>>This isn’t merely a question for Trump supporters, but for anyone who still thinks that a political system that isn’t completely run by thugs, with only a simulacrum of democracy as window dressing, is something worth trying to maintain and improve. <<
It is a fool’s errand to attempt to save the Union. The ideological gap between left and right is far to wide to ever bridge. They are polar opposites.
The best we can hope for is an amicable split. Fredrick Douglas wondered if the US is just to large an area to be governed by one central government in Washington. It is, a “one size fits all” system is not working
The sooner the majority of people in this country realize that and start the process of diving the nation in a peaceful manner, the better. Otherwise, we will continue our slow decent into hell.
- Posted HERE at1/27/2019, 7:44:54 AM by Tejas Rob
There are many things that a person can do to improve themselves. In my case, I could lose some weight, and eat better. I could be kinder to people, and stop reading the news so much. I could spend more time with friends and family, and I could spend more time in nature. I think that if I did those things, I would be a better person.
It’s not just me. I look around the world and see all kinds of things that could be improved with a modest amount of effort. The key here is the word “modest”.
For instance, planting a tree in your yard. Exposing children to dogs and cats at an early age. Sweeping the sidewalk in front of your house, and having a small vegetable garden might be really nice if a decent percentage of people would spend the time and effort to force some change.
Now, well…
I look at all the things going on in the United States today, and everyone seems to agree on both sides of the political spectrum that things are “not well”.

The world is a steamy place, it seems. Radical communists have made their voices known and are taking off their masks and have complete control of the Democrat party, and many critical aspects of the United States government. They hold sway in key positions in every Federal and State organization, they have significant blocks of power in the Judicial branch, and they own all media, social media, and popular culture.
Conservatives, much like myself, really wish that we would be left alone and able to live our lives in peace. Seriously, we just want to be left alone.
Ah, such is our pipe dream.
Now, progressives are unhappy because they aren’t able to control everyone yet. They have entire wish lists of rules and laws that they want to implement to make America a “better” place. They will continue to be unhappy until people are on their knees bowing to them with arms outstretched. You know, like a scene out of ancient Egypt, or what it was like under Pol Pot or East Germany under the shadow of Communism.

They just are beside themselves waiting for that day when you will be on your knees in supplication to them, and they will stand up in the mantles of wealth and glory.
So really, neither side is happy.
As such, here are some ideas that I have in an effort to recapture the spirit of what America used to be for my grandparents and my parents; “The Land of the Free”. It was a time when you could be yourself, say what you wanted, and you could even smoke in your office at work. Imagine that!

It was a time when being an American meant something truly great, and everyone referred to “their freedom”. It was a time when our president didn’t apologize for anything, and you were free to eat sunny-side-up eggs and get a five cent cup of coffee. All without some hugely fat, pink and green haired, monster of a woman (?) having something to say about it.
Freedom! Man, that’s what it’s all about!
Firstly [1], reduce the number of laws.
I know that this will upset the progressive liberals in the audience, but it is true. America has too many laws. They are too complex, and in a tiered layer structure from federal, state, county and local levels. They are supported by an army of attorneys, and law clerks. This has made life difficult for those of us who have to live under the laws.
- Dumb Laws – Official Site
- US Weird and Strange Laws – LawGuru.com
- 22 Weird And Crazy US Laws Still In Effect Today
Indeed, America has the highest number of laws in the world.
More laws = more restrictions and controls = LESS freedom.
Of course, many of the laws are just ignored. Most Americans just let the laws roll off our shoulders, and we shrug it off. But, an evil person; a progressive can use those laws and club us over the head with them. For the laws are so enormous and so numerous that everyone and anyone can get arrested, all you need to do is get on the “bad side” of someone.
- It is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.
- When having sex, only the missionary position is legal.
- It is illegal to skateboard without a license.
- It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.
It’s a very simple logic.
As such, everything is over-regulated in America. Too much regulation takes away freedoms. In fact, if I were to be so bold, I contend that a law, no matter how well intentioned, is an affront to freedom. Thus, in a truly “free” nation, you would have the smallest number of laws necessary.
These laws have but one purpose.
They do things that would cause Americans to be fined, investigated, arrested and imprisoned for. This is true everywhere. Elsewhere in the world you can do so many things that Americans simply cannot. It is true. From buying Viagra without a prescription in Mexico to shopping with your dog in a grocery store in China. America has way too many laws and restrictions on freedom.
Now, I know some of the laws are supposed to be there to protect people, but they’ve gone way into overkill. Other countries are able to maintain safety without so many laws. So why can’t the US?
Come on!
Do we really… really need warning stickers on ladders to warn us about falling off? Do we really, and I mean it, really need to ban large sodas, sunny-side up eggs, or paper bags? Are Americas so friggin’ stupid (like our elected officials apparently believe) that we MUST be told how to behave, for our own good?
And what is all this nonsense about banning straws? Why not something useful, like banning potholes? Or, banning dog-shit on pizza? There has to be limits. There has to be guidelines, periodic audits and purging of antiquated, erroneous or outdated laws. Too much over-control is not a good thing.
You know it, and I know it.
There are reasons for all this control. Whether it is overt, or surreptitious, these laws are for control. Control over YOUR actions.
Of course, you can strip away the reasoning, the narrative, and the bullshit and get to the real root of the matter. The fact is, that many laws are there just to tax people and allow government to stick its nose where it doesn’t belong. Such, as I might dare say, such as in the affairs of private families and businesses.
Moreover, too much government control or state planning has never been good for economic growth, as history has shown. Don’t believe me? Check this link out…

