No Escape.

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 4)

The Rwandan genocide was initiated, and put into motion, by the rich urban elite inside the cities. They used the Civil War as an opportunity to “cleanse” the nation of thought contrary to their ideology.

In a like manner, the political elite in the United States will use an “event” to initiate full scale genocide against others who do not share their ideology. It will be called a “Civil War” but it will be anything but civil.

Who was involved.
When the SHTF in Rwanda, it was initiated by the urban elite and President of the country. They used organized cells, and the military to kill and destroy the minority for ideological reasons and purposes.

The Disarming

 “People who own guns are essentially a sickness in our souls who must be cleansed.” 

-Colorado Senator (Majority Leader) John Morse. 2013 (Cleansed?  “Final Solution” anyone?)  

Never allow yourself to be disarmed. The promises that a pure and safe utopia will somehow arrive are all lies.

 “Chantaraingsey told me that I should always carry a concealed pistol. I was armed all the time.” 

- The Qantas steward who fought the Khmer Rouge 

People, armed and trained, and most importantly WILLING to use the guns are the ONLY defense against genocide by wealthy oligarchs.

The second amendment to the Constitution is useless UNLESS citizens are trained, practiced, and ready to use the firearms.
Bosinian militia
Armed militia in the Bosnian conflict. The news media want to say that the conflict was over religion. That one side was against Muslims. But that is not true at all. It was an ideological war, one that pitted the urban areas against the rural areas. A decade long period of ideological rhetoric predated the first attacks, and the mastermind of all the genocide was from an urban area.

You know all that horrible, horrible violence in Yugoslavia in the 1990’s all came to a head as soon as the population was disarmed. Yes, all those “deplorables clutching their guns” are correct.

Arms,  ammunition, candles, lighters, antibiotics, gasoline, batteries and  food. We fought for these things like animals. In these situations, it  all changes. Men become monsters. It was disgusting. Strength was in  numbers. A man living alone getting killed and robbed would be just a  matter of time, even if he was armed. 

-Commonsense Show

As soon as the people were stripped of their weapons, the “dogs of war” were unleashed. They didn’t even wait a full year. They banned guns, collected them, and then took a short breather.

A month, four tops.

Then they came after everyone who was disarmed. They used lists. They came after them and they killed them if they could not find any of the guns.

Killed in Bosnia.
Bosnian dead 1993. Know your history.
 Scapegoating an unpopular group is standard operating procedure for  budding socialist dictators wrecking once-free economies. For the  Soviets, it was the Kulaks; for the Chinese it was the so-called  “landlords.” I could list more recent cases to include Cambodia, Uganda,  Guatemala, Rwanda and others. Once disarmed and helpless to resist, the  hated national scapegoats are slaughtered by the millions.

 Probably few Turks, Germans or Russians gave a thought to the  ultimate aim of their new gun registration laws, passed quite plausibly  in the name of public safety. But national gun registration is a  slow-acting poison, sweet and easy to swallow, but potentially becoming  deadly only years later, when a tyrant takes the reins of power and  inevitably sends for the list. He begins with his most dangerous enemies  and works his way through the list, marching the helpless scapegoats  into deserts or gas chambers or gulags after disarming them.

 In America today, we are seeing the beginning of an insidious  scapegoating process, with older conservative white Christian males  designated as the national Lucifer du jour, fair game for any  vicious attack. Famous black movie stars joke about murdering white  folks and white liberal media stars laugh along with them, conveying  elite acceptance of the prevailing “evil whitey” meme.

 Filled from birth on a steady diet of the pervasiveness of white  racism in America, rage-filled urban youths across the nation play “the  knockout game” with often fatal results for their randomly selected  white or Asian victims. Meanwhile, the elite liberal media fail to  notice the national scope of the almost weekly occurrences. Google “the  knockout game” and start reading the dozens of local stories that the  media refuse to connect or identify as part of a dangerous national  trend.

 And it doesn’t stop with knocking out random passers-by with sucker  punches and then kicking them in head until they are dead, disfigured  for life, or in comas. Have you ever heard of “The Knoxville Horror”?  How about “The Wichita Horror”? Google them, read the local news  articles about them, and ask yourself how much national media attention  those cases and others like them would garner had the races been  reversed. 

