More examples of personal heroism. It’s mostly inside of China as that is all that I have examples of. This is my 2021 Dragon Boat Festival edition.
I accidentally mixed up my posted videos with the un-posted so if you saw a particular video, I still urge you to re-watch it again.
These videos all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help?
Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand?
Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Make a difference. Be like Rufus!
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser. Click on the picture and the video should pop up or appear in a new tab.
These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full experience.
A kind act deserves respect
I argue that all of us must be the best that we can be, and to do everything being mindful of the kindness that we provide. That requires an understanding of the needs of others; empathy. Which is something that psychopaths, and sociopaths are unable to understand. (The Western oligarchical leadership.) Which is why it is so missing and devoid in the West.
Be the Rufus. Show your humanity.

A fisherman gets fished
Throughout China are these little fishing ponds. A guy owns some land, he has a bulldozer dig up a pond, he then stocks it with fish, and charges folk a few yuan to fish all day. It’s a nice pastime. Well, at least it is if you don’t try to get in the water when you don’t know how to swim.
Luckily there is a nearby Rufus to pull him out.

Discovery on the Beach
You are walking along, and you spot a turtle upside down dying in the hot Australian sun. What are you going to do? Are you going to continue onward, shrugging your shoulders, and saying “not my business”? Or are you going to help the poor defenseless creature?
I know what a Rufus would do.

A tri-wheeled electric truck wrecks
And it’s right there in front of you. What are you going to do? Are you going to drive by? Maybe pull an “American”, you know what I mean… slowly drive by, gawk through your window, and say “well, I’m glad it’s not me“. And then forget about the entire event while you go into a drive through for your triple-decker double-cheese deluxe super-sized mega-burger..
Nope. Life is about being the Rufus. Be good. Be helpful. Anything less is below you.

A community pulls together
A community pulls together and everyone participates. They all work as a team. Even if many are just unskilled go-gooders. A measure of a truly functioning society is the amount of contribution that an individual can provide to that community.
In America how much was my contribution? Very little. I wasn’t allowed to. I had to register to participate. I had to pay to take classes, then pay for registration. Then once registered, I had yearly dues to contribute, and a series of up-grades in skill sets.
And that was just for being a forest-fire-fighter.
In China, EVERYONE participates. And you don’t need to register, pay a fee, or yearly dues either.

We must help others
It’s not just turtles, dogs, cat, people. It can be ducks, and geese. We all need each other. We really do. Is your life so busy that you cannot stop and lend a helping hand to a mother with her chicks? Are you so all-important that you cannot slow down and be the guiding light and the shelter in the storm?
Be the Rufus.
Like this woman obviously is.

A delivery girl feeds her baby
It’s tough when you are in your 20’s. You have broken out from the parents, and are now off on your own. But what are you going to do? You need to work, and you have a six month year old baby. What do you do? Give it to daycare? No money. Have a friend or family member watch? Not always possible.
What’s a Rufus to do?
A Rufus does what needs to be done. And if it means you work with the baby by your side, you do it. A Rufus is what we should all strive to be.

Freak Accident takes down the driver
Notice how this Rufus handles himself, and how everyone else tries to assist. People, we are all part of something much larger than just scraping by trying to survived in a world dominated by psychopathic and sociopath personalities. And for us to shine!.. To really shine we must actually be the best that we can be.
We must be the Rufus. Nothing else matters.

Coronavirus B-strain takes down an officer
The COVID-19B is a very nasty and lethal bio-weapon and when it first started to hit China, it came out of nowhere. People started getting seizures and dying on the spot. No wonder trump wanted to inoculate the American population with the safe A-strain.
What would you do, if you were the Chinese leadership and you started to see this? Why you would take the most extreme measures possible. That is what you would do. China acted in unison like a Rufus.

Collapse on the street
A man collapses right then and there. People stand around not knowing what to do. The kids look on. The man goes by busy on his way to work. The old lady looks on. A teenager takes a video…
But a Rufus gets on his hands and knees and does CPR.
In this world if you are not making the world a better place; if all you care about is greed, money, lust, wealth, power… and you have no humanity what so ever… then you are not living. You are a potato.
Be the Rufus. It’s our highest calling.

Bike wreck with children aboard
So a woman wipes out while carrying three babies. The bike splatters all over the road, and she is hurt, confused, and all the kids are crying. What are YOU going to do? You don’t know her, you have businesses to run, people to meet, deadlines to deal with and an angry boss? What will you do?
I’ll tell you what I would do, I’d help her. Be the Rufus. It’s you highest calling.