In any event, there needs to be a serious overhaul of the legal system in the Untied States and a great reduction in the overall quantity and extent of the laws present.
I would suggest, and it is only my modest suggestion, to eliminate one law every second. That way, in about 200 years, there might be only the bare minimum laws on the books.
Secondly, [2] Pare down the size of government.
As if the first point wasn’t upsetting to the progressive liberals, asking them to reduce the size of the government is tantamount to asking them for voluntary castration. Taking money from a liberal is sacrilege. They clutch it in their greedy little hands and just won’t let go. Aiii!
The size of the US government has increased in size many, many times since the dawn of the 20th Century. The size of the government has grown like a huge monster out of control.
Ah, but unfortunately, governments don’t like to decrease in size because politicians don’t want to lose money. They’ve got their grubby little hands in the pots, and with America… that’s many, many pots. That’s many, many hands, and like fat pigs, everyone and everything is at the trough eating away.
Hey! How’s that $7,000,000,000,000 that Obama gave to South Africa helping you out personally? What about your friends? Or, how is it helping fill those potholes in the streets?
That’s why the founding fathers of America emphasized that government should be small and limited with minimal powers. And why, it was set up as a Republic where the only people that would be elected were our Congressmen.

The ideal size of government was the way it was during the 1800’s, when the US government was a small size and did not bother people much.
It had a very Laissez Faire type of approach, which allowed people a lot more freedoms and economic growth.
With small government came little need for taxes. Thus there was no income tax and no inflation. In fact, the value of the dollar remained stable throughout the 1800’s and by the end of the century actually had risen in value, thus technically resulting in deflation.

Contrary to the narrative of “we need taxes for the roads and the bridges”, we had roads, bridges, a military and everything else long before we ever passed the federal income tax and the Federal Reserve. America got by just fine.
Anyone who uses that specious, and really over-worn argument, has the brain of a snail, and the memory of a tape worm. The issue is not, nor ever was, the collection of taxes. It has always been about how revenue was collected, and who paid for it.
Now that was the kind of government that Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers had in mind, which was nothing like the huge Orwellian type of government that we have today. Oh, and speaking about Orwell and his prophesies…

[3] Cut away the regulation, and fees that seem to be on everything.
Again, the progressives just love to regulate and control everything. They are control freaks. As such, the amount of regulation in the United States is insane. Seriously it is insane.
Oh, did I say that it is insane? Well, just in case I didn’t make myself clear on this matter; it is insane.

The US has one of the highest costs of living in the world. You can blame inflation. You can blame innovation. You can blame crime. You can blame just about everything for this, but no one wants to blame the true root cause; rules and regulation.
Why is everything so darn expensive? Rules and regulation.
Each and every time that you add a regulation to something, you add a cost. Let’s suppose you want to make sure that hamburger buns don’t have green mold growing on it, so you write a regulation. Well, someone needs to inspect to make sure of compliance. Someone needs to be trained to inspect, and there needs to be a system of training, and monitoring the workers who do the inspections. All this costs MONEY. Someone has to pay, and that person is often YOU.

In my dreams, I fantasize about every receipt having all the taxes and fees that went into the purchase listed and easy to read. That receipt would be a yard long, I’ll tell you what.

