Some SHTF survival techniques that preppers should be made aware of

I’m going to lay off this stuff about the American shit-a-storm a-brewing. It’s a real drag don’t ya know. So this will be my last post on it for a couple of weeks. Instead, I will get back to more positive and productive posts like time-travel, sex at KTV’s, delicious bacon vodka, as well as art, and literature. I’ll bet you all were afraid that I fell into a black hole on all this crap, eh?


I am writing this by request. I sincerely wish that none of this ever comes to pass. Sincerely. I mean, why can't we all get along together. We're all Americans we need to act like it.

There is a movement (political) that is well funded, and organized. They are an offensive movement. That is to say that they want to go on the offensive to enact their desires. It represents about 5% of the population. These are hard-core, alt-Left progressive socialists.

There is a counter movement (political) that is grass-roots and unorganized. They are a defensive movement. They consist of preppers and other survivalists. They have a few organizations, but are pretty disorganized. They are on the defensive. They represent about 5% of the population. They are known as Alt-Right, or Hard-Right or preppers.

Then there is everyone else. And everyone else is being forced to pick sides. I think most people want to be left alone, go to work, and just a return to "normality" what ever that is. This post is for the vast bulk of people who really don't want to align themselves with any movement, just defend their family, and live a quiet life outside the fray. But you know, just because you don't want to partake in politics, doesn't mean that it doesn't want to partake in you.

So, there is a buildup and a gathering storm. You can run and hide, but powerful, wealthy, interests are seemingly desirous of hunting you all down and rooting you all out. And thus this post.

These are defensive techniques for use during a SHTF event and should not be considered to be anything else.

Remember that if all you do is "play defense" you will never "win the game". You must have a strong offensive strategy.

And, if you have the means, go to a nice safe and calm place. I'm thinking Greenland. Don't you know.

You can go ahead and visit numerous prepping and survival websites for advice and recommendations on what to do during a SHTF event. They offer good, solid and reliable information for the well-prepared survivalist. Here, I want to add some of my thoughts into the mix. And rather than duplicate the excellent advice given by others, I will concentrate on other things that might not be so well known.

I have some general knowledge and advice. Some of which might be buried inside some prepper sites, and others that might not be obvious.

Again, the best preparation that you can have is to associate yourself with a community where you are respected and one where you contribute. If that means that you need to become a Mennonite, and change your entire standard and way of living, then make it so. You need to be part of something. Being a “lone wolf” during this anticipated SHTF event is likely to be lethal.

The future will belong to the builders, the creators, the fluid and the flexible, and those that can fit into society. If you cannot, you will not do well in the coming years of shit-storm-a-thon.

Why this now?


Though to reach the point of a Contingent Election needing to occur, the United States would have to be at or near the point of a violent rebellion—a point now more than reached by the nearly 71-million people who voted for President Trump, fully 70% of whom believe this election was neither free or fair—whose beliefs are substantiated by the massive growing list of voter fraud committed by socialist Democrats to steal this election from President Trump.

With no democratic nation being able to survive in an environment where half of its citizens have completely lost faith in the election process, every historical example of this occurring has ultimately led to civil war

—with the last time this occurred in the United States being the 1860 Presidential Election

—whose end result of was the American Civil War that killed up 1-million of its citizens.

And exactly like what occurred in 1860, the divisions between the Republicans and socialist Democrats today are intractable and irreconcilable

—as neither of these two forces have compatible ideologies or visions for the future direction their nation needs to take

—neither of whom will ever accept being led by the leader of the opposing party they fear, hate and despise

—all of which are the ingredients called for in the recipe to make war. 

A war under The Constitution of the United States that is only permitted to be declared by the US Congress

—which is why the American Civil War was never a “declared war”, as it was single-handedly waged by President Abraham Lincoln using his powers as Commander

-In-Chief over all American military forces

—and in waging the most bloody conflict in American history, that cost more lives than all of that nation’s other wars all put together, saw what President Lincoln was actually doing was fulfilling his oath of office that demanded his only duty was to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.

The significance of which means that President Trump has had to determine if the socialist Democrats are a threat to the Constitution

—and if he determined that they are, means he is left with no choice other than to wage war against them as his oath of office demands he do.

Which is why the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) continuously monitors and documents what President Trump is doing, as wars such as this have to be strategically prepared for

—war preparations GRU military intelligence analysts have documented now include the over 31-million guns secreted away during the past four years at an underground “Q” base

—guns suspected to have been purchased by the United Services Automobile Association (USAA)

—that is one of the most powerful secret banks in the world having tens-of-billions of dollars in assets and offices throughout America, as well as in London and Frankfurt

—and was founded by an elite group of US Army officers under the name United States Army Automobile Association in 1924.

A powerful and secretive US Army

-linked bank one of whose past leader of was former US Army intelligence officer Dan Brouillette

—who is now United States Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette, and is the top “Q Clearance” holder in America

—and last week saw Secretary Brouillette forcing from power Lisa Gordon-Hagerty, who oversaw America’s entire nuclear weapons stockpile

—a war move best understood when noticing the stunning historic announcement made last month that the US Army and US Air Force had merged together into a single war time fighting force

—that now sees the Army's Project Convergence artificial intelligence system linking to the Air Force and Space Force's artificial intelligence system called the Advanced Battlefield Management System

—that was joined by the US Army announcing that it has discontinued its Rapid Equipping Force set up during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to get urgently needed capabilities into the field in 180-days or less, as well as its saying it has now disbanded its Asymmetric Warfare Group.

Was preparations being made by President Trump whose purpose for came into sharper focus yesterday

—a day that began with President Trump firing Secretary of Defense Mark Esper—that was followed shortly afterwards by reports that United States Attorney General William Barr walked into a secretive meeting with Republican Party US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

—a meeting Senate Majority Leader McConnell emerged from to walk to the floor of the US Senate and declare: “President Trump is 100 percent within his rights to look into allegations of irregularities and weigh his legal options…Let’s not have any lectures about how the president should immediately, cheerfully accept preliminary election results from the same characters who just spent four years refusing to accept the validity of the last election

—a declaration quickly followed by Attorney General Barr announcing that he had authorized federal prosecutors to investigate “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities in last week’s election.

The furious Deep State backlash to saw Department of Justice official Richard Pilger, who handled voter fraud investigations and persecuted Republicans during the Obama-Biden Regime, handing in his immediate resignation

—that was followed by disgraced former CIA Director John Brennan screaming that if the Cabinet “had a spine and patriotism” they’d immediately throw President Trump from office using the 25th Amendment

—both of whom were followed by the release of an article, wherein just before he was fired saw Defense Secretary Esper fearfully saying: “Who’s going to come in behind me?...It’s going to be a real yes man…And then God help us”.

And whose terror being exhibited by these Deep State traitors is due to their knowing the definition of what a true “Citizen Soldier” is

—which is most apt term to describe whom President Trump has just chosen to be his acting-Secretary of Defense

—whose name is Christopher C. Miller, and began his military career as a low ranking enlisted soldier in the US Army in 1983

—who rose through the ranks to become a highly decorated US Army Green Beret combat veteran officer

—saw him becoming the US Army’s top expert on low-intensity conflict

—which is why before President Trump made him Secretary of Defense yesterday, he was Director Christopher Miller overseeing the National Counterterrorism Center

—that in 2012, then United States Attorney General Eric Holder granted the authority to collect, store, and analyze extensive data collections on US citizens compiled from governmental and non-governmental sources for suspicious behavior through pattern analysis

—thus making now acting-Secretary of Defense Miller the exact military leader President Trump needs to effectively and successfully wage war against the socialist Democrat Party forces trying to destroy American and its Constitution.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Here’s my thoughts on alternative tools that one can use when going into a defensive posture during an extreme societal upset.

Line Of Sight

LOS, or Line of Sight, refers to the simple belief that you need to see something to shoot and hit it. It’s pretty basic, actually. The only way around this is to use really large explosive ordinance, that do not require precision placement.

Selco tells a story about the difficulty in obtaining water. And there was a stream (a river actually) that people would try to go down to to fetch some water. The problem was that it was frequented by snipers, and those that went looking for water often died and stayed there.

If you need to make a water run, wouldn't it be nice to have a two person team do it. One to get the water, and the other to blind all snipers with something. Whether it is smoke, haze, fog, or blinding flashes of light?

This idea that you need to be able to see something to hit it is the reason why there is camouflage clothing, and the like. A good survivalist realizes this and makes sure that he / she is out of sight. “Out of sight, out of mind” as we used to say in Pennsylvania.

But you know, there are other techniques that you can use that will keep you all “out of sight”. And they are not that obvious. The following is something that was used during the Portland Rioters. They would blast these high intensity pulsed strobe lights at the police, effectively blinding them and making it impossible to target anything.

So, legit, we walked into this thing blind, in hindsight it was stupid on our part, I had no idea that they were like that. If it had been a full-blown riot we would not have gone. Bottom line, man, if you had ever given me a scenario like this and said hey, you’re sober, and you have a gun, and somebody is hitting you with a bat and throwing rocks at you that could kill you or put you in a coma, you try to get away but they cut you off with a convoy of vehicles and the assault starts again. They impede your movement and beat you with bats…
Would you shoot?

I’d be like, yeah what fucking planet are you from?

But in all the training that I’ve been through my life, I’ve never been in one where in the first five seconds of the scenario you’re blinded with a strobe light and sprayed with pepper spray…. That changes everything. 

They were throwing these rocks from 15 feet back in the crowd, you couldn’t see who the fuck through it, etc. things like that…. It’s just a good talking point for guys that carry concealed, but you need to think through all these different scenarios.

It got way worse after that video ended, they chased us for 11 city blocks. They had a convoy of about 25 vehicles that cut us off at the next intersection, They had scouts on the corner with radios, they had a drone following us, they had a bull horn calling us Nazis, and the crowd was following a red strobe light that was up in the air on a stick, so they would announce Nazis and then people would follow the red strobe light, That video is just the beginning, I’ve got a fucking fractured hand from a baton, everyone of us has black and blue bruises up and down their legs and back, I had a guy spit in my face from 6 inches away, call me a pussy and a coward for not doing anything about it, and then tell me that he was going to find where I live, rape my mother, rape my children in front of me and then kill me.

I’ve never been more angry about something in my fucking life, the level of restraint that it took for us to not fight back in any capacity whether that was with a gun or fists is incredible.

-2020 is the year that the American Civil War got “real”. With shootings, military tactics, and armed insurrection.

The idea here is that the enemy knows that you are in the vicinity. They want to box you in, hit you with bullets, and make it difficult for you to fire back. Rather than use smoke, you would disable their ability to target you with a high-intensity beam of light. I would like to introduce the reader to the High-intensity, Multi-function Portable Strobe Light.

High intensity strobe light.
Industrial grade high intensity strobe light.

Strobe lights are used in industry, in photography, and for special purposes. What you want is a portable unit, battery powered. You want one that cycles rather rapidly, at least once a second. Though, I suppose that once every three seconds might actually work. If you can find a sharpshooter that can locate you and target you under three seconds then you are in trouble.

If you are on a budget, you can even make your own.

The basic circuit is really super simple, with a single IC chip. You would need to construct the housing and make it shoot out a matrix array of perhaps fifty LED’s, focuses behind a lens. It requires a basic skill level in soldering electronics, but it doable, that is for certain.

Strobe circuit.
Here is a simple circuit for a single LED, run off a single tiny 6V battery. If you wanted to scale it up you would multiply the (resistor + LED) by fifty, and put them in parallel, and then from pin #3 (Q) it would control the gate on a transistor or FET.


To control a large array of LED lights, you would take the output of the IC chip at pin #3 (Q) and run it to a FET, and have the power to the LED array handled separately like this…

FET driver circuit.
Where LOAD is the 50 LED array with one resistor to each LED. Q, from pin #3 would come in from the left and enter R. So you would have a 6V battery to operate the strobe, and a 12V batter operate the lights from the strobe. Of course it is super easy to have the 12 V batter run everything, but most of my readership are probably not up to the challenge.

DIY Claymore

Everyone is seemingly in love with the idea of using a nice sleek expensive bullet firing gun during a SHTF event. I call it the Hollywood effect. Here’s a hint; it’s all bullshit.

A gun is useless unless you know how to use it; and use it well under very adverse conditions. People will not start dropping like flies with single shots to the head when you spray an area with suppressive fire. If you believe that, then you are deluding yourself.

You need to hide, be low key, and be part of a crew, or a clan that works together. Then, and only then, you fight as it is necessary. And you fight as a last resort. And you never, ever, go out looking for a fight unless it is absolutely necessary.

But here, we are going to discuss something that is quite different. We are going to discuss “home made claymores”.

Designed to counter human-wave assaults, the Claymore uses a shaped C-4 charge to fire several hundred steel balls into a designated 55-yard killing zone. (Illustration by Gregory Proch)

In the lead-up to World War II József Misznay, a Hungarian army officer and ballistics expert, and German physicist Hubert Schardin formulated the Misznay-Schardin effect, a phenomenon in which the blast from the face of an explosive sheet expands perpendicularly from its surface. Nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler was particularly interested when fellow Austrian Franz Rudolf Thomanek applied this principle to design shaped charges to defeat tanks and fortifications.

The war ended before Thomanek could perfect his weapon, and information on the Misznay-Schardin effect fell into American hands. Explosives researcher Norman A. MacLeod used it to design a weapon to counter human-wave assaults, such as those waged by Chinese soldiers against Americans in the Korean War. He named his antipersonnel mine the claymore, after the two-handed sword wielded by his Scottish ancestors. The device weighed 5 pounds and shot 700 steel cubes 40 feet.

The U.S. Army wanted something lighter, more efficient and more powerful. Responding to its 1954 request for proposal, researchers at Aerojet Corp. collaborated on a weapon whose C-4 charge could shoot steel balls to an effective range of 55 yards. The Army accepted the claymore in 1956, and factories produced 80,000 per month during the Vietnam War. U.S. soldiers first used them to devastating effect against Viet Cong and North Vietnamese human-wave assaults.

-M18A1 Claymore Mine: Enemy Troops Fall to Pieces
Designed to counter human-wave assaults, the Claymore uses a shaped C-4 charge to fire several hundred steel balls into a designated 55-yard killing zone. (Illustration by Gregory Proch)
Designed to counter human-wave assaults, the Claymore uses a shaped C-4 charge to fire several hundred steel balls into a designated 55-yard killing zone. (Illustration by Gregory Proch)

Essentially, this weapon is a steel box with a directional charge. The munitions are placed on one side, and the gun-power on the other, so that when ignited, the gunpowder detonates and showers the area with devastation.

I will not get into the details of such a mechanism. You can figure it out on your own, and after a few tries and experimentation you can come up with innovations ranging from electrical denotation, to movement actuated detonation, to time delay activation. It’s all in the electrical circuits, and it’s all very easy to make.

And the decision to use electronics to ignite it isn’t all that difficult either. It’s rather standard stuff. In fact, you can buy off-the-shelf hardware used for home-security systems to trigger the mine is a door is opened, light is turned on, there is motion in front of the area, etc.

A DIY claymore is rather simple to construct, but does require a handyman with some basic skills to fabricate.

Cheap DIY claymore

Here is a description on how to construct a DIY claymore out of a spring loaded rat-trap. It’s found on an Airsoft site, but it works just as well with gunpowder as it does with colored paint.

Rat trap to claymore.
DIY claymore on the cheap.
I'm cheap, and curious, so rather then spending over $100 on a claymore, I made my own.

Materials required:
Victor Rat trap x2
Victor Mouse trap x1
Small hinge x2
Strong Rip-stop cloth 50cmx 6.5cm (20"x 3")
Wooden shelf 16cm deep by at least 50cm long (6"x 20")
Wood screws (1.5" long)
Green braided fishing line (not mono-filament)
Straight braces X2 (optional)

I used a press-board shelf as that's what I had on hand. If i were to do this again I would definitely suggest a solid wood shelf instead.

Step 1
Prepare the 2 rat traps as follows,
Remove the trigger and trigger arm circled in green
Cut the wooden base at the red marks

BE CAREFUL, these traps are powerful.

Step 2
Rip the length of the shelf to give you pieces as follows,
2x 'A' x 'B' (Pieces 3&4)
2x 'A' x shelf width -'B' (pieces 1&2)
'B' should be equal to the width of the rat trap plus 2x the thickness of the shelf
'A' should be 25cm

Step 3
Assemble the rat traps and Pieces 1&2 ontop of Piece 3 as in the above image. Use screws to fasten in place. The traps will be placed so that they snap outwards. When the trap is armed the bar should be in the center. Leave a space between the two traps. Once you have the traps fastened down cut a piece of scrap from one of the traps to fill in 1cm at the bottom of the gap between the traps.

You can also cut any scrap pieces of wood to fill in the gaps at the ends, this is optional but will give the claymore a little more strength.

Step 4 (optional but highly recommended)
To make safety bars straighten out the trigger bars that you removed in Step 1. Now drill holes in pieces 1&2 so the safety bars can go from top to bottom and hold the bars on the traps in a compressed position.

Step 5
With the traps compressed and the safety bars in place thread the strip of cloth through the traps so that it makes a single loop around both bars. Sew this firmly. I used mono-filament fishing line to do this. The claymore should now look something like this:

Step 6
Fasten Piece 4 on the front of the claymore using the 2 hinges to connect it at the bottom to Piece 2. Put one of the 1.5" screws into Piece 4, 2cm from the top and centered. The screw should be almost all the way through but not quite.

Step 7(Optional)
Fasten the 2 brackets onto the sides of the claymore and sharpen the ends so you can jab it into the ground

Step 8
Now for the part that took me the most time to figure out. How to make a trigger that's secure, but sensitive enough to be used as with a trip wire.
Remove the trigger bar from the mouse trap. Bend a loop into it so that it looks as below.
Use a second piece of wire from the mouse trap to make a small tripwire piece as below.

Use a screw and couple washers to attach the trigger bar to the top of the trap. The screw will go through the loop in the trigger bar. One washer goes below, one above, tighten enough to hold in place but not to impede movement of the trigger bar.

Put the two staples that held the rat trap trigger plates side by side at the end of the long arm of the trigger bar as you can see in this image:

Attach a small loop of fishing line to the loop on the end of the long arm of the trigger bar. (note, I used twine but found it's wearing out very quickly)
Attach another loop of fishing line to the screw on Piece 4. This loop needs to be just long enough to reach the small arm of the trigger bar.

Attach a long piece of fishing line to the screw on Piece 4. Attach the tripwire piece about 25cm (10") along this line. Tie it on firmly so it won't move at all. I tied the rest of this to the wooden part of the mouse trap and wrapped it around so I had my tripwire and it wouldn't get tangled


a) Compress the rat traps and install the safety bars.
b) Spread the cloth out and press the center into the gap between the rat traps. Fill it with BBs and fold the excess on top of them to hold them in place.
c) Place the loop of fishing line on Piece 4 over the small arm of the trigger bar.
d) Put the small loop on the long arm of the trigger bar between the two staples.
e) Put the tripwire piece under the staples and through the loop.
f) Place your claymore and run the trip wire, fasten the end of it, or leave it loose so you can pull it by hand.
g) double check the trigger and remove the safety bars

Step 11
Enjoy the surprised yelp as your unseen claymore springs open on some unsuspecting victim.

-Airsoft Canada

Bullet Matchbox

Let’s keep things really simple, we have an even simpler design a “bullet matchbox”.

This mechanism is much simpler. Instead of having to mix and pack gunpowder into a box and then hand-load the projectiles in the front, you simply make a steel box that sits a carton of ammo. Behind the ammo is a striking mechanism. This mechanism can be a simple solenoid, or a spring loaded trigger. And when it is depressed, all the bullets will ignite simultaneously devastating the intruders in front of it.

It does not need any barrels, as this is not precision mechanism. It’s a last ditch emergency device.

And of course, it need not be carefully and precisely manufactured. Any household rat trap will have enough force to hit the pins on the bullets and let fly an arsenal of death.

Infrared viewscopes

We’ve all heard of night vision scopes, but what about infrared vision? These high-tech devices enable you to find camouflaged people regardless as to how well concealed they appear. But what is unknown is how (relatively) inexpensive they have become.

Night Vision

If we’re being technical, this type of night vision scope is called image intensification, or just I2. Obviously, this kind of technology only works at night. This scope gives you the gray and green images you’re used to seeing in movies and television.

It captures bits of light from the environment, such as the moon and stars, and uses a special, electronic tube to magnify that light and project it onto your lens. This is the green image you see.

The images from these scopes are varying shades of green because the human eye can see more shades of green than any other color. This means that green imaging gives you the best, most detailed vision.

The most important thing to remember about night vision is that it won’t work in total darkness. It needs a little bit of light to work its magic, no matter which generation you choose.

Gen 1 units typically need an infrared illuminator to be useful. These are the least precise, and images are often cloudy and noisy.

Gen 2 units are better quality and produce brighter, clearer images than Gen 1. These have a short depth of field, however, so you may have to spend time adjusting focus when targets move.

Gen 3 is the highest quality and offers the best focus and clarity. These are used by law enforcement and some military operations.

A few of the best include:
– ATN X-Sight II 5-20 Smart Riflescope
– Armasight Nemesis6x-SD Gen 2+ Rifle Scope
– ATN Gen 2+ Night Arrow 4-2 Weapon Sight

Infrared and Thermal Scopes

Even though you might see infrared and thermal vision talked about as two separate things, when you’re looking for a scope, they’re basically the same. Most quality scopes will be labeled with “thermal imaging” or something similar, so that’s what you should look for when you’re shopping.

“Night vision” is not the same as “thermal vision”.

A thermal scope works by capturing heat from the environment instead of light. This heat is actually infrared energy, which is why you’ll see both terms used sometimes. Everything in the world produces at least a little bit of infrared energy, so it’s easy to get a clear view of your environment with infrared technology.

Thermal imaging uses a special lens that focuses on infrared light and creates a thermogram. The thermogram is then turned into electrical impulses that become a picture on the screen. The cool thing about thermals is that they can detect the heat given off by any living object.  

As opposed to night vision, they do not require ambient light to work. However, they do not require darkness to function either! This means thermals can be used during the day or night as opposed to the other type of optic.  

Low End Thermal Imaging

When you view something hot, like humans, animals or running machinery, the image will show up in shades of gray and white with the lightest areas being the hottest or vice versa depending on the scope. Things like trees or buildings will show up as “cooler” images because there is not much energy release happening.

Thermal imaging is very detailed and doesn’t need light to work.

Night vision vs. Thermal imaging.

The most basic thermals have a range of 300 yards for a man-sized heat signature. Mid-level detectors typically have a 500 yard range, and an extender can lengthen that range to 900 yards. The upper-tier, military and law enforcement-grade ones can accurately detect heat over half a mile away.

A few of the best include:
– ATN ThOR HD 384 Smart Thermal Riflescope
– Armasight Zeus 336 Thermal Imaging Weapon Sight
– IR Hunter Mark II Thermal Rifle Scope

High End Thermal Imaging

The High end version of thermal imaging systems display colors. This is very useful in discordant and contentious environments when bursts of clarity are required in a survival situation.


You can buy drones and they are very useful. They are used now, during riots, as surveillance devices, and mobile place-markers. But they have other uses as well.

  • Remote-controlled aerial bomb.
  • Mobile strobe to disorient the enemy.
  • Recon.
  • Distraction device. (Speakers, smoke, flashes.)

Additionally, the Chinese have perfected swarm drones.

Drone swarm.
Drone Swarm

These are available all over China and are used for impressive night-time displays instead of, or in association with, fireworks. America is a bit “behind the ball on this”, and it’s playing a game of “catch up”. As I know, no swarm drones are available to the American citizen as of this writing.

Some general links…

Wounding as opposed to killing

In a SHTF situation, the likelihood of antibiotics and medical care being available is going to be hit and miss. It might be more prudent, in the long term, to equip yourself with weapons that are cheap and easy to provides cuts and holes rather than expensive knock-down ammo. Then when a person has a .22 sized hole in their arm, they will need to deal with infection when there are no antibiotic medications around.

