We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
If you read the American (and Western) media today, you will discover that there are a number of long-running screeds regarding China, that play over and over, and over again.
For instance, China is filthy, the people are evil, they lie and cheat and steal, and they are oppressed by the evil communist regime. Etc, Etc. Well one of the narratives is exactly that; “the oppression” of the Chinese people.
Here we are going to talk about this “oppression”.
Here’s a nice little video that works to dispel that illusion. Keep in mind that oppressed people do not smile, laugh, and have fun. They tend to hide inside their homes, and spend the evenings alone watching television or playing games in front of video monitors. They avoid groups. They talk about having to defend themselves, and they justify their stance of defense to be “freedom” from “tyranny”.
You don’t see that in China.
You do see that in the United States, though.
Shanghai, China.
Improving the lives of the citizens
All governments will say that their first order of business is to improve the lives of their citizens.
Most of them will actually mean it. Some of them will work hard at it. But only a few will succeed in doing it.
We know that GDP numbers cannot accurately capture the totality of life.
But certainly we can see that the trend of GDP per capita can offer strong clues about whether things are looking better, or worse, over time.
Harvard Business Review issued this very interesting report, that I would recommend for a read: https://lnkd.in/gY4F6DP
Check out this video
Here’s the video.
And NO, it’s not me. This is a video blogger that travels the world and speaks better Chinese than I do. He has a vblog called JaYoeNation. He’s pretty good. LOL.
Take a spell and let it download. If it is taking too much time, you can click on THIS LINK and down load a zipped-file and watch the video directly. It’s pretty good. Please enjoy.
You have got to see the pictures and this video…
Do you want more?
I have more posts along these lines in my China vs. USA Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Here’s some articles that you just will not find in any American media. But they are very descriptive and pretty accurate regarding what the rest of the world thinks about America today. No, you won’t find Rush Limbaugh quoting from these articles, nor will you find a reference to them in Politco or MSNBC. These are the type of articles that the oligarchy; the rulers of the American government do not want the tax-serfs to read.
It’s not so hard to find articles in the American media. They run the gambit from “America is great and the best”, to fear-mongering “the world outside of America looks like a save the children commercial”. But you won’t find anything really critical or persuasive about what America is going through right now. That is the kind of information that Americans MUST NOT SEE.
Well, surprise! You are going to read some of these articles right here and right now, and they are (for the most part) not very flattering.
It’s not that America or Americans are bad. They are not. It is that the entire nation is run by evil psychopaths.
These leaders possess behaviors are dangerous and will will end up destroying the entire world if they are not suppressed. It’s like the drunk friend who is trying to pick a fight with everyone in the bar, and you and your friends just roll your eyes, and after a spell, you all need to leave early before some “shit goes down”. Damn!
Have any of you been in that situation?
Well, that is America today. And it’s pretty bad, and very dangerous.
That’s why the articles outside of the USA are not finding their way into the “approved” American media.
Yes. The reason why these negative articles about America are not cropping up inside of any of the “approved” American media outlets is because they are more than just unflattering. The psychopaths that run America do not want the serf-slaves to revolt against them. So they deliberately suppress any contrary news related to them or their true personalities.
Psychopathy is a condition characterized by the absence of empathy and the blunting of other affective states. Callousness, detachment and a lack of empathy enable psychopaths to be highly manipulative. Nevertheless, psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot.
Psychopaths can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack any semblance of conscience. Their antisocial nature inclines them often (but by no means always) to criminality.
Psychopaths spark popular fascination and clinical anguish: Adult psychopathy is largely resistant to treatment, though programs exist to treat callous, unemotional youth in hopes of preventing them from maturing into psychopaths.
Brain anatomy, genetics, and a person’s environment may all contribute to the development of psychopathic traits. For more on causes, symptoms, and treatments of the related condition called antisocial personality disorder, see our Diagnosis Dictionary.
Ol’ Busted Knucke’s said it best when he said that Russia and the USA have a lot to offer each other. Why not work together and concentrate on our similarities, instead of threatening each other about some imaginary differences. And he’s right, but you and I know that that is not going to happen as the USA is run by a bunch of maniacal evil villains.
What are we dealing with here…
Well, what are we dealing with? Am I being glib concerning who is actually running the American nations, or am I being painfully accurate?
President Donald Trump.
The term “con artist” or “conman” comes from one of American history’s earliest scammers, a man by the name of William Thompson. In 1849, Thompson was arrested in New York City for a slew of successful scams during which he duped unassuming passersby on the street into lending him their valuables before vanishing with them.
Thompson was consequently known among local authorities as “the confidence man,” which was eventually shortened to “con man.” But Thompson was hardly alone in his clever grifts. According to historian Karen Halttunen, approximately 10 percent of all criminals in New York City in the 1860s were con artists.
Nearly all “confidence men” or scam artists are charming. Take Victor Lustig, for example. This conman managed to “sell” the Eiffel Tower and allegedly even swindled notorious mobster Al Capone. He was fittingly dubbed “the Count” by authorities because he was so debonair.
Beyond the smooth talkers, there are also those conmen who play on people’s biases like Anna Sorokin, who cheated her way into the ranks of New York City’s elite by pretending to be a rich heiress named Anna Delvey. The scam artist’s former friends, nearly all of them wealthy socialites, alleged that she had convinced them to loan her cash for lavish vacations abroad only to never be repaid.
Today, the term “Ponzi scheme” is used to describe an illegitimate operation. But the term actually came from the real-life Charles Ponzi, whose $15 million investment scheme claimed to turn the average American working man into a multimillionaire overnight.
-All that's interesting
Psychopathy is a spectrum disorder and can be diagnosed using the 20-item Hare Psychopathy Checklist, which features traits such as lack of empathy, pathological lying, and impulsivity, each scored on a three-point scale based on whether the item does not apply (0), applies to a certain extent (1), or fully applies (2) to the individual. The bar for clinical psychopathy is a score of 30 or higher; serial killer Ted Bundy scored 39.
The checklist was developed in the 1970s by the Canadian researcher Robert Hare. A true assessment should be conducted by a mental health professional.
The revised version of the checklist includes the following characteristics:
The first group really describes Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Mike Pompeo and Barrack Obama, don’t you all think?
The sexual exploits of Bill Clinton are legendary. And do you really think that being a member of the Senate for 60 years isn’t a “parasitic lifestyle”? What about banning coal and sending the citizenry of five states into poverty? Doesn’t that count as a “lack of empathy”?
failure to accept responsibility for one’s own actions
And what about Donald Trump. It’s always someone else’s fault isn’t it? And those 70+ tweets per night, isn’t that a sign of impulsivity?
many short-term marital relationships
juvenile delinquency
revocation of conditional release (from prison)
criminal versatility (i.e., commits diverse types of crimes)
If this does not describe American leadership, Congressmen and Senators, then I don't know what does.
What percentage of people are psychopaths?
Psychopaths exist across cultures and ethnic groups. It has been estimated that approximately 1 percent of males and 0.3–0.7 percent of females could be classified as psychopaths. An individual may show elevated levels of multiple traits associated with psychopathy without qualifying as a psychopath according to a measure such as the Hare checklist.
When we refer to the oligarchy or the PTB, we often refer to them as the 1%. I find it curious that this is also the same percentage of psychopaths in society. Could it be the natural inclination of psychopaths to rise over others and seize the levers of control of a society, and if so, isn’t that a very, very dangerous situation?
Psychopaths are incapable of feeling guilt, remorse, or empathy for their actions or the objects of their actions. They are generally cunning and manipulative. They know the difference between right and wrong but don't believe the rules apply to them.
First Encounter With a Psychopath
On first impression, psychopaths generally appear charming, engaged, caring, friendly, logical, and reasonable, with well thought-out goals. They give the impression that they can reason, that they know the consequences for antisocial and unlawful behavior and will react appropriately. They appear capable of self-examination and will criticize themselves for mistakes.
Under clinical evaluation, psychopaths don't show common symptoms associated with neurotic behavior: nervousness, high anxiety, hysteria, mood swings, extreme fatigue, and headaches. In situations that most normal people would find upsetting, psychopaths appear calm and void of fear and anxiety.
An About-Face
Initially, psychopaths appear reliable, devoted, and trustworthy, but, suddenly and without provocation, become unreliable, with no regard for how their actions affect the situation, regardless of its importance. Once viewed as honest and sincere, they do a sudden about-face and begin lying without concern, even in small matters when there is no benefit in lying.
Because psychopaths have mastered the art of deception, those around them are slow to accept the abrupt change. When psychopaths are confronted with their lack of responsibility, honesty or loyalty, it generally has no impact on their attitude or future performance. They are unable to perceive that other people value truthfulness and integrity.
Can't Accept Responsibility for Failure
Psychopaths turn into performers who can mimic normal human emotions that they have never felt. This holds true when they're faced with failure. If they appear to be humble and own up to their mistakes, their true goal is to be perceived as the martyr or sacrificial lamb willing to accept blame so others don't have to.
If the ploy fails and they are blamed, they will emphatically deny any responsibility and, without feeling shame, turn to lies, manipulation, and finger-pointing. When psychopaths can't convince others that they are innocent, they fume and obsess over it, often murmuring sarcastic comments and plotting revenge.
Risky Behavior With No Gain
Antisocial behavior—cheating, lying, robbing, stealing, agitating, fighting, committing adultery, killing—appeals to psychopaths, whether or not they reap any rewards. They appear drawn to high-risk antisocial behavior that has no apparent goal. Some experts theorize that psychopaths like to put themselves into dangerous situations because of the adrenaline rush they experience. Because psychopaths generally don't feel many emotions that normal people do, any extreme sensation feels good. Others believe that they do it to reinforce their sense of superiority and to prove that they are smarter than everyone, including the police.
Horrible Judgment
Although psychopaths are logical thinkers and view themselves as highly intelligent, they consistently exhibit bad judgment. Faced with two paths, one to gold and the other to ashes, the psychopath will take the latter. Because psychopaths can't learn from their experiences, they are prone to taking the same path again and again.
Egocentric and Unable to Love
Psychopaths are highly egomaniacal, to the point that a normal person has difficulty comprehending it. Their self-centeredness is so deeply rooted that it renders them incapable of loving others, including parents, spouses, and their own children.
The only time psychopaths show an ordinary response to kindness or special treatment by others is when it can be used to their advantage. For example, a psychopathic father still loved by his children despite the deep suffering he has caused them may put on a show of appreciation so that they continue to put money into his prison account or pay his legal fees.
Conventional Treatment Empowers Psychopaths
Most studies indicate that there are no conventional methods to cure psychopathic behavior. When conventional methods have been used, psychopaths become empowered and react by improving their cunning, manipulative methods and their ability to conceal their true personality, even from trained eyes.
Difference Between Psychopaths and Sociopaths
Psychopaths and sociopaths share a diagnosis as having antisocial personality disorder and similar traits, but there are significant differences. Psychopaths are more deceptive and manipulative and maintain more control over their outward personas. They are able to lead what appear to be normal lives, sometimes throughout their lifetime. When psychopaths become criminals they believe they are smarter than the average person and invincible.
Sociopaths often let their inner rage surface with violent episodes, verbally and physically. They become reckless and spontaneous and have little control over what they say or how they act. Because they are impulse driven, they rarely consider the consequences of their actions. It is difficult for sociopaths to live normal lives, and because of their imprudence many of them drop out of school, can't hold jobs, turn to crime, and end up in prison.
Which Is More Dangerous?
Sociopaths have a difficult time hiding their disorder, while psychopaths pride themselves on their manipulative abilities. Psychopaths are masters of disassociation and less likely to feel guilt or remorse for their actions or for the pain that they cause others. Because of this, psychopaths are considered to be more dangerous than sociopaths.
Well, we know that the USA is run by a bunch of crazed lunatics with some severely dangerous tendencies…
What now? Americans, for the most part are unaware of this. And they follow them in the belief that the leaders represent them and their beliefs. But the rest of the world does not see this, and are frankly aghast at the United States for “electing” these people to the levers of power.
