Office Space

Assorted Influencer Driven FAQ’s Regarding this MAJestic Disclosure (part 4)

This is part four of a multi-part post.

Why was egress from ADC Pine Bluff via MWI unsuccessful?

In the question earlier, the question was raised about my abilities, and how come I could not use my abilities to leave incarceration. It’s a great question, and here I try to answer it.

Why was this the case? 

My probes were specific and made for exactly my role. 

To be a dimensional anchor, that restricted my world-line travel to only the closest 1-2% (x2=4% at maximum) alternative world-lines. I did not have the ability to travel into more divergent world-lines. 

Apparently, all of the similar world-lines that I had “anchored” to led to this prison cell.  The reader should note, that when I did actually traverse the world line, I entered the same cell that I I had left on another world-line.

The cell was always locked as far as I could tell.

Time-Travel as an ADC egress methodology

Not everyone accepts my answer to this question. So they look at different angles, based on what I have disclosed about my abilities.

Couldn’t you simply do “apparent” time travel to get out of your situation?

As a “dimensional anchor”, I did not need the ability to perform “apparent” time travel, either forward or backward in time.  It was not a mission requirement.

Therefore, my probes never had this ability. 

The only time this was conducted, that I was aware of, was with the larger stationary dimensional portal. I do suppose that some software changes could have enabled this ability, but I have no idea what they would be. Nor how to operate it.


Ah. There is so much confusion. Really, EBP world-line egress via MWI manipulation is not at all as depicted in Hollywood movies.

Once you left your world-line and entered a new world-line you now shared a world-line with two of you. What did other people do when they saw two of you?

It did not happen that way.  I never traveled to a world-line where there was another person like myself. I think that most people are confused by the ignorance spewed out from Hollywood. We are consciousness.

We are a consciousness that occupies bodies within realities.

I believe that a reality is a construction that surrounds the physical person.  When you travel to a new world-line you occupy your role within that reality. However, your consciousness and memories are of a different reality. 

When you travel to a new world-line, your knowledge stays the same, and thus can at times, place the traveler in a disadvantaged state. (It HAS to be this way, else how can anyone learn new things via experience?)

Knowledge and memories are stored outside the non-physical reality that a consciousness occupies. When you switch realities (world-line slides), your memories associated with your consciousness stays intact. No matter how different your new reality is. 

So if you were to slide into a reality where everyone speaks French, but you only speak English, you will be in big trouble. 

Your physical body will be in French clothes, your scars and fingernails will reflect a French lifestyle, your girlfriend or wife (and mistress) will be French, but you will not be. Your memories will be in English, you will not know anything about the new reality that you now inhabit.

Which is one of the reasons why I have a very heavy dose of skepticism to "others" who might describe experiences similar to mine via the nature of their discussion.

So if you travel to a world-line where everyone else speaks Russian, then you will be disadvantaged and will certainly need to learn the new language to survive. This will occur even when your friends, family and wife will be unable to understand why you are speaking a different language.

If I conduct a slide to another world-line, and see a quantum shadow of myself there, it tells me one thing, and one thing only. I am not within my own reality. I am occupying a reality that belongs to someone else.

Take note.

I have NEVER seen myself (or a version of myself) in any of the world-lines that I have visited. I attribute this fact to the fundamental point that it is my consciousness that egresses via wave-state to different world-lines. Not the idea that a consciousness trapped in a particle-state walks via portal to another world-line where the environment is shared.

Thus, I have never completed particle-based consciousness migration and involved in apparent time-travel where I could meet an alternative myself.

Post ADC Pine Bluff autonomous MWI travel

Once you left prison, did you visit any other world-lines?

No, not really. (Aside from trying to get out of my cell.)

Unfortunately, my ability to access the core two probe’s control interface required  that the core one probes be engaged by the ELF handlers.  That ended about two days after I left the Pine Bluff Diagnostic facility. 

