Kaleidoscope (Full Text) A Story by Ray Bradbury

This story was written right after World War II by Ray Bradbury, and presented here under Article 22 of China’s Copyright Law.

“Kaleidoscope” is a science fiction short story by Ray Bradbury. It describes the last few moments of a space ship crew that survives a terrible explosion in space.

Ray Bradbury is one of my personal heroes and his writings greatly influenced me in ways that I am only just now beginning to understand.


For years I had amassed a well worn, and dusty collection of Ray Bradbury paperbacks that I would pick up and read for pleasure and inspiration.  Later, when I left the United States, and moved to China, I had to leave my treasured books behind. Sigh.

It is very difficult to come across Ray Bradbury books in China. When ever I find one, I certainly snatch it up. Cost is no object when it comes to these masterpieces. At one time, I must have had five books containing this story.

I have found this version of the story “Kaleidoscope” on the “Scary for Kids” website, and I have copied it here exactly as found. Credit to the wonderful people at the “Scary for Kids” website for posting it where a smuck like myself can read it within China. And, of course, credit to the great master; Ray Bradbury for providing this work of art for our inspiration and pleasure.

Full Text

Here is the full text of the masterpiece. I will let the reader read it and enjoy it themselves.

Kaleidoscope by Ray Bradbury

The first concussion cut the rocket up the side with a giant can opener. The men were thrown into space like a dozen wriggling silverfish. They were scattered into a dark sea; and the ship, in a million pieces, went on, a meteor swarm seeking a lost sun.

“Barkley, Barkley, where are you?”

The sound of voices calling like lost children on a cold night

“Woode, Woode!”


“Hollis, Hollis, this is Stone.”

“Stone, this is Hollis. Where are you?”

“I don’t know. How can I? Which way is up? I’m falling. Good God, I’m falling.”

They fell. They fell as pebbles fall down wells. They were scattered as jackstones are scattered from a gigantic throw. And now instead of men there were only voices-all kinds of voices, disembodied and impassioned, in varying degrees of terror and resignation.

“We’re going away from each other.”

This was true. Hollis, swinging head over heels, knew this was true. He knew it with a vague acceptance. They were parting to go their separate ways, and nothing could bring them back. They were wearing their sealed-tight space suits with the glass tubes over their pale faces, but they hadn’t had time to lock on their force units. With them they could be small lifeboats in space, saving themselves, saving others, collecting together, finding each other until they were an island of men with some plan. But without the force units snapped to their shoulders they were meteors, senseless, each going to a separate and irrevocable fate.

A period of perhaps ten minutes elapsed while the first terror died and a metallic calm took its place. Space began to weave its strange voices in and out, on a great dark loom, crossing, recrossing, making a final pattern.

“Stone to Hollis. How long can we talk by phone?”

“It depends on how fast you’re going your way and I’m going mine.”

“An hour, I make it.”

“That should do it,” said Hollis, abstracted and quiet.

“What happened?” said Hollis a minute later.

“The rocket blew up, that’s all. Rockets do blow up.”

“Which way are you going?”

“It looks like I’ll hit the moon.”

“It’s Earth for me. Back to old Mother Earth at ten thousand miles per hour. I’ll burn like a match.” Hollis thought of it with a queer abstraction of mind. He seemed to be removed from his body, watching it fall down and down through space, as objective as he had been in regard to the first falling snowflakes of a winter season long gone.

The others were silent, thinking of the destiny that had brought them to this, falling, falling, and nothing they could do to change it. Even the captain was quiet, for there was no command or plan he knew that could put things back together again.

“Oh, it’s a long way down. Oh, if s a long way down, a long, long, long way down,” said a voice. “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, if s a long way down.”

“Who’s that?”

“I don’t know.”

“Stimson, I think. Stimson, is that you?”

“It’s a long, long way and I don’t like it. Oh, God, I don’t like it.”

“Stimson, this is Hollis. Stimson, you hear me?”

A pause while they fell separate from one another.


“Yes.” He replied at last.

“Stimson, take it easy; we’re all in the same fix.”

“I don’t want to be here. I want to be somewhere else.”

“There’s a chance we’ll be found.”

“I must be, I must be,” said Stimson. “I don’t believe this; I don’t believe any of this is happening.”

“It’ s a bad dream,” said someone.

“Shut up!” said Hollis.

“Come and make me,” said the voice. It was Applegate. He laughed easily, with a similar objectivity. “Come and shut me up.”

Hollis for the first time felt the impossibility of his position. A great anger filled him, for he wanted more than anything at this moment to be able to do something to Applegate. He had wanted for many years to do something and now it was too late. Applegate was only a telephonic voice.

Falling, falling, falling…

Now, as if they had discovered the horror, two of the men began to scream. In a nightmare Hollis saw one of them float by, very near, screaming and screaming.

“Stop it!” The man was almost at his fingertips, screaming insanely. He would never stop. He would go on screaming for a million miles, as long as he was in radio range, disturbing all of them, making it impossible for them to talk to one another.

Hollis reached out. It was best this way. He made the extra effort and touched the man. He grasped the man’s ankle and pulled himself up along the body until he reached the head. The man screamed and clawed frantically, like a drowning swimmer. The screaming filled the universe.

One way or the other, thought Hollis. The moon or Earth or meteors will kill him, so why not now?

He smashed the man’s glass mask with his iron fist. The screaming stopped. He pushed off from the body and let it spin away on its own course, falling.

Falling, falling down space Hollis and the rest of them went in the long, endless dropping and whirling of silence.

“Hollis, you still there?”

Hollis did not speak, but felt the rush of heat in his face.

“This is Applegate again.”

“All right, Applegate.”

“Let’s talk. We haven’t anything else to do.”

The captain cut in. “That’s enough of that. We’ve got to figure a way out of this.”

“Captain, why don’t you shut up?” said Applegate.


“You heard me, Captain. Don’t pull your rank on me, you’re ten thousand miles away by now, and let’s s not kid ourselves. As Stimson puts it, it’s a long way down.”

“See here, Applegate!”

“Can it. This is a mutiny of one. I haven’t a damn thing to lose. Your ship was a bad ship and you were a bad captain and I hope you break when you hit the Moon.”

“I’m ordering you to stop!”

“Go on, order me again.” Applegate smiled across ten thousand miles. The captain was silent. Applegate continued, “Where were we, Hollis? Oh yes, I remember. I hate you too. But you know that. You’ve known it for a long time.”

Hollis clenched his fists, helplessly.

“I want to tell you something,” said Applegate. “Make you happy. I was the one who blackballed you with the Rocket Company five years ago.”

A meteor flashed by. Hollis looked down and his left hand was gone. Blood spurted. Suddenly there was no air in his suit He had enough air in his lungs to move his right hand over and twist a knob at his left elbow, tightening the joint and sealing the leak. It had happened so quickly that he was not surprised. Nothing surprised him any more. The air in the suit came back to normal in an instant now that the leak was sealed. And the blood that had flowed so swiftly was pressured as he fastened the knob yet tighter, until it made a tourniquet.

All of this took place in a terrible silence on his part. And the other men chatted. That one man, Lespere, went on and on with his talk about his wife on Mars, his wife on Venus, his wife on Jupiter, his money, his wondrous times, his drunkenness, his gambling, his happiness. On and on, while they all fell. Lespere reminisced on the past, happy, while he fell to his death.

It was so very odd. Space, thousands of miles of space, and these voices vibrating in the center of it. No one visible at all, and only the radio waves quivering and trying to quicken other men into emotion.

“Are you angry, Hollis?”

“No.” And he was not. The abstraction has returned and he was a thing of dull concrete, forever falling nowhere.

“You wanted to get to the top all your life, Hollis. You always wondered what happened. I put the black mark on you just before I was tossed out myself.”

“That isn’t important,” said Hollis. And it was not. It was gone. When life is over it is like a flicker of bright film, an instant on the screen, all of its prejudices and passions condensed and illumined for an instant on space, and before you could cry out, “There was a happy day, there a bad one, there an evil face, there a good one,” the film burned to a cinder, the screen went dark.

From this outer edge of his life, looking back, there was only one remorse, and that was only that he wished to go on living. Did all dying people feel this way, as if they had never lived? Did life seem that short, indeed, over and done before you took a breath? Did it seem this abrupt and impossible to everyone, or only to himself, here, now, with a few hours left to him for thought and deliberation?

One of the other men, Lespere, was talking. “Well, I had me a good time: I had a wife on Mars, Venus, and Jupiter. Each of them had money and treated me swell. I got drunk and once I gambled away twenty thousand dollars.”

But you’re here now, thought Hollis. I didn’t have any of those things. When I was living I was jealous of you, Lespere; when I had another day ahead of me I envied you your women and your good times. Women frightened me and I went into space, always wanting them and jealous of you for having them, and money, and as much happiness as you could have in your own wild way. But now, falling here, with everything over, I’m not jealous of you any more, because if s over for you as it is for me, and right now if s like it never was. Hollis craned his face forward and shouted into the telephone. “If s all over, Lespere!”


“If s just as if it never was, Lespere!”

“Who’s that?” Lespere’s faltering voice.

“This is Hollis.”

He was being mean. He felt the meanness, the senseless meanness of dying. Applegate had hurt him; now he wanted to hurt another. Applegate and space had both wounded him.

“You’re out here, Lespere. If s all over. It’s just as if it had never happened, isn’t it?”


“When anything’s over, it’s just like it never happened. Where’s your life any better than mine, now? Now is what counts. Is it any better? Is it?”

“Yes, it’s better!”


“Because I got my thoughts, I remember!” cried Lespere, far away, indignant, holding his memories to his chest with both hands.

And he was right. With a feeling of cold water rushing through his head and body, Hollis knew he was right. There were differences between memories and dreams. He had only dreams of things he had wanted to do, while Lespere had memories of things done and accomplished. And this knowledge began to pull Hollis apart, with a slow, quivering precision.

“What good does it do you?” he cried to Lespere. “Now? When a thing’s over it’s not good any more. You’re no better off than I.”

“I’m resting easy,” said Lespere. “I’ve had my turn. I’m not getting mean at the end, like you.”

“Mean?” Hollis turned the word on his tongue. He had never been mean, as long as he could remember, in his life. He had never dared to be mean. He must have saved it all of these years for such a time as this. “Mean.” He rolled the word into the back of his mind. He felt tears start into his eyes and roll down his face. Someone must have heard his gasping voice.

‘Take it easy, Hollis.”

It was, of course, ridiculous. Only a minute before he had been giving advice to others, to Stimson; he had felt a braveness which he had thought to be the genuine thing, and now he knew that it had been nothing but shock and the objectivity possible in shock. Now he was trying to pack a lifetime of suppressed emotion into an interval of minutes.

“I know how you feel, Hollis,” said Lespere, now twenty thousand miles away, his voice fading. “I don’t take it personally.”

But aren’t we equal? he wondered. Lespere and I? Here, now? If a thing’s over, if s done, and what good is it? You die anyway. But he knew he was rationalizing, for it was like trying to tell the difference between a live man and a corpse. There was a spark in one, and not in the other – an aura, a mysterious element.

So it was with Lespere and himself; Lespere had lived a good full life, and it made him a different man now, and he, Hollis, had been as good as dead for many years. They came to death by separate paths and, in all likelihood, if there were lands of death, their kinds would be as different as night from day. The quality of death, like that of life, must be of an infinite variety, and if one has already died once, then what was there to look for in dying for good and all, as he was now?

It was a second later that he discovered his right foot was cut sheer away. It almost made him laugh. The air was gone from his suit again. He bent quickly, and there was blood, and the meteor had taken flesh and suit away to the ankle. Oh, death in space was most humorous. It cut you away, piece by piece, like a black and invisible butcher. He tightened the valve at the knee, his head whirling into pain, fighting to remain aware, and with the valve tightened, the blood retained, the air kept, he straightened op and went on falling, falling, for that was all there was left to do.


Hollis nodded sleepily, tired of waiting for death.

“This is Applegate again,” said the voice.


‘I’ve had time to think. I listened to you. This isn’t good. It makes us bad. This is a bad way to die. It brings all the bile out. You listening, Hollis?”


“I lied. A minute ago. I lied. I didn’t blackball you. I don’t know why I said that. Guess I wanted to hurt you. You seemed the one to hurt. We’ve always fought Guess I’m getting old fast and repenting fast I guess listening to you be mean made me ashamed. Whatever the reason, I want you to know I was an idiot too. There’s not an ounce of truth in what I said. To hell with you.”

Hollis felt his heart begin to work again. It seemed as if it hadn’t worked for five minutes, but now all of his limbs began to take color and warmth. The shock was over, and the successive shocks of anger and terror and loneliness were passing. He felt like a man emerging from a cold shower in the morning, ready for breakfast and a new day.

“Thanks, Applegate.”

“Don’t mention it. Up your nose, you bastard.”

“Hey,” said Stone.

“What?” Hollis called across space; for Stone, of all of them, was a good friend.

“I’ve got myself into a meteor swarm, some little asteroids.”


“I think it’s the Myrmidone cluster that goes out past Mars and in toward Earth once every five years. I’m right in the middle. If s like a big kaleidoscope. You get all kinds of colors and shapes and sizes. God, if s beautiful, all that metal.”


“I’m going with them,” said Stone. “They’re taking me off with them. I’ll be damned.” He laughed.

Hollis looked to see, but saw nothing. There were only the great diamonds and sapphires and emerald mists and velvet inks of space, with God’s voice mingling among the crystal fires. There was a kind of wonder and imagination in the thought of Stone going off in the meteor swarm, out past Mars for years and coming in toward Earth every five years, passing in and out of the planet’s ken for the next million centuries. Stone and the Myrmidone cluster eternal and unending, shifting and shaping like the kaleidoscope colors when you were a child and held the long tube to the sun and gave it a twirl.

“So long, Hollis.” Stone’s voice, very faint now. “So long.”

“Good luck,” shouted Hollis across thirty thousand miles.

“Don’t be funny,” said Stone, and was gone.

The stars closed in.

Now all the voices were fading, each on his own trajectory, some to Mars, others into farthest space. And Hollis himself… He looked down. He, of all the others, was going back to Earth alone.

“So long.”

“Take it easy.”

“So long, Hollis.” That was Applegate.

The many good-bys. The short farewells. And now the great loose brain was disintegrating. The components of the brain which had worked so beautifully and efficiently in the skull case of the rocket ship firing through space were dying one by one; the meaning of their life together was falling apart. And as a body dies when the brain ceases functioning, so the spirit of the ship and their long time together and what they meant to one another was dying. Applegate was now no more than a finger blown from the parent body, no longer to be despised and worked against. The brain was exploded, and the senseless, useless fragments of it were far scattered. The voices faded and now all of space was silent. Hollis was alone, falling.

They were all alone. Their voices had died like echoes of the words of God spoken and vibrating in the starred deep. There went the captain to the Moon; there Stone with the meteor swarm; there Stimson; there Applegate toward Pluto; there Smith and Turner and Underwood and all the rest, the shards of the kaleidoscope that had formed a thinking pattern for so long, hurled apart.

And I? thought Hollis. What can I do? Is there anything I can do now to make up for a terrible and empty life? If only I could do one good thing to make up for the meanness I collected all these years and didn’t even know was in me! But there’s no one here but myself, and how can you do good all alone? You can’t. Tomorrow night I’ll hit Earth s atmosphere.

I’ll burn, he thought, and be scattered in ashes all over the continental lands. I’ll be put to use. Just a little bit, but ashes are ashes and they’ll add to the land.

He fell swiftly, like a bullet, like a pebble, like an iron weight, objective, objective all of the time now, not sad or happy or anything, but only wishing he could do a good thing now that everything was gone, a good thing for just himself to know about.

When I hit the atmosphere, I’ll burn like a meteor.

“I wonder,” he said, “if anyone’ll see me?”

The small boy on the country road looked up and screamed. “Look, Mom, look! A falling star!”

The blazing white star fell down the sky of dusk in Illinois. “Make a wish,” said his mother. “Make a wish.”


I really enjoyed this story. It’s a little sad when we know that people have died in space and that space is really very unforgiving. If the reader enjoyed this story, then I would suggest reading “The cold equations”.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


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Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

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  1. Released 28SEP18.

Dark They Were and Golden Eyed (Full Text) by Ray Bradbury

This story was written right after World War II by Ray Bradbury, and presented here under Article 22 of China’s Copyright Law.

“Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed” is a science fiction short story by Ray Bradbury. It was originally published in the magazine Thrilling Wonder Stories in August 1949, under the title “The Naming of Names”. It was subsequently included in the short-story collections A Medicine for Melancholy and S is for Space. The story takes place in the near future on Mars, as is the case with many of Bradbury’s stories.

Ray Bradbury is one of my personal heroes and his writings greatly influenced me in ways that I am only just now beginning to understand.


“There was this fence where we pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we might be and where we might go…”

R is for Rocket

Ray Bradbury

For years I had amassed a well worn, and dusty collection of Ray Bradbury paperbacks that I would pick up and read for pleasure and inspiration.  Later, when I left the United States, and moved to China, I had to leave my treasured books behind. Sigh.

Ray Bradberry book colleciton
A small collection of well worn, well read and well appreciated Ray Bradbury books. My collection looked a little something like this, only I think the books were a little more worn, and a little yellower.

It is very difficult to come across Ray Bradbury books in China. When ever I find one, I certainly snatch it up. Cost is no object when it comes to these masterpieces. At one time, I must have had five books containing this story.

I have found this version of the story “Dark they were and Golden Eyed” on the Ray Bradbury library portal in Russia, and I have copied it here exactly as found. Credit to the wonderful people at the Ray Bradbury Library for posting it where a smuck like myself can read it within China. And, of course, credit to the great master; Ray Bradbury for providing this work of art for our inspiration and pleasure.

Full Text

Here is the full text of the masterpiece. I will let the reader read it and enjoy it themselves.

Dark They were, And Golden Eyed (The Naming of Names).

By Ray Bradbury

The rocket's metal cooled in the meadow winds. Its lid gave a bulging pop. From its clock interior stepped a man, a woman, and three children. The other passengers whispered away across the Martian meadow, leaving the man alone among his family.

The man felt his hair flutter and the tissues of his body draw tight as if he were standing at the centre of a vacuum. His wife, before him, trembled. The children, small seeds, might at any instant be sown to all the Martian climes. The children looked up at him. His face was cold. "What's wrong?" asked his wife. "Let's get back on the rocket." "Go back to Earth?" "Yes! Listen!"

The wind blew, whining. At any moment the Martian air might draw his soul from him, as marrow comes from a white bone.

He looked at Martian hills that time had worn with a crushing pressure of years. He saw the old cities, lost and lying like children's delicate bones among the blowing lakes of grass.

"Chin up, Harry," said his wife. "It's too late. We've come at least sixty-five million miles or more."

The children with their yellow hair hollered at the deep dome of Martian sky. There was no answer but the racing hiss of wind through the stiff grass.

He picked up the luggage in his cold hands. "Here we go," he said - a man standing on the edge of a sea, ready to wade in and be drowned.

They walked into town.

Their name was Bittering. Harry and his wife Cora; Tim, Laura, and David. They built a small white cottage and ate good breakfasts there, but the fear was never gone. It lay with Mr.Bittering and Mrs.Bittering, a third unbidden partner at every midnight talk, at every dawn awakening.

"I feel like a salt crystal," he often said, "in a mountain stream, being washed away. We don't belong here. We're Earth people. This is Mars. It was meant for Martians. For heaven's sake, Cora, let's buy tickets for home!"

But she only shook her head. "One day the atom bomb will fix Earth. Then we'll be safe here." "Safe and insane!"

Tick-took, seven o'clock sang the voice clock; time to get up. And they did.

Something made him check everything each morning - warm hearth, potted blood-geraniums - precisely as if he expected something to be amiss. The morning paper was toast-warm from the six a.m. Earth rocket. He broke its seal and tilted it at his breakfast plate. He forced himself to be convivial.

"Colonial days all over again," he declared. "Why, in another year there'll be a million Earthmen on Mars. Big cities, everything! They said we'd fail. Said the Martians would resent our invasion. But did we find any Martians? Not a living soul! Oh, we found their empty cities, but no one in them. Right?"

A river of wind submerged the house. When the windows ceased rattling, Mr.Bittering swallowed and looked at the children.

"I don't know," said David. "Maybe there're Martians around we don't see. Sometimes nights I think I hear 'em. I hear the wind. The sand hits my window. I get scared. And I see those towns way up in the mountains where the Martians lived a long ago. And I think I see things moving around those towns, Papa. And I wonder if those Martians mind us living here. I wonder if they won't do something to us for coming here."

"Nonsense!" Mr.Bittering looked out of the windows. "We're clean, decent people." He looked at his children. "All dead cities have some kind of ghosts in them. Memories, I mean." He stared at the hills. "You see a staircase and you wonder what Martians looked like climbing it. You see Martian paintings and you wonder what the painter was like. You make a little ghost in your mind, a memory. It's quite natural. Imagination." He stopped. "You haven't been prowling up in those ruins, have you?"

"No, Papa." David looked at his shoes.

"See that you stay away from them. Pass the jam."

"Just the same," said little David, "I bet something happens."

Something happened that afternoon.

Laura stumbled through the settlement, crying. She dashed blindly on to the porch.

"Mother, Father - the war, Earth!" she sobbed. "A radio flash just came. Atom bombs hit New York! All the space rockets blown up. No more rockets to Mars, ever!"

"Oh, Harry!" The mother held on to her husband and daughter.

"Are you sure, Laura?" asked the father quietly.

Laura wept. "We're stranded on Mars, for ever and ever!"

For a long time there was only the sound of the wind in the late afternoon.

Alone, thought Bittering. Only a thousand of us here. No way back. No way. No way. Sweat poured from his face and his hands and his body; he was drenched in the hot-ness of his fear. He wanted to strike Laura, cry, "No, you're lying! The rockets will come back!" Instead, he stroked Laura's head against him and said, "The rockets will get through, some day."

"In five years maybe. It takes that long to build one. Father, Father, what will we do?"

"Go about our business, of course. Raise crops and children. Wait. Keep things going until the war ends and the rockets come again."

The two boys stepped out on to the porch. "Children," he said, sitting there, looking beyond them, "I've something to tell you." "We know," they said.

Bittering wandered into the garden to stand alone in his fear. As long as the rockets had spun a silver web across space, he had been able to accept Mars. For he had always told himself: 'Tomorrow, if I want, I can buy a ticket and go back to Earth.'

But now: the web gone, the rockets lying in jigsaw heaps of molten girder and unsnaked wire. Earth people left to the strangeness of Mars, the cinnamon dusts and wine airs, to be baked like gingerbread shapes in Martian summers, put into harvested storage by Martian winters. What would happen to him, the others? This was the moment Mars had waited for. Now it would eat them.

He got down on his knees in the flower bed, a spade in his nervous hands. Work, he thought, work and forget.

He glanced up from the garden to the Martian mountains. He thought of the proud old Martian names that had once been on those peaks. Earthmen, dropping from the sky, had gazed upon hills, rivers, Martian seas left nameless in spite of names. Once Martians had built cities, named cities; climbed mountains, named mountains; sailed seas, named seas. Mountains melted, seas drained, cities tumbled. In spite of this, the Earthmen had felt a silent guilt at putting new names to these ancient hills and valleys.

Nevertheless, man lives by symbol and label. The names were given.

Mr.Bittering felt very alone in his garden under the Martian sun, bent here, planting Earth flowers in a wild soil.

Think. Keep thinking. Different things. Keep your mind free of Earth, the atom war, the lost rockets.

He perspired. He glanced about. No one watching. He removed his tie. Pretty bold, he thought. First your coat off, now your tie. He hung it neatly on a peach tree he had imported as a sapling from Massachusetts.

He returned to his philosophy of names and mountains. The Earthmen had changed names. Now there were Hormel Valleys, Roosevelt Seas, Ford Hills, Vanderbilt Plateaus, Rockefeller Rivers, on Mars. It wasn't right. The American settlers had shown wisdom, using old Indian prairie names: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Idaho, Ohio, Utah, Milwaukee, Waukegan, Osseo. The old names, the old meanings.

Staring at the mountains wildly he thought: 'Are you up there? All the dead ones, you Martians? Well, here we are, alone, cut off! Come down, move us out! We're helpless!'

The wind blew a shower of peach blossoms.

He put out his sun-browned hand, gave a small cry. He touched the blossoms, picked them up. He turned them, be touched them again and again. Then he shouted for his wife.


She appeared at a window. He ran to her.

"Cora, these blossoms!"

She handled them.

"Do you see? They're different. They've changed! They're not peach blossoms any more!"

"Look all right to me," she said.

"They're not. They're wrong! I can't tell how. An extra petal, a leaf, something, the colour, the smell!"

The children ran out in time to see their father hurrying about the garden, pulling up radishes, onions, and carrots from their beds.

"Cora, come look!

They handled the onions, the radishes, the carrots among them.

"Do they look like carrots?"

"Yes... No." She hesitated. "I don't know."

"They're changed."


"You know they have! Onions but not onions, carrots but not carrots. Taste: the same but different. Smell: not like it used to be." He felt his heart pounding, and he was afraid. He dug his fingers into the earth. "Cora, what's happening? What is it? We've got to get away from this." He ran across the garden. Each tree felt his touch. "The roses. The roses. They're turning green!"

And they stood looking at the green roses.

And two days later, Tim came running. "Come see the cow. I was milking her and I saw it. Come on!"

They stood in the shed and looked at their one cow.

It was growing a third horn.

And the lawn in front of their house very quietly and slowly was colouring itself, like spring violets. Seed from Earth but growing up a soft purple.

"We must get away," said Bittering. "We'll eat this stuff and then we'll change - who knows to what. I can't let it happen. There's only one thing to do. Burn this food!"

"It's not poisoned."

"But it is. Subtly, very subtly. A little bit. A very little bit. We mustn't touch it."

He looked with dismay at their house. "Even the house. The wind's done something to it. The air's burned it. The fog at night. The boards, all warped out of shape. It's not an Earthman's house any more."

"Oh, your imagination!"

He put on his coat and tie. "I'm going into town. We've got to do something now. I'll be back."

"Wait, Harry!" his wife cried.

But he was gone.

In town, on the shadowy step of the grocery store, the men sat with their hands on their knees, conversing with great leisure and ease.

Mr.Bittering wanted to fire a pistol in the air.

What are you doing, you fools! he thought. Sitting here! You've heard the news - we're stranded on this planet. Well, move! Aren't you frightened? Aren't you afraid? What are you going to do?

"Hello, Harry," said everyone.

"Look," he said to them. "You did hear the news, the other day, didn't you?"

They nodded and laughed. "Sure. Sure, Harry."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Do, Harry, do? What can we do?"

"Build a rocket, that's what!"

"A rocket, Harry? To go back to all that trouble? Oh, Harry!"

"But you must want to go back. Have you noticed the peach blossoms, the onions, the grass?"

"Why, yes, Harry, seems we did," said one of the men.

"Doesn't it scare you?"

"Can't recall that it did much, Harry."


"Now, Harry."

Bittering wanted to cry. "You've got to work with me. If we stay here, we'll all change. The air. Don't you smell it? Something in the air. A Martian virus, maybe; some seed, or a pollen. Listen to me!"

They stared at him.

"Sam," he said to one of them.

"Yes, Harry?"

"Will you help me build a rocket?"

"Harry, I got a whole load of metal and some blueprints. You want to work in my metal shop, on a rocket, you're welcome. I'll sell you that metal for five hundred dollars. You should be able to construct a right pretty rocket if you work alone, in about thirty years."

Everyone laughed.

"Don't laugh."

Sam looked at him with quiet good humour.

"Sam," Bittering said. "Your eyes -"

"What about them, Harry?"

"Didn't they used to be grey?"

"Well, now, I don't remember."

"They were, weren't they?"

"Why do you ask, Harry?"

"Because now they're kind of yellow-coloured."

"Is that so, Harry?" Sam said, casually.

"And you're taller and thinner -"

"You might be right, Harry."

"Sam, you shouldn't have yellow eyes."

"Harry, what colour eyes have you got?" Sam said.

"My eyes? They're blue, of course."

"Here you are, Harry." Sam handed him a pocket mirror. "Take a look at yourself."

Mr.Bittering hesitated, and then raised the mirror to his face.

There were little, very dim flecks of new gold captured in the blue of his eyes.

"Now look what you've done," said Sam, a moment later. "You've broken my mirror."

Harry Bittering moved into the metal shop and began to build the rocket. Men stood in the open door and talked and joked without raising their voices. Once in a while they gave him a hand on lifting something. But mostly they just idled and watched him with their yellowing eyes.

"It's supper-time, Harry," they said.

His wife appeared with his supper in a wicker basket.

"I won't touch it," he said. "I'll eat only food from our deepfreeze. Food that came from Earth. Nothing from our garden."

His wife stood watching him. "You can't build a rocket."

"I worked in a shop once, when I was twenty. I know metal. Once I get it started, the others will help," he said, not looking at her, laying out the blueprints.

"Harry, Harry," she said, helplessly.

"We've got to get away, Cora. We've got to!"

The nights were full of wind that blew down the empty moonlit sea-meadows past the little white chess cities lying for their twelve-thousandth year in the shallows. In the Earthmen's settlement, the Bittering house shook with a feeling of change.

Lying abed, Mr.Bittering felt his bones shifted, shaped, melted like gold. His wife, lying beside him, was dark from many sunny afternoons. Dark she was, and golden, burnt almost black by the sun, sleeping, and the children metallic in their beds, and the wind roaring forlorn and changing through the old peach trees, violet grass, shaking out green rose petals.

The fear would not be stopped. It had his throat and heart. It dripped in a wetness of the arm and the temple and the trembling palm.

A green star rose in the east.

A strange word emerged from Mr.Bittering's lips.

"Iorrt. Iorrt." He repeated it.

It was a Martian word. He knew no Martian.

In the middle of the night he arose and dialled a call through to Simpson, the archaeologist.

"Simpson, what does the word 'Iorrt' mean?"

"Why that's the old Martian word for our planet Earth. Why?"

"No special reason."

The telephone slipped from his hand.

"Hello, hello, hello, hello," it kept saying while he sat gazing out at the green star. "Bittering? Harry, are you there?"

The days were full of metal sound. He laid the frame of the rocket with the reluctant help of three indifferent men. He grew very tired in an hour or so and had to sit down.

"The altitude," laughed a man.

"Are you eating, Harry?" asked another.

"I'm eating," he said, angrily,

"From your deep-freeze?"


"You're getting thinner, Harry."

"I'm not!"

"And taller."


His wife took him aside a few days later. "Harry, I've used up all the food in the deep-freeze. There's nothing left. I'll have to make sandwiches using food grown on Mars."

He sat down heavily.

"You must eat," she said. "You're weak."

"Yes," he said.

He took a sandwich, opened it, looked at it, and began to nibble at it.

"And take the rest of the day off," she said. "It's hot. The children want to swim in the canals and hike. Please come along."

"I can't waste time. This is a crisis!" "Just for an hour," she urged. "A swim'll do you good." He rose, sweating. "All right, all right. Leave me alone. I'll come."

"Good for you, Harry."

The sun was hot, the day quiet. There was only an immense staring burn upon the land. They moved along the canal, the father, the mother, the racing children in their swimsuits. They stopped and ate meat sandwiches. He saw their skin baking brown. And he saw the yellow eyes of his wife and his children, their eyes that were never yellow before. A few tremblings shook him, but were carried off in waves of pleasant heat as he lay in the sun. He was too tired to be afraid.

"Cora, how long have your eyes been yellow?" She was bewildered. "Always, I guess." "They didn't change from brown in the last three months?"

She bit her lips. "No. Why do you ask?" "Nevermind." They sat there.

"The children's eyes," he said. "They're yellow, too." "Sometimes growing children's eyes change colour." "Maybe we're children, too. At least to Mars. That's a thought." He laughed. "Think I'll swim."

They leaped into the canal water, and he let himself sink down and down to the bottom like a golden statue and lie there in green silence. All was water, quiet and deep, all was peace. He felt the steady, slow current drift him easily.

If I lie here long enough, he thought, the water will work and eat away my flesh until the bones show like coral. Just my skeleton left. And then the water can build on that skeleton - green things, deep-water things, red things, yellow things. Change. Change. Slow, deep, silent change. And isn't that what it is up there!

He saw the sky submerged above him, the sun made Martian by atmosphere and time and space.

Up there, a big river, he thought, a Martian river, all of us lying deep in it, in our pebble houses, in our sunken boulder houses, like crayfish hidden, and the water washing away our old bodies and lengthening the bones and -

He let himself drift up through the soft light.

Tim sat on the edge of the canal, regarding his father seriously.

"Utha," he said.

"What?" asked his father.

The boy smiled. "You know. Utha's the Martian word for 'father'."

"Where did you learn it?"

"I don't know. Around. Utha!"

"What do you want?"

The boy hesitated. "I - I want to change my name."

"Change it?"


His mother swam over. "What's wrong with Tim for a name?"

Tim fidgeted. "The other day you called Tim, Tim, Tim. I didn't even hear. I said to myself, That's not my name. I've a new name I want to use."

Mr.Bittering held to the side of the canal, his body cold and his heart pounding slowly. "What is this new name?" "Linnl. Isn't that a good name? Can I use it? Can I, please?"

Mr.Bittering put his hand to his head. He thought of the rocket, himself working alone, himself alone even among his family, so alone.

He heard his wife say, "Why not?" He heard himself say, "Yes, you can use it." "Yaaa!" screamed the boy. "I'm Linnl, Linnl!" Racing down the meadowlands, he danced and shouted. Mr.Bittering looked at his wife. "Why did we do that?" "I don't know," she said. "It just seemed like a good idea."

They walked into the hills. They strolled on old mosaic paths, beside still-pumping fountains. The paths were covered with a thin film of cool water all summer long. You kept your bare feet cool all the day, splashing as in a creek, wading.

They came to a small deserted Martian villa with a good view of the valley. It was on top of a hill. Blue-marble halls, large murals, a swimming-pool. It was refreshing in this hot summer-time. The Martians hadn't believed in large cities.

"How nice," said Mrs.Bittering, "if you could move up here to this villa for the summer."

"Come on," he said. "We're going back to town. There's work to be done on the rocket."

But as he worked that night, the thought of the cool bluemarble villa entered his mind. As the hours passed, the rocket seemed less important.

In the flow of days and weeks, the rocket receded and dwindled. The old fever was gone. It frightened him to think he had let it slip this way. But somehow the heat, the air, the working conditions - he heard the men murmuring on the porch of his metal shop.

"Everyone's going. You heard?"

"All right. That's right."

Bittering came out. "Going where?" He saw a couple of trucks, loaded with children and furniture, drive down the dusty street.

"Up to the villa," said the man.

"Yeah, Harry. I'm going. So is Sam. Aren't you, Sam?"

"That's right, Harry. What about you?"

"I've got work to do here."

"Work! You can finish that rocket in the autumn, when it's cooler."

He took a breath. "1 got the frame all set up."

"In the autumn is better." Their voices were lazy in the heat.

"Got to work," he said.

"Autumn," they reasoned. And they sounded so sensible, so right.

"Autumn would be best," he thought. "Plenty of time, then."

No! cried part of himself, deep down, put away, locked tight, suffocating. No! No! "In the autumn," he said. "Come on, Harry," they all said.

"Yes," he said, feeling his flesh melt in the hot liquid air. "Yes, the autumn. I'll begin work again then." "I got a villa near the Tirra Canal," said someone. "You mean the Roosevelt Canal, don't you?" "Tirra. The old Martian name."

"But on the map -"

"Forget the map. It's Tirra now. Now I found a place in the Pillan mountains -"

"You mean the Rockefeller range," said Bittering.

"I mean the Pillan mountains," said Sam.

"Yes," said Bittering, buried in the hot, swarming air. "The Pillan mountains."

Everyone worked at loading the truck in the hot, still afternoon of the next day.

Laura, Tim, and David carried packages. Or, as they preferred to be known, Ttil, Linnl, and Werr carried packages.

The furniture was abandoned in the little white cottage.

"It looked just fine in Boston," said the mother. "And here in the cottage. But up at the villa? No. We'll get it when we come back in the autumn."

Bittering himself was quiet.

"I've some ideas on furniture for the villa," he said, after a time. "Big, lazy furniture."

"What about your Encyclopedia! You're taking it along, surely?"

Mr.Bittering glanced away. "I'll come and get it next week."

They turned to their daughter. "What about your New York dresses?"

The bewildered girl stared. "Why, I don't want them any more."

They shut off the gas, the water, they locked the doors and walked away. Father peered into the truck.

"Gosh, we're not taking much," he said. "Considering all we brought to Mars, this is only a handful!"

He started the truck.

Looking at the small white cottage for a long moment, he was filled with a desire to rush to it, touch it, say goodbye to it, for he felt as if he were going away on a long journey, leaving something to which he could never quite return, never understand again.

Just then Sam and his family drove by in another truck.

"Hi, Bittering! Here we go!"

The truck swung down the ancient highway out of town. There were sixty others travelling the same direction. The town filled with a silent, heavy dust from their passage. The canal waters lay blue in the sun, and a quiet wind moved in the strange trees.

"Good-bye, town!" said Mr.Bittering.

"Good-bye, good-bye," said the family, waving to it.

They did not look back again.

Summer burned the canals dry. Summer moved like flame upon the meadows. In the empty Earth settlement, the painted houses flaked and peeled. Rubber tyres upon which children had swung in back yards hung suspended like stopped clock pendulums in the blazing air.

At the metal shop, the rocket frame began to rust.

In the quiet autumn, Mr.Bittering stood, very dark now, very golden-eyed, upon the slope above his villa, looking at the valley.

"It's time to go back," said Cora.

"Yes, but we're not going," he said, quietly. "There's nothing there any more."

"Your books," she said. "Your fine clothes."

"Your Illes and your fine ior uele rre," she said.

"The town's empty. No one's going back," he said. "There's no reason to, none at all."

The daughter wove tapestries and the sons played songs on ancient flutes and pipes, their laughter echoing in the marble villa.

Mr.Bittering gazed at the Earth settlement far away in the low valley. "Such odd, such ridiculous houses the Earth people built."

"They didn't know any better," his wife mused. "Such ugly People. I'm glad they've gone."

They both looked at each other, startled by all they had just finished saying. They laughed.

"Where did they go?" he wondered. He glanced at his wife. She was golden and slender as his daughter. She looked at him, and he seemed almost as young as their eldest son.

"I don't know," she said.

"We'll go back to town maybe next year, or the year after, or the year after that," he said, calmly. "Now - I'm warm. How about taking a swim?"

They turned their backs to the valley. Arm in arm they walked silently down a path of clear running spring water.

Five years later, a rocket fell out of the sky. It lay steaming in the valley. Men leaped out of it, shouting.

"We won the war on Earth! We're here to rescue you! Hey!"

But the American-built town of cottages, peach trees, and theatres was silent. They found a half-finished rocket frame, rusting in an empty shop.

The rocket men searched the hills. The captain established headquarters in an abandoned bar. His lieutenant came back to report.

"The town's empty, but we found native life in the hills, sir. Dark people. Yellow eyes. Martians. Very friendly. We talked a bit, not much. They learn English fast. I'm sure our relations will be most friendly with them, sir."

"Dark, eh?" mused the captain. "How many?"

"Six, eight hundred, I'd say, living in those marble ruins in the hills, sir. Tall, healthy. Beautiful women."

"Did they tell you what became of the men and women who built this Earth settlement, Lieutenant?"

"They hadn't the foggiest notion of what happened to this town or its people."

"Strange. You think those Martians killed them?"

"They look surprisingly peaceful. Chances are a plague did this town in, sir."

"Perhaps. I suppose this is one of those mysteries we'll never solve. One of those mysteries you read about."

The captain looked at the room, the dusty windows, the blue mountains rising beyond, the canals moving in the light, and he heard the soft wind in the air. He shivered. Then, recovering, he tapped a large fresh map he had thumb-tacked to the top of an empty table.

"Lots to be done, Lieutenant." His voice droned on and quietly on as the sun sank behind the blue hills. "New settlements. Mining sites, minerals to be looked for. Bacteriological specimens taken. The work, all the work. And the old records were lost. We'll have a job of remapping to do, renaming the mountains and rivers and such. Calls for a little imagination."

"What do you think of naming those mountains the Lincoln Mountains, this canal the Washington Canal, those hills - we can name those hills for you, Lieutenant. Diplomacy. And you, for a favour, might name a town for me. Polishing the apple. And why not make this the Einstein Valley, and further over... are you listening, Lieutenant?"

The lieutenant snapped his gaze from the blue colour and the quiet mist of the hills far beyond the town.

"What? Oh, yes, sir!"


I do not remember when I first read this story, but I am pretty sure that I was in my early teens. Sometime around 1972 or so, I picked up a paperback without a cover and started to read it. I became enraptured with the book, and brought it home where I scarfed up every juicy morsel inside of it.

I later, cut the brown cardboard backing from a note pad and taped it to the front of the book, making an ugly, but functional cover. Carefully, I wrote the the title of the work “The Martian Chronicles” using a very yellow Bic Banana pen on the cover. Under it, I printed “By Ray Bradbury”.

Bookstores would often get credit for books that they could not sell. To do this, they would tear off the front covers and send them back to the publisher for credit. Behind the bookstores would be bins full of discarded paperback books. Though finding one that you would be interested in was remarkably difficult. You had to go through a couple of hundred books that could represent anything from romance novels, to Westerns, to books on the surviving the future snowball earth as a consequence of global freezing.

Global freezing
During the 1970’s there was a big push to fund efforts to prevent global cooling. I would attend school and we would go out and clean up the neighborhood, and go on fund raising drives to collect money for the cause. The money would be collected in huge apple baskets. There was so much money collected. Baskets and baskets of donated money to prevent global cooling. Now, I don’t know what ever happened to the money. But, I am sure that someone took it and spent it in some way. Anyways, afterwards, we would eat hotdogs at a barn-fire, and sing songs. Typical songs were “If I had a hammer”, and kumbaya.

What I would do is crawl up and into the huge metal dumpster, and dig through boxes and debris to get to the books.

You could get an inkling of what the book’s content would be by looking at the back cover, but it was typically a difficult endeavor. However, for a young boy, who liked to read, climb in and out of dumpsters and get into trouble, it was like mining a treasure trove.

I would typically find four or five books of interest and throw them into my backpack / satchel (that I got at an Army Surplus store) and ride my banana-seat bicycle home. Once at the house, I could read the books at leisure, and out of the collection, I might end up keeping two or three and tossing the rest.

I was the perpetual scavenger. From lost golf balls at the local golf club to digging through the rocks at the nearby pool to look for fossils. My bed room was a collection of all sorts of junk that I would lug home. I had everything from arrowheads to piles of “Mad Magazine”, and “Treasure Magazines” stacked up in the corner. My room had model airplanes hanging from the ceiling by string, to old maps that I liberated out of the ceiling rafters of an old car garage.

I was a typical boy, and Ray Bradberry was a major influence on my life.

Take Aways

  • Ray Bradbury wrote the short story “Dark they were and golden eyed”.
  • His works greatly influenced me was a young boy into my early teens.
  • He contributed to my desire to study aerospace engineering, become a pilot in the Navy, and join MAJestic.
  • His stories are not to be studied, they are to be enjoyed.


Q:  What would you do after you read science fiction stories?
A: Typically, I would read at the house. I was a big fan of reading while I was in the bathroom. I would read on both the toilet and while soaking in the tub. I would read in my tree house, or on my bed, or in the living room. I would read on the porch, or in the car while my father was driving us about. I read everywhere.

However, when I wasn’t reading I was typically out walking or hiking. We had various spur lines for the coal-hauling railroad all around us. They would wind in and out of the hills. I would walk those railroad tracks. Often I would walk on top like a balance beam. If a train was near, I would pull out a penny to squash on the track. I would also pick up some of the millions of little black marble-sized dirty balls that were everywhere and throw them into the bushes or into the nearby river. Sometimes I would take out my trusty (blue) cub-scout knife and cut some branches off of a beech tree and chew on the branches as I walked.

I often would walk alone and ponder my life. I might go with a friend or two, or my trusty dog Belle (she was a Siberian Husky). We would walk the spurs and climb the hills. We would talk about televisions shows, the local football game, and things that mattered to us.

Q: Should Ray Bradbury and his works be taught in school?
A: Yes and no. Stories by Bradbury are not something that can used to achieve grades. It is something that has to be absorbed. Therefore, I believe that everyone should be exposed to his work, but it should not be used as a study aid. It’s like pizza. Many people like it, but not everyone. You can study how to make a pizza, but the best thing and the best utility for pizza is to eat it.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


Mad scientist

Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Composed 26SEP18.
  2. Completed 28SEP18.
  3. SEO Review 28SEP18.
  4. Published 28SEP18.

The Rocket (Full Text) A Story by Ray Bradbury

This story was written right after World War II by Ray Bradbury, and presented here under Article 22 of China’s Copyright Law.

The Rocket” is a Science fiction short story (initially published under the name “Outcast of the Stars”) by American writer Ray Bradbury. It is also included in The Illustrated Man, a collection of short stories by Ray Bradbury.

Ray Bradbury is one of my personal heroes and his writings greatly influenced me in ways that I am only just now beginning to understand.

When Ray started out, the field of science fiction lacked respectability, to say the least. It was the province of the pulps: magazines printed on cheap paper, with lurid covers designed to catch the attention of immature boys. 

He was often dismissed, if not outright ridiculed, by mainstream writers, but quickly learned to ignore his critics. If they didn’t think rockets and dinosaurs were suitable subjects for literature, to hell with them. 

Ray loved that stuff, along with Martians and witches and things that go bump in the night, so that’s what he wrote about. His unique imagination was harnessed within vivid, lyrical prose, and after the publication of The Martian Chronicles in 1950, the literary elite were forced to acknowledge a striking new talent.

As Ray’s stories became more widely published and read, they fueled the imaginations of millions of young people over several generations, many of whom went on to cite his influence as a major reason they became scientists and engineers. 

His stories practically shouted that it wasn’t just okay to dream of rockets and space travel, it was wonderful, mythic, imperative—the highest accomplishment the human race could aspire to.

-The Space Review's tribute to Ray Bradbury
Ray Bradberry 1
I will ride up into space, into the stars…someday.


“There was this fence where we pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we might be and where we might go…”

R is for Rocket

Ray Bradbury

For years I had amassed a well worn, and dusty collection of Ray Bradbury paperbacks that I would pick up and read for pleasure and inspiration.  Later, when I left the United States, and moved to China, I had to leave my treasured books behind. Sigh.

Ray Bradberry book colleciton
A small collection of well worn, well read and well appreciated Ray Bradberry books. My collection looked a little something like this, only I think the books were a little more worn, and a little yellower.

It is very difficult to come across Ray Bradberry books in China. When ever I find one, I certainly snatch it up. Cost is no object when it comes to these masterpieces. At one time, I must have had five books containing this story.

I have found this version of the story “The Rocket” on the Ray Bradbury library portal in Russia, and I have copied it here exactly as found. Credit to the wonderful people at the Ray Bradbury Library for posting it where a smuck like myself can read it within China. And, of course, credit to the great master; Ray Bradbury for providing this work of art for our inspiration and pleasure.

Full Text

Here is the full text of the masterpiece. I will let the reader read it and enjoy it.

The Rocket by Ray Bradbury

Many nights Fiorello Bodoni would awaken to hear the rockets sighing in the dark sky. He would tiptoe from bed, certain that his kind wife was dreaming, to let himself out into the night air. For a few moments he would be free of the smells of old food in the small house by the river. For a silent moment he would let his heart soar alone into space, following the rockets.

Now, this very night, he stood half naked in the darkness, watching the fire fountains murmuring in the air. The rockets on their long wild way to Mars and Saturn and Venus!

"Well, well, Bodoni."

Bodoni started.

On a milk crate, by the silent river, sat an old man who also watched the rockets through the midnight hush.

"Oh, it's you, Bramante!"

"Do you come out every night, Bodoni?"

"Only for the air."

"So? I prefer the rockets myself," said old Bramante. "I was a boy when they started. Eighty years ago, and I've never been on one yet."

"I will ride up in one someday," said Bodoni.

"Fool!" cried Bramante. "You'll never go. This is a rich man's world." He shook his gray head, remembering. "When I was young they wrote it in fiery letters: THE WORLD OF THE FUTURE! Science, Comfort, and New Things for All! Ha! Eighty years. The Future becomes Now! Do we fly rockets'? No! We live in shacks like our ancestors before us."

"Perhaps my sons -" said Bodoni.

"No, nor their sons!" the old man shouted. "It's the rich who have dreams and rockets!"

Bodoni hesitated. "Old man, I've saved three thousand dollars. It took me six years to save it. For my business, to invest in machinery. But every night for a month now I've been awake. I hear the rockets. I think. And tonight I've made up my mind. One of us will fly to Mars!" His eyes were shining and dark.

"Idiot," snapped Bramante. "How will you choose? Who will go? If you go, your wife will hate you, for you will be just a bit nearer God, in spare. When you tell your amazing trip to her, over the years, won't bitterness gnaw at her?"

"No, no!"

"Yes! And your children? Will their lives be filled with the memory of Papa, who flew to Mars while they stayed here? What a senseless task you will set your boys. They will think of the rocket all their lives. They will lie awake. They will be sick with wanting it. Just as you are sick now. They will want to die if they cannot go. Don't set that goal, I warn you. Let them be content with being poor. Turn their eyes down to their hands and to your junk yard, not up to the stars."

"But -"

"Suppose your wife went? How would you feel, knowing she had seen and you had not? She would become holy. You would think of throwing her in the river. No, Bodoni, buy a new wrecking machine, which you need, and pull your dreams apart with it, and smash them to pieces."

The old man subsided, gazing at the river in which, drowned, images of rockets burned down the sky.

"Good night," said Bodoni.

"Sleep well," said the other.

When the toast jumped from its silver box, Bodoni almost screamed. The night had been sleepless. Among his nervous children, beside his mountainous wife, Bodoni had twisted and stared at nothing. Bramante was right. Better to invest the money. Why save it when only one of the family could ride the rocket, while the others remained to melt in frustration?

"Fiorello, eat your toast," said his wife, Maria.

"My throat is shriveled," said Bodoni.

The children rushed in, the three boys fighting over a toy rocket, the two girls carrying dolls which duplicated the inhabitants of Mars, Venus, and Neptune, green mannequins with three yellow eyes and twelve fingers.

"I saw the Venus rocket!" cried Paolo.

"It took off, whoosh!" hissed Antonello.

"Children!" shouted Bodoni, hands to his ears.

They stared at him. He seldom shouted.

Bodoni arose. "Listen, all of you," he said. "I have enough money to take one of us on the Mars rocket."

Everyone yelled.

"You understand?" he asked. "Only one of us. Who?"

"Me, me, me!" cried the children.

"You," said Maria.

"You," said Bodoni to her.

They all fell silent.

The children reconsidered. "Let Lorenzo go - he's oldest."

"Let Miriamne go - she's a girl!"

"Think what you would see," said Bodoni's wife to him. But her eyes were strange. Her voice shook. "The meteors, like fish. The universe. The Moon. Someone should go who could tell it well on returning. You have a way with words."

"Nonsense. So have you," he objected.

Everyone trembled.

"Here," said Bodoni unhappily. From a broom he broke straws of various lengths. "The short straw wins." He held out his tight fist. "Choose."

Solemnly each took his turn.

"Long straw."

"Long straw."


"Long straw."

The children finished. The room was quiet. Two straws remained. Bodoni felt his heart ache in him.

"Now," he whispered. "Maria."

She drew.

"The short straw," she said.

"Ah," sighed Lorenzo, half happy, half sad. "Mama goes to Mars."

Bodoni tried to smile. "Congratulations. I will buy your ticket today."

"Wait, Fiorello -"

"You can leave next week," he murmured.

She saw the sad eyes of her children upon her, with the smiles beneath their straight, large noses. She returned the straw slowly to her husband. "I cannot go to Mars."

"But why not?"

"I will be busy with another child."


She would not look at him. "It wouldn't do for me to travel in my condition."

He took her elbow. "Is this the truth?"

"Draw again. Start over."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" he said incredulously.

"I didn't remember."

"Maria, Maria," he whispered, patting her face. He turned to the children. "Draw again."

Paolo immediately drew the short straw.

"I go to Mars!" He danced wildly. "Thank you, Father!"

The other children edged away. "That's swell, Paolo."

Paolo stopped smiling to examine his parents and his brothers and sisters. "I can go, can't I?" he asked uncertainly.


"And you'll like me when I come back?"

"Of course."

Paolo studied the precious broomstraw on his trembling hand and shook his head. He threw it away. "I forgot. School starts. I can't go. Draw again."

But none would draw. A full sadness lay on them.

"None of us will go," said Lorenzo.

"That's best," said Maria.

"Bramante was right," said Bodoni.

With his breakfast curdled within him, Fiorello Bodoni worked in his junk yard, ripping metal, melting it, pouring out usable ingots. His equipment flaked apart; competition had kept him on the insane edge of poverty for twenty years. It was a very bad morning.

In the afternoon a man entered the junk yard and called up to Bodoni on his wrecking machine. "Hey, Bodoni, I got some metal for you!"

"What is it, Mr. Mathews?" asked Bodoni, listlessly.

"A rocket ship. What's wrong? Don't you want it?"

"Yes, yes!" He seized the man's arm, and stopped, bewildered.

"Of course," said Mathews, "it's only a mockup. You know. When they plan a rocket they build a full-scale model first, of aluminum. You might make a small profit boiling her down. Let you have her for two thousand -"

Bodoni dropped his hand. "I haven't the money."

"Sorry. Thought I'd help you. Last time we talked you said how everyone outbid you on junk. Thought I'd slip this to you on the q.t. Well -"

"I need new equipment. I saved money for that."

"I understand."

"If I bought your rocket, I wouldn't even be able to melt it down. My aluminum furnace broke down last week -"


"I couldn't possibly use the rocket if I bought it from you."

"I know."

Bodoni hunked and shut his eyes. He opened them and looked at Mr. Mathews. "But I am a great fool. I will take my money from the bank and give it to you."

"But if you can't melt the rocket down -"

"Deliver it," said Bodoni.

"All right, if you say so. Tonight?"

"Tonight," said Bodoni, "would be fine. Yes, I would like to have a rocket ship tonight."


There was a moon. The rocket was white and big in the junk yard. It held the whiteness of the moon and the blueness of the stars. Bodoni looked at it and loved all of it. He wanted to pet it and lie against it, pressing it with his cheek, telling it all the secret wants of his heart.

He stared up at it. "You are all mine," he said. "Even if you never move or spit fire, and just sit there and rust for fifty years, you are mine."

The rocket smelled of time and distance. It was like walking into a clock. It was finished with Swiss delicacy. One might wear it on one's watch fob. "I might even sleep here tonight," Bodoni whispered excitedly.

He sat in the pilot's seat.

He touched a lever.

He hummed in his shut mouth, his eyes closed.

The humming grew louder, louder, higher, higher, wilder, stranger, more exhilarating, trembling in him and leaning him forward and pulling him and the ship in a roaring silence and in a kind of metal screaming, while his fists flew over the controls, and his shut eyes quivered, and the sound grew and grew until it was a fire, a strength, a lifting and a pushing of power that threatened to tear him in half. He gasped. He hummed again and again, and did not stop, for it could not be stopped, it could only go on, his eyes tighter, his heart furious. "Taking off!" he screamed. The jolting concussion! The thunder! "The Moon!" he cried, eyes blind, tight. "The meteors!" The silent rush in volcanic light. "Mars. Oh, God, Mars! Mars!"

He fell back, exhausted and panting. His shaking hands came loose of the controls and his head tilted back wildly. He sat for a long time, breathing out and in, his heart slowing.

Slowly, slowly, he opened his eyes.

The junk yard was still there.

He sat motionless. He looked at the heaped piles of metal for a minute, his eyes never leaving them. Then, leaping up, he kicked the levers. "Take off, damn you!"

The ship was silent.

"I'll show you!" he cried.

Out in the night air, stumbling, he started the fierce motor of his terrible wrecking machine and advanced upon the rocket. He maneuvered the massive weights into the moonlit sky. He readied his trembling hands to plunge the weights, to smash, to rip apart this insolently false dream, this silly thing for which he had paid his money, which would not move, which would not do his bidding. "I'll teach you!" he shouted.

But his hand stayed.

The silver rocket lay in the light of the moon. And beyond the rocket stood the yellow lights of his home, a block away, burning warmly. He heard the family radio playing some distant music. He sat for half an hour considering the rocket and the house lights, and his eyes narrowed and grew wide. He stepped down from the wrecking machine and began to walk, and as he walked he began to laugh, and when he reached the back door of his house he took a deep breath and called, "Maria, Maria, start packing. We're going to Mars!"



"I can't believe it!"

"You will, you will."

The children balanced in the windy yard, under the glowing rocket, not touching it yet. They started to cry.

Maria looked at her husband. "What have you done?" she said. "Taken our money for this? It will never fly."

"It will fly," he said, looking at it.

"Rocket ships cost millions. Have you millions?"

"It will fly," he repeated steadily. "Now, go to the house, all of you. I have phone calls to make, work to do. Tomorrow we leave! Tell no one, understand? It is a secret."

The children edged off from the rocket, stumbling. He saw their small, feverish faces in the house windows, far away.

Maria had not moved. "You have ruined us," she said. "Our money used for this - this thing. When it should have been spent on equipment."

"You will see," he said.

Without a word she turned away.

"God help me," he whispered, and started to work.

Through the midnight hours trucks arrived, packages were delivered, and Bodoni, smiling, exhausted his bank account. With blowtorch and metal stripping he assaulted the rocket, added, took away, worked fiery magics and secret insults upon it. He bolted nine ancient automobile motors into the rocket's empty engine room. Then he welded the engine room shut, so none could see his hidden labor.

At dawn he entered the kitchen. "Maria," he said, "I'm ready for breakfast."

She would not speak to him.


At sunset he called to the children. "We're ready! Come on!" The house was silent.

"I've locked them in the closet," said Maria.

"What do you mean?" he demanded.

"You'll be killed in that rocket," she said. "What kind of rocket can you buy for two thousand dollars? A bad one!"

"Listen to me, Maria."

"It will blow up. Anyway, you are no pilot."

"Nevertheless, I can fly this ship. I have fixed it."

"You have gone mad," she said.

"Where is the key to the closet?"

"I have it here."

He put out his hand. "Give it to me."

She banded it to him. "You will kill them."

"No, no."

"Yes, you will. I feel it."

He stood before her. "You won't come along?"

"I'll stay here," she said.

"You will understand; you will see then," he said, and smiled. He unlocked the closet. "Come, children. Follow your father."

"Good-bye, good-bye, Mama!"

She stayed in the kitchen window, looking out at them, very straight and silent.

At the door of the rocket the father said, "Children, we will be gone a week. You must come back to school, and I to my business." He took each of their hands in turn. "Listen. This rocket is very old and will fly only one more journey. It will not fly again. This will be the one trip of your life. Keep your eyes wide."

"Yes, Papa."

"Listen, keep your ears clean. Smell the smells of a rocket. Feel. Remember. So when you return you will talk of it all the rest of your lives."

"Yes, Papa."

The ship was quiet as a stopped clock. The airlock hissed shut behind them. He strapped them all, like tiny mummies, into rubber hammocks. "Ready?" he called.

"Ready!" all replied.

"Take-off!" He jerked ten switches. The rocket thundered and leaped. The children danced in their hammocks, screaming.

"Here comes the Moon!"

The moon dreamed by. Meteors broke into fireworks. Time flowed away in a serpentine of gas. The children shouted. Released from their hammocks, hours later, they peered from the ports. "There's Earth!" "There's Mars!"

The rocket dropped pink petals of fire while the hour dials spun; the child eyes dropped shut. At last they hung like drunken moths in their cocoon hammocks.

"Good," whispered Bodoni, alone.

He tiptoed from the control room to stand for a long moment, fearful, at the airlock door.

He pressed a button. The airlock door swung wide. He stepped out. Into space? Into inky tides of meteor and gaseous torch? Into swift mileages and infinite dimensions?

No. Bodoni smiled.

All about the quivering rocket lay the junk yard. Rusting, unchanged, there stood the padlocked junk-yard gate, the little silent house by the river, the kitchen window lighted, and the river going down to the same sea. And in the center of the junk yard, manufacturing a magic dream, lay the quivering, purring rocket. Shaking and roaring, bouncing the netted children like flies in a web.

Maria stood in the kitchen window.

He waved to her and smiled.

He could not see if she waved or not. A small wave, perhaps. A small smile.

The sun was rising.

Bodoni withdrew hastily into the rocket. Silence. All still slept. He breathed easily. Tying himself into a hammock, he closed his eyes. To himself he prayed. Oh, let nothing happen to the illusion in the next six days. Let all of space come and go, and red Mars come up under our ship, and the moons of Mars, and let there be no flaws in the color film. Let there be three dimensions; let nothing go wrong with the hidden mirrors and screens that mold the fine illusion. Let time pass without crisis.

He awoke.

Red Mars floated near the rocket.

"Papa!" The children thrashed to be free.

Bodoni looked and saw red Mars and it was good and there was no flaw in it and he was very happy.

At sunset on the seventh day the rocket stopped shuddering.

"We are home," said Bodoni.

They walked across the junk yard from the open door of the rocket, their blood singing, their faces glowing.

"I have ham and eggs for all or you," said Maria, at the kitchen door.

"Mama, Mama, you should have come, to see it, to see Mars, Mama, and meteors, and everything!"

"Yes," she said.

At bedtime the children gathered before Bodoni. "We want to thank you, Papa."

"It was nothing."

"We will remember it for always, Papa. We will never forget."


Very late in the night Bodoni opened his eyes. He sensed that his wife was lying beside him, watching him. She did not move for a very long time, and then suddenly she kissed his cheeks and his forehead. "What's this?" he cried.

"You're the best father in the world," she whispered.


"Now I see," she said. "I understand."

She lay back and closed her eyes, holding his hand. "Is it a very lovely journey?" she asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Perhaps," she said, "perhaps, some night, you might take me on just a little trip, do you think?"

"Just a little one, perhaps," he said.

"Thank you," she said. "Good night."

"Good night," said Fiorello Bodoni.

Some Thoughts

Today, I get curious glances from the youth that often ask me “why did you want to go into space?”. To them, it is dull and uninteresting. It is the realm of satellites to measure global warming. To them, it is a racist and bigoted environment that favored “white people”. To them, is is a big void that holds nothing of interest.

But they are wrong.

The future of mankind lies in space.

This story, and others, amply the describe the strong yearning that I had for space exploration, science and solving the mysteries of the universe. I didn’t want “someday” to go into space. No. Every single fiber of my body screamed the need. I could live, sleep or do anything without thinking of space, and the huge rockets that would someday carry me there.

No. Today it is a different time with different role models. I grew up in a world where Ronald Reagan was president. Today, children grow up in a world where Barrack Obama is president.

Obama on a bike
The presidents change with the culture. While I grew up and graduated (and entered MAJestic) under President Reagan, the youth of today have different role models to follow. Instead they follow President Obama as a role model. Everyone wants to be a Social Justice Warrior and correct the illusions that seem to hurt everyone’s feelings.

So it should be no surprise that an anarchism like myself would be misunderstood.


This story fed my dreams when I was a young boy. Sometime in my early teens in the 1970’s I first read this story. I am sure that I read it in one complete sitting. Perhaps it was on my bed with my cat Sedwick, or chilling in my tree-house next to the kitchen. In any event, I completely loved the story, and every few years or so, I crack up the story and read it again.

Ray Bradberry 2
Perhaps one day, my sons will ride off into space. Perhaps. One day.

This story meant a lot to me, and still does. I sincerely, hope that you, the reader, have derived as much pleasure from it as I have.

Take Aways

  • This story is about a father providing an experience for his children so that they can realize that it is possible to obtain their dreams.
  • No one wants to hear that something is impossible or beyond their ability.
  • Subsisting is not living.
  • Humans are creatures that must grow and advance.


Q: Did you study about Ray Bradbury in school?
A: No. Instead I took hard science courses, language classes including Latin, and mathematics. My goal and dream was to become a spaceman. I wanted to be a Rocket Jockey. I had friends in university that took classes in English and Literature that studied Bradbury. I could not. I had a very heavy class load.

So, for recreation, around 12:00 midnight or later, after I would finish up my homework, I would read short stories in bed for a spell so that I could decompress and fall asleep.

Q: What significance does this story hold?
A: It depends on who reads it. People take different meanings from different experiences. For instance, my sister thought Robert Heinlein was a pompous chauvinist. However, I liked to read his stories. My mother thought that while it was good that I was reading, I should have instead read the “classics” and become a more rounded person. While I did actually read many “classics”, it was the stories of science fiction and prose that influenced me substantially.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


Mad scientist

Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
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  1. Composed 27SEP18.
  2. Completed 27SEP18.
  3. SEO review 27SEp18.
  4. Published 27SEp18.

The Fog Horn (Full Text) By Ray Bradbury

The Fog Horn” is a 1951 science fiction short story by American writer Ray Bradbury, the first in his collection The Golden Apples of the Sun. The story was the basis for the 1953 film The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms.

This story was written by Ray Bradbury, and presented here under Article 22 of China’s Copyright Law. Ray Bradbury is one of my personal heroes and his writings greatly influenced me in ways that I am only just now beginning to understand.

When Ray started out, the field of science fiction lacked respectability, to say the least. It was the province of the pulps: magazines printed on cheap paper, with lurid covers designed to catch the attention of immature boys. 

He was often dismissed, if not outright ridiculed, by mainstream writers, but quickly learned to ignore his critics. If they didn’t think rockets and dinosaurs were suitable subjects for literature, to hell with them. 

Ray loved that stuff, along with Martians and witches and things that go bump in the night, so that’s what he wrote about. His unique imagination was harnessed within vivid, lyrical prose, and after the publication of The Martian Chronicles in 1950, the literary elite were forced to acknowledge a striking new talent.

As Ray’s stories became more widely published and read, they fueled the imaginations of millions of young people over several generations, many of whom went on to cite his influence as a major reason they became scientists and engineers. 

His stories practically shouted that it wasn’t just okay to dream of rockets and space travel, it was wonderful, mythic, imperative—the highest accomplishment the human race could aspire to.

-The Space Review's tribute to Ray Bradbury


“There was this fence where we pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we might be and where we might go…”

R is for Rocket

Ray Bradbury

For years I had amassed a well worn, and dusty collection of Ray Bradbury paperbacks that I would pick up and read for pleasure and inspiration.  Later, when I left the United States, and moved to China, I had to leave my treasured books behind. Sigh.

Ray Bradberry book colleciton
A small collection of well worn, well read and well appreciated Ray Bradbury books. My collection looked a little something like this, only I think the books were a little more worn, and a little yellower.

It is very difficult to come across Ray Bradbury books in China. When ever I find one, I certainly snatch it up. Cost is no object when it comes to these masterpieces. At one time, I must have had five books containing this story.

I have found this version of the story “The Fog Horn” on the Ray Bradbury.RU  website (in Russian; Рассказ Рэя Брэдбери), and I have copied it here exactly as found. Credit to the wonderful people at the Ray Bradbury Library for posting it where a smuck like myself can read it within China. And, of course, credit to the great master; Ray Bradbury for providing this work of art for our inspiration and pleasure.

Full Text

Here is the full text of the masterpiece. I will let the reader read it and enjoy it.

The Fog Horn

By Ray Bradbury

Out there in the cold water, far from land, we waited every night for the coming of the fog, and it came, and we oiled the brass machinery and lit the fog light up in the stone tower. Feeling like two birds in the gray sky, McDunn and I sent the light touching out, red, then white, then red again, to eye the lonely ships. And if they did not see our light, then there was always our Voice, the great deep cry of our Fog Horn shuddering through the rags of mist to startle the gulls away like decks of scattered cards and make the waves turn high and foam.

"It's a lonely life, but you're used to it now, aren't you?" asked McDunn.

"Yes," I said. "You're a good talker, thank the Lord."

"Well, it's your turn on land tomorrow," he said, smiling, "to dance the ladies and drink gin."

"What do you think, McDunn, when I leave you out here alone?"

"On the mysteries of the sea." McDunn lit his pipe. It was a quarter past seven of a cold November evening, the heat on, the light switching its tail in two hundred directions, the Fog Horn bumbling in the high throat of the tower. There wasn't a town for a hundred miles down the coast, just a road which came lonely through dead country to the sea, with few cars on it, a stretch of two miles of cold water out to our rock, and rare few ships.

"The mysteries of the sea' said McDunn thoughtfully. "You know, the ocean's the biggest damned snowflake ever? It rolls and swells a thousand shapes and colours, no two alike. Strange. One night, years ago, I was here alone, when all of the fish of the sea surfaced out there. Something made them swim in and lie in the bay, sort of trembling and staring up at the tower light going red, white, red, white across them so I could see their funny eyes. I fumed cold. They were like a big peacock's tail, moving out there until midnight. Then, without so much as a sound, they slipped away, the million of them was gone. I kind of think maybe, in some sort of way, they came all those miles to worship. Strange. But think how the tower must look to them, standing seventy feet above the water, the God-light flashing out from it, and the tower declaring itself with a monster voice. They never came back, those fish, but don't you think for a while they thought they were in the Presence?"

I shivered. I looked out at the long gray lawn of the sea stretching away into nothing and nowhere.

"Oh, the sea's full." McDunn puffed his pipe nervously, blinking. He had been nervous all day and hadn't said why. "For all our engines and so-called submarines, it'll be ten thousand centuries before we set foot on the real bottom of the sunken lands, in the fairy kingdoms there, and know real terror. Think of it, it's still the year 300,000 Before Christ down under there. While we've paraded around with trumpets, lopping off each other's countries and heads, they have been living beneath the sea twelve miles deep and cold in a time as old as the beard of a comet."

"Yes, it's an old world."

"Come on. I got something special I been saving up to tell you."

We ascended the eighty steps, talking and taking our time. At the top, McDunn switched off the room lights so there'd be no reflection in the plate glass. The great eye of the light was humming, turning easily in its oiled socket. The Fog Horn was blowing steadily, once every fifteen seconds.

"Sounds like an animal, don't it?" McDunn nodded to himself. "A big lonely animal crying in the night. Sitting here on the edge of ten billion years calling out to the Deeps, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here. And the Deeps do answer, yes, they do. You been here now for three months, Johnny, so I better prepare you. About this time of year," he said, studying the murk and fog, "something comes to visit the lighthouse."

"The swarms of fish like you said?"

"No, this is something else. I've put off telling you because you might think I'm daft. But tonight's the latest I can put it off, for if my calendar's marked right from last year, tonight's the night it comes. I won't go into detail, you'll have to see it yourself. Just sit down there. If you want, tomorrow you can pack your duffel and take the motorboat in to land and get your car parked there at the dinghy pier on the cape and drive on back to some little inland town and keep your lights burning nights, I won't question or blame you. It's happened three years now, and this is the only time anyone's been here with me to verify it. You wait and watch."

Half an hour passed with only a few whispers between us. When we grew tired waiting, McDunn began describing some of his ideas to me. He had some theories about the Fog Horn itself.

"One day many years ago a man walked along and stood in the sound of the ocean on a cold sunless shore and said, 'We need a voice to call across the water, to warn ships; I'll make one. I'll make a voice like all of time and all of the fog that ever was; I'll make a voice that is like an empty bed beside you all night long, and like an empty house when you open the door, and like trees in autumn with no leaves. A sound like the birds flying south, crying, and a sound like November wind and the sea on the hard, cold shore. I'll make a sound that's so alone that no one can miss it, that whoever hears it will weep in their souls, and hearths will seem warmer, and being inside will seem better to all who hear it in the distant towns. I'll make me a sound and an apparatus and they'll call it a Fog Horn and whoever bears it will know the sadness of eternity and the briefness of life.'"

The Fog Horn blew.

"I made up that story," said McDunn quietly, "to try to explain why this thing keeps coming back to the lighthouse every year. The Fog Horn calls it, I think, and it comes...."

"But - "I said.

"Sssst!" said McDunn. "There!" He nodded out to the Deeps.

Something was swimming toward the lighthouse tower.

It was a cold night, as I have said; the high tower was cold, the light coming and going, and the Fog Horn calling and calling through the raveling mist. You couldn't see far and you couldn't see plain, but there was the deep sea moving on its way about the night earth, flat and quiet, the colour of gray mud, and here were the two of us alone in the high tower, and there, far out at first, was a ripple, followed by a wave, a rising, a bubble, a bit of froth. And then, from the surface of the cold sea came a head, a large head, dark-coloured, with immense eyes, and then a neck. And then - not a body - but more neck and more! The head rose a full forty feet above the water on a slender and beautiful dark neck. Only then did the body, like a little island of black coral and shells and crayfish, drip up from the subterranean. There was a flicker of tail. In all, from head to tip of tail, I estimated the monster at ninety or a hundred feet.

I don't know what I said. I said something.

"Steady, boy, steady," whispered McDunn.

"It's impossible! "I said.

"No, Johnny, we're impossible. It's like it always was ten million years ago. It hasn't changed. It's us and the land that've changed, become impossible. Us!"

It swam slowly and with a great dark majesty out in the icy waters, far away. The fog came and went about it, momentarily erasing its shape. One of the monster eyes caught and held and flashed back our immense light, red, white, red, white, like a disk held high and sending a message in primeval code. It was as silent as the fog through which it swam.

"It's a dinosaur of some sort!" I crouched down, holding to the stair rail.

"Yes, one of the tribe."

"But they died out!"

"No, only hid away in the Deeps. Deep, deep down in the deepest Deeps. Isn't that a word now, Johnny, a real word, it says so much: the Deeps. There's all the coldness and darkness and deepness in a word like that."

"What'll we do?"

"Do? We got our job, we can't leave. Besides, we're safer here than in any boat trying to get to land. That thing's as big as a destroyer and almost as swift."

"But here, why does it come here?"

The next moment I had my answer.

The Fog Horn blew.

And the monster answered.

A cry came across a million years of water and mist. A cry so anguished and alone that it shuddered in my head and my body. The monster cried out at the tower. The Fog Horn blew. The monster roared again. The Fog Horn blew. The monster opened its great toothed mouth and the sound that came from it was the sound of the Fog Horn itself. Lonely and vast and far away. The sound of isolation, a viewless sea, a cold night, apartness. That was the sound.

"Now," whispered McDunn, "do you know why it comes here?"

I nodded.

"All year long, Johnny, that poor monster there lying far out, a thousand miles at sea, and twenty miles deep maybe, biding its tune, perhaps it's a million years old, this one creature. Think of it, waiting a million years; could you wait that long? Maybe it's the last of its kind. I sort of think that's true. Anyway, here come men on land and build this lighthouse, five years ago. And set up their Fog Horn and sound it and sound it out toward the place where you bury yourself in sleep and sea memories of a world where there were thousands like yourself, but now you're alone, all alone in a world not made for you, a world where you have to hide.

"But the sound of the Fog Horn comes and goes, comes and goes, and you stir from the muddy bottom of the Deeps, and your eyes open like the lenses of two-foot cameras and you move, slow, slow, for you have the ocean sea on your shoulders, heavy. But that Fog Horn comes through a thousand miles of water, faint and familiar, and the furnace in your belly stokes up, and you begin to rise, slow, slow. You feed yourself on great slakes of cod and minnow, on rivers of jellyfish, and you rise slow through the autumn months, through September when the fogs started, through October with more fog and the horn still calling you on, and then, late in November, after pressurizing yourself day by day, a few feet higher every hour, you are near the surface and still alive. You've got to go slow; if you surfaced all at once you'd explode. So it takes you all of three months to surface, and then a number of days to swim through the cold waters to the lighthouse. And there you are, out there, in the night, Johnny, the biggest damn monster in creation. And here's the lighthouse calling to you, with a long neck like your neck sticking way up out of the water, and a body like your body, and, most important of all, a voice like your voice. Do you understand now, Johnny, do you understand?"

The Fog Horn blew.

The monster answered.

I saw it all, I knew it all - the million years of waiting alone, for someone to come back who never came back. The million years of isolation at the bottom of the sea, the insanity of time there, while the skies cleared of reptile-birds, the swamps dried on the continental lands, the sloths and saber-tooths had their day and sank in tar pits, and men ran like white ants upon the hills.

The Fog Horn blew.

"Last year," said McDunn, "that creature swam round and round, round and round, all night. Not coming too near, puzzled, I'd say. Afraid, maybe. And a bit angry after coming all this way. But the next day, unexpectedly, the fog lifted, the sun came out fresh, the sky was as blue as a painting. And the monster swam off away from the heat and the silence and didn't come back. I suppose it's been brooding on it for a year now, thinking it over from every which way."

The monster was only a hundred yards off now, it and the Fog Horn crying at each other. As the lights bit them, the monster's eyes were fire and ice, fire and ice.

"That's life for you," said McDunn. "Someone always waiting for someone who never comes home. Always someone loving some thing more than that thing loves them. And after a while you want to destroy whatever that thing is, so it can't hurt you no more."

The monster was rushing at the lighthouse.

The Fog Horn blew.

"Let's see what happens," said McDunn.

He switched the Fog Horn off.

The ensuing minute of silence was so intense that we could hear our hearts pounding in the glassed area of the tower, could hear the slow greased turn of the light.

The monster stopped and froze. Its great lantern eyes blinked. Its mouth gaped. It gave a sort of rumble, like a volcano. It twitched its head this way and that, as if to seek the sounds now dwindled off into the fog. It peered at the lighthouse. It rumbled again. Then its eyes caught fire. It reared up, threshed the water, and rushed at the tower, its eyes filled with angry torment.

"McDunn!" I cried. "Switch on the horn!"

McDunn fumbled with the switch. But even as he flicked it on, the monster was rearing up. I had a glimpse of its gigantic paws, fishskin glittering in webs between the fingerlike projections, clawing at the tower. The huge eye on the right side of its anguished head glittered before me like a caldron into which I might drop, screaming. The tower shook. The Fog Horn cried; the monster cried. It seized the tower and gnashed at the glass, which shattered in upon us.

McDunn seized my arm. "Downstairs!"

The tower rocked, trembled, and started to give. The Fog Horn and the monster roared. We stumbled and half fell down the stairs. "Quick!"

We reached the bottom as the tower buckled down toward us. We ducked under the stairs into the small stone cellar. There were a thousand concussions as the rocks rained down; the Fog Horn stopped abruptly. The monster crashed upon the tower. The tower fell. We knelt together, McDunn and I, holding tight, while our world exploded.

Then it was over, and there was nothing but darkness and the wash of the sea on the raw stones.

That and the other sound.

"Listen," said McDunn quietly. "Listen."

We waited a moment. And then I began to hear it. First a great vacuumed sucking of air, and then the lament, the bewilderment, the loneliness of the great monster, folded over and upon us, above us, so that the sickening reek of its body filled the air, a stone's thickness away from our cellar. The monster gasped and cried. The tower was gone. The light was gone. The thing that had called to it across a million years was gone. And the monster was opening its mouth and sending out great sounds. The sounds of a Fog Horn, again and again. And ships far at sea, not finding the light, not seeing anything, but passing and hearing late that night, must've thought: There it is, the lonely sound, the Lonesome Bay horn. All's well. We've rounded the cape.

And so it went for the rest of that night.

The sun was hot and yellow the next afternoon when the rescuers came out to dig us from our stoned-under cellar.

"It fell apart, is all," said Mr. McDunn gravely. "We had a few bad knocks from the waves and it just crumbled." He pinched my arm.

There was nothing to see. The ocean was calm, the sky blue. The only thing was a great algaic stink from the green matter that covered the fallen tower stones and the shore rocks. Flies buzzed about. The ocean washed empty on the shore.

The next year they built a new lighthouse, but by that time I had a job in the little town and a wife and a good small warm house that glowed yellow on autumn nights, the doors locked, the chimney puffing smoke. As for McDunn, he was master of the new lighthouse, built to his own specifications, out of steel-reinforced concrete. "Just in case," he said.

The new lighthouse was ready in November. I drove down alone one evening late and parked my car and looked across the gray waters and listened to the new hom sounding, once, twice, three, four times a minute far out there, by itself.

The monster?

It never came back.

"It's gone away," said McDunn. "It's gone back to the Deeps. It's learned you can't love anything too much in this world. It's gone into the deepest Deeps to wait another million years. Ah, the poor thing! Waiting out there, and waiting out there, while man comes and goes on this pitiful little planet. Waiting and waiting."

I sat in my car, listening. I couldn't see the lighthouse or the light standing out in Lonesome Bay. I could only hear the Horn, the Horn, the Horn. It sounded like the monster calling.

I sat there wishing there was something I could say.


I spent much of my childhood being inspired by science fiction works. My favorite authors included Ray Bradberry and Robert Heinlein. The works of Robert Heinlein suited my juvenile belief structures at the time, but Ray Bradberry evoked my emotions.

While I cannot recall when I first encountered this story, I can positively state that my father wanted me to read it. He gave me a collection of Ray Bradberry short stories and told me to read this one in particular. And, so I did. I went into the living room, plopped myself down on the chair (not a lazy-boy) and started reading. I think that I read it non-stop and then went into the kitchen and made a “Dagwood” sandwich, and a big glass of ice-cold milk.

As a young boy I readily consumed every science fiction story that I could get my hands on. I loved reading about spaceships, rockets, strange adventures, time travel and dinosaurs. These were the things that shaped my life. These were the things that made me who I am today.