Child soldier.
Marxist child-soldier with his prisoner. Once the Marxists feel ready to strike they will use easily manipulated soldiers and let them loose on an unsuspecting population. They will be children, and young, but they will be able to kill you without a moment’s thought.

First, the people have to be disarmed “for their safety”…

They came after everyone and they used lists.

“The President has put in place an organization with the  kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,”  Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday.  

“That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before  and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal  with that. 

They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns  of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President  Obama] been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.” 

-The Gateway Pundit 

They hunted them down, following the lists, and then killed them.

German holding up a gun to an infant.
Know your history. Genocide is never pretty. The progressive liberals will of course try to distract and confuse. They will make up all kinds of excuses for their evil. But, make no mistake, these socialists are evil.
First of all I would like to remind you of the political situation before the war. The disintegration of Yugoslavia could not be  stopped after Tito died in 1980. From 1981 the Serbian regime in Belgrade  started to act in an even more nationalistic and chauvinist way than before. 

During that time, for example, the Serbian military police killed several unarmed students by running them over with tanks at demonstrations in the mostly Albanian populated Kosovo. 

In 1988 the Serbian regime took away the autonomous status of the provinces  of Kosovo and Vojvodina. In this way the Serbian regime violated the  constitution of Yugoslavia.

During that time the Belgrade regime started to take control of weapons from all parts of the country.  

People needed to be disarmed before they were collected.
People needed to be disarmed before they were collected. The pretty ones, or even not pretty, but young, were repeatedly raped. Then everyone sooner or later were killed. Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.

There are those who believe that it will not happen.

But I will tell you that it is only a matter of time. It WILL happen, and the progressive liberals are chomping at the bit just waiting for the day to disarm their enemies…YOU.

Chasing the people into the prison and concentration camps.
When people are disarmed, the police and the militarized liberal ideologist can pretty much do anything they want with you. They will use you for what ever reason they want, and then discard you when finished. Read your history, folks.

Well, they want to disarm you now.

Identify who owns guns.
Who can forget the iconic scene in the movie “Red Dawn”, where the progressive soviet communists invade Colorado and use the gun registration records to hut down and target opposition locally. What? You think that that would never happen here. Wrong! It’s already happening. Read the links above.

Right now there are some news articles about the police refusing to enforce gun laws, and other such things… like yet another total gun ban, and a news media going full-on with reporting of gun violence.

 The end result of disarming a scapegoat population is as easy to follow as 1-2-3:

 1. Registration. 2. Confiscation. 3. Extermination. 

It will happen, and America will be disarmed.

Then the real war will occur.

Train wreck.
When conflict breaks out, all modes of transportation will be compromised. Do not expect safety.

You think that the players like George Soros aren’t building up stockpiles of weapons and caches of supplies for use by their confederates?

Aftermath of gun collection schemes.
This kind of scene will be repeated all over the United States. Mall parking lots, of the parking lots in front of Walmart will be the scene where people (on lists) will be brought to, and then interrogated and then killed. It will happen. This could be in your town. Think, where these people could be easily rounded up and then killed.

These stockpiles are already in various locations. The police are finding them all over the “blue color” liberal areas.

Hidden stockpiles of weapons lie hidden in progressive liberal strongholds. Their intended use is for armed insurrection in favor of a progressive Marxist ideology .

Make no mistake. They have been groomed to hate you with a bitterness that is palpable. There are caches of arms that are located in all of the major urban areas, and their objective is to go forth and collect you and your family, and exterminate you.

SJW in the United States.
Social Justice Warriors, who are actually progressive liberal democrats by name, but active Marxists by function. These people look like nothing special, but they are extremely dangerous. As they want to kill you.

They have more false flags planned, and have tiger teams of activists waiting for “go aheads” once they believe that they have complete control of the DHS and military (as what was supposed to happen with Hillary Clinton as president).

The 2017 Las Vegas shooting was a pre-planned event. It was especially designed for a Hillary Clinton Presidency. Then, once in power, the formula of constant media barrage of anti-gun propaganda, the loss of many country and western fans, and an in-place “deep state” pretty much guaranteed banning of guns in the United States. Only one thing… Donald Trump was President. Not Hillary Clinton.

