This is an older patreon video that I am now making public. In case you all are not subscribers to my You-tube channel, here’s the video. Please enjoy.
Tag: quanta
Construction of the elements of Quanta
This is one of my earlier patrion videos. I hope you all enjoy this video.
Do not fear the soul realignment event
This was a private video for Patreon. It is now free for everyone to view. Here, we discuss what you MUST go though if you want to stop the endless cycle of reincarnation.
Very important links.
The Metallicman webpage has daily articles of everything from geopolitics, to art, music, history, extraterrestrials, science and just stuff that defy description…
The Metallicman patrion page has daily videos and articles for the hard-core influencers and supporters. Here’s the really valuable stuff. Basic membership is only $5 a month. Great stuff here. It’s where I present the “secrets of the universe”…
What to do when it seems that your affirmation prayers are shooting blanks
This article is very important. I get a lot of comments from people who run an affirmation campaign, or two, and are surprised that nothing seems to be happening. They wonder what they are doing wrong. And it is very upsetting to them. So what I want to do here is explain a couple of things to put everything into perspective and to set the proper systems in place and corrective actions for those desirous of it.
So what happens? You are running two, three maybe ten campaigns of prayers. You are following the directions and the format exactly. You are doing everything that you are supposed to be doing, but still it doesn’t seem like you are getting anywhere. What is going on?
It all began with this email that I got the other day…
I’m not sure if i should write you this like this or if i should put it in the comment section. The thing is this. It feels my prayers aren’t being answered or even getting closer to being answered. That’s the short version. Lol.
That’s pretty straightforward and clear.
The longer story is this: I started praying your way with some slight modifications in the wording in September 2020.
So you have been running affirmation campaigns for just over one year and you are not seeing any results.
One year is a extremely short span of time to expect results.
My rule of thumb is for every combined cluster of six months of affirmations, you see results in three years.
Depending, of course, on your situation, and the complexity and difficulty of your desires.
So lets’ s suppose you ran a total of eight weeks of prayers in campaigns. That equals a total of two months. My rule of thumb would then place your targeted goals out at about nine years from now.
Here’s my handly-dandy goal manifestation estimation table…
Of course, the personal situation and all things considered can mitigate these projected target dates. As well as how you do them, and all the rest. It’s just a guide that varies from person to person.
Now, the astute observer would notice something VERY interesting about this table above.
Let’s look at it again…
So what gives?
It doesn’t seem like it is worth it. An extra six months sooner for doubling the amount of prayers doesn’t seem to make sense. It’s a lot of extra work for just a slight decrease in the wait time.
Ah. But the point here is that you should all be having multiple affirmations in your campaigns. Not just one singular goal.
The more different affirmations the crunchier and compressed your manifestation dwell time.
Or to put it another way, you WANT to have more and varied descriptions of your goals, not less. And these extra prayers adds complexity that adds depth and breadth to your resultant objectives and colors to the results.
So in short. Don’t be impatient. Run your campaigns. Follow the formula, and know that they will manifest.
Let’s continue with the email contents…
The modifications i did are to pay respect to God. Being a Catholic. The way i say my prayers are still in a present tense and positive way.
There’s no problem with that. You do have to be care in one aspect of prayers, however. You CANNOT say…
- God please grant me permission to have XXXXX…
Absolutely not.
You must say thing specifically in this manner…
- I have XXXXX.
It is very important that you say things in a [1] positive, [2] present, [3] perfect [4] tense sentence structure.
I started by doing one month on and one month off. During the first pause a lot of things got worse. Just like you said. I figured, no worries just keep it up. After the second pause things got worse but some things also showed signs of improving. And because it seemed my prayers were being answered i decided to keep my prayers more or less the same.
Yes. You are correct. This is the way it works.
I specifically decided not to get greedy and ask for huge things or whatever. I felt grateful and just wanted the rest of my prayers to be answered. Now as you yourself know even better some prayers aren’t answered but you are given opportunities to do some things yourself to get to what you want.
Yes, this is how it works. No problem here.
Well up until my fourth pause , which was in april 2021 , things seemed to go that way. After that it just seems like my prayers are being blocked or stay just out of reach.
This indicates an issue. Some potential issues or causes, the top culprit being…
- Conflicting affirmations (given your current situation). You would be amazed how certain words or phrases can completely derail your affirmations.
Other issues / contributors that are commonly encountered include…
- Timing
- Curses
- Handicaps
- Pre-birth world-line Templates
- Expectations
- Negative partner
- Bombarded by electromagnetic radiation
- Inauspicious fate
In the meantime some prayers were answered but still. One of my main prayers. Which is owning my own house seems to come in reach and then gets taken away just as quickly. Almost as if something out there doesn't like me.
This is a common enough experience, and I do know what is EXACTLY going on here in this particular issue.
It might seem like there is a barrier, and maybe there is. But I am willing to guess that there is a conflict in your affirmations. How?
Let me illustrate with two simple affirmations in a singular campaign.
- I and my family are happy, safe and secure.
- We own a nice house.
Then as time moves on, opportunities for a house appear. and you are just about ready to get the house deal, but then it falls through. So you try again. Same neighborhood. Again it falls through. So you see something at another part of the city, and still it falls through.