And they write articles about this.
The more “mainstream” articles tend to be rather sanitized. But the alternative articles tend to be very spot-on and even vicious. Here we are going to look at some of the articles. It’s a venting of what the world thinks of what America has become and exists as it sits today, in the closing months of 2020.
The US Has Lost Global Power, and Is Now Just Faking It
This article from the Russian Insider archives was first published on RI in April 2018 by Dmitry Orlov . It was republished on Sun, Dec 13 2020 | 1510 words 26,694 Comments
Orlov is one of our favorite essayists on Russia and all sorts of other things. He moved to the US as a child, and lives in the Boston area.He is one of the better-known thinkers The New Yorker has dubbed 'The Dystopians' in an excellent 2009 profile, along with James Howard Kunstler, another regular contributor to RI (archive). These theorists believe that modern society is headed for a jarring and painful crack-up.He is best known for his 2011 book comparing Soviet and American collapse (he thinks America's will be worse). He is a prolific author on a wide array of subjects, and you can see his work by searching him on Amazon.He has a large following on the web, and on Patreon, and we urge you to support him there, as Russia Insider does.If you haven't discovered his work yet, please take a look at his archive of articles on RI. They are a real treasure, full of invaluable insight into both the US and Russia and how they are related.
The US Has Lost Global Power, and Is Now Just Faking It
"If the US manages to convince enough people, at home and around the world, that it is still dangerous, then it will be able to hide its increasing enfeeblement for a while longer."
It’s a hard job being a global hegemon and the world’s sole superpower.
You have to keep the entire planet in line. Every country needs to be taught its place, and kept there, by force if need be. Now and again a country or two has to be conquered or destroyed, just to teach others a lesson. Plus you have to relentlessly meddle in other countries’ politics, rigging elections so that only US-friendly candidates can win, run regime change operations and organize colored revolutions. Stop doing this, and some countries will start ignoring you. And then the rest will quickly realize that you are losing control and go their separate ways while ignoring you.
Is the United States still the world’s greatest power, in control of the entire planet, or has that moment in history already come and gone? We are constantly hearing how the situation is becoming dire: relations between the US and NATO countries and Russia are going from bad to worse; there is a trade war going on with China; North Korea remains an intractable problem and an embarrassment.
Many people maintain that we are very close to a world war. But does “very close” actually mean anything? It is quite possible to stand for hours with your toes hanging over the edge of a cliff and never jump. Suicide is a big decision: big even for a person, much bigger for a large country.
On March 1, 2018 president Putin unveiled Russia’s new weapons systems against which the United States is defenseless and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Previously, the plan was to surround Russia with military bases and missile batteries, then launch a preemptive first strike, destroying its ability to retaliate and forcing it to capitulate.
This plan has now conclusively failed, and a US/NATO attack on Russia is once again assured to be an act of suicide. Worse than that, even limited military confrontations are now mostly unthinkable, because Russia can now inflict unacceptable damage on US/NATO forces from a safe distance and without putting any of its own assets at risk. If Russia won’t attack and the US/NATO can’t attack, then how likely is a war?
The new weapons systems have made it possible to start ignoring the US. It is still important to maintain a credible military posture, but politically the US is no longer in control, and neither are the global institutions on which it has relied. Instead, what we are seeing is the reemergence of nation states, and even of empires.
The political future of Syria is being decided by Russia, Turkey and Iran, with no useful input from the United States at all.
Significantly, whereas Russia and Iran are in categories of their own as far as the US is concerned, Turkey has been a US ally and the second-largest armed force in NATO. The fact that Turkey is no longer eager to please the Americans is quite telling.
Except during the strange and tumultuous twentieth century during which the US briefly flashed across the world stage, these three countries went by different names, which all ended in “empire”: the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire. Of these three, the Russian and the Ottoman empires were heirs to the Holy Roman Empire, whose eastern half, with its capital Constantinople, went on for centuries after Rome had turned into a depopulated ruin and a dark age had descended on Europe.
After Constantinople fell to the Turks and Islam took over the region, the center of Orthodox Christianity migrated north to Moscow. Now add China, or the Chinese Empire if you like, which is now aligned with Russia, and complete the picture: all of the greatest and most ancient Eurasian empires have come back and are talking and cooperating, while the has-been upstart on the other side of the planet isn’t even invited.
Given this situation, what is the US to do?
It has three choices.
The first is to start a major war, thus committing national suicide (while taking other countries with it). It lacks the political will to make this decision, although it could blunder into a major war by accident.
The second choice is to basically just fold: give up trying to project power around the world, retreat into its own borders and lick its wounds. It lacks the political will to do this as well; all that remains in the realm of possibility is to pretend that everything is still fine for as long as possible.
But how is it possible to pretend that everything is still fine even as everything is falling apart? The answer is to start faking it.
If the US manages to convince enough people, at home and around the world, that it is still dangerous, then it will be able to hide its increasing enfeeblement for a while longer. It may no longer be capable of achieving any of its aims, but it is still very much capable of mass murder, as was recently demonstrated by the US “coalition” bombings of Mosul and Raqqa, which now lay in ruins. Similar wanton acts of mass murder have been committed America’s Saudi-Arabian proxy in Yemen, and by their Ukrainian proxies in the Donbass.
But even the opportunities to commit mindless mass murder with impunity are now becoming fewer and farther between, forcing the US to resort to more boutique acts of violence. To justify these acts, the US (and much of Europe) curtains itself off from the rest of the world using an elaborately constructed wall of complete nonsense.
A favorite trope has to do with dreamed-up chemical weapons as the main frightener. Take a look at the recent Israeli rocket attack on Syria. It was justified using obviously fake video footage produced by the White Helmets—a group known for staging fake terror events. At this point, they don’t even care how fake their product looks: this time around, they didn’t bother editing out the clapper (used to sync up video with sound). The setting was obviously a movie set, but production values were rather missing. Instead, we had actors, some wearing white helmets, but no protective gear whatsoever, dumping buckets of water over shivering children. How is that even supposed to make any sense?
And then note that the rockets (five which got shot down by the Syrians, with only three making it through) came from Israel. Why Israel? Because the Russians had warned the US that they knew the fake chemical weapons provocation was being organized as a pretext to launch a rocket attack, and that they were going to shoot not just at the rockets but also at those who launch them. Therefore, Americans decided that it would be too risky to launch the attack from navy ships, and instead asked the Israelis to do the honor of lobbing a few missiles at a remote airbase in Syria, correctly thinking that the Russians wouldn’t immediately retaliate against Israel if no Russians would hurt, and knowing that there would be no Russians at that airbase during their attack. This is, on the one hand, quite pathetic, but on the other it shows that the Americans are still capable of a modicum of rational thought.
This, then is the strange period of history we are going through. The US is lying nonstop (since truth is not on its side) while pretending to still be dangerous by committing wanton acts of mass murder (small-scale ones, which it can be sure to carry out with impunity).
Meanwhile, both national suicide (via large-scale war) and the decision to shut down the whole imperial project both remain politically impossible. How long this strange, unstable period of murderous nonsense can persist isn’t known—your guess is as good as mine—but it obviously can’t go on for ages.
Give it a few years, or less.
Perhaps you can understand why Rush Limbaugh is not talking about this kind of analysis, or why Alex Jones isn’t. Or why Politico or the Huffington Post isn’t. Or why MSNBC isn’t.
Their calculus uses examples of news articles that are not well-promoted in the USA.
Their conclusions are based on unflattering narratives.
The key players involved in the decision making process are not glorified.
Thus this kind of opinion will not be promoted in any of the “approved” American media. Neither the mainstream, the Alt-Right or the Alt-Left.
Times have changed all across the board. America is nothing like it was intended to be. Instead it is a prison-nation that enslaves citizens under a service-for-self oligarchy run by psychopaths. And us “Joe Averages” haven’t any say in the matter.
America Has Traded God for Empire, Narcissism, Militarism, Usury, Sodomy
Fr. Joseph Gleason, is editor of the website titled “Russian Faith” . In this article he explains America’s current predicament. This article comes from the Russian Insider archives and was first published on RI in February 2019. It is written by Mark Dankof on Wed, Oct 21 2020 | 1120 words 8,438 Comments . All credit to the author.
America Has Traded God for Empire, Narcissism, Militarism, Usury, Sodomy
It goes without saying that Father Joseph Gleason of Russian Faith is making his mark in the world for the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ. His theological journey has finally taken him into the priesthood of the Russian Orthodox Church. Geographically, the journey he and his family have embarked upon has taken them from the United States to Russia and a place called Rostov-The-Great. His is a story worth following on an ongoing basis. I sense his personal odyssey may prove larger in history than he or anyone else imagines right now.
His most recent entry on the Russian Faith website is entitled, “Homosexuals Persecuting Christians in America: Do You Feel The Walls Closing In?”
This marvelous piece is 5,050 words long. My succinct initial response to his labors before even reading the essay itself was–and is–a simple “Yes.”
I do not come to this conclusion quickly or without study and engagement. Since 9-11, I have set aside most of the rest of my life to attempt to bring the people of America to an awareness of how late the hour is, and the perilous state of both individual souls and a collective people that has turned its back on God in favor of an Empire built on narcissism, militarism, usury, and sodomy.
But the painful truth is that I have failed.
I have lost 17 years of my life in the process. I admitted as much some years ago in a well publicized essay entitled, “Why We’re Finished.” Later, I found myself being pilloried by the Jerusalem Post and the international Jewish press for telling Press TV Iran the truth after the infamous Obergefell Supreme Court decision of 2015 about who played a pivotally disproportionate role in bringing this latest advance of Cultural Marxism to pass in the United States, as was the case in the Roe v Wade decision of January of 1973.
Joseph Biden said the same thing I did, only he hailed the development as a new dawning in America.
I didn’t.
Thus, I was in the cross-hairs of the usual suspects. Not one of my Lutheran colleagues in the United States came to my public defense. I was on my own and I knew it, just as I have been for years in these circles for discussing 9-11, Empire foreign and military policy, the Kennedy Assassination, and the abortion and LGBTQ issues among many others.
Nothing in the last 4 years has changed the equation.
I said as much in an essay entitled, “A ‘Communist’s’ Thoughts on the 4th of July,” appropriately retitled, “Russia is a Beacon of Promise for a Christian Future” for Russia Faith and Russian Insider readers.
The thousands of hits on those sites revealed I had struck a chord or a raw nerve depending on the perspective of the reader, which is why editors like Charles Bausman and Father Joseph Gleason have increasingly come under attack by MSM rags in the United States like The Daily Beast as agents of the Kremlin, which assaulted me well before it did these fine people. I wore that as a badge of honor. I still do.
Which brings me back to Father Gleason’s latest post. His conclusions about what the LGBTQ movement and the power elite’s goals are in both the United States and globally in regard to authentic Christianity and its adherents are no different than what Rod Dreher wrote in Time Magazine after the Obergefell decision, only sharper in focus in the implications. This sharpening of focus leads the American Christian who prayerfully contemplates the reality of the homeland advances of the New World Order to examine his or her position very carefully as the Holy Spirit of God leads and directs.
For the record, after examination over time, I humbly conclude personally that:
1) Father Joseph Gleason has made the right decision for himself and his family in moving to Russia;
2) Recent developments in that country and elsewhere make it clear to me that Orthodoxy is especially being used of God in the proclamation of the Gospel in an age of advancing heresy and apostasy–not declining Lutheranism, Catholicism, or a Protestant Evangelical movement overcome with worship of Zionism and increasing pop accommodation to cancerous American and European cultures headed for absolute shipwreck;
3) For young believers around the world including a couple I have recently read about in Brazil, and young American Christians feeling bewildered and embattled as they Feel the Walls Closing In, examine the Lord’s will very closely in regard to the beckoning of Father Gleason and his migrating minions to the place that the Triune God is restoring at this eschatological hour in history to counter the evil plans of a Western Globalist and Zionist movement bent on using moral and sexual perversion, mass media manipulation, consumerism, economic sanctions, and overt military aggression to achieve Satan’s final victory in this present realm;
4) The latest actions of the United States in the Ukraine in sewing discord in the Orthodox Church only underscore the depths to which the political leadership in America will go on behalf the objectives of the New World Order, along with the entire spectrum of moves being made by The Empire against Iran, Syria, Russia, and Venezuela;
5) When all of this is understood in discernment by the Christian believer in the West in terms of prophetic developments, those of us whose circumstances mandate remaining in our earthly homeland in exile must do so only in the clear understanding that the outcome is not merely an exilic experience of alienation and marginalization, but one which promises martyrdom itself.