Scene from Libya.
Scene from Libya. Don’t ever be under the impression that random people run around shooting and killing people. Rather it is organized groups of thugs that work for wealthy benefactors that organize all the killings.

You know the reason, to use once they regain the levers of power in the United States. You don’t think that that Antifa that pose for public photos are representative of the real dangers that lie ahead. They are not.

The real danger still lies hidden, and they will go after you.

Bosnia ruins.
The progressive liberal democrats have been stock piling weapons and caches of ammo. They have trained and unified forces that have stayed and remain hidden from the news media. These forces will align with other public forces once they regain the total and complete levers of power in the government. Then the real shooting will begin.

The progressive socialist Marxists, by what ever they want to call themselves these days, have been armed and groomed for genocide. make no mistake about that. They are going to come after YOU.

They are going to disarm YOU.

Then there will be a small breather…

Then they will round you and your family into “safe areas”, which are actually areas that THEY control.

There, you will be harmed, in the most horrible ways possible and then killed.

Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.

Planned Attacks

Failed coup leadership
Not all actions by the oligarchy are successful. The coup that tried to take over the Former Soviet Union resulted in failure. Here is a picture of all the oligarchs that tried to initiate Civil War in the Soviet Union. Too bad, for them, that the people and the military were not on “their side”.

Once a “kick off” event is set in motion (what ever it is), history has shown that the instigating forces will have the following characteristics;

  • It will be planned, and designed to appear “organic” or spontaneous.
  • The instigators will be the wealthy elite of the United States.
  • They will have control of most of the organs of power in government.
  • They will have control or full backing of the media.
  • They will have control of the military, the police, and the air.

When the “event” unfolds, it will appear to be confused and chaotic. But that is just an illusion. In truth, historically there are numerous armed forces working together in unison. These forces are…

[1] Roving Bands of ideological youth

These are historically, poor urban males. They have been pre-fed a steady diet of hate towards a set group of people. They are worked into a frenzy through propaganda and drugs. They will be issued and equipped with weapons, including full automatic machine guns and grenade launchers. They will also be provided with trucks or four-wheel drive cars. They will be given lists of people to attack, and target cities or areas.

Urban youth, armed during the Sudan Civil War.
Young boys, children soldiers sit on February 10, 2015 with their rifles on board a jeep or truck. These roving bands of youth were used to inflict terror all across the nation.

Taking those lists they will attack, seemingly randomly, like some kind of “wack a mole”.

.They will follow the targeting lists provided by the various instigators of the event.


These lists will consist of lightly defended areas, farms, small towns and communities. They will start at those nearest urban areas and fan outward from there.




They will have lists.


They will have lists.

Then they will search out anyone on those lists.

Jeep full of armed youth.
Roving bands of ideological youth during the second Congo civil war. Here they are better armed, and had some training compared to the Sudanese or those from Sierra Leone. Never the less they are always to be considered very dangerous.

They may or may not be dressed in military clothing. However, they will have some kind of identification on them. This might be a scarf, a hat, or a string of beads.

Radicalized urban youth
In the movie “No Escape”, the radicalized youth are shown depicted by wearing a kind of red scarf. This is also a common enough identifier. When the cities are ruled by mobs set up in a frenzy, and all you have is yourself, it is best to be armed, and secure. You need to be aware that everything… no matter how apparently organic… is all preplanned. You and your family is on a check list, and you need to ride out the events with strength, courage and conviction. This is not a television show or Hollywood movie. There will not be a second chance. It will be make a decision and follow through. Or die.
Roving groups of thugs.
Monrovia in August 1990. Groups of armed thugs from the poorer sections of the nation were provided with drugs and fully automatic weapons, and vehicular transport and told to “go after” the people that the oligarchy spent decades vilifying. This scene will be duplicated by a thousand in America.
After  the war, we had guns in every house. The police confiscated lots of  guns at the beginning of the war. But most of them we hid. Now I have  one legal gun that I have a license for. Under the law, that’s called a  temporary collection. If there is unrest, the government will seize all the registered guns. Never forget that.

You  know, there are many people who have one legal gun, but also illegal  guns if that one gets seized. If you have good trade goods, you might be  able to get a gun in a tough situation. But remember, the most  difficult time is the first days, and perhaps you won’t have enough time  to find a weapon to protect your family. To be disarmed in a time of  chaos and panic is a bad idea.

