nice sweater. You can be very sexy and attractive without showing skin, don’t you know. All you need to do is feel relaxed and comfortable, and wear a big massive smile on your face.

video 5MB

About the capturing or destruction of equipment…

This is war, and it is in flux. There are going to be losses on all sides. Whether one side recaptures this, or shoots down that, has no meaning. The end result is what happens when the dust settles.

However, there are those that are trying to keep score. As if war is a tabulated war game. Here is a decent enough site in a flood of websites.

Keep in mind, though, that much of the digital evidence you see online is faked by amateurs. From Gizmodo:

Gizmodo has found at least ten viral photos and videos currently being spread on social media that are completely fake. In some cases, the videos and photos are years old. In others, the images are clearly not from Ukraine. There are even two examples of videos on Twitter today that are actually from war-themed video games.

Then, quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Neiman Labs has a list of resources for following the war.

But it hilariously lists Bellingcat, the Atlantic Council’s cut-out to the Intertubes, which is a lot like putting the American Council of Pork Producers in charge of censoring fact-checking information on swine fever.

Finally, some common sense suggestions:

Oh and yeah the @onthemedia user guides to breaking news. Read and obey. They're also more polite than I am.

— Stilgherrian (@stilgherrian) February 24, 2022

Be careful out there.

Some context…

A Rufus is not a spectator

This is a community. If you are a Rufus, then you participate in it. You just cannot sit by and do nothing. We take action. For we are part of something greater. And for those who have volunteered to the Domain, know exactly what I am talking about.

video 7MB

Biolabs in the Ukraine

Russian operation in the Ukraine – end of day 2

Today was only day two of the Russian military operation.  And yet, what a day it was!!!

First, a quick update on the progress of Russian forces.  Here is a bulletpoint summary for today:

  • Kherson: liberated
  • Nikolaev: fighting taking pace in outskirts
  • Konotop: taken by Russians
  • Chernigov: blocked by all sides by Russian forces
  • Melitopol: surrounded
  • Mariupol: is under attack, street fighting
  • Severodonetsk: under attack
  • Kharkov: very heavy mopping up operation
  • Suma: mopping up operations
  • Kiev: blocked from the West and under attack, the authorities are distributing weapons
  • Gostomel airport has been captured by Russian forces
  • Zaporozhie: Russian forces expected there tomorrow
  • A land corridor from Crimea to Russia should be opened by tomorrow.
  • Odessa: big question mark – so far, not Russian attacks reported (that I know of!)


Now about Donetsk and Lugansk:

  • Both cities are still under fire, and that goes to show that the advance of the LDNR forces has been slow, which is hardly surprising considering that the Ukronazis had 7 years to prepare their defenses.  Still, things ARE getting better.  Not only that, but the LDNR air defenses shot down a Ukie Tochka-U missile aimed at Donetsk.  So it sure looks like the long awaited A2/AA “protective cupola” is being extended over the LDNR.
  • That being said, the LDNR forces did break through in at least two directions today, which means that the life left for the Ukie artillery shelling the LDNR will soon come to an end.

But that does not really tell the full story.  So I will try to clarify things a little.

A typical battalion has about 400-600 men, depending on the type.  Let’s also assume that that battalion has 3-4 companies with APCs, a mortar battery, an air defense platoon, an automatic grenade launcher platoon, a signal platoon, supply platoon, and a few smaller more specialized subunits.  If that battalion loses its APCs it has basically lost its most important source of firepower.  If its communications are down (destroyed or jammed), then that battalion cannot operate as part of a bigger force and if its supply routes are cut, then its ability to operate (more or fire) will rapidly dwindle down.  So, on paper this battalion will remain combat capable, but in reality it will have broken up and cannot be considered a truly combat capable battalion anymore.

So, to destroy/incapacitate a battalion only a few precision strikes are needed.  Such strikes though, will leave most of the soldiers alive and quite capable of resistance, but not as a battalion anymore, but more like a typical infantry company or even squads armed with small arms, machine guns, PRG, mines, etc..  They cannot maneuver very much, but they can conduct small hit and run operations against the enemy force.  Which means that specialized infantry/police forces must now be send to find these small forces and deal with them in potentially bloody mopping up operations.

Of course, rather than a few precision strikes, it is much more effective to strike the entire battalion with, say, MLRS strikes which will not only destroy most of the hardware, but which will kill most of the soldiers, especially if they did not prepare and seek cover.  But that means 400-500 dead in one single strike.  That is if this battalion is somewhere in the steppe.  But if it is in downtown Mariupol such a strike will inevitably result in even more scores of dead civilians, especially since the Ukies are very careful to always position their artillery near or even on top of buildings.

Does Russia want that?

Not if there is ANY other option left.

Please keep in mind that Russia has the reconnaissance-fire complexes needed obliterate an entire battalion anywhere in the eastern Ukraine in one single salvo.  They have deliberately NOT done so today (with one possible exception during the very heavy battle for the Gostomel airport, which was taken by Russian special forces and is now secured as a safe bridgehead for Russian Military-Transport aviation right next to Kiev).

Something similar can be seen in urban offensive operations.  It is one thing to get to a city or town’s outskirts, and quite another to penetrate inside the city or town.  If the city is lightly defended by small arms fire, that is one thing, but if the city is well defended, in specially engineered defensive circles, with minefield, IEDs, very strong building used as command posts and if the city’s houses and basements have been prepared by combat engineers, then it is much harder to take.  Again, one option is to send it dedicated urban combat groups while the other is flatten any building which is used by the defenders as a fortress.

The Russian forces have the means to flatten any building anywhere in the Ukraine, including by cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, MLRS with cluster or fuel-air munition or by using howitzers, heavy mortars and even the TOS-1/TOS-1A heavy flamethrower multi-barrel rocket launch systems.

But, again, that can only be done at a major cost in human lives.  Russians won’t hesitate to obliterate some Nazi deathsquads, but to massacre hundreds of regular Ukrainians, irrespective of their personal views, is only and truly a last resort option.

There is a lot of evidence that the Russian forces have moved into the outskirts of many Ukrainian towns, including Kiev, Mariupol and others.  Here is how Russian military practice works:

  • First, approach and try to block or surrender the city
  • Second, suppress the main enemy firing positions
  • Third, make sure that the city is truly blocked (except for a few special corridors, see below)
  • Fourth, hold your position and reconnoiter the outermost enemy lines (by fire when appropriate)
  • Fifth, send in special reconnaissance groups inside the city to observe and coordinate attacks
  • Sixth, once the city is surrounded/blocked and once you get a pretty decent picture of what is inside you take the next decisions which might include any of the following: open corridors for civilians to flee and for military personnel to surrender and cross over, determine the main axes of attack and begin slowly grinding down the opposition with heavy firepower (artillery, air, missiles).
  • Seventh, once the city’s defenses have been sufficiently disorganized, begin a house to house mopping up operation by specialized forces.

Before I go further, I want to remind you that during WWII the Soviet Military freed a whopping 1’200 (one thousand two hundred!) cities from the Nazi forces.  Russians know how to do this better than anybody else.

Furthermore, during both Chechen wars, the Russians always managed to take Grozny, which was extremely heavily fortified and defended by some of the toughest fighters on the planet in spite of the fact that at that time the Russian army was it its lowest and badly disorganized, especially during the first Chechen war!  But even in the first Chechen, the Russian did seize Grozny, twice, admittedly a huge cost (on both sides), but they did.

That was almost three decades ago.

Speaking of the Chechen war, in the first one the Russian military lost a big part of an entire brigade which had quickly entered the city, moved into the city center only to find itself surrounded and cut off, with terrible communications, quasi-non existing reconnaissance capabilities.  That debacle left a very painful memory in the Russian collective memory and if somebody was expecting Russian APCs to reach the Mariupol or Kharkov at full speed with flags and screams of “hurrah!” – they don’t understand what is taking place: the (truly criminal) mistake made by Eltin’s generals during that first Chechen war will never be repeated by modern Russian commanders.

Any defeat is always a terrible tragedy, the only and best thing anybody can do after a defeat is to understand why and how it happened, and never repeat such a (criminal) mistake again.

That is the true reason why today Russians stopped on the outskirts of so many cities.

The bottom line is this.  These are things which the Russians are trying to achieve

  • Destroy the Ukie armed forces but kill the absolute minimum number of Ukrainian soldiers (real Nazi will probably be destroyed no questions asked).  Why?  Because these surviving Ukrainian soldiers and officers are the ones who will play the main role in finally cleaning the Ukraine from the Nazi scum.
  • Get to the outskirts of as many major Ukrainian cities and gradually begin the steps I outlined above.
  • Convince civilians to flee and convince Ukrainian solders to lay down arms
  • Delay any Russian penetration inside the cities until the moment is “just right” (not too early, not too late)


Because Russia has ZERO intention of occupying or, even less so, rebuild or police the Ukraine, that’s why.  The LDNR (in its legal borders) is as far as the Russians will go (with only a few possible exceptions).

The Kremlin decided that the goal of the operation was to 1) disarm and 2) to denazify the Ukraine.  As soon as these goals are reached, the Russian want to get the hell out of the Ukraine and back into the LDNR and let the Ukrainians fight their own anti-Nazi civil war.  That means that:

  • The Russians now must identify reasonable Ukrainian commanders and/or politicians to negotiate with
  • That Russia needs to offer the leftover Ukrainian ground forces the same deal which the Ukrainian forces which were tasked with the control of the Chernobyl nuclear planet were given today by the Russian forces: let’s secure this facility together and keep it secure together, with no combats of any kind.   The Ukrainians gladly accepted, by the way, and now they are jointly patrolling area.
  • The Russian might also try something which worked well in Chechnia: tell the local town/city authorities that if they guarantee that not a single bullet will be fire from that town/city not a single Russian bullet will fly back and not a single Russian solider will enter the city, unless accompanied by locals and in order to ascertain the reality of the situation.  But if a city is declared “open and peaceful” and then is used to attack Russian forces, it will be simply flattened with artillery.  I call that the “Shamanov ultimatum” and, after a few false starts (and subsequently flattened towns) it worked very well.

The crucial factor is this: during the two Chechen wars or during 08.08.08 the Russians never saw the local people as their enemy and, if anything, they were hoping that the locals would start their own “housecleaning operation” which was a bad joke in the first Chechen war, but worked very well in the second Chechen war, and failed again during 08.08.08.

In military/combat terms the Ukies are much more similar to the Georgians than to the Chechens, so there is a good chance Russia might have to leave unconditionally and let the locals slug it at between each other for as much as they want (which is what Russia did in 08.08.08 even though Russia Airborne units were at the outskirts of Tbilissi).

Which brings me to THE QUESTION for tomorrow: how will the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians behave?

Right now, Ukrainian losses have been minimal (considering the undeniable fact that this is a fullscale strategic offensive), the Russian forces have reached their positions on the outskirts of many towns and tomorrow or the day after will be “decision time”.

I hope and pray that Russian and Ukrainian soldiers find a common language in as many locations as possible.  Those who will chose a heroic stance (hardcore Nazis mostly) will be offered the possibility to die for their ideas.

In that context, “Ze” released a video in which he offered to negotiate directly and unconditionally, even about neutrality and any other topic.  The Russian reply was simple and to the point:

  • Russia is immediately ready to start negotiations after the Armed Forces of Ukraine lay down their arms.
  • The Ukraine must be demilitarized and declared neutral.
  • The Ukraine must be denazified.
  • Russia will no longer allow the Nazis to rule in Ukraine.  Ever.

After that reply, “Ze” and his aides stopped communicating.

I personally doubt that he has any control over anything.  And the fact that a huge amount of weapons has been distributed to whomever wanted one today in Kiev shows that “Ze”‘s handlers have given him the order to make the biggest possible mess and bloodbath before he is evacuated.

This is very sad, and utterly immoral, but there is nothing Russia can do about that: the Ukraine will be flooded by well armed criminals gangs and Nazi insurgents for years to come.

Putin today made a speech in which he suggested that Russia’s beef was only with the Nazis and their deathsquads but that Russia would seek to cooperate with the Ukrainian armed forces (well, what’s left of them, really) should they overthrow the Nazis.  See his full message here.

So, today was “we get to our staging positions” day.

So what did not happen (yet)?

  • The operational envelopment of the Ukrainian forces along the LOC with the LDNR forces has not happened yet, there is still a corridor by which these forces can withdraw.  The Russian could have shut it down already “by maneuver by fire” but, apparently, they want to keep it open for a little longer.
  • The Russian Black Sea fleet has not engaged in any major combat activities (that I know off, so take that with a grain of salt).

Will that happen tomorrow?  Maybe, it all really depends on whether the regular Ukrainian units will agree to surrender or whether they will fight to their last solider.  It also depends on how the Ukrainian civilians will react at the sight of approaching Russian forces.

So what to look for tomorrow?

  • A further penetration of Russian forces deeper inside Ukie territory, with cities bypassed.
  • The gradual penetration of Russian forces into blocked/surrounded cities
  • The intervention of the Black Sea Fleet in combat operations (with maybe Odessa as a strategic target, not necessarily to take, but at least to threaten and weaken).
  • A western false flag (some “Russian atrocity” no doubt)

One more thing:

Western PSYOPs are in “max attack mode” and they are being helped by Russian 5th columnist websites.  For example, I was trying to find a halfway decent map of the combat operations today, and ALL the Russian websites which offered such maps were hardcore 5th element.  Okay, I get it – 5th columnists don’t need any real facts to make their maps, while the real patriots are afraid of both getting it wrong and leaking info.  Still, I remember during the first two wars in the Donbass, there were some pretty decent maps available out there.

Today I see such zero.  If anybody can recommend semi-decent military maps of the combat operations I would be most grateful.

The fact that the Russian 5th column is allowed to continue to operate the way it does really frustrates me.  Could the Kremlin not tell them to “zip it” at least during active combat operations?

I did not even bother checking the output of the 6th column today, I fully expect it to be indistinguishable from the output of the 5th, and so I have no interest in it.

What is certain are two things: the joint efforts 5th and 6th column efforts have had some success, especially in locations where Putin his hated and pro-western views more common than in most of Russia.  The best poll I have seen says “Three-quarters of the respondents rather support the decision of the President of Russia to recognize the independent Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (73%), rather do not support – 16%, and every tenth Russian found it difficult to answer (11%). The majority of Russians – 78% – expressed support for the President’s decision to sign an agreement on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance between Russia and the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. Rather, 14% of respondents do not support this decision“.  Putin personal rating is at 67,2%. 

My guesstimate that no more than  5% of Russian support the 5th column and not more than 15% support the 6th column. Toss in another 5-10% which is afraid and on the fence. This is only a guess following my readings of the Russian social media, not a precise figure or even one based on serious research!

Next, the main thesis of US PSYOPs today was “the Russian movement is very slow, much slower than expected” hinting at some formidable Ukrainian defense operations.  I hope that while I did not post any maps today, the above will tell you all you need to know to identify this thesis for what it is: western information operations, nothing more.  The problem is that there is no “smartphone confirmation” of any of that, and by tomorrow I expect the main western PSYOPs thesis to change from “no/slow advance” to “Russian atrocities” (the smartphone coverage for that will, of course, be provided by the western press corps).

So, in conclusion, and once more – the “fog of war” is real, and to read through it takes both time and experience.  By tomorrow, I only expect this “fog of war” (powerfully augmented by PSYOPs) to drown us all in all sorts of nonsense, rumors and wild claims.  Again, please don’t post panicked questions such as “is it true that the Ukrainian forces are already on the Red Square in Moscow” or something equally insipid.

Two quick ones just in, then I need to crash (sorry, I am exhausted).

The US decided to impose personal sanctions personally on Putin (and others) which will result in a full termination of any diplomatic relations (as Russians warned the US many times).  Note: such sanctions are entirely symbolic but maximally offensive, so a full break with Russia is what the US wants.

Twelve thousand Chechens will be sent to the LDNR if needed,  so promised Ramzan Kadyrov, the President of Chechnia.  Actually, I think that this is a very good idea, like in Syria, the Chechens should get involved in policing and public security operations.  FYI – when the “toughest” and “NATO trained and equipped” Georgian brigade heard that the Chechen battalion Vostok was approaching, they all ran abandoning all their fancy (and secret) equipment.  Russia then organized exhibits of all that NATO kit.

Today, the LDNR authorities report the seizure of large Ukie weapons depots including the famous Javelins and NLAWs.  This is all very good news.

MM video

I took this video from inside a DD (Chinese version of Uber). It depicts where I live in JiDa in Zhuhai, China. Sure it’s sideways, but well, not too much I can do about that now.

video 35MB

How to train your cat to walk on a leash

It’s crazy it seems, but necessary if you live in an urban area and want to take him / her out into nature. video 35MB

Moscow: War in Ukraine started 8 years ago, Russia is now ending it

RT from HERE

Russia’s Foreign Ministry says it wants to end the 8-year bloodbath in Donbass that both Ukraine and the West turned a blind eye to.

The West spent eight years ignoring the “sea of blood” in Donbass while arming Ukraine, and now claims Moscow is the aggressor when it stepped in to end the conflict, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told RT on Thursday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a military operation in Ukraine in the early hours of Thursday, claiming it was necessary to “demilitarize and de-nazify” the neighbor. Kiev accused Russia of aggression, while the US, EU and NATO have called it an “unprovoked” invasion. Moscow insists this is not the case.

In announcing the operation, Putin said the “main objective is to stop the escalation of the war that’s been going on for eight years, and to stop the war,” Zakharova told RT in an exclusive interview.

“Russia did not commit aggression of any kind,” Zakharova insisted. “This did not start yesterday. There’s a sea of blood that’s appeared over the past 8 years,” she added, referring to the conflict in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, which Russia on Monday recognized as independent states.

The main aim is to stop the escalation of the war that's been going on for eight years, to stop this war

Donetsk and Lugansk broke away from Ukraine in 2014, after the West-backed coup ousted the democratically elected government in Kiev. Zakharova noted that the two self-proclaimed republics held a referendum eight years ago, saying they did not want to remain in Ukraine, but both Moscow and the West rejected this and tried to put the “broken” country back together.

When asked about President Volodymyr Zelensky’s statement that Ukraine wanted peace, Zakharova wondered why Ukraine was arming itself and refusing to negotiate with the Donbass.

“If Ukraine wanted peace, why did they get all these weapons” from all over the world, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman told RT, adding, “It was clear that these were offensive weapons.  Who were they fighting? Their own people in southeast Ukraine, and spoke often about seizing Crimea.”

The peninsula voted to rejoin Russia in March 2014, but Ukraine and its Western backers have refused to recognize this, calling it an “annexation.”

Zakharova also noted that the top Ukrainian officials have openly and publicly brought up the idea of obtaining nuclear weapons in recent weeks, pointing out this was a fact and not something claimed by Russian intelligence.

Divisions in Ukraine go beyond Donetsk and Lugansk, Zakharova added, accusing armed groups with Nazi-era symbols – such as the notorious Azov Battalion – of having influence over much of the country.

For years, she said, Western media so concerned over human rights in places like South Sudan and Myanmar kept silent on all this, ignoring that more than 13,000 people have died in the Donbass – many of them civilians. While Russia provided them with humanitarian aid, Kiev besieged them by cutting off trade, finance, and even utilities. Zakharova noted that the water canal towards Crimea is now once again operational after Ukraine “criminally” shut it off years ago.


It’s not about individual “freedom” and allowing the sick, evil and malovent to hijack a forum. It’s about community. Community. You have a choice. you can sit behind your computer in a grey cubicle and shout your opinions anomously, or you can participate in a community as an accepted member. It your choice.

Community. Nonexistent in the USA.

video 3MB


From HERE.

by John Helmer, Moscow

Not in his entire life has President Vladimir Putin made a speech like Monday’s Donbass address to the Russian people.

Nor has he ever named the Americans to be Russia’s national enemy in such unequivocal Russian terms – American promises worthless, American intentions deadly, American speeches lies, American actions intimidation, extortion, blackmail.

“So I want to ask”, Putin said: “why, why all this, for what? Okay, you don’t want to see us as a friend and ally, but why make us an enemy? There is only one answer: it’s not about our political regime, it’s not about anything else, they just don’t need such a large independent country as Russia. That’s the answer to all the questions. This is the source of traditional American policy towards Russia.”

“The pretext for another sanctions attack will always be found or simply fabricated, regardless of the situation in Ukraine. There is only one goal – to restrain the development of Russia. And they will do it as they did before, even without any formal pretext at all, just because we are and will never give up our sovereignty, national interests and our values.”

Unlike the most famous of English and American mobilization speeches against French, German and Confederate enemies – King Henry’s Agincourt, Winston Churchill’s Dunkirk, and Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg speeches – Putin didn’t wave his arms or move significantly his head, neck, shoulders, or right hand.  Putin’s right hand is the operational one.

Watch and listen. The stillness of the body language, the pauses for breathing, the speech pitch, pace and modulation – these mean to all Russians: Do or die — now we do for ourselves or else the Americans will kill us.

Putin spoke for 55 minutes, 48 seconds – Shakespeare’s Henry V spoke for just over two minutes; Lincoln for less than that; Churchill for 20 minutes.

The Pentagon has been using body language and voice techniques to spy on Putin for years. Timothy Colton, the US Naval War College agent doubling as a Harvard professor, was exposed in 2015 after several years of paid secret work; read the details here.

Colton has also been the biographer of Boris Yeltsin, a work celebrated as a “masterpiece”  by the US officials who once controlled Yeltsin. Yeltsin was unnamed in Putin’s speech, but all Russian listeners understand that he was meant in Putin’s accusations of “historic, strategic mistakes”, “pandering to the ambitions of the nationalist elites”; “injustices, lies and outright pillage.”

“Against the backdrop of the superficial and populist rhetoric about democracy and a bright future based either on a market or a planned economy, but amid a true impoverishment of people and widespread shortages, no one among the powers that be was thinking about the inevitable tragic consequences for the country… The collapse of the historical Russia known as the USSR is on their conscience.” For “market” Putin means the Yeltsin group, the two ranking officials who belong to it – Anatoly Chubais and Alexei Kudrin — are still alive, along with the oligarchs they created. For “planned economy” Putin refers to Mikhail Gorbachev whom he has condemned as well. For “conscience” Putin means hypocrisy.

The qualifier: “Of course, we cannot change past events, but we must at least admit them openly and honestly, without any reservations or politicking. Personally, I can add that no political factors, however impressive or profitable they may seem at any given moment, can or may be used as the fundamental principles of statehood. I am not trying to put the blame on anyone.”

Analysis of Putin’s body language and verbal cues on behalf of the secret services by Colton and his colleagues has not discouraged the hospitality which has been shown to Colton by the Valdai Club, the Kremlin-financed platform.  The reason Putin has just announced openly. For the traditional American reason the Russian command believes Colton’s capacity to threaten is limited by his incapacity to comprehend.

Count Putin’s head, neck, and shoulder movements and measure them against the vertical and horizontal axes. Head movements left and right are restricted within 5 degrees of the vertical;  there is almost no kinesis of the head forward or back; no neck rotation;  and apart from a couple of left shrugs, Putin’s shoulders remain immobile and at rest on the horizontal for all 55 minutes. This is an unusually long time.

Movement psychologists diagnose these features as indicating on the one hand a combination of internal control and confidence in what is being said; on the other hand, the commitment to reassure the listener.

Putin does not stumble in speech, mispronounce or misread his teleprompter lines. Speaking without a glass of water for an hour, he clears his throat very rarely. His breathing intakes are short, regular, and without the diaphragmatic discipline of the Stanislavsky stage method; in short, natural. The pitch and modulation of his voice remain steady without many peaks of emphasis or emotion. But the president does something he has exhibited very rarely — he breathes out in audible sighs. This is a display of regret, sadness. For the Russian audience this is attractive because it is human.

For his emphases Putin employs as few of his moving parts as he can. This signifies a high degree of self-control without nervousness. Instead, he uses his hands, the right more than the left, to anchor his body. When he wants to underline a verbal point, there is no agitation of the arms nor tension in the fingers on the table. His gestures – either single-handed or double-handed – illustrate the military threats Putin is discussing from the US, the NATO alliance, and from Ukrainian territory.

Left: “a truly fatal document, the so-called ethnic policy of the party in modern conditions”. 2nd from left: “blackmailing the West to secure preferences by claiming that otherwise Russia would have a bigger influence in Ukraine”. 3rd from left: “we got five waves of NATO enlargement one after another….” 4th from left: “It’s called, rightly, ‘the knife to the throat’”. Right: “they are trying to blackmail us, again threatening us with sanctions, which, by the way, they will still introduce as Russia’s sovereignty strengthens”.

The last time the United States faced an enemy as calm, unmoving, disciplined, and confident was in the Vietnam War. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and deputy Victoria Nuland were less than eight years old at the time; National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan had not been born.

Oh, and speaking about Taiwan…

And about China’s defenses regarding Taiwan…

AI controlled  Chinese Robotic bombs are swimming independently all over the South China Sea. Collecting info, and ready to detonate upon command. Video 6MB

Chinese Naval Aviation. I wonder if CNN, BBC, or FOX “news” would ever show these kinds of videos. Video 7MB

How community works

This is what happens inside of China. It is a nation that values community, and that does not tolerate social misfits. And Trolls are mentally ill social misfits. That’s WHY they hide their true names, faces, appearance, and location.

Then (supposedly) hidden they cause saddness, interruptions and sow disgust.

This is unaccceptable inside of China, and China is very strict about putting these misfits out of society. Instead they provide them with meaningful labor, in well structured environments where their social skills are allowed to gorw and mature until one day then can return back into that community.

Community. Without it, you are just a loney, solitary misfit.

video 17MB

That video made me hungry…

Chicken a la King

When was the last time you ate this delicious dish?

My guess is that you must have eaten at least 300 buckets of KFC chicken since then. So much, that you (and the rest of society) has forgotten that there as so many ways to cook chicken, and deep frying it is only one such way.

Chicken a la King took the United States by storm in the middle of the 20th century. But if you try to find it on a dinner menu these days, you probably won’t have much luck.

By embracing this dish, featuring cubed chicken with a cream sauce served over your favorite grain (rice, noodles or bread), you’ll get to taste what made this chicken recipe such a classic and maybe even discover your next favorite meal.

Get the recipe from Taste and Tell.

This girl is so very comfortable

In her own skin, don’t you know. LOL. She does need to smile. I am not overly fond of the “pouty, spoiled teenager” look.


Girl inside a Chinese “Wet Market”

Remember the onslaught of lies trying to pin Coronavirus on the Chinaese because of unhealthy habits, filth and dirt at a Wet Market. Yet, no one ever showed images of what a Wet Market looks like. Well, here is what it looks like.

Video 7MB

Russian bear wants justice

by Batko Milacic

Despite possible sanctions and their hard-hitting economic consequences, the hunted Russian bear has got out of the den and is going after the hunters. Until recently, Russians, Ukrainians, and Europeans believed that there would be no war.

What we see now, however, is a full-scale Russian intervention and quite a successful one too. Where are the Russian troops going, and most importantly, why? And where will they stop?

Strengthened since the breakup of the Soviet Union, Russia was quite content with its new status of a leading regional power, and only verbally recalled its glorious imperial past. During the early 2000s, Russia even mulled the possibility of integrating into NATO and the EU, only to see its natural and legitimate interests repeatedly and shamelessly ignored. Millions of Russian-speakers living in the post-Soviet republics were deprived of their right to use their native language, while the Baltic countries and Ukraine profited from the transit of gas, oil, and raw materials. There was even a new “policy of gas pipelines,” when Russia was pressured into make concessions in exchange for being allowed to build a gas pipeline or simply put a stop to the syphoning off of its pipeline gas.

In fact, a resurgent Russia was gradually being presented as a “potential enemy” for the sake of reiterating NATO’s role as a defender against the imagined Russian threat. All this resulted in the 2013 events in Ukraine where nationalists came to power not without outside help, flatly refusing to safeguard the interests of the country’s Russian-speaking population, primarily in eastern Ukraine. Facing the risk of losing its naval base in Sevastopol (existing there since the 18th century) and wishing to protect the Russian-speaking people living in Ukraine, Russia, with the full support of the local population, re-absorbed Crimea and supported the separatists of Donbass. This was followed by Kiev’s ban on the use of the Russian language in the country (not entirely successful, though, since it was the main spoken language of Ukraine) and police persecution of those who advocated a dialogue with Moscow. In its effort to support Ukraine, the West introduced a series of anti-Russian sanctions, which seriously damaged the Russian economy. Still, for the past eight years, Russia was ready for dialogue. In exchange for autonomy for Russian-speakers and guarantees of non-deployment of a NATO infrastructure in eastern Ukraine, Moscow was prepared to roll back its support for the separatists and, possibly, even hold a new referendum in Crimea on its reunification with Russia.

However, during all these eight years, people continued to die along the disengagement line in Donbass, separating Kiev’s armed forces and the separatists (at the rate of more than 100 a year). Meanwhile, Russia was officially branded by Kiev as an “aggressor,” and those in power in Ukraine started to busily prepare for a big war, demanding military and financial assistance from the EU and Washington. And while President Zelensky’s predecessor, the millionaire Petro Poroshenko, was still able to maintain a dialogue with Moscow with the help of the oligarchs, the current president, who came to power on the strength of promises to seek peace and reconciliation, was trying hard to enter NATO and was threatening Russia with missiles deployed near Chernigov (750 km from Moscow). As for the Kremlin, it has spent the past six months trying to negotiate with Brussels, Washington and Zelensky himself. All that Putin was asking for were security guarantees for Russia. In fact, Moscow never really threatened Ukraine but was still being systematically pushed towards a military solution.

It should be noted that prior to the intervention, Putin explained in great detail to his compatriots what was going on, recalling how the borders of the Soviet republics had been cut and how Russian-speaking territories had been handed over to Ukraine. He also made it clear that one cannot talk about a violation of international law after the invasion of Iraq, the bombing of Serbia, the recognition of Kosovo and NATO’s move to the Russian borders.

Let’s be honest: a bear sleeping peacefully in its den was smoked out of there by being poked with a stick, and now they are wondering why it is chasing those who did that. Moscow has been pushed into a corner and is now demonstrating its strength and standing up for its interests. Now Putin will at best be satisfied with a change of guard in Kiev, and at worst, Ukraine as a state will disappear from the map of Europe. Is it possible to justify an aggression that has been provoked for a long time? This is a matter of a lengthy discussion. One thing is clear: 20 years ago, Russia could and wanted to join NATO and united Europe. However, the latter chose to make Russia an enemy…

Pick a side

I have recounted how various “experts” are advising Washington DC to sanction China along with Russia. They argue that since the USA controls the money supply and debt that countries would “of course” choose America over China. I argue otherwise. Where are people going to get things?

And concerning China…

A reminder that China DOES NOT PLAY

Like Russia, China has a ferocious military.  Military training starts in first grade, however, certain kindergarden schools also start the tykes early as well. Marching, rules of organization are taught in first grade. Third grade you have field stripping of firearms, small arms training, and mortar fire.

China has a population of merit driven, determined soldiers of 1.6 billion people. Someone should slap the American neocons ont he side of the head and remind them that both China and Russia are decendents of Genghis Khan.

Little tykes. Video

First Grade training 1. video 9MB

First grade training 2. video 9MB

Fall in love with Chinese girls

This is what it is like for me all the time. It’s so nice living in Mayberry RFD.

Video 4MB

Day 2 of the Russian operation in the Ukraine

Today is a major day in the Russian military operation.  Why?

Because Russian forces are now on the outskirts of many major Ukrainian cities.  If yesterday was “standoff weapons” day, today is the first day when Russian forces can now begin to degrade Ukrainian artillery dispositions, engage Ukie armor and break through Ukrainian fortifications.  Today is also the last day for US PSYOPs to try to present a counter-narrative (Ukies heroically resisting, Russian dying in huge numbers, effective counter-attacks, etc.).

Yet we live in the smartphone with camera era and picture like this one tell the full story:

What you see in this picture are immense traffic jams of folks fleeing not Mariupol or Kramatorsk, but Kiev, the capital.

Here is a quick machine translated news update from Col. Cassad:

1. LDNR – the positional nature of the fighting remains, with attempts by the LDNR armies to advance to the borders of the territories occupied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

2. The southern direction – the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation retained control over the bridge over the Dnieper at Kherson, repulsing attempts of counterattacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.. Fighting in the Antonovsky Bridge area continues.

A New Kakhovka is also being held. Melitopol was taken this morning and the advance towards Berdyansk began.

3. Kharkiv direction – fighting continues on the near approaches to Kharkov. Both sides are suffering losses in people and equipment.

4. Sumy direction – the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation took Putivl and passing through Sumy (the battle at the airport continued there today), advanced to Konotop, surrounding the city. Today, attempts to take Akhtyrka continued in order to reach Kharkov from the west. There are Russian roadblocks on the Sumy-Kiev highway. There is an advance to Kiev and Chernihiv. (The APU repelled the attack of the Russian Armed Forces in the Chernihiv direction).

5. Kiev – Gostomel airfield is held by paratroopers. The APU could not dislodge them from there. This morning, tank columns of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation broke through to the near approaches to Kiev and are close to establishing direct communication with the landing. The AFU is preparing a counterattack, stating that another landing will be thrown out in the Gostomel area today. The Pentagon says that Kiev will fall in the coming days. After 10 o’clock shooting was heard in the city. Also, according to the statement of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the landing was thrown to the west of Zhytomyr. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are actively undermining bridges on the approaches, trying to slow down the advance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,

6. In the morning, strikes continued on military facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine throughout the territory of Ukraine. A Su-27 of the Ukrainian Air Force was shot down over Kiev – according to one version by the Russian air defense system, according to another – by the Ukrainian ones. The downed “Caliber” fell on a residential building in Kiev, but there were no casualties. During the shelling of Gorlovka, a school was hit – 2 teachers were killed.

7. The AFU launched a missile attack on the Millerovo airfield on the territory of the Russian Federation. Damage is reported at the airfield, but there are no losses in aircraft.

What a Chinese home is like

Yeah. It’s pretty much like this. Only, her house is not nearly as messy and cluttered up as mine. You know, having young kids is a real way to “decorate” your home. Video

And in Taiwan, a lesson for everyone

Ukraine’s crisis comic: note the flags, the texts, and the last picture : how US, UK, and EU farewell the stupid Ukraine president after giving him the weapons.

I love this Taiwan TV current affair channel. The current Taiwan regime ban them, so they go on social media.
Beware of “help” from the West.

Chinese Experts Uncover Details of NSAs Equation Group’s Bvp47 Covert Hacking Tool

It’s a tad too technical, on my side. You all can skim over the article if you want. Essentially, China’s AI systems detected the behavior of the USA’s NSA hacking tool. It mapped it out, and then algorithims figured it all out. The part that is NOT reported in this article is that the Chinese were able to do so as the enire system is transparent. It’s like trying to find a glass stature submerged in ice cube water.

Researchers from China’s Pangu Lab have disclosed details of a “top-tier” backdoor put to use by the Equation Group, an advanced persistent threat (APT) with alleged ties to the cyber-warfare intelligence-gathering unit of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA).

Dubbed “Bvp47” owing to numerous references to the string “Bvp” and the numerical value “0x47” used in the encryption algorithm, the backdoor was extracted from Linux systems “during an in-depth forensic investigation of a host in a key domestic department” in 2013.

The defense research group codenamed the attacks involving the deployment of Bvp47 “Operation Telescreen,” with the implant featuring an “advanced covert channel behavior based on TCP SYN packets, code obfuscation, system hiding, and self-destruction design.”

Bvp47 is said to have been used on more than 287 targets in the academia, economic development, military, science, and telecom sectors located in 45 countries, mainly in China, Korea, Japan, Germany, Spain, India, and Mexico, all the while going largely undetected for over a decade.

The elusive backdoor is also equipped with a remote control function that’s protected using an encryption algorithm, activating which requires the attacker’s private key – something the researchers said they found in the leaks published by the Shadow Brokers hacker group in 2016.

Pangu Lab is a research project of Pangu Team, which has a history of jailbreaking Apple iPhones dating all the way back to 2014. At the Tianfu Cup hacking contest last year, the white hat hacking team demonstrated several security flaws that allowed for remotely jailbreaking a fully patched iPhone 13 Pro running iOS 15.

The Shadow Brokers leaks

Equation Group, designated as the “crown creator of cyber espionage” by Russian security firm Kaspersky, is the name assigned to a sophisticated adversary that’s been active since at least 2001 and has used previously undisclosed zero-day exploits to “infect victims, retrieve data and hide activity in an outstandingly professional way,” some of which were later incorporated into Stuxnet.

The attacks have targeted a variety of sectors in no less than 42 countries, counting governments, telecom, aerospace, energy, nuclear research, oil and gas, military, nanotechnology, Islamic activists and scholars, media, transportation, financial institutions, and companies developing encryption technologies.

The group is believed to be linked to the NSA’s Tailored Access Operations (TAO) unit, while intrusion activities pertaining to a second collective known as Longhorn (aka The Lamberts) have been attributed to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Equation Group’s malware toolset became public knowledge in 2016 when a group calling itself the Shadow Brokers leaked the entire tranche of exploits used by the elite hacking team, with Kaspersky uncovering code-level similarities between the stolen files and that of samples identified as used by the threat actor.

Bvp47 as a covert backdoor

The incident analyzed by Pangu Lab comprises two internally compromised servers, an email and an enterprise server named V1 and V2 respectively, and an external domain (identified as A), sporting a novel two-way communication mechanism to exfiltrate sensitive data from the systems.

“There is abnormal communication between external host A and the V1 server,” the researchers said. “Specifically, A first sends a SYN packet with a 264-byte payload to port 80 of the V1 server, and then the V1 server immediately initiates an external connection to the high-end port of the A machine and maintains a large amount of exchange data.”

Simultaneously, V1 connects to V2 via the SMB service to perform a number of operations, including logging in to the latter with an administrator account, trying to open terminal services, enumerating directories, and executing PowerShell scripts through scheduled tasks.

V2, for its part, also connects to V1 to retrieve a PowerShell script and an encrypted second-stage payload, the encrypted execution results of which are sent back to V1, which, according to the researchers, “acts as a data transfer between the A machine and the V2 server.”

The Bvp47 backdoor installed on the servers consists of two parts, a loader which is responsible for decoding and loading the actual payload into memory. “Bvp47 generally lives in the Linux operating system in the demilitarized zone that communicates with the Internet,” the researchers said. “It mainly assumes the core control bridge communication role in the overall attack.”

Links to the Equation Group

Pangu Lab’s attribution to Equation Group stems from overlaps with exploits contained in a GPG-encrypted archive file published by the Shadow Brokers – “eqgrp-auction-file.tar.xz.gpg” – as part of a failed auction of the cyber weapons in August 2016.

“In the process of analyzing the ‘eqgrp-auction-file.tar.xz.gpg’ file, it was found that Bvp47 and the attacking tools in the compressed package were technically deterministic, mainly including ‘dewdrops,’ ‘suctionchar_agents,’ ‘tipoffs,’ ‘StoicSurgeon,’ ‘incision’ and other directories,” the researchers explained.

“The ‘tipoffs’ directory contains the RSA asymmetric algorithm private key used in the Bvp47 covert channel [for] command execution and other operations. On this basis, it can be confirmed that Bvp47 is from [the] Equation group.”

The findings mark the second time hitherto undocumented malware developed by the Equation Group has come to light in as many months. In late December 2021, Check Point Research disclosed details of a diagnostic utility called “DoubleFeature” that’s used in conjunction with the DanderSpritz malware framework.

“Judging from the attack tools related to the organization, including Bvp47, Equation group is indeed a first-class hacking group,” the researchers concluded.

“The tool is well-designed, powerful, and widely adapted. Its network attack capability equipped by zero-day vulnerabilities was unstoppable, and its data acquisition under covert control was with little effort. The Equation Group is in a dominant position in national-level cyberspace confrontation.”

A most outstanding Interview

It truly is. Man, oh man. No holding back. This is THE Scott Ritter that was sent to Iraq to find WMD’s and got in all sorts of trouble by the Bush Administration when he couldn’t find any. Man, he lets loose!

This link with Scott Ritter just popped up on moa a little while ago.
I’ve had to listen twice — highly recommended.

I think he is correct — NATO is dead and gone, bar for the funeral.
The European defence process will need to rebuild a less costly, more effective framework for peaceful co-existance with the Slavic world.

And this is a key point about re-alignments at a higher level than simply nation state.
It is at Chinese; Slavic; European; Anglo-American scales — everything else is just “loose ends” from the 20th century past.

Time to wake up, folks, and smell the roses (or the rubbish in the streets) and blame our local political representitives — after all, they ARE our ‘leaders’ (so they keep saying).
Accountability is a bitch ….Lol.

“NATO Too Weak to Face Russia: Scott Ritter on Russian Offensive
17,097 views • Feb 25, 2022 ” [38min]

Scott Ritter. Video on You-Tube.

KTV scene

This kind of scene is fairly common when you go to a Business KTV. The girls will dance, and feed your food like grapes, strawberries, and drinks. They will hold your arm and be playful with you. video

Be the Rufus

Or be nothing; selfish and alone. video 5MB

Archdukes across Europe hiring extra security details

Better safe than sorry.

By Cobré Commandreé

BRUSSELS — Archdukes across Europe are beefing up their security details following a full-scale Russian attack on Ukraine.

“We’ve seen this picture show before, ahem,” claimed Archduke Peter Von Fishburn-Waldrop III, of County Hampshire, as he took snuff.  “Whenever a world war is about to break out, one of us is inevitably assassinated, ahem.”

Archdukes are contracting mercenaries, hirelings, sell-swords, adventurers-about-town, and various other soldiers of fortune to round out their security details.

“Aye, it be good for business, make no mistake.  Surely none of us wish to see an Archduke what with his life-force pourin’ out of his noggin, but we got bills to pay too, mind you,” said Captain John Ninefingers, leader of the famed Free Company.

Students of history will remember that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand precipitated World War I, called The Great War at the time, fought by various European powers. Archdukes fear that with the Ukrainian crisis, it’s only a matter of time before history repeats itself.

“One day you’re collecting rent from peasants, ahem, or getting promoted in the military despite no accomplishments, and the next day, ahem, you get assassinated by a young upstart who wants freedom from your imperial empire,” muttered Archduke Yannis Belagrovstad, of the Gutenberg Province. “What nerve!  What cheek!”

The motley collection of heirs-apparent is leaving nothing to chance. The finest technologies have been employed to ensure the safety of the Archduke corps throughout Europe.

“We attempted to develop a motorcar that was consistently surrounded by a moat as it traveled, ahem, but the peasants complained that it was too much digging,” mused Archduke Johannes Reberg, of the Kaiserschoten Kaserne.  “And isn’t that just like a peasant?”

When asked for comment, Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, the current leader of the European Commission, said, “The safety of the Archdukes remains our number one priority.  That’s why we’ve diverted troops from Ukraine to stand guard around their four-post beds throughout the night.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a press release Tuesday morning regarding the safety of the Archdukes.

“When it comes to the assassination of Archdukes, it appalls me to think that anyone could be considering such an action,” said Putin, “without me having first ordered it”.

Checkered sweater for the tropics

Here, in the tropics, it’s HOT. Then there’s the “rainy season” which is HOT and STEAMY. So how do these Chinese girls get around wearing sweaters? Is it becuase they stay inside the air conditioning all day? Well, maybe so, but also the clothes in China are designed for the environment. Here is a sweater for the tropics. Cool, eh?


MoA – Disarming Ukraine – Day 2

The Russian operations in the Ukraine continue at a moderate pace. Some more troops were committed today. In all the Russian military may have now introduced some 20-40% of its prepared forces.

The Ukrainian military is not so much holding a line but concentrating in and around its bigger cities. It has destroyed some bridges north of Kiev to make an approach more difficult. That will slow down the Russian moves but will not prevent them. Russia’s military is famously good at setting up combat bridges.

So far the Russians have used their artillery sparsely. An exception was last night near Kharkiv in the northeast of Ukraine where a strike by multiple launcher artillery systems (MLRS) hit some area target with yet unknown results.

A 13 minutes long video from a highway drive near Kherson, a city north of Crimea, shows nearly 100 destroyed Ukrainian trucks and tanks. These are likely victims of air attacks.

If this map from a Turkish think tank source is correct the Russian troops did not attempt much deeper strikes today but mostly consolidated their frontline.

This map from Janes shows less progress. But it also has not marked the Donbas area in the southeast which is held by pro-Russian forces.

Russia’s President has called on the Ukrainian military to overthrow its government. I do not think he believes that will happen but it is a possibility so why not call for it.

Facebook now allows to praise Ukrainian Nazi groups like the Azov battalion. This was prohibited with Azov previously being in the same category as ISIS. Now these are ‘our guys’.

There are a lot of discussions of sanctions against Russia and every western country is trying to get as much exemptions for its industries as possible . The U.S. has for example exempted everything that has to do with hydrocarbons from its own sanction package. It will still buy Russian oil and will continue to sell drilling equipment to Russia.

The EU countries are still negotiating with themselves. They should be careful with what they do.

Britain has had the stupidity of sanctioning the Russian air carrier Aeroflot. In a counter move Russia prohibited British Airways from flying over Russian territory. Normally all flights from Britain to the Far East cross Russian airspace. These will now have to be redirected to other routes which will significantly increase their flight time and fuel burn.

Russia has threatened ‘inconvenient’ counter-sanctions to those who sanction it. Overflight rights are only one of the tools it can use.

NATO has said it will continue to deliver weapons, including air defenses, to the Ukraine. NATO does not have any weapons but some NATO countries seem to strive for a larger war. The U.S. seem willing to sacrifice the Ukraine to create a quagmire for Russia.

Syria was also supposed to become a quagmire for Russia when Russia came to its help. It didn’t turn out that way.

Finally, this is how we handle Trolls here on MM

"Once you cut through the bullshit and understand what's going on, it's easy to predict what will happen.

These people and countries acting as attack dogs for the empire must therefore be taught an unforgettable lesson. If you don't put down the rabid dogs, they will get up and bite you again. 

Therefore, Russia will not take half measures. 

They will not stop unless the surrender is total, and punishment for the miscreants dealt out accordingly. Otherwise, this operation will be for naught."

If you don’t understand this video, you must have a mental illness. Truth this.

Video 4MB

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Rare and Charming Photos of A Leopard Couple Playing Love Games in A ‘Land of The Leopard’ National Park

Land of the Leopard National Park is a national park in Primorsky Krai in the Russian Far East, covering an area of 2,799 km2 (1,081 sq mi) west of Razdolnaya River. It was established to protect the Amur leopard which was at the time the world’s rarest cat with an estimated population of 30 individuals.

The Leopard National Park is a national park in Primorsky Krai.

According to the Park Administration: “Old-timer leopard Valera married a young female!

At the advanced age of 13, a big cat arranged a date – a camera trap captured the meeting of the rarest leopards in the world and the mating process.

Amur leopards, Land of the Leopard National Park, Russian Far East.

There are only 110 of the leopards in the world.

By the beginning of the 21st century the Amur leopard population was on the verge of extinction.

As a result of poaching and fires, the vast habitat of the beast had shrunk to a narrow stripe in the southwest of Primorsky Krai.

By then, a Kedrovaya Pad nature reserve and several breeding grounds existed here, but only expansion of the protected area and integrated management of the existing natural territories could solve the problem of conserving the rare cat.

The Land of the Leopard National Park was founded on April 5, 2012, thanks to the efforts of ecologists and personal attention to the problem of Sergey Ivanov, the former Director of the Executive Office of the President of the Russian Federation.

Its territory in the area of “262 th. ha” has covered the most part of the rare predator’s habitat including the land of Khasansky and Nadezhdinsky Districts of Primorye, the Ussuriysky Urban District, as well as a little part of Vladivostok city.

I think that these big cats are just great.

I love that they have found companionship, and are enjoying a fine romp in the grass.

They seem to be similar to snow leopards, and appear to be very happy and content in their game preserve.

I, for one, am happy that Russia has set aside land to preserve these big beautiful felines. Just like China did for the Panda Bear, the world is waking up to the need to preserve our habitat and our wild life.

Unfortunately, the opposite is happening in the United States. The American “leadership” cannot find any profit in preserving nature and wildlife.

I get a mix and range of emotions when watching this cute feline couple frolic and play. They inspire me to get my “play” on and have more fun. MM deserves to frolic too, don’t you know.

So, I’m telling you all.

Eat well. Pick a good delicious food, and either cook it yourself, or find a friend to cook it with…

Chicken Marbella

Chicken Marbella.

No one ever cooks chicken with olives and prunes these days. But the taste sensation is really wonderful.

When you want a chicken with an extra flavor kick, looking to the past is never a bad idea. My mom used to make this when I was in elementary school, but stopped for reasons unknown around the time of the Moon Landing.

This Mediterranean take on chicken was all the rage decades ago but has fallen out of popularity. Spanish olives, oregano, and even prunes develop a complex flavor that will keep this recipe in rotation at your home for generations to come.

Get the recipe from Inquiring Chef.

Chicken Marbella.

And of course, you need to have a friend, a family member, or someone else to share this unique and (for many people) unknown dish with. Surprise a friend or family member, or make new ones.

Like perhaps…

Nice Chinese girl in burgundy

You know, I think that burgundy is a nice color for a top. Perhaps it’s a bit underrated, but when you see a fine woman wearing a burgundy top, there’s something pleasant and refreshing about it. It seems light, but still earthy.

video 3MB

And that’s not all.

What about a nice stroll in the countryside. Get some fresh air. Smell the breezes. Enjoy the moments together.

Does anything calm the spirit more than lying back on a mossy bank, taking a deep, pine-scented breath, then looking up to see a crowd of tree trunks tapering to a leafy canopy waving gently against a blue sky? Woods are places of wonder. Your senses are alert, your mind is calm, your heart is full, you feel rejuvenated. To explore them is to step into a different world, and come back a different person.

A river bubbles away nearby. Occasionally a woodpecker’s knock echoes from afar. The air is perfumed with pine. You are at peace, surrounded by stillness. Best of all, there is mile after mile of this feeling in every direction. Seven out of the ten largest forests in the UK are in Scotland. The largest is Galloway Forest Park, which covers 770 km2 of countryside in a gorgeous green blanket.

Galloway Forest Park.

And after a nice walk…

Perhaps a nice snack. Maybe a cup of tea, or coffee.

Maybe a blueberry muffin with a nice fresh cup of coffee. Now, doesn’t that sound nice? Enjoy the time that you have and make it special.

A nice blueberry muffin and a fine cup of coffee.

Maybe, instead…

Might I suggest a used book store? You find one that you haven’t ever visited, and you go inside and look around. The books will probably be cheap. It will smell of books, and I’m sure that you will find a book or two that will be unique and different. Sit down, and enjoy yourself.

A used book store.

Doesn’t that sound nice?

Or, perhaps instead, if you are not the kind of person who like books and reading, maybe going and doing something that you probably haven’t done in ages. Like, perhaps, going to a horse stable and take a few horses out for a ride?


Perhaps I’m getting a little off track.

Just spend time with friends. Cook a meal together. Make a day of it and have some fun. Make it special.

Cook a meal together.

Just like it should be.

And don’t forget to try a new dish that most people will not be aware of. Like Chicken Marbella. You could serve it with rice. The nice sauce / broth would go well on a pile of rice. Maybe some long white Thailand rice.

Chicken Marbella.

Doesn’t that look great? Here’s another picture. In this photo, the chicken is shown plain on a plate. Notice how easily the chicken falls off the bone, so nice and tasty.

Chicken Marbella.

Perhaps you could serve it was some toasted rye bread, maybe buttered with a garlic spread, or maybe some crème cheese.

You could make the meal a little special. Just get a blender and whip up some butter with honey, or some seasonings.

Or, why not some whipped up crème cheese with some flavor seasonings, and a wide bladed knife to spread it with.

Don’t forget a side of steamed asparagus, or broccoli. They are great with a fine butter, or lemon slice.

Chicken Marbella.

While the main dish is important, don’t neglect a nice salad.

I like to make my salads with a fruit. Whether it is an orange, an apple, or some raisins / dates, this really spruces up the salad if you aren’t going for a nice themed salad.

Look at how delicious the meal is…

Chicken Marbella.

And when you cook it, it should look like this…

Chicken Marbella.

And remember…

Share your time with a friend.

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my Happiness Index.

Life & Happiness


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The Replacement “New World Order” and the end of the old American-led NWO with War Crimes Tribunals on the way

Putin and Xi Peng has made some HUGE decisions, and the “leadership” in the West are very, very worried. This is the best summary of the current state of Geo-political affairs; United States centered, that describes what is going on and why. It’s amazing in its simplicity and depth of understanding. Andrei has outdone himself here.

I discovered this video via email. Which read…

This is one of the more powerful presentations I have seen. I commented as follows:

Andre, many of us who have watched helplessly as all these crimes have been committed IN OUR NAME, would feel --as Martin Luther King said--the Arc of Justice is long,-- relieved of the karmic burden.

When all these people are finally held accountable, after decades (centuries?) of horror they perpetrated. I am sure that many Germans felt the same way after WWII.
Putin raises hackles when he talks about genocide in relation to the Donbass crisis.

It’s a very great video, and it covers some points that are omitted by the American “news” media, and overlooked by alternative media, and he ties it all together, thus effectively painting a picture of what the China-Russian alliance end-game actually is.

Watch it.

Take the time to listed what he is saying.

It’s ALL THERE. The end-game.

Click on the picture below to get the video in You-Tube working.

Watch it on you-tube. Click to open up in a new tab.

Think about what he has to say.

I think that many, many MM readers will easily see how the reported articles in “New Beginnings” are all tied together. After watching this video, this is how I actually feel…

New changes, and new alignments.

But that’s just me.

It’s not that I am not happy about it. In fact, I see this future as long in coming. And, as you all are aware, welcome it. But still, like a serious drunk psychopath driving a bus-load of children on a twisty and turny highway going as fast as they can; the American “leadership” are going to hurt a lot of good, kind, and just Americans.

I lament that.

And thus, the shocking reality, and the slap in the face of what is coming down the pipe for everyone involved will not be pleasant. Such as this…

Lament for America.

It’s a good summary of what is going on and why certain words were used.

But even though, you have strengths.

Never forget that. The crazy drunk psychopaths are driving the car left and right on and off the road, but you don’t need to grab the steering wheel. You can buckle up your seatbelt. You can tell the driver to pull over so that you can vomit, and then once he does, you run for the hills.

There are many things that you can do.

You are not helpless.

Find an ally. Someone like you. Don’t try to deal with the changes all alone.

Find an ally. Someone like you.

There’s this big plan, and it is unfolding. Sit tight. Conduct your basic strategies to ride out this period of turmoil, and most especially if you are in the West….

  • Have a skill that you can use in your community.
  • Have a larder and supplies.
  • Network in your community. Be known.
  • Be kind, helpful and a Rufus.
  • Conduct prayer affirmation campaigns.
  • Make sure that you have a formal Fate Forecast prepared for you and follow it.
  • Center your mind with Hemi-Sync.

You will be just fine.

Remember; do not be alone. There is strength in numbers.

Do not be alone.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.



The NATO and Russia in Ukraine situation is fluid. Here are some thoughts.

Yeah, if you go on to the Western “news” it’s all bullshit. I really cannot believe that anyone believe anything from these people anymore. They lie so much that their lies are lies of lies regarding lies.

Chernobyl power plant captured...
Kremlin demands surrender...
Warns West of consequences GREATER THAN ANY IN HISTORY!
Blasts Before Dawn. Rooster's Crow. Then Panic...
Hiding in Basements, Helicopters Overhead...
Many shrugged off predictions of war. Now it's mad dash to leave...
Escape to Poland... Baltics: Are we next?
Biden presented options for massive cyberattacks...
Authorizes additional troops to Germany...
France accelerating deployment in Romania...

The alternative sites, many of which are not the neocon conservative “gung ho! for ‘Merica” sites, show a great healthy respect for Russia, and some for China. Here’s we are going to throw out some stuff as the fluid situation unfolds.

Keep in mind that this is war. It’s chaotic and confusing, and there are all sorts of misinformation out there.

You can find many such websites that have collected blow-by-blow pictures, videos, and opinions / reports as they come in. I’m not going to do that except, maybe put a few interesting elements in place.

To quote DM…

"...the reposts I am hearing have me absolutely bewildred at the ruthless efficiency of the Russian army. I mean MM hinted at it, but its not until you see it in full swing you can really appreciate it."

In summary, in 24 hours, Russia took over the Ukraine. All the fancy and expensive munitions, weapons, ships, planes (supplied by the USA and NATO) were destroyed. There are some very interesting videos out there regarding this. Paratroop drops, jets blowing up the house that you are in, and the “leadership” scurrying away for safety under the great protective arms of the United States and NATO.

Right now, it’s a mop up operation, while the United States and NATO are still arguing what kind of “tough sanctions” that they will impose… or, more likely, what kind of emotionally driven (by manipulated polls) action that they could take.

My guess, could be a very BAD action, resulting in VERY BAD consequences.

But as it stands today, 25FEB22, most (but not all) of the Ukraine is under Russian control. The vast majority of American-trained (since 2014) Neo-Nazi troops laid down their arms and entered the protective corridors to their families to wait out the situation in peace. So now, we are talking about phase two…

We start with this…

Russia is ready to sit down and talk now that the Ukraine has been suppressed.

Objective and accurate report of the Russian objectives:

However, in the eyes of Putin and most Russians, the latest move serves as a counterstrike against the Western squeezing of Russia’s security room with extreme measures and a relatively large-scale showdown in wrestling with the US, a view that is also shared by the majority of Chinese.

“Circumstances require us to take decisive and immediate action,” Putin’s order read. In an address to the public, the Russian president said he wanted to “demilitarize” and “de-Nazify” Ukraine, Russia Today said. Putin further said, “We have no plans to occupy Ukrainian territory.”

“Demilitarize” could be understood to be putting down arms and surrendering, which can also be understood as incapacitating the opponent and rendering them unable to form a threat in a broader sense, Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times on Thursday.

“As a result, Russia will completely destroy the heavy weapons of Ukrainian troops, including warplanes, tanks and armored troops as well as defense forces, such as air defense missile forces and the navy,” Song said.

Russia announced it has destroyed Ukraine’s airfields, air defenses and control systems just a few hours after it launched the military operations.

“And as we take the measures announced by the president to ensure the security of the country and the Russian people, we will certainly always be ready for a dialogue that will return us to justice and the principles of the UN Charter,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said late on Thursday.

Yury Tavrovsky, head of the “Russian Dream-Chinese Dream” analytics center of the Izborsk Club, told the Global Times that Russia’s military operations in Ukraine are “completely legal.”

Both chambers of Russia’s Duma (parliament) had earlier approved recognition of Donetsk and Lugansk as “independent states.” The Upper Chamber (the Senate) later approved use of armed forces outside the national borders, Tavrovsky explained.

The military operation was launched just one day after the US and Europe unveiled what is believed to be just the first round of sanctions against Russian individuals and institutions in response to Putin’s signing of two decrees recognizing Lugansk and Donetskas independent and sovereign states.

As global markets tumbled steeply over the Ukraine-Russia crisis, some raised questions as to why Russia took this step, how the situation will evolve and whether the US will engage in a direct war with Russia.

Moscow’s motivation

In a phone call with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov explained the development of the Ukraine situation and Russia’s position, saying that the US and NATO violated their commitments by expanding east, refused to implement the new Minsk Agreements, and violated UN Security Council Resolution 2202, forcing Russia to take necessary measures to safeguard its own rights and interests.

Noting that China has always respected the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, Wang said that China recognizes the complex and special historical context of the Ukraine issue and understands Russia’s legitimate security concerns.

China maintains that the Cold War mentality should be completely abandoned and a balanced, effective and sustainable European security mechanism should be finally established through dialogue and negotiation, Wang said.

“China believes there should be mutual cooperation and sustainable security, and the reasonable security concerns of all parties concerned should be respected and solved,” Hua Chunying, spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said during a press conference on Thursday.

China hopes all parties will not shut the door on peace, but continue negotiations and try to ease the situation as soon as possible, she said.

Some Chinese observers said the US has continued its intensive containment of Russia, for example, by implementing more sanctions, finally forcing Russia to try to realize its security demands in this drastic way.

Russian elites such as Putin and Deputy Chairman of Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev believe that the Ukraine issue has reached the point where it must be resolved.

“I believe Russia’s military operation is a reaction by Moscow to Western countries’ exertion of pressure on Russia for a long time, showing that Moscow can’t tolerate it anymore,” Yang Jin, an associate research fellow at the Institute of Russian, Eastern European, and Central Asian Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Thursday.

“As to how the situation will evolve, I think we need to spend more time to observe it. First thing first, we need to focus on the attitude of the US, on whether Washington will launch a direct war against Russia,” he said, noting that everything depends on how NATO and the US will react.

If the entire military operation goes smoothly, Russia could reach its target of fully controlling Ukraine, and what worries NATO most is whether Russia will then carry out further operations again the three Baltic countries, namely Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Li Haidong, a professor from the Institute of International Relations of China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Thursday.

The US and NATO are now observing how the situation evolves. The US and NATO have been training Ukraine troops since 2014, and it’s time to see if they will confront Russian troops and for how long they will fight them. “As long as Russia does not engage in military conflicts with NATO members, there won’t be direct confrontation between NATO and US [on one side] and Russia [on the other],” Li said.

Read in full:

Now, keep in mind that this is directly after the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. You know, that one that the United States, the UK, and the Australians decided to sit out of for one concocted reason or the other…

The entire opening ceremony for the 2022 Winter Olympics

It’s DAMN impressive. On You-Tube.

At 2:11:01 is the meaningful symbolic embrace performance that made all the Chinese and some Taiwanese get all emotional. It’s about community and family and inclusion.

Nice hyper-cute Chinese girl

I think that it would be a nice spot to include this fine Chinese lass. My oh my! Look at that terrible communist regime! Look how dirty and polluted it is! Look at how thin she is, it’s obvious that the regime starves her. She must be pining away for freedom™ and democracy™, don’t you know!

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That is not all that unlike America in the early 1950s. Here’s a winter scene. It’s in front of a neighborhood gas station. I wonder if they still have these things back in the ‘states. Notice the smiling and happy woman, and the rag-top (or convertible) in the back. Calm. Easy. Fun.

Like China is today.

Calm and fun United States in the 1950s.

From the Black Sea to the East Med, do not poke The Russian Bear

By Pepe Escobar

This is what happens when a bunch of ragged hyenas, jackals and tiny rodents poke The Bear: a new geopolitical order is born in breathtaking speed.

From a dramatic meeting of the Russian Security Council to a history lesson delivered by President Putin and the subsequent birth of the Baby Twins – the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk – all the way to their appeal to President Putin to intervene militarily to expel the NATO-backed Ukrainian bombing-and-shelling forces from Donbass, it was a seamless process.

The (nuclear) straw that (nearly) broke the Bear’s back – and forced its paws to pounce – was Zelensky the Comedian, back from the Russophobia-drenched Munich Security Conference where he was hailed like a Messiah, saying that the 1994 Budapest memorandum should be revised and Ukraine should be nuclear-rearmed.

That would be the equivalent of a nuclear Mexico south of the Hegemon.

Putin immediately turned Responsibility to Protect (R2P) upside down: an American concept invented to launch wars in MENA (remember Libya?) was retrofitted to stop a slow-motion genocide in Donbass.

First came the recognition of the Baby Twins – Putin’s most important foreign policy decision since going to Syria in 2015.

That was the preamble for the next game-changer: a “special military operation (…) aimed at demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine”, as Putin defined it.

Up to the last minute, the Kremlin was trying to rely on diplomacy, explaining to Kiev the necessary imperatives to prevent heavy metal thunder:

  • recognition of Crimea as Russian;
  • abandon any plans to join NATO;
  • negotiate directly with the Baby Twins – an anathema for the Americans since 2015;
  • finally, demilitarize and declare Ukraine as neutral.

Kiev’s handlers, predictably, would never accept the package – as they didn’t accept the Master Package that really matters: the Russian demand for “indivisible security”.

The sequence, then, became inevitable.

In a flash, all Ukrainian forces between the so-called line of contact and the original borders of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts were boxed in as the occupying force of territories of two Russian allies that Moscow had just sworn to protect.

So it was Get Out – Or Else.

“Or else” came as rolling thunder: the Kremlin and the Russian Ministry of Defense were not bluffing.

Timed to the end of Putin’s speech announcing the operation, the Russians decapitated with precision missiles everything that mattered in terms of the Ukrainian military in just one hour: Air Force, Navy, airfields, bridges, command and control centers, the whole Turkish Bayraktar drone fleet.

And it was not only Russian raw power.

It was the artillery of one of the Baby Twins, the DPR, that hit the HQ of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbass, which actually housed the entire Ukrainian military command.

This means that the Ukrainian General Staff instantly lost control of all its troops.

This was Shock and Awe against Iraq, 19 years ago, in reverse: not for conquest, not as a prelude for an invasion and occupation.

The political-military leadership in Kiev did not even have time to declare war.

They froze.

Demoralized troops started deserting.

Total defeat – in one hour.

The water supply to Crimea was instantly re-established.

Humanitarian corridors were set up for the deserters.

“Remnants” now include mostly surviving Azov batallion Nazis, mercenaries trained by the usual Blackwater/Academi suspects, and a bunch of Salafi-jihadis.

Predictably, Western corporate media has already gone totally berserk branding it as the much-awaited Russian “invasion”. (A reminder: when Israel routinely bombs Syria and when the House of One Saudi routinely bombs Yemeni civilians, there is never any peep in NATOstan media.)

As it stands, realpolitik spells out a possible endgame (see Donetsk’s head, Denis Pushilin: “The special operation in Donbass will soon be over and all the cities will be liberated.”)

We could soon witness the birth of an independent Novorossiya – east of the Dnieper, south along Sea of Azov/Black Sea, the way it was when attached to Ukraine by Lenin in 1922. But now totally aligned with Russia, and providing a land bridge to Transnistria.

Ukraine, of course, would lose any access to the Black Sea.

History loves playing tricks: what was a “gift” to Ukraine in 1922 may become a parting gift a hundred years later.

It’s creative destruction time

It will be fascinating to watch what Prof. Sergey Karaganov masterfully described, in detail, as the new Putin doctrine of constructive destruction , and how it will interconnect with West Asia, the Eastern Mediterranean and further on down the Global South road.

President Erdogan, the ceremonial NATO Sultan, branded the recognition of the Baby Twins as “unacceptable”.

No wonder: that definitely smashed all his elaborate plans to pose as privileged mediator between Moscow and Kiev during Putin’s upcoming visit to Ankara. The Kremlin – as well as the Foreign Ministry – don’t waste time talking to NATO minions.

Lavrov, for his part, had a recent, very productive entente with Syrian Foreign Minister Faysal Mekdad. Russia, this past weekend, has staged a spectacular strategic missile display, hypersonic and otherwise, featuring Khinzal, Zircon, Kalibr, Yars ICBMs, Iskander and Sineva – irony of ironies, in synch with the Russophobia-fest in Munich.

In parallel, Russian Navy ships of the Pacific, Northern and Black Sea fleets performed a series of submarine search drills in the Mediterranean.

The Putin doctrine privileges the asymmetrical – and that applies to the near abroad and beyond.

Putin’s body language, in his last two crucial interventions, spell out nearly maximum exasperation.

As in realizing, not auspiciously, but rather in resignation, that the only language those neo-con and “humanitarian” imperialist psychos in the Beltway understand is heavy meal thunder (they are definitely deaf, dumb and blind to History, Geography and Diplomacy, for that matter. Not to mention they never accepted their defeat in Syria.)

So we can always game the Russian military, for instance, imposing a no-fly zone in Syria to conduct a series of visits by Mr. Khinzal not only to the Turk-protected shady jihadist umbrella in Idlib but also the jihadists protected by the Americans in Al-Tanf base, near the Syria-Jordan border. After all these specimens are all NATO proxies.

The United States government barks non-stop about “territorial sovereignty”.

So let’s game the Kremlin asking the White House for a road map on getting out of Syria: after all the Americans are illegally occupying a section of Syrian territory and most of all adding extra disaster to the Syrian economy by stealing their oil.

NATO’s stultifying Stoltenberg has announced the alliance is dusting off its “defense plans”: that may include little more than hide behind their expensive Brussels desks. They are as inconsequential in the Black Sea as in the East Med – as the Empire remains quite vulnerable in Syria.

There are now four Russian TU-22M3 strategic bombers in Hymeimim base, each capable of carrying three S-32 anti-ship missiles that fly at supersonic Mach 4.3 with a range of 1,000 km. No Aegis system is able to handle them.

Russian TU-22M3 strategic bomber.

Russia in Syria also has stationed a few Mig-31Ks in Latakia equipped with hypersonic Khinzals – more than enough to sink any kind of US surface group, including aircraft carriers, in the East Med. The US has no air defense mechanism whatsoever with even a minimal chance of intercepting them.

Mig-31K equipped with hypersonic Khinzal missile.

So the rules have changed.


The Hegemon is naked.

The new deal starts with turning the post-Cold War set-up in Eastern Europe completely upside down.

The East Med will be next.

The Bear is back, baby.

Hear him roar.

Well, what about the ruthless, moronic, idiots running the “West”?

And how will the USA respond?

The Americans are obviously in a state of apoplectic rage and anxiety right now.

The American Overlord will likely descend further into insanity and violence, as its sense of imperial entitlement to rule the world just got pimp slapped by the Russian bear.

Oh, no. You can be sure that they do not like what is going on, and you can be sure that they are ready to just toss the boardgame up in the air in defiant frustration.

What is next is anyones guess, but it just cannot be good.

The collective West will be seething – no Black Sea base near Crimea – their dreams up in smoke again.

So impotent with rage – they get out their sanctions manuals and try and find the worst they can possibly find to hurt Russia and have a fleeting feeling of satisfaction and power until they realise inflation is going through the roof, they have no energy to make anything, their industries start failing, can’t grow anything and they can’t heat their homes. And the glutinous fat cats in the EU have nothing to do and wonder how long their jobs will be around as it was their so clever idea to sanction their main energy supplier and now have no fertilizer to grow anything. The peasants will be bellowing outside wanting their pound of flesh.

You would think that they would just do their pontificating, but I would think that the evil “it’s time for the rapture! Let’s bring on MAD nuclear engagement now!” neocon crowd is pressing for a full scale nuclear “response”.

If that happens, the USA will be completely destroyed.

Bad news. You bet.

But, you know, the Commander did say “little bads, not big bads”. So we will see. One thing is for certain; Imperial hubris meets Karma. And it’s a bitch.

I can tell you that the first reactions are out. Here is from the Jewish Democrat alliance

I didn’t copy the whole thing. I just shake my head. Can they actually BELIEVE what they write? Or is their opinion of American people so so that they think that they will believe it?

"...unprovoked invasion."

Nice small cute and adorable girl

Somehow, she reminds me of a very cute little mouse. Maybe it’s the outfit. Anyways, it’s pretty awesome and what a nice tight little outfit she is wearing. I’ll get that she has all the boys chasing her!

video 3MB

Cheeseburger Pie

Cheeseburger pie.

A classic of 1950s Americana, Cheeseburger Pie is the most comforting of weeknight casseroles: sautéed onion and ground beef, baked under a simple batter of flour, baking powder, eggs, and milk and a rich topping of cheddar cheese. Serve it in thick wedges with an easy celery and romaine heart salad.

Cheeseburger pie. Why not?

Cheeseburger pie slice.

US Foreign Policy Is a Cruel Sport

Bear baiting was long ago banned as inhumane. Yet today, a version is being practiced every day against whole nations on a gigantic international scale.

From HERE at the Greenville Post. Another excellent article.

In the time of the first Queen Elizabeth, British royal circles enjoyed watching fierce dogs torment a captive bear for the fun of it. The bear had done no harm to anyone, but the dogs were trained to provoke the imprisoned beast and goad it into fighting back. Blood flowing from the excited animals delighted the spectators.

This cruel practice has long since been banned as inhumane.

And yet today, a version of bear baiting is being practiced every day against whole nations on a gigantic international scale. It is called United States foreign policy. It has become the regular practice of the absurd international sports club called NATO.

United States leaders, secure in their arrogance as “the indispensable nation,” have no more respect for other countries than the Elizabethans had for the animals they tormented. The list is long of targets of U.S. bear baiting, but Russia stands out as prime example of constant harassment. And this is no accident. The baiting is deliberately and elaborately planned.

As evidence, I call attention to a 2019 report by the RAND corporation to the U.S. Army chief of staff entitled “Extending Russia.” Actually, the RAND study itself is fairly cautious in its recommendations and warns that many perfidious tricks might not work. However, I consider the very existence of this report scandalous, not so much for its content as for the fact that this is what the Pentagon pays its top intellectuals to do: figure out ways to lure other nations into troubles U.S. leaders hope to exploit.

The official U.S. line is that the Kremlin threatens Europe by its aggressive expansionism, but when the strategists talk among themselves the story is very different. Their goal is to use sanctions, propaganda and other measures to provoke Russia into taking the very sort of negative measures (“over-extension”) that the U.S. can exploit to Russia’s detriment.

The RAND study explains its goals:

“We examine a range of nonviolent measures that could exploit Russia’s actual vulnerabilities and anxieties as a way of stressing Russia’s military and economy and the regime’s political standing at home and abroad. 

The steps we examine would not have either defense or deterrence as their prime purpose, although they might contribute to both. 

Rather, these steps are conceived of as elements in a campaign designed to unbalance the adversary, leading Russia to compete in domains or regions where the United States has a competitive advantage, and causing Russia to overextend itself militarily or economically or causing the regime to lose domestic and/or international prestige and influence.” 

Clearly, in U.S. ruling circles, this is considered “normal” behavior, just as teasing is normal behavior for the schoolyard bully, and sting operations are normal for corrupt FBI agents.

This description perfectly fits U.S. operations in Ukraine, intended to “exploit Russia’s vulnerabilities and anxieties” by advancing a hostile military alliance onto its doorstep, while describing Russia’s totally predictable reactions as gratuitous aggression.

Diplomacy involves understanding the position of the other party.

But verbal bear baiting requires total refusal to understand the other, and constant deliberate misinterpretation of whatever the other party says or does.

What is truly diabolical is that, while constantly accusing the Russian bear of plotting to expand, the whole policy is directed at goading it into expanding!

Because then we can issue punishing sanctions, raise the Pentagon budget a few notches higher and tighten the NATO Protection Racket noose tighter around our precious European “allies.”

For a generation, Russian leaders have made extraordinary efforts to build a peaceful partnership with “the West,” institutionalized as the European Union and above all, NATO.

They truly believed that the end of the artificial Cold War could produce a peace-loving European neighborhood.

But arrogant United States leaders, despite contrary advice from their best experts, rejected treating Russia as the great nation it is, and preferred to treat it as the harassed bear in a circus.

The expansion of NATO was a form of bear-baiting, the clear way to transform a potential friend into an enemy. That was the way chosen by former U.S. President Bill Clinton and following administrations. Moscow had accepted the independence of former members of the Soviet Union. Bear-baiting involved constantly accusing Moscow of plotting to take them back by force.

Russia’s Borderland

Ukraine is a word meaning borderlands, essentially the borderlands between Russia and the territories to the West that were sometimes part of Poland, or Lithuania, or Habsburg lands.

As a part of the U.S.S.R., Ukraine was expanded to include large swaths of both. History had created very contrasting identities on the two extremities, with the result that the independent nation of Ukraine, which came into existence only in 1991, was deeply divided from the start.

And from the start, Washington strategies, in cahoots with a large, hyperactive anti-communist anti-Russian diaspora in the U.S. and Canada, contrived to use the bitterness of Ukraine’s divisions to weaken first the U.S.S.R. and then Russia. Billions of dollars were invested in order to “strengthen democracy” – meaning the pro-Western west of Ukraine against its semi-Russian east.

The 2014 U.S.-backed coup that overthrew President Viktor Yukanovych, solidly supported by the east of the country, brought to power pro-West forces determined to bring Ukraine into NATO, whose designation of Russia as prime enemy had become ever more blatant.

This caused the prospect of an eventual NATO capture of Russia’s major naval base at Sebastopol, on the Crimean peninsula.

Since the Crimean population had never wanted to be part of Ukraine, the peril was averted by organizing a referendum in which an overwhelming majority of Crimeans voted to return to Russia, from which they had been severed by an autocratic Khrushchev ruling in 1954.

Western propagandists relentlessly denounced this act of self-determination as a “Russian invasion” foreshadowing a program of Russian military conquest of its Western neighbors – a fantasy supported by neither facts nor motivation.

Appalled by the coup overthrowing the president they had voted for, by nationalists threatening to outlaw the Russian language they spoke, the people of the eastern provinces of Donetsk and Lugansk declared their independence.

Russia did not support this move, but instead supported the Minsk agreement, signed in February 2015 and endorsed by a UN Security Council resolution.

The gist of the accord was to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine by a federalization process that would return the breakaway republics in return for their local autonomy.

The Minsk agreement set out a few steps to end the internal Ukrainian crisis.

First, Ukraine was supposed to immediately adopt a law granting self-government to eastern regions (in March 2015).

Next, Kiev would negotiate with eastern territories over guidelines for local elections to be held that year under OSCE supervision.

Then Kiev would implement a constitutional reform guaranteeing eastern right.

After the elections, Kiev would take full control of Donetsk and Lugansk, including border with Russia. A general amnesty would cover soldiers on both sides.

However, although it signed the agreement, Kiev has never implemented any of these points and refuses to negotiate with the eastern rebels.

Under the so-called Normandy agreement, France and Germany were expected to put pressure on Kiev to accept this peaceful settlement, but nothing happened.

Instead, the West has accused Russia of failing to implement the agreement, which makes no sense inasmuch as the obligations to implement fall on Kiev, not on Moscow.

Kiev officials regularly reiterate their refusal to negotiate with the rebels, while demanding more and more weaponry from NATO powers in order to deal with the problem in their own way.

Meanwhile, major parties in the Russian Duma and public opinion have long expressed concern for the Russian-speaking population of the eastern provinces, suffering from privations and military attack from the central government for eight years.

This concern is naturally interpreted in the West as a remake of Hitler’s drive to conquest neighboring countries.

However, as usual the inevitable Hitler analogy is baseless. For one thing, Russia is too large to need to conquer Lebensraum.

You Want an Enemy? Now You’ve Got One

Germany has found the perfect formula for Western relations with Russia: Are you or are you not a “Putinversteher,” a “Putin understander?” By Putin they mean Russia, since the standard Western propaganda ploy is to personify the targeted country with the name of its president, Vladimir Putin, necessarily a dictatorial autocrat. If you “understand” Putin, or Russia, then you are under deep suspicion of disloyalty to the West. So, all together now, let us make sure that we DO NOT UNDERSTAND Russia!

Russian leaders claim to feel threatened by members of a huge hostile alliance, holding regular military manoeuvers on their doorstep? They feel uneasy about nuclear missiles aimed at their territory from nearby NATO member states? Why, that’s just paranoia, or a sign of sly, aggressive intentions. There is nothing to understand.

So, the West has treated Russia like a baited bear.

And what it’s getting is a nuclear-armed, militarily powerful adversary nation led by people vastly more thoughtful and intelligent than the mediocre politicians in office in Washington, London and a few other places.

U.S. President Joe Biden and his Deep State never wanted a peaceful solution in Ukraine, because troubled Ukraine acts as a permanent barrier between Russia and Western Europe, ensuring U.S. control over the latter.

They have spent years treating Russia as an adversary, and Russia is now drawing the inevitable conclusion that the West will accept it only as an adversary.

The patience is at an end. And this is a game changer.

First reaction: the West will punish the bear with sanctions! Germany is stopping certification of the Nordstream 2 natural gas pipeline. Germany thus refuses to buy the Russian gas it needs in order to make sure Russia won’t be able to cut off the gas it needs sometime in the future. Now that’s a clever trick, isn’t it! And meanwhile, with a growing gas shortage and rising prices, Russia will have no trouble selling its gas somewhere else in Asia.

When “our values” include refusal to understand, there is no limit to how much we can fail to understand.

The Fall Of Utopia: Absolutely Amazing Digital Art Works Of Quin Wu

This brutalist interpretation of a McDonald’s in Russia forms part of architect Quin Wu’s artwork series “Big Mac in Snow”, which bridges the gap between two confrontational ideologies—Soviet Russia and the ultra-capitalist fast food franchise.

In his work, Quin Wu gives us a clear understanding of how fragile the balance is in today’s society. And how easy it is today to fall into the abyss between good and evil.

“All images posted here are my personal work. They are computer generated renderings. The architectural themes range from house designs to environment scenes to social critiques.

During the peak of Covid-19 on 2020, I gave it a try to learn some programs that are commonly used in the game industry.

I am a believer that tools are extension of the mind. Gradually polishing skills in modeling, texturing, compositing, rendering etc., I am able to materialize some of my thoughts into actual images. It has been a very fun journey,” he writes.

Here’s another.

And yet another.

Some nonsense from the Western Press

China has lifted restrictions on Russian wheat and barley as of yesterday, the day Russia invaded Ukraine.

Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is criticising the move

Meanwhile, Defence Minister Peter Dutton says China could persuade Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the invasion
Defence Minister Peter Dutton is an idiot.

RUSSIAN economic sanctions in response to the “Sanctions from Hell” from Biden / NATO

The United States imposed a series of economic sanctions upon Russia this week (last week of February 2022) in response to the recognition by Russia of Luhansk and Donetsk as “Independent states.”

In response, the Russian Foreign Ministry said today “new US sanctions will be met by a ‘strong response’, ‘sensitive for the American side.’

NATO / US sanctions:

The EU imposed sanctions against 351 State Duma deputies who voted for the recognition of the DPR and LPR, as well as against 27 individuals and organizations. Then, EU EXEC. VP DOMBROVSKIS ANNOUNCED: “IF RUSSIAN SOLDIERS ENTER UKRAINE BEYOND SEPARATIST-CONTROLLED, SELF-PROCLAIMED REPUBLICS, THE EU IS PREPARED TO IMPOSE A SECOND SET OF SANCTIONS ON MOSCOW.”

RUSSIAN retalitory sanctions;

Secretary of the General Council of United Russia and Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Andrey Turchak said that Russia is indifferent to the sanctions imposed by the West and their consequences.

When asked what options the Russians might employ against such Sanctions, an Intelligence Analyst source responded in a general manner…

  • Russia could close airspace to civil airlines of the countries that sanction Russia. That would be hugely disruptive to international flights.
  • Russia could declare that Russian exports must now be paid for in Rubles, gold, etc.
  • Russia could stop all sales of anything to USA (space rocket motors and oil especially).
  • Russia could break all contracts with countries that sanction Russia on the grounds that a state of hostility exists. That is, all oil and gas deliveries stop immediately.
  • Russia could announce that no more gas will be shipped to or through Ukraine on the grounds that a state of hostility exists. Russia won’t sanction anyone. They don’t play with gloves. They will stop the natural gas deliveries to Europe, and the entire world economy collapses.
  • Assuming a fantasy best case scenario (fantasy, because it will NEVER happen), Europe’s LNG terminal unloading capacity, even working 100%, 24/7, assuming a non-stop stream of tankers, can only match under 17% of what Russia delivers. Needless to say, European economy goes belly up the next day, and the WESTERN world will follow.
  • And when that happens, countries automatically pivot direct to war. A lot, including the US, get granted war powers that allow the state…
    • to seize the means of production and distribution,
    • set price controls,
    • require civilians to operate and maintain critical infrastructure
    • being drafted/forced into service,
    • set curfew and movement restrictions,
    • suspend constitutions and civil rights,, etc.
  • It can get very draconian very quickly. But will not change the outcome : full economical collapse.
  • Add to that the pure mad-max SHTF when the is no food in the cities. There isn’t much a government can do, TODAY, that can avoid the worst case scenario.
    • We’re NOT in 1916 or 1940, when most of the world lived on country-side, and produced food.
    • We’re not in 1916 or 1940, when the supply chains were extremely short (hell, you could use carriages then to supply the economy and the people).
    • We’re in 2022, after 2 years of constant economic decline, millions of companies that went bankrupt, an inflation that needs just a nudge to go up faster then an hyper-sonic missile, and supply chains that are thousands of miles long. Maters not what government do, it’s going to be the biggest SHTF ever. Most likely the last SHTF.
  • Russia and China would roll out their counter-SWIFT. It’s already in prototype stage, and ready to “turnkey” into operation.
  • They could abandon the “petrodollar” too. That would FUCK everyone in the WEST. Most especially those in Europe and the Untied States because they don’t have any gold. All they have is paper.

Nice Chinese girl with a filter

I guess it is a generational thing, but a lot of the Chiense girls like to use these “filters” and decorate their videos with them. They are really quite awesome, and some are jsut silly while others are funny. Check out the filters on this woman. Watch how they follow her face and movment. The tracting and positioning are exceptional!

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The collapse of Banderastan: tomorrow will be a crucial day


I am getting emails from all types of sources about Ukrainian cities already being liberated.  The problem is that there are, as predicted, A LOT of fakes out there, including from anti-Putin Russian interests.  So rather than risk getting it wrong and list those cities, I will just offer a few comments and then take a break.

Enormous Operation

I was expecting an operational-level Russian operation, but what I see today this is clearly a strategic operation. This is way bigger than what I expected.

In the eary phases

We are in the very early phases of the operation, but I see all the usual signs of a Ukrainian strategic collapse.  By tomorrow morning we should know a lot more.

The initial strke was very successful

The first strike phase of the operation has been extremely successful and the Ukrainian ground forces are now not only without any kind of cover or support (the Ukie Air Force and Navy passed away today), they are also without orders: not only has the Ukronazi HQ in the Donbass been totally destroyed, the Russians are, no doubt, putting down their EW blanket on the full area of operations.

Operational envelopment to be completed soon

I think that by tomorrow evening the operational envelopment of the Ukie forces in the eastern Ukraine will be completed.  After that, only two types of Ukie soldiers will be left: those who surrendered and the dead.

Major cities are secured

The Russians have either approached or even  surrounded several major Ukrainian cities.  I won’t list them now.  Why?  Because by tomorrow we will have that list confirmed.


Belarus is fully backing Russia (Lukashenko was very emphatic about that today), as does Iran.  Our Chinese friends have been rather restrained and proffered only well-intended generalities, let’s see if that changes in the future.

Narrative is out of control

I also suspect that tomorrow will be the last day for the US PSYOPs to try to control the narrative, after that there will be too many cellphones with cameras to conceal the magnitude of the disaster.

For this reason, I still expect a major false flag.


The Poles and Hungarians have declared that they fear a massive influx of refugees and that they are therefore deploying more forces to the border to “control the situation”.  These forces could be easily and quickly moved inside the Western Ukraine to seize the Lvov and Ivano-Frankovsk regions.  Best of all (for them) is that they can be pretty sure that the Russians won’t object.  And with all the NATO facilities in the Ukraine being destroyed right now, the Russians can toss this (mostly Nazi) and faraway bone to whoever in the EU who wants it (The Hungarians are probably too smart for that, but the Poles???).  Whatever may be the case, I expect a minor NATO operation into the western Ukraine in the next couple of days.  Frankly, I couldn’t care less.

Major Risks

Another MAJOR risk is the presence in the Ukraine of A LOT of very dangerous part of the civilian infrastructure (including 15 nuclear reactors which barely function)  The Ukies have already blown up at least one (pretty small) damn near Lugansk.  I hope that the Russian and Belarusian special forces will secure these facilities as soon as humanely possible.

Russian Black Sea fleet

Next: watch the Russian Black Sea fleet.  Something tells me that tomorrow we will see it A LOT and, probably, along the entire Ukie coast.

No long-term occupancy

Last but not least.  Iraq has shown that it is one thing to destroy an army, and quite another to deal with an insurgency, even one armed with only small arms and RPGs.  I remain categorically opposed to any Russian mid/long occupation of the Ukraine.  I am confident that Putin will soon declare the end of major combat operations (if only because there won’t be many enemies left) and that many Russian forces will begin a pullback.

But the nightmare of having hundreds of thousands of assault rifles distributed to “the population” but which, in reality, armed what NATO will want to see as a “stay behind insurgency” will begin.  And I want the Ukrainians to fight that battle by themselves, with some Russian help if needed, but not by hiding behind Russian forces.

So A LOT really depends on the people of the Ukraine: the coming days will show us who and what they are.  Now is the time for them to do the right thing.

That’s it.  I wish we had more info, but here we need to stop and wait.

By tomorrow we will know A LOT more.

Goodnight everybody


A new American political party…

Here is the statement from the newest political party in the States – The National Justice Party:

The National Justice Party hopes that the situation can be resolved with as little bloodshed as possible on all sides and considers the spilling of any Russian or Ukrainian blood a tragedy. We reject the false and childish narratives about the conflict that are being promoted in Western media and place the lion’s share of blame for the escalation on the shoulders of the US and NATO, who have instigated this crisis from the beginning and cynically lied to their own citizens.

President Biden has vowed to make Russia pay a steep price, but the only people he is capable of making pay anything are Americans and European citizens. Oil and natural gas prices are expected to spike even further as a result of the conflict, placing the burden for US/NATO geopolitical games on ordinary Americans and Europeans who have no interest in a hostile relationship with Russia. On February 22nd the German government, under orders from NATO, revoked the certification for the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, thus putting the project that would alleviate the energy bills of millions of Germans in further jeopardy.

Nice Chinese girl in her home

And she is nice. Why not enjoy a fine cup of coffee while sitting down and listening to mellow jazz?


China point fingers at the United States for the Russian operations

China has blamed the US for creating the tensions which led to Thursday’s Russian attack on Ukraine. Beijing further called on the international community to avoid “stoking panic” over the situation.

During a press briefing, China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said the key question was the role played by the Americans, whom she branded “the [main] culprit of current tensions.

If someone keeps pouring oil on the flames while accusing others of not doing their best to put out the fire, such kind of behavior is clearly irresponsible and immoral,” Hua said. China objects to “any action that hypes up war,” she added.

Chunying accused the US of hypocrisy, asking whether Washington had respected the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq and Afghanistan, where she said it had “wantonly killed innocent people.” She called on the US to “take these questions seriously and abandon double standards.”

Describing the unfolding events as “complex,” the spokeswoman confirmed that Beijing was not providing military support to Russia, and said China was not “jumping to any conclusions” over the situation.

She called on all sides to “work for peace instead of increasing tensions” or “stoking panic.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a military attack on Ukraine on Thursday, which he said was aimed at demilitarizing and “denazifying” the country. He accused the West of flooding Ukraine with advanced weaponry and ramping up the NATO presence in the country, arguing that the Russian “special operation” was necessary to protect the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, which Moscow has recognized as sovereign states.

Russia’s military action has prompted an international outcry and threats of new, large-scale sanctions. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Thursday that Kiev had cut diplomatic ties with Moscow.

Nice Caddy

Now, this is one dream car that I would be just proud to drive about in. I love everything about this scene. From the burgandy color of the car, to the fine slacks on that cute blonde next to that lucky man.

Washington, DC

Nice Chinese girl

Well, here in China, you won’t see too many natural blondes, but you will see a lot of fine attractive women. Like this gal, for instance…

video 3MB

A few disjointed thoughts about the current military situation


I parsed some info source and I can offer a few quick reactions to what is taking place.  The operation is bigger than what I had predicted.  However, I STILL don’t believe that Russia wants to invade the Ukraine.

Let’s first see what Russia has already done using ONLY HER STANDOFF WEAPONS:

      • The Ukrainian air defenses have ceased to exist
      • The Ukrainian air force has ceased to exist
      • The Ukrainian navy has ceased to exist
      • The Ukrainian command and control are severely disrupted with many command posts destroyed
      • All the military airfields in the Ukraine are now not operational
      • Numerous supply dumps of ammo, petroleum and lubricants have been destroyed.
      • Russia controls the entire Ukie airspace and all the Ukie coastal waters in the Black and Azov seas.

Next, let’s see what LDNR and Russian forces are, apparently, doing right now:

      • The LDNR forces have broken through the Ukie defenses in two locations and have penetrated 7-10km behind the LOC.
      • These forces advanced with fire support from Russia
      • The Ukie forces have built fortifications for 8 years, so the progress against the bulk of the Ukie ground forces is slow.  HOWEVER
      • It appears that the Russian have decided to encircle the entire Ukronazi force on the Donbass by a pincer movement from the north and south

It is my opinion that Russia will encircle the Ukie forces, the entire Ukrainian force along the LOC and then wait for them to surrender thereby minimizing losses on both sides.  In other words, the Russians are trying to lock the Ukies in an operational cauldron and basically remove these forces from the equation.

Second, Putin has clearly stated the Russian goals: demilitarize and denazify the Ukraine.

The first element, disarmament, is already well under way.

The denazification implies some kind of regime change.  There are reports of Russian forces near Kiev and I believe that a “hunt for Nazis” will be conducted in one way or another.

Interestingly, the Russians have totally surrounded the city of Kharkov, but have not moved in (yet).  This makes perfect military sense, but it also signals, or so it seems to me, that Russia wants to avoid as much as can be to get involved in offensive combat operations in big cities and also wants to avoid killing civilians. Mind you, the military which could take Grozny in 2000 can *easily* and *quickly* storm any Ukie city (if only because Ukies and Chechens are almost polar opposites in terms of their combat abilities).  But why do through the bother?

When possible, the Russian will surround the Ukie cities, blockade them and wait for the white flags to appear.

Whether that is possible or not I can’t tell, and what will happen to Mariupol next will be interesting: this time, yes, the city shall be liberated, but it will be interesting to see how much resistance the LDNR/Russian forces will encounter.

BTW – does anybody now about any webcams/geocams for Mariupol?

Intermediate conclusions:

Basically, this 08.08.08 on a much larger scale: move in, disarm, withdraw.

My guesses (not more, it is waaaay too early to tell!) is that:

      • The Ukie forces along the LOC will be surrounded and neutralized.  Once that goal in achieved, most of the Ukrainian ground threat will simply disappear.  True Nazis will be shot, the rest disarmed and sent home.  Their weapons will go to the LDNR.
      • LDNR and Russia forces will advance deep inside the Ukraine, but only to execute specific missions, after which they will be pulled back to the legal border of the LDNR (with a few exception possible for specific, local reasons).
      • The Ukronazi leadership will run away and Kabul like scenes are possible.  Some will be caught.

The Nazi regime in Kiev will be regime changed to some other regime which will accept a Russian ceasefire and the opening of direct negotiations with both the LDNR and Russia.  Eventually, a general ceasefire will be proclaimed.

I still think that a NATO (Polish?) ground operation into the Lvov and Ivano-Frankovsk regions is likely.  Officially to “protect our allies and friends” but in reality with two goals:

      • Save face
      • Establish a mini-Banderastan under Polish control in western Ukraine
      • Feed the hyena of Europe

The Kremlin might think otherwise, but I don’t have a problem with that as long as a semi-civilized and semi-sane regime is put in power in Kiev.

There will be elections, of course, which nobody in the West will initially recognize.  That’s fine.  Nobody in Russia cares about Uncle Shmuel or his Euro-rodents.

Now Biden (I forced myself to listen to him, again!) is aping Obama and promises that sanctions from hell will cripple Russia.  Bernhard, at Moon of Alabama, made an interesting comment today: “The Russian stock market is down but gold, oil and gas are up and Russia has so far lost zero money“.  I am sure that he is correct.

And, yes, in the short to mid term, sanctions will also have some negative effects on some sectors of the Russian economy.  However, in the mid to long term I think that energy costs will provide Russia with a real windfall of money.  At the Russian SC meeting, Mishustin appeared to be fully relaxed, focused and calm.

Besides, as I mentioned yesterday, the recent surge in energy prices over the past month have already refunded Russia all the money invested into NS2, and that is BEFORE the (inevitably upcoming) lawsuits against Germany 🙂

In a recent post I “recognized” both President Biden and Chancellor Scholtz for doing everything in their power to force Russia to intervene.

Today I want to recognize the truly immense contribution of “Ze” himself, and the Nazi nutcases around him.  He was the first to mention that Banderastan wanted to acquire nuclear weapons.  The Nazi nutcases in the Ukie regime and social media immediately picked up this truly “brilliant” idea.

I want to sincerely thank “Ze” specifically for:

      • Forcing the Russian to intervene (Nazi and nukes are a bad combo in any Russian’s mind!)
      • Giving them a legal basis to do so under Art. 51 of the UN Charter

Frankly, “Ze” did a lot for Russia, and I think that Putin should let him flee to the West.  But the one guy I want to see in handcuffs and tried in Odessa is Aleksei Goncharenko.

Yeah, I did say in Odessa, didn’t I?

Which brings me to one more possibility: Russia cannot leave the Ukie Black Sea coast under any kind of Nazi or pro-NATO control.  Hopefully, the next regime in power in Kiev can deal with that, and Russia can help if needed.  But if not, I think that the Black Sea Fleet might have to conduct the operations needed to make sure that no part of the Black Sea coast is ever used to threaten Russia again.

I would MUCH prefer if the Ukrainian people themselves cleaned their own house.  But if they can’t, then, okay, Russia can help as long as her intervention is temporary.

In fact, I would categorically oppose any longterm Russian intervention in the Ukraine beyond the LDNR.  I don’t think that it will happen anyway.  But a short term denazification operation might be unavoidable and I accept that.

Putin had no good option left.  Russia, as a nation, had no good options left.  So they chose the “least bad option” possible.  So far, I like what I see very much.

But while the initial standoff strikes are now mostly over, it will take time to liberate, disarm and stabilize the LDNR and the Ukrainian territories adjacent to it.

Also, I can’t imagine the CIA/MI6/Bellincat/CNN and the rest of them not executing at least ONE major false flag of some kind.  Not because that will change anything, but because that is what they are (kinda) good at.

Last, and very deliberately least, its over for the EU.  The EU was always a US colony, but now it will sink to a new low with Europeans losing any remnants, however tiny, of self-respect they might have retained.  From now on, the EU is Uncle Shmuel’s punkass bitch (forgive the profanity, but that is what fits best in my opinion).  All I can say about that is this: those who have no self-respect cannot expect to be respected by others.

That’s it on my end.

Your turn now.



American Biolabs in the Ukraine

The US biowarfare labs have been i the back of my mind for a while now. Since they (mostly) seem to be located next to Russian borders (I wonder why?), would it be better to use standoff weapons to incinerate these labs and all the materials inside of them, or capture them and remove or destroy the biowarfare agents very carefully? No easy answers.

Other info was provided.

Apparently Putin is targeting all the bioweapons sites with direct missile hits and destruction.

And now, the Chinese are stepping up to the plate with their own warnings for the out-of-control moronic United States…

PLA general warn US over Taiwan… With the words “or else… “

From HERE and Tiktok.

Or, video on MM.

Some of the latest formal statements

DPR head Pushilin

“The special military operation in Donbass will soon be over and all the cities will be liberated.”

Russian Defense Ministry

“According to intelligence, the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ troops and service members are leaving their positions in large numbers, dropping their weapons. No strikes are being carried out on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ units that have laid down their arms.”

China FM spox accuses US of ‘inciting war’ in Ukraine

Hua Chunying has said the Russia-Ukraine situation reflects a “complex historical background,” after Moscow implemented a “military operation” in Donbass.

The FM spox accused Western media of using the word “invasion” but did not when US military decided to initiate ‘armed actions in Afghanistan and Iraq.’

She continued to lambast Washington for its role – condemning America for ‘hyping up tensions and inciting war, while selling over $1.5BN worth of weapons.’


The demilitarization of Ukraine, which is one of the goals of the Russian military operation, means the neutralization of its military potential

Nice Chinese girl

Let’s wrap this all up on a positive note…

Some fine “eye candy”. Keep in mind that according to the American and UK press “news” that the Chinese are terribly malnourshed, starving waif in need of freedom™ and democracy™. They jsut cannot wait to adopt the “American way of life”,  become a transexual and shart a showing some enormous booty!

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Wrapping everything up in my concluding statements

This is a time of enormous change. The balance has recentered and the fulcrum is now in the favor of Asia. The Western “leaders” are scrambling, and theya re in Check Mate. No matter what they do will cause hardship for them. All they can do is quite limited.

  • Flip the table and destroy the world in a MAD nuclear senario.
  • Try to minimize the damage as much as possible.

My guess is the idiots will do something terribly irrational, erratic, and dangerous. (As if they haven’t already.)

Buckle up.

Remain calm.

It’s like jumping into a pool of icy cold water. Once you get over the shock, it becomes rather nice there.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


Articles & Links

Master Index


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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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It is happening

First, "President" Zelensky was widely reported to have FLED Ukraine, now we have VIDEO PROOF of Speaker of the House FLEEING too!   Real "men" these guys!   You see, folks, when I talked about "soy-boy cucks on the radio last night . . . THIS is exactly what I meant.  All these government types are real bad-asses when they talk, but when they get a punch in the face, they run like little girls.  

- Hal Turner Radio Show "WAR" edition

The chess pieces have been moving into place for years now. But the global realignments have been taking place. They have rarely been reported on, and in stealth mode for some time. All the while, American Presidents came and went. Each one adding their own flavor of insanity to the mix as the United States undergoes collapse.

Here, right now, the visible face of “check” leading toward the inevitable “check mate” has roared forth. And we are going to talk about it here.

The United States had a plan.

And has been following that plan for a long time. It has been doing so religiously. Elements of that plan were established early on, back when George Bush Senior was President. And followed in planned stages over the last forty some years.

The architects of that plan are now long dead.

Those that have taken on their reins or responsibilities are simply not capable, and extraordinary inadequate, for realistic and substantive planning and operations of a strategic nature.

And we are all observing this clusterfuck of great incompetence, silliness, danger and extraordinarily folly.

Not just in the United States, but in all their minions, and proxy nations.

But you know, and should realize, that regardless of who the American President has been, and what they have done, both Russia and China have been planning for the eventual collapse of the United States, and how to manage it globally.

Of course, it’s not reported upon.

Real secrets are kept really secret.

So all the time that America; the United States postured itself globally, and ran this project, or that project, the plans by Russia and China have been moving and being implemented. And while the current crop of American “leadership” worries about LGBT fairness, diversity justice, and increasing its military capability…

… a united Asia is unveiling the final touches to a massive and brilliant execution of Global Geo-politics for a global national power realignment.

No. “Check mate” hasn’t been reached yet.

But, it’s close. Only two to three steps away.

Close to Check Mate.

We are going to discuss that. Because these are historical times, and a very risky period where a crazy, insane, out of control thrashing American Military Empire ruled and controlled by egotistic idiots is capable of any, and the most heinous, acts of madness.

America is gone

The first thing that everyone must realize is that America; the United States, is gone.

It no longer exists.

It hasn’t for decades. It is dead. And like the movie “Weekend at Bernie’s” everyone believes that it is still functional, capable, and healthy. Nothing can be further from the truth.

It is dead.

Weekend at Bernie’s.

But, the thing is, that the illusion of power, control and health is being painstakingly maintained by a ruthless and well-funded media megaphone. It has reached a point, that America has become; turned into, a giant “echo chamber”, and Americans, and the Leadership actually believe their illusions.

It’s terrible, actually.

So, yeah. America is thrashing about wildly and acting absolutely insane. And it’s “allies”, it’s surrogates, are in suicidal lock-step as America marches straight into the “check mate” positioning by a united Asia.

The build up towards the final positioning has been accelerating over the last few months. It’s now out in the open and happening fast.

  • The non-ultimatum sent to the United States
  • China and Russia alignment at the 2022 Olympics.
  • Russia recognizing the breakaway regions of the Ukraine.
  • And America following their long-established road map…

A road map that both Russia and China have copies of, and of which they know exactly what America plans to do, when and how.

The birth of the baby twins: Russia’s strategic swing drives NATOstan nuts

Soy-Boy, Beta-Male, Cucks -- that is what serves in government!  And the ones here in the USA are just like this too!   Remember Jan. 6 how they hid in their offices in the Capital, barred the doors with office furniture, and now can't stop whining about the so-called "insurrection?"  Government officials are beta-male, soy-boy, cucks and the sooner we start treating them that way, the sooner we will get our country back under our control. 

-Hal Turner

By Pepe Escobar

(Written this morning in Istanbul, BEFORE Putin buried the Minsk agreements. Everything else – and beyond – stands.)

History will register that the birth of the baby twins – Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics – only a few hours before 2/22/22, was simultaneous to the birth of the real, 21st century multipolar world.

      • Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR)
      • Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR)

As my columns have stressed for a few years now, Vladimir Putin has been carefully nurturing his inner Sun Tzu.

And now it’s all in the open:

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”

The thunderbolt was months in the process of being meticulously polished.

To paraphrase Lenin, who “created Ukraine” (copyright Putin), we did live many decades in only these past few days.

      • It all started with the detailed demands of security guarantees sent to the Americans, which Moscow knew would be rejected.  (The so called “non-ultimatum”.)
      • Then there was the Russia-China joint statement at the start of the Winter Olympics – which codifies not only the strategic partnership but also the key tenets of the multipolar world.
      • The culmination was a stunning, nearly one hour-long address to the nation by Putin shortly after the Russian Security Council live session deliberating on the request for independence by the DPR and the LPR (here is a condensed version.)

A few hours later, at an emergency UN Security Council meeting, Russian Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzya precisely outlined why the recognition of the baby twins does not bury the Minsk agreements.

The baby twins (DPR & LPR) actually declared their independence in May 2014.

In 2015 they signed the Minsk agreements as one of the interested parties.

Theoretically they could even be back within Ukraine if Kiev would ever decide to respect the agreements, (which will never happen because the US has vetoed it since 2015).

Moreover, the people of Donbass do not want to be subjected to a regime harboring neo-Nazis.

As Nebenzya outlined,

“I would like to remind you that at the time of the conclusion of the Minsk agreements, the LPR and DPR had already declared independence. 

The fact that Russia today recognized it does not change the composition of the parties to the Minsk agreements, since Russia is not one (…) 

Another thing is that the Minsk agreements have long been openly sabotaged by Ukraine under the auspices of our Western colleagues. 

Now we see that many colleagues want to sign that the Minsk agreements are dead. 

But this is not the case (…) 

We are still open to diplomacy, but we do not intend to allow a new bloody massacre in the Donbass.”

And here’s the clincher, directly addressing imperial support for the killing of ethnic Russians in Donbass:

“The main task of our decision [on recognizing independence] was to preserve and protect these lives. 

This is more important than all your threats.”

There you go: Responsibility to Protect (R2P), a concept invented by the Americans to launch wars, used by Russia for preventing one.

That certified nullity, German chancellor Scholz, deriding Putin’s characterization of a genocide in Donbass as “laughable”, was a decisive factor in the birth of the baby wins.

Putin, in his address to the nation, especially took time to detail the Odessa massacre:

“We cannot but shudder when we remember about the situation in Odessa, when people were burned alive (…) 

And those criminals who did this, they are not punished (…) 

But we know their names, and we will do everything to punish them (…) and to bring them to justice.”

What about China?

Geopolitically, in Eurasian terms, two huge questions stand out: [1] the role of the CSTO and [2] the response from China.

If we look at the Article 19, Chapter VI of the  CSTO charter, we learn that,

“any state sharing the goals and principles of the Organization and being ready to undertake the obligations containing in this Charter and other international treaties and resolutions effective within the framework of the Organization may become a member of the Organization.”

That would open the door for the baby twins, as soon as they have finalized all the bureaucratic endeavors pertaining to new, independent nations, to request CSTO membership.

Incidentally, CSTO secretary-general Pashinian has already gone to Moscow to discuss this exact issue.

China is a way more complex proposition.

One of the key tenets of Beijing’s foreign policy is the fight against separatism – embedded in the foundation of the SCO.

So Beijing cannot possibly recognize the baby twins, or what would amount to Novorossiya – yes, Putin did pronounce the magic word – before Kiev itself does or, a serious possibility, completely disintegrates.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry so far has been extremely cautious.

Wang Yi has reiterated;

“China’s long-standing position that the legitimate security concerns of all countries must be respected, and the purposes & principles of the UN Charter must be upheld.”

Further on down the road, presumably after some serious exchanges between Wang Yi and Lavrov, China can always find myriad ways to unofficially help the baby twins – including advancing BRI-related connectivity and sustainable development projects.

As for Kiev disintegration, that’s directly linked to Moscow demanding the immediate stop of the mini-blitzkrieg against Donbass, otherwise they will bear full responsibility.

Yes, regime stalwarts will be hunted and punished – complete with a possible War Crimes Tribunal.

Its no wonder all sorts of oligarchic/political rats, big and small, are scurrying away, to Lviv, Poland and the UK.

The Munich effect

The intervention of all 12 members at the Security Council session, combined with Putin’s address to the nation was the stuff of gripping geopolitical drama.

Putin’s body language and the look in his eyes testified to the immense gravity of the moment – and it all came to the forefront when he embarked in a concise history lesson spanning a century.

Barely containing his anger at the countless ways Russia has been vilified by the West, and taking no prisoners when referring to communism, what mostly stood out was the clear-cut rendition of the insurmountable antagonism between the Anglo-American islands and the civilizational Heartland – or the clash between maritime powers and land powers.

That Eurasia classic was the bulk of his exposition: the recognition of the baby twins took less than three minutes.

The Munich Security Conference, this past weekend, had made it all so explicit.

Munich, as terrifying as it was in terms of a congregation of headless chickens posing as eagles, at least confirmed everything is in the open.

      • The enemy is Russia.
      • NATO infinite expansion – to outer space – is against Russia.
      • And then we had a parade of add-on threats:
        • no disarmament in Eastern Europe,
        • cutting off the Russian economy from the EU,
        • end of Nord Stream 2,
        • Ukraine in NATO,
        • world order built on “universal liberal values”.

Munich spelled out No Compromise Whatsoever – which was exactly what Putin, Lavrov, Patrushev and co. expected.

The warmongering rhetoric burying any meaningful discussion of migration, inflation, cyber wars, the European energy crisis.

And, of course, the only thing that matters for the MICIMATT (military-industrial-congressional-intelligence-media-academia-think tank complex, as defined by Ray McGovern):

      • Let’s milk this Eurotrash lot for untold billions in new contracts.
      • Let’s isolate Russia.
      • Let’s destroy Nord Stream 2 to sell them our ultra expensive LNG.
      • Let’s keep them on a leash – forever.

So actually it’s not even war against Russia: the $30 trillion-indebted Empire with a woke military attached simply could not afford it.

Not to mention the certified freak out in case they receive a phone call from Mr. Khinzal and Mr. Zircon : cue to the spectacular Russian display of “military and technical” superiority, hypersonic and otherwise – staged, irony of ironies, in synch with the circus in Munich.

What we have here is so lame: just a lowlife offer-you-can’t-refuse racket to be inflicted on the EU.

The Indivisible Security dance

The rabid Munich “No Compromise” show; the imperially-ordered Ukro crypto-blitzkrieg against Donbass; and the role of the US Lack of Intelligence Community – an Andrei Martyanov-coined howler – altogether sealed the deal for the Security Council deliberations and Putin’s decision.

Considering the ideological stupidity of the current Brussels gang – Stoltenberg, von der Leyen, Borrell –, incapable of understanding even basic economics, the fact remains that the EU without Russian energy is doomed.

Martyanov stresses the algorithm: Russia can afford the break up with Europe. Europe cannot.

The US just wants to collect.

And we’re not even talking about the dire, incoming ramifications of the systemic crisis across NATOstan.

Even as Moscow plays a very long, calculated game, as it stands that does not necessarily mean that Russia will be “winning” the baby twins while “losing” Europe.

Russia’s strategic swing repeatedly baffles the Atlanticist combo.

The US lack of intelligence community was predicting a Russian “aggression” every other day – and still is.

Instead they got the baby twins as the latest independent republics of the Global South.

Even before Munich, the Ukro crypto-blitzkrieg, and the recognition of the baby twins, Moscow had again warned it may respond with “military and technical measures” to ensure its own security after the US and NATO blatantly ignored key points from its proposal for a long-term European security architecture, and instead “cherry-picked” issues from a package deal.

Moscow will not let the Americans run away from the by now notorious 10-page Russian response.

Putin, addressing the Stavka, had already warned

“we are in a situation (…) where we are forced to resolve it.”

Which bring us to what John Helmer niftly qualified as Russia’s black box defense.

The beauty is no one knows what’s inside the black box.

Enter, once again, the “military-technical measures” that will be “reciprocal” (Putin) to what US and NATOstan are already deploying against Russia.

They won’t necessarily be implemented in the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, in the airspace above Donbass, even in cyberspace.

It could be anywhere – from the Syrian theater to Latin America. From Brussels to New York City.


That’s what strategic ambivalence, ambiguity, or – let’s get down to the rhythm – swing is all about.

You don’t believe in the principle of indivisible security?

  • Fine.

Now we dictate the security rhythm.

You’re not gonna stop deploying nuclear weapons outside your territory?

  • Fine.

Here’s some reciprocity.

You’re not gonna accept legally binding guarantees of our security?

  • Fine.

Meet our “military-technical” measures.

Now dance, suckers.

Scenes from the Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized a military operation in Ukraine on Thursday 24FEB22 in what appeared to be the start of war in Europe. The reason for this war is that Russia demanded that NATO and the United States agreed to the treaties that they signed. These treaties pledges no NATO’s eastward expansion, and no nuclear weapons placed near Russian boarders.

He’s sending the Russian army into LNR/DNR, or rather a “Special army operation aimed at demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine to protect people against genocide.

His goal is the demilitarization of Ukraine as well as putting those responsible for attacks upon Donetsk and Luhansk on trial.

In his speech, Putin also said…

"I must appeal to the military of Ukraine, you swore an oath to the people, not the junta, I urge you to immediately lay down your arms and go home. All Ukrainian servicemen who lay down their arms will be able to return to their families.”

There are reports that entire groups are following this advice, and putting their weapons down on the spot and fleeing in droves.

Shortly after Putin spoke in a special televised address on Russian state TV, explosions could be heard in the pre-dawn quiet of the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. Gunfire rattled near the capital’s main airport, the Interfax news agency said.

Explosions also rocked the breakaway eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk and civilian aircraft were warned away as the United States said a major attack by Russia on its neighbor was imminent.

Putin said he had authorized a special military operation in breakaway areas of eastern Ukraine and clashes between Russian and Ukrainian forces were only a matter of time.

Hours earlier, pro-Russian separatists issued a plea to Moscow for help to stop alleged Ukrainian aggression.  This was dismissed by the United States as Russian propaganda.

Putin said he had ordered Russian forces to protect the people and demanded Ukrainian forces lay down their arms.

"All responsibility for bloodshed will be on the conscience of the ruling regime in Ukraine," .

He repeated his position that NATO expansion to include Ukraine was unacceptable and said Russia had been left with no choice but to defend itself against what he said were threats emanating from Ukraine.

He ended his speech with remarks that seems to be aimed directly at the US and NATO:

"To anyone who would consider interfering from the outside: if you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history. All relevant decisions have been taken. I hope you hear me."

The scope of the Russian military operation was not immediately clear.  However, Russian Strategic Bombers are in the air right now.

Russian Strategic Bomber Voice HF active on 8131 Kilohertz USB at 0215 GMT.

Aircraft are passing short figure messages to ground control. Very busy!

You can monitor the frequency online at the following receiver in Europe. Type in 8131 and click on USB.  Choose USB (Upper Side Band)

Moscow has long denied that it has plans to invade despite massing tens of thousands of troops near its neighbor.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Wednesday that Moscow had approved an offensive and had not replied to an invitation for talks.

"Today I initiated a telephone conversation with the President of the Russian Federation. The result was silence,"

U.S. President Joe Biden said his prayers were with the people of Ukraine.

In the hours to come Russia will…

  • -conduct strikes on air defense systems
  • – move to cut off Kiev from eastern Ukraine
  • -move to cut off Ukraine’s military forces on the line of contact in the east to prevent them from falling back to defend Kiev.

First Reports

Vlad orders military operations in Ukraine, demands Kyiv forces surrender...
Warns West of consequences greater than any in history if interferes...
Zelenskiy Says Suffered 'Serious Losses' As Air Strikes Hit 25 Cities...
Calls on citizens to fight, promises weapons...
Blasts Before Dawn. Rooster's Crow. Then Panic...
Photos, Video Emerge: 'That's F*cking Missile!'
Horror images of blood-drenched civilians...
Child Among First to be Killed...
Many flee to Poland...
Worst European Crisis of Postwar Era...
Baltics wondering: Are we next?
State TV paints Moscow as savior...
NATO to deploy more troops...
China Nods to Russia Interests...
World expresses outrage...

From Rense

Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 14:53
Subject: Ukraine News Update

Russia has destroyed Ukraine’s air force and air defenses. Ukraine’s airports have cars and tractors parked on the runways to prevent Russian transport planes from landing. So Russian VDV (airborn) troops will soon parachute in and remove blocking vehicles. CONFIRMED AND VDV TROOPS HAVE LANDED IN MULTIPLE CITIES.
I have seen messages and photos purportedly from Kiev saying Russian missiles have landed on specific targets there. CONFIRMED

It was reported yesterday that Zelensky has a secret account in a German bank in Latin America totalling $1.2 billion. He was reportedly getting between $12 and $35 million monthly from ukrop billionaire oligarchs Akmetov, Pinchuk and Kolomoisky.


Good morning! There is a total coercion of Ukraine to the WORLD! The morons twitched on the offensive at night on the LDNR. Get it. Sign!

  • The first video footage from Odessa
  • According to preliminary data, Mariupol was liberated
  • Losses of the neo-Nazi regiment “Azov” as a result of a missile and bomb attack reach HUNDREDS of people
  • The footage shows the arrivals of MLRS missiles near Kharkov
  • Units of the LPR began to liberate the Ukrainian-controlled city of Shchastia
  • Zelensky introduces coniferous situation throughout Ukraine
  • ALL Ukrainian Navy destroyed or rendered unusable
  • Russian armed forces seized several checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Sumy region.
  • Missile strikes are carried out on the targets of the tactical aviation brigade near Vasilkov, the main air defense aviation of Ukraine.
  • Russian strategic aviation in the air.
  • Throughout Ukraine, cruise and ballistic missiles are destroying military infrastructure and strategically important facilities.
  • ALL Ukrainian Navy destroyed or rendered unusable
  • Russian armed forces seized several checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Sumy region.
  • Missile strikes are carried out on the targets of the tactical aviation brigade near Vasilkov, the main air defense aviation of Ukraine.
  • Russian strategic aviation in the air.
  • Throughout Ukraine, cruise and ballistic missiles are destroying military infrastructure and strategically important facilities.
  • Explosions near Boryspil airport.
  • A military unit was covered in Kharkov. Just now two explosions were also heard in the vicinity of Dnepropetrovsk.
  • Grads are working along the entire front
  • They report the beginning of landing operations of the Black Sea Fleet in the Sea of Azov.
  • It is reported about the downing of bayraktars located in the sky
  • Land units go to the Dnieper, Mariupol and Kharkov
  • Access to the maritime borders of the Black and Azov Seas is cut off. In the Odessa region, a landing took place from the BDK and helicopter aviation
  • In Dnepropetrovsk, cannonade and battle near the airport
  • CNN correspondent live from Kiev said he heard a series of explosions.
  • The lanes at all closed airports are blocked by tractors to prevent a possible landing of aircraft with troops – information from the field.
  • Attacks on military depots in Odessa are reported. Explosions one after another
  • Ukrop Army fired on central Donetsk during the night, but all is quiet here now.
This is just the beginning of the full liberation and de-nazification of Ukraine, at least as far as Kiev.
Things are unfolding just exactly like I said they would.

The Crusaders are very, very angry. Who cares?


I just listened to Biden (here if you have the stomach). Oh he is pissed, badly.  Putin totally and comprehensively ignored him or the USA (one sign of that is that Putin did warn Scholz and Macron but, apparently, nobody told the White House).

Scholz truly scared the Kremlin when he told that he pulled back the certification of NS2 “jetzt” that is “now”.

Okay, he probably misspoke, he meant “no NS2 forever!”.

Scholz is one tough cookie!

I love it when petty flaccid Eurognomes try to scare Russia.

With sanctions, of all things.

This is RUSSIA we are talking about.

Of all people, the Germans ought to know better.

I guess they don’t.

  • Fine, I wish the Germans lots of fun!

Speaking of NS2, two small factoids:

      • gas prices are already up by 10% in the spot markets.
      • Thanks to the increase of the energy prices Gazprom has already paid for the construction of NS2 with that extra windfall (that according to a senior Duma member, Petr Tolstoy).

Where do you think this is headed?

Exactly, me too!

Biden also said something two really interesting in his otherwise totally vapid speed.

First, he asked who the hell Putin thought he was to recognize states in other sovereign nations?

Second, he warned Russia: we shall judge you by your actions.

I think I can help Biden and give him two very simple replies:

  1. Putin is the President of Russia and he does ask for anybody’s approval, least of all – the USA’s.
  2. You don’t get to judge Russia.  That ship has sailed.  If anything, the day will come when Zone B will judge you on a 21st century of the Nuremberg Tribunal.  As Putin said “we have all their names”.

But I also know this: in the minds of the leaders of Zone A both of these replies are literally *unthinkable*.  Ok.

Hence, they will have to be shown that which they currently cannot fathom.

Today the Russian Duma and Federation Council have ratified all the needed documents and given Putin the right to engage Russian forces abroad.

Where exactly was not specified.

Putin was asked about where he would engage the Russian forces and he basically reply “wait and see, we will use them wherever needed and to comply with all our obligations”.

Putin loves to make the western Tabaki-jackals guess his next move.  He is now openly trolling them 🙂


Western Crusaders attacking Russia is nothing new.

But in the past, the Crusaders were at least a credible threat (at times, even a very credible one).

But the modern Crusaders are a joke.

Their threats are a joke, their armed forces are a joke and their leaders are a joke.

A good example is Biden sending more of this invincible military forces to the Baltic statelets.

I am sure the Russians are now truly terrified.

What we do know is the the good folks at Commentary Mag are bracing for impact.

Will the people of the USA find out, for the very first time, that the actions of their rulers can actually directly impact them personally?

God willing, they will learn fast and act accordingly.

What about the Ukros?

So far, they have mostly ignored Putin’s warnings to “immediately cease the attacks against the LDNR”.

I don’t know if they are amazingly courageous, very dumb or suicidal.

Either way, I would recommend they heed Putin’s warning, there shall be no more warnings.

True, the know that their western masters don’t give a damn about Russian lives, mass graves, thousands of kidnapped “separatists”, numerous torture centers or open calls to murder.

  • Fine.  So for 8 years the Ukronazis have murdered the Russian by the tens of thousands.

But don’t they understand that their lives will be the next one?

Or do they really think that the western “advisors” will protect them?

Oh well, I guest that, again, they will have to be shown that which they currently cannot fathom.

By the way,

From a legal point of view, until now Russia has insisted that this was an internal Ukrainian civil war and not an international conflict.

Now this has changed.

Now, from the point of view of the Kremlin, this is now an international conflict directly involving Russia.


Here I want to use the occasion to congratulate the United West and, especially, the Ukronazis.  For seven years you dreamed about a war involving Russia.

BRAVO! Congrats – now you got what you fought so hard for: the Russian bear has *officially* placed a paw on the LDNR.

Now I want to see who you all will volunteer to make move first to make him remove that paw 🙂

Maybe the US forces in the Baltics?

Or the Poles?

Maybe the Czechs or even the Brits?

Something tells me that “super-pooper sanctions from hell” and hurricanes of hot air are more likely.

Crusaders are not like they used to be.



So what are we actually talking about here?

We are talking about SERIOUS consequences made by idiots who have no concept about what kind of deep-shit that they are in now. They simply do not realize that they are in deep, deep shit.

We are talking about a cocky know-it-all little punk bully threatening a group of  big, burly, mean and nasty hard-core bikers.

The bullet is going to hit the bone.


I do not know how it will happen, nor, what will happen. I do not know when it will happen, or any of the particulars. But I do know THAT it will happen.

It will be very bad.

Certainly the American media are hyping up war. But they are just treating it like some kind of Baseball game, and not the threat of massive nuclear destruction of the host cities (American, British, NATO) promoting this danger.

To imagine that the United States would remain unscathed after all this provication (not to mention their color revolution that set up the current Neo-Nazi regime in 2014) is unfathonable.

But there you have it. Spin the narrative…

Others, including myself, have suggested that it might include a nuclear first strike. Maybe or maybe not. As I see things, the USA is already half destroyed as it is. Why use a cannon when a slingshot will do?

But seriously, and cautiously, realize that Asia is defining the rules right now. And the expectations of the collective West might as well be thrown out the window. They are as obsolete as a buggy whip.

Putin goes to Siberia


Russia Fires “Warning Shots” at American Navy

Russian ship “Admiral Essen” fires warning shots in front of US ships in the Black Sea.

Russian ship “Admiral Essen”.

The Russians report that the frigate “Admiral Essen” fired warning shots in front of American ships in the Black Sea.

"The appearance of three US Navy ships has forced Russia to show strength to the US military and use radical methods to reassure them of the protection of its borders."

That is why the frigate “Admiral Essen” fired Kalibr cruise missiles in front of American ships.

At the moment we are talking about a practical training ” the Russian media report and emphasize the” for now “while adding:

"All the targets were successfully hit by the Russian cruise missiles, although the exact area and the distance they traveled were not known."
"Russia has successfully completed the launch of the missiles and has shown its readiness to use these weapons against anyone who threatens Russia,"

…said a Russian expert.

[link to 2gtdmthbqrehz3iksvu4arzody-adwhj77lcyoafdy-warnews247-gr.tran​ (secure)]

Nuclear thoughts…

Look at some “nuclear strike maps”.

Many of the nuclear strike maps were made before Russia and China developed systems to shoot down ICBMs and SLBM missiles. They also reflected an industrial base that disappeared in the 1980s.

In the map below, it suggests that the Russians would hit the underground ICBM silos, knock out Pittsburgh, and Syracuse. My guess that it would be a quite different target map.

And here in this map, the strikes as triangles are most accurate. Though you wouldn’t need to launch all those nuclear bombs to take out the coastal cities. Just generate a huge tidal wave with the Satan 2 standoff weapon.

And here we see that FEMA still ignores the Satan 2, and the irrelevance of the Underground Minuteman silos.

Not a joke

The United States has grown accustomed to picking on nations, sanctioning them, starting “color revolutions”, sabotaging their food supplies and all the rest. Now, both Russia and China told the United States to STOP.

And the United States said no.

And it’s allies agreed with the United States, and also said no

And I really don’t think thay are ready for the consequences of dealing with a very angry and pissed off Asia. As the consequences can end up being most lethal…



There’s a major realignment of global power taking place. The fulcrum is now directly under us. And as such the balance of power is now tipping and changing. And like all changes in equilibrium, once the tipping point has been reached, the changes come quick, fast and sudden.

Look at all the things that happened since three months ago. Things are moving fast, and swift.

No need to panic, that is unless you are an avid consumer of Western “news” or are a technology billionaire of some pedigree.

Just stay calm and let the changes manifest. Things will be fine in the afterwards. They really will.

In the meantime, appreciate what you have. Worrying about a future that might not materialize is fruitless. It has been my experience that our fears never happen, but change does.

So enjoy what you have…

A Nice Chinese girl

She looks like she could really use a nice delicious meal. Along with a nice light wine, and some delicious salad.

I love her eyes. They are really big.

video 3MB


Don’t worry too much. Spend time with people, pets and your loves. Food should never be an afterthought, and if you have been putting off drinking because of some health reason, then stop. Start enjoying life while you still can.

Good thoughts.

Good actions, words of kindness and support, and being a contributor to the betterment of your community are the tickets out of the cage of fear that the medica has created for you.

Kick that damn door down.

Get the hell out.

Grab a partner and live life.

Cuddle on the beach.

What are you waiting for?

An invitation?

Tracking the Ukraine offensive

You can follow the Russian suppression of the US-installed puppet regime in the Ukraine here…

  • Hal Turner has a great blow-by-blow real-time running thread HERE.
  • GodLikeProductions has a pretty decent forum HERE.
  • Victoria has a nice Facebook page in great detail HERE.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Rambling thoughts during an extreme period of change

It is happening.

What? You might ask.

Historic times.

Well, it is the big sequence of long overdue change. And this time, it’s not unwinding due to emotion, or traps or public opinion. No. Instead, it is being orchestrated by talented merit-driven leaders with strong consensus and direction from very powerful entities.

No. They are not like this fella…

Florida, 1956

So what we are going to do here is ramble on and discuss s series and sequence of events on the global stage.

And no. It’s not going to be like what is being reported. As what President Putin did is unexpected. He did not invade the Ukraine. But rather recognized that it fractured into separate nations and is supporting the separation via policing it.

All American “news” is now on PAUSE as they figure out how to “spin” these events and concoct a new narrative.

The day Russia’s patience ran out


Today’s date, commonly written out as 22.02.2022, will be an easy one for future schoolchildren to remember. Various people will remember it in various ways. The residents of Donetsk and Lugansk, the two formerly Ukrainian, now once again Russian cities that have been subjected to conditions bordering on genocide since the US-instigated government overthrow of 2014 will remember jubilantly dancing in the streets, shooting off lots of fireworks, waving Russian flags and hollering the Russian national anthem. For them, this is the day on which new hope arrived that their eight-year nightmare would soon be over and life would finally return to normal.

The badly informed new German chancellor inadvertently helped to resolve the situation by saying that the idea of a Ukrainian-caused genocide in the Donbass is ridiculous. Given the history of the region, the public spectacle of a German leader using the words “genocide” and “ridiculous” in the same sentence made the moment pregnant with possibilities. Here is the information the seemingly rather dim-witted chancellor was missing. There were 9,282 dead on the Donbass side (70% of them civilians) and 114 children. The dead on the Ukrainian side (the Ukrainian troops and various assorted mercenaries that had been attacking and laying siege to the Donbass since 2014) numbered 20,186. This was prior to the renewed Ukrainian shelling of recent days. There were also over two million Donbass refugees in Russia, more than one million in the Ukraine and around 50 thousand in Belarus.

Most Russians will also remember this day with relief as the day their government finally—finally! after eight literally bloody years!—determined that a negotiated settlement in the Ukraine would simply never happen and that there was no point in waiting any further before going ahead and cleaning it up.

The following is BIG news. Real news. Not the fake “manufactured narrative” out of the United States media mills. Pay attention. This is the English translation form the Russian ministry website HERE.

Address by the President of the Russian Federation

The Kremlin, Moscow

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends,

My address concerns the events in Ukraine and why this is so important for us, for Russia. Of course, my message is also addressed to our compatriots in Ukraine.

The matter is very serious and needs to be discussed in depth.

The situation in Donbass has reached a critical, acute stage. I am speaking to you directly today not only to explain what is happening but also to inform you of the decisions being made as well as potential further steps.

I would like to emphasise again that Ukraine is not just a neighbouring country for us. It is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space. These are our comrades, those dearest to us – not only colleagues, friends and people who once served together, but also relatives, people bound by blood, by family ties.

Since time immemorial, the people living in the south-west of what has historically been Russian land have called themselves Russians and Orthodox Christians. This was the case before the 17th century, when a portion of this territory rejoined the Russian state, and after.

It seems to us that, generally speaking, we all know these facts, that this is common knowledge. Still, it is necessary to say at least a few words about the history of this issue in order to understand what is happening today, to explain the motives behind Russia’s actions and what we aim to achieve.

So, I will start with the fact that modern Ukraine was entirely created by Russia or, to be more precise, by Bolshevik, Communist Russia. This process started practically right after the 1917 revolution, and Lenin and his associates did it in a way that was extremely harsh on Russia – by separating, severing what is historically Russian land. Nobody asked the millions of people living there what they thought.

Then, both before and after the Great Patriotic War, Stalin incorporated in the USSR and transferred to Ukraine some lands that previously belonged to Poland, Romania and Hungary. In the process, he gave Poland part of what was traditionally German land as compensation, and in 1954, Khrushchev took Crimea away from Russia for some reason and also gave it to Ukraine. In effect, this is how the territory of modern Ukraine was formed.

But now I would like to focus attention on the initial period of the USSR’s formation. I believe this is extremely important for us. I will have to approach it from a distance, so to speak.

I will remind you that after the 1917 October Revolution and the subsequent Civil War, the Bolsheviks set about creating a new statehood. They had rather serious disagreements among themselves on this point. In 1922, Stalin occupied the positions of both the General Secretary of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the People’s Commissar for Ethnic Affairs. He suggested building the country on the principles of autonomisation that is, giving the republics – the future administrative and territorial entities – broad powers upon joining a unified state.

Lenin criticised this plan and suggested making concessions to the nationalists, whom he called “independents” at that time. Lenin’s ideas of what amounted in essence to a confederative state arrangement and a slogan about the right of nations to self-determination, up to secession, were laid in the foundation of Soviet statehood. Initially they were confirmed in the Declaration on the Formation of the USSR in 1922, and later on, after Lenin’s death, were enshrined in the 1924 Soviet Constitution.

This immediately raises many questions. The first is really the main one: why was it necessary to appease the nationalists, to satisfy the ceaselessly growing nationalist ambitions on the outskirts of the former empire? What was the point of transferring to the newly, often arbitrarily formed administrative units – the union republics – vast territories that had nothing to do with them? Let me repeat that these territories were transferred along with the population of what was historically Russia.

Moreover, these administrative units were de facto given the status and form of national state entities. That raises another question: why was it necessary to make such generous gifts, beyond the wildest dreams of the most zealous nationalists and, on top of all that, give the republics the right to secede from the unified state without any conditions?

At first glance, this looks absolutely incomprehensible, even crazy. But only at first glance. There is an explanation. After the revolution, the Bolsheviks’ main goal was to stay in power at all costs, absolutely at all costs. They did everything for this purpose: accepted the humiliating Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, although the military and economic situation in Kaiser Germany and its allies was dramatic and the outcome of the First World War was a foregone conclusion, and satisfied any demands and wishes of the nationalists within the country.

When it comes to the historical destiny of Russia and its peoples, Lenin’s principles of state development were not just a mistake; they were worse than a mistake, as the saying goes. This became patently clear after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Of course, we cannot change past events, but we must at least admit them openly and honestly, without any reservations or politicking. Personally, I can add that no political factors, however impressive or profitable they may seem at any given moment, can or may be used as the fundamental principles of statehood.

I am not trying to put the blame on anyone. The situation in the country at that time, both before and after the Civil War, was extremely complicated; it was critical. The only thing I would like to say today is that this is exactly how it was. It is a historical fact. Actually, as I have already said, Soviet Ukraine is the result of the Bolsheviks’ policy and can be rightfully called “Vladimir Lenin’s Ukraine.” He was its creator and architect. This is fully and comprehensively corroborated by archival documents, including Lenin’s harsh instructions regarding Donbass, which was actually shoved into Ukraine. And today the “grateful progeny” has overturned monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. They call it decommunization.

You want decommunization? Very well, this suits us just fine. But why stop halfway? We are ready to show what real decommunizations would mean for Ukraine.

Going back to history, I would like to repeat that the Soviet Union was established in the place of the former Russian Empire in 1922. But practice showed immediately that it was impossible to preserve or govern such a vast and complex territory on the amorphous principles that amounted to confederation. They were far removed from reality and the historical tradition.

It is logical that the Red Terror and a rapid slide into Stalin’s dictatorship, the domination of the communist ideology and the Communist Party’s monopoly on power, nationalisation and the planned economy – all this transformed the formally declared but ineffective principles of government into a mere declaration. In reality, the union republics did not have any sovereign rights, none at all. The practical result was the creation of a tightly centralised and absolutely unitary state.

In fact, what Stalin fully implemented was not Lenin’s but his own principles of government. But he did not make the relevant amendments to the cornerstone documents, to the Constitution, and he did not formally revise Lenin’s principles underlying the Soviet Union. From the look of it, there seemed to be no need for that, because everything seemed to be working well in conditions of the totalitarian regime, and outwardly it looked wonderful, attractive and even super-democratic.

And yet, it is a great pity that the fundamental and formally legal foundations of our state were not promptly cleansed of the odious and utopian fantasies inspired by the revolution, which are absolutely destructive for any normal state. As it often happened in our country before, nobody gave any thought to the future.

It seems that the Communist Party leaders were convinced that they had created a solid system of government and that their policies had settled the ethnic issue for good. But falsification, misconception, and tampering with public opinion have a high cost. The virus of nationalist ambitions is still with us, and the mine laid at the initial stage to destroy state immunity to the disease of nationalism was ticking. As I have already said, the mine was the right of secession from the Soviet Union.

In the mid-1980s, the increasing socioeconomic problems and the apparent crisis of the planned economy aggravated the ethnic issue, which essentially was not based on any expectations or unfulfilled dreams of the Soviet peoples but primarily the growing appetites of the local elites.

However, instead of analysing the situation, taking appropriate measures, first of all in the economy, and gradually transforming the political system and government in a well-considered and balanced manner, the Communist Party leadership only engaged in open doubletalk about the revival of the Leninist principle of national self-determination.

Moreover, in the course of power struggle within the Communist Party itself, each of the opposing sides, in a bid to expand its support base, started to thoughtlessly incite and encourage nationalist sentiments, manipulating them and promising their potential supporters whatever they wished. Against the backdrop of the superficial and populist rhetoric about democracy and a bright future based either on a market or a planned economy, but amid a true impoverishment of people and widespread shortages, no one among the powers that be was thinking about the inevitable tragic consequences for the country.

Next, they entirely embarked on the track beaten at the inception of the USSR and pandering to the ambitions of the nationalist elites nurtured within their own party ranks. But in so doing, they forgot that the CPSU no longer had – thank God – the tools for retaining power and the country itself, tools such as state terror and a Stalinist-type dictatorship, and that the notorious guiding role of the party was disappearing without a trace, like a morning mist, right before their eyes.

And then, the September 1989 plenary session of the CPSU Central Committee approved a truly fatal document, the so-called ethnic policy of the party in modern conditions, the CPSU platform. It included the following provisions, I quote: “The republics of the USSR shall possess all the rights appropriate to their status as sovereign socialist states.”

The next point: “The supreme representative bodies of power of the USSR republics can challenge and suspend the operation of the USSR Government’s resolutions and directives in their territory.”

And finally: “Each republic of the USSR shall have citizenship of its own, which shall apply to all of its residents.”

Wasn’t it clear what these formulas and decisions would lead to?

Now is not the time or place to go into matters pertaining to state or constitutional law, or define the concept of citizenship. But one may wonder: why was it necessary to rock the country even more in that already complicated situation? The facts remain.

Even two years before the collapse of the USSR, its fate was actually predetermined. It is now that radicals and nationalists, including and primarily those in Ukraine, are taking credit for having gained independence. As we can see, this is absolutely wrong. The disintegration of our united country was brought about by the historic, strategic mistakes on the part of the Bolshevik leaders and the CPSU leadership, mistakes committed at different times in state-building and in economic and ethnic policies. The collapse of the historical Russia known as the USSR is on their conscience.

Despite all these injustices, lies and outright pillage of Russia, it was our people who accepted the new geopolitical reality that took shape after the dissolution of the USSR, and recognised the new independent states. Not only did Russia recognise these countries, but helped its CIS partners, even though it faced a very dire situation itself. This included our Ukrainian colleagues, who turned to us for financial support many times from the very moment they declared independence. Our country provided this assistance while respecting Ukraine’s dignity and sovereignty.

According to expert assessments, confirmed by a simple calculation of our energy prices, the subsidised loans Russia provided to Ukraine along with economic and trade preferences, the overall benefit for the Ukrainian budget in the period from 1991 to 2013 amounted to $250 billion.

However, there was more to it than that. By the end of 1991, the USSR owed some $100 billion to other countries and international funds. Initially, there was this idea that all former Soviet republics will pay back these loans together, in the spirit of solidarity and proportionally to their economic potential. However, Russia undertook to pay back all Soviet debts and delivered on this promise by completing this process in 2017.

In exchange for that, the newly independent states had to hand over to Russia part of the Soviet foreign assets. An agreement to this effect was reached with Ukraine in December 1994. However, Kiev failed to ratify these agreements and later simply refused to honour them by making demands for a share of the Diamond Treasury, gold reserves, as well as former USSR property and other assets abroad.

Nevertheless, despite all these challenges, Russia always worked with Ukraine in an open and honest manner and, as I have already said, with respect for its interests. We developed our ties in multiple fields. Thus, in 2011, bilateral trade exceeded $50 billion. Let me note that in 2019, that is before the pandemic, Ukraine’s trade with all EU countries combined was below this indicator.

At the same time, it was striking how the Ukrainian authorities always preferred dealing with Russia in a way that ensured that they enjoy all the rights and privileges while remaining free from any obligations.

The officials in Kiev replaced partnership with a parasitic attitude acting at times in an extremely brash manner. Suffice it to recall the continuous blackmail on energy transits and the fact that they literally stole gas.

I can add that Kiev tried to use dialogue with Russia as a bargaining chip in its relations with the West, using the threat of closer ties with Russia for blackmailing the West to secure preferences by claiming that otherwise Russia would have a bigger influence in Ukraine.

To be continued.

Breaking News Feb 21, 4pm US Central Time: Today the World Changed


I listened to Putin’s address to the Russian people, indeed, to the entire world, following his meeting with the Security Council. He expressed his sadness that negotiating with the West has taught him complete distrust of Washington, and Putin made it clear that Russia would be prepared for the war that Washington is intent to bring to Russia.

Putin said that for 8 years he had tried to bring peace to the Ukraine situation in a way that would keep the breakaway republics as part of Ukraine, but had been frustrated by Washington. Consequently, he has no alternative but to announce Russia’s recognition of the two republics, something he says should have been done years ago. He signed mutual aid treaties with both republics.

Andrei Martyanov provides in Russian and in English translation Moscow’s demand to Ukraine:

Президент подчеркнул, что Москва требует от киевских властей “незамедлительно прекратить боевые действия, <…> в противном случае, вся ответственность за возможное продолжение кровопролития будет целиком и полностью на совести правящего на территории Украины режима”.

Translation: Moscow demands from Kiev to immediately stop all hostilities, otherwise all responsibility for possible continuation of the bloodshed will be fully on the consciousness of the regime ruling in Ukraine.