My last public address to a Lutheran group discussed this.
I’m still not sure those in the lecture hall in upstate Wisconsin last year really had the foggiest notion of what I was trying to say in the Lord to them. But Father Joseph Gleason knows of what I speak, and so do most of his readers at Russian Faith.
There are a few Christian homeschoolers in Texas who certainly understand. For those in the United States and the West in a position to make choices for themselves and their families on the basis of their individual circumstances and Christian witness for the truth in history, follow him to higher ground.
Get out of Dodge while you can.
I believe God has truly raised this man up at this most critical and final hour in world and redemptive history. Consider his witness and his words carefully. That is my best advice to you. The clock is ticking to midnight.
Wholesome tradition or degenerate empire, take your pick
His opinion is dire and gloomy. He does not feel that he is free to practice his religious freedom, nor raise his family safely or properly in the United States. There was a time, don’t you know, where this was the measurement by which the “freedom” and “liberty” offered by the United States was measured. But it no longer exists.
You will note that none of the American government controlled media; the mainstream, the Alt-Left and the Alt-Right will cover this subject it’s all the same nonsense. Over and over.
Ugh! When I think about the United States government, I get a headache. I just want to chill out and be left alone.
American Collapse – Great Podcast About How and When – with James Howard Kunstler
Now, we go to James Howard Kunstler.
“Personally, I expect our collapse to be as sudden and unexpected as the USSR’s … and to express itself first in the financial markets …”
This article from our archives was first published on Russian Insider in April 2018. Written by Mr James Howard Kunstler on Mon, Dec 14 2020 | 1000 words 11,640 Comments . All credit to the author.
American Collapse - Great Podcast About How and When - with James Howard Kunstler
I had a fellow on my latest podcast, released Sunday, who insists that the world population will crash 90-plus percent from the current 7.6 billion to 600 million by the end of this century. Jack Alpert heads an outfit called the Stanford Knowledge Integration Lab (SKIL) which he started at Stanford University in 1978 and now runs as a private research foundation. Alpert is primarily an engineer.
At 600 million, the living standard in the USA would be on a level with the post-Roman peasantry of Fifth century Europe, but without the charm, since many of the planet’s linked systems — soils, oceans, climate, mineral resources — will be in much greater disarray than was the case 1,500 years ago.
Anyway, that state-of-life may be a way-station so something more dire.
Alpert’s optimal case would be a world human population of 50 million, deployed in three “city-states,” in the Pacific Northwest, the Uruguay / Paraguay border region, and China, that could support something close to today’s living standards for a tiny population, along with science and advanced technology, run on hydropower.
The rest of world, he says, would just go back to nature, or what’s left of it. Alpert’s project aims to engineer a path to that optimal outcome.
I hadn’t encountered quite such an extreme view of the future before, except for some fictional exercises like Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. (Alpert, too, sees cannibalism as one likely byproduct of the journey ahead.)
Obviously, my own venture into the fictionalized future of the World Made by Hand books depicted a much kinder and gentler re-set to life at the circa-1800 level of living, at least in the USA. Apparently, I’m a sentimental softie.
Both of us are at odds with the more generic techno-optimists who are waiting patiently for miracle rescue remedies like cold fusion while enjoying re-runs of The Big Bang Theory. (Alpert doesn’t completely rule out as-yet-undeveloped energy sources, though he acknowledges that they’re a low-percentage prospect.) We do agree with basic premise that the energy supply is mainly what supports the way we live now, and that it shows every evidence of entering a deep and destabilizing decline that will halt the activities necessary to keep our networks of dynamic systems running.
A question of interest to many readers is how soon or how rapid the unraveling of these systems might be.
When civilizations crumble, it tends to fast-track.
The Roman empire seems to be an exception, but in many ways it was far more resilient than ours, being a sort of advanced Flintstones economy, with even its giant-scale activities (e.g. building the Coliseum) being accomplished by human-powered work.
In any case, the outfit really fell apart steadily after the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius (180 AD).
The Romans had their own version of a financialized economy: they simply devalued their coins by mixing in less and less silver at the mint, so they could pretend to pay for the same luxuries they had grown accustomed to as resources stretched thin.
Our financialized economy — like everything else we do — operates at levels of complexity so baffling that even its supposed managers at the central banks are flying blind through fogs of debt, deception, and moral hazard. When that vessel of pretense slams into a mountain top, the effects are likely to be quick and lethal to the economies on the ground below.
In our time, the most recent crash of a major socioeconomic system was the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990-91.
Of course, it happened against the backdrop of a global system that was still revving pretty well outside the USSR, and that softened the blow. Ultimately, the Russians still had plenty of oil to sell, which allowed them to re-set well above the Fifth Century peasant level of existence.
At least for now.
The Soviet Union collapsed because it was a thoroughly dishonest system that ran on pretense and coercion. Apparently, the US Intel Community completely missed the signs that political collapse was underway.
They seem to be pretty clueless about the fate of the USA these days, too.
If you consider the preoccupations of two very recent Intel chiefs — John Brennan of CIA and James Clapper, DNI — who now inveigh full-time on CNN as avatars of the Deep State against the wicked Golden Golem of Greatness.
Personally, I expect our collapse to be as sudden and unexpected as the USSR’s, but probably bloodier because there’s simply more stuff just lying around to fight over.
Of course, I expect the collapse to express itself first in banking, finance, and markets — being so deeply faith-based and so subject to simple failures of faith. But it will become political and social soon enough, maybe all-at once. And when it happens in the USA, it will spread through the financial systems the whole world round.
It’s heavy dose of “doom and gloom”, but you know, I am much more optimistic about the future.
There will be an American collapse, and systems are in place to keep it localized to the North American hemisphere. There will be economic global ramifications of course, and no nation will really remain unscathed, but the vast amount of damage and hurt will be in America. And of that, it will be localized. If you are prudent and a member of a local community, you should be able to weather “the storm”, and you and yours will survive to carry on through the 2030’s and 2040’s.
Perhaps is best if Americans believe that the rest of the world is a “shit hole”.
The rest of the world is actually quite beautiful.
AMERICA: A Gigantic Clown Car Being Driven Into a Ditch
And another article from James Howard Kunstler. This article from the Russia Insider archives and was first published on RI in September 2017, with a reprint on Sunday, Dec 13 2020 | 900 words 18,995 Comments.
“This homework assignment should be given to the Democratic members of congress, since they are otherwise preoccupied only with hunting for Russian gremlins and discovering new sexual abnormalities to protect and defend.”
AMERICA: A Gigantic Clown Car Being Driven Into a Ditch
Poor old Karl Marx, tortured by boils and phantoms, was right about one thing: History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. Thus, I give you the Roman Empire and now the United States of America. Rome surrendered to time and entropy. Our method is to drive a gigantic clown car into a ditch.
Is anyone out there interested in redemption?
I have an idea for the political party out of power, the Democrats, sunk in its special Okefenokee Swamp of identity politics and Russia paranoia: make an effort to legislate the Citizens United calamity out of existence.
Who knows, a handful of Republicans may be shamed into going along with it.
For those of you who have been mentally vacationing on Mars with Elon Musk, Citizens United was a Supreme Court decision — Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission 558 U.S. 310 (2010) — which determined that corporations had the right, as hypothetical “persons,” to give as much money as they liked to political candidates.
We've made important contributions to world culture
This “right” devolved from the First Amendment of the constitution, the 5-4 majority opinion said — giving money to political candidates and causes amounts to “freedom of speech.” The Citizens United ruling opened the door for unlimited election spending by corporations and enormous mischief in our national life. Then-President Obama — a constitutional law professor before his career in politics — complained bitterly about the opinion days later in his State of the Union address, saying that the court had “reversed a century of law to open the floodgates, including foreign corporations, to spend without limit in our elections.”
And for the next seven years he did absolutely nothing about it, nor did the Democratic Party majority in congress. Rather, they vacuumed in as much corporate campaign money as possible from every hokey political action committee (PAC) from sea to shining sea, especially in the 2016 presidential election starring Hillary “It’s My Turn” Clinton. It turned out to not be her turn in large part because the voters noticed the stench of corruption wafting off this toxic flow of corporate money, which Hillary was using to vastly outspend her billionaire opponent, troll that he was.
It's been a heck of a ride, and it's coming to an end ...
Of course, corporations have not always been what they are deemed to be today. They evolved with the increasingly complex activities of industrial economies. Along the way — in Great Britain first, actually — they were deemed to exist as the equivalent of legal persons, to establish that the liabilities of the company were separate and distinct from those of its owners. In the USA, forming a corporation usually required an act of legislation until the late 19th century. After that, they merely had to register with the states. Then congress had to sort out the additional problems of giant “trusts” and holding companies (hence, anti-trust laws, now generally ignored).
In short, the definition of what a corporation is and what it has a right to do is in a pretty constant state of change as economies evolve. And insofar as the current economy is sinking like the USS Titanic — and our republic as a mode of governance with it — surely the time has come to redefine in legislation the role and existential nature of a corporation in this polity. This homework assignment should be given to the Democratic members of congress, since they are otherwise preoccupied only with hunting for Russian gremlins and discovering new sexual abnormalities to protect and defend.
The crux of the argument is that corporations cannot be said to be entirely and altogether the equivalent of persons for all legal purposes. In law, corporations have duties, obligations, and responsibilities to their shareholders first, and only after that to the public interest or the common good, and only then by pretty strict legal prescription. It may be assumed that the interests of corporations and their shareholders are in opposition to, and in conflict with, the public interest. And insofar as elections are fundamentally matters of the public interest, corporations must be prohibited from efforts to influence the outcome of elections.
That’s your assignment Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the Democratic Party leadership. Get serious. Show a little initiative. Do something useful. Draw up some legislation. Get behind something real that might make a difference in this decrepitating country.
Or get out of the way and let a new party do the job.
Politics are a pin in the ass, but even those outside of the USA can see that the United State is wholly out of control. “What planet do they live on” is a common phrase that I am starting to hear in day to day conversation.
For the rest of us, the craziness of Washington DC doesn’t resemble anything in our normal day-to-day lives…
Dear America – You Are Delusional, and Failing at Everything You Undertake
Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Russia sanctions – “All of these harebrained schemes, hatched in Washington, have backfired grandly.”
“Those who have pushed for them are now reduced to just two face-saving maneuvers: blaming their political opponents; and blaming Russia. And these two maneuvers are set to backfire as well.”
This article from the Russia Insider archives and was first published on RI in November 2017. Written by Dmitry Orlov Fri, Dec 11 2020 | 1610 words 43,193 Comments .
Dear America - You Are Delusional, and Failing at Everything You Undertake
Back in the days when I was still trying to do the corporate thing, I regularly found myself in a bit of a tight spot simply by failing to keep my mouth shut.
I seem to carry some sort of gene that makes me naturally irrepressible. I can keep my mouth shut for only so long before I have to blurt out what I really think, and in a corporate setting, where thinking isn’t really allowed, this causes no end of trouble. It didn’t matter that I often turned out to be right. It didn’t matter what I thought; it only mattered that I thought.
American involvement in the middle-eastern project is now limited to Putin’s sporadic courtesy calls to Trump, to keep him updated.
Of all the thoughts you aren’t allowed to think, perhaps the most offensive one is adequately expressed by a single short phrase:
“That’s not gonna work.”
The end is near ...
Suppose there is a meeting to unveil a great new initiative, with PowerPoint presentations complete with fancy graphics, org charts, timelines, proposed budgets, yada-yada, and everything is going great until this curmudgeonly Russian opens his mouth and says “That’s not gonna work.”
