Some things that need to be changed for America to be the “Land of the Free” again.

>>This isn’t merely a question for Trump supporters, but for  anyone who still thinks that a political system that isn’t completely  run by thugs, with only a simulacrum of democracy as window dressing, is  something worth trying to maintain and improve. <<

It is a fool’s errand to attempt to save the Union. The ideological gap between left and right is far to wide to ever bridge. They are polar opposites.

The best we can hope for is an amicable split. Fredrick Douglas wondered if the US is just to large an area to be governed by one central government in Washington. It is, a “one size fits all” system is not working

The sooner the majority of people in this country realize that and start the process of diving the nation in a peaceful manner, the better. Otherwise, we will continue our slow decent into hell.

- Posted HERE at1/27/2019, 7:44:54 AM by Tejas Rob

There are many things that a person can do to improve themselves. In my case, I could lose some weight, and eat better. I could be kinder to people, and stop reading the news so much. I could spend more time with friends and family, and I could spend more time in nature. I think that if I did those things, I would be a better person.

It’s not just me. I look around the world and see all kinds of things that could be improved with a modest amount of effort. The key here is the word “modest”.

For instance, planting a tree in your yard. Exposing children to dogs and cats at an early age. Sweeping the sidewalk in front of your house, and having a small vegetable garden might be really nice if a decent percentage of people would spend the time and effort to force some change.

Now, well…

I look at all the things going on in the United States today, and everyone seems to agree on both sides of the political spectrum that things are “not well”.

Obama apology tour.
There are many meme’s about the Obama apologies. Most of us Americans deeply resented Obama’s actions and behaviors.

The world is a steamy place, it seems. Radical communists have made their voices known and are taking off their masks and have complete control of the Democrat party, and many critical aspects of the United States government. They hold sway in key positions in every Federal and State organization, they have significant blocks of power in the Judicial branch, and they own all media, social media, and popular culture.

Conservatives, much like myself, really wish that we would be left alone and able to live our lives in peace. Seriously, we just want to be left alone.

Ah, such is our pipe dream.

Now, progressives are unhappy because they aren’t able to control everyone yet. They have entire wish lists of rules and laws that they want to implement to make America a “better” place. They will continue to be unhappy until people are on their knees bowing to them with arms outstretched. You know, like a scene out of ancient Egypt, or what it was like under Pol Pot or East Germany under the shadow of Communism.

American communists want to follow Pol Pot.
American progressives want to take over America and implement an agenda very similar to what Pol Pot tried to do in Cambodia. – Ethnic cleansing. – To regain the glory of the Angkor Empire. – To reclaim Kampuchea Krom. – To get all CIA and KGB agents out of Democratic Kampuchea.

They just are beside themselves waiting for that day when you will be on your knees in supplication to them, and they will stand up in the mantles of wealth and glory.

So really, neither side is happy.

As such, here are some ideas that I have in an effort to recapture the spirit of what America used to be for my grandparents and my parents; “The Land of the Free”. It was a time when you could be yourself, say what you wanted, and you could even smoke in your office at work. Imagine that!

SJW cry babies
Unfortunately, too many of these young people are also upset about ridiculous things. They are part of a hypersensitive, hyper-politically correct group known as ‘Social Justice Warriors.’ A few years ago when I first heard the term ‘Social Justice Warrior,’ I wasn’t sure what it meant. I thought SJWs were doing some kind of noble, laudable work. I pictured them as volunteers at food banks. Maybe they were trying to help senior citizens get the prescription medicine they couldn’t afford. I pictured them trying to help the downtrodden in society. Instead, SJWs epitomize political correctness gone amuck. They are incredibly thin-skinned. They browbeat and scold others into giving up freedom of speech or expression. Want to wear a Halloween costume? You’d better check with the campus commissar of political correctness first. (Yes, the protesters want some sort of official on campus who will determine what can and cannot be said or done).

It was a time when being an American meant something truly great, and everyone referred to “their freedom”. It was a time when our president didn’t apologize for anything, and you were free to eat sunny-side-up eggs and get a five cent cup of coffee. All without some hugely fat, pink and green haired, monster of a woman (?) having something to say about it.

Freedom! Man, that’s what it’s all about!

Firstly [1], reduce the number of laws.

I know that this will upset the progressive liberals in the audience, but it is true. America has too many laws. They are too complex, and in a tiered layer structure from federal, state, county and local levels. They are supported by an army of attorneys, and law clerks. This has made life difficult for those of us who have to live under the laws.

Indeed, America has the highest number of laws in the world. 

More laws = more restrictions and controls = LESS freedom.

Of course, many of the laws are just ignored. Most Americans just let the laws roll off our shoulders, and we shrug it off. But, an evil person; a progressive can use those laws and club us over the head with them. For the laws are so enormous and so numerous that everyone and anyone can get arrested, all you need to do is get on the “bad side” of someone.

  • It is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.
  • When having sex, only the missionary position is legal.
  • It is illegal to skateboard without a license.
  • It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.

It’s a very simple logic.

As such, everything is over-regulated in America. Too much regulation takes away freedoms. In fact, if I were to be so bold, I contend that a law, no matter how well intentioned, is an affront to freedom. Thus, in a truly “free” nation, you would have the smallest number of laws necessary.

These laws have but one purpose.

They do things that would cause Americans to be fined, investigated, arrested and imprisoned for. This is true everywhere. Elsewhere in the world you can do so many things that Americans simply cannot. It is true. From buying Viagra without a prescription in Mexico to shopping with your dog in a grocery store in China. America has way too many laws and restrictions on freedom.

Now, I know some of the laws are supposed to be there to protect people, but they’ve gone way into overkill. Other countries are able to maintain safety without so many laws. So why can’t the US?

Come on!

Do we really… really need warning stickers on ladders to warn us about falling off? Do we really, and I mean it, really need to ban large sodas, sunny-side up eggs, or paper bags? Are Americas so friggin’ stupid (like our elected officials apparently believe) that we MUST be told how to behave, for our own good?


And what is all this nonsense about banning straws? Why not something useful, like banning potholes? Or, banning dog-shit on pizza? There has to be limits. There has to be guidelines, periodic audits and purging of antiquated, erroneous or outdated laws. Too much over-control is not a good thing.

You know it, and I know it.

There are reasons for all this control. Whether it is overt, or surreptitious, these laws are for control. Control over YOUR actions.

Of course, you can strip away the reasoning, the narrative, and the bullshit and get to the real root of the matter. The fact is, that many laws are there just to tax people and allow government to stick its nose where it doesn’t belong. Such, as I might dare say, such as in the affairs of private families and businesses.

Moreover, too much government control or state planning has never been good for economic growth, as history has shown. Don’t believe me? Check this link out…


In any event, there needs to be a serious overhaul of the legal system in the Untied States and a great reduction in the overall quantity and extent of the laws present.

I would suggest, and it is only my modest suggestion, to eliminate one law every second. That way, in about 200 years, there might be only the bare minimum laws on the books.

Secondly, [2] Pare down the size of government.

As if the first point wasn’t upsetting to the progressive liberals, asking them to reduce the size of the government is tantamount to asking them for voluntary castration. Taking money from a liberal is sacrilege. They clutch it in their greedy little hands and just won’t let go. Aiii!

The size of the US government has increased in size many, many times since the dawn of the 20th Century. The size of the government has grown like a huge monster out of control.

Ah, but unfortunately, governments don’t like to decrease in size because politicians don’t want to lose money. They’ve got their grubby little hands in the pots, and with America… that’s many, many pots. That’s many, many hands, and like fat pigs, everyone and everything is at the trough eating away.

Hey! How’s that $7,000,000,000,000 that Obama gave to South Africa helping you out personally? What about your friends? Or, how is it helping fill those potholes in the streets?

That’s why the founding fathers of America emphasized that government should be small and limited with minimal powers. And why, it was set up as a Republic where the only people that would be elected were our Congressmen.

Drain the swamp.
The United States today does not look anything like what it was initially constructed as. In fact, it is the exact opposite.

The ideal size of government was the way it was during the 1800’s, when the US government was a small size and did not bother people much.

It had a very Laissez Faire type of approach, which allowed people a lot more freedoms and economic growth.

With small government came little need for taxes. Thus there was no income tax and no inflation. In fact, the value of the dollar remained stable throughout the 1800’s and by the end of the century actually had risen in value, thus technically resulting in deflation.

Guide to the swamp.
The size of the United States government has gotten so enormous and unwieldy that it is called “the swamp”. It is a mess of complexity where people who have been getting rich and comfortable living off it it, do everything they can to maintain the status quo.

Contrary to the narrative of “we need taxes for the roads and the bridges”, we had roads, bridges, a military and everything else long before we ever passed the federal income tax and the Federal Reserve. America got by just fine.

Anyone who uses that specious, and really over-worn argument, has the brain of a snail, and the memory of a tape worm. The issue is not, nor ever was, the collection of taxes. It has always been about how revenue was collected, and who paid for it.

Now that was the kind of government that Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers had in mind, which was nothing like the huge Orwellian type of government that we have today. Oh, and speaking about Orwell and his prophesies…

Big Brother in Utah.
Big brother and the NSA observe and record everything that you do. It is all housed in Utah.

[3] Cut away the regulation, and fees that seem to be on everything.

Again, the progressives just love to regulate and control everything. They are control freaks. As such, the amount of regulation in the United States is insane. Seriously it is insane.

Oh, did I say that it is insane? Well, just in case I didn’t make myself clear on this matter; it is insane.

Trump tries to reduce regulation.
When Trump came to office, one of the first things that he tried to do was reduce the amount of regulation in the government. This caused eruptions of anger, laughter and disgust from the progressive liberal media.

The US has one of the highest costs of living in the world.  You can blame inflation. You can blame innovation. You can blame crime. You can blame just about everything for this, but no one wants to blame the true root cause; rules and regulation.

Why is everything so darn expensive? Rules and regulation.

Each and every time that you add a regulation to something, you add a cost. Let’s suppose you want to make sure that hamburger buns don’t have green mold growing on it, so you write a regulation. Well, someone needs to inspect to make sure of compliance. Someone needs to be trained to inspect, and there needs to be a system of training, and monitoring the workers who do the inspections. All this costs MONEY. Someone has to pay, and that person is often YOU.

Growth in medical costs.
The rising costs of medical care in the United States is directly proportional to the size of paper-pushers that are used to service it. As the medical industry started to become regulated, the costs rose skyward into the stratosphere. You, when you pay a hospital bill, are not paying for the doctors services, you are actually mostly paying for the people in government to file and approve your forms.

In my dreams, I fantasize about every receipt having all the taxes and fees that went into the purchase listed and easy to read. That receipt would be a yard long, I’ll tell you what.

Here is the streamlined version of the Obama / Hillary Clinton healthcare plan known as the ACA. Each bubble represents a COST that YOU need to pay.

Compared to the other 200 countries, the US is definitely in the top tier when it comes to expensive costs of living. Prices and costs are way too high and so is inflation.

In the 20th century, the US dollar lost 95 percent of its value. In contrast, during the 1800’s there was no inflation and the dollar was worth more at the end of the 1800’s than at the beginning.

Decrease in the value of the dollar.
The value of the dollar has absolutely plummeted since the Federal Reserve was created. This means that the people who use this medium of exchange is forced to hold on to worthless scraps of paper. When I was born, my mother saved up for months to get me a $100 savings bond. When she died, and I inherited it, I discovered that I couldn’t even buy a decent meal with it. What was once worth a few months salary fell below the value of a meal.

Higher cost of living means that one has to work more and be a slave to their job more, with LESS free time to do what they want.

There’s not even time for personal growth.

What’s the point of living when all you do is work to make a living? What’s there to live for? It’s pointless. You are just a slave hamster on a treadmill. Being a debt slave is not living freely.

Rats racing.
Why are you in your career? What does all the work buy for you and your children? Is the stress and worry worth it? Personal satisfaction comes from control of your finances.

As we all know, money can buy freedom, if one has enough of it. Thus, a higher cost of living means that people have LESS capability to “buy their freedom” since their money is worth less.

This insane rising cost of living in the US is most likely deliberately planned. Here’s why: The US is known to have the biggest gap between rich and poor. So it is in the interest of the wealthy elite class to keep the poor in America poor. There are numerous reasons for this. You can parse the reasons, but it’s really just human nature. The rich want to stay that way, so they support policies that benefit the status quo.

This inhibits the “freedom” of upward mobility in America.

Income inequality
The progressive liberals claim to want everyone to be equal. In fact, they want to be the wealthy elite with everyone obeying them. Conservatives tend to want to be left alone, as long as they are happy, they have no problem with others being wealthier then they are. Unfortunately, the income so disproportionately favors the wealthy in the USA, that it has become impossible for most people to have any kind of comfortable life.

This would also explain the deliberate dumbing down of America in the public education system, which insider whistle-blowers such as Charlotte Iserbyt have revealed.

So you see, even what freedoms you have in America are being slowly undermined behind the scenes, without the public’s knowledge or approval.

[4] Prison function should be redirected to reduce crime not be profit centers.

America has the largest prison population in the world. Currently, there are 2 million people incarcerated in American prisons. 2 million! That’s crazy.

That’s crazy!

Incarceration timeline.
For all sorts of reasons, mostly an overuse of laws, has turned the United States into one big prison. Here, just about everyone knows someone who has been in jail or prison. It is the same sort of situation that was present in the former Soviet Union. This is a truly worrisome condition.

No other country has anywhere near that amount in prison.

Does that really mean that Americans are the most evil and dangerous people on the planet? It must, you know, if every other nation uses the same measures of what constitute a crime is.

Does that mean that our police force(s) are the most efficient in catching criminals? It must, you now, if every other nation uses the same measures of policing and population control.

Or, is it instead structured so that our society is one where everyone is a potential criminal…?

America the prison state.
The United States incarcerates Americans at an alarming rate. Further, once incarcerated, under the 16th amendment, they lose their Freedoms guaranteed under the Bill of Rights. They are thus able to be treated differently… as a second tier or second class citizen or slave.

Only in a dysfunctional, insane, crazy, toxic, repressed society would that many people be in prison.

How can the alleged “freest country in the world” also have the biggest prison population as well?! That’s a huge oxymoron that doesn’t make sense! Obviously there is a chasm of difference between what America says and what it is.

Sessons the deep state guardian.
America does not treat people equally under the eyes of justice. Instead they use laws to force compliance to arcane rules and provide “safe havens” for the wealthy, while the rest of America suffers.

[5] PC culture needs to be stop being promoted by the media.

As if that is ever gonna happen…

US social culture is way too politically correct, which greatly reduces your ability to speak freely and honestly. It’s a restriction on free speech. From what I know back in the 1970’s, there was no political correctness. I would go to work and people would tell me what they thought of me to my face directly. People were free to be as honest as they wanted, so they could speak their mind freely and from the heart.

If a guy was fat, you told him to his face that he was fat. If a woman was a bitch, you called her out as a bitch or a shrill. Freedom, real freedom, is the ability to speak your mind without consequence.

Even if someone has something negative to say, honesty is always better than suppression and repression.

Gillette cartoon
The HR departments tend to be populated by social justice activists and politically correct types. Their job is to make sure employees fall in line. This is achieved by fear. Companies will not tolerate racist, sexist, or otherwise intolerant behavior. Anyone caught telling an off-color joke by the water cooler could be fired. A male employee who compliments a female employee on her appearance could find himself in big trouble. To prevent such trouble, the HR departments train employees on proper etiquette, behavior, and other matters that’s really nothing more than common sense. Employees get lectured about the company’s desire for a healthy, productive work environment with a welcoming atmosphere. The two words most favored by corporate HR departments are ‘diversity,’ and ‘inclusion.’ These words are used with a fervent religiosity. People ‘of color,’ ‘the LGBQT community, the disabled and so forth are to be treated with exceptional tolerance and kindness. White males? Not so much, because they are usually seen as potential transgressors of company policy.

With this in mind, America has become a lot LESS free since the 70’s in terms of free speech and freedom to be yourself. In other countries where there is less political correctness, one feels a lot freer. It is refreshing, and really underlines this PC nonsense as a serious issue that must be addressed.

The overbearing political correctness in modern America, coupled with the media driving high levels of fear and paranoia in people, makes America a very socially unhealthy place to live. It is repressing individuality, our shared and unique cultures and people. I want my America back.

It is unhealthy to be called “deplorable”, “toxic” and a “Nazi”. It is unhealthy to treat being male and acting as a man an illness, while glorifying gay people and transgenders. It is a sign of a very, very sick nation.

We don’t see how sick the United States is today, because most of us are sitting right down smack down in the middle of it. We need to go elsewhere to see how people live their lives, and then we can make comparisons. When you make those comparisons, you can see the sickness in all it’s festering nastiness.

So know that political correctness is not there to help protect people. It has a purpose. It’s an evil and dangerous purpose. For it is a first stage in controlling the masses.

You see, once you restrict free speech in the name of “cultural sensitivity”, it then becomes easier to take away other freedoms and put in more control.

To take away freedom, you do it in small steps, so that each subsequent step becomes easier for people to take. That’s how the ruling elite impose their will when its unpopular, by doing it gradually in increments. They’ve always done it this way.

Boiling frogs in water.
Go ahead, all these laws, rules, regulations and political correctness is all about changing you to a point where you will accept socialism. Then under that environment, you can be stripped of your freedoms; your liberties, and forced to slave away for others as they determine.

[6] All social engineering efforts must be curtailed and scaled back.

Compared to what it was like when I grew up, today’s American social culture is fake, artificial, phony and toxic.

Yes, being told that boys must act like girls in order to be masculine is FAKE. It is artificial, and it is toxic. There is simply no other way to say it.

Today our youth are not allowed to be their true self. Boys are not permitted to act like boys. Girls are not so severely restricted, but even then, they are being instructed in alternative gender roles. These teachings are harmful. For the children must act and fit within (modern progressive) “acceptable” modes of behavior.

In a way, it is normal for children to find out what their identities are. Starting from high school, teenagers learn to act very phony and artificial, like posers. They have to do so in order to be cool and have friends. Otherwise, they will become misfits and social outcasts.

The problem comes when powerful interests devote money, resources and time to direct them towards other objectives. In effect outlawing tradition in favor of a new future. One where all men act and behave like like girls. It is not healthy.

Far left loonies
The divide between the left and right is widening in America. Instead of rational debate, we’re seeing more vitriol and trench digging. The mainstream media and the left want President Trump impeached. Their bogus ‘Russia’ narrative has unravelled, so now they’re calling Trump’s supporters ‘Nazis’ or ‘white supremacists.’

If you are authentic and down-to-earth, you will be seen as introverted and lacking in social skills, when in reality, you just don’t like acting fake and artificial. It’s very upside down.

Our world teaches kids to “be yourself,” but that  rule often applies to everyone but the “traditional” male. The APA has  declared “traditional masculinity” to be harmful. They’re wrong:

— David French (@DavidAFrench) January 8, 2019

This is how the typical American fake personality forms. Children are born with genuine personalities. But beginning in high school, they are gradually molded into the fake social persona that is required to fit into American social culture. This carries on into adulthood.

Trigglypuff. Dr Hoff-Sommers was appearing at the University of Massachusetts at Amhurst along with the comedian and radio broadcaster Mr Stephen Crowder and the Tech editor of Brietbart Mr Milo Yiannopolous. Milo made his usual spiel about ‘feminism being a cancer’, and the hall erupted. Next to take the stage was Dr Hoff-Sommers who said that ‘feminism was not a cancer but campus feminism was madness’. This reasonable observation of the far left feminist/gender studies/queer studies scene on American campuses was also met by howling and screaming from the audience. I fear that many of the audience of Leftists there would not recognize the right to free speech if it jumped up and slapped them round the face. There was one particular protester there whose behavior was so bad, so outrageous and so much more like that of a toddler than a grown woman that film of her flailing her arms about rapidly went viral. Trigglypuff.

Only older folks and senior citizens can afford to be down-to-earth again, because at their age, they no longer are trying to conform or fit in. Plus the seniors of today come from a generation when Americans were more down-to-earth than today.

The social culture is also very toxic in that it undermines your self-esteem. It is toxic because it tries to tear you down, making you feel insecure and inadequate. Today, no one feels accepted for themselves in America. They always feel like they aren’t good enough and have to prove themselves.

We do our sons no favors when we tell them that  they don’t have to answer that voice inside them that tells them to be  strong, to be brave, and to lead. We do them no favors when we let them  abandon the quest to become a grown man when that quest gets hard

— David French (@DavidAFrench) January 8, 2019

The consequence of this is that when you develop a fake artificial social personality in America in order to fit in and be accepted. It is not at all healthy. It separates you from your true authentic self, which becomes suppressed in the process. Our youth starts to take on adaptive behaviors that are not healthy.

I do not care what CNN or WaPo or the Huffington Post thinks, this unhealthy behavior is not good for men.

Metrosexual man.
The new America man as formed by American media and the PC sensitivities of the feminist movement and high-paid diversity officers in workplaces. They are known as caring beta-chucks or metrosexuals.

As a result of this psychological schism between your fake social self and your true authentic self, you experience a deep inner fragmentation, which in turn leads to mental imbalance and inner conflict. There is nothing healthy with gender-confused children.

This, I believe, is the primary cause of many forms of mental disorders in America. And it’s why you see so many crazy messed up people in America, and depressed degenerates everywhere (especially in urban areas).

Gender confused boy.
Note that puberty suppression therapy through hormone intervention is increasingly being recommended for children with gender dysphoria and at younger ages, yet there is little evidence that shows that puberty suppression is “reversible, safe, or effective for treating gender dysphoria.”

In addition, Americans are raised to believe in many contradictory things, which screws them up psychologically. (As if gender confusion wasn’t bad enough.)

For example, Americans are taught that they are “free individuals in a free country”. Good right? However, Americans are also taught that they must conform to society and adopt all its strict rules, laws and boundaries. The two things are contradictory.

  • Freedom is the ability to have free exercise of thoughts and actions.
  • Liberty is the ability to practice freedom.

And at work, they are required to conform to their work culture and become subservient slaves to their jobs.

Shame on the @APA.  As a psychologist, masculinity and femininity in their mature forms are  inherently virtuous. “The main thrust of the subsequent research is  that traditional masculinity—marked by stoicism, competitiveness,  dominance and aggression—is, on the whole, harmful.”

All of this takes a toll on the hapless America (male) who hasn’t any decent role models outside of a fictional narrative to guide him. Instead he is presented with rules and codes of behavior that run against his biological and genetic programming. This is NOT healthy.

Modern man.
The new modern man as promoted by the mainstream media.

To give another example: Many Americans are raised with good Christian values but then in the adult world, they are taught that “profit is king” and that “greed is good”. Like two muscles that become damaged when they rub against each other, their minds become damaged by such conflicting beliefs.

They become like the Clintons who attend church. There is no way that this can be considered healthy.

Clinton at church.
Clinton at church. I wonder what it will be like for her when she enters Heaven. What do you think, dear reader? To me, it looks like the devil visited the church and is lecturing the people that if they give her more money she will guarantee them a seat in Heaven.

Anyway, the reason why this makes American unfree is this: If you have to develop an artificial phony social personality to conform to American social culture, then you are disallowed from expressing your true authentic self. In other words, you are not allowed to be yourself in America, at least not your real genuine self.

You see, being free to “be yourself” is the true definition of freedom, while having to be something you’re not is a psychological prison. Thus America, under PC rules of behavior, takes away your freedom to be yourself, which is the highest expression of freedom.

You’re not even allowed to flirt in America anymore.

Flirtation is seen as creepy, inappropriate and taboo in modern America. However, flirtation was normal, cool and acceptable in America prior to the mid 1980’s. (and in most foreign countries today, it still is) But after that, it somehow became a bad creepy thing.

People who grew up during the 70’s and 80’s know this, but no one dares to talk about this or has an explanation for why that is. In modern America, you are not even supposed to have desires to flirt. If you do, you are considered a creep, a pervert and a bad person.

American woman
The new socially acceptable American woman. You must cover your body and that gives you freedom!

Perhaps that’s why no one dares to talk about it. It’s a taboo. This is way too uptight, unnatural and no fun.

[7] Severely reduce fear-mongering and the severe neocon influence.

The social vibe in America is permeated with high levels of fear and paranoia. It really is. There is no denying it. You cannot visit a single media site without being confronted by this. Whether it is killer hornets in China, or armed illegals crossing the border, or the dangers of terror in West-boom-boom-askan, it is everywhere.

Dudes, in case you are unaware, war is terrible. It really it. It is horrible.

Any war with a serious and large nation like China or Russia will not be like you expect. It will not be televised on the nightly news, where you can watch it over your TV-dinner after work. You won’t be logging into the internet to see what is going on in the world. Listen up!

A war with China or Russia will be personal.

You will be lucky to have electricity, let alone internet access. You will be busy checking your stockpiles of iodine to keep the radiation poisoning to a bare minimum, and you will do your best to burn the blankets that your loved ones died in. After all, getting smallpox or the bubonic plague is not something to take lightly. 

It will be a harsh reality where you might have to kill your beloved dog for food. It will be a reality where even taking a shower might be risky and threaten your very life.It will be frustrating, because there will be little that you can do. You won't know what is going on in the world, but you will know that your little piece of life in the USA will have been altered terribly.


This is not going to be a scene from the walking dead where you and your friends get to fight zombies over the tattered remains of what was once a town. No, you will be dying from a sickness that you don't have any idea to cure, while you huddle in a burnt out and darkened cinder block room while drones, you won't know if friendly or not, will scan the skies above.

The neocons have no idea what they are playing around with.

War tumor.
The neocons in government, along with their friends in the mainstream media want war. They want to keep Americans living in fear. But this fear mongering is not sustainable. Sooner or later, the costs will become far too great. The risk of WMD events in the United States will become too alarming. This all must stop.

All this war-mongering is unhealthy. It creates segregation between people, and making the country socially unfree. 

Remember, boys and girls, both World War I and World War II each were over within five years. The idea of long, on-going military operations didn't come into being until after the Korean War. Since then, most wars that the United States has been involved in can best be described as "forever wars".

This neocon influence is not only about wars and military. When coupled with the PC progressive narrative and the army of social justice warriors that occupy our urban areas it combines to a toxic environment.

This is further exasperated when you throw in social media and the internet.

The United States graphic today.
The American political spectrum graphed for easy readability and comparison. Of course, the progressives consider Trump to be a neoconservative and fascist, yet his policies and actions do not reflect their narrative. His actions reflect a more libertarian approach to governance. Based on actions and policies.

America also feels very socially unfree in that there is this high level of fear and paranoia between people, even between neighbors, which creates social separation. You ask, “Hey! is that person an Arab and is he gonna scream “praise Allah” while he runs over my children?”.

You wonder if you should tell the girl in the office if she looks good in her dress, lest someone overhears and you lose your job for sexual harassment. (Which reminds me of the reason why the movie “God Bless America” came into being…)

God Bless America meme.
God Bless America meme.

You can feel it in the social vibe and energy of most places, which does not feel positive at all. There is this unnatural fear of strangers, and this ice wall between strangers.

Maybe it manifests by being yelled at by trolls on social media. Maybe it’s simply because the NSA is spying on everyone, or that all your location data (whether you know about it being collected or not) is being sold to anyone with a spare $20 to spend.

Or, maybe it’s because the social media, and the mainstream media routinely makes fun of you or people that you care about and love.

Whatever the reason, there is a kind of coldness in the United States today that wasn’t there a few decades ago.

America today.
America is no longer a place where you can be truly free. It is a place where you are observed and judged. It is a place where you behaviors are policed and if you do not conform, you risk losing everything through incarceration.

All of this manifests in a kind of distrust to people who you do not know. While sure, you smile at others on the street, or shake the hands of people in church, you tend to back away from getting too close.

You know, there are some really, really strange people “out there”. You don’t want to have your child kidnapped, or have someone break into your car for some meth. You have to be careful.

Crazy history.
Hey! Does that Antifa logo look familiar? Well, it should. It was the logo of the Communists who worked to bring Hitler to power. Then, once Hitler came to power, he set his Nazi goons after Antifa. Thus making them forever hate the Nazi’s that bested them. The progressive liberals wants a repeat of this.

Because of all of this, people seem cold and distant.

Out in public, people don’t talk to strangers unless it’s business-related. Communication is strictly for business only. There is no feeling of social or human connection at all. And no camaraderie between people. Instead, the atmosphere is one of cold isolation, which easily leads to loneliness.

SWJ university.
People start to put on a cold and aloof face when ever they are threatened or whenever they are afraid of being themselves. This fear of not showing who you really are manifests in other things, most of which results in a cold exterior and attitude.

The lack of freedom to speak your mind results in a cold exterior. You develop this out of necessity. It is like the child that is bullied in school who develops odd behaviors to fit in or avoid being hurt.

The thing is, humans are not meant to be solitary creatures.

We are meant to be interdependent, have friendships and social connection with others. It is an integral part of our happiness. Yet this is greatly inhibited in America, as explained above. And America falsely teaches that one should not need others, but be independent from others.

Needless to say, trying to make friends in America is one of the hardest things.

SUmmary of it all.
People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason for the world being in chaos is that things are being loved and that people are being used.

