We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
I hope that you all are having a nice day. Today I wanted to do something a little bit different. Today I want to post some sexy images. Of course, I don’t mean sexy as in pornographic, but rather sexy as “appeals to the senses”. And to this end, I do hope that you will all agree that this is a nice way to start the day.
Start the day right
What ever you do, never, ever, ever, give up. Video.
Sensory Overload
There are numerous people on MM that are suddenly having experiences. My guess is that you have verbalized participation with The Domain or volunteered to be a Rufus. These experiences are very personal ones, and if you try to describe them, you will sound like a “mad man / woman”.
Can I respectfully suggest that everyone put their experiences here, but ALWAYS preference it with “things are happening” after I did XXXXXX, and this is what the craziness appears to be like.
From DM… 19SEP21.
This is a weird one, even for me. Last night I had fallen asleep without realising it. It was a false dream in that I thought I was still awake thinking about certain topics.
I suddenly remembered something to do with a particular thought I was having about certain experiences in lucidity. This thought equated to there being heavy time travel element in one of them. It was so startling I went to sit up in bed and turned to face Storme to tell her to remind me about it in the morning. But as I did, something caught me. i was instantly aware I was in sleep paralysis.
There was this weird vibration thing going on. It felt like when you have a guitar amplifier turned on but the jack not connected to the guitar. If you try and plug it in, miss and hit the metal part of the connector on the guitar, this is what it felt like. it was this very low and loud vibration sound that permeated through me.
It was like every time you hit the metal, my body would “click or switch in or out”. It felt like someone was welding something into my astral body. I could feel it coming from the wall right next to the bed on my side, like I was connected to it.
Like someone was scraping something along the wall. It felt like something was trying to tune my body for a broadcast; I am absolutely sure this is what it was. Although it was a very strange feeling, it wasn’t completely uncomfortable.
I am pretty sure whatever it was deleted the thought about my experiences being related to time travel. I have the time travel element but nothing else. it was a fucking intense experience. Something was definitely fucking with me whilst in sleep paralysis
I suppose that this short mini-video is sort of what last week was like with all the comm channels opened up with The Domain. Try to explain this video and you will see how difficult it is trying to explain your experiences.
Kitty love.
Not everyone will appreciate this picture. But PL will…
It does make someone like me - who never felt “complete” until my cat adopted me - feel like there is a piece we cannot obtain. But that cat - which grew into a marriage to the love of my life and a ton of farm animals - they give me a purpose. Maybe not anywhere near the cosmic connection as a child, but there is always a yin to a yang.
I posted this short mini video over a year ago, but it’s time for a nice refresher. Remember everyone, the rest of the world is doing just fine. Just fine. It’s all going well. Do not get too caught up.
Surprise.Enjoying some fine cream.Whoa. What just happened?
Dancing her little heart out.
Everyone has a dream. Sometimes you get the opportunity to live that dream, and when it happens, you give it all you’ve got. You go girrrl! Check out this short video clip.
Dancing her heart out.
Kitty playtime
Kitty playtime.
Hello there.
Hello there.
Low and behold!
His coming was foretold in the ancient scripts.
Kitty hugs
I miss my little guys.
Taking the dog out for a walk
Boxing Champ
Boxing Champ
Snow patrol
Snow Patrol.
Big Jumper
Big Jumper
Little kitten, big appetite…
Hungry kitty.
I hope that this article finds you all well. It’s a good day to start it off on a good frame of mind and in a good way. Be the Rufus… as in this video…
Be the Rufus.
Be the Rufus, and leave the rest of the world smiling and glad that you are there.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
This article is about something that is very close and dear to me. It is about meeting our pals; our little buddies after we die and go to Heaven… or wherever we go. It’s a very neglected subject, yet I consider it to be a very important one.
Now, it’s going to get a bit obtuse, but hold on. I know all you who visit here are hurting. Don’t worry. I have some answers.
Where do I get this information?
Recognize that I relate from my background in MAJestic, and my readings of “Alien Interview”. If you do not know what I am referring to, then you will have to go to the About Me to discover what I mean about MAJestic. And to understand what I am talking about regarding “Alien Interview” you can go HERE. Additionally, I can confirm that much of what I relate is in accordance with the Geography of Heaven as described by Dr. Newton.
Recognize that [1] I was part of an organization, and that I had tasks and operations that had tangential associations with this subject. So, to put it another way, I’m the closest thing you are going to have to an “expert” on these matters.
And that [2] the discovery, reading, parsing of Alien Interview helped me to clarify some experiences that I was exposed to. It will be the elements from “Alien Interview” in this narrative that will help clarify some issues. As I think that it might clean up some issues.
Let’s begin with some basics…
There are different kinds of heavens.
A "Heaven" is a "Universe". There are many of them.
Our normal, day to day lives, is within a universe. We, not knowing any better, think that this universe is all that there is. It's not.
When we, or our pets, die we (as consciousness in wave form) float around. We can stay in this (physical) universe in the spirit form, or we can leave it. And if we leave it, we will go to a completely different universe.
Cats tend to go to a "Cat Universe". Also known as a "Cat Heaven".
Dogs tend to go to a "Dog Universe". Also known as a "Dog Heaven".
Horses tend to go to a "Horse Universe". Also known as a "Horse Heaven".
Humans tend to go to a "Human Universe". Also known as a "Human Heaven".
There is one thing that is in mutual agreement with my MAJestic “training” and the “Alien Interview” dialog is that there are many Heavens.
And Heavens are the same thing as Universes.We as humans have inherited these general words and phrases without understanding what they represent.
So when we talk about Heaven we must be specific. We cannot be general.
There is a “Human Heaven”. And there are Heavens for other species.
There is a cat heaven. There is a dog heaven. There is a horse heaven. There is an eagle heaven. There is a parakeet heaven. And so on and so forth.
All this has to do with the idea that (way back, early on when the very first mega-universe was created), the other universes sublimatednaturally by specific quanta associated with the species that developed and came into being.
Or, in other words, there is one Heaven for each species, and this is a natural consequence of the nature of the overall “mega-universe”.
If you do not want to believe this you can leave.
There is NOT one singular Heaven where every single life exists in once you die. That is a fantasy based on ignorance of quantum physics.
Within "all that exists" (which I refer to as a the mega-universe) are bubbles. These bubbles are universes.
Every life that exists is attuned, by it's quantum makeup, to one specific universe. This association is called "soul".
Thus, we are on this "physical-universe", and when we die our consciousness travels back to "soul" which exists within our species universe. We call this "going to Heaven".
But the Earth is unique…
Further, apparently, and I am now pretty convinced of it, is that there is a specific “Earth Human Heaven”.
Sounds OK, really.
Doesn’t it?
Or better stated, a Human Heaven that is geographically located that services the “Sentience Nurseries” (Prison planets) in this geographic section of the galaxy.
What this means is that there is an overall “Heaven” for all humans all over the universe. But also that there is a very “special” Heaven for humans that reside in the earth or in associated other “sentience nurseries”.
And you can refer to them as being “Prison Planet” if you like.
But I like to think of it as a “sentience nursery” for the purposes of reforming the “inmates” forced to live and exist int his environment.
Now, to be honest, I was unaware of this during the entire time that I was active in MAJestic. However, the narrative in Alien Interview has clarified so many points, and then when this issue came up, I achieved an “Ah ha” moment. And then so many other things feel into place.
Now, this idea that there is an “Earth Human Heaven” that is separate from a “General Human Heaven” is very profound. But we won’t get too bogged down in it here.
General Human Heaven
Specific “special” Earth Heaven.
Humans have two "Human Universes". One is the "General Human Heaven", and the other is a special area. This other one is just for our physical geographic area only. So I refer to it as "Earth Human Heaven".
Most Earth Humans have a "soul" that is part of the "Earth Human Heaven".
Let’s stick to the issue at hand…
Humans need a guide to visit those other Heavens
According to everything that I have experienced and what I have read, we all need a guide or a person to help us to enter into different Heavens.
I refer to this guide as a “Mantid”, but other might known them as “guardian angels” or “angels”.
Basically, it is a non-human entity that helps you meet with your friends who might belong to a different species as you do.
Now, from what I understand from Alien Interview, this entity is utilized to assist in the meeting of two different species in a neutral environment. While it might appear that it is is in one heaven or the next the reality is that is is something else.
You see, different universes operate differently from a Human Universe, and the Physical Universe. And we need to be “configured” to visit there. It isn’t automatically easy. If you wanted to visit a “Cat Heaven” you would need to temporarily conform your consciousness to fit in a Cat Heaven.
Think of it like a key.
If you want to open a door, you have to have a key of the right shape.
But earth humans, we don’t even know how to do that, let alone what it is. So we get help from someone who does know. And we can refer to these entities as “guides”, “angels”, “assistants”, or what ever you want to refer to them as. In my experience they tend to be other humans in the spirit form. And / or Mantids (Angels).
However, knowing what I do know, most earth Humans do not have the memories, the skills or the abilities to perform these things. Maybe we once did. But now, today, the vast numbers of humans no longer can do this, and thus needs a “guide” or a person to help them.
When a creature dies, is floats around in spirit form (wave form), and then migrates up to it's Heaven. This is natural.
Your pet will be in it's Heaven. And you will be elsewhere. Typically, you will be in your Heaven.
To visit each other, you will need a "guide", an "assistant" to help you two meet. This person will be able to "key you" to the kind of configuration that will allow you two to meet.
But according to Alien Interview you should not need a guide at all
The thing is that you should not need a guide to accompany you to visit your friends. Being consciousness that is all knowing and all capable, that you should (theoretically) be able to see and visit these other Heavens (universes) as you will.
Unfortunately, for a host of reasons, the ideal no longer exists.
Somehow, along the way, humans on the earth ended up getting their very own “special” Heaven. This Heaven is different from the normal Human Heaven that the rest of the universe has.
Alien Interview calls this area a “Prison Planet”.
MAJestic refers to this portion of space (and five other solar systems) as a “Sentience Nursery”.
What ever it is, and why it is, is a vast and huge subject. It’s covered elsewhere, and we will not dwell in it too much here. Instead we will just simplify things and say that if you are on the earth, then chances are that your Heaven is the “special” Heaven constructed for this region.
And those of us associated with this Heaven have erased skills, memories and abilities. And that is the way it is.
Ideally, we should not need assistance to visit other universes. But most humans here in this geographical region of space is associated with a "special" Earth Human Heaven. This association is one with erased memories, skills and abilities. And thus we need help to perform most tasks.
This suggests that the “guide” is actually something else
Since we are associated with a soul with this “Earth Human Heaven”, and we need a “guide” or “expert” to accompany us when we exit our Heaven to go to another one, what does this tell you?
What is the closest analog in our physical reality universe?
Corrections officers escorting a prisoner outside of Jail.
The easiest way to understand how Earth Human Heaven works is to imagine it as a big prison. This may or may not be true. However, the aspects of it that requires...
[1] Memory wipe to enter a physical body. (Parole)
[2] Escorts when you leave the Earth Human Heaven. (Jail transport)
...is strongly indicative, and most easily imagined, as a minimum security prison.
As far as I know, and from all of my experiences, only humans have these limitations. Other species do not have these limitations.
But, you know, it can’t be really bad…
The idea that we can get help to visit other Heavens, and the idea that we are supported to return back to Earth (abet with our memories erased), does indicate that there seems to be a freedom of movement in the non-physical Heavens. Though this freedom is monitored, and supervised, it does appear that there is a great degree of latitude of where you can go.
Certainly a Cat Heaven or a Dog Heaven is so unlike a Earth Human Heaven, and that we as consciousness can visit it, certainly says that there are some freedoms that we are permitted.
I wonder if we can visit the General Human Heaven?
Why are we earth (and the other local solar systems) segregated from this General Human Heaven? What is the problem? Do we have some kind on non-physical virus, sickness, bad behavior or anything like that?
For, and the reason why I mention this, is that (by all accounts) the General Human Heaven is substantially older, larger, involves far more souls than the Earth Human Heaven.
With this in mind, it must also have resources, places, abilities and functionality that our Earth Human Heaven does not have.
There are two Heavens (two universes) for Humans. Maybe there are more. But in general there is a local, regional to this section of the galaxy that services the earth solar system, and five others that service other solar systems. This Heaven, known as the Earth Human Heaven, is much smaller (though quite enormous) and younger (while still old) compared to the General Human Heaven.
Were the consciousness, you for example, wanted to have unrestricted access to do anything, you would need to go to the General Human Heaven to do so. Otherwise, you would suffer through the realities and restrictions of the Earth Human Heaven.
Tunnel of Light
Everyone knows what the “tunnel of light” is. Right?
When you die, you are compelled or instructed to “follow the light” and enter in this nice long tunnel,
My experiences strongly supports the notion that this “Tunnel of Light” actually exists in the non-physical realms. And that it is not some kind of biological event that occurs when your body starts to shut down when you die.
Dr. Lakhmir Chawla, an associate professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at George Washington University, asserts that near-death experiences are simply caused by a surge of electrical activity as the brain runs out of oxygen before death. However, the oxygen-depletion theory is only one of many classical neurophysiological theories challenged by people who have undergone near-death experiences.
I argue that it is a real event that you may or may not experience.
This “Tunnel of Light” has nothing to do with your consciousness leaving your (now deceased) body, but rather that it is a secondary “step” that many human consciousnesses experience upon death.
First you leave the body.
Your consciousness remains in close proximity to the physical world, but being in wave form is unable to interact with it.
You can move about by thought.
You may encounter things, creatures and events that are not apparently present in the physical reality.
The world-line travel, as part of the MWI stops.
Your consciousness resides as part of your final egress world-line.
At some point in time, you might encounter “old family”, “former friends”, “guides”, or “Angels” that introduce you to this “Tunnel of Light”.
And 99.999% of Earth Humans enter this tunnel. They go to Earth Human Heaven, and exist in that place.
This does NOT happen to other animals that I know of. It only happens to Earth Humans.
What is the closest analog to a “Tunnel of Light” in the physical realms?
In prison is a very special room called a “Sally Port”. It is essentially a long hallway with a door at each end. You enter in the hallway, and line up. Then the door behind you is closed. The corrections officers then make sure that everything is in order, and the inmates are all secure. When everything is fine, you then proceed to the end of the hallway. There, that door will open up and you will be inside the prison proper.
Asally port is protected point of entry into a secure location, such as a prison or a military fortification. Often, a sally port consists of an enclosed area with a solitary gate on either side, only one of which can be opened at anygiven time.
-My Law
Here is a photo of a prison sally port…
A prison sally port.
Cats, Dogs, Horses and other species do not appear to have a "Tunnel of Light" for them to enter their respective Heavens. Only earth Humans have one.
The closest earth analog to a Tunnel of Light is a Prison Sally Port.
Following the models laid out by the other species, it appears that it is a very natural and easy thing to move towards your species Heaven (Universe). Your quantum make up attracts you to it naturally.
You do not have to be "guided", "directed", "led" or "taught" to enter this tunnel. If left to our own designs, our consciousnesses would naturally move towards the General Human Heaven instead.
Thus, no matter how much love, beauty and attractiveness that you feel emulating from this "Tunnel of Light", if you allow yourself to migrate to the true nature of your species you would naturally move towards the General Human Heaven.
Hard Labor
There are many kinds of prisons. In the ADC they had…
Diagnostic Prisons.
Maximum security prisons.
Minimum security prisons.
Prisons for behavioral modification.
Prisons for Hard Labor Punishment.
Prisons for Boot Camp Punishment.
Work / Factory Prisons.
I spent time in both the behavioral modification prisons and in the Hard Labor Prisons.
In the Hard Labor Prison (East Arkansas Regional Unit at Brickeys) we would transit the Sally port four times a day. We would go to and from the prison to the fields where we would work on the “chain gang”. Better known as “Hoe Squad”. In Arkansas, prison is the “punishment” portion of the criminal sentence. While parole is the “rehabilitation” portion of the criminal sentence.
In a like way, Earth Human Heaven appears to work the same way.
You enter and leave the “Tunnel of Light” to transit between the locked-down security of Earth Human Heaven, and the Physical Earth MWI. In this analogy, the Physical Earth MWI appears to be the “Hard Labor Punishment” aspect of a prison sentence.
The physical reality MWI is much larger than the Earth Human Heaven. And it has a great diversity of life, and species. There are plants, animals, creatures, and all manner of interactions. While the Earth Human Heaven is a specific Heaven that contains only two (as far as I can discern) species.
These are;
Human consciousnesses that comes from the Earth.
Mantids (Angels).
I can positively state, unequivocally, that I have never seen or encountered any other species in the Earth Human Heaven. That includes the Type-1 greys, dogs, cats or horses.
Earth Human Heaven access of all species other than Earth Humans, and Mantids is prevented. The only way in and out of the Earth Human Heaven is via the "Tunnel of Light". It acts as a secure gateway to and from the MWI.
Earth Humans are issued a Pre-Birth World-Line Template upon birth. This is a set of instructions (like like those on parole have) that prevents them for straying too far off from their assigned pre-planned experiences.
Since the MWI and all the world-lines are jointly shared with all species, physical and non-physical, it serves as a great staging area for meeting up with our non-physical pets, and to move away from any "parole restrictions". The key is in Affirmation Prayer Campaigns that slides you off this pre-birth world-line template onto one that you can control.
So there are multiple ways to visit our friends
So you all need not despair. You will certainly be able to meet up with long lost friends, family and pals. And what’s more, there are different ways to do so. Now that you have a butter understanding of what Earth Human Heaven is, we can look at some of these methods.
Method [1] in the non-physical realms associated with the MWI
Once you die, your consciousness naturally stays in wave form. It’s impossible to return to particle form as your physical body no longer functions. And being in wave form, you are initially trapped on the final egress world-line that your body was on in the MWI.
You can move about, explore, and check out everything. It’s just that you are in spirit. You are in the wave form.
By using the power of thought, you can “will yourself” to a beloved pet. And you will appear next to it in what ever form or shape, or condition that it is in.
Dogs will know that you are there, but are unlikely to join you in wave form. They will try to interact with you in their physical form.
Cats, well they can enter and leave the physical body at will. They can join you in the non-physical form. And you and your bud can have many fun times and adventures together.
Depending on the consciousness components of the species, you ability to interact with them will vary. Dogs will differ from cats. And horses are a completely different “ball game”.
In any case, I can confirm that upon your death, it will be profoundly easy for you to visit your lost beloved pets.
Method [2] in their specific pet Heaven
Once you have migrated into wave form, you are free to go anywhere. For most casts, they tend to want to hang out on the MWI, while Dogs prefer to spend some periods of time in Dog Heaven. Depending on your time of death there may or may not be your beloved pet in the MWI with you. Instead their consciousness might reside in their particular Heaven.
The technique is a simple one. You must “will” yourself to that beloved friend. And you will go as far as you can. If you are unable to enter their particular Heaven due to your quantum alignments, then you must vocalize a request for help. Alternatively, you can wait them out, until they return back to the MWI.
Asking for help is a very effective mechanism to help you during this period while you are in wave form. However, you must be especially cautious on who is offering it.
In my opinion, I would suggest a Type-1 grey as a valid source of help. While a Mantid (Angel) would project love, care and concern to and would arrange to have your help and assistance realized. Only, you would have to Enter The Earth Human Heaven first.
Method [3] Via a guide from the Earth Human Heaven
What is well understood is that you will be able to meet your beloved pets while you go to the Earth Human Heaven. The local Mantid will arrange help and generate parole that will take you to the pet Heaven for your visit.
This is what you do if you want to visit your loved ones in Heaven
In all cases, to the best things to prepare for this kind of activity once you die is right now. I would add some specific affirmation prayers in your campaigns. Not much. Just one or two, that would manifest upon your death. Even if your death takes place fifty years from now, they will have actual potency upon your final death.
Might I suggest;
Upon my death, I will be able to meet with my beloved XXXXXXX.
My beloved XXXXXX will meet me and be near me when I die.
We are deeply concerned about the growing information circulating on Internet about avoiding at all costs the tunnel of light that many go into when their incarnation on Earth ends.
As we have explained, when that moment arrives, a number of events that leads a person to Heaven can occur.
Quite often, a loved one, a friend or a member of the family arrives to escort the newly liberated person to the Heavenly spheres.
Equally, the person may find himself, seconds before his demise, in this beautiful tunnel of light that will conduct him to the light.
This light is heaven and when he steps into this bright area he is met by a noble soul that is there to greet him and explain his change of status.
Now, for various reasons, people are spreading a message on social media that this is a trap and the person will be captured and sent back for another incarnation.
Equally, they say that if the person, who is coming to the end of his incarnation, is visited by loved ones, this also is a trap and those loved ones are in fact demons pretending to be loved ones and the object is, once again, to entrap the person dying and push him into incarnation again.
These are dangerous lies and one should not listen to them and, certainly, one should not try to avoid going to Heaven whether it be by the tunnel of light or by friends or family guiding them.
We cannot express too strongly that one should, at all costs, reject this dangerous mis-information.
The origin of the message is Archonic.
Some people promote this false information quite innocently, as they just quote “collective wisdom”, but others are under the influence of negative entities and promote these lies because of that influence controlling their speech and actions.
If a person avoids taking the path to Heaven he has to go somewhere when he is liberated from his physical body. So, he goes to a place called Limbo.
This is an area full of lost souls and, generally, the people there are deeply unhappy.
This unhappiness is food for the evil ones who thrive on unhappiness.
Therefore, we have this conflict going on that must be stopped as soon as possible.
On one hand we have evil or misguided people promoting this false idea of avoiding going to heaven and on the other hand we have the workers for salvation trying to educate the public to act in a loving, peaceful fashion to help the Ascension process.
So, people must choose.
Either to follow this evil, Archon based concept of avoiding the tunnel of light, or avoiding being taken to Heaven by loved ones in which case the person will end up in limbo, or to reject that Archon based information and accept our advice which is to go into the tunnel with the assurance that you will end up in Heaven or go with your loved ones who, also, will guide you to Heaven.
We repeat, you have a choice.
Either to reject the tunnel of light and reject the loved ones who come to assist, or to enter the tunnel, accept to be guided by loved ones, and be taken to your home in Heaven.
You have free will. What you decide to do will happen.
So, choose to be guided by our Archon information or choose to be guided by God’s angels.
I am sorry to spend so much time getting involved in some of the geographic aspects of the nature of Heaven and the mega-universe. But that understanding is necessary to flush out the true and real options available to us when we wish to meet up with our beloved pets.
I can positively and absolutely confirm that it will be absolutely possible for you and your beloved pets to be together upon your death. I sincerely tell you this. In any event, the bond between you and your beloved pet is a strong one and that bond will never disappear. It will still exist. Even when you die. So have hope. Good things will occur.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Now how about that for a title. Maybe if I’m lucky, it might end up on page 500 in a Google search ranking. LOL.
The other day, I had to go to the doctor.
You see I have been taking blood pressure medicine. Somehow, probably due to my age, and most people my age do take this medicine, I had to join the ranks. And it was a good thing too. Mine was pretty high. On a number of occasions I was just about ready to pop.
Systolic blood pressure readings at least 140 or diastolic blood pressure readings at least 90 usually indicate Stage 2 Hypertension , which puts you at high risk for life-threatening problems such as heart attack and stroke. Once you become 60+ in age, the normal range is 134/87.
Mine was 165/ 96 most of the time. Yikes!
So he prescribed some blood pressure medicine for me. It was a little white pill. Dirt cheap. He said that I would have to take it for the rest of my life. I told him “okey dokey”, and he just looked at me. Being Chinese, I don’t think that he knew what that meant.
So then I said “thank you” in Chinese, and he smiled and all was good.
And I started taking it, every morning when I got up. First thing. pop that little white pill and start the day. And you know, after a while my body adjusted and my blood pressure lowered and stabilized and all was good.
But then, I started to have some side effects.
Nothing too radical, don’t you know.
For one, I started to get “elephant ankles”. My ankles both swelled up and looked like tree trunks.I was embarrassed to show my legs. They looked awful.
And my heart seemed to act strangely. I began to be “aware of it”. Like I knew that it was there, when before I didn’t care. If any of that makes sense.
Then, one night, I woke up clutching my heart. It felt like someone was tickling it.
So the next day we went to the local clinic and went to the doctor there. He looked at my mouth. He looked at my ears. He felt my chest. He checked my spine, and the under-soles of my feet. Then he nodded, and said that “yes, of course I was having some issues.”
So I went and had some further tests done. And then brought the results to him.
Mind you, this was all in the local clinic here. In China, the government treats local medical care as a very important aspect of life. And so not only is it efficient and quick, but it is pretty inexpensive. All told, the total cost was around 600 RMB, or maybe $85 USD.
Anyways, he told me that my heart was perfectly fine. Not to worry. My heart was good. And then prescribed me a bunch of heart medicine. Maybe five different types of pills, and a big garbage bag full of the boxes.
Ah. China.
Anyways, I went and ate a delicious fish afterwards and pondered my life. You do this from time to time, you know. You look at your life and you wonder and compare. You look at what it was like when you were young, and what your life is now. Not in sadness. Just in contemplation.
So I drank some wine.
It’s good for the heart, don’t you know.
And I ate some fish. Tasty, delicious, Chinese fish.
And I thought about things.
Lao Hunan fish. A little bit spicy.
Why the Hell was I living this life?
Which brought me to this point, and to this article.
Today it is the origin of consciousness is what we are going to talk about. We are going to discuss how YOU… that is your consciousness… came into being. And what is going on right now as YOU (as consciousness) are reading this here.
To begin with let’s start with something that both the Alien Interview and MAJestic agrees with.
In the beginning…
There was nothing, and then there was an explosion of quanta / particles that started to group together. They formed clumps. And over many, many, MANY trillions of trillions of years consciousness developed.
Over time…
IS-BEs are not physical universe entities.
They are a source of energy and illusion.
IS- BEs are not located in space or time, but can create space, place particles in space, create energy, and shape particles into various forms, cause the motion of forms, and animate forms.
Any form that is animated by an IS-BE is called life.
In Alien Interview, the extraterrestrial referred to these consciousnesses as IS-BE. In MAJestic, we just refer to it as consciousness. Which is pretty much the reason why I stick with referring to consciousness rather than IS-BE. I guess that I am just an old guy, with old habits that die hard.
Anyways, over many trillions of years, these individual consciousnesses started to interact with each other.
They started to communicate with each other.
They started to organize and they started to create a non-physical reality from which they would dwell, work and live within.
Before the formation of the physical universe there was a vast period during which universes were not solid, but wholly illusionary.
You might say that the universe was a universe of magical illusions which were made to appear and vanish at the will of the magician.
Then, after many, many more trillions of years, they decided to create a physical universe. And so they thought, organized, planned and then created a physical universe. Separate universes were brought together and unified to form one singular universe.
Each IS-BE entered into the physical universe when they lost their own, "home" universe. That is, when an IS-BE's "home" universe was overwhelmed by the physical universe, or when the IS-BE joined with other IS-BEs to create or conquer the physical universe.
We call that “the big bang”. And our “experts” have dated it to around 14 billion years ago.
The Creation of the Physical Reality
And of course, with the creation of the universe, we had the creation of all the planets, stars, galaxies and all of that.
And it took time.
And over many billions of years, these consciousnesses started to populate this physical universe with life.
Eventually creating archetypes that populated the universe. Each archetype had regional variations to live in certain environments. And the consciousness placed regional variants of these archetypes all over the universe.
The notion that human biological organisms evolved naturally from earlier ape-like forms is incorrect.
No physical evidence will ever be uncovered to substantiate the notion that modern humanoid bodies evolved on this planet.
The reason is simple: the idea that human bodies evolved spontaneously from the primordial ooze of chemical interactivity in the dim mists of time is nothing more than a hypnotic lie.
(It was) instilled by the amnesia operation to prevent your recollection of the true origins of Mankind.
Factually, humanoid bodies have existed in various forms throughout the universe for trillions of years.
So life abounded all over the universe. First with microbial life, then with plants, fishes, and so on and so forth.
Multiple Universes
There are more than one universe. There are many, many universes. The physical universe (along with it’s non-physical universe components) is but one universe.
And yet there are many, many others. And we tend to refer to them as “Heaven”. Which tends to be confusing as many people confuse “Heaven for humans” with the non-physical reality that surround our MWI (in our universe).
In this fashion, all of the space, galaxies, suns, planets, and physical phenomena of this universe, including life forms, places, and events have been created by IS-BEs and sustained by mutual agreement that these things exist.
There are as many universes as there are IS-BEs to imagine, build and perceive them, each existing concurrently within its own continuum.
Each universe is created using its own unique set of rules, as imagined, altered, preserved or destroyed by one or more IS-BEs who created it.
Time, energy, objects and space, as defined in terms of the physical universe, may or may not exist in other universes.
The Domain exists in such a universe, as well as in the physical universe.
Now, both the “Alien Interview” and the MAJestic discourses agree about all this, for the most part. As far as I can tell the general overview is identical. MAJestic agrees with Alien Interview and, vice versa.
But now we come to a “fork in the road”. For there is a difference in belief or understanding between the two “camps”. Well sort-of. Maybe the understanding is looking at the same thing from different angles.
A difference in belief – Alien Interview
I am going to simplify my thoughts on this matter, and I might be in error…
According to “Alien Interview”, all consciousness was created a long, long, long time ago.
Airl explained that IS-BEs have been around since before the beginning of the universe. The reason they are called "immortal", is because a "spirit" is not born and cannot die, but exists in a personally postulated perception of "is - will be".
And, the various consciousnesses entered “our” universe at different times.
IS-BEs arrival or invasion into the physical universe took place at different times, some 60 trillion years ago, and others only 3 trillion.
So to summarize, according to Alien Interview, consciousness comes from somewhere outside of time and space and it creates a universe to live in. Eventually, the universes merge with other universes, and the consciousness exists within this growing and expanding universe.
Now, let’s look at what I was instructed during my time in MAJestic…
A difference in belief – MAJestic
This is a compilation of <redacted> (not that it's secret, but the background is way too involved to get involved with at this time.) from a combination of sources that <redacted>. EBP and ELF sourced.
Consciousness is constructed in “human Heaven”. It originates from Soul. It is built up through the collection of quanta obtained through experiences. And becomes more and more advanced over time.
Thus the purpose of reincarnation, over and over again, is to improve the soul, that consciousness derives from.
Thus, for the humans to learn, grow, mover forward to the “next big thing” they need to experience life, after life, after life, over and over again. Each time getting bigger, and better.
And eventually…
…some day, they will evolve into something else.
I made a graphic of this on one of my articles. How you start off as a microbe, obtain experiences, then are an insect. You obtain more experiences, then become a humans, etc.. etc.
The fundamental difference
The fundamental differences between what Alien Interview said, and MAJestic said can be classified as following…
Alien Interview – Consciousness came before the universe, and is perfect as is.
MAJestic – Consciousness is created in Heaven, and needs to experience reincarnation to evolve.
Both could be true simultaneously, or one could be true alone.
I suppose it is up to the reader to determine which one is most accurate.
MM thoughts
I suppose that the earliest consciousnesses from the start of everything could be considered part of “The Domain”. And other consciousnesses that formed piecemeal, and have formed in other universes, can also be existent.
And in a universe where anything is possible, the ability to create a consciousness must also be possible.
And if you are going to create a consciousness, wouldn’t it make sense to cultivate and “grow” it? And growth through the accumulation of quanta obtained by experiences does make sense.
[1] Omniscient. According to Alien Interview, once you obtain consciousness, you automatically know everything. You are omniscient. Thus you don’t need to “learn anything”. You don’t need to grow and advance, and evolve.
So why do this?
[2] Reincarnation. There are many ways of obtaining knowledge, and experience. Yet, WHY do you need to reincarnate, back to earth, with your memories erased? Why not build upon what you learned from your previous life? Wouldn’t that be more efficient, and better for the consciousness? You do not NEED to forget things.
Cats don’t.
Dogs don’t.
Horses don’t.
What purpose does amnesia have? And what does it have with building quanta associations? It doesn’t make sense, as far as I can see.
These two points [1 and 2] seem to invalidate the MAJestic belief system. Now, maybe I am being wrong in all this…
But, to me, it seems that the idea that you MUST reincarnate over and over in the hope of some eventual reward smacks of fraud.
It’s like the USA election process. Every four years you have an election, and over and over and over, but nothing changes. You are given the illusion that you have some ability to change things, but in truth you don’t have any ability at all.
Let’s elaborate on this some…
For most of humanity, we are taught that there is one God, and that we must live our lives and fulfill certain requirements and then when we die will be rewarded with Heaven. Different religions have different terms, and different processes, and different laws, but the basic idea stays the same.
The basic idea stays the same.
Then there are “secret” organizations. Some like MAJestic, and occult studies teach (in their various ways) that the truth is something different.
You learn that when you die, you meet guides who will take you to a “tunnel of light”. When you pass through that tunnel you will arrive in Heaven. And there in Heaven, you will be judged. Then for one reason or the other, you must “return to Earth” as part of some “mission”.
But Alien Interview says something quite different…
As consciousness…
No human being ever assumes personal responsibility for the fact that they, themselves -- individually and collectively -- are gods. This fact alone is the source of entrapment for every IS-BE.
Thus there is no need for “secret missions”, “growth through suffering”, “reincarnation”, “learning or training” in regards to this belief system.
While the extraterrestrial stated that it did go through some specific training to operate various physical objects and roles, they pertained to interaction with the physical universe in one way or the other. While these other “secret societies” and geography of Heaven refer to training to improve one’s being or improve one’s consciousness.
Yet, in Alien Interview we learn that once you are consciousness, you know everything. You transcend the universe.
So to me, it appears that this belief that you go through the “tunnel of light” will take you to Heaven is a trap. Instead it appears to be an elaborate system of reprogramming, memory erasure, and extraction of your experiences.
I wrote about this before.
How other species can farm your soul for experiences. Where you have to relive a Hellish life, over and over again, and then extract the quantum associations, and then re-inject you back into the environment.
In fact, it is just like this Bruce Willis movie… Vice (2015).
Bruce Willis stars in this Sci-Fi thriller about ultimate resort: VICE, where customers can play out their wildest fantasies with artificial inhabitants who look like humans.
It is about an artificial human-being (an android) that escapes from a place where people can play out their wildest fantasies. The android (say a woman) would go into this environment with no memories and live out her life, then she encounters a “customer” to the environment who she thinks is a normal guy. The guy brutally rapes her, tortures her, and then kills her. He leaves, a squad a people come into the facility, extract her. Download her memories. Erase her memories, clean her up and send her back in for the next “customer”.
Then, she would go into this environment with no memories and live out her life, then she encounters a “customer” to the environment who she thinks is a normal guy. The guy brutally rapes her, tortures her, and then kills her. He leaves, a squad a people come into the facility, extract her. Download her memories. Erase her memories, clean her up and send her back in for the next “customer”.
Then, she would go into this environment with no memories and live out her life, then she encounters a “customer” to the environment who she thinks is a normal guy. The guy brutally rapes her, tortures her, and then kills her. He leaves, a squad a people come into the facility, extract her. Download her memories. Erase her memories, clean her up and send her back in for the next “customer”.
The movie is about one android who regains her memories and does not want to return back to that world.
That is what the Earth sounds like to me. It’s relive Hell over and over again, and never retain any memories so that you can learn from the experiences.
Vice (2015)
The more that I look at it, the clearer it becomes. The Alien Interview is everything that the extraterrestrial said it was. And as elaborate as the idea of Heaven is, I simply cannot reconcile the need for amnesia as part of a reincarnation process to “improve” consciousness and soul.
It seems to me that the best thing to do is upon death not to go into the “tunnel of light” no matter how much that you are drawn towards it. Instead, you just say put where you are in the incorporeal state.
I will cover, in later articles, how to establish “beacons” to alert others to retrieve you. And some other tools that might be helpful
In the meantime, relax. Make sure you are good and healthy. Eat some fine delicious food, drink some fine beverages (of your choice), and spend time with loved ones. Maybe sit on the porch. Have some lemonade. Watch the sun set. Or perhaps sit in your truck alone on a dirt road near some corn fields. Or, maybe ride to a cemetery. Park there, and eat a sandwich.
Did you ever just sit in your truck…
It’s the little things in life that matter most.
Do you want more?
I have more posts / articles like this in my Heaven Index…
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This post continues our study of the Journey of Souls. This is part 1d.
The Intermediate Soul
ONCE our souls advance past Level II into the intermediate ranges of development, group cluster activity is considerably reduced. This does not mean we return to the kind of isolation we saw with the novice soul. Souls evolving into the middle development levels have less association with primary groups because they have acquired the maturity and experience for operating more independently. These souls are also reducing the number of their incarnations.
Comment d1
I have repeatedly stated that the purpose of this planet was as a sentience nursery for emerging humans as a species. Is this not what is going on in the studies by Dr Newton? Are the souls not going through an educational program? Are they not learning, advancing and then evolving?
The physical world is but a very small part of the entire universe. To absolutely understand what is going on, we have to accept that much of what is truth is beyond our observational capabilities as humans.
Within Levels III and IV we are at last ready for more serious responsibilities. The relationship we have with our guides now changes from teacher-student to one of colleagues working together. Since our old guides have acquired new student groups, it is now our turn to develop teaching skills which will eventually qualify us for the responsibilities of being a guide to someone else.
I have said the transitional stages of Levels II and IV are particularly difficult for me in pinpointing a soul’s development. For instance, some Level IV souls begin targeting themselves toward primary cluster teacher training while still in Level III, while other subjects who are clearly Level IV’s find they are unsuited to be effective guides.
Despite their high standards of morality and conduct, entities who have reached the intermediate levels of maturity are modest about their achievements. Naturally, each case is different, but I notice more composure with clients in this stage and above. I see trust rather than suspicion toward the motives of others on both a conscious and subconscious level. These people demonstrate a forward-looking attitude of faith and confidence for the future of humanity, which encourages those around them.
My questions to the more mature soul are directed to esoteric ideas of purpose and creation. I admit to taking advantage of the higher knowledge possessed by these souls for the sort of spiritual information others lack. There have been clients who have told me they felt I pushed them rather hard in drawing out their spiritual memories and I know they are right.
The more advanced souls of this world possess remarkable comprehension of a universal life plan. I want to learn as much as possible from them.
My next case falls into the upper portion of Level III development, radiating a yellow energy devoid of any reddish tones.
This client was a small, nondescript man nearly fifty years old.
His demeanor was quietly courteous towards me when we met, and I thought him a trifle solemn. I felt his unassuming detachment was somewhat studied, almost as a cover for stronger emotions. The most striking feature about him was his dark, morose eyes, which grew more intense as he began to talk about himself in a direct and persuasive manner.