And when it is patiently explained to him (doing one’s best to hide one’s extreme irritation) that it absolutely has to work because Senior Management would like it to, that furthermore it is his job to make it work and that failure is not an option, he opens his mouth again and says “That’s not gonna work either.” And then it’s time to avoid acting flustered while ignoring him and to think up some face-saving excuse to adjourn the meeting early and regroup.
I lasted for as long as I did in that world because once in a while I would instead say “Sure, that’ll work, let’s do it.” And then, sure enough, it did work, the company had a banner year or two, with lots of bonuses and atta-boy (and atta-girl) certificates handed out to those not at all responsible for any of it. Flushed with victory, they, in turn, would think up more harebrained schemes for me to rain on, and the cycle would repeat.
America seems to be blissfully unaware of how it comes across to the rest of the world
It is probably one of the main saving graces of corporations that they do sometimes (mainly by mistake) allow some thought to leak through. The mistake in question is a staffing error in promoting those constitutionally incapable of keeping their mouths shut or shutting off their brains. Such errors create chinks in the monolithic phalanxes of corporate yes-men and yes-women.
Trump is too old to be a reformer or a revolutionary. He is of an age when men are generally mostly concerned about the quantity and consistency of their stool and how it interacts with their enlarged prostates.
The likelihood of such mistakes increases with the agony of defeat, which causes attrition among the ranks of qualified yes-sayers, creating holes that can only be plugged by promoting a few non-yes-sayers. However, this only seems to work in the smaller, hungrier corporations; the larger, better-fed ones seem to be able to avoid experiencing the agony of defeat for a very long time by moving the goal posts, outlawing any discussion of said defeat or other similar tactics. Eventually the entire organization goes over the cliff, but by then it is of no benefit to anyone to attempt to inform them of their folly.
It is much the same with governments, except here the situation is even worse. While the smaller, hungrier governments, and those blessed with a fresh institutional memory of extreme pain, do not have the luxury of lying to themselves, the larger political agglomerations—the USSR, the EU, the USA—have the ability to keep themselves completely immunized against the truth for historically significant periods of time.
The USSR clung to the fiction of great socialist progress even when it was clear to all that the cupboard was bare and there were rats gnawing through the rafters. The EU has been able to ignore the fact that its entire scheme is one of enriching Germany while impoverishing and depopulating eastern and southern Europe, neglecting the interests of the native populations throughout. And the amount of self-delusion that is still currently in effect in the USA makes it a rather large subject.
Regardless of how great the lies are and how forcefully they are defended, a moment always comes when the phalanx of truth-blocking yes-men and yes-women stops marching, turns and runs. This event results in a tremendous loss of face and confidence for all involved.
It is the crisis of confidence, more than anything else, that precipitates the going-off-a-cliff phenomenon that we could so readily observe in the collapse of the USSR in the early 1990s. I have a very strong hunch that similar cliff-diving exercises are coming up for the EU and the USA.
But for the time being I am just another disembodied voice on the internet, watching from the sidelines and periodically saying the unfashionable thing, which is: “This isn’t gonna work.” However, I’ve said this a number of times over the years, on the record and more or less forcefully, and I feel vindicated most of the time.
Internationally, for example:
• Carving the Ukraine away from Russia, having it join the EU and NATO and building a NATO naval base in Crimea “wasn’t gonna work.” The Ukraine is a part of Russia, the Ukrainians are Russian, and the Ukrainian ethnic identity is a Bolshevik concoction. Look for a reversion to norm in a decade or two.
• Destroying and partitioning Syria with the help of Wahhabi extremists and foreign mercenaries supported by the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel while Russia, Iran, Turkey and China stand idly by “wasn’t gonna work”; and so it hasn’t.
• Giving Afghanistan “freedom and democracy” and turning it into a stable pro-Western regime with the help of invading NATO troops “wasn’t gonna work,” and hasn’t. Western involvement in Afghanistan can go on, but the results it can achieve are limited to further enhancing the heroin trade.
• Destroying the Russian economy using sanctions “wasn’t gonna work,” and hasn’t. The sanctions have helped Russia regroup internally and achieve a great deal of self-sufficiency in energy production and other forms of technology, in food and in numerous other sectors.
All of these harebrained schemes, hatched in Washington, have backfired grandly. Those who have pushed for them are now reduced to just two face-saving maneuvers: blaming their political opponents; and blaming Russia. And these two maneuvers are set to backfire as well.
In the meantime, the world isn’t waiting for the US to shake itself out of its stupor.
The fulcrum of American influence in the Middle East is Saudi Arabia and the petrodollar. In turn, Saudi Arabia rests on three pillars: the Saudi monarchy, Wahhabi Islam and the petrodollar. As I write this, the next king, Mohammed bin Salman, is busy hacking away at all three: robbing, imprisoning and torturing his fellow-princes, working to replace the Wahhabi clerics with moderate ones and embracing the petro-yuan instead of the now very tired petrodollar.
Not that any of these three pillars were in good shape in any case: the defeat of ISIS in Syria was a defeat for the Saudi monarchy which supported it, for the Wahhabi clerics who inspired it and, consequently, for the petrodollar as well, because Saudi Arabia was until now its greatest defender.
The new guarantors of peace in the region are Russia, Iran and Turkey, with China watching carefully in the wings. American involvement in the middle-eastern project is now limited to Putin’s sporadic courtesy calls to Trump, to keep him updated.
And so here’s my latest prediction: Trump’s goal of “making America great” “isn’t gonna work” either.
The country is so far gone that just taking the first step—of allowing the truth of its condition to leak through the media filters—will undermine public confidence to such an extent that a subsequent cliff-dive will become unavoidable. It’s a nice slogan as slogans go, but Trump is too old to be a reformer or a revolutionary. He is of an age when men are generally mostly concerned about the quantity and consistency of their stool and how it interacts with their enlarged prostates.
Perhaps he will succeed in making America great… big piles of feces, but I wouldn’t expect much more than that.
And time has proven him to be correct.
Remember that the American government controls all mainstream, and Alt-Left and Alt-Right media inside of America.
Now that it is official, and Biden is President, I scan the “news”…
Suddenly all the anti-China narrative has collapsed. the only anti-China article (15DEC20) that I can find is this one…
And this is just “only” a lite narrative with some segmented Chinese political infighting. Nothing about how horrible and awful China is. Not like before. But compared to the average of five to twelve articles per day about how terrible China is, this is really nothing.
Russian Missile Tech has Made America’s Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete
“Times have changed and America can no longer project its military power like it did in Iraq. Those days are over. ”
This article from the archives was first published on RI in April 2018. Written by Dmitry Orlov Fri, Dec 11 2020 | 1400 words 52,084 Comments
Russian Missile Tech has Made America's Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete
For the past 500 years European nations—Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, Britain, France and, briefly, Germany—were able to plunder much of the planet by projecting their naval power overseas. Since much of the world’s population lives along the coasts, and much of it trades over water, armed ships that arrived suddenly out of nowhere were able to put local populations at their mercy.
A financially crippling military brontosaurus
The armadas could plunder, impose tribute, punish the disobedient, and then use that plunder and tribute to build more ships, enlarging the scope of their naval empires. This allowed a small region with few natural resources and few native advantages beyond extreme orneriness and a wealth of communicable diseases to dominate the globe for half a millennium.
The ultimate inheritor of this naval imperial project is the United States, which, with the new addition of air power, and with its large aircraft carrier fleet and huge network of military bases throughout the planet, is supposedly able to impose Pax Americana on the entire world. Or, rather, was able to do so—during the brief period between the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of Russia and China as new global powers and their development of new anti-ship and antiaircraft technologies. But now this imperial project is at an end.
Prior to the Soviet collapse, the US military generally did not dare to directly threaten those countries to which the USSR had extended its protection. Nevertheless, by using its naval power to dominate the sea lanes that carried crude oil, and by insisting that oil be traded in US dollars, it was able to live beyond its means by issuing dollar-denominated debt instruments and forcing countries around the world to invest in them.
It imported whatever it wanted using borrowed money while exporting inflation, expropriating the savings of people across the world. In the process, the US has accumulated absolutely stunning levels of national debt—beyond anything seen before in either absolute or relative terms. When this debt bomb finally explodes, it will spread economic devastation far beyond US borders. And it will explode, once the petrodollar wealth pump, imposed on the world through American naval and air superiority, stops working.
New missile technology has made a naval empire cheap to defeat. Previously, to fight a naval battle, one had to have ships that outmatched those of the enemy in their speed and artillery power. The Spanish Armada was sunk by the British armada. More recently, this meant that only those countries whose industrial might matched that of the United States could ever dream of opposing it militarily.
But this has now changed:
Russia’s new missiles can be launched from thousands of kilometers away, are unstoppable, and it takes just one to sink a destroyer and just two to sink an aircraft carrier. The American armada can now be sunk without having an armada of one’s own. The relative sizes of American and Russian economies or defense budgets are irrelevant: the Russians can build more hypersonic missiles much more quickly and cheaply than the Americans would be able to build more aircraft carriers.
Equally significant is the development of new Russian air defense capabilities: the S-300 and S-400 systems. These systems can essentially seal off a country’s airspace. Wherever these systems are deployed, such as in Syria, US forces are now forced to stay out of their range.
With its naval and air superiority rapidly evaporating, all that the US can fall back on militarily is the use of large expeditionary forces—an option that is politically unpalatable and has proven to be ineffective in Iraq and Afghanistan.
There is also the nuclear option.
And while its nuclear arsenal is not likely to be neutralized any time soon, nuclear weapons are only useful as deterrents. Their special value is in preventing wars from escalating beyond a certain point. But that point lies beyond the elimination of their global naval and air dominance.
Nuclear weapons are much worse than useless in augmenting one’s aggressive behavior against a nuclear-armed opponent; invariably, it would be a suicidal move.
What the US now faces is essentially a financial problem of unrepayable debt and a failing wealth pump.
It should be a stunningly obvious point that setting off nuclear explosions anywhere in the world would not fix the problems of an empire that is going broke.
Events that signal vast, epochal changes in the world often appear minor when viewed in isolation.
Julius Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon was just one river crossing. Soviet and American troops meeting and fraternizing at the Elbe was, relatively speaking, a minor event—nowhere near the scale of the siege of Leningrad, the battle of Stalingrad or the fall of Berlin. Yet they signaled a tectonic shift in the historical landscape.
And perhaps we have just witnessed something similar with the recent pathetically tiny Battle of East Gouta in Syria.
Where the US used a make-believe chemical weapons incident as a pretense to launch an equally make-believe attack on some airfields and buildings in Syria. The US foreign policy establishment wanted to show that it still matters and has a role to play, but what really happened was that US naval and air power were demonstrated to be almost entirely beside the point.
Of course, all of this is terrible news to the US military and foreign policy establishments, as well as to the many US Congressmen (in whose districts military contractors operate or military bases are situated).
Obviously, this is also bad news for the defense contractors, for personnel at the military bases, and for many others as well.
It is also simply awful news economically, since defense spending is about the only effective means of economic stimulus of which the US government is politically capable.
Obama’s “shovel-ready jobs,” if you recall, did nothing to forestall the dramatic slide in the labor participation rate, which is a euphemism for the inverse of the real unemployment rate. There is also the wonderful plan to throw lots of money at Elon Musk’s SpaceX (while continuing to buy vitally important rocket engines from the Russians—who are currently discussing blocking their export to the US in retaliation for more US sanctions).
In short, take away the defense stimulus, and the US economy will make a loud popping sound followed by a gradually diminishing hissing noise.
Needless to say, all those involved will do their best to deny or hide for as long as possible the fact that the US foreign policy and defense establishments have now been neutralized.
My prediction is that America’s naval and air empire will not fail because it will be defeated militarily, nor will it be dismantled once the news sinks in that it is useless; instead, it will be forced to curtail its operations due to lack of funds.
There may still be a few loud bangs before it gives up, but mostly what we will hear is a whole lot of whimpering.