Compared to the other 200 countries, the US is definitely in the top tier when it comes to expensive costs of living. Prices and costs are way too high and so is inflation.
In the 20th century, the US dollar lost 95 percent of its value. In contrast, during the 1800’s there was no inflation and the dollar was worth more at the end of the 1800’s than at the beginning.

Higher cost of living means that one has to work more and be a slave to their job more, with LESS free time to do what they want.
There’s not even time for personal growth.
What’s the point of living when all you do is work to make a living? What’s there to live for? It’s pointless. You are just a slave hamster on a treadmill. Being a debt slave is not living freely.

As we all know, money can buy freedom, if one has enough of it. Thus, a higher cost of living means that people have LESS capability to “buy their freedom” since their money is worth less.
This insane rising cost of living in the US is most likely deliberately planned. Here’s why: The US is known to have the biggest gap between rich and poor. So it is in the interest of the wealthy elite class to keep the poor in America poor. There are numerous reasons for this. You can parse the reasons, but it’s really just human nature. The rich want to stay that way, so they support policies that benefit the status quo.
This inhibits the “freedom” of upward mobility in America.

This would also explain the deliberate dumbing down of America in the public education system, which insider whistle-blowers such as Charlotte Iserbyt have revealed.
So you see, even what freedoms you have in America are being slowly undermined behind the scenes, without the public’s knowledge or approval.
[4] Prison function should be redirected to reduce crime not be profit centers.
America has the largest prison population in the world. Currently, there are 2 million people incarcerated in American prisons. 2 million! That’s crazy.
That’s crazy!

No other country has anywhere near that amount in prison.
Does that really mean that Americans are the most evil and dangerous people on the planet? It must, you know, if every other nation uses the same measures of what constitute a crime is.
Does that mean that our police force(s) are the most efficient in catching criminals? It must, you now, if every other nation uses the same measures of policing and population control.
Or, is it instead structured so that our society is one where everyone is a potential criminal…?

Only in a dysfunctional, insane, crazy, toxic, repressed society would that many people be in prison.
How can the alleged “freest country in the world” also have the biggest prison population as well?! That’s a huge oxymoron that doesn’t make sense! Obviously there is a chasm of difference between what America says and what it is.

[5] PC culture needs to be stop being promoted by the media.
As if that is ever gonna happen…
US social culture is way too politically correct, which greatly reduces your ability to speak freely and honestly. It’s a restriction on free speech. From what I know back in the 1970’s, there was no political correctness. I would go to work and people would tell me what they thought of me to my face directly. People were free to be as honest as they wanted, so they could speak their mind freely and from the heart.
If a guy was fat, you told him to his face that he was fat. If a woman was a bitch, you called her out as a bitch or a shrill. Freedom, real freedom, is the ability to speak your mind without consequence.
Even if someone has something negative to say, honesty is always better than suppression and repression.

With this in mind, America has become a lot LESS free since the 70’s in terms of free speech and freedom to be yourself. In other countries where there is less political correctness, one feels a lot freer. It is refreshing, and really underlines this PC nonsense as a serious issue that must be addressed.
The overbearing political correctness in modern America, coupled with the media driving high levels of fear and paranoia in people, makes America a very socially unhealthy place to live. It is repressing individuality, our shared and unique cultures and people. I want my America back.
It is unhealthy to be called “deplorable”, “toxic” and a “Nazi”. It is unhealthy to treat being male and acting as a man an illness, while glorifying gay people and transgenders. It is a sign of a very, very sick nation.
We don’t see how sick the United States is today, because most of us are sitting right down smack down in the middle of it. We need to go elsewhere to see how people live their lives, and then we can make comparisons. When you make those comparisons, you can see the sickness in all it’s festering nastiness.
So know that political correctness is not there to help protect people. It has a purpose. It’s an evil and dangerous purpose. For it is a first stage in controlling the masses.
You see, once you restrict free speech in the name of “cultural sensitivity”, it then becomes easier to take away other freedoms and put in more control.
To take away freedom, you do it in small steps, so that each subsequent step becomes easier for people to take. That’s how the ruling elite impose their will when its unpopular, by doing it gradually in increments. They’ve always done it this way.

[6] All social engineering efforts must be curtailed and scaled back.
Compared to what it was like when I grew up, today’s American social culture is fake, artificial, phony and toxic.
Yes, being told that boys must act like girls in order to be masculine is FAKE. It is artificial, and it is toxic. There is simply no other way to say it.
Today our youth are not allowed to be their true self. Boys are not permitted to act like boys. Girls are not so severely restricted, but even then, they are being instructed in alternative gender roles. These teachings are harmful. For the children must act and fit within (modern progressive) “acceptable” modes of behavior.
In a way, it is normal for children to find out what their identities are. Starting from high school, teenagers learn to act very phony and artificial, like posers. They have to do so in order to be cool and have friends. Otherwise, they will become misfits and social outcasts.
The problem comes when powerful interests devote money, resources and time to direct them towards other objectives. In effect outlawing tradition in favor of a new future. One where all men act and behave like like girls. It is not healthy.

