Global Sitrep with heavy Ukraine influence an update for 1MAR22

This is a sitrep for the Russian / Ukranian / Western collapse in coils as of early march 2022. It’s a bit all over the place. It includes fighting updates, control of the media narrative, pretty Chinese girls, jokes from Satan himself and hamburgers. Hamburgers too. Lots and lots, and lots of hamburgers. I hope that you will like it.

We start off with some food porn; the lovely hamburger.

In fact, I will go as far as to proudly state that this article has been brought to you by the lovely hamburger (Well, in this case a cheeseburger.) and I hope that you too end up appreciating the news with a flavor for excitement!

One of the residents of one of the new Republics.

This explains so much! Guy is from one of the new provences, the LDR or the NDR (not specified) that is joyous about Russia stopping the Ukrine shelling of their homes.

“Now I am constantly among the fighters. Many of my colleagues talk about the progress of the liberation of Donbass and Ukraine, so I focus on something else: I talk about the mood of our guys.

I don’t need to say that they are all on the upswing, their morale is high and they are ready to carry out the tasks assigned to them. What is important is that none of them has any bitterness or desire to fight for the sake of war.

For everyone, this battle is a battle for freedom. There are many, many young men in the ranks today from among those who have a home in the territories yet to be liberated. Can this be an invasion? It’s a homecoming, as they themselves say.

There are many volunteers who come without summons, at the call of the heart. And regardless of age, civilian occupation, place of residence – they are all united by the desire to liberate the Republic and Ukraine from Nazism.

This is not a war for the sake of war, this is a war in the name of peace, and the civilians of Ukraine are not enemies to these guys.”

Comic of the year!


American “news”

Heh. Heh.

"Want some comedy? Go take a look at the front page of the Drudge Report. I’ve never seen such mass propaganda in my life. How do they possibly retain a shred of creditability on anything after this. The desperation reeks."

Yeah. The American “news” is all full about the mistake Russia made and how it is now in a disastrous quagmire. Oh No! Here’s the top, highest promoted links on the Drudge Report today. Nothing is balanced. Nothing is accurate. Nothing is a view about the entire situation. It’s all emotionally driven bullshit…

Yeah. The proud, brave man who is taking on Russia all by himself.
Oh. Right. So the reason behind the Russian incursion is to disarm the Ukraine. And that is what the West does not want at all. They want an armed Ukraine, and a long quagmire.
Brave Ukrainians ready to die for their homeland. Actually, the truth is more like Russia stepping in and stabilizing a very unstable place. Anyone who lays down weapons can continue their lives, and return to their roles once the situation stabilizes.
Cut out all alternative viewpoints. Subject the Western readership to a cardboard paper cutout; evil villain. 
4,300 dead, 146 tanks smashed...
Massive losses on Russia! What a mistake that Russia made!
Fuel, logistics problems frustrate advance...
What a mistake! It's identical to the "Battle of the Bulge" where the proud Americans won against the evil Nazi Germans.
Soldiers Were Told They Were Going to Drill?
Putin lied to his soldiers. See! You just cannot trust a communist.
Forces attack children's hospital...
Killing and maiming little children! The Russian monster!
Radioactive Waste Facility Struck By Missile...
Oh no! Nuclear war is any minute now!
Kyiv skies glow orange...
Fighting in Kiev right now, and the proud defenders are holding on, but just barely. They need NATO intervention.
Bloody fighting erupts on streets of 2nd largest city Kharkiv...
Fighting in Kharkiv right now, and the proud defenders are holding on, but just barely. They need NATO intervention.
368,000 flee...
Putin started a humaritarian crisis.
Navy seizes 2 boats as war goes to seas...
Russia has taken over two Naval vessels. The NATO alliance needs to sail to the coast and get involved!
The West fights back using high-technology abilities that the RUssians have no defense against.
Moscow central bank urges calm amid cash run fears...
Russians are freaking out, and the entire financial well-being of Russia is about to collapse any day now.
Inside the anguished flight from Ukraine as women, children search for safety
Yes. Women and children and displaced people. Yes. It's horrible.
Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, claims victory against Russia
Brave fighters holding off those dasterdly Communists!

But the truth remains the same; the louder the shrilling, the more obvious the defeat of Western forces is.  Indeed. The more vicious the propaganda gets, the more likely it is that NATO is loosing badly on the ground. Popcorn time.

While in the United States

Yah. It’s a completely different reality. Far removed. Living life. Just bombing the rest of the world to pieces and provoking wars left and right. But in the meantime, just enjoying life. video 4MB

For youse newcomers to MM…

I sprinkle content all over the place. You have to see the big picture, and realize that everythign is connected. When you see the big picture, and break up content MM style, you disable the vault 7 influences imbedded inside of all Western electronic media. Your mind adapts quicker than the vault 7 influence.

Additionally, it serves as an easy check to see if someone ACTUALLY read the article. Hit and run commenters don’t. And if you read the articles, and not comment on the food, pretty girls, or side ventures, then I know that you haven’t read the article. Like this joker…

2022 03 01 16 24
2022 03 01 16 24

Pretty Chinese girl

Let’s lighten up the mood here. video 1MB

Falsehoods in wartime

Historian Anne Morelli has summarized Arthur Ponsonby’s classic book Falsehood in War-Time as this:

  1. We do not want war.
  2. The opposite party alone is guilty of war.
  3. The enemy is inherently evil and resembles the devil.
  4. We defend a noble cause, not our own interests.
  5. The enemy commits atrocities on purpose; our mishaps are involuntary.
  6. The enemy uses forbidden weapons.
  7. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous.
  8. Recognized artists and intellectuals back our cause.
  9. Our cause is sacred.
  10. All who doubt our propaganda are traitors.

Ah. Isn’t that exactly what you are watching on any of the American, Western, UK and Australian “news” media?

Another cute Chinese girl

Here is a fine lady who is caught in the rain without an umbrella. Oh snap! video 3MB

The Situation in the Ukraine: Predictions vs. Reality

By Dmitry Orlov and posted with the author’s permission. 

Last Thursday I reposed my “top ten signs that Russia has invaded the Ukraine” from 8 years ago when the Ukrainian regime change and civil war first started and the West continuously made claims that Russia had invaded. Well, last Thursday Russia did indeed invade.

Russia had the full legal right to invade the Ukraine from several perspectives: to defend its allies in Donetsk and Lugansk;

  • to defend itself against Ukrainian WMDs, which the Ukrainian president threatened to start producing at the Munich Security Conference;
  • and to stop NATO from continuing its advance toward Russian borders in violation of its previous commitment of “not an inch to the east.”

Russia exercised its right of self-defense under article 51 of part 7 of the UN Charter.

  • The Ukraine had forfeited its right to territorial integrity under the 1970 UN Declaration by refusing to honor the rights of its Russian-speaking population.
  • It also refused to renew its Friendship Treaty with Russia and therefore no longer had a defined border with Russia that Russia was obligated to honor.

From a strictly legalistic perspective, claims that “Russia violated the Ukraine’s territorial integrity” or that this is “an act of Russian aggression” is just pure twaddle.

From a moral perspective, the fact that the entire international community idly stood by and ineffectually discussed politics for eight years during which the civilian population of Donetsk and Lugansk was continuously shelled by the Ukrainian “anti-terrorist operation” is utterly shameful.


People who are now speaking out against Russia’s military action in the Ukraine need to answer a simple question: Where have you been for the last eight years while [1] the carnage in Donetsk and Lugansk was going on, while [2] people were being burned alive in Odessa, [3] while the Ukrainian government organized terrorist operations on Russian territory and [4] while the entire Ukrainian population has been forced to kowtow to Americans and to speak Ukrainian, most often against its will?

If your answer is “I didn’t know” then you have forfeited your right to an informed opinion on what’s happening there now. Please keep that in mind and act accordingly.

Now I will go through the 10 predictions I made 8 years ago and see how well they held up in light of events that have unfolded for the past three days.

A reasonable expectation would be that I got them completely wrong; if not, then that’s something of a minor miracle. Please keep that in mind also.

1. Ukrainian artillery fell silent almost immediately. They are no  longer shelling residential districts of Donetsk and Lugansk. This is  because their locations had been pinpointed prior to the operation, and  by Thursday afternoon they were completely wiped out using air attacks,  artillery and ground-based rocket fire, as the first order of business.  Local residents are overjoyed that their horrible ordeal is finally at  an end.

Not quite true. Donetsk and Lugansk is still being shelled sporadically, although most of the firing has been suppressed and as more and more territory is being liberated from the Ukrainian forces by the Donbass militia (with Russian forces playing a supporting role). At the same time, new possibilities for civilian carnage are resulting from the fact that the Ukraine’s Nazi battalions, under guidance from their US/NATO minders, are hiding heavy weapons in residential districts and using civilians as human shields.

2. The look of military activity on the ground in  Donetsk and Lugansk has changed dramatically. Whereas before it involved  small groups of resistance fighters, the Russians operate in battalions  of 400 men and dozens of armored vehicles, followed by convoys of  support vehicles (tanker trucks, communications, field kitchens, field  hospitals and so on). The flow of vehicles in and out is non-stop,  plainly visible on air reconnaissance and satellite photos. Add to that  the relentless radio chatter, all in Russian, which anyone who wants to  can intercept, and the operation becomes impossible to hide.

This is obviously the case. No sane person would now say that there are no Russian forces in the Ukraine. They made their presence about as obvious as they possibly could and the sight of endless columns of Russian military vehicles rolling unhindered through the Ukrainian countryside appears to be effecting a sea change in the mindset of the Ukraine’s population. Throughout history, it has always been quick to switch allegiances as circumstances and battle lines shifted, and this time will probably be no exception.

3. The Ukrainian military has promptly vanished. Soldiers and officers  alike have taken off their uniforms, abandoned their weapons, and are  doing their best to blend in with the locals. Nobody thought the odds of  the Ukrainian army against the Russians were any good. Ukraine’s only  military victory against Russia was at the battle of Konotop in 1659,  but at the time Ukraine was allied with the mighty Khanate of Crimea,  and, you may have noticed, Crimea is not on Ukraine’s side this time  around.

Again, not entirely true. It turns out that there is a hardened Nazi embedded with each and every detachment of Ukrainian forces whose job is to shoot those who try to surrender. Nevertheless, some unknown number of Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered, signed a promise to no longer fight against the Russian army, and have been given some food and sent home. In all, the Ukrainian military is turning out to be no different from other NATO-organized, NATO-trained forces, be they in Afghanistan, Georgia, Iraq or elsewhere. All of them immediately turn out to be completely useless as soon as a real military force arrives on the scene, be it the Russians, the Taliban or the Islamic Caliphate. Also notable is the fact that the large quantities of weapons recently supplied to the Ukraine by the US have been shown to be completely useless. The Javelin anti-tank missiles, which helped line the pockets of some of the Pentagon’s top brass, have been worse than useless: by the time they can be set up to fire there is generally nobody left alive to fire them, so the soldiers don’t even bother with them.

4. There are Russian checkpoints everywhere. Local  civilians are allowed through, but anyone associated with a government,  foreign or domestic, is detained for questioning. A filtration system  has been set up to return demobilized Ukrainian army draftees to their  native regions, while the volunteers and the officers are shunted to  pretrial detention centers, to determine whether they had ordered war  crimes to be committed.

Not true at all. The Russian troops are not engaging with the civilians in any way, scrupulously avoiding residential districts and doing their best to see that the delivery of electricity, water and other essentials is not disrupted. As far as denazification, I am still not sure what the plan is, but my hunch at the moment is that this will be left up to the Ukrainians themselves. There is a good chance that once they realize what the Nazis and their Western masters have been doing to their country, they will do their best to round up the Nazis and hang them on streetlights. The Nazis will see this coming (some already do) and will run away to Poland or Slovenia or points further west.

5. Most of Ukraine’s border crossings  are by now under Russian control. Some have been reinforced with air  defense and artillery systems and tank battalions, to dissuade NATO  forces from attempting to stage an invasion. Civilians and humanitarian  goods are allowed through. Businessmen are allowed through once they  fill out the required forms (which are in Russian).

The Ukrainian border guards along the Russian border have abandoned their posts. Some of them walked over to the Russian side and surrendered. The Russian and Belorussian borders are under control from the Russian and Belorussian sides. The western border crossings are crowded from all the people flying to flee.

6. Russia  has imposed a no-fly zone over all of Ukraine. All civilian flights have  been cancelled. There is quite a crowd of US State Department staffers,  CIA and Mossad agents, and Western NGO people stuck at Borispol airport  in Kiev. Some are nervously calling everyone they know on their  satellite phones. Western politicians are demanding that they be  evacuated immediately, but Russian authorities want to hold onto them  until their possible complicity in war crimes has been determined.

Flight radar shows zero flights over all of the Ukraine. In fact, air traffic has been disrupted over much of Europe, with many airspaces closed and lots of new restrictions on traffic. Many vacationers, especially those from the Ukraine, are stuck wherever they are. The ones in Egypt are lucky: the Egyptian government is paying for their hotel stays while they are stuck there. The Westerners, on the other hand, having learned their lesson from the fiasco in Afghanistan, fled the Ukraine ahead of time. Since there is a long list of places for them to get the hell out of before their luck runs out, it’s good that they are getting the knack of it.

7. The usual Ukrainian talking heads, such as president Poroshenko, PM  Yatsenyuk and others, are no longer available to be interviewed by  Western media. Nobody quite knows where they are. There are rumors that  they have already fled the country. Crowds have stormed their abandoned  residences, and were amazed to discover that they were all outfitted  with solid gold toilets. Nor are the Ukrainian oligarchs anywhere to be  found, except for the warlord Igor Kolomoisky, who was found in his  residence, abandoned by his henchmen, dead from a heart attack.  (Contributed by the Saker.)

The number one Ukrainian talking head, the president-cum-comedian Zelensky, is hiding in a bunker in Lvov, Führer-like, surrounded by his Nazi henchmen. His jumbled missives to the faithful appear to have been prerecorded. At the same time, the information war is proceeding apace, with numerous new fake news items arriving daily, too many to keep track of. The real fun will start when the TV channels in Kiev get denazified and Ukrainians stir from their eight-year stupor, figure a few things out for themselves and become extremely angry at those who have been lying to them for eight long years.

8. Some of the over 800,000 Ukrainian refugees are starting to stream back in from Russia. They were  living in tent cities, many of them in the nearby Rostov region, but with the winter coming they are eager to get back home, now that the shelling is over. Along with them, construction crews, cement trucks and  flatbeds stacked with pipe, cable and rebar are streaming in, to repair  the damage from the shelling.

This is yet to start happening. It will be a slow process, given that the number of refugees now, eight years later, is in the millions and scattered over numerous Russian regions.

9. There is all sorts of intense diplomatic and military activity around the world, especially in Europe  and the US. Military forces are on highest alert, diplomats are jetting around and holding conferences. President Obama just held a press  conference to announce that “We don’t have a strategy on Ukraine yet.” His military advisers tell him that his usual strategy of “bomb a little  and see what happens” is not likely to be helpful in this instance.

This is definitely the case. The goal for Western leaders now is to look purposeful and strong while doing nothing of consequence. They keep talking about cutting Russia off from SWIFT bank messaging system, but keep recoiling in horror when they realize what they will mean for their energy prices (which are already dangerously high). The Russian posture vis-à-vis Western sanctions seems to be “Bring them on; we are ready!” Apparently, eight years have been enough for Russia to thoroughly prepare for this event.

10. Kiev has surrendered. There are Russian tanks on the Maidan Square. Russian infantry is mopping up the remains of Ukraine’s National Guard. A curfew has indeed been imposed. The operation to take Kiev resembled “Shock and Awe” in Baghdad: a few loud bangs and then a whimper.

Russian tanks are unlikely to enter the city center; they are concentrated on destroying military installations, demobilizing the Ukrainian military and destroying the Nazi battalions. There is indeed a curfew in effect in Kiev.

One more significant development worth mentioning: Russian forces are taking charge of the Ukraine’s nuclear installations, including the one at Chernobyl, which is now under joint Russian/Ukrainian control. This will reduce the chance that the Ukrainian Nazis will try to blow up one of them on their merry way to hell. The Ukraine has 15 nuclear reactors, and since it is virtually out of other sources of energy it has been running all of them flat out. Two of them went off-line recently because of technical issues. Russia is working very hard to make Chernobyl 2.0 less of a possibility.

I am not sure what grade I should give myself for my predictions. Russia’s political and military planners have turned out to be quite a bit smarter than me, but this is not at all a surprise. After all, they have all of the intellectual resources of a huge, powerful country whereas I am just a guy with an office chair and a laptop.

Do I care to make some more predictions about the Ukraine?

Sure, why not!

1. Donetsk and Lugansk regions will continue on their path of closer and closer integration into the Russian Federation. They are already part of the Russian currency space, their educational systems are integrated with Russia’s (same standards and procedures), their defense systems are fully integrated and diplomatically they act as a well-synchronized unit.

2. An area further west, probably encompassing the entire basin of Dnieper River and the Black Sea littoral, from the Belorussian to the Romanian border, will be part of a Russian zone. The regions within this zone will be given political autonomy within a general security and economic framework linked to Russia. The rough outlines of this area can be determined from the following language map. The areas in red and orange—is Russian-speaking and is naturally part of the Russian zone. The only two exceptions will be a Carpatho-Russian enclave (in purple) which will need to be administered separately and a Hungarian enclave (in green) that might as well be absorbed into Hungary.

3. Further west will lie a zone that will be wrapped in fancy paper with ribbons and bows and presented as an extra-special present to the EU to love to cherish and to suffer migraines and aneurisms over. Roughly speaking, the yellow area is Ukrainian-speaking and is an all-you-can-eat (please don’t choke) buffet for the West. It has relatively poor soil and high incidence of iodine deficiency and imbecility in the general population. It is also where Ukrainian nationalism comes from and where the current Ukrainian Nazi plague originated. The Russian stance should be (if I may be so bold as to recommend what the Russian government should do) along the lines of “If you like your Ukrainian Nazis, you can have your Ukrainian Nazis.”

Why the Chinese system works

Here we have a son who has a mental issue. He left home 11 years ago. But in China, everyone is monitored, and it is the duty, the requirement; the responsibility of each local govenrment to know who is in their jurisdiction. So they found this young man. And they used AI to find out who he was, and contacted his family. In this video, the mother and his sister comes to get him and take him home. It is not right for him to live hand-to-mouth on the streets alone.

video 13MB

Some meals of desperation

Sigh. Life happens.

Life is too short not to eat well.

I argue that it is better to drive a distressed automobile but eat extraordinarily well, than you drive a nice car and live off fast food. And you can take that opinion of mine “to the bank“.

Love her belly

I like this girl’s belly. It is appealing. Like a milkshake. video 5MB

Taiwan Leadership argues for a change in alliances

Well, it is obvious to us here, but hidden from the rest of the world. The United States does not care about you or your country, and will abandon you and leave to to rot if it is to their advantage.

Well, it looks like people in Taiwan are watching the events and wondering “what about us”?

Former Taiwan Vice President from the pro Independence Party 民进党 (The people progressive party) openly criticized her own party and current president.  She now promotes discarding alignment with America, and a military buildup. She now is endorsing reunification with China. Wow.
Use Google to translate.

Look at the bright side…

For those of you that are worried about all the changes and the onslaught of “news” about this or that, keep in mind what Satan thinks…

Do good works

It doesn’t take much. Just try to add something to your environment. Generate good thoughts. Over time, you will see a big difference.


The USA accounted for 81% of all global conflicts

This is obvious to me, but not so for the rest of the world.

‘Never forget the real threat to world’: Amid Ukraine crisis, the Chinese embassy in Russia slams the United States. Among the 248 Armed conflicts that occurred in 153 regions across the world from 1945 to 2001, 201 were initiated by the US, accounting for 81% of the total number.

Be the Rufus

It’s all about community. Participate. Make the world a better place. Be like the Chinese. video 6MB

Austrian Minister of Defence, Klaudier Tanner

According to SD, this might be the person who would launch World War III. Whether it is soon, or far off. This is the face of the person to initiated the nuclear conflagration.

Austrian Minister of Defense, Klaudier Tanner.

Satan has some advice to Americans / EU

Taxi Driver gives a ride for free

He’s a true Rufus. He sees a young girl carrying a baby all alone,a nd stope and gives them a free ride. What a Rufus! video 6MB

Now, let’s talk hamburgers.

This piece of work really speaks to me. You know…

Hamburgers for all.

What do the Chinese think?

Maybe a tiny percentage of netizens are very interested in the situation in Ukraine, following it constantly, but I’d say majority (95%, I guess ?) of Chinese just get on with their life and feel grateful that they can live in a contry where NATO/US & its 5-eyes allies can not come and bomb it.

MSM/some people keep on posting this or that about Chinese/China’s stands on the on-going situation between Russia and Ukraine, it sometimes seems to me like a part of the Western psyop to drive a wedge between Russia and China and their supporters/sympathisers.


Russian SWIFT cutoff

According to the Russian National SWIFT Association, Russia has the second-largest number of users after the US, with some 300 Russian financial institutions in the system, more than half of Russia’s financial institutions.
This is not the first time US, EU banned Russia from SWIFT. So Putin is not caught by surprise.
Russia is the world second largest exporter of resources, so, by imposing sanction on Russia from using SWIFT (yet again), it will force the world hungry for Russian resources to trade through China in RMB.
Only this time, the Chinese RMB international transaction system is established and ready to welcome the world with confidence.
As a result, we can expect the continue rising in value of rmb, this will attract more and more investors using rmb as reserve currency, and will speed up the replacement of US dollar to rmb worldwide.
There is always good reason behind an inevitable empire collapsed:
US regimes are basically run by elderly who born in the 1930s and 40s, these are out of touch extreme supremacists. They are self centred, know no consequences, one leg already in the coffin; truly ugly, old folks. Their stupidly and aggression will send their country into poverty, backwardness, and disintegration. Well, it already has, but so far the decay has been hidden from prublic view.
As the Chinese word 危机 (crisis) suggests; 危 is for danger, and 机 is for opportunity.
So each time the West creates a crisis for China and others, China will identify the opportunities to turn the crisis into opportunity and make herself stronger.
Each time, US and Europe push and promote aggression against China, they are actually helping to create an enemy that they cannot defeat.
Welcome to the coming new world order with more fairness, equality, and freedom from the nasty; nasty American-lead unipolar global dictatorship.

