What is China like?

Well, what is China like? Is it a smog filled “hell hole”, or is it a Stalinist storm-trooper stomping dictatorship? Just what the heck is it, and what is it like?

This is a post that I threw together after reading a fellow American justify the eight wars that America is currently fighting all over the globe. As he said “…it our duty to police the world because no one has it better than us.”

Eh? Say what?

Of course he was referring to a United States military presence all over the world. And at this I shake my head. Why is my tax dollars being spent in Timbuktu? Why are we building bridges, bases and helping the Saudi’s fight their wars?

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman wants America to fight a war with Iran. To this end he is very active in providing financial enticements (bribes) to leading American Senators and Congressmen to support yet another military action, only this time in Iran.

Don’t the Saudi Arabians have enough money?

Why do WE have to do it? Why can’t THEY deal with their own issues?

Some background

To best understand what this question and the answers that it garners, we need to have a little background first.

Most non-Americans would be absolutely surprised to discover that the bulk of Americans think that the world is one big garbage dump, and only America is a half-way decent place to live. With this belief, it makes sense that America spread “American-style democracy” all over the world. No matter what the cost.

And so we do. Oh, yeah…

Linda J. Bilmes and Michael D. Intriligator, ask in a recent paper, “How many wars is the US fighting today?”

 Today US military operations are involved in scores of countries across all the five continents. The US military is the world’s largest landlord, with significant military facilities in nations around the world, and with a significant presence in Bahrain, Djibouti,Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Kyrgyzstan, in addition to long-established bases in Germany, Japan, South Korea, Italy, and the UK.  Some of these are vast, such as the Al Udeid Air Force Base in Qatar, the forward headquarters of the United States Central Command, which has recently been expanded to accommodate up to 10,000 troops and 120 aircraft.

 Citing a page at US Central Command’s (CENTCOM) website, they highlight the “areas of responsibility” publicly listed:

 The US Central Command (CENTCOM) is active in 20 countries across the Middle Eastern region, and is actively ramping-up military training, counterterrorism programs, logistical support, and funding to the military in various nations. At this point, the US has some kind of military presence in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, U.A.E., Uzbekistan, and Yemen.

 US Africa Command (AFRICOM), according to the paper, “supports military-to-military relationships with 54 African nations.”

 [Gosztola points out that the U.S. military is also conducting operations of one kind or another in Syrian, Jordan, South Sudan, Kosovo, Libya, Yemen, the Congo, Uganda, Mali, Niger and other countries.]

 Altogether, that makes 74 nations where the US is fighting or “helping” some force in some proxy struggle that has been deemed beneficial by the nation’s masters of war.

-U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars … That It Will Publicly Admit

Good thing that we are in Turkmenistan. I can see how a farmer in Iowa would trudge down to his Congressman, and demand (by pounding on the desk) that his son goes and fights “the good cause” way off there. Just like you and your relatives have. Just like everyone in Ohio, Kentucky, and Illinois have. </sarcasm>

By the way… where is Turkmenistan? Do you even bloody know?

But those are just the public operations; the public stuff that you might be able to find in a newspaper or two. However, there are many, many secret and covert operations all over the globe, don’t you know.

Beyond that, there are Special Operations forces in countries. Jeremy Scahill in Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield, writes, “By mid-2010, the Obama administration had increased the presence of Special Operations forces from sixty countries to seventy-five countries.
 Scahill also reports, based on his own “well-placed special operations sources”:

 …[A]mong the countries where [Joint Special Operations Command] teams had been deployed under the Obama administration were: Iran, Georgia, Ukraine, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Peru, Yemen, Pakistan (including in Baluchistan) and the Philippines. These teams also at times deployed in Turkey, Belgium, France and Spain. JSOC was also supporting US Drug Enforcement Agency operations in Colombia and Mexico…

Ah, yes. His statement stuck to me. I mean, it really did. I thought, you see, that that bunch of ignorance pretty much died off during the Bush years. So I was really taken back to have it repeated again, to my face.

I guess he is just fine throwing away money that is Constitutionally intended to be in our wallets. Hey! Some people don’t care what happens to the money once it is removed from their wallet. They justify it.

Obama and your money.
Obama was very liberal with the tax monies, as well as the money not yet collected. He gave it away like party favors at a drunk frat party.

However, I for one, do.

It affects MY quality of life. It affects my family. It affects what I do, how I eat, and my general health.

Chart of savings rate.
Hey! Dear reader, how much do you manage to save out of each paycheck every month? Not only that, but you and your family (with both working) how much are you able to save? You cannot. That is because of taxes, and you know what? Most of our tax money goes in to wars. War. Endless, endless wars…!

And no amount of bafflegab is going to change that.

Feminist bafflegab.

America is not supposed to be like this.

You have to understand that America, as founded, was the most amazing nation ever to grace this good earth. There are many reasons for this, but nothing can say it better than this…

  America's founders embraced a previously unheard-of  political philosophy which held that people are "...endowed BY THEIR  CREATOR with certain unalienable rights.." This was the statement  of guiding principle for the new nation, and, as such, had to be  translated into a concrete charter for government. The Constitution of  The United States of America became that charter. 

  Other forms of government, past and present, rely on the state as the  grantor of human rights. America's founders, however, believed that a  government made up of imperfect people exercising power over other  people should possess limited powers. Through their Constitution, they  wished to "secure the blessings of liberty" for themselves and for  posterity by limiting the powers of government. Through it, they  delegated to government only those rights they wanted it to have,  holding to themselves all powers not delegated by the Constitution. They  even provided the means for controlling those powers they had granted  to government. 

 This was the unique American idea.  Many problems we face today result from a departure from this basic  con­cept. Gradually, other "ideas" have influenced legislation which has  reversed the roles and given government greater and greater power over  individuals. Early generations of Americans pledged their lives to the  cause of in­dividual freedom and limited government and warned, over and  over again, that eternal vigilance would be required to preserve that  freedom for posterity.  

-Footnote: "Our Ageless Constitution," W.  David Stedman & La Vaughn G. Lewis, Editors (Asheboro, NC, W. David  Stedman Associates, 1987) Part III:  ISBN 0-937047-01-5 

You see, America today in no way resembles what our Constitution says it is supposed to be. It has turned in to a huge enormous monstrosity.

"Allow me, just now old enough to  apprehend the freak show for what it is, to put something radical to my  conservative forbearers: 

Little about the present state of American life is worth conserving. Nothing of what the Founders envisioned remains."

-Andrea Yung 

We Americans, living in this mess, move along with the flow and ebb of the political and social winds. Often making the most absurd statements, and rationalizations. Thus this fellow that I was chatting with.

He then went on to say that “We need to police the world. We need to spread democracy... ...the rest of the world is one big shit-hole, seriously.” And then asked me, “Have you ever seen the Mexican side of the border?

American houses in the suburbs.
America is very beautiful once you leave many of the urban areas. The sky is often awesome, the roads are wide and often clear of traffic. Many of the houses are large and spacious. When compared to other nations, the United States appears to be (hands down) the most desirable place to live. So it is natural to assume every other place is a hell-hole.

Now this is coming from a guy who doesn’t even has a passport, has never tried to get a visa, and his only experience outside the borders of our country was by watching reruns of Baywatch.

Ah. that old “no one has it better than us Americans” argument. We are so fortunate. Eh. Well, it plays well in Peoria. And it’s a good conversation stopper. As we, as Americans, have all seen the “Save the Children” commercials. That money-generating venture brought images of poverty into the living-rooms of Americans for decades.

So the argument seems to have some validity.

Seems to.

Being older with some experiences…

But, you know, I am from a different generation. I grew up in the 1970’s, and at that time between all the smoking blue haze we came to appreciate the strengths of the American system. We did so cranking Jimmi Hendrix, Robin Trower, Yes, Jefro Tull, Alice Cooper, Boston, Manfred Mann, Traffic, Uriah Heep and Three Dog Night.

"I'd love to change the world... but I don't know what to do.
That 70s show.
That 70s show was a television comedy that sort of reflected what it was like living and growing up in the 1970’s.