He told me he worked for a charitable organization dispensing food to the homeless, and that he had once been a journalist. This client had traveled quite some distance to discuss with me his concern over a decline in enthusiasm for his work. He said he was tired and wanted to spend the rest of his life quietly alone. His first session involved a review of the highlights of many past lives so we could better evaluate a proper course for the remainder of his current life.
I began by regressing the subject rapidly through a series of early lives starting from his first life as a Cro-Magnon man in a Stone Age culture some 30,000 years ago. As we moved forward in time, I noted a consistency of lone-wolf behavior patterns as opposed to normal tribal integration.
From about 3,000 BC to 500 BC, my client lived a number of lives in the Middle East during the rise of the early city states in Sumerian, Babylonian, and Egyptian cultures. Nevertheless, even in lives as a woman, this subject often avoided family ties, including having no children. As a man, he showed a preference for nomadism.
By the time we reached a life in Europe during the Dark Ages, I was becoming accustomed to a rebellious soul resisting tyrannical societies. During his lives, my subject worked to uplift people from fear, while remaining non-aligned to opposing factions. Suffering hardships and many setbacks, he continued as a wanderer with an obsession for freedom of movement.
Some lives were not too productive, but during the twelfth century I found him in Central America in the body of an Aztec, organizing a band of Indians against the oppressions of a high priest. He was killed in this setting as a virtual outcast, while promoting non-violent relations between tribes who were traditional enemies.
In the fourteenth century, this soul was a European chronicler, traveling the silk road to Cathay to gain understanding of the peoples of Asia. Always facile with languages (as he is today), my client died in Asia as an old man happily living in a peasant village.
In Japan, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, he was a member of the clan of the Bleeding Crane. These men were respected, independent Samurai mercenaries. At the end of this life my subject was living in seclusion from the ruling Tokugawa shoguns, because he had advised their weaker opponents on battle strategy.
Frequently the outsider, always an explorer searching for truth across many lands, this soul continued to seek a rational meaning to life while giving aid to those he met along the way.
I was surprised when he popped up as the wife of an American farmer on the frontier in the nineteenth century. The farmer died soon after their marriage. I learned my subject had deliberately incarnated to be a widow with children, tied to a piece of property, as an exercise in the loss of mobility.
When this part of his session ended I knew I was working with a more advanced, older soul, even though he had a great many lives we did not review.
Since this soul is approaching Level IV, I would not have been surprised if his first appearance on Earth had gone back 70,000 years rather than half that amount of time. However, as I have mentioned, it is not an absolute prerequisite that souls have hundreds of physical lives in order to advance. I once had a client who entered into a Level III state of awareness after only 4,000 years-an outstanding performance.
I talked to my client about his current life and his customary methods of learning in previous lives. He explained he had never been married, and that social non- alignments worked best for him.
I suggested a few alternatives for his consideration.
Primarily, I felt his lack of intimacy with people in too many lives was obstructing his progress. When this session ended, he was anxious that we explore his mind further for perceptions about the spirit world in another session.
Upon his arrival the next day, I placed him in a superconscious state and we went back to work.
Case 22 – An older soul.
Dr. N: By what name are you called in the spirit world?
S: I am called Nenthum.
Dr. N: Nenthum, do you have spirits around you right now or are you alone?
S: (pause) I am with two of my long-time companions.
Dr. N: What are their names?
S: Raoul and Senji.
Dr. N: And are the three of you part of a larger spiritual group of souls working together?
S: We were … but now the three of us work… more by ourselves.
Dr. N: What are the three of you doing at this moment?
S: We are discussing the best ways to help each other during our incarnations.
Dr. N: Tell me what you do for each other.
S: I help Senji to forgive herself for mistakes and appreciate her own worth. She needs to stop being a mother-figure all the time on Earth.
Dr. N: How does she assist you?
S: To… see my lack of a sense of belonging.
Dr. N: Give me an example of Senji’s actions to assist you with this issue.
S: Well, she was my wife in Japan after my days as a warrior were over. (something is troubling Nenthum, and after a pause he adds the following) Raoul likes to pair with Senji and I am usually alone.
Dr. N: What about Raoul, how do you two help each other?
S: I help him with patience and he helps me with my tendency to avoid community life.
Dr. N: Are you always two males and a female in your incarnations on Earth?
S: No, we can change-and do-but this is comfortable for us.
Dr. N: Why are the three of you working independently from the rest of your spiritual group?
S: (pause) Oh, we see them here… some have not gone forward with us … a few others are further ahead of us in their tasks.
Dr. N: Do you have a guide or teacher?
S: (in a soft tone) She is Idis.
Dr. N: It sounds to me as if you have a high regard for her. Do you communicate well with Idis?
S: Yes I do-not that we don’t have our disagreements.
Dr. N: What is the main area of conflict between the two of you?
S: She doesn’t reincarnate much, and I tell her she should have more direct exposure to current conditions on Earth.
Dr. N: Are you mentally in tune with Idis to such an extent that you know all about her background training as a guide?
S: (shakes head while pondering) It isn’t that we can’t ask questions … but we can only question what we know. Idis reveals to me what she thinks is relevant to my own experience.
Dr. N: Are guides able to screen their thoughts so you can’t read their minds completely?
S: Yes, the older ones get proficient at that-knowing how to filter things we don’t need to know because this knowledge would confuse us.
Dr. N: Will you learn to filter images?
S: I already have … a little.
Dr. N: This must be why I have had many people tell me they have not been given definitive answers by their guides to all their questions.
S: Yes, and the intent of the question is important … when it was asked and why. Perhaps it was not in their best interests to be given certain information which might disrupt them.
Dr. N: Aside from her teaching techniques, are you fond of Idis in terms of her identity?
S: Yes … I just wish she would agree to come with me… once.
Dr. N: Oh, you would like to actually have an Earth incarnation with her?
S: (grins mischievously) I have told her we might relate better here if she would consent to come to Earth sometime and mate with me.
Dr. N: And what does Idis say to that suggestion?
S: She laughs and says she will think about it-if I can prove to her that it would be productive.
At this junction I ask Nenthum how long Idis has been associated with him and learn she was assigned these three entities when they moved into Level III.
Nenthum, Raoul, and Senji are also under the tutelage of a beloved older master guide who has been with them since the beginning of their existence.
It would be inaccurate to assume that more advanced spirits lead lonely spiritual lives. This subject told me he was in contact with many souls. Raoul and Senji were simply his closest friends.
Levels III and IV are significant stages for souls in their development because now they are given increased responsibilities for younger souls. The status of a guide is not given to us all at once, however. As with many other aspects of soul life, we are carefully tested. The intermediate levels are trial periods for potential teachers. While our aura is still yellow, our mentors assign us a soul to look after, and then evaluate our leadership performance both in and out of physical incarnations.
Only if this preliminary training is successful are we allowed to function even at the level of a junior guide.
Not everyone is suited for teaching, but this does not keep us from becoming an advanced soul in the blue section. Guides, like everyone else, have different abilities and talents, as well as shortcomings.
By the time we reach Level V, our soul aptitudes are well known in the spirit world. We are given occupational duties commensurate with our abilities, which I will go into later in this chapter. Different avenues of approach to learning eventually bring all of us to the same end in acquiring spiritual wholeness. The richness of diversity is part of a master plan for the advancement of every soul, and I am interested in how Case 22 is progressing in Level III.
Dr. N: Nenthum, can you tell me if Idis is preparing you to be a guide, assuming you have an interest in that activity?
S: (quick response) I do have an interest.
Dr. N: Oh, then are you developing as a guide yourself?
S: (modestly) Don’t make too much of it. I’m really no more than a caretaker … helping Idis and taking directions.
Dr. N: Do you try and imitate her teaching style?
S: No, we are different. As an apprentice-a caretaker-I couldn’t do what she is able to accomplish, anyway.
Dr. N: When did you know you were ready to be a caretaker and begin assisting others spiritually?
S: It’s an … awareness which comes over you after a great number of lives … that you are more in balance with yourself than previously, and are able to aid people as a spirit and in the flesh.
Dr. N: Are you operating in or out of the spirit world as a caretaker at this time?
S: (has difficulty in forming a response) I’m out … in two lives.
Dr. N: Are you living in two parallel lives now?
S: Yes, I am.
Comment d2
Souls can partition. As I have stated previously, they can cut themselves into different bits and pieces. This includes having two separate consciousnesses during the same instant moving about the different world-lines.
In this instance, the subject states that this is exactly what has happened, and that his soul created multiple consciousnesses to occupy multiple bodies at the same instance.
The Doctor Newton assumes that this is on the same world, at the same time. But it could be at the same time, but on different world-lines.
The advantage of this is rapid growth in a smaller instance of time. But that can also be fraught with dangers as well.
Dr. N: Where are you living in this other life?
S: Canada.
Dr. N: Is geography important to your Canadian assignment?
S: Yes, I picked a poor family in a rural community where I would be more indispensable. I’m in a small mountain town.
Dr. N: Give me the details of this Canadian life and your responsibilities.
S: (slowly) I’m … taking care of my brother Billy. His face and hands were horribly burned by a flash fire from a kitchen stove when he was four years old. I was ten when it happened.
Dr. N: Are you the same age in the Canadian life as you are now in your American one?
S: About the same.
Dr. N: And your prime assignment in the Canadian life?
S: To care for Billy. To help him see the world past his pain. He is almost blind and his facial disfigurement causes him to be rejected by the community. I try to open him to an acceptance of life and to know who he really is from the inside. I read to him and go for walks in the forest holding his arm. I don’t hold his hands because they are so damaged.
Dr. N: What about your Canadian parents?
S: (without boasting) I am the parent. My father left after the fire and never came back. He was a weak man who was not kind to the family even before the fire. My mother’s soul is not very… capable in her body. They need someone with seasoning.
Dr. N: Someone physically strong?
S: (laughing) No, I’m a woman in Canada. I’m Billy’s sister. My mother and brother require someone mentally tough to hold the family together and give them a course to follow.
Dr. N: How do you provide for the family?
S: I am a baker and I’ll never marry, because I can’t leave them.
Dr. N: What is your brother’s major lesson?
S: To acquire humility without being crushed by a life of little self-gratification.
Dr. N: Why didn’t you take the role of your burned brother? Wouldn’t that scenario provide you with the more difficult challenge?
S: (grimacing) Hmm-I’ve already been through that one!
Note: This subject has been physically injured in a number of past lives.
Dr. N: Yes, I suppose you have. I wonder if Billy’s soul was ever involved with physically hurting you in one of your past lives?
S: As a matter of fact, he did in one of them. When I was the sufferer another caretaker stayed with me and I was a grateful receiver. Now it is Billy’s turn and I am here for him.
Dr. N: Did you know in advance your brother was going to be incapacitated before you came into the Canadian life?
S: Sure, Idis and I discussed the whole situation. She said Billy’s soul would require a caretaker, and since I had negative contact with this soul before in another life, I welcomed the job.
Dr. N: Besides the karmic lesson for Billy’s soul, there are some for you too, in terms of your being in the role of a woman who is tied down. You can’t just take off and roam around as you often do in your lives.
S: That’s true. The degree of difficulty in a life is measured by how challenging the situation is for you, not others. For me, being Billy’s caretaker is harder than when I was on the receiving end with another soul as my caretaker.
Dr. N: Give me the most difficult factor of this assignment for you as a caretaker.
S: To sustain a child … through their helplessness … to adulthood … to teach a child to confront torment with courage.
Dr. N: Billy’s life is an extreme example, but it does seem Earth’s children have much physical and emotional pain to go through.
S: Without addressing and overcoming pain you can never really connect with who you are and build on that. I must tell you, the more pain and adversity which come to you as a child, the more opportunity to expand your potential.
Comment d3
It is all about experiencing things and events. The greater the diversity of experiences, the more quanta that can be added to the soul. As well as the more thoughts, in quantity and diversity, that one can have. This keeps the exposure to new things fresh and really helps generate a set of robust and well-rounded quanta “building blocks” that the soul can use to grow.
Dr. N: And how are things working out for you as a caretaker in Canada?
S: There is a more difficult set of choices to be made in the Canadian family-unlike my American life. But, I have confidence in myself … to put my comprehension to practical use.
Dr. N: Did Idis encourage or discourage your wanting to accelerate development by living parallel lives?
S: She is always open about this … I haven’t done it too much in the past.
Dr. N: Why not?
S: Life combinations can be tiring and divisive. The effort may become counter- productive with diminished returns for both lives.
Dr. N: Well, I see that you are helping people in both your lives today, but have you ever lived contrasting lives where you did poorly in one life and better in another at the same time?
S: Yes, although that was a long time ago on Earth. This is one of the advantages of life combinations. One life can offset the other. Still, doing this can be rough going.
Dr. N: Then why do the guides permit parallel lives?
S: (scowling at me) Souls are not in a rigid bureaucratic environment. We are allowed to make mistakes in judgement and learn from them.
Comment d4
Souls can partition multiple consciousnesses, but it is ill advised.
Dr. N: I have the impression you think the average soul is better off living one life at a time.
S: I would say yes, in most instances, but there are other motivations to cause us to speed up incarnations.
Dr. N: Such as … ?
S: (amused) The rewards for bunching up lives can allow for more reflection out of incarnation.
Comment d5
True. But it’s a stretch.
Dr. N: You mean the rest periods between lives might last longer for us after concurrent lives?
S: (smiles) Sure, it takes longer to reflect on two lives than one.
Dr. N: Nenthum, I just have a couple more questions on the mechanics of soul- splitting. How do you see the manner in which you divide your soul energy into various parts?
Comment d6
It’s all quanta. It can be configured in various ways, and souls use experiences int he human form (primarily) to obtain quanta. The quanta can then be reworked into globes, known as garbions that are connected to each other via swales..
S: We are … as particles … of energized units. We originated out of one unit.
Dr. N: What was the original unit.
Comment d7
Souls are made up of quanta. The quanta form distinct shapes or “units”. These are rather difficult to define using conventional technology as they exist outside of time and space, which are the primary units of measure in our physical universe. Sigh..
S: The maker.
Dr. N: Does each part of your soul remain intact, complete within itself?
S: Yes, it does.
Dr. N: Do all parts of our soul energy go out of the spirit world when we incarnate?
S: Part of us never leaves, since we do not totally separate from the maker.
Dr. N: What does the part that remains in the spirit world do while we are on Earth in one or more bodies?
S: It is … more dormant … waiting to be rejoined to the rest of our energy.
Most of my colleagues who work with past life clients have listened to overlapping time chronologies from people living on Earth in two places at once. Occasionally, there are three or more parallel lives. Souls in almost any stage of development are capable of living multiple physical lives, but I really don’t see much of this in my cases.
Comment d8
Souls can partition. We, as humans like to believe that our consciousness is all that there is and as such we identify it as self.
Well… sorry, but that is wrong.
We possess multiple consciousnesses and it id difficult (being in the human physical form) to think otherwise. Yet, when your consciousness is free of the physical universe, and in the non-physical universe, the ability to have two consciousnesses at one time is not a problem at all.
In fact, you can consider ever past life to be a single unified consciousness. Thus you can remember all the consciousnesses together… if it is your desire. Most people prefer to segregate them to help form their resultant base personality at any given moment.
Many people feel the idea of souls having the capacity to divide in the spirit world and then attaching to two or more human bodies is against all their preconceptions of a singular, individualized spirit.
I confess that I too felt uncomfortable the first time a client told me about having parallel lives.
I can understand why some people find the concept of soul duality perplexing, especially when faced with the further proposition that one soul may even be capable of living in different dimensions during the same relative time.
What we must appreciate is, if our souls are all part of one great oversoul energy force which divides, or extends itself to create our souls, then why shouldn’t the offspring of this intelligent soul energy have the same capacity to detach and then recombine?
Collecting information about spiritual activity from souls who are in the higher stages of development is sometimes frustrating. This is because the complex nature of memory and knowledge at these levels can make it difficult to sift out what these people recognize and won’t tell me, from what they really don’t know.
Case 22 was both knowledgeable and open to my questions. This case is compatible with other accounts in my files about the diversity of soul training in the spirit world.
Dr. N: Nenthum, I want to turn now to your activities in the spirit world when you are not so busy with Earth incarnations, interacting in souls groups and learning to be a guide. Can you tell me of other spiritual areas in which you are occupied?
S: (long pause) Yes, there are other areas … I know of them
Dr. N: How many?
S: (cautiously) I can think of four.
Dr. N: What would you call these areas of activity?
S: The World Without Ego, the World of All Knowing, the World of Creation and Non-creation, and the World of Altered Time.
Dr. N: Are they worlds which exist in our physical universe?
S: One does, the rest are non-dimensional spheres of attention.
Comment d9
Souls can crate their own areas or regions within a given universe. These are space with their own physical properties and their own laws. Many of these spaces are reused and are well established areas where souls can learn, and experience life.
Dr. N: All right, let’s start with the non-dimensional spheres. Are these three areas in the spirit world for the use of souls?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: Why do you call all these spiritual areas worlds?
S: I see them as … habitations for spiritual life.
Dr. N: So, three of them are mental worlds?
S: Yes, that’s what they are.
Dr. N: What is the World Without Ego?
S: It’s the place of learning to be.
Dr. N: I have heard of it, expressed in different ways. Doesn’t it involve the beginners?
S: Yes, the newly created soul is there to learn who they are. It’s the place of origin.
Dr. N: Are the ego-identities passed out at random, or is there a choice for beginner souls?
S: The new soul is not capable of choice. You acquire your character based upon the way your energy is … combined … put together for you.
Comment d10
Souls do not organically grow and suddenly materialize. They are assembled. Other souls build them. It’s almost like a factory making robots, if you can tolerate that analogy.
Dr. N: Is there some sort of spiritual inventory of characteristics that are assigned to souls-so much of one type, so much of another?
S: (long pause) I think many factors are considered in the allocations of that which makes us who we are. What I do know is, once given, ego becomes a covenant between oneself and the givers.
Comment d11
Creation of garbions. The behaviors that one manifests is a function of the design and layout of the garbions (and the swales). Thus, for instance, “ego” is a result of a garbionic configuration.
Dr. N: What does that mean?
S: To do the best I can with who I am.
Dr. N: So, the purpose of this world is the distribution of soul identity by advanced beings?
S: Yes, the new soul is pure energy with no real Self yet. The World Without Ego provides you with a signature.
Dr. N: Then why do you call it the World Without Ego?
S: Because the newly created souls arrive with no ego. The idea of Self has not come into the new soul’s consciousness. It is here where the soul is offered meaning to its existence.
Dr. N: And does the creation of souls with personhood go on continually?
S: As far as I know, yes.
Dr. N: I want you to answer this next question carefully for me. When you acquired your particular identity as a soul, did that automatically mean you were slated for Earth incarnations in human form?
S: Not specifically, no. Planets don’t last forever.
Dr. N: I wondered if certain types of souls have an affinity for specific forms of physical life in the universe?
S: (pause) I won’t argue against that.
Dr. N: In your beginnings, Nenthum, were you given the opportunity to choose other planetary hosts besides humans on Earth?
S: Ah … as a new soul … the guides assist in those selections. I was drawn to human beings.
Dr. N: Were you given other choices?
S: (long pause) Yes … but it’s not very clear at the moment. They usually start you on an easy world or two, without much to do. Then I was offered service on this severe planet.
Dr. N: Earth is considered severe?
S: Yes. On some worlds you must overcome physical discomforts-even suffering. Others lean toward mental contests. Earth has both.
Comment d12
You need to experience a harsh winter to appreciate Spring. You need to live in the desert for a few years to appreciate grass and trees. You need to spend five years in prison to appreciate the freedom to watch television.
We get kudos for doing well on the hard worlds. (smiling) We are called the adventurous ones by those who don’t travel much.
Dr. N: What really appeals to you about Earth?
S: The kinship humans have for each other while they struggle against one another… competing and collaborating at the same time.
Dr. N: Isn’t that a contradiction?
S: (laughs) That’s what appeals to me-mediating quarrels of a fallible race which has so much pride and need of self-respect. The human brain is rather unique, you know.
Dr. N: How?
S: Humans are egocentric but vulnerable. They can make their character mean and yet have a great capacity for kindness. There is weak and courageous behavior on Earth. It’s always a push-me pull-you tug-of-war going on with human values. This diversity suits my soul.
Dr. N: What are some of the other things about human hosts which might appeal to the souls who are sent to Earth?
S: Hmm… those of us developing on Earth have … a sanction to help humans know of the infinite beyond their life and to assist them in expressing true benevolence through their passion. Having a passion to fight for life-that’s what is so worthwhile about humanity.
Dr. N: Humans also have a great capacity for malevolence.
S: That’s part of the passion. But it’s evolving too, and when humans experience trouble, they can be at their best and are … quite noble.
Dr. N: Perhaps it is the soul which fosters the positive characteristics you suggested?
S: We try to enhance what is already there.
Dr. N: Does any soul ever go back to the World Without Ego after they have once been there and acquired identity?
S: (uncomfortable) Yes … but I don’t want to get into that…
Dr. N: Well, then we won’t, but I have been told some souls do return if their conduct during physical assignments is consistently irregular. I have the impression they are considered defective and are returned to the factory for a kind of spiritual prefrontal lobotomy?
S: (subject shakes his head with annoyance) I am offended by that description. Where did you get such a notion? Those souls who have developed severe obstacles to improvement are mended by the restoration of positive energy.
Dr. N: Is this procedure just for Earth souls?
S: No, young souls from everywhere may require restoration as a last resort.
Comment d13
There is no Hell. The only “punishment” a person can have is to undergo a reincarnation where their roles are reversed. There is, however, a process of restoration and rebuilding.
Dr. N: Are these restored spirits then allowed to return to their respective groups and eventually go back to incarnating on physical worlds?
S: (sighs deeply) Yes.
Dr. N: How would you compare the World Without Ego to the World of All Knowing?
S: They are opposites. This world is not for young souls.
Dr. N: Have you been to the World of All Knowing?
S: No, I’m not ready. I am only aware of it as a place we strive for.
Dr. N: What do you know about this spiritual area?
S: (long pause) It is a place of contemplation … the ultimate mental world of planning and design. I can tell you little about this sphere except it is the final destination of all thought. The senses of all living things are coordinated here.
Dr. N: Then the World of All Knowing is abstract in the highest form?
S: Yes, it’s about blending content with form-the rational with ideals. It is a dimension where the realization of all our hopes and dreams is possible.
Dr. N: Well, if you can’t go there yet, how come you know about it?
S: We get … glimpses … as an incentive to encourage us to make that final effort to finish our work and join the masters.
Comment d14
This is referred to as a “highest level” spiritual “plane” in Asian religions, and New Age literature.
The foundation of the spirit world is a place of knowing and has been alluded to under different names by clients. I am given only bare references to this universal absolute, because even my advanced subjects have no direct experience there. All souls are anxious to reach and be absorbed by this nucleus, especially as they draw closer and are enticed by what little they can see.
I’m afraid the World of All Knowing can only be fully understood by a non-reincarnating soul above Level V.
Dr. N: If the World Without Ego and the World of All Knowing are at opposite ends of a soul’s experience, then where does the World of Altered Time fall?
S: This sphere is available to all souls because it represents their own physical world. In my case, it is Earth.
Dr. N: Oh, this must be the physical dimension you told me about?
S: No, the sphere of Earth is only simulated for my use.
Dr. N: Then all souls in the spirit world wouldn’t study the same simulated world?
S: No, each of us studies our own geographical planet, where we incarnate. They are physically real … temporarily.
Comment d15
This is a place where simulations of the earth and a sequence of world-lines are created. It is a simulation like a holo-deck.
Dr. N: And you don’t physically live on this simulated world which appears as Earth-you only use it?
S: Yes, that’s right-for training purposes.
The Holodeck is a fictional device from the television franchise Star Trek. It is a stage where participants may engage with different virtual reality environments.
Dr. N: Why do you call this third sphere the World of Altered Time?
S: Because we can change time sequences to study specific events.
Dr. N: What is the basic purpose of doing this?
S: To improve my decisions for life. This study makes me more discriminating and prepares me for the World of All Knowing.
Note: Subjects frequently use the term “world” to describe non-physical spatial work areas. These regions can be tiny or indescribably large in relation to the soul and may involve different dimensions. I believe there are separate realities for different learning experiences outside the restrictions of time. The coexistence of past, present, and future time in spiritual settings suggested by this case will be explored further in the next two chapters with Cases 23 and 25.
Dr. N: We haven’t talked about the World of Creation and Non-creation. This must be the three-dimensional physical world you spoke of earlier.
Comment d16
This is a actual physical world within the physical universe. It is contemporaneous with the earth universe..
S: Yes, and we enjoy using it as well.
Dr. N: Is this world intended for the use of all souls?
S: No, it is not. I’m just starting to apply myself there. I am considered a newcomer.
Dr. N: Well, before we get into that, I want to ask if this physical world is the same as Earth.
S: No, it is a little different. It’s larger and somewhat colder. There is less water- fewer oceans, but similar.
Dr. N: Is this planet further from its sun than Earth is from our sun?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: If I could call this physical world Earth II, since it seems to be geographically similar to the Earth we know, would it be near Earth I in the sky?
S: No.
Dr. N: Where is Earth II in relation to Earth I?
S: (pause) I can’t tell you.
Dr. N: Is Earth II in our Milky Way galaxy?
S: (long pause) No, I think it’s further away.
Dr. N: Could I see the galaxy Earth II is located in with a telescope from my backyard?
S: I… would think so.
Dr. N: Would you say the galaxy containing this physical world is shaped like a spiral as our galaxy, or is it elliptical? How would it look in a telescope from a long way off?
S: … as a great extended … chain … (with a troubled expression) I can’t tell you more.
Note: As an amateur stargazer who uses a large reflector telescope designed for deep sky objects, I am always inquisitive when a session takes an astronomical turn. Client responses to these kinds of questions usually fall short of my expectations. I am never sure if this is due to blocking by guides or the subject’s lack of a physical frame of reference between Earth and the rest of our universe.
Dr. N: (I throw out a leading question) I suppose you go to Earth II to reincarnate with some sort of intelligent being?
S: (loudly) No! That’s just what we don’t want to do there.
Dr. N: When do you go to Earth II?
S: Between my lives on this Earth.
Dr. N: Why do you go to Earth II?
S: We go there to create and just enjoy ourselves as free spirits.
Dr. N: And you don’t bother the inhabitants of Earth II?
S: (enthusiastically) There are no people … it’s so peaceful … we roam among the forests, the deserts, and over oceans with no responsibilities.
Dr. N: What is the highest form of life on Earth II?
S: (evasive) Oh … small animals … without much intelligence.
Dr. N: Do animals have souls?
S: Yes, all living things do-but they have very simple fragments of mind energy.
Comment d17
Everything has a soul. However, the complexity varies.
Dr. N: Has your soul, and that of your friends, evolved from using lower forms of physical life on Earth I after your creation?
S: We don’t know for sure, but none of us thinks so.
Dr. N: Why not?
S: Because intelligent energy is arranged by … a precedence of life. Plants, insects, reptiles-each is in a family of souls.
Dr. N: And all categories of living things are separated from each other?
S: No. The maker’s energy joins the units of every living thing in existence.
Dr. N: Are you involved with this element of creation?
S: (startled) Oh, no!
Dr. N: Well, who is selected to visit Earth II?
S: Those of us who are connected with Earth come here. This is a vacation spot compared to Earth.
Dr. N: Why?
S: There is no fighting, bickering, or striving for supremacy. There is a pristine atmosphere and all life is … quiet. This place gives us an incentive to return to Earth and make it more peaceful, too.
Dr. N: Well, I do see how this Garden of Eden would allow you to rest and be carefree, but you also said you come here to create.
S: Yes, we do.
Dr. N: It is no accident then that souls from Earth come to a world that is so similar geographically?
S: That’s right.
Dr. N: Do other souls, who are not earthbound, go to physical worlds which resemble those planets where they incarnate?
S: Yes … younger worlds with simpler organisms … to learn to create without any intelligent life around.
Dr. N: Go on.
S: We can experiment with creation and see it developing here. It’s as if you were in a lab where you can form physical things from your energy.
Dr. N: Do these physical things resemble what you might see on Earth I?
S: Yes, only on Earth. That’s why I am here.
Dr. N: Start with your arrival on Earth II and explain to me what your soul does first.
S: (balks at my question and then finally says) I’m … not very good.
Note: Since this subject is experiencing resistance, I take a few minutes for reconditioning and end with the following: “On the count of three you will feel more relaxed about telling me what you and I consider appropriate for my knowledge. One, two, three!” I repeat my question.
S: I look to see what I am supposed to make on the ground in front of me. Then I mold the object in my mind and try and create the same thing with small doses of energy. The teachers assist us with … control. I’m supposed to see my mistakes and make corrections.
Dr. N: Who are the teachers?
S: Idis and Mulcafgil (subject’s highly advanced guide) … and there are other instructors around … I don’t know them very well.
Dr. N: Try to be as clear as possible. What exactly are you doing?
S: We… form things…
Dr. N: Living things?
S: I’m not ready for that yet. I experiment with the basic elements-you know, hydrogen and oxygen-to create planetary substance … rocks, air, water … keeping everything very small.
Dr. N: Do you actually create the basic elements of our universe?
S: No, I just use the elements available.
Dr. N: In what way?
S: I take the basic elements and charge them with impulses from my energy … and they can change.
Dr. N: Change into what?
S: (simply) I’m good with rocks …
Dr. N: How do you form rocks with your energy?
S: Oh … by learning to heat and cool … dust … to make it hard.
Dr. N: Do you make the minerals in the dust?
S: They do that for you … the teachers give us that stuff … gas vapors for water making … and so on …
Dr. N: I want to understand this clearly. Your work consists of learning to create by causing heat, pressure, and cooling from your energy flow?
S: That’s about right-by alternating our currents of energy radiation.
Dr. N: So, you don’t actually produce the substance of rock and water in some chemical way?
S: No, like I told you, my job is to transform things by … mixing what I am given. I play with the frequency and dosages of my energy-it’s tricky, but not too complicated …
Dr. N: Not complicated! I thought nature did those things?
S: (laughs) Who do you think nature is?
Comment d18
Don’t you mess around with “Mother Nature”.
Dr. N: Well, who creates the basic elements of your experiments-the primary substances of physical matter?
S: The maker … and those creating on a grander scale than me.
Dr. N: Well, in a sense you are creating inanimate objects such as rocks.
S: Hmm… it’s more our trying to copy what we see in front of us what we know. (as an afterthought) I’m getting into plants but I can’t do them yet.
Dr. N: And you start small, experimenting until you get better?
S: That’s it. We copy things and compare them against the original so we can make larger models.
Dr. N: This all sounds like souls playing as children in a sandbox with toys.
S: (smiles) We are children. Directing an energy flow resembles the sculpturing of clay.
Dr. N: Are the other members of this creative training class from your original cluster group?
S: Some are. Most come from all over (the spirit world), but they have all incarnated on Earth.
Dr. N: Does everyone make the same things as you do?
S: Well, of course, some of us are better with certain things, but we help each other. The teachers come around and give us tips and advice on how to improve … but … (stops)
Dr. N: But, what?
S: (sheepishly) If I am clumsy and do a bad job, I disassemble some creations without showing them to Idis.
Dr. N: Give me an example.
S: Plants … I don’t apply my energy delicately enough to produce the proper chemical conversions.
Dr. N: You are not good with the formation of plant life?
S: No, so I undo my abominations.
Dr. N: Is this what you mean by uncreation? You can destroy energy?
S: Energy can’t be destroyed. We reassemble it and start over using different combinations.
Comment d19
The physical universe did not come into being naturally. It was fabricated. It is a creation and a technology in order for souls to grow and advance with..
Dr. N: I don’t see why the creator needs your help in creating.
S: For our benefit. We participate in these exercises so that when our work is judged to be of quality, hopefully we can make real contributions to life.
Dr. N: If we are all working up the ladder of development as souls, Nenthum, I am left with the impression the spirit world is one huge organizational pyramid with a supreme authority of power at the top.
S: (sighs) No, you are wrong. It is not a pyramid. We are all threads in the same long piece of fabric. We are all woven into it.
Dr. N: It’s hard for me to visualize fabric when there are so many levels of competency for souls.
S: Think of it as a moving continuum rather than souls being in brackets of highs and lows.
Dr. N: I always think of souls moving up in their existence.
S: I know you do, but consider us moving across
Dr. N: Give me something I can picture in my mind.
S: It’s as if we are all part of a universal train on a flat track of existence. Most of the souls on Earth are in one car moving along the track.
Dr. N: Are all other souls in different cars?
S: Yes, but all on the same track.
Dr. N: Where are the conductors such as Idis?
S: They move back and forth between the connected cars, but sit closer to the engine.
Dr. N: Where is the engine?
S: The maker? Up front, naturally.
Dr. N: Can you see the engine from your car?
S: (laughs at me) No, but I can smell the smoke. I can feel the engine rumbling along and I can hear the motor.
Dr. N: It would be nice if all of us were closer to the engine.
S: Ultimately, we will be.
I have found it is not necessary for souls to go to physical worlds when they begin using their energy in life creation training. Apparently, these exercises begin in group settings where souls find it easier to pool their energy with each other and their instructor. A subject explained the process this way…
“When I started, my group formed a circle around Senwa (guide). Collectively, we had to practice so hard to harmonize our thoughts and fine-tune our ability to all focus on one thing with the same intensity. One time we were working on a tree leaf after Senwa demonstrated how it should appear in front of us. As we directed our beams of energy for texture, color, and shape we kept messing up. We weren’t unified, so a small part of the leaf did not have the proper veining and pigmentation. I am very serious and kind of a perfectionist in my studies, but Nemi (the group jokester) was deliberately alternating his energy the wrong way to screw up the experiment for laughs and because he was tired of the lesson. We finally got him to behave and completed the assignment.”
From what I am able to determine, souls are expected to individually work with the forces of creation by the time they are solidly established in Level III.
Exposure to plant photosynthesis takes place before student souls work up the organic scale of life.
I am told that early creation training consists of souls learning relationships between substances to develop the ability of unifying their energy with different values in the elements. The formation of inanimate to animate objects from the simple to the complex is a long, slow process. Students are encouraged to create miniature planetary microhabitats for a given set of organisms which can adapt to certain environmental conditions.
With practice comes improvement, but not until they approach Level V do my clients begin to feel they might actually contribute to the development of living things. We will hear more about this with Case 23.
Some souls seem to have a natural gift for working with energy in their creation classes. My cases indicate ability in creation assignments does not mean a soul is at the same level of advancement in all other areas of the spiritual curricula. A soul may be a good technician in harnessing the forces of creation, but lack the subtle techniques of a competent guide. Perhaps this is why I have been given the impression that the highly advanced soul is allowed to specialize.
In the previous chapter, I explained some benefits of soul solitude and the last case gave us another example. Spiritual experience is not easily translated into human language.
Comment d20
This is very much the truth.
Case 22 talks about the World of Altered Time as a means of transient planetary study. To someone in trance, it is the timeless mental world that is true reality while all else is an illusion created for various benefits. Other subjects at about the same level call this sphere “the space of transformation” or simply “rooms of recreation.” Here, I’m told, souls are able to meld their energy into animate and inanimate objects created for learning and pleasure.
Comment d21
“Play” is the work of children. It’s how we learn; through play..
One subject said to me, “I think of what I want and it happens. I know I’m being assisted. We can be anything familiar to our past experiences.
Comment d22
Oh. So much fun, eh?.
For instance, souls can become rocks to capture the essence of density, trees for serenity, water for a flowing cohesiveness, butterflies for freedom and beauty and whales for power and immensity. People deny these actions represent former earthly transmigrations.
I have also learned souls may become amorphous without substance or texture and totally integrate into a particular feeling, such as compassion, to sharpen their sensitivity.
Some subjects tell of being mystical spirits of nature including figures I associate with folklore, such as elves, giants and mermaids. Personal contact with strange mythological beasts are mentioned as well. Theses accounts are so vivid it is hard for me to simply label them as metaphoric.
Comment d23
There are all sorts of non-physical beings, and physical beings from other realities, and (yes) other alternative world-lines that actually do exist. These mythological figures are actually real.
Are the old folk tales of many races pure superstition, or manifestations of shared soul experience? I have the sense that many of our legends are the sympathetic memories of souls carried from other places to Earth long ago.
The Advanced Soul
PEOPLE who possess souls which are both old and highly advanced are scarce. Although I haven’t had the opportunity to regress many Blues in Level V, they are always stimulating to work with because of their comprehension and far-reaching spiritual consciousness.
The fact is, a person whose maturity is this high doesn’t seek out a regression therapist to resolve life-plan conflicts.
In most cases, Level V’s are here as incarnated guides. Having mastered the fundamental issues most of us wrestle with daily, the advanced soul is more interested in making small refinements toward specific tasks.
We may recognize them when they appear as public figures, such as a Mother Teresa; however, it is more usual for the advanced soul to go about their good works in a quiet, unassuming manner. Without displaying self-indulgence, their fulfillment comes from improving the lives of other people.
They focus less on institutional matters and more on enhancing individual human values. Nevertheless, Level V’s are also practical, and so they are likely to be found working in a cultural mainstream which allows them to influence people and events.
I have been asked if most people who are sensitive, aesthetic, and particularly right- brained have advanced souls since individuals with these characteristics often appear to be at odds with the wrongs of an imperfect world.
I see no correlation here.
Being emotional, appreciating beauty, or having extrasensory impressions- including psychic talent-does not necessarily denote an advanced soul.
Comment d24
Skill levels have no bearing on soul development. They are a function of the lifetime that the consciousness lives within a given world-line train. They are unique and limited to the specific consciousness and the world-line path. Not the ability and the growth of a soul int he grand scheme of things.
The mark of an advanced spirit is one who has patience with society and shows extraordinary coping skills. Most prominent is their exceptional insight.
This is not to say life has no karmic pitfalls for them, otherwise the Level V probably wouldn’t be here at all.
They may be found in all walks of life, but are frequently in the helping professions or combating social injustice in some fashion. The advanced soul radiates composure, kindness, and understanding toward others. Not being motivated by self-interest, they may disregard their own physical needs and live in reduced circumstances.
Comment d25
A highly advanced soul might live a life of squalor, poverty, trials or hardships. They might end up being shunned by others. There is no way that a person can tell who is spiritually advanced or who is not..
The individual I have chosen to represent the Level V soul is a woman in her mid- thirties who works for a large medical treatment facility specializing in chemical substance abuse. I was introduced to this woman by a colleague who told me of her skill in guiding recovering drug addicts into an improved state of self-awareness.