China’s Xinghua News journalist reporting from Ukraine and Belarus

– Journalist at Gomel, Belarus says the safety measure for the negotionation place is extreme high. Police does not journalist to get close the place where negotiation to take place:;

– The Russian delegation says they didn’t sleep the whole night while waiting for the arriaval fo the Ukrainian delegation, which delayed/changed due to their logistical issues:;

– Feb. 28th around 8: 30 local time, the same Chinese businessman of yesterday’s vido I posted, who lives in Kiev suburb, tells Xinhua News that the suburb of Kiev is quiet. It’s safe to stay at home. He also says there’s only one TV channel in Ukraine right now only reporting the war:;

He also says bread and water at supermarket are basically gone, lots of empty shelves, and restrict to 2500 Ukrainian hryvnia per purchase:

Hope these videos from Xinhua News give your guy some extra inform that differs from Western MSM’s perspectives.

And also speaking about hamburgers…

I think that all this is making me hungry, but you know… as they say at Burger King, “It takes two hands to handle a whopper”!

He’s got two huge burgers.

Other actions by the United States

Here’s some article in my morning feed. Obviously part of the mighty propaganda machine, just a churning things out left and right and my opinions…

U.S. To Expel 12 Russian Diplomats At UN

Is it even possible? The USA does not run the UN.

Ukraine Seeks To Join EU As Round Of Talks With Russia Ends

If it cannot join NATO then it will try to join the EU. Man will that destory the EU financially. Whoa!

Ruble Dives, Stocks Sink As West Tightens Russia Sanctions

It's all "play money". Don't be so sure about things in global economics. It's an entirely new "ball game".

Russian porn stars banned from OnlyFans amid invasion of Ukraine

The horror!

Biden updates nuclear explosion guidelines to include SOCIAL DISTANCING as Putin readies missiles

It's progressive, don't you know.

US closes embassy in Belarus and threatens more sanctions if it joins Russian invasion of Ukraine

The USA "color revolution" failed.  So the USA now treats Belarus as a Russian state.

Six American special ops veterans join the fight in Ukraine

Many Americans can't wait to kill those pesky commies!

Dan Murphy’s and BWS to pull all Russian vodka from shelves in opposition to invasion of Ukraine


Remember what America has become

No, it is not the image of a “great and wonderful white shinging building on the hill”, but rather a corrupt, third world nation that is falling down into black hole of decay and internal rot at all levels. video 51MB

Why I think that America has been taken over by Satan…

Think Hamburgers

This lass certainly does.

I thought we were reasonably free of Trump and I ignore most of his utterings. But this one – it got to me.

TRUMP: “Under Bush, Russia invaded Georgia. Under Obama, Russia took Crimea. Under Biden, Russia invaded Ukraine.”

“I stand as the only president of the twenty-first century on who’s watch Russia did not invade another country.”

America’s brutalist belief system

No wonder, the bully still thinks it’s 20 years old, muscular and tough. When instead, it’s an old seniale man, with a walker. video 3MB

From the attack dogs’ own mouths—how stupid can these people be?

Why I think that America has been taken over by Satan…

Here’s rifle training in middle school. I wonder what the American school kids learn in schools today. video 3MB

Yeah. Trolls hate me putting up pictures of pretty ladies. Oh, boy oh boy! Do they hate it. It drives them bonker-crazy! But no one has yet to complain about my love for hamburgers.

Here we have a vintage lass hold a fine burger in her hands. Now, what’s wrong about that? Whoops! Mind the nipple flash. I think that it must be a “wardrobe malfunction”.

At the operational level there have been mistakes such as about convoys undefended. At the strategic level things are very much on track. Russian procedure on clearing towns is excellent and was used extensively in Syria.

Step 1 approach the town and assess the chance of their surrender
Step 2 surround the town, cutting off resupply.
Step 3 based on initial recon begin with very targeted strikes weakening defenses
Step 4 send in probes to gain a clearer picture of internal defenses
Step 5 begin degrading them
Step 6 open humanitarian corridors
Step 7 begin probing attacks from different sides 24/7 to disturb and confuse and sleep deprive (your troops can rest)
Step 8 when defenses are sufficiently weakened invade

Chinese Term ‘Wuxin Gongzuo’: Can’t Focus on Work Due to Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Chinese netizens are so focused on the Russian attack on Ukraine that nobody can focus on work (wuxin gongzuo).  From HERE.

2022 03 01 15 20
2022 03 01 15 20

A comment

The Grand Chessboard reveals all. 

The purpose of NATO is... 

keep Germany down in Europe, 
keep the USA in control of Europe, 
keep the Russians out. 

With the combined factors of; 

Russia’s rise and dedollarise; 
China’s rise militarily and economically; 
Germany’s pending approval of NS2 to increase Germany’s economic strength; Germany being the dominant economy and country in EU; 

America had to find a way to scare EU and tighten America’s stranglehold on the EU. 

What better way than to provoke a war in a part of Europe not exactly vital to EU? 

Ukraine is going exactly to plan: it’s a win win for USA and Russia. 

Russia knows its LNG sales to other countries, like Japan, will not be targeted. Can you imagine what will happen to Japan if LNG from Sakhalin is removed? The depressive effects will spark a global depression. 

You can bet China is studying this Ukraine conflict very intently. 

We have reached an inflection point. 

The world will shift to a path different from the hegemon’s choosing. Whatever deity you choose to praise, do thank him/her for your salvation.


Pretty girl

Here’s one of the popular girls on Douxing in China. She’s impressive. video 3MB

How about some hamburgers?

While all sorts of crazy stuff is going on in the United States, the rest of the world is fine and following plans. So don’t get too worked up about it. how about enjoying a fine hamburger instead.

Elon Musk deploys SpaceX’s Starlink Internet satellites over Ukraine after request from vice PM | Euronews

There seems to be an obvious connection between the United States military / government and Elon Musk. From the attack on the Chinese Space Station to this, it’s obviously suspicious.

Here she is again.

Nice view. She’s a strutting down the street don’t you know. video 3MB

Oh, and don’t forget about the fries!

Sheech! I am so accustomed about eating hamburgers with french fries that I forgot how to eat a burger without them. Usually, I try to substitute potato chips, or potato salad instead.

Americans, Brits and Europeans should stop clapping with glee…

This is the latest comment from Aaron Hawkins (Storm Clouds Gathering):

“ As this war heats up you will see many cheering for one flag or the other; promoting escalations and retaliations. This is a trap. 

Who exactly benefits from a major war that sends millions of young, fighting age men and women to slaughter each other in Eurasia (at the precise moment when civil disobedience with teeth was beginning to spread)? 

And what do you suppose is about to happen to the monetary system now that Russia is being cut from SWIFT? 

Did you consider the fact that not only does Europe depend heavily on Russian gas (that the U.S. cannot even come close to replacing), but Russia and Ukraine also happen to be the world’s two largest wheat exporters comprising approximately 30% of global production? 

All of Ukraine’s exports have been halted, and with Russia cut off from the western banking system all future customers will have to work outside the dollar. 

Even if the physical war were to be contained to Ukraine (spoiler alert: it won’t), the consequences of the cyber and economic warfare already underway will be devastating. Western leaders are setting their populations up for much more than just parabolic price increases. Widespread shortages and famine are on the horizon. This will not be a short term phenomenon."

Five days into the war and the first inkling of truth is presented to Americans

Video 15MB. Well worth the watch.

2022 03 01 15 33
2022 03 01 15 33

Alex Rubinstein tweets,

Watch Yevhen Karas the leader of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi terror gang C14’s speech from Kiev earlier this month. Straight from the horses’ mouth, he dispels the many narratives pushed by the Western governments, the mainstream media and the State Department.
He claims:
  • – Ukraine is being armed as pawns of the West because “we have fun killing”
  • – “We have started a war”
  • – “We have the most Javelins on the European continent”
  • – The European family has already collapsed
  • – Maidan would’ve been a “gay parade” if not for Nazi influence

America is pushing all this warfare

Keep in mind the ugly face of what he Hell that everyone is dealing with right now. The United States is NOT a happy, safe, and healthy nation right now. video 3MB

Now that’s a serious whopper!


Great Video Speech regarding Ukraine & Russia 2014

Well, worth the watch. I watched it, was going to record it, and then Boom! No longer available in my region. Sigh! I urge everyone to watch it.

Playing the mighty Wurlitzer vs Reality

By Chris Faure

Do people seriously imagine Russia simply blundered into the Ukraine not knowing what the west would do?

You may be surprised to hear that the world is actually still spinning.  All we have to deal with is the mighty Wurlitzer which is an old-style pipe organ for theaters, and also a propaganda instrument.

Allow me a moment to explain:

In 1967 the magazine Ramparts ran an exposé revealing that the Central Intelligence Agency had been secretly funding and managing a wide range of citizen front groups intended to counter communist influence around the world. 

In addition to embarrassing prominent individuals caught up, wittingly or unwittingly, in the secret superpower struggle for hearts and minds, the revelations of 1967 were one of the worst operational disasters in the history of American intelligence and presaged a series of public scandals from which the CIA’s reputation has arguably never recovered.

CIA official Frank Wisner called the operation his “mighty Wurlitzer,” on which he could play any propaganda tune.   

Hugh Wilford provides the first comprehensive account of the clandestine relationship between the CIA and its front organizations. 

Using an unprecedented wealth of sources, he traces the rise and fall of America’s Cold War front network from its origins in the 1940s to its Third World expansion during the 1950s and ultimate collapse in the 1960s.

Covering the intelligence officers who masterminded the CIA’s fronts as well as the involved citizen groups—émigrés, labor, intellectuals, artists, students, women, Catholics, African Americans, and journalists—Wilford provides a surprising analysis of Cold War society that contains valuable lessons for our own age of global conflict.

Now, the Mighty Wurlitzer, exposed during the cold war, has never ended.

We see it in full swing now.

Here are a few snippets, a few items from memory (it has to be from memory as most of the Russian sites are still down, or up or down, in a relentless cyber propaganda war and this cannot be meticulously linked to source).

And you know what, the Ukraine inherited its own theater and mighty Wurlitzer, where they are designing and producing for the common man, theater productions for this current time.

Excepting now, it is all done in studio with breathless journalists playing war and running around in front of green screens.

So, while the tinny and discordant theater music sometimes drowns out even our own ability to think (it is torture, you know!) let’s look at a few realities.

Sanctions.  Big Big Headlines – Russia is sanctioned for this or that and for basically everything, even Vodka.  The latest is SWIFT (but only for a few banks).  Take a good look at the sanctions.  It is paper production for the purpose of paper production.  The German sanctions on Russian banks for example have fine print.  (They all have).  They’re sanctioning Russia from hell, but of course, this does not apply to gas or oil payments.  Those will continue, says the fine print.

Sanctions on Russia are now the latest fashion accessory.  The one that can play that Wurlitzer the loudest is the one who wins.  So what happens if they don’t win?  What happens if they are busy shooting themselves in the heart, and not even in the foot?.  What happens if the fervor to punish Russia simply accelerates their own demise?

Russia is decoupling as fast as what the West is sanctioning.  A headline that comes to mind is: “European Commission: The disconnection of a number of banks from SWIFT “will actually block Russian exports and imports”.

No Einstein, it will hasten de-dollarization.

How about a plate of double cheeseburgers?

I could easily eat all of them up. WHat they do need is a fine strawberry milkshake, don’t you know.

Chinese girl

Let’s take a look at this fine Chinese lass. Here she is inside of her house. I’ll bet she is fun to be with. video 1MB

America’s Anti-Russian “news”…

This morning from Medvedev:

‘Final review’ of Russia’s relations with West now possible – former president

Dmitry Medvedev has dubbed European organizations “meaningless almshouses”.

Western sanctions could be an “excellent reason for a final review” of Russia’s relations with the nations that have imposed the restrictions, the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council and former president, Dmitry Medvedev, said on Saturday.

Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, which was launched on February 24, has prompted outrage in the West and a new wave of harsh sanctions against Russia. In a lengthy post on the Russian social network VK, Medvedev called the restrictions “a myth, a figment, a figure of speech.”

Sanctions could be an excellent reason for the final review of all relations with those states that have introduced them. Including interruption of the dialogue on strategic stability,” Medvedev wrote.

[sidebar] Take another look at that sentence – why now? It is because most of the western world do not have answers to Russia on strategic stability, so they decided to play that Wurlitzer pretty loud to attempt to hide their inability). 

He added that in principle, it is possible “to renounce everything,” including the New START Treaty.

Yes, and diplomatic relations, in principle, are not particularly needed. It’s time to close the embassies with barn locks. And to continue contacts by examining each other only through binoculars and weapons’ optical systems,” Medvedev said.

Commenting on the decision by the Council of Europe and Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to suspend Russia’s membership, the former president said that while this is a “flagrant injustice,” it could still be considered as a good reason “to finally slam the door and forget about these meaningless almshouses forever.”

This development could also be used to “restore a number of important institutions for prevention of especially serious crimes in the country,” he said, such as the “death penalty for the most dangerous criminals, which, by the way, is being actively used in the United States and China.

He has no assets abroad and to the UK sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote:

Neither Putin, nor Lavrov have accounts neither in Britain nor anywhere abroad. Maybe the kingdom’s government got something frozen off rather than it froze something?”

We are in a new world.

A few more:

Russia has just suspended cooperation with NASA on the international space station .. including the launch team which will not be available to the US.  Russia will work with China.


Are there any US astronauts there at the moment?  I don’t know, but Elon Musk will have to get them home.

Let’s take a look at few more of Mr Putin’s actions these last days.

Russia’s President Meeting ( with Security Council permanent members

💬 Vladimir Putin: According to available information, and this is confirmed by objective monitoring – we are seeing this; Banderites and neo-Nazis are putting up heavy weapons, including MLRS, right in the central districts of large cities, including Kiev and Kharkov. They plan to force return fire by Russian strike systems vs residential quarters. They are acting in the same way terrorists act all over the world – using people as shields.

It is known for a fact that all this is being done on the recommendations of foreign consultants, primarily American advisors.

❗️ Once again, I am appealing to the military of the armed forces of Ukraine. Do not allow neo-Nazis and Banderites to use your children, wives and elders as a live shield. Take power into your own hands. It seems it will be easier for us to come to terms with you than with this gang of drug addicts & neo-Nazis that have settled in Kiev and that have taken the Ukrainian people.

President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation ( with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The Presidents discussed developments related to the special military operation designed to protect peaceful civilians in Donbass as well as Ukraine’s demilitarisation and denazification.

☝️ Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed understanding of Russia’s actions.

The Presidents also touched upon certain current issues on the bilateral agenda. They reaffirmed their shared intention to continue the development of the Russian-Uzbek strategic partnership with a focus on implementing specific trade, economic, and humanitarian projects.

President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation ( with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping.

The President of Russia gave the President of China a detailed account of the reasons behind the recognition of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic and the start of a special military operation to protect civilians from genocide and ensure the demilitarisation and denazification of the Ukrainian state. Vladimir Putin also noted that considering the signals received from Kiev he was ready to send a delegation to Minsk to hold talks with representatives of Ukraine.

☝️ Xi Jinping stressed that he respected the actions of the Russian leadership in the current crisis.

The two Leaders assessed the current international situation from a common perspective. They reaffirmed a mutual readiness to closely cooperate and support each other further at the UN and in other multilateral platforms.

Held at Kyrgyzstan’s initiative, the telephone conversation ( between President Vladimir Putin and President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov focused on the situation with the special military operation carried out by Russia in Ukraine.

☝️ Sadyr Japarov said that Kiev was responsible for derailing the Minsk agreements and expressed his support for Russia’s decisive actions to protect civilians in Donbass. Vladimir Putin thanked the President of Kyrgyzstan for his principled solidarity.

The two Presidents reaffirmed their mutual commitment to strengthening the strategic partnership and allied relations between Russia and Kyrgyzstan in all areas.

President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation ( with Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan.

The Parties continued their exchange of views on the practical aspects of the implementation of the agreements documented by the November 9, 2020, January 11 and November 26, 2021, tripartite statements by the leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia on Nagorno-Karabakh, including efforts to ensure stability and security on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Some items on the current bilateral agenda were also touched upon.

The Ukraine is dancing to the music of the Mighty Wurlitzer.  Don’t you do that too!  Turn the music off. Zone B is way behind Zone A in playing the organ, but way ahead in creating a life friendly to human people, for this planet.Margarita Simonyan focused on the 5th and 6th columns with a devasting phrase:

“If you are now ashamed that you are Russian, do not worry, you are not Russian,” she wrote in her Telegram channel.

And in the event that you are worried about China, they just posted this from their Russian embassy.  They truly understand that this time it is Russia, but for the throw of a set of dice, or a different tune on the Wurlitzer, it could have been China.


USA’s and UK’s “lethal aid” To Ukraine captured by DPR and Russian forces. SMAW-D & NLAW

It’s about how you look at things

It’s all so easy to get caught up. Don’t. Sit down. Settle down and enjoy life more.

Serious considerations

I imagine at this point President Putin has convened a Stavka and he and the general staff of the Russian Armed Forces are now looking at all thinkable and unthinkable situations that could evolve that would impact the safety and security of the Russian people.

The President of the Russian Federation has to prepare the State apparatus for:

1. Sustained war against Russia
2. Explain to the people what they must do and why they must do it
3. Insure all civil defense structures are ready to house and feed the masses
4. Speak with the clergy to address all military personnel and give them the spiritual confidence to fight hard
5. Seek allies including China and make them all realize they will have to engage their forces now or perish

Russia waited too long and now she will saddle up and ride as fast as possible to meet the enemy head on and at full speed. The time for principled diplomacy has ended; the shashka has been unsheathed and it will cut the beast a thousand times and stab it in its dark heart until it is dead.

Oh, and what about Coronavirus?

Imagine that!

2022 03 01 15 50
2022 03 01 15 50

A fine Chinese lass


It’s all so pop contemporaneous China. video. 3MB

Report from Russia

Transated from this article –

The feat of the Russian special forces opened the way to Kiev –

The Russian army entered Kiev on Friday. This happened only on the second day after the start of the special military operation in Ukraine, which means that what is happening can be assessed as a grandiose success. However, there is reason to believe that the entire plan of the operation hung in the balance – and everything turned out successfully only thanks to the real feat of the special forces soldiers.

The most important event took place in the north of Ukraine, in the region of Kiev. It was there, at the Gostomel airport, on February 24, that several helicopters landed with Spetsnaz commandos.

In the video, several people, without fussing, set up a firing position on one of the outskirts of the giant Gostomel airfield to the sound of automatic bursts. The pathos of the plot was powerful and straightforward – Russian troops, just a few hours after the start of the operation, found themselves on the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital. It was unthinkable to imagine something like this the day before.

The Antonov airfield (officially called Gostomel a few years ago) is the “home” airfield of the famous Antonov company. This is an airfield with a huge runway (three and a half thousand meters), covering hundreds of hectares. It operates and is equipped with everything necessary for the takeoff and landing of heavy military transport aircraft.

From a military point of view, Gostomel has a number of advantages over other Kiev airfields (Zhulyany and Boryspil). First of all, it is not used as often, it has much less staff and people in general. It is located on the right bank of the Dnieper, where the main administrative buildings of Kiev are located. It is closest to the city center. And most importantly, it is closest to the Belarusian border (only about 60-70 km), from where the Russian landing force advanced.

Apparently, special forces helicopters covered this distance over the Dnieper, which in these places, from the Belarusian-Ukrainian border to Kiev, is extremely wide. The instant appearance of a division of the Russian Airborne Forces twenty kilometers from the center of the Ukrainian capital means a knife at the heart of the Kiev regime.

Of course, the significance of what was happening was instantly understood in the Kiev military leadership. Throughout the night of February 25, there were reports of an intense battle was going on in the vicinity of Gostomel. The British Minister of Defense even announced that – “the Russian landing near Kiev failed, Russia lost hundreds of fighters.”

However, on the morning of February 25, it turned out that the skirmish in Gostomel did not subside at all – as it should have happened if the special forces had really been destroyed. On the contrary, it intensified. And in the neighborhood of Gostomel, other battles suddenly began. And there were reports of completely different tanks – Russian combat vehicles were found near the village of Vorzel, ten kilometers from the airfield.

It was, apparently, a special aid group made her way all night to the special forces soldiers surrounded at the airfield – and finally released it. Following which, there were reports of other combat groups of the Russian army approaching Kiev.

And a little later came the official message.

“On February 24, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out a successful landing operation in the area of ​​the Gostomel airfield in the suburbs of Kiev. During the capture of the airfield, more than 200 nationalists from the special units of Ukraine were killed,” said the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov. Later it was stated that Russian troops completely blocked Kiev from the west.

We have before us an example of exceptional valor and military skill, shown to all of us in what is called real time.

You must realize why America is pushing this war against Asia…

Fight, fight, fight is all about distract, distract, and distract. The true face of what America is, is NOT pretty. I wonder why these images are not shown on CNN, BBC or FOX “news”?  video

It’s about how you look at things

The end of SWIFT

China’s Cross-Border International Payments System will give Russia a lifeline and accelerate the de-dollarization of the world.

This Chinese girl is in a purple place

It’s a weird place and state to be in don’t you know. All purple. All the time. Purple. Purple. video 5MB

It’s about how you look at things

France seizes suspected Russian-owned ship in Channel

Russia seeks explanation after ship thought to belong to company targeted by US and EU sanctions is held.

From HERE.

French sea police have seized a ship in the Channel that authorities suspect belongs to a Russian company in one of the first visible displays of the West enforcing sanctions on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine.

The cargo vessel transporting cars, which was headed for St Petersburg, is “strongly suspected of being linked to Russian interests targeted by the sanctions”, said Capt Veronique Magnin, of the French Maritime Prefecture. The ship was diverted to the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer in northern France between 3am and 4am local time, Magnin said, adding that checks were being carried out by customs officials and that the ship’s crew was “being cooperative”.

The US Treasury Department has issued blocking sanctions against the vessel saying it was owned by a subsidiary of Russian lender Promsvyazbank, one of the Russian entities hit by US sanctions.

The bank’s CEO, Pyotr Fradkov, is the son of Mikhail Fradkov, a former head of Russia’s foreign intelligence service, who also served as prime minister under Vladimir Putin. Pyotr Fradkov was himself included in the latest round of US sanctions. Promsvyazbank, in a comment sent to Reuters, said its subsidiary no longer owns the Baltic Leader, and that it was bought by a different entity before the sanctions were imposed.

The Russian embassy in France is seeking an explanation from authorities over the seizure, Russia’s RIA news agency quoted the embassy as saying. The embassy also said the ship’s crew had been allowed to come ashore and move freely about the port.

The United States, European Union, and other Western states this week imposed extensive new financial and trade sanctions on Russia after it sent military forces into neighbouring Ukraine. The US Treasury said Promsvyazbank was put under sanctions “for operating or having operated in the defence and related materiel and financial services sectors of the Russian Federation economy.” It was also targeted by EU sanctions.

MM comments on this article

  • French sea police have seized a ship
  • The US Treasury Department has issued blocking sanctions
  • The Russian embassy in France is seeking an explanation

Ergo; France is a proxy nation taking orders from the United States.