Take Aways

  • The short story “The Fog Horn” was written by Ray Bradberry.
  • While the story is about the confrontation of a sea beast and a fog horn, it is about much more that that. It is about loneliness and frustration.


Q: Why does the sea monster come to the lighthouse?
A: The lighthouse calls to the monster. Somehow it hears the call, and somehow it answers the call. We do not know why it comes forth, nor do we know the motivations of the monster. We can only guess.

Q: What appeal does this story have for the reader?
A: Everyone has experienced loneliness. Everyone has experienced frustration and rejection. Thus, everyone can find compassion and understanding in the emotions of the sea monster.

Q: What makes this story so different from the Godzilla monster movies of the 1960’s?
A: Godzilla, and other monster stories, while they would often have a back-story to explain what they were doing and why, they typically did not explore the emotional aspects of the creature. This story does.  In comparison, instead of being a story about destruction of Tokyo or the collapse of a light-house, this story is one of raw emotion. It is a story that haunts.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


Mad scientist

Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Articles & Links

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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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  1. Composed 27SEP18.
  2. Completed 27SEP18.
  3. SEO completed 27SEp18

The Long Rain (Full Text) – Ray Bradbury

The Long Rain” is a short story by science fiction author Ray Bradbury. This story was originally published in 1950 as “Death-by-Rain” in the magazine Planet Stories, and then in the collection The Illustrated Man. The story tells of four men who have crashed on a planet where it is always raining. As they try to reach the safety of the Sun Domes, they end up being driven insane by the endless rains.

The story was republished in several collections and was incorporated into a film also titled The Illustrated Man.

This story was written by Ray Bradbury, and presented here under Article 22 of China’s Copyright Law. Ray Bradbury is one of my personal heroes and his writings greatly influenced me in ways that I am only just now beginning to understand.

When Ray started out, the field of science fiction lacked respectability, to say the least. It was the province of the pulps: magazines printed on cheap paper, with lurid covers designed to catch the attention of immature boys. 

He was often dismissed, if not outright ridiculed, by mainstream writers, but quickly learned to ignore his critics. If they didn’t think rockets and dinosaurs were suitable subjects for literature, to hell with them. 

Ray loved that stuff, along with Martians and witches and things that go bump in the night, so that’s what he wrote about. His unique imagination was harnessed within vivid, lyrical prose, and after the publication of The Martian Chronicles in 1950, the literary elite were forced to acknowledge a striking new talent.

As Ray’s stories became more widely published and read, they fueled the imaginations of millions of young people over several generations, many of whom went on to cite his influence as a major reason they became scientists and engineers. 

His stories practically shouted that it wasn’t just okay to dream of rockets and space travel, it was wonderful, mythic, imperative—the highest accomplishment the human race could aspire to.

-The Space Review's tribute to Ray Bradbury
Ray Bradberry 1
An artistic rendering of the sun dome in the distance. Venus in this story, is a planet of continuous rain, dark and deep clouds, and lightening storms. Humans have tried to colonize Venus, but they can only do so in safe enclosures called “sun domes”. There, they survive and live safe against the rainy onslaught of torrential and never-ending water.


“There was this fence where we pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we might be and where we might go…”

R is for Rocket

Ray Bradbury

For years I had amassed a well worn, and dusty collection of Ray Bradbury paperbacks that I would pick up and read for pleasure and inspiration.  Later, when I left the United States, and moved to China, I had to leave my treasured books behind. Sigh.

Ray Bradberry book colleciton
A small collection of well worn, well read and well appreciated Ray Bradbury books. My collection looked a little something like this, only I think the books were a little more worn, and a little yellower.

It is very difficult to come across Ray Bradbury books in China. When ever I find one, I certainly snatch it up. Cost is no object when it comes to these masterpieces. At one time, I must have had five books containing this story.

As an side, I would sometimes help Chinese students with their English. At times, I would "assign" them a book to read. One student bought the book, and waited two full months before it arrived, and the first story that he read was this one; "The Long Rain".
When I asked him to describe what it was like, he was all over himself trying to describe an impossible world; a wet world where everything you do was soaked and wet. It was a world where you had to trudge through water, currents, mud and bog to find this elusive sun dome. To this day, years later, he still talks about this story.

I have found this version of the story “The Long Rain” on the wiki.spaces website in PDF format, and I have copied it here exactly as found. Credit to the wonderful people at the Ray Bradbury Library for posting it where a smuck like myself can read it within China. And, of course, credit to the great master; Ray Bradbury for providing this work of art for our inspiration and pleasure.

Full Text

Here is the full text of the masterpiece. I will let the reader read it and enjoy it.

The Long Rain

Ray Bradbury

THE rain continued. It was a hard rain, a perpetual rain, a sweating and steaming rain; it was a mizzle, a downpour, a fountain, a whipping at the eyes, an undertow at the ankles; it was a rain to drown all rains and the memory of rains. It came by the pound and the ton, it hacked at the jungle and cut the trees like scissors and shaved the grass and tunneled the soil and molted the bushes. It shrank men’s hands into the hands of wrinkled apes; it rained a solid glassy rain, and it never stopped.

“How much farther, Lieutenant?”

“I don’t know. A mile, ten miles, a thousand.” “Aren’t you sure?”

“How can I be sure?”

“I don’t like this rain. If we only knew how far it is to the Sun Dome, I’d feel better.” “Another hour or two from here.”

“You really think so, Lieutenant?” “Of course.”

“Or are you lying to keep us happy?” “I’m lying to keep you happy. Shut up!”

The two men sat together in the rain. Behind them sat two other men who were wet and tired and slumped like clay that was melting. The lieutenant looked up. He had a face that once had been brown and now the rain had washed it pale, and the rain had washed the color from his eyes and they were white, as were his teeth, and as was his hair. He was all white. Even his uniform was beginning to turn white, and perhaps a little green with fungus.

“Don’t be crazy,” said one of the two other men. “It never stops raining on Venus. It just goes on and on. I’ve lived here for ten years and I never saw a minute, or even a second, when it wasn’t pouring.”

“It’s like living under water,” said the lieutenant, and rose up, shrugging his guns into place. “Well, we’d better get going. We’ll find that Sun Dome yet.”

“Or we won’t find it,” said the cynic. “It’s an hour or so.”

“Now you’re lying to me, Lieutenant.”

“No, now I’m lying to myself. This is one of those times when you’ve got to lie. I can’t take much more of this.”

They walked down the jungle trail, now and then looking at their compasses. There was no direction anywhere, only what the compass said. There was a gray sky and rain falling and jungle and a path, and, far back behind them somewhere, a rocket in which they had ridden and fallen. A rocket in which lay two of their friends, dead and dripping rain.

They walked in single file, not speaking. They came to a river which lay wide and flat and brown, flowing down to the great Single Sea. The surface of it was stippled in a billion places by the rain.

“All right, Simmons.”

The lieutenant nodded and Simmons took a small packet from his back which, with a pressure of hidden chemical, inflated into a large boat. The lieutenant directed the cutting of wood and the quick making of paddles and they set out into the river, paddling swiftly across the smooth surface in the rain. The lieutenant felt the cold rain on his cheeks and on his neck and on his moving arms. The cold was beginning to seep into his lungs. He felt the rain on his ears, on his eyes, on his legs.

“I didn’t sleep last night,” he said.

“Who could? Who has? When? How many nights have we slept? Thirty nights, thirty days! Who can sleep with rain slamming their head, banging away. . . . I’d give anything for a hat. Anything at all, just so it wouldn’t hit my head any more. I get headaches. My head is sore; it hurts all the time.”

“I’m sorry I came to China,” said one of the others. “First time I ever heard Venus called China.”

“Sure, China. Chinese water cure. Remember the old torture? Rope you against a wall. Drop one drop of water on your head every half-hour. You go crazy waiting for the next one. Well, that’s Venus, but on a big scale. We’re not made for water. You can’t sleep, you can’t breathe right, and you’re crazy from just being soggy. If we’d been ready for a crash, we’d have brought waterproofed uniforms and hats. It’s this beating rain on your head gets you, most of all. It’s so heavy. It’s like BB shot. I don’t know how long I can take it.”

They crossed the river, and in crossing they thought of the Sun Dome, somewhere ahead of them, shining in the jungle rain. A yellow house, round and bright as the sun. A house fifteen feet high by one hundred feet in diameter, in which was warmth and quiet and hot food and freedom from rain. And in the center of the Sun Dome, of course, was a sun. A small floating free globe of yellow fire, drifting in space at the top of the building where you could look at it from where you sat, smoking or reading a book or drinking your hot chocolate crowned with marshmallow dollops. There it would be, the yellow sun, just the size of the Earth sun, and it was warm and continuous, and the rain world of Venus would be forgotten as long as they stayed in that house and idled their time.

The lieutenant turned and looked back at the three men using their oars and gritting their teeth. They were as white as mushrooms, as white as lie was. Venus bleached everything away in a few months. Even the jungle was an immense cartoon nightmare, for how could the jungle be green with no sun,with always rain falling and always dusk? The white, white jungle with the pale cheese-colored leaves, and the earth carved of wet Camembert, and the tree boles like immense toadstools— everything black and white. And how often could you see the soil itself? Wasn’t it mostly a creek, a stream, a puddle, a pool, a lake, a river, and then, at last the sea?

“Here we are!”

They leaped out on the farthest shore, splashing and sending up showers. The boat was deflated and stored in a cigarette packet. Then, standing on the rainy shore, they tried to light up a few smokes for themselves, and it was five minutes or so before, shuddering, they worked the inverted lighter and, cupping their hands, managed a few drags upon cigarettes that all too quickly were limp and beaten away from their lips by a sudden slap of rain. They walked on.

“Wait just a moment,” said the lieutenant. “I thought I saw something ahead.” “The Sun Dome?”

“I’m not sure. The rain closed in again. Simmons began to run. “The Sun Dome!” “Come back, Simmons!”

“The Sun Dome!”

Simmons vanished in the rain. The others ran after him.

They found him in a little clearing, and they stopped and looked at him and what he had discovered. The rocket ship. It was lying where they had left it. Somehow they had circled back and were where they had started. In the ruin of the ship green fungus was growing up out of the mouths of the two dead men. As they watched, the fungus took flower, the petals broke away in the rain, and the fungus died.

“An electrical storm must be nearby. Threw our compasses off. That explains it.” “You’re right.”

“What’ll we do now?” “Start out again.”

“Good lord, we’re not any closer to anywhere!” “Let’s try to keep calm about it, Simmons.” “Calm, calm! This rain’s driving me wild!”

“We’ve enough food for another two days if we’re careful.”

The rain danced on their skin, on their wet uniforms; the rain streamed from their noses and ears, from their fingers and knees. They looked like stone fountains frozen in the jungle, issuing forth water from every pore. And, as they stood, from a distance they heard a roar. And the monster came out of the rain.

The monster was supported upon a thousand electric blue legs. It walked swiftly and terribly. It struck down a leg with a driving blow. Everywhere a leg struck a tree fell and burned. Great whiffs of ozone filled the rainy air, and smoke blew away and was broken up by the rain. The monster was a half mile wide and a mile high and it felt of the ground like a great blind thing. Sometimes, for a moment, it had no legs at all. And then, in an instant, a thousand whips would fall out of its belly, white-blue whips, to sting the jungle.

“There’s the electrical storm,” said one of the men. “There’s the thing ruined our compasses. And it’s coming this way.”

“Lie down, everyone,” said the lieutenant. “Run!” cried Simmons.

“Don’t be a fool. Lie down. It hits the highest points. We may get through unhurt. Lie down about fifty feet from the rocket. It may very well spend its force there and leave us be. Get down!”

The men flopped.

“Is it coming?” they asked each other, after a moment. “Coming.”

“Is it nearer?” “Is it nearer?” “Nearer?” “Here she is!”

The monster came and stood over them. It dropped down ten blue bolts of lightning which struck the rocket. The rocket flashed like a beaten gong and gave off a metal ringing. The monster let down fifteen more bolts which danced about in a ridiculous pantomime, feeling of the jungle and the watery soil.

“No, no!” One of the men jumped up. “Get down, yon fool!” said the lieutenant. “No!”

The lightning struck the rocket another dozen times. The lieutenant turned his head on his arm and saw the blue blazing flashes. He saw trees split and crumple into ruin. He saw the monstrous dark cloud turn like a black disk overhead and hurl down a hundred other poles of electricity.

The man who had leaped up was now running, like someone in a great hall of pillars. He ran and dodged between the pillars and then at last a dozen of the pillars slammed down and there was the sound a fly makes when landing upon the grill wires of an exterminator. The lieutenant remembered this from his childhood on a farm. And there was a smell of a man burned to a cinder.

The lieutenant lowered his head. “Don’t look up,” he told the others. He was afraid that he too might run at any moment.

The storm above them flashed down another series of bolts and then moved on away. Once again there was only the rain, which rapidly cleared the air of the charred smell, and in a moment the three remaining men were sitting and waiting for the beat of their hearts to subside into quiet once more.

They walked over to the body, thinking that perhaps they could still save the man’s life. They couldn’t believe that there wasn’t some way to help the man. It was the natural act of men who have not accepted death until they have touched it and turned it over and made plans to bury it or leave it there for the jungle to bury in an hour of quick growth.

The body was twisted steel, wrapped in burned leather. It looked like a wax dummy that had been thrown into an incinerator and pulled out after the wax had sunk to the charcoal skeleton. Only the teeth were white, and they shone like a strange white bracelet dropped half through a clenched black fist.

“He shouldn’t have jumped up.” They said it almost at the same time.

Even as they stood over the body it began to vanish, for the vegetation was edging in upon it, little vines and ivy and creepers, and even flowers for the dead.

At a distance the storm walked off on blue bolts of lightning and was gone.

They crossed a river and a creek and a stream and a dozen other rivers and creeks and streams. Before their eyes rivers appeared, rushing, new rivers, while old rivers changed their courses—rivers the color of mercury, rivers the color of silver and milk.

The Single Sea. There was only one continent on Venus. This land was three thousand miles long by a thousand miles wide, and about this island was the Single Sea, which covered the entire raining planet.

The Single Sea, which lay upon the pallid shore with little motion . . . “This way.” The lieutenant nodded south. “I’m sure there are two Sun Domes down that way. “While they were at it, why didn’t they build a hundred more?” “There’re a hundred and twenty of them now, aren’t there?”

“One hundred and twenty-six, as of last month. They tried to push a bill through Congress back on Earth a year ago to provide for a couple dozen more, but oh no, you know how that is. They’d rather a few men went crazy with the rain.”

They started south. The lieutenant and Simmons and the third man, Pickard, walked in the rain, in the rain that fell heavily and lightly, heavily and lightly; in the rain that poured and hammered and did not stop falling upon the land and the sea and the walking people.

Simmons saw it first. “There it is!” “There’s what?”

“The Sun Dome!”

The lieutenant blinked the water from his eyes and raised his hands to ward off the stinging blows of the rain. At a distance there was a yellow glow on the edge of the jungle, by the sea. It was, indeed, the Sun Dome.

The men smiled at each other.

“Looks like you were right, Lieutenant.” “Luck.”

“Brother, that puts muscle in me, just seeing it. Come on! Last one there’s a son-of-a-bitch!” Simmons began to trot. The others automatically fell in with this, gasping, tired, but keeping pace.

“A big pot of coffee for me,” panted Simmons, smiling. “And a pan of cinnamon buns, by God! And just lie there and let the old sun hit you. The guy that invented the Sun Domes, he should have got a medal!”

They ran faster. The yellow glow grew brighter.

“Guess a lot of men went crazy before they figured out the cure. Think it’d be obvious!  Right off.” Simmons panted the words in cadence to his running.  “Rain, rain!  Years ago.  Found a friend.  Of

min.  Out in the jungle.  Wandering around.  In the rain.  Saying over and over, ‘Don’t know enough

to come in outta the rain.  Don’t know enough, to come in, outta the rain.  Don’t know enough –‘  on and on.  Like that. Poor crazy bastard.”

“Save your breath!” They ran.

They all laughed. They reached the door of the Sun Dome, laughing.

Simmons yanked the door wide. “Hey!” he yelled. “Bring on the coffee and buns!” There was no reply.

They stepped through the door.

The Sun Dome was empty and dark. There was no synthetic yellow sun floating in a high gaseous whisper at the center of the blue ceiling. There was no food waiting. It was cold as a vault. And through a thousand holes which had been newly punctured in the ceiling water streamed, the rain fell down, soaking into the thick rugs and the heavy modern furniture and splashing on the glass tables. The jungle was growing up like a moss in the room, on top of the bookcases and the divans. The rain slashed through the holes and fell upon the three men’s faces.

Pickard began to laugh quietly. “Shut up, Pickard!”

“Ye gods, look what’s here for us—no food, no sun, nothing. The Venusians—they did it! Of course!”

Simmons nodded, with the rain funneling down on his face. The water ran in his silvered hair and on his white eyebrows. “Every once in a while the Venusians come up out of the sea and attack a Sun Dome. They know if they ruin the Sun Domes they can ruin us.”

“But aren’t the Sun Domes protected with guns?”

“Sure.” Simmons stepped aside to a place that was relatively dry. “But it’s been five years since the Venusians tried anything. Defense relaxes. They caught this Dome unaware.”

“Where are the bodies?”

“The Venusians took them all down into the sea. I hear they have a delightful way of drowning you. It takes about eight hours to drown the way they work it. Really delightful.”

“I bet there isn’t any food here at all.” Pickard laughed.

The lieutenant frowned at him, nodded at him so Simmons could see. Simmons shook his head and went back to a room at one side of the oval chamber. The kitchen was strewn with soggy loaves of bread, and meat that had grown a faint green fur. Rain came through a hundred holes in the kitchen roof.

“Without food, sir?” Simmons snorted. “I notice the sun machine’s torn apart. Our best bet is to make our way to the next Sun Dome. How far is that from here?”

“Not far. As I recall, they built two rather close together here. Perhaps if we waited here, a rescue mission from the other might——”

“It’s probably been here and gone already, some days ago. They’ll send a crew to repair this place in about six months, when they get the money from Congress. I don’t think we’d better wait.”

“All right then, we’ll eat what’s left of our rations and get on to the next Dome.”

Pickard said, “If only the rain wouldn’t hit my head, just for a few minutes. If I could only remember what it’s like not to be bothered.” He put his hands on his skull and held it tight. “I remember when I was in school a bully used to sit in back of me and pinch me and pinch me and pinch me every five minutes, all day long. He did that for weeks and months. My arms were sore and black and blue all the time. And I thought I’d go crazy from being pinched. One day I must have gone a little mad from being hurt and hurt, and I turned around and took a metal trisquare I used in mechanical drawing and I almost killed that bastard. I almost cut his lousy head off. I almost took his eye out before they dragged me out of the room, and I kept yelling, ‘Why don’t he leave me alone? why don’t he leave me alone?’ Brother!” His hands clenched the bone of his head, shaking, tightening, his eyes shut. “But what do I do now? Who do I hit, who do I tell to lay off, stop bothering me, this damn rain, like the pinching, always on you, that’s all you hear, that’s all you feel!”

“We’ll be at the other Sun Dome by four this afternoon.”

“Sun Dome? Look at this one! What if all the Sun Domes on Venus are gone? What then? What if there are holes in all the ceilings, and the rain coming in!”

“We’ll have to chance it.”

“I’m tired of chancing it. All I want is a roof and some quiet. I want to be alone.” “That’s only eight hours off, if you hold on.”

“Let’s eat,” said Simmons, watching him.

They set off down the coast, southward again. After four hours they had to cut inland to go around a river that was a mile wide and so swift it was not navigable by boat. They had to walk inland six miles to a place where the river boiled out of the earth, suddenly, like a mortal wound. In the rain, they walked on solid ground and returned to the sea.

“I’ve got to sleep,” said Pickard at last. He slumped. “Haven’t slept in four weeks. Tried, but couldn’t. Sleep here.”

They lay out full, propping their heads up so the water wouldn’t come to their mouths, and they closed their eyes.

The lieutenant twitched. He did not sleep.

There were things that crawled on his skin. Things grew upon him in layers. Drops fell and touched other drops and they became streams that trickled over his body, and while these moved down his flesh, the small growths of the forest took root in his clothing. He felt the ivy cling and make a second garment over him; he felt the small flowers bud and open and petal away, and still the rain pattered on his body and on his head. In the luminous night—for the vegetation glowed in the darkness—he could see the other two men outlined, like logs that had fallen and taken upon themselves velvet coverings of grass and flowers. The rain hit his face. He covered his face with his

hands. The rain hit his neck. He turned over on his stomach in the mud, on the rubbery plants, and the rain hit his back and hit his legs.

Suddenly he leaped up and began to brush the water from himself. A thousand hands were touching him and he no longer wanted to be touched. He no longer could stand being touched. He floundered and struck something else and knew that it was Simmons, standing up in the rain, sneezing moisture, coughing and choking. And then Pickard was up, shouting, running about.

“Wait a minute, Pickard!”

“Stop it, stop it!” Pickard screamed. He fired off his gun six times at the night sky. In the flashes of powdery illumination they could see armies of raindrops, suspended as in a vast motionless amber, for an instant, hesitating as if shocked by the explosion, fifteen billion droplets, fifteen billion tears, fifteen billion ornaments, jewels standing out against a white velvet viewing board. And then, with the light gone, the drops which had waited to have their pictures taken, which had suspended their downward rush, fell upon them, stinging, in an insect cloud of coldness and pain.

“Stop it! Stop it!” “Pickard!”

But Pickard was only standing now, alone. When the lieutenant switched on a small hand lamp and played it over Pickard’s wet face, the eyes of the man were dilated, and his mouth was open, his face turned up, so the water hit and splashed on his tongue, and hit and drowned the wide eyes, and bubbled in a whispering froth on the nostrils.


The man would not reply. He simply stood there for a long while with the bubbles of rain breaking out in his whitened hair and manacles of rain jewels dripping from his wrists and his neck.

“Pickard! We’re leaving. We’re going on. Follow us.” The rain dripped from Pickard’s ears.

“Do you hear me, Pickard!”

It was like shouting down a well. “Pickard!”

“Leave him alone,” said Simmons. “We can’t go on without him.”

“What’ll we do, carry him?” Simmons spat. “He’s no good to us or himself. You know what he’ll do?

He’ll just stand here and drown.” “What?”

“You ought to know that by now. Don’t you know the story? He’ll just stand here with his head up and let the rain come in his nostrils and his mouth. He’ll breathe the water.”

“That’s how they found General Mendt that time. Sitting on a rock with his head back, breathing the rain. His lungs were full of water.”

The  lieutenant  turned  the  light  back  to  the  unblinking face.  Pickard’s  nostrils  gave  off a  tiny whispering wet sound.

“Pickard!” The lieutenant slapped the face.

“He can’t even feel you,” said Simmons. “A few days in this rain and you don’t have any face or any legs or hands.”

The lieutenant looked at his own hand in horror. He could no longer feel it. “But we can’t leave Pickard here.”

“I’ll show you what we can do.” Simmons fired his gun. Pickard fell into the raining earth.

Simmons said, “Don’t move, Lieutenant. I’ve got my gun ready for you too. Think it over; he would only have stood or sat there and drowned. It’s quicker this way.”

The lieutenant blinked at the body. “But you killed him.”

“Yes, because he’d have killed us by being a burden. You saw his face. Insane.” After a moment the lieutenant nodded. “All right.”

They walked off into the rain. It was dark and their hand lamps threw a beam that pierced the rain for only a few feet. After a half hour they had to stop and sit through the rest of the night, aching with hunger, waiting for the dawn to come; when it did come it was gray and continually raining as before, and they began to walk again.

“We’ve miscalculated,” said Simmons. “No. Another hour.”

“Speak louder. I can’t hear you.” Simmons stopped and smiled. “By Christ,” he said, and touched his ears. “My ears. They’ve gone out on me. All the rain pouring finally numbed me right down to the bone.”

“Can’t you hear anything?” said the lieutenant. “What?” Simmons’s eyes were puzzled. “Nothing. Come on.”

“I think I’ll wait here. You go on ahead.” “You can’t do that.”

“I can’t hear you. You go on. I’m tired. I don’t think the Sun Dome is down this way. And, if it is, it’s probably got holes in the roof, like the last one. I think I’ll just sit here.”

“Get up from there!” “So long, Lieutenant.”

“You can’t give up now.”

“I’ve got a gun here that says I’m staying. I just don’t give a damn any more. I’m not crazy yet, but I’m the next thing to it. I don’t want to go out that way. As soon as you get out of sight I’m going to use this gun on myself.”


“You said my name. I can read that much off your lips.” “Simmons.”

“Look, it’s a matter of time. Either I die now or in a few hours. Wait’ll you get to that next Dome, if you ever get there, and find rain coming in through the roof. Won’t that be nice?”

The lieutenant waited and then splashed off in the rain. He turned and called back once, but Simmons was only sitting there with the gun in his hands, waiting for him to get out of sight. He shook his head and waved the lieutenant on.

The lieutenant didn’t even hear the sound of the gun.

He began to eat the flowers as he walked. They stayed down for a time, and weren’t poisonous; neither were they particularly sustaining, and he vomited them up, sickly, a minute or so later.

“Another five minutes,” he told himself. “Another five minutes and then I’ll walk into the sea and keep walking. We weren’t made for this; no Earthman was or ever will be able to take it. Your nerves, your nerves.

He floundered his way through a sea of slush and foliage and came to a small hill. At a distance there was a faint yellow smudge in the cold veils of water.

The next Sun Dome.

Through the trees, a long round yellow building, far away. For a moment he only stood, swaying, looking at it.

He began to run and then he slowed down, for he was afraid. He didn’t call out. What if it’s the same one? What if it’s the dead Sun Dome, with no sun in it? he thought.

He slipped and fell. Lie here, he thought; it’s the wrong one. Lie here. It’s no use. Drink all you want. But he managed to climb to his feet again and crossed several creeks, and the yellow light grew very

bright, and he began to run again, his feet crashing into mirrors and glass, his arms flailing at diamonds and precious stones.

He stood before the yellow door. The printed letters over it said THE SUN DOME. He put his numb hand up to feel it. Then he twisted the doorknob and stumbled in.

He stood for a moment looking about. Behind him the rain whirled at the door. Ahead of him, upon a low table, stood a silver pot of hot chocolate, steaming, and a cup, full, with a marshmallow in it. An beside that, on another tray, stood thick sandwiches of rich chicken meat and fresh-cut tomatoes and green onions. And on a rod just before his eyes was a great thick green Turkish towel, and a bin in which to throw wet clothes, and, to his right, a small cubicle in which heat rays might dry you instantly. And upon a chair, a fresh change of uniform, waiting for anyone—himself, or any lost one—to make use of it. And farther over, coffee in steaming copper urns, and a phonograph from which music was playing quietly, and books bound in red and brown leather. And near the books a cot, a soft deep cot upon which one might lie, exposed and bare, to drink in the rays of the one great bright thing which dominated the long room.

He put his hands to his eyes. He saw other men moving toward him, but said nothing to them. He waited, and opened his eyes, and looked. The water from his uniform pooled at his feet and he felt it drying from his hair and his face and his chest and his arms and his legs.

He was looking at the sun.

It hung in the center of the room, large and yellow and warm. It made not a sound, and there was no sound in the room. The door was shut and the rain only a memory to his tingling body. The sun hung high in the blue sky of the room, warm, hot, yellow, and very fine.

He walked forward, tearing off his clothes as he went.

Some Considerations

This story, like most of the science fiction works that I read in the 1960’s and 1970’s greatly influenced my life. I believe that I first read this story on a lazy fall weekend in late September. The leaves were crisp and just beginning to fall. It was warm, but not hot. It was calm and I was enjoying reading this story on a porch glider that we had on our porch. I just laid there, swinging back and forth, reading this masterpiece.

Early fall
I spent my boyhood in the hills of Western Pennsylvania. It was a place of hills, forests, rivers, and coal mines. I came from a small town. It was peaceful and quiet and everyone knew everyone else.


Today, students pay tuition at colleges and universities to read these stories. They pay enormous amounts of money, and are given tests and handouts to analyze the work. It seems like a fool’s errand to me.

You read for enjoyment, and if it evokes emotions within your very being then it is a work of art. Cherish it.

That’s never going to happen if you read a cliffs notes version so you can get a grade on a test. Life is about living. You can live, or you can follow the herd. I would suggest that you make the most out of your life. I would suggest you start doing it now.

Take Aways

  • The Long Rain is a short story by Ray Bradbury.
  • It is classified as Science Fiction.
  • It takes place on a fictional Venus where it is continuously raining.
  • The story evokes feelings of desperation, strife, fear and longing. Finally culminating in relief.


Q: What is this story “The Long Rain” about?
A: The story takes place on a fictional Venus where there is a continuous rain. However, that is not what the story is about. It is about emotions that play when situations are encountered. When I read the story, I am reminded about a time when I was in second grade and walked home from school in the rain. I came home and my mother dried me off, and set me to the table and got me a big hot cup of coca with marsh-mellows in it and a nice warm bowl of tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches. The story, by Ray Bradbury, evokes those same feelings.

Q: Why is this story in your blog?
A: I used to bookmark websites that I liked, and I would return to them periodically to read and enjoy. Over time, the websites would disappear, or turn into something else. The search engines, such as Google, would prioritize other (often profit motive) websites before the ones I was interested in. They would also block others that I enjoyed. China blocks many websites, and slows internet traffic to a crawl on others. I no longer have the luxury to simply bookmark something I like. I need to preserve it’s access. Thus I place it herein for my own personal use.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


Mad scientist

Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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  1. Composed 27SEP18.
  2. Completed 27SEP18.
  3. SEO Review 27SEP18.
  4. Publish 27SEP18.

Evolution of the First Sentient Life on Earth

Humans are not the first intelligence to live on “our” planet earth. There have been many others. Sentience is a complex subject, don’t you know.

Some still exist and we share the earth with them. Some have passed on, either evolving into something different or dying off. Some use and create tools, others just exist within a reality that we, as humans, cannot comprehend. For to us, they seem like nothing other than ambulatory vegetables.

Let’s take a moment to discuss, what I believe to be, the very first intelligent naturally evolved life on the earth; the Cephalopods.

What is Intelligence?

Before we dive into a discussion about Cephalopods, let’s make one thing perfectly clear. Whether a given species is intelligent or not is an arbitrary construct. There is no sharp and clear debarkation line that is evidence for intelligence or the lack of it.

My contention that Cephalopods are intelligent with defined sentience is debatable. Indeed, but the argument for and against it is for others to debate off-line at another time and in another place.


Cephalopods evolved during the Cambrian period when the moon went in orbit around the earth. They thrived, and became dominant during the Ordovician period, represented by primitive nautiloids. They evolved over the centuries. Today, they are represented by two subclasses;

The Coleoidea has no shell. The Nautiloidea has an external shell.

It is difficult to define when intelligence first sparked within this species. What we can say is that over a long swath of time, various elements of intelligence began to manifest. My guess is that it began to form in the more populous taxa of  the Ammonoidea (ammonites) and Belemnoidea (belemnites).

Ammonoids are an extinct group of marine mollusc animals in the subclass Ammonoidea of the class Cephalopoda. These molluscs are more closely related to living coleoids (i.e., octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish) than they are to shelled nautiloids such as the living Nautilus species.

The Cambrian Age

"The Ediacaran and Cambrian periods witnessed a phase of morphological innovation in animal evolution unrivaled in metazoan history, yet the proximate causes of this body plan revolution remain decidedly murky. 

The grand puzzle of the Cambrian explosion surely must rank as one of the most important outstanding mysteries in evolutionary biology. 

Evidence of early representatives of all the major animal phyla first appear abruptly in the Cambrian (starting 542 million years ago). 

This spectacular morphological diversity contrasts strongly with Precambrian deposits, which have yielded a sparse fossil record with small, morphologically ambiguous trace fossils or the enigmatic but elegant creatures of the Ediacaran fauna. Following the Cambrian, despite a rich fossil record that documents impressive morphological diversification among animals, no new body plans have been revealed, leaving the Cambrian as the apparent crucible of metazoan body plan innovation."

-Creation / Evolution Headlines

The Cambrian period is a very long time ago. In fact, it is around 541–485.4 million years ago. (Let’s simply refer to the date as 540 million years ago.) At that time, the earth was mostly ocean. The continents were, as we can best tell,  centered around the south pole. Leaving a comfortable bulk of the world covered by ocean.

The earth was, at that time, a ocean world with some notable mini-continents.

The earth during the Cambrian period.
The earth at the time of the Cambrian was of a mostly ocean covered world. The major land mass was centered at the South pole.

It was a warm time.

The overall world weather was rather warm. The equator was pretty darn hot, and the poles were both comfortable in temperature. There wasn’t any glaciation.

The various landmasses present at that time were scattered about. (This all was a result of the fragmentation of the super-continent Rodinia that had existed in the late Proterozoic.) There were a number of (more or less) significant landmasses. Though, most of the of the continents were joined together to form the super-continent Gondwana

The Cambrian map at around 500 Ma.
A map of the Cambrian at around 500 Ma. The world was mostly an ocean covered world with mild climates, calm seas, no glaciers or ice covered poles. The land masses were mostly devoid of life. The oceans, however, were teeming with life. (Image Source.)

Prior to the Cambrian, the earth was not at all like we would assume it to be. It consisted of a very lively aquatic biosphere, and a terribly barren terrestrial land biosphere. The land masses were all barren and devoid of most life.

The earth was quite different. The land was typically barren, and rocky. The oceans were filled with all sorts of aquatic creatures.

There were no animals. There were no insects. There were no flowers. There were no trees, nor grasses. There might have been a moss or two about, but that was about it. The differences between the two biospheres were too extreme. Nothing in the aquatic biosphere could breach the shore and make it’s way onto land. It was a white and black world with no shades of grey anywhere (figuratively speaking).

Then suddenly something happened…

The Cambrian Explosion

This period of time; the Cambrian Period, was a very important point in the history of life on Earth. It was notable in that it was the time when land animals first began to appear. This event is sometimes called the “Cambrian Explosion,” because of the relatively short time that the animals began to appear. It was like “an explosion”.

It was around a half a billion years ago. (I would say that 540 million years is pretty close to half a billion years.) Now, this is a very, very long time ago.

Prior to this time, the bulk of life was from the seas and oceans. There, the life grew and flourished. However it took some time for the life to leave the shores. At that time the oceans were teeming with life. There were jellyfish, marine creatures of all shapes and sizes and fishes. Yet the land was barren except for some life near the coasts.

Then SUDDENLY, out of the blue, life began to appear. It wasn’t that it started to appear from zero to full and dense populations. No. Instead, when we refer to life appearing; we actually are referring to “life appearing on land”.

Lake Isabella.
Prior to the moon’s appearance, the earth was sharply divided into two sections. One was a lively ocean world filled with all sorts of aquatic creatures. The other was a barren rocky desert devoid of life.

You see, up until the Cambrian period, the earth consisted of two completely separate biospheres. There was the [1] aquatic biosphere, and there was [2] the land biosphere. They were independent and distinct. Fish did not walk on the land, no shellfish climbed up on the hot rocks near the water. No life was on the land.

The [1] aquatic biosphere was relatively easy to start early life within. It was a crucible. We know, now today, that when you have water and heat, you can generally generate microorganisms.  Over time they can increase in number and diversify.

The [2] land biosphere was something different. There just wasn’t any kind of crucible or nursery for the growth or evolution of land life. The only way that this could occur was through transport from the [1] aquatic biosphere. That could not happen.

There was no mechanism to ignite life on the barren soil of the [2] land biosphere.

A Need for Tides

The time immediately before the Cambrian period is suggestive of a period when there just wasn’t any moon present. The earth sat alone without any large orbiting bodies. As a result, there were no tides and no waves. The ocean was a large still body. The only movement on the water was through the sea and ocean currents and the climate at the time.

Tides are created when a large planetary body is near another planetary body. This can be like the moon orbiting the earth, or more commonly, like a planet in close orbit around a brown / red dwarf or class K star.

The gravitation of the nearby body causes the liquid on the neighboring planet to move. This in turn, causes tides that ebb and flow. It causes periods of wet and dry surfaces where creatures from the [1] aquatic biosphere can evolve to move to a [2] land biosphere. Indeed, large planetary masses are necessary for biological evolution.

Large planetary masses are necessary for biological evolution.

The moon influences the tides of our earth.
The moon works with the sun to create tides. The tides create movement of the world’s oceans. This causes a rise and fall of water. This exposes aquatic creatures to brief periods outside the water. The creatures evolve, and eventually leave the aquatic environment.

I contend, for many reasons not listed here, that the moon was “placed” in orbit around the earth during the Cambrian. This placement created an environment that was friendly for the evolution and porting of life from the [1] aquatic biosphere to the [2] land biosphere.

  • I would suggest any one interested in following this “theory” further, please read my blog post about The Hollow Moon.

The Hollow Moon
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.

The Presence of the Moon Changed Everything

In contrast to later periods, the Cambrian fauna was somewhat more restricted; indeed free-floating organisms such as jellyfish were actually rare during this time. This was quite unlike the earlier era where there were large swarms of jellyfish, in many sizes (including super-jumbo).

Those earlier life forms that did survive ended up living on or close to the sea floor. Due to catastrophic events that affected the native life forms, mineralizing animals became rarer than in future periods. This was due, in part, to the unfavorable ocean chemistry prevalent at the time.

One of the mysteries of the Cambrian is why there was a jump in the concentration of sulphate in the world's oceans. However, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Canfield and Farquhar attribute the rise in sulphate to the onset of bioturbidity. 

Or in other words, the burrowing, sluicing, pumping and mixing caused by masses of worms, clams, crustaceans and other animals that began to appear around this time in Earth's history. 

Personally, I sit amusedly on the sidelines on this argument. I think all the theories are quite interesting, though a bit over my head. I graciously leave the arguments to those scientists that are far better versed to make these determinations than I am.

The Earth gets a Moon

At a time, around 540 Million years ago, plus of minus 20 million years or so, the presence of the moon created the Cambrian explosion where life began to exist upon the barren landmasses of earth. The moon did not suddenly come into being. It entered orbit with long elliptical swings coming close to the surface of the earth and then swinging away from it. This period of orbital instability lasted millions of years.

485 Ma – Ordovician period

"…the truth is out there," (concerning UFOs)

— John Podesta (Quoted in The Washington Post)

Following the 56 million year period of the Cambrian period, began the Ordovician period.

The reader should realize that the Cambrian was one of great promise and even greater disappointment.  At that time the earth was rocked with a long series of extinction events; all of which left painful “footprints” on the biodiversity of native lifeforms.  Earth during the Cambrian was a contentious time, but this all began to change.  The changes were remarkable and are forever recorded in the history books as the Ordovician period.

This period of time lasted from 485 to 443 million years ago.  Life continued to flourish during the Ordovician as it did in the beginning of the Cambrian.  But the flourishing of life during this period apparently was much more successful.  The long term extinctions found during the Cambrian was absent here, as was the apparent frequency of mass extinctions.  However and ultimately (unfortunately), the end of the period was marked by a very significant mass extinction.

Life Forms

During this period of time, life (still) had yet to fully and completely diversify on land.  While there were forays onto the land during this period, the great diversity of land based life was still limited.  For the most part, fishes and other creatures remained in the ocean and scant few still had yet to expand upon the land.  As in the Cambrian, invertebrate; mostly types of mollusks and various arthropods, dominated the oceans. Fish, the world’s first true vertebrates, continued to evolve, and those with jaws may have first appeared late in the period (maybe around 450 Ma).  This was still a world of bare rocky land masses, yet there were elements of the beginnings of land based plants; Larger than mere fungi, mosses and other small plants.  Perhaps the first ferns began to make their appearance, as well as other (simpler) plants.

What this manifested as was wondrous.  This was a time of extreme biodiversity in the seas; because the harsh destruction of life during the Cambrian was permitted to lapse, and in its stead was a great rebirth and reintroduction of “new” and “improved” life forms.

Ordovician Period map
During the Ordovician Period, the world was a strange one indeed. It certainly did not look like the planet of today. The tilt of the earth was different, which meant that there were seasons of different intensity and of different duration. The world has numerous continents of which many had long strings of islands and landmasses . This enabled the propagation of early plants through the various complexities of the currents in the oceans. Sea life evolved greatly because the conditions permitted it at this evolutionary period of time.

It is generally considered that this period was full of various unknown and poorly understood creatures because most were soft shelled, and thus did not fossilize readily.  But that has changed in the last number of years, as “soft shelled” fossils had been discovered from the Ordovician period.

Ancient Cephalopods. These creatures tended to grow up to enormous sizes.

Discoveries in the Fezouata Biota, holds some of the oldest known marine animals on Earth.  In it, troves of detailed Ordovician fossils were found that had fossilized “soft tissues”.  This is an amazing rarity in the world of anthropology. And, this has given scientists an amazing look into the world of the Ordovician period.  This has enabled scientists to conduct studies on arthropods such as anomalocaridids, cheloniellids and marrellomorphs.  Not to mention the very interesting and terrifying armored, wormlike creature (Plumulites bengtsoni) and a giant, filter-feeding arthropod (Aegirocassis benmoulae).

Aegirocassis benmoulae. Aegirocassis is an extinct genus of anomalocarid arthropod belonging to the family Hurdiidae that lived 480 million years ago during the early Ordovician. It is known by a single species, Aegirocassis benmoulai. A fossil of A. benmoulai from the Fezouata biota, Morocco was discovered by and named after Mohamed Ben Moula, a fossil collector who recognized its rare characteristics and brought it to the notice of a professional paleontologist, Peter Van Roy, at the Ghent University in Belgium.

We now today that the anomalocaridids, an ancestor of modern-day arthropods such as butterflies and spiders, are thought to have lived and died during the Cambrian, but they survived for yet another 25 million years.

  • Read about the discovery of soft-skinned fossils from the Fezouata Biota HERE.

The Age of the Fishes

During the Ordovician period existed a wonderland of great marine diversity.  Creatures consisting of invertebrates that diversified into many new types (e.g., long straight-shelled cephalopods). Early corals, articulate brachiopods (Orthida, Strophomenida, etc.), bivalves, nautiloids, trilobites, ostracods, bryozoa, many types of echinoderms (crinoids, cystoids, starfish, etc.), branched graptolites, and other taxa all became quite common.

The seas became full of such a great variety of life that it was a wonderland of amazement.  One can only imagine what it must have been like.  I would imagine a wonderland of all kinds of corals with a multitude and variety of fishes and other marine life.  I also imagine that the world is still dominated by many soft skinned and soft boned creatures such as jellyfish which most certainly added to the great color and display of life at that time.

Underwater life
The Ordovician Period is the second period of the Paleozoic Era. This period saw the origin and rapid evolution of many new types of invertebrate animals which replaced their Cambrian predecessors. About 480 million years ago, in the Ordovician period, life forms diversified dramatically and gave rise to many of the marine forms familiar today.
Articulate brachiopods have toothed hinges and simple opening and closing muscles, while inarticulate brachiopods have untoothed hinges and a more complex system of muscles used to keep the two halves aligned. In a typical brachiopod a stalk-like pedicle projects from an opening in one of the valves, known as the pedicle valve, attaching the animal to the seabed but clear of silt that would obstruct the opening.

The Bivalvia comprise a class of marine and freshwater molluscs that have laterally compressed bodies enclosed by a shell consisting of two hinged parts. They have no head, and they also lack a radula. Bivalves include clams, oysters, cockles, mussels, scallops, and numerous other families that live in saltwater, and well as a number of families that live in freshwater.

Nautiloids are a large and diverse group of marine cephalopods (Mollusca) belonging to the subclass Nautiloidea that began in the Late Cambrian and are represented today by the living Nautilus and Allonautilus. Nautiloids flourished during the early Paleozoic era, where they constituted the main predatory animals, and developed an extraordinary diversity of shell shapes and forms. Some 2,500 species of fossil nautiloids are known, but only a handful of species survive to the present day.

Many creatures are now extinct. We know what they looked like from fossil evidence and biology or related creatures.
Trilobites are a well-known fossil group of extinct marine arthropods that form the class Trilobita. Trilobites form one of the earliest known groups of arthropods. The first appearance of trilobites in the fossil record defines the base of the Atdabanian stage of the Early Cambrian period (521 million years ago), and they flourished throughout the lower Paleozoic era before beginning a drawn-out decline to extinction when, during the Devonian, all trilobite orders except Proetida died out. Trilobites finally disappeared in the mass extinction at the end of the Permian about 250 million years ago. The trilobites were among the most successful of all early animals, roaming the oceans for over 270 million years.

Ostracods, or ostracodes, are a class of the Crustacea (class Ostracoda), sometimes known as seed shrimp. Some 70,000 species (only 13,000 of which are extant) have been identified, grouped into several orders. They are small crustaceans, typically around 1 mm (0.039 in) in size, but varying from 0.2 to 30 mm (0.0079 to 1.1811 in) in the case of Gigantocypris. Their bodies are flattened from side to side and protected by a bivalve-like, chitinous or calcareous valve or "shell". The hinge of the two valves is in the upper (dorsal) region of the body. Ostracods are grouped together based on gross morphology, but the group may not be monophyletic; their molecular phylogeny remains ambiguous.

The Bryozoa, also known as Polyzoa, Ectoprocta or commonly as moss animals, are a phylum of aquatic invertebrate animals. Typically about 0.5 millimetres (0.020 in) long, they are filter feeders that sieve food particles out of the water using a retractable lophophore, a "crown" of tentacles lined with cilia.

Echinoderms are a phylum of marine animals. The adults are recognizable by their (usually five-point) radial symmetry, and include such well-known animals as starfish, sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea cucumbers.

Crinoids are marine animals that make up the class Crinoidea of the echinoderms (phylum Echinodermata). They live both in shallow water and in depths as great as 6,000 metres. Sea lilies refer to the crinoids which, in their adult form, are attached to the sea bottom by a stalk. Feather stars or comatulids refer to the unstalked forms.

This is an exceptionally well preserved multiple example of a distinctive Camerate crinoid type. Scyphocrinites have been found in Asia, North America, Europe, and Africa. Instead of being rooted to the ground like most crinoids, Scyphocrinites had a lobolith, which is a floating sphere that keeps an animal afloat in water. Unlike other crinoids, Scyphocrinites hung upside down at the surface. The dark 3D crinoid contrasts beautifully against the muted purple matrix. It would make a fantastic collection centerpiece, or, distinctive decorative display piece.
Graptolithina is a class in the animal phylum Hemichordata, the members of which are known as graptolites. Graptolites are fossil colonial animals known chiefly from the Upper Cambrian through the Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian).


The atmosphere continued to change during this time, and the amount of oxygen continued to increase.  Through most of this period the oxygen level was only about 68 % of our current modern level.  Mean atmospheric CO2 content was still at 15 times our current (pre-industrial) level. The air, to us humans today, would be considered rather stinky and polluted.

But that doesn’t really matter. Nothing really lived on the land breathing the air. The vast bulk of life was underwater; in the seas and oceans.

It was a warmer time.

For most of the Ordovician period, global conditions were as stifling as during the preceding Cambrian; air temperatures averaged about 120 degrees Fahrenheit worldwide, and sea temperatures may have reached as high as 110 degrees at the equator.

It is unlikely that there were any ice caps at either the north or south poles.

Water temperature map
Sea Surface Temperatures during the late Ordovician period. By the end of the Ordovician, however, the climate was much cooler, as an ice cap formed on the south pole and glaciers covered adjacent landmasses. Biologically, these early continents were important only insofar as their coastlines provided sheltered habitats for shallow-water marine organisms; no life of any kind had yet conquered land.


Leading hospital “superbugs,” known as the enterococci were spawned at this time. They arose from an ancestor that dates back 450 million years according to a study led by researchers from Massachusetts Eye and Ear.

Enterococci are Gram-positive cocci that often occur in pairs ( diplococci ) or short chains, and are difficult to distinguish from streptococci on physical characteristics alone.  Two species are common commensal organisms in the intestines of humans: E. faecalis (90–95%) and E. faecium (5–10%). Rare clusters of infections occur with other species, including E. casseliflavus , E. gallinarum , and E. raffinosus .

The results of this study was published online in Cell. In the study authors shed light on the evolutionary history of these pathogens. They evolved nearly indestructible properties and have become leading causes of modern antibiotic-resistant infections in hospitals. Read about it HERE.

Extinction Events

The Ordovician Period consists of life on the Earth between two major extinction events.  The period started at a major extinction event known as the Cambrian–Ordovician extinction event.  It occurred about 485 Ma (million years ago), and started this period; the Ordovician period which lasted for about 44.6 million years.   This event terminated at the Cambrian period at the 490 Ma date.  For purposes of convenience, scholars define the termination of this period by another extinction event.  The Ordovician period ended with the Ordovician–Silurian extinction event.

The Ordovician period started with the Cambrian–Ordovician extinction event.

The Ordovician period ended with the Ordovician–Silurian extinction event.
The entire time period
This is a very interesting graph that tells the entire story of the Ordovician period in one nice and neat executive summary. The reader can clearly see that this period was dominated by a large series of volcanic events, possibly triggered by the movement of the continents on the surface. This volcanic activity affected many things, but there is evidence that the movement of the continents helped, through various methods (under debate) to cool down the ocean water temperature to a level compatible with marine life. Indeed 40°C is far too hot a temperature for marine life and corals to survive. The reader should note that the “goldilocks” period of marine life “explosion” occurred during the Mid-Ordovician period around the Damwillian period when the sea surface temperature was around 32 to 33°C. The upper-Ordovician period showed a gradual cooling of the planet and the seas eventually resulting in glaciation and other cooler weather patterns.

There are many interesting theories regarding these extinction events.

Some posit that there is a “dark” (visually undetected) companion to our solar system that pulls or propels stellar objects from the Oort cloud to plummet upon the earth.  Others argue that the larger gas giants, namely Jupiter exerts gravitational influences that hurl rocky bodies out of the solar system and some cycle back to eventually hit the earth.

A particularly interesting theory regards the presence of dark matter in and about our galaxy, and how the orbit of our solar system up and down; in and out of the galactic plane causes dark-matter gravitational influences on stellar or rocky bodies is particularly intriguing.  This theory is by Lisa Randall, a theoretical physicist at Harvard University. She puts forth a curious and interesting theory for periodic mass extinctions, which she describes in her book, “Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs.”

Cambrian–Ordovician extinction event

To study and observe this period we should start at the beginning.  Let’s start at the end of the Cambrian Period.  Geologists refer to this period as the delineation line between the Cambrian Period and the Ordovician Period.  It is most noteworthy due to a rather large extinction that occurred at that time.

Extinction events over time.
Extinction events over time.

The Cambrian–Ordovician extinction event occurred approximately 488 million years ago. As stated previously, this early Phanerozoic Eon extinction event eliminated many brachiopods and conodonts, and severely reduced the number of trilobite species.  It was preceded by the less-documented (but probably worse) End Botomian extinction event around 517 Ma, and the Dresbachian event at about 502 Ma.  Combined, these combined extinction events were very serious and greatly affected the native life, and atmosphere on the planet.

Ordovician–Silurian extinction event

The Ordovician Period ended with the Ordovician–Silurian extinction event.  This event occurred at about 443 Ma.  It was a single cataclysmic event that wiped out a solid 60% of marine genera.   (The reader must remember that the vast bulk of life on the planet at that time was marine life.)

It was the second-largest of the five major extinction events in Earth’s history in terms of percentage of genera that went extinct and second largest overall in the overall loss of life.

Between about 450 Ma to 440 Ma (million years ago), two pulses of extinction, separated by one million years, appear to have happened.  During this extinction event there were several marked changes in biologically responsive carbon and oxygen isotopes. This complexity may indicate several distinct closely spaced events, or particular phases within one event.

Periodic extinction events
Extinction events follow a periodic cycle suggestive of interstellar impacts. This interesting graph shows a plot of number of species going extinct over time. The events show a more or less regular pattern of extinction. This pattern is suggested of extraterrestrial body impact of great severity. The severity of such impact would have altered the climate on the earth in various dramatic ways and affected the survival of the known species present. There is no question that the end-Ordovician extinction event was a severe event.

The previous belief, during the mid-1980’s into the early-1990’s, was that interstellar derived impact events, such as a meteor impact or impacts, caused this extinction period.  But due to political concerns in the United States, perhaps to prevent funding sources from drying up, most of academia embraced the idea of “global warming” as the consequence of  tectonic plate movement as the root cause of this (and other) extinction event(s).

Political Considerations

Therefore, in the interests of continued funding for those scientists who research these arcane matters, I must concur that the immediate cause of extinction appears to have been the movement of Gondwana into the South Polar Region. This led to global cooling, glaciation and consequent sea level fall. The falling sea level disrupted or eliminated habitats along the continental shelves.

In the United States, most research funding provided to universities and colleges originate out of governmental agencies.  Very little funding is obtained from private concerns and industry.  Thus, those who work at universities depend on funding grants (mostly through the government) to get paid.  College and university pay scales are generally low, and professors use grants to supplement their income.  

Thus, depending on the political climate at the time, schools and universities will compete for grants that support whatever political philosophy is prevalent at the time.

Ronald Reagan
During the 1980’s under Ronald Reagan, a vast bulk of research was devoted to such programs as “Star Wars” ICBM  laser defense system, NASP and the “Orient Express” space plane (Known as the “great laugh” by conventional liberal news media, the project went black and was forgotten until 2016 when it resurfaced publicly. Eventually picked up for public development elsewhere; Oxford's Reaction Engines Ltd (REL) announced it has received a €10,000 development contract with ESA, so it can work on its revolutionary Synergistic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE). This technology can work both in the Earth's atmosphere and in space - which is crucial to space planes. The grant adds to the UK Government's commitment to invest £60 million in SABRE. The project has also seen investment from defense company BAE Systems and the US Air Force.) , and the “Freedom” Space Station.

Bill Clinton
During the Clinton Presidency, most funding sources changed in support of “Global Warming”, “Child Safety”, the dangers of breast implants and silicone, the dangers of Smoking, and other (now well known) initiatives.  

George Bush II
Under the Bush II presidency, the shape of the grants became devoted towards projects designed to reduce the scope of Terror. As well as all sorts of developments toward military technology and crowd control technology and internet surveillance. 

Barrack Obama
Meanwhile under the Obama administration it changed again to support initiatives related to “diversity”, “international cooperation”, global warming, and full-scale world surveillance.  In support of these, the universities produced studies and findings concurrent with the desired political belief system at that time.

Donald Trump
Funding under Donald Trump was redirected towards political and weapons sciences. Studies in support of finding problems and rooting out trouble with China was funded lavishly. Examples include HK "pro-democracy" initiatives, and Uighur "studies". Additionally, there was an explosion in "black projects" related to military technologies.
The problem with this is that professors and their students would doctor up research data, and provide fake findings in order to obtain a steady funding stream. Like below...

Global warming hoax.
Global warming is a hoax used to siphon more money into programs that are saturated with “kick-back” schemes. Here is a typical example. Here is scientific data that PROVES that climate has been warming. There’s only one tiny problem with it. NOAA didn’t have any satellite data to support these findings. Their first NOAA satellite was in the late 1970’s. They certainly didn’t have any in the 1960’s. But, you know what, during the Obama Administration, you could get millions of dollars in funding if you could prove that global warming was real. What a scam! Yet, you can believe it if you want. No skin off my back, just don’t expect me to go along with your delusions. Just like I don’t expect you, the reader, to go along with everything that I am saying either.

At this late date, it seems silly to parse the exact causes of the extinction events.  But, actually, the more that we learn about the mechanisms of our solar system, the better we can understand ourselves.  It is important.

Thus, whether the causes were extraterrestrial or due to a combination of terrestrial geologic processes should be given all consideration; within reason, and free of political considerations. (Regardless of one’s own political inclinations.)

Cephalopods – The first Individualized Souls on the Earth

All creatures have souls. Humans have a transitory soul that is being cultivated. Dogs and cats have hive / matrix souls (I am often confused by the differences). The Cephalopods have an individualized soul configuration.

As creatures evolved, they established formalized and discrete soul shapes.  Most settled into basic and primitive forms.  Many settled upon Hive, and Matrix forms.  However, the Cephalopods, they had an associative individualized soul configuration.  As such, they established an apparent “Heaven” and carved or brazed the way for subsequent evolution towards individualized soul forms.

Hive and Matrix soul configurations functionally dwell in both their Heaven and physical worlds simultaneously.  That is great, but it is actually counter productive for soul and spiritual growth.  

Thus, for individualized soul constructs, we have a partitioning of the Heaven and the physical experiences.  (Not all species have this, but we do.)  This species; the cephalopods were the first individualized soul constructs in our planetary environment.

This ability, the ability to partition the physical reality from the heavenly realities leads toward soul growth and construction ability. For now, we can consider the ability to grow, compose, engineer and repair souls into other things to be a sign of intelligence.

The reader might wonder why this kind of sea going creature would hold or develop an individualized soul.  Well there are many reasons for this.  But the reader must realize that the establishment of the physical attributes of a given physical creature would cause an associate adaptation of the soul quanta.

For the molluscan class Cephalopod,  these exclusively marine animals are characterized by [1] bilateral body symmetry, a [2] prominent head, and a [3] set of arms or tentacles (muscular hydrostats) modified from the primitive molluscan foot.  This combined with a [4] brain that recognized the concept of “self” was all that was necessary to develop into an individualized soul construct; later an archetype.

Nothing remains of them today.  They evolved through to extinction.  All that remains of them are (what I personally like to refer to as) the “quantum ruins” that exist on the discrete quantum levels.  There were numerous subspecies and each one developed into their own soul configuration, with most of them being closely related in numerous ways.

Cephalopods Edit their own Genes to Faciliate Evolution

We now know that the species has edited their own DNA to evolve. Just when we thought octopuses couldn’t be any weirder, it turns out that they and their cephalopod brethren evolve differently from nearly every other organism on the planet.

These deep-sea cephalopods are well known for changing color to match their surroundings, thus evading predators and sneaking up on food sources. What the new findings prove is that the octopus' skin isn't just responding to instructions from the brain and eyes - it's actually reacting to light and changing color itself. 

It's all thanks to the chromatophores under the skin of an octopus: very small, pigmented organs packed with chemicals. As the muscles around them expand and contract, the colour they display changes. Thousands of these chromatophores are packed just below the top layer of skin. Go HERE.

In a surprising twist, scientists have discovered that octopuses, along with some squid and cuttlefish species, routinely edit their RNA (ribonucleic acid) sequences to adapt to their environment.

A nucleic acid that consists of a long chain of nucleotides. Helps put the genetic code into action. Part of DNA base sequence turned into RNA. Helps makes proteins.

This is weird because that’s really not how adaptations usually happen in multicellular animals. When an organism changes in some fundamental way, it typically starts with a genetic mutation – a change to the DNA. This method is what is considered to be “typical”, and thus “normal”.

Those genetic changes are then translated into action by DNA’s molecular sidekick, RNA. You can think of DNA instructions as a recipe, while RNA is the chef that orchestrates the cooking in the kitchen of each cell, producing necessary proteins that keep the whole organism going. But RNA doesn’t just blindly execute instructions – occasionally it improvises with some of the ingredients, changing which proteins are produced in the cell in a rare process called RNA editing.

When such an edit happens, it can change how the proteins work, allowing the organism to fine-tune its genetic information without actually undergoing any genetic mutations. But most organisms don’t really bother with this method, as it’s messy and causes problems more often that solving them.

In 2015, researchers discovered that the common squid has edited more than 60 percent of RNA in its nervous system. Those edits essentially changed its brain physiology, presumably to adapt to various temperature conditions in the ocean. Now the team is back with an even more startling finding – at least two species of octopus and one cuttlefish do the same thing on a regular basis. To draw evolutionary comparisons, they also looked at a nautilus and a gastropod slug, and found their RNA-editing prowess to be lacking.

"This shows that high levels of RNA editing is not generally a molluscan thing; it's an invention of the coleoid cephalopods,"

-Joshua Rosenthal of the US Marine Biological Laboratory.

The researchers analysed hundreds of thousands of RNA recording sites in these animals, who belong to the coleoid subclass of cephalopods. They found that clever RNA editing was especially common in the coleoid nervous system.

"I wonder if it has to do with their extremely developed brains,"

-geneticist Kazuko Nishikura from the US Wistar Institute, who wasn't involved in the study, told Ed Yong at The Atlantic

It’s true that coleoid cephalopods are exceptionally intelligent.

Therefore, it’s certainly a compelling hypothesis that octopus smarts might come from their unconventionally high reliance on RNA edits to keep the brain going.

"There is something fundamentally different going on in these cephalopods,"


Is there any doubt that these creatures were not the FIRST amblitory intelligences to occupy our Nursery World under the direction of the <redacted>? It’s not just that these animals are adept at fixing up their RNA as needed – the team found that this ability came with a distinct evolutionary tradeoff, which sets them apart from the rest of the animal world.

In terms of run-of-the-mill genomic evolution (the one that uses genetic mutations, as mentioned above), coleoids have been evolving really, really slowly. The researchers think that this has been a necessary sacrifice – if you find a mechanism that helps you survive, just keep using it.

"The conclusion here is that in order to maintain this flexibility to edit RNA, the coleoids have had to give up the ability to evolve in the surrounding regions - a lot,"


The findings have been published in Cell.

Significance of RNA Editing

Perhaps there is something else going on with the Cephalopods.

Instead of thinking that the Cephalopods have evolved in such a way to be able to edit their RNA, maybe what is going on is that their species “graduated” and were permitted to evolve into an approved archetype. As such, there is most certainly, a restructuring of DNA in both the physical realm as well as the non-physical realm.

I argue that this is exactly what happened with the Cephalopods. They have evolved to a point where their sentience was recognized and stable. As such, the entities that monitor this sentience nursery have permitted them to graduate. Those members of the species, ready to graduate, were reprogrammed genetically and are now a stable archetype.

Other Ideas

The following is from the article titled “The outer space octopus theory” written by Jazz Shaw and Posted at 8:41 pm on May 16, 2018 on HotAir.

A scientific study has been released offering the controversial claim that there’s a decent chance the octopus (and the rest of the cephalopods) arrived on Earth in the form of frozen eggs 250 million years ago and actually evolved on another world. (Express UK)

The paper suggests that the explanation for the sudden flourishing of life during the Cambrian era – often referred to as the Cambrian Explosion – lies in the stars, as a result of the Earth being bombarded by clouds of organic molecules.

But the scientists go on to make an even more extraordinary claim concerning octopuses, which seem to have evolved on Earth quite rapidly something like 270 million years ago, 250 million years after the Cambrian explosion…

“One plausible explanation, in our view, is that the new genes are likely new extraterrestrial imports to Earth – most plausibly as an already coherent group of functioning genes within (say) cryopreserved and matrix protected fertilized Octopus eggs.

“Thus the possibility that cryopreserved Squid and/or Octopus eggs, arrived in icy bolides several hundred million years ago should not be discounted as that would be a parsimonious cosmic explanation for the Octopus’ sudden emergence on Earth circa 270 million years ago.”

This wasn’t the first group to suggest it. In 2015 another research group reached a similar conclusion. The more you read into it, the less crazy it sounds. As we’ve studied the various animals on the planet in ever deeper detail, the octopus really doesn’t seem to fit in with everything else.

They’re an invertebrate, but they have 10,000 more protein-coding genes than a human being. 

They have problem-solving skills, they use tools and have been observed constructing a shelter out of things like broken coconut shells. (Not just using a shelter they find, the way crabs do, but actually building something.) 

And where did that instant camouflage ability come from? Their nervous system is almost entirely unique among animals.

And they just don’t look right. Most of the animals you see on the land, in the water or in the air follow a basic pattern. There’s a central body with four protruding limbs and a head of some sort. Even the animals like snakes that don’t appear to have legs have vestigial limbs inside. 

The insects made the switch to six legs but the basic layout is still the same. (Don’t get me started on the centipedes. They’re probably from another world also.) 

And then there are the cephalopods. Eight to ten limbs sticking out of a central mass with a huge brain, eyes with structures resembling a camera (like ours, actually) and a host of other differences.

If you happen to be a fan of the theory of panspermia, is it really such a crazy idea? Dormant cells get blown out into space on some other planet, hitch a ride on some rocks and debris and survive in a dormant state until they crash land someplace else where they can take root. Maybe that explains why the octopus is just so darn weird.

In any event, if you want to amuse yourself for a couple of minutes, check out some of these GIF’s. It’s beyond amazing.

The Amazing Cephalopods

Using a bowl as a kind of mobile home…


Being able to camouflage themselves expertly…


Unscrewing a jar from inside…


Going for a little walk…


Crawling out of the water to attack a crab and returning back to the water…




Being able to change size to scare away predators…


Defending itself from a shark by making a “suit of armor” out of shells…


Using the poisonous stingers of a jellyfish as a weapon…


Surviving an attack by a shark and then squirting ink during the “get away”…


Using ink to blind an attacking creature…


Another instance of pulsating skin coloration…


And in conclusion, here we have a cephalopod solving Rubkic’s cube…

Solving Rubics cube.
Solving Rubics cube. You give an unsolved cube to the cephalopod. It accepts it and wraps it’s entire body around it. It then spends some time playing with the cube…
Solving Rubics cube.
Then you get the cube away from the cephalopod, and low and behold it is completely solved. Can you, my dear reader, do this? Solving Rubics cube.


Cephalopods is one of numerous species who has evolved on earth. They, like humans, evolved through a period of individualized soul construction until they eventually developed sentience. With this came the development of an approved archetype.

Today, we can see what an approved archetype looks like for this species. We can also see what unapproved archetypes looked like in some of their ancestors who no longer exist on this planet.

Take Aways

  • Cephalopods are one of numerous intelligent species who has evolved on earth.
  • They have edited their RNA.
  • They demonstrate some amazing abilities that are currently beyond human technology to accomplish.
  • They have an individualized soul construction that has adopted and evolved into an approved archetype.


Q: Where do humans fit in with all this?
A: We don’t. On the earth, various species have evolved, and advanced. Others have died out. Still others obtained intelligence and sentience. We, humans, are late comers to this process. For us, we do not possess a unified sentience. This is problematic for our species.

Having different sentience’s, mean that we possess differing “Heavens”, or a tendency for our non-physical realms to segregate in difficult ways. To use a Christian reference, “Service to Self” sentience’s would tend to migrate to a Heaven (upon physical death) filled with other selfish people. While those with “Service to Other’s” sentience would migrate to a Heaven filled with others of a similar sentience.  Depending on your point of view, one person’s Heaven is another person’s Hell.

Disrupted and disjointed sentience’s are problematic in the non-physical reality. As they are never fully able to participate in the “activities” and “benefits” within the non-physical realm.

Of course, my descriptions herein are quite simplistic. It is not that black and white. It is actually a very complex and complicated situation. However, to simplify, let me make a very simple point perfectly clear. One’s sentience helps establish one’s activity and role within the non-physical realm. (Or Heaven, for those of you are spiritually inclined.)

Q: What happens to members of a species that do not “graduate” into a new archetype?
A: They stagnate. Eventually devolving, or ending up on a dead-end evolutionary track, or evolving into a totally different species all together. In the case of the Cephalopods, members of the species that did not fall into an approved sentience and archetype eventually die off like the Ammonoidea (ammonites) and Belemnoidea (belemnites).

Q: What species monitors our planet and assist in sentience selection and advancement into approved and stable galactic archetypes?
A: This species is the <redacted>.  They are a pretty ancient species compared to humans, and might be the oldest species that humans have interacted with. they are invertebrates, and possess an understanding and control of our reality that far exceeds anything that we humans can comprehend. They operate outside the sphere of our reality, but are fundamentally an integral part of our lives.

I suppose the more religious reader might consider them to be akin to “angels” in the Biblical sense. However, their appearance differs from common public perception. They tend to be much larger than humans, and are quite impressive in ability.

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Why our Understanding of Reality is False

One of the reasons why humans are handicapped in our understanding of reality is because of our reliance on the “scientific method”. It is a system based on observation. The problem with this method is that our understanding of reality is corrupted by the limits imposed by observation. Indeed, as well well know, it is the perception of the observer that changes our reality.

This is a well understood rule. If you the reader, don’t “get it”, then you need to study quantum mechanics 101. For in the last two decades the entire foundation of our understanding of reality has been turned on it’s head.

Now, this is a problem. It rally is. As we have successfully harnessed observed scientific laws to create machines and build up a civilization into the technological age. How can our understanding of reality be so wrong?

Let’s take a look at this.


Our society, and our technology has been built up over the last few centuries based on the application of the fundamentals of Newtonian Physical law. He have airplanes that fly in the sky, rockets that fly to the moon, buildings that tower into the heavens, and elevators that carry us skyward. How can all that be wrong?

I am reminded of an event while I was in High School. I was a member of the school Golf team. I wasn’t that good at it, but it did allow me to get out and socialize with my friends. Now, one day we had a Golf coach come over and help us with our drives. This is where you take a wooden club and try to hit the ball as far as possible, in the direction you intend, without having any deviation from it’s trajectory. It sounds easy, but it wasn’t. Not really.

Here is a golfer hitting a “drive” on a nice day at a fine golf course. What’s not to love? When I was in High School, I was on the golf team to the extent that it did not interfere with my work schedule in the coal mines.

He came up to me and watched me swing. He stood beside me for about ten minutes watching me. Then he pulled me aside.

He told me that while my stance, my swing, my movements could hit the ball reasonably well, that was the extent of it. He told me that I had plateaued. I was doing the best that I could by using the technique that I was utilizing.

I could go no further.

As I tried to hit the ball harder, as I tried to focus better, as I tried to ease into my swing, I could never improve. I was at my limits.

He then taught me that I did not need to hit the ball so hard to get the distance. He told me that everything was in how I swung, and how I moved. He radically changed my entire posture and my swing. It was completely different than anything that I was doing previously.

Two plane golf swing.
Here is an illustration of what is known as the “two plane” golf swing. There are other techniques as well. The point is that to advance and move forward you have to use different techniques to improve your mastery of something.

And, you know what?

I hit the ball better, the balls traveled further and stayed on course without deviation. There were no “hooks”, and no “slices”. Everything was perfect. He was correct. I could only go so far with my (now, admittedly) crude application of my driving stance.

Science and technology are like that. Newtonian physics can only take us so far. To really master our reality, we need to fully understand and master our universe and the laws that control it. We need to look at how things work beyond the limits of our observation.

To prove that Newtonian Physics does not represent the reality that we inhabit, let’s look at four paradoxes that clearly illustrate these limitations…

Paradoxes Involving the Second Law of Thermodynamics

“The tendency for entropy to increase in isolated systems is expressed in the second law of thermodynamics -- perhaps the most pessimistic and amoral formulation in all human thought.”

--Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley, Principia Discordia (1965)

Unknown to most students of the sciences, the laws inherent in Newtonian Physics are not immutable and fixed (…though they are most certainly taught that in school.).  That is because many of them are derived empirically.

Empirical evidence, also known as sensory experience, is the information received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and documentation of patterns and behavior through experimentation.


We treat them as fixed and immutable, but that is a genuine disservice to mankind.  For they are not.

They are still just and only theories that best fit the observed phenomena of the observed physical universe.  We need to remember this.  They were all derived through empirical observation and calculated accordingly.  This can lead to plenty of problems and is perhaps one of the reasons why FTL (faster than light travel) has been so problematic in implementation.

Since Einstein, physicists have been working on a theory of everything (TOE). Logic dictates that for a true TOE, the TOE must be able to propose from first principles, why conservation of mass-energy and conservation of momentum hold. If these theories cannot, they cannot be TOEs. 

Unfortunately all existing TOEs have these conservation laws as their starting axioms, and therefore, are not true TOEs. The importance of this requirement is that if we cannot explain why conservation of momentum is true, like Einstein did with LFT, how do we know how to apply this in developing interstellar propulsion engines?

We need to treat them as they really are and recognize from whence they were derived.  Let’s just look at one of these “rigid and immutable” laws that the entire foundation of science has been built upon.  Let’s look at the second law of Thermodynamics.

“The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning, while those other subjects merely require scholarship.”

-Robert Heinlein in: Time Enough for Love: the lives of Lazarus Long; a novel , (1973), p. 366

The second law of thermodynamics states that whenever energy is transformed from one form to another form, entropy increases and energy decreases. (In other words: over time, differences in temperature, pressure, and density tend to even out in a horizontal plane, but not in a vertical plane due to the force of gravity.)

For example, density and pressure do not even out in a vertical plane, and nor does temperature because gravity acts on individual molecules, and this means molecular kinetic energy interchanges with gravitational potential energy in free path motion between collisions.

Bitter Pills
Reality is a bitter pill to swallow. many people have invested their entire education, and careers all on a certain belief and theory. Often when it starts to fall apart or unravel with latest knowledge and experimentation, the statists fight the revisions. They do not want their carefully constructed illusions shattered.

Everyone needs to recognize the foundations for this law.  It is derived through experimental observation and not a mathematical proof.  (Surprise!)  The second law of thermodynamics is empirical. It has no fully satisfactory theoretical proof.

This being the case, its absolute validity depends upon its continued experimental verification in all the thermodynamic regimes; all of them.

To this end, over the years, physical processes involving broken symmetries have been standard touchstones by which its validity has been tested. Each time this “immutable” law has been challenged; paradoxes have cropped up, and immediately ignored.  The problems that we have so discovered suddenly become ignored. It is as if they do not matter.

This is disingenuous.

As the paradoxes point towards directions that we need to resolve so we can better understand the nature of the universe around us.  It is how we learn.  It is how we grow, and expand our science.  The thing is, it’s not just one or two “small” paradoxes, but multiple paradoxes that shatter the fundamental bedrock of the Newtonian belief structure.

Introduction to Four Paradoxes

Let’s look at four such paradoxes.

In each paradox, the (task directed) “universe” consists of an infinite isothermal heat bath in which is immersed a blackbody cavity.  Within each cavity, steady-state, non-equilibrium thermodynamic processes create spontaneous asymmetric momentum fluxes which are harnessed to do steady-state work.

If one demands the first law of thermodynamics is satisfied by these systems, then apparent contradictions with the second law of thermodynamics result.

The reader should not be too overwhelmed by the unfamiliar terminology. All of this is standard engineering fare for the initiated.  This is how engineers talk and communicate to each other.  We establish a basic “playing field” from which we can build and create our particular state for discussion.

So, if you want to disparage my contention that MWI exists, and that transports have been available to egress for the last fifty some years, then show me how my argument is facetious. Prove to me that Newtonian Physics can be used to prove that quantum Physics does not apply on the macro scale. Solve these paradoxes.

The reader should recognize that none of this is new.

I am not the first person to “discover” these paradoxes, nor am I the first to address them.  Indeed, there have been many laboratory experiments and numerical simulations that have corroborated theoretical predictions and have failed to resolve the paradoxes in favor of the second law. Many tests, and many theories, but no solutions.

To this point, it can be shown that broken symmetry in each of these four systems’ thermodynamic properties allows asymmetric momentum fluxes to arise spontaneously and that these fluxes can be harnessed to perform work utilizing a second broken symmetry in each system’s geometry.

We can show… that a broken symmetry…in each of these examples…  thermodynamic properties… allow… asymmetric momentum fluxes… to occur, and…thus work can be observed occurring.

Paradoxes should never be discounted, as they are critically important in understanding how the universe works around us.  I argue the point that by illuminating the characteristics shared by these paradoxes, it is hoped that their resolution can and will be expedited.

The reader might think that asymmetries such as these are thermodynamically forbidden and that each system must relax to an equilibrium characterized by spatial homogeneity.

This is not the case.

In fact, “equilibrium” does not at all forbid spatial gradients so long as they are steady-state ones. For example, the asymmetric momentum fluxes to be introduced shortly (in this post) in Systems II, III, and IV are no more than steady-state pressure gradients. Equilibrium (steady-state) pressure gradients are quite ubiquitous in nature.


Temperature-Pressure Profiles of Brown Dwarfs and Giant Planets, with Gas Equilibrium and Condensation Curves for Several Major Species.

For instance, they are standard features of gravitationally-bound, isothermal, static atmospheres on idealized planets. In a uniform gravitational field, one can write the gas pressure as a function of vertical height, z, as p(z)= poexp[-mg(z-zo)/kT], where m is the mass of the gas molecule, kT is the thermal energy, g is the local gravitational acceleration, and pois a fiduciary pressure.

Clearly, this atmosphere possesses a vertical pressure gradient at equilibrium. Similarly, the pressure gradients in Systems II-IV are steady-state structures, but unlike the atmospheric gradient which is static and due to a static potential gradient (gravity), these pressure gradients are dynamically maintained by the continuous effluxes from two surfaces having different activities toward the cavity gas. Furthermore, these pressure gradients can do work.

Let’s look at the four paradoxes and briefly review them;

The Four Paradoxes

Schematic of paradoxical system #1.

System I

The system I  consists of a blackbody cavity containing a low-density plasma and an electrically conducting probe connected to the walls through a load, as shown in the figure above. The load may be conservative (e.g. a motor) or dissipative (e.g. a resistor).

The probe and load are small enough to represent minor perturbations to the cavity properties.

The walls are grounded to the heat bath both thermally and electrically (Vground =0). The potential between the bulk plasma and the cavity walls the plasma potential, Vp may be positive or negative depending on the work function and temperature of the walls, and the plasma type and concentration.

For an electron-rich plasma and in the absence of any net current to the plasma or walls, Vp may be estimated by equating the Richardson emission, JR from the walls to random electron flow from the plasma into the walls:

Equation #1.

Here φ is the wall’s work function, T is temperature, Vp is the plasma potential, ѵe is the average electron thermal speed, k is the Boltzmann constant, me is the electron mass, n is the plasma particle density, and A is the Richardson constant (about 6-12 x 105(A/m2K2) for pure metals).

Under either equilibrium or non-equilibrium conditions, Vp will be non-zero except for very specific plasma parameters; in particular, Vp = 0 at the critical density, nc = (4AT 2/eѵe)exp [-eφ/kT], as derived from Eq. (1) above.

The probe will achieve a potential with respect to the plasma and walls depending on its temperature, resistance to ground (load resistance, RL), and the current to it. Since it is nearly in thermal equilibrium with the walls, the probe is self-emissive and, therefore, electrically floats near the plasma potential so long as RLis large. If Vp ≠ 0, a current can flow continuously from the probe, through the load, to ground. This current represents an asymmetric momentum flux.

The generated power may be expressed as;

The entropy production rate is;

this will be positive (negative) for a purely dissipative (conservative) load. Laboratory experiments corroborate this effect.

Note: this paradox is not limited to systems with thermionically emitting walls and probe; any plasma with a non-zero floating potential appears viable. The paradox can be brought into sharper relief by placing as witch between the probe and the load. When the switch is open, the probe is physically disconnected from the walls (ground) and will electrically charge as a capacitor to the plasma floating potential. When the switch is closed, the probe will discharge as a capacitor through the load and plasma, achieving the non-zero voltage depicted. With an ideal switch, this charging and discharging of the probe through the load can be repeated indefinitely.

If this system does steady-state work on the load while maintaining spatially steady-state temperature and species concentration profiles, and if the first law of thermodynamics is satisfied, then a paradox involving the second law naturally develops.

Formally, the first law states:

Where []hb refers to the heat bath and []c refers to the cavity. The heat bath supplies heat, but does no work, so ΔWhb =0.

If the load is conservative and each part of the cavity is at a steady state temperature, then ΔQc=0. (It is assumed, without further justification, that there are no net phase changes or chemical reactions in the cavity.)

Returning to the first law, since ΔWhb =0 and ΔQc=0, this leaves ΔQhb = ΔWc. The cavity does positive work, so ΔWc= ΔQhb< 0; in other words, the work performed by the load is drawn as heat from the heat bath, a reasonable result.

Here's a great opportunity to pull out an entropy-Pressure diagram out of some old text books. I don't get this opportunity often, so I relish the opportunity as it present's itself.
Here is a nice typical steam pressure enthalpy diagram showing pressure and properties for a refrigerant. All of which has been derived empirically. As is just about everything in applied engineering.

Now consider the second law. Entropy is an additive thermodynamic quantity so the entropy change for the universe can be written:

Since ΔQc = 0, one has for the cavity, ΔSc = ΔQc /T = 0. Equivalently, one may argue that entropy is a state function and the closed cavity is in a steady state – having no net phase changes, chemical reactions, temperature or volume changes, the number of microstates available to it is fixed – thus the entropy of the cavity is time invariant, and so ΔSc = 0.) With ΔSc = 0, one is left with:

This violates the second law of thermodynamics, namely that for any spontaneous thermodynamic process, ΔSUniverse≥ 0. If one replaces RL with a dissipative load, the second law is violated still, since a forbidden, permanent temperature gradient has been established between the load and the cavity (Tload> Tc).

Note that this system is not in thermal equilibrium; this process is irreversible. In order to use validly equilibrium thermodynamic relations, the work must be performed “slowly.”

This can be achieved to any degree of precision desired by adjusting the load resistance. Similar arguments establish the remaining three paradoxes. Note also, neither this system nor the other three utilize standard thermodynamic cycles or a low temperature heat reservoir.

System II

Paradoxical system II is a mechanical analog to system I.   It too, it consists of a blackbody cavity surrounded by the heat bath. The cavity contains a low density ionizable gas, B, and a frictionless, two-sided piston (See Figure below).

Paradox #2.

As before, Richardson emission greatly exceeds ion emission for all surfaces, giving an electron-rich plasma with a negative plasma potential.  The majority of the piston is of identical composition as the walls (surface type 2, S2), however, on one piston face is a small patch having a different work function (surface type 1, S1). It is small in the sense that it is relatively unperturbing to global plasma properties.

