Everything is currently in place for a full-scale genocide against “the privileged white”, the “rural deporables”, and the “crackers who are racist and love slavery”. You know who they are targeting. Yet, somehow everything thinks that all this narrative is organic. That it grew into being on it’s own. Wrong. It is cultivated, and intentional to drum up hatred and zeal to “transform America”.
“The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,” Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday. “That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President Obama] been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.” -The Gateway Pundit
Political Commissars
One of the things that occurred during the Obama Administration was the creation of “Diversity Officers”. The administration was very active in this regard and today you will find them in every single Fortune 500 Company in the United States.
A “Diversity Officer” is a “Political Commissar”.

Their sole purpose of existence is to promote and force-feed a progressive liberal socialist agenda in the majority of workplaces in the nation.
The University of California at San Diego, for example, is creating a new full-time “vice chancellor for equity, diversity, and inclusion.” This position would augment UC San Diego’s already massive diversity apparatus, which includes the Chancellor’s Diversity Office, the associate vice chancellor for faculty equity, the assistant vice chancellor for diversity, the faculty equity advisors, the graduate diversity coordinators, the staff diversity liaison, the undergraduate student diversity liaison, the graduate student diversity liaison, the chief diversity officer, the director of development for diversity initiatives, the Office of Academic Diversity and Equal Opportunity, the Committee on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Issues, the Committee on the Status of Women, the Campus Council on Climate, Culture and Inclusion, the Diversity Council, and the directors of the Cross-Cultural Center, the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center, and the Women’s Center. -Minding the Campus
When you see that saying “Merry Christmas” is banned, you can thank a “diversity officer”. When you see a company spending millions of dollars on an advertisement talking about “toxic masculinity”, you can thank a “diversity officer”. When you see “whites not permitted” meetings, or hours, you can thank a “diversity officer”. When you see advertisements excluding white males… you can count on it be initiated by a political commissar.

As long as these people exist in the United States, the nation will transform and stay progressive.
These political commissars are particularly dangerous when SHTF. This is because…
- They make lists of potential dissidents and non-conformists.
- They are ideological, and make decisions on emotion.
- They are in strong positions of power.
- They push a progressive liberal agenda in EVERY regard.
- They will prosecute against anyone based on ideology.
These lists are dangerous, as they WILL be used against you. The history books are full of such examples.

These political commissars play an important role in shaping how society evolves, and aids in singling out obstacles to the Marxist ideology. Not only that, but tons of money are pouring towards their employment and progressive liberal activities.
During the September campaign, Soviet NKVD and Red Army troops shot numerous Polish prisoners when they surrendered, especially officers. Members of ethnic minorities—Ukrainians, Belarussians, Jews, and Lithuanians were encouraged to settle scores with local Poles for any real or imagined mistreatment. The civilian population suffered extreme repression. Approximately 1.5 million civilians were deported to the gulags. -Learning History
Do not be under the impression that there are only a mere handful of political commissars in the United States. That is an illusion founded on ignorance. Check out this screen shot of a search for “Diversity Officers” in the United States on LinkedIN.

Far from enjoying supremacy, white males are denied equality. They are discriminated against in university admissions and employment. Free speech is denied to them. According to military wives, white males are being denied promotions while the military achieves diversity balancing. Google fires white males for stating basic facts. White school boys are being browbeat and feminized. The charge of white supremacy is being used to herd white people to the back of the bus. While they sit there and suck their thumbs, white people are being propagandized out of existence. -Paul Craig Roberts
Providing Domestic Police with Expanded Powers
Up until 9-11, there was no such thing as a “Federal Police”, the DHS or Department of Homeland Security. It did not exist. That is simply because the Constitution forbade the use of soldiers on American soil. What the Constitution says is only as good as the leadership in obeying and following it.
America is what it is today because no one is following the Constitution.
In fact, the conservatives are "hands tied" trying to implement change and correct things by trying to obey the Constitution. Meanwhile, the socialists break laws and rules left and right, with no self-restraint.