It’s about how you look at things

Just focus on what is in front of you. One fry at a time.

Chinese girl on a bed

It’s pretty typical. yah. Nice smile. Like she ate a bird. LOL

video 5MB

Build up to Nuclear war?

From everything we see in the news lately about all the attacks against Russia,we may actually be heading for WW3 after all.

If the EU does provide military aircraft to Ukraine, and they allow them to based in NATO countries next door…

…then they emerge from their safe bases in NATO and fly out and attack Russian forces and then scurry back across the border.

There is no way Russia will tolerate that.

What they will do is that they will go across those borders and destroy all those bases, and the weapons there.

If that brings war between Russia and NATO then Europe needs to be sure they have enough nuclear bomb shelters around, because they are going to need them.

I saw on RT that Russia was going to start evacuating their citizens from the EU.

Now just what do we think that says… eh?

An important tweet

I think that Richard Moore, the chief of MI6, certainly revealed a lot when he tweeted this

“With the tragedy and destruction unfolding so distressingly in Ukraine, we should remember the values and hard won freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights. So let’s resume our series of tweets to mark #LGBTHM2022.”

Peter Mann Comments

Not everyone knows the details and background of events happening halfway around the world, even for well educated and smart people. If they sit there and watch the mainstream news, they will obviously be victims to pervasive and well coordinated propaganda.

Confirmation bias is a strong force.

If you’re not careful, whatever you hear first becomes the truth regardless of facts. Even very smart people may be susceptible. Sometimes, arguments ensue. The first part of the comment relates to finding the truth, the second part more specifically on the current armed conflict, with a small prediction for the end game.

No need to argue. Challenge the seeker of truth to find out.
Here is a short clip from Brian Berlectic, an ex-Marine who has been living in Thailand and has done very good work showing his viewers the sources of his information, usually directly from the liar’s mouth. This is very similar to I. F. Stone, who exposed the liars by meticulously digging through information provided by the liars. My first exposure to I. F. Stone was his “The Hidden History of the Korean War.” It is important to know who the liars are, and then never trust anything they say.
How to learn the truth? Stay smart, read widely, read beyond the superficial, read between the lines, read the fine print, learn about the writer/speaker and his organization, get into the head of the author, be careful of false narratives, reject insidious adjectives, learn about deliberate omissions and obfuscations, look in the mirror, question everything, including your own beliefs.
Liars are not hard to expose, yet people prefer to believe in liars who are known to do nothing but lie. Ask yourself why. It’s very difficult if not impossible for a hypocrite to admit that he or she is a hypocrite. Americans like to elect them for a good reason.


Here is a clip from an Ukrainian girl Masha who is from Donetsk in the Donbass, about 20 kms from the war zone. She speaks almost perfect Chinese and works as a translator for Chinese businessmen in Kyiv. Her family has been living in the shadow of war for the past 8 years. Masha has done vlogs showing the bombed out areas. American poison has been creating hell for some Ukrainians but the hypocrites do not see it. Who paid for the poison? The American people of course.

There has always been a solution for peace; it’s known as Minsk II. But it’s another lie just like Camp David and Oslo. The Palestinians are weak and divided, so they will suffer what they must. But Russia is the largest country in the world with the most nuclear arms. Its people have destroyed Napoleon’s previously invincible Grande Armee and single-handedly killed over a million German soldiers who dared to invade their country. American lies of how they have saved the world from the Nazis are laughable for people who have read history beyond American propaganda. Why should anyone be so delusional as to believe that the Russians will sit there and be bullied into submission without a fight? The stupidity of these tiny European chihuahua countries like Georgia and Lithuania are so poisoned by the American lie that they really think they want to goad Russia into war. And when they have it, where is their protector overlord?
Ukraine is of course a basketcase. It is just a puppet government installed by the hegemon, and its comedian head of state has been following the American script of forcing Russia into war. All that suits America of course. This war would not have happened if America wanted peace. The war would be easy to avert and it’s not by America imposing the mother of all sanctions on Putin (the false narrative around which the political partisans are fighting; American mainstream media has become a farce). America only has to agree to let Ukraine be a non-military zone. How hard is that? How evil is Russia’s request? Russia’s position has been very clear from Day One. If America won’t agree, then Russia will turn Ukraine into a NMZ. For some reason, many pundits refused to see it. But America does not want peace. America wants wars that Russia will be fighting with its European neighbors. It will let America put its European vassals on a short leash, get Russia and Europe to destroy each other’s economy, and create bad blood for Russia and its neighbors while providing a lot of good propaganda for America, allowing the Empire to maintain its hegemony. It is nefarious as hell. And of course, the morons of America will suddenly decide that the lying politicians and lying mainstream media are telling righteous truths. Evil Russia has out of the blues invaded Ukraine without provocation. The stock market goes up because oil goes up and the Military Industrial Complex expects big contracts. The hegemon wins again, thanks to the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis acting as America’s attack dogs.

Once you cut through the bullshit and understand what’s going on, it’s easy to predict what will happen.

These people and countries acting as attack dogs for the empire must therefore be taught an unforgettable lesson. If you don’t put down the rabid dogs, they will get up and bite you again. Therefore, Russia will not take half measures. They will not stop unless the surrender is total, and punishment for the miscreants dealt out accordingly. Otherwise, this operation will be for naught.
Why argue? There is no morality in politics. If anyone believes there is, then they’re fools. Show me a country willing to crusade for the Palestinians and I’ll show you a moral politician. In geopolitics, one does not own anything one cannot defend. The rest is bullshit and balderdash.
For the same reason, I wrote two years ago that a golden opportunity presented itself for China to summarily reunify with Taiwan without bloodshed. I suspect a well planned operation at the golden moment will only take hours, certainly less than a day. The sooner it happens, the less mayhem America can cause with its poison, paid by American taxpayers of course. The American people will starve and die on the street, but they love a good war, and will spend any amount of money to fight the Russians to the last Ukrainian. How happy they will be to see the Chinese fighting the Chinese!
Peace out!

Putin and Xi Peng

Great video. Video 2MB

How to defeat ‘Bot Trolls

Wow! Since I have incorporated my mix up of multiple subjects in articles, there was a near collapse in troll activity on MM. Of course, youse guys wouldn’t be aware of what’s going on as I don’t publish the majority of comments. But yeah. It’s all way, way down. It drives the algorithms crazy. They cannot handle dialog and it causes them to go zoomy! Whether a person or a ‘bot. They cannot handle mixed content in an article.

Quick update from the talks in Belarus:

Russians and Ukranians are trying to discuss how to end the conflict. The dude in the cap from Ukraine at the talks demands the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from the Crimea and Donbass. Russia wants the end of NATO encroachment.

So don’t expect anything from these negotiations.

You will note that the Ukrainian negotiators all have their iPhones laid out on the table so that the US curators can hear every word.

Sovereignty, eh?

It’s about how you look at things

And today. We are looking at hamburgers.

Question everything!

An outstanding video. Very true. video 9MB

2022 03 01 16 00
2022 03 01 16 00

War in Ukrainian: cowardice, lies and chaos

Translated on MM from Russian.
Shooting at residential buildings, distributing weapons and hunting for "saboteurs" - in war, all means are good
Valentin ALFIMOV
Due to the fact that Ukrainian troops hide their equipment in cities, shells fly right into residential buildings.
“Ukrainian nationalists place armored vehicles and artillery in residential areas of cities, using the population as a “human shield,” said Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov.
It turns out, indeed, that the Ukrainian warriors showed the world “innovative tactics” of combat. With a 100% guarantee, they learned how to take their technique out of the blow. Everything is very simple: you just need to brazenly stick a gun or “Grad” at the school, kindergarten or just under the windows of residential buildings. In other words, hide behind civilians:
Here in the residential quarter of Severodonetsk, right at the school stadium, there is a calculation of 3 howitzers, a kindergarten was left behind the scenes. Ammunition is laid out next to each, the fighters are at the ready.
In a residential area of ​​Severodonetsk, right at the school stadium, the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed a crew of 3 howitzers
Here is a military truck on the steps of the Odessa Opera House (an architectural monument, by the way) hiding from Russian intelligence right under the roof.
Military truck on the steps of the Odessa Opera House
Here is a self-propelled gun of the 92nd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine rested its caterpillars on the balconies of house No. 308 in the Solnechny microdistrict of Kharkov.
And there are hundreds of such photos and videos now. The residents of the cities are starting to lose their nerves – in the same Severodonetsk, people went out into the yard to drive away the Ukrainian armored personnel carrier with the words to the soldiers “get out of here, we have a full basement of children.”
But Mariupol is especially affected by this , which was turned into a fortress by the nationalists of the Azov Regiment and the Right Sector (both banned in Russia). They placed mortar crews right on the roofs of high-rise buildings!
In Severodonetsk, people are trying to drive Ukrainian armored personnel carriers away from their homes
Due to the fact that Ukrainian troops hide their equipment in cities, shells fly right into residential buildings. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that a Ukrainian Buk missile hit a residential building in Kyiv.
The most striking example is the “Russian missile attack” on a high-rise building in Kyiv – the Zhuliany district. “The Russian aggressor is shooting at residential buildings!” – the news rushed through the Ukrainian propaganda channels and networks.
The Russian Defense Ministry found out: “At night, there was a failure in the missile guidance system of the Ukrainian Buk-M1 air defense system and the missile hit the corner of a residential building.” And in general, “the Russian army does not strike at cities.” He doesn’t even hit the barracks, so that there are no big casualties. Only at military air bases and warehouses.
A little later, local residents confirmed that the rocket came from where the Ukrainian units are stationed.
Under such pressure, even the command of the Ukrainian army surrendered, they admitted that it was their missile.
But the NATO and Ukrainian media are already silent about this. The culprit has been found, but it has already been hammered into people’s heads – “Russians are hitting home.”
The icing on the cake of Ukrainian war tactics was the massive distribution of weapons. Anyone. Who wants. From trucks, machine guns are dumped on the asphalt like potatoes. Come, take it. Kiev set the trend, Kharkiv, Zaporozhye, Odessa joined a little later…
“Political studies” for Ukrainian women and children
From the armed people they form detachments of “territorial self-defense”, as under Makhno. These gangs have already begun arbitrariness and looting on the streets. Approximately every first one is seen as a spy. If they notice two, it’s definitely a sabotage group.
So in Kyiv, a truck of the Ukrainian army and an anti-aircraft gun, which were driving to a shelter, were mistaken for Russian spies and opened fire on them.
The crew of the truck fell down, and the anti-aircraft gun managed to leave, crushing a civilian car in a panic. A little later, the deputies of the Rada identified all the dead and confirmed that they were all Ukrainian soldiers. But this was already after the crowd had had time to mock the corpses: “So you, Russian saboteurs.”
In Kyiv, the Strela-10 air defense system ran over a car driving along the road
In the same Kyiv, a family of five people who tried to leave the city were shot right in the car. They were also mistaken for saboteurs. Parents and one child died. Two more children are in critical condition in the hospital.
A family of five was shot dead in a car in Kyiv

The Nazis went wild – in order to get to Kyiv, they demand to correctly pronounce the word “Palyanitsya”. Russian-speaking Ukrainians can easily get shot for just mispronunciation.
Women with children are trained for the same. “Political classes” are held right in the courtyards, where employees of the Security Service of Ukraine explain to residents: “Whoever has personal weapons at home, you can calmly use them to kill. Quietly, carefully from around the corner – and then dump.
And the apotheosis of all this was the statement by the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine that it was releasing prisoners and distributing weapons to them. Ukraine is rapidly sinking into the Makhnovshchina..
In general, the fight against saboteurs has been raised to an absolute level, Everyone is looking for them and everything is under suspicion. And they do catch! Packs!
So in Ukraine, more and more fakes with Russian “captives” are being launched. They are crushed in two counts. But the enthusiasm does not subside.
So on one video, allegedly a Russian prisoner sits under a yellow-blue flag and lows through force: “Glory to Ukraine.” Only the director of this production grinned like a fool: this “Russian prisoner” turned out to be Panasyuk Yaroslav Fedorovich from Ternopil, a participant in the punitive war in the Donbass. His proud profile has already flashed on Facebook.
Allegedly, the “Russian prisoner” turned out to be Yaroslav Panasyuk from Ternopil, a participant in the punitive war in the Donbass
Another guy in the video. Users found out that he did not come from Russia, but lives in Kyiv. “Warrior” happened to be handed over by a girl – she already posted pictures with him on her page and never deleted it.
The detainee allegedly “OMON” from Novokuznetsk, turned out to be a member of the military-patriotic club from the Ukrainian Nikolaev.
In the area of ​​the city of Gostoml, where the Russian Airborne Forces fought a hard battle for the airport, the Ukrainians shot down a Ka-52 helicopter, a local resident, Mikhail Pavlushenko, approached him. It was then that the SBU officers took him! And they managed to show in the news to report – “Russian pilot in captivity!”. Only later did it become clear that he was an archpriest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. But at least someone is already interested.
Archpriest Mikhail Pavlushenko was passed off by the Ukrainian media as a “Russian pilot”.
Meanwhile, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko addressed the population and reassured them that there were no Russian troops in the capital. And why then does the hunt for saboteurs among the civilian population continue?


It’s certainly curious timing.

USG Issues NuclearBlastSurvivalInstructions large
USG Issues NuclearBlastSurvivalInstructions large

Hamburger thoughts on a nice sunny day

Ah. But it’s all postering. There is not way that any serious concerns are given to Americans about Nuclear War. It’s all a game of “Chicken”.

Let’s think (instead) about a delicious hamburger!

The evil communists!

Ever since Trump it’s all been a big war against “evil communists”, but sheech! What changed? China is doing well now. Russia is doing well now. The West is turning into a shit hole. video

The 10 Rules of Ikigai

They are:

1. Stay active and don’t retire.
2. Take it slow.
3. Don’t fill your stomach.
4. Surround yourself with good friends.
5. Get in shape for your next birthday.
6. Smile.
7. Reconnect with nature.
8. Give thanks.
9. Live in the moment.
10. Uncover and Follow your Ikigai.


2022 03 01 15 53
2022 03 01 15 53

Slowing life down is a mindful and deliberate choice. While not always an easy one, it leads to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness.

Solid MM advice, don’t you know.

ZIRCONs On The Move — UPDATED 6:30 AM

2022 03 01 15 03
ZIRCON missile.

ZIRCON Hypersonic Nuclear Missiles (Land Attack Missile Version) have been loaded onto tracked, Road-Mobile Launchers, and are presently on rail cars being moved publicly inside Russia.

Prototypes were test-launched from a Tu-22M3 bomber in 2012–2013.

Launches from a ground-based platform followed in 2015, with first success achieved in 2016.

In April 2017, it was reported Zircon had reached a speed of Mach 8 (6,100 mph; 9,800 km/h; 2,700 m/s) during a flight test. Zircon was again test-fired on 3 June 2017, almost a year earlier than had been announced by Russian officials.

In November 2017, Colonel General Viktor Bondarev stated that the missile was already in service. Another flight test reportedly occurred on 10 December 2018, during which the missile demonstrated that it could attain a speed of Mach 8.

On 20 February 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed the missile is capable of accelerating up to Mach 9 and destroying both sea and land targets within 1,000 km (540 nmi; 620 mi). By the year’s end, on 24 December 2019, Putin stated that Zircon’s land-based version was in development.

Warhead > 300 HE , > 200 kt tnw nuclear


Zircon can travel at a speed of Mach 8 – Mach 9 (6,100–6,900 mph; 9,800–11,000 km/h; 2.7–3.1 km/s). This has led to concerns that it could penetrate existing defense systems. Because it flies at hypersonic speeds within the atmosphere, the air pressure in front of it forms a plasma cloud as it moves, absorbing radio waves and making it practically invisible to active radar systems (Plasma stealth).

The final section of the missile’s trajectory will be overcome in under 10 seconds.  As such, the enemy does not have time to carry out all the necessary procedures needed to even TRY to intercept it.   Moreover, the Zircon exchanges information in flight and can be controlled by commands if necessary to alter course of change target.

Missiles like this could, in theory, be fired from Russia, and hit the Capital cities of NATO member countries bordering Russia.

You know, the Capital cities of countries participating in ejecting Russia from the SWIFT banking system; or other countries supplying weapons or now fighter jets to Ukraine, to be used fighting Russia.    It would happen so fast, and with such Stealth, that the countries being targeted wouldn’t even know the missiles were coming until their Capitals got hit and blown up.

The 200 kiloton warheads would obliterate the cities that were hit. In comparison, the USA blasted Hiroshima with a 15Kiloton warhead.


From Russian Ministry of Defense:   “In accordance with the order of the President, the duty of the command posts of the Strategic Missile (nuclear) Forces, the Northern and Pacific Fleets, and the Long-Range Aviation Command have begun combat duty with reinforced personnel.”

This means that the order Putin gave earlier, to get them ready, is now being fulfilled and they’re operating in a high alert/readiness mode. Nukes will be armed and prepared & ready to strike — if order given.

7:18 AM EST–

Russia’s top military command has ordered heavy strategic bomber flights in effort to block US and EU military aid from getting to Ukraine, per a defense statement. Russia has tried to “fully destroy” Ukraine’s airfields with missile attacks, per Ukraine MoD -Foreign Policy.


The “masses, who are asses” (in Kiev) are lining up at . . .  Supermarkets . . . . trying to buy food.   As usual, the overwhelming majority of the general public are so utterly stupid, they make absolutely ZERO plans and take absolutely no action to protect themselves,, even though they’re in Day 4 of an actual shooting war.   Don’t be like these morons – get your preps right now.  Don’t wait.

When the missiles start flying, you don’t want to be like these people.  Oh, and if the missiles start flying, credit/debit cards won’t work because all the computers and communications lines will be out.  No way to get authorization for any purchases.  So you’d better have cash money in your possession before all hell breaks loose!


Russian Ministry of Defense — Russian Air Force has gained air supremacy over the entire territory of Ukraine as of this morning.


Kremlin blamed nuclear alert on Liz Truss. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov:

 "There were unacceptable statements about possible conflict situations and even confrontations and clashes between NATO and Russa. I will not name the authors of these statements, although it was the British foreign secretary"

Kiss of Death?


(HT REMARK: When government tells you things are safe, that’s when you panic)

Deliveries of Germany's weapons to Ukraine make us wonder if the process of denazification was completed in Germany itself 

- Russian Foreign Ministry


3:00 PM EST —


The US State Department said that Washington stands for the defense of the principle of non-nuclear war and does not see the need to increase the level of readiness of its deterrence forces.

Russia has not shown any interest in some sort of deconfliction mechanism with the United States over the Ukraine invasion, Pentagon says.

UKRAINE NEWS@kuringechuwa· At the moment, military pilots from Ukraine are in Poland. Today they receive 29 Polish MiG-29s. With full weapons and electronics.

(HT Remark: So Poland has now become a defacto Ukrainian military base.   This won't end well.   I suspect the very MOMENT those planes take off, Russian fighter jets and surface-to-air-missile batteries will be ordered to target them all and destroy them all as soon as they cross into Ukraine air space.)

No one in government seems to grasp that It’s all bait.

That’s why it’s the OLD Russian tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, trucks and stuff in Ukraine. I suspect it will only be Two or three more days.

Putin will act.  He warned everyone publicly.   He meant what he said.  He WILL act.

I suspect Poland first.

Then US/UK.  — Especially the UK.  I think they’ve been severe trouble makers around the world for decades and I personally believe they need to get absolutely crushed by Russia.  Mercilessly crushed!  It will not surprise me at all if the very first UK strike is against the CITY of LONDON within London itself.  That’s where all the contracts are.  That’s where all the global financial shenanigans get decided.  I hope they glow.

Possibly Germany after that, it seems, from the “de-Nazification” comment reported on this page earlier today.

4:53 PM EST — 

Looks like the ground war in Ukraine is about to turn much darker.  Putin is sending a 17-mile long convoy of artillery and tanks towards Kyiv with intense helicopter support and fighter jets all over it to take out any attackers.

Programming the Retards Has Begun:

2022 03 01 15 14
2022 03 01 15 14

Could A Small Nuclear War Reverse Global Warming?

Ukraine Armed Forces says that if necessary, the planes they’re getting from other NATO countries “will be able to be based on Polish airfields from which Ukrainian pilots will perform combat missions”


  • Bulgaria  (MiG-29) – 16
  • Bulgaria  (Su-25) – 14
  • Poland  (MiG-29) – 28
  • Slovakia  (MiG-29) – 12

Tomorrow Finland will begin a Parliamentary Discussion to join the NATO Alliance, this could take weeks or only a few hours it just depends on how the Finnish Government is feeling, NATO has already said Finland can be admitted to the Alliance within 24 Hours after a decision.

This will result in only one of two outcomes…


[1] Putin feels the overwhelming pressure on his border, takes a win, and slowly works to try and repair the extreme damage that’s been done to his economy…


[2] He’s decided that Russia will no longer cow to the threats posed by NATO and decides everything to the west of his border will be reduced to ashes.

It’s a terribly risky strategy being run by the Europeans…they’ll either wind up looking like heroes and saviors…or like nothing at all and with no one to care.

China nurtures it’s best and brightest

Meanwhile the USA does the exact opposite. School selection is determiend by lottery with attendence optional. Sheech! And all these people are armed with guns! video 3MB

Open letter to TV watching western armchair generals

From the Saker

My dear TV western armchair generals,

I get it, I promise.  I really do!

Your entire life you have been trained to see a successful military operations like so:

    • Begin by bombing the shit of the “hadjis” or “sand niggers” with bombs and missiles, then flatten their town à la Fallujah, then move in with heavy armor and shoot everything which still moves or breathes.
    • Then distribute chewing-gums to a few kids while on video.
    • Then take the city center, drop a statue in front your embedded presstitutes, and then declare victory.
    • Then, after declaring victory, stay another 20 years or so (Blinken was clearly projecting!), ruin it completely, then leave it again and declare another brilliant victory.
    • And don’t forget to declare urbi at orbi that you reserve the “right” to bomb the shit out of them anytime you deem it is needed.  And fuck their sovereignty or anybody else’s while we are at it!
    • Lastly, once home, don’t forget to “thank” your “veterans” for their “service”.

I get it.

Now YOU try, please!!

Now, in spite of this conditioning, please at least try to understand the following points:

First, the Russians do not see Ukrainian as Hadjis but as their own brothers.

Second many/most LDNR soliders have relatives in the Nazi occupied Ukraine.

Third, yes, Russia can turn any Ukrainian city into Fallujah, but who do you think will then have to pay for its reconstruction?

Fourth, please understand that the double goals of 1) denazification and 2) disarmament implies that any person which is not a Nazi or is not armed and hostile is not, repeat, NOT the target of the Russian armed forces.