I well remember when the ELF field was shut off. It was like turning off an old-style vacuum tube television where the picture goes to a straight line, then this dot until it finally goes blank.

As before, I could always utilize the core two probes without the core one probes being activated, however without access to the probe two diagnostic screen, I was limited in my abilities. 

I am referring to the diagnostic screen, not the “manual mode” numerical display. 

Think of it being like a car.  With the core one probes on, I could move the transmission lever from drive, to reverse, to second gear, to park.  But with the core group one probes, off, I was stuck in what ever gear the car was in. 

If the car was in “park” I could not go anywhere.  If it was in “reverse”, I could only go backwards. It was like that. I only have (present tense) a very small and limited range of world-lines that I can now traverse, and they are all very… very similar to this one

Luckily for me, and for every other human on this planet, we can control our reality through the migration of adjacent world lines. I utilize this ability for my own purposes.

Just like YOU can as well. I have a post all about how to do this. It works.

Using Intention to make your life sparkle.

You need to control and manage your thoughts. Only think of good things, that way your destination reality will be good.

Extreme Travel Today

Ok, you can currently still perform world-line dimensional travel.  What differences can you determine were you to go to the most “far out” world-line at this time?

The (primary) difference is very small.  Maybe half of a percentage.  (As before, “manual mode” was fixed at a upper limit of 2%, which is -2% up to +2% , maybe a total of 4% if you think about it.

Now, it was set with a maximum (secondary) variance of 0.5% or -0.5% to +0.5%. Moving the numbers is like slogging though mud.) As such, I rarely travel or venture outside of where I am.  

I NEVER use the EBP (in manual mode), or anything associated with the ELF kit(s) to conduct any kind of dimensional travel. I never do. It is far, far too risky. Instead, I am quite happy as I am and the way my life is right now. I only "tweak" it somewhat by self-intention navigation.

However, to answer your question, the difference would be very slight and hard to determine.  My dog might need a bath in one world-line while he might be clean in the world-line where I just came from.  There might be a bag of plums on the kitchen table instead of a bag of apples.  (Or, far more likely four apples, instead of the five in the previous world line.) There might be a song that I like, that does not exist in the new world-line.  I might owe a bunch of taxes that I didn’t pay (yikes!).

World-line travel is just as risky as you can be aware.

The truth is that one of the problems that I have on the world-line that I currently occupy is missing a particular Ray Bradbury story from the “R is for Rocket” book.  It just was never written in this world-line.  Which is a shame as it would be a very inclusion (of a few choice passages) in this blog.

One of the things that I find to be uncomfortable is the limited range of food selections at fast food franchises on this world-line.

City Chicken on a stick
City Chicken on a stick a McDonald’s staple. It is actually pork cooked as “country fried” chicken is a staple on most other world-lines that I was involved in. In fact, it was just as popular as their fish sandwich. Now, around 1998 I did a world-line switch and suddenly discovered that this world-line never had “city chicken on a stick” at McDonald’s. But, for me, as someone who really enjoys this meal, I am greatly disappointed.

That is also a good example on the subtly of (slight variation) dimensional world-line travel.  The differences are slight.  They are not really noticeable until you live in the altered world-line for a spell and spend some time noticing the differences.

Examples include man-hole covers that are slightly smaller in a world-line, free refills of coffee on one world-line, and no refills on another, use of suspenders instead of belts on one world-line, or as in the current world-line that doesn’t have strawberry-coke soda. WTF, why?

In this world-line, there isn’t any strawberry coke.

Think about it, won’t you. Of all the things that are different. Like no baked beans with breakfast eggs and toast, a president that was a Reality-show television star, the lack of window awnings, and Venetian blinds, why in the world would strawberry coke be missing from this reality? It’s as bad as the lack of “city chicken on a stick” at McDonald’s, or no pizza cones at Burger King.

I mean… come on!

