Rheotaxis in the garden of the Ediacaran. Some history for the interested searcher.

Here is a MAJestic post.

I am sorry that I have been a little slow in releasing these particular kinds of articles, but you know it isn’t everyday where you are located in the middle of ground-zero for World War III. So I’ve been a little side-tracked, don’t you know.


Anyways, as far as this particular MAJestic post is concerned, please keep in mind the limitations that I have regarding the dissemination of information.

While I just cannot divulge any secrets, some of what I CAN discharge has to do with things that are not of a technical interest. Such as history, culture, society, and "the bigger picture". 

My role (as was Sebastian's) enabled us some very exclusive access to "understandings". 

Nothing that was really of a functional interest to MAJestic specifically. Just general odds and ends and curiosities. And one of these "tidbits" is how our planet in our solar system became populated with life.

This kind of information is not “secret”, “confidential” or “restricted”. It is considered to be an unimportant curiosity that does not matter in the grand scheme of things.

And this is the subject for today. It is a little history lesson.

We are going to talk about what the earth was like when the first organisms started to grow upon the earth. As well as the kinds of attention that this evolutionary process generated in the civilizations that were present at the time (elsewhere in the galaxy).

Ah. You all know that I have a particular interest in history, don’t you?

What I am going to present here is a mix of [1] what I have been exposed to, and I place it all [2] in context to what our present scientists (“experts”) believe. Combined, the two points of view can give the interested reader some real valuable insight into this rarer bit of obscure knowledge about the earth’s history. I also mention [3] some elements of life within the physical that many humans are unaware of, perhaps being alien to the Newtonian understanding of physics.

We are going to talk about about the Ediacaran Period.

This was a long, long, LONG time ago. Around 630 million years ago. Just about the time when the solar system was starting to become interesting to other species within our galaxy.

In comparison, the human species is only around 400,000 years old, and of that most of the time we were all very primitive. In fact the written history is only around 5,000 years old. We are very youthful. Here we talk about the time long before dinosaurs, flies, insects, fishes and trees. We are talking about the time when there wasn't a moon.

That is correct. 630,000,000 years ago the Earth had no moon.

I cover this subject elsewhere.

The earliest extraterrestrial humanoid (Physically-animated bipedal entities that utilize technology to visit the Earth) visitation known (to me personally) to our solar system occurred during the Ediacaran period (630 million years ago).

FYI: This is not “official” MAJestic knowledge. (This information is tangential to our roles and are personal observations that were debriefed, but not relative to our mission parameters. ) In general it is considered to be extemporaneous, non-mission critical information.

The base age of approximately 635 million years ago is based on the U-Pb (uranium-lead) isochron dating method.  

Here, strata from Namibia and China was dated using this method.  

There is a more or less active debate on the dating methodology regarding this time period.  In any event it is far above my head and rather esoteric for my tastes.  

The dating method I place here is approximate and based upon our limited understanding of the Earth at this time.

This was a long, long, very long time ago.  The reader must understand that fact.  Typically when humans think of the past, we tend to think in terms of thousands of years.  Officially, civilization is supposed to be less than 10,000 years old.

Civilization, in this meaning, loosely refers to the creation of stable and moderate sized agrarian communities which may or may not have a written language.

But, this particular period of time is far, far older than that.

In fact, it is not 100x older.  It is not 1000x older.  It is 63,000 times older than what we consider to be the start of bipedal human civilization.  It is so long ago as to be incomprehensible.

Please kindly refer to my notes (within the MAJestic Index) and my thoughts on the human ability to understand large swaths of time.

During this time, there were no evolved humanoids or proto-humans on the planet.  The life on the earth was quite primitive.

Therefore, any and all the visitations were made by extraterrestrials.  These creatures came and visited the earth and left. No one stayed for long. I would consider these visits and excursions to be survey expeditions made by long-extinct space-faring extraterrestrial species.

They had many forms.

The dominant physical form (by a “long shot”) that we, as humans, would recognize was the early variations of bipedal proto-humanoid extraterrestrials.

During this huge swath of time, the Earth was visited at various times by numerous species.

This period of time lasted for 94 million years, and began in the distant past around 630 million years ago.  A lot of things can happen in 94 million years.

Again, the reader is reminded that this particular period of time contains 94 million years.  That is an amazingly long expanse of time.

Indeed space-faring species developed, thrived and evolved past their physical forms many times during this period.

Obviously, this implies that there were space-faring, extraterrestrial races at this distant point in time so long ago.  (None of which originated on the earth.  They only visited it.)

During this period some would visit our solar system for various purposes and they would stay for varying lengths of time.    All of these visitation(s) were short lived affairs.

Any settlements were temporary and used for scientific study and other short duration activities.

The visits were, of course, by extraterrestrial species of various points of origin, as there was absolutely just the very beginnings of higher order life on the world at this time.

Our solar system

The reader must understand that at this time the Earth was a bare and desolate place. The land was barren rock, and mountains. Sure there was mater and ice on the land masses, and perhaps microbes. But no significant life on the land surfaces. The only life was in the seas.

Our solar system was mostly free of the huge dust disks and debris field of the earlier 3 billion years.

Our star had matured during that time and became much more stable.

But stability is a relative thing; the earth was no longer entirely molten.  Indeed, the surface of the earth was cooling and a thick gaseous envelope of various dusty gasses surrounded it.

Outside the Earth, the other rocky planets were also beginning to cool down and life was just beginning to form in the most unlikely of places. This included the smoggy Mars, and Venus, as well as numerous moons of Jupiter (because Jupiter was much closer to the Sun then as it is today).

At this point in time, the earth was just beginning to stabilize enough to maintain ambulatory life.  

Previous to this time, it was a hot and desolate place (prior to the Sturtian period around 710 Ma).  

Then it began to cool down.  

During the early Neoproterozoic (around 850 Ma to 740 Ma) it cooled down sufficiently for early life in the earliest forms to evolve.  

There was a pause or “burp” in evolution during the Sturtian glaciation around 710 to 735 Ma, and then a resumed period of growth during the Cryogenian period.  

This again was put on hold during the Marinoan glaciation that finally ended around 635 Ma.  

It was the Ediacaran period at around the end of the Marinoan glaciation where things started to evolve into life that we understand it to be; significant.  

Around the Vendian period (approximately 570 Ma), the first classes and orders of identifiable creatures became recognizable in the fossil records.

Mars, and Venus looked quite different than they do now. The atmospheres were different. The pressures and temperatures were different.  Their orbits, and orbital inclination to the ecliptic were different as well.

The earth had no moon, and our orbital inclination was different.

I do not know if there was another planet in orbit around the sun that eventually formed the asteroid belt. My personal belief that there wasn’t a planet, and what we see as asteroids are but the remnants of the solar system “frost zone”.  Not of a planet that broke up sometime int he distant past.

Jupiter was larger. It was hotter, and it was closer to the sun than it is now.

A number of it’s moons had atmospheres, and there was actually some (short lived) periods of liquid water on key moons.

All the other gas giants, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus also migrated outwards, but their physical changes were not as radical as for Jupiter.

Our Planet

Our earth was indeed a desolate place; however it was not without its charms.

It was marginally habitable, but showed great promise to those races with a long term view point.

Our planet consisted of mostly exposed and harsh rocks and water in a harsh nearly lifeless world.  It was, of course, shrouded in toxic gasses under high temperature and pressure.  But even in this environment, life spawned.  During this time on the Earth we saw the continued emergence of simple organisms and simple creatures.

This time is considered the Neo-proterozoic era.

While nothing really existed on land, most life lived in the (emerging) waters of the earth and along the rocky shorelines.  Here is where we have found the first good fossils of the first multi-celled animals on the Earth.

These (over the last few hundred years) were discovered and obtained, and that is how we now know that this was a period of the first native biological life on the earth.


The world (at that time) was not only bare (consisting of broken rocky surfaces and coarse sand and gravels), but the atmosphere was pretty rank.

While there was an oxygen atmosphere, it was then only 40% of what consider normal today.

Instead the climate was dominated by (poisonous to humans) carbon dioxide and at a level fully sixteen times that of today.  It was a time of thunderous storms, damp and dank weather and bleak, harsh rocky surroundings.

Yet, with all that being true, the world was still (considered) marginally habitable for bipedal humanoids.  Bipedal humanoids would of needed oxygen masks, protective clothing, and solid reliable shoes to walk about on the planet.

Of course there was be dust and dirt, but it tended to have a granular appearance.  The air, while rank, was breathable with filters and oxygen supplements.

The atmospheric pressure was tolerable but outside of what was considered normal for conventional humans.

The temperature varied by location, but for the most part was in the range considered to be marginally acceptable.

There was liquid water (over a large section of the globe); stable land forms, and a total lack of competing contentious native life forms.  The earth at that time was a potential oasis that would be viewed as having great future promise by any extraterrestrial who would visit it.

Those species who visited it left their marks in various ways.  Some of which eventually spawned higher order organisms unintentionally through careless behavior.

Which makes you wonder... "exactly what kinds of careless behaviors were involved?"

Native Life

It was during this time that the (so called) Ediacaran biota flourished.

Ediacaran biota.
The Ediacaran biota are the somewhat puzzling fauna of the Ediacaran period. 

This geological period was from 635–542 million years ago (mya), but the fossil biota was only from 575–542 mya. 

This was after a series of ice ages and just before the Cambrian period. 

The biota consists of soft-bodied multicellular organisms, probably animals, which left trace fossils in rocks of Ediacaran age.  

The biota is quite unusual, and there is no sign of it in the preceding Marinoan glaciation. 

The biota appears to suffer a fairly severe extinction event at the boundary with the Cambrian. 

Some of the biota may have survived into the early Cambrian.

Then the world consisted of very large and shallow seas.

These shallow seas permitted the growth of various simple organisms.

Simple trace fossils of possible worm-like creatures; known as the Trichophycus became common, as well as the very first sponges and trilobitomorphs (the early ancestors of trilobites).

The creatures of the earth at this time were simple in design and structure.

Throughout the history of the Earth from Cambrian to the present day, soft-bodied creatures are notorious for dying without a trace. The lack of tough structures leave them exposed to waves, winds, and scavengers, causing many of them to completely dissolve after death.

They were the earliest naturally evolving creatures of the earth and consisted of very simple proto-fungi and very simple proto-creatures.

At this time there were no insects, birds, or even flowers.  The earth was a land of proto-fungi and small simple creatures.

The reader should consider the land at this time to be rather bare and rocky, with the earliest fungi and simple creatures clustering around the shorelines.

The most significant life form; non-ambulatory, was the various Stromatolite colonies that persisted throughout the planet in the shallow seas.  These colonies looked like hard rounded sponge rocks and boulders.

Stromatolite colonies

These colonies grew close to the land and grew in great numbers due to the favorability of the local climate at that time.  Some grew to enormous size.  Truly, some were so enormous in size that they resembled low submerged islands.

The reader should consider this time to a period of all sorts of boneless ambulatory aquatic creatures such as jellyfish, and sea slugs.

There is some debate on which kind of life manifested first on the earth.  Go here to join the debate; http://www.livescience.com/58622-jellyfish-evolved-before-sponges.html

Indeed, may I indulge in a little creative fantasy and suggest that the sea slugs became quite diverse and colorful.  Imagine a world inhabited by such creatures.  Creatures such as;

  • Hypselodoris kanga
  • Acanthodoris pylosa
  • Cyerce nigricans
  • Elysia crispata(’Lettuce sea slug’)
  • Flabellina iodinea
  • Costasiella kuroshimae(’Sea sheep’)
  • Glaucus atlanticus(’Blue angel’)
  • Phyllodesmium poindimiei
  • Dirona albolineata
  • Hexabranchus sanguineus(’Spanish dancer’)

I suggest the reader to look up these wondrous creatures and watch a video or GIF of their behavior.  For indeed creatures similar to the aforementioned dominated the globe at that time.

Trilobite anatomy.

It was during this period that proto-trilobites came into existence.

We have scant knowledge of these creatures because they were soft shelled, and thus unable to be fossilized.

We can, however, surmise that they appeared similar to that of their later offspring; the trilobites, only with a far simpler biology and soft shell and cellular makeup.

Trilobites were among the early arthropods, a phylum of hard-shelled creatures with multiple body segments and jointed legs (although the legs, antennae and other finer structures of trilobites only rarely are preserved).

They constitute an extinct class of arthropods, the Trilobita, made up of ten orders, over 150 families, about 5,000 genera, and over 20,000 described species. 

New species of trilobites are unearthed and described every year. 

This makes trilobites the single most diverse class of extinct organisms, and within the generalized body plan of trilobites there was a great deal of diversity of size and form. 

The smallest known trilobite species is under a millimeter long, while the largest include species from 30 to over 70 cm in length (roughly a foot to over two feet long!). 

With such a diversity of species and sizes, speculations on the ecology of trilobites includes planktonic, swimming, and crawling forms, and we can presume they filled a varied set of trophic (feeding) niches, although perhaps mostly as detritivores, predators, or scavengers.

Consider where they lived…

Ediacara (formerly Vendian) biota.

The Ediacara (formerly Vendian) biota are ancient life-forms of the Ediacaran Period, which represent the earliest known complex multicellular organisms.

They appeared soon after the Earth thawed from the Cryogenian period’s extensive glaciers, and largely disappeared soon before the rapid appearance of biodiversity known as the Cambrian explosion.

This period saw the first appearance in the fossil record of the basic patterns and body-plans that would go on to form the basis of modern animals.

Little of the diversity of the Ediacara biota would be incorporated in this new scheme, with a distinct Cambrian biota arising and usurping the organisms that dominated the Ediacaran fossil record.

What was life like 560 million years ago? 

Bacteria and green algae were common in the seas, as were the enigmatic acritarchs, planktonic single-celled algae of uncertain affinity. 

But the Ediacaran also marks the first appearance of a group of large fossils collectively known as the "Ediacara biota."  

The question of what these fossils are is still not settled to everyone's satisfaction; at various times they have been considered algae, lichens, giant protozoans, or even a separate kingdom of life unrelated to anything living today. 

Some of these fossils are simple blobs that are hard to interpret and could represent almost anything. 

Some are most like cnidarians, worms, or soft-bodied relatives of the arthropods. 

Others are less easy to interpret and may belong to extinct phyla. 

But besides the fossils of soft bodies, Ediacaran rocks contain trace fossils, probably made by wormlike animals slithering over mud. 

The Ediacaran rocks thus give us a good look at the first animals to live on Earth.

Of course, there weren’t any naturally evolved humanoids at this time.  Nor were there any animals, rodents, flies or insects.

For the most part, any life that was on the earth existed solely within (or near) the water.

It was an aquatic world.

For all practical purposes, the Earth consisted of  land masses consisting of bare rocks, sand, dank clouds and waters of various salinity (some areas were alkaline, while others were rich in various salts).

Kimberella resembled a slug and has often been found near marks that resemble the feeding traces of more modern slugs and snails. Despite its seemingly simple body plan, Kimberella differed enough from the rest of the organisms living alongside it. This indicates that around 555 million years ago, 14 million years before the beginning of the Cambrian, life had started to evolve into various shapes and lifestyles.

Yet, even though there weren’t any significant large mammals around, we did see other kinds of life.  Here we saw an emergence of the first native life forms.

Jellyfish World

This period is marked, or the ultimate creation of, a sudden climatic change at the end of the Marinoan ice age.

Here, the temperature started to warm up and huge swaths of glaciers and frozen areas disappeared, and large pools of warm water and regions of comparative stability appeared.

While we have the earliest fossils on record from this geological time period, it is believed that many soft skinned creatures roamed the seas.  I like to think of this time period as the age of the jellyfish.

Given the environment and the nature of life, it seems probably that huge groups of various types of jellyfish evolved and swam in the seas of this early earth.  And possibly, quite possibly, some of those soft bodied creatures grew to enormous size.

For after all, they were the dominant life forms at that time.

One notable fossil is the Pteridinium. Almost like Charnia, this animal was superficially feather-like with an anchor tethering it to the seafloor. What sets it apart from Charnia is how the lobes across its body are positioned. Unlike most animals today whose bodies can be divided into roughly symmetrical left side and right sides, Pteridinium sprouted its “leaflets” in three different directions. As quirky as it seems, the three-fold symmetry is not unique to Pteridinium and its close relatives. One group of small, rounded animals that resemble sea urchins called Trilobozoa somehow developed the same symmetry. One member of this group called Tribrachidium put a literal twist to this body plan, growing three arm-like structures spiraling out from the center of its body.

The reader should think of images of jellyfish, piles, globs and puddles of organic mobile goo.  They should envision that these globs formed families or colonies of creatures and often conjugated together in the warm shallow seas.

Over time, the size and diversity of these groups changed.

However, any visitor to the planet would have been astounded by the great numbers of living organic masses that apparently thrived in the seas at that time.

The Ediacaran period was a time of flourishing soft skin and soft shelled life.  The seas were alive with lichen and other forms of simple marine life.

Jellyfish are more or less common today.

They have evolved to fulfill their proper environmental niche in the world and have honed their survival instincts into great diversity of forms and creatures.

At this time, however, the jellyfish were of a simpler design.

They were more benign and less adaptable to change.

Many life forms, and species developed, found a particular environmental niche and then died off.

We do not know what any of them looked like, but we can certainly make our own summations.

There is no doubt in my mind that soft-skinned marine life grew to enormous sizes during this time.

I further believe that there were many such variations of these creatures, which should be considered to be the precursors of jellyfishes and other evolutionary “dead ends”.

This is a picture of a huge jellyfish with a diver next to it for comparative purposes.  Obviously there were no humans on the planet at this time.  I place it here for a comparative aspect in that native life, especially the dominant native life at that time, can and did grow to enormous size.