Rather than trying to purchase the biggest and most dangerous weapons you can find, in the belief that stopping power is most important, you should play the “long game”. If it really comes down to a SHTF situation, then there will be two things that will not be available. That is food and medical care. All it takes is for someone with a cut or a bruise to get infected, and they will die. We take antibiotics for granted. We never think about what it would be like when they are unavailable.

Antibiotics can be purchased on line inexpensively.

I would advise a small stockpile just in case.

Antibiotic online. It is possible to buy antibiotics at any time and in any place with the Internet access. Placing an order you will need to indicate your address for the delivery of the drug. Medications are delivered to any place of the planet in no time and there is no need to leave your house in order to get your package.

-Generic Antibiotic Online With No Prescription

Microwave cannons

Sounds like science fiction, eh? Well it’s not, really. The only issue is the range of application. These little monsters will cook a person alive. And are very lethal.

If you can get a hold of a microwave based radar system from an airplane junk yard, it will not be all that difficult to construct your own microwave cannon. The range will be longer, and the effects devastating.

When I was in the Navy I watched a video showing a person walking in front of a jet with it's radar accidentally turned on. That person was fried alive. Just because you cannot see it does not mean that it doesn't exist.
Aircraft radar.
Microwave radar from the front of a military jet.

You can also make you own, though with a pretty short range, out of old microwaves from the kitchen. There’s a reason why the box and front door are shielded like they are.

Vapor Cloud Explosives (VCEs)

Here’s a great technique if you want to create a very, well really big bomb. You detonate an expanding cloud of gas, and then (a second or so later) you ignite it. It’s called a Vapor Cloud Explosive (VCE).

Vapor Cloud Explosions (VCEs) The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) defines this phenomenon as : An outdoor vapor cloud explosion is the result of the release of gas, vapor, or mist into the atmosphere, forming a cloud within the fuel’s flammable limits and causing subsequent ignition.

-Vapor Cloud Explosions (VCEs)
Vapor Cloud Explosions (VCEs) The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) defines this phenomenon as : An outdoor vapor cloud explosion is the result of the release of gas, vapor, or mist into the atmosphere, forming a cloud within the fuel’s flammable limits and causing subsequent ignition.
Vapor Cloud Explosions (VCEs)
Vapor Cloud Explosions (VCEs)

In military parlance these are called Fuel-Air Explosives [FAE].

Fuel-Air Explosives [FAE] disperse an aerosol cloud of fuel which is ignited by an embedded detonator to produce an explosion. The rapidly expanding wave front due to overpressure flattens all objects within close proximity of the epicenter of the aerosol fuel cloud, and produces debilitating damage well beyond the flattened area. The main destructive force of FAE is high overpressure, useful against soft targets such as minefields, armored vehicles, aircraft parked in the open, and bunkers.

The Marine Corps and Navy withdrew their remaining fuel-air munitions from operational service following Operation Desert Storm. By 1996, the Army’s Operations Support Command transfered the CBU-55 and CBU-72 to demilitarization, and by mid-2001 only a few hundred remained to be demilitarized.

Russia used such “thermobaric” weapons sparingly during the 1994-1996 war in Chechnya. These were employed outside the city of Grozny against villages and mountain positions. Only the RPO-A flame thrower, which has a thermobaric round, was used in fighting in Grozny itself.

When the fighting rekindled in the fall of 1999, Russian forces bombarded some villages in Dagestan with thermobaric bombs, but initially limited their use. When the Russian Army was committed, it slowly advanced across Chechnya’s plains, preceded by conventional artillery fire. The advance, however, stalled when it finally reached Grozny and the mountains.

Conventional artillery could not force out the Chechens and the Russian Army looked for other ways to move them. Two methods were apparently opposed-chemical weapons and thermobaric weapons. The Russian political leadership apparently vetoed the use of chemical weapons, but allowed the use of ground-delivered themobaric weapons. Air-delivered thermobaric systems were only used outside the city.

Fuel/air explosive represent the military application of the vapor cloud explosions and dust explosions accidents that have long bedeviled a variety of industries.

Accidental vapor cloud explosion hazards are of great concern to the refining and chemical processing industry, and a number of catastrophic explosion accidents have had significant consequences in terms of injury, property damage, business interruption, loss of goodwill, and environmental impact.
Every year, many serious explosions and fires occur in industrial plants as a result of dust. Many materials form dust clouds that can easily ignite and explode, injuring personnel and damaging plant. This is a well-known phenomenon in the coal mining, grain storage, and the woodworking and paper industries. 

Many miners have been killed and injured and massive production losses have resulted from coal dust explosions in underground coal mining operations. Of the 129 grain dust explosions that occurred nationwide between 1987 and 1997, about half involved corn. Eleven were caused by wheat dust and 10 by dust from soybeans. Billions of tiny, highly combustible particles of grain are generated by grain kernels rubbing together as they move along conveyer belts and shifted between bins. Inside the enclosed chambers, those particles rise in a cloud. When the dust gets in with the right mixture of oxygen and comes in contact with a spark or even an overheated bearing on a conveyer belt, it is extremely explosive.

Almost all organic material in the form of a dust cloud will ignite at temperatures below 500 oC - approximately the same temperature as a newly extinguished match. Cotton, plastics and foodstuffs such as sugar, flour and cocoa can also, under the right conditions, act as explosives. In order for a dust explosion to take place, the dust particles must be of a certain size and the amount of finely granulated material per unit of volume must lie within certain critical values. There is generally a direct correlation between particle size and explosive hazard. The smaller the particle, the more reactive the dust. As the materials become smaller, they disperse and remain suspended more easily, increasing the potential for ignition and propagation of the reaction. Industrial explosion prevention measures include, where possible, providing nitrogen gas purging to ensure that the oxygen concentration is kept below that required for combustion.

For vapor cloud explosion there is a minimum ratio of fuel vapor to air below which ignition will not occur. Alternately, there is also a maximum ratio of fuel vapor to air, at which ignition will not occur. These limits are termed the lower and upper explosive limits. For gasoline vapor, the explosive range is from 1.3 to 6.0% vapor to air, and for methane this range is 5 to 15%. Many parameters contribute to the potential damage from a vapor cloud explosion, including the mass and type of material released, the strength of ignition source, the nature of the release event (e.g., turbulent jet release), and turbulence induced in the cloud (e.g., from ambient obstructions).

TNT generates well over 4,000 psi overpressure in close proximity to the source of the explosion, along with significant radiant heat effects from the explosion's fireball. Conventional high explosive munitions also produce fragments from the munition case, as well as fragments from material in the target area that is broken loose by the high blast overpressures.

Peak pressures created within the detonated fuel-air cloud reach 300 pounds per square inch (psi). Fuel-air munitions create large area loading on a structure as compared to localized loadings caused by an equal weight high explosive charge. High temperatures ignite flammable materials.

There are dramatic differences between explosions involving vapor clouds and high explosives at close distances. For the same amount of energy, the high explosive blast overpressure is much higher and the blast impulse is much lower than that from a vapor cloud explosion. The shock wave from a TNT explosion is of relatively short duration, while the blast wave produced by an explosion of hydrocarbon material displays a relatively long duration. The duration of the positive phase of a shock wave is an important parameter in the response of structures to a blast.

Although the detonation combustion mode produces the most severe damage, fast deflagrations of the cloud can result from flame acceleration under confined and congested conditions. Flame propagation speed has a significant influence on the blast parameters both inside and outside the source volume.

The blast effects from vapor cloud explosions are determined not only by the amount of fuel, but more importantly by the combustion mode of the cloud. Significant overpressures can be generated by both detonations and deflagrations. Most vapor cloud explosions are deflagrations, not detonations.

Flame speed of a deflagration is subsonic, with flame speed increasing in restricted areas and decreasing in open areas. Significantly, a detonation is supersonic, and will proceed through almost all of the available flammable vapor at the detonation reaction rate. This creates far more severe peak over-pressures and much higher amounts of blast energy. The speed of the flame front movement is directly proportional to the amount of blast over-pressure. A wide spectrum of flame speeds may result from flame acceleration under various conditions. High flame front speeds and resulting high blast over pressures are seen in accidental vapor cloud explosions where there is a significant amount of confinement and congestion that limits flame front expansion and increases flame turbulence. These conditions are evidently more difficult to achieve in the unconfined environment in which military fuel-air explosives are intended to operate.

Based on the known properties of flammable substances and explosives, it is possible to use conservative assumptions and calculate the maximum distance at which an overpressure or heat effect of concern can be detected. Distances for potential impacts could be derived using the following calculation method [described in Flammable Gases and Liquids and Their Hazards]:

D = C x (nE)1/3

where D is the distance in meters to a 1 psi overpressure; C is a constant for damages associated with 1 psi overpressures or 0.15, n is a yield factor of the vapor cloud explosion derived from the mechanical yield of the combustion and is assumed to be 10 percent (or 0.1) and E is the energy content of the explosive part of the cloud in Joules. E can be calculated from the mass of substance in kilograms times the heat of combustion (hc) in Joules per kilogram as follows:

E = mass x hc

Combining these two equations gives:

D = 0.15 x (0.1 x mass x hc)1/3

Vapor cloud explosion modeling historically has been subject to large uncertainties resulting from inadequate understanding of deflagrative effects. According to current single-degree of freedom models, blast damage/injury can be represented by Pressure-Impulse (P-I) diagrams, which include the effects of overpressure, dynamic pressure, impulse, and pulse duration. 

The peak overpressure and duration are used to calculate the impulse from shock waves. Even some advanced explosion models ignore the effects of blast wave reflection off structures, which can produce misleading results over- or under-estimating the vulnerability of a structure. Sophisticated software used to produce three-dimensional models of the effects of vapor cloud explosions allows the evaluation of damage experienced by each structure within a facility as a result of a primary explosion and any accompanying secondary explosions produced by vapor clouds.

Fuel-Air Explosives [FAE]

There is evidence that the 2020 Beriut explosion was either a micro nuke or a FAE. One thing is certain, it was devastating.

Beirut thermobaric bomb before and after pictures.
Beirut thermobaric bomb before and after pictures. Look at the size of that crater!
Trump Warns “This May Be The Last Time You See Me For A While” As Lebanon
Admits Beirut Hit By Bomb
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A mind-blowing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the Emergencies Ministry having established an airmobile hospital in Beirut able to receive 200 patients a day, says the shocking damage caused by the massive explosion crippling this city now sees Lebanon having reached a critical point that challenges its survival as a sovereign state—a grave situation discussed between President Putin and Lebanese President Michel Aoun—a discussion followed by Russia warning Israel it could face “dangerous consequences” if it continues targeting Syria with airstrikes—a first ever warning to Israel, as Russia’s military involvement in Syria is a declared “Holy War” to protect Christian peoples, not the Syrian regime, and is why no such warning has ever been issued before—but is now justified due to the facts showing that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pointed out to the United Nations General Assembly forum the warehouse that exploded on 4 August 2020 as a Hezbollah arms depot on 27 September 2018—a fact followed this past January, which was when Israel struck the Syrian countryside with a new missile having a tactical nuclear component in its warhead that causes a smoke mushroom characteristic of nuclear weapons—an explosion the likes of which have never been before until 4 August when the exact Beirut warehouse Netanyahu pointed out in the UN exploded and took the city of Beirut down with it—a reality being gravely acknowledged by Lebanese President Aoun, who has just declared to the world: “There is a possibility of external interference through a rocket or bomb or other act”—and after being briefed on these facts and realities yesterday, saw President Donald Trump addressing a gathering of his top Republican Party officials and cryptically telling them: “I Have a Lot of Enemies…This May Be the Last Time You’ll See Me for a While”. [Watch video HERE at 1:15:30 time mark]  

According to this report, with Beirut having been attacked with a weapon having a tactical nuclear component in its warhead that causes a smoke mushroom cloud characteristic of nuclear weapons, though obviously not an atomic bomb in the strategic sense, left undetermined at this time is what type of delivery system was used (e.g.: rocket, bomb, vehicle, etc.) and who deployed it—as even though this weapon was previously detonated by Israel in the Syrian countryside and Persian Gulf in its first tests this past January, it could have been used by any of Israel’s allies that it was given to.

As previously noted by the Security Council, however, this report details, the destruction of Beirut immediately followed Pakistan making a nuclear strike threat against both Israel and the United States

—that itself was then followed by President Trump breaking the “Taiwan Tripwire” to enrage Communist China

—war moves now being followed by United States Defense Secretary Mark Esper slamming Communist China yesterday for their “destabilizing” activity near Taiwan and the South China Sea, as well as for their lack of transparency about the COVID-19 virus

—and in the past few hours, saw Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono joining with Defense Secretary Esper to warn that Communist China risks paying a “high cost” for its South China Sea intimidation.

A “high cost” being prepared for by elite US military forces on their Pacific Ocean base of Guam, this report notes, who just completed their combat training “to open an airfield in a hostile and contested environment”—an airfield in a hostile environment that could very well be used by the vast armada of warplanes.

The US Air Force has just revealed have just completed a huge war exercise—a massive war exercise that contained a wide variety of different stealthy aircraft, including F-35A Joint Strike Fighters, F-22 Raptors, and a B-2A Spirit stealth bomber, and most notably, at least one RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone from the service's top-secret 44th Reconnaissance Squadron—and are being joined by the Taiwan F-16 fighter aircraft that are now flying patrols against Communist China with live Harpoon anti-ship missiles—all of which are under the direct command and control of a President Trump that has just warned 

I have a lot of enemies out there…This may be the last time you see me for a while”—and most critical to notice about after President Trump issued this warning, it was followed within hours by two articles meant to terrify Communist China titled “Trump Advisers Hesitated To Give Military Options And Warned Adversaries Over Fears He Might Start A War” and “Donald Trump Has the Sole Authority to Blow Up the World. It is Madness to Let Him Keep It”.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Home made explosives from mouthwash

I just had to add this. Hydrogen peroxide (yes, that stuff that you can buy on the bottom shelf under the mouthwash section) is violently explosive when in the presence of copper. Even a very tiny section of a copper wire will cause it to ignite violently and dangerously.

This is, by the way, the explosive warhead on numerous Russian torpedoes, and one of the reasons why the Kursk was sunk.

A huge explosion sank the giant nuclear-powered submarine Kursk, killing most of its crew and stranding nearly two dozen survivors hundreds of feet underwater. An international rescue team assembled to save the sailors, but was unable to reach them in time.

-The True Story of the Russian Kursk Submarine Disaster
The remains of the Kursk after a front-end torpedo was accidentally detonated. The entire front end has been ripped to shreds.


This type of munition is just a volatile as it is dangerous. You have to be precise in making the triggering mechanism and you must be very careful in handling it. The slightest contact between the two elements will be explosive.

Hydrogen peroxide is not considered an explosive. However, when it is mixed with organic substances at significant concentrations, hazardous impact-sensitive compounds may result. Small amounts of other materials that contain catalysts (silver, lead, copper, chromium, mercury, and iron oxide rust) can cause rapid decomposition and an explosive pressure rupture of the containing vessel if it is not properly vented.

In addition to accelerated decomposition through contamination, the decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide is increased with alkalinity, contact with certain materials of construction, and increasing temperatures. The rate of decomposition increases approximately 2.2 times for each 10 degrees C rise in temperature in the range from 20 degrees C to 100 degrees C, or 1.5 times for each 10 degrees F rise from 68 degrees F to 212 degrees F.

Decreasing temperatures have little effect on hydrogen peroxide until they drop substantially below 0 degrees C. Crystals do not begin to appear in 35% and 50% solutions until -33C (-27.4F) and -52.2C (-62F), respectively.

-Hydrogen Peroxide Safe Handling | USP Technologies


Most of what you can purchase off the shelf in America is diluted hydrogen peroxide solution. So you would need to have a higher concentration of the material from a warehouse.

"Set up your demonstration in an area that will be easy to clean up. A 30% hydrogen peroxide will make the most impressive explosion."

All this is nasty stuff

Yes it is. Its terrible and ugly.

I feel “icky” writing about this. I left my weapons development days a long time ago. And I really don’t want to revisit that situation. I really don’t.

From my point of view, you all should scram and get out of the line of fire. Why spend $2000 on a nice semi-auto weapon when you could (just as easily) spend the money on a round trip ticket to another part of the world and live off the remaining half in cheap hotels eating cheap food while you search for a local chick to shack up with.

But that’s just me.

The smart man avoids war, and gets way, far away, from any conflict. The sly man tries to get a technical advantage over his foes. The brutish man tries to fight his foes directly on their turf and under their terms.

Be the smart man, and head for the hills!


I have. I’m not fucking around. Dangerous times are ahead, and it’s not going to be waving a flag for this side of that side. You all are being played by a wealthy oligarchy who treats you all like dirt. Nope, no me. Tell you what, I’m gonna be quaffing some nice icy beers and cavorting with pretty girls instead. I recommend that you all do as well. Life is too short to fuck around.

Now, if you decide to stick around, here’s my advice;

  • You can never win a war alone.
  • You can never win a war if you play defense all the time.
  • You can never win a war if your enemies decide the terms of engagement (time, location, and weapons.)

Being an individual will be lethal if you stick around. Clan up or leave.

  • Anticipate back-stabbing and betrayal.
  • The “news” won’t report jack-shit.
  • Things will be going down, long before you are aware of it.

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Evolution of America, divided into two sets of 100 year duration periods, and how it manifested.

This is what we refer to as a "sanity check". It is where we, as engineers, perform a simplified calculation to determine if the calculations that we arrived at, are valid...

This is a reprint of the most excellent Ron Paul article. Modified and edited to fit this venue. In it, he argues that you don’t need to look at complicated “generational theories”, r/K or KaLa theories to explain what is happening to America today. You just need to look at what happens every one hundred years or so…

It is titled Two Sets of 100 yr Periods in American History — Each Guided by Completely Opposite Ideas and it was written on 1/8/2020. There’s a lot here, and it is worth some study. This is an interesting take on the changes that moved America far, far… far and FAR away from what it was initially founded upon.

The idea behind this is that all , and I do mean ALL, nations collapse after around a one hundred year period.

Two Sets of 100 yr Periods in American History — Each Guided by Completely Opposite Ideas

The great Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises wrote:

"History  is a struggle between two principles, the peaceful principle, which  advances the development of trade, and the militarist-imperialist  principle, which interprets human society not as a friendly division of  labour but as the forcible repression of some of its members by others."

America was founded on the peaceful principle.

If you are peaceful, other people and nations will work with you on friendly terms, and your people will be happy.

The country’s first President, George Washington, said in his farewell address:

"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world".

Ah, that is all nice and good. However consider the practical applications and issues…

This policy, which can be packaged into the euphemism “America First” was the guiding policy for the first 100+ years of the country’s existence.

The guiding principle for the first one hundred years was to put Americans first in all national decisions and programs.

Indeed, America truly was independent.


This did not mean that America was “isolationist.” Far from it, of course. Thomas Jefferson explained at his inaugural that the policy was one of:

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations - entangling alliances with none."

Do not laugh.

America, as founded, was a peaceful and positive and friendly life. It was a place where people formed communities and welcomed others and helped others.
America, as founded, was a peaceful and positive and friendly life. It was a place where people formed communities and welcomed others and helped others.

Here was a land, the largest free-trade zone to ever exist, shielded by giant oceans, with a limited government that only had a few enumerated powers. The individual was master of his domain. 


The situation. The creation of “America”in a free-ranging (or apparently so) land, were Earth-shattering and life-changing — Prosperity, the likes of which have never existed before.

America was a prosperous and happy place. The government was run by people much like ourselves, and they held the same value and issues that we ourselves cherished..
America was a prosperous and happy place. The government was run by people much like ourselves, and they held the same value and issues that we ourselves cherished..

But alas, after 100+ years passed, new generations with little to no connection (or care) for the ideas of Washington & Jefferson, decided to change course for the worse. The ‘Old World’ ideas of power and empire crept in through the back door…

Ideals were replaced by individual greed.

Roughly one hundred years after the founding, ideals were replaced by individual greed.

The new reality.

In this new embrace of the ‘Old World,’ the individual would no longer be the master of his domain. Government would be the master.

Sounds perfect, eh?

It is a parent-child relationship. One in which sociologists and psychiatrists consider to be very unhealthy for peer-to-peer interaction.
Big government only grows bigger. Eventually it takes and consumes everything and you, as a hapless civilian, gets trampled upon.
Big government only grows bigger. Eventually it takes and consumes everything and you, as a hapless civilian, gets trampled upon.

I know many Democrats believe that utopia is “just around the corner”. It’s just only if…

A new America…

Suddenly, in 1898, after much careful planning by those who had an insatiable lust for power, America would take on the role of conqueror.

And conquer it did.

In a single year, the United States took control of five far-flung nations, which contained 11 million people, all in one fell-swoop.

The military was no longer used for defensive and humanitarian missions to help American citizens. It became a money-making machine to serve the special interests of Washington neocon insiders.
The military was no longer used for defensive and humanitarian missions to help American citizens. It became a money-making machine to serve the special interests of Washington neocon insiders.

Washington & Jefferson were tossed into the dust-bin.

Independence was cast aside. Intervention was the new game in town. In 1898, the slow death of “America First” was given its first real kick to the chops.

Of course, the original role of government would have to be transformed. 


If America was to have an empire, it would have to take control of every American citizen’s earnings.

Once citizens no longer owned their earnings, and money. They became powerless. The people who had control of the money also had control over them. Americans became debt-serfs at the mercy of the government.
Once citizens no longer owned their earnings, and money. They became powerless. The people who had control of the money also had control over them. Americans became debt-serfs at the mercy of the government.

Enter President Wilson – Progressive Genius.

And so, in 1913, with the creation of the income tax, every American’s earnings would belong to the government first. The government would decide how much each person would be allowed to keep.

The government would decide.

President Wilson believed that the concepts of “Liberty” and “Freedom” were outdated and needed to be replaced with “modern” and “progressive” systems.

The government should decide what to do with people’s earnings.

Not the people.

Not the individual.

The government should decide.

American government today. It is far, far too powerful. This is the complete creation of President Wilson.
American government today. It is far, far too powerful. This is the complete creation of President Wilson.

It’s all so progressive

A nightmare!

What a drastic change for the worse!

The big enormous government takes and takes and takes. It threatens and puts the citizenry in a state of near constant fear, and what do they get in return? Nothing.
The big enormous government takes and takes and takes. It threatens and puts the citizenry in a state of near constant fear, and what do they get in return? Nothing.

But an income tax would not be enough.

It wasn’t enough. Not for the people who thought that they were better then everyone else. Oh, no.

After all, government can only tax people up to a certain point before they decide to revolt. American politicians, of all people, knew that!

So an even more insidious institution would be created, also in 1913. It would be called The Federal Reserve. This central bank would be granted a monopoly on counterfeiting money.

Pure genius!

Take the blame out of the hand of the government and put it into an unaccountable entity. Such wonderful genius.

The Impact…

How much money?

As much money as the government needs in order to sprawl itself around the world. Every American would be forced to use this “money,” of course, even though its purchasing power would be constantly eroded. Legal Tender Laws would make sure that there was no way out.

It’s ok, though.

Americans voted for the people who decided to implement this system. You know…

… one hundred years ago.

And the people in charge allocated their responsibilities and veto power to other people…

…other people who turned it over to others…

…who allocated it to others…

… who decided to pass it on to others…

… who would work in the best interests to make the system work….

Sounds bad. Well, sorry, that’s the way it is.

And so, with an income tax and a printing press, the Land of The Free would morph, over the next 100+ years, into the biggest government to ever exist … the biggest military empire to ever exist … and the biggest welfare state to ever exist.

Aren’t you all happy?

American leadership knows just how to manipulate and cajole the American serf-cash-cows... erp, I mean citizens.
American leadership knows just how to manipulate and cajole the American serf-cash-cows… erp, I mean citizens.


Washington & Jefferson would not recognize this at all. It’s literally the exact opposite of why the 13 colonies seceded from England.

It is.


Do not tell me that it is not the case.

This new era of empire would be dominated by “Bread and Circuses”. There would be plenty of food, and plenty of entertainment. What happens outside of America would remain out-of-sight and out-of-mind.


All political fighting inside of America would take place between two virtually indistinguishable factions. The gangs would passionately battle each other, but they would never battle the policy of empire.


Policy is the only thing that matters. But Americans would be flooded with a deluge of propaganda telling them that the ability to change politicians is a gift from the heavens. That, they would be told, is the only thing that matters.