Blocking the spray
The world needs people to do a lot of little things, a lot of tiny kind actions. Like this man (or woman) here. The street cleaner is spraying the road and will probably ‘take out” the motorcycle rider. But not if there is a Rufus around. Rufus will block the spray. Rufus will provide shelter. Rufus will be there.
A nation for and of Rufus’s is unstoppable.

Rescue at a car accident
A car gets into an accident. People see this and run to the car to lend help and support. This is what all Rufus’s do. But if you want to instead by the bystander, the potato…not do anything… not render help and assistance then you deserve the society that you created. The world needs each other. We must be open, helpful, caring, understanding and accepting of others. No matter what.
Which pretty much explains why the United States is in the dire mess it is today. It must change. It must.

A truck driver hit and dying
You don;t know what the day might bring. You just do not know. But you do know that as long as there is a Rufus around, that you are not alone. That you will be helped, and that others will take care of you with no questions and without asking for money.
The Rufus is ALWAYS there to help.

A car accident
When a car gets into an accident, are you the kind of person that slows down to watch what is going on? Or, do you stop everything, get out, and offer help and assistance? You action during these periods of stress and turmoil are what defines who you are.
Are you a Rufus, or are you a potato?

A man is beating up a woman on the street
You are minding your own business, checking your messages and getting ready to go out for a nice dinner with friends and then home. When suddenly you hear a woman calling for help and you see a guy hitting her, kicking her, and wresting with her. What would you do?
Would you pretend nothing is going on, and look the other way, or would you be the Rufus?

Helping a little old lady
You would think that EVERYONE would be helpful to a really old and feeble lady. Nope. Not in today’s modern age. It’s every man for himself. And “only the strong” survive. Which is why everyone in America admires the multimillionaires that rule them. Not here. You are either a Rufus, or you are a potato. There is no “shades of grey” in this matter.
Be the Rufus.

Rescue of a drowning boy
A small dot in the wide expanse of water is struggling. Others notice, but they do nothing aside from screaming and yelling. Some film the event. But no one goes out into the water. No one wants to get wet. no one cares. No one is willing to get uncomfortable in the icy cold water.
No one, except a Rufus.
Be the Rufus, its our highest calling!

A classmate is down
A guy is going down the steps, falls and hits his head. Hes out. So what are you going to do? Nothing? Call the police? Stand by. Run past… or stop and help. The Rufus in you SCREAMS help this man. Now!
Be the Rufus. Anything less is below you.

Another Drowning
And another drowning. It’s another place, at another time… Hundreds of people watch doing nothing. Not the Rufus.
The Rufus does not wait.
The Rufus does not hesitate.
The Rufus acts.

Lending a helping hand
A Rufus will contribute to make the world a better place. A Rufus will be helpful, will participate, and will be selfless. When you have a nation were everybody works for the well being of the society as a whole, the entire society wins, and everyone benefits.
Such as this Rufus demonstrates…

Yet another drowning
People getting caught up in large sudden flood happens all over the world and is far more common than one would realize. When I was a boy in Western Pennsylvania we once had a night of heavy rain, the next day, when walking to school I noticed that the trailer park on the banks of the river was missing.
At night the entire trailer park with sixteen trailers went into the river while the people were sleeping. Eight died. Another twenty has never been found.
Be the Rufus. Contribute. Be helpful.

Warning others of danger
Torrential rain has flooded the road. In the middle of it is a sewer drain. The top is gone, and if someone were to ride into it the would have a very bad accident. Someone might even get killed. The Rufus doesn’t wait. The Rufus doesn’t sit by and film. The Rufus acts.
Are you a Rufus?

Participation in Society
You are in school. Everyone gets one and only one banana. One banana doesn’t have the skin on, and so it is undesirable. Are you and your friends going to let the last person in the line get the undesirable food, or are you going to “man up” step to the plate and do one for your crew? For your friends? For your classmates? For your society?
What would Rufus do?

Rescuing a child in distress
Your baby is in trouble. Your child is very sick and you are in a complete panic. What are you going to do? Well, there is a traffic cop in the middle of the road. So you run to him. Can he help you? Will he help you? What’s the story?
No worry. He’s a Rufus.

Being “Spiderman” to save a toddler
A baby has crawled on the ledge of an air conditioner five stories up. What are you going to do? Will you call the police? Will you call the fire department? Will you call an ambulance?
Will you wait for the coroner?
If you are a Rufus, you will take action. Just like these fellows did. Be the Rufus. It’s your highest calling.