Perhaps even the size of a whale or larger!

I am confident that these first jellyfishes or similar soft-shelled creatures were genetically primitive, but I am also confident that they were able to specialize and fill various niches in the ecosystem naturally.

In fact, it is highly possible that these creatures could grow to amazing sizes.  Though we do not really know for sure.

In any event, the Ediacara biota bear little resemblance to modern life forms.  Any soft skinned creatures would be unrecognizable to most humans today.

What the earth looked like at that time.

The Earth 630,000,000 years ago was a very different place.  Not only were the contents of different shapes than what we see today, but the weather and climate were also completely different as well.

The earth had poles at a different location and the axis of rotation relative to the obliquity of the ecliptic was completely different to what we know it to be today.

It was an ocean world populated with soft-skinned native life, and very few land based forms.

Yet this world held promise.

Visitors to our solar system would find that the earth not only held a moderately acceptable environment, but also the planet Mars would appear marginally interesting as well.  Mars had a thicker atmosphere, and while the once present oceans were long; long gone there would of still been slight evidence of glaciers and other frozen remnants that would of made visiting this solar system of great interest to extraterrestrial explorers.

Rheotaxis  in the Garden of the Ediacaran

The “Garden of the Ediacaran” was a period in the ancient past when Earth’s shallow seas were populated with a bewildering variety of enigmatic, soft-bodied creatures.

Scientists traditionally have pictured it as a tranquil, almost idyllic interlude that lasted from 635 to 540 million years ago. But new interdisciplinary studies suggests that the organisms living at the time may have been much more dynamic than experts have thought.

An international team of researchers from Canada, the UK and the USA, including Dr Imran Rahman from the University of Bristol, UK studied fossils of an extinct organism called Tribrachidium, which lived in the oceans some 555 million years ago. Using a computer modelling approach called computational fluid dynamics, they were able to show that Tribrachidium fed by collecting particles suspended in water. This is called suspension feeding and it had not previously been documented in organisms from this period of time.

Tribrachidium lived during a period of time called the Ediacaran, which ranged from 635 million to 541 million years ago. This period was characterised by a variety of large, complex organisms, most of which are difficult to link to any modern species. It was previously thought that these organisms formed simple ecosystems characterised by only a few feeding modes, but the new study suggests they were capable of more types of feeding than previously appreciated.

Dr Simon Darroch, an Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University, said:

"For many years, scientists have assumed that Earth's oldest complex organisms, which lived over half a billion years ago, fed in only one or two different ways. Our study has shown this to be untrue, Tribrachidium and perhaps other species were capable of suspension feeding. This demonstrates that, contrary to our expectations, some of the first ecosystems were actually quite complex."

Read more at; https://phys.org/news/2015-11-earth-ecosystems-complex-previously-thought.html  More information: 'Suspension feeding in the enigmatic Ediacaran organism Tribrachidium demonstrates complexity of Neoproterozoic ecosystems' by Imran A. Rahman, Simon A. F. Darroch, Rachel A. Racicot and Marc Laflamme in Science Advances, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1500800

Scientists have found It extremely difficult to fit these Precambrian species into the tree of life. That is because they lived in a time before organisms developed the ability to make shells or bones. As a result, they didn’t leave much fossil evidence of their existence behind, and even less evidence that they moved around.

So, experts have generally concluded that virtually all of the Ediacarans—with the possible exception of a few organisms similar to jellyfish that floated about—were stationary and lived out their adult lives fixed in one place on the sea floor.

The new findings concern one of the most enigmatic of the Ediacaran genera, a penny-sized organism called Parvancorina, which ischaracterized by a series of ridges on its back that form the shape of a tiny anchor.

By analyzing the way in which water flows around Parvancorina’s body, an international team of researchers has concluded that these ancient creatures must have been mobile: specifically, they must have had the ability to orient themselves to face into the current flowing around them.

That would make them the oldest species known to possess this capability, which scientists call rheotaxis.

"Our analysis shows that the amount of drag produced with the current flowing from front to back is substantially less than that flowing from side to side," said Simon Darroch, assistant professor of earth and environmental sciences at Vanderbilt University, who headed the study. "In the strong currents characteristic of shallow ocean environments, that means Parvancorina would have benefited greatly from adjusting its position to face the direction of the flow."

The analysis, which used a technique borrowed from engineering called computational fluid dynamics (CFD), also showed that when Parvancorina faced into the current, its shape created eddy currents that were directed to several specific locations on its body.

 Details of the analysis are described in a paper titled "Inference of facultative mobility in the enigmatic Ediacaran organism Parvancorina" published online May 17 by the Royal Society journal Biology Letters. Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-05-life-precambrian-livelier-previously-thought.html#jCp


"This would be very beneficial to Parvancorina if it was a suspension feeder as we suspect because it would have concentrated the suspended organic material making it easier to consume,"


More information: Simon A. F. Darroch et al, Inference of facultative mobility in the enigmatic Ediacaran organism, Biology Letters (2017). DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2017.0033 Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-05-life-precambrian-livelier-previously-thought.html#jCp
The absence of fast-moving animals allowed microbes to colonize the surface of the ocean floor, then create a layer of secretion wherever they grow. Such a sticky layer allowed the sediment to stabilize and acted as a mold when the animals died on top of them. This age was the Time of the Slime, where the ocean floor was filled with sticky substances. Such a slow-paced life, combined with the lack of predators, is a feature unique to this period. As a nod to the biblical Garden of Eden, some people have referred to this peaceful early Earth as the Garden of Ediacara.

Extraterrestrial Occupation

Now I am going to discuss extraterrestrial species and how they interacted with the earth at this time. 

Let it be known that the present species that MAJestic interacts with did not exist at that time. 

Here we are discussing (mostly) long extinct species that are known to the extraterrestrial species that we interact with today. 

But of which they are themselves unfamiliar with them in any degree of detail that they specifically and selectively choose not to communicate with me about. I cannot say much more than that. Cannot.

At this time, the universe was already mature.

So even though our solar system was still rather youthful, the rest of the universe was quite old.

In fact, the universe was already 11 billion years old when the Ediacaran period began.

What this means is that there were entire life cycles of stars that were born, grew into maturity, and died well before our solar system was even formed.

In fact, there is evidence, from the spectral composition of our sun, that at least four generations of previous stars came before our solar system was berthed.  This means that it completely realistic to expect the presence of extremely advanced galactic-wide extraterrestrial civilizations with interstellar transport technology in our region of space.

At this time, there was still consternation regarding specific pockets of unorganized quanta that had naturally formed into non-approved quantum soul archetypes.  

But none of that really was a concern to our physical world at that time.  

The quanta that surrounding the planet was just beginning to formulate into discrete packets; while some might argue otherwise, and the entire region was open for physical extraterrestrial exploration.  

(It had been explored much earlier by discarnate soul orders, but that is not our concern at this time.)

+ + +

The Ediacaran period saw the presence of the very first humanoid extraterrestrial bases on the earth.

These facilities were short duration affairs.  Mostly used for scientific inquiry.  To imagine what these facilities were like, one should consider what the current human research stations look like in Antarctica.

Scout. Scan. Visit. Sample. Leave.

I am quite confident that the extraterrestrial bases were very similar to those facilities in both form and function.

Essentially,we should realistically consider the base facilities at this time and place to be similar to that consisting of a small cluster of habitats around a secured landing area for the associative vehicles.

None of the bases or communities during this entire huge swath of time (during the Ediacaran period) were ever very large.

Typically, the species operated out of their spacecraft, which at that time, tended to be (comparatively) huge.  (Not all, and not the “critical” visits. Just the ones that made the greatest disruption in the quantum envelope that is recorded.) They would then send excursions to the surface and form “base camps” which typically tended to consist of rudimentary structures and facilities.

Typically planetary excursions were very; very short lived affairs.  Often lasting less than one month in duration.

Although there were a number which lasted for much longer; perhaps as long as two years in duration.  However, in all cases, they could just be considered to be scientific excursions, which were there for the purposes of scientific investigation and inquiry.

For some reason, I have always assumed that these visits required large spacecraft with interstellar propulsive capability.  However, I do not know if this was the case for every species.  Indeed, for the multi-dimensional and higher order species, they might have utilized other methods that are far beyond our level of understanding at this time.

Typically, one might expect (or more accurately, assume) the base facilities to lie close to the equator for reasons of avoiding the gravity sink of the earth.  Nevertheless, when one studies the map of the Earth at that time, one can clearly see a problem with the base placement.

It is my arrogant assumption that the extraterrestrial entities needed to land or walk on dry land, and that they would see ocean landings a barrier.  

All of this is assumptive on my part.

The reader should be made aware that the poles (North and South) as well as the equator as determined by conventional historical cartographers are typically incorrectly placed.  

The axis of rotation and the tilt of the earth at this time was wholly different than what it is today.  

The current maps relative to this time has to be adjusted to take this into account.  I hope that I was able to rectify this discrepancy in the maps that I presented here.

There weren’t too many dry land locations near the equator at this time.

That severely limited the location of the bases of operation around a water world swimming full of proto-jellyfish like creatures.  In any event, none were involved in any type of colonization or industrial facilities.

That I am aware of.

It is entirely possible that contamination of the native ecosystem by extraterrestrial races contributed to the emergence of life on the Earth at this time.

Contamination refers to any extraterrestrial influence on the biology of the earth ecosystem at that time.

We can be assured that there was some degree of contamination.

There always is.

This is both physical, spiritual and in all ways quantum.   But, no one knows for sure the impact it had, if any.

Nothing (physical) remains of whatever visitors occupied the earth at this time.

However, there is the remote possibility that the Baigong pipes in China might be the remains of what once was some kind of industrial facility of some type. 

The Baigong Pipes are a series of pipe-like features found on and near Mount Baigong, about 40 km southwest of the city of Delingha, in the Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China.

Associated with these pipe-like features are "rusty scraps" and "strangely shaped stones". 

Analysis of the "rusty scraps" by Liu Shaolin at a "local smeltery" reportedly found that they consist of 30 percent ferric oxide and large amounts of silicon dioxide and calcium oxide. 

This is what one would expect of fossilized rust buried in sandy soil.  

The state run newspaper People's Daily reported on a 2007 investigation where a research fellow from the Chinese Earthquake Administration reported they had found some of the pipes to be highly radioactive.
Skeptics claim that this is a natural formation (of course they would).  

According to any measure of anthropological science, there was no way that naturally evolved tool-making bipedal humanoids could of evolved at this time.  

In any event, any remains of artificial constructions from this distant past would be altered beyond appearance and would have alternative material constructions.  

For a conventional explanation of what this site is please visit; http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4181.  

It has a moderately reasonable conventional explanation for the observed formations.  Yet, I must specifically stress to the reader that time and geologic pressures alter the appearance and shape of things..  

This site could just as well be a natural site as it could be the remains of a very ancient construction.  The reader needs to pursue life with an open mind and consider both possibilities.

The only evidence remaining for (supplemented) human observation are the tell-tale quantum level signatures of early visitations in the (local regional) quantum cloud.

In our universe, every time one quantum particle interacts with another one, even if it is just a thought, it leaves a “mark” for all eternity.  

Those with the proper tools can read and understand these marks.  

And thus have the ability to observe the past as it transpired, in real time.  

We know of a number of extremely advanced races that can do this.  

But as far as humans are concerned, only our quantum soul bodies have this ability.  (Even at that, it is rudimentary.) 

Our physical bodies are wholly unable to access these records.  Instead, we must utilize the assistance of other, more advanced physical races.

Unfortunately, we as humans, do not possess the ability to read and interpret these signatures.

We only know what is told to us by those whom have this ability.

What they tell us is quite simplistic.

They tell us that the planet was visited and explored by humanoid bipedal entities at this time.  We also know that they traveled through various methods, not limited to physical transport.  Indeed dimensional transport seemed to be the most common method.

Their past, history, appearance, and other traits that we might find interesting are shrouded in the mists of time.

That includes what happened to the various species whom visited this planet and where they are today.

This is the full extent of what I know about this time.


Around 650 million years ago, the first extraterrestrial life set foot on the earth and investigated it.  Over time there were numerous subsequent visits.  During some of these visits a small number of bases or facilities were constructed for various scientific and investigative purposes.

The solar system at that time was still very young, being only three billion years old.  There were many comets and orbiting rocky bodies that yet had to be absorbed or collided with the larger planetary bodies.

Mars was not habitable, but both Mars and Venus were more habitable to ambulatory humanoids than they are today.

To this end, this solar system was of interest because of the three possible marginally desirable planets in the system.  The Earth, Venus and Mars. Additionally, since the gas giants were closer to the sun than they are now, and hotter, a number of Jupiter moons possessed atmosphere in a gaseous state, and some even had oceans that held water in a liquid state.

This entire solar system held promise.

The earth at that time was mostly bare rock with oceans teeming with soft-shell creatures.

At that time there was no galactic federation that would claim administration for our solar system.

For the Ediacaran Period of nearly 89 million years, the situation was pretty much a stable one.  Our solar system was mapped, explored, and systematically ignored by other species.

The vast bulk of time where this occurred was from 600 Ma to around 560 Ma.

They actually found our solar neighbors far more interesting for a host of reasons, and thus at this time just mostly ignored our solar system.

The solar system was still evolving and there were various comets and rogue asteroids that would and did present a threat to any native life in the solar system.  This system was considered to be moderately interesting but not worthy of colonization by any of the species who visited it.

It was noted; explored in a more or less cursory manner, and archived.

Very little happened on the earth in the regard to extraterrestrial involvement of a substantive nature during this time period.

Those MM readers who might wonder what life might resemble around planets in the habitual zone of stars around three billion years old, might well learn from this narrative and explanation here.

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A little discussion on the kinds of planets where intelligent life can naturally evolve from. Are they like earth, or something else?

OK. Let’s have a go at some MAJestic stuff. How about that?

One of the biggest misconceptions that (typical) people have is that life, anywhere in the universe, must have the identical conditions that exist for “our” earth. The argument is that a G0 to G3 star (much like our own) is needed, and that the target planet must lie within the “habitable zone” around that star.

  • Must be a star like our sun.
  • Must be a planet like our Earth.
  • Must have a moon, like our moon.
  • Must have water, much like our Earth does.
  • Must be in the “habitable zone”.

There are all sorts of other criteria that folk use as well. But, you know what?

It’s all specious.

It’s lazy. It uses Newtonian scientific method to come to conclusions when we admittedly don’t have enough information to come to any conclusions in the first place.

As such… well, it’s all pretty much wrong.

Life forms all over the place in all sorts of environments. This varies from tiny microscopic organisms to large and complex entities and everything in between.


For the most part, when we (as humans) talk about life we imagine something similar to what we see on the Earth around us. This being a “people” with intelligence and tool-making ability, surrounded by other creatures that are either farmed or share the environment with us.

You know what I am talking about.

In the television series an extraterrestrial intelligent humanoid (Spock) holds a pet that looks similar to that of a dog. To the viewing audience, they are strange, yet familiar. This is the idea of what extraterrestrials look like from the lens of Hollywood.
In the television series an extraterrestrial intelligent humanoid (Spock) holds a pet that looks similar to that of a dog. To the viewing audience, they are strange, yet familiar. This is the idea of what extraterrestrials look like from the lens of Hollywood.

Well, dolphins live a rich full life, have society and speak a language. They do not use tools but are actually quite advanced, and in a number of ways have surpassed the human species.

Creatures do not need to be identical to humans to be intelligent. And that is the first lesson you all must learn here.

Dolphins are intelligent creatures that we humans share this planet with. They are, however, not a tool-making species.
Dolphins are intelligent creatures that we humans share this planet with. They are, however, not a tool-making species.

The ideas that people have about life elsewhere are all wrong. And here, I would like to take a moment to address this subject.

Life forms easily

Yup. It forms under the harshest conditions. Maybe it won’t look like me or you, or the zebra down the street, but it is life. And that is all that matters.

Once native from Europe all the way to Mongolia, the Saiga antelope is now considered to be critically endangered. Found only in the grasslands of Russia and Kazakhstan this funny looking animal uses its trunk-like nose to help regulate its blood temperature by warming air in the winter and cooling air in the summer.
Once native from Europe all the way to Mongolia, the Saiga antelope is now considered to be critically endangered. Found only in the grasslands of Russia and Kazakhstan this funny looking animal uses its trunk-like nose to help regulate its blood temperature by warming air in the winter and cooling air in the summer.

Right now the level of science education in schools are stuck in a 1970’s level, and while there might be some contemporaneous additions (as well as a very healthy dose of political correctness, and social re-engineering), for the most part, the fundamental scientific advances are ignored or treated as extraordinary. They are not treated as a fundamental insight into the way the universe actually is and how it works.

Ah, but they should.

Don’t you know…

Over the last decades, scientists have been intrigued by the fascinating organisms that inhabit extreme environments. Such organisms are known as extremophiles.

Extreme – O – Phile

They thrive in habitats which for other terrestrial life-forms are intolerably hostile or even lethal. They thrive in extreme hot niches, ice, and salt solutions, as well as acid and alkaline conditions; some may grow in toxic waste, organic solvents, heavy metals, or in several other habitats that were previously considered inhospitable for life.

Tardigrades, eight-legged micro-animals that live in water, resemble little fat cushion piglets with vacuum-cleaner spout-like mouths – are also known as moss piglets. Since first discovered by German pastor Johann August Ephraim Goeze in 1773, these tiny creatures have charmed and astonished biologists.
Tardigrades, eight-legged micro-animals that live in water, resemble little fat cushion piglets with vacuum-cleaner spout-like mouths – are also known as moss piglets. Since first discovered by German pastor Johann August Ephraim Goeze in 1773, these tiny creatures have charmed and astonished biologists.