At our first meeting, I was struck by the woman’s expression of serenity while surrounded by chaotic emergencies at her place of employment. She was tall and excessively thin, with flaming red hair which stuck out in all directions. Although warm and friendly, there was about her an air of impenetrability. Her clear, luminous gray eyes were those of one who sees small things unnoticed by ordinary folk. I felt she was looking into rather than at me.
My colleague suggested the three of us have lunch because this woman was interested in my studies of the spirit world.
She told me that she had never been hypnotically regressed but there was the sense of a long spiritual genealogy through her own meditations. She thought our meeting was no accident on her own learning path and we came to an agreement to explore her spiritual knowledge.
A few weeks later she arrived at my office. Clearly, this woman had no compelling desire for a long chronology of past life history. I decided to get a brief sketch of her earliest lives on Earth to use as a springboard into superconscious memories.
She rapidly entered into a deep trance and made instant contact with her inner self.
Almost at once, I found this woman’s span of incarnations staggering, going far back into the distant past of human life on Earth. Touching on her earliest memories, I came to the conclusion her first lives occurred at the beginning of the last warm interglacial period which lasted from 130,000 to 70,000 years ago, before the last great Ice Age spread over the planet.
During the warmer climate of the middle Paleolithic period of Earth’s history, my subject described living in moist, sub-tropical savannas near hunting, fishing, and plant-gathering areas.
Later, some 50,000 years ago, when continental sheets of ice had again changed Earth’s climate, she spoke of living in caves and enduring bitter cold.
Leaping rapidly over large blocks of time, I found her physical appearance changing from a slightly bent to a more erect posture. As we moved forward in time, I directed her to look into pools of water and feel her body while reporting back to me.
Her sloping forehead became more vertical over thousands of years in different bodies.
Supraorbital ridges above the eyes grew less pronounced as did body hair and the massive jaws of archaic man. In her many lives as both men and women, I was given enough information on habitat, the use of fire, tools, clothes, food, and ritualistic tribal practices for rough anthropological dating.
Paleontologists have estimated Homo erectus, an ape-like ancestor of modern humans, appeared at least 1.7 million years ago. Have souls been incarnating on Earth for this long, utilizing the bodies of these primitive bipeds we call hominids?
A few of my more advanced clients declare that highly advanced souls who specialize in seeking out suitable hosts for young souls, evaluated life on Earth for over a million years.
My impression is these examiner souls found the early hominid brain cavity and restricted voice box to be inadequate for soul development earlier than some 200,000 years ago.
Archaic Homo sapiens, whom we call humans, evolved several hundred thousand years ago.
Within the last 100,000 years, we find two clear signs of spiritual consciousness and communication. These are burial practices and ritualistic art, as found in carved totems and rock drawings. There is no anthropological evidence that these practices existed on Earth before Neanderthal peoples.
Souls eventually made us human, not the reverse.
One of my advanced subjects remarked, “Souls have seeded the Earth in different cycles.” A composite of information collected from a wide range of clients suggests to me that the land masses we know today deviate from earlier continents, drowned, perhaps, by cataclysmic volcanic or magnetic upheavals.
For instance, the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean have been said to represent the tops of mountains of the submerged continent of Atlantis. Indeed, I have had subjects discuss being in ancient lands on Earth that I cannot identify with modern geography.
Comment d26
The earth has indeed changed substantially over time..
Thus, it is possible souls existed in bodies more advanced than Homo erectus, who died out about a quarter of a million years ago, with the fossilized evidence hidden from us today by geological change.
However, this hypothesis means the physical evolution of humans was an up, down, up affair, which I think is unlikely.
Comment d27
Unlikely. But it actually did occur. It’s just that the assumed evolutionary tree of humans is wrong. Other “transplanted” entities, similar to humans, have added complexities to the human evolutionary tract. .
I now moved my subject into an African life around 9,000 years ago, which she said was an important milestone in her advancement.
This was the last life she was to spend with her guide, Kumara. Kumara was an advanced soul herself at the time of this life, counseling a benevolent tribal chief as his influential wife. I tentatively located their land as the highlands of Ethiopia. Apparently, my subject had known Kumara in a number of earlier lives covering thousands of years during Kumara’s final incarnations on Earth. Their association in human form ended when my subject died, saving Kumara’s life on a river boat, by throwing herself in front of an enemy spear.
Full of love, Kumara still appears to this subject as a large woman, with skin of polished mahogany and a shock of white hair crowned by a headdress of feathers. She is practically nude, except for a strip of animal hide around her ample middle.
On Kumara’s neck hangs a garish bunch of multi-colored stones, which she sometimes jiggles in my subject’s ear to get her attention during dreams in the middle of the night.
Kumara teaches by a technique of flashing symbolistic memories of prior lessons already learned in past lives. Old solutions to problems are mixed with new hypothetical choices in the form of metaphoric picture puzzles. By these means, Kumara tests her student’s considerable storehouse of knowledge during meditations and dreams.
I glanced at my watch. There was no more time for background information if I was going to allow for exploration of this woman’s after life experiences.
Rapidly I took her into superconsciousness, anticipating some interesting spiritual disclosures. She would not disappoint me.
Case 23 – Kumara
Dr. N: What is your spiritual name?
S: Thece.
Dr. N: And your spiritual guide kept her African name of Kumara?
S: For me, yes.
Dr. N: What do you look like in the spirit world?
S: A glowing fragment of light.
Dr. N: What exactly is the color of your energy?
S: Sky-blue.
Dr. N: Does your light have flecks of another color in it?
S: (pause) Some gold … not much.
Dr. N: How about Kumara’s energy color?
S: It’s violet.
Dr. N: How does light and color identify the quality of a soul’s spiritual attainment?
S: The intensity of mental power increases with the darker phases of light.
Dr. N: Where does the highest intensity of intelligent light energy originate from?
S: The knowledge by which the energy of darker light is extended to us comes from the source. Our light is attached to the source.
Dr. N: When you say source-you mean God?
S: That word has been misused.
Dr. N: How?
S: By too much personalizing, which makes the source less than it is.
Dr. N: What’s wrong with us doing that?
S: It takes the liberty of making the source too … human, although we are all part of its oneness.
Dr. N: Thece, I want you to reflect on the source as we talk about other aspects of soul life and the spirit world. Later, I will ask you more about this oneness. Now, let’s go back to the energy manifestations of souls. Why do spirits display two black glowing cavities for eyes when not showing their human forms? It seems so spooky to me.
S: (laughs and is more relaxed) That’s how Earth’s legends of ghosts came about- from these memories. Our energy mass is not uniform. The eyes you speak of represent a more concentrated intensity of thought.
Dr. N: Well, if the myths about ghosts are not so fanciful after all, then these black eye sockets must be useful extensions of their energy.
S: Rather than eyes … they are windows to old bodies … and all the physical extensions of former selves. This blackness is a … concentration of our presence. We communicate by absorbing the energy presence of each other.
Dr. N: When you return to the spirit world, do you have energy contact with other souls who may look like ghosts?
S: Yes, and appearance is a matter of individual preference. Of course there is always a multitude of thought waves around me-mingling with my returning energy, but I avoid too much contact.
Dr. N: Why?
S: It is not necessary for me to make attachments here. I will be alone for a while to contemplate and sort out any mistakes from my last incarnation, before talking to Kumara.
Note: This statement is typical of advanced souls returning to the spirit world, mentioned earlier in Case 9. However, this soul is so advanced she will have no deliberations with her guide until much later, and upon her request.
Dr. N: Perhaps we should talk about older souls for a minute. Does Kumara incarnate on Earth any more?
S: No, she doesn’t.
Dr. N: Do you know others like Kumara who were here during the early times on Earth and don’t come back any more?
S: (cautiously) A few… yes… many got on Earth early and got off before I came.
Dr. N: Did any stay?
S: What do you mean?
Dr. N: Advanced souls who keep coming back to life on Earth when they could stay in the spirit world.
S: Oh, you mean the Sages?
Dr. N: Yes, the Sages-tell me about them. (this is a new term for me, but I often pretend to know more than I do with advanced souls to elicit information)
S: (with admiration) They are the true watchers of Earth, you know to be here and keep watch over what is going on.
Dr. N: As highly advanced souls who continue to incarnate?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: Don’t the Sages get tired of still hanging around Earth?
S: They choose to stay and help people directly because they are dedicated to Earth.
Dr. N: Where are these Sages?
S: (wistfully) They live simple lives. I first came to know some of them thousands of years ago. Today it’s hard to see them … they don’t like cities much.
Dr. N: Are there many of them?
S: No, they live in small communities, or out in the open … in the deserts and mountains … in simple dwellings. They wander about, too …
Dr. N: How does one recognize them?
S: (sighs) Most people don’t. They were known as the oracles of truth in earlier times on Earth.
Dr. N: I know this sounds pragmatic, but wouldn’t these old, highly developed souls be more useful helping humankind in positions of international leadership rather than being hermits?
S: Who said they were hermits? They prefer to be with the common people who are most affected by the movers and shakers.
Dr. N: What is the feeling one gets when meeting a Sage on Earth?
S: Ah… you feel a special presence. Their power of understanding and the advice they give you is so wise. They do live simply. Material things mean nothing to them.
Dr. N: Are you interested in this sort of service, Thece?
S: Hmm … no, they are saints. I welcome the time when I can stop incarnating.
Dr. N: Perhaps the word Sage could also be applied to souls like Kumara, or even with the entities to whom she turns for knowledge?
S: (pause) No, they are different … they are beyond the Sages. We call them the Old Ones.
Note: I would place these beings beyond Level VI.
Dr. N: Are there many Old Ones working with souls at Kumara’s level and above?
S: I don’t think so… compared to the rest of us … but we feel their influence.
Dr. N: What do you feel in their presence?
S: (pensive) A… concentrated power of enlightenment… and guidance …
Dr. N: Could the Old Ones be embodiments of the source itself?
S: It is not for me to say, but I don’t think so yet. They must be close to the source. The Old Ones represent the purest elements of thought … engaging in the planning and arranging of … substances.
Dr. N: Could you clarify a bit more what you mean by these highly placed souls being close to the source?
S: (vaguely) Only that they must be close to conjunction.
Dr. N: Does Kumara ever talk about these entities who help her?
S: To me-only a little. She aspires to be of them, as we all do.
Dr. N: Is she getting close to the Old Ones in knowledge?
S: (faintly) She … approaches, as I approach her. It is slow assimilating with the source, because we are not complete.
Once the duties of a guide are fully established for the advancing soul, it is necessary for these entities to juggle two balls. Besides completing their own unfinished business with continued (though less frequent) incarnations, they must also help others while in a discarnated state. Thece talks to me about this aspect of her soul life.
Dr. N: When you are back in the spirit world and come out of your self-imposed isolation, what do you ordinarily do then?
S: I join with members of my company.
Dr. N: How many souls are in your company?
S: Nine.
Dr. N: (jumping to the next conclusion too quickly) Oh, so the ten of you are a group of souls under the leadership of Kumara?
S: No, they are my responsibility.
Dr. N: Then, these nine entities are students whom you teach?
S: you could say that
Dr. N: And they are all in one group (cluster) which, I assume, is your company?
S: No, my company is made up of two different groups.
Dr. N: Why is that?
S: They are in … different progressions (levels).
Dr. N: And yet, you are the spiritual teacher for all nine?
S: I prefer to call myself a watcher. Three of my company are also watchers.
Dr. N: Well, who are the other six?
S: (matter-of-factly) People who don’t watch.
Dr. N: I want to clarify this using my terms, if you will, Thece If you are a senior watcher, three of your company must be what I would call junior guides?
S: Yes, but the words senior and junior-that portrays us as authoritarian, which we are not!
Dr. N: My intention is not to denote rank, for me it is just an easy identification of responsibility. Consider the word senior as meaning an advanced teacher. I would call Kumara a master teacher or possibly an educational director.
S: (shrugs) That’s okay, I suppose, as long as director doesn’t mean dictator.
Dr. N: it doesn’t. Now, Thece, cast your mind to a place where you can see the energy colors of all your company. What do the six souls who are not watchers look like?
S: (smiles) Dirty snowballs!
Dr. N: If they are white in tone, what about the rest?
S: (pause) Well … two are rather yellowish.
Dr. N: We are one short. What about the ninth member?
S: That’s An-ras. He is doing quite well.
Dr. N: Describe his energy color.
S: He is … turning bluish … an excellent watcher … he will be leaving me soon
Dr. N: Let’s go to the opposite end of your company. What member are you most concerned about and why?
S: Ojanowin. She has the conviction from many lives that love and trust only bring hurt. (musing) She has fine qualities which I want to bring out but this attitude is holding her back.
Dr. N: Ojanowin is developing more slowly than the rest?
S: (protectively) Don’t misunderstand, I am proud of her effort. She has great sensitivity and integrity, which I like. She just requires more of my attention.
Dr. N: As a watcher-teacher, what is the one quality which An-ras has acquired which you want to see in Ojanowin?
S: (no hesitation) Adaptability to change.
Dr. N: I am curious if the nine members of your company advance in a rather uniform way together under your teaching.
S: That’s totally unrealistic.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Because there are differences in character and integrity.
Dr. N: Well, if learning rates are different between souls because of character and integrity, how does this equate with the mental capabilities of the human brain a soul selects?
S: It doesn’t. I was speaking of motivation. On Earth we use many variations of the physical brain in the course of our expansion. However, each soul is driven by its integrity.
Dr. N: Is this what you mean by a soul having character?
S: Yes, and intensity of desire is part of character.
Dr. N: If character is the identity of a soul, where does desire come in?
S: The drive to excel is internal to each soul, but this too can fluctuate between lives.
Dr. N: So where does a soul’s integrity fit into this?
S: The extension of desire. Integrity is the desire to be honest about Self and motives to such an extent that full awareness of the path to the source is possible.
Dr. N: If all basic intelligent energy is the same, why are souls different in their character and integrity?
S: Because their experiences with physical life change them and this is intentional. By that change new ingredients are added to the collective intelligence of every soul.
Dr. N: And this is what incarnation on Earth is all about?
S: Incarnation is an important tool, yes. Some souls are driven more than others to expand and achieve their potential, but all of us will do so in the end. Being in many physical bodies and different settings expands the nature of our real self.
Dr. N: And this sort of self-actualization of the soul identity is the purpose of life on our world?
S: On any world.
Dr. N: Well, if each soul is preoccupied with Self, doesn’t this explain why we have a world of self-centered people?
S: No, you misinterpret. Fulfillment is not cultivating Self for selfish means, but allowing for integration with others in life. That also shows character and integrity. This is ethical conduct.
Dr. N: Does Ojanowin have less honesty than An-ras?
S: (pause) I’m afraid she does engage in self-deception.
Dr. N: I wonder how you can function effectively as a spiritual guide for the nine members of your company and still incarnate on Earth to finish your own lessons.
S: It used to affect my concentration to some extent, but now there is no conflict.
Dr. N: Do you have to separate your soul energy to accomplish this?
S: Yes, this capacity (of souls) allows for the management of both. Being on Earth also permits me to directly assist a member of my company and help myself at the same time.
Dr. N: The idea that souls can divide themselves is not an easy thing for me to conceptualize.
S: Your use of the term divide is not quite accurate. Every part of us is still whole. I’m only saying it does take some getting used to at first, since you manage more than one program at a time.
Dr. N: So your effectiveness as a teacher is not diminished by having multiple activities?
S: Not in the least.
Dr. N: Would you consider the major thrust of your instruction to be on Earth with your human body or in the spirit world as a free entity?
S: They are two different settings. My instruction is diversified but no less effective.
Dr. N: But your approach to a company member would be different depending upon the setting?
S: Yes, it would.
Dr. N: Wouldn’t you say the spirit world is the main center for learning?
S: It is the center for evaluation and analysis, but souls do rest.
Dr. N: When your students are living on Earth, do they know you are their guide and are with them always?
S: (laughs) Some more than others, but they all sense my influence at one time or another.
Dr. N: Thece, you are on Earth with me right now as a woman. Are you also able to be in contact with members of your company?
S: I told you, yes.
Comment d28
Our mind might be unaware, but our consciousness is in near constant connection with our other parts of the soul and every association and friendship in the non-physical worlds.. .
Dr. N: What I am getting at is this-isn’t teaching by example difficult when your Earth visits are rather infrequent these days?
S: If I came too often and worked with them directly as one human being to another I would be interfering with their natural unfolding.
Dr. N: Do you have the same reservations about interference as a teacher operating from the spirit world in a discarnate state?
S: Yes, I do … although the techniques are different.
Dr. N: For mental contact?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: I would like to know more about the ability of spiritual teachers to contact their students. What exactly do you do from the spirit world to comfort or advise one of the nine company members on Earth?
S: (no answer).
Dr. N: (coaxing her) Do you know what I am asking? How do you implant ideas?
S: (finally) I’m unable to tell you.
Comment d29
It’s a typical human reaction. Some things are confidential and even secret. You might think that you have the authority to hear these secrets, but you do not. .
Note: I suspect blocking here, but I can’t complain. So far, Thece has been liberal with information and so has her guide. I decide to stop the session for a minute to appeal directly to Kumara. It is a speech I have given before.
Dr. N: Kumara, permit me to reason with you through Thece. My work here is intended for good. By questioning your disciple, I wish to add to my knowledge of healing and bring people closer to the higher creative power available within themselves. My larger mission is to combat the fear of death by offering people understanding about the nature of their souls and their spiritual home. Will you aid me in this endeavor?
S: (Thece answers me in an odd tone of voice) We know who you are.
Dr. N: Then would you both assist me?
S: We will talk to you … at our discretion.
Note: This tells me if I exceed the undefined boundaries of these two guides with an intrusive question, it won’t be answered.
Dr. N: All right, Thece, on the count of three you will feel more comfortable talking to me about how souls function as guides. Begin by telling me in what way a company member on Earth can signal to get your attention. One, two, three! (I snap my fingers for added effect)
S: (after a long pause) First, they have to calm their minds and focus attention away from their immediate surroundings.
Dr. N: How would they do this?
S: By silence … reaching inward … to fasten on their inner voice.
Dr. N: Is this how one calls for spiritual help?
S: Yes, at least to me. They must expand upon their inner consciousness to engage me on a central thought.
Comment d30
Prayer and intention can be much more than simply mapping out your world-line travels. They can be a message to others associated with your spiritual group to assist you. .
Dr. N: On you, or the specific problem which is bothering them?
S: They must reach out beyond what is troubling them in order to be receptive to me. That’s difficult when they don’t remain calm.
Dr. N: Do all nine company members have about the same abilities to reach you for help?
S: No, they don’t.
Dr. N: Perhaps Ojanowin has the most problems?
S: Mmm, she is one of those that does…
Dr. N: Why?
S: For me, getting the signals is easy. It’s harder for people on Earth. The energy of directed thought must override human emotion.
Dr. N: Within a spirit world framework, how do you pick up the messages of just your company out of billions of souls who are sending out distress signals to other guides?
S: I know instantly. All watchers do because people send out their own individual patterns of thought.
Dr. N: Like a vibrational code in a field of thought particles?
S: (laughing) You could describe an energy pattern that way, I guess.
Dr. N: Okay, then how would you reach back to someone in need of guidance?
S: (grins) By whispering answers into their ear!
These “nudges” you have to do things, just might be from friendly spirits and friends that want to help you in your earthy travels.
Dr. N: (lightly) Is that what a friendly spirit does with a troubled mind on Earth?
S: It depends
Dr. N: On what? Are teacher-spirits rather indifferent with the day-to-day problems of humans?
S: Not indifferent, or we wouldn’t communicate. We gauge each situation. We know life is transitory. We are more … detached because without human bodies we are unencumbered by the immediacy of human emotion.
Dr. N: But when the situation does call for spiritual guidance, what do you do?
S: (gravely) As watchers in the stillness, we recognize the amount of turbulence … from the wake of troubled thought. Then we carefully merge with it and gently touch the mind.
Dr. N: Please describe this connection process further.
S: (pause) It’s a slip-stream of thought which is usually turbulent rather than smooth, from someone in distress. I was awkward at first and I still don’t have Kumara’s skill. One must enter with subtlety … to wait for the best receptivity.
Dr. N: How can a watcher be awkward, you have had thousands of years of experience?
S: Communicators are not all the same. Watchers too have a variety of abilities. If one of my company is in crisis-physically hurt, sad, anxious, resentful-they send out great amounts of uncontrolled negative energy which alerts me, but exhausts them. This is the challenge of a watcher, to know when and how to communicate. When people want immediate relief, they may not be in the proper mode for reflection.
Dr. N: Well, in terms of abilities, can you tell me how you were awkward as an inexperienced guide?
S: I wanted to rush in too fast to help without coordinating the patterns of thought we talked about. People can go numb. You don’t get through to them when they have intense grief, for example. You are shut out of a cluttered mind when attentions are distracted and thought energy is scattered all about.
Dr. N: Do the nine members of your company sense your intrusion into their minds following a cry to you for help?
S: Watchers are not supposed to intrude. It’s more of a … soft coupling. I implant ideas-which they assume is inspiration-to try and give them peace.
Dr. N: What single thing do you have the most problem with during communications with people on Earth?
S: Fear.
Dr. N: Would you enlarge on that?
S: I have to be careful not to spoil my people by making life too easy for them … to let them work out most of their difficulties without jumping right in. They only suffer more if a watcher moves in too quickly before this is done. Kumara is an expert at this …
Dr. N: Is she ultimately responsible for you and your company?
S: Well yes, we are all under her influence.
Dr. N: Do you ever see any of your own peer members around? I’m thinking of associates at your level of attainment with whom you can confer about teaching methods.
S: Oh, you mean with those I grew up with here?
Dr. N: Yes.
S: Yes … three in particular.
Dr. N: And do they lead company groups themselves?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: Are these more advanced souls responsible for about the same number of souls as you?
S: Uh…. yes, except Wa-roo. His company is more than double my own. He is good. Another company is being added to his work load.
Dr. N: How many superior entities do you and your friends who are company leaders go to for advice and direction?
S: One. We all go to Kumara to exchange observations and seek ways of improvement.
Dr. N: How many souls like you and Wa-roo does Kumara oversee?
S: Oh … I couldn’t know that …
Dr. N: Try and give an estimate of the number.
S: (after reflection) At least fifty, probably more.
Additional inquiries into Kumara’s spiritual activities were fruitless, so I turned next to Thece’s creation training. Her experiences (which I have condensed) take us a little further than those training exercises described by Nenthum in the last chapter. To those readers with a scientific bent, I want to stress that when a subject is reporting to me about creation their frame of reference is really not grounded in earth science. I have to make the best interpretations I can from the information provided.
Dr. N: The curriculum for souls seems to have great variety, Thece. I want to go into another aspect of your training. Does your energy utilize the properties of light, heat, and motion in the creation of life?
S: (startled) Uh,… you know about that
Dr. N: What more can you tell me?
S: Only that I am familiar with this …
Dr. N: I don’t want to talk about anything which will make you uncomfortable, but I would appreciate your confirmation of certain biological effects resulting from the actions of souls.
S: (hesitates) Oh … I don’t think
Dr. N: (I jump in quickly) What creation have you recently done which makes Kumara proud of you?
S: (without resistance) I am proficient with fish.
Dr. N: (I follow up with a deliberate exaggeration to keep her going) Oh, so you can create a whole fish with your mental energy?
S: (vexed) … You must be kidding?
Dr. N: Then where do you start?
S: With the embryos, of course. I thought you knew…
Dr. N: Just checking. When do you think you will be ready for mammals?
S: (no answer)
Dr. N: Look Thece, if you will try to cooperate with me for a few more minutes, I promise not to take long with my questions on this subject. Will you agree to that?
S: (pause) We will see
Dr. N: Okay, as a means of basic clarification tell me what you actually do with your energy to develop life up to the stage of fish.
S: (reluctantly) We give instructions to … organisms … within the surrounding conditions
Dr. N: Do you do this on one world or many in your training?
S: More than one. (would not elaborate except to say these planets were “earth types”)
Comment d31
Multiple earth-like worlds through out the universe. .
Dr. N: In what kind of environment are you working now?
S: In oceans.
Dr. N: With basic sea life such as algae and plankton?
S: When I started.
Dr. N: You mean before you worked up to the embryos of fish?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: Then when souls start to create forms of life, they begin with microorganisms?
S: … Small cells, yes, and this is very difficult to learn. Dr. N: Why?
S: The cells of life… our energy cannot become proficient unless we can direct it to … alter molecules.
Dr. N: Then you are actually producing new chemical compounds by mixing the basic molecular elements of life by your energy flow?
S: (nods)
Dr. N: Can you be more explicit?
S: No, I can’t.
Dr. N: Let me try and sum this up, and please tell me if I am on the wrong track. A soul who becomes proficient with actually creating life must be able to split cells and give DNA instructions, and you do this by sending particles of energy into protoplasm?
S: We must learn to do this, yes-coordinating it with a sun’s energy.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Because each sun has different energy effects on the worlds around them.
Comment d31
The entire energy, quanta, and non-physical environment around different stars and solar systems are drastically different. Thus my argument that earth is a special and unique place and that we must treasure what we have. We must not expect an easy earth analog for us to acquire in the future..
Dr. N: Then why would you interfere with what a sun would naturally do with its own energy on a planet?
S: It is not interference. We examine new structures … mutations … to watch and see what is workable. We arrange substances for their most effective use with different suns.
Dr. N: When a species of life evolves on a planet, are the environmental conditions for selection and adaptation natural, or are intelligent soul-minds tinkering with what happens?
S: (evasively) Usually a planet hospitable to life has souls watching and whatever we do is natural.
Dr. N: How can souls watch and influence biological properties of growth evolving over millions of years on a primordial world?
S: Time is not in Earth years for us. We use it to suit our experiments.
Dr. N: Do you personally create suns in our universe?
S: A full scale sun? Oh no, that’s way over my head… and requires the powers of many. I generate only on a small scale.
Dr. N: What can you generate?
S: Ah … small bundles of highly concentrated matter… heated.
Dr. N: But what does your work look like when you are finished?
S: Small solar systems.
Dr. N: Are your miniature suns and planets the size of rocks, buildings, the moon- what are we talking about here?
S: (laughs) My suns are the size of basketballs and the planets marbles … that’s the best I can do.
Dr. N: Why do you do this on a small scale?
S: For practice, so I can make larger suns. After enough compression the atoms explode and condense, but I can’t do anything really big alone.
Dr. N: What do you mean?
S: We must learn to work together to combine our energy for the best results.
Dr. N: Well, who does the full-sized thermonuclear explosions which create physical universes and space itself?
S: The source … the concentrated energy of the Old Ones.
Dr. N: Oh, so the source has help?
S: I think so…
Comment d32
God has assistance? Things are mighty complex out in the non-physical worlds. .
Dr. N: Why is your energy striving to create universal matter and more complex life when Kumara and the entities above her are already proficient?
S: We are expected to join them, just as they wish to unite their accomplished energy with the Old Ones.
Creation questions always evoke the issue of First Cause. Was the exploding interstellar mass which caused the birth of our stars and planets an accident of nature or planned by an intelligent force? When I listen to subjects such as Thece, I ask myself why souls would be practicing the chain reactions of energy matter with models on a small scale if they were not intending to make larger celestial bodies. I have had no subjects in Levels VI and above to substantiate how they might carry the forces of creation further. It would seem if souls do progress, then entities at this level could be expected to involve themselves with the birthing of planets and the development of life forms capable of higher intelligence suitable for soul use.
After pondering why less-than-perfect souls are associated with creation at all, I came to the following conclusion. All souls are given the opportunity to participate in the development of lower forms of intelligent life in order to advance themselves. This principle could also be applied to the reason why souls incarnate in physical form. Thece suggested that the supreme intelligence she calls the source is made up of a combination of creators (the Old Ones) who fuse their energy to spawn universes. The thought has been expressed to me in different ways by other subjects when they describe the combined power of non-reincarnating old souls.
This concept is not new. For instance, the idea we have no single Godhead is the philosophy of the Jainist sect in India. The Jains believe fully perfected souls, called Siddhas, are a group of universal creators. These souls are fully liberated from further transmigrations. Below them are the Arhats souls, advanced illuminators who still incarnate along with three more lower gradations of evolving souls. To the Jams, reality is uncreated and eternal. Thus, the Siddhas need no creator. Most Eastern philosophies deny this tenet of Jainism in favor of a divine board of directors created by a chairman. This conclusion is more palatable to the Western mind as well.
With certain subjects it is possible to pursue a wide range of topics in condensed periods.
Earlier, Thece had alluded to intelligent life existing on other worlds when she talked about a soul’s cosmic training. This brings up another aspect about soul life which may be hard for some of us to accept…
A small percentage of my subjects, usually the older advanced souls, are able to recall being in strange, non-human intelligent life-forms on other worlds. Their memories are rather fleeting and clouded about the circumstances of these lives, the physical details, and planetary location relative to our universe. I wondered if Thece had any such experiences long ago, so I opened up this line of inquiry for a few minutes to see where it might lead.
Comment d33
It need not be so shocking. Trans-species evolution of soul does occur. It is rare, and often just a period of “adventure” and “discovery”, but it does occur. .
Dr. N: A while back you remarked about other physical worlds besides Earth which are available to souls.
S: (hesitant) Yes
Dr. N: (casually) And, I assume, some of these planets support intelligent life which are useful to souls wishing to incarnate?
S: That’s true, there are many schoolyards.
Dr. N: Do you ever talk to other souls about their planetary schoolyards?
S: (long pause) It’s not my inclination to do so-I’m not attracted to them-the other schools.
Dr. N: Perhaps you could give me some idea of what they are like?
S: Oh, some are … analytical schools. Others are basically mental worlds … subtle places
Dr. N: What do you think of the Earth school by comparison?
S: The Earth school is insecure, still. It is filled with resentment of many people over being led and antagonism of the leaders toward each other. There is so much fear to overcome here. It is a world in conflict because there is too much divers
ity among too many people. Other worlds have low populations with more harmony. Earth’s population has outpaced its mental development.
Dr. N: Would you rather be training on another planet, then?
S: No, for all Earth’s quarreling and cruelty, there is passion and bravery here. I like working in crisis situations. To bring order out of disorder. We all know Earth is a difficult school.
Dr. N: So, the human body is not an easy host for souls?
S: … There are easier life forms … who are less in conflict with themselves …
Dr. N: Well, how would you know this unless your soul had been in another life form?
After I had provided this suitable opening, Thece began talking about being a small flying creature in an alien environment on a dying world where it was hard to breathe. From her descriptions, the sun of this planet was apparently going into a nova stage. Her words were halting and came in short, rapid breaths.
Thece said she lived on this world in a humid jungle with a night sky so densely packed with stars there were no dark lanes in between. This gave me the impression she was located near the center of a galaxy, perhaps our own. She also said her brief time on this world was spent as a very young soul and Kumara was her mentor. After the world could no longer support life, they had come to Earth to continue working together. I was told there was a kinship in the mental evolution of life on Earth and what she had experienced before. This flying race of people began afraid, isolated, and dangerous to each other. Also, like Earth, family alliances were important, representing expressions of loyalty and devotion. While I was concluding this line of questioning, there was a further development.
Dr. N: Do you think there are other souls on Earth who also had physical lives on this now-dead world?
S: (pause, then unable to restrain herself) Actually, I have met one.
Dr. N: Under what circumstances?
S: (laughs) I met a man at a party a while ago. He recognized me, not physically, but with the mind. It was an odd meeting. I was caught off balance when he came up to me and took my hand. I thought he was pushy when he said he knew me.
Dr. N: Then what happened?
S: (softly) I was in a daze, which is unusual for me. I knew there was something between us. I thought it was sexual. Now, I can see it all clearly. It was … Ikak. (this name is spoken with a clacking noise from the back of her throat) He told me we were once together from a place far away and there were a couple of others here …
Dr. N: Did he say anything more about them?
S: (faintly) No … I wonder … I ought to know them …
Dr. N: Did Ikak say anything else about your former physical relationship on this world?
S: No. He saw I was confused. I didn’t know what he was talking about then anyway.
Dr. N: How could he consciously know about this planet when you didn’t?
S: (puzzled) He is … ahead of me … he knows Kumara. (then, more to herself than me) What is he doing here?
Dr. N: Why don’t you finish telling me about him at the party?
S: (laughs again) I thought he was just trying to pick me up. It was awkward because I was drawn to him. He said I was very attractive, which is something men don’t usually say to me. There were flashes in my mind that we had been together before … as fragments in a dream sequence.
Dr. N: How did your conversation end with this man?
S: He saw my discomfort. I guess he thought it best to have no further contact, because I haven’t seen him since. I’ve thought about him though, and maybe we will see each other again …
I believe souls do come across time and space for each other.
Recently, I had two subjects who were best friends and came to me at the same time for regression. Not only had they been soulmates in many former lives on Earth, but were also mated as fish-like intelligent beings in a beautiful water world.
Both recalled the enjoyment of playing underwater with their strong appendages and coming up to the surface, “to peek.” Neither subject could recall much about this planet or what happened to their race of sea creatures.
Perhaps they were part of a failed Earth experiment long before a land mammal developed into the most promising species on Earth for souls. I suspect it was not Earth because I have had others who tell of living in an aquatic environment they know was unearthly.
One of these subjects said,
“My water world was very warm and clear because we had three suns overhead. The total lack of darkness underwater was comforting and made building our dwellings much easier.”
I have often wondered if the dreams we have at night about flying, breathing underwater, and performing other non-human physical feats relate to our earlier physical experiences in other environments.
In the early days of my studies of souls, I half-expected that those subjects who could recall other worlds would say they had lived in our galaxy with in the neighborhood of the sun. This assumption was naive.
Earth is in a sparse section of the Milky Way with only eight stars that are ten light years from the sun.
Comment d34
This was written before the observation and discovery of nearby brown dwarf stars and solar systems..
We know our own galaxy has more than two-hundred billion stars within a universe currently speculated at one-hundred-billion galaxies.
Comment d35
The number is actually closer to 900 billion stars in our galaxy.
The worlds around the suns which might support life are staggering to the imagination. Consider, if only a small fraction of one percent of the stars in our galaxy had planets with intelligent life useful to souls, the number would still be in the millions.
From what I can gather from subjects willing and able to discuss former assignments, souls are sent to any world with suitable intelligent life forms.
Out of all the stars which are known to us, only four percent are like our sun.
Apparently this means nothing to souls.
Their planetary incarnations are not linked to Earth- type worlds or with intelligent bipeds who walk on land. Souls who have been to other worlds tell me they have a fondness for certain ones and return to them (like Earth) periodically for a succession of lives.
I have not had many subjects who are able to recall specific details about living on other worlds. This maybe due to lack of experience, a suppression of memory, or blocks imposed by master guides to avoid any discomfort from flashbacks in non-earthly bodies.
Those subjects who are able to discuss their experiences on other worlds tell me that before coming to Earth, souls are frequently placed in the bodies of creatures with less intelligence than human beings (unlike Thece’s case).
However, once in a human body, souls are not sent back down the mental evolutionary ladder.
Yet, physical contrasts can be stark and side trips away from Earth are not necessarily pleasant. One mid-level client of mine expressed it this way. “After a long series of human lives, I told my guide I needed a break from Earth for a while in another kind of environment. He warned me, ‘You might not like this change right now because you have become so accustomed to the attributes of the human mind and body.’ “My client persisted and was duly given life on what was described as, “A pastel world living among a race of small, thickly-set beings. They were a thoughtful but somber people with tiny chalk-white faces which never smiled. Without human laughter and physical flexibility, I was out of sync and made little progress. The assignment must have been particularly difficult for this individual when we consider that humor and laughter is such a hallmark of soul life in the spirit world.
I was now approaching the final phase of my session with Case 23.
It was necessary to apply additional deepening techniques because I wanted Thece to reach into the highest recesses of her superconscious mind to talk with me about space-time and the source.
Dr. N: Thece, we are coming to the end of our time together and I want you to turn your mind once again to the source-creator. (pause) Will you do that for me?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: You said the ultimate objective of souls was to seek unification with the supreme source of creative energy-do you remember?
S:… The act of conjunction, yes.
Dr. N: Tell me, does the source dwell in some special central space in the spirit world?
S: The source is the spirit world.
Dr. N: Then why do souls speak of reaching a core of spiritual life?
S: When we are young spirits we sense power around us everywhere and yet we feel we … are on the edge of it. As we grow older there is an awareness of a concentrated power, but it is the same feeling.
Dr. N: Even though you have called this the place of the Old Ones?
S: Yes, they are part of the concentrated power of the source which sustains us as souls.
Dr. N: Well, lumping this power together as one energy source, can you describe the creator in more human terms?
S: As the ultimate selfless being which we strive to be.
Dr. N: If the source represents all the spirit world, how does this mental place differ from physical universes with stars, planets, and living things?
S: Universes are created-to live and die-for the use of the source. The place of spirits … is the source.
Dr. N: We seem to live in a universe which is expanding and may contract again and eventually die. Since we live in a space with time limitations, how can the spirit world itself be timeless?
S: Because here we live in non-space which is timeless … except in certain zones.
Dr. N: Please explain what these zones are.
S: They are … interconnecting doors … openings for us to pass through into a physical universe of time.
Dr. N: How can time-doors exist in non-space?
S: The openings exist as thresholds between realities.
Dr. N: Well, if the spirit world is non-dimensional, what kind of reality is that?
S: A constant reality state, as opposed to the shifting realities of dimensional worlds which are material and changing.
Dr. N: Do past, present, and future have any relevance for souls living in the spirit world?
S: Only as a means of understanding succession in physical form. Living here … there is a … changelessness … for those of us not crossing thresholds into a universe of substance and time.
Note: A major application of time thresholds used by souls will be examined in the upcoming chapter on life selection.
Dr. N: You speak of universes in the plural. Are these other physical universes besides the one which contains Earth?
S: (vaguely) There are … differing realities to suit the source.
Dr. N: Are you saying souls can enter various rooms of different physical realities from spiritual doorways?
S: (nods) Yes, they can-and do.
Before concluding the session with this highly advanced subject, I should add that most people who are in deep hypnosis are able to see beyond an Earth reality of three-dimensional space, into alternate realities of timelessness. In the subconscious state, my subjects experience a chronology of time with their past and present lives which resembles what they perceive when conscious.
There is a change when I take them into superconsciousness and the spirit world.
Here they see the now of time as one homogeneous unit of past, present, and future. Seconds in the spirit world seem to represent years on Earth. When their sessions are over, clients will often express surprise at how time in the spirit world is unified.
