Being a father means teaching your children to stand up to bullies and beat the Dejesus out of them.

Being a father means many things. Often, in our politically correct, feminized, beta-ruled world, the father is neglected as if he knows nothing and has no purpose other than be a hand-maiden to the mother. That’s nonsense. The father has a terribly important role in raising children. And this article will illustrate it.


Like the Yin and Yang, two people are required to raise a well-developed personality. One must take on the loving, caring and nurturing role. The other must take on the determined, strong and laborious role.

Like how “wisdom” = “knowledge” + “emotion”, raising a well-developed child requires both attributes of personality. When one attribute (or side) is larger than the other, an imbalance occurs. In a child, this imbalance can manifest all sorts of problems.

You do not want a “powder puff boy”, nor do you want a “she-woman amazon girl”. You want a well-rounded, well-developed and healthy child. One that will be smart, understanding, and capable.

My Narrative

When I was growing up, I was taught by my Catholic father to be kind and embrace the teachings of the New Testament in the Bible. I worked hard at it, and any time it seemed that I would not be giving of myself, careful of others, or sacrificial I was punished.

So, as a result, I was always giving away my money. I was always being the last one chosen in sports because I was not aggressive enough, and I was always getting picked on and beat up because I was not assertive enough.

My mother refused to allow me to play football. It was too dangerous she said. My father refused to allow me to stand up to neighborhood boys. “It’s turn the other cheek time” he said.

Over the years, it got worse and worse. I became the perfect downtrodden beta-male. I was the runt of the class.

So, when I was a “Junior” in eleventh grade, my coach at the school pulled me aside and allowed me to use the weight-lifting equipment reserved for the football team. He saw that I was getting harassed, and knew that I could not join any sports, even if I wanted to, I was working in the coal mines after school at that time.

Every opportunity I went to the weight room and worked out. I would lift and push myself. Each time thinking over and over how I was being pushed around by the other bullies and miscreants. It was so bad that even younger kids were doing so.

One would pin my arms with the others would seal my pencils and break them before my eyes and then gut punch me. Others would pull down my pants, and other would do tricks like throw water on me, steal my homework, destroy my art and science projects and other affairs. Each time, the school did nothing. When my parents found out they did nothing.

I suffered in torment.

I was alone.

So every day, I poured all my anger, hate and disgust into pushing iron. Each push, each lift I imagined what I would do. Each instance my rage burned brighter and brighter.

I got really strong and my body bulged with muscles.

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Some dimwit failed to notice that I was turning into a snarling giant. He, an underclassman, started to pick on me…

He pulled the tie-the-shoelaces-together and push me to the floor trick.

When I fixed my shoes and stood up, he was still laughing.

He taunted me. “What’s ya going to do? Cry. Oh, boo-hoo“.

I snapped.

I fucking lost it.

I went to a nearby desk and tore off a 1/4″ steel rod from the bottom of it. Then I went right up to him, and with my left arm I twisted his arm out of it’s socket and held him up high about a foot off the ground.

The entire time he’s howling in pain, and writhing in agony.

Two teachers ran up. The very same ones that told me to take the abuse. The very same ones that told me to ignore it. The very same ones that allowed this torment to continue for… years.

Fuck that. Fuck them!

The fucking kid is sobbing. Tears are rolling down his cheeks. Nearby girls are screaming at me. “Stop it!” They yelled at the tops of their voices.

Yeah. As if. Those same bitches were only moments ago snickering at me lying on the ground.

The teacher is threatening me with detention. Everyone is freaking out.

But, but…

I’m not backing down.

I pushed harder. His bones cracked. He howled in pain!


“Stop! Stop! Please stop!” he begged. He pleaded. He cried.

But, you know what?

I couldn’t stop.

I couldn’t forget, and I couldn’t forgive. I remembered in bright vivid color all the other snide remarks, the tricks, the endless mindless torment and how no one… no fucking person… came to my aide. I also remembered when I came home beaten up with black eye, how my father…

…they very same father that told me to take it in the first place…

…yelled at me and punished me for “allowing it to happen”.




I didn’t care. I was in an emotional rage AND that kid was going to be made to suffer.


Long story short, after he promised never… never, ever to pick on me again, I set him down. Then I took that 1/4″ steel rod and wrapped it around his neck.

When he went home his parents had to figure out how to remove it and understand the circumstances behind how it got there in the first place.

And yeah… there was some blow-back. However, nothing matched the pure satisfaction of watching him writhe in pain and the look of utter terror and horror on the faces of everyone else.

I was NEVER bothered or picked on ever again.

Boys need to be assertive, and be able to fight for their position within society. They are not girls. Do not pretend that society is progressive, modern and enlightened.

It isn’t.

A proud moment…

The following is from an article titled “Proud Parenting Moment: Son Beats Up Bully After Father Teaches Him How To Fight” originally written on August 17, 2018. All credit to the original author, and kudos from me.

So my son was being bullied pretty badly at school. People would make fun of his accent, use racial slurs towards him, throw open milk cartons at him at lunch, start rumors about him, they put his book bag in the toilet once, and a bunch of fucked shit kids do to each other.

My son had told on the main perpetrator to me and his mother and I went to the school and told them about my concerns and the school gave him a stern talking to which only stopped him for a few weeks and then he continued to bully my son.

So I went to the school and complained again and the administration had told me that they spoke to the kid and he had told them that he was just joking and he didn’t mean any of the stuff he was saying and that they were actually friends anyway the assistant principal told me that “boys will be boys” and that it was not out of the ordinary for boys to make fun of each other, but since the kid had admitted to doing it they gave him in-school suspension which is essentially a slap on the wrist.

So after that I realized that nothing was going to happen if I kept running back to the administration every time my son came home crying so I took matters into my own hands.

(Now I’m going to tell you something about me. In my home country I was an amateur boxer but due to the financial situation I was in, my mother did not want me to box she wanted me to work and study, so I cut a deal with her if I made that if to the Olympics I would go pro after but If I failed I would stop and work and go to university. Anyway I failed and stopped boxing and got a job and finished my studies.)

Ok, so what I did was taught my son how to fight. Everyday after I get home from work for the past 9 months I take him to the local boxing gym and taught him how to hit the bag, throw combinations, taught him about foot work and movement, how to work the speed bag, how to dodge, hit the pads and everything I else I knew from my old days as a boxer.

It worked wonders for my son not only did he become physically stronger, he also became mentally strong, he stopped coming home crying, he started to make friends and it had a real positive effect on him.

When I would ask him If he was still getting bullied he said it didn’t bother him what people he didn’t care about said about him, So I figured that was the end of the bully problem, I was wrong.

Two weeks ago I get a call from school that my son had gotten into a fight and that I had to go pick him up because he and the other boy were both suspended for 5 days for fighting.

When I go to pick my son up he is covered in blood, which was alarming at first but then he told me that it was not his blood it was the other boy, the one who put his bag in the toilet kept walking up to him and using racial insults towards him and my son told him If he didn’t stop he was going to beat him up, and he kept his promise.

Turns out my son broke the other kids nose, busted his lip and hit the other kids eye and it had swollen shut. My son has some bruises on his face but nothing compared to the other kid.

Now my son has been getting yelled at a lot by his mother, she made him write and apology letter to the boy…

…. the boys parents…

…to the principal…

…to the teacher…

…to the security guard who broke it up and she is really mad at me and blames me for this because I taught him how to fight but I honestly could not be more proud of him.

Sorry for the horrible grammar English is not my first language.

– Anonymous


Boys need to be assertive, and be able to fight for their position within society. They are not girls. Do not pretend that society is progressive, modern and enlightened.

It isn’t.

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Why America was established as a Republic and not as a Democracy

America was established as a Republic. As a Republic, it was designed to protect the liberty and the freedom of the American citizenry. Over the last two centuries, various individuals have “improved” upon this concept by replacing a Liberty protecting Republic, into a oligarchy ruled pretend-Democracy.

Here we take a look at this transition. We do so based on the book “Liberty in Peril,” by Randall Holcombe.

Liberty is freedom from the government.
Liberty is freedom from the government.

In his book, he challenges the presumption that liberty and democracy are complementary. They are not. You can either have a Republic, or you can have a Democracy. You cannot have both simultaneously.

High School Civics Class

There is no such thing as democracy. It's a sweet utopia. US was the first country to show threat only money design your status and access to privileges of 21st century. Western EU countries (like Germany) show that an average citizen has little to zero control over own countries processes. 

There is no such thing as democracy. there are fairy tales about it which are used as a tool of politics from the neo imperialist West towards everybody else. They consider us all savages and act accordingly. Because they are so "special" (remember one of this degenerative Obama-speeches?) 

- Michael Goryany 

When I took history and government in school, many critical issues were misrepresented. They were given short shrift, and in many instances ignored entirely.

These omissions greatly hampered my understanding of America and created mysteries that my teachers could not answer.

  • How can you have the fourth amendment, and also have the sixteenth amendment at the same time? One permits you to keep your financial affairs private, the other requires that you disclose them under the penalty of law.
  • How can you have a second amendment that cannot be infringed, and an ATF who’s entire purpose and objective is to infringe on the second amendment?
  • How can the United States be a Republic when the general population can vote for the President?

Indeed, the confusing nature of what America was founded as, and the way America was managed undermined my ability to understand what America really was.

Randall Holcombe’s book, Liberty in Peril: Democracy and Power in American History, fills in some very substantial gaps.

I believe that it is particularly great in regard to American constitutionalism, what it is, and what it was intended to be. He spends time describing how it has morphed from protecting liberty to advancing democracy instead. As well as how this love of “democracy” has run roughshod over Americans at the expense of liberty.

The founders did not intend the United States to be a democracy.
The founders did not intend the United States to be a democracy.

It does so with a host of novel and important insights rather than the disinterest generated by the books I suffered through in school.

Holcombe gets right to the main point:

The role of government as [America’s founders] saw it, was to protect  the rights of individuals, and the biggest threat to individual liberty  was the government itself.  

This is beautiful.

I only wish that it was taught in schools this way.

The American government was designed to protect the Rights of individuals.

... So they designed a government with constitutionally limited powers, constrained to carry out only those activities specifically allowed by the Constitution.  

Our nation was designed to have a very small government, with the restrictions on it, large, and clearly defined.

This book describes how the fundamental principle underlying American government has been transformed over the years…

...from protecting individual liberty... carrying out the will of the people, as revealed by a democratic decision-making process. (p.  xxii) 

Holcombe begins by laying out the case that…

“...the Founders had no intention of creating a democracy... the sense of a government that would be guided by popular opinion,” (p. 5) 

…in sharp contrast to current “understanding.” Where the point of government is to take polls and gauge public opinion. Then pretend to react to the opinion poll results.

Which of course is meaningless.

Studies have shown that the government does what it wants.

The media creates fake polls, and fake news, and fake opinion pieces and fake outrage to justify the governmental actions.

And what makes the transformation from a central focus on liberty to a central focus on democracy that routinely invades liberty…

... particularly significant is that the powers embodied in America’s twenty-first-century democratic government are those that eighteenth-century Americans revolted against to escape. (p. 7)

Liberty used to be important.

Since I do not have the space to dissect all of the issues in Liberty in Peril, I would like to highlight a few particularly noteworthy things.

Holcombe starts with John Locke, which is a common place to start for those interested in advancing liberty.

John Locke FRS was an English philosopher and physician, widely regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the "Father of Liberalism".
John Locke was an English philosopher and physician, widely regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and commonly known as the “Father of Liberalism”.

But he also calls attention to Cato’s Letters, which was one of the most influential—but now almost completely ignored—influences leading to the birth of the American Revolution.

I have long been struck by how many of the insights our founders are credited with that actually trace back there (see the first major chapter of my book Lines of Liberty), and I echo Holcombe’s invitation for more people to discover it.

Liberty in Peril challenges the typical current presumption that liberty and democracy are complementary.

They are not.

If anything, they are direct opposites.

American "democracy" is a corruption. It is an oligarchy of the wealthy over the rest of humanity.
American “democracy” is a corruption. It is an oligarchy of the wealthy over the rest of humanity.
The principle of liberty suggests that first and foremost, the  government’s role is to protect the rights of individuals. 

The principle of democracy suggests that collective decisions are made according to the will of the majority…

The greater the allowable scope of democracy in government, the greater the threat to liberty…

In particular, the  ascendancy of the concept of democracy threatens the survival of the free market economy, which is an extension of the Founders’ views on liberty. (pp. 14-15)

This is reflected in the changing nature of elections.

At one time, elections might have been viewed as a method of selecting competent people to undertake a job with constitutionally-specified limits. 

With the extension of democracy,  elections became referendums on public policy. (p. 20)

The book also challenges commonly held presumptions that our Founders wanted democracy.

But while “the Founders wanted those in charge of  government’s operations to be selected by a democratic process,”...

... they  “also wanted to insulate those who ran the government from direct  influence by its citizens”...

... because “[b]y insulating political decision-makers from directs accountability to citizens...

... the government would be in a better position to adhere to its constitutionally-mandated  limits.” (p. 15)
Click and Goggle "democracy meme" to see just how effective and what the people think about "democracy" in the world today.
Click and Goggle “democracy meme” to see just how effective and what the people think about “democracy” in the world today.

And today, in 2020 we see how absolutely correct this assessment is.

“Thus, the Constitution created a limited government designed to  protect liberty, not to foster democracy.” (p. 16) 

But the United States…

“consistently has moved toward more democracy, and the unintended side  effect has been a reduction in liberty.” (p. 25)

After all, that was the sole purpose of both the 12th and the 17th amendments.

Holcombe lays out issues of consensus versus democracy, with consensus illustrated by market systems in which all those whose property rights are involved agree to transactions, (p. 29) but in government…

“a group is able to undertake more extensive collective  action if it requires less consensus to act.” (p. 30)

And the slippery slope is that…

The more citizens want to further national goals through government  action, the less consensus they will demand in the collective decision-making process. (p. 33) 

Another notable aspect of Liberty in Peril is how far beyond the typical discussion of constitutional issues it goes, substantially expanding readers’ understanding in intriguing ways.

For instance, how many Americans know of the Iroquois Constitution, which focused on unanimity?

The Iroquois constitution was based on the principles of peace, power and righteousness. It laid out a system of government and a method of electing representatives to its Long House Council surprisingly similar to the United States governmental system today. For instance, the Council is divided into Younger Brother and Elder Brother meetings, an instance of a bicameral legislature. Because trade and treaties with the Native Americans were critical to the success of the American colonies, the Iroquois constitution and related documents were translated into English and distributed throughout the colonies and European traders.
The Iroquois constitution was based on the principles of peace, power and righteousness. It laid out a system of government and a method of electing representatives to its Long House Council surprisingly similar to the United States governmental system today. For instance, the Council is divided into Younger Brother and Elder Brother meetings, an instance of a bicameral legislature. Because trade and treaties with the Native Americans were critical to the success of the American colonies, the Iroquois constitution and related documents were translated into English and distributed throughout the colonies and European traders.

How many are aware of the Albany Plan of Union, drawn up in 1754, or how it was influenced by the Iroquois Constitution?

The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to create a unified government for the Thirteen Colonies, suggested by Benjamin Franklin, then a senior leader (age 48) and a delegate from Pennsylvania, at the Albany Congress on July 10, 1754 in Albany, New York. More than twenty representatives of several Northern Atlantic colonies had gathered to plan their defense related to the French and Indian War, the front in North America of the Seven Years' War between Great Britain and France, spurred on by George Washington's recent defeat in the Ohio valley. The Plan represented one of multiple early attempts to form a union of the colonies "under one government as far as might be necessary for defense and other general important purposes."
The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to create a unified government for the Thirteen Colonies, suggested by Benjamin Franklin, then a senior leader (age 48) and a delegate from Pennsylvania, at the Albany Congress on July 10, 1754 in Albany, New York. More than twenty representatives of several Northern Atlantic colonies had gathered to plan their defense related to the French and Indian War, the front in North America of the Seven Years’ War between Great Britain and France, spurred on by George Washington’s recent defeat in the Ohio valley. The Plan represented one of multiple early attempts to form a union of the colonies “under one government as far as might be necessary for defense and other general important purposes.”

How many know that a “clear chain of constitutional evolution proceeds from the Albany Plan of Union to the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution of the United States”? (p. 43)

How many have noticed that “when compared with the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution clearly less constraining than the document it supplanted…the Constitution did not limit the powers of government; it expanded them”? (p. 48) Yet,

While the authors of the Constitution did deliberately expand the  powers of the federal government, they just as deliberately tried to  prevent the creation of a democratic government. (p. 52) 

How many are aware of what the Confederate Constitution tells us about the US Constitution.

A first draft that remains of the Confederate Constitution.
A first draft that remains of the Confederate Constitution.

As well as the drift from its principles since its adoption.

This is especially true because…

 “the problems that the authors of the  Confederate Constitution actually did address were overwhelmingly  associated with the use of legislative powers. Yes, legislative powers used to impose costs on the  general public to provide benefits to narrow constituencies”? (p. 107)

The Constitution often is portrayed as a document that limits the power of the federal government and guarantees the liberty of its citizens…

When compared to the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution places less constraint on the federal government and allows those who run the government more discretion and autonomy and less accountability.

The adoption of the Constitution enhanced the powers of government and laid the foundation for two centuries of government growth. (pp. 66-67)
American classroom teaching American history.
American classroom teaching American history.

Holcombe’s section on “The Elitist Constitution” is fascinating.

It lays out the case for why…

“[t]he Constitution devised democratic  processes for collective decision-making, but the Founders had no  intention of designing a government that would respond to the will of  the majority,” (p. 70) 

…as illustrated by the fact that citizens …

“had  almost no direct input into the federal government as the Constitution  was originally written and ratified.” (p. 70)

The section on the Electoral College is even more striking, as it stands in sharp variance from the presumptions behind almost the entire current debate over the National Popular Vote compact:

[A]t the time the Constitution was written the Founders anticipated that in most cases no candidate would receive votes from a majority of the electors. 

The Founders reasoned that most electors would vote for one candidate from their own states…

...and it would be unlikely that voting  along state lines would produce any candidate with a majority of the votes. (p. 75)


The Founders envisioned that in most cases the president would end up  being chosen by the House of Representatives from the list of the  top-five electoral vote recipients…

Furthermore, there was no indication that the number of electoral votes received should carry any weight besides creating a list of the top five candidates…

The process was not  intended to be democratic. (p. 76)

I found the issues discussed above to be of particular interest. But there is far more in the book to learn from, and often be surprised by, in comparison to what history courses usually teach.

Seventh grade history class as taught within a private school.
Seventh grade history class as taught within a private school.

Such issues include the evolution of parties, the influence of Andrew Jackson, who …

“fought for democracy, but, ironically, the result of  making the nation’s government more democratic has been to expand the  scope and power of government in response to popular demands for govern  programs,” (p. 91) 


... “the Founders foresaw and tried to guard  against by limiting the role of democracy in their new government,” (p.  91), 

...the War Between the States (“the single most important event in the  transformation of American government,” (p. 93)

And, including the elimination of state succession as a real possibility, the Reconstruction Era amendments, the origins of interest group politics, the evolution of federal regulatory power, the evolution of the incentives of civil servants, the Sixteenth Amendment (income tax) as

 “a  response to the demand for a larger federal government,” (p. 149)  

…a different take on the 1920s, in which …

“[f]ar from representing a retreat from progressivism, the 1920s extended the now-established orthodoxy,  (p. 154) 

…added insight into the New Deal and the courts, Social Security as the …

“one New Deal program for the responsibility for fundamentally  transforming the historical, constitutional role of the federal  government,” (p. 175) 


...“The Great Society represents the ultimate  triumph of democracy, because for the first time a major expansion in  the scope of government was based on the demands of the electorate, with no extenuation circumstances” (p. 205), 

…and far more.

In sum, there are very many good reasons to recommend Liberty in Peril. In it, Randall Holcombe provides not just a powerful and insightful look into crucial aspects of America’s evolution away from the principles of the revolution that created it but also an important warning:

Unfortunately, many Americans do not appear to fully understand these  dangers as they continue to push the foundations of their government away from liberty and toward democracy. (p. 225)

Why is this important?

 Now, global capital has created a tiny minority of wealthy people who  make the feudal lords seem almost a New York rush hour crowd by  comparison. As few as three multi-billionaire Americans have as much  combined wealth as 150 million Americans, all of those expected to  dutifully troop off to the polls and vote for continuing the system that  is moving much closer to a financial breakdown, with more pain and  suffering for more Americans and the rest of the world than the last  collapse caused. Using public funds to bail out private wealth  temporarily saved that one and the public good be damned. That cannot be  allowed to happen again, and uprisings all over the world are taking  place because more people can’t take it anymore. They feel the pain and  see the handwriting on the wall, which may still be beyond those of us  who can only use our smartphones to get dumb news which tells us nothing  but what consciousness control pays its media to cram into our heads. 


It once was easier to get away with when there were enough people  getting by to feel comfortable enough to think maybe it would eventually  all work out for the best. That former working middle class is sinking  lower, the lower class is in more misery than ever in modern times, and  the tiny minority at the top is richer than ever before based on its  purchase of armies and a professional class also dwindling in numbers  but still numerous enough to transform minds and politics into  acceptance of the economic slavery that passes for democracy.

It  can’t and won’t last much longer and if we wait for nature to take  action it will obviously be a disaster. But if we organize and act as a  human race, facing our problems as a race threatened with annihilation  if we don’t work together, the result could be the salvation offered by  real democracy in which the words of past revolutionaries like Malcolm  and Martin become the actions of the present generation. That means  ending capitalism and beginning humanity. 

- Frank Scott’s political commentary and satire are online at the blog legalienate: http// 


Here are my “take aways” for whatever it is worth.

  • The founders did not intend, nor want, America to be a “democracy”.
  • They wanted America to be a Republic.
  • A Republic protects individual rights and freedoms, not to mention liberty.
  • A “democracy” is mob rule and is easily manipulated by people with money, power and influence.
  • This is what happened to America.
  • Today, America is a “democracy” in name, and an oligarchy by function.
  • As an oligarchy, as history clearly states, that it will end catastrophically.
  • The ONLY was to avoid catastrophic turmoil is to drastically alter the current operating framework that the United States exists under. It must go from “democracy” to something else…

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Videos regarding the 2020 Coronavirus and how the Chinese residents coped.

This post is very top-heavy with videos that were taken at the start of the 2020 Chinese New Year at the same time that the Coronavirus outbreak. As I post this, all the roads have roadblocks and police in hazmat suits are performing 100% checks for the illness. It’s a frightening and terrifying time.

At the time that this is posted, you are twice as likely to die from this illness than to recover from it.

At the time that this is posted, you are twice as likely to die from this illness than to recover from it.
At the time that this is posted, you are twice as likely to die from this illness than to recover from it.

Everyone is terrified of this. We have seen videos of people collapsing and all sorts of bad things with this virus. It is very dangerous, and extremely lethal.

Luckily, the Chinese government has stepped in and has taken proactive and rapid action. It is really quite astounding what they have put in place. I dare say that America could never begin to match this kind of response. Already, there is a change in the trajectory of the vector of this most serious illness.

Here we have some videos that I have collected off from Chinese social media. They all tell a story.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

All roads are blocked. Everyone is staying home and all holiday festivities are shut down. No one is going out, having fun or being social in any way. Everyone is hiding inside their homes.


These roadblocks are everywhere. Not only in Wuhan. They are nation-wide. All cities have roadblocks, and there are police at all the train and bus stations, not to mention airports, bridges, ferries and all hubs of transport.

Most are manned by police and local government security agents. Further, housing has the private security that are naturally “deputized” as an arm of the local police and they are also conducting strong security checks and monitoring.

The military are also present. They, in their various forms, are helping in the control of population, the distribution of supplies and monitoring of traffic. Everything is all quite ordered. It’s all very organized.

Wuhan virus roadblock.

China is building two new complete hospitals in Wuhan to handle the emergency.

The first hospital is to be completed in ten days. The second will be completed shortly afterwards. These two, concrete and steel, full-capability hospitals will augment the tent-city military hospitals that are positioned in and around Wuhan.

The Chinese have mobilized and hospital equipment and gear are in route and there are no excuses. Truckloads, boat-loads, and plane-loads of supplies to equip these hospitals are in route and on the way to staff these new constructions.

Mobilized construction of a new Wuhan hospital.

A patient recovers

This is a particularly lethal virus. However, people can fight it naturally and recover. The ratio right now is that two people die for ever one that recovers. However, there is hope that a cure and inoculation can be developed quickly. In the meantime, the sick are told to fight it off. The old, the feeble and the sick cannot do so well, and thus they die.

In fact, one patient – a wealthy man in Wuhan, left the hospital and told the staff that he will not stay in the hospital to wait to die. So he took off and sped away. The police are right now trying to find him. The mere presence of him in a room with you will contaminate everyone around him. It’s like a scene from one of those horror / science fiction movies.

A patient recovers.

Hospital workers are working around the clock to contain the illness.

I have seen video after video of tied and passed out hospital workers. They are over-extended and many have been working for 72 hours straight with no breaks. Some, like this gal inject solutions to keep them going through this prolonged emergency.

Hospital workers keeping on the job.

Instruction videos are all over the internet on how to use and wear a mask.

You can expect this, but it’s pretty stunning. The workers, and the staff are taking it on themselves, on their personal accounts, to teach others how to hand this emergency. They are doing so as Rufus-style heroes and heroines. This is really wonderful, and for once, a good use for social media.

Here we have an instructional video on how to properly wear a face mask.

How to wear a face mask.

Individual towns are erecting roadblocks and stopping everyone from going in or out.

You know, it’s not just only the local governments that are placing roadblocks. The citizens and individuals within the rural communities and housing communities within the cities that are doing so as well. These small groups have set up these road blocks and are keeping everyone out of their communities.

Not everyone agrees with the government in staying home. Additionally, there are stubborn old people, poor people who are isolated and outside the major communication channels and just “hard-headed” fools that want to do their own thing.

No one is being permitted in or out of these communities. How do I know? I’ve got all my relatives locked inside at least three different communities.

Local community roadblock.

People are handing out free face masks.

Heroes come in different sizes and shapes. All the stores are sold out of face masks. But some people have supplies of them. You know, like factories, like clinics, like paint supply stores. The workers and the owners are then taking their stock and handing them out to others. It’s a kind gesture and a very important thing to do during this emergency.

Handing out free face-masks.

Police and militia are going up and down the streets telling everyone to stay inside.

Instead of fireworks exploding for hours on end, the streets are eerily quiet. Instead, troops of public service officials are marching up and down the streets with bullhorns. They are announcing people to stay inside their houses and not to go out. They are telling them to keep clean and avoid crowds. They are doing this because all taxi, DD, public transportation and buses are shut down.

These are the “town criers” for people who are not tech-savvy and monitoring the radio, the television, the internet, and the social media.

Town criers announcing to stay inside the house.

Roadblock inspection on a major highway.

All of the traffic on the major highways are pulled over and go through inspection. They are monitoring everyone for fever and making sure that ill or sick people are not out and about.

This is the best that they can do, because (as we know now) the incubation period can be from 0 to 14 days, and the person will not be aware that they are sick, but they will be high contagious. So the best thing to do is to secure everyone inside their own individual homes and not be out and about.

Highway roadblock and inspection.

Hospitals are overflowing.

What do you do when a large percentage of a city of 14 million people are sick? The hospitals are overcrowded, and the staff overworked.

Luckily the Chinese military has stepped in and they have clinics in tent cities all over Wuhan. Here, we have shipping container operating rooms, and other military systems used with great effect to help.

Here’s what it’s like. Can you imagine this in say New York City or Chicago?

Hospitals are over-flowing.

Communities are taking matters into their own hands.

Some communities will not take no for an answer, and they have established local militia to guard the communities to keep them in quarantine. These militias are quite different from American militias. Where you would find people toting AR-15, and AK-47 semi-automatic rifles and shotguns, wearing camouflage clothing, and wearing Alice-harnesses. In China, they would wear something very visible to identify themselves as militia, and they would be armed with very sharp and lethal cutlery. And, please, make no mistake… they know how to use them.

Local militia in China.

Special equipment and care must be taken.

This novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), is so lethal and so contagious that it strains the most commonly available hospital equipment. Workers must wear special bio-hazard suits to work with it and handle the patients.

The different levels of hazmat suits.
The different levels of hazmat suits.

As a result, the Chinese government has all the manufacturers working overtime, 24-7, non-stop to make new suits, new masks, new respiratory systems, and rapidly produce more medical supplies. There are tons of videos of workers making these articles of clothing, face masks and other medical and emergency gear.

Now, rather than post those videos, here’s a video showing just the kind of special gear that the hospitals need to utilize to fight this viral agent.

Hospital staff in full protection gear.

Hospitals must equip their staff with gear that is classified as Biosafety level four. This is the kind of gear that hospital workers require to use at this time.

What are Biosafety Levels (BSLs)?

There are four biosafety levels. Each level has specific controls for  containment of microbes and biological agents. The primary risks that  determine levels of containment are infectivity, severity of disease,  transmissibility, and the nature of the work conducted. Origin of the  microbe, or the agent in question, and the route of exposure are also important. 


“BSL-4 builds upon the containment requirements of BSL-3 and is the highest level of biological safety. There are a small number of BSL-4 labs in the United States and around the world. The microbes in a BSL-4 lab are dangerous and exotic, posing a high risk of aerosol-transmitted infections. Infections caused by these microbes are frequently fatal and without treatment or vaccines. Two examples of microbes worked with in a BSL-4 laboratory include Ebola and Marburg viruses. “

Biosafety level four. This is the kind of gear that hospital workers require to use at this time.
Biosafety level four. This is the kind of gear that hospital workers require to use at this time.

Military are mobilized.

Not well reported outside of China, is the fact that the Chinese have fully mobilized their military.

They are not only treating this emergency as a precursor to a pandemic. But, and note-worthy, they are treating it as a WMD… a biological attack and have mobilized their entire military force to contain it.

Biological warfare (BW)—also known as germ warfare—is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi with the intent to kill or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war. Biological weapons (often termed "bio-weapons", "biological threat agents", or "bio-agents") are living organisms or replicating entities (viruses, which are not universally considered "alive") that reproduce or replicate within their host victims. Entomological (insect) warfare is also considered a type of biological weapon. This type of warfare is distinct from nuclear warfare and chemical warfare, which together with biological warfare make up NBC, the military initialism for nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare using weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). None of these are considered conventional weapons, which are deployed primarily for their explosive, kinetic, or incendiary potential. 

- Wikipedia 
The military are mobilized.
A biological attack is the intentional release of a pathogen (disease causing agent) or biotoxin (poisonous substance produced by a living organism) against humans, plants, or animals. An attack against people could be used to cause illness, death, fear, societal disruption, and economic damage. 

- Biological Attack Fact Sheet | Homeland Security 

Medical Staff are divided into “task groups” all lead by a viral specialist.

The Chinese have organized trained experts in both viral agents, and biological warfare. These are health professionals that have been dispatched to all the hospitals in all of the cities. They are the experts that will guide and lead the individual hospitals through this emergency. They know what to do, how to handle things, and the proper actions to take.

Experts arrive at a hospital.

Airplane scanning of passengers.

Of course you are constantly being scanned to see if you have a fever or are showing any sign of contamination by this viral agent. Here is a video of some staff checking the patients on board a plane.

That’s about it for now. I’ll post more videos when I get a moment. Please allow these videos to download. They are certainly interesting and provides you with a better idea of what is going on in China, compared to what CNN and FOX can provide.

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The very strange coincidence that an “exercise” was conducted in New York City involving a Coronavirus Pandemic two months before the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic outbreak.

This comes from The Economic Collapse Blog, and all credit to the author. The article is edited to fit the font and formatting style of this blog, and I added pictures and minor text corrections.

Just two months before the Wuhan outbreak, a “high-level pandemic exercise” entitled “Event 201” was held in New York City. 

On October 18th the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in conjunction with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, brought together “15 leaders of business, government, and public health” to simulate a scenario in which a coronavirus pandemic was ravaging the planet. 

The current coronavirus outbreak that originated in China did not begin until December, and so at that time it was supposedly just a hypothetical exercise. 

The following comes from the official page for this event

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in  partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates  Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October  18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where  public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a  severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal  consequences.

I find it quite interesting that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was involved, because they are also financial backers of the institute that was granted a U.S. patent for “an attenuated coronavirus” in November 2018.

It appears that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been quite interested in the threat posed by coronaviruses for quite some time.

Event 201

Eric Toner, a researcher at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, spearheaded putting “Event 201” together.  In his scenario, a coronavirus outbreak had begun on Brazil’s pig farms

Toner’s simulation imagined a fictional virus called  CAPS. The analysis, part of a collaboration with the World Economic  Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, looked at what would  happen if a pandemic originated in Brazil’s pig farms.

Even though the outbreak was quite limited at first, Toner’s scenario ultimately showed that a coronavirus pandemic could kill 65 million people

The pretend outbreak started small: Farmers began coming  down with symptoms that resembled the flu or pneumonia. 

From there, the  virus spread to crowded and impoverished urban neighborhoods in South  America.

Flights were canceled, and travel bookings dipped by 45%. 

People disseminated false information on social media.

After six months, the virus had spread around the globe. 

A year later, it had killed 65 million people.

Let us certainly hope that this current outbreak does not evolve into that sort of a nightmare.

A horror of a nightmare.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

According to Reuters, there are now more than 800 confirmed cases, and the death toll has shot up to 25…

China confirmed 830 cases of patients infected with the  new coronavirus as of Jan. 23, while the death toll from the virus has  risen to 25, the National Health Commission said on Friday.
Wuhan death.
Wuhan death.

People! This is not your average “everyday” flu or bug. This virus is a killer. It strikes hard and fast, and within minutes. Here is an actual video of one of the fellows that it killed. Video is pulled from the surveillance cameras.

It’s a horror!

This guy actually died. He was one of the first confirmed deaths.

But many are skeptical that the official figures are accurate.  Because the images coming out of Wuhan are extremely alarming

Disturbing images of Wuhan residents dropping  unresponsive to the floor have emerged on Instagram following the  diseased Chinese city’s coronavirus lockdown.

Wuhan has been branded a “zombieland” by frantic locals after Chinese  authorities told residents they are not allowed to leave yesterday  morning.

Pictures from inside the city paint an apocalyptic picture as medics patrol in hazmat suits and gas masks.

Over the past 48 hours, numerous videos have been posted on social media that supposedly show violently sick people that have literally collapsed in the streets of Wuhan.  Here is just one example.

In  #Wuhan,people are collapsing on streets due to the deadly #WuhanPneumonia .so helpless.#WuhanCoronavirus #WuhanOutbreak

— 巴丢草  Badiucao (@badiucao) January 23, 2020
Hospital in-patent. The fellow is not feeling well…

And in another video, hundreds of mask-wearing Chinese citizens are crammed into the hallways of a hospital in Wuhan as they wait to see a doctor.

A video from a hospital in Wuhan …
i am so speechless,just look at the crowd… it only takes one real patient of #WuhanCoronavirus to doom everyone else on the site!#Wuhan #WuhanPneumonia #WuhanOutbreak

— 巴丢草  Badiucao (@badiucao) January 23, 2020
It hits you suddenly and you collapse.

This is something that I wrote about yesterday, and even though I documented my claims, I don’t think that a lot of people believed me.

In fact, when I told my wife what was happening at the hospitals even she didn’t believe me at first.

You are feeling fine when you enter the elevator, and then five seconds later you collapse.

But this is actually happening, and one video from a Wuhan hospital even shows a patient that collapsed on the ground as he waited to see a doctor…

video from a Wuhan  hospital,patient collapes on the ground.#WuhanPneumonia

— 巴丢草  Badiucao (@badiucao) January 23, 2020

If people are literally dropping where they stand, that would seem to indicate that we aren’t being told the full truth about this virus.

It affects everyone. In all walks of life.

Chinese authorities are trying to keep everyone calm, but they are definitely treating this like it is no ordinary outbreak.  For example, one airline passenger that was suspected of having the virus was actually “wheeled out of an airport in a quarantine box”

Footage has emerged showing an airline passenger with  suspected SARS-like coronavirus being wheeled out of an airport in a  quarantine box.

The man inside the box is wearing a protective suit, a mask and  gloves after he reportedly showed possible symptoms, including a fever,  during screening and was isolated from other travelers.

The box is surrounded by staff wearing blue masks as it is wheeled to  a waiting ambulance outside a terminal at the airport in Fuzhou in  south-eastern China.
Wuhan death.
Wuhan death.

The whole world was stunned when it was announced that the entire city of Wuhan would be facing a quarantine, but now seven other Chinese cities are also being locked down.

Wuhan location within China.
Wuhan location within China.

In addition, big cities all over China are canceling festivities for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday…

Major Chinese cities, including Beijing and  quarantine-blocked Wuhan, banned all large gatherings over the coming  Lunar New Year festival, the most important holiday on the Chinese  calendar, in an expanding effort to contain a rapidly spreading  coronavirus outbreak.

The announcement Thursday came as authorities expanded travel  restrictions imposed on Wuhan to surrounding municipalities, shutting  down travel networks and attempting to quarantine about 25 million  people – more than the population of Florida.
Wuhan death.
Wuhan death.

We have never seen anything like this before in the entire modern history of China.

Profound steps are being taken.

Would Chinese officials really take such dramatic measures if the threat was not real?

Of course here in the United States the CDC is assuring us that we don’t have anything to be concerned about

“We don’t want the American public to be worried about  this because their risk is low,” says Anthony Fauci, head of the  National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “On the other  hand, we are taking this very seriously and are dealing very closely  with Chinese authorities.”

-American Center for Disease Control 

Hopefully they are correct, and hopefully this outbreak will blow over sooner rather than later.

Hospitals are being overwhelmed and already one of the doctors has died.

But a virologist that played a key role in identifying SARS in 2003 insists that what we have seen so far is just the beginning

“A bigger outbreak is certain,” said Guan Yi, a virologist who helped identify severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003. He estimated – “conservatively,” he said – that this outbreak  could be 10 times bigger than the SARS epidemic because that virus was transmitted by only a few “super spreaders” in a more defined part of the country.

“We have passed through the ‘golden period’ for prevention and  control,” he told Caixin magazine from self-imposed quarantine after  visiting Wuhan. “What’s more, we’ve got the holiday traffic rush and a  dereliction of duty from certain officials.”

I am petrified.

And if that wasn’t enough to send a chill down your spine, just check out what else he had to say

“I’ve seen it all: bird flu, SARS, influenza A,  swine fever and the rest. But the Wuhan pneumonia makes me feel  extremely powerless,” he told Caixin. “Most of the past epidemics were  controllable, but this time, I’m petrified.”
Wuhan death.
Wuhan death.

The next week or two will be an absolutely critical time.

If authorities are able to stop the number of cases from rising at an exponential rate, and if there are able to keep it mostly confined to just a few areas of China, we may have a chance to prevent a global pandemic.

But if not, we may be facing a worst case scenario.

And according to “Event 201”, a worst case scenario could potentially mean tens of millions of dead people.

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What we can expect to happen when the Deep State “Swamp” declares war against American Citizens.

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few decades, you should be aware that most Americans are quite unhappy. The progressive liberals hate the nation, the country and what it stands for. They want it to burn, be destroyed and replaced with a social utopia. The conservatives hate what the nation has become. They want a full return to the original intended government, and a leadership that obeys it. Meanwhile, the wealthy and the powerful, in full control of the government, is playing both sides against each other.

A conflict is inevitable.

There should be no question at all that our nation is at an impasse. There is a serious question of direction. As in what direction should the nation follow?

  • Embrace a Marxist paradise with the genocide of deplorables.
  • Scrap all the progressive “improvements” and return the government back to the original intent.

The Conflict.

Basically, there are those who see America as a thing to be preserved and another who see it as a thing needing to be destroyed.

  • Patriots want a return to the original principles of the founding.
  • Progressives want everything torn down and replaced with a Marxist utopia.

The Marxist Plan.

It was said by a number of Marxist thinkers over the decades and most notably William Ayers, that for America to be destroyed, it was a thing to be destroyed first from within, then by getting help from the outside.

William Ayers.
William Ayers.

And while Marxist and Anarchist apologists will be quick to minimize those statements through saying its simply from a man caught in the winds of his time, its incredibly important to note that this is the prevailing thought among higher-level academia. An academia which has groomed the brokers of power in all of our nation’s ruling agencies.

Ayers is but one man with a relatively small group, an incredibly high percentage of academics in this nation not only sided with him but not-so-quietly cheered such abhorrent actions on, shaping higher education for the decades to come.

Which brings us to the present day.

William Ayers was behind the Antifa riots in Berkley, California.
William Ayers was behind the Antifa riots in Berkley, California.

In every sociology program in America, undergrads are taught Max Weber’s theories on authority in a society and, perhaps more importantly, his theories on Bureaucracy. Normally juxtaposed to Gramsci’s theory of the superstructure, it is stressed in lectures that in order to control a society, control over the bureaucracy must first be established.

The American Government today.

Once that control is slowly implemented, there is no need for a sudden revolution. Control is already obtained. Crime becomes a tool of political power rather than a question of morality. Through this power the ability to define one’s enemies- and thus eliminate them- is simple.

Where we find ourselves today is the veil of objectivity in such a bureaucracy having been ripped away.

The corporate mass-media has recently discovered a “deep state” that they claim to be not some evil group of assassins who work for the super-rich owners of the country and murder their own president (JFK) and other unpatriotic dissidents (Malcom X, MLK, RK, among others) and undermine democracy home and abroad, but are now said to be just fine upstanding American citizens who work within the government bureaucracies and are patriotic believers in democracy intent on doing the right thing.
The corporate mass-media has recently discovered a “deep state” that they claim to be not some evil group of assassins who work for the super-rich owners of the country and murder their own president (JFK) and other unpatriotic dissidents (Malcom X, MLK, RK, among others) and undermine democracy home and abroad, but are now said to be just fine upstanding American citizens who work within the government bureaucracies and are patriotic believers in democracy intent on doing the right thing.

The ongoing impeachment farce has brought a vibrant highlight to that power wield upon anyone or anything they deem a worthy target. If the denizens of the ‘interagency group’, an unelected, unaccountable group of ring-knockers who apparently view themselves outside the authority of anyone but they, who decided to target the President for literally nothing at all, what will they do to you?

Indeed, all this political posturing is a war that is raging all around us.

When the dust clears, how will it affect you?

The Fourth Amendment.

I don’t believe its far-fetched to say the Fourth Amendment is finished.

There are no Fourth Amendment protections for Americans.
There are no Fourth Amendment protections for Americans.

There is no such thing as privacy when so many freely chose to live their lives online. Where they are always volunteering an incredibly high amount of data on themselves. Which is a data set known as patterns of life in the intelligence world…

And when such a time occurs as say, a threatening of a mass disarmament and criminalization of firearms ownership and the right to organize and train under arms…

… that without protections against the machine, armed networks of potential guerrillas may very well be unknowingly compromised before such a thing can even get off the ground.

Revolt is fated to end before it’s even vocalized.

The tools of tyranny.

The tools that are available, even open source, are powerful enough to easily map networks of potential troublemakers. This can be easily conducted beginning with collecting social media data and then confirming it all by conducting physical surveillance.

America is a full-on police state in the very definition of what a police state actually is.
America is a full-on police state in the very definition of what a police state actually is.

The process behind this is known as the Target-Centric Intelligence Cycle.

It follows five steps.

  • Find
  • Fix
  • Finish
  • Exploit
  • Assess.

It begins with a target of interest. All data is collected on the potential target with the aim of creating a plan of attack. Finishing the target is the actions-on stage. The target is either apprehended or neutralized, depending on the desired result, giving way to exploitation and assessment- whatever effects were felt in the larger targeted community, while resetting the cycle based on new targets of interest.

Military Targeting Process.
Military Targeting Process.

With the tools at their disposal, this process can be done almost entirely remotely with the only physical surveillance necessary is to confirm the data on the targets, and usually just before conducting the actions-on raid of the cycle.

Think about that one for a second.

The interesting thing about collective action and social movements is that once it gathers a fever pitch, its far too much of a risk for the superstructure to wield collective force. Some would argue that the use of force even reveals the waning influence of the superstructure. Right or wrong, the optics of such a move are never good and in my personal experience, only galvanizes a people against that power.

So the question remains then- what happens when a government decides on a dirty war against those it deems a threat?

They hate us.

We know without a doubt at this stage that the real power structure in this nation absolutely hates you and I.

By their own words they have nothing but contempt for us, for our points of view, for our way of life.

They hate us. They all have come from "privilege", and have come to despise us common people.
They hate us. They all have come from “privilege”, and have come to despise us common people.

Indoctrinated by the very same America-hating academics who serve on advisory committees…

… to the very agencies which created the powers for themselves…

… the communist revolution of gaining control of Gramsci’s superstructure has been applied to the principles of bureaucracy outlined by Weber.

Your future home - if you are lucky.
Your future home – if you are lucky.

Now, with the tools they have at their disposal, how would such an organization commit itself to a dirty war- not risking overt action but rather simply eliminating voices of dissent quietly?

Simple implementation.

So-called ‘martial law’ doesn’t have to be declared nor would it be desirable. Ties between government agencies and elements of underground criminal organizations are very real- and will be used.

Rather than risk their own officers, target packets will be handed off to the local gang and a robbery gone wrong just might happen. Do not forget that they’ve imported millions of undocumented- and thus disposable- people for more than just votes.

MS-13 criminal gang.
MS-13 criminal gang.

Maybe your drive-by-wire car all of a sudden uncontrollably accelerated into a tree.

And while all of this looks like a pattern to the folks who are awake, but being covert in nature, its an entirely deniable way to wage a war on anyone deemed a threat.

Maybe outright killing a target is too dramatic.

Maybe you’ll get caught on false charges and given a draconian sentence, while career offenders are released for ‘processing errors’.

You could be taken into custody for jay-walking, having a photo on your computer, or driving while talking on a cell-phone. Then, you could spend five or ten years in prison.
You could be taken into custody for jay-walking, having a photo on your computer, or driving while talking on a cell-phone. Then, you could spend five or ten years in prison.

Maybe your bank accounts will get frozen or assets seized. Without hard proof (or even with it), naysayers are opening the door to lawsuits you can’t afford to fight while the rest continue their normalcy bias.

The normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a belief people hold when there is a possibility of a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the likelihood of a disaster and its possible effects, because people believe that things will always function the way things normally have functioned. This may result in situations where people fail to adequately prepare themselves for disasters, and on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. About 70% of people reportedly display normalcy bias in disasters. 

- Normalcy bias - Wikipedia 

They’ve been waging a dirty war, and its about to get even worse as more people wake up to the totality of the situation.

Break the Cycle.

Break the cycle. Its way more than just about firearms, the President, or your so-called rights.

Its a fight for survival.

The weight of an unaccountable class of people are bearing down on the rest of us, and its high time to shrug them off.

Recognize that we are an enemy to them. They are at war with you and I.

We are a threat to the "deep state" oligarchy and their "swamp". This is a fact that will not go away. We can never coexist peacefully.
We are a threat to the “deep state” oligarchy and their “swamp”. This is a fact that will not go away. We can never coexist peacefully.

One thing is absolutely certain- they won’t back off any of this and they have no interest in stopping.

The bureaucracy which wholly serves the Leftist cause in the United States wants voices like ours gone and they’ve propagandized us as no longer being human.

And when they fail to yield to protests and non-violent demonstrations, you must be prepared for what comes next.


Conclusion & Takeways

What is the point of this aimless and wandering post?

  • Peaceful coexistence between Marxists and deplorables is impossible.
  • The oligarchy owns the “Deep State”.
  • The vast numbers of the “Deep State” are Marxists.


  • Deplorables are going to be silenced, firstly. (Already in process.)
  • Then they will be treated as second or third class citizens. (Also already in process.)
  • Then they will be disarmed. (Already in process.)
  • Finally they will be exterminated.

Gear up. You have to be an idiot not to see the “writing on the wall”.

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The actual trade imports that China obtains from the United States.

One of the often cited misconceptions that many Americans have is that China would collapse if the United States were to stop trading with her. The idea is that “China needs us more than we need them”. It’s not true, and it’s not even remotely true. Here, is the actual import data that China imports from the United States. Take a good long hard look at it.

China could very well have an embargo of the United States, and would do just fine.

The items that China imports from the United States.

Here’s a graphical summary.

While most Americans, and certainly most Alt-Right conservative Americans are under the impression that China imports an enormous amount of good from the United States, this is not the case.

Import data on what China imports broken down by type and classification.
Import data on what China imports broken down by type and classification.

Key Points

By looking at the graph above, the only manufactured items that are of significance to China (from the United States) are aircraft. Other manufactured products actually represent a very tiny percentage of imports by type. For instance, American-made machines represent only 5% of the total machines imported by China.


In the global sphere of things, the United States is not a dominant supplier of things that China wants or needs. Therefore, America has very little leverage to influence China to do its’ bidding.

In order to cajole or manipulate the Chinese government to take on positions that America wants, there has to be other systems in play. These manipulations and adjustments of global power projection such as [1] the threat of war, [2] famine, [3] sickness, or [4] regional revolt are the tools that the United States is, and has been, using to force China to bend to it’s will.

It is not at all outlandish to believe that the CIA, NED, the NID and other arms of the enormous United States bureaucracy has a “dark hand” at play at this time. It’s the only “cards” that America can play.

If you enjoyed this, you might want to see other posts on this subject in my China general index here…


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Was the 2020 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) an engineered biological attack on China by America for geopolitical advantage?


I wrote this piece during the 2020 Chinese New Year when China went DEFCON ONE.

At that time, all of us inside of China were stunned when out of the blue, all the holiday celebrations were cancelled, called up all militia, set up road blocks everywhere, and manned all the ICBM and SLBM installations on full retaliatory strike mode. China was on FULL ALERT and FULL MILITARY FOOTING.

World War III was adverted, but just narrowly.

China secured the virus, and weathered out 2020. When I wrote this piece no one was aware what was going on, but my background in ONI, MAJ pretty much told me that something “fishy” was up. At that time, I was unaware of the full depth and background.

So I wrote this piece.

I’ve tried to keep it updated, but stopped around June 2020 or so. In August 2020, the Chinese government made an official statement to the UN which pretty much validated everything written here. They blamed the USA for designing, developing, and releasing the COVID-19 in China during 2020 CNY. What’s more, they had documentation to support all their accusations. They had videos, biopsies, and some hard technical data to back up what I have collected.

Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump refused to respond to the statement made by China. They made no statments. They did not respond. The American media remained silent. It was as if China was talking to an empty room.

Instead, they gathered a military flotilla consisting of five assault carriers and marine landing forces and sailed to the South China Sea. They also engaged in numerous NGO-backed “color revolutions”, and tried to set up “The QUAD”, which was intended to be a “Asian NATO” lead by America to threaten Asia with.

As of October 2020, all American efforts to suppress China have failed. I am leaving this post as is for historical purposes. It’s pretty much well established as to whom developed and released the viral pathogen on China. And irregardless to what the American media reports, the leadership of most Asian nations, and European nations fully recognize that the United States is the culprit behind this biological warfare attack. As well as the global Coronavirus pandemic that has swept the world and collapsed world-wide trade and commerce in 2020.

Read and learn…

Given that the US fired the National Pandemic Response Team, withdrew its Pandemic Liaison Officer from Beijing, held two major pandemic simulations (attended by the Deputy Director of the CIA), and experienced multiple, unexplained pneumonia cases in Maryland and Virginia, does this look suspicious to you? 

Or is it just me?

It does seem farfetched, doesn’t it?

That the United States will risk World War III, using nuclear weapons, by launching a coronavirus inside China during the 2020 Chinese New Year celebrations? But that is exactly the scenario that I fear has occurred.

Here we discuss this horror.

If this is the actual case, and it is actually intentionally engineered and used against China, it means that the USA is flirting with global nuclear annihilation. This is nothing that should be treated lightly.

Maybe not so far-fetched. When you get into the details


Many in the know, believe America has two options when it comes to  winning a world war against China and Russia. Also, what most agree on  is the fact that America cannot win a conventional war against either  power, or both. 

-  Can America Win World War III? A Critical Analysis 

Officially called the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), [renamed to COVID-19 for some odd reason] the contagion is a respiratory illness, a new type of viral pneumonia, in the same family of infections as SARS and MERS. 

It highly contagious. It’s of a factor many, many time contagious than any other known virus.

High Contagiousness 

Indeed, if we  compare how SARS spread out in 2002-2003, it is hard not to notice how  much more contagious nCoV-2019 is compared to SARS. 

It took SARS three  months to reach to the point of 300 cases between November 2002 and  February 2003. In the climax of SARS, the daily number of newly  registered cases in Mainland China never exceeded 200 cases. 

In  comparison, on 28th January 2020 alone, 1459 new cases of nCoV-2019 were  reported nationwide, including 315 cases in Wuhan. In just a week  between 20-28 January, the number of patients with nCoV-2019 exceeded  the number of all SARS patients confirmed in Mainland China between  2002-2004! 

Mainland China had just 5327 cases of SARS, but nCoV-2019  already had 5974 registered cases by the end of January 28th, 2020. 

- Coronavirus: Summary to date & insights 

Taken alone, it’s just “another” viral agent. Only this time it’s much stronger. However, taken in context with other events, other systems, and other considerations it points to some very serious conclusions; conclusions that are far too hard to ignore.

Everything seemingly points to biowarfare being waged against China.

Crazy! Right?

“(…) advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific  genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a  politically useful tool “. 

- “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, published by the conservative think tank “Project for a New American Century” 

No nation would be so crazy, so stupid, so insane, so evil… as to launch a very deadly WMD inside a nuclear-armed world power on their most important holiday. Right?

… on their most important holiday …

Who would be interested in doing this?

The calls for drastic and immediate action against China are all over the major American neocon publications. Just because you (personally) are not aware of them, does not mean that they do not exist. These neocons are foaming at the mouth for a fight. They just cannot wait to go off the coast of China and start firing some of those expensive cruise missles at the Chinese mainland. They are all rearing up for another Iraq… or Afghanistan

Who are they?

The culprits are the dominant Western Powers. Which pretty much is America and it’s allies (namely Britain). The objective is to put “stress” on China in a combined effort to contain her growing power and influence.

It seems so far-fetched.

No one would be that crazy, that evil, that insane to want to hurt a successful nation full of hard-working and family loving people. No one, unless…

…they are ideologically motivated.

Negotiation is not a policy. It's a technique.  It's something you use when it's to your advantage, and something that  you don't use when it's not to your advantage.
-John Bolton 
During the 2020 Chinese New Year celebrations and mass-migration, a very dangerous and lethal virus exploded all over the nation.
During the 2020 Chinese New Year celebrations and mass-migration, a very dangerous and lethal virus exploded all over the nation. [renamed to COVID-19 for some odd reason]

This should not be a trivial concern.

To accuse the United States of doing so is not to be done lightly.

All that is presented herein is, of course, speculative. I sincerely wish, hope and desire that it is not the case at all. Though the sum total or unexplained coincidences have created a preponderance of evidence in support of America attacking China with multiple biological weapons…

Wuhan virus in 2020.
Wuhan virus in 2020. [renamed to COVID-19 for some odd reason]

As it is pretty much a yearly event to have some type of flu or viral outbreak in China. The Chinese government is well-equipped to deal with these outbreaks.

But this time, it’s really… really different.

However, what is different THIS TIME is that the virus is [1] new (not a strain of an existing virus), [2] extremely aggressive, [3] launched during the yearly Chinese migration, and [4] comes at the heels of a wide spectrum of American instigated attacks on China during the “Trump Trade Wars”.

Let’s open up this discussion with something that is well known all over the globe, but hidden from the Americans inside their echo-chamber media…

Swine flu was propagated by drones

As strange was it seems, the complete collapse of the pig farm industry in China in 2019 was propagated by drones. This is why so many isolated pig farms became infected. “Criminal elements” were using drones to spray the pigs with flu to devastate the pork industry.

“Criminal Elements”.

This is the Swine-flu pandemic in 2019.

Have you ever heard of this?

The idea that drones would spread a virus was intriguing.

  • Who designed and modified the drones?
  • Who manufactured and modified them so professionally?
  • How were the drones in the South of China, equal to those in the West, North and East?
  • How can the pig farmers get a hold of the same viral agent?
  • Meanwhile the Western media isn’t reporting on the drone use to decimate the pork industry.

It’s using technology to destroy an entire national industry. And it’s blamed on “criminal gangs”. I know that gangs are powerful, but why would they ever want to destroy a national resource?

That is like Tony Soprano conspiring to sink every container ship in every port in the United States. It does not add up.

Tony Soprano
Tony Soprano

Trump trade war went “hot”

For some reason, ever since the “Trump trade war”, China has been hit with unusually dangerous and lethal germs, viral agents, and illnesses that has attacked livestock and people.

The Chinese chicken industry was almost wiped out in 2018 by the bird flu virus.
The Chinese chicken industry was almost wiped out in 2018 by the bird flu virus.

You do not need to believe me.

Just Google for viral outbreaks in China. It’s all over the place. It’s everywhere.

Ever since President Donald Trump became President and incorporated Neocon “War Hawks” on his negotiation team, China has been wracked with all sorts of [1] new, [2] novel, and [3] unusually lethal strains of viral agents. All of which cripple the Chinese people, food and livestock.

They have been relentless, and their control of the American media is such that no one notices or cares about their activities.

Swine flu devastated Chinese pork production in 2019.
Swine flu devastated Chinese pork production in 2019.


Let’s take a look at the history behind the COVID-19. Here’s a time line. Check it all out…

2003 to present…

Firstly, the American DARPA scientific labs have been working on gene editing technology in the development of advanced biological warfare. This is through the use of rare poisonous bats. The goal is to create very lethal biological weapons based upon the coronavirus platform.

  • US Military research.
  • Genetic gene editing technology.
  • Based on rare, poisonous bats.
  • Based on the coronavirus platform.

Authorized and approved, and funded by Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump.


Let’s focus on Dr. Shi Zhengli Only focus on the work that she did. She took hundreds of trips to Yunnan to study bats and she was (more or less) the person that discovered that SARS-CoV came from bats. She and many others received grants from USA and China to, for some reason, create a chimeric bioweapon. I have not bothered to do any research to find the actual grants that were issued for this project. Here is the first important part, bats are the largest incubators of coronaviruses. But it was IMPOSSIBLE for bats to transmit the coronavirus to humans because they could not interact with human cells with ACE2 receptors. So the more typical route would be for a specific bat to infect some other animal (pig, bird, etc), and that animal then infects humans (from us eating said animal). It should be made abundantly clear that bats or the consumption of bats was NOT present at the Wuhan wet market. So there is absolutely zero proof of anyone in that market eating a bat and then spreading this virus. The study writes that Dr. Shi discovered a specific type of horseshoe bats that carry a unique strain of SARS coronavirus that can THEORETICALLY be transmitted to humans. The team named this SHC014-CoV. The science here is VERY complex and most will not understand it anyway, so to make it simple they made SARS into a super virus, that was airborne, could directly transmit to humans, and most importantly uses a glycoprotein S-Spike for RBD into ACE2. Let me make this very, very clear. The research team need to HACK SARS, give it GAIN OF FUNCTION just to make this virus POSSIBLE in nature. Again, I am ONLY referring to bat to human transmission, which the paper says is virtually impossible. Even Bat-animal-human ACE2 entry is absurdly improbable, but still possible, but then on top of that to have gain of function for R0+ aerosol? We are talking about a 0.00001% of evolution for this to happen. But this is still possible to evolve. Once this paper went public the backlash from the virology, biology, epidemiology community was heavy. Scientists could not understand why the team would intentionally weaponize SARS. That part can be verified. I heard that congress, or some government body then forced the UNC lab to be shutdown, grants revoked, and suddenly Dr. Shi goes back to China. I have not verified ANY of that information. Later in that same year, 2015, The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) opens the country’s FIRST BSL4 lab. This was a BIG DEAL in China, but opening a BSL4 lab in the middle of a major city was HEAVILY criticized. Dr. Shi was named the director of the BSL4 lab. I have HEARD that the scientific paper grants/work were, in part, from the DoD, which would not surprise me. I have not looked into that. Was SHC014 leaked from WIV BSL4? Absolutely not! SARS-CoV2 shares its closest connection to RaTG13, a different coronavirus found in Yunnan bats that has nothing to do with humans and has never infected humans. The most probable scenario is that the research team created this super weapon, their grants were cut and all of their research was terminated. The DoD 100% would have had this research and no one knows what they did with that. This is where Dr. Shi should exit our timeline, for now.

December 20, 2017

Dec. 20, 2017
The US Government lifted a ban on developing dangerous Germ bioweapons. This was right when Trump reorganized the Bioweapon office, in the midst of the Chinese trade war. Imagine that!

August 2018

August 2018
By 8/17 the COPD vaping sickness becomes an epidemic, and the CDC investigates 94 cases. The illness/deaths are later to be determined to come from vitamin E acetate. Once the government identified the specific products, the vaping deaths essentially dropped to zero. So it is highly IMPROBABLE that the vaping outbreak is related BUT it could have been used as cover OR it is highly probable that SOME/FEW of those cases was misdiagnosed and were actually COVID19. It would be great if ANY doctor could go back and look at those Virginia cases and confirm that COVID19 existed well before Wuhan.

29 June 2018

29 June 2018
In 6/29/18 At the Good Samaritan Society in Illinois, between mid May to June 29th, 20 suffer from an unknown respiratory illness, leaving 9 dead. All doctors were baffled and have zero answers to provide..

2018 American Coronavirus Patent Granted.

Secondly, let it be well understood that after approximately 15 years of development, this particular virus was patented in the United States. A U.S. Patent For ‘An Attenuated Coronavirus’ Was Filed In 2015 And Granted In 2018. And the actual text of the patent HERE.

"The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising  a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation in  one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or  nsp-16."  

It is an identical description of the current coronavirus [COVID-19]

"... a mutation in  one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or  nsp-16."  

Let that sink in…

May 2018

A sudden exit of the head of the “pandemic response” team in America exits. It is not cordial, and appears that he was forced out.

American Bio-Warfare Office Reorganization in 2018

At the same time, John Bolton take over all Bio-weapons programs and pandemic offices. There was a complete and utter shakedown. It went from a civilian response organizaiton, to a military offensive organization…

In 2018, Mr. Trump’s national security adviser at the time, John R.  Bolton, ousted Mr. Bossert and eliminated the National Security Council  directorate, folding it into an office dedicated to weapons of mass  destruction in what Trump officials called a logical consolidation.

Asked about that shift on March 13, Mr. Trump told a reporter that it was “a nasty question,”  before adding: “I don’t know anything about it.” Writing on Twitter the  next day, Mr. Bolton lashed out at critics who said the shift had  reflected disinterest in pandemic threats. 


A few months after the reorganization of the office…

January 2019 America runs a “Pandemic Exercise”.

‘Crimson Contagion’

The Crimson Contagion  planning exercise run last year (2019) by the Department of Health and Human  Services involved officials from 12 states and at least a dozen federal  agencies. They included the Pentagon, the Department of Veterans Affairs  and the National Security Council. Groups like the American Red Cross  and American Nurses Association were invited to join, as were health  insurance companies and major hospitals like the Mayo Clinic.

The  war game-like exercise was overseen by Robert P. Kadlec, a former Air  Force physician who has spent decades focused on biodefense issues.  After stints on the Bush administration’s Homeland Security Council and  the staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee, he was appointed  assistant secretary of Health and Human Services for Preparedness and  Response.

“He recognized early that we have a big problem and we  needed much bigger budgets to prepare,” said Richard Danzig, the  secretary of the Navy in the Clinton administration, who had worked with  Mr. Kadlec.

The exercise played out in four separate stages, starting in January 2019.

The  events were supposedly unspooling in real time — with the worst-case  scenario underway as of Aug. 13, 2019 — when, according to the script,  12,100 cases had already been reported in the United States, with the  largest number in Chicago, which had 1,400.

The fictional outbreak  involved a pandemic flu, which the Department of Health and Human  Services says was “very different than the novel coronavirus.” The  staged outbreak had started when a group of 35 tourists visiting China  were infected and then flew home to Australia, Kuwait, Malaysia,  Thailand, Britain and Spain, as well as to the United States, with some  developing respiratory symptoms and fevers en route.