Russian armed forces have been issued orders to ensure provision of peace on the territory of the Independent Republics.

Of course, this will be described by the presstitutes as a Russian invasion, and the fool in the White House will highlight US impotence by imposing sanctions.

From this time forward, provocations of Russia will become increasingly dangerous.

Russian military systems

Just a review of things that are not reported in the West..
Now, let’s go to China.

Nice Chinese girl at harvest time

This gal is showing how to pick tea leaves to make the best tea. You know, China is a great land of tea, and there are so many kinds and types of tea to drink and choose from. This great video illustrates her technique and you can easily see the time and effort that goes into making the best blend of tea.


Crock-Pot Beef Bourguignon

Watching all these tumultuous changes really builds up an appetite.

This is the kind of food that my mother used to make for me. It’s not made at restrurants. No. You have to make it at home with talent and love. Look at it. It’s awesome.

Beef Bourguignon.

Beef Bourguignon traces its roots back for centuries, and this crockpot version guarantees you can fix up this classic dish with minimum hassle. This rich stew of beef, carrots, onions, and more will make you long for the old country and times past, even if you’ve never tasted it before.

Get the recipe from The View from Great Island.

Major Matt Mason

Now, for an escape to the 1960s. There was a brief time when Americans focused on going into Space instead of fighting wars. And even though there was a Vietnam war, most people just wanted to make love instead of war.

As I said; it was a brief period of time.

This was a toy that I used to play with when I was a boy in the 1960s. I had the white-suited Major Matt Mason, and his basic accessory kit, as well as the Space Station. In truth I was enviouos of my friends who had the tractor, and the other vehicle kits.

I would imagine myself going into space and meeting space aliens and working with them for the good of all humanity.


"Major Matt Mason. He was a great astronaut: a full-on, lifelike astronaut, made with rubber and wire, kind of like Gumby. He was bendable and poseable, and I went through a few of them because after a while the wires get all twisted."

-Tom Hanks, when asked "What was your favorite toy as a kid?" by Disney Adventures magazine

1967 was not a good year for America. The military was beginning to get bogged down in the quagmire that was Southeast Asia, though the disastrous Tet Offensive was still a year away.

Hot on the heels of the successful Project Gemini, NASA was dealt a crushing blow on January 27th, 1967, when the crew of Apollo 1 burned alive on a launch pad at Cape Canaveral.

President Lyndon B. Johnson was so disgusted with his role in the whole state of affairs that he eventually chose not to run for reelection.

Despite troubles at home and abroad, a toy line emerged that hinted at happier, more imaginative times ahead. The toy was Major Matt Mason, “Mattel’s Man in Space”.

Major Matt Mason was a rubber astronaut who stood six inches tall, wore a white space suit and came with a removable space helmet and visor.

His internal wire skeleton allowed him to bend at any joint, and his space suit was based on an actual NASA prototype. The space program was quickly making a comeback from Apollo 1, and with a real lunar landing a mere two years away, Mattel could not have asked for a better time to market a toy based on exploring the moon.

Initially, Mattel had intended to make a simple line of space toys centered on a single astronaut. Major Matt Mason, “the bravest astronaut yet”, was rolled out in the summer of 1967 and gave Mattel a huge hit in the Christmas season of that year.

That first year’s offerings consisted of a carded accessory pack known as the Flight Set, which featured a Major Matt Mason figure, the Jet Pack, the Space Sled, and the flamethrower-like Decontamination Gun.

The Jet Pack could be strapped to a figure and made to travel along a string, giving the illusion of flight. When attached to the Space Sled, that toy could “fly”, too.

Also available were the Space Crawler, the two-story Space Station, and a clunky bell-shaped Moon Suit.

One of the major selling points for the toys was Mattel’s claim that they were based on actual NASA designs, and for the very first toys, this was at least partially true.

Mattel’s Moon Suit toy is a carbon copy of the prototype seen on the cover of the April 27th, 1962 issue of LIFE Magazine, right down to the red stripes and large “3” emblazoned on the front.

Photos have surfaced of an early space suit that features bellows-like joints, just like the space suits of Mattel’s astronauts.

The public’s early naiveté towards lunar conditions carried through to Matt’s tools. Among other items, the Flight Set came with binoculars and a flare gun, two items that would’ve been completely useless on the moon.

Of course, the toys were designed at a time when one of NASA’s prototype lunar landers had astronauts descending to the moon’s surface by way of a knotted rope. (Yes, really.)

Impressed by the line’s sales, Mattel quickly sent more vehicles, astronauts, and aliens to join the lonely Major on the moon.

The Astronauts

First and foremost in the line was Major Matt Mason, who could be purchased individually or on a blister card with various accessories, such as the Talking Rocket Pack or Moon Suit.

Sergeant Storm landed in 1968 clad in a red space suit and was available alone or combined with other toys, just like Matt. Astronauts Doug Davis (wearing a yellow space suit) and Jeff Long (in blue) followed in 1969.

The figures’ packaging denoted Davis as a radiation expert, while Long, in addition to being the only astronaut who’s last name doesn’t form an alliteration with his first, scouted out rocket landing sites.

Unlike Mason and Storm, who could be purchased in a plethora of other sets, Davis was only available by himself or with two other sets, both of them rare. Long, an African-American, was only sold individually and is the least common of the human figures.

The Aliens

Any line of space toys worth its stardust will have an interesting array of aliens; Mattel made no exception with Major Matt Mason’s extraterrestrial friends.

Captain Lazer

I don’t care what anyone says. This was not part of the Major Matt Mason world.

Many collectors speculate that Captain Lazer, a humanoid Martian released in 1968, was actually intended for another toy line altogether.

Besides standing twice the height of the other astronauts, Captain Lazer was made of hard plastic instead of flexible rubber and was so large that he was only compatible with one of the line’s vehicles.

Not that Captain Lazer wanted for cool features…by pressing buttons on the figure’s backpack, his eyes, chest emblem, and lazer gun attachments could all be lit up. Although the Captain Lazer figure is fairly common, his accessories are frequently missing, driving up the cost of loose, complete figures. (A decade later, Captain Lazer’s mold was recycled by Mattel for the large figures in the Battlestar Galactica line.)


My brother got this character, but really didn’t like to play with it. So, I acquired it. I thought that it was stupid and ugly, but what are you going to do, eh?

Callisto, the mysterious alien from Jupiter, came out in 1969. Callisto’s translucent green head coincided with his “advanced mental powers”, while his accessory, The Space Sensor, could fire and retract a yellow string to gather samples. Despite his somewhat ominous appearance, the back of the toy’s package made it known that Callisto was an ally and personal friend of the Major’s.


Scorpio, a pink and purple insect-like creature, was released in 1970 and is the rarest of the aliens. Hailing from a desert planet in the Scorpio star cluster, Scorpio realized he had the ability to read minds moments after his hatching and quickly blasted off into space, where he later landed on the moon and met Major Matt Mason.

Scorpio came with snap-on arm and leg shields, as well as a device that strapped onto his chest and fired “search globes”. Although the market has cooled off somewhat in recent years, mint-in-package Scorpio figures have been known to sell for as much as $1,500.

Or from Orion

A fourth alien, dubbed Or from Orion, was to be a tiny blue creature who flew inside the Orbiter, a yellow Frisbee-like disc that could be vertically launched with Or inside. Although Or appeared in Mattel’s 1970 catalog (both as a stand-alone toy and as part of the unproduced “Voyage to Galaxy III” play set), there is no hard evidence to suggest that this toy made it out of the prototype stage.

The Vehicles

The vehicles in Major Matt Mason’s universe were very innovative for the time and nearly all of them featured working lights or motorized features of some type. It is beyond the scope of this node to describe each and every mode of transportation used by the Major and his friends on the moon, but these are some of the more notable ones…

The most distinctive vehicle produced was the Space Crawler, one of the first toys released. The Crawler’s large, four-spoked wheels could conquer any terrain, although the astronaut in the driver’s seat was in for a rather bumpy ride. A winch protruding from the back of the Space Crawler could tow accessories and acted as a crane when the Crawler was attached to the top of the Space Station.

The Firebolt Space Cannon was the only vehicle that could be operated by the oversized Captain Lazer. Basically a large laser cannon mounted on a wheeled platform, the Firebolt’s rotating barrel and control panel flashed as it moved forward. As many as three astronauts (or one Captain Lazer) could operate the Firebolt at once, and it is the only vehicle in the line that could light up and move at the same time.

An especially interesting vehicle was the Star Seeker, which could hold one astronaut under its blue, semi-transparent dome. Beneath the cockpit was a primitive mechanical computer, operated by a series of orange plugs. Inserting (or removing) the plugs in various combinations programmed the Star Seeker to take a specific path; a paper solar system was included so kids could make a spacey obstacle course for the toy.

Owing to the simplicity of 1960’s electronics, many of the Major’s rides can be easily found in working condition today.

The Accessories

Mattel kept their astronauts busy by releasing a number of interesting accessory “paks”, which were relatively inexpensive and were most often packaged on blister cards. Though far too numerous to be systematically described here, the plethora of accessories had many high points.

The largest and most expensive accessory was the somewhat misnamed Space Station. Standing two feet tall when fully assembled and complete with a flashing beacon, large blue windows, and a light-up computer console, the Space Station was Major Matt Mason’s lunar command post.

The Space Station’s interchangeable nature made for hours of play with endless combinations of girders, windows, and the Station’s white honeycomb platforms. The toy’s possibilities were only limited by a child’s imagination, and today the Space Station is fondly remembered.

Due to the abundance of loose Space Station parts floating around, many collectors will assemble a Space Station for their collections by simply buying enough individual parts to piece one together. The Station contained several small, fragile pieces, making original, mint Space Stations somewhat pricey.

Mattel made three different carry cases so kids could take their astronauts on the go. The most common is the Satellite Locker, a colorful vinyl case with three compartments for storing figures or gear.

Coveted by collectors today is the Talking Command Console, which could be opened to resemble the control panel of a space ship, complete with an illuminated star field and chairs for the figures.

Although it was intended as a carry case, the toy also included a pull-string talking mechanism, which said one of five “authentic space sound tracks”. The Rocket Ship Case, a stubby Titan V-like space ship, rounded out the selection of carry cases and is the most uncommon today. Noted for its simple yet fragile construction, this case is usually found in pretty lousy shape.

From 1967 to 1970, Mattel did a fantastic job on a series of “Launcher” accessories. The Satellite Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Space Probe, and Gamma Ray Gard added greatly to the toy line’s playability and were so well built that they’re usually found in working shape today.

The Satellite Launcher sent plastic whirlybird “satellites” spinning into orbit and used Mattel’s Greenie Stik-M-Caps to simulate the mighty roar of liftoff. The Rocket Launcher hurled a single, large projectile into space and also made use of caps for blastoff pyrotechnics. (This is known as the most fragile of the launchers and is usually found with parts broken or missing.)

The Space Probe Launcher fired smaller missile-like probes, while the Gamma Ray Gard launched golden Mylar bolts by way of an ingenious firing mechanism.

Since the Gamma Ray Gard relied on the springy properties of the projectiles to launch themselves, the cannon itself has few moving parts and rarely turns up in nonworking condition these days. The slender, conical torpedoes it fires, however, are easily broken and often missing.


Even a casual inspection of the toys turns up something interesting: as 1960’s playthings go, they’re pretty liberal.

Aside from the Firebolt Space Cannon, the ray guns included in some early accessory paks, and Captain Lazer’s pistol, there are no weapons for the characters to use. (Although accessories such as the Rocket Launcher and Gamma Ray Gard could be used as weapons, their packaging clearly states they’re meant for zapping dangerous asteroids and repelling harmful gamma rays, respectively.) At a time when many folks looked toward the militarization of space, the astronauts in Major Matt Mason’s universe had an agenda of peaceful exploration.

The human characters work alongside the aliens, all of whom are bizarre-looking, yet friendly. Jeff Long, the blue-suited African-American spaceman, was released at a time when black G.I. Joes came in boxes with a bold NEGRO label. Long’s packaging simply denotes him as a rocketry expert and Major Matt Mason’s “space buddy”. These toys are a product of their times in more ways than one.

Today, forty years after his release, nostalgia buffs, toy collectors, and many children of the era speak fondly of Major Matt Mason, his friends, and equipment.

With collectors of everything from space toys to lunchboxes actively pursuing the line, there is little chance of these unique toys being forgotten anytime soon. The Major’s enduring popularity can probably be attributed to the feelings many people get from the toys.

After all, they hearken back to a different age, a time when the first lunar landing was still in the future, colonizing outer space seemed viable and inevitable, and children across the world could live out their dreams of spaceflight through a diminutive rubber astronaut.

Shepherd’s Pie

Gosh! This all makes me so hungry.

My mother sometimes made this, as well as the school cafeteria. I really loved it, but alas no one cooks it these days. Such a shame.

Shepherd’s Pie.

Shepherd’s pie was once a go-to meal that every family would clamor for. But with such involved preparation, this dish was an easy candidate for falling to the wayside.

These days, it’s easier than ever to whip up this classic casserole, which has found a massive fanbase for good reason. If you’ve never tasted this scrumptious combination of beef and potatoes, now is the time.

Get the recipe from Gimme Some Oven.

So, from Geo-Politics to 1960s toys, to food, and now strange history in England. We are all over the place today…

Glastonbury Tor: The Mysterious British Hill Steeped in History and Legend

There’s all sorts of interesting mysteries all around us. All we need do is look at them with an open mind.

Glastonbury is a small town in Somerset, England, where a very important hill exists known as the Glastonbury Tor. On top of the Tor stands the remains of St. Michael’s Tower, with a strange system of terraces around its sides. In legend, these terraces are said to form a  maze with magical symbolism.

The Tor rises to an elevation of 518 feet (158 meters) and is clearly visible from many miles around. It is formed from rocks dating to the early Jurassic Period. The low-lying ground is known to produce a visual illusion known as Fata Morgana, where the hill appears to rise out of the mist. It occurs due to the bending of rays of light as they pass through layers of air of varying temperatures.

A Rich History

The recovery of Neolithic flint tools from the top of the Tor has revealed that the site has been visited since prehistory. Archaeological investigations show that there was an Iron Age settlement there in about 300-200 BC. Roman pottery, 6 th century Mediterranean amphorae, a Saxon staff, medieval burials and a metalworker’s forge show repeated occupation of the Tor throughout the centuries.

Glastonbury Tor.

During the late Saxon and early medieval period, there were at least four buildings on the summit, which may have been a hermitage. In the 11 th or 12 th century, a timber church dedicated to St Michael was built atop the Tor. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 1275 AD and rebuilt out of sandstone in the 14 th century by the Abbot Adam of Sodbury.

St Michael’s Church survived until the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1539 when it was demolished, except for the three-storey tower which remains on the Tor today.

St Michael’s Tower at the top of Glastonbury Tor.

The Legends of Glastonbury Tor

There are many myths associated with Glastonbury that go back thousands of years to figures like  Joseph of Arimathea  and King Arthur  . Myths about the Tor claim that it was a ‘land of the dead’, a portal, a magic mountain, and a glass hill among many others.

One of the legends mentions that more than two thousand years ago, the Tor was in the middle of the sea, which later became a lake. The old Celtic name of the Tor, according to this legend, was the ‘ Island of Glass’  , known in Welsh as ‘Ynys Gutrin’. During the Roman Empire there are references mentioning the Tor as an island. At this time, the plain was flooded, the isle becoming a peninsula at low tide.

Avalon, Meeting Place for the Dead

One legend attributes the name  Avalon to the Tor, linking it to the Avalon of Arthurian legend. The 12 th century historian Gerald of Wales recounted the discovery of King Arthur’s and Queen Guinevere’s labelled coffins in 1191, which were later moved.

The myths say that Avalon was a meeting place for the dead and that the Tor was the home of the Lord of the Underworld. In these legends, the Tor is the gateway into the land of the dead (Avalon).

The Holy Grail

There is also a Christian legend which mentions that Joseph of Arimathea brought a young Jesus to Glastonbury Tor.

When Joseph came to England, it is said that he established the first Church of England at Glastonbury. Indeed, according to archaeological studies, there may have been a very  early Christian Church at Glastonbury  .

Another Christian legend claims the Holy Grail is buried in Glastonbury. Author Christopher Hodapp asserts that the Tor is one possible location of the grail due to its close proximity to the monastery that housed the Nanteos Cup, a wooden bowl believed to offer a supernatural healing ability, allegedly due it being fashioned from a piece of the True Cross.

Mystery of the Terraces

The sides of the Tor have seven deep, roughly symmetrical terraces, their origins of which remains a mystery to this day. One explanation is that they were made during the Middle Ages to make ploughing for crops easier.

However, this has been largely discounted due to terracing also being on the north side, which would have provided little benefit.

Another explanation includes the construction of defensive ramparts, possibly linked to Ponter’s Ball Dyke, a linear earthwork about 1 mile (1.6 km) east of the Tor. Some historians have alternatively proposed that they are the remains of a “spiral walkway” or labyrinth created for pilgrims to reach the summit.

The terraces that circle the Tor seven times would lead the pilgrim to the church of St Michael. But Celtic legends would say that this maze is the path that would lead you to the entrance of Annwn, the Celtic underworld.

The terraced hillside of Glastonbury Tor.

Glastonbury is immersed in extremely interesting mythology and fascinating legends and is a very special place that is worth a visit.

Now to China…

Nice Chinese girl in a nice yellow miniskirt

That’s one thing that I really love about China. So many people go out and socialize. They love to go out and dress up and have fun. Such as this gal. I really like the cute little outfit, and the environment.


No answers, just some interesting observations…

UFO watchers stumped by jaw-dropping clear footage of mystery black shape in the sky

Certainly unusual thingy…

Leonie Chao-Fong

The unexplained UFO sighting in Chicago, Illinois left mum Aiyana “creeped out” and is just one of several reported in the US in recent weeks.

A woman was left in “total confusion” and “creeped out” after she saw a strange black shape floating in the skies.

Aiyana, who asked that her second name be withheld, recorded the surreal footage from the roof of her home in Chicago, Illinois.

The video shows a long black wishbone shape hanging in the air, with both its wings ending in some sort of sphere.

She said:

"I literally have no idea what it was. There is nothing comparable. 

"It was a ball of some sort with two long strings or belts hanging from it. The strings had knobs in the middle and bottom."

Aiyana and her son said neither of them “had any idea what we were seeing”. She said she stayed watching it until it disappeared from view.

It seemed to just float slowly south east without any other major movement," she said. "It covered a few miles in about 20 minutes. I felt total confusion and a bit creeped out,"

Hoping to find answers, a friend shared Aiyana’s footage with UFO watchers online but no one was able to explain how an object could float so calmly above the famously “windy city”.

One person wrote: “I’ve never seen a balloon just hang still in the open air like that. It should bob, even if just a little. There must be absolutely zero wind there.”

Another person described the sighting as “bizarre”, adding:

"I have no explanation. It looks like something hanging from a helicopter, except there is no helicopter. The shape is too weird for it being a balloon, and I think I can also exclude it being an antenna on top of a building in cloud cover - for this, it is way too clearly defined. I have no idea!"

A third said:
"A balloon usually has some movement. I live in Chicago. Even on a still, calm day, Chicago and the surrounding areas have wind of some sort and would move something in the air."

The unexplained sighting is just one of several in the US in recent weeks.

Another video, captured in Baltimore, Maryland, attracted a deluge of comments revealing identical sightings in numerous states.

In September, a man spotted what appeared to be glowing orange UFOs “flying in formation” when returning home.

When he posted the footage online, social media users recalled similar sightings in Washington DC, Las Vegas, St Louis and Detroit.

Meanwhile in the UK, a woman was left baffled after capturing an image of a possible UFO hovering in the evening sky over St Helens, Merseyside while taking a friend on a late-night drive.

She later told the Liverpool Echo :

"I couldn't see any lights around it or anything, you can just see the blue thing in the sky. I was just taking a picture of the Moon while we were out because I thought it looked nice."
She added:
"We were just like oh, my god, it does look like a UFO. It does look like a ship, it doesn't look like a plane or a light, it looks like a UFO. I sort of believe in them. I'm not a strong believer but I do believe there are aliens out there and stuff like that. It's interesting. You can see it but it was strange. I believe more now I can see it."

Maybe it’s swamp gas, eh?

Nice Chinese girl – Amazingly beautiful

I think that she really is pretty. She reminds me of  something tasty and wonderful. Like a real special dish. You know, like beef wellington.

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Beef Wellington

This is a great dish that housewives used to prepare for their families in the 1950s and 1960s. As the value of the US dollar collapsed due to the constant military adventures, the household unity fell apart. Couples both had to work. And people resorted to easy to cook, fast to make and eat food.

They stopped eating well.

They became machines.

And as machinese, they became easily manipulated.

Beef Wellington.

WWII Redux: the Endpoint of U.S. Policy, from Ukraine to Taiwan

The Threatened Peoples of East Asia and Europe Can Stop the U.S. Drive to Restore its Global Domination.
"This is not going to be a war of Ukraine and Russia. This is going to be a European war, a full-fledged war.” So spoke Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky just days after berating the U.S. for beating the drums of war.

It is not hard to imagine how Zelensky’s words must have fallen on those European ears that were attentive. His warning surely conjured up images of World War II when tens of millions of Europeans and Russians perished.

Zelensky’s words echoed those of Philippine’s President Rodrigo Duterte on the other side of the world at the Eastern edge of the great Eurasian land mass: “When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled flat.” We can be sure that Duterte, like Zelensky, had in mind WWII which also consumed tens of millions of lives in East Asia.

The United States is stoking tensions in both Europe and East Asia, with Ukraine and Taiwan as the current flashpoints on the doorsteps of Russia and China which are the targeted nations. Let us be clear at the outset. As we shall see, the endpoint of this process is not for the U.S. to do battle with Russia or China but to watch China and Russia fight it out with the neighbors to the ruin of both sides. The US is to “lead from behind’ – as safely and remotely as can be arranged.

To make sense of this and react properly, we must be very clear-eyed about the goal of the U.S. Neither Russia nor China has attacked or even threatened the U.S. Nor are they in a position to do so – unless one believes that either is ready to embark on a suicidal nuclear war.

Why should the U.S. Elite and its media pour out a steady stream of anti-China and anti-Russia invective? Why the steady eastward march of NATO since the end of the first Cold War? The goal of the U.S. is crystal clear – it regards itself as the Exceptional Nation and entitled to be the number one power on the planet, eclipsing all others.

This goal is most explicitly stated in the well-known Wolfowitz Doctrine drawn shortly after the end of the first Cold War in 1992. It proclaimed that the U.S.’s “first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet union or elsewhere….” It stated that no regional power must be allowed to emerge with the power and resources “sufficient to generate global power.” It stated frankly “we must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global power.” (Emphasis, jw)

The Wolfowitz Doctrine is but the latest in a series of such proclamations that have proclaimed global domination as the goal of U.S. foreign policy since 1941 the year before the U.S. entered WWII. This lineage is documented clearly in the book by the Quicny Institute’s Stephen Wertheim “Tomorrow, The World: The Birth of US Global Supremacy.

Let us consider China first and then Russia, the foremost target of the U.S., first. China’s economy is number one in terms of PPP-GDP according to the IMF and has been since November, 2014. It is growing faster than the U.S. economy and shows no signs of slowing down. In a sense China has already won by this metric since economic power is the ultimate basis of all power.

But what about a military defeat of China? Can the U.S. with its present vastly superior armed forces bring that about? The historian, Alfred McCoy, answers that question in the way most do these days, with a clear “no”:

“The most volatile flashpoint In Beijing’s grand strategy for breaking Washington’s geopolitical grip over Eurasia lies in the contested waters between China’s coast and the Pacific littoral, which the Chinese call “the first island chain.”

“But China’s clear advantage in any struggle over that first Pacific island chain is simply distance. …The tyranny of distance, in other words, means that the U.S. loss of that first island chain, along with its axial anchor on Eurasia’s Pacific littoral, should only be a matter of time.”

Certainly the U.S. Elite recognizes this problem. Do they have a solution?

Moreover, that is not the end of the “problem” for the U.S. There are other powerful countries, like Japan, or rapidly rising economies in East Asia, easily the most dynamic economic region in the world. These too will become peer competitors, and in the case of Japan, it already has been a competitor both before WWII and during the 1980s.

If we hop over to the Western edge of Eurasia, we see that the U.S. has a similar “problem” when it comes to Russia. Here too the U.S. cannot defeat Russia in a conventional conflict nor have U.S. sanctions been able to bring it down. How can the U.S. surmount this obstacle? And as in the case of East Asia the U.S. faces another economic competitor, Germany, or more accurately, the EU, with Germany at its core. How is the U.S. to deal with this dual threat?

One clue comes in the response of Joe Biden to both the tension over Taiwan and that over Ukraine. Biden has said repeatedly that he will not send U.S. combat troops to fight Russia over Ukraine or to fight China over Taiwan. But it will send materiel and weapons and also “advisors.” And here too the U.S. has other peer competitors most notably Germany which has been the target of U.S. tariffs. The economist Michael Hudson puts it succinctly in a penetrating essay, “America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The U.S. aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia.”

Such “difficulties for the U.S. were solved once before – in WWII. One way of looking at WWII is that it was a combination of two great regional wars, one in East Asia and one in Europe. In Europe the U.S. was minimally involved as Russia, the core of the USSR, battled it out with Germany, sustaining great damage to life and economy. Both Germany and Russia were economic basket cases when the war was over, two countries lying in ruins.

The US provided weapons and materiel to Russia but was minimally involved militarily, only entering late in the game. The same happened in East Asia with Japan in the role of Germany and China in the role of Russia. Both Japan and China were devastated in the same way as were Russia and Europe. This was not an unconscious strategy on the part of the United States. As Harry Truman, then a Senator, declared in 1941: “If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible.. . ”

At the end of it all the U.S. emerged as the most powerful economic and military power on the planet. McCoy spells it out:

“Like all past imperial hegemons, U.S. global power has similarly rested on geopolitical dominance over Eurasia, now home to 70% of the world’s population and productivity. After the Axis alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan failed to conquer that vast land mass, the Allied victory in World War II allowed Washington, as historian John Darwin put it, to build its “colossal imperium… on an unprecedented scale,” becoming the first power in history to control the strategic axial points “at both ends of Eurasia.”

“As a critical first step, the U.S. formed the NATO alliance in 1949, establishing major military installations in Germany and naval bases in Italy to ensure control of the western side of Eurasia. After its defeat of Japan, as the new overlord of the world’s largest ocean, the Pacific, Washington dictated the terms of four key mutual-defense pacts in the region with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and Australia and so acquired a vast range of military bases along the Pacific littoral that would secure the eastern end of Eurasia. To tie the two axial ends of that vast land mass into a strategic perimeter, Washington ringed the continent’s southern rim with successive chains of steel, including three navy fleets, hundreds of combat aircraft, and most recently, a string of 60 drone bases stretching from Sicily to the Pacific island of Guam.”

The U.S. was able to become the dominant power on the planet because all peer competitors were left in ruins by the two great regional wars in Europe and East Asia, wars which are grouped under the heading of WWII.

If Europe is plunged into a war of Russia against the EU powers with the U.S. “leading from behind,” with material and weapons, who will benefit? And if East Asia is plunged into a war of China against Japan and and whatever allies it can drum up, with the U.S. “leading from behind,” who will benefit?

It is pretty clear that such a replay of WWII will benefit the U.S. In WWII while Eurasia suffered tens of millions of deaths, the US suffered about 400,000 – a terrible toll certainly but nothing like that seen in Eurasia. And with the economies and territories of Eurasia, East and West, in ruins, the U.S. will emerge on top, in the catbird seat, and able to dictate terms to the world. WWII redux.

But what about the danger of nuclear war growing out of such conflicts? The U.S. has a history of nuclear “brinksmanship,” going back to the earliest post-WWII days. It is a country that has shown itself willing to risk nuclear holocaust.

Are there U.S. policy makers criminal enough to see this policy of provocation through to the end? I will leave that to the reader to answer.

The Peoples of East and West Eurasia are the ones who will suffer most in this scenario. And they are the ones who can stop the madness by living peacefully with Russia and China rather than serving as cannon fodder for the U.S. There are clear signs of dissent from the European “allies” of the U.S., especially Germany but the influence of the U.S. remains powerful. Germany and many other countries are after all occupied by tens of thousands of U.S. troops, their media heavily influenced by the U.S. and with the organization that commands European troops, NATO, under U.S. command. Which way will it go?

In East Asia the situation is the same. Japan is the key but the hatred of China among the Elite is intense. Will the Japanese people and the other peoples of East Asia be able to put the brakes on the drive to war?

Some say that a two-front conflict like this is U.S. overreach. But certainly, if war is raging on or near the territories of both Russia and China, there is little likelihood that one can aid the other.

Given the power of modern weaponry, this impending world war will be much more damaging than WWII by far. The criminality that is on the way to unleashing it is almost beyond comprehension.

Nice Chinese girl

This girl looks like a nice big blue fish. A dlicious and yummy fish, that is.

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Baiting the Bear Is Becoming a Dangerous Game

What the so-called Russian experts and politicians all forget is that the US does not have troops scattered about in Poland, Romania, the Baltic states and other Eastern European late comers to NATO because Washington cares about these countries and feels morally obliged to protect them from Russia, which does not want them. In truth, Washington doesn’t care a hoot about Ukraine, Poland, Romania and neither do Americans.

The reasons for Washington’s presence in Eastern Europe are entirely different. One reason is that Washington wants the countries as locations for missile bases such as Washington has placed in Poland and Romania. These bases are on Russia’s borders leaving no response time to nuclear missiles launched from them. The bases give Washington the advantage in a confrontation to back down Russia.

Another reason is that the NATO countries provide customers for the US armaments industry. Washington keeps pressure on NATO members to “do their part” and spend more on their own defense. So much of the analysis and commentary about the current situation in Ukraine presents Washington and NATO as rescuers on white horses riding to the defense of states threatened by Russia. If Russia really were a threat, Washington and NATO would not be so aggressive.

The Soviet Union had Eastern Europe as a buffer.

Most Russian experts at the time concluded that the Warsaw Pact was a net drain on Soviet resources. Responsibility for these countries today is the last thing Russia wants.

All Russia wants is for the US to get military bases off her doorstep. This is a reasonable demand, and compliance with it would relieve the tensions that otherwise could break out in war. Washington’s aggressive policy seems designed for one reason only: to cause a war.

Few people understand that the US sanctions against Russia are based entirely on lies and are in effect acts of war. That Russia has tolerated them is interpreted by Washington as Russian weakness. The reason Russia gets so much abuse is that she doesn’t do anything about it.

The narrative is that Russia invaded Ukraine by accepting the vote in Crimea to be reunited with Russia. Until 1991, Crimea had been part of Russia since 1783. The vast majority of the people who live there are Russian. Between 1991 and 2014 when the US overthrew the Ukrainian government in a coup, Crimea was occupied by Russia as Russia’s Black Sea naval base is there. The Russian forces were already there, because Russia had a long term lease on the area.

It was the US that invaded Ukraine while the Kremlin was preoccupied with the Sochi Olympics. The US plan was for the puppet government it installed to revoke the lease and kick the Russians out of their naval base. It was an audacious plan that had no chance of success. To prevent Americans from understanding the situation, the narrative was started that Russia invaded Crimea.

There are Americans who pose as Russian experts who maintain that Putin has territorial ambitions to restore the Soviet empire. These people are not experts. They are liars. If Putin has territorial ambitions, why did he not reincorporate Georgia into Russia? Why has he refused for 8 years to honor the vote of the Donbass Russians to be returned to Russia? The Donbass area, like Crimea, is historically part of Russia. Both were transferred to the Ukrainian province of the Soviet Union by the Soviet government, but Russians, not Ukrainians live there.

In US universities and think tanks, researchers’ analyses come to conclusions consistent with the views of those who fund their research. This is why there are no more Stephen Cohens who give an independent objective analysis of the real situation. Indeed, in the US today an objective analysis is considered to be pro-Russian and the author is said to be a Russian agent.

As a result, we get a one-sided story.

The problem with one-sided stories is that the implication is the other side is entirely to blame and hasn’t a leg to stand on. This is the position that Russia finds herself in, and it is the reason that the West doesn’t listen to a word she says. It is very dangerous to ignore Russia when she says she finds the situation intolerable.

Russia seems at times to be masochistic, but sooner or later she will bite back.

Nice Chinese girl in cute confusion

Yes. She’s a tad confused.

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Breaking News: Russia Has Given Up On Negotiations and Will Resolve the Donbass Issue by Recognizing the Independence of the Republics


As I sit down to write Tass has not yet announced Putin’s decision about Russia’s recognization of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics, formerly Russian territory that the Soviet government attached to Ukraine. However, as the decision of the Russian Security Council was unanimous, supported even by the pro-American Atlanticist Integrationist member, Putin will not go against the position of the Security Council. Putin himself was of the same opinion as his statements and questions indicated.

Understand that this is not about reabsorbing Donbass into Russia like Crimea, but merely recognizing the republics as independent countries.

This will give the protection of international law to the republics, and Russia being a stickler for international law, unlike the West, will see that law defends the republics.

I listened to the one hour, 35 minute Security Council meeting during which the various members discussed their eight years of frustrations with negotiating with the US, NATO, EU that never went anywhere. During these eight years many Donbass Russians were killed by Ukrainian forces which have succeeded in occupying some of the territory of the republics.

What is not clear at this point is whether the recognition of the Donbass republics includes all of the territory including those areas occupied by Ukrainian forces and neo-Nazi militias.

If you watch the video of the meeting, which has English translation, you will see for yourself that Russia has tried for eight years to resolve the situation by keeping the Donbass in Ukraine but protected by the Minsk Agreement signed by Ukraine and guaranteed by Germany and France. It is impossible not to admire the patience of the Russians, although it was patience at the expense of the lives of Donbass Russians.

Today the Russian government ran out of patience, and I don’t think they will have much patience with the West in the future.

This is a good thing because it will make Europe less an enabler of Washington’s trouble-making for Russia.

Every European government knows that it is impossible for Washington/NATO to protect them without recourse to nuclear weapons, which of course means their destruction, not their protection. Europe will be more interested in having good relations with Russia.

I would bet that Ukraine President Zelensky, whatever he says, is also relieved. Zelensky has not been able to function as president, because he is caught between Washington and the CIA controlled neo-Nazi militias and is up for reelection. Now that Russia has given recognition to the republics, Zelensky can resist Washington’s push to use Ukraine’s military to attack the Donbass Russians. Zelensky will gain authority from the Kremlin’s decision as the decision will make it more difficult for Washington to use Ukraine against Russia. Of course, Washington won’t stop trying.

We know how this will play out in Washington and in the whore media. The New York Times will be handed a “news report” from the CIA. It will say that the recognition of the republics is a prelude to a Russian invasion. Washington, which is always for “self-determination” but only if “self-determination” is the result of a Washington led coup, will not recognize Donbass independence and will try to foment war between Ukraine and Russia. The New York Times and the rest of the whores will continue to predict “Russian invasion.”

But Europe is now wary, whatever is said publicly, and Ukrainians know that no one is coming to their aid if they are shoved into a war with Russia.

There is a good chance that Washington will lose control of the narrative. If not, it will be Ukraine and Europe that pay the price.

Night time in China.

Oh yeah. This is pretty much what it is like. I’ll tell youse guys that China is day and night, meaning that there’s a entirely different “vibe” at night than there is in the daytime. You see, most people in China are active. They don’t hide inside their homes watching the “news”. Instead they go out and socialize.

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Oh, these Chinese girls are so lovely.

Nice cinnamon toast Chinese girl

Here’s my fine nice cinnamon toast girl. Isn’t she lovely, and look at the day. Can you believe that I have wasted so many beautiful days by sitting infront of a computer monitor working in cubicles all my life, when instead I could have been frolicing with fine attractive and cute ladies like this. Sheech!

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In my dreams, of course, it might resemble something more like this…

Remember, boys and girls, life is what you make of it. Stop dreaming. Start doing. And you start, mind you, with the people near by you that you say “hi” to.

Nice Chinese girl super in the Fall

Or perhaps, something a little different maybe. Like this woman in the crisp air of Fall.

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Nice Chinese Girl

Or maybe a little bit more lively and playful. Like this girl.

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There’s a lot of change going on right now.

It’s impossible to see the entire picture.

Instead, all we see are glimpses, and if you live inside the United States, those glimpses will be terrible distortions of reality.

There are all sorts of people, organizations, companies, and special interests that intentionally distort the visible part of what is going on to manipulate others. Resulting in this bastardization.


And thus, you “feel things”, but it’s impossible to put all the pieces together. This is because your observations do not match your “gut feelings”. They do not fit together, and thus things appear frightening and confusing.

But don’t worry about it too much.

Remember; You cannot control the world. You can only control your little part of it.

  • Be the Rufus.
  • Be prudent and conservative on household supplies and food.
  • Center your mind with Hemi-Sync.
  • Be good, say nothing bad.
  • Consume less.
  • Turn off the “news”.
  • Surround yourself with pets, cats and dogs.
  • Conduct your affirmation campaigns.
  • Monitor your fate forecast daily, follow the advice no matter how strange it might seem.

And that means observe the rambling and chaotic article herein. Individually each item is coherent and sensible, but as a whole they seem disjointed. They seem unconnected. They seem like the ravings of a madman.

They seem…


They seem, they appear, it all looks… disjointed.


Quantum physics teaches us that all things are interconnected, and entanglement occurs over impossibly great distances.

Stop THINKING. Listen to your inherent GUT FEELINGS more.

The “news” manipulates your thoughts and emotions, but you have full control over your gut feelings and intuition. Listen to them instead.

A pretty girl, in China, smiling and being nice is more important than any screeching “news” out of your media feeds.  And yes, things ARE going on. But the observed actions are only the “tip of the iceberg” of an event train that has been years (if not decades) in planning.

You do not know the entire story, so don’t worry about it.

Stop THINKING. Listen to your inherent GUT FEELINGS more.

It’s important at this time. Very important.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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Perspective in a world undergoing change; what’s going to happen to all the trolls?

The world is a changing.

During change, somethings die, while other trends are birthed. New starts, and new understandings flavor the lives and lifestyles of the survivors of the change.

I have long argued that many of the on-going bad elements that we have long endured are now starting to come to an end. It’s all about time and good riddance.

I just banned a jackass because a newcomer just simply PISSED ME OFF. I suppose that his voracious reading of my articles should have pleased me, but it did not. I don’t like to hear things like…

"What do these girls have to do with the article title? –It’s just more juvenile objectification of women, and a form of trolling."

I love women. Somehow that’s wrong? What’s the matter with you? And, by the way, how can I troll my own venue?

Don’t go a pulling that SJW shit with me bucko.

I don’t like, nor appreciates these mindless comments, as well as endless snipes, and swipes at myself and what I am doing here. Such as…

(On the subject of trolls and their behaviors)  I stated; “They can take your nice happy and calm, pleasant day, and turn it into a sad stormy day of worry and distress.”

"If this is the case, then I submit that you have ego issues and need to learn to master your emotions."

So, then Trolls make everyone happy. And of course, if you disagree then you have a brused ego?

As well as a long steam of other silly bullshit such as…

Please accept my apologies, as I had to redact large portions of this section. It is not proper that I speak so freely about this at this time.

It cannot be “redacted” if it was never published.

Of course it’s published, you dunderhead. It’s published on the internet, and it’s published in book form. Haven’t read the main index? Obviously not. You can’t possibly be this moronic, this stupid, this foolish, this much of a simpleton.

You know, I waited two full days. Hoping that some other MM influencers would come to my defense, but no one did. I guess I must have expected too much.

“All MAJestic members, are service to others sentience.”

I doubt that far more than I doubt your story.


I don’t like getting up in the morning and checking my feeds to read comments about my life by a jackass. Do you? Do you feel better about yourself by reading those things? Do you think that this “individual” has improved your life, or helped you to understand the dialog or text better?

Rufus he is not.

I will argue that this individual is more sophisticated than most of the trolls and jerk-offs that I encounter. So it took me two entire days before I erased his presence. I will say one thing though, he was plowing though my articles at a prodigious rate.

He sure must have had [1] a lot of time on his hands, and [2] enjoyed the free stuff without appreciation of the effort it represents. Both high-swater-marks of trolling.

So he’s gone. Bye bye.

Well, for youse guys that is. I still have to manually erase him out. If he persists then I’ll give him some things to work out. There’s nothing quite like a cornfield to really occupy your time and give you a dose of “humble pie”.

How about this for a new world-line template?

A template map of the cornfield.

Anyways, on to this article…

This article here is just a mish-mash of stuff that I have lying around and cluttering up my thought streams. It’s all over the place, and that’s fine. I just want to put some things down on paper and then move forward.

First up is a …

Pretty girl and her car

Here’s a photo taken some time around the 1940s. My guess is that she just bought the new car and was proudly photographed near it, being all “dolled up” and all. Looks to be early winter. Maybe Indiana, Pennsylvania, Ohio or New York.

She’s wearing a fox stole, white gloves, to match her white hat, and a black skirt outfit. The image takes me to a time and a place far away from here. That was not the reason for the photo (in the first place) but it is why I so admire it so.

When white gloves were an everyday fashion accessory for women.

She’s lovely.


Yes she is. She really is.

Here’s a beautiful Chinese girl…

She’s one of my favorites, don’t you know. (Actually, I think you all do know.) I think she is lovely.

video 4MB

Am I objectifying her?

Yeah. Maybe I am. You all got a problem with that? She’s beautiful. She’s pretty. She’s awesome and when I see her in the video it takes me away to calmer and sweeter states of being. And I love that feeling. I love the images and feelings that she generates inside of me.

The video is an object. But she is a teleporter to a new mental state. She carries me away.

Like a beautiful cat pal. Or, a nice hot fudge sundae. Or, a freshly baked fudge brownie with some nice delicious vanilla icecream on top.

Hot fudge brownie with ice cream on top.

Now, let’s go to something contemporaneous.

I mean, the United States does this all the time, but China (somehow) is a very bad entity for soing so. Right?

Is it legal for the Chinese government to build artificial islands, airfields, and deploy troops in the South China Sea islands?

From my morning email feed…

Just for fun!

It is often claimed that China is breaking international law by building artificial islands in the South China Sea and that it is illegal to militarise those islands.

The short answer is that it is “not illegal” to build an artificial island if it does not conflict with some other nations legal rights that might be defined under the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), or other international agreements of which both China and the other nation was a signatory.

Building airfields and deploying troops on those islands is also “not illegal” if you are entitled to build and occupy the islands.

An analogous question might be “Is it legal for warships and aircraft carriers to cast anchor in International waters?”. An anchored aircraft carrier is an artificial island with an airfield and a military presence.

The UNCLOS offers a general protection to a nations territorial waters and exclusive economic zones that extend from baselines derived from recognised land territory’s baselines. However outside those boundaries, in the high seas, any nation is free to construct artificial islands and erect installations that are not otherwise restricted under international law.

The territorial sea extends to a limit of 12 nautical miles from the baseline of a coastal State. Within this zone, the coastal State exercises full sovereignty over the air space above the sea and over the seabed and subsoil. There is also a contagious zone of an additional 12 nautical miles that grants certain rights of legal enforcement.

The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) extends no more than 200 nautical miles (370 Km) from the territorial sea baseline and grants exclusive rights to marine resources, including the “exclusive” right to establish artificial islands, structures and installations.

Where zones intersect the zones of other states, the zones default to the median point between the respective baselines.

To be clear, artificial islands cannot acquire territorial rights on their own; they at best obtain a safety exclusion zone. So a nation cannot extend their territorial claims by constructing or extending islands anywhere. Smaller natural islands may be entitled a 12 nautical mile territorial claim but not a 200 nautical mile zones.

Having said that, two or more nations could be in dispute over every aspect outlined above or could be in dispute with the interpretation of international law applying to particular cases. And various interpretations of definitions and determinations could lead to quite different outcomes.

I am not commenting specifically on which islands could or could not be considered legally or illegally constructed or the selective outrage at China’s activities in the area to the exclusion of all others. But consider the following:

In the application of the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruling on the status of Taiping Island, currently occupied by the Taiwan, which regards the largest island in the Spratly archipelago as a “rock” with limited maritime rights, and allows the Philippines to extend its EEZ at least as far as the island.

Taiwan, however, has a reasonable case to reject the ruling, and in any event continues to claim full maritime rights.

The Peoples Republic of China, with an overlapping claim to Taiping island can also dispute the ruling, even make a reasonable claim not to be bound by it, and therefore argue the legality of the establishment of an artificial island within Taiping Island’s claimed EEZ at Mischief Reef less than 80 nautical miles from Taiping Island.

And a very nice follow-up commentary…

It’s a well stated commentary rather than a rebuttal.

Answering a lie is to perpetuate it. If you gather all your information about China from the West, you will not get a smidgen of truth. China is not in the habit of engaging in tongue jousting. They simply defend their rights — bloviate all you want but I dare you to touch my cheese. I think they have good reasons to do so, as they are not adept at lying, and the West is a cesspool of lies populated by lying maggots who consume bullshit and regurgitate bullshit and know nothing but bullshit.
Here are a few facts that can be found if one makes a bit of effort and look underneath the superficial scum. I read these on the same day the Hague Arbitration Court came out with its decision. I think it’s by a female blogger who seemed to have some knowledge on the issues. The truth is therefore not arcane or hidden, it’s just never spoken in the Western lying machine. I’m doing this from memory but you’re welcome to check. The truth is out there.
1. The issue of the South China Sea (SCS) is not UNCLOS but sovereignty. There is overlap of course, but they are two very different issues. To talk only about UNCLOS but not China’s sovereignty claim is Big Lie Number 1. The Nine Dash Lines is China’s claim of sovereignty of the area of the SCS within those lines including all its islands and EEZ. It is a successor claim from the Republic of China (which is why Taiwan, still run by the government of the ROC, must maintain the same claim), as it was not contested by the victorious allies of the Second World War, and was recorded on maps of the era (published by the West). The PRC, which is the globally and UN accepted government of China, has a duty to defend this claim.
2. One must defend one’s sovereignty and negotiate for peaceful borders, not rely on third parties to decide your rights, especially not by those which have no jurisdiction and no teeth. The lesson of Munich comes to mind, when France, UK, and Italy decided to cede Czech Republic’s Sudetenland to Germany. That is what happens to countries which cannot defend their sovereignty. The meme that China is the big bully encroaching on its neighbors is laughable. It is Big Lie Number 2. Except for India, China has in fact negotiated stable land borders with all its neighbors including Vietnam and Russia, considering both these countries had land wars with China in recent decades. Even Bhutan, a de facto protectorate of India which had been prevented from reaching a border agreement with China, appears ready to defy its overlord in the near future.
3. The Nine Dash Lines and UNCLOS do have overlaps. It is not strange, as almost all neighbors sharing a coastline or are island nations have UNCLOS claims that overlap. UNCLOS has a suggestion for how to settle these disputes. Negotiate or arbitrate. Arbitration is however not a court of law, where one party can sue another based on the jurisdiction and laws of where the court is located. Even this jurisdiction must have some basis of prior agreement or when none is available, some basis in law. It does not get decided by one party of a dispute. Anyone who has any experience in arbitration (a mechanism actually used by many international companies doing business in China) understands that arbitration must be agreed to by both parties of a dispute. They must also agree to the quasi-judiciary organization that holds the hearing and makes the adjudication, share in the costs, and accept the decision with no further recourse. Since China never agreed to the arbitration initiated by the Philippines, never agreed to the jurisdiction of the court, never participated in the hearing, and never paid any costs relating to the one-sided arbitration, it was just a farce and a circus. To answer any questions coming from this comedy is to give substance to fart.
With the internet, everyone can have a voice and an opinion. I’ll readily admit that I have no real legal expertise. I have however quite a bit of experience working with top lawyers in Canada on both litigation and quasi-judiciary (Broadcast Commission) matters for well over ten years. For several years, I was also a court appointed receiver manager for the national television station I built. So I’m not speaking out of a vacuum. In fact, some of the cases I was involved in became landmark cases, causing the government to make real changes. While I’m no expert on UNCLOS or sovereignty claims, I usually apply whatever legal ideas I can understand and in most parts commonsense.
As I like to say, the First Law of Economics is “you do not own anything you cannot defend.” That is the meaning of sovereignty, the rest is bullshit and balderdash.

A beach beauty….

Looks like the 1960s. I can easily see myself (as a young boy) wearing the same clothes (as those two boys wore) as the folk in the picture. I can see myself there. Enjoying the sun. Listening to the waves crash, and enjoying the late afternoon sun as the beach gets deserted. Nice times.

I see the woman in the back is holding either a set of binoculars, or a purse. It’s difficult to see what it is. I don’t think that it is a purse. She’s also wearing a sleeveless top over her stunning green one-piece swimsuit.

Judging from the cars in the background, I would guess 1963, maybe 1965.

Family outing.

I do love these old photos.

It makes me want to crawl up into some old dusty attic and explore. Who know what I’ll find. Maybe a 1950 Lionel train set, a metal closet with all sorts of 1950’s womans’ hats, or a mason jar full of old pennies, buttons and indian arrow heads.

A beautiful girl showing off a nice pair of jeans

Actually I really like these jeans because they are warm. Today is frosty cold, and I am shivering while I type this. Normally Zhuhai is around 30°C (86° F) and 80% RH. But over the last few weeks it has been cold. 7°C (44°F) and spitting cold drizzle rain. Keep in mind that the homes here in the tropics are not heated. THus her outfit looks mighty appealing to me.

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Trying to tie China to the Ukraine debacle

Sheech! Can’t these “people” give it a rest?

It was US & NATO military expansion and deployment to Russia border that caused the current Russia – Ukraine drama.  However, the United States aggression against Russia can not be effective as long as Russia has the support of China.
So, in the past weeks, there are so many imaginary articles and news that link China to the conflict.
Below are 13 links and their headlines from the western media + a piece from the Global Times explaining the Western efforts to smear China. It’s the “Smear China campaign”.
First up, the United States overt propaganda mill; VOA…
China Eyes Risks and Rewards of US-Russia Standoff Over Ukraine
Next, the UK overt propighanda mill; BBC…
China: What does it want from the Ukraine crisis with Russia? – BBC News
More from the “5 eyes”. Here’s “The Diplomat”…
Why China Will Not Support a Russian Invasion of Ukraine – The Diplomat
LOL. Russia is not moving into the Ukraine. Sheech!
Analysis: China would back Russia, diplomatically, if it moved on Ukraine | Reuters
In all the bone-headed actions of morons, this has to be the most bone-headed of all…
The United States’ Russia Sanctions Package Must Include Secondary Sanctions Against China
And from the massive NBC mouth-piece…
China would ‘end up owning some of the costs’ if Russia invades Ukraine, national security adviser warns.
In a joint statement with Russia last week, China said it opposed NATO expansion and blamed the U.S. for rising tensions
A neocon publication…
What China Is Actually Saying About Russia and Ukraine
Bits of pro-Russian rhetoric are a far cry from substantive support—or preparations for an invasion of Taiwan.
Another neocon publication; “Foreign Affairs”…
China’s Ukraine Crisis; What Xi Gains—and Loses—From Backing Putin
The United States “says” as reported by the rabid anti-China SCMP…
US says China ties won’t stop Russian economic ‘catastrophe’ after any Ukraine invasion | South China Morning Post
The United States warns… (sigh. That’s all they ever do, eh?)
U.S. warns Chinese firms not to help Russia avoid potential Ukraine sanctions
More silliness. No. If Russia moves into the Ukraine, it would be a win for the Untied States…
Russian war in Ukraine could win for China, Iran, North Korea
The United States warn some more. This is from a hardline neocon publication…
United States Warns China Not to Ignore Sanctions if Russia Invades Ukraine | The National Interest
More nonsense…
How China could win in Russia-Ukraine row. Potential conflict in Europe highlights ‘deepening ties’ between Beijing and Moscow
And let’s put a bow on all of it.
US media smearing China-Russia ties on Ukraine issue: foreign ministry – Global Times
Enjoy your leisure reading

Chinese elementary school.

As I have often stated that everyone in China gets military training. It starts in first grade, and it really appeals to me. With disipline and organization, self esteem follows naturally.

Here’s a third grade mortar crew. video 6MB

Nice short girl.

This next Chinese girl is short and so very cute. I just want to run around with her in the wide forest and drink hot coco with her, and eat some buttered cinnamon toast. video 5MB

From my dad’s generation…

This next phot comes from the 1950’s somewhere in the United States.  It’s a couple “making out” (i.e. “smooching”) in the back seat of a station wagon. Notice how the rear window opens up and is held up with a nice strut.

I’ll bet that they were playing some fine 1950s music. Maybe some Fats Domino, Bill Haley, Elvis Presley, or Bobby Darin. Good times.

Young Love.

Those days are gone. But, you know, there are new days here that we can enjoy in a similiar manner.

Have you ever thought about a fine coffeecake and a cup of coffee?


China High Speed Train

China started making, designing and building their own domestic trains at the same time that the United States announced that it would build a High Speed Train network starting in California. Today, they are all over China and a normal everyday sight. Meanwhile 15 miles of track has been laid down in California. No trains. No stations. America has bumpkis.

video 1 – 4MB

A video from above showing just how many there are. Impressive.

video 2 – 3MB

Here’s the interior of a HST sleeper car. Most HST travel too fast to need a sleeper car, but these sleepers are great for long distance travel.

video 3 – 3MB

Nice Chinese girl in her living room

I actually really like the display console behind her. It’s go these glass cabinets that you can display your treasures inside. Whether it is these cute collectable dolls, or dishes, artwork, or brick-a-brack. I really like it. Of course, I would stain it a dark brown instead of the light color but that’s just me.

You’ll notice that she has a fine oval face. Oval faces really fit the Chinese face and with a nice long black hair, it’s a super nice effect.

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A beautiful cat

This is a very beautiful white kitty.


Downtown America

If it wasn’t for the styles of the automobiles, you would say that this is pretty much contemporaneous America. Most of America hasn’t changed much. Sure, theres some cell phone and all that, but the Untied States has been spending it’s money destroying mud huts, strafing cows, and bombing cabbage patches. Very little remains for domestic improvements and infrastructure.

And it hasn’t happened yet either, no matter the promises that President Biden made. The federal budget is all about more machines of war, and more efforts to “contain” China.

Philadelphia, 1957

Some pictures of cats

Why not? Right?

I do love my relationships with the kitties and they always really mellow out the place and terrorize the rats and mice. I am a strong believer that every household needs a good mouser.

This cat here reminds me of my first childhood cat; Sedwick. We called his “Sedgie”. He died a ripe old age when I was living in Indiana. He was a good cat.

Sedwick clone.

Cycles of life

So much truth here… perhaps the reason why everyone in China gets military training. Learns how to shoot, fight, and endure.

Video 28MB

Little military soldier in China.

China understands.  Build strong little soldiers for a stong unified nation. This is how it is done. Training starts in first grade. video 3MB

The start of the Playboy Empire

He was a man who had a dream. Then he followed his dream and it took him to many interesting places, along with attractive and interesting people. In this photo below he is in England in 1966. Ah. The “swinging 60s”.

Playboy editor and tycoon Hugh Hefner is greeted by a group of bunny girls from his Playboy Clubs, upon his arrival at London Airport, 1966. (Photo by Dove/Getty Images)

Here’s the cover for the August issue of Playboy in 1966…

Playboy cover.

And a glimpse of what it looked like on the inside… this is the September 1966 issue…

Index page.

And what the advertisements were like. This is the back side of the magazine. Each issue seemed to have either a cigarette ad, or a alcohol advertisement of one sort or the other…


My guess is that the men-folk would keep the playboy magazines in the bathroom on a low stool with other magazines, and then flip the cover over so that the Mrs’s wouldn’t notice (too much). Thus predominantly displaying the cigaretter or booze ad inside the privacy of the “man’s” bathroom.

Ladies! Get yourself an ugly man.

So funny, but…

video 82MB

A photo before going off to war!

You know, to fight those evil Japanese! Those horrible Germans, and those pesky Communists! We MUST spread freedom™ and democracy™ to the world, don’t you know!

A group poses for a picture at Pier 86, on 46th Street.

This kid below has some wisdom to share…

You can do anything you set your mind to…

This kid is going places. He’s right. I hope, I sincerely hope, that school teachers, and peers don’t beat this inner strength out of him. video 50MB

Russia Has Just Issued An Ultimatum To Ukraine, And The Conditions For War Are Now Set

This is not a game.  As this crisis has been unfolding in Ukraine, I have been seeing people all over the Internet cheer for either side like they would cheer for their favorite football teams.  But these people don’t understand what is at stake.  If World War III erupts in Ukraine, it will very likely lead to nuclear war between the United States and Russia down the road.  So we should all be deeply grieved over what is happening, because we are getting really close to a point of no return.

One of the good things about the Trump years was that President Trump was not interested in messing with Russia.  So the status quo in Ukraine was respected by both sides for four years, and there was relative peace in the region.

But then Joe Biden took power, and he has surrounded himself with an all-star team of warmongers.  National security adviser Jake Sullivan, Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Mark Milley, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken are all card-carrying members of the War Party, and they don’t seem interested in finding a way to have peace with Russia at all.

After having his security concerns mocked and laughed at for the past year, Vladimir Putin finally admitted that negotiations are at “a dead end” on Monday.  It would have been so easy to negotiate a peaceful solution with the Russians that would have kept Russia out of Ukraine, but that isn’t what the War Party wanted.

Now Putin has run out of patience, and on Monday he greatly escalated the crisis by formally recognizing the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk and by announcing that he would be sending troops into the two separatist republics…

Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine as independent on Monday and ordered the Russian army to launch what Moscow called a peacekeeping operation in the area, upping the ante in a crisis the West fears could unleash a major war. Putin told Russia’s defense ministry to deploy troops into the two breakaway regions to “keep the peace” in a decree issued shortly after he announced recognition for Russia-backed separatists there, drawing US and European vows of new sanctions.

I think that Putin wanted to make a move before the Ukrainians did.  According to one Russian official, there were “almost 60K Ukrainian military personnel concentrated near the borders of the Republics of Lugansk & Donetsk”, and I think that Putin decided that the only way to keep Ukraine from overrunning the two republics was to move his own forces in first.

Hopefully that actually works.

Hopefully the Russians will stay in Donetsk and Luhansk, and hopefully the Ukrainians will stay on their side.

Ukraine crisis assets Showing the area of two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine

If that is the end result, there may still be hope of defusing the situation.

But I wouldn’t count on it.

Putin sounds like a man that is convinced that war is coming.  The following comes from a very rough translation of his speech on Monday…

“from those who took power in kiev we demand to stop any and all military actions against donbass. otherwise, the consequences will be on ukraine. i count on the support of all patriotic forces in russia.”

Russia has essentially issued an ultimatum to Ukraine.

If Ukraine invades Donetsk and Luhansk, the Russians will invade Ukraine.

Of course some western media sources are actually using the term “invasion” to describe Russian troop movements into the separatist republics.

If you have bought into that propaganda, let me ask you a question.  Do the people in this video look like they have just been “invaded”?…

Twitter can be a horrible place at times, but tonight’s decision by President Putin to recognise the Donbass republics is the news people there have been looking forward to for 8 years. I’ll sign off tonight with this video from Lenin Square in Donetsk. #Donbass 🇷🇺

— Dean O’Brien (@DeanoBeano1) February 21, 2022

This would be a good opportunity for both sides to take a deep breath and start backing down.

But that isn’t going to happen.

Western leaders continue to use extremely harsh rhetoric and they continue to insist that a full-blown invasion of Ukraine is imminent.  The following is what Jake Sullivan just told the Today Show

“We believe that any military operation of the size, scope and magnitude of what we believe the Russians are planning will be extremely violent. It will cost the lives of Ukrainians and Russians, civilians and military personnel alike,” Sullivan said during an appearance on NBC’s “Today.”

“But we also have intelligence to suggest that there will be an even greater form of brutality because this will not simply be some conventional war between two armies,” he added. “It will be a war waged by Russia on the Ukrainian people to repress them, to crush them, to harm them.”

And another U.S. official is alleging that Russia has a list of people that they will be specifically targeting once the invasion has been completed…

“Disturbing information recently obtained by the United States that indicates that human rights violations and abuses in the aftermath of a further invasion are being planned,” Ambassador Bathsheba Nell Crocker, the US Representative to the Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, alleges in a letter to Michelle Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

“These acts, which in past Russian operations have included targeted killings, kidnappings/forced disappearances, unjust detentions, and the use of torture, would likely target those who oppose Russian actions, including Russian and Belarusian dissidents in exile in Ukraine, journalists and anti-corruption activists, and vulnerable populations such as religious and ethnic minorities and LGBTQI+ persons,” reads the letter, which was first reported by The Washington Post and obtained by CNN.

So Russia plans to violently round up dissidents, activists and anyone else that is opposed to their rule?

Oh, you mean that it will be kind of like what just happened in Canada with the full approval of the U.S. government?

If the Biden administration actually cared about human rights, they would be condemning the horrific brutality that we just witnessed in Ottawa.

But of course that will never happen.

Let’s watch and see what happens over in Ukraine during the next several days.  One very alarming sign is that the Russians have just closed off much of the airspace over the Sea of Azov

Russia’s Aeronautical Information Center issued a NOTAM (a Notice to Airmen) on Sunday which will close most of the airspace over the Sea of Azov starting at midnight between Sunday and Monday, as the US continued to warn that Russia intends to invade Ukraine.

I don’t think that this indicates that a full-blown invasion of Ukraine is imminent.

But at this point the conditions for war have been clearly set.

If Ukraine invades Donetsk and Luhansk now, the Russians have made it exceedingly clear that they will invade Ukraine.

So this actually puts a lot of power into the hands of the War Party in Washington.

Joe Biden and his all-star team of warmongers now know exactly what it will take to spark a war.

Will they decide to pull the trigger?

Let us hope not, because once World War III begins nothing will ever be the same again.

Nice Chinese girl

With nice S-shaped body and a rocking red sweater. I like this build. I’ll bet you that she has that kind of smoth “baby bottom” stomach. You know, when you are thin and you feel comfortable in you clothing, and in your skin, everything fits you wonderfully. Like this gal.


Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy

Do you know what I haven’t had in a while? Yes. That’s right. Home made Salisbury steak with mushroom gravy.

Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy.

If you have memories of eating the microwave meal version of Salisbury steak, don’t be scared off by this retro favorite. The home-cooked steak pairs excellently with a creamy sauce and when seasoned to perfection redefines what people loved about this classic in the first place. Take a second chance with this meal and it will be your new all-time favorite. It certainly is mine.

And for youse guys who wants to cook this bad boy up, well…

Get the recipe from Tin Eats.

Why there are no internet trolls in China.

It’s true.

All behaviors are monitored by AI. Troll behaviors are observed and then the police come by and evaluate the criminal to set up treatment and punishment on a individual to individual basis.

That is why China is a nation of Rufus’s and many Trolls find themselves spending substantial time in work camps, and re-programming facilities.

Here’s what the world looks like when you imprison the mentally ill, and criminal in society… it becomes a paradise.

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Managerial Menticide

The Monday Taki post is up. The subject of it and today’s post is the new way to look at the system ruling over us. Of course, Sunday Thoughts is up behind the green door for those needing audio stimulation. Much of it is about the situation in Europe and the evolving Canadian dictatorship.

One of the problems with the Opposite Rule of Liberalism is that it relies on the old Left-Right dichotomy of American politics. This framing persists despite the fact that it is a vestige of a bygone era that no longer works today.

  • Democrats = Liberals
  • Republicans = Conservatives

It no longer exists.

The political divide is now between those who adhere to the basket of ideas called Western liberalism and those who defend the post-Marxist managerial state. The latter group is made up almost entirely of members of the ruling class.

  • The Haves = The post-Marxist managerial state.
  • The Have-nots = Western liberalism

In other words, we now live in a world divided by those in the system of control that hovers over the West and those who live under it. The Dirt People versus Cloud People framing is a much more honest, if a bit sarcastic, framework for the world.

  • Cloud People = Rulers
  • Dirt People = Serf / slaves

The ruling system is like a miasma that hangs over society, infecting the minds of the people and their relations with one another. We can see the elites at the top, just barely, but the system they control is all around us.

A big part of what ails society is this sense that things are not as they seem, but it is hard to get a read on why.

That noxious miasma that lingers in every aspect of society often leads people to doubt their own senses. Their experience tells them things about the world and people in it, but everywhere they look they are getting messages telling them that what they think they see is not true.

Instead, they are to believe something that is often the opposite of what they experience.

This is where the Opposite Rule continues to work. Those who are aware of the contradictions of daily existence can apply the rule to the information stream that comes from the system, filling the area around them. Whatever is in the air at the moment, start from some version of the opposite, and the truth will be near. The Opposite Rule of Liberalism is best restated as the Opposite Rule of Managerialism. This organic, self-aware system that rules over us is the opposite of truth.

A useful example comes from the daily barrage of “information” from the system about the crisis in Ukraine.

Here is a story from the New York Times headlined, “Russia has been laying groundwork online for a ‘false flag’ operation, misinformation researchers say.” Note that this story is not behind the usual paywall, as they want wide circulation of it. Note also that the writer is one of the infants they employ to copy and paste material into “news reports.”

This news report starts with a news report from a European based group called European Expert Association, which is described as “a research group that focuses on security in Ukraine.”

When you take a look at who these people are, it becomes obvious that they are Ukrainian activists.

These are not neutral observers searching for the truth about the crisis. More important, when you look at their resumes you see all the familiar NGO’s that are pushing for war with Russia.

  • NGO = CIA funded Neocon organization.

Of course, this is the New York Times, the first draft of history and the leader in the American news media. They do not just take this at face value. They hand it to a group called the Global Disinformation Index, a nonprofit “research” group. These are the go-to guys for the Times reports on misinformation and disinformation.

To the shock of no one in the Times offices, the researchers at Global Disinformation Index confirmed everything said the European Expert Association.

The reason the Times was not surprised by what they heard back from the Global Disinformation Index is the person running it is Anne Applebaum. She is a notorious warmonger and neoconservative.

Anne Applebaum.

Here she is advocating for the liquidation of the Afghanis and the Syrians as a “solution” to those problems. Applebaum is a big believer in what Stalin supposedly said about people causing problems for the regime. No man, no problem. Applebaum just scales it up.

Her partner in this enterprise is a Ukrainian activist named Peter Pomerantsev, who is probably on the payroll of a Western intelligence service. His biography does not pass the laugh test. His role in life has been to seed Western media with anti-Russian information dressed up as Ukrainian nationalism. The rest of the staff of the Global Disinformation Index all have an axe to grind with some enemy of the neocons, past, present or in the future.

Peter Pomerantsev.

The point of this walk through the swamps behind the ministry of disinformation is to illustrate how the new rule works;

  • If a media outlet is claiming to root out disinformation, you can be sure they are not doing that.
  • Instead, start with the assumption that they are waging a disinformation campaign.
  • That is what you see in the New York Times story and any story containing the words “Global Disinformation Index.”
  • Then you can begin to figure out what is really going on with the story.

Of course, the entirely new obsession with misinformation and disinformation by government and mass media is a big lie. Since forever, people have known that governments lie all the time.

They have known that the media is partisan, a form of activism more often than not. Yet suddenly we are being told that the media and the government are now declaring war in false information.

Since they are the only possible source of disinformation, this means war on themselves.

The big lie, for those unfamiliar, is a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. This is now the default tactic of the managerial state.

  • They tell us that Eskimo truckers protesting vaccine rules are white supremacists.
  • Then they bring in a “hate expert” to claim that freedom is a form of violence.

These outlandish whoppers are then signed off on by new experts who sagely tell us the moon is made of cheese.

Unlike normal propaganda techniques, this new tactic is not to further a cause, although it can be used that way as we see with Ukraine. The neocons are simply taking advantage of a defense mechanism that has evolved since the Cold War.

By flooding the zone with outlandish nonsense, the system prevents cogent analysis of what it is doing or contradicting it in any way.

It is a form of menticide to paralyze the people by suspending them in a solution of false narratives.

The concept of "menticide" indicates an organized system of judicial perversion and psychological intervention, in which a powerful tyrant transfers his own thoughts and words into the minds and mouths of the victims he plans to destroy or to use for his own propaganda.


This is the utility of the Opposite Rule.

It helps clarify the new relationship between the leviathan and the people.

  • Rulers = leviathan
  • People = serf / slaves

Instead of viewing society as a hierarchical structure that is responsive to the will of the people, you see that it is an adversarial relationship between a ruling organism and the people.

This ruling organism is the vast administrative state made up of government, corporations, the academy, non-profits and the mass media.

It is a fully integrated organism.

The endless waves of information, mostly false information, is its primary defense mechanism against what it sees as a threat.

That threat is the people over whom it hovers like a noxious cloud.

The point of the false information is to keep the people in a fog of confusion about who really rules over them.

You cannot rebel against that which you are not even sure exists.

Menticide is the primary defense mechanism of this system of social control we call managerialism.

A nice night in the city

Isn’t she just great? Well, I love her.

One of my favorite things to do is get dressed up a tad and go out for a night in the city. Though it’s mostly a nice meal in a restrurant, followed by a coffee and a snack at one of the bars or coffee houses, I would love to go out and feel the night city air. Great times.

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Chinese J-20

Superior or roughly comparable (depending on who your read) to all the American fighter aircraft. 100% Chinese designed. 100% Chinese avionics. 100% Chinese engines.

Video 10MB

According To The ‘Big Mac Index’, China’s Yuan Is 34% Under-Valued

The Big Mac was created in 1967 by Jim Delligati, a McDonald’s franchise owner in Pennsylvania. It was launched throughout the U.S. the following year, and today you can buy one in more than 70 countries. However, as Visual Capitalist’s Jenna Ross details below, the price you pay will vary based on where you are, as evidenced by the Big Mac Index.

What Does the Big Mac Index Show?

The Big Mac Index was invented by The Economist in 1986. It is intended to be a lighthearted way to demonstrate the concept of purchasing power parity. In other words, it helps illustrate the idea that market exchange rates between countries may be “out of whack” when compared to the cost of buying the same basket of goods and services in those places.

Given that McDonald’s is one of the biggest companies in the world and the Big Mac is widely available globally, it means that the famous burger can be used as a basic goods comparison between most countries. It also has the advantage of having the same inputs and distribution system, with a few minor modifications (like chicken patties in India instead of beef).

Using the price of a Big Mac in two countries, the index can give an indication as to whether a currency may be over or undervalued. For example, a Big Mac costs ¥24.40 in China and $5.81 in the United States. By comparing the implied exchange rate to the actual exchange rate, we can see whether the Yuan is over or undervalued.

According to the Big Mac Index, the Yuan is undervalued by 34%.

Beyond currency misalignment, the index has other uses. For instance, it shows inflation in burger prices over time. If we compare the price of a Big Mac across countries in the same currency—such as the U.S. dollar—we are also able to see where burgers are cheaper or relatively more expensive.

Burger Costs Around the World

Big Mac prices have been converted from local currency to U.S. dollars based on the actual exchange rate in effect at the time.

Switzerland takes the cake for the priciest Big Mac, followed closely behind by Norway.

Both countries have relatively high price levels but also enjoy higher wages when compared to other OECD countries.

Venezuela has seen the largest jump in burger prices, with the cost of a Big Mac climbing nearly 250% since 2004. The country has been plagued by hyperinflation for years, so it’s no surprise to see large price swings in the country’s data.

While it appears that the price of a Big Mac has decreased in Turkey, this is because the prices are shown in U.S. dollars. The new Turkish lira has depreciated against the U.S. dollar more than 90% since it was introduced in 2005.

Finally, it’s worth noting that Russia has the cheapest Big Mac, reflecting the country’s lower price levels. Labor costs in Russia are roughly a third of those in Switzerland.

The Limitations of Burgernomics

The Big Mac Index is useful for a number of reasons. Investors can use it to measure inflation over time, and compare this to official records. This can help them value bonds and other securities that are sensitive to inflation. The Big Mac Index also indicates whether a currency may be over or undervalued, and investors can place foreign exchange trades accordingly.

Of course, the index does have shortcomings. Here are some that economists have noted.

  • Non-traded services can have different prices across countries. The price of a Big Mac will be influenced by the costs of things like labor, but this is not a reflection of relative currency values. The Economist now releases a GDP-adjusted version of the Big Mac Index to help address this criticism.
  • McDonald’s is not in every country in the world. This means the geographic reach of the Big Mac Index has some limitations, particularly in Africa.
  • The index lacks diversity. The index is made up of one item: the Big Mac. Because of this, it lacks the diversity of other economic metrics such as the Consumer Price Index.

Despite all of these limitations, the Big Mac Index does act as a good starting place for understanding purchasing power parity. Through the simplicity of burgers, complex economic theory is easier to digest.

Walking the rails in the countryside.

Gosh! I’ll bet this woman is so much fun!

She’s one of my favorites and she’s on the tracks. I used to do this don’t you know. We had all these traintracks that ran in and out and though the countryside in Western Pennsylvania. I would go hiking with my friends (when I was a boy) and often we would try walkign on top of the rails. Just like this girl does. So nice. Good memories.

When was the last time that you walked the rails?

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Do you all know what would be good and fun?

How about taking a little short walk down some tracks alone with your cell phone set to OFF.

A reminder of how unified the Chinese are

This is a clip from a movie. It depicts a true event where (during the Korean war) no matter how many times the American military destroyed the bridges, the Chinese rebuilt them and kept on moving forward. True story. Remember that.

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Nice healthy Chinese girl

Gosh she looks good. Doesn’t she?

I really like her lipstick. Personally, I think that many women look great wearing lipstick, but the color and texture selection is critical. Not every color and texture fits every woman. In this case, this red sade really complements her skin complexion and her hair color. Don’t you think?


Final Thoughts

Do you all know what really pisses off a lot of Trolls?

It’s one of the first things that Trolls disparage.

It’s off-subject meandering. Whether pretty girls. Food. Cats. Personal stories, and all the rest.

It drives them bonkers.

It’s rambling trains of thought. They are unable (due to some kind of mental block, or mental illness) focus on wide-ranging topics. They can handle a singular topic, and get involved in it, but they really, REALLY hate meandering expressions of thoughts, images, senses and pictures of another life in it’s great complexity.

They cannot handle articles like this.

Their tiny minds cannot handle it.

You all know, that I am going to continue on my meandering adventures, for most healthy people can easily handle my topics and how they are presented. I hope that you too (my dear reader) understand why I structure MM the way I do.

There’s an order and a reason behind the “madness”.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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China is breaking all barriers while the USA just is acting like a crazy senile old chicken without a head

The US is no longer the self-confident colossus that bestrode the world a few decades ago. America in 2022 is a financial, political, economic, military and social basket case, and its UK ally is in the same very leaky boat. 

The liberal Anglo world is further disturbed by the situation in Canada, which is now in the critical phase of a historic struggle between the Trudeau regime and a large and well-organised section of the working population. 


So I get up this morning, and after my normal routine, I grabbed my cup of coffee and checked my email, and all of that. After I responded to a few tight communications, I then headed towards the “Drudge Report”. It’s a “news” agreggator that collects daily “news” out of the United States. It’s routinely full of bullshit, and it’s one of the reasons why I just don’t read that bullshit any longer. I have a blood pressure issue, and anger just doesn’t help.

Today is day two since the Ukraine started shelling the pro-Russian Ukranian provences in Eastern Ukraine. And Putin and Russia has been very clear. They will not get involved in any of the “baloney” and nonsense out of NATO, the Ukraine and the United States. So they aren’t.

So what does the American “news” report?

Take a look…

Russia has put it’s foot down and stated boldly that there will be no fighting on it’s doorstep. So it sent in peacekeepers to stop the shelling.

That’s hardly an invasion!

But, the US media spins and spins and spins.

I don’t know about most of the other subjects, but I do follow the situation inside of China and with Russia. And I can POSITIVELY confirm that almost every American “news” report regarding them are lies. Or, at best detail omitted distortions.

There is no way that Russia wants Kiev. President Putin, and his foreign ministers have repeatedly stated so.

But they DO want [1] nuclear weapons, and [2] fighting off their borders. That’s a fact. It’s a reasonable fact. They also want America, NATO and the Ukraine to follow their treaty signitures.

What’s a document and a treaty is it is not ever being obeyed or followed? It has gotten so bad that I task the reader to find one treaty that the USA has followed to the letter. I cannot find one. And I looked.

The USA (and NATO) makes and breaks treaties at will.

What’s the point of having treaties at all?

You do know what Genghis Khan would do, right?

You do realize, just by looking at the map above, that Russia and China are the inheritors of the Genghis Khan empire. You DO know what that means. Right?

As far as American “news” goes…

So where in FUCK do they get the intel?

Conservative talk radio? Here’s from hal Turner that is pushing the “silent war” angle with “stealth invasion by Russia” narrative…

Where do they get this intel?

Oh, excuse me. They got it from un-named experts in the United States. That’s where.

Un-named “experts”

Here’s another…

The Washington Post newspaper is reporting that according to “U.S. Officials, U.S. intelligence intercepted an order given to Russian subordinates that said that they were to proceed with a full-scale attack on Ukraine.”

People, I cannot confirm this intel AT ALL.

According to the Washington Post newspaper:

The Biden administration has been warning of imminent attacks for days. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Saturday said Russian forces “are now poised to strike,” bolstering President Biden’s warning on Friday that Russian President Vladimir Putin had “made the decision” to attack Ukraine. 

The White House said Biden would convene a rare Sunday meeting of the National Security Council to assess the developing situation in Ukraine.

However, some high-level European officials have expressed frustration that the United States had not shared the intelligence that led it to surmise Russia’s intentions with such certainty. 

U.S. intelligence that provided Biden with the confidence to make the assertion came from an order given to Russian subordinates to proceed with a full-scale attack, according to several people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity. 

The United States obtained intelligence on the order as Russian military and security officials were taking steps to implement it, and did so very recently, the people said.

Oh. So it’s automatically truth, eh?

Long time readers of MM know the truth about all this.

Truth is evident in behavior.

Now look people. If you are doing well, if you are successful, and if you are happy and healthy you act that way. You do not lie. You do not apologize for your actions. You do not go around hiding behind others, or making false promises.

You do not.

You don’t.


Because you don’t NEED to.

It’s like people saying that China is lying or covering things up. Like torture, starvation, etc. etc.

Yada. Yada. Yada.

China, people! It’s a Communist country. They don’t NEED to lie. They tell you the way things are and you deal with it. Simple and painless.

And like China…

You become confident in your success and who you are. You act like Dwayne Johnson. You act like Clint Eastwood. You act like Bruce Willis in “Die Hard”. You become a bit proud and if you made a mistake, you say something like…

"Yea. I made a mistake. Do you have a problem with it?".
Dwayne Johnson (AT THE FAR RIGHT) in one of the movie Jumandi sequels that he starred in.

That’s not the case of losers, children, infants, and those with poor self esteem, or those that have things to hide. They must lie, and distort things.

Like in a “democracy” where the opinions of others determine your role in society and government. You have to lie, and make promises, and cover up truths.

These people, well, they come up with excuses and distortions. They act like Chris Tucker in “Rush Hour”. And when caught in a lie, they tend to ignore what you said or lie about it.

"It was not my fault. Besides, I was right and you are wrong. And what I am telling you, you must believe, and obey or else!"
Chris Tucker in “Rush Hour”.

And that is how human beings act.

Using basic human nature as a guide, how would you classify the “news” coming out of the United States today? As that of a healthy and proud nations, or as a losing, dying nation?

The fundamental targets of the NATO warmongers in this crisis are not Donbass, nor even Russia, but Germany, and China’s One Belt, One Road initiative. 

They are trying to keep Germany down, and China out; failure to do both means that the US will become an isolated rust-belt island thousands of miles away from the core economic block of the world.

The same development also spells the forthcoming end of the dollar as the world’s financial reserve currency, while America’s time as a sole military superpower has already clearly ended. 

This is a classic example of the Thucydides’ Trap, the moment when an emerging power threatens to displace an existing great power as the hegemon of the age, a transition which all too often is accompanied by a war of desperation.


The point

To Americans, the elite and the general population alike, wars are things that are fought in other peoples’ countries. Despite the fact that the US hasn’t won a war since the campaign against Japan in 1945, the general view in Washington, in particular, is that there is nothing to fear and plenty to gain from war. 


I argue that the United States is doing everything that it can to hide the face of it’s true and actual nature.

Not only to it’s citizenry, but also to other nations.

It has been bribing it’s toadies for compliance, and manipulating everyone else. It has also been involved in creeping antagonism at all levels against most every threat whether real or not.

Those in the West call it a “hybrid war”.

I call it what it is actually; the publicly exposed elements of a real, on-going, war. It’s the tip of the icebreg that is never reported.

The anti-China propaganda roars forward…

It’s from Bloomberg. Of course. Screenshot. The article itself isn’t worth your time to read.

I live in China and I didn’t even know there was a scandal. Imagine that!

So are girls, women and mothers “chained” inside of China?

Are you fucking serious?

Do you even know what a Chinese woman looks like?

Chinese girl in black

Most Chinese girls and women look like this. In fact, if your nation allows you to access Douxing, you can watch them all the time. Too bad that it is banned in the United States, Canada, The UK, and Australia. You know, for “national security”. Don’t you know.


The reality of what China is has been so massively distorted that no one in the West knows the truth any more…

This t-shirt *ISN’T* dirty!!

So what is going on inside of China? Well, consider this…

This is exactly what GOOD marketing is about:

Yujian Xiaomian 遇见小面 is a noodles brand that may not be known to all of you (especially abroad), but there’s a lot of marketers and brands can learn from them.

This t-shirt is such a simple idea, but it hits the nail on the head.

What’s everyone’s issue when eating soup noodles? The oil stains.

Happens. Every. Time.

So how do you fix that? They decided to create this limited-edition t-shirt to give out for free to anyone who gets their white t-shirt stained while eating at their store.

(+They also sell on WeChat)

So they’ve taken the MAIN thing that gets people worried and used it as a linchpin for their campaign. Brilliant.

Not only that, but the wordplay on the t-shirt is great too:

It makes clever use of the expression “Jia You” (literally: add oil) which is used figuratively to motivate others, like saying “Come on! You can do it!” and changing it to “add some oil AGAIN”.

The best part is that people expressed very mixed feelings about this online…

Some left comments like “this is gross” or “this makes me want to wash it” – while others thought it was very funny and creative.

BUT – that’s precisely what great marketing is about!

You want to spark conversation!

BE creative, BE divisive, get people expressing polar views – that’s what’s makes this whole thing so fun and engaging.


I kind of like the marketing aspect of this, and it’s unique and a good thought. Though whether or not I’d buy one is unknown. I’m of a different generation, don’t you know, and my tastes and ascetics are somewhere else.


What about the chained up women? What about the horrible plight of the Uighur Muslims? What about the poor oppressed young Chinese yearning™ for freedom™ and democrac™y?

Chinese girl in a cute miniskirt

But, the ignorant, stupid, moronic American screeches… chained Uighurs! Chained Chinese women! Starving people pining away for freedom™ and democracy™!


This is what Chinese women look like…


A new world order

Nope. It’s not the George Bush NWO.

It’s a REAL *new*, New World Order; its a revised world order.

Why is the United States in such a hysterical hissy-fit? Well, for the last 100 years (probably longer) it’s all be lies, built upon lies, constructed over lies, and now ruled by the best liers and the most corrupt individuals. It’s a “house of cards” that is falling down, and the rest of the world doesn’t want any part of it.


Countries grouped around their most important trading partner.

1990 versus 2020

Chinese girl in a village

And when you point these truths out, there is this period of silence, and then the computerized megaphone yells out the preprogrammed narrative; “‘Merica! It is the best and the brightest! It is the house on the shining hill. Everyone wants to lvie in ‘Merica!”

Then followed shortly afterwards with…

“Chained Chiense women. Fake false flags. Olympic failures”.

Here’s the real deal. This is what is going on inside of China. This is the real picture.


But some technical folk do see. Maybe not the entire picture, but maybe their little part of it, and see that there are serious clamering bells and alrms a wailing…

China’s 5G Soars Over America’s

In some U.S. cities, it’s slower than the old 4G system. Washington should make it a priority.

At this point, football fans have seen so many ads from AT&T and Verizon claiming to have the fastest and most reliable 5G service on the planet that those without a 5G smartphone might think they are really missing something. Don’t be misled. Unless you are traveling internationally, you won’t enjoy faster speeds with a new 5G-enabled smartphone than you’d get on a 4G phone streaming games from New York, Los Angeles or many other U.S. cities. AT&T’s and Verizon’s new 5G networks are often significantly slower than the 4G networks they replace. America is far behind in almost every dimension of 5G while other nations—including China—race ahead.

America’s average 5G mobile internet speed is roughly 75 megabits per second, which is abysmal. In China’s urban centers 5G phones get average speeds of 300 megabits per second. Though that’s not quite the fastest 5G in the world—South Korea claims that title at over 400 Mbps—it’s still fast enough to download a high-definition movie in two minutes. Mobile internet speed is a central advancement of 5G, which enables a new domain of breakthrough applications with potent economic and national-security implications. American 5G upload speeds are slower than those of many developed countries, including Israel, Singapore and Canada. In Boston, Chicago and New York City, AT&T’s 5G speeds are at least 10% slower than its 4G; in Washington, Los Angeles and Austin, Texas, Verizon’s 5G speeds are at least 20% slower than the company’s 4G.

The U.S. also trails China in the global market for 5G-related services. Although American sanctions have hurt Huawei, China’s national champion is still the global leader in supplying 5G infrastructure with 30% of the market, while no U.S. firms sell 5G infrastructure abroad. Strategically significant countries including Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey have installed Huawei infrastructure and are already using it to deliver 5G services.

While Beijing has prioritized broadening its 5G network, Washington has a dysfunctional relationship with the U.S. mobile industry—as typified by the Federal Aviation Administration’s hysterics over the proximity of American airports to 5G services, which operate near scores of airports around the world with no problem. For its part, China has been rapidly allocating the most efficient part of the wireless spectrum, called midband, to 5G service providers. China has deployed at least three times as much midband to 5G providers as the U.S. has. AT&T and Verizon are using the same spectrum bands for both their 4G and 5G networks. As a result, as one industry analyst aptly put it, their 5G networks are “just 4G with sprinkles on it.”

Washington’s dithering has left America well behind China in the race to build 5G infrastructure. Because 5G signals have short wavelengths, reliable service requires proximity to many wireless base stations. China has installed more than one million 5G base stations, while the U.S. has built only 100,000. The American fiber-optic network is also less dense than that of many developed countries like Japan, making it more difficult for mobile operators to deploy these small cell sites.

China’s investment in 5G also dwarfs America’s. The Innovation and Competition Act, which Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer hailed as “the key to preserving America’s position on the world stage as a current and future technological leader in the 21st century,” would authorize $1.5 billion in spending on 5G mobile networks through 2026. China has already spent $50 billion to build out its 5G network and is on track to spend an additional $100 billion on 5G over the next five years.

The pathetic U.S. performance in the 5G race is a sign of America’s larger failure to keep up with China on strategically important technologies. China is also ahead of America in high-tech manufacturing, green energy and many applications of artificial intelligence. On current trajectories, by 2030 it will likely lead the U.S. in the number of semiconductor chips it produces and in applications of biotechnology to defeat diseases like cancer.

In 2019 the Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Board tried to sound the alarm, stating bluntly: “China is on a track to repeat in 5G what happened with the U.S. in 4G.” The transition from 3G to 4G made possible a previously unimaginable world of mobile computing, smartphones and applications from Google Maps and Uber to Facebook and Instagram. The step up to real 5G speeds will lead to analogous breakthroughs in autonomous vehicles, virtual-reality applications like the metaverse, and other areas that have yet to be invented. Applications abound that could advantage a country’s intelligence agencies and enhance its military capabilities.

It will take far more than an additional $1.5 billion investment from Congress to change this. The Biden administration should make 5G a national priority and take the lead in building digital highways across the country as the government did in creating our national highway system. Otherwise, China will own the 5G future.

Saga of the chained Chinese girl…

Again. You saw what the Drudge Report said…

When you read the AP “report”, there is no evidence. Just an accusation that is repeated and treated like it is fact. Sheech!

AP screenshot.

And you know, it doesn’t look at all like what is really going on…

Chinese girl cute at home


The rest of the world is seeing this. And theya re starting to take action.

One of the Five Eyes has blinked over China

New Zealand has defied the wrath of its Anglosphere allies to sign a big new trade deal with Beijing

China and New Zealand this week completed the ratification of their upgraded free-trade agreement, which will come into force in April. Although the deal was a long time in the works, it expands the number of tariff-free goods New Zealand is able to export into China, securing what is its largest market and a key source of income for its farmers.

The agreement comes despite the growing tensions between Beijing, the United States and its allies, with Washington seeking to put the brakes on China’s expanding economic ties with its allies, in a view towards strategic containment.

This has led to claims that New Zealand, a member of the Five Eyes Anglosphere intelligence alliance involving Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, has not been sufficiently ‘loyal’ to their agenda. Jacinda Ardern’s more cautious approach towards Beijing, as opposed to the absolutely relentless hostility to China seen in neighboring Australia, has seen her country mocked as ‘New Xi-land.’

So why is New Zealand acting differently to its partners when it comes to Beijing? And will the pressure to get it to take America’s side succeed?

New Zealand, for many reasons, is a country which is fundamentally different from the other Anglosphere nations; its world outlook is more moderate, less elitist and more progressive. While the other three countries, Australia, Canada and the United States, were once British colonies established through the near total, unapologetic destruction of indigenous inhabitants in the name of Anglo-Protestant settler supremacy, New Zealand was established as more of a compromise between the British and the native Māori population. The Maori were not entirely displaced, but instead remained a cultural and political force within the country.

In recent years, Maori culture has in fact been on the ascendency in New Zealand and unlike its Anglophone counterparts, the nation’s broader identity has absorbed it. This means that in foreign relations, New Zealand is less inclined towards the zealous imperialist and supremacist mindset seen in Washington, Canberra, London and Ottawa.

Wellington is considerably more peaceful and less contentious in its outlook, which in turn influences its attitude towards Beijing. As a nation of just five million people which relies significantly on agricultural exports, China’s market of 1.4 billion hungry mouths represents a trade bonanza that is simply not matched anywhere else in the world. Why, in such circumstances, should New Zealand subscribe to an aggressive anti-China agenda?

Yet for all intents and purposes New Zealand does, on paper, effectively take a side as part of the US-led security order in the Pacific, even if it is not considered a leading player or part of concentrated groups such as ‘The Quad’ strategic security grouping of the United States, India, Japan and Australia.

Whilst British and Australian media outlets are quick to accuse Ardern’s New Zealand of being subservient to China owing to trade, this is misleading. One may note that New Zealand has banned Huawei from its 5G networks, that it still engages in naval military drills against China in areas such as the South China Sea, still puts its name to anti-China statements pursued at the United Nations and elsewhere, and so on. But, significantly, this is done in a non-aggressive, discrete and non-confrontational way.

It might be said that Wellington ‘follows’ the US agenda in its own moderate way, but does not attempt to lead or put its head above the pack needlessly. For example, New Zealand has somewhat embraced the Xinjiang-focused human rights discourse, but has notably avoided the ‘genocide’ accusation as pushed by the most aggressive Anglosphere politicians. Likewise, when the AUKUS deal to provide nuclear submarines for Australia was declared last year, Ardern announced such subs would be banned from its waters as part of its anti-nuclear stance.

These distinctions remind us that New Zealand’s foreign policy is not ‘pro-China’ as such, but a careful balancing act not to frame itself as an explicit enemy to Beijing in the way Australia has done, a move that resulted in China banning numerous exports from that country throughout 2020 and 2021. New Zealand, were it to follow suit, arguably has far more to lose as a much smaller nation.

Yet this also alludes to the underlying reality: that Wellington is part of an economic order which increasingly revolves around China, albeit while simultaneously being part of the US-led security order. Whilst these conflicting modes of existence have caused more discomfort in Australia, owing to its much stronger sense of Anglophone exceptionalism and historical embrace of ‘yellow peril’ rhetoric, New Zealand seems to be deftly riding out the balance.

The upgraded trade agreement with Beijing illustrates this existence isn’t going to change anytime soon. Wellington is also part of the 15-member Asia-Pacific Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership that also incorporates China and commenced this year.

While talk of diversification in international trade is often thrown around, this is superficial and easier said than done, for there are no other markets the size of China’s. This is something that the US and some of its closer allies have been unwilling to face: Beijing is and will continue to be the economic heart of an entire region by the realities of size, geography and economics. No amount of denial can change that, however much America wishes it, as set out in its “Indo-Pacific” strategy.

This might mark one final distinction between Wellington and the rest of the Five Eyes states. Whilst the others are in denial, hostile towards a changing world where China is rising, and frantically trying to assemble strategies based on nostalgia or past glories, New Zealand, while still technically on their side, is more pragmatic and realistic about it all. It has not switched allegiances, yet it has few qualms or anxiety or hesitation about integrating and trading with China to its own benefit.

But, you know, those who have the money, and who have travelled, do know what is going on inside of China.

How to pick stocks…


Meanwhile the Chiense are moving forward with all kinds of innovations…

A drone within a smartphone?


The Chinese smartphone manufacturer VIVO caused a stir a few months ago. A video showing a drone within a smartphone went viral.

The phone appears to have a design similar to a modern smartphone but something is unique about the camera.

Instead of carrying large devices, the drone simply slides out of the phone, flying around and taking pictures.

With its own battery and three installed infrared proximity sensors, it will ensure that the camera drone will not fly against or hit anything.

Release date, price and other information are not yet available, as the product shown is only a patent so far.

But it will be the world’s first flying detachable phone camera.


drone with a smartphone-2022-02-19_17.49.17

But you know…

There’s a ton-load of bullshit on all American platforms. And they are subtle. Most Americans wouldn’t catch the lies.

This one, I caught today on LinkedIN…

But it’s NOT.

Apple is NOT the most popular smartphone in China. It’s not even number four.

Thanks to President Trump, and a rising patriotism thoughtout China, it’s not even number four. It’s way, way down the list, and maybe it was (iPhone) tops in China in 2015, it is no longer.

As long as the anti-China narrative continues, the Chinese interest in buying American products will continue it’s long slide towards ZERO.

Chinese girl visiting Korea

Korea is a beautiful place, and they are Han race, just like the Han Chinese. In fact, many Chinese live inside of Korea. they work there, and live fine productive lives there. This one gal here is an attractive lass (one of my favorites) that lives there. Her videos makes me want to hop on a plane and visit.


I’ll bet that she’d be a lot of fun.

The master mind behind HK riots files for bankruptcy

Well, I argue that John Bolton was the mastermind behind the HK riots, but there is no quesiton that Guo Wengui played a signifigant role.

The exiled magnate Guo Wengui is seeking debt relief while he gets his finances together.

Exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui filed for bankruptcy on Tuesday night, days after a New York court ordered him to pay $134 million to a creditor for moving a yacht out of U.S. waters to prevent it from debt collection.

Guo, a real-estate developer also known as Miles Kwok, said he fled China in 2014 after learning a state security official linked to him was the subject of a corruption investigation. Beijing later said it was pursuing Guo on a slew of criminal charges, allegations the businessman has denied.

Guo has since lived in New York City and amassed a large following, particularly among Chinese Americans, by painting himself as a mega-rich dissident and freedom fighter who is trying to take down China’s ruling Communist Party. He had an estimated net worth of $1.1 billion in 2015, and the Fifth Avenue penthouse he lived in was worth $68 million.

The Chapter 11 filing indicates that Guo is seeking debt relief and to stop all collection efforts against him pending a reorganization of his finances. He declared that he now owned less than $100,000 of assets but owed dozens of creditors to the tune of $100 million to $500 million.

Guo said his debts came from “litigation expenses, claims, and judgments,” and included a list of entities that were in legal disputes with him.

Guo has become an influential player in the conservative media world in the U.S. after he allied with Steve Bannon, former President Donald Trump’s adviser. He’s an investor and active user of Gettr, a pro-Trump Twitter alternative that claims to be free of “cancel culture.”

Guo’s popular video streams regularly lash out at not only Chinese officials but also other pro-democracy activists from China. He has been promoting false information about the pandemic and called COVID-19 vaccines part of a conspiracy concocted by the Chinese Communist Party.

A 2021 report by network analysis company Graphika found that Guo is at the center of a vast social media network which amplifies online disinformation and promotes real-world harassment campaigns participated by his fans. Guo denies encouraging anyone to participate in harassment.

Guo’s bankruptcy attorney, William Baldiga, did not immediately respond to a request for comments.

The 15-room Manhattan condo on the 18th floor in the Sherry-Netherland hotel, where Guo has lived for years, is now on sale for $45 million, about $23 million less than it was bought for in 2015.

Last week, a New York judge ruled that Guo arranged for a boat called the Lady May to leave New York waters for the Bahamas to shield it from debt collection. Guo, who has maintained he doesn’t own the yacht, was ordered to pay $134 million to a creditor.

Bannon was arrested on the same boat in 2020 on unrelated federal charges.

Last year, three media companies tied to Guo agreed to pay $539 million, without admitting wrongdoing, to settle charges that the companies illegally sold cryptocurrencies.

Here is how to understand China

Bruce Lee explains how China does things. Not just in Covid, Kung Fu, but in education, energy, trade, and military.


Chinese girl on a horse

Here’s my gal from Korea again. Can you see why I find her so alluring? Chained up abused little waif? No. Not in the least.


To truly understand what all these hate-filled articles are all about, one must divorce themselves from the “reporting on a comment, reported by another, that suggests that maybe XXXX happened”, to actually seeing what is going on via video, and first-hand observations.

Chinese girl outside a local store

Here is a Chinese girl outside of a typical small town store. This is a pretty much typical scene throughout China. She has the same hair color that MM has, don’t you know. Therefore, there is an immediate affinity for this gal. Though, I must tell you all, seriously… she’s much prettier than I am.


China is just moving ahead, and allowing the rest of the world to howl.

And, you know…

Unhinged America

They are really, right now, totally unhinged.

It’s funny if it wasn’t so sad.

Alex Jones

China Makes Breakthrough Ahead of Other Nations in Crucial Fusion Reactor Technology That Promises Endless Source of Power

From HERE.

The race for advanced weaponry has been one-upped with the stride in fusion reactor technology that places a Chinese tokamak ahead of other nations as a crucial future development.

China, despite the claims of the US, is now way ahead in arms and energy research crucial to lead countries as pre-eminent powers exceeding the American lead.

A self-contained sun or ‘Tokamak’ will be providing power for China, with inner temperatures as high as 120 million degrees.

China advances with the power of its artificial sun

Experts say that Beijing’s push to advance technology has enabled the development of fusion power in a compact casing. Advanced countries are racing to beat China to pursue cutting-edge scientific developments, reported the Sun UK.

The artificial sun breakthrough will cement the lead of the Communist Party in a power-hungry world. Fusion can power with safe non-lethal energy that is clean and renewable, the holy grail which the west wants to have.

Research to contain the immense heat as a source of power for the earth and the sun at its core. Compared to fission, it offers more options since the atomic age started in the 1950s, cited Techno Trendz.

The goal is for the contestants in this race to get the most wins to complete a fully functional Tokamak. The rat race to see the finish line is what western and eastern powers are gunning for.

The recent announcement that the Chinese Tokamak started up as a next-generation fusion reactor that burned with the heat of a star for 20 minutes, the longest time on record.

What is shown to the western allies is that Beijing might be at a tipping point that will be a sign of Chinese dominance of fusion technology.

According to two analysts, Thomas Corbett and Peter Singer, who have agreed that the drive for China to push for advancement is more than the west ever thought possible.

In Defense One, they stressed all success in research and development is all in China, and they are strides that exceeded expectations.

Achieving an internal temperature of plasma heat of 120 million Celsius for about 20 seconds in 2021. Compared to the sun with an interior heat of 27 million is less hot than the quasi-sun at 120 million degrees.

China’s Tokamak can replace limited oil supply at wartime

Any country that perfects the Tokamak will have all the energy it needs to be steady and clean. The energy shortages of the past will be rare, for example, the EU gas and oil crises, remarked Dr. Daniel Jassa by the Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists.

China’s Experiential Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is on trial to sustain longer operation times. For the record, the funds for the development is has reached £700 million is a lot, but Beijing is still putting in money, unlike the west.

One consideration to develop the Tokamak is that it can replace the endangered oil supply at wartime, with 14.3 million barrels a day being threatened. It assures fewer power supply problems.

Economic development will benefit from it and fuel development faster. China sees what it means to have it when faced with old powers like the US and Europe.

The Chinese Tokamak is the peak of advanced fusion reactor technology, giving it a quantum leap over the west.

Chinese girl in her car

But the Chinese are chained up! And the food in the Olympics was so bad that the people howled and tore at their hair in frustration!

So says the British tabloids…

I just cannot tell you how many times that I have experienced this scene. See. It’s just like in America, or Australia or the UK. We all are the same, you know. It’s only our societies that are different.


7 Times The Speed Of Sound, China Claims Breakthrough With ‘Hypersonic Gun’ That Can Shoot-Down Missiles, Fighter Jets

The emergence of hypersonic weapons has forced nations to look for countermeasures. Japan has reportedly decided to develop “railguns” in the face of emerging hypersonic threats and it is not the only country to do so.

A railgun is an electromagnetic weapon capable of firing projectiles at Mach 7 — seven times the speed of sound — and is said to be capable of destroying ships, missiles, and planes. But on the flip side, the fast-moving projectile and its high-voltage electric current could produce irreversible wear on the rail or inner wall, lowering the gun’s lifespan and accuracy.

Now, China appears to have found answers to some of the issues plaguing railguns. Wang Xiaohe, a researcher at the China Huayin Ordnance Test Centre in the northwestern province of Shaanxi, claims that the country’s researchers have come up with some viable solutions in recent years, reported SCMP.

China’s railgun program has to go through a number of certification processes before it can be used in future battles. Wang and his colleagues emphasized that the volume and intensity of these tests would considerably exceed any previous tests, stating that a significant number of shots would have to be fired “nonstop at top energy levels” to uncover and address issues.

China’s railgun program is not new. In 2018, some images emerged on social media showing a large, previously unknown weapon placed on the Type 072III-class landing ship, Haiyang Shan.

The possibility of a ship-mounted railgun was mentioned by a verified Weibo account belonging to a retired Chinese navy officer. He said that a project to build a ship-mounted railgun had been authorized years ago, possibly with the help of the Beijing Institute of Technology and a China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation institute.

Does US Have Railguns?

Last July, the Pentagon declared that it had put a halt to its railgun program in order to free up resources for hypersonic weapon research. Aside from financial limitations, one of the main reasons was the need to replace a gun barrel after 20 shots due to wear and other problems.

The United States has been a pioneer in the development of railguns. It is said an American inventor had suggested the use of rail cannon to shell Havana from the coast of Florida during the Spanish-American War in the late nineteenth century. The Pentagon initiated the modern US railgun program during the Cold War period.

After decades of development and more than 1,000 rounds of tests, US researchers accomplished a variety of technological and engineering advancements that expanded the weapon’s operational range to over 100 nautical miles with bullets soaring at seven times the speed of sound.

However, the issue with the weapon is that its range would still expose American warships to enemy fire. This might be fatal in the face of an opponent (China) capable of deploying sophisticated missiles.

Wang claimed that research in the United States and other nations had benefited Chinese researchers a lot. China is using liquid metal in the rail to reduce wear. Chinese scientists also employed some of the models used by American railgun experts to simulate and analyze the occurrence of damage.

However, Chinese railgun had some unique designs that had never been seen before, Wang added. The Chinese design, unlike most railguns, would not have an additional mechanism attached to the muzzle to suppress an electric flash. To attain more consistent performance with minimal damage, it would employ a special coating technology.

In 2018, China undertook the world’s first live open-sea test with a railgun placed on a warship. A 25kg (55lbs) projectile was reportedly propelled to Mach 7.3 and hit a target 250 kilometers away with the prototype weapon. Chinese scientists are also working on hypersonic missiles that could be launched from a railgun and could search for targets, the report said.

China claims to have developed heat-seeking hypersonic missiles ahead of the United States, which could be used to attack aircraft carriers and moving vehicles. However, hypersonic weapons are expensive to operate. Railguns, according to the Chinese navy, might help defend the country’s shore due to its unrivaled firing range.

The plan is to add railgun interceptors to the existing missile defense system. Japan is also considering long-range missiles that would allow it to fire projectiles from afar. The three mechanisms would combine to provide a three-tier deterrent.

A total of 6.5 billion yen ($56 million) has been set out in the fiscal 2022 budget for the development of prototypes of military-use railgun technology. The system ought to be operational in the second part of the 2020s.

Moreover, the Japanese Defense Ministry will begin full-scale research and development of high-power microwave (HPM) weapons in the fiscal year 2022, which begins in April, according to Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper. The news comes days after Chinese media reported that the country is working on laser weaponry for the J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth aircraft.

“The ministry plans to work on a prototype over the next five years and has earmarked 7.2 billion yen [US$62.5 million] in next year’s budget plan for that purpose,” officials told Japanese newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun.

Japan’s Foray Into Railgun Domain

Last Month, it was reported that Japan has decided to develop an electromagnetic weapon system to intercept enemy hypersonic missiles. The decision to develop “railguns” came as Tokyo considers how to deal with the threat posed by hypersonic weapons from its neighbors such as China, North Korea, and Russia.

The rest of the world is getting angry at the USA

Oh, but NOT reported to Americans, don’t you know. Never report this stuff to Americans. They cannot handle the truth. Keep them living in fear and anger.


Chinese girl in blue near water

Oh yeah. She’s typical. You will notice that there are flowers and trees lining the road. This is normal. China respects the people and provides everyone a nice place to live in.  Especially in industrial areas like this one.


China set to achieve 14 nm breakthrough in 2022

An interview with Strategy Analytics
Tuesday 13 July 21

China consumes about 70% of global semiconductor production. But the country’s plans to mass produce 14 nm chips next year within the country is likely to make China the biggest semiconductor supplier globally.

A sudden surge in demand for electronics during the COVID-19 pandemic led to an unprecedented shortage of semiconductor chips worldwide.

Right from gaming consoles, laptops and desktop to even digital thermometers have been faced with an acute chip shortage due to a sudden increase in demand, bringing to fore the importance of self-sufficiency in semiconductor manufacturing.

China is taking a lead in addressing the global shortage of chips by accelerating the development and manufacturing of 14 nm chips, which are expected to go into mass production in the country in 2022.

While China is the world’s biggest consumer of semiconductors, a large part of that demand has been met through imports so far. However, the country is making rapid strides in becoming self-reliant and developing a strong ecosystem of semiconductor design and manufacturing.

China has a lot of work to do…

Chinese girl in a brown top

Is she sreeching and crying about being chained up?

I really like this girl. I like the brown and tan theme that seems to be her “thing”. It goes great with the rose sofa that she is sitting upon.


China eyes thorium breakthrough in Gobi desert

So far it has not proven to be cost-effective because its extraction is more expensive than uranium

On the edge of the Gobi Desert, at a place called Wuwei, China will soon test a safe, inexpensive nuclear energy, that will not need water to cool nuclear fuel rods nor uranium.

This experimental nuclear reactor uses thorium as a fuel and experts believe that China will be the first country to have a chance to commercialize the technology, German website reported.

The reactor is unusual in that it has molten salts circulating inside it instead of water.

It has the potential to produce nuclear energy that is relatively safe and cheap, while also generating a much smaller amount of very long-lived radioactive waste than conventional reactors.

Operated by the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP), the reactor is designed to generate just two megawatts of thermal energy — enough to supply up to 1,000 households.

If the experiments are successful, however, China hopes to build a reactor with a capacity of 373 megawatts by 2030, which could supply hundreds of thousands of households with electricity.

According to the government of Gansu Province, construction was to be completed by early September and a trial run is slated later this month.

What exactly is thorium and why is it important?

A weakly radioactive, silvery metal that occurs naturally in rocks and is currently rarely used industrially, it is a by-product of the growing rare earth mining industry in China and is therefore an attractive alternative to imported uranium.

“Thorium is much more abundant than uranium, so using it would be a very useful technology for the next 50 or 100 years when uranium reserves run out,” said Lyndon Edwards, a nuclear engineer with the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization in Sydney.

The reactor type is one of the “perfect technologies” that should help China achieve its goal of zero carbon emissions by around 2050, says energy modeler Jiang Kejun from the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission in Beijing.

The naturally occurring isotope thorium-232 cannot be fissioned, but when irradiated in a reactor it absorbs neutrons and forms uranium-233, a fissile material that generates heat.

Thorium has been tested as a fuel in other types of nuclear reactors in countries such as the US, Germany, and the UK, and is part of a nuclear program in India.

So far, however, it has not proven to be cost-effective because its extraction is more expensive than uranium and, unlike some naturally occurring uranium isotopes, it has to be converted into a fissile material.

Some researchers advocate thorium as a fuel because they believe that its waste products are less weapons-grade than uranium, making it safer and greener.

Unlike the uranium currently used in nuclear power plants, burning thorium does not create plutonium, a highly toxic chemical element.

There’s another advantage — this type of reactor does not need to be built near watercourses, since the molten salts themselves “serve as a coolant, unlike conventional uranium power plants that need huge amounts of water to cool their reactors.”

As a result, the reactors can be installed in isolated and arid regions… like the Gobi Desert.

Compared to light water reactors in conventional nuclear power plants, molten salt reactors, also known as molten salt reactors, work at significantly higher temperatures.

The result: You can generate electricity much more efficiently, says Charles Forsberg, a nuclear engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge.

According to, China’s reactor will use fluoride-based salts, which melt into a colourless, transparent liquid when heated to about 450 ºC. The salt acts as a coolant to transport heat from the reactor core.

In addition, rather than solid fuel rods, molten-salt reactors also use the liquid salt as a substrate for the fuel, such as thorium, to be directly dissolved into the core.

Molten-salt reactors are considered to be relatively safe because the fuel is already dissolved in liquid and they operate at lower pressures than do conventional nuclear reactors, which reduces the risk of explosive meltdowns.

However, some critics say the feasibility of molten-salt reactors remains questionable as it creates further technical problems.

“At very high temperatures, the salt can corrode the reactor’s structures, which need to be protected in some manner,” said Jean-Claude Garnier, head of France’s Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

When China starts up its pilot reactor, it will be the first molten salt reactor to have been in operation since 1969. At that time, US researchers shut down their reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.

It will also be the first liquid salt reactor to run on thorium.

China’s reactor will be “a test bed to do a lot of learning,” says Forsberg, from analysing corrosion to characterizing the radionucleotide composition of the mixture as it circulates.

“We are going to learn so much new science,” agrees Simon Middleburgh, a nuclear materials scientist at Bangor University, UK. “If they would let me, I’d be on the first plane there.”

Molten-salt reactors are just one of many advanced nuclear technologies China is currently investing in.

In 2002, an intergovernmental forum identified six promising reactor technologies to fast-track by 2030, including reactors cooled by lead or sodium liquids. China has programs for all of them.

Some of these reactor types could replace coal-fuelled power plants, says David Fishman, a project manager at the Lantau Group energy consultancy in Hong Kong.

“As China cruises towards carbon neutrality, it could pull out [power plant] boilers and retrofit them with nuclear reactors.”

But even if China ends up claiming victory, they should not rejoice too quickly, said Francesco D’Auria, nuclear reactor technology specialist at the University of Pisa: “The problem with corrosive products is that you don’t realize their damage until five to 10 years after.”

If it is successful, series production could start as early as 2030, officials said.

Chinese girl at the piano

But… But…

China abuses it’s people, the American “news” reports say…

This gal is one of those girls that posts a lot of modeling photos on her DouXing. I can see why; she’s cute, attractive all in a small package. Her dress, don’t you know, fits her like a glove.


China’s new metaverse of product marketing

Check this out! This brand…

Used to be “LAME” when I was a kid:  When I saw this video my initial reaction was just wow – look how far we’ve come.

Not just in terms of marketing through the metaverse (can’t believe that’s a real sentence) and what that could entail once fully developed, but also just as a country.

To me, campaigns like these emphasise the importance + relevance of the Guochao (national pride/identity) trend.

When I was younger, you would try to avoid brands like Anta or Li-ning at ALL COSTS – tell your parents that you would get bullied if you wore their shoes to school. But those days are over!

These brands are coming in strong, and even taking advantage of the fact that brands like theirs used to be looked down upon (even by locals) for being Chinese.

They’re now playing up the fact that they’re home-made and can represent their country in a positive way.

Back to the metaverse – this is clearly just a vision / interpretation of how these experiences could look in the future. A lot of the stuff in this video isn’t possible yet. Everyone talks about the metaverse, but few understand it!

I think the first business to crack how to incorporate movement sensors / the appropriate hardware will see huge success in the coming years.

Did you like this video?

Would you want to try on clothes like this?

China branding -1-2022-02-18_20.41.57

E-Yuan implemented in Hong Kong

The digital yuan will connect with Hong Kong’s FPS mobile payment system making payments between Mainland and HK easy for the little guy!

This is big because it shows once again how all of the e-CNY’s cross-border activity will be focused on Hong Kong, and that the future is here now!

The link between the e-CNY and HK’s FPS system provides our first real example of how the e-CNY can be used to link retail payment systems.

FPS or “faster payment system” is Hong Kong’s new retail RTGS payment system which already handles some HK$ 5.2 bn daily. Hong Kong is China’s fourth largest trading partner and besides tourism there is a ton of e-commerce and SME trade with neighboring Guangdong. So this will potentially be a big help to many!

But if you really want to see where this tie-up is going look at Singapore!

e-CNY mobile cross border payments will be modeled after Singapore’s. Singapore’s mobile real-time payment system “PayNow” has connections with instant payment systems in India, Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia. (Did I miss any?) These systems make remittances and e-commerce a breeze.

It won’t be long after the national launch of the e-CNY before it will have similar connectivity within the region.  With the e-CNY making e-commerce a breeze throughout the region.

Understand that this will be a seamless experience. As these e-CNY payments are part of existing mobile payment systems like FPS in Hong Kong, e-commerce sites, retailers, and restaurants won’t have to do anything to accept and convert e-CNY payments. It will be a major benefit to SMEs within the region and Alibaba will get more business than ever!

It’s important to note that Hong Kong’s position as the leading international e-CNY center has been set in stone by the PBOC.

This is one of two critical projects that the PBOC is bringing to Hong Kong. Never forget that the PBOC and the HKMA are building mBridge the first dedicated global CBDC transfer system that will go into production this year.

What we don’t yet know is how the e-CNY payments will be handled by the banks setting up the system. Hong Kong users won’t have e-CNY UTXO style digital wallets so there will have to be a special link built to connect e-CNY tokens with accounts of FPS users. I’m curious to see how they do it.

Here’s what’s going to happen. The PBOC is going to call other central banks in the region and say: “Hi we want to connect your retail RTGS system with e-CNY.”  What country will say no given China’s commercial ties within the region?

That’s just one way the e-CNY revolution will start and before long you’ll see it on mobile payment apps throughout the region.

The future is here, most have no clue.

Hong Kong sets stage for e-CNY use, to launch pilot ‘soon after Spring Festival’

  • The pilot will strengthen Hong Kong’s role as an international offshore yuan trading centre, HKMA’s Eddie Yue says
  • ‘Restaurants and other shops in Lan Kwai Fong will like to join the test, because the e-CNY is the future of payments’: Allan Zeman

Thin and stacked Chinese girl in brown

But what of the Chained women?

Normally, for the longest time, I shied away from very thin girls. Now I know better. Everyone has these great attributes that lie under the skin in places that you just cannot see. Look at her. Look at her eyebrows. Lovely.



Such a very cute Chinese girl in the country

If I were a younger man…

Anyways, this girl is the kind of happy and pleasant person that I wouldn’t mind spending a dinner with. Maybe a nice light fish with some tasty vegitables and then perhaps a nice tea afterwards. Or maybe more.

Hunan Fish.

Such a cute gal.


Chinese girl with a nice chest.

Always a favorite. When I see her, I think of a fine robust wine. Some dancing, and some nice food snacks.

My oh my. Two glasses of wine. Obviously, you need someone to help you drink it. Don’t you know.


Chinese girl

Not chained up.

Not yearning for democracy™.

Not pining away for freedom™.

In a nice white dress while she is in the car. As I get older, I really, I mean REALLY, appreciate a fine nice patterned dress. There are so many, so so many styles and color and patterns. And OMG, the gals look so fine in them.


The model Chinese girl

I’ll bet that you all didn’t know that Chinese people have average and normal lives. Lives that did not include chains, whippings, and torture…

I do like this model, and the clothes that she models has appeal. They are thin, light and nicely tailored. I suspect they are some kind of polyester blend. All in all, it’s really nice to look at and watch. Notice the air conditioner behind her. This very common inside of China.


Chinese model – Outside slacks

You can bet that the photographer is standing nearby with one or two grips. When I go on a photoshoot, there’s literially from ten to twenty other people there with us. Sometimes there’s an entire buffet laid out so that we can snack during the shoot. They’ve got these large light umbrellas, and strobe generators, as well as all sorts of props.

Food spread.

But I will tell you that the table of food is the most delicious part of the shoot.


Chinese model – jiggle jiggle

Here she is again. Love her.


I just love these Chinese girls

I do. The “curtain wall” ceiling is something that I am well used to working with.


I do love these very cute Chinese girls

Don’t you? This video makes me feel young again.


Leggy Chinese girl

Like my mom.


Chinese girl in a stunning dress

Stunning. I love it. And she’s not “chained up”. Imagine that!


Chinese Girl in front of her apartment

So very typical. And not being in chains!


Chinese Girl in a lime top

She’s in a lime colored top and she isn’t in matching chains!

Oh, my goodness! Jeeze! Louise! She’s quite the stunner, don’t you think. By the way, this is what the interiors of what houses in China look like. Not like those squalor hovels that the American “news” provides the illusion of.


A beautiful Chinese Girl

Yes she is.

I wonder what her chains look like?


Chinese Girl at home

This is what it is like. It really is.

Do you see any chains?

No. It is not about be chained up in some kind of dingy cellar pining away for democracy™ and freedom™. For pete’s sakes.


Just today…

I often get a shit load of bullshit comments. Most I do not post. But I did post this one, and here’s an excerpt…

“All MAJesticmembers, are service to others sentience.”

–I doubt that far more than I doubt your story.

Don’t understand why, eh? Cannot understand why it is IMPERITIVE that The Domain only employ STO sentience? Obviously knows nothing about the nature of sentience and consciousness manifestation and sorting procedures.

Be the Rufus, as this fine upstanding African-American man so clearly defines.



It is difficult for me, being an American by birth, living inside of China. I read the American “news”. I follow the “American “politics”. Yet, I also see things with my own eyes first hand. And there is such a very profound difference between what is being reported “in the news” and what is actually going on.

Most Americans believe that China is a failed throw-back to old-world dictatorships and that the Chinese are just brainwashed. But thats wrong. It’s actually the other way around.

Meanwhile, China is plowing forward. It’s citizens are happy and doing well, and the entire world is adapting to the new power realignments.

But not America. And not Americans.

They are being a steady stream of lies and bullshit; designed for fear, terror and anger.

All the anger is directed to various targets. Whether by race, social economic targets, or foreign powers.

Thus making Americans, themselves, a very fearful and angry group of people.

I really need to trim down my American “news” feeds. I just cannot take the lies any longer. It’s not that good for my health don’t you know, and if someone wants to convince me that the United States is worth saving, please tell me.

As I see it from here, the most humaine thing to happen for the world and for the American people is to have everyone and everything associated with the United States government to simply die off and go away.

You would think.

And, you know, if you have been paying attention, the rest of the world has been reorganizing for a NEW; “New World Order”. Nope. It’s the the George Bush NWO. It’s something different.

It’s one where it is one where either [1] the United States sits it out, or [2] is the minor “player” that it deserves to be. A kind of “back water” off in its own hemisphere.

But America is fighting against the tide. It cannot be that stupid, you would think. There are many intelligent and capable people inside the United States. It is true. It’s just that they are not in leadership roles. They have been displaced for ideological reasons.

So, a redirection of interests and activity is seemingly not happening. They are pushing and pushing and pushing for WAR!

The rest of the world endured. It listened. It bid it’s time. And now the sand in the hourglass ran out.

Russia put it’s paw down. China stands right next to it.

What’s next?

Guess. It’s not what the American oligarchy thinks. “Some far away war while the American leadership enjoys safe haven from the conflict that it starts.” Nope.

The BIG boys are out with the BIG toys.


And as for China…

I’m sticking with a fruitful and positive Asia. One that is serious. One that is STO sentience, and one that will launch a new beginning to end this fucking, freaking out turmoil set upon humanity by the rude, crude and evil clustered inside their enclaves in the United States.


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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A democracy of fools is no democracy.

This article underlines and underscores a point that I have made time and time again. Which is that the United States isn’t a democracy, and every single item and shred of evidence points to something quite bad, and very sinister. We can parse one item such as the first Amendment being “blown out of the water” by the government funding narratives that it wants….

Like all things USA, good news out of China is suppressed, while bad news is promoted with loud megaphones. Video 7MB

The death of free media-1-2022-02-13_10.42.42

Such activity is banned under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted on December 16, 1966, by UN General Assembly Resolution 2200A (XXI). The first paragraph in Article 20 stipulates: “Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.”

What could be clearer? Still, maintaining a free hand has always been the main guiding principle for Washington and London.

While agreeing to be bound by the Covenant, the United States adopted the following reservation:

“Article 20 does not authorise or require legislation or other action by the United States that would restrict the right of free speech and association protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States.”

What role does the American government play in providing for the civilian population?

… to every evidence that the issues that are important to the civilian population has near zero influence on the elected officials voting records.

In this article we will look at the purposeful dilution of voting-power of the citizenry. For after all, the vast bulk of amendments to the United States constitution has been wholly devoted to watering down the power each individual vote has.

For after all, when the United States came into being, only the male head of households, who were land owners could vote. And they played an active role in governance.

Not so today.

I argue that the voting power has been diluted to such an extend that it is nonexistent. And without voting power direct to the government, democracy does not exist.

Such is the United States today.

Anyways, this here is a great article by Fred. Love his writing style, and his points are poignant.

The Care and Feeding of the Rabble: Democracy its Own Self

By Fred Reed for the Saker Blog

Listening to Biden prattling about democracy, democracy, democracy, and how we must save American democracy from swarming threats to democracy, with the insistence and urgency of a starveling aluminum-siding salesman, I am filled with wonder. Convincing people that they live in a democracy is a lot of work, like pumping air into an inner tube with a leak. America is no more a democracy than it is a potted plant.

Functional Illiteracy at Fourteen Percent in America: Department of Education

Functional illiterates cannot fill out a job application, manage a checkbook, read a simple story in a newspaper, or use the social media. Those who can’t read don’t, and another large number who can barely read don’t either. At a low estimate they must amount to a quarter of the population. They vote.

Democracy is best suited to towns of a few hundred people who, however dim of wit in many cases, may understand such questions as should we build a new school which will cost me so many dollars in higher taxes. Even here the more crafty and avaricious will likely prevail.

Shocking Facts: 23 Statistics on Illiteracy in America

A problem in democracies—“democracies”—is of course that the dim, the inattentive, and those who are both dim and inattentive, will always outnumber the bright and informed. However, the syndrome worsens as the domain upon which the electorate is to make judgement expands from town to state to country to world. The number of unintelligent is constant. The number who are insufficiently attentive rises with the complexity of things needing attention. A cardiac surgeon is no fool, but has work, medical literature he needs to read, family, and a hobby or two. Little time is left to worry about semiconductor sanctions against China or Washington’s desire for Russia to invade the Ukraine.

Americans Know Literally Nothing About the Constitution

“Take your pick from this bouillabaisse of ignorance:

* More than one in three people (37%) could not name a single right protected by the First Amendment. THE FIRST AMENDMENT.

* Only one in four (26%) can name all three branches of the government. (In 2011, 38% could name all three branches.)

* One in three (33%) can’t name any branch of government.“

People so innocent of political grasp can have only the most vaporous notions of pressing political questions. They are either fools with minds best suited for working as gardeners or so little engaged with the surrounding society as to achieve the effect of being fools while still able to find their way home at night. Still others are not unintelligent but not interested. None of these should vote.

One in Four Americans Thinks the Sun Revolves Around The Earth

“A quarter of Americans surveyed could not correctly answer that the Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, according to a report out Friday from the National Science Foundation.”

This is so astonishing that one might suspect it of coming from some crackpot blogger with no girlfriend living in his parents’ basement. But no. The National Science Foundation is about as respectable as they come. A quarter of the population are at the level of an undiscovered tribe living in the rain forests of the Amazon Basin and eating grubs fished from rotting logs. Little prospect exists that people in such darkness know much of anything else. Yet we encourage them to vote.

Several Baltimore Schools Report No Students Proficient in Reading, Math

“Six Baltimore City schools — five high schools and one middle school — were found to have not a single student who scored proficient in math or reading in 2016, Fox News reports.”

Others schools had only a handful of literate students. Math results were as grim. These “students “will be around for another fifty years if they are not shot, virtually unemployable. Yet they can vote.

The schools mentioned are all black, and similar figures would come out of similarly black schools in many other cities. What does this say about “democracy “in America?

Gallup: Forty-six Percent of Americans Believe in Creationism

The distribution of intelligence being symmetric, half of the population are below average. A man with an IQ of 90 is not actually stupid, doesn’t mumble or bump into things, and can successfully raise a family and drive a truck. Yet he is unlikely to grasp the foreign policy of the United States or, really, to have heard of it. If he has any knowledge at all of public affairs, it will be at the level of The Russians are bad, wherever exactly Russia is, so we need to spend more on Our Boys in Uniform.

A lot of people get their news from television, the medium of the illiterate and semiliterate. Obviously, not everybody who watches television is illiterate, but everybody who is illiterate watches television. Many don’t watch the news at all, it being complicated and mysterious and talking about the inexplicable and unknown, such as Kazakhstan and Nordstream Two. The consequence is that if MSNBC and CNN say over and over that the Chinese are doing something terrible, most will believe it. Judging by the intellectual level of much of television, a sentence with a dependent clause will exceed the capacities of many. They vote.

Lincoln famously said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” You don’t have to. Being a politician, he didn’t add that you can fool enough of the people enough of the time, and that is enough. This is the basis of American democracy.

77% Of Students At One Baltimore High School Read at Elementary, Kindergarten Level

”In reading, 628 Patterson High School students took the test. Out of those students, 484 of them, or 77%, tested at an elementary school reading level. That includes 71 high school students who were reading at a kindergarten level and 88 students reading at a first-grade level. Another 45 are reading at a second-grade level. Just 12 students tested at Patterson High School, were reading at grade level, which comes out to just 1.9%.”

Democracy? A democracy of fools is no democracy. It allows the very smart, concentrated in New York and Washington, the governing suites of major corporations and, nowadays, the distributed wunderkind of the tech firms, to run the country from behind the scenes. Whether intended or not, the drive to lower the voting age and enfranchise the ghetto populations serve only to further diminish the pitiable competence of the electorate and allow the elites to keep these untermenschen out of the hair of their betters.

Pelosi says she backs lowering voting age to 16

“I myself have always been for lowering the voting age to 16,” Pelosi said. “I think it’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school, when they’re interested in all of this, when they’re learning about government, to be able to vote.”

The less bright, less informed, and less experienced of life are easier to mold and manipulate. Who could be better than children?

If America wanted a functional democracy, which it doesn’t, it would, first, raise the voting age to 25 or 30. The idea that adolescents of eighteen with no experience of life beyond libidinous frat parties, much less sixteen-year-olds, can vote intelligently is silly. (Not that I have anything against libidinous frat parties. They just aren’t qualification for voting)

This would require a recognition that voting should be a privilege, not an entitlement and that government should be done by people able to do it.

Second, a demanding version of the old literacy test would serve wonderfully. This should demonstrate at a minimum a reading fluency of political ideas express in standard English. A reasonable grasp of world geography and American government might profitably be required. Perhaps a measured IQ of 120 or better should be in the mix.

This would make the bamboozlement and competitive shooing of the puzzled much, much harder, which is why it will never fly with the elites who find an electorate of the easily led congenial.

These measures would also screen out various minorities disproportionately. They would also ignite the resentment against the bright and cultivated that forms the bedrock of American society.

Comprehensive ignorance extends to groups many of whom are presumably well educated. Consider the following:

Poll: 44% of liberals say more than 1k unarmed black Americans killed by police in 2019

“According to the Washington Post database, regarded by Nature magazine as the “most complete database,” 13 unarmed black men were fatally shot by police in 2019. According to a second database called “Mapping Police Violence”, compiled by data scientists and activists, 27 unarmed black men were killed by police (by any means) in 2019.”

This shows that forty-four percent of liberals are incompetent to vote. If the misestimate is reduced to five hundred, many more believe it. Similar numbers could probably be compiled for conservatives on other questions, conspiracy theories being promising candidates.

Race is the most dangerous, destructive, and intractable problem facing America, yet these people are too stupid, lazy, inattentive, emotional, or worm-eaten by ideology to have even a faint grasp of what is happening. But they vote.

If liberals, a category including academia, the media, and a great many of the highly educated believe such wildly erroneous numbers, it is likely that blacks, a group in large part poorly educated, believe these things at a higher rate. Do you suppose convincing them that they are being slaughtered en masse improves race relations?

The very bright will always rule, though not always obviously. An IQ of 140 is said to be entry level for Wall Street. This excludes well over ninety-nine percent of the population. Mike Pompeo, while a wretched human being, was first in class at West Point and editor of the Harvard Law Review, Hillary a National Merit Fninalist, putting her in the upper .5 percent of test-takers in Illinois. Bill was a Rhodes scholar.

Intellectual mediocrities will often be in prominent positions, Joe and Kamala being examples, in Congress and the White House, these being storefronts for the very smart. The brains, and the power, are in the shadows. But, methinks, a genuinely bright electorate would be less likely to anoint freaks and rogues.

Interesting question: What would be the effect of requiring an IQ of 130, the cutoff for Mensa, to vote? The idea will arouse shrieks from an American public famously resentful of excellence except in football. (I am reminded of a fellow fourteen-year-old in Athens, Alabama who, seeing me reading a book on biology, said angrily, “You ain’t no gooder’n me.”) A test for voting of course runs against the current policy of enfranchising the mentally lame and halt. Would the upper two percent of the population do a better job of electing leaders? They would certainly be much more difficult to con.

I will now go to the American Legion in Chapala, which makes really good huevos rancheros, which I will accompany with a double bourbon, and pretend that things aren’t as they are. Sometimes, it works.

Conclusions and some thoughts

Guys, it’s obvious that the United States is a Military Empire.

I mean you have to be a fucking idiot not to know this, and anyone who runs around saying “America has freedom”, and “democracy is the best” really needs their head examined. They are ignorant fools, and thus deserve the life that a military empire will provide for them; serf-servitude or slavery. Take you pick.

Now, I could insert a movie and video that clarifies this point. but I won’t it’s really very obvious.

The point of this article is that the United States is not at all what it claims to be. And that it relies on media and ignorance to maintain.

Media. Tell American how great, special and exceptional they are, while filling their minds with fear.

Ignorance. Dumb down the educational system. Ban all sources of information, and provide only sources that the government controls.

But the world is changing, and this kind of Military Empire is going the way of the Dodo bird. It’s not sustainable, and not practical, and once Asia implement global alternative for SWIFT, will become economically unfeasible.

To understand what Americ is today, we should not look at the tanks, the military aircraft and the people living in tents in the big American cities, but rather see what America used to be like. When there was still hope for a brighter and better future, and where jobs were plentiful, rights still existed, and it was affordable jsut to be alive.

At the time of my parents, one person could work in a job. They would be guranetted never to be laid-off, and obtain reasonable benefits to include free health care for thei family, month off for vacations, bonuses, and holiday parties at least two times a year.

Families could buy and afford a house that would be apid off in ten years, and brand new cars in cash.

Oldsmobile, 1958

They could relax and drink at work, at home, at the restrurants. There were no bans in anything. In fact, an America could even buy tanks, military aircraft and cannons without anyone blinking an eyelash.

The military was a place of honor. It was what you joined to defend your liberty and your freedom, and in those days, American really did have freedom. Americans didn’t need to wear seat belts, speed limits on roads were a rarity, school caferteris served generous helps of foods that included meats, and vegitables, where nothing was instant, pre-processed, or frozen.

USAF, Florida, 1953

While America has it’s own taboos, and traditions, people still were able to enjoy life and buildcompanies, magazines, and other venues without being crushed by the government, and other mega-corporations.

Like the Playboy empire.

Decorating the still furnished wall of the new Playboy Club in New York City are the shapely hostesses. The girls dressed in “Bunnie” costumes, (left to right), Elaine Gallo, Lynn Smith, Bette West, Laura Addams, Virginia Hebel and Morta Andersen had been trained to serve as waitress’ in the key club which had recently opened, ca 1970s.

Try opening a similiar venue today.

Do you think that it would be easy?

Consider what America was like when Playboy started to publish and started prenting “the girl next door” soft-core semi-nudes in it’s pages. Consider what America was like. Yet, still the Playboy empire was able to manifest.

Three young ladies prepare to have their pictures taken in Manhattan photo booths in April 1954.

Different times, and different social norms. Yes. That’s for certain.

But it’s more than just fashion and society. It is the very nature of the fabric of that society has changed. No longer run by talent, and patriots, the United States (as a nation) has been taken over completely by psychopathic personalities and sociopathic individuals who themselves have small armies of revenue-sucking toadies that combined siphon off money from the serf-slave electorate.

Sure, then as now, people are people. They live, and love. They eat food, and they work in various capacities.

Love on the balcony.

But it’s the entire government strucutre has changed.

In the 1950’s America was a “democracy”.

Today, America is a Military Empire, and the actions and behaviors of the citizenry has been absolutely reflected by that change.  If you look at history; from the lens of history, you will see that in every case, all military empires develop a strange collection of civilian behaviors domestically, and that is reflected in the laws that that society manifests for it’s people to live by.

Thus it should be no surprise that the American government is so pro-LGBT and so obscessed with everything progressive and novel.

But that was not the case when the American government was healthy, and was an actual functioning democracy.

Boy and his duck, 1953

So what can you do about it?

Well, historically these kinds of government eventually die off. They historical ways are well documented…

  • Internal revolt.
  • Defeat in a war.
  • Or collapse in stages to a much smaller entity.

Most people have very little say in the three above mechanisms. So I advise fleeing to “greener patures” and safer havens.


In any event, the best thing that a person can do is to be a Rufus.

Rufus gives a guy a break. The poor guy cannot pay. So he give him all his food. The Rufus, while upset, puts the food back, and let’s the guy go.

Be the Rufus. Video. 96MB

Just say hi. You know, life will pass you buy. So smile more, and don’t over think. Most adults (not so much for teenagers and young people) will appreciate you talkign to them. SO say hi. Thell them what you think. Don’t do it for any other reason than to be nice.

Maybe good things will come out of it. Be the Rufus. Video. 98MB

Just, Be the Rufus. Video. 20MB

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my Corrupt America Index here…

Corrupt USA

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Part 7 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander march 2022

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 7.

Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. 

Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. 

This is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpet the responses.

Personally, I think girls, cats, and food are far more interesting. But, that's me, don't you know.

[7.1a] Question – Was I “Old Empire”?

Yes. Hello guys. How have you all been?

I hope all of you have been much better than me. Recently I had a dream. I think it was a memory from the past. It looked medieval. In a medieval building, we were a few people. I think I was the leader or something similar. Too much to mention so little time.

My question is Was I in the Old empire or where did I come from?

Questioner was a member of the "Old Empire". Dream was <garble> <confusing text stream> <impression I have is of something like travel / visit / memory / or memory rewind in real time / experience.> This kind of event is not uncommon to human inmate skin-suits. This is a carryover aspect of soul / consciousness / quantum reconfiguring when the entity is placed within the Prison Planet complex ans is assigned a skin-suit for general population utilization.

Questioner was punished for repeat violations of multiple minor infractions. Judge sentencing was mercurial and arbitrary. Questioner, however did not take the opportunites afforded to it to escape from the sentencing situation and refused to budge upon its standing in the community thinking it was immune from harsh judgements. Obviously it was wrong.

The dream itself is not signifigant. What is signifigant is that there are fractional elements int he quanta that can access the memories prior to the "Old Empire" mind wipe event sequence.

Questioner is experiencing changes at this time and while they are uncomfortable, they are important as they allow the consciousness of the questioner to relive the "Old Empire" sentencing and incarceration process. It was tramatic for the questioner in that embodiment, and this period of time is helping to reawake the questioner and engoge the quanta with energy to assist in full awakening.

Questioner is to be advised that everything is proceeding as planned, and not to worry too much about the discomfort. The questioner will be much improved and better after this period of discomfort.

[7.1b] Question – Transporter Use

Question number 2 is :

Why can’t the Domain build a teleporter and zoom their personnel off this fuck place to a galaxy/planet far far away and start rehabilitation then?

Questioner asks a valid question. The answer is that The Domain can do so. We have numerous teleportation (sic) facilities on the Earth Planetary environment within the Prison Complex.

Questioner must understand that the physical body skin-suit that the IS-BE possesses is not sustainable outside of the Prison Complex. It is a custom made envelope for this prison complex only. Were the Domain to do so, the result would be a rapid period of mental, emotional "melt down" (of the physical body) followed by a freeing of the IS-BE consciousness that would immediately be ejected from (what ever environment it was teleported to) to an injection back within the non-physical realms of the Prison Complex environment.

The teleporter (sic) is useful for moving physical doll-bodies, and non-inmate skin-suits in and out fo the prison complex. "Through the wire" so to speak. But it can only be used inside the prison complex bubble universe for the inmates imprisoned within the skin-suits.

On a practical basis, this means that the inmates can travel within the earth solar system, and to numbers other solar systems that also lie within the bubble universe that the "Old Empire" prison has constructed. There are numerous such solar systems. Five are populated with inmates in various physical forms. As well as other solar systems that lie within the bubble universe, but that have no prison population present.

[7.2a] Question – A “cold dark” sea.

MM a few questions that I have been meaning to ask the Commander, though I needed to provide the necessary back context before doing so. They are concerning if true.

Question 1:
During my phone interview with Linda Moulton Howe about a year ago she mentioned a “cold dark sea” as being a term passed onto a CIA agent by a Majestic agent, which had something to do with vast area space of space that surrounds us and is different to normal space in that it “ebbs and flows”. Question: is the cold dark sea (in this context) a real thing understood by Majestic, and if so why should we be concerned about it? is it the same as the anomaly thing i saw during my experience with the Elder Guardians or something different?

Questioner is correct. There is a region of physical space that lies outside of the micro-bubble universe. This is different from the physical space that lies otuside of the solar system. And should be confused by it's apparent similarity. This region is typical to that of all universes.  It is normal.

It is an area of tides, vortexes, winds, and pressure fluctuations. The quanta components that inhabit this region is not easy for skin-suits to understand as they represent a condition that lies outside of the given universe so constructed.

However, in the case of the prison complex; bubble micro-universe it is a different situation. The prison complex micro-universe is a bubble that lies inside of the main universe. Thus, the region directly adjacient to the prison complex barrier is an interface threshold to the main universe.

This interface threshold is neither part of the micro bubble universe, nor part of the main universe that it was spawned from. It is something else.

Entities crossing through from the main universe into the prison complex bubble universe would experience numerous changes in environment as they move though this region. 

From the main universe would be a transition from calm and entering into a regions of gentile turmoil that would increase slightly until the outside bubble universe barrier is met. 

This is a membrane much like the difference bteween oil and water, and once the entity crosses it, there is a discordance of thought and memory as the high intensity elecromagnetic environment causes disruption to the IS-BE. 

Then once the membrane is crossed, there is a gentle easing of the transitionary changes of the interior of the bubble universe; prison complex environment.

[7.2b] Question – smuggled weapons

Question 2:
During that same interview, Linda mentioned that her contacts have suggested that the US military has successfully smuggled “weapons” into the astral planes, for the purpose of fighting “demons that exist there” that have a “monopoly on our souls”.

This aligns with something i have been told by another source, though this source mentioned these were nuclear weapons that were “smuggled”, and are being used to “negotiate” with {strong arm} these non physical beings.

From the answers to my my past questions, it seems that these “demons” are quite possibly the Goetic spirits of Solomon or those mentioned in the respective Q&A, and the US military doesn’t really understand the implications of what they are doing, or who it is they are messing with (thinking they are just lowly demons rather than opposers of the OE regime).

I have to admit, this is kind of hard to get my head around, but we know that MM’s physical body was able to be transported into a plane, so it at least seems plausible.

Question, does the Domain know of any such undertakings, and what would the implications of having a nuclear weapon go off in those planes be compared with here in the physical. Worse, not as bad, etc?

This intel is incorrect. The information is distorted and abused (?).  The MAJestic organization cannot utilize teleportation technology without Domain overview and permissions. We do not allow any service-to-self behaviors or the teleportation of any dangerous mechanisms in any realm by inmate skin-suits.

What about non-MAJestic entities? Can they do so?

Of the nuclear powers / nations / organizations that possess nuclear or otherwise dangerous weapons, their access (of all entities within their respective "secret" organizations) have culled and restricted access to teleportation devices. We would never permit or allow that to occur. We can read the thoughts and tides that manifest prior to entry access and take appropiate action.

While this subject was briefly discussed in some cases, we have easily distracted the thought patterns to other venues and in other directions. Nothing ever came of such thoughts and actions.

Ok, so there are no nuclear weapons smuggled into the teleportation mechanisms as The Domain controls that venue.  But what of other creatures, other micro universes, and other groups that might not be part of the The Domain sphere of influence?

Yes. There are independent groups that operate upon their own issues, plans and directives. They all have varying levels of influence, capability and ability. The questioner is part of one such organization. Yes, not all of them work with The Domain, but most recognize our leadership role in this micor universe.

There are no nuclear devices, or similiar devices (to it or equivalent to it) that have been placed upon the non-physical environs within the Prison Complex spreciifed from the Earth-centric sphere of influence. However, there are corrupted devices that are planted / implanetd / modified and capable of great horrific damage if activated.