We knew, since the Vietnam war was still fresh in our minds, that America should be for Americans. We did not need to be off throwing money, and wasting lives in some off-the-beaten track for some globalist oligarch.

We knew that America was wasting money in Vietnam. We knew that people were dying there, and many of them were friends, or relatives. We knew that what ever benefit would come of that war, none of us would ever see that benefit. 

We knew that the war was just pissing away American resources.
Scene from Vietnam.
Americans in Vietnam. We fought and died there for “democracy”. When the truth was that it was an effort with the wealthiest in America to game the situation for their very own personal advantage.

We, almost my entire generation, felt betrayed by those older than us. Those who ended up throwing away lives in far off rice paddy’s, and making laws against marijuana that everyone was obviously breaking. What was the matter with these people? We asked.

Why can’t they just let us be? Why do they have to take too much of our money, regulate too much of our lives, and go off fighting wars that are too far away? Why?

The 1980's meme.
Things were so different the. We weren’t expected to apologize for being born. We weren’t ashamed of our nation. We were American gosh darn it!

Well, that was only the tip of the iceberg.

A few more years passed. Ronald Reagan did put the breaks down to some degree, but he made some other blunders that (sad to say, eventually) set the stage for what was to come…

Geoprge Bush Senior
President Bush Senior spent most of his Presidency trying to undo the good works of Ronald Reagan. In many ways he was very successful.

First, was President Gerald Ford Bush (Senior) who made it his life’s work to undo “Reaganomics”, and implement The New Global Order. Then came a succession of socialist criminals, such as Clinton, Bush Jr and finally Obama.

Each one, in their own way, contributed to the state of affairs that America is enduring today. Each one played a role. Each one created the situation leading to all the complaints that we Americans have about “our” government.

They snipped the brake-lines to the American Constitutional government, and it has been in free-fall ever since.



Those of us, still trapped in a rapidly decaying world try to grasp for straws trying to make out some sense of reason to the hordes of pink-haired ignorance, the black-thugs of Antifa and the BLM that seem to want to put average Americans in concentration camps.

So we listen to the news. Many, well meaning of course, have no idea just how tainted it really is. They believe the news.

They believe what it says.

The mainstream media news manipulates us.

They believe CNN when they announce that there are spontaneous protests all over the nation to ban plastic straws.

They believe MSNBC when they announce that President Donald Trump is a full Communist spy on the payroll out of Russia (oh and he likes to pee on bed sheets, too). And they believe FOX when they say that our military isn’t big enough and another “few” trillion dollars would be all that is needed to make the world whole again.

The most dangerous lies are the ones that you WANT to believe. Which is why FOX is just as dangerous as CNN. They both lie. It's just that they focus on different target audiences.

You maybe should open up a window or two and let some fresh air get inside your house. You’ve been cooped up way too long. Maybe since when the Partridge Family, or the Rat Patrol was on television, me thinks.

The world has changed, bub.

Shanghai city at dusk.
Beautiful shanghai at dusk showing the Huangpu river and financial district skyline in sunset. The fellow that I was talking to considered this city, Shanghai to be a “Hell hole” worthy of fighting to “free those imprisoned by the evil communists”.

While you have been sitting there reading American news, American politics, American music, and viewing American-centrist shows, the rest of the world has moved on.

We, as Americans have been boxed in by wealthy and powerful forces. Their objective is for them to achieve “ultimate wealth and power”. As such, they are an evil oligarchy, and they control you, the reader, through media lies, and intentional omissions of news.

Some parts of America has been completely engulfed by this poison. You can see it. It’s not pretty.

Detroit on a nice day.
Modern Detroit today. At one time Detroit was the automobile capital of the world. It produced products like no other. But successive generations of leadership decided to focus their energies elsewhere, and Detroit fell onto bad times. This is not the only place where this has happened. We have the “rust belt” in the Midwest, and of course, we all know about the crime riddled Seaboard cities.

Luckily, many parts of America has been spared. There are really very nice areas that have not been polluted by this blight. But the dark days are fast approaching.

Cleveland, Oho.
Beautiful Cleveland, Ohio. This small Mid-West city is typical of what America and is is populated by people that it represents. While there is a major blight in most progressive liberal areas, the rural and smaller cities has so far been spared the progressive influence.

But, why has this blight effected the USA in the first place?

While Bush had the United States fighting in the deserts of Africa, the rest of the world were planting trees, building malls, and rapid mass transit.

While Bush was giving the dictator of some unpronounceable tiny county, trillions of dollars to build up THEIR infrastructure, and build THEIR hospitals, our infrastructure was allowed to decay and fall apart. And when we complained about it, they came after us. Accusing us of tax evasion, or sexual deviance.

While Obama was working on “diversity initiatives” all over the Untied States, the rest of the world were improving their hospitals. While we Americans were being told by Obama to pay more in taxes, to tighten our belts, the rest of the world were having their tax burdens eased, and living under substantially improved lifestyles.

Yes, let me be the first person to tell you, the reader this, while we have been spending bundles and bundles of money in places that you cannot find on a map, the rest of the world has been getting wealthier, better, stronger, and healthier.

Kanye West – Stronger

No longer does the rest of the world look like a “Save the Children” commercial. For the most part, it tends to look like an upscale suburb of Chicago.

“In terms of financial cost, the numbers are staggering. Afghanistan alone has cost a trillion dollars. Just think what we might have accomplished at home if that money had been spent on education, job training, medical research, infrastructure improvements, water purification and sanitation. You can add to this list. It’s all important, but taking a backseat to our military funding.” 

-Endless war is bad for America
Scene from idiocracity.
Scene from the Science Fiction comedy called Idiocracity. It traces the dumbing down of the average American and the resulting effect that it has on society.

So, here’s the slap in the face for you all.

Laugh-In is no longer broadcast on network television, Hugh Hefner is dead, and Playboy magazine is no longer published like it used to be. No one wears “Earth Shoes” anymore, and “love beads” are worn as often as the waitress tells you that your elephant bell-bottom jeans are “groovy”.

Times have changed. The rest of the world has moved on.

The rest of the world has moved on, and I believe that we need to pay attention to what is going on. We need to open our eyes, look around, ask questions and just listen.

  • We need to look at the world around us.
  • The American mainstream media has failed us.
  • Politicized media, from both sides of the spectrum lie and tell partial truths.
  • There are no “experts” that have all the answers. They are all frauds.

You might need to visit Australia, Germany, Poland, or Thailand. Americans, listen up, the rest of the world does NOT have it worse than America. They have it differently, true.

But, worse… I don’t think so.

The rest of the world.
The rest of the world could care less about what is going on in the USA. They don’t know what the IRS, who the NSA is, and why the FDA is important. Though, they do have a pretty good idea about the CIA, LOL.

I’m in China, so we are gonna talk about China.

If I were in Australia, I’d talk about that absolutely amazing nation. Indeed, those Aussies have no idea how fortunate they are. Australia is an amazing place. It really, really is. From Kings Cross to Brisbane, it’s awesome from the top to the bottom, and I cannot find anything wrong with it at all.

Brisbane, Australia.
Beautiful Brisbane, Australia. Australia is a land of wonderful weather, beautiful girls and impressive scenery. Also, you should try their prawns. They are amazing!

And you know, what? The same is true about some other places, like New Zealand. Those Kiwi’s have it good too. I’ll tell you what. The thing is that they don’t go strutting around like a peacock, or like a big cock that is so sure of himself proclaiming “New Zealand is the best!”. They know they are good, and decent. They know that.

Milford Sound in New Zealand.
Milford sound in New Zealand. Queenstown is known to be the adventure capital of New Zealand, and actually, the world! However, in case you’ve been living under a rock, New Zealand’s beauty is the true draw.

Thailand is in a class by itself and I won’t spend too much time on all the great fun that can be had there. You just need to go out, and experience it yourself. After all, where else in the world will all the pretty ladies call you a “handsome man”, eh?

Thailand fun.
Getting ready to have some fun in Thailand. It the land of great food, amazing natures, and many, many smiles. This is a photo of a foreigner getting some money out of an ATM. If you are frugal, you will need to husband your money carefully, as Thailand has an enormous tourist industry, and you will need to be careful or else watch your money disappear before your eyes.