What this means is that America has become very socially unfree in that you do not have the freedom to socially connect with others.

[8] Tone down social media…


People in modern America seem repressed, robotic and zombie-like, it is like they have no soul and are not alive. Perhaps this is why zombie movies and video games are so popular nowadays.

Americans have gotten into the habit of turning towards the internet for answers to things, friendships, creativity and a sense of belonging. We have turned to things, instead of turning to people.

That is unhealthy.

1980's geek movie war games.
Today, people devote hours to their computer or social media on their smart phone. Really, is all the :likes” on Facebook going to improve your life? We need to seek genuine acceptance with flesh and blood people what share our interests and values.

You don’t connect to ideas. You connect with people. You don’t feel belonging as a number, you belong when you have friends who call you by your name. We really need to step away from the computers and reconnect to others in real life in real time.

And hey! if you cannot connect with other people, then try animals. Dogs and cats make great companions. Please connect with something that is ALIVE.

Cat hugs.
Live your life with others. Share your passions, your experiences and who you are. Do not lock yourself in a tiny room in front of a flickering screen late at night.

You know, it wasn’t like that long ago though.

Americans were more human and natural in the past. Heck, I grew up in the 1960’s and 1970’s. This is a fact, Jack. With each decade, Americans gradually became cold, soulless, guarded, unfriendly, unsocial, hateful, jeering, spoiled, standoffish, cynical, snobby, and began to dislike others.

I blame the Clintons, and their RINO friends.

All of a sudden there was no longer a sense of closeness between family and friends. It was like a “wave of energy” swooped across the nation and changed people.

Ok, maybe I’m a little too harsh on the Clinton crime syndicate. You really need to look at all the trends and the root behaviors of huge swaths of people. Don’t know what I am talking about? Maybe these two links will give you some insight…

Diversity Initatives

Thus, I blame many things for this.

Maybe it’s the trend to put pineapple of pizza. Or, maybe it is when the government tried to ban Tab. Maybe it was when McDonald’s was forced to remove their little aluminum foil ashtrays. Maybe it was when all of the media was bought up by a mere five people, and yet still not considered a monopoly. Maybe it was when NASA was re-purposed away from space exploration to Muslim outreach.

Ah, there are so many things that can be the root cause…

Though I will have to lay corporate and political greed, the rash of MBA types being graduated out of universities and social engineering merged with technology to be some of the major vectors. The reasons are complex and numerous. The puzzle is a large one, with many, many pieces.

A day in the life.
The influences on American life are many and complicated. There is no way that they can be distilled into something simple. However, with this under consideration, the reader should look at their own individual life and ask the difficult questions. Is life meaningful? Is is stress free? Are there things beyond your control, and or fears that are concerning? What are the solutions to reduce all this anxiety?

I guess that if there is one thing that I could positively say, is that the government and in the people in government stopped doing their jobs a long, long time ago. Instead they became focused in their own personal attainment of wealth.

The science fiction movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” in 1978, where people were replaced by alien clones with no feeling or emotion, seems to have already happened in America. Perhaps that film was a foreshadowing, either deliberately or as a message from higher forces above.

Of course, if you are a cold, unfeeling, soulless person yourself, you may not see anything wrong with this nor will you suffer from it. It’s only when you are soulful, passionate, romantic and full of feeling (like I am) that you suffer and feel out of place by this.

Connect with others.
We are human. We need to feel connected with others. We should turn off the electronic media. Instead of texting, talk in person. Instead of playing a game on the PC, go out to the park, bring some food and have an outing. We need to connect with others.

The good news is that you can still find people who are open, social, expressive, passionate and uninhibited today. If you look carefully you can find them. you do not need to travel overseas to find them either. They are right there, right under your nose.

We need to start TRYING to connect with others. We need to start doing it TODAY…RIGHT NOW.

They might be the gal having a caramel latte at Starbucks, or the guy putting gas in his SUV at the gas station. It might be the family taking their pet to the vet, or the old man shopping alone in the grocery store. You just need to go out, smile and make friends. Oh, yeah, one more thing that you gotta do…

Turn off your computer.


There are many things wrong with the Untied States today. There really is very little that we can do about it on a personal level. We can either accept it, or leave.

I like to think that America is a very resilient nation. I think that the people can adapt and change and restructure things towards a climate of prosperity and growth. With this in mind, perhaps if there was a sizable decrease in the number of laws and regulations, it would free up people…

Perhaps if we stopped our love affair with the internet and social media and started to connect with people, animals and families that we would be happier and healthier. Seriously, we NEED each other.

Take your dog for a walk, or better yet, a spin on the bike.

Finally, those evil and corrupt tyrants that are trying to box Americans into new construct involving political correctness and massive blatant crimes need to be reigned in. They need to be stopped.

This is not a complete list. Heck, I didn’t even touch upon taxes. I didn’t even mention many of the things that are seriously wrong with the Untied States today. I only offered a handful of things that would go a long way towards resetting America back on track.

It is a track that puts people first, and money second. It is a track that places an importance on traditional families, marriage, children and education. It is a track where we have roles within our communities and all work together for the better good.

It is a track where people can be the best of who they are. Where the government is small and stands out of the way of people’s freedom. A track where America implements what China does when it comes to social Justice Warriors… they isolate them, and keep them safe and far, far away from society. Lest they do irreparable damage to society.

Read about the Chinese solution here…

When the SJW movement took control of China

Finally, spend time with your loved ones. This can be your friends or family or pets. Just spend the time. You won’t regret it. Trust me.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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The most common extraterrestrial species that interacts with Americans

Here we discuss the grey extraterrestrial alien species. Contrary to the public narrative, there are numerous extraterrestrial species that regularly visit the Earth. In fact, they have all been doing so for many, many years. Ah, yes they do. They have their reasons and their purposes. The United States government, through the SAP known as MAJestic, has relationships with numerous such species, and are also aware of a much larger group of other species and races.

Here we discuss one of the most common and active species. They are an important species, as they have a very clear and defined role with humans. As such, they maintain a very special role within MAJestic.

The United States government has known about them for a long time now. In fact, we have known about them since the years directly after World War II. With this understood, they are NOT the first extraterrestrial species that the American government has met and interrogated. They are the second. This extraterrestrial species is not only very active in America, but it maintains a very important role in the entire world.

They are “famous” to many people all over the globe as “little green men”, as they are small in stature. For our purposes, we will refer to this species as “Type-1 extraterrestrials”.

A Personal Note

The moment anyone mentions that they have seen or met extraterrestrials, they are considered a lunatic.

This is not accidental. It is a manufactured narrative used to silence disclosures. You would think that after thirty years of exposure to the ways that the NSA, the CIA and other alphabet SAP’s are used to silence disclosures, that people would be made aware of this. But, alas most Americans are herded cattle. MAJestic is correct in this appraisal, and it has taken me up to now to fully appreciate this truth.

This blog and the “Metallicman” writings are not for the “great unwashed masses” to read, parse and disparage. It is for others. Hopefully, you are one such person. If so, then please read on.

This is the truth, well at least what I understand as the truth.

Notes on my exposure

I was exposed to this species [1] during entry into the MAJestic organization, and later [2] during my training for my role. During my operations I had no dealings with them. Instead, I dealt with another group of entities. Not this one.

All of the information provided herein are based on the exposure that I had with them while I was in MAJestic training. The little that I know outside of that had to do with some events that were tangential to them, and which I cannot speak about at this time.

When I refer to “outside sources” I generally mean either “outside of MAJestic” and on the internet, or second-hand information that I obtained though unofficial MAJestic sources. All “outside sources” should be treated as suspect.

There is a lot of disinformation regarding this species. I wish to elaborate on what I know and to try to provide a much more accurate picture of them and their involvement with humans. Like everything else, when you encounter the “real deal” you will be exposed to ideas and concepts and realities that do not fit in to the black and white two-dimensional cardboard cutout narrative that is so popular on the internet. That is thus the bane of my narrative.

They are not what everyone thinks they are.

They have technologies and abilities that make humans look like infants playing with a pacifier. This is not a species to take lightly. Just so, we need not fear them either. They are performing a valuable service and have a very important role with humans.

The problem is that the role, their understanding, their objectives and our understandings are completely out of phase with each other. How can you explain the workings of a digital watch to a penguin? You can’t and thus, I have a very difficult time describing how souls are constructed, and why this species has an interest in our soul construction and layout. As well, and why it is important.

This is the real deal. You can read on, or else pretend that Reptilians want to take over the United States government by shape shifting. LOL. It’s your choice.

Humans meet another “intelligent” species

Personally, this was the very first extraterrestrial species that I ever met. So, obviously, it is quite fitting that I refer to them as the “Type-1” extraterrestrial species. This is the first type that I encountered. Thus “Type-1”. Makes sense, huh?

Please note that this is not the actual name of the species. It is not what they call themselves. As in “Hi, my name is Zorga, and I am a type-1 extraterrestrial. Nice to meet you.

Nope they don’t use this term, or anything like it, as far as I know.

Nor, is it what MAJestic refers to them as. They refer to them as <redacted>. The MAJestic naming nomenclature was established early on in the late 1940’s, and began with “Extraterrestrial Biological Entity” ####. (Always shortened to EBE ####.)

Astounding Revelations

This species is confusing to us humans.

That is because we have made numerous assumptions regarding all life in the universe. This species has thrown all our assumptions about life “out the window”. Many of the initial scientists who first met these creatures just couldn’t get around their inherent biases, and assumed understanding of the universe. And, this caused decades of confusion and misunderstandings.

Our “scientists” in the years immediately following world war II felt that it was a rare thing for any species to attain a degree of “constructive” civilization. They believed that if a species could attain spaceflight, they must be more advanced than humans. Maybe, they believed, 100 or 200 years more advanced. They also felt that they must come from a solar system that was close, and that had a star similar to our own (A class “G”.).

Their assumptions are the same assumptions that many in academia still maintain. It’s a carryover from Newtonian -based scientific study. Our assumptions are based on what we know of the world around us. It’s a science built upon careful observation. If you don’t observe something happening, then it just doesn’t happen. For that is, after all, the “scientific method”.

Using what we know of life on this planet, these scientists have made the following assumptions and extrapolated the assumptions to ALL life…

  • All species evolve naturally.
  • Each species has only one form.
  • Each creature has one singular fixed consciousness.
  • Each consciousness is associated with one individual soul.
  • Each species propagate through naturally evolved means.
  • The human species is the most advanced in the universe.

These are all very big, and very erroneous, assumptions.

The Type-1 Extraterrestrial Species

Because of that, there have been all sorts of misconceptions regarding this “Type-1” extraterrestrial species. Everything that did not make sense to the researchers needed to fit into pre-defined “boxes of dogma”. Their presence has forced MAJestic to reevaluate our humanity and our place within the universe.

This species…

  • This is a manufactured species. What we encounter is not wholly naturally evolved. (Oh, at one time, basic components and the root DNA must have been, certainly. But not what we encounter today.)
  • This species has numerous physical forms. Each form is specific for the task at hand. One form might be as an aviator, while another might be a doctor, still another might be a GP. (Here, I label the variations as “A”, “B”, “C”, etc…) The various physical forms appear different. We, as humans, assume that they are separate species, when in reality they are different forms of the same species. Humans have two physical forms; male and female.
  • This species possesses mobile consciousness. This is an inherent consciousness that can migrate from physical body to physical body. It is not fixed to a specific body. Humans have one consciousness that is associated with a specific human body. This species is not like that at all. One second their consciousness can inhabit a body on Earth, and a split second later, it could co-habitat a body located on the Moon.
  • This species has a different soul configuration. They do not have an individual soul tied to an individual consciousness. Instead, this species has a singular, and complex, “master” soul. All, and every, species consciousness are tied to the “master” soul.
  • This species has mastered their evolution. They have incorporated modification of DNA into their society, and have developed forms and shapes for specific roles and purposes. Some of which we encounter.
  • This species is impressively ancient. They have mastered spaceflight, and genetic engineering long before they first started interacting with the Earth. We know that they have interacted with early humans at least 30,000 years ago.

The “Little Green Men”

The reader can go on the internet and read all kinds of stuff on these creatures. Most of which is nonsense.

Conventionally, it is all treated as a kind of joke. Mostly UFO researchers, and their ilk are treated as fools. Mentioning UFO’s and extraterrestrials are considered to be career-limiting moves.

However, the real truth is that there are elements inside the United States government that treat extraterrestrials and their technology with absolute seriousness. It is considered so important to National Security, and the security of the human race itself, that not even the President, and the elected officials are privy to the knowledge.

It is very rare for an elected official to be part of the MAJestic organization. They are purposefully and intentionally “left in the dark” unless the issue is of a military matter.

“The truth is, Macey, we haven’t actually made direct contact with aliens yet. But when we do, I’ll let you know.”

-President Obama (D). His response to a little girl on the Ellin DeGeneres show when she girl asked him “If aliens are real.” February 12, 2016. 

When I was first introduced to MAJestic, I was told that my role would be very important, and that the organization that I was part of was the most important organization on the planet. I was told that our objectives determined the future of mankind.

It wasn’t something trivial, like dancing on the Ellin DeGeneres show.

Obama and Ellen
President Obama has appeared on numerous televisions shows and popular venues. There he would sing, dance, tell jokes and ham it up for the dumbed-down crowd.

Here, I will try to clarify some key points and help the reader sort out the nonsense from the truth. As, most of what you find on the internet is just that; nonsense.

All this being stated, we must keep in mind where my information comes from. What I know about this species is derived from [1] first hand personal experience, and my training relative to my [2] involvement in MAJestic, [3] <readacted>, and of course [4] the <readacted> at <redacted>.

I am NOT an expert.

For starters, they do NOT have green or grey skin. Their skin has a decidedly light non-human skin color and complexion and thus many people commonly refer to them as “grey” aliens.  In every single instance that I have met them, the lighting was favorable to their species (not to human eyesight). This was a (barely) visible light in the red spectrum, and to my eyes everything had a red color to it. It’s pretty darn difficult to see what their skin color actually is under that specific type of lighting. Anyone who has ever gone into a “dark room” to develop photographs can attest to this fact.

Dark Room
A “dark room” is a place where photographs were created. A film roll would be extracted from the camera and then processed. Then using an enlarger and a series of chemical baths the photos can be developed. Because natural light can damage the processing of the images, red light is used exclusively.

In any event, what I can say is that their skin has a different texture and appearance to that of the skin on a human or a terrestrial animal. It more resembles the skin found on a dolphin or similar creature.

Below is an actual photograph of a Type-1A extraterrestrial.  Obviously taken a while ago and using traditional (not digital) photographic equipment.  I believe that any actual and real images regarding this species originates out of Russia.  America holds on to every image it has like it is made out of gold.

Notice one of the most important points regarding this species. This species cannot sustain “natural” human-type “daylight”. It hurts their eyes, and is generally uncomfortable to them. For them to move about on the earth, they need to put these kinds of special lens caps over their eyes. Thus, they rarely venture out on the earth in broad daylight. They travel at night, if at all.

Tyle-1 extraterrestrial 1
Actual photo of a Type-1A extraterrestrial. Type-1 “grey” extraterrestrial in one of the many forms that this species takes. In this case, we can refer to the creature as “Type-1A”. That being a “configuration A’ of the Type-1 extraterrestrial species. This photo is from Russia and was widely disseminated after the fall of the Soviet Union.

In the photo above, the Type-1 entity was filmed under red light, and the images processed appropriately using period (1950’s – 1960’s) photographic technology. This is why the pictures seem dim, and not all that clear for a black and white photo or movie clip (note also that these images are obtained off from a movie clip).

"…and we found out so far there are 18 different alien species that we know about monitoring Earth".

-John Lear

This is a quote from Mr. John Lear who claimed that he was involved in the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial vehicles at the “Area-51” research site for the United States government.  There are many who claim that he is a fraud and a profiteer, while others claim that he is legitimate.  I do not know what to think as his experiences are quite unlike my own.  But, he made some interesting quotes.  Here is one of his finest.

When people think of extraterrestrials they often think of little grey-green men with big bug-like eyes.  While there have been many parodies of such creatures on American media, they do tend to represent a historical archetype. 

All you need to do is conduct a Google or Bing image search to get the typical CGI and artwork related to the “alien” archetype.

This historical archetype is quite curious.  Often this description refers to various families of a specific extraterrestrial species.  In particular, it tends to describe a sub-species of Type-I grey “aliens”.  While these extraterrestrials have become a folk icon in many parts of the world.  They are most iconic in the United States.  Indeed, no place on the earth is more fixated on this iconology than the United States.  The United States has become the de facto repository of Type I Grey extraterrestrial encounters.

Name and Conventions

Personally, they NEVER introduced themselves to me ever.

They provided instruction, direction, and information. That was it. There just wasn’t any formalities involved. Nor was there any back and forth banter so characteristic of conventional human speech.

I have read reports (on the internet) that they have a name that they refer to themselves as. This information is along the lines of “propagation of the extraterrestrial narrative”, or in other words, an attempt to stitch together two separate theories into a unified whole. The reader hits their forehead and goes “Ah ha!, it all makes sense now!” as some of the disjointed nonsense on the Internet starts to align up with other theories on the nature of mankind.

“When addressing Americans they call themselves EBAN.” 

To me it looks like someone is trying to piece together some Zecharia Sitchin with some new-age Zeta Reticuli speculation.

Let me tell you guys this. When we met them in person they did NOT address us at all.  They didn’t utilize any of the welcoming or introductory gestures common by terrestrial humans.  They do not bow, shake hands, nod their head, smile or glance downward.  They do nothing of the sort. 

FOR THE RECORD.  They communicated their intentions telepathically and instantaneously.  They never provided any physical acknowledgments as far as greeting or introductions in any way. 

Very Old Species

While they appear to be a conventional American popular phenomenon, they are actually a long duration phenomena. It is one that has been present on our world for many, many years. 

They are, indeed, an indomitable race of beings.  There are substantive representations of these creatures, or those like them for the vast bulk of time that humans have been around.  This includes artwork in Egypt and through the middle ages as well.

Petroglyphs at Karahunj
Petroglyphs at Karahunj. This is an ancient site located in modern-day Armenia, and predates Stonehenge. Among the numerous carvings, ancient man depicted what appeared to be strange beings with elongated heads and almond-shaped eyes, eerily similar to ‘modern-day’ representations of Grey Aliens.

Descriptions of these creatures, as well as the vehicles that they utilize are found repeatedly in archaeological circles.  Though the descriptions given to these depictions are always something other than what they actually represent. 

Typically they would refer to these extraterrestrials as Gods; demi-gods, angels, demons, or children of gods.  They were never considered to be animals, other human races, or servants of gods.  These creatures have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, and have been on Earth before modern man came into existence.

For the considerations here; whether accurate or not, the term “modern man” refers to physically similar humans to contemporaneous humans with the ability to produce documentation in a language of some sort.  This is the so called “historical” humans.  They reach back to around 6,000 to 8,000 years ago depending on your method of dating and base presumptions. 

  • Historic humans date to maybe 6,000 to 8,000 years ago.
  • Pre-historic humans date back to around 30,000 years ago.
  • Proto-humans date back even further to around 400,000 years ago.
  • Intelligent-primates date back to around 4 million years ago.
UFO in the sky
This is an enigmatic painting within the Palazzo Vecchio. It is called the Madonna Col Bambino e San Giovannino (“The Madonna with Saint Giovannino”). It was painted by Pellegrino Piola. Many UFO buffs believe is direct evidence of a UFO from Renaissance times. It clearly depicts a saucer shaped dark object that glows or emits radiation of some types. It is also observed in the sky by an individual who is watching it. Contemporaneous de-bunkers of this obvious portrayal of an airborne vehicle claim that it is just a poorly painted representation of a bird; possibly a crow. But if so, it must be one heck of a large crow. It is also horribly painted, as the artist was obviously capable of realistic renditions of people. This species has3D video recordings of all the popular and famous events, pivotal events, wars, disasters and critical historical trends over the last 25,000 years. During these events they sometimes were observed by humans, whom often interpreted the sightings as something divine. These events include the birth, and death of Jesus Christ, as well as other significant events as recorded in the Bible.

Sub-Species or Type Configurations

There are different “families” (races or species)  of Type-1 grey extraterrestrials. 

Their similarity to each other extends only to their physical appearance, and physical makeup and biology, and not to their origination point.  For purposes of simplicity, I use my own classification scheme to describe them.

  • Type-1 species members all have the same central hive/matrix soul.
  • Type-1 species DNA might vary from sub-type to sub-type.
“Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came". They landed on Earth, colonized it, mining the Earth for gold and other minerals, establishing a spaceport in what today is the Iraq-Iran area, and lived in a kind of idealistic society as a small colony.

They returned when Earth was more populated and genetically interfered in our indigenous DNA to create a slave-race to work their mines, farms, and other enterprises in Sumeria, which was the so-called Cradle of Civilization in out-dated pre-1980s school history texts. They created Man, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus.”

― Zecharia Sitchin

There is a large amount of confusion, speculation and disinformation concerning these creatures.  Some of the disinformation is intentional.  Some of the misinformation is due to confusion.  Some of the information on the Internet are outright lies generated by profiteers, hoaxers, and just those with a malevolent bent. 

Thus the information that I present here will differ from what one will find elsewhere. 

Please be advised, and aware of this fact.  What is written here is as accurate as I can make it, and in so doing it will many times be at odds with accepted conventional extraterrestrial lore.  My thoughts on them here (the Type-I grey extraterrestrial race) might shed some information to help clarify their background and purposes with humans.

I have some strong opinions that fly in the face of conventionally accepted norms relating to this race.  These are my opinions.  They are only my opinions, and as such, might be wildly divergent from the actual and absolute truth. 

Please accept them as such. 

When I present them, I try to explain why I believe this to be the case, and how it impacts us as humans.  What I believe, is at times, is not in agreement with any more or less “official” MAJestic policy, and also might be completely out of date.  (I wrote this transcription over 15 years since I was retired from the MAJestic program.)  The reader must understand that.

Species Introduction

“I believe in aliens. I think it would be way too selfish of us as mankind to believe we are the only life-forms in the universe.”

-Demi Lovato

This species is, by far,  the predominant allied-extraterrestrial-species that has (active) treaties with the American government. 

Now, this species does not deal with the United States government in the “normal” channels. They do not communicate through ambassadors, or a consulate or embassy. They do not chat with Senators or Congressmen. They do not have a “red phone” with a direct line to the President of the United States. Instead, they have a direct communication line with the agency that handles all extraterrestrial matters for the United States; MAJestic.

In this sense, and for all future reference, MAJestic is the organ of the United States government. It operates as a SAP “carve out” within the military, technical firms, and the government.

This is also, apparently, the most directly-involved extraterrestrial species on this planet and in the solar system.  (Others are more or less, visitors, hidden and working behind the scenes or taking on other roles.)

This species has been on the earth for a very long time.  (A very; very, long time.)  Now, for what ever it is worth, this is also the particular species of extraterrestrials that I have the most experience with. 

So, while I have personally seen a few other types of various extraterrestrials, it was only the “Type-1” aliens that I had any real or significant (direct, first hand) exposure to.

  • The type-1 species operated on me and gave me the EBP. They also worked with me in training and operation of it.
  • The type-2 species, the <redacted> interacted with me though the EBP. I was entangled with them for three decades, but I have really never physically seen them. Though, for a selection of reasons, I have a great intimate understanding of them. My interactions were all via the EBP and the ELF implants.
Grey extraterrestrial 2
Actual photo of a Type-1A extraterrestrial being. Image retrieved from the former Soviet Union. This entity, or others similar to him, go by various names. Some of which include “J-bar”, and “skinny bob”.

They do exist.  This race of extraterrestrials does exist, and is not some kind of Internet hoax. 

This species is a very common and very important extraterrestrial species.

They exist because [1] I have seen them (with my own human eyes, as well as being entangled), [2] worked next to them (in close proximity – at arms length), and [3] had physical dealings with them (we communicated, handed things back and forth, and worked together doing tasks).  My experiences are physical and actual. 

Here, I write what I know about them, and place caveats on how I obtained this knowledge.  Reader, please note; just because I personally believe something does not necessarily mean that it is true.  But what I do present is the best information that I have about these creatures.

Let me take a moment to address this issue for the slower readers to this manuscript.  The Type-I grey extraterrestrial race does actually exist.  They do exist.  They are real.  They are not some kind of apparition or mysterious vision. 

I have actually seen them.  I have seen them with my own physical human eyes (long before I started to wear glasses).  I have worked alongside them.  Though I have never physically touched them (They have, however, touched me.); their hands or skin, they seemed real enough and physical enough to me. 

  • The closest that I have ever been to a member of this species is about six inches.
  • They are always shorter than I am. They are not dwarves. They are just thin in stature and about the height of a petite girl. They tend to be around 8 to 10 inches shorter than I am.
  • They have really, really long articulated hands. They use them like a Chinese person is an expert using chop-sticks.

I positively know them to exist.  They do exist in the physical world that surrounds us.  They are intelligent.  They are driven and focused. 

Appearance Notes

They wear clothes like humans wear. This tells me that in some very significant ways, they developed into intelligent tool-manufacturing creatures along similar lines to what we humans have followed.

The garment that I am most familiar with is a deep dark blue one-piece jump suit (as best as I can determine under red color light).  The garment had a kind of turtle neck, and long sleeves and pant legs.  There were no pockets.  I never saw buttons, snaps, clasps, Velcro or zippers on the clothing.

The clothing was always unadorned. There were never any insignias, elements or indicators of rank or occupation, or decoration in any shape or fashion.

They wore boots.  These boots had a heel and a textured bottom for purposes of traction.  You could tell by looking at the foot prints that they would make on dusty surfaces. The textured bottom looked a lot like wide lines or thick bars. They did not have any kind of pattern like you might find on contemporary hiking boots.

They look different from us. 

Yes, that is true.  But, they do not seem strange when you are next to them.  They seem normal.  They seem absolutely normal.  While they might look different, the impression that one gets is that of another co-worker.  You never feel like you are working with an extraterrestrial when you are near them.  They seem normal and commonplace.


Background Information

As much as I know about them physically, the background information that I have on them is second hand.

“an extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet. Something is monitoring the planet and they are monitoring it very cautiously.”

-Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) in 2008

What I know of these creatures is a collection of what I have directly experienced, and a mixture of what I have read from other sources. I strongly advise the reader that secondary information should always be considered suspect.

Anything that I have not directly experienced should be considered as second hand information only.  There is a large amount of incorrect information, and some of it has (even) found its way into the official journals and briefing papers of the government. 

This is part of the sad legacy of extreme secrecy and compartmentalization within the program that we were involved in. In fact, there is also a great deal of misinformation and outright disinformation on the Internet.  Often times I would read a piece on the Internet and shake my head in disbelief.  Honestly, I wondered, how could anyone come to the conclusions that they have been drawn to. 

Certainly, some of the things written on the Internet came from a complex mix of profiteers [1], disinformation experts [2] and amateur hoaxers [3].  Yet, please understand that for the most part, my experiences with this race of extraterrestrials have been positive [4].

[1] Profiteers; those who write books, make and give lectures, or host classes for the sole purpose of turning a profit.  This is done in defiance of the actual truth, and whether they have actual information to share.
[2] Disinformation Experts; usually paid employees of various organizations who want the information so presented to be confused, or buried under a mountain of confusion.  These people may or may not work for a government agency or unit, and they include people from simple bloggers, to Photoshop® experts, and paid research associates.
[3] Hoaxers; those who for whatever reason, boredom, fame, curiosity, commotion or low self-esteem create a staged event of some complexity and associate it with an extraterrestrial encounter.
[4] This is as true a statement as I will ever make.  Yes, I have never had any bad, worrisome or painful experiences with this race.  Yet, any troubles that I had, most certainly, was associated with memory blocking and compartmentalization.  

Therefore, as painful as it is, I must also present the converse to the reader.  I might not have any bad experiences with this race because they did not let me remember those experiences.  (Please try to keep an open mind regarding what I present here.  Listen to what I present, but doubt all of it.)

I would like to make one final comment before we explore this subject further.  There are many species that can be assumed to be, or identified as a “grey extraterrestrial”.  Some have five fingers.  Some have four fingers (like “my” type-IA), and some have three fingers.  This writing concerns itself with one specific species.  It does not concern itself with other species that might be similar in various ways. Such as this…

Here’s an interesting discovery.  I don’t know how real or factual it is, but it certainly is interesting.

A mummified three-fingered hand with eight inch fingers has been found in a Peruvian tunnel in the desert. While first inspection may lead one to conclude that it is nothing more than an imaginative man-made creation, examination by a physician in Cusco, Peru, revealed that it is composed of skin and bone, with six bones in each finger.

The bizarre-looking hand was allegedly presented to Peru-based researcher Brien Foerster, who runs Hidden Inca Tours , along with a small mummified elongated skull and a tiny mummified body. The local person who has possession of the items told Foerster that they were found in a tunnel in January 2016 in the southern desert of Peru.

The tunnel was closed-off by a large stone door and inside were two sarcophagi containing the body parts, which had been covered in clay.  He indicated that he did not want to sell the mummified body parts, but just wanted to know what they were and who or what they may have belonged to.