Quantum mechanics is a modern branch of physics which investigates all subatomic movement in terms of electromagnetic energy levels where all things in life are thought to be ultimately non-solid and existing in a unified field.
Comment d36
Everything is quanta and quantum mechanics..
Going beyond Newton’s physical laws of gravity, the elements of action on time are also considered to be unified by light wave frequency and kinetic energy. Since I show that souls do experience feelings of the passage of time in a chronological fashion in the spirit world, doesn’t this contradict the concept of oneness for past, present, and future?
No, it does not.
My research indicates to me that the illusion of time progression is created and sustained for those souls coming to and from physical dimensions (who are used to such biological responses as aging), so they may more easily gauge their advancement. Thus, it makes sense to me when the quantum physicists hypothesize that time, rather than being an absolute of three phases, is only an expression of change.
When my subjects speak of traveling as souls on lines which curve, I think of the space-time theories of those astrophysicists who believe light and motion are a union of time and space curving back on itself. They say if space is bent severely enough, time stops. Indeed, when listening to my clients talk about time zones and tunnels of passage into different dimensions, I think about the similarities here to current astronomical theories of physical space being warped, or twisted, into cosmic loops creating “mouths” of hyperspace and black holes which may lead out of our three- dimensional universe. Perhaps the space-time concepts of astrophysics and metaphysics are edging closer together.
I have suggested to my subjects that if the spirit world seems round to them, and appears to curve when they travel rapidly as souls, this could represent a finite, enclosed sphere.
They deny the idea of any dimensional boundaries yet offer me little else except metaphors.
Case 23 says the spirit world itself is the source of creation. Some have called this place the heart, or breath, of God.
Case 22 defined the space of souls as “fabric” and I have had other subjects give the spirit world a quality of “the folds of a seamless dress swishing back and forth.”
They sometimes feel the effects of a gently “rippling” motion from light energy which has been described as “waves (or rings) rolling outward from a disturbed pool of water.” Normally, the geography of soul spaces has a smooth and open consistency to people in superconsciousness, without displaying the properties of gravity, temperature, pressure, matter, or a time clock associated with a chaotic physical universe. However, when I attempt to characterize the entire spirit world as a void, people in trance resist this notion.
Although my cases are unable to fully explain the place where their souls live, they are all outspoken about its ultimate reality for them. A subject in trance doesn’t see the spirit world as being either near or far away from our physical universe.
Nevertheless, in a curious way, they do portray spiritual substance as being light or heavy, thick or thin, and large or small, when comparing their experiences as souls to life on Earth.
While the absolute reality of the spirit world appears to remain constant in the minds of people in hypnosis, their references to other physical dimensions do not.
I have the sense that universes other than our own are created for the purpose of providing environments suitable for the growth of souls with beings we can’t even imagine.
One advanced subject told me he had lived on a number of worlds in his long existence, never dividing his soul more than twice at one time. Some adult lives lasted only months in Earth time for him, due to local planetary conditions and short life spans of the dominant life form.
While speaking of a “paradise planet,” with few people and a quieter, simpler version of Earth, he added this world was not far from Earth.
“Oh,” I interrupted, “then it must only be a few light years from Earth?”
He patiently explained that the planet was not in our universe, but closer to Earth than many planets in our own galaxy.
It is important for the reader to understand that when people do recall living on other worlds they seem not to be limited by the dimensional constraints of our universe.
When souls travel to planets intergalactically or interdimensionally, they measure the trip by the time it takes them to reach their destinations through the tunnel effect from the spirit world. The size of the spatial region involved and the relative position of worlds to each other are also considerations.
After listening to references about multiple dimensional realities from some of my subjects, I am left with the impression they believe there is a confluence of all these dimensional streams into one great river of the spirit world. If I could stand back and take apart all these alternate realities seated in the minds of my cases, it would be like peeling an artichoke of all its layers down to one heart at the core.
I had been questioning Thece for quite a while and I could see she was growing tired. Few subjects can sustain this level of spiritual receptivity for very long. I decided to end the session with a few questions about the genesis of all creation.
Dr. N: Thece, I want to close by asking you more about the source. You have been a soul for a long time, so how do you see yourself relating to the oneness of creation you told me about earlier?
S: (long pause) By sensations of movement. In the beginning there is an outward migration of our soul energy from the source. Afterward, our lives are spent moving inward … toward cohesion and the uniting …
Dr. N: You make this process seem as though a living organism was expanding and contracting.
S: … There is an explosive release … then a returning … yes, the source pulsates.
Dr. N: And you are moving toward the center of this energy source?
S: There really is no center. The source is all around us as if we were … inside a beating heart.
Dr. N: But, you did say you were moving back to a point of origin as your soul advanced in knowledge?
S: Yes, when I was thrust outward I was a child. Now I’m being drawn back as my adolescence fades …
Dr. N: Back where?
S: Further inside the source.
Dr. N: Perhaps you could describe this energy source through the use of colors to explain soul movement and the scope of creation.
S: (sighs) It’s as if souls are all part of a massive electrical explosion which produces … a halo effect. In this … circular halo is a dark purple light which flares out … lightening to a whiteness at the edges. Our awareness begins at the edges of brilliant light and as we grow … we become more engulfed in the darker light.
Dr. N: I find it hard to visualize a god of creation as cold, dark light.
S: That’s because I am not close enough to conjunction to explain it well. The dark light is itself a … covering, beyond which we feel an intense warmth … full of a knowing presence which is everywhere for us and… alive!
Dr. N: What was it like when you were first aware of your identity as a soul after being pushed out to the rim of this halo?
S: To be… is the same as watching the first flower of spring open and the flower is you. And, as it opens more, you become aware of other flowers in a glorious field and there is … unbounded joy.
Dr. N: If this explosive, multi-colored energy source collapses in on itself, will all the flowers eventually die?
S: Nothing is collapsing … the source is endless. As souls we will never die-we know that, somehow. As we coalesce, our increasing wisdom makes the source stronger.
Dr. N: Is that the reason the source desires to perform this exercise?
S: Yes, to give life to us so we can arrive at a state of perfection.
Dr. N: Why does a source, who is ostensibly perfect already, need to create further intelligence which is less than perfect?
S: To help the creator create. In this way, by self-transformation and rising to higher plateaus of fulfillment, we add to the building blocks of life.
Dr. N: Were souls forced to break away from the source and come to places like Earth because of some sort of original sin or fall from grace in the spirit world?
S: That’s nonsense. We came to be … magnified … in the beautiful variety of creation.
Dr. N: Thece, I want you to listen to me carefully. If the source needs to be made stronger, or more wise, by using a division of its divine energy to create lesser intelligence which it hopes will magnify-doesn’t this suggest it lacks full perfection itself?
S: (pause) The source creates for fulfillment of itself.
Dr. N: That’s my point. How can that which is absolute become more absolute unless something is lacking?
S: (hesitates) That which we see to be … our source … is all we can know, and we think what the creator desires is to express itself through us by … birthing.
Dr. N: And do you think the source is actually made stronger by our existence as souls?
S: (long pause) I see the creator’s perfection … maintained and enriched… by sharing the possibility of perfection with us and this is the ultimate extension of itself
Dr. N: So the source starts out by deliberately creating imperfect souls and imperfect life forms for these souls and watches what happens in order to extend itself?
S: Yes, and we have to have faith in this decision and trust the process of returning to the origin of life. One has to be starving to appreciate food, to be cold to understand the blessings of warmth, and to be children to see the value of the parent. The transformation gives us purpose.
Dr. N: Do you want to be a parent of souls?
S: … Participation in the conception of ourselves is … a dream of mine.
Dr. N: If our spirits did not experience physical life, would we ever know of these things you are telling me about?
S: We would know of them, but not about them. It would be as if your spiritual energy were told to play piano scales with only one note.
Dr. N: And do you believe if the source didn’t create souls to nurture and grow, its sublime energy would shrink from a lack of expression?
S: (sighs) Perhaps that is its purpose.
With this last prophetic statement by Thece, I ended the session. As I brought this subject out of her deep trance, it was as though she were returning to me from across time and space. As she sat quietly focusing her eyes around my office, I expressed my appreciation for the opportunity of working with her on such an advanced level. Smiling, the lady said if she had any idea of the grilling in store for her, she might well have refused to work with me.
As we said goodbye, I thought about her last statements concerning the source of life. In ancient Persia the Sufis had a saying that if the creator represents absolute good, and therefore absolute beauty, it is the nature of beauty to desire manifestation.
Life Selection
THERE comes that time when the soul must once again leave the sanctuary of the spirit world for another trip to Earth. This decision is not an easy one. Souls must prepare to leave a world of total wisdom, where they exist in a blissful state of freedom, for the physical and mental demands of a human body.
We have seen how tired souls can be when reentering the spirit world. Many don’t want to think about returning to Earth again. This is especially true when we have not come close to our goals at the end of a physical life. Once back in the spirit world, souls have misgivings about even temporarily leaving a world of self- understanding, comradeship, and compassion to go to a planetary environment of uncertainty and fear brought about by aggressive, competing humans. Despite having family and friends on Earth, many incarnated souls feel lonely and anonymous among large impersonal populations. I hope my cases show the opposite is true in the spirit world, where our souls are involved in the most intimate sharing on an everlasting basis. Our spiritual identity is known and appreciated by a multitude of other entities, whose support is never ending.
The rejuvenation of our energy and personal assessment of one’s Self takes longer for some souls than others, but eventually the soul is motivated to start the process of incarnation. While our spiritual environment is hard to leave, as souls we also remember the physical pleasures of life on Earth with fondness and even nostalgia.
When the wounds of a past life are healed and we are again totally at one with ourselves, we feel the pull of having a physical expression for our identity.
Training sessions with our counselors and peer groups have provided a collaborative spiritual effort to prepare us for the next life. Our karma of past deeds towards humanity and our mistakes and achievements have all been evaluated with an eye toward the best course of future endeavors. The soul must now assimilate all this information and take purposeful action based upon three primary decisions:
Am I ready for a new physical life?
What specific lessons do I want to undertake to advance my learning and development?
Where should I go, and who shall I be in my next life for the best opportunity to work on my goals?
Older souls incarnate less, regardless of the population demands of their assigned planets.
When a world dies, those entities with unfinished business move on to another world which has a suitable life form for the kind of work they have been doing.
Cycles of incarnation for the eternal soul seem to be regulated more by the internal desires of a particular soul, than by the urgency of host bodies evolving in a universe of planets.
Comment d37
This next few paragraphs are based on the idea of a singular world-line where every person has an individual soul. That is wrong. Each Instead there are multiple world-lines with consciousness occupying elements within that MWI-track..
Nevertheless, Earth certainly has an increasing need for souls.
Today, we have over five billion people. Demographers vary in their calculations on how many individuals have lived on Earth in the last 200,000 years. The average estimate is some 50 billion people. This figure, which I think is low, does not signify the number of visitations by different souls. Bear in mind the same souls continue to reincarnate, and there are those who occupy more than one body at a time.
There are reincarnationists who believe the number of people living on Earth today is close to the total number of souls who ever lived here. The frequency of incarnation on Earth by souls is uneven. Earth clearly has more need for souls today than in the past. Population estimates in 1 AD are around 200 million. By 1800, humans had quadrupled, and after only 170 more years, quadrupled again. Between 1970 and 2010, the world’s population is expected to double once more.
When I study the incarnation chronology of a client, I find there is usually a long span of hundreds, even thousands, of years between their lives in Paleolithic nomadic cultures.
With the introduction of agriculture and domesticated animals in the Neolithic Age, from 7,000 to 5,000 years ago, my subjects report living more frequent lives. Still, their lives are often spaced as much as 500 years apart.
With the rise of cities, trade, and more available food, I see the incarnation schedules of souls increasing with a growing population. Between 1000 and 1500 AD, my clients live an average of once in two centuries.
After 1700, this changes to once in a century.
By the 1900s, living more than one life in a century is common among my cases.
It has been argued these increases in soul incarnations only appear to be so because past life recall improves as people in hypnosis get closer to their current lives. This may be true to some extent, but if a life is important it will be vividly remembered at any age in time.
Without doubt, the enormous population increase on Earth is the basic cause for souls coming here more often. Is there a possibility that the inventory of souls slated for Earth could be strained by this surge in human reproduction?
When I ask clients about the inventory of available souls, they tell me I should worry more about our planet dying from over-population than exhausting the reserve of souls. There is the conviction that new souls are always available to fill any expanding population requirements. If our planet is just one example among all other intelligent populations which exist in this universe, the inventory of souls must truly be astronomical.
I have said souls do have the freedom to choose when, where, and who they want to be in their physical lives. Certain souls spend less time in the spirit world in order to accelerate development, while others are very reluctant to leave. There is no question but what our guides exert great influence in this matter. Just as we were given an intake interview in the orientation phase right after death, there are preparatory exit interviews by spiritual advisors to determine our readiness for rebirth.
The case which follows illustrates a typical spiritual scene with a lower-level soul.
Case 24 – Typical
Dr. N: When do you first realize that you might be returning to Earth?
S: A soft voice comes into my mind and says, “It’s about time, don’t you think?”
Dr. N: Who is this voice?
S: My instructor. Some of us have to be given a push when they think we are ready again.
Dr. N: Do you feel you are about ready to return to Earth?
S: Yes, I think so … I have prepared for it. But my studies are going to take such a long time in earth years before I’m done. It’s kind of overwhelming.
Dr. N: And do you think you will still be going to Earth when you near the end of your incarnations?
S: (long pause) Ah … maybe no … there is another world besides Earth … but with Earth people …
Dr. N: What does this mean?
S: Earth will have fewer people … less crowded … it’s not clear to me.
Comment d38
Souls can see the entirety of time, and can look at both past and future time-tracks / world-line maps. In this statement we see evidence for human colonies on other planets.
Dr. N: Where do you think you might be then?
S: I’m getting the impression there is colonization someplace else-it’s not clear to me.
Note: The opposite of past life regression is post life progression, which enables some subjects to see snatches of the future as incomplete scenes. For instance, some have told me Earth’s population will be greatly reduced by the end of the twenty- second century, partially due to adverse soil and atmospheric changes. They also see people living in odd-looking domed buildings. Details about the future are always rather limited, due, I suspect, to built-in amnesia from karmic constraints. I’ll have more to say about this with the next case.
Dr. N: Let’s go back to what you were saying about the instructors giving people a push to leave the spirit world. Would you prefer that they not do this?
S: Oh … I’d like to stay… but the instructors don’t want us hanging around here too long or we will get into a rut.
Dr. N: Could you insist on staying?
S: Well … yes … the instructors don’t force you to leave because they are so gentle. (laughs) But they have their ways of … encouraging you when the time comes.
Dr. N: Do you know of anyone who didn’t want to be reborn again on Earth for any reason?
S: Yes, my friend Mark. He said he had nothing to contribute anymore. He was sick of life on Earth and didn’t want to go back.
Dr. N: Had he lived many lives?
S: No, not really. But he wasn’t adjusting well in them.
Dr. N: What did the teachers do with him? Was he allowed to stay in the spirit world?
S: (reflectively) We choose to be reborn when it is decided we are ready. They don’t force you to do anything. Mark was shown he did benefit others around him.
Dr. N: What happened to Mark?
S: After some more … indoctrination … Mark realized he had been wrong about his abilities and finally he went back to Earth.
Dr. N: Indoctrination! This makes me think of coercion.
S: (disturbed by my remark) It’s not that way at all! Mark was just discouraged, and needed the confidence to keep trying.
Note: Case 10 in Chapter Four on displaced souls told us about how souls who had absorbed too much negative energy from Earth were “remodeled.” Case 22 also mentioned the need for restoration with some damaged souls. These are more extreme alterations than the basic reframing apparently used on Mark’s tired soul.
Dr. N: If the guides don’t force you, could a soul absolutely refuse to be reborn?
S: (pause) Yes … I guess you could stay here and never be reborn if you hated it that much. But the instructors told Mark that without life in a body, his studies would take longer. If you lose having direct experience, you miss a great deal.
Dr. N: How about the reverse situation where a soul insists on returning to Earth immediately, say after an untimely death?
S: I have seen that, too. It’s an impulsive reaction and does wear off after a while. The instructors get you to see that wanting to hurry back someplace as a new baby wouldn’t change the circumstances of your death. It might be different if you could be reborn as an adult right away in the same situation. Eventually, everyone realizes they must rest and reflect.
Dr. N: Well, give me your final thoughts about the prospect of living again.
S: I’m excited about it. I would have no satisfaction without my physical lives.
Dr. N: When you are ready for a new incarnation, what do you do?
S: I go to a special place.
Once a soul has decided to incarnate again, the next stage in the return process is to be directed to the place of life selection. Souls consider when and where they want to go on Earth before making a decision on who they will be in their new life. Because of this spiritual practice, I have divided life selection and our final choice of a body into two chapters for ease of understanding.
The selection of a time and place for incarnation and who we want to be are not completely separate decisions. However, we start by having the opportunity of viewing how we might fit into certain environments in future time segments. Then our attention is directed to people living in these places. I was a little distracted by this procedure until I realized a soul is largely influenced by cultural conditions and events, as well as by the participants in these events, during a span of chronological time.
I have come to believe that the spirit world, as a whole, is not functionally uniform.
All spiritual regions are seen by traveling souls as having the same ethereal properties, but with different applications.
As an illustration, the space of orientation for incoming souls could be contrasted to the space of life selection for those who are leaving. Both involve life evaluations for souls in transit which include scenes from Earth, but there the resemblance ends. Orientation spaces are said to be small, intimate conference areas designed to make a newly arrived soul comfortable, but our mental attitude in this space can be somewhat defensive. This is because there is the feeling we might have done better with life. A guide is always directly interacting with us.
On the other hand, when we enter the space of life selection, we are full of hope, promise, and lofty expectations. Here souls are virtually alone, with their guides out of sight, while evaluating new life options. This hectic, stimulating place is described as being much larger than other spiritual study areas.
Case 22 considered it a world unto itself, where transcendent energy alters time to allow for planetary study.
While some spiritual locales are difficult for my subjects to describe, most love to talk about the place of life selection, and they use remarkably similar descriptions. I am told it resembles a movie theater which allows souls to see themselves in the future, playing different roles in various settings. Before leaving, souls will have selected one scenario for themselves. Imagine being given a dress rehearsal before the actual performance of a new life.
To tell us about it, I have picked a male subject who is well acquainted with the way his soul is assisted in making appropriate decisions.
Case 25 – How to prepare
Dr. N: After you have made the decision you want to come back to Earth, what happens next?
S: Well, when my trainer and I agree the time is right to accomplish things, I send out thoughts …
Dr. N: Go on.
S: My messages are received by the coordinators.
Dr. N: Who are they? Doesn’t your trainer-guide handle all the arrangements for incarnation?
S: Not exactly. He talks to the coordinators, who actually assist us in previewing our life possibilities at the Ring.
Dr. N: What is the Ring?
S: That’s where I’m going. We call it the Ring of Destiny.
Dr. N: Is there just one place like it in the spirit world?
S: (pause) Oh, I think there must be many, but I don’t see them.
Dr. N: All right, let’s go to the Ring together on the count of three. When I am finished with my count you will have the capacity to remember all the details of this experience. Are you ready to go?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: One, two, three! Your soul is now moving toward the space of life selection.
Explain what you see.
S: (long pause) I … am floating towards the Ring … it’s circular … a monster bubble
Dr. N: Keep going. What else can you tell me.
S: There is a … concentrated energy force … the light is so intense. I’m being sucked inward … through a funnel … it’s a little darker.
Dr. N: Are you afraid?
S: Hmm … no, I’ve been here before, after all. It’s going to be interesting. I’m excited at what’s in store for me.
Dr. N: Okay, as you float inside the Ring, what are your first impressions?
S: (voice lowers) I … am a little apprehensive … but the energy relaxes me. I have an awareness of concern for me … caring … I don’t feel alone … my trainer’s presence is with me, too.
Dr. N: Continue to report everything. What do you see next?
S: The Ring is surrounded by banks of screens-I am looking at them.
Dr. N: Screens on walls?
S: They appear as walls themselves, but nothing is really solid … it’s all … elastic … the screens curve around me … moving …
Dr. N: Tell me more about the screens.
S: They are blank … not reflecting anything yet … they shimmer as sheets of glass … mirrors.
Dr. N: What happens next?
S: (nervously) I feel a moment of quietness-it’s always like this-then it’s as if someone flipped a switch on the projector in a panorama movie theater. The screens come alive with images and there is color … action … full of light and sound.
Dr. N: Keep reporting to me. Where is your soul in relation to the screens?
S: I am hovering in the middle, watching the panorama of life all around me … places … people … (jauntily) I know this city!
Dr. N: What do you see?
S: New York.
Dr. N: Did you ask to see New York City?
S: We talked about my going back there … (absorbed) Gee-it’s changed-more buildings … and the cars … it’s as noisy as ever.
Dr. N: I’ll come back to New York in a few minutes. Right now I want you to tell me what is expected of you in the Ring.
S: I’m going to mentally operate the panel.
Dr. N: What’s that?
S: A scanning device in front of the screens. I see it as a mass of lights and buttons. It’s as if I’m in the cockpit of an airplane.
Dr. N: And you see these mechanical objects in a spiritual setting?
S: I know it sounds crazy, but this is what is coming through to me so I can explain to you what I am doing.
Dr. N: That’s fine, don’t worry about it. Just tell me what you are supposed to do with the panel.
S: I will help the controllers change the images on the screens by operating the scanner with my mind.
Dr. N: Oh, you are going to operate the projector as if you were working in a movie theater?
S: (laughs) Not the projector, the scanner. Anyway, they aren’t really movies. I am watching life actually going on in the streets of New York. My mind connects with the scanner to control the movement of the scenes I am watching.
Dr. N: Would you say this device resembles a computer?
S: Sort of … it works on a tracking system which … converts …
Dr. N: Converts what?
S: My commands … are registered on the panel so I can track the action.
Dr. N: Position yourself at the panel and become the operator while continuing to explain everything to me.
S: (pause) I have assumed control. I see … lines converging along various points in a series of scenes … I’m traveling through time now on the lines and watching the images on the screens change.
Dr. N: And the scenes are constantly moving around you?
S: Yes, then the points light up on the lines when I want the scene to stop.
Note: Lines of travel is a term we have heard before in other spiritual regions to describe soul transition (i.e., Case 14).
Dr. N: Why are you doing all this?
S: I’m scanning. The stops are major turning points on life’s pathways involving important decisions … possibilities … events which make it necessary to consider alternate choices in time.
Dr. N: So, the lines mark the pathways through a series of events in time and space? S: Yes, the track is controlled in the Ring and transmitted to me.
Dr. N: Do you create the scenes of life while you track?
S: Oh, no! I simply control their movement through time on the lines.
Dr. N: What else can you tell me about the lines?
S: The lines of energy are … roads with points of colored light as guideposts which I can move forward, backward, or stop.
Dr. N: As if you were running a video tape with start, fast-forward, stop, and rewind buttons?
S: (laughs) That’s the idea.
Dr. N: All right, you are moving along the track, scanning scenes and you decide to stop. Tell me what you do then.
S: I suspend the scene on the screens so I can enter it.
Dr. N: What? Are you saying you become part of the scene yourself?
S: Yes, now I have direct access to the action.
Dr. N: In what way? Do you become a person in the scene, or does your soul hover overhead while people move around?
S: Both. I can experience what life is like with anyone in the scene, or just watch them from any vantage point.
Dr. N: How can you leave the panel and go into a scene on Earth while still monitoring the action in the Ring?
S: I know you probably won’t understand this, but part of me stays at the controls so I can start up the scene again and stop it anytime.
Dr. N: Perhaps I do understand. Can you divide your energy?
S: Yes, and I can send thoughts back to myself. Of course, the controllers are helping too, as I go in and out of the screens.
Dr. N: So, essentially you can move time forward, backward, and stop it while tracking?
S: Yes… in the Ring.
Dr. N: Outside the Ring, does time co-exist for you in the spirit world, or is it progressive?
S: It co-exists here, but we can still see it progress on Earth.
Dr. N: It seems to me when souls are in the Ring of Destiny they use time almost like a tool.
S: As spirits, we do use time … subjectively. Things and events are moved around … and become objects in time … but to us time is uniform.
Dr. N: The paradox I have with time travel is that what is going to happen has already happened, so you could meet your own soul in some human being as you come and go in life scenes from the future.
S: (smiles enigmatically) When making contact the soul in residence is put on hold for a moment. It’s relatively short. We don’t disturb life cycles when tracking through time.
Comment d39
It doesn’t make much sense here, but when you look at time being a map of world-line transitions, it makes complete and absolute sense..
Dr. N: Well, if past, present, and future are not really separate while you are tracking, why do you stop scenes to consider choices when you can already see into the future?
S: I’m afraid you don’t realize the real purpose of time use by the controllers of the Ring. Life is still conditional. Progressive time is created to test us. We are not shown all the possible endings to a scene. Parts of lives are obscured to us.
Dr. N: So, time is used as a catalyst for learning by viewing lives when you can’t see everything that is going to happen?
S: Yes, to test our ability to find solutions. We gauge our abilities against the difficulty of the events. The Ring sets up different experiments to choose from. On Earth we will try to solve them.
Dr. N: In the Ring, can you look at life on planets besides Earth?
S: I can’t because I’m programmed for tracking time on Earth.
Dr. N: Your being able to jump through time from the screens sounds like a ball!
S: (grins) Oh, it’s stimulating-that’s for sure-but we can’t frolic around, because there are serious decisions to be made for the next life. I’ll have to accept the consequences for any mistakes in my choices … if I am not able to handle a life well.
Dr. N: I still don’t see how you could make many serious mistakes in your choices when you actually experience part of the life in which you plan to live.
S: My choices of life environments are not unlimited. As I said, I probably Won’t be able to see all of a scene in one time segment. Because of what they don’t show you, there is risk attached to all body choices.
Dr. N: If one’s future destiny is not fully preordained, as you say, why call this space the Ring of Destiny?
S: Oh, there is destiny, all right. The life cycles are in place. It’s just that there are so many alternatives which are unclear.
When I take my subjects into the spatial area of life selection, they see a circle of past, present and future time-such as the Ring in this case. Sensing they are leaving spiritual Now time within the circle, souls apparently rotate back and forth on resonating waves during their observational runs. All aspects of time are presented to them as reoccurring realities ebbing and flowing together. Because parallel realities are superimposed upon one another, they too can be seen as possibilities for physical lives, especially by the more experienced souls.
I was puzzled why my subjects did not fully see the future under these conditions, as part of an all-knowing spiritual setting. In trying to sort this out, I finally came to the conclusion that the spirit world is designed to protect the interests of each soul. Generally, the people I work with are still-incarnating younger souls. They may not clearly see significant events too far into the future because the further away these souls get from present probabilities, the higher the incidence of possible alternative realities which cloud their images. Although the same properties hold true for time in the distant past, there is one exception. A soul’s own past lives are more easily identified. This is because a single reality, with a definite course of action, was previously established to train this soul, and thus is firmly imprinted on his memory.
In Chapter Five, Case 13 demonstrated how amnesia is imposed upon us when we come into a current life, so that past life experiences will not inhibit self-discovery in the present. The same condition holds true for souls examining future lives. Without knowing why, most people believe their life has a plan.
Of course, they are right.
Although amnesia does prevent having full conscious knowledge of this plan, the unconscious mind holds the key to spiritual memories of a general blueprint of each life. The vehicle of life selection provides a kind of time machine for souls, where they see some alternative routes to the main road. Although these paths are not fully exposed to us as souls, we carry some of the road map to Earth.
A client once said to me,
“Whenever I am confused about what to do in life, I quietly sit down and think about where I have been and compare this to where I might want to go in future. The answer to the next step just comes to me from inside myself.”
Accepting what befalls us on the road of life as “acts of God” does not mean our existence should be locked into spiritual determinism where we must submit to an unalterable fate. If everything was preordained, there would be no purpose or justice to our struggle. When adversity strikes, it is not intended that we sit back with a fatalistic attitude and not fight to improve the situation by making on-site changes. During our lives all of us will experience opportunities for change which involve risk. These occasions may come at inconvenient times. We may not act upon them, but the challenge is there for us.
The purpose of reincarnation is the exercise of free will. Without this ability, we would be impotent creatures indeed.
Thus, karmic destiny means we are not just caught up in events over which we have no control. This also means we have karmic lessons and responsibilities. The law of cause and effect for our actions always exists, which is why this case did not want to make a mistake in choosing a life unsuited to him. But whatever happens to us in life, it is important we understand that our happiness or pain does not reflect either blessings or betrayal on the part of a God-oversoul, our guides, or life selection coordinators. We are the masters of our destiny.
As I conclude my conversation with Case 25, it may strike the reader that the musical goals of this individual toward his next life are rather self-serving. Certainly his desire to be an admired musical talent has elements of personal compensation which would be less evident in a more advanced soul. However, it will also be seen that this soul wants to give a lot of himself.
Dr. N: Now, I want to talk more about the scenes you are seeing of New York City. Prior to your coming into the Ring, were you given any preparation about selections based on geography?
S: Oh, to some extent. My trainer and I talked about the fact that I had died young in New York in my last life. I wanted to go back to this dynamic city and study music.
Dr. N: Did you also talk to your trainer about other souls-your friends, who might want to incarnate with you?
S: Sure, that’s part of it. Some of us begin staking out a new life by deciding what surroundings are best for all concerned. I made it known I wanted to start again in the same place where I was killed. My trainer and friends offered their suggestions.
Note: This subject came to America as a Russian immigrant in his past life. He was killed in a railway construction accident in New York at age twenty-two in 1898. His rebirth in the same city occurred in 1937.
Dr. N: What suggestions?
S: We talked about my wanting to be a classical pianist. I had played an accordion for extra pick-up change-you know, banquets, weddings-that kind of thing.
Dr. N: And this experience is motivating your interest in the piano?
S: Yes. When making ice deliveries on the streets of New York, I would pass by the concert hall. It was my goal to some day study music and make a name for myself in the big city. I hardly got started before I died.
Dr. N: Did you see your death as a young man in New York during your last visit to the Ring?
S: (sadly) Yes … and I accepted that … as a condition of the life. It was a good life- just short. Now I want to go back with a better start and make a name for myself in music.
Dr. N: Could you ask to go anywhere on Earth?
S: Hmm….. it’s fairly open. If we have preferences, they are weighed against what’s available.
Comment d40
What’s available can mean many things. But generally it means the best-fit life to obtain the goals that one has in mind.
Dr. N: You mean, against what bodies are available?
S: Yes, in certain places.
Dr. N: When you said you wanted a better start in music, I assume this is another reason you want to go back to New York.
S: This city will give me the best opportunity to develop my desire to study the piano. I wanted a large, cosmopolitan city with music schools.
Dr. N: What’s wrong with a city like Paris?
S: I wasn’t offered a body in Paris.
Dr. N: I want to be clear on your selection options. When you start previewing life scenes in the Ring, are you primarily looking at people or locations?
S: We begin with locations.
Dr. N: Okay, and so you are looking at the streets of New York City at the moment?
S: Right, and it’s wonderful because I am doing more than looking. I’m floating around smelling the food in the restaurants … I hear the honking of cars … I’m following people walking past the shops on Fifth Avenue … getting the feel of the place again.
Dr. N: At this point have you actually entered the minds of the people walking along the streets?
S: No, not yet.
Dr. N: What do you do next?
S: I go to other cities.
Dr. N: Oh, I guess I just assumed your body choices had to be in New York City.
S: I didn’t tell you that. I also could go to Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, or Oslo.
Dr. N: I’m going to count to five and when I reach five you will scan these cities while we continue talking … one … two… three … four … five! Report what you are doing.
S: I’m going to concert halls and music academies and watching the students practice.
Dr. N: Do you just observe the general surroundings while floating around these students?
S: I do more. I go inside the heads of some of them to see how they … translate the music.
Dr. N: Do you need to be in a special place like the Ring to examine the mental processes of people?
S: For past and future events I do. Making contact with someone in the present on Earth can be done anywhere (from the spirit world).
Dr. N: Could you describe the way your soul makes contact with someone?
S: (pause) As … a light brush stroke.
Note: Souls are quite capable of sending and receiving messages from each other between spiritual and temporal worlds, as many of us have personally experienced. However, these temporary connections are made and broken quickly. The joining of a soul to a soulless baby for a lifetime is more difficult, and will be described further in Case 29.
Dr. N: As you look at these prospective lives, what year is it on Earth?
S: (hesitates) It’s … 1956 now, and most of my prospects are in their teens. I’ll check them out before and after this year … as much as the Ring will let me.
Comment d41
In this simulation the soul observes the life of the various candidate lives he can have. He observes them moving about and their actions as teenagers. Note that none of this are fixed. They are an extrapolation of most likely world-line tracks. It is up to the soul and their consciousness to deviate from this track..
Dr. N: So the Ring gives you the opportunity to actually be various people who, in relative time on Earth, are not yet born?
S: Uh-huh, to see if I would fit in well-to check out their talent and parents-that sort of thing. (decisively) I want New York.
Dr. N: Do you think you have looked at the other cities carefully enough?
S: (impatiently) Yes, I did that, but I don’t want them.
Dr. N: Wait a minute. What if you liked a music student in Oslo, but wanted to live in New York City?
S: (laughs) As a matter of fact, there is a promising girl in Los Angeles, but I still want New York.
Dr. N: All right, move forward. As your time in the Ring draws to a close, give me the details of your probable life selection.
S: I am going to New York to be a musician. I’m still trying to make up my mind between a couple of people, but I think I will choose (stops to laugh) a dumpy kid with a lot of talent. His body won’t have the stamina of my last one, but I’ll have the advantage of parents with some money who will encourage me to practice, practice, practice.
Dr. N: Money is important?
S: I know I sound … grasping … selfish … but there was no money in my last life. If I want to express the beauty of music and give pleasure to myself and others, I need proper training and supportive parents, otherwise I’ll get sidetracked … I know myself.
Comment d42
The consciousness might inhabit a physical body, and the genetic encoding of that body, but it will also need to mate with the personality of the consciousness involved.
Dr. N: If you didn’t like any of the options presented to you in the Ring, could you ask for more places and people to look at?
S: It isn’t necessary, at least for me. I’m offered enough.
Dr. N: Let me be more blunt. If you are supposed to select a life from only the selections shown you in the Ring, how do you know the coordinators aren’t stacking the deck against you? Maybe they are programming you to make certain choices?
S: (pause) I don’t think so, considering all the times I have come to the Ring. We don’t go unless our minds are made up as to the type of life we want to live, and I’ve always had interesting choices based upon my own ideas.
Dr. N: Okay, after you are completely finished with reviewing lives in the Ring, what happens then?
S: The controllers … come into my mind to see if I am satisfied with what I have been shown.
Dr. N: Are they always the same entities?
S: I think so … as far back as I can remember.
Dr. N: Do they pressure you to make a decision before leaving the Ring?
S: Not at all. I float out and go back to talk to my companions before making up my mind.
Of course, theaters such as the Ring are not limited to viewing our planet. I have shown how some souls who come to Earth enjoy incarnating on other worlds as well. In Chapter Ten, I explained how the space of transformation within the spirit world allows souls to experiment with all sorts of shapes and forms for enlightenment and short-term recreation.
However, for purposes of actual incarnation into our universe and other dimensions my subjects tell me there are space-time tunnels, or channels, available near their group centers. (Later, Case 29 will describe what it feels like to go through one of them at rebirth).
People say these portals are symbolized by a line of huge archways for passage similar to a large train station. One woman put it this way, “We see these openings as lighter or darker voids of space. To me, the lighter tunnels denote more interactive communities of beings. The darker fields lead to low-density mental colonies where I am going to be alone a lot more.”
When I asked her for an example of the latter, she said, “On the world of Arnth, we are as balls of cotton candy moving on waves of gas where nothing is solid. The swirling around each other is very orgasmic.” Another subject, describing his entry into a lighter opening said, “Sometimes between human incarnations I go with groups of souls to the fire world of Jesta. In this volcanic atmosphere we can experience the physical and emotional stimulation of becoming intelligent molecules of flame. Now I know why I love to be in temperatures of over 100 degrees on Earth”
A soul’s physical anchorage is important. Case 25 told us his choice of locations was confined to four cities. The number of scenes souls preview before a new life is, of course, different for each visit. Individual life offerings are selective, which indicates to me that other spiritual entities have been actively working on our behalf to set up location scenes before we arrive. The number of specialist spirits who assist souls at the space of life selection never seems to be large. They appear as rather vague apparitions to my subjects, although most believe members of their Council of Elders and personal guides are involved.
Early in human history, when the world was underpopulated, my clients recall lives where they were always born in sparse human settlements. In time, with the rise of villages and then larger centers of ancient civilizations, my cases report returning to the same areas. Life selections were geographically scattered again by the great migrations of people colonizing new lands, particularly in the last four hundred years. In this century of over-population, more souls are choosing to live in places where they have been before.
Does this tendency today mean souls want to return to the same countries because of race? Souls are not inclined toward life selections based on ethnicity or nationalism. These products of human separatism are taught in childhood. Aside from the comfortable familiarity of culture in a soul’s choice (which is different from racial bias), we must also factor in the affinity many spirits have for deserts, mountains, or the sea. Souls may also have a preference for rural or urban living.
Are souls drawn back to the same geographic areas because they want a new life with the same family they had in their past life? The tradition among certain cultures, such as Native Americans, is that souls choose to stay within family bloodlines. A dying man is expected to come back as his own unborn grandchild. In my practice I rarely see souls repeating the same genetic choices in past lives because this would inhibit growth and opportunity.
Once in awhile I hear about a soul returning to the body of a relative in a former life under unusual karmic circumstances. For example, if a brother and sister had a close affinity for each other, and one were to die suddenly while still young, the soul of the dead sibling might want to return in the surviving sibling’s child to restore this broken life connection to finish an important task.
What is even more common in my experience, are the souls of young children who die soon after birth and then return to the same parents as the soul of their next baby. These plans are all made in advance by the souls participating in tragic family events. They involve a maze of karmic issues.
Not long ago, I had a case where my client had died from a birth defect early in his last life. I asked, “What was the purpose of your life ending when you were only a few days old?” He replied, “The lesson was for my parents, not me, and that’s why I elected to come back for them as a filler.” When souls return for a short life to help someone else rather than work on their own issues, because there isn’t time, some call this “a filler life.” In this case, the parents had abused and finally caused the death of another child when they were together in an earlier life. Although they were a loving young couple in the last life of my client, these parents evidently needed to experience the grief of having a child they desperately wanted taken away from them. Experiencing the anguish from this terrible loss gave the souls of these parents a deeper insight into the effects of severing a blood bond. I will have an example of this theme in Case 27.