The work functions of S1 and S2 and the ionization potential of B are ordered as: φ1 ≥~ I. P. >φ2.

Plasma production is straightforward: electrons are “ boiled” out of the metal (Richardson emission) and ions, created by surface ionization, are accelerated off the metal surface by the electron negative space charge. Ions, in turn, ease the electrons’ space charge impediment, thus releasing a quasi-neutral plasma from the surface. Actually, if Vp< 0, this is essentially a charge-neutralized, low-energy ion beam leaving the surface. In fact, this plasma can be roughly considered to be an unmagnetized, three-dimensional Q-plasma with a sliding hot plate.

The ordering φ1 ≥~ I. P. >φ2allows, with appropriate plasma density and temperature, and surface areas ((SA)2>>(SA)1), the following: surface 1 ionizes B well and recombines it poorly while surface 2 ionizes B poorly, but recombines B well.

Surface 2 dominates plasma properties by virtue of its greater surface area ((SA)2>> (SA)1), therefore, the net flux of B to any surface is predominantly neutral B. Surface 1 will be relatively unperturbing to cavity plasma conditions if the S1 ion current into the plasma is much less than the total S2 ion current. The electron emission off S2 exceeds that off S1 by a factor exp[(φ2-φ1)/kT]. The electron current density from each surface is given by Eq. (1) above.

Because of the differences between neutral, electronic, and ionic masses and the different currents of each leaving S1 and S2, a steady-state asymmetric momentum flux density (a “ net pressure difference,” ΔP), is sustained between piston faces. It has been shown that this pressure difference is roughly

Equation #2

where pi,2is the ionization probability of B on S2, nn is the neutral density, JR,1is the Richardson current density from S1, mi is the ion mass, and ѵn is the neutral thermal velocity.

The first, second, and third terms represent neutral, electronic, and ionic pressures, respectively. Laboratory experiments corroborate steady-state differential thermionic emission from different surfaces under blackbody conditions. Numerical simulations, using realistic physical parameters, indicate the pressure effect is small, but significant. If the piston moves slowly piston<<ѵn) and performs work quasi-statically, it generates steady-state

Ref; Sheehan, D. P. (1996). Phys. Plasmas, 3, 104.

and produces negative entropy at the rate,

Notice that, even in the absence of a plasma potential, Vp, the paradoxical effect persists so long as the ionization probability of the two surfaces are distinct.

System III

Paradoxical system III is the chemical-mechanical analog of system II. It consists of a blackbody cavity with piston into which is introduced a small quantity of dimeric gas, A2. The cavity walls and piston are made from a single material, surface type 2 (S2), except for a small patch of a different material, surface type 1 (S1), on one piston face, as shown in the figure for System II. Note S1 and S2 here are distinct from those in system II.) The chemical model for this system assumes the following:

  1. the gas phase density is low such that gas phase collisions are rare compared with gas-surface collisions, however, it is sufficiently high that rms pressure fluctuations are small compared with the average pressure;
  2. all species contacting a surface stick and later leave in thermal equilibrium with the surface;
  3. the only relevant surface processes are adsorption, desorption, dissociation, and recombination;
  4. the fractional surface coverage is low, so adsorptionand desorption are first order processes;
  5. A2 and A are highly mobile on all surfaces and may be treated as a two-dimensional gas; and
  6. atomic and molecular species are retained sufficiently long on any surface to achieve close to chemical thermal equilibrium in the surface phase.

These conditions are physically realistic and have been shown to be self-consistent[i]. For these conditions, it can be shown that, in principle, S1and S2 can simultaneously desorb different ratios of A and A2 in a steady-state fashion. However, since two A’s together impart 21/2 times the impulse to the piston as does a single A2 (all leaving in thermal equilibrium with the surface),asymmetric momentum fluxes can be sustained between the piston surfaces.  (Another way to view this is: equipartition of energy does not imply equipartition of linear momentum.) The pressure imbalance on the piston faces can be used to perform work in a similar manner to system II.

Ref: Sheehan, D. P. (1998). Phys. Rev. E., 57, 6 (in press).

For low surface coverage where desorption is a first order process, the desorption rate ratio for A and A2, Rdes (A2 ) /Rdes (A)≡α, is given by:

Equation #3.

Here ΔEdes(Aj) is the desorption energy of Aj; n(Aj) is the surface concentrate of

is a ratio of partition functions. f is the partition function for the species in equilibrium with the surface, and f *is the species-surface partition function in its activated states.

For real surface reactions, F(Aj) typically ranges between roughly 10-3-104. Experimental values of desorption energy, ΔEdes, typically range from about 1 kJ/mol for weak physisorption up to about 400 kJ/mole for strong chemisorption.

The ratio α varies as 0≤α≤∞depending on the values of the several variables in Eq. (3). Experimental signatures of differential α’s (some under quasi-blackbody conditions) are abundant.

If α1≠α2, and if the instantaneous fluxes of A and A2 from S2 each greatly exceed those from S1 so thatS1 can be treated as an impurity (i.e. Rdes(2,A2)/Rdes(1,A2) >> (SA)1/(SA)2andRdes(2,A )/Rdes(1, A) >> (SA)1/(SA)2, then a steady-state difference in momentum flux density (net pressure difference, ΔP) can be sustained between piston faces. Here (SA)jis the surface area of the jth surface.

This pressure difference can be expressed:

Equation #4.

where RT(A) is the total flux density of A onto a surface,

Here n(c,Aj) is the cavity concentration of A or A2. In the limit that α2 >> 1 >>α1, the greatest pressure difference is obtained; it is roughly:

This pressure difference is steady-state since the dynamic chemical processes giving rise to it are steady state. If this pressure difference is significantly greater than the statistical pressure fluctuations in the cavity, then, in principle, it can be exploited to do steady-state work. The power and entropy production rates here are the same as for system II. As for system II, the piston must move slowly compared with the thermal velocity of gaseous A2. Note that, when the piston moves, the volume and surface phases for this system are not in equilibrium; in fact, they are in steady-state non-equilibrium.

This chemical system has been simulated numerically. Closed-form, analyticrate equations have been developed and solved simultaneously using realistic physical parameters. Solutions confirm the possibility of this paradoxical effect; it is probably small – but significant – and appears viable over a wide range of physically accessible parameters. Laboratory systems displaying this effect are currently being sought.

Ref: Sheehan, D. P. (1998). Phys. Rev. E., 57, 6 (in press).

System IV

To introduce System IV, consider an everyday scenario: from the same height, drop a glass marble onto two different surfaces, for instance, a hardwood floor and a soft rug. The marble in elastically rebounds to different heights, demonstrating the different inelastic (endoergic) responses of the two surfaces.

Inherently, these collisions are non-equilibrium processes.

Analogous non-equilibrium behavior is observed on the atomic scale: it is well known that hyperthermal gas-surface collisions can excite energy states associated with internal degrees of freedom of either the collider or target – e.g. rotational, vibrational and electronic modes, phonons, plasmons – there by rendering the collisions inelastic.

In fact, a number of standard surface diagnostics are based upon just such characteristic inelastic responses. In contrast, at thermal equilibrium gas-surface collisions must, on average, be elastic, otherwise more direct contradictions with the second law arise.

(“ Hyperthermal” collisions are those with impact energies far above thermal energies - typically a few tenths of an eV up to about 100 eV in energy.)

Studies indicate energy transfer efficiencies from hyperthermal colliders to targets can range from a few percent to over ninety percent of incident atom kinetic energies. Motivated by these observations, a simple, idealized system is considered:

Ref; Zeiri Y. & Lucchese, R. R. (1991). J. Chem Phys., 94, 4055.

System IV; a strongly gravitating rod, whose ends have different inelastic responses to hyperthermal impacts by a particular gas, is placed at rest in a blackbody cavity with that gas.

When steady state is reached, gas continuously falls hyperthermaly onto the rod, inelastically rebounds to different degrees from the rod ends, and is rethermalized in the blackbody cavity.

The particle fluxes to and from both rod ends are identical, but the momentum fluxes are different, giving rise to a net force on the rod. If released, the rod accelerates in the direction of the net force and, in principle, can be harnessed to do mechanical work.

The idealized system consists of:

  • an infinite heat bath;
  • a large, spherical blackbody cavity;
  • a low density gas in the cavity; and
  • a rod gravitator.

The rod (length 2L g) has symmetric mass densityᵨ(x) = ᵨ(-x) about its center at x = 0, but its end surfaces (S1 and S2) are composed of two materials distinct in their inelastic responses to gas atoms (mass mA). In other words, forS1 and S2 one can write the inelastic response functions as distinct:

The inelastic response function for surface j, ѵf (j,ѵi), maps the velocity of a particle before impact, ѵi, onto its velocity after impact, ѵf. The rod represents a minor perturbation to the overall cavity properties. Its gravitational scattering length Ls is much smaller than the cavity scale length, Lc. As a result, Ns, the ratio of the average number of wall collisions a gas atom undergoes (Nwall) to the average number of rod collisions (Nrod) it undergoes, is large; that is,

Gas colliding with the cavity walls, regardless of its history, is diffusely scattered (for rough walls), well mixed, and fully thermalized within a few wall collisions.

For the rod at rest at the cavity center then, gas populations in falling from the walls to S1 and S2 maybe taken to be fully thermal and identical in temperature and density. In terms of the velocity distribution functions, this is:


The velocity distributions for gas in falling from x = ±Lc are half-Maxwelians, fI(j,ѵ). When they arrive at S1 and S2 they are velocity space compressed due to their falls through the gravitational potential, becoming fI(j,ѵ).

The rebounding distributions, fIII(j,ѵ), are distinct for the two surfaces.

After climbing out of the gravitational well, the velocity space expanded distributions fIV(j,ѵ) are rethermalized at the walls.

Gravitationally bound gas, fV(j,ѵ), forms an atmosphere around the rod.

The cavity contains blackbody radiation and gas whose mean free path is comparable to or greater than the distance between the rod and the walls.

Gas kinetic energy fluxes are much smaller than radiative energy fluxes; in other words, blackbody radiation dominates the system’s energy transfers.

Small surface temperature variations arising from inelastic collisions are quickly smoothed out by compensating radiative in- or effluxes. This model is valid over a wide range of physically realistic parameters and is well approximated by a planet-sized gravitator in a low density gas housed in blackbody cavity of solar system dimensions. In the following analysis, the rod will be treated one dimensionally; however, it can be shown, in retrospect, that the following results generalize to two and three dimensions.

The net force on the stationary rod can be determined from conservation of linear momentum, accounting for both incident and reflected particle fluxes. As discussed previously, since


by symmetry, the net force on the rod (at rest) due to incident gas is zero. However, the net force due to the inelastically reflecting gas need not be zero since equations


state otherwise.

Consider the S1 rod end. The incident particle flux density which in falls from the walls at x = – Lcto S1 at x = -Lg is

From conservation of mass, the incident particle flux density is equal to the reflected particle flux density:

The differential momentum flux density for the rebounding gas (taken at x = – Lg ) is

Only atoms with

will climb completely out of the gravitational potential well; the remainder will fall back to the rod, form an atmosphere, and eventually evaporate as the

Accounting for the gravitational back-reaction of the gas on the rod as it climbs out of the gravitational well, the total average

steady-state momentum flux density on surface S1 is:

Equation #5.

The approximation (≈) is due to the finite cavity size; in the limit of -Lc→-∞, the expression becomes exact. For S2, – ѵesc→+ѵescand -∞→ +∞ in the limits of integration.

In the limit of a tenuous atmosphere, the momentum flux density due to the ( |ѵ| ≥|ѵesc | )-tail of fѵ(j,ѵ) is negligible. In fact, fѵ(j,ѵ)is negligible for systems with [1] low gas densities, nA, and with [2] inelastic response functions, ff(j,ѵi)which do not shift f | significantly belowesc | .

By conservation of linear momentum, the average net momentum flux density(pressure) on the rod as a whole is;


In the velocity range of the colliding gas, then except under extremely contrived conditions, one has ΔF ≠0.

In other words, under steady-state thermodynamic conditions, a stationary, gravitating rod with different inelastic responses on its ends can, in principle, experience a non-zero, steady-state force when placed in a suitable gas.

If the rod is released, this force can be harnessed to do work at the expense of the heat bath, as discussed previously.

Two Broken Symmetries

Each paradox arises due to a synergism between two broken symmetries -one thermodynamic and one geometric. Each is necessary, but alone insufficient.

A broken geometric symmetry is constructed into each system. System I possesses almost perfect radial symmetry; this symmetry is broken by the electrical connection from the probe, through the load, to ground.

In the case of disconnection, the probe will randomly and radially receive current from the walls through the plasma and radially and randomly return this current to the walls back through the plasma. This is the equilibrium (fully symmetric) case.

Confront the truth
Confront the truth or begin all over. When theories are made they are based on observation. As we improve our technology, we are able to observe more things in much better detail. Our theories need to be revised and must adapt to the latest discoveries. If we are unable to adapt, then we must begin all over with a new theory that describes the totality of all that we now observe.

If the load is connected, however, the probe’s return current has an alternate path to ground and the radial symmetry of the current flow is broken. Analogously, in systems II-IV, the piston’s constrained, one-dimensional motion effectively reduces (breaks) the systems’ three dimensionality to one.

These broken geometric symmetries are necessary to exploit each system’s broken thermodynamic symmetry. The latter may be identified by observing which thermodynamic property, if symmetrized, destroys the paradoxical effect.


In system I, the effect is lost if the plasma potential is symmetrized to ѵp = 0. (It is assumed here that for self-emissive probes the floating potential for a probe is equal to the plasma potential.) This can be made zero in several ways including :

  • ceasing plasma production;
  • achieving the critical plasma density, nc; or
  • creating a mass-symmetric plasma- a negative ion plasma.

More generally, the non-zero Vp can be considered due to either

  1. the fundamental mass asymmetry between electron and ions; or
  2. that surfaces preferentially emit electrons or ions depending on values of their surface temperature and work function, and gas ionization potential.


In system II, the paradoxical effect is lost if the work functions of S1 and S2 are equal: φ1 =φ2. Then, the electronic, ionic and neutral momentum flux densities from all surfaces are identical, rendering zero the pressure differential between piston faces.

In general, the symmetry condition: φ1 =φ2, is difficult to achieve unless S1 and S2 are the same material- a trivial case.


In system III, the effect is lost if the desorption rate ratios for S1 and S2 are equal: α12. As seen from equation 3 above, this requires either fine tuning in values of surface density, partition functions, and desorption energies, or that S1 and S2 be identical substances.

As with φ in system II, the symmetry condition,α12, is difficult to achieve unless S1 and S2 are identical.


In system IV, the effect is lost ifѵf(1,ѵi) = ѵf(2,ѵi). This is most easily accomplished by symmetrizing the rod’s composition.

Each broken thermodynamic symmetry (in ѵp,φ, α, or ѵf(j,vi)) occurs naturally under either equilibrium or non-equilibrium conditions and allows momentum flux asymmetries to arise. Via the broken geometry symmetry, the broken thermodynamic symmetry is exploited to do work.

Both broken symmetries appear to be necessary since the thermodynamic quantities ѵp,φ, α, and ѵf(j,vi)are spatially homogeneous (independent of spatial variables);therefore, by themselves they are insufficient to direct momentum fluxes to do work. This requires the broken spatial (geometric) symmetry; in System I it is accomplished by an electrical conductor and in Systems II-IV by a piston.

Confront your illusions.
We need to confront our illusions head on first. We must accept what we now observe, and revise our understanding in accordance with it. MAJestic has been dealing with MWI technology, extraterrestrial life, and advanced technologies including soul container and transfer via MWI portals for a half a century. Yet the rest of the humanity walks around in ignorant disbelief. Fine with me. Here is the way things are. Accept or not. There is no in between.

Derived Conjecture

From these four examples, a conjecture is induced:

Given a spatially homogeneous thermodynamic property that causes a macroscopic asymmetric momentum flux (under equilibrium or non-equilibrium conditions), a second broken geometric symmetry is necessary and, if suitably arranged, can be sufficient to do work solely at the expense of a heat bath in violation of the second law.

I offer this conjecture to the reader.

A solution to these paradoxical conditions clearly lies in support of the quantum technologies by which my narrative has been written.  To adequately “debunk” or “disparage” my narrative one must find solutions to the four paradoxical conditions that are NOT supportive of my experiences.


“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” -Dale Carnegie

Newtonian Physics is quite useful. However, it does not adequately describe our reality. Quantum Physics does.

I was a member of MAJestic for over thirty years and experienced reality on a level that far exceeds the conventional narrative as promoted by the service-to-self oligarchs that rule mankind. For mankind to grow and advance, we need to see how we all ACTUALLY fit in our reality.  This means accepting our “spiritual side”; the side that follows the laws of Quantum mechanics.

This post points out how absolutely deluded we are, and how much we actually do not know. So, instead of saying “experts have shown…”, or “experts have proven…”, or “a blue ribbon panel has confirmed…” do it yourself.

Everything you need is right here in this post. Don’t rely on the “experts”, they are just paid “yes men”.

Take Aways

  • Newtonian Physics is unable to describe our reality.
  • Quantum Mechanics is able to describe our reality.
  • As such, utility of quantum mechanics and the principles inherent within it can enable “God Like” powers and abilities.

Which means…

  • The limitations of time does not exist when utilizing Quantum Mechanics.
  • The limitations of distance does not exist when utilizing Quantum Mechanics.
  • The limitations of reality world-lines does not exist when utilizing Quantum Mechanics principles.


Q: What is the fundamental cause behind the Newtonian paradoxes?
A: Each paradox arises due to a synergism between two broken symmetries. One of which is thermodynamic and one which is geometric in nature.

Q: Why deal with idealized systems?
A: Idealized systems is a great way to simplify the calculations and understanding of complex systems. In this case, the idealized systems are utilized to prove that there are paradoxes within the empirically derived Newtonian laws. It’s a convenient artifice that is useful at this time.

Q: What is a Broken Symmetry?
A: From Wikipedia; In physics, symmetry breaking is a phenomenon in which (infinitesimally) small fluctuations acting on a system crossing a critical point decide the system’s fate, by determining which branch of a bifurcation is taken. To an outside observer unaware of the fluctuations (or “noise“), the choice will appear arbitrary. This process is called symmetry “breaking”, because such transitions usually bring the system from a symmetric but disorderly state into one or more definite states. Symmetry breaking is thought to play a major role in pattern formation.

Other Links

End Notes

Acknowledgement; the inspiration and bulk of this writing is derived from the great Mr. D. P. SHEEHAN; Department of Physics, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA 92110.  It is based upon his paper titled; “Four Paradoxes Involving the Second Law of Thermodynamics”. This work was supported by a 1995 University of San Diego (USD) Faculty Research grant, and a 1996-97 USD University Professorship and a 1997 NASA-ASEE Faculty Fellowship. The author thanks Drs. William F. Sheehan and Jack Opdycke for illuminating discussions and M. P. and P. C. J. Sheehan for their inspiration. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 303±314, 1998.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Here There Be Tygers by Ray Bradbury

This story was copyrighted in 1951 by Ray Bradbury, and presented here under Article 22 of China’s Copyright Law. Ray Bradbury is one of my personal heroes and his writings greatly influenced me in ways that I am only just now beginning to understand.


For years I had amassed a well worn, and dusty collection of Ray Bradbury paperbacks that I would pick up and read for pleasure and inspiration.  Later, when I left the United States, and moved to China, I had to leave my treasured books behind. Sigh.

It is very difficult to come across Ray Bradbury books in China. When ever I find one, I certainly snatch it up. Cost is no object when it comes to these masterpieces. At one time, I must have had five books containing this story.

I have found this version of the story “Here There be Tygers” on The Mother Earth News, and I have copied it here exactly as found. Credit to the wonderful people at Mother Earth News for posting it where a smuck like myself can read it within China. And, of course, credit to the great master; Ray Bradbury for providing this work of art for our inspiration and pleasure.

Full Text

Here is the full text of the masterpiece. I will let the reader read it and enjoy it.

Here There Be Tygers by Ray Bradbury

"You have to beat a planet at its own game," said Chatterton." Get in and rip it up, kill its snakes, poison its animals, dam its rivers, sow its fields, depollinate its air, mine it, nail it down, hack away at it, and get the blazes out from under when you have what you want. Otherwise, a planet will fix you good. You can't trust planets. They're bound to be different, bound to be bad, bound to be out to get you, especially this far out, a billion miles from nowhere, so you get them first. Tear their skin off, I say. Drag out the minerals and run away before the nightmare world explodes in your face. That's the way to treat them."

The rocket ship sank down toward planet 7 of star system 84. They had traveled millions upon millions of miles; Earth was far away, her system and her sun forgotten, her system settled and investigated and profited on, and other systems rummaged through and milked and tidied tip, and now the rockets of these tiny men from an impossibly remote planet were probing out to far universes. In a few months, a few years, they could travel anywhere, for the speed of their rocket was the speed of a god, and now for the ten-thousandth time one of the rockets of the far-circling hunt was feathering down toward an alien world.

"No," said Captain Forester."I have too much respect for other worlds to treat them the way you want to, Chatterton. It's not my business to rape or ruin anyway, thank God. I'm glad I'm just a rocket man. You're the anthropologist-mineralogist. Go ahead, do your mining and ripping and scraping. I'll just watch. I'll just go around looking at this new world, whatever it is, however it seems. I like to look. All rocket men are lookers or they wouldn't be rocket men. You like to smell new airs, if you're a rocket man, and see new oceans and islands."

"Take your gun along," said Chatterton. "in my holster," said Forester.

They turned to the port together and saw the green world rising to meet their ship."I wonder what it thinks of us?" said Forester.

"It won't like me" said Chatterton "I'll see to it 'It' won't like me. And I don't care. you know, I'm out for the money. Land us over there, will you. Captain; that looks like rich country if I ever saw it."

It was the freshest green color they had seen since childhood.

Lakes lay like clear blue water droplets through the soft hills; there were no loud highways, signboards or cities. It's a sea of green golf links, thought Forester, which goes on forever. Putting greens, driving greens, you could walk ten thousand miles in any direction and never finish your game. A Sunday planet a croquet-lawn world, where,you could lie on your back, clover in your lips, eyes half shut, smiling at the sky, smelling the grass, drowse through an eternal Sabbath, rousing only on occasion to turn the Sunday paper or crack the red-striped wooden ball through the wicket.

"It ever a planet was a woman, this one is/"

"Woman on the outside, man on the inside," said Chatterton. "All hard underneath, all male iron, copper, uranium, black sod. Don't let the cosmetics fool you."

He walked to the bin where the Earth Drill waited. Its great screw-snout glittered bluely, ready to stab seventy feet deep and suck out corks of earth, deeper still with extensions into the heart of the planet Chatterton winked at it"We'll fix your planet, Forester, but good"

"Yes, I know you will," said Forester, quietly,

The rocket landed.

"It's too green, too peaceful," said Chatterton. "I don't like it" He turned to the captain. "We'll go out with our rifles."

"I give orders. If you don't mind"

"Yes, and my company pays our way with millions of dollars of machinery we must protect; quite an investment."

The air on the new planet 7 in star system 84 was good. The port swung wide. The men filed out into the greenhouse world.

The last man to emerge was Chatterton, gun in hand.

As Chatterton set foot to the green lawn, the earth trembled. The grass shook. The distant forest rumbled, The sky seemed to blink and darken imperceptibly, The men were watching Chatterton when it happened.

"An earthquake!"

Chatterton's face paled. Everyone laughed.

"It doesn't like you, Chatterton!"


The trembling died away at last.

"Well," said Captain Forester." It didn't quake for us, so It must be that it doesn't approve of your philosophy."

"Coincidence," Chatterton smiled weakly, "Come on now, on the double, I want the Drill out here in a half hour for a few samplings."

"Just a moment," Forester stopped laughing. "We've got to clear the area first, be certain there're no hostile people or animals, Besides, it isn't every year you hit a planet like this very nice; can you blame us if we want to have a look at it?"

"All right," Chatterton joined them, "Let's get it over with."

They left a guard at the ship and they walked away over fields and meadows, over small hills and into little valleys. Like a bunch of boys out hiking on the finest day of the best summer in the most beautiful year in history, walking in the croquet weather where, if you listened you could hear the whisper of the wooden ball across grass, the click through the wicket, the gentle undulations of voices, a sudden high drift of women's laughter from some ivy shaded porch, the tinkle of ice in the summer tea pitcher.

"Hey," said Driscoll, one of the younger crewmen, sniffing the air, "I brought a baseball and bat; we'll have a game later. What a diamond!"

The men laughed quietly in the baseball season, in the good quiet wind for tennis, in the weather for bicycling and picking wild grapes.

"How'd you like the job of mowing all this?" asked Driscoll.

The men stopped.

"I knew there was something wrong!" cried Chatterton, "This grass: it's freshly cut!

"Probably a species of dichondra: always short."

Chatterton spat on the green grass and rubbed it in with his boot, "I don't like it, I don't like it. If anything happened to us, no one on Earth would ever know. Silly policy: if a rocket fails to return, we never send a second rocket to check the reason why."

"Natural enough," explained Forester, "We can't waste time on a thousand hostile worlds, fighting futile wars. Each rocket represents years, money, lives. We can't afford to waste two rockets if one rocket proves a planet hostile. We go on to peaceful planets, like this one."

"I often wonder," said Driscoll, "What happened to all those lost expeditions on worlds we'll never try again."

Chatterton eyed the distant forest,"They were shot, stabbed, broiled for dinner, Even as we may be, any minute. It's time we got back to work, Captain!

They stood at the top to a little rise.

"Feel," said Driscoll, his hands and arms out loosely, "Remember how you used to run when you were it kid, and how the wind felt, Like feathers on your arms, You ran and thought any minute you'd fly, but you never quite did."

The men stood remembering, There was a smell of pollen and new rain drying upon a million grass blades.

Driscoll gave a little run. "Feel it, by God, the wind. You know, we never have really flown by ourselves. We have to sit inside tons of metal, away from flying, really. We've never flown like birds fly, to themselves, Wouldn't it be nice to, put your arms out like this —" He extended his arms, "And run." He ran ahead of them, laughing out his idiocy. "And fly!" he cried.

He flew.

Time passed on the silent gold wristwatches of the men standing below, They stared up. And from the sky came a high sound of almost unbelievable laughter.

"Tell him to come down now," whispered Chatterton. "He'll be killed."

Nobody heard. Their faces were raised away front Chatterton: they were stunned and smiling.

At last Driscoll landed at their feet.

"Did you see me?" "I flew!"

They had seen.

"Lets get down, oh, Lord. Lord." Driscoll slapped his knees, chuckling. "I'm a sparrow, I'm a hawk, God bless me. Go on all of you, try it!"

"It's the wind, it picked me up and flew me!" he said, a moment later, gasping, shivering with delight.

"Let's get out of here." Chatterton started turning, slowly in circles, watching the blue sky. "It's a trap, it wants us all to fly in the air. Then it'll drop its all at once and kill us. I'm going back to the ship."

"You'll wait for my order on that," said Forester,

The men were frowning, standing in the warm cool air, while the wind sighed about them. There was a kite sound in the air, a sound of eternal March.

"I asked the wind to fly me." said Driscoll. "And it did!"

Forester waved the others aside. "I'll chance it next. If I'm killed, back to the ship, all of you."

"I'm sorry. I can't allow this, you're the captain," said Chatterton. "We can't risk you." He took out his gun.

"I should have some sort of authority or force here. This game's gone on too long; I'm ordering us back to the ship."

"Holster your gun," said Forester, quietly.

"Stand still you idiot."

Chatterton blinked now at this man, now at that.

"Haven't you felt it'! This world's alive, it has a look to it, it's playing with us, biding its time."

"I'll be the judge of that," said Forester. "You're going back to the ship in a moment, under arrest, if you don't put up that gun."

"If you fools won't come with me, you can die out here. I'm going back, get my samples, and get out."


"Don't try to stop me!"

Chatterton started to run. Then suddenly, he gave a cry.

Everyone shouted and looked up. "There he goes," said Driscoll.

Chatterton was up in the sky.

Night had come on like the closing of a great but gentle eye. Chatterton sat stunned on the side of the hill. The other men sat around him, exhausted and laughing. He would not look at them, he would not look at the sky, he would only feel of the earth, and his arms and his legs and his body, tightening in on himself.

"Oh, wasn't it perfect!" said a man named Koestler.

They had all flown like orioles and eagles and sparrows, and they were all happy.

"Come out of it, Chatterton, it was fun, wasn't it?"' said Koestler.

"It's impossible." Chatterton shut his eyes, tight, tight. "There's only one way for it to do it; it's alive. The air's alive. Like a fist it picked me up. Any minute now, it can kill its all. It's alive."

"All right," said Koestler. "Say it's alive." "And a living thing must have purpose. Suppose the purpose of this world is to make us happy."

As if to add to this, Driscoll came flying up, canteens in each hand. "I found a creek, tested and found pure water, wait'll you try it!"

Forester took a canteen, nudged Chatterton with it, offering a drink. Chetterton shook his head and drew hastily away. He put his hands over his face. "It's the blood of this planet. Living blood. Drink that, put that inside and you put this world inside you to peer out your eyes and listen through your ears. No thanks!"

Forester shrugged and drank.

"Wine!" he said.

"It can't be!"

"It is! Smell it, taste it! A rare white wine!"

"French domestic." Driscoll sipped his.

"Poison," said Chatterton.

They passed the canteens around.

They had idled on through the gentle afternoon, not wanting to do anything to disturb the peace that lay all about them. They were like very young men in the presence of great beauty, of a fine and famous woman, afraid that by some word, some gesture, they might turn her face away, avert her loveliness and her kindly attentions. They had felt the earthquake that had greeted Chatterton, and they did not want earthquake. Let them enjoy this "Day After School Lets Out", this fishing weather. Let them sit under the shade trees or walk on the tender hills, but let them drill no drillings, test no testings, contaminate no contaminations.

They found a small stream which poured into a boiling water pool. Fish, swimming in the cold creek above, fell glittering into the hot spring and floated, minutes later, cooked, to the surface.

Chatterton reluctantly joined the others, eating.

"It'll poison us all. There's always a trick to things like this. I'm sleeping in the rocket tonight. You can sleep out if you want. To quote a map I saw in medieval history: 'Here there be tygers.' Some time tonight when you're sleeping, the tigers and cannibals will show up."

Forester shook his head. "I'll go along with you, this planet is alive. It's a race itself. But it needs us to show off to, to appreciate its beauty. What's the use of a stage full of miracles if there's no audience?"

But Chatterton was busy. He was bent over, being sick.

"I'm poisoned! Poisoned!"

They held his shoulders until the sickness passed. They gave him water. The others were feeling fine.

"Better eat nothing but ship's food from now on," advised Forester. "It'd be safer."

"We're starting work right now." Chatterton swayed, wiping his mouth. "We've wasted a whole day. I'll work alone if I have to. I'll show this infernal place!"

He staggered away toward the rocket.

"He doesn't know when he's well off," murmured Driscoll. "Can't we stop him, Captain?"

"He practically owns the expedition. We don't have to help him, there's a clause in our contract that guarantees refusal to work under dangerous conditions. So . . . do unto this 'Picnic Ground' as you would have it do unto you. No initial-cutting on the trees. Replace the turf on the greens. Clean up your banana peels after you."

Now, below, in the ship there was an immense humming. From the storage port rolled the great shining Drill. Chatterton followed it, calling directions to its robot radio. "This way, here!

"You fool."

"Now!" cried Chatterton.

The Drill plunged its long screw-bore into the green grass. Chatterton waved up at the other men. "Watch this!"

The sky trembled.

The Drill stood in the center of a little sea of grass. For a moment it plunged away, bringing up moist corks of sod which it spat unceremoniously into a shaking analysis bin.

Now the Drill gave a wrenched, metallic squeal like a monster interrupted at its feed. From the soil beneath it slow bluish liquids bubbled up.

Chatterton shouted, "Get back, you fool!"

The Drill lumbered in a prehistoric dance. It shrieked like a mighty train turning on a sharp curve, throwing out red sparks. It was sinking. The black slime gave under it in a dark convulsion.

With a coughing sigh, a series of pants and churnings, the Drill sank into a black scum like an elephant shot and dying, trumpeting, like a mammoth at the end of an age, vanishing limb by ponderous limb into the pit.

"Fool. Fool," said Forester under his breath, fascinated with the scene. "You know what that is, Driscoll? It's tar. The fool machine hit a tar pit!"

"Listen, listen!" cried Chatterton at the Drill, running about on the edge of the oily lake. "This way, over here!"

But like the old tyrants of the earth, the dinosaurs with their tubed and screaming necks, the Drill was plunging and thrashing in the one lake from where there was no returning to bask on the firm and understandable shore.

Chatterton turned to the other men far away. "Do something, someone!"

The Drill was gone.

The tar pit bubbled and gloated, sucking the hidden monster bones. The surface of the pool was silent. A huge bubble, the last, rose, expelled a scent of ancient petroleum, and fell apart.

The men came down and stood on the edge of the little black sea.

Chatterton stopped yelling.

After a long minute of staring into the silent tar pool, Chatterton turned and looked at the hills, blindly, at the green rolling lawns. The distant trees were growing fruit now and dropping it, softly, to the ground.

"I'll show it," he said quietly.

"Take it easy, Chatterton."

"I'll fix it," he said.

"Sit down, have a drink."

"I'll fix it good, I'll show it, it can't do this to me."

Chatterton started off back to the ship.

"Wait a minute now," said Forester.

Chatterton ran. "I know what to do, I know how to fix it!"

"Stop him!" said Forester. He ran, then remembered he could fly. "The A-Bomb's on the ship, if he should get to that . . . ."

The other men had thought of that and were in the air. A small grove of trees stood between the rocket and Chatterton as he ran on the ground, forgetting that he could fly, or afraid to fly, or not allowed to fly, yelling. The crew headed for the rocket to wait for him, the captain with them. They arrived, formed a line, and shut the rocket port. The last they saw of Chatterton he was plunging through the edge of the tiny forest.

The crew stood waiting.

". . . That fool, that crazy guy."

Chatterton didn't come out on the other side of the small woodland.

"He's turned back, waiting for us to relax our guard."

"Go bring him in," said Forester.

Two men flew off.

Now, softly, a great and gentle rain fell upon the green world.

"The final touch," said Driscoll. "We'd never have to build houses here. Notice it's not raining on us. It's raining all around, ahead, behind us. What a world!"

They stood dry in the middle of the blue, cool rain. The sun was setting. The moon, a large one the color of ice, rose over the freshened hills.

"There's only one more thing this world needs."

"Yes," said everyone, thoughtfully, slowly.

"We'll have to go looking," said Driscol. "It's logical, The wind flies us, the trees and streams feed us, everything is alive. Perhaps if we asked for companionship . . . ."

"I've thought a long time, today and other days," said Koestler. "We're all bachelors, been traveling for years, and tired of it. Wouldn't it be nice to settle down somewhere! Here, maybe. On Earth you sweat just to save enough to buy a house, pay taxes; the cities stink. Here, you won't even need a house, with this weather. If it gets monotonous you can ask for rain, clouds, snow, changes. You don't have to work here for anything."

"It'd be boring. We'd go crazy."

"No," Koestler said, smiling. "If life got too soft, all we'd have to do is repeat a few times what Chatterton said: 'Here there be tygers. Listen!'"

Far away, wasn't there the faintest roar of a giant cat, hidden in the twilight forests?

The men shivered.

"A versatile world," said Koestler dryly. "A woman who'll do anything to please her guests, as long as we're kind to her. Chatterton wasn't kind."

"Chatterton. What about him?"

As if to answer this, someone cried from a distance. The two men who had flown off to find Chatterton were waving at the edge of the woods.

Forester, Driscoll, and Koestler flew down alone.

"What's up?"

The men pointed into the forest."Thought you'd want to see this, Captain. It's eerie." One of the men indicated a pathway. "Look here, sir."

The marks of great claws stood on the path, fresh and clear.

"And over here." A few drops of blood. A heavy smell of some feline animal hung in the air.


"I don't think we'll ever find him, Captain."

Faintly, faintly, moving away, now gone in the breathing silence of twilight, came the roar of a tiger.

The men lay on the resilient grass by the rocket and the night was warm. "Reminds me of nights when I was a kid," said Driscoll. "My brother and I waited for the hottest night in July and then we slept on the Court House lawn, counting the stars, talking; it was a great night, the best night of my life." Then he added, "Not counting tonight, of course."

"I keep thinking about Chatterton," said Koestler.

"Don't," said Forester. "We'll sleep a few hours and take off. We can't chance staying here another day. I don't mean the danger that got Chatterton. No. I mean, if we stayed on we'd get to liking this world too much. We'd never want to leave."

A soft wind blew over them.

"I don't want to leave now." Driscoll put his hands behind his head, lying quietly. "And it doesn't want us to leave."

"If we go back to Earth and tell everyone what a lovely planet it is, what then, Captain?' They'll come smashing in here and ruin it."

"No," said Forester idly. "First, this planet wouldn't put up with a full-scale invasion. I don't know what it'd do, but it could probably think of some interesting things. Secondly, I like this planet too much; I respect it. We'll go back to Earth and lie about it. Say it's hostile. Which it would be to the average man, like Chatterton, jumping in here to hurt it. I guess we won't be lying after all."

"Funny thing," said Koestler. "I'm not afraid. Chatterton vanishes, is killed most horribly, perhaps, yet we lie here, no one runs, no one trembles. It's idiotic. Yet it's right. We trust it and it trusts us."

"Did you notice, after you drank just so much of the wine-water, you didn't want more? A world of moderation."

They lay listening to something like the great heart of this earth beating slowly and warmly under their bodies.

Forester thought, I'm thirsty.

A drop of rain splashed on his lips.

He laughed quietly.

I'm lonely, he thought.

Distantly he heard soft, high voices.

He turned his eyes in upon a vision. There was a group of hills from which flowed a clear river, and in the shallows of that river, sending up spray, their faces shimmering, were the beautiful women. They played like children on the shore. And it came to Forester to know about them and their life. They were nomads, roaming the face of this world as was their desire. There were no highways or cities, there were only hills and plains and winds to carry them like white feathers where they wished. As Forester shaped the questions, some invisible answerer whispered the answers. There were no men. These women, alone, produced their race. The men had vanished fifty thousand years ago. And where were these women now? A mile down from the green forest, a mile over on the wine stream by the six white stones, and a third mile to the large river. There, in the shallows, were the women who would make fine wives, and raise beautiful children.

Forester opened his eyes. The other men were sitting up.

"I had a dream."

They had all dreamed.

"A mile flown from the green forest a mile over on the wine stream . . . ."

". . . by the six white stones," said Koestler.

". . . and a third mile to the large river," said Driscoll, sitting there.

Nobody spoke again for at moment. They looked at the silver rocket standing there in the starlight

"Do we walk or fly, Captain?"

Forester said nothing.

Driscoll said, "Captain, let's stay. Let's never go back to Earth. They'll never come and investigate to see what happened to us; they'll think we were destroyed here. What do you say?"

Forester's face was perspiring. His tongue moved again and again on his lips. His hands twitched over his knees. The crew sat waiting.

"It'd be nice," said the captain.


"But . . ." Forester sighed. "We've got our job to do. People invested in our ship. We owe it to them to go back."

Forester got up. The men still sat on the ground, not listening to him.

"It's such a fine, nice, wonderful night," said Koestler.

They stared at the soft hills and the trees and the rivers running off to other horizons.

"Let's get aboard ship," said Forester, with difficulty.

"Captain . . . ."

"Get aboard," he said.

The rocket rose into the sky. Looking back, Forester saw every valley and every tiny lake.

"We should've stayed." said Koestler.

"Yes, I know."

"It's not too late, to turn back."

"I'm afraid it is." Forester made an adjustment on the port telescope. "Look now."

Koestler looked.

The face of the world was changed. Tiger, dinosaurs, mammoths appeared. Volcanoes erupted cyclones and hurricanes tore over the hills in a welter and fury of weather.

"Yes, she was a woman all right," said Forester. "Waiting for visitors for millions of years, preparing herself, making herself beautiful. She put on her best face for us. When Chatterton treated her badly, she warned him a few times, and then, when he tried to ruin her beauty, eliminated him. She wanted to be loved, like every woman, for herself, not for her wealth. So now, after she had offered us everything, we turn our backs. She's the woman scorned. She let us go, yes, but we can never come back. She'll be waiting for us with those . . ." He nodded to the tigers and the cyclones and the boiling seas.

"Captain," said Koestler


"It's a little late to tell you this. But just before we took off, I was in charge of the air lock. I let Driscoll slip away from the ship. He wanted to go. I couldn't refuse him. I'm responsible. He's back there now, on that planet."

They both turned to the viewing port.

After a long while, Forester said. "I'm glad. I'm glad one of us had enough sense to stay."

"But he's dead by now!

"No, that display down there is for us, perhaps a visual hallucination. Under all the tigers and lions and hurricanes, Driscoll is quite safe and alive, because he's her only audience now. Oh, she'll spoil him rotten. He'll lead a wonderful life. He will, while we're slugging it out up and down the system looking for but never finding a planet quite like this again. No. We won't try to go back and rescue Driscoll, I don't think 'she' would let us anyway. Full speed ahead, Koestler, make it full speed."

The rocket leaped forward into greater accelerations.

And just before the planet dwindled away in brightness and mist, Forester imagined that he could see Driscoll very clearly, walking away down from the green forest, whistling quietly, all of the fresh planet around him, a wine creek flowing for him, baked fish lolling in the hot springs, fruit ripening in the midnight trees, and distant forests and lakes waiting for him to happen by. Driscoll walked away across the endless green lawns near the white stones, beyond the forest, to the edge of the large bright river . . . .


Often we are given opportunities that will transform our life. But, out of ignorance, fear, or habit, we ignore the opportunity. It passes us by. Once gone, it is gone forever. We end up regretting our life. We look back with nostalgia for what could have been.

This is the story of mankind and how we have abused the world we live in. This is the story of me, and you, who have passed up wonderful companions, opportunities and adventures, for some trivial reason or the other. This is the story of the bane of our educational system that focuses on goals instead of appreciation of the moments we live.

Appreciate what you have. Be aware of opportunities and take them when they present themselves to you. For only YOU can control your life. This reality is YOURS. Please don’t squander it.

Take Aways

"Here There Be Tygers" is a short story by American writer Ray Bradbury, originally published in the anthology New Tales of Space and Time in 1951. It was later collected in Bradbury's short story collections R is for Rocket and The Golden Apples of the Sun. It deals with a rocket expedition sent to a planet to see whether or not its natural resources can be harvested for the human race. They discover a paradise which seems to provide for them whatever they desire even as they think of it. They ultimately decide to leave the planet and report that it is hostile and of no benefit to humans. 

  • The Wikipedia entry above is a pale reflection of the content of the story.
  • Cliff Notes should never be used for short stories. Just read the stories yourself and come to your own conclusions.
  • I hope that this story was as enjoyable for you the reader as it was for myself.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


Mad scientist

Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Generated 22SEP18
  2. Conclusion 22SEP18.
  3. SEO REview 22SEP18.
  4. Published 22SEP18.

My Very First MWI Portal Egress

This is my narrative on my experiences when I conducted my first MWI portal egress and transport.

It was done at the NAS NASC Pensacola Florida base within the ELF sub-facility at NAMI. The year was 1981. I was an AOCS in training as a Naval Aviator.

I had earlier agreed to join MAJestic and give up my role as a Naval Aviator. As such, I was trained to use targeting feducials, and had brain surgery to have two kits of probes implanted within my skull…

Background Information prior to Portal Egress

For readings on what happened prior to this event, the reader can read these other posts…

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


The Portal Egress Narrative

After the probes were implanted, I was instructed to wait outside of the (implantation) cubicle.  There wasn’t much to do there.  It was just a simple large room with a couple of rectangular posts in the middle.  The walls were white and unadorned.  I waited alone for about fifteen minutes and then I was joined by my colleague Sebastian.

Sebastian (not his real name) is the name of the other colleague that entered MAJestic with me. We both signed up at the same time, and were trained and implanted at the same time. He was implanted in a implantation booth next to mine.

Together, we waited for about 45 minutes.  There were some chairs (Charles Eames Fiberglass Shell Chair) against the wall, so we sat in them and chatted some.  There was a lot to say, but strangely we only made small talk.  Perhaps we were a little in shock, or maybe it was the medicine that they gave us in the orange juice. There was something big and important that we were involved in, though we had no idea what it was.

Office Chair
Charles Eames Fiberglass Chair. This was a common type of chair and it was used though out the facility.

(As an aside, Sebastian was not always in his implantation cubicle like I was.  For a while, he went elsewhere.  Where he went and what he did, as well as why it was different from me is unknown.  The reader should not get too hung up on this little tidbit of obscure detail elaboration. It is just additional information that may or may not have relevance to the issue at hand.)

Humans need to be a multi-planet species.

-Elon Musk

There wasn’t too much to do there.  On the wall to our left was a bulletin board with four announcements neatly pinned in place.  So I looked it over for a while.  That killed about five minutes.  Then we sat there staring at the fire extinguisher on the square pillar in front of us.  We chatted easily.  Both of us had no clue as to what lay in store for us.  So we discussed what it might be.  We talked about the orange juice that we drank and the probes that were shot into our skull.  But, mostly we speculated about what our future might hold in store for us.

Sebastian wanted to know if I drank the orange juice given to us, and I explained that indeed I did drink it.  He wondered what they mixed with it.  I had no idea what it was, nor why the dosage was so critical.

We talked about what kind of life was planned for us.  We had no clue.  We thought that it would be important, but we didn’t know what it was.  We had no idea about the many things that surrounded us.

In the Waiting area

“we have things out there that are literally out of this world, better than Star Trek or what you see in the movies.”

-James Goodall

Eventually the Commander returned and walked us over to another part of the building.  Here was an open space set off and away from the offices and cubicles in the building.  In it were 25 chairs with a built in writing surface.  These are standard classroom desks as found in universities and educational establishments throughout the country.  These chairs were arranged in five rows of five chairs.  Facing the chairs was a wide podium with a desk and a table next to it.  On the table were some papers, pencils and office stationary.  On the desk were two huge bound books of dot-matrix computer printouts.

Bound printout
This is a bound book of computer dot matrix printouts all bound together. It was very common in the day.

Dot matrix printing or impact matrix printing is a type of computer printing which uses a print head that runs back and forth, or in an up and down motion, on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against the paper, much like the print mechanism on a typewriter. However, unlike a typewriter or daisy wheel printer, letters are drawn out of a dot matrix, and thus, varied fonts and arbitrary graphics can be produced.

The Others who also Conducted Portal Egress

Beautiful girls
The girls were amazing. All were beautiful and stunning. They all were (ranked) 8+ on a beauty scale.

On the chairs were the same girls that we saw earlier at the lecture.  They were busy filling out some papers that were given to them.  Again, as we noticed earlier, all the girls were very pretty and attractive.

They all wore civilian clothes, which is very odd as were in a very restricted part of the base, were no civilians were ever permitted. (Sebastian and myself were wearing our uniforms.)

They were all our age range; in their low to middle 20’s, and were busy answering the questions on the form, and speaking in low tones to each other from time to time.

These were all very attractive girls without exception.  There weren’t any fat, ugly, squat or marginally attractive girls in the group. There were absolutely NO fat or plump girls.  All were slim. Even the more curvy girls had really thin waists.  Though they were in different heights and body shapes, not one had any extra body fat. Lovers of “big booty” would be very unhappy.

It was almost as if it was some kind of a smorgasbord of beautiful women.

This is not to say that they were all models.  Some were tall, while others were short.  Some were slightly curvy, while others were thin and leggy.

Zaftig /zäftig/ adjective: (of a woman) Having a full, rounded figure; plump. Like that of Hilda. See HERE.

It is almost like they were a collection of the kind of women which men fantasize about; a collection of the women from Playboy Magazine.  Not one of the girls there were any less than an 9/10 on the attractiveness rating scale. I repeat; not one of the girls were anything less than jaw-dropping stunning.

The girls were all dressed nice.  Though none of them carried purses, wore watches, bracelets, earrings, or rings. While their hair looked perfect, none wore bows or hair pieces of any shape or style.

In hindsight, this was an important point; a point that still eludes me to this day.  These women were chosen to enter a SAP program, and were implanted (perhaps with a less invasive series of probes or probe kits) and were all attractive.  Why would we be included with a group of very attractive women?  What was their role that would involve such an obvious utilization of physical beauty?  One can only speculate.

Special access programs (SAPs) in the federal government of the United States of America are security protocols that provides highly classified information with safeguards and access restrictions that exceed those for regular (collateral) classified information.

We joined the group of girls and noticed that none of them appeared to have had the probes implanted in their skulls like we had. Instead, their hair was all in place, and they looked very attractive and chatty. Perhaps it was done at some other time.

However for us, we had our heads shaved with a band-aide on the top of our skulls.  After all, our implantation procedure occurred in the late morning that Monday, and we first saw the girls prior to our implantation.  The 15 to 20 women would have had to have been implanted previous to their filling out the forms.  This would have taken all day to do so.

Attractive girls.
Sebastian and I were alone with a group of 30 super attractive girls.

Filling out the Portal Egress Handout

We were led to the desk chairs where the ladies were sitting.  About one half of them were open at the time. Once we sat down, the escort left us.  As soon as we got our bearings, we both got up and selected different seats a little back towards the middle of the group. In short order, another seaman came towards us from the “front” of the area. He had a short stack of papers and a box of pencils in his two hands.

We were all given out a typewritten handout of questions that we were to answer, along with a pencil.  This was a standard number two pencil with a yellow body and an eraser at the end.  All of the pencils in the box that was handed out to us were all smartly sharpened, though they were of different lengths and sizes. The pencils were provided to us from a low cardboard box.  All of the pencils were clean (if previously used) and sharpened to a very nice point.

The paper itself was a mimeographed handout. The handout consisted of two pages, both stapled sharply in the upper left hand side. Both sheets were had questions, so in total there were four sides of questions.  All the questions were in the faded robin’s-egg blue color so typical of mimeographed printing. Additionally, each question consisted with a number, and a blank area from which to write our answers down upon.  The blank area consisted of a long line. In other words; “_________”.

The Questions

The questions on the paper were innocuous, and appeared childish.

However, it was pointed out to us that we absolutely had to be truthful in answering the questions. It was better not to answer than to provide a wrong, or false answer. There was an intensity and seriousness to this request that is beyond my ability to convey at this moment.

This was not your average university quiz distribution. Not in the least.  The impression that we had was that we needed to complete everything as accurately as possible to guarantee our successful roles in the organization.

I went down the list.  The questions were all so silly. Who was our favorite actor?  What was our favorite color, our favorite kind of pet, our favorite song, album, and group?

Favorite cat.
My favorite pet was a cat.

What kinds of girls were attractive to us? Their face shape, hair color, build, and mannerisms…?  The details on what we found interesting about women were quite detailed and exacting. While the girls were obviously filling out the same form, they were obviously not having too much difficulty in filling the forms out.

What color of eyes did I find attractive?  What face shape did I find attractive?  What is my idea of the most attractive build of a woman?  What is the ideal hair color for a woman?  What part of a woman’s anatomy did I find most alluring? What kind of woman’s attitude that I found most attractive? What is my ideal female height?

Of all the questions, I would hazard a guess that good portions, maybe 30%, were related to the attractiveness of the female sex.

Questions about Sexual Interests

They were childish things indeed, and we felt like we were doing something that we gave up in seventh grade.

However, we were specifically told to be accurate as possible on this.  In fact, we were told that it was critically important that we be as accurate as possible when answering the questionnaire.  We were specifically told to put down the answers that were true for us and us alone, and not to provide answers that we think should belong there.

It is a good thing that this was pointed out to us, as we were willing to do anything that we were told.  We wanted to be part of this…

…thing (whatever it was) and would tell them what ever we thought they wanted to hear.  However, once we signed up, everything proceeded rather automatically.  In fact, it was almost as if we were part of a large complex machine that was churning out some kind of special human agents.

We did not have a clue as to why we needed to fill out the handouts.  We did not know why we had to be implanted.  We did not know why we needed to drink the orange juice or  go where they instructed us.  We just listened and went.

Attractive gal
What did I find attractive in women? Well, I found that girls like this lass were very attractive in my eyes.

Each of us filled out this innocuous appearing questionnaire, and I was able to do it rather quickly.  There really wasn’t any cause to sit down and think about the answers. The answers came quickly and easily.

Yes. The questions were easy to answer.

Answering the Questions

What was my favorite pet?  [A cat.]  What was my favorite color?  [Blue.]  What face shape did I find most attractive in a girl?  [Oval.  I guessed.  Up until that point in time, I never really thought about it at all.]

What color hair is the most attractive on a girl?  [Black or dark brown, so I wrote dark brown.]  It went on and on.

Some of the questions were rather specific and embarrassing.  The questionnaire asked what part of a girl’s body is the most arousing to me to look at.  [The breasts.] Other questions were just simply childish.

What was my favorite song?  [“On the Border” by Al Stewart in his “Year of the Cat” album. It was, after all, 1981.] (Sebastian said Kashmir by Led Zeppelin.)

What was my favorite music group? [Robin Trower] (I said Robin Trower, but there wasn’t a printout ID for it, so I had to settle for Jimmi Hendrix.)

What was my favorite record album?  [“Year of the Cat”]

Album art for the "Year of the Cat" album.
This is the album art (front cover) for the album “Year of the Cat”. I discussed (covered elsewhere) how I had established a list of my interests, likes and dislikes, when I had first entered MAJestic and after my core kit #2 probes were installed. This was the album art for the album that I specified on the handout.

What was my favorite food?  [Pizza.]  There were many others.  Perhaps thirty in total, and they filled both sides of a stapled two page handout.

Exactly 30 years later, during my retirement, the team that flew out to deactivate me had (in their physical possession) the actual handout that I had filled out.  I overheard them chuckling about it, and how dated it was.  (I might have been immobilized by medication, but my mind was clear and my ears were functioning perfectly.) Obviously there was nothing in it that gave any impression or interests towards any kind of interest in children.  Instead it described a young man’s (early 20’s) interests of female beauty in the early 1980’s.  I fit the standard profile, as influenced (or reflective of) the Playboy magazine feature girls of that time.  The girls were all curvy with large breasts and attractive oval faces.  Which is a far cry from what central Arkansas in 2004 viewed as beautiful; Afro-American girls with “big booty” (huge asses) and big pouty lips.  (Yuck!)

I wondered what all of this was for.  Was it for some kind of ELF dating show like the television show “The Dating Game”?  Were we going to join some kind of organization that would pair us up with these girls in accordance to our responses?  After all, the girls also were filling out these questionnaires just like we were.  Perhaps one or more of these girls would lie on our future paths as a type of destiny.  Who knew?  We were all obviously involved together in this kind of project; whatever it was.  Thoughts ambled through my brain, confused, conflicted, and curious.

I wonder...

Meeting attractive girls for mating without any romance?  
Hogwash.  However, one must consider the importance of romance and dating.  Consider the ritual of the dance.  Nothing impresses a woman more than a man who knows how to dance. And by dance I mean ballroom dancing where you lead a gal across the dance floor. None of that “nae nae” nonsense. Basic ballroom dancing isn’t that hard. Start off with the waltz and foxtrot and you’ll be good for most weddings and cruises.

A military version of The Dating Game?
Impossible! The Dating Game is an ABC television show that distilled the 'swinging '60's' into jovial innuendo, gentle double entendres, & unstinting MOD aesthetics. With the huge colorful psychedelic daisies on the set walls, it seemed campily retrograde even for its day. It first aired on December 20, 1965 and was the first of many shows created and packaged by Chuck Barris from the 1960s through the 1980s.

SAP participation...Clearly.
From the lecture we knew that the young ladies were part of a SAP.  We also knew that Sebastian and myself were part of a W(U)-SAP program.  Was it possible that we were all part of a big general program or project, whereas Sebastian and myself were involved in the most sensitive portion of the program, and the ladies were also part of the project, but there roles were not so sensitive?

I filled it all out in about three minutes.  It wasn’t that difficult at all, and then waited in the chair.

Handing in our Answers

About  forty minutes later, the Commander walked over and checked my answer sheet.  I gave him back his pencil.  He asked me again “These answers are all accurate?”. I told him that they were, and watched him walk away with my paper in his hand.

He walked up to the desk at the front of the area, and assigned a number to each answer that I wrote down on the sheet.  Most of the answers were easy to assign a code to.  But some of them were more complex, and needed to be referenced by using the stack of bound computer print-outs on the desk.  Obviously, our answers were specific and cross referenced with the four inch thick computer print-out and assigned a code. This code was then written down on to a separate form attached to a clipboard.  Once the codes were assigned he handed the sheet to another seaman who was working on some equipment behind him.   Then he walked away briefly.

Perhaps some of the answers that I provided in the hand-out had no clear comparative analog in the answer cross-reference print out.  And, as such, the Commander had to improvise and come up with a close approximation for a best-fit solution.

What did we have in common?
What did I and the girls have in common? Was it that we were all the same age? Yes, that was probably a factor. Was it that they were doing the same thing that Sebastian and myself were doing? No. While they were trained in using the fudicials, they were in a different program, and it was not unacknowledged and waived like ours was.

The purpose of these codes was mysterious at the time.  However, I understand the purposes and intentions behind them now.  These codes helped to configure the implants to best reflect our natural inclinations and desires. Contrary to what you read on the Internet, you cannot be forced to like something you would not otherwise like.

You cannot be forced to enjoy something that you would otherwise not enjoy.

Probes used to Control our Emotions?

The probes need to be able to match and to control our natural emotional responses, and to do that; they needed to understand what appealed to us emotionally, as well as what naturally repelled us.  (Also, the responses helped configure the probes towards a predilection towards specific female archetypes, but the reasoning behind this has eluded me to this day.)

The questions were very pre-Bill Clinton presidency.  They did not ask if I liked boys, girls, children, or animals.  At that time, it was assumed (as the vast bulk of Americans 99.99% were heterosexual in inclination).  When I filled it out, I thought about the girls that I liked and why they appealed to me.  I thought about all the Playboy magazines that I used to masturbate to and the Penthouse magazines as well.

I recalled that, at the time, I was extremely fond of the large breasted, voluptuous girls, with maybe a size 6 to 10 build.  Now, of course, I happen to be fond of nice leggy girls with strong confidence and a big wide smile, and a bit of a jolly, playful nature.

Raquel Welch.
Raquel Welch. One of the “ideal” girls of my generation. I first became of her by watching the movie “One Million Years BC”. She was a stunner then. I well remember her, bigger than life, on the screen with skimpy caveman clothes and a great attitude.

However, back then, I was young in my 20’s and my exposure to women was limited to a hand full of girlfriends, and the magazines of the era.  I would hazard a guess that the ideal female archetype for me at the time was Raquel Welch, or Farrah Fawcett. Though I was always a fan of Lonnie Anderson as well.  Big hair, big smile, big breasts… I was a big fan.

Fox Studio loaned Welch to Hammer Studios in Britain where she starred in One Million Years B.C. (1966), a remake of the Hal Roach film, One Million B.C. (1940). Her only costume was a two-piece deer skin bikini. She was described as "wearing mankind's first bikini" and the fur bikini was described as a "definitive look of the 1960s". 

The New York Times hailed her in its review of the film (which was released in the U.K. in 1966 and in the U.S. in 1967), "A marvelous breathing monument to womankind." One author said, "although she had only three lines in the film, her luscious figure in a fur bikini made her a star and the dream girl of millions of young moviegoers". 

A publicity still of her in the bikini became a best-selling poster and turned her into an instant pin-up girl. The film raised Welch's stature as a leading sex symbol of the era. In 2011, Time listed Welch's B.C. bikini in the "Top Ten Bikinis in Pop Culture".


Farrah Fawcett
Farrah Fawcett was an American actress, model, and artist. A four-time Emmy Award nominee and six-time Golden Globe Award nominee, Fawcett rose to international fame when she posed for her iconic red swimsuit poster – which became the best selling pin-up poster in history – and starred as private investigator Jill Munroe in the first season of the television series Charlie’s Angels (1976–1977). In 1996, she was ranked No. 26 on TV Guide‘s “50 Greatest TV stars of All-Time”.

A heterosexual person cannot be compelled to be a homosexual person.  A normal and healthy man cannot be compelled to be a pedophile.  A person who has an interest in football, cannot be compelled to enjoy watching soap operas.

Our interests are encoded in the quantum recesses of our being and thus were extremely difficult to modify.  Our minds, both physically, socially, and genetically had already formed the physical arrangements and preferences in our brains.  All of us had passed stringent tests, both mental and physical to verify that we were normal and healthy.  It was in the best interests of the program that this health be maintained.

Manifested physical and emotional desires are formed in the brain by a complex brew of experiences and genetic markers.  They vary from person to person.  They are, under the current human technological level, unchangeable and unalterable.

If a person knows precisely what can motivate a person, then that person can ultimately control another through manipulation.  This is the carrot-leads-the-donkey technique.  Since the probes can access the agent’s brain, it is important on how to utilize the agent’s inherent individual motivations to control them.  This applies to everyone implanted.  Not only just us, but also to the young women next to us.

Waiting to Leave

“I'd always known that when you went through one of these doors, you went to another planet, and that that other planet might be so far away, you couldn't fly there in spaceship in a million years. Somehow, the whole thing had never seemed strange before today.”

― Mary G. Thompson, Escape from the Pipe Men!

We chatted with a couple of the girls beside us. I remember this event quite clearly.  The two girls sat together.  One was in a yellow chair, with the other girl sat in a red chair and they both got up and slid over to us and chatted next to us. They were both to my right, and then I noticed them when they got up and moved to the row of chairs directly behind us and to our left.

We just sat there talking.

To our side was the huge open chamber where we first entered the building.  In it were others; the others whom came before us.  In this huge open area we watched them line up into a line and be checked over by the naval personnel there.  We all could watch them in the open access room next to us.

There we watched the people line up in the staging lines.  We watched them walk from one line to another.  Then from that line, we watched them walk forward towards the wall with the embedded fiducials.  As they walked towards the wall, we repeatedly watched them disappear.

Disappear!  That is correct.  We watched them walk straight into nothing.  Poof!  Gone.  End of story.

We watched this over and over.  At first it was a great curiosity.  So we would watch it with the next person.  Disbelief would flood our minds (at least mine) and so we would watch it happen yet again, and again.  After about the sixth time, you pretty much get the idea of what was going on.  People were just going into some kind of special transport tube; tunnel or portal of some type.  The walked into something that we could not see.  It swallowed them up.  Then there was nothing else.  It was amazing.

A New Mystery

This was a subject of great interest.  We talked about the mysteries of what we were getting ourselves into and what was going on with the people walking into thin-air in the room next to us.  We wondered about where they were going and why.  All kinds of thoughts crept into our mind.  The thoughts were pretty amazing as they varied from time travel, to a different dimension.  But the fact was that we hadn’t a clue as to what was going on.  We then glanced over to the handout that we were all holding and queried about it.

“What does this handout and these questions have to do about the invisible door?”

I asked them what their preferences were, and we started to play a sort of game.  They would say “I like the color yellow”, and I would then look down at my paper and say “I like the color green”.  Then it would be my turn and I would say “I like cats”, and the girl would look down at her paper and say “I like dogs”.  It continued like that up until I showed them what I liked in girls.  They were pretty taken aback.

“Why do you like girl’s boobies?” they asked.  “Why not the eyes or the long legs?”  We shared our answers, though the two girls (that we talked to) wanted to hide what they found most attractive in their desires for men.  I don’t blame them.  But I showed them what I liked, and the girls were surprised.  They asked me why I didn’t like smooth skin, big blue eyes or long shapely legs.  I told them that I didn’t know why I liked what I liked, just that I did.

I will always maintain my fondness for female breasts, but I have to admit, that as I get older, I have really begun to appreciate the back side of the fabulous female form.  Those legs, the butt, and the back all are quite awesome.

We shrugged our shoulders and continued the wait.  There was a slight pause of a few seconds (not uncomfortable) and then we continued chatting.

In hindsight it was kind of funny that they showed us their papers and used three or four fingers to cover up their answers about what they found most physically attractive in a man. 

Now that I am older, and more nuanced about the ways of the world, I don’t think that I would be shocked by anything that they would have written.  They could of written “a long penis” for all I care, but I don’t think that was what they wrote.  Maybe they wrote “being tall”, “being a hard worker”,  “famous”, “a good listener”, “having big hands”, “a family man”, or perhaps “reliable”.  Maybe they want a rich man with a lot of money. Who knows?

Somehow I think that their answers toward the physical desirability of a man was quite different what we would think it was.  But, what they did actually write was hidden from us.  There was no way that they were going to tell us; two strangers that they just met, what they found attractive in men.

-From the article “Biologist's reading of lonely-hearts personal ads reveals what big-city women really want: Men with money” found HERE.

Anyways… Here’s the secret guys; a self-assured man who doesn’t seek validation or approval is wildly attractive to women.

As we sat there, the girls were slowly being called up by name.  In general, it would take approximately ten to fifteen minutes from one girl to the next.  One by one they were addressed and left our little group to talk with the petty officer at the podium.  He would then verify that their answers were assigned the correct numerical designators.

Often he would ask them a question or two and revise the answers appropriately.  Always making sure that their responses were cross referenced in a big printout (it was a big dot matrix printout, as was everything in those days) and they left.  Over time the number of girls dwindled away until there were only about four or five girls and us two AOCs.

“Women in this country spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year on "romance books" whose pages are filled with knights in shining armor and genuine heroes coming to rescue the damsel in distress. Why do you suppose that is?”

-Devvy Kidd, June 5, 2002

As we sat there and waited, we could easily see where the rest of the girls went.

Next to the waiting area was a large storage hangar.  We could clearly see inside of it.  It was adequately lighted, as you would expect a warehouse or aircraft hangar to be, but still a little on the dim side.  There were two separate lines of people.

The girls would line up in the first line and then (one by one, individually) migrate to the second line.  However, it was the second line that was the most impressive to us.  For as each girl left the second line, they would walk forward taking three to four steps.  They were walking directly towards the chiseled triangles in the cement block wall.  On the final step they would walk into nothing and disappear.

“We now know how to travel to the stars. There is an error in the equations, and we have figured it out, and now know how to travel to the stars and it won’t take a lifetime to do it. It is time to end all the secrecy on this, as it no longer poses a national security threat, and make the technology available for use in the private sector. 

There are many in the intelligence community who would like to see this stay in the black and not see the light of day. We now have the technology to take ET home.”

-Ben Rich, March 23rd, 1993 at a UCLA School of Engineering talk where he was presenting a general history of Skunk Works.

Transport device.
Vintage Drawing of a similar type of transport device. The mere idea that one could just simply walk into “thin air” has a long history. Perhaps it is a fundamental construct of our species intelligence to believe that there are things that cannot be seen, but yet do actually exist. This belief that there are invisible doors or passages or methods to exit from our reality is considered to be the realm of Science Fiction and fantasy. But, it has been my experience that this is not just simply wild dreams and speculation. This technology does actually exist.

The girl sitting next to me (She was so cute.  She was a brunette with large deep dark eyes and thick pouty lips.) jarred my elbow, and motioned to her left.  “Do you see that?”  She asked.  I must admit that I wasn’t paying attention.

So she said “Watch.”  As I sat there I watched a girl, one who was just minutes ago sitting in the chairs in front of us, walk forward in the cavernous room and completely disappear.

To us, it appeared that she walked into an invisible box.

It was as if a box that had invisible sides, and an invisible depth existed in the chamber.  While it was difficult to make out, it was almost like there was an invisible fan with huge invisible blades slowly turning inside the box.  And the people walked into this invisible fan, inside the invisible box.

This is exactly what it is like.  I absolutely cannot think of a better way to describe this invisible machine.  Imagine a big invisible fan, with heavy and slow moving invisible blades churning and grinding heavily inside a big invisible box that you walk into.  Of course you can’t see anything, to an outside observer you are just walking into thin air.  But that is decidedly not what it was like.

“Wow!”  I said.  Indeed, it was impressive, and I had never seen anything like it before in my life.

I suppose that it should have been more awe inspiring to me than it was.  But we had a busy day, meeting the Commander, getting a hole drilled in our head and having seven projectiles fired into it.  Not to mention drinking drug saturated orange juice.  Now sitting next to, and talking with, who could easily have been a Playboy “centerfold” model.  We were, for lack of a better word, a little stunned over the events of the day.  We sat there and watched people disappear into nothingness.  We watched perhaps four or five people do this and then turned our attention back to the girls next to us.

The reader must remember that the sight of females were mostly a rare site for us “aviation candidates” at the facility at the time.

In hindsight, we should have asked her what she was doing there and what program the girls were involved in.  But, we didn’t.  We chatted about our answers on the handout, and we speculated on what might be going on.  The talk went from time travel, to a hidden doorway, to a machine that makes people invisible.  Truly, we did not have a clue as to what was going on.

It was not like they blinked out of existence.  They didn’t fade away.  There was no bright flash, or sound.  There wasn’t a shimmering surface that looked like water or wavy heat lines.  Instead, it was like they walked into something that we could not see.  It was very much like a hole, except that the hole was invisible to us.  It was a vertical hole that had the edges of the hole and the depths of the hole completely invisible.


We waited, what seemed to us, a long time.  But eventually a petty officer came and got me.  He checked my identity and verified my name on his clipboard.  Then he double checked the data that he had at his disposal with another seaman near the podium.  Once, I was verified and cleared, he led me out of the waiting area into the large hanger area.  He took me to the end of the first staging line, and said “Wait here.”.

Yes, our adventure began by entering into this mysterious transport portal. Like the others before us, we obeyed the instructions provided to us and entered the lines of people whom were entering this device.

I cannot transmit to the reader just how absolutely excited I was.  I felt like it was Christmas, my birthday, my first sex, and my first love all at once.  It was fireworks and pizza.  It was jaw-dropping, pure amazement. Everything was coming together and I was going somewhere very special on a mission that was both mysterious and amazing.

Layout of the staging lines prior to egress through the transport portal. The staging line is used for orderly egress and progression into the portal.  Since each person had their own settings and calibrations, a procedure had to be maintained to assure that each person would go to their end destination without mishap or accident.  In order to accomplish this feat, the stage lines were used to control the entry into the portal by using a series of checks and double checks.  That way the chances of mishap could be minimized.

I didn’t have to walk far, and he took me to the first of two staging lines.  He had me stand there while verifying my answers in the paper on the clipboard.  Again, he checked my name, and made sure that there were no mistakes on the paper.  Then, when I had verified that my answers were correct, he took the sheet and went into a canvas-tented area that was setup inside the hangar (off to the side).  He handed another petty officer the sheet and verified that the codes written down were correctly transcribed.

The 1st Stage Line

The staging line was very simple.  It consisted of a line of people, mostly girls, waiting in a line of approximately six people.  At the head of the line was a piece of tan colored masking tape affixed to the floor.  Next to the tape was a podium.  Another petty officer stood there.  He held the arm of the person waiting in the line and would not let them proceed to the second staging line until it was time.

A “staging line” is a simple line or row where individuals wait until told to proceed to a different area.  It is used to create an orderly process when moving or directing groups of people.  In this application, there were two staging lines.  This can also be called a “ready line”.

We were all quiet, apprehensive, and excited.  In front of me was a tall blonde haired girl, and behind me was a cute short brunette who smiled back at me when I turned around to look at her.  (I also shan’t ever forget her face.  She had really large lips and dark brown eyes.  Short, she was petite but very curvy where it mattered. She was a real cutie!)  But we said nothing.  We just watched the people in front of us walk into the void.

The two girls that we had talked to regarding what they found attractive in men had left maybe fifteen minutes before us.  They were not in this particular line up that we were in.

I waited in the line for about seven to ten minutes.  I would guess that a new person joined the line after two to three minutes.  So in all actuality, the entry into the portal took from 2 to three minutes depending on the calibrations necessary.

Three people behind me was my colleagues turn.  He waited expectantly like myself.  He gave me the “thumbs up” (not only by showing his hand with a thumbs up, but additionally by nodding while looking into my eyes.) , and I returned it back to him.  (Actually, I gave him a “chin up” nod and smile.) It was very exciting for us, and my heart was beating quite loudly.  Eventually I reached the head of the first staging line.  The petty officer checked his clipboard and held my arm with a shockingly strong grip.  Then, when it was time for me to progress to the second line, he walked me to the second line.  All the time holding my arm most firmly.

His fingers were holding my arm in a vice like grip, this was not any every day clutch.

The 2nd Stage Line

The second staging line was much like the first.  Except that it was at a ninety degree angle to the first.  Instead of facing north, it faced west.

It is unknown why I remember this direction as “North”.  Certainly I had no way to know of my true geospacial orientation at that time.

I was brought up in front of the commander.  Since my arm was being held in a rock-vice grip I was unable to salute.  However the commander saluted me.  He then looked at the clip board in front of him.  Checked off the signature section while making sure that everything was in order. Then he nodded to me with a smile, and I was placed in the second line.  The seaman who placed me there left, and I just stood alone, but very very excited.

I watched the people in front of me moving forward into the nothingness.

After a few minutes, the Commander joined me.

He stood next to me while we waited in line.  He asked me if I was nervous, and I told him that I most certainly was.  He stayed with me while the line advanced.  When it came for my turn, the Commander looked me straight in the eye and saluted.  Then he nodded; shook my hand, and said “Good luck” and smiled warmly.

Why all the special attention for me? He did not do this for any of the girls.  No one was there for the girls.  They just followed the directions from the Navy personnel. There wasn’t anyone in “charge” of them personally.  To me, it seemed like they were in a pretty standardized process, and there was no need for any kind of unique supervision.  However, things were quite different for me. Why did I get so much special attention? I wonder why?

The petty officer beside me held my right arm like a steel vice.

Time seemed to stand still, it was quiet.  The tall blonde girl in front of me walked forward towards the wall inside the hangar.  I watched her.  Like the others, she seemed to walk into an invisible spinning corkscrew.  (One sweep every 3 to 5 seconds.) One where you couldn’t see the outline or edges of.  In a second she was gone.  No sound, no flash, no excitement.

She simply walked into nothing.

Into the Transport Portal

Now it was my turn.

I stood at the head of the line, facing the wall.  In front of me were the fiducials in the cinder blocks.  They lay approximately 15 feet away.  The room was rather quiet and a little dim.  I looked forward towards the fiducials in the wall, and I focused on them using the prescribed method.  With my mind relaxed, and focused, the petty officer then gave me the go ahead.

He said, “Ok, now.”, and suddenly released my arm, while moving me forward.

I walked forward normally.

Vintage picture depicting a transport tunnel. It is the stuff of science fiction; the ability to walk into a tunnel suspended in mid-air and be automatically teleported elsewhere. There have been countless stories that have surrounded this concept, but even I; one of most avaricious readers of the genre found this concept to be meritless. I could understand the ideas of rocket propulsion and faster than light travel. I could understand the idea of being frozen in deep cryogenic sleep. But the idea that one could just imply traverse time and space freely; well, it was always considered to be more of a unscientific fantasy than part of “hard” science fiction. Yet, I for one, can tell the reader that it does exist.

I took the first step forward, and immediately started to feel a slight vibration through my body.  It was like a low rumble that shook my body.  But it sounded in my ears like a faint ringing sound.  It was high pitched but barely audible.

Readers who have experienced medication of any type will recognize that when silences themselves; they will become able to hear a faint ringing sound in their head.  The origin of this sound has been speculated as many things, but it is present.  This sound was much like that, except very loud and rising in loudness as I walked towards the portal.

I took my second step.

During the second step, the volume of the ringing increased substantially. Up ahead there was no change, it was just a plain wall with the fiducials.  I began to not pay so much attention to what was up ahead, instead I thought about what I was feeling.  With each movement forward, the vibration and noise increased.  The ringing in my ears got much louder and started to tingle. The ground beneath my feet rumbled louder.  It was like I was walking in towards an earthquake.

Just them I realized that I had to focus on the feducials, so I did so.  Just in time, I might add, as suddenly my eyesight became fuzzy.

Everything was grey. I couldn’t see anything.

By the time I took the third step the buzzing in my head was screaming.  I couldn’t feel anything.  My entire body was numb and felt like it was wrapped in a wet grey nothingness.

I felt like I was completely soaking wet.

My eyesight turned into a light grey fog and I couldn’t focus.  But I could feel that I was close to the portal.  The vibration seemed to feel like a swishing and dragging sensation.  It sounded like it was coming and going.  Getting louder and then receding in a rhythmic manner.  It was exactly like I was walking towards a huge wheel that was very heavy and rotating really, really slowly.  It felt like it was made of very heavy cement and was grinding away slowly in a very abrasive manner.  The vibrations were getting louder and louder with every second.

My face felt numb. Everything was grey. All I could see was endless greyness…

As the howling inside my skull reached a fury, I moved forward into the grey void and…

+ + +

+ +



This is a narrative of my first MWI egress. I relate how it was conducted and what transpired during it.

The reader should note that there were many people involved in this procedure. Thirty girls, maybe ten Naval personnel, the three members of my cell, and others.

Take Aways

  • Use of a MWI portal has been available at least since 1981 to selected members of MAJestic.
  • The portal provides dimensional transport.
  • Dimensional transport can vary time, geo-spacial location, and world-line realities.


Q: When you entered the portal, what happened?
A: That is covered in a different post.

Q: Did you ever see the other young ladies after the portal egress?
A: No. Not as I am aware.

Q: Has the information on the paper that you were given, used in some way to convince you to do certain things?
A: Yes. But, not what I expected. Our reality is much more complex that what is generally understood. Making certain changes, causes other changes to manifest. This can result in unexpected situations and problems.

  • MAJestic Related Posts – Training

    These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

    How to tell...

    How to tell -2

    Top Secrets

    Sales Pitch

    Feducial Training


    Probe Calibration - 1

    Probe Calibration - 2

    Leaving the USA

    MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

    These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


    Secrets of the universe
    Alpha Centauri
    Our Galaxy the Milky Way
    Sirius solar system
    Alpha Centauri
    The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
    The Hammer inside the rock.
    The Hollow Moon
    The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
    The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
    Mystery of the bronze bell.
    Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
    Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
    The Oxia Palus Facility
    Brown Dwarfs
    Apollo Space Exploration
    The Nature of the Universe
    Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
    The mysterious flying contraptions.

    MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

    These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

    Cat Heaven
    Things I miss
    How MWI allows world-line travel.
    An Observed World-Line switch.
    Vehicular world-line travel
    Soul is not consciousness.

    John Titor Related Posts

    Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

    They are;

    Articles & Links

    • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
    • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
    • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
    • You can find out more about the author HERE.
    • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
    • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

How to Build a Gallows and a Hangman’s Noose

The direction that America is heading in is dangerous. Eventually, one way or the other, there will be some sort of cultural “reset”, that will affect American society. As such, I cannot predict the future. However, it does seem like one side or the other will eventually obtain power. And, make no mistake on this, when this happens, there will be conflict. There absolutely will be strife. As we all know that in the past, there has always been conflicts during societal resets.

I don’t know which side will wrest control of American society.

The Socialist Progressives have already armed themselves and are openly calling for armed confrontation.  They desire an armed conflict. They look forward to it. They have already ambushed and shot at political leaders, openly called for armed resurrection, and have funded and implemented propaganda and disarming initiatives in their favor. They have armed and supported militant socialist groups such as Antifa, BLM, and various SJW movements. They have taken over most elements of the government, most elements of the media, most elements of the internet, most elements of education, and most elements of the judiciary.  They have taken over everything from the Emmys, to NFL all the way to Beauty Pageants.   On the whole, it seems that they have full control over America, whether the citizenry want it or not.

A group of Antifa gather to suppress one thing or the other. I’m not sure what it is. They just want to dress in black and hurt people and burn things, it seems.

It's a scene right out of the story "The Roads Must Roll", by Robert Heinlein. (Read it free HERE.)

The Traditional Constitutionalists  are watching from the sidelines. They know that they potentially have the numbers, if not the reigns of power. While they “officially” have control of the Executive, and the Senate and Congress, they are not using that power. They are being passive and not taking any action. It is confusing why this is so. Perhaps it is the understanding that they also have the following of a huge swath or armed Americans that would rise up if asked to. Especially, if the President were to put out an alert on Twitter or push a message to all cell-phones.

Trump supporters
Supporters cheer as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump arrives for a rally at High Point University in High Point, North Carolina on September 20, 2016. / AFP / MANDEL NGAN (Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

I am not the only one that believes this. Read "Are we on the verge of a civil war?"

In any event, once the reigns of power has been effectively secured, there will be a time of retribution. This means that long forgotten skills will have to be reused. People will need to relearn how to make torches, be able to light them, and know how to carry them in the streets. They will need to know where to get pitchforks and how to point them threateningly at others. They will need to know other skills as well…

Like how to build a gallows, and how to tie a hangman’s noose.

Let’s talk about this now…


Preparations for the hanging of Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell for the assassination of President Lincoln.

There is nothing to joke about when discussing killing people. I am often stunned when I hear our political leaders, and media pundits openly calling for violence, maiming, rape and hurting others. I am also saddened that no one is shouting them down, and publicly shaming them. There is nothing, absolutely nothing trivial about killing someone.

Yet there are people at use the media as a mouthpiece to promote death, violence and other horrible dangers. Here are some examples;

1) "Michele (Bachmann), slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing [sic]. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone." 