The Internet & Other Writings

“They were once fairies and elves. Now they are creatures from beyond the stars because you no longer believe in anything but humans.” 

― Thomm Quackenbush, Artificial Gods

While I greatly lament the amount of disinformation and inaccuracies that I have come across concerning this species, I must admit that that bulk of (general) information about them is actually fairly accurate.  (More or less, with some rather extreme caveats.)  To repeat; most of the general non-specific information about this race is generally accurate.

I get the impression that, at some time in the (recent) past, someone in charge of the redirection and disinformation efforts made by the United States government just threw their hands up in the air and gave up. 

That is right. 

I honestly believe that as far as this race is concerned, the United States government just tries to confuse the issue.  They no longer try to denounce it.  Therefore, there is quite a bit of accurate information about these enigmatic creatures on the Internet.  There is also a great amount of outlandish disinformation as well.  It is a legacy of intentional seeding of disinformation as well as profiteer activities that have so occluded this entire subject. 

My greatest concern is that many reports are flavored by a personal bias. 

  • Those who are religious might state that they have religious motives.
  • Those of a purely military background might caution one against their “warlike” ambitions. 
  • Those of a more intrusive or scientific bend, might be more withholding of commentary. 
  • Those of a mischievous mind would present all kinds of nonsense to a gullible public.

All these viewpoints are colored by the experiences and the background of the observer.  Whether you like them or hate them, none of these viewpoints holds an accurate portrayal of this race of beings.

I find that I agree with the general physical descriptions of these beings to some extent.  While I have not experienced the same kinds of events that are often reported, they do seem to be in alignment with my own personal experiences. 

No one, including myself, has a truly unbiased understanding of these creatures.  However, given the diversity of opinion and the great variation of experiences, I must conclude that many of the reports seem to be accurate and seem to agree and be in line with my experiences.

All human interaction with this species is influenced by the predetermined interests, religion and spirituality of the observer. It is truly rare to find an unbiased opinion on this species.

Work Methodology

"There were pictures of the bodies, which looked like the beings known as 'the grays.' … Some of the little grays appeared to not be a reproductive-capable species. 

The autopsy guys concluded, according to the report, that it looked as if they had been cut out of a cookie cutter - clones with no alimentary tract. They did not ingest or process food as we know it, nor did it appear that they had any system of elimination."

-Robert O. Dean

Let’s start by describing how they operate in a group setting.  That is, how they contribute and work together.  Dogs form packs.  Cats work independently.  Humans, depending on the circumstances, chooses the preferable organizational structure.  But what about this species? 

I can tell the reader this truth.  When they work, they do so with organization and planning.  If there is a task to get done, they do it as if they were ants.  The individuals swarm out, do their specific tasks at the proper time, and then return to their initial locations.  They do so like ants following the direction on a pheromone trail.

However, they are decidedly not ants. 

They are organized, and contribute to the entire task utilizing their own specific assignments automatically.  While they do seem to appear to have a small degree of individuality, it is not obvious unless you are familiar with them.  Thus, if you spend any amount of time with them you will notice this.  They are not robots.  They are neither plants nor androids, but rather a distinct different race that has a completely different way of thinking than we do.

This is the way that they conduct their business and tasks.  But they are decidedly not hive insects, nor are they derived from insects (I personally believe.).  Unlike their overseers (not the correct word, but the relationship is complex), the <redacted>, they do possess a bony frame. They are not invertebrates.

Soul Configuration

For our purposes here, every creature has a soul. This is a organized collection of quanta that operates in predetermined movements in and out of the physical constraints of both time, space and dimensional variations. They are classified in their arrangement and "dances" with other soul components. The study of souls is quite complex and beyond the scope of this article. For now, the reader should just accept that no two souls are alike. They are all different and vary from species to species.

Yet, I must digress.  It seems to me that the fundamental base soul structure is inclined to what we, as humans, determine as elementary; the insect biology.  Yet, it has been my experience that there is significant evidence that the insect biological – quantum soul structure is the superior structure. (Or, maybe this is my entanglement speaking…who actually knows?) 

However, that debate and analysis is to be shelved for yet another time. 

Their soul structure and level of technology enables them to have this ability.  The ultimate effect is one of great efficiency and precision.  That is one of the key indicators that point to a hive or a matrix soul structure

A hive mind or group mind may refer to a number of uses or concepts, ranging from positive to neutral and pejorative. Examples include:

  1. Collective consciousness or collective intelligence – concepts in sociology and philosophy
  2. Culture – A collective of knowledge, art, artifacts, symbols and social ritual
  3. The apparent consciousness of colonies of social insects.  Such as ants, bees and termites
  4. Swarm intelligence, the collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized systems, natural or artificial
  5. Universal mind, a type of universal higher consciousness or source of being in some esoteric beliefs
  6. Group mind (science fiction), a type of collective consciousness
  7. Egregore is a phenomenon in occultism which has been described as group mind.
  8. Groupthink

Though which one is specifically associated with this race is up to debate.  No one, apparently, is significantly interested enough in this issue to pursue it. 

We know that it is either a matrix or a hive soul structure, but we do not know or understand exactly their exact configuration’s classification.  That is, to say, we know what it is, but not what it is formally classified as. 

The reason behind this is that as humans, with an individual soul structure, the hive or the matrix structures are not particularly well understood by us.  Not yet, at any length.  The primary differentiation characteristics are of such an extremely different nature than what we, as humans, can understand that we cannot comprehend the differences.

We do not specifically know which soul structure that this race utilizes.  There is a debate where some are absolutely convinced that they have a hive matrix soul.  They attribute this to their organized behavior that is often witnessed.  But others disagree with this because they can provide individual discussion and independent thought on demand.  That is not a core element of a hive soul structure.  Thus they argue that they must have a matrix soul structure instead.

Specious arguments for “ivory tower” types!

Personally, I don’t know exactly what their specific soul structure is.  (Though I do actually have an understanding of it’s base grouping.  All of <redacted> understood soul groupings and configurations.)  It is entirely possible that their soul structure is something other than either a hive or matrix structure. It is just that we humans don’t have the science, and vocabulary to understand it at this time in our state of technology advancement.


There is an internal debate into how this species soul interacts and behaves. Some refer to it as a “hive”, while others refer to it as a “matrix”. In any event, the soul configuration is very different from the souls of humans.


These extraterrestrials have a different soul structure than humans have.   Since a soul structure influences the physical manifestation of a creature, it can also reflect upon its actions, thoughts, motivations and desires.  Thus, in so doing, shape the society that those physical manifestations create.

Humans have wars and crime; beauty and art.  We have such a wide diversity of physical manifestations of our souls.  But this is due to the complexities of our quantum make up.  Not every species has these same manifestations. 

Some appreciate a certain of music, while other appreciate a certain kind of art.  Some appreciate “open space configurations.  While other appreciate color blending; and even scent blending’s.  (This can be quite difficult to explain.) 

  • Of course we would have crimes, banks, governments and wars since there are a percentage of our members who are “service to self” inclinations of sentience. 
  • Of course we would have art, poetry and the beauties associated with them because we have members involved in “service to others” inclinations.
  • We have religions, fads and pop culture because we have members involved in “service to another” inclinations. 

However, this is not true with an already homogenized hive / matrix race.  For the Type-IA (greys) extraterrestrials they are unified in one single purpose and intention.  Their soul configuration is very stable and (for lack of a better word) cultivated.

We don’t know which kind it is specifically, but it seems to be more or less a variant of a matrix, hive or group structure (as stated previously). 

(For simplicity in this narrative I use the terms matrix or hive interchangeably when referring to this species.)  In any event, all the (Type IA grey extraterrestrial) individual physical entities that we encounter (seem to) have quantum level appliances embedded in their quantum soul bodies. 

Actually, it is more accurately defined as a combination of both artificially contrived and biologically developed (inherited) abilities. This is difficult to understand, as we as a species don't really recognize the non-physical world in any way except as how it interacts with our physical world. 

Here, we argue that this species and their civilization have developed technologies at the soul level. These technologies developed and create soul-level artifices and mechanisms that they utilize that assist them in their physical bodies.

Thus they are a biologically-supplemented [9] space-based [10] society. 

[9] All members of this race have cybernetic devices embedded inside their bodies.  But instead of physical contrivances that we as humans would understand, they have quantum level appliances embedded in their quantum cloud.  These devices have a very small physical component that can be seen and detected with the right tools and knowledge.
[10] This race is not centric to any specific planetary or environmental niche.  But rather can adapt to a wide variety of environments through biological creation of physical bodies.  

Thus they are space based. Initially, they evolved naturally on a planet, and then migrated to other planets in other solar systems.

Once they were able to modify their body structure via DNA mapping, they were able to adapt to different planetary environments, and thus have since evolved into a truly space-borne species.

They have a common social memory complex [11] that allows them to collectively function as areas of a group-mind. 

[11] They do not have a great wide diversity of individual memories but a kind of central shared memory.  This is quite different than that of us humans.

Thus, whether it is due to the nature of their soul structure, or due to their technology, we do not know for sure.  We have NOT mapped their soul structure, but they have mapped ours. 

My personal unique opinion is that they have evolved over time from a simple matrix quantum soul construction, to that of a quantum-appliance augmented society. 

This evolution apparently manifests as a borderline structured hive semblance, but with an active matrix quantum soul organization.  They maintain a great reliance on cloned (or more accurately; manufactured) entities for occupation in various dissimilar solar systems.  While their soul structure encompasses a huge amount of empty physical space, the physical shapes of this race takes on many forms.  The forms that they take on vary from galactic region to galactic region.

They apparently are very active on the earth, and they are known throughout this region of local space.  But, no one knows the true extent of their activities.  We do not know if they are prevalent throughout the galaxy or even in other galaxies as well.  No human knows.  My guess, perhaps it is though my own ego is that their adventures are limited to this region of our galaxy and does not extend greater than 15% to 20% of our galaxy. (Still an amazing percentage!)

Most importantly, what we experience in our own solar system is unique to it, and not reflective of their race as a whole.  Their appearance in our solar system differs from that of what they look like in other solar systems. 

They customize their biological physical form to fit the region that they occupy. 

So their form and appearance to us in our solar system is very different from the form that they take around another solar system.


“In After Disclosure, Dolan shares an experience he had with a politician who was deep underground in a military base.. He was briefed on the extraterrestrial reality and said that ET’s and UFOs are just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to information that’s concealed from the public.” 


There are detailed studies of the biology of this species.  MAJestic has indeed studied this species in great exhaustive detail. They have collected large numbers of deceased entities and conducted forensic examinations on them.

I was fortunate enough to be provided limited access to some of this information while <redacted> during the <redacted>. It was part of <redacted> that required that I <redacted>.

Access to the information can be found at <redacted>, <redacted>, as well as <redacted>. I parsed through it, but couldn’t make much out of it.  Biology was never a great strength of mine. 

Apparently their biology was fundamentally different from that of most terrestrial mammals.  Yet, paradoxically, it was still quite similar in many fundamental respects.  For instance, the proportions of the organs were unusual, but the layout was similar.  They had two eyes, two ears, a mouth, two hands, etc.

The genetic makeup was different but also similar in many respects. 

It was suggested in the <redacted> that we all, them and us humans shared some common DNA somehow.  (Please refer to the speculation of active biological seeding by the progenitor species in the remote past.)  Their organization, behaviors, and various elements of biology were strongly suggestive of that of an insect.  But again, that is only myself “reading between the lines” with no formal classes in biology. (Most approved quantum archetypes seem to follow that of an insectoid form.)

Full Frontal View
After the fall of the Soviet Union, a large cache of documents regarding their experiences with extraterrestrials were released to the public. The United States conducted an aggressive and largely successful campaign in capturing these documents and discrediting those that were successfully released. As part of this cache was a large number of documents relating to the capture and interrogation of type-IA grey extraterrestrials. The photos shown here are parts of that cache of documents. I cannot vouch for their, authenticity however, I can most positively state that the pictures that I have seen are completely accurate and detailed in the description of this race of extraterrestrials. For all practical purposes, whether genuine or fake, the pictures shown here are an (very) accurate representation of this race. I consider them genuine. I urge the reader to do so as well. This is an actual extraterrestrial photograph. The source and origin is unknown, but this is the actual creature and what it actually looks like.

The biology of these creatures were extensively studied and detailed in manuals at the <redacted>.  Obviously, a number of biological specimens were obtained and dissected.  There were more than just a handful of manuals.  In fact, there was a rather complete full binder on these creatures.  Obviously, someone has spent the time to study them and their biology and compiled a very detailed work in this regard.

Their biology was never really a significant aspect of my job description; therefore, I never studied the subject.  To this day, I find their biology (and the biology of other creatures and species) rather boring.  What I do know is from my direct contact with them, with some aspects of miscellaneous information thrown in for good measure.

The reader should note that they were always clothed.  They were obviously like us in that regard.  The clothing appeared to be of metallic structure, but in reality, it was a complex polymer with metallic elements.  It was a woven cloth and fit them quite well.  They had some variation in clothing, but not much.  It was mostly functional in purpose. .

Their “uniforms” had no obvious decoration, nor any kind of insignia. 

There was not any kind of indication of gender information.  For the most part, the various types that most humans encounter are genderless and are NOT used for propagation, or breeding purposes.

I seem to recall that according to the <redacted> there was speculation that at one time they did originally have genders just like earth animals, <redacted>. The differences and details in regards to this is still locked in the <redacted>.  They were not of my interest, nor part of my job description.

They do not have distinct individuality. 

They act in conjunction with each other, and do not show or act with any kind of individualized personality.  Unless you know them personally, they are very difficult to tell apart from each other.  Once you do get to know one specific entity, it becomes confusing because that particular entity might occupy different extraterrestrial type-1 physical bodies.

Since they can do this; switch their individualized consciousness between different physical bodies, they are able to “travel”.  

One physical body might be on the earth, and then they can instantaneously switch to another one on Mars. 

That is pretty amazing, but not nearly so amazing as the concept that they occupy many such worlds all around the galaxy. 

Thus they could, in an instant, move their individualized personality (focus) from say the earth to a planet around Gliese 876.  This, to me, is truly amazing!  Why bother with rocket ships?  Just inhabit and set up colonies on widely separated worlds and visit them at leisure.


According to the <redacted>, the approximate height of a type-1A (also known as a big-headed Grey) is from 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall. According to autopsy results gained between 1951 and 1978, they have an average weight of about 40 pounds. 

The proportions of the head to the body are similar to a human five month fetus.  They have no hair.  Their eyes are rather large, but seem to be covered with some kind of biological covering like a grown sunglass lens. 

I agree completely with this assessment.  My physical interactions with them agree with this contention.


They have unusual hands.  They have three long fingers, and a very long thumb.  The two longest fingers tend to be together like human fingers and are next to each other.  They are however, contrary to what you might find on the internet, completely separate digits.

They are equally able to move all the fingers with equal dexterity.  They rarely spread them apart when standing at rest.  Thus it appears to the casual observer that they have a human like hand, but with extremely long fingers.  Their knuckles are more pronounced and obvious than human knuckles. They are very adept using these hands and are surprisingly agile and dexterous with them.  They seem to be capable of using either hand equally well.  From my personal experience, they are neither left nor right handed. Which is odd, as all animals that we know of eventually favors limb use through habitual use.

They have very long arms.  The arms reach longer than human arms.  If they were to stand next to you, the hands would end up above the knee.  For humans, the hands would end in mind-thigh.

Type-1A grey hands
This is an actual and real hand print. I urge the reader to understand this. If this is a fake, then it is a well done fake. This is the kind of extraterrestrial that I had experience with. This is the way their hands looked. These are their hands and fingers.

I do not know about their feet.  I do not know if they have four or five toes or how the toes look.  I would guess that they might have some kind of major digit which might be equivalent to our “big toe”, but that is speculation on my part. 

They wore boots with their uniform. 

I do not know if they wore socks with the boots or not.  My experience was never that personal with them. Obviously the books and writings in the <redacted> contained all this information and more.  While I actually did perform a rather cursory review of this species while I was <redacted>, I simply do not remember what it had to say about their feet, ankles, knees, or limbs.


A kind reminder that this information is directed to the class “A” sub-species configuration of the Type-1 extraterrestrial.

Some researchers (on the internet) claim that the body shape is indicative of a very ancient species.  But how they can possibly come to this conclusion is beyond me.  They also claim that their DNA patterns lie within a pattern that is considered to be primitive.  

I can neither confirm or deny that information. I would suggest to the reader that even if I were a doctor and conducting a forensic study on a type-1A body, that I would be unable to come to any of those aforementioned conclusions based on observation and our knowledge of DNA mapping.

Further, researchers claim that the way the DNA is shaped is in the opposite direction than human DNA. 

Supposedly they have extremely large lung capacity and a number of organs that seem to have some curious functionality.  Also, they supposedly have implanted “crystal appearing artifices”.  All of this information is interesting, but I cannot confirm or deny the accuracy of this.  It is all second hand information.  I know nothing about the biology of these creatures except what I have read and by comparison with what I have seen.

The reader must remember that the physical body is a shadow or reflection of the densest parts of the quantum body.  Thus the DNA is a configuration that is manifested by the quantum soul archetype.  The reader must always keep this in mind.  The quantum body is the actual repository of shape and form, and the physical is the densest portion of that form.

Skin Color

As I have stated previously, every single time that I have spent time with this species it was under their preferred lighting conditions. This was a reddish light. Normal ‘natural” light that is preferred by humans was never available to me. Thus, any information that I have on their personal skin color is from secondary sources.

According to secondary sources, including <redacted>, the species skin tone variation seems to be widespread, with skin colors ranging from bluish grey to beige, tan, brown or white.

There are other factors which appear to affect skin color, and one of them is the state of general health of the entity. This is true with humans, dogs, cats, and rats.

Supposedly, (according to the internet) skin color is known to change after they have consumed nourishment.  This makes sense to me, but I have never seen them consume food in my presence. 

Some claim (on the internet) to see individuals that seemed to have arms of a slightly different color than their heads or rest of their bodies.  This would change periodically, but what this infers can only be speculated upon. I myself absolutely doubt this report, as they wear long sleeve tunics/coveralls and I have NEVER seen them roll up their sleeves in public. Since their arms are always covered, then how can a person see what their arms look like? Especially under that reddish light?

Finally, the reader should note that as far as I am concerned, they all look similar with similar skin color, shape, size and appearance.

Brain Capacity

They have a larger brain capacity than humans, but the benefits of this, is of course, speculative.  According to the manuals, the brain capacity is estimated to be between 2500 and 3500 cc, compared to 1300 cc for the average human.

You can come across all kinds of strange and odd conclusions about this species on the internet. Some people claim that they have artificially grown brains, or brain portions, while others claim that they can insert memories into the brains in what ever pattern they wish.

This internet narrative shows a total ignorance with the technology of this species, their soul construction, the concept of mobile consciousnesses and the MAJestic role with them.

Now, these writings on the internet are all wrong, or if they did have this technology, they certainly don’t use it.  The truth is that their memories are all shared, due to the nature of the matrix soul structure.  They do not need, nor require the insertion of memory patterns.  (After all, memories are controlled in the non-physical reality, not in the physical brain itself.) The vast bulk of soul compatibility and control is governed through associated quantum appliances located in the hybrid clones quantum soul body.

Instead, what they insert is “learned skills” for the specific physical body to utilize. They do not insert “memories”.

This is very difficult for humans to conceptualize. For we naturally associate memories alongside training. You learn something, by retaining the memories of your training.

This is a false understanding.

There are two completely separate things going on here. Firstly, there are memories. In the hive mind, these memories are compartmentalized into uniform-access, and personal-access. Humans only have one set of memories, and they are all personal-access only.

Secondly, there are training memories. These are “trained skills”. Just because your mind can recall somethings, does not mean that your entire body recall it as well. You can have a false memory of being a ballet dancer, or playing the guitar, but your physical body will fail at trying to obey the commands from the brain.


“The Greys seem to be fundamentally different than humans with some having atrophied digestive tracts as discussed in alleged military autopsy reports and may be absorbing nutrients through the skin rather than through a digestive tract. 

The skin may function like the inside of our digestive tracts, that’s why some feel clammy and damp and smelly when touched. There is some evidence and speculation that the mutilation of animals and even humans, where the bodies are drained of blood, that some kind of food mixture using blood, is being externally ingested into their bodies through the skin.”

-Jeff Adams

It is reported (from secondary sources) that the Type-1A consume nourishment through a process of absorption through their skin. The process, according to those who have witnessed it, involves spreading a biological slurry mixture that has been mixed with hydrogen peroxide (which oxygenates the slurry and eliminates bacteria) onto their skin. Waste products are then excreted back through the skin.  

I never saw any of them do this.  So I do not know if this report is accurate or speculative.  I do know that they have mouths, and I do know that they have been able to drink water with them.  However, I have never seen any teeth.  I do not know if they have any.


Some people have stated that the Type-1A species have a distinct series of odors that appear to be similar to a mentholated cinnamon smell.  I do not know any of this. 

When I went on my first off-world experience and I had my first exposure with the species, (as a human and an AOC in the US Navy) I did not smell anything associated with the Type-IA grey extraterrestrial species.  I do not recall smelling anything at all. 

Later, during <redacted> and training, I interacted with them performing certain activities. During that time, I never smelled anything either.

I have tried to wrack my brain and empty out all my memories of that time, but I must pitifully say that I cannot remember any particular smell associated with them.  There might be various reasons for this.  There are many possible reasons for my perceptions regarding this issue.  Which one is correct or accurate is up to the reader to determine.


Apparently, some of them can talk.  In fact, they seem to have a surprisingly good grasp of the English language.  But, they do talk in a strange way.  I think that it has more to do with the shape of their mouth and throat than anything else. 

Personally, I have never seen anyone talk. Anything about the type-1A talking is beyond my experience. My experience simply is this, “They think – I react”

Using what I know from personal experience, and what I have read on this issue, I have come to certain conclusions regarding this. The communication from them, if you listen to them, is via a combination of vocal sounds with an adjunct support of some latent telepathic ability.  The resultant effect is one of the ability to understand these creatures as they talk.  No matter how strange it sounds to your ears. 

But they usually do not talk, and instead rely on instantaneous thought communication.  Their ability to use thought communication is always directed from a single designated person.  The others do not communicate to humans or others like myself otherwise.

When I met them for the first time as an AOC in the Navy, they did not speak to me at all.  All communication was via instantaneous psychic thought control.

This is a most pronounced fact, anyone who talks about their “language” and communicating through speech primarily is talking nonsense.  They communicate primarily through instantaneous telepathy to humans.  It seems strange that this is my experience.  But it is true.  

Why they are able to do this and how they can leads to some interesting conclusions. One of the key points is that all of us who worked with this species possessed EBP within our brains.

What we interpret as telepathy, could very well just be instantaneous radio telephony.


They are not personal.  I was never able to have a one-on-one deep-hearted conversation with any of them.  Though there were times when I wanted to communicate with them, I had great difficulty in doing so.  I do not know why, perhaps it had to do with <redacted>. 

I really don’t know. 

From my first exposure to them, to my last, it was always a consistent method of communication; it was one way.  They initiated and directed the communication.  It was also instantaneous and through telepathy.

Type-1 grey head shot
This is a movie still from a released archive of former Soviet Union video depicting a Type-I grey extraterrestrial. How they obtained the photos and stills are contentious. Were they obtained surreptitiously from the United States or do they represent a untouched cache of documents that originated out from the former Soviet Union archive? Actually no one knows for sure. In my mind, of all the photos and documents found on the Internet and through other sources, this cache represents the best and most accurate portrayal of this race.In my opinion; this is an ACTUAL and REAL photograph of this extraterrestrial. I can actually confirm it to be valid. I suppose that some NSA debunker will come up with some elaborate creative story how this is a “fake” photo. But, I tell the reader that it is not. It is 100% real and actual. This is what they look like. Note the nose.

It was a curious relationship.  Whenever I worked with them, I felt like I could communicate with them telepathically, but I never (at the time) felt like I wanted to.  Therefore, I never engaged communication with them.  They always engaged conversation with me.  This is a very, very important point, and it defines our relationship as humans with this race.

They have a manner of interaction with humans that involves a degree of control over the human mental processes.  This is either natural, or through use of augmented internal processing appliances.  In this way they can control the human thought patterns, thoughts, memories and emotions.  They can do so in layers and degrees of ability. 

For instance, when I was “off-world” for the first time, they were able to control my memories, and how I reacted to meeting this race for the first time.  They didn’t control my sight, but rather how I reacted to the sights before me.  How they were able to do this is not known to me.

I strongly suspect that this kind of control is used on all humans that they interact with. 

In fact, it is possible that they control the MAJestic leadership in this way.  And thus, the MAJestic leadership still continues to act and behave in a contrary manner than what would normally be expected of a “normal” and “typical” American in this decade and current cultural environment.  I was able to see the difference in use of this technique because I interacted with them as a <redacted>.  I could tell and see the difference in mental interaction.

They do not know of individuality.  That concept is alien to them.  Both their physical bodies, with or without quantum appliances, and their quantum soul structures exist without individuality.  Some say that they are interested in the human concept of individuality, I know nothing of that.  If there is an interest, it is academic only.

I suspect that any interest that they show is a feigned interest at best.


I have read some reports about this race “chanting” and being overtly religious.   That is complete nonsense. 

This is such an obvious red flag that it is a guarantee that the person who is making this statement is either a hoaxer, profiteer or disinformation expert.

They are not at all what we would consider to be “religious”.  I wish to make this absolutely clear.  They do not worship a deity.  They do not make icons or statues of any kind of deity or saint.  They do not chant.  They do not create paintings.  They do not create sculptured statues.  They do not create carved “fetishes”.  They do not hold special events in favor of any kind of spiritual expression of any kind.  There are no “ten commandments” or religious rituals that they follow.

Here is an example of the kind of nonsense that one can find on the Internet about these beings.  This is all made up.  There isn’t a flake or spec of truth in it.  It is all pure dribble.  (I wanted to use stronger language, but I was afraid that it wouldn’t be appropriate to do so.)

“The Ebens worship a God. The pope feels their God is the same as ours. The Ebens worship God differently, but NOT so much. In fact, OSG brought artifacts of the Ebens’ God that fits directly into OUR [Christian] God.   Several Eben paintings, sculptured statues and carved fetishes were similar to our God. In fact, the story of their God – appearing thousands of years ago on SERPO and setting up religious sects on their planet — is similar to our story of Jesus. The Ebens chant verses, which, when translated, are similar to OUR prayers. The Eben chants contain 26 verses which they repeat every day at their prayer hour, which is in the afternoon (SERPO day).

The chants sound like Tibetan chants. On a particular Eben day of their year, the Ebens expand the chants to 38 verses. The extra 12 chants pertain to “angels” — which we have translated to mean “saints” – who have helped the Eben society.”

While their technology is quantum based, and their understanding of soul is substantially superior to ours, they do live a more or less spiritual life.  One that is by far superior to anything that we humans could possibly conceive of.   We would not recognize their spiritual activities as such.  They do not have a religious life at all.

An understanding of how the soul works, to the level that transcends time and space, is a far superior spiritual understanding of the universe.  They truly understand their role and understand how humans can help them achieve their overall race goals in this regard.  They understand not only the quantum mechanical influences of the soul, but also the functional tracking of it through time, space and across the dimensions.

Once should avoid getting swept up in human religious equivalents when discussing this species.  They are not at all applicable.

Farming of Humans

“The more you know, the crazier you look.”

Perhaps the most accurate and poignant aspect that I can present about this race is that they tend to the nursery that we are part of. They are the gardeners, the policemen, the guardians, and the caretakers of sentient life on earth.

GIF of a type-1 extraterrestrial
A two second repeating GIF made from a section of the movie obtained from the KGB of a type-1 extraterrestrial from the former Soviet Union.

In our section of the galaxy there are a number of solar systems that are used as a kind of incubator for the development of sentient life.  It is not only our solar system, but includes the Alpha Centauri system as well as a few others. 

These environments are protected and monitored by a (sort of) federation of planets who has established that the <redacted> race as governing ability.  To this end, it is the Type-I grey extraterrestrials who are involved in “tending” and “cultivating” humans toward ultimate sentience.

They have been doing so for some time.

Their goal is to help shepherd the human race towards a more “perfect” or “ideal” form or spiritual soul archetype based on our biology.  But that is ultimately not possible, as entities such as mammalian humanoids tend to develop in different ways. 

Therefore this species benefits significantly on a personal level whenever certain humans adopt an archetype direction that favors their spiritual intentions. 

They, in other words, tend to this nursery to help cultivate the human race for the goals and objectives of the <redacted>.  But, in the case of wayward humans who’s archetypes do not fit into the ideal (as described by the <redacted> race), they can then possess and utilize them as they see fit.  Ultimately either [1] absorbing their soul quanta, or [2] farming them like a sort of cattle (to obtain their quanta and life experiences).

This is very disturbing to me.

In short, to put things in a very simple form, it boils down to two development choices.  (There are other kinds of sentience’s.  But for 85% of humans, they develop into but two specific kinds of sentience.) Both are a function of the “direction of” sentience.  (A kind of interim sentience that is not yet fully formed.)