That’s how the USSR went; that’s how the USA will go too.
Things are in the process of change. It is my hope that the changes will be calm and peaceful, but those that live off the old systems will fight “tooth and nail” against change.
The United States fields some very impressive and advanced military systems. But [1] are they sustainable against a large and peer-capable, aggressive nations? And if they are, [2] is it worth the risk of mutual global annihilation for the egos of the psychopathic American leadership?
The United States fields some very impressive and advanced military systems.
But you know, I fear that I am not making my point clear. War is not something that you read about in your daily feed. It is something that you endure with heartache and sadness. It is something that destroys relationships, cultures and societies. It destroys civilizations. But the psychopaths don’t care. But you and I should…
War is horrible. It is nothing that should be taken lightly.
War is a horror.
Things are dire.
From my email feed…
We are in a situation bleaker than during the last Cold War, and similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
And US media is not reporting on any of it. Most of you know this. But I'm posting it because it points out things that most people don't know, because it's suppressed.
This interview with Ray McGovern, who advised US presidents and briefed them daily for many years talks about the very precarious state of US Russia relations. Frankly this dwarfs controversy about the election.
Please watch this. And share with friends and family.
Many people who live outside the United States think that the USA is a corrupt nation that is bound to collapse any day now.
EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia’s
“Two reasons: complexity, and too much money .”
This article from the Russia Insider archives was first published on RI in April 2018. It was written by Jacob Dreizin Wed, Dec 9 2020 | 2300 words 52,407 Comments
EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia's
The F-35: Insanely expensive, its costs keep soaring - and it's worse than Russian planes which cost 20 times less
Lately we have seen some good analysis on the limits and vulnerabilities of the American military in light of events in the former Ukraine and especially Russia’s demonstrated competence in Syria.
So we have the “what” of the issue, but how about the “why”?
As a U.S. Army veteran and a longtime resident of the Beltway—including four-and-a-half years living on Crystal Drive in Arlington, Virginia, which has probably the densest concentration of “defense” contractors anywhere in America — I think I understand what is fundamentally wrong with the U.S. military-industrial complex (MIC.)
First and foremost, the MIC has long been incapable of producing durable, efficient, versatile weapons.
We don’t even have to look to the F-35 on this one.
(America's latest fighter which has turned into a spectacular technical failure and massive ($1.5 trillion!) expense - see our super-popular article about how this plane stacks up against the Russian competition- edit)
Just consider the most basic item, the M-16.
The M-16 Assault Rifle
My field experience with this piece of junk is that it runs into problems in the presence of even a small amount of sand. When enough sand gets in to the chamber and mixes with the lube oil on the bolt assembly, the grit thus formed results in up to every second round misloading.
God forbid you should brush an oiled open breach against the side of your foxhole—you are out of commission. In the absence of air or artillery support or sheer overwhelming numbers on your side, you are dead meat against anyone with a gun that functions in a sandy environment.
And why?
Because, as I was told in boot camp (whether it’s true or not), this thing is perfectly built to have zero fault tolerance.
Supposedly, just about every metal component in the M-16 is cast and/or machined to perfection rather than stamped. Contrast this with Russian or Chinese weapons that are said to be built like can-openers to spray lead under any conditions. In other words, the M-16 is so sophisticated that it doesn't work well.
It is now acknowledged that the M-16 with its 5.56mm rounds is insufficiently lethal beyond a couple of hundred meters, making it unsuited to long-distance firefights over open terrain (again those deserts, or perhaps shootouts between mountain ridges.)
The M-1 Abrams tank
Another great example - this can be a real dog. The engine is a gas turbine, like with an aircraft, except that it is being driven around in deserts and even sandstorms, making it extremely finicky and high-maintenance. (Would you fly your Boeing into a sandstorm?) Of course, the Abrams was designed to fight in Germany where sand is not an issue. But during the Iraq adventure, sand so tore up the turbine fans (or whatever) that over 1000 of these million-dollar "power packs" had to be removed and sent up for depot-level maintenance or refurbishment stateside.
Yes, that’s right—these things cannot even be fixed in the field. All you can do is pull them out with a crane and ship them back to the civilians at enormous expense. At the height of the Iraq adventure, around 2007, the maintenance backlog was so bad that even the national media got wind of it.
Of course, when you have the world’s reserve currency, you can afford all that and more—the entire world is paying for your wars.
But the waste and inefficiency are a fact.
The Basic Problem : Excessive Complexity
I think the problem here is that American war planners and logisticians prefer originality, complexity, and/or expense-for-the-hell-of-it over versatility and ease of use and maintenance. This is no surprise given America’s wealth and the longtime generous funding of its armed forces. After all, every military reflects its own society.
Unfortunately for Uncle Sam, what he gets is equipment that may work very well in one environment but not another.
But so much for American equipment per se. Let’s talk about Crystal Drive (a neighborhood in suburban Washington where many defense contractors have offices - edit.) —or more broadly, the MIC.
The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is failing on a massive scale
It is clear now that the MIC cannot build anything for less than 200 percent of its original planned budget (and that’s being extremely conservative.) Nor can anything it cranks out nowadays meet performance or survivability expectations. Besides the never-ending supersonic train wreck known as the F-35, we have other boondoggle failures such as the Littoral Combat Ship, which by all accounts is less capable and more vulnerable than the 20 to 30 year-old vessels it was supposed to replace.
Or, going back a few years, we see the Army’s “Commanche” helicopter, an intended replacement for the Apache, which blew through $6.9 billion—in 1983-2004 dollars, probably over $10 billion today—before the entire program was scrapped. That’s right, over $10 billion for nothing—not one Commanche was ever delivered for permanent use to an Army operational unit!
Where did that money go, if they didn’t actually manufacture anything besides a few prototypes? Did they spend $10 billion on PowerPoint presentations?
My brain cannot even wrap around this. Can you imagine what Russia or China could do for $10 billion?
However, even that pales before the Army's cancelled Future Combat Systems program, which burned through an estimated (no one knows exactly) $20 billion from 2003 to somewhere between 2012 and 2014 (depending on what termination milestone you go by), with almost nothing to show beyond a few prototypes, a lot of concept art, and a 29-pound toy robot made by iRobot of "Roomba" vacuum cleaner fame. In fact, I can’t think of one big new U.S. weapons system that has succeeded in the last 25 years, other than perhaps the Stryker armored car (though some have argued that point, and I just don’t know enough about it.)
As pointed out by many other observers, part of the blame lies with our political system, where MIC corporations buy politicians and then receive favors in the form of contracts, whether or not the contracts make any sense. However, I think this is not the only problem, nor even necessarily the biggest.
Fundamentally what I think we have is systemic over-complexity resulting in nothing getting done, or done well anyway.
US intelligence agencies have the same problem
This is akin to the deep systemic crisis in Uncle Sam’s intelligence agencies, where from 9/11 to the Arab Spring to Crimea to the ISIS conquest of Mosul to Russia in Syria, the word is always “we didn’t expect…” In this case, we have numerous agencies—some of them with overlapping functions—that are drowning in paperwork and garbage data (or too much data) and are almost totally useless.
As some readers will remember, it got so bad that in April 2014 the State Department released a photo collage aiming to prove that (among other things) a bearded Chechen battalion commander going by the name Hamza, who appeared in Russian TV footage of the 2008 Olympic War, was none other than the bearded, overweight Slaviansk militiaman going by the call-sign “Babai”—in other words, Russian special forces have invaded the Donbass. (The New York Times ran with this and was then oh-so-vaguely and gently reproached by its own ombudsman.)
Shouldn’t this awful joke have been prevented by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is supposed to promote info-sharing among agencies and centrally vet all claims and conclusions—especially those being trumpeted on the State Department’s website or at its briefings? Apparently not!
Bureaucratic bloat
On the other hand, what the U.S. lack-of-intelligence complex is very good at—besides hiring way too many buxom, flirty young things straight out of college and with no language skills or any experience at all (DIA and NGA, you know your ex-military managers like to beautify their offices)—is providing employment for tens of thousands of its own staff as well as tens of thousands of grotesquely-overpaid contractors, including those who build and run billion-dollar eavesdropping centers that have proven incapable of picking up anything useful, perhaps because when you try to listen to everything, you end up hearing nothing.
The lesson here is that the more offices and agencies, the more managers and political appointees who will seek to justify and expand their turf and budgets by shoveling out as much money on as many contracts as possible, as quickly as possible, in many cases even paying contractors to do little more than just sit around (sometimes at home) waiting for the next contract. (I have seen this many times in Washington.)
Then you get so big that people simply trip over each other and the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.
The US MIC worked great 50 years ago because less money and people were involved
So I think this is what’s going on not only in the intelligence apparatus, but in the MIC as a whole. We have hundreds of thousands of staff and contractors as well as military officers assigned to liaise with them, all kinds of project managers and “six-sigma black belts” and other buzzwords, juggling millions of PowerPoints across the river from Washington and throughout the country, and they can’t field a helicopter after spending $10 billion on it.
Really? How did this great country ever defeat the Japanese Empire?
Go to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington; you will see the most amazing things—e.g. generators designed to operate on the surface of the Moon, drawing electricity from the heat of plutonium decay—that were developed when there was no Crystal Drive, no Tysons Corner, etc.
Then go to the museum’s extension near Dulles airport and check out the SR-71 “Blackbird”, the fastest and highest-flying airplane ever built (this was about 50 years ago.)
How did they do it?
Although there were more men in uniform back then, the MIC itself (or should I say the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Homeland-Insecurity-Complex (MIIHIC)) - had but a fraction of today’s civilian workforce. Luckily, most of those paper-pushing “systems integrators” and PowerPoint rangers did not exist. Blueprints were drafted with pencil and paper.
Today, Uncle Sam can’t even build a heavy rocket engine, not to mention a good helmet or ejection seat for his F-35.
No hope for change going forward
So it seems that as a technical civilization we are degenerating.
Sure, there are constant advancements in microelectronics (a.k.a. integrated circuits) and the programs they allow, but in terms of heavy engineering—of which the MIIHIC and other government initiatives like the space program were at the forefront since WWII—it seems that the U.S. is tapped out.
And you know what? Throwing more money at it is just going to make it worse.
The organizations with their budgets and their perfectly reasonable-sounding arguments for ever-greater budgets will grow, their workforces will grow, the contracting sector will grow, more shiny office buildings will go up, but the result will be an ever-increasingly-negative marginal return.
John McCain and all the other broken records in and out of the Pentagon will say we still don't have enough funds to counter a pointless Russian invasion of parasitic, inconsequential Lithuania (currently headed by a longtime communist) or any other 1990s-era speculative wargame training scenario that somehow carried over into the public consciousness and morphed into the Greatest Threat to World Peace.
Of course, as long as the U.S. has the money to send gazillion-dollar armies and armadas against illiterate natives armed with sharp sticks and coconuts, this may not visibly threaten its hegemony. Almost any problem or mistake can be papered over with money, for a long time anyway.
But eventually, even if the money spigot does not constrict, we will get to the point where the military really can’t be used as anything more than a façade or a gunboat road-show, hoping no one calls the bluff, because the stuff just doesn’t work like it’s supposed to, or else is too vulnerable (witness the evacuation of the U.S. aircraft carrier from the Persian Gulf after Uncle Sam found out that Russia has cruise missiles with a range of at least 1500km, or the ridiculous sail-around of China's little islands which had the sense to infringe only very slightly and briefly on that country's imaginary territorial waters), or the natives can devise their own countermeasures.
In fact, I would say we are at that point already. Not to mention, the U.S. Army and the Department of Veterans Affairs are still so tapped-out after Iraq and Afghanistan that another major ground operation is unthinkable. (At this point, Washington is more likely to launch nukes at somebody than risk another ground war.)
So you can anticipate a lot of hand-wringing and a lot more money being thrown into the breach. That’s simply what the machine does; there is no chance to reform it, nor will the Hegemony dissipate willingly (although lately it’s done a good job of dissipating unwillingly.)