-- Montel Williams

2) “F*ck that dude. I’ll smack that f*cker’s comb-over right off his f*cking scalp. Like, for real, if I met Donald Trump, I’d punch him in his f*cking face. And that’s not a joke. Even if he did become president — watch out, Donald Trump, because I will punch you in your f*cking face if I ever meet you. Secret Service had better just f*cking be on it. Don’t let me anywhere within a block.”Rapper Everlast on Donald Trump

During revolutions, you cannot determine which side anyone is on. It is an ugly time. Innocent civilians look like the participants. Those who participate in the fighting are difficult to determine which side they are on. It is a very difficult and confusing time.

3) “I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow….I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact.” 

— Bill Maher

4) “I know how the ‘tea party’ people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama Plan White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.” 

— The Washington Post’s Courtland Milloy

5) “F*** God D*mned Joe the God D*mned Motherf*cking plumber! I want Motherf*cking Joe the plumber dead.” 

— Liberal talk show host Charles Karel Bouleyon the air.

Revolutions are ugly. This is a scene in Monrovia in August 1990. There is nothing fun or enjoyable about violence. You need to win, losing is unacceptable. If you lose, you WILL die.

6) “Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Well, we’ve been watching intifada in Palestine, we’ve been watching an uprising in Iraq, and the question is that what are we doing? 

How come we don’t have an intifada in this country? Because it seem[s] to me, that we are comfortable in where we are, watching CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, and all these mainstream… giving us a window to the world while the world is being managed from Washington, from New York, from every other place in here in San Francisco: Chevron, Bechtel, [Carlyle?] Group, Halliburton; every one of those lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving individuals are in our country and we’re sitting here and watching the world pass by, people being bombed, and it’s about time that we have an intifada in this country that change[s] fundamentally the political dynamics in here. 

And we know every – They’re gonna say some Palestinian being too radical — well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet.” 

-U.C. Berkeley Lecturer Hatem Bazian fires up the crowd at an anti-war rally by calling for an American intifada

Historical insurrection.
Policing forces fighting back from armed resistance groups who blocked roads and started to riot and burn buildings. In other nations, the government does not tolerate organized insurrection. What is America afraid of?

7) "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he's running for governor of Florida. He's a millionaire and a billionaire. He's no hero. He's a damn crook. It's just we don't prosecute big crooks." 

-- Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa

8) “..And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq ‘We have our good days and our bad days.’ We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days’ and pull the trigger. Do you want to salvage our country? Be a savior of our country? Then vote for John Kerry and get rid of the whole Bush Bunch.” 

— From a fund raising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club

Know your history.
Notice the very comfortable Tank Top. Which makes it easy to blend into the crowd after shooting up the area. Conflict should be avoided at all costs. There is NOTHING good about fighting. So why are all these people trying to incite it. People get hurt and DIE.

9) “Republicans don’t believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who don’t give a hoot about human beings, either can’t or won’t. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm.” 

— The Village Voice’s Michael Feingold, in a theater review of all places

10) “But the victim is also inaccurately being eulogized as a kind and loving religious man. Make no mistake, as disgusting and deservedly dead as the hate-filled fanatical Muslim killers were, Thalasinos was also a hate-filled bigot. Death can’t change that. But in the U.S., we don’t die for speaking our minds. Or we’re not supposed to anyway. Thalasinos was an anti-government, anti-Islam, pro-NRA, rabidly anti-Planned Parenthood kinda guy, who posted that it would be “Freaking Awesome” if hateful Ann Coulter was named head of Homeland Security.” 

— Linda Stasi, New York Daily News,on a victim murdered in the San Bernadino terrorist attack

11) “Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams.” 

— Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston)

People die by rockets.
When armories are looted, insurgents can have access to all sorts of advanced military hardware. They can target innocents and targets indiscriminately. The thoughts of a well ordered and controlled strife go out the window. There is nothing great and desirable about conflict.

12) “If I had my way, I would see Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell strapped down to electric chairs and lit up like Christmas trees. The better to light the way for American Democracy and American Freedom!” 

— Democratic Talk Radio’s Stephen Crockett

13) “May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” 

— Allan Brauer, the communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter

14) Violence solves nothing. I want a rhino to f*ck @SpeakerRyan to death with its horn because it's FUNNY, not because he's a #GOPmurderbro.” 

– Jos Whedon

They want to kill you.
Conflicts are always ugly. Forget your Hollywood images. People get hurt by others. When the shooting starts the only ones that you can count on are those closest to you. You will no longer be able to trust anyone else. You will not be able to take the risk or the chance. The stakes will be too high. There will be a long period of Deplorable-hunts, and interrogations and rapes.

15) “I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual.” 

— Think Progress editor Alan Pyke

16) “But, you know, the NRA members are the current incarnation of the brownshirts from Germany back in the early ’30s, late ’20s, early ’30s. Now, of course, there came the Night of the Long Knives when the brownshirts were slaughtered and dumped in the nearest ditches when the power structure finally got tired of them. So I look forward to that day.” 

— Mike Malloy

They want to kill you. 2
During uprisings death becomes normal and commonplace. People die. Those involved become indiscriminate in who they target. With the rage and the targeting, anyone who is questionable in their political philosophy will be targeted.

17) "Or pick up a baseball bat and take out every f*cking republican and independent I see. #f*cktrump, #f*cktheGOP, #f*ckstraightwhiteamerica, #f*ckyourprivilege." 

-- Orange is the New Black star Lea DeLaria responding to a meme about using music to deal with violence

18) “I wish they (Republicans) were all f*cking dead!” 

— Dan Savage

Shooting by liberal activist.
On June 14, 2017, in Alexandria, Virginia, Republican member of Congress and House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana was shot while practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball Game for Charity, scheduled for the following day. Also shot were Crystal Griner, a U.S. Capitol Police officer assigned to protect Scalise; Zack Barth, a congressional aide; and Matt Mika, a Tyson Foods lobbyist. A ten-minute shootout ensued between the shooter—James Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, a left-wing activist—and officers from the Capitol and Alexandria Police. Officers shot Hodgkinson, who died from his wounds later that day at the George Washington University Hospital.

19) “Sarah Palin needs to have her hair shaved off to a buzz cut, get headf*cked by a big veiny, ashy, black d*ck then be locked in a cupboard.” 

— Azealia Banks advocates raping Sarah Palin over a news story that was later proved to be fabricrated

20)” Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I’m outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House, but I know that this won’t change anything." 

-- Madonna

When people tell you they want to hurt you, you should believe them.

There’s really nowhere else for the Socialist Progressives to go but towards embracing widespread violence. The logic of their twisted mindset is such that Conservative Traditionalists are not merely wrong but they are inherently vile and evil. This belief is that normal Americans and those who represent them are the evilest of evildoers in all of evil history.

This does not leave much room for reasoned debate.

In fact, it makes reasoned debate impossible. So, since they’ve taken reasoned debate off the table, there are not a lot of options left for resolving political and cultural differences.

There are lies, intimidation, and violence. That’s about it. And the first two have stopped working.

There have been over 538 violent attacks against Trump supporters since the 2016 election season. It is not slowing down. Sooner or later there will be a back-lash. It will not be pretty.

Capture and hold.
There will be conflict. At times one side will wind some skirmishes, at other times the reverse would be true. It would be a most dangerous time.

Openly and Proudly Wanting Violence

So many people are openly advocating violence. It just amazes me. Yet many on the conservative side wants to pretend that it will somehow dissipate. They follow the belief that if you stay quiet and hide in your homes that the rage outside would somehow pass you by.

It’s not going to happen.

I just got an email from a long-time friend who lives in a suburb of Boston. I wanted to talk about funny cat videos and some heart-warming stories of abandoned cats finding homes. I chatted about my difficulties in raising tomatoes in the tropics. I also touched on the super typhoon that wiped out the bamboo on my porch.

You know what his response was?

"This buffoon, Trump is horrible, just horrible. Trump must die! Sooner is better than later. He must be tortured and made to suffer!"

I wasn’t even talking about Trump at all. Yet somehow this entered into the conversation. How is President Trump tied into the Super Typhoon? How is he associated with tomato plants? What does he have to do with cats and kittens?

This is an older gentleman. He has children. He is a degreed professional. His wife is a professional. Yet, he sounded like a rabid animal. He went on and on. For an email, he must have spent two hours on it. At the end of the email he implored me to go ahead and watch a video on the internet. Seriously, he wanted me to watch a you-tube video to make his point clear.

I opened up the VPN and watched it. I was horrified. It was terrible.

Open Calls for Horrible Violence

If you run a quick search on Bing of “media calls for violence against Trump” the number of videos that pop us is shocking. Here are the first 2 pages. There are pages and pages and pages of this kind of hate-filled violence… (CREDIT)

Sanity Check

When a group of people are being incited into violence, and no one is trying to diffuse the situation, then violent actions are inevitable.  There will be conflict. You can bet on it, and hoping and praying for a solution without DIRECT PHYSICAL ACTION is useless.

Some one should wake up that AG we have, Sessions, and tell him that he is doing a lousy job managing the Judicial department. His lack of action will tear this nation apart.

With this in mind, and with this as a backdrop, I remind the reader about what happened to the Loyalists during the War for Independence, and afterwards…

Tar and feather.
The term “Tar and Feather” was not some quaint saying. It was a description of a method of hurting others who disagreed with political view points. It was not pretty and the person who suffered through this event typically died a very slow and painful death.

Let me also remind the reader of the terrible things that occurred during the American Civil War as well…

Civil war
War always begets violence. There are roles that non-military individuals play. These roles can be military and combative in nature. It is never a clean and pretty sight. Notice the poor innocent dog being shot and writhing in pain. Notice the woman trying to suppress the men-folk from fighting. Notice the people fighting from the roof-tops and from the house and store windows. Notice that the people fighting were not dressed in military attire, but rather as civilians. When caught, as civilians, they would be killed.

Eventually things Stabilize

Eventually, after a period of turmoil, things start to settle down. Sides in a given conflict become clearer. Causes and contributors to the conflict become more pronounced, and the participants become obvious. It is during this phase of the conflict that regions of stability settle out. Within these regions are victors and losers.

Our rulers
Here are the people who operate the enormous bureaucracy in the United States. You know, the ones that say one things and do the other. John Brennan. James Clapper, and their ilk. They spy on you. They authorize the police to dress in SWAT gear and raid your homes. They make sure that Congress follows their program for THEIR leaders. Not your leaders.

Always, historically, the winners will secure and punish the losers.

It is in this framework that the punishments are dished out.  The worst punishments will be reserved for those who incited, edged on, and contributed to the violence. Additionally, those whom created treason would also be punished severely. Examples include;

  • People who profited from selling American secrets.
  • People who have profited, at the expense of Americans, in trade deals.
  • People who worked within government to disrupt and cause discord.
  • People who used their voices to incite and amplify violent actions against others.
  • People who have profited by sowing discord, and destruction.
  • People who have suppressed or tried to suppress Rights.
  • People who set up and operated para-military movements and organizations.
  • People who funded the above actions to any degree.

Historically, these people did not make plea arrangements, be granted immunity from prosecution, or be given small fines or short jail sentences. No. Not at all. Instead, they were hung from scaffolding until dead.

During times of war and conflict, many people are killed. During the American Civil War many people were killed in battle. Those that we not killed, but who were on the losing side were also killed, often by hanging.

More soldiers were executed during the American Civil War (1861–1865) than in all other American wars combined. Approximately 500 men, representing both North and South, were shot or hanged during the four-year conflict, two-thirds of them for desertion.

-Military Executions during the Civil War

How to Make a Hangman’s Noose

All this being said, perhaps it’s time to dust off some long-forgotten skills.

There are numerous types of nooses that one can use. All are dangerous and effective devices. These are time tested over the centuries when members of the losing side of the social-political conflict confronts the victorious side. There are many nooses that can be used. The ones used historically for hanging a person until they die have a very dark history. These nooses include;

  • The Gallows Knot
  • The Hangman’s Knot

The Gallows Knot

The third noose is based on the the Multifold-Overhand-knot. As its second name already suggests it has a dark history. It is also used as a knot to tie angling-rods to fishline.

Gallows Knot
How to tie a “Gallows Knot”. The method is shown clearly in the picture, as the user will start with a noose and then tie the lose end as shown.

The Hangman’s Knot

This knot is used for the gallows-tree as well. The force to close it is adjusted better than with the gallows knot. And because it is bigger in the neck it is believed to break the neck more easy. That would make it more mercy-full as the gallows-knot which kills by strangeling. The Hangman is also used as a knot to tie angles to fishline.

Hangman's Noose Knot
Here is an illustration on how to tie a Hangman’s noose knot in four simple steps. It’s a pretty straight forward illustration.

How to Select the Rope

Over the years, manufacturers have produced a variety of ropes for a variety of purposes. Each rope has unique strengths and weaknesses. Particular ropes are well suited for certain jobs and not others. Some ropes have a wide range of capabilities, but there is no “one size fits all” rope.

Don’t let the variety scare you.

  • Manila
  • Nylon
  • Kevlar
  • Polyester

Manila Rope

The natural strength and all around utility of manila rope has made it the standard for quality rope. Manila rope consists of all-natural hemp fibers. This creates aesthetic appeal commonly used for decorative fences or other landscaping purposes. It is also the traditional material for hangman’s nooses.

Manila Rope
manila Rope is the traditional material used in hangman’s nooses and knots. It is typically made out of hemp.

Nylon Rope

For superior strength and remarkable stretching capabilities, nylon is the rope of choice. Stronger than both manila and polypropylene, nylon commonly finds itself pulling the heaviest loads and bearing the most weight.

Nylon Rope
Nylon Rope. Nylon rope is known for its elasticity and ability to absorb tremendous shock loads. this rope will not rot and is resistant to oil, gasoline and most chemicals. Along with having good abrasion resistance, nylon rope also has a good resistance to UV rays.

Kevlar™ Rope

Few innovations in the past century have been as remarkable and useful as Kevlar™, invented in 1965 and produced by DuPont™. Among its many uses, Kevlar™ materials have been used for bullet-proof armor and flame resistant material. Kevlar™ rope is no less remarkable. Pound for pound, Kevlar™ rope is far stronger than steel and it will not rust. For this reason, Kevlar™ rope is used as mooring lines on oil rigs and ships. While nylon rope has certain elastic abilities, Kevlar™ rope has very low stretch, making it an excellent choice when complete stability is needed.

Kevlar Rope
Kevlar Rope is a great product that has numerous applications.


Polyester is considered by some to be the best general purpose rope. It’s also one of the more popular choices when a tough heavy duty rope is needed. Polyester rope is a great rope for general industrial applications as well as rigging applications. It does great in the outdoors and tough elements of nature. Can be seen being used for lines to tie down or hold back boats in marine applications.

Polyester Rope
Polyester Rope is a very good and durable rope that finds use in a wide variety of roles.

When the Time Comes…

There comes a time when it is determined that a gallows is needed. Historically, this comes after a tribunal of sorts. Sometimes it is well organized with a careful judicial process. Other times it is impromptu with a rather blunt disregard for human rights, or the care or concern for the costs.

The loss of the freedom to defend yourself and the liberty to live your life is what often suffers under progressive democrat control.
Know your history. This is what really happens when a particular group comes to power and their enemies are disarmed. It is never pretty.

In the event that it is determined that a hanging is desirable and that there are individuals that must be hung, a gallows is necessary. Those that have taken control of the situation typically seize control quickly and execute those that are considered threats to their dominance.

Execution of Romanian Dictator Ceausescu, by the people.

Securing the Captives for Judgement

Everyone deserves a day to be judged. Everyone. No matter what the emotion is, and no matter how much pain that one has endured, we always need to put our emotions aside and give the accused a chance to defend their actions.

Judgement Day.
Waiting for the sentence to be carried out. The dictator and his wife await their fate. Mr. Ceausescu.

“Three soldiers came in with rope and tied their arms behind their backs.

“I and another soldier took Ceausescu, and two others took his wife. We went outdoors, first with Ceausescu, and turned left to get to the execution point.

“We were halfway there when he stopped and started to mumble and sing the first verse of the Internationale.

"Then he shouted, ‘Long Live the Socialist Republic of Romania. Independent and Free.’ ”

Boeru heard a commotion just behind him.

He explains: “A serviceman who was nicknamed ‘Little Car’ yelled at Ceaucescu’s wife and she said, “Motherf***er.

“I took him to the wall, we turned, took six steps back then turned around – and we noticed one soldier had stayed behind next to the ­Ceausescus.

"He didn’t seem to realize what was going to happen. Then he quickly got out the way!

“I wanted to make sure I had bullets in the barrel so I checked and one came out.

“So I knew I had 29 bullets left. I reminded the guys to put the guns on automatic and when I gave the order they fired.

“I fired the first shots – three bursts of my AK-47. During the first burst I saw Ceausescu fall on his knees and topple backwards.

“The first bullets went into his legs and as the gun went up they went into the upper part of his body.

“I fired the next burst at her. She fell to her left. One of my colleagues forgot to switch to automatic and fired single bullets.

-The Mirror

The Gallows

Construction of a gallows is a simple affair. In olden days a stout tree limb would suffice, or a barn. Today, there are many alternatives to choose from. Perhaps the best are stand alone billboards, large street lamps or signs outside fast food restaurants.

McDonalds sign
Fast food signs make excellent locations for hangings. They are in public areas with ample parking. There is restroom access for the hangman and his staff, the sign makes a sturdy and stout gallows, and the team can go ahead and eat lunch afterwards.

On a Serious Sobering Note

Hangings happen all over the world. It is a way of killing other humans. It is never pleasant and is a very ugly reality that manifests from time to time.

There are those that are statists. Since they themselves have never participated in a civil war or armed conflict that somehow they magically believe that it could never happen “here”.

Meanwhile, there are those who want change so badly that they can taste it in their teeth. They live, breathe and are all worked up in hate and anger. They are willing and ready to attack other and smash them to death using bunt objects like a bicycle lock.

Bike lock attack.
Eric Clanton, a former teacher at Diablo Valley College, was arrested by Berkeley police on Wednesday on suspicion of three counts of assault with a deadly weapon identified as a U-lock bike lock, and one of those assaults is alleged to have caused a significant injury. Police say the violence happened April 15 in Berkeley when pro-Trump supporters clashed with self-described anti-fascist, or “antifa,” activists determined to stop a rally where white supremacist views were expected to be expressed. Soon after April 15, 28-year-old Clanton was “outed” online, on the website 4chan, as someone who used a bike lock to strike a man in the head. The assault was captured in a video clip (below) that drew widespread attention and anger after it was posted on YouTube. Until Wednesday night, Berkeley investigators had declined to say whether they were looking into Clanton, despite the outcry online calling for his arrest. Wednesday, officers arrested him in Oakland at 12:15 p.m. He is being held at Berkeley Jail with a bail of $200,000, according to Alameda County sheriff’s office records online. Clanton, whose listed occupation is college professor, is scheduled for arraignment Friday. Police said they have identified three victims in the case. All three were struck in the head or neck with a bike lock, police said.

Instead of denouncing their actions, major political figures such as Senator Maxine Walters has called for more violence, and even greater disruptions and damage.

I for one take these calls for violence seriously, and you the reader should as well.


Because there are no effort being made to suppress calls for violent insurrection, we can be guaranteed two things;

  1. The government is complicit in incitement of violence.
  2. Violent insurrection is inevitable.

Therefore, the reader must take steps in this regard to protect themselves and their families.

Eventually, the conflict will die down, but the social-political landscape will be terribly changed. You want to be on the winning side. Because in this environment, the losers will not be treated kindly. They will be hunted down and killed.

Take Aways

  • The United States has a contentious political climate.
  • There is no middle-ground in this environment.
  • As a result, the problem will not simply “go away”.
  • It will fester and become an open conflict.
  • One side will win.
  • One side will lose.
  • The losing side will suffer retribution in various forms.
  • The winning side will need to know how to construct a gallows.

During times of contention, the conspirators and their accomplices were killed. There is nothing different, aside from technology, today. Things are only getting worse, not better, and a time of stabilization will eventually occur, which many people hanging from nooses.


Q: Why use a gallows?
A: It is a humane way of killing a person. The person hung, dies a quick and sudden, painless death. It avoids the spilling of blood. It can be done publicly. It is traditional, and used all around the world.

Q: Can conflict be avoided in the United States?
A: I really hope so. However, history tells us differently. There are elements within the United States government that want open conflict. They are doing what they can to incite violence and they are only getting more antagonized with hatred.

Q: What is the best thing to do so as to avoid conflict?
A: Move to a region where it is unlikely to have any conflict. There, you stay quiet and peaceful. You don’t discuss politics, and don’t promote any kind of violence or violent action. Stop watching the American news media. Carefully vet your friends for kindness and avoid getting “roped in” to the conflict. Humans are herd animals and tend to operate on emotion.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


Mad scientist

Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

Articles & Links

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  1. Created 19SEP18.
  2. Text completed 20SEP18.
  3. SEO Review 20SEP18.

What life is like inside the ADC Prison in Arkansas

It is a requirement that all MAJestic members be placed in a monitoring program upon retirement. The only legal monitoring program in the United States is the Sex Offender Registry. So, when a person finishes up 30 years in the MAJestic waived, unacknowledged special access program, they are arrested and incarcerated as a Sex Offender. There are no exceptions.

There are NO exceptions.

In order to facilitate entry into the sex offender-monitoring program, all agents have to do time in prison.  This section and chapter deals with the experiences during this time.  It discusses what prison was like and what I experienced as part of it.  It is an autobiographical narrative of my prison experience.


Prison for cats
Poor kitty. There are all kinds of reasons why people go to prison. However it is an illusion that people go to prison because the commit crimes. If this was the case, then Hillary Clinton would be half-way through a life-sentence. If this was the case then Nelson Mandela would never have gone to prison. The fact is, prisons are used for other reasons that what is publicly disclosed.

"An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers. Approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall. Dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots."  

 --From a March 22, 1950 memo to J. Edgar Hoover from the Washington FBI Office, released in 1976 under the freedom of information act.

Unlike the rest of the country, the state that I was incarcerated in has some of the most (I considered to be) medieval prison conditions in the world.  While it in no way resembled a medieval dungeon, it was never the less a harsh place compared to prisons elsewhere in the country.

In Arkansas, the philosophy behind sentencing of a convicted criminal was that of a duality of purpose.  The criminal sentence involved two aspects.  These aspects were that of [1] punishment and of [2] rehabilitation.  Prison was thus the punishment component.  Rehabilitation was administered by the community parole officers.

My experiences may not reflect those of the vast bulk of retired SAP agents.  It is only my experiences. Other experiences might vary given the nature of the American condition.  I relate them here as a curious narrative.

I do not want to spend too much time dwelling on this period in my life.  The reader should take note that while everyone was filling my mind full of the horrors that awaited me, the reality was far different.  This was no “picnic”, but neither was it the horror that everyone advertised it to be.

This is my story of the prison sequence that I had to complete after I was retired from the MAJestic W(U)-SAP that I joined in 1981.

“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.”

Winston S. Churchill

Quick Background Links

If the reader is a tad confused as to WHY I ended up going to prison as a Sex Offender, then you can read these sections first…

Sales Pitch

Entering Prison

“That was how it was, sometimes. You put yourself in front of the thing and waited for whatever was going to happen and that was all. It scared you and it didn't matter. You stood and faced it. There was no outwitting anything. When Almondine had been playful, she had been playful in the face of that knowledge, as defiant as before the rabid thing. Sometimes you looked the thing in the eye and it turned away. Sometimes it didn't.”

― David Wroblewski, The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

My first exposure to Prison was the infamous Brickeys Prison (East Arkansas Regional Unit in Brickey, Arkansas.) at the ADC (Arkansas Department of Corrections).

Brickeys was (at that time) the most severe of the hard labor prisons in the Arkansas Department of Corrections.  It is a rather huge maximum security facility that is known to house the worst offenders as well as repeat offenders.  It is known for its rowdy and dangerous inmate population, tough guards and difficult working conditions.

The reader might want to listen to “See it on your side” by Dinosaur Jr.  Entering prison was an emotional event, and words cannot describe the feelings and experiences of that time.  The reader must be aware that I was a highly educated, and clandestinely trained individual accustomed to international travel and an urban environment, suddenly thrown into a harsh prison setting populated with rural criminals.  I couldn’t understand their English, and they couldn’t understand what I was saying either.  It was more than just ugly.  It was harsh.

During the time I was there, I personally witnessed three killings in my own barracks.  One was killed in his sleep next to me.  One was stabbed with a “shank” while taking a shit in the toilet, and another was killed while going to chow (he was just standing in line).

It was a large complex, but not the largest.  It was surrounded by multiple fence lines that isolated a deadly lethal electric fence.  Guard towers were everywhere.  All were painted white.  It sat there, sprawled out on the hot cotton field Mississippi delta and was surrounded by soybean , and cotton fields as far as the eye could see.  It was a sprawling white complex of towers and long, low flat buildings that fried under the hot relentless Arkansas sun.

“The first night's the toughest, no doubt about it. They march you in naked as the day you were born, skin burning and half blind from that delousing shit they throw on you, and when they put you in that cell... and those bars slam home...that's when you know it's for real.

A whole life blown away in the blink of an eye. Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.”

-The Shawshank Redemption

After we were driven the prison we were unloaded at the Sally Port, and proceeded down into the bowels of the prison itself.  After going through about three layers of gates, we were finally directed to our orientation barracks.  And it was there where we first were introduced to prison life.

The primary modern meaning for sally port is a secure, controlled entryway, as of a fortification or a prison. The entrance is usually protected by some means, such as with a fixed wall blocking the door which must be circumvented before entering, but which prevents direct enemy fire from a distance. It may include the use of two doors such as with an airlock.

As we (first) walked down through the main hallway, groups of inmates, long hard core felons lined up against their barracks windows.  There they masturbated to us as we walked down the hall.  I am not at all exaggerating.  There were multiple groups of around five to seven inmates.  Their paints down to their knees and they were right there masturbating to us as we walked down the hallway carrying our gear.  Of course there was the loud shouting, pointing and obscene gestures.  This yelling and jeering was completely expected, though the masturbation part came as a complete surprise.

The laws and rules were later changed in such a way that any kind of masturbation or obscene gestures would result in additional time added to ones’ sentence.  That greatly helped to eliminate the kind of experiences that we were first exposed to when we entered the facility.  However, the practice still lingered, only much more surreptitiously.

Scene from the movie Felon.
The movie “Felon” is perhaps the most accurate portrayal of the prison system today that I have ever seen. It is a world of white walls, white clothes. It is a world of harsh and tough individuals and glorious tattoos. While the story line involved a corrupted guard, it was my experience that most guards were pretty decent. I would say that only about one out of 20 were really bad. You would only have one or two in the entire prison. Most guards were fairly decent people. Photo is a screen capture from the movie. The only difference between the movie, aside from the plot line, and that of Arkansas is that felons had to keep their faces shaved at all times and their hair must be kept short. So the concept of having beards and mustaches was alien to us and would get you thrown into the hole. We all looked like “skin-heads” with really really… really, bad teeth.

The inmates, man, they were ugly.

I don’t think I have ever seen such an uglier group of people in my life.  Some looked the brothers of Igor on a bad day, while others were the splitting image of Frankenstein’s monster.  I saw evidence of what might have been genetic experimentation, or in-breeding.  Some of the inmates seemed to have some kind of physical deformities, while others were just covered completely from head to toe with tattoos.  Most were toothless, or had one or two teeth brazenly standing tall and proud in their mouths.  All had short hair.  Most were either bald or had crew-cuts.  There were no mustaches or beards at all.

Arkansas ADC did not provide dental services to the inmates except in two ways.  The first was extraction.  Teeth were removed without painkillers or anesthetics.  The second was the creation of dentures for those inmates without teeth.  But to qualify for a full set of dentures, you had to have most of your teeth removed first.  Which obviously led to some interesting situations to the inmates there at the facility.

Most were toothless… it is true.

In the ADC, there was no dental coverage or treatment except for but one procedure; extraction.  The result was that most long term felons became toothless over time.  Long term felons with life sentences eventually lost all their teeth.  After all, the “free” toothpaste was ineffective as a dental aide, and unless you had family that would “put money on your books”, that was all you had to work with.

We all worked at the ADC.  But we were never paid for our labors.  Thus, unless one had friends or family outside the prison walls, one would be forced to subsist only on the few offerings provided by the state.

Prison hallways all have walking lanes. You must walk between the yellow line and the wall. Only the guards are permitted to walk outside the lines. Scene looks like the ADC.


“Courage is not something that you already have that makes you brave when the tough times start. Courage is what you earn when you’ve been through the tough times and you discover they aren’t so tough after all.”

 -Malcolm Gladwell, David and Goliath

Food was not like you would get in prisons up North.   Pennsylvania, for instance, gave each inmate a piece of fruit with each meal.  You would also get a dessert that can include ice cream.  They would eat such things as pizza and chicken wings.  Salads, store-purchased bread; tureens of Campbell’s soups were all representative normal fare for consumption.  Nevertheless, all of that was unheard of in Arkansas.

I spent six months in a Pennsylvania prison awaiting for my paperwork to clear after a parole violation. (I had a broken cell phone, and an unopened bottle of wine.) They ate so well.  They had fruit.

I am not kidding.  They had fruit with every meal and you could even TAKE IT TO YOUR CELL!  The fruit consisted of bananas, apples, oranges, and pears. My gosh. We NEVER had fruit in the ADC.

Other foods included ice cream (Ice Cream! We never had ice cream.) and pizza. My goodness, the inmates in PA had absolutely no idea how great they had it.  Not to mention you could get a television in your cell, you were paid for working, and could smoke in your cells as they all had a built in lighter in the wall.  Heck, in the ADC we had none of this.

Arkansas was a “punishment” state, and they served us gruel.

Remember the Star Trek episode where Kirk and his men were trapped on a planet that represented Rome in the 1960’s with gladiatorial battles?  Yes, it was like that.  No, we didn’t eat “gruel” as of the 1720’s style.  We ate the modern day equivalent.  It was called Global, and was packaged for easy prep and serving to inmates.

The Star Trek episode was called “Bread and Circuses” and can be found here.


In “the ADC” (the state that I was incarcerated in) we were fed mostly an artificial food called “Global” and lots and lots of beans.

The name “Global” is a brand name given to a nutritional powder that is fed to inmates in the ADC prison system.  This powder is mixed with water and cooked under low heat to make a kind of wet dog food that is editable by humans.  The taste is barely flavorful, but it is not enjoyable and generates quite a bit of stomach gas.  When pigs are fed this substance, they are unable to expel the generated gasses and eventually die.

Global is a (so advertised to the inmates) nutritious brand of food.  It is like wet dog food for humans.  There were initially many flavors.  (Five back in 2004.)  Rumor had it that it was developed for military troops overseas, and was bought in bulk at a great discount by the ADC.  I do not know if it was true or not.

While I was there; there were initially five kinds of flavors, but eventually it was reduced to only the three “most popular” flavors.  “Sweet and sour”, “looks like chicken”, and “could be beef”.  All tasted terrible and gave off tremendous amounts of gas within hours upon ingestion.

As a person who has since spent a number of years in China, I can tell the reader that there are many ways that tofu can be prepared, but the way this “global” was prepared was wholly marginally unpalatable.

It arrived in a bag of clumpy dust.  The kitchen workers would simply pour a measured amount into a tureen (which looked like a large stainless steel cement mixer), and add water using a lawn hose.  Then it would be heated to the desired temperature.

I like tofu, but this stuff was not at all editable.  And this comment, you must know, comes from a person who has adapted to eating fish heads and rice, who enjoys eating snails and odd seafood, and drinks snake wine without concern.

ADC Global
A significant portion of the food provided to us in the ADC consisted of Global. Global is a synthetic food product that is made from tofu. It is cheap and supposedly nutritious. I was like wet dog food for humans.

Why they couldn’t of simply served us Ma Po Tou Fu (麻婆豆腐)?  It was cheap and delicious tasting.

I was told, when I worked in the kitchen that “another” ADC facility (which one I don’t know, maybe ADC Cummins) fed left over global to the pigs on the farm.  However, the pigs were unable to pass all the gas that was internally generated and they “blew up” and died. I don’t know if this story was true or not, but after seeing the effect that global had on our stomachs, I wouldn’t be too surprised.

“They do get a lot of watermelon when the season is in but almost all of the food they fix is really high in starches.

Most of the time the eggs are powdered and sometimes green as is the salami it is not unusual for rats to have there babies in the middle of the flour sacks that the guys cook from and they just get the flour around them, on holidays while we get our three meals a day they get two and staff usually steals the turkeys and the guys eat little pieces of canned chicken in rice.

Breakfast is at 3.00 in the morning, lunch starts around 10.30 and dinner around 3.30.”

-Behind the walls


"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."

- Winston Churchill

We did get to eat a lot of beans.

We had beans all the time.  Black beans, pinto beans, red beans and Lima beans were the most popular beans that we ate.  They were cooked and boiled and served plain.  Sometimes, salt was added to them.  They would fill you up and were nutritious.  But you soon grew tired of them, and they caused you to get a lot of intestinal gas.  That was not good in a multi-felon dormitory; where the release of farts could be construed as a violent insult.  (Most especially true with the young urban African-Americans.)

Rough Bread

We always had rough bread.  The bread was made of a mixture of 50% white flour and 50% horse feed.  Make no mistake here.  I am not exaggerating.

ADC bread
Bread in the ADC looked a little something like this. It was made from a mixture of normal flour and horse feed.

While it is possible that this was done to save money, I would actually guess that it was done to create a “tough” environment inside the prison. Actually, how much money can you possibly save by buying horse feed instead of flour? Therefore, I am convinced that it was done intentionally to create a very harsh environment to make prison as uncomfortable as possible. After all, when Bill Clinton (D) was Governor he set up the “Punishment” rules that that ADC now implements.

The bread was made from horse feed and whole-wheat flour.  I know.  I worked in the kitchen.  It was written on the sacks that the feed came in.  It said (in all bold letters, in Arial font) “NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION”. The result was tough crunchy bread that belonged on Beowulf’s table.  I laugh now, but the bags of food in the kitchen all were marked “not for human consumption” on them.  I am sure that the prison officials would argue that this was not the case, but I can tell you that this is EXACTLY what we ate.  I did work in the kitchen and I can attest to this fact.  In life, what is supposed to happen, and what actually happens are often diametrically opposed.

Just because something is not supposed to occur, does not prevent it from happening.

The bread was hardly tasty, and we only ate it as a last resort.  Some inmates would take the bread and put it in their cup and fill it with milk.  Then by adding something sweet like stewed tomatoes, or crushed up candy they would be able to eat it as a kind of poor man’s dessert.  We would never get fruit, ice cream, puddings or Jell-O.  Those were truly luxury items for us.

Other felons have repeatedly told me that they were able to get fruit, cakes, sugar, pizza, and even salads at other prisons.  I know that some jails would serve these items, though at a severely reduced caloric content, but at the ADC, all these things were banned.  We did not eat anything like that.  PERIOD.  This is non-negotiable.  We simply did not get to eat such things.

Horse grain and feed
Horses would have loved the bread that we ate. At least 50% of the flour was mixed with horse feed. It created a tough barely edible bread like object.

The guards that worked the kitchen were generally humane, and understood that they couldn’t always serve us gruel.  After all, if they continued to do so, riots or worse might occur.  Life in prison was always a balance between how much punishment they could dish out before we would revolt.  Thus they tended to break up the meals so that every day or so there would be biscuits made of real bread, or real meat, or a decent vegetables as a side.

It wasn’t always so horrible.  (For instance, sometime we got raw onions that we could mix with the beans.  That was always a treat.  Or at other times, we would get a hamburger and there might be a pickle or ketchup on the side so that we could make a sandwich. Ah. Good times. Good times!)

Additionally, the ADC always gave us a good great meal for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The same was true for the 4th of July.  Truly, the guards were pretty decent folk.

However, aside from the major holidays, some days were truly a waste of time marching down to the mess hall.  We would grab the tray and just deposit it into the cleaning booth without even trying it.


In season, we would also eat boiled okra.  It looked like green snot, with uncooked kernels of corn inside.

There are different ways to cook okra.  The preferred method at the ADC was to boil it into a gooey paste.  This green snot-appearing paste would have small hard seeds inside of it.  That reminded me of uncooked baby corn.  I never cared for okra, and I hope never to eat it again.  Also in season we would eat corn, which wasn’t so bad, and turnips.  (I well remember the “Bill, the galatic hero”, and his comments on okra.)

“Bowb!” Bill, the Galactic Hero is a satirical science fiction novel by Harry Harrison, first published in 1965. Six sequels were published, from 1989 to 1992.


I was never a big fan of turnips and I hope never to eat them again.  Their taste never appealed to me.  I wasn’t raised with that style of southern cooking.  The way they were prepared was also unique.  They would boil the turnips in a huge vat, then they would be mashed in a machine with some milk powder.  The result was a kind of turnip mashed potatoes.  Yuck!

Actually, I have to ask, does anyone actually eat this vegetable in this manner? Truthfully.

Boiled Turnips
The ADC would serve us boiled and mashed turnips in season. I am not a fan. Though the other inmates found it delicious and scarfed it up every opportunity that they had to get it.

Stewed Tomatoes & other vegetables

Other vegetables would include stewed tomatoes (a personal favorite), raw onions (great with black beans), canned peas, boiled collard greens (meh), boiled spinach (also pretty good), mashed potatoes (always welcome), mashed Lima beans (why? In God’s name, why?), and rhubarb (some people do eat it, but not me).  Occasionally we would also be served carrots, corn (especially in the summer), zucchini (not so bad), and pickles.

About once or twice a week we would eat a piece of chicken, hot dog or a hamburger.

On special days we would even get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  You can’t mess up cooking these things, and so it wasn’t all that bad.  Though the portions tended to be very small.  Sometimes, certain prisoners would cycle back in line to eat a second time.  When that happened they ran the risk of getting caught.  If caught they risked going to “Jail”.  Which was the “hole”.  Not a place you want to spend a few weeks in.  Especially for a second peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

We all enjoyed the occasional peanut butter and jelly sandwich. If we were lucky, we might get a sandwich every four or five months or so. You wouldn’t want to miss chow-hall then. No. Not in the least.

Powdered Egg Breakfast

Breakfasts were not that bad, though they tended to be served at 3am in the morning (Seriously!).  They consisted of real eggs, or fake egg powder with grits, beans and biscuits.  On the weekends we would always be treated special and actually get pancakes.

Depending on the prison you attended you would find yourself eating powdered eggs more than the real eggs.  This was a real surprise to me because the ADC prison system had a complete chicken farm that was very productive.  We could have been eating eggs for morning, lunch and supper and still have eggs left over.  But, like everything else, the eggs were sold at a profit to support other state funding initiatives (read: corruption).  Us inmates had to endure the lower cost alternative; powdered eggs.

Powdered eggs are useful when making things that required eggs as an ingredient.  They are not really suitable as a “stand alone” food item.  That is because they really don’t taste that good.

There are those in prison who have told me that they can actually taste good if you know how to prepare them.  It involves a specific amount of water, added at the right temperature and a special mixing procedure.  However, that would not really be possible in prison, where we would simply dump the powder in a big tureen and add water from a water hose, and then cook on a flat plate.

Brickeys used powdered eggs almost exclusively.  Other prisons in the ADC used them far more sparingly.

Powdered eggs on the left, real eggs on the right. They do not taste the same, as anyone in the military can attest.

Hard labor

“There are all these moments you think you won’t survive. And then you survive.”

David Levithan

If you are sentenced for prison time in Arkansas you will do hard labor.  Everyone does hard labor, and no one is exempt.  Men 70 years old will struggle alongside 18 year old men.  You work hard, long days in the hot and humid sun of the southern United States.  (Rumor had it that the cut off age for working in the fields was 45 years old.  But that was only a rumor.  If you were sentenced to hard labor, you did hard labor.  If you died, well…)

“While I agree some hoe hoe squads like PB unit can be quite easy at times Varner and Brickey's hoe squad are no jokes and yes they do have broke down guys out there.

There have been heat strokes, broken bones, heart attacks and even death. So while you make light of the situation and say that it is no big deal, you are WRONG!

I was there and I know of NO ONE who wanted that job. And if you think that calling the warden on a hoe squad rider will work once again you are wrong. Because what happens then is that he will get written up lose his class sent to the hole and guess where he goes then? Thats correct, hoe squad, of course he will get a new rider but I am quite sure they will know who he is.

Your comments are academic not real world. Unless you have spent 60 plus days in the heat with a 18 pound hoe standing side by side with 20 plus men trying to keep up and called all manner of degrading names you should not speak on the subject.”

- FinallyFree

Hard labor was difficult.

There is no other way to describe it.  It was intentionally designed to be that way, and at the end of the long hot day you would often find huge grown men crying or passed out on their racks.  I have seen it. It was very hard and very; very difficult.

“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even. “

Muhammad Ali

How it was Conducted

After shaving off all our hair, they marched us off to the cotton field to hoe and till the soil manually.  This was hard labor in the hot humidity of Arkansas.  It was brutal.  The guards rode alongside us on horses.  They all wore a vest and a cowboy hat.  They carried a 44 caliber Smith and Wesson pistol.  Sometimes they would have another guard with a shotgun (loaded with buckshot) that rode in a white pickup truck nearby.

They did shoot on sight if anyone failed to follow orders.

Shots were fired.  While I was there, one of the guards fired his pistol at an inmate, and the horse bucked up and he fired again.  Luckily no one was hurt.  But the guard was thrown from the horse and ended up with a broken arm.

“(Talking about the ADC hoe squad)

… He said they will talk about your momma, wife/fiance/girlfriend and kids just to try to get you to do something that will get you in trouble. Very horrible degrading things that I wont even repeat.

And I KNOW he is not telling me everything just to make sure my worry is kept to a minimum.

My fiance has a bad back and a lot of pain that he deals with and none of that mattered a bit. He had to do everything everyone else did and just suffer through it. And trying to get a CO in trouble is the worst thing you can do because it will come back on the inmate 100 fold.

I make damn sure during my visits that I am above respectful to them so that nothing comes back on him. Even when they are a**holes. The hoe squad rides are the worst during visitation and I'm sure to the inmates too. I dealt with one just last weekend.”


To work the fields we had to get up at the crack of dawn during “tropical season” and work “tropical hours”.  That meant start work before 6 am.  Here, we would march out to the courtyard and form into work squads.  Each squad had from 15 to 20 people.

We would stand in lines in the still morning darkness, while we were being reviewed by a corrections officer on horseback.  After making sure that everyone was in place and accounted for, we would be marched out to the fields to work.  Arriving on site just when the sky was getting light.

Hard Labor
The photo comes from the Internet and while it does not specifically state where it was taken, it could very well have been taken in Arkansas. The uniforms are ADC state issue. The guard could very well be a corrections officer except that he is not wearing a vest and boots. Other than that, it really looks like the ADC. The uniforms are ADC state issue.

Sometimes we were marched to buses which would cart us off to an even more remote field off in the distance.  In any event, we would pile out of the bus, grab our tools and march out to our work site.

This often meant going to an embankment or overgrown edge of field where we would proceed to remove every single blade of grass and plant from it with mechanical precision.

There was no cadence called, but the guard would direct us where to dig and how to do so; whether it was our left side or our right side.  He would tell us to stop the dig or to start a new line.  We always formed a line and attacked the ground fiercely with ruthless precision.

Prison in Arkansas
The most common way to retire MAJestic agents is to accuse them as Sex Offenders, sentence them to Hard Labor, and then a lifetime of monitoring as part of the Sex Offender registry. That way, MAJestic no longer needs to worry about the agents, instead, they are being watched and observed by the state government and paid for out of the state budgets.

You need cadence to work as a team.  If so, we could have worked together as a team.  Instead we would move forward at our own pace, with those as the ends of the line setting the pace.  They tended to be animals who worked at a frenzied pace.  It’s hard for us 50 year old men to keep up with a muscled, body building 20 year old.  They would generally go at a pace of one strike a second.  It was like trying to follow a robot.

Water Run

Every two hours a tractor would pull a water trailer over and we would line up and get hydrated.  This consisted of an army surplus water tank towed by a farm tractor.  At the end of the water tank was a spigot, and next to it was a dispenser of paper cups of the cone shaped variety.  There were no limits on the amount of water we could consume, but the guards would make sure that we weren’t milking the time at the trailer.  Then we would continue our feverish pace.

One Arm Script

If you were lucky you could obtain a “one arm script”.  This was a prescription that limited your activity to only using one arm.  It was for people who were sick, ill, old, infirm or had a broken arm (hence the term).  Those with the script would “putts around” on the outer fringe of the squad while the rest of the squad was banging away together on the rock hard soil.


At the close of the shift, we would be marched back to chow hall.  Since everyone wanted to get back to the barracks, we would often find the squad jogging and then running back to the gates.  There, we would kick off our muddy boots where we would hand them to another guard who would kick the mud off of them and hand them back to us.  Of course we would then strip and take a group shower to wash all the sweat and crud off.  Then it was off to chow hall.  We would eat our “global”, wash it down with kool-aide (or milk),  and then return back to the barracks to collapse on the bed in complete and utter exhaustion.

Hoe squad
Hoe squad was no joke. It was serious business and terribly difficult.

Hoe squad was extremely trying and difficult.


Everyone had to do a minimum of two months of hard labor.  But if you weren’t working hard enough, or even looked the wrong way, the guards on horse-back would mark you down in their vest pocket book.  That would result in additional time being added to your two months at hard labor.

Hoe squad.
When you are sentenced to “hard labor” in Arkansas you are assigned to work the “hoe squad”. This is a rite of passage for all felons in Arkansas. Everyone must work at hard labor and live in transitional barracks until they can graduate to a “regular” job in the prison. Hard labor is a solid eight hour day toiling in the hot Arkansas sun.

Typically, I would say that most inmates had additional time added on.  I would hazard a guess that it would be from two to six extra months.  The real and true troublemakers were destined to forever be constrained to do hard labor.  For them, this would continue on season to season, until their souls were constructively pacified.

This was a real shame, as most of us desired to finish our hard time labors as soon as possible.  But, eventually, all of us would “graduate”.  And upon graduation, we would be able to obtain the benefits of completing the hard labor phase of our existence.

“Here in the Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC), us kaptives are forced to do arbitrary strenuous field labor known as "hoe squad" with no pay and under the threat of punitive-isolation for refusing to work.

The work done on hoe squad is arbitrary and serves absolutely no purpose other than to physically exert us kaptives and so the pigs can try and get one of us to fall out from exhaustion so they can lock us up in isolation.

On hoe squad we are forced to stand nuts to butts in a line, each with a hoe, and chop the ground as we move the line backwards, peeling the grass back as we go, creating a "wind-row" of grass and mud/dirt/rocks/etc. Then we have to pull back as we chop, rather than hitting it and letting it lay. This is very physically exerting as the wind-row gets extremely heavy. This sometimes causes you to miss some grass because you have to stay with the line and you are struggling to pull the wind-row back, which is most difficult for the kaptives in the middle of the line due to shifting.

If you miss grass two or three times the pigs "call the truck" on you, meaning a pig in a truck pulls up, cuffs you, and takes you to isolation, even though your clothes are drenched in sweat, your hands are covered with blisters, and it is nearly quitting time for the day.

ADC spokesperson Dina Tyler advises the public that this work is voluntary and not forced, and that a kaptive who refuses to work will just not earn meritorious good time credits. But in order for a kaptive to not earn meritorious good time credits he/she must have h classification status reduced (class busted), and to have your class busted you must be convicted of a disciplinary report. Meritorious good time does not take time off of a sentence, it only makes a kaptive eligible for parole consideration sooner. Spokesperson Dina Tyler would also have the public believe us ADC kaptives are paid for our labor, but the only money we get is six dollars a year near Christmas time, with a deposit that reads "Happy Holidays."

- by an Arkansas prisoner August 2015

Completion of Hard Labor

Once you completed the hard labor phase of your tour, the rewards of GP (general population) became available to you.

First off , you were able to be reassigned a better barracks to live in.  The hard labor barracks were awful.  The inmates there all had trouble conforming to the rules.  It was always terribly noisy, with fighting, stealing, and provocation commonplace.  While prison is, by nature noisy, this environment was beyond compare.  Youthful urban blacks would be screaming at the top of their lungs all night, and there was always someone trying to trick you or steal from you.

Assholes abound everywhere, but in Arkansas, I found that most people treated me ok.  The only problem was the unstructured African-American youth.  They had no parental figures and pretty much acted like feral animals.  Some were really bad.  

Just imagine two feral dogs fighting over a piece of trash.  That was exactly how it was.  Apparently, most grow out of this phase, through the experiences of life.  However, in prison, the young and old are mixed together, and you have to endure a bad side of the African-American experience.

Cultural Differences

Incidentally, there is a true and real cultural difference between different races that were incarcerated with me.  There were many reasons for this, but I am not going to avoid the obvious for free-speech limiting “political correctness”  Truth be told, the African-American prison population tended to be loud, boisterous, unruly, energetic, emotional, and contentious.

They had older men, which generally stood around on the sideline and kept order when everything got a little too rowdy.

Spanish-Americans, we called them “SA”, were very peaceful and quiet.  They were all generally friendly and surprisingly very devoutly religious, even the most criminal and evil of the bunch.

I only saw two Asian-Americans in prison.  One came from Korea (he was tall and stood over 6’2”) and the other from Vietnam.

White Americans also tended to be much quieter.  They were just doing their time.  For the most part, they kept peaceful and did what they were told.  Overall, it was as if the African-Americans treated prison as a big game or kind of summer camp, while the whites and the SA’s considered it to be actual punishment.  They were both quiet and kept to themselves.  That might sound racist, but it really wasn’t.  It was cultural.  That’s just the way it was.)

Political Correctness Intermission

Hard Labor in Arkansas
This was exactly what it was like for me. I did “Hard Time” in Arkansas. This was what was necessary to put me in a monitoring program that would track my actions, where I lived and what I would do. This is how MAJestic agents are retired. It is not pretty.

Political Correctness – By its very nature, politically correct thinking is most often disingenuous, if not altogether intellectually dishonest.  Politically correct thinking replaces individuality and authentic opinions with socially acceptable rhetoric and watered-down behavioral tendencies.  

I actually miss the days when most conversations consisted of unpredictable, highly charged, and stimulating discourse – you know the ones, where people were encouraged to openly share their true thoughts and opinions.

The irony of politically correct thinking is that a society void of individual thought actually creates the opposite of diversity. It is, in fact, politically correct thinking that results in a brainwashed group of sheep that completely lack diversity as a result of a generification of thoughts and actions. The dark secret behind politically correct thinking is that it slowly dulls your senses, and neuters your innate ability to be discerning.

I don’t know about the reader, but I don’t want to hear what you think I want you to say, or what you think you should say, but rather I want to hear what you’re really thinking. 

Have you ever sat in a meeting where all parties sit around the table with a deer in the headlights look trying to figure out how to dance around an issue rather than address it head-on? It is this type of issue that pollutes our culture, stifles innovation, undermines our productivity, and sentences those who embrace politically correct thinking to a life of mediocrity.

This is a blanket term that today is used to demonize and isolate.  It prevents a person from saying what they truly think.  History is full of reminders in how to use terminology like this.  The dehumanization and objectification of political adversaries as preparation and justification for mass murder came into sharp focus as an effective weapon during the French Revolution.

The specific insults morph to fit the circumstances and the times, but each insult is designed to have the same effect — to dehumanize and to objectify a group of people in opposition to the dominant group that has seized power and the legal mechanisms of the State.

Here is a partial list of the defamatory names of condemnation as utilized by tyrannical regimes as well as the fate meted out to people branded as such:

1793, France

Enemies of the people
Enemies of the revolution
Criminal Clergy
Criminals against Liberty

Mass executions by guillotine in Paris and cities across France.
Genocide against the Catholic clergy, nuns and laity of La Vendee.

1917, Russia

Political deviants
Mental defectives

Mass executions by firing squad, mass graves. Imprisonment and torture in Lubuanka and Leforto prisons. Millions starved to death. Others sentenced to hard labor in Siberia.

1966, China

Class enemies
Bad elements
Rich peasants
Impure elements

Re-education camps, sanctioned mass murder by Red Guards, torture, imprisonment, starvation

2016, USA


What could possibly happen?

What makes these derogatory blanket terms salient and potentially dangerous is that they were intentionally uttered publicly in front of an audience of admirers in 2016 by Hillary Clinton, , in possession of all the levers of State power, and that she knowingly used these defamatory, inflammatory, dehumanizing terms to describe en masse tens of millions of American citizens.

As students of history we’ve seen this before. I avoided including Adolf Hitler’s dehumanizing remarks against Jews, Gypsies, Communists and others because there are still survivors of the Holocaust among us and wounds so deep never heal. But the atrocities and genocide of 1941-45 also started with words — dehumanizing words used against entire groups of people.

There is a vast difference between what an anonymous individual says and what the State says. The examples above are grim reminders of what can happen when those in power, or those who seek it, are celebrated, promoted and legitimized In their attempts to destroy their political enemies.

In a lifetime of enduring the tyranny of the arbitrarily condemned and surviving to write about it, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn provides stark witness for us all. What he learned in the strife of decades is that no human is irredeemable, neither the jailor nor the prisoner. And that to think otherwise is to condemn us all.

To which I include;

“Gradually it was revealed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties. If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and to destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Returning to the barracks.
Returning from the fields into the showers. Hoe squad was very strenuous. Then we were subjected to humiliation and awful, awful language and treatment.

Job Assignment

Another benefit to joining GP was that we would be assigned a job.  Everyone worked in prisons, though my state did not pay anyone for their labors.  Other states are known to provide a low salary rate for taking on work, but that was not the case in Arkansas.  You must work, and you do the work for free.

That is slavery.

But that is what happens when you are incarcerated.  You become a slave. Literally.  According to the Constitution, only non-felons have equal rights under the law.  Think of the consequences of that for a second.

If you were fortunate, you could be assigned postings where got to live in the “kitchen barracks” which was often much quieter.  Plus, you could often get access to some food that other inmates didn’t have access to.  (For instance we might get extra sized portions of collard greens or turnips. Also during the summer months we could volunteer to husk corn at night.  If we did that we could get a evening snack of leftover food from dinner.)

While some inmates devised a system of theft of food, most of us were just content to work there and enjoy extra-large portions of the chow that we can provide for ourselves.

Some would eat three to five portions.  I however, chose only to eat what I was provided.  Part of the reason was that I believed that everything balanced out… If you take a little more, life will cut you a little less.  Karma, but also I wanted to be thin and lean when I got released from prison.  I was.  I looked good for an old man.

Inmate Uniforms

In Arkansas the inmates wore white uniforms.  Everything was white.  Underwear, socks, tops and pants were all white.  We were also issued with French Foreign Legion-type hat that had a flap of cloth on the back to prevent the hot sun from blistering our necks.  We didn’t use belts, instead the pants had drawn-strings to gather them around our waists.  We had one pocket in the front to hold things, but it was rarely used.

This matched the rest of the prison itself.  The sheets, beds, walls, and showers were white.  Everything was white.  Depending on what unit (prison complex) that one attended, the alternating contrast color varied from forest green to battle ship grey.

The prison uniform was designed in the 1950’s – 1960’s and was a legacy of that time.  The pocket was initially designed to hold cigarettes that the inmates were permitted to obtain and smoke at that time.  But sometime in the 1990’s, a general ban on smoking at prisons in the ADC was enforced, thus rendering the pocket superannuated.  It was rarely used while I was there.

The shirt was a long sleeve cotton pullover with a collared V-neck.  It was the same cut as the old style wool Navy “undress uniform” of the enlisted crew.  (Only without the flap in the back.) On the right breast your name was stamped in black letters.

On the back of the clothes was an identification number that was used by the laundry crew to determine who owned the clothes.

Shoes were flat, cheap canvas covered flat deck shoes. (Though, many inmates could purchase white tennis shoes in the commissary. I never did. Many inmates however, chose to purchase the shoes, as it was a rare item of comfort. See the photo below.)

Bible study
Bible study ministry in the ADC Wrightsville Unit. When the inmates met someone from “outside” we would be issued fresh and clean clothing. This would differ from our dirty and grimy normal prison attire. This is a typical scene. It could be at any of the units.

We were also issued other clothing for the hard-labor in the field.  This would include brogan shoes, and if it is cold out, a coat and knitted cap.  Everything was white, but got easily soiled in the hot dusty hard fields.  Additionally, we could buy gloves at the commissary store to prevent our hands from blistering up.

Brogan a term generally applied to any heavy, ankle-high shoe or boot.  More specifically, a Brogan is any such boot worn by a soldier in at least the American Revolutionary War and the American Civil War. In the American revolution, the British soldiers wore brogans that were straight-last, meaning that they were interchangeable with the left or right foot, supposedly allowing for even wear on the boots.
The Commissary is a store for inmates. In the United States armed forces and prisons, as well as the United Nations, it has the derived meaning of a store for provisions, with the original military meaning referring to an officer or official responsible for food, stores, or transport for a body of soldiers. Commissaries sell primarily grocery articles; other items can be purchased at special promotions.

All uniforms have three numbers associated with them.  The first number [1] was the inmate number.  This was a six digit number.

There was also a laundry number [2].  This number told the person assigned to laundry duty which inmate in the barracks got which laundry.  It was typically a three digit number.

Finally, there was a barracks assignment number [3].  This number defined the barracks that you were assigned to and the rack that you slept in.  An example would be “16-6” which would mean barracks #16, and rack #6. This number was of the designation of a two digit number separated by a hyphen and another two digit number.  All items of clothing had these numbers on them in various ways


Believe it or not, fashion trends persist no matter where you live.  Prison is no exception.  I am not talking about the wild barracks fashions of the homosexual crowd, but rather the conventional fashions of the general population.  These fashions varied from time to time.  One of the most recognizable ones was the shining of shoes.

Those of us that were issued with the brogans for work in the fields would take the time and put them in a high state of shine.  These were brown boots, but they would be shined in such a way that at the outer tips were shined to a high gloss black color, and the remaining brown sides were left in the natural brown color.  Cleaned but not as shiny.  This was a point of pride for a number of the inmates, especially those from the urban areas.

Other issues of fashion and style is to wear pristine, white, well creased inmate uniforms.  This might not sound like a big deal to the reader, but in a world where every aspect of your life is controlled, and individuality is suppressed, being able to dress in style takes on a new meaning.

To obtain such pristine clothes, the inmates would pay other inmates to wash, fold and press the clothes.  In so doing, a small cottage industry would spring up providing laundry services for the most well-heeled of the incarcerated.

At the time I was incarcerated, the going rate was 25 cents per item of clothing (negotiable).  Other arrangements included, one cigarette for one week free laundry, and two ramen noodles for washing a shirt.  Because the prison was a hard labor camp, the uniforms all tended to be dirty and dusty.  Even after returning back from the prison laundry.  So, in order to get pristine white clothes, hand wash laundry was the only solution available.

Ingenuity (radios, headset, shower heads)

Inmates were constantly modifying, innovating, adapting and creating all kinds of solutions to improve their lives.  We never had access to the things in other prisons.  I heard that other state prisons would allow you to have MP3 players and television sets.

Not for me.

I was at a hard labor prison in a “punishment state”. (Not every prison is like this. For instance, in liberal states such as New York, they are very generous with providing inmates with alternative punishments. For instance, all inmates in NYS prisons are able to get free electronic tablets.)

For a brief period of time, I and a number of other inmates, spend a few months in another state prison system.  Thus giving us the exposure of comparative evaluation.  This was a prison in one of the Northern states.  They ate real food, not fake “pretend” food, and it was plain but good.  

They had pizza, fruit, ice cream, and even chicken wings on Superball Sunday!  They could buy typewriters, radios, television sets with cable access, and MP3 players with downloadable music selections.  All of these things were unheard of where I was incarcerated.  Such was the differences in philosophy between the two individual states comparatively.

Not where we were.  We were severely limited in what we could possess.  So, as a result, we would modify food, boxes, pens, and whatever else we could obtain into various implements and appliances.

Head Set Speakers

We did have access to a small hand held radio.  This was battery powered, and we could purchase the batteries in the commissary store.  It was small, about the size of the palm of your hand, and was transparent.  So you could see inside of it.  It had no speaker, however.  To listen to the radio you had to use a set of ear buds, or headset.

There are no wall plugs in prison.  At least not where I was.  If you wanted electricity you bought a battery.  And we tried all kinds of ingenious ways to keep them alive, including throwing them on the floor to shock them back into life.  Other prison systems not only had a plug, but a wall lighter for cigarette smoking in your cell.  It looked like a car lighter of sorts.

One of the innovative work-arounds by the inmates involved taking a toilet paper cardboard roll, and modifying it.  The roll would have a hole cut in the middle of it, and the headphones would slip over the ends.  The result was a nice small speaker of medium loudness.  This was not a common modification as the use of overt loud displays was dangerous.  Not everyone wanted to listen to Country & Western music, or Urban Rap.  So it only seemed to be prevalent in more or less friendlier dorms.  The more dangerous dorms, i.e. “punishment” or “newbie” dorms were too animalistic to allow this kind of activity.

DIY prison speakers. A set of speakers can be made out of a cardboard roll that comes with a roll of toilet tissue. You just need to cut out a hold int he middle of it.

Interestingly, I find it amazing how such simple changes can result in an amazing set of solutions.  Necessity is the mother of solutions, and I can certainly attest to that fact.

Shower Heads

Showers were a necessity, but the way that the water exited the pipes wasn’t the best.  For the most part it was like a fine mist that got a person damp, but didn’t clean you.

In order to get clean, often times an inmate would devise an improved shower head that would fit over the state supplied one affixed to the wall.

These heads all worked the same way.  What they did was collect the mist and forced it to fall down in a trickle.  It is certainly not as great as what you would find at Home Depot® but they worked well enough to get us clean.

The easiest and most common fix is to take a bottle of shampoo, they were tiny bottles, and cut the bottom out.  Then place the bottle over the shower head.  The water stream changes as the plastic gets hot and it tends to make a little whining sound, but other than that it seemed to work out just fine.

Adaptability was the watchword in prison.  One must adapt to a given situation; endure what is uncomfortable, be humble when needed and adapt as situations arise.

DIY shower head
DIY prison shower head. It is used to make the water spray out in a way that gets you clean, instead of a spray that gets you wet.

Soldering kit

While not permitted, there were a number of electronic technicians who were imprisoned and who maintained a small portable electronics lab.  By scavenging the electronics of old radios, and other devices (as few as they were) they were able to assemble a small kit of tools and parts.

This kit was used to create modifications of exiting radios to improve amplification of volume, improve range, or other benefits.  They also were able to create tools for the creation of tattoos, and other more or less functional devices.

None of these tools were used for the purposes of escape or as weapons.

To solder, typically a wick was made out of toilet paper wrapped around tightly.  It would look like a yard long paper snake. This would be lit through use of a spark created by using wires connected to a battery.

The resultant fire was small and long lasting, and was just barely hot enough to heat up an improvised soldering iron.  This was nothing less than a spoon or fork that was converted into an improvised solder item.  The iron would be placed in the fire and then back onto the PCB until the solder would melt.  It was a time consuming process, but did work.

Like anything else, if you modified a radio, there would be trade-offs.  If you increased the volume, you would obtain distortion of the audio stream.  If you increased the receiving range of a radio, you would get drift effects and lose the ability to lock on to a given station.  These were the consequences of living in the environment where we lived.

Tattoo machine

I don’t have tattoos, and never really wanted any.  But I am from a different generation.

In any event, they are very popular today, and most inmates obtained tattoos.  Some of them were really great.  As there were people of all kinds of levels of skill and ability there.

Typically, the process of tattooing was rather simple.  Essentially, you make a small hole and fill it in with ink.  A series of holes, thus can create a picture.  If you did this by hand, it would take a very long period of time.  So in order to speed up the process, a machine was devised that would work like a miniature sewing machine.  Instead of a needle pushing thread through a piece of fabric, the machine would consist of a motorized needle that would rapidly make a series of holes and push the ink through the holes.

The motor would be scavenged from some other electric device, made or constructed by hand, or even smuggled in somehow.  The needle would be made from a nail or a small sharpened screw, and the ink would be collected from the pens that we were allowed to purchase from the commissary store.


Each barracks had its own bathroom.  In the ADC there was no privacy.  While other states permitted privacy curtains for their inmates, ours was all open.

Not that it matters any more.  A “free” American has no privacy. When people talk about privacy, they mistakenly assume it protects only that which is hidden behind a wall or under one’s clothing. 

The courts have fostered this misunderstanding with their constantly shifting delineation of what constitutes an “expectation of privacy.” And technology has furthered muddied the waters. 

However, privacy is so much more than what you do or say behind locked doors. It is a way of living one’s life firm in the belief that you are the master of your life, and barring any immediate danger to another person (which is far different from the carefully crafted threats to national security the government uses to justify its actions), it’s no one’s business what you read, what you say, where you go, whom you spend your time with, and how you spend your money. 

Unfortunately, privacy as we once knew it is dead.

Our washroom consisted of a single white painted cinder-block room.  Commodes without lids lined one side.  There were typically six commodes.   All were stainless steel.  They sat close to each other without partitions.

When you sat down your thighs and arms would tend to touch the guy next to you.

So typically, we rarely sat next to each other.  Instead we would prefer to wait until a toilet was available to use.  Sometimes, for the purposes of privacy, we would place a trash can on the commode to give us some degree of privacy.  Like everything in life, over time you adjust to the conditions that you experience.

What was shocking to me initially soon became commonplace.

Toilet paper was issued each Sunday at 8pm.  We would be issued one roll of toilet paper, two disposable razors, and a bar of soap.  We would then secure these items in our lockers inside our racks.  If you failed to secure your items, they could get stolen by other inmates.

Everyone eventually gets things stolen.  I’ve had my things stolen numerous times.  It is the way things are in prison.


One common activity, regardless of where one is incarcerated, is known as “flying a kite”.  (Though I don’t know what it is called now.)

This activity is restricted to areas where one is locked up in their cell, either through punishment or isolation, and is used as a way by which one inmate can chat with another.  Otherwise all one can do is sing to themselves to keep from going nuts.  In this activity, the inmate tears off a thread from their blanket or uniform, and makes a long string out of it.  Then then attach a small piece of paper where the inmates can write or scratch a note on it.

The inmate then throws the “kite” out from under the door.  The inmate tries to throw it over and over; out far away from his cell door.  It looks like he is fishing.  It is a method that is hoped, that the note would eventually make its way to another inmates cell.   This is done in the hope that their “fishing exercise” would eventually connect with another line and they can reel in a message from another inmate.


In a barracks of 90 inmates, we had three shower heads.  Showers were available to us from 6pm until 9pm.  In the resulting three hours, 90 men were supposed to be able to get clean.  That is 6 minutes, per inmate in theory.

The problem is that the shower heads were too close together.

If three men took showers they would have to be physically touching each other.  The showers were not stalls, but simply the wall at the end of the bathroom area.  In use, the three showers were divided so that the middle shower head was not used, and only the two outer shower heads were utilized.

Depending on the units, or the prison, that you were in, some showers were left on all the time during this period.  They were controlled by the guard station.

Other prisons, however, had an individual control for the showers.  It consisted of a button.  You press the button, and you get ten seconds of shower.  To take a shower, you had to continually press the button for the duration of the shower.  For a five minute shower, you would have to press the button 30 times while you showered.

I don’t know if this was to conserve water, prevent abuse, or just a sadistic attempt to help drive everyone crazy.

Prison Shower Timer
The above is a photo by the author of a prison shower timer control. This is typically what is installed in Prisons in the United States and its territories. This device sets the duration or shower length of the water so that the inmate would not over use the water. (Needed because there are assholes who would try to flood the barracks. Seriously!) The timer controls a pump and valve mechanism shown. Notice that the length or duration of shower can be set by the prison guards from a short 1 second burst up to a maximum shower duration of 9 minutes. The default setting is one second. Photo by the author. (After prison, I was involved in constructing a holding facility where these items were utilized.)

Because of the large number of people, and the difficulty in securing a shower, a system of order was generally introduced.  The result was that we had to wash quickly and establish a kind of order in line.  Therefore, many barracks established a pecking line that one would join.

For instance, Robert always took a shower after Tom.  And Tom always took a shower after Dave.

If organized correctly, we would get in, take a quick shower and leave.  Most inmates took a ten to fifteen minute shower, but there were always exceptions.  A number of the younger urban youth would like to spend hours in the shower and wanted to not share it at all with the others.  They were always intent on using it to masturbate in.  That was fine, as long as everyone else had already finished their shower, but that wasn’t always the case.

OK, forget political correctness.  These were young negro African-Americans who came from an impoverished inner city environment.  Typical ages included 18 years up to the middle 20’s.  Color did not matter.  Some were darker in skin color than others.  Some were lighter.  The common thread between all these individuals was social.  They are were raised in a social environment that identified themselves as “African-American”.

There were two types of showers. In the barracks we had showers that lined up against one wall.  This consisted of three shower heads in a line. In the shower area next to the sally port, there were shower columns.  These devises would enable a person to quickly come on in, take a quick shower to wash all the dirt off, and change without having to wait in line.

Barracks shower
This is pretty much what the showers looked like in the ADC. The only difference was that they were a little better maintained. I really don’t recall the rust stains on the wall.


Across from the toilets were a row of sinks.  Each sink had a stainless steel “mirror” above it.  It offered a poor degree of reflection because there was always some asshole who felt the need to punch dents into it.  These actions tended to render all the mirrors useless.

Instead, we would choose to use a small plastic mirror that we could buy from the Commissary (the small store that sells sundries to the inmates).

Each sink had no drain plug.  Instead it would have an open drain.  If we wanted to hold a basin of water, we would need to plug the hole up with a cloth.  One of the problems that we had was that we had no hot water.

Only the showers had hot water.  However, there was a hot water faucet that we could use to get hot water for coffee and washing.  We would go to the faucet and then collect the water and bring it back to the sink to wash in with.

It’s supposedly very good for you, don’t you know.  From an article titled “Drinking Three to Four Cups of Coffee a Day More Healthy than Harmful”, written by Kate Kelland.  Some gems from the article;

“Coffee drinking appears safe within usual patterns of consumption,” Pool’s team concluded in their research, published in the BMJ British medical journal late on Wednesday.

Drinking coffee was consistently linked with a lower risk of death from all causes and from heart disease. The largest reduction in relative risk of premature death is seen in people consuming three cups a day, compared with non-coffee drinkers. Drinking more than three cups a day was not linked to harm, but the beneficial effects were less pronounced.

Coffee was also associated with a lower risk of several cancers, including prostate, endometrial, skin and liver cancer, as well as type 2 diabetes, gallstones and gout, the researchers said. The greatest benefit was seen for liver conditions such as cirrhosis of the liver.”

However, some enterprising inmates run a sort of “Chinese laundry” service for other inmates.  They hand wash their clothes for one “favor” an item.  While there is a laundry service at the prison, it does not really get the clothes clean.  All the new white prison “state issue’ eventually turns a reddish grey tint.

Therefore, many inmates wash their own clothes, or employ another to provide them with a cleaning service.  When this happens, those washing the clothes may be very inconsiderate and take up all the sinks with laundry.

Thus creating a condition where the others in the barracks are unable to wash their faces and brush their teeth.  To prevent this from occurring many sinks have been damaged.  Huge holes as punched in the drains of the sinks allowing the drink to drain directly into the water collection basin below the sinks.  This does enable ready access to the sink, but at the cost of the inability to self-wash the clothes.

A favor could be anything from a cigarette to some Ramen noodles.  Of course sexual activities and other kinds of tasks could be traded or bartered for at will.


The homosexual community was the most colorful and interesting group of people in the prison system.  They were the most upbeat, and happiest of everyone.  They pretty much kept to themselves, and that was fine for all of us.  If you got between a “lovers quarrel” you could get killed or worse.

They always seemed to have money and they were always involved an all kinds of activities in the barracks.


At the barracks some would dress up in “homemade” fashion clothing.  They would parade around in them in the barracks, and at times even put on elaborate skits or plays that they would compose themselves.

The clothing was mostly old discarded uniforms or painstakingly disassembled fabric where thread was extracted from and re-stitched into something different.

They would take coffee and use it to die clothing, or ink from pens to design colorful patterns.  They would, if they had access to an Art Supply prescription, purchase colored pens for this purpose as well.They would make their own halters and try to die them different colors.  They had an active DIY side industry going on that included small key chains and belts that they would sell to inmates or family friends for a few dollars.


They would make their own makeup out of food stuff and Vaseline.  They would take colored beads and grind them into small dust, mix them with Vaseline and use them as rouge, or lipstick.

The use of food items such as cherry flavored drink mix was always a great base for their purposes.  They would make mascara out of ink and Vaseline or underarm detergent.  They would also make eye shadow out of powdered drink mix and chap-stick.

Character from the movie “Con air” is very typical. This is a homosexual who finds themselves incarcerated.

They were, to put it mildly very colorful individuals.  But, they could not wear these items outside of the barracks as they would get into a great deal of trouble for violation of the dress code.

Inmate gangs

By watching television and movies you get the impression that the gangs in prison controlled everything.  That was not true at all.  The guards controlled everything.  The gangs were a kind of support group for individuals whom needed to belong to something.

Most gangs formed from outside the prison system and then they entered the gang in prison as a continual process.

For people like me, gangs left us alone.  We were older, mature, and best left to our own designs.  We didn’t bother anyone and no one bothered us.  While there was an occasional individual who would try to pull a trick on us, most of the gangs left us alone and let us be.

It was better that way.  As long as we kept to ourselves, and did not let our egos cause us any grief, we survived.  Gangs were most interested in the younger men, those between the ages of 18 and 30.

In fact, the hardest thing to tame in prison is the ego.

You learn quickly that you are nothing, and you deal with it.  You survive how best you can and get on with life.  You take every day by itself and do not let anyone get your goat or trick you into a fight.  That is difficult.  Many times you would have to take abuse and other crimes against your ego that was intolerable.

However, as long as you were friendly and could make friends, you were ok.

There were many gangs in prison.  My exposure to them was very small.  Of course there was the “Arian Brotherhood”, the “Crypts”, and the “Bloods”.  There was the dangerous “13” group and various small groupings of Mexican gangs.  But, like I stated earlier, my exposure to all of them was quite minimal.

The truth was that I pretty much got along with most everyone.


Even though the prison was a hard labor facility, people need recreation.  If you did not have any means for emotional outlets the facility would become an explosive “powder keg”.  There were various methods of emotional release that were metered out to the inmates in minuscule doses.  Some were organized events, while some were simple games that could be purchased at the commissary.


The ADC did not permit cigarettes and anything that could be used for gambling.  That included cards and dice.  But it did permit the game of dominoes.  This game was quite a serious game in prison.  The African-American contingent took this game to new emotional heights with cheering, yelling, and vocal and aggressive displays of emotion.  It was actually pretty funny to watch them all getting all worked up at the domino table.

Each barracks had three metal tables each with four metal seats firmly affixed into the cement.  To play a game, one of the inmates would take their grey colored state-issued wool blanket and place it on the table, thus making a gaming table.  They then would form teams and play various games of dominoes.  Often times they would bet on the outcome of the games.   Needless to say, the games could get awfully loud at times.  Typically, most games ran from around dinner time up until lights-out.  Weekend games could last all day.


The game of chess was available to all inmates along with its sister; checkers.  Many inmates played chess and some were amazingly good at it.  With a lot of time on ones hands and little else to do, the game of chess became the only form of mental stimulation that one would have.  The chess games available to inmates in jail were the large board format size that is often seen in toy and hobby stores.  However, the one available to prisoners was much smaller due to the size limitations of the inmates locker.  This chess game was best considered to be a fold-up portable version.


Cards were available to inmates in Jail and county jails, but they were not available to us inmates in prison in Arkansas.  Unlike other prisons in other states, we did not have access to cards of any kind.  Sometimes an inmate might try to make up their own deck of cards, and they would play with it for a week or two, but eventually they would get caught with it.  The end result would be some time in the hole and a confiscation of the cards.


Gambling is highly illegal in prison, but it occurred anyways.

Typically homemade dice was constructed our of a bar of soap and tested through use to determine how variable it would be.  Most gambling occurred after or during commissary day when inmates would get to go to the commissary for food and supplies.  Thus they could try their luck at getting more or losing what they had purchased.

Sometimes innovation played a role with raceways constructed and piece counters that represented horses and a kind of race would be constructed.  Bingo was also a potential game, but I only saw it played a few times.  Homemade cards did make their appearance from time to time, but their use was always limited.

One always had to be careful in gambling in prison, because one could be manipulated an “played”.  If one was not careful one could lose everything and be in debt to another inmate.  When this happens, one could easily become an indentured slave that would be obligated to provide whatever services the “owner” expected of him.  These services could be anything, and often did include various sexual acts.


In prisons with a big enough yard, the game of softball was often played.  Of course, given the climate it was either in the morning or at dusk.  The day time heat was often rather harsh.  The pace of the game was well suited to the prison environment and it helped to unite the various barracks and other members.  Many of us remembered spending time with our fathers and uncles going to baseball games and watching them on television.  It became a bonding event that was relived during our times in the yard.


The game of “touch” or “tag” (American) football was often played.  Teams would form up and they would play an abbreviated game of sorts.  This was quite different from baseball, as in baseball we played full innings and obeyed the rules.  While in football, it was more a fun sport, not taken as seriously.

Child Molesters

Cho-Mo is the term that is given to anyone in prison for a sexual offense.  I was given that label, because I was accused of having child porn on my computer.  The prison system is flooded with people being punished for these crimes.  But only a very rare few were actually real child molesters.

Some were rapists, and some were involved in sexual deviance of one type or the other.  But most were there because of “borderline” sexual crimes.

For instance, I once shared a cell with an inmate who was doing 15 years for producing child pornography.  What he did was to have pictures of his three year old taking a bath in the tub.  He admitted to taking the pictures during a divorce proceeding and got slapped with the charges.  He is now doing 15 years at hard labor.

I once spent time in a cell with another who was doing five years for raping a girl. They went on a date, and after the date he led her to a motel. They had sex. Then afterwards she accused him of rape.

Another took pictures of his children while they were taking baths. During the divorce proceedings the pictures were entered as evidence that he was a deviant. So he is now doing seven years.

The media might give the reader the impression that each and every person arrested for child pornography was arrested because they really had some sexual deviance problems, and that they were a predator with predatory tendencies.  But that was not true.  Only a rare handful of people fit that profile.

There was a young man of 21 years old in prison because his girlfriend (now his wife) was under 18 when she was pregnant with his child.  Her father turned him in to the police, and he was arrested while in community college.  He was serving seven years.

They came after him in a armored vehicle!  WTF?  Militarization of police. What a horrible subject.  It’s only going to get worse. Despite his gun control rhetoric, President Obama arms federal civilian agencies more than ever.  5JUL16.  Go HERE.

There was a man who ran a prostitution / massage ring that employed a girl who was 14.  This was child trafficking, indeed.  But the reader must understand that things are never black and white.  Each person and their circumstances need to be investigated fully to judge whether or not they need to be punished appropriately.  In the case with the pimp, the girl said that she was 18 years old.  (And signed the necessary papers that stated so.  But, a 14 year old is not capable of signing anything.  So the document did not protect him nor his company.)  He failed to verify her age.  Yes, he was wrong and guilty.  But I don’t think that it merits 25 years imprisonment, because the girl came to him to get work, and he employed her.

Now, all that being said…

I actually DID meet a number of real true and EVIL sex offenders there in prison.  Do not get the impression that the drag net and the associated systems have not been effective in catching the real bad guys.  They have.  Though, please keep in mind that that was NOT the primary INTENDED FUNCTION of the program.  The purpose of the program is to retire MAJestic members who were W(U)-SAP actuated.

I met a man who would kidnap women and chain them down in his van.  It was outfitted as a sexual attack machine.  Yet in prison, he was nice and personable. He’s probably still in prison. His parole hearing kept coming up, and kept being denied. I feel sorry for him, but then again, I really do not know what actions he did when he was free outside. So I must keep my feelings reserved.

One man, who I once shared a cell with, was furious with his girlfriend when he found her with another man outside of a club.  So In public he put a pistol to her head and raped her on the sidewalk in front of everyone at the club.  He was doing a long sentence. Not life, but might as well be. He was a decent enough African-American fella. He let his passions get hold of him.

There were many illegals from Mexico that were in for raping little girls, often their own daughters.  I met so many of them. Maybe at least ten. Seriously. I came away with the impression that it was a cultural thing with them.

I met another older white man, in a counseling class (all sexual offenders have to take behavioral classes) who gave specifics on how he groomed little boys and girls so that he could lead them to his home and molest them.  He was a professor of some type. I was horrified with the things, the planning, and what he admitted to. It has disgusting. I wanted to do evil things to him. I’ll tell you what.

Yes.  These sickos actually do exist.  But the sheer numbers of them are not at all what is portrayed in the American media.

MAJestic Members in Prison

I only know of a precious few MAJestic W(U)-SAP members in prison.

Of course I know of the three in my cell (MAJestic organization structure.  A cell is a group of three members that we each know of.)  I met two others from various MAJestic cells who found out about me though my decommission ritual in Pine Bluff. (You can read about it elsewhere in the blog.)

They got in contact with me.  We chatted briefly when we could.

I also met three others who were part of various SAP programs but who were not part of MAJestic. (Interesting fellows.  However, their experiences were far more exciting than mine.)

All were imprisoned as Sex Offenders. All were doing time for “soft” sex offenses, which involved electronic media in one way or the other.

The Internet and television gives the reader the impression that Cho-Mo’s are treated horribly in prison.  They could be, and there is always those who want to hurt and harm others.  But mostly other inmates treated us with deference.  We were all doing our time.  Period.