[Option 1] Service to Others Sentience

If one becomes a “service to others” related entity they are able to evolve to a “purer” state. We can develop into a series of new forms and soul archetypes. As we grow and learn, we advance. We shed the old, and expand our mind, our spirit and our very being. We reach out towards God and work towards that goal.

This is a good things, and doing so enables us to continue towards a development structure in accordance with the <redacted> race’s objectives.  

This is, I believe a “pure” evolutionary path.  It is a path that is considered to be the ideal by the <redacted> race.  It is a harmonious path which will lead to great benefits to the human souls which strive towards this ideal.

[Option 2] Service to Self Sentience

If however, the human entity shows a strong propensity for “service to self” type behaviors that entity is permitted to evolve appropriately as well.  However the evolution will take on a much more “physically grounded” bent. 

This is one of either two directions.  They are ether [1] absorption into the Type-I grey extraterrestrial hive, or to [2] evolve into a “farmed” creature.  The choice that is made is determined by the overall soul quanta configuration that is the ultimate result of the personal decisions, behaviors and actions of the entity during their reincarnations on the earth. 

The differences between a service to self person as compared to a service to others person can be quite stark. 

For example, here is a video that records an exchange between Congress and a member of the Obama Administrations GSA who was quite lavish in the spending of government money.  One of the events involved spending a large amount of money to assemble bicycles.  The official justified spending the money because they later donated the bicycles to children.  But, dear reader, that is a service to self activity.  A service to self person ALWAYS uses other funds, money, abilities, tasks, time, or people instead of their own in providing things to benefit others.  Go here.

The better decision of the two options will lead towards absorption into the collective hive.  They will become part of the Type-I grey extraterrestrial collective.  This will be either as a member or as a subservient species.  The worse of the two options is to become that of farmed cattle for this race.

This means that the human who chooses this path will choose an eternity of suffering.  This will happen in one way or the other.  They will experience an endless cycle of reincarnation events all directed towards pain, sadness and hurt designed to maximize collective experiences. 

Then, the Type-I grey extraterrestrial collective would steal or farm these experiences though obtainment of the quanta.  The entity would then begin again as if they never had that experience in the first place.  It is, then a living hell for all eternity for that soul.  It becomes a endless cycle of reincarnation into difficult lives, where the entity would experience pain and sorry, only to have those experiences stolen from them; forcing them to relive that experience over and over again.  Often the same experience will occur time over time, but in slightly different manifestations.

The Type-I grey extraterrestrials consider humans to be their “property”.

The “service to self” sentience can be divided further into two sub-classes. The primary “service to self” sentience which behaves as the “management tier”, and a “lesser” sentience form known as the “service to another” sentience which are nothing more than drones that eventually serve the primary. There is a meme devoted to these individuals as they are rather well-known. This meme is known as the NPC meme.

This is the NPC meme that found it’s way out of the 4chan and into the internet blog-sphere.

Species Longevity

They are not a dying race.  

Some of the disinformation that is floating about on the Internet makes this preposterous claim.  But there is nothing to substantiate it.  In fact, this claim has been repeated so often, and with such alacrity that it is part of the “myth of the greys”.  A guaranteed method to test that validity of the person reporting on this race is to see if they repeat this myth.

There is no evidence that their race is dying or needs human support in any way to perpetuate their races existence.  We know that they have been involved with the human race for at least 30,000 years.  They have been visiting Earth for much longer.  Perhaps they have been visiting for hundreds of thousands of years.  (It is not unreasonable to consider 300,000 years, or even longer.) 

They have also been visiting many other solar systems as well.  In fact, they have colonies all through our galactic region.  As strange as it seems, they prefer to occupy solar systems around cooler stars, mostly class K and M red dwarfs. 

Our sun is, perhaps, a little too energetic for them [20].  However, I really don’t think that flare stars, or variable stars [21] are desirable.  Generally from their point of view, this is a habitable solar system for their race, but only marginally so

[20] Energetic refers to both the physical environment and the great quantum level forces and tides that wash though our dimensional consciousness in this region.
[21] Associated with the cooler K and M class stars.  These are generally associated and manifested as sun spots and jets of plasma and radiation.

Their original parent race most probably has a different physical appearance than they do in our solar system.  They adjust their physical and soul bodies to accommodate the region where they inhabit.  Therefore, they are not dying, but rather in the long and drawn out process of adaptation to our solar system.  And our solar system is but one of the many [22] that they occupy

[22] I do not know the true number.  No one does.  But to consider that they have had active spaceflight ability and interstellar flight ability for such a long time, it is absolutely conceivable that they occupy, in one way or the other, many other planets.  Perhaps these planets number in the hundreds or even thousands. 

There is no element of desperation or urgency in their activities.  They perform their tasks with precision and infinite patience.  They do not appear to be ill or diseased.  Their equipment is always in excellent shape and working order.  They never seem to have traits characteristic of a dying race or a civilization in collapse.  They just appear different to us humans, with a different appearance, strange and unusual motives, and closed behavior.  This unusual demeanor is difficult for us humans to understand, so we try to rationalize it to with within one kind of role that we can understand.  Often, however, the understanding that we associate with it is wildly inaccurate.

Technology Level

They possess a far higher level of technology than humans.  Human technology is still fixed rigidly in classical mechanics.  They passed this level of understanding hundreds of thousands of years ago.  The ancestral relatives of proto-humans were proto-simian when this race first started exploring our solar system’s space.  They have been in our solar system for a long, long time.  In fact, they tend to think of humans as their very own creations, for some reason

[It is a pervasive and perpetual position of possession.  To fully understand this belief that they maintain, you need to have had the same understanding and experiences that I have had with them. 

To put that in perspective, imagine that this race was approximately 2000 years more advanced than we are currently today, but that was about 50,000 years ago.  Compared to them, we are still monkeys climbing trees.  Today, this race is galaxy faring [20], not simply solar system traveling. 

[20] This is my personal opinion.  It is not verified or documented by anyone else in any way.  No drone pilot or extraterrestrial told me this.  It is just my educated opinion.

They have mapped a good section of this section of the galaxy and maybe much more.  I do not know if they have conducted extended travel lanes or perforated space-time to provide travel to other galaxies, but it is entirely feasible.  Maybe they have colonies in the “nearby” Andromeda galaxy.  Wouldn’t that be amazing!

To summarize this point, to wit;  [1] They have mastered interplanetary spaceflight most certainly.  [2] They have also mastered interstellar spaceflight as well.  The techniques between these two modes of travel are quite different.  They have mastered this ability and have various techniques and methods that they use.  It is possible, entirely possible, that they have also mastered [3] intergalactic flight as well.

They offered trade of technological items in exchange for the freedom to move about unencumbered on “our” planet [21].  Essentially, they gave certain items of interest to the United States government with the promise that the United States would restrict the use of certain technologies.  These are the technologies that interfere with their crafts operation.  Additionally the United States agreed to provide protection against other humans whom might interfere in their tasks, and place certain areas and regions into guarantee for their benefit.

[21] Why carry on so?  Why make these points?  Because, some of you readers will say this is all anecdotal. Some will attempt to refute each and every point. And others – the especially ignorant – will chime in with a “Well, you have nothing to worry about if you don’t break the laws”. The most retarded of all will opine, “Hey! Shaddup! This is all for our safety and security! (And, for the children…)” 

Supposedly, according to the Type-I greys, themselves; their technology level is very advanced, but is apparently much easier to understand (by humans) than that of the<redacted>.  But, for some reason, the Type-I greys do not want humans to reverse engineer their <redacted>.  Why this is so is unknown.  This is one of those questions that must remain unanswered.) I believe, though I am not positively sure, that the anti-gravity mechanism being studied by PACL [22] as part of CARET was an Type-1 technology

[22] Palo Alto CARET Laboratory.  This is the laboratory described in the Isaac media release. This lab apparently existed in 1986 in Palo Alto CA.

Dimensional Portal Travel

There are indicators that they can conduct dimensional travel to parallel dimensions.  I do not know much about this.  We know that they can move within our dimension quite easily. 

They have mastered vehicular transportation, and dimensional travel through portals.  But the travel to other different universes is an entirely different matter.  (I have read from secondary sources that) (T)here is evidence that some of their technologies damage their bodies and cause them a level of trouble and concern.  Since their technology level is so advanced, it is possible that this might be due to dimensional travel outside our universe.  But this is only speculative on my part.

This should be of no concern of ours, except for the rumors that changes in alternative world lines ultimately can influence our primary world line behaviors

Quantum Programming of Materials

They have the ability to program material behavior by writing on it.  This method of programming appears to be circles, spheres, curved lines and odd characters.  In actuality, the writing is the physical representation of a quantum based program that resides and coincides with the material. By using this programming method they can cause levitation, invisibility, material modifications, and dimensional transparency.  An unauthorized release of a fourth quarter report on re-engineering of the antigravity mechanism of one of the type-1 flight systems clearly shows this style of programming [23]

[23] After the release of the information, there was a massive disinformation campaign against C.A.R.E.T. and it was labeled as a hoax by the major UFO organizations worldwide.  However, we now know from Mr. Snowden and confirmed by myself, that many, if not all, of the major United States UFO organizations are now fronts for the NSA.  They are involved in the collection of every leak regarding extraterrestrials, and participate in a massive disinformation campaign against any real serious disclosure of merit.  
Example 1 code
An example of the “programming language” that is utilized to alter the mechanical properties, both static and dynamic, of physical devices. This was provided by CARET through an unauthorized disclosure.
example 2 code
The type-1 extraterrestrial s have a hive mind and shared memory and soul. Because of that, the consciousness can easily understand purpose, function and utility of things. They instantly know their very own history as they all share the same memories. Thus there just sin’t any need for a written language, or even a language at all. They just communicate by shared thoughts. This is an example of a programmed substrate on one of the physical relics that MAJestic was involved in deciphering.

Soul Fabrication & Manipulation

This race, among a large number of other races, has the ability to create devices based on quantum physics principles.  They also have an understanding of what soul, memory and identity is.  Combined, they have the powerful tool-kit of quantum manipulation.  They are able to create soul-level quantum appliances (and appendages). 

With soul-level quantum manipulation comes a great degree of powerful physical manipulation techniques.  For instance, they can modify and adapt their souls to mate with other entities.  They understand soul constructions and how a soul transcends the physical dimensions of time and space.  In so understanding, they can themselves switch between dimensions; transcend time, and travel without the limitations of space.  They can switch back and forth between soul level constructions and fabrications.  They can do this quickly; instantly and with great alacrity.  All of these skills are far beyond any level of technology that we can do or even recognize that exists.

DNA & Genetic Manipulation

This race is known to possess a great understanding of genetic engineering [23].  This understanding extends, not only to the physical biological component of the physical body, but into the quantum realms as well.  Thus, they have the ability to modify and create other races. 

[23] Compared to contemporaneous humans, but far less than the progenitor race and the <redacted>.  This provides yet another mystery.  

If they are working for (or in conjunction with) the <redacted>, and the <redacted> genetic manipulation technology is truly significantly advanced, then why do they insist on working with MAJestic to “improve” their understanding of the Human genome and it’s manipulation?  Certainly it must be for other reasons than just to optimize the <redacted>. 

Are they doing a “run around” learning this technology without the “blessings” of the <redacted>?  What is the story behind this, and why is it being done in such a manner? 

Perhaps I don’t have enough information at my disposal; they might be doing the MAJestic genetic research as a consequence as to improve the genetic pool of humans on the planet.  But even if that were the case, I would look askance at their motives.  I do not trust them.

They are able to genetically modify the human race, as well as other plants and animals.  They are able to create and use and entangle souls with their DNA constructions.  They are able to animate biological creations, and move a given individual’s soul from one physical artifice to another. 

They are able to create their own custom genetic bodies to reside on different planets and to live around other stars.  They have had this ability for thousands of years.

Any appraisal of their technical ability is speculative.  We cannot make a determination of how advanced they are simply because our understanding of our universe is so primitive.  But for purposes of illustration, I consider them to be clearly five or more centuries ahead of human technological skill.  Which is pretty arrogant of me; seeing that they are hundreds of thousands of years older, as a race, than we are.

Species Origination Point

It is unknown where they originated from.  Anyone who states that they know where this race evolved from is wrong.  No human knows for sure.  The information provided for on the Internet is wrong.  What they state and say are most certainly lies and half-truths.  The fact, and the hard core truth, is that no one knows where their origination world lies.

There are many who repeat the statement that they originated from the Zeta Reticuli solar system.  This is certainly a good candidate solar system for Earth like planets as it consists of two sun like stars (Class “G”). 

However, I for one, wish to stand apart from the general consensus on this point.  I have my reasons, as stated elsewhere.  But perhaps the greatest reason for my reservations has to do with what I know while working in close proximity with them.  Generally, they tell us what we can understand.  They do not tell us the actual truth.

Besides, their original point of evolution prior to achieving space-travel ability was around a much cooler and dimmer star. One that emitted light in the decidedly red spectrum.

I disagree with the contention that they evolved biologically and naturally in the Zeta Reticuli system.  While I do certainly believe that they may have colonies or bases in the system, I do not believe that it is their home origination point. 

Consider the possibility of an earth like planet around an Earth like star in a region of space that had been seeded by extraterrestrials for human-like beings.  It is far more likely that this system harbors human-appearing extraterrestrials than it is to harbor radically divergent species with a differing soul structure configuration.  (I think and believe, but this point of view is arguable.  I welcome other points of view and opinions on this.)

What we do know that they have inhabited a large number of solar systems for hundreds of thousands of years. 

Depending on the solar system and world that they inhabit, they must create a hybrid body to occupy and live in.  Thus, their appearance to us humans is the hybrid genetic container that they use in this particular solar system (A single “G” class star with moderately sized gas giants past the “frost zone”.).  Since the Zeta Reticuli system is similar to our solar system, the hybrid body that they would occupy, if they originated from this system, would be more human-like and not what we currently see them as.  (Again, this point of view is debatable.)

We know that they use a hybrid container to visit this solar system with.  The bodies that we see are not their naturally evolved bodies.  Therefore, the planet and star that they evolved around is not like our sun or Earth. 

Thus, I find it difficult to reconcile that Zeta Reticuli is their origination point.  If there would be a nearby race that would have originated from the Zeta Reticuli solar system, it is far more likely that it be associated with the <redacted> extraterrestrials.  Not the Type-I Grey extraterrestrials. 

Type-I Grey Presumed Planetary Environment

I really never read (MAJestic reports or journals found in binders) any specifics concerning the “home world” of this extraterrestrial specie.  However, their actions and behaviors that I have observed point to some undeniable conclusions regarding the influences in adaptation for their bodies in our solar system.  To this, I must add my disclaimer that what I present here is speculative based upon my knowledge and experience being entangled.  It is in no way reflective of official MAJestic belief.

Apparently the species originated on a planet that was smaller than the earth, but larger than Mars.  The atmospheric composition maintained an oxygen / nitrogen atmosphere, but the percentage of oxygen was lower than it is on the earth.  That being said, the do seem to prefer a higher atmospheric pressure than what is considered normal on the earth.  Their “home planet” apparently orbits a much dimmer star than our Sun, and it is perhaps a K-class or M-class red dwarf.

My personal and unique belief is that I would best suppose their origination point to be around a dimmer star than our sun.  This is because of their actions and activities.  They tend to conduct extravehicular forays out of their protective craft, on the Earth, at night or under dim lighting conditions.  Their interior lighting is dim and in the infrared spectrum. 

Combined, these points indicate an unescapable conclusion; their biological processes tend to behave as if our star, a type G star, is too energetic for them. 

The Zeta Reticuli system holds two stars and both stars are solar analogs that share similar characteristics with the Sun.  My guess and appraisal is for a parent home world that is around a much cooler star.  Perhaps their sun is a class K or M red dwarf sun.

We do know that they have colonies in most of the solar systems that surround our solar system.  We do not know why they have so many colonies.  Nor do we know why they occupy these systems or what their ultimate objectives are.

We are reasonably confident that they did not originate or evolve on the Earth.

Slaves vs. Helpers

slaves or helpers.
Slaves vs. Helpers. Let’s consider the relationships that develop between different species. Like humans and dogs, or humans and horses, for instance. What is the relationship that humans have with cows, compared with the relationship that humans have with cats.

Some individuals write that this species is a slave race to yet another race.  In fact, it has become the de facto “established” disinformation on the Internet concerning this race.  Just use your favorite search engine and type in “grey + slave race”.  You will get hundreds of webpages regarding this nonsense. 

Most all of them say same the same thing.  It is often repeated, and it is all disinformation.  It is all bullshit[24].  It is not true.  It is not even remotely true.  It is wholly and absolutely in error.  How can anyone who has worked with these being come to that conclusion?  They simply cannot[25].  It is impossible.

[24] It could be either intentional disinformation, ravings of a lunatic fringe that somehow entered the mainstream UFO community, or out and out results of a successful for-profit motivation.  Whatever it is, it is absolutely false.
[25] I can understand a person misidentifying a terrestrial United States disc-shaped saucer as an extraterrestrial space-traverse-capable vehicle.  I can understand a person misidentifying a picture of rocket launch debris as a extraterrestrial object, possibly fabricated.  I can even forgive those who are “abducted” misidentifying the event as an attempt to thwart their quantum soul’s desires.  But there is absolutely no way to even remotely give credence to the Reptilian slaver nonsense.  This is just complete horse-shit.

I do not believe this for one second.  They are NOT a slave race.

There is no “wiggle room” in this statement.  It is absolute. 

My experience indicates that the concept of a slave race is a human fabrication to describe a sub-species dominated by another species.  The relationships between different extraterrestrial races are complex.  We don’t understand them.  But the idea that the Type-1 greys are a slave race is not valid at all.  I saw no examples of this, or anything that would validate this belief or theory. 

They are not slaves of some other race, such as the “Reptilians”[26], as some might have one believe.  Nor were they cloned by them to be a slave race.  

[26] Reptilians (also called reptoids, reptiloids, or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in science fiction, as well as modern ufology and conspiracy theories. The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who says shape-shifting reptilian people control our world by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has claimed on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, reptilians ruling the world.  I know nothing about this.  To me, this is all fantastical, and marginally believable. 

There are many valid reasons behind this reasoning, but if this were to be true, then [1] we would be having dealings with the parent race of “owners”.  And, as far as I know, we do not have this relationship.  Nor is this kind of relationship ever [2] mentioned in the text that <redacted>.  Finally, [3] my interactions with this race was, for the most part, neutrally positive.  I never felt that any kind of subservient specie interplay was ever involved.  Anyone who has even spent five minutes with this race would be able to tell you, most assuredly, that they are certainly NOT a slave race.

I have never seen a “Reptilian”.  If they were a slave race to this other race, I am pretty confident that I would have seen some of these “Reptilians” around.  I spent a large number of years working with this Type-1 Grey extraterrestrials, and I have never seen any other race of creatures ordering them about, directing them or treating them as a servant subspecies in any way [27].  From time to time, there would be an occasional race that would participate and direct a specific task, but the working environment was always mutually respectful.  It was always respectful

[27] They do have a unique working “understanding” with the <redacted> race.  But that is a very complex relationship, one that I have a great deal of difficulty comprehending.

Planetary Conquest

“They concluded, in 1964, that there were at least four different groups coming here, observing us, surveying us, analyzing us, closely watching us, what we were up to, what we were doing.”
-Robert Dean, Retired US Army Command Sergeant Major

Some writers believe that the ultimate objective of the Type-1 grey extraterrestrials is to control and rule the world.  They are quite wrong.  This is a very simplistic understanding of how the universe works. 

If they wanted to “seize” the planet earth, they would have taken it 200,000 years ago[28]

[28] Technically, they already did so, and we are just humans living within their structured kennel.  But, that is perhaps too much for the reader to grasp at this point of time, and it is actually not entirely true.  The relationship and the issues involved are complex ones, indeed.

If they wanted to fabricate their own sub-race of slaves, they would have done so before the building of the pyramids in Egypt[29]

[29] Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. It is one of six civilizations globally to arise independently. Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh. 

The history of ancient Egypt occurred in a series of stable Kingdoms, separated by periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods: the Old Kingdom of the Early Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Age and the New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age.

They participated in the biological alteration of the human genome over 30,000 years ago, possibly much longer (the more or less exact dates are provided elsewhere in my writings).  They also played an integral part in the observation, monitoring and biological advancement of the human race over the centuries.  Their interest has always been formalized and consistent. 

We could not resist any kind of forceful enslavement by them, or any warlike battles initiated by them.  They are indeed quite a formidable race, with extensive technological achievements under their belt[30], and they have the support of numerous[31] galactic federations. 

[30] This is an American idiom that means that you have an experience or a qualification under your belt, you have completed it successfully, and it may be useful to you in the future.
[31] There are more than just one “federation” of species on multiple worlds and planes of existence in our galaxy at this particular time frame.

We could no longer repel and invasion by them, as could the Dodo[32] repel their ultimate extinction.

[32] A flightless bird that was endemic to the island of Mauritius, east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. Its closest genetic relative was the also extinct Rodrigues solitaire, the two forming the subfamily Raphinae of the family of pigeons and doves.

They have no objectives relating to the conquest of Earth[33], nor do they have any interest in enslaving humans[34]

[33] In a like manner; the United States Federal government has no interest in invading and seizing control of Tennessee.  Tennessee is part of the United States.  (Duh!)
[34] Although they would be quite happy “farming” us for our experiences and quanta configurations.

As best as I can relate to the reader; their role in this solar system is functional.  They are the “police men”; the “zoo keepers”, the “caretakers”, the “observers” who are entrusted by the <redacted> species to operate and monitor “our” solar system. 

They do this because (functionally) our solar system is a (intentional and planned) nursery for evolving intelligences. 

I do not know why it is such a place and why it has this function, but that is what it is. 

These Type-I greys are the active guardians here and they help and guide the development of our species.  Their guidance might cause them to do and conduct operations that we, as humans, might find distasteful.  That might include [1] the precipitation of wars; [2] the elimination of certain human races, [3] the insertion of certain illnesses or diseases into the human population, or even [4] the complete destruction of the human race if it came down to that.

They are the de facto rulers / owners of this solar system.  They control us.  They always have.

Their Objectives

Their objectives were never clearly announced to the MAJestic leadership.  They simply led us to believe what we wanted to regarding them.  Depending on the management structure in the MAJestic collaborative venture, their objectives were always suspect, but believed to be in the best interests of the United States, provided that MAJestic maintained control over information dissemination.

This is not really actually true.  It is just what MAJestic believed.  However, their absorption of human-derived quantum envelopes and clouds to their quantum matrix is a decided possibility[35]

[35] As to what their objectives are.

They have a vested interest in this kind of acquisition.  It helps grow the collective so as to acquire a sort of “critical mass” enabling the group hive to attain a degree of dimensional instability permitting a higher energy form or state (overall for the collective).  This is the key reason and purpose for their machinations regarding the human race.  It does not concern physical obtainment of land titles and control, but rather the absorptions of preconfigured quanta in bulk and usefulness potential.

They already control, or have “ownership” of everything on the earth[36].

[36] From their point of view, we are like two dogs that are caged in a kennel.  Here we are; fighting over a bone or two thrown inside the fence.  We watch us fighting with disconnected amusement, and perhaps a slight amount of concern, but do not worry about us.  They know that eventually the fighting will end and a new cycle of life would begin.  Their only concern is the maintenance of the kennel and the overall value of the dogs inside the kennel.

An organized quantum; that forms quantum clouds of quantum-dances and cloud-behaviors, are the currency of our galaxy, if not the universe. 

Those races that can alter, modify, and manipulate quanta, do so for a purpose.  As such, they collect, harvest, manipulate and use these collections of quanta. 

To farm organized quanta, a given race would need to (1) create a race of beings that would accumulate experiences.  Then, direct the race to act in a way (2) or behavior that results in a wide range of experiences; especially ones with the extremes of emotional attachments.  This is set in place so that they can collect (3) the quantum attachments so experienced by their human surrogates.  Then their collection process would involve the (4) absorption of the individual entities’ quantum clouds.  Finally, the collection of the quantum clouds are absorbed (5), along with the individual souls, into a new form or quantum configuration (6); one that is in alignment with their matrix or hive configuration.  This then, my friends, is what they are doing.

Whether the human race will succumb to this kind of soul-stealing program will be up to the individual humans who live in this local regional sphere of influence.  We do have individual control in this matter[37]

[37] Of the group behaviors of our race and sub-species.

The greedy, materially oriented, selfish and self-centered will be absorbed[38]

[38] There is nothing related to “good” vs. “evil” in this.  It is actually very simple.  A hive or matrix soul configuration is one that uses a set of particular quanta that is organized in a very exact manner.  It just so happens that the organization of their clusters is wholly compatible with individual soul archetype with quantum clusters organized by a “Service to self” individual.  Those who are generally selfish will find that their quanta are easy to absorb, steal, farm and utilize by other races.

Those of differing persuasions will evolve along different paths.  All humans will all eventually evolve spiritually, and their souls will reconfigure themselves appropriately.  It is the nature of the universe.

Perhaps, and it is my contention, that it is a strong possibility that their interaction with humans on the Earth is to assist in the evolution of the human biological envelope towards the creation of “experience vehicles”.  These biological modifications permit a hive or matrix soul to expand though collection or farming[39] of other entities experiences. 

[39] In “farming”, one race sets up conditions that cause another race to acquire experiences.  Then, the parent race “farms” the individual for those experiences.  Thus the “slave” or “farmed” race is used like an apple tree.  

Every couple of cycles the apples are collected, and the tree does not benefit from their collection.  It neither provides offspring that will grow into new tree, nor does the apples revitalize the ground surrounding the tree.  This is a particularly bad situation for a human with an individual soul construct. 

The individual might find themselves getting into wars and battles and other horrible events, over and over again, but never learning from the situations and never remembering what had transpired. 
They live a life of torture; to experience the worst of the world over and over again, never being granted release.  Never evolving beyond the experiences.

The collection of the human experiences can only be acquired through absorption of the human modified quantum cloud.  As such, I can easily see a long term evolutionary program.  One that is designed to create herds of human or other biological creatures that would obtain experiences of various types[40] for a species (such as the type-1 grey) to utilize and capitalize on. 

[40] Typically the events are painful, tragic, harmful and harsh.  For those are the treasured and valuable experiences that really help a quantum cloud soul evolve.  But when they are farmed, the soul which experiences the events never gets to benefit from them.

As such, the greatest collection and diversity of experiences would be the most beneficial to the entities.  By steering these individuals toward “service to self” adaptive personalities, they could eventually, absorb the human quantum cloud into their own.  In so doing, the end result would be having the individual type human soul change into the hive or matrix soul of the Type I grey collective.  I can easily see this happening[41].

[41] Every selfish act, every hurtful act derived through selfish behavior steers a soul toward a state of absorption by another race.  For humans, there are a number of races that greatly want to absorb or farm the human soul archetype.  

It does not matter what the event was either.  That game that you cheated on when you were a child; the lies you told your wife to keep a selfish secret, or the pens that you hoarded from the work supply cabinet all contributes to a selfish derived quantum cluster.

This, unfortunately, does happen somewhat already.  (Thus part of the reason why this nursery for evolving intelligences is kept isolated from the rest of the galactic federation.) 

Every reincarnation; is a cycle of rebirth and death on the physical “battlefield” of experience attainment. 

Currently, it is my understanding that there is a cost or a “fee” that humans must pay to undergo this cycle.  The “fee” is paid to the Type-I greys in terms of a kind of tax.  Certain clusters of experience from broad groups of humans are farmed, but at a very insignificant level; perhaps less than 3% of the total lifetime experience of a given individual.  Unfortunately, some individuals get more farmed, while other get less.  This is unfortunate, as it sets up a situation whereas the soul has to relive the experiences again over and over until they overcome the event sequence.

Thus the truth of the entire picture and why the Type-I greys are involved, and why the <redacted> race is involved.  The <redacted> want the souls going through this intermediary (human) form to evolve into galactic federation approved forms; hopefully to be compatible or on the same level as they themselves are. 

They cultivate us. 

While the Type-1 greys farm us currently at a low level, and help precipitate experiences for us to endure so if we evolve into “service-to-self” sentience’s, then they can most readily farm our activities for organized quanta.  Organized quanta comes in different forms and shapes.  Some are more valuable than others.  And thus are prized. 

The Type-1 greys tend to force certain souls and individuals to relive certain experiences over and over again so that they can “collect” these “ripe fruit” of quantum clusters.

Species Goals and Objectives

This species has overall objectives that appear to be founded on a rigid autocratic system based on a complex group thought process.  They appear to be a dominating survival-based social order, but that is not correct.  Their intentions are mysterious, but not incompatible with humans at all. 

They are religious in the sense that they have made it a science.  Their science is in (an apparently) paired agreement with the (bulk of) earth’s major religions.  It is primarily quantum mechanics[42] based which is a science of applied thoughts. 

[42] Quantum mechanics (QM – also known as quantum physics, or quantum theory) is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena at nanoscopic scales where the action is on the order of the Planck constant. 

It departs from classical mechanics primarily at the quantum realm of atomic and subatomic length scales. Quantum mechanics provides a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter.