But all that money may as well be flushed down the can.
The threshold has been reached and it's all downhill from here.
This is all pretty much standard knowledge within the defense industry. The MIL-STD-810 (whatever revision it is now) is all about this particular issue. But the things is that the money is NOT in making better weapons systems for use, but rather as a system to make a lot of money to the owners of the military-industrial industry.
And that is already very well known.
Many people who live outside the United States think that the USA is a corrupt nation that is bound to collapse any day now.
Russia’s Airborne Forces Differ Greatly from NATO’s (Cool Video)
Many analysts consider them the best in the world and totally unique. Why?
They are much bigger (50,000 troops fully combat ready)
They are mechanized (they parachute heavy equipment in with troops)
They are constantly innovating and have legendary esprit de corps
Interesting: They include a saint among their veterans
-This article from our archives was first published on RI in August 2015
Russia's Airborne Forces Differ Greatly from NATO's (Cool Video)
What I want to share with you today is a promo movie by Zvezda TV, the semi-official TV channel of the Russian Ministry of Defense, at the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Russian Airborne Forces. So don’t expect a hard-hitting documentary asking the tough questions and making critical comments.
However, this is nonetheless a very interesting video and when I saw it, I begged Alena Scarecrow and Tatzhit to translate and subtitle it, which they very kindly did. Before letting you watch the video, I would like to share with you a few thoughts about the Russian Airborne Forces (called ‘VDV’ in Russian) and about their military, social, political and even spiritual role in modern Russia.
The Russian Airborne Forces
The Russian VDV are truly an absolutely unique phenomenon and they should not be confused with any other airborne force.
For one thing, the VDV are fully mechanized.
Firstly. So while they are ‘paratroopers’, these paratroopers are not just light infantry (like, say, the US 82nd AB), but a very mobile force, fully mechanized and with a *lot* of firepower. In the movie you are about to watch, you will see some of their armored vehicles and artillery pieces which, uniquely, can also be delivered by parachute. What the movie does not show is the artillery of the VDV which includes such systems as the 2S9 Nona, the D-30 howitzer or the 2S25 self-propelled tank destroyer.
Second, the VDV are a numerically huge force which currently totals 50’000 men and includes 5 Airborne Divisions and 6 Airborne Brigades (including the 45th Special Forces of the VDV Brigade). All of them air-deployable and on a top-level or readiness.
Thirdly, the VDV truly are the embodiment of military valor and tactical skills and they have played an absolutely crucial role in many Soviet and Russian battles, but probably never more so than during the worst tragedy in their long history: the battle for Ulus-Kert in which the entire 6th Airborne company perished.
I don’t have the space and time to recount in detail what happened on that day of early 2000 but to those interested by this amazing event I would recommend the article “ULUS-KERT: An Airborne Company’s Last Stand” by Sergeant Michael D. Wilmoth, US Army Reserve, and Lieutenant Colonel Peter G. Tsouras, US Army Reserve, Retired, in the Military Review of July-August 1991, pp 91-96 (click here for this article reposted on this blog). Keep in mind that this article was not written by the promotions department of Zvezda TV, but by two US military experts who are very critical of many aspects of what took place that day (and rightly so).
What is absolutely crucial for the understanding of the importance of this battle for Hill 776 in Ulus-Kert is that the year 2000 marked the absolute rock-bottom of the “democratic experiment” (aka the American colonization) of Russia.
Yes, Putin has just come to power, but the country was absolutely devastated by a decade of Soviet stagnation followed by another decade of “democratic reforms” and Putin was just making his very first steps as a new head of state.
What the 6th company achieved on Hill 776 was an immense wake-up call to the entire Russian nation saying “enough is enough” and “not one single step back”.
The article by Wilmoth and Tsouras accurately describes all the failures in command and execution which resulted in the tragedy of the 6th company, but it is precisely these failures which made the sacrifice of these men so amazing: the country had essentially abandoned its own military, but the young men of the VDV did not hesitate to die, all of them, to resist the face of evil (and, in those days, nothing embodied absolute evil as much as the Chechen Wahabis and their reign of terror and medieval atrocities).
It is hard to over-estimate the contribution which the Russian Airborne Forces have made to the rebirth of Russia. But this goes even further.
I strongly believe that it is not a coincidence that the Russian Airborne Forces have even produced an Orthodox martyr and saint: Evgenii Aleksandrovich Rodionov. You can read a short summary of the life and death of Rodionov in the Wikipedia article under his name.
Evgenii Rodionov, photo and icon
Evgenii Rodionov, photo and icon
What is so important about the case of Rodionov is that died as a martyr because he refused to abandon his Orthodox faith and that his podvig (spiritual feat) happened away from everybody at a time when, as the sad expression went, “every boy wanted to become a criminal thug and every girl a prostitute” as people used to say in 1996, in the midst of the “democratic hell” Russia had become.
Though I cannot prove it, I am personally deeply convinced that the fact that Rodionov was a solider of the Airborne Forces is not a coincidence. I have met enough Airborne officers and soldiers myself and I know that their level of patriotism and spiritual awareness is exceptionally high because they live by an honor code, an ideal, which has it roots in the most ancient Russian military traditions which have always been immersed in spiritual and moral values far beyond just winning a battle.
Now, please don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying that all the soldiers of the VDV are some kind of invincible saints or anything like that. Far from it. It is enough to see the footage of the kind of silly drunken nonsense these guys display each August 2nd (the day of the Holy Prophet Elijah, Patron of the Russian Airborne Forces) to lose any such illusions:
And one reality should not overshadow the other one: they are both equally Russian and equally typical of the VDV.
What I am trying to illustrate by all of the above is that the Russian Airborne Forces are an absolutely unique, and uniquely Russian, phenomenon and that they are a truly formidable force by any measure. Now for a more US-style promo movie, with lot’s of high-tech hardware and “cool” shots, please see the following video.
It will show you that the Russian VDV are also very modern and forward looking military forces with over 85 years of development behind their back. And, having watched that video, ask yourself this simple question: how impressed to you think these guys are with the new multi-national NATO “spearhead” and “rapid reaction” forces?
The day of the Holy Prophet Elijah, Patron of the Russian Airborne Forces.
You know…
Yeah, you know, that it’s a really cold day in Hell when the American news would say anything good about any other military force, whether it is Russian on Chinese. But here, on MM we try to provide insight.
As I have tried to state elsewhere, if you want to hear about what other narrative is being promoted in the American echo chambers (election fraud, political bribes, mind control, etc) you need not come to MM. This is a completely different type of site. We are not a “me too” of the preferred NSA narrative venue cabal.
Here’s a taste of what the echo chambers in the USA report on Chinese and Russian military forces… America is the best! America is the largest, strongest and best trained. China and Russia military are “push overs”. We are undefeated, and the most powerful military in the history of the world!
American military in the eyes of American media.
The experts have spoken and Americans are ready to die for “their” country…
NotSoScary: ThisIsWhy Russia's Military IsaPaperTiger.CertainlyMoscow’s military forceswillcontinuetomodernize, but Russian military might—otherthanitsnuclearforces—isan ...
-National Interest
Russia banned from using its name, flag at next two Olympics
Russia will not be able to use its name, flag and anthem at the next two Olympics or at any world championships for the next two years after a ruling Thursday by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
In other words: this doping scandal never existed; but it was never about sports: it is all - and always was - about propaganda. Russian athletes will continue to compete normally - only without the Russian symbols.
This is a clear attack against Russia.
Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said Wednesday that while China has more ships, it'll be a while before it can match the power of the US Navy.
"I want to make clear that China cannot match the United States when it comes to naval power," Esper explained at a RAND Corporation event.
"Even if we stopped building new ships, it would take the [People's Republic of China] years to close the gap when it comes to our capability on the high seas," he said. "Ship numbers are important, but they don't tell the whole story."
And of course, there is the obligatory bullshit reporting on how strange China is. Uh. Sure….
Is this a thing? Only inside American newspapers.
What does all this mean?
Well, I have been promoting the idea that America as it stands today is not sustainable. But I am NOT a “lone voice in the wilderness”. Many others have also made these observations. For instance…
Other opinions.
But you all don’t need to be a reader to follow this. All you need to do is take a casual look around you. Just look.
Fight Club.
The stench of decay permeates America at all levels…
Women offer sex for McDonald’s food.
Not yet convinced?
I guess that sex comes cheaply in the United States.
I guess that if the American leadership are all psychopaths, and that they rigged the elections in their favor so that the serf-slaves serve them, then everything is pretty much following the natural progression of order. It ‘s a stratification of society into a ruler class and a servant class, and that’s just the way it is. If this keeps up, castes will form, and America will resemble the caste system within India.
Any your boys and girls who read this will be in the lower, servant, classes.
If not, then the United States will collapse upon itself. Which is why everyone is writing about this issue, no one wants to face the idea that the USA can continue and be permitted to set up a stratified society. One of the Haves, and the other a “disposable class”.
So, as uncomfortable as it is, let’s all hope for the collapse of the USA.
It’s very difficult to argue otherwise.
Let’s trust that the global oligarchy have successfully managed to isolate the USA on the global stage to the extent that any damage during the American meltdown will be limited to the North American region. I sincerely hope that this remains the case.
That is my “gut” feeling. And that is what I am betting on.
But others seem to think that if America collapses, then the entire world will collapse as well. In their minds the USA …IS THE WORLD. And thus it’s collapse will destroy the world (more or less). Nope.
Not true.
But you can read for yourself and come to your own conclusions…
That Collapse You Ordered…?
I had a fellow on my latest podcast, released Sunday, who insists that the world population will crash 90-plus percent from the current 7.6 billion to 600 million by the end of this century. Jack Alpert heads an outfit called the Stanford Knowledge Integration Lab (SKIL) which he started at Stanford University in 1978 and now runs as a private research foundation. Alpert is primarily an engineer.
At 600 million, the living standard in the USA would be on a level with the post-Roman peasantry of Fifth century Europe, but without the charm, since many of the planet’s linked systems — soils, oceans, climate, mineral resources — will be in much greater disarray than was the case 1,500 years ago. Anyway, that state-of-life may be a way-station to something more dire. Alpert’s optimal case would be a world human population of 50 million, deployed in three “city-states,” in the Pacific Northwest, the Uruguay / Paraguay border region, and China, that could support something close to today’s living standards for a tiny population, along with science and advanced technology, run on hydropower. The rest of world, he says, would just go back to nature, or what’s left of it. Alpert’s project aims to engineer a path to that optimal outcome.
I hadn’t encountered quite such an extreme view of the future before, except for some fictional exercises like Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. (Alpert, too, sees cannibalism as one likely byproduct of the journey ahead.) Obviously, my own venture into the fictionalized future of the World Made by Hand books depicted a much kinder and gentler re-set to life at the circa-1800 level of living, at least in the USA. Apparently, I’m a sentimental softie.
Both of us are at odds with the more generic techno-optimists who are waiting patiently for miracle rescue remedies like cold fusion while enjoying re-runs of The Big Bang Theory. (Alpert doesn’t completely rule out as-yet-undeveloped energy sources, though he acknowledges that they’re a low-percentage prospect.) We do agree with basic premise that the energy supply is mainly what supports the way we live now, and that it shows every evidence of entering a deep and destabilizing decline that will halt the activities necessary to keep our networks of dynamic systems running.
A question of interest to many readers is how soon or how rapid the unraveling of these systems might be. When civilizations crumble, it tends to fast-track. The Roman empire seems to be an exception, but in many ways it was far more resilient than ours, being a sort of advanced Flintstones economy, with even its giant-scale activities (e.g. building the Coliseum) being accomplished by human-powered work. In any case, the outfit really fell apart steadily after the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius (180 AD).
The Romans had their own version of a financialized economy: they simply devalued their coins by mixing in less and less silver at the mint, so they could pretend to pay for the same luxuries they had grown accustomed to as resources stretched thin. Our financialized economy — like everything else we do — operates at levels of complexity so baffling that even its supposed managers at the central banks are flying blind through fogs of debt, deception, and moral hazard. When that vessel of pretense slams into a mountain top, the effects are likely to be quick and lethal to the economies on the ground below.
