More videos of personal heroism in China. This is the late Summer 2021 edition.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Make a difference. Be like Rufus!
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These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full Articles & Links
Man with disabilities gives all his money to help those from the flood
Sometimes people go way over and beyond their abilities. This man with disabilities was so upset about the deaths from the flooding during July 2021, that he took all of his money, all of his savings and bought food and sent it off to the victims to help them. A Rufus in every way…

During the massive sudden flood in China in July 2021, everyone was caught off guard. Many people were swept away by the raging water, caught underground, in subways, and in basements, and inside of cars. Those that weren’t were out in full force helping others. When you are part of a community, you become a natural Rufus.

Singing in thanks
Sometimes you just cannot help others. But you should show your gratitude. Here we have a school singing after China has controlled the Coronavirus. This was repeated all over China. The Chinese are the most patriotic people on the planet.

Disrespectful behavior
In Chinese society, you either participate to make it better, or you are an outsider, worthy of scorn. Here we have a chap that is acting very bad. He’s pinching the bottom of a girl minding her own business. So she slaps him, and reports him, and guess what? He’s doing time.

There is no place for rudeness
Here is a rude driver that arrogantly splashes a puddle on a police officer. This kind of behavior is tolerated in America, as well as other anti-social behaviors. Not so in China. Anti-social behavior comes at a cost, and it does affect social credit scoring. If you are an ass-hole your position in society plummets.
Not so in America, where all the ass-holes thrive. They screech! Freedom!

Quick save on the escalator
You are just minding your own business and you hear some gasps and yells behind you. You look up and there is this hearing impaired grandmother standing on the steps while an enormous heavy piece of luggage tumbles straight for her. What are you going to do?

Construction crew rescues boy
The high-rise is on fire. A young boy is trapped inside. What to do? How to rescue him? Luckily, next door is a construction crew full of Rufus’s and they are going to help rescue him. You need not worry when there are Rufus’s around.

Even in the darkest American distraught cities, Rufus’s come to help
Here we have a young child and a worried mother trapped on a building. What to do? Well, as long as there is one Rufus around everyone will come to help. And look at them. They come from every corner of the street, and from every building. Rufus’s are everywhere.

A Rufus acts instinctively
You see someone in danger and you spring into action. You don’t sit there wondering what to do. A Rufus acts. No time for selfies. No time to finish your burger. No time to see what your friends think. You Act.

Baby in crisis!
When seconds count, who can you rely on? The police? The fire? the old lady down the street? Nope, you only have you and it is YOUR time to shine. Be the Rufus anything else is a waste.

The BRI in Africa
China is offering all sorts of free building projects to improve the lifestyles of the people that trade with it. As a result there are tons of good will, and open markets for trade and a growth in the middle class. Here is Nairobi. They have better rail than Americans do.

After a flood…
You are looking for survivors and see this! What are you going to do? Take a selfie, or run to see if he’s still alive? Lucky for him, this was a Rufus, not a self-absorbed psychopath.

Out of nowhere a flood engulfs your town. Cars, trucks float ways, bridges collapse, and everyone is helpless. You managed to get to safety, but you see someone flailing in the water…they are being carried far away. What will you do? Say safe, or be the Rufus?

There’s a reason…
Yes. There’s a reason why China has been enforcing noise and air pollution regulations, and the offenders are not treated lightly. The environment is everyone’s concern and everyone must contribute to make the world a good and just place to live. And if you aren’t with the program, well…

Rufus level innovation
All over China we have facial scanning being employed. No longer will you need to press those dirty buttons, and go through invasive pat downs. Things are getting to the point that in China everything is fast, quick and seamless. From digital money, to key locks on doors. It’s all non-contact.

Boy prevents abduction
Some guy, looks drunk, but can be a dangerous predator approaches two kids and tries to carry one away. But the young Rufus will have none of this, and attacks the man. A real Rufus! His parents should be so proud!

Society that cares
it used to be that the Chinese didn’t care about anything. Just themselves. But this has changed once the government proved time and time again, that they are working for the best interests of society. And it affects everyone and everything all across the board. Even the tiniest details are taken cared for. This is how a functional society works.

A car flies off the highway
So you are driving down the road and you don’t even see the car have the accident. But you see that the car is damaged, crashed, and that there are people inside screaming for help. What are you going to do?