Extremophiles have been found depths of 6.7 km inside the Earth’s crust. They have been found more than 10 km deep inside the ocean. And at pressures of up to 110 MPa. They have been found in environments ranging from extreme acid (pH 0) to extreme basic conditions (pH 12.8). They have been found inside hydrothermal vents at 122 °C to frozen sea water, at −20 °C.

For every extreme environmental condition investigated, a variety of organisms have shown that they not only can tolerate these conditions, but that they also often require those conditions for survival.

And before your mind starts cranking out thoughts that maybe they came into being in a “normal” Earth environment and then adapted to the harsh environment, face the facts. They evolved naturally within the singular harsh environments that we discovered them in.

They are classified according to the conditions in which they grow:

  • Thermophiles – Organisms that grow at high temperatures.
  • Hyperthermophiles – Organisms that grow at very very high temperatures.
  • Psychrophiles – Organisms that grow best at low temperatures.
  • Acidophiles- Organisms adapted to acidic pH values.
  • Alkaliphiles – Organisms optimally adapted basic pH values.
  • Barophiles – Organisms that grow best under pressure.
  • Halophiles – Organisms that require NaCl for growth.

In addition, these organisms are normally polyextremophiles, being adapted to live in habitats where various physicochemical parameters reach extreme values.

Poly – extreme – O – phile

For example, many hot springs are acid or alkaline at the same time, and usually rich in metal content; the deep ocean is generally cold, oligotrophic (very low nutrient content), and exposed to high pressure; and several hypersaline lakes are very alkaline.

An extremophile (from Latin extremus meaning "extreme" and Greek philiā (φιλία) meaning "love") is an organism with optimal growth in environmental conditions considered extreme in that it is challenging for a carbon-based life form with water as a solvent.
An extremophile (from Latin extremus meaning “extreme” and Greek philiā (φιλία) meaning “love”) is an organism with optimal growth in environmental conditions considered extreme in that it is challenging for a carbon-based life form with water as a solvent.

An entire world of extreme organisms opens up to the possibility and the reality that life can evolve just about anywhere, and under a combination of the most extreme conditions.

Scientific research types like to classify things and put them into nice neat boxes. They give them names and they spend a considerable amount of time developing methodology used to classify they shape, behaviors and survival considerations.

Are you ready for a memorization test? Imagine trying to study all the various names and classifications that we have created to classify these creatures and the environments that they live within.

For instance, extremophiles may be divided into two broad categories.

  • Extremophilic organisms which require one or more extreme conditions in order to grow.
  • Extremotolerant organisms which can tolerate extreme values of one or more physicochemical parameters though growing optimally at “normal” conditions.
Extremophiles include members of all three domains of life, i.e., bacteria, archaea, and eukarya. Most extremophiles are microorganisms (and a high proportion of these are archaea), but this group also includes eukaryotes such as protists (e.g., algae, fungi and protozoa) and multicellular organisms.

I know that this is all very interesting, and I do tend to get a bit carried away… but let’s concentrate on the most important aspect of this knowledge.

Life forms all over the place, and under the most extreme environments.

Jupiter's rocky moon Io is the most volcanically active world in the solar system, with hundreds of volcanoes, some erupting lava fountains dozens of miles (or kilometers) high. Io’s remarkable activity is the result of a tug-of-war between Jupiter's powerful gravity and smaller but precisely timed pulls from two neighboring moons that orbit farther from Jupiter – Europa and Ganymede.
Jupiter’s rocky moon Io is the most volcanically active world in the solar system, with hundreds of volcanoes, some erupting lava fountains dozens of miles (or kilometers) high. Io’s remarkable activity is the result of a tug-of-war between Jupiter’s powerful gravity and smaller but precisely timed pulls from two neighboring moons that orbit farther from Jupiter – Europa and Ganymede.

As long as there is some kind of heat source, and some kind of environment to live in, life will anchor itself and propagate.

But we don’t care about tiny insignificant bacteria, right?

Most people, fed a steady diet of science fiction movies, could care less about bacteria and other critters that you need a microscope to see.

We want to find pristine uninhabited lands that we can seize and make our own. We want to find other species, much like us, who can teach us the “secrets of the universe”, and we want to discover what their homes, their societies and behaviors are like.


While the universe if filled with all matter or creatures, from aquatic beings to spiritual beings, to other creatures what are difficult to classify, we are going to concentrate on the image on what people imagine “extraterrestrial aliens” look like and the worlds that they come from.

For this archetype, we will consider images from Hollywood Movies and television. Perhaps maybe, something along these lines…

Views of extraterrestrial creatures that are ambulatory and that possess human-like qualities, but have a non-human appearance.
Views of extraterrestrial creatures that are ambulatory and that possess human-like qualities, but have a non-human appearance. Notice that they always seem to carry guns and weapons, wear “fashionable” clothing with straps, buckles and attire, and have a distorted, but decidedly human-appearing shape.

What we care about is people that we can walk with, talk with, and interact with in a level of comfort so as not to be repelled or disgusted.

Now, with that in mind, let’s look at the kinds of worlds where these creatures might come from.

So right off the bat, we need to make something perfectly clear…

It’s not the type of star that matters, it’s the age of the star.

In other posts, that I have written, I strongly suggested that the most common stars for [1] naturally evolving [2] native [3] intelligent [4] ambulatory life are the cooler stars. Not the bright stars that populate our night sky.

This is the K, M stars and the various brown dwarfs L, T and Y.

Our sun is a G class, and it is on the outer edge of the (native) habitable range. It is not the middle-range by which a species could evolve within. I would argue that cooler stars are more appropriate for natural sentence evolution crucibles.

Brown dwarf stars in the three classifications.
Brown dwarf stars in the three classifications.

Most of the stars in the universe are the smaller and cooler stars. Not those hot, bright and young stars that we see in the night sky. Most of the stars that have naturally evolving intelligent life are too dim and too far away for us to see with our naked eyes. We need electronic equipment to peer into the distant heavens to see where they are.

More visible "mainline" stars that are home for many naturally evolved intelligent life.
More visible “mainline” stars that are home for many naturally evolved intelligent life.

The hotter stars than this (the O, B, A, and F) all tend not to have any naturally developed life.

They can have colonies. They can have settlements. But the development of naturally evolved native intelligent life is rather slim (but NOT impossible). You see, life takes time to develop. And these bright, fierce and fiery stars are just too short lived.

That being said, you know it’s not really due to the heat and radiation of the star as much as it is due to the age of the star.

A easy and handy-dandy method to compute the expected maximum age of a star.
A easy and handy-dandy method to compute the expected maximum age of a star.

Most native intelligent life needs a star with a minimum of two billion years in age, with three billion years to be the universe norm. Our earth is four billion years old, so that should be able to give you all an idea of what we are talking about here.

Thus, the very hot burning and short lived O, B and A stars are far too young to develop any kind of life that we would be interested in. That also includes F stars, but they are a very special case with all kinds of exceptions involved.

And while I am at it…

An important consideration is planetary influences.

Stop looking for an Earth-like planet to nurture and generate the evolution of human-similar intelligent life.

Size isn’t nearly as important as tidal forces.

Our own planet, earth, was pretty much a barren world with only life in the oceans for billions of years. It wasn’t until the moon moved in orbit around the world, that tides came into play, and the movement of life onto the land began.

But, ya, the good news is…

Tidal forces from close proximity stars or planets will generate the necessary atmospheric and water movements that are conducive to evolutionary growth. The strong gravitational forces of a nearby star, or huge planet will cause movements in the various gas and liquid atmosphere. We call these things “tides”, and the ebb and flow of them generates evolutionary changes.

The influence of the sun and the moon in the generation of tides on earth.
The influence of the sun and the moon in the generation of tides on earth.

And that means planet size as well…

The point that I want to make is that the size of a “rocky planet” will have an influence, but other factors will mitigate that influence somewhat.

  • Small planets (like Mars, perhaps) would be able to develop life provided that the atmospheric conditions are stable.
  • Large planets (like “super earths”) can also develop human-like life. It depends on the gravitational pull of the planet due to the nature of the rocky interior. A low-metal planet can be awfully big and still have the same gravity as the earth, don’t you know.
A "super earth" Gliese 832c compared to our planet.
A “super earth” Gliese 832c compared to our planet.

With those “pointers” out of the way, let’s talk about something that I would really like to emphasize right now.

Gas Giants that exist within habitable zones.

A [1] gas giant that is [2] within the habitable zone of a star that is [3] at least three billion years old and [4] can possess planets larger than the size of Mars that would have all the necessary criteria to develop native, ambulatory intelligent life.


The authors also address the idea of habitable exomoons rather than exoplanets. It’s conceivable that in other solar systems, moons might be more likely to be habitable than planets. In that case, other factors come into play, like tidal forces. That could be especially true around M-type stars, or red dwarfs. That’s because the circumstellar habitable zone around these low energy stars is already much closer to the star than around a G-type star like our Sun. The combined gravitational forces of the exomoon, its planet, and the star might eliminate habitability altogether.

-Universe Today

You know, cool stars have a “frost line” (soot line) close to the star. This means that gas giants (like Jupiter and Neptune) can retain their gasses and not evaporate away to become a rocky planet. They can keep on being what we see them as, and they can have moons that behave as singular planets.

How the idea of a frost or soot line works in the type of planets that form in the orbit around a star.
How the idea of a frost or soot line works in the type of planets that form in the orbit around a star.

And with that understood, we can best look at recent planetary discoveries in a new light. Indeed, as of 2018, UCR researchers have identified 121 giant planets that may have habitable moons within the habitable zones of the parent star..

From the 1950s, when astronomers talked about finding other, habitable worlds, they focused entirely on planets like Earth. In a 1993 paper in Icarus, geoscientist James Kasting of Penn State University laid the basis for the most popular definition of “habitable zone” in use today: It’s the “Goldilocks” region where temperatures would be not too hot or too cold for liquid water. But that criterion doesn’t apply to all planets within a habitable zone: Kasting’s model works only for a rocky planet with an Earthlike atmosphere, made up of carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen.

“Any type of planet can orbit in the habitable zone,” but only such Earthlike planets are likely to have liquid water on their surfaces, says astrophysicist Elizabeth Tasker of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. “We all secretly know this, as both the moon and Mars orbit within the habitable zone, but neither have lakeside retreats.”


Knowing a planet’s density also isn’t enough to tell if it has an Earthlike surface. Venus, after all, is nearly the same size and mass as Earth, and sits just a bit nearer to the sun than the habitable zone. But Venus’ atmospheric chemistry sizzles its surface at lead-melting temperatures (SN: 2/13/18).

“Venus is a warning to us that size isn’t everything,” says Stephen Kane, a planetary astrophysicist at the University of California, Riverside. “That planet is screaming at us that planetary habitability is complicated.”

- Why just being in the habitable zone doesn’t make exoplanets livable

In a paper published Wednesday (June 13, 2018) in The Astrophysical Journal, researchers at the University of California, Riverside and the University of Southern Queensland have identified more than 100 giant planets that potentially host moons capable of supporting life.

Since the 2009 launch of NASA’s Kepler telescope, scientists have identified thousands of planets outside our solar system, which are called exoplanets. Keep in mind that the primary goal of the Kepler mission is to identify planets that are in the habitable zones of their stars.

The idea behind this is that terrestrial (rocky) planets are prime targets in the quest to find life because some of them might be geologically and atmospherically similar to Earth.

But to many, the results were disappointing. Instead of finding tons of earth analogs, they discovered that many solar systems instead had gas giants (like Jupiter and Saturn) in the habitable zones.

This is actually a good thing.

So instead of looking for earth analogs, another place to consider is the many gas giants identified during the Kepler mission. While not a candidate for life themselves, Jupiter-like planets in the habitable zone may harbor rocky moons, called exomoons, that could sustain life.

Exomoon orbiting a gas giant that lies within the habitable zone of a star.
Exomoon orbiting a gas giant that lies within the habitable zone of a star.
“There are currently 175 known moons orbiting the eight planets in our solar system. While most of these moons orbit Saturn and Jupiter, which are outside the Sun’s habitable zone, that may not be the case in other solar systems,” 

- Stephen Kane, an associate professor of planetary astrophysics and a member of the UCR’s Alternative Earths Astrobiology Center. 

The researchers identified 121 giant planets that have orbits within the habitable zones of their stars. At more than three times the radii of the Earth, these gaseous planets are less common than terrestrial planets, but each is expected to host several large moons.

Scientists have speculated that exomoons might provide a favorable environment for life, perhaps even better than Earth. This is because they receive energy not only from their star, but also from radiation reflected from their planet.

The size of the moon will play a role.

The researchers have identified 121 gas giants within the Goldilocks zones of their respective stars. If they’re anything like the gas giants in our Solar System, each is expected to be orbited by several large moons of its own.

And the scientists believe these moons would be an excellent place to look for life, since they’d receive radiation not just from the Sun, but the radiation belts of their host planets’ magnetospheres.

A earth like planet that could resemble an analog earth is very possible when you have large gas giants orbiting a star in the habitable zone.
A earth like planet that could resemble an analog earth is very possible when you have large gas giants orbiting a star in the habitable zone.

As an earlier study has pointed out, such moons might have to be at least as big as Mars for their gravity to be able to retain their water.

This implies that gas giants will need to be rather larger to collect “large moons” able to hold an atmosphere.

If the moon is too small, the gravity will not permit an atmosphere to retain water.
If the moon is too small, the gravity will not permit an atmosphere to retain water.
Planet Sizes Matter for Habitability Too.

In order to be considered habitable, a planet needs to have liquid water. Cells, the smallest unit of life, need water to carry out their functions. For liquid water to exist, the temperature of the planet needs to be right. But how about the size of the planet?

Without sufficient mass a planet won’t have enough gravity to hold onto its water. A new study tries to understand how size affects the ability of a planet to hold onto its water, and as a result, its habitability.

The issue of what might make a planet habitable is an ongoing debate. Not only for exoplanets, but for some of the moons in our own Solar System’s future. Scientists have a pretty good idea how much energy a planet needs to receive from its star to maintain liquid water. That’s given rise to the popular notion of the “Goldilocks Zone,” or the circumstellar habitable zone, a range of proximity that’s neither too close nor too far from a star for liquid water to persist on a planet.

With the search for exoplanets in habitable zones ramping up, and as we get better telescopes and techniques to study exoplanets in greater detail, scientists need more constraints on what planets to spend observing resources on. As this paper shows, a planet’s mass could be a useful filter.

The new paper is titled “Atmospheric Evolution on Low-gravity Waterworlds.” It’s published in The Astrophysical Journal. The lead author is Constantin W. Arnscheidt, a Grad Student at MIT.

To maintain liquid water on its surface, and an atmosphere, an exoplanet or an exomoon has to have enough mass, otherwise that water and atmosphere will simply drift off into space. And it has to hold onto its water long enough for life to appear. Astronomers use a ballpark figure of a billion years for that to happen.


That critical size, according to Arnscheidt and the other authors of the study, is 2.7 percent the mass of Earth. They say that any smaller than that, and the planet simply won’t be able to hold onto its atmosphere and water long enough for life to appear. For context, the Moon is 1.2 percent of Earth’s mass, and Mercury is 5.53 percent.

The researchers use comet-like planets as an example. Comets have lots of water, which is sublimated when they get near the Sun. But they lack the required mass to hold onto that vapor, and they can never form an atmosphere. The water is lost to space. So a planet that was too small, even if it had lots of water, would never hold onto it.

-Universe Today

Thus, we must expect that gas giants under the size of say Uranus or Neptune might not be able to retain a moon of sufficient size to hold liquid water. While gas giants larger than Jupiter might be able to hold multiple moons that would be able to retain atmospheres, hold water, and have the necessary magnetospheres, and tidal forces to generate a find hospitable environment for native life to evolve.

Other considerations – Tidal extremes

“There are many processes that are negligible on Earth but can affect the habitability of planets orbiting M dwarfs. Two important ones are strong tidal effects and vigorous stellar activity,” 

-The author on the habitability study published in the journal Astrobiology. Luger R et al. 2015. Habitable Evaporated Cores: Transforming Mini-Neptunes into Super-Earths in the Habitable Zones of M Dwarfs. Astrobiology 15 (1): 57-88; doi: 10.1089/ast.2014.1215

As mentioned earlier, the tidal forces play an important role in natural evolution of intelligent life upon a planet. But like anything else, there is a range from with this is desirable and when it is not.

  • Small to zero tidal forces will not be sufficient to advance the development of native life.
  • Large tidal forces can hinder the development of life.
The proximity of a planet orbiting around a gas giant, that is in the habitable zone of a cooler star will create complex tidal forces and a complex environment.
The proximity of a planet orbiting around a gas giant, that is in the habitable zone of a cooler star will create complex tidal forces and a complex environment.

A tidal force is a star’s gravitational tug on an orbiting planet, and is stronger on the near side of the planet, facing the host star, than on the far side, since gravity weakens with distance. This pulling can stretch a planet into an ellipsoidal or egg-like shape as well as possibly causing it to migrate closer to its star.

“This is the reason we have ocean tides on Earth, as tidal forces from both the moon and the sun can tug on the oceans, creating a bulge that we experience as a high tide. Luckily, on Earth it’s really only the water in the oceans that gets distorted, and only by a few feet. But close-in planets, like those in the habitable zones of M dwarfs, experience much stronger tidal forces,” 

- The author on the habitability study published in the journal Astrobiology.Luger R et al. 2015. Habitable Evaporated Cores: Transforming Mini-Neptunes into Super-Earths in the Habitable Zones of M Dwarfs. Astrobiology 15 (1): 57-88; doi: 10.1089/ast.2014.1215

This stretching causes friction in a planet’s interior that gives off huge amounts of energy. This can drive surface volcanism and in some cases even heat the planet into a runaway greenhouse state, boiling away its oceans, and all chance of habitability.