Chances are that sure… you might be able to buy the house. BUT… you will never be allowed to because if you lived in any of those houses you and your family will not be happy, safe and secure. You see, you have to turn off your mind from things cause and effect.
You need to start thinking fourth dimensional and asking for guidance. I would thus add these affirmations…
- I am given direction and nudges that tell me which affirmations to change or alter so that I would be happy and healthy as would be my family as well.
- They will provide me insight and feedback as to how successful my affirmation campaigns are working.
With this, you would obtain feedback loops and nudges as to how to direct your affirmation campaigns.
The same thing happened with some other prayers. Now there are a couple of things i noticed since April 2021 and i hope these things sound familiar to you. - Some things show up during the pause phase, but the also disappear during the same pause phase. - Those disappearing things drifting back into my life when i start praying again.
What is going on is that the supporting underlying structures are not fully mature for the affirmations to manifest.
Think of an individual affirmation as a hearty meat and potato stew. If you don’t allow the time for the stew to cook, it will be watery, trivial, and plain. You have to let it cook for hours to allow the potatoes to soften, and the meat to tenderize and the broth to form.
This has happened with me, OMG! Time and time again.
Like when I wanted a nice Cadillac automobile. And it manifested. And then six months later the Air Conditioning died, and I was living in Arkansas where it was hot and humid and I was sweltering in my nice car with no Air Conditioning. But to repair the A/C cost $8000 USD. Ugh!
What I said was…
- I own a nice big impressive roomy executive automobile.
When what I should of said was something different. Early on, I noticed that when I put special “but” affirmations in my campaigns they would stop those mistakes from happening.
You OBVIOUSLY have a few “but” affirmations that are causing things not to manifest.
So what is going on here?
As I see it there are two things that are plainly going on…
- You are not letting the affirmation campaigns cook. You want your goals NOW, and not in two years when you are fully ready for them.
- There are some “but” affirmations that are preventing certain manifestations from happening.
This let me to think about shortening my pause phases.
No. No. No. You want to lengthen the pause phases. Not shorten them. Never shorten them.
Also because you wrote about how one can have shorter pauses. You wrote this in an older article. All though you never wrote why that can be done i figured this might be what i needed to do based on how things went the last year. So i decided to pray for six weeks starting in November and then resting for the rest of December. Which would be about 3 weeks.
You can have shorter pauses, but it is ill advised.
Think of the stew. Sure you can have a quick bowl of stew early on. But it will not be as tasty as one fully cooked. It’s like a pizza. Sure you can take the pizza out early, but the cheese won’t be melted, and the crust will be soft and wet.
And then on December 1 you put out your article in which you say that you can actually EXTEND your pause phase. Which now has me wondering even more on what to do. Shorten my pause or extend it?
Extend the pause phase. When in doubt or questions, always extend the wait time.
More questions
The Questioner continues…
There are way more things i would like to write to you, but i know you are busy so can i ask you this. 1: does this e-mail of mine give you ideas for add on articles on prayer campaign details that people need to know about. Like what happened with me and how and what we need to do to fix these things when they occur during our prayer campaigns.
Yes. It generated this article and I am confident that one or two others will find the information valuable.
2: If my mail isn't worthy of an article because its not something that would make for a beneficial article for a lot of people or even if it is could i please at least ask for some short answers on the following questions.
No problem, I will help in any way possible.
1: you said that you shouldn't do one month on and one month off campaigns for more than 8 months. I am over that time period already. So should i start my new campaign now right away or would it still be better to actually extend my rest period until February
In your case, I would conduct a base line campaign with an extended rest phase. You should be running a three month campaign (12 weeks) followed by a three and a half month rest period (14 weeks).
1. So my last campaign lasted 6 weeks and would then have a pause phase of 7 weeks instead of 3.
Yes. That is correct.
2: i have gathered from experience that whatever that you gained from prayer only drifts back during pause phases and not during campaigns. I’m talking about things that would require multiple campaigns to become more permanent in your life. It seems that prayer campaigns put a hold on the drift back effect. Am i correct on this?
Yes, in general. You are right. There are exceptions, but in your case this does seem to be the case.
MM comments…
"I own a house in Zhuhai".


Personal issues
The house is in the same geographical area. We can take the bus and go anywhere we normally go. It’s only that the administration is of a different community, the taxes and prices are different. That’s it. So in essence we have almost what we want, however, it is not EXACTLY what we want.
By keeping the affirmations in place, I can tell you all from experience that the desires, goals and dreams will absolutely manifest. You all just must be patient.
So please be patient. They always manifest. I have some of the most outlandish desires COME TRUE. Things that you would say “never in a million years” happen, but they did. So believe me. Follow the techniques and NEVER ever forget and do not doubt yourself.
Other issues
Now, for about 95% of the people the reasons why something is not manifesting is that you need to give things time. But there are other influences that can affect your affirmations as well.
There are numerous issues that could factor into why things seem to be taking a long time to manifest. I am going to break down some of the major event killers here. These are not every influence that might slow things down or cause you trouble, but they are all things that you need to pay attention to.