Quantum mechanics provides a substantially useful framework for many features of the modern periodic table of elements including the behavior of atoms during chemical bonding and has played a significant role in the development of many modern technologies.

They typically try to derive autocratic control of the major religious orders through various means that are unknown to the humans that they manipulate.  Luckily, these efforts are known by the <redacted> who curb their activities substantially. 

Because of events in the past centuries, the Type-1 greys are absolutely forbidden to manipulate the Catholic church.  They had been manipulating that religious body for centuries, and the <redacted> put an end to it.  They are now manipulating another religious body in the middle east instead.  Their goals, purposes and objectives are unknown to me regarding this.


"The type of UFO reports that are most intriguing are close-range sightings of machine-like objects of unconventional nature and unconventional performance characteristics, seen at low altitudes, and sometimes even on the ground. The general public is entirely unaware of the large number of such reports that are coming from credible witnesses... When one starts searching for such cases, their number are quite astonishing. Also, such sightings appear to be occurring all over the globe."

-- Prof. James E. McDonald (past head of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Arizona), "Are UFOs Extraterrestrial Surveillance Craft?", talk given at AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), 1968

They are not inherently evil.  They are a neutral race inhabiting artificial bodies to work and exist within our solar system.  Since they live in the solar system, they are particularly interested in the Earth and what occurs here.  We do not (officially) know for sure why they are so interested[43].  Of course, I have my own opinions that are stated here.  But they are not the “official” MAJestic belief. 

[43] Their motivations are as stated previously.  They seem to be intent on the collection of advancing individual soul entities that are NOT successful in evolving in this solar system nursery for evolving races.  They seem to have a role as interstellar caretakers for this particular region and they seem to be operating under the control of a local galactic entity who utilizes the Mantid race as the local authorizes. 

They have an active role in cultivating the human race.  This solar system is a nursery for evolving intelligences.  They are its caretakers.  The human race will evolve because of their actions.  What it will evolve into depends upon many factors, but whatever form the human species evolves into, both the <redacted> and the Type-1 greys will benefit.

MAJestic Policy Position (dated to 2005)

“If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans.”
-Stephen Hawking

Officially, according to <redacted>; they are interested in this solar system for their own reasons (which, according to the official writings, are suspect but not malevolent) and they have entered a treaty with the United States to enable them to pursue their own “mysterious” interests.

What these interests are has never been disclosed to any MAJestic member short of those in the upper tiers of the organization.  (Their goals and intentions vary from species to species, but in regards to the central species; the <redacted> and their “helpers” the Type-1 greys, it is restricted to the highest levels of the MAJestic organization.  Us working “grunts” had no clue as to their assumed and true objectives with humans.)  The rank and file do not have a clue as to what these supposed goals are.

However, in all the <redacted> (when collected as a whole), it has become abundantly and repeatedly clear (to me) that their true and real intentions have never been specifically vociferated  to the MAJestic management. 

It is my opinion that the overall impression that we all maintained was a positive one, and that they were trying to help the human race through a period of uncomfortable growth.  I believe that most within the organization would agree with me on this appraisal.

Officially; MAJestic believes that the Type-1 grey extraterrestrial specie is an emissary species that represents a larger “Federation” of intergalactic-travel-capable species. 

They believe that this species is assisting the earth qualify for membership in this “Federation”. 

To this end, the human race must [1] be patient [44].

[44] The reader can forget any notion that mankind would be ready within our lifetimes. It will not be. We need to sort out our sentience first, and this will probably be a very ugly and uncomfortable event or series of events. 

They do not care if we have a one-world government or not.

All they care about is our majority sentience type configuration. Membership in any federation will not occur until our sentience is established. That way our RNA can be modified to fit a galatically approved archetype.

Humans must [2] gain substantive control over nuclear armament [45].

[45] This would be a near complete elimination of all nuclear weapons and control and delivery systems.  Further knowledge and manufacturing of such systems, as well as delivery and control systems would be maintained under the new federal centralized control.

Humans must [3] significantly reduce pollution levels, and [4] have a significant reduction in the world-wide population level [46].  (As strange and horrific as this seems. [47]) 

[46] According to my understanding; the global world-wide population is to be no greater than 1.5 billion humans at the time of successive entry into the “Federation” sphere of influence.  Currently it is almost 9x that value.  

It is projected and expected that entry and qualifications for entry will engage within a 600 year time period.  It will not happen in the next 25 years.
[47] Apparently, they accept the possibility of proving human leadership with various weapons of mass destruction as long as it will eventually result in world-wide decimation of the human race to more acceptable levels.  They do not want the mitigating factors to be nuclear, however, but rather biological or chemical as they are easy (relatively) to clean up and eliminate from the surface of the planet.

In exchange for assistance in these manner, MAJestic will be (and is currently) being [A] rewarded with technology and science transfers, and given [B] sole control and authority in extraterrestrial control and visitation.

At the same time, I am quite confident that the MAJestic leadership wants to protect the interests of humans and the American government.  They are careful and cautious with their dealings with all extraterrestrial species.  I do know that during periods of disagreements with certain species, humans did not fare well, and this put the MAJestic leadership on notice that they must indeed be cautious and careful.

The more specific opinions that I have are solely my own, and not part of any MAJestic analysis.  I obtained them through a combination of experience and entanglement.  The reader should take them at face value and ascribe a value appropriately.  I personally believe that the MAJestic leadership belief is a simplistic one, and is not entirely accurate.

Obvious Interests

They do have obvious interests.  There are many examples of this.  They do not want the earth to be radioactive, or to be overly polluted [48].  And they will go at great lengths to guarantee that this will not happen.  They have, at other times, completely disabled the launch systems of ICBMs [49], the engagement of nuclear weapon arming systems, and the assignation of key leaders that they deem as dangerous to the general welfare of humans on Earth

[48] The earth is valuable.  Even though it is a bit more energetic for most extraterrestrials to live in our solar system, it is still considered to be quite an important piece of real estate.  Perhaps, one in 25 systems or more have a planet that has a marginally habitable planet that orbits the parent star.  Thus the Earth is, indeed, quite important.  

No race is overly concerned about the human race.  It is considered that humans will come and go.  Humans will follow the path of other emerging intelligences of races that shared the earth as a nursery proving ground.  Maybe in 30,000 years, humans might be extinct or will have evolved into something else. 

Therefore, it is very important for extraterrestrials to make sure that humans do not damage the Earth irreparably.  The detonation of excessive nuclear weapons might damage the Earth biosphere irreparably. 
[49] An Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) is a ballistic missile with a minimum range of more than 5,500 kilometers (3,400 mi) primarily designed for nuclear weapons delivery (delivering one or more nuclear warheads). Similarly conventional, chemical and biological weapons can also be delivered with varying effectiveness. Most modern designs support multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs), allowing a single missile to carry several warheads, each of which can strike a different target.

It is very possible that the “conflicts” or “disagreements” between MAJestic and the Type-I Greys during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s was a direct consequence of the “Three Mile Island” nuclear discharge [50]. 

[50]The Three Mile Island accident was a partial nuclear meltdown that occurred on March 28, 1979, in one of the two Three Mile Island nuclear reactors in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States. It was the worst accident in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant history. 

The incident was rated a five on the seven-point International Nuclear Event Scale: Accident With Wider Consequences.

I do not think that there were any overt fighting, but I do know that the Type-I greys took a particularly “hard” stance on the need to secure nuclear sites around the world. 

They considered this a serious issue, but the replacement president; Ronald Reagan (R) did not want to incorporate any of their suggestions.  This then (possibly) led to other more “heated” disagreements between MAJestic and the Type-I greys during the mid 1980’s. 

I do know that when the Chernobyl event [51] occurred, the Type-I greys were quite distressed and they were put on “full-alert” during that time.  I can PERSONALLY confirm this. Their activities at the Oxia Palus Facility came to a complete stop[52] and their activities and resources were devoted to other areas during this time.

[51] The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (then officially the Ukrainian SSR), which was under the direct jurisdiction of the central authorities of the Soviet Union. An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe.
[52] Because of the differences in planetary time tracks, what occurred on the Earth in 1980 influenced Mars site events decades earlier, in the 1960’s I imagine.  Time tracks vary from planetary influence to planetary influence.  Mostly due to gravitational influences in the passage of time.  Perception variances involve dimensional transitions (for a lack of any kind of equivalent terminology).

As of 2003 they were increasingly disturbed by decrease in certain elements of the insect population; notably bees, and some other species.  They attributed a decrease in populations of these species as a direct consequence of human activities. 

This was not the only element of human behavior that they found worrisome.  They also did not like the fact that many nations were adding Fluorine to the potable water supply.  These activities, and many others, were being monitored through biological sampling of livestock and (carefully engaged) biopsies of humans. 

They monitored the earth environment specifically because of the actions of humans.  They strongly felt that humans were behaving in a very toxic manner that would have long term consequences to the earth habitat.  These kinds of activities, when adopted on a large scale, cause irreparable harm to the earth environment.  They did not like it.  They did not like it one bit.

As the “caretakers” and “domestic police force” of this planetary nursery, they are obviously concerned with the long term habitability of this planet.  They are certainly more concerned about whether we (as humans) pollute the planet beyond sustainability, than they are worried about us fighting and killing each other for whatever reason or cause that (we as humans) consider important.

There should be no question in the readers mind that all actions of humans on the earth is only done in behest of the Type-I grey extraterrestrial species.  It is in their best interest to help the development of the human form towards one of the other types sentience.  That would be either “service to self” or “service to others”.  Their charter is to do this without overt long term damage to the planet of solar system that we live in.

Culling of problematic humanoid groups

I do know that in the great past; perhaps 3000 years ago, they completely destroyed an entire sub-species of humans for the purposes of culling the current human lineage.  They have also “seeded” various genetic markers and alterations to humans over the ages.  While they have been doing this, they have eliminated any threat that would endanger their “crop” of subjects. 

Part of their charter is to cull and assist in the development of the earth human form towards a stable archetype.  Genetic variations not in line with the “preferred” development path are culled from the planet.  They have no problems with this and do this quickly and without any ill will.  Their view is that the souls of the humans thus culled will reincarnate into “more approved” humanoid forms before there is any change of long term unsustainable damage taking place.

For instance, they once cultivated a specific genetic marker in a human communal group in what is now Eastern Europe around 4000 years ago.  They spent decades tending to the humans and monitoring them.  After about 45 years, another group of humans; without the genetic modifications, encroached on this key group and started to attack them.  (I believe the group was advancing northward, but I do not know which group it was.)  The Type-1 greys, or course destroyed the encroaching humans.  They would do these kinds of actions from time to time as needed to preserve the environment and the subjects that they are in charge of.  Essentially, they just simply vaporized their settlements, and poisoned them through other means.  They have always found it easy to manipulate humans over the years.

Utilization of controlled strife to achieve their objectives

“Some contend that encountering a highly advanced civilization - even one whose technology is essentially comprehensible to us - would produce a traumatic cultural shock effect on man by divesting him of his smug ethnocentrism and shattering the delusion that he is the center of the universe.  

Carl Jung summed up this position when he wrote of contact with advanced extraterrestrial life that the "reins would be torn from our hands and we would, as a tearful old medicine man once said to me, find ourselves 'without dreams'...we would find out intellectual and spiritual aspirations so outmoded as to leave us completely paralyzed. I personally don't accept this position, but it's one that's widely held and can't be summarily dismissed.”

-Stanley Kubrick Playboy Interview (1968)

They are not warlike.  However, they do seem to prefer a degree of strife in the world.  Their activity is generally hands off and ambivalent, but that is perhaps illusionary.  Their interest appears to be one of curious interest towards the complexities of the human condition.  They seem to want or prefer to have the humans interact in the Earth in a state of upheaval or confusion.  It is a hands-off interest.  We do not know why this is.

The reader might be confused at this.  After all, this species does cull humanoids from time to time, and does interact with humans so that humans follow a specific pre-defined evolutionary path.  But the overall picture that I wish to present is one whereas the Type-I grey species watches and monitors the events and actions related to human development and evolution on earth. 

From time to time, they take an active role and modify or manipulate humans or cultures or societies so that the humans develop and evolve in certain ways.  Most of the time, there seems to be a general component of violence and strife.  Whether that is due to the overall benefit of the evolutionary path that humans are on; or whether it is due to their personal desire to eventually “farm” the plump clusters of garbion’s that collect in the quantum souls of the humans is unknown.

The reader should take note of this important point. 

The Type-I grey extraterrestrial specie is intent in preserving a human lineage as long as it is in agreement with the preferred individualized soul archetype.  When it is not, they take an active role in culling it away; usually through war, violence or strife. 

From their point of view; the following races of the earth human population has had the most “cleansing” or “evolutionary” activity necessitated to “purify” the quantum genetic encoding.  (I apologize to the reader for my lack of linguistic precision.) All of these races has suffered through centuries of strife and evolutionary crucibles.  The races are; [1] Chinese, [2] Polynesian, [3] Polish / Eastern European, [4] Jewish, [5] Selected South American evolutionary lines (which I cannot specifically identify).

That being stated, the information is meaningless. 

All it means is that certain groups or races of people have the quantum level garbions arranged in the “correct” or preferred sequence or order as preferred by the Type-I grey extraterrestrial species.  It does not mean that they are inherently good or bad, or will move toward a fantastic evolutionary path.  It just simply implies that certain groups of people are further along in the quantum connections between the physical and the soul according to the protocol as established by the <redacted> race.

Actual Interests

Their motivations are as stated previously.  I will repeat them yet again.  [1] They seem to be intent on the collection of advancing individual soul entities that are NOT successful in evolving in this solar system nursery for evolving races.  [2] They seem to have a role as interstellar caretakers for this particular region and [3] they seem to be operating under the control of a local galactic entity who utilizes the <redacted> race as the local authorizes.  Thus in this role that they participate in the nurturing of the human race towards its development, those individuals which cannot advance are absorbed by their collective in ways that we cannot fully comprehend.

Long-term involvement with humans

They have been involved with humans for at least 30 to 50,000 years [53] and possibly much longer.  They have been interacting with the Earth for at least 300,000 to 200,000 years.  They have, in the past, genetically modified humans into what we are today.  They have video and audio, 3D historical records [54] of their dealings with humans to prove this.

[53] The Upper Paleolithic (or Upper Paleolithic, Late Stone Age) is the third and last subdivision of the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age as it is understood in Europe, Africa and Asia. Very broadly, it dates to between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago, roughly coinciding with the appearance of behavioral modernity and before the advent of agriculture. The terms "Later Stone Age" and "Upper Paleolithic" refer to the same periods. For historical reasons, "Later Stone Age" usually refers to the period in Africa, whereas "Upper Paleolithic" is generally used when referring to the period in Europe.
[54] I have never seen or heard these recordings, but secondary sources have mentioned this a number of times.  I believe that they have these records.  If they could be involved in genetic engineering 200,000 years ago with the use of space-ships, I am sure that they had audio / visual equipment as well.

There is also significant evidence that they have had contact and involvement with humans far earlier than this.  But I couldn’t find anything related to that in the <redacted>, nor in any Internet writings.  That doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen.  Truth be told, I have a strong fundamental and intuitive[55] understanding that they have been involved with the human race far earlier than a mere 30,000 years ago. 

[55] For me, an “intuitive understanding” is an “entangled understanding” with the drone pilot, which may or may not lead to the hive central repository of memories.

The fact and the truth is that they have been involved with other species of humans including the Neanderthals, and other archaic humans similiar to shuch types as Homo ergaster, Homo gautengensis, Homo habilis, and Homo rudolfensis.  To name just a few of the many branches of their involvement.  They were involved in many other humanoid variations as well, but I never took the time to fully investigate this avenue of investigation.

(Incidentally; many of the pictorial “recreations” of these earlier humanoid forms tend to show them looking more like distant relatives of monkeys rather than distant relatives of humans.  This is wrong.  A number of them were not at all as “hairy” as described by conventional artists.  Imagine small hairless ugly monkeys with dark negroid skin, and the picture is more in tune with the reality concerning these other branches of the human race.)

Compatibility with humans

They have been involved in the evolution of humans for centuries.  One of their objectives appears to locate compatible quantum soul constructs on individual human subjects.  This is done to inject quantum level appliances in the human soul bodies.  Then these appliances are used to create human “agents” with the extraterrestrial race to work with them to complete mutually beneficial goals.

Some of these individuals are known as “abductees”[56].  Unfortunately, due to [1] memory isolation, [2] compartmentalization, and the [3] human social background, the human involved forgets their true role or purpose.  This is really something that upsets me personally.  If there is one thing that I must make clear is that the Grey’s do not, absolutely, get involved with a human soul construct without prior approval.  They just do not; it only seems that way to the individual.

[56] The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe "subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one's will by apparently nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures". People claiming to have been abducted are usually called "abductees" or "experiencers".

Due to a paucity of objective physical evidence, most scientists and mental health professionals dismiss the phenomenon as "deception, suggestibility (fantasy-proneness, hypnotizability, false memory syndrome), personality, sleep paralysis, psychopathology, psychodynamics [and] environmental factors". However, the late Prof. John E. Mack, a respected Harvard University psychiatrist, devoted a substantial amount of time to investigating such cases and eventually concluded that the only phenomenon in psychiatry that adequately explained the patients' symptoms in several of the most compelling cases was posttraumatic stress disorder.

The approval to get involved with a human is a tedious one.  It involves not only the [1] individual human, who must approve the relationship in its entirety, but also that of the [2] human soul community.  (Like in the physical world, the human community is a complicated affair, with groups within groups; all with different hierarchies and levels of control.)  This is not done in the physical, but instead it is done in the quantum cloud where the soul dwells (Heaven). 

The human soul community consists of humans with active physical bodies and those without physical bodies.  Some people call this community “heaven”, but that is really a simplistic term for a complex quantum field.  All humans possess souls, which is nothing less than the bulk of their being.  These souls are not perceptible by physical human senses as they consist of higher order quanta that move about, dance and flitter in and out of time and space. 

In the human soul community (Heaven) are individuals who manage the development and advancement of the quantum soul.  It is an interesting subject, but beyond the scope here.  For a reasonably accurate portrayal of this environment, please read the works by Doctor Newton “Journey of Souls”.  Never the less, approval must be given by those whom manage the individual human soul.  The grey extraterrestrials will not work with a human unless they have this approval.

Failure to obtain this approval will result in serious consequences for the Type-1 grey extraterrestrial race.  They run the risk of a soul-level conflagration involving very powerful quantum-level creatures and entities of far greater ability and vibratory frequencies than humans.  Their behavior is always kept in check by higher order entities.  That is why they must ask permission before getting involved in the soul quanta of a separate race.  No matter how advanced one race is, there will always be another race of greater abilities and powers.

Truth be told, the amount of soul experience obtained by an “abductee”, or someone who works inter-species in this fashion is greatly rewarding for the individual soul. 

While it might appear to be painful and problematic, the experience greatly balloons the depth, breadth, density and scope of the quantum cloud that is often called the soul.  In short, being an “abductee” is a great honor. 

In fact, by simply being an “abductee”, the human soul prepares itself for rapid soul evolution to a reincarnation into something or some soul form beyond and above that of a human.  (Of course, the exposure to other soul forms and aged interplanetary species, expands the experiences of a given soul.  The expanded experiences expands upon the entangled quanta, and thus greatly and rapidly evolves the given soul.) This is much like the project that I was ultimately involved in.

Known recent history

This race has been very active on Earth.  But historically, they have been doing so with autonomy.  As far as we know, they never had treaties with humans until the first treaties with the Americans in the late 1940’s. 

Prior to that time, activities and dealings that they had with humans were those of God to servant or subject.  During these relationships, they mostly stayed aloof and apart, when they did make contact it was always from a position of control.  This older relationship existed for many, many tens of thousands of years.  No treaties were necessary, they commanded and we obeyed.

<redacted> records indicated that the type-1 extraterrestrials possibly had contact with the Nazi Germans in the early 1930’s.  But this is not true.  The Germans did have contact with an extraterrestrial race, but it was not this race.  It was the <redacted>  They are not similar at all, but from a cursory observation [57], one might make the (casual) mistake that they are identical. 

[57] Made through dirty binoculars at a distance of three miles…

After World War II, when the Germans were defeated, the Americans seized the vast bulk of scientific development from the Germans during “Operation paperclip”[58]. 

[58] Operation Paperclip was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment by the United States in the aftermath of World War II. It was conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), and in the context of the burgeoning Cold War. One purpose of Operation Paperclip was to deny German scientific expertise and knowledge to the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, as well as inhibiting post-war Germany from redeveloping its military research capabilities.

Experiments using the seized German radar installations [59] resulted in the de-cloaking of the vehicles that this race flew.  In addition, the radar interfered with the propulsion of these vehicles, and a number of these vehicles crashed and were seized by the United States Military.  That is how the United States first made contact with this race.  (More about this elsewhere.)

[59] The seized German radar equipment included GEMA, Darmstadt, and Einheit für Abfragung (DFA - Device for Detection) technologies.

Studies of the vehicles and subsequent attempts in (American initiated) communication resulted a number of treaties being signed.  The first was in 1964 about the time of the New York World’s fair.  This was about 15 years after the United States started to study the procured extraterrestrial technology. 

This treaty [1] setup a route of communication between the two races, [2] enabled trade of technology, and [3] permitted them to study livestock and do biological research (not that they needed our permission, mind you, I think that it was more of a courtesy). 

All of these activities were supposedly “harmless” activities.  At this time the United States[4] agreed to work with the rest of the nations on the planet Earth to create a one world government that would control (not end) widespread global infighting between nations. 

(IMPORTANT NOTE: The goal was NOT to create a one-world government. But, rather to limit the use of nuclear weapons between powerful nations.)

The extraterrestrial race representative [5] promised to allow the Earth to join a regional federation of races if we could do this. 

Thus, the United States began a program of unity and manipulation to create an Earth that could be viewed as an active participant in this society.  Leading individuals and influential sources of (political, economic, military and financial) power were contacted at this time. 

They were told of the personal benefits that they (themselves) would enjoy if they went along with this strategy.  (Humans in leadership positions tend to possess a “Service to Self” sentience.)  They, for the most part (with notable exceptions), were (intentionally and explicitly) not told of any (direct) extraterrestrial link, however. 

Thus, at this time, there was a great cultural push in the USA for a unified world.  One of the most popular songs at this time was “It’s a small world”[60].  The United Nations, led by the United States, called for widespread decolonization and the creation of autonomous nations instead.  This thus began the embryonic beginnings of the often maligned “New World Order”[61].

[60] It's a Small World (stylized as "it's a small world" by The Walt Disney Company) is a popular musical boat ride located in the Fantasyland area at each of the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts worldwide: Disneyland Park in California, the Magic Kingdom (in Florida), Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland, and Shanghai Disneyland Park. 

The ride features over 300 brightly costumed audio-animatronic dolls in the style of children of the world, frolicking in a spirit of international unity and singing the attraction's title song, which has a theme of global peace. "Children of the World" was the working title of the attraction.

Its tentative soundtrack featured the national anthems of the countries represented throughout the ride all playing all at once, which resulted in a cacophonous noise. Walt showed a scale model of the attraction to his staff songwriters Robert B. Sherman and Richard M. Sherman, saying, "I need one song that can be easily translated into many languages and be played as a round." The Sherman Brothers then wrote "It's a small world (after all)"  Which eventually became a global success.
[61] As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian one-world government.  

The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which replaces sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda that ideologizes its establishment as the culmination of history's progress.

Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal operating through many front organizations. 

Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes. 

This belief is often maligned as fictional by the monolithic American media, but the actions and activities are actually real and valid.  The ultimate goal of the NWO is not as a totalitarian leadership, but rather as a global social democracy.  However, the very nature of those who aspire to lead; “Service to Self” sentience nearly guarantees that the organization will eventually evolve into a harsh totalitarian government.  The Type-1 greys would prefer this to occur, while the <redacted> strive for a more peaceful social democratic order.

The treaties made between the United States and this extraterrestrial race were explicit in that only existing underground extraterrestrial installations on the Earth are considered to be the only sovereign areas under the treaty. 

They, in turn, expressed a strong desire to limit the (public[62]) American exploration of the moon.[63] 

[62] Americans are permitted to have space habitats and vehicles on other planets, but only as long as the grey extraterrestrials are involved.  This often times requires a physical presence.  Due to the secrecy of MAJestic, no American can know about these space exploratory efforts because in doing so they would expose the Type-1 grey extraterrestrial presence as well as the MAJestic organization.
[63] We do not know why they wanted to limit exploration of the moon.  However, I speculate that they wanted to limit the advancement of our manned space sciences.  They do not want humans to explore the solar system, or space, unless we do so under their terms.  That is the only way that I can reconcile the fact that they are providing us with advanced technologies, but limiting our human explorative activities.  I personally believe that part of the reasoning behind these limitations involve the presence of extremely large extraterrestrial cities on the moon, as well as the belief that humans are property of the Type-1 grey extraterrestrials.

In the early 1970’s, in response to their requests, the (public exploration of the moon by the) Apollo Moon exploration program [64] was terminated. 

[64] The Apollo program, also known as Project Apollo, was the third human spaceflight program carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the United States' civilian space agency, and the program was responsible for the landing of the first humans on Earth's Moon in 1969. 

First conceived during the Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower as a three-man spacecraft to follow the one-man Project Mercury which put the first Americans in space, Apollo was later dedicated to President John F. Kennedy's national goal of "landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth" by the end of the 1960s, which he proposed in a May 25, 1961, address to Congress. Project Mercury was followed by the two-man Project Gemini (1962–66). The first manned flight of Apollo was in 1968.

This was a surprise, as the entire program was in process and all the vehicles were fabricated and ready for launch.  The equipment was all in place, and the astronauts were all trained and ready to go.  The cancellation of the program was a most mysterious one, as it would have been far cheaper to simply let the program expire with no new programs, instead of scrapping those rockets already completed.  In fact, the most ambitious aspects of the program were canceled.  And thus, all subsequent manned space exploration ended or was limited to near Earth orbits and regions[65]. 

[65] This is all APPARENT manned space exploration.  Since the advent of the treaties between the United States and the Type-1 grey extraterrestrials; apparently the technology development took on a new direction.  

First a public display for the purposes of population control and propaganda was maintained.  This meant that NASA retained control of United States space exploration abilities, and it was here that provided the public illusion of the efforts that the United States was involved in.  But the true and actual space exploration and technological development became hidden. 

It was, and still is, substantially larger in scope and budget than NASA is. This program is active in space exploration in our solar system, but it must be kept secret because it requires “holding hand” monitoring by the Type-1 grey extraterrestrials.  After all, I was <redacted>.  Space exploration has continued in secret.  There are MAJestic manned facilities on both the moon and on Mars as far as I know.  I do not think that there are bases or facilities anywhere else in the system at this time.

However, actual space exploration by the United States did not cease.  Instead it became restructured and went “deep black” budget.  The military-industrial complex through MAJestic took over and space exploration continued in secrecy.  This was facilitated by the Type-1 greys.

For we actually are; we are a sentience that is being incubated within a nursery for evolving intelligences in our solar system.  They must control our learning development and prevent us from harming our environment or developing non-approved soul configurations of sentience’s.  Because physical contact with new ideas and species renders absolute effects on a given species, the interaction between species must be completely, vigorously, and rigorously controlled.

Large scale transfer of extraterrestrial technology began upon the termination of the Apollo Program.  Systems that were in place to collect, gather, sort, and study captured and obtained technology were expanded during the early 1970’s.  A number of gray extraterrestrial entities actually (physically) worked alongside American scientists in secure locations in California, Nevada, New Mexico and Ohio. 

This is true.  They actually worked in the physical form inside secure American military installations.  As such they maintained their own quarters, facilities and abodes.  These facilities were constructed in specially fabricated deep underground chambers with extensive security measures put in place.

Such as my training at China Lake.

A great push toward utilizing their extraterrestrial technology occurred during the mid-1970’s and that resulted in an enormous increase in black-budget funding.  One of the primary architects of this funding impetus was President Jimmy Carter. 

Though, it is not clear if he was aware of the extraterrestrial connections involved.  (Typically, and for reasons that are not clear to me, Democrats tend to be kept “out of the loop” in regards to MAJestic operations.  Perhaps it is because the MAJestic organization is an organization that was spawned from a military background, and Democrats are politically opposed to all elements of the American military-Industrial complex.  But that is only my opinion, and not verified in any way as the truth.) 

Maybe that is changing with all the neocons that seem to be embracing the progressive liberals today in 2019. Ah... they are all fools. They seem to think that wars are always far-off affairs using guns. They seem to forget that smallpox can become very personal and very deadly very quickly.

Subsequent treaties occurred under President Reagan in the 1980s.  As part of these treaties, the United States has agreed not to interfere with any alien operational plans in their trade for technology[66]. Since then, there have been a number of agreements and treaties signed with other races as well. 

[66] These technology trades include and involve extraterrestrial supervised manned excursions outside of the near-earth orbit by Americans in the MAJestic program.  This includes not only the <redacted>, but a number of facilities <redacted>. 