Other Considerations – Stellar activity

Vigorous stellar activity also can destroy any chance for life on planets orbiting low-mass stars.

M dwarfs are very bright when young and emit lots of high-energy X-rays and UV radiation that can heat a planet’s upper atmosphere, spawning strong winds that can erode the atmosphere away entirely.

Many of the stars that are dim, red (class-M) dwarfs have a tendency to exhibit unusually violent flare activity. Since these flare stars seem to be so common, we need to take into account the estimated age of the M class star.

  • Young M-class star – Unstable with flares.
  • Old M-class star – Generally stable for billions of years.

Flares on these so-called flare stars occur sporadically, with successive flares spaced anywhere from an hour to a few days apart. It only takes a few minutes for a flare to reach peak brightness, and in fact more than one flare can occur at a time.

A flare star can emit enormous plumes of radiation and can cause all sorts of trouble for a nearby planet.
A flare star can emit enormous plumes of radiation and can cause all sorts of trouble for a nearby planet.

More importantly, flares on such dim dwarfs may emit up to 10 000 times as many X-rays as a comparably sized flare on our own sun.

As such, they would be lethal to any life forms otherwise developing on planets near the flare star, so life around such stars is unlikely.

During a deep survey of 215,000 red dwarf stars for planets called the Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search (SWEEPS) using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers found some 100 stellar flares over just a week of observations. 

Constituting the largest continuous monitoring of red dwarf stars ever undertaken, the astronomers announced on January 10, 2011 that their survey results suggest that even "fairly old stars" which are several billion years old can flare violently. As such they can become as much as 10 percent brighter in a short time, with an average flare duration of 15 minutes. 

As a result of such flares, planets orbiting near enough to such stars to host Earth-type life within close-in liquid water (or "habitable") zone orbita can have their atmospheres heated, puffed up, and possibly "stripped away." 

Although red dwarf stars are smaller than our Sun, Sol, and other Sol-type stars, they have comparatively "deeper convection zones where cells of hot gas bubble to the surface " and powerful magnetic fields stronger than Sol's are generated that enable red dwarfs to erupt with energetic flares. 

Star spots on red dwarfs cover a much larger area than the Sun (e.g., half of their surface), while Sunspots typically cover less than one percent of the Sun's surface 

- Hubble news release; and Kowalski et al, 2011.

Some flare stars have also been observed emitting radio bursts simultaneously with the flares. Please note that since flare stars are variable stars, they will usually have a variable star designation such as UV Ceti or V645 Centauri.

A look at some candidates.

Within 10 pc of Sol, astronomers may have detected planets in the Solar System and at least 12 other M-class stars (as of 2014).

Today, we are uncertain whether many red dwarfs are capable of hosting Earth-type planets in stable orbits within their respective habitable zones.

Yet, data clearly shows that planets exist withing those regions. The question then becomes, just what kind of environments exist within those planets?

Consider Solar System Kepler-62.

It has two planets, a little bigger than the earth within it’s Goldilocks zone.

The star, Kepler-62, is a bit smaller and cooler than our Sun, and is home to a five-planet system. Two of the worlds, Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f are the smallest exoplanets yet found in a habitable zone, and they might both be covered in water or ice, depending on what kind of atmosphere they might have.
The star, Kepler-62, is a bit smaller and cooler than our Sun, and is home to a five-planet system. Two of the worlds, Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f are the smallest exoplanets yet found in a habitable zone, and they might both be covered in water or ice, depending on what kind of atmosphere they might have.
“These planets are unlike anything in our solar system. They have endless oceans. There may be life there, but could it be technology-based like ours? 

Life on these worlds would be under water with no easy access to metals, to electricity, or fire for metallurgy. 

Nonetheless, these worlds will still be beautiful blue planets circling an orange star — and maybe life’s inventiveness to get to a technology stage will surprise us.”

- Lisa Kaltenegger of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

As the warmer of the two worlds, Kepler-62e would have a bit more clouds than Earth according to computer models. More distant Kepler-62f would need the greenhouse effect from plenty of carbon dioxide to warm it enough to host an ocean. Otherwise, it might become an ice-covered snowball.

“Kepler-62e probably has a very cloudy sky and is warm and humid all the way to the polar regions. Kepler-62f would be cooler, but still potentially life-friendly. 

The good news is — the two would exhibit distinctly different colors and make our search for signatures of life easier on such planets in the near future. “

- Harvard astronomer Dimitar Sasselov.

Well, is that true?

If a planet is in the habitable zone of a red dwarf, it would be very near to the star. The sky would be filled with this huge sun. And while there would be one side constantly facing the star, convection in the atmosphere would play a role as to keep the oceans wet and in liquid form.

A view from a habitable moon that lies in orbit around a gas giant.
A view from a habitable moon that lies in orbit around a gas giant.

Indeed, the atmosphere on a tidally locked planet around a cooler star might create very interesting atmospheric conditions.

Some believe that within a red dwarf’s habitable zones orbit, liquid water may not be possible. They argue that tidal locking would be problematic. However studies has shwon that this concern might not be as problematic as it appears on first glance. The atmosphere may not freeze out on the dark side as previously believed.

“The more data we get, the more signs we see pointing to the notion that potentially habitable and Earth-sized exoplanets are common around these kinds of stars. 

With red dwarf stars almost everywhere around our galaxy, and these small, potentially habitable and rocky planets around them too, the chance one of them isn’t too different than our Earth looks a bit brighter.”

-Andrew Vanderburg (University of Texas at Austin)

Which brings us up to the idea that a planet-sized moon, in close orbit of a “protective” gas giant, that resides within the Goldilocks zone, could very well provide the conditions for safe natural evolution of native intelligent life.

This is because, all the negative points about a singular rocky planet around a cool star, are mitigated by the complex environment of a nearby gas giant.

Gas giant in a Goldilocks zone

Because the sky is full of surprises, we can’t afford to be too conservative about what tomorrow’s discovery might be.

What we do know is that using our studies as a guide, the presence of gas giants lying within the habitable zones of stars are indeed quite common…

Plot of known planets in the various zones of stars. The star class is on the right with the cooler stars towards the bottom of the chart, and many gas giants in orbit around 6,000 K temperature stars. The class F and G type stars. Here we look and consider the gas giants around the cooler stars, the 3,000 K red dwarfs.
Plot of known planets in the various zones of stars. The star class is on the right with the cooler stars towards the bottom of the chart, and many gas giants in orbit around 6,000 K temperature stars. The class F and G type stars. Here we look and consider the gas giants around the cooler stars, the 3,000 K red dwarfs.

I don’t think we can rule out the idea of habitable moons around a gas giant in the habitable zone, but there are reasons to question how numerous they would be.

One problem is that moons around a gas giant will probably be made largely of ice and rock, because the planet itself would have formed beyond the snow line and migrated into the habitable zone. A Mars-sized moon is going to melt and, given its low escape velocity, will gradually lose its atmosphere in these warmer regions.

Because we know that this is what happened to Mars…

Mars lost its atmosphere because it is too small to have a magnetic field strong enough to protect against solar radiation.


… it seems like icy exomoons that thawed out as their planet spiraled into the habitable zone would be protected by the host planet’s magnetic field and could have an atmosphere.

The protection of the gas giant would cause the moon to retain it’s atmosphere.

And this is what is so very exciting about all of this.

All the objections to earth-like planets around cold stars are eliminated by the pretense of a gas giant.

And thus we end up with this narrative, that habitable planets require a large gravitational body nearby in order to shepherd, protect and create the environments necessary for earth-like environments and intelligent evolution.

Life on an earth-like planet around a large gas giant planet.
Life on an earth-like planet around a large gas giant planet.


Instead of thinking that a planet MUST be like the earth; singular, alone with a moon and a G-class sun…

We must recognize that the most important criteria consists of the attributes that this environment creates, and not the specific situation itself…

  • Age (at least three billion years old).
  • A shepherding gas giant, large moon, or other protective body.
  • A protective body to deflect or absorb meteors and asteroids.
  • A large gravitational sink to produce tidal effects.
  • A lower temperature star, that is not very active.

And if we accept this criteria, this environment, this crucible for the intelligent growth and protection of a given life-form…

… then we can realize and recognize just how special our planet is, and why we need to husband our resources and treasure what we have. We need to take care of, protect and nurture what we have. It is not an unlimited resource that we can mine for profit.

It is a special environment…

…That out of “chance” somehow, by some technique or fate or technology, was able to replicate the habitable regions most commonly found throughout the universe, right here.

A view from a habitable moon that lies in orbit around a gas giant.
A view from a habitable moon that lies in orbit around a gas giant.


Well, our solar system is unique.

It’s uniqueness suggests one of two things.

  • Intelligent life is very rare in the universe. Just as rare as a singular G class star (not a binary, trinary or other multi-star system) with a planet in the habitable zone with a large orbiting moon around it. (A common argument.)
  • Intelligent life is common in the universe. But it forms in an environment that the G star / earth / moon appears to replicate.


MAJestic has been working with extraterrestrial life and their technologies for decades. Those of us within the organization fully realize that life is common in the universe, and that intelligent humanoid life is very, very common. We know… well, because we are using their technologies and working with them face-to-face directly.

It's pretty darn impossible to tell a man who is petting a dog on the street, that dogs do not exist. Don't you know.

With this knowledge, you can see where the conclusion of this article / post is heading…

Our solar system is unique and constructed intentionally to act as a crucible for intelligent humanoid life.

You can label the architects of this sentience nursery as God, Buddha, Mohammad, Guardian Angels, Mantids, the Progenitors or whomever you feel most comfortable with. But the fact remains that this solar system of ours appears to replicate what a “natural” crucible for intelligent life would appear as.

Life on a moon that orbits a gas giant, which is itself, in orbit around a brown dwarf.
Life on a moon that orbits a gas giant, which is itself, in orbit around a brown dwarf.

I do hope that you enjoyed this post. I have more in my MAJestic Index.


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The True History of American Government and the Sad Devolution to what it is Today.

America today does not resemble anything that is found on the original 1776 United States Constitution. In fact, in many ways, it is the exact opposite of what it was founded as. This is an open fact, and only the most ignorant disagree on this.

Today, the United States is a real mess. It really is. It is an enormous, out of control beast, and no one can tame it. It’s a snarling, nasty critter that is harmful to Americans, and a threat to the rest of the world.

Here, we talk about how America came to be what it is today.

For there are five distinct separate evolutionary periods of American governance. Each one is distinct for all the others before it. They are…

  • Founded as a Republic.
  • Changed to a Democracy with the 12th amendment.
  • Centralized Federal Democracy during the Civil War.
  • Progressive Social Democracy under President Wilson.
  • Military Oligarchy under President Lindon Johnson.
  • Corrupt Military Totalitarian Empire today.

Here we will discuss each time period in turn. What it was like, the benefits, or liabilities, and why it was changed into something different.

We will begin with the start….

Founded as a Republic. (1776)

There is no question that America was founded as a Republic. It is clearly specified as such within the Constitution itself. And the “Federalist Papers” which described (in depth) the reasoning used in the creation of the Constitution.

They abhorred a Democracy and they absolutely did not want America to ever become a Democracy. For they viewed it as “mob rule”, or rule by easily-manipulated rabble.

Their vision was one where the individual States would continue to operate as independent nations. They would have their own flags, their own military, their own laws, and the citizens would be in complete control of their state government.

The Federal Government was intended to be small. It was only intended [1] to be necessary in the case of an external military threat, and to [2] assist in the regulation of trade between the different States.

Nothing Else.

The Federal Government, through the Bill of Rights would establish the framework of “protections” that the various Federal and State governments were forbidden to touch.

The Bill of Rights listed the “untouchable” Rights, and the Ninth Amendment stated that Americans had many, many other Rights. And none of them can be legislated or rules made to curtail them. Thus, the Federal and State governments were limited to what they could do. They could only to what was IMPLICITLY STATED within the Constitution.

America was set up as a Republic. There the Individual was supreme. Second came the States Governments. The Federal Government was intentionally weak and small.

America was a Republic for only a mere 28 years.

Changed to a Democracy with the 12th amendment. (1804)

Well, that did not set well with ambitious and evil men. These people felt that they were better than other people.

Well, they did. (Read their writings.)

They felt that they were smarter, and more capable, and thus should be deserving of extra privileges. And so they strove to change the United States from a Republic into a Democracy.

This is because it is easy to manipulate mobs of people.

Through the manipulation of people, they would increase their power, through the systems inherent in the Constitution.

And this is exactly what happened.

During the first one hundred years, all of the amendments to the Constitution, and the rules and laws laid down in Congress was devoted to four main objectives…

  • Diluting the voting power of a citizen. (The more people allowed to vole, the less power the individual had.)
  • Control of the mass “mobs” of citizenry. (Control of the news media meant control of the people.)
  • Reduction of the influence of State Government.
  • Increasing Federal Control over the States.

America become a Democracy. And Controls over the manipulation of the citizenry grew, as did the size and scope of the Federal Government.

America was a Democracy for 57 years. The entire time the Federal government grew and grew and grew…

Centralized Federal Democracy during the Civil War. (1861)

This continued for many decades up until the push by the Federal Government became far too large. They kept pushing and pushing, and sooner or later someone was going to get hurt.

The States argued that they had their own sovereignty through the Tenth Amendment.

The Federal Government argued that that was no longer true. That the Bill of Rights was meaningless when you have a strong central federal Government.

They were wrong, of course.

But it did not matter. They were strong and powerful.

When the Southern States banded together to fight the Federal monster, a long Civil War broke out. It lasted four years. And while there were many cries to “free the slaves’, at the root of the matter was whether or not a State can make it’s own laws. (And the ownership of slaves is a State law issue.)

The Civil War settled that.

The individual States no longer were autonomous, and must follow the dictates of the Federal Government.

Thus, the American Government became a singular Federal Government over regional “territories” known as States.

America was a Central Federal Democracy for 52 years.

Progressive Social Democracy under President Wilson. (1913)

Now, For around sixty years or so, the Federal Government grew in size, scope and ambitions. The ideas and the systems laid out in the 1776 Constitution were not sufficient to implement any of the “new” and “progressive modern” ideas. Ideas that were being considered in the elite schools and halls of the “power brokers”. They wanted and felt that some serious structural changes needed to occur.

They longed for the power held by the Kings during the middle ages. They wanted a new and modern version; a Feudal Kingship under the guise of “democracy”. New, modern and progressive; to usher in a new utopia of man over nature.

That’s how they thought.

Enter President Wilson.

President Wilson was the President that extinguished the flame of liberty.
President Wilson was the President that extinguished the flame of liberty.

To make a long story short, he was the architect for what America is today. And under his leadership we now have the following realities that are permanently affixed in America today…

  • Government owns and controls all money.
  • Citizens are permitted to rent the money.
  • Ownership of all property belongs to the government.
  • Making laws and rules were handed over to “agencies”.
  • The Bill of Rights is just a list of “privileges”.
  • Americans must work to feed the government.

Yeah it sounds really bad, and it is. But if you distill all the flowery rhetoric and babble-speak, and get down to the raw meat of the issues, that is what it distills into to. And, yes, it’s horribly and very ugly.

But hey! Everyone else was doing it. From Russia, to France, to China. Every ruler wanted full control of their subjects.

America became a Feudal Kingship. People were taught to serve the Federal Government without question. And efforts to spread this type of government around the world began. For “democracy“.

America was a Feudal Kingship under the guise of “democracy” for 50 years. Then it got really bad…

Military Oligarchy under President Lindon Johnson. (1963)

We now know, through the release of the Kennedy Assassination Transcripts that a military coup occurred in 1962. President Lyndon B. Johnson, along with a hodge-podge of other Washington “interests” assassinated a “democratically elected” president.

Immediately after killing the President, America went full-on “HOT” war with Vietnam.

America became the foremost military power in the world and started to exert that power everywhere.
America became the foremost military power in the world and started to exert that power everywhere.

Then they immediately went to war fighting battles all over the world, and funneling money into an Military-industrial organization. An organization that became enormous and powerful.

America became a Military Oligarchy. Much like Hitler and his Nazi’s and Genghis Khan and his hoards of warriors.

America has been a Military Oligarchy for 38 years.

Its’ so out of control, that today we are currently fighting eight simultaneous far-flung wars.

Which brings me to today…

Corrupt Military Totalitarian Empire today. (2001)

It wouldn’t be too bad if it were “out of sight and out of mind”, but events came about that brought war, and military power and control home.

It’s been 19 years since the events of 9-11. We have been a military totalitarian empire ever since.

As America fought these various wars, simultaneous efforts were being made to "bring the Military-Industrial" complex control home domestically. We all can thank President George Bush for this.

Thus America rapidly became a full-on police / surveillance state.

America today is a wild rampaging out-of-control monster that if not contained, will plunge the world into global thermonuclear  armageddon.
America today is a wild rampaging out-of-control monster that if not contained, will plunge the world into global thermonuclear armageddon.

Domestically, the Bill of Rights no longer functionally exist. Alphabet agencies operate independently and run rough-shod over Americans with impunity. A military organization known as the DHS, operates with the NSA, and CIA / FBI to control the American citizenry. Congress has become outrageous media entertainment. Public works projects have ground to a halt, and the media (from alt-left to alt-right) are controlled by the government and manipulate with impunity.

International efforts are now all centered in [1] controlling strategic materials by proxy (Bolivia, Syria), [2] subduing other nations that might be economic threats (China, and Russia), and [3] fighting other nations wars (Yemen, Liberia) following a for-profit model.