Well, of course, just because the Constitution says it can’t happen doesn’t mean that it won’t. You just give it a new name.
And the mass murder of the Soviets and Nazis is simply no longer needed in today’s world for them to secure mass compliance.
Today, they have refined the game. You can lose your job, your healthcare, you can be legally harassed civilly and criminally until bankruptcy.
They can destroy your reputation because they have access to every single data point in your life back to high school and earlier.
They can “find” child porn in your computer or “find” cocaine in your car, or a Blasey-Ford to say you raped her sometime between 80 and 85.
You are almost certain to have violated one of the hundreds of thousands of Byzantine laws in the Federal code. They can ban your social media communications and websites.
In short, the communists and fascists of today have very little need to put a bullet in your head anymore. In the 1930s and 40s, that was the only way they had to shut you up. That was the model-T world, today they are in a Tesla world.
I think they enjoy the new techniques even better.
-1/13/2019, 2:46:06 PM by DesertRhino
Instead of calling it a military force you call it a police force. And, now we know what that friendly “police force” is up to, don’t we? Today we have numerous domestic military forces. Not just the DHS, but the FBI, the NSA and of course the dreaded “goose-stepping” IRS.
Today, if you do not have mandatory medical insurance you must pay the fine and it is enforced by the most feared federal agency in the United States; the dreaded IRS.

Not only that, but President Obama gave the IRS military weapons, tanks, and a complete SWAT team. All to be used against tax evasion. But, only American citizens pay taxes, so that means that all these military weapons are being used domestically against Americans.
Why against Americans? I thought that the United States Constitution was very clear that NO MILITARY of any type shall be used by the government against Americans. Maybe they have other plans…

Incidents of Conflict with supporting Media coverage demanding “action”
Once it is clear who the enemies are, the progressive socialist machine will ramp up attacks. This will be in the form of random groups of individuals who will be permitted to conduct violence without consequence, and coordinated attacks.
This may take the form of a “major event”. Like a plane crash killing the President or some senior level officials. It might be initiated by a mass murder using a selection of firearms which pretty much resulted in the disarming of the UK, Australia and New Zealand.
Works like a charm – every time.

It might vary from a mob chasing a boy wearing a MAGA hat, and beating him senseless, to individuals taking a weapon and shooting up a Country and Western Concert, or even attacking Conservatives at a baseball game.
The media would then start to drum up a constant war beat…
- Collect and ban all guns.
- Arrest and go “nuclear” on gun owners.
- Disarm all “identified enemies of progressive thought”
- Censor their Social Media.
- Censor their major media outlet and famous personalities.
- Attack how they speak at work and at school.
- Place limits on tradition and holidays.
You need to be reminded what lies in store for you once you are disarmed. Never forget that once the Polish Jews were disarmed, they were sent to a “safe place”. This became known as the Warsaw Ghetto and thousands died there.

...how about a paper in an approved and sanctioned semi-official U.S. military publication, written by a War College professor in good standing. Serious enough for you? Google the “Small Wars Journal” piece entitled “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A Vision of the Future,” by Colonel Kevin Benson, USA (ret), 2012. The “full spectrum operations” envisaged for the Army in the homeland are not made against hypothetical hostile drug cartels in the Southwest, or urban gangs, or the traditionally ambiguous and vague “Pineland Liberation Group,” or “Orangeland People’s Front,” hypothetical stand-ins named to offend no one, not even by accident. This long-standing neutral naming protocol is tossed aside in “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland,” where the new domestic enemy that the U.S. Army must crush is a neo-KKK, a white racist “Tea Party terrorist” organization, headquartered in, of all places, Darlington, South Carolina. Yes, the NASCAR Darlington. Anybody who has been in or near an actual Tea Party event or rally knows the crowd is made up mainly of an older white population, a quiet group that leaves no mess behind, not even a stray poster, and causes no fuss. Yet “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland” postulates that these white grandpas and grannies will be the very group that the U.S. Army will be called upon to crush in its first major battles on American soil since 1865. The message this paper sends throughout the upper ranks of the War-College-trained military, actually naming an ethnic group—Southern whites—as the national enemy to “hypothetically” be crushed by the Army in the year 2016, is simply mind-boggling. The path forward that is indicated by the media’s growing acceptance of these vile and outrageous anti-white celebrity rants, cartoons, and articles is the same path that in previous eras led to the guillotine, the gulag, and the gas chamber for the scapegoated populations. But the final solution—genocide of the scapegoats—is only possible after the mob is sufficiently inflamed with hatred toward them by the mass media, in collaboration with an evil government. And time after time, it works. We are seeing the opening stages of the scapegoating of white conservatives today, as the last election seems to demonstrate to the left’s satisfaction that a crucial political and demographic tipping point has been passed, and the ultimate power equations of raw tribal loyalty have changed in a fundamental way—and now it’s payback time. We have seen this play out before in other countries and times, and it is deadly serious. Once the scapegoating gets far enough under way, it can pick up a life and a momentum of its own. For example, if the economy ever truly crashes, and the EBT system that feeds fifty million Americans goes down hard, leading to hunger, looting, and riots, (or we suffer other unforeseen problems of similar crisis proportions), the scapegoats will always be dragged to the forefront as the pre-designated patsy, to deflect blame from the government. -Bracken
Never Forget