No one really cared all that much why we were in prison.  (For the most part.  There were exceptions, of course.) As long as we did our time and left other inmates alone, we were also left alone in peace.  I did not experience all the horrid retributions that you read about on the Internet, hear others talk about in jail, and watch on the colorful television shows.

Movies & Television & Radio

Prisons in other states provide access to radios, televisions, typewriters and MP3 players to the inmates.  But not in the ADC.  We could purchase, through the commissary, a small radio that enabled us to listen to some music.

Television was pretty much limited to the group television that was shared in the barracks.  It was totally enclosed in a heavy gauge wire cage to prevent damage.  To change channels we would have to fabricate some kind of long rod made out of newspapers.  Imagine a one yard long (1 meter) rolled rod that one would use to change the channels with.

Typically both the televisions and radio channels were limited.  We lived in a prison that was situated far from any nearby city.  So we typically only could get three television channels of varying quality and radio stations that would pop into existence depending on the weather and time of day.

Weekends we were treated to movies that were rented by the prison staff.  So we were able to watch various movies on the weekends.  Some were good, and some were poor.  To listen to them, we would use our radios and tune into the prison broadcast channel and would be able to listen in to the movies.  Of course we watched mostly American-centrist movies and whatever was popular at the time.

The most popular movies were ones that dealt with nature, animations and crime.

As an aside, jail is different from prison.  Before I went to prison, I had to wait in Jail until a bed space was available for me.  In jail, we would watch WWF wrestling at night.  

It was quite the interesting crowd with all the good old’ boy white trash and the urban gang bangers getting all excited, hot, and bothered over this stupid television show.  It was one of the rare times when the black inmates and the white inmates would watch shows together.  

The other times were for movies and television news (“…hey that’s John, didn’t he just leave jail Saturday?...) In jail, at least in the Northern Little Rock jail there were two television sets, one at each end of the open common area.  

The blacks would be all rowdy and crazy at one television set.  They’d be carrying on and acting crazy.  Meanwhile at the other television set, the white guys would sit there in quiet silence watching the show.  

That’s just the way it is.

The Hole

I spent time in “the Hole”.  This is sort of like a jail for wayward prisoners.  After all, what do you do with inmates who fail to follow the rules?  You “arrest them”, ‘limit their privileges” and put them in a high security facility for them to be punished.

Isolation cell.
Isolation cell layout in the ADC. This one is modeled after the cells in Bricky’s. It consists of a bare cinder-block wall.

In my case, I was working on the “chain gang” and doing hard labor when I had a heart attack.  (I was, after all, over 50 years old.  Not used to working in the hot humid Arkansas heat, manually breaking the hard ground along side 20-something African-American youth.) It is tough difficult work for a 20 year old young man.  Imagine how it must have been for me, a 50+ year old (pot bellied) white collar office worker. So, I had a heart-attack.  The guards picked me up and sent me to the infirmary.

In his famous speech Citizenship in a Republic, Theodore Roosevelt spoke of that man…a man whose face was “marred by dust and sweat and blood” and who will never share his place with “those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”  

The image is striking. 

It is an image that I treasure because the reality was truly pathetic.  Hollywood could make the situation heroic and glamorous, but it was not.

It was a dirty, sweaty, and grimy situation where I suddenly found an invisible hand tugging large strings attached to my heart, and where I collapsed onto the rock hard ground.

The prison doctor looked me over.  Measured my respiration, pulse and general health.  He gave me two aspirins, and told me so rest on Saturday and Sunday, and then go back to work on Monday.

Take two aspirins and then go back to work.

The thing is, I was not at all ready to go back out there the next day or so.  I refused.    Because I refused to go out to the yard and work at hard labor, they put me in the hole as punishment.

Because I did not do any violence, theft, or hurt anyone else, my decision to not follow the rules was evidence of either stubbornness or insanity.  I told them that if I went out there again, and if I had a heart attack again, I might die.  Therefore I would not be going out there again.

They viewed this as insanity.  Their reasoning was that I had to be locked up to protect me from getting hurt.  Exactly.  However, being locked up to protect one from getting hurt was only addressed in the ADC manual as attempted suicide.

So I was placed in the hole to protect me.

They stripped me.  Put a paper gown on me.  Chained me to a cinder-block bed inside a small cinder-block room with a toilet next to it, and closed the inner bars door, and then the outer solid door.  I spent two months locked up like that.

The mind.  It was all I had to play with.  It was all I had to exercise with.


It is very noisy in prison.

No matter where you are at; it’s loud and deafening.  A typical barracks will have guys yelling, shouting, or having loud shouting conversations sometimes many cells away from each other. (Most of the noise came from the African-American youth under 30 years old.  They were like out-of-control puppies.)

Other guys are singing or just making screeching noises.

The CO’s (Correction Officers) are constantly shouting out names, orders and whatever else. It is difficult to chat on the phones.  Which is unfortunate as they are so expensive to use.  When you are chatting the person on the other end can’t hear you and I have to shout too (also because the phones sucked so bad!).

Some barracks, mostly occupied by older inmates are quieter.  But the entry barracks are often terrible.

No matter how you look at it, prison is, if anything, very, very noisy. Some people make home-made ear plugs. They put wet tissue or toilet paper in the corner of a plastic bag, cinch the ends, and there you have it. In federal prisons I believe they sell ear plugs. But I don’t know to what extent they work. No matter where you are noise is inescapable.

As a side note, I went on the Internet and looked up noise in prison.  What I found was all kinds of opinions and comments from “very quiet” to “insane loud”.  So all that I can say is this.  Noise between jails and prisons are different.  As are noise levels between federal prisons and state prisons. In the ADC we had different barracks.  The “worst” barracks were the hard labor barracks and they were very, very noisy.  However, everything got real quiet, real quick when the lights went out. At the ADC, yes it was very loud.

“My boyfriend says it's loud and deafening in Osborn with guys yelling, shouting, or having loud shouting conversations sometimes many cells away from each other. Other guys are singing or just making screeching noises. The CO's are constantly shouting out names, orders and whatever else. When we're on the phone sometimes he can't hear me and I have to shout too (also because the phones suck so bad!). He says it's like that all the time and gives him a headache.

A very knowledgeable member here told me that prison is, if anything, very, very noisy. I have read here that some people make home-made ear plugs. They put wet tissue or toilet paper in the corner of a plastic bag, cinch the ends, and there you have it. In federal prisons I believe they sell ear plugs. But I don't know to what extent they work. I've seen some prisons on 'Lockup' where it seems the noise is inescapable. Hope that helps, just passing on some things I learned and read about here.

A friend of mine was released from prison after spending over a decade inside (later proved innocent by DNA, by that's off subject)...anyway, after marveling at cellphones, etc., the number one thing that he marveled at was the silence at night. He didn't sleep for an entire week because it was "too quiet". (Oh, and also, "too dark", since apparently the lights are on most of the time.)”


The first thing that one experiences when leaving prison is the silence.  In fact, the number one thing that I marveled at when I was released was the silence at night.  I couldn’t sleep for an entire week because it was “too quiet”.

Television & Stadium benches

We had two television sets in the day room.  Each set was connected to an antenna that permitted reception via the TV antenna to about three other nearby stations.  The television sets were encased inside a metal mesh box preventing anyone from removing and damaging the television.  To change channels, the inmates fashioned a kind of stick with old toothbrush parts and used it to change channels on the buttons in the front of the set.

Arkansas prison unit
FILE – In this Aug. 10, 2009, file photo, an Arkansas Department of Correction officer patrols a cell block at the agency’s Cummins Unit near Varner, Ark. A legislative subcommittee on Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2015, approved Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s request to tap $7.4 million in reserve funds to open more prison beds in the state. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston, File)

On weekends we had access to movies, and typically the staff would play movies all week for our enjoyment and “control”.  Most of the movies were pretty decent.

They would pick the DVD’s out from the local DVD store and rent them for our use.  The cost to do so was charged to the state.  Sometimes the staff would bring in their own videos from their own video collections to show.  They weren’t all assholes, you know.

To watch the movies we would have access to flat hard steel metal benches.  Some barracks had a back rest, while others had no back rest.  We would sit on the benches or stand up as need be to watch the movies.

Weight Lifting

Contrary to what you see on the media.  There just wasn’t any kind of free weights or bench presses in the ADC.  At best, we had a set of bars that could be used to do pull-ups or pushups. While I do not know the reason for this lack of exercise equipment, I suspect that it might be due to legislation passed by No Frills Prison Act that amended the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

“No Frills Prison Act - Amends the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 to require a State, to be eligible for truth in sentencing incentive grants, to demonstrate that it: 

(1) provides living conditions and opportunities within its prisons that are not more luxurious than those that the average prisoner would have experienced if not incarcerated; 

(2) does not provide to any such prisoner specified benefits or privileges, including earned good time credits, less than 40 hours a week of work that either offsets or reduces the expenses of keeping the prisoner or provides resources toward restitution of victims, unmonitored phone calls (with exceptions), in-cell television viewing, possession of pornographic materials, instruction or training equipment for any martial art or bodybuilding or weightlifting equipment, or dress or hygiene other than as is uniform or standard in the prison; and 

(3) does not provide, for a prisoner serving a sentence for a crime of violence which resulted in serious bodily injury to another, housing other than in separate cell blocks intended for violent prisoners, less than nine hours a day of physical labor (with exceptions), any release from the prison for any purpose unless under physical or mechanical restraint, any viewing of television, any inter-prison travel for competitive sports, more than one hour a day spent in sports or exercise, or possession of personal property exceeding 75 pounds in total weight or that cannot be stowed in a standard size U.S. military issue duffel bag.”

-Strength Tech 

Yard Call

We were permitted to leave the inside of the prison and go outside to the prison yard.  This was called “Yard Call”.  We generally got one yard call a day; typically on days without rain.  This was for from one to two hours.

The best time to have yard call was at dusk when there was still light out but the temperatures were going down and things were cooling off.  There wasn’t much to do during yard call.  Instead we generally used the time to walk and talk.  Many inmates made many, many loops around the yard.

Once after spending weeks in “the hole”, I was released and I well remember my first yard call.  It was a cool late afternoon, and it was just the beginnings of dusk.  The sky was clear and the shade was just then forming under the trees in the distance.  In the grass were one or two dandelions.  I remember how fine it was to see the colors; the greens and blues, and the yellow petals of the dandelions.  I will never forget the smell of the flower to my sensory deprived nose….

Yard call was important to us.

Sometimes the coach would be there and he would organize football, or baseball events.  He was an important member of the prison system and greatly managed to control the tempers and passions of the inmates so incarcerated.  He would not only help us play organized games, but enabled volleyball, basketball, and exercise efforts as well.

Books & Library

In the ADC there was very little in the way of reading materials.  Yet, reading was the sole educational and recreational outlet for the mind in that mind-numbing place.  The books were often old, and donated after an old library closed.  There were rarely any new books, unless an inmate donated one that they had obtained by mail.  The end result was a slew of barely readable books of marginal interest.

There were some books, of course, that a person could read with a feeling of interest.  There were some classics like “Moby Dick”, Murder Mysteries and Westerns.  There were also some books on history that were interesting.  But the vast bulk of the books in the library where I was imprisoned were of low interest, antiquated, and obsolete.  Most were not appropriate for the audience imprisoned.

In hindsight, I do not know if this was a form of torture in a Hard Labor prison, or it was the result of ignorance or indifference.  The books that remained, culled from the racks of the bland and uninteresting, were sometimes interesting.  I was, for example, able to read many classics that I never really had time to read when outside the prison environment.  Those books that were uninteresting to me are now funny when I think back on my time there.

Examples of the book selections that we had included;

  • An economic study of Memphis Tennessee from 1932 to 1935.
  • Hair styling guide for the “Modern Housewife of 1964”.
  • A history of the chicken.
  • A 1947 Vacuum Tube selection guide.
  • Cookbook for traditional Polish Food.
  • Diarrhea, their causes and cures.
  • How to prepare for Y2K.
  • Home decorating techniques.
  • How to prepare for the Global Ice Age (1967).
  • Care and feeding of your emu.
  • Learn Swahili in only 30 days!
  • Keith Partridge fan guide with locker stickers!
  • Learn PASCAL, with exam.
  • Cure cancer with mind-control.
  • DOS 4.0 handbook.
  • Dress making patterns for the groovy year of 1966.

None of these books, as you can plainly see, were really appropriate for the imprisoned audience.  Contrary to what one might assume, many people in prison came from a diverse background.  There were many uneducated people, but there were also many well educated people as well.

Books related to women, or women’s interest really had no place in an all-male facility.  The only inmates that found these books interesting were the homosexual crowd.  Many books were outdated and had no relevance in our current or future lives outside of prison.  This included books on obsolete technologies (dial up modems, dot matrix computers, obsolete software programs, etc.), political philosophies, and fads (global warming, global freezing, Y2K, pet rock, and others.) and fashions of a bygone time.

Making and cooking food

Unlike prisons in the north, we had no electrical outlets or means of making our own food.  All we had as a tap with an endless stream of hot water.  We used that hot water to shave with, to clean our things, and to cook.  It took a while, but the idea was relatively simple.  If we placed a sock in the stream of water, it could be used to hold a plastic bag containing food.  If you let the hot water pour over it, the food in the bag would cook.

All barracks had one tap of hot water.

Guard tower
Prison guard tower in the ADC. For the guards, it was considered a punishment or an undesirable post. Where you sit for hours on end with a mini-14 on your lap.

We would use this method to cook essentially two kinds of food.  We could cook ramen noodles, and we could make Burritos.  By far the most common community food in the barracks were burritos.

Here, we would purchase soft burrito shells from the commissary and stuff it with a mixture of whatever food we had.  That food mostly consisting of commissary items, pilfered kitchen or dinner leftovers, and a wild onion or leaves found while working the hard labor squad.

The most fundamental item would be ramen noodles that would serve the bulk of the contents inside the burrito.  To that we would add beans, some cheese, some meat, and whatever else we could get.  Usually it also included a tube of ketchup and maybe some hot sauce.

I know that it sounds rather crude, but the process of making the burrito and cooking it, along with the necessitated coffee was a bonding adventure that helped us endure the time in the facility together.

Education (back to elementary school)

Of course, bureaucracy being what it is, one cannot believe that any government agency would take the time to fully research my background.  No one cared.

Even during the judicial proceedings, they did not care.  The job of the detective was to support the DA and proscute me.  No one; not one single person was trying to find out the truth.  

The detective evaluated my case to determine how strongly they could proscute me; the stronger the better politically.  My attorney was tasked with thwarting the DA efforts.  No one wanted the truth.

The collection of information on me was for the sole purpose of convicting me, and had no purpose what so ever related to the real truth.  Therefore my actual and real records were never obtained.

All my school records were decades old and many of the schools that I attended while a child no longer existed.  My college transcripts were meaningless, as they were often obfuscated in support of my operational tasks.  So where did that leave me?

According to my records, I had no education.  None.  No multiple university degrees.  No military training.  No high school attendance.  No elementary school.  Nothing.

Yet, according to the federal or state programs, there was a need to reduce the risk of re-offending through education.  The concept behind this was that a felon would not re-offend if they had an high-school education.  The idea was that having an education made a person employable.

Thus, the belief goes; if a person has a job, they will not turn to crime to obtain money.  As only those with a predisposition towards theft would continue to commit crimes while they were gainfully employed.  (I also agree with this belief structure.)  It was a nice concept, but wholly imaginary.  It wasn’t that it truly mattered…

Once a felon, you are un-hirable.  It is all moot.

No one hires felons.  McDonalds doesn’t, neither does any of the fortune 500 companies.  If they, on the slight chance that they might, they would not hire them for a white collar position.  Felons are regulated servitude class for the rest of their lives.  But that fact seems to have escaped the law makers and they have rules in place to educate all incarcerated felons.

So, as one would expect, as a person with no verifiable educational history, I had to go to school.  You do not need to be able to read in order to pick up trash, sweep up vomit, or work dangerous jobs in lethal chemical plants.  It is all just nonsense.  Such is the America of today.

Correction, some Mcdonalds will hire felons while others will not. This is depended on what state you are applying in and whether you are applying at a franchise or corporate Mcdonald’s restaurant. Mcdonald’s in not really a company, it is a franchise. 

Most Mcdonald’s restaurants operate as a franchise, this is very common among other restaurants also.  This means each Mcdonald’s restaurant is individually owned and operated by people that live in your home town. 

Corporate restaurants are actually owned by the corporation Mcdonald’s. This complicates the question of whether Mcdonald’s hires felons or not. However, corporate offices, those that have an HR department will not hire felons for “white collar” positions.  Though the possibility of janitor, and labor work might still be possible.

I had to get an education.  Without proof that I had one, I had to start from scratch.  I started in elementary school.

I started at grade one.  And for months since then I had to reestablish myself through going to the elementary school in the prison.  Of course, I did quite well, and eventually passed and obtained my GED diploma certificate.  But that simplistic explanation of my situation belays the horrible reality of what I had to go through.

Nothing is more degrading than being an Astrophysicist / Aerospace Engineer going through elementary school all over again.  To endure the mindless lessons on how to add, subtract and multiply all over again; to learn how to write sentences and paragraphs all over again.

To do it, and not feel insulted, was the biggest challenge of all.

Get together events

While we lived in a barracks, many people would form small groups of guys in clusters to chat and talk.  Sometimes people would gamble, or have a “coffee party” that might involve a kind of homemade burrito made out of ramen noodles, and whatever people could scrounge up.

These gatherings were important.  Whether one was playing chess, or just chatting, or even repairing clothes these events were important.  The ability to meet with others, talk and share experiences was and is a fundamental need.

Sometimes, especially after mail call, or commissary call there would be large and loud parties.  Here the inmates would share a coffee, or cigarette if they had any.  Then they would chat, play games, and chat.

If the mail had magazines they would share the magazines, in which every single letter was read and absorbed for whatever content it contained.  If the mail had newspapers they too would be read most veraciously, especially the grocery store advertisements.  The inmates liked to gather around and talk about what they would do if they had those vegetables and muse about what they missed in the “free world”.

Usually pets, children and vegetables.

Prison Rape

Rape in prison happens.  Usually it is cohersed sex where someone is tricked into debt.  Often payment of the debt involves sexual favors.  Sometimes sex is part of a gang initiation.  Here is where a person reluctantly provides sexual favors to obtain protection of advantage in prison.  Occasionally, predators will drug a younger member of the prison society and take advantage of them.  It happens.  I never experienced it, but know of the practice.

When I first came to prison we were marched past the fencing and razor wire into a room to watch an orientation film about prison rape.

This movie included helpful suggestions like not to take a Snickers bar if someone offers it to you because you may be required to provide sexual favors in exchange. I think this was a standardized film that is shown in all the prisons, not just in Arkansas.  As such, returnees to the prison would make comments during the file.

Yet, It did actually happen to me.

Someone actually left a candy bar on my rack.  Not a Snickers bar.  But, I knew better than to eat it.  Later on, I met the individual who tried to manipulate me into owing him favors.  But, I had no intention of doing that.  However, I did suggest to him that we might be able to open up a “dialog” in the future for various transactions that might be beneficial to all involved.  He was cool with that, and that was how I diffused that particular situation.


We were all assigned our own individual rack in a huge barracks often holding 80 to 100 inmates.  The rack consisted of a metal frame with a welded box on the end of the bed.  To access it, you lift up the mattress and open the box in that manner.  Each box had a lock to keep other inmates from stealing the objects inside.

The mattress was a standard prison-grade flat open foam rectangle covered with a polyvinyl covering.  They tended to be tan in color.  Each rack was issued with a set of sheets which was a top sheet and a bottom sheet and a pillow case.  We did get issued a small pillow to sleep with.  It was approximately 14 inches by 10 inches square, as I recall.

We were issued a wool blanket with was grey in color.  These were military grade surplus blankets.  They were being phased out in favor of a much cheaper alternative.  The new blankets were not woven, but rather pressed fiber.  They looked and acted like sleeping under a car floor mat.  They were not at all easy to sleep under.  Their main problem was that they tended to crumble apart with use and would thus have huge gaping holes in it that would require periodic repair once or twice a year.

Barracks in the Arkansas department of correction.
This is an actual picture of what the barracks looked like in the ADC. Everything was white. The beds were off-white or light beige. In the bottom of each rack was a metal box. That was the inmates locker where he could store possessions and commissary. Everyone eventually gets theirs broken into. Even the author. Sigh.


There was one “drug” that inmates were permitted to have.  That was coffee.  And we all treasured it.  We could get coffee from the canteen in the morning, but that was “state issue” coffee and tended to be like watery tar.  But we could and would purchase coffee out of the commissary.  We could purchase a plastic cup and then mix up a fine blend of stout coffee and drink it in the barracks.  It was a great way to make friends and break the ice.

No one is going to hassle the man who gives you free coffee.

We would often use it for after or pre-dinner get togethers.  There we would sit around and chat, while drinking coffee.  If we had extra money to spend we would buy non-dairy creamer (powder) and artificial sweetener to mix in it.  Real sugar was not available to us.

As coffee went, it was really not bad.  As the only recreational drug available, some inmates would make a routine or ritual in which every day at a certain time they would drink this beverage.  This ritual was their little way of maintaining sanity.  Other inmates would take the powder and add it to the milk that they would get in chow hall.  The smell of the coffee evoked far away memories of better times, and because of that, many inmates treasured their times drinking coffee.


The ADC did not permit smoking or gambling, or even fruit to the inmates.  These were considered to be dangerous vices, or in the case of fresh fruit, lead to dangerous vices though the manufacture of “moonshine”.  So possession of these items was illegal, dangerous and risky.

I remember once having a discussion with a fellow inmate who missed eating a banana.  He could picture eating a banana, he remembered how it looked, tasted and smelled, but he longed to eat the banana.  It had been over seventeen years (17 years) since he had a banana.  He would opine about his loss of freedom to eat that banana for hours.  It was, truly, sad. (Arkansas; the ADC, never gave us fruit.  EVER!)

You could obtain these items, of course, but they were prohibitively expensive.  A cigarette ran you between $2 and $5 depending on who you were and what brand was available.  Cigars were unheard of.  I once heard about some inmates smoking a pipe, but I never saw it.  I also once saw someone chewing tobacco that his girlfriend smuggled in through her rectum.  Again, other states permit inmates to smoke, and eat fruit.  As does many federal prisons.  But the ADC tended to be rather medieval in their imprisonment philosophy.

Drugs were easier to smuggle in because of their small size, but were very expensive.  Most of the rank and file inmates in General Population rarely if ever used drugs, smoke or drank.  I certainly never did.  It was prohibitively expensive and risky.  Getting involved in such activity tended to be dangerous.

That was because it caused one to get indebted to another inmate.  Usually the only way to repay that debt was through sexual favors or other, usually gruesome, tasks.  Besides, if you got caught not only would you spend a considerable amount of time in “the hole”, but you would get additional charges added to you sentence.  That meant that additional years could and would be added to your sentence.  It was not worth it at all.

Usually, those whom were able to participate in these pleasures were members of gangs, long time incarcerated felons, and homosexuals.  The gangs usually had a deep seated and well organized network in place to supply these articles, while the homosexual crowd often provided sexual pleasures and favors to the general population for a price.  They always had funds, money and stash available to them.  Providing sexual favors is nothing less than a cottage industry for the imprisoned homosexual community.


Gambling occurs frequently and it can never be eradicated.  The inmates made their own dice, or their own playing cards.  They even devised homemade games that they would bet on.  When that would not work, they bet on Dominos.  Gambling was dangerous because one could literally become an indentured slave if one was not careful.  I never partook in that particular vice, but I know of many who did.

Homemade dice was constructed from soap.  Sometimes bingo cards were made, as well as a deck of playing cards.  For a while, there was even a race track where captured cockroaches were raced for profit.

Fights & Killings

“In the era before gunpowder, all killing was of necessity done hand to hand. For a Greek or Roman warrior to slay his enemy, he had to get so close that there was an equal chance that the enemy’s sword or spear would kill him. This produced an ideal of manly virtue – andreia, in Greek – that prized valor and honor as highly as victory.”

-Steven Pressfield ( The Warrior Ethos)  The reader should note that Andreia meant that judgment was based on actions taken — not on outcomes. Society understood that the outcome was, at least in part, in the hands of the gods. What was in a man’s control was how he acted.

People get killed in prison.  Everyone knows this.  But it is one thing reading about it in the paper, and yet all together a different thing when the person sleeping next to you is killed while he slept.  While I was there, I physically watched three killings take place, or the aftermath of them.  In all cases they involved petty disputes between one inmate and another.

Whether competing for food, fighting hand to hand, or challenging each other in the sporting arena, mastery of one’s own physical abilities is an important part of being a man. The most primitive, yet still one of the most prominent traits, a man’s physical capability affects everything from self-preservation to mating preferences. The health and virility of a male make him an appealing candidate for partnership with the opposite sex, while his strength and stature still prove to be influential factors in both the social and business world.


As I mentioned above, the inmate sleeping on the rack next to me was killed in his sleep.  When we got up to go to chow hall for breakfast he just stayed on his rack.  Then he stayed in bed while everyone left to work the fields.  It wasn’t until the inmate in charge of sweeping the floor noted that there was some blood that had dripped from his neck on to the floor.  Why there wasn’t more blood is unknown.  But to the rest of us we just didn’t really pay too much attention.  If an inmate wanted to be left alone on his rack, we let him be.  It was his “space”.


Another time, one of the inmates was stabbed as he was going to eat chow.  Apparently the fight was over a love triangle between two gay men.  He was stabbed in the back repeatedly and while the guards tried to maintain order and control, it just didn’t help much.  He died of multiple stab wounds to his back.  Blood was everywhere.  I just happened to be marched down the hall when it happened.  The guards all had us turn around and face the wall while they secured the inmates involved.


The third killing involved a gang dispute of something or the other.  I don’t know much about it except to say that one inmate went to the bathroom, and he was followed by about six other inmates.  They pretty much beat him to death.  There was blood everywhere.  In prison, you don’t have time or the luxury of taking your time.  From the moment that the first conflict was noticed by the guards until lock-down, perhaps three minutes transpired.  That was all that was needed to kill the guy.

Perhaps the most accurate portrayal of what a killing looks like in American media can be found in the AMC television series “Breaking Bad”.  There in the series was a scene where multiple inmakes were murdered upon order in Jail and prison.  That is pretty much what it was like. Accurate.  It is eerily accurate.

Breaking bad assination scene
In jail inmates work scrub-like clothing. In Arkansas, there were three major colors of scrubs. White, orange, blue, and yellow. While it might be different now, the colors at the time of my incarceration was orange for “regular” inmates who have not yet been to sentencing, or who have non-felonious charges. White if you were charged as a felon and were waiting in jail until a bed was available in prison. Blue was for new jail inmates who might only be there for a few days or so. And, yellow, which was reserved for inmates who were long duration and who were assigned jobs within the jail.

Exiting Prison

One might think that exiting prison would be a great watershed moment for me.  It was certainly a day of bitter-sweet happiness for me.  Indeed, it was, in a way.

However the truth was that my real problems were only just beginning.

Forget that preconceived notions that you might have regarding post-prison life, if any.  Once one leaves the place where they lived for years, and enter the general populace, they go into shock.

In fact it is common knowledge that the person exiting prison, whether totally free or on parole, will spend at least three days to two weeks simply being in shock.  This is especially true if you did your time in a hard labor prison; one with no colors, no soft surfaces, and bland food.

"I feel that the Air Force has not been giving out all the available information on the Unidentified Flying Objects. You cannot disregard so many unimpeachable sources."

-John W. McCormack, Former Speaker of the House, January 1965

Everything is just so different. You will sit on chairs with cushions.  You will see electrical plugs in the walls, and will be able to turn lights on and off at will.  The former-inmate can go into a store, browse around and actually buy something.  They can watch television when they want, and what they want.  These are big; big changes if you haven’t been able to do so for the last few years.  But that is not the biggest issue that faces a released felon…

The truth is a bleak one.  With all your money, bank accounts, and possessions seized by the government, friends, and family there is little chance that you would have much of anything when you leave prison.  I, like others before me, held all of my possessions in a brown paper bag.  That’s it, a simple brown paper bag, stapled shut; a debit card with $100 and a bus ticket to a relative or family member.

Officially, the government is not supposed to seize anything.  Yet, in my case, they seized all my papers, electronics and held some of my bank accounts.  They offered to give some of my records back.  But every time that I went to the office to get them back from the detective, they were [1] busy, [2] not available, or [3] couldn’t help me.  After about five years, I got the message, and gave up. Everything was gone. I never could recover any of my money, any of my personal papers, and any of my personal documentation.

My friends took all of my furniture and personal belongings.  They told me that they would hold on to them and keep them in storage for me.  When I exited prison, my friend had died and his family took possession of my belongings, the rest was taken and collected by other “friends”.  Most were sold for pennies on the dollar to strangers and pawn shops.  I never was able to recover them.

My family did some awfully stupid things concerning disposition of my larger belongings.  My father gave my car away, because in his words “you can buy a new one when you get out”(!).  My brothers and sisters took my furnishings for the most part, and kept them without remorse.  (I used to paint figurative art in oils, and was reasonably good.  Each painting cost me at least $60 in materials, and I painted on plywood that cost at least $40.  So one could say that my art, whether attractive or junk, was at least worth the cost of the materials.  Heck, a buyer could have purchased the painting, sanded off the paint and reused the $40 board.  He sold each one for $1.  Such is the bane when one is imprisoned, and nincompoops (Nincompoop is a another word for a fool.) control the distribution of your estate.)

The ADC gave me $100 to start my life all over. $100 does not buy much in America these days. I bought a big Mac meal, and a cheap hotel room with it. Leaving a handful of change.

Keeping it secret from other inmates

When a person is about to leave prison, the first cardinal rule is to tell no one.  There are many kinds of people in prison, and that includes hard-core criminals and jealous convicts that do not want to see others being granted their freedom.  This is a common enough problem that all inmates and guards know about.  All of us know of others who would get involved in a knife fight or other problem on the same day that they are exiting the facility.  It is important to keep things confidential and secret from others.

While the exiting inmate might get killed, it is far more common to be involved in some crime that would result in additional time being placed and added to their sentence.  I knew of one inmate that had an additional seven years added to his sentence, on the day that he was scheduled to leave.  This was because another inmate “set him up” with a stash of contraband narcotics.  You must be careful in prison.

Turning in your state issue

Inmates don’t have much belongings, but they do have a mattress and pillow, a pair of shoes, and a handful of toiletries.  While the inmate can keep their personal possessions, they must return the rest of their belongings to the state.  This generally means the mattress, pillow, wool blanket, sheets, towel, wash cloth and shoes.  The inmates can keep their socks and underwear.

Typically the inmate is marched down the hall to the laundry room, and he turns in the items.  Typically, the inmate carries his mattress on his shoulders, and his clothing wrapped inside the bed sheet.  One hauls it to the laundry office and turns it in.  It’s pretty simple.  The clerk records what is being turned in, and then the inmate returns back to their barracks.

Saying goodbye

"I feel that the Air Force has not been giving out all the available information on the Unidentified Flying Objects. You cannot disregard so many unimpeachable sources."

-John W. McCormack, Former Speaker of the House, January 1965

Like anything else, you make friends in prison.  Contrary to popular belief, prison is not full of horrible people.  Yes, there were some really bad people.  Yes, there were some people who did bad things.  Yes, there were people who were predisposed to commit crimes; but not everyone in prison fit this stereotype.

Many of the people in prison were there because of a series of mistake or error of judgment.  Some were just because they ran afoul of some of the many laws in the United States.  All in all, even the most law-abiding American will inadvertently break a minimum of three laws a day if they live in the United States.

Wrightsville Unit
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/STEPHEN B. THORNTON
An inmate holds a class book along a window sill as he waits with others to be released from their living area for classes in the Prison Fellowship program Thursday at the Arkansas Department of Correction’s Wrightsville Unit.

Some people committed horrible, just horrible crimes, but were personable and nice in person.  Others were just regular guys who happened to kill someone while in a car accident.  Many were there for smoking illegal drugs, or writing bad checks, or downloading MP3’s or movies on the Internet without paying for them.  Some were just kids.  Some were remorseful felons who did a terrible crime decades ago and are just trying to live that down.  There were bad people, yes.  But not everyone was horrible.

Some were just men who married the wrong woman. She, using all of her abilities, and a agreeable court system enabled the enactment of harsh penalties for male indiscretions.

You make friends there.  And when it is time to go, many will miss you.  I had a number of friends who are facing a lengthy spell behind bars, and saying good-bye was rather difficult.  When it was time to go, we exchanged addresses, passed on some of my belongings, and had a last cup of coffee together.  No matter where you are, no matter where you go, there will be people and you will make friends.  Even in prison.

Getting Street Clothes

The first step that occurs when a person leaves prison is to get new clothes.  For years we were living in our “state issue” prison uniform.  But, we certainly couldn’t wear that out on the street.  So we eventually are directed to the wardrobe room where we are issued or fitted out with more conventional “street” attire.  This “room” is typically just a large closet with piles of old used clothes that have been, thankfully, pre-washed and folded for our use.

I wish that I could state that we were given a cheap suit and some oxfords to look for a job, but that wasn’t the case at all.  The days are long gone when the state tries to help the felon obtain work.  No, instead we were directed towards a large closet filled with donated used clothing.  For reasons related to availability of clothing, the most popular clothes have already been taken, and when I went to the clothes closet, all that was left were the dregs.

In fact, it is common knowledge that the HR organizations will not hire felons for any white collar work.  And, at that, most will even refuse to hire felons for most work except for the lowest paid menial labor positions.  All fortune 500 companies, with a handful of notable exceptions, refuse to hire felons.  That includes McDonalds and Starbucks.  It is their choice, of course, but the days of being able to reenter the job market for felons is long gone.  

Especially in America.  Once a felon in the USA, always a felon.  The USA is one of the few rare countries to do this.  For instance, in China, your records are automatically expunged after three years.  USA, not the case.

In the age of the Internet, felons are unemployable.  

As a poignant reminder of this, my first cousin, with whom I grew up with, was the HR manager of a large international organization that employed engineers in the fields that I specialized in.  Not only that, but they had openings for people with my background.  But when I asked her about work she “poured cold water” on my dreams.  She said that her firm had strong rules about hiring felons, and that it was absolutely forbidden, and no exceptions were ever granted.

This was my first cousin!  We played together as children.  We grew up together.  She knew me better than my wife in some ways.  Yet she would not help me get a job.  I was a felon.  That was it. End of story.

All the clothes either had huge torn holes or lost buttons, or were garishly decorated t-shirts with dated sayings like “”Dyn-o-mite!”.  , or “Groovy”.  I would have been happy with a collared polo shirt, but the only ones remaining were either too small for me, lady-boy pink color, or (even) an old McDonald’s uniform top.  Sigh.

So, I ended up putting on a pair of polyester pants with what we used to call “elephant bells”, where they found this forty year old pair of superannuated and antiquated throw-back God only knows.  Perhaps it was sitting in the closet for decades, overlooked and avoided.

I topped it off with an equally dated t-shirt.  It was a bright yellow shirt with the words “I’m with stupid” and a hand that pointed to my groin area.  For shoes I got to wear a pair of real cheap, and slightly worn, “earth shoes”.  I looked like a clown, but I figured that I could get more acceptable clothes once I left the prison facility, so I wasn’t too concerned.

The character J.J. on the show "Good Times" had the catch phrase "Dyn-o-mite!".  It spawned an entire series of promotional materials including lunch boxes, hats, and T-shirts. Good Times is an American sitcom that originally aired from February 8, 1974, until August 1, 1979, on CBS. It was created by Eric Monte and Mike Evans, and developed by Norman Lear, the series' primary executive producer. Good Times is a spin-off of Maude, which is itself a spin-off of All in the Family.  I was released from prison in 2011, so the clothes that I was released to society with were fashionable over 30 years earlier.

Groovy (or, less commonly, "Groovie" or "Groovey") is a slang colloquialism popular during the 1960s and 1970s. It is roughly synonymous with words such as "cool," "excellent," "fashionable," or "amazing," depending on context.

Earth Shoes
Earth shoes (also known as Kalso Earth Shoes) were an unconventional style of shoe invented in the 1970s in Scandinavia by Danish shoe designer Anna Kalsø.[1] Unlike most other shoes, the soles were thick and the heels were thin (Negative Heel Technology), so wearing them one walked heel-downward.  The shoes were introduced in the United States in New York City on April 1, 1970, three weeks before the first Earth Day.  The shoes surged in popularity and were prominently featured on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson and TIME Magazine. Unable to keep up with demand, franchise owners pursued litigation against the United States distributor of Kalso Earth Shoes, and the brand discontinued being sold at retail by the late 1970s.

After “dress out” I was led to the Infirmary where I got my finger pricked.  This is a mandatory blood sample and DNA extraction.  The blood sample is to see if I had contracted AIDS while I was incarcerated.  If I did, then they might have other procedures that I would have to endure.  But, of course, I was clean.  I also had to give a sample of my DNA.  All felons in the United States, or at least in the state where I was incarcerated, have to provide a DNA sample to go into a state DNA repository.

I then proceed to the Wardens office.  I where I got my [1] release papers which included a [2] “Diploma of completion of my prison sentence”, and my [3] latest sex registration information.  I was given a multi-page list of things that I could not do as a released sex offender (within the state that I was released from), which included substantial reporting information and limitations on where I could live.

BTW (By The Way) in the United States, the emancipation of slaves only applied to non-felons.  If you are a felon, you CAN ( and in some instance WILL be) be treated as a slave and have a large number of restrictions placed upon you.  I thus, entered the ranks of being a second or even as a third class citizen. A restriction on a right, no longer qualifies you to live “free”.

As I walked out of the fenced compound, I did so with no handcuffs on.  I wasn’t wearing ankle-chains.  I was wearing civilian clothes and I clutched my brown paper bag in my hand.

The sun was shining, and one of the girl officers standing guard in one of the watch towers put down her rifle and gave me a big goodbye wave.  She said “Goodby XXXXXX, I don’t want to see you back here again.  You stay home.  You hear me?”  I told her goodbye and not to worry.  My plans involved growing tomato plants, and being good.

I was given a debit card with $us100 in it, and driven to a Greyhound bus station, where I was given a ticket to my destination of choice.  As I got ready to board, the guard who took me to the bus station wished me the best of luck and told me that he didn’t want to ever see me again, because I was better than the fate that waited for me in prison.  He was right.  He gave me a nice friendly handshake and I boarded the bus.

He wasn’t the only guard who wished me the best.  A number of them did.  At least five guards really cared about my well-being and earnestly wished me well.  I was always respectful and treated others decently while I was incarcerated. I pretty much obeyed the rules and did my time.

In fact, during my final stay, I would say that most of the guards were pretty decent folk.

Leaving Prison
I left prison as a completely changed person. Not only was I “retired” from MAJestic and my probes were put in a mothball state, and not only that my connection to and their MWI was intact, but prison had changed me. I was reborn into something different. You know, there is a song by “Fall Out Boy” called Champion. There is a lyric that says “If I can live through this, I can do anything”. Truthfully, “it’s ALL good”.


When I joined MAJestic I was unaware that I would be retired by the prison system. I was told that I would be in it for life. No one said anything about retirement. Yet agents are retired when they are too expensive to maintain or they have lost their usefulness. I was retired after thirty years and then decommissioned at ADC Pine Bluff.

We have a massive problem with incarceration and re-entry in America. One in three Americans have a criminal record, and 60% of those are unemployed one year after being released. Getting a job with a criminal record is almost impossible.


Decommissioning took ten days for me. A team of individuals were sent to the facility and they decommissioned my seven ELF probes. They were unable to disable the EBP, however, and thus I am still entangled. I am currently entangled with <redacted> and still have (retarded) MWI access and egress ability.

The purpose of the entire retirement exercise was to put me in a monitoring program. The only legal monitoring program in the United States is the Sex Offender Registry, and they only way that you can get placed on it is through being sentenced as a felon.

Monitoring is necessary because NO ONE knows anything about my role within MAJestic. We are organized into cells, with dissemination of information handled by an aggregator. The only way that an agent can be retired safely is to put them into a monitoring program. Else, no one knows what we are capable of. No one.

Monitoring program reasons.
The problem with top secret programs like MAJestic and other waived, unacknowledged special access programs is that no one knows your role in it. No one knows what you did. No one knows, or believes what you have done, know, experienced, or the skills you have. Thus you must be observed and monitored. No one dares take a chance. That is why agents must be put into monitoring programs.

This is my narrative as to what it was like for me. I hope that the reader finds this interesting.


If you have a loved one in the ADC do not worry. Chances are that they will be fine. It’s not a great life by any means, but it is not the horrible nightmare that one expects. We, as humans, eventually adjust to the circumstances that we find ourselves in.

Believe me, I sincerely wish you and your loved ones the best.

Take Aways

  • MAJestic retires members after thirty years of service.
  • Retirement comes in many forms, but the most common demands monitoring.
  • The only way to monitor a former MAJestic agent is through the Sex Offender registry.
  • Many MAJestic agents enter the monitoring program through the ADC.
  • When in the ADC we share the prison environment with others who have varying levels of innocence and criminal intent.


Q: What is the most common thing that felons say to each other?
A: I don’t belong here. I was only doing XXXXX. Everyone else was doing it. The DA was against me. I should not be here in Prison. I do not belong here.

Q: What is the most common thing that non-felons say?
A: You were stupid. I would never be sent to prison like you were.

Q: What do you think about prison?
A: I can only view prison from the prism of my own experiences. Just like you, the reader, can only view it from your own experiences.

For me, I see now that I had to be put into a monitoring program. This is simply because no one knew what I was involved with. It was way, way beyond the technology that we humans have. I think that for the most part they think that my involvement and capabilities are benign. However, it is in the best interests of everyone that I be monitored.

On a personal level, I needed the experience of prison to slam-shut one door of life, and to open a new door. This new door is one where I am a better and superior person. I have already shed much of the baggage that shacked my behaviors and life in the past.

Q: What advice do you have for someone entering the ADC?
A: It is not going to be as bad as you fear. Fear is the worst thing about anything. Stop fear in it’s tracks. Most things are NEVER as bad as you fear them to be.

Q: Do you think that you were placed in prison under false pretenses?
A: Most certainly. But that does not matter.

As a MAJestic agent, let me tell you, the reader, a few secrets. Prisons are NOT used to put criminals away from honest, law-abiding, citizens. They are used for a range of other purposes and functions. This runs the gambit from politics, to business advantage, to various secret organizations and clandestine purposes to everything else under the sun. Yes, prisons are used to help “punish” criminals to prevent them from doing bad acts, but that is not their “real” purpose.

If it was, there would be many, many, many others would would be in prison long before I ever went there.

HIllary Clinton.
Lock her up by Ben Garrison at Grr Graphics. All credit to the artist. Hillary Clinton sure has managed to get away with a lot. This is a characteristic of a third world banana republic. It is not the characteristic of a functioning Republic.

I was in a secret program that involved <redacted>. No one knew what I was doing, what my capabilities were, and my purpose. It was too expensive to keep my handlers active. So I was retired. I needed to be put into a legal monitoring program. It’s really that simple.

My Final Say

Secret agent
The problem with being in a waived, unacknowledged, special access program is that it is so secret. The secrecy is complete and there might be one other person on the entire planet who knows your role and the full extent of your training and what you are capable of. This causes problems. Firstly, the secrecy necessitates a need for monitoring. Who knows what an agent is capable of? Secondly, it causes problems with the agent who often does not like being classified as a bad and dangerous person.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


Mad scientist

Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Alpha Centauri

Our Galaxy the Milky Way

Sirius solar system

Alpha Centauri

The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.

The Hammer inside the rock.

The Hollow Moon

The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.

The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.

Mystery of the bronze bell.

Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.

Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?

The Oxia Palus Facility

Brown Dwarfs

Apollo Space Exploration


The Nature of the Universe

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven


Things I miss

An Observed World-Line switch.

Vehicular world-line travel

Links about China

Business KTV

Dance Craze

End of the Day Potato

Dog Shit

Dancing Grandmothers

When the SJW movement took control of China

Family Meal

Freedom & Liberty in China

Ben Ming Nian

Beware the Expat

Fake Wine

Fat China

China and America Comparisons


Playground Comparisons

The Last Straw

Diversity Initatives


Travel outside

10 Misconceptions about China

Top Ten Misconceptions

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Composed to blog 18SEP18.
  2. Text completed 18SEP18.
  3. SEO completed 18SEP18.
  4. Published 18SEP18.

Comparisons Between American and Chinese Girls

Here’s a fun exercise. Let’s compare American girls with Chinese girls. Of course the comparisons would be terribly general and horribly biased. It would also be a reflection of my own personal preferences, which are admittedly terribly dated and old fashioned. Anyways, I would like to give my opinions and my impressions on the differences between American and Chinese girls…


“...several months ago, I had a Thai short-time(girl) on the back of my Kawasaki, buzzing along. If you are planning on heading to SE Asia, save your life (and others) by learning to handle a motorbike in (the) USA. (It’s) Safer (that way)…

Little Ms 39 kg Hottie leans into my ear as we are passing a Burger King and coos "....khun Somchai, where is the KING?" (Ooooh) Once addicted to Asian hotties, sorry American chicks----game over.”

- buttmint (reply to) UmbilicalMosqueSweeper Aug 12, 2017 11:05 AM

China is a big country.  There are 80+ cultural and racial groups and every one was different.  While there were some who were small in stature, most Chinese were rather average and comparable with Americans in size, skin color and statue.  (Though they are decidedly not fat at all.)  They did not walk around barefoot, but tended to be very cosmopolitan in demeanor and wore the latest fashions and styles.

They were well educated; China is a nation of nerds.  (There is no question about that.  I was floored when I once saw an eleven-year-old studying differential calculus.)  All were very responsible, smart and beautiful.  Compared to them, and their families, Americans are poor.

(Chinese have saved money for centuries.  They have money to spend, and Americans do not.  When you see a Chinese driving a Range Rover, you can guarantee that they bought it in cash.  However, an American, nah, he is just making bank payments on “his” car.  For Americans, it is just a long-term rental.)

Asian women are beautiful, they take care of themselves, and honor their families.  They are very protective of their families and will do everything in their power to maintain their role in the community.

This is quite different from what is seen in the United States.  In the United States, since the 1960’s cultural revolution, every woman can be “her own” woman and “do her thing”. This sounds good on the surface, but unfortunately it often times equates into being a fat slob.

Now, don’t get too hot and bothered. It’s the same with men as well.  The men also can become to be fat, lazy pigs. It’s what the popular American culture has led everyone toward. Of course, things become quite different when you live for a greater purpose; when you live for your parents, and your spouse and your children.  You have a reason and a purpose.

“Women here in the US act like you fucking own them half of everything and then some. If you look at their fat asses, then you should be labeled a harasser and tarred and feathered. Their fat bellies sticking out from underneath shirts that are way too small kills it for me. And these dumb whores think they look great ! Most women here look like some kind of farm animal unless they are in grade school. The double chins, the huge feet from them weighing well over 170lbs, and the fucking attitude is enough to repel any man. I'll take a foreign girl any day of the week.”

- I am Groot Top Hat posted on Zero Hedge on Jan 11, 2018 5:49 PM Permalink

Different Culture

Chinese girls come from a different culture than America.

They do not know what “original sin” is; they do not know what guilt is, or shame.  They are not afraid to look pretty or to dress cute or provocatively.  They think differently.  To them one must honor their family and that means the concept of “face”;  How one looks.  How one acts.

Original sin, also called ancestral sin, is the Christian doctrine of humanity's state of sin resulting from the fall of man, stemming from Adam's rebellion in Eden. This condition has been characterized in many ways, ranging from something as insignificant as a slight deficiency, or a tendency toward sin yet without collective guilt, referred to as a "sin nature", to something as drastic as total depravity or automatic guilt of all humans through collective guilt.

They know that they have a family responsibility to maintain, and that they would do whatever is necessary to honor their parents.  Moreover, by the way, becoming a prostitute is not one way to do it.

Girl in the mall wearing boots.
Here is a lovely Chinese girl in a mall in the winter. The Chinese ladies love these big boots in the winter months. My wife has boots that reach all the ways up to her crotch, with the most common being the ones that go to the knee caps. I think that it is terribly attractive. The dress is pretty typical, being short and showing off the great legs that the Chinese women possess. The Chinese girls just don’t understand why us men would be so excited about these fine leather boots. I don’t know either, but it sure turns me on. I’ll tell you what.

What Chinese Girls are Like

If you want to see, what a Chinese girl looks like watch a K-pop video.  Sure, they are (mostly) Korean, but you know what?  The bodies, the shapes, the clothing, the makeup and the mannerisms are the same.  (They are all Han Chinese, which is the dominant racial characteristic in China today.)

If you want to stick to making broad, sweeping judgments that the Chinese are all flat chested, short, brown skinned, then go to Hong Kong, or Shanghai.  They are not.  They are decidedly absolutely not.

The typical Chinese girl wears a “B” or a “C” cup bra with a significant percentage of the population wearing larger bras (see below).  The typical Chinese girl is neither small, nor fat.  They are strong and beautiful.  They are independent, versatile, and responsible.  They are smart, intelligent and can run circles around most Americans.  They are tigers disguised as cute kittens. (At least my wife certainly is.  You do not want to get on her bad side. Let me tell you!)

I like Chinese women.  After all, I married one.

Underwear brand Triumph has published the percentage ranking of Asian bra sizes in its Lingerie White Paper, which indicates a continuing trend towards larger busts. Sales for its A-cup bras have fallen from 58.6% in 1980 to just 4.1% in 2016 The results for the last two years are tallied below: 

A-cup sales (2015): 4.7% A-cup sales (2016): 4.1% 

B-cup sales (2015): 19.5% B-cup sales (2016): 19% 

C-cup sales (2015): 26.1% C-cup sales (2016): 25.6% 

D-cup sales (2015): 24.8% D-cup sales (2016): 25% 

E-cup sales (2015): 16.7% E-cup sales (2016): 26.3%

Chinese girls interviewing
Chinese girls interviewing for a stewardess position with a Chinese airline company. In China, your appearance, and manners are all considered important attributes. You are viewed on your appearance, and ranked appropriately. This differs substantially from how the United States is. Having potential stewardesses wear bikini’s and interview on appearance is illegal in America. It might offend someone. It is discriminatory.

Chinese girls are many things, but as adults appearing as children is a gross oversimplification rooted in ignorance of the worst type; the “Ugly American” type.

Girls in China are quite different from girls in the United States. If I were to make broad sweeping generalizations about Chinese girls, I would say that they are very conservative.  They really do not buy into all that woman-career compared to woman-housewife nonsense that you see in the United States.

Typically, they go to school well into their mid-20’s. Yes, you could characterize them as most “book nerds”, then they go work.  Typically, girls get married around 25 to 28, and after age 30 they are considered to be “old maids”.

Fat percentage
Here is some Asian girls with comparative body fat percentage. It’s an interesting photo.

I find ALL Chinese girls to be special, wonderful and just outstanding. They are lovely, cute, professional, kind, and beautiful.

This includes the world-worn grandmother, to the tottering cleaning lady. There is a certain specialness that words cannot convey, but it is something that has to do with their culture, and how they are raised. They honor their parents.  They care about their family.  They support their husbands.  They keep fit and thin. They work and do what ever is necessary to build their business.

Seriously, what is not to admire?

Here is a Chinese girl in the local 7-11. And yes, you will see many Chinese girls dressing up to go out. This was more or less a pretty common scene in any of the larger cities in China. Note that many Chinese girls, especially in Southern China do not wear panty hose. It’s just far too hot.

Chinese girls know what they want, and they have the skills to go about getting it.  This is a true of a statement that I can ever make.

“My Chinese girlfriends, by contrast, seemed to know exactly what they wanted, and made it happen. Two women I knew had "the talk" with their American boyfriends of 5 or more years, and when the men confessed they still weren't sure, broke up with them and within a year were happily pregnant and married to someone else.”

-Your Tango

And, the men in their lives appreciate it. They show this appreciation in other ways. Ways that are very strange when viewed from the eyes of an American;

Several years ago, I moved from New York to Beijing. Within a few months of my arrival, I started to notice the differences between Western- and Chinese-style dating. 

For one thing, men carried their girlfriends' purses—little fake-Chanel pocketbooks, black leather sling bags, enormous pleather numbers with ruffles and rhinestones and tassles. 

No matter how ridiculously girly it looked, it was always slung over a male shoulder, or dangling from his fingers; with the other, he held his girlfriend's hand. 

The funniest moments were always when you spotted a guy momentarily alone: maybe waiting for his girlfriend outside a shop, or the women's bathroom. Then what you'd see was a Chinese guy in unassuming clothing—t-shirt, button-down shirt, jeans—holding a frilly bright-pink purse. 

-Your Tango

Here is a GREAT video that describes the differences between a girlfriend from the North of China compared to one from the South of China.  I laughed so hard watching it!

Some Pretty Chinese Girls

Here are some pretty Chinese girls dancing to the pop music that is all the craze out here. You can get a general feel for what the Chinese girls are like just by watching the videos…

One thing that I like about Chinese girls is that they are not fat. I really don’t know what has been going on in the United States, but all the American girls are really on the chunky side, with many absolutely and positively fat. When they come here to China, they look like enormous fat pigs or water buffaloes.

Most girls in China look a little like this young lass…

I like that girls come in all sorts of sizes and shapes. They can be short, or tall and thin. They can have nice legs, or a nice butt, or a great rack. They can have large eyes that your soul could melt into, or soft skin and really nice enormous manes of hair.

One thing that I really appreciate in China is that many Chinese girls have really nice boobies. You know, as an American, I was under the impression that all Asian girls were flat chested. I guess it is just one of those American stereotypes. You know, some of these gals have some amazing racks let me tell you!

But, you know, it is more than that. There are many, many Chinese girls that like to exercise and keep in shape. Whether it is in the daily dance routines, or going to a gym, everyone seems to exercise.

Here’s a Chinese girl exercising…

American Girls

But what about American girls you might ask?

Well, I also like American girls as well. In fact, there are many, many attractive American girls. What I am disturbed about is that the food in America has been poisoned by GMO’s and selective genetic breeding loaded with hormones and the such. Both American men and women are now much stouter then they were in the past.

That included myself (when I lived in the States).

So, while there are some very attractive American women, they tend to be smaller in number than their counterparts in other nations. With many American women heavier than what they should be.

A recent study revealed that the average American woman wears a size 20W.

The average American woman wears a size 20 wide! WTF? An American woman today weighs as much as a man did in the 1960’s. There is even a Buzzfeed article that thinks that this is a great thing! I disagree. I think that they are smoking too much of that dreaded devil-weed and are very confused.



Seriously. Please understand my point of view. There is nothing appealing with someone being out of shape.

Findings suggest that, contrary to popular assumptions, the average American woman’s (AAW’s) clothing size is larger than anticipated. The AAW wears between a Misses size 16–18, which corresponds to a Women’s Plus size 20W, with greater distinctions found when considering race and ethnicity.

I think that Americans, men and women, should eat fresh food and locally grown vegetables. They should eat more fish and seafood. They should cut down on snacking and fast food. It’s a sacrifice, I know. I know.

Look what I had to cut down on…

  • Limit fast food to once a month.
  • No after dinner snacking… ever.
  • Full breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
  • No Doritos, potato chips, or deep fried anything.

Here are some women of size 20W. It is now the American average size for a woman… Yikes!

Big American woman
The average American woman now wears a size 20W. This is certainly celebrated in many American websites and posts as avoidance of “fat shaming”. Personally, I think it is disgusting and alarming. Men and women need to keep their BMI within reasonable limits.

What a Man looks for in a Woman…

With all that being said, let’s look at the things that men look for in a woman. After all, it is relationships that drive our passions. From that we can derive comparisons between women from China and women from the United States.

When a man, such as myself, thinks about a woman we look at  number of key features;

  • Appearance
  • Sex
  • Domestic Concern
  • Companionship
  • Personality
  • Self Confidence

Of course, there are many other factors that we could include here. But, this is not intended to be an exhaustive study, or some kind of PC narrative. Let’s consider what I, myself, look for in women. This is my list.

Other people might have a different list. Maybe something like this…

  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Fashion trendy.
  • Hip with the latest APPS.
  • Has many followers on Twitter, or Facebook.
  • Is wealthy and successful.
  • Has a huge enormous ass. (Yikes!)

But, I’m not other people. So if you want to generate your own list and criteria for comparisons, go straight ahead. I’m not going to stop you. This is my list, and these are my comparisons…

[1] A Woman’s Appearance

A man looks for a woman that he is physically attracted to.

Sorry, but it has to be said. The good news is, every man is attracted to a different type of woman and has his own personal tastes. Meaning, I am in no way suggesting a woman has to fit a certain image of ‘beauty’ in order to be considered ‘wife material.’ 

But, as is true for both men and women, there needs to be a physical attraction between two partners to kick off a relationship, which also plays an important part in holding it together.

-The Good Man Project

We men want a woman who we are attracted to.

Attraction has to do with a combination of [1] physical shape, [2] physical appearance, and [3] personal grooming. I have seen women who have “rockin'” bodies, who dress like trailer-park trash, and were a total turn off. I have seen women who look good and yet sound like a foul-mouthed sailor when they speak. I have seen women who didn’t know how to walk in high heels and went clunk-clunk-clunk as they walked down the street. Yuck!

I have seen beautiful women, who walked and carry themselves well, wearing black high heel shoes with the red under-sole. Only to have a big white price tag sticker on the bottom. Talk about distraction away from the image form!

Appearance is more than just physical shape. It is also about grooming and attitude.

In general, men and women are about the same in this regards. A woman wants a man that takes care of his appearance. She wants him to be well groomed, clean, and neat.

Men are the same. We look for a woman that also takes care of their appearance. We like the women in our lives to be well-groomed, clean and tidy.

Here is a beautiful American girl. Look at that smile. Look at that amazing body. What a stunner! I tell you what!

There are a wide range of American female body styles that I personally find quite alluring. This includes tall leggy women, to short chubby cuties. I think that many would be amazed at the things that they do, act, dress, or look like that I find amazingly attractive.

So I am not going to bad-mouth any of the particularly awesome women that live in America. I tell you the truth, there are some American women that think that they aren’t that good looking, that I would die to be with.

When I lived in Boston, there was a 30-something woman who worked in a brick-a-brack store in Brookline.  She was very curvy, and maybe wore a size 18. She had shaved her hair really short, and wore really red lipstick. Not my type. Yet, I had such the hots for her. OMG! Every-time I tried to talk with her, I would get so flustered. She hadn't a clue how mesmerized I was for her.

It is sort of like how a woman who looks at my shoulders (and arms) and wonders how nice it would be to rest their head there and be held. I too look at women in this way. However, I think more in terms of having my head resting on their chest softly, and their fingers in my hair.

Men and women are more similar than we will admit to in public.

Beautiful ebony girl.
Look at this awesome beauty! Look at that amazing head of hair! Look at the tiny waist and hour-glass shape. Man! She must have all the guys chasing after her. Now pay attention. What an amazing smile. I’ll tell you what, the smile opens up my heart.

That being said, I don’t like to be with a girl that is heavier than I am. It’s a personal preference. I also am not really attracted to a woman who is taller than I am either. I don’t know why, it just doesn’t do anything for me.

I also am a little skiddish about polydactylism. It's not that I am revolted if the girl has seven fingers on each hand, but I'm a little freaked out about it.

I feel like this is similar to a girl that doesn’t want a man that is shorter than she is.

[2] Having Sex

Honestly, you have to be a fucking moron not to realize that men want sex.

It is genetically programmed into males and become the focus of everything that we do. From what career we enter, to what cars we drive, to how much money we make. The driving force behind it all is getting sex.

Any man who says that this is not the case is either lying or trying to find favor in order to obtain sex.

Pepe le Pew
The Loony Tunes character “Pepe Le Pew” is based on the raw instincts that all males have. When we were children and watched the cartoons we knew instinctively what what going on. Yet today in the SJW saturated American culture, we are supposed to ignore the basic facts of life and accept a reality of non-genders. Nonsense!

Once we find an attractive woman that raises our interest, the very next thing we wonder about is having sex with her.

That is the way it is, and no SJW rewriting of culture is going to change the biology of males. In a way we are just like dogs and are led about by our “pecker” all the time. Smart women know this. Smarter women use it, and profit from it in numerous ways.

Online porn is not a multi-billion industry for nothing. Prostitution still exists because men are men, no matter how hard society, religion and zealots try to stamp it out. Men are males with fundamental male interests and needs.

Need for sex.
The sexual desires that men have vary from individual to individual. Some men really love oral sex, others are “meh”. Some men must have anal sex, while other go “yech!”. Every man is different.

That being said, sex is an individual experience. What might be fantastic for one fellow, might be terribly boring for another. That is why there are fetishes.

Some men like big boobs, others like big asses, and still others like big feet. Some men are mesmerized by a nice set of legs, while others like strange and unusual sexual positions. And yes, some men really like huge women, and others like small tiny ladies. Everyone is different.

[3] Domestic Care & Concern

Here is where I sound like an old foggy-head man. However, a woman who is control of her home, tends to be in control of her life.

A woman who is in control of her home is in control of her life.

When I see that she takes care of her clothes, makes sure that the house is well run, ordered and that she knows how to cook, I start to get really interested in her. You see, in my mind, a woman who is in control of her life, would also be able to take control of my life as well.

Men will give their LIFE, their MONEY, and their very BEING to a woman deserving of it.

I once went on a date with a woman. She was nice, and attractive. To get ready for the date, I of course was presentable and clean, and I made sure that the car was washed and detailed. I picked her up. I then opened the door for her and buckled her in. (This was America, I'd never do it in China.) And we went off.

During the drive she pulled out some chewing gum and was chewing it. You know, for a pleasant tasting mouth. But, you know, she did something disturbing to me. She threw the chewing gum wrapper on my nice new floor...

Later, after dinner, she couldn't find her lipstick, and emptied her purse on the table, and had to sort through old scraps of paper, receipts and brick-a-bract. The date ended, and we went our separate ways. We had fun, but I never wanted to be back with her again. You know, she probably doesn't understand why.

Men need a companion that they can turn to, rely upon, and have a family with. This means responsibility. We need a good strong willed woman without baggage and problems. Seriously, isn’t that what women look for also?

Now, of course, most modern and "liberated" women don't think like this in the Untied States. They are "independent". They can get and have their own careers, and live their own lives. Sure they can. And, be childless and unmarried into their 40's. 

The cost of being a "liberated" American female is quite steep.

It is not reality.

It is an artificially constructed narrative to seduce people into certain set behaviors. If you want to see what works for couples, then look at how families are set up in Africa. Look at how families are run in Poland. Look at how families exist in China. Five thousand years of experience won’t lie.

The 1998 movie pleasantville depicted a sort of revisionist narrative of what might happen if a modern person were to step back into time and life life as it used to be in the 1960’s. Contrary to the popular narrative, there is nothing wrong with traditional marriage and a man giving everything to his wife. In return, the wife becomes domestic and cares for him, their children, their home and their finances. She makes sure that the man can work, be relaxed and strive to improve their life. That is the traditional method, and that is what many men search for.

A traditional life WORKS. Most men WANT a traditional long-term relationship. They will give everything for it.

I fear many men, especially those afraid "to make the leap" in marriage are not convinced or ready to allow a woman to take over part or all of his life.

For a man, this is a BIG commitment.

He is not only letting the woman into his life, but he is giving her access forever to all that he earns. He is allowing her to dictate and instruct him on behavior, dress, and recreation. If the man is truly in love, and if he believes that this woman can take on that domestic role; she will GET EVERYTHING he can offer.

A man who gives everything to his wife will never leave her. For she literally BECOMES everything to him. So, have you ever wondered why divorce was so rare prior to the 1970’s? Divorce became commonplace when traditional roles fell from popularity. So ladies, if you want a man that will be YOURS… forever and would never abandon you, then you should make a reappraisal of your value system. You won’t get it on a progressive ideology. You will ONLY get it with a Conservative Traditional ideology.

When a man gets married, he should be ready to share his life. This often means letting your wife take over portions of it so you no longer have to. A good, and strong, woman will be able to manage the home. If she can manage the home, she can help the man become a success.

We have a saying that goes something a little like this; “Behind every successful man is a strong woman.”

As I get older, I see how true this is. My friends who are all very successful, all have strong and well-organized wives. They all also have relinquished some things to the wife in exchange for her domestic support. This includes [1] all of the finances. [2] What he eats. [3] How he dresses. [4] His exercises, and [5] how they relate to family matters.

Family Meal

Oh, and please forget that nonsense Hollywood narrative of what a traditional conservative woman is. (Where a traditional woman wears Amish style hats, and lives a life right out of the “The Handmaids Tale”.) That is propaganda. Today, a conservative wife might have a body covered in tattoos, ear and nose rings and purple hair. It isn’t about appearances.

It is about the energy that lies inside…

Chinese women, as well as African, Polish, Russian, and Indian women don’t sit around watching the boob-tube, or play games on the cell-phone all day long. They do what ever is necessary to make THEIR household a success.

  • The manage the fiances.
  • They budget the household.
  • They allocate resources to jointly improve their standard of living.
  • They make sure everyone is eating well and healthy.
  • They are a model for their community and familial relations.
  • They make sure that the husband has everything he needs.
  • They push and help the husband grow as a provider.

[4] Companionship


I always look for companionship when I see a woman who interests me. I wonder if they would they be fun and interesting to be with. I wonder if we could talk about really deep and interesting subjects. I wonder if they would be willing to share in my hobbies. I look for companions.

This is true for most men.

Spend time, meaningful and precious time, with those you love. Make your time quality time. Buy an ice cream cone with your retired father. Take you mother out of a morning breakfast. Call up one of your friends and go to the beach or hike in a local park. Spend time together. Companionship.

Now, most women are confused with what this means. They search for romance. They could care less about companionship. This is sad, because romance comes from companionship.

Romance is spawned from companionship.

My wife and I took a trip to Thailand, and while on a drinking binge, the taxi driver drove us to the middle of no where and abandoned us there. We had to struggle and make our way back to the hotel. That bungle was an adventure, but my wife well remembers the rural village BBQ meal as the dawn broke through the clouds, and the orange light that shined on our toes in the sand. Romantic times are unplanned. They come from companionship.

A man wants a person to share his life with.


[5] A Woman’s Personality

Another thing that guys look for in a woman is personality. We are attracted to kindness, softness, sweetness, and compassion.

When I come across a particularly militant American woman, I am immediately repelled. Especially when that person wants to lecture me on “white privilege” or some kind of populist nonsense that weaker men accept. Don’t be a ugly bullyish brute of a woman. It’s not becoming.

Become the ideal. Your life is within your hands.

Pretty girl
Look at this pretty American girl. I have to admit that I have a thing for short frilly dresses. Man, she does look great in polka-dots. Wouldn’t you just love to go out on the town and have a cup of coffee and a cheese cake with this woman?

To be honest, when I meet a woman and I get to know them, I am looking for companionship. I wonder if they would like to accompany me for dinner, dancing, and any of the hobbies that I love to partake in. Since I love wine, a non-drinker and myself might not fit together well. Since I love animals, when I am talking to a woman, I wonder if they would also be part of my life with dogs and cats.

The personality that a woman has eventually dominates a man’s interest. In other words, while a man is firstly attracted to a woman’s look, and sexual appeal, it is her personality that will keep him by her side forever.

[6] Self Confidence

One of the most important traits for both men and women is self-confidence. This is something that is hard to describe, but is fundamental to success in life. the truth is that I am not at all handsome, but women are interested in spending time with me for other reasons. I chalk up the reasons to being positive, happy, interesting and having good self-confidence.

Because that is exactly what turns me on in a woman.

When I take a woman out, I want to be able to talk about things. I want to be able to talk about tomato plants, favorite foods, dogs and cats, and thoughts about life. I want to be with a person that isn’t so fucking sensitive that I am afraid of being who I am. I want to be accepted for me, and if you don’t like it, to Hell with you. The same goes double for women.

I would NEVER tell a woman that she shouldn’t eat dessert because she needed to count her calories.  Nor would I tolerate sitting down with a woman who wanted to lecture me on the injustices of the world. No one likes a scold. Really.

No one.

General Comparisons

The thing is that Chinese food is healthier than American food. The culture is also healthier, and everyone likes to dance. Many Chinese like to ride bicycles and walk. There are sidewalks everywhere in China. Thus, many Chinese girls and women are thin and healthy.

  • Chinese eat healthier food.
  • Chinese have smaller food portions.
  • Chinese prefer green tea to soda.
  • Chinese have opportunities to dance every day.
  • Culturally, being out of shape is a terrible taboo.
  • Bike riding is supported and subsidized by the government.
  • Sidewalks are everywhere.

Fat China

To elaborate further, being unhealthy is frowned upon. A fat Chinese woman is considered to be someone who is causes her family to lose face. It is not tolerated.

In Chinese culture, eating is seen as a form of affection and commitment to the family, so I always ate every meal, every single kernel of rice in my bowl. But I also felt fat and unfit to be the “perfect” Asian girl, as I compared my body to those of my fellow Asian American girl friends. When we would go out to eat and drink -- a group of petite Asian girls -- I knew I had to work out more and eat less the next day to make up for the amount I ingested with my friends. I’ve spent countless Friday nights in college, feeling completely inadequate because every single Asian girl I met was thin and beautiful with porcelain smooth skin, like Asian girls are supposed to be. I started to wonder if I was the only Asian girl who felt this way.


In America, being a fat woman is considered to be very hip and progressive. It is very much anti-fat-shaming. As such it is promoted as applauded. Also, Americans tend to love piercings, tattoos and all sorts of body adornments.

American girls.
Typical college-age American girls having a good time during spring break in Corpus Christi Texas. These are typical girls. Covered in Tattoos. They are having a great time, and they have most excellent smile. None of them are fat.

Also Americans tend to have a different lifestyle. We drive everywhere. If our car breaks down, we rent a car rather than walk. Unless you are in a city, there just aren’t any sidewalks. We like to eat fast food. Our food portions are enormous. While American food is certainly tasty, we usually opt for fast and easy food instead of the food that is better for us like oatmeal and fish.

So, we have a situation where Chinese girls tend to be thinner and healthier than American girls. I find that being healthy is enormously attractive.

Comparisons between Chinese and American Girls

Here are my opinions concerning Chinese girls and American girls. Of course it is only my own opinion.  You are free to agree or disagree as you choose.

We will start with my first criteria; Appearance.


Both American women and Chinese women tend to take care of their appearance. However, culturally, what is attractive differs. In America, having “bronze” or dark skin is considered to be attractive. While in China, having white or pale skin is considered to be attractive.

In China, it is desirable and even necessary to appear healthy and fit. In America it is trendy to be fat and overweight.

While I find that both China and America have attractive ladies, I have discovered that there is a higher percentage of them in China compared to America. This is not determined by the vast numbers of Chinese compared to the much smaller number of American, but rather the percentage of attractive women within society.

Taking the regional and cultural differences aside, and ONLY making a determination based on my personal opinions, I would find the following to be true…

America might have 30% of the women to fit my own biased, and old fashioned, ideas of beauty and attractiveness. While in China, I find a much higher percentage of women, easily over 80%, that I would consider attractive in one way or the other.


Based upon my own experiences, and only on my experiences, I find that both China and America are about on par with providing enjoyable sexual adventures for the pleasures of the man of the species. While there are individual differences, I think that a man in either America or in China would tend to have reasonably enjoyable sex with their partner.


There are a couple of sexual trends that seem to be promoted in the American media at this time, that are not promoted in China. These include…

  • Sexual ambiguity.
  • Female ejaculation / squirting.
  • Sexual promiscuity.
  • Role reversal.

Aside from these differences, for me I could care less about the latest in sexual trends going on today. Therefore…

Based on my experience, sex in either the United States or China is about the same. It varies from person to person and relationship to relationship.

Domestic Concern

I am afraid that I am going to have to shock all the readers in Internet-land out there on this consideration. However, the fact is this; the Chinese women are traditional and Conservative. The American women are progressive and liberal.

Chinese women are conservative. American women tend to be liberal.

A Chinese wife (or girlfriend) would wash, starch, iron and fold your clothes. An American wife, highly unlikely.

A Chinese wife would make a meal for her husband, provide him with clean house clothes and slippers when he gets home, and make him a cocktail. An American woman wouldn’t even consider it.

A Chinese wife would make sure that her husband was eating healthy meals, not doing unhealthy things, and would select his clothes and make sure that the man was presentable for work. An American woman would never pick out her husbands clothes, let alone iron, starch, and fold them to lay them out for him to wear when he got out of the shower.

A Chinese wife would shower, get dressed up and put on makeup to make a run to the local grocery store to get some supplies. An American woman, probably would not.

A Chinese wife would budget the household for the month. She would plan and prepare the family meals, even if it was just for two people. An American woman might do this, however, planning a family meal has become a lost art that has disappeared sometime during the Bill Clinton presidency, when Hillary Clinton became the role model for many a young woman.

All, in all, culturally the Chinese woman is far more suitable than an American woman is for a family life. 

However, for relationships that are not tied to a family or domestic issues, such as one-night stands, and promiscuous sexual adventures, the American woman is preferred. As her behavior towards a long term mutually-respectable relations can best be considered as disposable.


Again, I would say that both American and Chinese women would make fine companions. Though, culturally it would take on different manifestations.

In public, a Chinese wife treats me with great respect. She would never belittle me. She would never, ever… EVER say anything bad about me to anyone. I am her family. I am HER family. I am HER’s. To bad-mouth me is to admit that she is a terrible wife.

Culturally, the wife, the family and the husband loses face if she is not supportive of him. In fact, he could lose his job, or be placed in demeaning and compromising work situations as well. The wife has an important role, and she must make sure that the husband is respected and promoted. Can you imagine the woman in this video saying bad things about her husband…?

Chinese girls are fiercely defensive of their families and their husbands.

In comparison, an American wife has no problem with treating a husband terribly. In fact it is even promoted in the American media and Hollywood. This has manifested with a terrible lack of respect in public, bounding on terrible disrespect of the worst kind. Heck, even the President of the United States allows people to point their finger at him and belittle him in public.

You would NEVER see this in China.

Asshole President being belittled.
FILE – In this Jan. 25, 2012, file photo, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer points during an intense conversation with President Barack Obama after he arrived at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, in Mesa, Ariz. In the summer of 2010, race and politics collided when Arizona Republicans passed an immigration law that critics said would lead to racial profiling of Hispanics. Jose Lozano, vice president of the Massachusetts Association of Minority Law Enforcement Officers, remembers Brewer wagging her finger in the president’s face, which he thought was ugly and hadn’t seen before. “There’s no way that would have ever happened to a white president,” Lozano said. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari, File)

Knowing what I know of today, I can understand why some American husbands beat their wives up when they get home. If they would attack and beat up a male stranger that treats them that way, what makes their closest confidant get a free-pass?

That being said, there are other minor cultural differences…

A Chinese wife would have the husband carry her purse, all the bags of the things that she bought, and tote the dog around in a kennel. While she would walk in the mall in all her glorious beauty. However, the husband would control what they did for the day.

An American wife would bound ahead and do her things without asking the man what he wants to do. She would go to the stores she wants, and if the man comes fine. Otherwise, it’s too bad. In America, the husband has taken on a kind of pet-role. Go. Fetch. Sit. Obey. Roll-over.

Of course, there are exceptions. However, and this is important, culturally how a wife treats her husband differs between China and America.

  • In China, the husband must be treated with full respect or the family suffers.
  • In America, treating the husband poorly is an accepted norm.


I have discovered that I am treated better, adored more, appreciated, and honored in China. It is at a level of respect that is way, way, WAY beyond anything than I ever experienced in America. Therefore, the Chinese culture greatly favors a relationship consisting of companionship between a man and a woman.


I am attracted to kindness. When I see a great wide smile, I gravitate towards it. There are kind people all over the world. Just like there are evil people. I personally believe that there is an equal mixture of kind, personable women in both China and America.

I like the fact that many people smile at strangers. You won’t see this in China. In China, people only smile to friends.

I like the fact that many people in America attend church. I think that it helps keep us grounded to a higher purpose. You know, many Chinese are quite religious as well. We NEED religion. We NEED to constantly be reminded of our role and our purpose in this life.

President Trump in Church.
President trump attends church and feels the spirit of God. Of course, this was reported differently. The American mainstream media reported this as protestors marched around and around the church. Whatever, get the attention away from the good. Focus on the trivial. There is nothing more important within this reality that our purpose and our relationship with our maker.

A kind and caring person can be found anywhere. You just need to push aside the differences in culture and look at the person within. I have found that both America and China has people with attractive personalities.

Self Confidence

I am attracted to people with self confidence. This is true for both men and women.

The thing about this, and I do not know why, the women in the United States with good self-confidence are ugly arrogant monsters. While the women in China tend to be lovely and well poised. Ok, here is what I am trying to express. Here is a Chinese woman with high confidence…

Now, for comparison, here is an American woman with high confidence…

American woman with high confidence
Here’s an American woman showing that she has high confidence. She is proud of who she is and accepts her body just as it is. No one is going to tell her how to eat, and what to eat. No one is going to try to sell her hair lotion or shampoo. She is her very own woman. Good for her!

You can find many such pictures where absolutely beautiful women sabotaged their appearance and posted pictures of them with their new self-found self-confidence. I am NOT saying that it is bad. What I am saying is that you do not have to adopt extreme behaviors to be the very best that you are.

I think that it takes high self-confidence to avoid the seduction of tattoos when everyone else is sporting them. It takes high confidence to let your hair grow long and refuse to cut it for any reason. I think that real high confidence is when you do things your way, and not the trendy and popular way.

I think that everyone needs and should have high self-confidence. However, I don't think that we need to destroy our appearance to obtain it. Just because people are suddenly are looking at you and giving you attention does not mean that that they admire and like you. They just might be gawking like people do at animals in a zoo.

Self-confidence alone is not attractive. It is the sum total of all the characteristics that a person has. Self-confidence puts everything together into a nice neat package.

r/K Theory

The trend in America for fat females, and for promiscuity is a valid species survival vector. It occurs when you have creatures living in abundance. In America we have a situation where there is abundance.

Studies on mice, rats and rabbits have affirmed that when there is an unlimited supply of resources, the species take on the behaviors that we witness in the United States today. If you are interested in finding out more about this theory, please go here…

r/K selection theory


When I first came to China I was floored by the prodigious numbers of attractive, sexy and self-confident women. Not only that, but they were traditional. They believed in marriage. They believed in roles. They believed in the importance of man being a man, and a woman running the family.

China is communist, but here all the people were traditionally American-style conservative. I was amazed and stunned. Then, when I started to live and work in China, I began to understand it better. I saw that modern China follows the free-market values of American style conservatism. We can all thank Mr. Deng for that.

Here in China, when I would try to talk to a woman, they would smile and come up to me. They wouldn’t scow or make some kind of dismissive remark. They looked into my eyes and I had their full attention.  I have since come to appreciate women who take care of themselves and honor their family. I fell in love with one and I did go ahead and marry her.

If the woman is from America, and they take care of themselves and honors their family, then you should not let that person escape. They are a prize. They ARE remarkable and ABSOLUTELY deserving of your attention and admiration. Appreciate them. For they are special, unique and deserving of a “knight in white armor”. Don’t let them down.

Take Aways

  • There are beautiful women all over the world.
  • In China, beauty is defined by tradition.
  • In America, beauty is defined by popular culture.

That being said…

  • A traditional man would find that China would have more beautiful women than in America.
  • A trendy progressive, liberal man would find that America will have large numbers of attractive women that fits his ideas of perfection.

American Woman in China

Sometimes a picture tells a story. Here is a micro video of an American in China taking selfies on the beach. I will let the reader come to their own conclusions.


Q: Which type of woman is more attractive? An American or a Chinese woman?
A: Both have their charms. It really depends on the person who is the observer. For me, with all my crazy old-fashioned old-school ideas about family, and appearance, China is the land of beautiful women. But my ideas are not popular at all.

In America today, Michelle Obama is considered one of the most attractive women in the world. Hillary Clinton is the 6th most attractive woman. So, many people have different ideas about beauty than I have. You, the reader, should never take my tastes and attitudes as your own. You should instead NOT be influenced by my out of style thoughts and opinions.

Q: Is there any female feature that is more important in attractiveness?
A: While I am certainly fond of a nice chest, and sensuous lips, I have to be honest on this. Nothing gets me stunned into stupefied silence than a mixture of kindness and self-confidence. That chick I mentioned earlier from Brookline in Boston, was so tender but strong! Oh, my gosh!

Q: What is wrong about tattoos and piercings?
A: Absolutely nothing. You need to understand, I represent a different generation. In my world, it is typically unusual for a woman to have excessive tattoos and piercings. That does not mean that I am not attracted to women with these decorations, it is just that it falls outside what I have considered to be attractive. I have to be reeducated on this subject.

Q: Is a woman who smokes and drinks attractive?
A: I think so, but according to the typical Chinese culture, it is considered unwomanly if not taboo. In fact, the reader would be surprised at how broadly I consider attractiveness. Which is why I often tell everyone to be the very best that they can be, and stop listening to the advice of others. Attractiveness is a combination of factors. Just be the best you can be, and let who you are shine through.

Links about China

Business KTV

Dance Craze

End of the Day Potato

Dog Shit

Dancing Grandmothers

When the SJW movement took control of China

Family Meal

Freedom & Liberty in China

Ben Ming Nian

Beware the Expat

Fake Wine

Fat China

China and America Comparisons


Playground Comparisons

The Last Straw

Diversity Initatives


Travel outside

10 Misconceptions about China

Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1

Pretty Girls 2

Pretty Girls 3

Pretty Girls 4

Pretty Girls 5

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  1. Composed 15AUG18.
  2. Completed 17SEP18.
  3. SEO review 17SEP18.