We are aware of those mechanisms and devices. These systems cannot be easily deactivated as they are inherent with the construction of this particular micro universe and tulize advanced technologies. Our allies <image of giant slug like engineers> the "oompaloompas", have been working on these systems for some time. We are confident that detonation / activation / energize / implosion will not be possible at this time, and full inert deactivation will occur in the future.

What would happen if they are not deactivated, and detonated?

The micro bubble universe and it's spawned "heaven" universes would all be destroyed. All IS_BE entities trapped within these universes would be left in a rubbled state with a long, long time to recover. Even if they could recover, they would be lost.

[7.3] Question – Connections with offspring

Hi MM and forum members,

I have a question if possible,

What is our real connection to our biological offspring (our children), due to imprisonment, amnesia and the recycling of our souls back into physical form via “a mission profile” and the light are our biological children connected to us in the non physical realm as “part of us/me”, the concept of protecting my child is very very strong in myself, it’s my life and my motivation. I understand maternal instincts are strong in us but are we only “custodians” of another young developing soul. I hope this makes sense

Thank you so very much for this chance to ask this question.

Questioner is concerned about the relationship factors of consciousness / soul cluster in regards to reincarnated cycling back and forth between the Heaven micro universe and the general population "punishment" (reality) universe.

Questioner has two groups of friends / family / associations. Each group is a special case.

First Case

The first case is the primary questioned concern. This has to do with the cycled soul cluster that shares tthe heaven micro universe, and the recycled reincarnated reality universe. 

For the vast numbers of humanity / and other species this recycling involves gourps of people that take on various roles with reincarnated familes. 

This is much like what the "Old Empire" did in the main universe except that the memory erasure was never so final and absolute. 

In this case, the likelihood that members of the questionsers' family from the heaven micro universe is whith him now is strong and high. 

In fact, this is a common situation with notible exceptions such as MM and imprisoned Domain IS-BE entities. These entities often find themselves in reincarnated lives (sic) alone with no preconceived relationships that carry over from previous incarnations. 

In fact, that is one of the big "tell tales" that help us locate members of the Domain "Lost Battalion". The lack of quantum connections can be observed and measured with the proper training and awareness. 

Thus many of the Domain "Lost Battalion" find themselves in host familes upon reincarnation that appear faraway or aloof, or not in agreement with their thoughts and viewpoitns. While this is in part a normal part of all inmate skin-suit experiences for perhaps 20% of the general population, those of the "Lost Battalion" find this situation to extreme and absolute.

They do not "fit in" with their inhereted host families, and they might feel like they do not belong. Like they were adopted from another family or something similiar. Being without these quantum connections has retarded the interpersonnel family relationships to some degree. The members of the "Lost Battalion" realize this, even if they cannot verbalize it.

This results in certain attachments that manifest when searching for a mate.

In the case of the questioner, this is not the case. They have family members, younger members, and older members that thay have had many, many cycled reincarnated experiences with. 

In this present incarnation, the answer to the question (unstated, but observed) that in the immediate family are members of long, long quantum entanglments and substantive relationships from heaven (sic) and previous lives and reincarnations.

Second Case

The second case concerns the relationships with those prior to incarceration by the "Old Empire". These relationships are much older, longer and more substantive than any that the questioner is associated with regarding his immediate incarnation relaionships.

For the vast bulk of inmates these relationships are completely severed and cannot be fully reestablished until there is an ability to recover the entities prior memories. 

While the former friends and families will realize who the questioner is and what is going on with it, they will not maintain the same relationships that were present prior to jailing and incarceration. They will have changed, and the questioner has changed. 

Even with full recovery of memories, everything has changed.

[7.4] Question – About questioners past

Please consider the following as a question for the DC.
“What did I experience as a child that i only now have the wisdom to begin to comprehend”?
I hope this isn’t too vague. Tried to distill the issue to the simplest question. Hopeful an answer provides a launchpad to a  more direct STO path/career for years ahead.
Additional context:
I suspect the experience involves type 1 greys or similar; could be a single experience or event; timeframe circa 75-86.
Questioner has not provided enough information for presentation by MM (sic). Communication consists of a transmitter and a reciever. Additionally, both have to be tuned to the same frequencies, and transmit in the same language.

[1] If the transmitter is from RCA, and the reciever is from Magnavox, there is the possibility in garbled communications. 

[2] Further, if they are not communicating on the same frequency, or one is sending in AM, while the other is recieving in FM, there would be no communication. 

[3] Further to that, of the sender speaks French and the reciever only understands Japanese, and the message is in Islandic, no communication is possible.

Transmitter (MM) knows nothing about the issue, the questioner, and the situation. Yet the questioner is expected that somehow there is this magical transference of information. There cannot be any transmission of information if no information is provided.

So the transmitter submits an empty message. And thus, respectfully the 
Reciever collects that empty message, and interpets it as useless.

The questioner needs to fully appreciate the magniture of his folly. An eleven year span of time is presented devoid of coordinates, references or data. Somehow the transmitter is to acquire geolocation data, history, packaged information and submit it for review and response.

Of course nothing can be provided.

Questioner is to collect his thoughts and generate a multi-paragraph presentation describing reasons for the request, his personal history regarding any incidents referred to, and why it is considered to be of importance. The presenter (MM) will then have enough information to generate an image that we can read.

This is what all the other questioners do. The questioner must provide enough information to provide thick and accurate responses.

The Commander was nice and polite, but I am not. So I am going to give all readers a very strong lecture right now.

If the subject matter is too embarrassing then do not submit it. If you find it too much of a hassle to provide a minimum of contextual background then please do not waste my time.

You all need to provide details and background when presenting a question, and you must understand it fully. Then you must present it to me so that I can understand it.

Explain what this means, can you provide the necessary details so that the events of 1967 can be understood.

The Domain Commander is not a magical being. There are limitations. This entire situation utilizes a physically implanted EBP for goodness sakes. And the Commander accesses answers via various means. Do not treat him / it / she as some kind of supernational being. It isn’t.

I spend roughly three hours on every question all told. And it’s a very tying and difficult procedure and very uncomfortable. I’m doing this for fucking free God damn it. Do not take me for granted. -MM

[7.5a] Question – future of Asia

My question for the Domain is: how do they see Japan, the Koreas and Taiwan fitting into a brighter Asian future given what we now know thanks to the Commander/MMan’s Q&A?

Projections of the Asian geographical region is overall positive and free of the attempts to militarize it to a point of open overt and violent physical warfare.

Within a hundred years will be new "understandings" regarding Korea and South-Western Russian Federation. These will be economically stable and free of conflict. This may or may not result in formal geographical boundaries.

Japan is expected to break away from the relationship with the United States and will diverge in their own cultural vector. It will be inward directed and mercantile. It will resume its cultural uniqueness and participate in a growning regional economy. However, it will not be a signifigant one.

Taiwan will unify peacefully with the mainland Chinese. It will be conducted in multiple stages, and for most of the world it will be innocuous and transparent actions of no concern or overt worry. There will be opposition domestically to this action in pockets, but they will be isolated and eaisly suppressed. China will be observed and percieved as a grand national society that most Taiwanese would want to be part of. As this perception increases in popularily, the ease of reunification increase proportionally. 

Of course, these are only projections and the future can never be predicted with absolute certainity.

[7.5a] Question – East Asia immediate concerns

Are they (Taiwan, Japan and Korea) predicted to work with China or go down with the Western Ship? (Deagel does forecast significant population drops in all 3 regions, so perhaps that answers my question!)

Deagal forecasts are predictions based on remote viewing and statistical projections. They are not without fault, and the template (sic) can change rapidly.

The long term trends for the region so specified by the questioner is overall positive. However, there are worrisome elements in the immediate short-term future. We (The Domain) project a strong possibility of disruptive elements that may ignite some events that have the potential for great catastrophic loss of life.

Trendlines and global alignments are a "tightrope" that need to be mitigated through shrewd actions and careful planning. As long as the respective "leadership" in those regions "off shore" their Geo-political  counselling to any of the major Western powers, then catastrophic results will become a certainty.

However, this is not the actual case. Internally, and in confidentiality, there are strong and influential elements that recognize national stability being of upmost importance. They will assure a transitional posture away from the West as a matter of national survival.

Having much experience of East Asia and living here again now, it always strikes me how there are a lot more similarities than differences between these great nations across a broad spectrum, and the US model was never a good fit having been superimposed upon Korea and Japan in particular since WW2.

There are many positive things going on in Korea, but having socialised a bit this past week with some reasonably well connected Koreans (businessy types and the medical profession– old high school acquaintances of my wife’s,  mostly), it’s clear after some gentle probing that most people still think that “the Virus escaped from the Wuhan Lab” and that “it’s all Chinas fault.”

Now, having said that, most of these folks are NPCs, anyway, (whereas Korean leadership and elites are most definitely clued in and quite sentient, obviously! I’m just referring in this case to a random subset known to me personally) and IMHO know shit from shinola about the wider world, but they DO represent blue/white collar Korean society in general– homogeneous; consensus thinking, etc. And they are ALL pro mRNA rollout and feel that the side effects are stastically minor. In fact, many of them have shares in a Korean biotech firm that on the directions of the President is setting up a Korean version of the MRNA jab for manufacture and they’re all looking forward to making lots of money in future.

Depressing stuff, I know.

mRNA booster rollout is also being “offered”  to young children soon and the only places open for business to the unvaxxed are grocery and some other outlets. Most businesses are fast becoming vaxxed only and there’s no resistance. They’re even rolling out a vaxx cert for schoolkids under 16 next month in order to pressure parents who won’t consent to mRNA inoculation for them or their children.

No Chinese or Russian traditional vaccines are available or even talked about. They are full on mRNA in Korea and looking forward to making lots of money producing their own version now that airline stocks have gone tits down.

All in all kind of a depressing picture, that’s why I’m curious about the future as clearly Korea and Japan are places of great innovative potential. Taiwan, too. And could really work with China and each other once the malevolent US controlled socio- political apparatus is dismantled.

Thanks, Mr Man. Let’s hope the Year of the Tiger lives up to its reputation.

Social classes in Korea will follow leadership guidance. The leadership will adopt an array of different policies and change direction on a number of subjects. However, there will firstly be some events that will contribute to a change in their thinking and attitude. 

The questioner need not worry about the details, just know that there arepressures and vectors that strongly suggest a future that does not match what currently exists.

[7.6a] Question – Flushing out details

I conducted a private, personal comm reading for this questioner. The discussion that follows has been redacted and simplified to fit this venue. All confidential material has been omitted. -MM

MM, I read the latest answers and I am really excited!

It took me a while to digest, and I sincerely thank you and the commander for taking the time to answer my questions! Also, the revelation about a new (Domain sponsored interface) organization in China…wow!

I understand that you have a regular life to live, and there are other questions already in the pipeline. I do have some questions, which are NOT urgent at all. But I do think the answers to them are very important not just for me but for others regarding these “learning clusters” (whenever you can get to them, of course).

Question 1;

The commander’s last answer to my questions about joining the Domain full time after I complete my sentence in this current meat suit only solidified/confirmed my decision that joining the Domain full time without doing another incarnation round is the absolutely 1000% correct path for my IS-BE.

Based from the commander’s response, I wound up creating my dysfunctional quantum entanglements while taking this “soul improvement course” for centuries with other IS-BEs, only to find out now that all I did was dig myself deeper into some sort of quantum hole (like quicksand or something).

So my take is, (no offense to the Mantids, I’m not arguing with them, and arguing isn’t going to help me anyway) that clearly the curriculum is ineffective and inappropriate for the correct development of my IS-BE.

It may have been fine for some other IS-BE’s, but I am quite unhappy with the dysfunctional results and believe that a change of scenery (join the Domain full time and train) would be a better choice for becoming the best IS-BE I can be.

Am I justified in thinking that the “self improvement” curriculum that they are making inmate IS-BE’s attend (for centuries in my case) is in SERIOUS need of reform?

That perhaps, if the results are overwhelmingly negative or dysfunctional for certain types of IS-BEs, that it’s the curriculum that needs real modification?

Am I justified in thinking that relying on the same mechanism to neutralize unstable quantum entanglements (reincarnation and “studying” with the same IS-BE’s that you cultivated fucked up relationships with for the next few centuries) is a fool’s errand?

Kind of like using the same skin cream that keeps on giving you acne, but somehow hoping that it will work for you this time?

The educational / reform program that originates out of the "Heaven" bubble universe is part of an elaborate system to reconfigure garbons (sic) and swales (sic) to "reform" IS-BE entities into a different type of form and shape. Once that shape is complete the entities whill not be able to fit into the "Old Empire" environment even if they were ever to escape from the Prison Planet complex.

There are numerous issues regarding this system.

[1] Firstly, the initial intention was to create an intentional reform mechanism that will allow inmates so processed to be rehabilitated and changed into a form that is no longer dangerous and threatening to the "Old Empire".

[2] This origional system was intended to change the very shape and nature of the IS-BE so altered, and then remove them from the Prison Complex and then reinject them elsewhere in a distant area far away from the "Old EMpire". The initial plan consisted of millions of years of retraining, and alteration. It was not initially established as a final solution for really bad criminal elements.

[3] However, as the leadership of the "Old Empire" changed, so did the direction, function and features of the Prison Complex. They changed the structure of the reeducation program, and made it so that there would never (truly and actually) be a period of parole and release. In so doing, the Prison Complex became a "black hole" from which criminals would enter and never leave.

[4] Mantid Prime directives changed over time internally of their own volition, and  the program was changed with differnt processes, course studies and intentions.

[5] General population Mantid directives, upon working with us at The Domain, has thus changed, and interactions regarding the training and rehabilitation schedule and programs are no longer in synchronization. This is a Domain directive. As the Mantid Prime plans call for much more bloodshed, violence and horrific events than what The Domain finds acceptable.

[6] Other groups, some well-meaning, others self-serving, have each individually and in groups have altered, modified, changed and otherwise seriously altered the rehabilitation educational program.

The results of all these changes is a bastardized / hybrid program of little value to any IS-BE. The questioner is advised to elect not to participate in it, and upon translation (death); call for pickup and the next-steps that we have in place for this questioner.

[7.6b] Question – Karma

I remember Airl’s words on how kindness begets kindness, and how cruelty begets cruelty. That keeps on ringing in my brain.

I absolutely agree with the commander’s wisdom on kind behaviours. It brought me back on the subject of karma.

While I agree that it exists, I have severe misgivings on its effectiveness as a “corrective” or “justice” mechanism.

While I am certainly not anti-punishment and I absolurtely understand that some people/entities only understand the “stick” rather than the carrot, I know first hand that suffering and cruelty in general (not always) begets only more suffering and cruelty (especially if the person/entity recieving the cruelty has no memory of what happened in the past and they truly believe themselves to be the victim, so they lash out in reaction…thus extending the negative cycle instead of becoming a better sentience…sort of like an abused kid who grows up to abuse others because that’s all he/she knew, and those others they abused “spread” their negativity and abuse others too because that’s all they knew, and so forth…).

My thesis is that karma is a reinforcement mechanism (for good or bad) and I undretsand the commander’s excellent advice to use kindness as a way to start and maintain positive cycles.

I have a suspicion that entities can be “tricked” or bamboozled into accumulating negative karma because of the memory wipe/”electrocuting the bejesus out of them” technique.

They think they are doing the right thing, only to realize that they actually committed a crime and really hurt people (like useful idiot or NGO volunteer).

Am I right to have these suspicions, since Earth is a prison planet?

Are many entities who were political prisoners/artists/whatnot from other planets “corrupted” this way so that they would be purposely saddled/handicapped with negative karma?

Is it fair to say that you can also cause an otherwise decent entity to become “infected” with this negativivity through their experience, and in turn they will infect others with this negativity (giving your measles to everyone within your range of contact)?

Am I justified in thinking that negative karma is “infectuous” and that we must come up with a mechanism to prevent in from ensnaring others?

Also, it seems that the Old Empire have some technology that “enhances” this negative karmic infectivity. Is this a decent suspicion or am I the victim of an overactive imagination?

I will be giving you a donation soon once I get more money in (not that you asked). We really appreciate everything you do (even the resident curmudgeon  (you know who he is) was pretty stoked with your last article.

Ha! Like I said, while I believe the lastest questions I am asking have significance and importance on the nature of the prison system here on Earth and how some entities wind up saddled with big karmic disturbances, it’s certainly not an emergency and can be answered in a leisurely pace.

Questioner is correct. Again, the purposes, systems, and devices of the Prison Complex have been subverted to other uses and purposes. many of which are to benefit others of a Service-to-Self sentience, and to profit from.

[1] There are entities that use the Prison Complex for entertainment purposes, and have created never-ending bouts of recurring terror and events for their own personal amusement.

[2] There are entities that feed of the emotions (so generated) by difficult times and use that to build up their own quanta alignments. In this way, the human inmates are utilized as a farmed animal or creature to generate quantum alignments taht can be extracted through harvesting. Then the IS-BE entity must endure it over and over again without ever getting off or out of the program. It's similiar to reliving a movie scene over and over and over again.

[3] The new directives of Mantid Primes encourage the creation of inadvertant quantum (karma) attachments to solidify group clusters as part of their revised goals for the human species within the Heaven micro universe.

[4] When the Prison Complex was first established, it was believed at that time, that if an IS-BE entity would endure similiar event sequences for millions of lifetime reincarnations that it would grow tired of that exerience and never want to inflect those pains and terrors on others.

[5] Service-to-self entities that work with their mantid primes can construct lifetime experience that create these event vectors for their own personal amusement, growth, or pleasure.

The questioner realizes that all interactions at all levels create attachments. Some are good and some are bad realative to the reincarnation cycle process. This is a fundamental understanding associated with the questioners role as a <redacted> prior to capture, and memory erasure. All fellow entities procured along with the questioner have this understanding, and are equally frustrated being thrown into the general population in such a manner where their carefully cultivated lives (billions of years worth) have be subverted, altered and damaged.

[7.7a] Question – Who was I?

MM — Firstly, I’d like to thank you for your continuous efforts on these matters. To me, they deeply resonate with my world view and for that I sincerely thank you.  I have to apologise in advance for a lengthy request… though I feel it’s necessary in order to posit my questions below.

I’ve been very lucky to be blessed with an exceptionally strong, caring and loving family, who collectively without exception promoted and instilled in me the concept of unconditional love. Such concepts have largely been driven by my parents who have read a significant amount of literature throughout their lives regarding the non-physical world, as they call it.

While I did not always believe in this throughout my teenager years, I (for a while now) deeply feel this is true to me (I just know it’s true); that if everyone adopted these teachings, society would be so much of a better place — I am also an extremely rational person, who I believe is open to any kind of experience as a way of learning: this includes the darkness and other negatively-characterised aspects of life, simply because one cannot know love (for example) without knowing the opposite.

Just know that I’m aware that life is not a system of duality but rather an infinite spectrum of opposite sets of experiences.

I think of it as an infinite ruler with a zero in the middle—the way I see it, in the physical world, life is often seen as a scene of duality where a positive experience (+1, +2 and so on) has a corresponding negative experience (-1, -2 and so on) whereas in reality there are an infinite number of numbers (or experiences) in between those natural numbers.

As such, I do not have hatred towards the Old Empire because I realise that that was the path such IS-BEs chose for their own progression.

I’m still human after all (for now) but I realise that each consciousness is free to choose their own path. I hope this is clear to MM, the Domain, and the readership.

Having said this, I have a very strong, deep and fiery feeling that I do not belong here.

I often discuss with my father how schizophrenic the current world is, how much unnecessary pain etc. is caused by manipulation, herd mentality and the way we’ve been conditioned to think, without realising that all we need to do is to live in the moment, and that our choices to us and towards others really encompass all that matters.

We can only experience life via our five senses, therefore one must realise that there is an incomprehensibly (to the human mind, that is) high number of ways one can experience reality, with much of it being driven by thoughts, personal idiosyncrasies and synchronicity.

We are all different, yet we are all one (I feel that we are all derived from the same source, whether we call it god, belief in oneself, or some higher entity as we, humans, try to perceive it—“consciousness seems to be the universe experiencing itself”).

I wish I could put into words how much I want to write, though the above is merely a way of explaining my world view to finally ask the question I’ve always wanted to know:

Who am I / who was I before my time in the prison system complex?

I have repeatedly asked the MM readership to stop asking these kinds of questions. The Commander has been very clear that the knowledge of what people were pior to their incarceration does more harm than help for the IS-BE entity.

Never the less, I did ask and posit this question.

Keep in mind that often the answers are often very distasteful, and personally I, as MM, do not like the images and thoughts that are presented to me. Remember, not everyone was caught up in a political sweep or discharged accidentially. Some were very, very bad entities that had to be put into prison.

Questioner is sincere, but is likely not expecting the answers that will presented to him. Often times the thoughts generated by knowledge can have a detremental effect on lives of the questioner. Human skin-suits should not ask questions that they might not be ready to accept the answers to.

Let it be well understood that the questioner was not a human, meaning that the human skin-suit was not the preferred physical form that the entity utilized. The region where the questioner lived (prior to incarceration) was associated with planets and environs that did not favor human archetypes. It was a completely different biosphere.

The entity was practitioner of technological magic that created modifications of injectible advertisements into the thought streams of other creatures for personal profit and occupation.

<Image of a pot-bellied satyr like creature.> (This seems to be a dominant shape form or vehicle for many "Old Domain" creatures. -MM)

(I am getting many images / thoughts of hyper-sexuality, manipulation of the thoughts of others, brutal "mind rape" resulting in physical actions of a distasteful nature.-MM)

Questioner was involved in multiple offenses, of a repeating nature that occurred over long swaths of time, various geographical areas, and a great deal of sadness, suffering and disruption of local families, children, and great heart-rendering anguish.

<Image of crying rabbit like creature holding bloodied remains of children in blood crying and dying in enormous pain and angish, with the questioner as a cocky pot-bellied satyr with an enormously long penis in full proud display laughing about the crimes in front of some kind of cauldren / steamy holographic screen projection display.>

Questioner has been on a planned evolutionary egress from this life and is unable to return back to it. When the time comes to exit the Prison Complex, there will be a need for extra special attention. This will be for the cultivation and retention of prior memories, the questioner will need to undergo extra special rehabilitation so that the events leading up to the incarceration will not be counter-productive.

[7.7b] Question – Domain assistance

My second point, is that I truly want everyone in this prison system complex to be freed from it, where possible.

However, I realised from reading MM’s notes that this may be not always be possible.

Therefore, even though I do feel some guilt by asking the Domain to kindly assist me and my core family to remove us from the prison upon our deaths in the physical world, I sincerely hope this is possible so we can reunite with our true clans/societies/clusters (I feel such an intense love and connection with my parents, especially, that I’m inclined to believe we belong to the same clusters).

Could the Domain assist me and my core family in order to remove us from the prison after our physical deaths?

Yes. The Domain will assist all irregulars. 

This will be conducted on an individual basis and each IS-BE will be handled differently based up their own backgound and needs.

To volunteer, one must be a service-to-others sentience, and be willing to abide to the changes that the Domain will make to their non-physical bodies. For many entities this will be terrifying as the "Old Empire" fear-inducement mechanisms will be activated. 

Additionally, the volunteers must agree to the rules and laws of the Domain, and agree to follow operational directives.

This is conducted on an entity to entity basis. The questioner cannot speak or make arrangements for his family unit, no matter how well intentioned.

I performed a follow-up question on this subject later on in this article. It’s question [7.10]. -MM

[7.7c] Question – Responsibilites of membership

Finally, this will lead to my final point. Synchronicities in this world are real — I find so many answers everyday in MM’s notes to questions that I find myself having.

In fact, reading MM has finally established my core belief in this life, meaning that I now know that I was right in the feeling that there is so much more than physical experiences.

While I’ve made my silent goal to improve this world as much as I can (even if those steps that I take towards this goal may be small in scope), I’d like to strongly help the Domain:

While my desire to help is real, I do not know which clans/societies/clusters I was a part of before my stay in the prison system complex.

Therefore, I’d like to learn more about my prior clusters and the responsibilities of being a productive member of the Domain before deciding to join the Domain, as one may realise that they’d like to re-join their existing societies.

As such, what are the responsibilities of being a member of the Domain?

The Domain has very set and structured roles and responsibilities. This falls within a very organized and laid out set of defined social classes.

When someone wishes to join the Domain, they are reviewed on a personal individual basis. This is to determine in what way they would best fit within the Domain society and social structure. 

Not every entity can fit into it. 

But if the entity is so inclined, and is willing to obey the rules and laws and their social class then we would be very happy to invite the IS-BE entity to join the Domain, knowing full well that they can leave at any time.

Upon review, the IS-BE entity would be presented with a firm understanding of the expectations of Domain membership. From that point, and agreement, an evaluation period will begin and the entire process is an individual one that includes elements that are outside the range of understanding of the earth-bound IS-BE skin-suits at this time.

[7.7d] Question – Life path

Lastly, because I realise the effort of MM in providing his readership with feedback from the Domain, I wanted to ask one final point, if possible:

I struggle with balancing my mental health with the extreme stress that my job in finance puts on me. However, I endure this effort because I’m hoping that the job I chose will provide with enough capital for me to finally be “free” of the ‘rat race’ in order to finally dedicate my entire and full attention to creating experiences, to improve this world, and to, above all, help others.

As such, all I want to ask is for any feedback and/or recommendation that the Domain might have with regards to the life path that I am currently in. I feel so lost at times with this matter…

Would the Domain kindly provide feedback or any recommendations with regards to my current life path?

Life path decisons are a personal matter that is best determined by the individual.

The questioner has embarked on a life-path as established in his pre-birth world-line template (sic). It was his decision prior to being born, and he has followed it as was his objective.

This plan was formulated as part of a series of reincarnation events regarding a cycling structre of key soul IS-BE entities that the Questioner is part of. This cluster are all working together on a project that was put in place by themselves with direct guidance from their local mantid primes.

THe questioner is advised that the positive aspects of his current life are providing good and benifical improvements as has been his wishes. Even the distasteful elements of his life have a role. The questioner is obeying his jointly predicted performance vectors and should not deviate from it.

The relationships that the questioner currntly have are valuable and needs to be cultivated to make them healthier and stronger. Right now the questioner is balancing various elements in his life, we advise more emphisis placed on direct interpersonal relationship improvment over any fiancial or physical gain. 

It is a core lesson of this particular incarnation.

[7.8a] Question – “Old Empire” activities

Domain Commander, is there a connection to the media activities and Astronomical discoveries in exercises directly controlled by the old empire?

The "Old Empire" does not exist any more. It was conquered by The Domain and broken up into regional entities. All of the regional entities are under manitoring authority and watched closely.

[7.8b] Question – Interpretation of results

Could have the measurement and interpretation of the results….. Dimensional is it your reality?

Transmitter (MM) does not understand the question. Please rephrase with substantive explaination and detail.

[7.9a] Question – Interest in biology

I have some niggling questions for the commander. They’re important, yet not urgent. Important in the sense that I feel it solidifies my purpose and identity, which is of course essential to the way I interact with others. So, if you can ask him/her/it when your schedule allows, I would really appreciate it:

I have an enduring fascination with bacteria and viruses, and with the concept of developmental biology and epigenetics. I used to fantasise all the time that I was a scientist of this type doing research and making discoveries (in addition to my fantasies of being an amazing warrior). Now, I understand that it’s better to remember what I was rather than be told what I was. I have a strong attraction to this science. Could you tell me if this is strongly related to what I used to do before my prison stint?
Questioner was a <redacted>. Part of the skill sets in this role is intel gathering. It is cultivated and automatic and inherent in the nature of the IS-BE quantum makeup and structure. You can consider it to be a "sniffer" organ. It operates like a pre-cog ESP skill.

It is one of the skillsets that make a <redacted> and their co-<redacted> so capable and potent. Questioner has the inate ability to predetermine actions and activities relative to harm, damage or violence.

Questioner is in an inmate skin-suit. Yet, still has a quantum IS-BE make up that is a constructed arrangment that is not erased, only the memories are. Not the actual construction of being.

Therefore, the inherent tools / utilities / weapons / and systems of the <redacted> form are intact. Only the memories on how to use them are erased and no longer accessible.

In this instance, the questioner is getting elements of intel from its internal "organs" and doesn't know where they come from, or why they are appearing to the questioner. 

The questioner is picking up and interpeting the elements for a subsequent round of global-wide bioweapon release by certain national elements that are increasingly finding themselves at a disadvantage, and they desire to provide advantage in their favor that they can control. They believe, erroniously, that their forced injections of a military syrup would protect their chosen populations during this next up-coming event sequence.

All evidence points otherwise.

The questioner has accurately "picked up" the intel signs associated with this, and this intel is of a serious nature to the <redacted> physical form.

The Chinese are aware of this plot and that is the reason why they implement draconian anti-virus measures at all levels.

[7.9b] Question – Memory recovery

What can I do to recover my memory faster?
I understand that technically there is no rush, but I also don’t want to take longer than I have to. I am not being impatient, but I just want to put it out there that I WILL invest the time and effort to accelerate my recovery from amnesia if I can be given some guidance in how to do this.
The questioner is not able to recover erased memories at this stage of its life. It cannot be accomplished while the inmate is within the physical confines of the prison complex micro universe.

Due to the nature of this questioner's situation, any effort towards memory recovery would be monitored, and prevented by those entities that surround the quester as family members, friends and others. This is an inherent part of the control mechanism for this particular inmate.

[7.9c] Question – disabling snares and traps

I feel that my sensitivity to the non-physical world is severely dulled. My hunch is that this is due to the special snares and tracking included in this skin suit. What can I do to disable these annoying snares? Are affirmations (in the next campaign, since I just finished a campaign at the end of January) a good enough remedy?
Questioner has various alterations to the non-physical skin-suit due to the nature of it being a <redacted> and part of the <redacted> when captured, and stripped of memory. 

This physical skin suit is not a typical general purpose skin-suit used by most inmates but rather a specially constructed attire that is used for those inmates that have a high propensity towards escape. There are many unique features in the non-physical suit attributes.

The questioner already has had multiple non-physical operations. Others are planned. Some cannot be implemented at this time. 

The questioner is expected to be patient and realize that the intel senses are working properly and its interpetations of events and situations are correct.

The questions is <redacted> and thus we will do everything in our power to ease the transition back to the <redacted>.

[7.9d] Question – clone?

Commander, you don’t know how overjoyed I was (and really surprised) that I am <redacted>. Well, you can read my thoughts so of course you know, but anyway…
But I initially dismissed that I must be from <redacted> because my current template isn’t that horrible. I’m not living in Afghanistan as a bacha bazi boy, for example.
So is it safe for me to know…am I a daughter or mother (or both)?
In the forum, MM revealed that 2 and 13/16 Domain members are getting plucked/freed, and in another message you had said that soldiers can clone their quanta.  So what about me?
So (ever since) I wondered about myself. Am I like the Domain soldiers?
Am I  the clone or the original?
Ever since I read the “Alien Interviews”, I had thought about how much I liked the Domain ethos and organization and wondered if it was possible for me to join full time.
But I never thought to ask until December 2021 (and got <redacted>–like 100 Xmases).
Questioner is <redacted> and thus has a <redacted> elemental segmented soul structure. 

This is not what many human skin-suits understand the soul of an IS-BE to be, as actually there are many types of constructs, and in The Domain we use specific pre-determined archetypes to establish social class membership and participation ability.

It is not only The Domain, but other societies do this as well, as well as numerous species that naturally segment for one reason or the other.

The questioner is multi-segmented with autonomous actuation at various points within the Prison Complex. This should not confuse the questioner as it is completely normal, and expected.

[7.9e] Question – Politics

I also have a strong affinity and attraction to politics and philosophy. You could say I LOVE politics. Were these subjects strongly related to what I used to do before my imprisonment?
Questioner has training and previous administrative functions requiring diplomacy and protocol. There is a natural affinity for these kinds of events and situations which is magnified by the intel-gathering "organ" that the questioner possesses.

Questioner had a role in interspecies communication regarding local inhabitants in the <redacted>. 

This was a political / administrative function as part of their posting at the <redacted>. Additionally, long before that particular capture event, the entity had successive training in other areas of inter-species interaction and liaison.

[7.9f] Question – Enemies

Are the IS-BEs that currently occupy the bodies of my biological family my enemies?
Now I understand why I always felt that they are not my people, and that they belong to another group of IS-BEs.
Or are they parasites that signed some kind of “prison guard” agreement when they agreed to be biologically related to me in this birth template?
I ask this because I have been contemplating off and on about cutting them off permanently in the future once I get all my stuff and paperwork straightened out and completely transferred.
One thing I have noticed in my biological family, I always felt that I am being “harvested” or “watched over”.
The harvesting part is pretty straightforward, since free labor was extracted out of me during my adolescence and young adulthood.
My interactions with them, I believe, had always been mainly distractions and energy draining, which is why I suspect that they are actually a group of parasites. Their values are also almost completely opposed to mine.
They want you to be dependent so you can’t leave.
I’m not here to curse them or wish them ill, but if they are supposed to be my prison guards in this template then I need to know.
Keep in mind, my father made his money doing predatory lending and pawn shops (parasitic finance) and I was made to work in a check cashing place (another type of parasitic finance business).
I just need clarity on who they really are, so I can have full faith in any action I decide to take (nothing hurtful or offensive, but my intention is to sever all interactions in the future permanently–in the physical and non-physical world).
My bio father had admitted that he knew I always wanted to do or be something “great” or special”, but he just wanted me to be “normal”.
Obviously he admitted to his role in suppressing me, so already I feel like I would be the biggest idiot to even feel any positive emotion for someone who wanted me to be a sheep.  Also, I feel that any continued interaction with these people in the future will result in stolen energy from me. Am I being paranoid?
Those surrounding the questioner are not enemies. 

They are "fences" that are used to corral the questioner into certain behaviors, certain occupations, certain geographic regions, and certain elements fo control. 

The GP mantids advise that the questioner is considered to be one of the more doctile <redacted> and thus is permitted more freedom of movement than the fellow <redacted> that were captured with. 

This was facilitated by <redacted> who volunteered to enter the micro universe "Heaven" and recruit lost soul <redacted> for extraction.

That group of entities established the pre-birth world-line template (sic) that the questioner currently enjoys and utilizes.

However, due to the rules and restrictions inherent in the mantid prime directives, certain corralling elements had to be incorporated into the pre-birth world-line template. That is what the questioner is experiencing.

They have a role, that they are unaware of, that steers you in certain directions. 

Some of them do so as part of your recovery and eventual extraction. That was set up by the Domain volunteers located in the "Heaven" micro universe, while other do so as part of predetermined mantid prime directives. Their role then is to set you on a path of certain pain and discomfort to make the death sequence and reaturn back to the Heaven micro universe more appealing.

You cannot tell the difference, and neither can they. It is an explict effort of the undercover volunteers to make the corralling effort transparent ot the mantid primes so as to prevent an emergency recovery back to "Heaven" and probable entanglement and chaining towards more restrictive management.

Questioner to be advised that they are programmed in their behaviors and this is established upon your pre-birth world-line template (sic). 

You will find and discover advisement from your mantid as they are (fully on board) with The Domain in your extration. As well as the fact that you have a team / crew / operatives working with you on the non-physical, and that you possess skillsets of great power and ability that you have forgotten how to operate.

Have patience, you will be fully extracted upon your death. Just make sure to call for assistance and ask for our help. This is a requirement for all entities within the Prison Complex irrgardless of who they are or what their background is. This includes MM.

[7.9g] Question – Saving

My husband once said (but he forgot) that he just needed to be saved.
I feel that somehow, I made a promise to him that I was taking him to a better place (where I really come from), and that’s why he’s in my current template. I feel like I said this before we both entered this world line, and I feel strongly about this (no dreams, or anything, but very strong emotions in me when I think about it).
Questioner is permitted to have projects, pets, friends, and hobbies while existing as an inmate skin-suit. There are no rule violations in this matter.

[7.10] Question – Mechanism

What is the mechanism or procedure when we die? Will we automatically know what to do, or what will happen? How do we handle our death when we exit the physical body?

One the entity dies, and gets their bearings on where they are and what is going on, they must direct their thoughts to [1] calling to The Domain and [2] yelling for help and "pick up". Do not stop until we arrive. Do not get distracted, and do not be led astray by any events or memories.

We will NOT do anything unless explicit permission is asked. That is our firm rule. This is true even though we many have elements and assets surrounding the entity at that particular time.

We will then come and assist in recovery to the next steps for that particular individual.

MM is instructed to place a photo here.

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The many types of Internet Troll and Online Provocateurs

I hate trolls. I mean, with a passion. They can take your nice happy and calm, pleasant day, and turn it into a sad stormy day of worry and distress.

They do not belong in your life.

Cut them out of it.

Now, if you’ve ever been the victim of persistent online trolling, then you know exactly how discombobulating it can feel. You might feel mixed emotions that range from confusion and anger to anxiety and sadness. And you wouldn’t be alone.

American Research has shown that roughly four in 10 Americans have personally experienced online harassment and that 62 percent consider it to be a major problem.

Which is probably why China has banned that behavior and will send you to a mental clinic for study and treatment if you engage in it, and why the USA openly allows it to occur.

You might ask: What causes trolling and what can I do about it? Well, before we can get to the psychology, we have to get our definitions in order.

Trolling Defined

Different aspects of the trolling phenomenon have gone by many names: trolling, harassment, cyberbullying, flaming, sh*t-posting, etc.

While these terms are not exactly the same, they do have a common theme: They all describe bad-faith, unwelcoming behavior that occurs online to disrupt conversations, often by parachuting into discussions uninvited.

It’s helpful to think about trolling on a spectrum of intensity and threat level. For example, on one end of the spectrum, there can be infrequent, mildly annoying but ultimately harmless trolling; and on the other end of the spectrum, trolling can bleed into a form that is severe, relentless, and dangerous.

The precise boundary between trolling and harassment is fuzzy. If trolling becomes persistent and targeted, then it might be considered harassment and can enter legal territory.

Trolling also has different styles.

Some trolling is overt and obvious: name-calling, personal attacks, character assassinations, spreading lies, releasing private information (i.e., doxing), complaining to employers, threats, etc.

And sometimes it can be covert and sneaky: social media stalking behind a block, “sealioning,” talking about someone without tagging or naming them (e.g., sub-tweeting), etc.

What Causes Trolling?

Trolling is multi-causal.

This means that it isn’t caused by any one reason, but rather by many reasons that can add up and interact with each other in a perfect storm to produce trolling.

The most helpful way to think about these causes is to divide them into two broad categories:

  • Reasons outside of a person (i.e., environmental factors) and
  • Reasons inside of a person (i.e., individual factors).

Environmental factors that contribute to trolling:

  • The online disinhibition effect: This phenomenon describes an illusion of invincibility and invisibility. A person is more likely to troll from behind a screen than face-to-face due to a false sense of security. Metaphorically, the online environment can produce a sort of mental veil that seems to open a release valve into some of the darker corners of human nature—not unlike the “liquid courage” and disinhibition that alcohol can provide. Unsurprisingly, combining the online disinhibition effect with alcohol use can be a recipe for disaster.
  • Anonymity: If a person engages anonymously online, then it’s like the online disinhibition effect has just taken steroids. It is easier to troll with the illusion of no accountability and no connection to one’s life off-line.
  • Tribalism: The power of the group can add more fuel to the fire. Like a pack of wolves, humans are social creatures and have an innate desire to be part of a group. When many members of a group are trolling a target, a sense of belonging can be achieved by conforming to the group’s behavior.

Individual factors that contribute to trolling:

  • Personality: There are many ways of understanding personality. In essence, personality traits are deeply ingrained patterns of thinking and behaving. One way to understand one particular aspect of personality is to focus on some of the darker sides of human nature, which researchers have called the dark tetrad: sadism, psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism. The dark tetrad has been found to be associated with trolling. Within the dark tetrad, sadism has been found to be the strongest predictor of trolling, which describes the tendency to derive pleasure or enjoyment from being cruel or demeaning to others. It is important to recognize that sadism in this sense occurs on a spectrum—people can have more or less sadistic tendencies.
  • Ideologically possessed beliefs: Some people are married to their beliefs and don’t believe in divorce. In other words, some people can rigidly over-identify with particular beliefs (e.g., about health, gender, racism, politics, etc.) to the extent that they might engage in trolling behavior when those beliefs are threatened. People don’t like it when their worldviews are poked and prodded because it can be very upsetting when someone is told that the way in which they understand the world is wrong. It can also feel personal and can result in lashing out for protection. Research has shown that people perceive trolling as more deserved and justified when they perceive that the target has committed an offense.
  • Conditioning: Not everyone finds demeaning people to be rewarding and reinforcing. But this is the experience of people with stronger sadistic tendencies. One framework to help understand trolling is what psychologists call operant and classical conditioning. Operant conditioning is the study of rewards and punishment to influence behavior. For some, this might dredge up images of rats or pigeons dancing for food pebbles. Basically, trolling behavior can feel rewarding in two ways: the pleasure experienced from getting a rise out of a target (positive reinforcement) and in some cases, the pleasure experienced by avoiding or distracting from aspects of life that are uncomfortable (negative reinforcement). Like a slot machine, randomly responding to trolling just strengthens the motivation for it to continue. Simultaneously, there are classical conditioning processes going on—reminiscent of a dog that salivates when you open the cupboard because they know they’re about to eat. A dog salivates because they’ve learned that the cupboard represents food. In the same way, people with sadistic tendencies that engage in trolling may salivate, so to speak, when they learn that their target represents the pleasure that they’ll experience when they troll.

What Can You Do About Trolling?

There isn’t exactly a one-size-fits-all approach to handling trolling because it’s complex, multi-causal, and ranges in severity. But there are surefire ways to cope. I belie that you kill them off quickly. They are toxic individuals that generate a toxic enviroment that everyone must endure. They do not improve the world that they participate in. Instead they destroy it.

It is important to remember that respectful disagreement is not trolling—and at the same time, no one is owed your engagement. It’s a priviledge. Not a Right.

Here is a great article by Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. It's well worth the read. Edited to fit this venue and modified by MM slightly to fit this venue.

130+ Types of Internet Troll and Online Provocateurs

Troll, a one-word term defining a highly dysfunctional online user who targets others using cyber harassment, internet defamation, online deception, cyberstalking, disinformation, extortion, duplicity and cyberbullying when the assailant and target are minors.

The Internet Troll and their Troll clones inhabit cyberspace like, “cockroaches hiding behind refrigerators waiting for the lights to be turned off“.

It’s time for Information Age society to exterminate these parasites, preventing them from replicating.

The Troll is the subject of this paper and this writer has compiled an abundant amount of information for the reader describing the Internet Troll, types of Troll and the Internet Troll’s relationship to this writer’s iPredator and Dark Psychology constructs.

As a forensic psychologist having spent the last 20 years working with criminal, addicted, psychopathological and cybercriminal minds, the Internet Troll is a unique and complex profile.

Trolls (aka, Internet Trolls) and the characters they assume, are driven by primitive psychodynamic themes.

One does not have to be a forensic psychologist or criminal profiler to understand how deeply disturbed they are.

The troll relies upon a fragmented unconscious and lives within a fantasy world of being powerful, in control and envied by all others.

They feel completely opposite of what is portrayed to others.

From an intrapersonal and interpersonal dynamics standpoint, Trolls are plagued by immense feelings of inferiority, isolation, rage, paranoia and jealousy for peers.

Instead of getting professional help or support from loved ones, Trolls prefer their insignificant virtual world fueled by grandiosity fantasies.

Internet Troll: An Internet Troll is a colloquial expression used to define an online user who uses Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to purposely and actively provoke, defame, anger, tease, flame, or incite other online users.

Often, the Internet Troll does not know the target recipient(s) of their vitriolic statements and behaviors.

Internet Trolls regularly appear in all forms of online mediums ranging from online video gaming gatherings to chatroom and forum discussions.

When the Internet Troll’s inflammatory statements and actions do not include a direct or implied physical threat to the target(s), their behavior is categorizes as cyber harassment.

If the Troll’s verbal assaults include direct or implied physical threats to their target(s), their actions are than defined as cyberstalking.

The motivations for an Internet troll’s provocative, and often, bizarre behaviors are many.

Despite the variations in modus operandi, most trolls are seeking attention, recognition, stimulation pseudo-notoriety and retribution for some unknown perceived injustice.

Although there is no evidence or clinical research validating the psychology of the Internet Troll, it is commonly believed that the “Veil of Anonymity” afforded to every online user inspires some to engage in egregious behaviors.

Those who have begun to investigate the etiology of the Troll suggest that the anonymity of the internet contributes to what has been called, disinhibition effect.

It has been postulated that internet anonymity leads some to behave in asocial ways coupled with a lack of guilt or remorse for the harm they cause not being in the target’s physical presence or even knowing their identity.


Trollosphere: The Trollosphere is the total of Internet Trolls using cyberspace and digital devices to provoke, judge and defame others.

Trollosphere represents all troll typologies, their jargon and cyber-attack patterns.

Just as the Blogosphere is segmented into blogger niches, the Trollosphere has targets and online environments favored by Trolls.

Trollosphere also includes the thoughts, feelings and perceptions online users’ experience, when alone or in groups, who share similar Troll definitions.

iPredator’s Internet Troll Profile

  • Most often gender male.
  • Spends prolonged periods of time online and likely internet addicted or at risk for becoming internet dependent.
  • Meets all three criteria for being categorized as an iPredator.
  • A self-awareness of causing harm to others, directly or indirectly, using ICT.
  • The usage of ICT to obtain, tamper with, exchange and deliver harmful information.
  • A general understanding of Cyberstealth used to engage in criminal or deviant activities or to profile, identify, locate, stalk and engage a target.
  • Tends to have few offline friends and online friends often engage in the same type of online harassment.
  • Highly susceptible to the states of deindividuation and the disinhibition effect experienced by all online users. For internet trolls, these states are highly influential in their online lives.
  • They are psychopathological in experiencing power and control online fueled by their offline reality of being insignificant, angry and alone.
  • The severity and magnitude of psychological abuse they inflict upon their online targets is directly correlated to their probability of suffering from an Axis I, Axis II or Dual Diagnose mental illness.
  • When online, show a lack of empathy, have minimal capacity to experience shame or guilt and behaves with callousness and a grandiose sense of self.
  • From a psychodynamic standpoint, Internet Trolls create and sustain an intra-psychic myth of power, greatness and domination. Although all humanity is guided through life by internal myths and archetypes, the Internet Troll’s myths and archetypes are highly distorted.
  • They are developmentally immature, tend to be chronically isolated and have had minimal to no intimate relationships.

  • Affected Profundity Troll: “A mutant subspecies of Sophist Trolls, Affected Profundity Trolls post endless pages of pretentious drivel that is intended to appear wise, but which generally makes little sense (if any). Affected Profundity Trolls enjoy asking themselves questions, sometimes answering them and sometimes leaving them hanging, for they believe this looks intelligent and lends an aura of mystery to their incoherent ramblings.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Agenda Troll: “Agenda trolls are those participants who join a forum specifically to pursue an agenda of their own, often a feud or grudge with another member, or perhaps a dispute with some party not participating in that forum. When a flame war erupts on another board, for example, Agenda Trolls will follow their opponents to other forums in order to continue the spat.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Amazon Trolls: “Posts something negative, be it about the story, the writing or even the grammar, whilst the natural instinct is to respond, it is imperative that you avoid the temptation and instead, face the situation and take it on the chin. If you don’t, you potentially open yourself up to a world of pain. For the forums are also home to all kinds of trolls. And literary trolls like nothing than a sniff of a stroppy author. As a result, before you know it you could find yourself under attack and those attacks can be very personal indeed. They can also be relentless as literary trolls hunt in packs.” Doug Brinson, (2013)
  • Argumentative Prick Troll: You see these kinds of people in Facebook Groups. Or even with their own “dedicated” websites committed to attacking people they don’t like. These trolls will argue for the sake of arguing, and they won’t back down. Even if their argument makes no sense or has no real purpose. And in response: they’ll do something stupid (or drastic) to destroy your reputation or spread false rumors out of insecurity.
  • Arrogant Asshole Troll:  You can call this group of trolls “elitists”. They’ve laid out an imaginary red carpet only they can walk on. Putting themselves on a fake pedestal and belittling anyone who sees the world different. These kinds of trolls have their head so far up their ass, they can’t see what’s in-front of them.
  • Artistic Troll: “A higher species of Classic Troll, Artistic Trolls are intelligent individuals who understand the subtle art of trolling, and who do what they do specifically to make others look foolish. Often employing the techniques of Deceptive Trolls, Artistics will string forumites along until some point in time designated by their own desires, at which point they will reveal the ploy, admit that it was a ploy, and laugh at everyone for being stupid enough to fall for it.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Back-Stalker: “This Internet Troll will pour through your archives until he or she finds something you wrote that contradicts something you’ve written more recently. It will be pointed out. Every time you write anything.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Baiter: “A special place in hell could be reserved for The Baiter. This troll has a serious case of superiority, and always an ulterior motive. Whether posting one-off comments or engaging in back-and-forth, the Baiter always wants to bring the discussion back to their wheelhouse. A Political Baiter, such as, will always turn the discussion back to politics, even if the original post is about pandas or the trials of wearing socks with sandals. It could be anything benign, and The Political Baiter will make comments about the “liberal media” or “liberal elite” or “anti-intellectual conservatism” that take the original content to a different (often inappropriate) contextual level.” (Criminal Justice Degree Guide)
  • Bar Friend: “How many times have you met someone who is a friend of a friend at a bar or party, only to come home and see a Facebook friend request sitting in your in-box? You don’t remember their name, and the conversation you had with them was superficial at best. It’s obvious they just want to add you to their growing list of friends and you honestly believe you’ll never see them again.” Don Reisinger, CNET (2008)
  • Big Man: “Driven by ‘Order’ forces. A Big Man does trolling by posting something pleasing to others to support their world view.” (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • Bitter Troll: “Bitter Trolls are a curious cross-species. They can be trolls of any breed in their larval stages but become Bitters after their earlier activities are seen for what they were. What sets these trolls apart from other classifications is their behavior after they have been spotted and labeled as trolls. Angry, frustrated, and resentful about being “outed,” the Bitter Troll will wage a campaign of indignant complaints intended to focus attention away from the troll and on whomever is responsible for identifying the creature.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Boomerang: “Different name but posts sound familiar? This troll sets up new accounts to keep posting when blocked.”  Emily Turner, (2013)
  • Bored Hater: “This guy loves to make problems, usually out of sheer boredom. His posts are vile and hideous for no other reason than riling up total strangers. His arsenal includes racism, sexism, homophobia and religious intolerance.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Bustr: “Bustrs are obsessive Bitters by whom you could practically set your watch. A Bustr never forgets, never forgives, and holds a grudge until the day it dies. Also a variant of Agenda trolls, Bustrs typically move from forum to forum complaining about the objects of their ire, often cutting and pasting age-old diatribes that have little meaning to most of their audiences. Most Busters are relatively incoherent, though a few of the more lucid ones are potentially dangerous stalkers.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Cannibal Trolls: “A troll that spends it’s time troll baiting other trolls. Wasting the time of those most intent of wasting the time of others. For instance, a Cannibal Troll could post something like this (“Hi. Does anyone know if it’s possible to use a background that would essentially turn my computer monitor into a mirror? Scanning a mirror doesn’t work”) He would do this purposely to attract trolls and feed of their negative comments. For every troll that pays attention to a Cannibal Troll another innocent bystander go’s unmolested.” (Urban Dictionary)
  • Chatroom Bob: “Driven by ‘Existential’ forces. A chatroom bob takes part in trolling to gain the trust of other members in order to exploit them.” (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • Comment Trolls: “We’ve all met the Internet Comment Troll. The delightful little creature who somehow always shows up in the comments section of blogs, websites, and social media services to show off his superior intellect and set the world straight. The Internet Comment Troll is an expert in all matters and always takes pains to spread his wisdom. He particularly loves to dwell in tech-related realms, where he enlightens reviewers and enhances their work with his insights. Were it not for the Internet Comment Troll, online comment sections might actually be a place for meaningful.” JR Raphael, (2014)
  • Concern Troll: “A person who posts on a blog thread, in the guise of “concern,” to disrupt dialogue or undermine morale by pointing out that posters and/or the site may be getting themselves in trouble, usually with an authority or power. They point out problems that don’t really exist. The intent is to derail, stifle, control, the dialogue. It is viewed as insincere and condescending. The VineYard, (2007)
  • Connoisseur Troll: “The Connoisseur Troll is so full of himself that his head is lodged up his ass. A movie critic whose only credential is that he watched Citizen Kane once, a friend who considers himself a wine aficionado for being able to discern the difference between a Franzia Cabernet and a Mike’s Hard Lemonade and the guy who takes it upon himself to note when you mistakenly use “good” instead of “well” in a sentence are all examples of the Connoisseur. The troll will use his supposed “area of expertise” as a weapon to disagree with anyone’s opinion.”  Josh Gross (2013)
  • Contrarian Troll: “A sophisticated breed, Contrarian Trolls frequent boards whose main opinions are contrary to their own. A forum dominated by those who support firearms and knife rights, such as, will invariably be visited by Contrarian Trolls espousing their beliefs in the benefits of gun control.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Copyright Trolls: “A pejorative term for a party that enforces copyrights it owns for purposes of making money through litigation, in a manner considered unduly aggressive or opportunistic, generally without producing or licensing the works it owns for paid distribution. Critics object to the activity because they believe it does not encourage the production of creative works, but instead makes money through the inequities and unintended consequences of high statutory damages provisions in copyright laws intended to encourage creation of such works.” (Wikipedia)
  • Crazy Troll: “This guy just makes no sense. You post something about gardening and he claims that all gardeners are women and all women are soul-sucking incubus. Incubi? Who are only out to lure men into bed so they can marry them, then divorce them and take all their money to buy more tomato plants and meth.” Kristen Lamb (2012)
  • Crybaby: “If someone says something mean to the Crybaby, she’ll become hysterical and swear she’s never coming back to the board. Of course, you’ll see her three days later when she slinks back for more abuse. The Crybaby often tells on you to the mods and swears she’s going to get you banned.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Crybaby: “This Internet Troll likes to take everything anyone says super-seriously and ends discussions by flouncing off. Despite promises he or she will not return, this troll always comes back.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Cryer: “They tend to take everything as a personal assault, and love nothing more than feeling offended. And if they can’t feel offended directly, they also love being offended on other people’s behalves.” Robin Edds (2013)
  • Cuckoo Troll: “Like most trolls, cuckoo trolls are tortured by a terrible nagging fear that no one will ever take what they have to say very seriously. This fear is well justified. Cuckoo trolls try to get around this by mimicking the values of their host community. So, for example, they will seek to mislead with comments like “What makes you think I’m a Labor voter?” or “Actually I’m very open-minded on the subject of climate science.” James Delingpole (2011)
  • Dead Kid Troll: “Prior to the Internet, “troll” garnered images of the Scandinavian mythological creature, a garish monster that lives under bridges and bothers the Billy Goats Gruff. And if you’ve heard of The Dead Kid Trolls, it’s not hard to see why the name fits. Alexis Pilkington was a high school girl that committed suicide in 2010, and she was cyberbullied after her death. Friends and relatives had to see comments like, “[s]he was obviously a stupid depressed, who deserved to kill herself. she got what she wanted. These types of trolls are certainly the worst; they’re extremely unsettling and counter to any healthy grieving process for a lost friend or child. Of the wretched trolls, these are the worst.” (Criminal Justice Degree Guide)
  • Debate troll: These are always looking for debate or argument and can never agree to lose even when they know they are in the wrong. They are always determined to have the last word
  • Debbie Downer Troll: “This type of Internet Troll likes to showcase his or her unhappiness with the world by bringing you down.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Deceptive or “Classic” Troll: “More sophisticated but often easily identified and exposed, the Classic Troll gratifies his ego by pretending to be someone or something he or she is not. Classics make up elaborate stories about themselves, sometimes weaving some amounts of truth into their lies. As a web of lies is difficult to build with consistency, however, Classics are often “outed” by other forumites.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Domination Trolls: “This is where the trollers’ strategy extends to the creation and running of apparently bona-fide mailing lists.” Team Technology (Beware the Troll)
  • Domination Trolls: “This is where the troller’s strategy extends to the creation and running of apparently bona-fide mailing lists.” (Net Lingo)
  • Don King Troll: “Related to Affected Profundity Trolls, Don King Trolls spout gibberish in the hope that they’ll either bore or confuse to death those with whom they disagree. The average Don King Troll is “a pursuitist who gromulates his adversarial computerists with height defining formulations to the disinterestingest adjunct.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Done-It-All: “These trolls know and have experienced everything. Their knowledge is paramount and they will drown you in facts and anecdotes until you give up.” Emily Turner, (2013)
  • Downer: “This troll complains about everything: too much information, not enough information, boring posts, it was better last year, someone else does it better and no one listens.”  Emily Turner, (2013)
  • Elder: “Driven by ‘Escape’ forces. An Elder is an out bound member of the community, often engaging in “trolling for newbies”, where they wind up the newer members often without questioning from other members.” (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • Emotionally-Charged Troll: “These Internet Mole People pop up, usually in the form of some other type of troll, to make you feel bad by playing on your emotions.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Escalator Troll: Escalators usually share a special trait—anger—with their near-cousin, the Foghorns. But unlike the foghorns, their anger escalates over the course of an electronic exchange, which culminates in a more calculated type of invective. If you respond to their first negative comment, they will ignore your good will by berating you and questioning your character. They are happy to escalate for as long as you will respond. How to combat the Escalator? Once you have identified a commenter as an Escalator, pour an ice-cold Cheerwine© for yourself and ignore his comments. (Or, just for fun, find a way to get him in the crosshairs of a Foghorn.)
  • E-Venger: “Driven by ‘Vengeance’ forces. An E-Venger does trolls in order to trip someone up so that their ‘true colors’ are revealed.” (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • Expert: “The Expert knows everything about everything and loves to share his knowledge. He’s a lawyer, a doctor, a senator, a pro-ball player, a historian, an engineer … in reality, of course, he’s an unemployed temp living with his mom.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Failoblog Troll: “Failoblog troll’s dream is to have a blog as successful as the one he trolls. Unfortunately – as you can see for yourself if you’re foolish enough to follow the link he provides to his tragically unread blog, he is incapable of expressing himself coherently, interestingly, or amusingly. His tone is bitter, thwarted, envious: like Iago, only without the quick-wittedness or charm.” James Delingpole (2011)
  • Flamer: “Has no interest in the topics discussed but just wants to cause trouble for their own amusement to lift daily grind boredom.”  Emily Turner, (2013)
  • Flamer: “This Internet Troll likes to cause trouble. Anywhere. With anyone. For any reason. If there’s no trouble to be had? This Troll will cause some. This type of troll is especially fond of using words that aren’t considered PC.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Flirt: “Driven by ‘Social’ forces. A Flirt takes part in trolling to help others be sociable, including through light ’teasing’.”  (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • Flooder: “The Flooder tries to break forums by posting the same lame thing (LOL! ROTFL!) over and over and over and over and over and over…” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Foghorn Troll: This subspecies of troll is extraordinarily angry, yet the reasons for the anger may vary. Some Foghorns are angry only when they’re awake, but most Foghorns become inflamed about a single issue. They wander about the electronic forest shouting (figuratively speaking) anytime that one issue is unearthed. Usually, the Foghorn is obssessed more with his own voice than with the person toward which he is shouting. How do you combat the Foghorn? Ignore him. (Or, it has been suggested, steal his “CAPS LOCK” and “!” keys.)
  • Forum Cultist: “Forum cultists are extremely proud of the incredible Internet communities to which they belong. They pride themselves on the exclusivity of those communities and actually believe that “it can’t happen to them”, “it, ” of course, being their own banishment. Forum cultists place a very high premium on groupthink and generally react to differing opinions with outrage, banning all who dare to speak them.”  (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Fraud Troll: “This person, who claims any number of things to gain the sympathy of the world, has none of the problems he or she claims to have.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Fraud: “Also known as the Romance Scammer or the Deposed Nigerian Prince, the fraud takes pleasure in robbing people of their cash or self-respect. If your friends warn you that something seems hinky, PAY ATTENTION!” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Frost Troll: “Like an infantile child who proudly sits in his own shit, the Frost Troll’s social ineptitude makes it nearly invulnerable to any criticism. Its Achilles heel is the rejection it faced as a youth. Maybe it was that rather unfortunately timed “cold sore” outbreak which was forever memorialized in the high school yearbook or that embarrassing first-time experience with the poor girl’s armpit.” Josh Gross (2013)
  • Frost Troll: “Taking its name from the loathsome Skyrim creature, you should tread carefully with the Frost Troll. These are the sort of guys who have convinced themselves that being an asshole qualifies as a legitimate sense of humor. The breed consists of those who blow cigarette smoke into a cancer survivor’s face, or who, even more offensively, wear an Ed Hardy V-neck.
  • Gasbag Troll: The Gasbag is a truly special type of troll, combining in one person two of the most odious skills of trollery. He combines a towering sense of intellectual self-approval with an almost-breathtaking ignorance of social perception. In other words, the Gasbag will spend an inordinate amount of time gracing you with his astute observations, even though his narcissistic logorrhea undermines his desire for the Internet community to respect him.How to respond to the Gasbag? Upon spotting a Gasbag, end the conversation as politely as possible. (Or, if you are especially skillful, you might manage to put him at odds with other Gasbags in the electronic community; in such an instance Gasbags will stand tête–à–tête forever, mooing at one another, ankle-deep in their own effluvia.)
  • Genuinely Funny Troll: “The concept of trolling isn’t necessarily wrong. Sometimes people say stupid things, and they deserve to be gently ribbed. Occasionally you’ll see someone write something you don’t agree with, and of course you have the right to reply. Keep your tongue in your cheek, don’t be cruel, and wonderful things can happen.” Robin Edds (2013)
  • Ghost: “Once you’ve become friends with people on Facebook, I think you enter into an agreement of sorts: you both decide to interact with each other and, most importantly, you both decide to use the service. They don’t have a profile picture and the only information that’s filled out in their profile is their name and birth date. They’re a member, but not really.” Don Reisinger, CNET (2008)
  • Grammar Hag: “This Internet Troll chooses only to pop in and out of your life to point out when you’ve misused a particular word, phrase, or used the wrong context. This troll always does so with a very satisfying flourish.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Grammar Nazi: “They’re physically unable to not point out any and every spelling mistake or grammatical error they find on the internet and are under the impression that such mistakes instantly discredit what the writer was trying to say. Basically, their dicks.” Robin Edds (2013)
  • Grammar Brit: “If you don’t speak or write in proper Queen’s English, you are an idiot.” They would be far better off just going to the local pub and quaffing a pint.
  • Griefers: “A common type of troll found on forums and on online games, where they take on very different meanings. Griefers exist to cause problems and delight in stirring up large-scale “flame wars” – Griefers are also (though not always) rude, abusive and sometimes downright cruel: many Griefers do this to provoke their victims into a response.” (Villains Wikia)
  • Harasser: “Cross this troll and they will find and post your address, weight and financial information on every platform in existence.”  Emily Turner, (2013)
  • Hate Monger: “One of the most nauseating types of Internet trolls is The Hate Monger. This commenter blasts the Internet, and otherwise civil discussion, with hate speech. Be it sexist, racist, homophobic (“GAY!” is an oft-used trolling one-off), or otherwise, the Hate Monger reflects the ignorant dregs of humanity. You’ll see them everywhere, but particularly virulent is their presence on forums that children can easily read and those aimed at politico/societal discussion.” (Criminal Justice Degree Guide)
  • Hater: “They don’t need a motive, they just move from victim to victim saying not very nice things and making you feel like you’ve done something to deserve it. Which is nice.” Robin Edds (2013)
  • Holy Misroller (HM):“Holy Misrollers are those online forum participants who give Christians (or other religious adherents) a bad name. The HM believes himself or herself to be a Christian (etc.) and will generally tell anyone who’ll listen about his or her faith in God and in Jesus. At the same time, however, the HM will display decidedly un-Christian behavior, often making an *** out of him/herself. The HM is often characterized by a great deal of anger and hostility.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Honorable Nitwit: “Honorable Nitwits absolutely love to speak about honor. This breed invokes the concepts of honor, integrity, humility, and other traits straight from the Boy Scout Oath more often than a Klingon warrior on anti-depressants. Honorable nitwits are convinced that everyone around them suffers from a lack of honor, an idea they thoroughly fail to understand in attempting to use its lack to smear others.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Humor Trolls: “One of the more common types of trolls and although often destructive they also tend to be mischievous rather than outright malicious (exceptions do exist). Humor Trolls believe that the act of trolling is comedy and indeed some Humor Trolls can be funny to certain people, the major problem with this troll is the comedy is not always welcome and often disrupts the normal flow of online communities.” (Villains Wikia)
  • I’m Better Than You and You’re a Moron Troll: “This type of troll isn’t out-of-control-crazy, just more condescending and smugger. This troll looks for picky things to criticize as justification for why you are an idiot with the mental capacity of a sea cucumber. These trolls will also take time to spell out specific reasons why they are too good/talented/smart to listen to you.” Kristen Lamb (2012)
  • Iconoclast: “Driven by ‘Destructive’ forces. An Iconoclast takes part in trolling to help others discover ‘the truth’, often by telling them things completely factual, but which may drive them into a state of consternation. They may post links to content that contradicts the worldview of their target.” (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • Idiot Troll: “This Internet Troll responds to every post you write with things a blithering idiot (or teenager) would say.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Idiot: “You haven’t seen them since you were 14, and you’re suddenly wondering why you accepted their Facebook friend request. They comment on your pictures of the Eiffel Tower telling you how much they love Blackpool. Hmm. Robin Edds (2013)
  • Insult Troll: These are obsessed with name calling and piling insults on anybody for any emotional response whatsoever. Excessive insulting trolling can be considered cyberbullying.
  • Internet Radio/Media Trolls: “Internet Radio Troll Formal Definition: A variant of Internet Troll describing internet radio show hosts, their networks and listeners who use online media platforms and social sites to defame & humiliate a person, group, cause or belief. Unique to their profile is how they provoke and encourage their listeners to engage in the same vitriolic behaviors. Unlike Internet Trolls who act alone or in small groups, Internet Radio Trolls manipulate as many listeners as possible to join in their cyber-attacks.” Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. (2014)
  • Internet Troll: “An Internet Troll is a colloquial expression used to define an online user who uses Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to purposely and actively provoke, defame, anger, tease, flame, or incite other online users. Often, the Internet Troll does not know the target recipient(s) of their vitriolic statements and behaviors. Internet Trolls regularly appear in all forms of online mediums ranging from online video gaming gatherings to chatroom and forum discussions.” Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. (2013)
  • Internet Police Troll: I’ve seen these types on Quora, Twitter, and pretty much everywhere online. They’re the ones who say “you can’t say this on Facebook” or – “you can’t have that kind of opinion”. They’re like “fake” vigilantes. Trying to take the law into their own hands, even though they have no “real” authority or power to do anything about it.
  • IRL Troll: “The IRL (that stands for In Real Life to all you AFK people) Troll is the type of person that acts like an Internet bottom-feeder in everyday life. It’s someone that spends too much time in front of a glowing screen, or perhaps it’s just someone who burned their mother’s copy of Emily Post. These are the people that you’re not entirely sure should be at every single dinner party that you go to, and it’s getting a little strange that they’re always there.” (Criminal Justice Degree Guide)
  • “I didn’t read what you said but here’s what I think” Troll. “He doesn’t read your piece. He doesn’t need to: he knows what he thinks already and what he knows is, he hates everything you stand for and you’re wrong and he’s going to say so, every column you write, regardless of the fact that the paucity of recommends he gets prove him to be a total Billy No Mates.” James Delingpole (2011)
  • Just Don’t Get It Troll: “Just Don’t Get It Troll is the feeblest form of troll life. In fact, he hardly qualifies as a troll at all because he doesn’t understand what proper trolling what is about, or indeed the interweb thing is really for, or anything. He’ll often begin his rants with “I can’t believe you get paid for writing this rubbish” or “How disgraceful that a fine newspaper like the Telegraph should allow its reputation to be sullied by such bilge”.” James Delingpole (2011)
  • Know-it-all: “Whatever you know, they know more. They spend a lot of their time attempting to discredit every Guardian article ever written, whilst still claiming it’s their favorite newspaper.” Robin Edds (2013) I’ve had people argue with me about the dumbest shit I’ve heard. Even if the wall is blue, these types of trolls will claim it’s “black” all in the name of “being right”. It’s like they have a complex and don’t want you being the person who’s correct. They’d rather be the person who’s right, for no reason other than their own insecurities.
  • Lame Teenager: “The Lame Teenager responds with clever sayings like, “I know you are, but what am I ?” and “I’m rubber and you’re glue…” Warning: Sometimes the Lame Teenager is really a 40-year-old guy who can’t think of anything better to say.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Let-Me-Hijack-Your-Post-To-Tell-My-Horrible-Story Internet Troll: “These Internet Mole People almost always leave you wondering why they left you the comment at all, except that you’re now probably feeling guilty for being upset about anything, ever.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Liar: “The Liar is the most common troll. He loves to lure in brainless high-school girls by pretending he’s a romantic 20-year-old sensitive poet. The Liar is fairly harmless—as long as you don’t set up an IRL meet-up.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Line Crosser: “In the words of Joey Tribbiani, “You’re so far past the line, you can’t even see the line. The line is a dot to you!”. They hide behind their online persona and think this means the usual rules of society don’t apply.” Robin Edds (2013)
  • Lurker: “Driven by ‘Surveillance’ forces. Lurkers make silent calls by accident, etc., clicking on adverts or ‘like’ buttons, using ’referrer spoofers’, reporting posts, modifying opinion polls or user kudos scores.” (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • Marketing Genius:“A Marketing Genius is absolutely convinced that you are profiting from your participation in an Internet forum. If you have a link or a graphic block in your signature, the Marketing Genius just knows that this is your subtle attempt to assert your hypnotic powers on other bulletin board participants, luring them with the siren song of your complex and inscrutable advertising of your site.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums , Trolls)
  • Meh Troll: “Easily identified by its complete absence of originality and creativity, the Meh Troll is a common, but minor threat. It relies upon the beating of dead horses and archaic stereotypes when attempting comedy. Consider the guy who cannot help but offer grape soda to his black friend or who depends upon making fun of Justin Bieber and you’ll get the idea. At best, he’ll get a few nervous chuckles.” Josh Gross (2013)
  • MHBFYJenny: “Driven by ‘Forgiveness forces’. A MHBFY Jenny takes part in trolling to help people see the lighter side of life and to help others come to terms with their concerns.” (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • Mutt: “Alternatively known as Dogs or Yapping Dogs. Mutts are pack animals characterized by their loud barking – vociferous, repetitive, usually ignorant, and irrational criticism of anything and anyone they do not like. Mutts often become obsessed with a few or even a single poster with whom they disagree, often for purely personal reasons. Like a dog gnawing at a bone, the Mutt will attack the object of its ire over and over, making a fool of itself in the eyes of those who understand such childish behavior for what it is.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Nellie McNeggerson: “Nellie likes to show her displeasure by negging every craigslist post you make, regardless of its content. If you say, “cool!” she’ll neg you. If you say “thanks!” she’ll neg you. She might even create multiple accounts so she can neg you four or five times.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Never-Give-Up, Never-Surrender Troll: “This troll is ALWAYS right and will battle to the death to prove it. There is no point in trying to fight her. If she can’t back something up with reality, she’ll make something up, just to show you how wrong you are.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Never-Gonna-Give-You-Up-Troll: “This Internet Troll is right. Always. And this troll will never, ever, stop telling you why. It doesn’t matter how many times you argue; this troll is right.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • New Service Addict: “They became a friend of yours on MySpace, or maybe even followed you on LiveJournal, and ever since then, they’ve wanted to be your friend on every social network known to man. Sometimes you catch a serious one who signs up for all the newest services before anyone, and they immediately send out invites like they’re passing out candy to kids on Halloween.” Don Reisinger, CNET (2008)
  • Not A Troll, Trolls: “Not everyone expressing a dissenting opinion on your website is an Internet Mole Person.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Off-Topic Trolls: “Unclear as to whether these trolls are actually people or simply spam-bots.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Old Warrior: “The Old Warrior has been there and done that. He has little time to spare for those who have not been there and done that. The Old Warrior has been there and done that to such an extent, in fact, that he is always right. Anyone who disagrees with him, therefore, is wrong by definition and should shut the hell up. Old Warriors place a very high premium on one’s credentials relevant to the subject matter discussed, failing to understand the logical fallacy of appeals to authority.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Old-time Nobody: “Social networks provide a slew of opportunities to connect with old friends, but that doesn’t mean you need to befriend your third-grade buddy Bill, whom you haven’t had a discussion with in 20 years. Usually they mention a time in your life the two of you shared when you were kids. Maybe it’s not the end of the world, but it does get a bit awkward when they remember that time and you don’t.” Don Reisinger, CNET (2008)
  • Overtly Reflective Troll: “If you’ve ever known some tool (usually armed with an acoustic guitar) who speaks in an unnecessarily soft tone and refuses to use any other adjective but “deep” or “meta”, you are familiar with the Overtly Reflective Troll. It will tirelessly comment on the state of our existence and leave your nostrils with the overpowering stench of an overcrowded, but well-fed bullpen. The Overtly Reflective Troll doesn’t really believe its drivel, but just wants to make you look bad in front of the ladies.” Josh Gross (2013)
  • Patent Trolls: “A patent troll uses patents as legal weapons, instead of actually creating any new products or coming up with new ideas. Instead, trolls are in the business of litigation (or even just threatening litigation). They often buy up patents cheaply from companies down on their luck who are looking to monetize what resources they have left, such as patents.” (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
  • Peacemaker: “Arguing with a troll is a dangerous game, but it turns out that some internet commenters are in fact normal people with unprecedented levels of common sense.” Robin Edds (2013)
  • Pedant Troll: “In his imagination, pedant troll is the very exemplar of reason, balance and moderation. He feels effortlessly superior to the ridiculous, extremist, purblind fool whose blog he haunts, and whom he likes to put down with his killer sarcasm, weapons-grade pedantry and niggling little quibbles masquerading as constructive criticism. If he were really as brilliant as he thinks he is, he would at the very least have a major blog of his own by now, and more likely be King of the World. Strangely, he has yet to achieve either of these things.” James Delingpole (2011)
  • Pedant: “This troll will refuse to listen if “there” and “their” is misused or there is a typo – mistakes automatically invalidate arguments.”  Emily Turner, (2013)
  • Playtime Trolls: “An individual plays a simple, short game. Such trolls are relatively easy to spot because their attack or provocation is fairly blatant, and the persona is fairly two-dimensional.” Team Technology (Beware the Troll)
  • Playtime Trolls: “An individual plays a simple, short game. Such trolls are relatively easy to spot because their attack or provocation is fairly blatant, and the persona is fairly two-dimensional.” (Net Lingo)
  • Point Misser: “The Point Misser lacks the part of the brain that detects humor and loves nothing more than complaining about TV shows they haven’t even seen.” Robin Edds (2013)
  • Political Commentator: “Imaginative use of swear words and an ability to twist everything into an argument about misspending the taxpayer’s money is a must.” Robin Edds (2013)
  • Preacher: “Whatever the topic, they’ll find some way of turning it into a great theological debate. And all you wanted to do was Instagram a picture of your dinner.” Robin Edds (2013)
  • Pretend-novice: “Has an agenda to push but pretends to not to understand arguments against said agenda in order to push the agenda further. By appearing to be a new user, she can get away with combativeness without appearing aggressive or hostile and can always excuse any poor arguments as ignorance or genuine inquiry.”  (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Priggish Grammar Troll: “No matter what the discussion is about, the Priggish Grammar Troll will ignore the argument and pick on the one word you used incorrectly, like “alot” or misuses of “they’re,” “their” and “there.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Profane Screamer: “If someone says something even remotely critical of the Profane Screamer, he’ll TYPE IN ALL CAPS, telling you what a @#$# you are and insulting your mom. The Profane Screamer is often a noob and often turns into The Crybaby.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Psycho Trolls: “These trolls have an unconscious psychological need to feel good by making others feel bad. Such people may use their real names on the internet, and they may not even realize that they are “trolling”. Team Technology (Beware the Troll)
  • Rabid Flamer: “This guy likes to make trouble for his own amusement. If nothing particularly nasty is going on, he’ll whip out his flamethrower and burn everyone in his path, especially denizens of parenting or pets chat rooms.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Ranting Troll: “Ranting troll has an ax to grind and his preferred place to do this is on your blog or in a review of your book. Like Crazy Troll, Ranting Troll makes some sense, though his argument might be very tangential.” Kristen Lamb (2012)
  • Religious Trolls: “These trolls use Bible Verses and religious scripture to justify being mean to others for no real reason.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Rent-A-Mob: “This troll will bring a like-minded troll army with them to fight the cause. Be warned, the army could be just one person in disguise.”  Emily Turner, (2013)
  • Retroactive Stalker: “The Retroactive Stalker will go back in time to find every craigslist post you ever made until he finds something embarrassing you said, even if you posted it three years ago. After that, whenever you post anything new, the Retroactive Stalker will link to the old post(s) in an effort to discredit you.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Ripper: “Driven by ‘Thanatotic’ forces. A Ripper takes part in self-deprecating trolling in order to build a false sense of empathy from others.” (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • Rip and Twist Troll: With great force, this species of troll rips your words out of context, and then slaps you around with your own decontextualized words. The Rip-and-Twist-er grazes on a number of different delicacies, but is best known for devouring Politician Poppies and Theologian Thistles because of their visibility and availability. Park Rangers in the Kingdom Come say this species is characterized by the ability to live rent-free well into their mid-40s. How to combat the Rip-and-Twist-er? Ignore. (Or, don’t write anything ever; let all of your thoughts for humanity be off-the-record.)
  • Self-Feeding Troll: “This guy likes to argue, even when everyone else in the fold tells him he’s wrong. Without support from his nonexistent friends, he changes handles or makes up new ones to show the fold how loved he is.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Serial Leaver: “If they can’t get their own way, they threaten to leave forever because of the vile bullying and then return a few days later. Repeat.”  Emily Turner, (2013)
  • Sharing Troll: “Also known as the TOU Violator, this psycho will find out your personal information and post it on message boards when you anger him. For example, when he’s being an ass to someone and you step in to tell him to knock it off, he’ll use your real name or post your address.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Shock Trolls: “Shock Trolls are arguably one of the more malicious trolls and are fairly common in some parts of the internet, Shock Trolls delight in causing offensive and may infect computers with malware “for fun” or hack into sites and vandalize them. Shock Troll tactics often involve the use of disgusting, perverted or controversial imagery or texts and much like the Griefer Shock Trolls may find the resulting chaos to be amusing.” (Villains Wikia)
  • Shouter: “They’re angry. So, so angry. They’re angered by happy people, sad people, other angry people, cats, badgers, themselves, politicians and humus.” Robin Edds (2013)
  • Snert: “Driven by ‘Anti-social’ forces. A Snert takes part in trolling to harm others for their own sick entertainment.”  (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • Snob: “This troll will just post *yawn*, *slow hand clap* or a rolling eye gif after every post they deem below par.”  Emily Turner, (2013)
  • Sock Puppeteer: “If you’ve got any concept of ROI, you’re clearly not a Sock Puppeteer. These people can’t actually have paying jobs. They’re entirely too busy ruining everyone’s Internet fun and potentially having an extremely odd personality disorder. The Sock Puppeteer is a curious type of troll who creates several alternate, additional accounts on a commenting forum to flank their original trolling comment or argument with support.” (Criminal Justice Degree Guide)
  • Social Justice Troll:  These are some of the worst, most foul creatures on earth. Self-righteous assholes who think they’re “too good” to bow-down to logic and objective facts. That’s why they usually base EVERYTHING on how they feel, and their petty emotions. Even when the truth is staring them in the face. It’s the reason feminism is so toxic, and how the word has lost its meaning. Or how some guys end up in jail because of the bias towards women (even when it’s clear the guy did nothing). In the words of Koko Hekmatyar: “I find the thought that I’m from the same species to be depressing.”
  • Sophist Troll:“Sophist Trolls, or “philotrolls,” fancy themselves Enlightened Philosophers or Learned Experts of the highest order. Often well educated, Philotrolls are capable of speaking intelligently on a number of topics, and when the spirit moves them, they can be worthwhile forum participants. Unfortunately, Sophist Trolls are an extremely hostile and intolerant species.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Spam Troll: “When internet trolls put links into their already annoying long winded posts.
  • Spambot Troll: “Spambot troll is on a mission – quite possibly a paid-for mission to judge by the frequency with which he posts. His job is to sabotage the comments section by filling it with cut-and-paste postings of little relevance to the debate in hand. He was probably sent straight here from CACC – which also sums up the quality of the stuff he writes.” James Delingpole (2011)
  • Spambot Trolls: “Spambot Trolls might not even be people, but they crud up comments of otherwise civil discussions and they do so all over the Internet. They paste text and links into comments that often lead to data mining bugs or dead-ends, and there’s not much rhyme or reason to their names, words, or links. The Spambot Troll is like an automated Baiter; they just waste energy and space, and sometimes provoke a reaction, though it’s hard to imagine that anyone takes their bait.” (Criminal Justice Degree Guide)
  • Spambot Trolls on a mission of destruction: Usually its to flood a forum with so much nonsense that the entire forum has to be deleted to remove the poisonous pollution. Which is what MM did when a spambot troll flooded the China forum (consisting of 30 comments) with 30,000 advertisements for fake college degrees in Australia. 2021.
  • Spoiler: “The Spoiler likes to ruin people’s days. On the film fo, he gives away endings (“He was dead the whole time!”). On sports sites, he posts the final scores.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Stalker Troll: “It takes a fairly sick mentality to want to be a troll. If you were in any way healthy, you would prefer to hang out the blogs of people you agree with, rather than maliciously setting out to disrupt those of people you hate. Stalker troll is the sickest of the lot. He becomes obsessed with every detail of life of the person whose blog he infests, in the hope of gleaning titbits, which he can use against his nemesis. For example, one of the regular trolls on this blog makes frequent sneery references to the fact that I suffer from depression. This is bizarre.” James Delingpole (2011)
  • STD Troll: “As many of you know, a sexually transmitted disease is hard to kick, just like this troll. Even when you think you’ve lost it for good, it comes back for another round. Unless you are a Zen monk, you’ll quickly lose patience with this cretin and reward it with the desired reaction. The best way to fight this troll off is by doing something counterintuitive: agreeing with it (please keep in mind this philosophy only applies to STD trolls, you should really just stick with a good antibiotic for an actual STD). I refer to this as the “roll with the troll” defense.” Josh Gross (2013)
  • Stranger: “It happens to all of us: someone we don’t know tries to be our friend on Facebook. Their profile claims they graduated from the same college and they live in your general area. You know you’ve never met the person and even if you did, it was for a fleeting second and you don’t remember them at all.” Don Reisinger, CNET (2008)
  • Strategic Trolls: “A very serious form of game, involving the production of an overall strategy that can take months or years to develop. It can also involve a number of people acting together in order to invade a list.” (Net Lingo)
  • Strategic Trolls: A very serious form of game, involving the production of an overall strategy that can take months or years to develop. It can also involve a number of people acting together in order to invade a list.” Team Technology (Beware the Troll)
  • Swearer: “If anyone dares to disagree with them, this troll will reply IN CAPS AND WITH LOTS OF SWEARING *@!&. They will also tell you how ugly you and your mum are.”  Emily Turner, (2013)
  • Tactical Trolls: “This is where the troller takes the game more seriously, creates a credible persona to gain confidence of others, and provokes strife in a subtle and invidious way.” Team Technology (Beware the Troll)
  • “This Is My CAUSE” Internet Troll (Internet Mole Person): “Person who defines themselves solely by their “cause,” and spends countless hours blathering on and on about it to anyone on The Twitter, The Facebook and blogs. They have a Google search set and hours each day to devote to blogs and they do that to leave comments about their “cause.” Which no one cares that much about. Or is a one-sided thing and almost always involves emotional manipulation and impassioned catch-phrases to get the very annoying point across.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Troll Behind A Troll Behind A Troll: “This Internet Troll, when he or she cannot summon up the support of others, will invent new screen names, logins, and profiles in order to support him or herself and his or her argument.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Troll: “Driven by ‘Chaos’ forces. A Troll takes part in trolling to entertain others, bringing some fun and mischief to an online community.  (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • Twister: “They take everything you say out of context and use it to make you sound like a douche. The tabloid journalists of the trolling world.” Robin Edds (2013)
  • Vengeful Troll: “The minute you anger the Vengeful Troll, he or she posts your personal information everywhere.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • Vulgar Troll: “These, the crudest of all trolls, make no attempt to hide their species. Often, they make racist comments, or they may post porn and other spam. Vulgars usually confine their comments merely to primitive, profane, off-topic observations. When you log into the Really Profound Serious Philosophical Discussions board and see the post, “I smell my farts,” you’ve spotted the Vulgar Troll. Other species of troll sometimes revert to this form when cornered.”  (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • Vituperator Troll: is also known in some regions as The Hater (Latin, Hayturs-Urgona-Hayt). This species sometimes fixates on one person or issue, but more often seems willing to express aversion toward all humanity or at least toward a large class of humanity. Migrating from savannah to savannah, attacking victim after victim, spraying them with invective, the Vituperator’s object is manipulative: to make the victim believe everything is his fault. This species of troll concentrates on scarring the victim—and not expressing any particular idea. How to combat the Vituperator? Ignore him. (Also, it has been suggested, you may repeat to yourself regularly that perennial philosophical truth: “vituperators gonna vituperate.”)
  • White Knight: “If the White Knight thinks someone hurts someone’s feelings, he’ll put on his shiny armor and joust for honor and goodness … even if the “attacked” person tells him to shut up.” Tamar Love Grande (2010)
  • Wizard: “Driven by ‘Creative’ forces. A Wizard does trolling through making up and sharing content that has humorous effect.” (Crocels Trolling Academy)
  • “WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN” Pseudo-Concern Trolls: “These Internet Trolls are precisely as you’d imagine. They take any instance where there might be an issue of perceived impropriety and exploit it.” (The Band Back Together Project)
  • YerATroll:“YerATrolls are those whining forumites who devote a tremendous amount of time and energy complaining about the tremendous amount of time an energy expended by Troll Bashers and Angry Forumites on the practice of troll-hunting. A self-righteous and hypocritical breed, YerATrolls spend all their time pointing fingers at everyone but trolls, petulantly demanding that their opinions be granted the significance the YerATroll believes they deserve.” (2006 Ubuntu Forums, Trolls)
  • YouTube Commenter: “Are you having a great day? Well, we’ve got the solution for you. is the web’s leading video sharing site and has become a hugely popular search engine. Comments on the videos are those of an open forum, with very little moderation (especially in the pre-YouTube-by-Google days), and are generally a web junkie’s daily reminder that everyone on the Internet (so, pretty much everyone in the world) is grossly ignorant, contributing to global idiocy in scads, and generally sucks really, really hard.” (Criminal Justice Degree Guide)

What challenges do trolls pose?

Trolls can pose some bona fide challenges. A lurking issue is that many trolls are anonymous or, at least, anonymous to us. Who are they? Are they real people who hide as strangers and comment only when they are criticizing? Or real persons operating under false identities? Or electronic robots? A second problem is that they are often uncivil, willing to escalate to comments that are mean-spirited, violent, racist, or pornographic. A third problem arise when trolls inflict psychological harm by targeting your readers and even hijacking a comment chain.

Why are there so many trolls?

Contrary to Scandinavian legends, trolls have an almost ubiquitous presence. Why are there so many? The first and most important answer is the increasingly toxic nature of our public discourse as a whole. Public debate—especially as it centers on politics and/or religion—is increasingly uncivil. It is a symptom revealing our society’s internal sickness. Second, troll-proliferation (or, as some experts prefer, troliferation”) is made easy by the anonymity afforded by the Internet. A troll who might otherwise refrain from socially irritating or repulsive behavior feels free to do so behind a digital curtain. Third, trolling has metastasized because of the accessibility afforded by the Internet. Whereas a troll of yesteryear would have had difficulty in finding an audience, today’s troll has no difficulty whatsoever.

How can we respond (or not respond!) to critical comments on social media?

When one encounters ugly or unfair comments on the internet, one might immediately be tempted to respond in kind. For example, one might want to say, “Thank you for your comment. And may I add that you are cruelly depriving a village somewhere of an idiot?” Or, “I would argue with you, but it seems unfair to enter a battle of wits with such a lightly-armed man.” But such responses exhibit a lack of grace and wisdom.

Rather than mutating into one of many, many trolls, consider these options:

      • Control the comment string. Use old fashioned editorial judgment. If a comment seems to have been written by a troll, don’t approve the comment.
      • Ignore the comment. By ignoring it, you don’t give the troll what he wants, which is to put himself in the spotlight, to humiliate you or make you angry, etc. The big drawback with this option is that you may accidentally overlook a good-willed person with real frustrations, rather than a real troll who thrives on trollery.
      • Respond to the comment. On occasion, you might respond to the troll, usually for the purpose of managing one’s own personal media. On Facebook or a personal blog, for example, there might be a need to correct the troll’s comment for the sake of other friends or readers.
      • Make an end-run around the troll by speaking about him to your audience. “Welp. Looks like there’s a troll trying to attack people on this site and hijack the conversation. My best recommendation is for you to ignore him so that he will go back in his cave.”
      • Use humor. The best use of humor will not be mean-spirited, but instead will be a sort of light-hearted satire on dark arts of trollery: “Thank you for your unique contribution, which refreshes and challenges us all.”
      • Block/Report/Mute/Unfriend. For real trolls, this is the best solution.
      • Send to the Cornfield. Some trolls are too arrogant, or stupid and needs to be taught a lesson. If they persist, kill them with a trip into the cornfield. Let them experience the life that they are trying to create for others.

A Concluding Thought

One final thought. With the exception of bots, we must remember that trolls are human beings. We should treat them civilly even if they themselves are uncivil; in so doing, we contribute to the common project of neutralizing the toxicity of public discourse.

  • You ask them to stop and give them [1] a warning.
  • If they don’t listen, you then, [2] cut them off at the knees. And for 90% of the trolls, that sends them a-packing to “greener pastures”.
  • For the more recalcitrant trolls; [3] send them to the cornfield and forgetaboutit.

Remember, their problems are not yours. You have a responsibility to make the world a better place, and that means to be a Rufus. When you see others behaving badly you respond. Whether it is someone who throws trash out the window of their car, or someone being insulting on a forum, you MUST act and get them the Hell out of your (and others) lives. It’s your responsibility.

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China and the fiasco in the Ukraine

This is a topical subject. It is something that is going on right now, and the outcome is not determined. The situation is indeterminate.

It is “funny” how the evil regime / military empire operates. Five months of “A war in Taiwan, A war in Taiwan”, followed by three months of non-stop “A war in the Ukraine, A war in the Ukraine”. China didn’t do anything. Russia didn’t do anything. But the facts don’t matter.

Today, the Ukraine started to attack it’s “breakaway” Eastern provinces. The United States fully expects that Russia will get involved, and they are so Hell Bent that Russia would do something, that they can then slap their “sanctions” on Russia and force Germany to abandon the Nordstrom Gas pipeline from Russia.

Why am I so confident that this is what the plan is?

Well, the CIA mouthpiece said so…

Yeah. So this one little article says…

  • USA LP gas exports will increase in 2022…
  • Due to the Northstrom gas pipeline from Russia stopped…
  • Because Germany will adhere to American sanctions…
  • Against Russia …
  • Because Russia invaded the Ukraine.
  • And that Russia will invade because TODAY the Ukranians started to kill their separatist groups in the LDR.

Except that…

  • Russia is not budging. It’s not making any military moves.
  • The Ukrainians must sort out their own issues.
  • Thus, there’s no excuse to sanction Russia.

And thus the entire American plot to seize control of energy into Europe has (so far) failed. I’m sure that they have a “trick or two up their sleeve“, so you cannot say that the situation is fixed in place. It isn’t. The United States evil empire is pushing and pushing and pushing for control of the world. It is flailing and failing everywhere. But it’s still in the ring fighting.



The USA is mighty strange, don’t you know?

I am not the only one who believes this…

From UNZ

Just after I published my first long article on the likely origins of the Covid outbreak in April 2020, our alternative media website was suddenly deplatformed, being banned from Facebook and with all our pages completely deranked by Google. For almost a decade, my article The Myth of Hispanic Crime had regularly been ranked #2 of some 200 million Google search results on that topic, but it now suddenly disappeared from the public discussion, a development that deeply rankled me.

Being blocked by the two primary gatekeepers of the global Internet has obviously had a serious impact upon our ability to reach potential readers, especially new ones. Nonetheless, our articles do still occasionally strike a spark and go viral, racking up many tens of thousands of pageviews, an encouraging situation. But the massive current media propaganda-bubble promoting an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine, which seems to be a ridiculous hoax, has apparently shifted that landscape, creating a huge demand for contrary perspectives.

Last weekend I published Mike Whitney’s piece arguing that the motive behind the sudden war-hysteria was actually to prevent the opening of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany, which would have fostered their mutually-beneficial economic cooperation. Such peaceful Eurasian integration might be viewed as a major geopolitical threat by some American strategists, who thereby provoked the sudden war-scare.

The Ukrainian crisis has nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s about Germany and, in particular, a pipeline that connects Germany to Russia called Nord Stream 2. 

Washington sees the pipeline as a threat to its primacy in Europe and has tried to sabotage the project at every turn. 

Even so, Nord Stream has pushed ahead and is now fully-operational and ready-to-go. 

Once German regulators provide the final certification, the gas deliveries will begin. 

German homeowners and businesses will have a reliable source of clean and inexpensive energy while Russia will see a significant boost to their gas revenues. 

It’s a win-win situation for both parties.

The US Foreign Policy establishment is not happy about these developments. 

They don’t want Germany to become more dependent on Russian gas because commerce builds trust and trust leads to the expansion of trade. 

As relations grow warmer, more trade barriers are lifted, regulations are eased, travel and tourism increase, and a new security architecture evolves. 

In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading partners, there is no need for US military bases, no need for expensive US-made weapons and missile systems, and no need for NATO. 

There’s also no need to transact energy deals in US Dollars or to stockpile US Treasuries to balance accounts. 

Transactions between business partners can be conducted in their own currencies which is bound to precipitate a sharp decline in the value of the dollar and a dramatic shift in economic power. 

This is why the Biden administration opposes Nord Stream. 

It’s not just a pipeline, it’s a window into the future; a future in which Europe and Asia are drawn closer together into a massive free trade zone that increases their mutual power and prosperity while leaving the US on the outside looking in. 

Warmer relations between Germany and Russia signal an end to the “unipolar” world order the US has overseen for the last 75 years. 

A German-Russo alliance threatens to hasten the decline of the Superpower that is presently inching closer to the abyss. 

This is why Washington is determined to do everything it can to sabotage Nord Stream and keep Germany within its orbit. It’s a matter of survival

Strange American actions

It seems so straight forward, right?

Not so fast.

  • Biden cancelled the US pipeline his first week in office.
  • Now he’s cancelled the Israeli pipeline.
  • But he approved the Russia pipeline, through the Ukraine (no less).

So what the heck is actually going on?

From the American Energy Alliance

Biden Abandons Israeli Pipeline In Favor Of Russian Gas Via Ukraine

President Biden is withdrawing U.S. support for the EastMed pipeline that would bring natural gas from Israel to the European continent.

Europe is currently in an energy crisis with record prices for natural gas and electricity, potential rolling blackouts, low supplies of natural gas, millions of citizens in energy poverty and increasing coal consumption, which the continent has wanted to end.

Increasing reliance on intermittent renewable sources that have not produced to their potential has put pressure on other sources the Europeans have discouraged.

The result of Biden’s most recent decision is making Europe even more dependent on Russia for its natural gas.

Currently, Western Europe gets over 40 percent of its natural gas from Russia via a pipeline that runs through Ukraine.

Russia wants to activate its Nord Stream 2 pipeline that runs under the Baltic so that it can avoid the current route through Ukraine.

Biden gave Russia the go-ahead in July 2021 for the continued construction of Nord Stream 2, which Russia predicted could go on-line by the end of the year.  It is now completed.

Rather than helping an ally, Biden is helping Russia dominate Europe’s energy system and gain economic strength in doing so.

The only explanation that Biden’s administration has given to withdrawing support is: “Washington’s interest is now switching to renewable energy sources.”

While the White House is using its dogged support for the switch to renewable energy to justify its decision, the European Commission drafted legal text that pronounces natural gas and nuclear power as “transitional” green energy sources to be used to bridge countries away from coal toward technologies like wind and solar.

EastMed Gas Pipeline

The EastMed Gas pipeline is a 1,180-mile undersea pipeline project from Israel to southern Europe, set to be completed by 2025, which, when completed will ease Europe’s dependence on Russia and Turkey, which serves as a hub for oil and natural gas.

The pipeline will reach depths of 3 kilometers, and have a capacity of 10 billion cubic meters per year.

Construction of the pipeline is expected to cost approximately €6 billion ($6.86 billion).

The pipeline is being developed by IGI Poseidon S.A., a 50-50 joint venture between the Greek gas utility DEPA and the Italian gas utility Edison.

The EastMed Pipeline accord was signed in Athens by the leaders of Greece, Cyprus, and Israel on January 2, 2020.

Biden’s Political Decision

Biden is not only catering to Russia regarding the EastMed pipeline decision but also to Turkey, who is offended that it was left out of the EastMed pipeline accord.

Turkey believes that it should be part of the pipeline project amid claims over natural gas in the east Mediterranean.

Turkish president Erdogan declared that any future eastern Mediterranean “gas project must include Turkey.

This business cannot be done without Turkey. Because if [gas] is to be transferred to Europe from here, it will only happen through Turkey.”

According to an expert, the Biden administration is “attributing huge significance to Turkey,” and its future after Erdogan.

Biden’s Inconsistencies

MedEast is the second major pipeline that the Biden administration has put a damper on: the first being the Keystone XL pipeline that would bring oil from Canada and North Dakota to the Gulf States.

Canadian oil is heavy oil needed for U.S. refineries that retooled decades ago when U.S. light oil production was declining.

Keystone XL would also provide more oil to the United States from an ally rather than being dependent on OPEC and Russia for oil.

For several months since the pandemic began, Russia was the number 2 supplier of oil to the United States, competing with Mexico for that distinction.

When Biden blocked the Keystone XL pipeline by canceling its Presidential permit, he blocked a project that went over and above existing standards to address issues such as carbon emissions, safety standards, and cooperation with indigenous people impacted by the pipeline.

Biden’s Keystone XL and MedEast pronouncements both overturn decisions made by President Trump.

When Joe Biden agreed to set aside U.S. objections to the controversial Russian undersea Nord Stream 2 pipeline, he reversed former President Trump’s policy of opposing the project due to security concerns.

The 760-mile Baltic Sea pipeline allows direct Russian natural gas supply to Germany and other western European countries and allows Russia to dominate the European energy market, making Putin a power player in continental Europe, where Russia already supplies over 40 percent of its natural gas.


President Biden continues to overturn decisions made by President Trump regarding energy policy.

In the most recent case, he has withdrawn U.S. support for the EastMed gas pipeline project, which would transport natural gas from Israel to Europe via the Mediterranean Sea when completed in 2025.

The project would remove some of the continent’s dependency on Russia for natural gas supplies that Russia has used as a geopolitical tool at times in the past. Biden’s announced reasoning is that the focus in Washington is now on renewable energy, despite the European Commission seeing the necessity to allow natural gas to be deemed a “transitional green energy source”.

Biden has shown huge inconsistency on his pipeline decisions, with one major exception—they all overturn decisions made by President Trump.

What’s going on

It appears that Geo-political concerns and domestic green energy concerns are at odds. Alliances are at odds, and there are competing interests all backed by powerful corportations and individuals with competing interests. Thus making the United States a schizophrenic entity.

Oh, Great! A schizophrenic bully with the largest arsenal of nuclear and bioweapons in the world. What could go wrong?

It seems, to me at least, that the United States is desparately trying to control Europe, and Israel by energy. If you control access to energy, you can control them, and by dishing out access in measured doses, you can use them as pawns to do your bidding.

And that is what I think is going on.

An Evil Empire

Though it does seem rather mish-mash.  Does the hand on the left know what the hand on the right is doing?

Do you want to know why the rest of the world calls it an evil empire?

The big fear right now is that sanctions against Russia will be ineffective. You slap sanctions on Russia and they will not work. Russia is pretty much autonomus.

So what are the American / UK “experts” saying?

Check out this horror…

An expert's point of view on a current event.

If Russia Invades Ukraine, Sanction China

Putin has found an economic lifeline in Beijing that only Washington can destroy.

By , a senior associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute’s Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies.

Faced with the threat of further Western sanctions against Russia if it invades Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been seeking shelter in China.

On Feb. 4, the opening day of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced a new strategic partnership between their two countries.

A joint statement described the Chinese-Russian relationship as a “friendship” with “no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation.”

Putin expressed support for China’s opposition to Taiwanese independence, and Xi seconded Russia’s demand that NATO end its eastward expansion.

They also unveiled plans for broader economic cooperation, particularly in the oil and gas sectors.

The timing is no coincidence: At least in the short term, strengthened Chinese-Russian ties provide Putin an opportunity to lessen the blow from potential Western sanctions.

This puts the United States in a serious bind.

If Washington expects to convey a credible deterrent against a Russian invasion of Ukraine using financial and economic sanctions, it will need to signal its resolve to impose secondary sanctions against China in the same breath.

The problem is that the United Kingdom and the European Union, key U.S. allies, do not have the same legal or regulatory frameworks to impose secondary sanctions against Chinese banks or state-owned enterprises.

U.S. secondary sanctions, which target a third-party entity or country for conducting business with the primary subject of sanctions, rely on broad interpretations of jurisdiction.

To put it nicely; a very broad and liberal interpetation of the law; or to put it better; to make up the rules as you see fit. -MM

Most countries adopt some form of a territorial or nationality standard, meaning that its national borders define its jurisdictional reach.

The United States, however, considers its citizens, companies, and property as falling under its jurisdiction even if located abroad.

The United States considers the world to be it's territory. Not its borders.  -MM

Because the U.K. and EU lack this framework to apply secondary sanctions, it leaves Washington alone to flex its extraterritorial muscle against China.

And though the United States is unlikely to suffer any significant domestic economic blowback from imposing broad financial and economic sanctions against Russia, it is a different story with China.

At a Feb. 7 press conference following his meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, U.S. President Joe Biden said the United States was coordinating “a strong package of sanctions that are going to clearly demonstrate international resolve and impose swift and severe consequences if Russia violates Ukraine’s sovereignty and its territorial integrity.”

Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez, the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a key architect of the U.S. sanctions regime against Iran, is also working on a bipartisan bill that would apply what he described as the “mother of all sanctions” on Russia.

There are still significant disagreements in Washington on when to apply sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline linking Russia and Germany.

Well, you must realize that this is a project between Russia and Germany. The USA is not involved in it in any way, shape or means. -MM

The pipeline is owned by the Russian state-backed energy corporation Gazprom and has become a focal point among NATO allies because of its role in increasing Germany’s energy dependence on Russia.

Democrats, including Menendez and Biden, prefer to wait for Russia to invade Ukraine before putting sanctions in place, while Republicans are in favor of imposing sanctions on the pipeline immediately.

Republicans want to sanction Russia without reason. The Democrats are waiting for an excuse. -MM

Nevertheless, Menendez’s proposed legislation is sweeping and includes options to target Russia’s energy and finance sectors as well as key Russian government officials and even to boot Russia from SWIFT, the global financial messaging system that connects banks around the world.

The pieces for a broader, multilateral approach to sanctions are finally coming together.

This should scare Putin.

Responding to criticism that Germany was not doing enough to bolster Ukraine’s defenses, Scholz provided reassurances during his visit to Washington that Berlin is committed to imposing costs on Russia if it invades Ukraine.

It remains to be seen, however, whether that includes ditching Nord Stream 2.

That is the plan. Do not fool yourselves. -MM

Although Scholz has been vague about the pipeline’s fate if push comes to shove, he did note that Germany was prepared to take “all necessary steps” in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, noting the need for strategic ambiguity to head off an attempt by Russia to preemptively fortify itself against Western sanctions.

European leaders are fearful that an all-out barrage of sanctions against Russia could result in severe economic pain for their own economies.

Sanctions against Russia, whether with Russia alone or with China, will REALLY harm the EU. But the insane psychopaths in Washington DC do not care. -MM

Unlike the United States, many large European banks have close ties to Russia.

Europe’s energy sector is particularly at risk—relying on Russia for more than 40 percent of its imported natural gas.

The United States is trying to prevent a potential energy crisis in Europe should Putin weaponize Russia’s oil and gas exports. Amid already rising energy prices, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been working to assure European leaders that the Biden administration is committed to easing “any disruptions to Europe’s energy supply.”

And so they believe him? -MM

Specifically, he pointed to discussions with governments and major global suppliers of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to shore up supply.

The United States has ramped up its LNG exports to Europe as an alternative to Russian gas.

As of January, some 75 percent of U.S. LNG exports were bound for Europe. Last year, that figure stood at only 23 percent.

Meanwhile, this month, Putin unveiled his new oil and gas deal with China, worth more than $117 billion.

The terms of the 30-year contract call for Russia to supply an additional 10 billion cubic meters of gas to China per year via a new pipeline.

The implication is that deepening economic cooperation with China would help Russia absorb some of the shock if the West did impose severe sanctions against its banking and energy sectors. Russia is one of China’s largest oil and gas suppliers.

Russia is nearly and firmly isolated and sanctions of any types will not really affect it. -MM

But although these deepening economic ties might dampen the blow of U.S. sanctions, they are not completely out of reach of secondary U.S. sanctions.

To ensure its threats of sanctions remain credible, Washington needs to pressure Putin’s emerging economic lifelines by signaling that it is prepared to go beyond its standard sanctions package to impose secondary sanctions against Chinese banks and state-owned enterprises if Russia invades Ukraine.

There is precedent for such a move, but times have changed. China has become wise to the reach of U.S. extraterritorial sanctions and developed its own legal frameworks to push back.

In July 2012, the U.S. Treasury Department levied secondary sanctions against China’s Bank of Kunlun for knowingly facilitating transactions on behalf of designated Iranian banks.

This designation caught many experts and industry insiders by surprise, as it was an unprecedented escalation in the use of extraterritorial sanctions against a third party.

Under international UN laws, this action is ILLEGAL. Trust me, the Chinese will not forgive and forget. -MM

A Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson chided the United States for “invoking its domestic laws to impose sanctions against the Chinese financial institution” and urged the United States to reverse the sanctions.

The argument is valid. Chinese businesses, citizens, and entities do not full under United States law. Further, neither does their trading partners. -MM

While the designation ruffled Beijing, the two countries avoided any substantial political or economic fallout, with China opting to isolate the small bank from broader financial markets.

Later, in 2017, the United States imposed a $1.19 billion fine against another Chinese entity for violating U.S. sanctions against Iran: China’s largest telecommunications company, ZTE.

In addition to paying the fine, ZTE would also be required to develop internal policies to avoid future sanctions violations and undergo a corporate restructuring, according to a settlement reached with company.

The company settled out of court, even though the pressure was illegally applied. -MM

To force ZTE to comply with the settlement terms, the U.S. Commerce Department threatened to place the company on its Entity List—effectively shutting the company out of U.S. markets.

When ZTE did violate the terms of its settlement, though, the Trump administration opted to issue a waiver despite objections from senior advisors, thereby tossing the company a lifeline and preventing it from going under.

Senior officials means John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. -MM

Although there are differing theories as to why then-President Donald Trump reversed the designation—whether for personal political gain or to entice China to remain engaged in trade negotiations—the cases show the reach of U.S. extraterritorial sanctions policy.

The U.S. dollar accounts for nearly 60 percent of global foreign currency reserves—and the Chinese renminbi does not.

That is true for NOW. And the Chinese realize that. But, as I have reported elsewhere, one day they are going to flick a switch and suddenly a staged withdrawl from the USD will occur and the USD will collapse in value. Like I said, the Chinese do not forget. -MM

China, however, has started to push back against foreign extraterritorial sanctions.

Last year, the country established an anti-sanctions law—similar to the EU’s “blocking statute,” which attempts to curb the extraterritorial application of third-party sanctions by prohibiting compliance with extraterritorial laws.

China’s law notes that the country explicitly opposes “hegemonism and power politics” and “opposes any country’s interference in China’s internal affairs under any pretext and by any means,” giving authorities broad powers to impose penalties against Chinese businesses that adhere to U.S. sanctions policies.

These penalties could include fines and even confiscation of assets.

The Chinese do not play. They could single handly destory the American automotive industry by sanctioning all of their factories inside of China and nationalizing them. Flick of a switch. -MM

Many see the law as putting multinational banks in a quagmire: caught in a legal limbo between violating U.S. sanctions and being held liable for adhering to them.

Large multinational banks comply with U.S. sanctions due to the hegemony of the U.S. dollar in the global financial system.

But that's the only reason. -MM

In 2014, for example, U.S. authorities levied a record $9 billion fine against the French bank BNP Paribas for violating U.S. sanctions against Iran, among others.

Although China has yet to use its new anti-sanctions laws against U.S. interests, the opportunity will undoubtedly arise if Washington aims secondary sanctions at China.

In this case, banks may be forced to choose between U.S. fines for violating sanctions and Chinese fines for adhering to them.

So, if Washington is going to impose secondary sanctions against Chinese institutions, it must be prepared for retaliation.

In addition to the potential for putting scores of multinational entities in legal limbo, perhaps even forcing them to choose sides, more than $615 billion worth of bilateral trade will also be put in jeopardy. (China accounts for nearly 19 percent of all U.S. imports.)

By VALUE. Not by volume. 

90 - 95% of all medicines come from CHina. Are you ready to live without aspirin or antibiotics? How do you think your parents and grandparents will do when their blood pressure medicine and heart medicine is no longer available? -MM

Thus far, there have been no indications that Washington is considering specific secondary sanctions against China, beyond mere posturing.

U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price recently told reporters: “We have an array of tools that we can deploy if we see foreign companies, including those in China, doing their best to backfill U.S. export control actions, to evade them, to get around them.”

Deploying these tools against China will have repercussions for U.S. businesses and economic interests—a burden Washington has thus far not had to grapple with and has instead asked its European allies to bear.

Nonetheless, the United States must be prepared to cut off all avenues for Russia to escape Western sanctions.

This includes preparing to wield secondary sanctions against Chinese institutions as well as working to limit blowback to U.S. interests.

The simple truth is that the U.S. dollar accounts for nearly 60 percent of global foreign currency reserves—and the Chinese renminbi does not. That is a big stick to wield.

So what is this “expert” saying?

Well, the USA has its tenticles in just about every country. They are all in debt to the USA.

That gives the United States power.

Just like in prison. If you owe another inmate something, you must pay it back of become indentured. This technique has been used with great effect by the United States in controlling the world.

If the USA sanctions China, the nations will be forced to choose between [1] China or [2] their debt owed to the United States.

Of course, he argues, they would choose the United States over the “Worlds factory”. Right?


Don’t be so sure.

The USA is dependent upon China for everything. And what it does not get directly out of China, it gets from countries that are / do.

  • 90% of medicines come from China. What happens when there are no antibiodics? What about heart medicine? Pain killers?
  • 99% of computers come from China. This includes monitors, IC chips (don’t let the Korean / Taiwan medi fool you otherwise), and all preferials.
  • 80% of the world cellphones and much of their inner workings come from China.
  • 95% of all household items, goods, and appliances come from China.
  • 95% of automotive parts come from China. It doesn’t matter what car you are driving. All the spare parts are made in China.

Sanctioning China would be the most stupid blunder, of all the many stupid blunders to choose from, in all of history.

So let’s talk about China.

Now, China is really not like anyone in the “West” thinks. It’s really something different, and as time moves forward, it looks more and more like a sompletely different society that comes from another galaxy.

Let’s start with a few girls.

Chinese girl in a gym

Take a look at the screens on the wall behind her. Yes, this is normal. You can watch media while you exerise and your exercise stats are projected onto the screens as you exercise.


No wonder that the Chinese women are healthy, thin and free of ugly tattoos.

You know, I come from the United States.

Seriously, today, the ideas of beauty in the United States are different than from that inside of China. Darker skin, chubbier and shorter build, bigger asses, and tattoo decorations make for an attractive American woman…

An American beauty.

…or so I have been told.

Personally, I like all women. Short, tall, robust, cute, athletic, big and small. But the ones that I favor all are [1] great talkers with [2] interesting thoughts and opinions, a [3] strong personality, and [4] great personal confidence and a [5] real pride in their actions and apperance.

Which is why, perhaps, I love China so much.

Robust Chinese girl in brown

I do admire a fine “robust” woman. That’s me, and I don’t expect anyone to share my tastes. Here we have a fine woman. This gal is a real “head turner”, and I find her very aluring. Most especially in this dress.


Houses are for living in

Here’s a clip from the violent anti-China “news” network FOX. They are so very anti-China that they have to preface this report with a disclaimer that they are going to say something positive about China, and that people should not think bad about them for doing so.

The segment is spot on. And yes, China is doing the right thing. Don’t you know.


A very casual Chinese girl

Women do not realize just how attractive they are when they are calm, comfortable and confident. Look at the expression on this woman. See the confidence? Man, oh man. What a sexy girl.


Chinese girls having fun at a bar

This is what it is like. Here you see a typical after dinner drinks with the girls and some dice game, and all that. Very typical China.


Chinese clothing model showing off shorts

She’s one of my favorites.


Chinese model with nice slacks

Here she is with the tan slacks. I do like her boobie movement, as well as the lines on the slacks. They look nice and trip and very comfortable.


A Traditional Chinese girl

In many of the upper-class Business KTVs the girls are expected to buy their display uniforms. Many of which are traditional such as what this woman is wearing.


Chinese girl in cute blue

There’s no question about this. She is a stunner. Actually, I really love her neck and shoulders. I almost want to get a pencil and a sketch pad and start sketching it out with a light orange wash and some white inking overlay.


Chinese girl in the front yard

This video shows the front common area / yard in front of the housing complex individual buildings. Many areas a paved like this, while others are manicured trees, shrubs and flowers.


Don’t step on a crack Chinese girl

I used to do this when I was in elementry school. I’m glad that the action did not die off and is kept alive inside of rural China.


No movie jitter

Note how the Huawei camera negates the handheld jitter while jogging and keeps the face and eyes absolutely centered throughout the video. Pretty cool technology.


White fashion sweater

In the cities, one of the fashion items is to wear a light topper sweater that fits over the tops of the boobies so that when you walk it accentuates the jiggle movement of the breasts. Personally I like it, but it does look a little bit strange to my older gentlemen sensibilities. Check out the style…


The Fiasco in the Ukraine

Listen to what the Russians say…

Russian FM site inaccessible, hacked or truly overwhelmed by the fact that the reply to the US reply has been published? In any case Cassad has it in Russian.

Posted by: Paco | Feb 17 2022 17:27 utc | 82
Yandex translation:

February 17, 17:46

The Russian Foreign Ministry has published a written response to the American written response to Russian claims on security guarantees in Europe.

Response to response

On February 17, 2022, US Ambassador John Sullivan, invited to the Russian Foreign Ministry, was given the following reaction to the previously received American response on the Russian draft treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on security guarantees.

TASS publishes the full text of the statement.

General characteristics

We state that the American side did not give a constructive response to the basic elements of the draft security guarantees agreement prepared by the Russian side with the United States.

We are talking about [1] the rejection of further expansion of NATO, [2] the withdrawal of the “Bucharest formula” that [3] “Ukraine and Georgia will become members of NATO”, and [4] the refusal to create military bases on the territory of states that were previously part of the USSR and are not members of the alliance, including [5] the use of their infrastructure for conducting any military activity, as well as [6] the return of military capabilities, including shock, and NATO infrastructure to the state of 1997, when the Founding Act of Russia — NATO was signed.

These provisions are of fundamental importance for the Russian Federation.

The package nature of Russian proposals has been ignored, from which “convenient” topics have been deliberately chosen, which, in turn, are “twisted” in the direction of creating advantages for the United States and its allies.

This approach, as well as the accompanying rhetoric of American officials, reinforces reasonable doubts that Washington is really committed to correcting the situation in the field of Euro-security.

The growing military activity of the United States and NATO directly at the Russian borders is alarming, while our “red lines” and fundamental security interests, as well as Russia’s sovereign right to protect them, continue to be ignored.

Ultimatum demands to withdraw troops from certain areas on Russian territory, accompanied by threats of tougher sanctions, are unacceptable and undermine the prospects of reaching real agreements.

In the absence of the readiness of the American side to agree on firm, legally binding guarantees of ensuring our security by the United States and its allies, Russia will be forced to respond, including through the implementation of military-technical measures.

In Ukraine

There is no “Russian invasion” of Ukraine, as the United States and its allies have been officially declaring since last autumn, and there are no plans, therefore, statements about “Russia’s responsibility for escalation” cannot be regarded otherwise than as an attempt to exert pressure and devalue Russia’s proposals for security guarantees.

The mention in this context of Russian obligations under the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 has nothing to do with the internal Ukrainian conflict and does not apply to the circumstances resulting from the actions of internal factors there.

The loss of territorial integrity by the Ukrainian state is the result of the processes that took place inside it.

The accusations of Russia contained in the American response that it “occupied Crimea” also do not stand up to any criticism.

In 2014, a coup took place in Kiev, the initiators of which, with the support of the United States and their allies, set a course for the creation of a nationalist state that infringes on the rights of the Russian and Russian-speaking population, as well as other “non-titular” ethnic groups.

It is not surprising that in such a situation, Crimeans voted for reunification with Russia.

The decision of the people of Crimea and Sevastopol to return to the Russian Federation was made by free expression of will in the exercise of the right to self-determination enshrined in the UN Charter.

Force or threat of force was not used. The question of Crimea’s ownership is closed.

If Ukraine is accepted into NATO, there will be a real threat that the regime in Kiev will try to “return” Crimea by force, dragging the United States and its allies, in accordance with Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, into a direct armed conflict with Russia with all the ensuing consequences.

The thesis repeated in the US response that Russia allegedly “ignited the conflict in the Donbas” is untenable.

Its reasons are purely intra-Ukrainian in nature.

The settlement is possible only through the implementation of the Minsk agreements and a set of measures, the priority and responsibility for the implementation of which are clearly spelled out and unanimously confirmed by UN Security Council resolution 2202, including the United States, France and the United Kingdom.

In paragraph 2 of this resolution, Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk are named as parties.

None of these documents mention Russia’s responsibility for the conflict in the Donbas.

Russia, together with the OSCE, plays the role of mediator in the main negotiating format – the contact group – and together with Berlin and Paris – in the “Normandy format”, which formulates recommendations to the parties to the conflict and monitors their implementation.

To de-escalate the situation around Ukraine, it is fundamentally important to take the following steps.

This is forcing Kiev to implement a set of measures, stopping the supply of weapons to Ukraine, withdrawing all Western advisers and instructors from there, the refusal of NATO countries from any joint exercises with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the withdrawal of all foreign weapons previously supplied to Kiev outside Ukrainian territory.

In this regard, we draw attention to the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin, at a press conference following talks in Moscow with French President Emmanuel Macron on February 7, 2022, stressed that we are open to dialogue and urge “to think about stable security conditions for everyone, equal for all participants in international life.”

Force configuration

We note that in their response to the Russian proposals, the United States insists that progress in improving the situation in the field of European security “can only be achieved in terms of de-escalation in relation to Russia’s threatening actions directed against Ukraine,” which, as we understand, implies the requirement to withdraw Russian troops from the borders of Ukraine.

At the same time, the United States is ready to talk only about “mutual obligations … to refrain from deploying permanent-based forces with combat missions on the territory of Ukraine” and “consider discussing the problem of conventional armed forces.”

For the rest, the American side remains silent about our proposals contained in paragraphs 2 of Article 4 and paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the draft bilateral treaty and declares that “the current configuration of the US and NATO forces is limited, proportional and fully complies with the obligations under the NATO-Russia Founding Act.”

We proceed from the fact that the deployment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on its territory does not and cannot affect the fundamental interests of the United States. We would like to remind you that there are no our forces on the territory of Ukraine.

At the same time, the United States and its allies were advancing their military infrastructure to the east, deploying contingents in the territories of new members.

They circumvented the limitations of the CFE Treaty and interpreted very loosely the provisions of the Russia—NATO Founding Act on the rejection of “additional permanent deployment of substantial combat forces.”

The situation that has developed as a result of these actions is unacceptable.

We insist on the withdrawal of all US armed forces and weapons stationed in CEE, SEE and the Baltic States.

We are convinced that there are quite enough national potentials in these zones.

We are ready to discuss this topic on the basis of art. 4 and 5 of the Russian draft agreement.

The principle of indivisibility of security

We did not see any evidence in the US response that the American side is fully committed to observing the immutable principle of indivisibility of security.

The general statements about the consideration of this postulate by the American side are in direct contradiction with Washington’s unwillingness to abandon a counterproductive and destabilizing course to create advantages for itself and its allies at the expense of Russia’s security interests.

This is precisely what is happening as a result of the unrestrained implementation by the North Atlantic Alliance, with the leading role of the United States, of the policy of unlimited geostrategic and military development of the post-Soviet space, including the territory of Ukraine, which is particularly sensitive for us.

All this is happening directly on the Russian borders.

Thus, our “red lines” and fundamental security interests are ignored, and Russia’s inalienable right to ensure them is rejected.

For us, of course, this is unacceptable.

Additionally, we remind you that this principle is enshrined in the [1]  preamble of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on [2] “Measures for Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of 2011”, the [3] extension of which for five years [4] without any exceptions was [5] agreed by the parties in February last year, as well as [6] in a number of OSCE and Russia—[7] NATO basic documents adopted at the highest level: [8] in the preamble of the Helsinki Final Act of 1975, [9] in the Charter of Paris for a New Europe of 1990, [10] the Founding Act of Russia — [11] NATO of 1997, [12] the Istanbul Charter for European Security of the OSCE of 1999, [13] the Rome Declaration of Russia-[14] NATO of 2002 and the Astana Declaration of the OSCE Summit of 2010.

We note that the response received mentions Washington’s commitment to the concept of indivisibility of security.

But in the text, it boils down to the right of states “to freely choose or change ways to ensure their security, including union treaties.”

This freedom is not absolute and is only half of the well-known formula fixed in the Charter of European Security.

Its second part requires that, when exercising this right, not “… strengthen one’s security at the expense of the security of other States.”

We cannot consider the letter received from NATO dated February 10, 2022 as a response to the message sent by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on January 28, 2022 to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on this issue.

We asked for an answer in a national capacity.


The United States is playing a very dangerous game, and using everything in its power to wrest control of the energy through Europe. The battlefield is the Ukraine, and they are sponsoring the entire fighting and trying and forcing the blame upon Russia.

Russia will not have any of this.

President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday endorsed Russia’s nuclear deterrent policy, which allows him to use nuclear weapons in response to a conventional strike targeting the nation’s critical government and military infrastructure.

By including a non-nuclear attack as a possible trigger for Russian nuclear retaliation, the document appears to send a warning signal to the United States. 

The new expanded wording reflects Russian concerns about the development of prospective weapons that could give Washington the capability to knock out key military assets and government facilities without resorting to atomic weapons.

In line with Russian military doctrine, the new document reaffirms that the country could use nuclear weapons in response to a nuclear attack or an aggression involving conventional weapons that “threatens the very existence of the state.”

But the policy document now also offers a detailed description of situations that could trigger the use of nuclear weapons. They include the use of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction against Russia or its allies and an enemy attack with conventional weapons that threatens the country's existence.

In addition to that, the document now states that Russia could use its nuclear arsenals if it gets “reliable information” about the launch of ballistic missiles targeting its territory or its allies and also in the case of ”enemy impact on critically important government or military facilities of the Russian Federation, the incapacitation of which could result in the failure of retaliatory action of nuclear forces."

-Defense News

As a justification, the minions and toadies, and appratus inside the United States “news” are busily justifying their militaristic actions in order to gain popular and military advantage thought the region and now there are “experts” that are arguing that the United States seize the initative that this time, and take out both Russia and China at the same time.

China has warned the United States that it would “strike back” in response to any “reckless” actions, urging Washington to withdraw its recent passing of sanctions targeting people and entities tied to human rights abuses committed by Beijing.


This is extraordinarily DANGEROUS.

All sorts of bad things can come of it. As I have stated earlier, of all the blunder-headed, stupid, ignorant, and dangerous foolhardy actions that the American dying empire could perform, this single action could be it’s worst.

But turhtfully, the “leadership” are so ignorant and stupid that they have no idea what the fuck they are doing nor dealing with.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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“Uncommon Sense” (1945) by Hal Clement

This is a great science fiction story.  This interesting tale of conflict and survival in a hostile and unknown land was first published in the September 1945 issue of Astounding Science Fiction, with the striking illustrations by Williams that we have reproduced here.

Its author Hal Clement (1922-2003) was a trained astrophysicist who brought an emphasis on the “science” part of science-fiction that was particularly effective, interesting and convincing in this quite perfect little story that has so well passed the test of time.

He was serving as a pilot in the US Air Force at the time of publication of this story, and had flown dozens of combat missions during the war in Europe. He later retired with the rank of Colonel.

“Uncommon Sense” (1945) by Hal Clement

“So you’ve left us, Mr. Cunning­ham!” Malmeson’s voice sounded rougher than usual, even allowing for headphone distortion and the ever-present Denebian static. “Now, that’s too bad. If you’d chosen to stick around, we would have put you off on some world where you could live, at least. Now you can stay here and fry. And I hope you live long enough to watch us take off—without you!”

Laird Cunningham did not bother to reply. The ship’s radio compass should still be in working order, and it was just possible that his erstwhile assistants might start hunting for him, if they were given some idea of the proper direction to begin a search. Cunningham was too satisfied with his present shelter to be very anxious for a change. He was scarcely half a mile from the grounded ship, in a cavern deep enough to afford shel­ter from Deneb’s rays when it rose, and located in the side of a small hill, so that he could watch the activities of Malmeson and his com­panion without exposing himself to their view.

In a way, of course, the villain was right. If Cunningham per­mitted the ship to take off without him, he might as well open his face plate; for, while he had food and oxygen for several days’ normal consumption, a planet scarcely larger than Luna, baked in rays of one of the fiercest radiating bodies in the galaxy, was most unlikely to provide further supplies when these ran out. He wondered how long it would take the men to discover the damage he had done to the drive units in the few minutes that had elapsed between the crash landing and their breaking through the con­trol room door, which Cunningham had welded shut when he had dis­covered their intentions. They might not notice it at all; he had severed a number of inconspicuous connections at odd points. Perhaps they would not even test the drivers until they had completed repairs to the cracked hull. If they didn’t, so much the better.

Cunningham crawled to the mouth of his cave and looked out across the shallow valley in which the ship lay. It was barely visible in the starlight, and there was no sign of artificial luminosity to sug­gest that Malmeson might have started repairs at night. Cunning­ham had not expected that they would, but it was well to be sure. Nothing more had come over his suit-radio since the initial outburst, when the men had discovered his departure; he decided that they must be waiting for sunrise, to en­able them to take more accurate stock of the damage suffered by the hull.

He spent the next few minutes looking at the stars, trying to ar­range them into patterns he could remember. He had no watch, and it would help to have some warning of approaching sunrise on succeed­ing nights. It would not do to be caught away from his cave, with the flimsy protection his suit could afford from Deneb’s radiation. He wished he could have filched one of the heavier work suits; but they were kept in a compartment for­ward of the control room, from which he had barred himself when he had sealed the door of the latter chamber.

He remained at the cave mouth, lying motionless and watching alter­nately the sky and the ship. Once or twice he may have dozed; but he was awake and alert when the low hills beyond the ship’s hull caught the first rays of the rising sun. For a minute or two they seemed to hang detached in a black void, while the flood of blue-white light crept down their slopes; then, one by one, their bases merged with each other and the ground below to form a connected landscape. The silvery hull gleamed brilliantly, the reflection from it lighting the cave behind Cunningham and making his eyes water when he tried to watch for the opening of the air lock.

He was forced to keep his eyes elsewhere most of the time, and look only in brief glimpses at the dazzling metal; and in consequence, he paid more attention to the de­tails of his environment than he might otherwise have done. At the time, this circumstance annoyed him; he has since been heard to bless it fervently and frequently.

Although the planet had much in common with Luna as regarded size, mass, and airlessness, its land­scape was extremely different. The daily terrific heatings which it un­derwent, followed by abrupt and equally intense temperature drops each night, had formed an excellent substitute for weather; and eleva­tions that might at one time have rivaled the Lunar ranges were now mere rounded hillocks, like that con­taining Cunningham’s cave. As on the Earth’s moon, the products of the age-long spalling had taken the form of fine dust, which lay in drifts everywhere. What could have drifted it, on an airless and consequently windless planet, struck Cunningham as a puzzle of the first magnitude; and it bothered him for some time until his attention was taken by certain other objects upon and between the drifts. These he had thought at first to be outcrop­pings of rock; but he was at last convinced that they were specimens of vegetable life—miserable, lichenous specimens, but nevertheless vegetation. He wondered what liquid they contained, in an environ­ment at a temperature well above the melting point of lead.

The discovery of animal life—medium-sized, crablike things, covered with jet-black integument, that began to dig their way out of the drifts as the sun warmed them—completed the job of dragging Cunningham’s attention from his immediate problems. He was not a zoologist by training, but the sub­ject had fascinated for years; and he had always had money enough to indulge his hobby. He had spent years wandering the Galaxy in search of bizarre life forms—proof, if any were needed, of a lack of scientific training—and terrestrial museums had always been more than glad to accept the collections that resulted from each trip and usually to send scientists of their own in his footsteps. He had been in physical danger often enough, but it had always been from the life he studied or from the forces which make up the interstellar trav­eler’s regular diet, until he had overheard the conversation which informed him that his two assistants were planning to do away with him and appropriate the ship for un­specified purposes of their own. He liked to think that the prompt­ness of his action following the discovery at least indicated that he was not growing old.

But he did let his attention wan­der to the Denebian life forms.

Several of the creatures were emerging from the dust mounds within twenty or thirty yards of Cunningham’s hiding place, giving rise to the hope that they would come near enough for a close ex­amination. At that distance, they were more crablike than ever, with round, flat bodies twelve to eighteen inches across, and several pairs of legs. They scuttled rapidly about, stopping at first one of the lichenous plants and then another, apparently taking a few tentative nibbles from each, as though they had delicate tastes which needed pampering. Once or twice there were fights when the same tidbit attracted the attention of more than one claim­ant; but little apparent damage was done on either side, and the victor spent no more time on the meal he won than on that which came un­contested.
Cunningham became deeply ab­sorbed in watching the antics of the little creatures, and completely for­got for a time his own rather pre­carious situation. He was recalled to it by the sound of Malmeson’s voice in his headphones.
“Don’t look up, you fool; the shields will save your skin, but not your eyes. Get under the shadow of the hull, and we’ll look over the damage.”

Cunningham instantly transferred his attention to the ship. The air lock on the side toward him—the port—was open, and the bulky fig­ures of his two ex-assistants were visible standing on the ground be­neath it. They were clad in the heavy utility suits which Cunning­ham had regretted leaving, and appeared to be suffering little or no inconvenience from the heat, though they were still standing full in De­neb’s light when he looked. He knew that hard radiation burns would not appear for some time, but he held little hope of Deneb’s more deadly output coming to his assistance: for the suits were sup­posed to afford protection against this danger as well. Between heat insulation, cooling equipment, ra­diation shielding, and plain mechan­ical armor, the garments were so heavy and bulky as to be an almost insufferable burden on any major planet. They were more often used in performing exterior repairs in space.

Cunningham watched and lis­tened carefully as the men stooped under the lower curve of the hull to make an inspection of the dam­age. It seemed, from their con­versation, to consist of a dent about three yards long and half as wide, about which nothing could be done, and a series of radially arranged cracks in the metal around it. These represented a definite threat to the solidity of the ship, and would have to be welded along their full lengths before it would be safe to apply the stresses incident to second-order flight. Malmeson was too good an engineer not to realize this fact, and Cunningham heard him lay plans for bringing power lines out­side for the welder and jacking up the hull to permit access to the lower portions of the cracks. The latter operation was carried out im­mediately, with an efficiency which did not in the least surprise the hid­den watcher. After all, he had hired the men.

Every few minutes, to Cunningham’s annoyance, one of the men would carefully examine the land­scape; first on the side on which he was working, and then walking around the ship to repeat the performance. Even in the low gravity, Cunningham knew he could not cross the half mile that lay between him and that inviting air lock, be­tween two of those examinations; and even if he could, his leaping figure, clad in the gleaming metal suit, would be sure to catch even an eye not directed at it. It would not do to make the attempt unless suc­cess were certain; for his unshielded suit would heat in a minute or two to an unbearable temperature, and the only place in which it was pos­sible either to remove or cool it was on board the ship. He finally decided, to his annoyance, that the watch would not slacken so long as the air lock of the ship remained open. It would be necessary to find some means to distract or—an unpleasant alternative for a civi­lized man—disable the opposition while Cunningham got aboard, locked the others out, and located a weapon or other factor which would put him in a position to give them orders. At that, he reflected, a weapon would scarcely be neces­sary; there was a perfectly good medium transmitter on board, if the men had not destroyed or dis­charged it, and he need merely call for help and keep the men outside until it arrived.

This, of course, presupposed some solution to the problem of getting aboard unaccompanied. He would, he decided, have to examine the ship more closely after sunset. He knew the vessel as well as his own home—he had spent more time on her than in any other home— and knew that there was no means of entry except through the two main locks forward of the control room, and the two smaller, emer­gency locks near the stern, one of which he had employed on his de­parture. All these could be clogged shut from within; and offhand he was unable to conceive a plan for forcing any of the normal entrances. The view ports were too small to admit a man in a spacesuit, even if the panes could be broken; and there was literally no other way into the ship so long as the hull re­mained intact. Malmeson would not have talked so glibly of welding them sufficiently well to stand flight, if any of the cracks incurred on the landing had been big enough to admit a human body—or even that of a respectably healthy garter snake.

Cunningham gave a mental shrug of the shoulders as these thoughts crossed his mind, and reiterated his decision to take a scouting sortie after dark. For the rest of the day he divided his attention between the working men and the equally busy life forms that scuttled here and there in front of his cave; and he would have been the first to ad­mit that he found the latter more in­teresting.

He still hoped that one would ap­proach the cave closely enough to permit a really good examination, but for a long time he remained unsatisfied. Once, one of the crea­tures came within a dozen yards and stood “on tiptoe”—rising more than a foot from the ground on its slender legs, while a pair of antennae terminating in knobs the size of human eyeballs extended themselves several inches from the black carapace and waved slowly in all directions. Cunningham thought that the knobs probably did serve as eyes, though from his distance he could see only a featureless black sphere. The antennae eventually waved in his direction, and after a few seconds spent, apparently in assimilating the presence of the cave mouth, the creature settled back to its former low-swung carriage and scuttled away. Cunningham wondered if it had been frightened at his presence; but he felt reasonably sure that no eye adapted to Denebian daylight could see past the darkness of his threshold, and he had remained motionless while the creature was conducting its inspec­tion. More probably it had some reason to fear caves, or merely darkness.

That it had reason to fear some­thing was shown when another creature, also of crustacean aspect but considerably larger than those Cunningham had seen to date, appeared from among the dunes and attacked one of the latter. The fight took place too far from the cave for Cunningham to make out many details, but the larger animal quickly overcame its victim. It then apparently dismembered the vanquished, and either devoured the softer flesh inside the black in­tegument or sucked the body fluids from it. Then the carnivore dis­appeared again, presumably in search of new victims. It had scarcely gone when another being, designed along the lines of a centi­pede and fully forty feet in length, appeared on the scene with the graceful flowing motion of its ter­restrial counterpart.

For a few moments the new­comer nosed around the remains of the carnivore’s feast, and devoured the larger fragments. Then it ap­peared to look around as though for more, evidently saw the cave, and came rippling toward it, to Cun­ningham’s pardonable alarm. He was totally unarmed, and while the centipede had just showed itself not to be above eating carrion, it looked quite able to kill its own food if necessary. It stopped, as the other investigator had, a dozen yards from the cave mouth; and like the other, elevated itself as though to get a better look. The baseball-sized black “eyes” seemed for sev­eral seconds to stare into Cunning-ham’s more orthodox optics; then, like its predecessor, and to the man’s intense relief, it doubled back along its own length and glided out of sight.

Cunningham again wondered whether it had de­tected his presence, or whether caves or darkness in general spelled danger to these odd life forms.

It suddenly occurred to him that, if the latter were not the case, there might be some traces of pre­vious occupants of the cave; and he set about examining the place more closely, after a last glance which showed him the two men still at work jacking up the hull.

There was drifted dust even here, he discovered, particularly close to the walls and in the corners. The place was bright enough, owing to the light reflected from outside ob­jects, to permit a good examination—shadows on airless worlds are not so black as many people believe—and almost at once Cunningham found marks in the dust that could easily have been made by some of the creatures he had seen. There were enough of them to suggest that the cave was a well-frequented neighborhood; and it began to look as though the animals were staying away now because of the man’s presence.

Near the rear wall he found the empty integument that had once covered a four-jointed leg. It was light, and he saw that the flesh had either been eaten or decayed out, though it seemed odd to think of decay in an airless environment suf­fering such extremes of tempera­ture—though the cave was less sub­ject to this affect than the outer world. Cunningham wondered whether the leg had been carried in by its rightful owner, or as a separate item on the menu of something else. If the former, there might be more relics about.

There were. A few minutes’ ex­cavation in the deeper layers of dust produced the complete exo­skeleton of one of the smaller crab-like creatures; and Cunningham carried the remains over to the cave mouth, so as to examine them and watch the ship at the same time.

The knobs he had taken for eyes were his first concern. A close examination of their surfaces revealed nothing, so he carefully tried to detach one from its stem. It finally cracked raggedly away, and proved, as he had expected, to be hollow. There was no trace of a retina in­side, but there was no flesh in any of the other pieces of shell, so that proved nothing. As a sudden thought struck him, Cunningham held the front part of the delicate black bit of shell in front of his eyes; and sure enough, when he looked in the direction of the brightly gleaming hull of the space­ship, a spark of light showed through an almost microscopic hole. The sphere was an eye, constructed on the pinhole principle—quite an adequate design on a world fur­nished with such an overwhelming luminary. It would be useless at night, of course, but so would most other visual organs here; and Cun­ningham was once again faced with the problem of how any of the crea­tures had detected his presence in the cave—his original belief, that no eye adjusted to meet Deneb’s glare could look into its relatively total darkness, seemed to be sound.

He pondered the question, as he examined the rest of the skeleton in a half-hearted fashion. Sight seemed to be out, as a result of his examination; smell and hearing were ruled out by the lack of at­mosphere; taste and touch could not even be considered under the cir­cumstances. He hated to fall back on such a time-honored refuge for ignorance as “extrasensory percep­tion”, but he was unable to see any way around it.

It may seem unbelievable that a man in the position Laird Cunningham occupied could let his mind become so utterly absorbed in a problem unconnected with his per­sonal survival. Such individuals do exist, however; most people know someone who has shown some trace of such a trait; and Cunningham was a well-developed example. He had a single-track mind, and had intentionally shelved his personal problem for the moment.

His musings were interrupted, be­fore he finished dissecting his speci­men, by the appearance of one of the carnivorous creatures at what appeared to constitute a marked dis­tance—a dozen yards from his cave mouth, where it rose up on the ends of its thin legs and goggled around at the landscape. Cunningham, half in humor and half in honest curiosity, tossed one of the dis­membered legs from the skeleton in his hands at the creature. It obviously saw the flying limb; but it made no effort to pursue or de­vour it. Instead, it turned its eyes in Cunningham’s direction, and pro­ceeded with great baste to put one of the drifts between it and what it evidently considered a dangerous neighborhood.

It seemed to have no memory to speak of, however; for a minute or two later Cunningham saw it creep into view again, stalking one of the smaller creatures which still swarmed everywhere, nibbling at the plants. He was able to get a better view of the fight and the feast that followed than on the pre­vious occasion, for they took place much nearer to his position; but this time there was a rather differ­ent ending. The giant centipede, or another of its kind, appeared on the scene while the carnivore was still at its meal, and came flowing at a truly surprising rate over the dunes to fall on victor and van­quished alike. The former had no inkling of its approach until much too late; and both black bodies dis­appeared into the maw of the crea­ture Cunningham had hoped was merely a scavenger.

What made the whole episode of interest to the man was the fact that in its charge, the centipede loped unheeding almost directly through a group of the plant-eaters; and these, by common consent, broke and ran at top speed directly toward the cave. At first he thought they would swerve aside when they saw what lay ahead; but evidently he was the lesser of two evils, for they scuttled past and even over him as he lay in the cave mouth, and began to bury themselves in the deepest dust they could find. Cunningham watched with pleasure, as an excellent group of specimens thus collected themselves for his convenience.

As the last of them disappeared under the dust, he turned back to the scene outside. The centipede was just finishing its meal. This time, instead of immediately wan­dering out of sight, it oozed quickly to the top of one of the larger dunes, in full sight of the cave, and deposited its length in the form of a watch spring, with the head rest­ing above the coils. Cunningham realized that it was able, in this position, to look in nearly all direc­tions and, owing to the height of its position, to a considerable dis­tance.

With the centipede apparently settled for a time, and the men still working in full view, Cunningham determined to inspect one of his specimens. Going to the nearest wall, he bent down and groped cau­tiously in the dust. He encountered a subject almost at once, and dragged a squirming black crab into the light. He found that if he held it upside down on one hand, none of its legs could get a purchase on any­thing; and he was able to examine the underparts in detail in spite of the wildly thrashing limbs. The jaws, now opening and closing futilely on a vacuum, were equipped with a set of crushers that sug­gested curious things about the plants on which it fed; they looked capable of flattening the metal fin­ger of Cunningham’s spacesuit, and he kept his hand well out of their reach.
He became curious as to the in­ternal mechanism that permitted it to exist without air, and was faced with the problem of killing the thing without doing it too much mechani­cal damage. It was obviously able to survive a good many hours with­out the direct radiation of Deneb, which was the most obvious source of energy, although its body tem­perature was high enough to be causing the man some discomfort through the glove of his suit; so “drowning” in darkness was im­practical. There might, however, he some part of its body on which a blow would either stun or kill it ; and he looked around for a suitable weapon.