“ I gotta tell you, it’s a little disappointing. People always ask me about Roswell and the aliens and UFOs, and it turns out the stuff going on that’s top secret isn’t nearly as exciting as you expect.   In this day and age, it’s not as top secret as you’d think…”

-President Obama in an interview with GQ magazine .

There have been moments of disagreement between the United States and various extraterrestrial races. There were hostilities in May of 1975, and again in the early to middle 1980s. Indeed, there was a particularly bad period of hostilities during the middle 1980s . I do not know too much about any of it. I do know that it all was eventually resolved and all incidents forgiven (by all involved) as misunderstandings.

According to Robert Lazar, an underground facility below Groom Lake was the sight of an intense fire-fight between Grays and U.S. Military personnel.  He said that this occurred after a human Security officer had challenged an alien dictate not to enter a certain alien-controlled area with a loaded weapon, and was subsequently killed as a result of his challenge. 

This 'war' was actually a 'massacre' according to Michael Wolf. He claimed that the first outbreak of violence occurred in 1975. It occurred during a demonstration of an anti-matter reactor within an underground chamber. The Greys operating the demonstration ordered the human security officers to remove the bullets from their weapons.

Thomas Castello claims that another battle occurred below Dulce four years later in 1979, after several scientists who had discovered a “horrible truth”.

These are all sources of dubious claims. I know NOTHING at all about the battles and fights. They had nothing to do with me, though I “heard” tangential evidence of various events outside my range of control. This is all from secondary sources. They should be considered with some skepticism as when this species "tells you" to do something, you obey without question. There is no will power involved to question them or their requests.

I caution everyone reading or studying this event not to color what they read with their own philosophies and experiences. There are those whom claim that the hostilities began at a military facility on the Earth, while others claim that it was the result of other events. I really do not know much about these events.

I have never seen or been to the New Mexico facility that is often considered to be central to the conflict. But in general, the reader must understand the most significant of understandings in extraterrestrial – human interactions; War and fighting between races should not be equated with human to human conflict. They are not equivalent.

From the point of view of the Type-1 grays, the physical body is only a very dense container. The destruction of the container appears to be an apparent death, but the soul persists. They were never concerned about the death of their colleagues, but rather interruptive behavior in their activities. (Since they are a hive/matrix soul structure, the death or obliteration of a single container is meaningless to the hive collective.)

Once treaties were put in place to prevent future altercations, normal relations continued. I can positively affirm that this is the case.

Cattle Mutations

"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race, In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."

-Phil Larson of the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy wrote in a statement (Nov. 4, 2011). During the Obama administration.

This extraterrestrial race is interested in the general health of our planet and the solar system.  They view us as dangerous in our ignorance of how the universe works.  Thus, they monitor the earth and the biosphere that we interact in.  Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable to expect them to take biological samples, from time to time, as they conduct their monitoring efforts. 

Dropped from above.
There is a degree of carelessness in the discarding of livestock which have been sampled.

Some people state that the phenomena concerning the mutation of livestock is due to this race conducting (unsanctioned[67]) experiments or evaluations on Earth.  I know nothing about any alleged experimentation[68]. 

[67] Unsanctioned by the local human government where the “experiments” have taken place.
[68] There is evidence that some of the cattle mutations are hoaxes and disinformation efforts by United States personnel for various reasons.  But the Type-I grey extraterrestrials do absolutely conduct periodic biological biopsies on cattle and other kinds of livestock.  They are interested in certain areas and regions and conduct specific types of tests in doing so.
Tractor Beam technology is often used in Cattle Abductions.
Tractor Beam technology is often used in Cattle Abductions.

However, I do know that the United States has given them great latitude to monitor[69] the biosphere of this planet (in areas that are under the control of the American nation or aligned nations). 

[69] According to treaty, they are permitted to gather biological samples, observe, and record their findings.  They are not permitted to harm or hurt any humans in the process.  They are specifically limited in the number and frequency in their collection efforts.  And they did agree to it.  

Many of the cow abductions are not done by the Type-1 grey extraterrestrials but rather done by others, typically rogue military who conduct hoaxes for the humor derived from it.

I do know that they are concerned about the health of our planet[70]. 

[70] Aside from their general concern related to raising the level of consciousness of the human race, they have a vested interest in maintaining the usability of this planet for subsequent races in the future.  

They do not consider the Earth to belong to mankind at all. 

Instead they view this as a kind of kindergarten for the growth and cultivation of mammalian intelligences.  One the humans evolve, whether through extinction or through attrition, the world must be ready for other intelligences to utilize it.

I also know that they have a responsibility towards making the biosphere healthy.  They also have a vested interest in the preservation of the Earth habitat.  It might be alien to their core biological processes, but human intervention as a result of pollution and nuclear debris are certainly undesirable outcomes.

I also know that various hoaxers and government employees, whether independent or though direction, have also created fabricated cattle abduction events.  I don’t know why they would do such a thing. 

It is a true waste to destroy cattle in this manner.  Certainly from the point of view of a steak lover, the loss of 1500 pounds of steak a pop just for the creation of the illusion of UFO cattle abductions is a true shame.  I do not care if the person is a general or a private; this kind of abuse is a travesty.  I speak with the wisdom of a true and real steak lover.

If our extraterrestrial partners are involved in this cattle mutation, or abduction activity, I do not know anything specific[71] about it. 

[71] <redacted> confirms that certain <redacted> were used as observers during these collection events.  I can confirm that.  I can also confirm that biological samples were obtained; both from animal and human subjects.  I can further confirm that the MAJestic organization is aware of this collection process and permits it to continue.  

It is my firm belief that in all cases, the biological samples obtained from both the humans and the animal specimens were collected in a humane manner; sparing the person or animal any pain or anguish.

The base library had nothing of substance in this area.  As far as the documents on the base were concerned, no information regarding these accusations were present[72]. The race is involved in monitoring the Earth environment, and collecting biological samples.  How they did this was not discussed[73].

[72] Though other MAJestic members were actually involved in some of these collection efforts somewhat.  This information, collected through <redacted>, has enabled me to acquire a limited amount of information regarding this situation.
[73] The collection of biological samples and cow and livestock abductions are not at all incompatible.  Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that these two separate events are connected in some way. 

I also know that some <redacted> were also utilized for this biological sample collection effort.  To this end, their presence was sanctioned by the United States Government. 

This was for purposes to monitor the actions of the Type-1 greys by human operators via <redacted>.  Apparently there were reports of irregularities in the collection process, and it was felt that the entire process should be monitored by representatives of the United States government. 

Initially these observers were humans, but they soon were replaced by <redacted>.  Indeed, some of my colleagues were involved in this activity.  Thus they rode alongside the type-1 gray extraterrestrials to monitor their activities in behest of the American government. 

Thus, the regulation of this collection process is maintained by MAJestic.  To this end, both humans in MAJestic and <redacted> monitor the biological collection missions.

Bob Lazar

Bob Lazar is also a former member of MAJestic.  I never worked with him, and my experiences are entirely different than his.  However he has made some interesting statements.  Like myself he has also read documentation on this species, though unlike me, he has never met them face to face.  Thus he parrots the “official” information regarding this species.

According to Bob Lazar, the Government documents he reviewed stated that the aliens or Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) were three to four feet tall and weigh twenty-five to fifty pounds.  Their bodies vaguely resemble a human toddler’s torso if emaciated from hunger.  They have grayish skin and large heads with almond shaped wrap-around eyes.  They have very slight nose, mouth, and ear positions and are hairless.  Bob Lazar was not able to give any detail from the lower abdomen down, and to date, any other information corroborating this description only refers to the EBE’s head.

To me, this all sounds very close to the description of the type-1 grey extraterrestrials.

Final Notes and Comment

I must apologize for all the redactions. There are some things that I cannot elaborate upon. At least not at this time, and while I have provided a very generous amount of data, none of it is officially sanctioned from the human side of MAJestic as far as I know. I am just presenting what I am permitted to present, as I understand it to be. In cases of doubt or confusion I erred on the side of secrecy.

The Type-1 extraterrestrials did not work in isolation. There were events and procedures that required the assistance of other species and relationships. I redacted everything regarding these other events, and I apologize for any confusion that might result from that decision.

I have placed herein as much as I know about the very first extraterrestrials that I encountered. I placed it herein alongside with my understanding as part of my entanglement (as that was my ultimate role). There are many holes and mysteries here, as I do not have all the answers.

While I have referred to secondary sources as questionable source, the reader must recognize that I too might be wrong in certain things that I believe most strongly in. After all, there are people who actually believe in “global warming”, I could just as easily be blinded by my own ignorance as well. It is up to the reader to decide.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...
How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2
Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
How to tell...
How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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Why Women Need their own Personal Makeup Vanity Space

I am a big believer that men and women are different, and that the best way to maintain a strong family is to recognize these differences, embrace them and use them to our advantage. Of course, this is a traditional way of running a family household. It has worked for thousands of years. Today, I would like to concentrate on one of the fundamental elements of this traditional family setup; the Woman’s very-own Personal Vanity Space.

Men need their own spaces, of course. In Pittsburgh, the men would be given the basement, the garage, and the lower levels of a house. (Complete with a commode in the middle of the basement.) The women would get the largest bathroom in the house, and it would be “hers”. It was off limits to everyone else.

However, the need to use a bathroom as a personal vanity space was out of necessity. The ideal, of course, would be to have a separate room or area consisting of a vanity with large mirrors, great lighting and easy access to clothing. Here we talk about the specific design attributes for a vanity devoted to making a woman beautiful.

The Vanity

The most important element of this “personal space” is the vanity. This is a large specific piece of furniture that has only one purpose; for the woman of the house to preen herself and to make herself beautiful. This is because, in a traditional family, the way a woman takes care of herself is a direct reflection of how well the family is taken cared for.

It is important for a woman to take care of herself, in health, in emotion, in behaviors and in beauty.

Here is a vanity found in a locked up “time capsule” in Paris when the 91 year old owner died. This vanity has all the elements that will be discussed herein.

The Mirror

Make no mistake. The most important aspect of the vanity is the mirror. In general, the bigger the mirror, the better. In the above picture, we see a moderate sized mirror that is wider along the horizontal axis. This shows the great consideration to the importance of a mirror.

The need for a large mirror is so that the woman can see herself as she would look within a larger setting.

That is true. During the preening and makeup process, the woman will spend hours getting ready and looking beautiful. She will look at every facial imperfection, but in the end, the real issue is how she will look when it is all finished. That is the purpose of the vanity mirror.

Note that this main mirror is NOT the primary mirror. The vanity should have a smaller mirror, often with good lighting so that the woman can spend time working on the details of applying the makeup. There are all sorts of smaller makeup mirrors that serve this purpose. Some have built-in lights. While others have an enlargement mirror that enables really closeup views of the face.

Waterfall vanity
This vanity is referred to as a “waterfall vanity” from the 1920’s. Note the generous size of the mirror. The larger mirror allows the woman to see herself in “the larger picture”. It is, perhaps, the most important attribute of a vanity.

The best vanity mirrors, in my mind are 1.5 yards in diameter. (Roughly four feet.) If you have the room, an enormous mirror of two yards in diameter would be excellent. Though, often this is not possible simply because of the constraints of the room.

What ever you do, you want to avoid the vanity table that only has a singular small mirror. That is good for closeup and facial preening, but it is totally useless for the final and overall finished effect. If you have a smaller vanity table, then you will need to supplement it with a standing full-length mirror…

Vanity 2
Here is another vanity with a nice round mirror. It is not as fancy as the others, and very plain. Never the less, it has a space for shoes, five drawers and the ability for the woman to preen herself in all her glory.

But, the standing full-length mirror is a poor substitute. A woman needs to see HOW SHE LOOKS IN A ROOM.

A full-length mirror only shows the woman how she looks. She can see if her shoes match her outfit, or how her hair looks, or whether or not her outfit matches. The best mirror for a woman is a mirror that takes it all in. The woman can see how she looks in totality.

The Table Surface

The vanity needs to have a wide table top. Here the woman can place her beauty equipment, her masks, her facial cremes, her blushes, her eyeliners and her brushes in easy reach. The ideal vanity would be wide, but not so deep. Everything on the top surface would be easy to reach and would not fall off the side.

Three mirror vanity
Here is a three mirror vanity. Usually three mirror vanities have mirrors that can be placed at angles so the woman can see how she looks at different points of view. Personally, I don’t care for them, but they do exist, and there are many women who love these types of vanities.

Some surfaces have a nice wood finish, while others might have a velvet top or nice mat. It all depends on the person who is using the vanity. Usually, it should be big enough for some small pictures in frames of loved ones, children or pets.

Drawers and Storage

There should be one lockable drawer. The rest can be regular drawers to contain other elements that the woman might want to store. I say that the drawer should be lockable simply because everyone should be afforded privacy.

Sure, any police or criminal can easily break into the drawer, but the purpose of the lock is to prevent children from getting into personal belongings, a nosy neighbor who suddenly “needs to use your bathroom”, or inquisitive kids.

Remember, having privacy does not mean that someone has things to hide. It simply means that we are permitted our own space to do with it as we may without consideration from others.

Another beautiful vanity.
Here is another beautiful vanity. I love the woodwork, the clock and the enormous mirror. This is what a vanity is all about. Notice the center table surface. It is lower than the sides. Any bottles, or pictures placed there would not obstruct the mirror. Also take note of the space under the vanity to place ones’ feet. This is an absolutely beautiful vanity.

Under Storage

Underneath the vanity should be enough area for the woman to put her feet. Also, to kick off some shoes or other items so that they are comfortably placed.

Some women like to have a pillow under the vanity so that they could rest their feet on the pillow when they put the makeup on. Such as in the 70 year old vanity picture above.

The vanity is a womans’ space. It is designed solely for the comfort of a woman using it. When a woman is “getting ready” in front of the vanity, she should be relaxed and comfortable.

The Chair

The chair should be so that it is light with a very shallow or low back. The seat must be cushioned, and adornment is fine as long as it is tastefully done. In general, the woman should have a chair that matches the vanity. It should be easy to move around and match the overall tastes and styles of the woman who uses it. Some women prefer to use a piano stool, but I do not think that that is a good idea. I believe that the chair should fit the overall style of the vanity itself.

Typical chair for use with a vanity. This is a fine antique version that shows off the wonderful woodwork and carving details.

Why Women Need a Quality Vanity

I argue that both men and women NEED a personal place or space. In the American sitcom “Married with Children”, the father of the family treasured “his” bathroom in the basement. I have friends who have their own workshops or shed that are “theirs”. I am of the belief that we need to accept the importance of privacy in our own lives. We need to have our own spaces to take care of ourselves and relax in our own “personal space” free from interruption and concern.

Combing hair at a vanity.
Illustration of a woman brushing her hair at a vanity. These article of furniture are very important, and care must be exercised in their selection.

For the woman of a family, she is often kept quite busy with family responsibilities, the children and a multitude of other tasks. it is her time getting preened in front of the mirror that should be her little space…her little bit of time… her place where she can relax, center herself and devote all her attention on one thing, and one thing only; looking beautiful.


"My mom always had her own bathroom, vanity, and dressing area.  It was filled with things that fascinated me as a little girl. Things  that smelled nice and had fancy packaging. My dad also had his own area  consisting of a workshop and office. I was also fascinated with his area  and used to look inside of his toolboxes and ask him what all of these  odd-looking things were for.

Husband and I are the same way. I will not share a bathroom, closet, or dressing area with my husband and made it perfectly clear before we married. He has his personal space as well. I think this is extremely important in a marriage and contributes to overall harmony in the house. Men and women are different and complimentary. Everyone needs their own stuff and personal space for said stuff."

- grimalkin

Life is far too short to ignore the things that are important. If you are part of a traditional family, then you must take the time, the resources and the money to buy the best vanity that you can afford. It is important for the woman of the house.

It is the woman who will keep the household together in a wildly careening world. She must be given the necessary equipment to maintain the family unit to the best of her abilities. It is the responsibility of the man to recognize this fact, and to take action to make it happen.

Today we live in a world where everyone carelessly announces the desserts they eat, and what their favorite colors are to complete strangers. There are people, known as trolls, that make fun of these people, and find joyous abandon in making fun of everything they find on line. Yet the fact remains, we as people need some time alone. We need to compose ourselves and to gather our life about us. We need to define life on our terms. A pleasant space, and a moment of solitude can do wonders in this regard.

Oval mirror vanity.
Another antique vanity table and mirror. Note that this mirror is an oblong oval shape along the horizontal axis. It is perfect for the woman to get herself ready for the day.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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The Warning Signs that Government Collapse is Imminent

Ah. These are exciting times that we live in.

This article discusses a very uncomfortable point in time. That is when local, state and federal government is no longer in substantive control. It’s a transitional period. It is when one government style fails, and another one takes it’s place. Historically, it is a given development that eventually happens to all nations. All of them. Including the (virginal) United States.

We, as Americans, have never been in this situation.

Because, we and our parents have never experienced it, we think that it will never ever happen to us. As such we tend to laugh, make fun of, and disparage those that argue that it might. We call them “radical preppers”, “members of the tin-foil-hat army”, and “uni-bomber wanna-bes”. Other terms that come to mind include “fruit cake” and “bonkers”.

The argument is always like this;

“First of all, America is large, modern, and well managed. Societal collapse only happens to mismanaged tyrannies. It never happens to an advanced “democracy” like the United States.”

(Yes, I know that United States was formed as a Republic. Most Americans don’t know this. Which is why the statement is in quotations.)

“Second of all, the American people ARE the government. If their elected representatives fall in love with tyranny, the American people will vote them out of office. The American people are far too strong. They have guns. They (the government) will NEVER try to seize them. After all, the argument goes, “When they come to my front porch, I’ll teach them a lesson or two.”

The bravado is laudable.

The time is rapidly coming when we’re going to have to "open the ammo box".

And so what, exactly? Take them out of the box, shine them up, and put them back in the box? Because that is what's been happening for decades now. Conservative keep saying "don't cross this line in the sand", yet don't realize the cliff behind them is one more line in the sand away. Getting tired of all of this bragging about firing back when not one damn thing has been done since forever. 

- 4/23/2019, 10:40:46 AM by CatOwner

What is a “Collapse”

"...first, the French traffic fines are ubiquitous, and the government  has set the stage for this by ramping them up. The fines are very high:  $70 just for going as little as a single kilometer over the speed limit  on a first offense, and as the tourist boards show, oh, yes, they do  issue them – and hunt you into the grave to get them. They even fine  people for having red light camera-detectors – $32,000, two years' jail,  and three years' license suspension. They've also reduced the speed  limit, even in rural areas, where higher speeds are a necessity, to one  size fits all for geographically diverse, "246 kinds of cheese" France,  all in the name of "safety," or as the Brits would say, "your own  good..."

-American Thinker

The term “collapse” can mean many things. To some people it might mean [1] a scene out of a science fiction movie where there is a total breakdown in all governmental functions. Sort of like a scene from the television show “The Walking Dead”, so (in other words) a zombie movie.

Oh, it might seem all fun and games. But, the real deal will be anything but fun. Think of starvation, sleeping wet and cold with a high fever. Consider your friends and loved ones dead or dying. A real apocalypse will not be pretty.

Zombie movies are popular for many reasons. In it, the heroes or heroines try to survive in a world where the government has collapsed, and they must survive based on their wits and abilities.

To others [2] , it might mean that there is a revolution and a period of confusion where local, state and federal government services are disjointed and confused. Think of the French Revolution, or what happened to Nicolae Ceausescu,the dictator of Romania.

There are elements of progressive liberal socialists that are earnestly trying to foment this kind of revolutionary change. They have been weaned in the belief that they, somehow, will become in control. As if revolution is some kind of real-life first-person-shooter. It isn’t.

The Romanian Revolution.
FILE – In this file photo dated Saturday, Dec. 23, 1989, people stand on a armored carrier in the suburbs of Timisoara, Romania, during clashes between the army and pro-Ceausescu forces, as over 5000 people are reported killed in Timisoara during this week. Twenty-five years ago the people rose up against Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, executed him and set the country on a path to democracy. (AP Photo/Dusan Vranic, File)

To still others [3] it might mean the collapse in the stock market and a plummeting in the value of the US Dollar as a means of commerce.

Never a good thing, the United States has been artificially manipulated with a serious of “bubbles”. Sooner or later, these “bubbles” will need to contract. It will not be good for anyone, or any business tied to the stock market.

Stock Market Crash.
The feel-good times of the “Roaring 20’s” came to a screeching halt when the Stock Market crashed. Since that date, the market has crashed and reset numerous times. How well it will influence the general population depends a lot on it’s apparent influence.

There is a great deal of variation on what a “collapse” is depending on your social status, your financial situation, your geographical region, and your source of income. Therefore, to be inclusive, I use this term here very broadly.

  • It is a [1] period of “discomfort” where the established “normal” way of life is altered in some fashion. It is altered because the government is undergoing a change or revision of some sort.
  • This will be accompanied with [2] either a loss of possessions, Rights or abilities, and / or an increase in restrictions of some form or the other.
  • Finally, it will include [3] a defanging of the population in some manner. Whether it is the outlawing of weapons, the rewriting of the second amendment or some kind of rule(s) that make it difficult for the American citizen to redress any kind of grievances. This will be especially true when fraud, deception and crimes make the Constitutionally prescribed avenues of redress insignificant.
Kevin D. Williamson: They watched crimes being committed and did nothing.
Madeleine Kearns: How do the police balance peacekeeping with First Amendment rights?
Kevin D. Williamson: There isn’t anything unpeaceable about the exercise of First Amendment rights. I don’t care for mass protests myself — a large crowd of people all facing one direction and chanting seems to me more properly part of a religious exercise than a political one. But if that’s your thing, then by all means go and bark at the moon. But when people start blocking traffic, pounding on the hoods of cars, damaging property, committing assaults, that’s a different thing. And I don’t think there’s really much of a First Amendment issue presented by policing ordinary crime when that crime happens in the course of a political action.

-Antifa Exposed

The “collapse” will be a period of great discomfort for the bulk of Americans.

Depending on your circumstances, you might find anything from progressive socialists unhappy that they cannot get their moca-frappa-latte at Starbucks, to suburban white families starving in the streets. The “collapse” will mean different things for different people. It’s up to you, the reader, to ascertain what it will mean for you and your family.

A notorious, vicious drunk, Johnson had himself filmed as he ordered his men to torture Doe. While he sat behind a desk with two open cans of Budweiser beer, a young woman fanning him from behind, Johnson ordered his men to strip Doe. The portly president kneeled before Johnson in his underwear, quivering, sobbing, begging. Johnson’s men hacked off his ears. Blood poured down his torso. Doe’s body was later found dumped outside a medical clinic. 

Firestone and the Warlord

The “Event”

Based upon history, the resolution will not be based on compromise, civility, reason, or peaceful means. The combustible combination of unpayable debt, civic anarchy, and global chaos are set to detonate, creating an era of maximum darkness, death, destruction, and decisions.  

Making America Great Again will require personal sacrifice, dreadful choices, survival skills, intelligent decisions, and the courage to win at all costs.

-2019 from a Fourth Turning perspective.

What I refer to as “the collapse” goes by different terms and conventions depending who you might talk to. Some call this “The Fourth Turning” which refers to the theory of generational change. Others refer to this in a more visceral way, referring to it as the SHTF (The Shit hits The Fan.). Still others simply refer to this as “The Collapse”, or “The Event”. Other terms include…

  • The Collapse
  • A Generational Reset
  • A Revolution of the People
  • A Restructuring of Society
  • The Event
  • The Fourth Turning
  • SHTF

For Americans, there will not be any clear and defined point in time when The Event happens. In general, that will be the point in time when the government goes blatantly rogue. The key word here is “blatantly”.

  • I argue that this will occur when the FBI becomes autonomous and tries to seize control of the government.
  • I argue that this will occur when the Judges will become obstacles to normal government operations.
  • I argue that this will occur when the election system is so broken that widespread fraud is reported without consequence in the media and zero action is taken to correct it.
  • I argue that this is a point in time when seditious activities are not only discussed openly, but applauded as future events.

I argue that WE ARE THERE now.

You are here.
General graph of the state of transition of events prior to a major reset. I argue that we are close enough to The Event that we can consider ourselves near to the danger zone. Now is the time to make preparations, what ever you might believe necessary to secure your standard of living, your family and your resources.

However, others disagree. They point out that the ballot harvesting to change the vote tallies in California (and flip 40 some districts) is inconsequential. They argue that it is fine to have an FBI conducting a coup against the President. They suggest that when SHTF occurs they will know about it. They suggest that the stock market is the true and ONLY indicator of The Event.


>>This isn’t merely a question for Trump supporters, but for  anyone who still thinks that a political system that isn’t completely  run by thugs, with only a simulacrum of democracy as window dressing, is  something worth trying to maintain and improve. <<

It is a fool’s errand to attempt to save the Union. The ideological gap between left and right is far to wide to ever bridge. They are polar opposites.

The best we can hope for is an amicable split. Fredrick Douglas wondered if the US is just to large an area to be governed by one central government in Washington. It is, a “one size fits all” system is not working

The sooner the majority of people in this country realize that and start the process of diving the nation in a peaceful manner, the better. Otherwise, we will continue our slow decent into hell.

- Posted HERE at1/27/2019, 7:44:54 AM by Tejas Rob

I argue that The Event will not be televised. I argue that CNN will not have discussion boards of “experts” debating back and forth about the implications of “The Event”. I argue that many things are going on in secret and behind the scenes, and the bulk of Americans will be unaware of what is going on until it is too late.

The ruling class will not accept the outcome of any presidential  election it does not win. Trump notwithstanding, this class will rule as  it has in the past three years. So long as its hold on American  institutions continues to grow, and they retain millions of clients,  elections won’t really matter. Our country is in a state of revolution,  irreversibly, because society’s most influential people have retreated  into moral autarchy, have seceded from America’s constitutional order,  and because they browbeat their socio-political adversaries instead of  trying to persuade them. Theirs is not a choice that can be reversed.  Our ultimate objective is peace, but what kind of peace we may get  depends on the extent to which we may compel our enemies to leave us in  peace. And for that, we must do unto them more and before they do unto  us. 


I argue that this upcoming event was long planned, and while the timeline is offset by the election of Donald Trump, the process and procedure is still in place. Some elements have advanced, and some were stymied. Never the less, the event will go as planned.

“During every stage, the process of imposing tyranny by stealth is  cloaked with a veneer of bogus legality. But thanks to the vision and  wisdom of our founding fathers, our liberty has two clear and  unbreakable lines of defense: the First and Second Amendments.”

-Bracken: Covington Gives a Glimpse of Civil War Two

A Long Drawn-Out Process

I actually read the EU Constitution once...out of curiosity. I  wondered how ours can be so short, and if followed, is a remarkable  instrument. 

So when I read it, I was appalled at it. 

It is written in  legalese, and panders to nearly every damn protected group.
It is a body of unelected bureaucrats. 

When I heard that the UK was  going to leave it, I was elated because most people there don’t realize  what a bullet missed them if they do manage to withdraw. But I think they won’t. They have their own deep state as well.

- 1/13/2019, 2:42:54 PM by rlmorel 

So far it has been a very slow and long drawn out process.

We have become acclimatized to the idea that it is “normal” for our government to be rogue. While there is an obvious “deep state”, and an obvious state of political corruption, there still remains elements of the government that (at least on the surface) maintain the form of decorum and principle. Some.

Bill of Rights
President Obama had no qualms in redefining the Rights of man. He was supposedly a “Legal Scholar”, but his understanding of the basic ideas that the nation was founded upon were laughingly missing. What is the point in having a Bill of Rights when they are not enforced, and guarded by those in government. Obviously something is amiss.

It’s all “crazy talk”

With the declarations of sanctuary, the governor of California has already seceeded.

The President should invade California with US Army troops, capture the entire government and downgrade the state to federally controlled Territorial status. In so doing, the entire congressional and senate delegations would cease to exist. The territorial border can be placed under firm military control .

- Opening the Floodgates of Secession 1/26/2019, 10:35:00 PM comment 29 of 39

As such, we have become acclimatized and accustomed to the government being dysfunctional. Just like we think nothing of getting undressed to board a airplane, pissing in a cup to get a job, or giving out our social security number to every Tom, Dick and Harry that asks for it. We, for the most part, have truly forgotten the foundational principles of liberty that America was founded upon.

  • We could speak our minds.
  • We could defend ourselves, our families, and our livelihood.
  • We we free of taxation.
  • Our personal matters were private, and kept that way.
  • We never had to change our behaviors for any reason.
  • We never had to report to any government official.
  • We were never forced to buy or purchase anything.

The “good old days” are now gone. We are currently in a transitional nightmare as our Republic barrels down headlong towards a tyrannical progressive socialist dictatorship.

The Big Event.
The FBI’s Peter Strzok planned a coup against the elected President. This was all recorded by the NSA. He viewed the idea that the people could vote in their elected officials to be dangerous, and that he and others in the “shadow government” could unseat the president. They would then operate the reigns of the government from behind the scenes as what was proper and right (in his mind).

As such, there are elements within government, and their political circles, that want to continue this process and exacerbate it to a fruitful (to them) conclusion. They look forward to the day when they have full aristocratic control of the reigns of power over Americans. They look forward to the day when the populace can be disarmed like the Australians or the Brits, and then implement the (already planned) policies that will merge America into a borderless global “utopia”.