Here’s the list…
- Timing
- Curses
- Handicaps
- Templates
- Expectations
- Negative partner
- Bombarded by electromagnetic radiation
- Inauspicious fate
- Conflicting affirmations
As I have stated.You are on a template, whether it is a pre-birth world-line template or a slide, but that template might have your goals further way or on “mountains” that will take some effort to get to. Do not lose hope.
Just keep plugging on and on and on. Then make sure that you have good long rest periods. And during those periods absolutely NO AFFIRMATIONS. Don’t even think about them. Let them “cook” and manifest. If you are thinking about your affirmations during the wait / pause time, you are doing things wrong.
Some people will put a curse on you. There are many, many, MANY people that do this. Not just intentionally, but inadvertently.
These curses need to be dealt with in your affirmations.
So in order to minimize the effects of curses, you need to add curse negation affirmations to your campaigns.
- I purposely avoid negative, dangerous, bad, or problematic reality world-lines to achieve my goals.
- I have broken apart any barriers to controlling my reality. These are barriers that are either self-created, or those created by others.
- I define my reality, and undo any contrary spells, magick or alterations imposed upon me, or the reality around me by anyone or anything.
- I block and shut out all negative, de-constructive, and dangerous thoughts from manifesting and altering my intentions listed herein.
- These blocking protections extend to my family and include any malevolent efforts by anyone, or things against them.
You might have intentional problems that need to be resolved before certain affirmations can manifest. This is a big, huge subject and I have not even touched on it yet. What’s going on…?
Some people enter the physical realms in the General Population with a kind a handicap.
It’s an intentional set of chains, or restrictions and limitations that “handicaps” the person’s ability to live in the General Population MWI.
If you have such a handicap you need to contact your mantid directly and ask them to remove it and to give you insight why you have one in place and why. If you do not know how to communicate with your mantid, then you put the question in your affirmations.
- I know what handicaps are inherent in my life.
- I communicate with my mantids to remove or reduce any handicaps that I might have on me, my family, on on my goals.
My gut feeling is that maybe 20% to 25% of the population have a handicap of one type or the other imposed.
The template you are on might have some inherent faults, fissures or problems that will make obtaining your goals and dreams from manifesting. This is possible, but in my experience, it is not really all that common. It just manifests as long mountainous terrain.
You need to add affirmations that permit you to select the easiest paths towards your goals so as to avoid the mountainous terrain.
- I always follow the path of least resistance to achieve my goals. In this way my life is smooth and calm, but also I do achieve my affirmation goals.
Have realistic expectations. The best things take time. Do not be in such a rush. All will happen and all will occur.
Negative partner
The biggest influence on your life is your partner. They can enable you towards greatness or break you into nothing. If you partner is opposing you, you will need to keep your goals and dreams a secret. If they are still problematic, then you will need to change your partner.
Be realistic about your situation and your goals, dreams and desires. Be careful on what you are doing. Personal affirmations in an affirmation campaign are personal and are SECRET. Very few people, especially those close to you, should be isolated and kept away from your inner-most desires.
Bombarded by electromagnetic radiation
The USA and much of the West is bombarded by brain altering radiation used to manipulate. These things are very dangerous, but they also influence your affirmations. You need to center your consciousness, and you need to stay way from the “news”, especially the Western “news” as much as possible. It is toxic. Avoid it.
Inauspicious fate
As I have discussed in my “Fate Forecasting” Index, fate is tied to your entry point on the pre-birth world-line template and it is a physical gravity influence. You need to realize that when you are fated with inauspicious events, they will put a sever damper on your ability to manifest your goals, dreams and desires.
You will have to wait… still conducting your campaigns over and over again… until you pass through the inauspicious times. Then watch all your seeds sprout and bloom!
Conflicting Affirmations
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Intention Prayer Index here…
Intention Campaigns.
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Fate Forecasting; How birth Pre-birth world-line template generates initial character attributes similar to that of a role playing game (Part 2)
This article discusses how the elements associated with one’s luck is established as a a “fate vector package” upon birth.
We look at the initial starting conditions of the pre-birth world-line template. As it fixes permanently the gravitational influences that surround the physical person.
It is these same gravitational influences influence the role of fate in one’s life.
In this way, a person can understand that birth is very similar to character generation during a role playing game. Much like you can generate the attributes for your character in the old board game Dungeons and Dragons, or any of the First Person Shooter games available in software.
The Fate Forecasting and World-line template mapping
For those who are unaware, this article discusses four very significant elements in control of your life, and future happiness.
[1] World-Line Templates
The use of world-line topography maps is a major part of life navigation in the MWI reality universe that we inhabit. You control your thoughts, and thus you navigate the terrain of entropy that is set up for you at birth. This is conducted by Affirmation Prayer Campaigns. You use these campaigns to focus your thoughts for set periods of time. It's sort of like placing specific navigation beacons that you set your automobile route generating software towards. What's more, you can actually change the entire terrain that you are operating upon. You can do this by "sliding". You can adjust your affirmation campaign to specify a change in the terrain that you inhabit. There are all kinds of terrains, and all kind of features. The one that you were established with at birth is known as the "pre-birth world-line template map". Newly generated template maps can go by other terms. To study this issue, you can go to my Intention Campaign Index HERE.