- Commonsense Show

[2] The Military

In most cases, the military is never trusted fully. While often those in power and who instigated the attacks have the backing of the military, it is never 100% guaranteed.

Thus, the military will be used to secure the urban centers, key buildings, structures and roads. Those who are in control will use the military to defend their strong points and only use them for special events when the need is required.

Troops on a T-55 tank.
During oligarchy sponsored civil war, the military is kept under control through control of the top leadership. They in turn keep the troops ignorant of events, and keep them close by and they are told to “stand down”.

Often the military is told to “stand down”, and they will not know the full extent of what is going on. Often loyalists to the Constitution will have been purged from positions of control early on. Leaving the upper tiers of the military with ideological pawns for use by the oligarchy.

Zentralbild. II.Weltkrieg 1939-1945.
Zentralbild. II.Weltkrieg 1939-1945. In Germany, Hitler emptied the prisons of the most despicable evil murderers, rapists and sadistic torturers, and gave them uniforms, a military unit to be a part of, and assigned them to conduct terror operations against selected groups of civilians.

This almost always works. However, this was stopped when the troops are aware of news outside of the military channels. Such as in the Soviet Union.

The 1991 Soviet coup d’état attempt, also known as the August Coup (Russian: августовский путч, tr. Avgustovskiy Putch “August Putsch”), was an attempt by members of the government of the USSR to take control of the country from Soviet President and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. It was unsuccessful, and the troops ended up turning the tables on the oligarchy and conspirators.

Russian coup
Hard-line elements of the Soviet government and military begin a coup attempt against President Mikhail Gorbachev. The coup attempt signified a decline in Gorbachev’s power and influence, while one of his most ardent opponents, Boris Yeltsin, came out of the event with more power than ever. By August 1991, hard-line elements of the Soviet government and military decided to act and staged a coup against Gorbachev. Gorbachev was put under house arrest, and his enemies demanded that he resign as leader of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev refused, but many outside of Russia began to feel that his government could not survive. Yeltsin and many of his supporters, who had taken refuge in the Russian Parliament, then stepped in. Yeltsin correctly perceived that if the coup were successful, even the limited reforms begun by Gorbachev would be destroyed. He called on the Russian people to strike and take to the streets to oppose the coup. The people responded by the thousands, and the poorly organized coup collapsed only a few days later.

Embedded Agents

Embedded confederates in key companies, offices, government and communities will feed back information on the success or failure of the effort. This will include the “diversity officers” at companies, as well as activists on university campuses, and local progressives in the communities all over the country.

 "In controversial “implicit bias” training, New York City’s  public-school educators have been told to focus on black children over  white ones — and one Jewish superintendent who described her family’s  Holocaust tragedies was scolded and humiliated, according to firsthand  accounts. A consultant hired by the city Department of Education  told administrators at a workshop that “racial equity” means favoring  black children regardless of their socio-economic status, sources said."

- Teachers allegedly told to favor black students in ‘racial equity’ training 
University liberals.
When given the opportunity, ideological Germans turning in their friends, sister’s boyfriends, uncles, and neighbors to be tortured and killed by the dreaded Nazi Gestapo. This is a fact of life when dealing with people who place ideological beliefs over everything else. Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.

The Final Step

Of course, here is the real ugly part. It’s the last and final step. For the most part, it hasn’t happened yet. However, once there is a Progressive majority in the Congress, the Executive and the Judicial branches of government it WILL OCCUR.

It was only a “miracle” that the event was postponed by the election of Donald Trump. Everything is still in place. They are just biding their time until they can initiate the planned genocide.

Two dead sisters.
Once the progressives decide to make their move, and they are 85% in control of the United States, as it is, the end result will not be pretty. History is replete on what happens when ideological socialists come to power and exert their influence. Know your history. Prepare for the inevitable.

I will say it plainly and boldly. Know your history. It is a roadmap of what to expect.

Rape of a girl by military troops.
Graphic photograph of a capture and subsequent rape of a young girl by German soldiers. Know your history. This will be common. Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.

Read. Remember.

Sarajevo was an Olympic city back when Ronald Reagan was President. Under Bill Clinton, it was under siege. It was shelled by tanks, artillery, aircraft, attacked by snipers and machine guns, and the residents either starved or died of horrific wounds.