A 52-year-old  man from Chicago, who was on the tour, had “low energy and a dry cough”  upon his return home. His 17-year-old son on that same day went out to a  large public event in Chicago, and the chain of illnesses in the United  States started.

Many of the moments during the tabletop exercise are now chillingly familiar.

In  the fictional pandemic, as the virus spread quickly across the United  States, the C.D.C. issued guidelines for social distancing, and many  employees were told to work from home.


A few months after the exercise, Canada tries to secretly import virulent viruses into China…

Imagine that!

29 June 2018
By the numbers in short order, we have in a very short time span… (1) Militarized Coronavirus Patent Granted (2) Bi-warfare office reorganized. (3) The “Pandemic Exercise”. And finally, after the results of the exercise, someone tries to sneak this very same virus into China….

March 2019Strange Shipment of Viruses to China

In March 2019, in a mysterious event, a shipment of exceptionally virulent viruses from Canada’s NML biological labs ended up in China. Canadian officials say the shipment was part of its efforts to support public-health research worldwide. They claimed that it was just normal procedure.

What is unclear is why it was done in secret, and why the Chinese officials lodged a complaint. For certain, if this was just a routine transfer, the Chinese government would have been notified. And they would not have lodged a complaint.

  • Lethal viral agents.
  • Secretly imported into China.
  • The Chinese government filed a complaint.

Keep in mind that this was during the peak of the Trump trade wars, and at a time when remotely operated drones were spraying swine flu and decimating the Chinese pig population.

May 2019

May 2019
5/23-30/19 A Baltimore couple (one hour from Fort Detrick) check into a resort in Dominican Republic, only to later be found dead in their room. Autopsy shows pulmonary edema, respiratory failure. Both had prior medical conditions. Another American also checked into the hotel on the exact same day as the couple. She dropped dead in her hotel room on 5/25. Her husband said she collapsed 30+ minutes after drinking something from the mini-bar. She suffered a heart attack BUT also died from pulmonary edema, and a mystery respiratory illness. She had several underlying medical conditions. Her husband did NOT have any underlying medical conditions. It is important to note that the Baltimore couple died first but were not found for FIVE DAYS. FBI and CIA ran toxicology and everything came back clean. Official FBI result of THREE coincidental deaths was just that.. unexplained and coincidence. Heart attacks can happen, but pulmonary edema is something that takes days to destroy your lungs and have you drown to death. So we have an unknown virus. I cannot find any information if anyone else at the resort was sick or died. Just amazing that this case from Baltimore happens and a month later there are TWO retirement home outbreaks of mystery respiratory illness. To correct something in your article, Fort Detrick received a cease and desist order from the CDC on 7/15/19, which is coincidentally exactly when the retirement home outbreaks happened.

June 2019Strange Tweets

  • June 14, 2019– CDC finds US Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, VA non-compliant with its pathogen control agreement. 
  • The Tweets from Turkish psychic, spiritual guru and ultra-nationalist. p.s. He is a known psychic and close to authorities. My bet he had insider information.

This is his tweet from 06/11/2019:



The U.S. sent an aircraft of biological weapons to China. Epidemics may begin in China soon.They should not forget that if there is a Turk on earth, there is hope.””

  • June 30, 2019– Unidentified pneumonia in Springfield, Virginia nursing home near Fort Detrick, VA, 15 minutes from Fort Belvoir, VA, where the US team trained for the Wuhan Military Games. 

July 2019American and Canadian Bio-Labs Lock-Down.

  • July 9th, Report of vape pneumonia 100km southeast of Fort Detrick, VA. The lungs showed the ground glass shadow typical of Covid-19. Still unexplained.
  • July 12th, 2019–Respiratory outbreak at Springfield, Virginia assisted care facility, near Fort Detrick, VA kills 2, sickens 54. A third patient dies four days later. Deaths remain unexplained to this day.
  • July 17th, 2019–A pneumonia epidemic report reported at a nursing home in Burke, VA, 56 minutes from Fort Detrick, VA.  It remains unexplained to this day.
  • July 26, Virginia State Health Bureau takes measures to prevent the spread of the pneumonia epidemic, including stopping collective activities, screening residents, and extra cleanliness. 
  • In July 2019, a group of Chinese virologists were forcibly removed from the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory (NML).

The NML is Canada’s only level-4 facility and one of only a few in North America equipped to handle the world’s deadliest diseases, including Ebola, SARS, Coronavirus, etc.

People have speculated that there might be a connection between these two events. Perhaps, they wonder, that the Chinese have been stealing the weaponized viral agents. Perhaps, they wonder, that they were caught and then expelled from NWL.

But maybe something else was going on.

Perhaps, something else that had to be done in secret and kept away from the Chinese scientists.

August 2019American Germ Lab Shut Down.

  • August 6, 2019–CDC shuts down America’s main biological warfare lab at Fort Detrick, VA. A senior scientist describes the atmosphere there as one of “fear and mistrust.” The CDC refuses to provide details.
Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at Army Lab Over Safety Concerns
Problems with disposal of dangerous materials led the government to  suspend research at the military’s leading biodefense center.
In the statement, the C.D.C. cited “national security reasons” as the  rationale for not releasing information about its decision.
date: Aug. 5, 2019 
  • And in another first, that very same month.

In late August, America got her first “vaping death” which low and behold matched the symptoms of Coronavirus PERFECTLY. Imagine that!

  • Fever
  • Low dry cough
  • Rapid onset of lung failure (with the characteristic “frosted glass shards” effect).

That could possibly be “patient zero”, and it was all scammed under the radar as E-cigarette mayhem.

Aug 23, 2019  

The death appears to be the first among a spate of mysterious lung illnesses now under investigation by state and federal health officials in connection to vaping — at least 193 cases in 22 states, many in teens and young adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

-  Vaping death: Person who used e-cigarettes died after ... 

September 2019 – Trump signs an emergency Executive Order

  • In September 2019, President Trump signs an “emergency” Executive Order that gives 120 days for the development of a vaccine “just in case” a global pandemic were to occur. WTF?
  • September 2019–A nationwide outbreak of a mysterious pneumonia causes severe respiratory problems in hundreds of people, kills 54. So-called ‘vaping-associated lung disease’ shares same symptoms as Covid-19 and images invariably show the same bilateral ground-glass opacities.

September 2019 – Bolton and WHO

John Bolton figures predominantly in all of this.

The official US-WHO position is that the coronavirus originated 
in Wuhan, Hubei Province and was first discovered in Late December. This statement is questioned by Chinese and Japanese virologists who claim that the virus originated in the US. 

Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease expert at Georgetown University in Washington, said in an article in Science magazine that the first human infection has been confirmed as occurring in November 2019, (not in Wuhan), suggesting the virus originated elsewhere and then spread to the seafood markets. “One group put the origin of the outbreak as early as 18 September 2019.

A renowned Taiwanese virologist pointed to evidence that the virus could have originated at an earlier stage, stating : “We must look to September of 2019” (in America).
  • John Bolton

John Bolton (Neocon who was in favor of World War III with China) was fired. No one knows why.

Perhaps we should take a look at his preoccupation with biological warfare, to get some insight…

“About 2 years ago when he was still in the White House as national security advisor, John Bolton  abruptly disbanded the government officials responsible for dealing  with pandemics, global health security and bioterrorism. Apparently the  health security bureaucracy is fragmented across various agencies, which  means the White House has significant control over national health  security.

 This would explain the strange behavior and response of the CDC and  other ostensibly independent government agencies. They’re fragmented and  dependent on White House direction. This also seems like it would be a  ripe environment for funny business by elements of the national security  state. If health security is fragmented across various agencies and  subject to White House control and can be easily kept out of the loop of  things, there’s a greater probability that black ops could be  implemented without worry of whistleblowers and the like. 

-Global Research

The circumstances regarding his firing is speculated upon, but not one person states the real reason for the firing. It’s a big mystery, and both the Alt-Right, and the mainstream media speculated endlessly on this. Even Rush Limbaugh put in his two cents.

  • World Health Organization

The official US-WHO position is that the coronavirus originated in Wuhan, Hubei Province and was first discovered in Late December. This statement is questioned by Chinese and Japanese virologists who claim that the virus originated in the US.

A renowned Taiwanese virologist pointed to evidence that the virus could have originated at an earlier stage, stating : “We must look to September of 2019”.

The next month…

October 2019 – Top Secret Meeting with Trump

In October, a top secret meeting was held with President Trump to discuss how the United States would fare during a pandemic situation.

They discussed the results from the on-going exercise “Crimson Contagion” that pretty much run from January 2019 into later Summer.

That scenario, code-named “Crimson Contagion,” was simulated by the  Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services in a  series of exercises that ran from last January to August.

The simulation’s sobering results — contained in a draft report dated October 2019  that has not previously been reported — drove home just how  underfunded, underprepared and uncoordinated the federal government  would be for a life-or-death battle with a virus for which no treatment  existed.

The  draft report, marked “not to be disclosed,” laid out in stark detail  repeated cases of “confusion” in the exercise. Federal agencies jockeyed  over who was in charge. State officials and hospitals struggled to  figure out what kind of equipment was stockpiled or available. Cities  and states went their own ways on school closings.

Many of the  potentially deadly consequences of a failure to address the shortcomings  are now playing out in all-too-real fashion across the country. And it  was hardly the first warning for the nation’s leaders. Three times over  the past four years the U.S. government, across two administrations, had  grappled in depth with what a pandemic would look like, identifying  likely shortcomings and in some cases recommending specific action. 


Additionally, and strangely, at the same time…

October 18, 2019: The B. and M. Gates Foundation and the WEF were partners in the John Hopkins National Security October 2019  nCoV-2019 Pandemic “Simulation Exercise”. This event is in ADDITION to the American Government “Crimson Contagion,” exercise.

On October 18th the Johns Hopkins  Center for Health Security, in  conjunction with the World Economic Forum  and the Bill & Melinda  Gates Foundation, brought together “15  leaders of business, government,  and public health” to simulate a  scenario in which a coronavirus  pandemic was ravaging the planet.   Major participants were American military leadership, and certain neocon political figures. 

Simulation Exercise of a coronavirus epidemic which results in 65 million dead. Supported by the World Economic Forum (WEF) representing the interests of Financial institutions, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation representing Big Pharma:

In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a pandemic tabletop exercise called Event 201  with partners, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda  Gates Foundation. …  For the scenario, we modeled a fictional  coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a  prediction. 

Instead, the exercise served to highlight preparedness and  response challenges that would likely arise in a very severe pandemic.  We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 outbreak will kill 65  million people. 

Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus,  the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional  virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.“We are not now predicting that the  nCoV-2019 [which was also used as the name of the simulation] outbreak  will kill 65 million people. .

Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus,  the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional  virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”

Several of the occurrences of the nCoV-2019 exercise coincided with what really happened.

  • In the Event 201 Simulation of a Coronavirus Pandemic, a 15% collapse of financial markets had been “simulated”.

It was not “predicted” according to the organizers and sponsors of the event.

Private sector initiative. Participation of corporate execs, foundations, financial institutions, Banks, Big Pharma, CIA, CDC, No health officials on behalf of national governments or the WHO.

  • The simulation exercise was held on the same day as the opening of the CISM World Military Sports Games in Wuhan.
  • The Chinese were not invited. This is unusual, as almost all the major viral outbreaks for the last decade occurred inside of China and Africa.

The members took notes, and then returned to their day to day operations…

The very next day

October 2019 – American Military in Wuhan, China.

300 US military personnel arrived in Wuhan for the Military World Games on October 19. The American contingent did so abismially, that many have wondered if the American standards of performance has lowered, or that the participants were there for another purpose.

“They claim the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below  average results of American athletes in the game indicate they might  have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare  operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan  was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first  known cluster of cases occurred.”


And the poor showing by the American military wasn’t the only thing observed…

 In October 2019, the US brought 172 (really 369) military athletes to  Wuhan for the World Military Games.  Despite having the largest  military in the world, ten fold, the US came in 35th behind nations like  Iran, Finland and Slovenia. No video or photos exist of the US team, no  records were kept, a huge team but a pitiful performance for the best  military in the world.

 The US team did so badly that they were called “Soy Sauce Soldiers”  by the Chinese.  In fact, many never participated in any event and  stayed near the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the disease is  said to have originated only days after the US left the area.

 The US team went home on October 28, 2019 and within 2 weeks, the  first human contact cases of COVID 19 were seen in Wuhan.  The Chinese  have not been able to find “patient zero” and believe he was a member of  the US team.

 They also have sources that say the US had misrepresented influenza  that Trump claims has killed thousands, an influenza carried to China by  the US team, an influenza that was really COVID 19, a disease developed  in a military bio-warfare facility in the state of Washington, now  “ground zero” in the US for COVID 19.

 The Chinese claim, something censored in the US, that the inattentive  attitude and disproportionately below average results of American  athletes in the game indicate they might have been in for other purposes  and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place  of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan  Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases  occurred. 

Additionally, and pay strict attention to this…

… the housing for the American military was also in close proximity to the [1] Iranian, [2] Italian and [3] South Korean military housings.

End October 2019

It appears that the American virus Covid 19 came with the U.S. soldier, Maatje Benassi. Maatje Benassi took part in the military games in Wuhan in October 2019.

Maatje Benassi has a relative, Matthew Benassi.

  • Matthew Benassi works at the Fort Detrick, the U.S. military’s chemical and biological weapons laboratory where the 2019 bio-warfare agent accident occurred.

She ( Maatje ) competed in the Wuhan Military Games as a women’s road cyclist. Maatje Benassi Age: 53 Gender: female Maatje Benassi is a NATO admiral guard and driver (diplomatic security officer) of Dutch origin.

  • What is a 53 year old woman doing in the Olympics?

She lives in close proximity to Fort Detrick. Fort Detrick is an American biological warfare lab, and the place where the biological weapons are developed.

We do not know how many others were infected, but we know that 5 US military where emergency rescued from the Dongfang Jianguo Hotel.

  • Chinese medical staff went to the Dongfang Jianguo hotel to rescue five American military participants who were suffering from [1] high fevers, [2] shallow coughs, and [3] chest pains.

Once retrieved from the Dongfang Jianguo hotel they were sent to the Wuhan hospital. There, their symptoms were recorded, some treatment provided and they were immediately evacuated to the Wuhan Tianhe International Airport.

They were then picked up by a special US military airplane to evacuate them to the US.

After the American military contingent left China, the hotel staff started to come down with an illness.

In all, 42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan.

At the time only 7 people from the market had been thus diagnosed (and treated before the hotel staff). All 7 had contact with the 42 from the hotel. From this source, the virus spread to the rest of China.

October 2019

A video surfaced that alleges that an American service person appears to purposefully spread COVID in Wuhan.

In October, the US military went to Wuhan for the World Military Games. 😡👇

— Rosemary (@RosemaryLxiao) March 20, 2020

She is also described as an “armed diplomatic driver” with a history of ties to intelligence operations involving key RussiaGate figures.

Benassi was driver for General James Jones, of ShadowNet, (George Webb) and worked for US Army intelligence.  ShadowNet and Psy-Group along with Cambridge Analytica were part of the Mueller investigation, seeking information on their relationships with Paul Manafort (imprisoned) and Donald Trump Jr. (not yet imprisoned).

Black-ops organizational chart.
Black-ops organizational chart.

2 November 2019 – Wuhan Outbreaks.

The first (well established) coronavirus case in Wuhan appeared two weeks later, on November 2. [renamed to COVID-19]

Relative locations of the Wuhan vaccine lab, and where the American soldiers stayed, relative to the Wuhan wet market. Note that the American soldiers shared a hotel with Iranian, and North Korean and Italian soldiers at that location.
Relative locations of the Wuhan vaccine lab, and where the American soldiers stayed, relative to the Wuhan wet market. Note that the American soldiers shared a hotel with Iranian, and North Korean and Italian soldiers at that location.

Keep in mind that the Coronavirus incubation period is 14 days.

So, fourteen days later…

15 November 2019

29 June 2018
“”Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources “Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event,” a source says.”” So the CIA knew before China about a virus outbreak of pandemic proportions?!.

So how did the President deal with this information?

Strangely, while President Trump was downplaying the news in China as “just a flu”,

President Trump did this…

Trump ordered his government to begin hiring thousands of Quarantine Public Health Advisors.

President Trump said one thing, and then in secret, did something else entirely different.

Imagine that!

November 2019 in Italy – Mysterious illness outbreak

 A “strange pneumonia” was circulating in northern Italy as long ago as November, weeks before doctors were made aware of the novel coronavirus outbreak in China, one of the European country’s leading medical experts said this week.

“They  [general practitioners] remember having seen very strange pneumonia,  very severe, particularly in old people in December and even November,”  Giuseppe Remuzzi, the director of the Mario Negri Institute for  Pharmacological Research in Milan, said in an interview with the  National Public Radio of the United States.

“This  means that the virus was circulating, at least in [the northern region  of] Lombardy and before we were aware of this outbreak occurring in  China.” 

December 2019 – Outbreaks increase in severity.

The first (outbreak) occurrences in China appeared in December.

Here is a statement from StatNews (“DNA sleuths read the coronavirus genome, tracing its origins and looking for dangerous mutations,” January 24, 2020).  It’s a bit complicated, but read it over, and then I’ll comment:
“Given what’s known about the pace at which viral genomes mutate,  if nCoV [the coronavirus] had been circulating in humans since  significantly before the first case was reported on Dec. 8, the 24  genomes [from, presumably, 24 different samples of the virus in 24  people] would differ more. Applying ballpark rates of viral evolution,  Rambaut [one of the “experts”] estimates that the Adam (or Eve) virus  from which all others are descended first appeared no earlier than Oct.  30, 2019, and no later than Nov. 29.”
My, my.  That’s quite a precise peg: the coronavirus jumped from  animals to humans, for the very first time, between October 30 and  November 29, 2019.   

-No more fake news

They appeared to be of minor concern. The incubation period has not been definitively stated but, once infections began, the spread was surprisingly rapid after the first case was confirmed.

December 2019 – American Military Forbidden to View Chinese Videos.

When the outbreak began, the pentagon suddenly began telling it’s soldiers not to use popular Chinese APPs such as TicToc and WeChat…

…No excuses were given, other than for “Natural Security”.

Apparently the United States military did not want the rank and file soldiers watching locally made videos inside of China.

Everyone is getting in on the act. This was posted on 24FEB20.
Everyone is getting in on the act. This was posted on 24FEB20. What the fucking hell could a Tiktok application do to TSA, for goodness sakes?

Was it because they hated lip-synchronization and dancing, or something else? Maybe they didn’t want the troops to see the “on the street” Chinese coping with American germ warfare.

The initial symptoms were mild, which permitted many people to travel before stronger symptoms were detected.

December 2019 – My Urges.

Curious coincidence, I published this post on Christmas Eve…

The Largest Biological Attack In American History Occurred in Oregon at Public Salad Bars.
Here we look at how easy it is to unleash biochemical and germ warfare on an unsuspecting public. Germs, dangerous germs, are easily cultivated. It can be anything from leaving a pizza unattended in a automobile trunk for a week in the Summer, to actually cultivating various strains of anthrax. Now, of course, most Americans would prefer to revolt against the evil oligarchy using the ballot box, or barring that, using the second amendment to the Bill of Rights. They are totally oblivious that simpler and more deadly options are available to them.

People, there are no such things as coincidences. Especially, not with my actions. Especially things that invade my subconscious.

December 2019 – China alerted WHO

China’s early conventional efforts seemed unsuccessful in halting the spread of the disease.

Then on Jan. 23rd and after only 17 deaths, the Chinese government took the astonishing step of locking down and quarantining the entire 11 million inhabitants of the city of Wuhan, a story that drew worldwide attention. They soon extended this policy to the 60 million Chinese of Hubei province, and not longer afterward shut down their entire national economy and confined 700 million Chinese to their homes, a public health measure probably a thousand times larger than anything previously undertaken in human history. So either China’s leadership had suddenly gone insane, or they regarded this new virus as an absolutely deadly national threat, one that needed to be controlled at any possible cost.

Given these dramatic Chinese actions and the international headlines that they generated, the current accusations by Trump Administration officials that China had attempted to minimize or conceal the serious nature of the disease outbreak is so ludicrous as to defy rationality. 

In any event, the record shows that on December 31st, the Chinese had already alerted the World Health Organization to the strange new illness, and Chinese scientists published the entire genome of the virus on Jan. 12th, allowing diagnostic tests to be produced worldwide.

Unlike other nations, China had received no advance warning of the nature or existence of the deadly new disease, and therefore faced unique obstacles. But their government implemented public health control measures unprecedented in the history of the world and managed to almost completely eradicate the disease with merely the loss of a few thousand lives.

-American Pravda: Our Coronavirus Catastrophe as Biowarfare Blowback?

December 31, 2019  China alerted WHO to several cases of “unusual pneumonia” in Wuhan, Hubei province.

On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO)  was informed of an outbreak of “pneumonia of unknown cause” detected in  Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China – the seventh-largest city in China  with 11 million residents. 

Late December 2019

In late December about 10 doctors reported cases of an unknown or SARS- like virus. These were immediately reported to WHO and thorough investigation was undertaken in China and by WHO.

One doctor, Li Wenliang, posted two notices, sent from his colleagues engaged in the investigation, on wechat and weibo, and the local police reprimanded him for inappropriate use of social media.

Importantly, he was not silenced or fined.

Instead he kept working and he was by no means the only one involved in the research.

Of  course, the Western media made a big brouhaha about a supposed  ‘whistleblower’ who was ‘silenced’, but this was a clear distortion of  the actual situation. 

I recommend that you (the reader) read this report of the 40-day investigation of the matter by the National Supervisory Commission (on China Daily).

The report noted that there are very strict laws concerning the  verification, release and reporting of epidemic information. Li had not  followed those laws and provided some incorrect information at the time.  Thus, the actions by the local police at the time had followed the law.  At the same, Li – as a member of the CPC – had acted in good faith and  for the social good. The report also finds that two of the police  officers involved had followed substandard procedures. Thus, a sincere  apology was given to Li’s family and the official letter of reprimand  rescinded.

Clearly, the early mistakes in China were incidental and not systemic.

Later in December 2019

Meanwhile, WHO sent a team to China. This team included Americans who reported directly to Donald Trump.

Which is a contributor as to the absolutely ludicrous narrative that China withheld information, misinterpreted things, and did not act promptly enough. American doctors and scientists were inside the WHO investigation team almost from "day one".

16 U.S. administration officials were embedded with the WHO.
  • The sequence of the unknown virus was identified in a record 7 days by a Chinese laboratory.
  • A diagnostic kit was developed by a German lab.
  • A full diagnosis was possible by 20 January.

The WHO notes that this was the fastest identification made in the case of a new disease.

The plan developed was a WHO-China joint plan, and the WHO urged the rest of the world to act immediately since China had given the world an opportunity to change the course of the disease.

Unfortunately, too many countries did not listen and we find ourselves in the current situation.

In China, the ability of its socialist system to control and manage a new epidemic is now history.

Through widespread testing (1.6 million a day), integration of AI, 5G and big data, it was able to keep the epidemic to a miniscule fraction of one percent of the whole population. As for the population itself, the old Chinese cultural – and socialist – reality of the greater social good kicked in and almost everyone cooperated (those who did not soon did so). Notably, public health was paramount, and not the economy. Of course, the economy too would benefit from a focus on public health, as China’s staged resumption – as I write – of production indicates.

By contrast, the totally inept response in a place like Australia seeks to prioritize the economy and make public health a secondary issue. This will have greater economic repercussions, as more get infected.

As for the China Model, we can also note that those countries that followed it to some degree (Singapore and South Korea come to mind, but also – to its credit – Denmark, which still has a strong and able public sector, despite efforts to erode it over the last few years) have been able to control the epidemic.

Start of 2020 New Year

The United States begins a massive anti-China propaganda campaign. It was relentless and unwavering.

This campaign was uncovered in March 2020:

On March 21 the Daily Beast reported of the propaganda campaign the White House was launching against China:

As the number of coronavirus cases continues to grow at a rapid pace in the U.S., the White House is launching a communications plan across multiple federal agencies that focuses on accusing Beijing of orchestrating a “cover-up” and creating a global pandemic, according to two U.S. officials and a government cable obtained by The Daily Beast. 

The cable, sent to State Department officials Friday, lays out in detail the circumstances on the ground in China, including data on coronavirus cases and deaths, the local business environment and transportation restrictions. 

But it also issues guidelines for how U.S. officials should answer questions on, or speak about, the coronavirus and the White House’s response in relation to China.

The talking points appear to have originated in the National Security Council. One section of the cable reads “NSC Top Lines: [People’s Republic of China] Propaganda and Disinformation on the Wuhan Virus Pandemic.”

Soon the mainstream media started to spread the new talking points. A Google News search for the search term "China Cover-up" now finds 449.000 results.

Early January 2020 – New Virus Identified.

  • January 7, 2020 Chinese officials announced they had identified a new virus, The novel virus was named by the WHO 2019-nCoV  (exactly the same name as the virus pertaining to the John Hopkins simulation exercise, with the exception of the placement of the date).

Which triggered this timeline…

Here is a timeline on President Xi Jinping’s “personal leadership and personal commands” to combat the CoronaVirus crisis, published in the official Communist party magazine Qiushi magazine: 

Jan 7: 
Mr Xi met the party’s politburo standing committee, China’s most powerful decision-making body, and gave clear instructions on the virus response.  

Jan 20: 
Mr. Xi gave an official command to all levels of government to put lives and public health first, and effectively contain the virus spread.  

Jan 22, 
Mr. Xi sent clear commands to control human mobility from Hubei province.  

Jan 25, 
Mr. Xi chaired the Politburo Standing Committee meeting to establish the Virus Control leadership team.  

Jan 7th meeting was 13 days before the Chinese public was warned about the human-to-human transmission.  

  • On January 10, gene sequencing further determined it to be the new Wuhan coronavirus, namely 2019-nCoV, a betacoronavirus, related to the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome virus (MERS-CoV) and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome virus (SARSCoV). However, the mortality and transmissibility of 2019-nCoV are still unknown, and likely to vary from those of the prior referenced coronaviruses.

January 2020 – CIA Propagandizes that it is a Chinese Bio-weapon.

  • The first mention of this being a biological weapon comes from Radio Free Asia. This is an American government propaganda outlet. Formerly CIA. Now operates “independently” under the leadership of CIA management.

They made the outrageous statement(s) that;

  • There is a military bio-weapons research complex in Wuhan.
  • That the Chinese government intentionally released it to hurt and harm the Chinese people.
  • The Chinese stole the technology from the United States.
Radio Free Asia, the U.S.-government funded media outlet targeting Asian audiences that used to be run covertly by the CIA and named by the New York Times as a key part in the agency’s “worldwide propaganda network.” 

Though it is no longer run directly by the CIA, it is now managed by the government-funded Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which answers directly to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was CIA director immediately prior to his current post at the head of the State Department. 

In other words, Radio Free Asia and other BBG-managed media outlets are legal outlets for U.S. government propaganda.

This information was picked up all over the American Alt-Right media.

Who gobbled it up as fact.

For everyone “knows” (in the Conservative circles) that China hates it’s people and China is Hard-Line Communist.


But, articles like this one gets buried in the onslaught of the propagandized “biological weapons narrative” re-direction.

Additionally, it begins to be noticed outside of China…

  • Japan, North Korea, and Iran reports COVID-19 illnesses.
The moment it started spreading in Iran,  it became obvious it was Israel/US rogue elements that spread  coronavirus. Similar to when the Stuxnet ‘virus’ hit Iran and everywhere  else but was denied by Israel/US intelligence at first. But this wasn’t  JUST for Iran, this was for China, Iran, and the Silk Road countries. 

- Ultimation 007

Mid January 2020

Trump’s first attempt was to blame the World Health Organization for not providing all information. But 16 U.S. administration officials were embedded with the WHO in Geneva. They relayed real time updates of all information the WHO received.

As the Democrats and the media did not join Trump in blaming the WHO another scapegoat was needed. Everyone then agreed that it China would be the most convenient target.

The intensity of the current anti-China campaign reminds one of the run up to the war on Iraq. The people who now claim that ‘China lied, people died’ are the very same who ran the Iraq WMD campaign. But all the reports claiming Iraqi weapons of mass destruction were just fantasy. The reports of Chinese culpability are similar nonsense.

To blame China the hawks are accusing it of three issues:

  • Lack of public hygiene
  • Insufficient information
  • Creating or spreading the virus by accident

The “wet market” in Wuhan did not have hygiene problems. A “wet market” is comparable to a farmers market (vid). It is “wet” in that it provides fresh products like fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. A “dry market” provides the complementary products like rice, flour, tea and sugar. China has yet to be overrun by super market chains. Some 40% of the Chinese people source their daily food at the wet markets.

The wet market in Wuhan was not the source of the epidemic. It did not and does not sell bats. The epidemic started in December at a time when bats hibernate. The first known case was not related to the market at all.

The U.S. claims that China did not inform it sufficiently. The timeline as published by China and confirmed by media reports does not support that claim.

On January 3 the head of the U.S. Center of Disease Control was personally informed by his Chinese counterpart that there was an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan. On January 8 the “unknown cause” was identified as a novel coronavirus. A full genome sequence of the virus was published on January 12 and preliminary testing kits were developed and made available in Wuhan. By January 13 another test and test protocol had been developed in Germany and on January 17 the WHO adopted its refined version.

In the U.S. the CDC insisted on developing its own test and failed by contaminating its test components. It then failed for more than a month to correct the issue.

The German Federal Health Ministry was recently asked if it perceived a lack of information from China or saw reason to criticize China over its changing case numbers. It responded (in German, my translation):

"The federal government is not aware that China held back any data." ... "Considering the interim development the adoption of different definitions of cases during the epidemic in China is comprehensible."

Another claim is that China somehow created the virus or let it escape from a laboratory in Wuhan where it was researching bat viruses.

But scientists see strong evidence that the novel coronavirus is a natural development and they do not believe that it leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan:

Edward Holmes, a biologist at the University of Sydney and a fellow of the respected Royal Society in London, said the Wuhan laboratory blamed by some for the pandemic does have specimens of the bat virus RaTG13, the closest relative of Covid-19 source SARS-CoV-2, but the two are not genetically linked.

RaTG13 strains, he says, are from the southern Chinese province of Yunnan, not the central city of Wuhan, the pandemic’s initial epicenter.


Genome tracing has revealed that the bat virus RaTG13 has at least 20 years of genetic divergence, or evolutionary change, from SARS-CoV-2, and possibly as much as 50 years, ruling it out as the source of the pandemic.

The claims against China made by both U.S. parties do not have a factual basis.

It is no wonder than that Chinese people are asking “What Do You Really Want From Us?

End of January 2020

January 24, 25, 2020: Meeting at Davos, under the auspices of CEPI which is also a WEF-Gates partnership, the development of a 2019 nCoV vaccine was announced. (2 weeks after the January 7, 2020 announcement, and barely a  week prior to the launching of the WHO’s Worldwide Public Health emergency).

The first reported infected individuals, some of whom showed symptoms as early as December 8, were discovered to be among stallholders from the Wuhan South China Seafood Market. Subsequently, the wet market was closed on Jan 1.

The virus causing the outbreak was quickly determined to be a novel coronavirus. [renamed to COVID-19]

Worst Case: It's some bio-engineered frankenvirus, with who-knows what lethality, r-naught, and incubation time. 

-Woodpile Report

As of January 26, there are over 2019 cases of 2019-nCoV [renamed to COVID-19] confirmed globally, including cases in at least 20 regions in China and nine countries/territories.

Local medical authorities have said the true extent of the Wuhan coronavirus [renamed to COVID-19] is unclear, and the early official figures may have been an underestimation since the mild symptoms and delayed onset meant infections may have been undetected.

January 30th, 2020, WHO Director General announces the “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

 The WHO did not act to reassure and inform World public opinion. Quite the opposite: A “Fear Pandemic” rather than a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)  was launched.

 Outright panic and uncertainty were sustained through a carefully designed media disinformation campaign.

 Almost immediately this led to economic dislocations, a crisis in  trade and transportation with China affecting major airlines and  shipping companies.  A hate campaign against ethnic Chinese in Western  countries was launched, followed by the collapse in late February of  stock markets, not to mention the crisis in the tourist industry.

 The complexity of this crisis and its impacts have to be addressed and carefully analysed.

 What we are dealing with is “economic warfare” supported by media  disinformation, coupled with the deliberate intent of the Trump  administration to undermine China’s economy. The ongoing economic  dislocations are not limited to China.

 There  are important public health concerns which must be addressed. But what  motivated the Director-General of the WHO to act in this way?  Who was  behind this historic January 30th decision of the WHO’s Director General  Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.  

-Global Research

31 January 2020 – CIA pushes the narrative and Conservative shrills magnify it.

The American narrative that this is an accidental or intentional leak by the Chinese is heavily pushed by American “interests”. A good example is this one…

Written by ” harvard2thebighouse” who is actually an anonymous author. But who places this comment in the start of the article…

 "An accessible and comprehensive YouTube summary of the report below by a Professor of Neurobiology at the University of Pittsburgh’s Medical School is available here. "

If you weren’t paying attention you would assume that the Professor of Neurobilogy at the University of Pittsburgh’s Medical Schools wrote this article.

But yet again…

Un-named sources. Un-named authors. Un-named school, but a rather generic and officially sounding association. Which medical school in Pittsburgh, and which professor at that medical school? All are un-named. But look at the rich and comprehensive narrative that states that it’s FROM CHINA.

Check it out!

Given that this outbreak was said to begin in late December when most bat species in the region are hibernating and the Chinese horseshoe bat’s habitat covers an enormous swath of the region  containing scores of cities and hundreds of millions people to begin  with, the fact that this Wuhan Strain of coronavirus, denoted as  COVID-19 emerged in close proximity to the only BSL-4 virology lab in  China, now notoriously located in Wuhan, which in turn was staffed with  at least two Chinese scientists – Zhengli Shi and Xing-Yi Ge – both  virologists who had previously worked at an American lab which already  bio-engineered an incredibly virulent strain of bat coronavirus – the  accidental release of a bio-engineered virus from Wuhan’s virology lab  cannot be automatically discounted, especially when the Wuhan Strain’s  unnatural genomic signals are considered. 


The American internet was flooded from January though to March with these kinds of articles. All pointing “fingers” at China for accidentally or intentionally releasing a bioweapon.

CNY February 2020 – China; Full Nationwide Lock-down

Covid-19 is a really, really nasty disease:

All the evidence suggests the Chinese authorities acted effectively as soon as they realized the danger they might be facing.

As Hubei was struggling to provide adequate care for those infected, over 10,000 medical professionals have volunteered by Feb. 3rd.  

But as the number of patients became once again overwhelming even for them, Beijing enacted an emergency order. 

On Feb. 9th. nearly 6,000 medical professionals were flown in on 41 flights from all over China. 

Then on Feb. 10th., another order was activated and each province and major city in China was assigned one or several "sister cities" in Hubei which they will supply with medical teams and support logistically with medical supplies. 

Currently (17FEB20) the number of medical professionals which arrived in Hubei from other provinces are estimated to be over 40,000.  Now, that's one thing, but keep in mind, nearly all medical professionals in all of China are still on emergency standby and have not had a single days off since the beginning of the epidemic. The medical staff are all tired, and those that stayed behind are working overtime to pick up the work of those who went to Hubei.  
What kind of evil person would unleash such a weapon?

Medical authorities immediately declared the outbreak, and within a week they had identified the pathogen and also determined and shared the genome sequence with the WHO and other parties, a sufficiently speedy response that earned praise from the WHO and scientists around the world.

In America – February 2020 – People told not to wear masks.

As unbelievable as it seems, the United States government instructed the American people NOT to wear masks. This is true even though the primary means of transmission of the COVID-19 virus is through the air.

People! Masks are critically important to controlling the spread of this virus.

You need to wear a mask. It is the best way to "flatten the curve".
You need to wear a mask. It is the best way to “flatten the curve”.

Why did the American government tell Americans NOT to wear masks? What is their malfunction? This is a well-known method to controlling the spread of a dangerous viral agent. This has been well known since 1918!

Are they [1] intentionally trying to kill millions of Americans, or are they [2] trying to “gin up” a “scape-goat” from which to generate a new war with?

Various media articles detailed the growing anger over the CDC’s  recommendation to not wear masks and the US politicizing of the  coronavirus. 

On Feb. 28, the CDC released a video on its official  Twitter account entitled “COVID-19: Should I wear a mask?”, in which the  CDC discouraged people from using face masks. 

“The CDC’s  recommendations were immediately questioned or slammed by the American  public on social media, with many claiming that the irresponsible  remarks [were] risking people’s life by not encouraging basic  protection.” 

Americans are instructed to do the opposite of what China is doing. In China everyone MUST wear a mask or be arrested. In America, a mask is not needed, apparently...
Americans are instructed to do the opposite of what China is doing. In China everyone MUST wear a mask or be arrested. In America, a mask is not needed, apparently…

Late February 2020 – More Strange Tweets.

The Tweets from Turkish psychic, spiritual guru and ultra-nationalist. p.s. He is a known psychic and close to authorities. My bet is that he had some insider information.

  Tweet from Feb 24 2020:


The Pentagon made a very dangerous NUCLEAR experiment. 

Without trying this #Trump He doesn’t even know. 

Since it is deciphered #Trump What will they lie to? How and in what way will they announce this dangerous trial to the World Public? Research, accident 

… We eagerly await.””

February 2020 – Test Results are Reported.

  • Beijing points a finger at the United States;
“Perhaps the US delegates (to the Wuhan Military World Games) brought the coronavirus to  Wuhan, and some mutation occurred to the virus, making it more deadly  and contagious, and causing a widespread outbreak this year.” 

(People’s Daily, February 23, 2020) (1) 

March 2020 – China regains control over virus. USA holds secret meetings.

Reported new cases in China fall to double digits. 99 cases recorded on March 7.  All of the new cases outside Hubei province are categorized as  “imported infections”(from foreign countries).

The Trump administration is treating the meetings associated with this entire COVID-19 event as a Top Secret Deliberation. Apparently, some SAP information is being disclosed in the meetings and non-military people are excluded from attending.

 The White House held dozens of meetings about coronavirus response that excluded government experts because the discussions were unnecessarily classified over the objections of HHS Secretary Alex Azar, reports Reuters. Experts were not just barred from speaking openly about what we knew about the emerging pandemic. Apparently, they weren’t even allowed in the room.

 “It is not normal to classify discussions about a response to a  public health crisis,” an unnamed official from the Republican George W.  Bush administration told the wire service. 

What “Top Secret” SAP information could be withheld from the participants during this national emergency? Why is this being done? What possible MILITARY information could be discussed in a meeting about a new kind of flu? (As this is the American government narrative.)

[1]  Here in the United States, the National Security Council,  under direct orders from the White House has sealed the top emergency  meetings on this topic and classified them. 

[2]  Only people with top secret  clearances have been allowed to participate, which rules out most of the  medical experts who should have been there.

So putting these two facts together, first, that the rumors on  Chinese social media that were already very widespread a month ago or  more...

... and now have gotten the official stamp of approval that the  coronavirus outbreak was an act of biological warfare by the United  States...

... it seems to be becoming the official position of the Chinese  government.

 And that is quite concerning, because if indeed, the US government or  its allies or out of control rogue agencies within it did in fact  whether deliberately as is the most likely possibility, or accidentally  or some combination thereof, perhaps a clumsy effort by someone outside  of the normal chain of command, whatever the truth is about this, this  could set off an escalation that could easily lead to World War Three.PressTV 

And this…

Exclusive: White House Told Federal Health Agency to Classify Coronavirus Deliberations-Sources: 

"Critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.” 

The sources said the National Security Council (NSC), which Exclusive: White House Told Federal Health Agency to Classify Coronavirus Deliberations- Sources advises the president on security issues, ordered the classification.

“This came directly from the White House,” one official said. 

The White House insistence on secrecy at the nation’s premier public health organization, which has not been previously disclosed, has put a lid on certain information - and potentially delayed the response to the crisis. 

COVID19, the disease caused by the virus, has killed about 30 people in the United States and infected more than 1,000 people. HHS oversees a broad range of health agencies, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which among other things is responsible for tracking cases and providing guidance nationally on the outbreaks. 

The administration officials, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said they could not describe the interactions in the meeting room because they were classified. 

An NSC spokesman did not respond to questions about the meetings at HHS. But he defended the administration’s transparency across federal agencies and noted that meetings of the administration's task force on the coronavirus all are unclassified. It was not immediately clear which meetings he was referring to. “From day one of the response to the coronavirus, NSC has insisted on the principle of radical transparency,” said the spokesman, John Ullyot. He added that the administration “has cut red tape and set the global standard in protecting the American people under President Trump’s leadership.” 

A spokeswoman for HHS, Katherine McKeogh, issued a statement that did not address questions about classified meetings. Using language that echoed the NSC’s, the department said it that it agreed task-force meetings should be unclassified. Critics have hammered the Trump administration for what they see as a delayed response to coronavirus outbreaks and a lack of transparency, including sidelining experts and providing misleading or incomplete information to the public. State and local officials also have complained of being kept in the dark about essential federal response information. 

U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence, the administration's point person on coronavirus, vowed on March 3 to offer “real-time information in a steady pace and be fully transparent.” The vice president, appointed by President Donald Trump in late February, is holding regular news briefings and also has pledged to rely on expert guidance. Katie Miller, Pence's press secretary, said Wednesday that since being appointed the vice president has never requested that HHS hold meetings in the SCIF or treat information as classified. 

The meetings at HHS were held in a secure area called a "Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility," or SCIF, according to the administration officials. SCIFs are usually reserved for intelligence and military operations. 

Ordinary cell phones and computers can't be brought into the chambers. HHS has SCIFs because theoretically it would play a major role in biowarfare or chemical attacks. 

A high-level former official who helped address public health outbreaks in the George W. Bush administration said “it’s not normal to classify discussions about a response to a public health crisis.” 

Attendees at the meetings included HHS Secretary Alex Azar and his chief of staff Brian Harrison, the officials said. Azar and Harrison resisted the classification of the meetings, the sources said. HHS did not make Azar or Harrison available for comment. 

One of the administration officials told Reuters that when complex issues about a quarantine came up, a high-ranking HHS lawyer with expertise on the issue was not admitted because he did not have the proper security clearance. 

His input was delayed and offered at an unclassified meeting, the official said. A fifth source familiar with the meetings said HHS staffers often weren’t informed about coronavirus developments because they didn’t have adequate clearance. 

He said he was told that the matters were classified "because it had to do with China."

26MARCH 2020

A few days ago, Mike Pompeo phoned Yang Jiechi, Chinese State Councillor for Foreign Affairs.

Pompeo’s counterpart is actually Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Yang is Wang’s boss, so Pompeo wanted to talk about something urgent and important.

The entire purpose of the phone call was that American Secretary of State Pompeo wanted the Chinese not to publicize what they had found out about the start of the illness in Wuhan.

Yang’s reply:

“We await your solemn explanation, especially about Patient Zero.” 

This little bit of information is all over Chinese media and Social media. With absolutely zero coverage inside America.

April 2020

The United States adjusts it’s anti-China propaganda campaign.

On April 1 Bloomberg was called up by "officials" to reinforce the campaign by attributing the claim of a cover-up of China's case and death numbers to a "secret U.S. intelligence report". That report is unlikely to exist at all because the New York Times reported a day later that the CIA hunt for "authentic numbers" of deaths in China was still ongoing and failing:

So far, to the frustration of both the White House and the intelligence community, the agencies have been unable to glean more accurate numbers through their collection efforts.

We used the Bloomberg report to explain that the case fatality numbers, which China reported correctly, are very different from the total number of fatalities, or excess deaths, an epidemic causes. 

There was no cover-up by China but naturally incomplete reporting of all deaths. 

A day later the BBC published a similar explainer piece.
On April 3 the Economist also discussed wrong fatality numbers though it had found those in Italy and Spain: Covid-19’s death toll appears higher than official figures suggest. It also made this snarky cover-up remark:

[W]hen Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico in 2017, America recorded only 64 deaths. A study later found that the surge in total deaths was close to 3,000. Many occurred in hospitals that lost power.

And elements of it are completely “off the wall”…

Warning, this story is not for the squeamish, take comfort that it is most certainly fiction.

1. It's published by Breitbart which we know has low journalistic standards but it is sourced from 'Radio Free Asia' so it has our US CIA goons despicable fingerprints on it.

2. The propaganda worked on its target audience, the posters on Breitbart bought it hook-line-and-sinker.

3. Why do I think it's false? The sensationalistic tone, even FOX and the Daily Mail won't touch it (China must have gotten to them), they make other erroneous claims such as Chinese hospitals only giving patients oxygen because they don't have medicine while western hospitals are trying new therapies such as Colloquine. Notice the 'hero narrative' assigned to the U.S. even though China was the first to use this drup.

This is seriously demented.

-MoA Comments

Chinese treated this seriously.

Remembering the SARS troubles, they did much more.

In most large centers in the country, all sports venues, theaters, museums, tourist attractions, all locations that attract crowds, have been closed, as have all schools. All group tours have been canceled. Not only the city of Wuhan but virtually the entire province of Hubei has been locked down, with all trains, aircraft, buses, subways, ferries, grounded and all major highways and toll booths closed.

Thousands of flights and train trips have been canceled until further notice. Some cities like Shanghai and Beijing are conducting temperature tests on all roadways leading into the cities. In addition, Wuhan is building (in five days) a portable hospital of 25,000 square meters to deal with the infected patients. As well, Wuhan has asked citizens to neither leave nor enter the city without a compelling reason, and all are wearing face masks.

Additionally, the following unique measures are being taken throughout China. This is common in the far North as well as the remote South;

  • Small towns and villages are blocking the roads and not allowing anyone in or out. This is being enforced by the local militia.
  • In cities, the police are walking up and down the streets with bullhorns telling everyone to stay inside and not to leave their homes.
  • A tent hospital has been constructed in Wuhan to handle the cases.
  • A full “regular” hospital is being constructed (in ten days) to handle the problem.
  • A secondary hospital will be built after the construction of the first one is completed.
  • The military, police, fire, and hospital staff all over China are on full alert. Many are working without sleep and rest.
  • After the initial fireworks, everything turned eerily quiet. No one is going outside, no one is traveling, and no one is visiting friends.
  • All major transport hubs are on lock down and temperature screening by CDC attire is the norm.
Individual villages are laying down roadblocks all over China.
Individual villages are laying down roadblocks all over China.

The scale of the challenge of implementing such a blockade is immense, comparable to closing down all transport links for a city five times the size of Toronto or Chicago, on Christmas eve. These decisions are unprecedented but testify to the determination of the authorities to limit the spread and damage of this new pathogen.

Below are comments from Robin Daverman , a American  Doctor, expressed in Quora. 

👇 Dude, the Chinese government has been exceptionally good in dealing with this virus. You can NOT deliver what the Chinese government has delivered so far, unless you are the mythical Santa Claus. 

During the Western African Ebola virus epidemic in 2014, the CDC rushed in to try to find the virus. It took them 2 months from getting the 1st patient sample to identifying the complete genomic sequence, and then another 6 weeks to publish it. 

This is Top Urgency, with a virus that has a 90% case fatality rate. 

The 2009 Swine Flu in the US, which ended up infecting 55 million Americans and killed 11,000 of them, the first cases started to appear in late March, the CDC identified it on April 17, and the identification kits were not generally available until mid-May. And that was 250 people working 100+ hour a week! 

CNY 2020 devistation!

They not only address the gravity of the situation but also the seriousness of consideration for the public health, unfortunate and difficult decisions since the holiday is being destroyed for hundreds of millions of people. Most public entertainment has been canceled, as have tours, and many weddings as well.

The damage to the economy during this most festive of all periods will also be enormous.

Just received some "professional analysis and insights" from CITI Group (as most of you know a company with a very checkered past). The most interesting "insight":

"In order to shut down the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus, many countries will need to temporarily shut down economic activity."

Ominous. I'm about 90% convinced, based on a preponderance of circumstantial evidence, that this virus was genetically engineered and deliberately released into the public domain.

-Posted by: Ben C | Apr 8 2020 16:08 utc | 12

Hong Kong will suffer severely in addition to all its other troubles since visits from Mainland Chinese typically support much of its retail economy during this period.

Negotiation is not a policy. It's a technique. It's something you use when it's to your advantage, and something that you don't use when it's not to your advantage.

John Bolton
John Bolton quote.
As an aside, I can confirm that no one is going out. Everyone is staying inside. Avoiding others, and all celebrations are either cancelled or muted. It's really sad.

The Chinese New Year is the most important festival for Chinese. Saturday, January 25, is the first day of the Lunar New Year, a festive period that typically sees the largest mass movement of people on the planet as Chinese flock back to their hometowns to be with relatives. No health authority has ever tackled the challenge currently faced by China, as the country grapples with a new coronavirus just as hundreds of millions prepare to travel.

What kind of evil person would unleash such a weapon?

And of course, the Western media had a field day of schadenfreude. CNN published a report – a bit too gleefully, I thought – on the potential damage to China’s economy:

“China’s economy is slumping and the country is still suffering the effects of the trade war with America. An outbreak of a new and deadly virus is the last thing it needs. 

The Wuhan coronavirus has already roiled Chinese markets and thrown plans for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday into chaos for millions of people. The world’s second-biggest economy grew at its slowest pace in nearly three decades last year as it contended with rising debt, cooling domestic demand and US tariffs, many of which remain in place despite a recent truce. 

Beijing is worried about unemployment, too, and has announced a wave of stimulus measures in recent weeks aimed at preventing mass layoffs. . . 

The Wuhan coronavirus outbreak could spark widespread fear and spur people to hunker down and avoid going outside. That kind of behavior would deal a huge blow to the service sector, which now accounts for about 52% of the Chinese economy.” [And so on... .]

American media… (shrug)… What can you say?

Meanwhile, in China…

From Asia Times 

"the speed of the Chinese scientific response has been breathtaking – and obviously not fully appreciated in an environment of Total Info War. Compare the Chinese performance with the American CDC, arguably the top infectious disease research agency in the world, with an $11 billion annual budget and 11,000 employees. 

During the swine flu in the US in 2009 – 55 million infected Americans, 11,000 killed – the CDC took over a month and a half to come up with identification kits. 

The Chinese took only 1 week from the first patient sample to complete, vital identification and sequencing of coronavirus. Right away, they went for publication and deposit in the genomics library for immediate access by the whole planet. Based on this sequence, Chinese biotech companies produced validated essays within a week – also a first." 

Point of origin.

The Western media have already staked out their claim to the fundamentals, all media sources claiming the virus was transferred to humans from animals or seafood. None of which has been confirmed as happening.

So you can pretty much ignore the older articles like this one…

The initial reports were dangerously wrong.

It did not originate from a seafood market.

There is no proof that the virus is transmitted via seafood. Ignore the American mainstream media. They lie, and do so obviously.

The media have added fuel to the fire by claiming the virus emerged from “illegally traded wildlife” in a market “where offerings reportedly include wild animals that can carry viruses dangerous to humans”, and that this virus “jumped into the human population from an infected animal”.

And a better detailed explanation…

The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is a Chinese virus that comes from bats. It infected people because Chinese people eat bats.
The source of the virus is actually not known. The patient number 1,  the person who first carried the virus, has not been found. The Wuhan  wet market where exotic animals are sold was not the source of the outbreak:
The paper, written by a large group of Chinese researchers  from several institutions, offers details about the first 41  hospitalized patients who had confirmed infections with what has been  dubbed 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). In the earliest case, the patient became ill on 1 December 2019 and had no reported link to the seafood market,  the authors report. “No epidemiological link was found between the  first patient and later cases,” they state. Their data also show that,  in total, 13 of the 41 cases had no link to the marketplace. “That’s a  big number, 13, with no link,” says Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease  specialist at Georgetown University.
While the novel corona virus might be one that was originally carried  by bats it is unlikely to have jumped from a bat to a human. The older  SARS virus, which is somewhat similar to the novel coronavirus,  originated from bats but first spread to other animals before mutating  from there into a form that infects humans.
The only place where bats are regularly used as food is the Pacific island Palau which is more or less a U.S. colony. Videos showing Chinese citizens eating fruit bat soup were actually filmed on that island. 


Those reports are also nonsense.

Bio-engineers have confirmed that trans-species “jumping” and mutation of this virus is pretty much impossible.

According to the reports, there would be three kinds of species that would have to be involved. An African cobra (now a scaled anteater), a rare South Pacific bat, and some kind of sea-creature (or else, how did it get into a seafood market?).

Three (3x) species were involved.

We know that 96% of the genome resembles a rare South African bat. We know that "other" DNA from a secondary species is involved, this has tentatively been presupposed to be a cobra. We also know that it somehow mutated to be able to exist within fish or some other kind of sea creature. 

Testing at the supposed point of "ground zero" showed high concentrations of this virus within the separate fish tanks throughout the area.So, not only are three species involved, but "somehow" the virus was able to "jump" out of one fish tank and enter others.

And not a snake, something rarer…

 The pangolin, a scaly mammalian anteater, is the latest animal to be  identified as an intermediate host of the novel coronavirus that has  sickened more than 31,000 people worldwide.

 According to local media reports, an analysis of genome sequences of  viruses isolated from pangolins were a 99% match with those of  2019-nCoV, as the coronavirus behind the epidemic is known. Pangolins  are a trafficked, critically endangered species whose scales are  believed by some to have medicinal properties.

 Scientists at the South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou, Guangdong province in southern China, reported findings  Friday from research conducted jointly with the People's Liberation  Army Academy of Military Science in Beijing and the research department  of the Guangdong Zoo.

 “This has major significance for the  prevention and control of the novel coronavirus,” South China  Agricultural said in a statement, though it did not elaborate on the  research.
 While there is general consensus among  scientists that the new strain of coronavirus spread from bats to  another host before making the jump to humans, previous research  pointing to snakes as the culprit has been disputed.  

- Pangolins Latest Animal Identified as Intermediate Coronavirus Host 

Trans-species migration is very rare, but unheard of to involve three species. Especially ones as diverse as the ones being considered.

  • Bat
  • Pangolin
  • Fish

Then it was discovered that the genome contained “HIV insertions”. Thus they discovered that not only is this virus stealthy, contagious and lethal, but it also shuts down the immune systems of the infected person. WTF?

We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses,” the report’s Abstract section states. 

Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag.” 

- Scientist Explains New Study Revealing Coronavirus May ... 

These insertions are not random.

Their functions, all four of them, are to make the coronavirus [renamed to COVID-19] very lethal. (Read about it HERE.) Leading world experts in bio-warfare to conclude that this was an engineering pathogen.

And a rebuttal to this narrative…

The virus is related to HIV, the virus that causes aids.
Some Indian researchers found four genome sequences in the novel  coronavirus that can also be found in the HIV virus. They self published  their findings in a paper that was not peer reviewed. A few days later the paper was retracted by its authors  after other scientists had pointed out that the lengths of each of the  four sequences they had compared were way too small to be of statistical significance. 


So, according to the rebuttal, since the paper was retracted, it MUST be false.

That’s right. Nothing to see here. The paper has been retracted. It is as isf nothing happened.

It was a bio-engineered, bio-weapon that is intended for mass casualties on a grand scale.

Initially, Chinese officials stated that the virus appears to have originated at a seafood market in Wuhan, though the actual origin has not been determined nor stated by the authorities. This is still an open question primarily because viruses seldom jump species barriers without human assistance.

The odds of this being a natural viral agent is infinitesimally small.

After investigation, the subsequent cases of the illness had zero association with that particular market.

A virus outbreak in the city of Wuhan immediately prior to the Chinese New Year migration could potentially have dramatic social and economic repercussions. Wuhan, with a population of about 12 million, is a major transport hub in Central China, particularly for the high-speed train network, and with more than 60 air routes with direct flights to most of the world’s major cities, as well as more than 100 internal flights to major Chinese cities.

The odds of an accidental release of a bio-weapon inside one of China’s largest cities is infinitesimally small.

When we add this to the Spring Festival travel rush during which many hundreds of millions of people travel across the country to be with their families, the potential consequences for the entire country are far-reaching.

The odds of this event occurring naturally during the CNY eve is infinitesimally small.

The odds of this happening is the same as a COVID-19 outbreak on Christmas eve, AND Labor Day, AND the Fourth of July, AND Easter, AND Thanksgiving. Most Americans have absolutely no idea just how stunningly impossible the timing of this outbreak actually is.

Comparison with SARS

This is a novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), an entirely new strain related to the MERS (MERS-CoV) and the SARS (SARS-CoV) viruses, though early evidence suggested that it was not dangerous.

SARS was proven to be caused by a strain of the coronavirus, a large family of mostly harmless viruses also responsible for the common cold, but SARS exhibited characteristics never before observed in any animal or human virus, did not by any means fully match the animal viruses mentioned above, and contained genetic material that still remains unidentified – similar to this new coronavirus in 2019.

Virologist Dr. Alan Cantwell wrote at the time that “the mysterious SARS virus is a new virus never before seen by virologists.

This is an entirely new illness with devastating effects on the immune system, and there is no known treatment.”

Military Weaponization of the Virus by America

Dr. Cantwell also noted that the genetic engineering of coronaviruses has been occurring in both medical and military labs for decades.

He wrote that when he searched in PubMed for the phrase “coronavirus genetic engineering”, he was referred to 107 scientific experiments dating back to 1987. To quote Dr. Cantwell:

“I quickly confirmed scientists have been genetically engineering animal and human coronaviruses to make disease-producing mutant and recombinant viruses for over a decade. 

No wonder WHO scientists identified the SARS/coronavirus so quickly. Never emphasised by medical news writers is the fact that for over forty years scientists have been “jumping species” with all sorts of animal and human viruses and creating chimera viruses (viruses composed from viruses of two different species). 

This unsupervised research produces dangerous man-made viruses, many of which have potential as bioweapons. 

Certainly SARS has the hallmarks of a bioweapon. After all, aren’t new biological warfare agents designed to produce a new disease with a new infectious agent? As in prior military experiments, all it might take … to spread SARS is an aerosol can . . .”

Almost immediately upon receiving the genome sequence, several Russian scientists suggested a link between SARS and biowarfare. 

No trust in America.
No trust in America. But China is considered the most trustworthy nation.

Sergei Kolesnikov, a member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, said the propagation of the SARS virus might well have been caused by leaking a combat virus grown in bacteriological weapons labs. According to a number of news reports, Kolesnikov claimed that the virus of atypical pneumonia (SARS) was a synthesis of two viruses (of measles and infectious parotiditis or mumps), the natural compound of which was impossible, that this mix could never appear in nature, stating, “This can be done only in a laboratory.”

And Nikolai Filatov, the head of Moscow’s epidemiological services, was quoted in the Gazeta daily as stating he believed SARS was man-made because “there is no vaccine for this virus, its make-up is unclear, it has not been very widespread and the population is not immune to it.”

“...there is no vaccine for  this virus, its make-up is unclear, it has not  been very widespread and  the population is not immune to it.” 

-  Nikolai Filatov, the head of  Moscow’s epidemiological services 

Russian and Chinese biochemists believe that this virus is man-made.

It wasn’t widely reported, but it seems the final conclusion of the Chinese biochemists was the same, that the SARS virus was man-made.

This conclusion wasn’t a secret, but neither was it promoted to the international media since they would simply have used the claim to heap scorn on China, dismissing this as a paranoid conspiracy theory.

What kind of evil person would unleash such a weapon?

The Western media totally ignored this aspect, except for ABC news who reported that the SARS “Mystery Virus” was possibly “a Chinese bio-weapon that accidentally escaped the laboratory”.

Nice of ABC to notice, but their story, if true, would be the first example of a nation creating and releasing a race-specific biological weapon designed to attack exclusively itself.

And a rebuttal…

The virus originated from a military weapon research laboratory.
There is zero evidence that the virus is from a Chinese or U.S. or  other (weapon) laboratory and the claim actually makes no sense. The  genome of the virus consists of more then 23,000 'letters'. It is  significantly different than the genome of other known viruses. (Added:)  It is not lab made:
We offer a perspective on the notable features of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and discuss scenarios by which they could have arisen. Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.
To artificially create such a complex entity and to test all its  variants would have been a program of the size of the Manhattan project  and would have cost billions.
Weapon researchers are sane people with a limited budget. They look  for methods to defeat an enemy. A virus that affects all humans  indiscriminately but kills mostly very old ones would have no military  value. 


No arguments on the rebuttal. Except that germ-warfare is the only way to zero out a nations GDP short of wide-scale nuclear war. Is it really that outrageous that the neocons in Washington DC would want to do this instead of awaiting the entire American petro-dollar “house of card” to collapse?

Virus is tailored to attack Asians

Notable is that while SARS spread to about 40 countries, the infections in most countries were few and deaths almost zero, and it was exclusively (or almost exclusively) Chinese who were infected, those in Hong Kong most seriously, with Mainland China suffering little by comparison.

The Corona virus is a virus that, for whatever reason, East Asians  are susceptible to but other races are not, just like SARS. None of our  people are going to succumb to this condition. The MSM’s constant hyping  is just a way of making people panic, because people are more  susceptible to being indoctrinated when they panic. By not reporting the  race of those who have caught this disease in Europe, unnecessary panic  is being fomented among Europeans…so that they can be more easily  inculcated with the message than “race differences don’t exist, because  race is a social construct.”  


The SARS virus apparently much preferred Chinese to Caucasians, though it did attack Vietnamese health care workers (who may be similar to Chinese in their susceptibility).

 Outbreak (1995) A dangerous airborne virus threatens civilization in this tense thriller. After an African monkey carrying a lethal virus is smuggled into the U.S., an outbreak occurs in a California town. To control the spread of the disease, a team of doctors is brought in that includes a contagious disease expert (Dustin Hoffman).
Outbreak (1995) A dangerous airborne virus threatens civilization in this tense thriller. After an African monkey carrying a lethal virus is smuggled into the U.S., an outbreak occurs in a California town. To control the spread of the disease, a team of doctors is brought in that includes a contagious disease expert (Dustin Hoffman).

This appears to be precisely the case with this new virus, in that all the infected persons are Chinese. News reports speak of infections appearing in Thailand or the US, but those (at least to date of writing) were all Chinese who had been to Wuhan. There have been no cases so far of infected Caucasians.

As with SARS, this new virus appears to be tightly-focused and race-specific to Chinese.

And a rebuttal…

Asian people are genetically more receptive for the novel coronavirus.
The virus enters human cells by binding to the ACE-2 receptor on the  cells hull. There were assertions that people in Asia have more ACE-2  receptors than people elsewhere. But detailed studies of various genome  sequence databases have found no statistical basis for such claims.  People of Asian, Caucasian or African heritage all have the same  numbers of ACE-2 building elements and receptors. The virus will effect  them equally. 


This is a mute argument, as the virus has mutated and now seemingly affects just about everyone.

American bio-scientists caught by the police inside of China doing illegal acts.

We might in other circumstances pass this off as an unfortunate coincidence but for some major circumstantial events that serve to alter our focus.

One of these is the history of American universities and NGOs having come into China in recent years to conduct biological experiments that were so illegal as to leave the Chinese authorities enraged.

This was particularly true when it became known that Harvard University had surreptitiously proceeded with experiments in China. Experiments that had been forbidden by the authorities years earlier. And where they collected many hundreds of thousands of Chinese DNA samples and then left the country.

The Chinese were furious to learn that Americans were collecting Chinese DNA.

The government intervened and prohibited the further export of any of the data. The conclusion at the time was that the ‘research’ had been commissioned by the US military with the DNA samples destined for race-specific bio-weapons research.

So the American military was collecting Chinese DNA to develop bio-weapons.

Trademarks and indicators

In a thesis on Biological Weapons, Leonard Horowitz and Zygmunt Dembek stated that one clear sign of a genetically-engineered bio-warfare agent was a disease caused by an uncommon (unusual, rare, or unique) agent, with lack of an epidemiological explanation. I.e. no clear idea of the source.