[2] Fate Forecasting
Fate Forecasting is a method of measurement of the ebb and flow of luck in your life. This is important, as studies have shown that successful and wealthy people do not obtain their positions through merit. It has been proven, time and time again to occur through luck. To study this issue, I have a index on this subject. It is the Fate Forecasting Index that this article is part of and which can be found HERE.
[3] Consciousness Centering
Consciousness Centering is necessary as there are all sorts of things that tug and pull at your brain and consciousness. To optimize your thoughts to be most efficient, and thus most successful, you need to be able to center your consciousness. To accomplish this, you need to use tools and techniques to do so. Here at MM we have provided Hemi-sync (FFR) to accomplish this. You can access the files to listen to and learn and center your consciousness HERE.
[4] Rufus Behaviors
Physical actions influences the thoughts of those around you. My surrounding yourself with other people who generate happy and positive thoughts when you are around, your world tends to move in positive directions. A study of "Rufus" actions can be found in the Rufus Index HERE.
Western horoscopes vs Chinese Bazi
Both systems use planetary alignments to estimate the fated luck that a person will endure in their life.
Western horoscopes tend to be simplistic, and only utilize planetary alignments and empirical observation to arrive at forecasts. They are only associated with the date of birth, are not tied to a given latitude or longitude, and do not recognize non-physical components. Further, the Newtonian physics takeover of the educational systems int he 19th century, pretty much relegated all horoscope prediction matters to the realm of disdain and pseudo-science. This is further aggravated by hoaxers who set up for-profit entities to fleece the gullible. Western horoscopes have been in existence in their current form around three thousand years.
Chinese BaZi horoscopes are more detailed, more exacting, and incorporate general geographical influences in their calculus. They also incorporate non-physical gravitational elements and have a much more involved interaction of play between the various elements involved. Further this method of divination has been around since the beginnings of Chinese written records which is at least 6000 years old.
The premise
The planetary gravitational influences on a biological being influences their life. We refer to this a “luck“.
Since the movements of the gravitational influences are fixed and immovable, the luck is fixed. We refer to this as “Fate“.
These gravitational influences are independent of other templates. So you cannot conduct a “slide” to another world-line template to change your fortune. Everyone must deal with the ebb and flow of their luck. This is their fate.
Since the gravitational forces change over time using Newtonian physics, we can predict the rise and fall of luck. We refer to this as “horoscope generation“.
For the purposes of illustration, let’s consider a person born under the Western horoscope of Leo. Which is around July. Their Western horoscope would predict the relations of fate in their lives, and for the most part would seem to agree with what the person experiences.
But if you get into this further, you could look at the BaZi and discover that this person is a “Dog Sign” given their birth day, year, month, hour, second and geographic latitude and longitude. At the precise moment of birth, the planetary alignments and gravitational forces were fixed. And by using Newtonian astrophysics, the movements of the planets and their gravitational influences can be mapped out over the given life time.
So irregardless of what the pre-birth world-line template is, the fate will follow a predictive ebb and flow of luck.
Further, the BaZi breaks down the luck into components or “packages”. And the interaction of those packages will determine how the luck manifests.
Now, whether you are on a pre-birth world-line template, or slide to a new template, you luck (as fate) is still manifest.
Now, in this example, if the fate says that you have a high potential to be scammed in business, this will still occur. However, different world-line templates will have decidedly different manifestations of that luck.
A calm level topography template map

The business scam will be minor and easily avoided. There just aren't any hills or mountains to indicate effort or discord. There are no problems with entropy. So (for example) the business discord might manifest as an employee stealing a box of pencils.
A mountainous topography map

In this case, you know that there is a massive build up of entropy. This will help trigger events that you will need to deal with. In this case, a business discord might be a customer that scams you out of a million dollars, steals your wife, and burns down your office building.
A easy-going topographical map with many valleys

In this case, the entropy is positive and the travel on the MWI world-line map tends to be easy going and not problematic at all. Yet the fate of some kind of business discord may still manifest. This could be something like some leaves blowing on the lawn of your office building, if anything at all.
What manifests in your fated luck depends on the terrain of your world-line template map. You need to be aware of your fate; what is auspicious and what is not, and adjust your MWI navigation through the world-line as necessary to avoid the most dangerous of event cycles.
Character generation and the Mantids
What apparently happens in Heaven is that the consciousness decides to “descend” into the General Population to experience “life”. Often this includes hardship and turmoil and personal sacrifice to obtain “growth”. The Mantids help the consciousness plan for the next foray into the earth environment. They do this by establishing a “Fate Path” that coincidences with the MWI in the Reality Universe.
A “pre-birth world-line template” is constructed. Then a “Fate profile” is used to generate a “Fate Path” that coincidences with the “Life line” that the consciousness would endure. This sets up the “Luck Triggers” that will keep the consciousness on the path to follow the adventures, experiences and lessons that the Mantid planned for the consciousness.
Key to all of this is the selection of parents and the DNA of their resulting offspring that will be the host skin suit for the consciousness to occupy.
Thus the Mantids create a character generation effort prior to the consciousness injection into the General Population on the Earth. This is similar to that of a role play game or first person shooter.
The attributes of skin-suit character generation are…
- Pre-birth world-line template.
- Entry date and time.
- Entry geographical location on the MWI.