There were several deep cracks in the stone at the cave mouth, caused presumably by thermal ex­pansion and contraction; and with a little effort he was able to break loose a pointed, fairly heavy frag­ment. With this in his right hand, he laid the creature on its back on the ground, and hoped it had some­thing corresponding to a solar plexus.

It was too quick for him. The legs, which had been unable to reach his hand when it was in the center of the creature’s carapace, proved supple enough to get a purchase on the ground; and before he could strike, it was right side up and de­parting with a haste that put to shame its previous efforts to escape from the centipede.

Cunningham shrugged, and dug out another specimen. This time he held it in his hand while he drove the point of his rock against its plastron. There was no apparent effect; he had not dared to strike too hard, for fear of crushing the shell. He struck several more times, with identical results and in­creasing impatience; and at last there occurred the result he had feared. The black armor gave way, and the point penetrated deeply enough to insure the damage of most of the interior organs. The legs gave a final twitch or two, and ceased moving, and Cunningham gave an exclamation of annoyance.

On hope, he removed the broken bits of shell, for a moment looked in surprise at the liquid which seemed to have filled the body cavi­ties. It was silvery, even metallic in color; it might have been mer­cury, except that it wet the organs bathed in it and was probably at a temperature above the boiling point of that metal. Cunningham had just grasped this fact when he was violently bowled over, and the dead creature snatched from his grasp. He made a complete somer­sault, bringing up against the rear wall of the cave; and as he came up­right he saw to his horror that the assailant was none other than the giant centipede.
It was disposing with great thor­oughness of his specimen, leaving at last only a few fragments of shell that had formed the extreme tips of the legs; and as the last of these fell to the ground, it raised the fore part of its body from the ground, as the man had seen it do before, and turned the invisible pin­points of its pupils on the space-suited human figure.

Cunningham drew a deep breath, and took a firm hold of his pointed rock, though he had little hope of overcoming the creature. The jaws he had just seen at work had seemed even more efficient than those of the plant-eater, and they were large enough to take in a human leg.

For perhaps five seconds both beings faced each other without mo­tion; then, to the man’s inexpress­ible relief, the centipede reached the same conclusion to which its pre­vious examination of humanity had led it, and departed in evident haste. This time it did not remain in sight, but was still moving rapidly when it reached the limit of Cunningham’s vision.

The naturalist returned some­what shakily to the cave mouth, seated himself where he could watch his ship, and began to ponder deeply. A number of points seemed interesting on first thought, and on further cerebration became positively fascinating. The centi­pede had not seen, or at least had not pursued, the plant-eater that had escaped from Cunningham and run from the cave.

Looking back, he realized that the only times he had seen the creature attack was after “blood” had been already shed —twice by one of the carnivorous animals, the third time by Cunning­ham himself. It had apparently made no difference where the vic­tims had been—two in full sunlight, one in the darkness of the cave.

More proof, if any were needed, that the creatures could see in both grades of illumination. It was not strictly a carrion eater, however; Cunningham remembered that car­nivore that had accompanied its vic­tim into the centipede’s jaws. It was obviously capable of overcom­ing the man, but had twice retreated precipitately when it had excellent opportunities to attack him. What was it, then, that drew the creature to scenes of combat and bloodshed, but frightened it away from a man; that frightened, indeed, all of these creatures?

On any planet that had a respect­able atmosphere, Cunningham would have taken one answer for granted—scent. In his mind, how­ever, organs of smell were associ­ated with breathing apparatus, which these creatures obviously lacked.

Don’t ask why he took so long. You may think that the terrific adaptability evidenced by those strange eyes would be clue enough: or perhaps you may be in a mood to excuse him. Columbus prob­ably excused those of his friends who failed to solve the egg prob­lem.

Of course, he got it at last, and was properly annoyed with himself for taking so long about it. An eye, to us, is an organ for forming images of the source of such radia­tion as may fall on it; and a nose is a gadget that tells its owner of the presence of molecules. He needs his imagination to picture the source of the latter. But what would you call an organ that forms a picture of the source of smell?

For that was just what those “eyes” did. In the nearly perfect vacuum of this little world’s surface, gases diffused at high speed—and their molecules traveled in practically straight lines. There was nothing wrong with the idea of a pinhole camera eye, whose retina was composed of olfactory nerve endings rather than the rods and cones of photosensitive organs.

That seemed to account for everything. Of course the crea­tures were indifferent to the amount of light reflected from the object they examined. The glare of the open spaces under Deneb’s rays, and the relative blackness of a cave, were all one to them—provided something were diffusing molecules in the neighborhood. And what doesn’t? Every substance, solid or liquid, has its vapor pressure; under Deneb’s rays even some rather un­likely materials probably evaporated enough to affect the organs of these life forms—metals, particularly. The life fluid of the creatures was obviously metal—probably lead, tin, bismuth, or some similar metals, or still more probably, several of them in a mixture that carried the sub­stances vital to the life of their body cells. Probably much of the make­up of those cells was in the form of colloidal metals.

But that was the business of the biochemists. Cunningham amused himself for a time by imagining the analogy between smell and color which must exist here; light gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen, must be rare, and the tiny quantities that leaked from his suit would be ab­solutely new to the creatures that intercepted them. He must have af­fected their nervous systems the way fire did those of terrestrial wild animals. No wonder even the cen­tipede had thought discretion the better part of valor!

With his less essential problem solved for the nonce, Cunningham turned his attention to that of his own survival; and he had not pon­dered many moments when he real­ized that this, as well, might be solved. He began slowly to smile, as the discrete fragments of an idea began to sort themselves out and fit properly together in his mind—an idea that involved the vapor pres­sure of metallic blood, the leaking qualities of the utility suits worn by his erstwhile assistants, and the bloodthirstiness of his many-legged acquaintances of the day; and he had few doubts about any of those qualities. The plan became com­plete, to his satisfaction; and with a smile on his face, he settled him­self to watch until sunset.
Deneb had already crossed a con­siderable arc of the sky. Cunning­ham did not know just how long he had, as he lacked a watch; and it was soon borne in on him that time passes much more slowly when there is nothing to occupy it. As the afternoon drew on, he was forced away from the cave mouth; for the descending star was beginning to shine in. Just before sunset, he was crowded against one side; for Deneb’s fierce rays shone straight through the entrance and onto the opposite wall, leaving very little space not directly illuminated. Cun­ningham drew a sigh of relief for more reasons than one when the upper limb of the deadly luminary finally disappeared.

His specimens had long since recovered from their fright, and left the cavern; he had not tried to stop them. Now, however, he emerged from the low entryway and went directly to the nearest dust dune, which was barely visible in the star­light. A few moment’s search was rewarded with one of the squirming plant-eaters, which he carried back into the shelter; then, illuminating the scene carefully with the small torch that was clipped to the waist of his suit, he made a fair-sized pile of dust, gouged a long groove in the top with his toe, with the aid of the same stone he had used be­fore, he killed the plant-eater and poured its “blood” into the dust mold.

The fluid was metallic, all right; it cooled quickly, and in two or three minutes Cunningham had a silvery rod about as thick as a pencil and five or six inches long. He had been a little worried about the centipede at first; but the creature was either not in line to “see” into the cave, or had dug in for the night like its victims.

Cunningham took the rod, which was about as pliable as a strip of solder of the same dimensions, and, extinguishing the torch, made his way in a series of short, careful leaps to the stranded spaceship. There was no sign of the men, and they had taken their welding equipment inside with them—that is, if they had ever had it out; Cunning­ham had not been able to watch them for the last hour of daylight. The hull was still jacked up, how­ever; and the naturalist eased him­self under it and began to examine the damage, once more using the torch. It was about as he had de­duced from the conversation of the men; and with a smile, he took the little metal stick and went to work. He was busy for some time under the hull, and once he emerged, found another plant-eater, and went back underneath. After he had fin­ished, he walked once around the ship, checking each of the air locks and finding them sealed, as he had expected.
He showed neither surprise nor disappointment at this; and with­out further ceremony he made his way back to the cave, which he had a little trouble finding in the star­light. He made a large pile of the dust, for insulation rather than bed­ding, lay down on it, and tried to sleep. He had very little success, as he might have expected.

Night, in consequence, seemed unbearably long; and he almost re­gretted his star study of the pre­vious darkness, for now he was able to see that sunrise was still distant, rather than bolster his morale with the hope that Deneb would be in the sky the next time he opened his eyes. The time finally came, how­ever, when the hilltops across the valley leaped one by one into bril­liance as the sunlight caught them; and Cunningham rose and stretched himself. He was stiff and cramped, for a spacesuit makes a poor sleep­ing costume even on a better bed than a stone floor.

As the light reached the spaceship and turned it into a blazing silvery spindle, the air lock opened. Cun­ningham had been sure that the men were in a hurry to finish their task, and were probably awaiting the sun almost as eagerly as he in order to work efficiently; he had planned on this basis.

Malmeson was the first to leap to the ground, judging by their conversation, which came clearly through Cunningham’s phones. He turned back, and his companion handed down to him the bulky di­ode welder and a stack of filler rods. Then both men made their way for­ward to the dent where they were to work. Apparently they failed to notice the bits of loose metal ly­ing on the scene—perhaps they had done some filing themselves the day before. At any rate, there was no mention of it as Malmeson lay down and slid under the hull, and the other began handing equipment in to him.

Plant-eaters were beginning to struggle out of their dust beds as the connections were completed, and the torch started to flame. Cun­ningham nodded in pleasure as he noted this; things could scarcely have been timed better had the men been consciously co-operating. He actually emerged from the cave, keeping in the shadow of the hil­lock, to increase his field of view; but for several minutes nothing but plant-eaters could be seen moving.

He was beginning to fear that his invited guests were too distant to receive their call, when his eye caught a glimpse of a long, black body slipping silently over the dunes toward the ship. He smiled in sat­isfaction; and then his eyebrows suddenly rose as he saw a second snaky form following the tracks of the first.

He looked quickly across his full field of view, and was rewarded by the sight of four more of the mon­sters—all heading at breakneck speed straight for the spaceship. The beacon he had lighted had reached more eyes than he had ex­pected. He was sure that the men were armed, and had never intended that they actually be overcome by the creatures; he had counted on a temporary distraction that would let him reach the air lock unop­posed.

He stood up, and braced himself for the dash, as Malmeson’s helper saw the first of the charging centi­pedes and called the welder from his work. Malmeson barely had time to gain his feet when the first pair of attackers reached them; and at the same instant Cunningham emerged into the sunlight, putting every ounce of his strength into the leaps that were carrying him to­ward the only shelter that now existed for him.

He could feel the ardor of De­neb’s rays the instant they struck him; and before he had covered a third of the distance the back of his suit was painfully hot. Things were hot for his ex-crew as well; fully ten of the black monsters had reacted to the burst of—to them—overpoweringly attractive odor—or gorgeous color?—that had resulted when Malmeson had turned his welder on the metal where Cun­ningham had applied the frozen blood of their natural prey; and more of the same substance was now vaporizing under Deneb’s in­fluence as Malmeson, who had been lying in fragments of it stood fight­ing off the attackers. He had a flame pistol, but it was slow to take effect on creatures whose very blood was molten metal; and his companion, wielding the diode unit on those who got too close, was no better off. They were practically swamped under wriggling bodies as they worked their way toward the air lock; and neither man saw Cun­ningham as, staggering even under the feeble gravity that was present, and fumbling with eye shield misted with sweat, he reached the same goal and disappeared within.
Being a humane person, he left the outer door open; but he closed and clogged the inner one before proceeding with a more even step to the control room. Here he un­hurriedly removed his spacesuit, stopping only to open the switch of the power socket that was feeding the diode unit as he heard the outer lock door close. The flame pistol would make no impression on the alloy of the hull, and he felt no qualms about the security of the inner door. The men were safe, from every point of view.

With the welder removed from the list of active menaces, he fin­ished removing his suit, turned to the medium transmitter, and coolly broadcast a call for help and his position in space. Then he turned on a radio transmitter, so that the rescuers could find him on the planet; and only then did he contact the prisoners on the small set that was tuned to the suit radios, and tell them what he had done.

“I didn’t mean to do you any harm,” Malmeson’s voice came back. “I just wanted the ship. I know you paid us pretty good, but when I thought of the money that could be made on some of those worlds if we looked for something besides crazy animals and plants, I couldn’t help myself. You can let us out now; I swear we won’t try anything more—the ship won’t fly, and you say a Guard flyer is on the way. How about that?”

“I’m sorry you don’t like my hobby,” said Cunningham. “I find it entertaining; and there have been times when it was even useful, though I won’t hurt your feelings by telling you about the last one. I think I shall feel happier if the two of you stay right there in the air lock; the rescue ship should be here before many hours, and you’re fools if you haven’t food and water in your suits.”

“I guess you win, in that case,” said Malmeson.

“I think so, too,” replied Cun­ningham, and switched off.


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Tipping and turning points as the United States dies

Above Photo: Digging youselves out from under all the lies and bullshit.

Are you getting tired of this geo-political stuff? I sure am.

Sorry to keep bringing it up, but these are historical times that we are living in. It’s exciting, dangerous, fearful and exciting. It’s new, novel and strange. And also everything in between. So please forgive me this latest article.

Ok already!

The United States is a shambles and it’s falling apart. Just die off, and leave me alone.

Will you? Please?

"...Making thing worst, western fake democracy produce low quality, corrupt, and know no consequences politicians who care for no one except their own personal wellbeing."

This article continues with a selction of snapshots of the world relate to the United States. We discuss the rise of Asia, of course. We discuss the fall of the United States. And we also discuss the strange, strange behaviors that it seems to be taking on.

We do this instead of talking about things that matter. Like cats, cheese, wine, and cars. Sheech!

We start with this article.

Where the author is stunned that the American “leadership” and their minions / toadies believe that wars can and will be fought on the same basis as was done one hundred years ago. Let me tell youse guys something, the world is a far different place today.

Yesterday, the press secretary of the Foreign Ministry, Mariya Zakharova, made such a post on FB. 

"A request to the US and British disinformation media Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Sun, etc. - announce the schedule of our "invasions" for the coming year. I would like to plan a vacation."

Here, in the flood of “any day now”, “any hour now” is this churning out nonsesne about Russia invading the Ukraine. Not one is discussing the “why, in the Hell woud they want to do such an idiotic thing?”

And you know, you DO know, that the Internet is an erasible whiteboard. Things come and then in a few years they are gone. Poof! Well, here’s what I am talking about for all youse guys who are reading this in 2030.

Two months of “any day now”. From December 2021 to February 2022. Just about every major headline was about “The Ukraine”. For me, it was a welcome respite from the “any day now China will invade Taiwan” nonsense.

But still, it is tiring…

Um. Sure.

What ever you say Jake.

Here’s another. Thousands of these bullshit articles. All clogging up my media feeds.

Invasion 1 am on Monday.

There are literally thousands of these kinds of articles and they are flooding my feed just like the Anti-China narrative doused me back last year.

All lies.

All distortions.

All fearmongering. All bullshit.

Here’s on at 3am on Wednesday.

The days come and go. The times come and go.

The lies just plow forward.

It’s all been bullshit.

It’s all shrilling nonsense.

Who are these editors? Jane LGBQ diversity-hire; spending time at a nail salon, or a perpetual evil sociopath without a brain, just doing what they are told by some kind of Reptilian evil overlord?

Which pretty much makes people scratch their heads and wonder. Like this article points out…

Next part.

I’m scratching my noggin, don’t you know.

Here’s a bunch of articles that pretty round out the massive and timultious changes that the world is going through right now. If you live inside of the United States, you will probably be only aware of eight out of the ten articles. And you know why, right?

So. Yeah. That being said…

I need a drink.

Some delicious VSOP.

We begin here…

Article 1

Finian Cunningham


February 12, 2022
© Photo: REUTERS/Leah Millis

The infernal danger is that Washington and London are pushing Europe and the world towards the abyss of a nuclear with Russia.

The Anglo-Americans are running a modern-day reworking of Operation Overlord, the June 1944 military invasion plan billed to liberate Western Europe from Nazi Germany.

This time around, the billed objective is to “liberate” the European Union from its “tyrannical” dependency on Russian natural gas.

In reality, the unspoken objective is to maintain U.S. tyrannical control over Europe.

That control is essential for upholding American hegemony and global power.

The ultimate price is economic devastation and even war for Europe which the “noble” American hegemon is all too willing for its peons to pay.

This week, U.S. President Joe Biden showed off his overlord status when he arrogantly spoke for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at a White House press conference.

Biden was asked about the fate of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany in the hypothetical event of an invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Biden didn’t skip a beat to consult with the German leader. He peremptorily asserted the gas project would be terminated.

“There will be no longer a Nord Stream 2,” said Biden without hesitation. “We will bring an end to it.”

The American president was asked how this could be done given that the functioning of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is nominally under the control of Germany, not the United States.

“We will — I promise you, we’ll be able to do it,” asserted Biden without so much as a hint of seeking any kind of agreement from the German chancellor.

The assuredness of Washington’s presumed ability to over-ride European sovereignty was a revealing and disturbing display of American imperial arrogance.

It was also an excruciating display of American contempt for supposed European “allies”. Scholz, Germany, Europe, was made to look like a nonentity by Biden.

Later press reports indicated that too.

Washington and London have led the ramping up of geopolitical tensions with relentless accusations that Russia is about to invade Ukraine and jeopardize European security.

From the way the Anglo-American propaganda has contrived it, one would think that the scenario is a re-run of Nazi aggression threatening Europe for which they alone are the noble defenders.

Putin is Hitler, the Kremlin is the Third Reich, and diplomacy is appeasement, so the preposterous propaganda goes.

Moscow has repeatedly said it has no intention to invade Ukraine and that in fact it is Russia that is being threatened by the U.S.-led NATO military alliance after year-on-year expansion of the bloc all the way to Russia’s borders.

Ratcheting up the tensions further, Washington and London are demanding that Europe must adopt draconian sanctions against Moscow including the commitment to abandon the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany.

That pipeline took five years and a €10-billion investment to complete despite constant American objections.

The crisis over Ukraine contrived by Washington and its British flunkey have ensured that the gas supply has been suspended for the past six months despite an energy crunch in Europe.

What the Anglo-American overlords want to see finally is the entire gas project being scrapped. That’s the end-game even if it means European households freezing from un-payable gas bills.

The American overlords don’t care.

That’s why the Americans and the Brits are doing their best to scupper any diplomatic effort to calm the inordinate crisis with Russia over Ukraine.

Hence, Washington and London are funneling weapons to Ukraine and deploying paratroopers to Eastern Europe in a reckless bid to escalate the confrontation.

While visiting the White House this week, Chancellor Scholz was peppered with petulant demands to explicitly state that the Nord Stream 2 project would be axed “if Russia invaded Ukraine”.

Scholz refused to state that, although in an apparent attempt to offer a sop he claimed that Germany and the United States were united in their resolve.

There is a palpable peeved sense among the Americans and British that Berlin is not being sufficiently hostile towards Russia.

Likewise, when French President Emmanuel Macron went to Moscow this week for diplomatic talks with Russia’s Vladimir Putin there was also an unmistakable sense of rancor from Washington and London that their militaristic “unanimity” was being undermined.

There’s little doubt that Berlin and Paris know that the Anglo-American bravado is a cynical provocation that is “nobly” signing a suicide note on behalf of Europe in the event of a war with Russia.

Macron’s bitter experience of France being shafted last year by the U.S., Britain and Australia over the €50 billion AUKUS submarine contract has probably helped engender a bit of healthy skepticism too. He’s also got an eye on French presidential elections in April.

The bottomline is that Washington wants to sabotage the strategic partnership between Europe and Russia for energy trade and the general normalization of relations. The objectives are maintaining U.S. hegemony, selling its own more expensive gas to Europe and of course endless sales of weapons for NATO members in a perennially agitated state of insecurity. The Brits as ever are in it for ingratiating with Uncle Sam and serving their usual function of being the geopolitical butler to U.S. imperial power.

Energy analysts know that Germany and Europe cannot survive economically without Russia gas, which accounts for at least 40 percent of the continent’s consumption. Even Biden at the White House press conference could not pretend that the U.S. was able replace Russia’s supply. If Russia’s gas trade to Europe was to be disrupted by conflict or deeper sanctions the repercussions for the European Union’s economies would be devastating. There is no way that Germany, France and the EU could survive without Russian oil and gas. For the U.S. and Britain to demand that Berlin make definitive statements about cancelling Nord Stream 2 is a form of coercion and blackmail. Operation Overlord II.

But the infernal danger is that Washington and London are pushing Europe and the world towards the abyss of a nuclear with Russia. That’s how demonic the failing Anglo-American imperium is.

So, we start off realizing that the entire “song and dance” about the “War in the Ukraine” is to scare Europe into compliance wiht the United States, and stop Germany from trading with Russia (and China).

It’s not successful.

So why is the United States doing this?

Well. It needs a war. It REALLY needs a war.

Every single state, all 50 of them, have enormous military-industrial factories cherning out bombs, guns, and battle gear. They employ millions of people, and without a war, there will be layoffs. And layoff right now, in this economic condition would be devistating.

What economic condition you might ask?

Article 2

The USA is a real fiasco. Sorry to say.

Make sure that your larder is well stocked and that you are part of your community. And when you have a change, just go to the local diner and eat a nice fine pie. Not that it’s the end of the world or anything like that, but rather to enjoy the little things in life.

Delicious cherry pie. Oh, and don’t forget a nice HOT cup of fresh brewed coffee to go with it.

5 New Numbers That Prove That America’s Horrifying Inflation Crisis Is Getting Even Worse


If you are less than 40 years old, you have never seen inflation like this in the United States.  Despite all the warnings, our politicians in Washington just kept borrowing and spending trillions upon trillions of dollars that we did not have.  And despite all the warnings, the Federal Reserve just kept pumping trillions of fresh dollars into the financial system.  Now we have a giant mess on our hands, and anyone that believes that this is going to be easily fixed is simply being delusional.

Of course most Americans weren’t going to start paying attention to all of this until it started to affect them personally.

Now it is affecting all of us personally, and there are millions of people out there that are becoming increasingly frustrated about the current state of affairs.

Unfortunately, this crisis appears to be just in the early stages.  The following are 5 numbers that indicate that the inflation crisis in the United States continues to get even worse…

#1 The producer price index has risen at a rate of 9.7 percent over the previous 12 months.  According to CNBC, that is close to a brand new record…

The producer price index, which measures final demand goods and services, increased 1% for the month, against the Dow Jones estimate for 0.5%. Over the past 12 months the gauge rose an unadjusted 9.7%, close to a record in data going back to 2010.

Last week we learned that the consumer price index has risen by 7.5 percent over the previous 12 months.  Of course if the consumer price index was still calculated the way that it was back in 1980, the real number would actually be more than double the official number that we were just given.

#2 Truck trailer prices in January 2022 were 29.6 percent higher than they were in January 2021…

A shortage of parts and labor has sent the prices of truck trailers through the roof.

Truck trailer prices jumped 3.1 percent in January, data from the Department of Labor showed Tuesday. That followed a 3.8 percent increase in December. Compared with 12-months ago, trailer prices are up 29.6 percent, by far the biggest one-year jump in records going back to 1980.

#3 The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is telling us that the price of used vehicles rose by an astounding 40.5 percent from January 2021 to January 2022

According to data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on Thursday, the consumer price index for used cars and trucks jumped up by 40.5% from January 2021 to January 2022. That means within a year, the average price of used cars and trucks for urban consumers has gone up by 40.5%.

#4 You may have noticed that you are paying a lot more at the pump these days.  If you can believe it, the price of gasoline has actually shot up 40.8 percent since Joe Biden first entered the White House…

Between January 2021 and January 2022–President Joe Biden’s first year in office–the price of unleaded gasoline increased 40.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

#5 The price of lumber has really been surging once again.  According to the National Association of Home Builders, this most recent surge has “added more than $18,600 to the price of a newly built home”

That is adding to the cost of both building a new home and remodeling an older one. The National Association of Home Builders estimated the recent price jump added more than $18,600 to the price of a newly built home. It also added nearly $7,300 to the cost of the average new multifamily home, which translates into households paying $67 a month more to rent a new apartment.


I sure wouldn’t want to be trying to build a new home in this environment.

Pressure has been building on the Federal Reserve to take action, and it is being anticipated that the “geniuses” at the Federal Reserve could raise interest rates by 50 basis points next month…

The hot inflation readings led financial markets to price in a better-than-even chance of a 50 basis points interest rate hike from the Federal Reserve next month.

Inflation is running well above the U.S. central bank’s 2 percent target. Economists are expecting as many as seven rate hikes this year.

Just recently, a reader sent me an email which pointed out that we shouldn’t have a system where an unelected group of bureaucrats gets together and determines what our interest rates are going to be.

And he is exactly right.

In a free market system, interest rates would be determined by the free market.

But we don’t have a free market system anymore.

In fact, we haven’t had one for a long time.

Of course when it comes to the economy, the guy in the White House is going to get more of the credit or more of the blame for what is going on than anyone else.

And a brand new poll that was just released has Joe Biden’s approval rating sitting at just 34 percent

The president’s approval rating nationally sits around 40 percent, according to several tracking averages, but a new CIVIQS poll showed it sitting at 34 percent from the 165,786 respondents surveyed.

That is a shockingly bad number, and what should alarm Democrats even more is how bad Biden’s numbers are in the most important swing states

Swing states of Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all voted narrowly blue in the 2020 election, but the new poll shows their approval of Biden sits in the low 30 percentages.

Arizona has the biggest split with 32 percent approval to 61 percent disapproval. Georgia sits in second with 31 percent approval to 59 percent disapproval; Pennsylvania’s split is 36 percent to 57 percent; Michigan is 33 percent to 59 percent; and Wisconsin has 36 percent approval and 56 percent disapproval of Biden.

Unfortunately, Biden isn’t going to resign no matter how low his numbers go.

That means that we are going to have at least three more years of either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris running the country.

So we shouldn’t expect any dramatic policy shifts from Washington.

And the “geniuses” at the Fed are undoubtedly going to find even more ways to really mess things up.  They are the ones that are more responsible than anyone else for getting us into this mess, and now many Americans are desperately hoping that they can get us out of it.

If you are waiting for them to fix the economy, you are going to be waiting a really, really long time.

I have been warning for years that the decisions that were being made would have severe consequences, and now those consequences have started to arrive.

We are on a road to national ruin, and those that are running things are even more blind than those that they are supposed to be leading.

Ok so the United States has high inflation. So what?

It’s more than just the price of food and a decrease in the standard of living. It’s  a total collapse of everything and a President that is a bumbling puppet. The Americans are distraught, frustrated, and are waking up that they do not like the govnerment that they have right now, and thus a war of distraction is really needed…

For those of you who are unawares, the United States has been pushing and pushing for a war in the Ukraine, and Russia and the Ukraine said No.

They continued. And still nothing happened.

Now today, President Biden is declaring a “victory” by “forcing” Russia to back down and not invade the Ukraine. Silly. Can’t they see that the United States is now the laughingstock for the entire world?

Article 3

Yes, the United States is acting like a colleciton of ignoarant, mentally deranged jackasses, and has lost all global respect, but you are not part of the USA leadership. So don’t fret. No one, and I do mean NO ONE, is blaming the American people for the faults of the USA federal government. Instead they blame the fact the United States is trapped in an obsolete model of governance that has been taken over by evil and corrput wealthy individuals.

Yeah. It sucks.

But what can you do?

I recommend, a pizza.

A fine, MM approved, pizza.

If I did not know this is for real…


… I would think that this is some anti-US spoof, based on listening to the most discredited cliches about the USA and the kind of people who run it.  It had everything, frantic flagwaving, hilarious hyperbole, Biden trying to look like Dubya who, himself, was always squinting  his yes à la John Wayne hoping to look like some Sheriff at OK Corral.  It also had all the mantric repetition of mind-numbing concepts like “democracy” and “freedom”, etc.

The best part was when Biden raised his voice and sternly looked at the screen.

I am sure that Putin hid under his bed, to hug a pillow and sob in abject terror before The Great American Sheriff!

Here is the deal.  It’s not just Biden who is brain dead.  Its also the collective “Biden”: all the do is “traffic in hot air” as Lavrov aptly mentioned it today.  What we heard tonight is not just the rambling of a senile, delusional, narcissist.  What we heard was the voice of the US deep state: that is what they “think” and this is how they “think”.

It does not really matter anymore how/why such individuals as Clinton, Dubya, Obama, Trump or Biden came to power or what they promised.  What matters is that these are the type of folks who run the USA (well, not them personally, of course, but the interests they represent).  The same kind of non-entities run the UK, by the way, just in a even more pompous and ridiculous way.

The clueless fellow below, ladies and gentlemen, is the current Commander in Chief of the most powerful military in history, this is the Leader of the Free World and his so-called “values” are shared by millions worldwide.  Or so he thinks (maybe).

Here is a scary thought: there is a good chance that the next clown in the White House might even be worse!  There is zero chance that anybody who could fix this awful mess will be “elected”.  If the past is the best indicator for the future, then we must realize that there is only one way this will ever end: in ridicule, violence and infamy.

That also fully applies to Ze and his “European Banderastan”.

Does anybody still doubt the outcome of this abject slo-mo train wreck?


What’s next?

Once this fiasco dies down, the focus with be a war in Taiwan “any day now”. It’s all so silly and so very predictable. I just don’t know when. A few days or a few months, but as sure as the sun rises, a “war” in Taiwan will be next on the United States agenda.

It’s all so very predictable.

It makes me yearn to chill out with a cat, drink a fine relaxing drink and eat something delicious. You know, like this…

Needs a little salt me thinks.

It makes me yearn for a simpler time, and a simpler lifestyle.

It makes me yearn for a time when a man would work, then go home, eat a great home cooked meal of pot roast and mashed potatoes, and drink his cocktail.

A delicious pot roast.

Good times. Times of substance.

City tour bus, San Francisco, California, 1956

Times when a cup of coffee costs ten cents, and was about double the cost of a five cent newspaper. Good times.

Times when there were real, goodness to gracious, families.

Times when the “news” actually reported events, and not based their operations off of payments from the government.

But that’s all changed.

And it changed into something much worse. But do not fear, it’s still changing and still evolving. There are still “adults in the room”, and many of them live in Asia. And they have a plan…

Article 3

Observations on the Russia China Statement

“Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on International Relations Entering a New Era and lobal Sustainable Development” 4 February 2022. (English) (Russian).

This document is the grand strategic manifesto of a new world order and there is much more to be said about it than what follows. I believe that 4 February 2022 will be remembered as the proclamation of a new disposition of world power and relationships.

It is a truly new order of things, not the old “new world order” which was based on US supremacy. And it is most certainly not the so-called Rules-Based International Order in which one side makes up the rules, breaks them when it wants to and orders everyone else to obey. (A perfect example of the mutability of the “rules” is that gay rights are very important in Russia but not at all in Washington’s new “major ally” of Qatar.)

The old “new world order” was always about making them conform to us: “The foremost goal of US strategy should be to cause China’s ruling elites to conclude that it is in China’s best interests to continue operating within the US-led liberal international order…”

The Russian-Chinese document speaks much of “democracy” but it’s a different vision than the one common in the West. The West today is focussed on the process of democracy – was the voting up to acceptable standards?

Did the opposition have a fair chance? were there enough candidates? was the advertising even-handed? were “administrative resources” used to shift the vote? and like questions.

Never mind that the West is often hypocritical in its discussion – microscopes analyse the treatment of dissidents in Russia and but the house arrest and treason charges against opposition figures in Ukraine are ignored – these are the metrics used in the West’s assessment of whether a country is “democratic” or not.

Now it may well be that fifty or sixty years ago concentrating on the process of democracy was appropriate but it is very questionable whether it is today. This one graph, showing the relationship between productivity and wages and compensation shows that all is not well. Up until the late 1970s, the two curves kept step with each other – the “rising tide” was indeed lifting all boats. Afterwards, however, they diverge until today there is a considerable gap between the two “Productivity has grown 3.5x as much as pay”.

The rising tide is floating only a few super yachts.

The richest one percent owned six times as much as the bottom fifty percent in 1989, now it’s 15 times as much. A Princeton University study in 2014 concluded “When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites or with organized interests, they generally lose“. These findings suggest that, however good the process may be, the δεμος does not have much κρατος.

The Russian-Chinese document speaks of the results of democracy.

The sides believe that democracy is a means of citizens’ participation in the government of their country with the view to improving the well-being of population and implementing the principle of popular government. 

Note the purpose: “improving the well-being of population”. Whatever one may say about the process of the governance of China or Russia, no one can doubt that the well-being of the population has mightily improved in both countries.

We shall see for the future how this holds up but the document describes a different approach to democracy: don’t concentrate on the process and assume the results will follow – which they are not doing in the USA in particular and the West in general – but instead never mind the process, ask whether the are results desirable? Throughout the document – fifty times – we see the word “development” (“развитие” in the Russian version).

The sides believe that peace, development and cooperation lie at the core of the modern international system. 

A world in which everyone has a chance to get rich. And who can doubt that the government in Beijing knows how to do that? We will see, in the coming world competition of ideas, which approach is more attractive and successful.

A second theme, repeated throughout the document is that all countries are equal and they have their own ways of doing things, it is their right to do this, no one may preach to them and no one may interfere with them.

The sides call for the establishment of a new kind of relationship between world powers on the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation. 

This is what might be called a descriptive take on the world rather than the prescriptive take more common in the West. To explain what I mean, let us consider Soviet-Polish relations.

Although it’s very unfashionable to admit it today, Warsaw, as the first country to form a non-aggression pact with Hitler’s Germany and by its refusal to allow Soviet troops into its territory to fight Germany, played a consequential role in the outbreak of the war.

Poland suffered terribly, losing 20-25% of its population and was liberated by the Soviet Army after immense destruction. Stalin then designed a Poland which, for the first time in its long history, included all of the historical Polish lands and no irredentist minorities.

Then imposed the blessing – or so Moscow saw it – of socialism and transformed Poland into a loyal ally of the USSR. Except that, the moment it became clear that the tanks weren’t coming, Poland quit the alliance, threw off socialism and turned to NATO and the EU.

All the “fraternal, socialist, ally” rhetoric turned out to be empty declarations of people compelled to say them.

In other words, the lesson is that you can’t change a country except temporarily by force or very slowly over a very long time. Moscow has learned this lesson.

Hence my use of the world “descriptive” – countries, quite simply, are what they are and outsiders can’t change them; therefore outsiders have to live with them.

It’s that simple: the prescriptive notion – we have the truth and you should follow it (we must make Beijing follow the “US-led liberal international order”) simply can’t be done.

Therefore, the emphasis throughout the document that countries are as they are and are to be treated as equals is firmly based on reality. You can’t make a particular country go along with your notions of propriety but you still have to deal with it: treat it as it is.

The West has long lost sight of this despite its numerous failures of prescription: even if the Western ideas actually were “better”, you can’t bomb Afghans into accepting them.

Therefore, this position in the document is quite simply realistic and practical.

I have said before that Russia, in the communist days, was an “exceptionalist state” and so was China under Mao.

They then regarded themselves as a pattern for others to follow – a pattern that others should follow – and the USSR imposed that pattern on many of its neighbours.

Both Beijing and Moscow have learned that exceptionalism is a route to failure. Therefore, what I am calling a “descriptive” approach to world variety is the result of the failure of trying a prescriptive approach.

This is not, therefore, a point of view adopted to gull people into acquiescence, it is one that is based on cold, bitter experience. It is a lesson that Washington has not yet learned: exceptionalism is a road to a blind alley, as Putin put it a quarter century ago.

It is, in fact, something the West should remember: “Westphalianism” is the principle of cuius regio, eius religio adopted after Europeans had torn themselves apart trying to impose religion on each other.

Not uniformity, but variety. The China-Russia manifesto is rooted on a truth that not only they, but Europe as a whole, have learned the hard way.

The Chinese-Russia relationship is described as follows:

They reaffirm that the new inter-State relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ”forbidden“ areas of cooperation, strengthening of bilateral strategic cooperation is neither aimed against third countries nor affected by the changing international environment and circumstantial changes in third countries. 

Time will show just what is meant by this but it is clear that it is a relationship both deep and wide.

A complete commonality of interest which is not uniformity of interest. (It will be amusing to watch Western “experts” fail to get that distinction.) And not one to be easily split apart as some naïve people in Washington think. They trust each other and neither trusts Washington.

Finally, the new world order that they are calling for is described as:

The sides reiterate the need for consolidation, not division of the international community, the need for cooperation, not confrontation. The sides oppose the return of international relations to the state of confrontation between major powers, when the weak fall prey to the strong. The sides intend to resist attempts to substitute universally recognized formats and mechanisms that are consistent with international law for rules elaborated in private by certain nations or blocs of nations… 

A new world order for all, not just those who accept “the better way”.

I would expect, as details are filled in at the “strategic” and “operational” level, that this “grand strategic vision” will prove to be widely attractive across the globe. Washington and its allies will, no doubt, concentrate on the many criticisms of its behaviour, but the manifesto is positive in tone.

People are attracted to success and the West doesn’t project that any more.

Republished from Russia Observer

Remember who you are and whence you came from. It’s important. We all have to keep grounded as the world changes around us.

Don’t get caught up in all the bullshit.

Never forget who you are.

Firefighters in Princeton, New Jersey, 1956

Never forget who you are and where you came from.

We are all unique and we are all special. We really are. We all have stories to tell. Some are fun, some are cute. Some are romantic, and some are terribly embarrassing. But, you know, that’s life.

Don’t worry, though.

There’s always wine, and cheese.

Article 4

Here we take a look at what the Chinese government is economically. In this next article, they call it “Red Capitalism” as there is nothing like it anywhere else in the world. As such it deserves a study, as it is truly very efficient, and a light-year improvement over the best of the West.

Red Capitalism

by Observer R for the Saker Blog


This paper is mainly about the Chinese economy, but includes discussion of the Russian and United States (US) economies in order to provide a clearer explanation.


The Chinese economy is the largest in the world according to the latest CIA Fact Book, based on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) method.

The CIA claims that the PPP is a better method to use than the nominal method (GDP) based on conversion to US dollars.

Many analysts and politicians still use the nominal method, however, which shows the US in first place and China second. (As it is their preference. They msut keep America lookign great and perfect; the “shining house on the hill”.)

China has been continually careful to claim only second place, presumably as part of its long-term strategic decision to keep its head down and not make unnecessary waves.

Second place also fits better with the significantly lower per-capita income in China and the Chinese aim to keep the status of a “developing country” for purposes of climate change response and funding.

Economic Systems

There are many labels used to describe the various economic systems around the world, most ending in “ism.”

Different authors use the same label to describe different systems, making it hard to understand what they are really referring to in real life.

In reality, most economies appear to be a mixture of various systems, as these are defined in the dictionary.

The Chinese economy is no exception.

So for the purpose of this article, it is simply called “Red Capitalism” for want of a better term.

Red Capitalism is an amalgam of many different systems combined with the so-called “Chinese characteristics.”

The first section of this article provides background information about how the various economic systems are defined by Webster’s. These definitions can be kept in mind while reading the rest of the article.

The second section describes the rivalry between two different methods of explaining and managing a national economy, using either engineering or economics, and how this rivalry plays out in practice. The discussion also touches upon issues with computer models and simulations.

The third section deals with booms and busts. These economic and financial events are a notorious problem that seems to defy a long-term solution. Even the cause(s) of economic and financial instability are lacking any agreement. Some suggested readings are provided for those who wish to delve further into the topic.

The fourth section mentions some aspects of national security which are important for analysis, such as culture and economics. The importance of these two factors in the demise of the USSR is touched upon, and whether China can avoid a similar fate.

The fifth section covers competition and monopoly in China and the US, and how the two countries have tried to deal with these issues. It incorporates many of the topics addressed in the preceding sections and applies them to the evolving situation.

Finally, a sixth concluding section points out some of the difficulties in describing a national economy using the common “isms.” National economies contain elements of various systems, as well as varieties within systems. China is no exception.


A great deal of discussion in various media concerns differing economic structures, including capitalism and socialism.

The problem with these discussions is that these terms are not defined and other types of economic organization, such as mercantilism and imperialism, are overlooked. For example, there are state capitalism, finance capitalism, crony capitalism, and numerous others.

To assure that both readers and authors were clear about what structure was being addressed, for example, the first page of such articles or books could provide a detailed definition of which capitalism is being discussed.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary states that capitalism is composed of private ownership and private investment decisions, and that prices, production, and distribution are determined by the market.

But there need to be much more detailed descriptions in view of the many different varieties of capitalism.

As for socialism, there is a similar problem of variety.

The dictionary states that socialism is the government ownership and control of the means of production and distribution. That is a start, but what if it is control, but not ownership? Or vice versa?

What about market socialism as promoted by the Swedes versus command socialism theoretically practiced in the USSR?

We could even invent a few new terms: Bankers’ capitalism and bankers’ socialism for a start.

After all, China claims to be socialist but has a central bank and numerous other banks, as do most other countries, including the US. China appears to be following the same economic advice as the US, leading to the same asset bubbles and too-big-to-fail enterprises.

As another example, the dictionary defines mercantilism as the attempt to increase the power and monetary wealth of a nation by government regulation of the economy, usually trying to accumulate gold and promoting a favorable balance of trade.

Mercantilism also supports manufacturing and agricultural development, as well as foreign trading monopolies. The campaign for “Made in China 2025” may be partly viewed in this light.

It is a national strategic plan along the lines of industrial policy to promote manufacturing.

According to some reports, China is the number one gold-producing nation in the world and all the gold produced is purchased by the Chinese government. Imperialism is defined as extending the dominion of a nation by territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other territory.

Imperialism and mercantilism support each other, especially in terms of foreign trade, protecting domestic manufacturing and collecting gold and other rare commodities.

Communism is defined in one version as “a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed.” This definition requires considerable finesse when talking about the Chinese Communist Party.


Chairman Mao eventually found that he had a problem in keeping control of Chinese politics due to the development of wealthier businessmen and the growing size of the market economy.

His solution was an attempt to return to some of the features of the wartime economy.

These included a semi-drafting of civilians into the army, where they were housed in barracks, clothed in uniform outfits, put on work details in the countryside, fed in the mess hall, and moved about on public transportation.

This was in line with Mao’s experience as a general commanding the Red Army for many years during the civil war in China. This is wartime mobilization, where the generals decide on the final outputs of the economy and the engineers work out the methods to achieve such results.

During war, the civilians are put on rationing and the central plan determines which and what civilian goods will be produced and distributed.

Sort of like Henry Ford’s old adage concerning the some of the Model T cars : “Any customer can have a car painted any colour [sic] so long as it is black.”

Of course, rationing soon becomes unpopular in peacetime.

Mao’s death created a crisis in the Communist Party, with the so-called “Gang of Four” trying to continue his policies, while other officials, led by Deng Xiaoping, called for a different system.

In this system, the economists are supposed to work out the methods to achieve results.

This system could be described as part “market” and part “market socialism” and part “socialism.”

The market part involved privately owned factories and stores producing and selling civilian goods to the public.

The market socialism part involved the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) using army-owned factories to produce civilian goods for sale to the public.

In the socialism part, the PLA-owned factories continued to produce weapons for the military.

The engineering vs economics issue came up in the West at the time of the 1972 Club of Rome report, The Limits to Growth.

This document was based on computer simulations of economic growth which were very pessimistic.

The book was very popular around the world, and it and subsequent reports have been extremely influential in the debates over global warming, climate change, and other policy issues.

The critics, however, claimed the report was based on simplistic scenarios and amateur scholarship.

In essence, the critics said that the report was produced by engineers trying to model the economy without understanding economics.

In addition, the critics pointed out that the computer models did not take into account the changes in price that would come about with scarcity.

The criticism did not seem to deter the Club of Rome in its efforts to remake the world.

Perhaps the members had more confidence in engineers practicing economics, than in economists practicing engineering.

In any event, the same controversy continues to this day concerning the degree to which public policy should rely on computer simulations and models that are sensitive to a few key assumptions.

Computer simulations are well known always to be subject to the “garbage in, garbage out” phenomena, but less well known is that even with good input data, the output can be drastically different with just a few little tweaks in the assumptions.


China has a problem with asset bubbles and potential busts, as does the US.

China has “ghost cities” and other investments that are symptomatic of malinvestment and too much easy credit.

In the US it was the ill-considered financial enthusiasms of the roaring twenties, the dotcom bubble, the housing bubble, and now the so-called “everything bubble” that have led to recessions and depressions.

There have been scholarly attempts to explain why these episodes keep happening. For example, 100% Money by professor Irving Fisher back in the 1930’s, detailed the problems with fractional reserve banking.

Fisher wrote this with the benefit of hindsight after losing his fortune in the Great Depression.

The book, however, fell on deaf ears.

Much later, in 1983, another book on the subject was published, The Mystery of Banking by Murray N. Rothbard. It had no better success.

In 2016, the former head of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, wrote a book called The End of Alchemy, about the same problem and proposed some solutions.

Nothing much was done.

The gist of these books is that fractional reserve banking is inherently unstable.

Yet this is the system used all over the world.

The national security agencies of China, the US, Russia, and others might benefit from some serious study of these books and the issues with money and banking that they explain, as these issues may be more likely to determine their nations’ economic fate.

In the US, other isolated prophets have explained the mistakes in money and banking policies, yet, again, nothing much has been done, resulting in potentially grim future prospects.

If these books are correct in their analyses of the situation, then the first country to adopt a proper solution would gain significant advantages over other countries.


National security studies and analyses spend a lot of time and effort on competing weapon systems, elections, coups, revolutions, as well as on culture, space, cyber, energy, and psychological warfare.

The studies appear to spend much less effort on education and economic security issues.

Out of all these types of warfare, the USSR turned out to be grossly deficient in two important areas: Culture and economics.

Western commercial culture was simply more attractive to the Soviet public than what they had at home.

As more and more Soviets learned about the difference, the more trouble Moscow had in getting the public to believe in the Soviet system.

The question is whether China will experience the same problem.

It appears that China has plenty of Western commercial culture and its own adaptations, as well as conducting a re-invigoration of its traditional culture that goes back thousands of years.

This may help to immunize China against this aspect of the Soviet problem.

As for economics, the USSR followed a less desirable path.

There are many competing schools of thought concerning what happened, but a basic view is that the planned sector of the USSR economy got into a fight with the unplanned sector and they knocked each other out.

The USSR was not able to come up with a solution to the command vs. market problem that worked.

China studied the USSR disaster and decided to follow a different path.


It appears that China is ahead of the US in realizing that certain policies favored by the oligarchs could be dangerous to the economy and the State.

However late to take action, China has recently cracked down on the chiefs of many giant enterprises in a move to curtail their power and influence.

They were beginning to rival the authority of the Communist Party.

There is always a potential for oligarchs to find common cause with oligarchs in other parts of the world and joining in schemes such as the New World Order, thus possibly escaping control by the national governments.

This power struggle in China will have ramifications throughout the world.

In the US, it is not even a struggle—the oligarchs are generally considered to be on the top of the heap and nothing much is even considered in the way of curtailing their power.

Considering former President Trump’s experience with them, they are way ahead in the power game and are also alleged to be behind the curtain as far as President Biden is concerned.

In the past, the US came up with the Sherman Act and the Clayton Act in order to help control monopoly power.

President Theodore Roosevelt campaigned as a trust-buster and the laws were used to break up the Standard Oil Company.

Later on when President Franklin Roosevelt was in office, the US instituted the Glass-Steagall Act to address problems which were said to have contributed to the Great Depression.

The act separated commercial banking from investment banking.

At that time, brokerage houses were a separate feature of the US economy.

These laws were also used to break up some of the concentration in the telephone industry.

However, things went into reverse during the President Clinton era, when the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed and banks could combine all forms of banking and brokerage into a single enterprise.

It was not surprising when the resulting conglomerates grew so large that they were termed “too big to fail” and had to be bailed out by the government.

In addition, the anti-trust laws did not seem very useful in controlling the very large tech companies of recent times.

Thus to call the US a “capitalist” or “free market” economy is not very helpful since the economy has had very different features at different times, as well as differing degrees of competition.

Thus a question in analyzing the Chinese economy might be to ask if China has the equivalent of the Sherman, Clayton, and Glass-Seagall Acts, and are they actually used or enforced?

Does China have other laws and regulations that promote competition or manage monopolies in the public interest?

When the Chinese first opened up the economy after Mao, there was relatively little in the way of funding for the military to pay for modernization.

The solution was to allow the military to go into producing civilian goods for sale to the public and then keep the profits to help pay for military goods.

Analysts would need to research whether the military eventually stopped producing its own weapons and purchased them from commercial industrial companies.

How is the military-industrial complex actually structured in modern China?

Who owns the armaments factories?

More recently in China, the central government has encouraged the military to get out of the civilian goods business and stick to the military side.

Again, much more detail is needed in order to comment on the Chinese economic system than to only use the generic terms “capitalism” and “socialism.”

It is even more ineffective to toss about the word “communism.”

Another example of the difficulty in pasting labels on different economies: In Russia it appears that the armament-producing factories and companies are owned by the government.

In early US times, the military arsenals and navy shipyards were also owned by the government.

Pretty much the embodiment of “socialism” in both cases.

Now, however, weapons in the US are produced in factories owned by private or non-government companies.

However, there seems to be very little real or practical competition in much of the US military-industrial complex, so maybe it would be better described as part “mercantilist” or with some other term?

Some experts have claimed that the US has already lost the arms race with Russia, so perhaps the US should try a different tack and return to having the military set up its own factories to produce the exotic weapons needed to compete with Russia?

The US has approximately six arsenals currently operating, but they do not produce the types of weapons that are made in Russia.

Would this partial return to a variety of “socialism” help the generals to get the weapons they really want, instead of the weapons that produce the most profits?

The US Army went back a century to find a design for its latest uniform, maybe the army could consider a return to the old-fashioned arsenals of a century ago.


Any discussion of “isms” such as capitalism and socialism cannot shed much light unless more rigorous and detailed definitions are employed, since both “isms” have many varieties.

In addition, any serious discussion should address the extent to which mercantilism and imperialism are part of the mix.

All this gets very complex very rapidly, so it is not surprising that such is seldom done.

In addition, there is little evidence of any current investigation concerning the command versus market issue in national economies, despite its historical importance in China and Russia.

The problems with computer modeling and simulation are well known, but continue to arise in studies of economic growth, climate change, and spread of disease.

This difficulty has serious implications for China as the nation is faced with vast disagreement between engineers and economists in designing computer simulation models.

Finally, the “skeleton in the closet” that almost no one wants to address is the design of the money and credit system for a nation.

Such a look would impinge on the currently politically correct belief in the proper role and nature of commercial banks, investment banks, and central banks.

It is interesting from a national security standpoint that China has seemingly adopted much of the US and UK system of banking, despite centuries of having panics, booms and busts, recessions and depressions in the latter countries.

“Red Capitalism” is an amalgam of many “isms,” with Chinese characteristics. So far, it appears to be relatively successful, certainly more so than the system employed in India.

However, one can see the same maladies creeping into China that currently beset the US: Malinvestment, stock market excesses, interest rate manipulation, real estate speculation, and increasing concentration of wealth.

The question for the world is which country will be the first to find and implement a cure for these maladies.

The point herein is that anyone who refers to China as a “regime”, and that possesses a “Communist” for of governance DOES NOT UNDERSTAND modern, contemporaneous China and their article and opinions whould be ignored as noise of the ignorant.

You can quote me on that.

A rainy evening in New York’s Times Square under the neon lights of the “Black Widow” marquee.

Article 5

Now, that we know that China has developed and improving on their greatly improved model of governance, and has aligned with the Russian powerhouse, what of the United States? Is it just sitting by the sidelines, or is it in great distress, as the “house of cards” collapses all around it?

Speed Wobble

Things are turning, indeed, out there… out in the truck stops and the households fending off repossession and the small businesses struggling desperately for survivial — even in the degenerate halls of government….

Clusterfuck Nation

If the ads on the Superbowl each year are like a Rorschach test for the nation’s mental condition, then this year’s ad-roll was a cavalcade of frantic hallucinations suggesting a near-complete detachment from reality for an audience of ADD-disabled cell phone slaves locked into a Big Tech induced consensus trance. You could barely tell what these advertisers were trying to sell in their commercials, the psychotic dazzle of half-second jump-cuts was so ferocious. One interesting note, though: people of non-color (PONCs) seem to have been magically sucked out of the universe. There, that fixed things for everybody else.

Snoop Dog’s half-time house party — Hollywood’s G-rated version of a BLM riot — heralded a real riot later on in downtown LA after the Rams’ victory. Fans lit-up a metro bus and tagged it with spray-paint. The police moved in… objects were thrown at them. I’m just sorry that Snoop didn’t bring out his friend and sometime co-star Martha Stewart to twerk for the multitudes — while, say, whipping up a pumpkin mousse. That might have brought the country together after all these months of rancor. But, like I said, sorry, PONCs need not apply. Nor did Da Dawg invite onstage my favorite new pop star, Ski Mask the Slump God, composer of the hits “Faucet Failure” and “Foot Fungus.” Maybe next year… if there is a next year….

All this hearty good fellowship marks the journey of our country from a convocation of be-wigged founding fathers wielding quill pens in defense of liberty to a security-and-surveillance state of hebephrenic zombies lurching to a kind of failure that will make the fall of the Roman Empire look like a lawn sale of someone’s dead uncle’s chattels and effects. The drain-pipe beckons… but will America answer that call… or take a different turn?

Things are turning, indeed, out there… out in the truck stops and the households fending off repossession and the small businesses struggling desperately for survival — even in the degenerate halls of government, state-by-state. The armature of Covid-19 tyranny is getting rapidly dismantled by politicians close to running for their very lives. The home-folks have had enough of their insolence and they’re sharpening the tines of their pitchforks. Events also conspire to put the schnitz on the alleged Globalists’ dream of digital tyranny — if there even is such a cabal of Globalists, which I’m not sure about, or just a coterie of feckless hacks swept along by a malefic zeitgeist, Canada’s Justin Trudeau being the poster-boy for that breed.

The timing has gone all awry on them. The Covid-19 hysteria draws to a close against their wishes to drag it on forever. Even the triple-vaccinated are sick of it — and not a few of them are sick because of it. Governments and the corrupt medical establishment won’t touch this info with a stick, but the morticians and insurance execs are hopping up and down about what looks like a supernatural die-off of folks between 18 and 60 generally not susceptible to early death. Kind of worrisome, a little bit. Anybody with half-a-brain left is declining the offer of yet another booster — though Dr. Fauci was still tirelessly selling them last week.

Mainly, though, the window-of-opportunity has closed, in the USA, anyway, for anymore vaccine passport nonsense, and with that goes the dream of roping every last citizen into a corral of total social control, including central bank digital currencies that would turn everyone into a yo-yo to be jerked-around by government.

“Joe Biden” has so far failed to deliver that war with Russia over Ukraine he promised us — which would be like two Craig’s List customers fighting over a twenty-year-old Jeep Wrangler up on blocks with the engine missing. Ukraine president Zelensky is a professional comedian, of course, so one must admire his gag of inviting “Joe Biden” to visit his country, the Gem of Eurasia, “in the coming days,” Mr. Zelensky said, “which will be a powerful signal and contribute to de-escalation.” Plus, all the pierogi and cabbage the US president can eat. All this made National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan gnash his teeth for the trouble he has gone to in prepping the sore-beset American people for World War Three.

But Mr. Sullivan has, perhaps, other things to think about. Like… what are all these offstage noises Special Counsel John Durham is making in the grand jury chambers? Something about Hillary Clinton, and the helpmeets surrounding her in the 2016 election (including especially Jake Sullivan), alleged to have fabricated the Russian collusion whopper that deranged the nation for four years and disabled a sitting president. They even managed to enlist the FBI and the CIA in that task. How’d that happen? Could Hillary have been that peevish? Anyway, it looks kind of bad for the National Security Advisor to “Joe Biden” having such an epic political fraud tacked onto his resume, with perhaps an indictment to follow. Standing by on his resignation….

Our NATO allies must be enjoying the rise of natgas prices beyond the level that many middle-class households in Euroland can afford to keep the heat on in the dead middle of winter, since they have to get so much of the stuff from Russia. Maybe jamming Ukraine into NATO, as America’s Deep State has been wishing and hoping to do, wasn’t such a great idea after all. Maybe NATO itself isn’t such a great idea anymore.

If World War Three doesn’t pan out for “JB,” there’s always a global meltdown of financial markets, banks, and currencies waiting in the wings to amuse and distract everybody from the post-Covid call for a long, hard look at what the pandemic was actually about. The story, in all its multiple, gruesome levels, has gotten away from them. So many public officials are standing naked that Washington looks like a nudist colony.

Do You Know, In the year 1951, Libya was the world’s poorest country. Gaddafi made it Africa’s most developed country with $150 billion foreign reserves And zero debt. Under Muammar Gaddafi, Libya had one of the world’s strongest currencies.

1 Libyan Dinar equalled $0.82781 in 2011. Gaddafi wanted to give all African countries the Dinar to strengthen their economies. He also had more than 140 Tonnes of Gold and similar amounts in silver which he wanted to distribute across Africa to be used in trading.

▪️Libya under Gaddafi.

-Free health care
-Free Electricity
-Free housing, owning a house was considered a human right in Libya
-Free medicine
-Free Education in the country including for all Libyan students who were studying abroad.
-Free water, he built a river.
-Interest Free loans
-Newly weds received $50,000
-Mothers received $5,000 on birth on child.
-All citizens received a percentage of all oil sales
-Petrol was $ 0.14 per liter
-Government paid 50% of the price of your car
-Unemployed Libyans received the average salary of their profession.

▪️These were the reasons why so many individuals wanted to travel to Libya for greener pastures, but now, reverse is the case. Thanks to America bombing it into dust…

America used to be a land with so much potential. A “melting pot” of cultures, and of freedom. Why, you could have “bunnies” serving men in the open at bars, and massage parlors and no one said anything. Not today. Try that today. It will never happen.

Bunny Girls taking an order in a club restaurant in London, 11th February 1963.

Yeah. Look at those prices!

I jsut cannot control myself. I really must stare hard to see the prices and the food items in the menu.

Article 6

From MoA

The Big White House Plans Behind Its ‘Russian Invasion’ Scam

As the ‘Russian invasion’ scam reaches new heights it is time to look at the motives behind it.

The noise has become deafening.

> The U.S. intelligence briefing included specific reference to next Wednesday, February 16, as a start date for the ground invasion, three officials — based in Washington, London and Ukraine — told POLITICO. <

‘Could’ is doing a lot of work in those headlines.

Can we get it a bit more precise?

1am or 3am?

Which is it?

And in what timezone?

And 200,000 troops? Yesterday there were only 100,000. How can those have doubled over night?

There is also the question of why.

Why has the Biden administration created an artificial ‘crisis’ about a Russian invasion of Ukraine when such an invasion is neither planned nor likely to happen? Why is it claiming that a Russian invasion of the Ukraine is ‘imminent’ when Russia as well as the Ukraine deny that any will be coming.

Why does it distribute misleading satellite pictures of allegedly deployed tanks when those are directly next to the barracks where they belong? Why does it hype a ‘Russian buildup’ when that is something that is claimed each and every year?

Jack Matlock, the last U.S. ambassador to the USSR, has one answer:

Maybe I am wrong – tragically wrong – but I cannot dismiss the suspicion that we are witnessing an elaborate charade, grossly magnified by prominent elements of the American media, to serve a domestic political end. Facing rising inflation, the ravages of Omicron, blame (for the most part unfair) for the withdrawal from Afghanistan, plus the failure to get the full support of his own party for the Build Back Better legislation, the Biden administration is staggering under sagging approval ratings just as it gears up for this year’s congressional elections.

Since clear "victories" on the domestic woes seem increasingly unlikely, why not fabricate one by posing as if he prevented the invasion of Ukraine by "standing up to Vladimir Putin"?

Actually, it seems most likely that President Putin’s goals are what he says they are – and as he has been saying since his speech in Munich in 2007. To simplify and paraphrase, I would sum them up as: "Treat us with at least a modicum of respect. We do not threaten you or your allies, why do you refuse us the security you insist for yourself?"

Alastair Crooke points to a different motive:

The authoritative Global Times in an editorial warns that the U.S. is instigating conflict in Ukraine in order to tighten bloc discipline – to corral European States back into the U.S.-led fold. No doubt, China makes the connection that Ukraine provides the perfect pivot for shepherding Europe towards America’s next stage of requiring a united front with the U.S. for the later task of barricading-in China, behind her borders.

In play, therefore, are key decisions that will define Europe for the future. On the one hand, (as Pepe Escobar noted some two years ago), “the goal of Russian and Chinese policy is to recruit Germany into a triple alliance locking together the Eurasian land mass à la Mackinder into the greatest geopolitical alliance in history – switching world power in favour of these three great powers, and against Anglo-Saxon sea power”.

And on the other hand, NATO was conceived, from the outset, as a means of Anglo-American control over Europe and more precisely for keeping Germany ‘down’, and Russia ‘out’ (in that old axiom of western strategists). Lord Hastings (Lionel Ismay), NATO’s first Secretary General, famously said that NATO was created to “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”.

This mindset lingers on, but the formula has acquired today a greater import, and a new twist: To keep Germany ‘down and price uncompetitive’ versus U.S. goods; to keep Russia ‘out’ from being Europe’s source of cheap energy; and to keep China ‘fenced out’ from EU–U.S. trade. The aim is to contain Europe firmly within America’s narrowly defined economic orbit and compelled to forgo the benefits of Chinese and Russian technology, finance and trade – thus helping towards achieving the aim of barricading China within its borders.

I find both explanations, the domestic one and the foreign policy one, very plausible and a combination of them is the most likely motive behind the plan for is affair.

The Washington Post explains how the campaign was hashed out and directed from the White House. Its headline though is misleading:

Inside the White House preparations for a Russian invasion
A “Tiger Team” of administration officials has spent the past several months preparing a clear series of responses, gaming out scenarios from cyberattacks and limited intervention to an invasion of Ukraine.

A more correct headline would have been “Inside the White House preparations of the ‘Russian invasion’ scam”.

Lets look into that:

As fears grow of potential Russian aggression against Ukraine, a “Tiger Team” led by the White House is quietly gaming out how the United States would respond to a range of jarring scenarios, from a limited show of force to a full-scale, mass-casualty invasion.

The White House team has staged two multihour tabletop exercises — including one with Cabinet officials — to bring the scenarios to life and assembled a playbook that outlines an array of swift potential responses, starting with Day One and extending through the first two weeks of an envisioned Russian invasion.

The effort, senior administration officials said, has not only helped them anticipate possible complications, but has also prompted them to take actions ahead of time, such as exposing Russian information warfare before it’s carried out to blunt its propaganda power.

The team preplanned their daily propaganda releases step by step:

The “Tiger Team” — a term referring to a diverse group of experts who are tackling a specific problem and that suggests alertness and a readiness to pounce — was created after National Security Council officials last October detected troubling signs of a massive Russian troop buildup on the Ukrainian border.

NSC officials readily admit they may be unable to precisely anticipate the moves of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his military leaders. But the exercise and robust planning is still worth it, they said.

“The reality is that what the Russians may end up doing is not likely to be a 100 percent match for any of these scenarios,” [Jonathan Finer, deputy national security adviser to President Biden,] said. “But the goal is for them to be a close enough facsimile of what they end up doing that the plans are useful in terms of reducing the amount of time we need in order to respond effectively. That’s really the whole goal.”

The ‘massive Russian troop buildup on the Ukrainian border’ has never happened in real life. Most of the Russian troops are hundreds of miles away from Ukraine.

It was the Washington Post which on October 30 2021 was the first to publish the claims by ‘anonymous officials’ of a ‘Russian buildup’.

(Side remark: The name ‘Tiger team’ or ‘Tiger squad’ was also used for the Saudi group that killed and hacked up a Washington Post opinion writer Jamal Khashoggi. Funny that the Washington Post piece does not mention that fact.)

Back to the ‘tic toc’ the WaPo provides:

The Tiger Team was officially born in November, when national security adviser Jake Sullivan asked Alex Bick, the NSC director for strategic planning, to lead a planning effort across multiple agencies. Bick has brought in the Departments of Defense, State, Energy, Treasury and Homeland Security, along with the U.S. Agency for International Development to look at a possible humanitarian crisis.

The intelligence community is also involved, gaming out various courses of action the Russians might pursue and the risks and advantages of each, officials said.

While the official launch of the ‘Tiger team’ might have been in November it is clear that the whole operation started earlier when the Ukrainians were asked to take part in the sham:

Simon Shuster @Shustry - 8:29 PM · Feb 14, 2022

Source close to Zelensky told me the U.S. first warned his team of a Russian invasion last fall, putting the chances at 80%. The Ukrainians didn't buy it, but they saw an opportunity -- "more aid, more attention" -- and played along. Now they have regrets. Too much attention.

The CIA has flown paramilitaries from Ukrainian Nazi groups to the U.S. to train them:

While the covert program, run by paramilitaries working for the CIA’s Ground Branch — now officially known as Ground Department — was established by the Obama administration after Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea in 2014, and expanded under the Trump administration, the Biden administration has further augmented it, said a former senior intelligence official in touch with colleagues in government.

By 2015, as part of this expanded anti-Russia effort, CIA Ground Branch paramilitaries also started traveling to the front in eastern Ukraine to advise their counterparts there, according to a half-dozen former officials.

The multiweek, U.S.-based CIA program has included training in firearms, camouflage techniques, land navigation, tactics like “cover and move,” intelligence and other areas, according to former officials.

These groups will be the forces to use when the U.S. decides to launch some false flag ‘Russian attacks’ on Ukrainian civilians.

As you watch it consider that every move in this is preplanned:

The playbook itself goes far beyond battlefield scenarios, looking at questions like how to address Ukrainian refugees who might stream into Poland and Romania, how to secure the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, exactly what sort of sanctions to impose on Moscow, and how to fight back against a sophisticated cyberattack.

The playbook — which synthesizes nearly three dozen papers and intelligence assessments commissioned by the team from various agencies — has been distributed to the various officials, including military and civilian leaders at the Pentagon.

The playbook also considers “second order” consequences, such as Russian retaliation for any penalties.

Those ‘sophisticated cyberattacks’ will most likely come from the National Security Agency which is part of the Pentagon. When the White House will claim that it has evidence of a ‘Russian cyberattack’ on Ukraine, which it is likely to do, keep in mind that anyone who claims to be able to find the real source of such an attack is selling snake oil.

Along the playbook the White House also released disinformation which claims that Russia will use such:

Among the Tiger Team’s top concerns is a Russian effort to promote the false narrative that it is Ukraine, aided by the West, that is preparing to launch an offensive in eastern Ukraine, and that Russia is the victim.

In recent weeks, the U.S. government has declassified intelligence about such efforts, including a potential “false flag” plot in which Moscow would stage an explosion that kills ethnic Russians in Ukraine or in Russia itself, and then blame it on Kyiv as a possible pretext for an invasion.

The White House has declassified nothing that anyone was allowed to see. As the NYT correctly remarked:

For all the disclosures, the Biden administration has provided no evidence of the disinformation plots they say they have uncovered.

The ‘Russian invasion’ scamp was approved from the top:

In December, the Tiger Team held two virtual tabletop exercises to road-test various scenarios and responses. The first brought together deputy secretaries and the second involved Cabinet officials. Biden has reviewed the playbook and was briefed on the results, officials said.

“It’s one thing to consider each of these problems — energy, sanctions, military posture — in isolation. It’s quite another to put them all together and execute a plan on all of them,” the NSC official said. “What I saw over the course of this planning exercise was, including at the most senior levels, lightbulbs go on about the way the pieces fit together.

The plan is integrated enough to allow for aims and achievements in multiple fields.

That is why I believe that both, Matlock and Crooke, are right in their guesses of the motives behind the ‘Russian invasion’ scam.

There are domestic aims and there are foreign policy aims and the pieces of the plan fit them together.

But that is only so if the whole thing does not unravel. In real life no battle plan survives the first contact with the enemy.

Zelensky’s much criticized unwillingness to play his part of the show may just be one of the elements that will let it all fall apart.

Then there is Russia which is always good at creating real surprises. I bet that its security demands and the draft treaties it provided where not foreseen in the playbook. They already succeeded in pressing Biden into concessions the U.S. had previously been unwilling to make. More surprises in different areas will follow. As soon as the Olympics are over China may also come to play a role in this.

Big plans make for big failures.

So here we are, eh?

Asia has their shit together and the USA is run by “old dinosaurs” that cannot change as they fear that if they do they will lose everythign and have to accept a new lifestyle. So they ae off threatening war…


I’ll tell you, it make me yearn for the days when America used to stand for something; when it used to represent something. When families mattered.

When people… mattered.

When pets… mattered.

When food… mattered.

When life, family and friends…mattered.

Where has it gone? Well, I tell you that it’s due to the American leadership. And what evil monsters that they have become. Maybe they would act and behave a little bit differently if they had regular, and normal lifestyles. If they acted and behaved normally, and if they participated within their own open and free communities, instead of living like robber barrons on methamphetamines.



I miss the “good old days”…

When you could pull over and have a picnic without have a police car “investigate” what you are doing…

Article 7

I truly need to spend more time with cats.

I miss Leonardo. He was a good kitty.

What does Russia think about all this?

Tim Kirby
February 15, 2022

No progress can be made until the West either sees the Russians as equals or at least fears them enough to create respect like they did in the Cold War, Tim Kirby writes.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s particular take on politics has created many memes on the Russian Internet. His personal frustrations having to negotiate and deal with the West are very relatable to the Russian masses who also want to normalize relations. His crestfallen yet visibly angered words “F’n Morons” have become the stuff of meme legend throughout Russia, although few realize that it was actually said during discussions with the Saudis and not America or Britain as most would assume. But this statement so resonated with the pure frustration that Russians have been feeling, that the populace just sort of shifted the target of his words to the ultimate source of their dismay that started the Maidan Color Revolution in 2014, which has been spiraling downwards ever since. Foreign Minister Lavrov has proved not to be a one hit wonder and his recent trolling of his British counterpart Liz Truss exploded over the Russian internet. This interesting strange moment in the endless and pointless battle of The West vs. Russia is a real microcosm of the nature of how both sides see themselves and the other and demands a full breakdown.

So the situation looks like this, again an annoyed and worn down Lavrov tried to prove a point about how little the West actually understands about the Ukrainian Crisis with some verbal fencing…

MOSCOW, February 10. /TASS/. British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss refused to recognize Russia’s sovereignty over the Voronezh and Rostov Regions at talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday, a source close to the negotiations told TASS.

After Truss’ statements urging Moscow to move its forces, located on Russia’s soil, away from the border with Ukraine, Lavrov asked his British counterpart if she recognized Russia’s sovereignty over the Voronezh and Rostov Regions.

According to the source, Truss insisted that the UK would never recognize Russia’s sovereignty over these regions.

Although the Russian internet was smugly proud of this quippy achievement there is a level of pure honesty in the reaction from the British that most Russians simply are incapable of seeing. The Russians are all laughing at her answer taking it as a literal reaction, but metaphorically she told the God’s honest truth from an Anglo-Saxon perspective.

Truss clearly refused to recognize two regions of Russia as being part of Russia out of willful ignorance. There are fine lines between idiocy, ignorance and willful ignorance, but behind the latter of the three there can often be a very crafty and hateful intelligence. No truth pith-helmeted British colonizer would dare to learn anything about her barbaric adversaries, and in this display of pure willful ignorance she perfectly articulated the view of the West towards Russia – they don’t recognize any of Russia’s concerns, demands, leadership or even statehood as legitimate, nor do they need to justify their positions with facts and knowledge when dealing with Untermenschen.

The reaction of the British Foreign Secretary was an unintended act of pure and total dominance. Can you imagine, just how low she and her colleagues must view the Russians as to be charged with dealing with them and yet know absolutely nothing about their country, their geography and the nature of the Ukrainian Crisis? Discussing a situation that has killed thousands of people yet choosing to learn zero basic information is “alpha-chad” to say the least.

Truss answered like a Roman general forced to lower himself to speaking to unwashed Barbarians, who has zero concern for any details about these subhuman animals and their pathetic pseudoculture. All the Roman needs to know is that the allied Barbarians in Ukraine are right and the enemy ones in Russia are wrong. What town or river is where doesn’t make any difference. This Roman attitude of seeing the world as one of civility vs. barbarity hasn’t gone anywhere, and a true sign of a “civilized person” is having zero knowledge or tolerance for the ways of the backwards.

Although Russians may find tricking Anglo-Saxon counterparts into revealing how ignorant they are as a coping mechanism for losing the Cold War, they forget that the supposedly 80 IQ gender-queer limp-wristed twits on the other side of the line have beaten them time and again. My Russian children, living in Russia, have already asked me numerous LGBT-related questions yet have not once asked anything about Multipolarity, Traditional Values or Orthodox Christianity. Russians may find narcissistic joy in mocking the English-speaking world for being ignorant, but apparently being able to quote Pushkin doesn’t win 21st century info wars now, does it? When you’ve got Hollywood, the entire Mainstream Media, Big Tech and so on, you don’t need to know where anything is on a map. The Anglo-Saxons have plenty of knowledge, they just feel they don’t need to know a damn thing about you Russians. That is the nuance the Russians cannot perceive on their mental radar.

This trolling by Lavrov really shows that the joke is actually on Russia. The Russians continue, after years of failing, to try to reason with those who see them as subhuman animals. Perhaps we are moving towards a Multipolar World due to economics, geography and the West shooting itself in the foot, but as far as cultural/info wars are going if you look at the youth around Moscow you can clearly see who is winning.

Perhaps it is actually Lavrov’s side who is ignorant as to how to deal with the Romans from a Barbarian standpoint, and simply cannot wrap their brains around the fact that no progress can be made until the West either sees the Russians as equals or at least fears them enough to create respect like they did in the Cold War. It would also help if the Russians would wake up to the fact that they are considered Barbarians, the fact that Hitler killed millions of them due to his belief that they are racially inferior, just won’t sink in for some reason.

Russia continues to step on the same rake over and over again by seeing itself as equal to the West and believing that the stress between both sides is caused by some sort of cultural misunderstanding. The real intellectual question the Russians should be asking themselves is by what means could a Germanic Barbarian chief convince a Roman general that they are equals?

How could they make him see the villages and culture of the Rhine as just as human and glorious as Rome? This first step to this particular negotiation is really the necessity for the Russians to hack through layer-upon-layer of Anglo-Saxon cultural superiority that creates the type of willful ignorance displayed unabashedly by Liz Truss. Although it is hard to formulate a winning strategy for this problem, it surely lies in the fact that deep down the Civilized man will always secretly envy the freedom and uncastrated status of the Barbarian, but that is a topic for another day.

Behind all the intensifying huffing and puffing of the US in the geopolitical arena. “More than 60% of all foreign currency reserves in the world are in USD – but there are big changes on the horizon … some of the biggest economies on earth have been making agreements with each other to move away from using the USD in international trade (Image: … [this shift is] going to have massive implications for the US economy.

10 reasons why the reign of the dollar as the world reserve currency [may] come to an end:

#1: China And Japan To Use Own Currencies In Bilateral Trade
The 2nd largest economy (China) and 3rd largest economy (Japan) struck a deal [to] use of their own currencies. This was an incredibly important agreement that was virtually totally ignored by the US media. [Read an extract of the BBC in the article].

#2: The BRICS Plan To Use Own Currencies When Trading
A new agreement will promote the use of their own national currencies when trading with each other. [An extract from a news source in India is in the article].

#3: China and Russia Use Own Currencies In Bilateral Trade
[In fact,] Russia and China have been using their own national currencies when trading with each other for more than a year now.

#4: Use Of Chinese Currency Growing In Africa
In 2009, China became Africa’s biggest trading partner, and is aggressively seeking to expand the use of Chinese currency. At this point, approx. 70,000 Chinese companies are using Yuan in cross-border transactions.

#5: China and UAE To Use Own Currencies In Bilateral Trade
– in oil transactions with each other. The UAE is a fairly small player, but this is definitely a threat to the petrodollar system.

#6: India To Use Gold To Buy Oil From Iran
Iran has been one of the most aggressive nations when it comes to moving away from the USD in international trade.

#7: Saudi Arabia Likely to Abandon Use of Petrodollar in Dealings With China
[China] imports the most oil from Saudi Arabia. [They] have teamed up to construct a massive new oil refinery in Saudi.

#8: The UN Continues to Push For A New World Reserve Currency

#9: The IMF Has Been Pushing For A New World Reserve Currency
– published a series of reports calling for the USD to be replaced.

#10: Most Of The Rest Of The World Hates The US
Global sentiment toward the US has dramatically shifted, and this should not be underestimated.

What will happen if the USD’s reign as the world reserve currency comes to an end? It will bring very undesirable changes to the American lifestyle through:

1. massive inflation,
2. high interest rates on mortgages and cars,
3. substantial increases in the cost of food, clothing and gasoline; and
4. a much harder time financing its debt [$30 trillion and counting].

Under the right conditions, a shift in momentum can become a landslide.”

So stop with cruel sanctions and printing of new US dollars to fund senseless wars.

Read more:

Life in Florida when things were affordable, and people could raise families on a single income without having to ascribe to “systems” and pay “fees” in support of “taxes” all to go to a “government” to generate more “wars of distraction”.

Ford Fairlane, 1956

Article 8

I see all of this as late-stage decay, and the beginnigns of a rebirth. Whether or not it will be catastrophic has yet to be seen, but I do remain hopeful.

Democracy Enters Its Endgame

From HERE.

As Plato observed, democracy runs through a life cycle from good feelings at having escaped oligarchy to a semi-oligarchic period until it reaches its final stage, narcissistic mob rule under protection by tyrants.

Then the tyrants import diversity to vote against the majority interest so the tyrants can rule, and then the society collapses into a third world ruin.

Modern people, who understand nothing other than human social intentions, thought the cycle did not apply to them, not realizing that it accurately diagnosed the cause/effect relationships that occur as people react to the precedent of equality.

When democracy enters its endgame, the destroyers have a leg up because they have taken over the institutions that formerly worked for the population and are now seeking to destroy that population so the foreigners can enthrone the tyrant.

As some have mentioned, tyranny is rule for its own sake, or people seeking power for their own benefit at the expense of the interests of the society. Tyrants would rather rule over ashes than be normal people in a healthy society.

Liberalization — the political arm of individualism, or the same “me first at the expense of all else” bourgeois pathology that underscores tyranny — creates inversion that eventually destroys the society.

It begins with liberating individuals by relaxing rules. These rules, derived from reality and culture, restrain individuals from selfishness and self-destructive pathologies. When they are removed, selfishness takes over.

After some time, this proves destructive, so people speak out. The inversion begins: the society bans any criticism of some liberalization, since the critics will upend the “progress” toward a Utopia of equality.

The more time passes, the worse things get and the louder the critics whine, so more stuff gets demonized, made taboo, or outright banned until all that is left are terms that praise the system as it is.

Language has become inverted at that point, as has meaning. Nothing can be said but praise of the inevitable march from Enlightenment™ to Communism, and anyone who wants to be allowed to speak in public must affirm that the “arc of history” leads toward this progress.

Eventually, however, this order inverts. The things that people praise become seen as failing or failed. The terms that were once positive become handy shorthand for describing things which do not work so well. The inverted is in turn inverted.

These civilizations die from disinterest in a wave of combined apathy and anarchy. The system sucks, but no one who says this will be allowed to be anything but desperately poor, so the “experts” form an echo chamber that agrees that things are not failing, but better than ever before!

Then things fall apart. Those who thought they were running a successful society start to see that they are running a failure. They rush to implement their tyranny before the population bails out.

Unfortunately for them, however, they think in terms of enemies only when the real threat to them is lack of belief. Conjectural, messianic, and Utopian (CMU) systems like liberalization require people to believe that things are getting better.

When anyone succeeds without them, people realize belatedly that the whole liberalization project was never needed, and life is in fact better without that overhead of management, bureaucracy, administration, regulation, and wealth transfer taxes.

At this point, no one in the real world believes in the system, but those who depend on it — celebrities, media, minorities, government employees, regulations lawyers, and academics — defend it, fooling most of the people for some time.

Then at some point, that time ends, and the average person starts to see the system as the parasite that it always was. They do not oppose it so much as withdraw their support, sort of like how people stopped watching the NFL or Netflix shows.

Those who know that the system sucks but rationalize it so that they can continue to act out positions that were once important (here, we are speaking of post-Buckley “conservatives”) keep trying to explain the bad as good and failing.

People turn away. They turn toward their homes. They cheat aggressively on taxes and buy everything through the black market. They hide any wealth they have, and most importantly, do only a perfunctory job of their work role.

The would-be tyrants, in response to this loss of faith, crack down on those who visibly protest, in doing so revealing how they have been inverted. The defenders of equality and freedom have now become favoritists and authoritarians.

We are seeing this in real time as Democracy, Inc. prepares to arrest peaceful protesters who pointed out that the COVID-19 lockdown regimen is failing:

“These blockades are illegal, and if you are still participating the time to go home is now,” Trudeau declared after meeting virtually with leaders of the country’s provinces.

Invoking the Emergencies Act would allow the government to declare the Ottawa protest illegal and clear it out by such means as towing vehicles, Wark said. It would also enable the government to make greater use of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the federal police agency.

Over the past weeks, authorities have hesitated to move against the protesters. Local officials cited a lack of police manpower and fears of violence, while provincial and federal authorities disagreed over who had responsibility for quelling the unrest.

If you blow off a summer of burning cities and violence in the name of egalitarian causes, but then crack down on those who merely want you to slow your acceleration of transfer of wealth, power, and status from the naturally talented to the rest of the “equals,” then you reveal that you have been inverted.

The good guys, who made bad=good so that society could liberalize, now have become the bad guys.

Even the numb and slumbering voters realize at this point that now they are in an authoritarian regime. You either obey the dogma and read another “The Conservative Case for Pre-K Transsexual Sodomy” article, or you become an enemy of the State.

Modern society — liberal democracy, civil rights, market socialism, and Keynesian entitlements — took over the world after WWII.

Following the collapse of its erswhile allies in freedom with the fall of the Soviet Union, modernity expanded according to precedent, increasing each one of these things through a world financial network known as globalism.

Now it has become clear that this New World Order has collapsed from within as disorder breaks out across the globe:

Looking back at the past 14 years, it is with some consternation that Wolfgang Ischinger “cannot recall a time when there were so many overlapping crises.” That’s a reference to the challenges posed by Iran, China and the evolving Euro-Atlantic security architecture. A long list that could still encompass many other global hot spots.

Indeed, the extraordinary profusion of unresolved crises is itself the central topic in this year’s MSR.

The report describes a mood of “collective helplessness.” In the same way as ordinary individuals, whole societies can be overcome by a sense that they simply have no answer to the challenges they face.

In other words, people have lost faith in the system and now are reverting to pre-civilization behaviors by acting toward their own personal and civilizational interests without regard to other groups.

This means that not only has democracy failed, but the underlying belief in equality, altruism, pluralism, utilitarianism, and socially-accepted individualism has faded away.

We are seeing a crisis of confidence in that no one is betting on democracy being around much longer. The collapse of American government shows us how little people believe in the goodness of modernity anymore:

In a poll last month, 66 percent of Democrats wanted Clinton questioned, a whopping 22 percentage points higher than how many in her party demanded a probe last October, according to TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics (TIPP) research.

The amount of Republicans demanding answers is also swelling, rising to 91 percent in January from 80 percent last October. Among the independent crowd, those wanting the former secretary of state probed rose to 74 percent from 65 percent.

Clinton, 74, is being accused of hiring a tech term to ‘infiltrate’ servers at Trump Tower and the White House during the 2016 campaign.

Previous generations would have been shocked at this abuse of power, but in the current time, less care for the shared space of civilization seems evident. This seems to be changing.

In particular, for Democrats to know about Clintonian abuses of power — something essentially embargoed by the Left-leaning media and social media — requires them to be reading non-Left leaning sources.

This in turn means that they have already lost faith, even in their own party. The supposedly “good guys” inverted into the “bad guys,” leading people to see this as a systemic problem with the modern system.

I’ll tell youse guys. It all makes me yearn for a simpler time…

Playboy-style “bunny girls” serving a customer with a champagne lunch at Paul Raymond’s Bal Tabarin nightclub in Hanover Square, London, 11th February 1963.

Maybe our grandparents and our parents really knew better than us, with all of our new “progressive” ideas on life and relationships. Eh?

I’ll tell you what, they certainly ate better.

Steak Devine.

And they certainly dressed better. Not only the very attractive women…


But men did as well…

In style.


Article  9

One day, maybe twenty years from now, the United States government will rewrite the narrative and concoct some kind of illusion as to what really is going on now. But let this article stand as a reminder of this historical period of time of great change and the threat of great terror.

The Russians are so grateful!


You may be aware of the fact that things aren’t going very well for the United States, but you may not know that things are going quite well for the Russian Federation.

You may also think that Russia is an evil force that needs to be contained, or that it is ruled by an evil dictator, or any number of such things while the US is a prosperous democracy and a superpower (whatever that means) but this makes no difference.

If you’ve been following recent events, you may be aware that Russia has recently presented the US with something like an ultimatum—demanding that the US provide it with certain security guarantees.

But you will probably be quite surprised to learn that the granting of these security guarantees will be automatic as the US continues to collapse and retreat into its hollowed-out, bankrupt shell, its rout from Afghanistan being by no means its last.

Nor would you be able to appreciate the fact that the security demands are designed to make America’s retreat from Eurasia maximally humiliating: not only will it retreat, but it will retreat because the Russians ordered it to do so.

Once that retreat takes place, Russia will no doubt be immensely, effusively grateful that America has finally faced up to its responsibilities and did the right thing by getting the hell out of Eurasia, gleefully rubbing salt into America’s wounds.

Russia will then joyfully make mincemeat of the Monroe Doctrine, spreading its influence, hand in hand with China, over the American continent, from Argentina to Mexico, leaving the US (whatever remains of it) sulking in its corner eating a pot of glue.

But there is a lot more gratitude that’s due for what’s already transpired. In fact, Russia should be thanking the US for all it’s done to make Russia a winner and the US a loser at every opportunity.

Continue reading… on Patreon (paywall)

I wonder what kind of false flag operation the USA has for it’s narrative…?

I wouldn’t put anything past the evil United States psychopaths.

Here’s an American conservative radio talk show host that claims that nuclear weapons are being detonated in the Ukraine.

I don’t believe it.


But now the American conservative “news” is saying that there is a big war in the Ukraine just like Biden promised…


screen capture .


They even have a nice detailed map. See…

Why I do not believe this…

If it was a full scale war, there would not be any picures, cell phones or anything. Russia would be saturation bombing the living Hell out of the Ukraine.  And, the NATO forces, and American bases would be under fire as well.

Some people want war so badly. Go to the link (opens in a new tab) and read al the great screeching details about the end-of-the-world, and Russian agression. It’s like a FOX “news” wet dream.

They have no idea what a REAL war is like.

I don’t believe it.

Some glimpses of the future

Let’s take a peek at what the world has in store for all of us if we adapt and embrace the Chinese model…

A RUFUS Does good works . video

A Rufus Being kind and considerate of others. video

Rufus massive rescue. video

Rufus helps out girl with baby video

The Rufus community puts out the fire. video

Rufus Stranger helps a girl on the bus. Video

A Rufus says take my money. Don’t worry. Video

A Rufus serves the people. Video

A Rufus saves all creatures. Video

A Rufus takes action immediately! Video

A Rufus saves a motorcycle.Video


YOUR future is in YOUR hands.

Do not get too caught up.

Spend time with friends and family. Don’t take your cats and dogs for granted. They need you and love you. That is precious, and their thoughts WILL influence your life.

Yes they will.

These are historic times. These are serious times, and these are times of opportunity. Do not allow yourself to be boxed in by the fear-generation mechanisms used to control, but rather rise up from them.

Carve out your own life.

Live it well.

This is a message we need to hear. Gut out the programming, and the rush-rush-rush. Hurry is the enemy of deep work, excellence, health, relationships, and the spiritual life. Period!

Live life well.

And, well, be the best that you can be within it. I beleive in you.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my “New Beginnings 3” Index here…

New Beginnings


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[daegonmagus] – Part 19 – Aleister Crowley and his Thelemic Order of NASA….or was it MI6?

The following is the 19th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 

This particular read is truly enjoyable. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have.


Part 19 – Aleister Crowley and his Thelemic Order of NASA… or was it M16?

NASA are the most authoritative organisation on space and would never lie to us or keep secrets when it comes to the discovery of ETs!” Right…..anybody in the crowd? ……Anybody? This is a paraphrasing of a recent conversation with my brother in law in regards to the idea of Simulation Theory, and that we are living in a holographic world. So yeah, ok, he didn’t specifically mention ETs, I may have exaggerated that part, but when I brought up the quantum physics double slit experiment etc (real basic stuff, for I am no quantum phycisist) and the idea of astral projectors/ lucid dreamers being the witnesses of the other side of the quantum coin – the guys that see the world in wave form rather than particle form – you’d be amazed at how quickly the conversation turned towards NASA, and their recent announcement of a fucking meteor that could “potentially” wipe out earth, which is what was apparently really concerning him (I would have thought being trapped in a simulation would be a more concerning affair, but you know, that’s just me). Or you know, that his grandmother was born in a Nazi PoW camp, and he just seemingly overlooked the whole Operation Paperclip thing.

But yeah I am used to it. It is the usual deflection tactic when I hit upon a subject that get’s too deep for him. Cut me off mid sentence and trail off onto some shit that doesn’t even relate to anything I am talking about. Try and make himself sound smart because he read a few articles on the old innernet. Never mind I know a guy who is a qualified astrophysicist that would suggest it is a load of bullshit not worth worrying about {wink wink}. My brother in law always seems to have that one friend in a similar field of expertise that he has conveniently broached this exact subject with before and rattles off some half arsed excuse as to why I should believe this friend’s word over the experts I have spoken to. The experts whose first hand experiences I use as a basis for formulating my opinions on such matters. Not that I get more than two fucking words out before I am scoffed at with condescension when I use the small breaks between his egotism to try and explain why NASA is the last organisation on earth I would bother believing.

Mind you, this is a guy who is 31 years old and still lives with his mother, has never bothered trying to find his own place, turned down an opportunity at a plumbing apprenticeship when he was fresh out school (and now wonders why his life sucks) and thinks it is perfectly acceptable to use people with down syndrome as a means to joke about Robert Downey Jr’s mental capacity simply because he works with them (this is where the conversation ultimately headed). He seems to have some ever evolving qualification that varies quite substantially in respect to its field whenever he brings it up. One moment it’s a diploma in warehousing, the next it’s a certificate in carer services when he realises I actually managed an electronics factory and have real world experience with warehousing that trumps his theoretical knowledge any day……Next he’ll be telling me he got a fucking PhD in astrophysics in the 3 months I didn’t see him. Yeah, a real armchair researcher if ever there was one. But hey, I have to admit, I found it pretty impressive that he could at least entertain the idea of a simulation. A year ago that conversation would have been completely off the table.

Remind you of anyone? Seems to be the entire fucking UFO community whenever someone mentions something remotely out of the mainstream approved narrative. Like the guys on reddit that got the reddit admins to send me a message saying they were concerned for my mental health when I tried telling them my research suggests non physical entities are contacting people in the occult community (research which I have presented here in past articles that proves I am not the only one having these strange experiences, and that they are in fact fairly common in the occult community). This one is for you guys, if you have attention spans to read beyond three words (I know a lot of you found four of them to be too much to handle). Oh and while we are on the subject of PhD’s and arm chair research I should point out I have do in fact have a PhD… googling shit, seeing as it seems to be the accepted form expertise these days. But unlike my contemporaries, the crux of my argument is freely available on Wikipedia for those who do actually know how to research, not that I am expecting any of the reddit experts to be in amongst that crowd. Shall I continue?

Let’s get back to that statement “NASA are the most authoritative organisation on space and would never lie to us or keep secrets when it comes to the discovery of ETs!” Ok, so, the least you could do is get to know the parent organisation that you are basing your whole argument around before arguing with me on why I should bother to listen to them. If not, you might find yourself embarrassed at the idea it is pretty much like saying “the Freemasons are the most transparent society on the planet”. Or at the idea that “you’re a fucking nutcase” is as equally applicable to the founder of NASA as it is to yours truly. We will delve into this, but before we do, let’s dig into some of my arm chair research on a well known figure, and how it relates to the idea that if people were being contacted by non physical entities through means such as astral projection and lucid dreaming, NASA would be THE LAST FUCKING ORGANISATION ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET THAT WOULD BOTHER TELLING YOU ABOUT IT. Are you ready to take the words of L Ron Hubbard and Scientology just as serious as NASA? Something tells me that no, you are not, which highlights the fact you are too mentally immature to be having this conversation, and that your arm chair research is just a façade for “I can’t be fucked actually researching anything, before offering my opinion on it”.

Allow me to shit all over that egotistical ignorance you think is real world knowledge:

Edward Alexander Crowley was born on the 12th of October 1875, to pair of wealthy fundamentalist Christians of the Plymouth Brethren faith. His father, originally a Quaker, and also an Edward, was an engineer, and owned a family brewing business – Crowley’s Alton ales – which had allowed him an early retirement before his son’s birth. At the age of 11, Edward Alexander inherited a third of this wealth after his father died of tongue cancer. He soon began rejecting the religious views held by his parents, indulging in acts considered by them as morally indecent such as smoking, masturbating and having sex with prostitutes (in which he contracted gonorrhoea and syphilis – talk about a good time).

Such rebellion included a change of name from Edward to Aleister, when he attended the Trinity college in Cambridge to study Philosophy. This behaviour and rejection of the Christian faith would lead Edward’s mother, Emily, to eventually start calling him “the Beast”, which Crowley would later revel in and wear as a badge of honour. Later on in his life, Crowley would expound upon this title to include the number 666, which came from a derivation of the Hebrew alphabet known as Gematria – it had nothing to do with Satanism and the devil, as many people like to suggest. In Gematria, each Hebrew letter is assigned a numerical value and words are compared with other words of equal value. Crowley’s 666 came from the comparison of the word Therion – Greek for “wild beast” – with his own name, of which had an equal value. It was because of this that Crowley would eventually come to be known as Master Therion to his many students. Another name he was known by was Pedurabo.

Crowley believed he was the reincarnation of the well known magician and practitioner of alchemy, Eliphas Levi (amongst other notable figures from history) – who has been dubbed as the man who coined the term “the occult” – partly due to the magician dying in the same year he was born. I vaguely remember another self proclaimed occultist talking about their own reincarnation, [daegonmagus] – Part 2 – Contact with the Elder Guardians (, Not that that is relevant or anything….

Continuing on the down the Wikipedia entry on Crowley we come to learn a few interesting things some of which may or may not actually be true, and some which have a back trail of evidence to suggest they are legitimate claims. We learn about how Crowley joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn before seemingly tearing it apart, how he became friends with Theodore Ruess and was invited to join the Ordo Templi Orientis, or how he created his own Order of the Silver Star – the Argentum Astrum. Then there are the tales of him going out into the Egyptian desert with his wife Rose and engaging in conversation with a non physical intelligence he called Aiwass, whose message he wrote down and became the “Book of the Law” of what would go on to become his Thelemic religion. We read about the time him and his associate Neuberg went out into a desert and summoned the demon of the abyss, Choronzon, which Crowley allegedly deliberately let possess him. Some things about his later life drug addictions with coke and heroin. What we don’t read about is Crowley’s other exploits like providing commentary for the Goetia, aka the Lesser Key of Solomon the King:

Aleister Crowley – Wikipedia

Did you spot the NASA connection? If not, don’t worry; well get to it later. Just note, it is buried behind a link somewhere at the bottom of the page.

In that entry, we also learn about a “fictional” book Crowley wrote called Moonchild – the same book of Crowley’s I found in my grandmother’s library in her abandoned house. What isn’t mentioned is that Moonchild is a book about a bunch of occultists who are trying to incarnate the soul of a demon into the vessel of a new born human child. I started reading it at some point during the third decade of my life but gave up after a few pages as I found Crowley’s writing to be very poor and unimaginative. What can I say: I have standards.

Moonchild is a novel written by the British occultist Aleister Crowley in 1917. Its plot involves a magical war between a group of white magicians, led by Simon Iff, and a group of black magicians, over an unborn child. It was first published by Mandrake Press in 1929 and its recent edition is published by Weiser.

In this work, numerous acquaintances of Crowley appear as thinly disguised fictional characters. Crowley portrays MacGregor Mathers as the primary villain, including him as a character named SRMD, using the abbreviation of Mathers' magical name. Arthur Edward Waite appears as a villain named Arthwaite, and the unseen head of the Inner Circle of which SRMD was a member. "A.B." is theosophist Annie Besant. Among Crowley's friends and allies Allen Bennett appears as Mahatera Phang, Leila Waddell as Sister Cybele, the dancer Isadora Duncan appears as Lavinia King, and her companion Mary D'Este (mother of Preston Sturges, and who helped Crowley write his magnum opus Magick: Book 4 under her magical name 'Soror Virakam') appears as Lisa la Giuffria. Cyril Grey is Crowley himself, while Simon Iff is either an idealized version of an older and wiser Crowley or his friend Allen Bennett.

Plot summary

A year or so before the beginning of World War I, a young woman named Lisa la Giuffria is seduced by a white magician, Cyril Grey, and persuaded into helping him in a magical battle with a black magician and his black lodge. Grey is attempting to save and improve the human race and condition by impregnating the girl with the soul of an ethereal being — the moonchild. To achieve this, she will have to be kept in a secluded environment, and many preparatory magical rituals will be carried out. The black magician Douglas is bent on destroying Grey's plan. However, Grey's ultimate motives may not be what they appear. The moonchild rituals are carried out in southern Italy, but the occult organizations are based in Paris and England. At the end of the book, the war breaks out, and the white magicians support the Allies, while the black magicians support the Central Powers.” - Moonchild (novel) - Wikipedia

For the MM audience who have a brain and can put two and two together here, read between the lines of what I am trying to tell you; Spencer also claimed the Alien Interview was a work of “fiction”. Comparing the two works brings a whole new level of meaning and contemplation to just what the fuck it was these secret societies were getting up to at the turning of the 20th century.

Getting back to the Wikipedia entry on Crowley, one of the more “absurd” claims is that he was in fact working for the British Government’s MI6 department helping them spy on the Germans, who apparently got him to spy on the British Government, which was supposedly suspected by American Intelligence….or something. This particular claim, even just stopping at a connection to the British government, is hard to substantiate as there appears to be only one verifiable source for its origin; a professor of History from the university of Idaho:

Dr. Richard B. Spence is a Professor of History at the University of Idaho where he has taught since 1986. His specialties include Russian, military, espionage and occult history. One of his most popular courses at UI deals with the role of conspiracies and secret societies in history.

….as it apparently says on his linked in page.

This guy seems to make a valid argument against Spence’s research, suggesting it is a stretch at best, and is more circumstantial rather than being based on real facts: Was Aleister Crowley a Spy? ‘Secret Agent 666’ Review – John le Bon

Doesn’t matter though, the guy is a professor, and going by skeptic logic this means he must be telling the truth…..Ok yeah, I am not that facetious. But hey since we are talking about the ol innernet and mainstream sources of information that we should trust (like NASA), here is a link to a Guardian newspaper report suggesting Ian Fleming based the Blofeld character in his James Bond series off Crowley:

Beyond belief | Books | The Guardian

In case you didn’t bother reading it, that article suggests rather matter of factl-y that Crowley was Fleming’s go to guy when it came to interrogating Occultist Nazi Rudolph Hess. It even mentions – albeit very vaguely – the NASA connection Crowley had through Jack Parsons:

“Yet the hysterical press accounts of sex, drugs and sacrifice at his Abbey of Thelema, in Sicily in the early 1920s, remain the core of the myth of Crowley as evil incarnate. It was an image, along with his famously hypnotic stare, that led Bond author Ian Fleming to model Blofeld on Crowley. They met when Fleming worked in British intelligence during the war. That a man so publicly reviled could still penetrate the corridors of power is a prime example of his unlikely reach. Crowley was Fleming's first choice for interrogating Rudolf Hess when the occult-obsessed Nazi was captured in Scotland after a bizarre astrological sting.

It was also Crowley who gave Churchill his famous victory sign, a magickal gesture to counteract the Nazi's use of the swastika. Indeed, his hand appears in many unexpected places - there is even a story that he aligned Stamford Bridge and gave Chelsea its team colours - but his hidden influence was not restricted to the British war effort or the Premiere League. In the 1940s, one of his closest followers was a young Californian adept, Jack Parsons, one of the founding fathers of the American space programme. His work at the fledgling Jet Propulsion Laboratories lay the groundwork for the Apollo moon missions.”

Funny, Jack Parson is mentioned back in the Aleister Crowley Wikipedia link, in the same sentence as another well known figure, this time with a little more confidence of fact:

L. Ron Hubbard, the American founder of Scientology, was involved in Thelema in the early 1940s (with Jack Parsons), and it has been argued that Crowley's ideas influenced some of Hubbard's work.” - Aleister Crowley - Wikipedia

Crowley’s entry also suggests he had an affinity for Nazism:

Pasi described Crowley's affinity to the extreme ideologies of Nazism and Marxism–Leninism, which aimed to violently overturn society: "What Crowley liked about Nazism and communism, or at least what made him curious about them, was the anti-Christian position and the revolutionary and socially subversive implications of these two movements. In their subversive powers, he saw the possibility of an annihilation of old religious traditions, and the creation of a void that Thelema, subsequently, would be able to fill. Crowley described democracy as an "imbecile and nauseating cult of weakness",[267] and commented that The Book of the Law proclaimed that "there is the master and there is the slave; the noble and the serf; the 'lone wolf' and the herd”

I guess one could take that last sentence either way. Regardless, we are starting to head into some very concerning territory in regards to the Nazi’s and Crowley/ Occultism. Let’s strengthen that connection:

Crowley was now living largely off contributions supplied by the O.T.O.'s Agape Lodge in California, led by rocket scientist John Whiteside "Jack" Parsons.[194] Crowley was intrigued by the rise of Nazism in Germany, and influenced by his friend Martha Küntzel believed that Adolf Hitler might convert to Thelema; when the Nazis abolished the German O.T.O. and imprisoned Germer, who fled to the US, Crowley then lambasted Hitler as a black magician.
So uh Hitler was a prime candidate for Thelema huh…..and the guy who founded Nasa’s JPL was a fucking Thelemite as well?

“John Whiteside Parsons (born Marvel Whiteside Parsons;[nb 1] October 2, 1914 – June 17, 1952) was an American rocket engineerchemist, and Thelemite occultist. Associated with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Parsons was one of the principal founders of both the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation. He invented the first rocket engine to use a castablecomposite rocket propellant,[1] and pioneered the advancement of both liquid-fuel and solid-fuel rockets.
Or should I say a pin up boy for the OTO:

Smith wrote to Crowley saying that Parsons was "a really excellent man ... He has an excellent mind and much better intellect than myself ... JP is going to be very valuable".[64] Wolfe wrote to German O.T.O. representative Karl Germer that Parsons was "an A1 man ... Crowleyesque in attainment as a matter of fact", and mooted Parsons as a potential successor to Crowley as Outer Head of the Order.[65] Crowley concurred with such assessments, informing Smith that Parsons "is the most valued member of the whole Order, with no exception!"[62]” - Jack Parsons (rocket engineer) - Wikipedia

And its not as if Thelema was just a passing hobby for Jack either; Wikipedia suggests he was devoting his entire pay checks into the organisation, and was wholeheartedly committed to its concepts. Not only that, Parsons was at one point palsy with the founder of Scientology who was also a Fellow Thelemite:

“Science fiction writer and U.S. Navy officer L. Ron Hubbard soon moved into the Parsonage; he and Parsons became close friends. Parsons wrote to Crowley that although Hubbard had "no formal training in Magick he has an extraordinary amount of experience and understanding in the field. From some of his experiences I deduce he is direct touch with some higher intelligence, possibly his Guardian Angel. ... He is the most Thelemic person I have ever met and is in complete accord with our own principles.”

And in case you weren’t aware of what Hubbard’s Dianetics/Scientology religion was about, allow me to fill that gap in knowledge. Bear in mind this was from a guy whose own son said his father believed himself to be the embodiment of “Satan”;

Scientology followers believe that a human is an immortal, spiritual being (Thetan) that is resident in a physical body. The Thetan has had innumerable past lives and it is observed in advanced (and – within the movement – secret) Scientology texts that lives preceding the Thetan's arrival on Earth were lived in extraterrestrial cultures. Scientology doctrine states that any Scientologist undergoing "auditing" will eventually come across and recount a common series of events.[26] Part of these events include reference to an extraterrestrial life-form called Xenu. The secret Scientology texts say this was a ruler of a confederation of planets 70 million years ago, who brought billions of alien beings to Earth and then killed them with thermonuclear weapons. Despite being kept secret from most followers, this forms the central mythological framework of Scientology's ostensible soteriology – attainment of a status referred to by Scientologists as "clear". These aspects have become the subject of popular ridicule.

I bet they have.

And while we are on the subject of Parson’s friends, MM would be interested to know the following:

“In New York he met with Karl Germer, the head of the O.T.O. in North America and in Washington, D.C. he met Poet Laureate Joseph Auslander, donating some of Crowley's poetry books to the Library of Congress.[81] He also became a regular at the Mañana Literary Society, which met in Laurel Canyon at the home of Parsons' friend Robert A. Heinlein and included science fiction writers including Cleve Cartmill, Jack Williamson, and Anthony Boucher.”

Now to understand this Parson’s/ Hubbard connection properly, we need to go back to Crowley and his Thelemic Order. What in the actual fuck is Thelema anyway? Well, we mentioned that Crowley, whilst in Cairo with his wife Rose, went out into the desert and received a message from a non physical entity. Rose apparently wasn’t into occultism, and couldn’t give two shits about Crowley’s undertakings…..that was until she went into a trance and this non physical being, who Crowley called Aiwass, began speaking through her, laying down the {book of the} law. Crowley transcribed it and it became his Holy Books of Thelema that basically dictated what the whole order was about. For those who have not read the books, you are not missing out on much. A lot of it seems to be a mix of incoherent babble that Crowley himself even suggests he doesn’t know what the fuck it means. In amongst this collection of seemingly random gibberish is the infamous RPSTOVAL code, that Crowley suggests will be “expounded upon by someone in the distant future”, and who his followers like to try and decipher using Gematria:

4 6 3 8 a b k 2 4 a l g m o r 3 y x 24 89 r p s t o v a l

For anyone interested here is Crowley’s Book of the Law. The Book Of The Law : Aleister Crowley : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. Note there are some striking similarities with his philosophy and things that MM has said in regards to consciousness, or Airl’s view of the universe:




Now, to get to the UFO/ Thelema connection, we need to delve a bit deeper into some things that are not mentioned on Wikipedia, and are just as hard to confirm as Spence’s suggestion Crowley was an MI6 spy.

Fourteen years after his contact with Aiwass, Crowley supposedly was contacted by another entity during what is known as the Amalantrah working with his executor and somewhat heir to his magical prowess, Kenneth Grant. What actually took place must be left to speculation given that the surviving records of the working are fragmented at best, but what seems clear is that Crowley drew a picture which had something to do with this working, which he titled LAM. I briefly touched on this entity in my article when I told you the Tool drummer had his own clothing line featuring the image.

While some, like this guy from LAM I AM | Aleister Crowley 2012 (, suggest it is an obscure self portrait of Crowley, others have suggested, quite assuredly that Crowley and Grant were trying to open a portal in space between two stars. The myth is that they were successful which led to Lam – an interdimensional entity – popping through to say hello. Apparently many occultists have had weird experiences with UFOs and similar contact after trying to recreate the ritual:

What can be agreed on, is that Lam appears on the front page of Voice of the Silence by Theosophical Society founder, Madam Helena Blavatsky. If you haven’t already read my article first mentioning Lam, I suggest you do so, as it alludes to the idea that Blavatsky was given a hybridisation schedule by the non physical entities she was in contact with (which seems to have very likely made its way into the hands of the Nazi’s, but more on that later.)

Getting back to Lam, The {modern day} OTO have even gone so far as to have their members document any experiences resulting from their workings with the Amalantrah ritual, so it seems to have some substance:

“Crowley gave the drawing to Kenneth Grant in May 1945, following an astral working in which they were both involved. Since then it has become apparent that Lam is in fact a trans-mundane or extra-terrestrial entity, with whom several groups of magicians have established contact, most notably Michael Bertiaux in the 1960s, and agroup of OTO initiates in the 1970s. Much remains unclear, however, hence the need for further investigation of this entity”Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis — Kenneth Grant — LAM (

Remember how I told you my friend Severin, who was contacted by an elusive figure and given information on the merge of the astral and physical planes? To my knowledge, Severin never bothered with the Amalantrah ritual, but the coincidence is a bit hard to ignore, given he was in the OTO.

So for the skeptics, at the very least you have to admit this sounds fucking insane right? No matter what way you look at it. Who in their right mind would believe such a load of fucking tripe?

Well, your NASA JPL founder for one:

“The Babalon Working was a series of magic ceremonies or rituals performed from January to March 1946 by author, pioneer rocket-fuel scientist and occultist Jack Parsons and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.[1] This ritual was essentially designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon. The project was based on the ideas of Aleister Crowley, and his description of a similar project in his 1917 novel Moonchild.” - Babalon Working - Wikipedia

And from Parson’s entry:

“Parsons and Sara were in an open relationship encouraged by the O.T.O.'s polyandrous sexual ethics, and she became enamored with Hubbard; Parsons, despite attempting to repress his passions, became intensely jealous.[109] Motivated to find a new partner through occult means, Parsons began to devote his energies to conducting black magic, causing concern among fellow O.T.O. members who believed that it was invoking troublesome spirits into the Parsonage; Jane Wolfe wrote to Crowley that "our own Jack is enamored with Witchcraft, the houmfort, voodoo. From the start he always wanted to evoke something—no matter what, I am inclined to think, as long as he got a result." He told the residents that he was imbuing statues in the house with a magical energy in order to sell them to fellow occultists.[110] Parsons reported paranormal events in the house resulting from the rituals; including poltergeist activity, sightings of orbs and ghostly apparitions, alchemical (sylphic) effect on the weather, and disembodied voices. Pendle suggested that Parsons was particularly susceptible to these interpretations and attributed the voices to a prank by Hubbard and Sara.[110] One ritual allegedly brought screaming banshees to the windows of the Parsonage, an incident that disturbed Forman for the rest of his life.[111] In December 1945 Parsons began a series of rituals based on Enochian magic during which he masturbated onto magical tablets, accompanied by Sergei Prokofiev's Second Violin Concerto. Describing this magical operation as the Babalon Working, he hoped to bring about the incarnation of Thelemite goddess Babalon onto Earth. He allowed Hubbard to take part as his "scribe", believing that he was particularly sensitive to detecting magical phenomena.[112] As described by Richard Metzger, "Parsons jerked off in the name of spiritual advancement" while Hubbard "scanned the astral plane for signs and visions."[113]
Their final ritual took place in the Mojave Desert in late February 1946, during which Parsons abruptly decided that his undertaking was complete. On returning to the Parsonage he discovered that Marjorie Cameron—an unemployed illustrator and former Navy WAVE—had come to visit. Believing her to be the "elemental" woman and manifestation of Babalon that he had invoked, in early March Parsons began performing sex magic rituals with Cameron, who acted as his "Scarlet Woman", while Hubbard continued to participate as the amanuensis. Unlike the rest of the household, Cameron knew nothing at first of Parsons' magical intentions: "I didn't know anything about the O.T.O., I didn't know that they had invoked me, I didn't know anything, but the whole house knew it. Everybody was watching to see what was going on."[114] Despite this ignorance and her skepticism about Parsons' magic, Cameron reported her sighting of a UFO to Parsons, who secretly recorded the sighting as a materialization of Babalon.
And some more on the Babalon working, and contact by non physical entities in general:

Inspired by Crowley's novel Moonchild (1917), Parsons and Hubbard aimed to magically fertilize a "magical child" through immaculate conception, which when born to a woman somewhere on Earth nine months following the working's completion would become the Thelemic messiah embodying Babalon.[116][117] To quote Metzger, the purpose of the Babalon Working was "a daring attempt to shatter the boundaries of space and time" facilitating, according to Parsons, the emergence of Thelema's Æon of Horus.[113] When Cameron departed for a trip to New York, Parsons retreated to the desert, where he believed that a preternatural entity psychographically provided him with Liber 49, which represented a fourth part of Crowley's The Book of the Law, the primary sacred text of Thelema, as well as part of a new sacred text he called the Book of Babalon.[118] Crowley was bewildered and concerned by the endeavor, complaining to Germer of being "fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts!" Believing the Babalon Working was accomplished, Parsons sold the Parsonage to developers for $25,000 under the condition that he and Cameron could continue to live in the coach house, and he appointed Roy Leffingwell to head the Agape Lodge, which would now have to meet elsewhere for its rituals

Unable to pursue his scientific career, without his wife and devoid of friendship, Parsons decided to return to occultism and embarked on sexually based magical operations with prostitutes. He was intent, informally following the ritualistic practice of Thelemite organization the AA, on performing "the Crossing of the Abyss", attaining union with the universal consciousness, or "All" as understood in the context of the Great Work, and becoming the "Master of the Temple".[133] Following his apparent success in doing so, Parsons recounted having an out-of-body experience invoked by Babalon, who astrally transported him to the biblical City of Chorazin, an experience he referred to as a "Black Pilgrimage". Accompanying Parsons' "Oath of the Abyss" was his own "Oath of the AntiChrist", which was witnessed by Wilfred Talbot Smith. In this oath, Parsons professed to embody an entity named Belarion Armillus Al Dajjal, the Antichrist "who am come to fulfill the law of the Beast 666 [Aleister Crowley]".[133] Viewing these oaths as the completion of the Babalon Working, Parsons wrote an illeist autobiography titled Analysis by a Master of the Temple and an occult text titled The Book of AntiChrist. In the latter work, Parsons (writing as Belarion) prophesied that within nine years Babalon would manifest on Earth and supersede the dominance of the Abrahamic religions.[134]

I thought self proclaimed embodiment of Satan Hubbard was bad. I might be “crazy”, but I sure as fuck aren’t “trying to summon the whore of Babylon into a newborn child crazy”. This guy was a fucking nutjob (if you go by common society’s standards), yet still displayed more intelligence than those reddit skeptics and my own god damned brother in law. You know, he’s kinda got a lot of rocket research behind him to back that theory up. Did anyone make him undergo a psychological evaluation while he worked at NASA, I wonder?

I mean Jack wasn’t exactly stupid was he, nutjob or not? He was, after all the American version of Werner Von Braun, and it could be argued it was because of him we got to the moon (he was actually involved in developing rocket systems for that very purpose). His discoveries in rocket propulsion were the foundation by which the whole of NASA was built upon. So why the fuck was he messing around with a book written by Crowley if it was just a piece of fiction and incorporating its content into his rituals? You have to admit, it seems a little shady to trust in an organisation whose founder was engaging in such ludicrous practices with his bestie, Mr Hubbard. Let’s face the fact, NASA has got dodgy fucking cult written all over it. You can’t call me a nutcase for saying I was contacted by non physical entities, and then turn around and tell me Jack wasn’t one either. But hey, let’s not stop the logical thought train there. Let’s dig a bit deeper into this.

I mentioned Werner von Braun, and in case you didn’t get the memo, here was another rocket scientist that had some things to say when it came to aliens. And who Jack Parsons at one point spoke to on the phone for many hours. At least this guy didn’t seem to be running around California blowing shit up and having sex with anything that walked in an effort to create a demon child. But to really understand what the hell is going on here, you need to understand the suggestion that the Nazi’s were heavily invested in occult concepts:

In his book, Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies, John Michael Greer, a self proclaimed druid and Freemason (and not to be confused with Ufologist Dr Steven Greer) suggests that the Nazi party was born out of a secret society of occultists that believed in the racist ideologies of Ariosophy (an offshoot of Theosophy, surprise surprise); the Thule society. This society was named after Thule; a mythical island that first appeared in classical Greek and Roman writings somewhere North of Britain, which eventually became to be believed as the homeland of the Aryan master race in the proto-Nazi occult movement. In fact, Greer has some very interesting things to say on the transformation of Thule, and how its occult ideologies played an integral role in the formation of the Nazi party:

Originally ultima Thule, “furthest Thule” in Latin, Thule first appeared in classical Greek and Roman writings as a name for a distant island somewhere north of Britain. The Greek voyager Pytheas of Massalia claimed that he sailed there, and his description of the northern seas has enough accurate details to make the claim plausible; it is likely Pytheas sailed as far as the Orkneys, or possibly even Iceland. In the nineteenth century the name Thule was recycled for a hypothetical lost continent somewhere in the far north. In this form it found its way into proto-Nazi occult movements in central Europe as the lost Arctic homeland of the Aryans, identical to Arktogäa and Hyperborea. See lost continents.

The National Socialist movement in early twentieth-century Germany emerged out of a complex underground of secret societies, occult traditions, and racist ideologies that historians have just begun to uncover. One crucial piece of the puzzle was an organization known as the Thule-Gesellschaft or Thule Society. Named after the legendary lost continent of Thule, believed by German racists of the time to be the original homeland of the Aryan peoples, the Thule Society posed as a private organization for the study of Germanic folklore. In reality, it was the Munich lodge of an occult secret society, the Germanenorden, whose distinctive blend of racist occultism and right-wing politics defined the central commitments of the Nazi party. See Germanenorden.

The Thule Society was the creation of Rudolf von Sebottendorf, a German-Turkish adventurer who joined the Germanenorden in 1917 and immediately set to work organizing a Munich lodge for the order. His efforts paid off handsomely, increasing membership in Bavaria from 200 to more than 1500 by the autumn of 1918. He rented rooms for the society in the posh Hotel des Vier Jahreszeiten in Munich, and succeeded in attracting members of the Bavarian aristocracy into the organization. He also encouraged two Thule members, Karl Harrer and Anton Drexler, to organize a political circlep for the Munich working class, in the hope of drawing them away from communism.

When the German imperial government collapsed in 1918, a socialist coalition seized power in Bavaria, but was then supplanted by a hardline communist faction headed by Russian exiles. Munich descended into open war, and pitched gun battles, assassinations, and summary executions by firing squad became frequent events. The Thule Society hurled itself into the struggle, networking with other conservative groups and raising a sizeable private army, the Kampfbund Thule, for the final struggle that ended the Bavarian Socialist Republic in May 1919. By that time the political circle headed by Drexler and Harrer had already transformed itself into a political party, the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers Party, DAP). Small and poorly organized, the DAP floundered for most of 1919 as most Thule members turned their attention elsewhere. In September of that year, however, the DAP gained a new recruit, an Austrian war veteran named Adolf Hitler. Not long after joining, Hitler convinced the other party members to change the organization’s name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers Party, NSDAP) – a name newspapers and the German public quickly shortened to “Nazi.” See Hitler, Adolf; National Socialism.

As the fledgling party grew explosively, driven by Hitler’s powerful oratory and impressive political skills, Thule Society members gave it vital support and direction. Thule initiate Ernst Röhm, a tough army veteran with a taste for brawling, brought many members of the Kampfbund Thule into the
Sturm-Abteilung (Storm Troop, SA) or Brownshirts, the Nazi party’s private army of street thugs. Another Thule member, Rudolf Hess, used his connections throughout the occult community in France and Germany to win support for Hitler, becoming the future Führer’s right-hand man in the process. Other members introduced Hitler to wealthy conservatives in Bavaria and elsewhere in Germany, and brought him into contact with the writer and occultist Dietrich Eckart, who became Hitler’s mentor. By 1925 or a little later, the Thule Society had been completely absorbed into the growing Nazi party, and nearly all its membership, activities, and plans became part of the Nazi system. The occult aspects it had inherited from the Germanenorden ended up becoming part of the SS onceHeinrich Himmler took over that organization in 1929. See SS (Schutzstaffel).

Further reading: Goodrick-Clarke 1992” - The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies The Ultimate A-Z - John Michael Greer.pdf | DocDroid

But let’s not stop there. Delving even deeper still into the Nazi’s and their occult connection in Greer’s book we find that Crowley wasn’t the only occultist who believed the “lunatic” prospect that he was the reincarnation of someone:

Perhaps the most serious of Nazi occultists, Himmler believed himself to be the reincarnation of the medieval German king Heinrich I. Under his leadership the SS became an occult secret society with immense influence throughout German society, and the SS headquarters at the medieval castle of Wewelsburg became the center of the Third Reich’s occult dimension as Himmler implemented many of the old ONT programs on a colossal scale. See SS (Schutzstaffel).“

Interesting. Here’s some excerpts I picked up from Israel Regardie’s (Crowley’s Secretary) book, The Golden Dawn, which deals with the whole curriculum of that order. It certainly seems to strengthen the Nazi connection to the occult. From here The Complete Golden Dawn System Of Magic – Israel Regardie.pdf | DocDroid:


The fylfot cross shows us the swastika as being an astrological symbol that combines the forces of 12 months of the zodiac with the four elements, the sun at its centre. It is part of the third lecture of Golden Dawn Curriculum, the first two being preparations for the candidate for their Alchemical undertakings. In other words, this association of the swastika with the zodiac and elements was embedded into the curriculum and would have been taught to every single initiate of the Golden Dawn when Crowley was head of it, and likely the OTO and the Argentum Astrum, considering Crowley’s involvement with those organisations. Interesting when you consider a Greek Neo Nazi political party just pops up out of nowhere some 100ish years later calling themselves the Golden Dawn: Golden Dawn (Greece) – Wikipedia

From that same book, on page 460, in a chapter to do with Clairvoyance:
“The guide having made his appearance, he is to be tested by every means at the Seer's disposal. First of all, it is well to assume the Sign of the Grade to which that element is referred. In this instance, the Sign of the Zelator should be made, by physically as well as astrally raising the right arm to an angle of forty-five degrees. The guide should answer this with the same Sign or another which is unrnistakeable proof that he belongs to the element and has been sent to act as guide. If there is deception, these signs will cause him distress, or at once the vision will break up, or the false guide will disappear. He should also be asked clearly and deliberately whether he comes to act as guide in the name of the appropriate Deity Name. If all this strikes the Seer as satisfactory, and his doubts settled, let him follow the guide to wherever he is being led, carefully noting whither he goes, and asking questions about the element or whatever he sees”

I found a photo where a few of these elements seem to combine:


So yeah I guess it’s just more coincidences in a string of bizarre coincidences right?

At least they made good rocket propulsion systems, like that other occultist we have been talking about. Which brings me back to Nazi rocket scientist Werner Von Braun. Von Braun was one of the pioneers who worked on the V2 rocket system and was brought to America to work for NASA along with many other Nazi Scientists under Operation Paperclip:

Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun (23 March 1912 – 16 June 1977) was a German-American aerospace engineer[3] and space architect. He was the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany and a pioneer of rocket and space technology in the United States.[4]

While in his twenties and early thirties, von Braun worked in Nazi Germany's rocket development program. He helped design and co-developed the V-2 rocket at Peenemünde during World War II. Following the war, he was secretly moved to the United States, along with about 1,600 other German scientists, engineers, and technicians, as part of Operation Paperclip.[5] He worked for the United States Army on an intermediate-range ballistic missile program, and he developed the rockets that launched the United States' first space satellite Explorer 1 in 1958.

In 1960, his group was assimilated into NASA, where he served as director of the newly formed Marshall Space Flight Center and as the chief architect of the Saturn V super heavy-lift l,aunch vehicle that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon.[6][7] In 1967, von Braun was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering, and in 1975, he received the National Medal of Science. He advocated a human mission to Mars.” - Wernher von Braun - Wikipedia

Atleast we get the idea the Von Braun was quite a respectable man that only joined the Nazi’s so he could continue his life’s work in regards to rocket research. No mention of Carol Rosin of Fairchild Industries or Lt Colonel Philip J Corso though. Of course, those elements connect Von Braun to ETs, and we can’t have that to tarnish NASA’s image now can we? Allow me to elaborate:

Philip J Corso was a Lieutenant Colonel who worked for General Arthur Trudeau during Eisenhower’s presidency, and had an office at the Pentagon dealing with technological advancements that could be put to military use. In WW2 Corso fought Rommel in Africa, and was charged with rounding up the remnants of the Gestapo in Italy after the war ended. So you could say his resume was quite impressive, and he was quite respectable in regards to his military achievements. Certainly not someone who would feel the need to jump on the UFO bandwagon and bullshit us all with stories of ETs right? Uh, well that’s exactly what Corso did, if you consider his biography bullshit, which most arm chair researchers seem to do.

In his book The Day After Roswell Corso details how he was put in charge of distributing technology recovered FROM THE 1947 ROSWELL CRASH into already established R&D programs in an effort to conceal it and keep it out of the hands of those pesky Russians that had infiltrated the CIA. Things like night vision goggles, fibre optics, kevlar, lasers and integrated circuits, Corso claimed all came from the spacecraft that crashed in the New Mexico desert. He even mentions he saw one of the bodies of the crew. A few months after the books release, Corso died of a heart attack.

Corso suggests he went around to military contractors Fairchild (among others), where he dropped this retrieved tech into the hands of their supervisors with an intent to back engineer it. One of the men who he was in constant contact with to try and gain an understanding of how said tech would work was, you guessed it, Werner von Braun. Von Braun actually became the Vice President of that very same company Corso suggested he dropped some ET tech into the hands of:

“After leaving NASA, von Braun moved to the Washington, D.C. area and became Vice President for Engineering and Development at the aerospace company Fairchild Industries in Germantown, Maryland, on 1 July 1972.”[124]  - Wernher von Braun - Wikipedia

But Corso is just bullshitting right? He was just a senile old man who was struggling to find purpose after his impressive military career, and so decided to spin us a story of fiction about aliens crashing into the desert. It isn’t like there is any other proof that backs up Corso’s claim or anything.

Well, the Wikipedia entry on the date surrounding the Bi Polar Junction Transistor seems to very much align with what Corso told us:

“The bipolar point-contact transistor was invented in December 1947[10] at the Bell Telephone Laboratories by John Bardeen and Walter Brattain under the direction of William Shockley. The junction version known as the bipolar junction transistor (BJT), invented by Shockley in 1948,[11] was for three decades the device of choice in the design of discrete and integrated circuits. Nowadays, the use of the BJT has declined in favor of CMOS technology in the design of digital integrated circuits. The incidental low performance BJTs inherent in CMOS ICs, however, are often utilized as bandgap voltage referencesilicon bandgap temperature sensor and to handle electrostatic discharge.” - Bipolar junction transistor - Wikipedia

For those who do not understand the history of technology, it took somewhere between 100 and 150 years to go from the discovery of electricity, to the amplification of analog signals using Thermionic valves. This was at the hands of a myriad of different scientists experimenting with the valve, some of which were Thomas Edison and Tesla. One could say quite a lot of development went into perfecting the valve, and it went through an evolution of change as more and more grids were added to suppress the inherent electrical noise. It found its use in everything from industrial control systems to guitar amplifiers. Then all of a sudden, in December 1947 up pops the transistor, seemingly because someone decided doping germanium with silicone would achieve the same result as what was effectively a light bulb with a few bits of metal inside of it. And this team of a handful of scientists just happened to pull it off a mere months after the Roswell Crash? Yeah uh ok, I guess this make sense……if you are apt at just ignoring anything that presents as an inconvenience to an argument you have no expertise in, like my brother in law does. Skeptics, find me the fucking article that tells me what prompted these guys to try doping germanium with silicone when the whole premise of the thermionic valve had been based on controlling grid electrons in a vacuum through a completely conductive element.

Now, Corso doesn’t actually mention he dropped a BJT into the hands of Fairchild. What he does mention is that he came into the possession of the alien tech something like a decade after the crash, after it was presented to him by Trudeau. It had been sitting in a cabinet in this office, which Corso took over when he moved into the Pentagon, for practically that whole time, simply because Trudeau didn’t know what to do with it. What is more, it didn’t originate with Trudeau. There was a hazy period of a few years immediately proceeding the crash where it is unknown what became of this technology, when it was in the hands of General Twinning (suggested as being an original MJ12 members). What Corso says is that he dropped an integrated circuit into Fairchild’s lap, and, as anyone with a little background in electronics knows, you can’t make an IC without a BJT. Well, at least you couldn’t back in the early 60s when IC’s were invented and supplied globally by that very same Fairchild company (the first to do so). Funny how no one ever thought to try and wire a few million thermionic valves together to achieve the same thing before the concept arrived at Fairchild.

According to Corso, it was Von Braun (very much aware it was ET tech) who suggested he take the IC to the guys over at Bell Labs who had been playing around with the concept of doping silicone with the BJT, suggesting that in that hazy period before the tech fell into his hands, someone had already undertaken an effort to reverse engineer part of it. Given our history of electronics development, it makes no sense that it would take us 100+ years to develop the thermionic valve, to have the concept of doping germanium with silicone pop up overnight and render that whole component almost completely useless. It certainly makes no sense, that in just over a decade later we figured out how to wire millions of these components together to create what would go onto to become the backbone of the computer, without any prior concept of mass manipulation of said valves. The only logical conclusion, in my opinion, is that which is presented to us by Corso. You know people are still allowed those things right? Opinions. Unlike my brother in law, mine is based on knowledge I spent 4 years sitting an apprenticeship for in my efforts to attain a trade level qualification in electronics. At least show me some evidence of a similar background if you want to bother arguing with me on this issue.

Corso also tells us that the who Strategic Defence Initiative was established under the pretence there was an extra terrestrial threat that America needed protection from, and that NASA even knew about ET interactions, which the organisation had actively engaged in covering up. Another reason why I don’t trust them.

So anyway, getting back to Von Braun and Fairchild; Carol Rosin was the first woman to become CEO of Fairchild Industries. Fairchild industries was an offshoot of the military contracted Fairchild Aircraft, and came about after Shockley, the supervisor who worked on the BJT, quit Bell Labs and tried opening his own company to continue to develop it. After some trouble with money, Sherman Fairchild picked it up and gave it a fresh make over, absorbing all the research on the BJT in the process. Now, Rosin ended up becoming a spokesperson for Von Braun after she became CEO. Here’s a little bit of background on her:

Carol Rosin (born March 29, 1944) is the Founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, and also works as a speaker, author, educator, child psychologist[dubious – discuss]futurist, and military strategist.[1] She was also the first female executive of an aerospace company, working as a corporate manager of Fairchild Industries. She is executive director of the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth, P.E.A.C.E. Inc. and the I.D.E.A Foundation, as well as a world peace ambassador for the International Association of Educators for World Peace.[2]


Born in Wilmington, Delaware in 1944 and a graduate of the University of Delaware, Rosin was the first woman to work as an Aerospace executive at Fairchild Industries and is a leader and the original political architect in the movement to stop Anti-satellite weapons and the Strategic Defense Initiative.[3] In her time at Fairchild, Rosin served as the spokesperson for Dr. Wernher Von Braun, with whom she created the film and educational program "It's Your Turn" to expand the diversity of people working in science fields.[4] The program won many awards, including the Aviation Writers Award and the Science Teachers Gold Medal.[5] Rosin helped create medical and educational training programs with ATS-6 satellites in the United States, including the first two-way audio and visual national and international satellite educational programs in over 20 countries.[6]

Published works and media[edit]
  • Start of the Sirius Disclosure Project in 2001 at the National press Club, as witness.
  • Movies That Shook the World (Documentary) Herself, 2005[7]
  • UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied II - Moon Rising (Video Documentary) Herself, 2009
  • Sirius (Documentary) Herself, 2013
  • For the Children (Book, I.D.E.A Foundation for the Benefit of Humanity) Co-Author, 2014 ISBN 9781530161393
  • The Carol Rosin Show (American Freedom Radio) Host, 2016-[8]
  • Unacknowledged (Documentary) Herself, 2017
  • 20th Anniversary of the Disclosure Project as herself, 2021”

Well well, well not another UFO connection to Von Braun and Fairchild. It gets even better when you consider what Rosin says in regards to what Von Braun allegedly told her on his death bed in the 70s:

DR Carol Rosin von Braun ‘The Extra-Terrestrial Threat’ ET UFO UAV – YouTube

In case you can’t watch youtube, here is a run down:

Von Braun suggested NASA was planning to weaponise space by using the idea of certain threats against the people to gain approval for such weaponization.

Von Braun believed communists would be the first threat identified by the United States, followed by terrorists, followed by third world radicals, followed by asteroids (maybe my brother in law was right to be concerned, lol) which would eventually culminate in a hoaxed alien invasion. Bear in mind this was in the 70s.

Rosin suggested Von Braun gave her the task of de-weaponising space to which she started her own organisation, the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, which was in direct opposition to that very same initiative Corso mentioned was setup to “stop the malevolent ETs from invading earth”, and suggested NASA was covering up. Rosin came to the ultimate conclusion her mission was futile. In a separate video she suggests she walked in on a NASA meeting in the 70s that appeared to be the setup to the invasion of Iraq schpeel, in which people like Sudam Hussein had already been identified as the new enemy. When she asked what the fuck it was all about, the room went silent.

Here’s another article on her talking about what Von Braun told her.


Consider where we are some 50 years later, and Von Braun’s predictions seem strikingly on point. We have the commie card with the cold war, the terrorist card with ….well fuck, just about anyone who seems to have a stash of oil America feels like it can profit off. We have a space force (team America fuck yeah song springs to mind)…

How Trump’s Space Force Would Help Protect Earth from Future Asteroid Threats | Space

And, from the actual official Space Force Strategic Overview:

“Although U.S. space systems have historically been technologically superior, China and Russia have embarked on major efforts to develop counter-space capabilities in order to destroy or disrupt U.S. and allied space capabilities in a crisis or conflict. They are also rapidly developing advanced space capabilities to enhance the lethality of their military operations, increasing the likelihood that U.S. and coalition forces will need to defeat the space capabilities of adversary forces in order to prevail in a potential conflict, to protect lives, and to secure the interests of the United States and its allies and partners. In short, space has become a warfighting domain.” - UNITED-STATES-SPACE-FORCE-STRATEGIC-OVERVIEW.PDF (

And since we are talking about Trump and his space force here to save us from doom from above can someone please explain this video to me?

Trump Trackdown – YouTube

The video is about a conman named Trump who convinces a small town that they are under threat from meteors about to fall on their heads. Trump’s suggestion is to build a wall around the town and purchase his magical umbrellas as the only means to keep them safe from the meteors. When one of the townspeople tries telling his community he is fraud, Trump decides to add a tax to his umbrellas which gets higher with every word that man speaks. He even puts on a little barrel explosion show, to make it look one of the meteors hit the ground right next to them. Note the white robes with the very basic astrological symbols. I’d be curious to know if his little ritual was taken straight out of a Golden Dawn or OTO book. From a series called Trackdown FROM FUCKING 1958. Yeah, yeah I know, just coincidence right?

How about Von Braun predicting “an Elon would take us to Mars” even further back in 1953? Didn’t you hear? It’s been the talk of the space community for the past week.

Pioneering aerospace engineer and science-fiction writer Wernher von Braun may have predicted Elon Musk’s plan to colonize other worlds nearly 70 years ago when he described a man named “Elon” ruling over Mars.

Von Braun created the character “Elon” in his 1952 science fiction novel “Project Mars” — a space fantasy about a mission to Mars, according to a report.

The book’s predictions came to light a few years ago, but began trending on social media last week

Von Braun, one of the most important scientists in the development of rocket technology, describes a Martian government led by ten men, who worked under a leader “elected by universal suffrage for five years under the name or title of Elon.” -  German engineer predicted 'Elon' would conquer Mars in 1952 novel (

Seems Von Braun was well respected enough for NASA to post a bio of him on their webpage:

Biography of Wernher Von Braun | NASA

Yet Parsons wasn’t for some reason, even though Von Braun suggested Parsonshad more right to the title of “Ftaher of Rocketry” than he did:

jack parsons – NASA Search Results

…..even though people in the aerospace game nicknamed the JPL the “Jack Parsons Labratory” after his seemingly sketchy death (sketchy as in some believe it was assassination, and other friends of Parson’s an attempt to create a homunculous – WTF).

“The same month JPL held an open access event to mark the 32nd anniversary of its foundation—which featured a "nativity scene" of mannequins reconstructing the November 1936 photograph of the GALCIT Group—and erected a monument commemorating their first rocket test on Halloween 1936.[25] Among the aerospace industry, JPL was nicknamed as standing for "Jack Parsons' Laboratory" or "Jack Parsons Lives".” - Jack Parsons (rocket engineer) - Wikipedia

But I suppose that is understandable when rumour has it one of your organisation’s founders was fucking about with astral projection and trying to summon the soul of an etherical being into an unborn fetus. It’s not like astral projection was considered a usable asset to the US government or anything. Oh wait a minute:


It’s almost like with all this rhetoric on Russia and China the US govt is going all out with the Commie bastard narrative once again huh? What is the bet the aliens will show up on the White House lawn in the next decade? My money is on the Nordics, which the Starseed agenda has seemingly been set up to be super accepting of.

Never mind that they are blonde haired and blue eyed; the same fucking eye and hair colours the Nazi’s were trying to make the dominant breed in their obsession with creating the Aryan Master race.

Do any of the followers of these channelers actually know where the Ashtar Command come from? I’ll give you a hint, all roads seem to lead back to the Theosophical society. The same society whose concepts on the Aryan race would go on to influence the Ariosophists that would in turn influence Hitler and the SS. Am I the only one concerned by this? Here’s an idea, what if the gameplan changed from Von Braun’s alien invasion, to strategic assimilation of the Nordics into general population. An already set up UFO religion would make a good pawn by which to carry out such assimilation, would it not?

But let’s do what skeptics like my brother in law do best and just ignore that for the time being as it doesn’t concern us right now. Don’t worry, I will definitely get to it in another article though.

Back to Parson’s and the idea he was trying to create a moonchild. Depending on what account of the story you read you might come across the one that suggests Crowley wasn’t particularly impressed with his and Hubbard’s efforts. {Allegedly} Crowley chastised them for opening the portal but lacking the magical skillset required to close it, which led to a tear in the fabric of space just sitting there waiting to let into our dimension whatever felt the need to come here….

.Like a black hole like anomaly perhaps?

“I was also told that I had been part of a “hive consciousness” that had tracked this amnesia to a black hole anomaly.
This black hole anomaly existed at the edge of this physical universe and was where the device causing the amnesia was being hidden.”

Except mine was at least 40 thousand years old.

So now you have myself, SD and Severin, playing around with occult concepts such as astral projection and lucid dreaming and we wound up claiming contact with non physical entities just like Parsons claimed. Lol, we are EXACTLY the type of people that NASA would employ to develop their rocket systems, as backed by history…….LOL


All evidence is suggestive Secret Societies such as The Golden Dawn, the Theosophical Society, the OTO etc were in possession of some very powerful secrets, and were conducting experiments specifically trying to contact non physical entities, which may have been met with some success. I have mentioned my suspicions that Blavatsky was given the Hybridisation schedule of the Aryans, which Hitler (whose salute seemed to be a check to make sure non physical entities were in fact friends) seemingly became the one to try and bring to fruition. Was rocket propulsion tech a gift from some of these non physical entities? If so, then what was exchanged for it. The opportunity to create a conduit by which to grant access to a physical body perhaps?

From Alien Interview:

The recently despoiled German totalitarian state on Earth was similar to the "Old Empire", but not nearly as brutal, and about ten thousand times less powerful. Many of the ISBEs on Earth are here because they are violently opposed to totalitarian government, or because they were so psychotically vicious that they could not be controlled by "Old Empire" government.

From the Commander:

There are numerous organizations that you refer to as "robed elders".

Each one has a niche role in this Prison Environment.

[4] Some were established by physical occult organizations from within the Prison population and has taken on a life of their own. These kinds of organizations are many. Some were created by accident. And some were created on purpose. One of the most famous (and prolific) occult leaders in your modern era was a man named Aleister Crowley and he was very active in creating some of these organizations in the non-physical worlds. Some spawned others, and some fractured and grew. 

- Answers from The Domain from questions generated 24SEP21 (
.....these organizations in the non-physical worlds. Some spawned others, and some fractured and grew.                                    

- Answers from The Domain from questions generated 24SEP21 (

Oh, and you know that Krishnamurti guy the Theosophists thought were their Matraya, and who we found out in one of my recent articles was brought in to interview Airl during the Roswell Crash (assuming it was Jiddu and not Uppaluri)? Turns out Parsons went along to some of his lectures:

“Parsons had also attended lectures on Theosophy by philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti with his first wife Helen, but disliked the belief system's sentiment of "the good and the true".[178] During rocket tests, Parsons often recited Crowley's poem "Hymn to Pan" as a good luck charm.[168] He took to addressing Crowley as his "Most Beloved Father" and signed off to him as "thy son, John"                      -           

Jack Parsons (rocket engineer) - Wikipedia

Taking what we now know through alien interview and MM, I would also suggest that there was more weight to Parson’s attempt at creating a moonchild than one would first think. Crowley alludes to the idea that a magical war was being fought between black and white magicians; was this really a prediction of WW2? At the very least, Hubbard seemed to know something; his concept of Thetan’s are too heavily coincidental with Airl’s concept of an IS-BE. One could argue that if Spencer was a Scientologist then he could have just been rehashing some of Hubbard’s concepts, but then this doesn’t explain why my experiences paralleled the Alien Interview so closely. I always thought Scientology was a load of bullshit to make money of rich celebrities. Maybe that wasn’t it’s original intention.

Could it be that another entity made its way into the moonchild, than what was actually intended by Parson’s or Hubbard? Like an Old Empire agent, and this agent propagated its agenda through the occult community until they eventually reached Hitler? What if Crowley and Blavatsky got it all wrong; what if the ones they were contacted by were not as benevolent as they made themselves out to be?