Isolation and “ProtectionsNever Forget
Remember Animal Farm from back when you were in school and they taught it as a chilling warning about socialism instead of as a how-to manual? Remember the horse who got worked nearly to death then got sent to the glue farm? Guess what? You’re the horse. Your job is to work to generate taxes and feed the cities and defend the country while your betters clink Chardonnay glasses between bouts of redistributing the fruits of your labor to buy the votes of their slack Democrat political constituencies. And besides being the engine that powers the establishment, you also fulfill another important function. You’re the liberal elite’s punching bag, the scapegoat, the convenient excuse for every flaw, failing and foul-up in the society that very same elite runs. You don’t get the credit you’re due; instead you get scorn, because that scorn both gins up the elite’s dopey allies and acts to keep you in line. It’s a stick to beat you and a chain to bind you. -Townhall
Once the enemies of the “New Progressive Order” are identified, and they are sufficiently isolated into small groups or easily identified, the next step is to have the government come in and offer “protections” for them.
Of course, these protections are anything but protections. They are just a means of rounding up and collecting dissenters.

“Protections” will be necessary, you see to keep people safe from the roving bands of ideological youth. Of whom, I must remind the reader, has that exact purpose. They are the terror sheep dogs that help corral the sheep to be fleeces.
Remember when the socialists say “to protect” they mean “to control”.

We cannot forget how all the Jews in Germany were rounded up. They were told that they were going to protective enclaves so that no one would harm them. So people packed their luggage and boarded the trains. Let’s not forget the idea of wearing a bright yellow star on the clothing.
That was for identification so that the individual could be “protected“.

Or what happened in ISIS occupied Syria…

Once captured, they can be raped repeatedly, and then sold off as slaves for sex and housework as needed. “Abou Jihad: “350 dollars for the Yazidi girl in Mosul if you want.” was the going rate as of 2014.
Two years later, when Donald Trump become president, and the ISIS lost their funding, support and intelligence from the Obama Administration, the ISIS organization collapsed. Need less to say, the progressive liberals view ISIS activity in Syria to be a “dry run” for what is in store for the United States.
The photo was published on twitter by a Muslim user (@Fadel_alHadidi) and profess to be an ISIS militant marrying a 7-year old kafir in occupied minority district of either Mosul or Syria (source and image is unconfirmed). The child is standing with the ISIS terrorist flag for jihad wrapped around her shoulders. During a forced conversion the victim is made to recite the Quran to make any pedo-marriage halal according to Sharia law.
The government will step in to “protect you”.
Oh yes they will. The media will all discuss how it is so very important to put you and your family into “protected” farms and camps. They will televise smiling and happy people boarding buses and trains. If you don’t go willingly, they will force you. You know, “for your protection”.

Just in case you might think that it would never happen here, you are wrong. It is already happening here. On certain university campuses, white students are being told that they must wear a “White Privilege” badge on the outside of their clothing.
The College Fix is reporting that the Elizabethtown College Democrats want white students to wear White Privilege Pins wherever they go. Covered here at Patriotretort.
So much for “it will never happen here.
A North Carolina “English” “teacher” issued “her” students a work sheet titled “Diversity Inventory”. And then began an in-class exercise requiring high school students to categorize their family, friends, and themselves into several different groups.
Ai! It’s a scene right out of George Orwell’s novel 1984.