In our time, the most recent crash of a major socioeconomic system was the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990-91. Of course, it happened against the backdrop of a global system that was still revving pretty well outside the USSR, and that softened the blow. Ultimately, the Russians still had plenty of oil to sell, which allowed them to re-set well above the Fifth Century peasant level of existence. At least for now. The Soviet Union collapsed because it was a thoroughly dishonest system that ran on pretense and coercion. Apparently, the US Intel Community completely missed the signs that political collapse was underway.
They seem to be pretty clueless about the fate of the USA these days, too. If you consider the preoccupations of two very recent Intel chiefs — John Brennan of CIA and James Clapper, DNI — who now inveigh full-time on CNN as avatars of the Deep State against the wicked Golden Golem of Greatness. Personally, I expect our collapse to be as sudden and unexpected as the USSR’s, but probably bloodier because there’s simply more stuff just lying around to fight over. Of course, I expect the collapse to express itself first in banking, finance, and markets — being so deeply faith-based and so subject to simple failures of faith. But it will become political and social soon enough, maybe all-at once. And when it happens in the USA, it will spread through the financial systems the whole world round.
I need a beer.
[Result 1] So all evidence points to a massive collapse with the inclusion of civil strife, civil war, and global war set up as distractions that quickly get out of hand.
If this does not happen…
[Restult 2] Then evidence points to a fully enslaved nation of dumbed-down slaves that service the wealthy in a forced stratification system that would resemble the caste system in India.
You will not hear any of this in the American “news” because you are not to know of it. Your rulers are all psychopaths that indeed want either of the two outcomes to manifest. They want either result one or two. Nothing else is acceptable to them.
Some John Titor Stuff…
John Titor visits to our primary world line template, showing the deviation values.
A final Thought
And my thoughts…
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What is the world coming to? Is everyone crazy? Are all the governments corrupt? Is all that we have to look forward to is yet another war?
Well, there are answers to these questions.
Here we postulate that the “generational turnings” that are described in the “Fourth Turning” are similar to other methods of societal evolution.
We observe that numerous people and organizations have noticed that history tends to repeat. Thus, as such, tried to map out these events to identify future events. In particular, we will take a look at the KaLa Rhythms as being similar to that of the generational turnings as described in the Strauss-Howe generational theory.
The Strauss–Howe generational theory, also known as the Fourth Turning theory or simply the Fourth Turning, which was created by authors William Strauss and Neil Howe, describes a theorized recurring generation cycle in American history. According to the theory, historical events are associated with recurring generational personas (archetypes).
- Strauss–Howe generational theory - Wikipedia
The KaLa theory differs from the Strauss-Howe theory, but both come to the same conclusions. We will treat each theory with respect, but acknowledge that no one can accurately predict the future, just observe the trends within society.
Other systems
There are other systems that chart people, society, and behaviors over time. The ones that I find interesting are…
Strauss-Howe Generational theory.
KaLa Rhythm Cycles.
Chinese horoscope BaZi.
Chinese Bazi Calculator(八字) According to Chinese astrology, the year, month, day and hour of birth of an individual has great significance when it comes to analysing his/her destiny or fate. These four components ie, the year, month, day and hour is known as 'The Four Pillers of Destiny' or Bazi (Bā Zì) and is a key factor determining a person's future.
- Chinese Bazi Calculator | Four Pillers of Destiny
Calculating BaZi for a person and monitoring their auspicious and inauspicious days to determine things to avoid and things to embrace.
Welcome to 2020
The current decade is predestined to be the most exciting time America has ever known.
It will start in 2020 and end in 2030, and during those ten years will be a period of advanced change that will be very disturbing for anyone not prepared for it.
Antifa protestors arrested in Berkley California. Antifa supporters have complained about the Berkeley Police Department posting mugshots on Twitter of the 20 people who were arrested on Sunday when protesters attacked police and city vehicles during a march by conservative groups. Berkeley PD has refused to remove their tweets that included booking photos, names, ages, hometowns, and crimes alleged to have been committed by the arrestees, Newsweek reported. In a press release posted on Sunday evening, the police department said the list of people arrested at the protest was only “partial” and said police were still working to confirm the identities of some of those who had been arrested. However, the Fact-Check website “Snopes.com” was very quick to denounce the photos posted by the police. They reported that the mug-shots were NOT of Antifa terrorists. (WTF? All you need to do is go to the police website to see for yourself.)
Numerous changes have positioned themselves for action and collapse during this period, and human nature will decide the outcome as to how the events will unfold.
Cycles of life and behavior
In America, upon the founding of the United States, the “clock was set”. It’s an alarm clock, don’t you know. It ticks and tocks for 82 years (plus or minus 2 years). And, you know what? The alarm is going to go off soon.
Alarm clock. Generational turnings, whether KaLa or some other methodology defines a cycle of change with a period of 80 years. Soon this tick-tock of the clock will stop and the alarm will go off.
How do we know? Well, it’s been repeatable. Roughly every eighty years or so, the alarm goes off, and all Hell breaks loose.
KaLa Rhythms
According to the KaLa theory, this natural cycle began with the birth of our nation in the American Revolution.
The KaLa cycle started upon the birth of the United States during the American Revolution.
Consistent Highs and Lows have come ever since as the Cycles of change pulsed through our nation. When the nation was founded, we found that we had all of our Cycles at a peak High at the same time.
The KaLa cycles at the start of the American experience.
The cycles moved up and down. Three cycles representing different aspects of human mob psychology.
The cycles moved up and down. Three cycles representing different aspects of human mob psychology.
They rose and fell.
They would always collapse when the three cycles would simultaneously fall to the bottom. This happened during the American Civil War and then again during the 1920’s stock market crash / great depression and World War II. But the very first time this happened was around 1800.
February 17, 1801 – Thomas Jefferson is elected as the 3rd president of the United States in a vote of the House of Representatives after tying Aaron Burr, his Vice President, in the electoral college with 73 electors. This situation would be later prevented by the 12th Amendment to the Constitution. (Bye bye representative Republic. Hello Democracy.)
Now it is getting close to the next collapse of the triad of cycles.
In the decade of the 1990s, each Cycle crossed out of its Low half, into the High, to reach peaks in all three Cycles this decade.
Our future now is like never before.
Charting the cycles
The World moves in cycles. Whether it is the movement of planets, the changes or the seasons, or the rise and fall of the ocean tides. Everything in this universe moves in cycles.
And cycles can all be charted.
National and generational cycles can be charted. This is from Business Insider.
You can find a chart that gives the times of coming ocean tides, because they move in Rhythm. Calendars can list the next phases of the moon, because it moves in Rhythm. Now you know the times of change, because our times move with Rhythms that are as regular as ocean tides and phases of the moon.
The Seasons of time are changing dramatically now and everything around us is changing with them.
Periods of crisis and chaos also come as regular parts of the Cycles.
Space / Time patterns
Ka is an ancient Egyptian name for energy. Kala is Sanskrit for time.
Thus, Kala Rhythms are changes of energy through time.
The Egyptians believed that Ka is the Physical, Spiritual and Intellectual parts of a person, or god, that constitute an individuality. It transcends death of the body as living energy.
Ancient Egyptian KA.
Ancient Indian scriptures described Kala as transcendent time and as relative time which is Cyclical in nature.
We live in relative time and all the Cycles within it.
Kala Rhythms are therefore changes in Physical, Spiritual and Intellectual energies through Cyclical time.
This triad of energies that constitute an individuality is part of any person or living system. In our case, they are basic elements of the United States. Change is part of any time.
To see where we are in time is to know where we are in the Cycles of change. Cycles tell us from where we come, where we are, and where we are going.
To see where we are in time is to know where we are in the Cycles of change. Cycles tell us from where we come, where we are, and where we are going.
That is the Tao of Now.
Fractals are replete through nature as transcendent repeating patterns on different scales of size and time.
Fractals are replete through nature as transcendent repeating patterns on different scales of size and time.
These patterns give us clues to what is all around.
Spirals in pine cones, sunflowers and snail shells encode the same mathematical pattern by which plants replicate their leaf growth (Fibonacci sequence).
The ratio found in this sequence is the rate by which our bones increase in length when progressing from smaller to larger joints in our hands, feet and legs (phi ratio).
Our average number of respirations per day, and our number of heartbeats every six hours, each equal the number of years in the precession of the equinoxes, (a 25,920-year Cycle of where the earth is in its orbit on the first day of Spring).
We find ourselves as part of it all.
Our Cycles
The rise and fall of our industrial production is a multiple of the 7-year septennial Rhythm of cell growth in our bodies.
Cells within the body follow a rhythm and pattern.
This is a Physical Cycle.
A woman’s menstrual Cycle has an average length that coincides with phases of the moon every twenty-eight days.
This is the human female Menstrual Cycle.
Rises and falls in social tides of enthusiasm coincide with the moon again, and a multiple of the 9-year Cycle, as the tilt of the moon’s orbital plane around the earth moves in “Saros Cycles” that relate to mood swings in the nation.
This is an Emotional Cycle.
Academic achievements and peak times of invention for our nation resemble a multiple of the 11-year sunspot Cycle and electromagnetic radiation in solar wind.
This is an Intellectual Cycle.
We are not observers of nature, we are part of it. We are within the Rhythms and the Rhythms are within us. More discovery of self repeating patterns through the microcosm and the macrocosm has led to a new word in the English language, “Fractals.”
The discovery of self repeating patterns through the microcosm and the macrocosm has led to a new word in the English language, “Fractals.”
These are reappearing and transcending patterns of nature.
Now Fractal-Rhythms show us transcending patterns with the added dimension of time. As we navigate the currents of time, we are transcending a scale of our own. It is self realization. In the process, the wonders of the universe reappear in ever more splendid and fascinating ways, and they come, in Rhythmic Cycles.
Rhythmic Cycles
Our Triad of Energies holds the Physical Cycle, the Emotional Cycle, and the Intellectual Cycle.
They come from the body, the heart, and the mind of the nation. We undulate between strengths and weakness, hopes and fears, and ideas and apathy.
In this post we will identify different colors for the different cycles. In my convention, I use blue for the Physical cycle, green for the Emotional cycle, and red for the Intellectual cycle.
The Physical Cycle changes our production, territoriality, and strength. It affects what we build, our sense of materialism, the military, how we play sports, and our health and fitness. These rise and fall together.
The Emotional Cycle changes our sense of idealism, inspiration, and faith. A national mood is reflected in our styles, practice of religion, market speculation, entertainment and general outlook. They move in waves.
The Intellectual Cycle affects invention, learning and interests. Shifts come in government policies, court decisions, commerce, academic performance of students, and technologies. They are Cyclical. Together, these changing energies bring change to our times
Stages of a Cycle
The stages of a cycle.
A Cycle goes through four stages that are the Seasons of a Cycle, as it progresses between Highs and Lows.
It begins with a First Quarter, or “Spring,” where we lay Foundations for things to come. This is when we begin anew.
The Second Quarter, or “Summer,” comes with Improvements as we branch out in variations. This is when we expand.
A Third Quarter, or “Autumn,” brings Review and reform to what we have done. This is when we retreat.
Then, the Fourth Quarter, or “Winter,” comes with Alternatives as we abandon the past to simplify. It is when we search. This consistent pattern repeats as each Cycle revolves.
Points of Chaos
A Cycle goes through chaos when it crosses the midpoint. Whenever a Cycle switches from Low to High, or from High to Low, it passes through the point of transition (red dotted line) where it meets with turbulence.
A Cycle goes through chaos when it crosses the midpoint. Whenever a Cycle switches from Low to High, or from High to Low, it passes through the point of transition (red dotted line) where it meets with turbulence.
A Crossover in the Physical Cycle might cause an industrial recession.
Crossovers in the Emotional Cycle might come with rioting in the streets.
A Crossover in the Intellectual Cycle might bring falling stock prices.
Every time a Cycle goes through a Crossover, we have chaos in the nation.