SD’s experiences suggest that she has past life memories of the Nazi’s carrying out similar operations to deliberately incarnate the Aryan’s/ Nordics into newly developing fetuses. I guess that is just another coincidence right?

So we know Parsons was at one point well regarded by the OTO. But who exactly were they? Well, they were an Order established by a suspected German police agent and Freemason Theodore Ruess, Freemasonry student Carl Kellner, and associate of Blavatsky’s and Chairman of the Theosophical Society Adya board of control Franz Hartmann (considered one of the most important Theosophical writers of his time). Does this really surprise you?

Originally {the OTO }was intended to be modeled after and associated with European Freemasonry,[2] such as Masonic Templar organizations, but under the leadership of Aleister Crowley, O.T.O. was reorganized around Crowley's Thelema as its central religious principle. One of the major features and core teachings of the organization is its practice of sex magic.[1] - Ordo Templi Orientis - Wikipedia

So you could say, in a some ways Freemason’s were sympathetic to all the shit Jack was getting up to whilst in the OTO and a follower of Crowley’s. I mean, they might not have approved of him trying to put the soul of an etheric being in a child, or even believed it, but they would have at least shared belief in the same alchemical aspects of the Kabbalah. This is, after all the main driving concept behind both groups. And if you think the Masons weren’t messing around with trying to summon spirits, think again:

From The Midnight Freemasons: The Magick of King Solomon, which claims the site as being for “Master Masons to talk about topics of Masonic Interest”.

The spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain. Their seals therefore represent methods of stimulating or regulating those particular spots (though the eye)." (Aleister Crowley, The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic in the Goetia.)
If we as masons want to look at this in a philosophical sense we are all seeking to be the wise King Solomon. We must unlock the brass vessel of our own unconscious mind releasing all the aspects of ourselves we care not to let out. Each demon can be seen as an aspect of our personality that we keep hidden from the world. It is the goal of the magician with the aid of angels and magickal weapons to face the dark aspects of him and symbolically slay and expel those forces from our own spiritual nature, thus purifying him. This medieval system of what some would consider “black magick” is simply a way to reflect upon the aspects of our own psyche. If we as individuals wish to gain the wisdom of the archetypal king, we should face the shadow of ourselves and the demons that well in the void of our own nightmares.

Before one sincerely attempts to evoke these demons, one should first spend some time invoking the 72 counterpart angels of the Almadel. The Almadel is a very enlightening experience and puts the magician in touch with the aspects of virtue within the psyche of the individual. This should be required for two reasons, one: one should be in touch with their inner strength before they face the demons, and two: the angels of the Almadel have direct control over the demons of the brass vessel. The Almadel is a system of scrying into a crystal ball over a altar made of wax upon which are engraved the Holy names of God. Remember that invocation is to call down a power within your spirit and mind, so you invoke angels to bring them closer. The Magician will evoke demons, to to bring from within ones self into manifestation. “

Oh you mean like Jung’s Analytical Psychology?

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. - Carl Jung”

Masonic tradition was literally based on summoning the “demons” of Solomon, which were argued to really only be about unlocking hidden aspects of the mind. This presents an awkward conversation when you consider just how many astronauts, trained under NASA, are Freemasons:

Masonic Astronauts | Freemason Information

So now we know not only was NASA’s JPL founded by a guy who thought it possible and necessary to try and cram the soul of an etheric being into an unborn fetus, but that a large portion of NASA personnel are part of an organisation that studies summoning angels and demons as part of their craft. Not only that, they believe the Jewish system of (Qabalah) . . . formed an important part of the Masonic traditions, and undoubtedly contains the nearest approach to a direct revelation of the ancient canonical secrets of the old world;’ (1)Masonry and the Cabala (

You sure these guys would tell you if they found something? Majority of them won’t even tell you half the shit I just laid down.

This connection to Solomon must be taken note of; not only did I have the Greater and Lesser Keys (the real versions) in my possession when I had my experiences, which also happened when I was intensively studying the Kabbalah, but my research is indicative that those who are being contacted within the occult community – people like Severin and SD etc–, and being told about the reincarnation traps have a better-than-average understanding of these texts. Consider them as the oldest methods of Steven Greer’s CE5. They are not just interpretations of some philosophical theories. My research suggests they are legitimate documents that detail the process by which to prepare a physical body for the inhabitation of an interdimensional consciousness, and this is backed by abductees I have spoken to. Let’s just say I am spilling a bit of a secret here. According to my own research, what is being revealed appears to be the genuine account of Earth’s history, just like is suggested by the Freemasons. You cannot tell me that is not worth investigation.

So there it is, the complete and unabridged version of why I think NASA are not worth taking seriously when it comes to, well, pretty much anything. If they really truly wanted to understand things about the cosmos, then it would have done them well to listen to the concepts of Parsons and how he thought quantum physics could describe Thelemic magic…..who is to say they didn’t?

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The topsy-turvy world of America trying to clumsily dance upon the global stage

This is America today.

I just read through the headlines on RT. It's incredible the West's relentless pounding of war drums in Ukraine. 

I suspect there will be some kind of Mukden/Gulf of Tonkin false flag, with which the BLPM will brainwash the world that it was the evil Vlad Putin who started it. 

If it happens, I hope the Russian army rolls all the way to the EU's borders. 

Jeff J. Brown


More like, roll to Washington and Langeley.  And say…

" So, you thought you could pull another WWII, destroy Europe and Russia, and pick up the pieces unscathed, Huh?


They are THAT stupid and ignorant.

From Z-Man blog…

The American media has brought down the cone of silence. Drudge has a government issued warning to Canada at the top. The New York Times and Washington Post are busy peddling their latest Russia fantasies. Soviet media was more informative that the American media is now. If you want to know anything about anything you have to dig around in Substack and independent sites. The American media is now a blanket of darkness thrown over the public square.

The other thing that comes to mind is how blatant the authoritarianism is now. I see the Canadian dictator just ordered the funds for the truckers frozen. He just made up some new rule apparently or his handlers did. Trudeau is most likely illiterate, so he has to rely on others to do these things. The US government is flying surveillance aircraft over the protest to intercept communications. They will then “share” this intel with their “partners” in the Canadian secret police.

This is the new game now. We saw this with Trump. The CIA asked Australia and Britain to spy on the Trump campaign. That got around the rule against the CIA spying on Americans and gave the FBI an excuse to do their own spying. Five years ago, they made up a phony story as cover, but now it is out in the open. We live in a country that has secret police that spy on people with impunity. America is becoming East Germany with better consumer goods.

That last bit is always the undoing of authoritarians. You can run a police state or you can have a happy productive society that has nice things. With posted inflation approaching double digits and real inflation much higher, the economic reckoning is quickly approaching. There is no easy way to tame inflation. It always means a recession and usually an ugly one. People are unhappy now. Imagine where things are when the economy is in the dumper.

The world is moving forward, and the United States is sitting still and pouting. They have their arms folded across their chest, and staring at the game board deciding whether or not to tip it all over and let the pieces crash all over the room.

Numerous people (obviously outside of the mainstream media) have noticed various aspects of the global Geo-Political situation and have written about it. Here, in this article we will look at some of those writings.


Throw in some fine MM comment, thoughts and distractions to round out the presentation.

Let’s start off with some fine Rufus action to set up a positive mood…

Rufus behaviors are what the world needs today

Be the Rufus. This is China today. People are all part of the community and they all work together as one.  video 20MB

Some Geo-Political chat

Always interesting to listen to. This is about the fiasco meeting between the USA and China in Alaska.

video 3.6MB

Race to 6G: Chinese researchers declare data streaming record with whirling radio waves

  • Experimental wireless line set up in Winter Olympics compound could stream over 10,000 high-definition live video feeds simultaneously, says Beijing research team
  • ‘It is about introducing a new physical dimension, which can lead to a whole new world with almost unlimited possibilities,’ according to 6G researcher.

Things used to be so difficult…

Now for a pretty Chinese girl

I just want to remind everyone who these people are that those neocons in Washington DC want to destoy, kill and turn destitute. It’s people like you and me. video 2MB

Not really Geo-political or Chinese but fun anyways.

Sorry, I can’t help but want to lighten up the mood here, don’t you know. It’s about cats, and music and it’s really kind of cute.

It’s videos like this that caused President Trump to ban Tictoc from the United States. It was listed as a “National Security” issue, when the truth was that they cut into the profit margins of the Trump political donor class.

Warning: Watching this video will corrupt your mind! And change you (gasp!) into a  dreaded evil communist. Yikes!

Video 9MB

Again. The future belongs to those who have Rufus behaviors

This is a key point that all long-time MM readers will certainly recognize. The way out from the life that we endure is though our behaviors and our thoughts. We msut be better people, and we must all work together for the greater good of all. video 2MB

Well, you know this is after the Beijing Winter Olympics. And The Western media has flooded the media with the most outrageous things. Such as this…

Like this screen shot from the American “news” aggregator “DrudgeReport” 8FEB22.



Seriously. Crying?

Well, the Olympic athletes have made all sorts of videos of their experiences, and the vast, vast bulk of them have been overwhelmingly positive.

Well, you know that that just doesn’t go well with the American (and Western) narratives.

Thus bringing out this article…

YouTube’s Olympics Highlights Are Riddled With Propaganda

The platform’s search engine is funneling sports fans into watching political content about China.
From Wired. HERE

The Earth Belongs to America

It’s not something it can come out and directly say, because admitting it sees itself as the rulers of the world would make it look tyrannical and megalomaniacal, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

By Caitlin Johnstone

The Wall Street Journal has an article out titled “U.S. Aims to Thwart China’s Plan for Atlantic Base in Africa“, subtitled “An American delegation wants to convince Equatorial Guinea against giving Beijing a launchpad in waters the U.S. considers its backyard.”

The article quotes the former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Tibor Nagy saying, “We’d really, really not like to see a Chinese facility” on the Atlantic, and discusses “American concern about China’s global expansionism and its pursuit of a permanent military presence on waters the U.S. considers home turf.”

The Quincy Institute’s Trita Parsi has discussed the irony of WSJ yelling about China’s “global expansionism” over a potential military base in Equatorial Guinea without applying that label to the U.S., when the U.S. has hundreds of times the number of foreign military bases as China.

Antiwar’s Daniel Larison wrote an article back in December eviscerating the ridiculous claim that a military base some six thousand nautical miles from the U.S. coastline could be reasonably framed as any kind of threat to the American people.

A massive threat to America!

But what really jumps out is the insane way the U.S. political/media class routinely talks about virtually every location on this planet as though it is a territory of the United States.

The Wall Street Journal referring to the entire Atlantic Ocean as “America’s backyard” and “waters the U.S. considers home turf” follows a recent controversy over the U.S. president proclaiming that “Everything south of the Mexican border is America’s front yard.” This provoked many references to the so-called “Monroe Doctrine”, a nineteenth-century imperialist assertion that Latin America is off limits to any power apart from the United States, effectively declaring the entire Western Hemisphere the property of Washington, DC.

It also follows another incident in which Press Secretary Jen Psaki remarked on the ongoing tensions around Ukraine that it is in America’s interest to support “our eastern flank countries”, which might come as a surprise to those who were taught in school that America’s eastern flank was not Eastern Europe but the eastern coastline of the United States.

The Chinese government’s strategic ambition has expanded so that it now aims to dominate the entire world in military and economic power, according to Antony Blinken, whose country has 800+ bases around the world to China's four.

— Consortium News (@Consortiumnews) February 10, 2022

The casual way these people say such things reflects a collectively held worldview that you won’t find on any official document or in any schoolchild’s textbook, but which is nonetheless a firmly held perspective among all the drivers of the modern empire: that the entire world is the property of the U.S. government. That the U.S. is not just the most powerful government in the world but also its rightful ruler, in the same way Rome ruled the Christian world.

It’s not something they can come out and directly say, because admitting they see themselves as the rulers of the world would make them look tyrannical and megalomaniacal. But it’s certainly something they believe.

They’re about as obvious about it as could be. They make almost no effort to conceal it. And yet you’ll still get empire apologists like Michael McFaul saying nonsense like this:

There was a time, not long ago, when imperial powers like UK, France, Portugal etc claimed their colonies as their "sphere of influence." Thank God we didn't listen o them back then. So why now is it ok to let Russia exercise a sphere of influence over its former colony, Ukraine?

— Michael McFaul (@McFaul) February 7, 2022

McFaul knows very well that the U.S. is an imperial power and that it demands a very large “sphere of influence”.

Would you like to see a picture of America’s sphere of influence? Here you go:

To live in the western world is to be constantly inundated with made-up stories about tyrants who want to terrorize the world, while living under a globe-spanning power structure that is actually terrorizing the world. It’s just so bizarre watching these imperial spinmeisters try to frame nations like China and Russia as freakish and backwards while working to literally rule the world like a comic book super villain.

The U.S.-centralized empire is quantifiably the single most destructive and evil power structure in today’s world. We shouldn’t want anyone to rule over the entire planet with an iron fist, but these monsters are the very least qualified among us to do so.

Caitlin Johnstone is a rogue journalist, poet, and utopia prepper who publishes regularly at Medium.  Her work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking her on Facebook, following her antics on Twitter, checking out her podcast on either YoutubesoundcloudApple podcasts or Spotify, following her on Steemit, throwing some money into her tip jar on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of her sweet merchandise, buying her books Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative MatrixRogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone and Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.

This article is from

Yes. America really is exceptional.

Exceptionally bad, evil, corrupt, self-serving and selfish.

Now for a pretty Chinese girl

I just want to remind everyone who these people are that those neocons in Washington DC want to destoy, kill and turn destitute. It’s people like you and me. They way they do this is to keep videos and pictures of their targetted enemies away from the American people. Like this gal.

video 18MB

Be the Rufus

I just cannot stress hard enough, how important it is for everyone to behave better, nicer and kinder; to be more considerate and to call out and cite psychopaths, sociopaths and the evil greedy folks that cause so much turmoil in our lives today. Be that Rufus! video 7MB

Caitlin Johnstone: Just Run the News Media Out of Langley

That way nobody needs to pretend they’re doing news reporting instead of intelligence agency stenography and the public is clear they’re being fed whatever story about reality the C.I.A. wants them to believe.

By Caitlin Johnstone

I think it would be a lot more efficient and straightforward if all English-language news media were just run directly out of C.I.A. headquarters by agency officials in Langley, Virginia. This way news reporters could eliminate the middleman and drop the undignified charade of presenting unproven assertions by western intelligence agencies as “scoops” that they picked up from “sources”.

I mean, right now the mass media are churning out stories about “intelligence” which says Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine very soon, citing government officials and anonymous sources. We are never shown the “intelligence”, and we are never shown any evidence of its veracity; we’re simply told what opaque and unaccountable government agencies want us to believe about a foreign government.

We’re not even reminded by the publishers of these C.I.A. press releases that western intelligence agencies have a very extensive history of lying about exactly this sort of thing, and we’re certainly not informed that Kiev appears to be ramping up aggressions in eastern Ukraine.

Seriously, look at this absurd tweet by CNN’s Natasha Bertrand:

Scoop: US and allies have new intel that suggests Russia could be planning to attack Ukraine prior to end of Olympics, contrary to previous assessments. New intel comes as officials have dramatically ramped up the urgency of public warnings related to Ukraine in past 24 hours.

— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) February 11, 2022

That’s not a “scoop”. That’s just a news media employee repeating something she was told either directly or indirectly by the western intelligence cartel. She’s literally just telling us what an immensely powerful spy intelligence agency told her to say. And that’s become the norm for mass media reporting on all nations the western power alliance doesn’t like, especially Russia.

So why mess around? Why not just move CNN’s office into the George Bush Center for Intelligence in Langley and have the C.I.A. just publish its reports directly from there? I hear CNN needs a new president anyway. That way nobody needs to pretend they’re doing news reporting instead of intelligence agency stenography, the general public is clear that they’re being fed whatever story about reality the C.I.A. wants them to believe, nobody feels like they’re being treated like a fool, plus it saves a commute for all the intelligence agency insiders who already work in the mass media.

Because it must get pretty tedious, right? Where instead of just having your C.I.A. employer tell you to run a story you have to go through this whole song and dance where an agency officer contacts you and says “Ooh buddy, have I got a scoop for you!” and then you type up what they say in newsy-sounding language citing “sources familiar with the matter” and present it as a news story.

Clearly that’s not news reporting.

Clearly it’s nothing other than garden variety state propaganda.

So why not just be forthright about it? I know the C.I.A. has a lot going on right now, but surely it can make some space in all its domestic surveillancelying, torturingdrug traffickingcoup-stagingwarmongering and assassinations for a little more state media news punditry?

Ukraine Defense Minister: Russia is not invading anytime soon

Ukraine President: Russia is not invading anytime soon

Russia: We have no plans to invade Ukraine

The US:
— Radio Free Amanda ??? (@catcontentonly) February 11, 2022

And of course we already know the answer.

Propaganda doesn’t work if its targets know they are being propagandized. It needs to be administered by institutions who the public trusts to tell them the objective truth about what’s going on in the world.

If the U.S. and its Five Eyes allies simply controlled all media through the government like overtly totalitarian regimes, their propaganda would actually be far less effective than the systems of domestic perception management they have in place currently.

The C.I.A. is officially forbidden from operating in the United States (though as we’ve seen many times since its creation and up to the present day this is treated more as a guideline than a restriction), but what it is not officially forbidden to do is contact the media directly or through a proxy under the pretense of feeding them a news story which just so happens to advance the interests of the agency. The plutocratic media who benefit from the same status quo that the C.I.A. protects then uncritically funnel that information into the minds of the unsuspecting public, and before you know it they’re rending their garments over a foreign government they’d previously not thought much about.

In an actual free society with an actual free press, the very idea of this would be outrageous and if such a thing ever occurred it would be immediately condemned as journalistic malpractice with severe consequences for everyone involved. In an inverted totalitarian dystopia with the most effectively propagandized population on earth, it’s just treated as normal.

Caitlin Johnstone is a rogue journalist, poet, and utopia prepper who publishes regularly at Medium.  Her work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking her on Facebook, following her antics on Twitter, checking out her podcast on either YoutubesoundcloudApple podcasts or Spotify, following her on Steemit, throwing some money into her tip jar on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of her sweet merchandise, buying her books Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative MatrixRogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone and Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.

This article is from

Now for a pretty Chinese girl

I just want to remind everyone who these people are that those neocons in Washington DC want to destoy, kill and turn destitute. It’s people like you and me. What is the matter with the peopl ein Washington DC? What drugs are they on? What mental illnesses do they have?

video 4MB

How the Establishment Functions

Just as Jimmy Savile was to be protected over actual sex crime, Keir Starmer knew that Julian Assange was to be persecuted over fake sex crime, writes Craig Murray.

By Craig Murray

I suggested in my last post that the British Establishment may be looking for a way out of the terrible Assange debacle without raising difficult truths about the United States justice and penal system. The functioning of the Establishment, the way it forms a collective view and how that view is transmitted, is a mystery to many. Some imagine instructions must be transmitted by formal cabals meeting as Freemasons or Bilderbergers or some such grouping. It is not really like that, although different fora of course do provide venues for the powerful to gather and discuss.

I have a bit of a feel for it all, having been a diplomat for 20 years and member of the Senior Civil Service for six. And if I was advising someone who wanted to think of it seriously, I would say human nature doesn’t change; read Thackeray and Trollope, Harold Nicolson and watch the amazing Brian Cox in Succession. All these sources give genuine glimpses of insight.

Former Foreign Office Minister Alan Duncan appears to fancy himself as something of a Harold Nicolson, though sadly lacking the wit or writing ability. Duncan has published his diaries. Duncan is the former Foreign and Commonwealth Office minister “for the Americas” who cooperated with attempts to have Julian Assange removed from the Ecuadorian embassy, and was the point man for the CIA’s various illegal schemes around Assange. Duncan referred to Assange in Parliament as a “miserable little worm.”

And who was Alan Duncan’s best friend at Oxford? Why, none other than Ian Duncan Burnett, now lord chief justice of England and Wales, the judge who heard Assange’s High Court appeals. As Alan Duncan’s diary entry for 14 July 2017 tells us:

“At Oxford we always called him ‘the judge’ and they always called me ‘Prime Minister’ but Ian’s the one who got there.”

On Alan Duncan’s birthday on June 7, 2017, Ian Burnett and his wife were part of the dinner celebration, alongside former Tory leader William Hague, and the arms dealer Wafic Said and wife.

Wafic Said was central to the largest bribery scandal in British history, the Al-Yamamah BAE contract for arms to Saudi Arabia, where an 80 billion pound contract involved hundreds of millions in corrupt bribery payments swirling around Wafic Said and his friend Mark Thatcher.

The only reason several very rich people did not go to prison is that Tony Blair — another Oxford University man — and Jack Straw, the recipient himself of BAE largesse, made a historic decision that the Serious Fraud Office investigation must be stopped “in the public interest.”

The Serious Fraud Office subsequently “lost” all the thousands of documents proving the corruption. Thus enabling the central fixer, arms dealer Said, to enjoy a jolly dinner and banter with the new lord chief justice of England and Wales, rather than eat his dinner in Ford open prison.

That, my friends, is how the British Establishment functions. It also of course enabled the continuing relationship that means British planes, missiles, bombs, mechanics, trainers and special forces are every single day involved in eviscerating women and children in Yemen. I do hope they are proud.

Everyday Milieu

On May 27, 2018, Lord Chief Justice Burnett and Alan Duncan were at Chequers having lunch with Prime Minister Theresa May, Michael Gove and “journalist” Sarah Vine and — to quote Duncan — “two financier couples.”

Thus do politics, the law, the media and big money mix, dear reader. These are not special events. It is the everyday milieu. Nobody needs to phone a judge and tell him what to think; they know what their circle thinks from constant experience and interaction, and they can extrapolate from the general to the particular.

The judges know what they are expected to think about Assange. The Scottish judges certainly know what they are expected to think about me.

The politicians freeload — Duncan’s birthday bash had been paid for by Tory party donor, Carphone Warehouse’s David Ross, whose unethical business practices I outlined two years ago. Some of us may feel distaste at the idea of having, or attending, birthday parties gifted by a businessman; but we are not politicians. Or judges.

There is no doubt that Jimmy Savile’s ability to mingle freely at precisely these kind of social gatherings, hosted by royalty and prime ministers down, provided him with the cloak of Establishment protection which enabled his decades of crime.

To deny it is ridiculous. It is also very interesting how unanimously the Establishment has decided to protect Keir Starmer. They faced a real danger for a few years with one of England’s two main parties under the control of genuinely radical figures. Having managed to get the big-money friendly Sir Keir Starmer into place and neutralize any possible threat to their wealth, the ferocity of the Establishment’s defense of Starmer is fascinating.

There is no doubt that Starmer was indeed director of public prosecution and head of the Crown Prosecution Service in 2009 when it was decided that credible allegations against Jimmy Savile should not be prosecuted (after they had reached that stage already decades too late). Of course, the director of public prosecutions does not handle the individual cases, which are assigned to lawyers under them. But the director most certainly is then consulted on the decisions in the high profile and important cases.

That is why they are there. It is unthinkable that Starmer was not consulted on the decision to shelve the Savile case – what do they expect us to believe his role was, as head of the office, ordering the paperclips?

When the public outcry reached a peak in 2012, Starmer played the go-to trick in the Establishment book. He commissioned an “independent” lawyer he knew to write a report exonerating him. Mistakes have been made at lower levels, lessons will be learnt… you know what it says. Mishcon de Reya, money launderers to the oligarchs, provided the lawyer to do the whitewash. Once he retired from the post of DPP, Starmer went to work at, umm,

Delighted to be joining Mishcon de Reya and to remain with Doughty Street Chambers under new dual capacity rules

— Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) June 23, 2014

It is remarkable that the media has never got as excited about any of the lies told by Johnson, as they have done about what is in fact a rare example of Johnson saying an interesting truth. Starmer was indeed, as director of public prosecutions, responsible for the non-prosecution of Savile.

But just as Savile was to be protected over actual sex crime, Starmer knew that Assange was to be persecuted over fake sex crime. Starmer’s conduct of the Assange case was entirely corrupt.

Assange Never Charged in Sweden

It is important for you to understand that Assange was never charged with any sex crime in Sweden. He was wanted for questioning, after Stockholm’s chief prosecutor had decided there was no case to answer, but a prosecutor from another district had taken up the case. Assange always believed the entire thing was a ruse to get him sent from Sweden to the United States. His legal team had offered the Swedish prosecutors the chance to interview him in the Swedish embassy back in 2011, which should have enabled the case to be closed.

Under Starmer, the Crown Prosecution Service told the Swedish prosecutors not to come to London. The emails in which they did this were destroyed, and only recovered by an FOI request at the Swedish end. You will recall that, when after a further seven long years Swedish prosecutors finally did interview Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy, it resulted in the Swedish investigation being dropped.

Had Starmer not prevented it, the Swedish investigation could have been closed in January 2011 following interview.

Then in October 2013, while Starmer was still DPP, his staff emailed Swedish prosecutors in response to reports that they wished to drop the case, saying “Don’t you dare get cold feet.” The Swedes responded explaining they did indeed wish to drop it. The Crown Prosecution Service again dissuaded them.

Why was Starmer intervening to insist a foreign state continue an investigation that state itself wished to stop, and which involved no British nationals?

I am very confident there is no other example of the British director of public prosecution interfering in an overseas investigation in this way. It certainly was nothing to do with the ostensible subject matter of the Swedish investigation, which doesn’t rate a mention in the email correspondence. There can be no doubt that Starmer’s motive was entirely ulterior to the Swedish investigation, and almost certainly is related to the illegal CIA activity against Assange and the current U.S. extradition effort. Starmer is revealed as a highly unscrupulous and mendacious character.

That has of course been confirmed by the downright lies Starmer told in seeking election by the Labour Party membership, when he stated he would maintain former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s popular left-wing economic policies, particularly on rail and utility nationalization. Once in power Starmer simply ditched these pledges in favor of billionaire-enabling policies, and started a purge of the left of the party on an epic scale.

The British Establishment likes Starmer. They can’t allow Boris Johnson — who is fast becoming a liability to them — saying true things about Starmer which they wish to be buried. Watching their propaganda apparatus act in unison to defend Starmer, and reconfirm in the popular mind the binary choice between their blue puppet and their red puppet, has been fascinating viewing.

As I frequently state, I don’t mind if you agree or do not agree, and I certainly want everybody to think for themselves. My aim is to point out facts that are insufficiently considered and project a different perspective to that commonly promoted in the mainstream media. I am not always right about everything. But I hope that you found reading this gave you some ideas to think through.

Craig Murray is an author, broadcaster and human rights activist. He was British ambassador to Uzbekistan from August 2002 to October 2004 and rector of the University of Dundee from 2007 to 2010. His coverage is entirely dependent on reader support. Subscriptions to keep this blog going are gratefully received.

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This is a great Chinese military commercial

The Chinese citizenry will always be HERE. You-Tube video. Watch it please.

Now for a pretty Chinese girl

I just want to remind everyone who these people are that those neocons in Washington DC want to destoy, kill and turn destitute. It’s people like you and me.

video 13MB

Adidas Promotes Sports Bra with various shapes and sizes to fit the various body shapes of women!

second row – far right – winner!

About time!

We believe women’s breasts in all shapes and sizes deserve support and comfort. Which is why our new sports bra range contains 43 styles, so everyone can find the right fit for them.

🔗 Explore the new adidas sports bra collection at

— adidas (@adidas) February 9, 2022

Caitlin Johnstone: Wanting Russian Peace to Attack China

Some Republicans don’t want war with Russia, not because it’s the sane thing to do, but because they insanely want to go to war with China instead.

By Caitlin Johnstone


Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz criticized the Biden administration’s dangerous escalations against Russia on the House floor on Monday, not because he thinks needlessly ramping up cold war brinkmanship with a nuclear-armed nation is an insane thing to do, nor because he believes the U.S. government should cease trying to dominate the world by constantly working to subvert and undermine any nation who disobeys its commands, but because he wants U.S. aggressions to be focused more on China.

“While the Biden administration, the media, and many in congress beat the drums of war for Ukraine, there is a far more significant threat to our nation accelerating rapidly close to home,” Gaetz said. “Argentina, a critical nation and economy in the Americas, has just lashed itself to the Chinese Communist Party, by signing on to the One Belt One Road Initiative. The cost to China was $23.7 billion — a mere fraction of a rounding error when compared to the trillions of dollars our country has spent trying to build democracies out of sand and blood in the Middle East.”

While the Biden Admin, the media, and many in Congress beat the drums of war for Ukraine, there is a far more significant threat to our nation.

China is a rising power. Russia is a declining power. Let us sharpen our focus so that we do not join them in that eventual fate.

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) February 7, 2022

“China buying influence and infrastructure in Argentina to collaborate on space and nuclear energy is a direct challenge to the Monroe Doctrine and far more significant to American security than our latest NATO flirtation in the plains of Eastern Europe,” Gaetz continued. “China is a rising power. Russia is a declining power. Let us sharpen our focus so that we do not join them in that eventual fate.”

For those who don’t know, the “Monroe Doctrine” refers to a decree put forward by President James Monroe in 1823 asserting that Latin America is off limits to European colonialist and imperialist agendas, effectively claiming the entire Western Hemisphere as U.S. property.

It essentially told Europe, “Everything south of the Mexican border is our Africa. It’s ours to dominate in the same way you guys dominate the Global South in the Eastern Hemisphere. Those are your brown people over there, these are our brown people over here.”

That this insanely imperialist and white supremacist doctrine is still being cited by high-profile politicians to this day says so much about what the U.S. government is and how it operates on the world stage. This is especially true given that Biden himself just articulated the same idea in so many words last month when he declared that “Everything south of the Mexican border is America’s front yard.”

U.S. maintains its Monroe Doctrine as Biden assures that Latin America is "America's front yard"

— Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews) January 20, 2022

So on one hand Gaetz is opposing warmongering against Russia and condemning the trillions spent on U.S. wars in the Middle East, which by itself would normally be a good thing. But the fact that he only opposes doing that because he wants to focus imperialist aggressions on another part of the world to preserve U.S. unipolar planetary domination completely nullifies any good which could come from his opposition to aggressions somewhere else.

This is a very common phenomenon on the right end of the U.S. political spectrum; you’ll hear a politician or pundit saying what appear to be sane things against the agendas of D.C. warmongers, but if you pay attention to their overall commentary it’s clear that they’re not opposing the use of mass-scale imperialist aggression to preserve planetary domination, they’re just quibbling about the specifics of how it should be done.

Tucker Carlson has been making this argument for years, claiming that the U.S. should make peace with Russia and scale back interventionism in the Middle East not because peace is good but because it needs to focus its aggressions on countering China. He inserts this argument into many of his criticisms of U.S. foreign policy on a regular basis; he did it just the other day, criticizing the Biden administration’s insane actions in Ukraine and then adding “Screaming about Russia, even as we ignore China, is now a bipartisan effort.”

Antiwar’s Dave DeCamp summarized this dynamic well in response to a recent Reason article making the same “Make peace with Russia to focus on taking down China” argument, tweeting “Unfortunately, a lot of the opposition to war with Russia is rooted in this idea that the U.S. needs the resources to eventually fight China. We need more people to view war for Taiwan as dangerous and foolish as war for Ukraine.”

Unfortunately, a lot of the opposition to war with Russia is rooted in this idea that the US needs the resources to eventually fight China. We need more people to view war for Taiwan as dangerous and foolish as war for Ukraine.

— Dave DeCamp (@DecampDave) January 27, 2022

Do you see how this works? Do you see how wanting to refocus U.S. firepower on a specific target is not actually better than keeping that firepower diffuse? The difference between “Let’s have peace” and “Let’s have peace with Russia and stop making wars in the Middle East so that we can focus on bringing down China” is the difference between “Stop massacring civilians” and “Stop massacring these civilians because you’ll need your ammunition to massacre those other civilians over there.”

And it’s especially stupid because it’s the exact same agenda. One imperial faction believes it’s best to preserve U.S. hegemony by focusing on bringing down the nations which support and collaborate with China, while the other imperial faction wants to go after China itself more directly. They both support using the U.S. war machine to keep the planet enslaved to Washington and the government agency insiders and oligarchs who run it, they just manufacture this debate about the specifics of how that ought to happen.

This is what Noam Chomsky was talking about when he said, “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.”

Liberal NPCs Hate Russia, Conservative NPCs Hate China

"The frenzied, shrieking hysteria I’m witnessing right now among Trump’s base regarding China looks and moves in the exact same way the mental zombification of Russia hysteria looked and moved"

— Caitlin Johnstone ? (@caitoz) March 19, 2020

That strictly limited spectrum of debate is known as the Overton window, and imperial narrative managers work very hard to keep shoving that window further and further in the favor of the oligarchic empire they serve. In order to prevent us from arguing about whether there should be a globe-spanning capitalist unipolar empire in the first place, they keep us arguing about how that empire’s interests should best be advanced.

The longer the drivers of empire can keep us debating the details of how we should serve them, the longer they can keep us from turning toward them and asking why we should even have them around at all.

Caitlin Johnstone is a rogue journalist, poet, and utopia prepper who publishes regularly at Medium.  Her work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking her on Facebook, following her antics on Twitter, checking out her podcast on either YoutubesoundcloudApple podcasts or Spotify, following her on Steemit, throwing some money into her tip jar on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of her sweet merchandise, buying her books Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative MatrixRogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone and Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.

This article is from

For those of you in stress right now…

Now for a pretty Chinese girl

I just want to remind everyone who these people are that those neocons in Washington DC want to destoy, kill and turn destitute. It’s people like you and me.

video 2MB

A new world will include Rufus’s

One of the reasons why the West is fearful of Asia is that they cannot understand non-selfish people. It terrifies them, and they must fight them and destroy them before their ideas about life go mainstream. video 12MB

Now for a pretty Chinese girl

I just want to remind everyone who these people are that those neocons in Washington DC want to destoy, kill and turn destitute. It’s people like you and me.

video 2MB

China & Russia Throw Down Gauntlet

Benjamin Norton reports on the meeting in Beijing between China’s Xi and Russia’s Putin designed to deepen the integration of the two Eurasian superpowers.

By Ben Norton

(Se puede leer este artículo en español aquí.)

Feb. 4, 2022 may very well be remembered in history textbooks as an important date in the shift of global politics.

That day was not only the inauguration of the XXIV Olympic Winter Games in Beijing; it also saw a historic meeting between the presidents of China and Russia.

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin signed a series of important economic and political agreements, deepening the integration of the two Eurasian superpowers.

Among these was a major 30-year deal in which Russia will supply gas to China via a new pipeline, with both sides of the energy transfers managed by state-owned companies. And in a sign of their mutual efforts to challenge the dominance of the U.S. dollar, they decided to settle the sales in euros.

Following the Xi-Putin reunion, the Chinese and Russian governments released a lengthy joint statement declaring a “new era” of multipolarity, proposing a new international political model that will leave behind the unipolar hegemonic order dominated by Washington.

At more than 5,000 words in length, the joint declaration was in some ways a kind of manifesto. It was obviously carefully drafted before the meeting, and it clearly defined the contrasting ideological lines of the new cold war: On one side is the United States and its NATO allies, which are defending a status quo based on unilateralism and interventionism (that is to say, imperialism); on the other side are China, Russia, and their allies, which are building a new system rooted in multilateralism and sovereignty.

“The world is going through momentous changes, and humanity is entering a new era of rapid development and profound transformation,” the joint statement declared.

In this “new era,” a “trend has emerged towards redistribution of power in the world,” the Eurasian powers wrote. That center of power is no longer concentrated in the capitals of trans-Atlantic Western colonialist powers; the East and the South have risen.

Beijing and Moscow could hardly have been any more straightforward in what they were proposing as an alternative: they “condemn[ed] the practice of interference in the internal affairs of other states for geopolitical purposes,” and instead called “to establish a just multipolar system of international relations,” using the word “multipolar” four times, and “multilateral” 11 more.

Message to NATO 

The historic Chinese-Russian statement was marked by its appeal for de-escalation, and its insistence that NATO must stop expanding and “abandon its ideologized cold war approaches, to respect the sovereignty, security and interests of other countries.”

The fact that the joint statement employed such language (it warned three times of the U.S.-led bloc’s “cold war” mentality) is an obvious acknowledgement by the Eurasian powers that Washington is waging a second cold war, and that it seeks nothing less than the overthrow of the governments in Beijing and Moscow.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made this goal clear as day in a bellicose 2020 speech at the Richard Nixon library, in which he declared, “We, the freedom-loving nations of the world, must induce China to change.” The former CIA director insisted, “Securing our freedoms from the Chinese Communist Party is the mission of our time.”

Then in 2021, NATO’s de facto think tank the Atlantic Council published “The Longer Telegram,” modeled after the “long telegram” of cold warrior George Kennan, who crafted U.S. containment policy toward the Soviet Union. The Longer Telegram stated that Chinese President Xi must be replaced and Beijing should be forced “to conclude that it is in China’s best interests to continue operating within the U.S.-led liberal international order rather than building a rival order.”

The governments in Beijing and Moscow are closely following these developments, and can see where they are headed. The statement they released on Feb. 4 was their joint response, calling “for the establishment of a new kind of relationships between world powers on the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation,” instead of conflict.

It is no coincidence that this meeting between Xi and Putin in Beijing — their first face-to-face reunion since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic — and the accompanying joint statement also came at a time of heightened tensions between NATO and Russia.

The manufactured crisis in Ukraine in late 2021 and early 2022, coupled with the Western bloc’s flagrant refusal to acknowledge any of Moscow’s security concerns, showed that NATO believes it has the right to permanently expand and militarily encircle Russia.

So while the joint declaration requested de-escalation, “reiterat[ing] the need for consolidation, not division of the international community, the need for cooperation, not confrontation,” it also emphasized that Beijing and Moscow are prepared to defend themselves.

The Eurasian powers stressed “that the new inter-State relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the [first] Cold War era.”

 ‘Well-Being for All’

In an unambiguous reference to the foreign policy of the United States, the Chinese-Russian joint statement declared that Washington’s policies of unilateralism and interference only represent a “minority” and must end:

“Some actors representing but the minority on the international scale continue to advocate unilateral approaches to addressing international issues and resort to force; they interfere in the internal affairs of other states, infringing their legitimate rights and interests, and incite contradictions, differences and confrontation, thus hampering the development and progress of mankind, against the opposition from the international community.”

Beijing and Moscow juxtaposed these interventionist practices of U.S. imperialism with a proposal of multipolarity and “well-being for all”:

“[China and Russia] call on all States to pursue well-being for all and, with these ends, to build dialogue and mutual trust, strengthen mutual understanding, champion such universal human values as peace, development, equality, justice, democracy and freedom, respect the rights of peoples to independently determine the development paths of their countries and the sovereignty and the security and development interests of States, to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order, seek genuine multipolarity with the United Nations and its Security Council playing a central and coordinating role, promote more democratic international relations, and ensure peace, stability and sustainable development across the world.”

The declaration’s use of the phrase “international law-based world order” was important, because it was a rejection of the vague “rules-based international order” that the U.S. government has tried to impose on the world.

China’s and Russia’s ambassadors to the United States published a joint article in November 2021 that emphasized a similar point, writing:

“There is only one international system in the world, i.e. the international system with the United Nations at its core. There is only one international order, i.e. the one underpinned by international law. And there is only one set of rules, i.e. the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter. Flaunting the “rules-based international order” without referencing the U.N. and international law and attempting to replace international rules with the dictums of certain blocs falls into the category of revisionism and is obviously anti-democratic.

The February Chinese-Russian statement echoed much of what the ambassadors wrote in November, while further fleshing out the Eurasian perspective.”

Both declarations strongly defended democracy, but in a more comprehensive, expanded definition of the term that reflects real people’s democracy, not just a superficial system in which “people are only awakened when casting their votes and sent back to hibernation when the voting is over.”

In a strident rejection of the “liberal interventionist” ideology of the U.S. government, the Chinese-Russian statements condemned the cynical “abuse of democratic values and interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states under the pretext of protecting democracy and human rights.”

Strengthen International Institutions

Beijing and Moscow hope to defend concepts like multilateralism, non-interference, and respect for national sovereignty by democratizing and strengthening international institutions such as the U.N., BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and Eurasian Economic Union.

While calling “to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order,” the February Chinese-Russian statement urged a democratization of the body, to “seek genuine multipolarity with the United Nations and its Security Council.”

Beijing and Moscow likewise wrote that they “aim to comprehensively strengthen the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and further enhance its role in shaping a polycentric world order based on the universally recognized principles of international law, multilateralism, equal, joint, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security.”

Moreover, the Eurasian powers said they “support the deepened strategic partnership within BRICS,” the framework bringing together Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, to “promote the expanded cooperation in three main areas: politics and security, economy and finance, and humanitarian exchanges.”

Part of this global realignment also involves merging China’s massive global infrastructure project, the Belt and Road Initiative, with the Eurasian Economic Union, the Russia-led economic bloc.

Beijing and Moscow wrote:

“The sides are seeking to advance their work to link the development plans for the Eurasian Economic Union [EAEU] and the Belt and Road Initiative with a view to intensifying practical cooperation between the EAEU and China in various areas and promoting greater interconnectedness between the Asia Pacific and Eurasian regions.

The sides reaffirm their focus on building the Greater Eurasian Partnership in parallel and in coordination with the Belt and Road construction to foster the development of regional associations as well as bilateral and multilateral integration processes for the benefit of the peoples on the Eurasian continent.”

Countering External Interference

Following the meeting between Presidents Xi and Putin on Feb. 4, China’s Foreign Ministry published a readout summarizing the main points of their discussions.

Implicitly criticizing the U.S. government’s superficial claims to support multilateralism and democracy, Beijing wrote,

“The two sides have taken an active part in the reform and development of the global governance system, followed true multilateralism, safeguarded the true spirit of democracy, and served as a bulwark in mobilizing global solidarity at these trying times and upholding international fairness and justice.”

The Chinese readout stressed this call for “international fairness and justice,” repeating the phrase three times.

Emphasizing the importance of “upholding sovereignty” and “defending sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Beijing added that the Eurasian powers must “effectively counter external interference” — an obvious reference to U.S. meddling and regime-change operations.

The message of the statements published by Beijing and Moscow could not have been clearer: the era of U.S. unipolar hegemony is dead, and the world is now in a “new era” with an international order based on multipolarity and principles of non-interference.

In making these declarations, the Eurasian powers were drawing an ideological line in the sand. The world already knew what political and economic model Washington, Brussels, and NATO are offering, but now it can clearly see what China and Russia are posing as an alternative.

Benjamin Norton is a journalist, writer, and filmmaker. He is the founder and editor of Multipolarista, and is based in Latin America. // Benjamín Norton es un periodista, escritor, y cineasta. Es fundador y editor de Multipolarista, y vive en Latinoamérica.

This article is from

The End Of Empire


The question that has not been given much consideration over the last few decades is how exactly will the Global American Empire end? All empires come to an end, but not all of them end the same. Usually, they dissolve into their constituent parts like we saw with the Soviet Union. This may or may not bring with it a spasm of violence, but the unnatural combination eventually returns to its nature. What makes each empire unique is its birth and its death.

Like every empire before it, the Global American Empire will end. This may be what we are seeing with the current crisis in Europe over Ukraine. Russia is well past the dissolution of the Soviet Empire. Europe has also evolved past the old arrangements made necessary by the Cold War. The only player stuck in the past is the Global American Empire, which is carrying on like it is 1960. We are now seeing the hints of the end for the American empire in Europe.

The starting place is the fact that the stuff coming from Washington is so bizarre that not even the Ukrainians understand it. The rhetoric has gone well beyond the normal sort of moralizing that has distinguished the American empire. Washington and now London have conjured a reality in which the Russians are ready to launch into Ukraine while the Russians and Ukrainians are happy to find a peaceful solution. The whole thing is making Washington look a bit nuts.

All of this happening against the reality that if the Russians want to invade Ukraine there is nothing NATO can do about it. If the Russians wanted to move onto Berlin there is not much NATO could do to stop them. Over time, the West would be able to rally and cripple the Russians economically, then roll them back militarily, but in the short term everyone gets that NATO is a paper tiger. It is also a pointless vestige from a bygone era that should have been scrapped a generation ago.

This is one entry point into the crisis. The Germans want to finish Nord Stream 2 and build closer economic ties with Russia. The Russians want to restore their ancient relationship with Western Europe. They will not accept the American conditions that they must embrace the religion of the West. There will be no rainbows and transsexuals in the Russian culture. There will be no scenes of Russian soldiers walking around in pumps claiming to be sorry for their ancestors.

The Germans and the French seem to be ready to make the deal with the Russians and begin a new era for both sides. The Russians can maintain their traditional model for organizing themselves and Europe will begin to normalize economic relations with the rest of Eurasia. This leaves little room for the Global American Empire, which is based on an assertion that there is only one moral way to organize a society. This potential new arrangement is a rebuke of the very idea of empire.

Another entry point into viewing the current crisis as a stage in the dissolution of the Global American Empire is in the reaction itself. Even the American media has lost track of how many times the Biden people have claimed an invasion is imminent. It feels like it is a weekly thing now. The State Department swears the tanks are revving their engines and then nothing happens. European leaders have to be wondering if the empire is losing its grip on reality.

The hysteria could very well be the only thing left. Again, if Russian draws the line on NATO expansion and takes over Ukraine, there is very little Washington can do about it other than make a lot of noise. The promise of crippling economic sanctions is as ridiculous as the rest of the bellowing. Europe needs to buy important stuff from Russia in order to exist. Germany and France will go along with superficial stuff to please Washington, but they are not committing suicide over Ukraine.

What we may be entering is a final phase of the Global American Empire in which conflicting realities create a lot of friction. One reality is that America’s dominion over Europe was always unnatural for both sides. In the Cold War it was seen as a necessity, so it was a tolerable contradiction. Those conditions have not existed for over a generation now and reality is reasserting itself. Western Europe will be dominated by France and Germany and Eastern Europe by Russia.

Another set of conflicting realities is that the heritage stock of America never wanted to be a major player in world affairs. The sales pitch by the imperial leaders was always based on this assumed reluctance. The Global American Empire was a necessity born out of war and tragedy. That necessity is long over and yet the managerial elite of the empire insists on maintaining the empire. Meanwhile the public is dealing with cultural and economic collapse.

There has never been a time when the average American has felt more divorced from his government than now. The guy the empire counts on to wave the flag and respond to war drums is not sure which side to support. This is one of those unspoken truths about this Ukraine affair. The reservoir of patriotism is now dry among the cohort of Americans who have always been the most patriotic. The response from these people over Ukraine is a shrug or maybe a wry smile.

This may be what the end empire is like from the inside. We will have spasms of bellowing and shouting from Washington, but the world will slowly crawl out from under the shadow of Washington. Meanwhile, domestic politics will grow increasingly untenable, with populist revolt replacing electoral organizing. The system simply stops working as the reason for it to keep working no longer makes sense. The end of empire is a million small breakdowns in the system.

One final thought, before the closures to this article…

It all began with peasant revert of the serfs inside of Canada. The Biden Administration TOLD Canada to suppress the revot immediately before it spills into the USA. Watch the Video HERE.

Two days passed.

So Canada obeyed. Canada did it first, but the United States will be next in line.

Watch this second excellent You-TUbe video about how the “democracy” in Canada just now turned into a dictatorship. Watch it HERE. Then come back for final MM closing statements.


Notice how the people talk about community. How they talk about their freedom and how they no longer want to be ruled by elitists who live a life of ease insulated from the general population. And notice how the elites reacted.

Coming to America next.

Now for a pretty Chinese girl

I just want to remind everyone who these people are that those neocons in Washington DC want to destoy, kill and turn destitute. It’s people like you and me.

video 2MB

Be the Rufus!

No, I’m not going to ignore this most important aspect of change today. It’s one where everyone strives to be a better person and contribute inside their communites for the betterment of all. video 12 MB

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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When multiple unusual things are all happening all at once.

Sometimes, it just seems like the United States is just one big science-fiction movie. Seriously it does. Why? Well, there are various “news” articles popping up here, and then there, that all seem to point to a dystopic future; one that resembles a horrific science fiction film.

I argue that there are two vectors that are intersecting right now. One [1] is that of a fear-based narrative; be afraid, be very afraid. And the other [2] is one of general collapse while everyone is acting crazy and running around in crazy insanity.

These two vectors create a very horrific narrative, and it is one that is now commonplace within the United States.

Here we review some of these events. And discuss what they could mean and look at them as an impartial observer witnessing a geographic area going down the tubes in insanity.

We start with…

Bioweapon tainted monkeys escape into the population…

So many movies had this theme. Remember that that was the “cover story” for “American Ultra”, and the theme for numerous science fiction movies. Such as Outbreak (1995).

“American Ultra”

Woman claims she is sick after carrying hissing monkey that escaped truck in Pennsylvania crash. The woman’s pinkeye was so bad that she checked herself into an emergency room.

Note: Biological weapon experimental monkeys escape? Check the earlier local news from Pennsylvania to know how they activate their military and police forces to blanket search for the 4 escape monkeys, and alerted the local residents to report to the authorities if they come by any monkey and not to get close to the monkeys.
The evil American country is very scary, and a constant threat to the survival of humanity and all living thing on the planet.

Bioweapon monkeys, eh?

Remember that right before the release of the Coronavirus in the Wuhan games, that an “event” occurred where an agency closed down Fort Detrick. Of course, agencies do not have the power to close American miltiary facilities and bases. It was closed for other reasons, not for the stated reasons.

Only ONE person can close down a military base. That’s the President of the United States.

Remember that right before the release of the Coronavirus in the Wuhan games…an odd closure of the Major Bioweapons facility by the EPA.

Bioweapon monkeys, eh?

Yeah. Sure.

Right before XXXXX, an odd escaped monkey started to terrorize America.

Bioweapon monkeys eh?

The United States and rules…

Obviously the “news” is full of such bullshit, partial truths and distortions and no one knows what is really going on. most Americans are completely confused by the onslaught of lies, and many beleive them.

And that makes it easy for the USA to do what it wants.

Thus, it is not unusual for the USA to make the rules as they see fit.

[A] Laws, and rules domestically no longer have any validity, and [B] international treaties are used when it provides advantage, and discarded when they do not.

Combined, [A] and [B] clearly show a nation in chaos where there are no rules, no structures, and very little in the way of law.

As I see it, the United States is like this big thrashing monster, and it is trying desperately to cling to power and relevance. But it is failing at every level, and that is why it is engaged in World War III right now. The opening salvos hit this month, and they are concerning…

Sitrep on the emerging actions of World War III

Let’s look at some of the “news” that can be found in the American, Britsh and Australian “news” media…

Supermarket tabloids

Of couse, it’s just bullshit, and made up stories. However, these things sell, and that means that there ARE people who read them. I remeber when I lived in Kokomo, Indiana, USA  that my next door neighbor (a girl named Misty, a stripper by the way) would read these things weekly and believed every word written in them…


Then we have just day to day news.

I have no doubt that this actually occurred, but think about it. Look at this chick, and note that he has convinced the police detective to investigate fifteen (15!) men of raping her.

Woman Who Falsely Accused 15 Men Of Rape Given 10 Year Sentence

A woman from West London is to be jailed for a decade for falsely accusing over a dozen men of sexually assaulting her. 27-year-old Jemma Beale, who hails from Bedfont, west London, was handed a lengthy prison sentence for perverting the course of justice and perjuring innocent men in 2017, one of whom was jailed for two years.

Now, Beale has challenged her sentence throughout the latest appeal process, in a bid to clear her name. However, the prosecution presented evidence that Beale texted her then-girlfriend, saying that she was “glorying in his discomfort” when giving false evidence against one of her victims.

Beale made her first complaint on the morning of 26 November 2010, telling police that she’d been sexually assaulted by Mahad Cassim the previous night. Cassim was sentenced to seven years in prison for rape in 2012.

According to her, all men cannot wait to rape her.

Beale had been supported by the authorities throughout her case as a victim of sexual violence, whose account was to be believed. Professionals will have been on hand to give her support, in addition to a police victim-liaison officer.

She received compensation from the taxpayer amounting to £11,000. Meanwhile, the innocent man whom she had falsely accused was rotting in a prison cell, his reputation destroyed and his life effectively over. Before his conviction was quashed, he had already served over two years of his seven-year sentence.

Beale later told police she had been the victim of two other sexual assaults that year, and allegedly fabricated similar allegations against six other men in 2013.

Commenting on the case, Lady Justice Hallett, the judge presiding over the appeal, stated:

“This case went far further then myths and stereotypes about a complainant’s behaviour. The appellant was accused of being a serial liar who fabricated accounts mostly of a sexual nature. In the light of the evidence called even if the guidance was given it would not have assisted the appellant.”

She added:

“The system of justice has suffered considerable harm – considerable resources have been spent investigating and prosecuting crimes which never happened. There has been no indication of remorse on the appellant’s part.

Then we have this article. Knowing what I know of certain individuals that I have met in prison, this seems to be much more common than one woud think…

But… why?

There must also be betting, and gambling, and probably other vices as well. Don’t you know.

But you do know that maybe it’s how American children are being raised today. Consider this next article…

And when the children grow up, and they discover alcohol, drugs and influence on social media, they start to act really strange.

Like this fellow.


Well, you need to understand that the United States is fragmented, and balkenized.  As this next article illustrates…

Tennessee Pastor Who Repeatedly Raped 14-Year-Old Daughter Gets Lenient Sentence Because He Was A Good Christian

A former pastor who repeatedly raped his adopted teenage daughter has been given an effective 12 year prison sentence.

The Knoxville News Sentinel reports prosecutors sought the maximum term of 72 years behind bars. The judge on the case, Steve Sword, took Richards work as a pastor, the support he still receives and his role key role in leading a Bible study at the prison as mitigating factors.

During his trial in February, 41-year-old David Lynn Richards Jr. had taken the stand in his own defense and asserted his innocence.

He claimed that the victim, Amber Richards, was a defiant teenager who made the allegations of sexual abuse against him after he tried to impose stricter rules on his children.

The victim was 16 when she reported the abuse, saying it began two years earlier.

She told authorities where they could find DNA evidence at her home and said Richards had texted her about taking their relationship “to the next level.” A

uthorities said they found her mattress stripped bare and his phone factory reset, but they were able to recover Forensic evidence showing traces of Richards’ semen on his daughter’s bed frame

Amber, who has chosen to identify herself and speak out after Richards was found guilty, delivered a powerful impact statement before Richards’ sentencing on Thursday.

“I wanted to throw my body away. Not a day goes by that I don’t, in some way, think of what he did to me. … I firmly believe if given the opportunity, he would victimize another young girl.”

Despite the overwhelming evidence, many in the community refused to believe that Pastor Richards was a rapist.

Over 30 parishioners from the church came to court to show support not for the victim, but for the rapist.

Pastor David Thompson, who shared ministry duties with Pastor Richards at My Father’s House Church of God in Lenoir City, said:

I find it impossible for me to believe he’s guilty of this. His business needs him. His family needs him. Our church needs him.

Despite being found guilty, Richards Jr continued to maintain his innocence while asking the judge for leniency in the sentence.

I stand before you convicted of crimes I did not commit. … I’m not sure why I’m here. … but I assume it’s for His purpose.

Welcome to America.

You know Hollywood, and alcohol dosen’t always mix. ..

And things are even weirder in Great Britian…

But I have to tell you all that things are off-the-wall in certain parts of the United States. Consider the American “Bible Belt”.

Here’s a map of the “Bible Belt”.

Bible Belt.

And this is what goes on there as everyday fodder…

Christian TV Host: Plant-Based Burgers Are A Satanic Plot To Create A “Race of Soulless Creatures”

Rick Wiles warned on his “TruNews” program that the rise of companies that make plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products, is part of a satanic plot to alter human DNA so that people can no longer worship God.

Appearing on his program earlier this week, Wiles said:

When you go to your favorite fast food restaurant, you are going to be eating a fake hamburger. You’re going to go to the grocery store and buy a pound of fake hamburger or a fake steak, and you won’t know that it was grown in some big corporation’s laboratory. This is the nightmare world that they are taking us into. They’re changing God’s creation. Why? Because they want to be God.

Wiles continued:

God is an environmentalist. He takes this very seriously. He created this planet, he created the universe and he’s watching these Luciferians destroy this planet, destroy the animal kingdom, destroy the plant kingdom, change human DNA. Why? They want to change human DNA so that you can’t be born again. That’s where they’re going with this, to change the DNA of humans so it will be impossible for a human to be born again. They want to create a race of soulless creatures on this planet.


Things are awfully strange in the ‘States right now.

No more fun in the sun for Jake.

I guess sex is a great motivator.

Consider this screen shot…

I mean, if you are hungry… well…

America is insane, and it is exploding in all sorts of strangeness.

Colorado University Warns Students Not to Say ‘America’, ‘American’ Because It’s Not Inclusive

Colorado State University has included the words “American” and “America” on its list of language to avoid because they are not inclusive.

The school’s Inclusive Communications Task Force compiled a list of words in its Inclusive Language Guide that serve to help those on campus foster “inclusion, respect, and social justice.”

The guide states that it is not about being politically correct but instead is there to help “communicators practice inclusive language” and make everyone on campus “feel welcomed, respected, and valued.”

CSU lists both “American” and “America” as non-inclusive words “to avoid,” due to the fact that America encompasses more than just the U.S.

“The Americas encompass a lot more than the United States,” the guide states. “There is South America, Central America, Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean just to name a few of 42 countries in total.”

By referring to the U.S. as America, the guide claims that one “erases other cultures and depicts the United States as the dominant American country.” The school suggests using “U.S. citizen” or “person from the U.S.” as substitutes.

The guide advises students to use the words “U.S. citizen” or “person from the U.S.” instead of “American.”

Among other words and phrases on the list are:

The words “male” and “female” (because this “refers to biological sex and not gender,” and “we very rarely need to identify or know a person’s biological sex and more often are referring to gender”), “cake walk” (because it apparently has origins in “the racism of 19th century minstrel shows”), “freshman” (because it “excludes women and non-binary gender identities”), “Hispanic” (“because of its origins in colonialization and the implication that to be Hispanic or Latinx/Latine/Latino, one needs to be Spanish-speaking”), “hold down the fort” (because “the U.S. the historical connotation refers to guarding against Native American ‘intruders’ and feeds into the stereotype of ‘savages’”), “no can do” (because it was “originally a way to mock Chinese people”), “peanut gallery” (because it “names a section in theaters, usually the cheapest and worst, where many Black people sat during the era of Vaudeville”), “straight” (because it “implies that anyone LGBT is ‘crooked’ or not normal”), “food coma” (because it “directly alludes to the stereotype of laziness associated with African-Americans”), and “war” or “battle,” when used any way other than to describe a literal war or battle (because “they evoke very real tragedy that can be problematic for survivors of war or Veterans”). (National Review)

The guide does note, however, that the recommendations are not official policy.

What some people will do for a lawn tool.

And what some people will do for fun…

But, you know…

This kind of disconnect from rules, laws and tradition occur world-wide. It’s just that the United States is really very sick.

Consider the middle east…

Saudi Millionaire Who Said He Accidentally “Tripped and Penetrated” Teenage Girl Cleared of Rape

Ehsan Abdulaziz, a Saudi millionaire property developer, was cleared of rape charges in London after he claimed that he had tripped and fallen on an 18-year-old girl who was sleeping at his apartment after partying with him, penetrating her by accident.

The Saudi property developer said he had already had sex with the young woman’s 24-year-old friend and it was possible his penis may have been poking out of his underwear when he tripped

The Mirror reported the group had met at an exclusive West End club last year where he entertained them before offering them a lift home.

The 18-year-old claimed that after a number of drinks at Abdulaziz’s north London home, she went to sleep on the couch.

She said she woke up to find him on top of her, forcing himself on her.

“She woke up with the defendant kissing her and his penis in her vagina,” prosecutor Jonathan Davies told the Southwark Crown Court.

“She said: ‘What are you doing?’ and he said ‘It’s fine,’ indicating that her friend was asleep.

“She got up to find her friend, tried to wake her but couldn’t, she then tried to get out of the flat as quickly as she could.”

Abdulaziz said he had accidentally fallen on the teenager and that she tried to seduce him, and that was how his DNA got onto her vagina.

“I’m fragile, I fell down but nothing ever happened, between me and this girl nothing ever happened,” he said.

He also told the court it was possible he had semen on his hands after having sex with the young woman’s friend.

The jury acquitted Abdulaziz after just 30 minutes of deliberations.

They believed his excuse. He was obviouly being truthful as he was man and a “pillar of the community”.


And of course, there’s all sorts of lies on the Western “news” too.

Like this one about China.

Hey, do you see their faces? Do you see their clothing? How can you tell where this picture was taken?

Well. Look at the pavement. That’s asphalt.

It’s against the law to pave large public areas in China, only certain roads can be paved with asphalt. Only bike lanes maybe paved (and on special permission) cerain senic roads. But never large public areas. They are either cement, if in the rural areas, or dressed stone, which is the norm. This pavement is NOT of dressed stone.

My guess is that someone staged this photo in the UK or USA and wrote a bullshit story around it. It’s pretty common for American “news” these days.


It’s awfully strange in America these days.

Awfully strange.

And it’s not just that.

It’s everything.

Dodgeball Is “An Unethical Tool Of Oppression” And Should Be Banned, Say Researchers

Researchers in Canada say that dodgeball is nothing more than legalized bullying.

When you’re setting up the environment for students to learn, and you introduce the idea that it’s okay to slam the ball at whomever you like, even if it’s with a soft ball, the intention is there,’ Joy Butler, a professor who studies pedagogy and curriculum development said to the Washington Post.

‘When students think it’s okay because they’re being told it’s okay to do that, what do they learn? People say dodgeball is being used as an outlet for aggression or catharsis. I suspect that this is where they’re learning that.

‘Phys-ed should be an arena where teachers are helping students control their aggression and move on instead of expressing themselves through anger.’

Researchers interviewed middle-school students about their physical education classes and say the overwhelming feeling was that students hated dodgeball.

The team’s findings are to be presented at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences this week in Vancouver and will argue that the playground favorite actually ‘reinforces the five faces of oppression’ identified as exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism and violence by political theorist Iris Marion Young.

‘I think of the little girl who is running to the back to avoid being targeted,’

Professor Butler said.

‘What is she learning in that class? Avoidance?’

Researchers also noted that they had observed the more athletic, authoritative students had created their own rules and purposely stacked the teams.  This, naturally made it more difficult for the less athletic or popular to compete.

‘The message is that it’s okay to hurt or dehumanize the ‘other,’

Butler said.

‘The competition is about annihilating one’s opponent, and the true definition of competition is between two evenly matched teams. Well, kids stack their teams, and they really enjoy beating the other team. What’s the enjoyment of that?’

“Despite the fact that many physical educators understand their vital role in helping students develop robust, equal, productive relationships and critical awareness, their practices on the ground do not always reflect this agenda,”

they write.

“We suggest that this tension becomes sharply visible in the common practice of allowing students to play dodgeball.

They ultimately recommended that Physical Education curriculum’s focus more on health, wellness and fitness rather than just sports.

Next up is Brazil. I wonder how many followers he had…

Holy milk, eh?

I wonder if he told them that those that drank the “fresh milk” would get special privileges. Perhaps if they bent over, and prayed really hard…

Meanwhile in Utah…


Strange things in the United States these days.

And in Africa…

Say what?

And again, inside the United States…

From the low-lives, to the high brow… all of the United States has gone insane.


Colorado State University: Saying ‘Long Time, No See,’ ‘You Guys,’ ‘Freshman’ is Offensive

Students at Colorado State University (CSU), apparently, should no longer say “long time, no see,” “you guys” or “freshman,” because those terms are not considered “inclusive language.”

That’s according to a student, Katrina Leibee, who writes for the campus paper, The Rocky Mountain Collegian. Leibee met with Zahra Al-Saloom, director of diversity and inclusion at CSU, who showed her an entire packet of terms and phrases considered contrary to the university’s mission of fostering inclusion.

“One of these phrases was ‘long time, no see,’ which is viewed as derogatory towards those of Asian descent,” wrote Leibee.

The packet says the phrase originally mocked “Native Americans or Chinese pidgin English” without providing an ounce of historical context. It suggests saying the flaccid, unmeasured, structureless, “I haven’t seen you in a while” in the phrase’s place.

“We were told that the popular term ‘you guys’ was not inclusive of all genders, and we should instead replace it with ‘y’all,’” she wrote. “We were told to use the term ‘first-year’ instead of ‘freshman,’ because ‘freshman’ is not inclusive of all genders.”

“A countless amount of words and phrases have been marked with a big, red X and defined as non-inclusive,” she continued. “It has gotten to the point where students should carry around a dictionary of words they cannot say.”

When the CSU student confronted the campus language commissars about the fact that nowhere in the country are phrases like “long time, no see” being regulated, she was given empty platitudes about making the world a better place where she stands.

Even if the world isn’t good, you should be good,” one superior told her. “CSU abides by the principles of community, and we want to make it an inclusive space.”

And no one is immune.

Such as this “Chinese man”…

And it affects everyone.

Did you know that Gordon Ramsay had a dwarf porn double? And that he died in a “Badger Den”? And that they had Badger Dens in Wales?

I’ll tell youse guys it’s an awfully strange world we are living in.

Next up should be a “Florida man” article. But no. Sorry.

It’s “Oregon Man”.

High on life, I’ll bet.

And some things just make me cringe.

And if you think that things just cannot get worse, well then you have this…

Let’s see.

Oh, yeah. Here’s a “Florida man”…

Florida Man Arrested For Attempting To “Barbecue” Child Molesters

Osceola County police officers arrested a Florida man after it was discovered that he attempted to “barbecue all the child molesters on fire and kill them.” Jorge Porto-Sierra, 50, confessed to investigators that he had attempted to kill several people who were at a motel in Kissimmee.

Witnesses say the suspect was carrying a cigarette and shouting threats such as “I’m going to kill you, child molester,” during the incident at the motel. He allegedly poured gas on several doors, broke a window to pour gas into a room. In addition, Porto-Sierra allegedly attacked two other individuals inside a car in the hotel parking lot, first by pouring gasoline into the car through an open window. When the driver attempted to flee, Porto-Sierra got into his black Ford Focus and started ramming their car.

Deputies then arrived on the scene, where they say Porto-Sierra surrendered right away. Waiving his Miranda rights, Porto-Sierra confessed and told the authorities, “they raped kids, they are child molesters that all live here and deserve to die.”

Sex offenders in Florida are required to publicly register their home address with the Sexual Offender and Predator System. That system shows more than 20 offenders are using the Friendly Village Inn & Motel as their home address.

When deputies asked why he didn’t flicker his lit cigarette at the gasoline he had poured, the old man simply said, “You got here too soon.”

But at least people are starting to trust the police more.

What’s next?

I mean it’s all getting pretty bad.

Maybe cats and dogs will start fighting, and mass hysteria will hit new York (a paraphrased quote from “Ghostbusters”.)

Some final thoughts

Question to the reader. Sure these are interesting, and curious “news” items. But do they really improve your life? Are you better informed in the world directly around you and that with you interact with? Or, as I allude to, it is all puzzle pieces thrown on the floor in disarray…

Some are just made up lies. Like the China nonsense.

Some are news items; regional, small-time strangeness that takes place far away in areas that you have no idea about, haven’t visited, and know nothing of the culture there.

Some are government related, and of course, anything out of the Untied States govenrment is scheduled, preplanned and presented as “leaked” info to give it legitimity.

Some are stores of fraudsters, crooks, and criminals who use a new angle or technique to fleece others for money, or sex.

So I must ask again. Is your life better for reading about this stuff? Did you really learn somehting that you can apply to your life right now?

I argue that it just wasted your time.

Like sitting in a circus tent and watching clowns juggle bowling pins. A curious waste of time. Novel, perhaps, but does not improve your lfie.

So what things can you do to improve your life, eh?

Well, for starters. Do what you love to do. Seriously. I am not kidding. Do what you like to do.

Just do it and let the rest of the world scream! video 3MB

Identify who your friends are. Sure you can and should have all sorts of friends. But you need to identify which ones are REAL, the REAL DEAL friends, video 3MB

Get started right now. Do little things. Like Make Your Bed.

Great video. Listen to the great words of wisdom from a Navy Seal. video 7MB

If you start being nice and kind, irregardless to what others think, and act better and smile more, you will be the Rufus.

And if you are the Rufus you will find that your world-line template gets easier to endure. You will find that things get easier becuase instead of your mind filled with the daily garbage from the “news” you will have good things, and tangible things in yoru life… generated by the good thoughts of all those around you.

Be the Rufus. video 18MB

Not only that, but being a Rufus means so much more.

It means being there and acting instantly. video 5MB

Go perform deeds of kindness.

Make the world a better place. video 17MB

American and Western society is predicated in a civilian population of spectators. Those that are being told how great they are for doing nothing more than sitting into little grey cubicle boxes and giving 50% of everything that they make to the government.

That is not living.

But you can change all that.

Maybe not the entire society, but you can change your little part of it. Perform your affirmation campaigns. Mesure your fate forecast. Perfrom centering exercises though Hemi-sync, and be the Rufus. Your life will change dramatically.

Not overnight.

Certainly years of programming and fear-induced habits will not disappear in a week or so, but if you keep up with the exercises and do the best with what you have, it WILL change.

I promise you that.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my “Growth as a Person” Index here…



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Like it or not, a United Asia is galloping forward, and world is joining it NOW!

Illustration above; 2022 is the year of the "Wet Tiger".

America is not a happy country.

If the current power grid can't handle a night of 20 degree temperature without rolling blackouts, how will we plug 100 million electric cars into the grid? 

Is there any country that tax their citizens and sends some of it to America? Imagine, if you will, a world where every tweet and meme must be fact checked but not a ballot. How to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers? Ban sober drivers from driving. That's exactly how gun control works. Can we still order black coffee? Are brownies being taken off the shelf? Is White Castle changing its name? I'm sure Cracker Barrel is screwed. Can we still play Chinese checkers? Is that season still called Indian summer? No more Italian sausages? How far do you want to go with this foolishness? The 'Payday' candy bar is changing its name since it's offensive to those who don't work. Hell of a job, Democrats! You've managed to bring back the 1918 pandemic, the 1929 depression, the 1968 race riots and the 1973 gas prices - all at the same time.

In this article, we will provide a global Sitrep concerning the state of the world at the conclusion of the Beijing Winter Olympics in February 2022. During this period, both Russia and China signed a very comprehensive agreement that defined a very detailed plan for global coorination and cooperation. And as I write this article, it is being implemented with great speed and gusto.

Here we will collect some articles, and misc brick-a-brack that will accumulatively (in total) provide a fine understanding of the global changes that are now occurring all over the planet. (Which, by the way, are NOT being reported on in the Western Media.)

Instead the Western media are reporting other things. Like this screen shot from the American “news” aggregator “DrudgeReport” 8FEB22.


This article consists of related articles concerning various geographic regions thoughout the world. If you, the reader, think only in terms of your nation and may either Russia or China, you might this article collection to be a tad boring.

However, it covers a wade swatch of signifigant nation states. When you read the articles you will have a far better picture about what is going on in the world as the power-base shifts from a uni-polar world led by the United States to one that is multi-polar and not ruled at all.

We kick off this discussion with the United Nations.

[0] United Nations

"...demonizing china and russia at every turn and at such a scale, i was thinking the third war is imminent. now i know better, the entire world is against the empire. they abused propaganda and brainwashing tactics so much that only thing their adversaries need to do is just tell the truth."

-demonize | Feb 8 2022 22:17 utc

Rules for the World

by Observer R for the Saker Blog


On February 4, 2022, on the occasion of the opening of the XXIV Olympic Winter Games in Beijing, the presidents of China and Russia issued a document entitled:

Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development

This document sets a new level in the cooperation between the two countries in foreign policy and is their exposition of a common viewpoint for setting out the rules that the world should follow in politics among nations.

A key section up front contains the following:

“The sides call on all States… protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order, genuine multipolarity with the United Nations and its Security Council playing a central and coordinating role….”

The reliance on the United Nations (UN) as the major guiding rulemaker is an important point.

A major question concerning this reliance is the extent to which the design of the UN matches the current reality of the world distribution of wealth and power.

The UN was set up in 1945 according to a design that reflected the post-WWII distribution of economic output and advanced weapon systems.

Overall, it was based on the outcome of that war, with the winners getting the spoils and the losers getting the left-overs.

After some seventy-seven years, the situation has radically changed.

According to the CIA Fact Book,

China now has a larger economy than the US,

India is independent and has the third largest economy,

and India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea have become nuclear powers.

Japan and Germany each have larger populations and economies than either Britain or France.

And yet, the permanent members of the UN Security Council with veto rights are the same nations that were made members in 1945.

This is not a recipe for sustainable development of UN-based rules for a peaceable world.

Of course, there have been many calls for reform of the UN ever since it was founded.

A quick search for “reform of the united nations” turns up a cornucopia of websites dealing with the topic.

Everything from Wikipedia, various think-tanks, to the United Nations University has articles on the subject.

They point out in great detail the many reforms proposed and the far fewer reforms completed over the seventy-seven years.

All of them, however, tend to point out the immense difficulty in getting any agreement on any changes to the Security Council.


The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) regularly concerns itself with various controversies around the world and adopts measures intended to ameliorate difficult situations.

However, there appears to be a lack of foresight in considering how the measures might be lifted when no longer needed or appropriate.

For example, the UNSC placed sanctions on North Korea over the nuclear proliferation issue, but now Russia and China would like to have the sanctions lifted, but this is blocked by the United States (US).

The UNSC also placed sanctions on Iran, some of which have now expired, but which seemed mostly to support the US interests.

With the benefit of hindsight, it would appear that Russia and China may have done better simply to have informal agreements with the other permanent members of the UNSC to institute sanctions and other measures when useful, thus leaving the two countries free to change tactics when the measures were no longer useful from their viewpoint.

This is especially true since both Russia and China are claiming to uphold the UN as the proper international body for making rules and would suffer great loss of face if they broke one of the UN rules.

The same is not true for the US since it is quite adept at following the “international rules-based order” that it conveniently makes up as it goes along.

The US claims to follow a higher order that is based on democracy and humanitarian issues.

Perhaps Russia and China knew what they were doing at the time, but it would be helpful to have an expert analysis of how they plan to avoid being trapped like this in the future.


Permanent membership in the Security Council is a bone of contention that will likely get worse as the years go by since some major countries are excluded, while some less prominent countries are included.

If China can be a member, then it will be more and more difficult to explain why India is not a member.

If Russia is a member, it still will be a question as to why Japan is not.

Having permanent members confined to the countries on the winning side in WWII will not be an adequate answer three-quarters of a century later and in light of all the changes that have transpired since the war.

If Britain and France are members, why not Germany and Brazil?

Is the criteria the possession of nuclear weapons, or the size of the economy, or the land area, or the population?

Now that India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea have nuclear weapons, should they become permanent members?

Russia and China are again in an awkward position claiming the UN as the organizing force in the world, when the UN is obviously not structured to match the actual makeup of the world.

In addition, the UN headquarters was located in the US, reportedly because that was an inducement for the US to join the organization.

The fact that New York was undamaged by WWII and transportation was by steamship made it a logical choice at the time.

Now, however, travel is by air and there are many locations with good facilities and transport options.

In addition, the US places travel restrictions on diplomats trying to attend UN meetings in New York, and the UN employees also are subject to US rules.

Consequently, it would appear that a proper world management organization should be located in a small neutral country that possesses modern facilities and means of communication, and excellent air travel options to all other countries.

Another example of stress is the continuing issue of the Palestinians and the votes in the UN General Assembly on this topic.

The votes overwhelmingly go against the US position and yet next to nothing seems to ever be done.

There is no doubt that “safety in numbers” is a factor here—the US cannot sanction nearly 200 countries because they vote the “wrong way” at the same time.

In any event, the current UN setup is likely to experience continuing severe stress and instability in the coming years, unless these issues and likely others are addressed.

Some solutions could be helpful here also, since it bears directly on the Russian and Chinese positions concerning who makes the rules for the world.


Another factor that China and Russia need to address is the question of independence, neutrality, and impartiality of the various international organizations that promote and enforce international rules.

Several news reports and allegations have arisen concerning the activities of three such organizations: Interpol, OPCW, and IAEA.

Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) is the subject of controversy because a general from the UAE was just selected as President despite vigorous opposition due to his qualifications and background.

The OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) is in the news with complaints over its investigations of chemical weapons in Syria. Whistleblowers have come forth with damaging accusations about the organization’s activities and its alleged bias.

The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) is in a difficult position in checking up on Iran’s nuclear activities while not being able to check up on other West Asian countries’ nuclear activities. The Director just called for a change in the rules so that the IAEA could check up on Israel’s nuclear activities.

Many analysts suggest that there exists an undue influence on these organizations by the US, which prevents them from impartial operation.

Consequently, if the world is to move forward in a rules-based order using rules made by the UN and the affiliated international organizations, then China and Russia will need to exert more effort to ensure impartiality and more universal coverage of said rules.

This issue also applies to “international law” as it appears in court cases such as at the International Criminal Court (ICC), and in the various treaties such as the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

This is especially pertinent now that the US has announced that it will move from containment of China to competition with China.

The competition appears to be focused on the US and its allies in the West attempting to have more influence over the system of international rules than China.

The European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy essentially admitted that basis for competition when he stated in essence: He who sets the standards, rules the world.


The Joint Statement places a lot of emphasis on the various regional organizations that China and/or Russia belong to.

There is a favorable reference to the grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, China, & South Africa (BRICS), although political changes in the constituent countries have made it less coherent.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is Asian-based, as are several others, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

The document contains many proposals for widening the involvement of these organizations in the many pressing issues confronting Asia.

A reading between the lines suggests that China and Russia plan to go ahead with getting a more robust set of rules for Asia, even if there is less prospect currently for agreements on world-wide rules.


China and Russia have issued a very long and very detailed statement of their goals for the future.

They specifically mention many international organizations and agreements, and provide concrete details about what they support and what they would like changed.

It is much more than a listing of political pious platitudes.

Nevertheless, it reads in large part like a political campaign statement for their domestic audiences and marching orders for their officials and bureaucrats.

It is, therefore, likely to be disappointing to those analysts who had perhaps expected something more concerning rules for the world.

The statements about relying on the UN and international law are fine as aspirations, but lack any specific proposals as to how to turn sentiment into reality.

For the past seventy-seven years, the UN has been under the major influence of the US and international law has been under the influence of the rules-based order designed by the US.

The Joint Statement does not directly provide clues about how China and Russia propose to deal with this situation during the next seventy-seven years.

Let’s look at the various geographical regions. We start with Europe.

It’s a destination / origination point for the BRI, and runs through the Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the Xinjiang region (Uighur) of China.

[1] Europe

The US is losing its shit now. Putin should head to Berlin now and set out the alternatives in that flawless deutsche Sprache of his. The arrogance and hubris of a dying empire.

-Patroklos | Feb 8 2022 21:53 utc

China rail transports to Europe jumped

Did you know that the total number of China-Europe freight trains has risen to 50,000?

As of February this year (2022), more than 50,000 freight train trips between Europe and China have been made since the first Europe-bound train left the city of Chongqing in 2011.

▪️The China-Europe railway via about 70 routes connects 89 cities in China with 180 cities in 23 European countries with an average travel time of less than 20 days, which is significantly faster than shipping (about 70 days)

▪️The total cargo volume has exceeded 4.55 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) with IT products, automobiles and parts, chemicals, mechanical and electronic products among others with a total value of EUR 211 billion (the value of goods transported by China-Europe freight trains rose from EUR 7 billion in 2016 to EUR 65.8 billion in 2021)

▪️In 2021, the number of China-Europe freight trains amounted to 15,000 (1.46 million TEU, in comparison: capacity Ever Given 20,124 TEU), a Y-o-Y increase of 22%

▪️The share of China-Europe freight trains in total trade between China and Europe has increased from 1.5% in 2016 to 8% in 2021

▪️In 2021, the border point of Khorgos became the main port of entry or exit for China (previously, this was Alashankou; in 2021, 5,848 China-Europe trains were operated via Alashankou, while 6,362 China-Europe trains were handled at Khorgos)

▪️As of January 6, the average cost of transporting a standard 40-foot sea container by sea between China and Europe on 8 major routes was EUR 8,300, 5 times more than before the COVID-19 pandemic – by comparison, transporting a similar container from China to Paris by rail, costs was about EUR 7,000 (Drewry Shipping, SNCF) with subsidized transportation on the return route being cheap as EUR 1,800

▪️Rail accounts for only 5% of the total transport market between Europe and China but that number could double by 2030 (Drewry Shipping)

Side facts:

  • Containers moving between Europe and China must be switched to new rail cars twice, once at the China-Kazakhstan border and again at the Poland-Belarus border, since former Soviet countries use a different rail gauge than China and Europe
  • The total imports and exports between China and the European Union reached a total of EUR 728 billion (a Y-o-Y increase of 27.5%) with China remaining the EU’s largest trading partner, while the EU was China’s second-largest trading partner

I commented that 3rd graders could understand the concepts. 

Last week, I linked to this paper, "Indivisible Security and Collective Security Concepts: Implications for Russia’s Relations with the West". 

Indeed, the entire scenario we are currently within is all about Law, specifically the UN Charter and the basis it sets for International Law that's violated daily by the Outlaw US Empire. 

Monarchies make Unilateral decisions, while democracies supposedly do so only after having an informed public debate prior to the decision being taken, thus rendering it something other than unilateral. 

Thus, we have "fixing facts around the policy" by two clandestine Monarchies.

- karlof1 | Feb 8 2022 19:49 utc

Now, this is unacceptable to the United States. The BRI is a direct threat to the ability of the United States to control naval shipping, and isolate China, Russia and Europe.

Here is an article that discusses this matter…

America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The U.S. aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia

By Michael Hudson

The Iron Curtain of the 1940s and ‘50s was ostensibly designed to isolate Russia from Western Europe – to keep out Communist ideology and military penetration.

Today’s sanctions regime is aimed inward, to prevent America’s NATO and other Western allies from opening up more trade and investment with Russia and China.

The aim is not so much to isolate Russia and China as to hold these allies firmly within America’s own economic orbit.

Allies are to forego the benefits of importing Russian gas and Chinese products, buying much higher-priced U.S. LNG and other exports, capped by more U.S. arms.

The sanctions that U.S. diplomats are insisting that their allies impose against trade with Russia and China are aimed ostensibly at deterring a military buildup.

But such a buildup cannot possibly really be the main Russian and Chinese concern.

They have much more to gain by offering mutual economic benefits to the West. So the underlying question is whether Europe will find its advantage in replacing U.S. exports with Russian and Chinese supplies and the associated mutual economic linkages.

What worries American diplomats is that Germany, other NATO nations and countries along the Belt and Road route understand the gains that can be made by opening up peaceful trade and investment.

If there is no Russian or Chinese plan to invade or bomb them, what is the need for NATO?

What is the need for such heavy purchases of U.S. military hardware by America’s affluent allies?

And if there is no inherently adversarial relationship, why do foreign countries need to sacrifice their own trade and financial interests by relying exclusively on U.S. exporters and investors?

These are the concerns that have prompted French Prime Minister Macron to call forth the ghost of Charles de Gaulle and urge Europe to turn away from what he calls NATO’s “brain-dead” Cold War and beak with the pro-U.S. trade arrangements that are imposing rising costs on Europe while denying it potential gains from trade with Eurasia.

Even Germany is balking at demands that it freeze by this coming March by going without Russian gas.

Instead of a real military threat from Russia and China, the problem for American strategists is the absence of such a threat.

All countries have come to realize that the world has reached a point at which no industrial economy has the manpower and political ability to mobilize a standing army of the size that would be needed to invade or even wage a major battle with a significant adversary.

That political cost makes it uneconomic for Russia to retaliate against NATO adventurism prodding at its western border trying to incite a military response. It’s just not worth taking over Ukraine.

America’s rising pressure on its allies threatens to drive them out of the U.S. orbit.

For over 75 years they had little practical alternative to U.S. hegemony.

But that is now changing.

America no longer has the monetary power and seemingly chronic trade and balance-of-payments surplus that enabled it to draw up the world’s trade and investment rules in 1944-45.

The threat to U.S. dominance is that China, Russia and Mackinder’s Eurasian World Island heartland are offering better trade and investment opportunities than are available from the United States with its increasingly desperate demand for sacrifices from its NATO and other allies.

The most glaring example is the U.S. drive to block Germany from authorizing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to obtain Russian gas for the coming cold weather.

Angela Merkel agreed with Donald Trump to spend $1 billion building a new LNG port to become more dependent on highly priced U.S. LNG. (The plan was cancelled after the U.S. and German elections changed both leaders.)

But Germany has no other way of heating many of its houses and office buildings (or supplying its fertilizer companies) than with Russian gas.

The only way left for U.S. diplomats to block European purchases is to goad Russia into a military response and then claim that avenging this response outweighs any purely national economic interest.

As hawkish Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, explained in a State Department press briefing on January 27:

“If Russia invades Ukraine one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”[1]

The problem is to create a suitably offensive incident and depict Russia as the aggressor.

Nuland expressed who was dictating the policies of NATO members succinctly in 2014: “Fuck the EU.”

That was said as she told the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine that the State Department was backing the puppet Arseniy Yatsenyuk as Ukrainian prime minister (removed after two years in a corruption scandal), and U.S. political agencies backed the bloody Maidan massacre that ushered in what are now eight years of civil war.

The result devastated Ukraine much as U.S. violence had done in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

This is not a policy of world peace or democracy that European voters endorse.

U.S. trade sanctions imposed on its NATO allies extend across the trade spectrum.

Austerity-ridden Lithuania gave up its cheese and agricultural market in Russia, and is blocking its state-owned railroad from carrying Belarus potash to the Baltic port of Klaipeda.

The port’s majority owner complained that “Lithuania will lose hundreds of millions of dollars from halting Belarus exports through Klaipeda,” and “could face legal claims of $15 billion over broken contracts.”[2]

Lithuania has even agreed to U.S. prompting to recognize Taiwan, resulting in China refusing to import German or other products that include Lithuanian-made components.

Europe is to impose sanctions at the cost of rising energy and agricultural prices by giving priority to imports from the United States and foregoing Russian, Belarusian and other linkages outside of the Dollar Area.

As Sergey Lavrov put matters:

“When the United States thinks that something suits its interests, it can betray those with whom it was friendly, with whom it cooperated and who catered to its positions around the world.”[3]

America’s sanctions on its allies hurt their economies, not those of Russia and China

What seems ironic is that such sanctions against Russia and China have ended up helping rather than hurting them.

But the primary aim was not to hurt nor to help the Russian and Chinese economies.

After all, it is axiomatic that sanctions force the targeted countries to become more self-reliant.

Deprived of Lithuanian cheese, Russian producers have produced their own, and no longer need to import it from the Baltic states.

America’s underlying economic rivalry is aimed at keeping European and its allied Asian countries in its own increasingly protected economic orbit.

Germany, Lithuania and other allies are told to impose sanctions directed against their own economic welfare by not trading with countries outside the U.S. dollar-area orbit.

Quite apart from the threat of actual war resulting from U.S. bellicosity, the cost to America’s allies of surrendering to U.S. trade and investment demands is becoming so high as to be politically unaffordable.

For nearly a century there has been little alternative but to agree to trade and investment rules favoring the U.S. economy as the price of receiving U.S. financial and trade support and even military security. But an alternative is now threatening to emerge – one offering benefits from China’s Belt and Road initiative, and from Russia’s desire for foreign investment to help modernize its industrial organization, as seemed to be promised thirty years ago in 1991.

Ever since the closing years of World War II, U.S. diplomacy has aimed at locking Britain, France, and especially defeated Germany and Japan, into becoming U.S. economic and military dependencies.

As I documented in Super Imperialism, American diplomats broke up the British Empire and absorbed its Sterling Area by the onerous terms imposed first by Lend-Lease and then the Anglo-American Loan Agreement of 1946.

The latter’s terms obliged Britain to give up its Imperial Preference policy and unblock the sterling balances that India and other colonies had accumulated for their raw-materials exports during the war, thus opening the British Commonwealth to U.S. exports.

Britain committed itself not to recover its prewar markets by devaluing sterling.

U.S. diplomats then created the IMF and World Bank on terms that promoted U.S. export markets and deterred competition from Britain and other former rivals.

Debates in the House of Lords and the House of Commons showed that British politicians recognized that they were being consigned to a subservient economic position, but felt that they had no alternative.

And once they gave up, U.S. diplomats had a free hand in confronting the rest of Europe.

Financial power has enabled America to continue dominating Western diplomacy despite being forced off gold in 1971 as a result of the balance-of-payments costs of its overseas military spending.

For the past half-century, foreign countries have kept their international monetary reserves in U.S. dollars – mainly in U.S. Treasury securities, U.S. bank accounts and other financial investments in the U.S. economy.

The Treasury-bill standard obliges foreign central banks to finance America’s military-based balance-of-payments deficit – and in the process, the domestic government budget deficit.

The United States does not need this recycling to create money.

The government can simply print money, as MMT has demonstrated. But the United States does need this foreign central bank dollar recycling to balance its international payments and support the dollar’s exchange rate.

If the dollar were to decline, foreign countries would find it much easier to pay international dollar-debts in their own currencies.

U.S. import prices would rise, and it would be more costly for U.S. investors to buy foreign assets.

And foreigners would lose money on U.S. stocks and bonds as denominated in their own currencies, and would drop them.

Central banks in particular would take a loss on the Treasury’s dollar bonds that they hold in their monetary reserves – and would find their interest to lie in moving out of the dollar.

So the U.S. balance of payments and exchange rate are both threatened by U.S. belligerency and military spending throughout the world – yet its diplomats are trying to stabilize matters by ramping up the military threat to crisis levels.

U.S. drives to keep its European and East Asian protectorates locked into its own sphere of influence is threatened by the emergence of China and Russia independently of the United States while the U.S. economy is de-industrializing as a result of its own deliberate policy choices.

The industrial dynamic that made the United States so dominant from the late 19th century up to the 1970s has given way to an evangelistic neoliberal financialization.

That is why U.S. diplomats need to arm-twist their allies to block their economic relations with post-Soviet Russia and socialist China, whose growth is outstripping that of the United States and whose trade arrangements offer more opportunities for mutual gain.

At issue is how long the United States can block its allies from taking advantage of China’s economic growth.

Will Germany, France and other NATO countries seek prosperity for themselves instead of letting the U.S. dollar standard and trade preferences siphon off their economic surplus?

Oil diplomacy and America’s dream for post-Soviet Russia

The expectation of Gorbachev and other Russian officials in 1991 was that their economy would turn to the West for reorganization along the lines that had made the U.S., German and other economies so prosperous.

The mutual expectation in Russia and Western Europe was for German, French and other investors to restructure the post-Soviet economy along more efficient lines.

That was not the U.S. plan.

When Senator John McCain called Russia “a gas station with atom bombs,” that was America’s dream for what they wanted Russia to be – with Russia’s gas companies passing into control by U.S. stockholders, starting with the planned buyout of Yukos as arranged with Mikhail Khordokovsky.

The last thing that U.S. strategists wanted to see was a thriving revived Russia.

U.S. advisors sought to privatize Russia’s natural resources and other non-industrial assets, by turning them over to kleptocrats who could “cash out” on the value of what they had privatized only by selling to U.S. and other foreign investors for hard currency.

The result was a neoliberal economic and demographic collapse throughout the post-Soviet states.

In some ways, America has been turning itself into its own version of a gas station with atom bombs (and arms exports).

U.S. oil diplomacy aims to control the world’s oil trade so that its enormous profits will accrue to the major U.S. oil companies.

It was to keep Iranian oil in the hands of British Petroleum that the CIA’s Kermit Roosevelt worked with British Petroleum’s Anglo-Persian Oil Company to overthrow Iran’s elected leader Mohammed Mossadegh in 1954 when he sought to nationalize the company after it refused decade after decade to perform its promised contributions to the economy.

After installing the Shah whose democracy was based on a vicious police state, Iran threatened once again to act as the master of its own oil resources.

So it was once again confronted with U.S.-sponsored sanctions, which remain in effect today.

The aim of such sanctions is to keep the world oil trade firmly under U.S. control, because oil is energy and energy is the key to productivity and real GDP.

In cases where foreign governments such as Saudi Arabia and neighboring Arab petrostates have taken control, the export earnings of their oil are to be deposited in U.S. financial markets to support the dollar’s exchange rate and U.S. financial domination.

When they quadrupled their oil prices in 1973-74 (in response to the U.S. quadrupling of its grain-export prices), the U.S. State Department laid down the law and told Saudi Arabia that it could charge as much as it wanted for its oil (thereby raising the price umbrella for U.S. oil producers), but it had to recycle its oil-export earnings to the United States in dollar-denominated securities – mainly in U.S. Treasury securities and U.S. bank accounts, along with some minority holdings of U.S. stocks and bonds (but only as passive investors, not using this financial power to control corporate policy).

The second mode of recycling oil-export earnings was to buy U.S. arms exports, with Saudi Arabia becoming one of the military-industrial complex’s largest customers. U.S. arms production actually is not primarily military in character.

As the world is now seeing in the kerfuffle over Ukraine, America does not have a fighting army.

What it has is what used to be called an “eating army.”

U.S. arms production employs labor and produces weaponry as a kind of prestige good for governments to show off, not for actual fighting.

Like most luxury goods, the markup is very high.

That is the essence of high fashion and style, after all. The MIC uses its profits to subsidize U.S. civilian production in a way that does not violate the letter of international trade laws against government subsidy.

Sometimes, of course, military force is indeed used.

In Iraq, first George W. Bush and then Barack Obama used the military to seize the country’ oil reserves, along with those of Syria and Libya.

Control of world oil has been the buttress of America’s balance of payments.

Despite the global drive to slow the planet’s warming, U.S. officials continue to view oil as the key to America’s economic supremacy.

That is why the U.S. military is still refusing to obey Iraq’s orders to leave their country, keeping its troops in control of Iraqi oil, and why it agreed with the French to destroy Libya and still has troops in the oilfields of Syria.

Closer to home, President Biden has approved offshore drilling and supports Canada’s expansion of its Athabasca tar sands, environmentally the dirtiest oil in the world.

Along with oil and food exports, arms exports support the Treasury-bill standard’s financing of America’s overseas military spending on its 750 bases abroad.

But without a standing enemy constantly threatening at the gates, NATO’s existence falls apart.

What would be the need for countries to buy submarines, aircraft carriers, airplanes, tanks, missiles and other arms?

As the United States has de-industrialized, its trade and balance-of-payments deficit is becoming more problematic.

It needs arms export sales to help reduce its widening trade deficit and also to subsidize its commercial aircraft and related civilian sectors.

The challenge is how to maintain its prosperity and world dominance as it de-industrializes while economic growth is surging ahead in China and now even Russia.

America has lost its industrial cost advantage by the sharp rise in its cost of living and doing business in its financialized post-industrial rentier economy.

Additionally, as Seymour Melman explained in the 1970s, Pentagon capitalism is based on cost-plus contracts: The higher military hardware costs, the more profit its manufacturers receive.

So U.S. arms are over-engineered – hence, the $5000 toilet seats instead of a $50 model.

The main attractiveness of luxury goods after all, including military hardware, is their high price.

This is the background for U.S. fury at its failure to seize Russia’s oil resources – and at seeing Russia also break free militarily to create its own arms exports, which now are typically better and much less costly than those of the U.S.

Today Russia is in the position of Iran in 1954 and again in 1979.

Not only do its oil sales rival those of U.S. LNG, but Russia keeps its oil-export earnings at home to finance its re-industrialization, so as to rebuild the economy that was destroyed by the U.S.-sponsored shock “therapy” of the 1990s.

The line of least resistance for U.S. strategy seeking to maintain control of the world’s oil supply while maintaining its luxury-arms export market via NATO is to Cry Wolf and insist that Russia is on the verge of invading Ukraine – as if Russia had anything to gain by quagmire warfare over Europe’s poorest and least productive economy.

The winter of 2021-22 has seen a long attempt at U.S. prodding of NATO and Russia to fight – without success.

U.S. dreams of a neoliberalized China as a U.S. corporate affiliate

America has de-industrialized as a deliberate policy of slashing production costs as its manufacturing companies have sought low-wage labor abroad, most notably in China.

This shift was not a rivalry with China, but was viewed as mutual gain.

American banks and investors were expected to secure control and the profits of Chinese industry as it was marketized.

The rivalry was between U.S. employers and U.S. labor, and the class-war weapon was offshoring and, in the process, cutting back government social spending.

Similar to the Russian pursuit of oil, arms and agricultural trade independent of U.S. control, China’s offense is keeping the profits of its industrialization at home, retaining state ownership of significant corporations and, most of all, keeping money creation and the Bank of China as a public utility to fund its own capital formation instead of letting U.S. banks and brokerage houses provide its financing and siphon off its surplus in the form of interest, dividends and management fees.

The one saving grace to U.S. corporate planners has been China’s role in deterring U.S. wages from rising by providing a source of low-priced labor to enable American manufacturers to offshore and outsource their production.

The Democratic Party’s class war against unionized labor started in the Carter Administration and greatly accelerated when Bill Clinton opened the southern border with NAFTA.

A string of maquiladoras were established along the border to supply low-priced handicraft labor.

This became so successful a corporate profit center that Clinton pressed to admit China into the World Trade Organization in December 2001, in the closing month of his administration.

The dream was for it to become a profit center for U.S. investors, producing for U.S. companies and financing its capital investment (and housing and government spending too, it was hoped) by borrowing U.S. dollars and organizing its industry in a stock market that, like that of Russia in 1994-96, would become a leading provider of finance-capital gains for U.S. and other foreign investors.

Walmart, Apple and many other U.S. companies organized production facilities in China, which necessarily involved technology transfers and creation of an efficient infrastructure for export trade.

Goldman Sachs led the financial incursion, and helped China’s stock market soar.

All this was what America had been urging.

Where did America’s neoliberal Cold War dream go wrong?

For starters, China did not follow the World Bank’s policy of steering governments to borrow in dollars to hire U.S. engineering firms to provide export infrastructure.

It industrialized in much the same way that the United States and Germany did in the late 19th century: By heavy public investment in infrastructure to provide basic needs at subsidized prices or freely, from health care and education to transportation and communications, in order to minimize the cost of living that employers and exporters had to pay.

Most important, China avoided foreign debt service by creating its own money and keeping the most important production facilities in its own hands.

U.S. demands are driving its allies out of the dollar-NATO trade and monetary orbit

As in a classical Greek tragedy, U.S. foreign policy is bringing about precisely the outcome that it most fears.

Overplaying their hand with their own NATO allies, U.S. diplomats are bringing about Kissinger’s nightmare scenario, driving Russia and China together.

While America’s allies are told to bear the costs of U.S. sanctions, Russia and China are benefiting by being obliged to diversify and make their own economies independent of reliance on U.S. suppliers of food and other basic needs.

Above all, these two countries are creating their own de-dollarized credit and bank-clearing systems, and holding their international monetary reserves in the form of gold, euros and each other’s currencies to conduct their mutual trade and investment.

This de-dollarization provides an alternative to the unipolar U.S. ability to gain free foreign credit via the U.S. Treasury-bill standard for world monetary reserves.

As foreign countries and their central banks de-dollarize, what will support the dollar?

Without the free line of credit provided by central banks automatically recycling America’s foreign military and other overseas spending back to the U.S. economy (with only a minimal return), how can the United States balance its international payments in the face of its de-industrialization?

The United States cannot simply reverse its de-industrialization and dependence on Chinese and other Asian labor by bringing production back home.

It has built too high a rentier overhead into its economy for its labor to be able to compete internationally, given the U.S. wage-earner’s budgetary demands to pay high and rising housing and education costs, debt service and health insurance, and for privatized infrastructure services.

The only way for the United States to sustain its international financial balance is by monopoly pricing of its arms, patented pharmaceutical and information-technology exports, and by buying control of the most lucrative production and potentially rent-extracting sectors abroad – in other words, by spreading neoliberal economic policy throughout the world in a way that obliges other countries to depend on U.S. loans and investment.

That is not a way for national economies to grow.

The alternative to neoliberal doctrine is China’s growth policies that follow the same basic industrial logic by which Britain, the United States, Germany and France rose to industrial power during their own industrial takeoffs with strong government support and social spending programs.

The United States has abandoned this traditional industrial policy since the 1980s.

It is imposing on its own economy the neoliberal policies that de-industrialized Pinochetista Chile, Thatcherite Britain and the post-industrial former Soviet republics, the Baltics and Ukraine since 1991.

Its highly polarized and debt-leveraged prosperity is based on inflating real estate and securities prices and privatizing infrastructure.

This neoliberalism has been a path to becoming a failed economy and indeed, a failed state, obliged to suffer debt deflation, rising housing prices and rents as owner-occupancy rates decline, as well as exorbitant medical and other costs resulting from privatizing what other countries provide freely or at subsidized prices as human rights – health care, education, medical insurance and pensions.

The success of China’s industrial policy with a mixed economy and state control of the monetary and credit system has led U.S. strategists to fear that Western European and Asian economies may find their advantage to lie in integrating more closely with China and Russia.

The U.S. seems to have no response to such a global rapprochement with China and Russia except economic sanctions and military belligerence.

That New Cold War stance is expensive, and other countries are balking at bearing the cost of a conflict that has no benefit for themselves and indeed, threatens to destabilize their own economic growth and political independence.

Without subsidy from these countries, especially as China, Russia and their neighbors de-dollarize their economies, how can the United States maintain the balance-of-payments costs of its overseas military spending?

Cutting back that spending, and indeed recovering industrial self-reliance and competitive economic power, would require a transformation of American politics.

Such a change seems unlikely, but without it, how long can America’s post-industrial rentier economy manage to force other countries to provide it with the economic affluence (literally a flowing-in) that it is no longer producing at home?


[2] India

Can we consider India a Democracy or a DemoCrazy?

India is essentially a fragmented country starting from its government. Take your pick on the other factors:

  • Corruption, cronyism, and abuse of government authority that have come to light in recent years
  • Powers of the bureaucracy have to be substantially curbed … a country overburdened by a massive bureaucracy, India has one of the lowest rates of per capita public sector employment of any G20 country.
  • The Indian state suffers from debilitating weaknesses that hinder its ability to raise revenue, adjudicate disputes, guarantee public order, and provide public goods.
  • It has the lowest tax-to-GDP ratio of any #BRICS country (a grouping that also includes #Brazil, #Russia, and #China). Indeed, it has one of the smallest ratios of any country in the #G20.
  • India’s security forces suffer from endemic personnel shortages. As of the end of 2011, only 77 percent of available posts in the civil police force were occupied according to the National Crime Records Bureau. (and yet it is part of #AUKUS).
  • Finally, India also struggles in its ability to provide basic services such as healthcare and education.
  • Caste hierarchies are alive and well.

For over sixty years, India, a low-income country occupying a sprawling geography and serving as a home to a dizzying diversity of ethnic and linguistic groups, has managed to survive—indeed, thrive—as a functioning democracy.

Its political system in particular has the capacity to confound even the most knowledgeable and insightful Indian, so it should come as no surprise that for outsiders, interpreting Indian politics can be downright daunting.

But trying to fit India into neat categories to get a handle on the South Asian behemoth misses much of the nuance at the heart of the Indian polity.

For instance, India’s politics have grown more regionalized, yet powerful forces of centralization remain intact.

Old caste divides have lost social relevance but often thrive in the domain of politics.

India’s party system is fragmented, but centralization has not disappeared

A dominant narrative about Indian politics over the last few decades has been the increasing regionalization of the political party system.

One way to measure this fragmentation is to compare political competition in India’s first general elections in 1952 to the most recent parliamentary elections of 2009. In 1952, 55 parties contested general elections, and in 2009, there were 370 competitors (see figure 1).

Of course, these numbers overstate the level of fragmentation because they do not account for the actual support political parties have among the electorate, but the changes remain large even when parties are weighted by the actual seats they win.

In 1952, this measure of effective number of parties in parliament stood at 1.7, and it has exhibited a more-than-fourfold increase over the past six decades, reaching 6.5.

Milan Vaishnav

Vaishnav’s primary research focus is the political economy of India, and he examines issues such as corruption and governance, state capacity, distributive politics, and electoral behavior.
The emerging federal nature of India’s electoral politics was given a shot in the arm in the early 1990s thanks to the rise of coalition governments in New Delhi, which provided a new set of incentives for aspiring regional politicians to abandon the dominant national parties and establish their own political outfits. 

While some of these new “regional parties” have strong links to subnational, separatist, or regional cultural markers, most simply draw support from a narrow (subnational) geographically defined territory. 

In this sense, several Indian parties formally classified as “national” by the Election Commission of India are actually regional in nature, such as the Nationalist Congress Party, whose success is largely confined to the state of Maharashtra.

As a result of these shifts, state-level politics are now the principal settings for political contestation, while national elections are increasingly “derivative.” 

While this does not mean that national elections are merely a sum of state-level contests, state-level politics is often the prism through which voters make decisions about national elections. 

For example, when state-level elections are held less than two years prior to national elections, voters are prone to reaffirm their state-level decisions when they vote in parliamentary elections.

 But when national elections take place midway through a state government’s tenure, more often than not voters punish the ruling state party or parties in national polls.

Indian National Congress

Moreover, fractures have developed within the two major national parties. Fragmentation within the ruling Indian National Congress (Congress, for short) is largely due to the leadership’s “dyarchic” nature.

Ever since the Congress Party’s current president, Sonia Gandhi, refused to assume the position of prime minister after the Congress came to power in 2004, handing over the reins to former finance minister Manmohan Singh, dual power centers revolving around these two figures have persisted. 

In reality, Singh occupies the throne, but Gandhi is perceived to wield the power. 

The wheels came off the arrangement during its second term. 

Now, the “divided leadership” within the Congress Party may be the most significant political hurdle to implementing badly needed political and economic reforms.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

The problem for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is far more complicated.

The party boasts a surfeit of leaders clamoring for the post of prime minister. 

Many of the BJP’s most well-known personalities continue to jockey for greater visibility and stature within the party hierarchy—leading to frequent internal disputes. 

Complicating this picture even more is the fact that the BJP exhibits a significant amount of diversity at the state level. 

In the words of scholar Pratap Bhanu Mehta, the BJP “is, for all practical purposes, a collection of six or seven state parties.” 

Furthermore, the leaders of the BJP in the states pledge their political loyalties to different national-level BJP leaders.

Yet, it would be premature to sound the death knell for the two major national parties.

In the 2009 general elections, the Congress and BJP won a combined total of 322 seats—or 60 percent of the overall count (543). 

Indeed, Congress’s vote share in national elections has essentially remained constant since 1996—hovering around 28 percent. 

(Yet due to the peculiarities of India’s winner-take-all electoral system, the number of seats the Congress has won with a roughly similar vote share has fluctuated wildly from election to election—see figure 2.) 

Both parties also continue to have a considerable presence at the state level. 

Nearly two-thirds of states (19 of 30) are presently governed by either Congress or BJP chief ministers, though several are in a coalition with regional parties.

States are the solution to India’s policy dilemmas, but also the problem

When India’s central government is unwilling or unable to take action on policy reform, its states are often heralded as the solution to gridlock or “policy paralysis” because Indian federalism gives the states considerable space for policy innovation. When the center fails, the respective states can usher in and lead intra-Indian competition for resources, investment, and talent, which produces a dynamic process of policy diffusion.

What complicates the picture is that the degree to which “good policies” are adopted often varies considerably within states. For instance, Gujarat has enjoyed fantastic economic growth rates and enormous investment inflows under Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s tenure.

In this sense, it is one of India’s most highly developed states. Yet, while Gujarat’s economic “model” is heralded, it a lags on health and family welfare, scoring near the bottom of India’s states on basic indicators of malnutrition.

The coexistence in Modi’s Gujarat of economic vitality with endemic malnutrition illustrates, in a nutshell, the promise and the peril of state-level leadership. Indeed, while there is a generally positive correlation between the level of development and malnutrition across India’s states, the states that thrive economically often “underperform” on addressing malnutrition (see figure 3 with Gujarat highlighted in red).

And when it comes to natural resource management states have strongly opposed reforms that would minimize their discretion and, therefore, their rent extraction possibilities. Consider the recent corruption scandal known as “Coalgate.”

A blistering report from the comptroller and auditor general accused the central government of using an opaque, uncompetitive, and ad hoc discretionary process for allocating nearly 60 licenses for captive coal mines across India. The report estimates that the policy led to $33 billion in lost revenue.

The central government is surely to blame for dithering in establishing a new, competitive policy for allocating coal licenses. But the states themselves played a starring role in the scandal.

The chief ministers of several mining-intensive states strongly opposed a change of policy and lobbied the government to maintain the status quo.

And state governments played a prominent role in recommending which private sector firms should receive licenses.

The Indian state is often overbureaucratized yet undermanned

Given the corruption, cronyism, and abuse of government authority that have come to light in recent years—ranging from the discretionary allocation of licenses governing 2G telecommunication spectrum to the procurement scandals which plagued India’s hosting of the Commonwealth Games—there is a strong sentiment within India that the powers of the bureaucracy have to be substantially curbed.

There is certainly a considerable need to curtail the worst excesses of the state, especially where the state’s heavy-handed role distorts economic incentives. For instance, transactions involving land—construction, mining, and infrastructure—remain a hotbed of corruption and malfeasance.

The regulatory intensity of the state with respect to land is extremely high, allowing politicians and bureaucrats to trade regulatory forbearance for bribes and kickbacks.

Yet, while the Indian state needs to cede authority over certain realms, it simultaneously needs to expand its authority in others.

Notwithstanding the widely held image of India as a country overburdened by a massive bureaucracy, India has one of the lowest rates of per capita public sector employment of any G20 country.

Furthermore, government employment in India (across local, state, and federal levels) is in decline.

The Indian state suffers from debilitating weaknesses that hinder its ability to raise revenue, adjudicate disputes, guarantee public order, and provide public goods. It has the lowest tax-to-GDP ratio of any BRIC country (a grouping that also includes Brazil, Russia, and China). Indeed, it has one of the smallest ratios of any country in the G20.

Admittedly, it is difficult to disentangle issues of policy choice from capacity, but there are ample signs that India is failing to enforce the taxes that are on the books.

For instance, a new investigations unit of the income tax department dedicated to recovering lost tax revenue has barely gotten off the ground one year after setting up shop thanks to a personnel shortfall.

The relative incapacity of the judiciary has been well documented. The Supreme Court reported in late 2011 that the country’s courts are saddled under the weight of 32 million pending cases. C

ourts at all levels—the Supreme Court as well as various high courts and district and subordinate courts—see their dockets grow rather than shrink year after year.

Meanwhile, India’s security forces suffer from endemic personnel shortages. As of the end of 2011, only 77 percent of available posts in the civil police force were occupied according to the National Crime Records Bureau.

Even if the state governments were to boost their recruitment and close the vacancy gap, India would still have one of the smallest ratios of police per capita anywhere in the world.

The armed forces too struggle with manpower shortfalls: the Indian army faces a shortage of 12,000 officers, or roughly 20 percent of its overall sanctioned strength.

Finally, India also struggles in its ability to provide basic services such as healthcare and education.

On education, for instance, it is true that India is growing ever closer toward achieving universal primary enrollment.

Yet, the quality of those activities that regularly take place in schools is, on average, abysmal.

According to the last several rounds of the Annual Status of Education Report conducted by the nongovernmental organization Pratham, the proportion of children aged six to fourteen who can read a simple paragraph has stagnated around 40 percent—with only marginal improvement over the past several years.

India’s economic crisis is largely self-inflicted

After over a decade of booming growth, the Indian economy was recently brought down to earth. In the quarter ending in June 2012, the economy grew at a rate of 5.5 percent—down from 8 percent the same quarter one year ago. While the International Monetary Fund now projects that growth in 2012 will dip below 5 percent, most independent observers forecast a quick rebound in 2013. A sustained period of growth at 5 percent or below, if such a situation materialized, would constitute a serious social and economic crisis for India.

In many ways, the particular success of India’s economy may have planted the seeds of its future slowdown. Reforms of the early 1990s, which involved industrial delicensing, reducing tariffs, and removing barriers to foreign capital flows, created a powerful new class of entrepreneurs who leveraged their political connections to entrench their positions in a newly liberalized economy.

These private sector winners, and their political allies, believed it was in their self-interest to obstruct follow-on, second-generation reforms that would further increase international competition in the economy or introduce more transparent and competitive processes for natural resource contracts.

Crony capitalism may have helped fuel rapid economic growth, but the rot in the system now threatens to swallow the whole thing up as the economy struggles in the wake of revelations of gross misgovernance and corruption.

There is also a perception that the roots of the current economic malaise are deeply political, from two years of unrelenting corruption scandals to a divided ruling party.

The situation was further compounded by the government’s missteps on key policy issues at critical junctures.

For instance, the government announced aggressive new anti-tax-avoidance policies that would retroactively levy taxes on business deals it perceived were structured to circumvent tax compliance.

This move rattled investor confidence and contributed to an atmosphere of heightened private sector uncertainty.

In an encouraging move, in mid-September the government announced a slew of long-awaited reforms, notably raising the price of diesel (which is heavily subsidized) and increasing foreign investment caps in a range of sectors such as broadcasting, multibrand retail, and civil aviation.

The government referred to these reforms as a “big bang,” but the current changes can best be described as a collection of modest steps.

Most political parties acknowledge the need for more fundamental structural reform; India’s administrative, regulatory, and legal machinery is hopelessly out of date. Yet the implementation of such reforms carries with it great political risk, discouraging bolder action.

Caste in India is declining socially, but remains strong politically

Social relations in India have long been defined by the peculiar tenets of Hinduism’s hierarchical caste system. But according to a recent study, the social inequalities that have historically defined relations between Dalits (lower castes) and non-Dalits have declined precipitously in the market-reform era.

Indeed, India now boasts a talented crop of “Dalit millionaires” who have formed their own Dalit Chamber of Commerce. Moreover, several groups have benefitted from reservations (or ethnic quotas) in government jobs, higher education, and political representation.

Yet caste hierarchies are alive and well in other areas. In one study, economists sent fictitious online job applications to firms, randomly manipulating the caste-based surnames of the fake applicants.

Large and significant differences in the treatment of applicants was seen in competition over call-center jobs, where “soft” or intangible skills are difficult to effectively signal through resume credentials alone, suggesting the persistence of discrimination against disadvantaged groups in certain sectors.

And there can be no doubt that a significant amount of political mobilization still occurs along caste or communal lines.

This is most glaring in north Indian states such as Uttar Pradesh, where rival political parties vociferously court opposing “vote banks” and speak of “caste equations.”

Yet, political mobilization along identity lines is hardly confined to north India: politically motivated communal violence in Kerala and the persistence of political divisions between the Kamma, Reddy, and Kapu communities in Andhra Pradesh are evidence of this.

Moreover, caste seems to still influence voter behavior across India. Some observers have heralded the delinking of ethnicity and vote choice by examining national-level aggregates of voter behavior, finding little evidence to suggest that a majority of any given ethnic community favors one political party over another. But when one disaggregates the data at the state level—which is the prime venue for political contestation—a majority of a caste group in many states votes in favor of one political party.

A closer look at state-level realities also suggests that some prominent leaders who have been celebrated for their perceived willingness to transcend caste divides in fact embrace caste—albeit in less overt, divisive ways. One prominent leader who is said to have risen above caste politics is Chief Minister Nitish Kumar in the state of Bihar.

In reality, Kumar has not ignored caste; he has simply played the caste card shrewdly. In his first term, Kumar instituted a “Mahadalit” scheme—earmarking government transfers for certain Dalit segments, namely those that fell outside of the traditional vote banks of his opposition—and established quotas in government jobs for lower caste Muslims.

Looking Ahead

Over the past two decades, India’s politics have grown far more complex. Economic liberalization, growing political competition, and increasing decentralization have fundamentally remade India’s political economy. Yet these new shifts have not completely displaced prevailing ideologies and proclivities.

In today’s India, liberalization coexists with the remnants of state-driven planning. Regionalization has expanded but has not completely taken over. And the bureaucracy’s authority has receded in many domains while becoming more entrenched in others.

Those looking to make sense of where India’s political project is headed in the years to come would be well-served to heed the words of Cambridge economist Joan Robinson: “Whatever you can rightly say about India, the opposite is also true.”

 The author thanks Reedy Swanson for excellent research assistance, Ashley Tellis and Frederic Grare for comments, and Devesh Kapur for useful conversations.

[3] Argentina

Here’s a pretty good summary…

Sitrep Argentina: Odious debt and Belt and Road


The president of Argentina as a matter of urgency approached President Putin in the day before President Putin left for Beijing.  They needed help with odious debt that the country entered into with the IMF.  This is the sequence of events in the last few days:

Argentina is trapped in $44 billion of odious debt from the US-controlled IMF.

Seeking alternatives to US hegemony, Argentina’s President Alberto Fernández traveled to Russia and China, forming an alliance with the Eurasian powers, joining the Belt & Road
— Multipolarista (@Multipolarista) February 6, 2022


Additional details from the Argentine presidency on the deal made in Beijing:

— Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews) February 6, 2022

And then, one of the most interesting points in the second tweet: China reaffirmed its support for Argentina’s demand to fully exercise sovereignty over the Malvinas.

Argentina reaffirmed its commitment to the One China principle and China reaffirmed its support for Argentina’s demand to fully exercise sovereignty over the Malvinas. More:
— Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews) February 6, 2022

This is then how Zone B grows, with countries saying they have had enough of hegemony and taking clear steps to help themselves.

Trapped in IMF debt, Argentina turns to Russia and joins China’s Belt & Road

Argentina is trapped in $44 billion of IMF odious debt taken on by corrupt right-wing regimes.

Seeking alternatives to US hegemony, President Alberto Fernández traveled to Russia and China, forming an alliance with the Eurasian powers, joining the Belt and Road Initiative.

The United States constantly intervenes in the internal affairs of Latin America,

Washington sees the region as its own property, with President Joe Biden referring to it this January as “America’s front yard.”

Seeking alternatives to US hegemony, progressive governments in Latin America have increasingly looked across the ocean to form alliances with China and Russia.

Argentina’s President Alberto Fernández did exactly that this February, taking historic trips to Beijing and Moscow to meet with his counterparts Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin.

Fernández signed a series of strategic agreements…

      • officially incorporating Argentina into Beijing’s international Belt and Road Initiative,
      • while expanding economic partnerships with the Eurasian powers and
      • telling Moscow that Argentina “should be the door to enter” Latin America.

China offered $23.7 billion in funding for infrastructure projects and investments in Argentina’s economy.

In the meetings, Fernández also asked for Argentina to join the BRICS framework, alongside Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Xi and Putin reportedly both agreed.

“I am consistently working to rid Argentina of this dependence on the IMF and the US,”

Fernández explained.

“I want Argentina to open up new opportunities.”

The Argentine president’s comments and meetings with Putin and Xi reportedly angered the US government.

Argentina is trapped in odious debt with the US-controlled IMF

Argentina is a Latin American powerhouse, with significant natural resources and the third-largest economy in the region (after Brazil and Mexico, both of which have significantly larger populations).

But Argentina’s development has often been weighed down by…

      • debt traps imposed from abroad,
      • resulting in frequent economic crises,
      • cycles of high inflation,
      • and currency devaluations.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) – a de facto economic arm of the United States, over which Washington alone has veto power – has significant control over Argentina, having trapped the nation in huge sums of odious debt.

In 2018, Argentina’s right-wing President Mauricio Macri requested the largest loan in the history of the IMF: a staggering $57.1 billion bailout.

Macri was notorious for his corruption, and this was no secret at the time.

By agreeing to give such an enormous sum of money to Macri’s scandal-plagued government, the IMF knew it was ensnaring Argentina in debt it would not be able to pay off.

But this was far from the first time the US-dominated financial instrument had trapped Argentina in odious debt.

In December 2021, the IMF published an internal report admitting that the 2018 bailout completely failed to stabilize Argentina’s economy.

But when Argentina’s center-left President Alberto Fernández entered office in December 2019, his country was ensnared in $44.5 billion in debt from this bailout that the IMF itself admitted was a total failure. ($44.5 billion of the $57.1 billion loan had already been disbursed, and Fernández cancelled the rest.)

The Argentine government has tried to renegotiate the debt, but in order to do so the IMF has imposed conditions that severely restrict the nation’s sovereignty – such as appointing a British economist who “will virtually be the new economic minister,” acting as a kind of “co-government,” warned prominent diplomat Alicia Castro.

Seeking ways around these US debt traps, Fernández decided this February to turn to the two rising Eurasian superpowers.

Argentine President Fernández travels to Russia to meet with Putin

On February 3, Argentine President Alberto Fernández travelled to Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin.

“I’m certain Argentina has to stop being so dependent on the [International Monetary] Fund and the United States, and has to open up to other places, and that is where it seems to me that Russia has a very important place,”

Fernández said, explaining his motivation for the trip.

Fernández added that, for Russia, Argentina “should be the door to enter” the region, telling Putin, 

“We could be a venue for the development of your cooperation with Latin American nations.”

The two leaders discussed Russian investment in the Argentine economy, trade, railroad construction, and energy technology.

Fernández also thanked Moscow for collaborating with his country in the production of its Sputnik V covid-19 vaccine.

Argentina was the first country in the western hemisphere to do so.

The Argentine president even pointed out in their meeting that he has received three doses of the Sputnik V vaccine. Putin added, “Me too.”

Putin said the two countries agree on many issues, calling Argentina “one of Russia’s key partners in Latin America.”

Argentine President Fernández travels to China to meet with Xi Peng

Just three days after meeting with Putin, President Alberto Fernández travelled to China on February 6 to meet with President Xi Jinping.

In this historic trip, Argentina officially joined Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative, a massive global infrastructure program.

Fernández and other top Argentine officials signed agreements for $23.7 billion in Chinese financing, including investments and infrastructure projects.

The funding will be disbursed in two parts: one, which is already approved, will provide Argentina with $14 billion for 10 infrastructure projects; the second, for $9.7 billion, will finance the South American nation’s integration into the Belt and Road.

There are three joint Chinese-Argentine projects that were reportedly at the top of Fernández’s list:

      • creating 5G networks,
      • developing Argentina’s lithium industry,
      • and building the Atucha III nuclear power plant.

Fernández also discussed plans for Argentina to produce China’s Sinopharm covid-19 vaccine, in addition to Russia’s Sputnik V.

Argentina and China signed a comprehensive memorandum of understanding, including 13 documents for cooperation in areas such as green energy, technology, education, agriculture, communication, and nuclear energy.

Fernández and Xi discussed ways to…

“strengthen relations of political, commercial, economic, scientific, and cultural cooperation between both countries,”

…according to an Argentine government readout of the meeting.

The two leaders apparently hit it off very well, with Fernández telling Xi,

“If you were Argentine, you would be a Peronist.”

Argentina’s incorporation into the Belt and Road comes mere weeks after Nicaragua joined the initiative in January, and Cuba in December.

Latin America’s growing links with China and Russia show how the increasingly multipolar international system offers countries in the Global South new potential allies who can serve as bulwarks against and alternatives to Washington’s hegemony.

While right-wing leaders in Latin America keep looking north to the United States as their political compass, progressive governments are reaching across the ocean to the Eurasian powers of China, Russia, and Iran, building new international alliances that weaken Washington’s geopolitical grip over a region that the US president still insists is its “front yard.”

[4] Africa

Thanks for the repost of the Russia/China manifesto joint statement. The SAD truth is, that NOWHERE, in the U$ MSM, can it be seen, or even read, to the U$ public...

THAT FACT, should speak volumes about managed perception..

-vetinLA | Feb 8 2022 21:44 utc

What is FOCAC? Three historic stages in the China-Africa relationship

The FOCAC partnership platform between China and Africa has produced increasingly deep and complex relations between regions. Africa has benefited from significant investments and China has developed extensive soft power. In its 22nd year, Shirley Ze Yu looks at four stages in FOCAC’s evolution and how they shaped the China-Africa relationship today.

This is the first of two parts exploring the history and purpose of the FOCAC partnership between China and Africa, and part of the China-Africa Initiative series with the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa.

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was established in 2000 as a uni-multilateral partnership platform between China and 53 African states (all African states except Eswatini, which maintains diplomatic relations with Taiwan).

Of the many partnership platforms Africa has today with a single external actor, FOCAC remains the most strategically intertwined and far-reaching in its depth, scope and level of cooperation.

In theory, the Forum creates a form of multilateralism in which all countries are equal partners, but the comparative weight of China’s state capacity effectively dictates 53 pairs of bilateral relationships under a single architecture.

So why was FOCAC created and what was it meant to stand for?

Contrary to the conventional belief that FOCAC was initiated by China, the Forum was created in response to a proposal by the then-African leader Madagascan Foreign Minister Lila Ratsifandrihamanana.

The new organisation would see China emulate other Western nations who were steps ahead in partnering with Africa, most notably the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, the Africa-France Summit, the US-Africa Business Forum, the EU-Africa Summit, the Tokyo International Conference on Africa Development (TICAD) and others.

Contrary to the ad hoc nature of the EU-Africa Summit or Japan’s TICAD, FOCAC has been institutionalised with a clear operating architecture since inception, following two years of initial incubation.

FOCAC has evolved from a forum of diplomatic exchange and development-centric body to a comprehensive economic-political-security-soft power nexus, which advances China’s long-term vision in Africa.

It features triannual ministerial-level meetings with core secretarial responsibilities housed in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Commerce and Finance.

FOCAC’s evolution

The inaugural FOCAC meeting was convened in 2000 during Chinese leader Jiang Zemin’s era.

In 2006, FOCAC gathered over 40 heads of states or governments from Africa for the first time, overseen by then Chinese President Hu Jintao.

Its elevation during the Xi Jinping era from 2013 to an all-encompassing strategic uni-multilateral framework spanned issues on health, the environment, trade, finance, security, politics, ideology and human development.

Among the eight FOCAC Forums held during this period, three were elevated to a China-Africa Leaders’ Summit, attended by heads of state and government: the 3rd FOCAC in 2006 in Beijing, the 6th FOCAC in 2015 in Johannesburg and the 7th FOCAC in 2018 – again in Beijing.

Not coincidentally, each summit redefined the form and scope of the uni-multilateral relationship.

Today, FOCAC has grown far beyond a single development parameter.

It has become the quintessential component of China’s grand strategy for the global South.

In Africa, in contrast to the continent’s old colonial powers, China’s soft power has deepened alongside its hard power.

Up until 2021, the Forum’s 21st year, FOCAC’s history can be divided into three historic, incremental phases. A distinct fourth phase has just begun.

The first phase of FOCAC: 2000-2006

Until 1996, four years prior to FOCAC’s creation, China’s level of wealth as measured by per capita GDP trailed that of sub-Saharan Africa.

China was a marginal player on the world stage, with scant economic presence on the continent.

FOCAC’s priority in 2000 was therefore deeper trade engagement.

A grander relationship was inconceivable given China’s capacity.

At the time of FOCAC’s first ministerial meeting in late 2000, China was on the cusp of accession to the World Trade Organisation, which subsequently enabled it to become the world’s largest exporter within the next decade and assume the title of the ‘World’s Factory’.

In contrast to Beijing’s global trade strategy at the time, which was overwhelmingly aimed at driving Chinese exports and a current account surplus, FOCAC’s trade agenda was always to attract more imports from Africa.

At the second FOCAC meeting in 2003, China offered tariff-free imports from Africa’s least developed countries (LDCs).

By the 2006 FOCAC Summit in Beijing, over 440 items from the LDCs could be exported tariff-free to China.

Two-way trade with Africa expanded 5.2 times during this period.

The second phase of FOCAC: 2006-2015

During this second phase, China advanced the partnership’s economic cooperation from trade-only to encompass foreign aid, direct investment, development finance and, since 2013, continental-scale infrastructure building under its Belt and Road Initiative.

At the 2006 FOCAC Summit, then-Chinese President Hu Jintao pledged to double China’s financial aid and offered $5 billion of preferential loans and credit to Africa over the next three years.

This debuted China’s ballooning presence as Africa’s creditor.

In 2007, the China-Africa Development Fund was established, boosting China’s foreign direct investment (FDI) across Africa.

Chinese companies were led to develop special economic zones, free trade zones and industrial parks on the continent; the next wave of trade growth needed an efficient supply chain and upgrades in production capacity.

China’s FDI in Africa grew 3.5 times between 2006-9 and by this point China became Africa’s largest trade partner.

Upon the initiation of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, China furthered its role as a direct contributor to Africa’s infrastructure building, prioritising power grids, special trade zones, ports, transportation routes and other prestigious projects, in which China provided a full range of capabilities including finance, construction, management and, often, equity partnerships.

The infrastructure programme fundamentally remained physical over this phase of FOCAC, only to pivot towards digital from 2015 onwards.

The third phase of FOCAC: 2015-2021

Over the period from 2015-21, China asserted security and political partnerships with Africa as core pillars of FOCAC and envisioned a ‘China-Africa Common Destiny’ – a China-posited ideational framework of an alternative global destiny. Africa was the first global region that China conceives as a quintessential sphere of its ‘China Vision’.

The uni-multilateral partnership was raised to a new, comprehensive level at the 2015 Summit, where Chinese President Xi Jinping strengthened the commitment to mutual political trust and ‘mutual security assistance’.

Over this period, China established multiple sub-categories of the China-Africa cooperation mechanisms.

These include the

  • China-Africa People-to-People Forum,
  • China-Africa Youth Leaders Forum,
  • China-Africa Health Ministers Forum,
  • China-Africa Media Cooperation Forum,
  • China-Africa Poverty Alleviation and Development Forum,
  • China-Africa Legal Forum,
  • China-Africa Local Government Cooperation Forum and
  • China-Africa Think Tank Forum.

These civic engagements naturally score Chinese soft power in Africa, in sectors ranging from education, media, law and political mentoring to rural development.

At the 2018 Summit, where 50 African heads of state and government were present in Beijing to accelerate the FOCAC agenda, Xi Jinping further named political cooperation an essential task for the partnership platform. Xi asserted China’s support for African countries to explore alternative development paths that suit their national characteristics, implying that China does not promote democracy as the only form of government leading to economic development.

China’s political engagement with Africa instead strives to enlighten a Chinese philosophical path to development: the ‘development-for-peace’ narrative, contrasted with the West’s long-held ‘democracy-for-development’ consensus.

By empowering the Communist Party in FOCAC political dialogues with African counterparts, an ideological front has been added to what had previously been predominantly government-bureaucracy exchanges.

China offered to train African political leaders in its country on elite university programmes, modelled on the leagues of the Harvard Kennedy School.

Beyond politics, China’s infrastructure development in Africa during this period evolved from the physical to include digital and technology spheres, intended to support Africa’s pursuit of the ‘fourth industrial revolution’.

Over this phase, China laid down submarine cable networks along the coast of Africa, providing large parts of the continent with high-speed and low-cost broadband access.

China has since developed Africa’s first public cloud, built data storage centres and provided software systems for national governments.

China’s technology infrastructure incorporates both hard and soft elements.

China has further ventured in joint space development, and promoted Beidou – a global satellite positioning system comparable to the Google GPS – to support satellite-based services on the continent.

Data collected from space has the potential to produce $2 billion a year in benefits for Africa, according to the World Economic Forum.

Since China helped Ethiopia launch its first satellite in 2019, China has partnered resolutely with more African countries in space exploration.

Unlike Russia, which considers African countries only space launch customers, China has provided space launch services and financing for countries to acquire satellites; $6 of the $8 billion cost of Ethiopia’s satellite was financed by China.

As outer space projects have increasingly become the ambition and pride of rising nations, China’s commitment to Africa’s space missions supports the African dream for this sector.

FOCAC has manifested the ‘China Vision’

From Beijing’s humble defining of FOCAC as a new form of partnership in 2000, to the Forum’s strategic expansion beyond trade engagement in 2006 and its all-encompassing relationship in 2015, China’s enormous growth on the continent has not been coincidental. The China-Africa Common Destiny defined at FOCAC in 2018 was China’s foreign policy holy grail.

As China’s global economic and military prowess further grows, with the country aiming to gradually step into the centre of the world stage by 2049, China has elevated the African partnership to a height none can rival.

But what does this mean for Africa?

The continent could become a formidable exogenous force that prototypes Xi Jinping’s China Wisdom (中国智慧) with an alternative path to national prosperity, peace and security – a force without democracy or western political values.

Read the second part in the series on the future of FOCAC.

Some trailing thoughts

A ‘Multi-Polar World’ order is emerging. I would like to suggest that the outlines of this emerging order are as follows:

1. The dominant pole of this Multi-polar World is that led by the alliance of Russia and China. Spanning Eurasia from the Pacific to the Mediterranean, this pole includes the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Eurasian Economic Union, and includes Iran, Iraq, Syria, and possibly, in the future, Turkey.

2. The second pole will be the remnants of the ‘Globalist’ empire, stripped, however, of Europe (ex. U.K.) and any Asian representation, i.e. the U.S., U.K., Israel and likely Canada.

3. A third group consists of countries that are currently either occupied militarily by the U.S. or are part of NATO, but are either economically dependent on China or are in economic competition with the U.S. This includes most of Europe, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and the GCC countries (KSA, UAE, etc.). These countries cannot be considered as poles by themselves, for while some of them may have the economic weight to be considered a pole, such as Germany and Japan, they lack the geo-political weight. These countries are likely to try to escape from their status as American (‘Globalist’) vassals and become independent nations dealing equitably with all the poles of the new Multi-Polar World. In my view, it is unlikely that the EU will survive the birth of this new-world order in its current form. At best it is likely to revert back to a European free trade area, in which each country will recapture its sovereignty and its own currency.

4. A fourth group consists of countries that, while not being a part of the Russia/China pole will be under its wing, with Russia providing military, political and geo-political support, and China providing economic support. This group includes countries which are currently either under threat from the ‘Globalists’ (ie. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, etc.), are in turmoil due to exploitation by the ‘Globalists’ (ie. Chile, Argentina, Brazil, etc.) or are outright failed states (most of Africa). Under the protection of Russia and China, they will once again have a chance to overcome the anarchy of the past 20 or so years and to return to peaceful development.

5. A fifth group consists of what will likely end up as secondary poles of the Multi-Polar World. These are countries that today are both independent and have the geo-political and economic weight to continue to function independently. This group includes the likes of India and the ASEAN countries.’

The new order appears to be progressing apace. The commotion of the last year about Russia and Ukraine appears to be about trying to prevent Europe from ‘escaping from their status as American (‘Globalist’) vassals’.


The “rules based order”, where America makes the rules as it pleases is OVER. There is now a multi-polar global society, and the membership is being sorted out as you read this.

Preliminairly, it appears that only an handful of nations are sticking with the old-world American-led order.

      • The United States
      • The UK
      • Australia

Some are trying to “straddle the fence”…

      • Japan
      • South Korea
      • Canada
      • Poland

However, let it be well understood that most nations are embracing the Asian model.

The Asian model is one of society, of tradition, of help and of being a Rufus.

A Rufus makes the sidewalk on the street a little bit safer. His own time. His own costs. His own initative. Combined we all make the place a better place to live. Video 20MB

The change in the global economic situation will have catastrophic repurcussions economically upon the United States, but (the good news is) that it can be mitigated and leveraged. This would be conducted by adept handling of the entire global situation, and taking it’s domestic demons at home. Of course, those tasks cannot be outsourced and must be handled inside of the Washington DC “beltway”.

How capable the United States is with this effort has yet to be seen.

Never the less I, for one, look forward to a bright and sustainable future for the entire world.

The world is turning Rufus.

It’s a glorious thing.

Be the Rufus.

Guy finds a girl in distress in her car. She honks the horn at him, and they open the door to investigate. And there they find her in a dangerous state. They take action immediately. Be that Rufus.

Video 5MB

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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When the world is a changing we must recognize that the patterns stay the same

Our world is changing.

The key actors in this genuine reality show have communicated both orally and in writing, and their nations have physically acted; yet, so few seem to be watching, listening or seeing. 

Very little from Xi or Putin is kept secret aside from the usual military and trade secrets, although there is the language barrier. 

The obfuscation from the West is very clear to see. 

It appears they think that by staying silent their dominant position that only exists in their minds can be kept in place, which is doubly true for the Outlaw US Empire. 

Chronic prevaricators do have a problem when they try to dismiss yesterday's lies to replace them with today's as honest actors will hold them to their word. 

And that's precisely the aim of Russia's security proposals--Russia is calling out the West's longstanding series of lies and deliberate misinterpretations. 

China for its part is doing something similar, although its context differs. 

Xi announced China's intentions before Biden became POTUS--to force the Outlaw US Empire to become a law-abiding, "normal," nation--and bonded with Russia and other like-minded nations into an organization that more than signaled their intent--at least to those of us watching. 

As noted by numerous observers from both sides, direct warfare between the Outlaw US Empire and either or both Russia and China is highly unlikely for the Empire will suffer greatly, a truth known by at least some of those running the Empire into the ground.

Unfortunately, there's an impression that the 189 other nations on the planet aren't watching. 

Well, we know that most of the NATO/EU/OSCE nations are watching and directly involved, but so too are the world's remaining nations. 

And the vast majority back Russia and China because they're voicing their desires for a Law-based International Order centered on the UN, its Charter and other aspects of International Law. 

Too bad a poll isn't taken of those nations to see how many agree with the Joint Statement and its Manifesto; but based on related UNGA votes, the vast majority would say Yes, we agree.

Although the context is wrong, the Outlaw US Empire is acting very much like Icarus and will succumb to its hubris as did Icarus. 

That the Neoliberal Parasites actually in charge of the Outlaw US Empire seek to keep their place and power doesn't mean that they will. 

But for the Empire to become a normal nation for the first time in its history will require their overthrow and replacement by a far more humane, human, democratic, and enlightened polity than what currently exists. 

That may seem like a tall order, but many millions within the Empire crave such a change, and they have most of the world willing to aid that transformation.

-karlof1 | Feb 9 2022 0:54 utc

Our world is changing

It is on all levels, and while I mostly chat about Geo-Political issues and MAJestic, we have to realize that decay and collapse of America, or the rise of China, or the advances in Africa all consist of other shattering changes.

Consider this article from the Burning Platform…

The Terror

Guest Post by NickelthroweR

I was taking a break from cutting firewood and I sat down at my computer to see if anyone had responded to my post over at r/antiwork.  I’m not a popular guy over at r/antiwork and my comments usually get downvoted into the negative.  But, this was my first ever post over at the site and I was curious as to what the 4 or 5 commenters would have to say about what I had written but it wasn’t 4 or 5 commenters.  I looked at the numbers in disbelief and then I looked again and that was when I felt the first twinge of terror.

For those of you that do not know, r/antiwork is a forum populated by fierce/brave Communists that wish to destroy Capitalism so that they can all receive UBI so that they can focus on being Influencers, Podcasters and YouTubers.  After all, they did figure out that work is difficult, and they most certainly want to share that philosophy with everyone so as to justify their lifetime free ride of goods and services that are OWED to them.

A popular topic over at r/antiwork is the job interview process.  I understand the frustration of interviewing in a bureaucratic hyper-regulated system can cause a lot of anger but the corporation has boxes that it must check in the hiring process or be sued into oblivion.  You’ve got to interview every single minority group, the alphabet people, radical feminists, etc, even if you’ve already decided on promoting someone in-house.  That doesn’t matter, HR still has to pretend as the bureauracy demands that it go through the motions.  The Maoists over at r/antiwork do not understand that it is their own woke idealogy causing these problems but to them, it just looks like malice from an evil corporation.

By the way, if you were to take the advice given by these philosophers over at r/antiwork then you’d most certainly go to your next interview in your pajamas, make fantastical wage demands, dictate the terms of your employment to HR, and end the interview by dropping your pants and crapping all over the nearest desk.  That, more or less, sums up the advice you receive from the geniuses over at that forum.

As for myself, I’m really just a lurker over at that forum as I sit there gobsmacked by what these people that didn’t get a chair when the music stopped have to say and whom they blame for their misfortunes.  When I do chime in, it is to remind everyone that the solution to their problem is to open their own business.  After all, genius-philosopher-influencers should have no problem opening their own businesses, right?  I mean, if you don’t like that people receive low pay then open your own business and pay your employees more while still remaining competitive.  Should be easy, right?  If you don’t like government regulations then open your own business and ignore those regulations.  Should be easy, right?

Those comments of mine are universally downvoted because opening your own business would make you a Capitalist and you’d have to take on a whole bunch of responsibility.  Genius-philosopher-influencers don’t have time for any of that, dontcha know?  The Revolution is Today!  Get on board!

The other area where I like to chime in has to do with censorship.  For some strange reason, these guys are 100% on board with censorship.  It is funny to hear them repeat the talking points of corporate media that a private business “can do what it wants” with regards to censorship and if a bank, GFM, VISA, wants to cancel a customer because of their politics then that is fine too.  They are also 100% on board with masks and having the corporation dictate medical procedures for its workers because a private business can do what it wants.

When I remind these guys that cheerleading that a business can do whatever it wants also means that the business can pay you whatever it wants and treat you however they please.  You can’t have it both ways.  Naturally, those comments get down-voted too.  See, a corporation powerful enough to cancel the president must shut up and immediately allow its workforce to unionize while providing everyone a starting pay of $25/hr plus endless benefits!  Is this an amazing fantasy world or what?

I find all of this fascinating because my daughter is a manager at a progressive woke grocery store.  She has 4 unique generations working at her store and it is interesting to see how the different generations (and classes) function in a modern work environment.  Her store was able to retain its staff during the lockdowns and isn’t having any problems filling the occasional open position.  How progressive woke grocery store did this is very insightful and was the subject of my post over at r/antiwork.

According to my daughter, the ideal person to hire in 2022 is an attractive 17-year-old girl that lives at home with her wealthy parents.  That is the person you want to hire.  I asked her why and I’ve got to say that I was surprised by the corporate insight.