And so, throughout this period, the politicians would certainly change, but the policy wouldn’t budge even a single inch. In other words, the politicians would change….but it wouldn’t matter!

And now…

So now we have two sets of 100 year periods in American history, each guided by completely opposite ideas.

The first produced liberty and prosperity in tremendous abundance. The second has produced a dependency, militancy and debauchery that has always been the lot of mankind living under the boot of power.

American today. This is what America is, it rules by force, and power.
American today. This is what America is, it rules by force, and power.

The two one hundred year periods…

The first was underpinned by peace, trade, sound money, savings and investment.

The first one hundred years of America was one with solid and conservative values. It put the individual in full control of his domain, and kept the government small. People lived their lives as they deemed fit.
The first one hundred years of America was one with solid and conservative values. It put the individual in full control of his domain, and kept the government small. People lived their lives as they deemed fit.

The second has been underpinned by war, sanctions, counterfeit money, taxes, and crushing debt.

Everything in this picture was destroyed with American bombs, and weapons, fired by American soldiers, and used by America to spread American "democracy".  This is the reality today.
The second hundred years has been nothing but war after war, after war. All funded with more and more, and more taxes. You know for “democracy”. Everything in this picture was destroyed with American bombs, and weapons, fired by American soldiers, and used by America to spread American “democracy”. This is the reality today.

And us, the American citizens…

Those who live are always presented with a choice — continue, or change?


For years…



No one did any thing.

America. Americans live in a constant state of fear and are really too afraid to change anything. They are just content to yell about their "freedom" and the wonderful "democracy", instead of doing things and fixing things.
America. Americans live in a constant state of fear and are really too afraid to change anything. They are just content to yell about their “freedom” and the wonderful “democracy”, instead of doing things and fixing things.


Weaklings. Lazy. Slothful.

Our parents, grand parents, great-grand parents.

Change happens through individual choice. The ideas that we each individually embrace mean everything.

Real change can happen when we stop allowing the government to take over society. We need to throw away that connection. Because a corrupt government will corrupt society.
Real change can happen when we stop allowing the government to take over society. We need to throw away that connection. Because a corrupt government will corrupt society.


A corrupt government will corrupt society.

Power lives and breathes on your belief in it. Why do you think you’re surrounded by propaganda at every turn?

For fun?

No! … It’s to keep you believing.

You do not need to live your life in fear. Prepping is well and good, but your government should be on your side. Not the other way around.
You do not need to live your life in fear. Prepping is well and good, but your government should be on your side. Not the other way around.

It’s to convince you that liberty is dead. And that government has the keys to your happiness. You just keep on following the media talking points. Nothing else matters.


However, if you change your belief, you change everything. You breathe life into the idea of liberty. 

If you breathe life into the idea of liberty, you make America a much better place.

Washington left us with these wonderful words: “Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.”

The choice is always yours…..continue, or change?

And that is it.

Thank you Ron Paul.

Many Americans mistakenly believe that “America is the greatest nation in the world”, simply based on the longevity of the nation. That’s just pure ignorance. The nation had changed governmental structure numerous times.

  • Founded as a Republic.
  • Changed to a Democracy with the 12th amendment.
  • Centralized Federal Democracy during the Civil War.
  • Progressive Social Democracy under President Wilson.
  • Military Oligarchy under President Lindon Johnson.
  • Corrupt Military Totalitarian Empire today.

If you believe that what is written makes sense than you have two choices of action. They are [1] take immediate action to protect you and your family, or [2] ignore it.

If you ignore it, then that if fine. Just listen to me and do not allow the American propaganda to force you to live within fear. The world is not a terrible and dark place. Good people are everywhere and the world outside the United States increasingly looks like a modern scene from the televisions show “Wally and the Beaver”.

Avoid the American “news”. In all of it’s forms…

What in the world is the American government up to? I thought that the ninth amendment states that Americans have more rights than just the enumerated ones.
What in the world is the American government up to? I thought that the ninth amendment states that Americans have more rights than just the enumerated ones.

If you don’t believe that this is the state of affairs, then you can can ignore this and read CNN, MSN and WaPo to tell you what to believe and how to act.

Do not live your life in fear. DO NOT LIVE YOUR LIFE IN FEAR!
Do not live your life in fear. DO NOT LIVE YOUR LIFE IN FEAR!

It’s your choice.

American news is really just propaganda. It is designed to keep Americans into a state of control. While real events and real news is kept secret.
American news is really just propaganda. It is designed to keep Americans into a state of control. While real events and real news is kept secret.

Commentary and Conclusion

Kinda of boring,eh?

Well, that’s the way it is. America has stratified, and it is the rich vs. the slaves and there is nothing that exists in the “dead-lands” between the two groups. This is the sum total of the “wonderful” progressive utopia implemented by President Wilson in the early part of the last century and engineered to perfection today.

You like it?

You’d better, because there ain’t no way that you can change it. You are fucked.

You are fucked.


Welcome to being an American.


Put a smile on your face. It’s your life.

Rah! Rah.

“freedom”. “liberty”, “democracy”! Rah. Rah!

Hope you keep all your receipts to give to the IRS in April. You don’t want to suffer the consequences for “non-compliance”, now don’t you? It’s all part of that big “freedom” package that comes with “democracy” don’t you know.

Friendly IRS making sure that you will not cheat your owners out of their money. You had best obey or else you and your family will be shot dead. It's all so very progressive and modern, don't you know!
Friendly IRS making sure that you will not cheat your owners out of their money. You had best obey or else you and your family will be shot dead. It’s all so very progressive and modern, don’t you know!

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What it was like being led into the cattle cars after being disarmed. A concentration camp survivor tells his story.

Here’s what to expect once the socialists register your firearms… outlaw them, disarm you, and take you to a “safe place”…

Know your history.

One of the common themes that I see from time to time from liberals, and the uneducated (could they be one and the same?), is that registration of firearms means nothing.

That no one will take your guns.

They actually pretend to believe it and say that mantra with authority. They say it with conviction.

But it’s a lie. Historically, guns are always seized after registration.

The left took “1984” not as a cautionary tale, but a guidebook; an  erotic how-to tale leading to Utopia. They’re executing a  thought-blitzkrieg to enact their agenda, hoping the bulk of Americans  won't catch on. 

- Democrats And The ‘Reeducation’ Of The American People 

Further, the seizing of firearms almost always results in genocide against a minority population of some sort. Which then resorts in events such as described here.

Based on newly-discovered, secret documents from German archives, diaries and newspapers of the time, Gun Control in the Third Reich presents the definitive, yet hidden history of how the Nazi regime made use of gun control to disarm and repress its enemies and consolidate power. The countless books on the Third Reich and the Holocaust fail even to mention the laws restricting firearms ... 

- Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and ... 

Here is an interesting biography by a German boy (now an old man) who entered a German “safe haven” once he and his family was disarmed. At that time, everyone thought that the German government had their best interests are heart and that they were going to be transported to “protected communities” to live.

They were, however, being sent to their deaths.

Read it, and remember that at that time Germany was the most advanced, socially advanced and technologically advanced nation in the world. They had the best machine, electronics, transportation and doctors.

No one would ever believe that the government would turn on the people so…

This is from an article titled Confessions Of A Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor written on January 14, 2020. All credit to the original source.

The interview

During the earlier years, when did you realize that the Nazi regime was going to be a very, very big problem?

Well, in 1939, when the war broke out, I was only about 10 and a half years old. I didn’t know much about politics.

But in 1938, there was Kristallnacht in Germany, and… actually, we all know what happened with that, where Jewish people were not allowed to do this or that, all the Jewish shops in Germany and Austria were broken into, the breaking of the glass, the shopkeepers were pulled out, and many were beaten to death or sent to Dachau (at that time, it was just a prison)… and many Jewish homes were ransacked and they were burning Jewish temples, places of worship, many many Jewish temples in Austria were actually burned.

And it was not done by a bunch of gangs, wild…you know, hooligans. It was government-owned. Government orders. And they actually ordered to start fires in all these temples and places of worship. And firefighters stood by, guarding the houses that are NEXT to these temples, so they shouldn’t catch on fire, but the temples were burning.

So those things were happening when I was 9 and a half. And i had no idea of these things. If my parents knew something, they wouldn’t tell us.

Expert Tip: Do not try to “protect” your children from the truth.

I came from a wonderful loving home, a family of 7. And out of that family, only my older sister Lola and I survived.

Expert Tip: If you and your family are classified as a “deplorable” or “privileged”, you can expect most of your family to be killed by the government.

Lola was 5 years older than I was, and unfortunately she passed away a few months ago. She was a wonderful artist, lived in New York, and still her art is in many museums all over the world, including in Jerusalem… but anyway, to answer your question: did I know what was going on?

No. We had a pretty normal life. Until all hell broke loose, in September of 1939.

And the world broke out. And it didn’t take long. Right within days, we knew exactly what Nazi barbarism was.

What happened particularly in the train carts that transported you to the concentration camps? What do you remember of the transport inside the carts? Were you all crammed in with no food and water for days? How did people relieve their bowels? What of children or babies that there may have been present?

Okay, to answer your question about the cattle cars… they pushed us in cattle cars. That was on the way to Auschwitz. And then with the death-camp going to Dachau, the second time for me.

Expert Tip: Do not board the cattle cars, the trucks, the buses, or any kind of transport provided by the government.

To give you an idea – 80 people in a cattle car would be possible, if not for the fact that most people were told to bring along their valuables…

… because they were being told that they were being relocated in Germany, and these able-bodied people will be working…

… and the children will go to school, and the older parents will be taken care of…

…so they brought along all their valuables, all they could carry.

Expert Tip: You will NOT be told that you are going to a Concentration Camp. You will be told it is something else.

In collecting the disarmed civilians, they were told that they would be relocated to "safe areas". So they brought all their belongings with them. Then they were segregated by gender.
In collecting the disarmed civilians, they were told that they would be relocated to “safe areas”. So they brought all their belongings with them. Then they were segregated by gender.

So NOW, with all the bundles and valises they brought, if a person had to sit down, another person had to stand up.

The sanitary conditions – all they had were 2 buckets in the corner. They were full of water when we went in, and once the water was gone, there was nothing else left. So all we had were those 2 buckets for sanitary facilities.

So you can imagine 80 people using those 2 buckets.

Once these buckets got filled up – they kept spilling over on the floor in the cattle car. If you can picture this, one day, two days, three days… with all of that waste on the floor… at this point, we were happy that we had bundles so we could sit on top of the bundles instead of all the human waste on the floor.

Disarmed males, separated from their families, being instructed by the police that they are being taken into custody for "their own protection.
Disarmed males, separated from their families, being instructed by the police that they are being taken into custody for “their own protection.

The conditions were unbelievable.

We had babies there. Pregnant mothers. We had older people. Sick people.

And they are screaming and yelling. It just went on…

…the conditions were unbelievable. Some people were dying, they just could not take it anymore, they gave up.

Expert Tip: Avoid crowds.

Day one, day two, day three – we finally arrived into Auschwitz, it was called “Ausfhwenchiem” in Polish (it’s very hard to pronounce, I know that).

Anyway, I don’t want to get into details, but to answer your questions – the conditions were unbearable. After 3 days, they opened up the gates, let some fresh air, and we came out.

But to answer your question – yes, it was inhumane. It was impossible to – I guess at the end of another day, half the people would’ve died. People were throwing up from the smell.

Just unbelievable.

It was completely inhumane. But they didn’t care. They took us to be killed anyway.

Expert Tip: No one will care.

How violent were the camps?

Well, the camps were not violent. The leaders of the camps were… they were very violent.

Expert Tip: The leadership is inherently violent and cruel.

In Auschwitz, for instance, they would make us stand at attention for an hour in the freezing cold in the morning, and an hour at night, and count you and count you and count you…

Actually, there was no purpose in that.

Children in the Nazi Concentration camps.
Children in the Nazi Concentration camps.

The only purpose they had was to weed out the strong from the weak. And by making you stand at attention for an hour or two -so if you started to lean a little bit, or your knee would buckle a little bit – they would pull you out and either shoot you or send you to the hospital where they sent you to the gas chambers or whatnot to get rid of you…

They only wanted people to stay there to work. To be able to work, you have to be healthy and fed. But they didn’t care. They would always get new people, fresh people. It was very hard. They had all kinds of torture methods.

For instance, in the camps in Auschwitz – I’ll go through it when I can, tell you about my camp experience – in Auschwitz they would make us stand in line in the freezing cold, and they had a little game – where they said “Take off your cap! in German.

So you had to stand at attention, take off your cap, and you had to hit your arm against your leg with the cap.

All they wanted was to hear one sound. If somebody was a second late, they wanted to know who they were. And then they would pull them out, and beat them to death, or give them lashes… and sometimes they would pull people out just to make a point.

And then put the hats back on. Up and down, up and down… it was a game. These capos, these people inside the camp who were guards, and guarding us… they could do with us whatever they wished.

There was no accounting. If they had some kind of fetish or crazy idea, they played it out with people.

What did they care? Kill you, not kill you?

Once disarmed and entrapped within a "safe area", the inmates are dehumanized in appearance and action.
Once disarmed and entrapped within a “safe area”, the inmates are dehumanized in appearance and action.

What did you eat in the camps?

Okay… we ate very little. Whatever we can. Whatever they fed us. And believe me, whatever they fed us was not fit for human beings.

But daily, usually, we had a few slices – like maybe 3-4 slices of bread. And they gave us a little margarine. The bread was made from half-sawdust… not real wheat, or anything like that. It was half sawdust, but it was food we could digest. And a little margarine, they always… had a little liverwurst – I mean very little.

They gave you JUST ENOUGH to keep you alive, because they needed your work. And if you got sick, and you died – well, that’s what they planned anyway! But as long as you could work, they kept you alive.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

It’s strange, because a few years ago, when you had slaves in this world, you fed them well – you wanted them to be fairly healthy and work hard. But the Nazis barely fed us enough to keep a bird alive. And as long as you lived, they used every ounce of strength from you to work.

Expert Tip: Genocidal slavery is far worse than historical slavery.

And if you died – well, it’s perfectly alright! Or they shot you, or beat you to death, who knows what they did.

So the food wasn’t very much. They gave us a little bit of what they called coffee – it was made out of grain. But it was hot liquid. They fed us once a day some soup, and you wouldn’t dare to find out what’s in the soup, because if you found out, it would make you sick to your stomach.

It was mostly liquid, but if the person dealing out the soup was a friend of yours, or knew you, they went down with the ladle a little deeper to pick up something of substance.

It could sometimes be a rat, or a mouse. You would be surprised. They threw everything in there.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

Anyways, it wasn’t enough, and we were constantly, constantly, in hunger. Starving.

What was the most horrifying thing you personally witnessed?

The most horrifying thing I personally witnessed was the hanging of those 3 inmates that escaped and they caught them.

They put the noose on them, one at a time.

The last one that they hung was a young man, and he screamed out the prayers, the Jewish prayer before dying.

It’s only 5 or 6 letters.

But when they heard that, they kicked the stool out from under him, not even allowing him to finish 2 words of that prayer.

That was horrifying to me.

And the other thing that was even worse was when they first occupied Poland, Krakow, within 5 days there was a truck pulling up to our building, and Nazi soldiers jumped out of it, and all they wanted to know was where the Jewish people lived. They asked the Super where the Jewish people lived.

And he was quick to oblige.

Expert Tip: Socialist Marxists are very brutal once they confront an unarmed citizenry.

They came in, pistol-whipping us. They had sacks for us to throw in all our valuables. They were beating up my father to open up the safe, they cleaned everything out.

Famous Hitler Quote.
Famous Hitler Quote.

While this was going on, we heard horrible screams next door from the other Jewish family.

So my sister Lola, the one who survived, and I ran out through the back door to go into our neighbor’s through their back door to see what happened.

There was a young couple living there with 2 daughters, about my age. We used to play in the yard, after school. And the mother gave birth to an infant boy, about I guess 1 month earlier? or 3 weeks earlier? And we came in, we saw this monster holding the baby by its legs, and swinging it.

And screaming to the parents MAKE HIM SHUT UP!

And of course the parents and daughters were screaming Our baby, our baby, don’t hurt our baby!

And when we came in, we couldn’t believe what we saw. This monster had this smirk on his face, like he was enjoying what he was doing. And he smashed the baby’s head right into the doorpost, head first, killing it instantly.

That…That memory I will never forget. Seeing that baby scream, and then the sudden silence. And the head opened up, and everything on the floor. We all jumped on this monster, and started to beat him, and scream – of course, we were all pistol-whipped by his buddies.

Expert Tip – Never allow Social Marxists to rule over you, disarm you, or control you in any way.

Anyways, it’s a long story, but all I can tell you is the mother died within 2 weeks in the hospital, I don’t know if because of heartbreak, or being beaten.

This was our first taste of Nazi brutality.

Virginia Governor, in 2020, demanded and legislated at Virginians be disarmed "for the children".
Virginia Governor, in 2020, demanded and legislated at Virginians be disarmed “for the children”.

In those dark days how did you find the strength to survive? Did you ever want to give up so the suffering would end?

Well, the answer to that question is simply that it’s human nature to overcome most of the atrocities and difficulties that are thrown at them.

But I didn’t think that I was any different than any other person.

Expert Tip: Democrats, no matter what they call themselves, are Socialist Marxists that given the change would go full-on Pol Pot on you and your family.

At least at that time, I didn’t give it any thought. I just wanted to survive – to get by every day, to stay out of the way, not to be as visible, because these – I don’t know what to call them – these monsters… just look for any kind of reason to pull someone out to kill them, to set an example.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

So you had to keep timid. And try to do everything that they ordered you to do. And not to be outstanding, or visible, in such a way. So… if you’re insignificant, they don’t look to pull you out, and show an example.

This may be one of the reasons that I survived.

Expert Tip: The key to survival in a Social Marxist utopia is to be as hidden, and nonthreatening as possible. Use that time to leave it as silently and as quickly as possible.

And I was always very… don’t know how to say it? I was always very enthusiastic about life itself.

I hadn’t had a life, until that point, and whatever I did have, at this point, was sort’ve blocked out of my mind. I didn’t remember the good years any more.

So to me, life was very important, and I had to do everything humanly possible to survive, not to give them a reason or a cause to pull me out, and kill me.

What was one of the most uplifting things you witnessed during your imprisonment?

There were a lot of incidents like this, but few and far between. Because missing one bit of food meant certain death. I remember one inmate gave away his ration of food for a cigarette butt, and the guy died that night.

The Nazis had figured out exactly what a person needed to live until the following day, so very little of it went on where people were generous by giving away their food – they couldn’t afford do, it meant certain death.

But I did come across very generous and very good people in my life, who had saved Jewish people, and I called them “Righteous Gentiles.” I even had a head of the Gestapo who saved my sister, Lola, the one who survived – and saving her, she saved me and dozens of others people from a ghetto. And that enabled us to escape the ghetto and run away to Hungary, which was still a free country.

Now this head of Gestapo knew what he was doing was wrong, according to their laws, and eventually, he was executed by the Germans. But he saved many Jewish people, including myself and some others that i know survived the war thanks to him.

So not everyone was bad.

But of ALL people – we couldn’t believe the Head of Gestapo would do what that man did.

Expert Tip; There are “friends” in the most unlikeliest of places. But do not count on them. The odds of you encountering them is minuscule.

Who were your liberators and could you talk a little about when you first saw them and if you kept in touch with them over the years?

At first, you know, they looked like GODS to me.

I was liberated by the American soldiers. And every soldier that i saw looked like a God. I didn’t know how to thank them.

But I have met liberators – and until I started teaching about the Holocaust, and speaking, and lecturing – actually, it’s in my book, and it’s a long story to tell, but how in Tennessee, at the University of Tennessee, I happened to accidentally meet the liberators of Dachau, 2 gentlemen who liberated me.

Virginia Governor, in 2020, demanded and legislated at Virginians be disarmed "for the children".
Virginia Governor, in 2020, demanded and legislated at Virginians be disarmed “for the children”. Those that will resist will need to confront the police and the national guard. He is even budgeting for special collection teams to go door to door to disarm the citizenry of Virginia.

And they were telling their stories about what they found in Dachau, these atrocities, and I was a speaker immediately following them.

And sitting there, I couldn’t believe – I was on pins & needles – these people rescued my life! These people liberated me!

And then when it was my turn to speak, i walk over to them with shaking knees, and I embrace them, and I say: “You two gentlemen gave me my life. You liberated me. I wouldn’t be here without you.

OF ALL PLACES. And they happened to be the soldiers who liberated Dachau! And I was liberated there! How strange and coincidental that were in the same stage, talking about the same thing. And when they talked about liberating Dachau, and all these atrocities – I couldn’t believe what I heard…

Yes, yes. Those are the only two gentlemen I met those many years later, and we keep in touch quite often.

What was the first thing you ate after being freed from the camp?

 The first thing I ate, I remember, 2 GIs, American soldiers walked up to us, and they opened up a can of Spam. And they handed it to me and my cousin.

Well, it smelled so good that we made a mistake and we ate some of it.

Expert Tip; When starving, eat sparingly and carefully. Your body will not be able to handle the food.

And unfortunately, both of us came down with dysentery, I guess it sped up, he would’ve probably died anyway, and my cousin died in my arms the night after liberation. I got very sick too, and when they took him away from me, I tried to follow.

I only weighed 65 pounds. I was a skeleton. Skin and bones.

So what can I tell you? The first food we ate was Spam.

I never ate that in my life before. I guess the Americans found it in the German magazines, and they handed it out to the starving people. They meant well, but our stomachs were not used to it.

A Jesuit priest picked me up, and took me to a field hospital in Dachau, where I passed out, and I was out in a coma for over 2 months. So what I ate afterwards, I have no idea. But it was good food, because I came to myself, and surprising when I woke up after coma, I couldn’t believe seeing myself – I looked pretty good! I had flesh on me.

I looked like a human being again.

What was your initial experience of America when you first arrived in 1947?

Well, when I was arrived, I was very, very overcome. I was impressed. It was just overwhelming to me.

Gun registration and control works. These experts clearly recommend it.
Gun registration and control works. These experts clearly recommend it.

First, I arrived in New York harbor, and of course, the skyscrapers, the lifestyle… I made a sort of promise to myself then: This is going to be the first day of your life. From this day on, there is only ONE place to go: SUCCEED.

Expert Tip: When you flee a nation that has made gun ownership illegal, move to one where you can be free and own weapons.

I will build a family, I will do whatever I can in my power to succeed in this United States of America.

And this was my first impression. I liked what I seen. I met people who I thought were industrious, with businesses and families and love…there’s respect.

I loved what I saw in America.

I became American in my heart immediately.

So I adopted America, and I am glad America adopted me, and allowed me to be part of it, and become a citizen.

As a survivor, do you think you could ever forgive those who caused the Jewish race persecution? If so, what makes you forgive them, if not what would have to be done for it to be forgiven?

Okay, that’s a very good question. No, the answer is: I can’t forgive those people who were directly involved, the perpetrators of the Holocaust. Obviously, I can never forgive them.

And perhaps I feel that it’s not really up to me. It’s up to the victims. They have to forgive them. But I can’t forget. But the other answer is: I do not blame the son for his father’s sins.

Which means I have nothing against the people of Germany today.

They are not at fault for what happened. And to me, we are all part of the human race. So whether you’re German, or French, or American… whether you’re one religion, Catholic, Jewish, Protestant – it doesn’t matter.

We are all part of the human race.

And I respect every person.

As long as they prove themselves to not be racist or hateful people. As long as they don’t repeat the atrocities from the past – I respect them. And I tolerate them. I think it is beautiful that we are different.

So I hope this gave you the answer.

How hard is it to keep painful memories at the forefront of your mind as you do this? How do you find the motivation and inspiration to do so?

Well… I am thankful to God for the strength that I am healthy enough to share my story. And I hope for many years that I can continue doing this. Because it is something that needs to be done.

Gun registration and control works. Progressive Marxists clearly recommend it.
Gun registration and control works. Progressive Marxists clearly recommend it.

I started it over 20 years ago, approximately 25 years ago. It all started with my grand-son, who invited me to speak in one of the schools. Before I was silent, I kept it bottled up in me.