World-Line Creation and Stability Considerations

According to popular news media, there is no such thing as the MWI or world-lines. It is all a fun scientific avenue for discussion, argument, and maybe a movie or two. It has no real benefit to the average person. Of course this is all nonsense. It the MWI exists whether we want to believe in it or not.

Further, while scientists and mathematicians like to debate the utility of world-line behavior. As well as debate the presence of it in regards to the MWI, all tend to base their discussions abound a key erroneous assumption; that there are no world-lines simply because one cannot prove that they exist.

This assumption is wrong. It is incorrect.

Oh, individual world-lines exist all right. And they operate under specific rules and follow various processes. Let’s take the time to talk about these rules and processes. Later, we will also discuss why average guys, like myself, had a role in such an important program as MAJestic.

What is a “world-line”?

For starters, most people understand what a “world-line” is. It is generally considered to be a “what if” world much like the one that we inhabit, but with certain things changed. In the movie, “Back to the future II”, the hero enters a new world-line when the past is changed.

Back to the future blackboard
In the movie “Back to the Future II”, a mad scientist named Doc Brown invented a time travel machine out of a Delorian. Here he explains that happens to a “world-line” when you alter the past. Since that movie, many people are under the incorrect impression that we all live on fated “world-lines”. We do not. We live with individual bubbles of reality that are constantly changing and evolving by our own thoughts and the thoughts and actions of those around us.

This idea is readily understood by most people.

That is simply because most people think of time incorrectly. They view time as a straight arrow, and once something is done, it cannot be undone. You cannot put a chicken back into an egg. Once you burn a log, it will no longer revert to being a tree. Thus, we have what is perceived as “the arrow of time”.

A “world-line” might be a place where the Nazi’s won world war II. Another might be one where Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, instead of Donald Trump. Still another might be one where the Y2K “bug” devastated America’s infrastructure. World-lines are “what if” scenarios that mimic the reality that we inhabit.

Alternative reality.
Here is a map of an alternative reality. One in which the United States is carved up between Japan and Germany. It is a fiction, in this world-line. However, in other world-lines it is a reality. As there are an infinite number of world-lines.

World-lines are thus considered to be an infinite number of “arrows of time”, each with slight modifications. Each “arrow of time” is considered to be a “world-line”. We occupy one such world-line, in an infinite number of alternative world-lines.

However, Time does not Exist

The problem is that we lie to ourselves. We strongly believe that time exists and that it is one-way, and that the “arrow of time” is the way that time works. Therefore, a “world-line” is but a modified “arrow of time”. It deviates from our current occupied world-line by some deviance.

Different world lines
Different world-lines for different individuals. Here we have a plot of individual (experienced) soul reality against time. In this case, each world-line is occupied by a person who travels upon it. (Persons A through E.)

The problem is that time does not work this way. As long as we keep thinking that it does, we will have a difficult time understanding how the MWI works. This causes all sorts of confusion.

To understand what “world-lines” are, we must first understand what our reality is.


The reality is that we exist within a specially crafted bubble of “reality”. Our thoughts and our actions alter this bubble.

In the picture below we see a slice of “Heaven”. Residing within that Heaven is a soul. The soul creates a “bubble” and places a conduit inside that bubble. We refer to that conduit as “consciousness”.

This “bubble” is our observed reality. It has two components; an observed physical reality, and a hidden unobserved reality.

This bubble is constantly changing.

It changes by our actions…

The two different view points.
This is the true crux of the issue and the matter at hand. How the universe is depends on the quantum state of your consciousness. If your consciousness is of particle duality, then you exist within a bubble of reality. You cannot see outside of that. However, if your consciousness is of wave duality, then you can see the entire reality of the universe.

For instance, if we shot and killed a person, we would get arrested, and go to prison. If we worked hard, we could get promoted.  If we asked that cute girl out, we might fall in love and get married. Our bubble of reality would change by OUR actions.

It also changes by our thoughts…

So, if we were obsessed with negative thoughts and worry, our health would decline. If we were mean and hurtful to others, our reality would be altered to fit with our thoughts.

The power of intention
The Rice Experiment opened more than a few teenage eyes on how their words and intentions impact their environment. Hopefully, the lesson will translate into their homes and future workplaces. The middle school teens conducted the Rice Experiment. After cooking a pot of rice, they placed a scoop of rice into separate, identical jars and sealed the lids. On the outside of one jar, they wrote “LOVE” while on the other jar they wrote, “HATE.” For the next week, they talked to the jars filling the LOVE jar with kind, loving, compassionate intentions and thoughts. They told the HATE jar it was stupid, ugly, mean and nasty. Then, they watched the results. A year later, these same jars sit on the shelf of our teen room, telling the story of our intentions. The LOVE jar, filled with our divine, loving intentions, remains filled with white fluffy rice. The HATE jar started decomposing right away and quickly turned into a grey, slimy sludge. No kidding.

Within this bubble of reality, it would appear that time was flowing in one direction; the “arrow of time”. But that is just an illusion. In reality, we are constantly revising our bubble of reality, moment by moment, by our thoughts and our actions.

There is no such thing as time.

There is no such thing as “time”

What we consider to be the movement of time is actually the changes from one timeless “bubble of reality”, to a revised (but still timeless) “bubble of reality”.

There really is no such thing as time. Instead there is only one thing; the reality that we inhabit. This reality changes moment by moment as a result of our thoughts and our actions, as well as the thoughts and actions of the “shadow sentience’s” that surround us. We end up viewing these changes as “the flow of time”, or the “arrow of time”. The direction of the changes can be mapped out as shown. The mapped vector from reality to reality is considered a “world-line”.

In the picture above we see the “arrow of time” displayed as a collection of revisions to our reality. Our reality is constantly being updated. To us we consider these “updates” as time.

While there is no such thing as a "world-line", we WILL use this terminology to describe the "vector movement of a given reality" as entropy changes.

Graphing World-Lines

We can graph world-lines in terms that we can understand. Instead of “bubbles of reality”, we can plot their vector (movement) as a “world-line”. We can plot them over (apparent) time. We can measure their deviance from each other comparatively as well.

deviance from reality
Here is a plot of other “world-lines” as they deviate from our reality over time. In this example we can consider our reality to be the flat line of “time”. The other individual “world-lines” vary greatly from each other. Yet, some of the world lines cross and intersect. This means that they do not deviate at that moment of time. When they cross the “x” axis, they do not deviate from our reality. We experience similar events.

Cluster Behavior

Groups of divergent world-lines tend to form into organized clusters. These clusters also operate under rules and specific behaviors.  Here, at this time, I would like to describe these behaviors.  Because in order to understand our reality, the reader needs to understand some basics regarding world-line behaviors. (Group clustering behaviors of reality vectors.)

Reality formation
To travel to different world-lines; to travel the MWI and slide into a new reality, you need to understand how realities form and exist.

World-lines have a tendency to “feed off each other”. Which actually means that the thoughts and actions on one world-line can influence adjacent world-lines. Thus they like to “hug” close to other world-lines and acts as an inertial damper prohibiting change.

This is a fundamental property or behavior of world-lines.

This is what is referred to as “clustering”. It is when there are very active and engaged world-lines of near similarity to each other that also maintains active consciousness. Most world-lines are “empty”. They exist, but do not have a consciousness that inhabits them. When they are nearly identical to other world-lines, we say the deviance between them is small. And thus they “hug” each other.

Why there are “world-lines” that we inhabit

World-lines are a part of the universe that we humans experience. However, a very important point needs to be made. World-lines are created by each individual soul as an educational environmental construct so that the soul can grow.

This is an important point that needs to be made.

  • The soul creates a given reality.
  • It places a consciousness within that reality.
  • The consciousness experiences life within the reality.
  • As it experiences life, it generates thoughts and performs actions and activities.
  • These actions and activities alter the reality.
  • This alteration helps to build, purify, and destroy quanta arrangements.
  • Thus, the consciousness organizes quanta for the soul.

The purpose of life is to improve, maintain and assist the soul to grow and improve.

Feed Back Loop

Not only is the individual reality and individual universe tailor-made for a given soul. When the soul places a given consciousness in that reality it is affected by the reality itself. Indeed, the shape of each world-line is influenced by the collective thoughts of all “shadow” consciousnesses combined within that reality.

World-line clustering
Here we have two world-lines. Each one consists of a reality that is occupied by a person. We see the other person within our reality. We see them as a “quantum shadow”. They seem real to us because they inhabit our reality. However this is just an illusion. They have their own soul and their own consciousness that occupies a different reality than the one that we occupy. The actions of the “quantum shadows” are fed back to the “owner” in their reality and thus influence them. This feedback loop is strongest when the deviance from the two world-lines is strongest.

All those people that surround you are NOT individuals.

They look that way. They act that way. They seem that way. Because this is OUR own custom-made reality.

They are “quantum shadows”; a version of that person that acts and behaves within your reality as necessary to help you grow.


They, themselves, also (like you) inhabit their own reality. And, like you, also see a version of you; a “quantum shadow” interacting with them within their own reality.

Because of these key points, the reader should realize that group think, and multiple souls create mob and mass behaviors that affect all associated thoughts.  Since individual thoughts are manipulated by and suffer the influences of group thought, it should be well understood that world-line clusters would be influenced by group thought behavior.


The role of Thought

We live in a universe that is controlled by thought.  However, our soul is not one homogeneous blob. Rather it is a complex construction with key parts that have roles and follow defined rules.

Our thoughts originate from segmented sections of our soul.

Each segment is a configured physical reality with a physical body, a brain and thoughts directly associated with that body.  This physical body exists within a custom reality.  This reality is created from the highest commonality denominators between groups of other individuals and other souls.

This is pretty well understood. However, if you really think about it, you can see a unique danger. The thoughts of others, while they do not share your own physical reality (universe), will absolutely influence your reality.

Souls create world-lines
The soul creates world-lines. Actually, what the soul does is generate a fabricated reality out from a nested “template” of all possible realities. The soul then creates a consciousness that it places inside that created reality by using an artifice; a human body. In the picture above, we see a soul within this big blue orb. This represents our soul. The soul has components that are roughly analogs to the physical body, thus the image of a person inside the orb. In this instance, the soul has created two (2x) realities; Life #1 and Life #2. Both realities take place roughly at the same time. However, each reality is different. The Life #1 reality at point “C” would be totally different from the life reality pf Life #2 at point “E”.

World-Lines are a function of soul garbons

Our soul creates our reality that we live in on the physical.  This reality (universe) is directly tied to the construction of our soul.  Each soul is composed of garbons, and the limitations of the garbons limit the kind of universe that our physical body inhabits.

A garbon is an arrangement of quanta. It has distinct forms and properties. The human soul is a collection of garbons. Garbons are organized quanta. 

The human soul also has unorganized quanta. The purpose of consciousness is to assist in organizing the unorganized quanta through thoughts and actions within a contrived reality.

A garbon is a important component of a soul. Without getting into too much detail, the reader can think of it as an analog to human organs. Each garbon has a different role.

These roles vary from activity to activity. Yet they have an important role in the creation of the reality that we inhabit.  Some garbons are tied to the longevity of a given lifetime for a person (the duration of the world-line). Other garbons are tied to  things such as thought influences, adventures, and trials that one must endure to acquire lessons.

World-line creation.
Garbons define world-line attributes. Our soul creates our reality that we live in on the physical. This reality (universe) is directly tied to the construction of our soul. Each soul is composed of garbons, and the limitations of the garbons limit the kind of universe that our physical body inhabits. In the illustration, the garbons that reside within a given soul are illustrated by white globes. The dotted red lines are the realms of control that the garbons are tied to in a world-line which is the “apparent vector” of an assigned reality.

Remember, a “world-line” is an illusion. Because the “world-line” is constantly changing by the thoughts of a given consciousness.  Instead, a “world-line” is the apparent vector of life for a given consciousness as it navigates inside the bubble of reality that it has been assigned to.

Group Thought manipulates clustering of world-lines

Thoughts influence what happens in the reality and the universe that our physical bodies inhabit.

This includes [1] individual souls, [2] individual people, and the [3] thoughts and actions of groups of people.  Group thoughts, especially those influenced by media and other technological advancements, can influence the world-line that a physical person inhabits.

This is true, even though on the physical reality world-line the “people” that one interacts with are (just) quantum shadows.

The world-lines change relative to other world-lines as determined by the ebb and flow of the thoughts of a soul and person in a given world-line.  Thoughts influence the shape and direction that a given world-line manifests into.

Our thoughts can create and alter things in our environment, and our reality. Therefore, what we think about must be carefully culled and controlled. We also need to be careful of the (apparent) thoughts of others that surround us. All thoughts have the power to alter our reality.


Contrary to what scientists might want to believe, there is NOT an infinite number of world-lines. There is but one world-line for each physical person at any given moment in time.

However, there is an infinite number of world-lines that a given consciousness can cross-over to. The practical number available varies depending on the technology and the technique used to bridge over to the new world-line. Since it is technology, and skill dependent, it is functionally finite.

The person who inhabits the world-line is the captain of that world-line and they can create, alter or destroy their world-line as they see fit by their thoughts. As well, as obviously, their physical actions.

Shadow World-Lines

A world-line can spawn shadow world-lines.  There are an infinite number of these spawned world lines.  They are a function of [1] thought and [2] the technology of being able to move between world-lines of the physical person.

A Shadow World-Line is a reality that the consciousness can migrate to.

A person, given the proper technology, can move in and out of these spawned world-lines. We like to think that it is “just” another world-line. It is not. It is a special event or environment that permits a consciousness to move into and occupy.

However, the shape of the spawned world-line will be heavily influenced by the thoughts of “nearby” souls and their world-lines. It is not a “protected” reality.

“Nearby” refers to a degree or a measure of the divergence from one “reality” to the next.

Once we, as a physical component of our soul, occupies a given “reality” and world-line, we are constantly influenced by nearby world-lines and the thoughts manifested by those world-lines.

In primitive times, when there were only a few hundred thousand humans, the influences of others were easy to distinguish and isolate.  Those closest to the person physically had the greatest influence.  Now, in modern times, in a world that is populated by billions of people the influence is much stronger, and can result in some quite surprising influences.

Technology Influences on World-Lines

Not only do individual thoughts on other realities and other world-lines influence a given world-line, but technology can magnify the effect. The technology influence can be intentional, as well as unintentional.

News media does more than just “simply” form “public opinion”; they form large “pools” of “group think”.  Group think can be dangerous and create not only physical reactions such as mob rule, but can also create disturbing influences in world-line behaviors.

Media manipulation
When mass media manipulates, they do more than change the ideas, consciousness, and emotions of the people exposed to it. They alter their thoughts. Thought manipulation by large groups of people are very dangerous. They can alter the reality into dangerous directions.

These influences can affect the physical world that a person interacts with.

It can affect his future obviously, and can affect his past as well.  Out of control thought can sow chaos and cause all manner of discord and even more dangerous; unpredictable behaviors.

Now, attention is warranted. Not every thought is capable of influencing a given world line.  The relationship depends on a number of factors that include deviance from uniformity, intensity, personality of the physical person, and the structure of the world-line itself (it does have structure).  Strong thoughts, or collective thoughts tend to be very powerful and influential.

World-line clustering behavior

World-lines and their spawned world-lines tend to cluster together in similarity of thought and intensity of intention.

As such, depending on many factors, world lines tend to group together into “cable” like arrangements and twists and turns over time depending on the various influences in the individual world-lines.  Not only that, but there is a feed-back loop that tends to positively, or more likely, negatively influence the shape and configuration of the world-line so inhabited.

Manipulation of our World-Line

The extraterrestrial species known as the <redacted> are a multi-dimensional species.  Their soul configuration is multi-dimensional. They have a major role in the evolution of mankind.  They utilize their superior technology and their multi-dimensional existence to help mankind grow.

We are a very simple life form.  They are assisting us in our sentience development, and this planet Earth is our nursery.  All of this is covered elsewhere.

For now, the reader should first understand this basic point;

In order for the human race and species to evolve, we need to exist within a controlled “safe space” .

The <redacted> has made the necessary arrangements for multi-generational sentience development along with support by another extraterrestrial species the <redacted>. They have created situations in agreement with our souls and the hierarchy within our own “Heaven”. The intentions behind these agreements is to create a stable nursery for us to develop and learn in.

Unfortunately, due to the explosion of population in the world, and the explosion in technology, it has become rather difficult to “control” world-line propagation and predictive behaviors.

Note; if the world-lines diverge too substantially from what was first established by our soul hierarchy upon our birth, the lessons that our souls are to learn during our reincarnations might not manifest.

Indeed, most of the human race has had a pretty easy history more or less.  Sure, there were wars and turmoil, but the dimensional world-lines, for the most part, were stable.

This is not the case today.

Period of Contention

Apparently, sometime around the year 2000 was a pivotal point in time where the global human species faced a major disruption of the world-line continuance. This was global, and not American-centric.

This world-line disruption was global in nature, it was not American-centric.

It had nothing to do with 9-11, or Y2K, but involved the saturation of group think as well as numerous events in the Soviet Union, China, and Northern Africa.

Unchecked, the world-line divergence might become too unstable and would be difficult to predict.  (The necessity for predictive behavior is important for soul development.)  The risk of major disruption to soul evolution was too great and too dangerous.

To this end, the <redacted> and their assisting species, the <redacted> worked with MAJestic in the 1980’s. MAJestic leadership nominated suitable individuals that it provided to the <redacted>. They were implanted with special devices and trained as “dimensional anchors” to stabilize the world-lines. All with a goal to prevent unpredictable behaviors due to unchecked human access to technology.

Dimensional Anchor

To fully understand MAJestic’s role with the <redacted>, one must understand the science behind the relationship.  In other words, how can an 1850 train engineer describe his role to a medieval monk without first describing what a train is, what rails are, how a steam-fired boiler operates, and the limits of moving people from one location to another?  It is quite difficult to do unless the basic foundations are first laid down in an easy to understand manner.

That is what I intend to do here.  To best and first understand <redacted> in MAJestic, the reader will have to understand [1] soul cluster theory, and an [2] introduction in how thoughts alter world-line divergence, and [3] how group-thoughts can unintentionally disrupt the acquisition of experiences.

To begin with, let’s recap some points made earlier (or elsewhere) in the blog posts.

  1. Firstly souls create a custom environment from which a physical manifestation (of the soul) inhabits for the purpose of obtaining experiences.
  2. This custom environment is the “reality” of the physical manifestation of that soul.
  3. It appears that the soul shares the reality with other beings, but that is an illusion.  Each being has a physical manifestation that occupies their own realities.
  4. As such, the physical person interacts with quantum shadows of other beings that are in truth off and away in their own individual realities.


We can think of this situation as a series of world-lines all inhabited by one physical manifestation of a soul each.  Consider the illustration below.  Here, we see five different individuals.  These are five different physical manifestations of a different soul. Each one occupies their own world-line, which is their own reality.  They interact with others in their world-lines, but the people that they each interact with are not “real”, instead they are actually quantum shadows of the true physical manifestation of the soul.

In the illustration below are five individual world-lines each representative of each person.  There is one for Mr. Red (person C), and another for Mr. Purple (person D).  Likewise, there is one for Mr. Green (person B), Mr. Blue (person A) and Mr. Blue-Green (person E).  Each world-line indicates a point of birth, which is shown as a dot at the start of a line, and a death or translation into another state, as an arrow at the end of the world-line.

The world-lines are all different, and there are twists and turns in it because the soul that created each physical realty did so based on the needs of the desired acquisition of experiences by the physical embodiment of the soul itself.

In other words, each line is different because of the specialized experiences for each individual.  (They diverge from the basic median of the accumulative norm of the mass of humanity.)

They are shown in the diagram apart and divergent because, for the most part, lessons are seldom shared.  They are unique and custom to the needs of a given particular soul.  This is shown (in general) by the divergence axis in the diagram.

Different world lines
Different world-lines for different individuals. Here we have a plot of individual (experienced) soul reality against time.

However, as nice as this looks on a two dimensional graph, with only five individuals.  The truth is that it is far more complex than that. With all the people on this crowded world, there are large groups of people living their own world-lines surrounded by thousands of quantum shadows of other versions of other physical manifestations of souls.

As such, each quantum shadow generates thoughts and experiences emotions.

These emotions and thoughts can be very powerful influence within a given world-line.  In fact, the strongest influences of thoughts and emotions are experienced when the deviance between different world-lines are at the smallest divergence.  Look at the illustration below.

deviance from reality
Here is a plot of other “world-lines” as they deviate from our reality over time. In this example we can consider our reality to be the flat line of “time”. The other individual “world-lines” vary greatly from each other. Yet, some of the world lines cross and intersect. This means that they do not deviate at that moment of time.

As shown above, it is clear that there are regions of small divergence between different world-lines.  These regions can, as mentioned earlier, allow a “bleeding” or cross-over influence in thoughts and emotions that can affect the thoughts of a given physical entity on a world-line.

It can also affect the thoughts and emotions of a quantum shadow as well, but that is of secondary influence in regards to the point currently being made.

Note the illustration below.  Here the regions are small divergence are highlighted to indicate areas of concern.  The areas of concern are the “bleed over” concerns of thought and emotional influences in isolated world-lines.

Bleed over regions.
Regions of thought bleed-over events. Here the regions are small divergence are highlighted to indicate areas of concern. The areas of concern are the “bleed over” concerns of thought and emotional influences in isolated world-lines.

As such, the reader should note that even though each world-line is custom created by a soul for a given specific physical manifestation, different world-lines created by different souls could affect other world-lines.  These areas of concern occur with there are very small deviance’s from the soul created realities for the physical manifestation.

How these influences affect the given world-line is a function of the [1] magnitude of the world-line divergence, the [2] strength of the thought / emotional content, the [3] receptiveness of the physical embodiment of the soul in the physical world-line (typically, most humans are very receptive), and [4] the quantity of the number of other world-lines so affected at this bleed-over event.

This last item is important because of the rapid dissemination of media and television has made larger groups of people easier to manipulate in thoughts, emotions and actions than at any other time in the human history.

The manipulation of large groups of people is a dangerous trend and results in large disruptive events that have negative consequences in world-line maintenance.

The big problem is that clusters of bleed-over events can have a great influence in the direction of world-line divergence.  Consider the illustration below;

Bleed-over events.
Regions of strong reinforced bleed-over-events. The image describes individualized reality vectors or world-line for different individual consciousnesses.

In the illustration above, it is clearly indicated (in yellow color) that the accumulation of bleed-over events can accumulate in various ways and create sizable influences on a given world-line.  These influences can alter the events in a world-line though altering the thoughts and emotions of the “primary” physical entity within a given world-line.

In fact, these bleed-over events can alter the thoughts of the primary physical entity within a given world-line and as such can alter the shape, the path and the learning objectives of a given world-line.  In the past this wasn’t too much of a problem.  Before electronics, and the industrial revolution, change happened slowly.  Individuals within a given world-line had time to adapt and alter their thoughts in meaningful and controllable ways.

No so today.

With the large number of people and their respective quantum shadows, the deluge of information , and the large numbers of people and organizations actually attempting to manipulate public opinion and thought, came the problem with unintentional world-line disruption and discord.

These items, not only can upset a given soul-level experience track, but can alter the physical manifestation along large groups and clusters of divergent world-lines.

How bleed-over events alter world-line clustering.
How bleed-over events alter world-line clustering. The bleed-over events occur at points of small deviance. As such the influence on nearby world-lines is exponential. The smaller the deviance, the much larger the influence. Eventually, you end up with a situation where they act like magnets and “pull” other world-lines nearby.

As can be illustrated in the above diagram, it should be clear to the reader that the accumulative bleed-over events from different world-lines can alter world-line path and manifestation. This is precisely what cause’s world-line clustering, which is a fundamental aspect of world-line travel.  However, with everything, there are good and bad aspects of such clustering, and at it’s very worst can be highly “cancerous” to evolving sentience’s.

The reason for this is that unrestrained mass clustering activities can “box in” experience categories a and “lock out” individuals from experiencing such events.  As a result, certain emotions or thoughts cannot manifest.  These thoughts are often very important for sentience development.

Imagine the world today, if Albert Einstein could be prohibited from visualizing relativistic speed at light velocities. The problem is similar to that.

Dimensional Anchor stability in a Technological Society

With this in mind, the <redacted> realize that there will be events and situations that would be toxic to humans. This is especially true at this stage in the human sentience development.

They have centuries of experience in managing sentience evolution.

They know this though their inter-dimensional makeup, and their predictive abilities associated with the human nursery that we call the earth.  They “saw” or “predicted” that certain “disruptive” events would occur on the earth that would be problematic.

They have mapped out human sentience evolution.

A Period of Sentience Crisis

The nature of these events are unknown to me, though they revolve around  mass and group thoughts.  I also know that the influence of these events were global in nature (not American-centrist) and that they would have occurred during the approximate time period from 1988 to 2004.

  • There was a crisis in human sentience evolution.
  • It was global in nature.
  • It occurred in  time period roughly from 1988 to 2004.
  • It was triggered by mass thought manipulation on a global scale.
  • The result was large numbers of discordant sentience development.

Avoiding the Crisis

Consider the diagram below.  Here we can see that the <redacted> have “chartered a course” that the various clusters of world-lines should take to avoid disruptive events along a given time line.  In my case, I was assigned to “anchor” a specific cluster of world-lines along this path.  This course, and myself, are illustrated in the thick blue-green curved vector shown below;

Anchoring 1
The strong thoughts, especially those generated by mass media has a dangerous habit of altering the world-lines, and near by world-lines. This can cause huge disruption in sentience development. Thus, it is important to lay a path out and away from areas of discordant thought that would disrupt sentience development.

To accomplish this task, the <redacted> have provided me “training” and ability in that I could herd or corral in world-lines to follow a new path or direction.

Look at the illustration below. The idea is to redirect the world-lines (and the associated thoughts) in certain directions.

World-line Redirection

World-line redirection into areas of different divergence from my base-line is a task that the <redacted> are capable of doing. However, to do this, they need humans to act as “magnets” that can attract and repel adjacent ‘world-lines”. This action and behavior is complex and very complicated.

The human who is to become the “anchor”, must be [1] relocated into a physical area were the anchoring action must take place. Then, [2] the person must be exposed to an environment or set of sequences that generate thoughts. It is important that the thoughts so generated [3] manifest in a way such that the clustered world-lines bend properly. [4] The <redacted> then “amplifies” or “transmits” the thoughts in certain ways that herd the “world-lines” into the preferred vectors.

What this means is that the designated “anchor” ends up going to less than desirable living situations. Instead they go to areas of contention, or future contention.  They go to areas where there is a high probability of discordant and disruptive thoughts would manifest. They mitigate the situation, and act as a kind of reality “anchor” while the quantum-related storms of thought and intention run amok. Yuck!

Office Space
A scene from the movie “Office Space”. The movie is a comedy, but the first 45 minutes is a very accurate portrayal of corporate life in the 1990’s. I suppose the reader thought that MAJestic was all about rockets, spacemen, and aliens. Maybe you thought that it involved Space marines, and exciting adventures on flying saucers, and the re-engineering of downed craft. Not quite. While MAJestic does have some projects related to those aspects, I had nothing to do with them. I was involved in the MWI. This was my life.

Here is a graph of this in process…

Anchoring 2
The human who is assigned to anchor the world-lines is used as a kind of transformer. Their thoughts are used to corral and herd the nearby thoughts of adjacent world-lines. To do this, please note, that the human who is the anchor must go through a MWI slide to a world-line at a greater deviance from what they are at. Then they go through, or endure, the life within that specific geographical location. They experience thoughts and emotions. This is then observed, recorded and manipulated by the so that clustering can occur for mass group sentience redirection.

In the illustration above, it should be clear that to alter the direction of clusters of world-lines that what is required is that the regions of accumulated thought / emotional differences be minimized along the preferred travel path over time.

The way that this is accomplished is quite involved and involves the manipulation of group thought as lead and manipulated by the <redacted> themselves along the paths and structures established along the collective memories of “potential” group thought.

Everything is Scripted and Planned

Nothing happens at random.

Everything has a reason.  Ones’ experiences creates a personality matrix that affects their personality.  The <redacted> uses this personality as a framework by which divergent clusters can follow through anchoring.

World-lines following an anchored path.
World-lines following an anchored path.


How the anchored path looks with avoidance.
How the anchored path looks with avoidance.

As such, the entire purpose of  MAJestic  in regards to assisting the <redacted> was to assist them by providing dimensional anchoring ability. This would then be used to assist a predetermined cluster of individual world-lines towards avoidance of a number of major disruptive influences in the 1988 to 2004 period.

Please take note of the final illustration below.

Avoiding discordant disruptive events.
Avoiding discordant disruptive events.

This is why I have repeatedly stated that the truth is too unusual for the typical reader, and very boring to those raised on a Hollywood-centrist “reality”.


Please accept my apologies as I had to redact large portions of this section. It is not proper that I speak so freely about this at this time.

A person involved in world-line anchoring would be compelled to occupy different world-lines. These world-lines would not be due to their own individual thoughts and actions alone. These world-lines would be artificially created; manifested as areas of greater than normal deviance. The person would find themselves in uncomfortable situations, trying situations, and difficult situations that would generate thoughts and create actions on their part.

Over time, the cycling of the world-lines would mellow out. However, their own reality would end up being something completely different from what they would have had if they were in complete control of the their own MWI like most normal humans.

Initially, the deviance from the initial world-line was severe, but over time they mellowed out.  See the graph below.

World-line deviance variation over time.
World-line deviance variation over time. The red dotted line is the apparent “world-line” vector. The grey lines were the reality slides that produced that vector. Currently the world-line reality that I currently inhabit is around a 7% deviance from when I first was trained when I joined MAJestic.


It’s nice and fun to contemplate what it would be like to move to another world-line. We can imagine all sorts of differences. Fun, huh?

Moving to another world-line is all about trade-offs.

Our reality is the sum-total results of our thoughts and actions, as well as the thoughts and actions of those around us. It is like having a backpack. If you want to include a football in it, you will need to make room, and take something out.

That being said, we are constantly moving about our reality and creating our own world-line. Everyone is doing so. While that is fine and dandy, the question begets our answer; “What is the benefit in switching world-lines?” And also, “Why invest in the technology to do so?”

The answer is simple;

  • Humans are herd animals.
  • We are in a nursery now because our souls are transitional.
  • Our sentience development is watched carefully by <redacted>.
  • To avoid problems, our world-lines need to be anchored.

Take Aways

  • World-lines are the apparent movement of reality over time.
  • World-lines cluster together due to thought similarity.
  • Thoughts can alter a world-line and define a sentience.
  • Improperly evolved sentience’s will result in terrible consequences.
  • A species that oversees our sentience nursery utilizes the MWI to cull sentience development.
  • To do this, they rely on “dimensional anchors”.
  • A “dimensional anchor” is a MAJestic member who has been tasked to get into societal circumstances and anchor the world-line to limit spawning activities.


Q: What is a “world-Line”?
A: A world-line is the path that our individual reality makes as it moves from one reality to a revised reality. There is an infinite number of world-lines. We can switch to a new world-line using technology.

Q: What is a “garbon”?
A: Souls are composed of ordered and unordered quanta. The ordered quanta forms into clumps or batches that interact in special ways.  These clumps of ordered quanta are known as garbons.

Q: What is a “bubble of reality”?
A: A soul creates a special environment so that it can grow. This environment is a “bubble of reality”.  It has two basic elements. One is a physical, observed reality. The other is a non-physical unobserved reality.

Q:  What is a “Discordant sentience”?
A: Humans are growing. They are a transitional soul form. Humans need to evolve into a approved sentience and soul archetype. The garbon shape that manifests is directly tied to sentience. Humans can be either a service-to-self, or a service-for-others sentience. Discordant sentience’s is a development that lies outside of the two sentience types.

A good example of this is someone who thinks that they are helping people by supporting the taxation of other people. They believe that they are service-to-others, when in reality they are service-to-self. They are discordant because their thoughts do not match their actions.

A service-to-others sentience would give the money to the poor from their own wallet. A service-to-self sentience would keep the money and do nothing. A discordant sentience would be any outcome beyond the two mentioned.

Q: What is a “Dimensional Anchor”?
A: A dimensional anchor is a human that generates thoughts while being in a specific situation. The <redacted> utilize technology to amplify the thoughts so that it bends and move adjacent world-lines. World-lines, consisting of active consciousnesses, then bend and move in manners that would help with sentience selection.

Q:  What is a “Consciousness”?
A: A consciousness is a portal that the soul uses to access the training and lessons obtained within a “bubble of reality”. Consciousness generally takes on particle form in order to operate an ambulatory human body within a reality. It takes on wave characteristics when it needs to exist the physical reality and migrate to the non-physical reality and other world-lines.

Consciousness must utilize a number of techniques to center the brain making it easy for the technology to convert particle behavior to wave behavior during a world-line switch. MAJestic utilizes feducials to do so.

Do you want more?

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

A World-Line where the Beatles Never Broke Up

While many have attempted to recreate the famous stylings of The Beatles, none have been able to match Fab Four’s unique vibe that made them so revolutionary. But you don’t have to feel bad if you missed out on the ’60s—all you have to do is take a trip to an alternate universe where John Lennon and George Harrison never died and the group is still making music…


Del Puerto Canyon
The Del Puerto canyon in California. It is a rugged by beautiful area of rocks and sand.

A man who has adopted the pseudonym of James Richards claims he was chasing his dog through Del Puerto Canyon in California on September 9, 2009 when he tripped in a rabbit hole and knocked himself unconscious. Upon waking up, he found himself in a room next to an unrecognizable machine with a man who introduced himself as Jonas.

According to the strange man, while on a work-related trip for a dimensional travel agency, he had used the machine to transport the unconscious Richards to a parallel Earth in order to help him.

Of course, the logical thing to do in this situation was to start discussing pop culture, which led Jonas and Richards to the topic of The Beatles, a band both dimensions shared. To Richards’s surprise, in this alternate dimension, The Beatles were all alive and still creating music. Richards brought back a souvenir cassette tape entitled Everyday Chemistry that was composed of Beatles songs never released in our dimension, which he helpfully uploaded to his website.

Here is his story.  Direct from his website.

The following is an actual account of my experiences as of recently. Because of the nature of what has happened I must remain anonymous until I feel it is safe to reveal my real name, but for now you can refer to me as James Richards.

On Sept. 9, 2009 I experienced something that I still am having trouble believing happened to me.  I came into the possession of a cassette tape containing a Beatles album that was never released. In fact, not only was it never released but it was recorded many years after they broke up (and no I'm not talking about Klaatu).

Now this is where the story becomes slightly more unbelievable and it is almost embarrassing to attempt to explain the incident to you for fear of viewing me as completely absurd. I must assure you, I am not insane or on drugs, and hopefully the audio from this tape will be enough proof that there is more than we think out there...

I live in Livermore California but on Sept 9 I was driving home from Turlock after visiting a friend for a few days. I had my dog with me and I didn't have any plans for the day so I decided to take a drive through a place called Del Puerto Canyon just west of Turlock. There is a scenic road that is a fun drive and actually goes through to Livermore. I hadn't taken a cruise through it for a while so I thought i would take this way home. 

It was about 2pm.

A ways into the canyon my dog starting acting like she needed to use the restroom. So I pulled over to the first available parking area to the side of the road and let her out while I stretched. At first I didn't notice, but then I heard the barking from 30 yards away...my dog was chasing a rabbit. Now my dog is a pretty good dog but if she is chasing something then there is no stopping her so the only thing I could do was become part of the chase.

They already had about a 40 yard head start so I had to really book it. The uneven ground and soft dirt patches made it difficult to run and it wasn't very far into the chase I had stepped in a rabbit hole, fell and knocked myself unconscious.

When I woke up I was in a room with some furniture and electronics in it. I was taken care of with a bandage on my head but I still felt uneasy about the situation because where I fell and hit my head was in a very rural unpopulated area with no houses, and outside the window of the room I was in I could hear traffic.

I wasn't near the window in the room, it was actually on the other side next to a unusual looking electronic machine that i didn't recognize from anywhere I've seen before. 

The only reason this stood out was because it seemed out of place in a person's home, which most of the room resembled. I decided to get up and look out the window but the door opened and in ran my dog, who was pretty excited to see me. 

When I looked up there was a man standing at the door. He was about 6 ft tall, had medium long black hair and was dressed casually nice but gave me a "greasy" vibe, if you know what I mean. He introduced himself as Jonas and asked me if I was ok, which I said yes. 

He said he found me unconscious in a field with my dog barking at me. So I thanked him for helping me and my dog out, and that I was surprised my dog even came back to me. I then asked him the question that would make me start wondering if I in fact had gone crazy... I asked him "where am I?".

"About 20 feet away from where I found you" he replied. I told him that couldn't be possible because there were no houses within at least 20 miles from where I last remember being. 

He then told me that what he was going to say next will be very shocking and unbelievable, and that if he didn't actually experience it himself then he wouldn't believe it. He took a look at the machine near the window and looked back at me and said he transported me into parallel Earth. 

He said he traveled to our Earth dimension and found me knocked out in the blazing heat with nobody around to help me out. Normally he said he doesn't take outsiders through a portal but in my case he thought I needed urgent help.

Dimensional travel
When you surf the MWI, dimensional doors open up. However, unlike this photo you cannot see into and through the door. It is as if you are walking into nothing.
I immediately started asking questions about traveling to parallel worlds, since all I knew about the topic was you tube videos of Michio Kaku. 

He told me to slow down and that he would explain himself. Apparently in his world a Parallel Travel machine can be purchased quite easily, while not cheap, its pretty popular even though the machine can be dangerous enough to cause death. 

In the 1950's of his dimension, the government was faced with the decision to continue to fund a space program (I'm guessing NASA) or a parallel dimension program called ARP-D (i can't remember what he said it stood for, I'm pretty sure the P-D is Parallel Dimensions, and i remember the acronym because I noticed it on a lot of the electronics in the room I was in.)

He then explained that the real danger of using one of the machines was exploring new dimensions. 

Since there are an infinite amount of Earths in other dimensions, only a small amount have been explored.The problem with exploring unknown dimensions is the chance you will die somehow once you walk through the portal doorway. 

He told me that people die from falling (if the ground isn't close enough to where the portal opens), die from drowning (there are worlds covered in water, hard to reopen a portal underwater), die from fire, atmospheric issues...he said in order for people to avoid this they would have to know that there would be similar ground in the dimension they were traveling to. 

So his government began to research worlds that were "safe" to transport to, even creating public spots where people could choose a menu of worlds to go to that were all safe.

Many of these worlds were lush vegetation worlds that were never ruined by man, only to be invaded by the large overcrowded population of the travelers world. 

He said something about new industries that opened up because of this, one of them being something like dimensional life brokers, these people offered the chance to live as someone new in an already established similar world that doesn't know of dimensional travel, nor that there are people crossing the dimensional border to. 

Jonas said he was an explorer for one of the dimensional travel agencies and was looking in new uncharted dimensions and came up my Earth.

We talked about a lot of things, it was interesting to see what similarities and differences we had between worlds. Foods, culture, TV, technology... we covered a lot. We also started talking about music, which was an interesting topic because there were many of the same bands between our worlds that existed, including The Beatles. 

When their name got brought up Jonas mentioned that his brother just got back from seeing them perform at a concert recently, which I gave a weird look to and said "you mean they are still together?", and he said yea. I then told him about how they broke up in our world and that John & George passed away, apparently in his world they are all alive, healthy and on tour still.

Jonas then had me follow him into another room that had a bookshelf looking thing with some cassette tapes (yes the music ones, apparently CD's never caught on in his world) and a tape player/radio/record player, though it didn't quite look like the type of radio's we have, the speakers looked more like crinkled cardboard but sounded pretty good.  I didn't get too good of a look at the speakers but they certainly weren't round, they almost looked like a tall accordion.

The only Beatles album he had that was store bought and had real cover art was Sgt Peppers, which the cover looked slightly different then the one we have, but the songs were all the same. The other 6 Beatles tapes he had were all like somebody recorded them onto a blank cassette for him and wrote the song titles on a card slipped in the case. 

A couple of the album titles written on the tapes I recognized but there were about 4 that I had never heard of before. He played a few songs from one of them, which was totally surreal to hear Beatles music that was never made (at least in our world). We talked about it a little bit, he said a girl made the tapes for him while he was in upper school (what they call high school). She was a huge fan of them and wanted him to listen to them.

He popped out the first tape and was putting in the second one when I told him he should record me a copy of one so I could take it back with me, thinking it wouldn't be a big deal. 

Well the look Jonas gave me when I said this is part of the reason I am remaining anonymous. Not only did it sort of scare me but it had a very serious almost creepy look to it followed by the phrase (not word for word, i can't remember what he exactly said) "No, you are not to take anything with you back to your world. No pictures, no souvenirs, no tapes, NOTHING." I asked him why and he wouldn't really say except that for my safety I wasn't to take anything back.
Here is a relic from an alternate world. Here we have a cassette recording of a Beatles album on a world-line where the Beatles did not break up. It is a world-line where John Lennon never died.
Of course I am not the type of person to go through all of this parallel world stuff and not grab something to prove the outrageous story of my experience. So for the moment I told him I wouldn't take anything and changed the subject. About an hour later after some more talking I heard a doorbell ring and he left the room to check the door. I knew that I may not have another chance to take something so I grabbed one of the tapes and put it in my pocket, and then shuffled the tapes around to make it look less obvious that something was missing.

When he came back inside I said I was kind of hungry (to just get us out of the room, i mixed the tapes up a little so it was hard to tell one was missing but I didn't want to be there when he found out), so he then took me in the other room and fed me. For the most part the food tasted like ours but was different product names and colors. The purple ketchup was the strangest. We talked a little bit more and then I expressed the notion that I should be going because it was getting late (the time of day was identical to ours, as is all worlds).

We went back in the room with the machines in it, I grabbed my dog and shook Jonas' hand for taking care of me after I was knocked out. I thanked him again and stepped through the portal (which felt like getting wet but staying dry the entire time, really weird... when i put my dog on the ground she even shook herself like she thought she was wet).

Back in our world I could see my car on the road still and there was straight line burn mark on the ground from where the portal had shown up. 

It was dark outside and the only reason I noticed the burn was because it was still smoking from the heat. I walked back to my car (didn't run this time) and drove home. The worst part was I couldn't even listen to the tape on the way home because I didn't have a tape player in my car. I actually wasn't even able to listen to it at home either for the same reason and had to go to Wal-mart to buy a tape player just to listen to it.

Unfortunately I don't have any information about the tape other than what is written on the card sleeve. The track names were written, as well as the album title "Everyday Chemistry" . Everything else about it is as mysterious to you as it is to me. It also wasn't like I could have asked the guy anything about it, especially after taking it from him.

I'll post some more about my experience in the coming days, but I have to go to work right now and this post is already long enough. If anyone has any questions they want to ask me about this incident then I've set up an email address that you can contact me at: 


I'll try and answer every one's questions as best as possible.

Lastly, if there is ANYONE out there that has experienced anything like this then please contact me, some of the things this guy said to me almost make me wonder if this isn't the first time dimensional travelers have been here.

- James Richards

Wikipedia Entry

Everyday Chemistry is a remix album of unknown authorship that was made available as a free digital download on September 9, 2009. It mashes up various songs from the Beatles‘ individual solo careers, intending to present an album that the members would have recorded had they not broken up.



I argue that the MWI is quite real, and that it is exploited by others for the purposes of [1] geographical-transportation, [2] research, [3] technological advancement, and [4] sentience migration.

I know nothing about the validity of what this fellow writes about except that;

  1. The feeling that you are covered in water and wet while dry is something ONLY a person who has gone through a portal would know about.
  2. The portal creates an invisible line that you walk through. This again is something that only an actual traveler would know about.

Curiously, I read a post where an audiophile listened to the tape and stated that while the music was a mix-up tape, the song elements used were not directly pulled from the existing albums. That they were custom made in a studio. You can believe him or not. I just throw this out for consideration.

Finally, there is a great deal of discussion on whether or not the actual recording is of the Beatles. No one is actually thinking about the actual cassette tape that the music was recorded upon. I am now arguing that the cassette tape is different. It does not look like anything on this world line.

In this world-line GE cassette tapes looked something along these lines…

General Electric Cassette Tape model GEHD90

And more examples…

General Electric group of three packaged cassettes. Note that you can see that the appearance of the cassettes do not resemble the cassette provided by the dimensional traveler. The labels are brown. The cassettes are black.


Another GE cassette tape showing the same color of red and logo, but still a completely different label art. The picture shows a cassette with four screws holding it together, It shows flat horizontal lines, and a horizontal GE logo at the top of the label.

As far as I can see, the cassette tape design, as brought back by the accidental dimensional traveler does not in any way resemble any GE cassette on this world-line.

  • The label is different.
  • The texture on the plastic is different.
  • The cassette is held by chemical or ultrasonic bonding, not screws.
  • The color, the logo, the fonts are all the same.


A man hurt himself while walking. He was rescued by a man who was surfing the MWI and taken to his house where a large machine was located. This machine was fixed and created MWI portals for egress and exploration.

He returned home with a souvenir; which was a Beatles music tape.

It’s seemingly easy to disprove the music as it is a studio mix. Harder still, to disprove the cassette tape itself.

Take Aways

  • Other people have experiences with the MWI.
  • They are rarely believed.
  • The unifying commonality of their experiences can be used to determine whether or not they are relaying actual events or transcribing fictional ones.


Q: Did this even actually occur?
A: I do not know. What I do know is that the MWI exists. I also know that others use the MWI to enter various realities of but ours is one such reality. It is possible that this story is genuine because he accurately describes the feelings and impressions of one going through a dimensional portal.

Q: What does he mean that the person felt “greasy”?
A: I have no idea at all.

Q: What can we learn from this story?
A: Others have experienced the MWI. It gives us an insight into the lives of those who live in different elements of our reality. We can imagine what their lives might be like and how the differences can manifest. We can also accept the knowledge that no one will believe your story simply because it is outside of the accepted bubble of normalcy.

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my World Line Travel Index here…

World-Line Travel

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The Hazing of New Employees – A Lost Tradition

Up until the 1980’s, the “hazing” of new employees was a time-honored tradition. Here, the new employees would be given the crappiest jobs, told to do the hardest things, and treated horribly. This all seemed to disappear in the middle 1980’s. This article is dedicated to all those older workers who had to endure the “hazing” period and what it was like…


Today, little remains of the old days of Hazing. You can see it on College campuses and universities when people “rush” to join a sorority or a fraternity. That’s about it. The hazing during High School has pretty much been eliminated. With the only vestiges of it being the movie “Dazed and Confused“.

Dazed and Confused.
In the movie “Dazed and Confused”, High School Seniors were shown “hazing” middle school students who had graduated into High School.

People have forgotten that “hazing” was an important part of life. You went through it numerous times in your life, and one of the most harrowing was when you started work at a new job. Here, we look at this aspect of life. In it, I describe the hazing rituals that I experienced in Western Pennsylvania in the 1970’s.

Hazing in the Coal Mines

One of the first jobs that I had was in the coal mines when I was 14 years old. My father believed that the role of a man was to work, and to earn enough to provide for a family. That was what “being a man” was. Now, the law put limits on the hours and the conditions that I would work under. Never the less, I was introduced to work on the rock crusher at 14.

Here is a typical tipple in Pennsylvania. The trucks or trains would carry huge chunks of coal from the mine to the tipple. They would be dumped into a hopper that fed into a rock crusher. Then the broken coal would be scanned for debris and loaded into hoppers below. My first job was to stand over the rock crusher and make sure none of the coal would get hung up. I would have to crawl above the “jaws of death” and bash the rock with a hand sledge to break it up.

The job itself was pretty darn straight forward. I would stand above the rock crusher on metal slats. These were steel flat bars that formed a grid over the crusher. The goal was to stand on top of them, and not slip between them. They were spaced about a yard apart to left the huge chunks of coal to fall down below. I was given a large pole to help push the coal into place, and a hand sledge to break up the rocks.

Many a time I would slip on the slippery mud covered slats. I would fall down between the slats and have to climb my way back up to the top again as the coal would be moving towards the crushing death below. I would often lose my helmet as it was ultimately ground up into tiny busted up flakes of plastic.

Coal miners
Coal miners Rodney Blankenship (L), Roger Vanatter (C) and an unidentified colleague prepare for the start of their afternoon shift in the locker room of a coal mine near Gilbert, West Virginia May 22, 2014. Blankenship, 53, a coal miner for 30 years, said “You go in there, hope to have good productivity on your shift, and get out safely.” With coal production slowing due to stricter environmental controls, the availability of natural gas and a shift to surface mining, the state’s coal country has been hit hard with job losses and business closures. Picture taken May 22, 2014.

That was my normal job. Now, let’s talk about the hazing aspect of it…

Sure, I took a lot of gruff from the older workers. Most people that I worked with were in their 20’s and 30’s. The real older men were over their 40’s and tended to work at other roles in the company. I was doing the “grunt work” that pretty much didn’t pay well, and that no one wanted to do.

There were “independent” haulers that would drive their dump trucks to the mine and dump the ore into the hopper. These tended to be grizzly old truck drivers, and they all wanted to give me a hard time while I weighed out their load (they were paid by weight). They would love to call me names like “fucking-dumb pollack” and “pecker dick-boy” all the time berating me for “cheating” them out of a few pounds of ore. All nonsense. It was just a bunch of harassment that I would have to endure as they would pull in and I would need to weigh their loads. Other than that it was harmless.

Mining community
I grew up in the hills of Western Pennsylvania. Like nearby West Virginia, the area was amazingly beautiful and wooded, with small communities of homes and mobile homes along winding roads that went in and out of the mountains.

However, nothing was like the shit storm that I dealt with by the older kids, only slightly senior to me. There, they would steal my helmet and throw it into the hopper and I would have to dive in and retrieve it. You know, if I lost the helmet it would be deducted out of my salary.

They would, for instance, take my lunch and hide it in the tipple somewhere. Or, lock me in the outhouse, or out of it and put ex-lax in my coffee cup.

My supervisor would make me crawl into the trash cans and scrub them out with a hose and a brush. He would also try to cheat me out of my salary. In those days we were paid in cash. Sometimes, instead of the $45 that I was due, I would find a $5 and some change inside the envelope.

Other tricks of the trade included flattening my tires so that I would have to drive real slow to the nearest gas station, rolling down my windows (in the car) so that the inside would be soaked in an afternoon rain, and putting grease on the handle of the hand sludge so that it would slip out of my hand when I used it. The worst was putting an empty can of oil on the hood. After a 16 hour day in full sunlight, the ring impression it made could never be buffed out.

Hazing in the Steel Mills

The steel mills were a little bit different than the mines. Once I turned 16 years old, I was able to work full time. This meant that I could get a “starter job” at one of the local steel mills. I was fortunate. Edgewater Steel needed someone to stand under the ladle and hold the ingot molds in place while the hot steel poured into it.

Stell mill 1
Of course, I was given protective suits and equipment to wear. We worked a tough shift, where we were provided a rest area where we could cool down. The temperature near the steel was brutal, and the radiation burned our skin.

The work was necessary. You had to use these long poles to hold the ingot molds in place. If you didn’t do a good job, one of the sides of the ingot mold could come loose and the liquid could flow out, covering you and killing you instantly. We would work two people per ingot. Typically, we might be able to come up with ten ingots of steel from each poured ladle.

The work was hot, tiring and very dangerous. Never the less, it didn’t stop the older folk from “hazing” us newbies.

Steel mill
Here is a scene from the movie “The Deer Hunter”. It was filmed not too far from where I grew up. This is pretty much a snapshot of my youth.

I suppose it was all in good fun, but at the time I thought that it was mean and cruel. Some of the tricks included shitting into the boots that we had to wear on the shop floor, taking carbon dust and spraying it on to our lunch (sandwiches),  turning off the lights (at the breaker) when we were getting set up under the ladle. Dangerous stuff this. Though, on the other hand, no one ever got really hurt. That I know of.

Pouring steel
Here we see molten steel being pours into small ingots. Where I worked, we poured them in huge tower-like molds. They were about two yards tall and perhaps two feet in diameter. We held them in place with large hooked rods. And, we stood there while the liquid molten steel was being poured into them.

Other tricks included stealing our time (punch) card, dropping pallets (off of a fork lift) from three feet up, making a terrible racket and startling everyone. I’ve had my car keys dipped in paint, my motorcycle helmet (outside) filled with urine, and my locker door removed.

This kind of hazing would continue for months until the guys “felt” that you had “earned your place” in the “pecking order” and could be left alone. There were modifiers of course. Say you had an older relative working there, or you were close friends with some of your buddies.  All of this would modify how long the hazing treatment would last. Though, in my case, they always called me the “token pollack” at the company. That never ended.

Hazing in the Grocery Stores

For a while, I worked as a stock boy for a local grocery store. The kind of work was quite different. I wore a short sleeved white shirt, with a bow tie and a large apron that I tied around my waist. As different as it was, the hazing continued unabated. In fact, each time you started to work at a new place, you would have to go through the hazing procedure all over again.

Bagging station
Here is a typical bagging station. We all worked as “bag boys” that would put the groceries in paper bags, and then load them to the cars of the people who shopped at the store.

The hazing depended on the person who did it. The other “bag boys” would play tricks and “jokes” on the new-comer. The department managers would give you a hard time, often assigning the most terrible and awful jobs for you to do. The female cashiers would pester you mercilessly and do little things that would make your life harder than it should have been.

Hazing tricks included hand delivery of groceries to the wrong house. Having you do the hardest clean up jobs in the store; like honey, or olive oil. It would include such things as constant call-ups to bag groceries, and not being able to get your core tasks assigned, which always resulted in a bitch-out session with the floor manager.

Some of the tricks seemingly got out of hand. Like fire extinguisher soak downs as you started a long day of work. Or, scrub downs of the inside of a freezer, while it was still running. We would have to do things like move the two ton safe, scrub the floor under it and then move it back. Other tasks included parking lot cleanup in the pouring rain or snowing blizzard. It was all harmless and innocent hazing for the most part.

bag boy
As a grocery bag boy, we would perform the relatively easy job of bagging groceries, and carrying them out to the car for the customers.

Of course, everything would eventually die down. This was especially true when there were new employees to bear the brunt of all the hazing. Thank goodness.

Hazing on the Drag Lines

A drag line is a huge machine that eats into the earth, and processes it into rubble from which ore is then extracted. They are common all over Pennsylvania. They tear into the hills and extract the precious coal and ores from the land.

A dragline excavator is a piece of heavy equipment used in civil engineering and surface mining.  The much larger type which is built on site is commonly used in strip-mining operations to remove overburden above coal and more recently for oil sands mining. The largest heavy draglines are among the largest mobile land machines ever built.

For a while, I worked on a dragline. Being the new kid on the block, I of course, became the “go-fer”. Which means “hey, kid! go fer that…”.

My first “go-fer” task was to get a hook brace located at the top end of the dragline boom. So, yeah you guessed it, I had to climb all the way up to the end of the boom and retrieve the part. Only to find that I got the wrong part, and had to go back up a second time and get it again. Being the “new kid on the block” really did suck.

Dragline bucket.
There are many parts involved in a dragline operation. Each one needed to be cared for and maintained. This is a task that is usually reserved for the new kids working the mining site.


Many times I lament “the good old days”, but not with this. I am happy to say “good riddance”.

Hazing in High School.
Hazing in High School.

I really do not know why humans require any type of “hazing” activities. I am sure that there must be scientist or two who can explain the phenomenon. I, for one, would like to hear why we all seem to utilize hazing as a passage into adulthood. I know that it is used in Zambia, China and Japan. What’s the point?

"In my research I've found that group benefits that could quickly accrue for newcomers –– automatic benefits –– predict people's desire to haze," he said.

"This isn't the only variable that matters –– there's some effect of age and sex, for example –– but the effect of automatic benefits suggests that potential vectors of group exploitation alter people's treatment of newcomers in predictable ways," 


Today, I think that most of this type of hazing is now absent in the work environment today. I haven’t seen it. However, it is possible that it has taken on new form, and has manifested in other ways, like at Google, for instance…

Take Aways

  • Hazing was an important part of American culture up into the 1980’s.
  • Schools hazed the new students.
  • Workers in industry hazed the new employees.
  • Since the 1980’s and into the 1990’s people stopped hazing the new employees at work.
  • Younger workers today have no idea or concept that hazing was a rite of passage that they would need to deal with when they started a new job.


Q: Why isn’t hazing permitted in American industry any longer?
A: I really do not know. I think it is partly due to the rise of HR standardization of policy, the merging of government laws, and HR enforcement, and a rapid swinging volatile labor force. I would guess that any hazing today would be grounds for dismissal of an employee.

Q:  Why you think that hazing was an important part of industry?
A: The work environment consists of a tiny microcosm of society. They structure themselves in a tribal manner and creature written and unwritten rules of behavior. New members to that society must prove their value prior to them obtaining membership in the group.

Q: Are there any formal policies against hazing?
A: Yes.

Some Comments

Posted on Free Republic on 10SEP18. The post can be found HERE. Some highlights…

I recall reading about how when Mario Lemieux was a rookie with the Pittsburgh Penguins in 1984, even he did not escape that bit of hazing as when he fell asleep on an airplane in the midst of a road trip, a teammate snuck up and covered his head in shaving cream. And also the well known tale of Bobby Orr in about 1966 being dragged into the dressing room shower, covered in liniment oil, and shaved from head to toe.

- OttawaFreeper

The retired Naval aviation guys I work with tell stories about sending the noobies for a bucket of “prop wash”. lol


20+ years ago my daughter was in an award winning marching band that had a time honored "hell night" for new members. That was until one newbie went psycho and has stayed that way. The band director, school, and boosters are likely still paying off the seven figure judgement.

- buckalfa 

There's no hazing at all in the Navy these days. I remember making 3rd and then 2nd Class Petty Officer and getting my crows "tacked" on (getting punched in the arm). My arm was black and blue but I wasn't any worse for the wear. I was proud. Of course, there's always some asshole who takes it too far and someone winds up LLD with a broken arm after his arm was jumped on.

Around 2010 or so, about the same time as DADT was repealed, the Navy cracked down hard on hazing. It had long been officially banned but still tolerated. The Navy sent a message in the form of several publicized career ending NJPs that the days of hazing were over. When I made First Class, there were no punches to my arm. We got the message loud and clear.


Steam blanket. Prop wash. Key to the sea chest. Metric crescent wrench. Fetch a henway. And on and on and on......

- rktman 

There’s hazing, and then there’s hazing. When I stood my first messenger watch as a US Navy Seaman Apprentice, I was sent to a location on the ship to see a particular petty officer and obtain a container of red running light oil. That petty officer sent me to another location and another person, and so on for a number of contacts. Of course, there’s no such thing as running light oil...but the travels seeking it helped familiarize me with the ship’s layout and some of our senior petty officers.

Then there was the “Sea Bat” ploy. A number of sailors were gathered on the fantail around a cardboard box partly covered with a towel, and were peeking inside at it. A couple of others were doing some desultory sweeping nearby. One of my shipmates asked what was in the box and was told it was a Sea Bat. He bent over and lifted the towel to have a look, and one of the broom wielding swabbies swatted him on the rear as all the others yelled “SEA BAT”!

A new junior officer was the next victim; his swat was a bit less aggressive than the other received.

- JimRed 

One of my first summer jobs was at an amusement park. The tradition there was to be sent to hunt for a bucket of steam. Some of them are still looking.

Then there was my first “real” job at a huge factory complex. I was taken to the remotest part of the place and left to find my own way back. Took all afternoon.

- Some Fat Guy in L.A.

Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


Mad scientist

Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

Articles & Links

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  1. First written 10SEP18.
  2. Completed 10SEP18.
  3. SEO Review 10SEP18.
  4. Published 10SEP18.

MAJestic Mission Shut-down & Retirement

In this post, I devote some time discussing how we agents are retired from the MAJestic program.  I discuss the ideas and concepts involved.

Since the program was of the highest secrecy levels and the members were all physically implanted, absolute monitoring was necessitated.  Therefore systems had to be in place to monitor all members who out-lived their usefulness in the program. 

That, unfortunately, included me.  This is an explanation of how retirement is conducted and why it is considered important.


"I printed all the information... and provided [the retired USAF Colonel] a copy... I watched his eyes and facial expressions. After he was finished, he stated, 'Oh my God, who on this Earth would release such classified material?' I then asked him if all this information was real. His simple answer was, 'Yes, all real'."

-Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, currently assigned to the Pentagon

There are many kinds of Black Projects in the United States.  Not all of them are associated with MAJestic, and not all of them are treated the same.  But, many projects use the same basic kind of ELF technology.

  • “ELF technology” refers to special implants that are placed inside the brain.
  • They are controlled remotely through the use of ELF radiation.
  • The implants can provide a host of features.
  • The most important feature is the ability to control the access of memories.

I was not the only one so implanted.

Thus, there are many kinds of ELF agents.  And, because there are [1] many kinds of implants, and [2] many different purposes for the implants, that means there are [3] many different systems of retirement.  Here I discuss the specific retirement of individuals such as myself (as part of the MAJestic umbrella), as well as what I know about the other related activities.

  • This post ONLY refers to how MAJestic members are retired.
  • Non-MAJestic members are discussed, but the content is speculative.

I can only relate what I know about my own specific operational cell.

I can only relate how the retirement sequence occurred from my point of view.  I can only tell my story.  There are others, many no doubt, that have different experiences than what I have.  They might find what I have to say as foolish, ridiculous, or crazy.  However that is presented here is what I experienced.

Let me relate a story.

I once had the opportunity to ride in a prison transport vehicle with inmates from other prisons and jails.  These vehicles travel about the nations, carting prisoners from one area to another. Typically you fit in a van with six to eight others all heading to different prisons. You are all chained together, and ride on hard benches. Often the ride lasts 14 to 16 hours until you are delivered to a local jail to get a bite of food and spend the night.

So, we are riding along. As such, we all started to relate our experiences to each other.  

Most of the other inmates told stories about their two-man prison cells, and the food that they ate, and what “Yard Call” was like.  When I began to tell them about the ADC in Arkansas. The fact is that many did not believe it.  They could not believe that we slept in large barrack sized rooms, ate global (human grade "dog food"), were never given fruit, and did hard labor.  

They thought that I was “making it all up”.

However, I wasn’t.  My experiences are mine, and that’s how things worked out.  There’s neither a good or bad aspect of my experience.  They are just what they are.  They are my experiences.  I suggest the reader suspend their disbelief and read along as I narrate my story.

Why Retirement?

Everyone in MAJestic is implanted with implants. There are numerous types of implants. I know of five specific types. Of which I have three “kits”.

  1. Core Kit #1. (Provides monitoring, controls memory, and permits geolocation for MWI egress. Is passive in nature.)
  2. Core Kit #2. (Monitors higher level MWI activity, ties into specialized extraterrestrial probes. Is active in nature.)
  3. EBP. Extraterrestrial biological probe.
  4. Basic non-MAJestic kit. (Not associated with MAJestic. Provides geolocation and tracking. Used with embassy personnel.)
  5. Advanced non-MAJestic kit. (Not associated with MAJestic. Has more advanced features.)

The ELF implants control our lives.

Retirement using Core Kit #2 Probes

To be adequately “retired”, the implants had to be turned off.  The “power” switch on them had to be physically moved from “on” to “off”. (Metaphorically speaking.) This does not simply happen by remote control. It requires a specific “safe” environment.

The person to be “turned off” must sit in a room. There is a specific pattern of ELF radiation that is beamed into the room. This pattern then turns off the core kit #1 probes.

To turn off a person with the core kit #2 probes, the person must also go through a complex shut-down sequence. This is a procedure that lasts from three to seven days. My shut-down procedure fell within a ten-day “window”.

To be retired, the MAJestic implants had to be switched “off”.

Due to the nature of this subject, all that I actually know about is how MAJestic members are implanted.  I do not know how other SAP programs are controlled and administered.  The reader should take this understanding and realize that some SAP programs are not like others.  Each one has it’s own rules and engagement protocols.

Just because an agent has the Core Kit implants in their head does not necessarily mean that the retirement and deactivation procedure would be standardized.  There are different reasons why the implants were installed.  Thus, depending on whom the sponsoring agency or program was, and the level of activity of the agent, there are different ways of conducting a retirement process.

Different Types of Implants

The ELF implants were mandatory on all MAJestic (black) projects; this was regardless as to which branch of the military that one came from.

In those days, only the military and police were armed.  And thus, this was where the MAJestic membership rank and file was culled from.  While the CIA, ATF and a handful of other domestic agencies had weapons, but none were active military units.  So membership in MAJestic excluded all non-military members.

At that time, it was believed that those whom did not take the oath of service to the United States government, and who did not take the bare minimum training required toward discipline would not be qualified to serve in the organization.

Over twelve years ago, John Perkins published his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and it rapidly rose up The New York Times’ best-seller list. 

In it, Perkins describes his career convincing heads of state to adopt economic policies that impoverished their countries and undermined democratic institutions. These policies helped to enrich tiny, local elite groups while padding the pockets of U.S.-based transnational corporations.

Perkins was recruited, he says, by the National Security Agency (NSA), but he worked for a private consulting company. 

His job as an under-trained, overpaid economist was to generate reports that justified lucrative contracts for U.S. corporations, while plunging vulnerable nations into debt. Countries that didn’t cooperate saw the screws tightened on their economies. 

In Chile, for example, President Richard Nixon famously called on the CIA to “make the economy scream” to undermine the prospects of the democratically elected president, Salvador Allende.

If economic pressure and threats didn’t work, Perkins says, the jackals were called to either overthrow or assassinate the noncompliant heads of state. 

That is, indeed, what happened to Allende, with the backing of the CIA. Perkins’ book has been controversial, and some have disputed some of his claims, including, for example, that the NSA was involved in activities beyond code making and breaking.

Perkins has just reissued his book with major updates. 

The basic premise of the book remains the same, but the update shows how the economic hit man approach has evolved in the last 12 years. Among other things, U.S. cities are now on the target list. 

The combination of debt, enforced austerity, underinvestment, privatization, and the undermining of democratically elected governments is now happening here. I couldn’t help but think about Flint, Michigan, under emergency management as I read The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

MAJestic membership

All MAJestic members were prior military.

I do not know what it is like today, but I would be very surprised if this changed. Even after the Obama Presidency, there is no way that his influence could extend to the MAJestic organization.  MAJestic resides inside the inner workings of the United States government, and is controlled above and beyond the normal communication means.

MAJestic operates independently as a special access carve-out.

MAJestic is populated with culled individuals possessing service-to-others sentience’s.  There is no room in the organization for non-service-to-others sentience.  The MAJestic organization is populated by humans that all have the same sentience.

Everyone in MAJestic has the same sentience.

In the day to day lives on the Earth, many humans interact with service-to-others, service-to-self, and discordant sentience’s.  However that causes all kinds of problems in the long run.  It is preferable, and as I understand it necessary, that the organization be properly staffed with only one specific sentience.

As of 2004, this was true and I strongly believe that it remains this way to this day.  The reader can forget their childish notions of a liberal happiness-laden progressive-leaning open-minded universe of friendships and loving kindness.  

That is not the way it works.  That is not the way this universe works, at least. 

Liberal dream
The liberal progressive dream. That if the world is ruled by one world government that we would all function in love and warmth because our leaders would care for us.
This universe is a tactical training ground, a battleground, so to speak for the advancement of soul.  It is not waged as war with guns and weapons for that is all nuanced primitive technology.  It is waged in the twilight zone between the quantum realities and the physical sphere.  This is a critical battleground.  It requires and necessitates control.  

Thus the reason why we are in our little nursery and why our overseers, the <redacted>, carefully cultivate our sentience. Thus it is also why they vet any and all applicants into MAJestic. 

No service-to-self individuals can ever join MAJestic.  The <redacted> can see them (in a quantum sense) centuries ahead of their present human manifestation.

What I know about is how the organization used to be.  After 2004, I haven’t a clue as to the shape and form the organization has taken. When I was in the organization, all people were service-to-others with former military training and involvement.

MAJestic no longer exists. Many of the programs have been completed. Those that remain have been absorbed into another organization of which I know nothing about.

Today the situation is quite different.  The military is no longer the organization that has access to military grade hardware.

The applicant pool has changed for MAJestic.

All domestic agencies are fully armed in the United States today.  The IRS, FBI, DHS, ICE, FAA, FCC and the FDA have full automatic weapons. they all possess  fully armored tanks (or tank-like vehicles; after all, a modern APC is a much more effective fighting machine than a World War II tank). They all utilize  armored personnel vehicles, helicopters and spy (and kill) drones.

This is an army, no matter what its’ presumable designation is.

DHS vehicles.
American military vehicles deployed on American soil in defiance of the US Constitution. All vehicles were delployed under direction and orders from President Obama. These vehicles are fully equipped for military grade weapons and counter measures. If George Washington saw this he would be rolling in his grave.

However, whether they took the oath to serve and defend the United States, were given weapons discipline training, and were emotionally qualified to serve in the MAJestic organization is not known at this time.  Certainly things have changed substantially in the leadership in Washington  D.C. over the years.

Thank you President Bush(R), and President Obama(D). </sarcasm>

This section concerns all implanted black project individuals.  Whether they are [1] active military, [2] secretive covert military, [3] people involved with extraterrestrials, [4] government officials, [5] state department employees, or [6] implanted scientists.  Everyone who has had a Core Kit implantation will eventually have to be retired.  All such individuals have to be retired sooner or later.  This is even though we were told that we would be in the program for life, it just simply wasn’t feasible to do so.

ELF implanted agents, especially those in MAJestic, need to be retired after thirty years or more.

In General

Unless the ELF field is active, the agent so implanted will have no memory of being an agent.  The core kit #1 probes will only permit access to “golden memories” once engaged.  If the field if off, there is no access possible.

So, if something happens to the ELF transmitter, or the agent is somehow disconnected from the ELF carrier signal, the agent will lose access to their project-related memories.  The memories will still be there, of course, but the agent will have a great deal of trouble trying to index and access them.

Normally, or supposedly, all Core Kit implanted ELF agents are never retired.

  • Core kit #1 probes are passive. You just turn off the carrier wave.

What generally happens is that the carrier signal is simply turned off from them.  Thus they have no active recall of their memories, purpose and training.  Instead, they just exist as walking “time bombs”, generally unaware of their training or over-riding purpose.

  • Core kit #2 probes are active. To shut down the agent, you have to reprogram the core code that runs the probes.

This could be potentially dangerous…

As a MAJestic Agent

Because many have made career decisions based on the ELF directions and mission parameters, many agents eventually feel that they live a confused and non-directed lifestyle.   That is because the ELF probe core kit requires the mandatory erasure or suppression of memories.

The Prisoner
The Prisoner is a 1960’s era series that depicted the retirement of a secret agent. The agent, when he gave his notice of intent to leave the organization, was gassed and woke up inside a small village known as “The Village”, and kept there under observation and control.

Because of this suppression of memories they are often confused about their lives.  They ask themselves such questions as “Why did I quit that successful job in Santa Barbra to move to the Middle East?”, or “What is the matter with me having these urges to purchase electrical components and make these gadgets, only to leave them in a good-will box in another state?”.

Their families might look at them with incredulity and wonderment.  Not really understanding that their husband or wife was involved in a major and significant secret project, one that they must never know about.  It’s a great burden and has caused great marital strife for all of us so implanted.

But agents do retire. It is not beneficial to keep an ELF implanted agent in the field, in a potentially active role, for longer than 30 years.

Reasons for Retirement

The reasons for the retirement of the agent and their probes are simple.

First off, [1] technology advances. An agent implanted with 1980 technology, eventually becomes obsolete compared to the newer agents. The sensors and probes change.

Not only that, but [2], the agents bodies age and change.

It is actually very simple, as it involves physical and mental changes.

Physical Changes. Physical changes can result in the migration of the probes within the skull. They move about over time. While the agent has been taught how to “center the reticle” for ELF calibration and programming, it does start to become difficult to do. The probes move and the effort to enter them changes.

Emotional Temperament Changes. Thus, as a person ages, they mature. No longer are they the wide-eyed, innocent believers, that they were when they entered the program. They start to question things, and to make experienced judgment calls and decisions. Thus, they are no longer an ideal candidate for “blind” operations, especially if they are of questionable strategic value… or, more (recently) commonly, a blatant misuse of the technology for domestic political gain.

Abuse of this technology

This technology must be kept secret. Bad guys, could abuse the technology.

Yes.  A service-to-self individual, once they are aware of this technology would seek ways to use it for their own personal benefit.  That is just how service-to-self individuals “roll”.  They would use this technology, and use it and the poor hapless agent thus implanted.

The poor agent would then become a “Cat’s Paw”.  As a tool; “a cat’s paw”, they get blamed for doing something that originally was conceived, strategized, and implemented by someone else.  Usually, in this reference, it is a given political party trying to push some form of political agenda.

Cat's paw is a phrase derived from La Fontaine's fable, "The Monkey and the Cat", referring to a person used unwittingly or unwillingly by another to accomplish the other's own purpose.

I find it personally disgusting that both President Clinton (D), and President Obama (D) used this technology to promote an anti-gun agenda (Both did this. Both, within their first six months in office).  Don’t believe me?  Read your history.

The Cat's Paw
Cat’s paw is a phrase derived from La Fontaine’s fable, “The Monkey and the Cat”, referring to a person used unwittingly or unwillingly by another to accomplish the other’s own purpose. Above is “The Cat’s Paw” (painting), by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, depicting the fable “The Monkey and the Cat”

The Techniques

There are four primary ways to retire an implanted ELF operative.  It mostly depends on their level of field experience, knowledge, and the type of probes that they had implanted inside their skulls. They are;

  1. Death. The agent is killed.
  2. Debilitated. The agent is rendered inert.
  3. Incarcerated. The agent is isolated and put in a monitoring program.
  4. Mothballed. The agent voluntarily agrees to leave the program.

Death. This death could be caused by “accident”, or by “natural causes”.  This method is used from time to time.  The United States government is not some evil empire, but this method has a role, and is sometimes used. (Maybe <5% of all retirements.)

This is a borderline falsehood.  By every measure, the United States is an Empire.  By every measure it is a Police State.  By every measure it is an oligarchy.  By every measure it is a total surveillance state.  But is it evil?  That is up to the reader to determine.

Debilitate. This method renders the agent incapable of any action detrimental to the organization as a whole.  It does not kill the agent, but renders him “inert”.  This necessitates on-going medical care.  Since the agent soon depletes their personal savings, it makes them dependent upon the United States social services.  Thus, the agent dare not risk their life-support system being jeopardized due to an unauthorized disclosure.  (26% About one in four retired agents.)

Incarceration. This form of deactivation includes deactivation of the ELF probes while in a Prison “sorting” and medical facility.  Most importantly it includes and mandates post-prison monitoring, usually through the community parole program, or sex-offender registration system.  This is the most common method of agent retirement. (68% The vast bulk of agents.).

If you think being tossed in prison for a few years "helps" people, then step right up and accept a fiver (5-year sentence) in an American prison, which is essentially a factory that produces one product: people damaged by imprisonment, deprived of their full citizenship, hobbled by a felony conviction--ex-con beneficiaries of years of tutorials by hardened criminals.

Mothballing. This includes registration at a government ELF facility, with a debriefing and a stern warning towards non-disclosure.  This is usually reserved for those in the highest levels of program involvement.  As such, those retired in this manner are the most public, or potentially well known of the agents.  Only a mere handful are ever retired using this method. (Only about 1% are retired in this way.)

Deactivation of MAJestic Members

“We’re on an express elevator to hell – going down!“

-Aliens (1986)

Those of us who have been involved in the Unacknowledged and Waived Special Access Programs of the MAJestic umbrella have their own deactivation procedure.

Any program that involves extraterrestrials falls under the MAJestic umbrella of authority.  This is a specially maintained and codified system that assures complete and total control of the information, people and technology associated with these programs.

This program is a sub-set of the basic ELF Core Kit deactivation process.

Everyone, without exception, who falls under the MAJestic umbrella has three ways (not four, I am quite convinced that a debriefing might never be an option for most operatives) that they can exit the program.  They can either be [1] killed, [2] debilitated, or they can be [3] deactivated.  If they are deactivated, they are processed in such a manner that all credibility, key memories, and resources are destroyed.   When a person exits the program, it is done so quickly and quietly.

In hindsight, of course I had to be deactivated and put in a monitoring program. No one outside of my immediate cell had any understanding of my connection, relationship and skills associated with my extraterrestrial benefactor(s). 

For all they knew, I could be carrying with me some kind a zombie-extraterrestrial plague. I could be a walking time-bomb with a extraterrestrial embryo inside of me (Aliens-style). 

I was an unknown, and even the highest authorities within the program had no idea of what I was capable of. I could be capable of throwing the world into a nose-dive. They couldn't take the chance.

The agent does not expect it to occur.

Why take the chance
This is a scene from the movie Casino. Everyone is talking about how the hero of the movie is great, a stand up guy and wonderful. Then one mobster boss, pauses for a minute, and add “…why take the chance?”

Activities Involved

The destruction of memories is conducted through a lockout procedure that is administered in a special ELF equipped facility.  This is a facility or place that has a ELF communication terminal within a locked or enclosed area.

The destruction of resources, money, bank accounts and other means that could be used or traced to the agent is conducted by legal means.  The government has criminalized so many mundane activities that the average American unknowingly commits three felonies a day.

That’s according to a study by Harry Silverglate, a civil liberties lawyer. This happens, in part, because there are plenty of awful laws most Americans have never even heard of. 

One of the worst of these little-known laws is the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). FATCA is a U.S. law that forces every financial institution in the world to give the IRS information about its American clients. 

Complying with FATCA is a huge financial and administrative burden, measured in hundreds of billions of dollars. It’s a paper shufflers dream come true. This is why the vast majority of banks, brokerages, and other financial institutions outside of the U.S. shun American clients. This, in turn, makes it much more difficult to move capital outside of the U.S.

This is done, usually, through a legal investigation involving the seizure of assets.

Asset seizure by both the State and Federal government is illegal by the United States constitution, but was made legal by dubious means under the presidency of Ronald Reagan (R) in the middle 1980’s.  Since then it has greatly expanded both in scope and mere volume.  

Today, the government has the power to take whatever it wants, when it wants to and how it wants to, and actually does it.  The hapless citizen can argue and fight the process, but it is a difficult and expensive battle, so it is one that is rarely fought against.

Alternatively, another agent may be involved that would seize the assets in a non-legal manner.

Finally, the destruction of the agent’s credibility is conducted through the legal system.

Story Book
The Prisoner; Users manual. All you need to know is right there in your hands. If it is not there, then you do not need to know it.

Use of the American Legal System

All and every ELF agent, who worked under the MAJestic Umbrella, is retired through the existing legal system.  The only exceptions are the highest, and most visible members of the organization.  They are never retired.  Though, sometimes they are killed.  (Consider the death of James Forrestal, for example.  He “accidentally” fell from his hospital room after he announced that he would no longer agree to the MAJestic Secrecy protocols. )

For the rest of the more active members of the organization, we are retired through the legal system.

Typically agents are observed, and then infiltrated with a secondary agents.  This agent usually poses as a close friend, confidant, or spouse.  With the spouse technique being the most commonly used venue.

In fact, there is a small group of active agents who do (only) this.  You might call the female members “Black Widows”, as they had been married two to four times, and each time their husbands, of short duration marriages, have either been [1] killed, [2] disabled beyond normal functioning, or [3] arrested and imprisoned.  This sounds far-fetched, but it works and is effective, and is in place today in the United States.  Yes it is.  PERIOD.  Non-debatable.

If you look objectively, it seems like the United States has waged war on it’s male population.  Certainly more so than Nazi Germany did against Jews.  Indeed, nearly one in six young men (between the ages of 18-34) in the U.S. were either jobless or incarcerated in 2014.

Further, there is a striking amount of male alienation that has been on the rise since the 1980s. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), out of the 38 million young men in the U.S. in 2014, 16 percent were jobless (5 million or 13 percent) or incarcerated (1 million or 3 percent). The share of young men without a job or in prison has increased substantially since 1980, when just 11 percent of young men fit into either category.

The increased incarceration rates, CBO added, is not necessarily due to an increase of crime, but again, policy decisions.

“Rather, it is largely due to the same policy changes, such as changes in sentencing rules, that have made nationwide incarceration rates about four times as high as they were in 1980. Because roughly 90 percent of all inmates are held in state prisons or local jails, most of the policy changes that have led to increased incarceration have been at the state and local levels,”


Some thoughts on “Black Widows”

The role of these individuals is to [1] get close to the targeted agent.  Then understand them and identify how much knowledge that they know, and assess whether they are a threat or not.  Once that assessment is completed, the agent then learns how to secure all assets of the targeted agent, and learns their weaknesses.

Eventually, either through situational events, or planned structured medication, usually voluntarily taken, the [2] targeted agent is positioned for retirement.  ( In my case, I actually knew nothing “consciously”.  However, it was believed, for whatever reason, that it would be best to fully “retire” me.)

They need to be relocated close to a facility where they are to be retired. They are often [3] provided with a new job or position near one of the approved retirement locations.  There are five primary ones in the United States.

The preferred retirement locations are Arkansas, Louisiana, Wisconsin, South Carolina, and Florida.  There are secondary locations that are also used.  Those involve another ten to eleven states.  In general, the vast bulk of MAJestic agents are retired to the primary five states (perhaps 70%) while the rest (30%) are retired to the remaining ten or eleven states.  There are reasons for this, but I do not know what it is.