- Parent selection and skin-suit DNA.
- Fate profile. (For the Fate Path.)
- Luck Triggers.
- Tell tails, sign posts, and periodic alerts.
Tracking this process
Perhaps we can look at examples of people who remember their previous life for clues to this character generation process.
There are well-known cases of children remembering past lives, including two-year-old James Leininger, who had nightmares about being a WWII pilot, and four-year-old Ryan Hammons, who remembered being Marty Martyn (a dance director and manager of motion-picture actors) in a past life. And of course, stories of reincarnation are not limited to children. Several adults claim to have been someone else in a past life.
“This Is My Ship”
When William Barnes was four years old, he drew a ship with four smokestacks. He showed the drawing to his parents and told them, “This is my ship, but she died.”
Soon he started insisting that his family call him “Tommy”’ instead of William, and he wouldn’t stop talking about two brothers and other family members. None of what he was saying made any sense to his parents, and the situation escalated when William started having non-stop nightmares about a huge ship, freezing water, and steel slabs falling on top of him.

The nightmares continued, and it was only at the age of 25 that William sought help. He underwent hypnosis, and during the session, he could hear himself arguing about “the ship’s design.” As soon as he awoke from the hypnotic trance, he told the counselor, “My name is Tommy Andrews.”
Soon the fragmented pieces of William’s nightmares started forming a complete picture. He became increasingly convinced that he was the reincarnation of Titanic designer Thomas Andrews.

William Barnes was born on the date the Titanic sank, and during hypnotic age regression sessions later in his life, he spoke with a heavy Irish accent while detailing the sinking of the ship and how he died on the deck.
William now has his own website on which he details his experiences and presents proof of his claim to reincarnation fame.
This example does not seem to imply any pre-planning at all. It suggests that a consciousness died and then immediately went and occupied the first available physical body. Because the memories are still fresh in the child's mind, it is obvious that this consciousness did NOT go through the "tunnel of light" and did not have their memories erased.
Two Past Lives
A three-year-old Thai boy named Dalawong became the focus of many studies and articles after he claimed to have had two past lives, one in which he was a deer killed by a hunter and then another one as a cobra when he was reincarnated after his death.
Three animal species. [1] Deer. [2] Cobra. [3] Human.
While he was a snake, Dalawong found himself in a life-or-death fight with two dogs. The dogs’ owner intervened and killed the snake—aka Dalawong—but not before the slithery reptile bit him on the shoulder. The dog owner, Mr. Hiew, took the dead snake home, cooked and ate it, and shared some of the meat with a friend. That friend would become Dalawong’s father.
Fast forward to three years after Dalawong’s birth, the young boy recognized Mr. Hiew at a party taking place next door to his own house. He became instantly angry and tried to find a weapon to attack the man. Dalawong’s mother was stunned at her child’s anger and forced him to tell her what was happening. He related the snake tale to her, and when she confronted Mr. Hiew, he confirmed that he had indeed killed a snake a few years prior and that he had a mark from where the snake had bitten him on the shoulder.
Before this incident, human Dalawong and his family had never met Mr. Hiew.
Again, in this case very little time had passed between the last death and the new birth. That also suggests that there wasn't that much planning work for the current life. Further, we see that the reentry to the General Population is in close geographical proximity to the previous life. In this case, as well as the previous case, the consciousness; the IS-BE immediately boomeranged back to the Reality Universe without an apparent visit to "Heaven". Because the memories are still fresh in the child's mind, it is obvious that this consciousness did NOT go through the "tunnel of light" and did not have their memories erased.
Why Did You Let Me Die in That Fire?
In 2014, the parents of four-year-old Andrew Lucas began suspecting that their beloved boy may be possessed or have some kind of ghost inside of him. This happened after Andrew started crying almost non-stop and asking why his parents let him die in a fire.
When his mother, Michelle, asked him what fire he was talking about, Andrew started telling her little details of what was his past life as a U.S. Marine. Eventually, Michelle used these details to uncover the story of U.S. Marine Sergeant Val Lewis, who died in a bomb attack in Lebanon in 1983.

Because the details of what happened to Lewis and the story Andrew told her were so similar, Michelle decided to take the issue to the reality TV show Ghost Inside My Child. During the show, Andrew was given several photographs of military men to look at, and he immediately zoomed in on an image of Lewis.
Afterward, Michelle took her son to Lewis’s gravesite in Georgia, where Andrew laid flowers in front of it. He also ran to another grave and pointed to the name on it, saying, “That’s my friend.” It turned out that grave also belonged to a Marine.
This third example is also a relatively quick return. From 1984 to 2010 is 26 years. We can assume that in this case, 26 years is a long period of time to float around the General Population searching for a skin-suit to occupy. So the consciousness must have made arrangements with a Mantid to generate a pre-birth world-line template. However, the memories are still fresh in the child's mind. That implies that this consciousness did NOT go through the "tunnel of light" and did not have their memories erased.
Toddler Recalls Past Life Murder
A very unnerving story caused an uproar in 2014 when it was reported that a three-year-old Syrian boy had pointed out where his past life’s body had been buried after he was murdered. He also pointed out the murder weapon.