They also mentioned an “unusual manifestation and/or geographic distribution”, of which race-specificity would be one.

Recent disease outbreaks that would seem to possibly qualify as potential bio-warfare agents are AIDS, SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Hantavirus, Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Polio (Syria), Foot and Mouth Disease, the Gulf War Syndrome and ZIKA.

 Outbreak (1995) A dangerous airborne virus threatens civilization in this tense thriller. After an African monkey carrying a lethal virus is smuggled into the U.S., an outbreak occurs in a California town. To control the spread of the disease, a team of doctors is brought in that includes a contagious disease expert (Dustin Hoffman).
Outbreak (1995) A dangerous airborne virus threatens civilization in this tense thriller. After an African monkey carrying a lethal virus is smuggled into the U.S., an outbreak occurs in a California town. To control the spread of the disease, a team of doctors is brought in that includes a contagious disease expert (Dustin Hoffman).

In fact, thousands of prominent scientists, physicians, virologists and epidemiologists on many continents have concurred that all these viruses were lab-created and their release deliberate. The recent swine flu epidemic in China has the hallmarks as well, with circumstantial evidence of the outbreak raising only questions.

Curious questions…

There was another curiosity in this case, in that additionally to the usual criticisms of China being inactive or secretive, several US media replicated accusations from “a senior US State Department official” claiming Washington was “still concerned” about transparency in the Chinese government on the Wuhan coronavirus.

This virus has a long incubation time, and the symptoms appear to be of no concern. Then it strikes suddenly with lethal affect.

Other articles claimed the US CDC was “concerned that Chinese health officials have still not released basic epidemiological data about the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, making it more difficult to contain the outbreak.”

There is no substantial reason that officials at any level of the US State Department should concern themselves with a virus outbreak in a foreign country.

Their criticisms were surprisingly detailed, demanding specifics on the number of infections directly from contact with the Wuhan market, the number of person-to-person infections, the precise incubation period from exposure to the onset of symptoms, the point at which persons become contagious.

The questions were presented in benevolent terms of helping the Chinese medical authorities deal with the virus, though it was already self-evident China had no need to be lectured on such basics. I must say my sense from reading the articles in question was that the Americans were fishing for something unstated, very possibly the crucial details of their handiwork.

I must say my sense from reading the articles in question was  that the  Americans were fishing for something unstated, very possibly  the  crucial details of their handiwork. 

As of the date of writing, details are still too scarce to form definitive conclusions but, in every such case, once the smoke clears there are many unanswered questions that challenge the official Western narrative, but it’s old news and the media have already staked out their ground so the matter dies in the Western public mind, but not in China.

Yet, why all this United States propaganda promotion?

As the coronavirus outbreak has come to dominate headlines in recent weeks, several media outlets have promoted claims that the reported epicenter of the outbreak in Wuhan, China was also the site of laboratories allegedly linked to a Chinese government biowarfare program. 

However, upon further examination of the sourcing for this serious claim, these supposed links between the outbreak and an alleged Chinese bioweapons program have come from two highly dubious sources.  

For instance, the first outlet to report on this claim was Radio Free Asia, the U.S.-government funded media outlet targeting Asian audiences that used to be run covertly by the CIA and named by the New York Times as a key part in the agency’s “worldwide propaganda network.” 

Though it is no longer run directly by the CIA, it is now managed by the government-funded Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which answers directly to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was CIA director immediately prior to his current post at the head of the State Department.  (How dubious, coincidence ??? - my view)

-LinkedIN Anonymous  

The Argument for Bioweapon use to suppress China.

First of all Pompeo admitted that the COVID-19 was a “live exercise” on 30MAR20202.

Given the multiple and serious woes that China has suffered from during 2019, it comes as no surprise that the Western powers would continue to suppress China in an effort to regain global dominance.

  • HK “pro democracy” riots fully funded and instigated by the NED / CIA.
  • Swine Flu decimated the vast bulk of the Chinese pork industry.
  • Bird Flu decimated huge numbers of the Chinese chicken industry.
  • NED support and training of Uyghur Muslim extremists.

If there’s one last hit to the economy that China doesn’t need right now, it’s a global pandemic that ‘supposedly’ originated in Wuhan.

Wuhan is the capital of Central China’s Hubei province (see map below with the red marker identifying Wuhan). For those of you who are unaware, Wuhan is located right in the center of China’s highly productive southeast region—the economic powerhouse of the nation.  It is the population center of China.

…But not the center of where the local Chinese eat strange critters. That is in the deep South, near Vietnam.

Map showing where Wuhan is located inside of China.
Map showing where Wuhan is located inside of China.

This strategic location is an ideal location to launch a biological attack because of the easily engineered vectors of disease dissemination. After all, isn’t that a staple of Hollywood Science Fiction movies like  12 Monkeys (1995)?

Scene from "12 Monkeys". In a future world devastated by disease, a convict is sent back in time to gather information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet.
Scene from “12 Monkeys”. In a future world devastated by disease, a convict is sent back in time to gather information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet.

The idea of paralyzing China’s economic and financial sectors is, after all, a primary goal of this essentially Anglo-American black operation.

Long Incubation Phase
The main concern for nCoV-2019  is relatively extended incubation phase of the virus, which can last  from 5 to 14 days, during which a person is contagious. Moreover, there  is already evidence of clinically silent cases (no symptoms), which will  make prevention even more challenging.

In any case, full-scale  quarantine to cope with Wuhan crisis seems to be a legitimate measure,  supported both domestically and in the international community.  

In light of the [1] US-staged Hong Kong protests, [2] U.S. tariff regime against China, [3] threat of economic sanctions against nations working with Huawei, [4] CIA-inflamed Xinjiang conflict involving the Muslim Uyghurs, [5] provocative sailing of US Navy warships through the Taiwan Strait, [6] transparent political prosecution of Huawei’s CFO, and the [7] ravaging of China’s pig farms by a bioengineered virus, etc., the Chinese government has been under withering attack since 2018.

When so many debilitating assaults are suspiciously happening at once, what can China do?

SARS conspiracy theory

The original SARS pandemic that took place in China after the turn of the millennium was also well-known in bio-medical circles as a naked act of biowarfare. 

Like this year’s coronavirus bio-attack in Wuhan, the bioengineered SARS outbreak also involved a highly coordinated campaign of propaganda and disinformation.

However, the administration of Xi Jinping is much too concerned about the panic that would inevitably result if the populace was informed of a full-blown bioweapon attack. 

The precipitating chaos would simply overwhelm the government in Beijing which is already on serious overload because of the seemingly endless interference by the Anglo-American Axis.

The SARS outbreak that occurred from 2002 to 2003 has already shown that China is not willing to release the hard scientific evidence that proves the existence a bioengineered coronavirus. This favors the antagonists.

The following excerpt from Wikipedia explains some of the background of SARS—the Severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic that took place primarily in mainland China and Hong Kong, but also in Canada and other countries.

SARS Conspiracy theory.
SARS Conspiracy theory.

Excerpt from SARS conspiracy theory

Wuhan Coronavirus of 2020

The rapidly spreading Wuhan coronavirus, also known as Novel coronavirus, that was first reported in 2019 has all the hallmarks of yet another bioengineered virus in a U.S. Military laboratory.

What follows is a short description form Wikipedia of this Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

Wikipedia on this Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Wikipedia on this Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

Time will tell whether this deadly coronavirus was released into the Chinese population with the intent to kill and sicken, scare and intimidate.  We really do not know what the actual purpose was.

However, given the lethal nature of this viral agent, the history associated with the American bio-weapons engineering, and public statements made by American neocon leaders, can can pretty much guess the intention;

Complete and utter devastation of the Chinese population and the collapse of the Chinese government.

The intimidation phase of such an ongoing black operation is certainly aimed at the government in Beijing which refuses to be coerced and threatened by the Trump administration.

Because the highly disruptive, Western-backed Hong Kong protests have yet to yield the result desired by the U.S. State Department, it was only a matter of time before the C.I.A. implemented Plan B…

…or is this Plan C?

…or D?

Why China?

The $64,000 question here is: Why is China always the epicenter for so many strains and variations of coronaviruses, influenzas, pneumonia viruses and other highly contagious infection agents that strike the major commercial centers on southeastern mainland.

What’s particularly suspicious about all of these outbreaks in China is that they are each described by the Mainstream Media as quite dangerous to human health.  The mortality rate in the beginning of these eventual pandemics is especially high, as if by purposeful design of the bioengineers. 

In this way, the whole world is eventually drawn into a pandemic melodrama that’s certainly designed to fear-monger. 

Hence, more of these endless distractions serve the specific purpose of taking the attention away from real problems caused by governments everywhere.  But it’s the numerous criminal conspiracies at work and shocking scandals that the elites seek to cover up by any means possible.

There are relatively few military bioweaponry labs in the world that have the capability to create such a fatal and infectious virus. 

Thus, when the truth is confirmed about the Wuhan flu, there will be only a few culprits who are behind these assaults against the Chinese people.  In reality, should this Wuhan coronavirus outbreak become a full-blown epidemic in China it could represent an attempt to commit genocide. 

Likewise, if it becomes a bona fide pandemic, it could ultimately be labeled a crime against humanity.

“It’s really quite easy for any of the numerous U.S. military bioweapon labs to bioengineer a deadly super-virus and then release it in a city as large as Wuhan, China.  

Acts of bioterrorism like this are carried out all the time.  As a matter of historical fact, the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 actually originated at Fort Riley, Kansas where soldiers reported to the Army’s largest training facility during World War I.  

The soldiers who were [DELIBERATELY] infected with the H1N1 influenza virus then served as countless vectors of dissemination for the pandemic that ultimately killed as many as 100 million people worldwide.  That single US-executed biowarfare operation against humanity was arguably the deadliest depopulation event in human history.”  

(See: Spanish Flu of 1918 Was Really a Bioterror Attack on Humanity)


This is from UNZ, a great website, worthy of visiting.

  • Since the 20th century, the West has been and continues to be the most avid users of bioweapons. The United States is the biggest user of biochemical weapons in history, including in Cuba; Iraq, Syria and Iran (by proxy); Serbia, Japan, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, and America has eagerly used them on its own people, apparently more often than we care to admit.
  • In the 1940s the United States purposely infected thousands of Guatemala, natives with syphilis and gonorrhea, to test these human guinea pigs with antibiotics. Of course, these suffering souls were sexually active for the rest of their lives and unwittingly infected everybody they came in contact with, including spouses.
  • At Tuskegee, hundreds of American blacks were allowed to carry syphilis from the 1930s to the 1970s, to act as human petri dishes. This was to track the progress of the disease and observe the eventual macabre deaths that this bacteria is wont to inflict on its victims, in its final stages: insanity, nervous disorders, liver and heart disease.
  • The United States has a long, illustrious history of using bioterrorism around the world. Cuba has been a favorite target and has seen hundreds of thousands of its people infected with Dengue fever as well as its entire swine herd wiped out by swine fever.
  • The United States of America holds the exclusive patent on the Ebola virus: US patent number 20120251502, is owned by the American government. Ebola has been Uncle Sam’s bioweapon plaything since 1976, when it was discovered in Zaire and shipped 3,500km by America’s bio-warfare lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, then to West Africa for cultivation and development (via the UK’s bio-warfare labs in Porton Down and with the help of the World “Health” Organization), specifically, to Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, the current epicenters of the Ebola epidemic on the Great Continent.
  • The 2014 Ebola outbreak came as a result of another rogue US Military operation in austral Africa from which the Soros/Gates-funded Kenema bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone was involved.
  • The US has a long history of biowarfare against China. The Report of the International Scientific Commission for the Investigation of Facts Concerning Bacteriological Warfare in Korea and China (ISC report) validated claims by North Korea and China that the US had launched bacteriological warfare (biological warfare, BW) attacks against both troops and civilian targets in those two countries over a period of months in 1952. This 667 page truth commission report has the dubious distinction of being the most vilified written document of the 20th Century. The report’s release in September 1952 brought a withering international attack. It was roundly denounced by American and British politicians of the highest rank, ridiculed by four star generals, accused of fraud by celebrated pundits, misquoted by notable scientists, and scorned by a compliant Western press. In subsequent decades, volumes placed in American university library collections were quietly and permanently removed from circulation. When the rare copy came up for auction, it was discretely purchased and disappeared from public view.
  • In March 2019, in a mysterious event, a shipment of exceptionally virulent viruses from Canada’s NML biological labs ended up in China. Canadian officials say the shipment was part of its efforts to support public-health research worldwide. They claimed that it was just normal procedure. What is unclear is why it was done in secret, and why the Chinese officials lodged a complaint. For certain, if this was just a routine transfer, the Chinese government would have been notified. In July 2019, a group of Chinese virologists were forcibly dispatched from the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory (NML). The NML is Canada’s only level-4 facility and one of only a few in North America equipped to handle the world’s deadliest diseases, including Ebola, SARS, Coronavirus, etc.
  • On October 18th, 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in conjunction with the World Economic Forum assembled “15 leaders of business, government, and public health” to simulate a scenario in which a coronavirus pandemic was ravaging the planet. Major participants were American military leadership, and certain neocon political figures. The Chinese were not invited. The members took notes, and then returned to their day to day operations.
  • In Simulation Run 3 Months Ago, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Predicted Up To 65 Million Deaths Via Coronavirus.
  • 300 US military personnel arrived in Wuhan for the Military World Games on October 19. The first coronavirus case appeared two weeks later, on November 2. Coronavirus incubation period is 14 days.
  • Two months later a very similar coronavirus pandemic hit China at Wuhan, a major transport hub in Central China and for the high-speed train network, and with 60 air routes with direct flights to most of the world’s major cities, as well as more than 100 internal flights to major Chinese cities right at the Spring Festival travel rush when hundreds of millions of people travel across the country to be with their families.
  • The Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is an entirely new strain related to the MERS (MERS-CoV) and the SARS (SARS-CoV) viruses, though early evidence suggested that it was not dangerous. SARS was proven to be caused by a strain of the coronavirus, a large family of mostly harmless viruses also responsible for the common cold, but
  • SARS exhibited characteristics never before observed in any animal or human virus, did not by any means fully match the animal viruses mentioned above, and contained genetic material that still remains unidentified – similar to this new coronavirus in 2019.
  • SARS had the hallmarks of a bioweapon. After all, aren’t new biological warfare agents designed to produce a new disease with a new infectious agent? As in prior military experiments, all it might take … to spread SARS is an aerosol can . . .” Several Russian scientists suggested a link between SARS and biowarfare. Sergei Kolesnikov, a member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, said the propagation of the SARS virus might well have been caused by leaking a combat virus grown in bacteriological weapons labs. According to a number of news reports, Kolesnikov claimed that the virus of atypical pneumonia (SARS) was a synthesis of two viruses (of measles and infectious parotiditis or mumps), the natural compound of which was impossible, that this mix could never appear in nature, stating, “This can be done only in a laboratory.” And Nikolai Filatov, the head of Moscow’s epidemiological services, was quoted in the Gazeta daily as stating he believed SARS was man-made because “there is no vaccine for this virus, its make-up is unclear, it has not been very widespread and the population is not immune to it.”
  • Virologist Dr. Alan Cantwell wrote at the time that “the mysterious SARS virus is a new virus never before seen by virologists, “This is an entirely new illness with devastating effects on the immune system, and there is no known treatment.” Dr. Cantwell noted that the genetic engineering of coronaviruses has been occurring in both medical and military labs for decades. When he searched in PubMed for the phrase “coronavirus genetic engineering”, he was referred to 107 scientific experiments dating back to 1987. To quote Dr. Cantwell: “I quickly confirmed scientists have been genetically engineering animal and human coronaviruses to make disease-producing mutant and recombinant viruses for over a decade.”
  • The virus outbreak coincides with the trade war on China.
  • The virus outbreak coincides with the HK “pro democracy” riots fully funded and instigated by the NED / CIA.
  • The virus outbreak occurred just after Swine Flu decimated the Chinese pork industry.
  • The virus outbreak occurred just after Bird Flu decimated the Chinese chicken industry.
  • The virus outbreak occurred just before NED support and training of Uyghur Muslim extremists.
  • This month, CNN published a gleeful (and untrue) report, “China’s economy is slumping and the country is still suffering the effects of the trade war with America. An outbreak of a new and deadly virus is the last thing it needs.”

What will America do next?

  • Nuclear plant meltdown?
  • Mysterious deaths in the Chinese leadership ranks.
  • Armed fighting in Taiwan?
  • Collapse of a dam?
  • Sinking of cargo ships?
  • Mysterious disappearance of a passenger plane or ship?
  • Launch of 50 ICBM’s that annihilate China completely?

Do not be under the mistaken assumption that America will stop, or that China will continue to accept this status quo. It can only proceed so long before all fucking Hell breaks loose.

I’ve said this over and over … please listen for once.

Americans have no FUCKING idea how bad things can get. Do not believe that fighting for “Oligarch ruled global democracy” is worth the ultimate “push back”.

Contrary Opinions

I do not have all the answers. All I did was sleuth though public, but forgotten articles, and stung things together into a thesis. There are other opinions, of course.

[1] It’s natural, but the bad timing is coincidental.

Of course, this theory omits a number of "elephants in the room".

[1] These markets date back 5000 years. Why would there be an out break now? Why not during the time of King Nebuchadnezzar?

[2] If it is natural, then why would the United States patent it?

[3] Why are all these viral outbreaks against Chinese people and livestock? Why nothing else? Why no dogs and cats, donkeys and horses and birds? Why so darn selective?

[4] Why Wuhan; the geographic nexus of the Han race? Why not Guangzhou which is bigger, has more such markets, and has a year-round environment that is conducive to viral growth?

[5] Species jumping is rare. Tri-species jumping is unheard of, and the HIV inserts are not a natural occurrence.

[6] Why did China, a nation of merit, immediately treat this as a bio-weapon and go into immediate DEFCON ONE lockdown? To believe the "natural" origination of this virus is to assume that the Chinese are idiots, stupid, and moronic. Or, at best, over-reacting.

To accept this narrative, you must also accept that the world is filled with coincidences that should not be explained.

Bats? Really?

... many in the U.S. appear to believe bat-eating Chinese people caused  the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Since the epidemic first started in  Wuhan, Western social media have been lit up by links to several videos  of Chinese citizens eating bat soup, with not so subtle racial  insinuations that it is the Chinese people and their culture that have  caused the COVID-19 epidemic.

 But Chinese people do not have a tradition of eating bats.  

Journalists from France 24 TV recently tracked down the makers of five  of the six most-shared videos.  They found that none of these videos  were filmed near Wuhan, or in China, as many had claimed.  Instead, all  videos were filmed in Palau or Indonesia, in locales where bats have  traditionally been consumed as food,[4] and where adventurous visitors  from around the world would be welcomed to sample local, traditional  cuisine. 

- Will COVID-19 be Known as “the Chinese Virus” or “the Trump Virus”? 

Additionally, it’s not “so bad” or “so dangerous”. Here’s a chart that I found on a conservative web site called MoA;

The Wuhan virus is not that dangerous. It's all just a lot of hype.
The Wuhan virus is not that dangerous. It’s all just a lot of hype.

To agree with this assessment then you must accept the idea that the Chinese government are idiots and over-reacting.

[2] It’s a biological weapon, but it’s China’s fault. They stole it from the USA and accidentally released it.

This is the narrative that is being pushed by the American propaganda organ “Voice of America, and disseminated throughout the American Alt-Right outlets.

This narrative accepts the idea that the virus is man-made. However, it argues that the Chinese are not smart enough to develop weapons on their own, and are too inept to handle them.

The Chinese are the most merit-driven people on the world. This is true whether they are in school or working in a company. This narrative is something that does not fit with any Chinese that I know about. It's like that narrative the Trump hired low-class strippers and asked them to pee on a hotel bed. You might not like Trump, but this does not fit his personality.

[3] It’s a biological weapon, but it’s China’s fault. They had a biological weapons lab in the middle of one of the largest centrally located Chinese cities and it somehow escaped.

This is also the narrative that is also being pushed by the American propaganda organ “Voice of America“, and disseminated throughout the American Alt-Right outlets.


The facility in Wuhan is NOT a military or development facility. It is a civilian diagnostic facility.

The  difference between a military development facility and a public  diagnostic facility is stark. It is the difference from a factory that  makes automobiles, and a local automotive service center.

"One of the goals was to build a BSL-4 laboratory that meets the national  and international standards for diagnosing, researching, and developing  antiviral drugs and vaccines while additionally preserving highly pathogenic BSL-4 agents for future scientific research." 

It is a diagnostic facility. It is used to develop antiviral drugs. Read for yourself.

Civilian viral research facilities are registered with the UN. Here is a List of BSL-4 Facilities.

Military viral research facilities are secret. While in the United States there MIGHT  be some shared use facilities, I remain very skeptical about that  concept. Knowing what I know about severely classified programs, it's  just not going to happen.

There is a fundamental difference between top-secret military warfare development, and civilian diagnostic facilities. 

Military  facilities do not need to be registered with any agency. Certainly,  unless specified by treaty, military development complexes are not  identified as they operate outside the public domain. You will notice  that no North Korean labs or facilities are listed, nor are any Chinese  military facilities.

If the Chinese were  developing a militarized viral agent, they would not use a monitored  diagnostic facility. They would use a classified military base, and they  would not advertise it's location. It would be in one or more of these  facilities...

What  most people do not understand is that most of the "dirty global  politics" that this Wuhan event signifies occurs outside the public  domain. Like the movie "Men In  Black", the public is kept ignorant  intentionally. In America that is why there are Special Access Programs,  and branches that are "waived" and "unacknowledged".

Now,  all that being said, the argument against an accidental release from  the BSL-4 Wuhan facility is that it is a new viral agent. It's new. It's  militarized. 

It cannot come out of a diagnostic facility.

That's  silly. That's like asking your local automobile clinic down the street  to build you a new car with custom details and new type of engine and custom transmission.  Silly. 
Comparison between the Wuhan diagnostic facility and an American R&D facility.
Comparison between the Wuhan diagnostic facility and an American R&D weapons facility. Note the difference in the number of buildings, the campus size and distance from public roads.


Editors’ note, January 2020: Many stories have promoted an  unverified theory that the Wuhan lab discussed in this article played a  role in the coronavirus outbreak that began in December 2019. Nature knows of no evidence that this is true.

-Inside the Chinese lab poised to study world's most dangerous pathogens 

And of course, you have my conclusion…


America is waging biological warfare with China.

This time, it was really, really serious. Far worse than what started World War I, and World War II.

It is being done without an Act of War, and Congressional approval.

Luckily China took immediate steps, but the net-citizens, the world, and the people of Asia are on alert.

This is very, very dangerous, as the moment it is proved, both China and Russia will be forced to retaliate. Their people will not tolerate passive acceptance of a WMD attack on their nation.

It does not matter if it is nuclear, chemical or biological. It will not be permitted to pass without consequence.

For there HAS to be some consequences. If there isn’t any, things will only get worse.

Who ever thought this up was pure evil. It follows the same story-line as the movie “12 Monkeys” where a a bio-weapon was released directly in front of the Christmas holiday in all the major cities of the world.

Not only was the Wuhan coronavirus surreptitiously disseminated to serve as a major distraction from a rapidly collapsing Global Economic & Financial System

…this state-sponsored black operation also represents the worst of predatory capitalism conducted as a means of generating revenue. 

It occurred and peaked during the one most important day in the year in China; CNY eve. The odds of this occurrence being natural is rather small.

Look at the dissemination and propagation visually.

Look at the dissemination and propagation visually.
Look at the dissemination and propagation visually.

In China, CNY eve is roughly equivalent to a combination of Christmas eve, the fourth of July and Labor day. This is THE most critical time of the year for the Chinese people. It is a time when the “great migration” begins and everyone returns home. And there are many many public and private parties. It’s a time when drunken buddies hug each other splash alcohol all over each other and spend times with everyone. It is a time where everyone is interacting with everyone else.

The odds of this happening is 1 in 365.

Think about that! A release of a bio-weapon when the vast majority of Chinese are traveling and enjoying time together at parties.

What kind of evil person would unleash such a weapon?

Meanwhile, the narrative that this is an escaped bio-weapon is being heavily promoted by the Indian mainstream media (an individual funded by grants by an American institution). As well as some Australian news and opinion pieces (also funded by American interests).

Except, for one thing…

The bio-warfare labs are located in Xinjiang. Not in Wuhan… a city more than twice the size of New York City.

If you want to believe that a bio-warfare development lab is placed in a major city, then I have a bridge to sell you. No nation, especially not one run by merit, will put such a dangerous and lethal development center in the middle of such a large and important city.

Key Points...

American military members apparently unleashed an American patented, and Canadian engineered Biological Weapon in the major city of Wuhan designed to coincide with the yearly CNY mass migration. We know their names, and where they stayed and their actions. ALL Chinese cities are wired with video recording systems pipe-lined to the local police. 

Like HK was able to record the Trump Administration cutting deals with separatist radicals, the Chinese have full documented evidence of what occurred.

China is now coping with this situation. 

Once the situation settles, China will continue with negotiations with the soviets in Russia. They will conspire on a solution to reduce or to protect Asia from the American "pro democracy" internationalism. 

All Americans should take note. Nothing ever goes unpunished.

Lastly, the timing of the deadly virus that ravaged China’s pig farms last year quite predictably triggered a call for the development of a preventative vaccine.  What the following news report neglected to state was that the mass slaughter of pigs, in a society that demands LOTS of pork, was cynically planned to manufacture the urgent need for yet another vaccine.

The bottom line here is that the Wuhan coronavirus is likely a race-targeting bioweapon strategically unleashed throughout China by U.S. military labs

And now…

And now… it has mutated, and created some deadly strains that can disappear and reappear, and do all kinds of funky things.

It has come back to bite America on it’s ass. Payback is a bitch.

American propaganda onslaught…

"For all the missteps and misinformation Beijing has been accused of, London and Washington are just as guilty. I am not here to defend the Chinese government. I am here to decry the self-righteousness and hubris of the free world leaders who should have set the bars higher. Yet, they have failed pathetically."
The Fake News kings: Western media about China: 

Xi Jinping is not the president but the "paramount leader" of China... 

Chinese media don't bring news because they're the "mouthpiece" of the Party...  

China doesn't fire officials, it "purges" them... 

China doesn't requisition private hospitals during a health 
emergency by passing laws, it "seizes" them ...

Chinese leaders don't strengthen laws, they "concentrate power"... 

China doesn't give out loans, they "trap" countries in debt... 

China doesn't punish corrupt officials, they "net" them... 

Chinese media doesn't report news, it reports "propaganda"... 

China doesn't revise counting methodologies, it "under-reports" cases ...

Chinese companies don't innovate, they "steal IP" ...

Chinese people are not patriotic, they're "brainwashed" ...

Chinese provinces don't win PISA tests, they "selectively nominate the best schools". . .

-Maitreya Bhakal on Twitter @MaitreyaBhakal Feb 13. 2020 

On a personal note…

There are various comments sent to me by enraged readers. They do not like what I have written.

I do not post comments I do not approve up. This is my blog and I am God here.

They claim that I am America-bashing and that all that I am saying is an attack on the great American “democracy”. They argue that China is a Communist Dictatorship (it isn’t, it’s a Republic nearly identical to the setup in America in 1776), and that everything I write is a lie.

I am an American expat. I am also a former Navy “brown shoe” and as patriotic as can be. Check out my other SHTF posts. I am a proud gun-toting, Trump loving “deplorable”.

The desire for the United States to maintain it’s grip on the world should not be in question. That is understandable. What should be, however, is how it is being handled.

You should not try to raise yourself up by pushing others down.

This course that the United States is on is dangerous and fool-hardy. I worry that it will eventually result in a “push back” that America, the nation that I love, can never recover from.

I know things that most average Americans do not know. DO NOT PLAY AROUND WITH THE THREAT OF DANGER. It’s foolish.

Cts have the ability to alter gravity. They can become lighter at will. THis can be used to help them hunt, and jump higher than they normally would.
Be careful in your actions.

When I was in High School I used to hang out with my friends and go to parties in the woods. We called these events “keg parties” and it was an every night affair. However, sometimes people would drink too much and insist on driving.

They were our friends, and buddies that we loved and cared about. But, things being as they were, eventually the sloshed friend would end up behind the wheel.

The others, with no other way to get home would be trapped in this death machine as our drunk buddy drove all over the road and in and off it. We were trapped while the good-meaning but absolutely incapable friend risked all of our lives.

That is what is going on… RIGHT NOW… in the United States.

Chinese messaging all over Wechat

The following is a message from the government of China to everyone. Read it. The Chinese government is treating this as a major event similar to that of a war. Read the translation and come to your own conclusions.

The Chinese…

         一级响应是国家在面临战争和重大灾难时的最高应对级别。2003非典都没有启动一级响应;2008年汶川地震死了十多万人也没有启动一级响应。这次浙江、广东率先启动一级响应、现全国启动了一级响应——这说明事态的严重性远远超出人们最大胆的想象。因此提醒大家千万不能等闲视之。能让武汉封城、北京所有庙会取消、上海迪斯尼关闭、贺岁电影全部下架、全国戒备百城空港!!疫情一定严重到超乎我们的想象了!请放下盲目自信… 请照顾好自己和家人,对自己和家人朋友负责!好好守在家里,安全度过这场大灾难!

The translation…

What is a first response?

The first-order response is the highest level of national response in the face of war and major disasters. None of the 2003 SARS initiated a first-order response; Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 killed more than 100,000 people did not start a response level. 

This time, Zhejiang and Guangdong took the lead in initiating the first-level response, and now the whole country has launched the first-level response. 

This shows that the seriousness of the situation is far beyond peoples boldest imagination. 

Therefore, we must not take it lightly. 

Can let Wuhan Fengcheng, Beijing all temple fairs canceled, Shanghai Disneyland closed, New Years film all off shelves, national guard hundred cities airport!! 

The outbreak must be worse than we thought! 

Please put down your blind confidence. Please take good care of yourself and your family and be responsible for yourself and your friends. 

Stay at home and ride out this disaster safely!

Once again popular: This is war is not a game, win, every day is the Spring Festival! Lose, this is your last Spring Festival! 

Put away your blind self-confidence and luck, but also put away your attitude that you have nothing to do with yourself, there is no outsider in this battle! 

Stay at home and don't go out! 

You're protecting yourself! 

Is responsible for the whole family! 

Responsible for the front-line medical staff! 

Responsibility to society!

The way that China is treating it differs substantially from the way the American and British mainstream media is reporting it.

The American mainstream media is completely out of touch. A nation with a population many times that of the United States locks down everyone inside their homes for three weeks, and this is NOT news? It’s like the flu? Only not as bad?




So the flu is far deadlier than this?

Chinese Government releases are curious statement…

Just now, the Chinese government has sent a message to everyone NOT to TRAVEL during the NEXT holiday sometime in April. That’s four months in the future…


What do they know?

Take Aways

  • American / Canadian bio-weapon scientists have engineered similar germ-weapons; of the same type, the same class, and the same nearly identical properties.
  • We know this because they have filed patents on this viral type with the United States patent office.
  • [1] Canadian bio-weapons scientists were caught “red handed” trying to sneak a similar Cat-4 viral pathogen into China in March 2019. The Chinese government lodged a complaint.
  • [2] American bio-scientists have also been caught “red handed” collecting Chinese DNA for their biological experiments.
  • Both events are well documented, and formal complaints by China have been lodged.
  • The profile, characteristics of this strain are are indicative of a bio-weapon. Especially the stealth nature of contamination, the deceptive nature of transmission, and the sudden and fatal results. All are hallmarks of a militarized biological weapon.
  • The launch of this sickness occurred at a time and place indicative of a biological attack. The odds of this occurring randomly is small.
  • Neocon John Bolton attended a high-level discussion with the Gates foundation about the transmission of a biological pathogen two months before this event.
  • Since 2018 the Chinese at all levels, have been “closed out” of American and “allied” biological weapons research, and pandemic studies.
  • American military personnel were in Wuhan at the precise moment of the first release of the virus.
  • Then all military staff were directed NOT to watch Chinese social media applications, videos and photos.
  • Chinese authorities are acting swiftly and proactively. They are not pointing fingers, or laying accusations.
  • However, the Chinese government and their military are treating this as a biological attack.
  • American mainstream media is treating this as a harmless flu.

Other thoughts…

There are some 100-plus CIA / Pentagon-sponsored clandestine and  semi-known laboratories spread throughout the world – laboratories to  fabricate and test agents for biological warfare. 

A few years ago, one  such laboratory was discovered and reported on in Ukraine. They were  working on a virus affecting the “Russian Race”. Since there is no  homogenous Russian Race – their initial trials supposedly failed. Since  the empire never gives up in its evil attempts to dominate the world, we  can assume that research on race directed bio-agents continues.

This  western, especially American (CIA, Pentagon, NATO) project to develop  biochemical weapons to kill people by disease rather than bullets and  bombs – it is much cheaper! And less obvious – does exist. 

You may draw  your own conclusion on whether SARS and the new 2019-nCoV fits that  pattern. The timing of the appearance was especially curious. It was  first reported on 31 December 2019 in Wuhan – and then expanded into a  proportion, so that it interfered with China’s most important holiday,  the Lunar New Year. It could, of course, be just coincidence.

One  of Washington’s “low-grade” warfare models is destabilizing China (and  Russia for that matter) with any means. With the objective of  destabilization, China is constantly being harassed and aggressed – see  Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, Tibet, the tariff wars – and why not with a contagious virus, a trial for a potential pandemic?

What  can be observed and even the west must notice to their chagrin and  frustration – is China’s extreme resilience and capacity to adapt and  resist – to resist with powerful minds and ingenuity that saves her  people. And that without counter-aggression, without even an accusation  and never a threat. 

This is China’s way forward: a steady  flow of endless creation, avoiding conflict, no dominance, but seeking  harmony by building bridges between people and among countries and  cultures – creating understanding and wellbeing, towards a multi-polar  world. A model for mankind? – If only the west would open its eyes and  wake up.

-  The Coronavirus Epidemic: Chinese Resilience and Silent, Simple and Steady Resistance – A Model for Mankind 

Why is America doing this?

Why America is doing this…

The actual trade imports that China obtains from the United States.
One of the often cited misconceptions that many Americans have is that China would collapse if the United States were to stop trading with her. The idea is that "China needs us more than we need them". It's not true, and it's not even remotely true. Here, is the actual import data that China imports from the United States. Take a good long hard look at it.

And the American government wants China to be reduced, they are openly announcing their glee that Chinese people are hurting…

Yeah. As if America still had factories that can employ skilled people, as well as still had people that had the ability to manage and supervise factories…

I just do not trust the USA government.

General trust.
General trust.

And neither does China;

Keep in mind that Pompeo admitted that the COVID-19 Coronavirus was a “Live Exercise” at the White-house. It was NOT a natural virus. It was NOT a Chinese-developed and deployed bio-weapon. It was an American “system” that was deployed as a “Live Exercise.

China was ready and expecting the attack

The United States carpet bombed China with bio-weapons from 1950-1952, after the disasterous losses that the United States experienced from the Chiense. When Mr. Mao made this quote most people discounted it, but today, we understand the TRUE and REAL situation much clearer.

What a quote!

He got the date and time, and reasoning quite clear.

Mao quote on USA bioweapons and the fall of imperialism bilingual
Mao quote on USA bioweapons and the fall of imperialism bilingual


Update 1

 Coronavirus: The Plot Thickens
 From Reports:

 Indian researchers have found HIV-derived inserts in the coronavirus  genome that compound the infectious potential and greatly bolster the  argument this virus was developed as a bioterror weapon. 

 This 2016 Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence  Community lists China as a major potential “terror actor” (p.2) and  genome editing (p.9) as a major terror risk. 

 Before jumping to conclusions, let’s assume for argument’s sake that  the paper published in India on the makeup and likely evolution of this  virus passes peer review. What then? The international community will  likely conclude the virus was bio-engineered and will condemn China with  major implications for sanctions and global trade/travel. 

 But consider: it is the agenda of USA to contain the rise of China.  Cui bono? 

Is it far-fetched that having fingered China as a major terror  actor and terror risk that US agents would have created this epidemic  in the epicenter of Chinese virology experimentation? 

It is easier in  this instance to identify the crime than the criminal. Western intel  agencies are associated with false flags. 

- Coronavirus: The Plot Thickens 

Update 2

Apparently, people are actually dying in the streets. WTF?

Do not let the soundtrack fool you. This is serious business.

And this…

Dead in the streets being attended to.
Dead in the streets being attended to.

Update 3

Americans to the rescue!

The holiday started on CNY eve, and ended just as abruptly when the government ordered everyone to stay inside. Now, on the eve of the first day of work after the holiday we get this message floating around Chinese social media…

重磅利好!!!   古利得是一家非常牛逼的美国研究病毒药物的公司,在世界上没有几家,它研究的一些药物是当今世界上没有的。这次中国请来的研究病毒的专家就是这个公司的老总,钟南山院士亲自去机场迎接接他!因为这个公司的抗病毒药瑞德西韦治好了中国武汉去美国的35岁患者,所以中美已经签订合同购买这个公司抗病毒的瑞德西韦进口协议!这个抗病毒特效药今天已经到了中国!明天就会用到武汉的病患者身上了!!!重要的是用药以后,一天就可以好转!很快局面就会转好了!那些重病人都有救了!  


Big Benefit!!!

Gullit is a very powerful American company that studies viral drugs. There are few in the world, and some of the drugs it studies are not available in the world today. 

This time the expert that China invites to study virus is this companys boss, academician Zhong Nanshan goes to airport personally to meet him! 

Because the companys antiviral drug Red Seaway cured 35-year-old patients from Wuhan, China to the United States, China and the United States have signed a contract to buy the companys antiviral Red Seaway import agreement! 

This anti-virus medicine has arrived in China today! Tomorrow will be used in Wuhans patient body!!! 

The important thing is that after you take the medicine, you can get better in a day! It will all turn around soon! The seriously ill are saved! 

I do not know if this message is true or not. Typically, the Chinese tend to be very pragmatic, they usually don’t post hoaxes or lies. It can land them in a Chinese gulag if they do.

Imagine that, if true!

An [1] American company, suddenly has the [2] cure, and it’s a miracle cure! It works nearly [3] instantaneous! The world is saved, and it’s the Americans who did it.

Well… we will see.

In the world of politics, and global diplomacy it’s a high stakes game of push, thrust, parry, retreat, fancy foot work, and parry.

  • The idea that it is isolated to far away China only, and that it’s not so bad as the flu is falling apart.
  • With the alternative media promoting the idea that this is a bio-weapon stolen by the Chinese and released accidentally …
  • … and Tictoc and Chinese social media showing men, women, children and complete families, dressed like Americans, dying on the street…
  • And the American military being forbidden to watch this.
  • And the very non-confrontational (smiling and nodding) Chinese reaction…
  • While China and Russia are having meetings…

Perhaps, it’s time for the USA to pull back from this operation.

We will see.

All I do know is that according to the American mainstream news, “China has not accepted help from America”, from the article titled “China has not yet accepted US help with the coronvirus epidemic “. This article is what the White House adviser Robert O’Brien has to say.

All I do know is that according to the American mainstream news, "China has not accepted help from America", from the article titled "China has not yet accepted US help with the coronvirus epidemic ".

And Senator Tom Cotton (R) chimes in and demands that China be “more transparent”, yet he offers no suggestions how that is possible. HERE.

Sen. Tom Cotton, who has repeatedly chastised the Chinese Communist  Party for its handling of the coronavirus outbreak, said, "I have very  low confidence in the state of Chinese politics because their government  is still lying to the world about this deadly matter," during an  interview Friday on Fox News. 

Update 4

Turns out the news in Update 3 about the medicine was out of Thailand, not the United States. Thailand did the research. The United States just owns the drug that the studies were based upon.

Today 5FEB20, Beijing has released a statement;




After the outbreak, the team of Dr. Cao Bin of the famous Beijing Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital conducted clinical trials on Remdesivir in the early hours of February 3rd through a series of studies, which showed good results! ——
Within 17 hours of the drug, 96% of the lung function was restored! By February 4th, all 270 patients who participated in the clinical trial were recovering their lung function!

The second part of this report reads…







Moreover, the big news from Thailand the day before yesterday also confirmed the effectiveness of the drug!
12 hours to get better! 48 hours from yang to yin!
On February 2nd, at 14:00, Thai Deputy Prime Minister Anutin announced Thailand's progress in the current treatment of the new coronavirus pneumonia - the use of AIDS-suppressing drugs and anti-flu virus two combination therapies, to re-develop a new medical program.
The results showed that the hospital received the treatment of the new case of coronary pneumonia, after 12 hours of improvement, 48 hours test results were negative.
Patients from Wuhan have been more than 70 years old, to Rajavithi Hospital, the lung inflammation has been very serious, pulmonary congestion, need to borrow equipment to assist breathing, and the patient himself has high blood pressure and heart disease and other carry-on disease history, in general, the patient's infection is a more serious column.
Thai medical expert group, through comprehensive consideration and clinical trials, through HIV antiretroviral drugs and anti-flu drugs combined drug protocol program: daily morning-night HIV antiretroviral drugs, while taking anti-flu virus oseltamivir early-to-late daily anti-flu virus Oseltamivir, patients should be completely descarbexed!

The third part…





What's more, the U.S. has promised not to introduce China for the drug without any hindrance! U.S. President Donald Trump and the U.S. Public Health Administration have approved:
If the results of clinical trials in China are OK, China can try the drug for free until April 27!
Just in the clinical trial effect of good news came, the high-level immediately made the corresponding, can be said to be fighting day after night! Just this afternoon, the Ministry of Science and Technology has announced that a batch of Redsiewe drugs arrived in the country this afternoon.

And just like that…

  • A patented American drug cures a patented American virus.

American media reports two types of stories… for two types of audiences;

  • It’s natural, and is pretty harmless. The flu is much worse.
  • It’s a biological weapon released by the communist dictatorship on the Chinese people. Either intentionally or accidentally.

Update 5

This is a serious virus that contaminates so very easily and quickly.

 Infected in 15 seconds while he bought vegetables at the market.
 GIC Team GICexpat 6FEB20

 A 56-year-old man in Ningbo was recently confirmed as a newly found case to have contracted the novel coronavirus after visiting a food market in the city’s Jiang Bei district on January 23. The confirmation was released to the public on February 4 by the district’s official social media account.

 What’s especially surprising about this case is how fast the man contracted the virus.

 Video surveillance revealed that it only took 15 seconds for him to be fully exposed, as neither he nor the 61-year-old woman standing next to him while picking out vegetables at the same stall were wearing protective masks.

 The woman is believed to have had contracted the virus a few days prior while attending a blessing ceremony.

 The man and woman, now both affected by the 2019-nCoV, did not know each other before crossing paths at the Shuang Dongfang market.

 Unfortunately, 19 people who subsequently came into close contact with the newly-infected 56-year-old patient have already shown positive signs of infection. All of them have been put under isolated medical observation for further examination. 

Update 6

Police are forcefully taking sick people into quarantine. Many refuse to go along, and have to be carried out of their homes.

Forcefully removed from their home.

Update 7

The Western American mainstream narrative is that this is nothing, just a “natural” virus. It’s not so lethal or worrisome. It’s not as bad as the flu. Though, I have yet to see any person with the flu act like this…

Not as bad as the flu they say.

Update 8

A good laugh. Written in the middle of a lethal American bio-weapons attack on China, The Washington Standard defends United States global actions, eight simultaneous wars and bio / economic warfare. Is America Now “The Evil Empire”? .

Their conclusion; no, not at all.

Communism is.

Well, because of history. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and many others, such as Pol Pot killed millions of their countrymen.

Except China is Communist in Name only, just like America is a Republic in name only.

  • America is an Oligarchy. It was started as a Republic. Changed into a Democracy with the passage of the 12th and 17th amendments, and the progressive “improvements” of President Wilson solidified the oligarchy we know of today.
  • China is a Social Republic. It follows the same model as pre-political party United States. Pure communist construction was discarded in the early 1970’s. It was replaced by Capitalism but with a single political party that keeps the “Communist” name.

Update 9

February 10th, a group of companies will try to resume work, if you happen to be employees of these enterprises, please be sure to take a hard look at the following 10 recommendations:

1, carry your ID card with you

2, at least 3 masks.

3, vial alcohol 1 bottle (but please note keeping, do not smoke)

4, 1 phone sealbag

5, pen 1

6, home-cooked meals

7. Don’t touch colleagues

8, wash your hands frequently

9, cycling to and from work

10. Looking for a new job (don’t ask why, this time to let you go to work company, must not be a good company ( tears) #职场达人说#职场进化论 #

Translation from the Chinese government alert;

2月10日即将有一批公司尝试复工,如果你正好是这些企业的员工,请一定要认真看以下10条建议: 1,随身携带身份证 2,至少3个口罩 3,小瓶酒精1瓶(但请注意保管,别抽烟) 4,手机密封袋1个 5,笔1只 6,自家煮的饭菜 7,不要触碰同事 8、勤洗手 9、骑车上下班 10、寻找新工作(不要问为什么,这个时间还要让你们去上班的公司,一定不是什么好公司[泪奔])#职场达人说# #职场进化论#

Update 10

First, the Chinese government has treated the epidemic as an act of  war, deploying all the means at its disposal, including the military, in  order to contain its spread, building several large new hospitals,  putting entire huge cities under quarantine and extending the national  holidays. The response as been far beyond what this virus seems to  warrant, with its low mortality rate.
Second, the Western media response has been an exemplary  effort to produce a panic and to smear China, making what is happening  there into a horror story. Not only did the mass media outlets do their  best to stoke mass hysteria about all things Chinese, but various  bloggers and independent “experts” pitched in to produce a panic. 
Third, the White House has recently requested that experts  look into the possibility that 2019-nCoV has been genetically  engineered... I suspect that the next move will be to declare that this  virus is indeed an engineered biological weapon developed by Russia, of  course. 

- Dmitry Orlov has his suspicions about the 2019-nCoV flu, at Club Orlov 

Update 11 – 13FEB20

From the Jerusalem Post

Arab media accuse US, Israel of coronavirus conspiracy against China

One report claimed that it was no coincidence that the coronavirus was largely absent from the US and Israel.

Numerous reports in the Arab press have accused the US and Israel of being behind the creation and spread of the deadly coronavirus as part of an economic and psychological war against China, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported.

One report in the Saudi daily newspaper Al-Watan claimed that it was no coincidence that the coronavirus was absent from the US and Israel, though this is despite America having 12 confirmed cases at the time of writing.

“A ‘wonder’ virus was discovered yesterday in China; tomorrow it will be discovered in Egypt, but it will not be discovered either today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow in the US or Israel, nor in poor countries such as Burundi or the Comoro Islands,” the report said.

It also went on to accuse the US and Israel of being behind other outbreaks over the past several years in China and in the Arab world.”As soon as Egypt announced, a few years ago, that it would rely on poultry , and that it would even export [poultry] abroad – that is, that it no longer needed poultry from the US, France, and so on – [suddenly] there appeared, from underneath the ground, the avian flu virus… with the aim of nipping [Egypt’s economic] awakening in the bud,” the report said.”

Even before this, the same thing was done in China… when in 2003 [the country] announced that it had the [world’s] largest dollar reserves they [the Americans] introduced coronavirus’ cousin, SARS, into [the country].”

At the beginning of February, Syrian daily newspaper Al-Thawra also claimed the coronavirus and other outbreaks were part of a US-China war.

“From Ebola, Zika, SARS, avian flu and swine flu, through anthrax and mad cow disease to the corona[virus] – [all these] deadly viruses were manufactured by the US and threaten to annihilate the peoples of the world,” the report alleged.

“[The US] has turned biological warfare into a new type of war, by means of which it intends to change the rules of play and shift the conflict with the peoples [of the world] away from the conventional path.”A report on the Egyptian news site built on this theory even more, specifying why Wuhan was supposedly chosen as the epicenter of the current outbreak.”

American factories are the first to manufacture every kind of virus and bacteria, from the virulent smallpox virus and the bubonic plague virus to all the viruses we saw in the recent years, such as mad cow disease and swine flu,” the site claimed.

“Wuhan, the city that has now been struck by the corona[virus], is an industrial town, but it is nevertheless the eighth-richest city in China after Shanghai.”Guangzhou, Beijing, Tianjin and Hong Kong, are the country’s major cities.

[Wuhan’s] place at the bottom of the list [of China’s major cities] is what makes it a suitable [place] for an American crime… for it is not a focus of attention, and the level of healthcare there is surely lower than in the larger and more important cities.”

The news site adds that there is a theorized economic motivation for the outbreak, as the supposed masterminds behind it will reap the billions of dollars spent by China on emergency treatments and medicines, “which, by the way, will be manufactured by an Israeli company.”

Over 37,000 people around the world have been infected with the coronavirus as the outbreak continues to spread. The current death toll is over 800 people.

Update 12

For some reason, of which we can only speculate, this coronavirus was renamed to COVID-19. Thus making it difficult to associate any earlier names (and associated articles) with the current virus news.

And, amid all this, we have this…

CORONAVIRUS was funded and patented by  Wellcome Trust (UK, fake sold to GlaxoSmithKline), Bill & Melinda  Gates Foundation, DARPA, DEFRA (UK), World Health Organization, European  Commission (EU) via THE PINBRIGHT INSTUTUTE (UK) 

U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701. (Nov. 20, 2018).  CORONAVIRUS. Assignee: THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE (Woking, Pirbright,  Great Britain), funded by Wellcome Trust, DARPA, Bill & Melinda  Gates Foundation, EU. U.S. Patent Office.
From the USPTO patent application “wrapper” files accessible by the public in PUBLIC PAIR. 

The Coronavirus patent was issued in just 17 months from initial filing—that’s almost unheard of speed—with very little objection back from SERCO (UK)-managed patent examiner Bao Q. Li 

List of patents assigned to THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE (funded  by Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EU & DARPA)
The Pirbright Institute (Woking GB). (Compiled Jan. 28, 2020).  Coronavirus et al Patent Assignee for Pat. Nos. 10,507,237; 10,294,277;  10,202,578; 10,130,701; 9,969,777; 9,457,075; 9,243,230; 9,145,548;  8,828,407; 8,501,466; 8,455,201. U.S. Patent Office. 

Update 13

But by the looks of it, this disease is a bioengineered weapon of mass destruction that has either been accidentally or purposefully released (either way the cat is out of the bag) so a vaccine isn't happening any time soon.  


Irrefutable; The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab using well documented genetic engineering vectors that leave behind a “fingerprint”.

Article is in Chinese, and the Chinese pretty much established this as a bio-weapon event. The article was picked up by German scientists that’s been distributing the data along scientific and technical social media channels.

Update 14

The R-0 value for Coronavirus is still being debated. It has been estimated around 2.x – 6.x . Link Posted February 11, 2020.

The novel  coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a recently emerged human pathogen that has  spread widely since January 2020. Initially, the basic reproductive number, R0, was estimated to be 2.2 to 2.7. 

Here we provide  a new estimate of this quantity. 

We collected extensive individual case reports and estimated key epidemiology parameters, including the  incubation period. 

Integrating these estimates and high-resolution real-time human travel and infection data with mathematical models, we estimated that  the number of infected individuals during early epidemic double every  2.4 days, and the R0 value is likely to be between 4.7 and 6.6.

Update 15

The CDC has restated (Feb 13) the virus is contagious when symptoms do not show – Link

Coronavirus  can be spread through people who aren’t exhibiting symptoms of the  illness, the director of the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention said Thursday.

Update 16

This falls in line with Japans researchers who estimate 1 in every 2 people were infected from people not showing symptoms Link

At least one  of every two instances of human-to-human transmission of the new  coronavirus is believed to occur while the first patient is not yet showing symptoms

Update 17

The incubation period was initially thought to be 14days, this has since been revised to 24days – Link

New research  from a group of Chinese scientists suggested the virus’ incubation  period – the time between exposure and the onset of symptoms – could be as long as 24 days.

And this…

The more we learn about this mysterious new coronavirus, the more  alarming this outbreak becomes.  When the virus first began to spread,  authorities insisted that it was very unlikely that human to human  transmission was taking place.  Of course we soon found out that this  virus spreads from person to person incredibly easily.  Initially we  were also told that we shouldn’t be afraid to touch a surface that an  infected person may have touched because the virus cannot be spread in  that manner.  But as you will see below, scientists have now discovered  that the virus can actually live for quite a few days on a smooth  surface.  Based on what we now know, this outbreak is going to be  exceedingly difficult to contain, and that has very serious implications  for all of us. 

- End of the American Dream

Update 18

The UK Government has stated the virus as a imminent threat – Link

Coronavirus  poses a serious and imminent threat to public health in the UK, the  government declared as it introduced new powers to forcibly quarantine people for their own safety.

Update 19

China is still refusing US health officials to be involved and the US are voicing their disappointment – Link

White House  economic adviser Larry Kudlow Thursday said the Trump administration was  "disappointed" with China's response to the coronavirus and the fact that no United States health officials have been invited in to  help with the outbreak.

Update 16

Professor Dennis Etler of San Francisco: Covid-19 is turning out to be much like the H1N1 influenza virus in its rate of infection and severity. The death rate is higher, but that is probably an artifact of its concentration in Wuhan and the fact that most people who get the virus have only mild symptoms or none at all and are therefore not counted. When that is factored in the death rate will lessen.

Currently the death rate is most similar to the Spanish Flu of 1918, but with time it may reduce to levels comparable to the H1N1/9 American Flu (aka swine flu) of 2009.

China has taken Covid-19 seriously and has taken a big hit as a result. The US did nothing for 6 months, resulting in its global spread and hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Please pray tell. Which government is responsible and which government truly has the concern of it's people and the people of the world at heart?

Update 17

All February there has been a massive ant-China propaganda campaign launched by the neocon elements inside Washington DC, and the “deep state”.

Here’s an excellent article in the on-line magazine Veterans Today;

 This insecure passive aggressiveness shined with blinding intensity  on February 8 during an annual National Governors’ Association event  which saw 44 American state governors come together from Feb. 7-10 in  Washington, DC.
During his speech, Pompeo’s niceties quickly ended in order to launch  into his main agenda behind speaking at this venue: To threaten all  participants to stay away from China because “China is watching you. Working you.”
Pompeo warned the attending governors not to make bilateral deals with China “that could undermine national policy”, and stated: “Whether  you are viewed by the CCP as friendly or hardline, know that its  working you, know that its working the team around you. Competition with  China is happening inside your state and it affects our capacity to  perform America’s vital national security functions.”
Faced with Trump’s often re-stated desires to build positive  relations with China and achieve a trade deal, the deep state has gone  on overdrive pushing to sabotage this dynamic by promoting the support  of Taiwan and Hong Kong independence, while working hard to shut down as  many American-based Confucius institutes which had grown to 90 at their  max.
In recent months, FBI and CIA pressure has resulted in the closing of 29 of the 100 Confucius institutes  in the past 6 years. Most recently, under pressure of the new National  Defense Authorization Acts of 2018 and 2019, 22 Institutes have been  forced to shut down with sinophobe senators Mark Rubio, and Ted Cruz  leading the charge on the republican side and sinophobe democrats like  Seth Moulton running the pressure campaign for the democrats. On top of  this, hundreds of Chinese scholars, and scientists have been fired from  their positions as professors and researchers in universities, and  slandered as espionage agents by the new McCarthyite Witch hunt run  under the Christopher Wray’s FBI. The policy is blunt and simple: Sever  as many intellectual and cultural connections between America and China  as humanly possible to prevent any alliance from forming.
Pompeo’s deployment to the Governors’ conference was a major part of  this fanatical campaign since the oligarchy is aware that American  governors like Matt Bevin of Kentucky, Bill Lee of Tennessee, Nebraska’s  Pete Ricketts, and many others  see China’s desire to invest in American infrastructure and  agricultural products as a life line for survival where no federal  relief appears visible and an economic meltdown looms overhead.
The irony which leading deep state operatives managing the  anti-China/Russia campaign refuse to acknowledge is that America’s  oncoming economic collapse can only be stopped by a FDR-styled  bankruptcy reorganisation of Wall Street and a new alliance with  actually viable nations like Russia and China who wish to help America  rebuild its decayed agro-industrial foundations. 

Update 18


ctm posted my longish scientific commentary written last Sunday on Monday.  The situation is still rapidly evolving. Much more is now known than  last Sunday. This updates my previous commentary and the general  knowledge about Wuhan, adding new factual information plus additional  research. For those interested, the WSJ online (paywalled, but I am a  subscriber) has added a new coronavirus section tracking Wuhan daily  news because of the importance to China and global supply chains. I rely  on it here using today’s WSJ noon update.

 A special h/t to previous commenters Robert of Texas and Nicolas  McGinley, who added much to my previous post with many erudite comments.
Origins and precedents
Wuhan is the third known transmission of a respiratory tract  coronavirus infection from bats via an intermediary mammal to humans:
SARS 2003: The following information is derived from a special WHO  report. 916 deaths from 8422 total infections, mortality 10.9%. Not  transmissible prior to onset of symptoms (cough, fever); main  transmission days 4 and 5 after symptom onset. Mode of transmission  mainly contact, with an R0 about 3. Bat corona via live civet intermediate to humans in a Chinese wet market.
MERS 2012: 779 deaths from 2229 total infections, mortality 35.5%.  Not transmissible prior to symptom onset. Bat corona via live camel  intermediate to humans in a Saudi Arabian camel market.
Wuhan 2020: to today at noon (2/13/20), about 1300 deaths in about  59000 diagnosed cases, with about 5000 full recoveries. The implications  are discussed below. Bat corona via live pangolin to humans in Wuhan’s  Huanan wet market (since permanently closed) in December 2019.
Wuhan transmission and clinical progression
Many more case reports are now giving a clear clinical picture.
Transmission route is either contact or inhalation (of real concern, because more flu like than cold like—even with annual flu shots influenza R0  remains about 2 because of flu vaccine issues covered in the previous  post). 

Based on SARS and influenza, this means the likely Wuhan R0  is 3ish, so very contagious. The significant inhalation route is now  shown by both the Diamond Princess cruise ship experiment (more below)  and by the fact that ordinary surgical masks proved ineffective in the  Wuhan hospital setting (JAMA, previous post).
Incubation period is 7-10 days from initial infection. The good news  is that the 14-day quarantine adopted pretty much universally last week  should therefore be effective (with a margin of safety) at Wuhan  containment. But in most of Southeast Asia outside China, Japan, and  Singapore, or in Africa should Wuhan spread there, 14-day quarantine  will be difficult or impossible to maintain so the possibility of a  pandemic remains.
The bad news is that Wuhan IS transmissible during some later  part of the symptomless incubation period. The definitive clinical proof  (there was comment debate about the reliability of previous post  evidence from Japan and Germany) is an age 50’s UK male who attended an  about 100 person sales conference in Singapore 1/20-1/22 2020. 

The bad news is that Wuhan IS transmissible during the later part of the symptomless incubation period.

 A single  individual from Wuhan also attended this conference and was–per  Singapore Wuhan containment policies– symptomless on arrival (no fever,  no cough). 

That either symptomless or very early symptomatic individual  transmitted Wuhan to the UK citizen in Singapore. The UK individual then  flew to France for a 4-day family ski vacation 1/24-1/28 at Le  Contamines-Montjoie. During the 4-day vacation the UK male remained  symptomless (entire incubation time Singapore plus France at most 8  days) but transmitted Wuhan to 11 other individuals, 5 later diagnosed  in UK (family and friends), 5 later diagnosed in France, and 1 later  diagnosed in Spain. Clearly this case is NOT family close proximity contact transmission. 

This case may be a “super spreader” outlier, BUT it means a symptomless R0 as high as 11 cannot be ruled out, with a symptomless transmission period of several days. By comparison, the R0 for measles (absent vaccination) is 12-18, so a horrific Wuhan symptomless R0 of 11 is within the realm of actual possibility 

A horrific Wuhan symptomless R0 of 11 is within the realm of actual possibility.

 This is VERY bad news, as the formal CDC guidance on URI’s is that  transmission risk is highest with peak symptoms (equating to peak virion  shedding)–as was the case with SARS. Not so with Wuhan, reinforcing the  public health necessity of strict 14-day quarantine.
Disease progression is standard common cold symptoms for 7-10 days  with one exception–used since yesterday for clinical diagnosis in Hubei  Province, as both the Chinese and the experimental CDC US test kits are  showing significant problems with a high rate of false negatives. 

Common  colds from over 120 distinct serotypes from all three viral families  (RNA naked Rhino, RNA enveloped Corona, and DNA enveloped Adeno) all  evidence the same three symptoms: runny nose, sore throat, and cough.  

Influenza adds two: fever and muscle ache. 

Wuhan clinically shows four:  runny nose, sore throat, cough, AND fever—but NOT muscle ache. 

As of  today, Hubei switched to clinical diagnosis and today’s ‘new’ diagnosed  Wuhan cases were 14840. Yesterday, using only test kits, it was 1638.  This is not a leap in cases; it is a leap in diagnostics.
Unfortunately, this new fact means Wuhan has previously (as suspected  but now proven) been severely under diagnosed and reported. And that  unfortunately means the 1300 attributed deaths were also severely  underreported. More on presently inferable mortality comes in a  following section.
Wuhan then makes a now well-established clinical bifurcation. In  75-80% of cases, by symptom day 10 there is a normal ‘corona cold’  recovery lasting a few days. (In my own case last week, 3 recovery days  in total, days 9-12 from symptom onset.)
In 20-25% of cases, by symptom day 10 Wuhan progresses to lower  respiratory tract pneumonia, where death may occur with or without ICU  intervention. The percentage of these deep pneumonias that are viral as  opposed to a secondary bacteria infection is not known, but the NEJM  clinical case report from Washington State discussed in the following  paragraph strongly suggests viral (like SARS), not secondary bacterial  treatable with antibiotics.
The new NEJM  case report is so important it is summarized here because it leads to a  hopeful culminating section below. The Seattle Wuhan case evidenced  x-ray diagnosed lower respiratory tract pneumonia from days 9-11 from  symptom onset. Supplemental oxygen was started day 9. IV antibiotics  were started day 10 to no effect, so discontinued after one day.  

Importantly (more below), experimental antiviral remdesivir started day  11 by IV under a compassionate use exception, and the deep viral  pneumonia fully resolved (per x-ray diagnosis) within 24 hours!
Diamond Princess ‘lab’ experiment
On Sunday, reported cases were 69 out of about 3700 total ship  passengers and crew. Japan was removing people from the ship to hospital  isolation as soon as symptoms (fever) showed, so the cruise ship became  a somewhat artificial (close quarters) symptomless R0 experiment.
As of today, the ship’s website reports that 218 passengers have been  positively diagnosed from 713 tested, all removed to hospital  isolation. About 3500 passengers and crew remain on board as the  ‘experiment’ continues. This suggests symptomless Wuhan R0 is  greater than 2 (37 new cases per day for four days among a symptomless  about 3500- 3600) and could be, like SARS, 3ish. Except SARS  transmission was after symptom onset; this is before.
Per its website, ship offered today to begin removing symptomless  passengers to shore quarantine at their expense, or to remain  quarantined on the ship at Princess expense. In either event, full  cruise refunds have been made.
Inferable Mortality
The news here is not good. We have mostly very poor data; both Hubei  incidence and mortality were now provably severely under reported. 

But  we do have one piece of usable comparable information. 1300 mortalities  and 5000 recoveries amongst those who tested positive from the false  negative test kits used until yesterday (the majority of cases have not  yet resolved one way of the other). 

In the end, when the disease has run  its course, there are only two outcomes: recovery or death. 

On the test  kit basis, the mortality could be as high as 26%. That is horrible but  not impossible since MERS was almost 36%.  

On the test kit basis, the mortality could be as high as 26%.

Migration of lethality / contagiousness of the WuHan Coronavirus
Migration of lethality / contagiousness of the WuHan Coronavirus.

A great write-up can be found at Global Security;

Update 19 – 16FEB20

Statement from Beijing claims the emergency is over. Going from “black” into “orange”.

16FEB20 Beijing statement.
16FEB20 Beijing statement.