Pizza Cone
Pizza Cones are also something that isn’t that common on this world line. I well remember getting my first Pizza Cone at Burger King back around 2001. I also tired the cones out of KFC, but they weren’t as good as the ones from Burger King. I think that it was because they used more cheese and the sauce was tastier. However, on this current world-line no-one has ever heard of them inside the USA.

I mean I can adapt, but some of the differences just don’t make any sense what so ever.

EBP discussion

You only refer to the Core Kit #1 and #2 probes. Yet, you have three sets. Why don’t you ever talk about the set of implants installed by the extraterrestrials when you were “off world”?

I know nothing about how those devices work.

I can only report on what I know. I figure that the MAJestic installed probes are how MAJestic was able to keep tabs on me and monitor what was going on with my interface with the extraterrestrial devices. I think, though I could be very wrong, that the extraterrestrial devices is actually what is doing all the “heavy lifting” and the world-line travel. The core kit #2 probes enable me and MAJestic to monitor and record the resultant activity.

MWI exploration for fun and adventure

This is a very common question. Funny that I never really seriously considered doing this. Not in the least.

When you knew you had this ability, did you ever go off exploring the alternative world-lines for fun?

No.  That is reckless, and dangerous.  Further, it would be a violation of my responsibility, which is constantly monitored by my drone pilot and the <redacted>, and it is also limited by the hardwired configuration of the probes themselves. 

I am sorry to explain these realities to the reader, but a Naval Aviator does not break his flight path to buzz some cows for fun (Well, I take this back …it does happen.  But rarely.)  I, however, never did that. It just wasn’t responsible.

Here’s a fun article. “Is It A Bird? A Plane? No, It's A Giant Penis: Navy Apologizes For Pilot's Pornographic Sky-Writing”.  Found at:
Outrage over giant penis.
Outrage over the giant penis in the sky. The poor people are all over themselves in passing out and hyperventilating over this fun exercise in air-man-ship.

From the article:

“Residents of Okanogan County, Washington woke up to some rather unusual cloud formations this morning courtesy of a couple of artistic Navy pilots stationed in nearby Whidbey Island.  Not surprisingly, the giant sky penis, which was described as the "most monumental thing to happen in Omak" by one Twitter user, sparked a wave of hilarious social media responses.”
Shock and awe.
People where shocked, stunned, and amused all at the same time. Aren’t Americans silly? Really. Imagine that! A big penis.


“A local TV station in Okanogan, County, KREM-2, reached out to the Navy for a comment on the incident and promptly received the following apology which described the event was "absolutely unacceptable" and "of zero training value"...which we honestly find incredibly shocking as we've always lived under the apparently false illusion that if we were to ever find ourselves in a dogfight over the skies of Iraq that a carefully timed "penis maneuver" could be the difference between life and death.”
Giant Penis in the sky. Amazing.
Now, this is how a properly conceived penis should look. Isn’t mother nature wonderful? I certainly think so. She is offering inspiration to all the boys and girls out there all over the world. I wonder what nature is trying to tell us all.


“"An investigation into this flight will be conducted and if appropriate, the aviator(s) responsible will be held accountable," the statement said.

Meanwhile, this guy seems to have high hopes of sparking a Navy/Air Force pornographic sky writing competition…which seems like a truly genius plan, if we understand it correctly.

Air Force would have drawn boobs. I'm just sayin'.

— Drew (@MasterDroo) November 17, 2017

MWI switching

People ask me “what was it like”? Well that depends on the method used. Really there are two basic techniques particle-mode quanta, and wave-mode quanta. Most of my experience was with wave-mode quanta.

As far as I understand, both the dimensional portal, and the EBP operate using wave-mode quanta consciousness.

What is it like when you switched a world-line?

It is like nothing happened. Seriously, that is the way it is.  If it wasn’t for the <redacted> I wouldn’t even know that I have made a swap.