This places them in a region where [3.1] it is easy for them to be arrested and [3.2] where they can be processed with the least amount of trouble and effort.

Then, in short order, usually [4] within 9 months of relocation, [4.1] their assets are seized, their [4.2] work is terminated, their [4.3] friends and support groups are isolated from them, [4.4] their cars are disabled or impounded, and [4.5] their records inaccessible.

Four things might then occur.

  1. They might simply be retired with quiet respect.
  2. They might be killed.
  3. They might be poisoned or treated in such a way as to have a stroke or become debilitated in some way.
  4. Or, they could be charged with a selection of criminal charges requiring substantial post-prison monitoring. usually as a Sex Offender.


Here, an agent approaches the MAJestic member.  They sit down, perhaps at home or in a restaurant.  They have a nice talk.  A week or so later, the agent is driven to a deactivation facility, either in a government building or on a military base.  They conduct the deactivation process, and the retired agent walks home.  This is a pretty rare occurrence, for some reason that eludes me.

This is what I thought would have happened to me.

As an aside, Americans need to be care that they do not limp or stutter or act in odd ways. As a result of a nationwide push to certify a broad spectrum of government officials in mental health first-aid training (a 12-hour course comprised of PowerPoint presentations, videos, discussions, role playing and other interactive activities), more Americans are going to run the risk of being reported for having mental health issues by non-medical personnel. 

Mind you, once you get on such a government watch list—whether it’s a [1] terrorist watch list, a [2] mental health watch list, a [3] sex offender watch list, or a [4] dissident watch list—there’s no clear-cut way to get off, whether or not you should actually be on there. 

For instance, one 37-year-old disabled man was arrested, diagnosed by police and an unlicensed mental health screener as having “mental health issues,” apparently because of his slurred speech and unsteady gait, and subsequently locked up for five days in a mental health facility against his will and with no access to family and friends. 

A subsequent hearing found that Gordon Goines, who suffers from a neurological condition similar to multiple sclerosis, has no mental illness and should not have been confined. 

Americans need to be careful.


Death is used occasionally.  Here the member is killed.

It is done by an agent especially trained to do so.  Typically it is a friend, or family member who is used to get close to the target.  They then discover the targets routines and habits.  Then they create a situation where an accidental or natural death occurs.  Sometimes it is very difficult to arrange such a condition.  In those events, a suicidal situation is created.

This method of retirement is generally avoided, and it is only used for the most contentious of MAJestic members.

Those who are dead cannot reveal secrets. Painting is of pirates killing the men who helped bury the treasure on the deserted island.

Perhaps less than 5% of MAJestic members are killed.  It is, thankfully, a rare occurrence.  Contrary to what one might read on the Internet, or see in the Hollywood movie, no one wants to kill anyone.  But sometimes, a member might be considered to be dangerous to the well-being of the organization.

According to the initial versions of the death of Frank Olson, it was said that he suffered a nervous breakdown and committed suicide by jumping from the tenth-floor room at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York on November 28, 1953. However, in 1975 it was revealed that the United States government had purposefully given Frank Olson a large dose of LSD before he became unstable. It was also written that Olson was looking for a way out of the biological weapons business in the weeks prior to his death.

In response to the news, the US government offered the family of Frank Olson a $750,000 settlement, which they accepted in 1975. In 1994, Frank Olson’s body was exhumed and a second autopsy was carried out which showed signs of blunt force trauma before Olson fell out the window. The evidence pointed to a possible homicide and in 2012 the sons of Frank Olson officially filed suit in a US district court seeking damages and answers in the bizarre circumstances of their father’s death.

When this occurs, (I would assume that) the first thing that is done is that the organization has a talk with the agent.  During the talk, they reason with the person.  And thus, gauge whether he or she will continue to be a threat to the organization.  If they are still considered to be a threat, they will be killed.  But that is quite rare, usually a respectful discussion is all that is needed to steer a wayward agent back into the fold, so to speak.

In fact, if the organization came to me and wanted me to stop distribution of this information, I would do so.  I am still a patriot, even if I disagree with the overall rules that we all abide by.

“We had strict orders not to take prisoners, no matter if wounded. My first job was when I finished cutting some of their wire away, to empty my magazine on three Germans that came out of their deep dugouts, bleeding badly, and put them out of their misery.

They cried for mercy, but I had my orders.”

- Private A.H. Hubbarb

I know that some operatives die as a result of their missions. This is extremely common for those involved in domestic operations. But, this is different from a high-risk assignment. Being a target for termination in this way is ruthless and thankfully, very, very rare.

From what I can gather, most MAJestic members are not retired in this way.  We are generally not considered to be dangerous or a threat.  We are sort of the “nerds” of the “Secret Agent” club.

The reader needs to remember that all Black-Budget MAJestic members are implanted with various types of probes.  But, the implantation program is bigger than the MAJestic organization, and thus non-MAJestic members might and do have specialized probes that are used for various purposes.  

Commonly, especially under the Bill Clinton (D), and Barrack Obama (D) presidencies, the implanted members were used to conduct domestic terror activities used to direct political gain.  

Often that involved issues related to Gun Control, Sexual assaults and Terrorism. With using implanted agents with ELF controlled probes, which may or may not be part of MAJestic, to utilize gun violence in a highly visible manner the most common abuse that I know of.

Only the most dangerous operatives are terminated in this way. An operative is considered to be dangerous if (1) their implants do not respond properly to diagnostic scans, and / or when (2) there appears to be an increased level of odd or, potentially anti-social behavior.

When targeted for termination in this way, the preferred method used is to drive the agent to suicide by using the probes. This process is relatively simple.  A relentless stream of thoughts are sent to the agent suggesting self-destruction. The brain is never given a chance to rest.  It cannot sleep.  It cannot think.  It generally breaks down due to fatigue. This takes from 2 to 10 weeks, but is always effective.


Washington Naval Yard Shooting

There are numerous instances of this kind of retirement.  Perhaps one of the most poignant was the “Washington Navy Yard Shooter”.  This refers to an agent who was targeted for retirement. Not for program related retirement purposes, but rather to conduct a shooting rampage. The idea was to elicit public support for a number of anti-gun legislative efforts by President Obama in 2013.

I wish to relate to the reader a particular incident that occurred in Brookline, a suburb of Boston, during the mid-1990; during the presidency of Bill Clinton (D).  I happened to live near a nearby park at that time.  It was a park frequented by many families with many small children.  

One day, a local union organizer, who I will not specifically name, except to say that he was associated with the education system, placed a rusty old pistol in the playground or park area where children played.  I know this.  I personally saw him do it.  I knew him and saw what he did.

He placed a rusty old pistol (I do not know the make, model or year.) in the broad daylight under the bushes, near the swings where children would sit.  I say this and wondered, why?  Why would he do such a thing?, but I did nothing.

You don't get involved with things that are not your business.

Yet, the very next day, all the local Boston newspapers plasted the ALARMING news!  The news that “dangerous weapons” were found on a Boston playground.  That the children were in danger.  That actions needed to be taken immediately!  All of the newspapers had editorials about how the guns should be restricted from civilian ownership, banned and only let the government possess the weapons.

Look, for the record, I saw this old geezer get out of his light blue car, pull the rusty pistol out of the paper bag that it was in, and place it slowly and carefully on the ground.  This was not done in a rush.  He took his time.  He was careful, and he knew exactly what he was doing.  (A close friend who lived nearby also saw what happened and said that this person was a union organizer, but I don’t know if that was actually the case.) 

Dear readers, we all are being manipulated.  News media is owned and controlled by the government.  They want you to act, and REACT to incidents that they set up and control.  Please pay attention.

In this case, he suffered a rather long period of harassment designed to break down his will and cause him to do things that he normally wouldn’t engage in.  The primary way to do this is to prevent the subject from sleeping.  In a short period of time, when deprived of sleep the agent will shut down their most ethical lock down behaviors.

NAVSEA Mass Shooting
Sometimes non-MAJestic personnel with the power and authority can order technologies and people to do things outside of their core competences. Often, especially with Democrat Presidents, they use ELF implanted individuals to turn on other people with weapons to further a political anti-gun initiative. This is very common and has been used by both Bill Clinton (D) and Barrack Obama (D) on numerous occasions.

Indeed, Alexis complained to police that “stalkers” were using a microwave-type machine to send “vibrations into his body.” Newport investigators took a report and gave it to local Navy police.

Supposedly, it apparently was never passed up the chain of command.  But that was not true.  He was certainly being monitored.  What wasn’t known was where and when his activation would bear fruit. This period of harassment continued for weeks, and eventually caused the targeted individual to seek help at two hospitals operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

A member of the military claimed that someone was attacking the ELF probes in his head, demanding that he go forth and shoot up a school. Instead of doing that, he went to the base where he has the probes implanted and started to shoot that place up. It messed up President Obama’s plan to raise a ruckus over access to guns.

Government records show that on Aug. 23, Alexis visited a VA emergency room in Providence, complaining of insomnia. He received medication to help him sleep.

Then five days later, on Aug. 28, he refilled the sleep aid prescription at a VA medical center in Washington.  Though, I can personally attest, the ELF harassment waves, for a person so implanted, cannot be subjugated through chemically based medication effectively.  A chemically induced state of slumber only covers the harassment frequencies.  The body never rests effectively.  Truthfully, the best way to block these harassment signals is through a proactive plan that requires work and planning.

While this instance was devoted towards political ends, the procedure and process was a standardized textbook case used for agent deactivation.  Why he was chosen and not some other individual is unknown.

Guidelines for the Harassed

For those of you who do have the implants in and need a way to prevent electronic harassment, here are my guidelines…

First of all, [1] DO NOT calibrate the probes when the field is turned on.  Do not locate the cursor over the pituitary gland.  Even if it means that, you cannot use your eyes.  Do not do it.  The moment you lock the cursor in place, they can effectively monitor and communicate with you.  If you don’t do it, they can still do so, but it becomes very ineffective.  (I know that the handlers will demand that you focus.  They might even be sharp with you and order you.  Ignore them.  There is nothing they can do.  It is all in YOUR control.)

Mind Map
The picture describes what I “saw” with my visual cortex when the “calibration mode” of the ELF procedure was implemented. This drawing is illustrative only and is not the actual view of what I saw. As good as I am in pictorial representation, any drawing that I could create would be but a poor reflection of the actuality of what transpired before my eyes. It was a pastel rolling landscape of mostly greens, yellows and oranges. Along the “cracks” in the undulating “hills” were bright red crevasses that I found so curious. Image courtesy of the author.
[2] Be careful of the heat generated by the probes.  Heat can damage and fatigue the brain.  There will also be a lot of heat generated and it becomes very frustrating for the staff to monitor the target’s activities if the temperature cycles properly.  Heat is dangerous.  It can damage your brain and hurt you.  You must be most especially careful regarding this.

Forehead temperature.
There are numerous companies that make forehead thermometers. If you have probes engaged on, the temperature would be all the way in the red zone. It would be in the danger zone. Which is one reason why probe access is severely limited.
[3] Thirdly, drink water only.  Do not take drugs or drink.  If someone give you a drink, do not drink it.  Especially if it is orange juice.

[4] Fourthly, sedate yourself with sleeping pills and rest.  Do not drive. Never, ever drive or operate a motorized vehicle.

[5] Fifthly, exit the country.  Go far away and tell no one.  It becomes very difficult to locate you outside of the country, and while the waves can travel anywhere in the world, their successful operation works best in established areas that are pre-targeted.  The handlers rely  (as of my experience) on local feedback loops.  This would be people, video and audio feeds.  Break the cycle.  Exit the country.

China is full of beautiful cities. Changhai is but one of them.
Shanghai at night. Shanghai is but one of maybe a hundred other cities of similar size and beauty in China.
[6] Importantly, stay away from firearms, knives and dangerous machinery.  Get rid of your cell phone.  Do not use a phone, a television and stop using the computer.  Go cold turkey for a 3 month period.  Most of the techniques used by the NSA involve tracking people through electronic appliances.  The reader must deny them this route of access. It sounds harsh, and it is.  But if you are serious about what you want and how to handle it, then you would take this most important precaution.

[7] Finally, try to sleep in a faraday cage.  Ground yourself and the room.  Use copper, not aluminum foil.  Use a copper fencing or some other material.  Steel and aluminum does work and it’s better than nothing.  In a pinch, sleep in a van, just make sure that the van’s outer shell is grounded to the dirt.  (Take a plain copper wire, and attach it to the frame of the van, and spike it into the dirt.)

[8] Figure about a three to six month period of isolation.  Do this, even if it means that you will starve.  At least you will be alive.

Synthetic Telepathy

Alternatively, there are other methods to induce this situation in the agent.  In the rare cases where the probes fail, or are dislodged terribly, Synthetic Telepathy may be employed.  This alternative method is employed whenever the probes cannot be accessed properly.  They sometimes malfunction, and when this happens alternative methods must be employed.

The ability to remotely transmit microwave voices inside a target’s head is known inside the Pentagon as “Synthetic Telepathy.”

Synthetic Telepathy has applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin.

This technology may have contributed to the deaths of 25 defense scientists variously employed by Marconi Underwater and Defense Systems, Easems and GEC. Most of the scientists worked on highly sensitive electronic warfare programs for NATO, including the Strategic Defense Initiative. It is claimed that directed energy weapons might have been used to literally drive these men to suicide and have over 291 accidents.


“The thing about people who are truly and malignantly crazy: their real genius is for making the people around them think they themselves are crazy. In military science this is called Psy-Ops, for your info.”

― David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

This method is used to handicap the member so that they are no longer a threat of disclosure.  Like the death option, this method requires that an agent get up close and personal to the targeted person.  They then use their knowledge to create a debilitation event that would render them into a non-threatening condition.

This would keep the person alive, but keep them focused on their own problems and situations.  They become debilitated due to hospital bills, or the inability to get any kind of creative work done.  Admittedly this is a pretty terrible thing to do.  It is even worse than killing someone.

One of the techniques used to retire former SAP agents is to debilitate them. They then are alive but tethered to the government for medical support.

The technique varies from targeted individual to targeted individual.  But it can include mental instability, the loss of a limb, or an organ failure.  It could mean a stroke or some other kind of serious illness.  The point is that anything that would occupy the time of an agent is what would be used to render them inert from disclosure.

It is also NOT a fairly rare occurrence.

Sometimes, or actually often times, a death is investigated by the local police.  So it is rather difficult to arrange the death of a MAJestic member without having the possibility of investigation involved.  That is not the case with debilitation efforts.  Here the agent can be poisoned, get involved in an automobile accident, or suffer a non-life threatening fall.  These situations are much easier to fabricate and the usually have no investigative follow-ups conducted.

If an American Disagrees with a law enforcement official they can be labeled a terrorist and treated as a threat. 

A growing number of government programs are aimed at identifying, monitoring and locking up anyone considered potentially “dangerous” or mentally ill (according to government standards, of course). 

For instance, a homeless man in New York City who reportedly had a history of violence but no signs of mental illness was forcibly detained in a psych ward for a week after arguing with shelter police. Despite the fact that doctors cited no medical reason to commit him, the man was locked up in accordance with a $22 million program that monitors mentally ill people considered “potentially” violent. According to the Associated Press,

“A judge finally ordered his release, ruling that the man's commitment violated his civil rights and that bureaucrats had meddled in his medical treatment.”


This is by far the most common method of retirement of a Core Kit implanted ELF agent.  This is the way it is done.  This is also the most common method to retire agents involved in work directly connected with extraterrestrials.

Prison in Arkansas
The most common way to retire MAJestic agents is to accuse them as Sex Offenders, sentence them to Hard Labor, and then a lifetime of monitoring as part of the Sex Offender registry. That way, MAJestic no longer needs to worry about the agents, instead, they are being watched and observed by the state government and paid for out of the state budgets.

In fact, aside from the deactivation staff themselves, most of the mainline MAJestic members are also retired using this method.

By far the most common form of deactivation is imprisonment.  I am sorry to dash the reader’s precious illusions concerning the United States, but this is how it is done.  This is something that they don’t tell you when you sign up.  (They never told me, and it wasn’t until <redacted> that I realized that this could happen to me.)

Hoe squad.
When you are sentenced to “hard labor” in Arkansas you are assigned to work the “hoe squad”. This is a rite of passage for all felons in Arkansas. Everyone must work at hard labor and live in transitional barracks until they can graduate to a “regular” job in the prison. Hard labor is a solid eight hour day toiling in the hot Arkansas sun.

Typically, the agent is arrested for some type of criminal activity. Mostly it is for non-violent crimes, and crimes that require either long periods of Parole, or post-Prison supervision. After all, every agent had been previously screened to make sure that they were capable of avoiding trouble, and that they maintained high ethics through lofty ideals.   Therefore, it is difficult to create charges against an agent.

They tend to be rather “middle of the road” in regards to avoidance of criminal activity.  All MAJestic members keep a low profile and live very safe and boring lives.  We always do.  The only implanted agents who might tend to violate laws and go “borderline” and engage in illegal activity are those implanted as part of other alphabet agencies; ones NOT associated with MAJestic activities.

Prison in Akransas
Locking up MAJestic members with active Core Kit #2 probes is the preferred way to shut the probes down, and then monitor the individuals directly in a safe environment. After a few years they are rated in their ability to live life and made sure that the probes are deactivated. As Sex Offenders, they are also monitored for the rest of their life.
After all, we were screened for selection in MAJestic by the <redacted> specifically targeting for a “Service to others” sentience.  (MAJestic membership is all and only of one sentience.) That does not lead to individuals who would create selfish acts against another person, would it?

Typically, and in almost every case, a person is arrested and charged with some kind of sexual offense.  (It’s not only MAJestic members, but also anyone who is a threat to MAJestic is charged with sexual offenses.)

By charging them with this offense, they are then guaranteed lengthy post-prison monitoring and supervisions.  This is the entire purpose of this kind of retirement.  That is to keep the agent under loose watch, but still alive and functional.

The most common charge against an agent is for “Child Pornography”. It is [1] relatively easy to accuse someone of this crime.

The obtainment of a search warrant for this kind of accusation is so easy that it is laughable.  All one needs to do is make the accusation.  

In the 1980’s entire preschools and day-cares were shut down and their owners imprisoned simply because a business competitor accused them of child abuse.  
Wrightsville Unit
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/STEPHEN B. THORNTON
An inmate holds a class book along a window sill as he waits with others to be released from their living area for classes in the Prison Fellowship program Thursday at the Arkansas Department of Correction’s Wrightsville Unit.
Today, it is just as easy to obtain (what has been referred to as) “no knock” search warrants.  

The police just show up unannounced without a search warrant and “hunt” for evidence indicative of illegal activity.  

Furthermore, if the NSA wants to remotely make someone look like a criminal all they need to do is hijack their computer.  See the post on Disinformation Campaigns, and the software programs of POISONARROW and QUANTUMHAND.

Arkansas prison unit
FILE – In this Aug. 10, 2009, file photo, an Arkansas Department of Correction officer patrols a cell block at the agency’s Cummins Unit near Varner, Ark. A legislative subcommittee on Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2015, approved Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s request to tap $7.4 million in reserve funds to open more prison beds in the state. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston, File)

The history behind “no knock” is actually quite interesting. 

While today’s search warrants require both specificity and some evidence of wrongdoing, in many ways the colonists had more protections than we do today. For example, the British soldiers [1] could serve warrants only during the day. And they were always [2] required to knock, [3] announce themselves, [4] announce their purpose and [5] give the resident time and opportunity to come to the door to let them in peacefully.


Well, this was all in observance of the Castle Doctrine, or the idea that the home should be a place of peace and sanctuary, and that it should be violated only in the most extreme circumstances.

Even then, the Castle Doctrine had a long and rich history in English common law, a tradition that carried over in the United States until the Supreme Court began chipping away at it in drug cases, beginning in about the 1960s.

Today, of course, American authorities can break into American homes without knocking. (This is known as No-Knock raids.) 


The top Chinese physicist was handcuffed and his life was destroyed by the United States

Original title: The Crime of Undocumented! Top Chinese physicist, a life ruined by the United States

At 6:30 in the morning on May 21, 2015, it was just dawn. Xi Xiaoxing, a world-renowned superconducting expert and a professor in the physics department of Temple University, was awakened by a violent knock on the door.

Professor Xi didn't even put on his clothes and ran out to open the door. He was stunned by a series of movie-like mutations.

More than a dozen detectives wearing FBI bulletproof vests rushed into the door. The muzzle of the black hole was directed at Xi Xiaoxing. The other detectives pointed the gun at Xi Xiaoxing's wife and two daughters and let them hold their heads against the wall.

Xi Xiaoxing was handcuffed to "walk" and his life changed accordingly.

Just six months before Xi Xiaoxing was arrested, another Chinese-American scientist, Chen Xiafen, a hydrological expert at the National Weather Service, was also arrested by the FBI in her office in Ohio. She is considered a "spy" of the Chinese government and illegally sent sensitive hydrological information to Chinese officials.


Looking back, this series of incidents in 2015 was part of the US action against China-US scientific and technological exchanges. When we started discussing the "decoupling" between China and the United States today, "decoupling" has already begun; when we were surprised by the Meng Wanzhou incident today, the "intimidation" and "cleansing" of Chinese Americans and "pro-Chinese" in the United States may be Has been completed.

Evidence-collecting evidence collection, pervasive monitoring, inhumane treatment, lengthy litigation, high bail and litigation costs, precise procedure "justice" and the truth that will never come, means to create an overall terrorist atmosphere with one person in one case . What we have seen in the Meng Wanzhou incident today, and what we have not seen, and what we may see in the future can be seen in the cases of Xi Xiaoxing and Chen Xiafen...
ADC prison 2
This is a typical cell block in the ADC. Inmates are housed here until they are considered rehabilitated.
They can conduct raids at night. In theory, we’re today protected by the requirement that authorities show probable cause before serving a warrant, but given the deference judges give to police and prosecutors in much of the country and the boilerplate language you’ll often find on warrant affidavits, you could make a good argument that in many jurisdictions the probable cause protection is little more than a formality. (One would have to be an absolute idiot not to recognize that fact.)

In any case, if the Fourth Amendment is due to the Founders’ offense at British soldiers forcibly entering homes in daylight hours after knocking and announcing to search for contraband, it seems safe to say that the Founders would be appalled by the fact that today, dozens of times each day, heavily armed government officials break into homes, often at night, without first knocking and announcing, in order to conduct searches for contraband.

It [2] results in long prison sentences with little proof.

The reader should be cautioned to understand that the way the judicial system should work, is not the way it actually works.  This is the real world, not a television or movie fairyland.  

In Arkansas, the law stated that you could get 20 years for each photo of someone under 18 found on my computer.  Two photos equaled 40 years. Three photos equaled life.

The age of the individuals is determined by a doctor working for the state government. They review any images and then testify if there is a possibility that the individuals in the photos could be under 18 years old. If so, then the DA will charge the individual under the assumptive prerogative that the needs of the state outweigh the rights of the individual.

And, it always requires [3] post prison monitoring and registration.

By law, all sex offenders are monitored by the state governments where they reside and the costs to do so are absorbed by the local and state budgets.

Finally, [4] no one ever wants to listen to anything that a sex offender has to say. It is a perfect venue to silence former MAJestic members.

“Milo the pedophile? I don't think taking anything this guy with any cred is a good idea....”

-GoingBig Thu, 02/15/2018 - 19:26 Permalink

Contrary to what a person might think, the system was designed this way.  Today, many people commit crimes that happen in a nanosecond, without their ever being aware that they have now become a criminal.

Congress creates, on average, more than 50 new criminal laws each year. With more than 2 million Americans in prison, and close to 7 million adults in correctional care, the United States has the largest prison population in the world. 

Prison population.
The rise of the American prison nation began around 1978 under President Jimmy Carter. America holds the most prisons, and the most prisoners than any other nation on the planet.
At least 2.7 million children in the United States have at least one parent in prison. At least 400 to 500 innocent people are killed by police officers every year. 

Americans are now eight times more likely to die in a police confrontation than they are to be killed by a terrorist. On an average day in America, over 100 Americans have their homes raided by SWAT teams.


For reading examples of those charged with Child Porn because they were involved in the investigation of UFO’s, MAJestic, extraterrestrial activities and similar issues one can simply follow these links;

  • Controversial UFO Enthusiast Goes on Trial for Child Pornography
“On Aug. 8, 2017, Romanek was not guilty of distribution of child pornography but guilty of felony possession of child pornography. It was allegedly discovered on his laptop the lewd material. 

When interviewed by the investigators, Romankek admitted that he had those some files only on his computer but did not know how they ended up on his laptop. He brought up the theory that a strange person had planted the images on his laptop. 

Both spouses have claimed they have been subjected to threats and targeted by hackers because they have secret knowledge about the UFO existence.”
“[Stan] told me he had had concerns because he had in his possession top secret documents that were given to him by a high ranking official from the Air Force. Stan said he thought that ‘someone’ in the government would get in trouble for giving him these documents.”

Koopman reminded Romanek that officers were here for child pornography, not about “other documents from the Air Force or anything that has to do with aliens, etc.”
  • S. Cyber Security Director Convicted on Child Porn Charges
But DeFoggi’s conviction is perhaps more surprising than others owing to the fact that he worked at one time as the acting cybersecurity director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. DeFoggi worked for the department from 2008 until January this year. A department official told Business Insider that DeFoggi worked in the office of the assistant secretary for administration as lead IT specialist but a government budget document for the department from this year(.pdf) identifies a Tim DeFoggi as head of OS IT security operations, reporting to the department’s chief information security officer.
  • Promoter of 3-D gun manufacture arrested for sexual assault of a child. What happened is he met a girl on a web site. Visited her at a hotel. Turned out it was setup. She told him that she was over 18. When in reality, she was under 18, and the entire thing was being monitored and videoed by the police.

In 2009, DeHart, at the time an intelligence analyst for the Air National Guard, claimed to have discovered explosive evidence of a CIA plot to implement the anthrax attacks of 2001.

.. A hacktivist allied with the group of online guerrillas known as “Anonymous” as well as WikiLeaks, DeHart became understandably paranoid and, in early 2010, his Indiana house was raided by law enforcement authorities and he soon takes flight...

...the viewer is forced to conclude either that DeHart has been the victim of a nefarious smear campaign spearheaded by American intelligence, which benefits from Americans’ gullible assumptions concerning the supposedly ubiquitous presence of pedophilia in our midst (which has only increased with the recent burgeoning popularity of deranged conspiracy theories such as QAnon), or is attempting to camouflage his involvement with child porn by emphasizing the unsavory motivations of both the FBI and CIA.
  • Guy who patented a Time Machine arrested for sexual assault;

Marlin B. Pohlman

Time machine patent
Pohlman patent. 2006.
“By creating an artificial wormhole time travel is possible. At first glance, such a thing might be too fantastic a notion to believe, yet Pohlman does hold a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics, an MBA from Lexington Business School, and a PhD in computer science from Trinity University. 

He's also a member of Portland Mensa, and is a Licensed Professional Engineer, Certified Information Systems Auditor, Certified Information Security Manager and Certified Information Systems security professional. 

Perhaps he invented the time machine because he discovered he hasn't enough time to squeeze in everything he wants to accomplish?”

-Ask Patents

One of the most curious sagas of the entire John Titor story is what happened to the person who patented the John Titor time displacement machine.  Whether the reader believes that the person who patented the invention is John Titor or an opportunist is up to the reader to determine.  It is certainly a function of whether the reader believes he is a hoax or legitimate.

What is really interesting about this story is what happened once he patented this invention.  Please take note;

  • A guy named Marlin B Pohlman Patents the time displacement machine and related technology.
  • Pohlman applies for the patent in 2006.
  • Since the initial application date, the patent status has never changed! No rulings or decisions..Nothing.
  • No actual patent has been granted in this case (it was rejected in 2007 and abandoned in 2008). The official reason for the rejection is the lack of utility – meaning a lack of sufficient proof of this invention being possible/executable. (Quote: Final Rejection document from 08.08. 2007)
It really is a good patent it's just missing exactly what it says it's missing and that's probably why it was rejected because microsingularities haven't been invented or even observed yet, but they are possible. 

But keep in mind this patent isn't patenting Kerr black holes, it's patenting a machine that uses them, even if theoretically. 

I think the main reason it was rejected is because he included the John Titor diagrams which are already copyrighted and trademarked by the John Titor Foundation under Larry Haber.
  • March 14, 2013 . Marlin Brandt Pohlman, a 43-year-old man accused of drugging and sexually assaulting four women he met at parties, pleaded not guilty in Multnomah County Circuit Court to 25 allegations.
  • Pohlman was held on a $2 million bail – a remarkably high sum for Portland.
  • He is arrested and sentenced to prison followed by monitoring as a Sex Offender.

Need I remind the reader that most MAJestic operatives are retired as Sex Offenders so that they can be monitored.  Most reach this period of retirement after 20 to 30 years in the MAJestic organization.  I was retired when I was 44 years old. (I am not saying that this person is part of MAJestic, but rather that this individual is retired in a manner consistent with those whom possess technical “secrets” or abilities.)

“The method employs sinusoidal oscillations of electrical bombardment on the surface of one Kerr type singularity in close proximity to a second Kerr type singularity in such a method to take advantage of the Lense-Thirring effect, to simulate the effect of two point masses on nearly radial orbits in a 2+1 dimensional anti-de Sitter space resulting in creation of circular timelike geodesics conforming to the van Stockum under the Van Den Broeck modification of the Alcubierre geometry (Van Den Broeck 1999) permitting topology change from one spacelike boundary to the other in accordance with Geroch’s theorem (Geroch 1967) resulting in a method for the formation of Godel-type geodesically complete spacetime envelopes complete with closed timelike curves.”

What is most interesting is the large amount of press that he has gotten, and the great lengths made to disparage his background.

  • “The top ten things you should know about Marlin Pohlman”
  • “Portland computer expert accused of drugging, sexually assaulting women he met at parties”
  • Computer executive ‘raped four women he met at parties after drugging them with LSD, ecstasy and laughing gas injected through spring-loaded syringes'”
“Really? Why all the press on this guy? This shit happens every day.. One link has a ten things you need to know slides how FFS... Something is very fishy here..”

“Guys this shit is crazy..read my OP for the edit.. This guy had to be set up”



Other Excuses

In September 2018, the internet was all a buzz when the Sunspot Solar Observatory was suddenly shut down, and all feed from it was seized and went off-line. Conspiracy theorists were active in speculations regarding sightings of UFO’s and other strange phenomena. Ah, but that was all just nonsense according to officials.

The real reason was Child Pornography. You can read about it HERE.

The First Rule of Money

MAJestic does not have a branch or division that is wholly devoted to retiring agents.  That would be a very large (and thus; VISIBLE) activity.  Remember, my dear reader, MAJestic is secret.

Instead, they utilize other existing State and (some) Federal programs to incarcerate members as a part of retirement.  This is how it is done.

You never use your own money if you can avoid it; you use funding from other programs.  It keeps your programs secret, and out of budgetary oversight.  It also “frees up” money that can be used elsewhere.

The first rule of money.
The first rule of money: never use your own. This is true on so many levels, with nothing more substantive as how the United States government supports and retires it’s confidential membership.

Sex Offenders

Most males (all males, but let’s just leave it at that) have trolled the Internet searching for nude pictures, pornography and similar types of media.  While most want to avoid searching for images that fall outside their realm of interest, they must scan through thousands of images and media files in the process.

Yet, each file, even if it just exists for a nanosecond on the computer is considered to be fully viewed and “enjoyed” by the computer operator (not the “viewer”) by the American government.

0.000000001 second accessed by the computer = 20 minutes of wacking off.

All it takes is the presence of a borderline image or the appearance of an image that might be construed to be illegal for an actual crime to occur.  For instance, [1] legal age adults whom dress up like children is considered to be child porn, even though they are absolutely legal in making the imagery.  [2] Vintage photographs depicting nude children over 150 years ago are still considered to be child porn.  [3] A National Geographic picture of a native tribe where children go without clothes is considered to be child porn, even if the image is blurred and indistinct.  [4] Home photographs of the nude children in a person’s family (such as taking a bath, or crawling around without a diaper) WILL be used against accused in MOST of the prosecutors in the country.  (And HAS been used against people in Arkansas.)

The DA will always make the argument that, while the images are “borderline” in legality; it is the accumulative evidence of copious amounts of online pornography, peppered with occasional child porn pictures, which constitute an image of a social deviant and one who has the potential for endangering the community.

When there is an over-riding state interest in incarnating a person, even if the reason is a selfish one or political one, the person will be incarcerated.  The facts won’t matter.  The evidence will be used to convict.  Not at all to determine innocence or guilt.

It is the same reasoning that Idi Amin used to round up dissidents, Adolph Hitler used to conduct genocide against the Jews, and Mr. Mao used against the educated elite in China.  Same arguments and same techniques were used then as today in the United States.

Other Charges

Other charges that they might obtain involve being classified as a terrorist or making terroristic threats.  But these charges are not commonly used because the agent won’t fall into the Sex Offender monitoring process.  The key to the retirement of an implanted ELF agent is the (de facto) elaborate and constraining post-offender monitoring process.

This is the way that the military can track their retired agents, even though it is done through non-military channels.  At this date, only sex-offenders are tracked in this manner.  Even confirmed actual terrorists are not.

Terrorists and suspected terrorists are treated differently.  As most MAJestic agents are not Islamic, come from Arabic genetic stock, or have visited the Middle East, it is rather difficult to place this label on them.  Therefore, the most common form of retirement is through the accusation of being a sex offender.

Registration of Sex Offenders

 How to prosecute anybody

 Look around for "suspicious" behavior, i.e., behavior on the part of a private citizen that can be made to appear suspicious.

 Ruthlessly probe every element of the  "suspect's" life, using the effectively infinite resources of the State,  until enough "suspicious" behavior has been amassed.

 Assemble a huge list of charges to place before a grand jury
 Present the case in such a fashion as  to promote the less plausible accusations and obscure the more plausible  ones, thus securing a grab-bag indictment.

 Offer the indicted person a plea  bargain that will spare him centuries in prison and complete  pauperization at the bargain price of a few years and/or a few thousand  dollars.

- Francis Porretto  

This is desirable (from the point of view of MAJestic) because the sex offender must register their address, phone, internet activity, e-mail, automobiles, and notify the authorities whenever they leave their designated living address.  This recording keeping is used to track and monitor the agents so that they can do two primary things.  Firstly, they can get a hold of them in the event they need them again.

Many agents possess unique and specialized skills that might be needed in the future for some unknown or anticipated reason.  Others might be an exobiology specialist with unique experience with a specific race or technology.

Secondly, they might need to terminate the agent if they feel the agent has gone rogue or became dangerous to themselves or others. Additionally there is a real concern that we might go rogue. No one want’s a “Jason Bourne” walking around unhinged, or a “Mike Howell” (from the movie “American Ultra”.)

The movie American Ultra is a pretty interesting movie. Mike Howell (Jessie Eisenberg) is a stoner (a habitual drug user) trapped in his hometown due to inexplicable panic attacks that occur every time he tries to leave.  Planning a trip to Hawaii for his girlfriend Phoebe Larson (Kristen Stewart), he find himself unable to board the plane due to incessant vomiting.  Mike’s outlet is his creative side, where he pens a homemade comic called The Adventures of Apollo Ape.  Milling about his shit job at the Cash N Carry corner gas station, Mike is busy rolling joints when CIA Agent Victoria Lasseter (Connie Britton) appears spouting strange phrases intended to be trigger words – MK ULTRA trigger words, in fact.


 Mike, we learn, was part of an ongoing CIA program specifically identified as MK ULTRA continuing from the 50s into the present, with its latest subproject involving the recruiting of convicts, psychotics and felons into a rehabilitation method where their memories are erased, new “programming” installed and new identities created.  Upon completing the program, the subjects are placed in new towns where their lives are controlled and monitored directly by handlers. 

-Jays Analysis

The reason for this concern is that the true nature of our training, of our skills, our abilities, and what triggers us into action are top secret.  No one knows anything.

  • Only three people are part of any cell.
  • No one else knows anything about what roles people have.
  • The aggregator might know a summary, if they are still alive.
  • Other MAJestic members might know that we were important, but have no idea of our skills, abilities or capabilities.

Thus, from the point of view of MAJestic it is best if we are kept in a monitoring program for as long as possible. Only a handful of people knew that I was a <redacted>.  From the point of view of the rest of MAJestic, I could be a weaponized cyborg, a MK-ULTRA programmed lethal killing machine, or a walking plague.

Monitoring program reasons.
The problem with top secret programs like MAJestic and other waived, unacknowledged special access programs is that no one knows your role in it. No one knows what you did. No one knows, or believes what you have done, know, experienced, or the skills you have. Thus you must be observed and monitored. No one dares take a chance. That is why agents must be put into monitoring programs.

It was better safe than sorry, so I was placed under institutional observation.

All state and federal prisons have an intake facility to register new felons and give them a medical exam. Most, but not all of these facilities, maintain an ELF evaluation facility (usually just a closet or small office attached next to the prisoner barracks.).

Of course, there are the indexing feducials in place, and a procedure on how to handle these kinds of special individuals when they arrive and are evaluated.  (To read about what these are, go HERE.)

The feducials were a shape that was embedded within a cement block. There were two different blocks. One had a basic triangular shape, and the other block had two triangular shapes.

While the equipment is in residence at the facility, the operators are not.  They have to be flown in from other locations to operate the equipment.  (For the most part, the regular prison guards and employees do not know the purpose of the electronics inside the closet in some of the facilities, nor are they trained to use them.)

For the vast majority of those retired this way, the charge is for child pornography.

It is rare to non-existent that the individuals actually have sexual relations with a child.   (Although I would not be surprised that an agent or two, who do not use a computer at all, might actually be “set up” or entrapped in this manner.  Like some kind of “sting operation” that might draw the agent with the promise of some kind of illicit sexual encounter, or such.)

The key is simply to have the person labeled under the label of this crime as quickly as possible.  Thus, even if the agent wanted to tell their experiences to the world, they would not be believed.  It is easy to discredit a person thus accused.  No one listens to what the agent reports; they just look at the label places over them.

This is a very effective technique and it has worked successfully for all the other agents that I have been involved with.  This is the way that it is done.  It is not pretty, or nice.  It is not fair or just.  It just happens to be the most effective method in place, and it is used successfully in the retirement procedure.


This is what I would assume to be the standard way to treat agents. This was how I thought that I would be retired.  In fact, somehow I thought that I was too important to be retired, and that I wouldn’t ever be retired at all.  Boy was I wrong.

I do know that there is a policy in place to deactivate agents in this way. But I do not believe that it is commonly used. I now know that retirement in this way is very rare. Unfortunately, the truth is, most ELF agents are either [1] killed or [2] incarcerated.

In the rare event that an agent is mothballed, the procedure is as follows;  basically, the agent is called to attend a program, meeting or event on a military base. Then, the field is turned on. They are then registered and debriefed. Finally, the probes are mothballed, and the agent is permitted to access the source code to shut them off.

I believe that this is not a common procedure to deactivate an agent for the simple reason that it relies on the agent to deactivate himself.  There is not functional protocol in place to determine whether or not the agent was able to do so successfully.

The agent might simply pretend to be deactivated, but instead retained all their memories, like myself.

Senior members of MAJestic are retired in this manner because they are too high profile to be retired by either of the two other methods.  After all, how would it look to have former generals or admirals, business leaders or senior world-class scientists arrested for child porn?

It’s not viable for high profile individuals to be retired using this method.  (In the rare instance, that a high visible senior member of MAJestic goes rogue there is a specific procedure that is used; they are killed.  Typically, the person is lead to a military base, facility or ideally a military hospital.  There they are killed in such a way as to make it look like either an accident, self-inflected suicide, or natural but unexpected causes.)

My experiences, or rather my ego, convinced me that I would be deactivated in this manner.  I thought that I was a special person.  While not necessarily top of the food chain, I was highly trained, and doing significant work at a level far above most typical Americans.  I wanted to believe that I would, at the very least, be afforded the same kinds of treatment of a comparable person who had not opted to join this special and elite program.  But rather one that stayed in the Navy to the conclusion of their service contract obligations.  But, I was wrong.  I was not mothballed.

Mass Deactivation of MAJestic membership in 2005

There was a mass deactivation of members of MAJestic related programs in 2005.  I do not know why this occurred.  I always thought that we were providing a significant and important service.  Apparently, however, someone felt that it would be in the best interests of humanity to cancel the program.  This occurred during the Bush (R) Administration.  I must assume that the reasoning behind this had some long term strategic or intrinsic value.

Initially, I believed that I was alone when I was deactivated.  But after much thought and a little sleuthing on my part, I was able to determine that the MAJestic umbrella was folded up, and replaced with another system with new players and membership.  I do not know why this happened, nor do I know anything at all about the replacement program.

I know nothing about any replacement program, or if there actually IS a replacement program.

Therefore, my personal deactivation was just one aspect of a far larger deactivation program.  I was not as special as I would like to believe.

You will find that a large number of MAJestic agents imprisoned or charged with State (not federal) sex offender crimes in the years of 2004 through 2006.  Typically, their basic age varies from the middle thirties to early fifties.  With most being in their mid to late 40’s. Most will have secondary or longer marriages of short (less than one year) duration.  Most of the spouses involved had similar experiences of this kind of event sequence.

You will find that most of the charges are for ‘soft crimes”, possession of literature or intent to commit a crime.

All went through a deactivation procedure in the intake facilities in the host state that charged them with the crime.  All of the members are now under registration procedures and are all monitored by the US government.  They are monitored for sex offenses and criminal activities, but in truth it is just a legal protocol that was put in place to cover a far more important reason; the disclosure of technological secrets.


Every person who is a member of a waived, unacknowledged, special access program in the United States is eventually retired. Most members have special implants embedded within their skull. Those with Core Kit #2 implants need to go to a specially equipped facility and shut off the probes in a controlled environment. Then the individual needs to be monitored for the rest of their life.

This is accomplished by arrest, imprisonment, and a life-time of monitoring as a sex offender.

Take Aways

  • Because special access programs are so secret, those involved in MAJestic-related operations are treated as potential threat vectors.
  • No one knows what the threat vectors are. This is simply because no one knows what their role was.
  • Therefore, agents are retired in a specially equipped facility, and monitored for the rest of their lives.


Q: Are there other methods to monitor a retired MAJestic agent, aside from the sex offender registry?
A: No. Under the United States Constitution, the government does not have the authority to monitor anyone, unless they are a felon. The work-around is to accuse someone of a crime and then put them into a lifetime monitoring program.

Q: What secrets do you possess that requires you to be monitored?
A: I don’t really know. I was entangled with an extraterrestrial species. But, most Americans believe in extraterrestrials anyways, and there are hundreds of people walking around talking about sounds in their heads and such. I’m just another fruit case to them. I talk about the MWI, but that can be brushed aside as internet lore. I mention things about the structure of the MAJestic organization, but that organization was killed and replaced by something else. I’m just an old fart, sex offender, walking around talking about ET and conspiracy stories. I am easy enough to brush aside as a crazy old loon.

A Final Say

Secret agent
The problem with being in a waived, unacknowledged, special access program is that it is so secret. The secrecy is complete and there might be one other person on the entire planet who knows your role and the full extent of your training and what you are capable of. This causes problems. Firstly, the secrecy necessitates a need for monitoring. Who knows what an agent is capable of? Secondly, it causes problems with the agent who often does not like being classified as a bad and dangerous person.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...
How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2
Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

The Top Ten Misconceptions Chinese have about America

When the Chinese come and visit the United States, they are often spellbound in shock and amazement. They find that they LOVE, absolutely L-O-V-E the United States. I have many friends who have told me this. Another thing that they have told me is that it was not what they expected.

Here are some of the misconceptions that Chinese have of America…

1. Donald Trump is despised and is going to prison if not executed outright.

Well, this is what you would expect if all you watched was CNN and MSNBC.

In fact, most “Western media” that the Chinese see is the main-steam American media. While most Americans, not all, understand that the American media has a fatally liberal bias, the Chinese are unaware of this. Thus, the impression that they get is that the American media represents the hearts and minds of the American people.

Donald Trump
A smiling Donald Trump eating KFC on one of his airplanes. Looks good. I sure could use some mashed potatoes, gravy and coleslaw as well.

As such, they are astounded that Donald Trump is able to get away with so much!

“1. Donald Trump is despised and is going to prison if not executed outright.” 

A few months ago I had a chance to talk with an engineering student from India who was visiting the US, and she had much the same impression. She asked me why the American people hadn’t risen up and removed Trump from office since he was so universally despised. 

She was genuinely surprised when I told her that Trump was probably the most popular American president since Reagan and would surely be re-elected in 2020. 

I realized from this conversation how much the Mainstream media’s endless propaganda war on Trump is diminishing America’s prestige globally. People in other countries mistakenly think of America’s news media as being legitimate, and believe what they hear. (Even far-left Americans realize that most of CNN’s reporting is bullsh*t.) 

We look like a third-rate banana Republic on the verge of collapse to the rest of the world. I doubt the current Supreme court confirmation hearings are helping matters. 

- Junk Silver

They are amazed that he is not being hung from scaffolding or being lynched. They, thus believe that he must be a most capable politician and a supreme businessman; a man not to be trifled with. The reactions that I see from my fellow Chinese friends is a mixture of awe, admiration, and fear.

Just WHO is this man, they muse.

The Chinese believe the main-stream media and are impressed with President Trump for his ability to avoid hanging from a noose.

2. Everything is Free!

After nearly a decade of President Obama being televised giving away free things, most Chinese have the impression that that is what America represents. Free cars. Free cell-phones. Free citizenship. Free meals. Free housing.  They do not realize that nothing is free, and ultimately someone must pay a price for it.

Obama giving away money.
Obama has given away more money, more things, and more cash than any other president. The only problem is that it wasn’t his money to give away. It was yours.

Today, when I mention that America used to be the “Land of the Free”, they respond with “What, you no longer get free healthcare, free education, free cell-phones and free housing?” They think that the current President is changing America away from a “Free” nation and moving towards something more practical.

Somehow, and I really do not know how, they believe that the government has an endless supply of money to spend. As such, they think that it was quite magnanimous of President Obama to spend that money on the American people. Now, they are afraid that the money will be spent elsewhere, like on wars.

The way the American government works is a mystery to the Chinese. But, that is ok. It is a mystery to most Americans as well.

3. Americans are Rich.

It goes to think, don’t you agree, that if all Americans are driving nice cars and living in nice houses that Americans MUST be rich. What the Chinese do not realize is that in America everything is rented. Very few people pay in cash to buy a car or a house.

Most Chinese live in an apartment. The apartment is tiny by American standards, so when a Chinese person comes to America, they become amazed at the sizes of the homes, the cars and the portions of food. They think, indeed, America is a rich country full of rich people.

Oh, certainly there are those who are driving older cars that we paid off years ago. That there are those who paid off their thirty year mortgages ten years ago, however, they are a minority. Most Americans pay both a mortgage and a car payment, with a sizable number now paying school loans.

In China, most people pay in cash. They save like crazy, sort of like the Amish, and then spend the money where necessary. While credit is available to the citizens, most maintain a traditional attitude towards frugality and savings. Thus they think that Americans must be the same.

Which is why many Chinese believe that Americans are quite wealthy.

The Chinese believe Americans are very wealthy, because by Chinese standards, you need to be a millionaire to be able to live like an American does.

4. All Americans carry guns and are Armed.

American things.
Sometimes when a Chinese person visits America, they come back with all kinds of stories of their adventures. They take pictures, and often ask me what is the story behind the photos. As an American, I think nothing of the images, but then when I think about it, it becomes hilarious.

I chuckle at this one.

Nope, not at all true. But if all you watch is the American main-stream media, of course you would have this impression. From the “debates” on CNN, to the discussions on the Huffington Post, everyone talks about the free access to firearms. Of course, if that is all you have access to, the impression would be of an overly and unfairly armed American populace.

Breakfast in America
What many Chinese think how Americans have breakfast. It consists of “runny” eggs, buttered toasted bread, some bacon, a cup of coffee and a nice firearm.

This puzzles the Chinese to no end. “Why does Americans need so many guns?” they ask. “The police will protect you”. Well, in China the role of the police is quite sedentary. Most of China consists of hard-working nerds. The police are there to deal with an occasional victim or crime. However, they never police behavior. Not like in America.

Anyways, when asked, I tell them how I miss my P99 and S3. They always ask me about the big caliber Smith and Wesson handguns, and ask if I ever owned a Glock.

I have to disappoint them, but I do tell them that I really enjoyed my old AK-47 clone (that I bought in California before they were banned). And I would get started on a conversation about the joys of black-powder (think Dixie Gun Works) and compound bows. It’s a world that really interests them. I’ll tell you what.

American breakfast two
Of course there are many Americans that are offended by this meme. I happen to believe that my breakfast is certainly a little different.

The Chinese are often surprised that Americans don't carry guns everywhere.

5. America is Full of Excitement and Happiness.

By watching shows such as “Friends” the Chinese have come to consider Americans as nice friend and family oriented folk; people who have come to believe that life should be lived to it’s fullest. It’s a nice illusion.

Something happened between 1975 and today. Americans have become less of what they once were. It’s kind of sad. We lost something.

Maybe it’s all the restrictions at the workplace, or the over-reliance on portable media for enjoyment. I don’t know why, but many Americans look forward to mowing the grass and playing on the computer instead of fishing with an ice cold six pack of beer and being with friends. I lament that.

Quiet town
Here is a typical American town. It’s peaceful and quiet. In contrast, all of China is noisy, with people doing all sorts of things with all kinds of flashy lights and signs.

Yet when they come to America, their first impression is quite different. “It is so, so, so very quiet” a friend told me.  Businesses close before 9 pm, and residential streets seem abandoned like a post apocalyptic ghost-town.

The Chinese visitor often finds that America is a very quiet and peaceful place. It's a bit of a surprise.

6. Everyone is your Friend.

Just because someone smiles, does not mean that they like you and are your friend. In America, smiling is just a polite way of interaction with strangers. In China, however, smiles are something that is reserved for special people. People, mind you, who have earned their place in your heart.

American Street
This is a typical American street on a fine day. Note the proud American flag flying and the what must be a nice crisp day. If you walked into any of these stores, the people would greet you with a smile. To a foreigner, it seems odd, but really comfortable.

When a Chinese person visits the United States, they are overwhelmed at how friendly everyone seems. Everyone smiles, opens up the doors for you, stands out of the way and is helpful. That being said, they are shaken to the core when they try to get into a conversation and practice their English. Aside from a polite minor conversation, most Americans just want to be left alone.

To a Chinese person this is like a best friend turning their back on you.

In America, a smile does not mean someone is your friend. It just means that the person who smiles is polite. In China, people normally do NOT smile. If they do, you know that they are a friend. Smiles are reserved for people who have a place in your heart.

The Chinese are often very comfortable in the United States, but find that making "real" friends is often very difficult to do.

7. Everything is Fair and Just.

Well, isn’t that what America stands for?

Ah, yes. The rule of law. But hey, when there are two standards of law; one for the super rich, and one for the rest of us,  it isn’t fair. In fact, it is more than that. It is not a rule of law. It is a rule by favoritism, and there isn’t any real laws.

The Chinese understand this instinctively.

However, they are surprised that it exists in America. As they have been taught, and under the impression, that America was immune from this kind of judicial corruption. As a Chinese friend once told me, a nation that has two sets of laws; one for the powerful and one for the rest of us, is not a nation of law. It is a dictatorship.

HIllary Clinton.
Lock her up by Ben Garrison at Grr Graphics. All credit to the artist. Hillary Clinton sure has managed to get away with a lot. This is a characteristic of a third world banana republic. It is not the characteristic of a functioning Republic.

The Chinese are often surprised that America works the same way as China often does. It's the "golden rule"; the one with all the gold makes all the rules.

8. The Government works for the People.

America was set up as a place where the government serves the people. This is part of American history. As such, it is taught that way. Even in China.

Now it does not work that way. Now, in America it is not taught that way in schools either.  However, it is still taught that way in China.

A casual visitor to the United States thinks nothing of this. It is until they are pulled over by a police car for a minor infraction, stopped at a check point for “inspection”, or told to hand over their cell phone for scanning. These things are unheard of in China. And, thus, are a real big shock to a Chinese citizen.

American police.
In America the police have been weaponized into a military force. This can come as a shock to the Chinese who see the police as the “keepers of order and stability”. Not as a militarized force that is used to enforce laws.

Other shocks include;

  • Open container laws
  • Paying for internet access
  • Taxes on everything
  • Money that is always complicated ($9.98 instead of $10)
  • Huge portions of food
  • Lack of public transportation (or insufficiency of)

In China the police are used in much the same way as they are used in America. However there is a great divergence in philosophy behind their use. In China, the police are used to go after criminals who create victims. In the Untied States, the police are used to enforce behavior.

Chinese police.
Chinese police arresting a criminal. The job of the Chinese police is to maintain the peace and harmony of an enormous society. Their most active role is to pursue and catch criminals who have hurt others and created victims. You can see some of the police cars in the background.

By the way, here is an unobstructed view of the police cars used in the arrest above. Pretty cool huh? Quite different from the military-grade hardware used by the American police…

Chinese police car.
This is a Chinese police car. The Chinese have all sorts of vehicles that are used to perform their duties. This varies from Segways, to cars and vans. In a pinch, the Chinese do have SWAT teams that are used very sparingly. They also often use these vehicles to patrol and interact with the people.

The Chinese are surprised that America has such a large police and military presence.

9. There is Crime Everywhere.

While the militarized police is a bit of a surprise, the fact that they exist are not. Everyone in China “knows” that America is a land full of crime and corruption.

They know this, of course, from Hollywood. It doesn’t matter if it is white-collar crime like “The Wolf of Wall-street”, or street gangs from any one of a thousand movies. The Chinese tend to believe that America is a dangerous place.

Thus their surprise that they don’t see any crime.

Safe neighbood
Most of America is very safe. America, is a great place to raise children, contrary to what Hollywood and the mainstream news might lend one to believe. Most of America looks something like this. The exceptions lie in heavy minority communities.

Or course, if they were to visit Chicago, Detroit or Baltimore, their opinion might be quite different. When the Chinese visit, they see how beautiful and clean America is. They see police patrolling in nice new squad cars, and Americans behaving in polite and ordered ways.

They tend to be a little surprised that America is much safer than what they have been led to believe.

10. Everyone Speaks English.

I always get a big laugh out of this. Yet, it is a common misconception.

No, I am not talking about people speaking Spanish in Texas or California. Rather I am talking about what happens when a Chinese person goes into a area where people speak a heavily accented English. Like, for instance Arkansas, Louisiana, or Mississippi.

Here’s a pretty good map of regional American English accents.

"My grandmother said things like, “over yonder,” “rightchere,” (right here), “likeyat,” (like that), and “haint” (spook). Any non-sleeping dog had a “wild hare up its ass,” and if Grandma was angry, she was “some kinda burnt up.” She was prone to redundant modal verbs (“I done told you before”) and a big fan of the circumfix “a-in”–such as an owl “ahootin’ and ahollerin’.” Similar to Barry Hannah and Singleton’s backwoods characters (consider Hannah’s use of “sumbitch” or “You’re all wore out from being nice,”

-Trying to write in a Southern Accent

My favorite story is when some Chinese stopped and asked for directions in Kentucky. The instructions went something like this…

Yall  done drive past wheer dat old tree used to be, hang a left. You’ll recon Auntie Suzie’s house dere. Cruze a few miles til you see the spot whare da town had dat fair last spring, and then swing a right. Be mindful now. There’s that old viaduct. You should be fixin’ to gander it around ten minutes or so later.”

Map of English dialects.
I guess this is why I still say “Youse guys”, LOL. Americans do not speak “standard” English. We all have regional dialects. Some are easy to understand. Some are quite difficult.

The Chinese visitors are often surprised that many Americans speak differently than what they have been taught, and what is shown on television.

Other Posts

This is the second of two part post. You can visit the other post; ” The Top Ten Misconceptions Americans have about China”. It can be found HERE.


The Chinese, when they visit America, come back with tales of adventure and great stories that they tell to their friends. Their overall opinion and picture of America is a positive one. They tell glowing stories of how absolutely beautiful America is and how friendly Americans are.

They come back to China saying “America wasn’t at all what I expected. It was better.”

“America wasn’t at all what I expected. It was better.”

Take Aways

  • The Chinese believe the main-stream media and are impressed with President Trump for his ability to avoid hanging from a noose.
  • The way the American government works is a mystery to the Chinese. But, that is ok. It is a mystery to most Americans as well.
  • The Chinese believe Americans are very wealthy, because by Chinese standards, you need to be a millionaire to be able to live like an American does.
  • The Chinese are often surprised that Americans don’t carry guns everywhere.
  • The Chinese visitor often finds that America is a very quiet and peaceful place. It’s a bit of a surprise.
  • The Chinese are often very comfortable in the United States, but find that making “real” friends is often very difficult to do.
  • The Chinese are often surprised that America works the same way as China often does. It’s the “golden rule”; the one with all the gold makes all the rules.
  • The Chinese are surprised that America has such a large police and military presence.
  • They tend to be a little surprised that America is much safer than what they have been led to believe.
  • The Chinese visitors are often surprised that many Americans speak differently than what they have been taught, and what is shown on television.


Q: What do most Chinese think of America?
A: Most Chinese, that I know of, think favorably of America. The ones that have visited the big cities such as New York, and San Francisco absolutely love it. The ones that have toured America in cars, and have visited the United States rave about how great America is. Their biggest complaint is that their trip wasn’t long enough.

Q: What areas should a Chinese person visit?
A: There are so many places to choose from. But, were I to make a travel plan, I would suggest a trip to the deep south like New Iberia, LA and a visit to the French Quarter in New Orleans. I would suggest a trip to Savanna, GA. I would advise a visit to Boston in the middle of October when all the leaves change. I would suggest a visit to some civil war battlefields.

Q: What can I do to entertain some visitors from China?
A: I would suggest a BBQ with some ice cold beer. Cook chicken and hamburgers and American hot dogs.  The Chinese LOVE American hot dogs. It would be a real treat for them. Take them out and shoot some guns. Go swimming and if you have a boat go out and ride about in it. Go fishing, they would absolutely love it. If you have a compound bow, let them try their skill shooting it.

Q: Would the Chinese eat my dog or cat?
A: Heavens! No! Most Chinese love animals, and both dogs and cats have a special place in the hearts of most Chinese. The problem is that if you introduce your dog or cat to them, they might end up spending all the time with them instead of with you. If you dog can play frizbe, then show the Chinese visitor how to throw it and everyone will have a great time.

Links about China

Business KTV

Dance Craze

End of the Day Potato

Dog Shit

Dancing Grandmothers

When the SJW movement took control of China

Family Meal

Freedom & Liberty in China

Ben Ming Nian

Beware the Expat

Fake Wine

Fat China

China and America Comparisons


Playground Comparisons

The Last Straw

Diversity Initatives


Travel outside

10 Misconceptions about China

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1

Pretty Girls 2

Pretty Girls 3

Pretty Girls 4

Pretty Girls 5

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  1. Drafted 20AUG18.
  2. Completed 7SEP18.
  3. SEO review 7SEP18.
  4. Published 7SEP18.

The Top Ten Misconceptions Americans have about China

Every time I get to talk to a visitor from America to China, the very first thing that they admit is that “China is not at all what they expected”. It doesn’t matter if  it was my father, and mother-in-law, my cousins, or strangers. They all say the same thing.

China is not at all what I expected.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.


We only know things that we have been exposed to. That exposure can come from first-hand experience, education, or word-of-mouth. Today, we have the united media that provides a central repository of “word-of-mouth” experiences. The problem is that the things the media tells us are often half-truths and outright lies disguised as “news”.

  • MSNBC warns us about yet another zombie bird-flu outbreak in Hong Kong.
  • CNN discuss the maniacal attack-mode killer hornets killing dozens in China.
  • CBS warns about a nuclear conflagration due to the Spratly islands.
  • The Huffington Post informs us that eating meat makes men sterile. Yikes!


As a result, most Americans know only about China via the “news” that has been presented to them. Which is really sad. As we all know that the primary reason for the divisiveness in the political spectrum today is due to the mainstream-media;

  • Trump supporters are unemployed, stupid, white male gun-loving hicks.
  • Hillary supporters are intelligent, open-minded, brilliant, and compassionate.

How do we know this?

It’s the mainstream media that has told us.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the ideas that many Americans have about "Trump supporters" are wildly inaccurate. It should come as no surprise why all the hype about "Russian collusion" in the 2016 election went no where. And, it should come as no surprise that the understanding of China, from an American perspective, is wildly inaccurate.

This is my take on this phenomenon.


"Of course..without sensational news no one will buy news media. I have seen the same thing from the country where I grew up, India. Mostly the pictures were of the poorest people living in terrible conditions. I never saw anything about the middle class life, which class is now bigger than the population of United States. I spent 37 years in Chicago, and believe me there are really bad ghetto areas there, as are in Detroit as well. Oh well, media will be media. No wonder semi-informed people get distorted views of the world."


Other Posts

This is the first of two parts post. You can visit the other post; ” The Top Ten Misconceptions that the Chinese have about America”. It can be found HERE.

1. The Chinese Hate Dogs & Cats and Eat Them

Not true.

Not even in the least. The Chinese LOVE… L-O-V-E … their pets.

In fact, the Chinese spend more money on their pets than they spend on their very own children. In China,  the children are everything. They really are. Children are protected and placed on a pedestal for a future life. Nothing is too  pricey when it comes to the children. Well, if a family has a pet, their health and well-being takes center stage. It becomes uber important.

Shanghai dogs
The Chinese love their pets. This is true. As they love them and care for them to such an enormous degree that they treat them as family members that eat at the table and sleep in the bed with them.

You get this impression from the corrupt main-steam American media. They just love to promote every instance of animal abuse and harm to an innocent dog or cat. It’s all propaganda.

Propaganda. It is designed to manipulate you. It is designed to keep you living in fear, and to think that we need wars to keep living the "free life" in the United States.

Why is every single instance when you turn on any media it is always about how great the United States is? It’s not that I don’t think the United States is great, it is that you don’t give any other nations any credit.

It is as if the entire rest of the world is nothing but scenes from a “Save the Children” commercial. Gawd, you’d think that the rest of the world walks around barefoot, sorts through trash, lives in windowless houses, and prostitutes’ children. It’s really a very lopsided view of the world. On the top of the list is China. China is always maligned.

Don’t believe me, eh?

Ok. Here, try this. (I am serious. Please stop reading and do this “sanity check”.)

Do a picture / image search for “dogs in china”. One is a United States search engine; Bing. The other is a Chinese search engine; Baidu.  Now look at the difference in the photos found. Big difference indeed. If you search using American search engines, and American web sites you will get the idea that the Chinese hates dogs. You would get the idea that they eat them and treat them brutally.

American search engines are propiganda tools.
The photo results when using an American search engine (Bing) for the term “Dogs in China”. Pretty terrible. Eh? The Chinese must really HATE dogs. Don’t you think?

When the real truth is that the Chinese love dogs like their very own children. They dress them up in clothes, including socks and shoes.  (Even my dog Shao Pi has sock, shoes, a coat, underwear, sunglasses, a cap and his very own backpack.) They have hairstyles and perms that they give the dogs. They groom them in pet salons, and offer them high-end doggie hotel accommodations, complete with dog-friendly television shows. It is a completely stark mind-blowing difference.

Yet, you know you would think that the US media would WANT to show this bizarre behavior to the American public. It is, after all, newsworthy. But they don’t. Anything that shows China in a positive light is suppressed.

Chinese show non-propigandized search results.
The photo results when you use a Chinese search engine (Baidu) for the search term “Dogs in China”. You know, the Chinese really love their dogs and treat them as children.

Here are two videos to make this point. Both are from an APP that is very common in China. (It is called IesDouYin,(Not a very English-Friendly name, I am afraid.)  you can get it HERE.  It is a kind of You-Tube in a Twitter kind-of format. It’s pretty cool and super popular in China. Heck, if you really want to get a taste of what China is actually like, then watch the videos.)

Now of course, there actually ARE villages in Southern China that do actually eat dogs, and there actually are grandparents that will catch a cat or two and eat it. It is, to them, just the same as if they catch a pigeon or a rat. It is an animal that was caught and that can be eaten. They are old-school rural Chinese hillbilly lifestyle.

They are a small and remote anachronism that exist in China.

However, these are typically uneducated village people who live hours away from a major city. They do not represent the bulk of modern Chinese society. Maybe they represent less than 1% of the total population in China.

2. China would collapse without Americans buying their products.

Not true.

While it is certainly true that many American products are made in China, it is an illusion that China ONLY makes products for Americans. Here is a chart from Forbes consisting the major trading partners with China in 2016. America certainly holds a sizable chunk, but it’s no where near the 80% that most American seem to believe.

This chart clearly shows that a third of all shipping containers outbound from China go to the United States.

Top trading partners
The top trading partners with China. Source is Bloomberg, on their “One World Research” project. Obtained from Forbes.

It is true that China ships all kinds of things to America, what is shipped is the cheapest, high volume products made in China. That is only true for America. The rest of the world utilizes China differently.

As far as the rest of the world is concerned, China ships higher-quality, higher value items to the rest of the world. So on the general scale of things, in terms of value, in terms of content, in terms of quality and overall benefit, America is shipped low-value junk while the rest of the world gets the best that China can produce.

85 percent of artificial Christmas trees are made in China. So are 80 percent of toys

Americans see their store shelves flooded with low-quality mass-produced Chinese junk.

But, China produces more than just low quality junk. They produce high value cars, watches, and most of the world’s electronics. So in stead of considering the number of shipping containers outbound from China, let’s consider the net value and net worth of the content of those containers.

That is a more useful indicator as far as global trade is concerned. After all, a shipping container full of little rubber ducks will not have the same value as a same-sized container full of iPhones.

China makes products all over the world.
China exports products all over the world. They manufacture everything. Their quality varies from poor to exceptional. Just because the only exposure to Chinese products is Walmart does not mean that that is all that they make. It isn’t.

Thus, an American gets the impression that is all that China makes. Americans end up blaming the Chinese for making the crappy products they buy. They accuse the Chinese for stealing “their” factories, and flooding the nation with junk. However, that is all misplaced.

America only represents 11% of all that China makes, by value.

Thus, if anyone, if any American, thinks that a 100% tariff situation would “bring China to it’s knees”, they are sadly mistaken. A 10% decrease in the monetary  value of what is shipped out in China could cause some distress to the Chinese, it would certainly not create a catastrophe.

That being said…

If you want to blame the flood of cheap Chinese made junk displacing quality-made products... look no further than billionaire Jim Walton and their oligarch family network from Arkansas. They demanded American factories provide them with the cheapest and inexpensive products, or they wouldn't work with them.
If you want to blame the destruction of the American industry and movement of "off shored" factories in China, don't blame the Chinese. Blame rich billionaire Al Dunlop and his ilk who spent decades decimating American industry so they could line their own pockets.

Here is an interesting chart showing how the exports from China to the United States grew over the last two decades, while the exports from the USA to China dropped off. There are many reasons for this drop off. One of which is prohibitive tariffs that China put in place, as well as the lack of tariffs on products coming into the United States.

Chart of trade relationship between the USA and China.
The rise of Chinese exports and the decline of American exports to China. This graph pretty much says it all. Obviously, a reset in the trade relationship is in order.

I would say that around 2012 the trade relationship between the United States was near parity. Unfortunately, this could not be maintained with the policies that both nations had.

The trade relationship was established during the Bill Clinton administration and was representative of an emerging third-world nation (China) and a first-world nation (the United States) supplying products to a nation devoid of quality manufacturing capability. The situation has since changed.

Obviously, a reset is in order.

China will not collapse if all trade with the United States were to end. However, this could indeed result in an economic recession in China. Neither sides want this to happen. Because, the Chinese have tied trade relationships to their external investment strategies. They have done this specifically to avoid that threat.

Here is the reason…

Global investment
China has been investing in industry, construction and global works throughout the world. Meanwhile, America has tied any financial outlays as grants (like Obama gave to South Africa) or as a “carrot” and stick approach tied to changes in Human Rights issues. Over the last few decades, China has invested heavily in America. This investment is tied directly to the export relationship between the two nations.

China has been investing heavily in America. Most of those new buildings, and construction projects that are going up in America are being funded by the Chinese. If the trade collapses between the USA and China, so will the financial investment in the United States by China.

Chinese crash
This is a screen shot from a web page talking about what would happen if the trade war between the US and China ratchets up. Any trouble or strife that is the result of it would be felt in the United States, because the Chinese have skillfully tied their economy to the health of the American economy.

The idea that shutting down trade with China will uniquely target China and have no impact on Americans is a swan song. Not only is the net value of the products coming to America of low value, but China has created a sizable feed-back loop that could wreck havoc in America were the trade imbalance not suitably readjusted slowly, carefully and properly.

The Trump Trade War from 2017 through 2020 was a complete failure. America's economy collapsed if not regressed, and active PPP GDP shows China as the global economic leader.
2018 Data before America contracted in 2020.

3. China is Starving and Needs American Food Exports

Not true.

China, with it’s enormous population, does not need food imports to exist. China is an enormous breadbasket. Farms exist everywhere. For instance, did you know that China has more pigs than the next 43 pork producing countries combined…

Pork in China.
The Chinese love pork. This is a nation that loves bacon. They love pork chops, and all sorts of pork products.

China does not need any imports of food to feed it’s people

China feeds 22 percent of the world population with only seven percent of the planet's arable land. Land is heavily utilized for agriculture. Vegetables are planted on road embankments, in traffic triangles and right up the walls of many buildings.

China is the world's top consumer of meat and grain. As it becomes more affluent people consume more meat and cooking oil and this has lead to increased demand for soybeans as an oil source and feed for livestock. China also uses more fertilizer that any other country.

According to United Nations statistics, China's cereal production is the largest in the world. In 2003 China produced 377 million tons, or 18.1 percent of total world production. Its plant oil crops---at 15 million tons in 2003---are a close second to those of the United States and amounted to 12.6 percent of total world production.

Lauren Keane wrote in the Washington Post, “China has a long-standing policy of food self-sufficiency, growing 95 percent of the grain required to feed its people. The country's sheer size means that a major crop failure or other food emergency here could have international ramifications, overwhelming world food markets with sudden demand. "Were China to need to import a large amount of grain, it would have a very dramatic impact on world food prices," said Anthea Webb, director of World Food Program China. [Source:Lauren Keane, Washington Post, May 31, 2010]

-Facts and Details

The idea that China cannot feed it’s people comes from the late 1960’s when the Communist central government failed in the implementation of policy. Taking advantage of that situation was a SJW moment known as the Cultural Revolution. It collapsed when the military had to be called into to restore order and control.

Today, China has pretty much thrown out the traditional communist precepts of central economic policy. Instead they have embraced “Dengism” a (American Conservative philosophy) of “free markets” implemented by Mr. Deng. He was a big follower of Ronald Reagan, and tried to implement as many American-style conservative policies as possible in China. China today is what it is because of Mr. Deng.

The closest thing that I can use to compare what China is like today, is to imagine an America with only one political party. There are no opposition parties at all. They are all illegal. 

The ruling party is traditional. It is conservative, and follows the Constitution to the letter. Running the nations out of Beijing are Chinese people with a similar social-political philosophy to Donald Trump, and Ron Paul.

That being said, any opposition to the party rule, and any changes to the Constitution results in the strongest responses and the most lethal solutions. The Chinese will no longer accept progressive liberal allowances to change a traditional and fundamental Constitution. They expect their judges to follow the Constitution, and interpret it to-the-letter.

Maybe that is why such people as John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Obama and their ilk insist that China open up it’s Constitution to change. After all, look how successful they have been in America doing so.

Mr. Deng
Mr. Deng is honored and admired in Shenzhen. Here is a billboard next to the stock exchange in downtown Shenzhen. Mr. Deng brought American conservative “free market” business policies to China. To replaced the socialistic policies of a central government out of Beijing.
The Trump administration though the neocons tried to inflict starvation upon China by the release of eight bio-weapon viruses upon livestock and grain, during the two year period of 2018 to 2020. They failed.

Obviously they believed the "echo chamber" narrative, and failed to do their fucking research.

4. The Chinese Infrastructure is Old and Falling Apart

I always laugh at this.

It is so obviously wrong that I wonder how anyone can maintain such a ridiculous narrative. Obviously the people who are promoting this narrative hasn’t been to China in a while. Maybe at least the last two friggn’ decades. This is simply because the very first thing that a new-comer to China notices is how absolutely brand-new and state of the art every thing is.

The first thing a visitor to China notices is how modern everything is.

High Speed Rail in China
China has an extensive network of “High Speed Rail”. These trains are many times faster than the fastest trains in the United States. Not only are they fast, but there is an enormous network of them This isn’t just one of two trains and special service dedicated lines. No. This consists of hundreds of rails lines and thousands of trains.
America's fastest "high speed" train goes less than half as fast as the new train between Shanghai and Beijing (150 mph vs 302 mph)

Over the last two decades (that’s twenty years for you folks that don’t really grasp the significance of this statement) China has spent billions of dollars in infrastructure. This differs substantially from the “blue ribbon panels” and “study committees” in America that spends millions of dollars even before the first contacts are awarded. But that is a changing

The Chinese do things quite differently. They do not mess around. A proposal is made, and money is spent making the idea into a reality.

China subway metro Shenzhen
Shenzhen metro subway line. Most subways in China are state-of-the-art, high-tech, clean and modern. In fact, that is one of the first things that a new-comer to China notices. Anyone who is a “policy analyst” and who hasn’t noticed this, hasn’t been to China in the last twenty years.

Subways are in all the Chinese cities. They are new and modern. The Chinese have developed techniques that speed up the creation of subways, and have modularized the building and construction of them. Thus they are absolutely everywhere.

Personally, I like subways. They are super cheap and very convenient.

I can spend page and page elaborating on the extensive subways in every city. I can enumerate every new bridge and highway project. I can discuss the funding of the city infrastructure task forces that are active in China. I can elaborate on the hyper-speed internet, the super-fast telephone communications, and the substantial network of road way systems. However it would be a waste of time.

Buy a ticket to China and see for yourself. PERIOD.

Chinese metro.
Shenzhen metro. The subways in China are new, clean, state-of-the-art, and High-Tech. The infrastructure in China is new and constantly improving.

In fact, anyone who HAS NOT spent at least six months in China over the last four years should NEVER be considered an “expert” or an “analyst” in Chinese matters. China changes every four months. It’s difficult to keep up. Further, a visit to China should not, NOT mean that most of your time is in Beijing or in a Western city like HK or Shanghai.

That’s like someone coming to Washington D.C. and thinking that it was representative of all of the United States. Pretty silly, huh?

Reading reports by other “experts” who have never set a foot in China does not make you an expert. You are in your own echo-chamber, and you are just repeating the lies and the narrative that has become long, long obsolete.

One of the things that kind of amazes me are all the glass floored bridges and buildings in China. It doesn’t matter if it is the Pearl Tower in Shanghai, or a bridge in Hunan, they are everywhere. By using modern PVD inter-layer technology, the use of glass as a structural element has really taken hold in China.

This trend is also moving to the EU and the UK. Numerous projects are following the Chinese example. Soon, we can expect to see some pretty impressive public works in Europe that follows the Chinese model.

Glass bridge
Glass bridges are very popular in China for some strange reason. I personally just can’t stand the tings. I get dizzy. As they always seem to be 100 stories high and exposed to the elements.

China is full of surprises that Americans have no clue about.

Consider all the state of the art water-parks, and recreational parks. You know, it goes to say, that with such a huge populations, the Chinese need places to play…right? You talk to most Americans and you soon discover that they are absolutely oblivious to the Chinese toll-booths, water-parks, synchronized high-rise building lighting displays, and the nighttime water fountain displays.

And here is Shanghai. Look around. It sure as Hell doesn’t look like the infrastructure is falling down. It really doesn’t. Nor does it look terribly polluted either…

The Chinese take pride in themselves and their nation. They are not hampered by having to hire minorities, or substandard individuals. They are not hampered with having to retain seventy year old airline stewardesses.

They fly state of the art aircraft, and staff it with beautiful and attractive staff that is well trained and at the top of their class. I can hardly think that this is indicative of a corrupt and falling apart infrastructure…

China is not what Americans expect.

Here is the suburb of Nanshan in Shenzhen. At night the buildings all have a synchronized light display because… well why not? You see, in China, it is duty and the purpose of the government to provide an environment that is conductive for having a high quality of life and to raise a family.

In America, it is every man out for them-self. Which is why many Americans have a problem trying to figure out China. They think that the Chinese is like the American government; everyone is after their own little ‘piece of the pie”. Not so in China. In China the community comes before the individual.

In China the community comes before the individual.

Nothing is more beneficial to the Chinese community than a well-maintained, start of the art infrastructure.

It’s not only in Shenzhen. These lighting displays all all over China. Every city has them. Check out this one. It’s actually quite impressive.

Finally, here is a city in the center of China called Chongqing. I wouldn’t even bother to include it, but I have received emails to the effect of “well, you are only showing large Westernized cities”, how about cities that the average people live in. Sigh.

5. China is a “Saber Rattler” and Wants War


You would sure get this impression from reading the American news. It’s always an article or two about “leaked” documents and war plans from “unnamed sources”. It’s about latest policy studies by “analysts” and “China experts”. There are always reports of “warnings” made in a “bellicose” manner about Chinese warplanes harassing our military who are flying near the Chinese border.

Just who are these “unnamed experts? What qualifies someone to become an”analyst” that is worth my time? Who leaks these “leaked documents” and why aren’t they ever provided for inspection?

Imagine that! Every week there is a new report. In fact, if you map the article out, they come in batches. Yup. It’s always a batch of reports to get your emotions all riled up and upset about that evil communist empire; the evil red Chinese!


American military.
The American military is deployed all over the world. The reach of the American military is extensive, with bases in most of the world. The military is trained to go to war at a moment’s notice. As is necessary as America is not only at war, but conducting war operations in six different theaters.

In regards to one of the latest reports. How in the world did CNN manage to get on board a top-secret aircraft, fly into the Chinese airspace, be permitted to listen in on secret encrypted communication, disembark from the plane on a Naval aircraft carrier, and be permitted to transmit that information from the carrier to the CNN headquarters in New York City? I just cannot imagine that President Trump would let anyone from CNN near our military, let alone “Mad Dog” Mattis.

Once, such nonsense is printed, it is repeated again and again by all the other “usual suspects”. You can see it HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

People, this is not 1914. The American people now are able to get news from global sources. While you may want to isolate these other sources from the major American software networks, your Orwellian reality has not yet come to pass.

Keep in mind that…

  • Today, America is simultaneously involved in fighting seven wars simultaneously. In seven different nations.
  • We have not fought a defensive war (the only kind of war authorized by the Constitution) since the 1940’s.
  • US Has Spent $5,900,000,000,000 On War Since 2001

Ok. The truth behind this is actually quite simple. Read the book by George Orwell, titled 1984, if you are confused.

Here is a movie still from the George Orwell movie 1984. It depicts a world where the people are constantly at war. The news keeps the people satisfied that they are being “protected”. All the time it is “A” fights ‘B”, “B” attacks “C”, and “C” is a threat to “A”. It is America today.

It is in the interests of the American oligarchy to keep American fearful and willing to support wars; war against the rest of the world.

Chinese Military - Defensive
The Chinese military is set to support a defensive posture. Their range of equipment, their policy positions, and their technology investment all supports this. Their singular aircraft carrier is based in the South China Sea and supports operations against piracy of freighters leaving the Guangzhou industrial heartland.
American Military - Offensive
America has over 15 aircraft carrier groups. They are deployed world-wide. They are not deployed to defend America. They are deployed to exert political-military influence globally. This is because America is currently fighting six wars.

The last war that China has fought was with Vietnam back in 1977. That was forty years ago. Do you have any idea how many nations that America has been fighting in since then? Well, have you? It’s a lot!

The Chinese preference is to develop trade and economic communication channels rather than to support and finance wars.

Currently their military is used to support humanitarian efforts. They have been deployed in the Philippines, Macao, Africa, and Korea just to name a few place. They are used to support the recovery of natural disasters. They have worked alongside American troops in that some role.

Chinese military
The Chinese military has been involved in humanitarian efforts, rather than para-military deployments. They are used as a political tool. Instead of being used to do battle, they are used as a sort of “Peace Corps” as established by President John F. Kennedy in the 1960’s.


America is currently engaged in fighting wars in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. America is simultaneously engaged in six wars. But, apparently, that isn’t enough. NEOCON’s in the United States, also want more war. They want wars to be conducted in Russia over the Ukraine. They want a military conflict in North Korea.

Our rulers
Here are the people who operate the enormous bureaucracy in the United States. You know, the ones that say one things and do the other. John Brennan. James Clapper, and their ilk.

They also are not shy about discussing war against China.

The assumption is that all these conflicts against these Asian nations would be comfortable conventional affairs, where the American population could sit back and be entertained by television reporting of the events. Americans, and the American leadership, have made many assumptions about a conflict with China.

I dare say that most of these assumptions are WRONG. These are big, very big  assumptions that have no place when dealing with another global superpower;

  • China will suitably engage in a conventional war with the USA, and will absolutely not employ nuclear weapons.
  • Any war with China will be limited to China and there would be no “spill over” in the United States.
  • The Chinese people would welcome Americans as liberators. (Ha ha ha ha!)
  • Taiwan would side with the United States. (Highly unlikely.)
  • Japan would side with the United States.
  • Korea would side with the United States.
  • The Philippines would side with the Untied States.
  • Russia would not align itself with China.
  • The EU will stand by the USA and not stand with China.