I thought Why subject our children, our grandchildren, to all these tragedies? 

I wanted them to grow up as normal American kids.

Not to feel some kind of guilt-trip or something. So I didn’t talk much about it. But my grand-son asked me to come to school to talk about it.

Expert Tip; Do not hide Marxist atrocities. Do not allow anyone to hide the truths of social Marxism.

And from that date on, I came to Los Vegas Nevada, and I joined the Holocaust Survivor’s Group, and the speaker’s bureau, asked for volunteers. So I volunteered. And I haven’t stopped speaking since.

I felt I had to reach out. 

I had to do much more than just speaking, exposing colleges. It has to be more wider-scale. So I started Zachor Holocaust Remembrance Foundation, hoping it would reach millions of people worldwide.

We have to keep this world from acquiring amnesia. But there are many other ways to reach out. And as time went on, I kept adding those ways.

Since I retired – actually, when I retired to Las Vegas, I felt I’ll take it easy for a while, I always felt that I was a very hard worker, but it turns out I’ve never worked so hard in my life as retirement!

So yes, I am grateful for this. I will do everything possible – because the world has to know. We have to do everything possible to keep the world from forgetting.

Have you or any other survivors you’ve met had to deal with PTSD or other mental health issues after the war ended? How were you able to go through it?

Post-traumatic stress, is that what you’re saying?

I didn’t have very much of that.

I knew… there were no surprises.

I knew exactly what was happening in the camps. I went through it every day.

So after liberation, I really did not have that much stress, because after going through hell, everything is paradise.

Expert Tip; After strife… It’s ALL good!

I knew I had to work hard in order to achieve my dream, to be successful in this world, but to have post-traumatic stress… I didn’t. I dunno. Maybe because i was too young, I didn’t realize. But to me, every day was a gift from heaven.

So after going through what I went through – everything was easy. It was simple.

Federal police in Cambodia rounding up people who's name were on gun registration lists. They then took them to "safe places", that were "for their protection".
State police in Cambodia rounding up people who’s name were on gun registration lists. They then took them to “safe places”, that were “for their protection”.

To some people – things may look hard, like hard work, or digging ditches, or who knows what you’re doing that’s hard. To me, it was a pleasure, work. I’m doing this as a free man, a free person!

I never try to stay away from hard work. I knew that in order to succeed, you have to work hard. And I did many things in this wonderful America, in this country of ours, that wasn’t easy. But I don’t remember post-traumatic stress. I really don’t have an answer for that.

You’ve obviously had an amazingly long life and experienced a lot of extreme things. What is the single moment in your life that stands out in your memory the strongest?

Well… the worst thing stands out in my life is memory, the memory when we arrived into Auschwitz, and they said “Women and children to the right, and men to the left” and I was holding onto my little brother Tully, my older sister Goldie, and we were just… pulled apart.

Never to see each other again.

And when I found out where they went… and what happened to them, that was one of the worst nightmares of my life.

Expert Tip: Never allow yourself to be divided, separated, and segregated by your enemies.

I couldn’t believe when I was told that they were actually those ashes that we see, those flames shooting out… those are our parents, our mothers, our fathers, our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters… ashes.

This was a terrifying moment in my life. When I realized my sister, my little bother, were just burned to death. Just… I couldn’t get over it, for a long time.

And of course… other memories, there are many others.

Having my first daughter, my second daughter, my marriage to my lovely wife of 64 years…

There are a lot of wonderful, wonderful moments in my life. Besides the atrocities at the beginning

How frustrating is it that some people refuse to believe the Holocaust occurred?

I don’t believe that they don’t know better. They know better.

Expert Tip: Socialist Marxists lie. Everything they say is a lie.

They just believe that if a lie is told long enough, that some people will start believing in that lie. Because nothing in history was ever as documented as the Holocaust itself.

So… you know, how could they deny it?

Eisenhower, when he came across these camps, instructed his soldiers, the fighting men to take pictures – all the pictures they could, from all they saw, these atrocities, “because someday there will be people denying that it ever happened.” That it ever happened.

So he was smart enough. And millions, and millions of pictures. It was documented in pictures, and films. So what’s the use of denying it?

Great Hitler Quote 2.
Great Hitler Quote

They are preying on youngsters who don’t know better, or uneducated people. This is why education is important. Because people who are in countries who don’t have the chance to know the truth – they hope that these people will believe it.

Those are anti-Semites. People who hate Jewish people.

What do you think about the status of Jews in Europe today?

About the status of Jews in the world today? It’s very grim. I read about it all the time. It seems like Anti-Semitism is taking over, all over again.

It’s not so… visible, openly.

Expert Tip; Nazi Germans were Democrat Socialists.

But what bothers me the most is in Germany itself, it’s become fashionable among the elites in Germany to make jokes, and to sort’ve blame things on the Jewish people. This is… what actually started the whole thing.

Hitler, and the Nazis, did not begin by killing. This is not how it started.

Expert Tip: The killing did not start immediately. The disarming, and the name calling came first.

It all started with hate.


And… this is happening again. Not to such an extent, as before, obviously. But I can see in my personal opinion that I have, if I am allowed to say this – I personally feel that there is only one race in the world, and that is the HUMAN race.

And we are all human.

So apparently, there is a little amount of evil that is lurking in each one of us. We have to be very careful not to allow it to surface. Because we are all the same people.

Progressive socialists are all the same. They give themselves different names. They promise to create a utopia. They have the registration of weapons, then seize them, and then kill specific "deplorable" segments of the population. All in the name of progressive, modern advancement.
Progressive socialists are all the same. They give themselves different names. They promise to create a utopia. They have the registration of weapons, then seize them, and then kill specific “deplorable” segments of the population. All in the name of progressive, modern advancement.

I guess that the Nazis were not born monsters. They had lovely families. There were educated people.

So… people can be subverted in such an easy way. Simply by words from the mouth.

Hitler was a good orator. And he lashed out. And that’s how it started.

It’s beginning again. Little jokes, here and there about Jews. Little jokes about problems all the fault of a Jew… in a nice way. You know?

Expert Tip; Being called “deplorable” or accused of “privilege” is what Hitler did to the Jews. The Social Marxists use the exact same “playbook”.

And this is happening all over again in parts of the world. And it’s fashionable to make jokes about Jews. That bothers me. It bothers me a lot. And it’s happening. Of course, it is fueled by religion, and other sources… but WHY?

Why can’t we tolerate and respect each others’ religion? Why can’t we live side-by-side? And respect?

Great Pol Pot quote.
Great Pol Pot quote.

No matter what your religion is.

See the beauty in that part. And why do we have to try and convert others to be like them, or like us?

The beauty in this world is that we are different – we think different, we have different beliefs, we look different… can you imagine if we all looked the same, and if we all believed the same? Like Hitler wanted the Nazis to be?

It would be a dull, dull world. It would be like a bunch of ants following a leader.

So yes, I am very disturbed at what is happening.

Expert Tip; Survivors of Social Marxist re-engineering and utopias are alarmed at what is going on in the United States today.

And this is why I am doing MORE than I can do. Day and night, I have sleepless nights, I think of what I can do…to get the message out. To get to more people.

And this is why it’s so important to go to schools, why education is so important.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

Because hatred exists ONLY where people are ignorant.

So each one of us has to choose responsibility. To live lives that work against hatred.

Obviously – hatred is out there, even with bullying. Or political campaigns. Reckless driving. All of these things contribute to an environment of hatred.

And hatred can only exist where people are ignorant. So we must constantly provide anti-hatred education. And in doing so, we can contribute to the healing of others.

To respect. To heal the world. It has to be through education. And it has to be through educators who are… known that they believe in tolerance, and respect. So we have to be also very careful who these educators are.

If you had the chance to go back in time and see your young self, what would you do and what would you tell him?

I would tell myself “Ben, you have to respect and love all people in this world. Do not discriminate. Do whatever best you can in your life to help others. In general, just be a person of love, instead of hate. We have so much in this world, and I guess.. after going through all this hatred, and atrocities, I would absolutely tell myself that Ben, you cannot discriminate. We are all part of the human race. And this is something that I feel starts – hatred begins in schools. I would tell myself that.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

It starts early as bullying. When you bully someone, you make an enemy for life. So why bully? Why hate?

This is something I have learned from living this life of mine, and going through hell on earth… that we have to find a way to prevent this from ever happening again.

So it has to start with me. I have to be the one. I have to be a loving person, instead of a hateful person.

And whatever you do – don’t ever be a bystander. If you see someone else being hurt, or something being wrongfully done – don’t be a bystander, the way the world was during World War II.

Expert Tip; Do not allow the Socialist Marxists to take control of government. Do not accept it. Fight back.

Speak up. Let your voice be heard.

Shout out. Let the world know. And this is what I am hoping I can accomplish in my life. To get this world to shout out… for peaceful purposes.

Shout out for love, for tolerance, against anti-Semitism, against racism… we only get it through education, so if I had my chance of reliving my life, this is what I would try to do. And this is what I am trying to do, in the last 25-30 years of my life.

Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to "safe places" once disarmed by their government.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.

What would you like every young person to know? What advice could you give them on how to live well?

The advice I can give every person… to live better…is “No matter – I want each person to know that life is a matter of choices.”

An individual can always CHOOSE what happens to them.

Idi Amin disarmed his nation, then declared war on them. Remember history.
Idi Amin disarmed his nation, then declared war on them. Remember history.

Whether it’s a crisis, or a calamity, people can choose to either ruin their lives, or to learn from it, and move forward.

It’s essential to understand the consequences of personal choices.

It’s possible to let tragedy or trauma become a reason to stop living.

But it’s also possible to live through extreme circumstances like I did and commit to a life that has meaning. A life that matters.

If you strive – whatever profession you’re in – to be the BEST in that profession – and if you work for a company, try to find out how you can, or what you can do, to help this company succeed – then you will be successful.

Don’t be a clock-watcher.

Just…see what you can do to possibly improve that company, so they can make money, hire more people… if you have this outlook, be the BEST in whatever you do… you have nothing to worry about in life. You will have a wonderful life.

This is what I feel I succeeded in. Because i never thought about myself personally. I thought if my boss is going to be successful, I will be, automatically, awarded. That’s the best advice I can give you.

Absolutely never permit gun registration or disarmament. History clearly warns us of the consequences.
Absolutely never permit gun registration or disarmament. History clearly warns us of the consequences.

And it all started by gun registration.

Then disarmament.

Finally, his family being told to gather their belongings to be relocated to a “safe place” where they could live in peace.

And the rest, is history.

Do not allow your family, your loved ones, and your very existence to be turned into ashes and oily dust from furnace fires.

Expert Tip; Know your history and prepare for the worst. Pray that it does not happen, but be ready just in case it does.

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This is what happened to the “Preppers” during previous genocides and periods of national turmoil.

An increasing fraction of the country is entering fight-or-flight mode. 

- From Francis Porretto at Liberty's Torch 

Contrary to what the reader might be aware, “prepping” for a national disaster or upheaval is not a wholly American phenomenon. It is a global one, and it is something that has been practiced by various people time and time again, over the years. Here, in this article, we look at examples of what happened to other “preppers” when their nation underwent a period of upheaval.

Here we discuss how prepping (historically) helped out these people to avoid or reduce the amount of stress and turmoil during national turmoil.

Specifically, we will concentrate on political, social, and genocidal upheavals. Prepping to prepare for natural emergencies is pretty much well understood, and accepted, as a desirable and important part and responsibly of the family elders.

Thus, this article focuses on prepping for societal change.

The classifications of “political” prepping

For our purposes, we will refer to any prepping associated with a government, or a social upheaval as “political prepping”. You can refer to it by other names as you wish. You can call it “prepping as a hedge against an aggressive government outreach”, or perhaps “defensive prepping”.

Which means, in short, that the need to prepare for societal change is directly related your government’s behavior. Or, in other words, to the actions of one’s government or the members in the local society where you may live.

Here, we look at the purposes of prepping in this situation, and what the likelihood of success and survival may be. The purposes, or the reasons why someone may set up a prepper situation can be classified as…

  • Buying time” to enable one’s family to escape from a conflict zone. These preppers “bug out” with the objective of moving to a safer place or a safer region. This is also known as a”safe house”. These preppers cling on to the “normalcy” vector. They hope that they can keep working on their day to day lifestyle, without interruption.
  • Ride out the storm“. Long duration defense of one’s property and family in a fixed, stable location. This is the “traditional prepper” lifestyle, and the one most people associate with prepping.
  • Fluidic survival“. The ability to float with your family in a general region in safety, but not be tied down to any fixed hard defensive location.
  • Militia Membership“. Being part of a much larger group that in cooperation, defends a community, farms and region from outsiders.
  • Hobbyist prepper” . A person who thinks that they are prepared for a SHTF event solely by reading, setting aside some provisions, and the purchase of some land in an isolated geographic location.
  • Life Boat prepper“. This is what I did. Long before the start of any SHTF event, I figured to locating a safe haven way outside the USA. Then I relocated my entire life there. The key here is that this type of prepping occurs long before the rest of society catches on that “storm clouds” might be a brewing.

We will look at each one and compare the historical chances of success and endurance.

Buying Time

Firstly, let's look at the "buying time" option. Here, the prepper waits until the last possible moment and then bugs out. 

I argue that if there is any possibility of a SHTF event, then you should immediately scram. Do not wait until your being shot at by some militia in your company parking lot.
Shot and dying.
Factory workers, with their company name badges, in the parking lot of their employer. Two dead and one dying with his legs shot off. He and his co-workers had no idea that “world war III” would break out while they were trying to clock in at work. When one group of people identify another group, and target them with hate, and violence, it only escalates. It gets worse. Eventually there is whole-scale blood shed. Do not be under the illusion that it will never happen in America. There are enormous groups of people just chomping at the bit to attack conservatives and traditionalists. All in the name of a progressive utopia.

Here, the prepper family realizes that SHTF and a situation is taking place. They may or may not have prepared a “safe house” or secure location outside of the conflict zone. What they need to do, and the sole and entire purpose of all their prepping activity is to create a safe avenue for egress outside of the conflict “hot zone”.

Truthfully, their personal use of situational intelligence caused them to be in the “hot seat”. They ignored the signs. They relied on everything continuing to be “normal”, instead of getting ready for abnormal events.

Often the father, or family head, would be slapping his forehead asking “why didn’t I leave earlier, I should have known better”!

Yeah, yeah. But that’s not really true. Genocides, democides and Policides, are always sprung on an unsuspecting populace. There are few things that a person can do to prepare, short of leaving the country and setting up a second home in a peaceful and tranquil country.

The living room with it's new occupants after the Bosinan war was over. This is what the owners of the house found when they returned after bugging out at the start of the conflict.
The living room with it’s new occupants after the Bosnian war was over. This is what the owners of the house found when they returned after bugging out at the start of the conflict.

These kinds of preppers should have a [1] bug-out bag, [2] a “safe house”, and [3] escape plan to leave their normal home and make it to the safe house in safety, avoiding crowds, the police, and opposition forces.

The "bug out bag" could very well be a backpack, or bag. But, it just as well be a large roomy trunk in a vehicle with extra cans of gasoline. The "bug out bag" must be specifically tailored for the mission; going from point "A" to your "safe house" destination.

They should also have studied the most basic prepping skills.

Not for a nuclear exchange or zombie attack, but for basic survival in a “scram and bug out” situation. Again, you need to be trained and ready to specifically the situation and scenario that you are prepping for.

 The lesson: you have more to fear and are more likely to die from  common, localized events than massive, spectacular catastrophes. Train  and prepare accordingly.

 First-aid skills, driving skills, empty hand-based self-defense.  Those should be your trifecta starting out, considering you are far more  likely to need to heal than harm, you are far more likely to need to  dodge a drunk driver than a zombie, and you are far more likely to need  to go hands on with someone than shoot them. 

- 3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started to Prep 

The biggest problems that these “bug-out preppers” have to deal with are [1] crowds, [2] lack of reliable routes and transportation, and [3] roving bands of opposition forces. In a social upheaval situation, your biggest problem will be other people.

Also, please note. It is always assumed that they did their proper homework and the “safe house” is truly safe and secure.

During civil wars, and genocides, the local government will go house to house and collect people. They will separate the men from the women, and often they would be taken to bad situations. Rape and sexual slavery for the women, and death for the men. Do not allow yourself to be collected and taken to a "safe area".
During civil wars, and genocides, the local government will go house to house and collect people. They will separate the men from the women, and often they would be taken to bad situations. With rape and sexual slavery for the women, and death for the men. Do not allow yourself to be collected and taken to a “safe area”. Photo is from the Bosnian genocide. Collected men being led to a “holding area”. Most of them died there.
Remember; A "safe area" is one that is "safe" for your captors. Not "safe" for you.

In this prepping scenario, there is a direct link between knowing that the situation is actually SHTF, and when to actually “Bug Out”. The smarter preppers would scram as soon as the “trip wires” of SHTF are activated.

Some “trip wires”;

  • Roving bands of militia.
  • Outsiders investigating your property.
  • Police conducting house to house searches.
  • The sight of a dead person.
  • A house or building on fire with no firemen responding to it.
  • Open looting.
  • Favorite or often used websites down or seized.
  • Police standing down, or retreating to defense positions.
  • Blocked roads – due to accidents, natural events, or erosion.
  • Blocked roads – due to police check points.
  • Blocked roads – due to militia or armed groups, or bandits.
  • Sounds of gun fire, especially full automatic fire.
  • Bombings of buildings in the local region.
  • Internet, cell phone, or electricity outages.
  • Supermarkets and stores running out of food.
  • Farms not being harvested in time.
  • Friends, associates, and family all confused.
  • Local hospitals being short on staff.
  • Airport closed or protected by armed forces.
  • Organized convoys of any type.
  • Advice from loved ones.
  • Activation of the National Guard.
  • Close friends and families leaving the area.
  • Implementation of “special protection measures”, laws, or executive orders.
  • People in the open carrying firearms.
  • Groups of roving youth / young adults with firearms.
  • The sight of someone hung.
  • A state of “emergency” declared.
  • Being instructed to move to a FEMA camp.
  • Rumors of bad things happening.
  • Phone calls, emails of messages from concerned loved ones.

Everyone is different, and every region and situation is different.

However, the “bug-out prepper” should know what “trip wires” to watch out for, and to pack up and scram when the situation goes “hot”. I would suggest any three within a one week time period and you should recognize that you need to scram big time.

The “bug out prepper” will avoid crowds and main roads. They will take the well planned “safe route” to their destination, the “safe house”.

The "bug out" prepper would take the safe and secure back roads, and avoid people and crowds as much as possible.
The “bug out” prepper would take the safe and secure back roads, and avoid people and crowds as much as possible. They would travel in isolation. Hide as much as possible. Keep fires and noise to a minimum. As well as be on the alert to any strangers or situations that they might encounter along the way.

This kind of prepper is one who fully expects to be a refugee.

The only difference between the prepper and the refugee is that the prepper would be far better prepared. They would avoid large groups of people. They wouldn’t trust the government or officials. They would avoid refugee camps, and “safe areas”, and they would have a set destination in mind that they were heading towards.

Refugees fleeing the ISIS in Syria. They gathered up their possessions and flee the battle and conflict zones.
Refugees fleeing the ISIS in Syria. They gathered up their possessions and flee the battle and conflict zones.

Historically, the well prepared “bug out prepper” is also the successful refugee.

While there are, I am sure, instances of personal catastrophe for these individuals, in general, these preppers have perhaps one of the greatest chances of survival. (Provided they arrive to their “safe house” and not be directed to any FEMA camp or staging area.) Never the less, they do need to constantly be on the alert. Things can go dangerously wrong.

Provided, of course, that their “safe house” is truly out of the conflict zone.

As a quick reminder, whether you are in the rural areas, a small town, or on the road. Avoid the cities. This is where your enemies want you to stream towards. It’s a trap. It’s a snare.

It is a snare.

Here is something from Remus from the Woodpilereport;

The idea is to herd people into places where they are trapped and can be easily controlled. There will be urban youth terrorizing the rural areas, small towns and communities, and this will create a situation where everyone will start to stream into the “safe” cities.

It won’t be safe.

Passport found in the remains of a civilian who was trying to escape the genocide, but instead got caught up in a firefight and ended up getting shot and killed. Do not wait until the last minute.
Passport found in the remains of a Bosnian civilian who was trying to escape the genocide, but instead got caught up in a firefight and ended up getting shot and killed. Do not wait until the last minute.

Some lessons from history;

In the 1930's Hitler came to power in Germany. 

During that decade he openly and politically declared war on Jews and other "undesirables". Many Jews chose to sit tight. They believed that things would go back to normal... some day. All they needed to do was stay out of the way of the Nazi Germans.

Other Jews; those that I call "bug out prepper" Jews, left Germany. They stayed as long as they could, but at some point in time, the "trip wires" were triggered, and they fled to "safe houses" in neighboring countries. One of which was Poland. There, they were able to live their lives in peace and free from the prosecution by the Nazi Germans.

These "bug out preppers" were successful. All except up to one point. They assumed that their "safe house(s)" would all be safe from the Nazi Germans.

But that is not what happened.

Germany invaded Poland in 1939. And once they obtained control of the nation, they continued their prosecution of the Jews there. Those that bugged-out from Germany discovered that their "safe house(s)" were not really safe at all.

This remained true for all those "bug out prepper" Jews that went elsewhere in Europe. The only ones that were truly safe were those that went to England, the Americas, and Africa.

Of course, it goes without saying that the “bug out prepper” would avoid conflict. They would be the rabbit and run and hide rather than engage any potential enemies or get entwined in any kind of situation. That being said, of course, were the need manifest itself, they would be fully capable of taking on anyone that came their way.

All preppers should be prepared to make the hard decisions if the need manifests to protect themselves and to defend their family.
All preppers should be prepared to make the hard decisions if the need manifests to protect themselves and to defend their family.

Ride out the storm

In this scenario, the prepper believes that any SHTF event will be short-lived. Certainly no more than three to four years. They believe that they are isolated enough, equipped enough, and camouflaged enough to avoid the vast bulk of conflict during a SHTF scenario.

They just simply “hunker down” and ride the SHTF storm out.

An isolated cabin in the middle of the woods, and in the mountains. It's a nice location to bug out to, and better if that is your home, and it is fully stocked with a few years worth of supplies.
An isolated cabin in the middle of the woods, and in the mountains. It’s a nice location to bug out to, and better if that is your home, and it is fully stocked with a few years worth of supplies. However, all preppers should realize that there might be strangers of friends that might be desirous of sharing your safe haven with you, uninvited. In fact, your “safe house” might already be on the bug-out list for others. You do need to be aware and secure in your domicile.

This prepper is more often than not, located in a rural or isolated location. Has supplies, a survivalist mindset, and is ready to defend his family aggressively. He does not feel that he would be considered in any way to be a threat to anyone, and so is ready to ride out the SHTF event, and defend his family where necessary.

This kind of prepper is perhaps the best prepared.

They have a lifestyle, and a way of living that is conducive to hiding out and surviving in one place. However, this kind of lifestyle does not happen overnight. Nope. You have to develop it over years.

Small cabin with solar panels.
Depending on the person, and their family, the “ride out the storm” prepper might have anything from a tiny isolated cabin on top of a rocky mountain, to a large farm nestled in an isolated valley. The prepper should keep in mind the importance in simplicity and in self reliance.

Thinking that you can just “jump in” and survive in a cabin that you purchased and stocked up with seeds is unrealistic. You are not prepared to live in that situation. You are not trained. You are not ready, and you are not prepared. You just think you are.

Also take heed. Just because you bought and stocked a home in the middle of the country somewhere does not preclude others from seizing it while you are away. Neglected "bug out safe zones" are always at the risk of use by others.

It would be a grand disappointment to discover that the pristine lake cabin that you bought for a SHTF scenario, and all the effort that you went into the solar cells, and provisioning it, was all for naught when a tribe of 100 Hell's Angels bikers took it over.

In this scenario, “ride out the storm” preppers are ones that not only [1] have an isolated “safe house” in [2] an isolated geographical region, BUT they also [3] have been practicing the “ride out the storm” lifestyle for [4] a minimum of three years or longer. Therefore, just owning property, a storm cellar, and reading a few books will not qualify you as a “ride out the storm” Prepper.