Spirits do not routinely see their deaths in future lives. If souls choose a life where their death will be premature, they often see it in the place of life selection. I have found that souls essentially volunteer in advance for bodies who will have sudden fatal illnesses, are to be killed by someone, or come to an abrupt end of life with many others from a catastrophic event.
Souls who become involved in these tragedies are not caught in the wrong place at the wrong time with a capricious God looking the other way. Every soul has a motive for the events in which it chooses to participate. One client told me his last life was planned in advance to end at seven years of age as an American Indian boy. He said, “I was looking for a short-burst lesson in humility and this life as a mistreated starving half-breed was enough.”
Another, more graphic example of a soul volunteering for a terrible assignment was that of one of my subjects who elected in her last life to join (with three others of her soul group) the bodies of Jewish women taken from Munich into the death camp at Dachau in 1941. All were assigned to the same barracks (also prearranged) where my client died in 1943 at age 18 comforting the children and trying to help them survive. Her mission was accomplished with courage.
While events, race, culture, and geographic location often appear to come first in the selection process, they are not the most significant choices for the soul’s next life. Aside from all other considerations, incarnation comes down to souls making that all-important decision of a specific body, and what can be learned by utilizing the brain of a certain human being.
The next chapter is devoted to an analysis of why souls choose their bodies for various biological and psychological reasons…
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This post continues our study of the Journey of Souls. This is part 1c.
Case 16
Dr. N: Once you leave the staging area and have arrived in the spiritual space where you belong, what do you do then?
S: I go to school with my friends.
Dr. N: You mean you are in some kind of spiritual classroom?
S: Yes, where we study.
Dr. N: I want you to take me through this school from the time of your arrival so I can appreciate what is happening to you. Start by telling me what you see from the outside.
S: (with no hesitation) I see a perfectly square Greek temple with large sculptured columns-very beautiful. I recognize it because this is where I return after each cycle (life).
Cut-away drawing of a Greek temple showing the interior.
Dr. N: What is a classical Greek temple doing in the spirit world?
S: (shrugs) I don’t know why it appears to me that way, except it seems natural … since my lives in Greece.
Dr. N: All right, let’s continue. Does anyone come to meet you?
S: (subject smiles broadly) My teacher Karla.
Dr. N: And how does she appear to you?
S: (confidently) I see her coming out of the entrance of the temple towards me… as a goddess … tall … wearing long flowing robes … one shoulder is bare … her hair is piled up and fastened with a gold clasp … she reaches out to me.
Dr. N: Look down at yourself. Are you dressed in the same garments?
S: We… all seem to be dressed the same … we shimmer with light… and we can change … Karla knows I like the way she looks.
Dr. N: Where are the others?
S: Karla has taken me inside my temple school. I see a large library. Small gatherings of people are speaking in quiet tones… at tables. It is … sedate … warm … a secure feeling which is so familiar to me.
Dr. N: Do all these people appear as adult men and women?
S: Yes, but there are more women in my group.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Because that’s the valence they are most comfortable with right now.
Note: The word valence used by this subject to indicate gender preference is an odd choice, yet it does fit. Valences in chemistry are positive or negative properties which, when combined with other elements, give proportion. Souls in groups may be inclined toward male and female personages or mixed.
Dr. N: Okay, what do you do next?
S: Karla leads me to the nearest table and my friends immediately greet me. Oh, it’s so good to be back.
Dr. N: Why are these particular people here with you in this temple?
S: Because we are all in the same study group. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be with them once more. (subject becomes distracted with this scene and it takes me a minute to get her started again)
Dr. N: Tell me how many people are in this library with you?
S: (pauses while mentally counting) About twenty.
Dr. N: Are all twenty very close friends of yours?
S: We are all close-I’ve known them for ages. But five are my dearest friends.
Dr. N: Are every one of the twenty people at about the same level of learning?
S: Uh… almost. Some are a little further along than the rest.
Dr. N: Where would you place yourself in the group as far as knowledge?
S: Around the middle.
Dr. N: As to learning lessons, where are you in relation to your five closest friends?
S: Oh, we are about the same-we work together a lot.
Dr. N: What do you call them?
S: (chuckles) We have pet names for each other.
Dr. N: Why do you have nicknames?
S: Hmm … to define our essence. We see each other as representing earth things.
Dr. N: What is your pet name?
S: Thistle.
Dr. N: And this represents some personal attribute?
S:(pause)I… am known for sharp … reactions to new situations in my rotations (life cycles).
Dr. N: What is the entity you feel closest to called, and why?
S: (soft laughter) Spray. He goes flat out in his rotations … dispensing his energy so rapidly it splashes in all directions, just like the water he loves so much on Earth.
Dr. N: Your family group sounds very distinctive. Now would you explain to me what you and your friends actually do in this library setting?
S: I go to my table and we all look at the books.
Dr. N: Books? What sort of books?
S: The life books.
Dr. N: Describe them as best you can for me.
S: They are picture books-thick white edges-two or three inches thick-quite large …
The life book appears something like this.
Dr. N: Open one of the life books for me and explain what you and your friends at the table see.
S: (pause, while the subject’s hands come together and move apart as though she were opening a book) There is no writing. Everything we see is in live pictures.
Dr. N: Action pictures-different than photographs?
S: Yes, they are multi-dimensional. They move… shift… from a center of … crystal … which changes with reflected light.
Dr. N: So, the pictures are not flat, the moving light waves have depth?
S: That’s right, they are alive.
Dr. N: Tell me how you and your friends use the books?
S: Well, at first it’s always out of focus when the book is opened. Then we think of what we want, the crystal turns from dark to light and … gets into alignment. Then we can see … in miniature… our past lives and the alternatives.
Dr. N: How is time treated in these books?
S: By frames … pages … time is condensed by the life books.
Dr. N: I don’t want to dwell on your past right now, but take a look at the book and just tell me the first thing you see.
S: A lack of self-discipline in my last life because this is what is on my mind. I see myself dying young, in a lover’s quarrel-my ending was useless.
Dr. N: Do you see future lives in the life book?
S: We can look at future possibilities … in small bites only … in the form of lessons … mostly these options come later with the help of others. These books are intended to emphasize our past acts.
Comment c2
There is no time, but rather something else going on. The “book” accesses the world-line path that the consciousness has taken and completed. It can also access the world-line path probability that the consciousness can take. Rather than think in terms of past and future, the reader should consider this “book” to be a archival map.
Dr. N: Would you give me your impression of the intent behind this library atmosphere with your cluster group?
S: Oh, we all help one another go over our mistakes during this cycle. Our teacher is in and out and so we do a lot of studying together and discuss the value of our choices.
Dr. N: Are there other rooms where people study in this building?
S: No, this is for our group. There are different buildings where various groups study near us.
Note: The reader may refer to Figure 1 (page 89), circle B, as an example of what is meant here. In the graph, clusters 3-7 represent infrequent group interaction, although they are in close proximity to each other in the spirit world.
Comment c3
Buildings are used to segregate groups.
Dr. N: Are the groups of people who study in these buildings more or less advanced than those in your group?
S: Both.
Dr. N: Are you allowed to visit these other buildings where souls study?
S: (long pause) There is one which we go to regularly.
Dr. N: Which one?
S: A place for the newer ones. We help them when their teacher is gone. It’s nice to be needed.
Dr. N: Help them how?
S: (laughs) With their homework.
Dr. N: But don’t the teacher-guides have that responsibility?
S: Well, you see the teachers are … so much further along (in development) … this group appreciates our assistance because we can relate to them easily.
Dr. N: Ah, so you do a little student teaching with this group?
S: Yes, but we don’t do it anywhere else.
Dr. N: Why not? Why couldn’t more advanced groups come to your library to assist you once in a while?
S: They don’t because we are further along than the newer ones. And, we don’t infringe on them either. If I want to connect with someone, I do it outside the study center.
Dr. N: Can you wander about anywhere as long as you don’t bother other souls in their study areas?
S: (responds with some evasiveness) I like to stay around the vicinity of my temple, but I can reach out to anyone.
Dr. N: I get the impression that your soul energy is restricted to this spiritual space even though you can mentally reach out further.
S: I don’t feel restricted … we have plenty of room to go about … but I’m not attracted to everyone.
The statement about non-restriction, cited by Case 16, seems contrary to those boundaries of spiritual space seen by the last case. When I initially bring subjects into the spirit world, their visions are spontaneous, particularly as to spiritual order and their place in a community of soul life. While the average subject may talk about having private spaces, as far as living and working, none sees the spirit world as confining. Once their superconscious recall gets rolling, most people are able to tell me about having freedom of movement and going to open spaces where souls of many learning levels gather in a recreational atmosphere.
In these communal areas, floating souls socially engage in many activities.
Some are quite playful, as when I hear of older souls “teasing” the younger ones about what lies ahead for them. One subject put it this way, “We play tricks on each other like a bunch of kids. During hide-and-seek, some of the younger ones get lost and then we help them find themselves.” I am also told “guests” can appear in soul groups at times to entertain and tell stories, similar to the troubadours of the Middle Ages. Another subject mentioned that her group loved to see an odd-looking character known as “Humor” show up and make them all laugh with his antics.
Frequently, people in hypnosis find it hard to clearly explain the strange meanings behind their intermingling as souls.
One diversion I hear rather often is of souls forming a circle to more fully unify and project their thought energy. Always, a connection with a higher power is reported here.
Some people have told me, “Thought rhythms are so harmonized they bring forth a form of singing.” Gracefully subtle dancing can also take place when souls whirl around each other in a mixture of energy, blending and separating in exotic patterns of light and color.
Physical things such as shrines, boats, animals, trees, or ocean beaches can be conjured up at the center of these dances as well.
These images have special meaning to soul groups as planetary symbols which reinforce positive memories from former lives together. This sort of material replication apparently does not resent sadness by spirits who long to be in a physical state again, but are a joyful communion with historical events that helped shape their individual identities.
For me, these mythic expressions by souls are ceremonial in nature and yet they go far beyond basic ritual.
Although certain places in the spirit world are described as having the same function by subjects in superconscious, their images in each of these regions can vary.
Thus, a study area described as a Greek temple in this case is represented as a modern school building by another person.
Comment c4
Descriptions of what you see in the non-physical reality / universe is not fixed. It is subject to the impressions of the individual. What appears as a Greek temple to one, might resemble a government building to another.
As an example, to a football player a long hard rain would be a terrible thing because they couldn’t play a game. But to a farmer, a long hard rain would be a welcome event that would make his crops grow lush and tall. It’s all perception.
Other statements may seem more contradictory.
For instance, many subjects mentally traveling from one location to another in the spirit world will tell me the space around them is like a sphere, as we saw in the last chapter, but then they will add that the spirit world is not enclosed because it is “limitless.”
I think what we have to keep in mind is that people tend to structure their frame of reference during a trance state with what their conscious mind sees and has experienced on Earth.
Quite a few people who come out of trance tell me there is so much about the spirit world they were unable to describe in earthly terms.
Comment c5
This is very true, which is why I am so very hesitant to describe my training with the EBP prior to the ELF calibration at China Lake NWC.
Each person translates abstract spiritual conditions of their experience into symbols of interpretation which make sense to them.
Sometimes a subject will even express disbelief at their own visions when I first take them into a spiritual place. This is because the critical area of their conscious mind has not stopped dropping message units. People in trance soon adapt to what their unconscious mind is recording.
When I began to gather information about souls in groups, I based my assessments of where these souls belonged on the level of their knowledge.
Very young
Middle range
Using only this criterion of identification, it was difficult for me to swiftly place a client.
Case 16 came to me early in my studies of life in the spirit world. It was a significant one, because during the session I was to learn about the recognition of souls by color.
Before this case, I listened to my subjects describing the colors they were seeing in the spirit world without appreciating the importance of this information in relation to souls themselves. My clients reported about shades of soul energy mass, but I didn’t piece these observations together.
I was not asking the right questions.
I was familiar with Kirlian photography and the studies in parapsychology at U.C.L.A., where research has indicated each living person projects their own colored aura.
Kirlian photography of a finger tip. This technique permits the optical visualization of emulations from a body in color. There are those that believe that you can tell the health and spiritual status of a person through the study of this type of photography.
In human form, apparently we have an ionized energy field flowing out and around our physical bodies connected by a network of vital power points called chakras.
Chakras are the energy centers that are a part of a human energy shell or body (also known as the human aura). They are responsible for absorbing vital energy-informational particles of different spectrum from the surrounding environment and for releasing energy-informational particles from a human body. Chakras are like energy-informational routers that receive and transmit energy as well as information which makes it possible for us to interact with the surrounding environment (energy-informational field) and people.
Since spiritual energy has been described to me as a moving, living force, the amount of electromagnetic energy required to hold a soul on our physical plane could be another factor in producing different earthly colors.
It has also been said that a human aura reflects thoughts and emotions combined with the physical health of an individual. I wondered if these personal meridians projected by humans had a direct connection to what I was being told about the light emitted by souls in the spirit world.
With Case 16, I realized that radiated soul light visualized by spirits is not all white.
In the minds of my subjects, every soul generates a specific color aura. I credit this case with helping me decipher the meaning of these manifestations of energy.
Dr. N: All right, let’s float outside your temple of study. What do you see around you, or off in the distance?
S: People-large gatherings of people.
Dr. N: How many would you say?
S: Hmm…. in the distance … I can’t count… hundreds and hundreds … there are so many.
Dr. N: And do you identify with all these souls-are you associated with them?
S: Not really-I can’t even see all of them-it’s sort of… fuzzy out there … but my gang is near me.
Dr. N: If I could call your gang of about twenty souls your primary cluster group, are you associated with the larger secondary body of souls around you now?
S: We … are all … associated-but not directly. I don’t know those others …
Dr. N: Do you see the physical features of all these other souls in the same way as you did your own group in the temple?
S: No, that isn’t necessary. It is more … natural out here in the open. I see them all as spirits.
Dr. N: Look out in the distance from where you are now. How do you see all these spirits? What are they like?
S: Different lights-buzzing around as fireflies.
Dr. N: Can you tell if the souls who work with each other, such as teachers and students, stick together all the time?
S: People in my gang do, but the teachers kind of stick to themselves when they are not assisting in our lessons.
Dr. N: Do you see any teacher-guides from where we are now?
S: (pause) Some … yes … there are much fewer of them than us, of course. I can see Karla with two of her friends.
Dr. N: And you know they are guides, even without seeing any physical features? You can look out there at all the bright white lights and just mentally tell they are guides?
S: Sure, we can do that. But they are not all white.
Dr. N: You mean souls are not all absolutely white?
S: That’s partially true-the intensity aspect of our energy can make us less brilliant.
Dr. N: So Karla and her two friends display different shades of white?
S: No, they aren’t white at all.
Dr. N: I don’t follow you.
S: She and her two friends are teachers.
Dr. N: What is the difference? Are you saying these guides radiate energy which is not white?
S: That’s right.
Dr. N: Well, what color are they?
S: Yellow, of course.
Dr. N: Oh … so all guides radiate yellow energy?
S: No, they don’t.
Dr. N: What?
S: Karla’s teacher is Valairs.
He is blue. We see him sometimes here. Nice guy. Very smart.
Dr. N: Blue? How did we get to blue?
S: Valairs shows a light blue.
Dr. N: I’m confused. You didn’t say anything about another teacher called Valairs being part of your group.
S: You didn’t ask me. Anyway, he is not in my group. Neither is Karla. They have their own groups.
Dr. N: And these guides have auras which are yellow and blue?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: How many other energy colors do you see floating around here?
S: None.
Dr. N: Why not red and green energy lights? S: Some are reddish, but no green lights.
Dr. N: Why not?
S: I don’t know, but sometimes when I look around, this place is lit up like a Christmas tree.
Comment c6
This is all very interesting. However I can tell the reader that when I was involved in my EBP training that I didn’t really notice the color differentiation’s at all. Everything seemed “normal”.
What I can say is that the non-human entities, when they interacted with me in this environment took on a human form. For me to concentrate on them rather than the lesson at hand was unthinkable.
Dr. N: I’m curious about Valairs. Does every spiritual group have two teachers assigned to their cluster?
S: Hmm … it varies. Karla trains under Valairs, so we have two. We see little of him. He works with other groups besides us.
Dr. N: So, Karla herself is student teaching as a less advanced guide?
S: (somewhat indignantly) She is advanced enough for me!
Dr. N: Okay, but will you help me straighten out these color schemes? Why is Karla’s energy radiating yellow and Valairs blue?
S: That’s easy. Valairs … precedes all of us in knowledge and he gives off a darker intensity of light.
Dr. N: Does the shade of blue, compared to yellow or plain white, make a difference between souls?
S: I’m trying to tell you. Blue is deeper than yellow and yellow is more intense than white, depending on how far along you are.
Comment c7
Honestly, to me, all this concentration on color and appearance seems so damn trivial. But that is just me.
Dr. N: Oh, then the luminosity of Valairs radiates less brightly than Karla and she is less brilliant than your energy because you are further down in development?
S: (laughs) Much further down. They both have a heavier, more steady light than me.
Dr. N: And how does Karla’s yellow color vary from your whiteness in terms of where you are going with your own advancement?
S: (with pride) I’m turning into a reddish-white. Eventually, I’ll have light gold. Recently I’ve noticed Karla turning a little darker yellow. I expected it. She is so knowledgeable and good.
Dr. N: Really, and then will she eventually take her energy level to dark blue in intensity?
S: No, to a light blue at first. It’s always gradual, as our energy becomes more dense.
Comment c8
The more experiences you have as a human, the more quanta you vacuum up. This quanta increases the size of your soul, and the type of the quanta that you vacuum up changes the configuration of your soul.
What is going on is that the travels of one consciousness is observing the appearances of other consciousnesses with the non-physical reality. And a consciousness is but a part of a given soul.
As I have mentioned previously, a consciousness and a soul is partitioned. These partitions are such that a consciousness can occupy numerous world-lines and numerous universes at any singular point in time. Thus, what the consciousness is reporting on is the assumed appearance of a portion of a given consciousness that is reflective of the quanta associated with a given soul. Phew!
Dr. N: So, these three basic lights of white, yellow, and blue represent the development stages of souls and are visibly obvious to all spirits?
S: That’s right, and the changes are very slow.
Dr. N: Look around again. Do you see all the energy colors equally represented by souls in this area?
S: Oh no! Mostly white, some yellows, and few blues.
Dr. N: Thank you for clarifying this for me.
I routinely question everyone about their color hues while they are in trance. Aside from the general whiteness of the spirit world itself, my subjects report seeing a majority of other souls displaying shades of white. Apparently, a neutral white or gray is the starting point of development. Spirit auras then mix the primary colors of red, yellow, and blue from a base of white.
A few people see greenish hues mixed with yellow or blue.
To equate what I have heard about soul energy with the physical laws which govern the color spectrum we see in the heavens is just supposition. However, I have found some similarities.
The energy of radiated light from cooler stars in the sky is a red- orange, while the hotter stars increase from yellow to blue-white. Temperature acts on light waves that are also visible vibrations of the spectrum with different frequencies.
The human eye registers these waves as a band of light to dark colors.
The electro-magnetic spectrum.
The energy colors of souls probably have little to do with such elements as hydrogen and helium, but perhaps there is an association with a high energy field of electromagnetism.
I suspect all soul light is influenced by vibrational motion in tune with a harmonious spiritual oneness of wisdom.
Some aspects of quantum physics suggest the universe is made up of vibrational waves which influence masses of physical objects by an interaction of different frequencies. Light, motion, sound, and time are all interrelated in physical space.
I was hearing these same relationships applied to spiritual matter from my cases.
Eventually, I concluded both our spiritual and physical consciousness project and receive light energy. I believe individual vibrational wave patterns represent each soul’s aura.
As souls, the density, color, and form of light we radiate is proportional to the power of our knowledge and perception as represented by increasing concentrations of light matter as we develop. Individual patterns of energy not only display who we are, but indicate the degree of ability to heal others and regenerate ourselves.
Comment c8
Actually, it is a measure of the types of quanta that forms a soul, and the composition and orientation of the garbions (and swales) within that soul. Then one observes the consciousness that reflects that soul.
Obviously there are other criteria that come into play.
Depending on the construction and garbionic layout of a given species soul, the consciousness may or may not reflect the true and actual composition of the parent soul. For instance the Type-1 greys have a hive / matrix soul and the “individual” consciousnesses reflect something different than the core soul hive center. To an outside observer, there might be very little color in the overall appearance of the entities of this species. Thus the colors as viewed by another soul might not be accurate.
Which lends me to believe that this observation of color associated for other souls / consciousness int he non-physical realm is but a mechanism that young to medium age consciousnesses use to compare themselves with others. Older spirits and entities, or those that are routinely involved in the non-physical world, do not use this primitive method of determination. And find no benefit in comparisons with others.
People in hypnosis speak of colors to describe how souls appear, especially from a distance, when they are shapeless. From my cases, I have learned the more advanced souls project masses of faster moving energy particles which are reported to be blue in color, with the highest concentrations being purple. In the visible spectrum on Earth, blue-violet has the shortest wavelength, with energy peaking in the invisible ultraviolet. If color density is a reflection of wisdom, then the lower wavelengths of white through yellow emanating from souls must represent lower concentrations of vibrational energy.
Comment c10
Again, I consider the concentration on consciousness color to be a trivial matter.
Where does that put hybrid souls, and those that fit outside of the “normal” progression? Indeed, there are far too many variances to make these kinds of broad assumptions.
Figure 3 (page 103) is a chart I have designed for the classification of souls by color coding, as reported by my subjects. The first column lists the soul’s spiritual state, or grade-level of learning. The last column shows our guide status and denotes our ability and readiness to serve in that capacity for others, which will be explained further in the next chapter. Learning begins with our creation as a soul and then accelerates with the first physical life assignment. With each incarnation, we grow in understanding, although we may slip back in certain lives before regaining our footing and advancing again. Nevertheless, from what I can determine, once a spiritual level is attained by the soul, it stays there.
In Figure 3, I show six levels of incarnating souls. Although I generally place my subjects into the broad categories of beginner, intermediate, and advanced souls, there are subtle differences in between, at Levels II and IV. For example, to determine whether a soul is starting to move out of the beginner stage at Level I into Level II, I must not only know how much white energy remains, but analyze the subject’s responses to questions which demonstrate learning. A genealogy of past life successes, future expectations, group associations, and conversations between my subjects and their guides, all form a profile of growth.
Comment c9
I am sorry but I have been unable to locate “Figure 3” from the Journey of Souls.
Some of my subjects object to my characterizing the spirit world as a place governed by societal structure and organizational management symbolized by Figure 3. On the other hand, I continually listen to these same subjects describe a planned and ordered process of self-development influenced by peers and teachers.
If the spirit world does resemble one great schoolhouse with a multitude of classrooms under the direction of teacher souls who monitor our progress-then it has structure.
Figure 3 represents a basic working placement model for my own use.
I know it has imperfections. I hope follow-up research by regression therapists in future years may build upon my conceptualizations with their own replications to measure soul maturity.
This chapter may give the reader the impression that souls are as segregated by light level in the spirit world as people are by class in communities on Earth. Societal conditions on Earth cannot be compared with the spirit world.
Comment c10
The conventions used herein are not used in the non-physical realms in the same way.
The differences in light frequency measuring knowledge in souls all comes from the same energy source.
Souls are fully integrated by thought. If all levels of performance in the spirit world were on one grade level, souls would have a poor system of training. The old one-room schoolhouse concept of education on Earth limited students of different ages. In spiritual peer groups, souls work at their own developmental level with others like them. Mature teacher-guides prepare succeeding generations of souls to take their places.
And so there are practical reasons why conditions exist in the spirit world for a system designed to measure learning and development.
The system fosters enlightenment and ultimately the perfection of souls.
It is important to understand that while we may suffer the consequences of bad choices in our educational tasks, we are always protected, supported, and directed within the system by master souls.
I see this as the spiritual management of souls.
The whole idea of a hierarchy of souls has been part of both Eastern and Western cultures for many centuries. Plato spoke of the transformation of souls from childhood to adulthood passing through many stages of moral reason.
The Greeks felt humankind moves from amoral, immature, and violent beings over many lives to people who are finally socialized with pity, patience, forgiveness, honesty, and love. In the second century AD, the new Christian theology was greatly influence by Polotinus, whose Neoplatonist cosmology involved souls having a hierarchy of degrees of being.
The highest being was a transcendent One, or God-creator, out of which the soul-self was born which would occupy humans. Eventually, these lower- souls would return to complete reunion with the universal over-soul.
Comment c11
During my EBP training period I was not part of any kind of “soul group” or cluster. I was on my own. I do not know the relative importance of this fact and situation.
My classification of soul development is intended to be neither socially nor intellectually elitist. Souls in a high state of advancement are often found in humble circumstances on Earth.
By the same token, people in the strata of influence in human society are by no means in a blissful state of soul maturity. Often, just the reverse is true.
Summary of Soul Groups
In terms of placement by soul development, I cannot overemphasize the importance of our spiritual groups. Chapter Nine, on beginner souls (Levels I and II), will more closely examine how a soul group functions. Before going further, however, I want to summarize what I have learned about the principles of soul group assignments.
Regardless of the relative time of creation after their novice status is completed, all beginner souls are assigned to a new group of souls at their level of understanding.
Once a new soul support group is formed, no new members are added in the future.
There appears to be a systematic selection procedure for homogeneous groupings of souls. Similarities of ego, cognitive awareness, expression, and desire are all considerations.
Irrespective of size, cluster groups do not directly intermix with each other’s energy, but souls can communicate with one another across primary and secondary group boundaries.
Primary clusters in Levels I and II may split into smaller subgroups for study, but are not separated from the integrated whole within a single cluster of souls.
Rates of learning vary among peer group members. Certain souls will advance faster than others in a cluster group, although these students may not be equally competent and effective in all areas of their curricula. Around the intermediate level of learning, souls demonstrating special talents (healing, teaching, creating, etc.) are permitted to participate in specialty groups for more advanced work while still remaining with their cluster group.
At the point where a soul’s needs, motives and performance abilities are judged to be fully at Level III in all areas of self-development, they are then loosely formed into an “independent studies” work group. Usually, their old guides continue to monitor them through one master teacher. Thus, a new pod of entities graduating into full Level III could be brought together from many clusters within one or more secondary groups.
When they approach Level IV, souls are given more independence outside group activities. Although group size diminishes as souls advance, the intimate contact between original peer group members is never lost.
Spirit guides have a wide variety of teaching methods and instructional personifications depending upon group composition.
Our Guides
I HAVE never worked with a subject in trance who did not have a personal guide. Some guides are more in evidence than others during hypnosis sessions.
It is my custom to ask subjects if they see feel a discarnate presence in the room.
If they do, this third party is usually a protective guide.
Often, a client will sense the presence of a discarnate figure before visualizing a face or hearing a voice. People who meditate a great deal are naturally more familiar with these visions than someone who never called upon his or her guide.
The recognition of these spiritual teachers brings people into the company of a warm, loving creative power. Through our guides, we become more acutely aware of the continuity of life and our identity as a soul. Guides are figures of grace in our existence because they are part of the fulfillment of our destiny.
Guides are complex entities, especially when they are master guides. The awareness level of the soul determines to some extent the degree of advancement of the guide assigned to them. In fact, the maturity of a particular guide also has a bearing on whether these teachers have only one student or many under their direction.
Guides at the senior level of ability and above usually work with an entire group of souls in the spirit world and on earth.
These guides have other entities who assist them.
From what I can see, every soul group usually has one or more rather new teachers in training. As a result, some people may have more than one guide helping them.
Comment c12
During my EBP training period I had numerous “Guides”. They pretty much led me to the school, and then left me with the instructor or teacher. I never, at any time, got to know them, their role or their background.
The personal names my clients attach to their guides range from ordinary, whimsical, or quaint-sounding words, to the bizarre.
Frequently, these names can be traced back to a specific past life a teacher spent with a student. Some clients are unable to verbalize their guide’s name because the sound cannot be duplicated, even when they see them clearly while under hypnosis. I tell these people it is much more important that they under stand the purpose of why certain guides are assigned to them, rather than possessing their names.
A subject may simply use a general designation for their guide such as: director, advisor, instructor, or just “my friend.”
One has to be careful how the word friend is interpreted.
Usually, when a person in trance talks about a spiritual friend, they are referring to a soul-mate or peer group associate rather than a guide. Entities who are our friends exist on levels not much higher or lower than ourselves. These friends are able to offer mental encouragement from the spirit world while we are on Earth, and they can be with us as incarnated human companions while we walk the roads of life.
Comment c13
This is the same in Chinese. A “friend” can mean many things, from a casual acquaintance to something much more, and many shades in-between.
One of the most important aspects of my therapeutic work with clients is assisting them, on a conscious level, with appreciating the role their guides play in life. These teacher entities edify all of us with their skillful instruction techniques. Ideas we claim as our own may be generated by a concerned guide.
Guides also comfort us during the trying periods in our lives, especially when we are children in need of solace.
I remember a charming remark made by a subject after I asked when she began seeing her guide in this life. “Oh, when I was daydreaming,” she said. “I remember my guide was with me on my first day of school when I was really scared. She sat on top of my desk to keep me company and then showed me the way to the bathroom when I was too afraid to ask the teacher.”
The concept of personalized spiritual beings goes far back in antiquity to our earliest origins as thinking human beings.
Anthropological studies at the sites of prehistoric people suggest their totemic symbols evoked individual protection. Later, some 5,000 years ago as city-states arose, official deities became identified with state religions. These gods were more remote and even generated fear.
Thus, personal and family deities assumed great importance in the day-to-day life of people for protection.
A personal soul deity served as a guardian angel to each person or family, and could be called upon for divine help during a crisis. This tradition has been carried down into our cultures of today.
We have two examples at opposite ends of the United States.
Aumakua is a personal god to Hawaiians. The Polynesians believe one’s ancestors can assume a personal god relationship (as humans, animals, or fish) to living family members. In visions and dreams, Aumakua can either assist or reprimand an individual.
In northeastern America, the Iroquois believe a human’s own inner spiritual power is called Orenda, which is connected to a higher personal Orenda spirit. This guardian is able to resist the powers of harm and evil directed at an individual.
The concept of soul watchers who function as guides is part of the belief system of many Native American cultures.
The Zuni tribes of the Southwest have oral traditions in their mythology of god-like beings with personal existences. They are called “the makers and holders of life paths” and are considered the caretakers of souls.
There are other cultures around the world which also believe someone other than God is watching over them to personally intercede on their behalf.
I think human beings have always needed anthropomorphic figures below a supreme God to portray the spiritual forces around them.
When people pray or meditate, they want to reach out to an entity with whom they are acquainted for inspiration. It is easier to ask for aid from a figure which can be clearly identified in the human mind. There is a lack of imagery with a supreme God which hinders a direct connection for many people.
Regardless of our diverse religious preferences and degrees of faith, people also feel if there is a supreme God, this divinity is too busy to bother about their individual problems.
People often express an unworthiness for a direct association with God. As a result, the world’s major religions have used prophets who once lived on Earth to serve as our intermediaries with God.
Possibly because some of these prophets have been elevated to divine status themselves, they are not personal enough anymore.
I say this without diminishing the vital spiritual influence all the great prophets have had on their followers. Millions of people derive benefit from the teachings of these powerful souls who incarnated on Earth as prophets in our historical past. And yet, people know in their hearts-as they have always known-that someone, some personal entity individual to them-is there, waiting to be reached.
I have the theory that guides appear to people who are very religious as figures of their faith. There was a case on a national television show where the child of a devout Christian family suffered a near-death experience and said she saw Jesus. When asked to draw with crayons what she saw, the little girl drew a featureless blue man standing within a halo of light.
My subjects have shown me how much they depend upon and make use of their spiritual guides during life.
I have come to believe we are their direct responsibility- not God’s. These learned teachers remain with us over thousands of earth years to assist in our trials before, during, and after countless lives. I notice that, unlike people walking around in a conscious state, subjects in trance do not blame God for their misfortunes in life.
More often than not, when we are in the soul state, it is our personal guide who takes the brunt of any dissatisfaction.
I am often asked if teacher-guides are matched to us or just picked at random. This is a difficult question to answer. Guides do appear to be assigned to us in the spirit world in an orderly fashion. I have come to believe their individual teaching styles and management techniques support and beautifully integrate with our permanent soul identity.
For instance, I have heard about younger guides, whose past lives included overcoming particularly difficult negative traits, being assigned to souls with the same behavior patterns. It seems these empathetic guides are graded on how well they do in their assignments to affect positive change.
All guides have compassion for their students, but teaching approaches vary. I find some guides constantly helping their students on Earth, while others demand their charges work out lessons with little overt encouragement. The maturity of the soul is, of course, a factor. Certainly graduate students get less help than freshmen. Aside from the developmental level, I look at the intensity of individual desire as another consideration in the frequency of appearance and form of assistance one receives from his or her guide during a life.
As to gender assignments, I find no consistent correlation of male and female subjects to masculine or feminine appearing guides. On the whole, people accept the gender portrayed by their guide as quite natural. It could be argued that this is because they have become used to them over eons of relative time as males or females rather than the assumption that one sex IS more effective than another between specific students and teachers. Some guides appear as mixed genders, which lends support to souls being truly androgynous. One client told me, “My guide is sometimes Alexis or Alex, dropping in and out of both sexes, depending on my need for male or female advice.”
Comment c14
Trying to make sense of this is silly. Once you are in the non-physical worlds you do not have the same biological needs, wants, desires as a physical person would have.
From what I can determine, the procedure for teacher selection is carefully managed in the spirit world. Every human being has at least one senior, or a higher master guide, assigned to their soul since the soul was first created. Many of us inherit a newer, secondary guide later in our existence, such as Karla, in the previous chapter. For want of a better term, I have called these student teachers junior guides.
Aspiring junior guides can anticipate the beginning of their training near the end of Level III, as they progress into the upper intermediate stages of development. Actually, we begin our training as subordinate guides long before attaining Level IV. In the lower stages of development we help others in life as friends and between lives assist our peer group associates with counseling.
Junior and senior teaching assignments appear to reflect the will of master guides, who form a kind of governing body, similar to a trusteeship, over the younger guides of the spirit world.
We will see examples of how the process of guide development works in Chapters Ten and Eleven, which cover cases of more advanced souls.
Do all guides have the same teaching abilities, and does this affect the size of the group to which we are assigned in the spirit world? The following passage is from the case file of an experienced soul who discussed this question with me.
Case 17
Dr. N: I’m curious about teacher assignments in the spirit world in relation to their abilities to help undeveloped souls. When souls progress as guides, are they given quite a few souls to work with?
S: Only the more practiced ones.
Dr. N; I would imagine large groups of souls needing guides could become quite a responsibility for one advanced guide-even with an assistant.
S: They can handle it. Size doesn’t matter. Dr. N: Why not?
S: Once you attain competency and success as a teacher, the number of souls you are given doesn’t matter. Some sections (clusters) have lots of souls and others don’t.
Dr. N: So, if you are a senior in the blue light aura, class size has no relation to assignments, because you have the ability to handle large numbers of souls?
S: I didn’t exactly say that. Much depends upon the types of souls in a section and the experience of the leaders. In the larger sections they have help too, you know.
Dr. N: Who does?
S: The guides you are calling seniors. Dr. N: Well, who helps them?
S: The overseers. Now, they are the real pros.
Dr. N: I have heard them also called master teachers. S: That’s not a bad description for them.
Dr. N: What energy color do they project to you?
S: It’s … purplish.
Note: As signified in Figure 3 in the last chapter, the lower ranges of a Level V radiate a sky-blue energy. With advancing maturity this aura grows more dense, first to a muted midnight blue and finally to deep purple, representing the total integration of a Level VI ascended master.
Dr. N: Since guides seem to have different approaches to teaching, what do they all have in common?
S: They wouldn’t be teachers if they didn’t have a love of training and a desire to help us join them.
Dr. N: Then define for me why souls are selected as guides. Take a typical guide and tell me what qualities that advanced soul possesses.
S: They must be compassionate without being too easy on you. They aren’t judgmental. You don’t have to do things their way. They don’t restrain by imposing their values on you.
Dr. N: Okay, those are things guides don’t do. If they don’t over-direct souls, what are the important things they do, as you see it?
S: Uh … they build morale in their sections and instill confidence-we all know they have been through a lot themselves. We are accepted for who we are as individuals with the right to make our own mistakes.
Dr. N: I must say, I have found souls very loyal to their guides. S: That’s why-because they never give up on you.
Dr. N: What would you say is the most important attribute of any guide? S: (without hesitation) The ability to motivate you and instill courage.
My next case provides an example of the actions of a still-incarnating guide. This guide is called Owa, and he represents the qualities of a devoted teacher reported by the last case. Evidently, his early assignments as a guide involved looking after the subject in Case 18 in a direct fashion, and his methods apparently have not changed. My client was stunned once she recognized her guide’s latest incarnation.
Owa made his first appearance as a guide in my client’s past about 50 BC. He was described as an old man living in a Judean village which had been overrun by Roman soldiers. Case 18 was then a young girl, orphaned by a Roman raid against local dissidents. In the opening scene Of this past life, she spoke about working in a tavern as a virtual slave. As a serving girl, she was constantly beaten by the owner and occasionally raped by Roman customers. She died at age twenty-six of overwork, mistreatment, and despair. This subject made the following statement from her subconscious mind about an old man in her village: “I worked day and night and felt numb with pain and humiliation. He was the only person who was kind to me-who taught me to trust in myself-to have faith in something higher and finer than the cruel people around me.”
Later in the superconscious state, this client detailed parts of other difficult lives where Owa appeared as a trusted friend, and once as a brother. In this state she saw these people were all the same entity and was able to name this soul as Owa, her guide. There were many lives when Owa did not appear, and sometimes his physical contact was only fleeting when he came to help her. Abruptly, I asked if Owa might possibly be in her life now? After a moment of hesitation, my subject began to shake uncontrollably. Tears came to her eyes and she cried out from the vision in her mind.
Case 18 – Owa
S: Oh, Lord-I knew it! I knew there was something different about him.
Dr. N: About who?
S: My son! Owa is my son Brandon.
Dr. N: Your son is actually Owa?
S: Yes, yes! (laughing and crying at the same time) I knew it! I felt it right from the day I delivered him-something wonderfully familiar and special to me-more than just a helpless baby… oh
Dr. N: What did you know the day he was born?
S: I didn’t really know-I felt it inside-something more than the excitement a mother feels at the time of her firstborn. I felt he came here-to help me-don’t you see? Oh, it’s so fantastic-it’s true-it’s him!