Fifth,  the Ukie military was 80% defeated on Day 1.  Get that?  It was gone as a coherent fighting force.  THAT is why they are blowing up bridges, distributing weapons and releasing convicted criminals.  NOT because they are winning!  I mean – how stupid are you if you believe that?  Ukie stupid?


Right now you are the object of probably the biggest PSYOP operation in history. If you realize that and treat these PSYOPs as you should, that is as “informational warfare from the bad guys” you will be able to tell your kind and grandkids “I never believed that crap”. Good for you!

But if you don’t, well then, just don’t tell too much about you in 2022 to your kind and grandkids, save yourself the ridicule and embarrassment…

That’s it. My very last attempt to wake you up.  From now on, I will pretend like you don’t exist and instantly ban any comments parroting kind of self-evident nonsense.

Now I will quietly leave your room, switch off the lights, and let you watch your TVs.


How is Chinese media reacting to growing tensions in Ukraine? How are Chinese citizens talking about this on social media? 

During the last few days, all the western embassies in China have been releasing a flurry of statements, like never before, with the aim of pressuring the government to distance itself from Russia, and to affect Chinese public opinion on the issue. However, on social media people have been mocking this campaign and questioning why this seems so coordinated, lots of jokes and memes have arisen.

Overall, Chinese people do not see a need to comment on a conflict that isn’t theirs. Until recently, everyone understood this as a western attack on Russia, and now the discussion is about why the west feels the need to play out their conflict on Chinese social media.

I saw one comment saying that the west ‘thinks we can’t see international news because of the firewall, that’s not true’. Above all, China does not want to be involved in any kind of war and always believes in doing everything to avoid war. While the Chinese government maintains that position, the Chinese people will not feel the need to react to these kinds of conflicts.

Hamburger / cheeseburger thoughts

The Winter Olympics are now over, how do Chinese people feel about how the games went? 

I think people are feeling a bit empty now that it’s all over, it was a highly successful event. It has awakened, for the first time, a huge interest in winter sports and people are buying the gear.

China performed well, winning 15 gold medals, placing them in 3rd place [above the US]. This success has been the number one tendency everyday on Chinese social media as people have been able to interact with the games virtually but without disrupting everyday life because the whole games took place within the physical bubble created within Beijing.

The Digital Yuan, a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) was adopted in a big way for the time during these games. What is it like to experience the birth of this CBDC? 

The Digital Yuan was used during the games but it was not the only form of payment permitted. It is a long way from mass adoption within China, it’s being used in some zones where there are trial runs, but not on a mass scale.

China already has multiple venues for digital payments for everything, the country never really saw bank cards, it jumped from a cash economy straight to digital payment through phones etc.

WeChat and Alipay are the most prominent ways to make payments within China, so the government will have to work to promote this CBDC, which is basically a cryptocurrency, and change the habits of consumers.

China banned private cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin firstly for environmental reasons. The country has strict goals for carbon reduction and mining Bitcoin is extremely harmful.

The CBDC was launched with international commerce, rather than domestic commerce, in mind. It is being launched as an alternative to the US dollar, it is very far away from achieving that, but existing as an alternative option to USD for international trade is the aim and so the US sees this as a great threat because they use the power of the dollar to enforce sanctions. For example, the US was able to sanction European companies that were trading with Iran because the trade was in dollars.

Pretty girl in a red halter

I always liked halters. Most women don’t however. They tend to keep sliding down, and so you’ve got to tug and tug and tug to keep them up high. Sheech! video

PM Comments;

Art of War, Sun Tzu. America harms Russia without suffering a single casualty. America doesn’t care about Ukraine. Its just an attack dog.

In a real fight, the attack dogs die first.

But the attack dogs can bite and harm Russia.

What about America having to spend billions to arm Ukraine so the attack dogs will have teeth? Money is nothing to America.

They print their trillions, which come from the people’s debt, while the money created goes to the elite-owned Military Industrial Propaganda Complex. Which a part of which supports the political/technology/media structure which keeps the country in perpetual war and provides unlimited budgets for war. It’s a perfect cyclical economy that supports the capitalist Big Lie that a number on a ledger created out of thin air represents wealth.

Not only that, but the rest of the world eventually helps to pay for the war budget because the USD is the worlds reserve currency.

Anyone who disagrees will be starved or bombed to the Stone Age, except for China and Russia who can defend themselves.

America prints trillions and the world suffers from inflation, not just America.

The elites don’t pay for inflation, as their property holdings will increase in value, the people who pay for groceries, rent, and daily necessities suffer from inflation but who cares.

Not only that, but distant wars actually help the American war-based economy and cause the US Dollar to rise in value against its profligate printing.

In war zones, people tend to hoard US Dollars, taking US Dollars out of circulation.

America also makes it hard for US Dollars to be repatriated.

So the hegemon wins when you are forced to fight a war against your brethren who have been turned into attack dogs for the empire; you’re also paying for it. This is a good lesson for China to not find itself in such a poor strategic situation.

What can Russia hope to achieve from this unwanted war? Russia must from now on be much more influential in the affairs of Ukraine.

  • All de-Russification must be reversed, including the separation of the Orthodox Church.
  • The Russian language will be one of the official languages to be taught at schools.
  • The Neo-Nazis will be deligitimized and their crimes duly prosecuted.
  • Ukraine must have a treaty with Russia and be a member of the federation.
  • Foreign media and NGOs must be licensed (actually best simply kicked out and kept out, as they are mostly disinformation agents and spies.—TGP)
  • There will be Russian bases. Then we’ll have peace.

Alternatively, Russia will employ FOABs (enormous bombs short of nuclear—TGP) which will kill everything within a 300m radius. It will be cruel, but such is war. Learn from Sun Tzu, do not get yourself in that situation.

Hopefully, the Ukraine side will finally come to its senses. When Russia succeeds in their operation, it will be the turn of the three Baltic states to shake in their boots, NATO or no NATO.


It’s about how you look at things


Look at the big picture, and then relax. The war in the Ukraine is not a sporting event. Rather it’s a catalist forcing the world to choose sides. The aftermath will be a bio-polar world rather than a uni-polar world, and those that stick with the USA are going to be in trouble.

Big picture so far:

[1]  Europe threw itself off the cliff. It is Officially Game Over. All that’s left is the autopsy.

  • RT & news blocked,
  • Cultural, sports & local-carriers air travel to Russia blocked,
  • A separation from financial infrastructure,
  • Open hostility evident through support of Nazis in PsyOps and ostensible but meaningless arms.
  • Everything calculated for a generational rupture and impotent group-hate shriek at Russia..

Predictable results:

  • A near-term loss of existential 50% petroleum products,
  • A loss of 40%+ grain products and the withering away of Europe.
  • Pity. European cost of living will be Biblical come next Dark Winter.. And an exodus to Russia and other sane points likely beforehand.

[2] The “WW3 OR Sanctions” threat by Biden was actually directed at EU. It was the trigger to get the loons to leap off the cliff. How will Russia punish the deceitful USA piper, which has now wrecked the western peninsula of Asia for the next 3+ generations?

US squats, toad-like, pretending to be the whistling innocent bystander at the scene of the epic European ritual suicide. It is in the role of Annatar during the Fall of Númenor – urging the fool King Ar-Pharazôn to sail on the gods themselves.. the Sundering and drowning of Númenor itself is next on the playlist. Someone should send that memo to the AZE; Europe and Anglo-lands are now forever chained together..

[3] I saw this amusing movie with Clint Eastwood decades ago, “Every Which Way but Loose (1978).” The operative mission regarding Russia is now, “Weaken Them Every Which Way Possible.” And to destroy the gutless Europeans simultaneously is a bonus treat at the Bonfire of the Vanities.

So current calculations focus on the DAILY $700-750 million Russian export earnings. Much of these daily earnings is to Europe. They do not have time for a war of attrition this time.. It is a cold shut-down.

In part, the group hate and hysteria campaign is to “psych themselves” and convince the sane in West it’s a necessary cost, to hurt themselves to hurt Russia. Cut off your damn nose Frenchie, we have excellent plastic surgeons in the Bayou.

[4] There is no nuclear war on the current cards (Phew!). According to the Kremlin, their action yesterday was in reaction to words from Perfide Albion. They have since been put in their tiny place. Deconfliction is on between Americans and Russians. The relevant issue is the suiciding of Europe, not the longed-for first strike.

[5] China (& India) sit pretty. A 500-year Beast is making a dramatic exit from the stage. Pfizer is doubly doomed – folks are so excited in Zone B, there is no need even for Viagra anymore. What support Russia needs, be it diplomatic, financial, new business arrangements (buying that grain and extra gas), lighting a million candles, are quietly being made.

Half-cocked Korean Rocketman rattled off missiles in his no-longer-pudgy fist, to help the loonies focus fully on their Death March in the heavenly rich black soil of Novorussiya.

Indeed, this is the Last March of the Russia Haters, in commiseration with the Last of the Mohicans. And both shall soon be in the museum with the Dodo. An ongoing flood of Ukie refugees is the cherry on top.  So Russia extracted the necessary concessions from Zone B partners to wield the brass knucklers on behalf of mankind.

It has the depth of support in Asia to see to the necessary dirty task.

Maybe all-in-all, maybe things will go “tits up”, or maybe not. What I do know is that now is the time to relax, regroup, and plow forward in new and exciting directions. Eat some delicious food. have a good time. Play with friends, and by all means; be the Rufus.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Family home-made cooking and meals are the best!

Here’s a nice look at some of the meals that my mother used to make for us kids when we were young. And we will also chat some about family meals eaten together.

I can tell you, with my first-hand experience that as we grew up and moved away from home, these delicious home cooked meals were replaced by fast food, and restaurant set meals. In truth, for decades I lived off of a mixture of fast food, easy to prepare cheap foods at home (spaghetti, hamburger, chicken) and restaurant staples.

I argue that many people still live this kind of pitiful life; not getting to live a life filled with delicious and tasty, healthy food.

This article looks at what my family used to cook for me that no longer exists in the diets of most Americans today. How many families in America today have sit-down family meals with lamb-chops, fresh fish, or a rump roast?

I personally beleive that once you start taking the time to eat well planned, healthy meals at home, your life and your families lives will become better and greater in every way possible.

The Real Benefit of Family Dinners

The importance of regular family dinners has been a hot topic in the world of sociology and family studies, and you’ve probably seen many articles these last few years touting their benefits. It’s been argued that family dinners do everything from decrease obesity to lower your children’s risk for teen pregnancy, crime, and drug use. It seemed as though family dinners were a silver bullet in preventing your kids from becoming deadbeats, and a failure to regularly sup together pretty much destined your child for a life on skid-row.

However, when researchers recently took a closer look at the supposed benefits of family dinners, what they found was that a lot of them could be chalked up to correlation rather than causation. That is, parents who had a strong marriage, better relationships with their kids, and set more guidelines for them, were more likely to have family dinners, and more likely to have well-adjusted children. It is these other factors, rather than the dinners themselves, that account for this effect.

The study’s authors concluded that while family dinners alone won’t prevent your kids from turning into cigarette smoking, teen mom juvies, the ritual can serve as a valuable part of a set of family habits, routines, and practices that contribute to a child’s overall well-being.

One clear benefit of family dinners that they found held up, even when controlling for the other factors, was a significant reduction in adolescent depression.

So consider family dinners to be another tool in your goal of building a positive family culture.

Their real benefit is the chance they provide for your family to slow down, get together face-to-face, talk without distractions, cement your values, create a feeling of support, and build loving bonds.

These benefits accrue to families who not only try to regularly have dinner (or another meal) together, but who approach these chances to break bread in an intentional way.

Let’s look at some of the tasty reasons why dinners whould be cooked at home.

Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin

Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin.

Roasts have existed for centuries, but the simplest versions are often to be the best. This double pork combo features a rich and luscious tenderloin wrapped in crispy, salty bacon that will leave your mouth watering. Just make sure to cook up some extra portions, as you know everyone will want seconds of this classic dish.

Here’s a Crème cheese stuffed version. Yum!
Crème cheese stuffed Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin.

Beef Stew With Dumplings

Beef Stew With Dumplings.

Stews have existed through time as some of the most durable, family-favorite dinners.

This recipe allows you to whip up a pot of this classic dish that could feed an army and explore the original flavors that made stew such an appealing dinner.

By adding in some dumplings, you can guarantee this meal will stick to your ribs and keep you well-fed.

Instant Pot Pot Roast and Potatoes

Instant Pot Pot Roast and Potatoes.

Instant Pots have been a kitchen blessing, and they can make cooking classic recipes a whole lot easier.

This quick and easy pot roast will make you see this dish in a new light and fill in any craving you have for a meat-and-potatoes meal. After just one bite, you might find your new weekday meal.

I must tell youse guys that I ate a lot of this when I was growing up. Pot roasts were my absolute favorite, and I just loved the potates, and we ate them with a full salad, at least two vegitable sides and a pile of sliced bread. Good eating, and long neglected.

Instant Pot Pot Roast and Potatoes.

Boneless Leg of Lamb with Parsley Mint Chimichurri

Boneless Leg of Lamb with Parsley Mint Chimichurri.

This retro recipe takes a twist on the classic lamb and mint jelly formula by turning the jelly into a mint chimichurri. This recipe is sophisticated enough to serve at any dinner party and can be easy enough to make any day of the week. If you haven’t given lamb a shot, this should be your gateway in.

Boneless Leg of Lamb with Parsley Mint Chimichurri.

Double-Crust Chicken Pot Pie

Double-Crust Chicken Pot Pie.

Pot pies are instant classics, but very few home cooks tend to make them these days. Why not explore the past with this classic recipe that takes all the flavors of this vintage dish and makes it easy to fix up at home?

This easy-to-concoct meal is a great way to start more comfortable working with pastries, and if you don’t feel confident in your abilities, you can use store-bought dough to save some time.

Double-Crust Chicken Pot Pie.

Corned Beef Hash

Corned Beef Hash.

You may have seen canned corned beef hash for sale at stores or watched your grandparents eat it, but nothing compares to making it at home. With one bite, you’ll remember why this dish became such a staple that has survived through the years. Just make sure to pace yourself, as you’ll want to gobble everything you make up in one go.

Herb-Crusted Grilled Lamb Chops

Herb-Crusted Grilled Lamb Chops.

Rediscover why lamb chops were such a hit by grilling up the perfect lamb with an herb crust that could please any palate. The deep flavor combinations can’t compare to any other boring lamb you’ve had in the past, and the herbs liven up this retro dish for the new era.

I have to tell youse guys, I really ate well as a kid. What the Hell went so wrong? My mother really knew how to cook and budget great meals for us kids. But then, somehow, I ended up living off of spaghetti and hamburger. Man, oh man!

Herb-Crusted Grilled Lamb Chops.

But the kids don’t want to sit at supper…

Well, then your family must be too far gone.

And you are just a limp-wristed pale shadow of a parent. You must provide rules, and guidelines and routines. Your children will grow to respect them, and after a month, they will learn to love them.


Sounds like me. So don’t get too offended. I’m talking about myself here.

Electronic media is a terrible seduction.

How to get the kids “on board”…

Yeah. It’s tough to pry them away from games, social media, and movies. But here’s some (lame) idea to get them interested.

[1] Teach them how to prepare their favorite food, and make a meal out of it. Then you make it formal and strat the ritualization of it.

[2] When you make their favorite food, make sure it is always formalized and ritualized. Make it special. There are different ways to make it special. Everyone is different. When I lived in the monastery, there was a bell that was rung. But it could be anything that fits your life, and your home.

[3] Always have delicious desserts. Let the children know that after they eat, they will have a very tasty dessert.

[4] Kids are easily distracted. So make sure that all distractions are switched to “off”.

How to Get the Most Out of Family Meal Times

Ritual. Strive for consistency. Try to make family dinner a sacrosanct ritual. Whenever you can, schedule your work and activities around this immovable block. Sometimes very busy high-powered executives will come home from work, eat dinner with the family, and then go back to work later. They do what they can not to miss it.

What’s great about prioritizing family dinners is that it gives you a goal to shoot for. If you know the wife and kids won’t be sitting down together and will just be fending for themselves, it’s tempting to rationalize continuing to plow through your work. But if you’re expected to be at the table, it’s easier to break away from what you’re doing and get home.

Don’t beat yourself up if you have to forgo your family dinner sometimes. Research indicates that children who have dinner with their family at least three times a week enjoy the benefits of family dinners. So just try to be as consistent with it as you can.

Any meal will do. It doesn’t actually have to be dinner. Many families today have schedules that make it hard to get everyone home for dinnertime. Dad or Mom works late, and one kid has soccer practice at 6PM while the other kid has a piano recital on the other side of town at 7. It only gets worse as the kids get older. I remember when I got into high school, I was barely ever home for family dinner due to football, work, or student council.

Sometimes the solution is a much-needed simplification of our schedules, but it’s just not always possible to get everyone to the table at 6:00. Because of this, many families simply give up altogether on the idea of regularly sharing a meal.

But research shows that when it comes to the benefits of breaking bread as a family, there’s nothing magical about doing it at dinnertime. It’s just as beneficial to sit down together for other meals — breakfast, lunch, even dessert! The key is that you’re together as a family on a regular basis (food helps in this by adding a level of comfort, texture, and enjoyment).

Maybe evenings are crazy for your family, but mornings not so much. Make family breakfast your thing. Let’s say mornings and evenings are bad, but things are pretty chill right before bedtime. Make time for a pre-bed snack as a family. It could be cookies and milk, or if you’re paleo, try some coconut blueberry balls. The important thing is that you get together with your family on a regular basis for some quality conversation and bonding time.

So instead of thinking about making the most of family dinnertime, think of it as getting the most of family meal times.

Teach them the love of cooking. Get your kids involved with making the meal. Kids love to help out with cooking. And letting them do so will help them forge a better appreciation of food and teach them a valuable skill in self-reliance that will really come in handy once they head out on their own. Plus, it gives you a chance to start talking to your kids before you even get to the table.

Take-out (or dining out) is a-okay sometimes. Home cooking is ideal for reasons of both health and cost, but there are always going to be times where you or your wife don’t have time to make a meal from scratch. That’s okay – remember, the important thing is just making the time to sit down together. Getting take-out or going to a restaurant can actually be more relaxing for everyone, and the latter is a lot of fun for the kids.

No TV, cellphones, or tablets. The purpose of family meal times is to strengthen the familial bond. You can’t do that when you’re all silently staring at the TV or while everyone has their eyes glued to their phone. Make it an ironclad rule: no electronic devices at the table.

Play music in the background. This is something we do in our house sometimes. We often play big band or classical tunes, and I try to teach Gus the sounds of the different instruments. If we’re eating Mexican food, I’ll put on some rock en español — Maná and Juanes are two of our favorites. If Kate’s the DJ, it’s often the Guster channel on Pandora. Some quiet background music adds to the atmosphere and just makes the occasion feel a little more special and fun.

Say grace. Saying grace before a meal teaches your kids the importance of gratitude and what a blessing it is to simply have food on their plates. It also teaches delayed gratification – it can be hard for kids to even wait a minute before digging in! If you’re religious, saying grace reaffirms your family’s religious identity as well.

Teach manners. Shared meals are the perfect time for teaching your kids manners. It’s something you have to reiterate over and over and over again with the little ones, but ingraining this ritual will help them cultivate a civil and polite mindset that will extend far beyond the dinner table.

Practice the 10-50-1 Rule. To get the most out of family meal times, you need to get your family talking. And not just about whether the food is too spicy (research has found that most conversation at family meals centers on the quality of the food!). In his book, The Secrets of Happy Families, author Bruce Feiler shares a guideline he uses for family meal times: the 10-50-1 Rule.

  • Aim for 10 minutes of quality talk. Researchers have found that’s about the average amount of quality talk time an average meal yields, so it’s a good minimum goal. It’s not much, but a little bit each day on a sustained basis really adds up over the long haul.
  • Let your kid speak 50 percent of the time. Research shows that adults usually hold the floor for 2/3 of that 10-minute conversation time. There are benefits for kids in overhearing adult conversations, but you want to hear what they have to say, too.
  • Teach your kids 1 new word every meal. Studies indicate that kids who have regular family meal times have larger vocabularies than kids who don’t. But holding regular family dinners won’t magically teach kids new words. Be intentional about it like Bruce is. At every dinner he teaches his kids one new word by playing different games. For example, he’ll throw out a word like “fruit” and then have everyone come up with as many related words as possible. Another game he’ll do is to bring a newspaper to the table and have everyone find a word they don’t know, try to figure out what the word means, and discuss it with the rest of the family.

Conversation. Get good conversation going. If you want to have at least ten minutes of quality talk at each meal, and you want your kids to do half of the talking, you’re going to have to ask them questions. Sometimes kids will give you one-word or non-answers, but just keep trying to elicit a response from different angles. Don’t just ask, “How was your day?” Ask them to tell you one thing they learned that day or what the best part of their day was so far. Ask them if they saw or read anything interesting. As they get older, bring up current events and ask for their opinions on them.

History. Talk about your family history. Psychologist Marshall Duke and his colleague Robyn Fivush found that children who know about their family’s history have a stronger sense of control over their lives, higher self-esteem, and feel more connected to their families than children who don’t know their family’s history. In fact, they discovered that the best single predictor of a child’s emotional health and happiness was their ability to answer questions about their family history, such as:

  • Do you know where your grandparents grew up?
  • Do you know where your mom and dad went to high school?
  • Do you know where your parents met?
  • Do you know of an illness or something really terrible that happened in your family?
  • Do you know what went on when you were being born?

Duke and Fivush believe that knowledge of his or her personal family history provides a child with a strong “intergenerational self,” which makes them feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves.

As they hear stories of family struggles and triumphs, kids learn about family narratives that instill resilience.

According to Duke, the most powerful narrative for building resilience in children is the oscillating narrative.

It’s basically the story of continual ups and downs in your family, where, despite what happened, the family always stuck together.

How empowering and inspiring is that for a kid who’s going through a tough time?

Knowing that great-great-great grandpa managed to create a thriving business even after suffering hardship and the death of family members along a wagon trail in the middle of nowhere can help a kid understand that life will be okay even if he doesn’t get into his college of choice.

If grandpa thrived during adversity, he can thrive, too.

No children?

No problem.

Dinners are a time to build your relationship, talk and discuss and make special moments over food and drink. You can make it very special. And that is wonderful.

Enjoy your time together.

Make the dinner a little romantic and memorable Apart from making a great dinner, here are some tips that you must know if you want to make this night memorable.

1. Choose the right drinks

A romantic dinner is not complete without drinks – but your choice of beverages depends on your dishes.

  • A steak dinner can be paired with an earthy red wine.
  • You could serve a crisp, chilled white wine if you decided on chicken.