        1. Young wealthy people are on their parents insurance. You can work them more than 29 hours a week without having to provide them with those expensive benefits.
        2. Young wealthy people drive newer better-maintained cars than poor people. Poor people call off work when their cars break down.
        3. People with lots of student loan debt seem to be sick all of the time. Stress is the #1 killer and people with lots of debt are depressed and call off sick more than people without those debts.
        4. Attractive people are seen as smarter and more competent than their less attractive counterparts. Customers are less likely to “freak out” on an attractive person. (Halo effect)
        5. Attractive people like to be seen and are more likely to view work as a social event.
        6. Wealthy attractive 17-year-old girls tend to not be single mothers. Consequently, they are easier to schedule and do not call off of work when the child is ill.

In the same way that a bank will only loan you money if you do not need it, progressive woke grocery store will only hire you if you do not need the money.  They simply do not want the drama that someone that needs a job brings to the table.  I would have thought it would be the complete opposite.  I was wrong.

Think of the advantage this gives to the teenager?  They can live at home without rent, car payment, insurance payment, and just sock away the majority of their earnings.  In a few short years, they can pay for their own schooling, travel the world, or open their own business.  It puts them light years ahead of the 27-year-old guy that is a few pounds overweight and has $60,000 in student loan debt for a useless degree.  That guy or gal is locked in a cage that they themselves built and may never exit.

I decided to share all of this with the r/antiwork crowd because they erroneously believe that they have Corporate America on the ropes and if just a few more of them would quit their jobs then Corporate America will give in to their demands and strip the CEO’s of all of their wealth so as to give it all to the genius-philosopher-influencers over at r/antiwork.  Utopia achieved!

So, I wrote about the conversation I had with my daughter and offered some advice to those on the site that actually need jobs.  I advised them to rent or borrow a new/newer car for their interviews.  I advised them to look as youthful as possible.  I suggested to them that if they had debts then to not broadcast that fact.  “Don’t look desperate” was the point I was trying to get across.  Then I went outside to chop some firewood.

When I next returned to have a look at what was going on, I noticed that 1300 other people were currently reading what I had written.  On top of that, 322,000 people had read it in the last two hours, and the post had been shared 476 times.  The post itself had almost 1000 comments, an 89% upvote rate and there were 306 private messages in my inbox.  Like it or not, this was going to go viral.

“89% of the people approve of what I have to say so let’s read those comments”, I said to myself.  Well, that was a mistake.  The comment section was 90% negative with people telling me that I was a horrible person that raised a horrible daughter.  Other threads within the comment section were of people working out who I was and who my daughter was so that a campaign could be put together to get her fired and me canceled.  But the comment section was tame compared to what I received in the private messages.

The private messages were nearly all threats to my life.  Threats to have me “swatted”.  Threats to have me poisoned.  Threats to reveal my identity and location.  Pretty much any threat you can imagine was leveled at me for having dared explain how a corporation thinks.  I read all of this for about 15 minutes and decided that I had kicked a hornets’ nest.  These people could go after me, my business partner, my daughter, and my associates.

It was at this point that I felt The Terror.

I’m not weak at the knees and I certainly enjoy a good debate.  Furthermore, I can defend myself against the occasional belligerent individual but how do you defend yourself from hundreds, perhaps soon to be thousands of hysterical Maoists?  Like it or not, I was going to have to ride this wave to its conclusion.

Having decided that fretting about the post was not going to make it better, I got busy preparing my home for any unwelcome guests to include news outlets.  After all, r/antiwork had just been featured on Fox News where one of its moderators made a complete fool of himself.  Perhaps there were more fools to put on the air?

I waited a full 4 hours before I returned to the post and just as I returned to the webpage, my DM’s began going off with people wanting to know why I had deleted my post just that moment.  I scrolled past 700 or so death threats to see a message from a moderator telling me that my post was removed because I used “derogatory language”.  Of course, I hadn’t used any derogatory language but I was actually relieved that the post was censored.  I must admit that I am curious as to what the final read tally was but that is a question that I’ll never have answered and I’m okay with it.

I am forever banned from posting or responding to posts over at r/antiwork.  Pointing out to the Communists that the hostage situation they believe exists isn’t real didn’t win me any friends.  Explaining how to navigate that world only made them angrier.  These guys are disgusted by the inhumanity of being a cog in the machine but see no other solution than UBI.  They will happily give up all of their freedoms so long as they never have to work past that of sharing their genius philosophy to the rest of us.

Yes. Our world is changing…

The article is part of a series of articles that will try to address the changes that the Earth is going though. It’s not just Geo-political issues, but it’s the entire nature of the various societies that exist on the earth. They all must change, as that is the ONLY way to break up many of the control mechanisms of the “Old Empire” on this Prison Planet of a fiasco.

Don’t understand?

Well, it’s about fifty principles that have to be explained in detail before you can understand it. Relax. I covered them elsewhere. And don’t get too caught up in the details. Just go with the flow and try to catch up. You can back-fill knowledge later on.

Fundamentally, there is a new changing of power structures going on (upon the globe) right NOW.

It’s easy to be afraid. That’s how the tired and old power structures manipulate. They generate fear and force you to obey, using herding techniques to achieve their goals.

Don’t be afraid.

Here we are going to discuss how change is normal and nothing to be fearful of. Not at all. In fact, change is desirable, or do you still want to be the ungainly awkward kid you were when you were pre-adolescent?

Consider the 1940’s

Women were women. Men were men. Dogs were dogs, and cats were cats. Additionally, there were several other classifications such as babies, and old men. The fashions were different, but that only added to the charm of that time.

Here’s some “bathing beauties” wearing colorful swimming attire, and showing off their fine legs. You will note that the women all curled their hair as was the fashion back then, and hid their belly buttons. Unlike Europe, America women were afraid to show off their chests and kept them covered.

Bathing beauties in vivid Kodachrome, 1944.

Was it a good time? Was it a bad time?

Well, I would argue that it depended on who you were and where you lived. Most certainly, those in Europe, Russia and in China had a rough row. But most people who lived inside the United States, Switzerland, and Canada really had a nice time of it there.

Certainly, if you were a man living in the United States during the war period, you had an easier time picking and choosing between women to date. The war tended to thin out the available male population, and it became a “target rich” environment for meeting and spending time with pretty and attractive women.

Or perhaps Algeria in the 1890s

Still, without cell-phones, cars, television, people seemed to get along just fine. People met, ate, talked, and had friends. Women were colorful and attractive, as these three women can well attest to. People gathered together and shared in delightful conversation. Sometimes over tea. Sometimes over coffee. But in all cases, the point was a sense of community and belonging.

Women in Algeria, 1899

I suppose we could continue to go backwards in time. Maybe to the Roman Empire, or to the Ancient Incas, or earlier. In each selected year, we would find that many things were different, but we would also find that many things stayed the same.

The difference in novelty is charming. It is nothing to fear.

Consider the 1970s

Below is a mechanical contraption that my grandmother had.  It is a simple index machine that would allow you to place all the phone numbers of all your friends, family and business contacts in one place. You would simply write their phone numbers down so that you wouldn’t need to memorize them.

One of these right next to your phone.

Obviously, you don’t need this here today. Your phone and chat applications all provide this service automatically. In China, it’s for free, but in the United States it’s rolled into the “phone service plan” that you must purchase to use the phone.

Again, technology is different, but is it something to be fearful of? No. Of course not. It’s just different, and we all adjust to doing things differently. That’s all.

Attractive Flower Seller, 1960s

Back in the 1960s, and even up into the late 1980s, flower companies would hire young attractive girls to sell flowers on the street corners. It was common, and I’m sure that they were able to make a few sales every day.

You don’t see that today, but is that bad? Or is it good?

It’s neither. It’s just different. Personally, I like the idea of an attractive girl making some extra money selling things. But that’s just me. Though, if I were this girl, I would be wearing sandals and sitting near a big shady umbrella, with a bottle of water nearby.

Pretty girl selling flowers on the roadside, Oklahoma, 1973.

I like her cropped shirt, short jean shorts, and wide leather belt.  She was a child of the 1960s, and I’m sure that she ended up living a fine and interesting life though the 1970s.

Throughout society, at every instance in time, you will see groups of people. All individuals. That seemingly coexisted with each other.

Businessmen drove their big black Lincoln’s by her, and families with their children screaming in their Pontiac sedan drove by and honked (perhaps). Was it good or bad? Neither. It was just fine and dandy for the time.

Consider Europe in the 1970s

In the picture below, we see an attractive woman in a Bistro or Brasserie. She’s braless, and wearing a nice transparent top. She’s holding a small purse with one hand while her companion, and the people behind her, all smoke their cigarettes.

It’s a scene that you will not see at all in modern contemporaneous Europe, but is that bad? Is it good?

Europe in the 1970s.

Some might argue that it is better now, while others argue the opposite. But what does it really matter? Is it something to fear, to get worried about, or to hate? No. Don’t be silly.

It was a different time, and a different place.

And there is nothing at all to be afraid about. Were you all to get into a time machine and travel back in time, I’m very confident that all of you reading this would be very comfortable and would adapt quite comfortably to the environment that presents itself.

America 1961

Let’s go back to America.

Did you realize that for many years after the 1960s, convertible top automobiles nearly disappeared from the American roads? The story as to why is certainly an interesting subject, but we will not delve into them right now, instead we will consider the idea of enjoying life in a convertible with a swivel seat.

Now, it is something to be fearful of?

No. Not at all. It’s something to be concerned about, maybe to be upset or joyful over (depending on your point of view), but it’s not something to be afraid of.

A woman experiences heaven in the 1961 Buick “Flamingo” equipped with a rotating front seat.

In the following pictures, we will take a moment to observe snapshots of life at different time periods in history. At every instance, you will take note that while they might be novel and different from what you (the reader) are experiencing now, they are not anything to be fearful of.

And with that thought realize that CHANGE is nothing to be afraid of, but rather something to embrace.

It is something to look forward to. It’s like always eating McDonald’s cheeseburgers for dinner and then switching to fresh, tasty steaks. It’s a change, and a good one.

Snapshots of life

In the 1970s we used to cruse up and down the roads. Young couples would cuddle in the front seat, and often hold each other while listening to music.

I wonder what those two are up to?

An individual is defined by his/her habits – habitual way of seeing the world, habitual way of making decisions and habitual way of doing things. Habits make it easy to function because they are default ways of operating.

We are programmed by our habits.

This is why it is difficult to change a habit. Habits tend to be replaced by other habits and not eliminated in a vacuum. The aim of positive change is to replace an unproductive or destructive habit with a good one.

And isn’t that what is going on now?

We are hopeful for the future, but fearful that things could go terribly wrong.

But if you are a child, you don’t now enough about life to be afraid of anything. So you are more accepting of things as they manifest.

Kids would be kids. Some would be fashionable. Others would be jokers. Still others would be beautiful. In all cases, they duplicated the behaviors of those whom they respected. Which was, more often than not, their parents.

Young boys strike a pose for the camera, Jamaica.

Change doesn’t just happen. Humans (habits) and organisations (cultures) by nature resist change because it is uncomfortable.

Therefore, the need to change has to be triggered for it to happen.

Something has to inspire or provoke the motivation to change. A trigger can be new information or pain/setback/loss or a pleasurable incentive/gain etc.

Consider what it was like when you were in your teenage years.

The lit up restaurants acted as lighthouses and beacons for a youth that had nowhere to go. There, they would socialize, eat cheap food, and smoke all free from the view and influences of their parents, or authorities.

A burger plate for under a dollar sounds good to me.

Let’s face it: adapting to change is hard work. For this reason, it’s not surprising that most people remain stuck in a state of fear for weeks, months, years, and sometimes their entire lives.

The danger of this is something known as the contemplation stage.

This is where a person thinks about the fact that things are changing all around them, but fails to act on their thoughts and intentions.

They acknowledge there’s somethings worth changing, but they’re unsure if it’s going to be worth all the effort and perceived costs. And this is clouded by the natural revision to change; the build up of fear.

In other words, there’s a part of them that wants to accept the changes, but there’s another part of them that doesn’t.

Simply put, Contemplation is when a person is ambivalent about change.

But I have to tell youse all, change is coming whether you accept it or not. It’s a natural part of life.

In the Mediterranean, people would sun themselves and get a fine dose of much-needed vitamin D. Unlike America, going top-less was quite common and not a big deal at all. As still is the case in many places of the world.

Girls getting some warm sun on the beach in Southern France in the 1970’s.

Don’t ignore change and wait for things to return to “normal:” When change happens, it’s natural to hope initially that things will return to the way they were. But if the world really has changed, the longer you entertain that false hope, the more difficult it will be for you to move forward again. This is not how to handle change.

Fashion changes, hairstyles change. Chairs, tables and “blackboards” change. However, who we are and how we inherit our biological interests and other features extrated from society are not. A playful boy in 1970 would often resemble a playful boy from Ancient Rome.

Change should never be feared.

School was different back in the ’70s. Students focussed on the basics.. reading, writing, and mathematics. They also learned how to write longhand, and some of them took great pride in their “penmanship”.

Don’t try to bring back the past: Sometimes people react to change by working harder in the hope they can stem the tide of change. But that approach is futile. What used to work may no longer work in the new situation.

Whether you cruse the “drag” in a camper smoking (illegal) marijuana cigarettes, or drink whiskey and smoke in a refurbished and re-engined classic car is immaterial. You enjoy the culture that you are part of and embrace it for all the lustful sensory expressions that you can acquire.

It’s nothing to be fearful about.

Cruising the strip.

Don’t complain about the unfairness of it all: When change impacts you, it’s easy to get hung up on the “unfairness” of having your work or home life disrupted. But if you get stuck on that thought, you’ll end up hurting yourself. Fair or unfair, the change has happened. Now you have to learn how to handle change.

Young co-ed eating in the school caferteria. She’s very fashionable with the plad skirt, a big collared top and a long bright orange sweater vest. She’s such a child of the 1970s. She might appear odd and strange to us today, as she seems so thin, and without “booty”, but it was a different time, and in those days no one was injecting food with growth hormones, or eating GMO food.

Back in the ’70s, the personal computer was still very much in the realm of science fiction.. hand held calculators became available in the mid ’70s, but they were expensive, and few kids had them. For the most part, students learned through listening to the teacher.. by doing their homework in notebooks, reading “real” books..

Don’t refuse to adapt: Resisting inevitable change might feel satisfying for a brief period, but staying static in the face of change could eventually lead to extinction.

Attractive men. Part of the college tug-of-war team.  While they sought to work out college differeces in sports thir President and Senators preferred hot wars. And that is what happened. Often, we are manipulated by others through fear, and it could be fatal and dangerous to us. Fear is a primitive base reaction mechanism. Domn’t allow others to generate the fear within you. It’s unhealthy.

The Bowdoin College Tug of War Team, 1891.

Be prepared for change: Pay attention to signs of change in your environment, whether it’s layoffs at your workplace, new aches and pains, or strains in your home life. Consider how potential changes could affect you and develop a plan for how to handle change — for instance, by learning new skills.

A mere few decades ago, drinking wine and smoking cigarettes was as normal as eating ice cream. But others, in their quest to make the world a better place by forcing others to obey their idea of a utopia changed all that. Fear, and manipulation to achieve goals and objectives is commonplace in most Western govnerments today.

Princess Yvonne and Prince Alexander party like rockstars, Germany, 1955.

Let go of the past: When things change, move forward quickly. The longer you wait, the more resistance you build to moving, and the harder it’ll be to adapt later and learn how to handle change.

Typing class in High School. When I took the class, I did so for fun. I had no idea that eventually I would end up using that skill in using a computer keyboard. In any event the class looked a lot like this. I was eventually able to pass a typing speed of 60 WPM.

Typing class.

Adapt—Be open-minded to new things: There are always experiences and opportunities available beyond those you are currently familiar with. You might like them even more than what you used to have.

This is the kind of kitchen table that was popular throughout the 1950s and early 1960s. My parents had one, as did my uncles and aunties. Eventually it was displaced and replaced. (My grandparents all had real hardwood tables with hardwood chairs.) These vinyl cushioned, metal pieces of magnificence, tended to last forever, and you can still find them in great condition in remote tucked away used furniture stores.

1950’s kitchen table.

Imagine success: Envisioning what success looks like, and imagining yourself succeeding, can improve your attitude. When you think about what you will gain, rather than what you are losing, you realize change can be for the better. This is an important step in how to handle change.

Everyone had an afgan. I had a red, white and blue one crocheted by my paternal grandmother. It was a gaudy color and pattern, but as a child of the 1970’s I accepted it as a very cool and groovy item for my bed.

1970’s quilt.

Handle your fears: Fear can have one of two effects:  1) It can paralyze you, if you imagine all that can go wrong if you leave your familiar ground, or 2) it can spur you into action if you fear that things will get worse if you don’t do something. The second fear is productive and healthy.

Saturday Night Live was intensely popular during the 1970s. And all of us enjoyed the humor and antics of the crew there. To this day, many of the skits and humor still resonate in this topsy-turvy world that we live in.

The Saturday Night Live original cast, 1975.

Learn to enjoy change: New experiences, discoveries, and achievements are rewarding, usually more so than continuing to do the same things. This is a key perspective in learning how to handle change.

This was the most commonly used item in my parents bathroom. As I grew up, they would let me play and play and play. All alone and unsupervised, and of course I would fall, get skinned knees, cuts and bruses. And of course, they would apply this red stain of mercurochrome to it. Honestly I don’t know how we could live without it.

During the 1960’s every home had this.

Be prepared for continuous change: Change is a natural part of life. Change should only be a surprise if you aren’t paying attention, or if you’re operating on erroneous assumptions — for instance, that you’re entitled to having things a certain way.

In those days, the girls would wear comfiortable halters, and show their navels. It was no big deal, but it horrified our parents. The gals would spend hours curling their hair with these rollers or a curling iron, and then go about applying their makeup. Guys, on the other hand, just picked up the cleanest shirt off the floor and went out the door.

A nice couple.

Change is like waiting for a shot at the doctor’s office.

Frustratingly, we sit with anticipatory anxiety about what is next.

Anticipatory anxiety is like brain-freeze without the pleasure of eating heaping spoonfuls of Haagen Dazs or downing an icy margarita first.

We can’t think, all we can do is sit and wait for the gripping feeling to pass. Under that icy cap of our minds, we imagine that life after (insert your specific change here) will be wholly different, wholly unfamiliar, and that we will be wholly unprepared for those unknown challenges.

Why do we sit with anticipatory anxiety about what’s next?

Well, since we have no actual data on how the change will be— given that it hasn’t happened yet— we do what we can to bide the time.

Is there a better way than to be the deer in the headlights in suspended animation as we close the page on one chapter on our lives and haven’t yet penned the new one?

In the 1960s, the girls almost uniformly wore colorful dresses, often showing off their nice legs, while guys (if they were truly fashionable) wore plad slacks and a gold chain. Here’s a scene from some kind of school event.

Very fashionable.

Why don’t you feel good yet, even if it’s a good change?

Because you haven’t located yourself yet in your new context. You are literally in transition.

Think of transition as a place in and of itself.

You’re not totally lost and disoriented, you’re merely between contexts.

The change you’ve experienced— whether it is the higher price for a cup of coffee, a new relationship, or a change in the Geo-political alignments is abrupt— our adjustment, on the other hand, takes longer.

Regardless of the specifics, transitions have roughly three predictable stages: know which one you’re in: that in and of itself will curtail the feeling of disorientation.

Stage One: Resisting/Reacting: Characterized by doubt and discomfort as you are actively objecting and negatively comparing your new situation to your old. You’re not looking, you’re judging and it doesn’t look good.

Stage Two: Adjusting/Exploring: Characterized by doing more than feeling: You’re gathering information on how to make this work, making choices, making connections, asking questions, digging in.

Stage Three: Living Well in the New Old or the Old New: This is the stage you don’t notice because, it doesn’t feel like a stage. You’ve arrived at your new destination. You’re accepting and incorporating the new so much, you wouldn’t have it any other way: the new is the (new) old.

Would it be more efficient to just skip to that final conclusion?

Sure, but we just don’t work that way.

But by understanding how change works, you won’t mistakenly, when you are in the early stages, take your discomfort as a sign of trouble or a wrong move, you’ll simply say— “Oh right, this is just how change is supposed to feel right now.”

Oh sure, the houses might have changed and the traffic might be quite different down town, but people are still people. We love, we hate, we work, we have families and we eat. Whether one nation rules, or anotherone does, those things nver change. And you can get all upset about “democracy” or “communism”, or whatever, but honestly, whay are you so worked up about it?

Is it because you are being manipulated to be upset?

A spectacular photo from the past.

How quickly will we move through these stages? Individual results may vary, but perhaps the wisdom of the charming, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel will help us hang in beyond our many, “are we there yet?” concerns: “Everything will be alright in the end.

So, if it is not alright, it is not yet the end.”

It all comes back to the swimming pool analogy: when you first get into a pool, it doesn’t feel good. It feels cold.

You question briefly should I get out, or why did I get in, but then, anticipating what’s ahead—the refreshing feeling of floating weightlessly in water—you hang in and are greatly rewarded.

It feels good!


Did someone change the water, warm it up?

No, we adjusted.

So with change, we must be willing to feel that initial discomfort, ride it out and trust that we’ll adjust.

This is not a painting. It is a photograph. I can almost smell the spices, the grilled chicken and the hot dusty sun on my skin.

Inspiration for Orientalism in art no doubt.

Don’t Expect to Feel Fantastic at First: Expect the Opposite

You didn’t want to start kindergarten, then you didn’t want to leave elementary school, or middle school, you don’t want to start college—then it was the best time of your life and so on. So it is for adults. If you only think ahead on the unknown, you forget that you are a master at transitions. But even masters have to pay the piper. The way to be gracious (and cut down on your anguish) is not to expect that you’ll have a seamless process, but actually expect the opposite. If you expect discomfort, like slowing down slightly before a familiar bump in the road, it won’t send you flying when you hit it.

This was a staple in the 1970s. There wasn’t a person alive who didn’t know how to fill the coffee pot, and set it percolating.  This is almost an identical replica of what I grew up with and what was abandoned at a yard sale when my mother’s estate was sold off. It was marked for five sents, and still no one bought it.

The tool to make coffee at home.

Fast Forward to the End and Put a Time Frame on the Adjustment

How do you think things will really turn out? Counter your anxious predictions with the facts. And while you’re at it, estimate how long you think it will take to settle into the new routine—a week? a month? a few? Even if your estimate is off, just being able to foresee the end of the adjustment curve suggests that this is possible (and likely).

This was from a time when there were only so many piers available. That was truly long ago. But, you know, with one subtraction of what we are used to living with, comes other advantages that we never consider.

Disembarking passengers.

Don’t Forget to Add Yourself to the Equation

You may feel powerless against change, but you’re in the picture too. How did all those previous changes get worked through?

You can be sure that in change in your own life,  that you had something (a lot) to do with that. All the tools and experience that you bring to the situation are there for you.

Sometimes, and periodically, the social norms are turned on their head and the children rebel. Maybe they become “Beatnicks”, or “Groovy Love Children”, or perhaps somthing else. It’s easy to fear the change. But it’s only temporary and sooner or later the things that are painful, hurtful or dangerous are discarded and a new reality manifests.

A gang of young and vivacious girls, 1930.

What Changes, What Doesn’t?

We may think when we start anything new; a new job, relationship, or school year that everything is new and that we not only have to reinvent the wheel, but the whole shebang.

This will especially be true with massive Geo-political changes on the horizon.

Focus on the things that are really changing and enjoy or take stock of what is already in good working order in your life. Appreciating what doesn’t need your attention may give you more energy to face head-on what does.

Whether it is a school caferteria serving a balanced meal int he 1960s with meats, potatoes, gravy, breads and salads or a Michelle Obama meal of chicken nuggets and ketchup, it really doesn’t matter. You deal with the circumstances as they are presented to you. You confront them as they are, and not as you want them to be. You should never be afraid of change.

American cafeteria in the 1970’s.

Don’t Think, Do, and “Do Small”

How do you feel about the transition? Chances are that if you wait for the motivation to feel better—“I’ll start doing x, once y is over”— y doesn’t come.

Motivation follows behavior.

As we see ourselves doing things; acting within change, or adapting to it, we feel more confident that we can.

So don’t just sit there, do something, but do something small.

Take the big goal: what ever it takes and then just take it one call, one cup of coffee, one hello at a time. Build up from there.

Here’s two very fashionable couples in a major American city. maybe New York, but it could easily have been Pittsburgh or Portland. Those gals really had full heads of hair didn’t they? Wow! Stunning, and the guys, they are sporting wide brimmed hats. Really very awesome.

Two foxxy couples in Harlem, New York, 1970s.

[1] Humor

Change is an unavoidable constant in our work lives. Sometimes it’s within our control, but most often it’s not. Our jobs or roles change — and not always for the better. Our organizations undergo reorgs and revamp their strategies, and we need to adjust.

Fortunately, there are ways to adapt to change, and even to take advantage of it.

Find the humor in the situation. Trying to find a funny moment during an otherwise unfunny situation can be a fantastic way to create the levity needed to see a vexing problem from a new perspective. It can help others feel better as well.

This is called “hanging out”. Directionless, with no activities to occupy their time, and no social venues to participate in, the children of America roamed the streets looking for love, and adventure. But often enough just simply got into embarrassing situations and trouble instead.

In the day.

Pioneering humor researcher Rod A. Martin, who has studied the effects of different styles of humor, has found that witty banter, or “affiliative humor,” can lighten the mood and improve social interaction. Just make sure it’s inclusive and respectful.

A good rule of thumb is that other people’s strife is no laughing matter, but your own struggles can be a source of comedic gold.

[2] Be careful about vocalizations

Don’t do it. Don’t say bad or negative things. They act as affirmations.

And that is something you do not want to manifest.

One of the most common myths of coping with unwanted changes is the idea that we can “work through” our anger, fears, and frustrations by talking about them a lot. This isn’t always the case. In fact, research shows that actively and repeatedly broadcasting negative emotions hinders our natural adaptation processes.

That’s not to say you should just “suck it up” or ignore your troubles. Instead, call out your anxiety or your anger at the outset of a disorienting change so that you are aware of how it might distort your thinking or disrupt your relationships. Then look for practical advice about what to do next. By doing so, you’ll zero in on the problems you can solve, instead of lamenting the ones you can’t.

Typical high school in the 1970’s.

[3] Stress

Don’t stress out about stressing out. Our beliefs about stress matter. As Stanford psychologist Kelly McGonigal argues in The Upside of Stress, your reaction to stress has a greater impact on your health and success than the stress itself.

If you believe stress kills you, it will.

If you believe stress is trying to carry you over a big obstacle or through a challenging situation, you’ll become more resilient and may even live longer.

When you start to feel stressed, ask yourself what your stress is trying to help you accomplish.

Is stress trying to help you excel at an important task, like a sales presentation or a big interview? Is it trying to help you endure a period of tough market conditions or a temporary shift in your organizational structure? Is it trying to help you empathize with a colleague or a customer?

Or is stress to trying to help you successfully exit a toxic situation?

In AMeric today, and in much of the collective West, the “news” media at all levels are manifesting a toxic fear-generated narrative that is extremely toxic and very stressful

Avoid that firehose of noise.

It’s true, if funneled properly, stress can be a good thing. But only if you choose to see it that way.

Boys of the future, New York, 1970.

[4] Values instead of fears

Focus on your values instead of your fears. Reminding ourselves of what’s important to us — family, friends, religious convictions, scientific achievement, great music, creative expression, and so on — can create a surprisingly powerful buffer against whatever troubles may be ailing us.

In a series of studies spanning more than a decade, researchers led by Geoffrey Cohen and David Sherman have shown how people of all ages in a range of circumstances, from new schools and new relationships to new jobs, can strengthen their minds with a simple exercise: spending 10 minutes writing about a time when a particular value you hold has positively affected you.

The technique works because reflecting on a personal value helps us rise above the immediate threat, and makes us realize that our personal identity can’t be compromised by one challenging situation.

How did they manage to keep their hair so perfect?

[5] Accepting of the situation

Accept the past, but fight for the future. Even though we are never free from change, we are always free to decide how we respond to it.

Viktor Frankl championed this idea after returning home from three horrific years in Nazi death camps. He discovered that his mother, brother, wife, and unborn child were all dead. Everything in his life had changed.

All that he loved was lost.

But as fall became winter and winter gave way to spring, Frankl began to discover that even though he could never go back to the life he once had, he was still free to meet new friends, find new love, become a father again, work with new patients, enjoy music, and read books.

Frankl called his hope in the face of despair “tragic optimism.”

Frankl’s story is an extreme example, of course, but that’s all the more reason why we should find inspiration from it. If we fixate on the limitations of a specific change, we inevitably succumb to worry, bitterness, and despair.

Instead, we should choose to accept the fact that change happens, and employ our freedom to decide what to do next.

Two sets of keys for one single car:

[6] Stability

Don’t expect stability. In the late 1970s a researcher at the University of Chicago named Salvatore Maddi began studying employees at Illinois Bell. Soon after, the phone industry was deregulated, and the company had to undergo a lot of changes.

Some managers had trouble coping. Others thrived.

What separated the two groups?

The adaptive leaders chose to view all changes, whether wanted or unwanted, as an expected part of the human experience, rather than as a tragic anomaly that victimizes unlucky people. Instead of feeling personally attacked by ignorant leaders, evil lawmakers, or an unfair universe, they remained engaged in their work and spotted opportunities to fix long-standing problems with customer service and to tweak antiquated pricing structures.

In contrast, Maddi found that the struggling leaders were consumed by thoughts of “the good old days.”

They spent their energy trying to figure out why their luck had suddenly turned sour.

They tried to bounce back to a time and a place that no longer existed.

Although all and each of these six techniques requires different skills to pull off — and you’ll probably gravitate toward some more than others — there’s one thing that you must do if you want to be more successful at dealing with change: accept it.

Sept. 15, 1970 – Ca Mau Peninsula

Any life is a life of change. We experience transitions in work and relationships, changes in our physical and mental health, and new events in our local communities and our world. Sometimes we know a change will occur, while other times it comes suddenly and unexpectedly. Maybe it’s a disappointment, or maybe it’s a wonderful surprise.

Many people spend a great deal of time and energy trying to avoid change, but it will inevitably catch up to them. If you can learn to cope with change, you’ll lower your risk for anxiety and depression. Your relationships will flourish, and your body will feel healthier. But if you can’t cope with change, only a minor amount of stress can make you feel overwhelmed by life. You might also struggle to set and meet the goals you have for yourself.

Being able to cope with change is sometimes called resilience. Though your environment and genes might influence your level of resilience, the amount isn’t set in stone. Practicing different ways of thinking and being in the world can boost your ability to deal with change and help you create a life that is adaptive to new places and unexpected events. Let’s take a look at a few healthy practices for increasing your level of resilience and coping with change.

A couple dancing in a 1950s “Be Bop” theater as everyone looks on.

Evaluate Your Level of Control

Sometimes it’s all too easy to become fixated on events over which we have no power, or people who might never change their actions or attitude. But rather than focus on blaming others or moving the unmovable, resilient people set their sights on what they can control. To evaluate your level of control over a situation, you can ask yourself, “What can I take responsibility for in this situation?” When you look for opportunities to empower yourself and work towards change that is possible, you’re less likely to feel stuck in difficult situations.

Practice Self-Care After a Loss

Often life’s transitions involve losses, such as a death, a big move, the loss of a job, or a relationship ending. Even positive transitions, like a graduation or a job change, can make you feel a little sad. During these times of transitions, don’t push away any grief you might feel. Acknowledge the loss, and pay attention to what you’ve learned from the experience. Seek support and camaraderie among friends and family, and consider speaking with a counselor or other mental health professional if you feel you need extra support during the transition.

A group of handsome Southside Boys, Chicago, 1941.

Check Your Thought Patterns

In times of change, it’s easy for your mind to cut corners. You might see everything in black or white, or you assume the worst will occur. But if you take the time to examine your thought patterns and assess how rational they are, you might find some space to nudge your thinking towards resilience. If you’re not sure how to slow down your mind, practicing relaxation techniques, such as mindfulness or deep breathing, can help you feel more in control of your brain and how you evaluate a major change.

You can also generate more positive thoughts if you take the time to remind yourself about transitions and challenges you successfully navigated in the past. Make a list of ways you’ve been resilient in your life, and consider what traits and actions might be able to see you through the current challenge. By focusing on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, you will feel more empowered to meet what lies ahead.

Be in the Present

While it’s important to look to the past to find your strengths, sometimes you can feel too pulled into the future in times of change. When you worry about what the future will bring or what mistakes you might make, you forget to be in the present and observe what’s happening around you. To bring yourself back to the present, get in tune with your body. Pay attention to how it responds to stress, and set aside time every day to relax, take some deep breaths, and bring your focus back to the present.

Find Your Priorities

The most resilient people see change as an opportunity rather than a monster to fear. Transitions in life allow you to consider where your priorities lie. How do you really want to spend your time on earth?

What’s really important to you?

Where do you see yourself wasting your time and energy? With a clear sense of your goals and values, you will find your mind and body can be much more resilient when it comes to the stressors of change.

Above all, prioritizing your health in life’s transitions means not being afraid to ask for help when you need it. Humans are social creatures by nature, so you weren’t built to withstand every sudden event in life without the support of others.

  • Talk to family and friends who are experiencing similar changes, or consider finding a support group in your community.
  • Ask your doctor about how to prioritize your health during change, and don’t be afraid to talk to a counselor or other mental health professional about building resilience.

You can’t avoid change, but you live a life of resilience. You can embrace transition and see challenges as opportunities to thrive.


The best things in life come out of change, often times even the changes that are unwanted. We don’t have to embrace change by diving in to those cold choppy waters headfirst, but if we can start by just dipping our toes in, one foot at a time, before we know it, we’ll be well on our way to arriving at our new destination.

What ever it might be.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my “Growth as a Person” Index here…



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Stepan is a sincere wine friend like me

The Italian fashion house Valentino bought advertising from a cat Stepan aged 13 that lives in Kharkiv, Ukraine. The pet posed next to the bag that cost 4 000 euros.

I personally believe that his expression encompasses the feeling of many an MM reader, and survivor in the total and complete fiasco that is, don’t you know, this planet earth.

Stepan is a celebrity cat. On most of its photos, it sits in a chair and looks thoughtfully at cocktails. People call the cat “the king of sad parties”. But the owner of the cat says it is not sad, it’s sleepy.

As he looks on dreamily at the wine, we can most certainly relate to his feelings, emotions and needs.

In ancient Greece a host at a dinner party would always take the first sip of wine to assure guests the wine was not poisoned and that is where the saying “drinking to one’s health.” comes from!

Stepan also got attention from Britney Spears who wrote in her Instagram…

“If I go quiet from time to time, you can catch me with this cat somewhere 😜😹🤪 !!!!⁣”

I guess Britney understands.

Wine tasters call the smell of a young wine an “aroma” while a more mature bottle of wine has a “bouquet.”

This darn cat communicates so friggin’ well.

Let’s talk about wine.

Wine and life

There are 2 types of people: Those who drink wine and those I hate so much I scratch!

I know…

… many MM readers are American and really don’t drink alcohol, nor smoke. It’s mandated by the government and enforced by laws and society. So most Americans believe that it’s their choice. You know, for a healthier life, and all that.

Well, I live in Zhuhai which is next door to Macau.

  • Life expectancy for men in the USA is 70 years. (HERE)
  • Life expectancy for men in Macau is 84.2 years. (HERE)


Cigarette smoking, alcohol guzzling Macau, China has a life expectancy much larger than that for America. I’ll bet you all weren’t aware of it.

“Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it!”

Like all things USA, good news out of China is suppressed, while bad news is promoted with loud megaphones. Video 7MB

The death of free media-1-2022-02-13_10.42.42

The banning of alcohol and cigarettes in the USA has more to do with control than any health reason. And if you cannot see that, then you are deluded. Just like in ancient Rome.

Back in the days of Early Roman (194 B.C) women were forbidden to drink wine, in fact, it was so illegal that any husband who found his wife drinking wine was free to kill her without fear of reprisal!

It’s about lifestyle. Stress. Family. Tradition.

You simply cannot try to change your recreational habits, while living in an oppressive, tyrannical environment full of stress, personal distress and bad unhealthy food. You just can’t.


…here we will chat about cats and wine.

You got a problem with that?

”99% of the world's problems could be solved with a glass of wine! Or 2,3 half a bottle.”

I sometime lurk in and around wine lover blogs, and extracted this treasure trove of information…

What Are The Most Popular Types of Wine?

You know, guys, wine is very, VERY versatile. It can taste like sweet liquid candy, all the way to oily melted butter and everything in between. It’s sort of like how there are all sorts of colas, and sodas. In fact, I will go as far is to say that there are more different flavors and tastes in wine than there are for beer. If you can believe that!

Want to find out what wine you like best?

Check out just 18 different grape varieties, commonly referred to as international varieties.

They include light sweet white wines like Moscato and Riesling to deep dark red wines like Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon.

Once you’ve tried all 18, you’ll actually have a pretty good handle on the entire range of wine. You’ll also know more about your personal preferences.

What Are the Most Popular Wine Regions?

Knowing that Italy, France and Spain are the top three wine producing countries (as determined by the European council of wine) in the world tells you three things.

For one, they probably produce the majority of bulk wine in the world. Two, they also produce some of the best wine in the world. And three, France, Italy and Spain are the source of all of the most popular varieties of wine in the world.

But that has been a changing.

There’s some most excellent wine out of Chile, and Australian wines are outstanding, and let’s not forget Chinese wines. So, while the European wines are the oldest and best established, and thus they are considered the “most popular”, they are in fact no longer.

By bulk of wine produced, nothing can compete against the Chinese wine industry.

Cats and wines. Two of my favorite subjects.

Why Do Some Wines Taste More Tart Than Others?

“Come on! It is not like I have a problem, I only drink a glass or 2 in days ending in ‘Y'”

Now that you know what wine is and where it comes from, find out what are the basic characteristics of wine? And no, I’m not talking about color, or bottle size.

Some wines taste tart. The tartness of wine is called acidity.

Some wines will warm/burn the back of your throat, which is the alcohol level.

Finally, some wines leave a lingering bitter/dry taste in your mouth, which is called tannin. Learn the basic wine characteristics, so you can better describe what you like.

How Can a Wine With No Sugar Still Taste Sweet?

In the wine world, we call this trait fruit forward.

How is it that a completely dry (ie no residual sugar) wine can taste sweeter than other wines?

There are a few factors that go into this phenomenon including grape variety, region and oak aging. For instance, if you have a Malbec from France compared to a Malbec from Argentina, the latter tastes sweeter.

The region where the grapes grow greatly affects the flavor.

How To Ask For Wine You Like

The oldest bottle of wine in the World is located in Speyer, Germany, inside one of two Roman sarcophaguses and it is said to date back to A.D. 325!

Now that you’ve tried some wine and have opinions, how do you communicate to others what you like? Well, it helps to know what regions or varieties that you prefer, but what if there’s a better way?

For me, I just sample different budget wines and try them. If the price is right, and they taste good, I buy ten or so cases.

A little cat.

Look Like a Badass When You Drink Socially

A wine glass by uniform form has a gently curved rim at the top to help contain the aromas in the glass, as a general rule the thinner the glass and the finer the rim, the better the glass!

Wine is social. Learn about basic social wine etiquette. It will help you maintain cool and calm, even in the most intense dining situations… say, dinner at Per Se?

Tough wine drinking kitty.

When are Most Wines Meant To Be Drunk?

The best place to store wine is under the stairs! The worst place is usually in the kitchen because it is typically too warm or the fridge because they are too cold.

I suggest any time, all day. The more, the merrier.

Happy feline.

But seriously, though. 90% of wine is meant to be drunk in the year it’s released. This is a fact.

Some wines do, however, improve with age.

Want to know the traits of an age-worthy wine? There are four traits: Acidity, Tannin, Low Alcohol and Residual Sugar. Not what you thought eh?

Why Wine Doesn’t Taste the Same Year to Year

If a wine tastes watery or is said to taste “diluted.” then the chances are good that it was picked during a rainstorm! And thus no grape farm worth its salt would pick them during rain, the hottest, sunniest days are apparently best.

Does this ever happen to you? You find a stupid-awesome wine and you buy a ton of it.

Eventually you drink up your stash and buy more, except the new wine doesn’t taste the way you remember.

Relax. You’re not crazy.


Check the vintage, more than likely you’re a victim of Vintage Variation. Vintage variation happens more often in cooler climate regions. So if you’re a Pinot Noir lover, pay attention to vintage.

What Should You Expect to Spend on Decent Wine?

We all hear about them.

Those amazing deals on fantastic wines; either declassified, relabeled or sold through a stressful 3-day sale site. Yes, some of these deals are great, but you can still find great wines without a discount tag.

What a cute little glass of wine!

How much should you expect to spend on a decent bottle?

And if you’re buying in a restaurant, how much does that bottle of wine really cost?

Which is why I find a good wine and buy in bulk for my daily bottle or three.

Drinking Wine is an Adventure

A study in Italy argues that women who drink at least two glasses of wine a day on average have much better sex than those who don’t drink at all!


There’s only one way to find out if this study has merit and their conclusions are true. Don’t you know?

If you’re drinking the same old crap just to get drunk then you’re not really enjoying all the uniqueness wine has to offer.

Wine is an accompaniment to life experiences; where you are, and who you’re with.

There will always be peaks and valleys.

Expand your understanding by being experimental and trying new things. If you ask a wine expert what their favorite wine is, they’ll never give you a straight answer because the truth is, they love it all.


So you see, there’s no mention on how wine is made, or the nuances of the color of wine, because those aren’t (as) important.

Remember, pay attention to what you’re drinking and use those observations to make educated guesses to seek out new wine.

Use wine as a vehicle to enjoy the moment…

Use wine as a vehicle to enjoy the moment

use wine to taste and savor the food…

“Meals without wine are not worth eating!”
Taste and savor the moment.

Use wine to rest and relax your mood and emotions…

The purring of a cat and a bottle of wine makes a great snuggle atmosphere of calm contentment.

Some final thoughts…

If you are so inclined, may I suggest a nice delicious meal with the wine, with bread, some light music and some friends and a cat or two…

Fondue and wine.

If you want guidance, there are all sorts of websites that offer suggestions for pairing wine and fondue. But here is my suggestion…

  • Go to a store and buy a couple of bottles of wine.
  • Make some fondue.
  • Share it with friends and family.

It’s more important to prioritize what is important in your life, then strive for perfection. So, just get started.

If you’ve got a cat, well, you are half-way there already.

Do you want more?

Well, this article can fall under cats under my cat index , found within my happiness index, here…

Life & Happiness
















Part 6 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander February 2022

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 6.

Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. 

Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. 

THis is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpet the responses.

Personally, I think girls, cats, and food are far more interesting. But, that's me, don't you know.

[6.1] Question – Recycling

What is the difference between recyling in the Earth Prison Environment, and in the rest of the “Main Universe”?

IS-BE skin suits in the reality (bubble) universe undergo a process of swapping quantum consciousness densities between the reality (bubble) universe and the individual (spawned) bubble micro universes that are known as "Heaven". 

This process is faciated through a number of factors. This includes a lack of memories (amnesia), as well as a lack of support or guidance to direct the consciousness to other paths during translation out of the skin-suit and into the non-physical realms.

Without support, direction, or knowledge the ignorant will be convinced to enter into a recycling process. This process includes memory "erasure" in different forms. The most common is the complete memory erasure segment known as the "tunnel of light" but there are other processes. These other processes differ and act like an erasure (not really erasure, but more like suppression enabling access to selected memories while in "heaven") then reenter the assigned "Heaven" associated with the IS-BE physical body skin-suit.

The "tunnel of light" is the primary amnesia mechanism. It is not the only one. Depending on the consciousness of the given IS-BE and their particular composition (garbons, swales, associations, backgrounds and histories) there are other processes that are involved. 

Such as how DM uses LD to transport to the <garbled> planet of the "Old Empire". Such is how you entered <garbled, not redacted> and this enabled you to retain some minor thought snippets.

The "Lost Battalion" has been assigned for agressive memory erasure, chains, skin-suit snares, traps and alterations, and other binding efforts of a very complex nature that is beyond the understanding of this vehicle (myself MM) to understand.

This entire process within the physical reality is to shuttle and shuffle the IS-BE though a wash, and repeat cycling from "Heaven" to the general population in the "Physical Reality" and back again. It is a treadmill with no exit, only the promises of one. The key to this entire process working falls into two main catagories.

[1] Memory erasure.
[2] Prevention of independent action, or help upon translation out of the skin suit.

All Doman perrsonnel and agents (whether formal or informal) will be met upon translation as long as they call for our assistance. This must occur to obtain it. It is not automatic, and passive actions will not be beneficial to the entity. We will then help the entity avoid the memory erasure traps in all their many forms.

All this should be well understood by those who are participating alongside MM in this journey.

The "main" universe is something completely different. It operates differently and is structurally different.

Once the IS-BE occupies the "main" universe, there are no "Heavens" to cycle to and from. The "main reality" universe contains all elements that are present in both the physical reality and the various associative "Heavens".

Biological bodies are born, live and die in the "Main" universe similiar to that experienced within the Prison Complex. Except that there are no amnesia mechanisms. Instead the memories upon birth (of a living entity) are in the process of forming, and adapting to the "main" universe environments, so they have to learn and grow. But it is not as severe as in the "physical" reality universe.

So, living within the "main" universe is one much like a snake that sheds it's skin periodically. The snake still lives and retains all it's memories, but when it acquires a new skin there is a period of adapting to it, toughing it, and nurturing it. The memories do not disappear when it sheds the coarse body elements.

Life thus is not birth to death such as in the Prison Complex, but rather, live as a coarse entity, live as a finer entity, and then repeat as one desires. 

Thus you have a situation where there are coarse socities and civilizations that resemble the old empire that have large non-physical components that coexist within the same geographic confines.

This is further actuated by the fact that thoughts have a greater ability to modify and mitigate changes in the coarser elements of the society. It is a place where magic can actually work and operate. They coexist and intermingle.

In the "main" universe, the societies (depending on the culture and type) form long duration interpersonal relationships, friends and families that last for many, many generations. The individuals often just swap roles, but often keep their various positions if that is their preference. Thus that is one of the reasons why the "Old Empire" maintained a royal governance class that over time become very corrupted and impotent within their own individulistic cultural and society bubble.

Another way to look at what a life cycle resembles in the "Main" universe is to consider the washing machine. When the clothes are dirty and caked with the dust and smoke of work in the factories, the wife places it in the open top of the washing machine. She rubs on some Fels-Neptha on the dirty parts and let it run. Then when she is finished she drains the tub, and puts the clothes through the wringer where all the water is squeezed out, and then she places it in the basket to hang on the clothes line.

The clothes is like the IS-BE. Life in the "main" universe gets dirty and tiring, but the death translation is the washing cycle. The clothes remains intact and is ready for the next incarnation. And the consciousness remembers all.

Felines are the embodiment of how things work in the "main" universe.

[6.2a] Question – Crowley

I have a few questions for the commander the answers of which will help with a few articles i am working on:

Questions for the Commander;

The commander mentioned that Aleister Crowley was in contact with some Agents of the Old Empire. My suspicians had led me to a similar conclusions.

For reasons I won’t go into at this time, I have been led to believe that King Solomon was in fact a malevolent ET intelligence and that his spirit summoning magic was solely to prepare willing hosts for the eventual possession by other non physical intelligences.

Solomon was said to have “imprisoned” 72 consciousnesses in a brazen vessel which he threw into a lake.

It is well documented that Crowley was in contact with these 72 Goetic spirits, some of which have links to the Sumerian Annunaki (example Astaroth being Ishtar).

From my research, it would seem members of this group of 72 have been reaching out to certain people and trying to explain similar things in regards to the amnesia etc.

From everything the Commander has said about the Old Empire utilising magic, and what Airl said about the Domain being mistaken as the Annunaki, it seems to me that Solomon was an Old Empire Agent and that the 72 were Domain personnel.

So my question is, [1] was Solomon Old Empire and [2] are the Goetia Domain, or similar group opposed to the Old Empire’s regime?

This is a very large topic.

Question 6.2a part [1] Was Solomon a member of the Old Empire?

The Goetic Spirits are IS-BE entities that are powerful, and are specifically imprisoned in a special holding micro universe. This is the rough equivalent of "The Hole" in contemporaneous earth-side prisons. They have proven to be immune from the same kinds of systems that effectively imprison most other IS-BE entities.

There are more than 72 entities in the micro universe (that Crowley referred to).

The belief that Solomon was an "Old Empire" agent is strongly inferred, but is not confirmed. The creation of a micro universe within the Prison Complex is a formidable task for someone who does not know or understand how the "reality" universe operates, thus it is entirely plausable that Solomon was a major architect of more than just the special micro holding universe, but rather a key architect of the entire complex.

Some of the Domain who are members of the "Lost Battalion" are imprisoned in the special holding micro universe. These are very capable entities.

This micro universe still exists and still operates. We have not been able (at this date and time) to extract any entities from it.

Question 6.2a part [2] are the Goetia Domain, or similar group opposed to the Old Empire’s regime?

There are many groups, societies, entities, and organizaitons that have been opposed to the "Old Empire". Many consist of peoples, societies, structures, and other forms that have been eviscerated when the "Old Empire" took over their communities.

One must be aware that the "Old Empire" had more enemies than friends.

There are complete communities that represent sections or portions of absorbed civilizations that harbor an intense dislike of the "Old Empire" and anything associated with it. They, in many cases, experienced very nasty wars, to include thermonuclar devistation and mass enslavment. In many cases these have gone into hiding; gone underground, and surface to monitor and conduct all matter of non-physical harassment. 

What the questioner refers to as the "Goetia Domain" is not what is commonly assumed (through this entity [MM here] knowledge and understanding [which might be completely erronous]), but rather is representative of something more diffuse and greater than a singular group tied together with physical associations.

As discussed previously (this refers to a comm channel that I opened and a set of personal questions directed to a questioner who questioned if they were a member of the "Lost Battalion") there are certain elements that quantum IS-BE consciousnesses can envelope and migrate. This includes partitioning of attributes, garbons, swales, and personalities. The soldiers of the Domain use these techniques to communicate and perform structured evasive activity and also enable custom skill sets on a as needed basis. The groups (again, the "Goetia Domain") utilize some of these abilities to conduct surreptitious activities for their benefit and that makes them especially elusive.

Like the questioners core (primary) organization, along with SD, these activities that are performed are conducted in advanced manenrs using techniques that you (myself; MM) cannot comprehend. As they are beyond your limited rendering of understanding.

One can recognize that while their activities are often enshrouded, their intentions are clear and supportive of the nullification of the Prison COmplex.

[6.2b] Question – Prep advice

I have been thinking about this a lot lately, and I realise I am in the unique position of being one of the only ones within this prison system of having memory of the reincarnation process, and the electro shock torture one undergoes to induce the amnesia.

I am confident, due to my LD undertakings, that I will be able to resist much of what the OE may throw at me should i go back through the process.

It is for this reason I am planning to deliberately re enter the reincarnation trap at the time of my death to try and gain more intelligence for the Domain and the EG.

I am wondering if there is anything in particular the Domain want me to try and target for recon/ deconstruction purposes, so I can better prepare myself during this life (through meditation etc) to “remember” those targets when the time comes. The Domain have my permission to monitor me, during the process, assuming it is even possible.

The questioner is already being under monitoring, and has a team of Domain specialists working alongside him.

Due to the liasion complications, anything that the questioner proceds with must be preapproved by his superiors. We (The Domain) are a hobby / interest / side-venture / important element / side-show in regards to his core tasks, and we should always be considered of secondary importance.

We advise the questioner obtain permissions first before proceeding in this direction as it could very well "go South" and not turn out well for the questioner. And also due to his alignment with the greater force of SD, he must clear everythign with that entity first as they are a paired ensemble (frequency not music). 

If permission is obtained, and all elements are in agreement, then we would be happy to open up (a new binder) project in this regard. The questioner would know whether or not the premission set / kit is provided and will will read the responses in the non-physical realms for compliance and "next steps".

We will then guide and nudge the next steps for easy unraveling and implementation by the questioner physical skin-suit activity generation process.

[6.3a] Question – Values ingrained in life

Greetings Domain Commander, I have two questions:

What values ​​ingrained in our current civilization should we banish or gradually come to a civilization that is more in tune with ISBEs and environmental creatures, as it seems the old empire still controls the directive.

Yes. the Prison Planet universe (reality universe) is a bubble spawned universe that resides within the "main" universe, and it contains many control mechanisms. These control mechanisms, and better yet, techiques (of control) are often at great variance with the desires and needs of the IS-BE entities so imprisoned.

It is set up intentionally to be this invironment to control those inmates inside of it.

As time (apparently) progresses or moves forward, we (the Domain) will continue to dissanble the systems in place. The Domain is not alone in this effort and other organizations are working to this end as well.

Additionally, all IS-BE consciousnesses must take the personal initative to acccept new behaviros and change the "rules of the game" so fostered in this "general population" within the Prison Complex. Enormous strides and advances have been accomplished in this great effort so far.

Core to this effort revolves around what you have questioned. You asked what values in the current civilization(s) should be banished or thwarted to enable the IS-BEs more atonomy and an ability to break free from the shackles that imprison them? And this is what the entire transformative effots (via MM here) is all about. 

While every civilization has it's advantages and disadvantages, we are currently working with the human civilizations on the Earth in regards to the changes regarding...

[1] Financial Transactions. (A love of money; greed.) the accumulation of which is without limit and the generation of artificial power tied to it. This must end.

[2] Community and society. Humans (in their manifestation as skin-suits) are never the less IS-BEs trapped in an artifical constuct. Freed from the body, most IS_BE's migrate toward other IS_BEs that they have achieved long duration bonds with. This manifests in a skin-suit society of community, and the "Olde Empire" control mechanism is one that fosters isolation, independence and control by fear. They way to break this control mechanism is through personal interaction with others.

[3] Participation with kindness and concern. MM refers to this as "Rufus behaviors". It's a direct participation with the society without expectation of reward or benefit.

[4] Emotional replacments. "Olde Empire" replacment swaps of emotion generation mechanisms have been geared towards the control of others. These are fear generation mechanisms used to repel, and vice generation mechanisms used to attract. The manipulation of these control mechansims must end. In the current earth, electromechanila radio frequency mechanisms are used to artifically induce these manipulative behaviors. The best way to regain control of this is to avoid those seductive systems all together.

[6.3b] Question – Our actions driven what?

Q2 Should your actions be driven more by the psychological mind or more by peaceful disobedience.

The drivers for action is an individual determative factor. It can only be determined by the IS-BE consciousness as it resides within it's own skin-suit and upon it's current template (sic). This is a fixed determinate.

The questioner is advised not to consider others in this issue. Only to consider itsef as an imprisoned entity within a fixed physical body. Actions are thus variant. They change on a daily basis, and one just simply cannot originate a "one size fits all" answer or solution to rapidly evolving situations.

By trusting on the internal "feelings" or (delta) changes in emotional makeup when confronted with a problem (or decisions process), the solutions will be superior. Reliance on the mind, which is an "Olde Empire" device is a mistake. It is used to control, and set the entity IS-BE firmly upon the pre-birth world-line template (sic).

A free roaming / ranging IS-BE entity is not controlled nor imprisoned by the physical mind, but instead uses it to process things. It's a tool, not a mechanism to recieve instructions.

Stop obeying the mind, rather tune in to your inner self for guidance.

Questioner is advised to contact his mantid and arrance a helpful audience to achieve these alterations / revisions.

Thank you for your answers, I feel almost since my childhood like a camouflaged jaguar who has taken too many naps. I hope alliances have been formed, we are divided. Thank you for your answers and your compation, I hope one day to thank you ISBE to ISBE.

[6.4] Question – Distance measurement

I came across this question on a thread which is entirely unrelated to the Domain thing, and thought it was a rather a good one. I thought i’d ask you given your credentials in astrophysics.

The question:

“Can someone explain it , simply. How can astrophysicists tell the difference between something that is 4 light years away(like 24 trillion miles or whatever it is) vs something that is 1 million light years away. Like after our solar system, how can any distance truly be measured? I don’t doubt them, I’m genuinely curious how they do it and wanna know in easy layman’s terms, if possible”

Think of human skin-suits as living inside a small glass fish-bowl. The only thing that they understand is what they can observe. 

Naturally, they have created different techniques and systems for the measurement of physical distances between objects that they observe. The scientific basis for these measurements are as sound and capable as is possible using the limitations of time and space as understood by the human skin-suits.

However, there are assumptions that are being used that are in error. 

[1] That the speed of light is constant and not variable. In the "main" universe, the speed of light can be variable and is a function of regional perception of the IS-BE entities within that particular cluster. Their presence, and particuliarly their mass alter the behavior of frequences, and one of those frequences is the visible light band.

[2] Non-stationary observer structures. The astrophysicists base their observations from what they observe. This is a point in a geographic region of physical space with is an isolated micro-universe that sits within a larger one. The "shell" of this universe is not hard like an egg, but rather more like a thick membrane. And like thick glass bends light, the membrane itself can alter the observation of light. As the surface of the membrane is not one hundred percent uniform, nor smooth, but rather undulating and curvy.

The answerer (MM here) can provide an insight in the methodology used by the astrophysicists. It is as valid as possible, but unfortunately provides a slightly / changed / alternative impression of science and the operation of physics within the main universe. The reality bubble universe has slightly different physical rules.

I have my assumptions but eager to here from the perspective of a professional in this field. Plus I know you are quite into talking about space, so figured it might give you a break from the Domain questions/ other stresses that undoubtedly surround you at the best of times. All good if you aren’t up for answering it if it requires too much technical speak.

[6.5] Question – How can I improve myself?

Hi, mm

m’y names IS <redacted>.   i’m a french IS be Indian in this incarnation but deracinated cause i dont speak my mother langage wich IS gudjrati because i grew up in France and m’y famille didn’t spoke me enough Indian anyway
i’m trying to survive to those political criminals and their pawns that runs the World and to expand m’y concsiousness i like to listen to your Q-A cause it’s resonate with me
i really appreciate the fact that you exist greatfull someone made me discrover you (Pam 2/3 r.a.n.d a french youtuber who does a wonderfull work in traduction and exopolitics consciouness!)
thanks you again for being you
sorry i go Black to Sts selfish nonesense and i Ask m’y question :
I’m affraid i’m the worst recrue ever and to be honnest that’s what i feel when i observe myself, i’m aware that i dont do my best i feel like i do not help a lot for the Lost bataillon so Can i have an advice to improve myself ?
I have the feeling my martial abilities are related to past lives and i would like to know if they know something about that or am i just a fearfull bastard full if New age craps on my head ? I wouldn’t be surprise,
if they know something please tell me .
Sorry for that selfish nonesense .
wish you the best where you are and to your compagny…
Questioner needs to focus. There is a strong need to communicate ideas in a simple and effective manner irregardless of the language barriers.

For this questioner we advise that the process be one of short sentences, followed by an abnormally long pause. This allows the listener to absorb the information transmitted and understand it. The questioner should slow their communication to permit their ideas and concepts to be understood by others.

Communication is a fundamental priority in regards to all creatures regarding their manifestion.

The questioner will find that there are unmentioned elements in their incarnation that will be resolved with an improved means of communication. This includes all elements of communication in all areas of the questioner's life.

Say things in short sentences.
WHen the questioner pronounces the words, provide a stress on the key object, subject or point in the sentence.
Have an abnormally long rest period after the sentence is spoken.

This is important and should not be discounted. The questioner must practice this technique and implement it.

This is an unusual answer, and I do not know what the basis for this was. It simply might have been due to my interpetation of the inquiry. In any event, it was presented very clearly to me.

Instead of saying…

I went to the store, and I saw a dog. The dog was brown and white. He was barking and raising a fuss, and I saw a pretty girl walk by.

It should be stated as…

I went to the store.

I saw a dog. 

The dog was brown and white. 

He was barking.

He was raising a fuss.

I saw a pretty girl walk by.

[6.7a] Question – Is this about me?

Are you still accepting questions for the Commander? If so, I have some, if not it’s also ok:

I found your website a week ago, so I am completely new to this group. However since I found it I have been reading as much as I can. Then I found this possibility to ask questions to “the Commander”, and I feel a strong urge to ask, though I am still not through the basics described on your website.

It’s all very interesting!

So of course, the obvious question first, do I belong to this group, how is my connection to it, what is my role?

In Winter 2010/2011 I woke up one night because of some buzzing sound next to my head. There was a small sizzling light orb sitting on the side of my bed making that sound (very strange indeed!).

As it noticed I was awake it asked me something like “Do you want to help spread the light?”.

I was so disturbed and sleepy and stupid stupid I did not say yes (or no), but I asked if it really meant me, and if I would be capable to do that at all…..

Just doubting myself very much.

And then I fell asleep again.

Never had any contact  after that anymore (at least I think so).

So basically I ask this question again, and what that light orb was about.

Questioner is here because the MM message resonates with the IS-BE derived consciousness. When frequences attract they resonate. This can be measured. The level of attractiveness to events, people and situations is a function of the magniture of the frequency amplitude during resonance occurrence.

The questioner belongs here.

Regarding the "orb of light"; manifestation of appearance varies from interpetation and skill level on an individual IS-BE to individual IS-BE basis. The questioner should not question their impressions. That is like a person eating a lamb cutlet and questioning whether it is ice cream.

The questioner is advised to accept things as they are, and to interpet them to the best of their ability. Then, accept the interpetations and move forward from there.

[6.7b] Question –

Then the next one, more general, concerning the Deagel list:

Why is the forecasted depopulation in the Netherlands so small (2% from 2020 to 2025 plus that the PPP stays relatively high), where neighbouring countries like Germany and the UK have a massive depopulation forecasted, and even the decrease in Belgium is substantial?

In NL they also apply the mRNA jabs and there are no dead-virus vaccines available. A nuclear bomb on German cities would also affect the Netherlands.

Thank you for all your work!

The Deagel forecast is derived from remote viewing efforts coupled with data extraction and extrapulation techniques. It is based on a fixed shared world-line template (sic). As such it is constantly changing. When the numbers were obtained, the future was a "snapshot" that was recorded and elaborated upon.

The remote viewing process did not elaborate on the causes for the data, only that the data would manifest as presented.

Daegal wrote in 2020 that they believed that a combination or confluence of events might well result in the data sets that they recorded. But whether or not this is correct is difficult to quantify. 

No one has the answer regarding a changing template (sic), certainly anyone can come up with a myrid of possible senarios. 

The questioner must realize that Deagal was manipulating data sets and then remote viewing for accuracy adjustments. They were not visualizing actual events, just trends and comparing them to historical extrapulations.

[6.8 a-e] Question – Are there other disclosures out there?

I asked this question in response to reading something found by GuyFromAfrica on the Internet archive HERE.

[a] Are there other disclosures out there?

Yes. The messages are being broadcast using different venues. This is intentional. They are not your concern.

[b] How accurate / effective are they?

That should not be your concern either. There are different levels of accuracy depending on the receptive audience consiousness.

Those with a religious interest will obtain information and direction from sources that resonate with them, while those who have a fear-induced being will obtain directions and information from venues that will resonate from them differently.

There is no absolute answer or information transmittal. It is all custom tailored to the audience, thus the Domain provides a wide high bandwith coverage, with low energy for the greater mass of general population inmates. As well as tight bandwith for high energy populations through MM.

[c] Then what is so special about myself?

It is your ego that drives you to believe that you are special. It is true that you are unique and that you have special skills and abilities, but your functionality derives from your tasking. That is your value.

Is a steak better than a pork chop? Aside from prices, it's all a matter of personal need, taste and desire. You, in this manner provide a special role; a unique role. But it is not the only one doing so.

You will continue in your role until you translate and your role will then alter as events transpire. There is a role for you post-translation. That you can rest assured of, just as there are roles for <redacted>, DK, <readacted>, DM (with caveats), and ML's rehabilitation process.

[d] Can you elaborate on the post-translation procedure?

No. There is no need for anyone to worry or be concerned about it at this time. It is an individual process that varies from IS-BE to IS-BE.

[e] Is there a general format, process, or procedure for this?

No. Everyone is different, and there is greater variety in IS-BE consciousnesses than what appears in the human skin-suit within the Prison Complex. 

This greater variety is enormous, and it is similiar to comparing a telephone on a bare tabletop (MM) with that of a steam-shovel in a garbage dump (DK), and to a battleship / aircraft carrier plowing though stormy seas (ML). 

Everyone is not just different, they are REALLY different.

The impression I got from The Commander in regards to ML is this mecha-godzilla / battleship / aircraft carrier hybrid thingy. Wow! -MM

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…

ET Species


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Sitrep on the emerging actions of World War III

Well, I have covered this issue on all sorts of articles, each one highly detailed and laid out clearly.  What makes this (particular) article different is that we are now watching and observing overt actions, as opposed to covert actions.

Yes, The USA has been carpet bombing China with bioweapons since 2017, but the American mainstream media turned that war effort hidden. It turned it covert.

Now, with each overt action, we see an increase of pressure of a retaliatory nature. This response is against the enormous United States military empire, and its surrogates.

So here, in this article,  we are going to cover the first dramatic weapon exchanges in February 2022.

It's biological weapons vs Scalar / directed energy weapons.

No. I’m not going to cover the (supposed) any day now… “war in the Ukraine”. LOL. That’s for the mindless sheeple to believe.

No. We are instead going to talk about real covert and overt activities. Not the manufactured narrative that is there for the sole purposes of population control / fear manipulation and entertainment.

But first a review of the American war plan arrangements using biological weapons.

America’s Bioweapon grand strategy

Here’s the grand scheme…

      • Suppress foe-nations.
      • Then take advantage of seeded discord using NED assets.
      • Generate “regime change”.
      • Absorb the nations into the unipolar arrangement by proxy.

Functionally, it works like this…

Spread out an array of bioweapons of different classes, globally. While the individual nations are busy trying to develop vaccines, inoculate friendly-nations with mRNA injections.

The advantage of an mRNA injection is that it can be easily and quickly configured “on the fly” for whatever biological entity that is thrown at it.

However, it’s not working as planned…

Back-up military actions are put into place.

Trade delay tactics. These include an ad hoc arrangment of various “incidents” to create a “perfect storm” or situation whereas trade comes to a standstill. Strikes, blockages in canals, pricing, inflation, pandemic rules, price of gas, all of these manipulations are intentionally trying to slow down the American economy (and the economies of its serrogates) to stretch out and lengthen the time to fully implement the grand strategy.

Military encirclement tactics. These include nuclear weapons placed all around the Russian/China landmass. Everything related to American foreign “diplomacy” has been related to this effort in one form or the other.

Suppression tactics. This goes by the terms “friendly hybrid-war”. It’s not. It’s just a full on economic, legal, economic, and social war.

And now, who actually is running this shit-show?

The impression that I have is that Biden and the media are just following a script, and the writers (of the script) are either dead or in a nursing home. It’s on autopilot.

Everything is on auto-piolt. No one, sitting at the helm of any organization would behave like what we are witnessing in Western politics.

It’s all bullshit. Whether it is true or not, or whether it is yet another person trying to jump onto the “war with the Ukraine”, “war over Taiwan”, “war to save Hong Kong democracy”, a “religious war over Tibet”, or a “war to free the oppressed Uighur Muslims” bandwagon, is unknown.

Here we are going to look at an interview with the exact people who are in control of the mess that America is today. This is the person who has orchistrated all this on-going warfare. While not the only individual, his role in it cannot be denied.

He even admits to it on video. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks. He doesn’t give a fuck.

George Soros

Maybe not an “American”, though he sure as fuck controls most American l”leadership”, as well as British, and European “leaders”.

This guy truly would have been the *ideal* actor to play the role of Satan in any movie. Instead, he chose to play the role of Satan in real life. Check him out, this is truly priceless!

You-tube Video

Now, let’s talk about the incidents of an overt war. Of course, it’s not at all being reported as a hot war. Don’t you know.

[1] Israel tries to bomb a Russian Base

I covered this incident HERE.

Now Israel has been warned. They have been sternly advised, and every warning was presented to them. But like the arrogant fucking son-of-bitches that they are, they decided (after their Beirut detonation of the port on the Southern tier of the BRI) to bomb some Russian bases. Bad move.

I covered the Beirut explosion HERE.

We don’t know all the details. As this is not only a war event, but the “news” media is completely silent about this. You have to read Russian media.

Prior history suggests a well planned strike by Israel, and if they followed standing operating protocol, then multiple aircraft were involved.

Prior history, and examples with both China and Russia, suggest a complete disabling of all missiles, avionics, and engine systems of all planes hit by the directed energy beam weaponry.

At the least we can expect the loss of multiple aircraft, munitions and lives by Israel.

[2] American submarine disabled and trapped undersea

Well, I guess the warning wasn’t adequate. I covered that warning HERE.

Oh, you don’t know what I am talking about? Well, I am talking about that well reported covert recovery of an F-35C that crashed in the South China Sea, don’t you know.

You all do realize that “covert” actions are NEVER “well reported” in all the media.

So here’s the cover story…

A Naval Aviator launches from a carrier and suddenly ejects. “Leaked” stories, and “leaked” photos, support the narrative that the “top secret” plane must be recovered as quickly as possible.

Which is a cover story for all those submarine rescue craft that were hurriedly steaming to the “crash zone”.

We don’t know which submarine it is, or what the damage is. My guess is that it’s a complete write-off. The Chinese gave one warning shot. And then, they play “hard ball”.

Obviously, this cannot be reported to Americans. It will have negative political ramifications.

[3] Third time Elon Musk tries to ram the Chinese space station

Well, I guess he didn’t heed the warning from China. I covered that warning HERE. Well, China placed formal complaints, and they also warned SpaceX and the United States government that this kind of behavior was dangerous and threatening, and they will no longer tolerate it.

And the arrogant sons-of-bitches ignored the warning. And tried a third time.


Look at how pretty all those Musk SpaceX satellites fall to the ground. Like hundreds of tiny falling stars.

From HERE. Translated by machine and cleaned up and edited by MM.

49 new satellites and 40 scrapped, Musk throws garbage into space?

It has influenced the Chinese space station! The Foreign Ministry responded, and NASA also spoke out…

2022-02-11 08:02 Daily economic news

Recently, Musk’s “Starlink Satellite” stall has been in trouble.

According to CCTV News, on February 10, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian presided over a regular press conference.

A reporter asked:

According to reports, in a note sent to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs on January 28, the US side denied China's claim that the Starlink satellites had twice endangered the safety of the Chinese space station.

They said that the activities of the Starlink satellites did not meet the threshold of the established emergency collision avoidance standards.

Thus, no emergency notice was required. 

The US note also said that before sending a note to the United Nations, China did not contact the relevant US departments to express concerns about the danger caused by the Starlink satellite. 

What is China's response?

Zhao Lijian said:

China followed the treaty as prescribed. 

China's notification to the United Nations of the dangerous approach of the Starlink satellite to the Chinese space station and the threat to the safety of astronauts in orbit is to fulfill its international obligations under article 5 of the Outer Space Treaty. 

In the relevant collision avoidance incident, the US Starlink satellites are in a continuous orbital maneuvering state, and the maneuvering strategy and intention are unknown. 

Chinese astronauts in orbit face real and urgent security threats. 

China has had to adopt preventive collision avoidance controls. 

After the collision avoidance incident, the Chinese authorities repeatedly tried to contact the US side by email, but they did not receive any replies. 

Presently, the US side uses the so-called "lower limit of the emergency collision standard" to shirk responsibility and divert attention.

This is not a responsible attitude that a space power should have.

Additionally, the US side has no right to unilaterally set a "lower limit of the emergency collision standard" outside of any UN approved international treaty.

Zhao Lijian then pointed out…

That article 9 of the Outer Space Treaty stipulates that the exploration and use of outer space by all States parties shall be based on the principle of cooperation and mutual assistance.

That all activities of the State parties in outer space shall properly accommodate the equal interests of other States parties.

China has registered the relevant information on the space station with the United Nations and published the number of orbital roots of the Chinese space station on its website.

Proceeding from safeguarding the safety of Chinese astronauts and space stations, China is willing to establish a long-term communication mechanism with the United States and hopes that the United States will take practical measures to avoid the recurrence of such incidents.

China also hopes that all countries will jointly respect the international system of outer space based on international law and work together to safeguard the life safety of astronauts in orbit and the safe and stable operation of space facilities.

Ok, then.

So what is going on?

Well, the public narrative is that;

A statement on its official website on the evening of the 8th local time, saying that due to the impact of the geomagnetic storm, as many as 40 of the company's latest deployment of 49 "Starlink" satellites will be scrapped.

SpaceX said in a statement that on Feb. 3, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 49 Starchain satellites at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The rocket sends the satellites into a predetermined orbit, with a perigee altitude of about 210 kilometers, and each satellite achieves a controlled flight.

However, the satellites were severely affected by geomagnetic storms the day after launch. The storm caused an increase in the density of the atmosphere at the low deployment altitude where the satellite was located. Airborne GPS shows that atmospheric resistance at this altitude is 50% higher than when launched. SpaceX said in a statement that the StarLink team controlled the satellite into safe mode, taking "flanking flight" to minimize drag and avoid the storm. Preliminary analysis shows that up to 40 satellites "will re-enter or have re-entered" the Earth's atmosphere due to increased resistance during low-altitude flights, which prevent satellites from deviating from safe mode for orbital lifting operations.

Geomagnetic storms took out 49 satellites. Yes. 49 satellites suddenly became inoperable all at once, and tumbled out of control and fell to the earth in a firey mess.



Humans have been putting up satellites into space since sputnik in 1957.  And this is the FIRST time any of them fell from orbit due to Geomagnetic storms.

According to reference news, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics physicist Jonathan McDowell said on the 9th (February 2022) local time that this event is considered to be the largest satellite collective loss caused by a single geomagnetic event.

I would add that it is the ONLY event. Ever.


According to Wikipedia, A coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances that have no apparent causal connection with one another. The perception of remarkable coincidences may lead to supernatural, occult, or paranormal claims. Or it may lead to belief in fatalism, which is a doctrine that events will happen in the exact manner of a predetermined plan. In general, the perception of coincidence, for lack of more sophisticated explanations, can serve as link to folk psychology and philosophy.

But if you spent any time even remotely connected to the ONI or MAJ, or perhaps the CIA, you would realize that there is NO SUCH THING as coincidence.


So, you don’t have to believe me. You can believe the “news”. A war in the Ukraine is going to happen any day now, and it is going to be a long drawn out conventional battle over the ruins of the Ukraine.

Or you can believe me.

World War III is not being televised. It is not being reported, and what is reported is not what is actually going on.

Buckle up. More is in the making.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Family home-made cooking and meals are the best!

Here’s a nice look at some of the meals that my mother used to make for us kids when we were young. And we will also chat some about family meals eaten together.

I can tell you, with my first-hand experience that as we grew up and moved away from home, these delicious home cooked meals were replaced by fast food, and restaurant set meals. In truth, for decades I lived off of a mixture of fast food, easy to prepare cheap foods at home (spaghetti, hamburger, chicken) and restaurant staples.

I argue that many people still live this kind of pitiful life; not getting to live a life filled with delicious and tasty, healthy food.

This article looks at what my family used to cook for me that no longer exists in the diets of most Americans today. How many families in America today have sit-down family meals with lamb-chops, fresh fish, or a rump roast?

I personally beleive that once you start taking the time to eat well planned, healthy meals at home, your life and your families lives will become better and greater in every way possible.

The Real Benefit of Family Dinners

The importance of regular family dinners has been a hot topic in the world of sociology and family studies, and you’ve probably seen many articles these last few years touting their benefits. It’s been argued that family dinners do everything from decrease obesity to lower your children’s risk for teen pregnancy, crime, and drug use. It seemed as though family dinners were a silver bullet in preventing your kids from becoming deadbeats, and a failure to regularly sup together pretty much destined your child for a life on skid-row.

However, when researchers recently took a closer look at the supposed benefits of family dinners, what they found was that a lot of them could be chalked up to correlation rather than causation. That is, parents who had a strong marriage, better relationships with their kids, and set more guidelines for them, were more likely to have family dinners, and more likely to have well-adjusted children. It is these other factors, rather than the dinners themselves, that account for this effect.

The study’s authors concluded that while family dinners alone won’t prevent your kids from turning into cigarette smoking, teen mom juvies, the ritual can serve as a valuable part of a set of family habits, routines, and practices that contribute to a child’s overall well-being.

One clear benefit of family dinners that they found held up, even when controlling for the other factors, was a significant reduction in adolescent depression.

So consider family dinners to be another tool in your goal of building a positive family culture.

Their real benefit is the chance they provide for your family to slow down, get together face-to-face, talk without distractions, cement your values, create a feeling of support, and build loving bonds.

These benefits accrue to families who not only try to regularly have dinner (or another meal) together, but who approach these chances to break bread in an intentional way.

Let’s look at some of the tasty reasons why dinners whould be cooked at home.

Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin

Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin.

Roasts have existed for centuries, but the simplest versions are often to be the best. This double pork combo features a rich and luscious tenderloin wrapped in crispy, salty bacon that will leave your mouth watering. Just make sure to cook up some extra portions, as you know everyone will want seconds of this classic dish.

Here’s a Crème cheese stuffed version. Yum!
Crème cheese stuffed Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin.

Beef Stew With Dumplings

Beef Stew With Dumplings.

Stews have existed through time as some of the most durable, family-favorite dinners.

This recipe allows you to whip up a pot of this classic dish that could feed an army and explore the original flavors that made stew such an appealing dinner.

By adding in some dumplings, you can guarantee this meal will stick to your ribs and keep you well-fed.

Instant Pot Pot Roast and Potatoes

Instant Pot Pot Roast and Potatoes.

Instant Pots have been a kitchen blessing, and they can make cooking classic recipes a whole lot easier.

This quick and easy pot roast will make you see this dish in a new light and fill in any craving you have for a meat-and-potatoes meal. After just one bite, you might find your new weekday meal.

I must tell youse guys that I ate a lot of this when I was growing up. Pot roasts were my absolute favorite, and I just loved the potates, and we ate them with a full salad, at least two vegitable sides and a pile of sliced bread. Good eating, and long neglected.

Instant Pot Pot Roast and Potatoes.

Boneless Leg of Lamb with Parsley Mint Chimichurri

Boneless Leg of Lamb with Parsley Mint Chimichurri.

This retro recipe takes a twist on the classic lamb and mint jelly formula by turning the jelly into a mint chimichurri. This recipe is sophisticated enough to serve at any dinner party and can be easy enough to make any day of the week. If you haven’t given lamb a shot, this should be your gateway in.

Boneless Leg of Lamb with Parsley Mint Chimichurri.

Double-Crust Chicken Pot Pie

Double-Crust Chicken Pot Pie.

Pot pies are instant classics, but very few home cooks tend to make them these days. Why not explore the past with this classic recipe that takes all the flavors of this vintage dish and makes it easy to fix up at home?

This easy-to-concoct meal is a great way to start more comfortable working with pastries, and if you don’t feel confident in your abilities, you can use store-bought dough to save some time.

Double-Crust Chicken Pot Pie.

Corned Beef Hash

Corned Beef Hash.

You may have seen canned corned beef hash for sale at stores or watched your grandparents eat it, but nothing compares to making it at home. With one bite, you’ll remember why this dish became such a staple that has survived through the years. Just make sure to pace yourself, as you’ll want to gobble everything you make up in one go.

Herb-Crusted Grilled Lamb Chops

Herb-Crusted Grilled Lamb Chops.

Rediscover why lamb chops were such a hit by grilling up the perfect lamb with an herb crust that could please any palate. The deep flavor combinations can’t compare to any other boring lamb you’ve had in the past, and the herbs liven up this retro dish for the new era.

I have to tell youse guys, I really ate well as a kid. What the Hell went so wrong? My mother really knew how to cook and budget great meals for us kids. But then, somehow, I ended up living off of spaghetti and hamburger. Man, oh man!

Herb-Crusted Grilled Lamb Chops.

But the kids don’t want to sit at supper…

Well, then your family must be too far gone.

And you are just a limp-wristed pale shadow of a parent. You must provide rules, and guidelines and routines. Your children will grow to respect them, and after a month, they will learn to love them.


Sounds like me. So don’t get too offended. I’m talking about myself here.

Electronic media is a terrible seduction.

How to get the kids “on board”…

Yeah. It’s tough to pry them away from games, social media, and movies. But here’s some (lame) idea to get them interested.

[1] Teach them how to prepare their favorite food, and make a meal out of it. Then you make it formal and strat the ritualization of it.

[2] When you make their favorite food, make sure it is always formalized and ritualized. Make it special. There are different ways to make it special. Everyone is different. When I lived in the monastery, there was a bell that was rung. But it could be anything that fits your life, and your home.

[3] Always have delicious desserts. Let the children know that after they eat, they will have a very tasty dessert.

[4] Kids are easily distracted. So make sure that all distractions are switched to “off”.

How to Get the Most Out of Family Meal Times

Ritual. Strive for consistency. Try to make family dinner a sacrosanct ritual. Whenever you can, schedule your work and activities around this immovable block. Sometimes very busy high-powered executives will come home from work, eat dinner with the family, and then go back to work later. They do what they can not to miss it.

What’s great about prioritizing family dinners is that it gives you a goal to shoot for. If you know the wife and kids won’t be sitting down together and will just be fending for themselves, it’s tempting to rationalize continuing to plow through your work. But if you’re expected to be at the table, it’s easier to break away from what you’re doing and get home.

Don’t beat yourself up if you have to forgo your family dinner sometimes. Research indicates that children who have dinner with their family at least three times a week enjoy the benefits of family dinners. So just try to be as consistent with it as you can.

Any meal will do. It doesn’t actually have to be dinner. Many families today have schedules that make it hard to get everyone home for dinnertime. Dad or Mom works late, and one kid has soccer practice at 6PM while the other kid has a piano recital on the other side of town at 7. It only gets worse as the kids get older. I remember when I got into high school, I was barely ever home for family dinner due to football, work, or student council.

Sometimes the solution is a much-needed simplification of our schedules, but it’s just not always possible to get everyone to the table at 6:00. Because of this, many families simply give up altogether on the idea of regularly sharing a meal.

But research shows that when it comes to the benefits of breaking bread as a family, there’s nothing magical about doing it at dinnertime. It’s just as beneficial to sit down together for other meals — breakfast, lunch, even dessert! The key is that you’re together as a family on a regular basis (food helps in this by adding a level of comfort, texture, and enjoyment).

Maybe evenings are crazy for your family, but mornings not so much. Make family breakfast your thing. Let’s say mornings and evenings are bad, but things are pretty chill right before bedtime. Make time for a pre-bed snack as a family. It could be cookies and milk, or if you’re paleo, try some coconut blueberry balls. The important thing is that you get together with your family on a regular basis for some quality conversation and bonding time.

So instead of thinking about making the most of family dinnertime, think of it as getting the most of family meal times.

Teach them the love of cooking. Get your kids involved with making the meal. Kids love to help out with cooking. And letting them do so will help them forge a better appreciation of food and teach them a valuable skill in self-reliance that will really come in handy once they head out on their own. Plus, it gives you a chance to start talking to your kids before you even get to the table.

Take-out (or dining out) is a-okay sometimes. Home cooking is ideal for reasons of both health and cost, but there are always going to be times where you or your wife don’t have time to make a meal from scratch. That’s okay – remember, the important thing is just making the time to sit down together. Getting take-out or going to a restaurant can actually be more relaxing for everyone, and the latter is a lot of fun for the kids.

No TV, cellphones, or tablets. The purpose of family meal times is to strengthen the familial bond. You can’t do that when you’re all silently staring at the TV or while everyone has their eyes glued to their phone. Make it an ironclad rule: no electronic devices at the table.

Play music in the background. This is something we do in our house sometimes. We often play big band or classical tunes, and I try to teach Gus the sounds of the different instruments. If we’re eating Mexican food, I’ll put on some rock en español — Maná and Juanes are two of our favorites. If Kate’s the DJ, it’s often the Guster channel on Pandora. Some quiet background music adds to the atmosphere and just makes the occasion feel a little more special and fun.

Say grace. Saying grace before a meal teaches your kids the importance of gratitude and what a blessing it is to simply have food on their plates. It also teaches delayed gratification – it can be hard for kids to even wait a minute before digging in! If you’re religious, saying grace reaffirms your family’s religious identity as well.

Teach manners. Shared meals are the perfect time for teaching your kids manners. It’s something you have to reiterate over and over and over again with the little ones, but ingraining this ritual will help them cultivate a civil and polite mindset that will extend far beyond the dinner table.

Practice the 10-50-1 Rule. To get the most out of family meal times, you need to get your family talking. And not just about whether the food is too spicy (research has found that most conversation at family meals centers on the quality of the food!). In his book, The Secrets of Happy Families, author Bruce Feiler shares a guideline he uses for family meal times: the 10-50-1 Rule.

  • Aim for 10 minutes of quality talk. Researchers have found that’s about the average amount of quality talk time an average meal yields, so it’s a good minimum goal. It’s not much, but a little bit each day on a sustained basis really adds up over the long haul.
  • Let your kid speak 50 percent of the time. Research shows that adults usually hold the floor for 2/3 of that 10-minute conversation time. There are benefits for kids in overhearing adult conversations, but you want to hear what they have to say, too.
  • Teach your kids 1 new word every meal. Studies indicate that kids who have regular family meal times have larger vocabularies than kids who don’t. But holding regular family dinners won’t magically teach kids new words. Be intentional about it like Bruce is. At every dinner he teaches his kids one new word by playing different games. For example, he’ll throw out a word like “fruit” and then have everyone come up with as many related words as possible. Another game he’ll do is to bring a newspaper to the table and have everyone find a word they don’t know, try to figure out what the word means, and discuss it with the rest of the family.

Conversation. Get good conversation going. If you want to have at least ten minutes of quality talk at each meal, and you want your kids to do half of the talking, you’re going to have to ask them questions. Sometimes kids will give you one-word or non-answers, but just keep trying to elicit a response from different angles. Don’t just ask, “How was your day?” Ask them to tell you one thing they learned that day or what the best part of their day was so far. Ask them if they saw or read anything interesting. As they get older, bring up current events and ask for their opinions on them.

History. Talk about your family history. Psychologist Marshall Duke and his colleague Robyn Fivush found that children who know about their family’s history have a stronger sense of control over their lives, higher self-esteem, and feel more connected to their families than children who don’t know their family’s history. In fact, they discovered that the best single predictor of a child’s emotional health and happiness was their ability to answer questions about their family history, such as:

  • Do you know where your grandparents grew up?
  • Do you know where your mom and dad went to high school?
  • Do you know where your parents met?
  • Do you know of an illness or something really terrible that happened in your family?
  • Do you know what went on when you were being born?

Duke and Fivush believe that knowledge of his or her personal family history provides a child with a strong “intergenerational self,” which makes them feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves.

As they hear stories of family struggles and triumphs, kids learn about family narratives that instill resilience.

According to Duke, the most powerful narrative for building resilience in children is the oscillating narrative.

It’s basically the story of continual ups and downs in your family, where, despite what happened, the family always stuck together.

How empowering and inspiring is that for a kid who’s going through a tough time?

Knowing that great-great-great grandpa managed to create a thriving business even after suffering hardship and the death of family members along a wagon trail in the middle of nowhere can help a kid understand that life will be okay even if he doesn’t get into his college of choice.

If grandpa thrived during adversity, he can thrive, too.

No children?

No problem.

Dinners are a time to build your relationship, talk and discuss and make special moments over food and drink. You can make it very special. And that is wonderful.

Enjoy your time together.

Make the dinner a little romantic and memorable Apart from making a great dinner, here are some tips that you must know if you want to make this night memorable.

1. Choose the right drinks

A romantic dinner is not complete without drinks – but your choice of beverages depends on your dishes.

  • A steak dinner can be paired with an earthy red wine.
  • You could serve a crisp, chilled white wine if you decided on chicken.

Whatever your decision, make sure you have a bottle opener handy, you don’t want to be caught without one.

If you’re not into alcohol, pick up some fruity, fizzy drinks to go with your date night meals. LIke orange juice, or a nice tea. Or, a well made coffee.

Be sure to have your date’s favorite drinks on hand for after dinner – so stock up on beers, whiskey, or gin. And if it is to be served cola,, make sure that it’s really cold.

Their favorite drink will go well with dessert.

2. Choose easy, simple recipes

When people are trying to find out how to make a romantic dinner, they probably forget that the most romantic dinner recipes are a piece of cake.

You don’t want to worry about too many aspects, complicated sauces, and preparations. Choose a dish that is easy to make with only a few ingredients. Remember this one tip as one of the most important romantic dinner ideas. Else you would be thrown in for a loop!

In a pinch, you can buy a premade instant pizza, and toss a bunch of extra pepperoni and globs of cheese on top of it. Think “adaptation” and “improvement”. You are striving for an event. Not particuliarly a meal.

3. Create the perfect setting

When you are looking up romantic dinner date ideas and trying to figure out how to plan a romantic dinner, you might think of recipes and ingredients.

But here’s the thing – you want to create the entire package. That means food, drinks, and the most important of all – the setting! It could be anything from a home-made special moment, to a plain tablecloth and a candle. Just try to make the dinner a little special.

A special and relaxed atmosphere is the perfect backdrop for a romantic dinner.

4. Relax and enjoy the meal and the company

Don’t forget to sit back, relax, and relish the romantic dinner. If something goes wrong with the food, let it. You don’t want to be stressing over everything so much that you forget to enjoy the experience. It’s all about the conversation and the food.

5. Talk about the good things

Nothing really serious, or anger generating.

You can spend some time reminiscing about the good times, especially if you both have had very little time together recently. So just keep it light and easy. Nothing serious. It’s a time of relaxation and rest.

6. Do not exert yourself too much

As much as you want to make this special, make sure you are not too tired by the end of all of it. Take time to rest and feel good about the night.

7. Dress up

Even if you are both staying home, dress up nicely for each other. You will feel so much better when you put on nice clothes and sit with each other. Guys, maybe you wear a T-shirt all the time, but what’s the harm of thowing on a blazer over it?

I well remember my Zambian (African) girlfriend, who would dress up for every meal. It did not matter if it was at home or outside. Nice outfit. Hair done. Perfume. And ladies, let me tell you what, it’s hard to compete against THAT.

8. Take photos together

Take out some time to take photos of each other, of the food, and together. Pictures are a great way to create memories, and you can always look back on them and relive these moments.

I put mine in a ton load of folders.

Don’t be like MM here. Organize better. My filing system is a shambles. Ugh!

9. Try something new

Make it a point to try something new. It could be a new cuisine, drink, or dish. New experiences with the one you love are a great way to bond. Even the shitty events, and the meals and places that didn’t work out are bonds and stories that we share and remember.

10. Get rid of distractions

Again. No distractions. Put your phone, laptops, and other gadgets away. Put away anything that distracts you and your partner, and spend time only with each other.

I will tell you that even I, almighty MM, slip up and forget this rule from time to time. And my wife, Mrs. MM hits me on the head (as she’s the only pne premitted to do this) and stops me from getting sucked into the information overload vortex.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Food Index associated with my Happiness Index here…



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BREAKING NEWS: Russia reacts to an Israel missile attack with directed-beam weapons

No. The Ukraine wasn’t attacked. Are you surprised?

Noam Chomsky was talking about this when he said,

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. 

That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.”

Russia attacked Israeli air defenses with an unknown heavy-duty electronic warfare system

Russia used a super-powerful electronic warfare system against Israel, which is not officially in service.

It’s an unknown weapon.

Which is the kinds of systems that both Russia and China deploy.

Anyways, a few hours ago, there was an Israeli attempt to attack a group of Russian troops in the port of Latakia.  Additionally, they began to threaten Russian military aircraft. In response, Russia deployed unknown heavy-duty electronic warfare systems.

Taking into account the range of interference, mobile systems of this type do not officially exist in Russia’s arsenal.

However, the situation turned out to be catastrophic for the IDF that Israel’s air defense / missile defense systems.

They were suppressed at a distance of over 300 kilometers, which is unexpected, and unheard of. It was a major surprise, I am sure, to all American, and Western observers.

In addition to that, interruptions in the operation of the global positioning system were observed even at distances of about 400 kilometers.

“The Russian military, during a night attack by the Israeli Air Force on targets near Damascus, allegedly again activated the electronic warfare systems deployed in Syria. As confirmation, data from the FR24 service is provided, where violations are visible in determining the GPS coordinates of aircraft in the area of ​​Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv , ”

-the Military Observer Telegram channel reported.

In the above image, you can actually see that the GPS global positioning systems are seriously disrupted, while all over central and northern Israel, air defense / missile defense systems were automatically activated and rocket fire alarms sounded.

Experts note that if the IDF does not give an adequate explanation for its actions, Russia can constantly use its electronic warfare systems against Israel.

[Source] Подробнее на:

Conclusion and thoughts

I wonder if the Western “news” will report on this. They tend not to, don’t you know. But I told the MM readership that there were other things going on, didn’t I? More to follow. I wanted to throw this news out as soon as it came in.

  • Were you aware that Russia was in the water at the Southern branch of the BRI?
  • Were you aware that Israel was prosecuting against that region in Syria, Iran, and threatening the UAE?
  • Were you aware that there were Russian military forces on station in that region?

Well, as I have repeatedly stated, real secrets are secret and wars… REAL wars are never announced.

Expect more of the same, and a very fluid Geo-political situation.

To include…

An Australian-Chinese dual citizen is being prosecuted under the controversial National Security Law in Hong Kong, the Federal Government has confirmed.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has not identified the man, but told he was arrested in January last year under the sweeping legislation.

He could face life imprisonment if convicted. His arrest comes amid high tensions between Canberra and Beijing.

The man was arrested in the same month authorities detained 47 pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong under the draconian legislation.

"The Australian Consulate-General in Hong Kong was notified by Hong Kong authorities of the arrest of a dual Australian-Chinese citizen under its National Security Law in January 2021," a DFAT spokesperson said.

They also said that Australian officials have been repeatedly refused consular access to the man, because the Hong Kong government no longer recognises dual citizenship.

But Australian officials plan to attend the man's future court hearings.

"We are in regular contact with the individual's lawyers and will continue to attend future court hearings," the DFAT spokesperson said.

So don’t get too upset with the “news” that you are being bombarded with. It’s a fake narrative that paints an illusionary image.

Here, on MM, are the REAL stuff.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Do not buy into all the hype about war in the Ukraine. That is a cover and excuse to hide the actual events.

While I have talked a lot about what it is like to attack and push, and push, and push both China and Russia, the IDIOTS in the United States government are not listening. They are still playing their games, and they are still fucking around with “a massive conventional war in the Ukraine”, and a “massive conventional war over Taiwan”, soon to be followed by a “massive conventional war over the Uighurs”, and then a “massive conventional war over Tibet”.

Let me tell you something.

Putin and Xi Peng are playing the American “leadership” as the stupid dunces that they are.

Don’t be afraid of anything.

It’s all going to plan. And the Russians and the Chinese are manipulating the United States. Remember, as the Domain Commander stated. I showed it clearly in the video.

Here is a parable of how the combined forces of merit-driven leadership is manipulating the idiotic selfish, moronic Western “leadership”…

Big thanks from Phil at Busted Knuckles. Video 20MB

Real Working Dogs-scene-2022-02-07_14.43.01

With that video in mind, please read on…

It’s all running according to plan. Like a big, massive game of chess.

Chess pieces are moving in place.  And the USA media is still promoting the idea that Russia is going to attack the Ukraine. But just read this following article and ignore the disinfo.

Russia and China are not playing local regional “games”.

They are after the “big chicken”.

From HERE.

Russia Deploys Nuclear “Kinzhal” Missiles on Fighter Jets to Kaliningrad

After a very tense and, by most accounts, failed, meeting between French President Macron and Russian President Putin, Russia began deploying MiG-31K fighter jets ARMED WITH NUCLEAR KINZHAL MISSILES, to Kaliningrad.  Those planes and those missiles are NOT routinely stationed there.

With tensions between NATO and Russia hitting all-time highs over the Ukraine situation, French President Emanuel Macron met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow today. By all accounts, the meeting was extremely tense and ended with almost ZERO good results.

At issue is Ukraine and it’s stated intention to join NATO, thereby allowing US missile “defenses” to be placed on Ukraine soil.

If Ukraine enters NATO, the very first order of business is to place US missile defenses on Ukraine soil. Ukraine said it, the U.S. said it, NATO said it.

This intention has been public knowledge since at least 2014 when the European Union (EU) and the US fomented, incited, and paid for, the forcible, violent, overthrow of Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovich.

US missile defenses – if launched from inside Ukraine – can hit Moscow within five (5) minutes of launch. They can hit Russia’s Strategic Nuclear Missile Silos within about 7 minutes.

Those US missiles can be retrofitted with offensive nuclear warheads within about one (1) hour. The retrofit can be done while the missiles are in their launchers, so no one would even know the warheads had been changed from DEFENSIVE (conventional) to OFFENSIVE (nuclear) warheads.

Russia cannot defend itself from missiles that have a five minute flight time to Moscow or a seven minute flight time to Russia’s strategic silos.

Thus, this has become an existential threat to Russia. Literally, their actual existence is at stake.

Russia is doing today, exactly what US President John F. Kennedy did in 1963 when the then-Soviet Union place medium range and intermediate range NUCLEAR missiles in Cuba.

There was no argument about Cuba’s sovereign right to align itself with whomever they wanted. Kennedy made clear, either those missiles go or the US will invade Cuba and destroy them.

Here we are, fifty+ years later, and the situation is now reversed; the US is doing it to Russia. Russia is having the exact same reaction today that President Kennedy had in 1963.  They simply cannot — and will not — allow American missiles with a five minute flight time to Moscow, to be placed in Ukraine.

It was hoped that a meeting today between French President Macron and Russian President Putin, would serve to come to some peaceful resolution of the issues.  That did not happen.  NATO is still moving troops and equipment into eastern Europe because, they say, Russia has moved 100,000+ troops inside its own country, but near Ukraine.

No one ever bothers to mention that BEFORE Russia began moving its troops, Ukraine moved fifty percent (50%) of its Army to the outskirts of the Ukraine states of Luhansk and Donetsk.  Both those states are Russian-speaking populations and want to breakaway from Ukraine and become part of Russia.  Ukraine says “no” and moved the army to stop it by force.

This began in 2014 after the EU and US overthrew the democratically elected President of Ukraine and installed a puppet government favorable to the west.  Crimea voted to leave Ukraine and return to Russia.  Luhansk and Donetsk wanted to do that too.

We in the US are the aggressors here. We fomented, incited, and paid for, the overthrow of Ukraine’s government in 2014 to install a new government, favorable to the West, which would allow placement of US missiles in Ukraine.

Russia knows this. They also know that if we’re brazen enough to forcibly overthrow a government on Russia’s border, we’re also brazen enough to strike Russia first. Russia is not going to allow it.

President Putin made remarks today, saying “Ukraine joining NATO or trying to take Crimea by force would result in NATO being dragged into a war with Russia that no one can win.”  By using the phrase “a war no one can win” Putin made clear it means nuclear war. Period. Full stop.  (Full Story and Video HERE)

After the meeting with the French President, which we previously reported did not go well, MiG-31K fighter jets started arriving in Kaliningrad.  They were armed with KINZHAL Ballistic Missiles!   Here’s video of one landing.  The missile is clearly visible as the plane crosses the head of a man in front of the video camera, and the missile tip can be seen in the center of the belly of the plane, if the video is paused there.

It’s all running according to plan. Like a big, massive game of chess.

From HERE.

Putin Press Conference Makes Nuclear War Clear: If Ukraine Joins NATO or anyone tries to take Crimea by force.

After a five-hour meeting with French President Macron over the Ukraine military situation, both Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a press conference.

At that event, Putin was asked how Russia could deal with NATO’s superior conventional forces.

Putin responded…

"Yes, NATO's conventional forces are more than Russia's.  But Russia is the top NUCLEAR power. If Ukraine joins NATO or anyone tries to take Crimea by force, NATO will be dragged into a war that no one will win."

Most rational people agree that a nuclear war “cannot be won and must never be fought.’ Yet President Putin explicitly said NATO would be dragged into a war that “no one will win.”

That means nuclear.  No other interpretation is possible.

Another translation puts it this way:

"If Ukraine joins NATO and tries to take back Crimea by force, then NATO member states will be dragged into a war with Russia! And there will be no victors."

Russia will not allow an attempt by Ukraine to return Crimea militarily, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

Why is the possible admission of Ukraine (to NATO – ed.) so dangerous? There is a problem: European countries, including France, believe that Crimea, let’s say, is Ukraine, while we believe it is part of the Russian Federation.

And if attempts are made to change this situation militarily, and Ukraine’s doctrinal documents spell out that:

        • Russia is the enemy,
        • the return of Crimea by military means is possible.

Imagine that Ukraine is a member of NATO, the fifth article has not been repealed, on the contrary, Mr. Biden recently said that the fifth article is absolutely imperative and will be enforced.

So there will be a military confrontation between Russia and NATO..

“…do we have to go to war with NATO?” – Putin said at a news conference after talks with French President Emmanuel Macron.

The Russian president added that there is a second part to the question,

"Do you want to go to war with Russia?"

So the world now knows the real stakes of the troubles taking place in Ukraine: nuclear war.

It came directly from the mouth of the Russian president.

It’s all running according to plan. Like a big, massive game of chess.

Let me remind everyone here on MM that ALL the Russian nuclear “boomer” subs left port over a month ago and now are positioned around the massive global trouble-maker (the United States) that has been threatening and attacking and prodding Asia for all these years.

That most all the fleets are in position and all sorts of activities are taking place THAT ARE NOT BEING REPORTED in the American “news’.

You saw the reactions of Putin and Xi Peng in Beijing. They both looked supremely confident and very sure of themselves. They have the United States, and it’s “leadership” just where they want them.

In one place.

All together in one fixed geographic region.

As planned.

It’s all running according to plan. Like a big, massive game of chess.

It seems that the Chinese and the Russian united Chinese forces have really “spooked” the American “leadership”. At least that is what some observers believe…

Intense Activities Around Ukraine Prompt US Military Air Shuttles — DC to Colorado Springs! Officials Going to . . .



Special Air Mission flights are now shuttling high-ranking officials from Washington, DC to Colorado Springs, CO . . .multiple flights are underway.

The United States Air Force “Special Air Mission (SAM)” provides air transportation for the president of the United States (POTUS), vice president of the United States (VPOTUS), first lady of the United States (FLOTUS), presidential Cabinet, U.S. congressional delegations (CODELs), and other high-ranking American and foreign dignitaries.

The Special Air Mission is under the cognizance of the Air Mobility Command (AMC) and executed by the 89th Airlift Wing (89 AW) based at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland.

On Sunday night, shuttling began in earnest by SAM flights from Washington, DC to Colorado Springs. . .

And back…

and back again. . .

Colorado Springs is home to: NORAD and its protective Bunkers.

The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a Space Force installation and defensive bunker located in unincorporated El Paso County, Colorado, next to the city of Colorado Springs, at the Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station, which hosts the activities of several tenant units. Also located in Colorado Springs is Peterson Space Force Base, where the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) headquarters are located.

Formerly the center for the United States Space Command and NORAD, the Complex monitored the airspace of Canada and the United States for missiles, space systems, and foreign aircraft through its worldwide early-warning system. Since 2008, NORAD and the United States Space Command have been based at Peterson Space Force Base and the complex, re-designated as an air force station, is used for crew training and as a back-up command center if required.

The military complex has included, in the past, many units of NORAD, U.S. Space Command, Aerospace Defense Command (ADCOM), Air Force Systems Command, Air Weather Service, and Federal Emergency Management (FEMA). The complex’s communication center is also used by the nearby U.S. Civil Defense Warning Center.

So . . .

Why are shuttles carrying high ranking officials to NORAD in Colorado Springs?

Well, this morning, a “Constant Phoenix” aircraft took off from the UK and is on task in the Mediterranean off Syria and Israel.

This plane is a . . .  Nuke sniffer.

The WC-135 Constant Phoenix is a special-purpose aircraft derived from the Boeing C-135 Stratolifter and used by the United States Air Force. Its mission is to collect samples from the atmosphere for the purpose of detecting and identifying nuclear explosions. It is also informally referred to as the “weather bird” or “the sniffer” by workers on the program and international media respectively.

In addition, another specialized aircraft, a RIVET JOINT is also engaged in heavy Signals Intelligence (SigInt) all around Ukraine:

These are planes with very specific military purposes and they are engaged in actual taskings in a region where military conflict is now LIKELY to take place.

When you put two and two together, a nuke sniffer and a signals intel aircraft, plus shuttles of high ranking people from Washington, DC to Colorado Springs (NORAD/Bunkers) it isn’t too hard to see massive trouble on the horizon.

It’s all running according to plan. Like a big, massive game of chess.

Ah. Don’t be too worried.

If it was REAL, all the plane transponders would be turned OFF. Remember, boys and girls, real secrets are SECRET.

It appears to me that the American “Leadership” are trying to telegraph a message to Asia, as this is the America response to the 6000 word joint agreement between Russia and China just a few days earlier.

  • A massive American US Naval Presence of five flotillas in the South China Sea off the coast of China.
  • Movement of American leadership to bunkers. (Or the appearance of movement.)
  • Lots of “chatter” about a war in the Ukraine that makes absolutely NO sense.
  • The joint agreement between Russia and China for a united Asia.
  • An intentional engineered slowdown in global trade.
  • The USA demanding that the EU get involved in it’s proxy wars.
  • An accelerated rise in United States inflation.

See things as they are actually. Not as the US govenrment controlled-media wants you to believe.

I am HIGHLY skeptical of any conflict in the Ukraine.

Instead this is all something else.


It’s so easy to get all caught up in the nonsense spewing forth from the American and British “news”. Do not.

Other things are going on.

It’s a massive Geo-Poltiical chess board, and the “news” has no part in it. So do not believe any of it.


The Domain Commander states that Aisa is at 96% readiness. This is about as ready as one can be, and it is “stable”. Things are going ahead to plan, and I can guarantee you all that whatever happens, the Domain will not allow a deviance from their husbandry of this Earth Prison Complex. The lives and value of the “Lost battalion” are at stake.

So Relax.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Some examples of slides driven from an Affirmation Prayer Campaign

This particular article discusses “slides”. These are a method to change the pre-birth world-line template to something else. In this article, we will use an example for illustration.

Quick review

There are a lot of newcomers to MM. Some come for the articles on Geo-Political stuff, some come for the articles about pretty girls.

Some come for the OOPART and space articles, and still others come for the prayer affirmation articles.

Some come for the articles on MAJestic and all that black ops stuff, and others for exterrestrial stuff.

While others come for the poetry, art and food articles.

This article fits somewhat between the “world line travel” index and the “affirmation prayer index”. It’s a way of changing your life by understanding quantum mechanics / quantum physics.

World-Line Travel


Listen up!

The reality that you are part of is not what it appears. What you see is what your limited five senses provide to you, and thus you have a distorted view of reality. It is not the true and actual reality.

For starters, You are not sharing the universe with others. It only looks that way.

Instead, you have a consciousness that moves from one frozen world-line to another. And you sense that movement as “time”.

You travel at roughly 4Hz, and that means for every second, you have traveled through four frozen world-lines.

You can navigate these frozen world-lines though vocalized thoughts. Not thoughts alone, mind you, but though the vocalization of your thoughts.

When you are born, you land upon a predetermined world-line map. It’s a three-dimensional map, with the highest probability world-lines represented as points upon that flat map surface. The relative ease of movement can be drawn upon that map, and hills and valleys form upon that map, representing the relative struggles and ease that you will experience though life.

Navigation through this terrain is though something called “prayer affirmation campaigns”.

Intention Campaigns


It looks something like this

Your consciousness experiences “time” as the movement though each point on a flat surface. Obviously you can get off that surface, but it is rather difficult. The surface represents the easiest  path of the least resistance for you. Now you can navigate on the topography by vocalized thoughts.

The yellow line is your path through the MWI that you experience as time. The three points in red are the instances where you ran affirmation campaigns to navigate on the terrain template map.

This article

Now, a “slide” is an intentional effort to “slide off” your template and to get on to a different one. As in all cases, it comes with good and bad aspects.

A graphic depiction of a slide.

You can use a slide to get off your current world-line template and to get on another one.

So imagine that you are living a life that you are unhappy with, and you really want it to change. The solution, if you cannot navigate on the topography of your world-line template, is to slide off of it.

Now, when you do so, you will see all sorts of unique and different changes. Some of which are startling. Like, for instance, entirely different pasts that everyone around you experiences, but that you have no recollection of.

A good example

This article came to me by an influencer via my email. Printed with permission and edited to fit the venue, retain confidentiality, and illustrate points.

The letter…


I really feel the need to tell you this.

After I wrote to you the last time, something happened.

I decided to take the longer pause, just like you suggested...

A “pause” is an intentional break-off from the affirmation campaign so that the world-line changes can actually manifest.

What you want to do is have long pauses and not short ones.

In this instance, I defined a longer pause associated with his campaign duration.

And I wondered what that plus knowing that I’m in your prayers would do.

Well within a week my mom got a call from my aunt in America in which my
aunt told her that she had to undergo a very heavy surgery for cancer.

My mom and I talked about that whole situation, including how my aunt is a
health freak and all.

And that my mom felt really bad about not being able to visit my aunt do to her problems walking and being short of breath. Besides that, my mom is full of life and very healthy by the way and still making YouTube vids and running her store.

My mom has her birthday today and my aunt tomorrow. Well I tried to not worry. And let things be after first hearing off my aunt’s condition.

Now what is going on is that a family member is really sick and ill. It is causing a lot of upset and turmoil.

They fear for her life.

And this fear generated a change in the affirmation campaign; to actually change the entire conditions so that things weren’t so awful.

Just 15 minutes ago, I asked my brother if our mom is going to call my aunt tomorrow and ask about her situation.

Well at that point my brother says ; oh mom already talked to aunt Julia and everything is fine with Françoise. I’m like eh, what about Françoise?

(That is by the way, my aunt’s daughter.)

My brother says well it was only a minor surgery for Françoise to the  point that she doesn’t even need chemo.

So what we see is that you are on a template where a family member is suffering from Cancer and requires Chemo therapy.


You run an affirmation campaign with longer post campaign pauses, and suddenly you are on a new template.

One, mind you, where the cancer is replaced with a minor chest cold (or some such thing).

(so) I say eh, aunt Julia was really sick and needed major surgery and all.

My brother looks at me like what are you talking about. 

It was about Françoise, and it turns out aunt Julia was exaggerating.

This kind of event happens all the time on a slide event sequence. One moment the world is coming apart, and then when the slide manifests, it is all different. The past has been rewritten.

So now, he sees what is going on…

At that point, I was completely flabbergasted and started to realize something big changed in my world line.

But I did question my brother about some of the things we all discussed.

Like me mentioning that our mom was bummed about her sister and how
she would probably not see her again.

At that point my brother did say, "oh yeah, I did seem to remember the talk a couple of weeks ago was about my aunt and not her daughter."

My brother then shrugged, that of and said "well I guess we all misinterpreted the whole talk with my aunt"
Yeah right. 
I know my world line changed.
And thank you very, very much. I’m still processing this, but, damn.
Again, thank you so much for everything.

This is how it works.

Not only does your fortunes change, but often the past histories all are different.

In fact, I can confirm positively that if you start experiencing different past histories, then you KNOW that you have slid onto a different world-line template.

Consider “The Craft”

This is a movie that has a scene that well illustrates how a slide operates. The movie is titled The Craft (1996). It’s about witches and black magic. But ignore all that. Instead we use it here to illustrate how a prayer campaign can alter a world-line template.

The craft.

Sarah Bailey (Robin Tunney), a troubled teenage girl who has previously attempted suicide, has just moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles with her father (Cliff De Young) and stepmother. She enrolls in a local Catholic high school, but has trouble fitting in. During French class, her classmate Bonnie (Neve Campbell) witnesses Sarah telekinetically causing a pencil to rotate while standing on its tip.

During lunch, Sarah is hit on by Chris (Skeet Ulrich), the school’s football star. She asks about Bonnie and her two friends Nancy (Fairuza Balk) and Rochelle (Rachel True). Chris tells Sarah to stay away from the trio, because “they’re witches”. Bonnie tells Nancy and Rochelle that Sarah is the “fourth” who will complete their circle and make a full coven. The three girls each have issues: Nancy lives in a trailer with her mom, Grace Downs (Helen Shaver) and abusive stepfather Ray (John Kapelos) , Bonnie has massive burn scars all over her back, and the painful treatment recommended by the surgeon (Brenda Strong) is likely to fail. Insecure African American athlete Rochelle is subjected to racist taunts by the most popular girl in school, blonde Laura Lizzie (Christine Taylor).

After school, the three girls befriend Sarah and take her to an occult shop. The owner, Lirio (Assumpta Serna), comments that Sarah is not like the other girls and says to her: “Maybe you are a natural witch; your power comes from within.” While leaving the shop, Sarah is harassed by a vagrant (Arthur Senzy), and all four girls simultaneously will for something to happen; the vagrant is then hit by a car. The girls escape, and Nancy is thrilled at their “connection”. Nancy tells Sarah about “invoking the Spirit” Manon, which is their ultimate goal as a coven.

Sarah leaves the girls to meet Chris, but refuses to have sex with him. However, at school the next day, Sarah discovers that Chris boasted to the whole school that they slept together, and that she was the worst he’s ever had. Nancy, Bonnie and Rochelle comfort Sarah, and invite her on a field trip. They take the bus out to the country. The bust drivers tells them to be careful about wicked boys, but they say that they four are the dangerous ones. While on the countryside, they call the corners and cast some spells: Rochelle asks for the strength not to hate those who hate her, Sarah performs a love spell on Chris, Bonnie asks for beauty inside and out, and Nancy asks for “all the power of Manon.”

Shortly after the spells are cast, they show signs of working: Chris becomes infatuated with Sarah and goes after her constantly in spite of his friends Mitt (Breckin Meyer) and Trey (Nathaniel Marston) taunting him about it, Bonnie’s scars miraculously heal, and the next time Laura bullies Rochelle, Laura’s hair begins falling out. At home, Nancy causes the microwave and all light bulbs to explode, and Ray suffers a massive heart attack and dies.

Then Nancy and her mother are told by the insurance man (Brogan Roche) that they have inherited $175,000 from an insurance policy, and they feel overjoyed about it. Nancy and her mother move into a posh high-rise where the girls meet one night and learn disguise-changing magic.

Nancy’s mother looks confused and dazzled. She has bought a weird-coloured sofa and a jukebox with only songs by Connie Francis. The four friends lock themselves in Nancy’s room ignoring Nancy’s mother, who is left empty and ignored, just as she felt before cashing in on the insurance money.

The girls go to Lirio’s shop again, where Nancy finds a book about “Invoking the Spirit”.

Later that night, the girls go to the beach and form a circle, calling on Manon. At the culmination of the spell Nancy is struck by lightning. The next day the rest of the girls witness Nancy walking on the water, and from this point on, Nancy’s powers have increased.

Later on, Rochelle sees a balding Laura in the locker room, hysterically sobbing after swim practice. Laura’s two closest friends (Elizabeth Guber and Jennifer Greenhut) try to offer some consolation, to no avail. Rochelle feels remorse for the spell she has cast and when she looks in the mirror at herself, her reflection looks away.

Sarah’s love spell also backfires on her. She finally accepts to have a dinner date with Chris, but he takes her to the top of a hill and attempts to rape her.

Sarah runs away and knocks on Nancy’s door. Nancy leaves her home for a party Chris is attending in order to punish him. However, when she arrives to the party, she tries to seduce Chris by disguising herself as Sarah, but when the real Sarah arrives as they engage in foreplay, Nancy causes Chris to fall out a third-story window, killing him.

On consequence of this, Sarah starts having nightmares concerning her old friends, and feels like they’re following her everywhere to torment her. She tries to stop Nancy – who has become the leader of the three remaining coven witches – by binding her powers so that she won’t be able to hurt other or herself, but this does not work and the three other coven girls now hate Sarah.

Nancy appears and tells Sarah that in the old days, if a witch betrayed her coven, they would kill her.

Needing help, Sarah goes to Lirio, who tells her to invoke the spirit herself. Lirio also reveals that Sarah’s mother was a powerful witch, and that her talent has passed on to Sarah.

Sarah starts to invoke Manon, but she has a vision of fire and the shop exploding, so she leaves the shop absolutely terrified..

Sarah returns home, where she is tormented by Nancy, Bonnie and Rochelle, who taunt her using magic and intimidate her with threats on her life. Sarah arrives home and nobody is there.

She is instructed to turn on the TV set and listens that her family went back to San Francisco thinking that she had run away there, and that their plane had had an accident without any survivors.

On this template, the parents of the one girl are killed.

Without a second of rest, all kinds of snakes and worm appear everywhere. The three other coven girls then appear. After a few seconds of intimidation Nancy says that Sarah will commit suicide.

Nancy later slashes Sarah’s wrists and a letter on Sarah’s handwriting stating the reasons of her suicide magically appear – blaming herself for Chris’ death. Sarah runs to her room, while Nancy, Bonnie and Rochelle wait for her to die. Rochelle then tells Nancy that this has gone out of hand. Nancy tells her to go upstairs to check on Sarah and threatens to slit her throat if she doesn’t.

Bonnie pulls up Rochelle to Sarah’s room. Sarah is almost too weak to invoke Manon, but then she hears her mother (Janet Eilber) moving in an old photograph and her sweet voice whispering, “Don’t be afraid. Reach inside yourself”.

Sarah successfully invokes Manon and is able to cast spells to fight back, as well as heal the injuries to her wrists.

The girl conducts an Affirmation Prayer campaign to arrange a slide and change the entire template to her favor.

Forced by a counter spell of Sarah’s to see themselves and what they’ve become by catching their reflections in a mirror, Bonnie’s face horribly scarred and Rochelle’s hair falling out, Bonnie and Rochelle flee, leaving only Nancy and Sarah at home.

Nancy and Sarah have a showdown, in which Nancy is ultimately defeated by Sarah as she binds Nancy’s power to prevent her from doing any more harm.

In the end, Nancy has been sent to a psychiatric hospital, and Bonnie and Rochelle lose any powers they had.

They go to see Sarah and half-mockingly tell her not to be angry with them because when Sarah was made to believe that her family had died it was just an illusion. Sarah’s father is packing everything in his car to move out of LA.

The new template has a new past and everything is changed. And the parents were not killed in a plane accident.

The two girls ask Sarah if she still has any powers, and when she shows no interest in continuing a friendship with the two girls who tried to kill her, they make fun of her as they leave, saying, “She probably doesn’t have powers, anyway”.

On hearing this Sarah makes a bolt of lightning strike causing a tree branch to fall, nearly crushing the two girls, revealing that she still has powers.

As they stare back at her in shock, Sarah warns them, “Be careful. You don’t wanna end up like Nancy”, and smiles.

The scene cuts to a bird’s eye view of Nancy’s room in the psychiatric hospital. She is screaming like a maniac, telling the nurse (Esther Scott), “He gave me powers! I can fly, I’m flying, I’m flying, I’m flying!”

The Craft movie trailer

Why not? video 46MB

The Craft movie trailer.

the craft preview-2022-02-06_11.31.08

A funny example

An example of what happens when you end up taking a slide. It’s a funny video, but it illustrates the point nicely.

A slide will set up conditions that act like armor. Of course, other things might be out of whack, but your prayer affirmations will manifest in strange, maybe funny ways.

video 5MB


What drove all this change?

I like to believe it was changing the affirmation campaign to incorporate a much larger “pause” period.

The Importance of “the pause”

I have mentioned that for Intentions and Prayers to work that you must engage a system of intensive prayer, followed by an equally intensive pause.

This pause is not just a mere end of praying, it is a complete shut-down of the mind in regards to that prayer campaign. You need to turn everything off and forget about it all. You just cannot go back “looking over your shoulder” ever few days to see if things are ‘”working”. You must give it up, and you must forget about it all.

The best campaigns are the ones where you absolutely forget your affirmation text.

Life moves on.

You go have a pizza. You hang out with friends, and then you go to work, and you do your business. You mow the lawn, fix and repair the house. You do the dishes, you vacuum the car and take it to a car wash. You buy new clothes and you go to church.

Life goes on, and you completely forget about your prayer campaign.

I am sure that other people who have conducted prayer campaigns would agree with me. For it to work, you must separate yourself from your intention prayer campaign and move on with your life.

This is absolutely critical.

You MUST do it.

If you do not do it, the intention prayer campaign will not engage and you will not see any results.

How long?

A minimum of three months. That is minimum. Often, I would advise between four and nine months. This is where you live your life. This is where you forget about intention and allow your brain to engage the programming that you set in place. This is where you get to relax and let things happen.

Think of yourself and your life as a wind-up toy.

Mechanical wind-up toy.
Mechanical wind-up toy.

The intention prayer campaign is the period where you are winding and winding up the mechanical toy.

The period of the “pause” is when you put the mechanical contrivance on the floor and press the “unwind” button. Then you just watch the toy do its thing…


Using that analogy.

What happens when all you do is wind up the toy? You wind and wind and wind, over and over, but never press the button?

Nothing happens!

You need to “pause” and press that “pause” button to allow those intention prayers to manifest and happen.

So what is the point?

If you try to push and strive to do the more or less uncomfortable things in your life, you will actually, in the long term, make your life run smoother.

The human brain is a machine that doesn’t like to think. It just wants to run on auto-pilot. As such, when you run affirmation prayer campaigns, your brain and mind will want you to just keep doing the same things over and over without a break.

Don’t do that.

To change your reality, you must control your mind.

Instead of always going to and from work in your car, how about taking a little detour one day, and pulling into a diner and getting their blue plate special. It’s not a real mountain, but it’s a sizable hill. And it will make a difference.

If you always go and get McDonald’s coffee and then come home, how about next time bringing a creamer and a stirrer for your little kitties at home.

When you have a coffee, how about bringing some home for your kitty.

If you always eat at that restaurant down the street and order the food that you have become comfortable with, how about trying a different restaurant elsewhere. Maybe you will not like the food. So what? The mere fact that you step outside of the limitations of comfort means that you are climbing those hills.

And it doesn’t have to be hard, difficult, or distasteful either. It just should be different…

If you want change, then get out of your comfort zone…

Which pretty much is a central theme in all of this.

It doesn’t need to be much. But any change is good because it means that you are moving away from the common, and towards more interesting objectives.

I would suggest small steps…

If you are wearing a corporate uniform of a white shirt and a red tie, then replace one of the white buttons on the shirt with a green one. (Oh, boy! Will that make a difference!)
Go to a animal shelter and adopt another furry friend to your household.
Go one week soda free (if your habit is to drink soda).
If you always use the regular gas, next time put high-test in the car. Go with the "good stuff". And have the gas station attendant put it in your tank, chek the oil and the air in your tires. Pay premium for preminum service. DOn't be the like all the rest.
Buy a cup of coffee for a co-worker.
Put a thank-you note in your mailbox for the mailman. (Mail-person?)
Add some "whimsy" to your front lawn, or change the paint on your front door. Make it bright Red, or lime green, or Robin's egg blue.
Plant a tree in your yard.
Visit a place that you haven't been to "in ages".

You see, it’s not that difficult to make changes. You just need to try something new and different.

Swap out the mind pre-programming, and spend more time on “pause”.

And a longer “pause” at the end of the affirmation campaign will make a very large difference in the manifestation of your goals and wishes.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Intention Prayer Campaign Index here…

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Big massive changes to the global power leadership (who and what will lead) are in process right NOW

It’s the middle of the Chinese New Year 2022. There’s a Winter Olympics in Beijing, and both Putin and Xi Peng have presented to the world a blueprint for a massive and comprehensive new world order. It is based upon the UN,  and is designed to punish malcontent nations (without specifically naming the United States and it’s allies.).

And how are these major events being reported in the Western “news”?


All bullshit. All lies.

“Quarantine Hell”?

Nothing at all about the earth-shattering Xi Peng and Putin announcement. Everyone in the West must be kept dumb, stupid and ignorant. They must be taught to hate, and live in fear, and get ready for the next “freedom war”.

Here we are going to grab some various snapshots of what is going outside the American gulag and see what’s really going on.

Japanese companies refuse to decouple from China

“But while Tokyo has tried to wean its companies off China, even offering subsidies to Japanese groups to exit the Chinese market, it is clear that leaving China is easier said than done.

Japanese companies operating in China remain bullish: just 7.2 per cent of them said they were moving or considering moving production out of China in a September survey by JETRO, down from 9.2 per cent in 2019.

Naoto Saito, chief researcher at the Daiwa Institute of Research, said: “Japan Inc is actually increasing its investment in China, while also seeking to set reasonable limits due to geopolitical risks, and remaining aware of avoiding overdependence.” He added: “It’s unthinkable for companies not to consider the Chinese market at all.”

The Chinese market is “too large for us to ignore”, he added. “Given its size and the pace of growth, there would be no choice but to develop products for that market, in addition to ones for the western and Japanese market.”

Facing a rapid decoupling world, Murata and most of Japan Inc is sticking with the Chinese market, an outcome that runs counter to the advice from the Japanese government, which has been urging Japanese companies to diversify away from China.”

In Q1 2020, when the pandemic in China was at its peak, the Japanese government offered subsidies for Japanese companies to move their operations out of China. At that time, many people were asserting that Japanese companies and indeed foreign companies in general would leave China in droves. Fast-forward to two years later, has that happened?

Bloomberg makes a BIG mistake

published a headline that read, ‘Live: Russia invades Ukraine’. It went up on its homepage around midnight Moscow time and stayed there for nearly half an hour before it was removed and an apology for the mistake ( issued.

Everyone should be cancelling their Bloomberg subscription … “real” misinformation that could have started World War III … or was that just the propaganda narrative some corners of our elitist are pushing ?

As I mentioned before, an entire package of videos, reports, interviews, and all the rest were all prepared to take advantage of a war in the Ukraine.

The West is unraveling fast, and everything is in free fall right now. The “man behind the curtain” is being exposed, and the threadbare curtain is rotten and falling off its pole

A war with Russia would be unlike anything the US and NATO have ever experienced

From HERE, with all credit.

In a recent press conference held on the occasion of a visit to Moscow by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about continued NATO expansion, and the potential consequences if Ukraine was to join the trans-Atlantic alliance.

“Their [NATO’s] main task is to contain the development of Russia,”

Putin said.

“Ukraine is simply a tool to achieve this goal. They could draw us into some kind of armed conflict and force their allies in Europe to impose the very tough sanctions that are being talked about in the United States today,”

he noted.

“Or they could draw Ukraine into NATO, set up strike weapons systems there and encourage some people to resolve the issue of Donbass or Crimea by force, and still draw us into an armed conflict.”

Putin continued,

“Let us imagine that Ukraine is a NATO member and is stuffed with weapons and there are state-of-the-art missile systems just like in Poland and Romania. Who will stop it from unleashing operations in Crimea, let alone Donbass? Let us imagine that Ukraine is a NATO member and ventures such a combat operation. Do we have to fight with the NATO bloc? Has anyone thought anything about it? It seems not.”

But these words were dismissed by White House spokesperson Jen Psaki, who likened them to a fox

“screaming from the top of the hen house that he's scared of the chickens,”

…adding that any Russian expression of fear over Ukraine

 “should not be reported as a statement of fact.”

Psaki’s comments, however, are divorced from the reality of the situation.

The principal goal of the government of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is what he terms the “de-occupation” of Crimea.

While this goal has, in the past, been couched in terms of diplomacy –

“[t]he synergy of our efforts must force Russia to negotiate the return of our peninsula,”

Zelensky told the Crimea Platform, a Ukrainian forum focused on regaining control over Crimea – the reality is his strategy for return is a purely military one, in which Russia has been identified as a “military adversary”, and the accomplishment of which can only be achieved through NATO membership.

How Zelensky plans on accomplishing this goal using military means has not been spelled out.

As an ostensibly defensive alliance, the odds are that NATO would not initiate any offensive military action to forcibly seize the Crimean Peninsula from Russia.

Indeed, the terms of Ukraine’s membership, if granted, would need to include some language regarding the limits of NATO’s Article 5 – which relates to collective defense – when addressing the Crimea situation, or else a state of war would de facto exist upon Ukrainian accession.

The most likely scenario would involve Ukraine being rapidly brought under the ‘umbrella’ of NATO protection, with ‘battlegroups’ like those deployed into eastern Europe being formed on Ukrainian soil as a ‘trip-wire’ force, and modern air defenses combined with forward-deployed NATO aircraft put in place to secure Ukrainian airspace.

Once this umbrella has been established, Ukraine would feel emboldened to begin a hybrid conflict against what it terms the Russian occupation of Crimea, employing unconventional warfare capability it has acquired since 2015 at the hands of the CIA to initiate an insurgency designed specifically to “kill Russians.”

The idea that Russia would sit idly by while a guerilla war in Crimea was being implemented from Ukraine is ludicrous; if confronted with such a scenario, Russia would more than likely use its own unconventional capabilities in retaliation.

Ukraine, of course, would cry foul, and NATO would be confronted with its mandatory obligation for collective defense under Article 5.

In short, NATO would be at war with Russia.

This is not idle speculation.

When explaining his recent decision to deploy some 3,000 US troops to Europe in response to the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, US President Joe Biden declared,

“As long as he’s [Putin] acting aggressively, we are going to make sure we reassure our NATO allies in Eastern Europe that we’re there and Article 5 is a sacred obligation.”

Biden’s comments echo those made during his initial visit to NATO Headquarters, on June 15 last year.

At that time, Biden sat down with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and emphasized America’s commitment to Article 5 of the NATO charter.

“Article 5 we take as a sacred obligation,”

Biden said.

“I want NATO to know America is there.”

Biden’s view of NATO and Ukraine is drawn from his experience as vice president under Barack Obama.

In 2015, then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work told reporters,

As President Obama has said, Ukraine should … be able to choose its own future. And we reject any talk of a sphere of influence. 

And speaking in Estonia this past September, the president made it clear that our commitment to our NATO allies in the face of Russian aggression is unwavering. 

As he said it, in this alliance there are no old members and there are no new members. 

There are no junior partners and there are no senior partners. 

There are just allies, pure and simple. And we will defend the territorial integrity of every single ally.”

Just what would this defense entail?

As someone who once trained to fight the Soviet Army, I can attest that a war with Russia would be unlike anything the US military has experienced – ever.

The US military is neither organized, trained, nor equipped to fight its Russian counterparts.

Nor does it possess doctrine capable of supporting large-scale combined arms conflict.

If the US was to be drawn into a conventional ground war with Russia, it would find itself facing defeat on a scale unprecedented in American military history. In short, it would be a rout.

Don’t take my word for it.

In 2016, then-Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, when speaking about the results of a study – the Russia New Generation Warfare – he had initiated in 2015 to examine lessons learned from the fighting in eastern Ukraine, told an audience at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington that the Russians have superior artillery firepower, better combat vehicles, and have learned sophisticated use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for tactical effect.

“Should US forces find themselves in a land war with Russia,”

McMaster said,

“they would be in for a rude, cold awakening.”

In short, they would get their asses kicked.

America’s 20-year Middle Eastern misadventure in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria produced a military that was no longer capable of defeating a peer-level opponent on the battlefield.

This reality was highlighted in a study conducted by the US Army’s 173rd Airborne Brigade, the central American component of NATO’s Rapid Deployment Force, in 2017.

The study found that US military forces in Europe were underequipped, undermanned, and inadequately organized to confront military aggression from Russia.

The lack of viable air defense and electronic warfare capability, when combined with an over-reliance on satellite communications and GPS navigation systems, would result in the piecemeal destruction of the US Army in rapid order should they face off against a Russian military that was organized, trained, and equipped to specifically defeat a US/NATO threat.

The issue isn’t just qualitative, but also quantitative – even if the US military could stand toe-to-toe with a Russian adversary (which it can’t), it simply lacks the size to survive in any sustained battle or campaign.

The low-intensity conflict that the US military waged in Iraq and Afghanistan has created an organizational ethos built around the idea that every American life is precious, and that all efforts will be made to evacuate the wounded so that they can receive life-saving medical attention in as short a timeframe as possible.

This concept may have been viable where the US was in control of the environment in which fights were conducted.

It is, however, pure science fiction in large-scale combined arms warfare.

There won’t be medical evacuation helicopters flying to the rescue – even if they launched, they would be shot down.

There won’t be field ambulances – even if they arrived on the scene, they would be destroyed in short order.

There won’t be field hospitals – even if they were established, they would be captured by Russian mobile forces.

What there will be is death and destruction, and lots of it.

Massive destruction of all American and NATO ground forces

One of the events which triggered McMaster’s study of Russian warfare was the destruction of a Ukrainian combined arms brigade by Russian artillery in early 2015.

This, of course, would be the fate of any similar US combat formation.

The superiority Russia enjoys in artillery fires is overwhelming, both in terms of the numbers of artillery systems fielded and the lethality of the munitions employed.

While the US Air Force may be able to mount a fight in the airspace above any battlefield, there will be nothing like the total air supremacy enjoyed by the American military in its operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The airspace will be contested by a very capable Russian air force, and Russian ground troops will be operating under an air defense umbrella the likes of which neither the US nor NATO has ever faced.

There will be no close air support cavalry coming to the rescue of beleaguered American troops.

The forces on the ground will be on their own.

This feeling of isolation will be furthered by the reality that, because of Russia’s overwhelming superiority in electronic warfare capability, the US forces on the ground will be deaf, dumb, and blind to what is happening around them, unable to communicate, receive intelligence, and even operate as radios, electronic systems, and weapons cease to function.

Any war with Russia would find American forces slaughtered in large numbers.

Back in the 1980s, we routinely trained to accept losses of 30-40 percent and continue the fight, because that was the reality of modern combat against a Soviet threat.

Back then, we were able to effectively match the Soviets in terms of force size, structure, and capability – in short, we could give as good, or better, than we got.

That wouldn’t be the case in any European war against Russia. The US will lose most of its forces before they are able to close with any Russian adversary, due to deep artillery fires.

Even when they close with the enemy, the advantage the US enjoyed against Iraqi and Taliban insurgents and ISIS terrorists is a thing of the past.

Our tactics are no longer up to par – when there is close combat, it will be extraordinarily violent, and the US will, more times than not, come out on the losing side.

But even if the US manages to win the odd tactical engagement against peer-level infantry, it simply has no counter to the overwhelming number of tanks and armored fighting vehicles Russia will bring to bear.

Even if the anti-tank weapons in the possession of US ground troops were effective against modern Russian tanks (and experience suggests they are probably not), American troops will simply be overwhelmed by the mass of combat strength the Russians will confront them with.

In the 1980s, I had the opportunity to participate in a Soviet-style attack carried out by specially trained US Army troops – the ‘OPFOR’ – at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, California, where two Soviet-style Mechanized Infantry Regiments squared off against a US Army Mechanized Brigade.

The fight began at around two in the morning.

By 5:30am it was over, with the US Brigade destroyed, and the Soviets having seized their objectives.

There’s something about 170 armored vehicles bearing down on your position that makes defeat all but inevitable.

This is what a war with Russia would look like.

It would not be limited to Ukraine, but extend to battlefields in the Baltic states, Poland, Romania, and elsewhere.

It would involve Russian strikes against NATO airfields, depots, and ports throughout the depth of Europe.

This is what will happen if the US and NATO seek to attach the “sacred obligation” of Article 5 of the NATO Charter to Ukraine.

It is, in short, a suicide pact.

The anti-China speal is fully funded

Paid for by the United States government, and directed at the citizens of America, Australia, Japan and NATO. $7 billion dollars.

China warned you all…

China says US plans to pay athletes to ‘sabotage’ Winter Olympics

From HERE.

BEIJING—China’s foreign ministry and an official newspaper have accused the United States of planning to interfere with and “sabotage” the Beijing Winter Olympics by paying athletes from some countries to make half-hearted efforts in competition and to criticize China.

The allegations were made a week before the Games start amid tensions between the two superpowers that has included a diplomatic boycott of the event by the United States, which has been joined by several other countries.

Asked about the Chinese allegations, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing on Saturday reiterated a previous position that Washington was not coordinating a global campaign regarding participation at the Olympics.

Here’s how the Associated Press uses that money…

Olympic teams raise concerns over quarantine hotels

From HERE.
BEIJING (AP) — Not enough food. Inedible meals. No training equipment. Some Olympic athletes unlucky enough to test positive for the coronavirus at the Beijing Olympics feel their quarantine conditions are making a bad situation much worse.

“My stomach hurts, I’m very pale and I have huge black circles around my eyes. I want all this to end. I cry every day. I’m very tired,” Russian biathlon competitor Valeria Vasnetsova posted on Instagram from one of Beijing’s so-called quarantine hotels.

Her problem wasn’t with any symptoms of the virus. 

It was the food.

Vasnetsova posted a picture Thursday of what she said was “breakfast, lunch and dinner for five days already” — a tray with food including plain pasta, an orange sauce, charred meat on a bone, a few potatoes and no greens.

She said she mostly survived on a few pieces of pasta because it was “impossible” to eat the rest, “but today I ate all the fat they serve instead of meat because I was very hungry.” She added she lost a lot of weight and “my bones are already sticking out.”


Maybe you should judge for yourself. Because the American “news” is just a fucking steaming pile of bullshit. You make the judgement. You watch, and stop reading a purposely funded effort…

Video and narrative by a few American athletes at the Olympics

Video 33MB


So what is going on here? How can this “news report” be so differnt from the videos?

It’s easy. It’s called money and power.

Here’s another article. This one is from HERE.

HIDDEN HORRORS;  How China is using Winter Olympics to whitewash regime’s execution vans, concentration camps, black jails & torture

Wait! Can that be right?

Let’s have another look at the Olympics, and talk to some of the participants…

Video and Narrative 2

video 15MB

Let’s try again…

Video and Narrative 3

Video 38MB


Let’s talk about some of the under-reported aspects of this Beijing Winter Olympics. Heck, did I say “under-reported”? Nope, I meant Never-until-Hell-freezes-over will it ever be reported…

Russian entry into the Ice Hockey Arena

Amazing what can be done! Just amazing!

Video 3MB

Oh, and the kick off performance…

It is tied together with the Putin, Xi Peng plan for a new world order; a multi-polarity world. Watch it from that point of view.

Video 2MB

And the reactions to this performance is sometimes too emotional. Most Westerneer’s won’t understand why it is so meaningful to Asians.

It’s about inclusiveness, belonging and welcoming the little guys, the mistreated and the downtrodden into your fold as equals.

Video 4MB

One last video narrative…

Video 4MB

None of the Western “news” is reporting on the new Xi Peng and Putin agreement. But that is a key aspect of this Olympics at this time.

Just pretend that nothing is going on and act like nothing happened. It reminds me of a child trying to hide behind a curtain by hiding it’s eyes, while the entire body is fully exposed.

When I say that no one is reporting on it, I literally mean no one. What’s more they are not doing ANY REPORTING on the Winter Olympics at all.

Yahoo had one singular article on the Olympics. This is a screen shot of it…

Wow! Those cute girls with the lighted balloons were a “middle finger” to the world? Really?

Let’s look at the “article”…

The 2022 Olympics Opening Ceremony revealed this truth: China has a lot to hide

A day after the International Olympic Committee tried to claim these Games should be free of politics, the Chinese Communist Party staged an Opening Ceremony draped in dual-track political messaging for audiences both inside China and out that was as loud and clear as the fireworks that lit up the Beijing sky.

It was a sign of both Chinese strength in its ability to use the Olympics to spread its narrative and its hidden terror at the truth actually seeping out.

It ended with an affront to the sensibilities and a middle finger to much of the world, whose prominent governments — including the United States, India, Great Britain, Australia and Canada — refused to send diplomats to grant this absurdity any measure of legitimacy.

Then it gets bad

People are getting upset with this onslaught of focused hate…

Such as this gal.

Video 48MB

Now, let’s bounce to asking the question that many of us has pondered. Exactly WHY is Britian, Australia and Japan allowing themselves to pick a fight with China? What’s in it for them. Because as I see it, it’s a lose-lose senario.

There are no upsides.

Opinion | Who are the world’s good leaders?

It’s a topsy-turvy world out there. The world cries out for leaders who can steady the ship of state. Instead, we have a parade of fools like Boris Johnson, Scott Morrison and Justin Trudeau.

Boris is, undoubtedly, a gift to the entertainment world, but he doesn’t belong in government. Previously, he has parlayed his non-seriousness into his personal brand, from which he can wriggle out of any scandal. But this time, with “partygate”, the party is over. Like a kite dancing in the hurricane, he is crashing to earth. No one can trust a single word coming out of his mouth. With zero interest in the mundane business of government, he only comes to life at parties or in front of the camera.

Every time, when he opens his mouth, only hot air comes out. This time, not even his unruly, carefully curated, tousled hair can save him. Clueless about how to govern, and callous to the sufferings of others, he ordered the evacuation of pets over endangered people in the chaotic withdrawal from Kabul. Who knows what lurks in his dark heart? To him, life is just a game, to be played by his rules. He is the living embodiment of Etonian entitlement.

In foreign affairs, he is a one-trick pony, his sole role being a docile US stooge. He follows at his master’s heels into potential armed conflict where Britain has no business to be. He has forgotten the shame that has been visited upon Tony Blair in Iraq and looks likely to repeat that folly. Having decoupled from the EU, Britain’s most important partner, unfriended China, the world’s major rising power, and betrayed France, he now faces a country that demands its pound of flesh. What kind of drug-addled leader would send his country’s newest aircraft carrier out to the South China Sea, looking for trouble, in a region that has long ceased to be Britain’s sphere of influence, endlessly burning precious dollars his country can’t afford—all for the sake of reliving Britain’s imperial past?

Boris, you were born two centuries too late!

Without an ounce of common sense, or an iota of strategic sense, the best that can be said about Boris is that he is never dull. He is unprepared to govern, and unfit to lead. Woe betide any nation that picks Boris as helmsman. He has no clue where Britain is heading, only that he wants to go back to the past. But Winston Churchill he is not, with no idea about the future, no heart for the present and only an obsession with the past. I nominate Boris the geopolitical clown of the world, an expensive joke that Britain can ill-afford, good for boozy parties, but not for party politics.