Dr. N: (I work on calming my client before continuing, because her excited wiggling around is about to carry her over the side of the office recliner) Why do you think Owa is here as your baby son Brandon?
S: (quieter now, but still crying softly) To get me through this bad time … with hard people who won’t accept me. He must have known I was in for a long period of trouble and decided to come to me as my son. We didn’t talk about doing this before I was born… what a wonderful surprise…
Note: At the time of this session, my client was struggling to gain recognition in a highly competitive business. She was also having marital difficulties at home, partly due to being the major wage earner. I have since learned she is divorced.
Dr. N: Did you sense something unusual about your baby after you took him home?
S: Yes, it started at the hospital and this feeling never left me. When I look into his eyes he… soothes me. Sometimes I come home so worn out-so tired and beat down-I am short-tempered with him when the baby-sitter leaves. But he is so patient with me. I don’t even need to hold him. The way he looks at me is … so wise. I didn’t fully understand what this meant until now. Now, I know! Oh, what a blessing. I wasn’t sure if I should even have the baby-now I see it all.
Dr. N: What do you see?
S: (in a firm voice) As I try to advance in my profession, people are getting … harder … not accepting what I know and can do. My husband and I are having trouble. He puts me down for pushing too hard … wanting to achieve. Owa-Brandon-is here to keep me strong so I can overcome.
Dr. N: And do you think it is all right we discovered your guide is with you as Brandon in this life?
S: Yes, if Owa didn’t want me to know that he decided to come into life, I wouldn’t have come to see you-it wouldn’t have been on my mind.
This exceptional case represents the emotional intoxication a subject feels when an in-life contact is made with their guide. Notice the role Owa chose did not infringe upon the most typical role usually taken by a soulmate. He did not come through as her spouse, and never has, in any of her past lives. Certainly, soulmates take other roles besides spouses, but an incarnating guide does not normally take a role which might transgress between two soulmates working on their lives together. This client’s soulmate happens to be an old flame from high school.
Based upon all the information I was able to gather, Owa seems to have moved into the level of a junior guide in the last two-thousand years. He may possibly graduate into the blue level of a senior guide before this client is qualified herself to rise from white to a yellow energy aura. Regardless of the number of centuries this takes, Owa will remain as her guide, even though he may never incarnate again with her in a life.
Do we ever catch up to our guides in development? Eventually, perhaps, but I can say I have not seen any evidence of this in my cases. Souls who develop relatively fast are gifted, but so are the guides who assist them.
It is not uncommon to find guides working in pairs with people on Earth, each with their own approaches to teaching. In these cases one is dominant, although the more experienced senior guide may actually be less evident in day-to-day activities of their charges. The reason for this spiritual arrangement in tandem is because one of the pair is either in training (such as a junior guide under a senior), or the association is so long-standing between the two guides (as with a senior to a master) that a permanent relationship has evolved. The senior guide may have acquired his or her own cluster of souls, which is still monitored by a master overseeing a number of soul groups.
Teams of guides do not interfere with each other in or out of the spirit world. I have a close friend whose guides illustrate how two teachers working together complement each other. Using this individual’s case is appropriate, because I have observed the way this person’s two guides interact in various life circumstances.
My friend’s junior guide appears in the form of a kindly, nurturing Native American medicine woman called Quan. Dressed simply in a deerskin sheath, her long hair pulled back, Quan’s soft face is bathed in vivid light during her appearances. When she is called, Quan provides a vehicle for insight and understanding events and the individuals associated with those events, which are troubling to my friend.
Comment c15
Appearance is relative to the observer. And thus it is meaningless to us. Appearance in the non-physical worlds are meaningless to anyone other than the observer.
Quan’s desire to lighten the load of the rather difficult life my friend has chosen is tempered by a challenging male figure called Giles. Giles is clearly a senior guide who may be close to being a master in the spirit world. In this capacity, he does not appear nearly as often as Quan. When Giles does come into my friend’s higher consciousness, he does so abruptly.
Here is a sample of how a senior guide operates differently from one of junior status.
Case 19 – Senior Guide
Dr. N: When you are in deep reflection over a serious problem, how does Giles come to you?
S: (laughs) Not the same as Quan-I can tell you. Usually, he likes to … hide a little… at first… behind a shadow of … blue vapor. I hear him chuckling before I see him.
Dr. N: You mean he appears first as a blue energy form?
S: Yes … to hide himself a bit-he likes to be secretive, but it doesn’t last long. Dr. N: Why?
S: I don’t know-to make sure I really want him, I guess.
Dr. N: Well, when he shows himself, what does Giles look like to you?
S: An Irish Leprechaun.
Dr. N: Oh, then he is a small man?
S: (laughs again) An elf figure-tangled hair all over his wrinkled face-he looks a mess and moves constantly in all directions.
Dr. N: Why does he do that?
S: Giles is a slippery character-impatient, too-he frowns a lot while he paces back and forth in front of me with his arms clasped in back of him.
Dr. N: And how would you interpret this behavior?
S: Giles is not dignified like some (guides) … but he is very clever … crafty.
Dr. N: Could you be more specific as to how this conduct relates to you?
S: (strained) Giles has made me look upon my lives as a chess game with the Earth as the board. Certain moves bring certain results and there are no easy solutions. I plan, and then things go wrong during the game in my life. I sometimes think he lays traps for me to work through on the board.
Dr. N: Do you prosper with this technique of your advanced guide? Has Giles been a help to your problem-solving during the game of life?
S: (pause) … More afterward … here (in the spirit world) … but, he makes me work so damn hard on Earth.
Dr. N: Could you get rid of him and just work with Quan?
S: (smiles ruefully) It doesn’t work that way here. Besides, he is brilliant. Dr. N: So, we don’t get to choose our guides?
S: No way. They choose you.
Dr. N: Do you have any idea why you have two guides who approach your problems so differently in the way they help you?
S: No, I don’t, but I consider myself very fortunate. Quan… is gentle… and steady with her support.
Note: The embodiments of Native Americans who once lived in North America make powerful spiritual guides for those of us who have followed them to live in this land. The large number of Americans who report having such guides lends support to my belief that souls are attracted to geographical settings they have known during earlier incarnations.
Dr. N: What do you like most about Giles’ teaching methods?
S: (pensively) Oh, the way he-well, trifles with me-almost mocking me to do better during the game and stop feeling sorry for myself. When things get especially rough he prods me and keeps me going … insisting I use all my abilities. There is nothing soft about Giles.
Dr. N: And you feel this coaching on Earth, even when you and I are not working together?
S: Yes, when I meditate and go inside myself… or during my dreams.
Dr. N: And Giles comes when you want him?
S: (after some hesitation) No … although it seems as though I have been with him forever. Quan does come to me more. I can’t just grab hold of Giles in any situation I want, unless what I have going on is really serious. He is elusive.
Dr. N: Sum up your feelings about Quan and Giles for me.
S: I love Quan as a mother, but I wouldn’t be where I am without Giles’ discipline. They are both skillful because they allow me to benefit from my mistakes.
These two guides are a cooperating team of instructors, which is standard procedure for those people who have two guides. In this case, Giles enjoys teaching karmic lessons by the Socratic method. Providing no clues in advance, he makes sure problem-solving on major issues is never easy for my friend. Quan, on the other hand, provides comfort and gentle encouragement.
When my friend comes to me for a hypnosis session, I am aware that Quan remains in the background when Giles is on-board and active. Giles is a caring guide, as all guides are, but without a trace of indulgence. Adversity is allowed to build to the absolute limits of my friend’s ability to cope before solutions suddenly begin to unfold.
To be honest, I see Giles as a wicked taskmaster.
This view is not really shared by my friend, who is grateful for the challenges offered by this complex teacher.
What is the average spiritual guide like? In my experience, no two guides are the same.
These dedicated higher entities give me the impression of having attitudinal swings toward me from one session to the next, and even within the same session with a client.
They can be cooperative or obstructive, tolerant or disobliging, evasive or revealing, or just flat out unconcerned with anything I do with a subject.
I have great respect for guides because these powerful figures play such an important part in our destiny, but I must admit they can frustrate my inquiries. I find them enigmatic because they are unpredictable in their relations with me as a facilitator.
Early in this century, it was common for mediums working with people in hypnosis to call any discarnate entity in the room a ”control,” because they acted as the director of communications on the spiritual side for the subject.
It was recognized that a spiritual control (whether a guide or not) had energy patterns which were in emotional, intellectual, and spiritual attunement with the subject. The importance of a harmonious energy pattern between facilitator and these entities was also known.
If a control is blocking my investigations with a client, I search for the reason why this is happening. With some blocking guides I must fight for every scrap of information, while others give me a great deal of latitude in a session.
I never forget that guides have every right to block my approach to problems with souls under their care.
After all, I have their people as my subjects for only a short while. Frankly, I would much rather have no contact with a client’s guide than work with one who might assist me at one point and then block the rhythm of memory in the next portion of a session.
I believe a guide’s motivation for blocking information goes far beyond resisting the immediate psychological direction a therapy session is taking. I am constantly searching for new data on the spirit world.
A guide who lends support to a free flow of past life memories from one of my subjects may balk at my far-reaching questions about life on other planets, the structure of the spirit world, or creation itself.
This is why I am only able to collect these spiritual secrets in fragments from a large body of client information reflecting the discretion of many guides. I also feel that I am receiving assistance from my own spiritual guide during communications with subjects and their guides.
Occasionally, a subject will express dissatisfaction with his or her particular guide. This is usually temporary.
At any time, people are capable of believing their guides are too difficult and not working in their best interests, or just not paying enough attention to them. A subject once told me that he had tried for a long time to be assigned another guide. He said, “My guide is stonewalling me, she doesn’t give enough of herself.”
The man told me his desire for a change in guides was not honored.
I observed that he spent considerable time alone, without much group interaction after his last two lives, because he refused to deal with his issues. He projected anger toward his guide for not rescuing him from bad situations.
Our teachers really don’t get perturbed with us to the point of alienation, but I notice they have a way of making themselves scarce when disgruntled students avoid real problem-solving. Guides only want the best for us and sometimes this means they must watch us endure much pain to reach certain objectives. Guides cannot assist in our progress until we are ready to make the necessary changes in order to take full advantage of life’s Opportunities.
Do we have reason to be fearful of our guides? In Chapter Five, with Case 13, we saw an obviously younger soul who expressed some trepidation right after death about meeting the guide Clodees for debriefing. Typically, this concern does not last.
We may feel chagrined over having to explain to our guides why goals were not attained, but they understand. They want us to interpret our past lives so we will have the benefit of assisting in the analysis of mistakes.
My clients express all sorts of sentiments about their guides, but fear is not among them.
On the contrary, people are more worried about being abandoned by spiritual advisors during difficult periods in their lives. Our relationship with guides is one of students and teachers rather than defendants and judges. Our personal guides help us cope with the separateness and isolation which every soul inherits at physical birth, regardless of the degree of love extended by our family. Guides give us an affirmation of Self in a crowded world.
People want to know if their guides always come whenever they call for help. Guides are not consistent in the manner in which they choose to assist us, because they carefully evaluate how badly they are needed.
I am also asked if hypnosis is the best way to get in contact with one’s guide. Naturally, I lean toward hypnosis, because I know how potent and effective this medium can be to obtain detailed spiritual information. However, hypnosis by a trained facilitator is not convenient on a daily basis, where meditation, prayer, and perhaps channeling with another person would be.
Self-hypnosis, as a form of deep meditation, is an excellent alternative and may be preferred by those who have a fear of being hypnotized by others, or don’t want the interference of a second party in their spiritual life.
Comment c16
This is also an effective way to conduct intention / prayer world-line manipulation.
Regardless of the method used, we all have the capacity to send out far-reaching thought waves from our higher consciousness. Every person’s thoughts represent a mental fingerprint to guides marking who and where we are. During our lives, especially in periods of great stress, most people feel the presence of someone watching out for them. We may not be able to describe this power, but it is there nonetheless.
Reaching our soul is the first step on the ladder of finding our higher power. All lines of mental communication we use to reach a God-head are monitored by our guides on this step. They, too, have their guides further up the ladder. The entire ladder serves as one unbroken conduit to the source of all intelligent energy, with each rung being part of the whole. It is essential for people to have faith that a prayer for help will be answered by their own higher power.
This is why guides are vitally important to our spiritual and temporal lives.
If we are relaxed and in a state of concentrated focus, an inner voice speaks to us. And, even if we didn’t initiate the message, we should trust what we hear.
National surveys by psychologists indicate one person in ten admits to hearing voices which are frequently positive and instructional in nature. It is a relief for many people to learn their inner voices are not the hallucinations associated with the mentally ill. Rather than something to be worried about, an inner voice is like having your own resident counselor on call.
More often than not, these voices are those of our guides.
Guides assigned to different souls do work together relaying urgent mental messages for each other. People unable to help themselves in critical situations may find counselors, friends, and even strangers coming to their aid at just the right moment.
The inner strength which comes to us in our daily lives does not arrive as much by a visual picture of actually seeing our guides, as from the feelings and emotions which convince us we are not alone. People who listen and encourage their inner voice through quiet contemplation say they feel a personal connection with an energy beyond themselves which offers support and reassurance.
If you prefer to call this internal guidance system inspiration or intuition, that is fine, because the system which aids us is an aspect of ourselves as well as higher powers.
During troublesome times in our lives, we have the tendency to ask for guidance to immediately set things right. When they are in trance, my clients see that their guides don’t help them solve all their problems at once, rather they illuminate pathways by the use of clues.
This is one reason why I am cautious about client- blocking during hypnosis. Insight is best revealed with a controlled pace relative to each person. A concerned teacher may not want all aspects of a problem uncovered at a given point in time for his or her student. We vary in our ability to handle revelations.
When asking for help from your higher spiritual power, I think it is best not to demand immediate change.
Comment c17
As I have stated in my discussions on prayer / intention techniques, you want to avoid problematic world-lines. You want reasonably rapid change to achieve your objective, but not at the risk or danger or discomfort.
Our success in life is predicated on planning, but we do have alternative paths to choose from to reach certain goals.
When seeking guidance, I suggest requesting help with just the next step in your life. When you do this, be prepared for unexpected possibilities. Have the faith and humility to open yourself up to a variety of paths toward solutions.
After death we do not experience sadness as souls with the same emotional definition as grief felt in physical form. Yet, as we have already seen, souls are not detached beings without feelings. I have learned those powers who watch over us also feel what I call a spiritual sorrow when they see us making poor choices in life and going through pain. Certainly, our soul-mates and peers suffer distress when we are tormented, but so do our guides. Guides may not show sorrow in orientation conferences and during soul group discussions between lives, but they keenly feel their responsibilities toward us as teachers.
In Chapter Eleven, we will get the perspective of a guide at Level V.
I have never found a person who is a living grade VI, or master guide, as a subject.
I suspect we don’t have a whole lot of these advanced souls on Earth at any one time. Most Level VI’s are much too involved with planning and directing from the spirit world to incarnate any longer.
From the reports of the Level V’s I have had, it would seem the Level VI has no new lessons to learn, but I have a hunch a still-incarnating soul at Level V may not know all the esoteric tasks involved with master level entities.
Comment c18
Let me clarify. The doctor cannot report on any entity over level V simply because he never encountered any. The justification for this lack of encounter is speculative.
Once in a while during a session with a more advanced soul, I hear references to an even higher level of soul than Level VI. These entities, to whom even the masters report, are in the darkest purple range of energy. These superior beings must be getting close to the creator. I am told these shadowy figures are elusive, but highly venerated beings in the spirit world.
The average client doesn’t know if spiritual guides should be placed in a less than divine category, or considered lesser gods because of their advancement.
There is nothing wrong with any spiritual concept, as long as it provides comfort, is uplifting, and makes sense to each individual. Although some of my clients have the tendency to consider guides god-like-they are not God. In my opinion, guides are no more or less divine than we are, which is why they are seen as personal beings.
In all my cases God is never seen.
People in hypnosis say they feel the presence of a supreme power directing the spirit world, but they are uncomfortable using the word “God” to describe a creator. Perhaps the philosopher Spinoza said it best with these words: “God is not He who is, but That which is.”
Every soul has a spiritual higher power linked to its existence. All souls are part of the same divine essence generated from one oversoul. This intelligent energy is universal in scope and so we all share in divine status. If our soul reflects a small portion of the oversoul we call God, then our guides provide the mirror by which we are able to see ourselves connected to this creator. 9
The Beginner Soul
THERE are two types of beginner souls: souls who are truly young in terms of exposure to an existence out of the spirit world, and souls who have been reincarnating on Earth for a long period of relative time, but still remain immature.
I find beginner souls of both types in Levels I and II.
I believe almost three-quarters of all souls who inhabit human bodies on Earth today are still in the early stages of development. I know this is a grossly discouraging statement because it means most of our human population is operating at the lower end of their training. On the other hand, when I consider a world population beset by so much negative cross-cultural misunderstanding and violence, I am not inclined to change my opinion about the high percentage of lower level souls on Earth. However, I do think each century brings improvement of awareness in all humans.
Over a number of years, I have maintained a statistical count of client soul levels in my case files. Undoubtedly, the figures are weighted to some extent at the lower levels because these subjects were not selected at random. My cases could be over- represented by souls at the lower levels of development because they are the very people who require assistance in life and might come to me seeking information.
For those who are curious, the percentages by soul level of all my cases are as follows:
Level I, 42%;
Level II, 31%;
Level III, 17%;
Level IV, 9%;
Level V, 1%.
Projecting these figures into a world population of five billion souls would be unreliable, using my small sample. Nevertheless, I see the Possibility we may have only a few hundred thousand people on Earth at Level V.
My subjects state that souls end their incarnations on Earth when they reach full maturity. What is significant about the high percentage of souls in the early stages of development is our rapidly multiplying population and the urgency babies have for available souls. We are increasing by 260,000 children per day. This human necessity for souls means they must normally be drawn from a spiritual pool of less advanced entities who require more incarnations to progress and are, therefore, more available to return to another life.
I am sensitive to the feelings of clients whom I know to be in the early stages of development.
I cannot count the number of times a new client has come into my office and said, “I know I am an old soul, but I seem to have problems coping with life.”
We all want to be advanced souls because most people hate to be considered a beginner in anything.
Every case is unique.
There are many variables within each soul’s character, individual development rate, and the qualities of the guides assigned to them. I see my task as offering interpretations of what subjects report to me about the progression of their souls.
I have had many cases where a client has been incarnating for up to 30,000 years on Earth and is still in the lower levels of I and II. The reverse is also true with a few people, although rapid acceleration in spiritual development is uncommon. As with any educational model, students find certain lessons more difficult than others. One of my clients has not been able to conquer envy for 850 years in numerous lives, but she did not have too much trouble overcoming bigotry by the end of this same period.
Comment c19
It is not important. But the reader might find it curious that long before Metallicman was born, the entity was involved in many incarnations on earth in a selection of different species. All of this took place over a 250,000 year period. Is this impressive? I do not know. It is important? I do not know. Does it mean that Metallicman is enlightened? I do not know. Does it make Metallicman special? I do not know.
We all have our own individual lives. And what spiritual color we have, our duration in any form, or the number of reincarnations one has is as meaningless as the grade that you had in spelling in fourth grade. It’s not a race. It is not a competition. All of this non-physical stuff is all a very personal matter and is part and parcel of your development as soul. Nothing else other than that..
Another has spent nearly 1700 years off-and-on seeking some sort of authoritative power over others. However, he has gained compassion.
The next case represents an absolute beginner soul. This novice shows no evidence of having a spiritual group assignment as yet, because she has lived too few past lives. In her first life she was killed in 1260 AD in Northern Syria by a Mongol invasion. Her name was Shabez, and her settlement was sacked, resulting in a terrible massacre of the inhabitants when she was five years old.
Case 20 – Shabez
Dr. N: Shabez, now that you have died and returned to the spirit world, tell me what you feel?
S: (shouts) Cheated! That life was so cruel! I couldn’t stay. I was only a little girl unable to help anybody. What a mistake!
Dr. N: Who made this mistake?
S: (in a conspiratorial tone) My leader. I trusted his judgment, but he was wrong to send me into that cruel life to be killed before my life got started.
Dr. N: But you did agree to come into the body of Shabez?
S: (upset) I didn’t know Earth would be such an awful place full of terror-I wasn’t given all the facts-the whole stupid life was a mistake and my leader is responsible.
Dr. N: Didn’t you learn anything from this life?
S: (pause) I started to learn to love … yes, that was wonderful … my brother … parents … but it was so short …
Dr. N: Did anything good come out of this life?
S: My brother Ahmed… to be with him …
Dr. N: Is Ahmed in your present life?
S: (suddenly my subject rises out of her chair) I can’t believe it! Ahmed is my husband Bill-the same person-how can …?
Dr. N: (after calming subject, I explain the process of soul transference to a new body and then continue) Do you see Ahmed on your return to the spirit world after dying as Shabez?
S: Yes, our leader brings us together here … where we stay.
Dr. N: Does Ahmed emit the same energy color as yourself or are there differences?
S: (pause) We … are all white.
Comment c20
Color and appearance are all meaningless.
Dr. N: Describe what you do here.
S: While our leader comes and goes, Ahmed and I… just work together.
Dr. N: Doing what?
S: We search out what we think about ourselves-our experience on Earth. I’m still sore about us being killed so soon … but there was happiness … walking in the sun … breathing the air of Earth … love.
Dr. N: Go back further to the time before you and Ahmed had your life together, perhaps when you were alone. What was it like being created?
S: (disturbed) I don’t know… I was just here .. with thought.
Dr. N: Do you remember during your own creation when you first began to think as an intelligent being?
S: I realized … I existed … but I didn’t know myself as myself until I was moved into this quiet place alone with Ahmed.
Dr. N: Are you saying your individual identity came more into focus when you began interacting with another soul entity besides your guide?
S: Yes, with Ahmed.
Dr. N: Keep to the time before Ahmed. What was it like for you then?
S: Warm … nurturing … my mind opening .. she was with me then.
Dr. N: She? I thought your leader displayed a male gender to you?
S: I don’t mean him… someone was around me with the presence of a … mother and father … mostly mother
Dr. N: What presence?
S: I don’t know … a soft light … changing features… I can’t grasp it … loving messages … encouragement
Dr. N: This was at the time of your creation as a soul?
S: Yes … it’s all hazy … there were others … helpers … when I was born.
Dr. N: What else can you tell me about the place of your creation?
S: (long pause) Others … love me … in a nursery… then we left and I was with Ahmed and our leader.
Dr. N: Who actually created you and Ahmed?
S: The One.
I have learned there seems to be a kind of spirit world maternity ward for newborn souls. One client told me, “This place is where infantile light is arranged in a honeycomb fashion as unhatched eggs, ready to be used.”
In Chapter Four, on displaced souls, we saw how damaged souls can be “remodeled .” My conjecture is these creation centers described by Shabez have the same function. In the next chapter, Case 22 will explain more about spiritual areas of ego creation where raw, undefined energy can be manipulated into a genesis of Self.
Case 20 has some obvious traits of the immature soul.
The subject is a sixty-seven- year-old woman who has had a lifetime of getting into disastrous ruts. She does not demonstrate a generosity of spirit toward others, nor does she take much personal responsibility for her actions.
This client came to me searching for answers as to why life had “cheated me out of happiness.”
In our session we learned Ahmed was her first husband, Bill. She left him long ago for another man, whom she also divorced, because of her inability to bond with people.
She does not feel close to any of her children.
The beginner soul may live a number of lives in a state of confusion and ineffectiveness, influenced by an Earth curriculum which is different from the coherence and supportive harmony of the spirit world.
Less developed souls are inclined to surrender their will to the controlling aspects of human society, with a socio-economic structure which causes a large proportion of people to be subordinate to others.
The inexperienced soul tends to be stifled by a lack of independent thinking. They also lean towards being self-centered and don’t easily accept others for who they are.
It is not my intention to paint a totally bleak portrait of souls who comprise so much of our world population-if my estimates of the high numbers of this category of soul are accurate. Lower level souls are also able to lead lives which have many positive elements. Otherwise, no one would advance. No stigma should be attached to these souls, since every soul was once a beginner.
If we become angry, resentful, and confused by our life situations, this does not necessarily mean we possess an underdeveloped spirit. Soul development is a complex matter where we all progress by degrees in a variety of areas in an uneven manner. The important thing is to recognize our faults, avoid self-denial, and have the courage and self-sufficiency to make constant adjustments in our lives.
One of the clear indications that souls are coming out of novice status is when they leave their spiritual existence of relative isolation. They are removed from small family cocoons with other novices and placed in a larger group of beginner souls. At this stage they are less dependent upon close supervision and special nurturing from their guides.
For the younger souls, the first realization that they are part of a substantial group of spirits like themselves is a source of delight. Generally, I find this important spiritual event has occurred by the end of a fifth life on Earth, regardless of the relative length of time the novice soul was in semi-isolation. Some of the entities of these new spiritual groups are the souls of relatives and friends with whom the young soul was associated in their few past lives on Earth. What is especially significant about the formation of a new cluster group is that other peer group members are also newer souls who find themselves together for the first time.
In Chapter Seven on placement, we saw how a soul group appeared when Case 16 rejoined them, and the manner in which life experiences were studied through pictorial scenes, as reported by this subject.
Case 21 will offer a more detailed account of spiritual group dynamics and how members impact on each other. The capacity of souls to learn certain lessons may be stronger or weaker between one another depending upon inclination, motivation, and prior incarnation experience. Cluster groups are carefully designed to give peer support through a sensitivity of identity traits between all members. This cohesiveness is far beyond what we know on Earth.
Although the next case is presented from the perspective of one group member, his superconscious mind provides an objectivity into the process of what goes on in groups.
My subject will describe a grandiose, male-oriented spiritual group.
The raucous entities of this group are linked by exhibitionism which could be labeled narcissistic. The common approaches these souls use in finding personal value is one indication why they are working together.
The extravagant behavior modes of these souls is offset, to some extent, by their spiritual prescience. Since the complete truth is known by all group members about each other in a telepathic world, humor is indispensible. Some readers may find it hard to accept that souls do joke with each other about their failings, but humor is the basis upon which self-deception and hypocrisy are exposed.
Ego defenses are so well understood by everyone in spiritual groups that evidence of a mastery of oneself among peers is a strong incentive for change. Spiritual “therapy” occurs because of honest peer feedback, mutual trust, and the desire to advance with others over eons of time. Souls can hurt, and they need caring entities around them. The curative power of spiritual group interaction is quite remarkable.
Soul members network by the use of criticism and acclaim as each strives toward common goals. Some of the best help I am able to give my clients comes from information I receive about their soul group. Spiritual groups are a primary means of soul instruction. Learning appears to come as much from one’s peers as from the skill of guides who monitor these groups.
In the case which follows, my client has finished reliving his last past life as a Dutch artist living in Amsterdam. He died of pneumonia at a young age in 1841, about the time he was gaining recognition for his painting.
We have just rejoined his spiritual group when my subject bursts out laughing.
Case 21 – Dutch Artist
Dr. N: Why are you laughing?
S: I’m back with my friends and they are giving me a hard time.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Because I’m wearing my fancy buckled shoes and the bright green velvet jacket-with yellow piping down the sides-I’m flashing them my big floppy painter’s hat.
Dr. N: They are kidding you about projecting yourself wearing these clothes?
S: You know it! I was so vain about clothes and I cut a really fine figure as an artist in Amsterdam cafe society. I enjoyed this role and played it well. I don’t want it to end.
Dr. N: What happens next?
S: My old friends are around me and we are talking about the foolishness of life. We rib each other about how dramatic it all is down there on Earth and how seriously we all take our lives.
Dr. N: You and your friends don’t think it is important to take life on Earth seriously?
S: Look, Earth is one big stage play-we all know that.
Dr. N: And your group is united in this feeling?
S: Sure, we see ourselves as actors in a gigantic stage production.
Dr. N: How many entities are in your particular cluster group in the spirit world?
S: (pause) Well, we work with … some others … but there are five of us who are close.
Dr. N: By what name do they call you?
S: L … Lemm-no that’s not right-it’s Allum … that’s me.
Dr. N: All right, Allum, tell me about your close friends.
S: (laughs) Norcross … he is the funniest … at least he is the most boisterous.
Dr. N: Is Norcross the leader of your group?
S: No, he is just the loudest. We are all equal here, but we have our differences. Norcross is blunt and opinionated.
Dr. N: Really, then how would you characterize his Earth behavior?
S: Oh, as being rather unscrupulous-but not dangerous.
Dr. N: Who is the quietest and most unassuming member of your group?
S: (quizzical) How did you guess-it’s Vilo.
Dr. N: Does this attribute make Vilo the least effective contributing member of your group?
S: Where did you get that idea? Vilo comes up with some interesting thoughts about the rest of us.
Dr. N: Give me an example.
S: In my life in Holland-the old Dutch couple who adopted me after my parents died-they had a beautiful garden. Vilo reminds me of my debt to them-that the garden triggered my painting-to see life as an artist … and what I didn’t do with my talent.
Dr. N: Does Vilo convey any other thoughts to you about this?
S: (sadly) That I should have done less drinking and strutting around and painted more. That my art was … reaching the point of touching people … (subject pulls his shoulders back) but I wasn’t going to stay cooped up painting all the time!
Dr. N: Do you have respect for Vilo’s opinions?
S: (with a deep sigh) Yes, we know he is our conscience.
Dr. N: So, what do you say to him?
S: I say, “Innkeeper, mind your own business-you were having fun, too.”
Dr. N: Vilo was an innkeeper?
S: Yes, in Holland. Engaged in a business for profit, I might add.
Dr. N: Do you feel this was wrong of Vilo?
S: (contrite) No … not really … we all know he took losses to help those poor people on the road who needed food and shelter. His life was beneficial to others.
Dr. N: I would guess telepathic communication makes it hard to sustain your arguments when the complete truth is known by everyone?
S: Yes, we all know Vilo is progressing-damn!
Dr. N: Does it bother you that Vilo may be advancing faster than the rest of you?
S: Yes … we have had such fun … (subject then recalls an earlier life with Vilo where they traveled together as brothers in India)
Dr. N: What will happen to Vilo?
S: He is going to leave us soon-we all know that-to have associations with the others who have also gone.
Dr. N: How many souls have left your original group, Allum?
S: (A long pause, and then ruefully) Oh … a couple have moved on … we will eventually catch up to them … but not for a while. They haven’t disappeared-we just don’t see their energy as much.
Dr. N: Name the others of your immediate group for me besides Vilo and Norcross.
S: (brightening) Dubri and Trinian-now those two know how to have a good time!
Dr. N: What is the most obvious identifying characteristic of your group?
S: (with relish) Adventure! Excitement! We have some real pioneer types around here. (subject rushes on happily) Dubri just came off a wild life as a sea captain. Norcross was a free-wheeling trading merchant. We live life to its fullest because we are talented at taking what life has to offer.
Dr. N: I’m hearing a lot of self-gratification here, Allum.
S: (defensively) And what’s wrong with that? Our group is not made up of shrinking violets, you know!
Dr. N: What’s the story on Trinian’s last life?
S: (reacts boisterously) He was a Bishop! Can you believe it? What hypocrisy.
Dr. N: In what way?
S: What self-deception! Norcross, Dubri, and I tell Trinian his choice to be a churchman had nothing to do with goodness, charity, or spirituality.
Dr. N: And what does Trinian’s soul mentally project to you in self-defense? S: He tells us he gave solace to many people.
Dr. N: What do you, Norcross and Dubri, tell him in response?
S: That he is going soft. Norcross tells him he wanted money or otherwise he would have been a simple priest. Ha-that’s telling him-and I’m saying the same thing. You can guess what Dubri thinks about all this!
Dr. N: No, tell me.
S: Humph-that Trinian picked a large city with a rich cathedral-spilling a ton of money into Trinian’s fat pockets.
Dr. N: And what do you tell Trinian yourself?
S: Oh, I’m attracted to the fancy robes he wore-bright red-the finest of cloth-his Bishop’s ring which he loved-and all the gold and silver around. I also mention his desire to bask in adulation from his flock. Trinian can hide nothing from us-he wanted an easy, cushy life where he was well-fed.
Dr. N: Does he try to explain his motivations for choosing this life?
S: Yes, but Norcross reproaches him. He confronts Trinian on seducing a young girl in the vestry. (jovially) Yes, it actually happened! … So much for providing solace to parishioners. We know Trinian for who he really is-an outright rogue!
Dr. N: Does Trinian offer any excuses to the group for his conduct?
S: (subject becomes quieter) Oh, the usual. He got carried away with the girl’s need for him-she had no family-he was lonely in his choice of a celibate church life. He says he was trying to get away from the customary lives we all choose by going into the church-that he fell in love with the girl.
Dr. N: And how do you, Norcross and Dubri, feel about Trinian now?
S: (severely) We think he is trying to follow Vilo (as an advancing soul), but he failed. His pious intentions just didn’t work for him.
Dr. N: Allum, you sound rather cynical about Trinian’s attempts to improve himself and make changes. Tell me honestly, how do you feel about Trinian?
S: Oh, we are just teasing him … after all…
Dr. N: Your amusement sounds as if you are scornful over what may have been Trinian’s good intentions.
S: (sadly) You’re right … and we all know that … but, you see … Norcross, Dubri, and I… well, we don’t want to lose him from the group, too…
Dr. N: What does Vilo say about Trinian?
S: He defends Trinian’s original good intentions and tells him that he fell into a trap of self-gratification during this life in the church. Trinian wants too much admiration and attention.
Dr. N: Forgive me for passing judgment on your group, Allum, but it seems to me this is something you all want, except perhaps Vilo?
S: Hey, Vilo can be pretty smug. Let me tell you, his problem is conceit and Dubri tells him that in no uncertain terms.
Dr. N: And does Vilo deny it?
S: No, he doesn’t … he says at least he is working on it.
Dr. N: Who among you is the most sensitive to criticism?
S: (pause) Oh, I guess it would be Norcross, but it’s hard for all of us to accept our faults.
Dr. N: Level with me, Allum. Does it bother the members of your soul group when things can’t be hidden from the others-when all your shortcomings in a past life are revealed?
S: (pause) We are sensitive about it-but not morbid. There is great understanding here among us. I wanted to give artistic pleasure to people and grow through the meaning of art. So, what did I do? I ran around the Amsterdam canals a lot at night and got caught up in the fun and games. My original purpose was pushed aside.
Dr. N: If you admit all this to the group, what kind of feedback do you get? For example, how do you and Norcross regard each other?
S: Norcross often points out I hate to take responsibility for myself and others. With Norcross it’s wealth … he loves power … but we are both selfish … except that I am more vain. Neither of us gets many gold stars.
Dr. N: How does Dubri fit into your group with his faults?
S: He enjoys controlling others by leadership. He is a natural leader, more than the rest of us. He was a sea captain-a pirate-one tough individual. You wouldn’t want to cross him.
Dr. N: Was he cruel?
S: No, just hard. He was respected as a captain. Dubri was merciless against his opponents in sea battles, but he took care of his own men.
Dr. N: You have told me that Vilo assisted people who were in need on the road, but you haven’t said much about the positive side of your lives. Is anyone in your group given any gold stars for unselfish acts?
S: (intently) There is something else about Dubri …
Dr. N: What is that?
S: He did one outstanding thing. Once, during heavy seas, a sailor fell off the mast into the ocean and was drowning. Dubri tied a line around his waist and dove off the deck. He risked his life and saved a shipmate.
Dr. N: When this incident is discussed in your group, how do you all respond to Dubri?
S: We praise him for what he did with admiration in our minds. We came to the same conclusion that none of us could match this single act of courage in our last lives.
Dr. N: I see. Yet, Vilo’s life at the inn, feeding and housing people who could not pay him, may represent acts of unselfishness for a longer term and therefore is more praiseworthy?
S: Granted, and we give him that. (laughs) He gets more gold stars than Dubri.
Dr. N: Do you get any strokes from the group for your last life?
S: (pause) I had to scramble for patrons to survive as a painter, but I was good to people … it wasn’t much … I enjoyed giving pleasure. My group recognizes I had a good heart.
Every one of my clients has special attachments to their soul group, regardless of character makeup. People tend to think of souls in the free state as being without human deficiencies. Actually, I think there are many similarities between groups of souls close to each other and human family systems.
For instance, I see Norcross as the rebellious scapegoat for this group of souls, while he and Allum are the inventory takers for everyone’s shortcomings. Allum said Norcross is usually the first to openly scrutinize any rationalizations or self-serving justifications of past life failures offered by the other members. He appears to have the least self-doubt and emotional investment over standards of conduct. This may define his own insecurity, because Norcross is probably fighting the hardest to keep up with the advancing group.
I suspect Allum himself could be the group’s mascot (often the youngest child in human families), with all his clowning around, preening, and making light of serious issues. Some souls in spiritual groups do seem to me to be more fragile and protected than other group members. Vilo’s conduct demonstrates he is the current hero (or eldest family member), with his drive for excellence. I have the impression from Allum that Vilo is the least defiant of the group, partly because he has the best record of achievement in recent past lives. Just as in human family systems, the roles of spiritual group members can be switched around, but I was told Vilo’s kinetic energy is turning pink, signaling his growth into Level II.
I attach human labels on ethereal spirits because, after all, souls who come to Earth do show themselves through human characteristics.
However, I don’t see hatred, suspicion, and disrespect in soul groups.
In a climate of compassion, there are no power struggles for control among these peer groups whose members are unable to manipulate each other or keep secrets. Souls distrust themselves, not each other. I do see fortitude, desire, and the will to keep trying in their new physical lives. In an effort to confirm some of my observations about the social dynamics among spiritual group members in this case, I ask Allum a few more questions.
Dr. N: Allum, do you believe your criticism of each other is always constructive?
S: Sure, there is no real hostility. We have fun at each other’s expense-I admit that- but it’s just a form of … acknowledgement of who we really are, and where we should be going.
Dr. N: Is any member of your soul group ever made to feel shame or guilt about a past life?
S: Those are … human weapons… and too narrow for what we feel.
Dr. N: Well, let me approach your feelings as a soul in another way. Do you feel safer getting feedback from one of your group members more than another?
S: No, I don’t. We all respect each other immensely. The greatest criticism comes from within ourselves.
Dr. N: Do you have any regrets for your conduct in any past life?
S: (long pause) Yes … I feel sorry if I have hurt someone … and then have everyone here know all about my mistakes. But we learn.
Dr. N: And what do you do about this knowledge?
S: Talk among ourselves… and try to make amends the next time.