During the Bosnian civil war, the “wrong” kinds of people where holed up in Sarajevo. The troops surrounded it and laid siege. For four long years they killed everything that moved there. 11,000 people died there.

Do not be under the impression that Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Charlotte, Denver, Hattiesburgh, or Dallas / Fort Worth couldn’t be another Sarajevo. They could easily be.

German Jews being executed
When the citizenry are disarmed, they tend to be easily corralled. If you convince them that they will be safe (a lie of course), you can convince them to strip naked. And then you can lead them down into ditches to be slaughtered easily. The key is to constantly lie and reassure them that you are helping them.
About the photo above;

Liepaja Massacres: Shocking Photos Taken by Nazi Perpetrators of Jewish Women Moments Before Their Execution in Skede, Latvia on December 15-17, 1941

The murders in the dunes at Skede on the Baltic shore, some fifteen kilometers north of the city and about a kilometer from the road towards the sea, began as early as July 1941. Some 200 Jews were murdered there.
During a three-day massacre on December 15-17, 1941, German and Latvian units killed 2,749 Jews, more than half of Liepaja’s Jewish population. Preparations for the operation began some days before. On December 13, 1941, Liepaja Police Chief Obersturmbannfuehrer Fritz Diedrich placed an announcement in the Latvian newspaper Kurzemes Vards stating that Jews were forbidden to leave their living quarters on Monday, December 15, and Tuesday, December 16.
On the night of December 13, Latvian police forces began to arrest Liepaja’s Jews not yet concentrated in the ghetto. The victims were brought to the Women’s Prison, where Jews of all ages were crammed into the courtyard. The Jews were ordered to stand with their faces towards the wall, and warned not to move or look around for relatives or at the watchmen. Some were transported to Skede on the evening of the following day and crowded into a barn (a wooden structure, described also as a garage).
In the early morning of December 15, a column of victims was driven from Liepaja by Latvian policemen, under the supervision of the German SD, to the same barn in Skede where Jews from the prison had been taken. They were taken in groups of twenty to a site forty to fifty meters from a deep ditch dug in the dunes nearby, parallel to the shore. The ditch was about three meters wide and 100 meters long. There they were forced to lie face down on the ground. Groups of ten were then ordered to stand up and, apart from the children, to undress, at first to their underwear and then, when taken near the ditch, completely. They were shot by a German unit, the Latvian SD Platoon headed by Lt. Peteris Galins, and a Latvian Schutzmannschaften team.
During the murder operation, the Jews were placed along the side of the ditch nearest the sea, facing the water. The killing squad was positioned across the ditch, with two marksmen shooting at the same victim. Children who could walk were treated as adults, but babies were held by their mothers and killed with them. A “kicker” rolled in those corpses that did not fall directly into the ditch. After each volley, a German SD man stepped into the ditch to inspect the bodies and finish off anyone who showed signs of life.
The clothes were piled up in heaps and taken away by German military trucks. During the murder operation, Carl Strott and another officer, Erich Handke, took pictures with a Minox, and senior Wehrmacht and navy officers visited the site.
These photos were found by a Jewish man named David Zivcon, who worked as an electrician at the SD headquarters in Liepaja. A few weeks or months after the execution, he was sent to fix something at Strott’s residence, and notices four negative reels in a partially open drawer. He took them, made copies with the help of a friend, and smuggled them back to the apartment after making up an electricity problem. He put the copies in a box and buried them in a stable. After liberation, he took the photos and handed them to Soviet Intelligence officers. The photos were eventually presented as evidences at the Nuremberg trials. It's all on historical record.

Today, a Google image-reverse image search comes up with "hits" saying that this image and others are fake. Nonsense. Why are the progressive democrat Marxists so Hell-bent on erasing this particular part of history from the record...
Killed jews
Over one thousand Jews from the Ukrainian town of Lubny, ordered to assemble for resettlement, in an open field before they were massacred by Einsatzgruppen. Lubny, Soviet Union, October 16, 1941. Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.
This is what the roads will look like once the Marxists take control.
This is what the roads will look like once the Marxists take control. No one will be spared. They will kill and kill indiscriminately. They will kill you, your family and everything that even looks like you. Corpses will be commonplace. How do we know? Because the Marxists have made their mark in history, and no… NO! This time will not be different.