America today is a corrupt Military Totalitarian Empire.


To really change the direction that America in involved in… and it needs to be changed, least the world collapse under the weight of World War III…

…we need to recognize what America is today.

We need to see what it was set up as, and how it was changed, and to put systems in place so that this will NEVER happen again.

And, America must change. This path that it is on is not sustainable.

And, tweaking things to undo the policies of Obama is not enough. We need to undo two centuries of policy changes. And this needs to be supervised by people that understand what “liberty” and “freedom” really are…

…and reporting what you did all year to a government agency is NOT freedom. Nor is asking permission to withdrawal your savings from a bank, wearing a seat-belt, or being forbidden from smoking or drinking large-size sodas. If you need to ask permission to do something or are fearful of government consequences, you are NOT living in freedom.

Any person who does not understand this MOST BASIC of understandings shouldn’t be permitted anywhere near the levers of power.

Real patriots need to take control of this situation, and it will not be organic. It’s not going to “just happen”. Like how each of the five stages of American Governance were well-planned in advance and executed, the same must occur by American patriots. This situation needs to change, and it needs to change soon.

Do not place all your hopes and beliefs on a Trump Presidency. While he is doing some good things Domestically, his International policy is driven by neocons and could actually result in World War III. This would be horrific for everyone.

Nor should you put your hopes in the other end of the spectrum. The Bernie Sanders crowd and all their ilk are dangerous idealists. They want to wind the clock back to feudal serfdom under a modern “enlightened” totalitarian social utopia. This would be horrific for many Americans.

The alternatives are far too frightening to contemplate.

Which is why we need to erase all the changes made since 1789 (The Bill of Rights) and start all over with a “clean slate”.

The only way to be sure. Meme from Aliens.

I hope you enjoyed this little narrative. You can find more, and better, discussions on other SHTF posts, Accessed here…

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Evolution of America, divided into two sets of 100 year duration periods, and how it manifested.

This is what we refer to as a "sanity check". It is where we, as engineers, perform a simplified calculation to determine if the calculations that we arrived at, are valid...

This is a reprint of the most excellent Ron Paul article. Modified and edited to fit this venue. In it, he argues that you don’t need to look at complicated “generational theories”, r/K or KaLa theories to explain what is happening to America today. You just need to look at what happens every one hundred years or so…

It is titled Two Sets of 100 yr Periods in American History — Each Guided by Completely Opposite Ideas and it was written on 1/8/2020. There’s a lot here, and it is worth some study. This is an interesting take on the changes that moved America far, far… far and FAR away from what it was initially founded upon.

The idea behind this is that all , and I do mean ALL, nations collapse after around a one hundred year period.

Two Sets of 100 yr Periods in American History — Each Guided by Completely Opposite Ideas

The great Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises wrote:

"History  is a struggle between two principles, the peaceful principle, which  advances the development of trade, and the militarist-imperialist  principle, which interprets human society not as a friendly division of  labour but as the forcible repression of some of its members by others."

America was founded on the peaceful principle.

If you are peaceful, other people and nations will work with you on friendly terms, and your people will be happy.

The country’s first President, George Washington, said in his farewell address:

"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world".

Ah, that is all nice and good. However consider the practical applications and issues…

This policy, which can be packaged into the euphemism “America First” was the guiding policy for the first 100+ years of the country’s existence.

The guiding principle for the first one hundred years was to put Americans first in all national decisions and programs.

Indeed, America truly was independent.


This did not mean that America was “isolationist.” Far from it, of course. Thomas Jefferson explained at his inaugural that the policy was one of:

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations - entangling alliances with none."

Do not laugh.

America, as founded, was a peaceful and positive and friendly life. It was a place where people formed communities and welcomed others and helped others.
America, as founded, was a peaceful and positive and friendly life. It was a place where people formed communities and welcomed others and helped others.

Here was a land, the largest free-trade zone to ever exist, shielded by giant oceans, with a limited government that only had a few enumerated powers. The individual was master of his domain. 


The situation. The creation of “America”in a free-ranging (or apparently so) land, were Earth-shattering and life-changing — Prosperity, the likes of which have never existed before.

America was a prosperous and happy place. The government was run by people much like ourselves, and they held the same value and issues that we ourselves cherished..
America was a prosperous and happy place. The government was run by people much like ourselves, and they held the same value and issues that we ourselves cherished..

But alas, after 100+ years passed, new generations with little to no connection (or care) for the ideas of Washington & Jefferson, decided to change course for the worse. The ‘Old World’ ideas of power and empire crept in through the back door…

Ideals were replaced by individual greed.

Roughly one hundred years after the founding, ideals were replaced by individual greed.

The new reality.

In this new embrace of the ‘Old World,’ the individual would no longer be the master of his domain. Government would be the master.

Sounds perfect, eh?

It is a parent-child relationship. One in which sociologists and psychiatrists consider to be very unhealthy for peer-to-peer interaction.
Big government only grows bigger. Eventually it takes and consumes everything and you, as a hapless civilian, gets trampled upon.
Big government only grows bigger. Eventually it takes and consumes everything and you, as a hapless civilian, gets trampled upon.

I know many Democrats believe that utopia is “just around the corner”. It’s just only if…

A new America…

Suddenly, in 1898, after much careful planning by those who had an insatiable lust for power, America would take on the role of conqueror.

And conquer it did.

In a single year, the United States took control of five far-flung nations, which contained 11 million people, all in one fell-swoop.

The military was no longer used for defensive and humanitarian missions to help American citizens. It became a money-making machine to serve the special interests of Washington neocon insiders.
The military was no longer used for defensive and humanitarian missions to help American citizens. It became a money-making machine to serve the special interests of Washington neocon insiders.

Washington & Jefferson were tossed into the dust-bin.

Independence was cast aside. Intervention was the new game in town. In 1898, the slow death of “America First” was given its first real kick to the chops.

Of course, the original role of government would have to be transformed. 


If America was to have an empire, it would have to take control of every American citizen’s earnings.

Once citizens no longer owned their earnings, and money. They became powerless. The people who had control of the money also had control over them. Americans became debt-serfs at the mercy of the government.
Once citizens no longer owned their earnings, and money. They became powerless. The people who had control of the money also had control over them. Americans became debt-serfs at the mercy of the government.

Enter President Wilson – Progressive Genius.

And so, in 1913, with the creation of the income tax, every American’s earnings would belong to the government first. The government would decide how much each person would be allowed to keep.

The government would decide.

President Wilson believed that the concepts of “Liberty” and “Freedom” were outdated and needed to be replaced with “modern” and “progressive” systems.

The government should decide what to do with people’s earnings.

Not the people.

Not the individual.

The government should decide.

American government today. It is far, far too powerful. This is the complete creation of President Wilson.
American government today. It is far, far too powerful. This is the complete creation of President Wilson.

It’s all so progressive

A nightmare!

What a drastic change for the worse!

The big enormous government takes and takes and takes. It threatens and puts the citizenry in a state of near constant fear, and what do they get in return? Nothing.
The big enormous government takes and takes and takes. It threatens and puts the citizenry in a state of near constant fear, and what do they get in return? Nothing.

But an income tax would not be enough.

It wasn’t enough. Not for the people who thought that they were better then everyone else. Oh, no.

After all, government can only tax people up to a certain point before they decide to revolt. American politicians, of all people, knew that!

So an even more insidious institution would be created, also in 1913. It would be called The Federal Reserve. This central bank would be granted a monopoly on counterfeiting money.

Pure genius!

Take the blame out of the hand of the government and put it into an unaccountable entity. Such wonderful genius.

The Impact…

How much money?

As much money as the government needs in order to sprawl itself around the world. Every American would be forced to use this “money,” of course, even though its purchasing power would be constantly eroded. Legal Tender Laws would make sure that there was no way out.

It’s ok, though.

Americans voted for the people who decided to implement this system. You know…

… one hundred years ago.

And the people in charge allocated their responsibilities and veto power to other people…

…other people who turned it over to others…

…who allocated it to others…

… who decided to pass it on to others…

… who would work in the best interests to make the system work….

Sounds bad. Well, sorry, that’s the way it is.

And so, with an income tax and a printing press, the Land of The Free would morph, over the next 100+ years, into the biggest government to ever exist … the biggest military empire to ever exist … and the biggest welfare state to ever exist.

Aren’t you all happy?

American leadership knows just how to manipulate and cajole the American serf-cash-cows... erp, I mean citizens.
American leadership knows just how to manipulate and cajole the American serf-cash-cows… erp, I mean citizens.


Washington & Jefferson would not recognize this at all. It’s literally the exact opposite of why the 13 colonies seceded from England.

It is.


Do not tell me that it is not the case.

This new era of empire would be dominated by “Bread and Circuses”. There would be plenty of food, and plenty of entertainment. What happens outside of America would remain out-of-sight and out-of-mind.


All political fighting inside of America would take place between two virtually indistinguishable factions. The gangs would passionately battle each other, but they would never battle the policy of empire.


Policy is the only thing that matters. But Americans would be flooded with a deluge of propaganda telling them that the ability to change politicians is a gift from the heavens. That, they would be told, is the only thing that matters.


And so, throughout this period, the politicians would certainly change, but the policy wouldn’t budge even a single inch. In other words, the politicians would change….but it wouldn’t matter!

And now…

So now we have two sets of 100 year periods in American history, each guided by completely opposite ideas.

The first produced liberty and prosperity in tremendous abundance. The second has produced a dependency, militancy and debauchery that has always been the lot of mankind living under the boot of power.

American today. This is what America is, it rules by force, and power.
American today. This is what America is, it rules by force, and power.

The two one hundred year periods…

The first was underpinned by peace, trade, sound money, savings and investment.

The first one hundred years of America was one with solid and conservative values. It put the individual in full control of his domain, and kept the government small. People lived their lives as they deemed fit.
The first one hundred years of America was one with solid and conservative values. It put the individual in full control of his domain, and kept the government small. People lived their lives as they deemed fit.

The second has been underpinned by war, sanctions, counterfeit money, taxes, and crushing debt.

Everything in this picture was destroyed with American bombs, and weapons, fired by American soldiers, and used by America to spread American "democracy".  This is the reality today.
The second hundred years has been nothing but war after war, after war. All funded with more and more, and more taxes. You know for “democracy”. Everything in this picture was destroyed with American bombs, and weapons, fired by American soldiers, and used by America to spread American “democracy”. This is the reality today.

And us, the American citizens…

Those who live are always presented with a choice — continue, or change?


For years…



No one did any thing.

America. Americans live in a constant state of fear and are really too afraid to change anything. They are just content to yell about their "freedom" and the wonderful "democracy", instead of doing things and fixing things.
America. Americans live in a constant state of fear and are really too afraid to change anything. They are just content to yell about their “freedom” and the wonderful “democracy”, instead of doing things and fixing things.


Weaklings. Lazy. Slothful.

Our parents, grand parents, great-grand parents.

Change happens through individual choice. The ideas that we each individually embrace mean everything.

Real change can happen when we stop allowing the government to take over society. We need to throw away that connection. Because a corrupt government will corrupt society.
Real change can happen when we stop allowing the government to take over society. We need to throw away that connection. Because a corrupt government will corrupt society.


A corrupt government will corrupt society.

Power lives and breathes on your belief in it. Why do you think you’re surrounded by propaganda at every turn?

For fun?

No! … It’s to keep you believing.

You do not need to live your life in fear. Prepping is well and good, but your government should be on your side. Not the other way around.
You do not need to live your life in fear. Prepping is well and good, but your government should be on your side. Not the other way around.

It’s to convince you that liberty is dead. And that government has the keys to your happiness. You just keep on following the media talking points. Nothing else matters.


However, if you change your belief, you change everything. You breathe life into the idea of liberty. 

If you breathe life into the idea of liberty, you make America a much better place.

Washington left us with these wonderful words: “Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.”

The choice is always yours…..continue, or change?

And that is it.

Thank you Ron Paul.

Many Americans mistakenly believe that “America is the greatest nation in the world”, simply based on the longevity of the nation. That’s just pure ignorance. The nation had changed governmental structure numerous times.

  • Founded as a Republic.
  • Changed to a Democracy with the 12th amendment.
  • Centralized Federal Democracy during the Civil War.
  • Progressive Social Democracy under President Wilson.
  • Military Oligarchy under President Lindon Johnson.
  • Corrupt Military Totalitarian Empire today.

If you believe that what is written makes sense than you have two choices of action. They are [1] take immediate action to protect you and your family, or [2] ignore it.

If you ignore it, then that if fine. Just listen to me and do not allow the American propaganda to force you to live within fear. The world is not a terrible and dark place. Good people are everywhere and the world outside the United States increasingly looks like a modern scene from the televisions show “Wally and the Beaver”.

Avoid the American “news”. In all of it’s forms…

What in the world is the American government up to? I thought that the ninth amendment states that Americans have more rights than just the enumerated ones.
What in the world is the American government up to? I thought that the ninth amendment states that Americans have more rights than just the enumerated ones.

If you don’t believe that this is the state of affairs, then you can can ignore this and read CNN, MSN and WaPo to tell you what to believe and how to act.

Do not live your life in fear. DO NOT LIVE YOUR LIFE IN FEAR!
Do not live your life in fear. DO NOT LIVE YOUR LIFE IN FEAR!

It’s your choice.

American news is really just propaganda. It is designed to keep Americans into a state of control. While real events and real news is kept secret.
American news is really just propaganda. It is designed to keep Americans into a state of control. While real events and real news is kept secret.

Commentary and Conclusion

Kinda of boring,eh?

Well, that’s the way it is. America has stratified, and it is the rich vs. the slaves and there is nothing that exists in the “dead-lands” between the two groups. This is the sum total of the “wonderful” progressive utopia implemented by President Wilson in the early part of the last century and engineered to perfection today.

You like it?

You’d better, because there ain’t no way that you can change it. You are fucked.

You are fucked.


Welcome to being an American.


Put a smile on your face. It’s your life.

Rah! Rah.

“freedom”. “liberty”, “democracy”! Rah. Rah!

Hope you keep all your receipts to give to the IRS in April. You don’t want to suffer the consequences for “non-compliance”, now don’t you? It’s all part of that big “freedom” package that comes with “democracy” don’t you know.

Friendly IRS making sure that you will not cheat your owners out of their money. You had best obey or else you and your family will be shot dead. It's all so very progressive and modern, don't you know!
Friendly IRS making sure that you will not cheat your owners out of their money. You had best obey or else you and your family will be shot dead. It’s all so very progressive and modern, don’t you know!

I hope you enjoyed this little narrative. You can find more, and better, discussions on other SHTF posts, Accessed here…

SHTF Articles

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Some thoughts of the collapse of the American Empire and how it will manifest.

Nope, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill “doom porn”. Instead, most everyone realizes that the Untied States is in the process of some changes. Some predict that the changes are merely “adjustments” towards a better, more improved, society. While others stand outside holding a sign saying “The End of the World is Near!”. Here are my thoughts on the changes that America will go through during the decade of the 2020’s.

It could be anything from a whimper to a bang…

The Sky is Falling!

Not so very long ago, societal collapse was a big topic of conversation. Most critics of the current world order wrote in screeching big bold letters that the entire financial “house of cards” was going to fall apart. Usually they centered on economics, as the financial system has become so complex that no one can explain it, let alone predict it. It became a monster, a hydra, that was careening out of control.

Indeed, the run-up to the mortgage crisis had tons of people promoting economic collapse theories.

A decade earlier, the Y2K panic ushered in theories of technological collapse. Of course, the zombie apocalypse movies and TV shows are a regular part of the pop media rotation.

Scene from the ever-popular "Walking Dead" television show.
Scene from the ever-popular “Walking Dead” television show.

Societal collapse, however, is probably not in the cards.

Tainter comments.

The best known treatment of the issue is by Joseph Tainter.

In his Collapse of Complex Societies, Tainter makes the point that collapse in the modern age is unlikely. He states this belief under the assumption that all complex societies are dependent on one another.

Normaly or Normacy bias.
Normalcy bias. The belief that things are never changing, that they have always been that way and will always continue to stay that way.

Therefore, when one society begins to fail, the rest will provide support to prevent the rapid disintegration of the failing society.

In other words, the modern age is a network of reciprocal relationships between complex societies.

In the case of America, the rest of the world needs America in order to remain intact. Some nations more than others. Thus, a crisis in America will be met with a response from Europe, Asia and even South America.

In 2018, China shipped 18% of its exports to the United States. That contributed to a $419 billion trade deficit. China's trade with Hong Kong, at 14%, was almost as much. Its trade with Japan, which was at 6%, and South Korea, at 4.5%, was much less. 

- China Economy: Facts, Effect on US Economy 

The internal response to crisis will include global support for repairing the internal problems of America.

Of course, this network of relationships may not arrest the decline, but it will prevent complete collapse. The rest of the complex societies will ease America into the autumn of its existence, thus buying themselves time to adjust.

They will “decouple” from the USA. They will no longer being so closely tied to the economic, financial, social, military and political networks established int he United States.

There is evidence that this is already in process.

U.S. Decoupling From China Forces Others To Decouple From U.S. 

The U.S. is decoupling itself from China. The effects of that process hurt all global economies. To avoid damage other countries have no choice but to decouple themselves from the U.S..


An alternative view.

An alternative to this analysis comes from John Michael Greer. He wrote a paper on what he termed catabolic collapse.

The general theory is that all human societies create complex institutions and social structures that require maintenance. Over time, the cost of maintaining them begins to exceed capacity. The solution is a deliberate downsizing where these complex systems are abandoned in order to focus resources on the core functions of society.

Complex societies don’t collapse. They downsize.