Canada has it’s charms, I’ll tell you what. But, it seems too much like a sister-brother nation to the United States. They seem to want to copy whatever progressive pronouncements come out of liberal academia. I know, I know, they speak French, and have politics more in like with the UK than anything resembling America, but it’s a very beautiful nation with some outstanding parks and scenery. Not to mention, just great people.

Still, still, it’s a gorgeous place, with some great fishing. If you ever get a chance to go fishing in Canada go do it. You will not be sorry. Just remember to take some bug-repellent. You will need two or three gallons of it.

Enormous mosquitoes.
Watch out! One of the signs features a large mosquito carrying someone away. Well, maybe they don’t get that big, but you’ve got to be well equipped.

Well, I’m in China. So I am gonna talk about China.

I’m not gonna narrate too much. Just a little wee bit. It will help you, the reader, better understand the context of what is going on in the videos, and that should lead to a better understanding of what you are witnessing. After all, watching Cirque du Soleil without any context would leave anyone confused and disoriented.

So, I’ll just let the micro-videos speak for themselves. You all can come to whatever conclusion you come to. That way the ignorant can’t blame me for “brainwashing” you, the reader.

As they often tend to do.

Banner Splash for Idiocracity.

The following videos describe the China that exists today, and not the “Save the Children” image so rampantly promoted in American media on both sides of the political spectrum. As we used to say in the industry “don’t shoot the messenger”.

They are fun videos. I hope you enjoy them.

Also, please keep in mind that the purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

This is a Paleo-conservative response to the hordes of Neocons that argue in favor of global armageddon.

This is what China is. (Video 1)

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

It is rare for a single company to make everything for their products. They buy screws from a screw manufacturer, they get rubber parts from a rubber manufacturer, and get glass from a glass manufacturer. Over the last two decades a system has developed where a company can retain control of it's products, but utilize cheap off-shore labor.

While the rest of the world was “off shoring” their products, China was learning, acquiring, and building. While the rich oligarchy in the USA and Europe were taking their enormous profits and investing in political power, liberal initiatives, and spending the money on lavish entertainments, China was working hard and studying.

It’s paying off.

Star Trek TOS
Scene from the television show “Star Trek”. TOS season 2. It pictured a world where America adopted the way that Rome ruled the world only doing so contemporaneously. I wonder, would Americans recognize the similarities between Ancient Rome and modern Washington DC?

While all this has been going on, some curious trends started to manifest.

Today, many manufacturers all over the world implement “supply-chain management”, which means (in layman’s terms) that they farm out critical sub-assemblies, and parts to other factories in other nations where the manufacturing costs are low. As such, they are able keep their core factories and manufacturing facilities and maintain their local labor rates, social benefits, and environmental controls, but only conduct final manufacture of components.

We know about this every time we call a help line that gets rerouted to India, or when we discover that it will take a month or longer to get a spare part for our American made product.

Many companies do this. Many, that you, the reader, have no idea has so many off-shored components and assemblies. Hey! Surprise!

And now for my first video…

China is about selecting the interior color scheme in your car…

…while you are driving it.

Yup. Bentley. Made in England with first-tier Chinese suppliers.

I really love Bentleys. I love everything about them. The primary assembly plant is in Crewe, England. They do a lot of supply-chain management and most of it is with Chinese and local suppliers. One of the things that I admire about Bentley is how they installed solar panels over their parking lot. How’s that for innovation, as well as keeping the parked car cool and out of the hot sun?

Bentley Parking lot.
Bentley parking lot, all protected from the sun with solar panels.

The point of this is simple. While almost every American company is outsourcing products, parts, and sub-assemblies to China, they are not alone. EVERY developed nation is doing this. America is not the only nation that out sources.

Getting close to nature – Camping Chinese style. (Video 2)

People are people everywhere. We like to eat, talk, and play with our friends. We like to fish, play sports, and just have a good time.

China is about having fun with your friends. Here we talk about camping in the wilds “Chinese style”.

Vintage camping illustration in the USA.
I think that everyone should experience camping with friends and family. In fact, it is the core of some of my greatest memories. Though, for me, putting a tent up often meant getting rained upon. Sigh.

Notice that there are a couple of things that I would like to point out to the reader to take note of and observe.

  • It is done as a group. The Chinese find strength in friendships. In America, it’s every man for himself, lone-wolf style. So camping in the USA is usually in small groups of two to four people. Camping in China is often a much larger communal experience.
  • There are different activities to meet the different styles and pleasures of the individuals. Some gals just want to sit at the table, drink wine and watch the guys play. Some want to play around and have a good time, while others want to cook and play some sports. What ever makes your boat float, I say.
  • Tents are there for passing out, sex, and naps, not to mention spending the night. They are usually the first thing to go up, and the last thing to take down. They serve as the anchor to the campground or camping area. Not the fire-pit, which would be more common in the USA.
  • They use portable tables, and stoves. It is rare to have open fires in China.

The point of this is that people all over the globe enjoy themselves. They fish. They eat. They get drunk, fall in love, and have a great time. (Maybe not in that exact order.) The rest of the world is not a Brazilian garbage dump or a smog filled desert. It’s not.

New, big and modern. (Video 3)

With two decades of rapid advancement, it should come as no surprise that antiquated infrastructure would be replaced, and new systems put in place. What is surprising is the pace, and the extent at which is is done. The speed, pace, and quantity of new structures is unlike anything seen int he United States.

China is about miles and miles of big, brand new, impressive skyscrapers, modern efficient public transportation, and fun night light shows.

This is not confined to the first top level cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. It permeates the entire Chinese society. It is everywhere. China was not squandering it’s resources fighting eight wars all over the globe, nor policing the Muslim world. They were solving their own domestic issues.

It is evident if you take a gander. Here’s a small town in China. Yes… believe it or not 4 million people is a town in China.

"It's all Chinese propaganda from behind the red-firewall. He's gone full Chicom. All you need to know is to check out his other postings. You shouldn't read or listen to anything he says."

-(Name removed by request)

The point of this is that the money wasted on wars against primitive people in crude terrain for appease the oligarchy could be used on Americans. It could be used on Americans to improve the lives of Americans. Or at the very least to curb the out of control devaluation of the US dollar.

China is all about the party. (Video 4)

Chinese culture is traditional conservative. They follow the model that has been in place in China for 5000 years. They tried the progressive liberal Marxist technique under Mr. Mao and it darn near exterminated 30 million people. Since the 1970's they have implemented a new type of government. They call it "Socialist with Chinese Characteristics". 

What it is, using American vernacular, is a Conservative Dictatorship following Reaganomics, and a "Make China Great Today" philosophy.

Being conservative, and traditional, drinking alcohol is part of the culture. All those attempts to cub “vices” stems from progressive and liberal schools of thought.

VIntage Hamms beer advertisement
In past in America, people could drink and smoke and party to the wee hours of the night. This all started to change when progressive liberal values began to “improve” American life, society and culture. One of the first things that they tried to do was ban drinking. It failed, so they started to tax it. Then came smoking. Then came all sorts of restrictions on various other vices. Don’t let the progressive democrat narrative of freedom to “get high” fool you. They only want to control you, and the most effective way is to control access to vices.

If you talk to someone who says that they visited China, but they cannot tell you about the KTV experience, they are either lying or lived a very exclusive life. You know, how Hillary Clinton mingles with the people in Walmart. The Chinese party scene is not like what you have in the United States, where a certain percentage of the population, maybe 20-40% might want to go out and drink and dance. In China, it is ingrained in the Chinese culture.

Everyone, to one extent or the other, parties.

Friends, family and business associates will naturally invite you to dinner and drinks, and if they and you are worthy of friendship, a KTV. If you are not worthy of such an experience then you are, and will forever be, an outsider.

Thus one way that you can determine just how knowledgeable a "Chinese expert" is in the understandings of China, Chinese people, and Chinese culture, is to ask them about their experiences drinking, singing, and hanging out with the Chinese people on a personal basis. 

The more experiences they have, the more visceral their understanding is of the Chinese sphere.