Instead you are a qualified “hobbyist prepper”.

In all cases, the “ride out the storm” prepper should be prepared for visitors, no matter how isolated they are. They should have secret rooms, and hideouts. They should have weapons available and other hidden and buried. They should have food supplies and others well hidden from roving bands of militia and “government” search expeditions.

Door to door searching in America with a blanket "search order" to search everyone, and everything.
Door to door searching in America with a blanket “search order” to search everyone, and everything. All “ride out the storm” preppers would expect visits from both government officials, military, as well as roving bands of militia, and opposition forces. These preppers should have a plan(s) on how to deal with each situation as it manifests.

Historically, the “ride out the storm” prepper has a mixed bag of success. It all depends on the type and duration of the societal conflict, as well as how absolutely fanatical the opposition forces are.

At one time Armenia was an independent nation. At that time, Armenia was a Christian majority nation. Then over time, their borders changed, swapped hands, and the majority of Armenians found themselves located within Turkey.

The first widely studied modern democide occurred in Turkey between 1915 and 1923, when the Turkish government  decided to eliminate the  country’s Christian minority. This group consisted  primarily of ethnic Armenians and Greeks.  

We do know that Turkey disarmed the populace in 1911, and for around three and a half years went door to door collecting the firearms and ammo from the entire civilian population. Then in 1914, they began rounding up all the disarmed Christians. They tortured them, they abused them, they marched them into the desert where they all died.

I am quite confident that there would be "ride out the storm" preppers who, by geographic location, luck, or fawning being a Muslim managed to escape the democide and purge of Christians. But we will never know how many of these people existed, nor their own individual stories.

What we do know is that Albania went from a 100% Christian majority nation to a 97% Muslim nation in a few very short decades.

"Christianity in Turkey has had a long history dating back to the 1st-century AD. In modern times the percentage of Christians in Turkey has declined from 20-25 percent in 1914 to 3-5.5 percent in 1927, to 0.3-0.4% today roughly translating to 200,000-320,000 devotees." 

While it is indeed possible that "ride out the storm" preppers comprise this tiny, tiny minority, one has to wonder if they truly feel safe living in a nation that exterminated an entire society identical to what they believe in. Or in other words, was it worth it?
Raped and killed.
Raped and killed. You need to either prepare to fight, or flee. What ever you do, do not get snared into a collection area for your own safety. It is not going to be safe. As this young lass learned. Do not trust refugee camps. Do not trust the government. Do not trust ANYONE. And, finally, do not allow yourself or your family to be disarmed. Learn to fight both with guns and blades. Hide and protect yourselves, and take special note where the progressive liberals live in your neighborhood. They have the lists that your name will be on.

Fluidic Survival

In this prepping scheme, the prepper would not count on any fixed homestead, nor would they plan on “bugging out”. Instead, they would maintain a migratory movement within the hills, countryside and mountains of their familial “stomping ground”.

They would have advantage in knowing the terrain, knowing the people, and at the same time, being mobile.

Being mobile enables the prepper to inherently evade military, militia, and the government. As they rely on fixed homes, roads and geographical landmarks from which to work upon. Mobility is the fluidic preppers most important asset. They rely on isolation, movement and isolation for their protection.

The walking dead has various scenes that are suggestive of Fluidic prepping.
The walking dead has various scenes that are suggestive of Fluidic prepping. In fluidic prepping the person tends to migrate within a specific and fixed geographic area and avoids people at all costs.

This kind of prepping requires a well-established knowledge of local geography. Obviously county-sized. It would require a well-established knowledge of friends, family friends, and relationships. For it to work, the prepper would be elusive and maybe visit friends as needed but tell them nothing.

The prepper would locate stashes of gear, supplies and equipment at various well-hidden locations for their periodic use. They would visit these sites on a rotating basis and would never stay at one for longer than a week at a time.

Christopher Knight was arrested, charged with  burglary and theft, and transported to the Kennebec County jail in  Augusta, the state capital. For the first time in nearly 10,000 days, he  slept indoors.

News of the capture stunned the citizens of North  Pond. For decades, they’d felt haunted by…something. It was hard to say  what. At first, in the late 1980s, there were strange occurrences.  Flashlights were missing their batteries. Steaks disappeared from the  fridge. New propane tanks on the grill had been replaced by old ones.  "My grandkids thought I was losing my mind," said David Proulx, whose  vacation cabin was broken into at least fifty times.

Then people  began noticing other things. Wood shavings near window locks; scratches  on doorframes. Was it a neighbor? A gang of teenagers? The robberies  continued—boat batteries, frying pans, winter jackets. Fear took hold.  "We always felt like he was watching us," one resident said. 

The police  were called, repeatedly, but were unable to help.

Locks were  changed, alarm systems installed. Nothing seemed to stop him. Or her. Or  them. No one knew. A few desperate residents even left notes on their  doors: "Please don’t break in. Tell me what you need and I’ll leave it  out for you." There was never a reply.

Incidents mounted, and the  phantom morphed into legend. Eventually he was given a name: the North  Pond Hermit. At a homeowners’ meeting in 2002, the hundred people  present were asked who had suffered break-ins. Seventy-five raised their  hands. Campfire hermit stories were swapped. One kid recalled that when  he was 10 years old, all his Halloween candy was stolen. That kid is  now 34. 

Knight’s arrest, rather than eliminating disbelief, only enhanced it. The truth was stranger than the myth. One man had  actually lived in the woods of Maine for twenty-seven years, in an  unheated nylon tent. Winters in Maine are long and intensely cold: a  wet, windy cold, the worst kind of cold. A week of winter camping is an  impressive achievement. An entire season is practically unheard of.

Though  hermits have been documented for thousands of years, Knight’s feat  appears to exist in a category of its own. He engaged in zero  communication with the outside world. He never snapped a photo. He did  not keep a journal. His camp was undisclosed to everyone.

There  may have been others like Knight, whose commitment to isolation was  absolute—he planned to live his entire life in secret—but if so, they  were never found. Capturing Knight was the human equivalent of netting a  giant squid. He was an uncontacted tribe of one. 

-The Last True Hermit

“Fluidic prepping” is very similar to living like Christopher Knight. You live “on the move” in an isolated area. You avoid contact with people. You hide and you live like a rabbit.

Walking dead prepping
This is the most successful prepping techniques, but it is also the hardest to prepare for and the most difficult to train for. The television character Daryl Dixon from the “Walking Dead” best embodies this kind of “Fluidic” prepping.

This is the most successful prepping techniques, but it is also the hardest to prepare for and the most difficult to train for. The television character Daryl Dixon from the “Walking Dead” best embodies this kind of prepping.

Militia Prepping

In militia prepping you are not prepping alone and for the survival of your family. Instead, you are part of a group that encourages prepping as a group. You share resources, you share defensive strategy, and you share intelligence.

In militia prepping, you join forces with others in your area and form a civilian militia for defensive purposes.
In militia prepping, you join forces with others in your area and form a civilian militia for defensive purposes. You train together. You defend shared resources, and operate as a combat force.

This sort of prepping is the “bedrock” of American society. As such, the progressive liberal Marxists have declared war on these kinds of organizations and their membership.

Former President Obama was very active in having the DHS, the FBI, ATF, IRS, and the DOJ investigate and prosecute these groups and their membership. Often going as far as to spy on them, and consider them threats and arrest them long before they did anything wrong. Sort of like the science fiction movie “The Minority Report”.

The United States Constitution relies on the "citizen soldiers" to defend his local region, his family and his geography. This is the basis of militia prepping.
The United States Constitution relies on the “citizen soldiers” to defend his local region, his family and his geography. This is the basis of militia prepping. It is a way for locals to defend their families, resources, and life from others.

Members, and the organizations should be expected to “be on the radar screens” of any government and Marxist organization when SHTF events occur. They can expect to have all their electronic media monitored, and to have paid informants within their ranks.

They should expect this.

Local militia defending their villiage and region from the movie "Blood Diamonds".
Local militia defending their village and region from the movie “Blood Diamonds”. When the government broke down in Sierra Leone, it was up to the local villages and towns to defend themselves. This scene depicts one such intervention.
Historically, local militia groups from Syria, Bosnia, to the Ukraine have survived and thwarted combat, social upheavals and genocide. In general, radicalized armed youth riding technicals are loathe to risk organized civilian resistance. They prefer unarmed civilians. 

This type of prepping is best suited against thugs, criminals, roving bands of ideologically motivated youth, and techinicals. They are not really all that effective against modern military forces using tanks and APC weaponry. Their strength lies at the local level and as such they can hold off large assaults by organized forces for organized retreats.

Not only were they effective against the British during the American independence in 1776, but against the Nazi Germans in the Ukraine and Poland.
Bosinian militia
Armed militia in the Bosnian conflict. The news media want to say that the conflict was over religion. That one side was against Muslims. But that is not wholly true. It was complicated. In some ways it was an ideological war, one that pitted the urban areas against the rural areas. A decade long period of ideological rhetoric predated the first attacks, and the mastermind of all the genocide was from an urban area.

While membership in a militia has a much higher incidence of conflict with others, and a higher risk of injury factor, it is also one of the safer options that one can have as a prepper. For in this way, the individual becomes part of a larger and thus stronger group. His support network increases, as does his ability to be fed, and support his family during tense times of crisis.

Hobbyist Prepping

Hobbyist prepping is “wanna-be” prepping. You study, you read, you dream, you purchase things. But, you don’t really prepare yourself for a serious SHTF event. You just simply believe that you are ready. You want to take on some zombies, and are ready to live in a bunker during a nuclear winter.

Many Americans are hobbyist preppers. They watch zombie movies, the read the news, and consume books on prepping, but take no serious actions towards actual prepping.
Many Americans are hobbyist preppers. They watch zombie movies, the read the news, and consume books on prepping, but take no serious actions towards actual prepping.

But it’s all Hollywood inspired dreams.

A true and real SHTF event is one where you are cold, and hungry. You itch, and you have been betrayed, and witnessed friends and family killed. Your world is upside down, and everything that you have of value is gone.

Bosnian roadblock
The people, isolated and undefended, in the rural regions were dangerously exposed. Large packs of armed “militia”, actually ideological youth armed with military arms and on drugs and in an frenzy against perceived slights (“privilege” and “advantage”) as promoted by the media prior to the SHTF event. This is a scene in front of a “road block” that was set up by local residents to slow down the roving bands of armed urban youth. Their hope was that it would give them enough time to stream into the nearby cities for protection. The only thing was that the cities were all controlled by the very same people who set all the attacks in motion.

Seriously, if you are not ready to pick up a knife and shove it with all your might into the skull of an enemy, you are not ready for the gritty and harsh reality of a true and real SHTF event. A real SHTF event is one with pools of black congealed blood, flies buzzing and the horrible smell of rotting human flesh. It’s one where you are constantly afraid of everything. Your body is hyper sensitive, and all you want to do is get the fu@k out of there.

Many hobbyists like to imagine a world where they are exploring ruins, and scavenging supplies from the ruins. They imagine themselves shooting others with extreme accuracy using a trusty AK-47 (as if that’s gonna happen), and carrying a large bore .357 magnum revolver on their hip. Yeah. It’s all Hollywood. Hollywood.

People, the bullets won’t magically hit a person. If you cannot aim, you cannot hit. Not only that, but one bullet might not do the job. You might have to open an entire clip into a person, and they will still be lunging towards you. No. Television is not real life.

Bosnia deserted.
America will start to look something like this once the ideological “hounds of war”; those armed packs of thugs from the urban strongholds are let loose on the rural, undefended communities.

In sort, hobbyists concentrate on the tools and not on their abilities during SHTF situations.

Believe me, scavenging in wartime does not look anything like what Hollywood presents. The world is in ruin, and everything of value is gone. People who look like you, speak like you, dress like you, and act like you will turn on you in a heartbeat. They would steal from you, rape your wife and kids, and then kill you as if you were nothing more than an insect.

Rural Bosina.
Rural Bosnia. No, CWII will not be anything like Hollywood is trying to portray. You won’t go scavenging for materials or hot-wire a car to drive. Things will be destroyed, dead, rusted and useless. War is very, very ugly. Note the un-harvested corn going to fallow in the background (to the Right).

Look, it is better to be a hobbyist prepper than a “caught by surprise sheeple”. But not by much.

The good news, is that the jump from hobbyist prepper to serious prepping is not a hard leap. It doesn’t take much. Some some steely resolve and a good hard look at the most likely scenarios that lie before you.

Hobbyist prepping has about the same survival rate as an unarmed civilian with two-days warning of an impending assault. It's not much, but it is an edge. It is up to the person to see how far they can take that edge and make some kind of real advantage out of it.

Lifeboat Prepping

Finally, we hit “lifeboat” prepping. This is what I did.

It is called "lifeboat" prepping because what the individual is actually doing is climbing on a lifeboat and sailing away from a sinking ship. As long as you leave early enough, the chaos and confusion of the final minutes of the ship will be completely avoided.
Lifeboat. Also known as Lifeboat Prepping.
Lifeboat. Also known as Lifeboat Prepping.

You know that sooner or later there will be a SHTF event. You do not know when it will occur or at what kind of severity it would take on. You do not know it’s duration, or any of the particulars.

You just know that there is a likelihood of some kind of event occurring in the future.

As such you decide, often years in advance, to scram and “bug out” of the potential conflict area(s). You do not want to endure the strife, the horror and all the conflict escalations that goes with a sinking ship.

Ship on fire.
Many “lifeboat preppers” view the United States as a ship that is seriously in trouble. It is on fire, taking on water and sinking fast. These preppers believe that the most responsible thing that they can do in this situation is to scram and bail on to a lifeboat and row, row, row far away from the sinking American ship.

Of course, you wish that it would not happen. You wish that life would normalize. But, you know that wishful thinking is not going to help you if things go “belly up”. What’s going to help you is having a place to go to outside of the United States.

A big help in this matter is having a second passport.

A second passport

In my case, I have been watching the encroaching progressive Marxism in the United States for decades. I learned a long time ago that that there is absolutely nothing that I could do to stem the tide and the tidal wave that will eventually engulf the United States.

I did not like it. In fact, I hated it. But, the America I was living in was an inherited one. Other Americans, long before I was born, gave me the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, the FDA, and the ATF. And while it was obvious to me that their mere existence was an affront to the fourth, second and ninth amendments, there was nothing I could do about it.

To me, the United States was on an express elevator to Hell. As the situation around me deteriorated, and I began to see how seriously corrupt, inefficient and evil the government was, I realized that I need to bail and scam.

America used to stand for personal liberties, freedom, and self sufficiency. However, there is a very large and poerful gorup in the United States today that wants to go full-on Pol Pot. The evidence is that the Freedom-Figher caucus are not fighting back. Therefore, progressive Marxism is destined to become the law of the land.
America used to stand for personal liberties, freedom, and self sufficiency. However, there is a very large and powerful group in the United States today that wants to go full-on Pol Pot. The evidence is that the Freedom-Fighter caucus are not fighting back. Therefore, progressive Marxism is destined to become the law of the land.

So I did.

I don’t want to hurt or harm anyone. I just want to live my life in peace. If the vast bulk of Americans want to live in a Marxist oligarchy, it’s not going to be me to dissuade them. It’s their life. Not mine. They can have that life. Not me.

So I bailed.

Being in another country has a lot of trade-offs. One of which is many things that we have taken for granted are no longer available to us. Things that I miss.

A well-made BLT might no longer be available to you.
A well-made BLT might no longer be available to you.

There are all sort of trade-offs of moving out of the United States in this manner. It’s a new society and a new culture. You need to learn a new language and a new way of doing things. There will be things that you will miss, and new things that you will embrace. It’s not for everyone, but it’s a serious option for those of your preppers that don’t want to wait until the last minute to get out of the line of fire.

The overall success rate for this type of "lifeboat" prepping, is near 100%. But it does come at a cost.


If you are going to something… anything, then it is in your best interests to do it well. Otherwise don’t even bother.

If you believe, seriously believe in your heart that America is up for a major reset, then you need to start taking steps to deal with it. This is known as prepping.

 Faced with a chance to move, be first. Nothing is worse than being in  line for, well, anything. To avoid the rush, see threats before anyone  else and take decisive action. If that means packing up and heading out  of town based on knowledge of a specific threat, don’t waste valuable  time reconsidering. Start moving. 

You can always turn back if information changes. In the  meantime, in the event of an actual emergency, being first out means  lots of benefits. Stores will still have food, there won’t be lines at  the gas station, water is still available. 

- George Ure at Urban Survival talks about Continuous Escape Plans.  

Depending on you, and your circumstance(s), there are different prepping options open to you. I would suggest that you plan on taking one of the options and prepare for it to the best of your ability. Best Regards.

SHTF Related Index

This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory) and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things that really should be said.

Here are the posts.

SHTF and Related Index

The Tale of the Killdozer.
Why are Americans so angry?
Evolution of the USA and China.
The grim future.
Is it clear enough for you?
The use of technicals for genocide.
r/K selection theory
Pictures of a gun-free utopia.
What is planned for American Conservatives - Part 2
What is going to happen to conservatives - Part 3.
What is planned for conservatives - part 4
What is in store for Conservatives - part 5
What is in store for conservatives - part 6
Civil War
The Warning Signs
Line in the sand
A second passport
Make America Great Again.
What would the founders think?
The Ninth Amendment
How they get away with it
Taxiation without representation.
Parable about America
Democracy Lessons
A polarized world.
Types of American conservatives.

Other Blogs that you all should visit.

These blogs and sites have better information than I every could compile. These people are experts in personal survival and preparedness. I recommend them wholeheartedly.

Articles & Links

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What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 6)

The gathering storm, so long  denied, is now so strong as to be  uncontainable. The quarter from which it will break is in doubt, that it  will break is not. We'll discover who the  real preppers are after the  first hard blasts roll across the land. In war this is known as "first  contact with the enemy", the violent unraveling of faulty  imagining  that exposes the viable core, if any. 

-The Woodpile Report 24DEC19 

I often see articles about SHTF and CWII, but no one talks about the real threats. It’s always about prep and preppers.

Well, the real deal is nothing you can fully prepare for.

All that you can try to do is prevent it, and get out of the way, if you fail. That is it. Oh, and do not expect the UN to step in. They are a useless and worthless organization if anything.

But it won’t end there.

Sex slaves.
History is very clear on what happens when one society demonizes another group within that society. They demonize them, then they isolate and disarm them. Then they imprison them. Then they do with them as they please, and then they kill them.

While the men are killed, the women and children will be raped

No one will be spared. You must egress out of the danger areas, and avoid all cities. If you need to fight, then strike at the leadership, their enclaves, and their captains. Do not fight a defensive war, YOU WILL LOSE.

At the same time in many Bosnian cities  this scenario was  being repeated: Serbian soldiers would come into a city. 

They had lists of intellectuals and people in power and with influence. Firstly they killed many of them.  

They had lists…


“The President has put in place an organization with the  kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,”  Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday.  

“That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before  and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal  with that. 

They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns  of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President  Obama] been very smart. 

It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”  

 -The Gateway Pundit 


List of people. Lists compiled over the years. Lists with names and place and addresses and threat levels.


The killing fields of cambodia
Few horrors compare to the killing fields of the Cambodian genocide. Over four short years, from 1975 to 1979, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge systematically exterminated up to 3 million people. The people of Cambodia had to live in fear, knowing that they might be the next one dragged out to the killing fields. The chances of being chosen were indeed high – by the end of the massacre, the Khmer Rouge had wiped out nearly 25 percent of the population.

They collected the people on the lists.

They separated the men from the women.

Then they put men and women in the main square, or in the street, or in front of their houses. 

They separated the men from the women, the men were killed or  transported to the concentration camps and women were raped in public.  

They publicly raped very old women or very young girls. 

Then the remaining women were driven by cars, buses or trucks to big empty  buildings, like schools, department stores, hotels  or empty factories, and were held there in order to be raped. 


This is what always happens.

This always happens.

It always happens.

Expect it.

Do not be caught off guard.

Killed girl.
During these times and types of conflicts it is NORMAL for women, and girls to be abducted, raped repeatedly and then killed. This is a historical norm.

This is something that is assumed, but we are all unaware of just how widespread this will be.

Oh, it will be everywhere. It will be horrific. It will be shocking. It will be horrible.

Raped and killed.
Raped and killed. You need to either prepare to fight, or flee. What ever you do, do not get snared into a collection area for your own safety. It is not going to be safe. As this young lass learned. Do not trust refugee camps. Do not trust the government. Do not trust ANYONE. And, finally, do not allow yourself or your family to be disarmed. Learn to fight both with guns and blades. Hide and protect yourselves, and take special note where the progressive liberals live in your neighborhood. They have the lists that your name will be on.

The progressive democrats already think nothing about having sex with three years olds, and then killing them.

What do you think they will do to your family when they have their hands tied behind their backs and on their knees in front of radical progressive urban blacks? What do you think will happen?

Sex slave
ISIS sex slave at a slave auction in an occupied region of Syria. During periods of change, the plight of women is always a dangerous one.

Image what would happen once they have total control of the government, the police and the military. Imagine just what would happen if they were the only ones who held the guns, and they were the only ones in control of the means of communication.

The Liepāja massacres were a series of mass executions, many in public or semi-public, in and near the city of Liepāja (German: Libau), on the west coast of Latvia in 1941 after the Nazi occupation of Latvia. The main perpetrators were detachments of the Einsatzgruppen, the Sicherheitsdienst or SD, the Ordnungspolizei, or ORPO, and Latvian auxiliary police and militia forces.
- Liepāja massacres 

Imagine what would happen when the Muslim faction of the progressive liberal democrats take control of a town.

Serbian rape victims
Once a political ideology takes control, rape of opposition females becomes the norm. The mean are typically killed and women and children are raped, often violently and repeatedly.

They will have this control. They will get this control, and the results will not be pleasant.

They want you disarmed; compliant and on a bended knee.

They fully intend to do what they want with you, and no one and nothing has been stopping them. They fully believe that they can continue to push, and push and push and nothing would ever happen.

Raped German Women.
Here is a picture that was taken during World War II. Location Germany. Subject; Civilian German woman who were systematically stripped, raped, and then killed. This is what happens when the Government loses control of society. This is what big wealthy oligarchs want. They want to “prune” the Human society for their own personal profit. It is not pretty.
The majority of the assaults were committed in the Soviet occupation  zone; estimates of the numbers of German women raped by Soviet soldiers  have ranged up to 2 million.
According to historian William Hitchcock, in many cases women were the victims of repeated rapes, some as many as 60 to 70 times.
At least 100,000 German women are believed to have  been raped in Berlin, based on surging abortion rates in the following  months and contemporary hospital reports, with an estimated 10,000 German women dying in the aftermath. Female deaths in connection with the rapes in Germany, overall, are estimated at 240,000.
Antony Beevor describes it as the “greatest phenomenon of mass rape in history“, and has concluded that at least 1.4 million women were raped in East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia alone.
According to Natalya Gesse, Soviet soldiers raped German females from  eight to eighty years old. Soviet and Polish women were not spared  either.
When General Tsygankov, head of the political department (a "Diversity Officer") of the First  Ukrainian Front, reported to Moscow the mass rape of Soviet women  deported to East Germany for forced labor, he recommended that the  Soviet women be prevented from describing their ordeal on their return  to Russia. 

-Learning History
Handed over by the liberal snitches int he community.
Progressive liberals in the community will report on all goings on. They will create lists. They will single out people, and they will make the necessary arrangements for the people to be handed over to the proper authorities. Authorities that will rape and then torture and kill them. Know your history. SHTF and CWII are a very real possibility.

According to a former army officer:

“We were young, strong, and four years without women. So we tried to catch German women and … Ten men raped one girl.

Jewish girl nude
Shamed in public, raped repeatedly, then killed with the others. This is common and ALWAYS happens.

There were not enough women; the entire population ran from the Soviet Army.

So we had to take young, twelve or thirteen-year-olds.

Woman being loaded up into army trucks to be processed.
Woman being loaded up into army trucks to be “processed”. Which is a code word for being stripped naked, systematically raped, and then killed if no other purpose could be found for them. Coming soon to America unless YOU are prepared to stop it from happening.