One, of course, ruled by them. And, of course, where everyone else is absolutely and positively controlled by them.

Trump also speaks for the working class dismissed by Democrats as the “Trump Deplorables.”  It  is the working class that has paid for “globalism” and trade deals by  having their jobs given to foreigners. 

The way America is ruled, it  benefits the One Percent with crumbs spilling down to the top 10  percent.  No one else benefits.  

Trump is a multi-billionaire who  aligned with working Americans. That’s how he got elected. I remember  driving through working class neighborhoods and seeing only Trump signs.  That’s  when I knew he would be elected. 

The Democrats have abandoned the  working class and the poor for Wall Street money. Bill Clinton and  Hillary showed them the way. 

- Paul Craig Roberts

To them, they see various elements of success in other nations. They note how easy it was to disarm Australians and Brits. They note how difficult it is for Britain to leave the EU. They note how Brussels has control over other NATO signed nations and are doing things that their civilian population loathe. They are emboldened by this knowledge.

Australian firearm turn in
There was a time when all Australians could own firearms. Then the government banned the guns “for the children”. Initially, they offered voluntary collection and turn-in programs. Here are some firearms turned in by an aged grandmother after her husband died.

The End Game

Now, what will happen, the one thing that just about everyone can agree upon, is there will be a point in time when the government “takes charge“. This point in time will mean different things depending on the philosophy of the people yearning for it.

  • To the Conservatives, this means when the Constitution will be followed. The American people would get their Rights returned back to them. The government would greatly shrink in size, the taxes would decrease and the global endless series of wars would end. To many conservative, it seemed like the election of Donald Trump would be the start of a long process where this could actually reverse centuries of corruption.
  • To the Progressive Socialists, this means when a (parental) socialist government rewrites the Constitution. A “nanny state” would control all the citizenry in benevolence. They would tell us what to eat, how to dress, how to act and how to behave. The rulers would be perfect and benevolent. In their minds they see Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders as leading this effort. They see them handing out favors to “the blessed ones”, and dishing out punishments to those undeserving.
Line up arrest.
Here is a mass arrest in Russia. Why does everyone think it cannot happen in America? Certainly we have democrat elected officials openly calling for mass arrests of “deplorables”, they are calling for civil strife, and public attacks.
A black uprising led by Kanye West has struck fear into the hearts of  Democrats, giving them further incentive to keeping the southern border  open to new Democrat voters.  With gun grabbing liberal politicians  attempting to disarm the deplorables in flyover country, while  supporting antifa and black lives matter terrorists, and thwarting  efforts to keep criminals and terrorists from illegally entering the  country, a violent showdown is inevitable.

-2019 from a Fourth Turning perspective.
  • In the case of the Tyrannical Progressive Left, this means when the Bill of Rights is no longer considered an obstacle to the desires of those in power. It would be destroyed and in it’s place would be a Bill of Privileges that are things granted tot he citizens by the ruling elite. They hold a very dangerous and radical agenda that is in alignment with Pol Pot, and views the actions of Hitler and Stalin to be amateurish.
Nazi arresting Jews
When the progressive liberals came to power in Germany, they called themselves Nazi’s. They then identified their enemies. Today we call them “deplorables”, but for the Nazi’s they called them the undesirables, and that included a wide range of people.
On the more normal political front, I spoke with a local union leader  who gave me some pretty good insight on how the Trump phenomenon had  radicalized her membership. The thing about places like Portland and San  Francisco is that they aren’t nice. They have a reputation for being wooly and hippieish and silly, but they are in fact very angry  places, full of very angry people. They are also highly segregated places in ways that the South and Southwest really aren’t. Angry white people with money make the world go ’round, apparently.

-Antifa Exposed

We can see this happening all around us… in little drips and dabs, depending on what is reported to us and what isn’t. The Bill of Rights has been so rewritten to be nearly meaningless to the average American citizen…

  • Political Correctness is an affront to the First Amendment.
  • Every “Gun Control” bill is an affront to the Second Amendment.
  • Even the Third Amendment is under assault. And the judges now say that it is not a Personal Right.  Maybe they should read the preamble to the Bill of Rights.
  • They say that “No Knock Raids” do not violate the Fourth Amendment…

Etc. Etc. Etc…

The Tattered Constitution

Madeleine Kearns: You’ve written that Portland’s mayor is partly responsible. In terms of policy — what do you think could be done?
Kevin D. Williamson: He might consider asking the police officers who work for him to enforce the law.
Madeleine Kearns: In what way were the anti-fascist protesters you saw fascists?
Kevin D. Williamson: They are the American Left’s answer to the Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale, down to the penchant for black shirts. They perform the same function: using violence and intimidation to silence political opposition and to terrorize the political opposition. “Fascist” is a notoriously difficult word to define, but they are as close to a textbook case as you are going to find.
Madeleine Kearns: You write that their “idol is the proletariat rather than the nation.” Could you please unpack that?
Kevin D. Williamson: Utopian political movements — and all totalitarian movements are basically utopian — love the world, except for all the people in it. They all are antiliberal and they all seek to degrade the individual and individualism. Their liturgy requires an object of adoration, and it’s usually the same object: the People, or, as American populists like to put it, We the People. For traditional nationalists, it’s the Nation in abstract and idealized form; for socialists, it’s always been the proletariat, who apparently are the only people included in the People. If you’re acting in the name of the People, you can brutalize persons. The interests of the People require a gulag, the interests of the People require a death camp, and if the people have to suffer for the People, then so be it.

-Antifa Exposed

All of these events, these terrible terrible events that we are tired hearing about, and which anger us so are really just symptoms. They are just a multitude of small bites, snips, nips and tears at the Constitution. It has been going on for a very long time, and while many people are aware of it, and frustrated by it, we prefer to believe that the bare bones of the Constitution will still remain intact.

It is like an army of little “piranha fish” are tearing the very fabric of the Constitution and doing so unopposed. Our elected officials either support their efforts, or shiver under their desks in fear.

We believe that all these little nips and tears at the fabric of the Constitution will either eventually end, out of exhaustion, or maybe some strong lawman might step in and take control. Maybe some day, we all collectively hope.

Well, I hate to bust your collective bubble. It’s not going to happen.

What will happen is that there will be a point in time that the “piranha fish” that are tearing at the Constitution will eventually hit the bare bones, the fundamental bedrock of the Constitution. There will be no meat left, and only one final step will need to take place.

That final step will require a bigger fish with the jaws that can break up the bones into tiny bite sized pieces. This bigger “fish” must make it’s appearance. For all the actions and activities of the progressive left are counting on this big fish event.

The Handover

Now, that being said, the big turning point will be when there are [1] organized door-to-door collections of either firearms or firearm accessories.

Other elements that we can look forward to, in prelude to this collection activity will include; [2] Laws for registration of firearms, [3] laws for collection of selected ammo, or firearm parts, [4] registration of guns or their owners and of course [5] the mainstream blanket reporting supporting the collection of firearms.

It is already happening…

Two police officers ordered to remove firearms from a house on a “red flag” protective order fatally shot an armed man Monday morning in Ferndale, Maryland, police said.

Anne Arundel County Police arrived at the house at 5:17 a.m. to remove guns from the home. This was under a new law that allows for the seizure of firearms if a person shows “red flags” that they are a danger to themselves or others.

- November 2018. The Baltimore Sun. More information can be found HERE.

Already there are articles and articles supporting that notion that disarming people makes for a more peaceful world. Such as this nonsense from VOX. Aside from the onslaught of propaganda, there are many people who actually believe that disarming people, and letting the “government” take “parental-style” control over everything will bring about paradise.

Progressive Liberal socialist utopia.
Many followers of the progressive liberal socialist dream actually believe that a utopia can be achieved. Their understanding of how the universe, the world, culture and society is forged upon distortions, thus creating this imagined perfection that they actually believe is attainable.
A New Jersey law that makes it a felony to possess a gun magazine capable of holding over 10 rounds of ammunition is now active. This wildly unconstitutional law instantly criminalizes hundreds of thousands of New Jersey citizens who legally acquired normal capacity firearms magazines — which include 17-round pistol magazines and 30-round rifle magazines — as tools of self-defense against the very same violent criminals that are protected by the Democrats who passed the gun magazine ban.

Now, the New Jersey State Police have told Breitbart News they won’t rule out “house-to-house enforcement” of the new magazine ban, meaning they plan to conduct house-to-house arrests and gun magazine confiscations. These Nazi-style anti-gun operations will, of course, be carried out at gunpoint, further underscoring the entire purpose of the Second Amendment and the need for citizens to arm themselves with 30-round magazines to defend against government tyranny.

“Breitbart News contacted New Jersey State Police on Monday to ask how they planned to enforce the newly enacted ban,” reports “The NJ State Police refused to rule out house-to-house checks. Rather, they responded: ‘We do not discuss enforcement strategies.’”

The very reason citizens need 30-round magazines is because the government wants to use coercion and the threat of violence to take away their legally-acquired firearms and magazines. If citizens surrender 30-round magazines, the next step will be New Jersey banning all magazines, followed by the banning of all semi-automatic firearms. Almost overnight, citizens of New Jersey will find themselves living under an authoritarian regime of pure tyranny and lawlessness… with no means to defend themselves against the state, which will then have a monopoly on effective firearms.
This is a repeat of Nazi Germany, which disarmed the Jews before mass murdering six million of them.

It’s so much easier to murder people, after all, when the government disarms them first. And anyone going along with the disarmament is signing their own death warrant.

Mike Adams
Natural News
December 13, 2018

Collection Leadership

Those owning the last obstacle to tyrannical control; firearms will be defied and spoken of in the pejorative.

This has been going on for decades, and there is a systematic process that is being honed every few years using “crisis actors”, a easily controlled media, and selective reporting. Today, an event and an anti-gun narrative can be concocted at the flip of a switch.

Remember, boys and girls, the monied elite; the oligarchy has everything all planned out. They fund the politicians and the insurgents. Certainly you can recall this, can’t you…

ISIS CIA convoy
The ISIS was fully funded by American tax dollars through the CIA. Evidence is highly suggestive that it was part of a larger plan orchestrated by Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton to establish a socialist Arab enclave in the Mid-East fully funded and aligned with their own interests. This all fell apart when Donald Trump was elected President. The point here is that the oligarchy will fund and establish military units to go against American citizens.

It’s all planned.

These events have been planned years ahead of time. When things do not go the way as planned, other elements already in place, still must proceed. The result being a very odd juxtaposition of mainstream media confusion and a bid thud in the people’s reaction.

Do not be under the impression that the 2017 Las Vegas shooting was random. It wasn’t. It was planned months earlier, if not years. There is ALWAYS a mass shooting within the first six months of a Democrat Presidents election. It happened with Bill Clinton, it happened with Barrack Obama, and it was planned for Hillary Clinton. In this case it was a “dud”, as she wasn’t elected. Donald Trump was elected President instead.

However, in 2017, with Donald Trump as president, only half of the anti-gun “machine” could be actuated.

In Australia, it was the "Port Arthur rampage" which prompted a severe crackdown on firearms that saw more than 640,000 weapons turned in to authorities.  The Australian government subsequently introduced the National Firearms  Agreement — legislation that outlawed automatic and semi-automatic  rifles, as well as pump-action shotguns. A nationwide gun buyback scheme  also saw more than 640,000 weapons turned in to authorities.  

This is a reminder for those of you who still don’t “get it”. Those who are in positions of power in the Untied States have got there, not by luck, but being skilled in the means of deception. They are experts at deceit. They will do [1] what ever is necessary, and [2] use enormous piles of money, [3] mass group manipulation, [4] laws, and [5] states of emergency to disarm Americans.

This is because an armed populace is the only thing that is really stopping them from complete and total control.

Collecting the dissidents.
Once the people are disarmed, it is much easier to control them. Today, people can be threatened and forced into compliance with a barbed wire of rules and regulations. However, there STILL is the threat that they will shot back. Until that threat is eliminated, the socialists are hesitant in implementation of their “final solution” against deplorables.

(It seems kind of silly, doesn’t it? I mean, don’t they all have enough riches and wealth already? Don’t they have enough power already? What more power could they ever possibly want or even need? – But that’s not the issue is it. Greed, and power are vices that can never be satiated, or satisfied.)

There has been a long-term effort by “the powers that be” to disarm Americans. They are active in both political parties, with a near-complete stranglehold in the Democratic party. Thus, whenever a Democratic President is elected a system of events converge to create a favorable environment for total and complete gun confiscation.

President Obama crying that he cannot take guns away from innocent citizens. Never the less, he wrote execute orders and enacted efforts to make access to ammo and weapons to be very difficult for American citizens while equipping all Federal agencies with military grade hardware.

The election of Hillary Clinton was to have solidified the anti-gun movement and resulted in the destruction of the second amendment. With an immediate effort to seize all privately owned firearms.

The plan was to have a virtual smorgasbord of firearms involved in the shooting, thus the effort would be to have a wide swath of firearms banned from public access. (Ah, certainly the reader can remember the wide selection of firearms that the shooter had amassed, both at home and the 24 planned-to-be-banned weapons in his hotel room? The “talking heads” openly wondered aloud why he carried so many firearms up to the hotel room with him. When the reality is that it would support a wide-ranging and all-inclusive gun-ban narrative that was set up and in place prior to launch.)

Poor Hillary Clinton. Plans don't always work out the way they were planned. Hillary Clinton should well take solace in the Beer Hall Putsch.

The Beer Hall Putsch was a failed coup d'état that occurred on November 9, 1923, when the Nazi party's leader Adolf Hitler, the popular World War I General Erich Ludendorff, and other leaders of the Kampfbund, unsuccessfully tried to gain power in Munich, Bavaria, and Germany.

While I have no idea how this was supposed to manifest, I strongly suspect that it involved a liberal leaning supreme court. One that would be put in place by Hillary Clinton.

Thus, it was expected that the Supreme Court would rule that the second amendment was not an “individual right”, but rather a “right of government”. As bastardized as this would be, this is how I think it was supposed to manifest.

Supreme court justice Ginsberg.
Supreme court justice Ginsberg is dedicated into turning America into a socialist nations much like the former Communist Russia or China under Mr. Mao. This is her life-long goal and will work on this goal until she dies.

Donald Trump’s Election only postponed the banning of firearms

I hate to break this news to you all, but history is pretty darn clear on this. When the oligarchy wants something done, they will push and push until it is accomplished. As such, let me tell you this. They WILL disarm Americans. At least most Americans. It might not happen this week, or next month, but it will happen.

The next Democrat President, no matter what they promise, will effectively ban the private citizen ownership of firearms.

Firearm collection and banning WILL happen in the United States.

In case I am not clear, I will repeat. You might want to believe that you can stand your ground. You might think that you have inalienable Rights. You might think that you have the law on your side. You might think all of this.

The reality is not like some rock-music video “when the bullet hits the bone”, but rather when the polite police man tells you to turn around and put your hands behind your back. He will tell you to turn your wrists to make it easier to put the icy cold stainless-steel handcuffs on. Or he might use wire-ties if they are going to stop at multiple houses.

Mass grave.
Do not think that in today’s “modern” and “enlightened” society that we are beyond mass genocide against a particular race, or group of people. Here are people who were seized out of their homes at the dead of night by militarized police (the Federal Police), handcuffed with wire-ties and then killed and dumped in a mass grave. What? You think America can’t relive the Bosina experience?

You won’t dash back into your house to grab your .30-30, or .303. It won’t be a scene from “The Walking Dead”, or an event where you will act like 007 or Jason Bourne. Nope. As soon as you step outside your front door, armored military vehicles will swarm all over your property.

They will tear up your rose bushes, knock down your shrubs, and block your access out of the driveway. There will be snipers and secondary SWAT team members at the rear of your house, and they will tumble out of the vehicles wearing black, with armor and Kevlar vests. They will have fully automatic weapons, wear combat helmets, and will be pointing the weapons at you and your family.

If your dog starts barking, or leaps at them, it will be killed. Your children will start crying, and everyone will be on edge. Oh sure, they will have a warrant, though they really don’t need it. It’s all a formality, anyways…

DHS vehicle
The DHS is well armed with military grade vehicles, and armor. They are trained to fight on American soil. The Obama administration has been setting up the stages for an armed conflict of Americans against Americans.

The Rulers think differently than the rabble

Firstly, you need to unlearn all what you have read about in History and Civics class. The Constitution and the Government only works in certain ways depending on who runs it.

Today we have a massive “deep state” that operate in ways beneficial for the state apparatus and the oligarchy that control their leadership. What the Constitution says and what you have learned is meaningless.

Female deplorables.
When the progressive liberal socialists came to power in Germany, they called themselves Nazi’s. One of the first things that they did was start collecting “undesirables” and sending them off to camps “for their own safety”. There they worked under grueling conditions, and many died.

Many rulers, once they get the strings of power interpret the Constitution to their own personal benefit. This is a basic fact, one that the founders of the United States recognized, but one that we the people have forgotten. Leaders interpret the Constitution however they want it to be used. It’s not just American political leadership that does this, but foreign leaders as well.

Consider Hitler. So did Idi Amin. So does Nicolás Maduro Moros in Venezuela. So does Cyril Ramaphosa in South Africa. What do they all have in common?

The law is what ever they say it is.

When a new prisoner arrived at Ravensbrück she was required to wear a colour-coded triangle (a winkel)  that identified her by category, with a letter sewn within the triangle  indicating the prisoner’s nationality. 

For example, Polish women wore red triangles, denoting a political prisoner, with a letter “P”. (By 1942, Polish women became the largest national component at the camp.)

Soviet prisoners of war, and German and Austrian Communists also wore red triangles; common criminals wore green triangles; and Jehovah’s Witnesses were labelled with lavender triangles.

Prostitutes, Gypsies, lesbians, or women who refused to marry were classified separately, with black triangles. Jewish women wore yellow triangles but sometimes, unlike the other prisoners, they wore a second triangle for the other categories.


When they come to power, and they say that there is a new law that takes away guns, and right or wrong, they will disarm you. They will. And you might not want to face that fact, but they will do so. If you show the slightest hesitation they will kill you and your family.

Mass grave.
Mass graves like this are common all over the world. They are what happens once there is a change in government and a new government takes charge.

And you, yes YOU, will cringe in supplication as you hand over your firearms, your ammo, your prized memorabilia to the well-armed SWAT team dressed in black that has a .50 cal machine gun pointed at your family.

They will take them.

And you, out of the concern for your loved ones, will hand them all over.

Know your history 1
In the 1930’s the German progressive-liberal socialist government (the Nazi’s) ordered the registration and then the collection of all firearms. Then less than a decade later they started rounding up certain classes and groups of people to “protect” them. These people were taken to “safe areas” known as reservations and camps. There they were killed in mass.

Gun Confiscation will be the LAST warning sign

It will not be the first. It will not be the only one. Yes, it will not be the only warning sign.

In fact, during the time of collection, the economy will still be humming along. The news papers will still talk about the latest political scandals (of a trivial nature of course), and people will still be watching the movies out of Hollywood. It will seem like an ordinary day.

Any armed resistance to the confiscation efforts will NOT be reported. If anything, they will be under-reported by alternative media and labeled as tin-foil-hat conspiracy stuff, if not blanket shadow-banned by the software conglomerates.

Tin foil hat
Alex Jones of infowars dons a tin-foil hat to make a point. During the mass purge of firearms and the suppression of individual rights in the United States, anyone not following the “official” government policy lines will be branded a tin-foil-hat conspirator.

What the collection of the guns and weapons will do, however is enable to the government to stop propping up some unfavorable (to them, in leadership positions of power) politically-dangerous positions. They will no longer need to hold various policy positions. They will no longer need to give lip-service to certain programs or actions, or even rules of law. They will be free to implement their long-kept secret plans…

These plans were kept secret for a series of reasons.

Typically they are because they would be unpopular, but also because they would be anti-Constitutional. Thus, with the population disarmed, they could implement their full intended agenda. They will then start to announce very unpopular actions, rules, laws, and policies. These polices, rules and laws will be obviously anti-Constitutional.

They will start to implement these polices rapidly, and quickly.

Ravensbrück was the only major women’s concentration camp during  World War II, located in northern Germany, 90 km north of Berlin at a  site near the village of Ravensbrück.

Construction of the camp began in November 1938 by the order of the SS leader Heinrich Himmler and was unusual in that the camp was intended to hold exclusively female inmates. The facility opened in May 1939 and underwent major expansion following the invasion of Poland. Between 1939 and 1945, some 130,000 to 132,000 female prisoners passed through the Ravensbrück camp system; around 40,000 were Polish and 26,000 were Jewish from all countries including Germany,18,800 Russian; 8,000 French, and 1,000 Dutch.

According to Encyclopædia Britannica, about 50,000 of them perished from disease, starvation, overwork and despair; some 2,200 were killed in the gas chambers.

Only 15,000 of the total survived until liberation. According to Britannica, on 29–30 April 1945 some 3,500 female prisoners were still alive in the main camp. Although the inmates came from every country in German-occupied Europe, the largest single national group incarcerated in the camp consisted of Polish women.

- Ravensbrück

Within a half of a year, once the policies are enacted, various segments of society will start to fall apart. I cannot predict what will happen to the “neck of the woods” where the reader lives. As the collapse will be gradual… it will be regional… and it will be under-reported.

I will stress… it will be under-reported, if reported at all.

Revolutions are ugly. This is a scene in Monrovia in August 1990. There is nothing fun or enjoyable about violence. You need to win, losing is unacceptable. If you lose, you WILL die.

A Period of Discomfort

In my understanding, there will be some periods of discomfort in the United States. It should peak in the middle 2020’s and be resolved by 2030 or so. So, we can expect a climax to this current Crisis sometime in the 2025 range. The question for us, at this time, is what events will transpire between 2019 and 2025 (the six years) before a climax is reached.

The level of discomfort will vary from person to person depending on where they live, their support network, and their degree of preparation.

Of course, what do I know? I am often wrong, and I have made mistakes. I am sure that at any time now, the progressive liberal socialists might mellow out and have a breather. They might calm down and stop their attacks on president Trump, mitigate their politically correct arguments, and take a step backwards from their more radical elements.

They might, you know. It is a possibility.

I however am not discussing the world of rainbows, and prancing unicorns in fields of lollipops and free “medical” marijuana for everyone. No, I am discussing what happens when the worst fears actually materialize. I am discussing what MIGHT happen.

Wounded Knee
When the Army ordered the Sioux to give up their weapons, one Native American fired his weapon, and the army fired back…… Sioux were killed.

This period of discomfort might vary from person to person. I rather doubt that everyone would experience the same level of discomfort.

For some, it might mean only that the value of their stocks have decreased. For others, it might mean that they might have to alter their way of life as their standard of living has changed. Some people and families might find that it is more difficult to drive around in their cars. Others might discover that their favorite foods are more difficult to obtain. Still others might discover that there just isn’t any work, or that the social-support functions of government has collapsed.

Yet, and for others, it might mean something quite grim.

These kinds of societal evolution can get very ugly. We know what happened during the purges by Stalin in the Soviet Union, we know what happened during the American civil war. We know what happened when Mr. Mao came to power in China. We know what happened in Bosnia. We well remember the French Revolution.

Venezuela unrest
Venezuela unrest. When the government failed to provide the basic needs of the population, they started to complain and ask that things would get taken cared of. The government reaction was a show of military and police and a brutal crackdown on the civilian population.

Here we look at the grim side of change.

In the United States, there are forces that are pumping money and chomping at the bit for radical change. Unless some real substantive action takes place, and does so quickly, there will be some difficult times ahead.

Described in detail here…

My Advice

I do not know the future. I only know about trends. From where I sit, I can easily see and forecast a confluence of events. I advise prudence and firstly, [1] suggest the reader to plan a long-term strategy to leave any progressive-socialist strongholds that they might (presently) unfortunately live within. This might require a job or career change. This might require a downsizing of possessions and housing. This will require a change in lifestyle. While initially discomforting, it will be advantageous in the longer term.

Since, any major governmental related crisis will probably involve the defanging of the population, and would advise steps be taken to minimize the governmental neutering of you and your family. To this end, I also suggest [2] during your relocation obtain weapons that the government cannot confiscate. As they will have no knowledge of them.

These weapons should be practical, and they should be something that you are trained and skilled in using. Hopefully they will never be needed. However, you should plan on using it against intruders at close range, firstly. In this regard, a 10 ga shotgun is preferable to a .303 scoped rifle. A 30 round SLS or AK-47 clone would be preferable to a match-grade .22 long rifle. You might also want to have a weapon that can use the same kind of ammo that state police, and the DHS use.

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have  been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make  an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to  say good-bye to his family? 

Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...

The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!

If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Learn from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. They permitted the government to take them away from their families, take away their freedom and destroy their lives because they relied on the news media to report on the actions of the government. Don’t make the same mistake.

The Event will NOT BE REPORTED.

You will more than likely be unprepared for the SHTF when it occurs. There will not be a Paul Revere galloping from house to house warning you. It will hit you and your family by surprise.

The “bullet won’t hit the bone”, you will be in wireties before you realize what is going on.

Too late.
You and your family will be in wireties before you know what is going on. Your will not be protected by your Rights. You will not have a chance to fight, shoot back, or run. The time to do that is NOW. When the police are there in your neighborhood it will be too late.

Thirdly [3], hide and secure these weapons. Tell no one where they are. Not your spouse, or your children. They (your family members) will tend to place confidence in friends and associates without the realization how deadly serious this issue can be. Only YOU, and you alone, will know the location. Again, tell NO ONE that you have any weapons hidden. It is a secret that you cannot share with anyone.

Militarized police
The government has militarized all sorts of federal agencies with military equipment, weapons and vehicles. They are to be used against Americans on American soil. Credit for the image from

For storage, I would suggest packing them in grease and then placing them in sturdy PPT packaging and burying them. Place ammo (and a reloading kit) nearby. The idea is to recover them after the bulk of the citizenry is disarmed.

Storage containers.
Here are some storage cases that can be found in Army and Navy stores, and sportsman’s supply outlets. However, you do not need to use these containers, if they are not available. You can purchase used 55 gallon drums, clean them out and use them. Just make sure that they are sealed tight. You can also make sure that they are waterproof by coating all the edges with mobile home roofing tar, or plain ordinary tar. What ever you do, you must bury these items in secret, and make sure that they cannot be discovered accidentally by a utility repairman, a housing inspector or a utility road crew. Be surreptitious.

The police, the federal police, and others are trained to search for hidden things. Expect them to ASSUME that you will have some weapons hidden. If you have a history of being a gun collector or one who has an internet history related to prepping or survival, they will start to look for your buried cache. I don’t know what to say about that. Though, a “sacrificial” decoy cache might be a consideration.

As a friendly suggestion, no one ever goes into electrical substations. Whether they are active or inactive. I had a friend who once had a problem with people climbing over his fence and messing with the collection buckets for his maple syrup. So, he started to put “Danger High Voltage” signs all over his property, and layed thick cable here and there. Since then, no one would dare tresspass.

Note that most people would tend to ignore a cement wall, or cesspool, or cemented over driveway.

Electrical substation.
If you want to hide something, then hide it in plain sight. Something like an unused electrical substation, or a cement pillar or foundation might be a good place to pace your cache.

Finally [4], tell no one about your plans, or why you relocate. No one will agree with you or believe you. Just move to a safer area and tell others that the reason was economic. Do not tell them about your worries. Tell others that you are moving for a better life. Most people will accept this as a valid excuse. In general, heed my advice, AVOID urban areas.

Now is the time to prepare. Not after things start to really go downhill. I pray. I hope. I wish that things will never get as bad as I warn against. However, history says otherwise.

Do not forget the Holocaust. The progresive liberal socialists, as much as they claim to hate Nazi's, actually want to implement their policies.
Do not forget the Holocaust. The progressive liberal socialists, as much as they claim to hate Nazi’s, actually want to implement their policies.

The Core Article

This article was inspired and based upon the writings of a Mr. Selco from Venezuela. They come from his article titled ” These are the signs the SHTF are real“. Yes, I know, Venezuela is not Hattiesburg, Mississippi or Framingham, Massachusetts. However, he is relating events that occurred recently when the progressive socialist government effectively disarmed the populace and started implementing their own brutal policies.

So while his experiences represent another nation, another society and another culture, the reader should pay attention. People are people. Nations follow basic rules of ascendancy and decline, and politicians are politicians no matter where their offices are.

Venezuela ruling government.
Maybe the cars are a little different. Maybe the armbands are different and the facial features are different, but those who rule governments are all the same. They might make promises, and they might even grant a few of the promises, but they intend to RULE.

Learn from his experiences. Here is his comments highlighted in color. Comments on it are my own.

How do you know if the SHTF is actually here? One of the cornerstones
 of survival is how to recognize that a situation has gone so bad that 
the S is truly going to hit the fan.
Basically, we are talking how to recognize that it is time to bug out or hunker down because it is going to be (really) bad.
I call it “survival mode” (no, it is not invented by me), and it  means that you at some point based on your own observations, feelings,  the situation around you, events, etc. going to are going to jump into  that mode where you gonna implement actions based on different  priorities than everyday life. It is personal but it may include:
  • no longer going to work and school
  • bugging out
  • bugging in
  • using violence on “first shoot, then ask” philosophy

In short, you are putting into action decisions that you prepared for a long time because (the) Shit did hit the fan.