We humans make world-line switches all the time. We call it “the passage of time”. How do we know that we entered and passed through five world-lines (more or less) in the last second?

We don’t.

We take it all for granted.

Now, that is the way it is with the EBP. You cannot tell that things are being switched on you at all. The only way you can tell is when you start to notice differences.

For the “passage of time”, normal world-line changes it seems like nothing changes. That is because the world-lines are all adjacent. You don’t notice any changes except after large spells of the passage of many MWI changes.

The arrow of time. This is how it really works.
The “arrow of time” is the perception of our consciousness as it moves in and out of adjacent world-lines. It is our thoughts (and actions) that contribute to the destination that we often arrive at.

For EBP initiated changes, you “jump” away out from the adjacent world-line realities. Yet, the only way you can tell the differences is by observation over time. There just is not any indicator…

However, that is for automatic slides.

For manual slides, a “heads up” dialog will appear. The controls to navigate with this interface are a series of alpha-numeric letters/numbers that describe destination coordinates. It is a very crude method. But, you all have to understand that this technology was 1980’s era technology.

We can use a dimensional portal.
We can use a dimensional portal to move anywhere and arrive anywhere. This is anywhere in time and space, as well as within any world-line no matter how strange.

There is, however a much more detailed control. But it’s utility is limited because it is far too all-encompassing. It is a series of glyph and circular appearing symbols. It is the native controls used by the <redacted>.

Associated with this are various “files” and “routines” that I cannot make heads or tails out of. This includes a map or record of the MWI path that I have taken relative to adjacent world-lines. They looks like triangular mesh with minor color gradients and changes in texture density. I haven’t a clue as how to read them.

World-Line Selection

How do you select a particular world-line?

It is really very difficult to select a particular world-line. I can’t just determine that I want to visit a very “cat-friendly” world-line, or one where (Homer Simpson style) “donuts fall out of the sky”.

There really isn’t any mechanism that I know of that will allow me to do that.  I cannot “pick and choose” what the world-line would be like.

Episode: “Treehouse Horror V” Airdate: October 30, 1994. After tinkering with a toaster, Homer sends himself to an alternate dimension that, at first glance, seems like paradise. Patty and Selma are dead and the Simpsons are ridiculously rich. 

But wait! There’s a problem. In this reality, donuts don’t exist! D’OH!
Homer does manage to get back to his world, but ironically, just as he returns, donuts start falling from the sky (as if rain) in the alternate universe.

If I want to alter my current reality, for my own purposes, I will need to control my thoughts and navigate on my own. (Provided, of course, that the <redacted> allow me to do so. They have put some major restrictions on my personal abilities to do so. For instance, they <redacted>. So, that when I try to use intention and direction for self-navigation via consciousness migration, I discover that in my case, <redacted>, and the <redacted>.

Instead, from what I understand, there are groupings of realities that world-lines cluster towards.  These groupings are all fabricated by the collective soul consciousness, and provided for learning activities for the individual physical manifestations (by soul).

I can only travel to world-lines that are [1] “nearby” to my own in terms of entropy (this is “locked in” by the drone pilot), and [2] in accordance with my ability to learn and gain experiences.  This is a limitation of the technology that I utilized, the world-line travel ability of the drone pilot and the biological artifice, and my (apparent) “soul contract” with the <redacted>.

This is by agreement between the humans souls and the <redacted> souls.

As such there are a large number of world-lines that I can traverse (not infinite, but rather finite), but how different they are (their individual divergence) can only be determined by myself through a measure of “regional-factor variance” (this is a very difficult attribute to describe). In any event, the drone pilot helps me in this regard, for it seems to be able to detect the best and most beneficial world-lines to visit.

Now, how it appears to me is very personal and unique. It is how it would appear to anyone with EBP that are interfaced to the ELF probes during artifice transitions in either manual or automatic mode.