Whatever your decision, make sure you have a bottle opener handy, you don’t want to be caught without one.

If you’re not into alcohol, pick up some fruity, fizzy drinks to go with your date night meals. LIke orange juice, or a nice tea. Or, a well made coffee.

Be sure to have your date’s favorite drinks on hand for after dinner – so stock up on beers, whiskey, or gin. And if it is to be served cola,, make sure that it’s really cold.

Their favorite drink will go well with dessert.

2. Choose easy, simple recipes

When people are trying to find out how to make a romantic dinner, they probably forget that the most romantic dinner recipes are a piece of cake.

You don’t want to worry about too many aspects, complicated sauces, and preparations. Choose a dish that is easy to make with only a few ingredients. Remember this one tip as one of the most important romantic dinner ideas. Else you would be thrown in for a loop!

In a pinch, you can buy a premade instant pizza, and toss a bunch of extra pepperoni and globs of cheese on top of it. Think “adaptation” and “improvement”. You are striving for an event. Not particuliarly a meal.

3. Create the perfect setting

When you are looking up romantic dinner date ideas and trying to figure out how to plan a romantic dinner, you might think of recipes and ingredients.

But here’s the thing – you want to create the entire package. That means food, drinks, and the most important of all – the setting! It could be anything from a home-made special moment, to a plain tablecloth and a candle. Just try to make the dinner a little special.

A special and relaxed atmosphere is the perfect backdrop for a romantic dinner.

4. Relax and enjoy the meal and the company

Don’t forget to sit back, relax, and relish the romantic dinner. If something goes wrong with the food, let it. You don’t want to be stressing over everything so much that you forget to enjoy the experience. It’s all about the conversation and the food.

5. Talk about the good things

Nothing really serious, or anger generating.

You can spend some time reminiscing about the good times, especially if you both have had very little time together recently. So just keep it light and easy. Nothing serious. It’s a time of relaxation and rest.

6. Do not exert yourself too much

As much as you want to make this special, make sure you are not too tired by the end of all of it. Take time to rest and feel good about the night.

7. Dress up

Even if you are both staying home, dress up nicely for each other. You will feel so much better when you put on nice clothes and sit with each other. Guys, maybe you wear a T-shirt all the time, but what’s the harm of thowing on a blazer over it?

I well remember my Zambian (African) girlfriend, who would dress up for every meal. It did not matter if it was at home or outside. Nice outfit. Hair done. Perfume. And ladies, let me tell you what, it’s hard to compete against THAT.

8. Take photos together

Take out some time to take photos of each other, of the food, and together. Pictures are a great way to create memories, and you can always look back on them and relive these moments.

I put mine in a ton load of folders.

Don’t be like MM here. Organize better. My filing system is a shambles. Ugh!

9. Try something new

Make it a point to try something new. It could be a new cuisine, drink, or dish. New experiences with the one you love are a great way to bond. Even the shitty events, and the meals and places that didn’t work out are bonds and stories that we share and remember.

10. Get rid of distractions

Again. No distractions. Put your phone, laptops, and other gadgets away. Put away anything that distracts you and your partner, and spend time only with each other.

I will tell you that even I, almighty MM, slip up and forget this rule from time to time. And my wife, Mrs. MM hits me on the head (as she’s the only pne premitted to do this) and stops me from getting sucked into the information overload vortex.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Food Index associated with my Happiness Index here…



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Some forgotten meal dishes prepared by my mother that deserve to be on everyone’s dinner table today

Here’s a nice look at some of the meals that my mother used to make for us kids when we were young. As we grew up and moved away from home, these delicious home cooked meals were replaced by fast food, and restaurant set meals.


What began as an occasional trip once or twice to “Big Boy”, became a weekly event in the late 1970’s, and almost daily after the early 1980’s. That coiencided with the absolutely frenzied rise of McDonald’s and Burger King franchises.

In those days, McDonalds’ used to have the words “Over XXXX customers sold”.

      • Thousands became Millions.
      • Millions became Billions.
      • Billions became, “Billions and Billions”.

And everyone was living this sort of frenzied, fast-paced lifestle.

In truth, for decades I lived off of a mixture of fast food, easy to prepare cheap foods at home (spaghetti, hamburger, chicken) and restaurant staples.

I argue that many people still live this kind of pitiful life; not getting to live a life filled with delicious and tasty, healthy food.

This article looks at what my family used to cook for me that no longer exists in the diets of most Americans today. It’s not what I used to make to eat, or what my first and second wives made for me to eat. It’s what my parents, and my grandparents made for me to eat.

We start off with something that doesn’t seem to be that popular any more. Perhaps it’s becuase no one knows how to make it right. I am referring to meatloaf.


Yeah. Sure. Meatloaf.

You do NOT use the cheapest cuts of meat, and throw everything into it. You do not live in a school cafeteria. No. You should use quality ingredients, and keep things simple.

Classic Meatloaf

Delicious meatloaf.

Even if you have nightmares of cafeteria meatloaf, giving this classic another shot can make you realize why this staple was such a hit. This throwback recipe brings everything home and reminds you of all the rich flavors of beef, tomatoes, and that iconic meatloaf texture.

Just like it is easy to use the cheapest ground meat, the cheapest left over bread, and the near-expiration-date ingredients, don’t. Take the time and use good, healthy ingredients, and present it in a fine loving way that it deserves. Your family will love you for it.

  • Cooked tomatoes, peppers, and onions instead of store bought ketchup.
  • Ground beef instead of ground chuck.
  • Go easy on the bread crumbs.

I like to eat it with sliced bread and (real salted) butter, mashed potatoes, and corn, peas, or some other well steamed vegitable.

Southern-Style Cornmeal Catfish with Tomato Gravy

Southern-Style Cornmeal Catfish with Tomato Gravy.

Fried fish has always come across tables as a dinner standard, but it gets harder and harder to find fried catfish on the menu at most dinners.

This recipe will make you remember why this economical fish was such a favorite, and it will evoke memories of fish fries and summer days. With a crispy cornmeal crust and an easy frying technique, this recipe is achievable for any home cook.

The best and most important thing to remember is to debone it, and serve deep fried, breaded filets.

Tasty catfish.

It goes really good with pickled tomatoes, Southern “hushpuppies”, french fried potatoes and really icy cold beer. Don’t you know?

Chicken and Dumplings

Chicken and Dumplings.

Whether you grew up in the North or the South, you’ve likely tried some variant of this classic dish that has stretched far and wide across America. The tender, chewy dumplings provide a perfect textural pairing with the moist chicken. It all gets coated in a down-home gravy that whips up nostalgia in an instant. For a trip down memory lane, bring this classic to a table near you.

And don’t forget the wide sturdy spoon to gather the great amount of broth. I always liked to eat it with salt and some sprinkled cheddar cheese. But that’s jsut me.

Classic Green Bean Casserole

Classic Green Bean Casserole.

Everyone remembers their first green bean casserole, likely made with cream of mushroom soup and fried onion straws. Even if you eventually burnt out on this dish as a kid, now is the perfect time to explore the casserole again.

By mixing up the ingredients, you can avoid any traumatic memories of canned green beans and use only the freshest produce to make this dish pop.

Try using green beans, AND asparagus, with some real sauteed mushrooms.

That’s the real secret. Get fresh ingredients and let it cook for a good long time so that all the savory flavors mix and become outrageously delicious.

Brown Butter Honey-Glazed Carrots

Brown Butter Honey-Glazed Carrots.

Sometimes, simplicity brings out the best flavors from quality ingredients. This old-fashioned recipe takes that mentality to heart by pairing fresh carrots with a sweet and rich honey butter glaze. You’ll not only evoke generations past, but you’ll also whip up a new family favorite everyone can love that costs little time and money to prepare. To round out your dinner, this should prove an instant favorite.

Healthy food, cooked properly, is the key to great family happiness.
This is not a stand-alone meal, but rather a dish that acts as a side ot other food entres.

Honey-Glazed Ham and Cheddar Muffins

Honey-Glazed Ham and Cheddar Muffins.

When you imagine an old-fashioned Sunday meal, each table spread probably includes a baked ham and bread offered up for everyone. This take on a classic refines what everyone loved about a night at home on the weekend by featuring a delectable honey-glazed ham. Paired with the fluffy cheddar muffins, each bite of ham will be a taste of heaven.

The secret is that the cheddar cheese, and honey-glazed ham mix together scrumpiously.

Hamburg Steaks

Hamburg Steak.

You probably haven’t thought about Hamburg steaks in quite some time, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t take a crack at this once-popular staple. They’re easier to make than traditional steaks on the grill. And each portion packs in so much flavor, you’ll wonder why you never tried this recipe sooner.

I find that the secret is to let the steaks cook a nice long time at lower heat in a deep savory broth. You can add garlic, onions, and mushrooms to really kick out that flavor.
Hamburg Steaks cooking in a long savory broth / sauce.

Sunday Chili

Sunday Chili.

It’s harder to find Sunday Chili on home menus nowadays. This classic not only provides a cumin kick to liven up any night, and one big pot could last for days. With easy-to-find ingredients and little prep work, this dish deserves a revival.

Keep in mind that it goes really well with rice, and lots of cheese. When I was younger, I would crunch up crackers and eat with it, but I discovered that if you pair this with garlic bread you will have an absolutely satisfying meal.
Oh, and by the way, this meal goes great with an icy cold beer or two.

Root Beer-Glazed Ham

Root Beer-Glazed Ham.

In the ’50s and ’60s, home cooks paired novel items in ways you might never have expected. While many of these recipes deserve to have died out, some deserve a second chance.

For instance, root beer-glazed ham stood out from the crowd by providing that sugary bite usually drawn from a honey glaze.

And the acidity of the soda helps tenderize the meat, making for one delectable ham. If you’ve only heard rumors of this dish, now is the best time to give this recipe a shot!

I can tell you that this goes great with a table “spread”.

You lay out sliced lettice (all fresh and washed completely), sliced tomatoes (I add salt and olive oil to the slices), some thin sliced onions (the restrurants all trend is to have these super thick onion slices, I like mine paper thin), and fresh hot baked bread. Add some pickles, cheeses (a selection in sandwich slices), and some marinated olives, marinated peppers.

Ah, some marinated olives.

Oh and don’t forget a fine selection of condiments…

  • Horseradish
  • Wasabi
  • Sweet salad dressing.
  • Mayonaise.
  • Ketchup.
  • Sweet butter chips (sliced pickles)
  • Dill pickles (spear shape)
  • Olive oil.
  • Butter.
  • vinegar.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Hot mix
Hot mix.

Keep the bread warm, and the ham hot.

The tomatoes should always sit in warm water for a few minutes to push out the flavor and punch them into a state of mouth watering organism. then slice them and add salt and olive oil, and then place on their own plate.

Then you make yourself a fine sandwich and eat it with wine, and some great conversation.

Some thoughts

If you get on the internet and search for food, you will come up with all kinds of articles on the recipes on how to make the food. You might even come across some diet guru that is trying to get you to invest in “their plan”. (A subject in itself.) But you will hardly ever find articles on the joys of eating the food everyone prepares.

I don’t like that.

Food is a very important part of our lives.

It is more than just nutrition, it is a social venue. One, that is terribly neglected in modern Wester society.

And here, here, I argue that it shouldn’t be that way. I argue that food should be a major part of your life, and well planned healthy meals should be the stable from which everything else is derived.

And that’s where the family comes in.

[1] Savings

You will find and discover that a singular weekly meal might cost just slightly less than a restaurant meal, but the time it took to make it was problematic. Ingredient costs alone might equal that of a mid-range restrurant meal. And yet, it might take you an hour or more to make.

Don’t freak out.

Buy in bulk, and plan the meals a week in advance. Like adults do; like people who are in control of their lives do.

Of course, all families are different, which is why I strongly advocate a very traditional division of labor for the family and disparage the idea of a home with two people working for others. One person stays home and take on all the domestic issues and controls the money. The other earns the money, and handles maintence and repairs.

Now, if you plan on five such meals a week, and budget accordingly, you will discover a substantial savings in money, and an improvement in your family communication. And these particular changes will really positively affect your life.

This will be true EVEN if you subtract the secondary source of income. (And all the other expenses that come with it.)

[2] Social

We are social creatures. Every opportunity for us to share times with others in a neutral to positive way should be embraced and nurtured.

No one ever told you this.

Well, maybe it’s becuase they don’t appreciate things as they used to be.

Eating food historically is a social and cultural construct that helps us connect with each others. In England, this resulted in pubs. In China this resulted in those big private meal rooms.

Unfortunately, one of the very first social reengineering efforts in the United States was to destroy this social activity and replace it with a for-profit, fast and isolated eating format. Two hour lunch hours were reduced to thirty minutes, and in some cases only fifteen minutes (at work). Car drive-throughs in fast food chains popped up everywhere, and even table sizes shrank. All facilitating a most lonely singular existence  of socially disconnected loners.

Eating alone in the car.

Listening to talk radio.

Not to each other. Not savoring the flavors.

Instead, isolated, and shoving cheap, mass-produced animal feed to keep them toiling in companies, and manipulated in every singular manner possible.

So think in terms of fine sit-down ritualized meals.

No, this meal-time is not an event for horse-play and arguments. It’s a time of kindness and shared emotions. Be positive. Be kind. Be uplifting. Say good and nice things. Make the other people want to share more meals with you.

Your life will improve.

[3] Health

Healthy foods prepared with care and affection, and served  in a fine healthy environment will certainly help improve your over all health, general well-being and happiness.

It will.

You will live longer, and have a much better overall quality of life too boot.

How to use this article

It is my hope that you will go through the various food items I have shown herein and pick one. Then search the internet for a recipe for it, and then gather the materials and make it.

But it’s more than that.

Record your costs in a notebook. Record how long it took you to make it, and then have a formal sit down meal with your family or friends and record (in the notebook) how it went.

Then compare that to the “normal” everyday meals that you have been eating over the last month or so.


You will find that the mixture of cooking, delicious food, fellowship over a meal and the cost savings are far superior to what you (most probably) have been living off of for the last few months.

You will.

A social life will emerge.

A closer and better relationship with your family will occur.

You will make new friends, and will be healthier and happier.

And if so, I encourage you to keep it up. Start small and simple. Mix it up some. And have a great time with it. Enjoy life. (If everything goes well…) This one will be your last.

Oh, and don’t forget an after-dinner dessert and coffee (or whatever beverage that appeals to you). It’s stuff that magic memories are made out of.

An after dinner dessert and coffee.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Food Index associated with my Happiness Index here…



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Some of the most popular American foods that families eat at dinner time.

Here is a great selection of fantastic, easy to make, and fun family sit-down meals for dinner. This post discusses “real” American food. Not “American fast food”, which it seems (to everyone outside of the USA) is what Americans eat all the time. We do not. We eat something else, something all together different. We eat tasty, aromatic and tasty delicious food. Don’t you know.

Hey! It’s true!

In our homes, with our families, we “break bread” with love, happiness, care and concern. We eat healthy, fine and delicious food. We share the events of the day, and we laugh and cry as the day’s events are presented. We are not alone. We are part of a bigger identity.

Fast food does not represent America. It is an off-shoot of the “modern” progressive-reality that was thrust upon the shoulders of America. We have been dealing with it since 1913, and it’s only been recently that we have decided to shake it off.

It's like coffee. Most Americans do not drink Starbucks coffee daily. Many do, but not most. Coffee is a deeply personal thing with most Americans.

American food, like coffee is a very unique and special treat. Something that does NOT resemble the monetized versions available to the rest of the world.


Here we talk about “dinner time”. That most special and sacred time of the day for many (but not all) Americans. It was the time when a family would take off their soiled work clothes, put aside their school book bags, and sit down together for a fine, nutritious meal. One that was (traditionally) cooked with care and love by the woman of the house.

---PHOTO---Delicious meal at dinner time, where the entire family comes together to share the events of the day and spend happy times together.
Delicious meal at dinner time, where the entire family comes together to share the events of the day and spend happy times together.

Ah, but times have changed. Oh, maybe so. But not inherently. Americans are still Americans. You cannot change who we are on the inside. We are social beings that value our time together with loved ones. Most especially with our families.

Americans are still capable of love for their families.

Yes. I do know all about the injection of “modern progressiveness” into the American culture back in 1913. I am quite cognizant on how it altered and deformed American cultures and resulted in almost all of the problems that America experiences today.

Yes. I know.

How many Americans eat dinner. They eat alone, mostly fast food, or easily prepaired meals, staring in front of a televisions set or computer screen.
How many Americans eat dinner. They eat alone, mostly fast food, or easily prepared meals, staring in front of a televisions set or computer screen.

I know, it used to be, back in the days leading up to the 1970’s and the destruction of the American family, everyone would have a “sit down” “typical” American meal. (The link opens up in another tab.)


I also know how this tradition pretty much was under assault, and how the death blow smashed it to pieces in the 1970’s. Ah, yes, you can thank President Wilson for that as well. The Federal Reserve put a death-grip strangle hold on the American family.

This is the world that all that modern progressiveness wrought.

This is the world that all that modern progressiveness wrought.
This is the world that all that modern progressiveness wrought. It starts at youth. It consists of eating cheap, easy to make meals, in front of mindless electronic media.

This tradition pretty much ended during the 1970’s when families had to split apart to earn enough to make ends meet. Thus, a progressive (or “enlightened”) reality took hold; also known as “everyone forage for themselves”, or “meals by yellow-sticky notes on the refrigerator”.

It goes by other terms as well, as (the) fast-food television binge, or the creation of “easy and cheap meals”.

It’s what living a “progressive” life is all about. It’s about money. It’s about making ends meet. It’s about keeping up with the Joneses. It’s about living a life that matches the expectations shown in television, movies, and social media.

it’s all one big lie.

If we’re too busy to have dinner as a family regularly, we may want to  re-examine our priorities. 

We probably are too busy. Period. 

While our  smartphones and devices have brought us closer to the rest of humanity, it is the family that will stick with us through thick and thin.
It is simply amazing that something as simple as eating together as a  family may bring manifold benefits to all family members. Family meals  are for nourishment, comfort and support. As we nourish our body, we  nourish our family relationships. 

After all, food is better eaten with  the people we love! 

- Eating together helps families bond

It’s sad.

Oh you don’t know what I am talking about, eh? You think it’s an accident that tomatoes today taste like cardboard and are filled with water? You think it was an accident, or just the way it’s always been. Oh no. It’s what happens when modern, progressive scientists re-engineer society to make it “better”.

Click on the link (it opens up in a different tab) for easy browsing…


Here’s a picture of the “modern, progressive lifestyle” that many Americans have had to confront. Sad…

It’s how NOT to raise a family.

---PHOTO---How not to raise a family.
How not to raise a family. Mother is not cooking delicious meals. She is working at home and teaching her daughter to do the same. Father is scrounging in the kitchen and teaching his son to forage. No family togetherness. No family group discussions. No sharing, and no joy. It’s stress. It’s the progressive lifestyle you all!

All these progressives, with their modern (well meaning intentions) have totally wrecked the world. Look at the pollution. Look at the family life. Look at what it takes to get ahead. It’s not an accident people!


How NOT to eat a family meal. You face each other, not electronic media. You share the time, and you talk to each other. This kind of life, where everyone is off and alone in their own individual worlds is a progressive lie broght forth by President Wilson.
How NOT to eat a family meal. You face each other, not electronic media. You share the time, and you talk to each other. This kind of life, where everyone is off and alone in their own individual worlds is a progressive lie brought forth by President Wilson.

However, do not be distressed. A rising percentage of Americans are revitalizing the old-fashioned “sit down” formal dinner time meals. It’s making a much needed comeback. And I, I for one, think that this trend is glorious!

What is better than delicious food? What is better than fine tasty drink and friends and family to share the day’s events with? Heck! It sure beats looking that the latest posts on Facebook, watching a cat video on You-tube, or reading the “news” on your Google feed.


It’s people. It”s feeling. It’s emotions. It’s sharing our life with others, and that is absolutely wonderful.

Family meals done right…

---PHOTO---Family meals done right. Both parents are present. Everyone is smiling and talking and fine love-cooked food is presented in happy friendliness.
Family meals done right. Both parents are present. Everyone is smiling and talking and fine love-cooked food is presented in happy friendliness.

This is great, and people (!) this post discusses what they would be eating during all of this.

My in-laws

It has gradually dawned on me that no one (outside of the United States) has any idea what Americans eat. They think, and they really do believe this, that all that Americans eat are hamburgers and Pizza.

You laugh.

But, it’s true!

While there is a certain degree in truth to that, it’s not actually true. When I was growing up, we rarely had pizza or hamburgers. That was something that was reserved to eat “outside” of the home. Or, alternatively, something we would have at a Cub Scout cookout, or at a baseball game. It wasn’t a formal sit down meal food.

Home cooked food was tastier, healthier, cheaper, and was served in a communal setting where we all faced each other. We weren’t staring into a television set, a laptop, or a cell phone. We faced each other.

Face to face.

With delicious food, with the fine aromas wafting towards us.

---PHOTO---American style dinner done right! The entire family is together, sharing a fine home-cooked meal and being together.
American style dinner done right! The entire family is together, sharing a fine home-cooked meal and being together.

Now, I am in China.

My in-laws know nothing about the American household lifestyle. All they know is what they watch on the television show “Friends”, or The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

But, you know, my family was more like Mayberry RFD than Cheers.

This has come down to the point where my father-in-law brought groceries home from the market today. He passed them on to the women folk to cook, and he proudly displayed a McDonalds bag with a cold chicken sandwich and wilted french-fries for me to consume. He beamed with pride. (Obviously “virtue signalling” to me that he cared about me and my culture.)


Central Perk.
Central Perk. The six main protagonists frequently visited Central Perk throughout the series. It is situated in New York City’s Greenwich Village, in the same apartment block as Monica’s apartment. It was where they spent much of their free time conversing. There are 97 steps away from Chandler and Joey’s apartment as Joey counts in The One With George Stephanopoulos.

Ah! Is that how the rest of the world thinks of Americans? As some kind of comic book character. One devoid of emotion, a crisply packaged collection of cheap food in bright colorful plastic wrappings?

He was so proud, and he wanted to show me how he was thinking of me and supportive of me. Thank’s Pop. But, you know, I do like other things…

And thus this post came into being.

The meals

“The table is where we mark milestones, divulge dreams, bury hatchets,  make deals, give thanks, plan vacations and tell jokes. It’s also where  children learn the lessons that families teach: Manners, co-operation,  communication, self-control values. Following directions. Sitting still.  Taking turns. It’s where we make up and make merry. It’s where we live,  between bites.” 

-Eating together helps families bond

So, here’s a list of some fine and delicious American food.

Please take note that different families make things differently. Some will have different sides and fixings, while others might want to add some regional fare. Thus, this list is JUST a guideline, and it is NOT complete.