Make no mistake the Second American Civil war is intended to be a complete genocide against White People.
Our Three Cycles
Cycles work together as our Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual energies progress through their four stages of development, and points of chaos, to bring change to the nation.
This universal pattern of development that is common to all three Cycles holds true even though the three Cycles are of different lengths.
The Physical Cycle repeats every 28 years.
The Emotional Cycle recurs every 36 years.
The Intellectual Cycle revolves every 44 years.
They still follow the same pattern while influencing different parts of the nation.
The combined effect of the Cycles is that they may all be in different stages of development at any given time. A myriad of combinations is possible. This brings variety to our times.
Once this simple pattern is understood, however, we can see where we are in each Cycle, and how each Cycle affects us.
The combined state of the nation is then deciphered. Beneath the complexity of our times, lie simple and basic elements. It becomes clear, once you have the math.
Birth of a Nation
The start of the United States cycle.
1770s: The Beginning: This all goes back to the beginning, our point of origin. We were born in the American Revolution. America was birthed from whatever it was before into a unified nation. As such it took on the characteristics of the KaLa.
Thus, the body, heart and mind of a new nation have gone forth with Cyclical progression.
Of course, there were preceding Rhythms from native American tribes, and trends set in motion establishing the colonies were embraced by English loyalists, but the new order of Rhythms would collect all cultures or becomes mutually exclusive to them through war.
New vibrations do not just come into being, they come with birth pains which, in our case, was the American Revolution. With every rebirth comes forth a new set of KaLa Rhythms.
This formed a new nation with a life of its own, and with it, the Rhythms of Life.
Construction of the White House. This image depicts a series of reconstruction efforts back in the middle 1800’s.
The triumvirate braid of Rhythms in the body, heart and mind of a nation brings us up to today. Now the combination of Cyclical energies is shaping our times as much as ever.
They will continue to do so as the inveterate procession of Rhythms carries us into the future.
Cycles Now
Here we can see the last thirty years laid out in a nice handy chart…
Cycles 1990 to 2020.
2000s: The New Reality This Trirhymic High in the Cycles came into being after an Upward Physical Crossover in 1999-2000 that put us in a vulnerable period of crisis as we reached an Emotional Peak in 2000.
Consequently, we were in a point of overs peculation in an over-bought market when we hit an abrupt Physical crisis and “the bubble burst” in the market.
Meanwhile a rising Intellectual Cycle brought us further into space and scientific achievements.
The unexpected attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 came from external sources beyond the internal rhythms of the nation producing largest External Aberration in our history.
We recovered, due in part to the strong position of our Cycles.
We moved on to a hyso–IntellectualPeak in 2006 that gave a pause as real estate sales slowed down. Now we are gaining momentum in a Trirhythmic 2nd Expansion which produces even more energy a Peak and our greatest expressions unfolding in an historic High.
We face a moral and emotional crisis in 2009-2010 when we have an Emotional Downward Crossover.
Below is a chart showing the three Cycles from the birth of our nation in 1775 until 2100. Look at where the different Cycles are in different times and for an overview of America. Different energies manifest in different time as we surf through the tides of history.
U.S. KalaRhythms Chart
We start by looking at the 19th century…
Then, the 20th century…
And now today, and our future…
Cycle Highlights
Below is an overview of some key points in American history with a look at where Cycles where at the time. Note how Cycles working together can have a dynamic effect on events from beyond the plane of physical causality.
When the KaLa cycles started.
After the birth pangs of the Revolutionary War, we separated from our mother country, England. A new nation began a life of its own, and with it, a new set of Cycles came into the world.
Our Physical, Emotional and Intellectual energies gave us an individuality.
These Cycles soon peaked to boost us forward. A myriad of combinations came in the Cycles and our times changed.
The Roaring Twenties
The “Roaring twenties”.
The first time we had a sustained High in all three Cycles at once was from 1919 to 1929. Every Cycle Peaked to bring us the “Roaring Twenties.”
The Roaring Twenties refers to the decade of the 1920s in Western society and Western culture. It was a period of economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in the United States and Western Europe, particularly in major cities such as Berlin, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York City, Paris, and Sydney. In France, the decade was known as the “années folles”, emphasizing the era’s social, artistic and cultural dynamism. Jazz blossomed, the flapper redefined the modern look for British and American women, and Art Deco peaked. Not everything roared: in the wake of the hyper-emotional patriotism of World War I, President Warren G. Harding “brought back normalcy” to the politics of the United States. This period saw the large-scale development and use of automobiles, telephones, movies, radio, and electrical appliances being installed in the lives of thousands of Westerners. Aviation soon became a business. Nations saw rapid industrial and economic growth, accelerated consumer demand, and introduced significantly new changes in lifestyle and culture. The media focused on celebrities, especially sports heroes and movie stars, as cities rooted for their home teams and filled the new palatial cinemas and gigantic sports stadiums. In most major democratic states, women won the right to vote. The right to vote made a huge impact on society.
Unprecedented Highs came to the market, optimism soared, and achievements flourished.
This ended suddenly when two Cycles crossed down through the point of chaos (red line meridian) and we had the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
And if you follow the cycles, it actually was predictable.
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations; in most countries, it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s. It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century. In the 21st century, the Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how intensely the world’s economy can decline.
The longest period for all Three Cycles to be Low at once came during the Great Depression.
We were still reeling from the Crash of 1929 which made it even worse.
The Great DepressionbeganintheUnitedStatesasanordinaryrecessioninthesummerof 1929. The downturnbecamemarkedlyworse, however, inlate 1929 andcontinueduntilearly 1933. Realoutputandpricesfellprecipitously.
It took so long to recover because all Cycles were going down.
We finally began to recover when two Cycles started to rise just before WW II. A wartime economy boosted us upward and we continued with Cycles that peaked in the 1950s & 1960s.
Now, facing reality.
Facing the reality of today.
Now we are headed for our greatest Cyclic High since the American Revolution.
Tick-Tock the clock is ticking, and soon the alarm will go off again.
All three Cycles have been High since the an Upward Crossover of the Physical Cycle in 1999, and all three Cycles Peaked in just a six-year period (2000 – 2006).
Now we have a Triple 2nd Quarter of Variation and Expansion.
It is the 2nd Quarter that is the most productive as it is a time of fruition. This promises that the time we are in now will make this our most energetic decade ever!
It is toward these times that generations to come will reflect and admire, hold in awe, and even admonish. Fasten your seatbelt, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
The Significance of a Double Crossover
Double Crossovers in America are rare, but consequential.
If a Crossover can bring brief crisis to the nation, then what happens when two Cycles Cross Over in the same year?
Well we actually do know. As they have happened before. Three times to be exact. Yup. Three times in our history, we found out.
Double Downward Crossover.
A Physo–Emotional Double Downward Crossover of 1901/02 came as both the Physical Cycle and Emotional Cycle shifted from 2nd Qtr. Expansion into 3rd Qtr. Reform by crossing the transitional midpoint of crisis.
In the crisis, President McKinley Was Shot by an Anarchist and Teddy Roosevelt succeeded to the presidency.
An era of big business ended as Huge Trusts and Monopolies Lost Control of industries like copper, sugar, meat, tobacco and oil when stock prices fell in the Panic of 1901 that threatened the entire banking structure.
Roosevelt Activated the Sherman Anti-Trust Act against: big railroad, oil & tobacco monopolies, the Northern Securities Company, timber companies and more.
This was the period of “Muckrakers” and “Trust Busters” that ushered in 3rd Qtr. Reform.
A Physo–Intellectual Double Downward Crossover of 1929/30 ended the “Roaring Twenties” with great crisis.
A Physo–Intellectual Double Downward Crossover of 1929/30 ended the “Roaring Twenties” with great crisis.
A Three-Way High ended with both the Physical Cycle & the Intellectual Cycle crossed down through the transitional midpoint of crisis with disastrous results.
Yet, America was near an Emotional Peak at the time and over-speculation turned to over-panic when the unforeseen Double Crossover wreaked havoc on stock values.
The market crashed, we panicked, and Downward Cycles pulled the market down.
An Emo–Intellectual Double Downward Crossover of 1973/74 gave us this year of double trouble.
An Emo–Intellectual Double Downward Crossover of 1973/74 gave us this year of double trouble. The Watergate Affair began that led to resignations from the President, Vice-President and most of the Cabinet. Our Recession of 1973-74 brought the worst stock market drop since 1929. The Oil Crisis severely impacted business with emergency provisions for energy consumption.
Now for the future…
A Physo–Emotional Double Upward Crossover in 2027/28 will make the next cyclical crisis in the United States due to occur within March 21, 2027 to March 21, 2028 as both the 28-year Physical Cycle and the 36-year Emotional Cycle cross up through the midpoint of crisis at the same time!
A Physo–Emotional Double Upward Crossover in 2027/28 will make the next cyclical crisis in the United States due to occur within March 21, 2027 to March 21, 2028 as both the 28-year Physical Cycle and the 36-year Emotional Cycle cross up through the midpoint of crisis at the same time!
Looking Ahead we can see how make a forecast toward our tendencies based on our consistent history Cyclical influence.
The 21st Century
The American cycles for the 21st century.
2010s: Our positional High that is now in place will have a gradual decline with stages.
In 2009-2010 as the Emotional Cycle has a Downward Crossover we are bound to see a moral and ethical crisis in a major event in the nation.
In 2009-2010 as the Emotional Cycle has a Downward Crossover we are bound to see a moral and ethical crisis in a major event in the nation.
In 2013-2014 when the Physical Cycle has a Downward Crossover will are likely to experience a brief industrial recession.
In 2017-2018 with the Intellectual Cycle has a Downward Crossover we will likely see a dip in stock prices and commodities. This will all lead to gradual decline and a recession in 2020.
The 2020’s.
An American genocide as part of an American Civil War would be absoltuely devistating to the nation, the people, the infrastructure and the future. America might not be able to recover. It might not be able to recover for multiple decades. Take heed.
2020s: We will rise toward new High from a likely recession in 2020, but we will encounter a major national crisis in 2027-2028 as we have a Physo–Emotional Double Upward Crossover, the fourth only Double Crossover in our nation’s history.
Russia and China can come in when America is weak. Any kind of internal American Civil War will ignite this event sequence.
This will likely result in over-reaction put into action with possible acts of violence and public outcry.
The industrial sector of the economy could suffer and we should be cautious with are responses in foreign relations as we will have a tendency to use force…
… and picking a fight with the wrong nation would be ill advised.
We should be cautious with are responses in foreign relations as we Americans have a tendency to use force. Not every nation is incapable of fighting back, and there could be serious negative repercussions if we pick a fight with the wrong people.
An Intellectual Low will decline through a period of reform to reach a bottom in 2028.
The 2030’s
However America deals with the events of the 2020’s, it will survive. Though it might not be all that recognizable.
It will be quite a different nation.
Rising Cycles will reach Physical and Emotional Peaks in a High that will be somewhat reminiscent of the “gay ’90s” of the 19th century, but in a new time. The Intellectual Cycle will be Low and rising through 4th Qtr. Alternatives and we make a progressive shift in our methods of learning and scientific pursuits.
The 2040’s.
This should be a new era of intellectualism as the Intellectual Cycle reaches a Peak in 2050, but both the Physical Cycle and the Emotional Cycle will end their Highs to usher in a new period of reforms in the Physo–Emotional Double 3rd Qtr. Reform.
In this decade we are likely to find new ways to revise old practices as we shift from survival of the fittest to survival of the wisest.
End Conclusions
The decade of the 2020’s will be difficult and dangerous. It will be a time of great changes, and sudden events.
Eventually, new realities will take place, and the 2030’s will be a time of reconstruction and rebuilding. There will be renewed optimism and hope in the general population.
In the 2040’s there will likely be complete overhauls of entire systems, organizations and operations. With different or revised systems put solidly in place.
Humans are not more enlightened. Our natures have NOT changed. Soon, we will relive the past, and people(!) is is not friendly or simple. It’s ugly and dangerous.
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