I can “feel” comfort or revision as delineated by a group of seven (7) factors or types.  These can be displayed alpha-numerically if I am in a manual slide mode. 

In all cases, if I were to select more than one or two factors that are in variance, then I would slide into progressively stranger world-lines. My “feelings” toward the selection of these (to me numerical factors) would determine the degree of comfort or distress upon slide arrival.

As such, there are seven adjustable (7) characteristics or factors that “point in the direction” or variance from my (present) world-line.

While I cannot identify HOW they will be different,  I have two gauges that I can use to determine my relative acceptance or revulsion to where the next traveled upon world-line would be like. This consists of my “feelings” (comfort or discomfort), and a numerical value (in manual slide mode). The [1] larger the numerical values (plus or minus) and [2] the way I “feel” will always be a measure of how different the new world-line would be.

Thus, the new world-line cannot be predicted in terms of physical attributes.

In can only be predicted in terms of relative comfort to the present world-line, where a measure of comfort is simply how greatly I would learn from my movement into the new world-line.  The more I will experience that is new and different, the more discomfort I would experience.

It has been my personal experience that large variances and deviance’s from present world-lines are exponentially uncomfortable and a lot of work.  They can be horrific and frightening. All this being stated, I did not intentionally direct any my world-line travel.  My drone pilot did all the “driving”.  I was just the “passenger”

Manual appearance

What does your “built-in” “heads-up display” show to you when you are in manual mode?

(In “manual mode”) It shows a series of seven alpha-numerical “numbers”.  The numbers are arranged horizontally in front of my eyes and are in focus no matter what my gaze is upon.

Each number is “soft” and “hardens” once I make a “slide” into another world-line.

Each number is a percentage of deviance (to three decimal places) for seven coordinates. It is a measure of deviance of my previous world-line to my present world-line. Each number has either a plus or a minus sign in front of it. Typically, the first four numbers were always “00.000” with no sign. The numbers would stay in my line of sight until I would “wish” them away.

There are times when the alphabet is used. This is either singularly, or in conjunction with numbers. The meaning of these variations are <redacted>. They hold a very special hint to the <redacted>. In operation, <redacted>.

For instance, during training, <redacted>.

On another occasion, when I was <redacted>, the opportunity came for me to <redacted>, so I <redacted>.

Manual Operation of the EBP

How did you (manually) change world-lines?

This is in regards to manual operation.

[1] I would “pull up” the “built-in” “heads-up display”. It would show the seven numbers of my current world-line.  Since I was present on that world-line, all the characters / numbers would be set at “00.000”.

[2] I could move a reticle that looked like a big circle over any of the numbers. 

[3] Once the reticle was over a set of numbers, I could change the numbers by “thinking up/down”. The numbers would move slowly.  I never could change the first four numbers and the last number. The only numbers that I could change were the fifth, and the sixth.  I never moved the numbers greater than a value of “02.000” because I was unable to. 

[4] Once I made my settings, I would “think slide”.  When this happened, the numbers would “harden” and I would “slide” into the new world-line.

[5] The numbers would stay “hard” until I would “wish” them away. It was that simple.

Strangest or Weirdest World-lines

What was the strangest or weirdest world-line that you have ever glimpsed?

Well, aside from this one?

This is a really fucked up world-line.

I mean, for goodness sakes, look around you. This world is weird. It is really absolutely a tad bit bat-shit crazy. You’ve got a President that is a reality television star, an educational system where grades have zero importance, you have plastic straws banned, and where enormous fat girls are proud of their rolls of fat, and jiggle their asses in front of everyone.

For Pete’s sake, you don’t eat beans with eggs, and ride bicycles with helmets and knee and elbow protectors. There are no families or at least one with a father and a mother that raises children. You have most Americans living in an “existence” of which they are completely and positively tethered to the government.