The Global Elites do not see what is coming. They believe that they can hide away in NZ or inside the bunkers far away from the areas of conflict and strife. Nope. That is not going to happen.
The Global Elites do not see what is coming. They believe that they can hide away in NZ or inside the bunkers far away from the areas of conflict and strife. Nope. That is not going to happen. Know your history, and recognize that now things are different and the game is going to be tortuously lethal.

Greer’s idea is a variation of the Tainter theory, in that it focuses on the material aspects of society.

In the Tainter view, collapse is like bankruptcy that ends in a liquidation of the society. Greer’s view is a bankruptcy that leads to a reorganization of society going through bankruptcy, so it can reemerge simpler and more viable.

In reality, both ideas are working from the same assumption. That is, human societies grow inefficient over time and that inefficiency eventually reaches a tipping point.

Cycles in America.
KaLa cycle lineup for a span of time since 2000 into the middle of the new century. The tipping point is the period from around 2010 to around 2027.

The Collapse Event

One issue that is a problem when discussing these theories of societal collapse is we tend to think of collapse as something that happens relatively quickly.

That is, it happens not just in our lifetime, but overnight.

One day things are going along just fine and the next day the wheels are coming off the cart. It is the image of Rome at its peak compared to the image of hairy barbarians scaling the walls. We naturally want to think of collapse as the sudden, unexpected death of society.

Collapse is most likely experienced in fits and starts, with those fits and starts spanning lifetimes. For example, the men who founded the American empire in the early 20th century passed out of this world seeing their creation in the throes of the cultural revolution of the 60’s and 70’s. The so-called greatest generation that inherited the empire from the founders, were re-engineering American society so their rotten kids would stop rioting in the street and burning the college campus.

The generation that founded the empire probably thought it was headed for collapse, but by that point they were too old to care. It did not collapse. American society stabilized, regained its footing and started to recover in the 1980’s and 1990’s, with the great economic and technological boom.

Scene from the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street". The 1980's and 1990's were a period of time when money flew abundantly to the "power players".
Scene from the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”. The 1980’s and 1990’s were a period of time when money flew abundantly to the “power players”.

Ironically, the baby boomers are experiencing what their grandparents experienced as they head for the void. They are seeing what appears to be the collapse of American society in a spasm of multicultural rage.

A half century ago, California was the epicenter of the cultural revolution that threatened to collapse society. It is the test bed for the multicultural favela the rage heads in the ruling class have planned for the nation. 

Today, they have rolling blackouts in a third world effort to keep from setting the state on fire. Their efforts to manage air pollution, a great crusade in the 1860’s and 1970’s, is beginning to fail. Their pension system is effectively bankrupt, just waiting to collapse in the next decade.

In other words, the spasm of decline and near collapse of a half century ago was part of a cycle of decline.

An interregnum

This crisis will probably be followed by some correction, where things settle for a while, but never return to the prior normal. Just as the 1980’s never reached the level of social accomplishment of the post-war years, the next period of tranquility will fall far short of the 1980’s and 1990’s.

It will simply be an interregnum between one period of crisis and the next, another step down the ladder of collapse.

At some point, the old social capital of the prior greatness is exhausted. The Romans were a spent people for over century before the collapse. In fact, they were arguably done in the third century.

The real question about the late Roman Empire is how it managed to stagger on for so long.

Fall of the Roman Empire.
Fall of the Roman Empire.

That may be where we are now in present day America. The next step down the ladder of decline may be so unstable that the weight of past error crashed society through to the bottom.

The case for this theory of collapse is the rapidly shrinking white middle-class.

Shrinking of the White Class

It’s not just shrinking as an economic institution, but as a cultural one. The dominant culture today is one that celebrates degeneracy and barbarism. Bourgeois culture remains, but unlike the 1980’s, it is not front and center, offering a stabilizing point to arrest the cultural turmoil of the day.

The antidote to what’s happening today is not a man in a sundress demanding the rest of us pretend he is a girl.

Facing the fall…

In addition to the shrinking influence of bourgeois white culture, there is the growing sense that what’s left of America is not worth saving.

Everyday, more and more white people come to the conclusion that the people they see in politics, the media and popular culture are incompatible with the world they want for themselves and their decedents.

That old bourgeois white culture is looking at America like the family exhausted by an alcoholic relative. It’s time to cut our losses.


America is collapsing. It will collapse in a long, slow drawn out manner. It will not be fast, though there will be some very spectacular events that will stun the viewing audience. Many people who have the knowledge and ability to retard the collapse are quietly scurrying to protective safe havens and enclaves.

Perhaps, you the reader, should also take heed.

America is not afraid of the consequences of using Nuclear Weapons. They do not think that any nation would use nuclear weapons in retaliation. Nor do they believe that American cities might be affected. They are living in a dangerous and crazy illusion.
America is not afraid of the consequences of using Nuclear Weapons. They do not think that any nation would use nuclear weapons in retaliation. Nor do they believe that American cities might be affected. They are living in a dangerous and crazy illusion.

SHTF and Related Index

The Tale of the Killdozer.
The use of technicals for genocide.
The Climax of the Fourth Turning in 2025.
2025 - the Fourth Turning Crisis - A nuclear response
Why are Americans so angry?
Evolution of the USA and China.
The grim future.
Is it clear enough for you?
r/K selection theory
Pictures of a gun-free utopia.
Historically, how preppers failed during periods of turmoil.
Universal Background Checks
What is planned for American Conservatives - Part 2
What is going to happen to conservatives - Part 3.
What is planned for conservatives - part 4
What is in store for Conservatives - part 5
What is in store for conservatives - part 6
Civil War
The Warning Signs
Line in the sand
A second passport
Make America Great Again.
What would the founders think?
The Ninth Amendment
How they get away with it
Taxiation without representation.
Parable about America
Democracy Lessons
We can no longer build. As we enter the Fourth Turning.
A polarized world.
America's sunset.
Types of American conservatives.
America is no longer a nation. When you cannot enforce a border, enforce laws, and prosecute criminals, you no longer have a nation. America is no longer a nation. It might still be the remains of a once great empire, sort of like Rome was after the Vandals sacked it, but as a functioning nation, it is no longer. When you cannot enforce a border, enforce laws, and prosecute criminals, you no longer have a nation. I argue that the United States is no longer a nation. Forget about being a nation that follows the Constitution. Rather, I argue that it is not longer a nation in the crudest, simplest, and most primitive terms. What it is is up for debate. But, a nation... no it is not.
Lawless Nation.
A reassessment of American republican democracy.
A warning to the oligarchy.
Why neocons are so adamant on maintaining proxy wars all over the globe.  This article connects hawkish neocons with outrageous theft of enormous amounts of money. They sponsor a war, people die, and they cart away pallet loads of money. This has happened time and time again, but few talk about it. But it's a real thing, and it's a real problem. Here we talk about it.
Kala Rhythms as an adjunct to the Fourth Turning generational cycles theory. How everything all fits together.
What is the world coming to? Is everyone crazy? Are all the governments corrupt? Is all that we have to look forward to is yet another war? Well, there are answers to these questions. Here we postulate that the “generational turnings” that are described in the “Fourth Turning” are similar to other methods of societal evolution. We observe that numerous people and organizations have noticed that history tends to repeat. Thus, as such, tried to map out these events to identify future events. In particular, we will take a look at the KaLa Rhythms as being similar to that of the generational turnings as described in the Strauss-Howe generational theory.

Some prepper humor…

Nuke from orbit.

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Our Galaxy as Presented to MAJestic

Our solar system is but one small place within a much larger (physical) community. This community is our galaxy, also known as the “Milky Way” galaxy. Here in this post, I place what I know of our galaxy and mix in what has been presented to me through MAJestic. It is a hodge-podge of conventional science and the outrageous. All together it paints a rather comprehensive general picture of the history of our galaxy…

“Our sun is one of 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is one of billions of galaxies populating the universe. It would be the height of presumption to think that we are the only living things in that enormous immensity.”

-Wernher von Braun, Text of the Address by von Braun Before the Publishers' Group Meeting, The New York Times Text of the Address by von Braun Before the Publishers' Group Meeting Here 29 April 1960 L. 20, column 2 Wells (April 29, 1960), l. 20, column 2. (This is a dated comment, as the galaxy is now known to be more than 7 times as large.)

Many readers, no doubt, have no idea what a galaxy is, and thus need to know why it is so important to me.

Duh! What is a “galaxy”?

Before we begin, I must repeat a core principle to the reader; There is an “invisible world” that is part of our lives. This “invisible world” goes by many names; heaven, dark matter, MWI, to name just a few. What I describe here is the barest edge of what we know to be the reality in our physical world. I discuss the physical reality of this universe centered around our tiny planet.

For many people the word “galaxy” conjures up the same kind of meaning as does a “star”; they are both objects from outer space. When I first started to write about my experiences, I came to confront a harsh reality. It surprised me. Indeed, it still surprises me. People, for the most part, are ignorant of science. It is true.

Most people are totally ignorant of science.

Sadly, not everyone understands the terms and phrases that I use so routinely.

While I have tried to “dumb down” my writings to the most basic level, I am sure that there will be individuals who will still fail to grasp what I am trying to convey. No; this is not an elementary text on astronomy. But, in my own way, I wish to make the complex simple and easier to understand in the context of the world that I experienced.

Where we live

We live on a planet called earth that is in orbit about a star that we call the sun.

A star is a hot collection of gas and light that (seems to) sits apart in the vast universe that we live in. A star can get pretty darn big. Our sun is a star. Contemporaneously, it is considered to be an “average” star. It’s not too big, and not too small. It’s just about right (for us).

However, other species do NOT consider it to be “average”. They consider it to be a little on the “hot” side. In their minds, the most common stars are much cooler and smaller than our sun. They like to think that it is the cooler “K” and “M” class stars that are “average” and “common”.

Our sun and earth is part of a neighborhood that consists of other planets also orbiting the sun. We call this a solar system.

For our purposes, EVERY star has a solar system.

Yay, now maybe some of those solar systems might only consist of some dust and an asteroid or two, while others might consist of a complex and dense collection of all sorts of planets. The point is that we can make the broad assumption that each star has its own solar system of orbiting planets.

A Galaxy

A galaxy is a collection of stars that are bound together by gravity.

Galaxies come in different sizes and shapes. Depending on the history of the galaxy, it can look like a huge fuzzy mass, or a spinning top and anything in between. Our galaxy is also average. It is a little on the “big” side comparatively, and spins around forming a shape and features known as “arms”.

Our Milky Way Galaxy.
The above picture represents the most accurate representation of our galaxy so far. Each little “pin-sized” dot of white is a very hot and large star. The cooler stars are not shown. What we see outside of our solar system is limited due to the location of where our sun is relative to the huge mass of stars which surround us. Further, there are areas of obscuring dust and gas that confound our ability to accurately map the galaxy in its entirety. On the Internet one can find various depictions of what our galaxy is believed to look like. This is by far the most accurate portrayal as of 2015.

Our sun resides within “our” galaxy. We call it the “Milky Way” galaxy because (I suspect) it looks like a splash of milk in the night-time sky.

We live in the Milky Way Galaxy.

We are not in the center of it, nor are we off on the outer edges. Our sun (and solar system) lie in a pretty average and typical section. Our surrounding neighborhood contains both young and old stellar neighbors. As is true with most of the universe, most of the stars that surround us lie hidden. We cannot see them. Those stars that we do see are actually just the big and bright stars only. The vast bulk of stars around us are small and quite dim.

The vast bulk of stars around us are small and quite dim.

The Size of our Galaxy

“How did it communicate? I have no idea. It did move its arms a lot. Almost like giving instructions! I heard no voice communications. The helmet was not as large as our two NASA astronauts, and had a viewport to look forward. It had a small, perhaps a communication device, attached only to the right side of the helmet! 

I saw no oxygen tank(s). It had a wide belt like wrapping around it.. 

It did not appear to be tethered as the two Astronauts were to the sides of the shuttle structure. I observed nothing that appeared to be a weapon. The time of this amazing scene was one minute and seven seconds, I timed it on my Astronaut chronograph watch.”

-Clark C. McClelland, a former ScO of the Space Shuttle Fleet commenting on a scene he witnessed. He claims he personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall extraterrestrial (ET) on his monitor while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Control Center (LCC). 

He claims that the ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with two tethered US NASA Astronauts. He also claims to have observed (on his monitors) the spacecraft of the ET as it was stabilized safely in orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods.

Let’s talk about the “Milky Way” galaxy.

Stars do not lie alone in the great vastness of space. They are not scattered about like grains of sand on a beach. They clump together. They gather in groups. They collect together.

These collections are called galaxies.

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains maybe 600 to 750 billion stars (plus or minus 250 billion) that lie mostly in a semi-flattened (with wavy planar ripples) spiral disk of some 70-100,000 light-years (ly) across, with a central bulge of about 10,000 ly in diameter.

I said, “Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains maybe 600 to 750 billion stars”. This is debatable. 

There are those whom still hold to the 1960-era belief that there are only 100 billion stars in the galaxy. 

Others, through ignorance (perhaps), subscribe to the 1985-era belief that there are 400 billion stars in the galaxy. 

While still others maintain the more conventional belief (1995-era) that there are no more than 600 billion stars in the galaxy. 

If you consider the T and Y class dwarves to be stellar bodies then the number could well exceed 1000 billion stars. This is a 2015 era belief.


I said, “spiral disk of some 70-100,000 light-years (ly) across”. Apparently, our galaxy is pretty much on the larger side of my estimate. 

The size was upgraded in the March 10, 2015 edition of the Astrophysical Journal. 

This brings the Milky Way's size up to that of Andromeda. The Milky Way's small radius in comparison to Andromeda's larger radius has always puzzled astronomers because the two galaxies have roughly the same mass.

I can see the nerds in the reader audience nodding. However, the galaxies as portrayed in fictional software games are not a true representation of the actual size of a galaxy. For instance, the game stellaris (at most) might have a galaxy of a mere two thousand solar systems. 2000 is not 750,000,000,000.

(I would guess that the game limitations are due to the computer technology, as well as the general interest of the player. Afterall, a boy starting the game would end up as an old man before he would even begin to consider finishing it.)


Our Location in The Galaxy

“The number of habitable worlds in our galaxy is certainly in the tens of billions, minimum, and we haven’t even talked about the moons. And the number of galaxies we can see, other than our own, is about 100 billion.”

– Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer at California’s SETI Institute

Our sun; Sol, lies less than halfway out (26,000 ly) from the galactic center in Sagittarius. It resides on the core-ward side of one of the galaxy’s spiral arms named Orion. This “arm” is some 2,000 to 3,000 ly thick.

There are numerous arms in our galaxy. (This figure seems to change, as scientists can’t seem to make up their minds between the major and minor arms.) As of 2017, it is considered that there are four “major” arms in our galaxy.

Our Milky Way galaxy showing the arms.
Here is a nice picture of what our Milky Way galaxy looks like if you were to view it from an angle far away. Selected “arms” are identified and labeled. The Sun is shown as a reference.

Roughly 6,000 light-years separate “our” Orion arm from the Sagittarius-Carina arm on the inside (towards the center of the galaxy) and the Perseus arm on the outside (outer rim of the galaxy). From our perspective, the galactic rim is in the direction of Auriga and Taurus.

Do not be deceived. The space between these arms is NOT empty of stars. They are full of stars. It is only that the vast bulk of the stars are the dimmer dwarfs that give off scant light that it appears that the voids are empty. The “arms” are composed of more hot and bright stars than what is found in the spaces between them.

The spiral arms of our galaxy.
The closest spiral arms to our solar system within the Milky Way galaxy. The sun’s location is provided for reference.

Our sun, Sol, is located 67 light-years north of the galactic plane.  We are not in the middle; in the thick of the galaxy disk.  We lie above it.  We lie within a roughly 200-light-year wide oval band that is rich in gas, dust, and newborn stars.

In this region are associations of extremely bright, bluish, and massive O and B stars, with emission nebulae (H II).  These are the (bright) stars that we see at night.

All those stars that we see at night are not typical. They just happen to be the stars that are easiest for us to see.  Some are big.  Some are bight.  Some are visible because they are nearby to us. Often, these are the very young stars that people claim to be the home for extraterrestrial species.  Heads up; they are not.  They simply glow and light up the night sky for us.  They are what we see.  They are what give our galaxy the shape that we perceive.  They are what help us define the “spiral arms”.

Voids between the Spiral Arms

The apparent voids between spiral arms are not empty space.  They are not empty at all.  It certainly looks like it, but that is because we are unable to see the dimmer stars.  In truth, the “voids” of nothingness between the spiral arms are actually “chock” full of dimmer, redder, and less massive stars like Sol. (G, K, and M class.) Not to mention the huge numbers of “brown dwarf” stars and their respective solar systems.

The truth is that these voids are where the BULK of intelligent extraterrestrial species come from.  This is where the more advanced civilizations in our galaxy exist.  They do not lie inside the (visible) arms; where the young and hot stars lie, and where the gaseous and dusty spaces proliferate.  No.  They tend to lie in the safe, unexciting, and relatively quiescent spaces between the arms.

Bode's Galaxy - Messier 81.
Here is Bode’s Galaxy. It is listed as Messier 81. It is very similar to our galaxy in overall shape and form.

The Milky Way has two four (x4) major and two (x2) minor arms that spiral out from the long bar of stars, as well as near and far arms that lie along both sides of the central bar more.  There are also some “trivial” galactic features that could be classified as “offshoots” of the arms.  These are distributed throughout the galaxy.

To some, the naming of these various features is important. Yet the truth is that the stars group together in clusters of various sizes, shapes, and intensity of brightness.  How we view these clusters defines our naming conventions.