The boy, who belongs to the Druze ethnic group, has a long red birthmark on his forehead, which according to Druze beliefs, is related to how a person died in a previous life.
This belief was seemingly substantiated by the boy, who told his parents that he had been killed by an ax to the head in his previous life, hence the birthmark.
The elders of the village the boy stayed in took him to the home he lived in during his past life, getting the location from the details the boy gave. Eventually, standing in front of the house, the boy remembered the house, the village, and his old name.
The man whose house it was, had gone missing four years earlier, according to locals.
When the elders quizzed the boy about this turn of events, he told them the full name of the person who had killed him when he was the man who lived in the house.
He then led the elders to the spot where the body was buried, and sure enough, they uncovered a skeleton with a headwound that correlated to the boy’s birthmark as well as an ax.
When confronted by the elders and locals, the killer confessed to the crime soon after.
Again, this youthful memory of the death in a prior life, and a very short period between the death and birth in the same geographic area is suggestive of a consciousness that intentionally wants to stay in the General Population, does not want to go into "Heaven" and does not go through the "Tunnel of light". This also implies that the planning for a life-line of substance and learning; the collection of lessons and experiences are missing.
Past Life During WWII
During her pregnancy, When Daw Aye Tin had a recurring dream about a Japanese soldier who told her he would be coming to stay with her and her husband in their Upper Burma (Myanmar) home.
She gave birth to her daughter, Ma Tin Aung Myo, on December 26, 1953. When her daughter turned four, she started talking about her “real home of Japan” and how much she missed it. She also made it known that she was afraid of planes and didn’t like English and American people.
Eventually, it became clear to When Daw Aye Tin that her daughter had lived before. Details provided by Ma Tin Aung Mao as she grew older included being a male soldier stationed in Nathul during WWII and running a small shop to provide for her children. She was killed when the Allies attacked, and a soldier shot at her from a plane.
10 to 15 years after death. Seems to be the norm. Yet she still remembered her past.
Reincarnated Lama
A City of Dreams
When James Arthur Flowerdew was 12 years old, he began having strange dreams. These dreams were blurry and vague when they first started, but over time they became clear pictures. As he continued to dream, he saw a stone city carved into a cliff and various temples inside the city. He also saw a rock shaped like a volcano situated on the fringes of the stone city. Arthur didn’t know what to make of these dreams and tried to ignore them.
On one particular day, Arthur visited the beach with his family. As he was playing around with pebbles and bent down to pick them up, a vision slammed into his head. It was the city of his dreams. So intense was the vision that he could smell dry desert air. Dropping the pebbles made the image dissipate, leaving Arthur at a loss for words. He revisited the beach a short time later to see if the vision would happen again, and as soon as he picked up the pebbles, it did.
He saw more details the second time, such as a stone passage and military barracks. For the first time, Arthur started thinking that he may have been a soldier in this dream city and had been killed there by a spear. Arthur never had any explanation for his experiences. Many years later, when he was an old man, Arthur watched a documentary about the ancient city of Petra in Jordan. He instantly realized that this was his city of dreams, and he became convinced that he had lived there in a past life.
He contacted the BBC, who arranged an interview between Arthur and an archaeologist. The archaeologist was flabbergasted when he discovered how much knowledge Arthur had of the ancient city without ever having been there in his current life.
Eventually, the Jordanian government invited Arthur to visit Petra. Arthur found his way around the city without the help of a guide or map and pointed out sites that hadn’t been excavated yet. He talked about a military barrack where he worked with a check-in system for guards, and even provided facts about the area that experts were not aware of.
My Life as a Monk
In 1987, three-year-old Duminda Bandara Ratnayake started talking about the Asgiriya temple and monastery in Kandy, saying that he used to be an abbot there.
Duminda was born in 1984 to Sinhalese Buddhist parents and was the second youngest of three brothers. He talked about the temple non-stop and also told his mother that he had owned a red car, taught other monks, and died in a hospital where he was taken after experiencing sudden sharp pain in his chest. He also “recalled” having had a pet elephant.
The little boy soon started wearing his clothes in the way of a monk and visited a Buddhist temple twice a day. He also began reciting stanzas in the Pali language. His mother began fearing that her son would want to leave his family to become a monk.
By age five, Duminda’s interest in going to the temple waned somewhat, but by age six, his mother had permitted him to go to the monastery when he turned seven. At this point, he also didn’t want to go to a school with girls and didn’t want women, including his mother, to touch his hands. When the abbot of the Malwatta Temple died in 1990, Duminda randomly exclaimed that he had known him well.
It seemed that Ven. Mahanayaka Gunnepana, who died of a heart attack and owned a red car, could have been Duminda in a past life.
Gunnepana also had an elephant.
“I Am Anne Frank”
Barbro Karlen was born nine years after Anne Frank died. From a young age, she insisted that Barbro wasn’t her real name and that her family should call her Anne instead. She also told her parents that she knew they weren’t her real mom and dad. At that point, Barbro’s family wasn’t up to date with the Anne Frank story and thought that Barbro was losing her mind. They carted her off to a psychiatrist, thinking that she was somehow lost in a fantasy.