If they cried, we put something into their mouths. We thought it was fun. Now I can not understand how I did it. A boy from a good family… But that was me.”

Once a political ideology takes power, they are ruthless in their treatment of opposition. They will kill you, and if you are a woman, they will rape you and then kill you. There will not be any mercy. It is better to die fighting when they come to your house, than to accept the lies that they will put you into “protection” for your own best interests.
On June 29 and June 30, 1941, there were random shootings of Jews in Liepāja by German soldiers. About 99 Jews (plus or minus 30) were killed in these shootings. Shootings began almost immediately. 

For example, at 5:00 p.m. on June 29, arriving German soldiers seized 7 Jews and 22 Latvians and shot them at a bomb crater in the middle of Ulicha street. At 9:00 p.m. the same day German soldiers came to Hika street, where they assembled all the residents and asked if any were refugees from Germany. 

One man, Walter (or Victor) Hahn, a conductor who had fled Vienna in 1938, stepped forward and was immediately shot. 

The next day, June 30, soldiers went to the City Hospital, arrested several Jewish physicians and patients, disregarded the protests of the Latvians on the hospital staff, and shot them. Among the victims was 10 year old Masha Blumenau. 

-Liepaja Massacres
Raped and then killed.
Raped and then killed. This is the fate for most targeted women from the ages of 10 to 40. Those outside will probably just be killed. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.

A woman telephone operator from the Soviet Army recalled that:

“When we occupied every town, we allocated the first three days for looting and … rapes. That was unofficial of course.

German Grenade during World War II.
German Grenade during World War II.


But (some degree of order needed to be restored) after three days one could be court-martialed for doing this. … I remember one raped German woman lying naked, with hand grenade between her legs.

Germans leading Polish women to rape in the forest.
In Poland, once the Germans captured the areas, they rounded up the population. They singled out the women, and raped those that they chose, and killed the rest. The remains were often not buried. Just left above the ground for the animals to scavenge.

Now I feel shame, but I did not feel shame back then… Do you think it was easy to forgive the Germans?

We hated to see their clean undamaged white houses. With Roses. I wanted them to suffer. I wanted to see their tears. … Decades had to pass until I started feeling pity for them.”

Roving bands of armed liberal democrats.
Do NOT be under the impression that the people that you need to worry about will be organized police or DHS officers. Bands of progressive liberal democrat socialists will patrol and harass the outlying communities. They will…WILL be armed by the instigators of this genocidal event, and they WILL be protected by the government and the police. These people are who you will need to watch out for because they will be ideological.


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn took part in the invasion of Germany and wrote a poem about it: Prussian Nights: “Twenty-two Hoeringstrasse. It’s not been burned, just looted, rifled. A moaning by the walls, half muffled: the mother’s wounded, half alive.

Shot and killed.
Stripped nude. Raped, and then killed. This photo was taken the moment the officer shot the woman holding her child.


The little daughter’s on the mattress, dead. How many have been on it? A platoon, a company perhaps? A girl’s been turned into a woman, a woman turned into a corpse. . . . The mother begs, “Soldier, kill me!”

Roving hoards of progressive democrats.
Ideologically motivated progressive democrat Marxists, mostly from the urban areas will be armed via prepared caches of weapons, and trained to terrorize the surrounding communities; to create strife and discord. They will continue to play “wack a mole” only with your life.
In August 1992 I went to Croatia, which  was as close as I could  get to Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was there that I  met Mirsada, a sixteen year old  girl who had been raped.
I will try to keep her in my mind,  because I liked her from the  moment I met her and I tried to help her,  trying not to act pitifully towards her. She had been detained in a concentration camp near Teslic for 4 months with her mother and sister. She was raped approximately 80 times per day.
At the time I met her, she was heavily pregnant (in her sixth  month). After she gave birth to a baby girl, she gave it up for adoption and left for Denmark. She never saw her daughter. I never asked her to talk to me about this as I was afraid my interest would appear disrespectful and that it might hurt  her.
But once, when we were just sitting and talking, she told me that when she was in the concentration camp she was not allowed to sleep because the soldiers would constantly come for her, never giving her the time or space to sleep. This was the first time that the situation in which this girl and many other women found themselves really became clear and close to me. 

Rape of young girls - Bosinia.
Systematic rapes. I guess that this would NEVER happen in the USA. After all, there are elected representatives that have the best interests of Americans at heart. </sarcasm> Listen to me. Really. Honestly. Listen to me. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.


 The staggering number of corrupt prostituted sociopaths occupying  positions of power within the government, corporations, media, military,  churches, and academia has created a morally bankrupt empire of debt.

 These sociopaths are not liberal or conservative. They are not  Democrats or Republicans. They are not beholden to a country or  community. They care not for their fellow man. They don’t care about  future generations. They care about their own power, wealth and control  over others. They have no conscience. They have no empathy. Right and  wrong are meaningless in their unquenchable thirst for more. They will  lie, steal and kill to achieve their goal of controlling everything and  everyone in this world. This precisely describes virtually every  politician in Washington DC, Wall Street banker, mega-corporation CEO,  government agency head, MSM talking head, church leader, billionaire  activist, and blood sucking advisor to the president. 

-Us vs. Them

While traditional Americans, conservatives, and Trump supporters might get frustrated in the “politics” and news, the truth is something very sinister.

Raped. Killed, and chopped up. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed.
Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
Please take notice that every one has their hands tied behind their backs. Do not allow this to happen to you. When America was first founded NO ONE allowed the British Red Coats and their LOYALISTs to tie their hands behind their backs.

Unless the President and the appointed Congressional representatives get a handle on a rogue government and judicial bench, the United States is heading towards a very dark time. It will be a very dark time indeed.

Know your history.
When a progressive liberal socialist government takes control, one of the first things that they do is silence all the opposition. They do so permanently.

No. It will not go away. No, it will not get better.

The oligarchy; the richest people in America and other Globalists around the world have planned together in order to orchestrate a genocide against those that wish to prevent a global-world-dictatorship.

African woman who is being raped by opposition forces.
Ever see this image before? Why not? This is the face of war! And people, America has been at war with a minimum of at least one nation per year. Today it is fighting eight wars. Well, this is what happens during war. It is not pretty. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.

This is a truth, and they have NOT put their plans on hold. They are just biding their time until they regain control of the Presidency.

If Hillary Clinton had won her rigged 2016  Presidential election and was then inaugurated as POTUS 45, America  would have entered a very dark period. It's unlikely The Republic would  have survived it. As Rex explains, Obama had already started building a  totalitarian system. Clinton would have turned it into a dictatorship. 
Know your history. The oligarchy always initiates a genocide in order to obtain more control over a region. It is a time-tested method of amazing success.

A serious effort MUST be taken NOW to stop an out of control train that is about to slam smack into a brick wall. It will happen. It really will. Those who want to have their heads in the sand and believe that it will go away or morph into something else is deluded.

 “Go back to bed, America. Your  government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed,  America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here’s American  Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is  American Gladiators. Here are 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary  retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on  living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do  what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!” ― Bill Hicks 

It is going to get a lot worse, and serious action steps must be taken to avoid the train wreck that is destined to occur.

Last one.
Execution of the last jew in a German city. Once the progressive socialists start to demonize another group or people, they will not stop until EVERY ONE IS DEAD. they will not stop. They will not stop. They will not stop. They will not stop.

Other Opinions

Here are some opinions by others who have read this article. A surprisingly large number of them do not agree with me.

They believe that America is robust, and that a “shooting war” or a “hot situation” will never happen in the United States.

It will NEVER happen in the United States.

Liberal antics
According to the nay-Sayers, all the nonsense from the political left in America is just antics for the media. No serious trouble or problems will ever come of it. There is no need to be concerned, because their representatives in Congress will defend and protect them.

At worst, they believe is that control of the population will be completed by electronic means and no violence will ever come to pass. People will just continue on their “normal” lives, without any serious concern regarding violence.

They believe that any of this progressive nonsense about “white privilege” and “manliness” will eventually (somehow) disappear. They have not taken into their calculus that the United States today is embedded with PC commissars who’s job is to foment anti-white sentiment and hatred.

It will NOT go away. It will get worse.

Like this comment…

The conditions for that are very rapidly being  put into place. That’s the Chinese/Google/Apple Social Credit score. 

We  will trade in our guns in order to be able to buy food and gasoline and  airfare, etc. 

- 12/22/2018, 5:16:37 AM by arthurus (gfv) 
The base is woke and the Establishment’s a joke. I speak to a lot of  conservative groups of various types and flavors: hardcore tea partiers,  patriotic vets, loyal radio listeners, besieged students, brass New  Yorkers, even rich country club types who you would think were into Jeb!  – you know, diversity. And lately, I’ve tended to start off my talks by  posing this question:“Okay, who here agrees with me that the left wants us enslaved or dead?”

Every hand goes up.
Every single one of them.
That’s our base. 
Folks, our base is hella woke.

-Kurt Schlichter  
Urban thug
Urban youth have been indoctrinated for decades, and are ideologically motivated to attack “white privilege” with a dangerous zeal.

After all, according to the elected officials, the Bill of Rights doesn’t mean what it says…

Killing of Jews in Russia.
When a group of people are demonized, it becomes easy to kill them. It becomes attractive and by killing them, it is like emptying the world of pollution. Like… for instance, Global Warming.

Yet, many have commented that the Bill of Rights is robust enough that there is no need to be concerned. This belief is one that they cling to, even when ALL the evidence says otherwise. In fact, there are people that are proposing a “sensible Bill of Rights”, you know, for the new progressive reality.

THE BILL OF "NON-RIGHTS We The Sensible People of The United States "In an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines. 


Sounds so very nice. Sensible. Like this fellow here who is commenting on what to do when 20 armed police come to your house to collect your guns…

"If so, politely request to see a court order of seizure and  confiscation. Try to get a copy of it duly signed, along with the  supporting signed affidavit if there is one. No sense having a shoot out resulting in death, unless you have a  whole gang of patriots with you. Larger numbers can make the police back down.

The 2nd amendment survives because of Freedom of Assembly and Freedom to travel. 

- 12/23/2018, 6:16:50 PM by Candor7 

My comment is that I hope that this will be the case. However, history shows and has proved that a law, and a rule is only as good as it’s enforcement.

Know your History.

Newspaper article.
Old newspaper article. What? You never heard of this… maybe because it was on page 24 next to the advertisement for a sale on canned peas. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.

Many in government, most especially the progressive liberal democrats, believe the laws are what they say they are, and nothing more. They are “living laws” and subject to the interpretation of the user.

 “The illusion of freedom will  continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the  point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will  just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will  move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick  wall at the back of the theater.”Frank Zappa 

Here is what happens when you politely request to see a court order. Actual photo of what happens when you don’t turn over your guns to the police when they ask you to.

Look at the picture carefully. Study it.

He said no and wanted to see documentation from the police. He wanted to see an order from the judge. This is what happened seconds later.

Shot man.
What happens when you refuse.

Of course, not every police officer will shoot. There are stories where the police tackled the “holdouts”, and disarmed them by force. Then, carted them off for interrogation. These are the “happy stories”.

So, if you are fortunate…

Trust your friendly police.
You can simply stand on your rights as a citizen. You just ignore those guns they carry. They are only for decorative purposes. They have no right to use them against you as a citizen. I know. I read the advice from comments found on Free Republic. They told me so.

Of course, there are other things that can happen. Just because the most common response from a failure to turn in your guns is to be killed, doesn’t mean that you will be killed. You situation could be different. Like this, if you are a woman…

Bosinian rape victim.
Woman found in Bosnia by military forces. She had survived months of rapes and was found muttering and unable to communicate in long sentences. A cigarette was helpful. I do not know what happened to her after the patrol found her.

And, I do believe that there are a few others who agree with me on that…

Actually, those twenty guys will be using a no-knock warrant and  kicking your door down, and shooting your dog first, before they shoot you. They are not going to ask nicely.

If you survive... you can ask for a copy of their warrant. 

- 12/23/2018, 9:29:49 PM by Ouderkirk 
Rape victim.
War is not pretty. It is horrific. People die, they are raped, maimed and disfigured. This is a dangerous time. You MUST not take any chances. The socialist Marxists want you disarmed. They have plans and nearly full control of the government. They will FORCE you to comply. Do not. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.

Know your history

On June 29, 1941, a detachment of Einsatzkommando 1a, (EK 1a) under SS-Obersturmbannführer Reichert entered Liepēja. 

During World War II, the Nazi German Einsatzkommandos were a sub-group of five Einsatzgruppen mobile killing squadsup to 3,000 men totalusually composed of 500–1,000 functionaries of the SS and Gestapo, whose mission was to exterminate Jews, Polish intellectuals, Romani, homosexuals, communists and the NKVD collaborators in the captured territories often far behind the advancing German front.  


People KNOW your history.

It is historically well-known that societies are not stable. They always need periodic resets. The USA has been primed for one for at least a century.

It is going to be a Hellish shit-storm.

You can either sit it out or participate. There are no other options.

Girl with hands in the air.
People who do not meet the ideological criteria are singled out and put on lists. Then commandos and tiger teams go forth and gather them up. They are then “processed” which often means torture and rape, and then they either become slaves or are killed. Know your history.

One of the first people EK 1a killed, on June 30, was the musician Aron Fränkel, who, not knowing that Einsatzkommando had set up headquarters at his place of employment, the Hotel St. Petersburg, showed up for work.

He was identified as a Jew and immediately shot.

Liepaja city
The city of Liepaja today. It is a beautiful city. It is filled with parks and a nice waterfront. In 1941, it was the scene of numerous massacres.

When the Germans invaded Russia, the Soviet units set up a defensive position in and around Liepaja. The Soviet forces had dug defensive trenches in Rainis Park (Raiņa parks) in the center of Liepāja. (See the photo above.)

On July 3 and 4, 1941, was the first documented massacre in Liepēja. Reichert’s EK 1a men, all Germans of the SD, rounded up Jews and marched them to the trenches dug in the park.

Once at the trench, they were shot and the bodies pushed in.

Germans killing a civilian.
On July 3 and 4, 1941, was the first documented massacre in Liepēja. Reichert’s EK 1a men, all Germans of the SD, rounded up Jews and marched them to the trenches dug in the park. Once at the trench, they were told to face the trench and were shot. Then their bodies were kicked into it.

How many were killed during these shootings is not known. Estimates range from several dozen to 300. 

After the war, the Soviet Union investigatory commission concluded that 1,430 people were killed in the park shootings. One participant, Harry Fredrichson, later testified that in one massacre he participated in, 150 people were killed. This event is known as the Rainis Park massacre

The Jäger Report is the most precise surviving chronicle of the activities of one Einsatzkommando.It is a tally sheet of the actions of Einsatzkommando 3 — a running total of their killings of 136,421 Jews (46,403 men 55,556 women, 34,464 children), 1,064 Communists, 653 mentally disabled, and 134 others, from 2 July-1 December 1941. 

- Einsatzkommando 
German Soldier killing a family
When SHTF and CWII occurs, there will be nothing to count on. There will be no government. Only “THE ENEMY”. You will be on your own. Meanwhile you will hear gunshots, and hear stories of complete families being culled, raped, and killed. But disarmed, you are just a rabbit in a pen waiting for slaughter.

Let’s not ever forget the words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. He penned these words while he was suffering inside a progressive liberal communist hard-labor camp in Siberia…

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have  been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make  an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to  say good-bye to his family? 

Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as  for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire  city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror  at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the  staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had  boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people  with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... 

The Organs  would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport  and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would  have ground to a halt! 

If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even  more – we had no awareness of the real situation... We purely and  simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” 

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn      

People, the “event” will NOT be televised.

China when the SJW's took over. Not pretty.
China when the social Marxists took over. Not pretty. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.

You will not see reports of it on CNN, MSNBC, or twitter reports. It will be planned in advance, and implemented in carefully crafted stages, and by the time you are aware of what is going on, it will be too fucking late.

You, and your family, will be in a position of disadvantage.

Be prepared. Do not be like this fellow.
An unidentified skull. A man shot in a field in Serbia during the government genocide during the 1990’s. He has not been identified. Don’t let your legacy follow the same path. Be different.

Key Reminders

  • “White Privilege” means “Scheduled for Genocide”.
  • “Diversity Officers” collect names, put them on lists.
  • Never permit yourself to be disarmed.
  • You need to be lethal, and not afraid to use a weapon.
  • “Door to door gun collection” means SHTF is about to happen.
  • All genocide originates from the wealthy leadership.
  • Stay away from crowds.
  • When ordered to report to mass collection points – run for the woods.
  • Your neighbors WILL turn you in.

Any gun is better than none. But, realize that the aim is to kill not to threaten. AK clones are really generally useless. Concentrate on shotguns if you cannot find a decent accurate weapon.


With all the evidence pointing to a clash between Conservative traditionalists and Progressive socialists, it might be prudent to get out of the line of fire and protect yourself and your family.

Only a fool.
With a potentially dangerous future ahead, would it not be prudent to step out of the way? Find a relatively safe place to be. Relocate there and establish yourself and a business there? It is prudent.

There are numerous posts on this subject. I urge the reader to either seriously ready themselves for a future battle, and take the necessary advantages to get ready for it, or leave to a “safe harbor”. Please kindly give these posts your every consideration.


What ever happens, you don’t want your loved ones to end up like this…

Hung woman
Village woman taken by the German soldiers and raped. Then hung by a rope. For humor they tore open her blouse to expose her breasts, but that was censored. As a plus, they put a German garrison cap on her head.

Take Aways

The SHTF and CWII will happen because there is no one undoing the pre-genocidal preparations for it. As such, we can expect the following truths…

  • You will not know there is a full-on Civil War until you are in the midst of it.
  • The American Second Civil War (CWII) will be a genocidal event of enormous scale.
  • There will be an organized effort to disarm prior to the war. It may or may not happen.
  • The timetable for the war has already been established. It’s going to happen whether everything is in place or not.
  • The real danger of the progressive liberal army lies well hidden from public scrutiny. It is kept intentionally hidden. Just like in Rwanda, the conspirators held very secret meetings, and had secret handshakes, and shirts that they wore to identify each other. Chess pieces are moving into place.
  • Once your hands are tied and bound behind your back it will be too late.
  • Diversity Officers and their confederates will have you already earmarked as subversive.
  • Whole-scale mass murder will be the norm.
  • There will not be any Bill of Rights to protect you when the police are run by progressive liberals.
  • Refugee camps will be dangerous and unhealthy places to be trapped in.
  • The news media will not be reporting anything but the most trivial events. At that, it will be slanted in favor of progressives.
  • Conservative websites and news might be blocked or difficult to access.
Jews being stripped and killed.
(October 14, 1942). It will be far, far worse once the progressive liberal socialists, funded by billionaire oligarchs will do to the American people in the “red” states. SHTF is going to get frighteningly real. Why? Because exactly zero people are dealing with the “diversity officers”. Zero people are dealing with the media. Zero people are dealing with the software moguls. Zero people are dealing with the deep state. Zero people are dealing with activist judges. That is why and YOU know it is true.

SHTF is going to get frighteningly real.

Why? Because exactly zero people are dealing with the “diversity officers”.

Zero people are dealing with the oligarchy-owned media.

Zero people are dealing with the software moguls and their rampant abuses of the Bill of Rights.

Zero people are dealing with the deep state, and the multitudes of people in the “swamp”.

Zero people are dealing with activist judges. Absolutely fucking ZERO.

What the liberals have planned.
This is YOUR future once Gun Control is implemented in the United States. Make no mistake. The history is clear on this. You and your family WILL be disarmed, and you will be led to a hole in the ground, and then you will shot dead.

That is why there will be genocide in the USA, and YOU know it is true.

 During one of the first bigger events of killing in the streets, I  was out together with my friend who also was a medical professional.

 Fire from machine guns was on people who were standing in front of  the main city bread factory, and people started to scream and run over  each other.

 My first impulse was to run to the nearest cover but my friend got down to help some lady, so I stayed one meter next to him.

 I was confused about my decision and not sure to stay with him or  run. Bullets from machine gun hit him over his legs, and I saw how his  kneecap exploded. It looked like some bad movie special effect.

 He just looked at his legs, then at me, in silence. Even though it was just seconds, moments like this feel very long.

 I took him by the hands and dragged him some 20 or 30 meters to  safety. Only there I saw that he was missing his leg under the knee. It  stayed with the dead lady on the street.

 And only then he started to scream.

 I used a belt to stop the bleeding. The ambulance still worked in  that period. He went to the hospital and then evacuated from the city.  He survived but never came back.

 Lessons learned?

 In moments of chaos always listen to your instincts and do not hesitate. 

-The Organic Prepper
This is the face of war.
This is the face of war.
It is not pretty. But, it’s a royal train-wreck and it is heading out your way at full blast.
Do not confuse the blip on the radar screen that Donald Trump is as a reversal of this fact.
It isn’t.
It’s still coming.
Do not allow yourself to be disarmed.
Never allow yourself to be disarmed.

These are crazed ideological Marxists

Radical marxists protesting the Supreme Court Nomination.
These are ideological Marxists.
Even though they call themselves “progressive” and open-minded liberal democrats, they are radical Marxists.
They are Fanatics.
If they had a gun in their hands, they would point it at you and pull the trigger without a moment’s thought. They have been propagandized into fanatical monsters.

These crazy ideological progressive liberal democrat Marxists are willing to die for their cause.


Listen to them. Read their writings. This is far off-the-deep-end type of stuff.

Know your history.

Tamil execution.
Tamil execution of the disarmed populace. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.

Look what the ideological Nazi Germans did when they discovered that the Americans and Allies were entering Germany and arresting all the Nazi leadership.


They would have no part of it. They did not want to lose. They never expected to lose. They would not accept failure. (Like how the Marxists won’t accept the 2016 loss to President Trump, Eh?)

Look at their reactions…

Joint suicide.
This is a joint suicide by a Burgermeister and his family upon news that the Americans were entering the town.


This is not just one or two deaths.

Entire groups of ideological Nazi Germans killed themselves rather than accept defeat. The progressive liberal democrat Marxists are of the exact same ilk. They would rather die than submit to traditional conservative values.

Killed by cyanide.
Radial ideologues would rather die by suicide than submit to conservatives.


These people are “off the rails” and the non-stop forced feeding of Marxist ideology has affected their views on life. As such, they consider anyone who does not think like them as evil. They are willing to go at them in the worst way.

People, take note, these people are dangerous.

Spitter at a protest rally.
These people are ideological. They are dangerous. They follow a solid Marxist belief system, and treat all others as below them and with contempt. If given a gun, they will shot you without blinking an eye. They are very, very dangerous.

The rich oligarchy wants you dead.

Rather than fight against their proxies, they should be targeted directly. Here’s some articles to ponder and consider…

The Really Important Stuff

Everything is academic until it is happening to you.

Know your history. Do n ot let it happen to you.
Executions carried out by the Einsatzkommando.
It is easy to kill others when you consider them worthy of death. It is easy to kill them when you are taught that they were privileged and/or the cause of the worlds’ ills. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.

As much as I had read about police, and IRS overstepping their authority, I never thought that it would actually happen to me.

Well it actually did, and I was totally surprised when it happened. My story is one for another time, however take heed.

Don’t be like me and get caught off guard.

Anything can happen.

And it can actually happen to you.

Nothing hits like a slap in the face like being told to turn around, and put your hands behind your back, in your own house, by machine-gun toting black-clad soldiers. Yes, in a nice quite suburb of Little Rock. Yes. It can, and WILL happen to you.

Modern police force.
Today, the government has better resources, more lethal weapons, and better training. You will be at a great disadvantage. Your only strength will be knowledge and skill. Your ONLY advantage is knowledge and skill.