---PHOTO---Family meals are very special. They help build the family togetherness, and provide a safe place for community, family and love.
Family meals are very special. They help build the family togetherness, and provide a safe place for community, family and love.

Finally, one more thing. Eating food is a social event. It is meant to be shared with friends and family. These people are the most important people in our (individual) world. Treat them special. Enjoy a fine meal with them and share the time with a fellowship of togetherness and happy discussion.

My friends Dana and John perfectly practice what the Rev. Jack King referred to as "scruffy hospitality."  Their kitchen is small. The wood cabinets are dark and a few decades  old. Spices and jars for sugar and flour line the countertops because  there's nowhere else to put them. A tall, round table shoved in a corner  has mismatched bar stools crammed around it. 

The sliding glass doors in the kitchen lead to a back deck with a  well-used chiminea, an outdoor table and a large variety of chairs and  cushions, many of them bought at yard sales. We circle the chairs around  the chiminea on weekend nights during all four seasons, whenever Dana  and John put out a simple call out through text or Facebook that says,  "Fire tonight!" 
There will always be food, but like the bar stools and deck chairs,  the food is mismatched. Our hosts provide some food; John may have the  urge to make jalapeño poppers or Dana may put together some version of  salsa with whatever's fresh from the garden, but there's not a formally  prepared meal. Everyone just brings something. It's perfectly acceptable  — encouraged even — to bring odds and ends of foods that need to get  used up. I often bring wedges of cheese that have already been cut into  or half a baguette to slice up and toast to dip in hummus. Everyone  brings a little something to drink. And it's a glorious feast. 

This kitchen and deck won't be featured in Better Homes and  Gardens anytime soon, but maybe they should be. They are two of the most  hospitable spaces I know. By opening up their home as-is, Dana and John  are the most gracious hosts I know. I almost wrote "by opening up their  home with its imperfections," but that's not accurate. 

Their home is  perfect — just like it is. 

-Mother Nature Network

Now, to the meals…


The thing about steak is that you can get it all over the world. From Thailand, to China, to Argentina, to Singapore. It is a global meal. It’s also on the expensive side. So, most American families only eat steak on special occasions.

Typically is it grilled on an outside grill. This will be true if it is hot out like in July, or in the dead of Winter. It will also be cooked to perfection by the Man of the House.

---PHOTO---A delicious American steak meal with baked potatoes and melted (fully salted) butter.
A delicious American steak meal with baked potatoes and melted (fully salted) butter. I do love the XO/ VSOP in the glass with ice in the background. Ah, now this is what I call a fine family dinner.

There are all sorts of cuts of steak that can be chosen. My family would often cook porterhouse, T-bone or Filet Minion. Sides would often consist of corn, a salad, (baked) potatoes, and rolls.

American-style Spaghetti Meal

This is one of the most popular American family meals in America. It is cheap, easy to make, and delicious.

---PHOTO---American style spaghetti dinner meal.
American style spaghetti dinner meal.

It often consists of home-made meatballs, on a spaghetti sauce that is made all day in a big tureen on the stove. Sides include salad, garlic bread, a vegetable (corn, greens, green beans, or broccoli), and (of course) graded Parmesan cheese.

Baked Lasagna

This meal is related to the spaghetti meal in that they both originated from Italian American families. Lasagna takes more work to make, and thus is not as common, though it is always very popular.

---PHOTO---Baked Lasagna that is often served in American homes for dinner.
Baked Lasagna that is often served in American homes for dinner.

It’s a delicious meal that is a cross between wide noodles, meat, cheese and all sorts of spices within a very tasty delicious sauce. Oh, and it does go well with a fine bottle of wine and some nice crunchy Italian bread.

Fried Catfish

This meal is regional to the “Deep South”. It is commonly found in Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama. The fish is cut in fillets, breaded, and deep fried. It is eaten in generous quantities. Along with sides of okra, corn, picked tomatoes, Cole slaw and hush puppies (a kind of deep fried bread).

---PHOTO---Deep fried catfish meal with a side of cole slaw and sauce.
Deep fried catfish meal with a side of cole slaw and sauce.

I had no idea it existed until I moved to Mississippi. Then I immediately fell in love with it. Well, it and the “Southern style” mint sweetened iced tea.

(Baked) Friday Fish

As a Catholic, I was raised to have fish on Fridays. Thus, every Friday, without exception, we would eat fish. This changed in the 1970’s when the Catholic church embraced a more “progressive” rule to keep up with the times. Instead of eating fish, the Catholic church-goes would fill their minds with good happy and positive things.

Yeah. I’m sure it worked… for a week or two.

In general, the fish would be obtained from the frozen section in the local supermarket. Most Americans do not live on the Ocean, and thus have (out of necessity) obtain frozen deep-sea fish. (Or go fishing in the rivers and lakes.)

Baked fish done American style for a wonderful American dinner meal.
Baked fish done American style for a wonderful American dinner meal.

The fish would be baked in the oven, and served with a lemon squeeze. Sides would often consist of rice, asparagus, broccoli or peas.

One more thing. American fish are usually de-boned. It is a very rare thing to serve fish with the bones still in place.

Pork Roast

This is a fine wonderful meal that is generally common on the weekends because it takes some time to cook. In general, it is cooked for a long time so that the meat is tender and delicious.

American style baked pork roast.
American style baked pork roast.

It is often served with mashed potatoes, or rice. Sides would include salad, vegetables such as corn, green beans, and cauliflower. Bread and butter would tend to round out the meal.

Pork Chops

Pork chops are a MAJOR American love. Just about every American loves this iconic dish. (Unless you are one of those progressive Marxists that only eat tofu, and avocado milkshakes in Starbucks in the upscale sections of the American metropolis network.)

I started my first love of pork-chops when I was a toddler. My parents would often give me a bone or two to gum while I sat in the highchair. Ah. Good times. Good times.

American style pork chops meal.
American style pork chops meal.

it is often served with apple sauce, a salad, and some rice or scalloped potatoes. Delicious!

The first time that my Chinese wife tasted American style pork chops was in Pago Pago in American Samoa. She fell in love with the dish. She never tasted anything so absolutely delicious. In many ways it is similar to the Chinese cooked pork, but is cooked thin, almost like bacon. Yum!

A fantastic dinner plate of thin well cooked American style pork chops along with some wonderful mashed potatoes.
A fantastic dinner plate of thin well cooked American style pork chops along with some wonderful mashed potatoes.

Baked Whole Chicken meal

Everyone, all over the world, enjoys eating chicken.

Studies have shown time and again that eating together has many benefits beyond nutritional purposes for everyone concerned, especially for our teens and tweens.
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia  University, New York, reported that children who eat at least five times  a week with their family are at lower risk of developing poor eating  habits, weight problems or alcohol and substance dependencies, and tend  to perform better academically than their peers who frequently eat alone  or away from home.
In addition, the more frequent teens have dinner with their parents, the more likely they are to report talking to their parents about what’s  going on in their lives.
According to research by Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey,  teens who eat at the family table more often are more likely to show  fewer signs of depression and feel that their family is more supportive,  compared with teens who dine less often at home.
You are probably convinced now that having dinner together as a family  is a good thing for your teens and tweens. It is, in fact,  life-changing! 

-Eating together helps families bond

This is a baked whole chicken meal.

It is pretty much common all over the world, though there are regional differences. My father’s mother would cook it with bacon on top in the oven. While my mother’s mother would cook it in a pan of water and cook until all the water evaporated. Leaving it crunchy on the outside but super tender inside.

It can be served with just about anything. In my family it is usually served with apple sauce, a tomato salad, rolls, and rice.

American style baked whole chicken.
American style baked whole chicken.

Americans usually remove the head, and the feet before serving. This differs substantially from what you would find, say, in China where everything is served intact.

Turkey Meal

Of course, the Thanksgiving meal is famous around the world. Not so much for the history behind it, or the use during Thanksgiving or Christmas, but rather for the enormous size of the bird that accompanies the meal.

--PHOTO--Cooking together as a family.
Cooking together as a family. There is nothing finer than including your family in things that everyone loves. Teach your children how to cook and enjoy delicious food.
The dinner table is the best place to tell stories, and kids who know  their family stories are more resilient and feel better about  themselves. Most inspiring are lemonade-from-lemon stories, stories  about adversity where a lesson is learned, or negative events that  transform into something good. 

Stories help us make sense of the world,  and they help kids connect to something bigger than themselves. Tell  stories about yourself and other family members when they were the same  age as your children. Tell stories about romance, first jobs,  immigration, how names were chosen, a childhood pet, a favorite recipe  or kitchen disaster. 


Of course, in America we would have a fine central meal that would revolve around the main turkey bird. It would be a baked, roasted or cooked turkey with all the traditional fixings of mashed potatoes, coleslaw, and steamed cabbage and the like.

But, here, we are going to address the “other” turkey meals that the family eats during the rest of the week.

Hot turkey sandwich.
Hot turkey sandwich.

This can be anything from turkey soup, to hot turkey sandwiches, to turkey casseroles. In my family, we would always have hot turkey sandwiches on plain white bread with turkey gravy over everything and the rest of the vegetables as sides.

If you are very busy, a hot chicken sandwich is perhaps the simplest of meals to make. You get some frozen french fries, a bottle or can of instant chicken gravy and some chicken breasts with a loaf of white bread. 

You pop the french fries in the oven.

You cook up the chicken on the skillet or in boiling water.

You microwave the gravy.

Then make sandwiches and pour the gravy over everything. Super simple, and very special. The kids will love it!
Oh, don't forget the gravy over the french fries. It's what completes the meal. Outstanding!
Oh, don’t forget the gravy over the french fries. It’s what completes the meal. Outstanding!

Chicken legs

This is a “stand alone meal”. It’s super easy to make, and lends itself for a quick meal for the working man, or friends to enjoy over some icy cold beers.

You just take a package of frozen chicken legs. You put it on a tray and pop it in the oven. Before you know it, you’ve got tons of baked chicken legs that you can eat with just about any side. It’s quick, fast and super easy.

Delicious American style baked chicken legs.
Delicious American style baked chicken legs.

You can add honey, or bread crumbs or any other treatments (such as bacon) to make the taste really “pop” out. Try it.

Chicken wings

You can also cook chicken wings the same way as you cook the chicken legs. Only in America there is an added dip that is often used. It is typically dipped in Ranch or Blue Cheese salad dressing for the most wondrous taste.

Rituals like dinner, which punctuate a world that often feels  frenzied and out of control, are good for adults, too. Knowing that one  part of your day is going to unfold in basically the same way, day after day, is comforting.

So, I'm ringing the dinner bell and inviting you and your family to  come to the table. Dinner is more than a feeding station. Food will  bring the family to the table, but it's the conversation and stories  that keeps us there. In an hour, you can create comfort, fun, play and  meaningful conversation—one meal at a time.

- Anne K. Fishel, Ph.D., author of "Home for Dinner: Mixing Food, Fun and Conversation for a Happier Family and Healthier Kids," 
Baked American style chicken wings served with a fine ranch or blue cheese dressing for dipping.
Baked American style chicken wings served with a fine ranch or blue cheese dressing for dipping.

Meat Loaf

Dinner is the best indicator of how kids will fare in adolescence. The  more frequently kids eat dinner with their families, the better they do in school, and the less likely they are to become sexually active, suffer depression, get involved with drugs or alcohol, or consider suicide.

Maybe because families who eat together talk more, which helps them  stay connected and build better relationships. Also, it could be  because parents who show up to eat with their teens and tweens are more  likely to express their love constructively in other ways, in the form  of both attention and supervision.
Maybe because families who offer kids more structure are more likely to  keep kids attending to their homework as well as out of trouble. Maybe  because dinner transforms individual family members into a “group”,  which gives parents more clout to rival the power of the peer group.
Or maybe because children, even more than the rest of us, need something to count on every day – the tangible security of belonging and being  nurtured that is represented by the ritual of sharing food with those we  love.
To quote clinical psychologist and parenting coach Dr Laura Markham:  “Whatever the reason, family dinner is a pretty easy insurance policy to  build into our home life.” 

-Eating together helps families bond

There are few things as iconic as American meatloaf. It’s as American as baseball, apple pie, and keg parties. It is a rare person, indeed, who has never had a meatloaf dinner.

Very few things beat a fine delicious meatloaf dinner. In fact it is great with beer. Try it!
Very few things beat a fine delicious meatloaf dinner. In fact it is great with beer. Try it!

Meatloaf is a very simple meal that is made out of ground beef, eggs, bread and ketchup. You mix the entire mess together and pop it into the oven and let it cook. Then take it out and eat with mashed potatoes, peas and carrots and some bread. Yum!

Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese sandwich

Now, this meal isn’t so much a dinner meal as it is an iconic American lunch meal. And, make no mistake. It is iconic.

A fine and delicious, easy to prepare meal- tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches.
A fine and delicious, easy to prepare meal- tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches.
Among the most lasting and powerful traditions in family life is one that seems to have more influence than almost any other – the family meal. Recalling your favorite family experiences usually leads to thinking of such times as the weekly Sunday meal, family mealtimes during Thanksgiving or other holidays, or a Saturday morning breakfast with Mom or Dad. 

Why are family meals so powerful? 

Sharing a family meal provides an experience that touches all of our senses – sight, touch, taste, smell and listening to warm laughter or good conversation. Family  meals help provide a regular, consistent opportunity to create a shared experience that is meaningful and offers a sense of belonging to all. Research has shown that regular and meaningful family meals offer a large variety of benefits to children and parents. 

- The Big Benefits of Family Meals                   

Eating a nice bowl of tomato soup and dipping a really nice grilled cheese sandwich into the soup is a far wonderful thing to do. My memories of this most fantastic and simple meal have always been pleasant. They have been about friends and family and home.

American style tomato soup with a fine grilled cheese sandwich.
American style tomato soup with a fine grilled cheese sandwich.

In general you cannot get a tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich outside of the household environment. So my memories are, of course, about family and friends.

Chicken Noodle Soup

Scruffy hospitality means you’re not waiting for everything in your  house to be in order before you host and serve friends in your home.  Scruffy hospitality means you hunger more for good conversation and  serving a simple meal of what you have, not what you don’t have. Scruffy  hospitality means you’re more interested in quality conversation than  the impression your home or lawn makes. If we only share meals with  friends when we’re excellent, we aren’t truly sharing life together. 


Now, chicken noodle soup is a global food. Heck! You can even find it in China. Though it is made slightly different. I personally like the American version and I particularly like it with chicken breast, fresh celery, and delicious large carrots cut at an angle.

Delicious chicken noodle soup with egg noodles.
Delicious chicken noodle soup with egg noodles.

We would make the soup in a large tureen on the stove, and then cook the noodles separately. (Sometimes we would cook rice.) Though, always separately. Egg noodles were always the noodles of choice. In particular Klusky’s noodles.

We would then eat it with white bread and butter.

Eggs and bacon

This meal is actually known as “bacon and eggs”. It’s a (for certain) breakfast meal, but it is so easy to make and cheap that it can be made at any time. It’s just fantastic as a dinner if need be. You just MUST makes sure that the bacon is crunchy crisp. Wimpy and fatty bacon isn’t bacon, it’s something obscene. Ugh!

A nice bacon and eggs meal showing backon cooked properly, toast that is toasted properly and "sunny side up" eggs. Delicious!
A nice bacon and eggs meal showing bacon cooked properly, toast that is toasted properly and “sunny side up” eggs. Delicious!
Family meals offer the opportunity to connect with each other,   communicate about family happenings, and give each other time and   attention. While families are encouraged to share meals, not every   meal has to be a sit-down dinner extravaganza. The most important thing   about family meals is to make them frequent, fun and family-centered.

Couples or families will benefit more from family meals if they occur more frequently during the week. Typically, research suggests that more than half of families with children in the United States share a meal five or more times a week. A concern, however, is that 30 percent to 35 percent of families often eat less than three meals a week together, which means less time for connecting and communicating. Changes in family life, such as the increase in dual-earner families and the rise in single-parent families, may make eating together frequently more  difficult for families. Families, however, should try to set aside  regular and consistent family meal opportunities to eat together as  often as possible.

Fun also is part of the recipe for a happy family mealtime. Parents and other adults should try to avoid making mealtime a disciplinary occasion when children are reprimanded or given lectures. Instead, save such conversations for a time away from the dinner table, and focus instead on being together in a positive way.

A family-centered mealtime means limiting distractions, especially   the TV or computer. Turn such things off at mealtime and use strategies to engage each family member in conversation.

 - The Big Benefits of Family Meals       
--PHOTO--Enjoy the time with your children. Teach them the joys of ooking, as well as the fun of eating together. Make it fun. Make games of food prep. make planning meals and buying groceries and adventure. Teach them budgets planning and how to select things at a grocery sore. SHow them how differnt spices work together. You can do this!
Enjoy the time with your children. Teach them the joys of cooking, as well as the fun of eating together. Make it fun. Make games of food prep. make planning meals and buying groceries and adventure. Teach them budgets planning and how to select things at a grocery sore. Show them how different spices work together. You can do this!–

Eating “Mexican”

Now, I do hope that no one is offended. But, you know, I didn’t have my first burrito and taco until after I left the Navy.

I had no idea how delicious Mexican food was until later when I was training for my role within MAJestic at the China Lake Naval Weapons Center outside of Ridgecrest, California. There, I fell in love with a restaurant chain known as “Del Taco”. Later on, when in Corpus Christi, Texas I ended up getting my first tastes of authentic Mexican food.

I never looked back.

A wonderful and delicious burrito with sides of rice, refried beans and a mysterious but delicious salad.
A wonderful and delicious burrito with sides of rice, refried beans and a mysterious but delicious salad.

Now there are so many different kinds of “Mexican food”, that it would take a complete website to even start to list them all. For now, just realize that, for me, we would just (in general) say “let’s eat Mexican”. And we would go procure some refried beans (don’t know how to make ours from scratch), some wraps, salsa, and make up burritos or taquitos.

Tacos and fixins’

In a more traditional Spanish, Mexican or SA (Spanish-American) family, the meals are communal with multiple plates where a person can build and construct their own dinner creations. There might be a plate of cut up tomatoes, one of peppers, a bowl of rice, and one of ground beef, and another bowl of cut up lettuce.

These meals are all very easy to make and fun to eat, not to mention very delicious.

A fine Mexican themed spread for the family.
A fine Mexican themed spread for the family.
“Families should be encouraged to make the family meal more of a   priority and to try to have at least four family meals per week. It is   often easiest for families to eat dinner together, but other mealtimes work as well. Meals can be simple with shared mealtime responsibility among family members. 

Teaching children  the enjoyment of cooking and having them involved in mealtime preparation develop skills they can use for a lifetime. Shared meals can also be extended to friends and   neighbors to build a stronger sense of community and help with meal   preparation. 

… Regular family meals are key components of family life   that may make a difference in the lives of children and parents.”

-Story, M., and Neumark-Sztainer, D. A perspective on family meals: Do they matter? Nutrition Today, 40 (6), 261-266; 2005 .

Oh, and don’t forget the special corn spread that make eating an ear of corn, super special!!!

Mexican corn spread for eating the corn in a very special delicious way.
Mexican corn spread for eating the corn in a very special delicious way.

“Backyard” Hamburgers

Of course, you can always get a hamburger at any millions of chain fast food restaurants. But we are not talking about that here. We are talking about the family ritual of making home-made hamburgers for family consumption.

Fine delicious home-cooked and home-grilled hamburgers in the back yard is a staple of American family life.
Fine delicious home-cooked and home-grilled hamburgers in the back yard is a staple of American family life.

Making your own hamburgers is very American. It’s a tradition and it is reserved for special occasions. In other words, it’s not a typical dinner meal. Instead it is a meal that is used to meals with extended-family and friends. Thus, it is usually cooked and takes place on weekends and holidays.

Home made - backyard grilled - hamburgers do not resemble fast food hamburgers. They are completely different all together.
Home made – backyard grilled – hamburgers do not resemble fast food hamburgers. They are completely different all together.

You know, hamburgers are not a typical American dinner meal. They are reserved for lunches or other special occasions. However, when the occasion calls for it, home-made hamburgers just cannot be beat. Go “home style” nothing else ever comes close.

Hotdogs (With Sauerkraut)

This is a very simple but unique meal. You simply buy a package of hotdogs and a can of sauerkraut. You put the hotdogs in the bottom of a pan, and cover them with the can of sauerkraut. They cook easily and quickly. Then for dinner you eat kraut-dogs with mustard and perhaps horseradish.

This is a very simple but unique meal. You simply buy a package of hotdogs and a can of sauerkraut.
This is a very simple but unique meal. You simply buy a package of hotdogs and a can of sauerkraut.

If you have young kids, nothing will make them happier than a meal of hotdogs. You know, you don’t need to have baked beans with it, but if you wanted to you could add some black beans, and some cut up onions as well. Make it a special meal. Your family will love you for it.

Kraut-dog with fine delicious mustard. Your kids would love you for this wonderful meal. You can serve scalloped potatoes, potato salad or corn. Oh, and don't forget the beer. Make sure it is icy and chilled.
Kraut-dog with fine delicious mustard. Your kids would love you for this wonderful meal. You can serve scalloped potatoes, potato salad or corn. Oh, and don’t forget the beer. Make sure it is icy and chilled.
If you’re not into health or family, consider that eating home-cooked  meals is also cheaper. 

A sample estimate finds that a family of 4 could save nearly $40 a week,  per person, by simply shifting meals into the house. You’ll be saving  money while your kid is getting Bs and not picking up a drug habit.  That’s a win all around.
But the best part about getting together for dinner is that it  becomes ingrained in a family’s tradition if you start the habit early.  While eating with a little kid may feel chaotic and not very beneficial,  know that every dinner at the table removes you even further from a  dystopian hellscape. And that can only be a good thing. 

Sauerkraut gets a bad rap!  Comdiments for hot dogs go deep and wide, but generally sauerkraut gets overlooked.  Is it preparation, is it the word “sauer” gets misconstrued?
Sauerkraut gets a bad rap! Condiments for hot dogs go deep and wide, but generally sauerkraut gets overlooked. Is it preparation, is it the word “sauer” gets misconstrued?

“Home made” Pizza

Yes. Pizza is not a normal dinner meal. That is, of course, except when it is a home-made, home style pizza. Oh yeah baby!

What to do when your 8-year old nephew comes to visit? Make pizza, of course!
What to do when your 8-year old nephew comes to visit? Make pizza, of course! It’s not just eating dinner that can be a social event, but also cooking the dinner can be an adventure as well.

My mother, God bless her soul, bought me a cookbook when I was younger, and one of the first things that I did was learn how to make pizzas from scratch.