By age twelve, Barbro wrote a book of poetry that would become one of the most popular books in her native Sweden. She went on to write nine more volumes. However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t who everyone thought she was. But she stopped talking about it after she realized who Anne Frank was and that people likely thought she was insane.
This was despite the trip to Amsterdam with her parents at age 10, during which they visited the house of Anne Frank. Barbro knew exactly how to get to the house and that the steps outside it had been changed. Her parents were stunned. Once Barbro entered Anne’s room, she felt an overwhelming fear but refused to leave. She knew that there had once been pictures on the wall, placed there by Anne, and when she told her mother this, the older woman finally understood what her daughter had been trying to tell them for years. She was Anne Frank in a past life.
Barbro met Anne’s cousin Buddy Elias years later, and he told reporters he believed that she was the reincarnation of Anne.
Born nine years after the death.
“The Floor Got Really Hot”
In March 2021, Tik Toker Riss White gave her account of what her daughter told her a few years ago. It was September 11, 2018, and Riss was looking at 9/11 memorial posts on social media.
One of the posts had a striking image of the Twin Towers, and when her then-four-year-old daughter saw it, she said to Riss, “Hey mom, I used to work there.”
Riss, feeling slightly uneasy, asked her daughter when this was, to which the young girl simply replied “before.”
She went on to tell her mother that during one morning at work she had to get up on her desk because the floor got really hot. She and her friends had tried to escape the hot floor by leaving through the door, but the door wouldn’t open. She then jumped out of the window and “flew like a bird.”
Riss was shaken and still can’t make sense of what her daughter told her. She also confirmed that the young girl had never been told about 9/11.
14 years had passed for this little girl. The fact that she remembered her past suggests that she did not experience memory erasure. Thus, either... [1] She went to Heaven but did not have memory erasure, and had here pre-birth world-line template mapped out. [2] She went elsewhere and had her pre-birth world-line template mapped out by others. [3] She hung out on the prior life template as a disembodied spirit for 14 years and chose this life on her own.
Conclusions from above…
I really do not have all the answers, but apparently you are not forced in the “tunnel of light” and forced to undergo mind wipe. You have a choice.
[1] You can go into the “Tunnel of light” and arrive in Heaven. Once in Heaven you can stay, go to school, frolic and plan your next earth general population experience. The Mantid Prime will assist in this effort. [2] If you refuse to go to “Heaven” then you are on your own to be a spirit, and then find a body to occupy on your own. All the time sticking close to your previous life-line world-line template. At this point you are a free roaming spirit. You are trapped in the Prison Planet Environment and fixed to the MWI world line template of your last incarnation. [3] If you find a body that you want to occupy, then you simply take the body and claim it as yours and accept what ever world-line and Fate Forecast that goes with that body.Derived conclusions about the Mantid Involvement…
In situation [1] above, your Mantid “hands you off” and you are left to go through the “tunnel of light” to be welcomed by friends, family, and Mantid Prime overseers. Consciousness goes from General Population Mantid control (GPM) to Mantid Prime control (MP).
In situation [2] above, your Mantid apparently abandons you and you are free to roam. There isn’t any Mantid interaction necessary. Mantid interaction in General Population is apparently limited to physical bodies even though they are trans-dimensional beings. I suspect that this is an evolved situation as the Prison Planet was not designed to have any “free roaming” disembodied spirits.
In situation [3] above, upon adopting and accepting a new body to reincarnate in, you accept the guidance of a new Mantid that will control the levers of your existence. All physical bodies in the MWI Reality Universe is apparently under the control and manipulation of specific Mantids that control the environments.
MM thoughts
In a previous post, I discussed my memories of my previous life prior to being MM. The difference in time from my death in the last reincarnated life to my present life was around 30 years.
I can confirm that when I entered this particular body that I told myself NOT TO FORGET that I was going on a great adventure that would be an extra special and exciting adventuresome life of great importance. I have never forgotten this fact, and this is from my own personal memories. Not from recovered memories by Past Life Hypnosis.
Taken together, it appears that MM had this life mapped out and planned intentionally.
And since I did not (apparently) experience the mind wipe though the “tunnel of light” we can make some conjectures on that fact…
- I was programmed for this life outside of the Heaven / Mantid Prime environment. Or…
- I did go to Heaven, and was programmed for this life, but that I was somehow able to get around the “memory wipe” of the “tunnel of light”. This conjecture is validated by my insistence (to myself) to REMEMBER that my adventure would be special.
In any event, my MM experience is different from those who have been listed above as remembering prior lives.
Which then again, confirms that once freed of the General Population prison “skin suit”, the IS-BE is supposed to be transferred from Mantid control to Mantid Prime control. However that system is corrupted / not well policed / fraught with holes and could be bypassed by any IS-BE consciousness that so desires.
The problem then is “what now”?
There are few scant options…
[1] Go to Heaven though the mind-wipe “Tunnel of Light” and be handed off to your Mantid Prime authorities. [2] Stay in General Population as a disembodied spirit, floating around and hanging out on what ever MWI template that you died upon. [3] Call on others to pluck you out of the MWI world-line template and get you out of the General Population area without going through the “Tunnel of Light”. [4] Try to escape the Prison Complex on your own, recover your memories on your own, and avoid all the traps and snares on your own.Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Fate Forecasting Index here…
Fate forecasting.