If you are authentic and down-to-earth, you will be seen as introverted and lacking in social skills, when in reality, you just don’t like acting fake and artificial. It’s very upside down.
Our world teaches kids to “be yourself,” but that rule often applies to everyone but the “traditional” male. The APA has declared “traditional masculinity” to be harmful. They’re wrong: https://t.co/FMNgXUy20s
— David French (@DavidAFrench) January 8, 2019
This is how the typical American fake personality forms. Children are born with genuine personalities. But beginning in high school, they are gradually molded into the fake social persona that is required to fit into American social culture. This carries on into adulthood.

Only older folks and senior citizens can afford to be down-to-earth again, because at their age, they no longer are trying to conform or fit in. Plus the seniors of today come from a generation when Americans were more down-to-earth than today.
The social culture is also very toxic in that it undermines your self-esteem. It is toxic because it tries to tear you down, making you feel insecure and inadequate. Today, no one feels accepted for themselves in America. They always feel like they aren’t good enough and have to prove themselves.
We do our sons no favors when we tell them that they don’t have to answer that voice inside them that tells them to be strong, to be brave, and to lead. We do them no favors when we let them abandon the quest to become a grown man when that quest gets hard https://t.co/FMNgXUy20s
— David French (@DavidAFrench) January 8, 2019
The consequence of this is that when you develop a fake artificial social personality in America in order to fit in and be accepted. It is not at all healthy. It separates you from your true authentic self, which becomes suppressed in the process. Our youth starts to take on adaptive behaviors that are not healthy.
I do not care what CNN or WaPo or the Huffington Post thinks, this unhealthy behavior is not good for men.

As a result of this psychological schism between your fake social self and your true authentic self, you experience a deep inner fragmentation, which in turn leads to mental imbalance and inner conflict. There is nothing healthy with gender-confused children.
This, I believe, is the primary cause of many forms of mental disorders in America. And it’s why you see so many crazy messed up people in America, and depressed degenerates everywhere (especially in urban areas).

In addition, Americans are raised to believe in many contradictory things, which screws them up psychologically. (As if gender confusion wasn’t bad enough.)
For example, Americans are taught that they are “free individuals in a free country”. Good right? However, Americans are also taught that they must conform to society and adopt all its strict rules, laws and boundaries. The two things are contradictory.
- Freedom is the ability to have free exercise of thoughts and actions.
- Liberty is the ability to practice freedom.
And at work, they are required to conform to their work culture and become subservient slaves to their jobs.
Shame on the @APA. As a psychologist, masculinity and femininity in their mature forms are inherently virtuous. “The main thrust of the subsequent research is that traditional masculinity—marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression—is, on the whole, harmful.”
All of this takes a toll on the hapless America (male) who hasn’t any decent role models outside of a fictional narrative to guide him. Instead he is presented with rules and codes of behavior that run against his biological and genetic programming. This is NOT healthy.

To give another example: Many Americans are raised with good Christian values but then in the adult world, they are taught that “profit is king” and that “greed is good”. Like two muscles that become damaged when they rub against each other, their minds become damaged by such conflicting beliefs.
They become like the Clintons who attend church. There is no way that this can be considered healthy.

Anyway, the reason why this makes American unfree is this: If you have to develop an artificial phony social personality to conform to American social culture, then you are disallowed from expressing your true authentic self. In other words, you are not allowed to be yourself in America, at least not your real genuine self.
You see, being free to “be yourself” is the true definition of freedom, while having to be something you’re not is a psychological prison. Thus America, under PC rules of behavior, takes away your freedom to be yourself, which is the highest expression of freedom.
You’re not even allowed to flirt in America anymore.
Flirtation is seen as creepy, inappropriate and taboo in modern America. However, flirtation was normal, cool and acceptable in America prior to the mid 1980’s. (and in most foreign countries today, it still is) But after that, it somehow became a bad creepy thing.
People who grew up during the 70’s and 80’s know this, but no one dares to talk about this or has an explanation for why that is. In modern America, you are not even supposed to have desires to flirt. If you do, you are considered a creep, a pervert and a bad person.