The “end game” for the progressive liberals.

Historically, the final step is NEVER pretty. Historically, those who are isolated are rounded up and eliminated from public discourse by a combination of methods with isolation, imprisonment, and death being but a small part of it.

Shooting civilians.
Once the civilians were led into the already dug ditches, the soldiers stood on the sides and shot at them. Anyone who moved, any thing that twitched was shot by 8mm or 7mm caliber bullets.
Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.

It doesn’t matter if the progressive takeover took place last year, twenty years ago, fifty years ago, one hundred years ago of 5000 years ago. It is always the same.

It is always the same.

Mass killing of civilians.
The picture is blurry. It is black and white. It is thus hard for us to relate to. But, look at the content shown. Here we have whole scale mass hangings of civilians. .

All because of politics and ideology. It is coming to America and you are in the cross-hairs. Know your history.
Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.
It's an age often described as one of social unrest, leading to an "apocalyptic nightmare of violence, warfare, and cannibalism." A Neolithic mass grave in Germany shows the idea may not be far wrong… Christian Meyer and his fellow researchers now believe they have enough evidence to explain "conclusively" what happened at the site of a mass grave in Schöneck-Kilianstädten, near Frankfurt, around 5207-4849 BC. 

If they are right, their findings may help our understanding of early social unrest among the first Central European farmers of the Neolithic era…

The site at Schöneck-Kilianstädten reveals a "new violence-related pattern: the intentional and systematic breaking of lower limbs." At least 26 people at the site were tortured and systematically beaten before being thrown into a pit.

Most of the victims were men and children aged between 12 and 13 years. The researchers found evidence of only two women, estimated to have been older than 40.

It suggests any younger women -- for example, mothers of the children -- were abducted… Their theory chimes with evidence found at two other Neolithic massacre sites: one at Talheim, Germany and the other at Asparn/Schletz, Austria… Among the men and children in the mass grave, Meyer and the team found many damaged skulls, fractured calves and shins… Meyer says the three sites together prove that as early as 7000 years ago, acts of "collective violence" were common.

- Deutsche Welle

The transformation will be absolutely complete when they take away guns.  Then, only the rulers will have weapons.  Oh, what a dangerous time that will be. (Have you ever wondered why people in the Democrat party are so absolutely focused in disarming the population? Well you should.)

Then, once the people are disarmed, then the “real” changes can take place.

The loss of the freedom to defend yourself and the liberty to live your life is what often suffers under progressive democrat control.
Know your history.
This is what really happens when a particular group comes to power and their enemies are disarmed. It is never pretty.
Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.

The REAL changes.

"the America they want is a cold, frightened, unfree place where a greedy ruling class rules over a land of serfs."

-The real leaders of the Democrat party want you to shut up.
BENTOL, LIBERIA: A rebel of Charles Taylor’s National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) fire 03 August 1990 in Bentol on student William Weah (C), executing his after roadside interrogation fifty kilometers east of Monrovia. NPFL rebels suspected Weah to be a member of the Krahn ethnic group, the tribe supplying fighters to army of President Samuel Doe. Following the outbreak of civil war, President Doe was captured and killed in Monrovia 09 September 1990. (Photo credit should read JOEL ROBINE/AFP/Getty Images)

Oh, this will be a dangerous time to be an American, I’ll tell you what. I shouldn’t need to tell you what will happen then. It will just be a repeat of what has always happened once people are disarmed in a nation that is an oligarchy.

When you cannot fight back, they can do what ever they want with you.

Cylon Rebels
This is what happens to people who do not “go along” with the “new” way of doing things. It is never pretty. You are rounded up. You are handcuffed, and you are killed. That is the way it has been for thousands of years. It never stopped. It will continue.

But we have the “Bill of Rights”…

Existing the concentration camp.
The Germans also had their own version of the “Bill of Rights”.
It really didn’t help them that much, did it?
Just like the American Bill of Rights is not enforced today.
What? You think that the Utah data Collection Center obeys the fourth amendment? What? People, the entire purpose of the regulatory agency the ATF is to infringe on the second amendment. Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.

The “Bill of Rights” is only as good as their enforcement. How can there be a fourth amendment (to the bill of Rights) AND a Utah Data Collection Center? You know, a center that collects your private “papers and data” for government inspection and use.