Update 20 – 22FEB20

Why was University of Rochester recruiting medical subjects, when the baseline requirement was they had to be 100% ethnic Chinese? Looks like DNA collection to me. China Rising Radio Sinoland 200222

Collect Chinese DNA flier.
Collect Chinese DNA flier.
It is more evidence of the US collecting Chinese and Slavic (Russian)  DNA, likely to be used to develop race-specific microbes that only kill  that group.

Mr. Jose took the photo the winter of 2018-2019, just  a year ago. It is one of those announcements seen all around schools  and on grocery store public bulletin boards, with the little tear-off  contact tabs below. Angela Mim’s email was on the tabs, as well as the  phone number of the Flaum Eye Institute, which is part of the School of  Medicine at the University of Rochester in New York. Dr. Michael  DePaolis was conducting this study. 


The University of Rochester, Flaum Eye Institute and Dr. DePaolis may  have been willing participants in DARPA’s (Defense Advanced Research  Projects Agency) Chinese DNA collection program to develop race specific  bioweapons, or were just innocent dupes, sending tissue samples on to a  fake-named laboratory with a P.O. Box. We’ll never know. But, it’s safe  to say that no matter the excuses, this is clear evidence of Chinese  citizens being used as guinea pigs to collect their DNA.

I can smell the germ warfare from here. 

Update 21

The American anti-China propaganda war has been relentless.

 Swooping in on a castle’s weak point, robbing the victim of a fire,  throwing stones at someone drowning in a well – a range of Chinese  proverbs have been coined to make the same point: not to kick a person  who is already down.
These sayings have been popping up in recent weeks in the coded  phrases used by Chinese diplomats. That’s because – just when the ink  was drying on the first phase of a long awaited trade deal between China  and the United States – there has been a new souring in relations.
Beijing focused on fighting the coronavirus outbreak at home,  Washington has seemed to be turning up the heat on the Chinese on  several fronts this month. 

With some Chinese believing that their American foes are trying to take advantage of the Covid-19 crisis, the subsequent bad feeling doesn’t bode well for future trade talks. 

-Week in China

Update 22

Well, I have always suspected that the food market wasn’t the source or cause for the virus. So many things just didn’t add up. Now things are getting clearer with each passing day.

First off, the videos of the authorities cleaning up the Animal Market are all over the Chinese Internet. QQ, Wechat and Tictoc has literally thousands of videos detailing the cleanup efforts and the discarding of the animals. Alive and / or dead, they are captured by men in haz-mat suits, put into pink plastic containers. Shoved into a hole in the ground. Set on fire, and then buried under three yards of soil.

You know what is missing?

Bat cages.

There just aren’t any bird cares. There are those plastic cages for ground fowl like ducks, chicken, geese and quail. But not the specialized cages for bats. They need special cages.

Now, I thought it was curious that there were videos of people eating bat soup. But these were out of Indonesia and Burma. You could see by the writing used in the background. Nothing in Chinese.

So, unless someone is going to show me the cages where they kept the rare and unusual bats, I am going to stick to my belief that the Animal Market is just a ruse and a cover for nefarious American activities.

And I am not alone…


Update 23

How convenient. America patented the conoravirus, and now America has the vaccine. Amazing how that works.

Update 24

"A 20-year-old woman from Wuhan, China, transmitted the coronavirus to her family members without ever showing any symptoms, a new study found. 

The woman tested positive for the virus, but her CT scans were clear and she never became physically ill. Five of her family members, however, came down with a fever. Two developed severe pneumonia. The case is evidence that the coronavirus can be transmitted when someone is asymptomatic".  

Update 25 – 24FEB20

This is a very long article with some good things. It discusses the DARPA experiments, and the propaganda war.

A pull-quote…

... upon further examination of the sourcing for this serious claim,(That the Chinese biological lab in Wuhan released this bioweapon)...

... these supposed links between the outbreak and an alleged Chinese  bioweapons program have come from two highly dubious sources. 

For instance, the first outlet to report on this claim was Radio Free Asia, the U.S.-government funded media outlet targeting Asian audiences that used to be run covertly by the CIA and named by the New York Times as a key part in the agency’s “worldwide propaganda network.” 

Though it is no longer run directly by the CIA, it is now managed by the  government-funded Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which answers  directly to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was CIA director  immediately prior to his current post at the head of the State  Department. 

In other words, Radio Free Asia and other  BBG-managed media outlets are legal outlets for U.S. government  propaganda. 

(But why not the CIA directly?) 

Notably, the long-standing ban on the domestic use of U.S.  government propaganda on U.S. citizens was lifted in 2013,  with the official justification of allowing the government to  “effectively communicate in a credible way” and to better combat  “al-Qaeda’s and other violent extremists’ influence.” 

The article…

Bats, Gene Editing and Bio Weapons: Recent DARPA experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Link to Article:


WASHINGTON  D.C. – In recent weeks, concern over the emergence of a novel  coronavirus in China has grown exponentially as media, experts and  government officials around the world have openly worried that this new  disease has the potential to develop into a global pandemic.

As  concerns about the future of the ongoing outbreak have grown, so too  have the number of theories speculating about the outbreak’s origin,  many of which blame a variety of state actors and/or controversial  billionaires. This has inevitably led to efforts to clamp down on  “misinformation” related to the coronavirus outbreak from both  mainstream media outlets and major social media platforms.

However,  while many of these theories are clearly speculative, there is also  verifiable evidence regarding the recent interest of one controversial  U.S. government agency in novel coronaviruses, specifically those  transmitted from bats to humans.



Update 26

In order to prevent World War III, the Chinese government “bit the bullet”. It is well known that [1] this is a biological weapon [2] the profile is that obvious, and [3] China did go into DEFCON ONE in response.

The next step is what? World War III?

So China, suggests that perhaps the bio-weapon was an accidental leak from a weapons facility. So they made a statement to this effect, and everything calmed down.

There! Everyone is happy.

The neocons can breathe a little better knowing that World War III will not be on their shoulders, and China is given some “breathing room” to strategize…

But wait…

This explanation does not really fit the actual observed situation. And others are taking note of that;

Update 27

Every US goal is being achieved with Covid 19. Economic decoupling, political destabilization. global delegitimation, racist fear mongering.

What is next?

Update 28

This is also of interest…
I urge you to put up with Jones and listen to the whole interview,  but to sum it up: A 2015 document Boyle unearthed fingers the Level 4  bio-lab (BSL 3) at the University of North Carolina as the U.S.  participant in the engineering of the ‘COVID 19’ virus. Names are named,  including the Chinese scientist from the Wuhan lab who bought and then  transported the pathogen back to China. The deal was sponsored by the  NIH (National Institute of Health) and the FDA (Federal Drug  Administration), aside from the university bureaucrats. As Professor  Boyle says, all involved should be prosecuted under the Bio-terrorism  Act of 1989, which, again, Professor Boyle wrote.
 Smoking guns don’t come any hotter than this.
 An interesting observation was Boyle’s assurance that the official claim  that bats were involved in the transmission to humans is ‘balderdash’,  and that, given The Bug’s HIV gene envelope, animals of any sort are  ruled out as spreaders. That the mainstream is outed on this  provenance-related prevarication is extremely significant, for its  implications. We obviously cannot trust them on any Bug-related matter.
 My only bone to pick with Professor Boyle is his theory that the virus  leaked from the Wuhan lab accidentally. I spent half the weekend looking  into the protocols used by Level 3 and 4 labs and can assure you that  an accident is no more likely here than in the Baxter scandal from 2009,  which I described in a recent post. (For those who want to check my facts on this, see the quotes and links in the end notes to this post. It is quite important!)
 Although Boyle is an exceptional man, one of the few amongst top level  scientists, he doesn’t understand the long range plans of those in  power, nor does he realize the lengths they have and will go to. Boyle  has shown courage in airing his views before: From his position as  professor of international law he spoke out against the war in  Afghanistan, a risk to his job and maybe his safety after 9/11, so I  tend to doubt he (in effect) would false-champion the official story on  the outbreak. It could be that — like most of us — he just cannot  imagine ‘colleagues’ letting loose such devastation upon the world. As I  say, he has some smartening up to do.
 See, the official story is slowly becoming ‘an accidental release’ from  the Wuhan lab. This was inevitable, given the robustness of the evidence  that it is a bio-weapon. (Listen to the goddamn link!) 

Update 29

Novel coronavirus may not originate in China – Health Expert

The paper, written by a large group of Chinese researchers from several institutions, offers details about the first 41 hospitalized patients who had confirmed infections with what has been dubbed 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). In the earliest case, the patient became ill on 1 December 2019 and had no reported link to the seafood market, the authors report. 

“No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases,” they state. Their data also show that, in total, 13 of the 41 cases had no link to the marketplace. “That’s a big number, 13, with no link,” says Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease specialist at Georgetown University. 


  • *Wuhan Seafood market may not be the source of COVID-19
  • *Though virus first showed-up in China but the source of the virus may not be in China
  • *The possibility that virus may have originated abroad can’t be ruled out
  • *The theory that virus originated in December 2019 has been contested. 
  • *According to new theory, human-to-human transmission may have started in November 2019 or even earlier.
  • *The people in the Wuhan Seafood may not be the first one to transmit it. 
  • *The scenario that someone bought it to the market is one of the three scenarios that is still consistent with the data
 Another study published on a Chinese open repository for scientific researchers, reveals the new virus was introduced to the seafood market from another location, and then spread rapidly from market to market.  The findings were the result of analyses of genome-wide data, sources  of infection and the route of spread of 93 samples of the virus  collected from 12 countries across four continents, reported by VOV  World. Thus, their conclusion supports one of the scenarios built  by Kristian Andersen. 

According to the researchers, the new coronavirus experienced two sudden population expansions, including one on January 6, 2020, which was related to the lunar New Year holiday. An earlier expansion occurred on December 8, 2019,  implying human-to-human transmission may have started in early December  or late November, and then accelerated when it reached the Huanan  seafood market. 

Update 30

Creator Of BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon
Here we have a lawyer who drafted up some biological weapons  legislation. They asked him what he thought, and he believes that China  stole the technology, and accidently released it in Wuhan because they  were developing weapons in the middle of the 11 million people city of  Wuhan…
Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of  Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing  legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the  Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989
But the bottom line is I drafted the US domestic implementing  legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention that was approved  unanimously by both Houses in the United States Congress signed into law  by President Bush Sr. that it appears the coronavirus that we’re  dealing with here is an offensive biological warfare weapon that leaped  out of Wuhan BSL-4. I’m not saying it was done deliberately.
Finally, we have this…
Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
 Prashant Pradhan , Ashutosh Kumar Pandey , Akhilesh Mishra , Parul Gupta , Praveen
 1111 Kumar Tripathi , Manoj Balakrishnan Menon , James Gomes , Perumal Vivekanandan* and
 Bishwajit Kundu*1
 1Kusuma School of biological sciences, Indian institute of technology,  New Delhi-110016, India. 2Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of  Delhi, New Delhi-110019, India
 $Equal contribution
 * Corresponding authors- email:
We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel  coronavirus (2019- nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We  found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to  the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly,  amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to  those in the HIV- 1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the  inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence,  3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute  the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the  2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues  in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in  nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds  light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important  implications for diagnosis of this virus. [my emphasis] 

Update 31

 COVID-19 May Have Originated from the US? Japanese TV Broadcast
This immediately went viral on Chinese social media, with speculation  that the coronavirus may have originated in the US. It had already been  widely discussed that the virus may have been released at the time of  the Military World Games.
“Perhaps the US delegates brought the coronavirus to Wuhan, and some  mutation occurred to the virus, making it more deadly and contagious,  and causing a widespread outbreak this year.”
In the same article, a professor at Fudan University stated that  global virologists were working to track the origin of the virus,  “including the intelligence agencies”. 

Update 32

 Harvard Genetic Research Team Collected and Transferred China Blood and DNA Samples Back to the US
The study below pertains to a US initiative by an unnamed “renowned  University” involved in collecting blood and DNA samples in China’s  Anhui province in the 1990s. The unnamed university is Harvard  University.
Blood samples were collected. In turn, the US scientists “acquired DNA samples of the target group for research purposes. 
“The principal investigator himself admitted that for the asthma  research alone, 16,400 DNA samples had been transferred to the US.“.   These DNA samples collected by the Harvard research team were then  shipped to the US. They are part of extensive data base.
According to Romanoff (in an earlier article) the number of DNA samples  transferred to the US was much larger than the figures quoted in Zhang  Yong and Zhao Wenxia’s chapter:
… it became known that Harvard University had surreptitiously  proceeded with experiments in China that had been forbidden by the  authorities years earlier, where they collected many hundreds of  thousands of Chinese DNA samples and then left the country. 

Update 33

 In other news…
But when the time came, the bastards were prepared: The  Weird Animal Market! The bat soup-slurping Chinese! And hey, if that  didn’t work: ‘The Wuhan Level 4 Biolab!’, which was conveniently minutes  away from the designated ground (or patient) zero, at the Market. (Talk  about convenient! As is the coincidence that the outbreak occurred in  the midst of the ultimate Chinese travel week, the Lunar New Year. Yes,  the better to spread not only The Bug, but the panic; and to make sure  both spread world-wide, via air travel.)
But blaming the bio-lab would be a fall-back position; ever the  optimists, the real perps were hoping mother nature as patsy would hold  water, at least for a few months. 

Update 34

 There are seven  coronaviruses known to infect people. Four of them—229E, NL63, OC43,  and HKU1—typically cause a cold and only rarely result in death. The  other three—MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and the new SARS-CoV-2—have varying  degrees of lethality. In the 2003 SARS outbreak, 10 percent of infected  people died. Between 2012 and 2019, MERS killed 23 percent of infected  people. Although the case fatality rate of COVID-19 is lower, the virus  has already killed more people than the other two outbreaks combined, which some have attributed to the pathogen’s fast transmission.  

See “How COVID-19 is Spread”

The  cold-causing coronaviruses, as well as many other viruses that cause  common colds, are typically restricted to the upper respiratory tract,  that is, the nose and sinuses. Both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, however,  are capable of invading deep into the lungs, something that is  associated with more severe disease.  
One possible reason for  this is that the virus binds to the ACE-2 receptor on human cells in  order to gain entry. This receptor is present in ciliated epithelial  cells in the upper and lower airway, as well as in type II pneumocytes,  which reside in the alveoli in the lower airway and produce  lung-lubricating proteins. “The type II pneumocytes are . . . important  for lung function, so this is part of why the lower respiratory disease  can be so severe,” notes Gralinksi. 

The new coronavirus also appears  to use the ACE-2 receptor, which may help partially explain why, like  SARS, it is more deadly than the other four coronaviruses. Those  pathogens use different receptors, except for NL63, which also uses the  ACE-2 receptor but binds to it with less affinity, says Gralinski. (MERS  is thought to use an entirely different receptor, which is also present in the lower airways.)  

- Why Some COVID-19 Cases Are Worse than Others 

Update 35

The Audio Archives of this radio show were hacked-into and destroyed  sometime within the past 24 hours.  Someone clearly did not want the  free audio archive of Thursday's show about Coronavirus, to reach the  public.

I do not yet know what entity did this.  My technical people are investigating. 

-Hal Turner Radio Show

Update 36

From John Paul Roberts...

It is difficult to get reliable information about coronavirus.  The information difficulty is further complicated by interest groups using the outbreak for their own agendas.  

For example, many both inside and outside China are using the spread of the virus to criticize the Chinese government.  Others, both inside and outside China, claim the virus is a bioweapon unleashed on China by the US.  Still  others say the global elite has decided to implement a program to  reduce the world population and that Bill Gates, one of the global  elite, said some months ago that a global pandemic would break out at  this time. 

Some Internet sites attract traffic by posting reports of  massive numbers of Chinese deaths and crematoriums running 24/7. The  official Chinese story has been that the virus originated in a market  that sold wild animal meat.  The fact remains that Wuhan, apparently a city larger than any in the US, has been locked down for a month.
Francis Boyle (University of Illinois) is an expert on biowarfare weapon research.  He  wrote the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 1989, which is the  US implementing legislation for the 1972 Bio-Weapons Convention.  In interviews (see for example,  ) 

Boyle says he has read four scientific studies that confirm beyond  doubt that the coronavirus is an engineered bioweapon. The studies show  that the virus has elements added to make it easy to spread and elements  that reduce the ability of the immune system to resist the virus.  
Boyle reports that the bio-engineering work that makes the virus easy  to spread was done at the University of North Carolina, and that the  work that allows HIV to be added was done in an Australian facility.  

He  shows that Chinese scientists from the Wuhan BSL-4 biowarefare lab were  present in both the UNC and Australian labs and participated in the  research.  The Chinese  scientists returned to Wuhan, each with an essential part that enabled  the Wuhan lab to produce what we call the coronavirus, the official name  of which is CoVid-19.
Boyle says that the virus’ escape was an unintended event, and that such escapes from biowar labs have happened before. 

Update 37 – 3MAR20

It’s starting to hit the USA, and it’s not even prepared. Donald Trump calls it a “hoax” and “similar to the flu”. Vice President Pence is assigned to deal with it. Cases are popping up all over the nation, and Americans are flooding into the supermarkets without masks to stock up on supplies.

It appears to have mutated to accept non-Asians, and now it looks like generation four is multiplying in the USA.

 The team at the Seattle Flu Study have sequenced the genome of the  COVID19 community case reported yesterday from Snohomish County, WA, and  have posted the sequence publicly, link below. There are some enormous  implications here.
This case, which is referred to as "WA2," is on a branch in the  evolutionary tree that descends directly from the case referred to as  "WA1" the first reported case in the USA sampled on Jan 19, also from  Snohomish County, WA.
This strongly suggests that there has been cryptic transmission in Washington State for the past 6 weeks.
Let's do some quick math, with an R0 of 15 and generation of two weeks:

This  person should have spawned four generations or roughly 3500 people, the  fourth generation should just be starting to show symptoms, so the  person that died is likely from the second  generation if dying now (death is four to five weeks after catching),  meaning they didn't catch it from the original person but from someone  the original person infected.
In another month, that one original spreader can be responsible for the infection of three quarters of a million cases. (R0,  generations two weeks).   Here is the Model being used by government  entities inside the United States.   It is utterly horrifying 

-Hal Turner Show

Update 38

Now the Intenet has officially claimed that the idea that COVID-19 is a biological Weapon as a hoax.

 The Wuhan coronavirus at the time of writing has caused the deaths of  563 people. The number of those infected stands at 28,256 with the  outbreak showing no signs of slowing down. It was reported a short while  ago that two newborn infants had been infected with the virus, which  suggests the virus may be passed on to unborn babies. 

 Conspiracy theories on the coronavirus outbreak are all over the  internet. Google, Twitter and Facebook are said to be taking steps to  prevent fake news from spreading across their platforms. 

 While several scientists believe that bats may be to blame for the  spread of the virus, the victims of this disease did not become infected  after eating bat soup as some conspiracy theorists are trying to  convince people. This misinformation seems to have spread after footage  of a Chinese woman eating soup with a bat in it was circulated on social  media. However, the footage is not of someone infecting themselves with  the coronavirus, but instead of a travel blogger eating at a restaurant  in Palau in 2016. 

 Once again, the biological weapon theory appears with theorists  stating the virus ‘escaped’ from a secure lab. Others claim that Clorox  or Lysol will kill the virus, which it definitely won’t. Neither will  keeping your throat moist and drinking vitamin C supplements prevent you  from contracting the virus. Some people are suggesting that those who  have already been infected should drink bleach while others claim that  avoiding ice cream or other milk products will help prevent infection.  None of these claims are true, and the only advice and suggestions that  should be followed are those provided by health professionals. 

 And because he has apparently not been blamed for enough disasters,  anonymous anti-vaxxers are also spreading the rumor that Bill Gates  created the coronavirus. 

-List Verse

Notice how they omitted all the backround on the out-break.

So you can pretty much expect all the “unusual occurances” and mysteries regarding this out-break to be religated to the tin-foil-hat fringe.

Update 39 – 4MAR20

“Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died,” WHO  Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing  at the agency’s headquarters in Geneva. In comparison, seasonal flu  generally kills far fewer than 0.1% of those infected, he said.

The World Health Organization had said last week that the mortality rate of COVID-19 can differ,  ranging from 0.7% to up to 4%, depending on the quality of the  health-care system where it’s treated. Early in the outbreak, scientists  had concluded the death rate was around 2.3%. 

NBC News reported the mortality rate in Iran—which has seen a spike in cases since it reported its first case last week—was around 14 percent.  

- Newsweek
The death rate from seasonal flu is typically around 0.1% in the U.S., according to The New York Times. 

The death rate for COVID-19 appears to be higher than that of the flu.  

  Ambitious, agile, and aggressive

 The team began in Beijing and then split into two groups that, all  told, traveled to Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and the hardest hit  city, Wuhan. They visited hospitals, laboratories, companies, wet  markets selling live animals, train stations, and local government  offices. “Everywhere you went, anyone you spoke to, there was a sense of  responsibility and collective action, and there’s war footing to get  things done,” Aylward says.

 The group also reviewed the massive data set that Chinese scientists  have compiled. (The country still accounts for more than 90% of the  global total of the 90,000 confirmed cases.) They learned that about 80%  of infected people had mild to moderate disease, 13.8% had severe  symptoms, and 6.1% had life-threatening episodes of respiratory failure,  septic shock, or organ failure. The case fatality rate was highest for  people over age 80 (21.9%), and people who had heart disease, diabetes,  or hypertension. Fever and dry cough were the most common symptoms.  Surprisingly, only 4.8% of infected people had runny noses. Children  made up a mere 2.4% of the cases, and almost none was severely ill. For  the mild and moderate cases, it took 2 weeks on average to recover.

 A critical unknown is how many mild or asymptomatic cases occur. If  large numbers of infections are below the radar, that complicates  attempts to isolate infectious people and slow spread of the virus. But  on the positive side, if the virus causes few, if any, symptoms in many  infected people, the current estimated case fatality rate is too high.  (The report says that rate varies greatly, from 5.8% in Wuhan, whose  health system was overwhelmed, to 0.7% in other regions.)

 To get at this question, the report notes that so-called fever  clinics in Guangdong province screened approximately 320,000 people for  COVID-19 and only found 0.14% of them to be positive. “That was really  interesting, because we were hoping and maybe expecting to see a large  burden of mild and asymptomatic cases,” says Caitlin Rivers, an  epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “That  piece of data suggests that’s not happening, which would imply that the  case fatality risk might be more or less as we currently have.” But  Guangdong province was not a heavily affected area, so it is not clear  whether the same holds in Hubei province, which was the hardest hit,  Rivers cautions.

 Much of the report focuses on understanding how China achieved what  many public health experts thought was impossible: containing the spread  of a widely circulating respiratory virus. “China has rolled out  perhaps the most ambitious, agile, and aggressive disease containment  effort in history,” the report notes.

 The most dramatic—and controversial—measure was the lockdown of Wuhan  and nearby cities in Hubei province, which has put at least 50 million  people under a mandatory quarantine since 23 January. That has  “effectively prevented further exportation of infected individuals to  the rest of the country,” the report concludes. In other regions of  mainland China, people voluntarily quarantined and were monitored by  appointed leaders in neighborhoods.

 Chinese authorities also built two dedicated hospitals  in Wuhan in just over 1 week. Health care workers from all over China  were sent to the outbreak’s center. The government launched an  unprecedented effort to trace contacts of confirmed cases. In Wuhan  alone, more than 1800 teams of five or more people traced tens of  thousands of contacts.

 Aggressive “social distancing” measures implemented in the entire  country included canceling sporting events and shuttering theaters.  Schools extended breaks that began in mid-January for the Lunar New  Year. Many businesses closed shop. Anyone who went outdoors had to wear a  mask.

 Two widely used mobile phone apps, AliPay and WeChat—which in recent years have replaced cash in China—helped enforce the restrictions,  because they allow the government to keep track of people’s movements  and even stop people with confirmed infections from traveling. “Every  person has sort of a traffic light system,” says mission member Gabriel  Leung, dean of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at the University of  Hong Kong. Color codes on mobile phones—in which green, yellow, or red  designate a person’s health status—let guards at train stations and  other checkpoints know who to let through.

 “As a consequence of all of these measures, public life is very  reduced,” the report notes. But the measures worked. In the end,  infected people rarely spread the virus to anyone but members of their  own household, Leung says. Once all the people in an apartment or home  were exposed, the virus had nowhere else to go and chains of  transmission ended. “That’s how the epidemic truly came under control,”  Leung says. In sum, he says, there was a combination of “good old social  distancing and quarantining very effectively done because of that  on-the-ground machinery at the neighborhood level, facilitated by AI  [artificial intelligence] big data.”

 Deep commitment to collective action

 How feasible these kinds of stringent measures are in other countries  is debatable. “China is unique in that it has a political system that  can gain public compliance with extreme measures,” Gostin says. “But its  use of social control and intrusive surveillance are not a good model  for other countries.” The country also has an extraordinary ability to  do labor-intensive, large-scale projects quickly, says Jeremy Konyndyk, a  senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development: 

“No one else  in the world really can do what China just did.”

 Nor should they, says lawyer Alexandra Phelan, a China specialist at  Georgetown’s Center for Global Health Science and Security. 

“Whether it  works is not the only measure of whether something is a good public  health control measure,” Phelan says. “There are plenty of things that  would work to stop an outbreak that we would consider abhorrent in a  just and free society.” 


Coronavirus: there are 2 types, Chinese researchers find, while authorities say faeces and urine can transmit the infection. They found that one type, which they called the L type, was more prevalent than the other, the S type, meaning it was more infectious.

They also found that the L type had evolved from the S type, and that the L type was far more widespread before January 7 and in Wuhan, ground zero of the outbreak.

Update 40

A Los Alamos National Laboratory analysis of the outbreak in China in December 2019 and January 2020 puts the unrestrained R0  of Covid-19 at between 4.5 and 6.6. (The R-naught figure indicates the  contagiousness of a disease in a given environment. If the number is  above one, it’s spreading.) 
  The Novel Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, is Highly Contagious and More Infectious Than Initially Estimated

 [Excerpts:] Integrating uncertainties in the exponential growth  rate estimated from the ‘first arrival’ approach and the uncertainties  in the duration of latent and infectious periods, we estimated the  values of R0 to be 6.3 and 4.7. The high R0 values we estimated have  important implications for disease control.

 The 2019-nCoV epidemic is still rapidly growing and spread to  more than 20 countries as of February 5, 2020. Here, we estimated the  growth rate of the early outbreak in Wuhan to be 0.29 per day (a  doubling time of 2.4 days), and the reproductive number, R0, to be  between 4.7 to 6.6.

 How contagious the 2019-nCoV is in other countries remains to be  seen. If the value of R0 is as high in other countries, our results  suggest that active and strong population-wide social distancing  efforts, such as closing down transportation system, schools,  discouraging travel, etc., might be needed to reduce the overall  contacts to contain the spread of the virus.

 This shockingly high original Chinese R0 value meant a doubling of  the number of cases every few days, and subsequently, regional hospitals  were overrun by infected patients. The Chinese experience indicates how  it may spread in the West and the 3rd world. Critically, the  often-quoted case fatality rate (CFR) of “only” 2% for Covid-19 occurs  when severely affected patients have access to first-class medical  treatment, with teams of nurses and doctors caring for them in isolation  ICUs. About 15% of people infected with the virus will develop severe  symptoms (pneumonia, etc.) requiring intensive individual treatment in  order to survive. Once hospitals are swamped and many of the medical  staff become infected, the CFR can swiftly rise to above 15%. This is  believed to be the situation inside the Wuhan City quarantine zone.

 An infectious disease with an R-naught above five, and the number of  cases doubling every two days, is like a biological atomic bomb chain  reaction, particularly in the age of jet travel to all points of the  globe.  

Update 41 – 19MAR20

Scientsts are saying that this virus is natural, and discuss why…

 The novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that emerged in the city of Wuhan,  China, last year and has since caused a large scale COVID-19 epidemic  and spread to more than 70 other countries is the product of natural  evolution, according to findings published today in the journal Nature Medicine.

 The  analysis of public genome sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 and related  viruses found no evidence that the virus was made in a laboratory or  otherwise engineered.

 “By comparing the available genome sequence  data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly determine that  SARS-CoV-2 originated through natural processes,” said Kristian Andersen, PhD, an associate professor of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research and corresponding author on the paper.

 In addition to Andersen, authors on the paper, "The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2,"  include Robert F. Garry, of Tulane University; Edward Holmes, of the  University of Sydney; Andrew Rambaut, of University of Edinburgh; W. Ian  Lipkin, of Columbia University.

 Coronaviruses are a large  family of viruses that can cause illnesses ranging widely in severity.  The first known severe illness caused by a coronavirus emerged with the  2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic in China. A  second outbreak of severe illness began in 2012 in Saudi Arabia with the  Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

 On December 31 of last  year, Chinese authorities alerted the World Health Organization of an  outbreak of a novel strain of coronavirus causing severe illness, which  was subsequently named SARS-CoV-2. As of February 20, 2020, nearly  167,500 COVID-19 cases have been documented, although many more mild  cases have likely gone undiagnosed. The virus has killed over 6,600  people.

 Shortly after the epidemic began, Chinese scientists  sequenced the genome of SARS-CoV-2 and made the data available to  researchers worldwide. The resulting genomic sequence data has shown  that Chinese authorities rapidly detected the epidemic and that the  number of COVID-19 cases have been increasing because of human to human  transmission after a single introduction into the human population.  Andersen and collaborators at several other research institutions used  this sequencing data to explore the origins and evolution of SARS-CoV-2  by focusing in on several tell-tale features of the virus.

 The  scientists analyzed the genetic template for spike proteins, armatures  on the outside of the virus that it uses to grab and penetrate the outer  walls of human and animal cells. More specifically, they focused on two  important features of the spike protein: the receptor-binding domain  (RBD), a kind of grappling hook that grips onto host cells, and the  cleavage site, a molecular can opener that allows the virus to crack  open and enter host cells.

 Evidence for natural evolution

 The  scientists found that the RBD portion of the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins  had evolved to effectively target a molecular feature on the outside of  human cells called ACE2, a receptor involved in regulating blood  pressure. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was so effective at binding the  human cells, in fact, that the scientists concluded it was the result of  natural selection and not the product of genetic engineering.

 This  evidence for natural evolution was supported by data on SARS-CoV-2’s  backbone – its overall molecular structure. If someone were seeking to  engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it  from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness. But the scientists  found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of  already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found  in bats and pangolins.

 “These two features of the virus, the  mutations in the RBD portion of the spike protein and its distinct  backbone, rules out laboratory manipulation as a potential origin for  SARS-CoV-2” said Andersen.

-Scripps Research 

Update 42

It hit America hard in the middle of March 2020. Even with the mass riots in the stores (over toilet paper), and the total fuck-up on COVID-19 test kits… Americans still refuse to wear masks and Donald Trump is still saying that it’s a hoax or not as bad as the flu.

People(!) it has boomeranged back and hit the USA, and Ameria is not anywhere near as capable of dealing with it like the Chinese are.


Update 43

America is overwhelmed. Everyone followed the nonsense about not wearing masks and now the entire nation is in trouble. The anti-China propiganda is relentless.

Harry Moroz @hrmoroz - 15:35 UTC · Mar 20, 2020 
For  the average American the best way to tell if you have covid-19 is to  cough in a rich person’s face and wait for their test results 

And this thought is interesting…

 China and Russia have adopted a policy to contain and eliminate the  Evil Virus, while much of the rest of the world has a policy of "Let 'Er  Rip!". These two policies are fundamentally incompatible, with the  result that China (and Russia) will have to seal itself off from the  rest of the world. If Chinese people can not freely move around the  world, their various development projects will be very difficult to  manage.

 Uncle Sam is always talking about "containing" those Evil Chinese and  Dastardly Russians, and now it appears they have found a way to do  that, at least for the moment. A little further along the timeline,  China's partners will also adopt contain-and-eliminate and move firmly  into China's "sphere of influence".
 Eventually that will leave disease-ridden, poverty-stricken Uncle Sam  completely isolated, and the rest of the world will breathe a sigh of  relief.

 Posted by: Trailer Trash | Mar 24 2020 16:22 utc | 9 

And others are getting with the program…

... I would differ from you only in that I would say that what the US is  engaged in is actual biological warfare. I don't think that there is much doubt that under international law the US guilt is easily established. As is that of its accessories. 

 Posted by: bevin | Mar 24 2020 16:39 utc | 14 

People are noticing…

 Putin, xi and non western world leaders, erdogan, orban, Netanyahu   are actually showing what it takes during a crisis, if you live in us  look to foreign more responsible governments during this crisis for news  and updates. America just spits politicized garbage over its propoganda  channels while Americans infect each other.

 Anyone who is against lockdowns does not understand this disease. 

GDP  is everything in China, for it to sacrifice an entire city during lunar  new year and to shutdown all schools and immobilize people shows the  severity. Wuhan virus circulated nearly 2 months before lockdown was  called, Chinese attempted everything before lockdown but was forced to  lockdown and show the world once the situation got untenable, the level  where wuhan locked down fully was 1000 deaths in a county of 1.5  billion. 

If they weren’t afraid they wouldn’t shut down, if people could  still interact commonly without mass infection they would be allowed  to. 

The problem is that this disease is undetectable without mass  testing for the damage is done by the time you realize you have it,  you’ve already ruined your lungs/organs permanently and may have  infected your entire family and close contacts. 

It appears to be spread  easily due to surface contact, even the ground or walls, and does not  die easily, countries around the world spray aerosols and disinfectants  to combat it, even poor countries like Iran attempt a wide general  disinfectant or public walk areas. 

This is what scares me the most, if  the virus died on surfaces after days there would be no need for China  to be spraying buildings and streets that have ALREADY BEEN CLOSED WEEKS  unless this disease spreads WAY EASIER AND LASTS LONGER on surfaces  then we know of, the only information out is on SARS which although  similar, appears to have a longer life and easier spread. 

I don’t feel  safe Until America begins similar disinfectant missions in train  stations, bus stations and airports and with the massive homeless  population in the americas Covid epicenters, San Fran, Seattle, la, and  New York street disinfectants may have no effect as these people go  around shitting on the streets 

 Posted by: Garrett | Mar 24 2020 16:41 utc | 15 

Update 44

The situation in America is very sad, and people are noticing.

Our government lacks basic competence, even in comparison to other governments:  Everyone with half a brain knows that comparing the private sector to  the government is like comparing flying cross country to driving cross  country. That being said, if you are driving cross country, you’re much  better off driving a new BMW than a 1987 Yugo. 

When you see a worldwide  crisis like the Coronavirus, you might think that the United States  would be leading the way, but actually it’s Denmark and South Korea.  Denmark is leading the way with their economic ideas for the crisis  (offering to cover 75-90% of employee salaries in hard-hit industries to  try to prevent mass firings) and South Korea has been the best at  fighting the virus (mass testing including widely available drive-thru  testing, thoroughly tracing & quarantining individual cases and  letting the public know where they’ve been, hand sanitizer everywhere).  

Depending on your political leanings, you might blame our problems on  Trump’s verbal gaffes or Democrats trying to use the virus as an excuse  to push their pet projects for our less than stellar performance, but  those are symptoms, not the disease. 

We have a hidebound, legalistic bureaucracy that’s almost uniformly incompetent and our political culture is centered around politicians saying things we want to hear, not getting results or achievements. Until we demand more, we’re going to be stuck with a Burger King quality government even though we’re paying enough to have Gordon Ramsay make us a 5-course meal. 

- 5 Long Term Lessons We Have Already Learned From the Coronavirus Crisis 

Update 45

People are starting to see the reality for what it is.

Though, people are beginning to see the obvious propaganda. Check out this post at MoA; "China Did Not Deceive Us - Counting Death During An Epidemic Is Really Difficult".

Americans are waking up, and just read the comments. All of them are pretty much seeing America as the "King without any clothes on". Maybe this pile on propaganda onslaught will ease up soon. But don't get too soft and comfortable. It will just change form.

"The fact that China had an outbreak of corona virus dose not mean it originated in China ! This virus came from a USA /UK bio warfare lab."

Update 46

Ten Questions About Covid-19

  1. Why did the President fire the entire US Pandemic Response Team in May, 2018? “The White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense’s job was to be the smoke alarm — keeping watch to get ahead of emergencies, sounding a warning at the earliest sign of fire — all with the goal of avoiding a six-alarm blaze.” [Washington Post, March 13, 2020]
  2. Why did this 2019 simulation not cause America to prepare for such an outbreak? “From last January to August, America’s Health and Human Services ran a simulation, code-named “Crimson Contagion,” that imagined an influenza pandemic: the outbreak of the respiratory virus began in China and was quickly spread around the world by air travelers, who ran high fevers. In the US, it was first detected in Chicago, and 47 days later, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic but, by then, 110 million Americans were ill, 7.7 million hospitalized and 586,000 dead.” [New York Times].
  3. After the WHO warned of an outbreak January 1, why did the CDC forbid Covid-19 testing until March?
  4. Why did CDC Director Robert Redfield not reveal the dates or locations of Americans whom he said were diagnosed as dying from influenza but later tested posthumously as positive for Covid-19?
  5. Why will our CDC not reveal when patient zero was detected in the US? This helps determine the time of initial infection, estimate the scope of transmission, the scale of the epidemic, and location of the intermediate host.
  6. Why will our CDC not reveal the earliest positive test result confirmed by a tissue samples? Epidemiologists, pathologists and public health authorities need this.
  7. Why will our CDC not reveal the names of the US hospitals where they were first detected?  
  8. Why are tests so few? Tiny South Korea tests more people in one day than we test in a month. Why?
  9. How many people are currently infected in the US? It has been almost three months since we learned of Covid-19 yet we have no idea how many of us are infected??
  10. Why does the CDC classify its coronavirus deliberations and why are HHS Coronavirus meetings held in Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facilities, usually reserved for intelligence and military operations?

Update 47 – Timeline

From Godfree Roberts;

As of April 2, 2020
By: Godfree Roberts

September 2008: Though the first cases of H1N1 swine flu were reported in California and Texas in late March, 2009, genetic analysis suggests that it began six months earlier This is significant because the CDC now admits that early Covid-19 cases went undetected.

May 28, 2015 More than 200 US biosafety level 3 and 4 labs working with dangerous pathogens and keep their safety records secret. Fort Detrick, Virginia is one of twelve in that state.

May 16, 2018: The White House Fires the entire US Pandemic Response Team.

May 2nd, 2019– The chemical and biological defense unit of USA Defense Fort Detrick, VA announced its bid to develop SARS and MERS virus inhibitors.

June 14, 2019– CDC finds US Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, VA non-compliant with its pathogen control agreement.

June 30, 2019– Unidentified pneumonia in Springfield, Virginia nursing home near Fort Detrick, VA, 15 minutes from Fort Belvoir, VA, where the US team trained for the Wuhan Military Games.

July 9, 2019–The White House withdraws its only US epidemiologist embedded with China’s CDC. Why?

July 9th, 2019 Report of vape pneumonia 100km southeast of Fort Detrick, VA. The lung images showed the Covid-19 ground glass shadow. Still unexplained.

July 12th, 2019–Respiratory outbreak at Springfield, Virginia assisted care facility, near Fort Detrick, kills 2, sickens 54. A third patient dies four days later. Deaths remain unexplained to this day.

Jul 14, 2019–Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation. Public Health Agency of Canada describes it as a possible ‘policy breach,’ no risk to Canadian public. Did she discover the Covid-19 outbreak?

July 17th, 2019–A pneumonia epidemic report reported at a nursing home in Burke, VA,56 minutes from Fort Detrick, VA. It remains unexplained to this day.

July 26, Virginia State Health Bureau takes measures to prevent the spread of the pneumonia epidemic, including stopping collective activities, screening residents, and extra cleanliness.

August 5th, Media widely reports that the CDC’s closure of Fort Detrick, VA was for national security.

August 6, 2019–CDC shuts down America’s main biological warfare lab at Fort Detrick, VA, an unheard-of civilian intervention in military affairs. A senior scientist describes the atmosphere there as one of “fear and mistrust.” The CDC refuses to provide details.

August 19th, CDC expands patient detection system with the same symptoms as existing patients.

Aug 26, 2019 – The Virginia Department of Health confirms three cases of severe lung illness associated with the use of e-cigarettes, known as vaping.

September 2019–A nationwide outbreak of a mysterious pneumonia causes severe respiratory problems in hundreds of people, kills 54. So-called ‘vaping-associated lung disease’ shares same symptoms as Covid-19 and images invariably show the same bilateral ground-glass opacities.

Sept 14-October 10–US military team trains for Military World Games at Fort Belvoir, near Fort Detrick, VA.

Oct. 18, 2019–The Deputy Director of the CIA participated in a Johns Hopkins, WEF, and the Gates Foundation hosted a pandemic tabletop exercise codenamed Event 201 modeling a fictional coronavirus pandemic.

November, 2019–Coronavirus identified in Italy after laboratory tests isolated a strain of the virus from an Italian patient with genetic differences from the original strain isolated in China. Massimo Galli, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Milan said, “Very strange pneumonias” circulated in Europe as early as November last year (2018).

December 5, 2019. A Chinese medical researcher is arrested in Boston trying to take biological samples back to China. Zheng Zaosong, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, confessed to taking material from a lab in Boston. FBI Special Agent Kara Spice found 21 wrapped vials containing a “brown liquid” that appeared to be “biological material” (samples of post-mortem lung tissue look like ‘brown liquid’). Zheng’s roommate, also a researcher, told FBI agents that two labmates of Zheng had succeeded in getting specimens to China. China, presumably, now went on high alert.

Dec. 27, 2019 – Dr. Zhang Jixian, ICU doctor at Hubei Hospital reports to Wuhan Municipal Health Commission on pneumonia patients with an unknown cause.

Dec. 28, 2019– Three more patients arrive at the hospital, all related to Huanan Seafood Market.

Dec. 30, 2019 – Wuhan Municipal Health Committee issues notice of an unknown viral illness.

Dec. 31, 2019–Beijing receives virus genome results, informs WHO of Wuhan pneumonia with unknown cause. Wuhan announces virus on CCTV and CGTN.

Jan. 1, 2020– Chinese CCDC researchers publish an article on the suspected outbreak. Seafood market shut down.

Jan. 3, 2020–CDC first learns of coronavirus from Chinese colleagues, according to Health and Human Services Director Alex Azar.

Jan. 3, 2020–China reports 44 suspected patients with the mystery pneumonia. National Health Commission classifies it as a highly pathogenic, orders all labs without high pathogen licenses to destroy or transfer samples to secure labs.

Jan. 9, 2020– Chinese labs confirm the existence of the new virus, begin genetic sequencing. China reports the death of a 61-year-old male in Wuhan with several underlying medical conditions.

Jan. 9, 2020–Chinese officials announce coronavirus outbreak with 44 confirmed cases.

Jan 11, 2020–China uploads the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus to an international database but it was unclear how serious this was or if serious actions should be taken: winter, flu and pneumonia are common, but discerning a novel, serious outbreak is no simple matter.

Jan. 15, 2020.– Oxford University’s Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Disease group says Covid-19 reached the UK no later than mid-January and may have infected half the population by March 21.

Jan. 18, 2020–US HHS runs a 6-month, “Crimson Contagion” scenario of a respiratory virus pandemic that begins in China and quickly spreads around the world.

Jan. 21, 2020 – WHO confirms human-to-human transmission of the virus.

Jan. 23, 2020 – Complete cordon sanitaire (not quarantine) around Wuhan.

Jan. 24, 2020–Slate op-ed by the New America Foundation proclaims, “Many of China’s actions to date are overly aggressive and ineffective in quelling the outbreak.” The Los Angeles Times calls President Xi’s efforts to rally the country, “Shoddy propaganda.” The Economist depicts China as an authoritarian plague threatening the world more than any pandemic.

Jan. 28, 2020– First confirmed coronavirus case at Seattle clinic.

Jan. 29, 2020–WHO rejects accusations that China was responsible for the global spread of COVID-19. Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says, “[China’s] actions actually helped prevent the spread of coronavirus to other countries.”

Jan. 30, 2020– US State and Federal officials refuse permission for Dr. Chu, UW infectious disease expert permission to use ongoing flu tests to monitor for coronavirus.

Feb. 3, 2020–US CDC refuses to adopt a WHO test and ships 200 test kits.

Feb. 15, 2020–CDC announces that its tests were flawed and recalls them.

Feb 16-24, 2020–2020 Said the WHO’s chief executive director for health emergencies, Michael Ryan of Ireland, “I have never seen the scale and commitment of an epidemic response at this level in terms of all of government. The challenge is great, but the response has been massive, and the Chinese government deserve huge credit for that response and for the transparency in which they have dealt with this.”

Feb. 25, 2020 – Without government approval, Dr. Helen Chu and University of Washington colleagues begin coronavirus testing and get an immediate positive Covid-19 result. By then, the virus has contributed to the deaths of two people and would kill twenty more in the Seattle region over the following days.

March 3, 2020–CDC announces it will distribute diagnostic kits to test 75,000 people by March 17. The CDC decided not to adopt a test approved by the World Health Organization and instead forged ahead with its own test.

March 9, 2020–HHS staffers often weren’t informed about coronavirus developments because they didn’t have adequate clearance. A source familiar with the meetings said he was told that the matters were classified “because it had to do with China.”

March 11, 2020–White House classifies all coronavirus deliberations and shifts HHS meetings to a secure area called a “Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility,” or SCIF, usually reserved for intelligence and military operations during biowarfare or chemical attacks.

Mar. 11, 2020–US announces it has tested 5,000 people suspected of C-19 infection.

March 11, 2020–White House fires the National Security Council Pandemic Response Directorate. “We worked very well with that office,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the NIH Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told Congress, “It would be nice if the office was still there.”

Mar. 12, 2020– CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield testifies to Congress that some early fatalities attributed to flu have been attributed to C-19 after post-mortem analysis. Dr. Redfield does not identify their dates or locations.

March 12, 2020–Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian says the United States that lacks transparency. “When did patient zero begin in the US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! The US owes us an explanation!”

March 13, 2020–“If I get COVID, I’m going to China,” said Dr. Bruce Aylward, the WHO’s Assistant Director-General and head of the agency’s COVID-19 mission. “They know how to keep people alive. What I saw was a tremendous sense of responsibility, and of duty, to protect their families, their communities, and even the world, from this disease,” reflected Aylward. “I left with such a deep sense of admiration for the people of Wuhan and for Chinese society in general.”

March 18, 2020–Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vows to increase crushing sanctions on Iran though it is already preventing the country from purchasing vital medicine and ventilators. In Venezuela, meanwhile, U.S. sanctions have increased the cost of a coronavirus test to three times more than in non-sanctioned countries.

March 19, 2020–China declares victory over coronavirus, the U.S. achieved a milestone of its own: it boasted the sharpest increase in deaths and new infections per day of any country in the world.

March 19, 2020–The United States announces the sharpest daily increase in deaths and new infections of any country in the world.

March 19, 2020 –US doctors run out of N95 masks.

March 19, 2020 –A bipartisan group of 130 lawmakers write the Pentagon, demanding 98 new F-35 stealth fighters at a cost of $94 million each.

March 20, 2020–US State Department cables all officials: “NSC Top Lines: [PRC] Propaganda and Disinformation on the Wuhan Virus Pandemic. Chinese Communist Party officials in Wuhan and Beijing had a special responsibility to inform the Chinese people and the world of the threat, since they were the first to learn of it. Instead, the… government hid news of the virus from its own people for weeks, while suppressing information and punishing doctors and journalists who raised the alarm. The Party cared more about its reputation than its own people’s suffering. “These talking points are all anyone is really talking about right now,” one official said. “Everything is about China. We’re being told to try and get this messaging out in any way possible, including press conferences and television appearances.”

March 24, 2020–Three-quarters of China’s workforce was back on the job.

March 27, 2020–The U.S. military stops providing some of the more granular data about coronavirus infections within its ranks, citing concern that the information might be used by adversaries as the virus spreads.

March 27, 2020–China’s Purchasing Managers’ Index rose to 52, above the 50 threshold signifies expansion.

March 30, 2020–The US Defense Department orders commanders at all of its installations worldwide to stop announcing publicly new coronavirus cases among their personnel, as more than 1,000 U.S. military-linked people had been sickened by the virus.

April 2, 2020–US has the most Covid-19 infections of any country in the world.

9SEP20 Update

Apparently, the China Government agrees with my appraisal. From a message group that I belong to…

Chinese propaganda getting good. Unlike West propaganda, Chinese includes evidence. exactly consistent with Uriah Heep's version. Thanks Jeff, but Kevin it may be a conspiracy that Heep told it in real time and official docu youtubed 8 months later.


America has a very long history of using germ warfare to suppress it’s enemies. The idea that they would continue to do this is hardly radical. It is an accurate and natural progression of behavior.

To deny this is to be ignorant in the face of facts.

“The Chinese are DISGUSTING, souless frauds. I hope Coronavirus wipes out EVERY last one.” 

- @melpol posted on 

I doesn’t matter what you think; what you believe. I doesn’t matter what CNN, FOX or MSNBC says.

All that matters is what China (and by extension, Russia) thinks.

China is convinced that this is a biological weapon.

They went to DEFCON ONE and mobilized their entire military, and locked the entire nation down. You do NOT do this with a flu, even if it is a bad flu. You do this ONLY if your entire nation is under attack.

This entire article supports the narrative that the Chinese government, the Chinese military are treating this outbreak as;

  • A WMD attack by a bioweapon,
  • As part of the on-going Trump Trade-War,
  • Designed to inflict damage on China to slow it’s growth,
  • Like the Chicken flu…
  • And the swine flu, propagated by drones, were.

So rather than waste your time trying to tell me that I am wrong, how about contacting Xi Peng and tell him yourself, instead. Tell the President of China that he is wrong. That it’s all just coiencidences. That China is over-reacting. You tell him yourself. Don’t waste your time telling me.

Mark my words, there WILL be repercussions over this.

Now, READ this… This is part two of this article….

The USA and China are now entangled in the Thucydides Trap; this is the entire story.


Some general links…

It is very easy to find links and discussions of “the illegal collection of Chinese DNA by America” on the internet as the following links attest.

Here’s some HK links in English. There shouldn’t be any question that drones were used to spread swine flu during the heat of the trump trade wars. That is all well documented.

Whether they worked in behalf of the USA government is speculation. Most articles claim that they are working independently as part of a “criminal element”.

As far as the design of the drones, most commercially available drones are manufactured in Guangzhou. So, getting some drones and having them modified professionally, locally within China isn’t too much of a stretch. I do that all the time myself for other “projects”.

What is the question that people should be asking is HOW the “criminal elements” got a hold of “swine flu”, and learned how to handle it, use it, and disseminate it. Because, boys and girls, the virus dies once it is removed from a live host…

Chinese criminals use drones to infect swine flu –
Chinese criminal gangs spreading African swine fever to
Chinese Gangs Use Drones to Spread African Swine Fever …
Chinese Gangsters Reportedly Using Drones to Spread …
Chinese gangsters use drones to spread African swine fever …
China flight systems jammed by pig farm’s African swine …
Commercial pig farm in China jams drone signal to combat …
The Chinese gangsters using drones to spread African swine …
Chinese Gangsters Reportedly Using Drones to Spread …
A fierce fight in a pig farm that repels drones with a …
Chinese pig farm jams drone of swine fever crooks

More info…

The very strange coincidence that an "exercise" was conducted in New York City involving a Coronavirus Pandemic two months before the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic outbreak.
Here’s a coincidence. On October 18th the Johns Hopkins  Center for Health Security, in conjunction with the World Economic Forum  and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, brought together “15  leaders of business, government, and public health” to simulate a  scenario in which a coronavirus pandemic was ravaging the planet.  Two months later, a very serious coronavirus pandemic breaks out in Wuhan, China. Here we discuss this matter.
Videos regarding the 2020 Coronavirus and how the Chinese residents coped.
This post is very top-heavy with videos that were taken at the start of the 2020 Chinese New Year at the same time that the Coronavirus outbreak. As I post this, all the roads have roadblocks and police in hazmat suits are performing 100% checks for the illness. It's a frightening and terrifying time.

If you found this interesting, please click on the index for these kinds of articles…

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Video snapshots of China; uncategorized, just some cool stuff.

As 2019 year of the pig is drawing to a close, and the 2020 year of the rat is starting to happen, I would like to post some videos of China that are just cool, interesting, or special in one way or the other. These videos are unsorted, and each one has a brief narrative describing what it’s all about. Some involve heroes, like our good friend Rufus, while others are just WTF. Please, all these are just fun postings. Please kindly enjoy.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Video 1 – Child Labor in China.

You know, I have been working in manufacturing for decades, and I have hardly ever saw a child working in China. Though, if you believe the British media, it is commonplace. It’s just another reason to bash the Chinese. Those dastardly bad Chinese…

Well, you can see children from time to time, working. They do so alongside their parents. They do so helping the family in the family business. And, I’ll tell you what, when I see it, it makes me feel glad. For there is nothing better than spending time with your family and working together so the family flourishes.

Here’s a video of child labor in China…

Child labor inside of China.

Video 2 – Traditional Family Life

In the next video, we have a son bringing his girlfriend to his father to introduce them. The father, being widowed, makes a meal for them. But it’s pretty modest. The girl, looks it over, and shows her disapproval.

But you see, China is a traditional nation with traditional values…

So what does she do? She goes into the kitchen and cooks. She explains that she needs to take care of the family and do her part so that everyone can be healthy and happy.

Traditional families are not something out of the “Handmaids Tale”, it’s about roles and shared responsibilities. It’s about respect and care and concern. It’s not “every man fend for himself” that is the norm in America today.

Check it out…

Son brings girlfriend to his father.

Video 3 – The importance of mass transit

Mass transit can be found in almost all the major cities. This includes America, the EU, Russia and China. Where China differs from America, is that there are many levels of public transport. Often there are buses, rentals, scooters, trains, monorails, subways, and everything in between. The only thing missing are horses.

In the USA, mass transit is generally limited to buses (unless you are in a very big city).

This following video clearly shows, in a few seconds, why mass transit is preferable to privately owned automobiles in a Chinese city…

Mass transit in China.

Video 4 – Girl proposes

In a traditional nation, everyone has roles. But China, being Chinese (of course), has traditions with “Chinese characteristics”. In the Chinese environment, the woman and the man both can reverse roles.

So instead of the man working and the woman staying home to tend the family, it can be reversed. Or, switched from time to time, or shared with shared responsibilities. It all depends on the family.

Here is a cute video. A girl proposes to the boy she wants to marry. I personally think that it is great.

Girl proposes to a boy.

Video 5 – Tough Chinese girl

Yeah, I have to admit that I love Chinese girls and women. I love the beauty, the intelligence, and the work ethic. I also greatly admire their toughness. They are like cats. They ain’t afraid of shit.

Don’t fuck with them.

Tough little girl.

Video 6 – Strangers rescue an infant locked inside a hot car.

We think that we can lock an infant inside a car, that it would be safe. Sure, it’s hot and sunny out, but we left the engine running and the air conditioning on. You’ll only be gone for twenty minutes… more or less. What could go wrong?

You could be delayed and the car can automatically shut off.

That’s what.

Here we have strangers trying to rescue an infant from a steamy hot car… on a beach parking lot… in 100 degree weather. The baby is passed out and unresponsive.

What would you do? What would Rufus the hero do?

Rescue of an infant from a hot car.

Video 7 – Helping a woman under attack.

These stories of heroes and “Rufus” are my favorites, and I just cannot let a day go by without posting one or two of them. Here is another video. In this video a woman is under attack by a man. Lucky for her other men, all around her, come to her rescue and subdues the assailant.

You’d never see this in the United States, where it is customary to allow the crime to happen and you don’t get involved. Least you be sued by the person, or arrested by the police, not to mention fired from your job for bad behavior.

Watch these heroes spring into action…

Helping a woman in distress.

Video 8 – This kid can’t drive fer shit!

Here’s a kind of funny video. This kid somehow thinks that the purpose of roads are to drive upon. So, what does he do? Well he hops on his little scooter and takes to the streets. In the process, he crashes into just about every car around. Yikes!

Can’t drive for shit.

Video 9 – Beautiful Chinese girls.

Here’s a video showing the ideal Chinese idea of beauty. Personally, I find all these ladies quite attractive. Now, aren’t they just lovely?

Beautiful Chinese girls.

Video 10 – Uyghur Muslim arrested for killing Chinese school children in Xinjiang.

This video is very interesting, but it needs to be seen. This is an interview with an Uyghur Muslim in prison. He discusses why he killed and hurt others, and his expectations of going to live in paradise with seventy black-eyed virgins.

According to the American mainstream propaganda, and the alt-right propaganda machine, there are millions of Muslims in China under detention and unfairly arrested.

Well, it’s a big ol’ lie, and I have covered this elsewhere.

Uyghurs in Xinjiang

One of the reasons why the Western press can get away with such lies is because the Chinese do not like to promote the violent acts. They believe that it should be kept hidden from the general populace. That is to day, it is the business of the government to protect the people from the acts of barbarism and savage behaviors of these individuals.

In 2019, the Chinese government began releasing some of the videos depicting why these people are in prison. This one in particular is very interesting. He’s one of the men that the NED propaganda machine is promoting as an “innocent” Muslim that is unfairly locked up. China, in response, posted videos of his terror spree, and his confession.

Funny how the American (and British) media ignores the retort.

The individual shown in the video is one of the people that is trying to be released to America and claiming that the Chinese are being too brutal to him. Yea. Right. What about the brutality that he unleashed on the poor fella in the video?

As if the brutality that he did in the first few frames of the movie isn’t brutal enough…

Uyghur Muslim in detention in China.

Yeah. That was awful.

Video 11 – Elephant rescues a downing man.

Meanwhile in Thailand, watch how this pachyderm comes to the rescue of a man being carried away by monsoon floodwaters. You go my large enormous friend! It’s a feel-good video to make up for the nasty Uyghur Muslim business preceding it.

Elephant rescues a downing man.

Video 12 – Cute girls meets cute boy.

Life is too short not to spend some time on cute things. I like this video. It’s cute and is a way for one girl to get a date for her girlfriend. Granted that it might not work every time, but in this video it works. And you know what? Maybe that’s all that matters. Eh?

Cute match-up.

Video 13 – The “real deal” sings in a restaurant.

Imagine that you are minding your own business and enjoying a nice meal in Pizza Hut. Then sitting right next to you is a famous actor who comes up to you and starts talking. Like Robert De Niro or Tom Hanks. What would you do?

In China, many restaurants have a microphone where you can sing. So, if the mood strikes, a person can belt out one or two of their favorite songs. Actually, many times they are actually quite good. The Chinese view singing as a popular pastime and something worthy of doing.

Check out this video. It’s the real deal you all.

Real Deal.

Video 14 – Rescue of a trapped cat under the road.

Here we have a cat, or a cat with a litter of kittens that is trapped inside a narrow storm drain crevice. The entire community gets together to rescue the kitty. It’s a great story and full of feel-good vibes. I hope you all like it and enjoy it as much as I have.

Save the kitty!

Video 15 – Happy CNY you all.

I am posting this post on Chinese New Years eve. That is 24JAN20. The year of the Pig is ending and it is going into the year of the rat. Already my family, my friends, my business colleagues are all eating these never-ending enormous banquets, drinking and quaffing enormous types of alcoholic beverages and passing out thick “red envelopes” of money to each other. It’s a great time and very festive.

Fireworks are exploding all around the house to shake away and scare away the bad “unseen” spirits from affecting our life and future prospects. The kids are playing and having fun, and KTV parties are very common. Everyone is posing their fun on Wechat and Tictok, and it’s a great time.

The only thing different this year is that the sickness outbreak in Wuhan has everyone wearing masks. Heck, even I wore a mask to the airport. LOL! (They are sold out everywhere. Don’t you know.)

Have a wonderful new year everyone. Let’s have a great prosperous years, and great times with our friends and families! Meanwhile, this is what my CNY looks like…


CNY KTV party.

I hope you all enjoyed this. Have a great and wonderful new year!

If you would like to see more, please go to my General Chinese index…


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The remote viewing of Mars one million years ago by the CIA in 1984.

Stargate Project was the 1991 code name for a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency and SRI International to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. The Project, and its precursors and sister projects, originally went by various code namesGONDOLA WISH, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK, SCANATEuntil 1991 when they were consolidated and rechristened as "Stargate Project". 

- Wikipedia

During the operation of the “Stargate Project“, remote viewers were used to collect military intelligence via non-invasive ESP methods. In doing so, they were often quite successful, and came up with some astounding discoveries.

Often when conducting these viewing operations, the assignment would included mixed and random targets. These were used to keep the remote viewing exercises open, flexible and alive. If they failed to do this, the remote viewing staff would become exhausted and their ability to remote view would dramatically decrease. (As what happened during the Iranian hostage situation under President Jimmy Carter.)

The random targets would contain known and unknown subjects. The known targets were useful to check the accuracy of the sighting trajectory. The unknown targets were designed to create and stimulate interest and engage the remote viewers.

One such “unknown” target was the remote viewing of Mars in the remote past.


While I was a member of MAJestic from 1981 through into 2006, my involvement was related to other subjects and other agendas. I did not conduct any kind of remote viewing, work with any kind of remote viewers, or had anything to do with the CIA at any level.

This information is provided as reported, and the only thing that I can provide is my comments on it at the end of the narrative report.

The report…


May 22, 1984

Approved For Release 2000/d8/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001900760001-9 

Method of site acquisition:

Sealed envelope coupled with geographic coordinates.

The remote viewing activity was conducted in double and triple blind tests. The remote viewers had zero knowledge of what would be asked of them, or what the subject would be that they were to remote view.

The  sealed  envelope was  given  to the subject immediately prior to the interview.  The envelope was not opened until after the interview. In the envelope was a 3 X 5 card with the following information:

  • The planet Mars.
  • Time of interest approximately 1 million years B.C.

Selected  geographic  coordinates,  provided by the parties requesting the information were verbally given to the subject during the interview.

TRANSCRIPT   May 22, 1984

MON:        (ROJ for 5/22 (May 22nd), time 10:09 AM.)*

(Plus 10 minutes, ready to start.)*

Remote Viewing the “Face of Mars”

Of course, at all times, the subject was not informed of the targets. He was unaware that he was remote viewing the "face on Mars" anomaly. 

MON:   All right now, using the information in the envelope I’ve provided, exclusively  focusing your attention now, using   the information in the envelope, focus on:

  • 40.89 degrees north
  • 9.55 degrees west
Mars coordinates. This image was NOT provided to the subject.
Mars coordinates. This image was NOT provided to the subject.
This object is the "famous" "Mar's Face" of the giant "face of Mars". You can find out more about this geologic feature, or mountain on Wikipedia;

The Face on Mars refers to a photo of a feature that looks like a human face on the surface of the planet Mars,  specifically in the area of Cydonia Mensae, an area of Mars adjacent to  the border between the Northern lowlands and the Western Arabia Terra.  The mensae are characterized by knobs and mesas (mensae is the plural of  mensa, which means table). It was first discovered by the Viking 1  orbiter. 

Project scientist Harold Masursky joked about it that "This is  the guy that built all of Lowell’s canals." NASA  released the photo to the public and pointed out this cool trick of  light, shadows, and low-resolution orbital photography. 

However, true believers know that the feature was actually built by aliens  and that NASA has been trying to cover that up (NASA's mission to  search for evidence of extraterrestrial life or civilizations is  actually a lie orchestrated by Reptoids). 

One of the most persistent supporters of this delusion is Richard C. Hoagland. Hoagland won the 1997 Ig Nobel Prize in Astronomy for his book The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever.
In the years since the first image, high resolution photographs with  shadows falling in other directions have shown the idea of a "face" to  be false. Over 40 years, resolution of the imagery has steadily improved  from 44.7 m/px to 0.25 m/px.

SUB:   …… I want to say it looks like ah

SUB: …. I don’t know, it sort of looks …

SUB: …. I kind of got an oblique view of a ah …. pyramid or pyramid form.  It’s very high, it’s kind of sitting in a …. large depressed area.

MON:       All right.

SUB:       It’s yellowish, ah …. okra colored.