Some Notes;

A 12-year study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society has confirmed that our Milky Way Galaxy has four spiral arms, following years of debate that it has only two arms. 

First there were four arms, then there were two major arms with two minor arms, now we are back to four major arms again! Jeeze!  Here’s a good write up on all the arguments. 

"Using NASA's infrared Spitzer Space Telescope to sample light from some 30 million stars in the Milky Way, astronomers observed a long bar of relatively old stars spanning the center of the galaxy. Stellar bars are known to exist in some other spirals, and researchers have long pondered the possibility that one might reside in ours. They were unsure, however, of whether the heart of the galaxy would contain a bar structure, an ellipse or both.

The new observations paint the clearest picture yet of the Milky Way's interior and reveal the apparent bar in unprecedented detail. The feature is some 27,000 light-years long (7,000 light-years longer than expected) and sits at a 45-degree angle to the galaxy's main plane."

The Center of the Galaxy

Looking in from a point outside the Milky Way, we would see the luminous parts of the galaxy;  a dense concentration of mostly old stars that fill the central bulge.  Whose brightest stars are generally [1] red giants of relatively low mass or [2] big bluish stars recently born from gas. In the center of our galaxy is a very interesting and complex structure known as Sagittarius A* that is probably a black hole massing about 2.5 million suns.

Sagittarius A*
Evidence has been uncovered for the presence of a jet of high-energy particles blasting out of the Milky Way’s super-massive black hole known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). This image of Sgr A* and the region around it contains some of the data used in the study, with X-rays from Chandra (purple) and radio emission from the Very Large Array (blue). Jets of high-energy particles are found throughout the Universe on large and small scales. The likely discovery of a jet from Sgr A* helps astronomers learn more about the giant black hole, including how it is spinning.

The central bulge is not a central point.  It is not spherical in shape.  Indeed, it is shaped like a long rectangular or oval bar.  Its shape actually extends in the form of a 12-18,000 ly long “bar” (2-3 times longer than it is wide).  From that, it “extends” to four bluish spiral arms on opposite sides.  (Quite an unusual object, indeed.)

These “arms” wrap around the bulge and each other outwards through the dimmer and redder galactic disk.  They possibly include broken arm segments; (these) yellowish arms where most short-lived OB stars have already perished and spurs off the arms (for example, the Orion Arm containing Sol, may actually be a spur that might have once been a part of the Perseus arm).

It is a dynamic and energetic place.  With large streams of energy, vortexes of gravity, plasma, and other gasses interspersed the enormous stars and stellar debris of the region.

Galactic halo

Surrounding the Milky Way’s spiral disk and bulge is the slightly flattened feature known as the “galactic halo”.  It extends far out and away from the galaxy.  It acts like a large envelope that contains the entire galaxy and encompasses other stellar objects.

This halo consists of stars. It generally consists of very old stars, averaging somewhat lower in mass than our sun.  (G, K, M and brown dwarfs for the most part.)

The halo structure of the Milky Way Galaxy.
The halo of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is comprised of two elements; there is an inner and an outer halo.

Within the galactic halo is a relatively small number of individual stars and about 200 or so globular clusters.  A globular cluster is a spherical collection of stars.  They tend to clump together and orbit the galactic core as a satellite “mass”. Globular clusters are very tightly bound by gravity, which gives them their spherical shapes and relatively high stellar densities toward their centers.  These clusters are spread evenly about the halo; roughly half above and half below the disk.  The reader can think of them as dense warts on an imperfect face.

These densely packed groups of stars may make excellent cradles for complex space-traveling life to evolve. However, we do not know this to be the case.  We can only hypostatize.

My belief is that life springs up throughout the universe quite easily.

Di Stefano presented his research at the 227th meeting of the American Astronomical Society.  His key point was that globular clusters are massive groupings of millions of stars in a region only 100 light-years across. The clusters date back to the early life of the Milky Way (nearly 10 billion years ago). (For comparison, the universe is approximately 13.5 to 15 billion years old.) Although these clusters' age raises some questions, it also provides ample time for civilizations that emerged to evolve and become complex.

In this case, the older age of the stars is an advantage. Di Stefano and Ray noted that bright stars like the sun would have been born, lived and died, leaving behind only faint, long-lived dwarf stars. These dimmer stars would require planets to orbit closer to their sun in order to maintain liquid water on their surface — a key requirement for the evolution of life as we know it. Their close orbits could help shield them from interactions with passing stars, according to a statement from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).

The reader should recognize that there are studies that claim that these environments may be too harsh for life.  In all cases, there are studies that say one thing and studies that say the opposite.  The truth, like everything else, lies somewhere in between both extremes.

“If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense. 

If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.” 

Bertrand Russell

The Ripples or Grooves in our Galaxy

There are ring-like structures of stars wrapping around the Milky Way’s outer disk. These structures appear to belong to the disk itself.  As a result, instead of the galactic disc being a thin “structure”, it is much larger than that. We now know that the disk is about 60 percent larger than what we had previously thought.

Not only do the results extend the size of the Milky Way, they also reveal a rippling pattern. This is a very unique feature.  As such, it raises some really intriguing questions about what actually sent wavelike fluctuations rippling through the disk.

Ripple patterns in the Milky Way galaxy.
The Milky Way Galaxy has an apparent pattern of “waves” in the basic disc. This is a curious observation and suggests a complexity of galactic formation that was not initially obvious.

The researchers who discovered this feature suggest that the likely culprit was a dwarf galaxy. They have suggested a theory that the dwarf galaxy might have plunged through the Milky Way’s center long ago, sparking the rippling patterns astronomers have now detected. It would be similar to the waves on a lake or pond when you toss a pebble into it.

Other Structures

There are other structures that are associated with our galaxy. They too are quite interesting. One of which is the Monoceros Ring.

Complex features of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Our galaxy has numerous curious features or collections of stars. They greatly extend the size of our galaxy and indicate a complex dynamic in the formation of our galaxy and the interactions of the stars inside of it.

We know about these features due to the work of Yan Xu. Xu is an astronomer at the National Astronomical Observatories of China. Xu, colleague Newberg, and other colleagues studied the problem of a group of stars beyond the disk’s outermost edge. (The so-called Monoceros Ring.)  They used data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to determine the actual shape and behavior of this structure.

They found four (4x) total structures in and just outside what is currently considered the Milky Way’s outer disk. The third structure was the Monoceros ring, and the fourth structure was the Triangulum Andromeda Stream, located 70,000 light-years from the galactic center.

All four structures alternated with respect to the disk. They went from above it, to below it, to above it, to below it. Newberg, who was in the tidal stream camp, was surprised that the ring and three other structures were actually a part of an oscillating disk.

I really love stuff like this. It’s really great to read about and consider the wonders of our universe.

The hidden reality of our galaxy

Our luminous galaxy, because of the Galactic Halo, appears to be embedded in a larger and much more massive, but unseen, spheroidal halo of mostly non-luminous (or low luminosity) material (Brown dwarves, planets, gas giants, planetoids, asteroids and other mysterious bodies that we have not yet been exposed to.).

As described previously, this halo extends the physical dimensions of our physical galaxy substantially.  The Milky Way may actually contain as much as the mass of a trillion suns like Sol, although the 600 billion, estimated luminous stars mass only about 175 billion suns. Thus, most of the galaxy’s mass must be composed of “dark” matter, of which brown dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, gas, and dust are estimated to make up only a minor share. The nature of the galaxy’s non-luminous matter is still unknown.

Stars of our Galaxy

A comparison of different star sizes.
This illustration compares the different masses of stars. The lightest-weight stars are red dwarfs. They can be as small as one-twelfth the mass of our Sun. The heaviest-weight stars are blue-white supergiants. They may get as large as 150 solar masses. Our Sun is between the lightweight and heavyweight stars. The red giant star at the bottom of the graphic is much larger than the other stars in the illustration. Its mass, however, can range from a fraction of the Sun’s mass to a few solar masses. A red giant is a bloated star near the end of its life. In this brief phase, a star’s diameter expands to several times its normal girth. (Image Source.)

Although as many as 5,800 to 8,000 of the Milky Way’s stars are visible from Earth with the naked eye, it is seldom possible to see more than 2,500 stars at any given time from any given spot. Most of the stars that we do see are not typical stars.  Not at all.  We cannot see “typical” stars.

Our eyesight, even with most telescopes are simply not good enough.  Instead, what we see are the very rare, bright and young hot stars.  All of which possess more mass, a higher luminosity, and a greater diameter than our own sun.  While we might well (possibly) see them, they only represent a very tiny percentage of all the stars present to our eyesight.

We cannot see the bulk of the stars, the vast majority of stars in our local neighborhood are dimmer than our sun; too dim to be observed with the naked eye. Although dim and reddish M-dwarf stars constitute more than half of the population of our galaxy’s stars, none are visible to the naked eye.  We just cannot see them.

In fact, it wasn’t up until the last decade or two that we “proved” that “brown dwarfs” actually existed. Up to that time, it was all just a theory. The statists strongly argued that “it doesn’t exist unless I can see it!“.

Physical Conclusions

Every day we are learning more and more about our galaxy and the space that lies around us. There will be many more discoveries and the science books are constantly being revised with the latest discoveries and theories.

When we meet and communicate with other species and other intelligences, and others that are extraterrestrial in nature, we discuss things from our point of understanding. That is very limiting because for the most part, not only do they see things differently than we do, but they have created sciences and technologies that are based on those understandings. They are alien to us.

For instance, a species that sees clearly in the infrared spectrum (apparently a common thing) see a different kind of sky at night. Their understanding of our galaxy is somewhat different than ours. For they see it in a far different way than we can.

The reader must understand, for a successful transfer of information and technology from one species to another, there has to be a uniformity of understandings and perceptions. Oh, forget that Hollywood bullshit about mathematics being the language of species communication. It isn’t. At least, that has been my experience.

We can only understand things within a common framework.

This limitation has been one of the problems that MAJestic has had with our extraterrestrial benefactors over the years. It is also why myself and a handful of others were tasked with our roles. So when information is presented herein, it is based upon an understanding of our “established” understandings with the presentation of new ideas and concepts that are alien to us.

With that being stated…

The History of our galaxy

Here is the “unwritten” actual history of our galaxy.

In many arguments concerning the Fermi Paradox, it is often discussed in terms of the physical universe.  It always boils down to transport of one extraterrestrial species from one “home planet” to another “colonization planet”, and the relative probability of it occurring and being sustainable.

There are a myriad of arguments and discussions on this, and all of them are quite interesting.

I do not have the entire and whole story, and I am not even able to provide a sweeping overview.  However, I can make a handful of statements that might give the reader some pause to consider.  All of this involves only our galaxy alone.  I know absolutely nothing about other galaxies.  This information is tenuous.  It does not involve the sheer totality of our universe.

So this is the complete catalog of what I know regarding our galaxy.  I am sorry that it is so abbreviated, and perhaps a bit obtuse, but it is all I know about the galaxy that we live in.  Please accept my apologies in this matter.

The Very Beginning

In general, the physical universe is around 13.7 billion years old.

Shortly afterward, gas, dust and other odd objects formed.

Their gravity would bring them in contact with other gas, dust, and odd objects. Eventually, they started to form primitive stars and collections of stars.

The earliest proto-galaxies formed rather early on, and they were huge in size.  In fact, very large and very old galaxy clusters existed roughly 2.5 billion years after the “big bang”.

Some Notes;

The age of the universe at 13.7 billion years is debatable.  But why quibble about fractions of a billion years that occurred around 14 billion years ago, that is silly.  For our purposes, lets just simply say that the universe is a nice round 14 billion years old.  (Anyways, time isn’t what we think it is anyways.) 

“In physical cosmology, the age of the universe is the time elapsed since the Big Bang. The current measurement of the age of the universe is 13.799±0.021 billion years within the Lambda-CDM concordance model.”

Astronomers have found distant red galaxies—very massive and very old—in the universe when it was only 2.5 billion years post-Big Bang.

“Previous observations suggested that the universe at this age was home to young, small clumps of galaxies long before they merged into massive structures we see today. We are really amazed — these are the earliest, oldest galaxies found to date. Their existence was not predicted by theory and it pushes back the formation epoch of some of the most massive galaxies we see today."

-Carnegie Observatories Ivo Labbé

These red galaxies are very interesting. Astronomers have been particularly surprised to find very old, red galaxies that had stopped forming new stars altogether. They had rapidly formed massive amounts of stars out of gas much earlier in the universe’s history, but then suddenly starved to death. This behavior has raised the question of what caused them to die so early. (Such “red and dead” galaxies may be the forefathers of some of the old and giant elliptical galaxies seen in the local universe today.)

In addition to the old “dead” galaxies long past star formation, there were other red, dusty galaxies still vigorously producing stars.

"We're detecting galaxies we never expected to find, having a wide range of properties we never expected to see." Apparently, the early universe was already a wildly complex place. It's becoming more and more clear that the young universe was a big zoo with animals of all sorts. There's as much variety in the early universe as we see around us today."  

-Carnegie Observatories Ivo Labbé Go HERE.

The Formation of Our Galaxy

No one really knows how OUR particular galaxy was formed.

Contemporaneously, there are debates on the age of our galaxy. In fact, there are those who claim that our galaxy is almost the same age as the “Big Bang”.

As of 21MAY18, the overall consensus is that the totality of our universe is about 13.7 billion years old.  Contemporaneously, based on measurements of the element beryllium in two stars within a globular cluster of stars called NGC 6397, our Milky Way galaxy is considered to be one of the oldest galaxies in the universe. Using this dating method, those involved puts the age at 13.6 billion years. 

Or, in other words almost the same age as the universe itself.

Now, this conclusion is based on the assumption that the globular cluster NGC 6397 formed at the same time that the entire Milky Way galaxy formed. It’s a pretty big assumption. It really is, as there is no indication that this is true.

This kind of assumption is like looking at an old man with a young girl and assuming that they are the same age because they sit in the same car together. I would kindly and respectfully suggest that further work needs to be done on this matter.

Now, there are other things and other evidence that also suggest that this is true. For instance, they have found very ancient stars at the very center of our galaxy.

So, is our galaxy really as old as the universe?

How our Proto-Milky Way Galaxy was Formed

I posit that the universe was created and afterward, various stars, globular clusters, and proto-galaxies formed. These proto-galaxies and stars moved about and interacted with each other. I contend that there was a period of around 3 to 4 billion years where the proto-galaxy of our Milky Way galaxy formed.

After the “Big Bang”, during a period of 3 to 4 billion years, numerous “objects” and items formed. They all became gravitationally attracted to each other. This collection of objects created the proto-galaxy that eventually became the Milky Way.

During this period, the first 4 billion years after the “Big Bang”, older stars interacted with the dust and material that eventually became our galaxy. Therefore, our galaxy is comprised of a number of proto-galaxies, older globular clusters, and some very old stars. Yet, the bulk of our galaxy started to form around 3 to 4 billion years after the “Big Bang”.

Our galaxy is typical; it is an aggregate of early formed stars, and clusters, gas and debris that formed in huge proto-galaxies, and collections of gas and debris that eventually formed the bulk of our galaxy as we know it today.

Our Galaxy – The early days

Our complete galaxy; the Milky Way galaxy, formed solidly about 5 billion years after the “Big Bang”.  (With its proto-galaxy coming into existence around 3.5 billion years from the Big Bang. Say 1 to 1.5 billion years of formation.)  In the early years it didn’t look anything like it does now, and even today, as then,  it is constantly changing and evolving.  Actually and truly; it is but a physical manifestation of the quantum world that surrounds us all.

What we are discussing is the earliest beginnings of our galaxy.  There was no specific point in time where the galaxy came into being.  Rather it formed through a coalescence of material into a collection of dust, debris, and stars.  At some point, it became large enough to be called a galaxy.  So for our purposes, let’s just say that the galaxy that we know it formed about 3.5 billion years after the “Big Bang”. Prior to that, it was something else; a proto-galaxy.

Let’s not quibble as to what constitutes a proto-galaxy and a mature; evolving one.

There have been approximately four generations of stars in the universe, (that is) if you discount the super-hot and short-lived stars, that are but transient events of insignificant duration.  For our purposes, we can consider that our galaxy has had two complete generations of stars.  (On average.)  The very oldest stars in our galaxy are all that remains of the first generation.

A stellar generation is similar to that of a human generation. A star is born, grows and dies.  That is the first generation.  A second star is born out of the debris from the earlier star.  It grows and dies.  This is the second generation.  A third star is born out of the dusty debris of the second star.  It grows and dies.  This is the third generation.  Finally, a fourth star is born out of the debris from the third star.  It grows and then eventually dies.  This is the fourth generation.

Generations of stars were born, lived their stellar lives, and then faded into dim obscurity or died.  The galaxy has been quite dynamic.  (They move in orbits inside of a twirling and spinning galaxy.  They flash into and out of existence.  They form from collections of dust, and flash as radiation is released.) Stars form and die all the time.

When we look through our telescopes we see this dynamic interplay.  Stars have a much longer lifespan than humans, so it appears that they never change.  However, that is an illusion.

Galaxies Smash into Each Other Too

During the formation of our galaxy, and during the first of time, up to now, there was a rather serious change to our galaxy.  Another much smaller galaxy; a dwarf galaxy, plunged headlong into our galaxy.  It disrupted the tidy orbiting paths of the stars and altered the shape of our galaxy.  Some stars from the dwarf galaxy were added to our galaxy, some of our stars were tossed out of our galaxy.

Given the huge distances involved, there probably were not too many stellar collisions.  (We assume.)  The galaxy just passed through ours, and the gravitational waves influenced the orbital structures of the galaxy.