How can there be 5000 anti-gun laws on the books nationwide when the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights still exists? It does say “shall NOT be infringed”.

If you have been paying attention, you the reader, should know all the progressive arguments. “(That) one’s individual freedom is not nearly as important as the needs of the defenseless children.”

Pretty fucked up, as you should realize that once the rights of the majority are more important than individual rights… there are no individual rights. Duh!

South Sudan Civil War 1
Armed ideological youth used during the South Sudan war. These youth were given drugs and fed a daily dose of propaganda so that they could move forth and terrorize the rural areas surrounding the cities.

Anyways, the point is that the United States government is dismantling our rights one by one and offering nothing in return except empty promises.

American RIGHTS are being dismantled one by one, and NOT ONE PERSON is defending them.

There can only be one singular result to this. Make no mistake about it. Once the Rights no longer exist, and their preservation is not enforced, then there are no Rights. As such, the government can do what ever it wants with you.

urban military girl
Urban youth a fed a diet of hate and anger, and permitted to let it unleash under the effects of drugs when the proper time comes. They will not have mercy. They will consider everyone an enemy because of their “privaledge”.

How can you have rights when you are banned from having a bank account?

How can you have rights when you are forbidden to speak or express your opinions?

The left is boxing the right in. Little by little, our allowed speech on the big tech platforms is shrinking. But too many conservatives aren’t sounding the warning bells. They think it won’t happen to them. However, we’re no longer talking about those on the fringe like Alex Jones of Infowars, Milo Yiannopoulos and Tommy Robinson. The censorship is happening to regular conservatives. It’s here, and shows no sign of letting up.  

-The Left has u walking on eggshells

How can you have rights, if you are not permitted to defend them?

You have no rights when you have no privacy.

The logic is clear. The reasoning is simple, and the result is stark.

Killed during a retreat.
Shot by retreating communists once there was no longer a reason for allowing them to live. This is the face of what will happen. Know your history. Apply the lessons to contemporaneous events. The conclusion is inescapable.

Get Ready for the “SHTF Event”.

It will happen.

It’s only a matter of time. The only question is to what extent it will occur, and whether or not you and your family will be in the line of fire.

It seems so funny, yet this comic meme is 100% accurate and a large percentage of Americans feel this way.
Don’t believe the media narrative. Look at Gun sales int he United States, and notice and pay particular attention to the relationship between Democrat proclamations, sponsored laws, and citizen procurement of weapons.
No, people are NOT buying these weapons to hunt deer.

Keep this in mind…

Big changes always need a catalyst or major event to “kick off” a domino effect. This is very important to realize. All one needs to do is to look at historical examples. Then look at what is going on in the United States today.

 “People who own guns are essentially a sickness in our souls who must be cleansed.” 

-Colorado Senator (Majority Leader) John Morse. 2013 (Cleansed?  “Final Solution” anyone?)  
Rwanda what happened.
Once the one political party gained control of the government, they initiated full-scale genocide on the people that they had spent over a decade demonizing through the mainstream media. This entire event was initiated when the plane carrying the president of Rwanda was shot down.

They WILL disarm you.

They will continue to demonize you and you will NOT fight back.

No one ever wins a defensive war. You need to strike at the leadership’ their enclaves, their minions and their families. Do not fight a defensive war.

“In other words, yes, we really do want to take your guns.” 

-Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo. 

If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Parable about America
Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
The two family types and how they work.
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Things I wish I knew.
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons
A polarized world.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

The Last Night
The Flying Machine
A story of escape.
All Summer in a day.
The Smile by Ray Bradbury
The menace from Earth

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Jim Bakker

One of the most, if not THE most, profound and disturbing things I have ever read. God help us.


That picture of the Nazi shooting the baby is from the movie “2011 Auschwitz”.

Mark G. Kent

Never let anyone know what you have or don’t have. NEVER get a concealed carry license. Never register any firearm. If you can’t buy incognito don’t buy. Federal Governments are not run by nice people. They are not your friends. They always seek total power and are willing to do anything to you to get it. Don’t be a fool, tell no one your business.


This article reminds me of my fav comment of Thomas Sowell’s on govt: “If you think your government cares about you, you don’t know history.” Perfectly stated.