The "face of Mars" as it is actually imaged and as it actually appears. It is simply a unique mountain with humps.
The “face of Mars” as it is actually imaged and as it actually appears. It is simply a unique mountain with humps.
This "face on Mars" was identified as a yellowish colored geologic mountain that has a pyramidal form that sits within a large depressed area. In no way, did the subject identify it as artificial, shaped or resembling a face in any way.

So while the rest of the world were all speculating about “aliens” on Mars, the CIA, through the “Stargate Program”, knew the truth.

The so called "Face on Mars" can be seen slightly above center and to  the right in this THEMIS visible image. This 3-km long knob, located  near 10°N, 40°W (320°E), was first imaged by the Viking spacecraft in  the 1970's and was seen by some to resemble a face carved into the rocks  of Mars. 

Since that time the Mars Orbiter Camera on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft has provided detailed views of this hill that clearly show that it is a normal geologic feature with slopes and ridges  carved by eons of wind and down slope motion due to gravity. 


Mars – One million years ago.

MON:  All right.

MON: Move in time to the time indicated in the envelope  I’ve provided you and describe what’s happening.

SUB:   I’m tracking severe, severe clouds, more like dust storm, ah …. it’s geologic problem. 

SUB: Seems to be like a ah …. …Just a minute, I’ve got to iron this out.   It’s really weird.

MON:       Just report your raw perceptions at this time, you’re still early in the session.

SUB:        I’m  looking  at,  at  a …. after effect of a major geologic problem.

One million years ago on Mars is the target time period. 

We assume that Mars was created with the Earth during the formation of the solar system. Therefore this time track would indicate a period of time roughly one million years ago. This is relatively recent. 

Our solar system is 4 - 5 billion years old.

All the dinosaurs were extinct, and the Earth was populated by mammals. Proto-humans were walking about on the earth.  About 1 to 3 million years ago and we saw the evolution of the earliest hominids including Sahelanthropus and Australopithecus.  

Yet, most of the earth would be unpopulated by native intelligent humanoids. 

As far as we know, Mars would be much as it appears today. However, we have no idea what it was like over the years.

MON:   Okay, go back to the time before the geologic problem.

SUB:   ….. Um, total  difference,  it’s ah ….

SUB: …. before there’s no ah …. ah I don’t know,…. oh hell, it’s like mountains of dirt….

SUB: …. appear and then disappear when you go before.

SUB: See ah …. large flat surfaces, very ah ….smooth …. angles, walls,   they’re really large though, I mean they’re megalithic, ah ….

The subject reports that Mars experienced some kind of geologic problem around one million years ago (or so). When asked to remote view to a time preceding this "event", Mars is quite different... but still has mountains of dirt and broad expanses.

MON:    All right.  

MON: At this period  in time now before the geologic activity, look around, in and around  this area and see if you can find any activity.

SUB:  …. I’m seeing ah ….

SUB: It’s like a perception of a shadow of people, very tall …. thin, it’s only a shadow. 

SUB: It’s as if they were there and they’re not, not there anymore.

This is where there are all kinds of confusion.

It is LIKE shadows of people.

It is LIKE someone was there and now they are not.

There are many who interpret this as a civilization that had existed on the surface of Mars at some time, and that it was wiped out by a geologic event around one million years ago. 

This interpretation is NOT correct.

The subject is giving his impressions. His impressions are that there was a presence of sorts. Some kind of influence of sorts.  But it is gone.

MON:  Go back to a period of time where they are there …

The monitor is referring to the shadows as if they were actual people, or intelligent beings. This is a mistake, and threw the entire session awry. 

The subject now has a difficult time "locking on" to the events transpiring. 

SUB:  …. Um …. (mumble) It’s like I get a lot of static on a line and everything…

… it’s breaking up all the time…

… very fragmentary pieces.

The subject is now confused and nothing is making sense. The monitor threw off the entire session. 

The subject is now trying to scan and sort things out for a "best fit" understanding...

MON:  Just report the raw data, don’t try to put things together, just report the raw data.

Now the subject has latched on the "best fit" situation that closely approximates the input provided to him...

He is trying to identify the source of the "influence" he detected.

We do not know what that influence was.

SUB:   I just keep seeing very large people, thin and tall, but they’re very large.

SUB: Some kind of strange clothes. They appear Ah …. wearing.

We do not know what the subject is viewing. 

It is the "best fit" events as provided by the input. The monitor is still moving forward on the belief that this is a time period of around one million years ago on Mars. 

However, it could be any time and any place.

The subject is reporting on a species that left an "influence" on Mars one million years ago that preceded a geologic event.

Geographical Location – same time.

MON:   All right, now holding in this time period, holding in this time period, I want  to move from  your physical location in space to another physical location, but in this time period.  

Another mistake by the monitor; the subject is holding on to the time and place of the "best fit" situational vision. Not what he thinks it would be...

Move now to:

  • 46.45 north
  • 353.22 east
Mars, in the kasei valles sacra fossa region.
Mars, in the kasei valles sacra fossa region.
The monitor is giving geographic coordinates that is Mars, but not labeled as such. It could be anywhere. As we do not know where the subject is at this time.

Move in this time to:

  • 46.45 north
  • 353.22 east

SUB:  …. Deep inside of a cavern, not a cavern, more like canyon.

SUB: Um, I’m looking up, up the sides of a steep wall that seem to go on forever.

SUB: And there’s like ah …. a structure with a …. it’s like the wall of the canyon itself has been carved.

Again I’m getting a very large structures, no …. ah …. no intricacies, huge sections of smooth stone.

Again, we do not know where the subject is.

He is describing some kind of canyon or cavern. It's very large. With large enormous sections of smooth unadorned surfaces.

At no point in time does he describe people, creatures or habitations.

MON:  Do the structures have insides and outsides?

SUB:  …. Yes, they’re very, it’s like a rabbit warren, corners of rooms, they’re really huge, I don’t, feel like I’m standing in one  it’s just really huge. Perception is that the ceiling is very high, walls very wide.

Mars, in the kasei valles sacra fossa region.
Imaged region. Mars, in the kasei valles sacra fossa region.
Subject is describing a large maze like region. All very large and huge.

At no point in time does he describe people, creatures or habitations.

Yet, many on the internet has mistakenly taken the discussion of "tall beings" and the reference to "warrens" to represent some kind of extraterrestrial species or race on Mars. This is incorrect. 

(Real time plus 22 minutes.)*

MON:      Yes that would  be correct.

The monitor confirms to the subject that he is indeed remote viewing the target coordinates correctly.

Geologic feature.

MON: All right, I’d like to move now to another location nearby.  All right, move from this point in this time to:

  • 45.86 north
  • 354.1 east

SUB:  They have a ah …. appears to be the end of a very large road and there’s a …. marker thing that’s very large, keep getting Washington Monument overlay, it’s like an …. obelisk.

The subject correctly described the object in the target coordinates on Mars.

Geologic Feature.

MON:   All right.  From this point  then, let us move  to another point. Move now to:

  • 35.26 north
  • 213.24 east

Move in this time to:

  • 35.26 north
  • 213.24 east

SUB:   …. It’s like I’m in the middle of a …. huge circular basin …. of the range mountains by almost all the way around, …. very ragged, ragged mountains, very tall.

SUB: Basin’s very, very, very  large. Scale seems to be off or something it’s just really big, everything’s big.

MON:        I understand the problem just continue.

SUB:  …. See just a right angle corner to something but that’s all, I don’t see anything else.

No indication of anything of interest. 

This description is also accurate.

The monitor is providing coordinates and having the subject describe them. When they match, the monitor moves on to the next group of coordinates. All of which pretty much match the descriptions of the Mars that we view today.

Geologic Location.

MON:   Okay. Then let’s move into a little different place, very close. Move from the point you are now, in this time, to:

  • 34.6 north
  • 213.09 east

Move now in this time to:

  • 34.6 north
  • 213.09 east

SUB:           The cluster of squares up and down. Um..

SUB: … it’s like you want to make them square anyway. They’re almost flush with the ground and it’s like they’re connected ….

SUB: …. Something very white or reflects light.

MON:       What’s your position of observation as you look at this thing that reflects light?

SUB:       I’m  amid ah …. oblique left angle, sun is ah… sun is weird.

Again, the subject correctly describes the geographic region as observed on the surface of Mars.

Geologic Location.

MON:    Look back down at the ground now, and we’re going to move just a little bit from this place, just a little bit from this place.

  • 34.57 north
  • 212.22 east

MON: Very close by.  Now, move over now to:

  • 34.57 north
  • 212.22 east

SUB:   It’s like I can just perceive ah …. ah …. like  a radiating  pattern of  some  kind.  

SUB: It’s like  some really …. ah …. strange intersecting kind of roads that are dug into valleys, you know, where a road is just a little below the edge.

MON:       Tell me about the shapes of these things.

SUB:        …. They’re like real neat channels cut, they’re very deep, it’s like the road went down ….

MON:       Okay.   Now  I have,  I notice  electrically you’re nulled out a little bit and I want you to stay deep and recapture your focus here.

The monitoring of the subject by medical means has indicated that there is a change in state of the subject. The monitor is telling him of that situation and asking him to keep his focus.

Geologic location.

SUB:   It’s really tough, it’s seems like it’s just always very sporadic.

MON:    I realize that, it’s very important that you maintain your focus.  I have a movement exercise again for you and this is some considerable distance away, so holding the focus in time, remember the focus in time that you had before and moving now to:

  • 15 degrees north
  • 198 degrees east

MON: Take some time and get back deep.

SUB:        See the …. um, intersecting   ah …. whatever these are, are aqueduct type things

SUB: … these…. rounded bottom carved channels, like road beds.

SUB: See ah …. see pointed tops of something on the horizon.  Even the horizon looks funny and weird, it’s like ah …. different …. misty,  like it’s really  far  away …. very vague.

Geologic Location.

MON:   Okay.  Another movement now to:

  • 80 degrees south, 80 degrees south
  • 64  degrees east, 64  degrees east

MON: Move now in this time to:

  • 80 degrees south
  • 64  degrees east.

SUB:       See pyramids …. Can’t  tell if  it’s overlay or not ’cause they’re different.

Pyramid like structures are what is actually identified at this geographic location by photographs. So the subject correctly identified the area.

This correct identification of geographic locations on Mars is consistent with all the earlier target coordinates.

MON:       Okay.  Do these pyramids have insides and outsides?

SUB:        …. Um-hum, got really,   ah …. it’s getting. …. both,  and  they’re  huge ….

Subject states that the pyramids have insides and outsides. This is suggestive of buildings, or structures.

SUB: It’s an interesting  perception I’m….

MON:        (I think  that  he’s  losing  his ability   to    move accurately, but he is attracted to things that are interesting, so we’re going to go with his own, we’re going to let him go ahead and explore what seems to be interesting to him rather than move on the targets indicated here.)*

The structures...

SUB:       It’s filtered from storms or something.

MON:     Say that again, SUB.

SUB:       They’re like shelters from storms.

MON:     These structures you’re seeing?

SUB: Yes.  They’re designed for that.

Discovery. The pyramidal structures are shelters.

MON:       All right. Go inside one of these and find some activity to tell me about.

(Plus 37 minutes real time.)*

SUB:       Different chambers, … but they’re almost stripped of any  kind of …. furnishings or anything…

SUB: …. it’s like ah …. strictly functional place for sleeping or that’s not a good word, hibernation’s, some form, I can’t…

SUB: …. I get real raw inputs, storms, savage storm, and sleeping through storms.

MON: Tell me about the ones who sleep through the storms.

SUB: …. Ah …. very …. tall again,  very large …. people, but they’re thin, they look thin because of their height and they dress like in, oh hell, it’s like a real light silk, but it’s not flowing type of clothing, it’s like cut to fit.

The inhabitants of the pyramidal shelters are tall humanoids.

MON: Move close to one of them and ask them to tell you about themselves.

SUB: They’re ancient people.    They’re ah ….. they’re dying, it’s past their time or age.

MON: Tell me about this.

SUB: They’re very philosophic about it.   They’re looking for ah …. a way to survive and they just can’t.

(Plus 40 minutes, definite voltage reversal.)*

SUB: Can’t seem to get their way out, they can’t seem to find their way out, …. so they’re hanging on while they look or wait for  something to return or something coming with the answer ….

MON: What is it they’re waiting for?

SUB: …. They’re ah …. evidently was a …. a group or a party of them that went to find ah …. new place to live.

They are in a shelter waiting to leave the planet. 

SUB: It’s like I’m  getting  all  kinds of overwhelming input of the …. corruption of their environment.  

SUB: It’s failing very rapidly and this group went somewhere, like a long way to find another place to live.

MON: What was the cause of the atmospheric disturbance or the environment disturbance?

SUB: I see a picture of a, picture of like a, oh hell, it’s almost a warp in a, oh god, this is difficult.  It’s like going, let’s see—

MON: The raw data?

SUB: Oh, I get a globe  …. ah …. it’s like a globe that goes through a comet’s tail or …. it’s through a river of something, but it’s all very cosmic. It’s like space pictures.

Some kind of galactic or planetary event within the solar system.
Cosmic event that influenced the planet Mars.
Cosmic event that influenced the planet Mars.

MON: All right, now before you leave this individual, ask him if there is any way that you, ask him if he knows who you are and is there any way you can help him in his present predicament?

SUB:       …. All  I get  is wait.

SUB: Doesn’t know who I am. a hallucination or something. …. that they must just Think he perceives I’m ….

MON:       Okay, when the others left, these people are waiting, when the others left, how did they go?

SUB:       …. Get an impression of ah …. Don’t know what the hell it is. It looks like the inside of a larger boat.  Very rounded walls and shiny metal.

Spaceship. Very functional.

MON:       Go along with  them on their  journey  and find out where it is they go ….

SUB:        …. Impression of a really crazy place with volcanoes and gas pockets and strange plants, very volatile place, it’s very much like going from the frying pan into the fire.

Sounds like Earth in upheaval.

SUB: Difference is there seems to be a lot of vegetation where the other place did not have it.  And different kind of storm.

 Sounds like Earth in upheaval. 

MON:     All right it’s time to come back now to the sound of my voice into present time to right now the 22nd of May 1984, the sound of my voice.  Move now back to the room, back to the sound of my voice, back further now to the sound of my voice on the 22nd of May 1984.


NOTE:   ()*   Indicates monitor comment recorded but not heard by the subject.

Approved For Release 2000/d8/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001900760001-9


While the first object that is remote viewed is the (so called) face on Mars, much of the remote viewing activity described easily verifiable objects and geographical landmarks on the surface of Mars. Each time a coordinate was provided, the subject correctly viewed it and described it.

The “face” was CIA confirmed in 1984 to be an ordinary mountain. This wasn’t publicly confirmed by NASA until 2002.

  • 40.89 degrees north, 9.55 degrees west (Face on Mars.)
  • 46.45 north, 353.22 east (Geologic maze.)
  • 45.86 north, 354.1 east (Obelisk like feature.)
  • 35.26 north, 213.24 east (Crater surrounded by mountains.)
  • 34.6 north, 213.09 east (Cluster of square geologic features.)
  • 34.57 north, 212.22 east (Radiating channels.)
  • 15 degrees north, 198 degrees east (Aqueduct like things.)
  • 80 degrees south, 64  degrees east. (Pyramids)

This entire remote viewing event is interesting.

Aside from confirming that the remote viewer has accurately described eight (x8) separate geologic and topographic features on Mars by cartesian coordinates alone, but he also confirms that the nonsense about a “face on Mars” is false.

However, there are somethings that are really interesting about this session;

  • A cataclysmic event took place on Mars about one million years ago.
  • The presence of a tall, thin species, living inside shelters, waiting to leave the planet.
  • Transport of the tall species to another world that is very different.

I cannot confirm whether this remote viewing of an alien species is accurate.

Certainly the idea that an indigenous advanced race of creatures had a civilization on Mars that perished during a cataclysmic event is a bit of a stretch, though it makes for fine Science Fiction adventure. It was the kind of things that I enjoyed watching as a boy.

It’s fun to speculate on the impressions made by remote viewers. As such, it is really easy to get “carried away” and embrace ideas of an indigenously inhabited Mars that destroyed itself (or was destroyed) with the inhabitants fleeing to earth.

From my understanding, Mars has been a pretty bare planet for the last few billion years or so. Mars is a bleak, desert-like planet that is also very heavily cratered. There are huge volcanoes, global dust storms, and great sand dune fields. In addition, what look like dry river beds abound on the planet. While it did have a rather thick atmosphere that enveloped the planet in the first billion or so years of it’s existence, that gradually evaporated away to a rather destitute surface terrain that we see today. What we see today is pretty much how Mars looked for the last handful of millions of years.

It is possible that non-indigenous species somehow got stranded on Mars during a cataclysmic event. There are numerous species that could fit this description.

As such, in my mind, it is not unrealistic to consider the possibility of a [1] large global cataclysmic event on Mars [2] one million years ago, that [3] affected any extraterrestrial colonies present on the planet at that time. As such, the inhabitants would need to [4] create shelter, and then await [5] egress from the hostile environment. The shelter would be bare and functionally bleak, and the inhabitants would spend their time waiting to escape.

Therefore, it is not unrealistic (if not popular) to embrace the possibility that one of the older extraterrestrial colonies (and facilities) needed to be evacuated when Mars went through geologic changes around one million years ago.

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What it was like being led into the cattle cars after being disarmed. A concentration camp survivor tells his story.

Here’s what to expect once the socialists register your firearms… outlaw them, disarm you, and take you to a “safe place”…

Know your history.

One of the common themes that I see from time to time from liberals, and the uneducated (could they be one and the same?), is that registration of firearms means nothing.

That no one will take your guns.

They actually pretend to believe it and say that mantra with authority. They say it with conviction.

But it’s a lie. Historically, guns are always seized after registration.

The left took “1984” not as a cautionary tale, but a guidebook; an  erotic how-to tale leading to Utopia. They’re executing a  thought-blitzkrieg to enact their agenda, hoping the bulk of Americans  won't catch on. 

- Democrats And The ‘Reeducation’ Of The American People 

Further, the seizing of firearms almost always results in genocide against a minority population of some sort. Which then resorts in events such as described here.

Based on newly-discovered, secret documents from German archives, diaries and newspapers of the time, Gun Control in the Third Reich presents the definitive, yet hidden history of how the Nazi regime made use of gun control to disarm and repress its enemies and consolidate power. The countless books on the Third Reich and the Holocaust fail even to mention the laws restricting firearms ... 

- Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and ... 

Here is an interesting biography by a German boy (now an old man) who entered a German “safe haven” once he and his family was disarmed. At that time, everyone thought that the German government had their best interests are heart and that they were going to be transported to “protected communities” to live.

They were, however, being sent to their deaths.

Read it, and remember that at that time Germany was the most advanced, socially advanced and technologically advanced nation in the world. They had the best machine, electronics, transportation and doctors.

No one would ever believe that the government would turn on the people so…

This is from an article titled Confessions Of A Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor written on January 14, 2020. All credit to the original source.

The interview

During the earlier years, when did you realize that the Nazi regime was going to be a very, very big problem?

Well, in 1939, when the war broke out, I was only about 10 and a half years old. I didn’t know much about politics.

But in 1938, there was Kristallnacht in Germany, and… actually, we all know what happened with that, where Jewish people were not allowed to do this or that, all the Jewish shops in Germany and Austria were broken into, the breaking of the glass, the shopkeepers were pulled out, and many were beaten to death or sent to Dachau (at that time, it was just a prison)… and many Jewish homes were ransacked and they were burning Jewish temples, places of worship, many many Jewish temples in Austria were actually burned.

And it was not done by a bunch of gangs, wild…you know, hooligans. It was government-owned. Government orders. And they actually ordered to start fires in all these temples and places of worship. And firefighters stood by, guarding the houses that are NEXT to these temples, so they shouldn’t catch on fire, but the temples were burning.

So those things were happening when I was 9 and a half. And i had no idea of these things. If my parents knew something, they wouldn’t tell us.

Expert Tip: Do not try to “protect” your children from the truth.

I came from a wonderful loving home, a family of 7. And out of that family, only my older sister Lola and I survived.

Expert Tip: If you and your family are classified as a “deplorable” or “privileged”, you can expect most of your family to be killed by the government.

Lola was 5 years older than I was, and unfortunately she passed away a few months ago. She was a wonderful artist, lived in New York, and still her art is in many museums all over the world, including in Jerusalem… but anyway, to answer your question: did I know what was going on?

No. We had a pretty normal life. Until all hell broke loose, in September of 1939.

And the world broke out. And it didn’t take long. Right within days, we knew exactly what Nazi barbarism was.

What happened particularly in the train carts that transported you to the concentration camps? What do you remember of the transport inside the carts? Were you all crammed in with no food and water for days? How did people relieve their bowels? What of children or babies that there may have been present?

Okay, to answer your question about the cattle cars… they pushed us in cattle cars. That was on the way to Auschwitz. And then with the death-camp going to Dachau, the second time for me.

Expert Tip: Do not board the cattle cars, the trucks, the buses, or any kind of transport provided by the government.

To give you an idea – 80 people in a cattle car would be possible, if not for the fact that most people were told to bring along their valuables…

… because they were being told that they were being relocated in Germany, and these able-bodied people will be working…

… and the children will go to school, and the older parents will be taken care of…

…so they brought along all their valuables, all they could carry.

Expert Tip: You will NOT be told that you are going to a Concentration Camp. You will be told it is something else.

In collecting the disarmed civilians, they were told that they would be relocated to "safe areas". So they brought all their belongings with them. Then they were segregated by gender.
In collecting the disarmed civilians, they were told that they would be relocated to “safe areas”. So they brought all their belongings with them. Then they were segregated by gender.

So NOW, with all the bundles and valises they brought, if a person had to sit down, another person had to stand up.

The sanitary conditions – all they had were 2 buckets in the corner. They were full of water when we went in, and once the water was gone, there was nothing else left. So all we had were those 2 buckets for sanitary facilities.

So you can imagine 80 people using those 2 buckets.

Once these buckets got filled up – they kept spilling over on the floor in the cattle car. If you can picture this, one day, two days, three days… with all of that waste on the floor… at this point, we were happy that we had bundles so we could sit on top of the bundles instead of all the human waste on the floor.

Disarmed males, separated from their families, being instructed by the police that they are being taken into custody for "their own protection.
Disarmed males, separated from their families, being instructed by the police that they are being taken into custody for “their own protection.

The conditions were unbelievable.

We had babies there. Pregnant mothers. We had older people. Sick people.

And they are screaming and yelling. It just went on…

…the conditions were unbelievable. Some people were dying, they just could not take it anymore, they gave up.

Expert Tip: Avoid crowds.

Day one, day two, day three – we finally arrived into Auschwitz, it was called “Ausfhwenchiem” in Polish (it’s very hard to pronounce, I know that).

Anyway, I don’t want to get into details, but to answer your questions – the conditions were unbearable. After 3 days, they opened up the gates, let some fresh air, and we came out.

But to answer your question – yes, it was inhumane. It was impossible to – I guess at the end of another day, half the people would’ve died. People were throwing up from the smell.

Just unbelievable.

It was completely inhumane. But they didn’t care. They took us to be killed anyway.

Expert Tip: No one will care.

How violent were the camps?

Well, the camps were not violent. The leaders of the camps were… they were very violent.

Expert Tip: The leadership is inherently violent and cruel.

In Auschwitz, for instance, they would make us stand at attention for an hour in the freezing cold in the morning, and an hour at night, and count you and count you and count you…

Actually, there was no purpose in that.

Children in the Nazi Concentration camps.
Children in the Nazi Concentration camps.

The only purpose they had was to weed out the strong from the weak. And by making you stand at attention for an hour or two -so if you started to lean a little bit, or your knee would buckle a little bit – they would pull you out and either shoot you or send you to the hospital where they sent you to the gas chambers or whatnot to get rid of you…

They only wanted people to stay there to work. To be able to work, you have to be healthy and fed. But they didn’t care. They would always get new people, fresh people. It was very hard. They had all kinds of torture methods.

For instance, in the camps in Auschwitz – I’ll go through it when I can, tell you about my camp experience – in Auschwitz they would make us stand in line in the freezing cold, and they had a little game – where they said “Take off your cap! in German.

So you had to stand at attention, take off your cap, and you had to hit your arm against your leg with the cap.

All they wanted was to hear one sound. If somebody was a second late, they wanted to know who they were. And then they would pull them out, and beat them to death, or give them lashes… and sometimes they would pull people out just to make a point.

And then put the hats back on. Up and down, up and down… it was a game. These capos, these people inside the camp who were guards, and guarding us… they could do with us whatever they wished.

There was no accounting. If they had some kind of fetish or crazy idea, they played it out with people.

What did they care? Kill you, not kill you?

Once disarmed and entrapped within a "safe area", the inmates are dehumanized in appearance and action.
Once disarmed and entrapped within a “safe area”, the inmates are dehumanized in appearance and action.

What did you eat in the camps?

Okay… we ate very little. Whatever we can. Whatever they fed us. And believe me, whatever they fed us was not fit for human beings.

But daily, usually, we had a few slices – like maybe 3-4 slices of bread. And they gave us a little margarine. The bread was made from half-sawdust… not real wheat, or anything like that. It was half sawdust, but it was food we could digest. And a little margarine, they always… had a little liverwurst – I mean very little.

They gave you JUST ENOUGH to keep you alive, because they needed your work. And if you got sick, and you died – well, that’s what they planned anyway! But as long as you could work, they kept you alive.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

It’s strange, because a few years ago, when you had slaves in this world, you fed them well – you wanted them to be fairly healthy and work hard. But the Nazis barely fed us enough to keep a bird alive. And as long as you lived, they used every ounce of strength from you to work.

Expert Tip: Genocidal slavery is far worse than historical slavery.

And if you died – well, it’s perfectly alright! Or they shot you, or beat you to death, who knows what they did.

So the food wasn’t very much. They gave us a little bit of what they called coffee – it was made out of grain. But it was hot liquid. They fed us once a day some soup, and you wouldn’t dare to find out what’s in the soup, because if you found out, it would make you sick to your stomach.

It was mostly liquid, but if the person dealing out the soup was a friend of yours, or knew you, they went down with the ladle a little deeper to pick up something of substance.

It could sometimes be a rat, or a mouse. You would be surprised. They threw everything in there.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

Anyways, it wasn’t enough, and we were constantly, constantly, in hunger. Starving.

What was the most horrifying thing you personally witnessed?

The most horrifying thing I personally witnessed was the hanging of those 3 inmates that escaped and they caught them.

They put the noose on them, one at a time.

The last one that they hung was a young man, and he screamed out the prayers, the Jewish prayer before dying.

It’s only 5 or 6 letters.

But when they heard that, they kicked the stool out from under him, not even allowing him to finish 2 words of that prayer.

That was horrifying to me.

And the other thing that was even worse was when they first occupied Poland, Krakow, within 5 days there was a truck pulling up to our building, and Nazi soldiers jumped out of it, and all they wanted to know was where the Jewish people lived. They asked the Super where the Jewish people lived.

And he was quick to oblige.

Expert Tip: Socialist Marxists are very brutal once they confront an unarmed citizenry.

They came in, pistol-whipping us. They had sacks for us to throw in all our valuables. They were beating up my father to open up the safe, they cleaned everything out.

Famous Hitler Quote.
Famous Hitler Quote.

While this was going on, we heard horrible screams next door from the other Jewish family.

So my sister Lola, the one who survived, and I ran out through the back door to go into our neighbor’s through their back door to see what happened.

There was a young couple living there with 2 daughters, about my age. We used to play in the yard, after school. And the mother gave birth to an infant boy, about I guess 1 month earlier? or 3 weeks earlier? And we came in, we saw this monster holding the baby by its legs, and swinging it.

And screaming to the parents MAKE HIM SHUT UP!

And of course the parents and daughters were screaming Our baby, our baby, don’t hurt our baby!

And when we came in, we couldn’t believe what we saw. This monster had this smirk on his face, like he was enjoying what he was doing. And he smashed the baby’s head right into the doorpost, head first, killing it instantly.

That…That memory I will never forget. Seeing that baby scream, and then the sudden silence. And the head opened up, and everything on the floor. We all jumped on this monster, and started to beat him, and scream – of course, we were all pistol-whipped by his buddies.

Expert Tip – Never allow Social Marxists to rule over you, disarm you, or control you in any way.

Anyways, it’s a long story, but all I can tell you is the mother died within 2 weeks in the hospital, I don’t know if because of heartbreak, or being beaten.

This was our first taste of Nazi brutality.

Virginia Governor, in 2020, demanded and legislated at Virginians be disarmed "for the children".
Virginia Governor, in 2020, demanded and legislated at Virginians be disarmed “for the children”.

In those dark days how did you find the strength to survive? Did you ever want to give up so the suffering would end?

Well, the answer to that question is simply that it’s human nature to overcome most of the atrocities and difficulties that are thrown at them.

But I didn’t think that I was any different than any other person.

Expert Tip: Democrats, no matter what they call themselves, are Socialist Marxists that given the change would go full-on Pol Pot on you and your family.

At least at that time, I didn’t give it any thought. I just wanted to survive – to get by every day, to stay out of the way, not to be as visible, because these – I don’t know what to call them – these monsters… just look for any kind of reason to pull someone out to kill them, to set an example.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

So you had to keep timid. And try to do everything that they ordered you to do. And not to be outstanding, or visible, in such a way. So… if you’re insignificant, they don’t look to pull you out, and show an example.

This may be one of the reasons that I survived.

Expert Tip: The key to survival in a Social Marxist utopia is to be as hidden, and nonthreatening as possible. Use that time to leave it as silently and as quickly as possible.

And I was always very… don’t know how to say it? I was always very enthusiastic about life itself.

I hadn’t had a life, until that point, and whatever I did have, at this point, was sort’ve blocked out of my mind. I didn’t remember the good years any more.

So to me, life was very important, and I had to do everything humanly possible to survive, not to give them a reason or a cause to pull me out, and kill me.

What was one of the most uplifting things you witnessed during your imprisonment?

There were a lot of incidents like this, but few and far between. Because missing one bit of food meant certain death. I remember one inmate gave away his ration of food for a cigarette butt, and the guy died that night.

The Nazis had figured out exactly what a person needed to live until the following day, so very little of it went on where people were generous by giving away their food – they couldn’t afford do, it meant certain death.

But I did come across very generous and very good people in my life, who had saved Jewish people, and I called them “Righteous Gentiles.” I even had a head of the Gestapo who saved my sister, Lola, the one who survived – and saving her, she saved me and dozens of others people from a ghetto. And that enabled us to escape the ghetto and run away to Hungary, which was still a free country.

Now this head of Gestapo knew what he was doing was wrong, according to their laws, and eventually, he was executed by the Germans. But he saved many Jewish people, including myself and some others that i know survived the war thanks to him.

So not everyone was bad.

But of ALL people – we couldn’t believe the Head of Gestapo would do what that man did.

Expert Tip; There are “friends” in the most unlikeliest of places. But do not count on them. The odds of you encountering them is minuscule.

Who were your liberators and could you talk a little about when you first saw them and if you kept in touch with them over the years?

At first, you know, they looked like GODS to me.

I was liberated by the American soldiers. And every soldier that i saw looked like a God. I didn’t know how to thank them.

But I have met liberators – and until I started teaching about the Holocaust, and speaking, and lecturing – actually, it’s in my book, and it’s a long story to tell, but how in Tennessee, at the University of Tennessee, I happened to accidentally meet the liberators of Dachau, 2 gentlemen who liberated me.

Virginia Governor, in 2020, demanded and legislated at Virginians be disarmed "for the children".
Virginia Governor, in 2020, demanded and legislated at Virginians be disarmed “for the children”. Those that will resist will need to confront the police and the national guard. He is even budgeting for special collection teams to go door to door to disarm the citizenry of Virginia.

And they were telling their stories about what they found in Dachau, these atrocities, and I was a speaker immediately following them.

And sitting there, I couldn’t believe – I was on pins & needles – these people rescued my life! These people liberated me!

And then when it was my turn to speak, i walk over to them with shaking knees, and I embrace them, and I say: “You two gentlemen gave me my life. You liberated me. I wouldn’t be here without you.

OF ALL PLACES. And they happened to be the soldiers who liberated Dachau! And I was liberated there! How strange and coincidental that were in the same stage, talking about the same thing. And when they talked about liberating Dachau, and all these atrocities – I couldn’t believe what I heard…

Yes, yes. Those are the only two gentlemen I met those many years later, and we keep in touch quite often.

What was the first thing you ate after being freed from the camp?

 The first thing I ate, I remember, 2 GIs, American soldiers walked up to us, and they opened up a can of Spam. And they handed it to me and my cousin.

Well, it smelled so good that we made a mistake and we ate some of it.

Expert Tip; When starving, eat sparingly and carefully. Your body will not be able to handle the food.

And unfortunately, both of us came down with dysentery, I guess it sped up, he would’ve probably died anyway, and my cousin died in my arms the night after liberation. I got very sick too, and when they took him away from me, I tried to follow.

I only weighed 65 pounds. I was a skeleton. Skin and bones.

So what can I tell you? The first food we ate was Spam.

I never ate that in my life before. I guess the Americans found it in the German magazines, and they handed it out to the starving people. They meant well, but our stomachs were not used to it.

A Jesuit priest picked me up, and took me to a field hospital in Dachau, where I passed out, and I was out in a coma for over 2 months. So what I ate afterwards, I have no idea. But it was good food, because I came to myself, and surprising when I woke up after coma, I couldn’t believe seeing myself – I looked pretty good! I had flesh on me.

I looked like a human being again.

What was your initial experience of America when you first arrived in 1947?

Well, when I was arrived, I was very, very overcome. I was impressed. It was just overwhelming to me.

Gun registration and control works. These experts clearly recommend it.
Gun registration and control works. These experts clearly recommend it.

First, I arrived in New York harbor, and of course, the skyscrapers, the lifestyle… I made a sort of promise to myself then: This is going to be the first day of your life. From this day on, there is only ONE place to go: SUCCEED.

Expert Tip: When you flee a nation that has made gun ownership illegal, move to one where you can be free and own weapons.

I will build a family, I will do whatever I can in my power to succeed in this United States of America.

And this was my first impression. I liked what I seen. I met people who I thought were industrious, with businesses and families and love…there’s respect.

I loved what I saw in America.

I became American in my heart immediately.

So I adopted America, and I am glad America adopted me, and allowed me to be part of it, and become a citizen.

As a survivor, do you think you could ever forgive those who caused the Jewish race persecution? If so, what makes you forgive them, if not what would have to be done for it to be forgiven?

Okay, that’s a very good question. No, the answer is: I can’t forgive those people who were directly involved, the perpetrators of the Holocaust. Obviously, I can never forgive them.

And perhaps I feel that it’s not really up to me. It’s up to the victims. They have to forgive them. But I can’t forget. But the other answer is: I do not blame the son for his father’s sins.

Which means I have nothing against the people of Germany today.

They are not at fault for what happened. And to me, we are all part of the human race. So whether you’re German, or French, or American… whether you’re one religion, Catholic, Jewish, Protestant – it doesn’t matter.

We are all part of the human race.

And I respect every person.

As long as they prove themselves to not be racist or hateful people. As long as they don’t repeat the atrocities from the past – I respect them. And I tolerate them. I think it is beautiful that we are different.

So I hope this gave you the answer.

How hard is it to keep painful memories at the forefront of your mind as you do this? How do you find the motivation and inspiration to do so?

Well… I am thankful to God for the strength that I am healthy enough to share my story. And I hope for many years that I can continue doing this. Because it is something that needs to be done.

Gun registration and control works. Progressive Marxists clearly recommend it.
Gun registration and control works. Progressive Marxists clearly recommend it.

I started it over 20 years ago, approximately 25 years ago. It all started with my grand-son, who invited me to speak in one of the schools. Before I was silent, I kept it bottled up in me.

I thought Why subject our children, our grandchildren, to all these tragedies? 

I wanted them to grow up as normal American kids.

Not to feel some kind of guilt-trip or something. So I didn’t talk much about it. But my grand-son asked me to come to school to talk about it.

Expert Tip; Do not hide Marxist atrocities. Do not allow anyone to hide the truths of social Marxism.

And from that date on, I came to Los Vegas Nevada, and I joined the Holocaust Survivor’s Group, and the speaker’s bureau, asked for volunteers. So I volunteered. And I haven’t stopped speaking since.

I felt I had to reach out. 

I had to do much more than just speaking, exposing colleges. It has to be more wider-scale. So I started Zachor Holocaust Remembrance Foundation, hoping it would reach millions of people worldwide.

We have to keep this world from acquiring amnesia. But there are many other ways to reach out. And as time went on, I kept adding those ways.

Since I retired – actually, when I retired to Las Vegas, I felt I’ll take it easy for a while, I always felt that I was a very hard worker, but it turns out I’ve never worked so hard in my life as retirement!

So yes, I am grateful for this. I will do everything possible – because the world has to know. We have to do everything possible to keep the world from forgetting.

Have you or any other survivors you’ve met had to deal with PTSD or other mental health issues after the war ended? How were you able to go through it?

Post-traumatic stress, is that what you’re saying?

I didn’t have very much of that.

I knew… there were no surprises.

I knew exactly what was happening in the camps. I went through it every day.

So after liberation, I really did not have that much stress, because after going through hell, everything is paradise.

Expert Tip; After strife… It’s ALL good!

I knew I had to work hard in order to achieve my dream, to be successful in this world, but to have post-traumatic stress… I didn’t. I dunno. Maybe because i was too young, I didn’t realize. But to me, every day was a gift from heaven.

So after going through what I went through – everything was easy. It was simple.

Federal police in Cambodia rounding up people who's name were on gun registration lists. They then took them to "safe places", that were "for their protection".
State police in Cambodia rounding up people who’s name were on gun registration lists. They then took them to “safe places”, that were “for their protection”.

To some people – things may look hard, like hard work, or digging ditches, or who knows what you’re doing that’s hard. To me, it was a pleasure, work. I’m doing this as a free man, a free person!

I never try to stay away from hard work. I knew that in order to succeed, you have to work hard. And I did many things in this wonderful America, in this country of ours, that wasn’t easy. But I don’t remember post-traumatic stress. I really don’t have an answer for that.

You’ve obviously had an amazingly long life and experienced a lot of extreme things. What is the single moment in your life that stands out in your memory the strongest?

Well… the worst thing stands out in my life is memory, the memory when we arrived into Auschwitz, and they said “Women and children to the right, and men to the left” and I was holding onto my little brother Tully, my older sister Goldie, and we were just… pulled apart.

Never to see each other again.

And when I found out where they went… and what happened to them, that was one of the worst nightmares of my life.

Expert Tip: Never allow yourself to be divided, separated, and segregated by your enemies.

I couldn’t believe when I was told that they were actually those ashes that we see, those flames shooting out… those are our parents, our mothers, our fathers, our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters… ashes.

This was a terrifying moment in my life. When I realized my sister, my little bother, were just burned to death. Just… I couldn’t get over it, for a long time.

And of course… other memories, there are many others.

Having my first daughter, my second daughter, my marriage to my lovely wife of 64 years…

There are a lot of wonderful, wonderful moments in my life. Besides the atrocities at the beginning

How frustrating is it that some people refuse to believe the Holocaust occurred?

I don’t believe that they don’t know better. They know better.

Expert Tip: Socialist Marxists lie. Everything they say is a lie.

They just believe that if a lie is told long enough, that some people will start believing in that lie. Because nothing in history was ever as documented as the Holocaust itself.

So… you know, how could they deny it?

Eisenhower, when he came across these camps, instructed his soldiers, the fighting men to take pictures – all the pictures they could, from all they saw, these atrocities, “because someday there will be people denying that it ever happened.” That it ever happened.

So he was smart enough. And millions, and millions of pictures. It was documented in pictures, and films. So what’s the use of denying it?

Great Hitler Quote 2.
Great Hitler Quote

They are preying on youngsters who don’t know better, or uneducated people. This is why education is important. Because people who are in countries who don’t have the chance to know the truth – they hope that these people will believe it.

Those are anti-Semites. People who hate Jewish people.

What do you think about the status of Jews in Europe today?

About the status of Jews in the world today? It’s very grim. I read about it all the time. It seems like Anti-Semitism is taking over, all over again.

It’s not so… visible, openly.

Expert Tip; Nazi Germans were Democrat Socialists.

But what bothers me the most is in Germany itself, it’s become fashionable among the elites in Germany to make jokes, and to sort’ve blame things on the Jewish people. This is… what actually started the whole thing.

Hitler, and the Nazis, did not begin by killing. This is not how it started.

Expert Tip: The killing did not start immediately. The disarming, and the name calling came first.

It all started with hate.


And… this is happening again. Not to such an extent, as before, obviously. But I can see in my personal opinion that I have, if I am allowed to say this – I personally feel that there is only one race in the world, and that is the HUMAN race.

And we are all human.

So apparently, there is a little amount of evil that is lurking in each one of us. We have to be very careful not to allow it to surface. Because we are all the same people.

Progressive socialists are all the same. They give themselves different names. They promise to create a utopia. They have the registration of weapons, then seize them, and then kill specific "deplorable" segments of the population. All in the name of progressive, modern advancement.
Progressive socialists are all the same. They give themselves different names. They promise to create a utopia. They have the registration of weapons, then seize them, and then kill specific “deplorable” segments of the population. All in the name of progressive, modern advancement.

I guess that the Nazis were not born monsters. They had lovely families. There were educated people.

So… people can be subverted in such an easy way. Simply by words from the mouth.

Hitler was a good orator. And he lashed out. And that’s how it started.

It’s beginning again. Little jokes, here and there about Jews. Little jokes about problems all the fault of a Jew… in a nice way. You know?

Expert Tip; Being called “deplorable” or accused of “privilege” is what Hitler did to the Jews. The Social Marxists use the exact same “playbook”.

And this is happening all over again in parts of the world. And it’s fashionable to make jokes about Jews. That bothers me. It bothers me a lot. And it’s happening. Of course, it is fueled by religion, and other sources… but WHY?

Why can’t we tolerate and respect each others’ religion? Why can’t we live side-by-side? And respect?

Great Pol Pot quote.
Great Pol Pot quote.

No matter what your religion is.

See the beauty in that part. And why do we have to try and convert others to be like them, or like us?

The beauty in this world is that we are different – we think different, we have different beliefs, we look different… can you imagine if we all looked the same, and if we all believed the same? Like Hitler wanted the Nazis to be?

It would be a dull, dull world. It would be like a bunch of ants following a leader.

So yes, I am very disturbed at what is happening.

Expert Tip; Survivors of Social Marxist re-engineering and utopias are alarmed at what is going on in the United States today.

And this is why I am doing MORE than I can do. Day and night, I have sleepless nights, I think of what I can do…to get the message out. To get to more people.

And this is why it’s so important to go to schools, why education is so important.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

Because hatred exists ONLY where people are ignorant.

So each one of us has to choose responsibility. To live lives that work against hatred.

Obviously – hatred is out there, even with bullying. Or political campaigns. Reckless driving. All of these things contribute to an environment of hatred.

And hatred can only exist where people are ignorant. So we must constantly provide anti-hatred education. And in doing so, we can contribute to the healing of others.

To respect. To heal the world. It has to be through education. And it has to be through educators who are… known that they believe in tolerance, and respect. So we have to be also very careful who these educators are.

If you had the chance to go back in time and see your young self, what would you do and what would you tell him?

I would tell myself “Ben, you have to respect and love all people in this world. Do not discriminate. Do whatever best you can in your life to help others. In general, just be a person of love, instead of hate. We have so much in this world, and I guess.. after going through all this hatred, and atrocities, I would absolutely tell myself that Ben, you cannot discriminate. We are all part of the human race. And this is something that I feel starts – hatred begins in schools. I would tell myself that.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

It starts early as bullying. When you bully someone, you make an enemy for life. So why bully? Why hate?

This is something I have learned from living this life of mine, and going through hell on earth… that we have to find a way to prevent this from ever happening again.

So it has to start with me. I have to be the one. I have to be a loving person, instead of a hateful person.

And whatever you do – don’t ever be a bystander. If you see someone else being hurt, or something being wrongfully done – don’t be a bystander, the way the world was during World War II.

Expert Tip; Do not allow the Socialist Marxists to take control of government. Do not accept it. Fight back.

Speak up. Let your voice be heard.

Shout out. Let the world know. And this is what I am hoping I can accomplish in my life. To get this world to shout out… for peaceful purposes.

Shout out for love, for tolerance, against anti-Semitism, against racism… we only get it through education, so if I had my chance of reliving my life, this is what I would try to do. And this is what I am trying to do, in the last 25-30 years of my life.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

What would you like every young person to know? What advice could you give them on how to live well?

The advice I can give every person… to live better…is “No matter – I want each person to know that life is a matter of choices.”

An individual can always CHOOSE what happens to them.

Idi Amin disarmed his nation, then declared war on them. Remember history.
Idi Amin disarmed his nation, then declared war on them. Remember history.

Whether it’s a crisis, or a calamity, people can choose to either ruin their lives, or to learn from it, and move forward.

It’s essential to understand the consequences of personal choices.

It’s possible to let tragedy or trauma become a reason to stop living.

But it’s also possible to live through extreme circumstances like I did and commit to a life that has meaning. A life that matters.

If you strive – whatever profession you’re in – to be the BEST in that profession – and if you work for a company, try to find out how you can, or what you can do, to help this company succeed – then you will be successful.

Don’t be a clock-watcher.

Just…see what you can do to possibly improve that company, so they can make money, hire more people… if you have this outlook, be the BEST in whatever you do… you have nothing to worry about in life. You will have a wonderful life.

This is what I feel I succeeded in. Because i never thought about myself personally. I thought if my boss is going to be successful, I will be, automatically, awarded. That’s the best advice I can give you.

Absolutely never permit gun registration or disarmament. History clearly warns us of the consequences.
Absolutely never permit gun registration or disarmament. History clearly warns us of the consequences.

And it all started by gun registration.

Then disarmament.

Finally, his family being told to gather their belongings to be relocated to a “safe place” where they could live in peace.

And the rest, is history.

Do not allow your family, your loved ones, and your very existence to be turned into ashes and oily dust from furnace fires.

Expert Tip; Know your history and prepare for the worst. Pray that it does not happen, but be ready just in case it does.

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Cities as dangerous snares – the doomed mouse utopia scientific study.

Well, it's gonna be the year of the rat in a few days. What would be more appropriate than to discuss RAT lifestyle in urban centers?

On July 9th, 1968, eight white mice were placed into a strange box at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.

Maybe “box” isn’t the right word for it; the space was more like a room, known as “Universe 25”, and it was large. It was about the size of a small storage unit.

The mice themselves were bright and healthy, hand-picked from the institute’s breeding stock.

They were given the run of the place, which had everything they might need: food, water, climate control, hundreds of nesting boxes to choose from, and a lush floor of shredded paper and ground corn cob. It was a mouse paradise. It was perfect in every way.

Of course, this is a far cry from a wild mouse’s life. There were no predators, no cats, no traps, no long winters. It was even better than your average lab mouse’s life. Which, of course, is constantly interrupted by white-coated humans with scalpels or syringes.

The residents of “Universe 25” were mostly left alone, save for one man who would peer at them from above, and his team of similarly interested assistants. They must have thought they were the luckiest mice in the world.

They couldn’t have known the truth: that within a few years, they and their descendants would all be dead.

John Bumpass Calhoun

The man who played mouse-God and came up with this doomed universe was named John Bumpass Calhoun.

As Edmund Ramsden and Jon Adams detail in a paper, “Escaping the Laboratory: The Rodent Experiments of John B. Calhoun & Their Cultural Influence,” Calhoun spent his childhood traipsing around Tennessee, chasing toads, collecting turtles, and banding birds. These adventures eventually led him to a doctorate in biology, and then a job in Baltimore, where he was tasked with studying the habits of Norway rats, one of the city’s chief pests.

Conditions of the utopia.

Rat utopia living arrangements within Universe 25.
Rat utopia living arrangements within Universe 25.
  • No shortage of food, water and nesting material.
  • No predators.
  • Limited opportunities for transmissible disease.
  • The only adversity: space limitation – the size of the habitat was predicted to host 3840 mice.

The first utopia.

In 1947, to keep a close eye on his charges, Calhoun constructed a quarter-acre “rat city” behind his house, and filled it with breeding pairs. He expected to be able to house 5,000 rats there, but over the two years he observed the city, the population never exceeded 150. At that point, the rats became too stressed to reproduce. They started acting weirdly, rolling dirt into balls rather than digging normal tunnels. They hissed and fought.

This fascinated Calhoun—if the rats had everything they needed, what was keeping them from overrunning his little city, just as they had all of Baltimore? Why couldn’t they thrive in a rodent utopia?

The subsequent utopias.

Intrigued, Calhoun built another, slightly bigger rat metropolis—this time in a barn, with ramps connecting several different rooms.

Then he redesigned the structure, and built another.

Then taking the lessons learned, he built another.

And another.

Then he built another and another, hopping between patrons that supported his research, and framing his work in terms of population: How many individuals could a rodent city hold without losing its collective mind?

The 1954 rodent utopia.

By 1954, he was working under the auspices of the National Institute of Mental Health, which gave him whole rooms to build his rodentopias. Some of these featured rats, while others focused on mice instead.

Universe 25 photograph with it's inventor.
Universe 25 photograph with it’s inventor.

Like a rodent real estate developer, he incorporated ever-better amenities: climbable walls, food hoppers that could serve two dozen customers at once, lodging he described as “walk-up one-room apartments.”

A Video records of his experiments show Calhoun with a pleased smile and a pipe in his mouth, color-coded mice scurrying over his boots.

Still, at a certain point, each of these paradises collapsed.

“There could be no escape from the behavioral consequences of rising  population density,” 

-Calhoun wrote in an early paper.  

The story of the 1968 “Universe 25” collapse.

It was a pattern that would not collapse. No matter how hard he tried. The final test confirmed this. Universe 25—the biggest, best mousetopia of all, built after a quarter century of research—failed to break this pattern.

In July 1968 four pairs of mice were introduced into the Utopian universe. The universe was a 9-foot (2.7 m) square metal pen with 54-inch-high (1.4 m) sides. Each side had four groups of four vertical, wire mesh "tunnels". The "tunnels" gave access to nesting boxes, food hoppers, and water dispensers. There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators. The only adversity was the limit on space. 
Initially the population grew rapidly, doubling every 55 days. The population reached 620 by day 315, after which the population growth dropped markedly. The last surviving birth was on day 600. This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: 
- expulsion of young before weaning was complete, 
- wounding of young, 
- inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, 
- aggressive behavior of females, 
- passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against. 
After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were named "the beautiful ones". 

- Description in Wikipedia [2014.05.25] 

In late October, the first litter of mouse pups was born.

After that, the population doubled every two months—20 mice, then 40, then 80. The babies grew up and had babies of their own. Families became dynasties, carving out and holding down the best in-cage real estate.

By August of 1969, the population numbered 620.

Then, as always, things took a turn. Such rapid growth put too much pressure on the mouse way of life.

As new generations reached adulthood, many couldn’t find mates, or places in the social order—the mouse equivalent of a spouse and a job. Spinster females retreated to high-up nesting boxes, where they lived alone, far from the family neighborhoods. Washed-up males gathered in the center of the Universe, near the food, where they fretted, languished, and attacked each other. Meanwhile, overextended mouse moms and dads began moving nests constantly to avoid their unsavory neighbors. They also took their stress out on their babies, kicking them out of the nest too early, or even losing them during moves.

Urban rats started to behave strangely and took on unusual behaviors.
Urban rats started to behave strangely and took on unusual behaviors.

Population growth slowed way down again. Most of the adolescent mice retreated even further from societal expectations, spending all their time eating, drinking, sleeping and grooming, and refusing to fight or to even attempt to mate.

These individuals were forever  changed—when Calhoun’s colleague attempted to transplant some of them to  more normal situations, they didn’t remember how to do anything. 

In May of 1970, just under 2 years into the study, the last baby was born, and the population entered a swan dive of perpetual senescence. It’s unclear exactly when the last resident of Universe 25 perished, but it was probably sometime in 1973.

Paradise couldn’t even last half a decade.

The periods or cycles…

In a unique experiment that took years to complete, Doctor Calhoun used white mice to study population growth and its effects on individual behavior.

In this sixteen cell mouse habitat, utopian conditions of nutrition, comfort and housing were provided for the potential population of over three thousand mice. […] Factors which normally control population growth such as predation by owls and cats were eliminated. Transmissible disease were also reduced. In effect, the mouse universe simulated the present situation of the continually expanding population of humans.

To see how Dr Calhoun’s mouse universe grew, we use the population graph.

Population rise and fall within the Universe 25 test area.
Population rise and fall within the Universe 25 test area.

Phase A – The phase of social adjustment (strive period)

Within the first one hundred days, the mice went through the period Dr Calhoun called, “strive”. This was the period of adjustment. Territories were established and nests were made.

  • (1) Considerable social turmoil among the 8 mice until they became adjusted to each other and to their expanded surroundings.
  • (2) Territories were established and nests were made.

Phase B – The phase of most rapid growth (exploit period)

The next period lasted about two hundred and fifty days. The population of the mice doubled every sixty days. This was called the “exploit” period. The use of resources become unequal. Although each living unit was identical in structure and opportunities, more food and water was consumed in some areas.

The population of the mice doubled every sixty days. This was called the "exploit" period. The use of resources become unequal.
The population of the mice doubled every sixty days. This was called the “exploit” period. The use of resources become unequal.

As the population increased, most mice associated eating and drinking with the presence of others. And crowding developed in certain units.

  • (1) Population doubling time is about 55 days
  • (1) Social organization established – frequency of litters proportional to social dominance
  • (1) The births tended to be concentrated in some sets of nest boxes (dominant males), while others (non-dominant males – withdrawn males = WM) had few or none.
  • (2) Although each living unit was identical in structure and opportunities, more food and water was consumed in certain areas. As the population increased, most mice associated eating and drinking with the presence of others. And crowding developed in certain units.
  • (1) At the end of this phase there were 3 times as many socially immature mice as there were socially established older ones.

Phase C – The stagnation phase (equilibrium period)

The third period, consisting of three hundred days, found the population of mice leveling off. This was called the “equilibrium” period. Dr Calhoun noticed that the newer generations of young were inhibited, since most space was already socially defined.

At this time, some unusual behavior become noticeable.

Violence become prevalent. Excess males strived for acceptance, were rejected and withdrew. Huddling together, they would exhibit brief flurries of violence amongst themselves. The effects of violence became increasingly visible.

Mickey Rat.
Mickey Rat.

Certain individuals became targets of repeated attacks. These individuals would have badly chewed and scarred tails.

But the trajectory of rat utopia soon sobered Calhoun. The eager rodents  did not seem capable of regulating their population size in the  long-term. As they reproduced and the pens overflowed, Calhoun noted  that male rates became aggressive, moving in gangs and attacking females  and young. Some became exclusively homosexual. Female rats, meanwhile,  abandoned their infants. The crowded mice had lost the ability to  coexist. One of Calhoun’s assistants renamed the “rat utopia”  “rodent  hell.” 

-Space Cadets and Rat Utopias

Other young mice growing into adulthood exhibited an even different type of behavior. Dr Calhoun called these individuals “the beautiful ones”. Their time was devoted solely to grooming, eating and sleeping. They never involved themselves with others, engaged in sex, nor would they fight. All appeared as a beautiful exhibit of the species with keen, alert eyes and a healthy well-kept body. These mice, however, could not cope with unusual stimuli.

Though they looked inquisitive they were, in fact, very stupid.

All of this, however, led to a drop in mating, and the birthrate soon fell to a third of its former level. A social imbalance also took place among the mice:

  • One-third emerged as socially dominant.
  • The other two-thirds turned out less socially adept than their forbearers.
  • As bonding skills diminished among the mice, Universe 25 went into a slow but irreversible decline.

By Day 315, behavior disparities between males of high and low status became more pronounced. Those at the bottom of the pecking order found themselves spurned from females and withdrew from mating altogether. Having no roles to fulfill within the society of mice, these outcast males wandered apart from the larger groups to eat and sleep alone — and sometimes fight among one another.

The alpha males, by contrast, became more aggressive and pugnacious, often launching into violence with no clear provocation or motive. At times, these males would roam around and indiscriminately rape other mice, regardless of gender.

Meanwhile, the beta males — those ranked between the aggressive alphas and outcast omegas — grew timid and inert, and often wound up being the passive recipients of violence. In several instances, bloodbaths ended with a cannibalistic feast for the victors.

  • (1) Population doubling time is about 145 days
  • (1) The male ability to defend territory declines
  • (1) The nursing females become aggressive, essentially taking over the role of the territorial males. This aggression generalized to their own young who were attacked, wounded, and forced to leave home several days before normal weaning.
  • (2) At this time, some unusual behavior became noticeable. Violence became prevalent. Excess males strived for acceptance, were rejected and withdrew. Social disorder became visible – a WM would attack a passive WM, who in turn would attack another WM. Certain individuals became targets of repeated attacks. These individuals would have badly chewed and scarred tails.
  • (4) Socially withdrawn male 29 makes a pan-sexual approach to male 16 who he recently saw attacked. Note how one assumes the female role. Males exhibit sexual behavior towards other males; you have rat homosexuality. They begin mounting the young.
  • (1) Incidence of conception decline and resorption of fetuses increases and dissolution of maternal behavior is observed. This lead to non-reproducing females.
  • (1) By midway in phase C, essentially all young were prematurely rejected by their mothers. They started independent life without having developed adequate effective bonds.
  • (1) Considering that there were 256 nest retreat sites in the 16 cells, one would not expect shelter to be a limiting factor until the population exceeded 3840. Due to the tendency of many animals to choose to crowd together in numbers in excess of 15 per nest site, at the peak population size of 2200 mice, 20% of all nest sites were usually unoccupied. Thus, there were always opportunities for females to select an unoccupied space for rearing young if they so chose.
  • (1) Social disorder – a WM would attack a passive WM, who in turn would attack another

Phase D – The death phase (die period)

With male mice abandoning their traditional roles in Universe 25, the females were left to fend for their nests. Consequently, many females adopted more aggressive forms of behavior, which would sometimes spill over into violence toward their young.

Others would refrain from motherly duties altogether, banishing their unraised litters and withdrawing from further mating, resulting in serious consequences:

  • In some compartments, the infant mortality rate topped 90 percent.
  • Calhoun named this the “stagnation phase,” alternately known as the “equilibrium period.”
  • He attributed the overly aggressive and passive behavioral patterns to the breakdown of social roles and rampant over-clustering.

Dr Calhoun called the last period the “die” phase, leading the population into extinction. Although the mouse utopia could house 3000, the population began to decline at 2200.

By the 560th day, the population increase had ceased altogether as the mortality rate hovered at 100 percent. This marked the start of the “death phase” — aka the “die period” — in which the rodent utopia slid toward extinction. Amidst the violence, hostility and lack of mating, a younger generation of mice reached maturity, having never been exposed to examples of normal, healthy relations. With no concept of mating, parenting or marking territory, this generation of mice spent all of their waking hours eating, drinking and grooming themselves.

In reference to their perfected, unruffled appearances, Calhoun called these mice the “beautiful ones.” Living in seclusion from the other mice, they were spared the violence and conflict that waged in the crowded areas, yet made no social contributions.

According to Calhoun, the death phase consisted of two stages: the “first death” and “second death.” The former was characterized by the loss of purpose in life beyond mere existence — no desire to mate, raise young or establish a role within society. This first death was represented by the lackadaisical lives of the beautiful ones, whereas the second death was marked by the literal end of life and the extinction of Universe 25.

  • (1) Population increase abruptly ceased on day 560 after colonization.
  • (1) Incidence of pregnancies decline very rapidly with no young surviving.
  • (1) The last conception took place about day 920
  • (1) Male counterparts to non-reproducing females were named the “beautiful ones”. They never engaged in sexual approaches toward females, and they never engaged in fighting. Their behavioral repertoire became largely confined to eating, drinking, sleeping and grooming.
  • (1) The capacity for reproduction terminated.
  • (3) The last thousand animals born never learned to develop the social behaviors, they never learned to be aggressive, which is necessary in defense of home sites; not engaging in any stressful activity, and only paying attention to themselves, they groomed themselves well so they looked like very fine specimens.
  • (2) Other young mice growing into adulthood exhibited an even different type of behaviour. Dr Calhoun called these individuals “the beautiful ones”. Their time was devoted solely to grooming, eating and sleeping. They never involved themselves with others, engaged in sex, nor would they fight. All appeared as a beautiful exhibit of the species with keen, alert eyes and a healthy well-kept body. These mice, however, could not cope with unusual stimuli. Though they looked inquisitive they were, in fact, very stupid.

In the shift from the equilibrium to the die phase, each animal became less aware of associates, despite all animals being pushed closer together. Dr Calhoun concluded that the mice could not effectively deal with the repeated contact of so many individuals. The evidence of violence increased to the point where most individuals had had their tails bitten to some degree.

Gradually, the mice that refused to mate or engage in society came to outnumber those that formed gangs, raped and plundered, and fed off their own. The last known conception in Universe 25 occurred on Day 920, at which point the population was capped at 2,200, well short of the enclosure’s 3,000 capacity.

A mouse utopia.
A mouse utopia.

An endless supply of food, water and other resources were still there for the mice, but it didn’t matter. The behavior sink had set in, and there was no stopping Universe 25 from careening to its self-made demise. Soon enough, there was not a single living mouse left in the enclosure..

The results of the study were published.

Calhoun saw in his rats the decline of future society, evidence that  inner city crowding led to rioting, crime, malaise, and political  radicalism: the obsessions of postwar American academics. He wrote up  his results in a Scientific American article that he titled  “Population Density and Social Pathology.” The article became one of the  most widely-cited papers in psychology. Like Pavlov’s dogs and  Skinner’s pigeons, Calhoun’s rats became exemplars for human behavior.  His experiments suggested a density beyond which rat society  disintegrated, and—to Calhoun and his colleagues, at least—the parallels  with human society were clear. 

- Space Cadets and Rat Utopias

In 1973, Calhoun published his Universe 25 research as “Death Squared: The Explosive Growth and Demise of a Mouse Population.” It is, to put it lightly, an intense academic reading experience.

He quotes liberally from the Book of Revelation, italicizing certain words for emphasis (e.g. “to kill with the sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts”).

He gave his claimed discoveries catchy names—the mice who forgot how to mate were “the beautiful ones”’ rats who crowded around water bottles were “social drinkers”; the overall societal breakdown was the “behavioral sink.” In other words, it was exactly the kind of diction you’d expect from someone who spent his entire life perfecting the art of the mouse dystopia.

Most frightening are the parallels he draws between rodent and human society. “I shall largely speak of mice,” he begins, “but my thoughts are on man.”

Both species, he explains, are vulnerable to two types of death—that of the spirit and that of the body. Even though he had removed physical threats, doing so had forced the residents of Universe 25 into a spiritually unhealthy situation, full of crowding, over-stimulation, and contact with various mouse strangers.

To a society experiencing the rapid growth of cities—and reacting, in various ways, quite poorlythis story seemed familiar.

Senators brought it up in meetings. It showed up in science fiction and comic books. Even Tom Wolfe, never lost for description, used Calhounian terms to describe New York City, calling all of Gotham a “behavioral sink.”

Calhoun in 1986, nearly forty years after his first experiments. Photo: Cat Calhoun/CC BY-SA 3.0.
Calhoun in 1986, nearly forty years after his first experiments. Photo: Cat Calhoun/CC BY-SA 3.0.

Trying to discover solutions.

Convinced that he had found a real problem, Calhoun quickly began using his mouse models to try and fix it.

If mice and humans weren’t afforded enough physical space, he thought, perhaps they could make up for it with conceptual space—creativity, artistry, and the type of community not built around social hierarchies.

His later Universes were designed to be spiritually as well as physically utopic, with rodent interactions carefully controlled to maximize happiness (he was particularly fascinated by some early rats who had created an innovative form of tunneling, where they rolled dirt into balls).

He extrapolated this, too, to human concerns, becoming an early supporter of environmental design and H.G. Wells’s hypothetical “World Brain,” an international information network that was a clear precursor to the internet.