Motherboard then released a report on Tuesday, showing how T-Mobile, Sprint, and AT&T are selling their customers’ location data, and some of that data was ending up in the hands of bounty hunters and unauthorized people, letting them track virtually any phone in the US.
In Motherboard’s report, the smartphone they located was using the T-Mobile network. For Motherboard's staff to receive the location, the data traveled through a complex system of companies, starting with T-Mobile, before going to a location aggregator called Zumigo.
Zumigo then sold it to a firm called Microbilt, which provides access to a variety of industries, including bounty hunters.
The bounty hunter then sold it to a source, and that source finally sold it to Motherboard.
- AT&T Stops Selling Location Data Of Americans To Bounty Hunters

There was a reason that the 2nd Amendment was placed in the Constitution. The mere attempt to regulate it, minimize it, restrict it or impede in the free exercise of it, is a FULL-ON screeching alert that tyranny is present.
And no. I am not talking about the latest encroachments. I am talking about the first encroachments back in the early 1900’s. I am also talking about the FAILURE of our elected officials in allowing all this encroachment.

Keep in mind this SHTF advice…
Never travel alone or in groups that were too big — always two to three men. All armed, travel swift, in the shadows, cross streets through ruins, not along open streets. There were many gangs 10 to 15 men strong, some as large as 50 men. But there were also many normal men, like you and me, fathers and grandfathers, who killed and robbed. There were no “good” and “bad” men. Most were in the middle and ready for the worst... -Commonsense Show
Oh, and “they” WILL take your guns away. Just a quick reminder…
I just read a “story”, actually twitter posts, from a “liberal” who has decided not to wait for the red flag laws. He simply called Child Protective Services and reported he suspected his neighbor of abusing his own pre-teen daughter. Within hours the was a raid, an arrest, a child taken into custody, a life destroyed, and a gleeful follow-up post. What did the “neighbor” do you ask? His heinous crime? He had a “Trump 2020” sticker on his vehicle. The words “child abuse” get more action than “a man with a gun”. It is harder to defend against. And very seldom verified before the raid. I really don’t know how to defend against this kind of misuse of the legal system. It’s too late for this “neighbor” but always remember “opsec”. Any ideas?