First Intelligence’s

After the big bang, the physical world began to appear.  This came in the form of proto-galaxies which included all sorts of planetary bodies.

The plain and straight fact is that the first quantum intelligence’s (non-physical) began to occupy the quantum sphere of the galaxy relatively early on; approximately in the first billion years of substantial galaxy formation (about 9 billion years ago).  To be clear, intelligence formed long before physical bodies (containers) evolved.

Consciousness and intelligence formed long before physical bodies formed.

These life forms were with intelligence and understanding.

They created thoughts and formed quantum-level artifices, but they did not have physical forms.  Our galaxy at that time was mostly somewhat an organized proto-galaxy with the very beginnings of physical organization.  There were rocky planets, but most were too unstable to host any kind of physical life.  The galaxy; and the universe at that time was emerging.  It was nothing like we see it to be today.

Quantum level intelligence always precedes physical intelligence manifestation.

What the physical manifestation of our galaxy was, at this time, a large collection of gas and dust.  With a rather lumpy composition containing regions of dense and not-so-dense gas in the vast spaces.

The life forms were all quantum-based intelligence’s and thoughts.  Most manifested in simple forms of lattices and strange mixtures of garbons and unusual alignments of swales.  There were no specific archetypes and no really strong and stable avenues of intelligent growth.

As a result, many intelligence’s came into being and then quickly morphed into other things.  These were both good and bad.  Neutral alignments were rare.  It was a world of the strong and organized quanta taking over that of disorganization.  But ultimately the chaotic environment began to stabilize and the first intelligence’s of organized thought began to manifest.

First Physical lifeforms

For our purposes and understandings; the vast bulk of physical life (as we understand it), however, did not begin to manifest until much later; around three billion years later (about 6 billion years ago) after the very first tentative formations of the galaxy.

This, of course, relates to the “organizational threshold” that must be reached in order to blossom uniformly through the galaxy.

Certainly, there were minor pockets of microbial life that were established in the earliest years of galaxy formation (Within the first billion years of planetary formation.) Nevertheless, for various reasons, these were anomalous and really did not contribute to the “organizational quantum threshold”.  The truth be told, it manifested in pockets (Roughly associated quantum signatures with physical locations at various points.), scattered about relatively uniformly in the “halo” of the galaxy.  This early life was microbial and had simple physical forms.

 I urge the reader not to get too confused.  When I refer to the “Halo” I mean a uniform distribution though out the galaxy which includes above and below the plane of the elliptic. There are stars out there in the nether regions; far removed from the well-known and dense “arms” of the galaxy.  The life began to form in an even distribution pattern.  It formed everywhere; not just in the plane and not just in the arms where the most active and energetic stars lay.

Over a period of one billion years, the life tended to grow in spurts throughout the galaxy.  Some life would become extinguished as the planetary environment changed, while other life would grow through periodic planetary extinctions and yet still survive and adapt in the physical forms.  Meanwhile, other life began to crop up and live starting at the smallest microbial stages.

The simple physical life represented the simplest of physical manifestations.  Upon once a life took root on a given planet, it began to propagate and evolved, over time into other forms.

The evolution of life, on a given planet, was never clean and pristine.  The various life forms needed to evolve.  To do that, they required periodic planetary changes that ultimately caused the life forms to grow and adapt to change. It should be interesting to the reader to note that planetary global extinctions are common throughout the universe.  The effect on life as observed on Earth should be considered to be atypical to general evolutionary trends.  Please note that the extent of global planetary extinctions present in a given solar system is directly related to the size of the solar system.

If the star is large and hot, such as O, B, A and maybe F class stars, any rocky planets (and shepherding gas giants) will be plummeted by large asteroids and periodic bombardment.  In fact, given the short lifetimes of these types of stars, the planetary bombardment will be rather (more or less) continuous during the solar system life.

If the star is a little cooler, there will still be planetary bombardment, but it will become less and less frequent over time.  This would pertain to F and G stars.  That is because the gravitational influence of the star is not as great, and the size of the solar system is not as large.

If the star is even cooler than that and thus smaller, there will also still be planetary bombardment, but it will be small in influence (relatively speaking) and like the F and G stars will become less and less frequent over time.  This will pertain to K, and M class stars as well as Brown Dwarfs.

Complex solar systems involving binary, trinary and larger systems are much more complex. As such, the relationships between global periodic extinctions will vary and fall under complex formulas.  It is beyond what I know at this time.  I am sure that some intelligent scientist will one day come up with a set of rules and guidelines that would effectively delineate these complex relationships.

Bipedal Intelligent lifeforms

Within a billion years, about 5 billion years ago, bipedal intelligent life began to occupy a number of worlds.  This was about one billion years before the very beginnings of our solar system.

A plot of the growth of extraterrestrial civilizations within our galaxy.
There are numerous civilizations in our galaxy. They all follow development patterns. This chart summarizes the growth of populations of galactic civilizations as a function of time.

However, there were no specific quantum archetypes and when these species began to develop the sciences and technologies necessitated by survival, they often caused quantum disruption and great chaos when they crossed the vast gulfs of space between the stars.  This disruption became very serious; almost catastrophic, and needed to be curbed and culled.  This was because entire civilizations were slowly being innocently entangled with different levels of quanta.  They became confused and unstable.

It is not that simple.  The term “levels” is a catchall phrase.  It represents different types of disorganized quanta clumps.  These non-stable garbons and associations are dimensionally unstable.  When they confront other quantum arrangements the ones with the greatest quantum entropy gains mastery.  This caused a great deal of consternation.

This was a chaotic period.

Various species advanced technologically and spread across the galaxy.  They met other space-faring races and periods of confusing confrontation occurred.  There really wasn’t much in terms of overt physical warfare (while some did actually occur), most of the problems had to do with incompatibility of various levels of quantum integration and thought manifestations.  (Civilizations met and interacted, but the different quantum influences adversely affected the “weaker” or more “exposed” species.  This eventually altered the physical world of both species.  Typically it resulted in various catastrophic effects.)

It was a difficult time.

Inferior species without robust quantum configurations were easily overtaken by species with superior quantum organizations.  The conflict happens outside of the physical and takes place over a generally short period of time.  Over a few generations, the weaker lifeform tends to die off or be displaced.

I do not know the details.  However, this period lasted around one billion years and ended about 4 billion years ago.  This was about ½ billion years before the formation of our solar system.  At that time, a number of (the strongest and most stable) organized species and races began to establish themselves in our galaxy.  These races and species were all space-faring and very powerful.  I believe that the progenitor race was one of these races.

The age of our solar system is under revision. Researchers studying bits of a meteorite discovered that the space rock was 4.5682 billion years old, predating previous estimates of the solar system's age by up to 1.9 million years.

Stabilization and Organization

At about three billion years ago, the galaxy was stabilized and set groups or organizations began to run it and control it.  Over time they began to become more organized and better prepared to interact with each other.  These organizations continue to this day.  (Some mature, while others retire and evolve into other things…)

The area (of the galaxy) that we are in, has the form of a structured government, administered by a kind of federation (of sorts).

Each organization of races or species has established nurseries where they permit the cultivation and growth of “approved” and desirable quantum soul archetypes. We are in one of these nurseries.

The reader might be amused to know that there are five such nurseries in our general physical location. Thus, there are four other nurseries for sentience cultivation nearby. One of which is extremely close to us physically.

I believe that the established list of “approved” archetypes occurred around 1.5 billion years ago.  The primary characteristic of this listing is to prevent one species from entirely disrupting another species because their (emerging) quantum soul is too prone towards disruption.

Key to the stability of a quantum configuration is a well-established sentience.

Since all quanta (in the species “Heaven”) are all interconnected, mixtures of different kinds of sentiences detract (take away from) the stability of the group quantum makeup. Uniformity of quantum configurations is desirable for stability of the sentience of the whole.

Now, every creature has a different soul. A dog has a soul. A cat has a soul. A tiger has a soul, and a three-eyed critter from Tralfamadore has a soul. Each soul is attuned to a unique “Heaven”, which is the “universe” in which it resides.

In “Heaven” is a uniformity of form. All human souls occupy a “human Heaven”. All cat souls reside within a “cat Heaven”, and so forth. However, each individual soul has an “awareness”. Thus, in a specific Heaven are different beings.

Each soul can create different consciousnesses within different realities to obtain experiences with. As long as the experiences build upon the overall “growth plan” of the soul, all is fine.  However, when the experiences are disjointed, or irregular, discordant sentiences result.  Discordant sentiences can terribly pollute and damage a given “Heaven” or quantum makeup of a species.

The key to prevent this from occurring is to create a “safe space” for a given species to grow within.  This is a nursery from which a group of souls can acquire experiences and lessons.

Our Nursery

Our nursery is a relatively recent event and was established around 540 million years ago (more or less).  The moon was relocated and put in orbit around the earth (As strange as it might seem, the purpose was to simulate the tidal effects that planets have that orbit smaller K and M class stars.) Additionally, specific native lifeforms were eliminated, while others were cultivated.  Monitoring of the solar system began during this time.  The exact periods of their involvement are unknown to me, but if I were to query our benefactors, I am sure that they would tell me.

My overall “feeling” is that there was a less than organized implementation of this nursery and that the primary “observers” had a greater latitude in their behavior (early on) than what we experience with them today.

The nursery was established by a group that I prefer to refer to as the “Progenitors”. It is monitored and observed by a different species. That species works directly with MAJestic in the policing of this nursery.

Ken D. Olum has some thoughts…

Ken D. Olum, using some inflation-based ideas and the anthropic premise that we should be typical among all intelligent observers in the Universe, arrives at the puzzling conclusion that “we should find ourselves in a large civilization (of galactic size) where most observers should be, while in fact we do not“.

In this note, he discusses the intriguing possibility whether we could be in fact immersed in a large civilization without being aware of it.

This is pretty much in line with what is being provided herein. The basic conclusion is that this possibility cannot be ruled out provided two conditions are met. These conditions are [1] that we call the Subanthropic Principle and [2] the Undetectability Conjecture.

  • The Subanthropic Principle states that we are not typical among the intelligent observers from the Universe. Typical civilizations of typical galaxies would be hundreds of thousands, or millions, of years more evolved than ours and, consequently, typical intelligent observers would be orders of magnitude more intelligent than us.
  • The Undetectability Conjecture states that, generically, all advanced civilizations camouflage their planets for security reasons, so that no signal of civilization can be detected by external observers, who would only obtain distorted data for dissuasion purposes.

Dispatch from our nursery will not be permitted until our sentience is established.  Otherwise, our discordant-sentience could escape our quarantine and disrupt the rest of the galaxy much like a plague.

The Progenitor species will not permit humans to leave the nursey until our sentience is homogenious amoungist the bulk of humanity. Then, our souls will be reconfigured into a galatically approved archetype that would best fit our sentience.


The reader must realize that we will never be permitted to leave this nursery until we, as a species, have mastered our ability to control and mitigate our quantum selves and souls.  Therefore, we are an intermediary stage in evolution.  Progression off-world means that we must either [1] cultivate a “service-to-others” sentience, or [2] devolve into a “farmed” sentience such as dictated as “service-to-self” entities.

That is the “battleground” that humans are fighting today.  (The reader should not confuse the periodic “turnings” of social human behavior with quantum sentience.) The sentience that wins will determine the future direction of the human species.

Signposts for Service-For-Self Sentience

When this happens, there will be some telltale signs that will appear that will indicate a kind of foreboding as to what will transpire.  [1] Firstly, humans will start to alter or “improve” their DNA and genetic structure.  [2] First, in secret, and then publicly, there will become genetic stratification of human types.

There will be Indian-style caste systems put in place and defined by genetic manipulation.  The lower castes would be genetically bred for certain functions, while the upper castes would have other genetic attributes incorporated to make them more “superior”.

[3] Laws will be put in place to control the behaviors of different castes of people. [4] Finally, once the service-to-self caste system is well entrenched, the entire human population will be absorbed by a more advanced service-to-self sentience, and all humans will find their genetic makeup altered over time to become a “farmed” sentience.

Age of our galaxy

The Milky Way appears to be poised to enter middle age.

While many younger galaxies can be grouped into “blue galaxies”, older galaxies can be grouped into “red galaxies”.  Recent observations using infrared wavelengths indicate that the Milky Way appears to be of an intermediate color, which means that it can be grouped into relatively rare “green valley” galaxies.

  • Blue Galaxies – This name applies because their vigorous star formation at this stage of evolution produces many young stars that are massive, bright, and bluish.  Thus, the galaxy appears to be very blush in color.
  • Red Galaxies – Here, the galaxy is dominated by the longer-lived red stars.  The short-lived, bluish stars have expired to leave the redder, dimmer, less massive stars behind.

These types of galaxies are thought to be changing from blue to red as star-formation waning over 1.5 billion years (based on model simulations). If observations and model simulations are correct, star formation in the Milky Way will end within five billion years.

This will occur despite the gas compression and star formation impact of a predicted merger with the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy (M31).  That event is anticipated to initiate beginning in 2.2 billion years and taking five billion years to fully assimilate.  The Andromeda galaxy also appears to be transitioning into a green valley galaxy that is relatively poor in the cold gas needed for star formation.

Age of galaxies by color sequence.
A plot of stellar mass and galaxy color. Our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy is currently in the “green valley”.

My Conclusions

“There are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything we can deploy, that we have no means of stopping them coming here . . [and] there is a serious possibility that we are being visiting and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. . . . This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” 

– Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defense Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

The reader might be surprised at my conclusions.  But, given what I do know, our galaxy is simply teeming with all kinds of intelligent life in all kinds of shapes and sizes.  It is full of life; life at every stage of development.  This goes from the earliest and simple microbes to highly advanced civilizations that are millions of years old.  And, at that those are only the physical creatures, I didn’t even begin to mention the great diversity of (invisible) quantum creatures that are about and surround us.

We should not at all be surprised to know that there are well way over a million intelligent extraterrestrial species in our galaxy.

Truthfully, if the reader could “get inside my head” and know what I know, experience what I have experienced, and been exposed to what I have seen, they would be surprised.  Not at all the wonderment of nature and the capabilities of technology, but rather at how silly the arguments are that we humans are “alone” in this universe.

They are just so silly and trivial.

In fact, the galaxy that surrounds us is not a wild, empty and untamed wasteland just ripe for exploration and colonization.  But, rather, it is a well patrolled and policed manicured world of great color and complexity.  Not to mention dangers and pitfalls.  Humans are fortunate to live in this protected nursery that we call the earth.

We humans do not understand so much, what is necessary in regards to our universe.  Were we to leave it, in our infantile state, we risk serious conflagration of our soul makeup. We are so ignorant, that we don’t even have an inkling of our ignorance.We need this protection. We need to understand the reality of ourselves and how we fit in the universe.

Take Aways

  • Our galaxy is typical in the universe.
  • Our galaxy is roughly around 9 billion years old in a universe that is approximately 14 billion years old.
  • Consciousness and sentience in our universe occurred prior to the formation of the physical reality that we observe.
  • The physical manifestation of intelligence in our galaxy began around 9 billion years ago. This was at the start of the formation of the Milky Way galaxy.
  • First biological creatures began to inhabit our galaxy around 6 billion years ago.
  • During a time period lasting approximately 2 to 4 billion years ago, there was a restructuring of sentience during a competition period for sentience domination.
  • Our solar system was formed around 4.5 billion years ago.
  • The galaxy stabilized with sentience standardization protocols and established archetypes starting around 1.5 billion years ago.
  • About 1 billion years ago, a system of approved sentience archetypes was established, and a policing / enforcement group was established in support of it.
  • Native life began to evolve and populate the world around 600 million years ago.
  • The solar system that we live in was established as a sentience nursery around 540 million years ago.
  • Numerous sentience’s have been cultivated within this nursery. Humans are the latest biological creatures to be so cultivated.


I am open to updates on the latest theories and information regarding our galaxy. As with everything else, what I understand is based on what I know. I welcome comments and suggestions to better help flush out the past in our galaxy.


Q: What type of galaxy is the Milky Way Galaxy?
A: The Milky Way galaxy considered to be a “barred spiral galaxy, as such it resembles the Hubble classification type “Sbc“. This is how the galaxy looks at this point in time. In the past, the Milky Way galaxy looked quite different. Galaxies change their shape over time.

Q: How big is the Milky Way galaxy?
A: Yah. It’s pretty darn big. It’s huge. In fact, scientists are just falling over themselves in amazement as to how big it is. The galactic disc is at least 150,000 light-years across. As time moves forward, we find ourselves constantly revising the size of our galaxy ever larger.

Q: How old is the Milky Way galaxy?
A: As of 21MAY18, the over consensus is that the overall universe is about 13.7 billion years old. Contemporaneously, based on measurements of the element beryllium in two stars within a globular cluster of stars called NGC 6397, our Milky Way galaxy is considered to be one of the oldest galaxies in the universe. Using this dating method, those involved put the age at 13.6 billion years.  Or, in other words almost the same age as the universe itself.

I contend that elements within our galaxy is as old as the universe, but most of the galaxy did not come into being until around three to four billion years later.

Q: What do you know about Roswell?
A: It is a town in New Mexico. There is all kind of lore regarding that area. Some people claim that an extraterrestrial vehicle crashed there and that it has been “covered up” by the United States government. Hogwash! Nothing is ever covered up by the United States government, why we have the open and most transparent president in the history of the world; Barrack Obama telling us that there are no extraterrestrials. You can believe him, right?

Q: Why is sentience important?
A: Our universe is controlled by thought. Sentience funnels and directs thoughts. Unless the sentience is policed, great disruptions to the fabric of our universe can occur. Thus it is critically important that humans have a unified sentience, and eventual genetic reprogramming to a approved archetype.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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