Large sodas are banned, but deep fried pork rinds aren’t. Michelle Obama was voted most attractive woman in the world numerous times, it’s against the law to collect rainwater, or use a fireplace in your house. Sexual deviants go to the White House and get rewards for “their contribution to society”, and a rising tide of angst is being directed at “white people” for their “privilege”.

How can it get much weirder?

I mean the next thing could be the outlawing of bags, the importance of treating pets as humans and giving them voting rights, and of course more taxes… you know… for the children.

Hey! Don't you all think that this is natural and not contrived? Really? You don't possibly believe that there might be some bat-shit crazy idiot behind "the curtain" moving the reality around in crazy-assed ways?

Ok. Well, the strangest ones were during training.

Now, prior to my training with the drone pilot, I pretty much had this ability to move about and traverse world-lines (at will) but that I had no control or understanding of it.  About the time when I was first being trained, my Mars-time drone role interacted with the drone pilot and we conducted some exercises together.  (This was at Ridgecrest, California during a weekend when I was not on the base.)

In one of those exercises, we were moving about a wide swath of world-lines with the drone pilot actually at the controls.  On Mars, and at the base, there were never any changes. 

However, my Earth reality changed substantially, and cycled through various realities.

The strangest was when the desert that surrounded us transformed into a lush green tropical forest. Everything was different, including my wife. The language was different, but I could not speak it. I think it was Spanish, but I never could tell the difference between Spanish and Portuguese. 

The big thing that I remember, it’s funny the things that you remember best, was what it was like riding a motorcycle with a sidecar attached.


Do you wish that you could have selected a different world-line to retire to?

I selected this one. 

I selected this one based on my “feelings” at the time, and the direction of the drone pilot.  He (I think) “locked in” my selection to only a handful of choices.  Then permits me autonomous alteration via intention MWI navigation for tweaking.

This world-line is my physical reward for my three decades of contribution.  It’s better than anything that I could have possibly imagined.

I live this world line. I am currently in the preferred world-line given the limits of my abilities.  I think that I am doing pretty well. 

I live on the beach in a tropical paradise, I make enough money, I am married to a stunning beautiful “stacked” Asian beauty. I live in a huge house (comparatively), with a huge porch, on the beach in a resort destination, with a huge roomy wine cellar (not that I use it). I have all the perks of being a boss in Asia. I eat quite well, and live a life that others would find hard to believe. 

Why would I want a different world-line?

Of course my life would not be considered to be anything really special according to what I see that United States has migrated towards. After all Michelle Obama is today considered to be the most attractive woman in the United States. So beauty is relative.

What I think is beautiful is not what most Americans think is beautiful. But then again, I am old-fashioned and not at all a progressive and neutral-gender beta-male.

Futurama considerations.

Do you think that the Dimensional Portal on the base was just like the “Parallel Universe Box” from the television show “Futurama”?

Yes. Though I must remind the reader that Hollywood takes the complex and simplifies it for public consumption.

In reality, dimensional travel is possible using existing (extraterrestrially amplified) technologies that work under set rules and behaviors.

I do not think that travel through the gate would be desirous if one went into wildly divergent destinations.  It would serve no practical purpose. However, please note that accidental transport to unplanned destinations could result in horrors beyond one’s comprehension.

The box.
The parallel dimensional box from the Futurama television series.

From the (fictional )television show; Futurama. “The Parallel Universe Box was an invention accidentally created by Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth. Within the box was a parallel universe, inside which were alternate colored versions of the Planet Express crew. The only differences between the universes are coin flips, which apparently have decided the majority of Planet Express’ decisions and the colors of people.

Also the sky is very colorful.”

Found here;

Image what could happen if accidentally, though a technical glitch, a person ended up in a 65% divergent world-line? Yikes!

The ultimate MWI destination

With the ability to change world-lines, you could enter “realities” where you could be rich, famous, powerful, where you could live your wildest fantasies. Why didn’t you?

This is one of the most common questions and perceptions that I hear. So it must be answered carefully.