How do you know when the real SHTF has arrived?

One of the members of the Prep Club FB group
 asked a very good question about this, and basically what she asked (in
 very shortened version and paraphrased) was: “How am I going to 
recognize that it is time to leave my job because the whole situation is
 going to s**t?”
The easiest (and pretty lame and lazy) answer is that you need to 
leave your job as soon as you see something bad is happening around you,
 and go home, bug in, bug out or whatever your plan is.
Police gathering downtown.
How do you know that things are spiraling out of control? How do you know that the SHTF and that things will start to get increasingly dangerous for you and your family. At what point in time do you realize that going to work might become too hazardous?
But it is lame because something bad is happening all the time around
 us – people being robbed or killed, folks losing jobs, cars being 
stolen, food poisoning, protests, political scandals – not to mention 
terrorist attacks happening more often and the migration crisis..
But you still need your job to pay bills. Your kids need to go to  school. Violence and bad things are always around us, but that does not  mean you’ll have to quit your job and bug out. If you do that, you are  achieving nothing.
Shot and dying.
When one group of people identify another group, and target them with hate, and violence, it only escalates. It gets worse. Eventually there is whole-scale blood shed. Do not be under the illusion that it will never happen in America. There are enormous groups of people just chomping at the bit to attack conservatives and traditionalists. All in the name of a progressive utopia.
So we are actually talking here how to recognize the “big event”, a real SHTF event, when you need to jump into that survival mode and stop  worrying too much about your regular day-to-day life.
The real fun here is that there is no universal answer. There is no specific point at which you will recognize it, but definitely, there are some things to pay attention to.

So firstly, we must remember the story of the two frogs. because that is exactly where most Americans are today. They have been cooking for decades in water while the congresscritters in Washington D.C. has been turning up the heat.

They have even issued laws, rules of engagement and behaviors to look for that criminalize YOU (the reader). The DHS is not your friend, and these rules are written against YOU for a reason.

DHS notice.
Yes, you are classified as a Right-wing extremist by the DHS. You are presumed guilty and a threat instead of an innocent citizen deserving of Rights and Habius Corpus.

Remember the two frogs.

I often refer to this story. It is a great story because it illustrates exactly what is going on in the United States today.

A well-known story is about the two frogs. One is thrown directly into a  pot of boiling water, and of course, the frog immediately jumps out of  the bowl and runs away.
The other frog is being thrown into a pot of cold water and then  water is gradually heated to point of boiling ,and at the end, this frog died.
The patriot.
In the British colonies, an early version of the DHS (the Department of Homeland Security) seizes a citizen under the suspension of Habeas Corpus during a “no-knock” raid. We need to look at our history using modern terminology and situations to truly appreciate our past.
When the water is gradually heated to the boiling point, the frog does not realize it is gonna die.
Most of us are frogs in a big bowl of water that is gradually heated  to the boiling point and let me tell you, that water is getting pretty  warm. You really need to be the well-prepared and smart frog to realize that the warm (and maybe pleasant) water is going to be deadly boiling  in a very short time.

When the police come to your door, often in the middle of the night, they will seize you. They will cart you and your family away. Trying to explain the Bill of Rights to them will not matter. Trying to explain that you did nothing wrong will not matter. Trying to explain that you have Rights (both State and Federal) and they you want to talk to an attorney WILL NOT MATTER.

When the “Big Event”, the SHTF starts to happen, the world that you thought existed would be long gone.

Demaning Rights
German woman demanding her “Rights” when the German Federal Police come to take her and her family to a “resettlement farm” for their “safety” and “protection”. We don’t know what ever happened to her. We do know that she was taken to what was later called “concentration camps” where many people died. I guess she didn’t explain her “Rights” clear enough to the armed police officer that came to gather her and her family “for their safety”.

Get out while the “water is still pleasant”

2016 Election Results by County
2016 Election Results by County. I would suggest moving to a predominantly red county, and the greater the number of other red counties between you and a blue county the better. Nebraska and Oklahoma as well as rural Missouri would be desirable locations if you were to follow this advice.
I believe the term is “strategic relocation”, or in  other words, it is moving to an area where the situation going to be better if SHTF. It is not bugging out when SHTF. It takes very carefully planning.  You are looking far or new place to live, a job, a good environment for  kids, natural resources, and a good home, etc., today while times are  still (more or less) normal.
It is quite specific for each person based on the region where you 
live, job opportunities, family circumstances and a lot of other things,
 but in essence, a few things that I would look for are:
  • smaller communities
  • places where you already have some network (family, friends…)
  • availability of resources ( land, rivers, woods, hunt…)
  • reasonably far away from big infrastructure
  • laws that allow you freedom (or absence of restrictions) like farming, weapon carry, homeschooling etc.
Keep in mind that again it is not bugging out, it is living in  circumstances where you gonna have a much better starting point when  SHTF. You still have to work for a living, and the kids need school etc.
Know your history.
Remember the woman arguing with the Nazi policeman in the picture earlier? Well, here is the place of safety that she was promised. An all female concentration camp where the women were abused, used, and experimented upon prior to execution. Listen to me; once you turn your back and put your hands behind your back for the handcuffs, it will BE TOO LATE.

Signs that the SHTF has actually arrived

 Collapse is already here 
Authored by Chris Martenson via,
It’s a process, not an event…

Many people are expecting some degree of approaching collapse — be it economic, environmental and/or societal — thinking that they’ll recognize the danger signs in time.

As if it will be completely obvious, like a Hollywood blockbuster. Complete with clear warnings from scientists, politicians and the media.  And everyone can then get busy either panicking or becoming the plucky heroes.

That’s not how collapse works.
Collapse is a process, not an event.
And it’s already underway, all around us.
Collapse is already here.

As I have already mentioned, I would argue that one of the signs that The Event of the SHTF has started is government mandated firearm collection. Also remember, that IT WILL NOT BE REPORTED UPON.

The first thing to look for is closing or shuttering up of arms dealers or gun stores. Look for ammo drying up. Look for the passage of laws that make owning a gun or a gun magazine illegal. Look for pronouncements that suggest police door to door searches are necessary. Look for mainstream media making heroes out of people who turn in guns, report on people who own guns, or something very similar.

Disarmed Indians.
Know your history. Once you disarm a group of people you can rewrite laws, treaties and Rights. You can do what ever you want with them. You can demonize them, and treat them terribly. First you MUST defang them. Else they will fight back.

The author continues using his experiences as a guide…

Since most of can not afford “strategic relocation's” we are forced to  stay and hope to see on time that S gonna hit the fan, and hopefully  jump on time into that survival mode and act accordingly.
I am in the same position.
I am not talking here about obvious signs that something bad has  happened, because if you hear a huge explosion and there is no signal on  TV suddenly, no internet or electricity, you do not have to be a prepper  to realize something bad has happened, and you are already in the  middle of it.
Here are some of the signs that the SHTF has actually arrived.

Now the author goes into three things to look for. I only listed one major item. To me, once there is some kind of police-collection of firearms door-to-door, you are in the midst of The Event, or SHTF. He names three things to look forward to…

  • Freedoms disappear.
  • Hate and Violence increases in frequency.
  • Access to news becomes harder.

[1] Freedoms and Rights are disappearing.

Again, this experienced individual is saying the same thing that I am trying to say. Only he is doing it much better than I ever could. His first point is that while there has been a gradual erosion of freedom and Rights, there will be an acceleration of their loss. This will either be overt (such as a government pronouncement) or covert (such as you suddenly need certain types of ID to do things that used to be free.).

You usually feel like your rights and freedoms are something written in stone, and you may be right. But in terms of signs of a coming huge SHTF, keep in mind that when  your freedoms and rights that are really important are taken away from you, the S is going to hit the fan soon.

Which is my point about the first and second amendments to the Constitution. The attempts at their suppression will eventually hit a threshold level that will indicate the start of The Event. So far, the progressive left is taking bits and taking nips at them. Eventually their suppression or distortion will be such that it becomes obvious that they no longer exist. Sort of like what happened with the fourth Amendment – the “personal privacy amendment“.

And again probably it is going to happen gradually enough that the  majority of folks will not go out on the street to fight for those rights, and also, it may happen in a way that the majority of people  will welcome it, under some new laws that “save lives” or “keep them  safe” or similar.
But the result is going to be same. Your rights and freedoms are 
gonna be taken because you are gonna be easier to manipulate then.

As he stated, your rights will be removed because it will be easier to control and manipulate you. The greatest obstacle to progressive socialist rule is the second amendment. Thus, it will… IT WILL be taken prior to The Event.

[2] Polarization, hate, and violence are on the rise.

Up until Barrack Obama came to power with his progressive liberal socialist agenda, who ever heard about the SJW troops, the BLM, and the Antifa movement? I like to think that they have already met their maximum impact and influence and are now on the wane, but history argues differently. Thus, I must agree with the author, the worse is yet to come.

Expect more angering news, expect more troublesome actions and worrisome activities.

I have mentioned all of that before,  more then once, but prior to SHTF it is going to be worse when it comes  to hate because again, a lot of stuff you cannot see clearly when you  are in a state of hate or fear.
Hillary Clinton and the BLM movement.
Progressive liberals will utilize the Black Lives Matter movement, the Social Justice Warrior movement, and the Antifa movement to achieve their objectives.
A lot of things can be moving in the background while you are coping with disorder, hate, and violence.
Antifa 1
Antifa is yet another new domestic terrorist group motivated in part by Islam and the liberal agenda to destroy America and replace it with a socialist utopia. First they must destroy all tradition, and from the ashes create a world wither the top 1% rule over the rest of humanity with benevolence.

[3] Your access to information will be limited.

Pay attention to you ability to get news. Can you get news on Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. I don’t know about youse guys, but the free flow of information is becoming narrower on the internet.

Your free access to independent information will be “shrunk”. 

Independent media will be harder and harder to find, or you will be fooled and you will think that actually, you have access to free information while in reality, it is junk, propaganda. 

The shutting down of free media and people who hold information will disappear. These are some of the last signs, and again, most people will welcome it.

Independent media will be almost “demonized”.

Could it Happen Here?

(This section is based off from a contribution from 

One of the big arguments against gun confiscation in the United States is that it is an obvious and direct violation of the second amendment to the Bill of Rights. The argument is that it would NEVER happen in the United States because we are protected by the Bill of Rights. This argument is historically wrong.

It has already happened in the United States numerous times..

In 1775, during a time of palpable civil unrest among the colonies, the Massachusetts governor ordered soldiers to confiscate firearms from civilians in the interest of thwarting a rebellion.

In 1861, after rejecting the power of states to peacefully secede from the Union, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Confiscation Act, thus authorizing federal troops to confiscate firearms from civilians in preparation for military reconquest of the South.

In 1890, during the height of the American Indian “relocation” effort, U.S. troops disarmed the Lakota people en masse “for their own safety and protection” as they were corralled into their new home.  Most of the tribe was massacred when a deaf Lakota man refused to surrender his rifle to the federal soldiers.

In 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt used a foreign attack on an American territory to justify the mass confiscation of guns and other property from thousands of people deemed “enemy aliens” all over the United States.  After the confiscation, these disarmed individuals were rounded up and placed in concentration camps.

Watch the behavior of people in the know.

Now, here is where the really good stuff resides. Listen to his story…

I will give you some examples. 

I had a friend who worked for the secret police before the war. He ended up in the sieged city together with me.

He did not have a clue that things were gonna get so bad, even with his position and his access to the information.  He simply was fed bulls**t by people that he trusted.

On the other hand, I had a friend who, prior to the war was a smuggler of different kind of things from Italy, such as marijuana, electronics, and whatever was popular at that time.

He knew something bad was gonna happen, and he bugged out in time to Italy.

In his “job” he had connections with people who “pushed” things for other people who were pretty powerful criminals.  Based on moving on those “goods” and information, he simply concluded something bad was going to happen.

The point here is to keep your ear to the ground and see how things and events are moving around you.

Most probably you are not going to see things coming on TV on mainstream media, but if you have a buddy in the police force who will let you know that a lot of equipment is being delivered to them or a friend in some not “legit” places who  can give you good information, you can conclude a lot.

There is no specific advice here, but a network of friends with information from the right places is worth much more than a TV network.

Like I have been saying all along. Do not expect to be informed by the news media, or the internet. Things are planned months or even years in advance. When it happens, you will be the last person to find out.

You may miss the signs. I did.

I have seen all the signs above, and I failed to run. 

I ended up right in the middle of SHTF.

It is not only important to see and recognize signs. It is important to believe that it can actually happen. Because after I saw all the signs, I just said to myself, “Oh, it cannot happen here. Somebody somehow is gonna solve everything.”

It is very hard to trust in something that you did not experience before. Only now do I believe that a lot of horrible things are possible.

A big “Thank You” for Mr. Selco

This article was inspired and based upon the writings of a Mr. Selco from Venezuela. They come from his article titled ” These are the signs the SHTF are real“.

I urge all readers to go visit his website as there are other articles from his unique perspective and experience.

My Opinion

Since there were no serious negative ramifications to the massive full-scale vote fraud in the 2018 mid-term elections, we can expect that the progressive socialists will use this technique to turn entire states “blue”. While Donald Trump is indeed very popular, this could have a disastrous effect, and could swing both houses, and even the Presidency towards radical socialism.

Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg will hold out until a democrat President takes the reigns of power, and then assist in a full onslaught of pent-up socialist changes from their bucket list. First on that agenda will be the wide scale disarming of the American populace. Followed shortly with isolation and termination of their enemies.

The time scale for this is 2020. The four year time period of 2020 to 2024 will be a very contentious one. As it is likely to be a motivated radical democrat in control of the White House.

Supportive Links

Conclusion & Take Aways

The radicals took control of the House today. Far left anti-Trumpers  and open Socialists are now in charge of the US House of  Representatives. Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib, an open Israel-hater, was sworn in on a Koran today. And after her swearing in she immediately called on President Trump’s impeachment — the “mother f*cker”!! The far left crowd LOVED IT and Cheered with delight! 

-Gateway pundit

I believe that the United States is long overdue for a reset. The government has become far too large, far too corrupt and is running amok. People from all over the country can see this. Their solutions are, however, diametrically opposed. As such, my points are…

  • A reset event is due to occur.
  • This event is already starting as of 2019.
  • I have no idea how serious this event will be, as it will depend on many variables and will vary from one family to another. It could be anything from total war and devastation to a minor increase in the cost of a cup of coffee. There are far too many variables at play.
  • I would advise caution.
  • The event or elements of it will be well under-weigh before being televised to any extent.
  • I would advise moving to a region that might escape and avoid major disruptions.

If you are unable to leave, I would then suggest the following prudent measures be considered…

  • I suggest that a firearm be procured, kept hidden, and be trained to use it properly.
  • I suggest stockpiling some antibiotics, if need be you can make your own. Here, Here, and Here. Alternatively you can google search “aquarium antibiotics” and buy fish-Pen (250mg) or Fish-Pen Forte (500mg) online. 100 tablets go for about 39.99 at the lower dose and 49.99 for the higher dose. Buy as much as you can afford, there is no prescription necessary.  You can also buy all sorts of antibiotics in bulk from Alibaba HERE.

Plan for regional discomfort increasing in stages from 2019 through 2025. Depending on the geographical regions, the severity of the change will vary. The types of changes and the personal influences will be divorced from what is presented on mainstram media and television.

This continued event eventually changes sometime into 2030. With a “new” normal manifesting.

Know your history. Townhouses.
Townhouses in Bosnia. We cannot predict what will happen, or how it will play out. All that we can say is that the current status quo in the United States is not sustainable. There will be change. For Conservatives and traditionalists, they will need to fight for their very lives, as the Progressive Liberal Socialists want them exterminated.

Russian Official on 12JAN19

“I think that America is actually engulfed by its second civil war now,” Rogozin told the Rossiya-24 TV channel, as translated by the state-run Tass Russian News Agency. Reported by Newsweek.

Former Federal Prosecutor: “We Are In A Civil War… I Buy Guns”

Former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova says civil discourse is over in America, and recommends voting and buying guns because “we are in a civil war.” 

Speaking with Laura Ingraham on her podcast, diGenova noted that the “all liberal” media has given a pass to both Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) and VA Attorney General Mark Herring for appearing in blackface, while similarly glossing over Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax’s credible sexual assault allegation. 

“There’s two standards of justice, one for Democrats one for Republicans. The press is all Democrat, all liberal, all progressive, all left – they hate Republicans, they hate Trump. So the suggestion that there’s ever going to be civil discourse in this country for the foreseeable future in this country is over. It’s not going to be. It’s going to be total war. And as I say to my friends, I do two things – I vote and I buy guns.”

Other Articles

The partial government shutdown is about more than a shutdown. It’s  civil war. There are not guns or violence, at least not yet. The U.S.  military has not turned against any portion of the citizens. Nobody has  openly called for secession yet, at least to the point where it can  credibly happen. Not just yet. Yet all these things are just beneath the  surface. Any one of these things could happen, almost at any time,  although — for perfectly understandable reasons — most of us prefer not  yet to know it. 
Donald Trump came along in the midst of this growing crisis. He didn’t start the fire, nor did his supporters. He merely represents the frustration and outrage of the half or so of the population who has simply had enough. The people who dominate all those red counties on the political map, and who also comprise a sturdy but usually silent minority (bigger than you think) in those blue map locations.

A civil war, in psychological terms, happens when two sides reach a point of irreconcilable differences. The government shutdown and the border wall, while very important issues, are not the only issues dividing this country. The country is divided on even bigger things, such as whether we should move toward higher taxes and socialism or lower taxes and capitalism; more regulation or less regulation; more control for the Democratic-Republican establishment in D.C., or less. Should we use all our military force against militant Islam, or bow down and blame ourselves, as Obama did? Should we permit other countries — China, European countries — the advantages of capitalism while imposing on ourselves the disadvantages of socialism? Or should we fight back, as President Trump has done?

The root issue of all political conflict, including our own, boils down to one factor: The individual versus the state. Does the individual have the right to make up one’s own mind about one’s life, or should government be involved in making many or most decisions for us? Whether the issue is gay marriage, abortion, taxes, capitalism/socialism, whether or when to utilize military force, what the budget should be, or anything else, that’s what it all boils down to. Even the border wall issue applies here. To border wall advocates, it’s an issue of whether the federal government should set up boundaries between our (hopefully) free country and individuals or nations who are not free, who may be hostile and threatening, and should in some way be screened before coming into our (hopefully) free country. This didn’t used to be controversial. But the Democrats have moved so far left — no border wall, no borders at all — that the divide seems new, and it is new for that reason.

Our country today reminds me so, so much of a marriage at the end of its time. I am sorry to say it, but it’s true. Sometimes a marriage therapist tells a couple, “It just seems like so much work. You’re fundamentally divided on so many matters. Why don’t you just divide up your property and go your separate ways? Set yourselves free?” There are times when it’s rational to conclude this, which is why divorce and breakups are often rational.

The smart couples do break up and rationally divide up their property — even time with their children — and move on, often to better and calmer lives. Will that happen in America? Not a chance, based on the way it looks right now.

Americans no longer seem to agree on the fundamentals. The Second Amendment is now up for grabs. For years, Democrats have claimed to support the Second Amendment in theory, but now they are prepared to pass legislation in effect outlawing guns (or ammunition, which is the same thing). It turns out when they said, for all those years, that “the Second Amendment applies to the military, not to individuals, even peaceful ones,” they really meant it. This alone is an unsustainable and unresolvable difference. Am I wrong? Prove me wrong. I’d love to be wrong. I see no compromise on this point.

And now the First Amendment could be at risk too. Increasingly, it seems that leftists, self-described progressives and Democrats really mean it when they say, “Hate speech isn’t protected by the First Amendment.” Seriously? What is hate speech? I have been called a promoter of hate speech for supporting President Trump on many matters and opposing Democrats. Is that what we’ve come to? Is hate speech now speech I don’t like? And regardless of how one defines “hate speech”, how on earth do you reconcile the First Amendment with anyone’s speech — however it’s characterized — being subject to any kind of government regulation or chilling whatsoever?

When two or more parties disagree on matters of principle, you’re at a point of civil breakdown. The First and Second Amendments are at the top of our Bill of Rights for a reason. When the two major political parties disagree on these two most precious components of individual liberty — the right to defend your body and to speak your mind — then civility is over. What a literal civil war would look like, in the twenty-first century in the USA, I frankly have no idea. Maybe we’re already in it. The government shutdown is a metaphor for the impossible, irreconcilable differences between two schools of thought. I keep thinking: This is what civil war looks like. Each side wants the other to humble him- or herself. But it’s not going to happen. Never, ever with the Democrats, who have never once caved on anything, ever. And no longer with the dissenters or so-called “deplorables”, at least if President Trump is any indication.

I don’t know the answer or solution. I only know one thing: The cause of the breakdown, whenever it happens, always resides in the most important issue in any political or social matter: The individual versus the state. If there is any solution to find, it will be there.
In the 1980’s, for example, the newspapers featured stories about the so-called homeless crisis on a weekly basis. That’s when we went from calling them bums to pretending their only problem was a lack of shelter. Once Clinton assumed power, the homeless stories disappeared. It was a running joke for a long time, because it was so obvious, but also because it was so predictable. Everyone got the joke, except Lefty.

As many have observed, the mask began to drop during the Clinton years when so many media members quit their jobs and went to work in the administration. It’s hard to maintain the illusion of independence when there is a revolving door between the media and left-wing political operations. That’s when CNN became known as the Clinton News Network, because they were so hilariously in the tank for them. Some tried to maintain the ruse, but any pretense of objectivity ended in the 1990’s.

Again, there was still a sense that it was just bias and that it was predictable and therefore you could adjust for it. Today, that does not appear to be the case. The mainstream media has become advocates, but not necessarily advocates for the Progressive base of the Democratic coalition. They seem to be serving the agendas, financed by private parties operating off-stage. For example, sites like the Huffington Post and Daily Beast are about moral enforcement than news and current events.

The recent harassment of Alex McNabb by Antifa member Christopher Mathias is a great example of the phenomenon. The Huffington Post provides him with a cover identity as a reporter, but in reality someone else is paying his way. His job is as a witch hunter, looking for anyone in violation of the blasphemy laws. This is a strange new phenomenon that does not have a corollary in the past. Even Woodward and Bernstein were legitimate reporters, even if Woodward had deep connections to the intelligence community.

There’s an argument that this sort of religious advocacy is the natural result of the narrative journalism that evolved in the 1960’s and 1970’s. If you are going to report stories, the point is to inform. If you are going to spin tales, then the first goal is to entertain and there is nothing quite as a gripping as a morality tale. These doxxing stories are just campfire stories for the hard thumping loons of the far Left. The point of them is to tell the reader that they must be vigilant as heretics are everywhere.
The postwar era saw the creation of international institutions ranging from NATO to the United Nations to the World Bank, along with a proliferation of think tanks and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to accompany them. It saw the vast expansion of higher education in the United States, and the transformation of academic degrees into something close to must-haves for the upper-middle class. It saw a great expansion of power on the part of media organizations, and on the part of government bureaucrats and lobbyists, both of whose numbers increased enormously.

But after the turn of the millennium, other Americans, much like the workers and peasants in the old Soviet Union, started to notice that while the New Class was doing quite well (America’s richest counties now surround Washington, D.C.), things weren’t going so well for them. And what made it more upsetting was that — while the Soviet Union’s apparatchiks at least pretended to like the workers and peasants — members of America’s ruling class seemed to view ordinary Americans with something like contempt, using terms such as “bitter clingers,” “deplorables” and flyover people.

Class wars in America disguised as culture wars

Suddenly, to a lot of voters, those postwar institutional arrangements stopped looking so good. But, of course, the beneficiaries showed no sign of giving them up. This has led to a lot of political discord, and a lot of culture war, since in America class warfare is usually disguised as cultural warfare. But underneath the surface, talk is a battle between the New Class and what used to be the middle class.

Jack Minzey on Civil War

Civil War
How do civil wars happen?

Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge. That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war.

The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn’t really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election.

There’s a pattern here.

What do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don’t accept the results of any election that they don’t win. It means they don’t believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections.

That’s a civil war.

There’s no shooting. At least not unless you count the attempt to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice. But the Democrats have rejected our system of government.
This isn’t dissent. It’s not disagreement. You can hate the other party. You can think they’re the worst thing that ever happened to the country. But then you work harder to win the next election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don’t win, what you want is a dictatorship.

Your very own dictatorship.

The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to Democrats, is its own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it’s inherently illegitimate. The Democrats lost Congress. They lost the White House. So what did they do? They began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States can’t scratch his own back without his say so, that’s the civil war.

Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that’s not the system that runs this country. The Democrat’s system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country. If the Democrats are in the White House, then the president can do anything And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. His power is unlimited. He’s a dictator.

But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can’t do anything. He isn’t even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented. A Democrat in the White House has ‘discretion’ to completely decide every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican doesn’t even have the ‘discretion’ to reverse him. That’s how the game is played That’s how our country is run. Sad but true, although the left hasn’t yet won that particular fight.

When a Democrat is in the White House, states aren’t even allowed to enforce immigration law. But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their own immigration laws. Under Obama, a state wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission. But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries.

The Constitution has something to say about that. Whether it’s Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is suddenly the supreme power in the land. This is what I call a moving dictatorship.

Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding: Professional government is a guild. Like medieval guilds. You can’t serve in if you’re not a member. If you haven’t been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. If you aren’t in the club. And Trump isn’t in the club. He brought in a bunch of people who aren’t in the club with him.

Now we’re seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down.

That’s not a free country.

It’s not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an ‘insurance policy’ against Trump winning the election. It’s not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of the opposition. It’s not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media. It’s not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn’t supposed to win did.

Have no doubt, we’re in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and a leftist Democrat professional government.

Posted on Free Republic on 3JAN19

This was posted on Free Republic on 3JAN19 HERE. Aside from the snarky trolls and generally disparaging remarks, those that actually did read the article have a different opinion than what is stated herein. None of which seems to believe that “The Event” will manifest.

The overall opinion is that it will continue to be “business as usual”. If anything “bad” were to occur, the American population would adjust to it, and not give it a moment’s thought. The general consensus is that nothing serious will occur. There won’t be any major economic downturns, socialist purging, and no fighting Bosnia-style. Americans will just adapt and succumb…

I think the writer is wrong about how the gun confiscation will happen.  It will be less violent than his view which seems to predate the AI  revolution. 

We will get China’s Social Credit scoring and eventually find that we cannot buy airplane tickets or maybe gasoline and other stuff becomes progressively more expensive, like food, because our scores are too low.

Then we are informed that the only way to raise our scores is to turn in our guns. Possession of guns will be a big hit on the SC scores.

- arthurus

Here is a reasoned argument in alignment with the article, however it does not anticipate anything outright serious. The impression that I get, for this writer is that the battles will be political in nature, and not visceral.

It is in the left’s best interest to convince the public that the wheels are coming off. Actually, it's in the best interest of all  establishment politicians to do so. 

In a very, very real way Trump's election, and the growth of alternative sources of information, have threatened the political class and those whose careers and stature are derived from it. They won't go quietly, and their responses aren't limited by ethics and morality - in the least.

We went from the first year of Trump's presidency, during which there was widespread optimism about the economy and the future, to now - with people lamenting about the collapse of America as we know it. This is orchestrated. No doubt. We can't give in to an impending sense of doom.

The reality is that all Trump has done to date, including the trade standoff with China, his efforts to end the ‘cheap labor express’, verbalizing that the tech industry has spawned monopolies that may have to be dealt with as antitrust issues, standing up to European governments that criticize us but take our money, AND, fighting the left on our own soil - including standing up strongly against people like Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, etc., all has to be done.

None of these things were likely to be easy, and none of them were likely to be painless. But, they had/have to be done.

- neverevergiveup

This next comment agrees that things are trending to be “interesting”, yet how serious they will become and what will happen will be up to the individuals involved to determine. I can agree with that.

I’ve noticed the last few years that every year is much more  “interesting” than the year before, but also that humans are like  cockroaches, and highly adaptable to their situation.

I saw it in 2007 when housing in my area, Seattle, collapsed. I remember saying, on, that real estate could drop as much as 20%. I was chastised for it because it was crazy talk and sounded apocalyptic. And it did, even to me.

Well, prices dropped as much as 50% in many areas and much more than 20% everywhere else. So, was it an apocalypse? Yes. But what was people’s reaction? “What a great buying opportunity".

They ignored that before the collapse, defaults on real estate loans happened, but were definitely not common. And now everyone knew at least one person, if not many or even themselves, that simply walked away from their home, or became squatters in a home someone walked away from. It just became the new normal and was no big deal.

It’s how we seem to operate.

And yes, 2019 will be a lot more “interesting” than previous years. How interesting remains to be seen.

- cuban leaf


"The Warning Signs that Government Collapse is Imminent"
Let's start with a $21.5 Trillion National Debt.

- Yo-Yo

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
1960's and 1970's link

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


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