Failed Salvage Attempt and Concluding Observations

Before the rodent utopia imploded entirely, Calhoun removed some of the beautiful ones to see whether they would live more productive lives if released into a new society, free of social strife and carnage.

Placing these mice in a fresh setting with few pre-existing residents — a scenario similar to that which greeted the initial pairs placed in Universe 25 — he expected the beautiful ones to awake from their asocial haze and answer nature’s call to populate the barren environment.

The colonization of Mars, a possible solution to extinction does not work according to experiments.
The colonization of Mars, a possible solution to extinction does not work according to experiments.

However, the relocated mice showed no signs of change from their earlier behavioral patterns. Refusing to mate or even interact among their new peers, the reclusive mice eventually died of natural causes, and the fledgling society folded without a single new birth.

In Calhoun’s view, the rise and fall of Universe 25 proved five basic points about mice, as well as humans:

  1. The mouse is a simple creature, but it must develop the skills for courtship, child-rearing, territorial defense and personal role fulfillment on the domestic and communal front. If such skills fail to develop, the individual will neither reproduce nor find a productive role within society.
  2. As with mice, all species will grow older and gradually die out. There is nothing to suggest human society isn’t prone to the same developments that led to the demise of Universe 25.
  3. If the number of qualified individuals exceeds the number of openings in society, chaos and alienation will be the inevitable outcomes.
  4. Individuals raised under the latter conditions will lack any relation to the real world. Physiological fulfillment will be their only drive in life.
  5. Just as mice thrive on a set of complex behaviors, the concern for others developed in post-industrial human skills and understandings is vital to man’s continuance as a species. The loss of these attributes within a civilization could lead to its collapse.

The public reaction.

But the public held on hard to his earlier work—as Ramsden and Adams put it, “everyone want[ed] to hear the diagnosis, no one want[ed] to hear the cure.”

Gradually, Calhoun lost attention, standing, and funding.

In 1986, he was forced to retire from the National Institute of Mental Health. Nine years later, he died.

His influence

There was one person who paid attention to his more optimistic experiments, a writer named Robert C. O’Brien.

In the late ’60s, O’Brien allegedly visited Calhoun’s lab, met the man trying to build a true and creative rodent paradise, and took note of the Frisbee on the door, the scientists’ own attempt “to help when things got too stressful,” as Calhoun put it.

Soon after, O’Brien wrote Ms. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH—a story about rats who, having escaped from a lab full of blundering humans, attempt to build their own utopia.

Next time, maybe we should put the rats in charge.

My story.

I knew about this study from the 1970’s when I was a boy. My father had a “Year in Review” series of books that accompanied the Encyclopedia Britannia collection that he had acquired in the 1960’s. These volumes would come to our door, and would be jam-packed with information and trivia of the year previous.

I would sit on the Lazy-boy chair and go through these big massive volumes and read the articles there. As such, I too, was influenced by this study.

I even brought it up for discussion in my classroom. But no one cared. They were too interested with “Johnathan Livingston Seagull” and the television cartoon special about a boy and his dog (which brought forth the hit song “Me and my arrow“.) The rest of my classmates were too worried about Climate Cooling and the coming great freeze to worry about the implications of this study.

Years passed.

Then I read an article that rewoke this narrative.

The Article that re-woke and rekindled my interest in this study.

Then I read this article titled “Article – The Doomed Mouse Utopia That Inspired the ‘Rats of NIMH’” which was posted on January 8, 2020.

The author comments…

Give a buncha rodents all the food, bedding, water, and stress-free
living you can give them and they should breed like..well..rats. And have a population boom, right? Maybe not.
Such  rapid growth put too much pressure on the mouse way of life. As new  generations reached adulthood, many couldn’t find mates, or places in  the social order—the mouse equivalent of a spouse and a job. Spinster females retreated to high-up nesting boxes, where they lived alone, far from the family neighborhoods. Washed-up males gathered in the center of the Universe, near the food, where they fretted, languished, and  attacked each other. Meanwhile, overextended mouse moms and dads began moving nests constantly to avoid their unsavory neighbors. They also took their stress out on their babies, kicking them out of the nest too early, or even losing them during moves. 
Some fascinating parallels to be had in just that one paragraph. 

To  quote Judge Dredd “You put that many rats in one cage and something’s  gonna happen.” 

The apparent message is that mammals ain’t cut out for  being put into large metropolises. Even when you give them all the welfare food and shelter they want, they’ll still go bad.

But, men are not rodents. 

Yet look at any major city and you’ll see  that the segments of the population that have everything handed to them  seem to be the most troubled and troublesome.

Moral of the story? 

Stay out of enormous cities. 

Having just returned from a week in one of the biggest i can tell you with utter sincerity that nothing reinvigorated my mind and spirit more than being able to have room to stretch both physically and metaphorically. Away from the restricting confines of mandatory recycling, absurd gun laws, high sales  taxes, etc, I felt I could breathe easier again and feel in control of  my life.

Big cities, in my experience, are superior in providing only three  things: money, women, and food. High paying jobs, endless varieties of  women, and a dizzying array of types of food…

...that's about all I can  recommend for the big cities. 

But what do I get out of smaller venues,  such as where I live? Relatively high levels of freedom, or, at least,  qualities that I equate with freedom.

Men or mice…put too many in one place and bad stuff happens. Don’t be there.

Conclusions  by “experts” 

All conclusions drawn by socialist (& state) scientists constantly connect extinction with overpopulation:

The conclusions drawn from this experiment were that when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.
- Wikipedia 2014.05.25 

Overpopulation = Extinction

However in the Calhoun’s papers there are clear evidences that this is not so:

  • All of the available space was not taken, and there was areas devoid of rodents.
  • WM (Withdrawn Males) had no social roles so they withdrew from society. Thus they could not be counted as part of the overpopulation burden.

John Calhoun conclusions

The demise of a population contradicts prior knowledge which indicates that when a population declines to a few remnant groups, some individuals will reinitiate its growth.

This study disproves the idea that growth can be resumed once society collapses.

Dr. Halsey Marsden (1972) placed some mice from the mid-third of phase D into new universes at very low densities. All exhibited nearly total loss of capacity for developing a structured society or for engaging in the full repertoire of reproductive behaviors.

The idea that individuals can flee an overpopulated environment and start all over again and rebuild from scratch is false. Once society collapses it is over.

For an animal so simple as a mouse, the most complex behaviors involve the interrelated set of courtship, maternal care, territorial defense and hierarchical intragroup and intergroup social organization. When behaviors related to these functions fail to mature, there is no development of social organization and no reproduction. As in the case of my study reported above, all members or the population will age and eventually die. The species will die out. For an animal so complex as man, there is no logical reason why a comparable sequence of events should not also lead to species extinction.

For mice, society can simply stop reproducing and then die out.

For men, society can introduce dangerous technologies (WMD, robots, nuclear weapons, etc) and die out catastrophically.

If opportunities for role fulfillment fall far short of the demand by those capable of filling roles, and having expectations to do so, only violence and disruption of social organization can follow.

As the roles in society disappear, as the lines between gender and society disappear, social disruption WILL follow.

Individuals born under these circumstances will be so out of touch with reality as to be incapable even of alienation. Their most complex behaviors will become fragmented.

Acquisition, creation and utilization of ideas appropriate for life in a post-industrial cultural-conceptual-technological society will have been blocked.

Just as biological generativity in the mouse involves this species’ most complex behaviors, so does ideational generativity for man. Loss of these respective complex behaviors means death of the species.

John Calhoun’s collaborator’s conclusions

The larger the population, the less care a mother gives to her nest and young. This creates social unrest which will eventually result in the collapse of the society.

Non-academic conclusions

The principal factor is the lack of social education in the young.

This is due to the abundance of food and water and lack of predators.

They do not learn important skills.

The mechanism at work is there was no need to perform any actions to acquire resources and/or avoid danger. This creates a “soft” and “weak” rodent. The “strong” and “capable” rodents die out.

So the young have no opportunity to learn from the strong rodents. They learn from the weak rodents.

When confronted with danger, they do not know how to handle it. And many lose their lives.

A utopia is when one has everything, at any moment, for no expenditure.

But, utopia declines responsibility, effectiveness and awareness of social dependence.

This atrophying of these important factors, leads to self-extinction.
Contrarily, difficult conditions instigate better coping mechanisms for  the population, leading to its growth, strengthening and reinforcement.  [See S-nastu hypothesis i supercompensation]  

Some wordy introspection…

Perhaps it is the creation of social constructs that cause this demise. The idea that there are “leaders” that mass groups of people follow, and trends, that mass groups of people follow, and “laws” that mass groups of people follow…

… instead of the individual that follows their own moral compass.

So we know that Resources, in every quantified sense – was never a problem.
There must be something we’ve either overlooked, or underlooked. Perhaps how we’ve managed the potentials of ourselves, as factors of “ignorance”. One clue we could “start” looking “from”, would be our prior history, wouldn’t it? Can we perhaps then, take a trip back to memory lane? 
Interestingly, no other point of civilization since dawn of human first invention as ideological to then instrumental; have advanced us so quickly in a space of no more than few hundred years. The invention of “money” (instrument of exchange) then the banking system, and Marketing. From Abacus, then to light bulbs and automobiles. The Internet then the Blockchain. From willow tree bark to then Aspirin, and low-dose naltrexones.
An impressive advance for mankind, indeed. However beneath all this pursuit; we continued to DIVERT such a Progress to something else far more destructive. Effectively reversing our meaningful reconciling on the “why’s” behind all this pursuit in the first place.  


What I genuinely  fear; is that we are inching closer towards a global state of  “stand-still”. So precarious if this were to continue it’d be likely  petrifying. 
That “stand-still” point I refer to is similar to the critique aimed against Calhoun’s Behavioural Sink. That is – Oblivious Irrationality. We know that, as hypothesized in part one –  it was the excessive, totalitarian attempt for universal in-clusivity that contributes much to the mice’s declines. Leading to losses of individual liberties at reclaiming what is Authentically simply that – “individual”, peaceful, content in its own homeostasis. 
Yet – if we were to translate this to our state of our present pedestrian normalcy – it is anything but peaceful nor quaint. Political myopism; aka. 1984 –  is likely brewing to ever more increasingly heights of “reality”.  
Why is this so? I can only speculate that once again – it is due to (helpless) totalitarian attempt for in-clusivity  of all pedestrian “norms”. For structural “correctness”. First stemming  as ideological concepts like “Religion” and/or “Faith”. Then  structurally enforced as “Laws” and “Institutionalisations”. 
Religion then instills us the comforting, human benevolence through warm, cosy and “emotive” doctrine(s) – of Monogamy  and (infinite) servitude of Charity. 
Yet  little do we know, all this is a pursuit away from transcending  ourselves. But instead to everyone else’s collectivism towards  totalitarian in-clusivity. In other words, Totalitarian objectivity, in place of all Subjective Authenticities. 


Following from this, we must remove all Human titles of “Politicians”. These hierarchical structure of decision-making must inevitably erode. As the efficacy of technology replaces human cognitive ability at “management” – “Politicians” absolutely have NO place in the rungs of every management of all genetically diverse human needs, and eccentric pursuits.
Considering we now have entire country (or as several “states”) today; overruled by elitism of (1) entity alone. Entities whom we decoratively label as “Rulers”, “Prime Ministers” or “Presidents”. Then orchestrated collectively through correctional “Institution/s”; to decide and thus make every Structural Impositions.
Such paradigm is unthinkably limited and unempathetic to individual, anecdotal crisis. People will always look forth to overthrow kings and queens. Especially given that individual human variabilities grow exponentially incomprehensible when judged or treated as collective whole numbers. 


Hence, today’s archaic “Correctness Hierarchy” as our present,  Institutionalized definition of Science today once again, must be  eradicated. And there is one more realm connected to this that must also  be strongly scrutinized. 

-Nutritional humanity 

My Conclusions

Catastrophic extinction (phase four events) is expected given conditions that suppresses natural behaviors.

Over-population is a symptom of the suppression of natural behaviors.

Before the extinction event occurs, there will be all sorts of odd actions, behaviors and dangers in crowded locations.

I would, for certain, avoid cities at all costs.

Human population is following the life-extinction graph. We cannot, and should not ignore it. Avoid cities, large groups of people, and charismatic leaders that control great swaths of the population.

MAJestic observation

Imagine that you are another species, from another environment. You are observing the humans as they exist in contemporaneous society. What would you think?

  • How could you benefit from this situation?
  • What advice would you give to a treasured individual from this society?

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It is now official; The United States cannot be saved. It must be permitted to consume itself from within.

The United States is beyond saving. It has passed the threshold whereas punitive and preventative measures will no longer make a difference in the future course of events regarding American evolution.

Instead, it will continue to collapse. It will start to burn and then consume itself in the process. Eventually it will burnout. Perhaps in a decade or two. In the interm will be some testy and spicy times. 

This is the case because the Justice Department found that Hillary Clinton didn't commit ANY crimes.

MSN reports the Justice Department has released their findings in the Clinton investigation, finding what they expected to find. Namely and to wit: nothing.

A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to  mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary  Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and  former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything. 
           ... They included the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One  matters, along with the FBI’s handling of the investigation into Hillary  Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of  state and alleged leaks by former FBI director James B. Comey. 

This settles the matter. We’re not to speak of it again.

A review of the crimes…

  • Lying Under Oath in a Deposition
  • Lying Under Oath to a Grand Jury
  • Lying Under Oath as a Lawyer
  • Abuse of Power
  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Treason
  • Sedition
  • Corruption
  • Coercion
  • Graft
  • Bribe Solicitation
  • Taking Bribes
  • Bribery of Cabinent Members
  • Bribery of State Officials
  • Commercial Bribery
  • Commercial Bribery Recieving
  • Illegal Gift-Taking
  • Falsifying Business Records
  • Misapplication of Property
  • Criminal Use of a Computer
  • Misuse of Franking Privelege
  • Recieving Dual Compensation
  • Recieving Unlawful Gratuities
  • Malfeasance of Office
  • Perjury
  • Subornation of Perjury
  • Perjury by Inconsistent Statements
  • Criminal Trespass
  • Witness Intimidation
  • Witness Tampering
  • Jury Tampering
  • Tampering With Physical Evidence
  • Tampering With Public Records
  • Ethics Violations
  • Intentional Interference in the Administration of Justice
  • Refusing to Assist a Judicial Officer
  • Hindering Prosecution in the First Degree
  • Hindering Prosecution in the Second Degree
  • Unlawful Contact in the First Degree
  • Misrepresentation
  • Civil Contempt of Court
  • Criminal Contempt of Court
  • Contempt of Congress
  • Contempt of the American People
  • Deception
  • False Information or Report
  • False Accusation
  • False Testimony
  • Factually False Testimony
  • False Swearing
  • Unsworn Falsification
  • Misappropriating Funds
  • Misconduct
  • Marital Misconduct
  • Serious Misconduct
  • Professional Misconduct
  • Official Misconduct
  • Notorious Misconduct
  • Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance
  • Obstruction of the Judicial Process
  • Misuse of Confidential Information
  • Interference With Official Proceedings
  • Recklessness
  • Grand Larceny
  • Extortion
  • Embezzlement
  • Vandalism
  • Blackmail
  • Cruelty to Animals
  • Obstruction of Highways
  • Substance Abuse
  • Evidence Suppression
  • Illegal Foriegn Campaign Funding
  • Aiding and Abetting Espionage
  • Aiding and Abetting Foriegn Dictators
  • Aiding and Abetting Arsonists
  • Aiding and Abetting a Known Felon
  • Aiding and Abetting Terrorists and Terrorist Organizations
  • Terroristic Threatening
  • Providing Material Support to Terrorists
  • Engaging in Transactions with Terrorists
  • Improper Exports of Sensitve Technology
  • Attempted Intimidation of Prosecutors
  • Failure to Declare Income
  • Failure to Investigate Drug Trafficking
  • Scheme to Defraud
  • Real Estate Fraud
  • Voter Fraud
  • Mail Fraud
  • Wire Fraud
  • Interstate Transportation to Defraud
  • Destruction of Business Records with Intent to Defraud
  • Criminalizing Frauds on Financial Institutions
  • Use of State Police for Personal Purposes
  • Illegal Loan Extraction
  • False Reports by Medical Examiners and Others Investigating Suspicious Deaths
  • Improper Futures Trading
  • Illegal Use of the Executive Branch
  • Character Defamation
  • Destruction of Evidence
  • Political Espionage
  • Money Laundering
  • Criminal Negligence
  • Possesion of False Papers
  • False Acknowledgment
  • False Declaration Before a Court
  • Wrongful Handling of Public Documents
  • Concealing or Covering Up of Material Fact
  • Misprison of Felony
  • Criminal Deception
  • Disclosure of Confidential Information
  • Failure to Account for Public Money
  • Recieving or Concealing Stolen Goverment Property
  • Failure to Deposit Federal Monies
  • Wrongful Solicitation of Embezzlement or Gifts
  • Use of a Public Building to Solicit Political Funds
  • Accepting Fee for Federal Employment
  • Offering to Procure an Appointive Public Office
  • Taking Illegal Kickbacks
  • Racketeering
  • Investing Racketeering Income
  • RICO Conspiracy
  • Conspiracy
  • Conspiracy to Conceal
  • Conspiracy to Murder
  • Conspiracy to Engage in Racketeering
  • Conspiracy to Defraud the Federal Government
  • Wrongful Destruction of War Records
  • Malicious Injury to Property
  • Acquiring an Enterprise Through Racketeering
  • Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property
  • Offering Gratuities or Graft to a Public Official
  • Soliciting or Accepting Illegal Gratuities
  • Offering Gratuities to a Witness
  • Seeking or Accepting Illegal Compensation
  • Influencing or Injuring Officers, Jurors or Witnesses
  • Obstructing Agency Proceedings
  • Obstructing Criminal Investigations
  • Threatening Victims, Witnesses or Informants
  • Harassing Victims, Witnesses or Informants
  • Retaliating Against Victims, Witnesses or Informants
  • Falsely Making or Forging a Public Record
  • Falsely Making or Forging a Document
  • Uttering or Publishing a False Public Record
  • Transmitting a False Record to the United States
  • Misuse of Government Files
  • Desecration of Federal Ethics Laws
  • Judicial Intimidation
  • Conflict of Interests
  • Illegal Campaign Activity
  • Misuse of Corporate Assets
  • Ordering Politically Motivated Audits
  • Ordering Politically Motivated Investigations
  • Timing of War Influenced by Political Considerations
  • Foreign Influence Peddling
  • Regular Influence Peddling
  • Providing False and Misleading Testimony
  • Misapplying Funds
  • Criminal Violation of the Privacy Act
  • Evisceration of the Right to Habeas Corpus
  • Misuse of Taxpayer Funds
  • Interfering with a Court Order
  • Theft of Government Property
  • Abuse of Taxpayer Financed Travel
  • Anti-American Espionage
  • Jeopardizing National Security
  • Aiding and Abetting Drug Traffic
  • Aiding and Abetting Organized Crime
  • Aiding and Abetting Terrorism
  • Murder by Accessory by Witness Tampering
  • Murder by Accessory by Forgery
  • Solicitation to commit murder by accessory
  • Accessory to Multiple Deaths
  • Accessory to Murder in the Second Degree
  • Accessory to Aggravated Murder
  • Accessory to Felony Murder
  • Accessory to Criminal Libel
  • Accessory to Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution
  • Accessory to Arson
  • Accessory to Criminal Negligent Burning
  • Accessories After the Fact
  • Accessory to Abduction
  • Accessory to Causing Mental Harm to a Child
  • Custodial Interference in the First Degree
  • Child Endangerment
  • Cruelty to Persons
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Indecent Exposure in the Second Degree
  • Indecent Assault
  • Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
  • Malicious Wounding
  • False Imprisonment
  • Sexual Abuse of Employees
  • Lewd and Lascivious Conduct
  • Exchange of Promotions or Benefits for Sexual Favors
  • First Degree Sexual Assault
  • Second Degree Sexual Assault
  • Third Degree Sexual Assault
  • Fourth Degree Sexual Assault
  • Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
  • Statutory Rape
  • Sexual Battery
  • Intent to Rape
  • Suspicion of Rape
  • Rape
  • Forcible Rape
  • Oral Copulation
  • Misdemeanor Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Misconduct in the First Degree
  • Criminal Sexual Conduct by Force and Coercion
  • Unlawful Sexual Contact
  • Unlawful Sexual Activity with a Minor
  • Consensual Digital Penetration
  • Lewd Proposal
  • Sexual Battery
  • Penetration by a Foriegn Object
  • Failure to Register as a Sexual Offender
  • Deriliction of Duty
  • Corrupting Public Discourse
  • Contributing to the Delinquincy of a Minor
  • Unfit to hold a law license
  • Conduct Unbecoming a President
  • Impersonating a Public Servant
  • Squandering the Public Trust

There’s a pretty good collection of information HERE.

According to the “experts” in the Judicial department, the FBI and the DOJ, Hillary Clinton is completely and absolutely innocent of any charges. There is no need to investigate further.

Let the just, and righteous woman live her life free of worry or concern. For she is innocent.

Some thoughts…

This reminds me of the movie “The Lawnmower man“.

There is a scene where a (very “sooped up”) lawnmower/tiller machine autonomously chases a guy into his house and up the stairs. It chews up everything. And, of course, kills the guy.

The detectives come to the crime scene and are aghast of all the gore and blood. The house is all torn up. Walls, floors, furniture are all reduced to kindling, and all soaked in gore and entrails.

But, just then, the “Lawnmower man” snaps his fingers and the detectives completely change. It’s like night and day.

Nothing here.” They say as they are standing ankle deep in blood, gore and splinters. “It’s obviously just a suicide, it’s an open and shut case.”

Some links to more details on these crimes…

Yeah, but this isn’t Hollywood. It’s America and this is real life.

Here’s some links going into some detail about the crimes that he was part of. After all, even she thought that she was guilty.

"... former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a 2016 email to then-Acting Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile, 

If that f**kin bastard wins, we’re all going to hang from nooses! You better fix this s**t!” 

-  WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive 

Of course, Snopes proved that this email is just Fake News. So you can believe them, right?

The Judicial Opinion

Hillary Clinton did not commit any crimes. It is all a “witch hunt” against an innocent woman.

What this means

If the Average American can do hard time for operating a lemonade stand in their front yard, serve years as a felon for jay-walking, and spend decades in prison for having photos on their computers…

… while people like Hillary Clinton can break every law on the books and still be found absolutely innocent…

… then the Justice system no longer functions as an agent of justice. It has another role.

Deal with the situation.

As such, Americans can either [1] accept this fact, or [2] change it.

Knowing what I know of Americans, there will be a period of discomfort and then everyone will just soak the ground with kerosene and light it up. There will be no safe, and secure ways out of the mess that currently exists.

So you all might as well rest easy.

The future is all mapped out and Mr. Sessions, or Mr. Barr will not matter any longer. You might as well forget about “Q” and all the Alt-Right hyperbole. Nothing is going to get done. The USA is a big crime syndicate.

It is now official.

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Ah. The handiwork of God.

There is a uniformity and beauty to the universe that we live in. Indeed, mathematicians are often able to perceive this beauty in their calculations. Now, this being said, sometimes the simplicity and the beautify that lies inherent within a mathematical construct can be profound and stunning.

It can make the most skeptical of people into a believer of the divine.

Here is one such exercise.

In the 1960s, Soviet mathematician Vladimir Arnold mapped the square image of a cat to a torus, “stretched” (sheared) it as shown on that surface, then sliced the resulting image into pieces and recomposed them into a square.

The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.
The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.

As the process is repeated, any two points in the image quickly become separated, but, surprisingly, after sufficient repetitions the original image reappears.

A discrete analogue is below…

The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.
The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.

As the transformation is repeated, the image appears increasingly random or disordered, but the underlying cat can be glimpsed making occasional appearances, sometimes as a ghostly suggestion, sometimes in multiple smaller images, and occasionally (yowling, one imagines) even upside down.

It reappears again, unhurt, at the 300th iteration.

It’s called Arnold’s cat map. You can try it yourself here.

It implies a uniformity within our universe, and a glimpse into how we can perceive ourselves, our alternative world-lines, our past and our futures through the lenses of the momentary iterations of our own consciousness.



There are different interpretations as to what this exercise amounts to. I like to consider that it is a fine illustration that no matter how complex, and convoluted life is, that it follows set patterns and rules that always fit together naturally. As such, everything, from the ordered, to the disordered, to the unexplained and the mysterious all have a role in the grand overall scheme of things…

… the idea that there is a God, or a grand force that we belong to is too strong to discount casually.

I hoped that you enjoyed this piece. If you would like to look at other mysteries and unexplained events and the curious, please attend to my index here…

Mysteries Explained

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Tales of War; When the VC overran Fire Support Base “Mary Ann” in March 1971.

Every school-child knows about General Custer and how he was surrounded and engaged with the Indians and eventually perished. Few Americans know about any other battles where American took great causalities and losses. 

That is because the American news media is a propaganda machine. And in it, American NEVER lose wars, battles or suffers defeat. America is the unstoppable army filled with Rambo's.

It's not true.

And people should stop believing this lie. War is a dangerous activity and the tables and tides can turn in a moment's notice.

Here we look at one of the numerous defeats that the American military suffered at the hands of a small group of "primitives" in a "third world shithole" in Vietnam. 

There's lessons galore to the reader who wants to learn a thing or two...

I strongly believe that everyone should study history. Not the names of people, places and things. No. But rather the stories of those who have lived in trying times, and under unique situations. We should learn from their tales; learn the lessons that they can offer us, and apply them to our own lives.

We know now…

We know now, that the Vietnam war never should have happened.

With President Trump declassifying the President Kennedy Assassination documents, we can see how frighteningly easy it was for the Military / political leadership and “deep state” to murder him. And, as soon as he was dead and gone, the new President Lyndon B. Johnson drove America into war.

Oh yes.

The documents now released by the government clearly show how President Kennedy was assassinated. Eight shooters were involved, and the entire military, CIA, political staff, and “deep state” were all involved. All the details regarding the shooting teams, the radio frequencies used, the body-doubles, the switches, and the handlers, are all well documented and very clear in excruciating detail. We know everyone’s names… that is excluding those still alive and working in Washington D.C.. We know just about everything.


Sorry to burst your bubble.

Yes, I remember.

We fought “Communism”, we fought against the “Domino Theory“. We fought for “liberty” and Democracy”. At least that was what the Mainstream media poured into our collective minds. When in reality, we were starting the military-industrial engine, that would grow to become an uncontrollable global monster.


We allowed it to happen.

From the death of President Kennedy, until way into my High School years, we were bombarded with news about how we were winning the war in Vietnam“. We all believed it. Whether it was Johnson speaking, or Nixon. It was the same narrative. Happy times! War is good for the just causes and we were winning!

All bullshit.

We weren’t winning anything. In the end, Vietnam collapsed and turned communist and the only people who won were the members of the military-industrial complex that funded that war.

It was a different kind of war…

For the first time in American history, the Industrial-military complex, aligned with the “deep state” took control of the nation. As such it began fighting wars.




Wars everywhere, and wars with no exit strategy. The idea was not to solve problems, resolve conflicts or provide global stability for American interests.

The goals were to become a mechanism for profit.

Money is the reason why America is so busy fighting wars all over the globe today. It's the greed of big business, and their political accomplices.
Money is the reason why America is so busy fighting wars all over the globe today. It’s the greed of big business, and their political accomplices.

Instead of ending wars in a brief but nasty period of time… two years, three years or four years. The wars became “open ended” and were driven as profit mechanisms.

This did not sit well with the bulk of the American citizenry. They wanted, what all citizens want; happiness, liberty and freedom and accountability. But that is not what they got. And instead they watched the news report daily on the death and carnage as fellow Americans died in rice paddy’s as expensive jets bombed mud huts and killed water buffalo.

Most people reading this will have NEVER experienced a single year without America fighting some kind of war.

A simple discussion.

We are not going to cover the crimes inherent in this.

Instead, we are going to look at the war from the perspective of an individual fighting “in the trenches” in a far away land. While the fat cats in Washington, D.C. and in the walnut and mahogany lined walls of industry drank their cocktails and counted their stacks of Benjamins, it was the “average Joe” that had to do the dirty work.


Here is one such story.

There are many lessons to be learned here, so please sit back and pay attention.

The article is titled " VC Overrun Fire Support Base Mary Ann". It was written on  December 30, 2013 , by  pdoggbiker and found on the Vietnam War Website. All credit to the author, and everything else. 

I was in elementary and middle school during this entire debacle, and I have a lot of respect for those that came before and fought and died alongside their friends and comrades. 

Please give this masterful piece of work the respect that it deserves.

VC Overrun Fire Support Base Mary Ann

Date March 28, 1971 Location 15°18′20″N 108°6′37″ECoordinates15°18′20″N 108°6′37″E  Quang Tin provinceSouth Vietnam MGRS AS 962-998 

Result Viet Cong victory  
In March of 1971, the 25th Infantry Division was packing it up and leaving Vietnam.
In March of 1971, the 25th Infantry Division was packing it up and leaving Vietnam.

In March of 1971, the 25th Infantry Division was packing it up and leaving Vietnam.  

Those of us not having nine months in country were reassigned to other units within the country; I went to the 101st Airborne Division with many of my friends, others I knew, went to the Americal Division near Chu Lai

…some flew out to FSB Mary Ann temporarily until a permanent home can be determined.  

This deadly attack occurred on their second night there!

SHTF! Boom! Boom! Small arms fire…

Running down the hallway of the battalion tactical operations center (TOC), Captain Paul S. Spilberg charged into a cloud of tear gas just as he reached the commander’s quarters.

Staggering blindly back the way he had come, Spilberg made it to the north exit, crawled up the stairs and out the door into the fresh but bullet-ridden air. Forcing his eyes to focus, the shaken captain was stunned to hear the fire of AK-47s and the crash of rocket-propelled grenades from inside the base’s perimeter. In amazement he watched as numerous small figures darted catlike among the spreading flames. Everywhere he looked he saw the scurrying silhouettes, who were enemy sappers feeding the chain of explosions devouring Fire Support Base Mary Ann on that afternoon in 1971.

Topographical Map of Indochina.
Topographical Map of Indochina.
This is the story of the 23rd Infantry Division “Americal”   1st Battalion, 46th Infantry Regiment2nd ARVN DivisionBattery B, 22nd Field Artillery , against  Military Region 5409th VC Main Force Sapper Battalion .
FSB Mary Ann.
FSB Mary Ann.

Four days earlier.

Four days before the fatal attack, Spilberg had arrived at the FSB by helicopter. He was an old hand there, having previously served at Mary Ann as a company commander.

Along with three assistants, he now had returned as a marksmanship instructor. His team had established a training course using targets on a crude rifle range set up on the FSB’s southwest slope.

The hill was garrisoned by Company C, 1st Battalion, 46th Infantry (1-46), 196th Light Infantry Brigade, assigned to the 23rd ‘Americal’ Infantry Division.

The battalion commander, Lt. Col. William P. Doyle, was a serious professional.

Along with the Company C commander, Captain Richard V. Knight, Doyle had molded this handful of reluctant draftees into one of the better combat units still in the field in 1971.

Mary Ann was in a generally quiet sector, and the soldiers atop the hill had come to regard their outpost as something of a rear echelon area rather than what it actually was — the division’s most forward firebase.

Photo taken the day before the attack.
Photo taken the day before the attack.

It starts.

Three hours later the American firebase was rocked from within by a series of powerful explosions. Spilberg was asleep deep inside the TOC.

The structure was a sturdily reinforced, half-buried bunker, and from its interior Spilberg initially had a hard time recognizing the muffled crashes. Thinking the base was taking mortar fire, he rolled off his cot and began pulling on his boots and shirt.


Before leaving the bunker, he grabbed his .45-caliber pistol from under his pillow.

Hindsight; earlier that day.

On the afternoon of March 27, 1971, after the soldiers had completed their target practice, the three officers remained on the shooting range. They plinked with various weapons and talked awhile, and then Doyle and Knight headed for the mess tent.

Spilberg remained behind to take a few more shots. He had only the base’s mascot dog for company.

The mongrel suddenly bristled and began barking and growling at something downslope that Spilberg could not locate. He had never seen the amiable mutt behave like that, but try as he might he could not detect what was agitating the animal.

Finally deciding the dog must have scented a tiger or cobra, Spilberg set out after the other officers.

Much later he related: ‘I never said anything to Doyle about that dog being on alert, but I should have known. It bothered me for years and years. It was my second tour. I should have known.’

Young Viet Cong soldiers.
Young Viet Cong soldiers.

Sappers storm the base.

One of the sappers had thrown tear gas into the TOC officers’ quarters, and Colonel Doyle was trying desperately to escape his gas-filled room.

As he struggled to unlatch the plywood door, a satchel charge detonated in the hallway, blowing the door from its hinges and flattening him. Picking himself up, he turned toward the door and faced a sapper wearing nothing but bush shorts, a gas mask and a full-body coating of camouflage.

Viet Cong soldiers with RPG.
Viet Cong soldiers with RPG.

When the Communist drew back to hurl another satchel charge, Doyle raised his own .45 and shot him square in the chest. As the man fell backward the bomb went off, blowing him to bits and flattening Doyle a second time. Three more charges exploded in the hall before Doyle was able to dig through the rubble and leave the bunker.

Viet Cong soldiers assaulting a fortified position.
Viet Cong soldiers assaulting a fortified position.

By then he was bleeding from fragmentation wounds in one leg and both arms. He was unable to hear through his blood-filled ears, and could barely see through gas-seared eyes.

For 45 minutes, the infiltrators sprinted throughout the firebase, expertly planting their charges among the frantic, befuddled Americans. As the assault concluded, the TOC was a towering pyre.

Spilberg picked up a damaged M-16 he found on the ground. Wincing from three grenade fragments in his back, he made for Knight’s company command post to see if the captain had survived.

The CP was a bonfire and beginning to collapse. As he reached the crumbling entrance, Spilberg could hear ammunition exploding in the flames. He peered inside but saw only a blazing vision of hell. Somewhere within that inferno, Knight lay dead.

Company C commander, Captain Richard V.  Knight
Company C commander, Captain Richard V. Knight

The company CP and battalion TOC had been the primary targets for the brilliantly executed sapper assault, and Knight was one of 30 Americans killed. On the morning of March 28, Doyle and Spilberg were among the 82 wounded GIs evacuated.

The first indicator that something bad was afoot had come on the night of March 25-26. Lieutenant Scott Bell was on patrol, on what was supposed to be his last night on the hill.

As he squinted into the surrounding silent, mist-cloaked jungle, he sensed an almost tangible uneasiness in the air, and felt a primordial sense of dread that motivated him to organize one last big rat kill before his departure. Maybe that would keep his men alert.

Firebase Mary Ann, 1971 Vietnam.
Firebase Mary Ann, 1971 Vietnam.

The last big rat kill.

The soldiers knew the drill.

They constructed ingenious rattraps from empty C-ration cans laced with cheese and blasting caps. All night the men counted miniature explosions as squirrel-sized Asian rats died in the competition between platoons.

By dawn there were 130 dead rodents laid out in neat lines in front of the CP. These were the last fireworks here for Bell and Company A.

The next morning they moved out and were replaced by Captain Knight and his Charlie Company, who were transferred in from Chu Lai.

Charlie Company settled into the new position and started policing the area in preparation for a visit from the brigade commander, Colonel William Hathaway, who had been unhappy with Company A on his last inspection.

Knight hurriedly set his men to work disposing of dead rats, marijuana cigarette butts, empty whiskey bottles and other such junk left behind by their predecessors. When Hathaway, accompanied by Doyle and Knight, walked the perimeter that afternoon, he was delighted with the improvement over what he had seen a week earlier.

Hathaway, however, did not inspect the tactical outer wire because, he later explained,’somewhere along the line you have to put the trust in the company commander.’

The day after the attack.
The day after the attack.

Additional trip flares were triggered by the prop blast of CH-47 helicopters as they landed at and took off from the FSB.

The Americans did not replace the flares.

In hindsight, Hathaway thought overconfidence might have been another factor contributing to the debacle.


‘Charlie Company, commanded by Captain Knight, was certainly the best company in that battalion, and probably one of the best companies in this division,’ Hathaway said later. ‘One of the problems was that they were so good they were a little contemptuous of the enemy.

They were the hunters, not the hunted.’

But the outer defenses were not in order.

As Lieutenant Jerry Sams, leader of C Company’s 2nd Platoon, later explained: ‘The sergeant major was on everybody’s ass about policing the area before the inspection, and they had my platoon out there picking paper off the wire.

Those helicopters would come in and kick up all kinds of crap.

I had to send the guys out two or three times, and it was one of those typical Army things where everybody’s bitching and raising hell. They were accidentally setting off trip flares in the wire — all our early warning devices that would have come in mighty handy later on that night.’

Con Thien.
Con Thien.

Another cause for the false sense of security was that there had been no signs of an impending attack. Major Alva V. Hardin, the 196th Infantry Brigade’s intelligence officer, later testified, ‘We had no intelligence to indicate there would be an attack on Mary Ann.’

Lack of Listening Posts.

The lack of listening posts outside the wire was another critical mistake. When Hathaway learned Doyle had not deployed LPs beyond the outer perimeter, he concurred. ‘Listening posts were not a policy,’ explained Hathaway.

‘I considered listening posts outside the wire a hazard. I considered the danger of people getting wounded, either by defensive fires or somebody getting excited and firing on the perimeter, to be greater than the necessity for the listening post.’

Base Mary Ann.
Base Mary Ann.

Mary Ann had been constructed on the bulldozed summit of a ridge running northwest to southeast.

In profile the elevation looked like the back of a camel, with the base stretching 500 meters across both humps. It was 75 meters wide between the humps, and 125 meters broad at each end. A continuous trench that was knee- to waist-deep and had 22 bunkers formed the perimeter.

Inside the perimeter were 30 buildings of various styles, giving the appearance of a shantytown. The whole thing was surrounded by two belts of concertina wire.

Layout of Fire Base Mary Ann.
Layout of Fire Base Mary Ann.

Two dirt roads interrupted the trench and wire line of the perimeter. Doyle had tried unsuccessfully to have chain-link fencing flown in to close the openings, but higher headquarters, noting that the base was soon to be turned over to the ARVN, decided against providing construction materials for the soldiers of South Vietnam.

The road openings remained.

Easing up the guard…

With the 196th Infantry Brigade already scheduled for redeployment to Da Nang, Doyle had ceased all construction projects within and around Mary Ann and had started packing for the move.

By March most of the base’s mortars and artillery had been airlifted to nearby LZ Mildred to fire on enemy positions in that sector. By March 27, all of Mary Ann’s starlight scopes and ground radars had been shipped to the rear for maintenance.

On the night of the attack, the infantry under Doyle at Mary Ann consisted of 231 Americans and 21 South Vietnamese, plus the battalion training team, battalion intelligence officer, the sergeant major, an interpreter and 22 transient soldiers from Companies A, B and D. The transient troops spending the night at the base were in no mood to remain on alert.

Specialist 4 Harold Wise was one of those who had just arrived. ‘Thirty percent of the guys on the hill were heads,’ he said later. ‘Marijuana, heroin, whatever you wanted. The guys in the sensor hooch next to the tactical operations center were potheads, and a lot of people congregated there to buy stuff, but unless they knew you, you didn’t come in.

They had locks on the door of their hooch.

Nobody did it in the open. It wasn’t brazen. If an officer saw somebody doing it, he’d bust the guy. Some of the officers and sergeants knew what was going on, but as long as you did your job, they didn’t say anything.’

The drug problem on the base, although not as pronounced as in other areas, was still sufficient to benefit the enemy.

Battery C, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery (155mm), was aligned in battery formation atop the base’s highest elevation. The infiltrators quickly destroyed both of the unit’s howitzers. Staff Sergeant Easton Rowell, the chief of the firing battery, was wounded six times. He later groused, ‘We took a screwin’ because the grunts on that hill were a bunch of potheads!’

Viet Cong enemy.
Viet Cong enemy.

VC 409th Sapper Battalion

The attackers were from the Main Force VC 409th Sapper Battalion.

This unit was known for operating against the ARVN in Quang Nam province, and at that time was thought by out-of-date U.S. intelligence to be 15 to 20 kilometers east of Mary Ann, preparing for a major push against the South Vietnamese.

At 0200 hours on March 28, an American searchlight crew conducted a cursory 20-minute illumination sweep of the slope outside the exit to the firing range.

The hillside had been cleared of vegetation, but still was punctuated by boulders and tree stumps, all of which provided good hiding places for the small enemy. Seeing nothing unusual, the GIs shut down their light and headed for their bunker.

The explosions started 10 minutes later.

Infiltration by Viet Cong sappers.
Infiltration by Viet Cong sappers.

The 409th sappers were experts in their trade. With AK-47s strapped to their backs, grenades in their belts and satchel charges fastened to their chests, they wore nothing but khaki shorts and soot. They crawled silently, slowly and steadily through the jungle, using their fingertips as probes.

Claymore mine.
Claymore mine.

When they detected trip flares, they used lengths of bamboo, carried in their teeth, to tie down the strikers. When they felt wires leading to Claymore mines, they used wire cutters to cut the lines. They were careful to cut only two-thirds of the way through the strands of concertina, then used their fingers to break the rest of the way through the wire silently and without shaking the large coils.

VC sapper.
VC sapper.

Approaching from the southwest, the infiltrators cut four big gaps through the concertina, two holes on each side of the road where it left the perimeter.

They repeated the procedure 50 meters farther on, through the second barrier, although the wire there was in such a state of disrepair that many sappers simply walked across the rusty, breaking steel strands. Another 30 yards and they came to the final concertina barrier.

Rather than risk having the snip of cutters heard by some alert sentry, the infiltrators simply spread a gap through the wire, tying it open with bamboo strips.

Viet Cong sappers approach an American Fire Base.
Viet Cong sappers approach an American Fire Base.

The sappers were well-rehearsed. Splitting up into three- and six-man squads in the zone between the inner wire barrier and the bunkers facing southwest, the assault teams waited until 0230 hours.

Then their supporting mortars opened with accurate fire on the TOC and CP on the base’s southeast side, and on the remaining U.S. mortar and artillery positions in the northwest area.

All Hell breaks out.

A card game in the radio room was just breaking up when the first rounds hit.

The explosion hurled Wise onto his back, knocked off his glasses, broke his left arm and sprayed the front of his body head-to-foot with fragments. Using his right arm to drag himself into his hooch, he shook awake his roommate, Pfc Peter Detlef, and then hid behind his reel-to-reel tape deck as he seated himself on the floor and tried to cover the door with his M-16.

When Detlef, still half asleep, tried to go through the door, another explosion blasted the door off its frame and on top of him.

As the VC had anticipated, most defenders were immobilized by confusion. One radioman never bothered to crank up his radio to report the situation, but simply rolled off his cot onto his hut’s dirt floor and hid beneath his mattress until the shooting stopped.

Fire erupts all over the base.
Fire erupts all over the base.

Inside the TOC, Spc. 4 Stephen Gutosky grabbed his radio mike and reported: ‘Be advised, we are taking incoming at this time! Stand by and I’ll see if I can get a direction on it!’

When he realized with a start that he was still inside the TOC, he shouted into his microphone: ‘I can’t get outside to see where it’s coming from! Just fire all the counter mortars and counter rockets you got ASAP!’

By that point the south end of the TOC was burning from the inside after a satchel charge set off a case of white phosphorus grenades. Yet Doyle still refused to abandon his position. After ordering Gutosky to radio for helicopter gunships and illumination, the wounded colonel said, ‘I’m going out to see what’s going on!’

Doyle did not realize how badly he was hurt. He was almost deaf and blind from tear gas, powder burns and explosion concussions. The shrapnel wounds in his arms and legs would take months to heal. Nonetheless he made it to the top of the exit steps, raised his M-16 and started to aim at a couple of infiltrators outside the bunker — but a third, unseen enemy soldier threw a grenade at him. It landed at his feet and exploded as he turned to head back inside, blowing him down the stairs.

Sachel charge as used by the Viet Cong.
Sachel charge as used by the Viet Cong.

The entire TOC was now burning. Lieutenant Edward McKay, the TOC night duty officer, started to panic in the ovenlike bunker. ‘We gotta get outta here!’ screamed McKay.

‘Not yet!’ hollered Doyle.

‘We’re all going to die!’ sobbed McKay.

Summoning his last element of strength, Doyle slapped the hysterical junior officer hard across the face and snarled, ‘Shut up, lieutenant!’

It was now 0251, and radio telephone operator (RTO) David Tarnay managed to raise LZ Mildred.

Radio telephone operator.
Radio telephone operator.

Spilberg heard Tarnay shouting into his microphone, he bounded back inside the blazing TOC. Grabbing a handset, he shouted to Lieutenant Thomas Schmitz at LZ Mildred: ‘I want artillery 50 meters out, 360 degrees around our position. On my command be prepared to fire on the firebase!’

Grabbing a handset, he shouted to Lieutenant Thomas Schmitz  at LZ Mildred: ‘I want artillery 50 meters out, 360 degrees around our  position. On my command be prepared to fire on the firebase!’
Grabbing a handset, he shouted to Lieutenant Thomas Schmitz at LZ Mildred: ‘I want artillery 50 meters out, 360 degrees around our position. On my command be prepared to fire on the firebase!’

Spilberg realized that calling down fire on his own position was likely the only way to save the surviving Americans there.

Fire on my POS.
Fire on my POS.

Doyle next grabbed the mike and informed Schmitz they were being forced to evacuate the TOC and would temporarily lose radio contact. With Tarnay and Gutosky carrying all the radio equipment they could, and with the now-incoherent McKay slung over Tarnay’s shoulder, the handful of resolute GIs made their way to the firebase aid station, where Tarnay put McKay on a cot and then tried to get a radio working.

It was now 0251, and radio telephone operator (RTO) David Tarnay managed to raise LZ Mildred.
It was now 0251, and radio telephone operator (RTO) David Tarnay managed to raise LZ Mildred.

Doyle and Spilberg left the aid station and crossed the compound to the Charlie Company CP. When they arrived they found that it too was an inferno, its sandbagged entrance collapsed.  

Throughout Mary Ann, unprepared Americans were shot and blown apart by the VC sappers, who seemed to know precisely where to concentrate their assault.

Fighting back.
Fighting back.

ARVN helped plan the attack.

Later, some survivors would accuse the South Vietnamese of cooperating with the attackers. Specialist 4 Steven Webb was the only U.S. soldier who was with the base’s ARVN contingent throughout the fight. Despite later rumors that ARVN troops had fired on Americans that night, Webb said he never saw it happen.

Nevertheless, suspicion and bitterness lingered. One of Knight’s NCOs, Staff Sgt. John Calhoun, later remarked, ‘It was an inside job.’

Specialist 4 Edward L. Newton concurred. ‘That morning before the attack, an ARVN officer came up to our bunker and asked how we got out of the perimeter,’ he recalled. ‘We asked him why he wanted to know. He said because he and his men wanted to go down there fishing. We thought it was kind of peculiar. We said we did not know for sure.’

The officer, who wore the insignia of a South Vietnamese first lieutenant, persisted in his questioning of the Americans until some of them told him the easiest way in and out was the south end and on the road running past the rifle range to the water point.

Specialist 5 Carl Cullers later claimed: ‘[I saw] an ARVN going behind the rifle range. It was more or less a joke at first. One of the cooks said, `Hey Cullers, there’s an NVA down there,’ and I said, `Quit joking,’ and he said, `Wait, and I’ll point him out to you.’ I knew he was an ARVN by his size. He had gone out beyond the rifle range, and down the slope for about 20 minutes. I took it for granted he had gone down to defecate.’

Specialist 5 Carl Cullers later claimed: ‘[I saw] an ARVN going  behind the rifle range. It was more or less a joke at first. One of the  cooks said, `Hey Cullers, there’s an NVA down there,’ and I said, `Quit  joking,’ and he said, `Wait, and I’ll point him out to you.’ I knew he  was an ARVN by his size. He had gone out beyond the rifle range, and  down the slope for about 20 minutes. I took it for granted he had gone  down to defecate.’
Specialist 5 Carl Cullers later claimed: ‘[I saw] an ARVN going behind the rifle range. It was more or less a joke at first. One of the cooks said, `Hey Cullers, there’s an NVA down there,’ and I said, `Quit joking,’ and he said, `Wait, and I’ll point him out to you.’ I knew he was an ARVN by his size. He had gone out beyond the rifle range, and down the slope for about 20 minutes. I took it for granted he had gone down to defecate.’

Sergeant Andrew Olints of Company D was next to the helipad at dusk on the 27th when ‘an ARVN chopper came out, and fifteen of those little suckers got on,’ as he later reported. ‘They were thrilled to death, jumping on, pushing each other. I didn’t think the thing would take off, it was so overloaded. We had no idea what was coming, but in retrospect it sure looked like they did.’

Sergeant Andrew Olints of Company D was next to the helipad at dusk  on the 27th when ‘an ARVN chopper came out, and fifteen of those little  suckers got on,’ as he later reported. ‘They were thrilled to death,  jumping on, pushing each other. I didn’t think the thing would take off,  it was so overloaded. We had no idea what was coming, but in retrospect  it sure looked like they did.’
Sergeant Andrew Olints of Company D was next to the helipad at dusk on the 27th when ‘an ARVN chopper came out, and fifteen of those little suckers got on,’ as he later reported. ‘They were thrilled to death, jumping on, pushing each other. I didn’t think the thing would take off, it was so overloaded. We had no idea what was coming, but in retrospect it sure looked like they did.’

Specialist 4 Gary Noller, an RTO at LZ Mildred, later wrote: ‘I remember an incident where a GI came to the TOC and said that an ARVN was signaling with a flashlight to someone outside the wire.’

He said he went to check it out. ‘[I] did encounter an ARVN with a GI flashlight near the east perimeter wire,’ Noller remembered. ‘I told him not to use it, in English, which he probably didn’t understand, and then reported this to an officer.

The incident was not treated seriously by the officers, but added credence as far as the GIs were concerned that some of the ARVN were not on our side.’

Wholly SHTF!

In one of the most dramatic events of the night, Lieutenant Barry McGee, who had been sleeping atop bunker No. 10 when the attack started, stumbled half asleep into his platoon CP with several of his men just as the enemy targeted the position.

McGee was the leader of C Company’s 3rd Platoon, which manned bunkers Nos. 9 through 13. As he and his men grabbed their weapons and prepared to return outside, two mortar rounds hit the bunker, half demolishing it and dislodging a heavy ceiling beam that fell on the lieutenant, seriously injuring his head.

A medic dressed the wound, and after about 15 minutes the men in the platoon CP noted that the explosions outside seemed to be ending.


McGee had just lurched to his feet, turned to the door and said, ‘All right, let’s go!’ when a grenade sailed through the door, exploded and blew the medic, Spc. 5 Carl Patton, back into McGee. Realizing he had lost his weapon, McGee grabbed Patton’s M-16 and again headed for the door.

Another satchel charge detonated on the roof, caving it in and killing 22-year-old Sergeant Warren Ritsema when a beam fell on him.

The blast knocked down McGee, who again lost his weapon. He staggered to his feet and stumbled outside, incoherent with pain and frustration.

When the short, stocky, powerfully built and unarmed lieutenant collided with a sapper outside the bunker, McGee wrestled him to the ground and strangled him with his bare hands.

It was quite a feat for somebody already half-dead from a fractured skull. The lieutenant’s corpse was later found atop the VC he had choked lifeless.

Another sapper had shot McGee in the back.

At 0320, Spilberg and Doyle were at the southern end of Mary Ann, believing the attack was almost over. But then, partly obscured by the billowing smoke, another team of sappers started back up the hill, throwing grenades in all directions.

All out assault.
All out assault.

Apparently searching for their own dead and wounded, the VC broke contact and withdrew when the first helicopter gunship finally arrived overhead.

The Viet Cong withdrew when the first helicopter gunship finally arrived  overhead.
The Viet Cong withdrew when the first helicopter gunship finally arrived overhead.

It was commanded by Captain Norman Hayes, Troop D, 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry. Hayes radioed LZ Mildred that he had arrived at his objective and to lift and shift the artillery fire Spilberg had earlier ordered.

Mildred ceased firing except for illumination rounds.

When Hayes’ searchlight illuminated VC in the wire, they opened up on the gunship with small arms. As Hayes later put it, ‘We engaged, and I know that anything we fired on ceased firing on us.’

Firebase before the assault.
Firebase before the assault.

Hayes made repeated passes over the base, dropping grenades and strafing targets of opportunity, despite two of his guns becoming inoperative almost immediately after his arrival on station.

He made repeated radio calls for additional gunships and medevacs, but by the time he ran low on fuel and had to return to Chu Lai, no additional aircraft had arrived. Because of the chaotic state of communications, the brigade and division were under the misconception that Mary Ann had been subjected to nothing more than mortaring.

Hayes actually had time to return to Chu Lai, refuel, reload and repair his guns, and then fly all the way back to Mary Ann, before medical helicopters began arriving.

Colonel Hathaway and Lt. Col. Richard Martin, commander of the 3rd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery, arrived with the medevacs. Spilberg was almost amused at their reaction to the devastation, later remarking: ‘They were in a state of shock. They had just walked into Auschwitz.’

Despite having a gutful of fragments, Spilberg at first refused to leave the base.

He wanted all his wounded men taken out before him, and when Doyle told him to board a chopper he simply climbed in one door and out the other side.

Not until Hathaway gave him a direct order did Spilberg finally leave. He was later awarded the Silver Star.Spilberg also recommended Doyle for a Silver Star, but Hathaway refused to endorse the nomination.

He later said he was tortured by the decision, explaining, ‘I just felt that although he had conducted himself with a certain amount of valor, the situation had occurred because of shortcomings on his part.’

At 1600 the next day, the enemy hit the ruins of Mary Ann with 12.7mm machine gun fire, sweeping the enclosure from a ridgeline to the north.

One GI was wounded in the attack.Fifteen dead sappers were collected from within the base, although blood trails indicated several dead and wounded had been dragged back into the jungle.

After the debacle, however, the South Vietnamese decided they did not want to garrison Mary Ann. The FSB was closed and abandoned on April 24, 1971.

General Creighton Abrams, commander of the U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, held 23rd Infantry Division commander Maj. Gen. James Baldwin responsible for the disaster, and relieved him of his command. The 23rd ID’s name had been eternally tarnished three years earlier because of the My Lai massacre.

Many in the U.S. Army suspected that Baldwin would not have been fired had he been in any other division.

What happened at Mary Ann was a failure at the most basic level of soldiering. The Company had been warned by its South Vietnamese Kit Carson scout that it had been infiltrated by enemy spies posing as ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) soldiers.

What happened at Mary Ann was a failure at the most basic level of  soldiering. The Company had been warned by its South Vietnamese Kit Carson scout that it had been infiltrated by enemy spies posing as ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) soldiers.
What happened at Mary Ann was a failure at the most basic level of soldiering. The Company had been warned by its South Vietnamese Kit Carson scout that it had been infiltrated by enemy spies posing as ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) soldiers.

All electronic sensors had been pulled from the perimeter the day before the attack.

Not a single ARVN soldier came to the aid of the Americans, and the enemy left their Vietnamese brothers alone throughout the assault.

The Americans also took fire from the ARVN part of the compound.

Mary Ann was a classic case of intelligence failure. The clues, quite simply, were never added up.

Fire Support Base Mary Ann was scheduled to be turned over to the ARVN in a matter of days. Nobody had bothered to tell the soldiers who died defending it.

Both Hathaway and Doyle received career-ending formal reprimands. Being blamed for the Mary Ann tragedy was a crushing blow to Doyle. He and his wife divorced soon after his release from the hospital.

He remarried in April 1972 — just two weeks before receiving his letter of reprimand from Army chief of staff General William Westmoreland. Doyle cut his honeymoon short in order to make a personal but futile appeal to Westmoreland.

Doyle developed a severe drinking problem, and he died of a heart attack in March 1984. He was 52. Hathaway and Spilberg were among those following his caisson to the gravesite at Arlington National Cemetery. While delivering the funeral oration, Spilberg spoke for many when he referred to Doyle as ‘the last casualty of Firebase Mary Ann.’

This article was written by Kelly Bell and originally published in the April 2006 issue of Vietnam Magazine.  Pictures provided from the internet and placed into the story line by John Podlaski

In memory of those who lost their lives that night:

Capt. Richard V. Knight, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
1st Lt. John L. Hogan, Battery B, 1-14th FA, attached to 1-46th Infantry
1st Lt. C. Barry McGee, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
S.Sgt. Terry H. Price, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Sgt. Michael L. Crossley, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Sgt. Warren P. Ritsema, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Sgt. Ronald James Becksted, Company C, 1-46th Infantry

Sp4 Victor R. Bennett, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Sp4 Richard J. Boehm, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Sp4 Richard R.. Carson, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Sp4 James E. Edgemon, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Sp4 Myron B. Johnson, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Sp4 Robert J. Schumacher, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Sp4 Donald M. Stotts, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Pfc. Druey L. Hatfield, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Pfc. Michael S. Holloway, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Pfc. Laymon Palmer, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Pfc. Dallas D. Robinson, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Pfc. Paul A. Sheer, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Pvt. Steven D. Plath, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Pvt. Clark V. Shawnee, Company C, 1-46th Infantry
Sp5 Kyle S. Hamilton, HHC, 1-46th Infantry
Pfc. Wilbert S. Dupree, HHC, 1-46th Infantry
Sgt. Michael J. Bayne, Company A, 1-46th Infantry
Sp4 Larry W. McKee, Company A, 1-46th Infantry
Sp4 Larry D. Austin, Battery C, 3-16th FA
Sp4 Clifford W. Corr, Battery C, 3-16th FA
Sp4 Roger D. Whirlow, Battery C, 3-16th FA
Pfc. Donald C. Bennett, Battery C, 3-16th FA
Pfc. William W. Kirkpatrick, Battery C, 3-16th FA


War is a nasty business. We, especially today us contemporaneous Americans, are accustomed to “winning wars” and “winning battles”. Every defeat is turned into a victory without any opportunity to learn from our mistakes.

I argue that it is well past the time to learn from our mistakes.

Vietnam was a “third world shit hole”, and we lost. Image what damage could be expected were America’s leadership to pick a fight with the wrong foe; a nation that does NOT play, and who has the latest in military technology and weapons.

Learn from our past and vow never to repeat those mistakes.

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Why America is unable to shake off the grip of the oligarchy that controls it, a great video that explains it all.

Now that President Trump has released almost all of the documentation related to the President Kennedy murder, a full picture surfaces. It’s an ugly one, indeed. We now know in full detail how the President was assassinated, who the people were who participated in it, who covered it up, and the motivations behind it. It’s very interesting, but a very long study because it touches on a number of principles that Americans are uncomfortable with…

  • The wealthy guard their money and power ruthlessly.
  • They have complete control of the American media.
  • They have complete control of the American police.
  • They have complete control of the American military.
  • They treat Americans as farm animals (cash cows).
  • They kill anyone that stands in their way.

The following video is a long one, but is very complete. Watch it.

We can now see the entire state of affairs about what our nation is, what is actually stands for and how it actually operates. So when I speak about the “oligarchy”, it should be taken to mean…

Oligarchy = Secret American Government

And, as such… it has affected everything. From technology acquisition (MAJestic), to geopolitical interactions, to society. Our world, our nation, the life that we live is what has been created for us by this oligarchy.


Let that sink in.

There will be a reset of sorts within America, but how it will “play out” and evolve is anyone’s guess. What you can expect is that the oligarchy will not relinquish their control or power easily. That a return to a more democratic representative, or republican form of government is impossible without serious conflict. And, that there will be a period of discomfort during this adjustment period.

I do NOT know how it will evolve. Certainly there are both human and “other” elements that favor the status quo, and they will permit an enormous amount of strife, as long as they can control it’s outcome and utility.

Those that control the United States are far too powerful, too dangerous, and too ruthless for removal. As such, the individual must plan accordingly.

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Zero Hour (Full text) by Ray Bradbury

This is a very short science-fiction story by Ray Bradbury. It is about how a race of extraterrestrials invade the United States. They use American children.

Oh, it was to be so jolly! What a game! Such excitement they hadn’t known in years. The children catapulted this way and that across the green lawns, shouting at each other, holding hands, flying in circles, climbing trees, laughing. Overhead the rockets flew, and beetle cars whispered by on the streets, but the children played on. Such fun, such tremulous joy, such tumbling and hearty screaming.

Mink ran into the house, all dirty and sweat. For her seven years she was loud and strong and definite. Her mother, Mrs. Morris, hardly saw her as she yanked out drawers and rattled pans and tools into a large sack.

‘Heavens, Mink, what’s going on?’

‘The most exciting game ever!’ gasped Mink, pink-faced. ‘Stop and get your breath,’ said the mother.

‘No, I’m all right,’ gasped Mink. ‘Okay I take these things, Mom?’ ‘But don’t dent them,’ said Mrs. Morris.

‘Thank you, thank you!’ cried Mink, and boom! She was gone, like a rocket. Mrs. Morris surveyed the fleeing tot. ‘What’s the name of the game?’ ‘Invasion!’ said Mink. The door slammed.

In every yard on the street children brought out knives and forks and pokers and old stovepipes and can-openers.

It was an interesting fact that this fury and bustle occurred only among the younger children. The older ones, those ten years and more, disdained the affair and marched scornfully off on hikes or played a more dignified version of hide-and-seek on their own.

Meanwhile, parents came and went in chromium beetles. Repair men came to repair the vacuum elevators in houses, to fix fluttering television sets or hammer upon stubborn food-delivery tubes. The adult civilization passed and repassed the busy youngsters, jealous of the fierce energy of the wild tots, tolerantly amused at their flourishings, longing to join in themselves.

‘This and this and this,’ said Mink, instructing the thers with their assorted spoons and wrenches. ‘Do that, and bring that over here. No! Here, ninny! Right. Now, get back while I fix this.’ Tongue in teeth, face wrinkled in thought. ‘Like that. See?’

‘Yayyy!’ shouted the kids.

Twelve-year-old Joseph Connors ran up. ‘Go away,’ said Mink straight at him.

‘I wanna play,’ said Joseph. ‘Can’t!’ said Mink.

‘Why not?’

‘You’d just make fun of us.’ ‘Honest, I wouldn’t.’

‘No. We know you. Go away or we’ll kick you.’

Another twelve-year-old boy whirred by on little motor skates. ‘Hey, Joe! Come on!

Let them sissies play!’

Joseph showed reluctance and a certain wistfulness ‘I want to play,’ he said. ‘You’re old,’ said Mink firmly.

‘Not that old,’ said Joe sensibly.

‘You’d only laugh and spoil the Invasion.’

The boy on the motor skates made a rude lip noise. ‘Come on, Joe! Them and their fairies! Nuts!’

Joseph walked off slowly. He kept looking back, all down the block.

Mink was already busy again. She made a kind of apparatus with her gathered equipment. She had appointed another little girl with a pad and pencil to take down notes in painful slow scribbles.  Their voices rose and fell in the warm sunlight.

All around them the city hummed. The streets were lined with good green and peaceful trees. Only the wind made a conflict across the city, across the country, across the continent. In a thousand other cities there were trees and children and avenues, businessmen in their quiet offices taping their voices, or watching television. Rockets hovered like darning needles in the blue sky. There was the universal, quiet conceit and easiness of men accustomed to peace, quite certain there would never be trouble again. Arm in arm, men all over earth were a united front. The perfect weapons were held in equal trust by all nations. A situation of incredibly beautiful balance had been brought about. There were no traitors among men, no unhappy ones, no disgruntled ones; therefore the world was based upon a stable ground. Sunlight illumined half the world and the trees drowsed in a tide of warm air.

Mink’s mother, from her upstairs window, gazed down.

The children. She looked upon them and shook her head. Well, they’d eat well, sleep well, and be in school on Monday. Bless their vigorous little bodies. She listened.

Mink talked earnestly to someone near the rose bush – though there was no one


These odd children. And the little girl, what was her name? Anna? Anna took notes on a pad. First, Mink asked the rosebush a question, then called the answer to Anna.

‘Triangle,’ said Mink.

‘What’s a tri,’ said Anna with difficulty, ‘angle?’ ‘Never mind,’ said Mink.