China is about going out to the clubs or the KTV’s with tons of pretty girls and getting drunk to the gills…

Most people around the world party and have a great time. This would continue whether or not Americans burn money in wars or not. However, the kinds of parties that you have and the extent of your enjoyment at them are a function of the value of your currency. By devaluing the USD through constant fiscal mismanagement, and endless wars most Americans have to settle for the cheaper kinds of entertainment. It’s beer and Doritos instead of steaks and galas.

China is ENORMOUS. (Video 5)

China is an enormous nation, about the same size as the USA, but with a billion more people.

Yes it is. In fact, it is geographically similar to the size of the United States. That means that it is enormous.

United States is around the same size as China. China is approximately 9,596,960 sq km, while United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km. Meanwhile, the population of China is ~1 billion people (1 billion fewer people live in United States).

Size of United States compared to China - MyLifeElsewhere 
Comparison between two nations.
A size comparison between the United States and China. They are roughly the same size. Though, I would tend to say that while China has more mountains, the USA has a longer coastline. Also there is a greater difference from the one end of the nation to the other.

China is about amazing parks, scenery that seems like it came from a science fiction movie, and strange and exotic wildlife…

"These videos that you post aren't from China. They are actually from parks in America. You should stop being so deceptive."


The size of the nation does not change whether it is involved in wars or not. However, the quality of the life inside that nation is a function of the amount of money the government spends on it. China has been spending billions of dollars improving China, the infrastructure and the lives of it’s people. America has been squandering it in Yemen, Libya, and Afghanistan, to name of few places.

Diverse range of cultural stratification. (Video 6)

All nations are culturally stratified to one degree or the other. China is no exception. However, the rapid rate of growth over the last two decades has created a melting-pot of social classes, and they all mingle together.

America is stratified. There are the oligarchy that lives in their exclusive areas, and the “upper middle class” which are now almost entirely working for the government, and the rest of us. We are further segregated in where we live. There are the urban liberals, and the rural conservatives, and it is quite a rare thing to fall outside those two groupings.

In China there is a mish-mash of cultures, and social stratification. This can manifest in different ways depending where you are.

China is about getting a $1 haircut on the street…

Social stratification arises through all cultures. The best way to manage it is to provide services based on merit, and ability. The worst way is to provide services based on what group or “tribe” you are a member of, or what your gender is, or some other characteristic based on demographics. China provides services based on merit, and thus the society is homogenized. India and America provides services based on other concerns, and that leads to dangerous social stratification.

Playing with your dog. (Video 7)

Life is about living. have a good time and enjoy yourself. Why not? Eh?

And China is about going for a ride with your dog…

Every nation has people enjoying their time with their pets. This includes China. Where most of China enjoys playing with their beloved dogs. They don’t eat them (at least 99.95% doesn’t). One of the things that aides social stratification is the creation of an “us” vs. “them” mentality. One side demonizes another, and makes them seem inhuman, cruel and evil. Thus the reason for the last five decades of anti-Chinese propaganda originating out of the liberal media outlets in the United States.

Yes, China is many many things.

While America is willing to pour trillions of (taxpayer) dollars into third-world shit-holes all over the globe, China has a different plan. China invests the money for China. In China, it is “Make China First Today”.

In America, you have a percentage of the population that also see the value in this. They voted for Donald Trump, and they wear MAGA hats, which is pretty much an Americanized version of the Chinese slogan.

Here’s to all those people in America that believe that America should be great again, and stand for something.

Drew Carey show cheers with beer.
Here’s to all those people in America that believe that America should be great again, and stand for something. Here’s to a nation that puts God before everything else, and accepts the premise and the promise that Rights are ordained by God, and NOT by man. Here’s to all the people who have fought for and died for this belief.


Looking that the world as it is, first hand, both the good and the bad, gives you a better perspective on your own life. There are good and bad things about the USA, just like there are good and bad things about China.


OK. At numerous videos for this part, let’s go and move on to the next part of this post which covers more videos and further commentary about China.


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 5B

Here, we step aside for a brief interlude and continue down the path exploring contemporaneous Chinese pop music and the culture promoting it.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

For starters. Music, I believe, is an emotional representation of the culture form whence it is derived from.

Music is a way to evoke emotion.

Take a second to look at the next video. What is going on here? What is the “back story”? Do you think that this is normal and typical, or is this some kind of staged event for a camera to post on the internet?

Do you think that she is “privileged” in such as way that negro students get a 1700 SAT point bonus at Harvard and Yale for “diversity”. What do you think that this chick would have to say about that?

Music is a medium that we can use to transmit our life; our feeling and our emotions to others.

America is what it is today simply because hard work is no longer considered valuable. The idea that you can get into college through bribes is out of a third world nation, it doesn’t belong in America. How did this all come about? What was the impetus for this terrible distortion of reality?

Since China is a traditional and a very conservative nation, it should be no surprise that history is not only honored, but appreciated. This is evident in the many history themed movies and soap operas that are quite prevalent in China today.

Chinese people are very comfortable with their history.

In America today, very few people know about Paul Bunyan. Few understand that Johnny Appleseed actually did exist. Today, American history is not taught in any way other than by disparagement. People in public schools are taught to hate the American history.

Not so in China.

China has really moved forward from the ashes of what Communism did. They have moved forward, and have worked very, very, very hard to be what they are today. Everyone has played a role in the enormous growth of China, and the music reflects this…

The Chinese people strive ever upwards, often suffering in silence. Their music reflects this.

A mere thirty years ago, many middle-class Chinese lived below the poverty level. They had plain and bare houses. Many, often had to share a communal outside commode and latrine / shower combination. Things have changed so radically.

Never before in history has a race of people, or a nation been so pulled up out of poverty.

The ignorant might want to credit Mr. Mao, but the true architect of the modern China is former American President Ronald Reagan. It was his policies, as implemented by traditionalist and arch-conservative Mr. Deng, that China was able to move out to the mess of thousands of years of wars and strife. Followed by the horrendous mistakes of the Communist government in the 1960’s and early 1970’s.

Mr. Deng

The Chinese people have suffered, and they do appreciate where they are today.

As such, they appreciate music, both local and international music and apply them to the life. You can see this in many ways. They enjoy music from Russia as well as America and often enjoy the American music in ways that us out West cannot understand.

The Chinese love many of the same things that Americans do.

Check out this European and Chinese boxing match. It kind of looks like something you might find in Chicago, Pittsburgh or New York.

China is a conservative, and not a progressive liberal nation. They do not tear down historical monuments for a new progressive utopia. Instead they honor the past, and create monuments to the great men and ladies of their past. They honor their history.

The Chinese honor their history.

The Chinese know their history, and they do appreciate it. They know about the struggles, the tricks, the lies, and the various abuses that have been heaped upon them…century after century. They will not forget their history.

They will learn from it.

The China that exists today is because the Chinese have learned from their history. This is a nation run as a meritocracy. They are a single-party government; the traditional-conservative Chinese party.

They have vowed never to forget, and when some progressive activist comes along, they immediately take actions to suppress them and remove them from society… that is, of course until they come to their senses. Then, and only then, can they be permitted back into society.

The Chinese people don’t insult their culture. They are proud of it. This differs quite substantially from what you see in America today. For instance, like the millionaires and the actors that dominate American culture today.

In fact, if I may be so bold, it is precisely the WAY that the (so called) conservatives, and traditionalists handled the matter of SJW public protests that indicates just how weak the conservative movement (hah! What a laugh.) is in the United States today.

You will notice that these fellas all still got paid. They were not penalized. They got away with it, and made millions in the process by all the media fawning news coverage that was thrown at them.

Today, the traditions and even the very founding of America is made fun of and a mockery of.

This continues a pace. Even in Congress, by our so-called representatives. They all despise you and I. They laugh at us. They hate us. Unless action is taken now… what do you think it will be like for folk like us when these people have majority rule?

Of course, this would NEVER happen in China.

China has zero tolerance for Social Justice Warriors, change, and especially change to their traditional conservative way of life. The Chinese do no mess around.

China is a serious nation, run by experts through merit.

Of course, it is reported differently in the United States press.