Take care and realize…

  • You are on a list RIGHT NOW. Actually you are probably on a couple of lists. One by the federal gun registry, one by the local “diversity officer”, and one by those monitoring your internet activities. Depending on where you live, there are also lists compiled by the local or regional ideological progressive liberals in your neighborhood. Oh yes, they exist all over America. How do you think they were able to know where Trump officials and their families eat?
  • Do not allow yourself and family to be disarmed. Hide your guns in three places; [1] Family house; easy to find. [2] Family hidden (hidden to everyone except family members), and [3] Hidden to everyone (including family members) but you. Only you know where the guns are. Tell no one.
  • Trust your gut feelings. If you “feel” something is wrong, even when there is nothing on the news. (This is the best information that I can give you.) Go run and hide somewhere safe. Even if that means going to a hotel. Just leave your house. (When the IRS SWAT police came for me, I felt an unbelievable feeling of dread in the middle of the night. It was quite an ugly feeling. Be aware. Do NOT shrug it off.)
You need to be ready.
It’s not about having a lot of guns “just in case”. It’s about being constantly trained to use them under HIGH STRESS situations, and being fearless about using them. If you need to think about getting the gun, it is too late. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
If it looks wrong and feels wrong, get the hell out of there. Don’t rationalize, don’t question. Act.

-Charles Yor at Survival Sullivan, about conflict avoidance  
"I've got a really bad... bad, feeling about this."
“I’ve got a really bad… bad, feeling about this.”


Finally, the progressive left has completely saturated American society. Many members follow the dictates of the Marxists out of ignorance. Just like many Germans followed Hitler.

 The next step down the ladder of decline may be so unstable that the  weight of past error crashes society through to the bottom. The case for  this theory of collapse is the rapidly shrinking white middle-class.  The dominant culture today is one that celebrates degeneracy and  barbarism. There is the growing sense that what’s left of America is not  worth saving. Everyday, more and more white people come to the  conclusion that the people they see in politics, the media and popular  culture are incompatible with the world they want for themselves and  their decedents. That old bourgeois white culture is looking at America  like the family exhausted by an alcoholic relative. It’s time to cut our  losses. 

-Z man blog

These people might have their hearts and minds in the right place, but they will turn you and your family into hamburger if given the opportunity.

University saturation
Social Justice educators. They will put your name on a list and then the armed forces, whether police or something else will seek you out. It will happen. It WILL NOT BE TELEVISED. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.

You will not be able to tell who is your friend or who is your foe.

SHTF will not be pleasant.
While Donald Trump is undoing many terrible things, nothing is being done about the pre-genocidal conditions already put in place.
Unless action is taken by the President or Congress, it is just a matter of time before they will be mobilized against YOU and your family.
Take notice.
This is not your average SHTF article. This is the screaming in your face and slapping your face hard…Wake up!

You will be hard pressed to trust anyone. Even you very own children might be compromised. Be care. Be alert.

Grbavica 1996
960403-A-2407B-008 Photo of a suburb in Sarajevo Bosnia after the fighting that took place between the Serbians and the Muslims,taken by Specialist Nadine Byrnside from the 55th Signal Company Combat Camera team, in a place called Grbavica on 3 April 1996.

This is not your average SHTF article. This is the screaming in your face and slapping your face hard…Wake up!

Rape center Grbavica.
Grbavica where a huge complex was set up for the mass internment and rape of women. This is what it looked like at the tail end of the war.
1996. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed.
Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
Grbavica in Sarajevo
Grbavica in Sarajevo. This SHTF is coming straight your way. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.

Learn from History

This was taken exactly from the most excellent blog “The Tactical Hermit“. I urge everyone to visit it and read some of the articles there. Good stuff. Like this…

 Lessons From The Warsaw Ghetto
 August 24, 2019

 Great Read. Be sure and read the two links on Lithuania.
 Highlights from Part one. Staple this to your Brain.
 1) Government identification records are the clerical basis for mass  murder and other atrocities: No, not every government ID scheme leads  to genocide and expatriation. But for the collectivists of both the  German Reich and the USSR, each victim’s identity card was both part of  the initial targeting and the final “production record”.

 2) Get to the forest early if you want to live: If you think they  will be coming for you, you are probably right. Plan not to be where  they know you work and live. Act early if you want to maximize your  chances. You and your family will die if you are at your  government-approved address.

 3) The Bad People will have lots of help from your neighbors:The  most disturbing moment for me in the KGB museum was not in the execution  or interrogation/torture cells. It was realizing, while moving through  the excellent exhibits on the mass deportations of Lithuanians after  “liberation” by the Soviets in 1944, that most of the deportees (many of  whom were subsequently executed or starved or died of exposure and  disease) had been betrayed to the NKVD/KGB by their neighbors.

 4) “Fascism” is not the only mortal enemy of freedom and life; the  real enemy is collectivism in any form: At each of the memorials, one  could tell the provenance of any signage by its reference to “fascism”.  Mostly, such markings were from the Soviet era, during which — not  coincidentally — many more millions of innocent human beings were killed  by the “enlightened” Communists than had been slaughtered by the  Hitlerites and their collaborators. While it is too much to expect the  Soviets to acknowledge these facts, it is essential that freedom-minded  folks grok that collectivism, in any form, can and usually does lead to  the mass grave.

 5) Never report en masse when ordered to do so: Nothing good ever happens to folks who do.

 6) Food and ammunition will be the vital shortages you must address  in order to live: Empty weapons and bellies a successful resistance does  not make.

 7) The Bad People will torture and kill those who help you: Get used  to the idea. Retribution killing is a standard totalitarian play. Try  to avoid jeopardizing your allies to the extent possible, but know that  they too will be swept into the whirlwind.

 8) The Bad People will torture and kill your family members:Sippenhaft ain’t just a chapter in Vanderboegh’s long-awaited novel.  The KGB museum was filled with execution orders with notations  indicating that not only had the subject been killed per order of the  Party, but that “special measures” had or would be taken against the  victim’s family.

 9)You must be prepared to fight until victory or death: Once you go to the woods, you are there for the duration. The Baltic “forest brothers”stayed out until they were killed or captured. More on them in the next part of this report.

 10) If you think it can’t happen here, you are wrong. The Polish and  Lithuanian Jews who were ground into dust by the Einsatzgruppen thought  the same thing. So did the Lithuanians who couldn’t believe that the  Communists under Stalin and subsequent regimes would hold their  passionate patriotism against them.

Almost all of those folks who believed “it couldn’t happen” died. A  few survived by running into the woods, or by bearing up under the  brutal realities of the Gulag, year after year after year.

Each of them knows the single biggest lesson from Lithuania: naked,  brute force can and does triumph over kindness, love of kin and country,  and simple human decency — often for decades or more.
Lose your illusions.

While there is still time.
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous! 

Notes at the End

Here, Mr. Dakin talks bedrock survival, not “tips for the traditional homesteader”.

Desperate times are like gravity, it needs to get the upper hand only once.

If you’re not thinking like an escapee from a Soviet gulag you’re not preparing for the worst.

And if you’re not prepared for the worst, you won’t survive the worst.

What happens when nations collapse. It's not pretty.
Human history has been quite violent. From devastating pandemics to  consistent war, our ancestors saw more action in a single week than most  of us will see in our lifetimes.  We, living in our safe societies, has assumed that civilized safety is the norm. We are wrong. It isn't. Violence is the norm. Even if we have the numbers, it’s still difficult to imagine exactly how  violent some of our history has been. Our most tumultuous times are now  only remembered as statistics, even if they were a living nightmare for  anyone unlucky enough to be there.

SELCO: What Combat Is Really Like

I Like this Selco, and I really think that everyone should read and head his experience. I really do not promote other’s books on this website, but I will make an exception here. Read this…

 This is an excerpt from Selco’s book, The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival

 When SHTF, nobody told me how hard is gonna be and what things I  would have to do to survive. There was no training or simulations.
 Most of the stuff I was going through for the first time in my life. I  was hoping it was only a temporary situation, that it not going to last  for a whole year.

 A few events opened my eyes and somehow made me a survivor right at  the beginning. I had the luck to understand in the very early stages how  hard it was and what it takes.

 The first lesson
 During one of the first bigger events of killing in the streets, I  was out together with my friend who also was a medical professional.

 Fire from machine guns was on people who were standing in front of  the main city bread factory, and people started to scream and run over each other.

 My first impulse was to run to the nearest cover but my friend got down to help some lady, so I stayed one meter next to him.

 I was confused about my decision and not sure to stay with him or  run. Bullets from machine gun hit him over his legs, and I saw how his kneecap exploded. It looked like some bad movie special effect.

 He just looked at his legs, then at me, in silence. Even though it was just seconds, moments like this feel very long.

 I took him by the hands and dragged him some 20 or 30 meters to  safety. Only there I saw that he was missing his leg under the knee. It  stayed with the dead lady on the street.

 And only then he started to scream.

 I used a belt to stop the bleeding. The ambulance still worked in  that period. He went to the hospital and then evacuated from the city.  He survived but never came back.

 Lessons learned?

 In moments of chaos always listen to your instincts and do not hesitate.

 Especially if you are involved in a situation when someone is  shooting at you with a high caliber machine gun. Just accept that people  will die and you have to survive. To help others is a great thing, to survive is even better.

 Also, I realized that a human being is so fragile and easy to destroy.

 You must practice with your gear.

 Later I learned some things about weapons and how to use them, so I realize that more firepower does not necessarily mean more dangerous and  better chance to kill.

 Owning a weapon is absolutely necessary when  preparing for a survival scenario, even more so in urban survival. You  need to go and get as close as you can to the real stuff while you are  doing the preparing and training for the SHTF, so it makes sense to go  out and check your preps, to check your gear, and yourself.

 For example, that pair of boots that you bought and store for bad  days will not be used for walking only, it will be used for running,  squatting, jumping, in mud, junk, blood, guts maybe or just running  through a shallow river.

 Everything that you have prepared and stored for SHTF will be pushed to the limits.

 It is one thing to go out into the woods nearby and do a recording of your weapon testing on some beer bottles with your friends, and after that concluding that particular gun or rifle is best for SHTF and that  you are a dangerous dude because of your accuracy rates. Some people gonna put that clip on YouTube and go home convinced that they are ready  and prepared.

 In reality, you do not know if you are prepared until it happens.
 A lot of survival stores that sell things sell the idea of “buy this and you are safe.”

 No, you are not. You can learn more about real urban survival scenarios in my survival course and in my book, The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival. This helps you to mentally be better prepared but the real deal when SHTF always comes as a surprise.

 When the time comes again it gonna hit everyone like a hammer. The  good news is that when you know you will get hit like that you can  recover faster and use your skills, knowledge, and preps to make the  best out of the situation.

 Using a weapon in real life, in real survival situations, is something absolutely different from shooting beer bottles.

 And if you could do some real training that is realistic that would  be maybe going camping for 10 days using a trash bag like a tent, with  10 small cans of food, and 10 liters of water, and then walking every  day for 10 km.

 On the 11th day, run a few kilometers and then shoot and see how accurate you are when your body is wasting away.

 And still, the most important thing is missing. While you are  shooting at the beer bottles they do not shoot back at you in order to  kill you.

 During some of the first battles in the city I was moving through the  building behind a guy, we both had rifles. He was sweeping the rooms  and shooting, it was the closest to urban combat as it can be. At the  moment when he runs out of ammo, he used his rifle as something between  spear and bat.

 Now someone could say why he did not just switch to the pistol? He  did not have one, also he did not have time to look for ammo. But there I learned how it is useful to have folded stock of rifle when shooting and moving in very confined spaces.

 Also, I learned that rifle with pretty sharp parts at the barrel can be very handy. He stabbed a guy to the cheek, ripping his face down and finishing him on the ground.

 One of the biggest misconceptions that the people who do not have fighting experience is what they just need to practice. You need to learn these important things before the SHTF.

 It is all about pressure. You need to learn:

 What your weapon can take and how to fix it 

In terms of kicking, throwing, how often and when will it  malfunction, what the most common malfunctions are, and how to fix them –  and how to fix them in the middle of a fight. If you find yourself in  the middle of fighting, and your weapon “jams“ do not be, as we call it “zblesavljen.” Or in English, do not stand there looking like an idiot.

 I have seen that: a guy is shooting and in the middle of fighting his  weapon jammed. He stopped, surprised, and looked at the weapon in a  “what the f*ck?“ state. And of course, in two seconds he ends up dead.

 You absolutely need to know how to manage small weapon jams without  looking at the weapon. You need to look at the target while you are  “repairing“ weapon (clearing the bullet, switching to another magazine,  etc.)

 Other option would be to MOVE immediately when your weapon jams, move  to cover in the same second or to drop to the ground, or on your back  and switch to your other weapon. But you need to learn to do all of the  above without thinking. You need to train so that this becomes  automatic.

 Small things like how quickly you can put your rifle on your back and  a switch to pistol can be the difference between life and death. If you  somehow “trip“ yourself while you are trying to put the rifle on your  back in order to take the pistol, you can end up dead.

 What you can take 

Remember this: while you are shooting at the bad guys, those bad guys will be SHOOTING AT YOU TOO.

 So shooting at the beer bottles in the woods with your buddies will  not really do all the training you need. I do it often, but it just does  not cover everything.

 Fighting and surviving combat means constant moving and outsmarting  the guys on the other side. You are gonna need to run, squat, throw  yourself in the ditch, lay down in all kinds of sh*t, and shoot at the  same time, and probably fix your rifle from jams, or switch to another  weapon.

 Do some basic weapons training and learn about the line of sight and how to get out of it.

 In SHTF, a very great percentage of shooting is done without aiming. It is just spraying bullets.

 It makes sense to do some airsoft or paintball in the woods to check  how constant moving changes the whole game, and what kind of moving will  help you to survive a gunfight.

 For example, how often do you shoot your weapon with both hands,  dominant and not dominant? In urban fighting, you will need to switch  weapon around very often (moving through the apartments, rooms, around  the corners, etc.). When you are shooting behind the corner, and you are  having a rifle in your right hand and corner is on your left side it  makes sense to transfer the weapon to the left hand. otherwise, it is  dangerous to stick your left part of the body out in order to shoot from  your right hand.

 For all of you who have some military experience, this is basic stuff, but I have seen many guys who were killed in stupid ways.
 A real gunfight is a dynamic thing. Adrenaline is a weird thing too,  so people can do tremendous things while adrenaline is pumping, but also  with lack of training and common sense guy can do tremendously stupid  things. I have seen a man who was pointing to something and he stood up  from the cover and got shot.

 How to train yourself 

Training is the key. You can not do anything else today except to train very hard.

 You can not experience real stuff today, of course, but you can take  it as close to the real stuff as possible. Go out with your friends and  think about all possible scenarios.

 Think about the worst-case scenarios. SHTF is not gonna wait for nice  and sunny weather. You are gonna be maybe hungry, dirty. Maybe have to  give up your shelter and food storage on the second day of SHTF.

 Or you may be forced to use another weapon that you are not used to.  Maybe you gonna be forced to hide for hours hidden under a pile of  rubble and then you are gonna be forced to jump out and “kill“ ten beer  bottles. Sounds like fun? This is why resilience and mental strength is  so important.

 Maybe you are gonna be cold and thirsty and in the middle of the  battle. One thing is sure – very rarely it goes the way that you  planned. So just be ready for many options and do not panic when things  go another way.

 Want some funny-sounding advice?

 Get good at suffering while still being able to work towards a goal.

  What weapon, caliber, stopping power, etc? 

It is a very hard question (that I get asked a lot). But think  about the fact that everything today is mainstream and commercial. And  somehow it is more about what other people say is good and not  necessarily about what you need and what is good for YOU.

 You and your hand kill, the weapon is only a tool. I have seen the  fight when a man with a knife killed the guy with a rifle. He had  mastered fighting with a knife and had the will to kill. The other guy  had a rifle but he ended up dead. I also saw more than once people shot  with rifle bullets still fighting and running for a good amount of time.  Some of them were not even aware that they were wounded before someone  else pointed that out to them.

 What I am trying to say is, do not expect miracles if your own a  weapon that is at the moment the most popular, having great stopping  power and cool reviews. It is about practicing, weapon mastery, and  correct placement of bullets

 I said bullets for a reason. I have seen many things, but I did not  see someone survive multiple shots in the correct place on the body.  Have a weapon that is best for your case, and achieve perfection in  using it. Do not expect that people will fall back if you shoot them  with one bullet from some widely popular weapon and caliber (not talking  about shotguns).

 So I am not gonna tell you what is the best weapon because what works for me maybe does not work for you or others.

 Having a weapon that is too rare, too good, or too bad does not make  much sense to me. Do not find yourself in a situation when you lose your  weapon and pick someone else and then find out that you do not have a  clue about it, because your own weapon was special and rare.

 Just have what everyone else around you has, because of gun parts, ammo, and looking like everyone else.

 Your weapon is only a tool to survive. Be ready to lose it if you  need to lose it, and pick some other weapon from the ground in the  middle of a fight.

 I knew a guy who did some scary stuff with rusty shortened M-48. He  was an old and poor-looking dude. He played that part well until he  would take out this old gun from under his coat and rob and kill people.  Simple strategy but it worked for him.
 Look around and think what works for you.

 The reality of combat is that there’s no way to predict how it’s  gonna go. Until you’re in it, you can’t predict how you will act. All  you can do is practice a lot in an environment that is as close as  possible and get used to being uncomfortable.

 This is an excerpt from Selco’s book, The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival. Get it in paperback here or in PDF here. 

I strongly suggest that you visit his site and order his PDF. It doesn’t cost a lot, but the information and insight gleaned from it is priceless. Go HERE.

Do not fight a defensive war.

Do not fight a defensive war. You will lose.

I suggest going after the leadership, wherever they scurry to. Go after their homes, enclaves, minions and leadership. Do not only rely on firearms. Use unconventional methods to achieve your objectives.

You might want to check out this post…

The Largest Biological Attack In American History Occurred in Oregon at Public Salad Bars.
Here we look at how easy it is to unleash biochemical and germ warfare on an unsuspecting public. Germs, dangerous germs, are easily cultivated. It can be anything from leaving a pizza unattended in a automobile trunk for a week in the Summer, to actually cultivating various strains of anthrax. Now, of course, most Americans would prefer to revolt against the evil oligarchy using the ballot box, or barring that, using the second amendment to the Bill of Rights. They are totally oblivious that simpler and more deadly options are available to them.

Maybe it’s already happening now

Oklahoma Republican state Sen. Jonathan Nichols was found dead  Friday, making him the second GOP state senator to be shot to death in  the last two days. 

Police reportedly found Nichols, 53, dead by a  gunshot wound in Norman, Oklahoma, Wednesday night. His death comes two  days after police reportedly discovered former Arkansas Republican  state Sen. Linda Collins-Smith dead from a gunshot wound and wrapped in  some kind of blanket. 

Pack extra weapons in grease

Here is a picture of a German lugar pistol that was packed in grease and unearthed in Russia 70 years later. Well packed weapons can avoid the gun collection round-ups.

Always hide your weapons

Always follow the rule of three. One cache hidden known only to you. One cache hidden known to your family, and one cache that is available for your immediate use.

You don’t need to have a hundred guns. You need only one that you are very lethal with. Do not get caught up in the idea that having a bunch of guns makes you invincible. It doesn’t. Having one, and being able to use it like an extension of your body is very, very important.

Packed in paper and stored in a sealed tube. Reasonable condition after 70 years.

Now read this…

I have many posts on this subject. But one of the most important, that is part of this series is this one article. It ties current events with the upcoming shit storm in YOUR local area….

What to expect inside of America if the USA decides to engage either Russia or China in a war


Some Links

The Right has exhaustively studied the long history of Leftist  revolution and genocide, and knows very well that every genocide is  preceded not only by the scapegoating of official state enemies, but  also by the strict curtailment of their right to keep and bear arms in  the dubious name of “public safety.” 
Thank you.

If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

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What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 5)

The progressive liberal socialist “democrats” do have plans for you and your family. Yes. They really do.

 “It is one of those things that is easily said. ‘The Jewish people is  being exterminated,’ every Party member will tell you, ‘perfectly  clear, it’s part of our plans, we’re eliminating the Jews, exterminating  them, a small matter.’

 “Altogether we can say: We have carried out this most difficult task  for the love of our people. And we have suffered no defect within us, in  our soul, or in our character.”

 These two gruesome comments are from the diary of Heinrich Himmler,  which has recently been revealed in a military archive, in Podolsk near  Moscow in Russia. The diary was first found by the Red Army after the  War and was kept in the war archives; the journal consists of some 1000  pages full of gruesome details of war crimes committed by the Fuhrer’s  right-hand man. 

Know this…

 A lifetime of pain taught me one thing: When people say and do  certain things, you no longer have to worry about their welfare. They're  TELLING YOU in plain English, “I’m crazy! If you’re nice to me, I’ll  destroy you!”

Did you read or hear about the chef on the New York  subway kicking a 78-year-old retired kindergarten teacher in the head  six times? Nobody helped her, and the chef was proud. I’m 56 years old,  and I have full-body osteoarthritis. If I’d been there, the chef would  be dead. That’s all there is to it. He was attacking a defenseless  elderly woman, and I’m in no shape to get into a prolonged fight. So I’d  have to kill him.

Many years ago, I learned how to instantly kill people with my bare hands. It’s actually quite easy. I can still do it. 

-The Abusive Spouse

When SHTF, and CWII occurs scenes like this will be common place. Young armed youth will travel forth from the cities in new trucks right off the sales lot, and they will attack the people in the smaller cities and rural areas.

After  a month or two, gangs started operating, destroying everything.  Hospitals, for example, turned into slaughterhouses. There was no more  police. About 80 percent of the hospital staff were gone. I got lucky.  My family at the time was fairly large (15 people in a large house, six  pistols, three AKs), and we survived (most of us, at least). 

-Commonsense Show

They might even have technicals installed on brand new (white) Toyota trucks. (An Obama and Hillary trademark.)

Make no mistake. They will be armed, supplied and equipped by a very wealthy (and hidden) army of progressive liberal Marxists. They will out-gun you. They will out-number you. They will be filled with hate and RAGE, and all this will be magnified by drugs that they will be given.

Hillary Clinton equipped ISIS technicals.
Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama made arrangements to supply the ISIS with brand new white Toyota pickups, and provided CIA assets to equip them into technicals. It is quite common for governments, especially the United States government to perform these black or grey cover operations to further their own political agendas. Do not think that they will fail to do so during a CWII event, and when SHTF, the forces you will be fighting will be well-equipped.

Beware of Ideologues

Killing Jews by MG42.
Killed because Hitler demonized them for an entire decade before he came to power. Once you are demonized, you will be treated like a cockroach. And killed without a moments notice or a second thought. Know your history.

The “killing fields” of Cambodia should wake anyone up.

In Cambodia, adults were forced to dig their own graves before they were slaughtered with spades and sharpened bamboo. Their children, meanwhile, were smashed to death against the trunks of trees and thrown into the mass graves where their parents lay.

Cambodian skull
The “killing fields” of Cambodia is what happens when government sponsors genocide. Note that the progressive democrats believe that the world is over populated and it needs to be cleansed, and that means to “get back” at the bad conservatives that caused all their anxieties.

There were more than 150 of these execution centers across the country.

During the invasion of Cambodia in late 1979, Vietnamese soldiers uncovered a hastily abandoned prison in Phnom Penh containing meticulous records of each inmate, complete with a portrait photo and detailed “confessions” of their crimes committed against the Khmer Rouge.

That prison was Tuol Sleng, or Security Prison 21, a former high school in the Cambodian capital that was converted into a prison and interrogation center upon the Khmer Rouge’s ascent to power in 1975. 

Under the guise of building a classless agrarian economy, the Khmer Rouge targeted anyone that was incompatible with their vision of Cambodia including intellectuals, ethnic minorities, religious figures, and city-dwellers.

In the following four years, Cambodians perceived to be saboteurs or traitors to the state — some simply because they worked in factories or wore glasses — were taken to the prison to be tortured until they provided a full confession along with names of their collaborators. After confessions were made, almost all inmates were executed: of the 20,000 prisoners taken to Tuol Sleng, only seven survived. 

-All that is interesting

The massacres on the killing fields stopped when the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia in 1979 and brought an end to the Khmer Rouge. As the Vietnamese marched through Cambodia, they found places like Tuol Sleng. They uncovered mass graves full of thousands of human remains – and found photos of some of the many people who had been lost in the Cambodian genocide.