These assumptions were probably valid up until 2005. Now, it’s quite a different world. Don’t be so sure as your assumptions will hold true.

I find it difficult to believe that China would sit back and NOT unleash a nuclear holocaust over any attack against their sovereignty. They ARE a nuclear equipped nation, in case you are unaware. They do deploy theater, tactical, and strategic nuclear weapons.

Chinese ICBM map
This is a map showing the reach of the Chinese ICBM with MIRV capability. It’s just so strange to me that NEOCONS in the United States think that China would never use nuclear weapons against someone who would attack them. They do not need public opinion. If they wanted to, a red button would be pressed, and there just isn’t anything that anyone can do about it. The Chinese government completely controls the internet and the people will support what ever the Chinese government decides to do.

If there is one thing that I have learned, after my multiple years in China, they will NEVER do what you expect. They will do what provides them advantage.

I do not want war. I think that war is a tool used by evil people for their own purposes. War is but a tool. It should not be glorified or praised as an agent of change. It should only be used when all other avenues fail.

What this implies is that;

  • American leadership is so incompetent that they always have to resort to war.
  • American citizens are powerless to advise the government in it’s actions or change them.
  • The individuals who run the American government profit handsomely when there is a war.
  • Those that promote war do not believe that there will be any negative consequences that will affect them personally.
I have a bunch of posts on this. You might want to read these...

America tries to Suppress China
America sends an Armada to wage war against China

6. Everything Made in China is Junk

Hey! That fine German camera that you want, but is too expensive to ever buy? You know, with the label that says “Made in Germany”. Well, the real supply chain looks like this; Made in China, assembled in China, shipped to Germany. Stored in a German warehouse. Shipped to America.

Or, consider that Japanese laptop. You know the one, with the famous brand name. Made in China. Assembled in China. Shipped to Japan. Stored in a Japanese Warehouse. Shipped to America.

China is the manufacturer for the world.

Americans are under the impression that everything in China is junk because most Americans shop at Walmart. Everything sold at Walmart is junk. Therefore, and ergo, if everything you buy is from Walmart and it is all made in China, then everything made in China is junk.


Nope. Not at all.

Here is a little history lesson. Way back in time, before George Bush was President, companies in America were jockeying to have product placement in Walmart. Walmart was the leading retailer of products, and to have your goods sold at Walmart meant that you pretty much could sell your product anywhere in the Untied States. Not just anywhere, but in huge volumes as well.

There was only one thing.

They wanted all the profit. When I worked at Sunbeam-Oster, our profit margin on a garment steam iron was 3% of the total cost. Walmart then took that amount and added an additional 33% profit to THEM, on top of that. In addition, they also demanded 1.5% decrease in price every year. After two years, we were only breaking even. The only solution was to develop a new product, and start from scratch all over again.

Platic basket
Inexpensive PE basket produced in China, and shipped to the United States for sale.

Over time, the only way that American manufacturing companies could compete was to make the products in places where the labor costs were really low. That meant, for the most part, China. Which is why so many American factories were shuttered and the assembly went overseas in China.

However, the rest of the world is not run by John Walton. All through Europe, the socialistic nations there have provided really generous packages to the workers, and thus labor costs are really high. They still demand high quality, but they just cannot afford the labor costs.

So, while the cheapest and flimsiest products were being made in China and shipped to America, the really good stuff went to Europe.

European watch made in China.
China is a manufacturer for the world. Most European companies utilize China to outsource their product manufacture and sourcing. This is known as “supply chain”, and the management of a supply chain is big business.

7. China is Dirty, Smoggy and Heavily Polluted

Certainly, Beijing in August is awfully smoggy. The combination of dust and pollution really creates an atmosphere that is rather undesirable. However, Beijing is not representative of China as a whole. Just like Washington D.C. does not represent what America is like.

Here is Coastal China where I pretty much live…

Here is a view of the central mountainous section of China. This is a nice rural village. The Chinese government(s) have taken the time to invest in the preservation of history and local villages. Otherwise, they would all be torn down and replaced with modern skyscrapers by aggressive Chinese businessmen.

Here is a view of a smaller Chinese city. These smaller communities are spread out all over China. They are so tiny and cute.

China is like any other place on the surface of this planet. There are good days, and rainy days. There are places that have snow, and other places that have hot deserts. Yet, the American main-stream media never shows you that. They only show the ugly and bad side of China. This causes a terrible distortion of reality.

Life is NOT like it is portrayed in the American main-stream media.

And, here is another picture of the absolutely beautiful Chinese coast. Boys and girls, the world is filled with beautiful places, and wonderful and sunny people. You do not have to live in fear, thinking that the rest of the world is a dark, dingy and terrible place. Throw away all the propaganda, and go out and see the rest of the world with your own very eyes.

Don’t move ahead with the narrative brought to you by the American oligarchy.

The above micro-video is from the Southern coast of China. What about the Northern coast? Well, here is a micro-video taken in the Northern section of China. It is taken near Mongolia.

When ever you, the reader, are too riled up about something you read, maybe it’s high time to sit back… drink a nice frosty beer and play with your dog (or cat). Then book a plane and travel to China. You do not need to believe me. All you need to do is see things with your own eyes. It is neigh time that we stopped listening to those that control and influence us, and make our own decisions.

8. The Chinese Hate Their Government

Yeah. This is another big ol’ whopper.

We, as Americans, tend to think that everyone who lives in a communist nation is imprisoned and can’t wait to escape. Man, that was certainly the case during the “Pro Democracy Movement”, when the Chinese government cracked down on all the SJW’s who wanted to turn the nation on it’s head… “Cultural Revolution” style.

All the SJW’s bailed. They scurried away like rats. many came to America and just begged to be let in. We, being magnanimous, let some come in. Then we left the rest to fend for themselves. We never forgot how they tried to escaped from the progressive liberal socialist “utopia” Communist China.

But, boys and girls, that was over thirty years ago.

Since then, the (American Conservative) policies of Mr. Deng replaced the progressive liberal socialist polices out of Beijing. He tossed away the big socialist lies. He made it obvious that socialism does not work. He rubbed the collective socialist’s faces into the reality of what the structure of the government was.

China became rich, and the people became prosperous. No one wants to change that.

To paraphrase Mr. Deng. “I don’t care if the cat is white or black. All that I care about is if it catches mice.”

The Chinese, of all walks of life, can see their lives changing before their very eyes. When the shackles of progressive liberal thought were decoupled and discarded, they were permitted to fly like a bird in American-Conservative-style free-market economics. They can fly! They can build up their lives unencumbered by rules and regulations. They are happy and free!

Here’s a chick working at a fish market. Look at the people behind here. Are they picking up their phones to call the “Police” or the “Politically correct” action committee? No, not in the least.

The Chinese people today, are very proud of their country and their heritage. They see that there are good and bad aspects, but in the whole they see their standard of living increasing. They see the Chinese government going after crime and corruption. They see actions being taken to curb and eliminate pollution. They see their friends getting and starting successful businesses. All in all, they are satisfied.

When you come to China the impression is not one of doom, gloom, and a resigned belief that you are trapped. The impression is one of openness, friendliness, and happiness.

9. China is a Police State

You know this is a pretty common perception. Since China is “communist” that it must be a “police state”. After all, all Americans know and realize that all communists are socialistic dictators. Right? And, when see facts about executions in China, it just reinforces that perception.

China executes three times as many people as the rest of the world COMBINED... and uses mobile execution vans for efficiency.

But is it really?

Since I moved to China, I have never had to show my identification. I am never bothered by the police for anything. I have never seen a military vehicle with police colors on it. When I do see armored military and police, it is only after a Muslim attack, like the massacre in Kuming.

The truth is that the Chinese police typically let people alone. The closest American equivalent that I can compare them to is a sort of Mayberry RFD. The police are pretty “hands off”. They do not police behavior and only get involved if assistance is required. Seriously, that is the best way that I can describe it.

Mayberry RFD
The police in China are not dedicated to policing and enforcing behavior. Instead, they concentrate of crimes that have victims. They have a rather relaxed attitude regarding this. It is quite different from what is present in the United States.

Heck, America is the Police State. With arrests of five year olds for selling lemonade, and SWAT raids for planting tomato plants in your front yard.

DHS vehicles.
American military vehicles deployed on American soil in defiance of the US Constitution. All vehicles were deployed under direction and orders from President Obama. These vehicles are fully equipped for military grade weapons and counter measures. If George Washington saw this he would be rolling in his grave.

Not China.

Chinese police van.
Here is a typical Chinese police van. While the Chinese do utilize military grade weapons and vehicles, they are NOT USUALLY DEPLOYED. Deployment of military grade equipment is usually reserved for real emergencies.

10. China is Communist

Yah, and America is still a Republic. We say this, even though the 12th and the 17th amendments effectively changed a Republic into a Democracy, we still walk around saying that American is still a Constitutional Republic.

  • 12th Amendment – Vice President is elected by the electoral college vote.
  • 17th Amendment – Senators are elected by popular vote.

China might be communist in name, and they might call it “Communist with Chinese Characteristics”, but in truth it functions quite differently than how Mr. Mao first set it up as.

China Today is Communist in Name Only
China operates as a single political entity; a dictatorship, if you will. It's social and economic policies are near perfect copies of Ron Paul's free-market philosophy. They are implemented as if they were run by American Conservatives.

Saying China is “Communist” is like saying that a person is rich because they wear Prada. Governments have strayed and changed over the years. What’s that that the liberals always say about the United States Constitution “it’s a living document” . One that you can revise depending on the dictates of the majority.

I disagree, of course, but others don’t. They have changed America to be something that is was not intended to be.

Ron Paul Quote


China today does not resemble anything like Americans think it is. There are numerous reasons for this, however, I lay the blame squarely on the monolithic American news media.

Here are some random screen shots of CNN talking about China. What do they seem to be focused on. In what way are they reporting what is actually going on socially, economically, and culturally? Their narrative seems to be focused on disputes, disagreements and problems. Killer Hornets. Yikes! You know, I’ve never seen a killer wasp or hornet, but I promise that when I do, I’ll write about it.

America NEEDS a well informed, intelligent citizenry. While, I will openly admit that I find many things about China that I favor, at least I am trying to show the other side “of the coin”. China is not what many think it is.

We owe it to ourselves to start to obtain other sources of information. We need to stop our reliance on obtaining information from the mainstream media outlets. Their role is not to inform. Their role is to manipulate.

Take Aways

  • Americans believe that most Chinese eat dogs and cats. This is wrong. A small minority of rural Chinese do so. The vast bulk of the Chinese population love their pets.
  • Americans believe that China would not exist if it were not for Americans buying Chinese products. This is false. China manufactures to the world, not just America.
  • Americans believe that China would starve if food exports were blocked. This is false. China was worked on self-sufficiency for decades.
  • Americans believe that the infrastructure in China is falling apart and old. This is false. There is nothing even resembling this narrative at all.
  • Americans believe that the Chinese want to fight a war. This is nonsense propagated by the American media.
  • Americans thing that everything made in China is junk. Nope. Not at all. It’s just that the vast bulk of American consumer products out of China have been quality reduced to meet American profit margins.
  • Americans think that China is terribly polluted. Some areas are… sometimes. Like everything else, China is a big nation with many beautiful areas.
  • Americans believe that the Chinese hate their government and their nation. No. They do not. This is a falsehood.
  • Americans believe that since China is “communist” that it is a police state. This is false. It is not a police state, though America certainly acts and behaves like one.
  • Americans believe that Communist China is a text-book communist nation. It is not. It is communist in name only, and functions differently than how it was initially set up as.


Q: Isn’t there some truth in the narrative out of the mainstream media?
A: Oh yes. There is always a small paltry of truth is every item out of the American mainstream media. For instance, there are some people in the cities that occasionally eat dogs. There are some roads that need to be repaved. There are sometimes Chinese military armed with machine-guns.

The point is not that there are not exceptions to the news, but rather that the information provided by American mainstream media is terribly slanted propaganda.

Q: How can you determine if the American mainstream media is lying?
A: The first key is to look if they are talking. If they are saying something, then there is a very good chance that it is a half-truth, or half-lie. However, the best thing that you can do is go out to the place where they are reporting on.

I well remember an event when I graduated from Syracuse University in 1981. We had an American general speak at the commencement ceremony. Perhaps you know him; Al Haig. The auditorium, the SU dome, was filled to capacity.

Now, up in a small tiny corner way, way, way far away were four “activists” dressed up like nuns with blood all over them. They were protesting something that was going on in South America at the time. Anyways, the police came and removed them. They entire disruption maybe took two minutes. It happened as a little scuffle in a big auditorium of people.

That night we watched the news.

Instead of showing a tiny insignificant scuffle in a swirling mob of people, they zoomed in on the four character activists.  Their faces filled the television screen. The emphasis was on the protesters and nothing about our graduation. Not only that, but while the protests only took at most two minutes of time, the news devoted a full twenty minutes to it.

Anyone watching what was reported would get the impression of a major protest, and one that really made a big stink during graduation. It was nothing of the sort. Not at all.

SU protest 1981
Protesters during graduation at Syracuse University in 1981.

Q: Why do you hate America and are so pro-China?
A: I do not hate America. I love America. However, is in turmoil right now, and much of it is being instigated from others, often powerful, rich oligarchs who are trying to Change America into their idea of perfection; “Venezuelan” style America.

To get away with this, they rely on deception, fear and half-truths.

This is my admittedly small, but heart-felt, effort to try to correct this imbalance. In a world where blogs are maligned, and the mainstream-media is put on a pedestal, I choose to be a small and tiny voice. To which I must squeek…

"Go out, and look around you. All the news consists of lies and distortions. Do not believe any of it.

The most dangerous lies are the lies that YOU WANT TO BELIEVE. Be careful.

When in doubt, go experience the place and the events yourself."

Please be judicious in everything that you read, and everything that you watch and hear. Powerful, wealthy individuals have twisted it and remade it into an extremely advanced control mechanism. They use feed-back loops to control and predict the actions of great masses of the American populace. Do not fall for their trap.

It’s all crap.


Other Posts

This is the first of two parts post. You can visit the other post; ” The Top Ten Misconceptions Chinese have about America”. It can be found HERE.

Links about China

Business KTV

Dance Craze

End of the Day Potato

Dog Shit

Dancing Grandmothers

When the SJW movement took control of China

Family Meal

Freedom & Liberty in China

Ben Ming Nian

Beware the Expat

Fake Wine

Fat China

China and America Comparisons


Playground Comparisons

The Last Straw

Diversity Initatives


Travel outside

10 Misconceptions about China

Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1

Pretty Girls 2

Pretty Girls 3

Pretty Girls 4

Pretty Girls 5

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  1. Composed 28AUG18.
  2. Draft completed 3SEP18.
  3. SEO 3SEP18.
  4. Published 3SEP18.

The Drake Equation as viewed by MAJestic

How can anyone discuss extraterrestrials and fail to address the Drake Equation?  Well, this section does exactly that. I address this section as an “insider” and as someone “in the know” on these matters.  (I do not address it as an investigator searching for answers.  There are others wearing that mantle throughout the Internet.)

The galaxy that we live in was fully colonized billions of years ago.  It is now a rather well policed and thriving community of various races and species.  Why we, as humans, do not seem to be part of this great community is due to the fact that our souls are transitional.  We have not yet developed into an approved quantum archetype.  Therefore, we must be segregated.

In other words, our physical form is unapproved.

However, that is changing.  This chapter discusses the equation given our latest physical findings and I wrap it all in a nice bow given what I know from our extraterrestrial friends…

My Take on The Drake Equation

Period pulp magazine
Illustration is from a period pulp magazine. It is in no way representative of reality or what the author experienced. It is presented for illustrative purposes and for reasons related to humor and artistic appreciation, (pulp art is beautiful, yes?). In the illustration, an extraterrestrial of unusual form and shape lands on an (apparent) American farm where he is confronted by a farmer, his daughter and son and the loyal dog.

“We’re looking at all scenarios about finding life. If you find microbes, that’s one thing. If you find intelligence, it’s another. And if they communicate, it’s something else, and depending on what they say, it’s something else! 

The idea is not to wait until we make a discovery, but to try and prepare the public for what the implications might be when such a discovery is made.

I think the reason that NASA is backing this is because of all the recent activity in the discovery of exoplanets and the advances in astrobiology in general. 

People just consider it much more likely now that we’re going to find something — probably microbes first and maybe intelligence later. The driving force behind this is from a scientific point of view that it seems much more likely now that we are going to find life at some point in the future.”

Steven J. Dick. Astronomer, symposium organizer and former chief NASA historian.

Here is my take on the “Drake Equation”.

(First some history.)  Radio astronomer Frank Drake became the first person to start a systematic search for intelligent signals from extraterrestrial races far from the earth.

Using the 25-meter dish of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia, Drake listened in on two nearby Sun-like stars: Epsilon Eridani and Tau Ceti.   His Project Ozma (named for L. Frank Baum’s story Ozma of Oz) slowly scanned frequencies close to the 21-cm wavelength for six hours a day from April to July 1960.   The project was well designed, cheap, simple by today’s standards, and unsuccessful.

Following the Ozma experience, Drake organized a meeting with a select group of scientists to discuss the prospects and pitfalls of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence ( typically abbreviated SETI). In November 1961, ten radio technicians, astronomers, and biologists convened for two days at Green Bank.

Some Background First...

The SETI program involves listening for radio broadcasts from nearby stars.  Receipt of certain radio signals from a particular star may indicate intelligent life living on a planet orbiting that star.  

SETI is tuned to radio frequencies that are consistent with the frequency range we Earthlings use for broadcasting. The truth is: SETI was listening in the wrong frequency bands.  

[Point 1]
If an extraterrestrial intelligence were to communicate by radio, would they use the same radio frequency bands that we use?  Not in the least. That is highly unlikely.

[Point 2]
Moreover, they would broadcast their radio signals in “Compressed Space-Time”. This is because they can broadcast signals across interstellar space from one star to another in a matter of minutes. Otherwise, they would need to wait for years, decades or centuries.

This is roughly equivalent to difference in sending a movie via email as a *.mov file as compared to a zipped *.zip file.

You see, radio signals propagating through “Normal Space-Time” take several years to go from one star system to another.  The compression factor of “Compressed Space-Time” distance is usually tens to hundreds of millions to that of “Normal Space-Time.”  

So, if an extraterrestrial intelligence broadcasts a radio signal at 100 MegaHertz in “Compressed Space-Time” where the distance compression ratio is 100 million to 1, then the observed radio broadcast in “Normal Space-Time” would appear to be 1 Hertz because its wavelength is 100 million times larger.  Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional.

Therefore, if SETI expects to find any broadcasts from an intelligent extraterrestrial race, then SETI must listen in the very low frequency bands for radio ... on the order of 10-3 Hertz to 100 Hertz instead of the Kilohertz and Megahertz ranges for normal radio broadcasting. 

[Point 3]
Reader, listen up, that is the ELF range.  What a coincidence.All MAJestic members have ELF probes. These probes communicate using compressed space-time.
[Point 4]
Now, regarding the work of SETI, it is my knowledge that MAJestic operates within the U.S. Government in the form of a W(U)-SAP as a "carve out". It is fully aware of the existence of extraterrestrial races with advanced technology. There are indeed, members who know what is going on. They are involved with reverse engineering of extraterrestrial spacecraft, and is also fully aware of the broadcasts originating from extraterrestrial races. Therefore, they actually know the frequency bands where those broadcasts may be found.  That organization has no desire to let the general public in on the truth. Thus...

[Point 5]
The SETI program gives the appearance of a concerted effort to search for extraterrestrial intelligence to the public. However, in fact, it is a farce and a waste of time and money.  SETI is nothing more than a U.S. Government “Smoke Screen” designed to appease the masses.

It was in preparing for this meeting that Drake came up with his famous equation:

The drake equation

Today this string of letters and symbols can be found on T-shirts, coffee mugs, and bumper stickers. It is far simpler than it looks. It expresses the number (N) of “observable civilizations” that currently exist in our Milky Way galaxy as a simple multiplication of several, more approachable unknowns;

  • N* is the rate at which stars have been born in the Milky Way per year,
  • fp is the fraction of these stars that have solar systems of planets,
  • ne is the average number of “Earth-like” planets (potentially suitable for life) in the typical solar system,
  • fl is the fraction of those planets on which life actually forms,
  • fi is the fraction of life-bearing planets where intelligence evolves,
  • fc is the fraction of intelligent species that produce interstellar radio communications, and L is the average lifetime of a communicating civilization in years.

The Drake equation is as straightforward as it is fascinating. Astronomers and biologists alike have tried to “solve” the equation ever since.

Since I have some degree of entangled insight, I would like to take the moment to express what I believe the values of this particular equation is.  Of course, I could be wrong.  I could be right.

Therefore here are my opinions.  All of what I place here is based upon what I know, not only as an [1] retired member of MAJestic, but also as a [2] space enthusiast.   To do this, let's reevaluate the Drake equation by analyzing each term separately.

Let’s look at this formula relative to what we know about the universe today.  There has been many, many, many, MANY changes since Doctor Drake first came up with this formula.

N* – Number of Stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

This is pretty simple and straight forward. This variable is the number of stars in our galaxy.

At the time that Doctor Drake first made his equation, this number was considered to be somewhat less than 400 million stars. Today, we know that the value is much, much larger than that.

The Milky Way galaxy has, at the very least, 750 million stars in it.  Actually it is much larger than that, if you include the halo and the far cooler brown dwarf stars.  However, for simplicity, let’s just maintain a conservative narrative in this exercise. The size of our galaxy is constantly being revised upwards. This includes the very dim red and brown dwarfs are typically difficult to see and detect.

N* = 750,000,000.

I suppose this is a debatable figure.

There are those whom argue that there are only 100 billion stars, while other argue that they are nearly a trillion stars.  Conventionally, it is generally considered that the Milky Way galaxy has around 400 billion stars as determined by visible observation and inference.

However, that does not include the billions of non-visible stars; The vast bulk of red dwarfs that constitute over half of the stars in our galaxy.  Nor does it include the super cool brown dwarfs.  While there are many who might immediate discount these are possible birth places for native evolved life, I argue differently.  I believe that they should and need to be included in the calculus.  Therefore, that is why I believe that there are 750 billion stars in our galaxy.

Furthermore, everyone seems to exclude the galactic halo that surrounds our galaxy.  (The subconscious reason is probably that if you did, galaxies would not have the magnificent shapes that we see and associate them with.  They would all look like blobs, spheres or egg shapes.)

This halo easily adds another 400 billion stars to the mix, as well as the spaces between the visible arms.  In fact, I could argue that our galaxy is the home for over 1.5 trillion stars, and I would be making an accurate statement at that.

The halo structure of the Milky Way Galaxy.
The halo of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is comprised of two elements; there is an inner and an outer halo.

Our galaxy is far larger than what we can see from direct visual observation. In fact, it is much like our neighboring galaxy; the Andromeda.

Consider the Andromeda galaxy…

Galatic halo around Andromeda
This is the galatic halo around the Andromeda galaxy. This photo illustrates how the size of the halo was calculated from telescopic measurements.

Further, as of 2015, Yan Xu, an astronomer at the National Astronomical Observatories of China, studied a mysterious group of stars that lay beyond the outermost edge of the Milky Way’s disk.

The so-called Monoceros Ring is about 60,000 light-years from the galactic center (just beyond where the disk was thought to end at 50,000 light-years).  His study clearly found four total structures in and just outside what is currently considered the Milky Way’s outer disk.

The third structure was the highly debated Monoceros ring, and the fourth structure was the Triangulum Andromeda Stream, located 70,000 light-years from the galactic center.

Complex features of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Our galaxy has numerous curious features or collections of stars. They greatly extend the size of our galaxy and indicate a complex dynamic in the formation of our galaxy and the interactions of the stars inside of it.

For a while there was quite a lively debate about these streams of stars. Some wanted to include them as part of the galaxy, while others wanted to consider them independent galaxies being “eaten” by the Milky Way. It’s all pretty silly.

Ripple patterns in the Milky Way galaxy.
The Milky Way Galaxy has a apparent pattern of “waves” in the basic disc. This is a curious observation and suggests a complexity of galactic formation that was not initially obvious.

The shape of the galaxy is very interesting with ripples, streams, vortexes, and all kinds of matter being formed, displaced and moved about. It’s all pretty darn exciting and very, very interesting.

The four structures (so far) found and identified lie all about the galaxy.

The four structures.
The four structures of stellar extensions that lie outside our “normal” galaxy form. They have been identified and labeled as shown. I have a feeling that they will eventually get to be renamed into something different.

All four structures alternated with respect to the disk. They went from above it, to below it, to above it, to below it. The scientists were surprised that the ring and three other structures were actually a part of an oscillating disk.

"If it's true that the Monoceros Ring and the Triangulum Andromeda structure are part of this oscillatory pattern, then the stellar disk goes out way further than the textbook tells us it ought to be…"

- Heidi Jo Newberg Rings and Radial Waves in the Disk of the Milky Way. arXiv:1503.00257v1 [astro-ph.GA].

All these new discoveries have resulted in new ideas and considerations regarding the size of the Milky Way galaxy. It is now much, much larger than what was first assumed. Now, instead of extending nearly 100,000 light-years from one side to the other, it would be more like 160,000 light-years wide.

That is a 60% increase in size.

This corrects the Milky Way’s size up to that of Andromeda, and clearly approaches and even surpasses the 750 billion star estimation.  (Which accurately explains the mass discrepancy between the two galaxies that have been a mystery for years.)

Considerations Milky Way Galaxy Size
Visible stars only 400 Billion
Visible stars plus dim red dwarfs 750 Billion
Above, plus brown dwarfs and the halo stars 1150 Billion
Above, plus the four ring structures. (Most accurate.) 1500 Billion

However, for purposes of conventionality, let’s just restrict our evaluation to the visible galaxy, and leave the value at 750 billion stars. Note: our calculations are limited to our galaxy alone.  The universe is far larger and more comprehensive than what we can possibly consider at this time

fp – Fraction of Stars with Solar Systems

“Yesterday, the US space agency announced there are 2,325 confirmed planets in just a tiny fraction of the galaxy studied by the Kepler Telescope mission. 

Exoplanets are those which orbit a star in the so-called Goldilocks or habitable zone, where the distance from the sun means it is not too hot nor too cold to stop life forming. 

Now NASA has estimated there are tens of billions of these in the Milky Way and many of them could be small and rocky like Earth.”

-SEARCH FOR LIFE SENSATION: 10 BILLION Earths potentially in The Milky Way ALONE

The second variable in the Drake Equation is fp.  This is the fraction of stars that have planetary systems.

At the time when Doctor Drake made up his equation, this was a big unknown. At that time, there were many scientists that believed that our solar system was unique, and that most stars did not have ANY planets in orbit around it. Of course they were wrong. Today, we know differently.

Recent discoveries have confirmed that many or most young stars are surrounded by planet-forming disks. Further, the detection of scores of actual planets orbiting nearby Sun-like stars since 1995, confirm what astronomers had already suspected: planets are very, very common.

Not just some-what common; they are extremely very common.

So-called “proto-planetary disks” are routinely detected by infrared observations. They are often seen directly in, for instance, Hubble Space Telescope photographs of the Orion Nebula. This is a typical nebula, and one of the most prolific star-forming regions in our part of the Milky Way.

Submillimeter-wave observations have shown much more tenuous dust disks around many older stars. This includes Drake’s first target, Epsilon Eridani.

Epsilon Eridani
Dust and debris discs around Epsilon Eridani show clear evidence of planetary formation.

Many of these disks are doughnut shaped. According to many theorists, the central holes can only be swept clear by planets accreting gas and dust from the disk’s inner portion. In addition, some of the disks (including Epsilon Eridani’s) show distortions that may directly indicate a planet circling in their outer regions.

Planets are everywhere.  They are common place.

As for actual planet detection, extrasolar-planet searches have found (as of June 2003) that about 12 percent of Sun-like stars have a giant planet orbiting it (within 5 astronomical units of the star – Jupiter’s distance from the Sun).

At face value, this might imply that about 12 percent of stars have planets, so fp would be 0.12.   (That are easy to detect; our detection methods are still preliminary.)  However, this is only part of the story; the current search techniques are sensitive only to massive planets, especially those in small, fast orbits.

Solar systems like ours cannot yet be recognized (though they should be in reach within a few years). Very likely the fraction of single Sun-like stars with planets of some kind is much higher than 12 percent. Reasonable guesses held by those in scholarly circles might be 20 to nearly 100 percent.

"The Kepler specialist telescope is the first capable of detecting call rocky planets in the habitable zone of their parent star. When launched we did not know if exoplanets or rocky exoplanets were rare and we now know they are extremely common and most stars have at least one planet orbiting. Our research is on just a fraction of possible exoplanets and knowing this is the first step in answering the question if we are alone in the universe."

-Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington

But the truth is that all stars older than 1/2 billion years old have planets.

fp = 80% = 0.80.

The solar systems surrounding these other stars tend to be rather large and maintain a host of rocky planets of various sizes.  For our purposes, lets simplify things as simply state that 80% of the stars in the galaxy are over ½ billion years old, and that of these, they all maintain a solar system of some type.  Thus, for our purposes fp = 80% = 0.80.

Again, like before, this is a very conservative number. We need to understand that Solar Systems are Common.

Researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) have found that far-away planet systems are shaped like the solar system, with multiple planets aligning with the host star on a flat plain. Co-researcher Associate Professor Charley Lineweaver said NASA’s discovery of the seven-planet system being on a flat plain supported this research, which challenges the usual assumption that planet systems are flared like bell-bottoms. (The lead author of the research paper, published in The Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, is RSAA PhD student Tim Bovaird: arxiv.org/abs/1702.08126.)

"Other planet systems in the universe seem to be much like our solar system,"

-Dr Lineweaver from the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA).

Who also said…

"The more we find out about these planet systems the more it seems the solar system is unexceptional."

-Dr Lineweaver from the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA).

The Kepler space telescope has detected more than 4,000 planets orbiting 3,200 stars. The majority of these host stars have only one detected planet, while 656 have multiple planets.

"The wealth of the Kepler planet data allows for the first time detailed studies of planet systems outside the solar system. We are now able to ask and answer questions like, how common are planet systems like our own?"

-Mr Tim Bovaird 

Simulations of these planet systems had previously only matched the observed data by assuming a Kepler Dichotomy, an assumption that there are two types of star: one type with only one planet, and another type with multiple planets.

"Simulations with flared planet systems were slightly easier to perform and that is what researchers had assumed,"

-Mr Tim Bovaird 
"But this is an odd assumption because the inner part of our solar system is flat, not flared. When we dropped the assumption that planet systems are flared, simulations naturally matched the observed data without using the Kepler Dichotomy."

-Dr Lineweaver from the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA).

Dr Lineweaver said the team’s result should demote the Kepler Dichotomy and allow more realistic interpretations of new planet systems.

Ne – Fraction of planets with conditions suitable for life.

“It’s been nearly 20 years since the discovery of the first extrasolar planet around a normal star. Since then, we have learned that most stars have planets of some size orbiting them, and that Earth-size planets are relatively common in close-in orbits that are too hot for life.  

With this result, we’ve come home, in a sense, by showing that planets like our Earth are relatively common throughout the Milky Way Galaxy.”

-Andrew Howard, a former UC Berkeley post-doctoral fellow who is now on the faculty of the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii.

The next factor is ne. This factor represents the average number of worlds in a typical solar system that have environments suitable for the origin of life (the “e” stands for “Earth-like”).

In his 1992 book “Is Anyone Out There?”, Doctor Drake recalls that the participants in the Green Bank meeting concluded that the minimum value of ne lay between one and five.

Water on our planets in the solar system
The argument is that where ever you can find water, you can find life. If that is true, then it is obvious that in our solar system ne =9. As there are nine planets with oceans. We also know that there is water on the moon, Mars, and Venus. Read about the TESS project here to hunt for more watery planets.

In other words, every planetary system was expected to contain at least one minimally Earth-like place (defined as where liquid water is possible), and that there might easily be three, four or five hospitable worlds per system.

The Kepler spacecraft's finds suggest, among other things, that every Milky Way star hosts at least one planet on average; that rocky planets are extremely common throughout the galaxy; and that about 20 percent of all stars in the Milky Way host a roughly Earth-size planet in their habitable zones.

This optimistic view was based on the assumption that our own solar system is typical.

Today Mars and Jupiter’s moon Europa, and Enceladus, as well as one or two other moons are being considered as possible sites of early aquatic biology, making six possible “Earths” (by the Drake-equation definition) in our solar system.

We know that solar systems, and their orbits might be very complicated.  We also know that there is a great deal of variation between different solar systems.  But none of that need concern us here.

Life forms easily in our universe.  The conditions to replicate the most simple organisms is relatively common throughout the universe.  Given what we know, this value should be considered to be around 6 depending on the age and local situations of the solar system.

Enceladus showing plumes radiating outward. There is evidence for a liquid inner core or ocean that is suggestive of life.

Drake proposed the value to be 5 decades ago. Contemporaneous knowledge places this value at 9. We could be ultra conservative and simply knock this value down to two. That way we can pretend objectivity in the face of reality.  ne= 2. But I won’t. There are nine planets in our solar system with oceans of water, and we know that our solar system is typical. ne= 9.

ne= 9

In fact, we see evidence for this on our own planet.  At the time of the first debates concerning the Drake Equation, many scientists argued that life was a rarity in our universe.  But now, though advances in science and discoveries too numerous to mention here, we know now just how abundantly easy it is for life to form.  Just consider our own planet; Earth.

Beautiful earth
Our planet is a very beautiful planet. We should take care of it better, don’t ya think? The universe, and our galaxy has other planets. Some of which are earth-like, but there is only one earth. This is it.

On our planet, creatures have been proved to be able to live in the most extreme of environments.

  • Consider this creature; a loriciferanidentified as a still undescribed species of the genus Spinoloricus. The creature has specialized organelles so that it can survive without oxygen.
  • Endolithsare organisms that live inside rocks or other spots thought impermeable to life, such as in crevices of animal shells or the pores between grains of minerals. These species have been found over 2 miles (3 km) below the Earth’s surface, and may live even deeper. Water is scarce at these depths, but some studies suggest they feed on surrounding iron, potassium, or sulfur. While their choice of abode presents some limitations, it also provides protection from harsh winds and radiation from the sun.
  • Other extreme species prove their mettle by withstanding intense amounts of radiation. For example, the Deinococcus radiodurans bacterium can survive a 15,000 gray dose of radiation, where 10 grays would kill a human and it takes over 1,000 grays to kill a cockroach. This species, in fact, is exemplary in many ways, encompassing also the ability to survive cold, dehydration, vacuum and acid. The Guinness Book of World Records lists D. radiodurans as the world’s toughest bacterium.

The Deinococcus radiodurans bacterium is one mighty tough bacteria.

  • Some microbes, called psychrophiles, found in polar ice, glaciers and deep ocean waters can withstand frigid temperatures as low as 5 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 15 degrees Celsius). They consist mostly of bacteria, fungi and algae, and contain enzymes that are adapted to function at low temperatures. They have been found, for example, in the frozen Arctic and Antarctic Oceans and beneath sheets of ice in Siberia.
  • Salt-tolerant “halophilic” microorganisms can withstand salt concentrations that would wither most life. One example is the bacteria Halobacterium halobium, which has evolved to live in environments with 10 times more salt than seawater, such as the salty lakebed of California’s Owens Lake.
  • One extreme species, the Thermococcus microbe, can survive on so little energy that until now the chemical reaction it uses wasn’t thought able to sustain life. These organisms were found living near deep-sea hydrothermal vents where super-hot water seeps out of the Earth’s crust near Papua New Guinea. In addition to their thrifty use of energy, the microbes can survive in extreme temperatures too scorching for most creatures.
  • So-called hyperthermophilesare species that thrive in extremely hot environments. The Aquifexgenus of bacteria, for example, has been found living in hot springs in Yellowstone National Park, where temperatures can reach 205 degrees Fahrenheit (96 degrees Celsius).
  • Some organisms, such as Dunaliella algaediscovered in 2010 in a cave in Chile’s Atacama desert, can thrive on very little water. Despite living in the driest place on Earth, these mooching microbes grow on top of spiderwebs to capitalize on dew – the meager amounts of air moisture that condense on the webs in the mornings.

There should be no question, at all, that life can and will evolve around planets with the harshest of conditions.

Consider that…

Underground liquid oceans abound in the coldest of planets

Oceans trapped beneath the icy surface of distant worlds at the edge of our solar system may be able to sustain liquid water. Evidence seems to support that this can be the case for far longer than previously suspected.

Distant objects known to exist beyond Neptune’s orbit are known to be too cold to host liquid water at the surface. Here there are temperatures dropping more than 350 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (below minus 200 Celsius). But, there is evidence to suggest an interior liquid water layer exists beneath the crust.

According to NASA research, heat created by the gravitational pull of moons formed in large collisions could be enough to extend the lifetimes of these subsurface oceans.

As well as the idea that…

There might be life under the surface on Pluto

Here is a photo of the planet (?) Pluto with annotations showing some often discussed features.

Alien life may be lurking beneath Pluto’s crust, according to physicist Brian Cox. His comments, made in 2016, come after the flyby of the dwarf planet by the New Horizons probe. Photographs have uncovered huge glaciers and mountains made completely of water ice. These features hint at the possibility of subterranean seas on the dwarf planet warm enough for organic chemistry to thrive. The probe ‘showed that there may well be a subsurface ocean on Pluto.

Pluto and moon
Pluto has a moon that orbits it tightly. The moon would create tidal stresses that cause internal geological movement and thermal action. This implies heat, and thus the possibility of liquid water underneath that cold exterior shell.

What this means is, if our understanding of life on Earth is even slightly correct, that you could have living things there as well.  And, not just there, but…

There could be life in TNO’s

The findings mean the objects, known as Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) could be considered as possible locations to find extraterrestrial life.

“These objects need to be considered as potential reservoirs of water and life”

-Prabal Saxena of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

Trans-neptunian objects
Here is a map of trans-Neptunian object by distance from the sun and the size of the object.

According to NASA, there are likely dozens of these worlds. Pluto and its moons, for example, are Trans-Neptunian Objects. Light reflected from TNOS has revealed signatures of crystalline water ice and ammonia hydrates. These may have erupted to the surface through cryovolcanism, bring the compounds up from the liquid water interior.

In TNOs, decaying radioactive elements can generate heat to melt a layer of the icy surface, and create a liquid ocean below. While this could exist for billions of years, these elements eventually become more stable, and stop releasing heat. This means the interior gradually cools, and in turn, the subsurface ocean will freeze.

But according to NASA, gravitational interactions could allow the oceans to maintain their liquidity.

When large celestial objects collide, moons can be born if material is thrust into orbit around the larger object and forms under its own gravity. Eventually, these collision-generated moons adjust to a more stable orbit, NASA explains, and the gravitational pull between the moon and the planet world causes the interiors to stretch and relax. This generates friction, and releases heat.

“We found that tidal heating can be a tipping point that may have preserved oceans of liquid water beneath the surface of large TNOs like Pluto and Eris to the present day,”

-Wade Henning of NASA Goddard and the University of Maryland, College Park.

Light reflected from TNOS has revealed signatures of crystalline water ice and ammonia hydrates. These may have erupted to the surface through cryovolcanism, bring the compounds up from the liquid water interior. Two potential cryovolcanos on Pluto have shown this to be the case.

“Crucially, our study also suggests that tidal heating could make deeply buried oceans more accessible to future observations by moving them closer to the surface… If you have a liquid water layer, the additional heat from tidal heating would cause the next adjacent layer of ice to melt.”

-Joe Renaud of George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.

Now, you know, liquid water alone is not enough to sustain life.

But, the researchers say the tidal heating could also give rise to hydrothermal vents, which could supply the ingredients for life. The team plans to further investigate the processes to determine how long a the lifetime of a liquid ocean could be extended, and at what point the ocean itself forms, along with how energy dissipates in the heating process.

By the way; an interesting theory regarding how easy it is for life to traverse the stars and fertilize distant worlds is known as “panspermia”.  While I do not know if this theory is valid or not, I do personally believe that it is possible that panspermia-similar methodologies have contributed to the growth of native life on various planets in the universe.

The word panspermia  literally means, "seeds everywhere." Its earliest recorded advocate was the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, who influenced Socrates.   The theory regards the premise that organic “seeds” might transport in the vast gulfs of space and fertilize distant planets.  Thus, appearing to the local inhabitants, as “spontaneous generation”.

For a long time, people believed that life could appear from nothing.  But this was disproven.  

On April 9, 1864, French chemist Louis Pasteur reported his experiment disproving spontaneous generation as it was then held to occur. In the 1870s, British physicist Lord Kelvin and German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz reinforced Pasteur and argued that life could come from space.

The modern take on what actually was happening with “spontaneous generation” occurred in the first decade of the twentieth century, Swedish chemist and Nobel laureate Svante Arrhenius theorized that bacterial spores, propelled through space by light pressure, were the seeds of life on Earth.   Supporting this theory, in 1953, American chemists Stanley Miller and Harold Urey showed that some amino acids can be chemically produced from amonia and methane. The Miller-Urey experiment is now famous, and the paradigm of Oparin and Haldane still prevails today.

Panspermia. Since bacteria can live in the depths of the most inhospitable conditions, it is believed that they can hit a ride on rocks and migrate throughout the universe. As such “colonizing” a plane with the potential for life.

Starting in the 1970s, British astronomers Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe rekindled interest in panspermia. By careful spectroscopic observation and analysis of light from distant stars they found new evidence, traces of life, in the intervening dust. They also proposed that comets, which are largely made of water-ice, carry bacterial life across galaxies and protect it from radiation damage along the way. One aspect of this research program, that interstellar dust and comets contain organic compounds, has been pursued by others as well. It is now widely accepted that space contains the "ingredients" of life. This development could be the first hint of a huge paradigm shift. But mainstream science has not accepted the hard core of modern panspermia, that whole cells seeded life on Earth.

Functionally, the mechanisms for panspermia include the deflection of interstellar dust by solar radiation pressure and extremophile microorganisms traveling through space within an asteroid, meteorite or comet.

Three popular variations of the panspermia hypothesis are:

[1] Lithopanspermia(interstellar panspermia) - impact-expelled rocks from a planet's surface serve as transfer vehicles for spreading biological material from one solar system to another.

[2] Ballistic panspermia(interplanetary panspermia) - impact-expelled rocks from a planet's surface serve as transfer vehicles for spreading biological material from one planet to another within the same solar system

[3] Directed panspermia- the intentional spreading of the seeds of life to other planets by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, or the intentional spreading of the seeds of life from Earth to other planets by humans.

Panspermia does not provide an explanation for evolution or attempt pinpoint the origin of life in the Universe, but it does attempt to solve the mysteries of the origin of life on Earth and the transfer of life throughout the Universe.

Fl – Fraction of habitable planets

“I believe [alien life exists], but I have no evidence. I would be really excited and it would make my understanding of my religion deeper and richer in ways that I can’t even predict yet, which is why it would be so exciting.”

-Brother Guy Consolmagno, who is the president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. 

He is urging the public not to be surprised when extraterrestrial life is discovered, because it is inevitably going to happen. He even said that he would be happy to baptize them, if it’s intelligent extraterrestrial life that’s discovered. 

The Vatican has been very open to the idea of intelligent extraterrestrial life, and they’ve expressed these views for a very long time.  Indeed, Earth is not the center of the universe, it’s not flat, and it’s looking very likely that the next major, paradigm-shifting revelation for mankind will be the public acceptance that we are not alone in the universe.

In scientific circles there’s much less concern now than in the past about the value of fl, the fraction of habitable planets on which life evolves.

The molecular building blocks of life, complex organic compounds and even amino acids, are abundant in the universe. They have been discovered in meteorites, comets, and interstellar gas and dust. There are vastly more amounts of amino acids, for instance, in interstellar space than in the Earth’s biosphere.

Although hydrocarbons and amino acids are not living organisms, there’s little doubt that a lot of prebiotic evolution is going on in the dark clouds between the stars.

Prebiotic evolution
Develop chemistry-independent means to study changes in the Organization of components and Ef in abstract networks.

Most significant are the recent discoveries that microorganisms appeared on Earth only moments (geologically speaking) after the last devastating, ocean-vaporizing impacts of the planet’s youth some 3.9 billion years ago.

There is clear evidence that bacteria were already around by 3.5 billion years ago. There is even more disputed evidence from 3.7 and 3.85 billion years ago.

Apparently, given the right conditions, the origin of life is a rather straightforward process that happens easily. Well, at least when given a planet-sized crucible and millions of years for the process to run.

It would seem that if the process were rare or difficult, one would not expect it to have happened at the first possible opportunity on our home planet. Instead, it would be expected to take much longer.

Today, it is interesting to note that biologists now discuss whether life may have arisen several times separately. There’s every reason to think that all living things today have a common ancestry, but other, independent lines could have formed and been wiped out early.

Curiously, a team led by Francois Fressin of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics used the latest data from NASA’s Kepler mission the find that one in every six stars have “planets 0.8 to 1.25 times the size of Earth in an orbit of 85 days or less.”  

According to their calculations there are at least 17 billion Earth-sized planets in our galaxy.  That is a lot of Earth analogs.

How many potentially habitable planets?  Well, the data confirms the latest information from the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  From the information that we have now, If life does form wherever it can, then presumably fl= 2.

fl= 2.

From their report by using the inclinations of Kepler systems to prioritize new Titius–Bode-based exoplanet predictions…

“…We analyse a sample of multiple-exoplanet systems which contain at least three transiting planets detected by the Kepler mission (‘Kepler multiples’). 

We use a generalized Titius–Bode relation to predict the periods of 228 additional planets in 151 of these Kepler multiples. 

These Titius–Bode-based predictions suggest that there are, on average, 2 ± 1 planets in the habitable zone of each star. 

We estimate the inclination of the invariable plane for each system and prioritize our planet predictions by their geometric probability to transit. We highlight a short list of 77 predicted planets in 40 systems with a high geometric probability to transit, resulting in an expected detection rate of ∼15 per cent, ∼3 times higher than the detection rate of our previous Titius–Bode-based predictions.”

Titus Bode relationships
The names on the left are the names of 31 Kepler exoplanetary systems. The blue dots are exoplanets detected by Kepler. Red and gray squares are theTitus-Bode-based predictions. The green horizontal band is the habitable zone. For comparison, the first system (at the top) is our solar system. The black vertical line is the inner orbit limit towards tidal locking. The shaded box represents suggestive planetary locations based on the Titus-Bode predictive theory. The Earth is in the middle of the habitable zone. Data is accurate to early 2015, and is not all inclusive.

The above chart clearly shows a generalized Titus-Bode relation to analyze 68 multi-planet systems with four or more detected exoplanets.

It shows predictions for the existence of more planets in these systems, based on the Titus-Bode relation.  It clearly shows that the majority of these exoplanetary systems adhered to the Titus-Bode relation even somewhat better than our very own solar system did.  Thus, we can be convinced that the “semi-taboo” and (believed to be) obsolete Titus-Bode relation could provide useful hints about the periods of as-yet-undetected planets around other stars.

So far, 5% of our predictions have been confirmed. This may sound like a small percentage, but given the inability of the Kepler telescope to see Earth-sized planets or smaller, a 5% detection rate is what you would expect to see if all the predictions were true.

"There is 50 per cent we can't see. We now know these (earth-like) planets are common throughout the galaxy, so surely more will be discovered."

-John Jenkins, Kepler data analysis lead at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California

The JianPo Guo Opinion

This question was addressed by JianPoGuo (National Astronomical Observatories, Kunming, China) and colleagues via simulations.

In their paper (“Probability Distribution of Terrestrial Planets in Habitable Zones around Host Stars,” Astrophysics & Space Science Vol. 323, No. 4 (October, 2009).) they addressed the possibility of habitable worlds for terrestrial-like life.

By ‘terrestrial’ world, the researchers chose refer to planets between one and ten Earth masses, although they note that some scientists would take this figure lower. Maybe even to perhaps 0.3 Earth masses. The argument is that this may be enough to retain an atmosphere over long geological timescales and to sustain tectonic activity.

Guo’s team is interested in the distribution of terrestrial planets in our galaxy.

Distribution graph
Here is an interesting chart showing the relative sizes of planets and their orbits relative to the number of planetary neighbors detected by our equipment.

Their simulations (that grew out of this study) created a probability distribution of such planets in habitable zones. The paper is laced with the specifics, and are quite interesting.  In general, Guo’s figures show 45.5 billion terrestrial planets lie in the habitable zones of host stars in our galaxy.

The team also worked out the probability for planets in the habitable zones of different types of stars.

  • M-class dwarfs host 11.5 billion such terrestrial worlds.
  • K-class stars have 12.9 billion earth-like worlds.
  • G-class stars like our Sun weigh have around 7.6 billion similar worlds.
  • F-class stars show 5.5 billion such worlds.

Larger and smaller stars were not considered. No brown dwarfs were considered (Bad move, in my opinion.). His conclusions: there are many habitable worlds in our galaxy.

 The David Kipling Opinion

It’s interesting to weigh these numbers against the estimates of exo-moon hunter David Kipping (University College, London). Kipping starts with the galactic distribution of stellar types.

He’s assuming about 300 billion stars in the Milky Way (increasingly cited as the best estimate, but wholly at odds with my personal appraisal which is more than triple that figure.) and noting that 90 percent of these are main sequence and thus stable for long periods of time.

He goes on to whittle the number down, (randomly and Indiscriminately) eliminating M-dwarfs because of tidal lock and also cutting out short-lived stars higher than F-class. 22.7 percent of main sequence stars in classes F, G and K thus remain.

Citing Michel Mayor’s Geneva team, which found that roughly 30 percent (give or take 10%) of F, G and K-class stars have super-Earth or Neptune-mass planets, Kipping then narrows the select field yet again:

Using 30% as a fixed value and assuming that very roughly half of this sample correspond to rocky planets and half to Neptune-like gas giants then we may write down that 15% of all F, G and K-type stars have rocky planets around them. (It should be noted that this value is very likely an underestimate due to fact planets of Earth mass are currently below the detection threshold.)

But how many of these planets would exist in the habitable zone?

Kipping was working with 330 exoplanets then discovered, with about thirty in the habitable zone of their host star, and so he suggested a fraction of 10 percent would be a safe estimate based on current knowledge. He then factors in a galactic habitable zone, assuming that one may exist and that any value he obtains will therefore be an underestimate if it does not. This takes the number of stars with habitable planets down to 5 percent, but still leaves him with 50 million habitable-zone exoplanets in the Milky Way. We can contrast that with Alan Boss’s prediction of ten billion habitable exoplanets in our galaxy and, of course, with Guo’s team, whose whopping 45.5 billion is the largest estimate I’ve ever seen.

The weird thing is that his 50 million estimate was actually rounded up from 45.5 million, a figure exactly 1000 times less than Guo and team’s number. Our numbers, then, seem to be all over the map, and Kipping also notes Bond and Martin’s 1978 estimate of 10 million habitable exoplanets. But Kipping is the only one who considers the intriguing possibility of habitable moons. (He is, after all, a specialist in detection methods for moons around exoplanets, studying methods that may help us detect large satellites during exoplanet transits.) Noting that a large moon could be found around anything from an Earth-class planet to a gas giant, he boosts Mayor’s 30 percent figure to 50 percent, for any kind of planet. And this is interesting:

Let us also assume that the habitable zone for exo-moons is extended by around 50% due to the possibility of tidal heating maintaining temperate conditions in traditionally cold-zones. (Which is a little contradictory because he off-handedly rejected M-class red dwarfs and brown dwarfs on the same criteria.)  This means that 15% of all planets can host a habitable exo-moon.

How many planets have large moons? Kipping notes how little information we have, but using our Solar System as an example, he finds two planets out of eight where a moon has been formed through a capture/impact process, which he believes to be a requirement for a large moon.  Assume, then, that 10 percent of planets host a large moon and you wind up with a figure of 25 million habitable exo-moons in the Milky Way.  But we have to remember to keep these figures in context.

Kipping’s figures are truly mind-blowing when he turns to the larger universe. A figure of roughly 100 million habitable environments per galaxy can now be turned around for an estimate of habitable worlds in the visible universe. The number works out to 1018, or 10 million trillion. Even allowing the vast play in the numbers between our low-ball and high-end estimates of habitable planets, the universe is likely to be filled with environments conducive to life.

My guess is that it’s out there in fantastic abundance.

The Gowanlock Opinion

It is my strong contention that habitable worlds are evenly spread throughout the galaxy.  While the greatest probability of established civilizations being existent between the spiral arms (either above or below the galactic plane).  But others, with better scientific pedigrees and fancier titles and employers hold differing opinions.

A paper titled “Extending Galactic Habitable Zone Modeling to Include the Emergence of Intelligent Life”states that most habitable planets can probably be found in the densely packed Galactic center.  Their overall reasoning for this is that is where the bulk stellar masses reside as a percentage of total galactic mass.  (That is where most of the stars are.)

"Extending Galactic Habitable Zone Modeling to Include the Emergence of Intelligent Life". Morrison Ian S. and Gowanlock Michael G.. Astrobiology. August 2015, 15(8): 683-696. doi:10.1089/ast.2014.1192.  

The abstract summarizes:  “Previous studies of the galactic habitable zone have been concerned with identifying those regions of the Galaxy that may favor the emergence of complex life. A planet is deemed habitable if it meets a set of assumed criteria for supporting the emergence of such complex life. 

In this work, we extend the assessment of habitability to consider the potential for life to further evolve to the point of intelligence—termed the propensity for the emergence of intelligent life, φI. We assume φI is strongly influenced by the time durations available for evolutionary processes to proceed undisturbed by the sterilizing effects of nearby supernovae. 

The times between supernova events provide windows of opportunity for the evolution of intelligence. We developed a model that allows us to analyze these window times to generate a metric for φI, and we examine here the spatial and temporal variation of this metric.

Even under the assumption that long time durations are required between sterilizations to allow for the emergence of intelligence, our model suggests that the inner Galaxy provides the greatest number of opportunities for intelligence to arise. 

This is due to the substantially higher number density of habitable planets in this region, which outweighs the effects of a higher supernova rate in the region. Our model also shows that φI is increasing with time. Intelligent life emerged at approximately the present time at Earth's galactocentric radius, but a similar level of evolutionary opportunity was available in the inner Galaxy more than 2 Gyr ago. 

Our findings suggest that the inner Galaxy should logically be a prime target region for searches for extraterrestrial intelligence and that any civilizations that may have emerged there are potentially much older than our own. (Key Words to google on this subject: Galactic habitable zone—Intelligent life—SETI. Astrobiology 15, 683–696.)".

I disagree.  Large mass stars are lethal, short lived, and hold the bulk of stellar masses.  They are also the most visible.  However, it is the cooler, difficult to detect and smaller G,K and M stars that house the best conditions for life.  These stars are spread about evenly all over our galaxy and lie in the halo above and below the center of our galaxy disc.

In 2011, the author of the paper; Gowanlock and colleagues used computer simulations to construct the first “habitability heat map” of the Milky Way, identifying the most promising regions for complex, land-based life to emerge. Their models took into account the mass and density of stars, star formation history, galactic chemical evolution, and time. They also included a cosmic disaster: Exploding stars.

Supernovae explosions are the most powerful events in the Galaxy, showering their stellar neighborhoods with high-energy x-ray and gamma radiation. Any Earth-like biospheres within a few parsecs will see their ozone layers destroyed. In Gowanlock’s models, life on the surface of such worlds will be fried, turning back the evolutionary clock.

(This is the critical fault with the study;)  Modeling millions of stars with a galacto-centric radius of anywhere from 14 to 2.5 kiloparsecs (1 kpc = ~3,300 light years), Gowanlock found that overall habitability increases toward the galactic center. In the Galaxy’s inner reaches, stars pack much more tightly and apocalyptic supernovae are fairly common. But these ‘reset’ events (events associated with super nova and nova stellar explosions) are outweighed by the sheer density of stars, which afford more opportunities for life to emerge.  While Earth sits 8 kiloparsecs (26,000 light years) from the Galactic center, Gowanlock’s model suggest the habitability prospects are several times higher at a radius of 6 or 4 kiloparsecs (19,500 or 13,000 light years).

According to Gowanlock’s models, he proposes to show that alien civilizations are probably very far away.  He also speculates that they’re quite likely to be extremely ancient. The Galaxy formed from the inside out, and as we move toward the star-filled center, the cosmic landscape ages by billions of years.

“A similar number of opportunities were available in the inner Galaxy more than 2 Gyr ago, if any civilizations have emerged in the inner Galaxy, they may be considerably older than our own.”

- Gowanlock

Fi – Fraction of Worlds that had Evolved Intelligent Life.

“In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. 

The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. 

They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb.”

-Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defense Minister

How likely is the evolution of intelligence (fi)?

For now, however, fi is one of the most controversial factors in the Drake equation. Some scientists believe it is almost certainly next to zero; others are convinced it’s close to one. While others, such as myself believe that it is a larger number than that. There seems to be no middle ground.   Tough, there is evidence that this perception is changing.

To be rather truthful, this is a more complicated aspect of the equation and it’s resultant value depends on many factors.

When this equation was first conceived, it was assumed that “intelligent life” would be equitable with human intelligence.  But, we know that this presumption is wildly inaccurate.  Never the less, let us proceed under the handicap of the human illusion and consider just what percentage of species evolve to think and act like humans do…

Planetary Catastrophes

“A Fourier transform analysis of 2.5 million spectra in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey was carried out to detect periodic spectral modulations. 

Signals having the same period were found in only 234 stars overwhelmingly in the F2 to K1 spectral range. 

The signals cannot be caused by instrumental or data analysis effects because they are present in only a very small fraction of stars within a narrow spectral range and because signal to noise ratio considerations predict that the signal should mostly be detected in the brightest objects, while this is not the case. 

We consider several possibilities, such as rotational transitions in molecules, rapid pulsations, Fourier transform of spectral lines and signals generated by Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI). 

They cannot be generated by molecules or rapid pulsations. It is highly unlikely that they come from the Fourier transform of spectral lines because too many strong lines located at nearly periodic frequencies are needed. “

Finally we consider the possibility, predicted in a previous published paper, that the signals are caused by light pulses generated by Extraterrestrial Intelligence to makes us aware of their existence. 

We find that the detected signals have exactly the shape of an ETI signal predicted in the previous publication and are therefore in agreement with this hypothesis. 

The fact that they are only found in a very small fraction of stars within a narrow spectral range centered near the spectral type of the sun is also in agreement with the ETI hypothesis. 

However, at this stage, this hypothesis needs to be confirmed with further work. Although unlikely, there is also a possibility that the signals are due to highly peculiar chemical compositions in a small fraction of galactic halo stars.”

- Discovery of peculiar periodic spectral modulations in a small fraction of solar type stars, by E.F. Borra, and E. Trottier. 10OCT16. Accepted for publication by PASP: Signals probably from Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Analysis of 2.5 million SDSS spectra found signals predicted in a previous publication in only 234 stars overwhelmingly in the F2 to K1 spectral range

According to traditional statists; even if intelligence is a likely consequence of evolution, fi will probably be much lower than 1.

They make this (absurd) statement upon on recent insights into the stability of solar systems and planetary climates.   Just because a planet starts out good for life doesn’t mean it will stay that way forever.   All one need to study is the periodic global extinction pattern of our planet over time.  There is some merit behind this logic, but it really is not correct.

Plot of mass extinction
Chart of mass extinctions over time. Note that they are periodic. This is suggestive of an orbiting mass that shepherds the various planetary masses in some manner.

Pro: Computer simulations by Fred Rasio and Eric Ford (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) among others (presumably) show that Earthlike planets are probably unable to survive the gravitational tug-of-war in a system with two (or more) massive, Jupiter-like giants. They would be slung out of the system or sent careening into the central star.  I strongly disagree with them.  For one, we have already detected rocky planets in the habitable zone of a solar system with two or more massive Jupiter-like gas giants.  (So there!)
Con: Conversely, systems with no giant planets at all might also have dire consequences for life-bearing planets. Computer simulations by George Wetherill (Carnegie Institution of Washington) indicate that Jupiter acts as the solar system’s gravitational vacuum cleaner, efficiently thinning out the population of hazardous comets that venture into Earth-crossing orbits. Without a Jupiter the current impact rate of comets would be about 1,000 times higher, says Wetherill, with truly catastrophic collisions (like the one that killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago) happening about once every 100,000 years. This would surely frustrate any slow evolutionary progress from simple life forms to higher intelligences.   This is also true, but it isn’t as bad as what is predicted.

Orbital Tilt

Dynamical studies by Jacques Laskar and Philip Robutel (Bureau des Longitudes, Paris) have shown that rocky, Earthlike planets show chaotic variations in orbital tilt that could lead to drastic climate changes.


Fortunately, Earth’s chaotic tendencies are damped by tidal interaction with the Moon. Without a relatively large satellite, Earth might have experienced variations in axial tilt similar to those of Mars, possibly as large as 20° to 60°. This would cause extreme variations in the patterns of the seasons. According to one analysis of planet formation, a world like Earth has only about a 1 in 12 chance of ending up with a nice, mild axial tilt that is safely stabilized by a large moon. (On the other hand a moonless Earth might have retained its original rapid spin, which would tend to stabilize its axis.)

This is one of the many reasons why the moon was placed in orbit around the earth. As well as why the conditions are better for a species to evolve on a planet in a close orbit around a red or brown dwarf.  The star’s mass stabilizes the planetary environment.

The further out from a star a planet is, the more prone it become to cosmic disruption in the way of planetary disruptions.  Large planets need to shepard other smaller bodies.  And the planet itself becomes very prone to axial and orbital tilt changes.  All of which could very well threaten planetary life.

It’s anyone’s guess how large axial swings would influence the evolution of life and the chance for the emergence of intelligence. Change and stress actually promote the emergence of new, versatile, adaptable species, biologists say.

For instance, Paul F. Hoffman (Harvard University) and three colleagues proposed in 1998 that the series of intense global ice ages between 760 and 550 million years ago were the crisis that drove the remarkable “Precambrian explosion” of new life forms around or shortly after that time.

The disastrous great extinctions later in Earth’s geologic record were always followed by vigorous recoveries, eventually spawning more species than existed before. (Complete recovery from any great extinction, regardless of size, always seems to take about 10 million years.)

Humanity’s own emergence as a species during an unusual run of ice ages is sometimes cited as an example of stress-driven evolution leading to adaptability and intelligence. So a planet with a tippy axis might actually speed evolution along.

But planetary crises that are too extreme or frequent would kill off everything, or keep life beaten down to a low level.

In any case, our existence here and now seems to be the accidental result of a number of astronomical coincidences that were unimagined in 1961.

Such coincidences are discussed in the book “Rare Earth” by Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee (Copernicus Books/ Springer, 2000). Ward and Brownlee argue that only very rarely will a good planet form and remain life-friendly for the billions of years that advanced creatures took to appear on Earth.

Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute argues in a rebuttal essay that some of their points are overstated, that once life is established it is probably adaptable enough to thrive in un-Earthly conditions, and that it therefore need not require a planet with a narrowly Earth-like history.

Frank and Sullivan Opinion

In a study published late April 2016 in the journal Astrobiology, researchers Adam Frank and Woodruff Sullivan took a new look at the Drake Equation.

But Frank and Sullivan decided to attack the problem by asking a different question: Has intelligent life ever existed on a distant planet?

In so doing, they came up with a new equation. It uses new data collected by NASA’s Kepler spacecraft and instruments that show that “roughly one-fifth of stars have planets in ‘habitable zones,’ where temperatures could support life as we know it,” said Frank in a statement. That was a big unknown at the time that Drake created his calculation.

The new equation estimates a one in 10 billion trillion chance that humans are the only intelligent species to have ever existed. Frank stated,

“One in 10 billion trillion is incredibly small. To me, this implies that other intelligent, technology-producing species very likely have evolved before us.”

Frank further explained that,

“before our result you’d be considered a pessimist if you imagined the probability of evolving a civilization on a habitable planet was, say, one in a trillion. But even that guess, one chance in a trillion, implies that what has happened here on Earth with humanity has in fact happened about 10 billion other times over cosmic history.”

Habitable Ring in the Galaxy

Ward and Brownlee’s associate Guillermo Gonzalez advocates the idea that there is only a narrow “habitable ring” in the Milky Way where conditions allow life-bearing planets. Closer to the galaxy’s center, conditions are supposedly too violent; farther out there aren’t enough heavy elements to make planets.

This idea has been roundly criticized as a gross exaggeration.

Milky Way
His argument is that there is only a narrow area in the entire Milky Way galaxy where life can form. This is the most silly thing that I have ever heard.

Heavy elements are in fact distributed widely throughout a galaxy’s disk (the evidence is in plain view: dark dust clouds of carbon and silicates riddle most parts of most disks), and stars with a fairly wide range of heavy-element concentrations have been discovered to have planets.

Dangerous radiation from an active galactic center would be blocked by a planet’s thick atmosphere; that’s why our own X- and gamma-ray telescopes have to be put in orbit.

David Darling notes in his book Life Everywhere: The New Science of Astrobiology (Basic Books, 2001) that Gonzalez argues from his religious conviction, expressed in other writings, that God designed one world for one intelligent race, and that Gonzalez’s astronomical views should be understood in this light.

I, personally, find this argument ridiculous.

However, let’s explore this in more detail.  What if there were some value in the conjecture that only certain areas of the galaxy were suitable for life?  It does deserve some consideration, even if it is rather difficult to believe.  Let’s follow this argument based upon what we know of our own solar system.

One of Sol’s unusual features is its orbit around the center of the galaxy, which is (apparently) significantly less elliptical (“eccentric”) than those of other stars similar in age (and therefore metallicity) and type and is barely inclined relative to the Galactic plane.

Motion through the galaxy.
The motion of the solar system as it moves about the galaxy. Shown are other significant planetary motions as a reference.

This circularity in Sol’s orbit prevents it from [1] plunging into the inner Galaxy where life-threatening supernovae are more common. Moreover, the small inclination to the galactic plane [2] avoids abrupt crossings of the plane that would stir up Sol’s Oort Cloud and bombard the Earth with life-threatening comets.

In fact, the Sun is orbiting very close to the “co-rotation radius” of the galaxy, where the angular speed of the galaxy’s spiral arms matches that of the stars within.

This is curious, but it’s significance is debatable.

The argument states that as a result, Sol avoids crossing the spiral arms very often, which would expose Earth to supernovae that are more common there.

The argument that is followed to this primary conclusion is that these are but exceptional circumstances.  These attributes may have made it more likely for complex life and human intelligence to emerge on Earth.

According to Guillermo Gonzalez (an astronomer at Iowa State University), fewer than five percent of all stars in the galaxy enjoy such a life-enhancing galactic orbit.   Bullshit. Nonsense. The reader should question such “experts” because other astronomers quickly point out, however, that many nearby stars move with Sol in a similar galactic orbit.

Suns orbit in the galaxy.
The motion of the sun as it orbits within the Milky Way galaxy. It wobbles, as does just about every star in the galaxy. There is nothing “safe” or “special” about this orbit, other than it is typical.

The Sun resides in a pancake region of the Galaxy called the “disk” with a strong concentration of stars (and gas and dust) within 3,000 light-years (ly) of the galactic plane, which includes the so-called “thin disk” that has more relatively younger stars within 1,500 ly of the plane in our Milky Way Galaxy.

This region is interesting.  In it, we find that it contains relatively young to intermediate-aged stars that are within around five billion years old.  The stars also possess relatively higher average metallicity in this region than other galactic regions located outside of the galactic core.

While partially true, the arguments follows that our region is a preferable one for the generation of naturally evolved stable life forms.

It is not true, but just simply representative of many isolated pockets within the galaxy.  The argument is that there is a greater availability of elements higher than hydrogen and helium in this galactic region.  And as such, it favors the formation of rocky inner planets as large as Earth, or bigger.  Moreover, the galactic orbits of stars in this region tend to be relatively circular with low to moderate eccentricity. According to one recent definition of the galactic habitable zone, as much as 10 percent of all stars in the Milky Way may have experienced chemical and environmental conditions suitable for the development of complex Earth-type life over the past eight to four billion years for evolutionary development.

In recent millennia, the Sun has been passing through a Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC). This cloud is flowing away from the Scorpius-Centaurus Association of young stars. These stars are dominated by extremely hot and bright O and B spectral types, many of which will end their brief lives violently as supernovae.

The LIC is itself surrounded by a larger, lower density cavity in the interstellar medium (ISM) called the Local Bubble, that was probably formed by one or more relatively recent supernova explosions.


The reader should rest easy.  The galaxy is controlled and patrolled by a number of galactic wide civilizations that will (probably) not allow mass extinction events to ever occur to an emerging intelligence.

fi= 1

All of the arguments above imply zero outside assistance from extraterrestrials. That’s a pretty big assumption. As studies have shown that there should be many such extraterrestrial organizations available to us.  The value of fi= 1. It has been that way ever first the first advanced civilizations began to populate our galaxy.

Fc – Desirability in Communication to others.

“This thing has gotten so highly-classified… it is just impossible to get anything on it. 

I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. 

I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.”

– Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee

How confident can we be that at least some intelligent extraterrestrials will broadcast radio or other signals we can detect (fc)?   According to contemporary science; “of course” all and every extraterrestrial race would communicate using radio waves.  (This is a pretty big and arrogant assumption on our scientific community.)

Suppose that extraterrestrial intelligences are rare but do exist. Could we expect them to communicate with us through radio signals?   What fraction of civilizations are able, and motivated, to broadcast in a way we can detect?   Can and will they do so?  In other words: what is the value of fc? Let’s think about this for a minute or so…

The reader should understand that SETI advocates tend to believe that it is large: that sooner or later, any civilization curious and inventive enough to become technological at all will discover that radio is an efficient way to communicate over astronomical distances, and will choose to do so.

How simplistic… and how so naïve.

They are wrong.  Most (extraterrestrial species)  keep their communications private and use quantum methods (If they are not part of a hive or matrix soul as are the bulk of the intelligent species are in our section of the galaxy.).  They have no desire to communicate with “inferior” species.

Alas, all extraterrestrial species have this ability fc = 1, but most choose not to do so. fc = 0.  With fc= 0, it is no wonder that we haven’t been able to find extraterrestrial life; for it has been shielded from us by design.

Matrix soul species don’t need any kind of electro-mechanical contrivances to communicate. They simply think something, and the rest of their species instantly knows about it.

Here, let’s assume that any species that does not have a hive or matrix soul configuration would be interested in communicating with other species. Further that about one tenth of them would be interested in communicating with others using the primitive techniques that we have at our disposal.

Assume that in our galaxy that about 50% of intelligent species are of a different soul configuration (aside from matrix or hive), then the value for fc = 0.5 which is further modified by 0.1 which is those that are interested in communicating with us using primitive means.

fc = 0.05

L- Average Lifetime of a Civilization.

“...an extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet. Something is monitoring the planet and they are monitoring it very cautiously.”

-Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska)

What is the average lifetime of radio-capable civilizations (L)?

The optimists claim that a stable, intelligent society could last for tens of millions of years, if not forever. This would certainly mitigate the effect of any bottleneck earlier in the Drake equation. In addition, a long-lived species might have time to spread to many stars, multiplying its presence.

The pessimists point out that humans invented radio technology only a century ago, and that the human race has been on the verge of destroying itself (through nuclear war or ecological overload) for much of that time. The human model thus indicates that the same technological power that enables interstellar communication also enables rapid self-destruction.

On at least two occasions, <content deleted> visited and interfered with Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) near Great Falls, Montana, home of Malmstrom Air Force Base (AFB). There were good reasons for this, and it was a necessary part of a series of preventative actions initiated by the <content deleted> at that time.

On the morning of March 16, 1967, glowing, disk-shaped UFOs evidently shut down two wings of Minuteman ICBMs.

Echo Flight lost all ten of its missiles during the encounters, while nearby Oscar Flight lost most of its missiles.

This was puzzling to investigating engineers because the missiles were designed to be entirely independent of each other. Military records show the events were “cause for grave concern” at Strategic Air Command (SAC) headquarters.  Although widespread “UFO activity” was reported in Montana newspapers at the time, details about the Minuteman incidents were successfully covered up for several decades. Air Force personnel involved in the Minuteman-UFO encounters were sworn to secrecy by their commanding officers.

But others have pointed out that the human animal (as opposed to human civilization) would be almost impossible to kill off completely at this point. People have become too widespread and too capable; a few pockets of individuals would find ways to survive almost any conceivable war or global catastrophe. These survivors would be enough to fully repopulate the Earth, to numbers in the billions, in just a few thousand years. And a second technological civilization would arise more readily than our first one has done, because there would be a precedent.

Maybe this will happen many times.

Which brings up a little-noticed point. The value of L properly does not refer to the lifetime of one radio-transmitting civilization, but instead to the sum of all those that ever appear on a planet once it develops its first.   (The long-term future of humanity and Earth’s biosphere is explored in Peter Ward’s book, “Future Evolution”.)

The pure and simple fact is this; once a given species evolves to a point of structured archetype, they will live within that archetype until they evolve past it.  This could be for billions of years.

Us humans have been around for, at most a couple of hundred thousand years. With the current manifestation of humankind being less than 10,000 years old. The Tyrannosaurus lived for 2 million years. Trilobites, in various forms and shapes, lived for over 270 million years.

Assuming a long duration star like our own as the typical benchmark, the value would be 0.007/10 = L = 0.0007.

L = 0.0007


Life is abundant in our galaxy. The more information that we learn about our galaxy, and the more research that we conduct, the more we are convinced that this is indeed the case.

It is very important that we keep the knowledge of what we humans are, and how we fit into (our role) in the universe, secret from the bulk of humanity.

Believe what you wish.
The reader can believe what ever they want. The real truth is that the world, the galaxy, and our universe are all much stranger and far more extensive than any of us humans can even think of. It is all magnificent and majestic.

There was a time, early on, when we considered informing the general population of the presence of extraterrestrials. At that time, there were religious, social and technological considerations. At that time, it was considered proper, to introduce humanity to a staged introduction. In that way, over a number of decades, the general population would eventually begin to understand that we share the universe with others of equal or better intelligence.

Since that date, even with implementation procedures in process, it became better understood that full disclosure was more than just mentioning extraterrestrials, but rather our place in the general scheme of things.  This created a quandary.

As the sentience sorting process MUST occur, free of external influences.

This was not only physical, but also mental thoughts as well.  While it is impossible to control and reverse the trends already in process, what we can do is contain as much information as possible and maintain the structural integrity of the nursery to the best of our ability.

The reader is free is dispute all of this.  The reader is free to believe whatever they want to. However, for the reader to fully understand what transpired in my narrative, the reader must understand the basic arguments (pro and con) regarding extraterrestrial life. My narrative and my autobiography does involve intelligent extraterrestrial life. There is no way to get around this fact.

The misinformed reader.
The reader is often misinformed. Do not be under the impression that what you are being told by the mainstream media is the truth. Their sole job is to keep you complaisant and providing sustenance for the elites who own you. The truth and the reality of our existence is often hidden away, and even people who actually need that information such as astronomers, for instance, are often kept in the dark about what is actually going on.

The truth is that the reader is free to believe whatever they want to regarding anything.  They can put this manuscript down and go away.  They can watch the public media and believe their narratives, and they can believe their political, scientific, and religious leaders.  They can follow, and be led along the blissful path so laid out for them to tread upon.

N = 750,000,000 x 0.8 x 9 x 2 x 1 x 0.005 x 0.0007

N = 378,000 civilizations willing to communicate with us in our galaxy.

Given the size of our galaxy and the age of it, and taking into account of a desire and a want to communicate with us humans, there should be many, many species that would want to chat with us. Even if you disagree with the numbers. There would be some. Certainly the number would be larger than zero.

Thus the question; “Where is everyone?

The Answer from the Scientists

According to our learned “experts”, there are numerous scenarios that present themselves…

  • We are alone in the universe.
  • We were already visited and checked off as “not interesting”.
  • We are “hicks” in the remote “backwoods”.
  • There is never a need to venture forth explore or colonize.
  • Everyone hides in our universe.
  • Our technology is too primitive to detect other species.
  • There is a predator that consumes all emerging species.
  • We are the first intelligent species in the universe.
  • All intelligence’s die off before they can travel to us.

All of these experts make one fatal assumption; that governments never lie and they are 100% open with everything that they know. Therefore, scientists are provided with all the facts to make learned decisions.

That’s a pretty big and massively stupid assumption.

In the entire history of the world, where nations come to power and eventually die off, there hasn’t been one single one which was 100% open and didn’t keep secrets. The assumption that a government will announce to the people that they have relationships with extraterrestrials is amazingly incompetent of them. It actually boggles the mind.

Instead of searching for answers from scientists who DO NOT HAVE all the information, let’s ask the people who do have all the information…

The Answer from MAJestic

Extraterrestrial species are everywhere. They are all around us. We just cannot see them. We are not permitted to see them. This is accomplished by a myriad of techniques and systems. It varies from invisibility techniques, to reality-slides into desolate MWI world-lines to reality layering technology.

Photo of girl.
When this girl was photographed no one was behind here. When the photo was developed, a suited individual was found. The reality around us is polarized in ways that humans cannot see the actual reality that exists. Sometimes, our equipment can detect the actual reality, much to the surprise to the humans who operate the equipment.

We are in a sentience nursery, and we are but infantile in our understanding of reality.

Did I say "infantile"? I am sorry, I meant "totally and completely ignorant". There, I think that is more accurate.

We think, erroneously, that what we see with our senses is all that there is. We believe that the equipment that we manufacture as extensions of our senses is all that there is as well. Both are terribly wrong. We have yet to peer into our true reality.

For the true reality includes Heaven. The true reality includes the MWI and all our related “world-lines”. The true reality includes “layers of reality”; the things that exist beyond our perceptive abilities.

We cannot see things because we are not permitted to see them.

It is sort of like the X-file episode Je Souhaite. Where Mulder wishes for peace on earth and everyone disappears. We are surrounded by life in all sorts of ways. We are surrounded by all sorts of visitors. However we are prevented from seeing them through various techniques. These techniques have been honed by hundreds of centuries of use. Emerging sentience’s must not be unduly influenced by superior civilizations, else they risk dispersal of the fundamental quantum aspects of their being.

We exist on this planet under the watchful eyes of another species. This planet is a nursery; a preserve, and a crucible. It is a place that is designed to assist us in our evolution. It is done so purposely. For we humans are the the direct result of purposeful intelligent design.

With that in mind, we need to pay attention to our growth as a species. Instead of clamoring for land, money, power, sex and fortune, perhaps we should consider our role in life. Perhaps we should seriously take a look at where we are going as a species.

Our direction and advancement is a function of our sentience.

In fact, our status inside this nursery is wholly dependent on how we end up sorting out our human sentience. For currently, it is a mixture of three types of sentience’s. We can only have one sentience type. We cannot have a mixture of sentience types and function together in harmony.

Nor, can we ever be assigned a galactic archetype. The sentience defines the archetype. It’s never the other way around.

The following has NO BEARING and NO IMPACT on our sentience evolution;

  • One world government.
  • Elimination of private weapons ownership.
  • Elimination of government armies and the military.
  • Use of nuclear power-plants.
  • Use of nuclear weapons.
  • Care and husbandry of earth life.
  • Ecology.
  • A dominant religious order.
  • Technology that will provide us with interstellar travel.
  • Complete diversity, and fairness.

The following WILL have an impact in whether or not we can leave this nursery and graduate;

  • The number of “disrupted sentience’s” falls below 15% of the total population.
  • A dominant sentience, whether it is [1] “service for self”, or [2] “service to others” represents at least 60% of the population.

Once the primary or dominant sentience for humans has been established, our benefactors will then handle our species appropriately.  How we will be handled, will absolutely depend on our dominant sentience. In any event, our “humanity” will be reconfigured to fit a galactic archetype. With that established, THEN we will be free to leave the sentience nursery.

We will NEVER be permitted to leave the nursery without being reconfigured into an approved archetype.

And, that boys and girls, is WHY the vast bulk of humanity are not seeing or meeting any extraterrestrials.

Keep this in mind. Physical contact will result in the generation of thought. Thoughts alter our reality. The only way that our sentience can evolve properly is in isolation. Else, we risk contamination of thought by a superior society.

Take Aways

  • The number of stars in our galaxy can be considered to be between 750 million to 1500 million.
  • At least 80% of the solar systems have planets. That increase to 100% if you include small asteroid bodies in the calculus.
  • The chances for life in a solar system is very strong. If our solar system is typical, there are at minimum nine candidates for planetary life evolution.
  • Every star has a region that creates the tentative environment for a habitable zone. If you include the primary stellar candidates, then the possibility exists for an average of two planetary candidates in this region.
  • The galaxy is controlled and patrolled by a number of galactic wide civilizations that will (probably) not allow mass extinction events to ever occur to an emerging intelligence.
  • A small percentage of intelligent life wants to communicate with humans using technology that humans can recognize and understand.
  • Once a species evolves, it is protected by already established species and civilizations.


Q: Where are the extraterrestrials?
A: They are all around us. Most are invisible to us humans. Some interact with us as they maintain a human-like form. Many are in reality off-shoots that we do not have the technology to detect.

Q: Does the American government know about the extraterrestrials?
A: No. It does not. There are a handful of government employees that are aware that extraterrestrials exist, and they are aware of the funding for MAJestic related projects. All the projects are kept out of the government by design. They operate as carve-outs and Special Access Programs that are waived and unacknowledged.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.