Dr. N: From what you told me earlier, I had the idea that you, Nor-cross, and Dubri might be releasing some pent-up feelings over your own shortcomings by dumping on each other.
S: (thoughtfully) We make cynical remarks, but it’s not like being human anymore. Without our bodies we take criticism a little differently. We see each other for who we are without resentment or jealousy.
Dr. N: I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but I just wondered if all this flamboyance exhibited by your group might indicate underlying feelings of unworthiness?
S: Oh, that’s something else again. Yes, we do get discouraged as souls, and feel unworthy about our abilities … to meet the confidence placed in us to improve.
Dr. N: So, while you have self-doubts about yourselves, it’s okay to make cynical remarks about each other’s motivations?
S: Of course, but we want to be recognized by one another for being sincere in working on our individual programs. Sometimes self-pride gets in the way and we use each other to move past this.
In the next passage of dialogue, I introduce another spiritual phenomenon relating to group healing. I have heard a number of variations about this activity which are supported by the interpretations of Case 21.
Dr. N: Now Allum, as long as we are discussing how your group members relate to each other, I want you to describe the spiritual energy by which you all are assisted in this process.
S: (hesitant) I’m not sure I can tell you …
Dr. N: Think carefully. Isn’t there another means by which your group is brought into harmony with each other with intelligent energy?
S: (long pause) Ah … you mean from the cones?
Dr. N: (the word “cone” is new to me, but I know I’m on the right track) Yes, the cones. Explain what you know about them relative to your group.
S: (slowly) Well, the cones do assist us.
Dr. N: Please continue, and tell me what the cone does. I think I have heard about this before, but I want your version.
S: It’s shaped to go around us, you know.
Dr. N: Shaped in what way? Try to be more explicit.
S: It is cylindrical-very bright-it is above and all around us. The cone is small at the top and wide at the bottom, so it fits over all of us-like getting under a great white cap-we can float under the cone in order to use it.
Dr. N: Are you sure this isn’t the shower of healing you experienced right after your return to the spirit world?
S: Oh no, that was more individual purification-to repair Earth damage. I thought you knew …
Dr. N: I do. I want you to explain how the cone is different from the shower of healing.
S: The top funnels energy down as a waterfall in a spreading circle around all of us and allows us to really concentrate on our mental sameness as a group.
Dr. N: And what do you feel when you are under the cone?
S: We can feel all our thoughts being expanded … then drawn up … and returned back … with more knowledge added.
Dr. N: Does this intelligent energy help your unity as a group in terms of more focused thinking?
S: Yes, it does.
Dr. N: (deliberately confrontational) To be frank with you, Allum, I wonder if this cone is brainwashing your original thoughts? After all, the arguments and disagreements between you and the others of your group are what make you individuals.
S: (laughs) We aren’t brainwashed! Don’t you know anything about the afterlife? It gives us more collective insight to work together.
Dr. N: Is the cone always available?
S: It is there when we need it.
Dr. N: Who operates the cone?
S: Those who watch over us.
Dr. N: Your guide?
S:(bursts out laughing) Shato? I think he is too busy traveling around on his circuit.
Dr. N: What do you mean?
S: We think of him as a circus master-a stage manager-of our group.
Dr. N: Does Shato take an active part in your group deliberations?
S: (shakes head) Not really-guides are above a lot of this stuff. We are left on our own quite a bit, and that’s fine.
Dr. N: Do you think there is one specific reason for the absences of Shato?
S: (pause) Oh, he probably gets bored with our lack of progress. He loves to show off as the master of ceremonies though.
Dr. N: In what way?
S: (chuckling) Oh, to suddenly appear in front of us during one of our heated debates-throwing off blue sparks-looking like a wizard who is an all-powerful moderator!
Dr. N: A wizard?
S: (still laughing) Shato appears in long, sapphire-blue robes with a tall, pointed hat. With his flowing white beard he looks simply great, and we do admire him.
Dr. N: I get the picture of a spiritual Merlin.
S: An Oriental Merlin, if you will. Very inscrutable sometimes. He loves making a grand entrance in full costume, especially when we are about to choose another life. He knows how much we appreciate his act.
Dr. N: With all this stage management, I am curious if Shato has much emotional connection to your group as a serious guide.
S: (scoffing at me) Listen, he knows we are a wild bunch, and he plays to that as a non-conformist himself-but he is also very wise.
Dr. N: Is Shato indulgent with your group? He doesn’t seem to limit your extravagance very much.
S: Shato gets results from us because he is not heavy-handed or preachy. That wouldn’t sit well with our people. We respect him.
Dr. N: Do you see Shato as a consultant who comes only once in a while to observe, or as an active supervisor?
S: He will pop in unannounced to set up a problem for our discussions. Then he leaves, coming back later to listen to how we might solve certain things …
Dr. N: Give me an example of a major problem with your group.
S: (pause) Shato knows we identify too much as actors playing parts on Earth. He hits … on superficiality. He is trying to get us to cast ourselves from the inside out, rather than the reverse.
Dr. N: So Shato’s instruction is serious, but he knows you all like to have fun along the way?
S: Yeah, that’s why Shato is with us, I think. He knows we waste opportunities. He assists us in interpreting the predicaments we get into in order to get the best out of us.
Dr. N: From what you have told me, I have the impression that your spiritual group is run as a kind of workshop directed by your guide.
S: Yes, he builds up our morale and keeps us going.
Unlike educational classrooms or therapy groups on Earth, I have learned teacher- counselors in the spirit world are not confined as group activity leaders on a continuous basis. Although Shato and his students are a colorful family of souls, there is much here that is typical of all cluster groups. A guide’s leadership is more parental than dictatorial. In this case, Shato is a directive counselor while not being possessive, nor does he pose a threat to the group. There is warm acceptance of these young souls by this empathic guide, who seems to cater to their masculine inclinations. I will close this case with a few final questions about the group as a spiritual unit.
Dr. N: Why is your group so male-oriented on Earth?
S: Earth is an action planet which rewards physical exertion. We are inclined to male roles so we can grab hold and mold events … to dominate our surroundings … to be recognized.
Dr. N: Women are also influential in society. How can your group hope to progress without more experience in female roles?
S: We know this, but we have such a fierce desire to be independent. In fact, we often expend too much energy for too little return, but the female aspects don’t interest us as much right now.
Dr. N: If you have no female counterparts in your immediate group, where do you go for those entities to complement your lives on Earth?
S: Nearby there are some who relate better to female roles. I get along with Josey- she has been with me in some of my lives-Trinian is attached to Nyala-and there are others
Dr. N: Allum, I would like to end our conversation about your spiritual associations by asking you what you know about the origin of your group.
S: (long pause) I … can’t tell you … we just came together at one time.
Dr. N: Well, someone had to bring those of you with the same attributes together. Do you think it was God?
S: (puzzled) No, below the source … the higher ones …
Dr. N: Shato, or other guides like him?
S: No, higher, I think… the planners… I don’t know any more.
Dr. N: A while back you told me some of your old friends were reducing their active participation in your group due to their development. Do you ever get new members?
S: Never.
Dr. N: Is this because a new member might have trouble assimilating with the rest of you?
S: (laughs) We aren’t that bad! It’s just we are too closely connected by thought for an outsider, and they would not have shared our past experiences.
Dr. N: During your discussions about these past lives together, does your group believe it contributes to the betterment of human society?
S: (pause) We want our presence in a community to challenge conventions-to question basic assumptions. I think we bring nerve into our physical lives-and laughter, too …
Dr. N: And when your spiritual group has finished discussing what is necessary to further your aims, do you look forward to a new life?
S: (zestfully) Oh yeah! Every time I leave for a new role on Earth, I say goodbye with, “See you all back here A.D. (after death):’
This case is an example of like-minded souls with ego-inflating needs who support and validate each other’s feelings and attitudes. Herein lies the key to understanding the formation of soul groups. I have learned that many spiritual clusters have sub- groups made up of entities whose identities are linked by similar issues blocking their advancement. Even so, these souls do have differences in strengths and weaknesses. Each group member contributes their best attributes toward advancing the goals of others in the family.
I do not want to leave the impression from Case 21 that the few remaining souls in this inner circle of close friends represent the behavior traits of everyone in the original cluster. When a primary group of, say fifteen or twenty souls is formed, there are marked similarities in talent and interests.
But a support group is also designed to have differences in disposition, feelings, and reactions.
Typically, my subjects report a male-female oriented mixture of one or more of the following character types in their groups:
1) Courageous, resilient, a tenacious survivor.
2) Gentle, quiet, devoted, and rather innocent.
3) Fun-loving, humorous, a jokester and risk-taker.
4) Serious, dependable, cautious.
5) Flamboyant, enthusiastic, frank.
6) Patient, steady, perceptive.
7) Thoughtful, calculating, determined.
8) Innovative, resourceful, adaptable.
These differences give a group balance. However, if an entire group displays a strong tendency toward flamboyance or daring, the most cautious member would appear less so to another group of souls.
There is no question that the souls in Case 21 are in for a long development period.
Yet they do contribute to the vitality of earth. Subsequent questioning of this subject revealed the paths of these souls continue to cross in the twentieth century. For instance, Allum is a graphic designer and part-time professional guitar player involved with Josey, who is a singer. The fact that the closely-knit souls in this case were so male-oriented in their physical lives does hot take away from their ability to associate with young souls with predominantly female preferences. Cluster groups are gender-mixed. As I have mentioned, truly advanced souls have balanced gender preferences in their physical life choices.
The desire for expression of self-identity is an important motivating factor for souls choosing to come to Earth to learn practical lessons. Sometimes a reason for discomfort with the lower level soul is the discrepancy in perception of Self in their free soul state, compared to how they act in human bodies. Souls can get confused with who they are in life. Case 21 did not seem to exhibit any conflict in this area, but I question the rate of growth achieved by Allum in recent past lives. However, the basic experience of living a life may compensate, to some extent, for the lack of insight gained from that life.
Our shortcomings and moral conflicts are recognized as faults far more in the spirit world than on Earth. We have seen how the nuances of decision-making are dissected and analyzed in spiritual groups. Cluster members have worked together for such a long time in earth years that entities become accountable to each other and the group as a whole. This fosters a great sense of belonging in all spiritual groups, and can give the appearance of thought barriers between clusters, especially with souls in the lower levels. Nevertheless, while rejection and loneliness is part of every soul’s life in human form, in the spirit world our individual ego-identity is constantly enhanced by warm peer group socialization.
The social structure of soul groups is not the same as groups of people on Earth.
Although there is some evidence of paired friendships, I don’t hear about cliques, stars of attraction, or isolated souls within clusters. I am told souls do spend time alone in the silence of personal reflection when attached to a group. Souls are intimate entities in their family relationships on Earth and engagement in group community life in the spirit world. And yet, souls do learn much from solitude.
I understand from my white-light subjects that souls at the beginning levels are frequently separated from their groups to individually work on simple energy projects. One rather young soul recalled being alone in an enclosure trying to put together “a moving puzzle” of dissembled geometric shapes of cylinders, spheres, cubes, and squares with self-produced energy. It was described as being “multi- dimensional, colorful, and holographic” in nature. He said, “We have to learn to intensify our energy to bring the diffused and jumbled into focus to give it some kind of basic shape.” Another subject added, “These tests give the Watchers information about our imagination, creativity, and ingenuity, and they offer us encouragement rather than being judgmental.”
Souls on all levels engage in another all important activity when they are alone.They are expected to spend time mentally concentrating on helping those on Earth (or other physical worlds) whom they have known and cared about.
From what I can gather, they go to a space some call the place of projection.
Here they enter an “interdimensional field of floating, silvery-blue energy,” and project outward to a geographical area of their choosing. I am told this is a mental exercise in “holding and releasing positive vibrational energy to create a territory.”
This means souls ride on their thought waves to specific people, buildings, or a given area of land in an attempt to comfort or effect change.
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This post continues our study of the Journey of Souls. This is part 1b.
AFTER those entities who meet us during our homecoming have dispersed, we are ready to be taken to a space of healing. This will be followed by another stop involving the soul’s reorientation to a spiritual environment. In this place we are often examined by our guide.
I tend to call the cosmology of all spiritual locations as places, or spaces, simply for convenient identification because we are dealing with a non-physical universe. The similarity of descriptions among clients of what they do as souls at the next two combined stops is remarkable, although they do have different names for them. I hear such terms as: chambers, travel berths, and interspace stop over zones, but the most common is “the place of healing.”
I think of the healing station as a field hospital, or MASH unit, for damaged souls coming off Earth’s battlefields. I have selected a rather advanced male subject who has been through this revitalization process many times to describe the nature of this next stop.
Case 11 – The Revitalization process.
Dr. N: After you leave the friends who greeted you following your death, where does your soul go next in the spirit world?
S: I am alone for a while … moving through vast distances …
Dr. N: Then what happens to you?
S: I am being guided by a force I can’t see, into a more enclosed space-an opening into a place of pure energy.
Dr. N: What is this area like?
S: For me … it is the vessel of healing.
Dr. N: Give me as much detail as possible about what you experience here.
S: I’m propelled in and I see a bright warm beam. It reaches out to me as a stream of liquid energy. There is a … vapor-like … steam swirling around me at first … then gently touching my soul as if it were alive. Then it is absorbed into me as fire and I am bathed and cleansed from my hurts.
Dr. N: Is someone bathing you, or is this light beam enveloping you from out of nowhere?
S: I am alone, but it is directed. My essence is being bathed … restoring me after my exposure to Earth.
Dr. N: I have heard this place is similar to taking a refreshing shower after a hard day’s work.
S: (laughs) After a lifetime of work. It’s better and you don’t get wet, either.
Dr. N: You also don’t have a physical body anymore, so how can this energy shower heal a soul?
S: By reaching into … my being. I’m so tired from my last life and with the body I had.
Dr. N: Are you saying the ravages of the physical body and the human mind leaves an emotional mark on the soul after death?
S: God, yes’. My very expression-who I am as a being-was affected by the brain and body I occupied.
Dr. N: Even though you are now separated from that body forever?
S: Each body leaves … an imprint … on you, at least for a while. There are some bodies I have had that I can never get away from altogether. Even though you are free of them you keep some of the outstanding memories of your bodies in certain lives.
Comment 47
This is similar to the movie “The butterfly effect”, where the hero retains his mannerisms from prior existences when he is on a new world-line. It is something that I am well familiar with. .
Dr. N: Okay, now I want you to finish with your shower of healing and tell me what you feel.
S: I am suspended in the light … it permeates through my soul … washing out most of the negative viruses. It allows me to let go of the bonds of my last life … bringing about my transformation so I can become whole again.
Dr. N: Does the shower have the same effect upon everyone?
S: (pause) When I was younger and less experienced, I came here more damaged- the energy here seemed less effective because I didn’t know how to use it to completely purge the negativity. I carried old wounds with me longer despite the healing energy.
Dr. N: I think I understand. So, what do you do now?
S: When I am restored, I leave here and go to a quiet place to talk to my guide.
This place I have come to call the shower of healing is only a prelude for the rehabilitation of returning souls. The orientation stage which immediately follows (especially with younger souls), involves a substantial counseling session with one’s guide. The newly refreshed soul arrives at this station to undergo a debriefing of the life just ended. Orientation is also designed as an intake interview to provide further emotional release and readjustment back into the spirit world.
People in hypnosis who discuss the type of counseling which goes on during orientation say their guides are gentle but probing. Imagine your favorite elementary school teacher and you have the idea. Think of a firm but concerned entity who knows all about your learning habits, your strong and weak points, and your fears, who is always ready to work with you as long as you continue to try.
In the movie “Defending your life”, the recently deceased person is put on trial to defend his actions during his lifetime. Here, his “attorney” / advocate wishes him a firm goodbye as he leaves for his next reincarnation.
When you don’t, everything remains stationary in your development. Nothing can be hidden by students from their Spiritual teachers. No subterfuge or deception exists in a telepathic world.
There are a multitude of differences in orientation scenes depending upon the souls’ individual makeup and their state of mind after the life just ended. Souls report their orientation often takes place in a room. The furnishings of these settings and the intensity of this first conference can vary after each life.
The case below gives a brief example of an orientation scene which attests to the desire of higher forces to bring comfort to the returning soul.
Case 12 – Comfort to a returning soul.
S: At the center of this place I found my bedroom where I was so happy as a child. I see my rose-covered wallpaper and four-poster bed with the squeaky springs under a thick, pink quilt made for me by my grandmother. My grandmother and I used to have heart-to-heart chats whenever I was troubled and she is here, too-just sitting on the edge of my bed with my favorite stuffed animals around her-waiting for me. Her wrinkled face is full of love, as always. After a while I see she is actually my guide Amephus.
I talk to Amephus about the sad and happy times of the life I have finished. I know I made mistakes, but she is so kind to me. We laugh and cry together while I reminisce. Then we discuss all the things I didn’t do that I might have done with my life. But in the end it’s okay. She knows I must rest in this beautiful world. I’m going to relax. I don’t care if I ever go back to Earth again because my real home is here.
Apparently, the more advanced souls do not require any orientation at this stage. This does not mean the ten percent of my clients in this category just sail right by their guides with a wave upon their return from Earth.
Everybody is held accountable for their past lives.
Performance is judged upon how each individual interpreted and acted upon their life roles. Intake interviews for the advanced souls are conducted with master teachers later. The less experienced entities are usually given special attention by counselors because the abrupt transition from the physical to a spiritual form is more difficult for them.
The next case I have selected has a more in-depth therapeutic spiritual orientation.
The exploration of attitudes and feelings with a view to reorienting future behavior is typical of guides. The client in Case 13 is a strong, imposing thirty-two-year-old woman of above-average height and weight. Dressed in jeans, boots, and a loose- fitting sweat shirt, Hester arrived at my office one day in a state of agitation.
Her presenting problems fell into three parts. She was dissatisfied with her life as a successful real estate broker as being too materialistic and unfulfilling. Hester also felt she lacked feminine sexuality. She mentioned having a closet full of beautiful clothes which were “hateful to wear.” This client then told me how she had easily manipulated men all her life because, “There is a male aggression about me which also makes me feel incomplete as a woman.” As a young girl, she avoided dolls and wearing dresses because she was more interested in competitive sports with boys. Her masculine feelings had not changed with age, although she had found a man who became her husband because he accepted her dominance in their relationship. Hester said she enjoyed sex with him as long as she was in physical control and that he found this exciting. In addition, my client complained of headaches on the right side of her head above the ear which, after extensive medical examinations, doctors had attributed to stress.
During our session, I learned this subject had experienced a recent series of male lives, culminating with a short life as a prosecuting attorney called Ross Feldon in the state of Oklahoma during the 1880s. As Ross, my client had committed suicide at age thirty-three in a hotel room by shooting himself in the head. Ross was in despair over the direction his life had taken as a courtroom prosecutor.
Oklahoma during the 1880s.
As the dialogue progresses, the reader will notice displays of intense emotion. Regression therapists call this “heightened response” being in a state of revivification (meaning to give new life) as opposed to the alternative trance state where subjects are observer-participants.
Case 13 – A stern talking to.
Dr. N: Now that you have left the shower of healing, where are you going?
S: (apprehensively) To see my advisor.
Dr. N: And who is that?
S: (pause) … Dees … no … his name is Clodees.
Dr. N: Did you talk to Clodees when you entered the spirit world?
S: I wasn’t ready yet. I just wanted to see my parents.
Dr. N: Why are you going to see Clodees now?
S: I … am going to have to make some kind of … accounting … of myself. We go through this after all my lives, but this time I’m really in the soup.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Because I killed myself.
Dr. N: When a person kills himself on Earth does this mean they will receive some sort of punishment as a spirit?
S: No, no, there is no such thing here as punishment-that’s an Earth condition. Clodees will be disappointed that I bailed out early and didn’t have the courage to face my difficulties. By choosing to die as I did means I have to come back later and deal with the same thing all over again in a different life. I just wasted a lot of time by checking out early.
Dr. N: So, no one will condemn you for committing suicide?
S: (reflects for a moment) Well, my friends won’t give me any pats on the back either-I feel sadness at what I did.
Note: This is the usual spiritual attitude toward suicide, but I want to add that those who escape from chronic physical pain or almost total incapacity on Earth by killing themselves feel no remorse as souls. Their guides and friends also have a more accepting view toward this motivation for suicide.
Dr. N: All right, let’s proceed into your conference with Clodees. First describe your surroundings as you enter this space to see your advisor.
S: I go into a room-with walls … (laughs) Oh, it’s the Buckhorn!
Dr. N: What’s that?
Typical saloon in Oklahoma in the 1880’s.
S: A great cattleman’s bar in Oklahoma. I was happy as a patron there-friendly atmosphere-beautiful wood paneling-the stuffed leather chairs. (pause) I see Clodees is sitting at one of the tables waiting for me. Now we are going to talk.
Dr. N: How do you account for an Oklahoma bar in the spirit world?
S: It’s one of the nice things they do for you to ease your mind, but that’s where it ends. (then with a deep sigh) This talk is not going to be like a party at the bar.
Dr. N: You sound a little depressed at the prospect of an intimate conversation with your guide about your last life?
S: (defensively) Because I blew it! I have to see him to explain why things didn’t work out. Life is so hard! I try to do it right… but …
Dr. N: Do what right?
S: (with anguish) I had an agreement with Clodees to work on setting goals and then following through. He had expectations for me as Ross. Damn! Now I have to face him with this.
Dr. N: You don’t feel you met the contract you had with your advisor about lessons to be learned as Ross?
S: (impatiently) No, I was terrible. And, of course, I’ll have to do it all over again. We never seem to get it perfect. (pause) You know, if it weren’t for Earth’s beauty- the birds-flowers-trees-I would never go back. It’s too much trouble.
Dr. N: I can see you are upset, but don’t you think …
S: (breaks in with agitation) You can’t get away with a thing either. Everybody here knows you so well. There is nothing I can keep from Clodees.
In the movie “Defending your life”, the recently deceased person is put on trial to defend his actions during his lifetime.
Dr. N: I want you to take a deep breath and go further into the Buckhorn Bar and tell me what you do.
S: (subject gulps and squares her shoulders) I float in and sit down across from Clodees at a round table near the front of the bar.
Dr. N: Now that you are near Clodees, do you think he is as upset as you are over this past life?
S: No, I’m more upset with myself over what I did and didn’t do and he knows that. Advisors can be displeased but they don’t humiliate us, they are too superior for that.
The counseling input of a directive guide gives the healing process of our soul a boost during orientation, but that does not mean the defensive barriers to progress are completely removed. The painful emotional memories from our past do not die as easily as our bodies. Hester must see her negative past life script as Ross clearly, without distorted perceptions.
Recreating spiritual orientation scenes during hypnosis assists me as a therapist. I have found the techniques of psychodramatic role playing to be useful in exposing feelings and old beliefs related to current behavior. Case 13 had quite a long orientation which I have condensed. At this juncture of the case I shifted my questioning to involve the subject’s guide.
As the proceedings unfold with Ross Feldon’s life, I will take the roll of a third party intermediary between Ross and Clodees. Within this counseling mode I also want to initiate a role transference where Hester-Ross will speak the thoughts of Clodees. The integration of a subject with their guide is a means of eliciting assistance from these higher entities and bringing problems into sharper focus. I sometimes sense even my own guide is directing me in these sessions.
I am cautious about summoning up guides without good cause. Facilitating communication directly with a client’s guide always has an uncertain outcome. If my intrusion is clumsy or unnecessary, guides will block a subject’s response by silence or use metaphoric language which is obscure.
I have had guides speak through a subject’s vocal chords in raspy tones which are so discordant I can hardly understand the responses to questions. When subjects talk for their guides, rather than guides speaking for themselves through the subject, usually the cadence of speech is not as broken. In this case, Clodees comes through Hester-Ross easily and allows me some latitude in working with his client.
Comment 48
I know nothing about this, aside from it being a hypnotic technique. I have never had the opportunity to experience this..
Dr. N: Ross, we both need to understand what is happening psychologically to you right from the start of your orientation with Clodees. I want you to assist me. Are you willing to do this?
S: Yes, I am.
Dr. N: Good, and now you are going to be able to do something unusual. On the count of three, you will have the ability to assume the dual roles of Clodees and yourself. This ability will enable you to speak to me about your thoughts and those of your guide as well. It will seem that you will actually become your guide when I question you. Are you ready?
S: (with hesitation) I … think so.
Dr. N: (rapidly) One-two-three! ( I place my palm on the subject’s forehead to stimulate the transference.) Now be Clodees speaking his thoughts through you. You are sitting at a table across from the soul of Ross Feldon. What do you say to him? Quickly! I want the subject to react without thinking critically about the difficulty of my command)
S: Subject reacts slowly, speaking as his own guide) You know… you could have done better.
Dr. N: Quickly now-be Ross Feldon again. Move to the other side of the table and answer Clodees.
S: I… tried … but I fell short of the goal
Dr. N: Switch places again. Become the voice of Clodees’ thoughts and answer Ross. Quickly!
S: If you could change anything about your life, what would it be?
Dr. N: Respond as Ross.
S: Not to be … corrupted … by power and money.
Comment 49
Power and money are corruptible influences. Not only do they tend to cause people to start behaving badly, but the resultant bad behaviors cause all sorts of other problems that retard the growth of the soul in both the physical and the non-physical realms.
Dr. N: Answer as Clodees.
S: Why did you let these things detract from your original commitment?
Dr. N: (I lower my voice) You are doing fine. Keep switching chairs back and forth at the table. Now answer your guide’s question.
S: I wanted to belong… to feel important in the community… to rise above others and be admired … for my strength.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: Especially by women. I observed you tried to dominate them sexually as well, making conquests without attachments.
Dr. N: Speak as Ross.
S: Yes … that’s true … (shakes head from side to side) I don’t have to explain-you know everything anyway.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: Oh, but you do. You must bring your self-awareness to bear on these matters.
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: (defiantly) If I hadn’t exerted power over these people they would have controlled me.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: This lacks merit and was unworthy of you. What you became is not how you started. We chose your parents carefully.
Note: The Feldon family were farmers of modest means who displayed honesty, forbearance, and sacrificed much so Ross could study law.
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: (in a rush) Yes-I know-they brought me up to be idealistic-to help the little guy, and I wanted this, too, but it didn’t work for me. You saw what happened. I was in debt when I began as a lawyer…ineffective … of no consequence. I didn’t want to be poor anymore, defending people who couldn’t pay me. I hated the farm-the pigs and the cows. I liked being around substantial people and when I joined the establishment as a prosecutor, I had the idea of reforming the system and helping farm people. It was the system that was wrong.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: Ah, you were corrupted by the system-explain this to me.
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: (hotly) People had to pay fines they couldn’t afford-others I sent to jail because of offenses they didn’t mean to commit – others I had hung! (voice breaks) I became a legal killer.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: Why did you feel responsible for prosecuting criminals who were guilty of hurting others?
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: Few of those … most were … just ordinary people like my parents who got caught up in the system … needing money to survive … and there were those who were … sick in the head
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: What about the victims of the people you prosecuted? Didn’t you choose a life of law to help society and to make the farms and the towns safer with justice?
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: (loudly) Don’t you see, it didn’t work for me-I was turned into a murderer by a primitive society!
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: And so you murdered yourself?
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: I got off track… I couldn’t go back to being a nobody… and I couldn’t go forward.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: Too easily you became a participant with those whose motivations were for personal gain and notoriety. This was not you. Why did you hide from yourself?
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: (with anger) Why didn’t you help me more-when I started as a public defender?
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: What benefit do you get from thinking I should pick you up at every turn?
Dr. N: (I ask Hester to respond as Ross, but when she remains silent after the last question, I step in) Ross, if I may interrupt-I believe Clodees is inquiring into the payoff for you from both the pain you feel now and strokes you get from blaming him over your last life.
S: (pause) Wanting sympathy … I guess.
Dr. N: Okay, respond as Clodees to this thought.
S: (very slowly) What more would you have me do? You didn’t reach far enough inside yourself. I placed thoughts in your mind of temperance, moderation, responsibility, original goals, your parents’ love-you ignored these thoughts and were stubborn to alternative action.
S: (Ross responds without my command) I know I missed the signs you set up … I wasted opportunities … I was afraid …
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees to your statement.
S: What do you value most about who you are?
Dr. N: Answer your guide.
S: That I had the desire to change things on Earth. I started with wanting to make a difference for the people of Earth.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: You left that assignment early and now I see you missing opportunities again- being afraid to take risks-taking paths which damage you-trying to become someone who is not you and there is sadness again.
Recreating the orientation stage does produce abrupt transitions during my hypnosis sessions. While Case 13 is speaking as Clodees, notice how her responses take on a more lucid and decisive quality which is different from either my client Hester, or her former self as Ross. I am not always successful with my subjects translating their guides’ comments so insightful[y in former spiritual orientations. Nevertheless, past life memories often spill over into contemporary problems in whatever spiritual setting is selected.
Comment 50
Everything is connected. Whether it is a past life, a world-line slide, or something that you did a month ago… each things will reflect what you are now. As thoughts and actions create our reality. Therefore it is very important that we be mindful and positive in providing help, assistance and positive and proactive efforts in everything that we do. Sure there will be mistakes, but we need to try. Our life, our world, our relationships and our futures depend upon it.
Whether my subject or her guide actually directed the conversation in the Buckhorn Bar scene while I moved the time frame around does not matter to me. After all, Ross Feldon as a person is dead.
But Hester is caught in the same quagmire, and I want to do what I can to break this destructive pattern of behavior. I spend a few minutes reviewing with this subject what her guide has indicated about lack of self- concept, alienation, and lost values. After asking Clodees for his continued assistance, I close the orientation scene and immediately take Hester to a later spiritual stage just before her rebirth today.
Dr. N: With all the knowledge of who you were as Ross, and having a greater understanding of your real spiritual identity after your stay in the spirit world, why did you choose your current body?
S: I chose to be a woman so people would not feel intimidated by me.
Dr. N: Really? Then why did you take the body of such a strong, forceful woman in the twentieth century?
S: They won’t see a prosecuting attorney dressed in black in a courtroom-this time I am a surprise package!
Dr. N: A surprise package? What does that mean?
S: As a woman, I knew I would be less intimidating to men. I can catch them off guard and scare them to death.
Dr. N: What kind of men?
S: The big guys-the power structure in society-catch then when they are lulled into a false sense of security because I’m a woman.
Dr. N: Catch them and do what?
S: (drives her right fist into the left palm) Nail them-to save the little guy from the sharks who want to eat up all the small fish in this world.
Dr. N: (I move my subject into the present while she remains in the superconscious state) Let me understand your reason for choosing to be a woman in this life. You wanted to help the same sort of people who you were unable to help as a man in your previous life-is this correct?
S: (sadly) Yeah, but it’s not the best way. It’s not working out for me like I thought. I’m still too strong and macho. Energy is pouring out of me in the wrong direction.
Dr. N: What wrong direction?
S: (wistfully) I’m doing it again. Misusing people. I chose the body of a woman who is intimidating to men and I don’t feel like a woman.
Dr. N: Give me an example?
S: Sexually and in business. I’m in the power game again … pushing aside principles … getting off track as before (as Ross). This time I manipulate real estate deals. I’m too interested in acquiring money. I want status.
Dr. N: And how does this hurt you, Hester?
S: The influence of money and position is a drug to me as it was in my last life. My being a woman now has done nothing to change my desire to control people. So … stupid …
Comment 51
A change in gender will not change your being. It is just superficial. The only way that you can change is not cosmetically. You need to change internally..
Dr. N: Then do you think your motivations were wrong in choosing to be a female?
S: Yes, I do feel more natural living as a man. But I thought as a woman this time around I would be… more subtle. I wanted this chance to try again in a different sex and Clodees let me take it. (client slumps down in her chair) What a blunder.
In the movie “Defending your life”, the recently deceased person is put on trial to defend his actions during his lifetime.
Dr. N: Don’t you think you are being a little hard on yourself, Hester? I have the sense you also chose to be a woman because you wanted a woman’s insight and intuition to give you a different perspective to tackle your lessons. You can have masculine energy, if you want to call it that, and still be feminine.
Before finishing this case, I should touch on the issue of homosexuality. Most of my subjects select the bodies of one gender over another 75 percent of the time. This pattern is true of all but the advanced souls, who maintain more of a balance in choosing to be men and women. A gender preference by a majority of earthbound souls does not mean they are unhappy the other 25 percent of the time as males or females.
Hester is not necessarily gay or hi-sexual because of her body choice. Homosexuals may or may not be comfortable with their anatomy as humans. When I do have a client who is gay, they often ask if their homosexuality is the result of choosing to be “‘the wrong sex” in this life. When their sessions are over this inquiry is usually answered.
Regardless of the circumstances which lead souls to make gender choices, this decision was made before arriving on Earth. Sometimes I find that gay people have chosen in advance of their current lives to experiment with a sex that was seldom used in former lives.
Being gay carries a sexual stigma in our society which presents a more difficult road in life. When this road is chosen by one of my clients, it can usually be traced to a karmic need to accelerate personal understanding of the complex differences in gender identity as related to certain events in their past. Case 13 chose to be a woman in this life to try and get over the stumbling blocks experienced as Ross Feldon.
Would Hester have benefited from knowing about her past as Ross from birth rather than having to wait over thirty years and undergo hypnosis?
Having no conscious memory of our former existences is called amnesia.
This human condition is perplexing to people attracted to reincarnation. Why should we have to grope around in life trying to figure out who we are and what we are supposed to do and wondering if some spiritual divinity really cares about us? I closed my session with this woman by asking about her amnesia.
Dr. N: Why do you think you had no conscious memory about your life as Ross Feldon?
S: When we choose a body and make a plan before coming back to Earth, there is an agreement with our advisors.
Dr. N: An agreement about what?
S: We agree … not to remember … other lives.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Learning from a blank slate is better than knowing in advance what could happen to you because of what you did before.
Dr. N: But wouldn’t knowing about your past life mistakes be valuable in avoiding the same pitfalls in this life?
S: If people knew all about their past, many might pay too much attention to it rather than trying out new approaches to the same problem. The new life must be… taken seriously.
Comment 52
It’s actually simpler than that. How can you learn through your mistakes when you remember 10,000 past lives and 100,000 similar mistakes? This limitation on what we can remember is part of our soul makeup and it is directly intended to permit us to learn, and grow so that the soul can increase the number of quantum connections..
Dr. N: Are there any other reasons?
S: (pause) Without having old memories, our advisors say there is less preoccupation for … trying to … avenge the past … to get even for the wrongs done to you.
Comment 53
Of course.
Dr. N: Well, it seems to me that so far this has been part of the motivation and conduct in your life as Hester.
S: (forcefully) That’s why I came to you.
Dr. N: And do you still think a total blackout of our eternal spiritual life on Earth is essential to progress?
S: Normally, yes, but it’s not a total blackout. We get flashes from dreams… during times of crisis… people have an inner knowing of what direction to take when it is necessary. And sometimes your friends can fudge a little …
Dr. N: By friends, you mean entities from the spirit world?
S: Uh-huh… they give you hints, by flashing ideas-I’ve done it.
Dr. N: Nevertheless, you had to come to me to unlock your conscious amnesia.
S: (pause) We have … the capacity to know when it is necessary. I was ready for change when I heard about you. Clodees allowed me to see the past with you because it was to my benefit.
Dr. N: Otherwise, your amnesia would have remained intact?
S: Yes, that would have meant I wasn’t supposed to know certain things yet.
In my opinion, when clients are unable to go into hypnosis at any given time, or if they have only sketchy memories in trance, there is a reason this blockage. This does not mean these people have no past memories, that they are not ready to have them exposed.
My client knew something was hindering her growth and wanted it revealed. The superconscious identity of the soul houses our continuous memory, including goals. When the time in our lives is appropriate, we must harmonize human material needs with our soul’s purpose for being ‘. I try to take a common sense approach in bringing past and present experiences into alignment.
In the movie “Defending your life”, the recently deceased person is put on trial to defend his actions during his lifetime.
Our eternal identity never leaves us alone in the bodies we choose, despite our current status. In reflection, meditation, or prayer, the memories of who we really are do filter down to us in selective thought each day. In small, intuitive ways- through the cloud of amnesia-we are given clues the justification of our being.
After desensitizing the source of her headaches, I completed my session with Hester by reinforcing her choice to be a woman for reasons other than intimidating men. I gave her permission to lower her defenses a little and be less aggressive.
We discussed options for restructuring occupational goals toward the helping professions and the possibilities of volunteer service work. She was finally able to see her life today as a great opportunity for learning rather than a failure of gender choice.
After a case is completed, I never cease to admire the brutal honesty of souls. When a soul has lead a productive life beneficial to themselves and those around them, I notice they return to the spirit world with enthusiasm. However, when subjects like Case 13 report they wasted a past life, especially from early suicide, then they describe going back rather dejected.
When orientation is upsetting to a subject, I find an underlying reason is the abruptness with which a soul is once again in full possession of all knowledge. After physical death, unencumbered by a human body, the soul has a sudden influx of perception. The stupid things we did in life hit us hard in orientation. I see more relaxation and greater clarity of thought move my subjects further into the spirit world.
Souls are created in a positive matrix of such love and wisdom that when a soul starts to come to a planet like Earth and join the physical beings who have evolved from a primitive state, the violence is a shock. Humans have the raw, negative emotions of anger and hate as an outgrowth of their fear and pain connected with survival going back to the Stone Age.
Both positive and negative emotions are mixed between soul and host for their mutual benefit. If a soul only knew love and peace, it would gain no insight and never truly appreciate the value of these positive feelings. The test of reincarnation for a soul coming to Earth is the conquering of fear in a human body. A soul grows by trying to overcome all negative emotions connected to fear through perseverance in many lifetimes, often returning to the spirit world bruised or hurt, as Case 13 indicated. Some of this negativity can be retained, even in the spirit world, and may reappear in another life with a new body. On the other hand, there is a trade-off. It’s in joy and unabashed pleasure that the true nature of an individual soul is revealed on earth in the face of a happy human being.
Orientation conferences with our guides allow us to begin the long process of self-evaluation between lives. Soon we will have another conference, this time with more master beings in attendance. In the last chapter, I referred to the ancient Egyptian tradition of newly deceased souls being taken into a Hall of Judgement to account for their past life. In one form or another, the concept of a torturous courtroom trial awaiting us right after death has been part of the religious belief system of many cultures.
Being judged at death is a common event in most religions.
Occasionally, a susceptible individual in a traumatic situation will say they had an out-of-body experience with nightmarish visions of being taken by frightening specters into an afterlife of darkness where they were sentenced in front of demonic judges.
In these cases, I suspect a strong preconditioned belief system of hell.