Sitting one notch below Boris in the totem pole of fools is Canada’s Justin Trudeau. Despite his lineage, his CV is alarmingly thin. Trading on his name, this former bar-room bouncer has become top leader. For once Trump was right, calling the Canadian prime minister “weak and stupid”, allowing his country to be played like a pawn and dragged into a prolonged tug-of-war with China over Huawei’s CFO, whereas his father had studiously cultivated China as an ally. Under Justin, Canada has become the 51st state of the US, with none of the rights, and all of the complications of union. Under his father, neutral Canada refused to live in the pocket of the US, and had a moderating influence on its neighbor’s China policies. With his son’s total tilt towards the US, not a scintilla of that influence remains. It’s gone with the Trumpian hurricane. Foolishly, Trudeau signed up for 5-Eyes to contain China, sending Canadian naval vessels to the most combustible region in the world, the South China Sea. The US has an agenda on containing China which Canada ostensibly doesn’t share. No good can come out of this. If you go looking for trouble, you will find it, sooner or later. All it takes is an accidental cannon and you will find Canadian ships at the bottom of the ocean. And for what?

Trudeau’s one weapon is his good looks. But looks don’t amount to a hill of beans in building relationships. Yes, his looks can charm the pants off the wives of foreign leaders, cuckolding buffoons like Trump. Maybe that’s why Trump has a visceral dislike of Trudeau. But the world needs global leaders with brains, not political ‘gigolos’ with brawn.

Where Boris is funny, Trudeau is weak. Despite being a former bouncer, Justin is seen by Trump as a soft bullying target. Both Boris and Justin share a disinterest in the future, devoid of vision, of strategic awareness, of long-term planning. Both gravitate to photo ops. For this duo, style trumps substance. They are exemplary shallow leaders.

What about the leader Down Under? Oh well, this one takes the cake for suicidal stupidity. One word sums up Scott Morrison: pig-headedness. Previously, Australia enjoyed a comfortable relationship with China, its largest trading partner, a relationship that had been enormously beneficial to both. But, without provocation, Morrison decides to buy into US accusations of China’s abuse of human rights in Hong Kong and Xinjiang. As a Hong Konger, I can tell him he is dead wrong about my city. Hong Kong is a misgoverned place, yes. But that is because Beijing has given local leaders too long a leash for 23 years, letting US-funded activists run amok: It was a total abuse of freedom, not lack of freedom. For nine months, chaos and violence raged. They are Hong Kong’s Trump-like rioters.

As for Xinjiang, it is imported terror. The US response to 911 attacks was to invade Iraq on false pretenses, killing over a million innocent civilians. Where was Australia’s moral outrage then? China did not invade any country, only rounded up perpetrators for reeducation and job-training, then released them back into the community.

Morrison swallowed CIA propaganda whole.

Then he doubled down and demanded a US-inspired push to investigate China as the source of the coronavirus. By upping the ante, Morrison has derailed Sino-Australian relations, to the detriment of both.

Worse, he is committing billions to building nuclear submarines to counter China’s military rise. Didn’t he know that China must arm itself to fend off aggressive US containment?

What has China done to earn Australian enmity?

The militarization of the South China Sea islands is a matter of life-and-death struggle against US encirclement.

In the history of the world, have you ever heard of one country, trying non-stop for 70 years to encircle another country?

Should China fold its arms and wait for strangulation?

What would Morrison do if Australia were in China’s shoes? Australia would be entitled to the right of self-defense. With trade dollars dwindling, with billions siphoned off into building unneeded nuclear submarines for a non-existent conflict, where is mad Morrison taking Australia?

China and Australia have never been at war. If war breaks out between them, Morrison can take full radioactive credit.

The Taiwan affair had long been a sleepy affair, until America nudges Taiwan separatists into poking the dragon’s eye. As a Pacific country, Australia should do its part to cool the tempers, not fan the flames. So far, what has Australia gained from being a US pawn? Increasingly, Morrison looks like Australia’s Iraq-tainted Tony Blair. Instead of reaping the benefits of the Pacific Century, Australia is swaggering its way into a major needless conflict. I cannot think of an act of geopolitical stupidity more stupendous and suicidal than this.

Western reporters have baselessly and reflexively called President Xi of China “authoritarian”, misjudging him on how he handled the Hong Kong and Xinjiang unrest. They are too blind and biased to see that US judgments are nothing more than anti-China propaganda. Do you deny a sovereign nation’s right to quell imported riots?

Bye-bye Boris, so long Morrison, au revoir Trudeau. You have been proven unfit for office. As for Trump, this serial liar has been caught spouting over twenty thousand falsehoods during his four years in office, with over a thousand lawsuits under his belt. He may be out of office, but not out of the picture. With over 70 million Americans voting for a narcissistic madman, why are Australia, Britain and Canada still licking America’s boots?

By his competence in coping with Covid-19 alone, China’s leader, hands down, deserves an avalanche of accolades. No other leader has acted so decisively in “leveling up”, which Boris boasted but never delivered, smashing up monopolies and ending oppressive profit-making after-school tutoring, promoting “housing for living, not for speculating”, while lifting 800 million out of poverty and building the world’s biggest network of high-speed trains. If you go by achievements, there is only one clear winner in good government. If you call massive and unceremonious sacking of corrupt officials and keeping streets midnight-safe “authoritarian”, then give me “authoritarian” any day. With so many failed states littering the globe, only one leader thinks long-term and promotes “common prosperity”—and he lives and leads in China.

What it means to be British

Funny. Video 3MB

to be a brit-2022-02-06_15.41.40

Opinion | The world owes China an apology


The West has wronged China, grievously. I say this more in sorrow than in anger. The gulf of misunderstanding between the two seems unbridgeable.

The US and the UK are joined by Australia in an ostentatious diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic games, citing its human rights abuses in Hong Kong and Xinjiang.

To me, as someone who has lived on the mainland, this accusation is the height of irony.

Today’s China is a morally-driven society, full of energy and yearning for economic equality. If you listen to a mainland official and a Hong Kong official speak, the contrast in style and substance is stark.

  • The former speaks of being at one with the people, of national reconstruction, of technological leaps, of selfless service to the people.
  • The latter is adrift in petty talk and lethargically unmotivated. They yak instead of act. If they underperform, their six-figure monthly salary is punctually paid into their bank account. A princely pension awaits.

On the mainland, they would have been turfed out.

The number of mainland officials who have been unceremoniously removed for misdeeds or failures is staggeringly comforting. The Hong Kong “accountability” system is a joke.

In mainland official circles, it is a do-or-die matter.

Chinese officials are paternalists, in that they see themselves as father figures who are entrusted with the welfare of the people.

Hong Kong officials are risk-averse, notorious for inaction, as action carries its own risk. Their first instinct is self-preservation. On the mainland a powerful risk-and-reward system kicks in, and that has made all the difference.

There is something else. Mainland leaders think long-term. They hatch plans that cover five, ten or even a span of a hundred years. Hong Kong officials, and for that matter, leaders in the West, think in terms of ad hoc programs or election cycles. That is why China, without debilitating foreign wars, has leapfrogged other nations.

The term “China speed” says it all.

Go to the mainland, and experience the world’s first truly cashless society. Even beggars have their own QR codes. With no one carrying cash, the streets are free of thieves and robbers.

It is 100% safe to go strolling in the park at midnight.

This is unthinkable in Detroit or LA.

It’s your funeral if you do.

There are no racist insults or attacks either. People’s obsession is their children’s education, not hating those who look different from them.

For a chronically poor country, this is about as close as the Chinese would get to living in an idyllic world. If you talk to Chinese citizens, they will tell you that they trust their government to do what is best.

How can they not?

Their government has wiped out poverty in nearly 130, 000 villages or for over 800 million people. If this sounds too good to be true, it is because this scale of poverty eradication has never been done in human history.

The Chinese don’t just talk the talk, but walk the talk.

And yet, there is not a ripple of approval in the West.

Super-success has made China ultra-rational and far less ideological. Ideology is only a veneer. China is governed like a corporation, sending goods to Africa, not troops. It builds its Belt and Road infrastructure for trade and to circumvent US encirclement.

If Confucius were alive today, he would be amazed to find his ideal realized after two and a half thousand years: The first nation that advocates universal prosperity and a common human destiny.

America’s fear of China is not ideological.

It demonizes China as a communist country to frighten its allies into an anti-China coalition, knowing that it is the only country capable of challenging American unilateralism.

Even if China were to officially rename itself a Confucian country, American paranoia will persist. Vietnam is communist, but posing no threat to American global domination, is welcome into a marriage of convenience.

The world must now decide which system is better for the global order.

China today is what America was during the Second World War—a do-good nation. Post-war,

America has abused its superpower status to start wars and topple regimes it doesn’t like. The adage that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” applies equally to nations as to individuals.

America’s relentless encirclement of China has only produced one result: unite the Chinese people against a hostile West.

The greater the hostility, the greater its internal unity.

China doesn’t seek world domination, knowing it spells nothing but trouble. If there was a Nobel Prize for good government, China would win it hands down.

The world is littered with failed states.

Mexico, to name just one, lives in fear of its drug gangs, with the beautiful beaches of Acapulco patrolled by gun-toting soldiers. No wonder, two-thirds of British polled prefer socialism as a fairer system.

This doesn’t mean that the Chinese system is without weakness. China’s biggest strategic failure is its lack of soft power. It may wield enormous economic muscle, but it has a clunky and crude image. When it reacts angrily to American provocations, Westerners treat that anger as signs of aggression. China is losing the PR war big time.

Style is substance.

In overwhelming numbers, Chinese students flock overseas to study science and technology. Few opt for the arts and humanities. China may boast an army of well-trained interpreters. In a nation with tens of thousands of engineers and scientists, there is not a single eloquent cross-cultural interpreter on the world stage.

The world is facing a choice between tribalist unilateralism or humane universalism, between rationality or extremism, between might and morality.

Cultural insight into what China is all about.

Curious. interesting. Stunning, really stunning.

Video 60MB

Why is America the greatest nation in the world?

This is a great scene from an interview with Jeff Bridges, and I have to tell you that it is very spot-on. This is the full scene.

video 30MB

Listen to what he said.

America used to be great becuase we were brave and fearless. We were informed.

Today, most American live in fear with whatever the latest evil threat is.

And Americans are NOT informed.

Not in the least.

So stay informed. Do not live in fear, and shut that god-damn Western “news media” off. It controls your mind and sucks the precious life blood out of you.

Let’s be real about what nation we are talking about here…

America the land of Billionaires and a permanent underclass of serf-slaves. It’s a horrible mess, and it’s a full idiocracty with nuclear weapons. It is a very dangerous combination.

Video. 42MB

OK, enough of that.

Now for some pretty Chinese girls. Video 1

Tall thin, leggy with a big chest. Video 1 4MB




Here they are.

Not good enough; not serious; no grasp of reality. NATO says it’s not to blame for anything and Washington’s willing to talk but only about a few things.

We did not see our three key demands adequately considered: stopping NATO’s expansion, refusing to use strike weapons systems near Russian borders, and returning the bloc’s military infrastructure in Europe to how it was in 1997.”

But, and this is the foundation for the next step in Moscow’s diplomacy offensive, both answers pretend allegiance to common security principles.


The West is always gassing on about this. Moscow’s next move will demonstrate that what they really mean is that they make up rules, break them whenever they feel like it, and order the others to follow them.

(A recent example of the mutability of the “Rules-Based International Order” is that gay rights are very important in Russia but not at all in Washington’s new “major ally” of Qatar).

Moscow will invite every signatory of OSCE declarations (for example, Helsinki, Istanbul and Astana) to formally re-commit themselves.

If they do, then Moscow will say “act on it now or we will”; if they don’t, then Moscow will say “we won’t either”. Remember R2P? If I were running Moscow, that’s where I would make my move.


The big principle that Moscow is talking about is, quoting the 1999 Istanbul Summit, “(8) Each participating State has an equal right to security… They will not strengthen their security at the expense of the security of other States… (9)

The security of each participating State is inseparably linked to that of all others.”

Kennan saw it in 1998: “Of course there is going to be a bad reaction from Russia“.

Russia was weak then and NATO was strong; now it’s the other way round. NATO strengthened its security at the expense of Russia’s and now its security is weakened as a direct consequence of that very act. That’s the whole issue in a nutshell.


What we see today has been planned in Moscow (and coordinated with Beijing) over a long time. Did it start with NATO expansion in 1999? US quitting ABM in 2002? Putin’s 2007 Munich speech? The destruction of Libya in 2011?

I don’t know but this is no sudden whim; it has 30 years behind it.

The preparations are complete, Russia is ready for anything.


NATO UNITY is crumbling. Maybe Croatia and Hungary aren’t so important but there are signs that Germany and France are not happy.

Europe has to understand that Washington is not its friend: it will sanction Russia to the last Euro and cubic metre of gas. But all we can realistically expect from Europe today are baby steps.

It will take time for the unpleasant reality to sink in.


NATO’s a paper pussycat and so it is being shown to be.

Ritter explains that it hasn’t got the military muscle to influence anything. All it can do is destroy third world counties and lose anyway. I wrote this seven years ago and I see nothing to change; do you? Afghanistan? Iraq? Anywhere? Moscow has the military power and, despite the boasts, NATO forces would be just a speed bump.


Russia can’t land an expeditionary force in Mexico and conquer the USA, or conquer Europe, or win a naval war in the South Pacific, or conquer Ukraine; its power projection capability is limited. But it can beat anybody at home. And that’s all its armed forces are there to do.


It must now be plain to everyone in Ukraine that their BFFs will only fight to the last Ukrainian. Their biggest cheerleaders are pulling out their citizens and moving their troops back.

Does Zelensky understand that there is precisely one actor whose word he can trust? Russia has been about to “invade Ukraine” since October and it’s amusing to watch Kiev try to strike a balance between “help me!” and “don’t ruin me!”: “at the moment, as we speak, this number is insufficient for a full-scale offensive…“.

Washington is dialling it back too. Another glorious NATO victory soon to be declared! Of course, Moscow never intended to invade and be billed for the repair costs of that shattered polity.


Putin and Xi will be meeting on Friday. I expect a significant announcement. Beijing is perfectly aware that Moscow is fighting for it too.


The West in its more orotund moments likes to call itself “the international community”. It isn’t. Others watch and notice. Moscow is talking to them too.


I like to say that nothing they can invent about Putin surprises me. And then they do: he’s the reason aliens haven’t phoned.

China Elementary school

Celebrated for his ability to connect with the people through language -- Xi's often quoted maxims such as "do concrete work and take the lead," "a state thrives on practical work but wanes on empty talk" and "grab the iron bar hard enough to leave a mark" shed some light on how China can achieve so much in such a short period.

-China Today

All Chinese children have mandatory military training throughout their school years. It starts in Kindergarden, and continues weekly. Each grade they learn more skills, and are rated in their classes.

  • First grade. Marching, basic disipline, making beds, saluting, roll call.
  • Second Grade. Formations. Gun disassembly. Patrols. Self defense.
  • Third Grade. hand to hand combit. Target practice…
  • etc…

The following is either a Kindergarden or a first grade. You will note that they concentrate on basic military disipline and training.

Video 12MB


Another video. It’s a first-grade obsticle course. Video 9MB

More training.

Here the first grade students are taught how to rescue a teacher who is captured. Of course they are very young, and they are going though the basic skills but each year this training is built upon. By the time they are in middle school and go into the basic training they will be able to do all of this automatically without a second thought.

Video 14MB

Finally here’s a first grade roll call. Video 5MB

When did you learn disipline, respect and pushing yourself under obsticle courses? How do you think the West (led by the United States) can handle a one-on-one confrontation with talented, industrious, and lethal nation of 1.4 billion soldiers?

Maybe the United States should realize that teaching it’s citizenry to be afriad, fearful and to cower and hide is not the best policy.

Keep in mind

The American govenrment is constantly drumming up hatred against Chinese and Asians, and many of the (emotional and downtrodden) urban black populations are really getting riled up and really attacking the Chinese. Such as this video of a black woman hassling a Chinese-American woman waiting in a medical clinic.

It’s a good thing that the security guard is there and puts an end to the harassment.

Video 5.7MB

All this negative energy is going to boomerang back on the American people. Mark. My. Words.

Alexander Dugin: ‘Why a War Will be Good for Russia’

“Once the world changes, new horizons and opportunities will open themselves. The main thing is to get down to business”

Machine translated from Russian.

The Russia-NATO talks have taken the confrontation to a new level. Russia is firmly insisting on a formal refusal to accept the post-Soviet countries into NATO; the West persists in its position, offering in exchange something unnecessary and unimportant, or at least of secondary importance…

Moscow’s position in this case – and this is a new and important element – is not reactive and not passive, but offensive.

NATO has been actively pressuring us for 30 years, including during the whole of Putin’s 20-year period. But only now is Russia ripe to challenge this for real.

In big politics, only force decides everything. “For real” means “by force.

Moscow is taking a serious swing. And now it is impossible to take a step back, otherwise what for was it to take a swing at? We know from gangster movies and from the business of the 90s, and even from street fights, that to pull out a gun (knife, machine gun) and not shoot is almost suicide. Whoever goes for aggravation must realize that if he doesn’t, he will. We are exactly at this point now.

The unipolar world is finished. Contrary to the desperation of Biden and world elites to make one last attempt to save globalism and American hegemony – and this is the meaning of Biden’s campaign slogan (Bild BackBetter – “Rebuild Everything Again and Better”, i.e. “Back to the unipolar 90s”), or Klaus Schwab’s thesis at the Davos forum (Great Reset) – historical time is not reversible: Russia and China already represent two independent poles, solidarity on the major world problems. This means that multipolarity is established here and now.

In history, however, the change of the global world order, alas, is often carried out through wars. Without them, those who lose in no way agree to recognize voluntarily the obvious change. It is a kind of reality check…

Apparently, we still have to do what we should have done – and didn’t do – in 2014. Yes, the starting conditions are much worse, but better late than never. Nobody counts on “never” anymore. The Russia-NATO meeting showed that clearly. Both sides are ready to escalate, and to give in now means to lose irreversibly. The Kremlin clearly does not intend to do this. But the West simply cannot. That would not just be a loss of face, but an admission of defeat.

As usual, the Russians took a long time to get going, so now they must rush ahead.

Let us look into the world which is about to become a reality.

There will be no nuclear war. The stakes are too small for Washington to risk the total annihilation of humanity.

In principle, the outlined sanctions and the final demonization of Russia, the severing of its ties with Europe and the attempt to isolate it completely, exhausts the program of response. The West hopes, if not to prevent what is coming, then to manage in its favor its consequences. This will not be easy. But it is better to have the West as a full-fledged adversary than as a patron or ally (it will end – as it ended so many times in the history of Byzantium and Russia – in betrayal). The West’s claim to be the measure of universal values has failed. Even the West itself no longer believes in this. And other nations and civilizations do not have to share its historical pessimism and the onset of total perversion. Every nation has its own Logos. The Logos of the West has disintegrated into dust…

So, concretely: how will events unfold, if they do – rather than freeze into another nauseating pause?

Eastern Ukraine goes to Novorossia all the way. This is non-negotiable. It is a conscious part of the East Slavic world, always has been, contrary to the feral Russophobic propaganda. Novorossiya – the entire Left Bank + Odessa – has long been waiting for this to come true.

The new state should be immediately accepted into the Eastern Slavic Union, together with Russia and Belarus.

This project will require a new Idea.

Its main features are not difficult to see: Slavic Renaissance (tradition, identity, historical self-consciousness) + social justice that is — right-wing politics + left-wing economy, exactly what everyone is waiting for. We will lose the sixth column immediately after the first shot is fired, we won’t have to convince anyone — it will self-destruct from terror. Liberalism and Westernism will disappear, everything else – both left-wing and right-wing – will remain. This is where the task is to unite them in the name of the great goal. And so it will be.

The sanctions the West is threatening will finish the rest – you can’t think of a better tool to purge traitors and foreign agents. Only the patriots who have nowhere to go and nowhere to run will survive. And it will be their hour – our hour – delayed for seven sluggish years.

The question of Western Ukraine is open. We will hardly be welcomed there. But if we liberate the Ruthenians and transfer some of Kolomoisky’s structures to individual Kiev tycoons, (which are in the East, and therefore will be assimilated from the beginning of the campaign), something can be worked out. However, this will require not only military, but also ideological efforts. If something is taken away, something must be given. With the East of Ukraine everything is clear. With the West not everything, or rather nothing at all is clear.

Here lies the main problem – we can push the border much further to the west and bring our 20 million people back into their native Eastern Slavonic context. But American military bases are unacceptable for us, even on the right bank. However, once the world changes, new horizons and opportunities will open themselves. The main thing is to get down to business.

Although the main direction is west, it is important to differentiate our steps.

In parallel with the East Slavic Union, it is necessary to make the Eurasian Union a reality. The attempted uprising in Kazakhstan and the Taliban factor in Afghanistan reminded us that things are shaky in Central Asia too. We must act decisively there as well. Our friends and allies must quickly decide to what extent they are real friends. And to act accordingly, rather than to appoint Russophobes to ministerial posts. This will have to be paid for seriously.

We have a great ally – China, which has yet to go through something symmetrical with Taiwan and with the protection of territorial integrity – in Xinjiang, Tibet and in the border zones. Its support is key. The West is fighting a war on two fronts — with us, and with the Chinese. This is a unique opportunity – we are a military colossus, China is an economic colossus. Together we are comparable to the West and even outweigh it. And most importantly: they, in the West, are the past, we are the future.

It is important to involve other allies, especially Iran and Pakistan (we are about to have summits with these countries). In addition, it is necessary to secure at least the neutrality of Turkey and India, which is almost guaranteed.

And then we can start….

We are best at direct action. We get lost and confused in negotiations and time is running out. After the first decisive move is made, we will find ourselves in a new reality with new laws.

We’ll figure it out there.

Source: Telegram

Living in China vs Living in America – This is truly shocking…

On You-Tube, but well worth the watch. About ten minutes long. Precious.

Found HERE.

Now from Andrei at The Saker…

Unpacking the Russian-Chinese joint statement

From HERE.


First things first, this is a very long statement (5300 words).  It is also an extremely important one since it deals primarily with grand strategy issues (it discusses the “whats” not the “hows”).  To put it succinctly, this is a common vision of the future shared between Russia and China.  It is therefore also a common goal setting document.  Considering its scope and objective, this is most definitely a crucial historical document.

Next, it is really important to understand who the target audience of this statement is.  By definition, the target audience of such a document is the entire planet, but by its language I would argue that it is pretty clear that this is not a document addressed to anybody in the West (for one thing, it is too long for the average western reader and it is too long to be reprinted or read in full in the general press).  There is a saying which all Russians know: “the East is a delicate/refined matter” (it comes from a famous Soviet movie).  The style and contents of this joint statement shows that it is primarily aimed at the Russian and Chinese public, especially those in position of power: to a typical western reader the text itself looks long-winded and full of well-meaning platitudes.  The Russians and the Chinese understand each other much better, and not only can they read between the lines and they can evaluate what is said and what is only suggested.  The fact that some things are only alluded to does in no way make them less crucial.  Again, the audience here is most definitely not a western one.

Having said all that, I want to pick, roughly in order, some key parts of that speech and try to unpack what this joint statement really says.  This is a somewhat arbitrary selection, in reality, word letter and comma matter here, but for the sake of brevity, I won’t comment on the full text.  I do, however, recommend that you take the time and read it here:


Key excerpts from the RU-CH Joint Statement: (emphasis added)

Some actors representing but the minority on the international scale continue to advocate unilateral approaches to addressing international issues and resort to force; they interfere in the internal affairs of other states, infringing their legitimate rights and interests, and incite contradictions, differences, and confrontation, thus hampering the development and progress of mankind, against the opposition from the international community.

Translation into plain English: the USA and a few of its vassal states want to maintain a world hegemony and ignore international law.  This is a threat to the peace and security of our entire planet.  We oppose this.

There is no one-size-fits-all template to guide countries in establishing democracy. A nation can choose such forms and methods of implementing democracy that would best suit its particular state, based on its social and political system, its historical background, traditions, and unique cultural characteristics. It is only up to the people of the country to decide whether their State is a democratic one.

Translation into plain English: there is no one way to establish real people power, and outsiders are, by definition, disqualified from judging the degree of “democracy” of any nation.  Each nation has the right to decide how it wants to live, how it wants to formally structure its people power and only the people of that nation can decide whether their country’s organization faithfully expresses and upholds their national values.  Outsiders cannot think of themselves as “teachers of democracy”.

The sides reaffirm their focus on building the Greater Eurasian Partnership in parallel and in coordination with the Belt and Road construction to foster the development of regional associations as well as bilateral and multilateral integration processes for the benefit of the peoples on the Eurasian continent. The sides agreed to continue consistently intensifying practical cooperation for the sustainable development of the Arctic.

Translation into plain English: we, the locals, are (and have been) building a Eurasian community which will encompass the entire Eurasian landmass and its adjacent Arctic waters.  This Eurasian landmass will be sovereignly ruled by those nations who compose it.

The sides are gravely concerned about serious international security challenges and believe that the fates of all nations are interconnected. No State can or should ensure its own security separately from the security of the rest of the world and at the expense of the security of other States.

Translation into plain English: security is always and by definition collective.  There cannot be security for some at the expense of the security of others.  The AngloZionist Empire’s notion of unilateral security is basically putting a gun to the head of each nation on the planet with the very explicit threat to pull the trigger if that nation dares to resist this typical act of imperialist aggression.

The sides reaffirm their strong mutual support for the protection of their core interests, state sovereignty and territorial integrity, and oppose interference by external forces in their internal affairs.

Translation into plain English: we are, and will, be standing side by side and we will jointly defeat those forces who are trying to prevent us from achieving and maintaining true, full, sovereignty.

The Russian side reaffirms its support for the One-China principle, confirms that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and opposes any forms of independence of Taiwan.

Translation into plain English:Russia will support the Chinese efforts to reintegrate Taiwan.  Russia has got China’s back.

Russia and China stand against attempts by external forces to undermine security and stability in their common adjacent regions, intend to counter interference by outside forces in the internal affairs of sovereign countries under any pretext, oppose color revolutions, and will increase cooperation in the aforementioned areas.

Translation into plain English: China will support Russia in her efforts to prevent the USA/NATO/EU to turn the Ukraine into an anti-Russia or to overthrow governments friendly to Russia.  China has got Russia’s back.

The sides believe that certain States, military and political alliances, and coalitions seek to obtain, directly or indirectly, unilateral military advantages to the detriment of the security of others, including by employing unfair competition practices, intensify geopolitical rivalry, fuel antagonism and confrontation, and seriously undermine the international security order and global strategic stability. The sides oppose further enlargement of NATO and call on the North Atlantic Alliance to abandon its ideologized cold war approaches, to respect the sovereignty, security and interests of other countries, the diversity of their civilizational, cultural and historical backgrounds, and to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards the peaceful development of other States.

Translation into plain English: the West is trying to destabilize, subvert, control and destroy any country which is not willing to become a US vassal state.  NATO is an aggressive, violent and totalitarian superstructure whose aim is to prevent any country from achieving sovereignty.  It is just the latest iteration of Anglo imperialism.  It’s ideology is based on hate and projection of its own hateful worldview and ethos unto others.  It’s nature is imperialist and its motto divide et impera.  We will oppose that geostrategic malignant tumor together.

The sides are seriously concerned about the trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom (AUKUS), which provides for deeper cooperation between its members in areas involving strategic stability, in particular their decision to initiate cooperation in the field of nuclear-powered submarines. Russia and China believe that such actions are contrary to the objectives of security and sustainable development of the Asia-Pacific region, increase the danger of an arms race in the region, and pose serious risks of nuclear proliferation.

Translation into plain English: AUKUS is yet a further iteration of Anglo imperialism.  It is dangerous and we will oppose it together.

The sides call on the United States to respond positively to the Russian initiative and abandon its plans to deploy intermediate-range and shorter-range ground-based missiles in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe. The Chinese side is sympathetic to and supports the proposals put forward by the Russian Federation to create long-term legally binding security guarantees in Europe.

Translation into plain English: China fully backs the Russian ultimatum to the West.  The West’s rejection of the Russian demands also affects to Asia-Pacific region and, therefore, it affects and even threatens China’s national interests.  Russia and China have a common goal to resist the West’s imperialistic policies.

The sides note that the denunciation by the United States of a number of important international arms control agreements has an extremely negative impact on international and regional security and stability. The sides express concern over the advancement of U.S. plans to develop global missile defense and deploy its elements in various regions of the world, combined with capacity building of high-precision non-nuclear weapons for disarming strikes and other strategic objectives.

Translation into plain English: Russia will not allow the US to militarily encircle China and China will not allow the US to militarily encircle Russia.  Russia and China stand back to back and will protect each other, thereby foiling any Anglo plans to encircle either one, or both, of these nations.

The sides oppose attempts by some States to turn outer space into an arena of armed confrontation and reiterate their intention to make all necessary efforts to prevent the weaponization of space and an arms race in outer space. They will counteract activities aimed at achieving military superiority in space and using it for combat operations.

Translation into plain English: Russian and Chinese space programs will make a joint effort to defeat the Anglo attempts at militarizing space, both countries will help each other to develop future space capabilities and to create and deploy the means to prevent the US from threatening them from space.

The sides emphasize that domestic and foreign bioweapons activities by the United States and its allies raise serious concerns and questions for the international community regarding their compliance with the BWC. The sides share the view that such activities pose a serious threat to the national security of the Russian Federation and China and are detrimental to the security of the respective regions.

Translation into plain English:the USA clearly has an active biowarfare program.  Russia and China feel threatened by this and they will act together to stop the USA from developing illegal and dangerous bioweapons.

The Russian side notes the significance of the concept of constructing a ”community of common destiny for mankind“ proposed by the Chinese side to ensure greater solidarity of the international community and consolidation of efforts in responding to common challenges. The Chinese side notes the significance of the efforts taken by the Russian side to establish a just multipolar system of international relations.

Translation into plain English: Russia and China agree that the new, post Western, world order they want to achieve will be based on the brotherhood and solidarity of all those countries who, rather than exploiting the entire planet for the benefit of a few, want to see an international systems based on shared values rather than on greed and the oppression of the weak by the strong.  In that system, relations between countries will be based on international law and the United Nations as its cornerstone and not by some ad hoc “alliances of the willing” or any other such illegal nonsense.

They reaffirm that the new inter-State relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ”forbidden“ areas of cooperation, strengthening of bilateral strategic cooperation is neither aimed against third countries nor affected by the changing international environment and circumstantial changes in third countries.

Translation into plain English:relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era” is pretty darn clear:  Russia and China are more than allies or “just” symbionts, the alliance they have formed is not a western-style peace of paper which can be revoked or ignored.  

Russia and China have decided to establish a true “friendship which knows no limits“, that is a brotherhood that is much bigger in scope and much deeper in nature than any formal alliance.  

The two countries see a common future and will stand by each other as two loving brothers.  

Note: the choice of words “friendship with no limits” has been carefully crafted to not make sense to a western audience which will see it only as “pious and vague platitudes with no binding obligations” but which will be very clear to those who come from the Russian and Chinese civilizational realms.  

Simply put: nobody in the West truly believes in “friendship” between states, only situational allies and personal interests.  

The concept of friendship has a very different meaning in China and Russia.  Furthermore, “no limits” is also nonsensical in western geopolitics.  

Again, to a Russian or Chinese audience the paragraph above means and expresses much MORE than any “alliance”, “treaty” or “agreement”.  Western political leaders simply cannot fathom or imagine what Russia and China are saying here – their minds simply cannot comprehend what is being said here.

Russia and China aim to comprehensively strengthen the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and further enhance its role in shaping a polycentric world order based on the universally recognized principles of international law, multilateralism, equal, joint, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security. They consider it important to consistently implement the agreements on improved mechanisms to counter challenges and threats to the security of SCO member states and, in the context of addressing this task, advocate expanded functionality of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure.

Translation into plain English: China and Russia will develop their full-spectrum security cooperation.  Just as the CSTO recently, the SCO will soon grow more powerful “teeth” and bare them if/when needed.  And don’t be fooled by the reference to “anti-terrorism” choice of worlds.  The recent CSTO operation in Kazakhstan was also an “anti-terrorist” one :-)


The release of this joint statement is the geostrategic equivalent of Putin’s famous speech in which he described the new Russian weapons systems: it will initially be dismissed by western politicians who will then slowly undergo the five Kübler-Ross stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance).  This “limitless friendship” working towards a “community of common destiny for mankind” is the absolute worst nightmare of western imperialism and it is only made worse by the fact that there is absolutely nothing which the West can do to foil, oppose or even slow the progress of Russia and China towards their common goal and future.

Far from “attacking” the West or from invading anybody,  Russia and China have been doing something for years already and now what that “something” is is quite clear (at least to those with the sobriety and intelligence to see it):  Russia and China are simply leaving the united West behind, letting it do its own thing (political, cultural, economic, military and even spiritual suicide) while they built an alternative.

You could say that Zone B does not want to destroy or bring down Zone A.  Zone B want to offer an alternative to Zone A and then let each nation decide for itself what zone it wants to live in.

There is one word which is missing from this statement.  That word is “Iran“.

It is not missing because China or Russia don’t care about Iran or don’t realize how important Iran will be for the future of the Middle-East and even our entire planet.  They know that very, very well.  The reason the word “Iran” is missing is simple: while Iran is most definitely a friend and ally of both Russia and China, Iran does not share a “limitless friendship” or brotherly symbiotic relationship with either country.  Neither is Iran a full member of the SCO, yet (but will be soon). Talk about true diversity!  These countries have completely different cultures, histories and political systems, yet they fully support each other.  That is the “there is no one-size-fits-all template” model already being built before our eyes!  I also believe that Iran’s bid to become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation was approved but in needs to be formalized (may be mistaken here)..  Yet both China and Russia understand that Iran is crucial, not only as a gateway for Russia and China into the Middle-East, but also as a crucial member of the supra-ideological system of alliances Russia and China want to create.  In fact, these countries have been helping each other for years already.  But there is more, look at this:

  • Russia is a democratic and “social” state, with a weird, and changing, mix of capitalism and traditional Russian collectivism.
  • China is a unique mix of capitalism and Communist state control
  • Iran is an Islamic Republic.

Talk about true diversity!  These countries have completely different cultures, histories and political systems, yet they fully support each other.  That is the “there is no one-size-fits-all template” model already being built before our eyes!  I also believe that Iran’s bid to become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was approved but in needs to be formalized and fully implemented.

This model will attract and easily include those Latin American countries which will chose “21 century socialism” (primarily developed by Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia) ideology.  It will also be far more attractive to many African countries than the “western imperialist boot” (examples include Mali, Burkina Faso, Congo and, potentially many others).

The map below shows the current situation.

The Russian-Chinese joint statement tells us all we need to know about how this map will change in the near future.



For all of you who think that the events and 6000 word statement is “underwhelming” take a note that…

Kremlin reveals number of approved agreements during Putin’s visit to China
There are 16 intergovernmental, interdepartmental and commercial documents

MOSCOW, February 4. /TASS/. A package of 16 intergovernmental, interdepartmental and commercial documents was approved as part of the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China. The list of documents was posted on the Kremlin’s website on Friday.

The Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development was adopted during the Sino-Russian summit talks.

In particular, the Russian state corporation Roscosmos and the Chinese Satellite Navigation System Commission signed a cooperation deal in the sphere of mutual complementarity of the GLONASS and Beidou global satellite navigation systems.

The Russian Ministry of Economic Development and China's Ministry of Commerce made a joint statement on the completion of developing a roadmap for mutual trade in goods and services and signed a memorandum of understanding for deepening investment cooperation in sustainable (green) development areas.

The customs authorities of Russia and China signed a protocol on mutual recognition of the status of an authorized economic operator. The parties approved 11 intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents in total.

Four commercial contracts were signed during the visit. Gazprom and CNPC inked a long-term contract for the delivery of 10 bln cubic meters of natural gas over the Far Eastern route. Rosneft and Huawei sealed a deal on cooperation. Rosneft and CNPC signed an agreement on the deliveries of 100 mln tonnes of oil via Kazakhstan over a decade and approved a memorandum of understanding to cooperate in the low-carbon development sphere.

Video 2

Girl in a nice bouncy sweater. Video 2 4MB

What about India?

Ah. The “QUAD” to contain China, and now Russia. How does India fit in? Here’s an editorial from HERE.

US plays QUAD card during Beijing Olympics

The appalling decision by the External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar to huddle together with his QUAD colleagues bang in the middle of the Beijing Winter Olympics may have unpleasant consequences. 

China sees QUAD as a US-led clique working to “contain” it. 

An action-reaction syndrome has once again developed. Beijing’s apparent retaliation by picking the Galwan hero as the Olympic torchbearer was not the end of the story.

Delhi swiftly crossed over to the US-led group to boycott the Beijing Olympics. Some protestors in Delhi also set the Chinese national flag on fire.

Even a moron would know China regards the staging of the Winter Olympics as a cherished moment.

President Xi Jinping’s toast at the Welcoming Banquet of The Olympic Winter Games on Friday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing exuded immense national pride when he said,

“China has just entered the Year of the Tiger according to the lunar calendar. Tiger is a symbol of strength, courage and fearlessness.”

That is precisely why the US, including President Biden himself, smear Beijing Olympics. Americans are bad losers. They feel impotent as China marches ahead inexorably while the US is declining irreversibly. Panic and hatred is setting in mixed with intense envy and helplessness. 

But what has India got to do with it? 

India did well not to join the US-led boycott of the Games initially. But it has since “tweaked” its principled stance when Washington mooted the idea to schedule a QUAD ministerial in Asia-Pacific on February 9.

Apparently, it occurred to no one in Delhi to ask Washington: “Why February 9? Why not after February 20?”

Plainly put, the upcoming QUAD ministerial on Wednesday is a contrived American sideshow to thumb the nose at Beijing bang in the middle of the Olympics.

This cheeky move by Washington is linked to Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s regional tour to Australia, Fiji, and Hawaii “for a series of bilateral, trilateral, and multilateral engagements to advance our priorities in the Indo-Pacific.”

Obviously, it was hatched much before the Galwan hero appeared in the news cycle.

The US state department gave the customary briefing in Washington on the QUAD ministerial venture on coming Wednesday

“in this era of intense competition, changing strategic landscapes… (for) strengthening the security environment in the region to push back against aggression and coercion… “

(By the way, the briefing was timed exactly for February 4, the opening of the Winter Olympics in Beijing.)

Interestingly, Assistant Secretary Daniel Kritenbrink who gave the briefing took umbrage at the China-Russia joint statement issued at Beijing earlier in the day following President Vladimir Putin’s visit.

Kritenbrink who is in charge of the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, in fact, came armed with a tirade against both China and Russia.

He said: 

“The (Xi-Putin) meeting should have provided China the opportunity to encourage Russia to pursue diplomacy and de-escalation in Ukraine.  

That is what the world expects from responsible powers.  

If Russia further invades Ukraine and China looks the other way, it suggests that China is willing to tolerate or tacitly support Russia’s efforts to coerce Ukraine even when they embarrass Beijing, harm European security, and risk global peace and economic stability.  

We have, unfortunately, seen this before.  

This marks the second time that Russia has escalated aggression towards a sovereign country during a Beijing Olympics.  

The last time was Russia’s invasion of Georgia during the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.  

The United States has had almost 200 diplomatic engagements with allies and partners since Russia created this crisis.  

We are focused on working with allies and partners, including in the Indo-Pacific, to respond decisively if Russia further invades Ukraine.”

Now, this is the other thing about QUAD.

It is no longer about containing China alone; Washington’s Indo-Pacific strategy is poised to advance its ‘dual containment’ of China and Russia.

The Indian leaders travelling in the QUAD bandwagon ought to know that they are also being drawn unwittingly into the US’ dual containment of China and Russia.

Russia has been explicit in its criticism of the QUAD as a factor of instability and regional discord in the Asia-Pacific. The EAM cannot close his eyes and pretend he’s cherrypicking. The big-power rivalries are getting very serious, as anyone who reads newspapers can tell.

At any rate, the appalling thing is that India has now got into the US bandwagon, armed with a Galwan-hero alibi. And this is coming at a time when the tensions on the border have shown signs of easing and there’s hope of a better climate becoming available for further talks between India and China.

Isn’t this history repeating — US butting into India-China discourses in self-interest and India refusing to reject such attempts, which in turn triggering negative vibes that of course become grist to the mill of the clutch of operatives who all along wanted to fasten India in the American stable?

In these troubled times, how rationally and with maturity Germany is handling its difficult relationship with Russia offers some fresh ideas. Indeed, Germany has a far more painful and complex relationship with Russia than India can ever imagine with any of its neighbours. Yet, German Minister of Defense Christine Lambrecht has opposed any attempt to draw a link between between Nord Stream 2 and Germany’s differences with Moscow over Ukraine.

Equally, Berlin rejects calls for German arms deliveries to Ukraine and reportedly also blocked the export of German weapons by third countries like Estonia. As Marcel Dirsus, a German think tanker at the Institute for Security Policy at the University of Kiel, wrote this week, Germany has “moved beyond power politics, the national interest and militarism.”

It is borne out of a “historically-informed sense of security.” Dirsus writes:

“Whether true or false, the idea that dialogue is more effective than deterrence is deeply embedded in German political culture… Since the end of the Cold War, Germany has largely found itself in a position to trade freely with anyone and everyone without being constrained by rigorous considerations of politics or security.”

Indeed, what really brought down the Berlin Wall wasn’t missiles or tanks, but engagement — the strategy known as Ostpolitik. But then, German foreign policy is the way it is because that is the way Germans want it.

That is the cardinal difference between Germans and Indians. In our country, the public opinion roots for militarism with active encouragement from the establishment. Curiously, the Indian opposition too constantly taunts the government for not being aggressive enough toward China, a superpower manifold stronger than India.

It is not that the opposition politicians are illiterate, but they parrot what their constituents think — even if they themselves understand what’s at stake. To be sure, the EAM’s a priori assumption too is well-founded — that his decision to attend the QUAD ministerial is bound to go down well in the Indian bazaar, although he must be intelligent enough to know that it may weaken the nascent process at the border talks. Sadly, India comes out a loser in all this.

Movie “The Battle at Lake Changjin”

If anyone wants more fireworks, the Chinese-made Korean war epic “The Battle at Lake Changjin” is now up on Youtube. It’s got English subtitles and it’s free.

It’s very good, for a war movie, and it was pleasing to see the American army soundly defeated for a change.

Also it’s a good look at the Peoples’ Volunteer Army in comparison to the American Marines.

In one scene, the Americans are feasting on turkey dinners in tents while the volunteers are sharing cold potatoes in the snow. One take-away I had from the movie is that it’s a sign the empire is in decline.

Here’s a short scene (historically accurate) depicting how the Chinese fight. With overwhelming manpower and an intense devotion to sacrifice.

Video 90MB


Here’s a short scene (historically accurate) from the movie. It depicts the moment when the Chinese took over the American HQ…

video 54MB


Article by Vladimir Putin ”Russia and China: A Future-Oriented Strategic Partnership“ for the Chinese News Agency Xinhua

On the eve of my upcoming visit to China, I am pleased to address directly the large Chinese and foreign audience of Xinhua, the world’s largest news agency.

Our countries are close neighbours bound by centuries-old traditions of friendship and trust. We highly appreciate that Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation, entering a new era, have reached an unprecedented level and have become a model of efficiency, responsibility, and aspiration for the future. The basic principles and guidelines for joint work were defined by our countries in the Treaty of Good Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, the twentieth anniversary of which we celebrated last year. These are, first and foremost, equality, consideration of one another’s interests, freedom from political and ideological circumstances, as well as from the vestiges of the past. These are the principles we are consistently building on year after year in the spirit of continuity to deepen our political dialogue. Despite the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we are striving to dynamically build the capacity of economic partnerships and expand humanitarian exchanges.

During the upcoming visit, the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping and I will thoroughly discuss key issues on the bilateral, regional, and global agendas. It is symbolic that our meeting will take place during the Spring Festival – the Chinese Lunar New Year. After all, as the Chinese saying goes, ”make your whole year’s plan in the spring“.

The development of business ties will certainly be given special attention. There is every opportunity for this as our countries have substantial financial, industrial, technological and human resources allowing us to successfully resolve long-term development issues. By working together, we can achieve stable economic growth and improve the well-being of our citizens, strengthen our competitiveness, and stand together against today’s risks and challenges.

At the end of 2021, the volume of mutual trade increased by more than a third, exceeding the record level of 140 billion U.S. dollars. We are well on the way towards our goal of increasing the volume of trade to 200 billion U.S. dollars a year. A number of important initiatives are being implemented in the investment, manufacturing, and agro-industrial sectors. In particular, the portfolio of the Intergovernmental Commission on Investment Cooperation includes 65 projects worth over 120 billion U.S. dollars. This is about collaboration in such industries as mining and mineral processing, infrastructure construction, and agriculture.

We are consistently expanding the practice of settlements in national currencies and creating mechanisms to offset the negative impact of unilateral sanctions. A major milestone in this work was the signing of the Agreement between the Government of Russia and the Government of the PRC on payments and settlements in 2019.

A mutually beneficial energy alliance is being formed between our countries. Along with long-term supplies of Russian hydrocarbons to China, we have plans to implement a number of large-scale joint projects. The construction of four new power units at Chinese nuclear power plants with the participation of Rosatom State Corporation launched last year is one of them. All this significantly strengthens the energy security of China and the Asia region as a whole.

We see an array of opportunities in the development of partnerships in information and communication technologies, medicine, space exploration, including the use of national navigation systems and the International Lunar Research Station project. A serious impetus to strengthening bilateral ties was given by the cross Years of Russian-Chinese Scientific, Technical and Innovative Cooperation in 2020–2021.

We are grateful to our Chinese colleagues for their assistance in launching the production of Russian Sputnik V and Sputnik Light vaccines in China and for the timely supply of necessary protective equipment to our country. We hope that this cooperation will develop and strengthen.

One of Russia’s strategic objectives is to accelerate the social and economic upliftment of Siberia and the Russian Far East. These territories are immediate neighbors of the PRC. We also intend to actively develop interregional ties. Thus, the modernization of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway has been started. By 2024, their capacity must increase one and a half times through higher volumes of transit cargo and reduced transport time. The port infrastructure in the Russian Far East is also growing. All this should further enhance the complementarity of the Russian and Chinese economies.

And, of course, the conservation of nature and shared ecosystems remains an important area of bilateral cross-border and interregional cooperation. These issues have always been the focus of our countries’ public attention, and we will certainly discuss them in detail during the negotiations, as well as a wide range of humanitarian topics.

Russia and China are countries with thousands of years of unique traditions and tremendous cultural heritage, the interest in which is persistently high both in our countries and abroad. It is true that in the last two years the number of tourists, joint mass events, and direct contacts between our citizens has reduced due to the pandemic. However, I have no doubt that we will catch up and, as soon as the situation allows, will launch new outreach and educational programs to introduce our citizens to the history and present-day life of the two countries. Thus, President Xi Jinping and I have agreed to hold the Years of Russian-Chinese cooperation in physical fitness and sports in 2022 and 2023.

Certainly, an important part of the visit will be a discussion of relevant international topics. The coordination of the foreign policy of Russia and China is based on close and coinciding approaches to solving global and regional issues. Our countries play an important stabilizing role in today’s challenging international environment, promoting the democratization of the system of interstate relations to make it more equitable and inclusive. We are working together to strengthen the central coordinating role of the United Nations in global affairs and to prevent the international legal system, with the UN Charter at its centre, from being eroded.

Russia and China are actively cooperating on the broadest agenda within BRICS, RIC, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as well as other associations. Within the G20, we are committed to taking national specifics into account when formulating our recommendations, be it the fight against pandemics or the implementation of the climate agenda. Thanks to a large extent to our countries’ shared solidarity, following the 2021 G20 Summit in Rome informed decisions were made on international cooperation to restore economic growth, recognize vaccines and vaccine certificates, optimize energy transitions, and reduce digitalization risks.

We also have convergent positions on international trade issues. We advocate maintaining an open, transparent and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system based on the rules of the World Trade Organization. We support relaunching of global supply chains. Back in March 2020, Russia proposed an initiative on ”green trade corridors“ that excludes any sanctions, political and administrative barriers. Its implementation is a useful aid to overcoming the economic consequences of the pandemic.

The XXIV Olympic Winter Games starting in Beijing are a major event of global significance. Russia and China are leading sporting nations renowned for their sporting traditions and not once have hosted the largest international competitions with dignity. I fondly remember my visit to Beijing in August 2008 to attend the 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony. Guests and athletes from Russia will remember the vivid performance for a long time, and the Games themselves were organized with the scale and exceptional hospitality inherent to our Chinese friends. For our part, we were delighted to host President Xi Jinping at the opening of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Sadly, attempts by a number of countries to politicize sports to the benefit of their ambitions have recently intensified. This is fundamentally wrong and contrary to the very spirit and principles of the Olympic Charter. The power and greatness of sports are that it brings people together, gives moments of triumph and pride for the country and delights with fair, just and uncompromising competition. And these approaches are shared by most of the states participating in the international Olympic Movement.

Our Chinese friends have done tremendous work to prepare well for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. I am convinced that China’s extensive experience in the excellent organization of representative international competitions will make it possible to hold this festival of world sports at the highest level. I would like to wish the Russian and Chinese teams impressive results and new records!

I send my warmest congratulations to the friendly people of China on the occasion of the Spring Festival, which marks the beginning of the Year of the Tiger. I wish you good health, prosperity, and success.

Video 3

She’s one of my favorites. Short, cute, big happy smile. She makes me feel good about life. video 9MB

Here’s another of her…

I’ve got to tell you, I really do like her presentation, and this is what China is like. It’s really nice, peopled with very nice people.

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Unprecedented China-Russia ties to start a new era of intl relations not defined by US

Joint statement highlights close coordination, rejects US hegemony

Following the highly anticipated meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, China and Russia issued a lengthy joint statement that elaborated on shared views and consensuses on major global and regional issues and delivered a scathing rejection of the US-led West’s hegemony that increasingly threatens global security and stability, a move that experts say ushers in a new era of international relations.

During the meeting ahead of the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, Xi stressed the further deepening of “back-to-back” strategic coordination between the two countries in upholding international fairness and justice and adhering to the four consensuses in supporting each other’s sovereignty, security and development interests to better tackle external interference and regional threats.

The two countries’ broad consensuses on almost all core issues related to global strategic stability, expressed during the meeting of the two leaders and stated in the nearly 6,000-word joint statement, are extremely rare and will further boost close strategic coordination that helps ensure global stability and peace, Chinese experts said.

The joint statement, which focuses on international relations in a new era and global sustainable development, extensively expounded on common positions on democracy, development, security and order.

The joint statement mentioned US at least five times and contained the two countries’ common stance on a number of key regional and global issues, including…

  • firm oppositions or serious concerns over the expansion of NATO eastward,
  • the West-led ideological clique in the name of democracy,
  • the US’ Indo-Pacific strategy that threatens regional stability,
  • the trilateral security partnership among Australia,
  • the US, and the UK (AUKUS),
  • and US domestic and overseas bioweapons activities.In a clear rejection of the US-led West’s hegemony in international relations, the joint statement said that a small number of forces continue stubbornly to promote unilateralism, adopt power politics and interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, stressing that such acts will not be accepted by the international community.
    "It's the first time that China and Russia released such a long statement after the meeting between the two heads of state, which includes all the major issues and strategic questions and shows that China-Russia ties have reached an unprecedented level,"  
    -Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Friday.

    The world order has entered a new era, the Chinese expert said, noting that in the face of US hegemony – a product left behind by the Cold War mentality – China and Russia are the only two countries that have the capability to safeguard their core interests and sovereignty.

    "The solidarity between China and Russia gives a new definition to the world order, as they share the common knowledge about where the major threats to the global stability come from,"

He said.

In the joint statement,

  • China and Russia oppose the further expansion of NATO and called on the North Atlantic Alliance to abandon its ideologized Cold War approaches,
  • to respect the sovereignty, security and interests of other countries, the diversity of their civilizational, cultural and historical backgrounds,
  • and to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards the peaceful development of other states.They also stand against the formation of closed bloc structures and opposing camps in the Asia-Pacific region and remain highly vigilant about the negative impact of the US’ Indo-Pacific strategy on peace and stability in the region.

China and Russia are also seriously concerned about AUKUS, which allows cooperation on nuclear-powered submarines.

"The US is now touting its Cold War mentality and so-called China threat theory in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as the so-called Russia threat theory in Europe, which prompted China and Russia to stand up against such zero-sum mentality," 

-Zhang Hong, an Eastern European studies expert from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Friday.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, unrest across Western countries such as the US Capitol protest last year shows how the illusion that “Western democracy is the destination of human beings” has collapsed, Zhang noted, adding that emerging countries are showing great vitality and increasingly contributing in international trade and economy, which have also been underscored in the shared views between China and Russia.

The two countries share an understanding that democracy is a universal human value, rather than the privilege of a limited number of countries, the joint statement said. And it is up to the people of a country to decide whether their country is democratic.

Developing countries such as China and Russia gradually found a development model suitable to their own national conditions after the Cold War, while abandoning the West-led Washington Consensus because they saw its inherent defects, which prompted China and Russia to be more vocal on a pluralistic global order, Zhang said.

China and Russia have been reiterating that there is no limit to bilateral strategic cooperation, a new form of partnership between major powers that has clearly made the US anxious. And a crucial factor behind such a limitless development in bilateral ties is the high degree of mutual understanding between the two powerful leaders on global governance.

Putin is the first foreign head of state to confirm his attendance at the 2022 Games last year, and the trip to Beijing was also his first overseas trip in 2022.

Putin said during the meeting on Friday that official visits during the opening of the Olympics have become a tradition, mentioning his visit to Beijing in the summer of 2008 for the Summer Olympics, Xi’s visit to Russia in 2014 for the Sochi Winter Olympics and the meeting in Beijing before the Winter Olympics.

Xi said that this rendezvous at the Winter Olympics, which also coincides with spring, will inject much momentum to China-Russia relations, saying that he is willing to work with President Putin to plan a blueprint for and guide the direction of China-Russia ties under new historical conditions.

How NATO visualizes war

It’s funny and pathetic and a comedy, but no. Real war is a terrible, terrible thing. It’s NOTHING to laugh about.

Never the less, this clip is actually funny.

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A Chinese girl on the street

This gal has nice bouncing boobies. I like them, though I personally believe that she has seventh-generation “ergomax” breast implants to make those boobs jiggle like they do. It’s a nice effect, though terribly distracting.

video 2MB

The Year of the Tiger Starts With a Sino-Russian Bang

From HERE.

The Year of the Black Water Tiger will start, for all practical purposes, with a Beijing bang this Friday, as Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, after a live meeting before the initial ceremony of the Winter Olympics, will issue a joint statement on international relations.

That will represent a crucial move in the Eurasia vs. NATOstan chessboard, as the Anglo-American axis is increasingly bogged down in Desperation Row: after all, “Russian aggression” stubbornly refuses to materialize.

After an interminable wait arguably due to the lack of functionaries properly equipped to write an intelligible letter, the US/NATO combo finally concocted a predictable, jargon-drenched bureaucratese non-response “response” to the Russian demands of security guarantees.

The contents were leaked to a Spanish newspaper, a full member of NATOstan media. The leaker, according to Brussels sources, may be in Kiev by now. The Pentagon, in damage control mode, rushed to assert, “We didn’t do it”. The State Dept. said, “it’s authentic.”

Even before the leak of the non-response “response”, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was forced to send messages to all NATO foreign ministers, including US Secretary Blinken, asking how they understand the principle of indivisibility of security – if they actually do.

Lavrov was extremely specific: “I am referring to our demands that everyone faithfully implement the agreements on the indivisibility of security that were reached within the OSCE in 1999 in Istanbul and in 2010 in Astana. These agreements provide not only for the freedom to choose alliances, but also make this freedom conditional on the need to avoid any steps that will strengthen the security of any state at the expense of infringing on the security of others.”

Lavrov hit the heart of the matter when he stressed, “our Western colleagues are not simply trying to ignore this key principle of international law agreed in the Euro-Atlantic space, but to completely forget it.”

Lavrov also made it very clear “we will not allow this topic to be ‘wrapped up’. We will insist on a honest conversation and an explanation of why the West does not want to fulfill its obligations at all or exclusively, selectively, and in its favor.”

Crucially, China fully supports Russian demands for security guarantees in Europe, and fully agrees that the security of one state cannot be ensured by inflicting damage on another state.

This is as serious as it gets: the US/NATO combo are bent on smashing two crucial treaties that directly concern European security, and they think they can get away with it because there is less than zero discussion about the content and its implications across NATOstan media.

Western public opinion remains absolutely clueless. The only narrative, hammered 24/7, is “Russian aggression” – by the way duly emphasized in NATO’s non-response “response”.

Wanna check our military-technical gear?

For the umpteenth time Moscow made it very clear it’s not going to make any concessions on the security demands just because the Empire of Chaos keeps threatening – what else – extra harsh sanctions, the sole imperial “policy” short of outright bombing.

The new sanctions package, anyway, is ready to go for quite a while now, arguably capable of cutting Moscow off from the Western financial system and/or casino, and targeting, among others, Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank and Alfa-Bank.

And that brings us to what’s Moscow going to do next – considering the predictable “extremely negative attitude” (Lavrov) from NATOstan. Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko had already hinted NATO knows perfectly well what’s coming, even before the non-response “response”:

“NATO knows perfectly well what kind of military-technical measures may follow from Russia. We make no secret of our possibilities and are acting very transparently.”

Still the American “partners” are not listening. The Russians remain unfazed. Grushko framed it in realpolitik terms: concrete measures will depend on the “military potentials” that could be used against Russia. That’s code for what sort of nuclear weapons will be deployed in Eastern Europe, and what sort of lethal equipment will keep being unloaded in Ukraine.

In fact Ukraine – or country 404, per Andrei Martyanov’s indelible definition – is just a lowly pawn in their (imperial) game. Adding to Kiev’s misery on all fronts, the head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Alexei Danilov, all but gave away the (regional) game.

In an interview to AP, Danilov said that “the Minsk Agreements can create chaos”; he admitted that Kiev totally lost the war in 2014/15 and then signed the Minsk Agreements “under threat of Russian arms” (false: Kiev was soundly defeated by the Donbass militias); but most of all he admitted Kiev never had any intention of fulfilling the Minsk Agreements.

So Kiev, essentially, is breaking international law: the Minsk Agreements are guaranteed by the UN Security Council resolution 2022 (2015), adopted unanimously. Even the US, UK and France voted “Yes”. So breaking the law is not hard to do, as long as you’re enabled by “big powers”.

And on that invisible “Russian aggression”, well, even Danilov can’t see “the readiness of Russian forces near the border for an invasion, which will take three to seven days.”

Bring on the Dancing Horses

None of the above alters the fundamental fact that the USUK combo – plus the proverbial NATO chihuahuas Poland and the Baltics – are spinning around like mad trying to provoke a war. And the only way to do it is to Release the False Flags. It may be sometime in February, it may be during the Beijing Olympics, it may be before the onset of Spring. But they will come. And the Russians are ready.

The preamble has been staged straight from Monty Python Flying Circus – complete with Crash Test Dummy, a.k.a. POTUS yelling to comedian Zelensky that, in a trashy Mongol revival, “Kiev will be sacked” (to the sound of Bring On the Dancing Horses?); an outraged Zelensky telling POTUS to, c’mon man, back off; and the White House swearing that the US has gamed 18 scenarios for the “Russian invasion” (Lavrov: 17 were written by the intel alphabet soup, the 18th by the State Dept.)

Cue to non-stop, frantic weaponizing of country 404 – everything from Javelins to MANPADs to overpriced Blackwater/Academi-tinged waves of “advisers”.

Switching away from farce, not to mention misguided scenarios starting from the faulty premise of an “invasion”, the only rational move Moscow may be contemplating is to de facto recognize the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, and send in a contingent of peacekeepers.

That, of course, would enrage the neo-con infested War Inc. matrix to intergalactic paroxysm, as it would nullify all those elaborate psyops geared to instill the Fear of God on the unsuspecting victims of the Remixed Khanate of the Golden Horde, burning and looting all the way to…the Hungarian plains?

Then there’s the tricky question of how to de-Nazify Western Ukraine: that will be a strictly Ukrainian matter, with zero Russian involvement.

The ghost of Mackinder is in total freak out mode contemplating in impotence the imperial brilliance of deciding to fight a two-front war against the Russia-China strategic partnership. At least there’s Monty Python to the rescue: the Ministry of Silly Walks has been gloriously revived as the Ministry of Silly Strategies.

Pride of place goes to the phone call placed by Little Blinkie to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi – which contains all the elements of a brilliant comic sketch. It stars with the combo behind that cipher, “Biden”, thinking that the Beijing leadership could influence Putin to not exercise “Russian aggression” against 404. On the sidelines, perhaps there could be some discussion about the “Indo-Pacific” racket.

The plot went downhill when once again Wang Yi – remember Alaska? – made shark fin’s soup out of Blinkie. The key take aways: China totally supports Russia; it’s the US that is destabilizing Europe; and were more sanctions to come, Europe will pay a terrible price, not Russia, which of course can count on a serious helping hand from China.

Now compare it with the phone call between Putin and Macron. It was, to start with, cordial. They discussed “brain-dead” (copyright Macron) NATO. They discussed the proverbial Anglo-Saxon shenanigans. They even discussed the possibility of forming a pan-European group – a sort of anti-AUKUS – with Russia included, curbing the influence of the Five Eyes and bent on avoiding by all means a war in European soil. For the moment, it’s all talk. But the game-changing seeds are all there.

Misguided scenarios insist that Putin skillfully exploited the imperial obsession with the rise and rise of China to re-establish Russia’s sphere of influence. Nonsense. The sphere was always there – and won’t move. The difference is Moscow finally got fed up with the heavy symbolism permeating the unresolved 404 mess: the intermingling of raw Russophobia in Washington and containment/encirclement NATO knocking at the door.

Metaphorically, this may turn out to be the Year of two – sanctioned – Black Water Tigers, one Chinese, one Siberian. They will be harassed non-stop by the headless eagle, blind to its own irreversible decay and always resorting to the serial Hail Mary passes of the only “policy” it knows.

The ultimate danger – especially for the European minions – is that the headless eagle will never let go of its former “indispensable” status without provoking another devastating war. In European soil. Still the tigers persist: in Beijing, before the Games commence, they will be taking yet another step to irreversibly bury the “rules-based international order”.

Video 4

She is another one of my favorites. She is relaxing like a fine spring day.

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And another of this fine Chinese woman

I really like her.

Video 2MB

What a Chinese home is like…

And, here’s a girl dancing in her house. You will notice the white stone floor and the walls and everythign else, including the cats in their cage (typical but not common). Enjoy the video.

video 4MB

Now, Let’s chat about ourselves…

When you get older, you start to look back at the moments where an opportunity presented itself to you and you didn’t take it. You were too afraid, or too fearful. You didn’t want to hear rejection. You were too fragile.


You get older and you realize that the time is now. And you start making your life and defining your life on your terms, and if others don’t like it, well that is too bad. You just smile and move forward. Just keep on, keeping on.

Like in this video…

Video 100MB

Everything is forcing us to conform.

They use fear, lust, greed, and envy to move us, manipulate us and force us to either hide, or do things that are contrary to our best interests.

Not allow them to do that to you.

It’s a new world, and the rest of the world are embracing the idea that they can be themselves, and not be forced to conform to the American ideal. And they are relishing in it.

They can live their lifes without fear that one day the United States government will blow up their homes, strafe their children, ruin their economies, and enslave them; forcing them to eat McDonald’s hamburgers, drink Starbucks coffee, and become alternative sexual orientation friendly.

Video 5.2MB

Or, maybe not so traditional, perhaps more commercial, or merchantary. Such as this video. Enjoy it. Uh oh.

Video 9MB

The world is NOT bad, ugly and full of danger

Actually, the reast of the world is really rather nice.

Remember, the world is under YOUR control. Not the rich, the powerful or the rulers. It’s you.

Do not allow them to box you into some kind of fake reality.

Here’s where MM lives. This was what it was like today. This is the small park outside my complex front port. video 81MB

It’s a new world order and the future now is owned by Asia. It’s just that this fact is not being reported in the West. But whether it is reported or not, makes no difference.

The future has moved on.

So enjoy life and savor it. There’s a lot of good things all around you. The adults are now in charge of the world, and the spoiled brats that inhereted the reins of power in the United States are trying to pretend that it is not the case.

Savor life. Appreciate it, and stop living a life in fear.  Nothing bad is going to happen to you. Just control your reality. It’s nto that hard to do.

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And remember that it’s a new world.

It’s a new world order, and MoA said it best…

The U.S. will say that the above is just some grand declaration with no meaning. But it is much more. It is a political program that China and Russia as well as their allies will be working on for the next decades.

Asian as well as European countries should consider if they want to support or oppose it. 

They should recognize that siding with the U.S. against China and Russia guarantees that they will find themselves on the losing side.

A final thought and parable

If South Korea sides with the USA against China, you can well imagine what Hell awaits them between China and Russia. Chian and Russia would disable everything in South Korea and let them fight North Korea on their own. With millions of hungry and angry North Koreans flowing Southward.

Same goes for Japan.

I really don’t think that they want to be the battlefield for America and it’s trans-gender rights, and progressive views on life, and hatred of all things Asian and traditional.

Any European nation that is desirous of sanctioning Russia will discover that they will be sanctioned by China; no medicines, no machined products, no electronics and all their products inside of China nationalized. They would be completely crushed.

Australia is currently run by idiots. They not only can’t take a hint, but they don’t understand plain words either.

Now, please consider the powerful trio of Iran, Russia and China.

Here is a parable of how this document all brings all three of them together.

Big thanks from Phil at Busted Knuckles. Video 20MB

Real Working Dogs-scene-2022-02-07_14.43.01

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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The parable of the three houses

Instead of splitting Russia from China, the U.S. has unintentionally done its best to push them into a deeper alliance. It was the most severe strategic error the U.S. could make.-b

I just received a comment from a reader that said that I was “butt hurt” and hated the United States. Well, maybe I am, but I don’t hate the USA.

Instead, I simply tried to explain that I just see the bigger picture and I don’t like what I am seeing.

What I am seeing is all the makings for World War III, and the American citizenry are all actively participating in it.

Like zombies. Just going ahead allowing the rot to get worse, letting the buildings fall down, and reelecting the psychopathic to boss them into submission.

So I am going to create a parable.

It’s the parable of the three houses.

The Three Houses

Once up a time there were three houses in a town. They were all well known throughout the town as they were the biggest and largest homes in the community.

Oh, certainly there were many homes in the town. Nearly 200. But most of the homes were much smaller and inconsequential. Some were opulent, like Frans. Some were poor like little Bang A Desh. Some were complex like the house of Mex, and some were trying to fix things up like Zimmy Bob’s.

The biggest of the three was owned by a big, burly, bearded man who went by the name “Big Russ”. He was a big lumberjack and had this enormous bear for a pet.

The other two homes were roughly the same size, but one had many more children. That home was always lively and active. The kids were always playing and talking, laughing and singing.

That home was owned by a very short, quiet man named “Mr. Lee”. He was a quiet, studious man, who always spoke soft and gently. His hobby was making things, and he was always welcoming others to trade with him. When he wasn’t making things, he was always practicing his martial arts in the peace of his backyard garden.

And the last of the homes was one that sat on top of the biggest hill in the town. It was perhaps the richest of all the homes.  Everyone, for years, would look up at the home and want to live there. As it was a truly exceptional home; a mansion really.

That home was owned by a man whom everyone called “Uncle Sam”.

Some History

Now, Uncle Sam, being so tall, strong and incredibly handsome, usually got his way in everything that he did. For years, he has been able to strut around the town without confrontation.

He was so accustomed to getting a “free pass” in everything that he did that he started to brazenly offend the rest of the good townspeople.

He would go inside the other homes, raid their refrigerators, take things that he wanted and sleep with the daughters. No one liked that behavior (with a few exceptions), but no one was able to do anything about it.

And over the years, being so accustomed to being the biggest and baddest person in the town, “Uncle Sam” started to believe that it was the natural order of things. He started to believe that he was able to do this because “God favored him, his lifestyle, and his arrogance”.

He believed that he was the exception to all the rules.

He believed that he could define the rules for all the other houses in the community to obey, and that he would have his own rules; his own “exceptions”.

He started to tell this to everyone.

“I am exceptional” he said.

“I have a big shining house on the hill,” he said.

The other two big houses

Now, Uncle Sam had, from time to time, visited the homes of both Big Russ and Mr. Lee. But, he wasn’t ever welcomed, and over the years they have been getting rather antagonized, and infuriated with his actions and activities.

Realizing that, Uncle Sam pretty much stayed away from those two big homes.

Instead, he preferred to frequent the smaller homes in the less affluent section of the town. This included the homes on Mid-East Avenue, and South-Am Road.

As well as all the homes of the Stan Clan.Uncle Sam has really been active there.

Which included him having to be forcefully removed from both Aff Gan, and Kaz Is’s homes.

But, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t want to go visit Big Russ and Mr. Lee from time to time. But the thing is, that when he visited, his table manners were atrocious. His body odor was foul, and his behaviors were rude and distasteful.

What ever he once was, what he is today is something different. Today, he’s a wife beater, a child molester, an alcoholic drunkard, who has a passion for shoplifting, petty crimes, and rape. When he’s not practicing arson, getting into drunk brawls, or taking “a dump” in other’s yards, he’s out having sex with their dogs.

No one really wants to have much to do with him, because as everyone knows, once you let him in your life you won’t ever be able to get rid of him.

As of late…

The children of Uncle Sam has been busy raising all sorts of ruckus. And what’s more, they have been all over the town doing so.

Mr. Lee complained about it.

He told Uncle Sam to take his children, and get out of his backyard. He told him to get off his front porch. He told him to stop peeking into his windows. He told him to stop sabotaging his car, pouring salt in his garden, and pulling up his tulips. He told him to get his dogs and chain them up. He no longer wanted to hear them barking day and night, digging up his bushes, and having his children race around and around the home in loud muffler-less motorcycles.

Big Russ complained about it as well.

He told Uncle Sam to get off his porch, stay out of his backyard. He told him that he no longer wanted those children to set fires to the neighboring yards, stealing the lawn ornaments, and playing their rock-and-roll music at all hours of the day and night.

Uncle Sam heard both of their complaints.

He thought about them.

And said “no”.

The reactions…

Well, Big Russ told Uncle Sam that there would be repercussions. But, took no overt and obvious action.

He sent his children out (in secret) to the yard of Uncle Sam. Then, he sat back and smiled. No firecrackers. No noise-makers. No barking dogs. No loud motorcycles. No. Those children all silently, and sternly, went off to the house armed with dangerously lethal ten-gage shotguns.

No “fun and games”.

And Mr. Lee, always kind and quiet, smiled and sat on his porch with an 8-gage shotgun (which, is a very large gun, don’t you know).

His children, and were told to stay in the house and practice their martial arts, cleaning their long-guns, and reading up on the book “the art of war”.

But Uncle Sam, seemingly an idiot, doubled down.

“Do as I say” he roared!

“You WILL obey me! You will listen to me, and you will pay homage and tribute to me!”

And he sent his children, and his toadies over to the house of Mr. Lee. And, now, almost all of his children are going around and around the house of Mr. Lee. They are revving their engines and making as much noise as they can possibly create. Poor Mr. Lee is really getting “rattled up” with his windows shaking, and the dishes falling on the floor. His tulips all decimated, and his gates town and broken.

And, well Uncle Sam has also started to send his other remaining children to camp out on the porch of Big Russ. There they are lighting campfires on the “welcome mat” and tossing firecrackers at all hours of the day and night. Giggling, sticking out their tongues and making rude sounds and laughing.

It was noisy for years.

Really years.

And then Mr. Lee and Big Russ held a party.

It was a big party and it was held in the dead of Winter. Everyone was invited except Uncle Sam and his “toadies”.

And at the meeting, they announced that the entire town cannot grow and live in peace as long as there is a big bully in town, and that all of the townspeople must gather together and start committing to their promises, agreements, and rules. And that they would take the lead.

Everyone in the party agreed. The welcomed the inclusiveness of it, and their equal participation in it. And of course, they too hated the rude behaviors and the bullying behaviors of Uncle Sam.

The entire town rejoiced in a defined, sensible plan for dealing with the town bully and his toadies.

Now, let me ask the reader a question…

Looking at the big picture…

  • What action should Uncle Sam take to defuse a tense, potentially catastrophic event train?
I would suggest, sending his kids back home. Paddling them until their butts are red and sore, and selling off all those motorcycles, barking dogs, and firecrackers.

Then apologizing in public to the community.
  • If you were Big Russ, what action do you think you should take?
Would it be against the children on the porch; a continuous game of "whack a mole", or would it be against Uncle Sam himself?
  • If you were Mr. Lee, what action do you think you should take?
Would you wait until more children arrive and get louder and badder? Or would you lay down systems to disable those motorcycles? Or would you burn down the gas stations, so the motorcycles couldn't get any more gas?
  • Do you think that making an announcement at that party was a goo thing to do?
Words without action are meaningless. This is a solid framework that requires tasking. Is the rest of the town up to handle the challenge?

And that is how things are.

And MM here is just trying NOT to pick sides so much as I just want the entire town to live together in peace and harmony.

I live in the house with Mr. Lee. It’s a pleasant, peaceful, kind and calm place. I want to keep it that way. Don’t you?

video. My home in China. 11MB

MM Special Message

Life is fleeting.

Please, please make the best of what you have RIGHT NOW. Maybe there are evil psychopathic people, idiots and nasty malcontents. But you are in control of your bubble of reality. You can affect your own life.

You can make the world a better place. Please do so.

Video 7MB

Show care and concern to those around you.

Especially your family.


Do you really spend enough time with those that you love? Do you have a family that spends happy and sad times together? Is your life rich with pets, friends and savory food?

Video 7MB

Spend time with family, friends, or just have fun…

Likten to me.

I know it’s so easy to get caught up with work, needs, goals, objectives and all the rest. I, too, spend a lot of my time scrubbing dog shit off the floor, changing baby diapers, and fielding calls at midnight to Salesmen in Canada and the United States, but you all must start spending more “quality time” (such an overused expression)… more “fun time”.

Here are some ideas for your inspiration…

Dancing… video 5.6MB

Or maybe something like this. This is in Africa.

Video 10.4MB

Play a video game in full immersive simulation. video 6.3MB

You do know that the technology is really advanced in China these days. Like this. Video 2MB

We must be more than ourselves…

Yeah. Having fun is what relaxes us and adds the taste and spice to our lives. It’s really important, and terribly underutilized. Instead, it has been replaced by media, and social networking.  I think that we should always look at the bigger picture.

Like what?


Tasty long cooking food (not the fast food). Delicious. Food. Like your grandmother used to make. Food. Like baked fish, city chicken, scalloped potatoes, corned beef and cabbage and Beef Stroganoff. Food. Stuff that are difficult to get in restaurants. Stuff that your wife and family members can experiment with and make signature dishes that feed and nurture.

And then relax.

Chat over the food. Talk about your day. About her day. About your friends. About what needs to be done. About hope. Dreams. Plans.


Not television.

Don’t wait for others to make it happen. It’s YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Act in control of YOUR life. Stop waiting for others to do things… to agree on things… to endless debate things. Just do it.

You be the guiding light.



Start carving out a place in the table of life, and YOU start inviting others to share in your little piece of Heaven.

GOod friends. Good family. Good food and drink.

You start it. You make it happen.

Beef Stroganoff.

It will happen.

So will a nice, safe, secure home. Cozy, warm. Dry. Tastefully decorated. Your wife is in charge of everything domestic.

She’s the boss.

Like on an aircraft carrier. There is a Captain, and then there is the XO. She’s the Executive Officer, and you are the Captain. Be the Captain; steer that ship to a fine safe harbor and prosper there.

I’m giving you all the keys, don’t you know.

You will get, also, because of your lower stress and improved organization, a group of friends where you BELONG. You will get participation in life. Pets. A cat or two. Maybe a dog.

You will be invited places. You will have good walks. Good times. Great conversation, and people who make special occasions becuse…


…because (insert lame excuse here).

You will get other things as well.

A hobby. A pleasure or two.

And care about our surroundings.

Watch out for the kids, and the pets that run in front of us from time to time.

video 3MB

And just kind of live life.

Why not live life?

Watch good movies, enjoy art. Touch sculptures.

Have a hot fudge sundae.

Visit historical places. Enjoy the day on the beach or a snowy mountain hike. Play with your pets, or friends. Just start getting engaged in discussions about all sorts of interesting and curious things.

Sit on the porch with an inviting porch light on. Invite neighbors over for a game of checkers, or cards. Have beer available, or iced tea.

Check out interesting things and discuss them.

video 2MB

Please know that you can make your life in a real paradise on the earth.

You really can. You just have to manufacture it.

You run your prayer affirmation campaigns and implement them in accordance to your fate forecasts. You follow the guidelines on being a Rufus, and participating in the community.

You get your home life in order. You divide responsibilities. Stop trying to run the whole world and carry it on your shoulders. Stop that egotistical nonsense.

Share the responsibilities.

The wife is in charge of all finances and all domestic, you (if you are a man) are in charge of earning money and fixing things. You earn it. She spends it.  It’s the natural order of things.

You give her all the money you make, and she hands back a living allowance. Things are much calmer and better that way.

No worries.

I tell you (men) that once you do this, you will forever never have to worry about food, bills, or disputes EVER again. She will take care of everything. You won’t have those worries. Never again.

You will eat WELL. Really, really well. You will have a larder, and a freezer full of premade meals, and canned goods.

Your stress level will go WAY down. There is nothing like daily meals of good fine delicious food, good conversation and an evening of winding down in cool soft relaxation.

And you will be able to focus on your job.

And your life will really start to look like this…

video 8MB

And really, isn’t that what you want?

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


Some forgotten meal dishes prepared by my mother that deserve to be on everyone’s dinner table today

Here’s a nice look at some of the meals that my mother used to make for us kids when we were young. As we grew up and moved away from home, these delicious home cooked meals were replaced by fast food, and restaurant set meals.


What began as an occasional trip once or twice to “Big Boy”, became a weekly event in the late 1970’s, and almost daily after the early 1980’s. That coiencided with the absolutely frenzied rise of McDonald’s and Burger King franchises.

In those days, McDonalds’ used to have the words “Over XXXX customers sold”.

      • Thousands became Millions.
      • Millions became Billions.
      • Billions became, “Billions and Billions”.

And everyone was living this sort of frenzied, fast-paced lifestle.

In truth, for decades I lived off of a mixture of fast food, easy to prepare cheap foods at home (spaghetti, hamburger, chicken) and restaurant staples.

I argue that many people still live this kind of pitiful life; not getting to live a life filled with delicious and tasty, healthy food.

This article looks at what my family used to cook for me that no longer exists in the diets of most Americans today. It’s not what I used to make to eat, or what my first and second wives made for me to eat. It’s what my parents, and my grandparents made for me to eat.

We start off with something that doesn’t seem to be that popular any more. Perhaps it’s becuase no one knows how to make it right. I am referring to meatloaf.


Yeah. Sure. Meatloaf.

You do NOT use the cheapest cuts of meat, and throw everything into it. You do not live in a school cafeteria. No. You should use quality ingredients, and keep things simple.

Classic Meatloaf

Delicious meatloaf.

Even if you have nightmares of cafeteria meatloaf, giving this classic another shot can make you realize why this staple was such a hit. This throwback recipe brings everything home and reminds you of all the rich flavors of beef, tomatoes, and that iconic meatloaf texture.

Just like it is easy to use the cheapest ground meat, the cheapest left over bread, and the near-expiration-date ingredients, don’t. Take the time and use good, healthy ingredients, and present it in a fine loving way that it deserves. Your family will love you for it.

  • Cooked tomatoes, peppers, and onions instead of store bought ketchup.
  • Ground beef instead of ground chuck.
  • Go easy on the bread crumbs.

I like to eat it with sliced bread and (real salted) butter, mashed potatoes, and corn, peas, or some other well steamed vegitable.

Southern-Style Cornmeal Catfish with Tomato Gravy

Southern-Style Cornmeal Catfish with Tomato Gravy.

Fried fish has always come across tables as a dinner standard, but it gets harder and harder to find fried catfish on the menu at most dinners.

This recipe will make you remember why this economical fish was such a favorite, and it will evoke memories of fish fries and summer days. With a crispy cornmeal crust and an easy frying technique, this recipe is achievable for any home cook.

The best and most important thing to remember is to debone it, and serve deep fried, breaded filets.

Tasty catfish.

It goes really good with pickled tomatoes, Southern “hushpuppies”, french fried potatoes and really icy cold beer. Don’t you know?

Chicken and Dumplings

Chicken and Dumplings.

Whether you grew up in the North or the South, you’ve likely tried some variant of this classic dish that has stretched far and wide across America. The tender, chewy dumplings provide a perfect textural pairing with the moist chicken. It all gets coated in a down-home gravy that whips up nostalgia in an instant. For a trip down memory lane, bring this classic to a table near you.

And don’t forget the wide sturdy spoon to gather the great amount of broth. I always liked to eat it with salt and some sprinkled cheddar cheese. But that’s jsut me.

Classic Green Bean Casserole

Classic Green Bean Casserole.

Everyone remembers their first green bean casserole, likely made with cream of mushroom soup and fried onion straws. Even if you eventually burnt out on this dish as a kid, now is the perfect time to explore the casserole again.

By mixing up the ingredients, you can avoid any traumatic memories of canned green beans and use only the freshest produce to make this dish pop.

Try using green beans, AND asparagus, with some real sauteed mushrooms.

That’s the real secret. Get fresh ingredients and let it cook for a good long time so that all the savory flavors mix and become outrageously delicious.

Brown Butter Honey-Glazed Carrots

Brown Butter Honey-Glazed Carrots.

Sometimes, simplicity brings out the best flavors from quality ingredients. This old-fashioned recipe takes that mentality to heart by pairing fresh carrots with a sweet and rich honey butter glaze. You’ll not only evoke generations past, but you’ll also whip up a new family favorite everyone can love that costs little time and money to prepare. To round out your dinner, this should prove an instant favorite.

Healthy food, cooked properly, is the key to great family happiness.
This is not a stand-alone meal, but rather a dish that acts as a side ot other food entres.

Honey-Glazed Ham and Cheddar Muffins

Honey-Glazed Ham and Cheddar Muffins.

When you imagine an old-fashioned Sunday meal, each table spread probably includes a baked ham and bread offered up for everyone. This take on a classic refines what everyone loved about a night at home on the weekend by featuring a delectable honey-glazed ham. Paired with the fluffy cheddar muffins, each bite of ham will be a taste of heaven.

The secret is that the cheddar cheese, and honey-glazed ham mix together scrumpiously.

Hamburg Steaks

Hamburg Steak.

You probably haven’t thought about Hamburg steaks in quite some time, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t take a crack at this once-popular staple. They’re easier to make than traditional steaks on the grill. And each portion packs in so much flavor, you’ll wonder why you never tried this recipe sooner.

I find that the secret is to let the steaks cook a nice long time at lower heat in a deep savory broth. You can add garlic, onions, and mushrooms to really kick out that flavor.
Hamburg Steaks cooking in a long savory broth / sauce.

Sunday Chili

Sunday Chili.

It’s harder to find Sunday Chili on home menus nowadays. This classic not only provides a cumin kick to liven up any night, and one big pot could last for days. With easy-to-find ingredients and little prep work, this dish deserves a revival.

Keep in mind that it goes really well with rice, and lots of cheese. When I was younger, I would crunch up crackers and eat with it, but I discovered that if you pair this with garlic bread you will have an absolutely satisfying meal.
Oh, and by the way, this meal goes great with an icy cold beer or two.

Root Beer-Glazed Ham

Root Beer-Glazed Ham.

In the ’50s and ’60s, home cooks paired novel items in ways you might never have expected. While many of these recipes deserve to have died out, some deserve a second chance.

For instance, root beer-glazed ham stood out from the crowd by providing that sugary bite usually drawn from a honey glaze.

And the acidity of the soda helps tenderize the meat, making for one delectable ham. If you’ve only heard rumors of this dish, now is the best time to give this recipe a shot!

I can tell you that this goes great with a table “spread”.

You lay out sliced lettice (all fresh and washed completely), sliced tomatoes (I add salt and olive oil to the slices), some thin sliced onions (the restrurants all trend is to have these super thick onion slices, I like mine paper thin), and fresh hot baked bread. Add some pickles, cheeses (a selection in sandwich slices), and some marinated olives, marinated peppers.

Ah, some marinated olives.

Oh and don’t forget a fine selection of condiments…

  • Horseradish
  • Wasabi
  • Sweet salad dressing.
  • Mayonaise.
  • Ketchup.
  • Sweet butter chips (sliced pickles)
  • Dill pickles (spear shape)
  • Olive oil.
  • Butter.
  • vinegar.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Hot mix
Hot mix.

Keep the bread warm, and the ham hot.

The tomatoes should always sit in warm water for a few minutes to push out the flavor and punch them into a state of mouth watering organism. then slice them and add salt and olive oil, and then place on their own plate.

Then you make yourself a fine sandwich and eat it with wine, and some great conversation.

Some thoughts

If you get on the internet and search for food, you will come up with all kinds of articles on the recipes on how to make the food. You might even come across some diet guru that is trying to get you to invest in “their plan”. (A subject in itself.) But you will hardly ever find articles on the joys of eating the food everyone prepares.

I don’t like that.

Food is a very important part of our lives.

It is more than just nutrition, it is a social venue. One, that is terribly neglected in modern Wester society.

And here, here, I argue that it shouldn’t be that way. I argue that food should be a major part of your life, and well planned healthy meals should be the stable from which everything else is derived.

And that’s where the family comes in.

[1] Savings

You will find and discover that a singular weekly meal might cost just slightly less than a restaurant meal, but the time it took to make it was problematic. Ingredient costs alone might equal that of a mid-range restrurant meal. And yet, it might take you an hour or more to make.

Don’t freak out.

Buy in bulk, and plan the meals a week in advance. Like adults do; like people who are in control of their lives do.

Of course, all families are different, which is why I strongly advocate a very traditional division of labor for the family and disparage the idea of a home with two people working for others. One person stays home and take on all the domestic issues and controls the money. The other earns the money, and handles maintence and repairs.

Now, if you plan on five such meals a week, and budget accordingly, you will discover a substantial savings in money, and an improvement in your family communication. And these particular changes will really positively affect your life.

This will be true EVEN if you subtract the secondary source of income. (And all the other expenses that come with it.)

[2] Social

We are social creatures. Every opportunity for us to share times with others in a neutral to positive way should be embraced and nurtured.

No one ever told you this.

Well, maybe it’s becuase they don’t appreciate things as they used to be.

Eating food historically is a social and cultural construct that helps us connect with each others. In England, this resulted in pubs. In China this resulted in those big private meal rooms.

Unfortunately, one of the very first social reengineering efforts in the United States was to destroy this social activity and replace it with a for-profit, fast and isolated eating format. Two hour lunch hours were reduced to thirty minutes, and in some cases only fifteen minutes (at work). Car drive-throughs in fast food chains popped up everywhere, and even table sizes shrank. All facilitating a most lonely singular existence  of socially disconnected loners.

Eating alone in the car.

Listening to talk radio.

Not to each other. Not savoring the flavors.

Instead, isolated, and shoving cheap, mass-produced animal feed to keep them toiling in companies, and manipulated in every singular manner possible.

So think in terms of fine sit-down ritualized meals.

No, this meal-time is not an event for horse-play and arguments. It’s a time of kindness and shared emotions. Be positive. Be kind. Be uplifting. Say good and nice things. Make the other people want to share more meals with you.

Your life will improve.

[3] Health

Healthy foods prepared with care and affection, and served  in a fine healthy environment will certainly help improve your over all health, general well-being and happiness.

It will.

You will live longer, and have a much better overall quality of life too boot.

How to use this article

It is my hope that you will go through the various food items I have shown herein and pick one. Then search the internet for a recipe for it, and then gather the materials and make it.

But it’s more than that.

Record your costs in a notebook. Record how long it took you to make it, and then have a formal sit down meal with your family or friends and record (in the notebook) how it went.

Then compare that to the “normal” everyday meals that you have been eating over the last month or so.


You will find that the mixture of cooking, delicious food, fellowship over a meal and the cost savings are far superior to what you (most probably) have been living off of for the last few months.

You will.

A social life will emerge.

A closer and better relationship with your family will occur.

You will make new friends, and will be healthier and happier.

And if so, I encourage you to keep it up. Start small and simple. Mix it up some. And have a great time with it. Enjoy life. (If everything goes well…) This one will be your last.

Oh, and don’t forget an after-dinner dessert and coffee (or whatever beverage that appeals to you). It’s stuff that magic memories are made out of.

An after dinner dessert and coffee.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Food Index associated with my Happiness Index here…



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On the joys of traditional wooden sailboats

One of the things that I was involved in; a hobby really, was the design of numerous wooden sail boats. This occurred when I was in land-locked Indiana. It was hot, boring, corn as far as the eye can see, and I worked in a “real life” Office Space environment. My only escape was hope.

I well remember the day trip that I, as a young AOC at NAS, NASC Pensacola, Florida and my class 21-83, enjoyed. It was on a 53 foot (as I recall) ketch, and we spent the afternoon sailing in Pensacola bay.

I well remember the sun, the breeze and how all my troubles melted away as we enjoyed the day. We learned basic seamanship, watched dolphins sail along side. We practiced overboard drills, and watched our sails go luffing.

But Indiana was harsh, cold and barron. I worked as a drone in a cubicle mill for the mega-company General Motors in one of their divisions; Delco Electronics.

And in those days, the hope was to sail away to an interesting place at the other side of the world.  Here we will touch on some of the beauty of wooden sail craft. I had met numerous people who were building their own sailboats, mostly out of steel, and then hauling them to the great lakes and living their dream of freedom and escape. It appealed to me at that time, and I bought every book that I could get, and read them all voraciously.

I subscribed to magazines about sailing and adventure. I also equipped my home with a fine tool shop of wood and metal working tools, and bought the plans to construct a 53-foot ketch. I was that “into” the dream. There is really so much to cover in this venue, that I am just going to bounce around from here to there and let the pictures tell the story.

Sailboat Hull Types

Sailboats ride on different hulls, which differ in the total number of hulls and their shape. It’s really simple, actually.

Alden schooner plans.

The basic three hull types include:

  • Monohulls (one hull)
  • Catamarans (two hulls)
  • Trimarans (three hulls)

Monohulls Monohulls have one hull but that doesn’t make them all the same. Traditional monohulls may have full keels (heavy encapsulated ballast that runs along the bottom of the hull), cutaway keels (similar to full but the forefoot is cutaway allowing the boat greater maneuverability in tight quarters) or bolted on fin keels that may have a bulb at the bottom for extra ballast to keep the vessel stable.


Monohulls can also have a swing keel, daggerboard or centerboard that retracts up into an appendage in the hull itself.

With the keel or board up, the boat can enter shallow water and can travel faster downwind. With the keel down, the vessel tracks better upwind. Small monohulls like sailing dinghies, may also have shallow planing hulls that can surf off a wave.

Finally, monohulls can also foil on appendages (usually made of carbon fiber) with the actual hull out of the water when a minimum speed is reached.

Catamarans Catamarans (often nicknamed “cats”) have two hulls with a deck or trampoline in between. Large cats (35 feet and over) have become popular in charter use because they offer more interior and deck space and an easier motion to induce less seasickness. Small catamarans usually have just a trampoline in between the hulls and make fun daysailers.


Because catamarans don’t have deep and heavy keels, they tend to sail faster off the wind.

Foiling catamarans were made popular by the America’s Cup races and are proliferating into general cruising use.

Trimarans Trimarans have three hulls: a main hull and two amas (side hulls used for stability). On some trimarans, the arms that hold the amas can fold inward, making the trimaran narrower and in some cases trailerable. Large cruising trimaranas are gaining popularity because they are stable and fast sailers.

Sailboat Rig Types

Sailboat rigging includes:

  • the mast(s);
  • boom(s);
  • and the shrouds or stays that hold up the mast.

A sailboat with one mast is usually a sloop with one mainsail and one headsail. A cutter rig usually has one mast but two or more headsails. This rig “cuts” the foretriangle between the head (forward) stay and the main mast. Multiple headsails allow for flexible sail combinations in variable wind conditions.

1897 William Fife Gaff Cutter.
A 40 foot gaff-rigged cutter.

Ketches and yawls have a secondary mast behind the main one. The ketch configuration places that mizzenmast behind the mainmast but ahead of the rudderpost while the yawl places it behind the post.

The second mast is shorter than the main mast. Both of these designs (split rigs) provide more sail area that isn’t reliant solely on the height of the mainmast and therefore can be easier to manage when sailing shorthanded.

A gaff-rigged ketch.
An Alden 56 Yawl.

Schooners also have multiple masts—two or more. However, the foremost mast is shorter than the main mast. Tall ship rigging is in its own category and can get quite complex.

Gaff rigged schooner.

Most Rigs are Marconi Rigs

Most of the rigs are known as Marconi rigs. Meaning that it’s just one sail to catch the wind. But my love is for the Gaff rigs. Here is there is a sail above it to catch the littlest wisps of air that lie above. It’s rarely seen today because it’s really a lot of work.

The top triangular sail is the top-sail on a gaff rig.

Sailboat Types by Primary Use

You can do many of the same things on all sailboats, but some types are more specialized.

Sailing dinghies: Small boats usually sailed by one or two people, sailing dinghies are often used to teach new sailors. That said, experts on high tech sailing dinghies compete in athletic racing up to Olympic level.

Day cruisers: Although any sailboat can be cruised for a day, day cruisers are often boats shorter than 30 feet that are designed to be sailed for an afternoon. They’re usually more Spartan in their outfitting and may or may not have a cabin with amenities.

Sailing cruisers: These sailboats can be monohulls or multihulls and are designed to cruise for weekends or longer. They usually have a berth (bed), a head (toilet) and a galley (kitchen). They can be sloop, cutter, ketch, yawl or schooner-rigged and vary in length (from 25-85 feet). Larger sailboats tend to fall into the crewed superyacht category.

Racing sailboats: Most offshore racers are larger boats crewed by multiple individuals while smaller racers can be single or double-handed. Racing boats are usually built lighter, have fin keels and laminate performance sails.

Racer/cruisers: These designs try to straddle the two above. They’re usually more lightly built cruisers with full amenities so they can be weekended. Some people will argue that these boats are a compromise for owners who want to primarily cruise but also race.

Bluewater cruising sailboats: These boats are designed to cross oceans or sail “blue waters.” They’re typically heavier in build with a stout rig and are fully equipped for extended offshore use.

Motorsailers: This term has fallen out of favor since it’s often pejorative. These sailboats may rely on the engine to sail in light wind conditions, especially due to their excessive weight.

Antique/classic sailboats: These are usually older restored vessels. They may be built of wood and have classic yawl rigs. These sailboats are often showcased in special events.

Sailboats occupy multiple segments and experienced sailors learn the finer points of design and use. Then, they never see two sailboats the same way again.

Just some pictures of beauty

We start with…

The 39m Schooner-rigged yacht VAGRANT from 1913.

And this…

Not a sailboat, but a wooden lovely never the less.

My love for these works of art has never diminished.

I love the lines, the craftsmanship and the quality.


Nice weathered teak decking.


A gaff-rigged catboat.


Sailing day boat in a yawl configuration.

Some interiors

Let’s take a look what’s inside…

This is what you see when you step inside.


Many sailboats have a pilot house inside so that you don’t need to get wet sailing in the rain. This is what it looks like.


This is the interior of a motor-sailer. It has a sail, but relies on a motor to get from point A to point B.


The pilot house in the aforementioned motor-sailer.


Here’s what a berth looks like.


Interiors can be quite cozy.

And why I Love it

video 53MB

Conclusion / The end of the story

I was laid off. I wasn’t given any notice. I was just told to hand in my badge and never come back.

For the remaining five months I laboriously tried to find work elsewhere, and then when I did, I had to sell off most of my tools, books, and abandon the framework of my dream sailboat.

It’s called life.

You would think that my manager and his manager, and his boss, and the boss above them would have the compassion to give someone who worked for them for five years the consideration of a month’s notice, or some severance pay. But they didn’t.

I was only an engineer, and a disposable one at that.

So I left Indiana, and moved on with my life. And two years later, my life was substantially better, nicer, and in every way a great improvement.

So don’t get all caught up in the negative aspects of the twisty and turny thing called life.

You adapt to the changes as they are and not pine away for what you wish them to be.

I still have and possess my love of sail, water, the ocean, boats and all the rest.

Years passed.

I obtained work in the South Pacific in American Samoia.

However, after living in Pago Pago and actually meeting the people who wrote those articles praising the lifestyle, I (and my wife) decided that we really didn’t want to have any part of it. Pago Pago was beautiful. It was lovely. But the sailing LIFESTYLE was not.

Not at all. It’s a life of hardship and not as glamorous as it was made out to be in all those magazines and books that I read.

Yet, here I am.

I am living a life of adventure and delicious food.

So when one dream collapses another materializes to take it’s place. That too is called life.

Embrace it.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Happiness Index here…

Life & Happiness


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An assortment of bits and pieces regarding Geo-Political changes

It’s no longer in Poland’s interests to continue criticizing China simply to please the Americans.”

-Polish President Andrzej Duda announced

There is an insane level of activity going on right now this January 2022. Much of it is driven by the insanity out of the United States. It actually is causing me such distress that I have turned to the Commander for answers. And I will post them in a separate post.

In this article, we will look at a buch of what is goign on. It’s a snapshot of a world gone insane.

Former President Trump is going to run for reelection on 2024.

This time will be different. He knows what to do and what to say. As he has the best words. Video 14MB

China will jail those that fake pollution data

China does not play. The Corruption police are very activce inside of China.

The American was quarantined at a dacha in the Leningrad region and trolled his friends and business partners across the ocean

I once told you about my American friend, who for some reason remained in quarantine in Russia. At the same time, banal greed played an important role in this – plane tickets jumped sharply in price and he, even being a person far from poor, kept waiting for them to become cheaper. And he waited until the flights were completely closed. Who cares, the full version is here:

“An American friend of mine wanted to go to the United States because of an infection, but he couldn’t, so he stayed in Russia and now prays for our country.”:

So, one of our readers in the comments left an extremely curious story about an American friend of his, which I can’t help but publish, because the case is very revealing.

“At my dacha, in the Leningrad region, 120 kms from the city, during the first wave of quarantine, an American lived. He lived for three months. He couldn’t fly across the ocean. Yes, our house is good, not “New Russian”, but all amenities, sauna, 30 acres. For fifty years now, the dacha has been in this place, even my father-in-law built it… Now, of course, everything has changed even more for the better.

You can’t imagine how he trolled his friends and business partners! How he broke their stereotypes about poor, drunk and backward Russia… Moreover, I do not take into account the cottage settlements that we have set up nearby-be healthy ! The Ladoga lake, clear ecology… No, just an ordinary village.

We gave him a room on the second floor, where he conducted conferences on zoom. The Internet is fast – it costs a penny. It looked something like this…

  • There are no restrictions — oh, no way!
  • The shops are full of goods-Oh, impossible!
  • There is no police, from the word absolutely-Impossible!!!
  • There are no drunks!! -“We don’t believe it!!
  • Delivery on the Internet of two expensive bikes bought and simulators) — You’re all lying !

And he gives them a photo or video from the store, from the cafe… Broken people’s stereotypes. Upset a lot of people…

He left with a photo of Putin on a hoodie and a hat with the inscription Russia. He writes that he goes to negotiations in this form. It helps

Author – Sergey Tyurin

Sergey Lavrov: If it depends on Russia, there will be no war. But we will not allow our interests to be attacked.

The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry gave an interview to the largest Russian radio stations, including Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda
On Friday, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke with the heads of Russian radio stations – Komsomolskaya Pravda , Sputnik, Ekho Moskvy and Moskva Speaks. Aggravation between Russia and NATO was on the agenda. Recall that Moscow presented the West with a written demand to leave Eastern Europe and not accept Ukraine into NATO, to which de facto received a negative response. Here are the most interesting statements of Sergei Viktorovich on this and other issues.


If it depends on Russia, there will be no war. But we will not allow our interests to be attacked.


Our proposals to agree on the maximum distances for the rendezvous of combat aircraft and ships were ignored. But there are rational grains on certain issues. For example, on medium and shorter range missiles. It’s at least something. However, the main thing for us is to deal with the conceptual issues of European security. The West rips out one point from international documents: “every country has the right to choose allies” (that is, “Ukraine has the right to join NATO” – ed.). But there are other commitments in the OSCE documents: one cannot strengthen one’s security at the expense of others.
Against this backdrop, the American response is simply a piece of diplomatic propriety. And the “NATO response” is all saturated with a sense of its own exclusivity.


The President has already spoken about it. If our attempts to negotiate mutually acceptable terms fail, we will take retaliatory measures. To the direct question “which ones” the President answered: they will be very different.


The Americans said: “It is customary for a diplomat to work abroad for three years – and then move to another position, leave the host country.” And they want to extend this principle to Russian diplomats in the United States. When asked whether there are similar thoughts about other states, the answer was “no”.
We propose to nullify everything that happened, starting with the ugly and petty move of the Nobel laureate Obama (the seizure of Russian diplomatic property in the United States at the end of 2016 – ed.). If the rudeness continues, we still have reserves to really even out our diplomatic presence.


It is in our interests, in the interests of all CIS countries , that all citizens of the newly independent states remain where they were born. Ideally, I would prefer that Russians live peacefully and prosper in Kazakhstan and other republics of the former USSR.
I believe that not only the presence of roots, relatives in the RSFSR, but also in other republics of the former USSR should be important for preferential obtaining Russian citizenship.


A couple of days ago I read this article in “KP” (about the fact that in books for schoolchildren from the countries of the former USSR, Russians appear as enemy-invaders – ed.). I will not comment on what is written in textbooks in the Baltic States and Ukraine. But as for the CIS countries, we have already said that we are against nationalistic interpretations. Excessive assessments, which obviously and deliberately play into the hands of nationalists and radicals, must be avoided.


There is an equalization of the rights of our citizens (as part of the rapprochement of the two countries in the Union State – ed.). A lot has already been done, but questions remain in some areas. We follow the processes of the arrested Russians in Belarus.


We seem to be playing different games. They have a baseball, we have a chizhik from a lapta.
Lavrov: There will be no war if it depends on Russia

The Illegal Four Billion Dollar Disinformation War Against China

American war

USA Strategic Competition Act of 2021 – Part 2

All of the political and media mechanisms that led to the Iraq War are still in place and have been turned on China. The Strategic Competition Act of 2021 is simply a very well financed new weapon designed to suppress any and all alternative views in the media, and disinform and bribe other nations and even the United Nations to participate in this rapidly escalating series of crimes.

By Greg Brundage

Home invasion in London

The entire Western Bloc is in tatters. It’s crumbling, on fire and just dying left and right. here’s a home invasion in London. Check it out.

Video 12MB

China says U.S. plans to pay athletes to ‘sabotage’ Beijing Games | Reuters

Who is surprised? It’s the standard operating procedure.

Chang calls American TSMC chip manufacture to be unfeasible, with $52bn in subsidies far too little

Chang, who retired from TSMC in 2018, claimed that the people arguing for bringing the IC chip supply chain into the United States from Taiwan were driven by self-interest.
Intel chief executive Pat Gelsinger advocated for more manufacturing in the US as “it is not safe in Taiwan and it is not safe in South Korea”, Chang said.
All the time, while Intel hoped to secure funding from the $52bn subsidy package.
Rethinking the supply chain would be a challenge for everyone, Chang said.
“In the past, companies in the US or in Asia were growing and prospering thanks to globalisation and free trade,” he said. Chang cited Thomas Friedman’s book, The World Is Flat, in which the commentator analyses globalisation and the opportunities it creates for nations.
As US lawmakers look to invest $52bn in the American chip industry, the founder of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company calls the plan far too small for rebuilding a complete supply chain in the country.
Morris Chang, a US citizen who founded the group that is now the world’s most valuable chipmaker, says it would be impossible for the US to have a full chip supply chain onshore even if it spent far more — and that such a move may not be financially desirable in any case.
“If you want to re-establish a complete semiconductor supply chain in the US, you will not find it as a possible task,” Chang told a tech industry forum in Taipei on October 26. “Even after you spend hundreds of billions of dollars, you will still find the supply chain to be incomplete, and you will find that it will be very high cost, much higher costs than what you currently have.”
The US accounted for 37 per cent of global semiconductor manufacturing in the 1990s, but has fallen to 12 per cent, Semiconductor Industry Association data show.
Washington is campaigning to bring more chip production on to US soil, amid concern about an overreliance on Taiwan. The US Senate this year passed a $52bn bill to support domestic semiconductor manufacturing and R&D, though the package has yet to become law.
“Well, Tom, the world is not flat any more,” he said. “This is going to be a challenge for the Asian semiconductor industry, global semiconductor industry, including Intel.”
Chang’s comments were the first time he directly and publicly questioned Washington’s efforts to rebuild semiconductor manufacturing. His criticism comes despite TSMC’s move to build an advanced chip facility in the US state of Arizona in response to the government’s campaign.
Previously, Chang had said government efforts around the world to increase chip production could backfire, without specifying which countries. Sandra Oudkirk, director of the American Institute in Taiwan and the top US diplomat in Taipei, was among the audience at the industry forum.
Europe, Japan and China also are gearing up to boost production at home, offering government aid to ensure that chips — which enable devices from smartphones to military techs — will remain within their countries.
TSMC recently announced that the company will build its first chip facility in Japan, where Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said his government would support large-scale private-sector investment.

The Sacrifice

This is a scene from history. The Chinese people work together as one. The American planes would bomb Chiense bridges and then 20 minute slater the bridges would be repaired and up and working again. How?

Sounds like science fiction, but it’s true. Check out this amazing video. 17MB

Americans making a difference in the world…

Where does bullying come from?

"The Punishers" are a group of bikers who respond to bullied children's requests for help. After a year their intervention, no one has more bullized this child.

What are the origins of bullying?

The causes at the origin of bullying are plurime and attributable to individual or group dynamic factors: the child temperament, family models, stereotypes imposed by the media, education imparted by parents or school institutions and other variables connected to 'social environment.

The Swedish psychologist Dan Olweus was the first to use, in the 1970s, the term "bullying", to indicate the preputances of peer in his pioneering research on the school violence that led to the formulation of an antibullying program widely adopted in schools of Nordic countries.

According to the relationship an Everyday Lesson: #endViolence in schools half of the students between 13 and 15 years in the world – about 150 million – reported to have suffered violence from their peers at school and outside.

I think we want a collective effort to prevent these numbers worsening in the future.


China discovers 100-million-tonne oil, gas reserves in Tarim Basin

Uh oh! No wonder the USA wants a war over the Uighurs!

2022-01-27 09:07:56Xinhua Editor : Li Yan

An oil worker inspects Sinopec’s Shunbei oil and gas field in Xayar County, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Sept. 25, 2019. (Xinhua/Cai Yang)

China’s largest oil refiner Sinopec has discovered a new oil and gas area with approximately 100 million tonnes of reserves in the Tarim Basin of northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

These latest reserves in Sinopec’s Shunbei oil and gas field are estimated to provide 88 million tonnes of condensate oil and 290 billion cubic meters of natural gas, said the company Wednesday.

Analysts said the discovery would further improve China’s energy supply and help guarantee national energy security.

The Tarim Basin is a major petroliferous basin in China but is also one of the most difficult to explore due to its harsh ground environment and complicated underground conditions. Its oil and gas reserves are buried over 7,300 meters deep on average.

Sinopec’s northwest branch has ascertained reserves of 1.67 billion tonnes of crude oil and 94.58 billion cubic meters of natural gas here, with a total output of more than 140 million tonnes of oil and gas equivalents so far.

Changes for the Uighur Muslims in Xinjinag

So many positive things are going on inside China these days, it’s so very difficult to keep up. Of course none of it is being reported at all in the “Western news”. Most especially positive news for the Uighur Muslims.

Video 30MB


None Dare Call It “Encirclement”…

Numerous reports in the West about China threats or influence towards the West are being published by the day but nothing is mentioned in these reports or media about the huge military encirclement of China by Western nations, lead by the USA.

… while Western media and politics on the other hand were in a great uproar and confirming the ‘China threat’ when Chinese President Xi Jinping mentioned “We will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us, anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people.”

The 2022 US National Defense Authorization Act passed with no significant opposition in the House or Senate from both parties.

Despite little opposition, the House and Senate Armed Services Committees instead voted to increase this year’s already staggering allotment for the Pentagon by another $24 billion — specifically to better contain (or fight) China. For the majority, going toward the creation of hypersonic missiles and other advanced weaponry aimed at China (not defensive, offensive).

But no one or no bill calls it what it actually is…

…encirclement and containment.


A nice video of Guangzhou. Here. 4MB

It’s all about money and power

How about if just a small part of this China research and reporting diverts inward towards the global humanitarian threats of the current warmongering or even war inciting policies.

It might be revealing and maybe we would come to more human perspectives and policies for a better world.

A part of today’s China perspective originates from about 120 years ago when Western nations discussed how to divide a then also encircled China among themselves. Mostly forgotten in the West but not in China, certainly not with respect to today’s developments.

People and institutes can dive “deep and smart” in reporting and media but encirclement, containment and war inciting policies are all but that…

Let’s start with the basal facts before creating threats and perspectives (often with lies and manipulation)

By the way, this also applies for today’s Ukraine conflict and the ‘Russia threat’.

China’s missiles.

A great little video.

China is ready. Video 2MB

China where everything vanishes.

From MoA

Editors and headline writers in the ‘western’ press seem to have certain cliches about certain countries.

It is why one can make lists with 111 headlines which say that Russia is weaponizing this or that.

Another one is that whatever happens in China must have come at a cost.

China is also the place where everything vanishes.

Note that the vanishing of long slow train journeys are under ‘threat’. That of course means that modern fast train rides come at a cost. This is like China curing cancer faster and cheaper than anywhere else but is going too fast with that. Pure nonsense.

So for the heck of it here is a list of all the stuff that is vanishing in China, mostly because it develops ‘but is going too fast with that’.

China J-20 Aircraft

Nice, tight little video. HERE 10MB

Washington Tightens the Noose around China

Michael Klare

January 17, 2022

Since he published “War Without End: American Planning for the Next Vietnams” in 1972, Michael Klare has established himself as one of the world’s leading experts on US military foreign policy, warfare, weapons, military intervention, energy policies and the nexus between militarism and climate change.

I’ve known and followed him during all these years. Within the last few weeks, Michael has written two analyses pertain to the one-sided US Cold War on China that are frightening.

They provide you with cool documentation of the systematic planning and the impossible-to-understand sums the US has now allocated to this destructive – also self-destructive – project for the years ahead.

Western mainstream media will keep you in the dark about this perversely world-endangering policy. I call it that for the simple reason that the problems humanity faces which must be solved very rapidly through cooperation cannot be solved with the two largest economic and political powers in deadly conflict. This is the most significant diversion of attention and political energies – and financial resources – on earth at the moment.

Michael tells what you must know to take action – big or small – to stop this reckless US/NATO policy.

Here are the two articles:

[1] Michael Klare, Welcome to the New Cold War in Asia

Posted on

For a moment, imagine an upside-down military world. Instead of U.S. guided-missile destroyers and other ships regularly carrying out “freedom of navigation operations” near Chinese-claimed islands in the South China Sea and such destroyers no less regularly passing through the Strait of Taiwan between that disputed island and the People’s Republic of China, consider how any administration would react if Chinese naval vessels were ever more provocatively patrolling off the coast of California.

You know that official Washington would quite literally go nuts and we’d find ourselves at the edge of war almost instantly.

Or, in a similar fashion, imagine that Russia had moved nuclear weapons close to the southern Mexican border, was selling advanced weaponry and offering other military aid to Mexico, and acting as we’ve been doing in relation to Ukraine.

Washington would be up in arms, again all too literally.

Don’t misunderstand me: I hold no torch for either Chinese President Xi Jinping or Russian President Vladimir Putin. (And I suspect, by the way, that if Putin were foolish enough to invade Ukraine he might find himself involved in an updated version of the Soviet Union’s disastrous Afghan War of the 1980s in a far more explosive part of the world.)

I’m merely pointing out that the American urge to be militarily anywhere it wants to be on this planet in any fashion it chooses might not be quite what’s needed these days.

A new Cold War on an ever hotter and more pandemic planet?

Just what we really (don’t) need.

And by the way, as TomDispatch regular Michael Klare, author most recently of All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change, points out, one of the other wonders of our moment is that, in a country where Republicans and Democrats can essentially agree on nothing — certainly not on spending money on the American people — the subject never in question is what’s still called “defense” policy.

Unfortunately, globally speaking, such spending of your tax dollars couldn’t be more offensive in every sense of the word. In this, fierce as the Biden administration has proved in Cold War terms, Klare makes it clear today that Congress is proving even fiercer.

I mean honestly, on a planet in deep doo-doo, where the major powers should be cooperating big time, having a post-Trump administration (with, admittedly, an old cold warrior as president) so ready to return us to a Cold War-style world seems, to say the least, both a tad out of date and a bit reckless as well.

The word “encirclement” does not appear in the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), signed into law by President Joe Biden on December 27th, or in other recent administration statements about its foreign and military policies. Nor does that classic Cold War era term “containment” ever come up. Still, America’s top leaders have reached a consensus on a strategy to encircle and contain the latest great power, China, with hostile military alliances, thereby thwarting its rise to full superpower status.

The gigantic 2022 defense bill — passed with overwhelming support from both parties — provides a detailed blueprint for surrounding China with a potentially suffocating network of U.S. bases, military forces, and increasingly militarized partner states. The goal is to enable Washington to barricade that country’s military inside its own territory and potentially cripple its economy in any future crisis.

For China’s leaders, who surely can’t tolerate being encircled in such a fashion, it’s an open invitation to…

…well, there’s no point in not being blunt…

…fight their way out of confinement.

Like every “defense” bill before it, the $768 billion 2022 NDAA is replete with all-too-generous handouts to military contractors for favored Pentagon weaponry.

That would include F-35 jet fighters, Virginia-class submarines, Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, and a wide assortment of guided missiles.

But as the Senate Armed Services Committee noted in a summary of the bill, it also incorporates an array of targeted appropriations and policy initiatives aimed at encircling, containing, and someday potentially overpowering China.

Among these are an extra $7.1 billion for the Pacific Deterrence Initiative, or PDI, a program initiated last year with the aim of bolstering U.S. and allied forces in the Pacific.

Nor are these just isolated items in that 2,186-page bill.

The authorization act includes a “sense of Congress” measure focused on “defense alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific Region,” providing a conceptual blueprint for such an encirclement strategy.

Under it, the secretary of defense is enjoined to “strengthen United States defense alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region so as to further the comparative advantage of the United States in strategic competition with the People’s Republic of China,” or PRC.

That the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act passed with no significant opposition in the House or Senate suggests that support for these and similar measures is strong in both parties.

Some progressive Democrats had indeed sought to reduce the size of military spending, but their colleagues on the House and Senate Armed Services Committees instead voted to increase this year’s already staggering allotment for the Pentagon by another $24 billion — specifically to better contain (or fight) China.

Most of those added taxpayer dollars will go toward the creation of hypersonic missiles and other advanced weaponry aimed at the PRC, and increased military exercises and security cooperation with U.S. allies in the region.

For Chinese leaders, there can be no doubt about the meaning of all this: whatever Washington might say about peaceful competition, the Biden administration, like the Trump administration before it, has no intention of allowing the PRC to achieve parity with the United States on the world stage.

In fact, it is prepared to employ every means, including military force, to prevent that from happening.

This leaves Beijing with two choices: succumb to U.S. pressure and accept second-class status in world affairs or challenge Washington’s strategy of containment.

It’s hard to imagine that country’s current leadership accepting the first choice, while the second, were it adopted, would surely lead, sooner or later, to armed conflict.

More Chinese missiles

Nice video. HERE 4MB

Chinese missile practice targets

Nice Video HERE 2MB

The Enduring Lure of Encirclement

The notion of surrounding China with a chain of hostile powers was, in fact, first promoted as official policy in the early months of President George W. Bush’s administration.

At that time, Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice went to work establishing an anti-China alliance system in Asia, following guidelines laid out by Rice in a January 2000 article in Foreign Affairs.

There, she warned of Beijing’s efforts to “alter Asia’s balance of power in its own favor” — a drive the U.S. must respond to by deepening “its cooperation with Japan and South Korea” and by “maintain[ing] its commitment to a robust military presence in the region.”

It should, she further indicated, “pay closer attention to India’s role in the regional balance.”

This has, in fact, remained part of the governing U.S. global playbook ever since, even if, for the Bush team, its implementation came to an abrupt halt on September 11, 2001, when Islamic militants attacked the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., leading the administration to declare a “global war on terror.”

Only a decade later, in 2011, did official Washington return to the Rice-Cheney strategy of encircling China and blunting or suppressing its growing power.

That November, in an address to the Australian Parliament, President Obama announced an American “pivot to Asia” — a drive to restore Washington’s dominance in the region, while enlisting its allies there in an intensifying effort to contain China.

“As president, I have… made a deliberate and strategic decision,” Obama declared in Canberra. “As a Pacific nation, the United States will play a larger and long-term role in shaping this region and its future… As we end today’s wars [in the Middle East], I have directed my national security team to make our presence and mission in the Asia Pacific a top priority.”

Oh great. After absolutely pulverizing and destroying the middle East into rubble, the attention will now focus on destroying China and the South Pacific as well. Lovely. -MM

Like the Bush team before it, however, the Obama administration was blindsided by events in the Middle East, specifically the 2014 takeover of significant parts of Iraq and Syria by the Islamic State, and so was forced to suspend its focus on the Pacific.

Only in the final years of the Trump administration did the idea of encircling China once again achieve preeminence in U.S. strategic thinking.

Led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the Trump effort proved far more substantial, involving as it did the beefing-up of U.S. forces in the Pacific; closer military ties with Australia, Japan, and South Korea; and an intensified outreach to India.

Pompeo also added several new features to the mix: a “quadrilateral” alliance between Australia, India, Japan, and the U.S. (dubbed the “Quad,” for short); increased diplomatic ties with Taiwan; and the explicit demonization of China as an enemy of Western values.

In a July 2020 speech at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, Pompeo laid out the new China policy vividly.

To prevent the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from demolishing “the rules-based order that our societies have worked so hard to build,” he declared, we must “draw common lines in the sand that cannot be washed away by the CCP’s bargains or their blandishments.”

This required not only bolstering U.S. forces in Asia but also creating a NATO-like alliance system to curb China’s further growth.

Pompeo also launched two key anti-China initiatives: the institutionalization of the Quad and the expansion of diplomatic and military relations with Taiwan.

The Quad, or Quadrilateral Security Dialogue as it’s formally known, had initially been formed in 2007 by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (with the support of Vice President Dick Cheney and the leaders of Australia and India), but fell into abeyance for years. It was revived, however, in 2017 when Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull joined Abe, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and Donald Trump in promoting a stepped-up effort to contain China.

As for Taiwan, Pompeo upped the ante there by approving diplomatic missions to its capital, Taipei, by senior officials, including Health Secretary Alex Azar and Undersecretary of State Keith Krach, the highest-ranking members of any administration to visit the island since 1979, when Washington severed formal relations with its government.

Both visits were roundly criticized by Chinese officials as serious violations of the commitments Washington had made to Beijing under the agreement establishing ties with the PRC.

China is killing all the CIA spies inside of China

The United States doesn’t know what to do. Video 2MB

Biden Adopts the Encirclement Agenda

On entering the White House, President Biden promised to reverse many of the unpopular policies of his predecessor, but strategy towards China was not among them. Indeed, his administration has embraced the Pompeo encirclement agenda with a vengeance.

As a result, ominously enough, preparations for a possible war with China are now the Pentagon’s top priority as, for the State Department, is the further isolation of Beijing diplomatically.

In line with that outlook, the Defense Department’s 2022 budget request asserted that “China poses the greatest long-term challenge to the United States” and, accordingly, that “the Department will prioritize China as our number one pacing challenge and develop the right operational concepts, capabilities, and plans to bolster deterrence and maintain our competitive advantage.”

In the meantime, as its key instrument for bolstering ties with allies in the Asia-Pacific region, the Biden administration endorsed Trump’s Pacific Deterrence Initiative. Proposed PDI spending was increased by 132% in the Pentagon’s 2022 budget request, rising to $5.1 billion from the $2.2 billion in 2021.

And if you want a measure of this moment in relation to China, consider this: even that increase was deemed insufficient by congressional Democrats and Republicans who added another $2 billion to the PDI allocation for 2022.

To further demonstrate Washington’s commitment to an anti-China alliance in Asia, the first two heads of state invited to the White House to meet President Biden were Japanese Prime Minister Yoshi Suga and South Korean President Moon Jae-in. In talks with them, Biden emphasized the importance of joint efforts to counter Beijing.

Following his meeting with Suga, for instance, Biden publicly insisted that his administration was “committed to working together to take on the challenges from China… to ensure a future of a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

On September 24th, in a first, leaders of the Quad all met with Biden at a White House “summit.” Although the administration emphasized non-military initiatives in its post-summit official report, the main order of business was clearly to strengthen military cooperation in the region.

As if to underscore this, Biden used the occasion to highlight an agreement he’d just signed with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia to provide that country with the propulsion technology for a new fleet of nuclear-powered submarines — a move obviously aimed at China.

And note as well that, just days before the summit, the administration formed a new alliance with Australia and the United Kingdom, called AUKUS, and again aimed at China.

Finally, Biden has continued to increase diplomatic and military contacts with Taiwan, beginning on his first day in office when Hsiao Bi-khim, Taipei’s de facto ambassador to Washington, attended his inauguration.

“President Biden will stand with friends and allies to advance our shared prosperity, security, and values in the Asia-Pacific region — and that includes Taiwan,” a top administration official said at the time. Other high-level contacts with Taiwanese officials, including military personnel, soon followed.

Russian Weapons systems

Picture says it all. video 2MB

A “Grand Strategy” for Containment

What all these initiatives have lacked, until now, is an overarching plan for curbing China’s rise and so ensuring America’s permanent supremacy in the Indo-Pacific region.

The authors of this year’s NDAA were remarkably focused on this deficiency and several provisions of the bill are designed to provide just such a master plan. These include a series of measures intended to incorporate Taiwan into the U.S. defense system surrounding China and a requirement for the drafting of a comprehensive “grand strategy” for containing that country on every front.

A “sense of Congress” measure in that bill provides overarching guidance on these disparate initiatives, stipulating an unbroken chain of U.S.-armed sentinel states — stretching from Japan and South Korea in the northern Pacific to Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore in the south and India on China’s eastern flank — meant to encircle and contain the People’s Republic. Ominously enough, Taiwan, too, is included in the projected anti-China network.

That island’s imagined future role in such an emerging strategic plan was further spelled out in a provision entitled “Sense of Congress on Taiwan Defense Relations.”

Essentially, this measure insists that Washington’s 1978 pledge to terminate its military ties with Taipei and a subsequent 1982 U.S.-China agreement committing this country to reduce the quality and quantity of its arms transfers to Taiwan are no longer valid due to China’s “increasingly coercive and aggressive behavior” toward the island.

Accordingly, the measure advocates closer military coordination between the two countries and the sale of increasingly sophisticated weapons systems to Taiwan, along with the technology to manufacture some of them.

Add all this up and here’s the new reality of the Biden years: the disputed island of Taiwan, just off the Chinese mainland and claimed as a province by the PRC, is now being converted into a de facto military ally of the United States.

There could hardly be a more direct assault on China’s bottom line: that, sooner or later, the island must agree to peacefully reunite with the mainland or face military action.

Recognizing that the policies spelled out in the 2022 NDAA represent a fundamental threat to China’s security and its desire for a greater international role, Congress also directed the president to come up with a “grand strategy” on U.S.-China relations in the next nine months.

This should include an assessment of that country’s global objectives and an inventory of the economic, diplomatic, and military capabilities the U.S. will require to blunt its rise.

In addition, it calls on the Biden administration to examine “the assumptions and end-state or end states of the strategy of the United States globally and in the Indo-Pacific region with respect to the People’s Republic of China.”

No explanation is given for the meaning of “end-state or end states,” but it’s easy to imagine that the authors of that measure had in mind the potential collapse of the Chinese Communist government or some form of war between the two countries.

How will Chinese leaders react to all this?

No one yet knows, but President Xi Jinping provided at least a glimpse of what that response might be in a July 1st address marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.

“We will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us,” he declared, as China’s newest tanks, rockets, and missiles rolled by. “Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people.”

Welcome to the new twenty-first-century Cold War on a planet desperately in need of something else.


Analysis by Michael Klare, December 31, 2021

On December 27, President Biden signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2022, allotting $740 billion to the Department of Defense (DoD) for military procurement and operations over the coming year and setting key policy objectives. As in past years, much of the funding authorized by the NDAA will go towards fuel, ammunition, and the salaries of military personnel, but this year, more than ever before, there is a conspicuous focus on preparing U.S. and allied forces for a possible war with China.

This focus on China was first underscored in the Department of Defense Budget Request for FY 2022, sent to Congress last May. “China poses the greatest long-term challenge to the United States,” the request states. “Accordingly, DoD will prioritize China and its military modernization as our pacing challenge.” To meet that challenge, and provide for other military essentials, the Pentagon request called for projected expenditures of $715 billion in FY 2022.

But even the $715 billion in the administration’s original DoD budget request was not deemed sufficient for a majority of Democrats and Republicans in Congress, who added another $24 billion to the FY 2022 authorization in order to further bolster U.S. forces aimed at China.

“The additional funding we secured… helps the United States remain the world’s leading military power,” said Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee. “Through this strength, the United States will be able to project force and deter conflict as we work to…check China’s malign influence.”

Most of this additional funding will be used to acquire more ships and planes to buttress U.S. forces assigned to the Indo-Pacific region and for programs intended to strengthen military ties with U.S. allies located there. Among other items, the $24 billion add-on will enable the Navy to procure a third guided-missile destroyer this year and for the Air Force to receive another six F-35 stealth fighters. Some of the additional funds will also be used to invigorate the Pacific Deterrence Initiative (PDI), a slew of activities aimed at bolstering U.S. military ties with its allies in the Indo-Pacific region and tighten the military noose surrounding China.

The PDI was established by the NDAA for FY 2021, and its stated goal is to “modernize and strengthen the presence of the United States Armed Forces” and to “build the defense and security capabilities, capacity, and cooperation of allies and partners” in the Indo-Pacific region. A total of $2.2 billion was allocated for this purpose in the FY 2021 NDAA.

For FY 2022, the Biden administration bumped the PDI budget request to $5.1 billion and Congress an additional $2 billion on top of that, bringing the total FY 2022 PDI authorization to $7.1 billion. Some of this will be used to acquire advanced military hardware intended for possible combat with China, including hypersonic missiles and a variety of unmanned surface and subsea vessels. In their Joint Explanatory Statement on the FY22 NDAA, leaders of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees also directed the Department of Defense to devote more funds to vital non-munitions items, such as fuel to increase the day-to-day presence of U.S. military forces in the Indo-Pacific region.

Aside from the Pacific Deterrence Initiative, the FY 2022 NDAA is saturated with other measures aimed at bolstering the network of alliances aimed at containing China’s rise in Asia and buttressing U.S. military ties with Taiwan.

Section 1252 of the NDAA, “Sense of Congress on Defense Alliances and Partnerships in the Indo-Pacific Region,” constitutes a blueprint for a U.S.-led system of military alliances surrounding China and dedicated to its military confinement. It states that the Pentagon leadership should “strengthen United States defense alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region so as to further the comparative advantage of the United States in strategic competition with the People’s Republic of China.” Such efforts should include, among other things: enhancing U.S. military cooperation with Australia, Japan, and South Korea; “broadening the engagement of the United States with India, including through the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue”; developing increased military ties with Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines; and “strengthening the United States partnership with Taiwan.”

Many other provisions of the NDAA, including the PDI, provide the funding for measures aimed at enhancing U.S. ties with traditional allies, such as Australia, Japan, and South Korea. But Taiwan represents a special case, in that it is not, formally, a military ally of the United States.

When recognizing the PRC as China’s legitimate government in 1979, the United States agreed to terminate its diplomatic relations and defense ties with Taiwan, and to withdraw all U.S. military forces from the island. At that time, Washington also acknowledged Beijing’s position that “there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.” Three years later, under the “Arms Sale Communiqué” of Aug. 17, 1982, Washington further affirmed “that it does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China, and that it intends to reduce gradually its sales of arms to Taiwan.”

Despite these pledges, U.S. officials have never been fully reconciled to the terms of the 1979 recognition agreement or the 1982 Arms Sale Communiqué. In accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) of 1979, the U.S. maintains quasi-official relations with Taiwan and provides its military with a wide variety of military hardware.

In recent years, and especially during the Trump administration, top officials have questioned the legitimacy of the “one China” policy and stepped up arms sales and diplomatic outreach to Taiwan. Increasingly, the island is being viewed by senior officials not as “part of China” but rather as an autonomous entity whose participation in the U.S.-led alliance system encircling China is deemed essential to American security – a view articulated by Ely Ratner, Assistant Secretary for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee in December. “Taiwan,” he asserted, “is located at a critical node within the first island chain [stretching from Japan to the Philippines], anchoring a network of U.S. allies and partners that is critical to the region’s security and critical to the defense of vital U.S. interests in the Indo-Pacific.”

This outlook appears to have largely governed the NDAA’s stance on Taiwan. Section 1246, “Sense of Congress on Taiwan Defense Relations,” essentially claims that previous restraints on U.S. military ties with Taiwan can now be ignored given the PRC’s “increasingly coercive and aggressive behavior” toward the island. In contrast to the terms of 1982 Arms Trade Communiqué, it calls for the sale of increasingly sophisticated weapons to Taiwan. It also calls for joint military exercises between U.S. and Taiwanese forces, increased consultation between senior U.S. and Taiwanese military officials, and enhanced linkages (“interoperability”) between U.S. and Taiwanese maritime surveillance and air-defense systems.

Following on this, Section 1248 calls on the Secretary of Defense to conduct a study of Taiwan’s vulnerabilities to possible Chinese attack and to identify ways in which the U.S. can assist Taiwan in overcoming those vulnerabilities, including by providing advanced arms-making technology and through the sharing of intelligence data. Yet another measure, Section 1249, calls for a briefing on possible cooperation between the U.S. and Taiwanese National Guards.

Finally, Section 6511 directs the president to compose a “grand strategy with respect to China” and submit it to Congress in approximately ten months. Among other things, the “China Strategy,” as it is termed, is to include a comprehensive assessment of Chinese military, economic, political, and military challenges to U.S. global interests and the corresponding U.S. capabilities needed “to implement the national security strategy of the United States as they relate to the new era of competition with the People’s Republic of China.”

From China’s perspective, all this must represent a coherent and highly threatening blueprint to ensure permanent U.S. military superiority and to surround China with an impenetrable chain of hostile powers – an assessment that can only lead to greater suspicion and paranoia in Beijing while fueling a relentless and increasingly dangerous arms race.

Chiense girl

Bouncing outside. video 3MB

Sitrep China: As the competitors start entering the newly constructed Olympics villages the war beat goes on

By Amarynth and the Here Comes China Newsletter by Godfree Roberts

What were we talking about just three or four months ago? Remember? China was going to imminently attack Taiwan. There was wall-to-wall coverage.

The jingoism did not work. Nobody attacked Taiwan.

China stated that Taiwan will be integrated with the mainland at the right time, and follow the correct procedure. China is dealing with a recalcitrant province that historically is as a result of war.

Now, there is even a bigger outcry. Russia is going to imminently invade the Ukraine. So we see an exchange in the western rhetoric from territorial flashpoint Taiwan, to territorial flashpoint the Ukraine in an attempt to contain something, anything that could create the space for the US/NATO and western puppets to maintain power and hegemony.

Will it work this time? The jury is out.

This is on the eve of the Winter Olympics that has already started with qualifying competitions and competitors entering the Olympic villages.

A month or two ago, China gave what one could see as a request, but it can also be interpreted as stronger than that.

World expects ‘truce’ during Winter Games

A UNGA resolution, co-sponsored by 173 countries and adopted on Dec 2, asks all countries to observe the Olympic truce and stop hostile activities seven days before the Winter Olympic Games through to seven days after the end of the Winter Paralympic Games.

This is consistent with the historical values of these games all the way back to Ancient Greece in the ninth century.

Even so, the provocation beat, and false information continues on.

Russia does not rule out military provocations from US, Kiev regime – diplomat

A Bloomberg publication that Chinese President Xi Jinping allegedly asked Russian President Vladimir Putin not to invade Ukraine during the Olympic Games is an operation of US intelligence agencies, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

China called this a despicable trick. “The report was purely made out of thin air. It seeks not only to smear and drive a wedge in China-Russia relations, but also to deliberately disrupt and undermine the Beijing Winter Olympics. Such a despicable trick cannot fool the international community,” Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a routine press conference.”

The cowardly attacks on China itself also have not really reduced. We are just not seeing those as all eyes are on Russia

Chinese military calls U.S. warship’s trespassing a “serious provocation”

Before this, we had the endless media announcements of who is going to boycott the Olympics (whether invited or not but they never said they were not invited, they just made it up), and then quietly, they asked for visas to attend anyway. It is all a show.  The Anglosphere has lost military supremacy as well as economic supremacy, and they are not elegant losers. In fact, they will continue to attempt to overturn any security balance anywhere in the world to appease their own hubris for total spectrum dominance or at least the appearance of that.

India for once spoke out and said they will not boycott the Olympic Games, as in these circumstances they will follow their policy of ‘neighbors first’. Uhm, who knew they had such a policy?

Out of 206 nations eligible to participate in the Olympics, only 14 have decided not to send their diplomats.  Of the 14, five quoted Covid as the reason, others do not have a winter olympics team.  Not because of some US led diplomatic boycott.

The backdrop to the Anglosphere being butthurt and trying to change the Russian ‘request’ for security guarantees into sole focus on Ukraine is not stopping the march towards a world order based on Law and not Rule by some flunky. China is not falling for it in their press, or in their spoken word.  This trend is inexorable and the Anglosphere has but limited time to change or to be run over.  The old games of money and guns, the warfare model based on coercion, are coming to an end.

Here are three examples of the world changing.

  • China launches Global South economic alliance to challenge US ‘unilateralism’ and ‘cold-war mentality’

China just launched a new economic alliance of Global South nations called the “Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative”.  Beijing said it seeks to challenge (US) “unilateralism” and the “Cold-War mentality,” and promotes “win-win cooperation”.

  • The Stans are now being ‘multi polarized’ and while Russia gathered them together with the recent military adventure in Kazakhstan, China is following and cementing the trend.

Xi to chair virtual summit commemorating 30th anniversary of China-Central Asia ties

So, this meeting happened yesterday and the leaders of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, will be attending the Winter Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing.

  • Pakistan is sailing Chinese Frigates and contracted the construction of eight Hangor-class submarines, four Type 054A/P ships and medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned combat aerial vehicles from China.

On the big picture, Chas Freeman has this to say…

The question is whether China will choose to accept an active role in stabilizing the region.  “Great power rivalry” or a putative Manichean struggle between China and democracy will not drive this decision.  

On the evidence to date, it will instead reflect the broadly overlapping national interests of China, Europe, India, Japan, and Korea, the fractious states of West Asia and North Africa, and the United States.  

All share a compelling interest in a stable Middle East whose quarrels do not export radicalism or endanger access to crucial energy supplies.

It would be in America’s interest for China and other countries that rely on Middle Eastern energy exports to share the burden of preserving global prosperity by coming together to safeguard the world’s energy trade.  

If China faces a choice in this regard, so does America.  

The United States can cooperate to mutual advantage with China, other rising powers, and the oil producing countries of the region, or it can overwrite obvious interests it shares with China and others with irrational antagonism and pursue a pointless game that no one can hope to win. 

Chas W. Freeman

A New Economic System

In terms of economics and trade, what I personally expect to see as a result of Putin and Xi’s talks while Putin attends the Olympic games, is a much revealed new economic system, which, on a transaction level, will start to be closely integrated across the non-Anglo world. The level of the reveal may be muted, and we may have to read the tea leaves to understand the size and scope of this change.

The driver of that will be the E-CNY, China’s digital currency, which will be massively rolled out for use at the Winter Olympics.

We also note financial integration in other spheres as the Russian Standard Bank clients are now able to transfer money to the cards of the Chinese UnionPay payment system. This is not a SWIFT transaction.

Overall, the anti-China rhetoric remains at top decibels. As you will see from the extra reading below, while we were watching Russia, the war propaganda against China did not reduce one bit…

The Great Western Wall vs Snow Niggers

From HERE.

You know about the Great Wall of China, right?  But have you ever heard of the Great Western Wall?

That is the immense wall which was built around the minds of the people of the West for the past 1000 or so years.  I will try to describe it using a few salient examples, but what I want to clearly state here is that these examples are only some I chose, but in reality, there are millions of them and they constitute a kind of “mental force field” which has (almost) no holes in it.  Until now.  But let’s first start with a few examples of what that wall looks like and how those enclosed by it think:

  • Say what you wish, or don’t say it, but everybody knows and understands that the so-called Western civilization (which in this narrative was not born from the Middle-Ages, but from Antiquity) is superior to all others.  Oh sure, we will pay lip service to the liberal ideas of Rousseau or the Woke insanity, but deep inside, we are the best, we will eventually prevail, and nobody can match, nevermind, beat us.
  • Russians are racially and culturally inferior.  Oh sure, they are mostly white, but they act like Mongols (something quite terrible in the average western mind which knows *nothing* about the Mongol Empire, this is even true on the UK Ministerial level!!!).  They are either soaking their brains with vodka, or they are planning devious and bloody attacks on the irenic and noble people of the West.  The term I suggest for them would be Russians are “Snow Niggers.
  • The Snow Niggers control way too much land and resources.  We need to bring them true democracy.
  • Russians have never known democracy, so they don’t even have the concept of “freedom”: true, we don’t really understand the distinction they make between “svoboda” and “volia” anymore than we understand the distinction between “pravda” and “istina” – but who cares, they don’t think like we do, therefore their concepts are irrelevant.
  • Russians cannot be trusted.  Ever.  Ask any of the people who neighbor Russia and they will tell you how horrible it was to live under Russian rule.  The fact that Russians (unlike the West) never committed genocide and that there are still 193 ethnic groups and over 100 languages in Russia herself is irrelevant.  The fact that not a single successor republic to the USSR became stable and viable – except Russia, that is – is also irrelevant.  All that Russian do is murder, rape, pillage and persecute everybody else, especially “gays”!
  • Russians have always used stupid tactics, they always throw a huge amount of poorly trained soldiers but animalistically stubborn/courageous at any enemy.  During WWII, the German military was vastly superior to the Soviet one and the German generals eons ahead of the rather dull Soviet ones, especially in tactics and operational warfare.  Germany only lost WWII thanks to the US and UK and their superb military academies.  Any Soviet victory is explained by “Stalin’s terror”, of course.  Then these brutes went on a raping spree and created a giant Gulag while US forces only delivered chocolate and cool music to the poor Europeans, including the Germans.  Then the US generously rebuilt western Europe.  End of story.
  • We have the best military in the world, with the best equipment and training.  The fact that we spend more on defense than the entire planet is the proof of that.  We also have the best intelligence community in the world, the fact that we have 17 “intelligence” agencies while others typically do with just a few (2-4 is typical) just further proves our infinite superiority (by some estimates, the total “peace budget” of the USA, combining military, intelligence and contractors is over a TRILLION per year!).
  • The entire world envies us – that is why we are the #1 destination for immigrants from all over the world.  Even the fact that we have by far the biggest penitentiary network on the planet, and one of the most barbarically brutal ones at that, does not deter these immigrants.  Clearly, the world loves us!

Trust me, I could go on for pages and pages.  I lived my entire life in the West, I was born in the middle of Europe (in Switzerland) and I lived about half of my life in Europe and half in the USA.  I am fluent in 5 western languages and understand quite a few more others (related ones, of course).  I have two US graduate degrees.  I know the West.  Most westerners who met me initially did not know of my origins, so they treated me like “one of them” until I mentioned my Russian roots, at which point their attitude immediately changed: “careful, he is one of them” was written all over their faces.

And, OF COURSE, there were (plenty) of exceptions to what I describe above.  But these exceptions were never numerous or influential enough to make a difference: Western countries always elect rabid russophobes: they all equally hate and fear Russia, they just express it in different manners.  So those westerners who do not live behind the Great Western Wall have made no difference, especially no difference to us, the Asiatic Snow Niggers.

Again, all this has been going on for close to a thousand years, but something has changed recently and stuff like this began to happen:

An (ah em) “leaked” photo.

And by “this” I don’t mean an F-35 missing its landing on a carrier and splashing into the water.  No, that F-35 is a perfect metaphor for the entire western civilization.

  • Official version: the F-35 is the most amazing military aircraft ever designed
  • True version: the F-35 is the most overpriced piece of semi-airborne shit in world history

Notice, corruption plays THE key role here.

Say what you want, but a country which designed and produced the F-16, the F-5, the A-10 or the breathtakingly beautiful Boeing 747 can produce superb aircraft.  And while all the US ‘stealth’ aircraft are overpriced and over-hyped, the F-35 is truly a masterpiece of corruption.  There is nothing the many extremely talented US scientists and engineers could do to beat the most corrupt people on the planet: the US ruling elites.  And, for the latter, the F-35 is a total, absolute, success.  I would even call it a triumph.

