This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 18 of 18. This is the last page of the series.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
This was a compilation of information that is sorely lacking on the internet; information regarding “Business KTV operations” in China. It is a huge industry, it employs millions, there isn’t one single factory or business boss that hasn’t gone to one. Everyone knows about it. But…
But no one ever talks about it.
Those that try, are often shouted down by the ignorant and the legions of enraged SJW who want to make the world perfect with unicorns prancing under a rainbow hued sky. They shout back in anger and feigned disgust. So, what happens? People just live their lives, and keep quiet.
Well, now you know.
You know, knowledge is a good thing. Overall, I think that it is refreshing to hear the truth about things rather than live a lie painted by others. That’s how you grow, experience life, and make decisions upon.
We need to look at the “big picture”. We need to see how everything connects together. We need to see the reality of what is, before we try to change things to make something “better”, “improved”, or “wonderful”. Or else we will have to endure a childhood wearing bubble wrap…

Or a lifetime of eating plastic cardboard boxes…

Or, banning things because… you know… just because…

Now, while the Business KTV has a degree of prostitution, you should not be blinded by that sole aspect of it. The true and real purpose of a Business KTV is to reward high performing bosses and talent for contributions to the company.
Or, perhaps you think that Alibaba, and Huawei got to be so big by giving their high performers paperclips and cheap pens with logos?
Is a Business KTV good or bad?
Seriously, the thought that I would be rewarded with a fun night with other bosses really motivates me. That is far superior to the ball-point pen with a logo that said “Success is a way of life” that Magnavox gave me for saving the company five million dollars.
It is also superior to the coupon for a free coffee at Tim Hortons that Pollak gave me for designing, producing, and perfecting the E-ETRESS system.
I personally think that it is far superior to the corporate note pad with the company logo on it that I got out of Delco Electronics for perfecting a remotely programmable SIMM on the ECM modules.
When you work and toil in your corporate job, look at how they reward you.

I think that the Chinese system is superior.
Important Notes
- Never refuse the offer for a dinner or KTV. While the boss might accept and agree to work with you, it will be done so reluctantly with a “clothespin on his nose”. As you have insulted him, his factory / business, and the Chinese culture.
- Understand that the arrangements for a dinner, KTV room, and girls have already been arranged days ahead of time. To think or expect otherwise is an insult to the boss who places a great deal of time and effort into your meeting with him.
- Going to a KTV does not guarantee any kind of sexual encounter. That is up to the participants and the environment. Remember, it is the girl that decides what will happen. You never make that decision, no matter how much you want to.
- If you are unwilling to do business in China using Chinese industrial norms, then you should expect the consequences. Don’t, for the love of God, be the “Ugly American“.
"Ugly American" is a pejorative term used to refer to perceptions of loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric behavior of American citizens mainly abroad, but also at home. Although the term is usually associated with or applied to travelers and tourists, it also applies to U.S. corporate businesses in the international arena.
Take Aways
- KTV’s are popular in China.
- The business KTV’s cater to bosses. They have their own ways of doing things.
- Both women and men can enjoy themselves at a Business KTV.
- There is the potential for sexual pleasures at such a KTV, but it is not guaranteed.
- Visiting such an establishment can be expensive, thus they are typically only reserved for special occasions and special business relationships.
- Female hostesses work at a KTV for various reasons. The most common is to find a mate with a good job and a steady income. You go to where the best likelihood of finding what you are interested in, is.
- Male Hosts work at a KTV for their own reasons. I do not know their reasons. It varies from person to person. I do not know what they are.
- If you go to a Business KTV, take ED medication, and control your drinking.
- The best way to impress a Chinese boss is to drink hard and eat a chicken’s head.
- When having sex with a stranger use a condom.
Q: How can I find a Business KTV?
A: Ask the factory boss in the town that you are doing business with. He will probably be able to point you in the general direction. Else, you can go into a Business Hotel and chat with the manager there and ask where any exciting girls and girl action might take place.
Q: Is a Business KTV the only type of prostitution available in China?
A: No. Not by a long shot. In fact, it is a rather small subset of society that caters only to company leadership, management and bosses.
And, keep in mind, the potential of prostitution in a Business KTV is determined by the aggressiveness and the ambitions of the local girls / women in the community where the KTV is located. They determine the need, the rates, and the quality of care.
There are other venues such as escorts, and the like that a person can visit and use if all you want to do is to have sex with a girl. If all you want to do is to have sex, you can go to a salon, or pick up a street walker for maybe $25 to $50. It need not be expensive. You go, get the gal, pay the money and get yourself off. It’s far better than reliance on internet images and magazines.
Besides, these gals have families to support. Instead of giving some rich California software king your money to download an x-rated porn movie, give it to the girl’s so her children can eat dinner and her husband can get a new pair of work boots.
Q: What are the types of prostitution in China?
A: There are many.
- Mistress or Second wife (二奶, èrnăi): She gets a monthly salary in exchange for regular sexual favors. Even if she usually does not offer romance or family life, sometimes she lives with the customer and may wish to marry him.
- Packaged girl (包婆, bāopó ): Similar to second wives but only work for limited time, as on business trips. These two upper tiers correspond to the ancient concubine, although the second wife and packaged girl are mostly kept secretly rather than in the household. Only rich men can afford them, therefore these girls are often considered to be linked to corruption.
- Female companions (陪女, péinǚ): You can find them everywhere in China: restaurants, karaoke – the (in)famous KTV xiăojie, – bars and clubs. Often, in bars and most typical establishments, they usually stay in a corner playing with their cell phone and drinking some cocktails till a customer arrives. Many of these girls are employed to dance, sing, drink with the customers that pay for a table or, it the case of KTVs, for a room. Some of them will eventually leave with the customers. Business KTV’s is a subset of this class, where the best girls work.
- Escorts. These girls are available either to your room, or at their house or at a mutually agreed hotel room. They advertise on the internet, and tend to be moderately expensive. A typical example is this link for Shenzhen massage. The girls are all attractive and speak English.