‘How you spell it?’ asked Anna.

‘T-r-i —‘ spelled Mink slowly, then snapped, ‘Oh, spell it yourself!’ She went on to other words. ‘Beam,’ she said.

‘I haven’t got tri,’ said Anna, ‘angle down yet!’ ‘Well, hurry, hurry!’ cried Mink.

Mink’s mother leaned out of the upstairs window. ‘A-n-g-I-e,’ she spelled down at


‘Oh, thanks, Mrs. Morris,’ said Anna.

‘Certainly,’  said  Mink’s  mother  and  withdrew,  laughing,  to  dust  the  hall  with  an electro-duster magnet.

The voices wavered on the shimmery air. ‘Beam,’ said Anna. Fading.

Four-nine-seven-A-and-B-and-X,’ said Mink, far away, seriously. ‘And a fork and a string and a — hex-hex-agony — hexagonal!’

At lunch Mink gulped milk at one toss and was at the door.  Her mother slapped the


‘You sit right back down,’ commanded Mrs. Morris. ‘Hot soup in a minute.’ She poked a red button on the kitchen butler, and ten seconds later something landed with a hump in the rubber receiver. Mrs. Morris opened it, took out a can with a pair of aluminium holders, unsealed it with a flick, and poured hot soup into a bowl.

During all this Mink fidgeted. ‘Hurry, Mom! This is a matter of life and death! Aw -‘ ‘I was the same way at your age. Always life and death, I know.’

Mink banged away at the soup. ‘Slow down,’ said Mom.

‘Can’t,’ said Mink. ‘Drill’s waiting for me.’  ‘Who’s Drill? What a peculiar name,’ said Mom. ‘You don’t know him,’ said Mink.

‘A new boy in the neighbourhood?’ asked Mom.

‘He’s new all right,’ said Mink. She started on her second bowl.

‘Which one is Drill?’ asked Mom.

‘He’s around,’ said Mink evasively. ‘You’ll make fun.     Everybody pokes fun. Gee, darn. ‘

‘Is Drill shy?’

‘Yes. No. In a way. Gosh, Mom, I got to run if we want to have the Invasion!’ ‘Who’s invading what?’

‘Martians invading Earth. Well, not exactly Martians.   They’re – I don’t know. From up.’ She pointed with her spoon.

‘And inside,’ said Mom, touching Mink’s feverish brow.

Mink rebelled. ‘You’re laughing! You’ll kill Drill and everybody.’ ‘I didn’t mean to,’ said Mom. ‘Drill’s a Martian?’

‘No. He’s – well – maybe from Jupiter or Saturn or Venus. Anyway, he’s had a hard


‘I imagine.’ Mrs. Morris hid her mouth behind her hand. ‘They couldn’t figure a way to attack Earth.’

‘We’re impregnable,’ said Mom in mock seriousness.

‘That’s the word Drill used! Impreg – That was the word, Mom.’ ‘My, my, Drill’s a brilliant little boy.  Two-bit words.’

‘They couldn’t figure a way to attack, Mom. DrilI says – he says in order to make a good fight you got to have a new way of surprising people. That way you win. And he says also you got to have help from your enemy.’

‘A fifth column,’ said Mom.

‘Yeah. That’s what Drill said. And they couldn’t figure a way to surprise Earth or get


‘No wonder. We’re pretty darn strong.’ Mom laughed, cleaning up. Mink sat there, staring at the table, seeing what she was talking about.

‘Until, one day,’ whispered Mink melodramatically, ‘they thought of children!’

‘Well!’ said Mrs. Morris brightly.

‘And they thought of how grown-ups are so busy they never look under rose bushes or on lawns!’

‘Only for snails and fungus.’

‘And then there’s something about dim-dims.’ ‘Dim-dims?’

‘Dimens-shuns.’ ‘Dimensions?’

‘Four of ‘em!  And there’s something about kids under nine and imagination. It’s real funny to hear Drill talk.’

Mrs. Morris was tired. ‘Well, it must he funny. You’re keeping Drill waiting now. It’s getting late in the day and, if you want to have your Invasion before your supper bath, you’d better jump.’

‘Do I have to take a bath?’ growled Mink.

‘You do! Why is it children hate water? No matter what age you live in children hate water behind the ears!’

‘Drill says I won’t have to take baths,’ said Mink. ‘Oh, he does, does he?’

‘He told all the kids that. No more baths. And we can stay up till ten o’clock and go to two televisor shows on Saturday ‘stead of one!’

‘Well, Mr. Drill better mind his p’s and q’s. I’ll call up his mother and —‘

Mink went to the door. ‘We’re having trouble with guys like Pete Britz and Dale Jerrick. They’re growing up. They make fun. They’re worse than parents. They just won’t believe in Drill. They’re so snooty, ‘cause they’re growing up. You’d think they’d know better. They were little only a coupla years ago. I hate them worst. We’ll kill them first.’

‘Your father and I last?’

‘Drill says you’re dangerous. Know why? ‘Cause you don’t believe in Martians! They’re going to let us run the world. Well, not just us, but the kids over in the next block, too. I might be queen.’ She opened the door.



‘What’s lodge-ick?’

‘Logic? Why, dear, logic is knowing what things are true and not true.’

‘He mentioned that,’ said Mink. ‘And what’s im-pres-sion-able?’ It took her a minute to say it.

‘Why, it means –‘ Her mother looked at the floor, laughing gently. ‘It means — to be a child, dear.’

‘Thanks for lunch!’ Mink ran out, then stuck her head back in. ‘Mom, I’ll be sure you won’t be hurt much, really!’

‘Well, thanks,’ said Mom.

Slam went the door.

At four o’clock the audio-visor buzzed. Mrs. Morris flipped the tab. ‘Hello, Helen!’ she said in welcome.

‘Hello, Mary. How are things in New York?’

‘Fine. How are things in Scranton? You look tired.’ ‘So do you.  The children. Underfoot,’ said Helen.

Mrs. Morris sighed.  ‘My Mink too. The super-Invasion.’ Helen laughed. ‘Are your kids playing that game too?’

‘Lord, yes. Tomorrow it’ll be geometrical jacks and motorized hopscotch. Were we this bad when we were kids in ‘48?’

‘Worse. Japs and Nazis. Don’t know how my parents put up with me. Tomboy.’ ‘Parents learn to shut their ears.’

A silence.

‘What’s wrong, Mary?’ asked Helen.

Mrs. Morris’s eyes were half closed; her tongue slid slowly thoughtfully, over her lower lip. ‘Eh?’ She jerked. ‘Oh, nothing. Just thought about that. Shutting ears and such. Never mind. Where were we?’

‘My boy Tim’s got a crush on some guy named DrilI, I think it was.’ ‘Must be a new password. Mink likes him too.’

‘Didn’t know it had got as far as New York. Word of mouth, I imagine. Looks like a scrap drive. I talked to Josephine and she said her kids — that’s in Boston – are wild on this new game. It’s sweeping the country.’

At this moment Mink trotted into the kitchen to gulp a glass of water. Mrs. Morris turned. ‘How’re things going?’

‘Almost finished,’ said Mink.

‘Swell,’ said Mrs. Morris. ‘What’s that?’

‘A yo-yo,’ said Mink. ‘Watch.’

She flung the yo-yo down its string. Reaching the end it — It vanished.

‘See?’ said Mink. ‘Ope!’ Dibbling her finger, she made the yo-yo reappear and zip up the string.

‘Do that again,’ said her mother.

‘Can’t.  Zero hour’s five o’clock! Bye.’ Mink exited, zipping her yo-yo.

On the audio-visor, Helen laughed. ‘Tim brought one of those yo-yos in this morning, but when I got curious he said he wouldn’t show it to me, and when I tried to work it, finally, it wouldn’t work.’

‘You’re not impressionable,’ said Mrs. Morris. ‘What?’

‘Never mind. Something I thought of. Can I help you, Helen?’ ‘I wanted to get that black-and-white cake recipe –‘

The hour drowsed by. The way waned. The sun lowered in the peaceful blue sky. Shadows lengthened on the green lawns. The laughter and excitement continued. One little girl ran away, crying. Mrs. Morris came out the front door.

‘Mink was that Peggy Ann crying?’

Mink was bent over in the yard, near the rosebush. ‘Yeah. She’s a scarebaby. We won’t let her play, now. She’s getting too old to play. I guess she grew up all of a sudden.’

‘Is that why she cried? Nonsense. Give me a civil answer, young lady, or inside you


Mink whirled in consternation, mixed with irritation. ‘I can’t quit now. It’s almost time.

I’ll be good. I’m sorry.’

‘Did you hit Peggy Ann?’

‘No, honest. You ask her.  It was something — well, she’s just a scaredy pants.’

The ring of children drew in around Mink where she scowled at her work with spoons and a kind of square-shaped arrangement of hammers and pipes. ‘There and there,’ murmured Mink.

‘What’s wrong?’ said Mrs. Morris.

‘Drill’s stuck. Half-way. If we could only get him all the way through it’d be easier.

Then the others could come through after him.’ ‘Can I help?’

‘No thanks. I’ll fix it.’

‘All right. I’ll call you for your bath in half an hour. I’m tired of watching you.’

She went in and sat in the electric relaxing chair, sipping a little beer from a half- empty glass. The chair massaged her back. Children, children. Children and love and hate, side by side. Sometimes children loved you, hated you -~ all in half a second. Strange children, did they ever forget or forgive the whippings and the harsh, strict words of command? She wondered. How can you ever forget or forgive those over and above you, those tall and silly dictators?

Time passed. A curious, waiting silence came upon the street, deepening.

Five o’clock. A clock sang softly somewhere in the house in a quiet musical voice: ‘Five o’clock — five o’clock. Time’s a-wasting. Five o’clock —‘ and purred away into silence.

Zero hour.

Mrs. Morris chuckled in her throat.  Zero hour.

A beetle car hummed into the driveway. Mr. Morris. Mrs. Morris smiled. Mr. Morris got out of the beetle, locked it, and called hello to Mink at her work. Mink ignored him. He laughed and stood for a moment watching the children. Then he walked up the front steps.

‘Hello, darling.’ ‘Hello, Henry.’

She strained forward on the edge of the chair, listening. The children were silent. Too silent.  He emptied his pipe, refilled it. ‘Swell day. Makes you glad to be alive.’


‘What’s that?’ asked Henry.

‘I don’t know.’ She got up suddenly, her eyes widening. She was going to say something. She stopped it. Ridiculous. Her nerves jumped. ‘Those children haven’t anything dangerous out there, have they?’ she said.

‘Nothing but pipes and hammers. Why?’ ‘Nothing electrical?’

‘Heck, no,’ said Henry. ‘I looked.’

She walked to the kitchen. The buzzing continued. ‘Just the same, you’d better go tell them to quit. It’s after five. Tell them – ‘ Her eyes widened and narrowed. ‘Tell them to put off their Invasion until tomorrow.’ She laughed, nervously.

The buzzing grew louder.

‘What are they up to? I’d better go look, all right.’ The explosion!

The house shook with dull sound. There were other explosions in other yards on other streets.

Involuntarily, Mrs. Morris screamed. ‘Up this way!’ she cried senselessly, knowing no sense, no reason. Perhaps she saw something from the corners of her eyes; perhaps she smelled a new odor or heard a new noise. There was no time to argue with Henry to convince him. Let him think her insane. Yes, insane! Shrieking, she ran upstairs. He ran after her to see what she was up to. ‘In the attic!’ she screamed. ‘That’s where it is!’ It was only a poor excuse to get him in the attic in time. Oh, God – in time!

Another explosion outside. The children screamed with delight, as  if at a great fireworks display.

‘It’s not in the attic,’ cried Henry. ‘It’s outside!’

‘No, no!’ Wheezing, gasping, she fumbled at the attic door. ‘I’ll show you. Hurry! I’ll show you!’

They tumbled into the attic. She slammed the door, locked it, took the key, threw it into a far, cluttered corner.

She was babbling wild stuff now. It came out of her. All the subconscious suspicion and fear that had gathered secretly all afternoon and fermented like a wine in her. All the little revelations and knowledges and sense that had bothered her all day and which she had logically and carefully and sensibly rejected and censored. Now it exploded in her and shook her to bits.

‘There, there,’ she said, sobbing against the door. ‘We’re safe until tonight. Maybe we can sneak out. Maybe we can escape!’

Henry blew up too, but for another reason. ‘Are you crazy? Why’d you throw that key away? Damn it, honey!’

‘Yes, yes, I’m crazy, if it helps, but stay here with me!’ ‘I don’t know how in hell I can get out!’

‘Quiet. They’ll hear us. Oh, God, they’ll find us soon enough – ‘

Below them, Mink’s voice. The husband stopped. There was a great universal humming and sizzling, a screaming and giggling. Downstairs the audio-televisor buzzed and buzzed insistently, alarmingly, violently. Is that Helen calling? thought Mrs. Morris. And is she calling about what I think she’s calling about?

Footsteps came into the house. Heavy footsteps.

‘Who’s coming in my house?’ demanded Henry angrily. ‘Whose tramping around down there?’

Heavy feet. Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty of them. Fifty persons crowding into the house.

The humming. The giggling of the children. ‘This way!’ cried Mink, below. ‘Who’s downstairs?’ roared Henry. ‘Who’s there!’

‘Hush. Oh, nononononono!’ said his wife weakly, holding him. ‘Please, be quiet. They might go away.’

‘Mom?’ called Mink. ‘Dad?’ A pause. ‘Where are you?’

Heavy footsteps, heavy, heavy, very heavy footsteps, came up the stairs. Mink leading them. ‘Mom?’ A hesitation. ‘Dad?’ A waiting, a silence.

Humming. Footsteps toward the attic. Mink’s first.

They trembled together in silence in the attic, Mr. and Mrs. Morris. For some reason the electric humming, the queer cold light suddenly visible under the door crack, the strange odor and the alien sound of eagerness in Mink’s voice finally got through to Henry Morris too. He stood, shivering, in the dark silence, his wife beside him.

‘Mom! Dad!’

Footsteps. A little humming sound. The attic-lock melted. The door opened. Mink peered inside, tall blue shadows behind her.

‘Peekaboo,’ said Mink.

The End.

If you enjoyed this story, you can find others at this link here…

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Adventures in the Congo 2019 edition.

As America (or better yet, Amerika) starts to collapse, the smarter Americans will look elsewhere for safe havens. The wealthy, the rich, and the politically-connected will have already “flew the coop” and living in luxury within their underground bunkers in New Zealand, Many, like you and yours, will be forced to “duke it out” in an ever changing plunge into the abyss.

There are many nations that are safe and free outside the United States. I have covered this subject elsewhere. However, you need to be very careful where you go. Some places, such as the Congo might be far too dangerous for you to consider. As you would be leaving the sizzling “frying pan and jumping into the fire”…

This is a full reprint of a post titled "Congo Fever"  by  International Man. It's an enjoyable read and covers something that American mainstream media won't cover. It is interesting, enlightening and worth a few minutes of your time to read.

The article is written by Francois Houdain, with an introduction by Doug Casey.   

Introduction by Doug Casey

The Congo, today.
The Congo.

Doug Casey’s Note: I’ve often said that, knowing what I do today, if I were 30 years old and wanted to seek my fortune, I’d definitely go to Africa.

Why? If you’re a white man from North America or Europe, you’re still a fairly rare and exotic commodity in most of Africa. People will want to meet you, not only because you’re unusual, but because you come from a richer and more sophisticated society.

Being in Africa puts you on an “unlevel” playing field. Just by virtue of your background, you have more knowledge, money, connections, and experience than 98% of the locals. That gives you an advantage you don’t have at home, where there are tens of millions just like you. That’s a huge opportunity.

In this article, my friend Francois recounts part of a recent adventure in the Congo. Which is still, as Joseph Conrad described it 100 years ago, the Heart of Darkness. Congo is the deep end of the pool… not recommended for travelers who haven’t already been around the block a few times.

Here’s a taste of what you may encounter when you get out into the bush.

Congo Fever

“I’m screwed – I’m totally screwed,” says Eugenio.

He’s standing right next to me and has good reason to panic. It’s 3 a.m. and we have just landed in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We are making our way inside the Kinshasa airport, and he just realized he forgot his yellow fever vaccination certificate back in Italy. They probably won’t let him into the country. Actually, I don’t think they will even let him get to the customs section of the airport. Upon arrival in any Sub-Saharan country, you have to prove having been vaccinated against yellow fever – or you will probably get deported.

Kinshasa, Congo.
Kinshasa, Congo.

“Get behind me – and try to stay right behind me as I walk forward,” I quickly suggest to him.

It might work. There are about two hundred drowsy people advancing in three semi-lines. Mostly Africans but some white people as well. Most look like NGO types, a few tourists maybe, and some big guys. Military trainers, I think to myself. There’s a lot of confusion everywhere, and since Eugenio is short and smaller than I, they might not notice him. If, but only if, I am allowed to keep walking while I wave my yellow fever document.

Leaving the airport.

Eugenio couldn’t catch sleep on the Nairobi-Kinshasa flight and neither could I, so we spent the night chatting about anything that could kill time. He says he’s Italian, but I heard him speak Arabic on the cell prior to take-off. He looks more like a Lebanese than an Italian to me. He has a girlfriend in the Congo, he says. Italy all the way to the Congo for a woman? I asked myself. Everybody who goes to Africa has a front, but this one is hard to believe. Unless, I guess, she’s Miss Congo.

Downtown, Congo.
Downtown, Congo.

I’m stopped in my tracks by a Congolese official wearing a white medical robe. He’s carrying himself with the authority of a nurse, but maybe he’s just an airport employee. He flips through the pages of my document, scans each page, checks the vaccination date, nods to me “ok,” and I start walking away. Alas, there is not enough confusion for Eugenio to blend into. The official blocks him with his arm. I keep walking but turn to look at him. He mumbles something in French, petrified. Good luck, Eugenio, and I head to customs.

Last night the plane was full and it was a long haul from Nairobi. The cabin was dark and when I looked out the window, Africa below was even darker. No lights, nothing shimmering anywhere, for hours. Like going from Barcelona to Moscow over a jungle.

Map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

On the road from the airport.

The road I am on now, from the airport to the hotel, is nearly as dark. The man who has come to pick me up was recommended by a guy I know at an embassy in Rome.

I don’t feel safe regardless.

Solar radiation in Africa is so strong that it can literally disable you. Overheating can happen before you know it. Sunlight flashes through the hotel room from behind the curtains and wakes me up. My bed is a pool of sweat. I sit up and hold my head. The hand on my forehead tells me I have a temperature.

I stumble to my feet and open the curtains. The sun is already high in the sky, but down below I see the hotel workers toiling in the garden. None are wearing hats. I guess these people have been used to the sun for millennia. I look up and stare beyond the garden and the hotel walls and observe the low-rises of the Kinshasa skyline in the distance.

Why am I here? I ask myself again.

Goma, Congo.
Goma, Congo.

Major player in the game.

My hazy mind drifts back to Rome for a beat. One of the two African colonels sitting in front me looks like a dangerous dude. I try not to look at him too much, because I’m suspicious and I’m not that good at hiding my thoughts. Not for very long at least. The other colonel is a bit more affable, in the sense that he smiles more, but all I keep seeing are two ruthless men in African military uniforms, even if they are wearing civilian clothes. Good cop, bad cop. I’m glad a large, round coffee table is between me and these guys. Some distance always helps in observing people.

The third African near me, the one who organized the meeting in this four-star hotel on a road leading to the Vatican, is THE Person.

Politicians from the Congo discuss local domestic issues.
Politicians from the Congo discuss local domestic issues.

The Person is too high-profile to be identified as either a woman or a man. The Person is talking to me about the Project.

To substantiate the validity of the Project and credentials, the Person flicks through a gallery of pics on the cellphone and shows me each one. The Person is seriously connected, obviously, standing and smiling next to several French presidents, various African presidents, prime ministers, and even a pope or two.

On paper, the estimated numbers for this Bandundu region diamond mine are impressive: 200 tons of gravel with an average minimum of 15 carats of diamonds per cubic meter. At a minimum production of 200,000 times 15 carats that equals 3,000,000 carats of diamonds. That’s a lot of carats.

Bandundu region in the Congo.
Bandundu region in the Congo.

The Bandundu region of the Congo.

On behalf of a prudent investor I’m going to see if this place really exists. He is smart and isn’t paying a penny in advance to the Project people. First we need to see if it’s a working mine, if there is any extraction, or if it’s just a dugout. I have a high level go-to name and a cell number once I am in the area, a very senior official, let’s say.

It’s a thorny part of the jungle, apparently, but nothing much was happening in Nairobi so I decided after all to take the Rome job – and the risk. I will take some pictures and get out very quickly. Plus, being in the Congo might give me a chance to meet other people for other projects.

Scenes along the highway.
Scenes along the highway.

Getting transport.

“I didn’t pay you in advance for this heap of rust on four tires – I paid you in advance to get me a real jeep with real A/C!!!”

My voice raised, I’m leaning forward from the back seat of the car.

My embassy contact sitting in the front is getting an earful. He took the money and instead of hiring a driver with a jeep, he hired a driver and a rusty Toyota with no A/C. Sixty euro a day – for a car worth ten euro – and he pocketed the rest. I don’t feel like wasting an afternoon or a day to find a better car and driver, so I just tell him to get me to this mine, as fast as possible.

“Monsieur, the area you want to go is dangerous. I couldn’t find anybody but this driver,” he tells me.

The Congo has areas that are pretty dangerous.
The Congo has areas that are pretty dangerous.

I feel feverish, the day didn’t start well, and we are behind schedule.

“OK,” I tell him, “but tell your guy to drive faster.”

I sit back and try to chill. Maybe a beat-up car that doesn’t get much attention might be better, after all.

On the road…

Typical road in the Bandundu region in the Congo.
Typical road in the Bandundu region in the Congo.

Looking at Congo means looking into the abyss of Africa. On and off, the country has been at war for decades. Millions killed, millions displaced, about a million guns fired millions of times.

War beats down a path for chaos. And human life aside, the second great casualty of war – while rule by law goes out the window – is a free market economy with healthy competition. Someone is benefiting from this chaos, and it must be the thugs – white, yellow, or black – who hoard its resources.

Another typical road side scene in the Congo.
Another typical road side scene in the Congo.

When asked for more money by his soldiers, the former dictator Mobutu apparently said: “Why do you want more salary? You have guns.”

Well, in the Congo, guns probably keep prices down. When you have AK-47 machine guns all around you, you better quote the lowest price for that natural resource or the next metal your workers will have to extract will be the lead shot into your body.

Abandoned truck in the Congo.
Abandoned truck in the Congo.

The untapped potential in mineral resources of the Congo is estimated at 24 trillion dollars. If Fort Knox has about 300 billion dollars’ worth of gold, then the Congo is a giant jungle vault worth 80 times that.

We left Kinshasa an hour and a half ago. I’m sweating profusely. I usually enjoy my field trips, but not today. Today I just want to get this done and over with. I want to be there at 3 p.m., stay one hour, be back in Kinshasa by 8 p.m. I’m not a geologist anyway, just reconnaissance for hire.

Getting around the Congo can be difficult at times. With the effects of war everywhere, and often making passage difficult.
Getting around the Congo can be difficult at times. With the effects of war everywhere, and often making passage difficult.

As we drive north-northeast, I look out the window and gaze at nature. In random sequence, it’s one gorgeous palm tree after another, one majestic tree and one lush bush after another. Congo’s scenery is monumental. I go into a quiet trance for a few minutes, pacified by this splendid, evergreen motion picture.

Police Checkpoint.

Soldiers halt us at a checkpoint. From the back seat, I can spot at least twenty of them. My driver turns off the engine. What now? I think. A tall African in his mid-thirties, wearing on his upper body an AK-47 and lots of ammunition, walks over to our car. He immediately notices me, and he moves over to the side window.

“Vous allez où?”

The soldier looks at me quizzically, first, then gives a onceover at the old Toyota. As his torso turns, so does his rifle, previously practically pointing at me.

Military police in the Congo, they guard roads and maintain order in various ways and techniques.
Military police in the Congo, they guard roads and maintain order in various ways and techniques.

I lean my head out the window.

“I’m going to see a mine; it’s only two hours away.”

Then I drop the name of the senior official and wait for his reaction. But there isn’t one.

“You will not see any mine, because there is no mine in this region,” he tells me in a stern tone not only shaking his head, but completely ignoring the name I just floated. “Monsieur, turn this car around, and go back,” his AK-47 pointing back in my direction.

“You  will not see any mine, because there is no mine in this region,”
“You will not see any mine, because there is no mine in this region,”

Sweat pours down from my forehead. I want to think for a moment on what to do.

Should I call the Person? Should I admonish this soldier armed to his teeth, by telling him he is making a big mistake, that the senior official is important, that it will get him into trouble to disrespect him like this? Should I pull out some cash and bargain my way forward?

Congo National Police on their way to restore order in a town.
Congo National Police on their way to restore order in a town.

I give one quick glance at the jungle all around me, which suddenly seems thicker and darker. I wipe the sweat off my face and make the split-second decision. I tap the embassy guy on the shoulder.

“C’mon, let’s go back.”

IT is well understood that the Congo police are ruthless like American police are. They will shoot you dead, just like American police would. You do not test them.
Congo police are ruthless like American police are. They will shoot you dead, just like American police would. You do not test them.

Back to Kinshasa.

Our car now heading back to Kinshasa, I am free to think.

I think that the soldier was lying, of course, because the Bandundu region is full of mines. I think that power must change hands fast in the Congo, because my local contact is no longer the flavor of the month, no longer pulling weight, and probably, the Person didn’t know that. 

I especially think that beyond those soldiers, the official lines would have blurred: no more uniforms, no more state. Just more firearms, precious resources, and God knows what else.

I especially think  that beyond those soldiers, the official lines would have blurred: no  more uniforms, no more state. Just more firearms, precious resources,  and God knows what else.
I especially think that beyond those soldiers, the official lines would have blurred: no more uniforms, no more state. Just more firearms, precious resources, and God knows what else.

I remember what an Israeli I know had told me over the phone before leaving:

“That region is an unstable area to get in and out of – we don’t think any product can be moved out of there consistently. Not without security problems. But it may have changed.”

They probably know more than anyone else does but not entirely either. Russian politics are a riddle wrapped in a mystery, Churchill once said. Congo politics makes me think of a bushfire in a mine field.

When I travel, I never know whom I’m going to meet, so I fly wearing a blue suit and pack my one tie and the “essential other” in a carry-on. The essential other for Africa is emergency anti-malaria fever pills, the yellow fever certificate, disinfectant for cuts, and eye drops against the dust.

Leaving as quick as I can…

I step out of the taxi and walk into the airport fast, hoping to go through airport security quickly. I want to throw the carry-on aboard the plane and leave Congo.

The plane finally starts moving. As usual, I close my eyes when the plane takes off, soothed by the sensation of body and head tilting back. Not that I don’t pay attention to the sound of the jet engines under stress from exerting all that power necessary to get airborne.

Flying out of the Congo nightmare.
Flying out of the Congo nightmare.

The plane levels out and I open my eyes. Getting from the Congo to Kigali, Rwanda, shouldn’t take more than three hours. I look out the window. Against a bright blue sky, dozens of white, mushroom-shaped clouds float like huge air balloons – high above the jungle.

I check my forehead. I’m not sweating anymore. I sip and swallow some water, stretch my legs, and I feel relaxed – and safe. From all that jungle fever.

I hope that you enjoyed this short story. Be careful what ever you do. There are still many dangerous places in the world. Choose your destinations carefully.

If you enjoyed this post, please feel free tor read some of my other posts here…

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More stories of personal heroism, rescue, and kindness in China. Part 22.

Let’s start 2020 off right. Let’s look at how average people… people like you and I… can make a difference in the lives of others. Let’s look at how people are being kind, rescuing others, and helping people in distress.

Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.

Make a difference. Be like Rufus!

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full experience.

Video 1 – Woman tries to kidnap a child

Yes, they try to kidnap children all over the world, and they do so so expertly. Often, a bystander wouldn’t know what is going on.

In this case, a woman thinks this child is alone, and just grabs her / his hand and starts to walk off with him. Luckily the mother was right there. She stopped her and called the police. Smart move woman.

The woman who tried to kidnap the child has two children already. One is one years old, and the other two years old. She wanted to get another child for them to play with them.

Except… she had no intention of registering this child with the government (you can only have two or else pay enormous amounts in taxes), and had no intention in providing the child with schooling. In China, you need to pay for it out of pocket.

She’s average looking… but a demon inside.

Video 2 – An honest beggar returns money.

Here’s a guy who is begging on the streets. He has some mental issues and is unable to hold a job. Yet, a friendly stranger gives him some free food. And, inside the bag is some money for him to have.

The beggar doesn’t know what to do.

He takes the money to the police. They immediately size up the situation and buy the beggar some more food and supplies with the money.

Video 3 – Beggar rescues a baby from inside a hot car.

Speaking of beggars. Here’s one who is rooting around in a trash can. He can collect plastic and glass bottles and get the deposits back and live off that money that he collects.

He hears a baby crying inside a locked up car.

Watch what happens as he tries to save the baby…

Video 4 – Catching a girl that jumps from a building.

You can try. Right? I mean, breaking the fall of any person falling from over three stories high is going to kill both of you. But it doesn’t matter. You need to try first. A real Rufus reacts. He doesn’t think.

And when the girl plummets below, you do your best to break her fall.

Video 5 – Cat saves boy from a dog attack.

People do not understand, but a cat will defend it’s humans. It will do so aggressively. As this video so clearly illustrates. A wild dog starts to attack a five year old boy. Lucky for him the cat will not allow it…

Video 6 – Creepy old man tries to kidnap a girl, bystanders stop him.

Yup. Creepy old men are everywhere. This fellow is trying to seduce a young girl to come with him. He promises more toys and more dolls in his van. Good thing that the bystanders protect her.

Video 7 – Doing your part for the community.

We share the world together. Shouldn’t we do our part to make it a better place?

Video 8 – Drug dealer arrested. In China, this is a death sentence of “death plus three”.

In China, selling and dealing drugs is a very, very serious crime. Doing drugs will land you in a two-year rehab. But selling drugs will get you death plus three. That’s three years of organ harvesting and then death. Here’s an arrest in progress…

Video 9 – Emergency CPR on the street.

This happens enough, and when it does happen, are you ready to save a life? Consider it. These are other people with friends, family and loved ones. You can make a big difference, not just by saving a person’s life, but with the entire family. Be the Rufus.

Video 10 – Emergency ride to take the baby to the hospital.

Here we have a policeman taking a baby that has stopped breathing to the hospital. Minutes matter. Yet, he speeds along and saves the baby. He’s a real Rufus.


We do not know when the calling will come.

However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.

If you enjoyed this post, please click on this link and check out the rest of my Rufus series…

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Train with iron sights. An EMP blast will render all electronics, including electronic sighting, inoperable.

While it is the “fashion”, perhaps to have the latest in prepper and para-military gear. Much of it relies on batteries and other electronic means to operate. This includes reticle lighting, laser sighting, range finders, and night vision goggles. They will all be inoperable, and worthless junk, were World War III to actually occur.

For during World War III, the USA will be attacked, and an EMP burst can be expected.

The fantasy that America can attack either Russia, China or one of their aligned states without nuclear retaliation on American soil is a neocon fantasy. So listen up and take heed. If you play with matches, don’t go lighting them inside a kerosene soaked barn.

The neocon party is going to get America “bitch slapped” and it ain’t gonna be pretty.

Here we discuss this issue.


The American propaganda engine is fully geared up to garner support for a major war. They (the oligarchy) wants war. And since President Donald Trump has pledged not to get involved in a new war, they want him out, and a Democrat elected to power.

This should not be news to anyone. Democrats pull Americans into wars. This follows the same pattern used with Kuwait, Syria, and Afghanistan. The American oligarchy NEEDS a war. Because they are doing an absolutely horrific job managing America domestically.

A war is expected to distract Americans away from domestic problems.

And they are telling everyone that there will NOT be any consequences…


Russia and China don’t play.

They are serious, serious nations with centuries of warfare ON THEIR OWN SOIL. They are not going to tolerate America turning their nation into Syria, Libya, Yemen or any one of numerous American exploratory ventures “for democracy”.

This is especially true for modern China and modern Russia. Heck! Chinese cities look like they belong in a scene from the Jetsons for Pete’s sake!

Shanghai, China.
Shanghai, China.

Now, maybe you have heard some of these propaganda talking points…

  • Hong Kong wants democracy. All they need is a little help from America.
  • Taiwan wants America to intervene and chase the mainland Chinese away.
  • Russia needs to be punished for the Ukraine.
  • China has 11 million poor Muslims in concentration camps. The USA must do something!
  • Poor Tibet needs to break away from China!
  • Russia is fostering war in Turkey.
  • China is prosecuting Christians. We must do something.

Etc, etc.

The Jetsons is a prime-time animated sitcom that was produced by Hanna-Barbera for Screen Gems (and later Worldvision Enterprises). The original incarnation of the series aired Sunday nights on ABC from 23 September 1962 to 3 March 1963. It was Hanna-Barbera’s space age counterpart to The Flintstones.
The Jetsons is a prime-time animated sitcom that was produced by Hanna-Barbera for Screen Gems (and later Worldvision Enterprises). The original incarnation of the series aired Sunday nights on ABC from 23 September 1962 to 3 March 1963. It was Hanna-Barbera’s space age counterpart to The Flintstones.

Yes, and you probably believe all this nonsense. Most Americans do. If you check the comment sections on these types of articles, it is along the lines of “bring it on“. Not realizing just what this term will actually imply…

For simplicity’s sake, let’s just say that America is planning to get involved in a major war with a major superpower in the next ten years or so.

Nothing destroys your day like global-wide thermonuclear war.
Nothing destroys your day like global-wide thermonuclear war.

The American leadership is convinced that America will prevail, and that the American heartland will be unscathed. They are not even bothering to think it through.

I beg to differ.

One attack by America on any major superpower will be a disaster. It will result in full-scale nuclear response. This will not be a few nuclear weapons.

It will see ALL of the fuckers launched.

Nuclear war will be a nightmare for Americans. It will unleash domestic turmoil, and embolden the radical elements in society to wreck havoc on the remaining infrastructure.
Nuclear war will be a nightmare for Americans. It will unleash domestic turmoil, and embolden the radical elements in society to wreck havoc on the remaining infrastructure.


… and detonated in such a way that America will get a “double tap”, and a second and third one for good measure. This will be nuclear, EMP and neutron bombs all at once.

Russia and China don’t play.

America will be sent back to the stone ages, and the survivors will be fighting each other with blood filled blisters on their eyes, and foaming puss out of their anuses.

Nuclear war, radiation, starvation and social unrest will be the least of worries for the American survivors. Bio-warfare will be the real nightmare.
Nuclear war, radiation, starvation and social unrest will be the least of worries for the American survivors. Bio-warfare will be the real nightmare.

Americans will be too busy fighting each other for moldy turnip remains.

In this nightmare scenario…

… not at all unreasonable

… no electronics will work.

Those nice cell phones, and GPS systems will be useless. All automobiles from old cars to new Teslas will not work. Wristwatches will not function, and even battery powered flashlights will be trash. EMP will have burned out everything and drained all batteries turning them into nice handfuls of slag.

Every product that uses electricity will be useless.

If you think that the millennial youth of today will panic, you haven’t seen anything yet. Wait until every single piece of electronics is fried beyond use. All social media is gone. Gone. Gone.

Panicked and crazed people will take on mob behaviors and they will not be easy to control.

Nuclear Weapons

The nuclear weapons fielded by both Russia and China are dangerous and nasty designs. Make no mistake about that. They are designed to kill in the most horrible way possible.

Chinese nuclear armed MIRV.
Chinese nuclear armed MIRV.

Were America try to conduct anything other than a remote proxy war on either of the nations, the consequences would be horrific. DO NOT THINK THAT they will not press the red button. It’s a rookie mistake.


During a hearing on October 12th, experts warned the U.S. House of Representatives that a single EMP bomb could kill as many as 90% of all Americans within a year.

It’s a bit of a stretch.

But it is a very dangerous weapon.

EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse, which is considered a short burst of electromagnetic radiation. This kind of burst can come from a variety of sources, including our own sun, but in this case we’re talking about a pulse from a nuclear detonation that occurs at an extremely high altitude.

When a nuclear explosion occurs in space above a target, three types of electromagnetic pulses follow: E1, E2, and E3.

  • An E1 pulse involves high-energy gamma rays colliding with air molecules nearly 20 miles above, then raining down electrons that get pulled in by Earth’s natural magnetic field.
  • An E2 pulse comes from high-energy neutrons that get fired in every direction.
  • A E3 pulse occurs due to the size of the nuclear fireball itself affecting the Earth’s magnetic field.

These pulses affect everything in line of sight of the nuclear blast. For example, a blast at 60 miles up can affect a 700-mile radius on Earth.

EMP bombs do not cause casualties directly.

EMP detonations will render all electronics on all systems inoperable.
EMP detonations will render all electronics on ALL systems inoperable.

The blast happens much too far away from people. Their power comes from interfering, disrupting, or damaging electronic equipment. That could mean power grids going down, cars and planes losing power, computer systems going berserk, and possibly even losing emergency backup power at facilities like hospitals. It’s sort of like the Y2K nightmare come to life.

The three different types of pulse—E1, E2, and E3—affect various types of electrical systems in different ways.

  • E1 affects local antennas, short cable runs, equipment inside buildings, integrated circuits, sensors, communication systems, protective systems, and computers;
  • E2 is similar to a lightning strike (so not as damaging since we know how to deal with it), and affects longer conductive lines, vertical antenna towers, and aircraft with trailing wire antennas;
  • E3 affects power lines and long communications lines like undersea and underground cables, which could wreak havoc on commercial power and landlines.

Overall, most of the damage would come from E1 and E3 pulses disrupting the technology we’ve come to rely on. Post-blast, generators may be able to still provide power, but for the most part, people would not have access to electricity. Thus, cars and communications would no longer work and every battery would be turned into a pile of slag..


The SHTF in this scenario is truly horrific.

 Large-Scale Attack Simulator (USA)

 What would happen to the United States during a nuclear war?
 Using unclassified documents on nuclear targeting and open data on the  physics of modern weapons and fallout patterns, this simulation models  what would happen if approximately 1,100 warheads (~7% of the world's  arsenal) hit the United States. This is a realistic simulation based on  hard science and known targeting strategies. That said, it should be  treated as an approximation of a single scenario - a real attack could  take a myriad of forms, some less destructive than this model and some  far more.  This particular simulation might be considered a medium-level  strategic attack. 

 The attack lasts two hours and strikes hundreds of military, government  and economic targets. It comes in two waves, a first wave that destroys government and  military installations followed by a broader second wave against  population centers. 

 One second in the model is equal to one real-time minute, thus the total  runtime is 120 seconds.  As the simulation runs, you can click any  marker icon to expand the map and see more detail, including summary of damage  per state and google streetview images of ground zero impact points.
 Because it requires some heavy math, this simulation might not run to completion on older iOS devices.  Beyond that it should function on any device, but it's easier to view on larger screens (pads or desktops).  
 Run Simulation 

Nuclear detonations of 30MT magnitudes, grouped in a ringed array of three warheads detonated in clusters of three would take out all the cities. Satan II undersea nuclear detonations would create radioactive tidal waves that would wipe the coastal areas completely clean. High altitude EMP bursts would fry out all electronics, disable all communication (and internet) and wipe out everything beyond repair. Neutron bombs would eviscerate America’s global military bases and germ warfare would be seeded throughout the rural areas.

Nuclear detonations of 30MT magnitudes, grouped in a ringed array of three warheads detonated in clusters of three would take out all the cities.
Nuclear detonations of 30MT magnitudes, grouped in a ringed array of three warheads detonated in clusters of three would take out all the cities.

No one will know what is going on.

Essentially, the entire United States Federal government will be reduced to glassy slag within five minutes of launch. The survivors would not know what to do and how to handle the situation.

And then would come the bio-weapons, and germ warfare…

How to deal

In this kind of nightmare scenario, how can you deal? Everything that we use is somehow connected to the cloud, the main electrical grid and batteries. Even solar power systems, wind power systems, and hydroelectric systems will be reduced to garbage.

I argue that this situation might really actually occur.

A scenario from Hell

Let’s imagine that America decides to place a unit of Marines on Taiwan soil…

According to the American mainstream media, it’s just for “advisory purposes” with the blessings of the Taiwanese government (supposedly). Just a few “advisors”. Not a big issue, says all the editorials out of Washington D.C.

The USA, in it’s arrogance, then orders China to “stand down”.

China AND Russia respond with a full-scale nuclear strike with hyper-SLBM MIRV’s followed up with their Satan II nuclear arsenal.

Damage from a 3 MT nuclear detonation on New York City. Russia fields 50 MT nuclear warheads. The damage would engulf the entire map.
Nuclear attack on New York City is pretty much an established “given”.

In five minutes, from launch, every major coastal American city is a glowing fireball.

These are based on the latest hyper-glide technology after all. Something that the USA doesn't have. We have been too busy with diversity and sensitivity training, and funding Muslim outreach programs for the last two decades.

Within an hour, all second, third and fourth tier sites are rubble, and the largest remaining intact American city is Chatsworth, Georgia.

Map of the major nuclear strike targets within the United States.
Map of the major nuclear strike targets within the United States.

American news is all white out.

No news. No electronics. No one knows what happened to all the 14 American carrier fleets. No one knows what happened to the rest of the world, or if America struck back.

You also don’t know that a nuclear detonation hit mono lake and evaporated the entire water supply for California. What water remaining is radioactive and all farmland, useless. Survivors streamed out away from the cities on foot like locusts. They devoured everything in their path and all local and state police are overwhelmed.

Within days, deaths from radiation start to occur. Starvation begins to raise its ugly face. Though, real starvation will not yet occur for another thirty days. It is obvious that there are some very hungry people about, and the urban poor, accustomed to food-stamps, are out searching for ways to fill their stomachs. They aren’t taking “no” for an answer.

After a nuclear detonation, there will be mass confusion and initially the police and military will arrive to restore order. That will start to follow the standard preparation procedure. Then, the second and third waves will hit...
After a nuclear detonation, there will be mass confusion and initially the police and military will arrive to restore order. That will start to follow the standard preparation procedure. Then, the second and third waves will hit…


All of this is unknown to you.

You live in a small, isolated rural community.

You, living in a small community are an ardent prepper and have a “bug out” bag and the necessary foodstuffs to survive the trek to your “safe haven”.

Your situation

You don’t know any of this background.

All you know is that there was a series of “earthquakes”, and “sonic booms”, and now all the electricity is off. You do not know when it will return.

Initially, you worried about the food in the freezer spoiling, but as time goes on, there are some things that are truly disturbing to you.

Firstly there is nothing on the radio.

Nothing. Nothing at all. It’s all static. AM, FM, all up and down the bands. The police scanner is also just white noise.

Along with the earthquakes was a terrible wind storm, and the trees on the tops of some of the distant hills seem to be toppled over. The air is filled with fine dust and it is settling everywhere. No computer. No internet. No phone. No GPS. No electricity.

No water. No natural gas.

Even the compass doesn’t work.

The street lights don’t work.

Nor does the construction roadblock with the big flashing yellow light. Even it stopped flashing.

Nothing works. No electricity. Not even the flashing yellow construction lamps.
Nothing works. No electricity. Not even the flashing yellow construction lamps.

You look out your window and all seems normal, if a bit quiet.

The sky, however has a kind of yellow / greenish tinge to it.

You cannot find your cats, and your dog is acting peculiarly.

After a half day of this, you notice that some people are out and about and waiting to get some word from the government. A few people started to walk towards the center of town and started to mingle with others. Rumors were flying, but most revolved around some kind of earthquake that took out the energy grid.

There is an odd, bunt-sickly smell in the air, it feels “sticky”, and all the neighborhood dogs are terribly agitated.

No no one can explain all the dust in the air.

Your brain… your guts… your very being screams! Your partner, on the other hand is telling you that you have an active imagination and not to worry. That things will settle down and be all right in a few hours.

Never the less, just to be on the safe side, you pull out your gear by candle light.

You go to your “bug out” bag. You perform an inventory check. Your cell phone doesn’t work. Nor does your watch. Your small aluminum flashlight will not work either. You check your firearm, holster and kit.

You notice that you have not prepared a dust-mask or filter kit. So you take a bandana off the clothes line outside, brush the dust off and tie it around your face stagecoach-robber style.

The laser sight on the pistol will not work, nor will the lighted reticle on your rifle.

The TA31RCO is an Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG) designed for the USMC's M16A4 weapon system (20” barrel). It incorporates dual illumination technology using a combination of fiber optics and self-luminous tritium. This allows the aiming point to always be illuminated without the use of batteries. The tritium illuminates the aiming point in total darkness, and the fiber optic self-adjusts reticle brightness during daylight according to ambient light conditions. This allows the operator to keep both eyes open while engaging targets and maintaining maximum situational awareness. Designed to the exact specifications of the United States Marine Corps, the unique reticle pattern provides quick target acquisition at close combat ranges while providing enhanced target identification and hit probability out to 800 meters utilizing the Bullet Drop Compensator. No tools are needed for windage and elevation adjustments because the TA31RCO features external adjusters, making it waterproof up to 11m without the caps.
The TA31RCO is an Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG) designed for the USMC’s M16A4 weapon system (20” barrel). It incorporates dual illumination technology using a combination of fiber optics and self-luminous tritium.

But, that doesn’t matter. You had prepared for this. You go to your motorcycle and it will not start. EMP, you figured. After all no electronics work at all. You don’t know the news, but you have a very, very bad feeling.

In fact, this feeling is the worst thing about it all. It is like you ate a tube of lard, and you have this horrible feeling inside, and your brain and emotions are all screaming dark thoughts.

No internet. No radio. No news, and at night the sky is glowing red in the distance. Not only to the East, but in the South, and the North-East as well. Those “earthquakes” that seemed to go on and on yesterday were certainly ominous, and your neighbors are acting really strangely. The air is terribly dusty and gritty and a thin layer of dust covers everything.

The dust seems to come in big brown clouds that settle down on everything.

You wipe the dust off the handle to the garage and pull out the bicycle from the tarp in the back of the garage. You pump the tires full of air, and wheel it out.

You feel a little queasy. Your stomach feels “sour”.

So you hop on your bicycle and try to follow your “bug out” route.

Cars are stopped in the middle of the road. Not even pulled over to the side. This includes a big 16 wheeler truck and a Greyhound bus.

It’s been two days since the “earthquakes” began and things are really, really odd.

Your beard is starting to shed hair.

You notice that the local 7-11 is all empty. Nothing are on the shelves. Nothing.

You notice that people are going up and down the streets pushing grocery carts full of food and supplies, and a number of windows are broken in the local hardware store’s door. No body takes notice of you, but you don’t stick around.

You hoped to use Google-maps to chart your course, but without internet it is pretty much useless. Lucky for you that you had an old 1980’s highway map book in the garage that you stashed in your “go bag”.

You try to get out of the area as fast as you can…

Key Points

If things go full-on SHTF, nothing will work and no one will know anything. It might appear to be a natural disaster.

The unprepared will try to prepare. It will be too late.

Everything will be dangerous. From touching the dust on the door-knobs, to the irrational woman down the street. Nothing will be safe.

The aggressive will take advantage of the situation within short order and you will only have a few precious days before things get out of control.

Police, government and social services will not work, be functional, or be of assistance.

While, in general, most people in your community will be kind and helpful folk, the world will be “turned on it’s head”. Unless a strong positive leader takes control, they will collapse into a frightened mob. As such, the worst individuals in society would create all sorts of problems and confusion.

Avoid crowds.

Do not stream into any city for any reason. You do not know what is going on there, but it cannot be good. When in doubt, it is better to starve alone in the middle of the woods then be crowded into a pen with angry, frightened strangers.

Americans will be very, very irate. We are accustomed to electricity, electronic media, electronic social media and communication. The silence and lack of news would be terrifying, and people will react to it.

If it is any sort of nuclear war, all electronics will be fried and will not work.

All dust is dangerous and you need to assume that it is radioactive.


Finally, everything in America is tied electronically to electrical systems in some form. From simple optical systems, to vehicles, and water hydration systems. The only communities that are divorced from these addictions are the Amish and Mennonite communities. Take a good hard look at your preparations and isolate those which rely on electricity. Consider them useless during a nuclear bug-out exchange.

Remember that any war with Asia will be against a modern-day Genghis Khan with nuclear weapons. You don’t even toy around with that idea.

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How to tar and feather a corrupt government official.

This is part of my SHTF – Practical skills posts. Most of what I post (in this section) are lost skills; skills that Americans have forgotten though the centuries of disuse. So, now, as the fourth turning is rapidly approaching, these skills need to be dusted off and updated to fit the modern American lifestyle. Here we discuss the practical methods of “tar and feathering” corrupt officials, progressive Marxists, aggressive social justice warriors, Wall street bankers and members of the elite oligarchy.

It’s a discussion that’s long overdue.

Other posts in this series include;

Important note

This is not written for historical interest, or in some kind of jest.

These are serious issues and should not be taken trivially. We can only hope that things do not ever get to the point where humans are seriously contemplating these kinds of actions. Let’s hope and pray that we all never have to deal with these matters.

We, as Americans have been (for the most part) isolated from them. America has lived a life of relative calmness and tranquility for the vast bulk of population. We erroneously believe that it will always stay that way and never change.

At worst, we somehow imagine climbing up on a hilltop near our home and shooting police as they approach our “stomping grounds”. Those thoughts are all fantasies. We are not talking about those childish dreams. We are talking about real issues that mean death and destruction. We imagine something out of a television series, or a movie. We cannot imagine what really happens during periods of societal reset.

We’ve been isolated and insulated from that harshness.

Meanwhile the rest of the world confronts these kinds of issues with far greater frequency than we are aware of…

Tar and feathering in contemporaneous Africa.
Tar and feathering in contemporaneous Africa. This was in 2019.

I argue that the United States is going to go through a barbaric time, and it will be on par with the rest of the world. This reality is something that Americans have no concept of. We just cannot imagine it.

It’s a horror.

So buckle up and get ready. If you find yourself trapped within an area of conflict, such as Virginia, then be advised. Wars do not play by the Geneva Conventions, or Papal Decree. They are nasty, nasty affairs.

There are events where you would have a high 70% probability of one member of your family being killed or maimed in the process. War is very ugly. Loved ones, family die.

War is very ugly. Loved ones, family die.
FILE – In this Friday, Nov. 18, 1994 file photo, seven year old Nermin Divovic lies mortally wounded in a pool of blood as unidentified U.S and British U.N. firefighters arrive to assist after he was shot in the head in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. More than 20 years after Bosnia’s war, Radovan Karadzic will learn his fate on Thursday when U.N. judges deliver verdicts in his genocide and war crimes trial. (AP Photo/Enric Marti, File)

Cliff Notes

Note, if the worst does indeed come to past, keep these points in mind…

  • You can never win a Defensive war. Do not “fortify” your territory to try to defend it.
  • You fight on the turf and territory of the enemy, on your terms.
  • You always spend most of your resources going after the enemy leadership, their confederate instigators and enablers. You hunt them out, you target their friends and family. You flush them out of hiding, you capture them and you apply horrors to them Genghis Khan style.
  • To be fully effective in war, you need to create horror. Real wars are not tea and biscuits. It’s an ugly, ugly business where objectives must be realized with finality and horror.


At a Dec. 3 2019 meeting of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, U.S. Marine Corps Reservist Maj. Ben Joseph Woods addressed the board and admonished Commonwealth of Virginia lawmakers for their plans to pass sweeping gun laws after they gained the majority in 2020.

The Democrats in the Virginia House are poised to impose controversial,  and likely unconstitutional, gun laws in that state, including a program  to register firearms.  Gun registration has historically been the first step in confiscation by extremis regimes worldwide. It also is a prelude to wide scale genocide. 

As Maj. Woods addressed the meeting, he spoke of his time in the military and federal law enforcement and what he feared politicians were doing to the state:

“I’m not going to address the bills themselves. What I would like to  address is the fact that at this point, so many people believe that  these are unconstitutional or draconian that as of last night, 30  counties in this state which have voted themselves…to be Second Amendment sanctuary counties.

The ugly truth of our situation is that is just scratching the  surface of what is happening…I work plainclothes law enforcement…I walk  around without a uniform, people don’t see my badge, people don’t see my  gun, and I can tell you: 

People are angry.

And I am frightened to the point that I am looking at moving my wife  and child…out of this state if these bills pass. The reason is because  my fellow law enforcement officers…

Tell me that they would not enforce these bills regardless of  whether they believe in them ideologically because they believe that there are so many people angry in gun shops, gun shows, at bars, we have heard it now, people talking about tar and feathering politicians in a less than joking manner…

That is a terrifying prospect and I have never seen people willing  to speak about something like that publicly…As a law enforcement  officer, I empathize with concerns people have over gun violence.” 


“The legal precedent we would set by allowing the legislature to  selectively ignore enumerated rights at will is the same mindset that  150 years ago let this country into a civil war.” 

The progressive Marxists don’t even bother trying to follow the Constitution. They no longer try, nor do they even bother to pretend. They know, after decades of getting away with crimes, that they can continue to do so without consequence. Thus, they are going to pass unconstitutional laws and expect everyone to obey them. No matter what.

They write the laws and you obey. This is classic tyranny.

This is not acceptable to the vast majority of law-abiding citizens in the state of Virginia. And as such, they are openly considering invoking the anti-tyranny measures inherent in the second amendment to the Bill of Rights.

So, with the understanding that large numbers of extremely pissed-off conservatives are openly discussing [1] capturing, [2] torturing, [3] tar and feathering, and [4] lynching the politicians in Virginia, it might be a good time to discuss the practical fundamentals of a punishment method known as “tar and feathering”.

Discussion of the “ugly side” of things.

This is a truly distasteful post.

It discusses torture as a form of punishment. This is Genghis Khan type of stuff, and not for the uninitiated. For the record… I do not like writing about this.

No Such Thing as Limited War
Shall we go one step further?  We're now watching the smoke rising over what amounts to a small-scale battlefield between the Virginia National Guard and the sheriffs and deputies of one or more counties along with however many gun rights advocates stream in from adjacent states to augment the flash mob.  

Unlike the slaughter of 1861, this will be broadcast live and in living color.
Of course, the National Guard has tanks and most sheriffs don't.  Odds are, they'll win, but only by slaughtering large numbers of Trump voters - and yes, obviously, it will be Trump voters lying dead at the hands of, ultimately, Mr. Trump's political enemies.
What would the President do?  

Well, what could and should the President do?  Legally, he can nationalize the National Guard and order them to stand down, but by that time the Guard officers who might have obeyed his orders to stand down would have long since resigned.
He could order in the regular army.  

Now we have a battle between two trained, equipped armies - yes, literally, that is a Civil War by definition, assuming the regular army was willing to obey such an order and fire on their colleagues.
Would other governors stand idly by?  

Dare we imagine what Congress would do?  Might there be a 25th Amendment coup, as the media and the bureaucracy have been agitating for since before Mr. Trump took office?  How would the half of the country that voted for Mr. Trump respond to that?  Don't forget that Trump would either be in the midst of running for re-election, or recently re-elected to office.
Or, he could just suck it up and let the Democrat National Guard destroy "his" people and the Constitution by force.  This, too, has happened before.  Paul Hindenburg, while President of Germany, let Nazi stormtroopers effectively take control of the country and suppress opposing voters and politicians until, in short order, Germany was a Nazi one-party state.
Does this sort of passive compliance seem characteristic of what we've seen of Donald J. Trump thus far?  Let's just say it doesn't seem yuuuuugely likely that he'd let his supporters be gunned down without doing something about it. 
Beyond this point, there are far too many unknowns to make any sort of solid predictions.  Wars never go the way people who start them intend, and the end result is almost always something nobody predicted and few wanted at the beginning.  

Novelists could write any number of vaguely plausible scenarios, and we'll leave that job to them. 

 - Virginia's Rampup to Civil War  

I argue that it’s going to get ugly. Very, very ugly. It will be a horror of unimaginable magnitude, and most people will have a difficult time coming to terms with it.

You all shouldn’t.

Instead, you should read a history book or two. This is what always happens. It’s never pretty.

The Siege Of Sarajevo.
The Siege Of Sarajevo. One can well imagine a similar situation in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Framington, and Tampa.


Tarring and feathering is a form of punishment which was developed in 12th century England. It spread across feudal Europe, and was also practiced in many European colonies, once Europeans began exploring and colonizing the globe. In this punishment, the victim was stripped, painted with hot tar, and then covered in feathers which stuck to the tar.

They were then released running about and flailing their arms in pain. They would look like some kind of demented crazed bird, running around all over the streets in circles.

The primarily goal of this was physical intimidation and humiliation, with people being tarred and feathered in an attempt to run them out of town. The term “tarred with the same brush” in reference to guilt by association appears to be derived from this practice.

This practice appears to have been practiced primarily among mobs and vigilantes, rather than being an officially sanctioned form of punishment.

Depending on the temperature of the tar and the attitude of the crowd, it could sometimes become quite violent and rather dangerous. Hot tar could cause significant burns, and removing the tar would pull out hair and pieces of skin, potentially putting the victim at risk of infection. Theoretically, covering the skin in tar would also prevent it from breathing, potentially causing death.

However, the goal of tarring and feathering was humiliation, not death, and not many deaths as a result of this practice have been recorded.

More commonly, people were scarred for life by the hot tar and resulting injuries from removal, marking them to other members of the community as victims.

People also died as a result of lynchings, in which they were tarred and feathered, marched around town, and then hung.

Tar and feathering is often used as humiliation prior to being lynched in the town square.

Several variations on tarring and feathering have been recorded. In the British military, for example, people once practiced pitchcapping, in which a soldier’s head would be covered with hot tar.

Removing the tar involved being willing to lose much of your hair and scalp along with the tar, leaving ugly scars. Sometimes the bodies of people who had been hung or beheaded were also tarred and feathered, to add humiliation, and to hold the bodies together when they were hung on the gibbet as a warning for other citizens.

Many people associate tarring and feathering with the American West, where the practice endured until a surprisingly late date, with recorded instances dating to the 1900s.

In fact, people were tarred and feathered recently enough for there to be photographic examples of tarring and feathering, in which streaks of tar and feathers can be clearly seen, suggesting that the practice involved less of a careful painting of the body, and more of a streaking with lines of hot tar.


The goal of tarring and feathering was  humiliation, not death, and not many deaths as a result of this practice  have been recorded. More commonly, people were scarred for life by the  hot tar and resulting injuries from removal, marking them to other  members of the community as victims.
The goal of tarring and feathering was humiliation, not death, and not many deaths as a result of this practice have been recorded. More commonly, people were scarred for life by the hot tar and resulting injuries from removal, marking them to other members of the community as victims.

To conduct a “tar and feathering” punishment, the two (primary) ingredients are [1] Tar and [2] feathers. These used to be quite common back in the day, as all bedding, pillows and insulation used feathers. Today, feathers are relatively difficult to obtain and you need to procure them in advance. Additionally, you need to produce a container, or caldron to cook the tar to boiling, and a heat source.

You need a rack or device to securely bind the victim to. Do not expect to hold him / her steady while applying the tar. They will be very difficult to manage.

You need to strip, and bind the victim on a metal or wooden frame.


You can substitute other materials in the event that you are unable to produce tar or feathers. For instance, maple syrup, glue, water proof sealants for mobile homes, coal-tar epoxy and Lacquer might be considered suitable materials. Just make sure that the tar substitute is well heated to a temperature that would generate painful first-degree burns.


Ordinary roofing tar can be procured at any hardware store and DIY chain. Make sure that you follow the heating instructions and make sure that you do not detonate the tar over a fire.

Expert tip; Watch for the flash point.

Typically, you can pour the tar into a large 55 gallon drum that is sitting over an open fire. Then, using ladles, you can pour the tar over the victim.

Henry brand roofing tar.
Henry brand roofing tar.

Other techniques with the tar include simply heating the metal bucket that the tar comes in over a fire, or a propane stove.


When applying the tar, you can either pour it over the victim or brush it on. Make sure that the victim is nude. They must be fully nude for a proper tar and feathering. Also, they must be bound securely. You can use handcuffs or wire ties. Just make sure that they are securely bound. A well welded frame with attachment points for the wore ties works best.

The idea is to fully cover the victim from head to toe with hot scalding tar. The victim must be fully bound for this to happen, and you must be very thorough in the application. No area of skin can be ignored.

Then you can apply the “feathers”.

Tar and feathers and being rode out of town on a rail.
Tar and feathers and being rode out of town on a rail.


Feathers are rather difficult to come by in the quantities necessary for a decent tar and feathering. Sources of feathers are down coats and jackets, and bedding. You can also go to poultry farms such as chicken and geese and collect the dander and feathers there.

If gathering feathers are problematic, you can certainly use commonly available substitutes. Here are some suggestions…

  • Used cat litter.
  • Styrofoam peanuts.
  • Dryer lint (you need to collect enough of it).
  • Broken glass bottle fragments.
  • Cut hair (from a barbershop).


Let’s see what the Marxists do when they take power…

Necklacing is a preferred method of torture and execution under the Marxists in Africa.
Necklacing is a preferred method of torture and execution under the Marxists in South Africa.

In South Africa, the Marxists implement a similar kind of punishment. They only problem is that the victim tends to die, instead of being maimed for life. It’s known as “necklacing” and the survivors are scarred for life. It’s really nasty.

In South Africa, the Marxists implement a similar kind of punishment. They only problem is that the victim tends to die, instead of being maimed for life. It's known as "necklacing" and the survivors are scarred for life. It's really nasty.
In South Africa, the Marxists implement a similar kind of punishment. They only problem is that the victim tends to die, instead of being maimed for life. It’s known as “necklacing” and the survivors are scarred for life. It’s really nasty.

They would take a tire and put it around the neck of a victim. Then they would chain it in place, place a highly flammable liquid in the tire well, and set it on fire. It’s a horrible way to die.

Necklacing was the primary form of torture under Nelson Mandela in South Africa.
Necklacing was the primary form of torture under Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

It’s more work, but far easier to procure and implement.

It’s coming. That’s for certain.

Here’s a quote from one of my “must see” blogs called Busted Knuckles. He’s a word-smith that can say things far better than I can. Listen up!

Here’s just a highlight of a most excellent commentary

 Who the hell knows what is going on for sure?

 Being the Realist I am, Rose scented Unicorn farts and Magic Rainbows don’t enter my world view.

 Then we have Virginia.

 Every truly patriotic American is watching that like a hawk.
 The very real possibility of another Shot Heard Around The World is but one stupid mistake away from becoming a reality.

 A lot of people have decisions to make.

 On both sides of that whole scenario.

 Everyone has their own personal convictions and I most certainly have mine.

 I am hoping against hope that we have turned a corner at this point in time.

 We as in the kind of people who think like I do.

 There are a lot more of us than the media would lead you to believe.

 A vast majority as a matter of fact.

 It’s time we started acting like one.

 Push back.

 Come together as a united front against these Socialists.

 Spicy Time is coming, get ready for it, the party is about to start. 


The images are horrible, right?

You want to avoid all this, right?

You want to live a calm and peaceful life where your families can live in peace and harmony… right?

This horror is what happens when bad, evil and dangerous people are permitted to come to power, change the world around them, subvert the law, and rule over others. Once they gain control of your weapons of defense, it’s all over.

Climb into the boxcars.

Game over!

Game over, man. Game Over!
Game over, man. Game Over!

Human nature is predictable.

Those progressive Marxists believe in a stable life where they are always in control and that the systems that they have put in place can overwhelm the most basic of human emotions. They believe that through incremental steps, over a long time, their (long desired) changes to the American State and Federal Constitutions would be accepted without incident.

They believe that change is gradual. Conservatives believe that change in an on/off switch from acceptable to unacceptable.

Can you blame them? It’s been this way for at least 100 years if not longer.

But, they are wrong.

If the National Guard gets involved, it is not merely imaginable but inevitable that a televised bloodbath would ensue.  