Germany in the yearly years of World War II.
You do not want to be dragged out of your home. Lined up in the street in front of your house, and then shot dead. But, we know, that is what will happen if you are disarmed. It is not about having a lot of guns around. It is about having one, and being an expert at using it. You need to have the will and the strength to know that SHTF is moving forward soon and quickly. Know that no one is doing anything about those “diversity officers”, and the media monopoly, or the Socialist HQ under Obama /Soros. No one is doing anything, so CWII and SHTF will happen. To prevent it, action is long over due, and I fear that the damage, at this time, is irreversible.

It’s all planned

Jews being driven away
The people on the lists will be collected from their homes. The embedded “snitches” progressive activists will take glee in watching those people dehumanized and shamed. They will be loaded onto trucks and then driven to isolated places to be killed.

When genocide breaks out, and make no mistake, any civil war in the United States conducted today will be one of genocide, will not be spontaneous or “grass roots”. They will be planned. They will be armed and prepared well in advance.

Pretty soon, the nice houses and estates in the countryside of America will start to look like this. Prepare.

Rural Bosina.
Rural Bosina. No, CWII will not be anything like Hollywood is trying to portray. You won’t go scavenging for materials or hot-wire a car to drive. Things will be destroyed, dead, rusted and useless. War is very, very ugly.

All genocides are planned. They are planned, often for years, if not decades. The genocide that is being prepped for America has been in the making for at least 50 years if not longer.

The term Bosnian Genocide is used to refer either to the genocide committed by Bosnian Serb forces in Srebrenica in 1995, or to the ethnic cleansing campaign that took place throughout areas controlled by the Bosnian Serb Army during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War.

In the 1990s, several authorities, in line with a minority of  legal scholars -- including the leading Holocaust scholar Dr. Robert Jay  Lifton -- asserted that ethnic cleansing as carried out by elements of  the Bosnian Serb army was genocide. 

These included a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly  and three convictions for genocide in German courts, (the convictions  were based upon a wider interpretation of genocide than that used by  international courts).  In 2005, the United States Congress passed a resolution declaring that  "the Serbian policies of aggression and ethnic cleansing meet the terms  defining genocide". 

Just like those protests against Brett Kavendaugh were not organic, or the organized protests against illegal aliens, it’s all just show and tell for the progressive mainstream media. Only this time, it will not be televised.

PPT on Rwanda genocide.
Typically during genocidal events, neighbors will turn on you, or contact other confederates that will perform violent actions themselves.

It will be the “real deal”, and “out of no where”. It will be roving bands of young heavily armed ideological youth. It will be these thugs and gangs targeting your towns and communities and manning road blocks and seizing key strategic points.

We know what will happen.
We know what will happen. It has been well documented. People will be collected. They will be rounded up into urban areas, or centers. The men will be separated out from the group. They will be led to an isolated area, a cellar, a warehouse, a cluster of tree, an area behind a bulldozer. They will then be held down by two people and shot dead.

Know your history. Do not expect it to be random or spontaneous.

The weapons had materialized out of nowhere, and every man had one:  rocket-propelled- grenade launchers and Kalashnikovs and sleek black FN assault rifles and even old shotguns and sabers left over from colonial days. 

They had come from the bush, these men, and they'd brought with  them their protective magic and their claims of special powers. They  wore sackcloth tunics and fishnet shirts studded with crocheted pouches  that were supposed to stop bullets. They sewed cowrie shells onto their  clothing and wore bone necklaces that hung down over their ammo belts  and clacked against their guns. 

One guy had nothing on but shorts and a  pink ski-parka hood. Another had a headband made of live machine-gun rounds. They stood in angry little clusters around shortwave radios listening to the afternoon BBC report and slapping ammo clips into their guns. 

-The Terror of Sierra Leone

Never Forget…

Left will do this.
What the left has planned for their enemies.
"They have no interest in us, except as slaves or, more likely, as a  vaguely troubling memory of a problem solved long ago. Guess how they  would solve us? 

Not sure? 

Well, there’s this thing called “history,” and  you can look up leftism’s track record regarding unapproved people like us unless Google is hiding the results for that too. "
-The real leaders of the Democrat party want you to shut up. 

Yeah. Here’s a nice meme that I found on the internet.

Do not trust the goverment.
If you trust the government, you have obviously failed history class. Never trust the government.

Know your history. Plan on dealing with an enemy that intends to exterminate you and your family. They will be ideologically motivated and the troops will more than likely be heavily armed, and high on drugs.

It will be nothing like you see on television or in the movies. It will be a horror show.

It was early morning and there was no one there; the gate had been torn  off its hinges, and twisted clothes and spent bullets littered the  yard. We stepped inside and sloshed through water that was three inches  deep over the marble floors. Somewhere it was still running, gurgling  out of a pipe where protesters had torn the plumbing out of the walls.  There were women's panties and bras on the towel rack in the bathroom,  as well as an empty bottle of 1998 Laurent Grand Siècle Ferme. In the  upstairs bedroom there was an empty box of 70-mm. ammo. Papers were  scattered everywhere, and syringes—thousands of them, used and  unused—lay piled in the corners like drifted snow. 

-The Terror of Sierra Leone

Traitors in our midst

There are organizations all over the United States that have had the SHTF, and CWII planned. In fact, they have been planning this for decades. They have secretive membership, secretive financing, secretive meetings, handshakes and even flags.

I kid you not…

Flag graphic of socialsit organizations internal to the USA.
Flags of one of the many organizations devoted to the overthrow of the United States of America.

1940 Katyn Forest Massacre

The Russian eagerness to slaughter Poland's military leadership was not  simply born out of savagery. Many believe that Stalin reckoned that such  ruthless tactics would permanently weaken the Poles, and make them a  much easier people to subdue.  -Dailymail

Know your history. It is going to be repeated. It is going to happen in the United States. It is going to happen.

Do not let it happen to you.

Katyn massacre
The progressive liberal communists collected anyone who could possibly be a threat to them. They loaded them into trucks and trains, and carted them off to an isolated forest. There, they tied their hands behind their backs and systematically killed each one.

Get ready.

In 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland. They came from both sides, and within weeks, Poland was captured. The Western half of Poland became occupied by Germany. The Eastern side of Poland became occupied by the Soviets.

Poland division
Once the Germans and the Soviets took over Poland, it was divided up. The Poles in the West had to deal with the German Nazi’s. The Poles on the East had to deal with the Soviets.

In 1940, once Russia took over a huge portion of Poland, they collected people. They collected anyone who was smart. They collected anyone who had skills. They collected anyone who had an education. They considered these people threats to the “new progressive reality” that they planned to impose on Poland. They collected them.

And, then they massacred them.

  • Anyone with a college education.
  • Anyone who was an educator.
  • Anyone in politics.
  • Anyone who owned or supervised in a factory.
  • Anyone who was related to anyone who was famous.
  • Anyone who held an officer rank in the military.
  • Anyone who was a small business owner.
  • Anyone who was a land owner (owned a house).
  • Anyone who was singled out by someone else as non-progressive.

In November 1939, the Russians arrested over 15,000 Polish officers and deported them to western Russia.

Among them were civilians, professors, doctors, lawyers, journalists, artists, judges,an Olympic athlete, priests, and the Chief Rabbi of the Polish Army.  

The prisoners sat there for months, afraid of what was going to happen, but few guessing their true fate. As Peszkowski said: ‘We did not think it possible that the Russians would kill us without mercy.’

Katyn Poland
Desc: Katyn massacre (Polish army officers killed by Soviet troops in Katyn forest, near Smolensk, western Russia,1943), Nazi propaganda poster, Central Europe • Credit: [ The Art Archive / Private Collection / Marc Charmet ] • Ref: AA399882

Military leaders were sent to three prison camps, at Kozielsk, Starobielsk, and Ostashkov.

In April of the following year, the Polish prisoners were told that they would be repatriated to Poland. It was a lie, of course. When progressive liberal democrats (whether they call themselves Marxists or Communists is of not matter) say anything, it is ALWAYS a lie.

Progressive Liberal Socialists always lie.

Katyn map
Multiple locations were used to kill all of the intellectual class of Poland. The workers, ignorant, and women were singled out, and segregated. The men were taken to remote locations and shot.

The first group boarded a train, but oddly it was not traveling east, but rather westward.  It came to a stop outside Katyn Forest, situated near Smolensk.  

With orders to kill everyone.
Executions normally take place hurriedly, but in this case the killers were in no rush. The victims were taken from their prison camp and put on a train for two days without food and water. When they arrived at their final destination, they were bundled onto coaches with windows smeared with cement to obscure their view. After a short drive, the men were directed one by one to the rear door of the vehicle. As each man stepped into the gloomy light of the Russian forest, he would have had no doubt as to his fate.

From there the Polish officers were herded into black vans which drove them to a clearing in the woods.  

When they stepped out, they were simply led to the edge of what would imminently be their grave. The Russians took them to a large pit inside the forest, and forced them to kneel at its edge.

Led, forced to kneel and then killed.
Led to the edge of the pit. Held and bound, then forced to your knees. The progressive liberal socialists will put the pistol to the back of your head and kill you dead with it.

Their hands were tied behind their backs, and a choke knot tied around their neck and hands so that if they struggled they would have strangled themselves.

Held on either side, the victims were approached from behind by an NKVD man equipped with a German Walther 7.65mm pistol.

The relatively small recoil, compared to that of heavier Russian pistols, made the task far easier on the executioner’s wrist, an essential requisite for a killer with so many men to dispatch.

The shot was fired at the base of the man’s skull, and if the job was done correctly, the bullet would have exited through the forehead. Death was instantaneous, as one by one the Polish officers filled the mass grave.

They were surrounded by dozens of armed NKVD agents who made sure that everyone was killed. No one escaped.

Killed by progressive socialsts.
Polish officer shot in the back of the head by progressive liberal socialists from the Soviet Union. These people are dangerous.

Their bodies were thrown into mass graves.

This convoy of death went on for several weeks.  By mid-May almost 4,500 Polish officers were murdered and buried in eight mass graves – the largest grave contained 12 layers of corpses.

Shot in the back of the head.
Polish aviator shot in the back of the head. This is what the progressive liberal socialists have in store for anyone that does not agree with them on any of their crazed ideology.

Among the dead were more than 200 pilots including friends and classmates of the Kosciuszko Air Squadron.  

In memory
Is is a photo of a memorial ceremony in Poland for the absolute slaughter of the Polish leadership, intellectuals, and workers of Poland, by progressive liberal socialist democrats from the Soviet Union. They called themselves “Communists”.

One of its’ victims was the brother-in-law of Witold Lokociewski.    The sole survivor of Katyn was Professor Stanislaw Swianiewicz.  

He was on board the train headed to Katyn Forest, and was standing in the line ready to board the van, but an NKVD colonel had pulled him out of the line. 

The Germans invaded Russia in July 1942, but it wasn’t until the next spring that they discovered the mass graves in Katyn.

The bodies were exhumed and examined by a team of experts, and they accused the Russians of having committed the atrocity.  The Russians denied all responsibility and countered by saying that the Germans had committed the massacre.  

When Polish Prime Minister Sikorski called for an investigation by the International Red Cross, the Russian government abruptly severed all diplomatic ties with Poland. Sir Owen O’Malley, the British Ambassador to the Polish government-in-exile, described the grisly scene:

” In the broad deep pit their comrades lay, packed closely around the edge, head to feet, like sardines in a tin….up and down on the bodies the executioners tramped, hauling [the corpses] about and treading in the blood like butchers in a stockyard. “

Sir Owen O’Malley conducted an investigation and produced a detailed report that proved that the Soviets were guilty.  But Churchill hastily absconded with the report and warned everyone not to ever speak a word about it. –Katyn Massacre

They rounded them up. They loaded them into trucks. They tied their hands behind their backs, and they killed them.

They politely told them to turn around. They asked them to put their hands behind their backs. Then they shot them FUCKING dead.


Dead as a fish. Dead. D-E-A-D.

The progressive liberal communists rounded up anyone who could possibly be a threat to them. They loaded them into trucks. They tied their hands behind their backs, and they killed them.

When the atrocity was reported, the governments all, ordered it to be kept quiet and for no one to say a word about it.

Know your history.

You see, the progressive liberals; the communists wanted a complete extinction of all opposition in Poland. They destroyed anyone with knowledge. They eviscerated anyone with skills, ability or talent. They erased anyone who could organize against them.

You know…

People like YOU.

In the spring of 1940, Stalin and Lavrenty Beria planned to liquidate  this potential source of opposition to Soviet control and gave orders  to murder over 20,000 Polish officers.

The murders were carried out at several sites. The most famous was the NKVD burial ground at Katyn, near Minsk (today in Belarus), but killings were also carried out at Piatikhatki (near Kharkiv in Ukraine) and at Mednoye in Russia.

Other killing sites were never identified, although it is believed  that another group of officers was placed on old barges towed out into  the White Sea near the Arctic Circle and used for target practice by the  Soviet Navy.

Those who died at Katyn included an admiral, two generals, 24 colonels, 79 lieutenant colonels, 258 majors, 654 captains, 17 naval captains, 3,420 NCOs, seven chaplains, three landowners, a prince, 43 officials, 85 privates, and 131 refugees. 
One female air force officer was among the dead. Also among the dead were 20 university professors; 300 physicians; several hundred lawyers, engineers, and teachers; and more than 100 writers and journalists as well as about 200 pilots. 

-Learning History

We know about this because, while Stalin ordered everyone to be killed, their bodies were discovered by the Nazi’s that invaded Russia the subsequent year. They heard about the bodies and they investigated.

They used the information and pictures of what they found as anti-Soviet propaganda.

Killed Polish General remains
The remains of Brigadier General Smorawinski (
Mieczysław Smorawiński ) found in one of the many graves in the Katyn forest. He had his hands tied behind his back and shot in the back of the head. After a short stay in various Soviet prisons and POW camps, at the end of 1939 he was transferred to the NKVD Special Camp in Kozelsk. Smorawiński left the camp on 7 April 1940. Together with most of the Polish officers imprisoned there he was executed by the NKVD at Katyn, in the spring of 1940, aged forty-six, in what became known as the Katyn massacre. During the exhumation of 1943 his body was exhumed and identified, as one of the Polish generals to be identified.
Katyn Memorial in Jersey City
Katyn Memorial in Jersey City. The progressive liberal democrats in power want it removed, or put in an isolated area so that “mothers don’t have to explain what happened in history”.

There are memorials to this horrible massacre in the United States. Though the progressive liberal democrats currently in power wants the statues to be removed.

In Jersey City, a park official proposed relocating a monument of the massacre to a less-traveled locale. He argued this because he found it “a little gruesome”, adding that “I can’t imagine how many mothers go by and have to explain it to their children.”

The real truth, since he is a vocal socialist, is that he wants to erase history in order to pave the way for an eventual full progressive utopia .

This happened in Katyn, but also in Cambodia. As well as in China. It also happened in Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam. Know your history. All of the ground-work is being laid down today for a near by future.

Killing fields
The Cambodian Killing Fields are a number of sites in Cambodia where collectively more than a million people were killed and buried by the Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, immediately after the end of the Cambodian Civil War. The mass killings are widely regarded as part of a broad state-sponsored genocide. Analysis of 20,000 mass grave sites by the DC-Cam Mapping Program and Yale University indicate at least 1,386,734 victims of execution.

There will not be any leniency in this matter. If you are a threat, maybe you wrote something, or maybe you said an off-hand comment at work, you will be singled out. The “Diversity Officers” in your company have a firm lock-grip on who is not “with the program”. Take heed.

You will be taken to the edge of a dug hole in the ground and you will be shot dead.


Please kindly be advised that all of this will happen before you are aware that the SHTF. 

You will wake up in the morning and dress like normal. You will drive in your car like normal, and get a coffee at a fast food restaurant like normal. The only thing out of the normal might be a friendly police officer that might pull you aside to "have a small chat with you". 
Cambodian genocide
We see pictures in history books and say, “nah that could never happen here”. The roads are dirt. The people are wearing military clothing. There isn’t anything that looks like a part of America in the pictures.

But the truth is that yes it can happen here, and if you read ANYTHING at all about genocide, know the [1] it is always government sponsored, and [2] it is rare for a nation to escape a period of genocide longer than 100 year period between genocidal events. [3] It is always preceded by disarming of the citizenry.

America is long overdue for one.
Then you will turn around nicely while they put handcuffs on you. You will be entrapped long before you have any idea that things are going down. IT WILL NOT BE REPORTED, and you will be unaware.

Do you think that all those people killed in Katyn had any idea what awaited them? Do you think that those factory workers in Serbia had any idea how their day would end? Do you think that those teachers in Cambodia had any idea what would happen when they "worked the fields".

Be ready to be SURPRISED.

If you are handcuffed, you will stand there while they go through your house.

Betrayal is as old as man, but the pace and severity seems to be  accelerating. It hasn’t touched you or me yet, but someday soon we will  be told to “be patient, as we restore your account balance,” or “the FBI  will not allow this to happen again,” or “we’ve made some mistakes in  the past but we (the same people) will do better going forward.” Ya,  thanks. 

- Karl Ushanka 

You WILL be disarmed.

Understanding Progressive liberals
You need to understand… it’s ONLY a matter of time. You will be disarmed. Maybe not today, but it will happen, as NO ONE is taking action to stop the march of progressive reality.

You will watch them take your guns and throw them in a pile with zero concern. Guns that you would gingerly caress and hold with care would be tossed like rubbish onto the floor and into a pile.

In 1911, a national gun registration law was passed in Turkey, with  no apparent ill intention beyond increasing public safety.  

Four short years later…

In 1915,  during the Great War, these gun registration lists were used to disarm  the Armenian and other Christian populations. 

Army battalions cordoned  off entire towns and did gun sweeps. 

Once disarmed, the official state  violence visited against the Armenians ratcheted up to murderous levels.  

Typically, on town-wide sweeps, all of the men and boys were taken away by the Turkish soldiers, never to be seen or heard from again.

Oh, yeah. America is “exceptional”. It could never happen here. Right?

  Only after these Armenian “enemies of the state” were disarmed and  completely helpless to resist did the final step begin: the officially  sanctioned, ordered, led and conducted wholesale “deportations” of the  Christian minorities from Turkey. 

These “deportations” were in reality  forced marches into fiery deserts, accompanied by pervasive sadistic cruelty comparable only to the Japanese “Bataan Death March,” and the  less known but much more deadly death marches of the last surviving Jews in Nazi hands as the Red Army closed in on Germany. 


You will be interrogated for any other guns, and your other family members will be separated from you. Your wife in one room, and your children in an other. They will play good cop – bad cop.

They will have a list that they will read off of.

They will tell you that you own XXX number of guns, and that they don’t believe that they were all stolen. They will threaten you. They will search your house, they will tear it apart. You will find that they will wreck it and destroy precious valuables.

The Pol Pot Plan to implement a Socialist utopia.
The Pol Pot Plan to implement a Socialist utopia. – Ethnic cleansing. – To regain the glory of the Angkor Empire. – To reclaim Kampuchea Krom. – To get all CIA and KGB agents out of Democratic Kampuchea.

Oh they will go look for your guns. They will not take your excuses that they were stolen at face value. They will treat you as dangerous and will go ahead and look for them.

They might even have a metal detector.

Do not think that they will not be readily equipped. They might have dogs that can smell out gunpowder. They will be looking for your guns. That will be their purpose; to disarm you.

They will set you down and yell at you, and depending on the level of urgency, get physically violent with you. They will separate you from your family. They will scare the living Dejesus out of your loved ones.

The children, will of course, tell them where your hidden weapons are. No matter that you instructed them otherwise. The children will tell. THEY WILL TELL.

Your children WILL tell and report on you.

Your wife, well… that is touch and go. But, you can expect a 60% chance of her telling them anything just to let you guys live in peace. Any secret hiding places that they know about will be exposed for the police to get.

God thing that you have a very secret stash that ONLY YOU know about, eh?

Research, using a safe search engine, the best type of grease to use to protect firearms. You want cheap, non-corrosive grease that is available in gallon or larger sized drums. Know how to use it to store firearms with, and ALWAYS have some ammo next to the stored guns. You cannot assume that ammo will be available when you need to access the firearm.

A couple of months will pass from the time of collection to when you will start seeing a need to have a firearm.

How do we know?

That is the way it ALWAYS happens.

We know from history. We know from Bosnia. We know from Sierra Leone. We know from Germany. We know from Russia. We know from Poland. We know from Spain. We know. We know. We know.

We fucking know.

 In the Turkish case, only a small clique understood the true purpose  behind the gun registration and gun control laws of 1911. If average  Turks thought about the gun laws at all, they probably believed they  would actually lead to greater public safety, as advertised. 


That was  also generally the case with the Russians, Germans, Chinese, Cambodians,  Guatemalans, Rwandans, and all the rest who were required to register  or even turn in their firearms for “public safety,” and who accepted the  demand at face value as a “reasonable” gun control measure, to their  later regret.


 American liberals who would like to see the Second Amendment torn out  of the Constitution as a problematic relic of a bygone era generally do  not know—or pretend not to know—this well-established historical  pattern. 

But American Constitutionalists, who are more often than not  students of history, understand the pattern very well.

 So, directly behind the insane faces of contemporary villains like  Loughner, Holmes and Lanza, we see the smirking faces of Stalin, Hitler,  and Mao, tyrants who did not murder individual victims by the fives and  tens, but entire populations by the tens of millions.   


And in each case, these national genocides were preceded by gun  confiscation that was made possible by national firearms registration  laws sold to a gullible population in the name of “public safety.”


Interestingly, during the bloody French Revolution’s “Great Terror” of 1793 to 1794, it was the “Committee of Public Safety”  who condemned tens of thousands of French men and women to the  guillotine or other forms of summary execution without trial. 

...After  previously being disarmed, of course.


Then, we will “hear of shootings”, and “events”. Not all of which will be reported.

Be ready to fight dirty.
Be ready to fight dirty. For you to survive, you will need to be a most dangerous person. You will not be able to trust anyone. The enemy will look like you, speak like you. Dress like you. Do not trust anyone.

You won’t know you are in danger until it is too late.

Often a singular incident will be used to obtain “advantage” by the forces that want to initiate the genocide. In Rwanda, the oligarchy shot down the plane carrying the Rwandan President and his chief of staff. This was enough for them to implement their plans.

Plane shot down
The genocide in Rwanda was “kicked off” when the plane carrying the President and all his staff was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile. Once the President was confirmed dead, the oligarchy put their plans in place, and all the caches of arms, and their trained minions organized quickly and initiated “wack a mole” terror throughout the countryside.
...there is often a long delay between the stages of the  registration-confiscation-extermination progression. 


For example, national gun registration in Germany was implemented in the 1920s, without any immediate dire consequences. Then Hitler was elected and  took dictatorial powers under the Enabling Act. 

(Then) Beginning in 1938,  Hitler used the gun registration lists to first disarm and then exterminate his enemies, primarily the Jews. 


Oh, and by the way, do not think that this isn’t going to happen. It is. It’s just that the implementation schedule was thrown off track and delayed by the Donald Trump presidency.

Are you ready?

Because, I’m telling you directly, no one is stopping the progressive-Marxist takeover. It’s moving forward and in the long term, the Presidency of Donald Trump will only be considered a “speed bump” on the way towards Marxist utopia.

Comprehensive list of reasons why Americans should be disarmed.

It is coming.

 Remember,  all genocides are preceded by gun confiscation. All gun confiscations  are preceded by registration. Remember, you are your own first  responder. FEMA has admitted that they can protect and/or rescue you.  You are on your own and when you finally come to realize this fact, then  you will plan accordingly, just like the people of Bosnia were forced  to, or they perished. 

 Before  the government takes away your guns, you need to acquire multiple guns  with 2,000 rounds of ammunition each. Find hiding places for your guns.  Learn how to conceal and carry without being obvious and the next time a  would-be Manchurian candidate shooter walks into a mall or a theater,  there will be someone there to take. Then the Deep State will be forced  to come up with new false flags. But never, never, never give up your  guns. The lessons of history speak loudly and clearly.  The ties that  binds our society are thin and they are weak. We are an event away from  being Bosnia. Chicago is already in a state of 1990's Bosnia.  

-Commonsense Show

If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Parable about America
Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
The two family types and how they work.
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Things I wish I knew.
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons
A polarized world.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

The Last Night
The Flying Machine
A story of escape.
All Summer in a day.
The Smile by Ray Bradbury
The menace from Earth

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