- Ding dong girls (叮咚小姐, dīngdōng xiăojie): Literally like pressing a door bell “ding dong”. Typically, they go to a hotel that seems to have a lot of customers – single and lonely men. What they do is that they rent a room there and call the other rooms offering their services. They do this by sliding a card under your hotel room door. This is usually a “massage.” Of course. having a massage with a happy ending is legal in China. It used to be that they would knock on your door, or slide a card under your door to offer you some fun services. Now, it is quite possible for other more intimate participatory services can be offered for a reasonable fee. That is always negotiable. You can add to this category also the girls that look for customers on QQ (the Chinese MSN) or on the web in general.

- Hairdressers and masseuses (发廊妹, fàlángmèi): Chinese hair salons and massage parlors are the place to go if you want to get a cheap “happy ending” (usually by masturbation or oral sex), especially the ones full of bored half-naked girls lighted up by pink lights you can find close to a train or subway station.

The fàlángmèi are often migrants from the countryside and perform contractual work under a proprietress (lăobănniáng) or a pimp (pítiáo) who provide them with housing, clothing and food, as well as a cell phone and monthly subscription. They do not make much more money than a worker, unless they receive tips from the customers.
- Street girl (街女, jiēnǚ): The name explains everything. They solicit customers in the halls of the hotels, bars and other entertainment outlets. They may offer petting (shàngbànchăng, first half) or intercourse (xiàbànchăng, second half). Street prostitutes may be accompanied by a lăobănniáng or work on their own. They are those at greatest risk of being apprehended by the police. We also call them “chicken girls” which is the English translation of 街女.

- Underclass girl (下工棚, xiàgōngpéng): They live in urban slums (such as they are), or the seedier and poorer neighborhoods in the fifth tier towns. They can typically be found at construction sites. They fill a social and sexual void, as the migrant workers usually have left their wives at home, and are paid with food.
Q: Is prostitution rampant in China?
A: No. It might seem like that because If you were to compare percentages you would be surprised to find that prostitution, by percentage of the population, is actually very tiny. Remember, China has a huge population.
Like any other nation, prostitution will exist. However, China is a very conservative and traditional nation. Prostitution is not considered to be a good thing.
On the whole, if you want to see a prostitute, you should to go Thailand or the Philippines. Not China.
China is NOT a sex monger’s paradise. It is a paradise for hard workers, those who strive and achieve, and people who believe in working together for the common good. If you work hard, study hard and do your best, China will reward you. There are no easy routes in China.
In China, it is the person with their “nose to the grindstone” that becomes a success.
When I see articles saying that China accepts prostitution and that sexual sales and slavery of young children exists, I get mad. That is absolutely not the case. NOT AT ALL. I tell you this two times. China has been very hard on the prostitution industry and many things that are fine and dandy in the West is forbidden in China. Such as unedited R-rated movies, and such. China is a conservative, traditional nation.
Q: What is the best alcohol to drink at a KTV?
A: For a business KTV, you will need to drink with the boss. After that event is finished, please heed my advice and chill out. You can drink all the beer you want. Alternatively you can drink severely watered down whiskey. Take it from me, you don’t want to wake up nude with three girls ready to have fun with you, and you are way too drunk (too much alcohol in your system) to “get it up”. Heed my advice.
Q: Are these girls clean? Do I need to wear a condom?
A: Yes the girls are clean, and yes you do need to wear a condom. They work six days a week, most of the year. They typically have three to seven sexual adventures per week with who knows who. You do not want to catch any type of sexually transmitted sickness.
Also keep in mind that while the condom might be good, note that if you have a cut, a bruise, and a pinch from the zipper fly in your jeans, then don’t have sex. Illnesses can be transmitted through sweat and precious bodily fluids just as easily. When in doubt take care and be careful. If need be, cancel and reschedule until you are all healed up down there.
I advise NEVER to have any sexual romps with anyone if you have a cut or an open wound, no matter how tiny, and no matter where it is located. Do not take the chance.

If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Business KTV Index here…
Business KTV'sThe Chinese Business KTV Experience

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