Perhaps that’s why no one dares to talk about it. It’s a taboo. This is way too uptight, unnatural and no fun.
[7] Severely reduce fear-mongering and the severe neocon influence.
The social vibe in America is permeated with high levels of fear and paranoia. It really is. There is no denying it. You cannot visit a single media site without being confronted by this. Whether it is killer hornets in China, or armed illegals crossing the border, or the dangers of terror in West-boom-boom-askan, it is everywhere.
Dudes, in case you are unaware, war is terrible. It really it. It is horrible.
Any war with a serious and large nation like China or Russia will not be like you expect. It will not be televised on the nightly news, where you can watch it over your TV-dinner after work. You won’t be logging into the internet to see what is going on in the world. Listen up!
A war with China or Russia will be personal.
You will be lucky to have electricity, let alone internet access. You will be busy checking your stockpiles of iodine to keep the radiation poisoning to a bare minimum, and you will do your best to burn the blankets that your loved ones died in. After all, getting smallpox or the bubonic plague is not something to take lightly.
It will be a harsh reality where you might have to kill your beloved dog for food. It will be a reality where even taking a shower might be risky and threaten your very life.It will be frustrating, because there will be little that you can do. You won't know what is going on in the world, but you will know that your little piece of life in the USA will have been altered terribly.
This is not going to be a scene from the walking dead where you and your friends get to fight zombies over the tattered remains of what was once a town. No, you will be dying from a sickness that you don't have any idea to cure, while you huddle in a burnt out and darkened cinder block room while drones, you won't know if friendly or not, will scan the skies above.
The neocons have no idea what they are playing around with.

All this war-mongering is unhealthy. It creates segregation between people, and making the country socially unfree.
Remember, boys and girls, both World War I and World War II each were over within five years. The idea of long, on-going military operations didn't come into being until after the Korean War. Since then, most wars that the United States has been involved in can best be described as "forever wars".
This neocon influence is not only about wars and military. When coupled with the PC progressive narrative and the army of social justice warriors that occupy our urban areas it combines to a toxic environment.
This is further exasperated when you throw in social media and the internet.

America also feels very socially unfree in that there is this high level of fear and paranoia between people, even between neighbors, which creates social separation. You ask, “Hey! is that person an Arab and is he gonna scream “praise Allah” while he runs over my children?”.
You wonder if you should tell the girl in the office if she looks good in her dress, lest someone overhears and you lose your job for sexual harassment. (Which reminds me of the reason why the movie “God Bless America” came into being…)

You can feel it in the social vibe and energy of most places, which does not feel positive at all. There is this unnatural fear of strangers, and this ice wall between strangers.
Maybe it manifests by being yelled at by trolls on social media. Maybe it’s simply because the NSA is spying on everyone, or that all your location data (whether you know about it being collected or not) is being sold to anyone with a spare $20 to spend.
Or, maybe it’s because the social media, and the mainstream media routinely makes fun of you or people that you care about and love.
Whatever the reason, there is a kind of coldness in the United States today that wasn’t there a few decades ago.

All of this manifests in a kind of distrust to people who you do not know. While sure, you smile at others on the street, or shake the hands of people in church, you tend to back away from getting too close.
You know, there are some really, really strange people “out there”. You don’t want to have your child kidnapped, or have someone break into your car for some meth. You have to be careful.

Because of all of this, people seem cold and distant.
Out in public, people don’t talk to strangers unless it’s business-related. Communication is strictly for business only. There is no feeling of social or human connection at all. And no camaraderie between people. Instead, the atmosphere is one of cold isolation, which easily leads to loneliness.

The lack of freedom to speak your mind results in a cold exterior. You develop this out of necessity. It is like the child that is bullied in school who develops odd behaviors to fit in or avoid being hurt.
The thing is, humans are not meant to be solitary creatures.
We are meant to be interdependent, have friendships and social connection with others. It is an integral part of our happiness. Yet this is greatly inhibited in America, as explained above. And America falsely teaches that one should not need others, but be independent from others.
Needless to say, trying to make friends in America is one of the hardest things.

What this means is that America has become very socially unfree in that you do not have the freedom to socially connect with others.
[8] Tone down social media…
People in modern America seem repressed, robotic and zombie-like, it is like they have no soul and are not alive. Perhaps this is why zombie movies and video games are so popular nowadays.
Americans have gotten into the habit of turning towards the internet for answers to things, friendships, creativity and a sense of belonging. We have turned to things, instead of turning to people.
That is unhealthy.