I experimented on the bread dough. I experimented on the sauce. I experimented on the cheese and the toppings. I even discovered that broccoli (cut up very fine and added to the sauce) was an amazing complement to a fine well-made home-style pizza.

Making real pizzeria style pizza at home has always been very tough to do. The reason has been it’s not possible to get a home oven to the same temperature as a commercial pizza oven, but that doesn’t matter.
Making real pizzeria style pizza at home has always been very tough to do. The reason has been it’s not possible to get a home oven to the same temperature as a commercial pizza oven, but that doesn’t matter. There are all sorts of tricks to make really delicious pizzas using a normal typical household stove.

Oh, do what we do in my family. We make the dough, the sauce and the topping and freeze them. Then pull them out and allow them to defrost and throw together a really quick meal. Delicious.

Roast Mutton

When I first had kids, I ended up entertaining a lot less, partly  because of the mess in the house that I no longer had time to deal with. 

Then one day, a woman I very much admired said something so  simple. She said whenever someone was coming to her home — a home with  five children in it — and she started to worry about how her home  looked, she would stop and think: "Are they coming to see me, or are  they coming to see my home?" It occurred to her that someone who would  have a problem with her home looking like a family of seven lived in it  wasn't really someone's opinion she cared about. 

I'd love to say I embraced that wisdom immediately, but I didn't.  Slowly, though, I have let go of some of the crazy things I believed  must happen before people entered my front door. The first thing I let  go was the upstairs. Over the years, I've became more relaxed. 

Next, I didn't dust. Nobody said a word, and they came back again. 
I didn't plan the entire meal around foods I could prepare ahead  of time so my kitchen could be spotless when my guests arrived. Friends  jumped in the kitchen and helped me finish making dinner, and we had  fun. 

-Mother Nature Network

Mutton? Yes, you bet. No, it’s not an overly common meat in the United States. When I was growing up, we ate i maybe about four times a year. But still, it’s a find meat and lends itself to some very delicious meals.

Delicious lamb chops. It's outrageously delicious.
Delicious lamb chops. It’s outrageously delicious. Ask the butcher to trim the fat cap (the thick sheet of fat on the outside of each rack) but to leave a thin layer of fat. Some butchers like to “French” the ribs, trimming away the meat between the rib ends to leave the bone exposed, but this meat is tasty and should be left in place. Ask the butcher to cut between the ribs to make a total of 16 single-rib chops.
One of the most important things any dad can do for his kids is to  show up for dinner. It really is that simple. 

Research from the Journal of Adolescent Health shows that the more frequent the family dinners, the higher the positive impact they have. “When clients ask me what the most important aspect of  family meals are I answer, ‘Making them happen!’” says pediatric  dietitian Melanie Silverman. “These meals provide the structure and  sense of community that young children need and crave during their  development.”

The benefits are well documented. 

First, there’s the educational component. Research published in New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development found that mealtime conversation boosts vocabulary even more than books. According to the findings, children between the ages of three and five learned some 1,000 rare words at the dinner table compared to the 143 rare words from parents reading storybooks aloud. 

Curried mutton over rice.
Curried mutton over rice. This simple meal was one of my favorites growing up as a child. My mother would make it and give us some chutney to add as a topping to it. I loved it.

Pigs in a blanket (Stuffed Cabbage)

This is a very common “American” food, even though it originated outside of the States. Most American families have learned how to make this tasty and delicious meal. Being from Pittsburgh, everyone made and ate this most wonderful of foods.

 No summer cookout is complete without a tray of stuffed cabbages!  Tender cabbage leaves stuffed with rice, seasoned ground meats and a  rich tomato sauce make this the perfect summer comfort food. Plus these  freeze beautifully!

 This dish, God this dish brings back so many childhood memories that I  literally sat here for 30 minutes in a daze just remembering some of  them. Like there was the time we were harvesting cabbages from our  garden and we each got to pick a single plant that we were in charge of  to take care of. Whoever grew the biggest cabbage won. The prize was Mom  would cook our favorite dessert to go with her famous stuffed cabbages.  That summer I ended up winning. This cabbage was so huge that I  couldn’t lift it. I know I have a picture of me trying to hold it on my  lap. I’ll dig it out to share the pic once my arm is better.

 Then there are the countless memories where our kitchen was  soooooooooooooo hot (we didn’t have AC growing up and we only had window  fans) and Mom had 3 large canning pots on the stove with boiling water  making hundreds of stuffed cabbages. I can still remember that hot  cabbage smell and hot/wet air in the kitchen. Dad would use the tongs to  pull out the leaves, put them in the colander and my Mom, sister and I  would each trim the stems.

-  Mom’s Classic Stuffed Cabbage Rolls 
Where I come from Pigs in a Blanket are cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and meat. You may also know them Halupkies. Traditionally these cabbage leaves are stuffed with rice and ground pork, beef or a combination of both meats.
Where I come from Pigs in a Blanket are cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and meat. You may also know them Halupkies. Traditionally these cabbage leaves are stuffed with rice and ground pork, beef or a combination of both meats.
Pittsburgh, a melting pot of nationalities, drew a large percentage  of its population from Central European, Eastern European, and Balkan  countries, and those influences can be seen in local cuisines that are  still popular today. One traditional dish that has remained popular over  the last century and is still a staple at many Pittsburgh area dinner  tables is the famous stuffed cabbage.
The stuffed cabbage roll (also known as pigs in a blanket) is a dish  consisting of a mixture of beef, rice, and seasonings, hand wrapped in  cooked cabbage leaves, and topped with a tomato sauce. Many in the area  still refer to the “hunky handgranades” by their ethinic names: Golabki  (Poland), Holubky (Czech Republic and Slovakia), Golubtsy (Russia)  Balandėliai (Lithuania) , Halubcy (Belarus), Holubtsi (Ukraine). 

-Conrad Catering

Yeah, I know that this is a regional from from Pittsburgh, but this is my blog and I am the one writing this. If you don’t like it, then you can write your own blog.

I happen to like these stuffed cabbage rolls, and yes, they are referred to a “pigs in a blanket”, not the hotdogs wrapped in the Pillsbury instant roll dough.

Stuffed Cabbage
Now depending on where you grew up or even what your background is you either called these Stuffed Cabbages, Pigs in a Blanket or Halupkies. The only real ingredient difference I’ve found between these is the use of either all beef or the omittance of rice and usage of potatoes instead.

Hey! And here’s a recipe for you all. See how easy it is to make!

Pigs In A Blanket (cabbage rolls) #SundaySupper
Pigs In A Blanket (cabbage rolls) #SundaySupper

Oh and while I am at it, let’s take a look at how families work… the division of labor and how you can eat delicious meals all the time and not be stressed out over it. Yes, there is a way.

It’s called having a “traditional conservative family“, as opposed to a “progressive modern contemporaneous family”. You can read my propaganda on this issue and the importance in parenting and family budgeting. The link below opens up in a separate tab for later reading for you all.

The two family types and how they work.

Hey! If you love your children enough. Spend TIME with them. You can always make more money, but you can never make more time.

Stuffed peppers

This meal is similar to the stuffed cabbage, only they are stuffed in peppers and use a slightly different mix of spices. Never the less, they too are easy to make and super delicious.

Stuffed Peppers dinner meal
Stuffed Bell Peppers are easy to make and everyone loves them! We fill these with a mixture of beef and sausage but you can use one or the other (or even ground turkey if you prefer) and I sometimes replace the rice with Cauliflower Rice. While I used green peppers in this recipe, any color bell pepper (red/yellow/orange) will work just fine. When choosing the color of pepper for your Stuffed Peppers recipe, it will depend on your personal taste preference. Green peppers are a bit more zesty and definitely less sweet than red, yellow or orange. Green peppers in this recipe really compliment the flavors in the beef, sausage, tomato-rice mixture.

One of the cool things with many home-made American foods is that they lend themselves to batch creation, and then freezing for later for a quick and easy delicious healthy family sit-down meal.

 “The truth is that our weeknights are pretty packed with sports  practice, piano lessons, and homework, along with what can seem like the  never-ending demands of my job,” says Sun Basket’s  executive chef, Justine Kelly. 

“It’s challenging, but I make a point to  have dinner with my daughter every night. Also, one thing we always  make time for is Sunday supper at my sister’s house. My parents come and  my daughter gets to spend time with her cousins. It’s a highlight of  our week.” 

--PHOTO--There are few things finer than spending time with family and food. You can spend it with friends and pets as well. The smells, the creativity, and the environment together is far better than a movie, or a video game. Food and friendships equal paradise. make sure that you get your children involved early on.
There are few things finer than spending time with family and food. You can spend it with friends and pets as well. The smells, the creativity, and the environment together is far better than a movie, or a video game. Food and friendships equal paradise. make sure that you get your children involved early on.

Yes, you definitely can freeze Stuffed Peppers and they are a great make-ahead meal! You will need to bake them first, then you can either freeze them individually or together in a baking dish. To re-heat, simply thaw in the fridge overnight and bake in a 350°F oven until heated through.

City Chicken

City Chicken? What’s that?

It’s pork. Yup. It is.

City chicken is a Polish American entrée consisting of cubes of meat, which have been placed on a wooden skewer, then fried and/or baked. Depending on the recipe, they may be breaded. Despite the name of the dish, city chicken almost never contains chicken. 

--PHOTO--Delicious and wonderful city chicken being cooked on a skillet. It's a fine and wonderful meal that is cheap, easy to make and delicious. It also goes great with just about any veditable side dish. Oh, and do not forget the nice frosty beer.
Delicious and wonderful city chicken being cooked on a skillet. It’s a fine and wonderful meal that is cheap, easy to make and delicious. It also goes great with just about any vegetable side dish. Oh, and do not forget the nice frosty beer.

If you grew up in the North or Midwest regions of the country, you may be familiar with a dish called City Chicken, either as a mainstay in your weeknight supper rotations or a favorite comfort food.

For many people it is a mystery. No one ever really understands what it was, why it had that name, and why they couldn’t find any recipes for it in cookbooks.

You won’t find a recipe for City Chicken in the poultry section of a cookbook because, well, it isn’t poultry.

Known as a Depression Era recipe, cubes of veal and pork are threaded onto a skewer in order to create a faux drumstick. Seasoned and breaded, then fried or baked, this was a popular and delicious way to “fake” a poultry dinner.

--PHOTO--Cooking in the kitchen with friends and family. The dinner meal is an ideal opportunity for friends and family to get together and share fun, talk and drink.
I love this photo. Cooking in the kitchen with friends and family. The dinner meal is an ideal opportunity for friends and family to get together and share fun, talk and drink.

But why would you have to fake chicken?

Prior to the 1940’s, everyone wanted a chicken on the dinner table, yet surprisingly it was very expensive, even more so than pork and veal. Thus, we have the invention of “fake” chicken. Also known by the more common name of “city chicken”.

With roots in both Pittsburgh and Cleveland, where Polish and Ukrainian  immigrant communities have strong presences (and found more scarcely in  other Great Lakes-area cities like Detroit and Buffalo), city chicken  got its start in the Depression era, when chicken was scarce and more  expensive. Made then with pork, veal, or a combination of the two, the  meats were cubed and then threaded onto skewers, then breaded to create a  drumstick-like shape to better resemble chicken.  

--PHOTO--City Chicken
Delicious city chicken. It goes great with rice, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, or a fine spinach or maybe some cabbage. Oh, and don’t you dare forget that nice icy beer. Eh?

Spend time with friends.

Eat well.

Talk, laugh. Drink.

Enjoy your moments together.

Hygge  is the idea that helps Denmark regularly rate as one of the happiest  countries in the world — Danes have regularly been some of the most  joyful in the world for over 40 years that the U.S. has been studying  them — despite long, dark winters. 

Loosely translated at "togetherness,"  and "coziness," though it's not a physical state, it's a mental one.  According to VisitDenmark  (the country's official tourism site): "The warm glow of candlelight is  hygge. Friends and family — that’s hygge too. And let’s not forget the  eating and drinking — preferably sitting around the table for hours on  end discussing the big and small things in life." Hygge's high season is  winter, and Christmas lights, candles galore, and other manifestations  of warmth and light, including warm alcoholic beverages, are key to the  concept. 

Still a little confused and wondering how you could cultivate hygge in your life? This Danish NPR commenter  sums up some specifics: "Hygge is a deep sense of cosy that can  originate from many different sources. Here is a good example from my  life : a cloudy winter Sunday morning at the country house, fire in the  stove and 20 candles lit to dispel the gloom. My husband, puppy and I  curled up on our sheepskins wearing felt slippers, warm snuggly clothes  and hands clasped around hot mugs of tea. A full day ahead with long  walks on the cold beach, back for pancake lunch, reading, more  snuggling, etc. 

This is a very hyggligt day." Now that sounds do-able,  doesn't it? 

- 7 cultural concepts we don't have in the U.S. 
--PHOTO--A fine young budding master chef. Check out all the things he is learning. Check out that he is in the kitchen with family. Check out how intent he is on what he is doing. Not only that! But, he will be able to eat his creation. How absolutely wonderful!
A fine young budding master chef. Check out all the things he is learning. Check out that he is in the kitchen with family. Check out how intent he is on what he is doing. Not only that! But, he will be able to eat his creation. How absolutely wonderful!


Ah. Chili. My mother always would make a big stiff tureen of chili on the stove in the Winter. Then when anyone would come over to visit, we would make up a fresh pot of coffee and give them a bowl of chili and some rice.

--PHOTO--Delicious and wonderful home cooked, home made, chilit with love. It is one of the most popular American foods and can be found all over the United States. You can find chilit in California, in Texas, and in Massachusetts. Chili is a very popular meal that also lends itself to other meals as well.
Delicious and wonderful home cooked, home made, chili with love. It is one of the most popular American foods and can be found all over the United States. You can find chili in California, in Texas, and in Massachusetts. Chili is a very popular meal that also lends itself to other meals as well.

Over the years I have developed my very own versions of this simple and delicious food. In fact, it is super easy to make in China. You just use a Hunan spice packet for the Chili mix.

In general, I like to eat it over white rice. Though, I do have friends that prefer Doritos, or other kinds of chips. They also like to add graded yellow or cheddar cheese on top. While I like to crunch up saltines and cheese. I will tell you what, it is fantastic with icy cold beer. It is a fantastic meal.

--PHOTO--Second photo of wonderful delicious chili.
Delicious and wonderful home cooked, home made, chili with love. It is one of the most popular American foods and can be found all over the United States. You can find chili in California, in Texas, and in Massachusetts. Chili is a very popular meal that also lends itself to other meals as well. Oh, and never forget that chili goes good with an icy cold beer. Make sure that the chili is hot, and the beer is cold. For it is a cold bowl of chili when love let’s you down. Don’t you know.

Oh, and you can also have fresh ears of corn on the side, maybe a salad or even Oreo cookies if you would like.

“When adults are talking, putting their napkins in their laps, and  eating a variety of foods, they are teaching the young children at the  table how to be human,” says Silverman. 

“Meals are a multi-sensory  classroom with emotional, physical, and developmental benefits.” The  most important part of the puzzle? To simply make family meal-time  happen. 

--PHOTO--Chili can be made using a wide range of ingredients. You can even make an all vegitarian chilit if you wish.
Chili can be made using a wide range of ingredients. You can even make an all vegetarian chili if you wish. Personally, I just can’t see the point. As humans are carnivorous creatures as designed by God. But there you have it. If you want to do your thang – go ahead. I’m not judging. Just saying.

Stuffed Pork-chops

You know that pork-chops are great. How about stuffed pork-chops? OMG!

The chops are typically made with pork chops that are 1 1/4- to 2-inches thick. Look for chops that are already secured with twine or toothpicks that prevent the stuffing from falling out. All you have to do is pick them up, bring them home and preheat your oven or grill to cook up delicious stuffed pork chops. Baked or Roasted Stuffed Pork Chops.

-How to Cook Stuffed Pork Chops From a Grocery Store 

It’s exactly like you would expect. It’s a thicker cut of pork chops. Only you slice the chops and in that slice you stuff it with stuff. Usually, right out of the (store bought) box of stuffing.

--PHOTO--Savory and delicious tasy home made American-style pork chops. It's a very easy and delicious meal that anyone can make.
Who doesn’t like pork? Well, aside from the religious, and those on the fringe? Savory and delicious tasty home made American-style pork chops. It’s a very easy and delicious meal that anyone can make.

Italian Sausages and Rolls

This is a nice little meal that I discovered while I was in High School. A girl that I was handing out with at the time introduced me to a little “hole in the wall” establishment off a side street in Butler, PA. I immediately fell in love with them.

You know the type of place—where the big loud guy behind the counter works fast and furious, takes your order (you better know what you want!) and barks back “Sausage, Peppers, and Onions!” to the guys on the line, and within minutes you have a huge roll in your hands, loaded with more sausage and peppers with onions than you think you can possibly eat.

But eat you do, because that sausage and peppers with onions are so so good. And then you have a food coma for the rest of the afternoon, and you eat steamed broccoli for dinner because after that lunch, you just don’t need much for dinner. Yum!

--PHOTO--Here is a most delicious Italian sausage meal. The sausage is slow cooked in a crock pot for four hours or so with Italian spaghetti sauce, some peppers and onions, and then removed and placed on a freshly baked hard roll. It i a most excellent family lunch, but makes a wonder dinner when paired with a bowl of creamy soup. Yum!
Here is a most delicious Italian sausage meal. The sausage is slow cooked in a crock pot for four hours or so with Italian spaghetti sauce, some peppers and onions, and then removed and placed on a freshly baked hard roll. It i a most excellent family lunch, but makes a wonder dinner when paired with a bowl of creamy soup. Yum!

Funny thing, though. My mother never made them. She did not like sweet Italian sausages. She never could see the point of it. Why buy sweet Italian sausages when you could buy kielbasi instead?

Well, I disagreed. I happen to love this meal.

What Kind of Sausage and Peppers to Use?
This dish is typically made with a several different colors of bell  peppers—usually one green, one red, and one either yellow, orange, or  purple. That said, use whatever color bell peppers you like! If you  don’t like a color, skip it and just use more of another color.

As for sausages, in this recipe we are using a combination of sweet  and hot Italian sausages, but if you want a milder dish, use only the  sweet sausages and reduce the amount of chili pepper flakes in the  recipe. Likewise, if you would like it spicier, use all hot sausages  and/or bump up the amount of chili pepper flakes.

How to Store, Keep, and Freeze
Once cooked, the sausage, peppers, and onions will easily keep for 3  to 4 days in the fridge, but you can also freeze it for up to 3 months.  Just defrost it in the fridge overnight and reheat in a saucepan over  low heat, or pop it in a saucepan with a little bit of water or oil,  over low heat, until completely warmed through.
--PHOTO-- A very fantastic and tasty Italian sausage sandwich on a fine fresh hard crunch roll and is best served hot. You do want to drink and wash it down with a nice icy bear. A local beer is always best. Don't you know.
A very fantastic and tasty Italian sausage sandwich on a fine fresh hard crunchy roll and is best served hot. You do want to drink and wash it down with a nice icy beer. A local beer is always best. Don’t you know.
Four Steps to Make the Most of a Meal

Being  there may be the most important part of family meal-time, but there are  still a few things you can do to make the conversation all the more  fruitful.
1. Have a ritual.
Answer the same  question every evening when you sit down to eat to give your kid  something to prepare for and see how the answers shift over time with  their changing perspective. A few examples: “What are you thankful for?”  or “What were the peak (best part) and pit (worst part) of your day?”

2. Play games.
Challenge  your kids and encourage fun and creativity by asking them questions  like, “What were the three craziest things you saw today?” or “If you  were an animal, which would you want to be and why?”
3. Skip the TV dinner.
Do your best to  turn off the TV, put phones away, and negate any distractions that can  take away from your time to talk. “Family meals should be pleasant, fun,  and technology free to optimize the experience,” Silverman says.

4. Get everyone involved.
This  is a time where the whole family chips in to come together. Ask your  kids to wash veggies or set the table. “I’m a big fan of teaching  children to cook,” Silverman says. “Their own home kitchen is the  perfect place to start learning how to prepare healthy meals.” One of  the easiest ways to teach them skills in the kitchen is for them to try  their hand (with adult supervision) at one of the healthy, ready-to-make  meals from Sun Basket. 

--PHOTO--Such a satisfying combo! Italian sausages cooked with bell peppers, sweet onions, crushed tomatoes, and garlic. Served on a hoagie roll or over pasta or polenta.
Such a satisfying combo! Italian sausages cooked with bell peppers, sweet onions, crushed tomatoes, and garlic. Served on a hoagie roll or over pasta or polenta. Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Sausage and peppers with onions. This is one of those classic Italian-American street food, lunch cart dishes.

Oh, yes. Do not forget.

Food cooked, is food to eat. Don’t stand there yapping! Make yourself a sandwich and pour yourself a beer. have a good time you all!

 --PHOTO--Another fine example of a home-made-Italian sausage sandwich. I'll bet you won' be able to get this in a fast food restrurant.
Another fine example of a home-made-Italian sausage sandwich. I’ll bet you won’ be able to get this in a fast food restaurant.

Beef Tips and Rice

And no, it’s not Chinese.

This is one of those wonderful meals that I will always treasure. For some reason, and I do not know why, I always remember the relaxing time after I ate this meal. When we are all sitting at the table talking and enjoying our after-dinner coffee in demitasse cups..

--PHOTO--Delicious and wonderful beef tips and rice. The perfect meal for a fine active houshold. It acutlly goes great with iced tea. Did you know that?
Delicious and wonderful beef tips and rice. The perfect meal for a fine active household. It actually goes great with iced tea. Did you know that?

Around the south, just about all the local mom-and-pop style restaurants feature Beef Tips with Rice and Gravy on their menu.  It’s an old diner favorite that is also usually one of the cheaper menu choices because it can take a somewhat tougher cut of beef, slow simmer it to make it tender and, then serve it up with a large portion of rice and gray to cut costs.

--PHOTO--Some people like to eat the beef tips and rice in a soup bowl, or a shallow bowl. I, myself, think that a fine dinner plate is the best. But, it's all up to you all.
Some people like to eat the beef tips and rice in a soup bowl, or a shallow bowl. I, myself, think that a fine dinner plate is the best. But, it’s all up to you all.

Its so versatile in that it tastes great when served over rice, over mashed potatoes or, even over noodles. 

Busy family hints...

Here’s a really simple recipe that just needs about an hour to slow  simmer before its ready to serve.  You can take advantage of some  cheaper cuts of beef anytime you find them on sale and, whip up some  great Southern comfort food that can be served with rice, mashed  potatoes or even noodles.  It’s your choice.