It is reported as the terrible Chinese rounding up those poor-helpless Muslims and putting them into these massive re-education camps. It is reported that the Chinese is attacking those poor feminist and gay activists and arresting them unjustly. It is reported as the evil Chinese just hate other “down trodden” folk and their (well-meaning, peaceful) alternative lifestyles.

The Chinese are the only people who will defend their traditional way of life.

They will NOT make the same mistakes that the American conservatives, and traditionalist have; to “turn the other cheek” and to “bend to the will of the minority. They will not have a Chinese version of George Bush, or Mitt Romney in position of power.

We  conservatives have let this ideological cancer metastasize for far too  long for its excision to be simple or painless.  For too long, we have  been patient with outrages we should have fought to reverse.  We have  let our opponents secede incrementally from us for decades.  We have  been tolerant and patient.  In our tolerance and patience, we have given  up our civil society, our political representation, and our freedoms  one by one.  

Our maladies won't be fixed by delicate adjustments now — half-heartedly performed by yet another generation of narcissistic government planners and invisible elitist bureaucrats.  

Intellectuals like George Will and think-tanks like the Heritage Foundation have done us little good.  Our condition demands a radical, unflinching surgery if we, as a nation, are to survive.  Either the cancer wins, and kills us all, or we defeat it — and we accept the scars.  Let us not pretend they would not be hideous scars.  And let us not pretend it would not be a deeply barbarous and bitter surgery.

-American Thinker

In the Chinese mind, they have ALWAYS been under assault. This period of time… right now… where they are emerging towards world-class greatness is destined to be a short interlude unless they seize the opportunity.

Otherwise, they will be overwhelmed and absorbed by whatever culture manifests in the West. They simply will not be able to tolerate that. Their history, their life, their traditions, and yes, their conservatism MUST survive.

They are willing to defend that tradition, and they do not mess around about it at all. Of all the nations in the world, China has declared war against progressive liberal social justice warriors and their ilk…

The will not allow them to chip away at the Chinese fabric of society. They will not allow it.

Let’s move on to the next part of this post…


If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Opinions of the Ignorant

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Page 16 of 17.

Opinions of Others

I tire of the propaganda about China. Yeah, I spent the time churning this post out. I took the time to do it. I paid the money to host it. Now you, the lucky reader, can read it. Woo woo.

I have gone on to other blogs and have read the comment sections where people have torn up a guy for relating his experiences. Most of the time, the comments are juvenile with such things as you might expect. “These girls are prostitutes.” And “I would never set foot into a KTV, the music sucks.”,and “They are abused poor waifs”. OK, whatever. It’s just propaganda about China.

This is the real deal. Like it or not.


I personally do not want to hear the opinions of someone who have never stepped out of the Untied States and is making judgments based upon their limited understandings of reality. They are just promoting propaganda about China. If all you can relate about is the inside of a Bo Jangles, and your idea of hard work is coding software then you have no business being here. This place is not for you.

You don’t belong here.

You all can all go eat your pork rings, drink your expensive Starbucks coffee, and service your 400 pound overweight pink-haired ambiguous-gender friend. You can believe in reptilians taking over the government, the next war the United States will have “for Democracy”, and get ready for the global warming that will melt the ice caps. Good for you. That is your reality.

This is mine.

You want to comment. Good. Remember that here, I am GOD.  So remember who you are dealing with. Unless you are kind, and civil I won’t publish anything you say. So it might be best for you to swallow your bile and leave.


The world is filled with ignorant busybodies who want to make the world a perfect place in their own image. The problem is that their image is one that is forged thought the media. And, folks, the media in the United States is controlled by five people. That’s it. Five people control every fucking thing you read. So what you are actually doing is being a puppet for the wealthy who control you, control your thoughts and control your life.

So be it.


Call me all kinds of names. I know quite a bit more about our universe and our reality. So don’t get too hot and bothered with my thoughts, experiences and opinions. For as far as you know, I’m just bound for Hell.


Another View

Of course, you don’t have to accept what I have to report. You can just read propaganda from the news media. Here’s a good example, out of the UK (why am I not surprised?) about DongGuang. Read the article.

Inside Dongguan, China's Sin City

Some 10 per cent of Dongguan's population is said to be employed in the world's oldest profession. Tom Phillips reports from China's Sin City.

In the article, they said 10% of the city population was involved in prostitution. Wow. That’s a lot. A lot!

Let’s break that down…

Which means, that if the vast bulk of the prostitutes are female, then nearly 20% of the females in this city region are prostitutes. ( assuming a ratio of 50/50 of men and women.) If you further narrow down prostitution to be females between the ages of 14 and 40, then this article, were it to be believed, means that you would have a near 65% chance of any girl between the ages of 14 and 40, including married women as being full-on prostitutes.

You couldn’t walk down a street without seeing a prostitute in most of the ladies you walk by. You couldn’t have a coffee or tea without sharing a table with one. You couldn’t buy groceries without meeting one. You couldn’t ride a bus without seeing about half the bus as prostitutes.

Think people. Think.

God, what a slimy article, and what slimy photos. Did they even go there? Why did they pick the sleaziest section, with the sleaziest people? Anyways, they have a photo to “prove” sexual slavery of children takes place. Here it is… Look at the pitiful small babies sold into prostitution. Why, they are certainly elementary-school age!

Child Sexual Trafficing
This photo is given as proof that sexual slavery and child prostitution is “rampant” in the industrial capital of Dongguang. Look at these three children. Why they are missing their school classes and won’t be able to perform basic mathematics! How horrible! My Goodness!
  1. Did they give locations, names, and facts?
  2. Any statements that they made, are they backed up with hard information?
  3. For an in-depth article, what details have they provided, such as demographics, industry, times, income data, social concerns, statements from the local police, statistics, and the like?

All of the hard information is all missing. It’s just one of a thousand fluff-pieces designed to change the mass consciousness of the reader toward certain assumptions.

Now for some comparisons. Maybe you don’t like what I wrote. Maybe you think that I am a deplorable ass hole. Maybe you want to clutch on to your most cherished fantasy…

Well then, which article (this [1] blog post, or [2] the UK newspaper article) was more

  1.  Informative to you personally?
  2. Which one would better serve you to write a report, or
  3. investigate further issues, or
  4. spiked your interest towards different cultures and ways of life?
  5. Which one gave you a better perception of the reality of what is going on?
  6. Which article is more complete, fulfilling and worthwhile reading?
  7. Which article gave you a more fuller and comprehensive picture?
  8. Which article did you learn something new from?

If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Business KTV Index here…

Business KTV's

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Pre-party Preparation

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

This is part 5 of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

KTV Prep

Eventually, the bottles of wine will be empty. Everyone will be full.

The aide will gather the left over bottles. Any cigars you are smoking will be finished. The aide will call the KTV and make sure that the room is reserved. He will typically get up off from the table and call at the side of the room, or in the hallway. The boss might call the manager of the girls (they operate outside of the club), and make what ever arrangements that he has in mind.

The Manager of the Girls

The girls will, of course need a manager. Here, we talk about the KTV girls management. It is much like the management of any group of people in a business. You need to monitor the staff, identify your resources, and make sure that you are providing value-added benefits to the clients. Not to mention the obtainment of clients and keeping them.

Typically (but not always) the manager of the girls will be an attractive woman in her 30’s. Hard as nails, and no-nonsense. Most have raised up through the ranks to get where they are today. Think Sharon Stone in the movie Casino.

You build relationships with these managers. As such, you get to know them. They manage the girls and they provide promotions and arrangements as necessary.

  • Sometimes girls want to be with their friends. So they would only work with a client if their friend can participate. I’ve seen this with two girls, and three girl teams. The only thing about this is that you need to make sure that all of the girls are equally playful. No one wants to spend any time with a sour-puss that has some home or family issues. Or even worse, a gal who just stands there stamping her foot anxiously and demands that both girls leave. Yikes!
  • Sometimes the girl has had a bad run of luck, and hasn’t been selected all week. So the manager would promote the girl. Maybe offer a reduced price, or extra services, or extra-long time, or maybe cart Blanche on the activities involved in.
  • Sometimes the timing is really bad, as all the girls are at home during holidays, or a number of the most popular girls are sick. The manager would need to make this clear and work out arrangements that might make some of the more unpopular girls more attractive to the client.
  • Often, the girl might not want to be physical with you. That is fine. That is her choice. The manager will then find a girl that will want to. In general, I would rather be with a girl that is enthusiastic to be with me, than a girl I picked based on appearance. No matter what you might think, the truth is that there will always be some girls that would really want to be with you.