You don’t connect to ideas. You connect with people. You don’t feel belonging as a number, you belong when you have friends who call you by your name. We really need to step away from the computers and reconnect to others in real life in real time.
And hey! if you cannot connect with other people, then try animals. Dogs and cats make great companions. Please connect with something that is ALIVE.

You know, it wasn’t like that long ago though.
Americans were more human and natural in the past. Heck, I grew up in the 1960’s and 1970’s. This is a fact, Jack. With each decade, Americans gradually became cold, soulless, guarded, unfriendly, unsocial, hateful, jeering, spoiled, standoffish, cynical, snobby, and began to dislike others.
I blame the Clintons, and their RINO friends.
All of a sudden there was no longer a sense of closeness between family and friends. It was like a “wave of energy” swooped across the nation and changed people.
Ok, maybe I’m a little too harsh on the Clinton crime syndicate. You really need to look at all the trends and the root behaviors of huge swaths of people. Don’t know what I am talking about? Maybe these two links will give you some insight…

Thus, I blame many things for this.
Maybe it’s the trend to put pineapple of pizza. Or, maybe it is when the government tried to ban Tab. Maybe it was when McDonald’s was forced to remove their little aluminum foil ashtrays. Maybe it was when all of the media was bought up by a mere five people, and yet still not considered a monopoly. Maybe it was when NASA was re-purposed away from space exploration to Muslim outreach.
Ah, there are so many things that can be the root cause…
Though I will have to lay corporate and political greed, the rash of MBA types being graduated out of universities and social engineering merged with technology to be some of the major vectors. The reasons are complex and numerous. The puzzle is a large one, with many, many pieces.

I guess that if there is one thing that I could positively say, is that the government and in the people in government stopped doing their jobs a long, long time ago. Instead they became focused in their own personal attainment of wealth.
The science fiction movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” in 1978, where people were replaced by alien clones with no feeling or emotion, seems to have already happened in America. Perhaps that film was a foreshadowing, either deliberately or as a message from higher forces above.
Of course, if you are a cold, unfeeling, soulless person yourself, you may not see anything wrong with this nor will you suffer from it. It’s only when you are soulful, passionate, romantic and full of feeling (like I am) that you suffer and feel out of place by this.

The good news is that you can still find people who are open, social, expressive, passionate and uninhibited today. If you look carefully you can find them. you do not need to travel overseas to find them either. They are right there, right under your nose.
We need to start TRYING to connect with others. We need to start doing it TODAY…RIGHT NOW.
They might be the gal having a caramel latte at Starbucks, or the guy putting gas in his SUV at the gas station. It might be the family taking their pet to the vet, or the old man shopping alone in the grocery store. You just need to go out, smile and make friends. Oh, yeah, one more thing that you gotta do…
Turn off your computer.
There are many things wrong with the Untied States today. There really is very little that we can do about it on a personal level. We can either accept it, or leave.
I like to think that America is a very resilient nation. I think that the people can adapt and change and restructure things towards a climate of prosperity and growth. With this in mind, perhaps if there was a sizable decrease in the number of laws and regulations, it would free up people…
Perhaps if we stopped our love affair with the internet and social media and started to connect with people, animals and families that we would be happier and healthier. Seriously, we NEED each other.
Take your dog for a walk, or better yet, a spin on the bike.
Finally, those evil and corrupt tyrants that are trying to box Americans into new construct involving political correctness and massive blatant crimes need to be reigned in. They need to be stopped.
This is not a complete list. Heck, I didn’t even touch upon taxes. I didn’t even mention many of the things that are seriously wrong with the Untied States today. I only offered a handful of things that would go a long way towards resetting America back on track.
It is a track that puts people first, and money second. It is a track that places an importance on traditional families, marriage, children and education. It is a track where we have roles within our communities and all work together for the better good.
It is a track where people can be the best of who they are. Where the government is small and stands out of the way of people’s freedom. A track where America implements what China does when it comes to social Justice Warriors… they isolate them, and keep them safe and far, far away from society. Lest they do irreparable damage to society.
Read about the Chinese solution here…
Finally, spend time with your loved ones. This can be your friends or family or pets. Just spend the time. You won’t regret it. Trust me.
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Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

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I agree with everything you said, except for one minor thing. I don’t believe we have a two party system, just the Uniparty.
The Red lobby Dildo and the Blue lobby Dildo. No lube for the common folk either.
God bless