You see this all the time. The Chinese are oh, so patriotic. They want to contribute and to help. When the government sends people into THEIR communities, they give back generously. It’s just the way people act when they have a government that represents their interests.

Di Di driver says NO!
In China, the equivalent drive share APP to Uber is Didi. Here we have a DiDi driver kicking the passenger out of his car because the guy was rude and horrible. Good going Rufus!

Rufus times two
All of us working together can make this world a place worth living. This idea of being alone; the lone wolf is a terrible mistake. In Military Strategy it is desirable for the enemy to do this, because it is easy to exploit. But not so in a healthy, functioning society. You work together. you donate your time. You help others. You be the Rufus.

Just an average person
A Rufus is just an average person, like you and like me. We don’t want fame, payments or accolades. We just want to live our lives, be happy and have friends that we can share our time with. That’s all. But every now and then something goes wrong, and a real Rufus has to take action. Like this lass here…

Kindness is within reach
All over Asia, and most especially among the Chinese-friendly nations, there is a strong impetus to start caring for each other, your community, your society and your environment. And to this end there are commercials being promoted. This is one of them. You won’t see anything like this in America, the UK, or Australia. But you will in the rest of the world. It is all changing.

An argument
We don’t know what goes on in the lives and minds of others. What we do know is that when you hear someone crying in distress, a real Rufus springs into action. They do not care about the consequences. They take action!

A talented rescue
Wow. Obviously this fellow had some sort of training. Superman or Rufus? You judge. Whatever he is, he is wonderful and he saved a life in the process. We should all strive to be the best that we can be. And in the process the Rufus inside all of us shines through.

Showing appreciation
Not only are the Chinese hyper-patriotic, but they 100% support their government, their police and their firemen. This is the welcome that the firefighters received in the flood damaged areas of China in 2021.

A young Rufus
A man is having trouble paying for his bus fare. Lucky for him there is a young Rufus nearby that wants to help. We all need each other. It helps keep the stress of day to day unexpected problems down, and generates good feelings all around. Be that Rufus. Young man, I salute you!

You are giving a girl a ride in your DiDi and suddenly she starts going into trouble. What do you do? Well, you must be calm and be the Rufus, and you call the police and drive her to the hospital. You don’t stop. you don’t think. You don’t do anything else. You be the Rufus.

Coronavirus staff
So many people are volunteering in China to help others. All those people assisting with the inoculations are all volunteers. They are not paid for what they are doing. They are giving and contributing in their society.
Here’s a group of hot and thirsty volunteers. They all wanted to get some energy drinks. But the woman running the register is a Rufus. She would never allow them to pay. So she paid for their drinks herself. She says that it’s the least that she can do.

A Rufus adapts
An ambulance carrying an accident victim overturns in a second automobile accident. She needs immediate care. What are you going to do? Lucky there is a Rufus nearby who owns a flat-bed truck and he helps the entire crew make it to the hospital. Be the Rufus!

Soldier rescues a downing person
You don’t know when the call will strike. You cannot prepare for it. You cannot plan for it. You cannot forecast it. All you can do is be the best you can be and when you are needed you simply go forth and help in whatever way that you can. We all need others in our lives. Be that Rufus.

Electric trike turned over
A man and his electric trike scooter goes belly up right in front of you. What are you going to do? Honk your horn like a rude American, or get the heck out of your seat and go and help him? Well I can tell you that it is the Rufus’s in this world that make it worth living.

Helping the animals
We should always help the animals around us. We must help them, and guide them. Often they can get hurt and highways are terrible on animals. From cats and dogs to horses, pigs and birds, we must help when we can. Like this fine Rufus here.

Electric wheelchair stalled in the street
So here is a crippled man on his electric wheelchair stalled in the middle of the street in the middle of a storm. Aren’t you glad that you are not him? Or not. Maybe you are a Rufus, and you leave your dry spot and help the poor guy out. Be the Rufus. Only a Rufus is worthy.

The tunnels are flooded!
During the flood of July 2021, many people were trapped in their cars, in tunnels and in subways, and as the water rose their only escape was out through the sewer drains. Here we have some survivors making their way to the surface and the Rufus’s that helped them.

Grandmother stops a kidnapping
She’s going home. Minding her own business, when she hears a commotion behind her. What? That six year old is being absucted. Not on her watch! So she springs to action. SHe things of nothing else. You go grandma! You go! A full-on Rufus

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