Management Fees

Now, the management fee for the girls is actually quite small. This is something that surprised me. In The United States, I was under the impression that all prostitutes had pimps and the pimp would take the vast bulk of the money the gals made. Not so in China.

Han Chinese
Chinese girls for the most part are Han Chinese. This is the same race as the Koreans. In a like way, the Han Chinese and the Koreans are very similar. This picture is a mixture of both Korean and Chinese girls. Can you tell who is who?

The manager is paid by both the girls and the KTV. The payment amount is often quite small. Maybe a few hundred RMB a month (Maybe $30 / month).

They make their money in volume, and repeat customers. If you have a troop of one hundred girls, that’s a solid $3,000 USD per month on girls alone. That is un-taxed, and keep in mind that that is actually equivalent to maybe $20,000 / month. This is because the cost of living in China is much less than that in the Untied States.

The General Quality of KTV Hostesses

Of course, none of these girls are “bottom of the barrel” skanks. In China, the ability to make money is ranked highly in desirable traits, so the girls are all extraordinarily beautiful. These gals are all skilled in singing, dancing, being able to control alcohol intake, and having fun. They are the exceptional women of the region.

They tend to be along the lines of this. Long hair, beautiful face with stunning eyes, and sweet lips. They have a fine figure (nice ample chest) and a friendly and welcoming demeanor. They are pleasant, and kind, and sweet.

On a scale from 0-10, with a 5 being average, you would find that most girls at a Chinese Business KTV are in the 9 – 10 range. Which means, in every lineup you would find multiple girls that your would find personally attractive.

No, you won’t find any enormous back women with asses the size of trashcans jerking about. That is reserved for Obama’s America.

Chinese girls tend to be well proportioned. In general, they all have long or longish hair. Short hair can be seen but it is a rarity. Most have black or brown hair. Some girls dye their hair, but this is also unusual. All the girls, even the darker girls from the South will have light or lightish skin. It’s a sign of beauty in China.

Personally, I love the oval eyes. When one of these beauties look at me, I just melt into their eyes. Also, most Chinese have brown eyes. Their face tends to be oval. Much like this girl here…

They will be playful. They will be nice and polite. Some might be a little aloof, but you would be too, if you stood in 15 lineups before getting chosen.

Their skin is so smooth and soft. Many of the girls have experimented with dying their hair, and so you might find some girls with light highlights in their hair, and dark roots. It is normal for Chinese to have from brown to coal-black hair. You can tell their natural hair color by looking at their eyebrows.

Once, the girls have been introduced to the clients (as discussed later), final payment arrangements will have been established by the KTV and the manager. The money that exchanges hands goes into two batches. There is a direct “tip” that is given to the manager as a “thank you” for their services, and the transaction between the girl and the guy who selects her. In the case of the boss buying the girl, it is handled by his side. The girl gets 100% of that money.

Anyways, more about that later…

Whatever arrangements are made, eventually you will be led (oh yes, boy… you will be led) to the car and then to the KTV.

Some more Chinese KTV hostesses
Typical Chinese KTV hostesses. They wear different outfits, and it is not unusual for them to change in and out of the different outfits all night depending on the client and the situation. I always like the “Gone with the Wind” look where the girls would dress up in these huge flowing dresses, and have their makeup all done up. It’s a real experience, let me tell you.

From that moment on, you will be given “Red Carpet” treatment. You have proven yourself. If you handled yourself well, you out drank the boss, out smoked the co-workers, and ate a chicken’s head and spit it out. You gave the boss great face. Now, it is his turn to repay the favor.

How he will give YOU face.


If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Business KTV Index here…

Business KTV's

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Going to the Hotel Room

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Post 12 of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Your Aide / Wingman

A very important part of your visit to a business KTV is to have an aide or wingman to look after you. They will make sure that you are registered into the room, and that your passport will not get lost or misplaced. They will keep an eye out for you and help you out of the KTV room when it is time to go.

If you are not careful, these girls will eat you alive.

Working Hours

The girls generally get ready for work around 3pm. They get dressed, have their nails and hair done. They show up for work around 5 to 7pm depending on the venue.

The business KTV’s are open up until 6am. Most others tend to close a little earlier.

If you are having fun at a business KTV, then you MUST watch the time. Otherwise, you will be terribly drunk and end up going back to your room around 3, or 4 in the morning.

Now, here is the rub. After a solid 9 to 12 hours of heavy drinking, you (unless you are under 25) will be too exhausted to provide any energy in your penis for sexual activity. And no, Viagra or Cialis will not be much help either. Even if you had the lift, all you will want to do is… sleep.


Use the Cinderella rule. You leave the KTV before 12 midnight. Pick a time somewhere between 11 and 12. No later.

Then, you will no be so exhausted, or sleepy and can be able to get your money’s worth of fun.

Further take note, that the girls all turn into pumpkins at 6 am. So if you are looking forward to some morning heat, remember that it will have to occur before 6am, because the girls will be out of there and on their way to their families.

So another reason to leave the KTV early (before the rest of the guys finish partying) that that if you leave at 3 am, you will only get three hours with that gal, and at that, you will spend most of the time sleeping.

Be advised and take note.

Going to the Room

They will help you and the girls into the elevator and you will ride it to your floor. It will be something like this video below. The girls will take the lead and show you where the room is and help you get settled. They will open the door with the card key and place the card in the activation slot.

All the hotels in China utilize electronic locks. This is either with a magnetic card or some similar mechanism. Households for the most part utilize keys (if they are rented) or thumbprints if they are owned. The newer houses also are staring to use face and retinal scan recognition technology.

It will be like this if there are two or more girls with you…

Otherwise, if you are just going with one girl. It might be a little like this..

Or, like last week when it was warmer out, it might be a little like this…

The girls will file into the room and my aides will collect my gear and keep it safe with him. I will retain my glasses and cell phone. Then we will call it a night.

My aides will then go off to their own individual rooms with their companions. And I will be left alone with the girls. The girls will typically find a outlet to plug and charge their cell phones with. They will check their WeChat, and confirm any last minute messages. Often they will have other guys (fans?) sending them messages that they need to respond to. I just let them take a few minutes to get settled. 

Turning In

The girl or girls get settled in. If you are there with three girls, typically two will rest in the other bed and you will be with one girl. Then they will take turns with you. If we are all too drunk it is simply a matter of passing out for five or so hours. Otherwise, showers are used and everyone gets clean.

  • Don’t trust the bath towels. I don’t care if they are sanitized. You use them everywhere except down in the groin area. Trust me, you don’t want to get the clap or some other serious illness. Use a condom.
  • Brush your teeth.
  • Make sure that you take your eye glasses off, or they might get broke while you are romping and playing around.
  • If you really like the girl, get her WeChat, so that you can get together again in the future.

Sometimes, you just want to decompress for a bit before you engage in any kind of sexual activity. When this happens I like to see where they are from and so I ask all kinds of questions about their hometown and the food that they eat. Often we talk about life and dreams. I’ve had more than a few chats about bitcoin, setting up international trade, and tax/tariff laws in the United States. Honestly I was really impressed with one gal who had a dog grooming business and a massage parlor on the side. She had her act going on.

Some of the girls are quite wild and experienced, but I am just a rather boring old Joe. So we just keep things simple, which in a way is kind of a relief to the girls. Now, keep in mind, that if you are there with multiple girls make sure that they are all EQUALLY engaged, or else the one who has been neglected all night will want to leave – thus spoiling all the fun.

Sometimes the girl will leave behind a trinket or two for you to remember them by. That’s a nice thought, but I just throw them away. If I don’t have their WeChat contact information, I probably won’t ever see them again.