Do you, the reader, really WANT to live your wildest fantasies? I don’t want fame. I don’t want extreme wealth (not really if you get down to it). The things that I really love are all attainable by me, if I put my mind to it.  Like a tomato sandwich, or a pet cat, I can get them easily if I wanted them (by paying a price).

  • I want to live in a beautiful area. I have it.
  • I want to have a stress-free life. I have it.
  • I want a happy and stable life. I have it. 
  • I want a sexy wonderful and amazing wife.  I have it. 
  • I want to have fun, eat well, be respected, and play. I have it.

MONEY: There are those who think that “just” if they made some more money they would be happier.  However, that has NOT been my experience. The times when I was happiest, aside from now being “retired” was when I was very poor. (We called that being “dirt” poor.)

Using Intention to make your life sparkle.

Please believe me, the attainment of money is not what you should concentrate on. It should be the attainment of happiness.

FAME. Fame is a childhood desire for attention and appreciation. Once you live life, you realize that fame is tied to ego. The smaller your ego, the more fame you desire. However, there is another side of fame, when it brings you money. Now, that is another issue, but fraught with complications. Beware.

They believe that if they were “just” famous they could sleep with anyone. Probably true, but with fame comes the problem of “thought imposition”, and that is a ugly reality that famous people have to deal with.  Most do not deal with it well.  I know that I would not be able to.  

Thoughts of others are terribly restrictive. 

They PREVENT growth and experience of the soul in the physical. The
people know of you, the more thoughts are directed towards you.  Each thought narrows your choice selection in your reality (your world-line) variances.  

In other words, once many people think and know of you, the number of world-lines that you can traverse sharply decreases.  

It’s an inertial set of chains.

Now, you DO KNOW, that there are other ways aside from fame that can open up some opportunities to meet a lot of different girls? You all don’t have to be a slime-ball with a casting couch.

SEX: I have a stunning wife and can all the sex I want at any time.  Additionally, if I wanted variety, that is quite available to me as a Boss in China.  My sexual needs are all, and always,  fulfilled. And, I might add, are with REAL beauties.  Not bargain-basement skanks, or Thailand short-time girls.

The two family types and how they work.

Besides, contrary to the impression that you might get in the United States media, most traditional men (such as myself) are naturally happy with a singular wife and family. We adopt the K-strategy. Not the r-strategy so promoted in the American mainstream media.

r/K selection theory

POWER: I have what ever power I desire. It’s not that much. I’m a boss and I have a lot of respect from my charges and my peers. I have a “following” of sorts, and that’s good enough for me.

What kind of power do you want? Be careful. For as you obtain power, you also obtain a lot of baggage and problems associated with it. Limit your desires to what makes you happy and no more. Be careful.

If you, the reader, really and actually had the ability to move to a world-line; one world-line that would provide you with your deepest desires, what would that world-line look like?

It would not be the same as mine. Maybe you would like something along the lines of this…

Do you really want power? Or, would you rather have the fun things that come with the respect that you earn through others? Think about that for a spell. Real power is not something that you see on Hollywood.

Mine pretty much looks like the preferences that I filled out on the handout way back when I was in the Navy sitting with all the beautiful women.

All in all, I think that I am doing pretty darn good.

No, it is not perfect. Yes, I could be making more money, and I have always wanted to have a Bentley, but you know what? I like being driven around. I no longer drive. Yes, I do like to cook, and I make a great pot of chili, but I am just as satisfied with the chili that my wife makes for me, and the dinner that she provides.


We all have to turn off that propaganda machine known as television, and the internet, and start appreciating what we have RIGHT NOW.

How about you go and buy yourself a bagel – nice and hot right out of the oven. Yum!


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...
How to tell -2
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MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

Influencer Questions

Here are posts that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the mysteries of the lives that we live.

Interview with an Influencer.
More discussions with an influencer.
Using Intention to make your life sparkle.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

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