Stew beef works very well for this recipe or, you can use eye of  round steak like we did.  You can even go all out and make it with a  finer cut like Ribeye steak.  The really great part is, whatever you  find on sale, can probably be used to make our Beef Tips.  Buy it while  its on sale, freeze it and have it ready for a quick and easy lunch,  dinner or Sunday dinner.  I think you’ll like it about any time of the  day. 

-Taste of Southern
--PHOTO--It certainly looks like a Chinese dish. Perhaps it is because many Chinese dishes follow the same formula. Except that they use a different scuce, different selection of spices and a different cut of meat. Thus this dish is a uniquely American dish and it is deserving of your attention as a wonderful entree to provide to your friends and family.
It certainly looks like a Chinese dish. Perhaps it is because many Chinese dishes follow the same formula. Except that they use a different sauce, different selection of spices and a different cut of meat. Thus this dish is a uniquely American dish and it is deserving of your attention as a wonderful entree to provide to your friends and family.

Salisbury steak

For the longest time my mother would make Salisbury steaks and they would be tough. They would be chewy and needed to be cut into tiny cubes to digest.

Then, I met a girl from Zambia.

--PHOTO--Again, it might seem like this salsbury steak meal is Chinese. But no. It's not. It's as American as Football cheerleading squads and Saturday nights in the GTO. It's different in that the gravy, the meat and the way of cooking the meal differs substantially from what is present in China. That's neither good nor bad, it's jsut he way it is. Live the difference!
Again, it might seem like this Salisbury steak meal is Chinese. But no. It’s not. It’s as American as Football cheer-leading squads and Saturday nights in the GTO. It’s different in that the gravy, the meat and the way of cooking the meal differs substantially from what is present in China. That’s neither good nor bad, it’s just the way it is. Live the difference!

When we lived together, she was able to make the most delicious Salisbury steaks that I have ever eaten. They were nothing sort of amazing. She said that there was nothing to it, but I disagree. Some people just have a natural affinity and skill at certain things, and she was just amazing in the kitchen.

"One of the simplest and most effective ways for parents to be engaged in their teens'  lives is by having frequent family dinners," 

- Joseph Califano Jr.,  chairman and president of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA). 
--PHOTO-- Salsbury steak can be served on a bed of rice, or with noodles. Heck, you can even serve it with potatoes, wether mashed or in any of the other delicious forms possible.
Salisbury steak can be served on a bed of rice, or with noodles. Heck, you can even serve it with potatoes, whether mashed or in any of the other delicious forms possible.

You might wonder just how a family can afford all this. Well, it’s no mystery. You can EASILY afford these meals provided you set your familial household to operate traditionally. It’s not at all what is promoted in the mainstream media, and perhaps it’s time to take a good hard long look at the assumptions that our parents made, and the sacrifices they made to become “progressive” and “enlightened”.

You can click on the link below. It opens up into a new fresh tab so that your browsing in this article will not be interrupted.

How to manage a family household.

Shepard’s Pie

Now my first experience with “Shepard’s Pie” was in the school cafeteria. My mother tended not to make it at home. She felt that it was too simple a dish to make. More plebeian, I would guess.

--PHOTO--A fine Shepard's pie. Nope. You will not find this in a fast food restaurant. Though, you could possibly discover it in a British or Irish pub.
A fine Shepard’s pie. Nope. You will not find this in a fast food restaurant. Though, you could possibly discover it in a British or Irish pub.
Shepherd's pie or cottage pie is a meat pie with a crust or topping of mashed potato. 

The recipe has many variations, but the defining ingredients are minced red meat, cooked in a gravy or sauce with onions and sometimes other vegetables, such as peas, celery or carrots, and topped with a layer of mashed potato before it is baked. 

The pie is sometimes also topped with grated cheese to create a layer of melted cheese on top.


Chicken and Dumplings

Old Fashioned Chicken and Dumplings is a family favorite meal that is both comforting and delicious! Chicken and dumplings is a dish that consists of a chicken cooked in water, with the resulting chicken broth being used to cook the dumplings by boiling. A dumpling—in this context—is a biscuit dough, which is a mixture of flour, shortening, and liquid. The dumplings are either rolled out flat, dropped or formed into a ball.

Chicken and Dumplings. A fine, fine American meal.
Chicken and Dumplings. A fine, fine American meal.

This chicken and dumplings recipe is created from scratch including the tender dumplings and juicy chicken in an easy homemade broth. Combine chicken, onion, carrots and celery in a large pot. Season to taste.


In 2007, the average household spent $3,465 on meals at home,  and $2,668 on meals away from home, according to the national Consumer  Expenditure Survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Per meal, that’s  about $8 per meal outside of the home, and only about $4.50 per each  meal made in your own kitchen. 

 - 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family    

Potatoes with onions and eggs

Eating  family dinners is associated with healthy dietary food patterns. A 2000  survey found that the nine to 14-year-olds who ate dinner with their  families most frequently consumed more fruits and vegetables  and less soda and fried foods. Their diets also had higher amounts of  many key nutrients, like calcium, iron, and fiber. Matthew W. Gillman,  MD, the survey’s lead researcher, noted that family dinners allow for  both "discussions of nutrition [and] provision of healthful foods." 

- 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family  

This meal is representative of a very simple meal that I once cooked for a friend. She had to work and we offered to baby-sit her kids for her. The thing was that the poor kids weren’t eating right. They didn’t eat all day. And there was nothing in the kitchen. I mean, the entire kitchen was empty except for some onions, potatoes and a few eggs.

Here’s what you do.

Potatoes and onions, a very fast and super cheap meal to make in a pinch.
Potatoes and onions, a very fast and super cheap meal to make in a pinch.

You cut up the potatoes and the onions. Put in in a skillet with salt, pepper and butter. let it cook. The house will be filled with this wondrous aroma. Then you remove the potatoes and onions. And cook the eggs int he same pan. The kids will love it.

Meals need not be expensive. You just need to be a little creative.

Round Steak

Easy Crock Pot Round Steak recipe is quick to throw together, cooks all day and produces a delicious beef and gravy dinner waiting for you when you get home.

--PHOTO--A fine and delicious rond steak. There are so many ways to cook this steak. It is up to the family cook to pick one and see how it turns out. In any event, this meal is most certainly a pleaser. Everyone will enjoy the meal.
A fine and delicious round steak. There are so many ways to cook this steak. It is up to the family cook to pick one and see how it turns out. In any event, this meal is most certainly a pleaser. Everyone will enjoy the meal.
A round steak is a beef steak from the "round", the rear leg of the cow. The round is divided into cuts including the eye round, bottom round, and top round, with or without the "round" bone, and may include the knuckle, depending on how the round is separated from the loin. 

This is a lean cut and it is moderately tough. 

Lack of fat and marbling makes round dry out when cooked with dry-heat cooking methods like roasting or grilling. Round steak is commonly prepared with slow moist-heat methods including braising, to tenderize the meat and maintain moisture. The cut is often sliced thin, then dried or smoked at low temperature to make jerky. 



As my parents were partially of Polish decent and from Pittsburgh, the idea of eating perogies was as natural as learning how to put on socks. We all ate this most wonderful of meals.

Though my relatives always made perogies out of meats, vegetables and fruits, personally I never got a chance to eat the sweet versions. My siblings and my cousins always gobbled up the fruit versions. Leaving me with the more “unpopular” perogies.

--PHOTO--A perogie is a Polish-American version of a Chinese dumpling. Only it is often filled with mashed potatoes, and cheese, and fried with onions in the Shanghai style.
A perogie is a Polish-American version of a Chinese dumpling. Only it is often filled with mashed potatoes, and cheese, and fried with onions in the Shanghai style.

No worries though. They now have ballooned up to the size of whales. While I have maintained my thin and trim lines. LOL.

Pierogi are filled dumplings of Central and Eastern European origin, made by wrapping unleavened dough around a savory or sweet filling and cooking in boiling water, or pan-frying. 

Pierogi which consist of noodle dough and have to be cooked in boiling water are associated with the Central and Eastern European kitchens where they are considered national dishes, especially in Poland. 

Pierogi are popular in West Slavic, Hungarian, East Slavic, some Baltic and other Central and Eastern European...



Ravioli is a traditional Italian pasta dish made by stuffing rounds or squares of pasta dough with a filling, creating a sort of pasta “pillow.”.

Ravioli is a traditional Italian pasta dish made by stuffing rounds or squares of pasta dough with a filling, creating a sort of pasta "pillow.". The dish is wildly popular outside of Italy, and can be readily found in fresh and frozen form in most Western supermarkets.

-Wise Geek
--PHOTO--Ravioli is a traditional Italian pasta dish made by stuffing rounds or squares of pasta dough with a filling, creating a sort of pasta "pillow.". The dish is wildly popular outside of Italy, and can be readily found in fresh and frozen form in most Western supermarkets.
Ravioli is a traditional Italian pasta dish made by stuffing rounds or squares of pasta dough with a filling, creating a sort of pasta “pillow.”. The dish is popular outside of Italy, and can be readily found in fresh and frozen form in most Western supermarkets.

Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff. My mother used to make this with egg noodles. As did all my aunties. It’s a Pittsburgh thing, I guess.

This wonderful meal consists of juicy beef smothered in a creamy mushroom and onion gravy. Beef Stroganoff is a crowd favourite that tastes like a slow cooked stew but is on the table in 30 minutes! Beef Stroganoff – a timeless retro classic!!

--PHOTO--Beef Stroganoff. Juicy beef smothered in a creamy mushroom and onion gravy. Beef Stroganoff is a crowd favourite that tastes like a slow cooked stew but is on the table in 30 minutes! Beef Stroganoff – a timeless retro classic!!
Beef Stroganoff. Juicy beef smothered in a creamy mushroom and onion gravy. Beef Stroganoff is a crowd favorite that tastes like a slow cooked stew but is on the table in 30 minutes! Beef Stroganoff – a timeless retro classic!!
If  you have a demanding job, finding time to eat with your family may  actually leave you feeling less stressed. In 2008, researchers at  Brigham Young University conducted a study of IBM employees and found  that sitting down to a family meal helped working moms reduce the tension and strain from long hours at the office. 

 - 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family   

Cold-cut Spread

This isn’t really a dinner so much as it is a tradition. What we would do at my mother’s family and with her parents and relatives would be to have a “cold cut spread”. It’s just simply a layout allowing the person to make their own sandwiches at will.

This is also known as a “cold platter”. It is a very cheap and easy way to make a meal spread without any cooking.

Sandwich spreads are some of the best make ahead meals. When your family is in and out of the house, eating at different times and with different appetites, having these delicious and nutritious spreads in the fridge is like money in the bank. And make-ahead sandwich spreads are the perfect answer to feeding your family when it’s just too hot to cook.

Turkey, ham and salami cold cuts are all at home on a sandwich—but these deli meats can be used in many other ways. We like to add thin strips of salami to pasta carbonara and cheesy frittata, smoked turkey to spaghetti and thinly-sliced chicken to spinach salad. One of our favorite deli meats is high quality pastrami—there are few sandwiches more delicious (or iconic) than a Reuben. Piled high on rye bread with Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and Russian dressing, it’s a New York deli classic.
Turkey, ham and salami cold cuts are all at home on a sandwich—but these deli meats can be used in many other ways. We like to add thin strips of salami to pasta carbonara and cheesy frittata, smoked turkey to spaghetti and thinly-sliced chicken to spinach salad. One of our favorite deli meats is high quality pastrami—there are few sandwiches more delicious (or iconic) than a Reuben. Piled high on rye bread with Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and Russian dressing, it’s a New York deli classic.
 The average restaurant meal has as much as 60% more calories than a homemade meal. Combine the fact that portions served in restaurants are continuing to expand  with that fact that when we’re presented with more food, we’re more  likely to eat more food, and it becomes clear that eating at home is  simply healthier. When families eat together, young children are less likely to be overweight or obese because these children are eat regular, nutritious, home cooked meals, and also help in making or serving those meals.  

  - 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family    

Sausage and (Hominy) Grits

A favorite of my mother. She would routinely cook this meal on every Tuesday once she settled into retirement. It’s a thing that she loved to do, but which I had no inking of why.

--PHOTO--This is a full meal ready to go. The underrated hominy takes in the flavor of the roasted sausages; spinach cooked with garlic and chili flakes makes a perfect green addition to the plate. Seconds, please!
This is a full meal ready to go. The underrated hominy takes in the flavor of the roasted sausages; spinach cooked with garlic and chili flakes makes a perfect green addition to the plate. Seconds, please!
Research examining 5,000 teenagers has shown that when children eat with their parents regularly, they are more likely to be emotionally strong and have better mental health.  

Teens who ate regular family meals were also more likely to be  adjusted, have good manners and communication skills. 

This effect is not  restricted to the children - mothers who ate with their families often  were also found to be happier and less stressed as compared to mothers who did not. 

  - 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family    


Nothing says Pittsburgh better than Kielbasa.

Polish kielbasa is traditionally made from ground pork. Some commercial variations of kielbasa are made from ground turkey, but these aren’t authentic. Garlic, along with pimentos and ground cloves, are the predominant seasonings.

What sets kielbasa apart from other members of the sausage family is its coarse texture, heady garlic flavor and classic Polish preparation - it's traditionally not smoked or lightly smoked at best.  Smoked sausage, on the other hand, is cooked and then smoked. Often, artificial smoke "flavors" are added as well. Because they're fully cooked, you can eat smoked sausages cold or warmed. Other varieties include Italian mortadella, Cajun andouille, German bratwurst, bologna and hot dogs. Smoked sausage can be made from ground pork, turkey, beef or a combination of meats -- and they can include any variation of seasonings.  Polish kielbasa is traditionally made from ground pork. Some commercial variations of kielbasa are made from ground turkey, but these aren't authentic. Garlic, along with pimentos and ground cloves, are the predominant seasonings.  Serve kielbasa warm, grilled or boiled, along with other traditional Polish sides such as pierogies -- potato dumplings -- pickled cucumbers and buckwheat groats. You can also cook kielbasa with eggs, use it for sandwiches, include in soups, stews and casseroles or serve with a side of vegetables.
What sets kielbasa apart from other members of the sausage family is its coarse texture, heady garlic flavor and classic Polish preparation – it’s traditionally not smoked or lightly smoked at best. Smoked sausage, on the other hand, is cooked and then smoked. Often, artificial smoke “flavors” are added as well. Because they’re fully cooked, you can eat smoked sausages cold or warmed. Other varieties include Italian mortadella, Cajun andouille, German bratwurst, bologna and hot dogs. Smoked sausage can be made from ground pork, turkey, beef or a combination of meats — and they can include any variation of seasonings.

Serve kielbasa warm, grilled or boiled, along with other traditional Polish sides such as pierogies — potato dumplings — pickled cucumbers and buckwheat groats. You can also cook kielbasa with eggs, use it for sandwiches, include in soups, stews and casseroles or serve with a side of vegetables.


Nothing says Southern Louisiana food like gumbo: A thick stew-like soup of meat, okra, and Creole and Cajun seasonings. But its history—and even its essential ingredients and method of preparation—is widely disputed.

--PHOTO--A most delicious seafood gumbo. This is the food of New Iberia, you all. It is outstanding and wonderful. You have not lived until you have eaten some seafood gumbo.
A most delicious seafood gumbo. This is the food of New Iberia, you all. It is outstanding and wonderful. You have not lived until you have eaten some seafood gumbo.

Historians generally agree that its existence is first documented at the beginning of the 19th century. And the thickeners commonly used in many gumbo recipes (filé powder, okra, and gumbo roux—don’t worry, we explain all of these) give clues to its Choctaw Native American, West African, and French roots.

Regardless of its disputed origins and the myriad ways it’s prepared, it’s an essential, treasured part of New Orleans, Louisiana Creole and Cajun culture, and we’re here to break it down for you: what gumbo is, what ingredients to use, and how to make different types, from sausage to chicken to seafood gumbo.

Gumbo is a stew popular in the U.S. state of Louisiana, and is the official state cuisine. Gumbo consists primarily of a strongly-flavored stock, meat or shellfish, a thickener, and what Louisianians call the "Holy Trinity" of vegetables, namely celery, bell peppers, and onions. Gumbo is often categorized by the type of thickener used, whether okra or filé powder.

--PHOTO--A most excellent dish, seafood gumbo has the makings of great times. All you need to do is add freinds, beer and some fine music. Just bring yourself. And... of course... be yourself.
A most excellent dish, seafood gumbo has the makings of great times. All you need to do is add friends, beer and some fine music. Just bring yourself. And… of course… be yourself.

While both gumbo and jambalaya are mainstays of Cajun and Creole cooking, they’re both distinct dishes with different methods of prep. While gumbo is typically enjoyed as a rich, flavorful soup, sometimes served spooned over rice, jambalaya is similar to Spanish paella:

The rice is usually cooked with the protein (usually some mix of chicken, seafood, and/or sausage) along with the stock, seasonings, and veggies in one large ready-to-serve skillet. Creole Jambalaya may include tomatoes, while Cajun typically does not.

Studies have proven that there’s a significant link between family dinners and academic performance. 

A report by CASA found that teens who have between five and seven family dinners per week were twice as likely to report receiving mostly A’s and B’s in school,  compared to those teens who have fewer than three family dinners per week. 

In addition, only 9% of teens who ate frequently with their families did poorly in school, according to the report. 

 - 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family   

Many people would eat Gumbo as a stand alone dish, I would prefer to eat it as a soup with a fine sandwich nearby (and an icy beer). I have a write up or post about this. It is below. You can click on it and it will open up in another tab so that this article can be finished.

Soups, Sandwiches and ice cold beer.

Hey! Here’s a great bowl of gumbo. Wouldn’t you just love to have one yourself?

--PHOTO--A bowl of fine delicious gumo with shrimp and okra. Yum!
A bowl of fine delicious gumbo with shrimp and okra. Yum!

Gumbo is usually distinguished by what is used to thicken it—typically okra, filé powder, a roux, or some combination of the three. The name “gumbo” is also speculated to come from the name of the traditional bases: either from the word kingombo, a West African Bantu word for okra, or from kombo, the Choctaw Native American word for filé powder, an essential spice.
Filé powder: Filé powder is dried crushed leaves from Sassafras, a plant native to the Southeastern U.S. The powder is usually added at the end of the recipe to thicken and season the gumbo and can usually be found in a well-stocked supermarket or spice store.
Okra: Used either fresh or dried, okra is one of the most common thickening agents of gumbo and gives it its distinctive taste and flavor—it’d be difficult to find a recipe for gumbo that doesn’t make copious use of okra. Traditionally, when okra is out of season, dried okra can be used instead.

Shrimp and okra gumbo, showing and illustrating how the okra is to be cut and added to this fine, and tasty gumbo dish.
Shrimp and okra gumbo, showing and illustrating how the okra is to be cut and added to this fine, and tasty gumbo dish.

Roux: Derived from French cooking, gumbo roux is much darker than the mildly toasted roux used in classical French cuisine. It’s made by toasting flour in fat such as butter until it’s golden brown, but many gumbo roux recipes call for a roux that is “chocolate-colored,” “mahogany,” or even “close to burnt”, and they’re typically made with oil instead of butter.

gumbo roux
Some gumbo roux that can be obtained off the internet. Thus providing delicious Gumbo just about anywhere in the world.

“Holy Trinity”: Similar to mirepoix, (carrot, onion, and celery) the “Holy Trinity” is the base of much of Creole and Cajun cooking—bell pepper, onions, and celery is used to start many gumbo recipes. Depending on the recipe, shallots, garlic, and parsley can also be included in this essential blend.

The Trinity that is used in Gumbo.
The Trinity that is used in Gumbo.

Oh my Goodness! This is a long post!

I am so, so very sorry. However, I will have to wrap up this post leaving out so many, many delicious dinner suggestions.

For the purposes of brevity, let’s tack on the following as “honorable mentions”. All of which are delicious and deserving of their own place in the spot-light.

  • Clam bake
  • Cobb Salad
  • Baked Ham
  • Oyster Stew
  • Deviled Crabs
  • Deviled eggs
  • Pulled Chicken
  • Lox and bagels
  • Shrimp
  • Jambalaya
  • Baked Turkey
--PHOTO--Family participation. Cooked and served with love and attention. No television. No cell phones. No games. No apps. Just people.
Family participation. Cooked and served with love and attention. No television. No cell phones. No games. No apps. Just people.


Talking. Eating. Being together. What’s not to love?

Eating meals together has the potential to strengthen family bonds as it  provides a daily time for the whole family to be together. 

For younger children, routine family meals can provide a sense of security and a feeling of belonging in the family. 

Older children and teenagers, too, prefer eating together as a family. In a recent Columbia University study, 71% of teenagers  said they consider talking, catching-up, and spending time with family members as the best part of family dinners. 

- 9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family 

Meals are to be shared. Share some food with others. It’s not expensive, but the time and the friendships are the most valuable things that you can have. Share your food. Share your time. Share your life.

With others.

This kitchen may not be picture-perfect, but it's the perfect place for an authentic evening.
This kitchen may not be picture-perfect, but it’s the perfect place for an authentic evening. (Special tanks to the Mother Nature Network).

A life lived alone is a life unlived.

Meals are to be shared. Share some food with others. It's not expensive, but the time and the friendships are the most valuable things that you can have. Share your food. Share your time. Share your life.
Meals are to be shared. Share some food with others. It’s not expensive, but the time and the friendships are the most valuable things that you can have. Share your food. Share your time. Share your life.

Oh, yeah!

A family DOES NOT NEED two incomes. Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, is more important than spending time together. Live cheaper. Live frugally. Spend more time together. One person budgets and tends to the family. The other member labors and gives everything to the family. This system works.

Give it a whirl. You might be surprised how well it works out.

For you other expats out there…

This post is designed for you to show your relatives what “American food” is, and what it is not.

This is NOT American food…

All Americans have eaten a McDonalds meal, but fast food is not family meal fare. It is not healthy and does not lend itself for communial meals and togetherness.
All Americans have eaten a McDonald’s meal, but fast food is not family meal fare. It is not healthy and does not lend itself for communal meals and togetherness.

American “fast food” is a progressive invention to assist the “modern enlightened” person to cope in a stress-filled automated reality where the needs of the group come before the needs of the individual.

--PHOTO--Tired of having to work two jobs to make ends meet. Well welcome to the new modern progressive reality ushered in by Wilson and FDR.
Tired of having to work two jobs to make ends meet. Well welcome to the new modern progressive reality ushered in by Wilson and FDR.

Background Links

Here are some links on related subjects that covers this specific subject in much more detail.

1960's and 1970's link

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

What is going on in Hollywood?
Why no High-Speed rail in the USA?
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
The two family types and how they work.
How to manage a family household.
Soups, Sandwiches and ice cold beer.
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Things I wish I knew.
Bronco Billy
How they get away with it
Paper Airplanes
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons
The Rule of Eight

Funny Pictures

Picture Dump 1

Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.

Be the Rufus - 1

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