What will happen when National Guard units encounter the county sheriff in uniform, backed up by a throng of deputized, armed citizens, many of whom are former military who took a solemn oath to defend the Constitution with their lives, their liberty, and their sacred honor?  What would happen when they start breaking down doors and confiscating guns?
It is inconceivable that the defenders of the Second Amendment would peacefully back down - that's the whole point of the Second Amendment, after all - and thus far, Democratic rhetoric doesn't seem to leave much room for backing down either. 

- Virginia's Rampup to Civil War 

Rage, anger, disgust, fury and horror are real emotions that no amount of Prozac can suppress. It’s been pent up for decades, and it’s gonna blow.

In the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, conflict between the three main ethnic groups, the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the Muslims in Bosnia.

Bosnia is one of several small countries that emerged from the break-up of Yugoslavia, a multicultural country created after World War I by the victorious Western Allies. Yugoslavia was composed of ethnic and religious groups that had been historical rivals, even bitter enemies, including the Serbs (Orthodox Christians), Croats (Catholics) and ethnic Albanians (Muslims).
In the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, conflict between the three main ethnic groups, the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the Muslims in Bosnia. Bosnia is one of several small countries that emerged from the break-up of Yugoslavia, a multicultural country created after World War I by the victorious Western Allies. Yugoslavia was composed of ethnic and religious groups that had been historical rivals, even bitter enemies, including the Serbs (Orthodox Christians), Croats (Catholics) and ethnic Albanians (Muslims).

The objects of this anger should consider themselves lucky to be killed off humanely. A shot to the head, a lynching, burning down a union hall with the radicalized members all trapped inside…

Quick, easy death.

More often than not, however, it looks like extreme forms of torture are going to be the norm. It’s gonna be truly horrific. And if you are on the side “balancing the equation” back to Constitutional law as opposed to progressive Marxism, you had best know how to torture properly.

Let’s pray that the Marxists stand down and give up their assault on America. Because “Sunset” is coming and it’s going to be spectacular in it’s ferocity.

How do we know?

Read your history.

An archaeological team in France has unearthed a Gallo-Roman necropolis in Saintes, France, in which the remains of a group of adults and a child were found with iron shackles around their wrists, ankles, and/or necks. Archaeologists are trying to unravel the story of these individuals’ lives, their origin, and the circumstances of their death.
An archaeological team in France has unearthed a Gallo-Roman necropolis in Saintes, France, in which the remains of a group of adults and a child were found with iron shackles around their wrists, ankles, and/or necks. Archaeologists are trying to unravel the story of these individuals’ lives, their origin, and the circumstances of their death.

I so pray that we all can avoid this fate.

Final comment

Where are all those activist judges? You know the ones that are putting everything that President Trump does on hold. Why aren’t they issuing injunctions on these blatant anti-Constitutional actions?

Maybe its’ because the country is too far gone to matter.

I have other posts on this subject matter. You can check out my SHTF index here…

SHTF Articles

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Be the Rufus; more examples of personal heroism in China. Part 21.

More examples of personal heroism in China. This is part twenty one.

Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.

Make a difference. Be like Rufus!

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full experience.

Video 1 – Man has a seizure

Here’s a guy that is having a seizure while waiting for an elevator. What would you do if you saw this happening? Would you just go your merry way and do nothing, or would you try to get help or yet… try to him him yourself? What would YOU do?

Video 2 – Man threatens to send baby into the river.

Stresses of life can get to you and can make you do strange and dangerous things. Here, we have this man with a young child threatening to jump into the river. If he jumps both would die. He holds his young daughter. What to do…?

Video 3 – Scooter accident.

Yes there is an accident and the rest of the world moves on. No one cares. But then there is a Rufus… a hero that comes tot he rescue. The guy is not moving. The accident is in the middle of the road and this intersection is a big intersection. Maybe six lanes or larger. What would you do?

Video 4 – Old man in crisis.

There are so many old people in China. Many of them are in their late 80’s and 90’s. They are moving about and buying groceries and such, but they often have a difficult time with things. Many times they need help. Will you be the Rufus and help them?

Video 5 – Muslim terrorist has hostage in elementary school.

Here we have a Muslim terrorist that is convinced that he will go to Heaven as a martyr if he kills innocent children in a kindergarten. All he needs to do is should “God is great” and start slicing necks. Then he will be killed in the act and be rewarded by Allah with 70 black-eyed virgins. Yup. He actually believes this nonsense.

How would you handle it?

Video 6 – Man having trouble while driving – asks policeman for help.

You are driving the car and suddenly you start having trouble. Your body is not reacting right and you cannot drive any longer. Lucky for you that you see a police car. So you flag it over and they help you…

Video 7 – The most emotional and moving video ever!

A woman dresses up as a nurse and steals a new born baby. This is the same thing that has happened time and time again before. In fact, in video 18 or 19 I have a video where the stolen baby was reunited with his real mother… 30 years later.

Anyways, this woman dressed up as a nurse and stole the baby. The mother is horrified, but you know what? They found the woman and raided her home…

Check it out!

The baby is returned…

The baby is returned to it's moma.
The baby is returned to it’s moma.

Video 8 – Man stops a purse snatcher on a motorcycle.

Innocent bystanders can become a hero in an instant. While the lady two blocks down the street is screaming her lungs out, this young fellow takes action. He stops the motorcycle rider dead on the spot. A real Rufus!

Video 9 – Man helps a dog cross the street.

Dogs, as great as they are, sometimes need help. The smarter dogs know that trying to cross a street is dangerous. So what are they going to do? Well, good thing that there is a Rufus near by to help.

Video 10 – Rescue of a woman from a submerged car.

She is drowning. Hurt, and under very muddy water and the car is sinking fast into the mud. What are you going to do? Be the Rufus!


We do not know when the calling will come.

However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.

If you enjoyed this post, please click on this link and check out the rest of my Rufus series…

Hero Stories

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Be the Rufus; more examples of personal heroism in China. Part 20.

More examples of personal heroism in China. This is part twenty.

Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference.

When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.

Make a difference. Be like Rufus!

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full experience.

Video 1 – Rescue of a baby trapped in a car that overturned and is in the river.

What would you do if you watched a car go off the side of the road, then land upside down in the dirty brown water below? What would you do when you rush over to the side and hear a frantic mother screaming, a baby crying and a man trying desperately to open the door? What would YOU do?

Video 2 – Husband freaks out his wife.

This guy is so bad. But, I like the video because it shows how a loved one would react (emotionally and physically) to an emergency regarding their loved ones.

Video 3 – Confused old man needs help.

There are tons and tons of old people in China. Many are in their late 90’s and they go about, doddering about in their daily chores and activities. Totally, in many instances, rather oblivious to the world around them. They are not thinking clearly and need help.

Video 4 – Emergency CPR at a roadside rest area.

This is a roadside rest area. They are common in China, just like they are along American highways. The roadside rests have public restrooms, and a few convenience stores and maybe a restaurant or two. Here we have a situation, caught on camera, of a man who collapses inside a restaurant.

Video 5 – Emergency going up…

All malls in China have escalators. They are very common. There are a a lot of old people and little kids, and because of the large numbers of people, there are often a higher percentage of accidents that can occur. Here we watch what is going on…

Video 6 – Helping children cross a flooded road.

Rufus helps Jesus carry the cross. Real heroes come in all sizes and shapes, and will do things that will soon be forgotten. This is my tribute to them…

Video 7 – How to tie a tie.

This video is a set-up. It illustrates just how helpful Chinese people can be. This actor pretends not to be able to tie a tie. (I can’t blame him. I hated wearing the things.) And we can watch how others react to helping him or not…

Video 8 – Muslim take-down outside of a school.

The radicalized terrorist Muslims are all over the world. Unlike the United States, China has ZERO tolerance for them.

So when you see a Muslim carrying a knife or butcher chopping cleaver towards a kindergarten or an elementary school, you call the police, and get ready to defend the children. The Radicalized Muslims love to kill babies so they can get into Heaven and cavort with their seventy virgins.

Video 9 – Police arrest a Muslim extremist.

Speaking of radical Muslims, here’s another video.

They believe that they will go into heaven if they can commit horrible crimes while shouting the words “God is great”. Silly ? Yes, but that’s just the way it is.

Video 10 – Police clear a path…

When emergencies strike, where will you be. Will you be recording the event on video or taking the time to participate and do the good work by saving and helping others? It’s your life, and how you handle it will forge your future in the Heavens.

Here we have an infant that is collapsing and is having trouble breathing and will not regain consciousness. Obviously the mother is terrified and in Shock. What would you all do?

Thank you for reading this.

God bless.


We do not know when the calling will come.

However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.

If you enjoyed this post, please click on this link and check out the rest of my Rufus series…

Hero Stories

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Some of my favorite links and browser bookmarks.
Here are just some pretty decent websites, bookmarks, URL's and sites that I would like to share. I think that there is something here for everyone. These, in my mind, are the "cream of the crop" of underappreciated websites, and some places that you all might want to visit.
Mongolian Women under Genghis Khan
The history of how Australia obtained Sheilas; the story of The Lady Juliana, The 18th-Century Prison Ship Filled With Women.   This is the story of the Lady Juliana. This was a special ship designed to convey female convicts from England to Australia. The idea was that a boat load of female convicts would happily link up with a colony of convicts in Australia. Thus making everyone very, very happy, and reform the colony in New South Wales.
What is going on in Hollywood?
Why no High-Speed rail in the USA?
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Mad scientist
The Navy is scrapping the F/A-18 Hornet.
Gorilla Cage in the basement
The two family types and how they work.
How to manage a family household.
The most popular American foods.
Soups, Sandwiches and ice cold beer.
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Things I wish I knew.
Asian Nazi Chic
Bronco Billy
How they get away with it
Paper Airplanes
1960's and 1970's link
The Confederados
Democracy Lessons
The Rule of Eight
What High School taught me about Diversity.  Here we look at idea of "diversity" from the point of view of what it was like in my High School years. For my High School was fully and intentionally diverse. And at that time, there were two techniques of grouping people.  These techniques were by [1] merit, and [2] by random association. Or in other words; "diversity". Thus we can compare diversity against merit as the criteria used in a selection process.

Funny Pictures

Picture Dump 1

Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.

Be the Rufus - 1
Be the Rufus, part II. More tales of heroism.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 3.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 4.
Here are some more fine, fine videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 5.
Here are even more fine, fine videos of personal heroism. These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like int he same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 6.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 7.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 7.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 8.
This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 8.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 9.
We all have a need to participate within our communities, to have a role, and to give meaning to our lives. This role is important, and it is such that it often can call upon us to be heroic in acts and deeds. This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 9.
Be the Rufus; more stories of personal heroism in China. Part 10.
We all have a need to participate within our communities, to have a role, and to give meaning to our lives. This role is important, and it is such that it often can call upon us to be heroic in acts and deeds. This is a selection of videos that portray everyday heroes doing good, kind works. We all like in the same (apparent) world and we all share the same environment. It is thus important for us to make it the best environment to coexist within. These videos are part of a much larger collection of videos. This is part 10.

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You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

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If America implements conflict against Russia or China, it will lose bigly. An interview with Andrei Martyanov.

This is an interesting interview with Andrei Martyanov. He is a Russian military expert who emigrated to the United States. In it he argues that the stranglehold of American propaganda by the mainstream media has created a dangerous situation – one in which the “fake news” is believed by the American leadership.

ANDREI MARTYANOV is an expert on Russian military and naval issues. He was born in Baku, USSR in 1963. He graduated from the Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy and served as an officer on the ships and staff position of Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. He took part in the events in the Caucasus which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. 

- Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning 

He explains that the American leadership, knowing full well that the media is a propaganda tool, actually believes much of the propaganda that they create. This is true on all levels.

The American leadership actually believes this “news”. Not only the “fake news” from CNN, MSNBC an WaPo but also from the conservative and alternative “Right wing” media.

He argues that this is extraordinarily dangerous.

Andrei Martyanov.
Andrei Martyanov.

This belief in American propaganda is dangerous because it creates a situation where foolish men in leadership positions can make some very serious mistakes.

The majority of travelers I have met see foreign lands entirely through  the filter glasses of their home front. Their worldview is shaped by  government schools, Hollywood actors, television programming, mainstream  pressing, and the resulting illusion of “us being the good guys.” When  they travel, they carry a lifetime supply of brainwash shampoo with  them. A backpack full of sheep’s wool over their eyes. And a dumbed-down  uniform of sweatshop t-shirts, shorts and sandals that sores the eye of  the beholder.

-Doug Casey, International Man 

Mistakes, Leadership mistakes, that could absolutely devastate the United States. The leadership of a healthy and functioning nation needs good and accurate intelligence. It cannot rely own it’s own propaganda to base decisions upon.

History is full of stories of the destruction of cities, nations and empires that fell due to the bad Intel, and decisions by the top leadership. Read about the destruction of Hungary by Genghis Khan, if you don't believe me.

Or, consider the Marketing strategy of Gillette with their "Men are inherently foul pigs" campaign (to sell razors).

Or, consider Hollywood and their bevy of all-female re-writes of famous movies. Movies that no one will watch. Like "Oceans 8".

Or, consider what happened to NFL football, when the team owners permitted the players to protest against America.

Now, consider what might happen to America if it believes the narrative that both Russia and China are backwards, third-world shit holes and are no match for the United States military...

Ah. Andrei . You do not need to believe him. You just need to consider that he has some good ideas and makes some valid points.

Now, I find that he has some good points, especially his appraisal on the ignorance of the Washington “insider” class. His ideas are able to explain much of the strange decision processes that originate out of Washington DC today.

Andrei wrote…

Time after time the American military has failed to match lofty  declarations about its superiority, producing instead a mediocre record  of military accomplishments. 

Starting from the Korean War the United States hasn’t won a single war against a technologically inferior, but  mentally tough enemy.  
  • Vietnam
  • Syria
  • Lybia
  • Somalia
  • Yemen
  • Lebanon
  • Iraq
The technological dimension of American “strategy” has completely overshadowed any concern with the social, cultural,  operational and even tactical requirements of military (and political)  conflict. 

With a new Cold War with Russia emerging, the United States  enters a new period of geopolitical turbulence completely unprepared in  any meaningful way—intellectually...

... economically, 

... militarily...

...or culturally

... to face a reality which was hidden for the last 70+ years  behind the curtain of never-ending Chalabi moments...

... and a strategic delusion concerning Russia, whose history the US viewed through a Solzhenitsified caricature kept alive by a powerful neocon lobby, which  even today dominates US policy makers’ minds.  
The book  Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning  explores the  dramatic difference between the Russian and US approach to warfare,  which manifests itself across the whole spectrum of activities from art  and the economy, to the respective national cultures; 

Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning   illustrates the  fact that Russian economic, military and cultural realities and power are no longer what American “elites” think they are by addressing  Russia’s new and elevated capacities in the areas of traditional warfare as well as cyberwarfare and space; 

Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning  studies in depth several ways in which the US can simply stumble into conflict with Russia and what must be done to avoid it. 

Martyanov’s former Soviet military background  enables deep insight into the fundamental issues of warfare and military  power as a function of national power—assessed correctly, not through  the lens of Wall Street “economic” indices and a FIRE economy, but  through the numbers of enclosed technological cycles and culture, much  of which has been shaped in Russia by continental warfare and which is  practically absent in the US. 


Indeed, a point that I have “hammered” over and over again, is the idea that the most dangerous propaganda is the news reports that we WANT to believe.

Propaganda works best when we WANT to believe the lies told to us.

Such as 11 million Uighur Muslims are in reeducation concentration camps in Xinjiang China. That America must "do something" to free the poor Muslim innocents! All, yes ALL of conservative news is full of these stories and the figure of 11 million is bantered about without question.


No one can point out where these concentration camps are. 

You cannot find them on Google Earth. And you should. After all, the population of New York City is 6 million people. So a concentration camp housing 11 million people would be over twice the size of New York city. It would be pretty fucking big. Bigger than the largest city in America, and then some.

You would be able to see it from the Moon.

If there were 11 concentration camps in Xinjiang, China, (each one million people in size) then you would be able to easily locate all eleven Atlanta, Georgia sized complexes on Google Earth. Where are all these concentration camps?

Simple math.

Simple thought process.

... Propaganda. Don't fall for it.

Anyways, he makes a great point.

Our American leadership has taken to actually believing what is being repeated day in and day out by the lying American mainstream press. And this is very dangerous.

Some minor Russian Naval ships.
Some minor Russian Naval ships.

You might not like his opinions, but please just view his point of view as something that you will not hear from the mainstream, or alt-conservative news. As such it is a valuable alternative view point.

One that should be taken seriously.

The interview.

Yvonne Lorenzo interviews Andrei Martyanov …

Yvonne Lorenzo: I’d like to discuss the central thesis of your first book, Losing Military Supremacy. Aside from a civil war in the late 1800s, the United States has never experienced the effects of a devastating war fought on its own soil by foreign nation and believes it is invulnerable and won’t be attacked. To the contrary, Russians to this day know the price of war. If you would be so kind to summarize, if possible, the key points you wished to make known about Russia.

"America believes that it is invulnerable and won’t ever be attacked." 
The Severodvinsk, the first of Russia's multirole Yasen K-560 submarines, by the pier of the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Region.
The Severodvinsk, the first of Russia’s multirole Yasen K-560 submarines, by the pier of the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Region.

Andrei Martyanov: In a sense, my new book, The Real Revolution in Military Affairs, is a continuation of my first one—Losing Military Supremacy.

The difference is that I get more in depth into the tactical, operational and technological issues—to a degree that is possible in what amounts to a geopolitical study—to demonstrate and drive my point home…

… that the current American political elites are utterly delusional on the nature of modern warfare…

Crew of the Alexander Nevsky nuclear submarine topside at a welcome ceremony for the Navy's new Borei-class project 955 vessel at Kamchatka's Vilyuchinsk base.
Crew of the Alexander Nevsky nuclear submarine topside at a welcome ceremony for the Navy’s new Borei-class project 955 vessel at Kamchatka’s Vilyuchinsk base.

… especially in a peer-to-peer scenario of which the United States hasn’t faced since WW II.

My point is very simple…

…the ignorance of the American ruling class of modern warfare is such that it has become a clear and present danger for the world…

John Bolton neocon in the Trump administration.
John Bolton neocon in the Trump administration.

… since, while improbable at this stage, it is totally plausible to see at some point of time someone in the US political top losing it…

…and unleashing a confrontation with Russia, or China…

…being fully convinced, mostly by Hollywood or [Tom] Clancy-esque pseudo military fiction…

The Hunt for Red October is a 1990 American submarine spy-thriller film directed by John McTiernan, produced by Mace Neufeld, and starring Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Scott Glenn, James Earl Jones, and Sam Neill. The film is an adaptation of Tom Clancy's 1984 bestselling novel of the same name. It is the first installment of the Jack Ryan film series.
The Hunt for Red October is a 1990 American submarine spy-thriller film directed by John McTiernan, produced by Mace Neufeld, and starring Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Scott Glenn, James Earl Jones, and Sam Neill. The film is an adaptation of Tom Clancy’s 1984 bestselling novel of the same name. It is the first installment of the Jack Ryan film series.

…that the United States and NATO can attack Russia and survive.

That, America could attack Russia or China and it would remain unscathed and devastate the rest of the world and America would not suffer at all.

That’s the danger…

…especially in a country whose elites completely lost their mind and are delusional…

Rulership class in America are bat-shit crazy.
Rulership class in America are bat-shit crazy.

…or reside in what I define as a Perpetual Chalabi Moment.

American leadership, on both sides of the political spectrum, plus the oligarchy that controls them are completely delusional and out of touch with the American citizens, the rest of the world, and the comparative technological strengths of America.

The arms race.

The US did lose the arms race.

The arms race was not lost in 2018 or even 2015, however; it was lost much earlier and it was mostly due to the US media-propaganda machine…

… which kept it secret from the US public.

It still continues to do so but it is increasingly difficult to keep it under wraps when information, including imagery of what Russia does in this field becomes increasingly available.

Ships from Russia's Caspian Flotilla launching Kalibr-NK cruise missiles against Daesh targets in Syria.
Ships from Russia’s Caspian Flotilla launching Kalibr-NK cruise missiles against Daesh targets in Syria.

But that is just part of the issue: I write about predictors—the real economy, scientific development, education, etc.—for war’s outcomes [are] non-stop.

Other people have written about these predictors. Not once do they agree with the narrative coming out of the American mainstream media.

In the end, when I state that the US elites have no clue about the size and complexity of Russia’s economy, it is one thing…

…but when I state that they basically have no clue about their own economy, not Wall Street’s cooking of books, I can rely on some serious American professionals in the field.

President Trump, right, talks with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, on July 18, 2018. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
President Trump, right, talks with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, on July 18, 2018. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

After all, it was Trump’s White House which initiated Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States.

The report was prepared by an Inter-agency Task Force in September 2018 and reads as an epitaph to the US machine-building complex…

… and the issue is not just massive de-industrialization…

America has still not recovered from the de-industrialization of the last forty years.
America has still not recovered from the de-industrialization of the last forty years. It is not going to recover in only one or two years.

… or the lack of a labor force which can fill in for departing old-timers…

…with many in the new generation of Americans being mostly interested in pot and drugs or in avoiding any productive labor…

…nor money alone can solve the problem of America’s declining military strength, which was always overstated to start with.

It is the culture, an institutional one, which is responsible for this decline.

Russia presents new MiG-35 fighter jet to the public.
Russia presents new MiG-35 fighter jet to the public.

The decline of American culture

The United States is very good at building extremely expensive and dubiously effective (against a competent enemy) power projection forces, which by definition are offensive and aggressive.

Once one gets into the issues of actual defense, the picture changes dramatically for the United States.

Read this assessment of the true and actual American defense picture from  "We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China" by Kurt Schlichter. It opens up in a separate tab.

It is enough to mention the whole non-stop hysteria about Turkey buying and activating the S-400 complex, with India already having a 5 billion dollar contract signed with Russia, and many Arab states lining up for Russian-made air and anti-missile systems, not to mention combat aircraft, such as a contact for SU-35s between Egypt and Russia signed, following next.

S-400 complex launching system.
S-400 complex launching system.

All of it creates an extremely emotional reaction in the United States, but the fact that Russian military technology is in some key defense fields better than anything out there was never in doubt.

S-400 complex launching system with potential targets that it is designed to strike.
S-400 complex launching system with potential targets that it is designed to strike.

It is enough to recall Vietnam, but in the time of radio and printed media it was easier to control narratives.

The American media blitz on this subject is constant and unyielding.

Today it is extremely difficult.

Russia always built weapons to effectively kill the enemy—such is Russia’s experience with warfare, much of which being invasions of foreign powers.

The United States has zero historic experience with defending the US proper against powerful and brutal enemies.

While the Revolutionary war had some moments of brutality, as did the American civil war, neither wars EVER approached the level of absolute depraved scorched earth devastation that Russia, Europe, and China have experienced.

It is something that America has NEVER experienced.

Mexico never invaded. Canada never invaded. Russia never invaded. Cuba never invaded. Bermuda never invaded.

It is a cultural difference, a profound one and it manifests itself across the whole spectrum of activities, not just the respective military-industrial complexes.

In other words, Russians MUST build top of the line weaponry, because the safety of Russia depends on it.

Tom Clancy Delusion

Yvonne Lorenzo: You’ve written about what I’d call the “Tom Clancy Delusion” on your blog. This recent article, “The CIA’s Jack Ryan Series Is ‘Regime-Change’ Propaganda Aimed At Venezuela” noted:

 Dr. Matthew Alford of the University of Bath, author of National  Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in  Hollywood, told MintPress that the new Amazon product is a “disgrace of a  series,” unfairly demonizing a nation at a time when the United States  has its boot on the throat of Venezuelan society.
Russian SU-30SM.
Russian SU-30SM.
“The  new Jack Ryan series comes in the context of four movies stretching  back decades that have all had Department of Defense and/or CIA support  at the scriptwriting phrase,” he noted, labeling Jack Ryan as a classic  “national security entertainment product”.
The  character of Jack Ryan first appeared in Cold War era Clancy stories  such as The Hunt for Red October and The Cardinal of the Kremlin, where  the heroic Ryan battles the dark forces of the Soviet Union. 

The series  was put on hiatus but has recently returned, bringing with it much of  the same Cold War mentality and rhetoric. 

Ryan has been previously  played on screen by Hollywood stars such as Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford  and Ben Affleck.
Alford’s  book, which he co-wrote with Tom Secker, describes the enormous  influence that the national security state has on popular culture. 

Based  on Freedom of Information requested documents, the two calculated that  between 2004 and 2016, the Department of Defense was directly involved  in the production of 977 Hollywood movies or television shows, many of  which were carefully scripted, edited and curated by government agents  in order to present a certain viewpoint of the world to the public. 

For  example, the writers of Homeland were revealed to have private meetings  with ex-CIA officials before each season.
Russia's Radical Sukhoi S-37 Fighter Plane
Russia’s Radical Sukhoi S-37 Fighter Plane.
From  big budget movies like Ironman and Transformers to surprisingly banal  television productions like The Biggest Loser, Mythbusters or American  Idol, virtually every movie or television show featuring the military or  intelligence figures has been edited, scripted or funded by the  Department of Defense in order to cast the government in the best  possible light. 

Those that do not comply with the Department of  Defense’s requests are not given privileged access to, or use of,  military resources and may be attacked by the state as being unpatriotic  or deceptive.
The  constant flow of pro-security state messages has an effect on the  public. 

Researchers found that respondents who were shown torture scenes  from the television series 24 were more likely to subsequently support  the government’s policies of torture in sites like Guantanamo Bay and  Abu Ghraib. 

This held even for liberal college students. 

Andrei Martyanov: The first person of repute who challenged Tom Clancy’s fantasies was professor Roger Thompson in his seminal 2006 book Lessons Not Learned, in which he correctly asked a question how an insurance agent who never served a day in uniform and had undergraduate degree in English can write competently on any issue related to modern combat and technology.

In Clancy’s case it was clear that he was promoted, he openly writes about it in his book, by former Secretary of the Navy John Lehman, for purely propaganda reasons.

Secretary of the Navy John Lehman swearing in Grace Harper.
Secretary of the Navy John Lehman swearing in Grace Harper.

Most of what Clancy wrote was cringe-worthy pop-literature, which could be described as incompetent military-intelligence porn.


Clancy never made it a secret that his Jack Ryan character was written from…Tom Clancy himself. A good testimony about late Clancy himself.

Why Jack Ryan was written as a spy as opposed to as insurance agent remains a complete mystery to me, but, I guess, whatever sells books for the late Tom Clancy.

These digs… oh, boy!

In Soviet/Russian military environment Clancy’s “literature” overwhelmingly was treated with ironic smile at best, and with Homeric laughter at worst.

Yup. How the rest of the world feels about this kind of literature, and movies.

But that pretty much describes the “level” of American “knowledge” and awareness of Russia in general and her military in particular—a caricature.

It is, however, one thing to promote caricatures in pop-art, totally another when a caricature becomes a working model for decision making at the top political level.

That is dangerous.

And his point is very, very valid…

As General Latiff of DARPA correctly noted—most of what the US public and political class know about war is from entertainment, from Hollywood to the literature of such “professionals” like the late Clancy.

The Generals won’t save us.

Yvonne Lorenzo: I quoted (retired) Major Danny Sjursen earlier. He wrote a piece title, “The Generals Won’t Save Us From The Next War” for the American Conservative. I want to reproduce an excerpt and then ask you to comment. Your disdain for the political class is well known but what about the generals in power? How capable and knowledgeable are they? How competent?

Why should any sentient citizen believe that these commanders’ former  subordinates—a new crop of ambitious generals—will step forward now and  oppose a disastrous future war with the Islamic Republic? 

Don’t believe  it! 

Senior military leaders will salute, about-face, and execute  unethical and unnecessary combat with Iran or whomever else (think  Venezuela) Trump’s war hawks, such as John Bolton, decide needs a little  regime changing.
John Bolton. Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton said that it would be great if the United States could get their hands on that Venezuelan oil, and that statement alone tells you everything that you need to know about why the US is trying so hard to interfere in Venezuelan affairs.
John Bolton. Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton said that it would be great if the United States could get their hands on that Venezuelan oil, and that statement alone tells you everything that you need to know about why the US is trying so hard to interfere in Venezuelan affairs.
Need  proof that even the most highly lauded generals will sheepishly obey  the next absurd march to war? Join me in a brief trip down an ever so  depressing memory lane. 

Let us begin with my distinguished West Point  graduation speaker, Air Force General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs  Richard Myers. 

He goes down in history as as a Donald Rumsfeld lackey  because it turns out he knew full well that there were “holes” in the  Bush team’s inaccurate intelligence used to justify the disastrous Iraq  war. 

Yet we heard not a peep from Myers, who kept his mouth shut and  retired with full four-star honors.
Air Force General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs  Richard Myers
Air Force General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Richard Myers .
Then,  when Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki accurately (and somewhat  courageously) predicted in 2003 that an occupation of Iraq would  require up to half a million U.S. troops, he was quietly retired. 

Rummy  passed over a whole generation of active officers to pull a known  sycophant, General Peter Schoomaker, out of retirement to do Bush the  Younger’s bidding. 

It worked too. 

Schoomaker, despite his highly touted  special forces experience, never threw his stars on the table and called  BS on a losing strategy even as it killed his soldiers by the hundreds  and then the thousands. 

Having heard him (unimpressively) speak at West  Point in 2005, I still can’t decide whether he lacked the intellect to  do so or the conscience. 

Maybe both.
General Peter Schoomaker.
General Peter Schoomaker.
After  Bush landed a fighter plane on a carrier and triumphantly announced  “mission accomplished” in Iraq, poor Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez,  the newest three-star in the Army, took over the hard part of conquest:  bringing the “natives” to heel. 

He utterly failed, being too reliant on  what he knew—Cold War armored combat—and too ambitious to yell “stop!”  

Soon after, it came to light that Sanchez had bungled the  investigation—or cover-up (take your pick)—of the massive abuse scandal  at Abu Ghraib prison.
Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez.
Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez.
General John Abizaid was one of the most disappointing in a long line of subservient generals. 

It seems Abizaid knew better: he knew the Iraq war  couldn’t be won, that it was best to hand over control to the Iraqis  posthaste, that General David Petraeus’s magical “surge” snake oil  wouldn’t work. 

Still, Abizaid didn’t quit and retired quietly. 

He’s now  Trump’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, which is far from comforting.
General John Abizaid .
General John Abizaid .
Lieutenant  General H.R. McMaster was heralded as an outside-the-box thinker. 

And  indeed, he was a Gulf War I hero, earned a Ph.D., taught history at West  Point, and wrote a (mostly) well-received book on Vietnam. 

Yet when  Trump appointed him national security advisor, he brought only  in-the-box military beliefs with him into the White House. 

He then  helped author a fanciful National Defense Strategy that argued the U.S.  military must be ready at a moment’s notice to fight Russia, China,  Iran, North Korea, and “terror.” 

Perhaps at the same time! 

No nuance, no  diplomatic alternatives, no cost-benefit analysis, just standard  militarism. 

These days, McMaster is running around decrying what he  calls a “defeatist narrative” and arguing for indefinite war in the  Middle East.
Lieutenant  General H.R. McMaster .
Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster .
Then  there was the other Washington insider and “liberal” favorite, one of a  trio of “adults in the room,” General Jim Mattis. 

Though sold to the  public as a “warrior monk,” Mattis offered no alternative to America’s  failing forever wars. 

In fact, when he decided his conscience no longer  allowed him to stay in the Trump administration, his reason for leaving  was that the president had called for a reduction of troops in  Afghanistan after 18 senseless years. 

U.S.-supported Saudi terror  bombings that killed tens of thousands of Yemeni civilians? A  U.S.-backed Saudi blockade that starved at least 85,000 Yemeni children  to death? Yeah, he was fine with that. 

But a modest troop withdrawal  from a losing 18-year-old war in landlocked Central Asia, that he  couldn’t countenance.
General Jim Mattis
General Jim Mattis.
Then  there’s the propensity for politics and pageantry among senior military  officers. 

This was embarrassingly and unconscionably on display in the  tragic cases of Private First Class Jessica Lynch and Corporal Pat  Tillman. 

When, during the initial invasion of Iraq, the young Lynch’s  maintenance convoy got lost, she was captured and briefly detained by  Saddam’s army. 

Knowing a good public relations opportunity when they saw  it, Bush’s staff and the generals concocted a slew of comforting lies:  Lynch was a hero who had fought to her last bullet (she’d never fired  her rifle), she’d been tortured (she hadn’t), her combat-camera equipped  commando rescue had come just in the nick of time (she was hardly  guarded and in a hospital). 

Who cares if it was all lies, if this young  woman’s terrifying experience was co-opted and embellished? The Lynch  story was media fodder.
Private First Class Jessica Lynch.
Private First Class Jessica Lynch.
More  tragic was the Pat Tillman escapade. 

Tillman was an admirable outlier,  the only professional athlete to give up a million dollar contract to  enlist in the military soon after 9/11. 

Tillman and his brother went all  in, too, choosing the elite Army Rangers. It was quite the story.  

Rumsfeld even wrote the new private a congratulatory letter. Then  reality got in the way. Tillman was killed in Afghanistan during a  friendly fire incident that can only be described as gross incompetence.  

Almost immediately, President Bush’s staff and much of the Army’s top  brass went to work crafting the big lie: a heroic narrative of Tillman’s  demise, replete with dozens of marauding Taliban fighters and a one-man  charge befitting the hard-hitting former NFL defensive back. 

Promoted  to corporal posthumously, he was awarded the Silver Star. Some of his  fellow Rangers were instructed to lie to the Tillman family at the  memorial service regarding the manner of Pat’s death.
Corporal Pat Tillman.
Corporal Pat Tillman.
Only  Bush’s neophytes and the Army’s complicit generals didn’t count on the  tenacity of Tillman’s parents. 

They waged something nearing war with the  U.S. military for several years until they found out the truth,  unearthing a cover-up that implicated Bush’s civilians and many of the  military’s four-star generals (including Stanley McChrystal, John  Abizaid, and Richard Myers). 

The Tillman family got their congressional  hearing, but the sycophantic representatives on the Hill refused to  seriously criticize the top brass and no one was seriously punished. 

Andrei Martyanov: I don’t know the exact answer to this question. I am positive that there are many highly educated and competent people in US Armed Forces but there is no denial of the fact that some segments of the US top brass are more politicians than military leaders. It is not unique to the United States Armed Forces, but the record of failures is in the open and everyone can make their own conclusions.

Fighting Russia is the goal of the political class

Yvonne Lorenzo: Your latest book, The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs provides further detail on Russia’s technological advancements. A layman, I see America as principally using bombing as artillery and proxy fighters (see Syria) on the ground—not too competent. I’ve read enough to be dangerous—having no military background—but wars can’t be won by bombing campaigns alone, even against a mediocre target (I think you called Iraq’s army third-rate).

Fighting Russia, which appears to be the goal of the political class, is not what they will expect, even if the confrontation doesn’t rise to a nuclear exchange.

I’d appreciate your summarizing some of the key points of this book but I have to ask, having read some of The Saker’s writings…

… can Russia be overwhelmed by thousands upon thousands of slow missiles, like the TLAMs…

The Tomahawk Land Attack Missile ( TLAM ) is a long-range, all-weather, jet-powered, subsonic cruise missile that is primarily used by the United States Navy and Royal Navy in ship- and submarine-based land-attack operations. It was designed and initially produced in the 1970s by General Dynamics as a medium- to long-range, low-altitude missile that could be launched from a surface platform. The missile's modular design accommodates a wide variety of warhead , guidance, and range capabilities. 

- Tomahawk (missile) - Wikipedia 
Tomahawk Land Attack Missile ( TLAM )
Tomahawk Land Attack Missile ( TLAM ) .

… or will Russia use their “800 Pound Gorilla” in your parlance, that is…

A leaked memo confirms that Russia is developing Kanyon, the world's most powerful nuclear weapon, with twice the power of any ever tested. 

This is 2x, or double the destructive power of the most dangerous and largest nuclear weapon ever designed;  The Soviet RDS-202 hydrogen bomb (code name Ivan  or Vanya), known by Western nations as Tsar Bomba. 

Russia's New 'Satan' Nuclear Weapons System Could Wipe Out Texas or France.  Russia has for months been testing a giant nuclear weapons delivery system that can carry 10 heavyweight warheadsenough power to wipe out Texas or France. This is the RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile known in Russia as "Satan 2" 

Mar 06, 2018 · Russia announced it is about to test its Satan 2 missile, a nuclear weapon so powerful it could destroy a country size the of Texas or France in seconds. While its official name is RS-28 Sarmat, NATO officials have given the weapon the nickname Satan 2, the Mirror reports. 
RS-28 Sarmat.
RS-28 Sarmat ICBM.

… does Russia have enough weapons, from cruise missiles, to defensive, to hypersonic, not to be overwhelmed…

… and are American generals aware of the risk if it does should they engage in hostilities?

Rumors of Kanyon (or Ocean Multipurpose System Status-6, as it’s known in Russia) first started swirling in 2015 following a leak on Russian television. Soon after, the nation confirmed the weapon’s existence, while claiming the leak was a mistake.

However, as defense analyst and military historian H. I. Sutton told Futurism, this leak of the latest nuclear posture review is the first official recognition of Kanyon by U.S. officials.

“The  unclassified posture review document doesn’t really tell defense  analysts anything new, but it does establish Kanyon as a military fact,”  said Sutton. “Until now, many observers had regarded the system as  ‘fake news.’ I think that this was partly because the stated  specifications are so incredible and partly because it is hard to  understand how it will be used.”

Incredible Devastation

“Incredible” is perhaps putting it mildly.

Based on leaked Russian documents,  Kanyon is a nuclear-armed autonomous torpedo capable of traveling  10,000 kilometers (6,213 miles) with a 100-megaton thermonuclear weapon  as its payload. That’s at least twice as powerful as any nuclear weapon  ever tested. According to nuclear bomb simulator Nukemap, it would instantly kill 8 million people and injure an additional 6.6 million if dropped on New York City.

Kanyon’s  weapon wouldn’t be dropped, though. It would arrive via the ocean and  bring with it a massive artificial tsunami that would blanket the  coastal area in radioactive water. If the warhead is “salted” with the  radioactive isotope Cobalt-60, as some have reported, a detonation could render contaminated areas uninhabitable by humans for an entire century.

“Kanyon is unique in every respect,” said Sutton. “There really is nothing like it in any navy’s inventory.” 

- US Report Confirms Russia Is Developing the World’s Most Powerful Nuclear Weapon. The 100-megaton thermonuclear weapon isn't "fake news." 
The latest nuclear weapons that China and Russia field are smarter, more technically advance, faster, and superior to their American counterparts in every way.
The latest nuclear weapons that China and Russia field are smarter, more technically advanced, faster, and superior to their American counterparts in every way.

I noted your comments on Professor Cohen’s latest on Ukraine posted to on November 14th but his most recent video in PushBack from The Grayzone he said that in all the years he studied Russia and America he’d never thought the two nations would go to war.

Yet now he fears this possibility. I’d appreciate your thoughts.

America WILL NOT survive World War III, and it is foolish to believe that it will.
America WILL NOT survive World War III, and it is foolish to believe that it will.

Willy Wimmer discussed on RT ‘We are on a path of war again’: 30 years after the Berlin Wall fell, Europe betrays its own hopes (By Willy Wimmer). He said:

It is a kind of Anglo-Saxon policy not to have cooperation on the  European continent – mainly between the Russians, the French, the Poles  and the Germans. They want to have a line of confrontation in this area  and therefore are against all promises. [As a result] NATO was extended  to the East.
I  was responsible for the organization of the German Armed Forces on the  German territory following reunification. 

We did not want foreign troops in former East Germany. 

We did not want to have British or French troops there; we wanted to have only German ones. 

We wanted to explain  to the world that there was no desire to enlarge NATO up to the new  borders with Russia that were created in 1992.
It was against all the ideas we had after reunification. 

What is happening now is some kind of Anglo-Saxon policy that was created even before WWI.  

We are on the path of war again. 

That is so much against the will of  our people.
What is happening now is some kind of Anglo-Saxon policy that was created even before WWI.  

We are on the path of war again.
What is happening now is some kind of Anglo-Saxon policy that was created even before WWI. We are on the path of war again.
This is also against the will of the Dutch, the French, the Spanish and the  Italians. 

We see it as a disaster that a US president that is willing to  cooperate with the Russian President Vladimir Putin – President  [Donald] Trump – has to face such a disastrous policy organized by the  US deep state, which is against our national interests and the national  interests of all other western Europeans…
 What is happening now is some kind of Anglo-Saxon policy that was created even before WWI.  We are on the path of war again.
What is happening now is some kind of Anglo-Saxon policy that was created even before WWI. We are on the path of war again.


But,  when you now come to Rostock, Dresden or Leipzig they are learning  Russian again, they go to theaters to watch Russian performances and  listen to Russian music. 

They have re-established their links with  Russia, and if they could do what they want to do, they would be the big  economic partners of Russia these days.
Things  have really changed for the Russian Federation and with regard to  Russia. 

People in Dresden, Saxony’s capital, are absolutely proud that  Russian President Vladimir Putin once served there. 

That is the reality  these days, despite what the American mainstream media say.

Would Russia engage in tank battles and soldier-to-soldier combat if NATO attacked, or would they use stand-off weapons that you discuss just to obliterate command  and control centers, the sources of munitions, etc.? 

Mr. Wimmer clearly  sees that some Germans, as opposed to the “vassal” government, want better relations with Russia as opposed to war, including cold war. 

Andrei Martyanov: The issue of TLAMs: in a conventional configuration, I don’t think that they can do much damage to Russia, especially considering Russia’s unique anti-air and anti-missile defense.

A few possible leakers in conventional configuration will not do much damage; a few leakers in a nuclear configuration, however, is a completely different game. Hence Russia’s worry about Aegis Ashore installations in Romania and Poland. That’s the main worry.

"Leakers" missile weapons systems that are able to bore through national defenses.

In a conventional scenario, Russia will not be overwhelmed and even conventional response-head on (otvetno-vstrechnyi) strike will be extremely damaging to NATO and the US.

That first strike (in Russian parlance, a retaliatory strike, or otvetno-vstrechnyi udar) follows Russia’s military doctrine, which mandates such strikes to compensate for Russia’s conventional inferiority vis-à-vis NATO and the United States. 

- Eastern European Missile Defense: Russia's Threat ... 

Valeri Gerasimov was explicit couple of years ago in his interview about Russia having enough stand-off weapons at every strategic direction to provide a reliable deterrence.

Even in conventional exchange Russia can launch weapons at the US proper with Russian bombers not leaving Russia’s aerospace.

The X-101 cruise missile has a range in excess of 5,500 kilometers. Russia continues to increase her deterrence with 3M22 Zircon getting ready to be tested from Admiral Gorshkov frigate very soon, with Kazan SSGN of project 885 planned to launch the hyper-sonic Zircon from underwater early next year.

All this changes deterrence dynamics completely because the United States cannot defend her coasts and in depth against such systems.

In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, officers and soldiers of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy hold a welcome ceremony as a Russian naval ship arrives in port in Zhanjiang in southern China's Guangdong Province, Monday, Sept. 12, 2016
In this photo released by China’s Xinhua News Agency, officers and soldiers of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy hold a welcome ceremony as a Russian naval ship arrives in port in Zhanjiang in southern China’s Guangdong Province, Monday, Sept. 12, 2016

Russia can intercept the bulk of US and NATO cruise missiles; the US cannot do so against Russia.

Yvonne Lorenzo: As I write this on December 3rd, 2019, Vesti News posted this video on the Zircon: Putin Unveils Zircon Hypersonic Missiles! Stresses Importance of Beefing Up Russia’s Navy!

Yvonne Lorenzo: Let me ask you about Colonel Douglas Macgregor. A recent piece for Strategic-Culture, Douglas Macgregor: America’s De Gaulle, Unheeded Prophet of Houthi Victory and Saudi Fall described him thus:

The brilliant Houthi military victory over the Saudis fulfilled the  predictions in military doctrine made by America’s own De Gaulle, a  retired US Army Colonel, Douglas Macgregor with an outstanding combat  and command record who has been treated over the past 20 years by most  of his own country’s four star generals and civilian theorists with  contempt: Just as the French Army ignored DeGaulle’s armored warfare  doctrines 90 years, when they were being read and applied passionately  by the generals of Germany.
Macgregor  observed after the Houthi victory in September that that there was no  reason for surprise. Sure enough, two and a half years earlier, in  testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) on March 7,  2017, he stated:

“The skies over the battlefield will be crowded with loitering munitions, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones). These agile cruise missiles are designed to engage beyond line-of-sight ground targets. With proximity-fused, high-explosive warheads, these systems will remain airborne for hours, day or night. Equipped with high resolution electro-optical and infrared cameras, enemy operators will locate, surveil, and guide the drones to targets on the ground… When these loitering missiles are integrated into the enemy’s Strike Formations armed with precision guided rocket artillery that fires high explosive, incendiary, thermobaric, warheads including sub-munitions with self-targeting anti-tank and anti-personnel munitions warfare as we know it changes.”

Macgregor  was even more prescient in predicting the previous Houthi precision  missile strikes that wiped out half the production capacity of Saudi  Arabia’s oil refineries earlier in September. 

Those attacks  humiliatingly exposed the ultra-expensive, endlessly praised US missile  defense systems sold to Riyadh as worthless dinosaurs.
Yet,  writing in his book “Transformation Under Fire” published back in 2003,  Macgregor had said: “The idea is to link maneuver and strike assets  through a flatter operational architecture empowered by new terrestrial  and space-based communications throughout the formation… Long-range,  joint precision fires and C4ISR [Command, Control, Communications,  Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance] offer the  possibility to reach over enemy armies to directly strike at what they  hope to defend or preserve. 

Precision strategic strikes closely  coordinated and timed with converging Army combat forces would present a  defending enemy with an insoluble dilemma.”

As you see, he’s retired and  never became a general. 

At least he appears to oppose war with Russia and Iran and China, from his appearances on Tucker Carlson that I’ve seen. Can you comment on the above piece and how Russia might respond if America used such techniques? It seems to me Russia would also be able  to implement such techniques. 

Andrei Martyanov: Douglas Macgregor is a brilliant man but his testimony is about…

… fighting an enemy which does not posses C4ISR [Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance] capabilities comparable to that of the United States.

Russia does and we have to be very clear on that distinction.

Fighting a modern combined arms war against such opponents as North Korea or even Iran the United States will have massive leverage, at least initially, before boots get on the ground, in terms of stand-off operations.

Once boots hit the ground, well, then it will change. But fighting peers, such as China, let alone Russia—…

…I simply cannot see how the United States will stay away from escalation to a nuclear threshold, because the scale of losses will be catastrophic both in men and materiel.

 It’s EXTREMELY unlikely that the US can stop modern nuclear weapons from  Russia.  There is ZERO evidence that any of the US anti-missile  technologies would be sufficient to stop a MIRV warhead – let alone  multiple MIRV warheads – traveling at the speeds a modern missile can  achieve. In a war with Russia, literally hundreds if not thousands of  warheads would be heading towards the US. No missile defense system  known can handle that. 

- Richard Steven Hack on 09/19/2017 at 3:40 PM 

In the end, Macgregor is on the record:

In 110 days of fighting the German army in France during 1918, the U.S.  Army Expeditionary Force sustained 318,000 casualties, including 110,000  killed in action. 

That’s the kind of lethality waiting for U.S. forces in a future war with real armies, air forces, air defenses and naval power.

Only… on American soil.

Ignoring  this reality is the road to future defeats and American decline. It’s  time to look beyond the stirring images of infantrymen storming  machine-gun nests created by Hollywood and to see war for what it is and  will be in the future: 

the ruthless extermination of the enemy with accurate, devastating firepower from the sea, from the air, from space  and from mobile, armored firepower on land. 
The United Sates is not in a position to take this scale of losses, not to mention having its rear, from staffs to munition depots and airfields being under relentless and devastating fire impact from operational to a strategic depth—a condition the US Army simple has no experience with. 

As even RAND people admitted:
“We lose a lot of people. We lose a lot of equipment. We usually fail to achieve our objective of preventing aggression by the adversary,” RAND analyst David Ochmanek told a security conference on Thursday. “In our games, when we fight Russia and China, blue gets its ass handed to it.”

In war games with either Russia, China or both, almost always, the United States loses.

I’ve been writing about this for years.
It’s good that some people are beginning to get it. I hope—although I don’t hold my breath—their opinions will be heard at the political top.

Yvonne Lorenzo: Recent articles have posted on cooperation between Russia and China, not just the well know business deals but cultural and Chinese students coming to Russia. See these articles, “Top Russian nuclear university eyes future cooperation with China” and “Film about WWII sniper ‘Lady Death’ kicks off ‘2019 Russian Film Exhibition’ in Beijing” posted on China’s Global Times.

I’d appreciate your thoughts about the Russian-Chinese relationship/partnership.

Andrei Martyanov: The answer is extremely simple—Russian-Chinese cooperation is not only natural, but it was inevitable, considering the state of the combined West and, especially so, of the United States.

Yvonne Lorenzo: Andrei, you posted this on your blog on November 26th, 2019, “New S-400 Contract For Turkey?” which I want to discuss not only because of your observations, but because in the past (and I’m not picking on him) Paul Craig Roberts wrote in effect that Russia must be more aggressive with America to avoid a shooting war, quoting him, “The Russian government’s failure to stand up to Washington’s bullying guarantees more bullying. Sooner or later the bullying will cross a line, and Russia will have to fight.”

However, in this post of yours I cited above you commented:

So, [the] Turks are already running, it seems, detection routines with  F-16 and F-4 as targets. 

Turks will, already do, want more. 

The Turks  know what comes next, and it is S-500—they want it. 

The reason is  simple: look at [a] map of Turkey and see how much [of the] Eastern  Mediterranean she will be able to cover—pretty much all of it. Just in  case. 

And it is not just for reasons of Greece and gas fields, but for  reasons of Israel. The Turkish path towards a leadership in [the]  Islamic world lies through the fate of Palestine.
So,  a lot of thing are riding on those systems for Turkey and, just a  hunch, SU-35s will follow.

I’m surprised the Turks haven’t start testing against any F-35s, unless Turkey had to return them to America; 

I’d love  to see the reaction if they did, which so far has included this:  

“‘Erdogan thumbs his nose at Trump’: US senator says Turkey crossed  ‘another red line’ with S-400 test, calls for new sanctions.” 

As you also wrote recently: “How about State Department creating a new Office of S-400 Weekly Complaints and Threats Towards Turkey (OSWCTTT). Should be a pretty nice sinecure for some bureaucrat. Should pay well too—rent and real estate prices inside the Beltway are atrocious. Foggy Bottom especially.”

Russia's Radical Sukhoi S-37 Fighter Plane.
Russia’s Radical Sukhoi S-37 Fighter Plane .

And I see in the way they’ve turned Turkey away from American dominance, or Western dominance, that Russia’s diplomatic team, of course under the leadership of President Putin, have performed a Jujitsu move against the West more effective than using force.

Of course, the Turks are no angels as this article, “ISIS Captives Offer a Convenient Pawn in Turkey’s Syria Chess Game” by the respected Vanessa Beeley notes although I suspect they won’t turn on Russia.

What are your thoughts?

Andrei Martyanov: As a Russian proverb says: “Diplomacy is the art to say to your counterpart that he is an idiot in the politest manner.”

In reality, the Russian version is very profane, so I softened it a bit. Russians do not operate on the so called “values-based,” ideological that is, principle in foreign policy. Russians actually DO consider the other side’s interests and concerns and that is what makes Russian diplomacy so effective.

This, plus, of course, military power. As another Russian saying goes: “If you do not want to talk to Lavrov, you will talk to Shoigu.”

With Turkey, Russia does accommodate many Turkish interests; the Turks feel that.

This is as much as I can respond to, because I am not in the position to pass deep and knowledgeable judgment on Turkey’s policies since I do not know the region that well.

I am sure, however, that Turks have a very good idea about what Russia offers technologically and economically.

The Turkish officer crews for S-400 underwent an extensive training in Russia so they do not need any additional argumentation in favor of the system they were trained on.

The F-35 is irrelevant here, apart from the fact that Turks cannot use, I believe, from the top of my head, those two aircraft which they had and which will be returned to the US.

Yvonne Lorenzo: In this interview with John Pilger, “American Exceptionalism Driving World to War – John Pilger,” he discusses the risk of “hot war” instigated by America against Russia. Here’s an excerpt:

Question: You have worked for over five decades as a war reporter and  documentary film-maker in Vietnam, elsewhere in Asia, Africa and Latin  America. 

How do you see current international tensions between the US,  China and Russia? 

Do you think the danger of war is greater now than in  previous times?
John  Pilger: In 1962, we all may have been saved by the refusal of a Soviet  naval officer, Vasili Arkhipov, to fire a nuclear torpedo at US ships during the Cuban Missile Crisis. 

Are we in greater danger today? 

During  the Cold War, there were lines that the other side dared not cross.  

There are few if any lines now;

The US surrounds China with 400 military  bases and ...
...sails its low-draught ships into Chinese waters and...
...flies its drones in Chinese airspace. 

American-led NATO forces mass on the same Russian frontier the Nazis crossed...
...the Russian president is insulted as a matter of routine. 

There is no restraint and none of the diplomacy that kept the old Cold War cold. 

In the West, we have acquiesced as bystanders in our own countries, preferring to look away (or at our smart phones) rather than break free of the post-modernism entrapping us with its specious “identity” distractions.
Question:  You traveled extensively in the US during the Cold War years. You witnessed the assassination of presidential candidate Robert Kennedy in  1968. 

It seems the American Cold War obsession with “communism as an  evil” has been replaced by an equally intense Russophobia towards  modern-day Russia. 

Do you see a continuation in the phobia from the Cold  War years to today? What accounts for that mindset?
John  Pilger: The Russians refuse to bow down to America...
...and that is intolerable. 

They play an independent, mostly positive role in the  Middle East, the antithesis of America’s violent subversions...
...and that  is unbearable. 

Like the Chinese, they have forged peaceful and fruitful alliances with people all over the world...
...and that is unacceptable to the US Godfather. 

The constant defamation of all things Russian is a symptom of decline and panic... if the United States has departed the  21st century for the 19th century...
...obsessed with a proprietorial view of the world. 

In the circumstances, the phobia you describe is hardly  surprising. 

Andrei Martyanov: As in any event, war between Russia and the US is possible, but how probable it is, is a completely different matter. Some probability of Russia and the United States actually fighting each other certainly exists.

It is not very high, I think, but it does exist.

We all have to do our utmost to prevent this scenario becoming a reality.

Paradoxically, Russia’s very real military strength today is a guarantor or, at least, a robust deterrent against such a nightmarish scenario.

As I said, the US military does understand the implications, even when American politicians don’t.

I always repeat that I feel much better when Gerasimov and Milley talk to each other than when Lavrov is forced to explain basic things to Pompeo.

Mike Pompeo.
Mike Pompeo.

Yvonne Lorenzo: Hypersonic weapons, impressive as they are, rely on Newtonian physics. There was—to me—a term that you would call “Runglish”, Russian-English, discussing “New physical principles” which I finally understood to mean “new principles of physics” relating to the new Peresvet laser, which I think you’ve speculated on its purpose but is highly secret.

Peresvet laser complex.
Peresvet laser complex.

However, all this technology is used for military purposes; what I find it sad about deteriorating relations with Russia because the best of the West and Russia could accomplish a great deal sharing and developing non-military technology.

I’m reminded of this wonderful video of a Russia cosmonaut’s interactions with an American astronaut and seeing the world below they have disdain for politicians.

I Need More Space: Russian Cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin’s long road to the stars

What are your thoughts and how can Russians and American in this environment of “Russophobia” which is a polite, diplomatic word for hatred of Russians, cooperate as we two are doing now for peaceful and good purposes?

I worry both your doors and mine, for simply communicating with one another, will be kicked in one day by someone from the government, as happened with Max Blumenthal.

Can we both pessimistic and hopeful?

Max Blumenthal.
Max Blumenthal.

Andrei Martyanov: As I stated repeatedly, the combined West committed cultural suicide in Russia.

Yes, Russians are open to mutually beneficial cooperation, with space being one of those exhibit A cases where international cooperation manifests itself in the most profound and positive way.

Primary military targets that would be obliterated by first nuclear strikes.
Primary military targets that would be obliterated by first nuclear strikes.

Sadly, with the current US political “elites” who are Russophobic in the extreme, any prospects of serious Russian-American cooperation look very grim.

The world is in the process of unprecedented geopolitical realignment which increasingly degrades the position of the United States and Russia is at the center of this process.

The Obama Administration destroyed Russian-American relations totally and I don’t see any improvement, bar some symbolic gestures, such as, I hope, President Trump visiting Moscow on May 9th next year, because the American political class’s Russophobia is systemic and was nurtured for generations.

Plus, the United States is not an agreement-capable entity because it is ungovernable, as the last three years so dramatically demonstrated.

The first thirty cities to be attacked with nuclear weapons during a Russia or China first-strike event. Say, if America puts troops in the Ukraine, or conducts Naval operations near the Chinese coast.
The first thirty cities to be attacked with nuclear weapons during a Russia or China first-strike event. Say, if America puts troops in the Ukraine, or conducts Naval operations near the Chinese coast.

Russia is aware of that—no agreement signed with the United States is worth the paper it is written on.

"... no agreement signed with the United States is  worth the paper it is written on." I think that China would agree.

We can only hope that things will change for the better in the future but this change may come only through the United States reassessing its role in history and the world…

…a process which may take decades, serious tribulations and, hopefully, emergence of new American elites that would be able to formulate real American national interests.

Nuclear Targets Map in the United States.
Nuclear Targets Map in the United States.


After I asked Andrei my last question, this Russian video posted on YouTube: so much for future cooperation between America and Russia in space, because of sanctions Americans cannot be carried to the space station by Russians any longer:

US Will Be Stranded On Earth! Baikonur Cosmodrome Sends Very Last American Into Space!

I’d like to thank Andrei for his kind answers to my questions and highly recommend his books and his writings on his blog and on for those who wish to escape the Matrix and find a knowledgeable Russian perspective on events and military matters; Martyanov is the antidote to Tom Clancy disease.

Radioactive fallout map of America. Assuming  a minor nuclear exchange using small, but accurate nuclear warheads.
Radioactive fallout map of America. Assuming a minor nuclear exchange using small, but accurate nuclear warheads.

I want to close by noting Andrei Martynov’s recent blog post “Ishenko Delivers” that referenced an article by Rostislav Ishenko entitled “In Bulgaria, a Russian Soldier” the title itself a reference to the song “Alyosha,” which I am familiar with from the album Wait for Me by the late exceptional baritone Dimitri Hvorsostovky. The below passage Ishenko wrote is moving, as is the song.

It was 1970. I was five years old. 

I came to visit my grandmother. To  the White Church. Near Kiev. 

My grandmother is from the Urals. 

My  grandfather (on my father’s side) started the war near Stalingrad, and  ended on the Dnieper (six wounds, four of them heavy, two shell shocks,  medals “For Military Merit” and “For Courage,” the Order of the “Red  Star” and “World War II” degrees). 

The commander of a machine gun  company. He fought for an incomplete year. From October 1943 he was no  longer sent to the front (and his division arrived near Stalingrad in  November 1942). 

He died (in 1956) at 36 years old, from the consequences  of a concussion (as a young major, in a colonel’s position).
In  1970, I was five years old (to be exact, then four and a half).  

Grandmother was a teacher of French. At the same time and a class  teacher. I came to visit her. Contrary to usual, I didn’t go straight  home, but (for some reason unknown to me) I went to the school where she  taught. 

I think that she needed to complete the work with the class,  and the school was five to seven minutes’ walk from home. 

Here I am, as a  future student, and they brought me to see how the children learn.
For  about fifteen minutes I studied desks in an empty classroom (which at  that time did not differ from the gymnasium at the beginning of the  century) and read what was written on the board. 

And then she went with  her grandmother to the porch of the school, where her class (and other  classes) performed. 

Now I don’t remember what the holiday was, but I  suspect it is May 9th. Because I went out onto the porch (they rather  took me out, I was too small to go out myself), just as the girls from  my grandmother’s class (8–10, already without pioneer ties and, as for  me, adult aunts) sang “Alyosha.” 

I haven’t heard the song so often since  then, but I remember it well, because, in the words, “He doesn’t give  flowers to girls, they give him flowers,” the entire female team of the  school, which was standing next to me, wept.
It  was the 70th year. 

My grandmother was 48 years old. 

Exactly at that age  (in 2014) I left Kiev. 

The city where four generations of my ancestors  lived, in which my mother survived the occupation (and met the Red Army  at the age of three), became not just a stranger, but a hostile one. 

I  can be forced to return there, but I cannot be persuaded or persuaded to  do so voluntarily. 

It’s like in a war. 

All who survived and won are  proud of the Victory, and while their fellow soldiers were alive, they  met and remembered the days of old. 

But they themselves did not dream of  returning to the dugout under shelling, nor did they want to experience  the “pleasure” of the attack (to their full height on the prepared  defense) for their children. 

Russians have in their collective memory the trauma of a war that killed millions, a subject Martyanov has discussed in depth especially in his first book;

…in that respect, they are different from Americans and I question the sanity of the rulers…

…especially the feckless political class…

…of the West who make the Russians foes.

Launch of American ICBM's from the underground silos.
Launch of American ICBM’s from the underground silos.

Perhaps only the people of the two nations—if they are enough in number in America—can prevent war from coming, because I am uncertain if the American military can reign in the powers that control them.

Or perhaps it is the fate for Russia to humble America, the way she did Nazi Germany, not necessarily by military might—at least I pray.

I suspect the process has started already.

Sadly, we know which side is most at fault for this deterioration of relations between our nations.

Reminders… China.

China and Russia will mutually work together militarily to counter American aggression.

As a history buff I must point out that ALL Major Wars started from  misconceptions (they enemy is weak, cannot hit the broad side of the  barn etc) AND starred new disruptive weapons (the Machine Gun in WW1 vs  Calvary/Infantry charges, Aircraft carrier in WW2 vs the MIGHTY  Battleship).  

Will WW3 find the USA under EMP?  Will Russian and Chinese high tech  ECM systems shut off our High Tech Weapons? Ask the commanders of the  two recent US Navy collisions if they think ECM jammed their Command and  Control Systems.  Both of the Ships were very high tech Aegis Warships,  yet were rammed by slow moving clumsy Cargo Ships. 

Will we get our  heads handed to us like the Germans?  

You know that in both world wars the Germans did not expect to lose you know.

Prepare for bad times my friends the petrodollar is almost done. The cost of everything is about to rise quickly.
 -NH Michael 

Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged Russia to strengthen bilateral comprehensive cooperation and mutual political support during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou. This action has prompted political analyst Rostislav Ishchenko to assert that both countries are moving towards a political and military alliance.

"De  facto a political and military alliance between Russia and China has  existed for a long time and it is not a secret to anyone. Rumors have repeatedly surfaced that it could be  formalized. But at the recent G20 summit the Chinese leader has for the  first time mentioned the need to 'formalize relations' as openly  as Chinese political and diplomatic traditions permit."

- Ishchenko,  head of the Center for Systems Analysis and Forecasting, wrote  for RIA Novosti. 

Xi Jinping said that both countries should support each other in their efforts to protect national sovereignty and security. The Chinese president added that both nations should step up cooperation in such areas as infrastructure development, energy, aviation, aerospace and cutting-edge technology.

In addition, Russia and China should foster bilateral military exchanges and security cooperation.

Reminders… American Mainstream media

The US is likely to provoke a major war, partly in an attempt to unite a  culturally divided country. But not just a sport war such as we’ve had  in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. Probably with China, possibly Russia or  Iran. Perhaps with all three. The US won’t do well, since it will find  that its aircraft carriers, F-35s, and the like are equivalent to  cavalry before WW1 and battleships before WW2. 

- Doug Casey’s Top 7 Predictions for the 2020s 

Americans, all jazzed up with the mainstream media news, and the mainstream pro-military movies, and a neocon government, is all but “chomping at the bit” to fight and (of course) win a war with either, Russia or China or both…

Lord help us all.

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