Putting out an electrical fire
A young body sees an electrical fire. What will he do? Will he go and get his parents? Will he run out of the house? Will he pretend that nothing is going on? Will he pour water on the electrical box that is on fire?

Helping others
People, old ladies, children and dogs all need our help. But most people don’t care. They are just off in “la-la land” playing the “grab everything I can before I die game”. You know like Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. They only offer the appearance of assistance when it serves their purposes. Like the “Buddy” the White House dog under Clinton’s. When the utility was finished, these beings were discarded like old hamburger wrappings in the garbage.
A Rufus would never do that. A Rufus is kind to all. A Rufus makes the world a better place in very small bits and pieces. A Rufus is what the world needs right now.

Rescuing a child under attack
A child is playing in their front yard near the family car. Suddenly a dog comes up and starts attacking the child. No one is around. What can the child do? The dog is about the same size with terrible teeth and a mean bite. Well, luckily there is a cat nearby and the cat protects the child.
It’s a cat Rufus.

Flooding is causing road barriers to collapse
A Rufus participates in society. It’s not “other people’s problem”, it’s all of ours. And we all need to work together to make the world a better place for all of us to live in.
America has 300 million people. For the last fifty years they all, each and everyone, sat on their asses and demanded “me-me-me”, in fact the 1990’s was labeled the “me decades”. But imagine what America would look like today, if everyone pitched in… if everyone worked together. If everyone contributed to society. If everyone picked up litter for free. If everyone volunteered to scrub graffiti, if everyone contributed their time and effort. If everyone was more understanding, and more compassionate.
Like they are in China.
A Rufus doesn’t wait. A Rufus acts. A Rufus makes the world a better place to live in. Not for money. Not for fame. Not for appreciation. A Rufus does it, because it is the right thing to do.
Be a Rufus.

Oh, and in case you all were unaware. All the guys doing this in the video are delivery guys working for “Kangaroo Food Delivery”.
Girl choking on food.
You are eating with others. Maybe schoolmates. Maybe classmates. Maybe colleagues. Maybe family. When suddenly one of the girls stands up and starts to choke. What are you going to do? Are you going to sit there, and pretend nothing is going on, or are you going to do something? Are you going to help the person in distress.
Are you a Rufus?

An old cat
The cat is 22 years old. This is ancient and equivalent to 150 “human” years. But we are guys. We have things to do, our careers, taxes to pay, emergencies to take care of. And our beloved pets get sidelined. Children come, and the pets are ignored. They get old, and forgotten. Oh, we give them food and water, but mostly let them fend for themselves.
They get old. Their bones hurt. They have trouble using the litter box, finding where the food is, seeing and smelling. They no longer can jump, climb or get around.
Rufus would never ignore loved ones. Not young pets. Not children, and not old ancient pets either. A Rufus would spend time with the loved ones, comfort them, help them and show them compassion and humanity.

Helping a stalled electric scooter
An old man is stuck in the middle of a torrential downpour. He’s old, the scooter is stalled. The rains are horrible and the multi-lane road is flooded. Its rush hour and he’s fucked. He’s in the worst place at the worst time, and everyone wants to get out of there and go home.
That is…
…everyone except a Rufus.
Be the Rufus, it’s our highest calling.

Stopping a kidnapping
Once a Rufus hears struggles, screams and cries for help they act. They don’t turn their head and pretend that nothing is going on. They don’t stand to the side. They don’t become an onlooker. They take action.
Such as this woman did.
Be the Rufus.

School boys take down a mugger
Society should act like an organism. When a cancer starts to take root, the healthy cells need to coordinate their efforts to expel the bad. That is the way the body works when fighting colds and illness. And that is how a healthy society works.
But over the years, very unhealthy society’s have grown, became famous, and teach that their sick and twisted systems as being the best, and the ultimate in perfection. It’s a lie.
Healthy societies find the bad, and expel it. Such as this group of young boys and Rufus’s illustrate.

Military reservist takes down a mugger
Maybe you were trained to be a Naval Aviator, but you are scrubbing commodes now. Maybe you have three university degrees in engineering and astrophysics, but you are on a hard-labor chain-gang break up rocks. Maybe you were a trained special forces operator, but you are now a “delivery boy” for fast food. And you see a mugging. What are you going to do? What are YOU going to do?
You be the Rufus. It’s your highest calling.

We do not know when the calling will come.
However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.
The world needs us now. More, now more than ever.
Be the Rufus, or be a potato. There are no other options.
Do you want more?
If you enjoyed this post, please click on this link and check out the rest of my Rufus series…
Hero Stories
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