In the quiet, relaxing state of hypnosis, with continuity on all mental levels, my subjects report that the initial orientation session with their guides prepares them to go before a panel of superior beings.
However, the words courtroom and trial are not used to describe these proceedings.
A number of my cases have called these wise beings, directors and even judges, but most refer to them as a Council of Masters or Elders. This board of review is generally composed of between three and seven members and since souls appear before them after arriving at their home base, I will go into this conference in more detail at the end of the next chapter.
All soul evaluation conferences, be they with our guides, peers, or a panel of masters have one thing in common. The feedback and past life analyses we receive in terms of judgement is based upon the original intent of our choices as much as the actions of a lifetime.
Our motivations are questioned and criticized, but not condemned in such a way as to make us suffer.
As I explained in Chapter Four, this does not mean souls are exonerated for their acts which harmed others simply because they are sorry. Karmic payment will come in a future life. I have been told that our spiritual masters constantly remind us that because the human brain does not have an innate moral sense of ethics, conscience is the soul’s responsibility. Nevertheless, there is overwhelming forgiveness in the spirit world. This world is ageless and so too are our learning tasks. We will be given other chances in our struggle for growth.
When the initial conference with our guide is over, we leave the place of orientation and join a coordinated flow of activity involving the transit of enormous numbers of other souls into a kind of central receiving station.
ALL souls, regardless of experience, eventually arrive at a central port in the spirit world which I call the staging area.
I have said there are variations in the speed of soul movement right after death, depending upon spiritual maturity. Once past the orientation station there seems to be no further travel detours for anyone entering this space of the spirit world.
Apparently, large numbers of returning souls are conveyed in a spiritual form of mass transit.
Comment 54
My experience is that it is more or less platforms connected by tubes of light. But that is only my perceptions. In the movie “Defending your life” they picture this as a sort of New York City / urban transport system run by Angels. LOL.
In the Hollywood movie “Defending your life” people are escorted to a staging area upon arrival to Heaven.
Sometimes souls are escorted by their guides to this area. I find this practice is especially true for the younger souls. Others are directed through by an unseen force which pulls them into the staging area and then beyond to waiting entities. From what I am able to determine, accompaniment by other entities depends upon the volition of one’s guide. In most cases haste is not an issue, but souls do not dawdle along on this leg of their journey. The feelings we have along this path depend on our state of mind after each life.
The assembly and transfer of souls really involves two phases.
The staging area is not an encampment space. Spirits are brought in, collected, and then projected out to their proper final destinations. When I hear accounts of this particular junction, I visualize myself walking with large numbers of travelers through the central terminal of a metropolitan airport which has the capacity to fly all of us out in any direction. One of my clients described the staging area as resembling the hub of a great wagon wheel, where we are transported from a center along the spokes to our designated places.”
Comment 55
My experience is that it is more or less platforms connected by tubes of light. Which pretty much resemble that statement about a “wagon wheel”. Only the spokes are not on a plane, but radiate out in all directions.
My subjects say this region appears to them as having a large number of unacquainted spirits moving in and out of the hub in an efficient manner with no congestion. Another person called this area “the Los Angeles freeway without gridlock.” There may be other similar wheel hubs with freeway-type on and off ramps in the spirit world, but each client considers their own route to and from this center to be the only one.
Comment 56
There are multiple hubs. One just one singular busy hub. The hub is a function on who you are and your experience level. I guess you could say that there are “VIP” hubs, and hubs for “special” souls. This is what I am most familiar with.
In these special hubs, it really isn’t all that crowded It’s more like going to a bank on on off-hour during the weekday, or entering a mall when everyone else is at work. It’s mostly empty, but there are entities moving about here and there.
And no, I have no idea why I ended up attached to “VIP” or “special access” hubs.
The observations I hear about the nature of the spirit world when entering the staging area have definitely changed from those first impressions of layering and foggy stratification.
It is as if the soul is now traveling through the loosely-wound arms of a mighty galactic cloud into a more unified celestial field. While their spirits hover in the open arena of the staging area preparing for further transport out to prescribed spaces, I enjoy listening to the excitement in the voices of my subjects. They are dazzled by an eternal world spread out before them and believe that somewhere within lies the nucleus of creation.
When they look at the fully opened canopy around them, subjects will state that the spirit world appears to be of varied luminescence. I hear nothing about the inky blackness we associate with deep space.
The gatherings of souls that clients see in the foreground in this amphitheater appear as myriads of sharp star lights all going in different directions. Some move fast while others drift. The more distant energy concentrations have been pictured as “islands of misty veils.” I am told the most outstanding characteristic of the spirit world is a continuous feeling of a powerful mental force directing everything in uncanny harmony. People say this is a place of pure thought.
Thought takes many forms. It is at this vantage point in their return that souls begin to anticipate meeting others who wait for them. A few of these companions may have already been seen at the gateway, but most have not. Without exception, souls who wish to contact each other, especially when on the move, do so by just thinking of the entity they want. Suddenly, the individual called will appear in the soul mind of the traveler. These telepathic communications by the energy of all spiritual entities allow for a non-visual affinity, while two energy forms who actually come near one another provide a more direct connection. There is uniformity in the accounts of my subjects as to their manner of spiritual travel, routes, and destinations, although what they see along the way is distinctive with each person.
I searched through my case files to find a subject whose experiences along this route to an ultimate spiritual destination was both descriptive and yet representative of what many others have told me. I selected an insightful, forty-one-year-old graphic designer with a mature soul.
This man’s soul had traveled over this course many times between a long span of lives.
Case 14 – What it is like…
Dr. N: You are now ready to begin the final portion of your homeward journey toward the place where your soul belongs in the spirit world. On the count of three, all the details of this final leg of your travels will become clear to you. It will be easy for you to report on everything you see because you are familiar with the route. Are you ready?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: (raising my voice to a commanding tone) One-we are getting started. Two- your soul has now moved out of the area of orientation. Three! Quickly, what is your first impression?
S: Distances are … unlimited … endless space … forever …
Dr. N: So, are you telling me the spirit world is endless?
S: (long pause) To be honest-from where I am floating-it looks endless. But when I begin to really move it changes.
Dr. N: Changes how?
S: Well … everything remains … formless … but when I am … gliding faster … I see I’m moving around inside a gigantic bowl-turned upside down. I don’t know where the rims of the bowl are, or even if any exist.
Dr. N: Then movement gives you the sense of a spherical spirit world?
S: Yes, but it’s only a feeling of… enclosed uniformity … when I am moving rapidly.
Dr. N: Why does rapid movement-your speed-give you the feeling of being in a bowl?
S: (long pause) It’s strange. Although everything appears to go on straight when my soul is drifting-that changes to … a feeling of roundness when I am moving fast on a line of contact.
Dr. N: What do you mean by a line of contact?
S: Towards a specific destination.
Dr. N: How does moving with speed on a given line of travel change your observational perceptions of the spirit world to a feeling it is round?
S: Because with speed the lines seem to .. bend. They curve in a more obvious direction for me and give me less freedom of movement.
Note: Other subjects, who are also disposed toward linear descriptions, speak of traveling along directional force lines which have the spatial properties of a grid system. One person called them “vibrational strings.”
Dr. N: By less freedom, do you mean less personal control?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: Can you more precisely describe the movement of your soul along these curving contact lines?
S: It’s just more purposeful-when my soul is being directed someplace on a line. It’s like I’m in a current of white water-only not as thick as water-because the current is lighter than air.
Dr. N: Then, in this spiritual atmosphere, you don’t have the sense of density such as in water?
S: No, I don’t, but what I am trying to say is I’m being carried along as if I were in a current underwater.
Dr. N: Why do you think this is so?
S: Well, it’s as if we are all swimming-being carried along-in a swift current which we can’t control … under somebody’s direction up and down from each other in space … with nothing solid around us.
Comment 57
It is like being carried within a slipstream. Whether it is air or water, it is a similar effect. You just relax and go along with the right. It reminds me of the “jump tubes” from the old 1970’s televisions show ‘The Starlost”.
Scene from the 1970’s televisions series ‘The Starlost”. Here, Rachael, Devin and Garth are at the “After-bridge” of the Space Arc where children are being taught on how to operate the spacecraft.
Dr. N: Do you see other souls traveling in a purposeful way above and below you?
S: Yes, it’s as if we start in a stream and then all of us returning from death are pulled into a great river together.
Dr. N: When do the numbers of returning souls seem the highest to you?
S: When the rivers converge into … I can’t describe it
Dr. N: Please try.
S: (pause) We are gathered into … a sea … where all of us swirl around … in slow motion. Then, I feel as though I’m being pulled away to a small tributary again and it’s quieter … further from the thoughts of so many minds … going to the ones I know.
Dr. N: Later, in your normal travels as a soul, is it the same as being propelled around in streams and rivers as you have just described?
S: No, not at all. This is different. We are like salmon going up to spawn-returning home. Once we get there we are not pushed about this way. Then we can drift.
Dr. N: Who is doing the pushing while you are being taken home?
S: Higher entities. The ones in charge of our movements to get us home.
Dr. N: Entities such as your guide?
S: Above him, I think.
Dr. N: What else are you feeling at this moment?
S: Peace. There is such peace you never want to leave again.
Dr. N: Anything more?
S: Oh, I have some anticipation, too, while moving slowly with the energy current.
Dr. N: All right, now I want you to continue to move further along with the current of energy closer to the area where you are supposed to go. Look around carefully and tell me what you see.
S: I see … a variety of lights … in patches … separated from each other by … galleries
Dr. N: By galleries, do you mean a series of enclosures?
S: Mmm … more like a long … corridor … bulging out in places … stretching out away from me into the distance.
Dr. N: And the lights?
S: They are people. The souls of people within the bulging galleries reflecting light outward to me. That’s what I’m seeing-patches of lights bobbing around..
Dr. N: Are these clusters of people structurally separated from each other in the bulges along the corridor?
Comment 58
This is what you would see as you are riding in one of those “light tubes” and look out towards a nexus. It sort of looks like this. In my mind, it is not at all dissimilar to that of the way the brain is wired up.
S: No, there are no walls here. Nothing is structural, with angles and corners. It’s hard for me to explain, exactly…
The transport tube to the individual nexuses look something like this. Only the clusters are further apart, and when you get closer to each cluster, you see nearby bulges on the tubes.
Dr. N: You are doing fine. Now, I want you to tell me what separates the light clusters from each other along this corridor you are describing.
S: The people … are divided by … thin, wispy … filaments … making the light milky, like the transparency of frosted glass. There is an incandescent glow from their energy as I pass by.
Dr. N: How do you see individual souls within the clusters?
S: (pause) As light dots. I see masses of dots hanging in clumps as hanging grapes, all lit up.
Dr. N: Do these clumps represent various groups of soul energy masses with space between them?
S: Yes … they are separated into small groups … I am going to my own clump.
Dr. N: What else do you feel about them as you pass by on the way to your cluster? S: I can feel their thoughts reaching out … so varied … but together too … such harmony … but … (stops)
Dr. N: Go on.
S: I don’t know the ones I’m passing now… it doesn’t matter.
Comment 59
Most clusters have nothing to do with you. You don’t even consider a deviation to investigate. You just move on your way.
Dr. N: Okay, let’s pass on by these clusters which seem to bulge out along a corridor. Give me an example of what the whole thing looks like to you from a distance.
S: (laughs) A long glow-worm, its sides bulging in and out … the movement is … rhythmic.
Dr. N: You mean the corridor itself appears to move?
S: Yes, parts of it … swaying as a ribbon in the breeze while I am going further away.
Dr. N: Continue floating and tell me what happens to you next.
S: (pause) I’m at the edge of another corridor… I’m slowing down.
Dr. N: Why?
S: (grows excited) Because … oh, good! I’m coming in towards the site where my friends are attached.
Dr. N: And how do you feel at this moment?
S: Fantastic! There is a familiar pulling of minds … reaching out to me… I’m catching the tail of their kite … joining them in thought I’m home!
Dr. N: Is your particular cluster group of friends isolated from the other groups of souls living in other corridors?
S: No one is really isolated, although some of the younger ones may think so. I’ve been around a long time, though, and I have a lot of connections (said with modest confidence).
Dr. N: So you felt connections with those other corridors, even with spirits in them you might not know from past experience?
S: I do because of the connections I have had. There is a oneness here.
Dr. N: When you are moving around as a spirit, what is the major difference in your interactions with other souls, compared to being in human form on Earth?
S: Here no one is a stranger. There is a total lack of hostility toward anyone.
Dr. N: You mean every spirit is friendly to every other spirit, regardless of prior associations in many settings?
S: That’s right, and it’s more than just being friendly.
Dr. N: In what way?
S: We recognize a universal bond between us which makes us all the same. There is no suspicion toward each other.
Comment 60
The Mantids are a multi-dimensional species that are part in this realm, and part in the physical realm at the same time. There are so many species and entities that occupy both realms that it just seems silly that we, as humans, would try to engage in armed conflict with these other beings.
Dr. N: How does this attitude manifest itself between souls who first meet? S: By complete openness and acceptance.
Dr. N: Living on Earth must be difficult for souls, then?
S: It is, for the newer ones especially, because they go to earth expecting to be treated fairly. When they aren’t, it’s a shock. For some, it takes quite a few lives to get used to the earth body.
Dr. N: And if the newer souls are struggling with these earth conditions, are they less efficient when working within the human mind?
S: I would have to say yes, because the brain drives a lot of fear and violence into our souls. It’s hard for us, but that’s why we come to earth … to overcome …
Dr. N: In your opinion, might the newer souls tend to be more fragile and in need of group support upon returning to their cluster?
S: That’s absolutely true. We all want to return home. Will you let me stop talking now, so I can meet with my friends?
I have touched on the commonality of word usage by different clients to describe spiritual phenomena. Case 14 offered us a few more.
One person’s “glow worms bulging out in places” is another’s “floating trail of balloons.” A description about “clumps of huge, translucent bulbs” in one case becomes “giant bunches of transparent bubbles” from somebody else mentally returning to the spirit world. I regularly hear such water-words as currents and streams used to explain a flowing directional movement, where a sky-word like cloud denotes a freedom of motion associated with drifting. Visual images which call up expressions of energy mass and group clusters to indicate souls themselves are especially popular. I have adopted some of this spiritual language myself.
To me, this appears a lot like a neural network in the human brain.
At the final debarkation zone for the incoming soul, waiting cluster groups of familiar entities may be large or small, depending upon the soul developmental level and other factors which I will take up as we get a little further along. By way of comparison with Case 14, the next case demonstrates a more insular perception of the spirit world from a soul with less maturity.
In Case 15, the transition of this soul from the staging area to her home cluster is fairly rapid in her mind. The case is informative because it presents attributes of propriety felt by this soul to a designated space, as well as deference toward those who manage the system. Because this subject is less experienced and a bit edgy over what she sees as a need for conformity, we are given another interpretation of spiritual guidelines for group placement.
Case 15 – Fresh impressions.
Dr. N: I want to talk to you about your trip into the place where you normally stay in the spirit world. Your soul is now moving toward this destination. Explain what you see and feel.
S: (nervously) I’m … going … outward, somehow …
Dr. N: Outward?
S: (puzzled) I am… floating along… in a chain of some kind. It’s as though I’m weaving through a series of … connecting links … a foggy maze … then … it opens up
… oh!
Dr. N: What is it?
S: (with awe) I have come into … a grand arena … I see many others … criss-crossing around me … (subject grows uncomfortable)
Dr. N: Just relax-you are in the staging area now. Do you still see your guide?
S: (with hesitation) Yes … nearby … otherwise I would be lost … it’s so … vast …
Dr. N: (I place my hand on the subject’s forehead) Continue to relax and remember you have been here before, although everything may seem new to you. What do you do now?
S: I ‘m … carried forward … rapidly … straight past others … then I’m in… an empty space… open
Dr. N: Does this void mean everything is black around you?
S: It’s never black here … the light … just contracts to darker shades because of my speed. When I slow down things get brighter. (others confirm this observation)
Dr. N: Continue on and report back to me what you see next.
S: After a while I see … nests of people
Dr. N: You mean groups of people?
S: Yes-like hives-I see them as bunches of moving lights … fireflies
Dr. N: All right, keep moving and tell me what you feel?
S: More clearly defined (pause)-I know this place.
Dr. N: Have you reached your own hive (cluster group)?
S: (long pause) Not yet, I guess
Dr. N: Just look about you and report back to me exactly what you see and feel.
S: (subject begins to tremble) There are … bunches of people … together … off in the distance … but … there!
Dr. N: What do you see?
S: (fearfully) People I know… some of my family… off in the distance … but … (with anguish) I don’t seem to be able to reach them!
Dr. N: Why?
S: (in tearful bewilderment) I don’t know! God, don’t they know I’m here? (subject begins to struggle in her chair and then extends her arm and open hand at my office wall) I can’t reach my father!
Note: I briefly stop my questioning. This client’s father had a great influence in her most immediate past life and she needs additional calming techniques. I also decide to reinforce her protective shield before continuing.
Dr. N: What do you think is the reason your father is off in the distance so you can’t reach him?
S: (during a long pause I use the time to dry subject’s face, which has become wet with tears and perspiration) I don’t know …
Dr. N: (I place my hand on subject’s forehead and command) Connect with your father-now!
S: (after a pause the subject relaxes) It’s okay … he is telling me to be patient and everything will become clear to me … I want to go over there and be near him.
Dr. N: And what does he tell you about that?
S: (sadly) He says … that he can always be in my mind if I need him and… I will learn to do this better (think telepathically), but he has to stay where he is…
Dr. N: What do you think is the basic reason for your father remaining in this other place?
S: (tearfully) He does not belong in my hive.
Dr. N: Anything else?
S: The … directors … they don’t … (crying again) I’m not sure …
Note: Normally, I try to avoid too much intervention when subjects are describing their spiritual transitions. In this case, my client is confused and disoriented, so I offer a little guidance of my own.
Dr. N: Let’s analyze why you can’t reach your father’s position right now. Could this separation be the result of higher entities believing this is a time for individual reflection on your part and that you should associate only with other souls at your own level of development?
S: (subject is more restored) Yes, those messages are coming through. I have to work things out for myself … with others like me. The directors encourage us … and my father is helping me understand, too.
Dr. N: Are you satisfied with this procedure?
S: (pause) Yes.
Dr. N: All right, please continue with your passage from the moment you see some of your family in the distance. What happens next?
S: Well, I’m still slowing down … moving gradually … I’m being taken along a course I have been on before. I’m passing some other bunches of people (group clusters). Then, I stop.
Note: The final transit inward is especially important for the younger souls. One client, upon awakening, described this scene as giving him the sense he was arriving back home at twilight after a long trip away. Having passed from the countryside into his town, he finally reached the proper street.
The front windows of his neighbors’ houses were lit, and he could see people inside as he drove slowly past before reaching the driveway of his own home. Although people in trance may use such words as “clumps” and “hives” to describe how their home spaces look from a distance, this view becomes more individualistic once they go into each cluster. Then the subjects’ spiritual surroundings are associated with towns, schools, and other living areas identified with earthly landmarks of security and pleasure.
Dr. N: Now that you are stationary, what are your impressions?
S: It’s … large … activity… there are a lot of people in the vicinity. Some are familiar to me, others are not.
Dr. N: Can we get a little closer to all of them?
S: (abruptly my subject raises her voice with indignation) You don’t understand! I don’t go over there. (points a finger toward my office wall)
Dr. N: What’s the problem?
S: I’m not supposed to. You can’t just go off anywhere.
Dr. N: But, you have reached your destination?
S: It doesn’t matter. I don’t go over there. (again points a finger at her mental picture)
Dr. N: Does this tie in with the messages you received about your father?
S: Yes, it does.
Dr. N: Are you saying to me your soul energy cannot arbitrarily float anywhere- such as outside your group?
S: (pointing outward) They are not in my group over there.
Dr. N: Define what you mean by over there?
S: (in a grave tone of voice) Those others nearby-that is their place. (points down to the floor) This is our place. We are here. (nods head to confirm her statement)
Dr. N: Who are they?
S: Well, the others, of course, people not in my group. (in a burst of nervous laughter) Oh, look! … my own people, it’s wonderful to see them again. They are coming toward me!
Dr. N: (I act as though I am hearing this information for the first time, to encourage spontaneous answers) Really? This does sound wonderful. Are these the same people who were involved with your past life?
S: More than one life, I can tell you. (with pride) These are my people!
Dr. N: These people are entities who are members of your own group?
S: Of course, yes, I have been with them for so long. Oh, it’s fun seeing them all again. (subject is overjoyed and I give her a few moments with this picture)
Dr. N: I see quite a change in your understanding in just the short time since we arrived here. Look off in the distance at the others around this space. What is it like where they live?
S: (agitated) I don’t want to know. That is their business. Can’t you see? I’m not attached to them. I’m too busy with the people I am supposed to be with here. People I know and love.
Dr. N: I do see, but a few minutes ago you were quite distressed at not being able to get close to your father.
S: I know now he has his own gathering place with people. Dr. N: Why didn’t you know that when we arrived here?
S: I’m not sure. I admit it was a shock at first. Now I know the way things are. It’s all coming back to me.
Dr. N: Why wasn’t your guide around to explain all this to you before you saw your father?
S: (long pause) I don’t know.
Dr. N: Probably other people you have known and loved besides your father are also in these groups. Are you saying you have no contact with them now that you are in your proper place in the Spirit world?
S: (upset with me) No, I have contact with my mind. Why are you being so difficult? I am supposed to stay here.
Dr. N: (I prod the subject once more to gain additional information) And you don’t just drift over to those other groups for visits?
S: No! You don’t do that! You don’t go into their groups and interfere with their energy.
Dr. N: But mental contact offers no interference with their energy?
S: At the right time. When they are free to do this with me …
Dr. N: So, what you are telling me is that everyone here is located in their own group spaces and you don’t go wandering around visiting or making too much mental contact at the wrong times?
S: (calming down) Yes, they are in their own spaces with instruction going on. It’s the directors who move around mostly …
Dr. N: Thank you for clearing all this up for me. You want me to know that you and your group friends are especially careful about infringing upon others’ spaces?
S: That’s right. At least that’s the way things are around my space.
Dr. N: And you don’t feel confined by this custom?
S: Oh no, there are great expanses of space and such a sense of freedom here, as long as we pay attention to the rules.
Dr. N: And what if you don’t? Who decides what is the proper location for each group of souls?
S: (pause) The teachers help us, otherwise we would be lost.
Dr. N: It seemed to me you were lost when we first arrived here?
S: (with uncertainty) I didn’t connect … I wasn’t mentally in tune… I messed up … I don’t think you realize how big it is around here.
Dr. N: Look around you at all the occupied spaces. Isn’t the spirit world crowded with souls?
S: (laughs) Sometimes we do get lost-that’s our own fault-this place is big! That’s why it never gets crowded.
The two cases in this chapter represent different reactions from a beginner and a more advanced soul recalling the final phase of their return passages back to the spirit world. Every participant has their own interpretation of the panoramic view from the staging area to the terminus in their cluster group. Some of my subjects find the transition from the gateway to group placement to be so rapid that they need time to adjust upon arrival.
When recalling their memories between homecoming and placement, my subjects sometimes express concern that an important individual was not present in light form or did not communicate with them telepathically. Often this is a parent or spouse in the life just completed. By the end of the transition stage, the reason usually becomes evident. Frequently it has to do with embodiment.
We have seen how the average returning soul is overwhelmed by pleasure. Familiar beings are clustered together in undulating masses of bright light. On occasion, resonating musical sounds with specific chords guide the incoming traveler. One subject remarked, ‘As I come near my place, there is a monotone of many voices sounding the letter A, like Aaaaa, for my recognition, and I can see them all vibrating fast as warm, bright energy, and I know these are the disembodied ones right now.”
What this means is that those souls who are currently incarnated in one or more bodies at the moment may not be actively engaged with welcoming anybody back. Another subject explained, “It is as if they are sleeping on autopilot-we always know who is out and who is in:’
Those souls who are not totally discarnated radiate a dim light with low pulsating energy patterns and don’t seem to communicate much with anyone. Even so, these souls are able to greet the returning soul in a quiet fashion within the group setting.
Comment 61
“Not totally discarnated”. Means exactly what it says. A soul partitions itself into various consciousnesses. It assigns a percentage of it’s self into that consciousness. Which can vary from 5% up to 40%.
In this life, for me, I actually happen to know that my earth consciousness as Metallicman is set at 35%, which is considered to be very high. But given my role(s) it needs to be at that level.
Now, then it should be clear for me that my soul has 35% in the physical universe traipsing around the world-lines and the balance of 65% in the non-physical reality known as Heaven. This would be considered a discarnated being in Heaven.
Now, as far as my 35% that is currently Metallicman and in the physical world, a sizable percentage of it is in any one given world line at a time. Say, perhaps 85% of the 35% that is here. The rest (the 15%) is off in a multitude in adjacent world-lines as they all cluster together.
The sense of a barrier between various groups, as experienced by Case 15, has different versions among my subjects, depending upon the age of the soul. I will have another perspective about mobility in the next case. The average soul with a great deal of basic work to do describes the separation of their group from others as similar to being in different classrooms in the Same schoolhouse. I have also had clients who felt they were entirely separated in their own schoolhouse. The analogy of spiritual schools directed by teacher-guides is used so often by people under hypnosis that it has become a habit for me to use the same terminology.
Metallicman’s soul quanta allocation between the two universes.
As I mentioned earlier, after souls arrive back into their soul groups, they are summoned to appear before a Council of Elders. While the Council is not prosecutorial, they do engage in direct examination of a soul’s activities before returning them to their groups. It is not unusual for my subjects to have some difficulty providing me with full details of what transpires at these hearings, and I am sure these blocks are intentional.
Here is a report from one case. “After I meet with my friends, my guide Veronica (subject’s younger teacher) takes me to another place to meet with my panel of Elders.
She is at my side as an interpreter for what I don’t understand and to provide support for explanations of my conduct in the last life. At times, she speaks on my behalf as a kind of defense advocate but Quazel (subject’s senior guide who arrived before Veronica) carries the most weight with the panel.
There are always the same six Elders in front of me who wear long white robes.
Their faces are kindly, and they evaluate my perceptions of the life I have just lived and how I could have done better with my talents and what I did that was beneficial.
I am freely allowed to express my frustrations and desires.
All the Elders are familiar to me, especially two of them who address me more than the others and who look younger than the rest. I think I can distinguish appearances which are male or female. Each has a special aspect in the way they question me but they are honest and truthful, and I am always treated fairly. I can hide nothing from them, but sometimes I get lost when their thoughts are transmitted back and forth in the rapid communication between them. When it is more than I can handle, Veronica translates what they are saying about me, although I have the feeling she does not tell me everything. Before I return to Earth, they will want to see me a second time.”
Souls consider themselves having finally arrived home when they rejoin familiar classmates in group settings. Their attendance here with certain other souls does resemble an educational placement system in form and function. The criteria for group admission is based upon knowledge and a given developmental level. As in any classroom situation, some students connect well with teachers and others less so. The next chapter will examine the sorting-out process for soul groups and how souls view themselves in their respective spiritual locations.
My impression of the people who believe we do have a soul is that they imagine all souls are probably mixed into one great congregation of space.
Many of my subjects believe this too, before their sessions begin. After awakening, it is no wonder they express surprise with the knowledge that everyone has a designated place in the spirit world.
When I began to study life in the spirit world with people under hypnosis, I was unprepared to hear about the existence of organized soul support groups. I had pictured spirits just floating around aimlessly by themselves after leaving Earth.
Group placement is determined by soul level. After physical death, a soul’s journey back home ends with debarkation into the space reserved for their own colony, as long as they are not a very young soul or isolated for other reasons as mentioned in Chapter Four. The souls represented in these cluster groups are intimate old friends who have about the same awareness level.
When people in trance speak of being part of a soul cluster group, they are talking about a small primary unit of entities who have direct and frequent contact, such as we would see in a human family. Peer members have a sensitivity to each other which is far beyond our conception on Earth.
Secondary groups of souls are arranged in the form of a community Support group which is much less intimate with one another.
Larger secondary groups of entities are made up of giant sets of primary clusters as lily pads in one pond. Spiritual ponds appear to be endless. Within these ponds, I have never heard of a secondary group estimated at less than a thousand souls.
The many primary group clusters which make up one secondary group seem to have sporadic relationships, or no contact at all between clusters. It is rare for me to find souls involved with each other in any meaningful way who are members of two different secondary groups, because the number of souls is so great it is not necessary.
The smaller sub-group primary clusters vary in number, containing anywhere from three to twenty-five souls.
I am told the average assemblage is around fifteen, which is called the Inner Circle. Any working contact between members of different cluster groups is governed by the lessons to be learned during an incarnation.
This may be due to a past life connection, or the particular identity trait of the souls involved.
Soul acquaintanceships between members of different cluster groups usually involve peripheral roles in life on Earth.
An example would be a high school classmate who was once a close friend, but who you now see only at class reunions.
Members of the same cluster group are closely united for all eternity.
These tightly- knit clusters are often composed of like-minded souls with common objectives which they continually work out with each other. Usually they choose lives together as relatives and close friends during their incarnations on Earth.
It is much more common for me to find a subject’s brother or sister from former lives in the same cluster group rather than souls who have been their parents.
Parents can meet us at the gateway to the spirit world after a death on Earth, but we may not see much of their souls in the spirit world.
This circumstance exists not for reasons of maturity, since a parent soul could be less developed than their human offspring. Rather, it is more a question of social learning between siblings who are contemporary in one time frame.
Although parents are a child’s primary identification figures for both good and bad karmic effects, it is frequently our relations with spouses, brothers, sisters, and selected close friends over a whole lifetime that most influences personal growth.
This takes nothing away from the importance of parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who serve us in different ways from another generation.
The younger souls within secondary Groups A, B, and C would probably have little or no contact with each other in the spirit world or on Earth.
Close association between souls depends on their assigned proximity to one another in cluster groups, where there is a similarity of knowledge and affinity brought about by shared earthly experiences.
The next case offers us an account of what it is like coming back to one’s cluster group after physical death.
This is the second part of a multiple part series. To go to the next part, please click HERE.
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You can access the main index of these kinds of articles here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
More stories of personal heroism in China. This is part nine.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos
all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday
people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and
an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run
and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or
will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference
in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the
Make a difference. Be like Rufus!
Please kindly
note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to
view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your
These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds
to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to
load to get the full experience.
Video 1 – Save the little kitten.
Kittens and little children (and puppies) don’t know the dangers of roads. Plus, the drivers often cannot see the little critter and thus it can be quite dangerous for them. Here we have a Rufus stopping a truck so that the kitten can be saved…
Video 2 – Young boy returns a wallet.
Rufus comes in all ages, races, sizes and dispositions. Here we have a little boy returning a wallet. Well, he’s trying to, at least. He’s a good boy, and I would be proud of him were he to be my son…
Video 3 – A split second to save a girl.
Sometimes, you react without even thinking. You just reach out and save someone from a terrible accident…
Video 4 – Rescue from the ice.
Here is one of the most terrifying of rescues; trapped in the ice. When I grew up in Western Pennsylvania, there were many of my classmates that died from walking on an ice-frozen river and fell through the thin ice. It’s not just that the water is cold, but that you can easily sink down and get trapped under the ice with no way to break out.
Here we see Rufus running to the rescue.
Video 5 – Rescue from drowning.
But it’s not just the water and ice. Even int he middle of the summer people can get hurt in and around the water. I well remember on Cape Cod where people would just be standing in ankle deep water and a wave would crash over them, and a under-tow rip-tide would wash them out to sea.
Dangerous and horrifying.
Video 6 – Stop the car and get that pickpocketer.
What would you do if you were in a car driving along and see someone committing a crime? Would you stop and help the person being stolen from or would you ignore it and just keep walking… NY city style? What would you do?
Video 7 – Giving birth in the hospital lobby.
OK, so you are pregnant, and you start going into labor. You hop into the car and you make it to the hospital, but uh-oh… it’s too late the baby is coming out right there and then! Yikes!
What do you do?
Video 8 – Here’s to all the workers that take shit with a smile.
This is a tribute to all the workers who take shit as part of their job. You are not alone, many of us has had the exact same situation.
Video 9 – Bus driver emergency detour to the hospital.
Here’s a bus driver that sees and emergency and then takes a detour from his regular bus route to save someone. Be the Rufus. Even if it might cost you your job.
Video 10 – Help with an overturned wheelchair.
Talk about bad luck. This poor sap is stranded in the middle of a busy intersection and is unable to do anything. Would you go forth and help him?
We do not know when the calling will come.
However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference.
Help others. It’s our highest calling.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are
some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you
might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up
in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have
broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones
actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
Funny Pictures
Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.
Articles & Links
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find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
This is a very tiny post. It discusses something that it considered to be very important.
For us to truly grow as a human; as a person, as well as to advance technologically in our universe, we need to understand the fundamental rules of our universe.
Unfortunately, these fundamentals are not at all understood by humans today. They are often considered to be associated with religion and the “soft sciences” instead of their rightful place in the nature of our reality.
To grow, and for our species to master technology, we absolutely need to know what soul is and how it differs from our consciousness. Once we understand this difference, we would be fully able to master so many things that we, today, consider the limitations of our physical universe. Yes. And that means, the ability to travel anywhere in the universe. Yes. And that means the ability to travel to “Heaven” at will while we are alive in the physical, and Yes that means that we would be able to fully appreciate and master the control over our physical world.
Here, we talk about the fundamentals of this issue.
[1] Soul is not Consciousness
Firstly, everything has a soul. But… but, not everything has a consciousness.
A soul can be considered the “stuff” of who we are fundamentally. It is the “ground level” or quantum particles and the “building blocks” of who we are. It is the “brick and mortar” components of our very being.
That chair that you are sitting on has a (very simplistic) soul, but not a consciousness. It does not recognize that you are sitting on it. It does not think. It does not alter the reality surrounding it, and it does not generate memories.
That blade of grass outside also has a soul. It is a more advanced soul than that (human fabricated) chair, but it is still quite simple. It also has a rudimentary consciousness. It might be able to think… to some degree. It might not be able to generate memories or access them. But, we consider it living, because it does has a consciousness.
It’s consciousness drives the animation of the plant. It grows. It seeks and needs sun, water and nourishment. It lives, and then it dies.
Turning to animals, we can see that they have souls, and they have consciousnesses. They might think differently than us, sense things differently, and have different ways of accessing memories, but it is clear that they have a consciousness.
The kitty has a toy. The use of play is an important technique for obtaining life skills. The brain uses play to learn, and thus thoughts are created in the process. Thoughts are a fundamental product of consciousness awareness.
A Soul is…
In short, a soul is a generalized collection of quanta that is associated with one or more consciousnesses. It is a “home” from whence the consciousness originates. [1] It resides in a “place” or a “Heaven” that is beyond the physical distances, and time, and space. [2] It exists independently of any physical reality, or notion of time.
A Consciousness is…
Consciousness, on the other hand, is something that comes forth from the soul. [1] It is tied to “reality” which will include the limitations of time, space, and spacial distances. [2] It is connected to a given reality and thus can be influenced by it. There is always a “give and take” between a reality and a consciousness.
[2] Memories are associated with Consciousness, not Soul.
Memories do NOT reside within the brain, as is conventionally thought. Instead, they are accessed by the brain. They are actually stored outside of our reality.
The creation of memories is via [1] the thoughts and [2] the physical activity of the person inhabiting a physical reality.
The consciousness is a spawned part of the soul that is used to actuate experiences within a reality. It also creates memories and emotions that are a fundamental part of those experiences. the Experiences are used by the soul to grow and expand.
Thoughts and memories reside at “the same level” or within the “same space” as the soul. You can call this area or place, or condition, “Heaven” if you wish. It’s a close enough approximation.
Consciousnesses can move about from the “Heaven” that the soul occupies, and the “Heaven” where the memories are stored to the physical universe. This is accomplished by changing from wave to particle properties.
Our reality is a a “destination” that is arrived at due to the physical actions and thoughts of a given consciousness.
[3] Our Soul utilizes the memories that our Consciousness generates to form entanglements with quanta.
One of the biggest questions that humans have asked is “what’s the purpose of our existence?”. Well, there is an answer. We exist to grow, learn and advance.
However, it is more than that.
Our physical bodies are constructions that occupy a physical reality within a “situation”. This situation is picked from a near infinite number of situations in the MWI multiple-reality-worlds of our universe. Our consciousness is placed within a physical body within that reality, and we live the life within that “situation”.
Every moment, our reality changes. We leave an “old” reality and enter a “new” reality. This happens automatically, and we perceive this action as “time”. This movement is a directional vector. It is controlled by our thoughts and our actions, as well as the thoughts and actions of those around us.
Our thoughts, generated by our physical actions, and our thoughts, act as a steering vector that alters and changes the reality into other realities. All the time, generating thoughts and situations for us to experience, and if need be, endure.
Look back in your own life. Go back ten, twenty, thirty, forty, or even fifty years. Look at your life then and what you thought about; what you dreamed about, and the actions you took. Then…
…fast forward your life to see how the things manifested. You should find that while there are often outside influences involved, many of the things that you thought about that that time manifested one way or the other in your life.
The things that I thought about the most, and the actions that I took, all eventually influenced me and the direction that my life took on. This is how we can influence the arrow of time as it pertains to our reality.
The thoughts, emotions and feelings that we generate within this life goes to a “thought repository”. This repository is used to make and break quantum attachments and entanglements.
Quantum attachments and entanglements create the fabric, shape, size and organization of soul.
[4] Soul organization determines the rate of Soul growth and Soul Abilities.
What most humans do not “get” or understand, is the importance in soul evolution. We kind of think that the soul is fixed and will forever exist in the configuration or shape that it is now.
That is wrong.
Souls evolve. They have always been evolving. They can do so on their own, without creating a consciousness. And, they can also (greatly accelerate the process) do so by using a consciousness involved collecting experiences within a reality.
As souls evolve they transcend the limitations of our universe and achieve far greater abilities. As such, their manifested consciousnesses and spawned realities also increase in scope. From a human perspective, these evolved souls are astounding.
Only when we, as a species, recognize the intimate connection that our thoughts have with the reality that we inhabit, can we even begin to consider leaving this little ball of earth that we call our own.
We would discard the notions that hate, and killing others, and the obtainment of physical possessions distract from our ability to direct our thoughts. Direction, mind you, that is intended to acquire experiences for our soul to utilize.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited
for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret
programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret.
It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the
technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer.
The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to
maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are
all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things
that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms
are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that
when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass
into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some
extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor”
claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts
from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have
multiple posts in this regard.