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Business KTV's

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – Conclusion and Summary

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Page 18 of 18. This is the last page of the series.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.


This was a compilation of information that is sorely lacking on the internet; information regarding “Business KTV operations” in China. It is a huge industry, it employs millions, there isn’t one single factory or business boss that hasn’t gone to one. Everyone knows about it. But…

But no one ever talks about it.

Those that try, are often shouted down by the ignorant and the legions of enraged SJW who want to make the world perfect with unicorns prancing under a rainbow hued sky. They shout back in anger and feigned disgust. So, what happens? People just live their lives, and keep quiet.

Well, now you know.

You know, knowledge is a good thing. Overall, I think that it is refreshing to hear the truth about things rather than live a lie painted by others. That’s how you grow, experience life, and make decisions upon.

We need to look at the “big picture”. We need to see how everything connects together. We need to see the reality of what is, before we try to change things to make something “better”, “improved”, or “wonderful”. Or else we will have to endure a childhood wearing bubble wrap…

Playground Comparisons

Or a lifetime of eating plastic cardboard boxes…


Or, banning things because… you know… just because


Now, while the Business KTV has a degree of prostitution, you should not be blinded by that sole aspect of it. The true and real purpose of a Business KTV is to reward high performing bosses and talent for contributions to the company.

Or, perhaps you think that Alibaba, and Huawei got to be so big by giving their high performers paperclips and cheap pens with logos?

Is a Business KTV good or bad?

Seriously, the thought that I would be rewarded with a fun night with other bosses really motivates me. That is far superior to the ball-point pen with a logo that said “Success is a way of life” that Magnavox gave me for saving the company five million dollars.

It is also superior to the coupon for a free coffee at Tim Hortons that Pollak gave me for designing, producing, and perfecting the E-ETRESS system.

I personally think that it is far superior to the corporate note pad with the company logo on it that I got out of Delco Electronics for perfecting a remotely programmable SIMM on the ECM modules.

When you work and toil in your corporate job, look at how they reward you.

Girls vrs pens
What motivates you to work harder? Which is the better reward for skipping vacations, working overtime with no monetary benefit, and working weekends? Which is the better reward when you save the company a few million dollars?

I think that the Chinese system is superior.

Important Notes

  • Never refuse the offer for a dinner or KTV. While the boss might accept and agree to work with you, it will be done so reluctantly with a “clothespin on his nose”. As you have insulted him, his factory / business, and the Chinese culture.
  • Understand that the arrangements for a dinner, KTV room, and girls have already been arranged days ahead of time. To think or expect otherwise is an insult to the boss who places a great deal of time and effort into your meeting with him.
  • Going to a KTV does not guarantee any kind of sexual encounter. That is up to the participants and the environment. Remember, it is the girl that decides what will happen. You never make that decision, no matter how much you want to.
  • If you are unwilling to do business in China using Chinese industrial norms, then you should expect the consequences. Don’t, for the love of God, be the “Ugly American“.
"Ugly American" is a pejorative term used to refer to perceptions of loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric behavior of American citizens mainly abroad, but also at home. Although the term is usually associated with or applied to travelers and tourists, it also applies to U.S. corporate businesses in the international arena.

Take Aways

  • KTV’s are popular in China.
  • The business KTV’s cater to bosses. They have their own ways of doing things.
  • Both women and men can enjoy themselves at a Business KTV.
  • There is the potential for sexual pleasures at such a KTV, but it is not guaranteed.
  • Visiting such an establishment can be expensive, thus they are typically only reserved for special occasions and special business relationships.
  • Female hostesses work at a KTV for various reasons. The most common is to find a mate with a good job and a steady income. You go to where the best likelihood of finding what you are interested in, is.
  • Male Hosts work at a KTV for their own reasons. I do not know their reasons. It varies from person to person. I do not know what they are.
  • If you go to a Business KTV, take ED medication, and control your drinking.
  • The best way to impress a Chinese boss is to drink hard and eat a chicken’s head.
  • When having sex with a stranger use a condom.


Q: How can I find a Business KTV?
A: Ask the factory boss in the town that you are doing business with. He will probably be able to point you in the general direction. Else, you can go into a Business Hotel and chat with the manager there and ask where any exciting girls and girl action might take place.

Q: Is a Business KTV the only type of prostitution available in China? 
A: No. Not by a long shot. In fact, it is a rather small subset of society that caters only to company leadership, management and bosses.

And, keep in mind, the potential of prostitution in a Business KTV is determined by the aggressiveness and the ambitions of the local girls / women in the community where the KTV is located. They determine the need, the rates, and the quality of care.

There are other venues such as escorts, and the like that a person can visit and use if all you want to do is to have sex with a girl.  If all you want to do is to have sex, you can go to a salon, or pick up a street walker for maybe $25 to $50. It need not be expensive. You go, get the gal, pay the money and get yourself off. It’s far better than reliance on internet images and magazines.

Besides, these gals have families to support. Instead of giving some rich California software king your money to download an x-rated porn movie, give it to the girl’s so her children can eat dinner and her husband can get a new pair of work boots.

Q: What are the types of prostitution in China?
A: There are many.

  • Mistress or Second wife (二奶, èrnăi): She gets a monthly salary in exchange for regular sexual favors. Even if she usually does not offer romance or family life, sometimes she lives with the customer and may wish to marry him.
  • Packaged girl (包婆, bāopó ): Similar to second wives but only work for limited time, as on business trips. These two upper tiers correspond to the ancient concubine, although the second wife and packaged girl are mostly kept secretly rather than in the household. Only rich men can afford them, therefore these girls are often considered to be linked to corruption.
  • Female companions (陪女, péinǚ): You can find them everywhere in China: restaurants, karaoke – the (in)famous KTV xiăojie, – bars and clubs. Often, in bars and most typical establishments, they usually stay in a corner playing with their cell phone and drinking some cocktails till a customer arrives. Many of these girls are employed to dance, sing, drink with the customers that pay for a table or, it the case of KTVs, for a room. Some of them will eventually leave with the customers. Business KTV’s is a subset of this class, where the best girls work.
  • Escorts. These girls are available either to your room, or at their house or at a mutually agreed hotel room. They advertise on the internet, and tend to be moderately expensive. A typical example is this link for Shenzhen massage. The girls are all attractive and speak English.
Escorts can make a good decent salary, and like all industries, rely on repeat customers. Most work hard at it for five to ten years and then retire after they either traveled the world, established a family, or started a business.
  • Ding dong girls (叮咚小姐, dīngdōng xiăojie): Literally like pressing a door bell “ding dong”. Typically, they go to a hotel that seems to have a lot of customers – single and lonely men. What they do is that they rent a room there and call the other rooms offering their services. They do this by sliding a card under your hotel room door. This is usually a “massage.” Of course. having a massage with a happy ending is legal in China. It used to be that they would knock on your door, or slide a card under your door to offer you some fun services. Now, it is quite possible for other more intimate participatory services can be offered for a reasonable fee. That is always negotiable. You can add to this category also the girls that look for customers on QQ (the Chinese MSN) or on the web in general.
Ding dong cards.
Ding Dong Girls cards that were slid under my hotel door when I was staying in Shanghai. You can find these cards all over China.
  • Hairdressers and masseuses (发廊妹, fàlángmèi): Chinese hair salons and massage parlors are the place to go if you want to get a cheap “happy ending” (usually by masturbation or oral sex), especially the ones full of bored half-naked girls lighted up by pink lights you can find close to a train or subway station.
Gils in a salon
Typically the girls will be sitting around in the salon waiting for a customer to walk in. Truthfully, there are usually many many girls, often thirty to fifty that occupy one room. Great selection. Low prices and happy endings all around.

The fàlángmèi are often migrants from the countryside and perform contractual work under a proprietress (lăobănniáng) or a pimp (pítiáo) who provide them with housing, clothing and food, as well as a cell phone and monthly subscription. They do not make much more money than a worker, unless they receive tips from the customers.