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Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
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Stories that Inspired Me
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“This may take the form of a “major event”. Like a plane crash killing the President or some senior level officials.”
Turns out it wasn’t even a “major” event. You just straight-up predicted George Floyd’s death and the ensuing aftermath in the form of the 2020 riots. Censorship of “racist”, “extremist”, and “white supremacist” statements are being constantly censored to the point where right-leaning platforms get hacked, taken down, and the FBI conveniently takes note of the names in the leaked data (i.e. Parlor, where even though it might be illegal to use illegally-obtained evidence in court, if you just want to put them on a no-fly list, that doesn’t require a court hearing!). All of this under the guise of “harboring extremism”, even though anyone with access to Twitter can see endless posts encouraging violence against white people that are by still-unbanned users.
What of the world economy though? Surely if America were to fall into a full-on white genocide, the U.S. economy would completely tank, and by extension the world’s. It just doesn’t seem like anyone wins in the apparent end game, because all of the liberal tech giant CEOs (who are the most pertinent example of global elites harboring SJW ideologies) would lose billions from lost revenue in their businesses, right?
Plus, what of the international response? You had mentioned in another comment about moving to Canada, but would their government take a political stand against the U.S. in the event of a white genocide?
Outside the the “five eyes” (USA, Canada, UK, Australia and NZ), America’s reputation is tanking. Try opening up a bank account anywhere in the world as an American. It’s not that easy. Please do not get too caught up in the turmoil inside of the USA. Concentrate on your own little “neck of the woods”. Build and forge relationships with all of your neighbors. Know who you can trust and who you cannot. Spend the time to buy beers, pizza and BBQ for your neighbors. Be extra friendly. Practice your skills. Make sure that you have a full larder. Not just three months. Think three years. Learn a skill related to paramedics, electronic repair, mechanical machining, or some other kind of direct functional ability. Hopefully you will not need it. But being prepared has the same calming effect on your soul as a bank account full of money. You can rest and relax some.
What’s your gut instinct tell you about Japan and SKorea’s role when things go tits-up, Stateside, Mr Man? Will they be absorbed into the Chinese sphere, or be levelled?
I know they’ve (the US) recently finished one of the world’s biggest– if not the biggest– naval-air bases on Jeju Island in SKorea. Practically city-sized. Marine base, too– US and Korean. Much against the Korean population’s wishes. They also installed a series of THAAD air-defence batteries across the nation in 2016, so in a hot war with NKorea or China/Russia, S Korea will be flattened in order to neutralise these targets. There were HUGE demonstrations against the THAAD system, too, But to no avail. Puppets dance when the master pulls their strings. Simple fact of life.
(Yet, interestingly, Austin was snubbed by the Korean Government and top brass when he visited recently, they just didn’t send anyone important out to meet him. Very, very strange. No media coverage, of course– here or in the Korean media. They kept that one tight. Few pictures, too.)
Also, your simply put comment recently about COVID 19A and B strains puts EVERYTHING that’s happened in the West into perspective. That’s what they’re afraid of– B mutations being sent and/or spreading back home–and MUST proceed with ‘vaccine’ and mask mandating policies. As well as lockdown live-drills until the all-clear is given. Which won’t be any time soon given what’s ramping up geopolitically as we speak. Nothing else makes sense– destroying economies for a mild ‘flu? No way. For a deadly biovirus that’d kill thousands in days given the lacklustre emergency drills in most western states? Big yes on that one, and fuck the economy.
China basically has the West by the balls. They decide the next move and US war planners are either filling their pants or chomping at the bit given their mental orientation. But what an advantage to China, right? Think about it: The US had one chance to pull the bioattack/invasion off and they failed. They must have gambled EVERYthing and Trump was the fool to ride roughshod over dissenting voices, that much is clear now. I think Bite-Em is just a front for a US military government in place now, stateside. He can be nothing else given the bigger picture when one steps back to have a look. I mean, the guy can’t even speak properly. And Harris has disappeared, too. I mean, the first female/black or whatever VP and she’s nowhere to be seen? It just doesn’t jive logically, she should be everywhere, media wise. Yet not a peep.
What most amazes me, though, is that you and a bare few others are the only ones to mention the bioattack scenario as being the most likely hypothesis of what actually happened. ‘News sources’ from far right to far left, crazy to conservative, flat erffers to little green men, COVID is real or it’s not, Vaxes are safe or deadly, bat soup or Wuhan lab,,,,,not one source has EVER mentioned this most likely vector. Now THAT’S a propaganda fire-hose of dis-information if ever there were. Nobody has A CLUE what’s REALLY happening, and that’s kinda the whole point, right?
Incredible in its simplicity,100% effective in application. Genius, actually. And the Normies won’t have a clue until the bombs start falling. And most likely literally the way things are going. One thing is for sure, though– they won’t be truth bombs falling. That much is certain. We don’t even know who killed JFK, yet– as for nuclear 911? That one’s disappeared down the rabbit-hole of history, never to be heard from again except for the occasional VT article. Scrubbed. As will the real plan behind COVID, too, I expect. Given time.
Bit of a long one/rant, sorry about that! I’m on a reflection day.
Best, and thanks again for the info/updates.
Excellent rant.
Oh, some days I feel that the entire world is going to be leveled flat, and other days I have some hope. My probability matrix is 60% to a controlled American implosion with minor international collateral damage, and 40% towards the fall of Rome by barbarians, and Huns followed by a second middle ages.
The problem is that the psychopaths in control of Washington DC are mercurial. They are reactive to bullshit within echo chambers. They have no idea just how far down the road towards their destruction they are. Part of them are looking forward to becoming Gods over the rest of humanity, and the rest of them are just purely evil with some very unusual ideas about their role in humanity.
Do your part. Start compiling names, photos, locations of conspirators and people actively working to reach this goal; in the event something should happen.
Its funny, thats one of the pre-requisites they use themselves. The only problem is our names are already on a list. They already have dox sites listing names and addresses of people who donated to Trump. They have voter rolls, and they have decades of search history, tracking, cookies, and the compliance of companies that have virtual monopolies over the internet. You’re on like 50 different lists. While their names are on indistinguishable lists, blended into innocents.
We need a site to host an .xls or community document that can be updated.
We already have a list of companies who colloborated with the marxists and helped to tear apart this country. Archive everything. Archive the archive.
We don’t need ‘lists’. They are the easiest people to spot on the planet. First, start with the mainstream media. Literally obliterate them. Second, wipe out every primary, secondary and tertiary level politician. Finally, easiest of all, wipe out the true senior-level Marxists: if their name contains ‘stein’, ‘berg’, ‘rosen’, ‘cohen’, etc — off with their head.