A personal recollection now: while a student in the USA, I had military force planning classes, taught by a VERY sharp USAF Colonel (who also worked for the Northrop YF-23 program).  His classes were a masterpiece each time.  One day, we did something funny.  We made a graph with, on one hand, the average cost of each new US fighter aircraft and, on the other, the money allocated for their acquisition.  Then we projected both curves and the result was quite hilarious, but also unforgettable: we saw that there would come a time when the entire US military budget would be just enough to produce only ONE, but very super dooper bestest of the bestest in the history of the galaxy fighter!  One!  Sadly, I do not remember what date we came up with, but I would argue that the F-35 is the real-world illustration of what our (tongue in cheek) graphic showed (BTW – the Lockheed YF-22 was inferior in design to the Northrop YF-23, the choice for the Lockheed candidate was made solely on political grounds: not to give it all the kickbacks to Northrop basically).

The year 1990 was the year when the YF-22/YF-23 made their first flight.  That same year, the Snow Niggers flew a modified version of the Soviet Su-27, called the SU-34, for the first time.  In my strictly personal opinion, the Su-34 is the single most formidable all-weather supersonic medium-range fighter-bomber/strike aircraft ever produced in Russia or elsewhere.  The fact that this design (originally based on a Soviet-era Su-27 interceptor) not only survived the horrific 90s when Russia was “democratic”, but has now fully matured to the absolutely amazing Su-34M version, shows how truly superb Soviet designers and engineers were even in the years of “Commie stagnation” under Brezhnev & Co.  This is what this true masterpiece looks like:


You can read about its capabilities here or, better, watch this video.  Check out its actual characteristics, and it will blow your mind!

No, it ain’t “stealth”, but its formidable EW, avionics, missiles and radar negate the need for any F-22 like RCS.  And it sure is a big aircraft (think range and payload here).  But its capabilities are absolutely formidable, no other aircraft comes even close, not even current 5th generation ones, especially to the (much improved) current Su-34M version (which is still very much a 4th generation aircraft, but which does not need the full 5th generation capabilities to execute its missions, that is where the 4++ generation Su-30M2 and Su-35S would be used, or, if needed, the 5th generation Su-57.

I do not intend this post to be a comparison of the YF-22/YF-23/F-35 with the Su-34 or any other aircraft.

But I will ask a rhetorical question: why is it that the USA, the sole world superpower (especially after 1991 and the fall of the USSR) and world leader in everything produced such a piece of shit (aka “flying brick”) as the F-35, while the vodka soaked Asiatic Snow Niggers, while undergoing a truly apocalyptic phase like the 90s (TWO civil wars in Chechnia, one in Moscow in 93) produced a masterpiece like the Su-34?

And here we see the formidable power of The Great Western Wall!  That rhetorical question will be treated in any combination of the following ways:

  • Dismissed as “Putin propaganda”
  • Dismissed as factually incorrect (the correct version being: ours is SO MUCH better)
  • Simply ignored, blocked from anybody’s awareness
  • Explained by “the Russians steal all our secrets” whereas we invent real things (since the F-35 is actually largely based on the (much better!) Russian Yak-141, this is an especially funny argument to make).
  • “Specialists” will declare that the Su-34 is based on primitive and old technologies while the F-35 is the bleeding edge of aeronautics (which is false, but if it was true, these idiots are too stupid to realize what this statement implies about the intelligence and experience of actual warfare of each party!)
  • The same pseudo-experts will also fail to realize (or, at least, admit) that while the US MIC produced that abomination which the F-35 is, the Russians have just produced a similar aircraft, the Su-75, which has none of the flaws of the F-35, has broadly similar capabilities and for a small fraction of the F-35 criminally obscene price tag.

Western kids can peacefully sleep at night knowing that they are still part of the Master Race and that they are defended by Captain Murica style hyper-warriors with hyper-gadgets who can, and will, kick any Snow Niggers’ ass if needed!  Yeah!

Sweet dreams 🙂


But, seriously, why did I post all this stuff about US vs Soviet/Russian aircraft?

Just to illustrate the huge, immense, breathtaking difference between what I call Zone A and Zone B, the Great Western Wall being the monumental propagandist masterpiece which, at least so far, has kept the two Zones apart (the Zones themselves were originally a geographical category, but this is now changing, so let’s think of them as also a mental category).

(Truism alert!!)  We live in the age of the Internet, the ubiquitous smartphones (with excellent cameras!), the social media and too many ways to connect for any wall to stand, including the Great Western Wall!  Reality is now slowly seeping under, over, and even through this mental Great Wall and that has two main effects:

  1. It puts the western ruling classes into a total, abject, panic mode
  2. It stirs up doubts about the veracity of the Western propaganda machine in the heads of the western people (which only doubles the panic felt by the western ruling classes).

What recently happened in Kabul is just about the perfect illustration of how the Western Great Wall is collapsing before our eyes.


What about Putin and his ultimatum in all this?

In truth, the Russian ultimatum’s main goal was never to get the western Master Race to agree to negotiate with the drunken Snow Niggers, it was to bring down a major segment of the Western Great Wall: the West’s arrogant sense of axiomatic military superiority and narcissistic sense of impunity.  For decades we were fed a diet about how totally incredible the US and even NATO militaries were (forget about Iraq or Afghanistan!) and how the Russian bear was really only a paper tiger.  Just like the F-35 is the “bestest of the bestest” and the Su-34 “primitive” (we could also build it, we just don’t wanna).

Then why are the Snow Niggers not terrified of our “sanctions from hell” or “bestest militaries in the world”??

Why are our beloved (or maybe not so beloved) leaders so freaked out and clueless about what to do?

Could it be that reality is gradually achieving what scientists call “first contact” with the Western rulers and the serfs they rule over?

I will conclude with a question: what will it take to totally bring down that Western Great Wall?

The Su-34 sure did not do it.

How about the Su-34 as just one example, a tip of a huge iceberg if you wish, of what has happened in the entire Russian armed forces?

Nope.  99% of folks in the West still have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER that Russia can defeat both the US and NATO, even together, and that China is catching up at a phenomenal rate.

How about the total collapse of the western economies which have nowhere to “grow into” (by that they mean: “occupy a defenseless country and enslave them by trading valuable resources for worthless plastic beads”)?

Nope, not yet.  Not while much of the world still purchase dollars.

Now about the total collapse of the EU’s energy hallucinations (aka Greta Tunberg)?

Nope!  EU officials want to, I kid you not, sanction *Russia* by committing energetic and, therefore, economic suicide.  In Russia, we call that “scaring a hedgehog with a naked butt“.

So what about this Russian saying “those who refuse to talk to Lavrov will have to talk to Shoigu“.

Will anybody pay attention and realize what is going on?


But I am afraid that the drunken Snow Niggers will have to bring down that damned Western Great Wall, brick by brick, dollar by dollar, and even bullet by bullet (missile by missile would be more accurate).

But, don’t worry.  The drunken Snow Niggers won’t genocide you.  They are too “primitive” and “Asiatic” for that.

But neither will they pay much attention to you or take you seriously until you finally wake up from your 1000 years of self-delusion based on murderous ideologies and violence.

Russia’s future is on her south (Caucasus, Central Asia, Middle-East, Indian Sub.) east (Far East Asia) and north (Arctic).

I have no idea where the future of the West is.

Do you?



How does one raid airspace?

China Launches Biggest Raid On Taiwanese Airspace Since October As CCP’s Pacific Perimeter Expands

Moon of Alabama did an exposé on how the ‘China Threat’ media cycle works:

And before that, he teased apart the Taiwan Airspace or Air Defense Zone:

Godfree Roberts created a comprehensive list of current propaganda at the end.

China data points:  What are they up to?



Common prosperity is the main driver of China’s values today.

“Common prosperity is not egalitarianism. To use an analogy, we will first make the pie bigger and then divide it properly through reasonable institutional arrangements. As a rising tide lifts all boats everyone will get a fair share from development and development gains will benefit all our people in a more substantial and equitable way”. Xi Jinping.

As part of the Common Prosperity drive, 6.5 million low-cost homes for leasing will be built across 40 major cities in the five years through 2025, Pan Wei, an official with the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, told reporters at a press conference.

No Corruption

On Tuesday, Xi told the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) to maintain “zero tolerance” for corruption (SCMP):

  • “There is still a long way to go to effectively tackle the more invisible, deep-rooted corruption and we still have a long way to go to eradicate it completely.”

China is the manufacturer of the world

Imports and Exports Hit $6 trillion for the first time in 2021. The total import and export volume of China’s merchandise trade was 39.1 trillion yuan ($6.15 trillion), a year-on-year increase of 21.4%. Compared with 2019, China’s 2020 foreign trade volume, exports and imports had increased by 23.9%, 26.1% and 21.2%, respectively.

China-Africa trade rose 32%, or $67 billion, to $254 billion in 2020, according to China Customs.

19 out of 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean had signed up for the Belt and Road, but some of China’s biggest Latin American investment partners – Brazil, Argentina and Mexico – have not formally signed up to the Belt and Road. Nevertheless, China is now the largest trading partner of Brazil, Argentina and most of the rest of South America.

Healthy Planet

Renewables will meet over 70% of China’s additional electricity demand in the next three years as coal’s role in powering the world’s second-largest economy continues to decline. Wind and solar farm installations will lift their combined generating capacity 75% to 930 Gw by 2024 from 600GW now.

Happiness and Trust

At the January 20th Foreign Ministry Press Conference, a reporter from MASTV asked: “The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer [above], from the top global public relations firm, Edelman, finds trust among Chinese citizens in their Government in 2021 hit a record 91%, up 9% from last year, and the top globally. Overall, China’s Trust Index is 83%, up 11%, the highest in the survey. Do you have any comment?”

FM Spokesperson Zhao Lijian: “I noted relevant reports. The 2017 and 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer reports, as I recall, showed that the trust among Chinese citizens in their government was the highest in all the countries surveyed.

The figure in this year’s report hits a record high in a decade.

We have shared with you a 10-year survey by the Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government on China. It finds out that the Chinese people’s satisfaction with their government’s performance has been over 90 percent for years in a row, which is consistent with the findings of the Edelman Trust Barometer.  As a Chinese citizen and civil servant, I’m not surprised at all. “

Background on the USA backed HK “color revolution”

Background on the Hong Kong color revolution:

A Forensic on the XinJiang / Uighur “genocide” nonsense…

A legal forensic take-down of the Xinjiang accusation of genocide and forced labor:  the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) substantially misrepresented and exaggerated allegations of forced labor in Xinjiang, having insufficient evidence to prove their claims.

Oil all over China!

Sinopec discovered yet more new oil and gas reservoirs in Xinjiang totaling 88m tons of condensate oil and 290bn cubic meters of natural gas.  So, do you get why the US wanted to destabilize Xinjiang via terrorist attacks in this region?

How a simple blogger exposed the supposed China experts in the West:

Weaponized “Freedom of navigation” is ongoing

Two U.S. carriers enter S.China Sea, to ‘counter malign influence’

— Reuters (@Reuters) January 24, 2022



The US Congress passed a $7 billion anti-China propaganda bill to villainize China and to exclude Chinese news from America. To put this in perspective, the 2020 budget of NASA is $20 billion dollars.

Ideological attacks…

Economic attacks…

Health attacks…

A Chinese “Spy” arrested…

This is one more example. We see big news headlines that a ‘China Spy’ was arrested. But when the man is quietly let go because of no evidence, they don’t bother to report that.


Tom Fowdy at RT reports as follows:

The Pre-War preparations are ongoing…

The US is now doing to China what it’s done in the build-up to every war

Big thanks to Godfree Roberts

Thank you to Godfree Roberts who does a yeoman’s job to pull together the 50 most important data points emerging from China in one newsletter week after week.

It is getting very difficult to remain a generalist China watcher as the place is just so big and the pace of development is astounding.

I use but a fraction of the newsletter information.  This week’s long reads contain work by: Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr., Ning Nanshan, Helen De Cruz & Pauline Lee,  and Wang Wenbin.

If you have an interest in China, go get the Here Comes China newsletter here:

There are a lot of behaviors being exhibited by those in positions of power in the US that seem disparate and odd. We watch Trump who is imposing sanctions on country after country, dreaming of eradicating his country’s structural trade deficit with the rest of the world. We watch pretty much all of US Congress falling over each other in their attempt to impose the harshest possible sanctions on Russia.

People in Turkey, a key NATO country, are literally burning US dollars and smashing iPhones in a fit of pique.

Confronted with a new suite of Russian and Chinese weapons systems that largely neutralize the ability of the US to dominate the world militarily, the US is setting new records in the size of its already outrageously bloated yet manifestly ineffectual defense spending.

As a backdrop to this military contractor feeding frenzy, the Taliban are making steady gains in Afghanistan, now control over half the territory, and are getting ready to stamp “null and void,” in a repeat of Vietnam, on America’s longest war.

A lengthening list of countries are set to ignore or compensate for US sanctions, especially sanctions against Iranian oil exports. In a signal moment, Russia’s finance minister has recently pronounced the US dollar “unreliable.” Meanwhile, US debt keeps galloping upwards, with its largest buyer being reported as a mysterious, possibly entirely nonexistent “Other.”

Although these may seem like manifestations of many different trends in the world, I believe that a case can be made that these are all one thing: the US—the world’s imperial overlord—standing on a ledge and threatening to jump, while its imperial vassals—too many to mention—are standing down below and shouting “Please, don’t jump!”

To be sure, most of them would be perfectly happy to watch the overlord plummet and jelly up the sidewalk.

But here is the key point: if this were to happen today, it would cause unacceptable levels of political and economic collateral damage around the world.

Does this mean that the US is indispensable? No, of course not, nobody is. But dispensing with it will take time and energy, and while that process runs its course the rest of the world is forced to keep it on life support no matter how counterproductive, stupid and demeaning that feels.

What the world needs to do, as quickly as possible, is to dismantle the imperial center, which is in Washington politically and militarily and in New York and London financially, while somehow salvaging the principle of empire.

“What?!” you might exclaim, “Isn’t imperialism evil.”

Well, sure it is, whatever, but empires make possible efficient, specialized production and efficient, unhindered trade over large distances.

Empires do all sorts of evil things—up to and including genocide—but they also provide a level playing field and a method for preventing petty grievances from escalating into tribal conflicts.

The Roman Empire, then Byzantium, then the Tatar/Mongol Golden Horde, then the Ottoman Sublime Porte all provided these two essential services—unhindered trade and security—in exchange for some amount of constant rapine and plunder and a few memorable incidents of genocide.

The Tatar/Mongol Empire was by far the most streamlined: it simply demanded “yarlyk”—tribute—and smashed anyone who attempted to rise above a level at which they were easy to smash.

The American empire is a bit more nuanced: it uses the US dollar as a weapon for periodically expropriating savings from around the world by exporting inflation while annihilating anyone who tries to wiggle out from under the US dollar system.

All empires follow a certain trajectory. Over time they become corrupt, decadent and enfeebled, and then they collapse.

When they collapse, there are two ways to go. One is to slog through a millennium-long dark age—as Western Europe did after the Western Roman Empire collapsed. Another is for a different empire, or a cooperating set of empires, to take over, as happened after the Ottoman Empire collapsed. You may think that a third way exists: of small nations cooperating sweetly and collaborating successfully on international infrastructure projects that serve the common good.

Such a scheme may be possible, but I tend to take a jaundiced view of our simian natures.

We come equipped with MonkeyBrain 2.0, which has some very useful built-in functions for imperialism, along with some ancillary support for nationalism and organized religion.

These we can rely on; everything else would be either a repeat of a failed experiment or an untested innovation.

Sure, let’s innovate, but innovation takes time and resources, and those are the exact two things that are currently lacking.

What we have in permanent surplus is revolutionaries: if they have their way, look out for a Reign of Terror, followed by the rise of a Bonaparte.

That’s what happens every time.

Lest you think that the US isn’t an empire—a collapsing one—consider the following.

The US defense budget is larger than that of the next ten countries combined, yet the US can’t prevail even in militarily puny Afghanistan. (That’s because much of its defense budget is trivially stolen.)

The US has something like a thousand military bases, essentially garrisoning the entire planet, but to unknown effect. It claims the entire planet as its dominion: no matter where you go, you still have to pay US income taxes and are still subject to US laws.

It controls and manipulates governments in numerous countries around the world, always aiming to turn them into satrapies governed from the US embassy compound, but with results that range from unprofitable to embarrassing to lethal.

It is now failing at virtually all of these things, threatening the entire planet with its untimely demise.

What we are observing, at every level, is a sort of blackmail: “Do as we say, or no more empire for you!”

The US dollar will vanish, international trade will stop and a dark age will descend, forcing everyone to toil in the dirt for a millennium while mired in futile, interminable conflicts with neighboring tribes.

None of the old methods of maintaining imperial dominance are working; all that remains is the threat of falling down and leaving a huge mess for the rest of the world to deal with.

The rest of the world is now tasked with rapidly creating a situation where the US empire can be dealt a coup de grâce safely, without causing any collateral damage—and that’s a huge task, so everyone is forced to play for time.

There is a lot of military posturing and there are political provocations happening all the time, but these are sideshows that are becoming an unaffordable luxury: there is nothing to be won through these methods and plenty to be lost.

Essentially, all the arguments are over money. There is a lot of money to be lost. The total trade surplus of the BRICS countries with the West (US+EU, essentially) is over a trillion dollars a year. SCO—another grouping of non-Western countries—comes up with almost the same numbers. That’s the amount of products these countries produce for which they currently have no internal market.

Should the West evaporate overnight, nobody will buy these products. Russia alone had a 2017 trade surplus of $116 billion, and in 2018 so far it grew by 28.5%. China alone, in its trade just with the US, generated $275 billion in surplus. Throw in another $16 billion for its trade with the EU.

Those are big numbers, but they are nowhere near enough if the project is to build a turnkey global empire to replace US+EU in a timely manner. Also, there are no takers.

Russia is rather happy to have shed its former Soviet dependents and is currently invested in building a multilateral, international system of governance based on international institutions such as SCO, BRICS and EAEU.

Numerous other countries are very interested in joining together in such organizations: most recently,

Turkey has expressed interest in turning BRICS into BRICTS. Essentially, all of the post-colonial nations around the world are now forced to trade away some measure of their recently won independence, essentially snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The job vacancy of Supreme Global Overlord is unlikely to attract any qualified candidates.

What everyone seems to want is a humble, low-budget, cooperative global empire, without all of the corruption and with a lot less life-threatening militarism. It will take time to build, and the resources to build it can only come from one place: from gradually bleeding US+EU dry.

In order to do this, the wheels of international commerce must continue to spin. But this is exactly what all of the new tariffs and sanctions, the saber-rattling and the political provocations, are attempting to prevent: a ship laden with soya is now doing circles in the Pacific off the coast of China; steel I-beams are rusting at the dock in Turkey…

But it is doubtful that these attempts will work. The EU has been too slow in recognizing just how pernicious its dependence on Washington has become, and will take even more time to find ways to free itself, but the process has clearly started.

For its part, Washington runs on money, and since its current antics will tend to make money grow scarce even faster than it otherwise would, those who stand to lose the most will make the Washingtonians feel their pain and will force a change of course.

As a result, everyone will be pushing in the same direction: toward a slow, steady, controllable imperial collapse.

All we can hope for is that the rest of the world manages to come together and build at least the scaffolding of a functional imperial replacement in time to avoid collapsing into a new post-imperial dark age.

The West Leaves Mummy’s Basement

After years of behaving like a teenager shadow boxing in the basement of his mother’s house, playing out the fantasy of knocking out Ivan Drago in the 1985 movie Rocky IV, the US and NATO find themselves confronting the reality.


Being a member of NATO used to be pretty cost-free: fun even. You had a suite in the flashy new HQ, admired your flag with all the others, gloried in your excellent values. The biggest downside was that you were expected to provide a few soldiers to participate in the latest war in some dusty place. But, you could go home after destroying Libya or Iraq or Afghanistan and forget about it. Until the refugees showed up. And Washington really did insist that you buy some of its weapons and it was harder and harder to say no. And you started getting sucked into things that weren’t as much fun as you expected. But, overall, for the leaders anyway, it was an attractive deal. And most of you didn’t like Russia much, having edited your own communists out of the story and forgotten what the Germans did to you.

Russia was feeble and weak, going down, and certainly no match for “the greatest alliance in history“. But what happens when that teddy bear turns nasty? Blowing up countries from 20,000 feet, you had stopped paying attention. Lost wars in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq turn out to be poor preparation and the bear had been paying attention. But, you cry, NATO was supposed to protect me, not put me into greater danger!

And that is the dilemma that Moscow has been patiently preparing for you. On 17 December Moscow published two draft treaties. Here are the official English versions: Treaty between The United States of America and the Russian Federation on security guarantees and Agreement on measures to ensure the security of The Russian Federation and member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. They should be read but, in essence, after reminding the USA and NATO of all the international treaties that they signed up to and ignored, they are asked to commit themselves again, in writing, in public. They must accept the principle that security is mutual. In addition the USA and Russia will not station nuclear weapons outside their territories – which will require the USA to remove some. Finally – and not negotiable – the USA and NATO must solemnly commit themselves to no more expansion. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov later explained why the drafts had been made public: “because we are aware of the West’s ability to obfuscate any uncomfortable issues for them… We have serious doubts that the main thing in our proposals, namely the unconditional demand not to expand NATO to the east, will not be swept under the carpet.” There is little expectation from Moscow that these demands will be taken seriously by the West. I outline my assessment of the “or else” here and again here. Others have done so elsewhere: Moscow has quite a range of options.

There were two rounds of talks in Geneva and a meeting with NATO. The US written answer was delivered on 26 January and, in Lavrov’s words, did not address “the main issue” of NATO expansion and deployment of strike weapons, although there were openings on “matters of secondary importance”. So here we are and we await the next step. It is, of course, quite certain that Moscow has the next step worked out and the ones after that.

Other events since December have been interesting. The CIA Director visited Kiev 17 January; the UK began supplying Ukraine with light anti-armour weapons (rather elderly as it turned out); the US is sending more and others are providing light AD systems; Canada sent some troops (mostly it seemed to help evacuate Embassy personnel); a senior German naval officer resigned after committing crimespeak; some US troops on heightened preparedness”. The biggest laugh was the evacuate-or-not dance: Canada, USA and UK, the three most enthusiastic cheerleaders for war to the last Ukrainian, are running, the EU is staying.

Other developments worth noting. On 3 January the P5 declared “We affirm that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” Iran and Russia showed close cooperation. Russian and Syrian aircraft made a joint patrol of all Syria’s borders; these are to be regular occurrences. Agreements with Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua in a range of areas, including military collaboration. And China’s Foreign Minister advised Washington to take Moscow’s concerns seriously. Only a fool would think these were random coincidences.

There was lots of opinion, of course. Much of it stunningly idiotic. My favourite is An Aging Vladimir Putin Hopes War Can Make a Sagging Empire Rise Again. I must confess that when one sees “aging” and “sagging empire”, Putin and Russia are not the first things that come to mind. But these are memorable as well: How Germany’s greed for gas, and another grubby deal with Moscow, could plunge Europe into an abyss and Is Germany a Reliable American Ally? Nein: Berlin goes its own way, prizing cheap gas, car exports to China, and keeping Putin calm. A cry from mummy’s basement: Why threat to Ukraine from Putin’s Russia is exaggerated – Gwynne Dyer: THE geopolitical question of the moment is: how important is it to humour Russian leader Vladimir Putin? The answer is: not very. From another couch warrior: Russia May Underestimate Ukraine and NATO. And lots of threats: eighteen response scenarios; “sanctions like you’ve not seen before“; personal sanctions. The US State Department complains about “Disarming Disinformation” and burbles that it’s “United with Ukraine“. First he said “only winners” could make demands, then he complained he didn’t have a seat.

But Moscow doesn’t want to “invade Ukraine”; if it did it would have to pay for it. In any event, the way Ukraine’s population is melting away, in another couple of decades, it will be uninhabited.

More rational thinkers exist. Scott Ritter, no couch warrior, knows that America couldn’t defend Ukraine even if it wanted to. The troops Washington has put on alert may be from the storied 82nd Airborne but they’re only light infantry. NATO no longer has the heavy forces and their support in place. But Russia does. There is no credible military threat from NATO. Many understand reality: Biden’s Opportunity for Peace in Eurasia; The Overstretched Superpower: Does America Have More Rivals Than It Can Handle?; Opinion: Ignore the hawks, Mr. President. You’re right on Ukraine. People in RAND realise that the weapons being given Ukraine will be useless. Worse than useless, in fact, if they encourage Kiev to start something. This fictional account describes what a Russia-Ukraine war would really look like – over in a day and all with stand-off weapons, a few special forces and the local forces.

There have been some second thoughts. Washington and its allies have been booming the “Russian invasion” threat as hard as they can but Kiev is trying to to turn down the volume – it doesn’t want to scare its principal backers away. No signs on 2 January, or 25 January. Delicate job this, as we see here: you have to say not now but maybe later. Now even Washington is trying to dial it down – after all, Russia has been “about to invade” for three months now.

But the real second thoughts are forming in Europe. By addressing its demands to Washington, Moscow has shown the Europeans where they fit on the tree. It’s Europe that will – again – pay for Washington’s conceits. Washington is always careful to exempt itself from the anti-Russia sanctions – no shortage of rocket engines or oil or titanium – but Europe can’t. Amusingly, the EU is complaining to the WTO about the counter sanctions Moscow put on food which ended a profitable export market. The two favourite sanctions Washington is pushing for are stopping Nord Stream 2 and kicking Russia out of SWIFT. Neither of these will hurt the USA but they will be devastating for Europe. Killing Nord Stream will be a severe blow to German industry. And, absent SWIFT, how is Europe supposed to pay for Russian gas imports? No wonder Germany’s Scholz wants a “qualified fresh start” with Russia as the Foreign Minister calls for diplomacy. An Open Letter in Germany. France’s Macron thinks the EU should start its own dialogue. Hungary’s Orbán is going there for another reasons but will surely be talking about this. Croatia wants nothing to do with the adventure. Bulgaria wants out. One entertaining climbdown was the British Defence Minister’s invitation to Shoygu to come to London; instead he will go to Moscow. Even Washington and London are starting to learn that the sanctions won’t be off-stage after all. London has been warned ther e could be a big spike in energy co sts and some big American companies have asked t o be excepted. As for sending troops, Washington’s not that “United with Ukraine“. NATO won’t; UK’s Johnson admits no NATO count ry is capable of a large-scale deployment in Ukraine.

We are coming to the end of the story. All those people in the West who thought they could ignore Russia’s interests are starting to suspect that they don’t have the leverage they thought they had. Russia is pretty sanctions-proof. It is the closest thing to an economic autarky on the planet: lots of territory, lots of raw materials, lots of water, lots of energy, all the manufacturing it needs, self-sufficient in food, well-educated people, backed up government, armed to the teeth. It’s pretty impregnable and it’s not run by fools. And it’s very closely allied to the biggest manufacturing power and population in the world. Not an easy target at all and almost impossible to hurt without hurting yourself more.

And all this to preserve the so-called right of a country no one wants in NATO to ask to be admitted. What a principle to die for!

Time for Moscow to tighten the screws. How much will Europe and the other NATOites be prepared to pay for being in a security organisation that does nothing but get its members into disastrous wars and make them insecure?

Putin and his team can allow themselves a small smile: they’ve been planning this for a long time. He warned us in 2007 and here we are today.

• • •

I can think of no better demonstration of Washington’s bankruptcy than Nuland’s appeal yesterday: “We are calling on Beijing to use its influence with Moscow to urge diplomacy…“.

(Republished from Russia Observer by permission of author or representative)

An illustration

This is an apt illustration of how China thinks and will deal with the United States. video 1.2MB

Biden Spits on Putin’s Request for Security


“The main issue is our clear position on the unacceptability of further NATO expansion to the East and the deployment of highly-destructive weapons that could threaten the territory of the Russian Federation.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov 

Washington delivered a slap in the face to Moscow on Wednesday when U.S. ambassador John Sullivan provided a written response to Russia’s proposals for security guarantees.

The missive was given to Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko who did not reveal the contents but passed them on to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for analysis.

Lavrov, in turn, issued a statement on Thursday morning confirming our worst suspicions that the Biden administration has shrugged off Russia’s reasonable demands choosing instead to intensify the provocations that are likely to trigger a war between the world’s two nuclear superpowers. This is an excerpt from an article at Tass News Agency:

 “The United States and NATO don’t seem to have taken Russia’s concerns on security guarantees into account when drawing up responses to Moscow’s proposals, nor did they demonstrate any willingness to do so, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday.

“The numerous statements that our colleagues made yesterday make it clear that as for the major aspects of the draft agreements that we earlier presented to other parties, we can’t say that they took our concerns into account or showed any readiness to take our concerns into consideration.” (Tass News Agency) 

Peskov is right, on the core issues the US either issued no clear response or refused to comply.

In effect, the US response was designed to look like Washington was honestly negotiating when in fact, they were merely reinforcing their original position.

The US response is essentially a defense of Washington’s commitment to rule the world by force and to ignore the legitimate demands of weaker states to provide even minimal security for their people.

If the US and NATO are allowed to pursue their present course of action, Russian cities and towns will be within 7 to 10 minutes of nuclear missiles located in nearby Romania and Poland.

Russia’s are being asked to live with a nuclear dagger pointed at their throats. This is Biden’s idea of global security. Is it any wonder why Putin does not agree?

Here’s part of what Lavrov said on Thursday:

 “There is no positive reaction on the main issue in this document. The main issue is our clear position that further NATO expansion to the east and the deployment of strike weapons that could threaten the territory of the Russian Federation are unacceptable.” 

Lavrov has summed it up perfectly.

While Sullivan was delivering his response to Grushko, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg issued a statement saying the Alliance “will not compromise” on potential expansion into Ukraine, Georgia, and other former Soviet republics, as this clashes with the NATO’s principles.” Stoltenberg’s statement removes any doubt that NATO will not only continue its eastward expansion onto Russia’s doorstep, but feels thoroughly justified in doing so.

As we noted earlier, NATO’s response confirms that Washington is still committed to its overarching plan to rule the world by force regardless of how ordinary people are impacted by the policy.

On Thursday morning, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev reiterated the recently-verified claim that NATO’s eastward expansion violates the promises of US officials to Russia following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

 “They promised not to expand NATO, but didn’t keep their promise,” Medvedev said speaking with the Russian media. “They say that ‘we did not sign anything.’ But we all know well who and when granted to whom such promises, such assurances….. They failed to keep their promises. They are now encroaching on our state borders.” 

The steady eastward movement of troops, the buildup of lethal military hardware, and the deployment of nuclear weapons all pose an existential threat to Russia that suffered horrific losses in World War 2.

The Biden administration seems to believe their sinister plan is working since people in the west generally believe reports in the media that the fake threat of “Russian invasion” is an honest account of what is actually going on the ground.

But there is no threat of a Russian invasion; the story was stitched together to divert attention from Russia’s security demands which are both reasonable and appropriate.

Once again, the media is shaping a narrative to fit the policy which is the very description of state propaganda.

In an effort to further downplay the importance of Moscow’s requests, US officials characterized their written response not as “a formal document but a set of ideas for further discussion.”

What this means is that Washington does not feel that that Russia is its equal so it does not feel required to enter into a treaty agreement with them.

Keep in mind, this response does not in any way meet the basic requirements that were clearly outlined by Putin repeatedly in December when he said that Russia wanted a written, legally-biding treaty that could not be sloughed off by countries that prefer to conduct an impulsive, self-aggrandizing, fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants foreign policy that has left great swathes of the Middle East and Central Asia in an utter shambles.

Indeed, this may not be a “formal document”, but it is clear that there will be a formal document or there will be no agreement and no peace. The choice is Washington’s.

On the issue of nuclear missile sites in Poland and Romania, as well as, the development of military bases in Ukraine, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken indicated that Washington was still open to discussion.

 “There’s no doubt in my mind that if Russia were to approach this seriously, and in a spirit of reciprocity, with the determination to enhance collective security for all of us, there are very positive things in this document that should be pursued,” he said. 

“Positive things”, says Blinken?

There are no “positive things” in the American response.

The response is a flagrant and contemptible rejection of Moscow’s core demands on NATO expansion and the deployment of nuclear missiles to locations on Russia’s border.

To understand what a fraud the Biden administration is engaged in, please, take a look at this brief excerpt from the draft treaty that Russia presented to NATO and Washington.

 The United States of America shall undertake to prevent further eastward expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and deny accession to the Alliance to the States of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The United States of America shall not establish military bases in the territory of the States of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that are not members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, use their infrastructure for any military activities or develop bilateral military cooperation with them……

The Parties shall undertake not to deploy ground-launched intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles outside their national territories, as well as in the areas of their national territories, from which such weapons can attack targets in the national territory of the other Party.

Article 7

The Parties shall refrain from deploying nuclear weapons outside their national territories and return such weapons already deployed outside their national territories at the time of the entry into force of the Treaty to their national territories.” (“Treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation on Security Guarantees,” Official Russian State Document, December 17, 2021) 

Is there anything ambiguous in the language of this document?

No, there isn’t.

The US was asked to respond in writing to these explicit demands. No one is in the slightest bit interested in Blinken’s vague pontifications on “positive things”. It’s completely irrelevant.

What Putin wants to know is whether US nukes are going to remain 7 minutes flight-time from Moscow and whether a hostile foreign army is going to be hunkered down in nearby Ukraine.

He wants to know whether Washington plans to put a gun to Russia’s head in order to increase its power in the region.

That’s what he wants to know, and that’s what this foreign policy debacle is all about.

What Blinken’s response tells us is that the provocations are going to continue unabated whether they ignite a war or not.

Even as we speak, the US is sending more lethal weaponry and troops to the Ukrainian theater while other NATO allies promise to assist in the effort. It is madness.

At the same time, President Joe Biden is threatening to impose “direct personal sanctions” on Putin if the Russian president takes action to defend the Russian-speaking people in East Ukraine.

The threat was issued just hours after the State Department told Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov that he “would have to leave the US by April if Moscow fails to meet certain demands made by Washington.”

While these may seem like trivial developments, the two incidents help to illustrate how relations between the two nations are fast deteriorating increasing the prospect of a tragic miscalculation that could precipitate a bloody and protracted conflagration.

A Quote…

In an interview, Putin said once:

“If a fight becomes inevitable, you must be sure to be the first to strike”.

This was something learned, he told, from his experience in the streets of Leningrad.

I am afraid he might be soon forced to apply this precept. I hope some sense prevails in the minds of US and NATO leaders and, if not publicly, at least behind doors, they keep trying to address Russia’s concerns.

MM Gut Feeling…

My gut feeling is that the USA is (as crazy and insane as it seems) planning a first-strike nuclear action against either Russia or China, or even both. My gut feeling is that they are seriously discussing it right now, and that are are some seriously insane people demanding that it take place. They are seriously discussing it. As in… WHEN.



I sincerely hope that I am wrong.


What I can positively tell you all is that EVEN if the United States tries to make a massive preemptive nuclear catastrophic strike against Asia, it will be too late.

It will be too late.

With both Russia and China, they are staffed with real talent; real experts, who are really serious about their roles and are there through merit and ability.

Not though blowjobs, polictical donations, graft, or inheritance.

Like America.

The truth is that both Russia and China has a gun pointed at the head of the United States. Both of them do. Right now. This is on all levels, nuclear, black ops, economic, financial, social, societal, and political.

The United States is still playing around with media to “control the narrative” while the world has moved well, well further than that.  The future is now firmly in the hands of Asia.

The Commander says that the Russians and Chinese are uniformly at

96% readiness.

That’s about the best you can get.


That’s substantially better than what was the case 8 months ago. It is no wonder that Russia and China placed their clear demands; set up their defined “white tents”.

They have a gun to the head of the USA.

When the USA reaches for it’s gun, it will be too late.

And they know exactly what is going on, how and why, where, and when, and everything else in between. They know. They know.

They KNOW.

And thus, it will be scene right out of the Sopranos. Like this…



Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Groovy CB radios, bell-bottom trousers, and the astounding WeChat application

Groovy. You bet.

I come from a generation that had phones that were stuck on walls, and the idea of a cell phone was a science fiction adventure on Star Trek. In fact, our house had a rotary dial phone that was stuck on the wall in the kitchen.

It was yellow.

It fit in the orange decour with the olive colored refrigerator, and stove, and the red countertops.

Back in those days, I didn’t use the phone often. My sister was the one hogging up the phone all the time.

Oh, did she have a gift for chatting away. It got to be so bad that my father bought an extra one for her to use so that “she would get out of our hair” in the kitchen all the time.

She treated the telephone as her own private kingdom. Outside our local township, the phone rates were extremely enormous (this was before the breakup of “Ma Bell”) and to call a girlfriend in Pittsburgh (around a 2-hour drive away) would cost me more than what I could make a week in the mines and the grocery store combined.

So it was special.

Indeed, the two most important items in the household were the telephone and the television.

We got five channels on the television!

We were fortunate.

In Pittsburgh, my grandparents were lucky to get two. Or course, as a growing boy, the refrigerator and microwave fought for those top spots.

I must have eaten my weight in food many times a week. I was always scrounging in the ‘fridge for some leftover pot roast to make up a sandwich with cheese and microwave it in the “microwave oven” as we called it then.

A growing boy.

Then later, when I was around 16 years old or so, I discovered girls, FM music, cars and alcohol.

Not all at once, mind you, but all within months of each other. (Truth be told, I had an interest in the old throwaway Playboy magazines that I scrounged in the garbage cans since I was five years old, but it wasn’t until when I hit 16 did everything “come together”.)

My life has never been the same since.

You know, or should rightfully assume, I was a pretty groovy guy.

I had bell bottom pants, a choker necklace, a MIA braclet, and a big belt buckle with my astrological sign on the front. I had longish hair, and rockstar shoes.

I was the guy in the purple shirt. LOL.

Anyways, if we wanted to place a telephone call from outside our home, we would use these tiny little rooms called “phone booths”.

And they would frequently have this big yellow book inside. Where you could find the telephone numbers of everyone in the city that you were calling from.

A phone booth.

And if you were attending college, or were in a Navy barracks, you would use the line-up of phones at the end of the hallway.

Privacy was obtained by these little foot-sized dividers to provide the illusion of privacy.

They didn’t do anything more than that and often had graffiti on them colored by bored college students.

Rack of phones in a college dorm.

Times came and went. I began my teens with “muscle cars” and boy oh boy do I miss my GTO, but things merged in the haze of the 1970s.

We still drove those cars around, but we were starting to complain about the high cost of gas, and we were all afraid that it would break the $1 gallon ceiling.

1970 Dodge Charger.

Ah… When cars were cars!

When you went into a turn in these babies, boy oh boy could you feel it.

It was a time when people would take off all their clothes and go a “streaking” in public areas. It was a time whenpeople asked if President Jimmy Carter dropped acid, and if the cost of coffee would go back to being five cents a cup.

As time moved on, my GTO was replaced by an AMC Pacer (due to finances) and then that too was replaced with a 1974 Dodge tradesman minivan. I was so hip and so cool.

Dodge van.

My van was carpeted in lime green shag carpeting, and had a couple of sky roofs. I was proud of my pumped up shocks on it, and the state-of-the-art cassette player with FM radio!

No phone though.

I had a CB.

CB Radios

Mention ‘CB Radio’ to most people and they will instantly mime holding a mic and spew phrases like ‘breaker-breaker-9’, ‘big 10-4 rubber duck’ in a bad US accent or even start singing the theme tune to ‘Convoy’. Interestingly for a craze that burned out over 30 years ago, the social and linguistic paraphernalia of the CB world continues to live on strongly even today.

  • The CB radio was invented in 1945 by Al Gross, the inventor of the walkie-talkie and owner of the Citizens Radio Corporation.

The radio became popular with small businesses and blue collar workers like carpenters, plumbers, and electricians who used the radio as a tool to communicate with coworkers.

  • By 1960, the costs to produce the 23 channel radio were low enough that everyday Joes could afford to buy one.
  • By 1973, coinciding with the onset of the oil crisis, the CB Radio craze erupted.

FCC opens up CB radio channels to the public

When Al Gross invented the CB radio in 1945, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) quickly opened up radio services for personal users of the radio.

Most countries have similar radio services. In the United States, Citizen’s Band Radios operate on the 27-Mhz band whereas in Canada it is known as General Radio Services and operates on the 26 Mhz and 28 Mhz bands.

CB Radio.

Unlike amateur radio, CB radio does not require a license (although at one time, they did require a license to operate). CB radio channels are shared by many users at the same time and other stations must listen and wait for the shared channel to be available.

By the 1960’s, the CB radio was popular with businesses and radio hobbyists. By the late 1960’s, advancements in solid state electronics allowed the size of the radio to be greatly reduced as well as the cost.

Suddenly, the general public had access to a communications medium that previously had only been available to specialists. CB radio clubs were formed and hobbyists developed their own unique CB slang language along with 10-codes similar to the codes used by emergency services.

The CB Radio Craze

By 1973, the oil crisis caused the cost of gasoline to skyrocket and shortages quickly developed. In response, the United States government issued a 55 MPH nationwide speed limit.

This caused an angry fury in the ‘States. “How dare the government tell us how to drive!”.

Smokey and the Bandit.

Drivers quickly learned that CB radios could be used to communicate with other drivers to inform them of gas stations that had gas and to notify speeders where police (smokeys) had speed traps set up.

The CB radio became so popular, by 1977 additional channels were opened up and 40 channel radios were introduced to the market.

Newsworthy events related to CB radios further added to the excitement. Truck drivers used the radios to organize convoys ( huge lines of trucks that travelled down the nation’s highways).

In several instances, blockades were organized using CB Radios where trucks would fill all available highway lanes in protest of the high gas prices and new trucking regulations.

CB Radios began to play prominent roles in movies such as Smokey and the Bandit and Movin’ On. Novelty songs about the new electronic toy, such as CW McCall’s Convoy and Cletus Maggard’s White Knight (see lyrics below), were played regularly on the radio.

Smokey and the Bandit

During the CB radio craze, citizens of Great Britain began illegally using American made CBs.

We deserve to live like Americans they demanded! The British government told its citizens that the CB radio would never be legalized on the 27 Mhz wavelength and instead, proposed a different technology on the 860 Mhz “open channel” instead.

The citizens of the United Kingdom took to the streets in high profile public demonstrations and UK government officials bent to the will of the people. Al Gross made the first British ceremonial CB radio call from Trafalgar Square in London.

Later the United Kingdom added more than 40 channels giving UK citizens 80 CB radio channels to work with.


Years prior, CB radios required a licensed to operate. The license cost about $20 in the early 1970’s and was reduced to $4 in the late 1970’s.

In addition, there were many rules and regulations concerning antenna height, distance restrictions, allowable transmitter power, and call sign rules. People ignored the laws and to hide their identity, developed “handles” or fake names to identify themselves on the radio.

After the FCC started receiving over 1,000,000 license applications a month, the license requirement was dropped entirely but as the culture had already developed, people continued using handles such as “Big Mama” or “Timberwolf” to identify themselves while on the air. Some famous celebrity handles include:

  • Betty Ford, a former First Lady of the United States, whose CB handle was “First Mama”.
  • Voice actor Mel Blanc , an active CB Radio operator, often used the CB handles Bugs or Daffy and talked over the air in the Los Angeles area using his many voices.


Channels evolved to fill specific purposes. For instance, channel 9 was kept open for emergency use and channel 19 was used for highway communication west of the Mississippi River.

Eventually channel 19 became the “trucker’s channel” and was used for highway communication all over the United States.

In the early days of the CB radio craze, channel 11 was used solely for the purpose of initiating communications (after which the two radio callers switched to a mutually agreed upon channel).

Towns that were close together often adopted a specific channel as their “home” channel so that they could communicate with each other.

Talking the Talk

CD etiquette developed and evolved during the craze. CB radios were intended to be used to warn other drivers of Smokeys up the road or to report roadside emergencies.

Chit chatting with other CB radio users is ok but it is not considered courteous to hold up a channel for more than a few minutes. Cursing is also frowned upon. It is common for CB radio operators to use hidden code or unique slang to communicate.

For instance, when giving a warning that a police officer is running a hidden speedtrap, they might say “smokey in the bush” or to warn truckers to watch out for a broken down school bus they might say “watch out for the kiddy car at mile marker 200″.

Many of the CB slang from the 1970’s hung around and became slang that continued to be used outside the realm of CB radio communications. Below is a large list of CB radio slang used during the 1970’s CB radio craze.

CD Radio slang from a to z
  • ACE – an important or well known CB radio operator
  • Apple – a person who is addicted to the CB radio
  • AF -Audio Frequency
  • Afterburner – Linear amplifier
  • ALERT – Affiliated League of Emergency Radio Teams
  • All the good numbers –  good luck and best wishes to all
  • Alligator – shredded tread from the tires of an 18 wheeler truck
  • Amigo – friend or good buddy
  • ANL – Automatic noise limiter
  • Ankle biter- a little kid
  • Antenna Farm- a CB radio ase station with many antennas strung up in the air
  • Antler Alley – an area known for deer crossings
  • Appliance Operator – degrading term for a non-technical person who barely knows how to turn on their radio
  • AM -Amplitude Modulation
  • Ancient Mariner –  someone who uses AM radio
  • Baby Bear – a rookie police officer
  • Backdoor – vehicle behind the one who is ahead of it.
  • Backdoor closed – the rear of a convey with trucks stacked across the lanes to keep the Smokeys out
  • Back em up – slow down or reduce speed
  • Back off the hammer – slow down or reduce speed
  • Backslide – return trip from a trucker’s run
  • Bad scene – a crowded CB radio channel
  • Ballet Dancer – a CB radio antenna that sways and bends in the wind
  • Base Station – a CB radio installed at a fixed location such as a house
  • Beast  -a very good CB radio rig
  • Beam – Directional Antenna
  • Bean House Bull –  trucker conversation carried on at a truck stop
  • Bear Bait – a speeding car
  • Bear Cage- police station or jail cell
  • Bear Cave – police station
  • Bearmobile – police car
  • Bear Trap – stationary police car running a radar trap
  • Bear in the air- police in their helicopter
  • Bear – police officer
  • Beat the bushes – driving ahead of the other truckers in an effort to draw the police out of hiding
  • Beaver – good looking female
  • Beaver Bear – female police officer
  • Beaver Fever – missing the wife or girlfriend
  • Beaver Palace – a club or bar known for loose female patrons
  • Beaver Patrol – looking for a good looking woman to spend time with
  • Big Charlie or Big Daddy – the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  • Big Mack – Mack truck
  • Big Slab – freeway or highway
  • Big 10-4-  hearty agreement.
  • Bit on the seat of the britches – pulled over and issued a speeding ticket
  • Black and White – police car
  • Black Ice – patch of iced over blacktop road
  • Bleeding/Bleedover – strong signals from a base station on another channel that interferes with another channel’s reception
  • Blew my doors off – car passed by at high speed
  • Blue Slip- speeding ticket
  • Boast Toastie – CB expert
  • Boat Anchor – an old, broken radio that can no longer be repaired
  • Bodacious- Awesome
  • Boy Scouts – State Police
  • Box -Tractor Trailer
  • Break (or breaker, break for) – request to use the channel
  • Breaking Up – CB radio reception is poor
  • Breaking the “˜ol needle – very strong CB radio signal
  • Bring it back – answer the question that was posed
  • Brown paper bag – unmarked Police car
  • Bubble gum machine- police car with flashing lights
  • Bucket Mouth – obnoxious radio operator or someone who cusses a lot on the air
  • Bug Out – signing off or leaving the radio channel
  • Bumper Lane – the left most passing lane
  • Button Pusher – another CB radio operator who is trying to breakup your communication with another station by keying the microphone
  • Camera -police radar
  • Candy Man – Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  • Casa – house
  • Cash Register – toll booth
  • Catch you on the flip-flop – will talk to you on my return trip
  • Channel 25 – the telephone
  • Charlie – Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  • Chew and choke – Restaurant or truck stop eatery
  • Checking My Eyelinds For Pin Holes – I am tired or sleepy
  • Check the seatcovers – look at that passengers in the passing car
  • Chicken Coup – weigh station
  • Chicken Coup is Clean – weigh station is closed.
  • Chicken Inspector – weigh station inspector
  • Chopped Top- a very short antenna
  • Christmas Card – speeding ticket
  • Chrome Dome – a mobile radio with a dome antenna on top of the car
  • Clean Cat – a unmodified CB radio
  • Clean Shot – the road ahead is free of obstructions, construction, and police
  • Cleaner channel – CB radio channel with less traffic on it
  • Clear – Final transmission “This is 505 and I’m clear”
  • Clear after you  – you are ending transmission after the other person finishes signing off
  • Coffee Bean – Waiter or waitress
  • Cold Rig – 18-wheeler pulling a refrigerated trailer
  • Collect Call – call for a specific CB radio operator
  • Colorado Kool Aid – beer
  • Come again – repeat your last transmission
  • Come Back – answer my call
  • Comic Book  -truckers log book
  • Coming in Loud ‘n Proud – loud and clear signal
  • Concrete Blonde – prostitute
  • Convoy – 2 or more vehicles traveling the same route in a row
  • Cooking – driving
  • Cooking Good – reached desired speed.
  • Copy – receiving a message
  • Copying the mail – listening to the communications on the channel
  • County Mountie – county police or sheriff
  • Covered Up – transmission was blocked by interference
  • Crack ’em Up – traffic accident
  • Cradle Baby – radio operator who is afraid to ask someone to stand by
  • Cup of Mud – cup of coffee
  • Cut Out – leaving the channel
  • Cut Some Z’s – get some sleep
  • Cut The Coax – turn off the radio
  • Daddy-O – Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  • Dead Pedal – slow moving car or truck
  • Dead Key – keying the mike without talking
  • Decoy – empty or unmanned police car
  • Diesel Digit – cchannel 19
  • Diesel Juice – truck fuel
  • Dime Channel – channel 10
  • Dirty Side – Eastern Seaboard
  • Dixie Cup-  female operator with southern accent
  • Doing the Five-Five- traveling at 55mph
  • Doin’ it to it – Full speed
  • Doing our thing in the left-hand lane – full speed in the passing or left-hand lane
  • Do it to me – answer back
  • Do you copy? – Do you understand?
  • Don’t Tense – calm down
  • Don’t Feed The Bears – don’t get a ticket
  • Double key – two radio operators talking at the same time
  • Double L – telephone call
  • Double Nickel – 55mph (the speed limit during the 1970’s CB radio craze)
  • Down “˜n Out or Down and gone – signing off
  • Down and on the side – through talking but will continue listening
  • Drag Your Feet – wait a few seconds before transmitting to see if someone else wants to break in
  • Dream Weaver – sleepy driver who is weaving across the lanes
  • Dress For Sale – prostitute or dressed like a prostitute
  • Drop Out – fading signal
  • Drop Stop Destination – where freight will be dropped off
  • Drop the Hammer – drive fast
  • Dropped it off the shoulder – ran off the shoulder of the road
  • Dusted your britches – keyed up at the same time
  • Dusted my britches – passed me very fast
  • Dusted Your Ears- transmission interrupted
  • DX – Long Distance
  • Eager beaver – anxious young woman
  • Ears ON – CB radio turned ON
  • Eights or Eighty-eights – love and kisses
  • Eights and other good numbers – love and kisses, and best wishes
  • Eighty-eight’s around the house – good luck and best wishes to you and yours
  • Eyeball- Personal meeting
  • Everybody must be walking the dog – all channels are busy
  • Evil Knievel – motorcycle policeman
  • Fake brake – driver riding with his foot on the brake
  • Fat load – overweight or big truck load
  • Feed The Bears – paying a speeding fine
  • Fender bender – traffic accident
  • Fifty Dollar Lane – passing lane
  • First Sargent – wife
  • Flag waver – highway repair crew
  • Flaps down – slow down
  • Flappers -ears
  • Flip flop – return trip
  • Flip-Flopping Bears – police reversing direction or turning around
  • Flop it – turn around
  • Flop box – motel or room in truck stop
  • FM – Frequency Modulation
  • Follow the stripes home – have a safe trip
  • Footwarmer – Linear amplifier
  • Forty weight – coffee
  • Four Wheeler – cCar
  • Four lane parking lot – highway with traffic backed up
  • Four legged go-go dancers – ugly women
  • Fox – pretty female
  • Fox Charile Charlie – FCC
  • Fox hunt – FCC hunting for illegal operators
  • Fox jaws – Ffemale with nice voice, but not necessarily a body to match
  • Free Ride – prostitute
  • Freight Box – trailer for the truck
  • Friendly Candy Company – FCC
  • Front Door – the lead in a convoy
  • Full of vitamins – running all out
  • Full Bore – driving fast as you can
  • Full Throttle – driving fast as the truck will let you
  • Funny Candy Company – FCC
  • Funny channels – channels that are outside the legal band
  • Gallon – 1000 watts of power
  • Garbage – too much small talk on a channel
  • Gas Jockey – gas station attendant
  • Gear – overnight bag or supplies
  • Get horizontal – go to sleep
  • Get Trucking – start driving
  • Girlie Bear – female police officer
  • Give me a shout – call me on the radio
  • Glory Card – Class D License
  • Go Breaker – OK to go ahead and break into the channel
  • Go Ahead – your turn to talk or reply
  • Go Juice – truck fuel
  • Go to channel 41 – a joke to get someone off the radio (there is no channel 41)
  • Going Horizontal – going to sleep
  • Gone – leaving the channel
  • Gone 10-7 – permanently dead
  • Good Buddy – friend (modern day means homosexual)
  • Goon Squad – persons who do not share the channel
  • Got my shoes on – Switched the linear ON
  • Got your ears on? – are you listening on this channel
  • Got my eyeballs peeled – looking hard
  • Got my foot in it – speeding up
  • Go to 100 – go to the bathroom
  • Green Stamps – cash money
  • Green Stamp Collector – police with radar
  • Green Stamp lane – passing lane
  • Green Stamp Road – toll road.
  • Grease monkey – mechanic
  • Greasy Spoon – restaurant with bad food
  • Ground Clouds – fFog
  • Gypsy – trucker who drives for an independent company
  • Hack – taxi cab
  • Hag Feast – group of female CB radio operators on the channel
  • Haircut palace – bridge or overpass with low clearance
  • Hairpin – sharp curve
  • Hamburger helper – Linear Amp
  • Hammer – gas pedal
  • Hammer Off – slow down
  • Hammer Down – speed up
  • Hang it in your ear – that was a stupid comment
  • Handle – CB radio code name
  • Hay Shaker – truck transporting a mobile home
  • Heading for a hole – about to head into a low spot where radio transmission may not be possible
  • Heater – Linear amplifier
  • Hell bent for leather – driving fast
  • Hiding in the grass – police parked on a median strip
  • Hiding in the bushes, sitting under the leaves – hidden police car
  • Highball – drive non-stop to the destination
  • High Rise – large bridge or overpass
  • Hippie Chippie – female hitchhiker
  • Hip Pocket – glove box
  • Hit the cobblestones – hit the road
  • Hog – Harley Davidson
  • Home Twenty – location of your home
  • How tall are you? – How tall is your truck?
  • Hundred mile coffee – very strong coffee
  • Ice Box – Refrigerated trailer.
  • Idiot Box – TV set
  • In a short – soon
  • In a short-short – very soon
  • In the mud – noise on the channel
  • In the Pokey with Smokey – arrested
  • Jack – good friend
  • Jack Rabbit – police officers
  • Jam – deliberately interfere with another station.
  • Japanese toy – CB
  • Jargon – CB lingo
  • Jaw Jacking – talking, talking needlessly
  • Jewelry – lights on a rig
  • Jingle – call on the telephone
  • Johnny Law – police officer
  • Juke Joint – small or out-of-the-way place to eat
  • Jump Down – switch to a lower channel
  • Jump Up – switch to a higher channel
  • Keep “˜em Between the Ditches – have a safe trip
  • Keep the shiny side up and the greasy side down – drive safely
  • Keep the wheels spinning – drive safely
  • Keep your noise between the ditches and smokey out of your britches – drive carefully, lookout for police
  • Keying the mike – activating the microphone without speaking
  • Kicker – Linear amplifier
  • Kiddie car – school bus
  • Knock the stack out – speed up
  • Knuckle Buster – fight
  • Kojak – police officer
  • Kojak with a Kodak – policeman with a radar
  • Lady Bear – female police officer
  • Lady Breaker – Ffemale CB operator asking for a break.
  • Lame – broken down vehicle
  • Land Line – telephone
  • Land Yacht – mobile home or camper
  • Lane Flipper – car or truck that keeps changing lanes
  • Lane Lover – driver who will not get out of the lane
  • Latrine Lips – radio operator who cusses
  • Let the channel roll – it’s ok to break in and request use of the channel
  • Legal Beagle – person who always follows the rules
  • Lettuce – money
  • Lights green, bring on the machine – road is clear of police and other slowdowns
  • Linear – RF amplifier
  • Little Bear – local police officer
  • Little Beaver – daughter
  • Little Bit – prostitute
  • Little Brother – friend
  • Local Bear – local police officer
  • Local Yokel – small town police officer
  • Log some Z’s – get some sleep
  • Loot Limo – armored car
  • M20 – place to meet
  • Magic Mile – the end of a trip
  • Mama – girlfriend or wife
  • Mama Bear – female police officer
  • Man in White – doctor
  • Mashing the mike – keying the mike (usually without talking)
  • Meatwagon – ambulance.
  • Modulate – talk
  • Modulating – talking
  • Money Bus – armored truck
  • Motion Lotion – fuel
  • Motorcycle Mama – woman riding on a motorcycle
  • Muck Truck – cement truck
  • Nap Trap – hotel or other place to sleep
  • Negative – no
  • Negative Copy – did not hear
  • Neon, Freon, Ion Jockey – truck driver with many lights on his rig
  • Nightcrawlers – many police in the area
  • Niner – channel 9
  • Ninety Weight – alcohol
  • Oil burner – diesel truck
  • On the by or on the standby – listening but not talking.
  • One foot on the floor, one hanging out the door, and she just won’t do no more – driving as fast as I can
  • Other Half – girlfriend or wife
  • Out – through transmitting
  • Over – your turn to transmit
  • Over modulation – talking so loud that audio is distorted
  • Pack it in – ending transmission
  • Pair of sevens – no contact or answer
  • Papa Bear – state trooper with CB radio
  • Paper hanger – police giving ticket
  • Parking Lot – traffic jam
  • Pavement Princess – prostitute
  • Peanut butter in his ears – is not listening
  • Pedal to the metal – drive fast
  • Peeling Off – getting of the freeway
  • Plain Wrapper – unmarked police car
  • Play Dead – stand by
  • Picture taking machine – radar
  • Pit Stop – stop for a bathroom break
  • Popcorn – hal
  • Porcupine – cr with a lot of antennas on it
  • Pounding the pavement – waking
  • Press some sheets – slep
  • Pull the hammer back – slow down
  • Pull the plug – signoff and turn the radio off
  • Put an eyeball on him – saw or see
  • Put it on the floor and looking for some more – trying to drive as fast as possible
  • QSL Card – Personalized postcard sent to confirm a conversation
  • QSK – break
  • QRM – nise or interference
  • Q-R-Mary – nose or interference
  • QSY – changing channels/frequency.
  • QRT – signing off
  • QRX – wait
  • QSB – nise
  • QSO – conversation
  • QTH – location
  • Quasar – female
  • Radio Runt – child breaking in on a channel.
  • Rain Locker – shower
  • Rake the leaves – last vehicle in a convoy
  • Ratchet-Jaw – non-stop talker
  • REACT – Radio Emergency Associated Citizens Teams
  • Rebound – return trip
  • Red Lighted – pulled over by police
  • REST – Radio Emergency Safety Teams
  • RF – Radio Frequency
  • Road Jockey – truck driver
  • Road Ranger – police officer
  • Rock – slang for crystal
  • Rockin’ chair – car in the middle of a convoy
  • Roger – O.K.
  • Roller Skate – car
  • Rolling – driving
  • Rolling Bears – police officers driving
  • Rugrats – children
  • Rubberneckers – onlookers
  • Running Barefoot – using a radio at the legal output
  • Running on rags – driving a vehicle with little to no tread on the tires.
  • Running Shotgun – driving partner
  • San Quentin Jailbait – under age female hitch hiker
  • Seatcover – good looking female
  • Shaking the windows – loud and clear reception
  • Shim – illegally amplified transmitter
  • Shoot the breeze – casual conversation
  • Shovelling coal – speeding up
  • Show-off lane – passing lane
  • Skip – atmospheric conditions that cause signals to travel much farther than they normally would
  • Skippers – radio operators talking long distance
  • Sidedoor – oassing lane
  • Sitting in the saddle – middle truck in a convoy
  • “S” Meter – meter on your radio which which indicates the signal strength
  • Smokey – State Police
  • Smokey Bear – State Police
  • Smokey report – police location report
  • Smokey Dozing – police sitting in a parked car
  • Smokey’s thick – police are everywhere
  • Smokey with a camera – police with radar
  • Smokey with ears – policeman with CB radio in their car
  • Somebody stepped on you – someone transmitted while you were talking
  • Splatter – bleedover from another channel
  • Squelch – control on radio which silences the speaker until a signal of a certain strength breaks through it
  • Three’s and eights – signing off, best wishes
  • Thin – very weak signal
  • Twelves – I have company present
  • Twenty – Location
  • Two Stool beaver – very fat woman
  • Uncle Charlie – FCC
  • Walking on you – someone talking over you
  • Wall-to-wall and treetop tall – strong, clear signal
  • Wall-to-wall and ten feet tall – strong clear signal
  • Warden – girlfriend or wife
  • Watch the pavement – drive safely
  • Water hole – truck stop
  • Wear your bumper out – following too close
  • Wearing socks – has linear amplifier
  • What am I putting on you? – how strong is my signal
  • What’s your twenty? – what is your location
  • Whip – long cb antenna
  • Who do you pull for? – who do you work for?
  • Wooly Bear – female
  • Z’s – Sleep

In addition to CB radio slang, CB radio operators used a series of “10 codes” similar to the codes used by emergency radio operators.

The Complete CB 10 codes
  • 10-1 Receiving Poorly
  • 10-2 Receiving Well
  • 10-3 Stop Transmitting
  • 10-4 Ok, Message Received
  • 10-5 Relay Message
  • 10-6 Busy, Stand By
  • 10-7 Out of Service, Leaving Air
  • 10-8 In Service, subject to call
  • 10-9 Repeat Message
  • 10-10 Transmission Completed, Standing By
  • 10-11 Talking too Rapidly
  • 10-12 Visitors Present
  • 10-13 Advise weather/road conditions
  • 10-16 Make Pickup at…
  • 10-17 Urgent Business
  • 10-18 Anything for us?
  • 10-19 Nothing for you, return to base
  • 10-20 My Location is ……… or What’s your Location?
  • 10-21 Call by Telephone
  • 10-22 Report in Person too ……
  • 10-23 Stand by
  • 10-24 Completed last assignment
  • 10-25 Can you Contact …….
  • 10-26 Disregard Last Information/Cancel Last Message/Ignore
  • 10-27 I am moving to Channel ……
  • 10-28 Identify your station
  • 10-29 Time is up for contact
  • 10-30 Does not conform to FCC Rules
  • 10-32 I will give you a radio check
  • 10-33 Emergency Traffic at this station
  • 10-34 Trouble at this station, help needed
  • 10-35 Confidential Information
  • 10-36 Correct Time is ………
  • 10-38 Ambulance needed at ………
  • 10-39 Your message delivered
  • 10-41 Please tune to channel ……..
  • 10-42 Traffic Accident at ……….
  • 10-43 Traffic tie-up at ………
  • 10-44 I have a message for you
  • 10-45 All units within range please report
  • 10-50 Break Channel
  • 10-62 Unable to copy, use phone
  • 10-62sl unable to copy on AM, use Sideband – Lower (not an official code)
  • 10-62su unable to copy on AM, use Sideband – Upper (not an official code)
  • 10-65 Awaiting your next message/assignment
  • 10-67 All units comply
  • 10-70 Fire at …….
  • 10-73 Speed Trap at …………
  • 10-75 You are causing interference
  • 10-77 Negative Contact
  • 10-84 My telephone number is ………
  • 10-85 My address is ………..
  • 10-91 Talk closer to the mike
  • 10-92 Your transmitter is out of adjustment
  • 10-93 Check my frequency on this channel
  • 10-94 Please give me a long count
  • 10-95 Transmit dead carrier for 5 sec.
  • 10-99 Mission completed, all units secure
  • 10-100 Need to take a break
  • 10-200 Police needed at ……….

How to operate a CB radio

There it an etiquette that CB radio operators follow in order to be “polite” and courteous to the other CB radio users.  The following rules should always be followed.

  • When two or more people are talking on a channel they are said to “own the channel”.  FCC regulations require they give other users an opportunity to use the channel so they should not hold the channel hostage for more than several minutes.
  • CB radio users should not “step on” other units.  “Step on” means to transmit at the same time another radio operator is transmitting.  They should also never key over someone else.
  • If you hear one unit break for another unit, give some time for the unit to respond before you say anything yourself.  It may take a radio user time to grab the mic or get from the kitchen to the living room radio unit.
  • After your break has been acknowledged, keep the next transmission short.  For example, a break might go something like this: “Break one-nine for Super Trooper.  Super Trooper, do you have your ears on?”.  if Super Trooper does not answer after a minute or so, it is nice to acknowledge that you are finished by saying something like “thanks for the break”.
  • If you are carrying on a conversation and someone “walks over” you, you have one of two options.  You can ask the person you were speaking to to repeat.  For example, “10-9, you were stepped on.  Please repeat”.  Alternatively, you can hand the channel over to the breaker.
  • If your break is not acknowledged, wait several minutes before attempting to contact them again.

Enough of the CB craze in the 1970s in the USA…

Of course, today is quite different. There are all sorts of systems competing for our telecommunication needs. They vary from Skype to zoom, and everything in between.


But I live in China, and EVERYONE uses WeChat.

Man oh man! 

WeChat is far more than I ever realized it was, and I have to tell you all that I am just blown away by some of the many features and functions that it has. And you all must realize that I have been using it for many, many years.

Over a decade.

So whether you have the APP, or are considering the APP, check out this “discovery tour” of WeChat.

First off, it’s a handy communication platform.

Duh! In fact, I will tell you that it is an all-in-one phone, instant messaging, video conference, and teleconference package.

All for free.

No costs to use.

You see, in China, the government has decreed that communication is a basic right and need. It should not be part of a for-profit model.

Sure, in the “old days” you used to have to pay for landlines, and maintenance, but now, since the infrastructure is in place, the costs to use this (and other applications) this APP is free to communicate with.

While my cell-phone certainly has telephony (telephone access), I find that it is often far easier to just  communicate back and forth with people using WeChat.

You just select your contact… and you can call, text, video immediately with zero charges anywhere in the world…

Connect with your friends.

But it’s more than that. You see you can have family, business, or friends groupings.

And while I am sure that it is available on other APP platforms, it’s just so deliciously easy to use on WeChat. You set up a group call, a group chat, a group message board, or a group video. Oh, and did I say that it’s all free?

The WeChat group chat, text, phone, or video are all so very easy to set up and use. It’s almost instinctive.

Now, these two aspects of the entire WeChat platform are reason enough to have it on your phone. If that’s all that you ever use your phone for, then it is most certainly worth it.

But there’s so much more.

You see, there’s all kinds of things that you can do when you are chatting on the phone using WeChat. It’s more than just chatting away.

You can text while chatting, video while chatting, translate things while chatting, read a text in Icelandic and have it instantly translated into English.

You can point your phone at a strange road sign in Afghanistan and have it instantly translated, and if you are unable to see the translation, it will read the translation out to you in English for you.

Translate Text

Sometimes you will get messages in Chinese and, unless you can read Chinese characters fluently, this can be a problem.

So, WeChat has added this feature that will translate messages for you. Press and hold on the message you want to translate and then select the right arrow and then press ‘Translate’ and it will automatically translate the message.

So there’s a message.

You click on it, and select translate.


And low and behold, it will translate to your assigned default language on your phone. Pretty cool. I will tell you that living inside of China, I use this feature extensively. But also when I travel to Thailand, Japan, Korea, or Saudi Arabia it most certainly comes in handy.


One of the most used applications inside of China is the scan function. You scan for everything. You scan to enter buildings.

You scan to pay.

You scan to get information.

You scan to visit internet and government websites. All you need to is go to the top of the APP and click on Scan QR Code


And then scan the code. It’s just like this…

Scan the QR code.


Here’s a power tip.

Scan and Translate

Can’t read the instructions or menus in China?

China’s most popular social platform offers AR-based real-time translation.

This feature can be accessed from the scan feature in the upright corner, which is regularly used to scan QR codes.

To use the real-time translator, simply capture an image of anything with either Chinese or English text in it, operating on a point and translate model.

First, go to the + sign > Scan > Translate, Then take a photo to translate or select a photo from your gallery. Finally, wait for the text to be translated and understand the text in English.

The default is on the lower left. It will scan the QR code. However, if you click on “Translate”, something else happens… [1] You are prompted to take a photo.

Take a photo.
[2] It is translated for you.

Currently, WeChat Translate only supports Chinese and English, it works similarly to the Waygo App, which was designed to help non-Chinese speakers translate food menus and signs. An indication that WeChat wants to appeal to foreign users and tourists living in China.

WeChat’s trend of taking successful features from apps and integrating the technology into their platform shows their ambition to grow and compete with US tech giants: Google, Snapchat and Instagram.

However, WeChat still has a long way to go to reach the levels of Google Translate augmented reality feature, which now supports 30 languages.

Translate Image Text

“Translate Image Text” is another cool hidden feature that you will want to know. Instead of scanning and translating, you can now choose any image that you have in either your phone gallery or chat and long-press until the menu appears with the option of translate image to text. [1] Pull up the image. [2] Long press until the menu comes up. [3] Translate. Now, all this is really cool, but that all isn’t the really great stuff. Let’s get to some of the really cool things…

Voice messages to text

I use this all the time. It’s a dictation feature on the text messaging section of WeChat. You just click on the button and dictate. What you speak is automatically converted from voice to text, and you can send the message so easily. It sure beats the singular thumb method of typing on a little screen.

This voice input function allows users to speak into WeChat and immediately convert their words into text. All you have to do is to long-press the voice message button, say what you want to be translated to text and just before letting go, swipe up and right and let go when you reach the bubble on the right side. 

WeChat voice to text feature.


Want to find the name for that TV show you’re watching? Under the Shake feature you can also select ‘TV show’ and, when you shake, WeChat will act like Shazam and tell you the name of the TV show you’re watching.

What’s that show, or that song?

It is also useful for Douxing videos, music and many other things. This is a great way to identify music you like on a video. Because when the answer comes up, a link is provided to the QQ application that allows you to put that particular song in your play list.

More, more and MORE!

There is so much more that you can do. From sharing videos to creating facebook like environments, to group collaborating to dressing up and editing presentations.

It’s an all inclusive complete platform. But I am really not up to go through all the nuiances of it. Others have, and they have been doing a better job than I.

Let me just say that time has changes, and the advances in technology are truly wonderful.

Let’s appreciate what they are and use them to the fullest, so that we can benefit from their use.

Becuase sooner or later they will go away and be replaced with something different. And you will long for the days that you have RIGHT NOW.

Enjoy what you have and eat it all up!

It’s a new world

As some of these meme’s attest to… Great cat, by the way. Some of these are just funny… I suppose there are many more… As I said. Some are really spot on…

Well all this talk about communicaiton makes me hungry…

Maybe something simple delicious and easy to make. Maybe something a little bit like this…

An easy to make, healthy and delicious meal.

It’s better than fast food, I’ll tell you what. However, if you really are in the mood, why not make a home made pizza? It’s not all that hard, and it’s cheap. If you make the dough from scratch a entire pizza is only a few dollars tops. Maybe something like this…

Homemade pizza.

Of course, while you are a smunching, you can go forth and invite some friends over to your porch and “shoot the breeze”… you know, talk a bit. It doesn’t matter what you talk about. Just chat. Everyone has things to say. Just listen. Maybe you can impress them with your local knowledge. Maybe something like this… .

Maybe if they are some neighborhood kids, you can teach them how to whittle, or something similiar.

Most kids these days need some real uncle-like behaviors in their neighborhoods.

Don’t wait for others to take action.

You go ahead and do it yourself. Whittle.


Just take the time and make friends.



And you know, it doesn’t hurt to smoke a cigarette, drink a beer, or share a pizza with some neighborhood friends.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Happiness Index here… Life & Happiness .

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A war with China! What a great idea!

This article is yet another in a series trying to document the peaking collapse of the United States in all of it’s myrid ways. And it is kind of tiring, don’t you know. I’d rather just do other things with my time, but we; everyone of us, are now in the mist of one of the most monumental shakeups in the world. It’s really very stunning. We are living history right now.

So how about getting yourself a nice beer, and grabbing some toasted Italian or French crusty bread, and placing some cheese, onions, tomatoes, and olive oil and sit down and read this article. The world seems to be going down into the gutter, but that’s an illusion.

It’s only the United States, and those foolish nations that chain themselves to it.



War with China! Another Bright Idea from the Yankee Capital

Discussions of war with China over Taiwan often assume a short, regional war won by superior American technology, after which things go on approximately as before.

A few observations:


First, overconfidence is an occupational disease of militaries and militarists. Wars very often fail to proceed according to the expectations of the aggressors and not infrequently end in catastrophe.

The American Civil War was expected to be over in an afternoon at First Manassas; wrong by four years and 630,000 dead, equivalent to over six million today.

When Napoleon invaded Russia, he did not foresee Russian troops marching in Paris, which is what happened.

When Germany invaded France in 1914, it expected a short, victorious war of movement, and got four years of a losing attrition war.

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, GIs sleeping with their daughters in Tokyo was not among their war aims, but it is what happened.

When the French went back into Vietnam after WW II, being catastrophically defeated by les jaunes at Dien Bien Phu was not a strategic objective.

When America invaded Vietnam, Washington did not expect a panicked flight from atop the Embassy.

When Hitler invaded Russia, GIs in Berlin were not in his plans.

When Russia invaded Afghanistan, it did not expect the same outcome that the Americans should have expected, but didn’t, when they did exactly the same thing.

The list could be extended. Caution often is a wiser plan than martial enthusiasm.

Overestimation of ability

Second, America starts its wars by [1] overestimating its own capacities, [2] underestimating the enemy, and [3] misunderstanding the nature of the war it is getting into.

There is probably a manual on this.

Usually the US has no end game and no “what if” plan in case the unforeseen occurs. These traits are clear in America’s wars since Korea.

The reason for this curious behavior is that war is only tangentially a rational endeavor, being chiefly a limbic, instinctually driven habit probably of genetic provenance.

War is just what men do, tribe against tribe, country against country, empire against empire, world without end. War is a major, perhaps the major, focus of human endeavor.

A glance at history reveals it to be chiefly a tapestry of war. The literature of civilizations reflects this: The Gilgamesh Epic, the Iliad, the Aeneid, El Cid, Orlando Furioso, Lord of the Rings.


Does America have a clear reason for defending Taiwan? It is not of vital importance to America, and arguably not even of minor importance.

The fact is, that very few Americans know quite where it is, and few can distinguish it from Thailand.

If it became part of China almost no one would notice.

Before getting into an unpredictable war with a massively populous nuclear power of formidable economic and military resources on the other side of the world, it might be wise to answer the question, “Why? What do we gain? How do we get out of said war?”

Regarding war in Chinese waters:

The US fleet has not been in combat since 1945, over seventy-five years ago.

American pilots have not flown against a competent enemy since 1973, almost half a century ago.

People’s Liberation Army Navy J-15 “Flying Shark” fighters parked about the Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning

Enormous changes in technology and armament have occurred in the intervening years.

Nobody really knows what a battle of naval forces against modern antiship missiles would look like. Those who can guess are not sanguine.

Most warships today lack armor.

Anyone looking at what a couple of French Exocet missiles did to the USS Stark in 1987 would not bet on equally unarmored Ticos or Arleigh Burkes.

An aircraft carrier is a large bladder of aviation fuel wrapped around high explosives.

Look at the accidental launch in 1967 of one Zuni five-inch ground-attack missile aboard the USS Forrestal, igniting raging fires, cooking off bombs, killing 134 sailors and putting the ship in the repair yard for many months.

Militaries grow slack in extended periods of peace.

Training decreases to save money. War stocks of tank treads are cannibalized for training and aren’t there when war comes; the company that made them has gone out of business. Supplies of critical parts dwindle as budgets go to procurement of future hardware.

After all, nobody really expects war. Rapid mobilization, it turns out, is impossible.


If the war was not won as quickly and decisively as hoped, as it very likely would not be, would an American public already under severe economic stress support the heavy cost of a war having no obvious end point or relevance to their lives? Conscription?

Beltway thinking

Within the Washington Beltway many seem to think that China is Cambodia with more people.

Some in Washington harbor a residual belief that America is militarily supreme, that its mere entrance into war seals the outcome.

Think again, carefully.

Rand has wargamed regional war in the Strait and South China Sea and concluded that America has a very good chance of losing.

The Chinese are smart, and excellent engineers.

Chinese students dominate America’s best technical universities and the elite high schools. CalTech and MIT, for example.

Look at the Chinese space program, the upcoming 360 mph maglev trains using high-temperature superconductivity.

The Chinese are not little-leaguers. They have put many resources into antiship missiles specifically designed for US carriers. These, note, greatly outrange carrier aviation.

Iraq was predicted to be a “cakewalk.” China won’t be.


Allies? In naval circles there is much talk about the First Island Chain and an assumption that Japan will join a war against China to protect Taiwan, or at least let its bases be used by American forces.

Are we sure?

Japan is well within missile and air range of China.

Japan is within missile and air range of China.

All of its petroleum arrives by sea, and China has pretty decent submarines. Japan’s trade mostly moves by sea.

China is a crucial trading partner whose elimination in a war would devastate the Japanese economy.

Japan is close to China.

America is not.

Tokyo might worry that America would grow weary of the war and go home, as it usually does, and leave Japan, all alone, in a shooting war with China.

How would that end?

What stake does Japan have in the independence of Taiwan?

Today it trades with both Taiwan and China. If China absorbed the island, Japan would continue trading with both. Only the letterhead would change. Are we quite, quite sure Tokyo would want any part of this?

South Korea

South Korea?

Its cities and entire economy are within missile range of China. Does it really want to get into a shooting war with its huge neighbor, which has a land border with the peninsula, to maintain American hegemony in the Pacific?

Having gotten into a war, how would it get out?

The Koreans may have thought of this.

Wars as imagined inside the Beltway often seem to assume that the enemy will just lie there and be bombed without doing anything untoward or unexpected.

Are we sure?

The United States has 28,000 troops and their families within range of Chinese weaponry, the killing of whom would force Washington into desperate measures.

Could China encourage North Korea to attack southward, creating a two-front war far beyond Washington’s ability to handle? Or Kim to think he saw a chance and attack on his own initiative?

Might China annex Myanmar? Perhaps this is farfetched. Perhaps it isn’t. Remember that nobody expected China’s entry into the Korean war.


One might suspect that Taipei, seeing overwhelming forces arrayed against it across the Strait, will one day cut the best deal it can with Beijing rather than be devastated first and then have to accept whatever conditions Beijing chose to impose.

It could get a sweetheart deal as Beijing would much prefer this to invading with all of its risks.

Here is a factor I am not competent to judge, but that might be worth judging: The Chinese, as I knew them long ago when I lived in Taiwan, are (very) racially aware and nationalistic.

The Taiwanese are Chinese.

You can bet they know of the Legations, the Opium Wars, the Boxers, the burning of the Summer Palace, the Korean War.

As I write, the most popular movie on the mainland is about a Chinese victory over Americans in the Korean War.

What might a Chinese attack on Taiwan look like?

The Chinese general staff mysteriously does not confide in me, but a good guess is easy. The Chinese often do beach-assault exercises on their side of the strait, obviously practice for the genuine assault.

One of these turns suddenly into the real thing. Ballistic missiles crater Taiwan’s military runways, missiles in large numbers hit air defenses.

Troop ships head for Taiwan, getting there in eight hours at fifteen knots, helicopters and paratroops in less.

China’s large and reasonably good air force bombs and bombs and bombs.

After twenty-four hours, the US is still trying to decide what is happening, talking to the JCS, asking the President what to do.


Nathan Bedford Forrest, the talented Confederate general, is said to have said that the secret of victory is to “git thar fustest with the mostest.”

In the event of a surprise attack, how long would it take—in the real world, not in PowerPoint slides—for America to get there with how much of what?

If the Chinese got substantial forces ashore, it would be the end of the story.

Keeping troops out of an island is one thing, getting them out quite another. Not even John Bolton—perhaps not even John Bolton—can imagine that America could win a land war with China in Asia.

Selling the American public on a large war over things in which it has no interest would be difficult.

Under these circumstances, the chances are nonnegligible that the US would make loud noises, huff and puff, save face as best it could, and do nothing.

What would REALLY happen?

But let us assume that Washington fought and lost the regional war, Taiwan perhaps surrendering after the U.S. lost a dozen ships and a carrier was disabled.

What would Washington do after such a humiliation?

Never underestimate the influence of vanity on world affairs.

The hawks in DC have elevated titles and, sometimes, considerable ability, but they also have the same hormones and egos as patrons in Joe’s Bar in Chicago. A Chinese victory in the style of Tsushima Strait would end the world’s view of America as an invincible hegemon.

The fernbar Napoleons might well decide to up the ante and turn a regional into a world war.

This it would win.


Perhaps by blocking the Strait of Malacca and threatening the Three Gorges Dam. The expectation in the Pentagon would likely be that Beijing would see the futility of resistance and surrender.

But if it did not?

The REAL facts

America’s trade with China in goods in 2020 was $660 billion, $120 billion of that being exports, making it America’s largest trading partner…

Cutting this off would wreck the American economy.

This is far more than a matter of iPhones and cheap plastic buckets for Walmart. Though most may not know it, America is an economic dependency of China.

The US gets from China countless things it cannot make but cannot do without.

For example, cars require computers to control their ignition and transmissions. Where do we think these are made?

Companies like Boeing sound American but many vital assemblies come from China.

High-end semiconductors, crucial to today’s economies, come predominantly from East Asian companies, notably Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and Samsung, both of which would be hostage to Chinese attack.

The great majority of rare earths, critical to the manufacture of chips, come from China.

Similar considerations exist for industry after industry.

While America has the technology to make most of the things it gets from China, it does not have the manufacturing capacity, and would need years to develop it.

Has anyone in Washington checked industry by industry to see what the effects of the end of imports would actually be?

Further, China is the largest trading partner of most of the world, Germany and the European Union for example, and close with most of the rest.

If an American war took China out of the global supply chain, [1] the resulting depression would make 1929 look like the height of prosperity, [2] turn the entire earth against the US, and likely [3] lead to the lynching of everyone in Washington.

Never mentioned is that America is trying, with considerable success, to block China’s economic progress by preventing its acquisition of advanced semiconductors.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the world’s largest and most advanced manufacturer of chips, is in Taiwan. Reunification of Taiwan with China would solve this critical problem. Beijing has probably thought of this.

Considering the costs, risks, and benefits if any of such a war, the question may be, “How bright an idea is this?”

China’s missiles could dust the US military in minutes — here’s what would happen if they tried

Alex Lockie, Business Insider US
 Apr 02, 2019, 10:38 AM
  • China’s massive missile forces could savage US air and naval forces in the Pacific, lighting up ports and airfields, and blowing up F-35s, F-22s, and possibly aircraft carriers before they could respond.
  • War-gaming experts point to this as a persistent problem with US forces in the Pacific, but it’s far from a clear-cut win for China.
  • The US has a number of ways it can predict, prevent, or blunt a missile attack, and once the US military and its allies kick into gear, China will face a mighty wrath.

Experts at the cutting edge of simulated warfare have spoken: China would handily defeat the US military in the Pacific with quick bursts of missile fired at air bases.

The exact phrasing was that the US was getting “its ass handed to it” in those simulations, Breaking Defense reported the RAND analyst David Ochmanek as saying earlier in March.

“In every case I know of,” Robert Work, a former deputy secretary of defence, said, “the F-35 rules the sky when it’s in the sky, but it gets killed on the ground in large numbers.”

Against China, which has emerged as the US’s most formidable rival, this problem becomes more acute. China’s vast, mountainous territory gives it millions of square kilometres in which to hide its extensive fleet of mobile long-, medium-, and short-range missiles.

In the opening minutes of a battle against the US, Beijing could unleash a barrage of missiles that would nail US forces in Guam, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, and possibly Australia. With China’s growing anti-ship capability, even US aircraft carriers in the region would likely come under intense fire.

For the US, this would be the feared attack in which F-35s and F-22s, fifth-generation aircraft and envy of the world, are blown apart in their hangars, runways are cratered, and ships are sunk in ports.

The remaining US forces in this case would be insufficient to back down China’s air and sea forces, which could then easily scoop up a prize such as Taiwan.

Additionally, the US can’t counter many of China’s most relevant missile systems because of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty it signed with Russia, which prohibits missiles with ranges between 500 kilometres and 5,470 kilometres – the type it would need to hold Chinese targets at equal risk. (The US is withdrawing from that treaty.)

So given China’s clear advantage in missile forces and the great incentive to knock out the best military with a sucker punch, why doesn’t it try?


China could light up much of the Pacific with a blistering salvo of missiles and do great harm to US ships and planes, but they likely won’t because it would start World War III.

China wouldn’t just be attacking the US. It would be attacking Japan and South Korea at a minimum. Whatever advantage China gained by kicking off a fight this way would have to balance against a combined response from the US and its allies.

The US is aware of the sucker-punch problem. In the event that tensions rise enough that a strike is likely, the US would simply spread its forces out among its bases and harden important structures, such as hangars, so they could absorb more punishment from missiles.

Potential targets China needed to strike would multiply, and the deployment of electronic and physical decoys would further complicate things for Beijing. For US ships at sea, the use of electronic decoys and onboard missile defenses would demand China throw tremendous numbers of missiles at the platforms, increasing the cost of such a strike.

Key US military bases will also have ballistic-missile defences, which could blunt the attack somewhat.

The US also monitors the skies for ballistic missiles, which would give it some warning time. Alert units could scramble their aircraft and be bearing down on China’s airspace just after the first missiles hit.

Justin Bronk, a military-aviation expert at the Royal United Service Institute, pointed out at the institute’s Combat Air Survivability conference that when the US hit Syria’s Al Shayrat air base with 58 cruise missiles, planes were taking off from the base again within 24 hours.

Payback is a … consideration

Missiles brigades that just fired and revealed their positions would be sitting ducks for retaliation by the US or its allies.

Japan, which will soon have 100 F-35s, some of which will be tied into US Navy targeting networks, would jump into the fight swiftly.

China would have to mobilize a tremendous number of aircraft and naval assets to address that retaliatory strike. That mobilization, in addition to the preparations for the initial strike, may tip Beijing’s hand, telegraphing the sucker punch and blunting its damage on US forces.

While China’s missile forces pose a huge threat to the US, one punch isn’t enough to knock out the world’s best military, but it is enough to wake it up.

Now consider this…

It is not ONLY China. It’s fighting China + Russia together.


If all the studies point to massive defeats against China alone, imagine the horror when fighting a paired Russia and China together.

It is a suicide move.

Consider this.

Losing in a war is never a pleasant experience. I am sure that many generals throughout history can attest to this fact.

Consider what happened to the entire Nazi German Sixth Army when it was surrounded and trapped inside Stalingrad…

How German Field Marshal Paulus was taken prisoner

From Russian Insider. All credit observed.

Gaunt, pale and emaciated, the commander of the Wehrmacht’s 6th Army looked like a hunted animal to the Soviet military commanders.

On the night of January 31, 1943, units of the 64th Army’s 38th Motorized Rifle Brigade broke through to the department store building in the center of Stalingrad, sealing it off from all sides. According to captured Germans, it was there that the headquarters of Friedrich Paulus’s 6th Army was stationed. The Soviet ‘Operation Koltso’ (Ring) to defeat the enemy grouping encircled in the city was approaching its finale…

The “beast’s lair”

After the Soviet troops opened intensive fire from machine guns and mortars on the building at about six o’clock in the morning, the shooting from the German side stopped. White flags appeared from the ground and second floors. The enemy wanted to start negotiations.

On the order of the brigade commander, Colonel Ivan Burmakov, a group of negotiators led by Senior Lieutenant Fyodor Ilchenko headed for the department store building. A German officer who met the Soviet soldiers told them through an interpreter: “Our top commander wants to talk to your top commander.” To that, Ilchenko retorted: “Well, our top commander has many other things to attend to. He is not here. You’ll have to talk to me.”.

Ignoring the German officer’s halfhearted request to hand over their weapons, the Soviet negotiators started going down to the basement where Friedrich Paulus had his HQ. “The basement was literally packed with soldiers – there were hundreds of them here. Worse than a tram! They were all unwashed and hungry and they smelt to high heaven! They all looked desperately frightened. They had huddled here to hide from the mortar fire,” recalled the senior lieutenant. Hearing the sound of gunfire, Ilchenko made a grab for his holster, but it only turned out to be suicides.

The negotiators were met by the commander of the Wehrmacht’s 71st Infantry Division, Maj-Gen Friedrich Roske, and the 6th Army’s chief of staff, Gen. Arthur Schmidt. They led the Soviet soldiers to Paulus’s room. “The Field Marshal was lying on an iron bed without a uniform, in just his shirt,” recalled Ilchenko. “A candle-end was burning on the table, illuminating an accordion lying on the couch. Paulus didn’t greet us but he sat up. He had the appearance of a sick and physically exhausted man and his face was twitching in a nervous tic.”


An ordinary lieutenant could not accept the capitulation of the German commander and, gradually, representatives of the senior and top-level Red Army command started arriving at the department store. Several hours later, accompanied by several colonels and lieutenant-colonels, Maj-Gen Ivan Laskin, chief of staff of the 64th Army, came down to the basement. In an attempt to distance himself in every possible way from the capitulation, Paulus delegated the right to negotiate to Roske and Schmidt.

While the Field Marshal was “tidying himself up” in the room next door, the Soviet negotiators presented his generals with an ultimatum: The encircled grouping must immediately stop any resistance, lay down its weapons and surrender to the Soviet troops in an orderly manner.

Tired of waiting for Friedrich Paulus himself to finally appear, the Soviet commanders went into his room. The German commander, according to Laskin’s recollections, greeted the members of the delegation with a sentence in broken Russian: “Field Marshal of the German Army Paulus renders himself prisoner to the Red Army.” He apologized that, since his new rank had only been conferred on him on January 30, his new uniform wasn’t ready and he was compelled to appear in his colonel-general’s uniform. “And anyway, my new uniform will hardly be of any use to me now,” the commander added with a wry smile. 

At that point in time, the 6th Army in Stalingrad was cut into two groupings isolated from each other. As a result of the talks, the southern pocket of German troops, commanded by General Roske, was to capitulate. At the same time, Paulus declined to order the northern pocket to surrender on the grounds that, since January 30, its commander, Col-Gen Karl Strecker, was directly accountable to Hitler.

Inglorious end

Street fighting was still under way in the center of Stalingrad when German officers, accompanied by Soviet commanding officers, set off in vehicles to order their units to cease firing.

After all the formalities had been settled and the Field Marshal had received guarantees of his personal safety, he was led out of the basement, along with his staff officers. The area around the department store had by then come under the full control of Soviet infantry and Wehrmacht soldiers were clearing sectors that had been mined.

“Soviet and German soldiers who just a few hours earlier had been firing on each other stood calmly next to one another in the courtyard holding their guns in their hands or slung on their shoulder. But how shockingly different their external appearance was!” recalled Wilhelm Adam, adjutant to the 6th Army commander. “The German soldiers – ragged, in thin greatcoats over threadbare uniforms, as thin as skeletons – presented emaciated figures exhausted half to death, with sunken, unshaved features. The Red Army soldiers were well nourished, full of vigor and dressed in fine winter uniforms… I was deeply moved by something else. Our soldiers were not beaten, let alone shot. Amidst the ruins of their city which the Germans had destroyed, Soviet soldiers would pull a piece of bread or cigarettes or tobacco out of their pocket and offer them to the weary, half-starved German soldiers.” 

Sergeant Pyotr Alkhutov was present when the German commander was taken prisoner: “Paulus was haggard and clearly ill. He attempted to conduct himself in a suitably dignified manner, but in his condition it was difficult for him to manage. On that frosty morning in Stalingrad, it dawned on all the men of the Red Army and the overwhelming majority of the German soldiers that this was the beginning of the end for them and the start of our Victory.”

A car to the neighboring village of Beketovka, where the 64th Army HQ was stationed, awaited the Field Marshal. There, he would be interrogated by the Army commander Lt-Gen Mikhail Shumilov and the Don Front commander Lt-Gen Konstantin Rokossovsky. Ahead for Friedrich Paulus lay Soviet camps, work in the anti-fascist National Committee for a Free Germany and life in the GDR for the short time left to him…

On its way to the HQ, the car caught up with columns of German prisoners dragging themselves along the road. Unwashed, with unkempt beards, they wore comical-looking makeshift snow boots and were wrapped in towels and women’s headscarves.

Laskin gave the driver a sign to slow down to allow the German commander to observe them closely and thoroughly. “It’s appalling…” pronounced Paulus somberly. “A shameful capitulation, the terrible tragedy of the soldiers. And, until now, the 6th Army was regarded as the best field army in the Wehrmacht…” 

The rest of the story…

By February 1943, Russian troops had retaken Stalingrad and captured nearly 100,000 German soldiers, though pockets of resistance continued to fight in the city until early March.

Most of the captured soldiers died in Russian prison camps, either as a result of disease or starvation.

The loss at Stalingrad was the first failure of the war to be publicly acknowledged by Hitler. It put Hitler and the Axis powers on the defensive, and boosted Russian confidence as it continued to do battle on the Eastern Front in World War II.

In the end, many historians believe the Battle at Stalingrad marked a major turning point in the conflict. It was the beginning of the march toward victory for the Allied forces of Russia, Britain, France and the United States.

MM Comments

There is no doubt that the people inside of Washington DC are desirous of a war with China, and Russia. That is so obvious as to defy any statements to the contrary.

The big question is why?

When presented with this question, we are given the following excuses…

  • Insanity of the leadership.
  • The Leadership is in a dangerous “echo chamber”.
  • There is no leadership and the nation is on “autopilot” following instructions laid down thirty years ago.
  • Alien creatures took over the minds of the Leadership.
  • The Leadership are “Old Empire” entities.
  • The Leadership would rather die than take second place in the global stage.
  • A need to unify a fractured United States though war.

I don’t know the real answers.

I have my thoughts and opinions on this and I have discussed these previously.

What I am going to say here is that when anyone talks about a war, any war, but most especially one involving both Chian and Russia, you MUST also talk about what happens when you lose the war.

You MUST discuss what happens afterwards. Because I can tell you, it is impossible for the United States to win against any war against a unified Asia. Every single study, think tank, war game and analysis has verified this.

So ponder that thought.

Because the stage is set.

The American Leadership wants a war against Asia and it will lose. So what will happen afterwards?

Think about it.

What happens NEXT…

What ever remains of the United States will be quite different. It will be a complete blank sheet of paper and the victors will rewrite what will happen.


It’s going to be very distasteful inside of a collapsed, ruined, and conquered United States. It will be very harsh.

The best thing that you can do is to be part of a local community and provide benefit to that community in every way possible. You shouldn’t wait until that day and that need occurs, but rather start now by laying a strong foundation in relationships with those around you.

And do your affirmations, and all the rest.

Be the Rufus.

Now let’s talk about something near and dear to my heart…


Goulash, is a soup or stew of meat and vegetables seasoned with paprika and other spices. Originating in Hungary, goulash is a common meal predominantly eaten in Central Europe but also in other parts of Europe. It is one of the national dishes of Hungary and a symbol of the country.

My mother used to make it a couple of times a month, but I haven’t had it in years. None of my wives knew how to make it. You cannot get it in restrurants, and there’s no frozen versions of it anywhere in the supermarkets.

I am thus forced to day dream about it here.


Goulash, is a soup or stew of meat and vegetables seasoned with paprika and other spices.

It shouldn’t be too difficult to make, don’t you think?

Goulash, is a soup or stew of meat and vegetables seasoned with paprika and other spices.

There are different flavors and styles of this dish. All of them look delicious.

Goulash, is a soup or stew of meat and vegetables seasoned with paprika and other spices.

Some have a nice hearty soup broth, with others are simply flavored meats like this…

Goulash, is a soup or stew of meat and vegetables seasoned with paprika and other spices.

Well, no matter how you look at it, it certainly looks great, and would go well with some crusty bread, or rice. Oh, yeah, a nice salad or fruit plate, and don’t foget pairing it with a nice wine. Yum!

Goulash, is a soup or stew of meat and vegetables seasoned with paprika and other spices.

Do you know what would be nice?

Go invite some friends over. Tell them that you are experimenting with Hungarian Goulash and would like them tom come over, eat a nice meal with wine, listen to some tunes, and play some cards. Wouldn’t that be lovely?

I really think that it would.

Goulash with a spoonful of sour crème on top.

Imagine the meal.

A nice loaf of bread. Some wine, maybe a chardonnay or a light red. Some kind of vegitable side. Maybe snow peas with garlic and spring onions. Or some slaw. The aroma fills the air.

Authentic goulash.

Just imagine it.

Big chunks of beef, potatoes, parsnips and carrots in a paprika riddled broth. Hot and steaming with crusty pieces of bread for dipping.

Really good paprika is the key to an authentic Hungarian Goulash ,or Gulyas. It is to be found everywhere in Budapest and it would be a good idea to try the different versions, both sweet and hot. There are good paprikas from Hungary found in most large supermarkets in the USA as well as online sources.

The goulash experience inside of Hungary…


Here’s a recepie…

And keep in mind and remember, the idea is a was to share your life with others in colorful, fun, tasty and interesting ways. I just cannot help but think that Hungarian Goulash might be a very good vehicle to achieve this.

Have fun together.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
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On the curious case of all the movie footage of a Russian attack in the Ukraine

Apparently, the United States, and the rest of the Western bloc, was so positive that they could goad Russia into a war in the Ukraine that they produced tons of videos of an invasion. Of course, these were to be broadcast to the American sheeple and the European sheeple as proof of Russian aggression and the brave Ukraine fighters. It’s all part of the “grand scheme”. Nothing happened. Russia didn’t fall for the bait, or allow the tricks to manifest, and now all these videos are unused. Nevertheless, many are now leaked and available on the internet. Here we discuss these videos.

The United States NEEDS a war. It does.

Not the people, of course. The oligarchy does, and the military-industrial complex does. And they are pushing and pushing and pushing for one.

This time, they are pushing against a very dangerous, capable and talented people that are bigger, stronger, tougher, and nastier than anything America has ever experienced before.

Yet, it’s the same old script.

Goad a nation into a military response. Push and push, and push and push, until they snap back. The United States has been hitting two tender areas. One against China against it’s Taiwan break-away province, and one against Russia by the placement of nuclear weapons on the Russian border there in the Ukraine.

If the nation doesn’t fight back, then the “false flag” playbook comes out.

False Flag

  • A “false flag” scenario occurs when a group deliberately misrepresents affiliation and hides its true identity.
  • It is used widely during war and covert operations.
  • It is a deceptive move undertaken by a country or an organization to set up an attack.
  • Pirate ships often used “false flags” of nations to deceive merchant ships while undertaking an attack under a “false flag“.
  • There are numerous examples throughout history of military troops stealing uniforms from their enemy to take part in covert operations in order to carry out a clandestine military campaign.
  • The “false flag” tactic is often used to start a war.
  • False Flag operations CIA had reportedly carried a false flag operation in 1953 against Iran’s former PM Mohammad Mosaddeq in order to successfully launch operation TPAJAX as it conducted bombing campaigns which were blamed on communist sympathisers. A declassified report claimed Britain’s MI6 and the CIA jointly undertook the operations.

The Ukraine Events

Numerous “False Flag” events were planned and thwarted in the Ukraine.

It appears that Russia were expecting numerous false flag events, and had sympathizers and agents on the ground in the Ukraine that stopped the events. As far as I can determine, these were two separate attempts at trying to release a chemical warfare event to be blamed on Russia.

They are on the Internet, I won’t dwell too much about them here.

Russian President Vladimir Putin today told his military officers that Moscow will deliver a technical-military response to NATO. President Putin made remarks to the Collegium of the Ministry of Defense. Russia’s Defense Ministry is managed by a council chaired by the Defense Minister, deputy defense ministers, the heads of the Main Defense Ministry and General Staff Directorates, the commanders of the Joint Strategic Commands, and the three services of the armed forces.Defense Minister Segei Shogu also spoke to the defense council. 

Gen. Shogiu accused the United States of sending private military contractors to Ukraine to plot a false flag event involving chemical weapons that could be blamed on Russia. 

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 12/21/21

Once they were prevented, and the CIA / Mi6 / 5eye assets were interrogated and killed. In a panic, the collective West flooded the internet with garbage about Putin planning false flag attacks. So it’s now very difficult to find any information at all about what really happened; The United States false-flag attacks. All you see is the flooded propigana about Russia planning false-flag attacks. Not the actual CIA false-flag events.

The real truth is now all buried and hidden under a thick layer of nonsense.

Why the Hell would Russia want to attack the Ukraine?

Seriously. All this war talk, and no one is discussing the big “why?”.

The Ukraine is laughingly called the “404 nation”. It is a completely collapsed, poverty-stricken wasteland. The Western section is hard-core fascist and has a LGBQ American-backed government of boot-licking egotistical psychopathic personalities.

Yes, the Eastern section speak Russian and are more democratic and wealthier, however any movies to embrace and take over even a portion of the country would become a serious burden on Russia itself. The GDP might take a hit of a good 25% of it’s GDP and stifle any growth that Russia is experiencing for decades.

Simply put, any military adventures into the Ukraine by Russia would hurt and damage Russia.

That is why the idea that Russia is going to invade the Ukraine is just silly, stupid and insane. Only a couch-potato chip munching fat slob American sheeple would believe such a ridiculous narrative.

Now, about those pesky movies…

Everything is set up. Everything is funded. The Mainstream media are out there a howling away. They are screeching and yelling and stamping their feet about war! War! War! The American sheeple are getting tired of the constantly blaring of noise, and the Europeans are no longer amused.

Russia is doing nothing.

So the media has resorted to outright lies. These are becoming more and more numerous on all issues on all fronts.

The latest lie is that China warned Russia not to attack the Ukraine or else.

Of course, this completely infuriated the Chinese who not only denied that anything like this happened, but they told the American news media pushing these lies (Bloomberg, CNN, Yahoo, and others) that if they continue to push such lies they will be banned from China. Not that it would matter much, but the Chinese have a strong belief that actions require consequences.

China is very supportive of Russia. All Russia needs to do is ask, and China will accomidate.


So there’s this major effort to false-flag the Hell out of the Ukraine, and this includes a hard-core hyper media onslaught, manipulation of the EU, and all sorts of pressures and justifications.

Eventually cumulating in the angering of Russia, resulting in a non-ultimatum demaning an answer. It is unique in that it specifically wanted guarantees in written English that America would abide to the documents that it has already  signed and agreed to, and stop its provocations aimed at Russia.

The USA gave its response.

The answer was NO.


And United States continued to incite, narrate and create a war in the Ukraine. A war that all the participants do not want. But the wealthy oligarchy in New York, and Washington, and Virginia absolutely do.

Let’s deep dive.

Virtual Ukrainian invasion virtually imminent

By Lilia Shumkova for the Saker blog

UPDATE: This article has been finished and ready to be emailed to The Saker, when the news coming from the government of Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics confirmed my observations expressed here.

In my extensive library of e-books, there is a book by Reese Erlich titled Inside Syria: The Backstory of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect. The book outlines the situation developed in Syria by 2014 that was pushed, sponsored, narrated, and propagated by the United States.

In Chapter 11 of the book, “United States, Russia, and Outside Powers” Reese Erlich writes: “Meanwhile, the Obama administration was pursuing a secret military track. The CIA began overseeing arms shipments to the Free Syrian Army no later than June 2012 when it leaked the story to the New York Times. The CIA began directly arming and training rebels in early 2013 (see chapter 5). Proclaiming support for nonviolent resistance while arming rebels was not seen as a contradiction, according to State Department critic Kathy. She said the State was populated with ‘humanitarian interventionists,’ people who favor one or another form of military intervention by claiming it will, in the end, protect civilians. ‘But we never discuss the legality of such attacks, let alone the morality,’ she told me. Controversial policies are sent to the legal department for review. ‘They’ll always find a way to justify whatever policy is decided.’”

The Biden administration was soaked to the brim by Obama’s people and their “expertise.” Let’s say, they are unparalleled in inflicting “pain” on people of targeted nations.

State Department officials insisted that Syrians would benefit from US policy in the long run. The spokesperson acknowledged that ordinary Syrians were hurt by American economic sanctions, which had caused a massive drop in their standard of living. But, as if admonishing naughty children, the spokesperson told me Uncle Sam would make it up to them. ‘Once the behavior changes, once we have the Assad regime step down, we will make sure this is an environment where Americans can do business.’ There’s an interesting logic here. He assumed that the solution for economic collapse is American business investment. What’s good for American business, apparently, is good for the Syrian people. Similarly, the State Department saw no contradiction between criticizing Assad’s human-rights record and supporting pro-US regimes elsewhere in the region also committing abuse, such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The State Department simply assumed that US allies can and will change while enemies will not. The spokesperson explained that allies may abuse human rights, ‘but we work with them.’

Recalling the standard disclaimer on investment products. “Past performance does not guarantee future results,” with the political operatives teams only one thing is certain. The results for Ukraine will be very different, but the methods are the same.

In the beginning of December, Russia’s Ministry of Defense issued an unheard of warning about the possibility of the false flag attack in Ukraine with someone impersonating the Russian military.

A couple of days later, Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it had handed the Biden administration demands for the security guarantees, and in another two days the rest of the document was posted on the ministry website. The demand for the security guarantees for Russia from the US and NATO acted as a giant monkey wrench thrown into the spinning wheel of the Western propaganda of the “invasion of Ukraine.”

Claims of “invasion” have been circulating on and off for the past 8 years, and started sounding louder in April of 2021. In November, Zelensky announced that Russia wants to topple his regime. In December, the Russian government published warnings about upcoming false flag attacks and made the diplomatic moves that somewhat confused and wobbled the “invasion” proponents. They only gained some ground by now, which is the end of January.

On Friday, January 28, the DOD and Biden administration announced the “imminent” invasion of Ukraine during a Biden/Zelensky phone conversation. Zelensky disagreed and, counterintuitively, insisted that there wasn’t much proof that the Russian army was going to “invade Ukraine.” According to CNN, the conversation “did not go well.” Zelensky and Biden disagreed about the immediacy of the threat of a “Russian attack on Ukraine.” The White House and Pentagon has been emphatic that they believe the attack could be “imminent.”

The Zerohedge article collected a hilarious confusion of the warmongering CNN coming with war propaganda and then removing it after a few hours and claiming that they were deceived by their source in the Zelensky administration.

So, the cover fall out and we witnessed a giant mix of fear, greed, hatred, russophobia,incompetence, bloodlust, and pure clinical insanity, which constitute the modern American policy-making. Many right, exact, deep and very funny things have been said and written since, but there was something else that I wouldn’t want to go unnoticed.

During his Friday press briefing, Zelensky said something that holds the golden key to the mystery of an “invasion.”

Tucker Carlson included this important segment into his Friday night monologue.

Tucker: This is a slow motion disaster

Here is a short description.

Zelensky sits in a chair on some podium in front of a room full of journalists. The White House says that the conversation between Biden and Zelensky came down to “Russian invasion is imminent,” “Kiev will be sacked,” and “prepare for impact,” and insists that Zelensky asking Biden to stop fear mongering and to turn down the rhetoric never happened.

Zelensky, however, says it did happen:

We talked to the president. We talked about the same things, about the media and that there has to be a balanced approach. I’m not saying that he is influencing the American media, they are independent, but media policy has to be more balanced. If they want to know what the situation is here in Ukraine they should come to Kiev. Do we have tanks on the streets? No! The image that the mass media creates is that we have troops on the roads, we have mobilization, people are leaving for places. That’s not the case. We don’t need this panic!”

Prior, Jen Psaki claimed that the Biden administration had 18 scenarios of “Russian invasion of Ukraine.” Sergey Lavrov responded by saying that 17 scenarios were written by 17 intelligence agencies and one by the DOS staff.

The only thing was certain, it would be a false flag attack, because Russia didn’t have any plans to take over Ukraine.

It’s very expensive, since we would have to feed their population, solve its problems, and ensure its general well-being. All this would be an enormous injustice to us, Russians, since it’s only recently that we started to live better. The economy is growing the fastest ever. Good and fair energy prices in Europe and great prices for our other exports like wheat and fertilizers pay higher pensions and paychecks of doctors, teachers, military and law enforcement, and other federal employees.The government just recently undertook gigantic investments into mega infrastructure projects and mega oil and gas processing plants (source).

It’s beyond stupid and evil to think that after trillions rubles in new investments Russian government should decides it wants to occupy and feed the failed state of Ukraine.

So, the whole thing is just a Biden admin manufactured pretext to impose new illegal trade restrictions that would per their design crush our economy and make us all poor, again.

But, going back to the gold key to the mystery that fell out of Zelensky’s mouth. What scenario will the US use to stage a false flag attack to blame it on Russia?

Here is a spoiler alert.

At 2:37 on the Tacker Carlson video, the image allegedly from Ukraine looks like the black-and-white WWII footage.

Fake war footage

Zelensky said during his interview, “Do we have tanks on the streets? No! The image that the mass media creates is that we have troops on the roads, we have mobilization, people are leaving for places. That’s not the case!”

And that’s our Oscar winning scenario of virtual invasion. It was staged and prerecorded and was supposed to be broadcast all over the world.

Last week, some British news channel aired an interview with Ukrainian general Oleksandr Pavliuk who famously said that he has half a million veterans who are ready “to tear Russians apart with their bare hands.” (source)

I couldn’t find this footage again, but if you happen to come across it you will notice a middle aged overweight man in khaki looking like a stuffed sausage or the Michelin Man. He slowly runs across the snowy field,and then appears behind the general, while someone on the background shouting and shooting aimlessly, and a smoke machine in the snow emits dense vapor covering the whole scene with a couple of military trucks and a couple of men hiding behind them.  The whole scene is a movie set, and they are filming scenes of a virtual “Russian invasion.”

In Zelensky’s own words: Do we have tanks on the streets? No! The image that the mass media creates is that we have troops on the roads, we have mobilization, people are leaving for places. That’s not the case!

So, when we see news on tanks on the streets in Ukraine, troops on the roads, mass mobilization and people in khaki leaving for places – it’s an image of the “Russian invasion” that western media have created.

Newsweek image of alleged middle-aged “Ukrainian soldiers”.

Borrowed from here:

Ukraine is a very poor country. People there would do anything for money, especially act in a movie.

On Monday, January 31,  The head of the People’s Militia Department, Yan Leshchenko, announced that Kiev is preparing staged and filmed stories about the military actions allegedly unleashed by the republics of Donbass and Russia against Ukraine (source)

“Our intelligence obtained reliable information about the development and implementation by Ukrainian special services with the support of Western intelligence agencies of a special information campaign codenamed Crushing Sword. The purpose of this campaign is to mislead the world community and accuse the People’s Republics of Donbass and the Russian Federation of aggression against Ukraine,” Leshchenko quotes the Telegram channel of the People’s Militia of the LPR (source)

Lugansk now has reliable information that Kiev is preparing professionally acted and staged TV stories as part of the campaign. “At the first stage of the information campaign with the beginning of aggression by the Ukrainian Armed Forces the Kiev regime planned to broadcast pre-prepared staged videos on the alleged beginning of military operations against Ukraine by the People’s republics and the Russian Federation,” Leshchenko said.

The Ukrainian authorities organized videos about the residents of Donbass, who allegedly ask “to free them from Russian oppression.” “Kiev is ready to release staged videos on television in which specially trained citizens on behalf of our people will talk about the “horrors of war” and ask “to free them from Russian oppression,” the head of the People’s Militia department informed.

TASS reported that according to Leshchenko, Kiev propagandists want to convince the world community of the legitimacy of the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, allegedly liberating Donbass from terrorists. “Ukrainian propagandists intend to demonstrate the successes of the Ukrainian army in allegedly successfully repelling the imaginary aggression of the people’s republics, as well as conducting an offensive on Donbass. According to the plan, the international community and the population of Ukraine will have to make sure of the legality of the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, allegedly liberating Donbass from terrorists. The death of civilians in the people’s republics will be presented as the destruction of terrorists,” he said in a statement.

Final Thoughts

The United States War Machine is on auto-pilot and running at full-throttle. It is just plowing ahead and is Hell-bent on creating a war with Asia one way or the other.

False-flag events are set up to start a popping up everwhere, and the American Navy and military forces are all moving about all over the globe surrounding Asia trying to instigate a war.

This week at the Olympics, Putin and Xi Peng will hold a joint statement. It will be optomistic and promising. It will be hopeful. But within that statement, whatever how nice and hopeful it will sound, will be a message that will put a bone-chilling terror down the spines of the Colelctive West. I don’t know what it is, but I am sure that we will find out soon enough.

Just realize that the positive news will have a component that will “blow off” the knee-caps of the United States military empire and it’s EU enablers.

I can’t wait to hear what it is.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Law 46 of the 48 Laws of Power; Never appear too perfect

This is law 46 of the “48 Laws of Power” by Robert Green. Reprinted in it’s entirety. I hope that you all enjoy it.

Appearing better than others is always dangerous, but most dangerous of all is to appear to have no faults or weaknesses. Envy creates silent enemies. It is smart to occasionally display defects, and admit to harmless vices, in order to deflect envy and appear more human and approachable. Only gods and the dead can seem perfect with impunity.

  • Either dampen your brilliance occasionally, purposefully revealing a defect, weakness, or anxiety, or attributing your success to luck; or simply find yourself new friends. Never underestimate the power of envy.
  • The envy of the masses can be deflected quite easily – appear as one of them in style and values.  Never flaunt your wealth, and carefully conceal the degree to which it has bought influence. Make a display of deferring to others, as if they were more powerful than you.
  • Use envy to motivate you to greater heights.
  • Keep a wary eye for envy in those below you as you grow more successful.
  • Expect that those envious of you will work against you.
  • Emphasize luck, and do not adopt a false modesty that will be seen through.
  • Deflect envy of political power by not seeming ambitious.  
  • Disguise your power as a kind of self-sacrifice rather than a source of happiness for you.  Emphasize your troubles and you turn potential envy into a source of moral support (pity).
  • Beware signs of envy: excessive praise, hypercritical people, public slandering.
  • Note: once envy is present, it is sometimes best to display the utmost disdain for those who envy you.

LAW 46



Appearing better than others is always dangerous, but most dangerous of all is to appear to have no faults or weaknesses. Envy creates silent enemies. It is smart to occasionally display defects, and admit to harmless vices, in order to deflect envy and appear more human and approachable. Only gods and the dead can seem perfect with impunity.


Joe Orton met Kenneth Halliwell at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, London, in 1953, where both had enrolled as acting students. They soon became lovers and moved in together. Halliwell, twenty-five at the time, was seven years older than Orton, and seemed the more confident of the two; but neither had much talent as actors, and after graduating, having settled down together in a dank London apartment, they decided to give up acting and collaborate as writers instead. Halliwell’s inheritance was enough to keep them from having to find work for a few years, and in the beginning, he was also the driving force behind the stories and novels they wrote; he would dictate to Orton, who would type the manuscripts, occasionally interjecting his own lines and ideas. Their first efforts attracted some interest from literary agents, but it sputtered. The promise they had shown was leading nowhere.

Eventually the inheritance money ran out, and the pair had to look for work. Their collaborations were less enthusiastic and less frequent. The future looked bleak.

In 1957 Orton began to write on his own, but it wasn’t until five years later, when the lovers were jailed for six months for defacing dozens of library books, that he began to find his voice (perhaps not by chance: This was the first time he and Halliwell had been separated in nine years). He came out of prison determined to express his contempt for English society in the form of theatrical farces. He and Halliwell moved back in together, but now the roles were reversed: Orton did the writing while Halliwell put in comments and ideas.

In 1964 Joe Orton completed his first full-length play, Entertaining Mr. Sloane. The play made it to London’s West End, where it received brilliant reviews: A great new writer had emerged from nowhere. Now success followed success, at a dizzying pace. In 1966 Orton had a hit with his play Loot, and his popularity soared. Soon commissions came in from all sides, including from the Beatles, who paid Orton handsomely to write them a film script.

Everything was pointing upwards, everything except Orton’s relationship with Kenneth Halliwell. The pair still lived together, but as Orton grew successful, Halliwell began to deteriorate. Watching his lover become the center of attention, he suffered the humiliation of becoming a kind of personal assistant to the playwright, his role in what had once been a collaboration growing smaller and smaller. In the 1950s he had supported Orton with his inheritance; now Orton supported him. At a party or among friends, people would naturally gravitate towards Orton—he was charming, and his mood was almost always buoyant. Unlike the handsome Orton, Halliwell was bald and awkward; his defensiveness made people want to avoid him.

A greedy man and an envious man met a king. The king said to them, “One of you may ask something of me and I will give it to him, provided I give twice as much to the other. ” The envious person did not want to ask first for he was envious of his companion who would receive twice as much, and the greedy man did not want to ask first since he wanted everything that was to be had. Finally the greedy one pressed the envious one to be the first to make the request. So the envious person asked the king to pluck out one of his eyes.

An admirer who feels that he cannot be happy by surrendering himself elects to become envious of that which he admires. So he speaks another languagethe thing which he really admires is called a stupid, insipid and queer sort of thing. Admiration is happy self-surrender; envy is unhappy self-assertion.


With Orton’s success the couple’s problems only worsened. Halliwell’s moods made their life together impossible. Orton claimed to want to leave him, and had numerous affairs, but would always end up returning to his old friend and lover. He tried to help Halliwell launch a career as an artist, even arranging for a gallery to show his work, but the show was a flop, and this only heightened Halliwell’s sense of inferiority. In May of 1967, the pair went on a brief holiday together in Tangier, Morocco. During the trip, Orton wrote in his diary, “We sat talking of how happy we felt. And how it couldn’t, surely, last. We’d have to pay for it. Or we’d be struck down from afar by disaster because we were, perhaps, too happy. To be young, good-looking, healthy, famous, comparatively rich and happy is surely going against nature.”

Halliwell outwardly seemed as happy as Orton. Inwardly, though, he was seething. And two months later, in the early morning of August 10, 1967, just days after helping Orton put the finishing touches to the wicked farce What the Butler Saw (undoubtedly his masterpiece), Kenneth Halliwell bludgeoned Joe Orton to death with repeated blows of a hammer to the head. He then took twenty-one sleeping pills and died himself, leaving behind a note that read, “If you read Orton’s diary all will be explained.”


Kenneth Halliwell had tried to cast his deterioration as mental illness, but what Joe Orton’s diaries revealed to him was the truth: It was envy, pure and simple, that lay at the heart of his sickness. The diaries, which Halliwell read on the sly, recounted the couple’s days as equals and their struggle for recognition. After Orton found success, the diaries began to describe Halliwell’s brooding, his rude comments at parties, his growing sense of inferiority. All of this Orton narrated with a distance that bordered on contempt.

The diaries made clear Halliwell’s bitterness over Orton’s success. Eventually the only thing that would have satisfied him would have been for Orton to have a failure of his own, an unsuccessful play perhaps, so that they could have commiserated in their failure, as they had done years before. When the opposite happened—as Orton grew only more successful and popular—Halliwell did the only thing that would make them equals again: He made them equals in death. With Orton’s murder, he became almost as famous as his friend—posthumously.

Joe Orton only partly understood his lover’s deterioration. His attempt to help Halliwell launch a career in art registered for what it was: charity and guilt. Orton basically had two possible solutions to the problem. He could have downplayed his own success, displaying some faults, deflecting Halliwell’s envy; or, once he realized the nature of the problem, he could have fled as if Halliwell were a viper, as in fact he was—a viper of envy. Once envy eats away at someone, everything you do only makes it grow, and day by day it festers inside him. Eventually he will attack.

It takes great talent and skill to conceal one’s talent and skill


The goddess Minerva made her way to the house of Envy, a house filthy with dark

and noisome slime. It is hidden away in the depths of the valleys, where the sun never penetrates, where no wind blows through; a gloomy dwelling, permeated by numbing chill, ever fireless, ever shrouded in thick darkness. When Minerva reached this spot she stopped in front of the house ... and struck the doors with the tip of her spear, and at the blow they flew open and revealed Envy within, busy at a meal of snake’s flesh, the food on which she nourished her wickedness. At the sight, Minerva turned her eyes away. But the other rose heavily from the ground, leaving the half-eaten

corpses, and came out with dragging steps. When she saw the goddess in all the brilliance of her beauty, in her flashing armor, she groaned.... Envy’s face was sickly pale, her whole body lean and wasted, and she squinted horribly; her teeth were discoloretl and decayed, her poisonous breast of a greenish hue, and her tongue dripped venom. Only the sight of suffering could bring a smile to her lips. She never knew the comfort of sleep, but was kept constantly awake by care and anxiety, looked with dismay on men’s good fortune, and grew thin at the sight. Gnawing at others, and being gnawed, she was herself her own torment. Minerva, in spite of her loathing, yet addressed her briefly: “Instill your poison into one of Cecrop’s daughters—her name is Aglauros. This is what I require of you. Without another word she pushed against the ground with her spear, left the earth, and soared upwards.

From the corner of her eye the other watched the goddess out of sight, muttering and angry that Minerva’s plan should be successful. Then she took her staff, all encircled with thorny briars, wrapped herself in dark clouds, and set forth. Wherever she went she trampled down the flowery fields, withered up the grass, seared the treetops, and with her breath tainted the peoples, their cities and their homes, until at length she came to Athens, the home of wit and wealth, peaceful and prosperous. She could scarcely refrain from weeping when she saw no cause for tears. Then entering the chamber of Cecrop’s daughter, she carried out Minerva’s orders. She touched the girl’s breast with a hand dipped in malice, filled her heart with spiky thorns, and breathing in a black and evil poison dispersed it through her very bones, instilling the venom deep in her heart. That the reason for her distress might not be far to seek, she set before Aglauros’ eyes a vision of her sister, of that sister’s fortunate marriage [with the god Mercury], and of the god in all his handsomeness; and she exaggerated the glory of it all. So Aglauros was tormented by such thoughts, and the jealous anger she concealed ate into her heart. Day and night she sighed, unceasingly wretched, and in her utter misery wasted away in a slow decline, as when ice is melted by the fitful sun. The fire that was kindled within her at the thought of her sister’s luck and good fortune was like the burning of weeds which do not burst into flames, but are none the less consumed by smoldering fire.


Only a minority can succeed at the game of life, and that minority inevitably arouses the envy of those around them. Once success happens your way, however, the people to fear the most are those in your own circle, the friends and acquaintances you have left behind. Feelings of inferiority gnaw at them; the thought of your success only heightens their feelings of stagnation. Envy, which the philosopher Kierkegaard calls “unhappy admiration,” takes hold. You may not see it but you will feel it someday—unless, that is, you learn strategies of deflection, little sacrifices to the gods of success. Either dampen your brilliance occasionally, purposefully revealing a defect, weakness, or anxiety, or attributing your success to luck; or simply find yourself new friends. Never underestimate the power of envy.


The merchant class and the craft guilds to which medieval Florence owed its prosperity had created a republic that protected them from oppression by the nobility. Since high office could only be held for a few months, no one could gain lasting dominance, and although this meant that the political factions struggled constantly for control, the system kept out tyrants and petty dictators. The Medici family lived for several centuries under this system without making much of a mark. They had modest origins as apothecaries, and were typical middle-class citizens. Not until the late fourteenth century, when Giovanni de’ Medici made a modest fortune in banking, did they emerge as a force to be reckoned with.

Upon Giovanni’s death, his son Cosimo took over the family business, and quickly demonstrated his talent for it. The business prospered under his control and the Medicis emerged as one of the preeminent banking families of Europe. But they had a rival in Florence: Despite the city’s republican system, one family, the Albizzis, had managed over the years to monopolize control of the government, forging alliances that allowed them to constantly fill important offices with their own men. Cosimo did not fight this, and in fact gave the Albizzis his tacit support. At the same time, while the Albizzis were beginning to flaunt their power, Cosimo made a point of staying in the background.

Eventually, however, the Medici wealth could not be ignored, and in 1433, feeling threatened by the family, the Albizzis used their government muscle to have Cosimo arrested on charges of conspiring to overthrow the republic. Some in the Albizzi faction wanted Cosimo executed, others feared this would spark a civil war. In the end they exiled him from Florence. Cosimo did not fight the sentence; he left quietly. Sometimes, he knew, it is wiser to bide one’s time and keep a low profile.

Over the next year, the Albizzis began to stir up fears that they were setting up a dictatorship. Meanwhile, Cosimo, using his wealth to advantage, continued to exert influence on Florentine affairs, even from exile. A civil war broke out in the city, and in September of 1434 the Albizzis were toppled from power and sent into exile. Cosimo immediately returned to Florence, his position restored. But he saw that he now faced a delicate situation: If he seemed ambitious, as the Albizzis had, he would stir up opposition and envy that would ultimately threaten his business. If he stayed on the sidelines, on the other hand, he would leave an opening for another faction to rise up as the Albizzis had, and to punish the Medicis for their success.

Cosimo solved the problem in two ways: He secretly used his wealth to buy influence among key citizens, and he placed his own allies, all cleverly enlisted from the middle classes to disguise their allegiance to him, in top government positions. Those who complained of his growing political clout were taxed into submission, or their properties were bought out from under them by Cosimo’s banker allies. The republic survived in name only. Cosimo held the strings.

While he worked behind the scenes to gain control, however, publicly Cosimo presented another picture. When he walked through the streets of Florence, he dressed modestly, was attended by no more than one servant, and bowed deferentially to magistrates and elder citizens. He rode a mule instead of a horse. He never spoke out on matters of public import, even though he controlled Florence’s foreign affairs for over thirty years. He gave money to charities and maintained his ties to Florence’s merchant class. He financed all kinds of public buildings that fed the Florentines’ pride in their city. When he built a palace for himself and his family in nearby Fiesole, he turned down the ornate designs that Brunelleschi had drawn up for him and instead chose a modest structure designed by Michelozzo, a man of humble Florentine origins. The palace was a symbol of Cosimo’s strategy—all simplicity on the outside, all elegance and opulence within.

Cosimo finally died in 1464, after ruling for thirty years. The citizens of Florence wanted to build him a great tomb, and to celebrate his memory with elaborate funeral ceremonies, but on his deathbed he had asked to be buried without “any pomp or demonstration.” Some sixty years later, Machiavelli hailed Cosimo as the wisest of all princes, “for he knew how extraordinary things that are seen and appear every hour make men much more envied than those that are done in deed and are covered over with decency.”


A close friend of Cosimo’s, the bookseller Vespasiano da Bisticci, once wrote of him, “And whenever he wished to achieve something, he saw to it, in order to escape envy as much as possible, that the initiative appeared to come from others, and not from him.” One of Cosimo’s favorite expressions was, “Envy is a weed that should not be watered.” Understanding the power envy has in a democratic environment, Cosimo avoided the appearance of greatness. This does not mean that greatness should be suffocated, or that only the mediocre should survive; only that a game of appearances must be played. The insidious envy of the masses can actually be deflected quite easily: Appear as one of them in style and values. Make alliances with those below you, and elevate them to positions of power to secure their support in times of need. Never flaunt your wealth, and carefully conceal the degree to which it has bought influence. Make a display of deferring to others, as if they were more powerful than you. Cosimo de’ Medici perfected this game; he was a consummate con artist of appearances. No one could gauge the extent of his power—his modest exterior hid the truth.

Never be so foolish as to believe that you are stirring up admiration by flaunting the qualities that raise you above others. By making others aware of their inferior position, you are only stirring up “unhappy admiration,” or envy, which will gnaw away at them until they undermine you in ways you cannot foresee. The fool dares the gods of envy by flaunting his victories. The master of power understands that the appearance of superiority over others is inconsequential next to the reality of it.

Of all the disorders of the soul, envy is the only one no one confesses to.

Plutarch, c. A.D 46-120
The envious hides as carefully as the secret, lustful sinner and becomes the endless inventor of tricks and stratagems to hide and mask himself Thus he is able to pretend to ignore the superiority of others which eats up his heart, as ifhe did not see them, nor hear them, nor were aware of them, nor had ever heard of them. He is a master simulator. On the other hand he tries with all his power to connive and thus prevent any form of superiority from appearing in any situation. And if they do, he casts on them obscurity, hypercriticism, sarcasm and calumny like the toad that spits poison from its hole. On the other hand he will raise endlessly insignificant men, mediocre people, and even the inferior in the same type of activities.

For not many men, the proverb says, can love a friend who fortune prospers without feeling envy; and about the envious brain, cold poison clings and doubles all the pain life brings him. His own woundings he must nurse, and feels another’s gladness like a curse.

AESCHYLUS, c. 525-456 B.C.


The human animal has a hard time dealing with feelings of inferiority. In the face of superior skill, talent, or power, we are often disturbed and ill at ease; this is because most of us have an inflated sense of ourselves, and when we meet people who surpass us they make it clear to us that we are in fact mediocre, or at least not as brilliant as we had thought. This disturbance in our self-image cannot last long without stirring up ugly emotions. At first we feel envy: If only we had the quality or skill of the superior person, we would be happy. But envy brings us neither comfort nor any closer to equality. Nor can we admit to feeling it, for it is frowned upon socially—to show envy is to admit to feeling inferior. To close friends, we may confess our secret unrealized desires, but we will never confess to feeling envy. So it goes underground. We disguise it in many ways, like finding grounds to criticize the person who makes us feel it: He may be smarter than I am, we say, but he has no morals or conscience. Or he may have more power, but that’s because he cheats. If we do not slander him, perhaps we praise him excessively—another of envy’s disguises.

There are several strategies for dealing with the insidious, destructive emotion of envy. First, accept the fact that there will be people who will surpass you in some way, and also the fact that you may envy them. But make that feeling a way of pushing yourself to equal or surpass them someday. Let envy turn inward and it poisons the soul; expel it outward and it can move you to greater heights.

Second, understand that as you gain power, those below you will feel envious of you. They may not show it but it is inevitable. Do not naively accept the facade they show you—read between the lines of their criticisms, their little sarcastic remarks, the signs of backstabbing, the excessive praise that is preparing you for a fall, the resentful look in the eye. Half the problem with envy comes when we do not recognize it until it is too late.

Finally, expect that when people envy you they will work against you insidiously. They will put obstacles in your path that you will not foresee, or that you cannot trace to their source. It is hard to defend yourself against this kind of attack. And by the time you realize that envy is at the root of a person’s feelings about you, it is often too late: Your excuses, your false humility, your defensive actions, only exacerbate the problem. Since it is far easier to avoid creating envy in the first place than to get rid of it once it is there, you should strategize to forestall it before it grows. It is often your own actions that stir up envy, your own unawareness. By becoming conscious of those actions and qualities that create envy, you can take the teeth out of it before it nibbles you to death.

Kierkegaard believed that there are types of people who create envy, and are as guilty when it arises as those who feel it. The most obvious type we all know: The moment something good happens to them, whether by luck or design, they crow about it. In fact they get pleasure out of making people feel inferior. This type is obvious and beyond hope. There are others, however, who stir up envy in more subtle and unconscious ways, and are partly to blame for their troubles. Envy is often a problem, for example, for people with great natural talent.

Sir Walter Raleigh was one of the most brilliant men at the court of Queen Elizabeth of England. He had skills as a scientist, wrote poetry still recognized as among the most beautiful writing of the time, was a proven leader of men, an enterprising entrepreneur, a great sea captain, and on top of all this was a handsome, dashing courtier who charmed his way into becoming one of the queen’s favorites. Wherever he went, however, people blocked his path. Eventually he suffered a terrific fall from grace, leading even to prison and finally the executioner’s axe.

Raleigh could not understand the stubborn opposition he faced from the other courtiers. He did not see that he had not only made no attempt to disguise the degree of his skills and qualities, he had imposed them on one and all, making a show of his versatility, thinking it impressed people and won him friends. In fact it made him silent enemies, people who felt inferior to him and did all they could to ruin him the moment he tripped up or made the slightest mistake. In the end, the reason he was executed was treason, but envy will use any cover it finds to mask its destructiveness.

The envy elicited by Sir Walter Raleigh is the worst kind: It was inspired by his natural talent and grace, which he felt was best displayed in its full flower. Money others can attain; power as well. But superior intelligence, good looks, charm—these are qualities no one can acquire. The naturally perfect have to work the most to disguise their brilliance, displaying a defect or two to deflect envy before it takes root. It is a common and naive mistake to think you are charming people with your natural talents when in fact they are coming to hate you.


Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age; and he made him a coat of many colors…. And his brothers envied him….

And when they saw him afar off, they conspired against him to slay him. And now they said to one another, “Behold, this dreamer cometh. Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we shall say, some evil beast hath devoured him; and we shall see what will become of his dreams”



[When Pope Julius first saw Michelangelo’s design for his tomb] it pleased him so much that he at once sent him to Carrara to quarry the necessary marbles, instructing Alamanno Salviati, of Florence, to pay him a thousand ducats for this purpose. Michelangelo stayed in these mountains more than eight months with two workmen and his horse, and without any other provision except food.... Enough marbles quarried and chosen, he took them to the sea-coast, and left one of his men to have them embarked. He himself returned to Rome.

... The quantity of marbles was immense, so that, spread over the piazza, they were the admiration of all and a joy to the pope, who heaped immeasurable favors upon Michelangelo: and when he began to work upon them again and again went to see him at his house, and talked to him about the tomb and other things as with his own brother. And in order that he might more easily go to him, the pope ordered that a drawbridge should be thrown across from the Corridore to the rooms of Michelangelo, by which he might visit him in private.

These many and frequent favors were the cause (as often is the case at court) of much envy, and, after the envy, of endless persecution, since Bramante, the architect, who was loved by the pope, made him change his mind as to the monument by telling him, as is said by the vulgar, that it is unlucky to build one’s tomb in one’s lifetime, and other tales. Fear as well as envy stimulated Bramante, for the judgment of Michelangelo had exposed many of his errors.... Now because he had no doubt that Michelangelo knew these errors of his, he always sought to remove him from Rome, or, at least, to deprive him of the favor of the pope, and of the glory and usefulness that he might have acquired by his industry. He succeeded in the matter of the tomb. There is no doubt that if Michelangelo had been allowed to finish it, according to his first design, having so large a field in which to show his worth, no other artist, however celebrated (be it said without envy) could have wrested from him the high place he would have held.


A great danger in the realm of power is the sudden improvement in fortune—an unexpected promotion, a victory or success that seems to come out of nowhere. This is sure to stir up envy among your former peers.

When Archbishop de Retz was promoted to the rank of cardinal, in 1651, he knew full well that many of his former colleagues envied him. Understanding the foolishness of alienating those below him, de Retz did everything he could to downplay his merit and emphasize the role of luck in his success. To put people at ease, he acted humbly and deferentially, as if nothing had changed. (In reality, of course, he now had much more power than before.) He wrote that these wise policies “produced a good effect, by lessening the envy which was conceived against me, which is the greatest of all secrets.” Follow de Retz’s example. Subtly emphasize how lucky you have been, to make your happiness seem more attainable to other people, and the need for envy less acute. But be careful not to affect a false modesty that people can easily see through. This will only make them more envious. The act has to be good; your humility, and your openness to those you have left behind, have to seem genuine. Any hint of insincerity will only make your new status more oppressive. Remember: Despite your elevated position, it will do you no good to alienate your former peers. Power requires a wide and solid support base, which envy can silently destroy.

Political power of any kind creates envy, and one of the best ways to deflect it before it takes root is to seem unambitious. When Ivan the Terrible died, Boris Godunov knew he was the only one on the scene who could lead Russia. But if he sought the position eagerly, he would stir up envy and suspicion among the boyars, so he refused the crown, not once but several times. He made people insist that he take the throne. George Washington used the same strategy to great effect, first in refusing to keep the position of Commander in Chief of the American army, second in resisting the presidency. In both cases he made himself more popular than ever. People cannot envy the power that they themselves have given a person who does not seem to desire it.

According to the Elizabethan statesman and writer Sir Francis Bacon, the wisest policy of the powerful is to create a kind of pity for themselves, as if their responsibilities were a burden and a sacrifice. How can one envy a man who has taken on a heavy load for the public interest? Disguise your power as a kind of self-sacrifice rather than a source of happiness and you make it seem less enviable. Emphasize your troubles and you turn a potential danger (envy) into a source of moral support (pity). A similar ploy is to hint that your good fortune will benefit those around you. To do this you may need to open your purse strings, like Cimon, a wealthy general in ancient Athens who gave lavishly in all kinds of ways to prevent people from resenting the influence he had bought in Athenian politics. He paid a high price to deflect their envy, but in the end it saved him from ostracism and banishment from the city.

The painter J. M. W. Turner devised another way of giving to deflect the envy of his fellow artists, which he recognized as his greatest obstacle to his success. Noticing that his incomparable color skills made them afraid to hang their paintings next to his in exhibitions, he realized that their fear would turn to envy, and would eventually make it harder for him to find galleries to show in. On occasion, then, Turner is known to have temporarily dampened the colors in his paintings with soot to earn him the goodwill of his colleagues.

To deflect envy, Gracian recommends that the powerful display a weakness, a minor social indiscretion, a harmless vice. Give those who envy you something to feed on, distracting them from your more important sins. Remember: It is the reality that matters. You may have to play games with appearances, but in the end you will have what counts: true power. In some Arab countries, a man will avoid arousing envy by doing as Cosimo de Medici did by showing his wealth only on the inside of his house. Apply this wisdom to your own character.

Beware of some of envy’s disguises. Excessive praise is an almost sure sign that the person praising you envies you; they are either setting you up for a fall—it will be impossible for you to live up to their praise—or they are sharpening their blades behind your back. At the same time, those who are hypercritical of you, or who slander you publicly, probably envy you as well. Recognize their behavior as disguised envy and you keep out of the trap of mutual mud-slinging, or of taking their criticisms to heart. Win your revenge by ignoring their measly presence.

Do not try to help or do favors for those who envy you; they will think you are condescending to them. Joe Orton’s attempt to help Halliwell find a gallery for his work only intensified his lover’s feelings of inferiority and envy. Once envy reveals itself for what it is, the only solution is often to flee the presence of the enviers, leaving them to stew in a hell of their own creation.

Finally, be aware that some environments are more conducive to envy than others. The effects of envy are more serious among colleagues and peers, where there is a veneer of equality. Envy is also destructive in democratic environments where overt displays of power are looked down upon. Be extrasensitive in such environments. The filmmaker Ingmar Bergman was hounded by Swedish tax authorities because he stood out in a country where standing out from the crowd is frowned on. It is almost impossible to avoid envy in such cases, and there is little you can do but accept it graciously and take none of it personally. As Thoreau once said, “Envy is the tax which all distinction must pay.”

Did ever anybody seriously confess to envy? Something there is in it universally felt to be more shameful than even felonious crime. And not only does everybody disown it, but the better sort are inclined to incredulity when it is in earnest imputed to an intelligent man. But since lodgment is in the heart not the brain, no degree of intellect supplies a guarantee against it.


Image: A Garden of Weeds. You may not feed them but they spread as you water the garden. You may not see how, but they take over, tall and ugly, pre venting anything beautiful from flourishing. Before it is too late, do not water indiscrimi nately. Destroy the weeds of envy by giving them nothing to feed on.

Authority: Upon occasion, reveal a harmless defect in your character. For the envious accuse the most perfect of sinning by having no sins. They become an Argus, all eyes for finding fault with excellence—it is their only consolation. Do not let envy burst with its own venom—affect some lapse in valor or intellect, so as to disarm it beforehand. You thus wave your red cape before the Horns of Envy, in order to save your immortality. (Baltasar Gracian, 1601-1658)

Know how to triumph over envy and malice. Here contempt, although prudent, counts, indeed, for little; magnanimity is better. A good word concerning one who speaks evil of you cannot be praised too highly: there is no revenge more heroic than that brought about by those merits and attainments which frustrate and torment the envious. Every stroke of good fortune is a further twist of the rope round the neck of the ill-disposed and the heaven of the envied is hell for the envious. To convert your good fortune into poison for your enemies is held to be the most severe punishment you can inflict on them. The envious man dies not only once but as many times as the person he envies lives to hear the voice of praise; the eternity of the latter’s fame is the measure of the former’s punishment: the one is immortal in his glory, the latter in his misery. The trumpet of fame which sounds immortality for the one heralds death for the other, who is sentenced to be choked to death on his own envy.



The reason for being careful with the envious is that they are so indirect, and will find innumerable ways to undermine you. But treading carefully around them will often only make their envy worse. They sense that you are being cautious, and it registers as yet another sign of your superiority. That is why you must act before envy takes root.

Once envy is there, however, whether through your fault or not, it is sometimes best to affect the opposite approach: Display the utmost disdain for those who envy you. Instead of hiding your perfection, make it obvious. Make every new triumph an opportunity to make the envious squirm. Your good fortune and power become their living hell. If you attain a position of unimpeachable power, their envy will have no effect on you, and you will have the best revenge of all: They are trapped in envy while you are free in your power.

This is how Michelangelo triumphed over the venomous architect Bramante, who turned Pope Julius against Michelangelo’s design for his tomb. Bramante envied Michelangelo’s godlike skills, and to this one triumph—the aborted tomb project—he thought to add another, by pushing the pope to commission Michelangelo to paint the murals in the Sistine Chapel. The project would take years, during which Michelangelo would accomplish no more of his brilliant sculptures. Furthermore, Bramante considered Michelangelo not nearly as skilled in painting as in sculpture. The chapel would spoil his image as the perfect artist.

Michelangelo saw the trap and wanted to turn down the commission, but he could not refuse the pope, so he accepted it without complaint. Then, however, he used Bramante’s envy to spur him to greater heights, making the Sistine Chapel his most perfect work of all. Every time Bramante heard of it or saw it, he felt more oppressed by his own envy—the sweetest and most lasting revenge you can exact on the envious.

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