  • Street girl (街女, jiēnǚ): The name explains everything. They solicit customers in the halls of the hotels, bars and other entertainment outlets. They may offer petting (shàngbànchăng, first half) or intercourse (xiàbànchăng, second half). Street prostitutes may be accompanied by a lăobănniáng or work on their own. They are those at greatest risk of being apprehended by the police. We also call them “chicken girls” which is the English translation of 街女.
Chicken girls
Here is a group of ladies photographed so that their faces remain hidden. You can easily see that they are free of tattoos, piercings, rashes or pockmarks typical of drug abuse, of normal weight – not obese – and pretty normal girls.
  • Underclass girl (下工棚, xiàgōngpéng): They live in urban slums (such as they are), or the seedier and poorer neighborhoods in the fifth tier towns.  They can typically be found at construction sites. They fill a social and sexual void, as the migrant workers usually have left their wives at home, and are paid with food.

Q: Is prostitution rampant in China?
A: No. It might seem like that because If you were to compare percentages you would be surprised to find that prostitution, by percentage of the population, is actually very tiny. Remember, China has a huge population.

Like any other nation, prostitution will exist. However, China is a very conservative and traditional nation. Prostitution is not considered to be a good thing.

On the whole, if you want to see a prostitute, you should to go Thailand or the Philippines. Not China.

China is NOT a sex monger’s paradise. It is a paradise for hard workers, those who strive and achieve, and people who believe in working together for the common good. If you work hard, study hard and do your best, China will reward you. There are no easy routes in China.

In China, it is the person with their “nose to the grindstone” that becomes a success.

When I see articles saying that China accepts prostitution and that sexual sales and slavery of young children exists, I get mad. That is absolutely not the case. NOT AT ALL. I tell you this two times. China has been very hard on the prostitution industry and many things that are fine and dandy in the West is forbidden in China. Such as unedited R-rated movies, and such. China is a conservative, traditional nation.

Q: What is the best alcohol to drink at a KTV?
A: For a business KTV, you will need to drink with the boss. After that event is finished, please heed my advice and chill out. You can drink all the beer you want. Alternatively you can drink severely watered down whiskey. Take it from me, you don’t want to wake up nude with three girls ready to have fun with you, and you are way too drunk (too much alcohol in your system) to “get it up”. Heed my advice.

Q: Are these girls clean? Do I need to wear a condom?
A: Yes the girls are clean, and yes you do need to wear a condom. They work six days a week, most of the year. They typically have three to seven sexual adventures per week with who knows who. You do not want to catch any type of sexually transmitted sickness.

Also keep in mind that while the condom might be good, note that if you have a cut, a bruise, and a pinch from the zipper fly in your jeans, then don’t have sex. Illnesses can be transmitted through sweat and precious bodily fluids just as easily. When in doubt take care and be careful. If need be, cancel and reschedule until you are all healed up down there.

I advise NEVER to have any sexual romps with anyone if you have a cut or an open wound, no matter how tiny, and no matter where it is located. Do not take the chance.

Thank you.

If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Do you want more?

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Business KTV's

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


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How a Chinese Business KTV works – NSFW Parties

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

This is part 9B of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

NSFW Parties

What are we? Children? All the term “NSFW” is designed “to protect the children”, yet at most of these venues there isn’t anyone under the age of 25. So, it’s all kind of silly trying to maintain NSFW standards designed to protect pre-adolescent children.

In America everything is so PC. There is even a term for hiding behavior in such a way that you might not lose your job. NSFW means Not Safe For Work. Heck, only in America or some selected European Socialist "Paradises" perhaps. Not in China.

So everybody is well fed, well drunk and you’ve had your fill of beer, karaoke, weird Chinese snacks and “hands on” strip shows – now what? It’s up to you… usually.  

Sometimes, depending on the arrangement with the girls manager, the parties can get really fun, as these two videos can attest…

The girls will typically have a good time. I know that I certainly do.

Their enjoyment is directed by their manager, who works out what ever arrangement that is proper with the host boss. They will be edged on by the other girls who might inspire playful acts of a sexual nature and other curious events.


The basic idea is to get drunk. Lower your inhibitions and have a good time.

As these videos attest, being with a cute gal (both of you) getting drunk and playing around is a great reward for an ambitious boss.

The KTV is a refuge. It is a controlled environment where a person can become someone else and behave differently. In China, everyone wears a mask. This is a face (mingzi) that defines their role and how they conduct their business. For many bosses they only have two roles; Boss and Family head. Each time, they must exist within that role.

They come home and the wife and the children expect the father to be a traditional father. He will play with the children. He will help them learn. He will support the wife and take care of things that she needs help with. He will do this within the role and the face that he must wear.

Then, he goes to work. He puts on the Boss face. Here there is actions and behaviors that he is culturally restrained to follow. He must maintain that appearance. He must always be calm and collected and stern and in control.

The problem is…

There is never an opportunity for him to let loose and be himself. Never. Never, that is until he goes to a KTV. There, once he is inside the doors, he is in a world where he can be himself. It is a protected world. The doors are closed and sealed. Guards protect the people inside. Female entertainment is provided, and if the KTV is half decent, the girls are vetted to make sure they do not prey on the clients.

In a KTV environment, the boss gets to “let his hair down” which is a very difficult thing to do in the Asian culture. In Western cultures everyone is “doing their own thing”. Not so in Asia. Thus the need for a release value where a hard working alpha male can have a release from the stress of life.

He eats, drinks and is merry. Then he can go upstairs to the hotel room and have a nice long happy ending with the girl that he had selected. Else, she might ride home with him to a different hotel. All of which is under the helpful and watchful eyes of his aides, the girls and KTV managers, and the security guards that are stationed for protection.

The KTV is a place for fun.

Now who doesn’t like to smoke, drink, sing and dance with pretty girls? It’s a rare person indeed. When I grew up we used to have keg parties in the woods and we always would sing, and carry on. We always loved it when the girls would play with us and have fun. This is universal.

There are all kinds of fun activities that take place. They vary from singing and dancing to smoking cigars, and playing poker. One of the most common things to do is play “rock, paper and scissors”. This is an ancient Chinese drinking game. I guess that it was ported to the United States during the great migration of Chinese right after the American Civil War.

Here’s some chicks playing during dinner…


If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Articles & Links

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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
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How a Chinese Business KTV Works – The Ideal Girl

This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.

Page 16B of 17.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

My “Ideal” girl

So many beautiful Chinese girls. This next girl is what I personally consider the “ideal”. She has a rocking body, a great disposition and beautiful face and hair. This is the kind of “girl next door” image that made the magazine “Playboy” so famous.

When ever I see a girl like this in a lineup, I snatch her up immediately. Gawd, I could just eat her up. The problem with this, however, is these girls at the KTV are very savvy and astute with enormous EQ’s. They will eat guys like me, and like you (the reader), for dinner. We have to be careful least we would be like puppy dogs following them about everywhere.

But really, look at her! She’s awesome!

What’s more is that she is not considered beautiful by Chinese standards. They like girls with a thinner build.

The Chinese men and ideas of beauty revolve around a fish shape. They like to see the girls wear the long flowing dress and see the nice fish shape of the ass and the legs. This girl is far too curvy for the basic Chinese tastes.

But me, on the other hand, …OMG… she is awesome!

A curvy girl

This next girl is also very nice, and also very attractive. You will note that she also has a curvy body. This is quite normal in China, and will not be all that obvious until she takes off her clothes. And there is a reason for this.

The Chinese business KTV girls in the KTV’s tend to dress to appeal to the Chinese men in the audience, and thus they would tend to minimize their bust size and try to slim down to more of a fish shape. Can you believe that? Seriously, that’s what they prefer to do.

So, you might not be aware about how stunning the girl might look without her costume on. Look at her. She’s most certainly a stunner.

An Attractive Chinese Girl

This next girl is what constitutes an attractive girl to the Chinese attractiveness criteria. In just about any book, she would be considered to be attractive. I most certainly find her attractive. Don’t you?

You would find that many of the Chinese business KTV girls in the KTV lineup would have the same overall look and demeanor. It’s a different look, but heck… I love all girls. Big, tall, short, thin, buxom, slender, smiling, and sad. I can’t control myself. I just want to sing a song with them, dance on the dance floor and share a fine meal.


If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
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  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.