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Optimization of affirmation prayer campaigns for effective manifestation of goals
This article helps you decide how long to conduct the affirmation campaign and how long to conduct the “dwell” or wait-period afterward. In previous articles I have greatly simplified the procedure. I offered a simple “rule of thumb”. Which was one week of no-affirmations for every week where you conduct a prayer affirmation campaign. This article will get more involved in the process and allow the user a greater degree of latitude in the campaign arrangement.
I am commenting NOW, simply because I am launching a brand new, multi-month Affirmation Campaign based upon my Fate Forecast for this year.
MM Comments
I am starting my new campaign in a few days. For the most of the last eighteen months, I have been running a 1 month on/off cycle. This was due to the Bazi that hit me about three years ago and resulted in some significant changes and issues. I had to make adjustments to my campaigns for my personal conditions, and the crazed insanity influence that the USA has had on where I live, my lifestyle, and my industry. I have managed to keep things under control.
Contemporaneously, in the Bazi it is believed that a person is surrounded by a non-physical reality. Within this non-physical are cyclic events and attributes that ebb and flow depending on a host of causes and effects. This non-physical reality differs from person to person. However, it consists of things that ebb and flow according to synchronized events that are triggered upon birth. The Chinese have given these various components and their behaviors all sorts of names. They have created a series of "animal characteristics" such as dog, pig, and snake to describe a set of initial non-physical conditions. They have also created a series of names to describe how the non-physical components behave as a group. They go by such names as a "strong earth", or a "weak wood". It's easy for the ignorant to make fun of this entire system. To them, it sounds a lot like a more detailed version of Western astrology.
Now, that my “Bazi stars” are opening up back again, and becoming favorable, I can refocus on some postponed goals in my new campaign. So I am switching back to a 3 month on/off campaign cycle with an extended dwell time afterwards to maximize the effect. I will have more articles on the Bazi because it ties together very nicely with the MWI, prayer affirmation campaigns, and world-line travel.
While uncomfortable, I am leaving this Bazi time of change into a new state of being. And so far it appears to be far superior in many ways. Of course there are obvious changes…
- Phone is HarmonyOS instead of Android.
- Computer is Linux Mint instead of Microsoft Windows 10.
- Payments in QR code instead of paper cash money.
- Food is healthy / vegetarian instead of average fast fare.
- Blood Pressure is 130/85 instead of 180/95.
- Daughter is walking/talking/eating instead of crying/shitting/feeding.
And so on and so forth. Change is always uncomfortable, but once you get through it, you reach a plateau on the side of a mountain. And you can enjoy the view and rest a while and chill out before the next ascent upwards.
First things first
When you get to the stage of arranging your next affirmation prayer campaign, you need to layout, plan and structure the campaign. This means…
- A review of your previous campaign(s).
- What worked, what still needs to work, and changes to them.
- What didn’t work, and corrective actions.
- New things, and elements to add to the campaign.
- The structure arrangement of this next campaign (this article)
- Those particular goals that you want to stress and emphasize.
- Where and how you will read and vocalize your campaign.
- A total review of your fate during the periods of active and dwell affirmations. This is called Fate Forecasting.
I just cannot emphasize how important this first basic step is. Some things might stay the same, but others might change drastically. Please take the time to plan, revise and implement properly. Now to the arrangements…
Fate Forecasting
Most people do not need to have a full BaZi reading for them. I have found it to be extremely useful. Instead, you can go the “easy” route and locate the year that you were born in… that will determine what animal sign you are.
Here’s a guide…
Then go on the internet and find out what the GENERAL Fate Forecast is for the months ahead for your “animal” association.
For instance…
- Chinese monkey sign in 2023
- Dog astrology in Chinese years 2022
Then you will see a general forecast for your sign. They tend to be pretty accurate on trending fate.
But if you want to put down some money, you can have a precise fate reading. The most accurate, and specific. readings are found when you conduct your own exact BaZi reading. I wrote about that HERE. Here, you can see your exact animal year, exact time, and exact general geographical coordinates at your place of birth.
Once you know what your fate has in store for you, you can move forward with what your affirmation campaign will look like. In my personal case now, I have a strong positive fate trend all year, so I am going to conduct a long solid campaign 3 on / 4 off. But the last few years has been not that great. So I have been conducting a 1 / 1 campaign.
The most basic arrangement
Three months on/off. This is the most basic arrangement. You conduct your affirmation campaign for three months. You start on it, and then you finish it after three months. Then you wait for three months so that the goals can simmer and manifest. This is the baseline campaign structure, and it is what I strongly recommend to all newcomers to this technique. Now, that being said, there are some variations to this arrangement…
Quick cycling technique
One month on/off I’ve utilized the quick cycling technique during difficult and contentious times where I needed to have strong affirmations to navigate through troubles, but still be able to adjust to changes and make course corrections on the MWI. This is a useful technique, but it is not desirable to maintain it for long periods of time. I suggest you only follow this technique for short periods of time. Certainly no longer than eight months in total. There are some slight variations that are worthy of consideration…
Heavy lifting / Serious change crowbar
Six months on/off Let’s suppose there is something that you really desire, or really want to get moving on. This technique is guaranteed to “put enough wind in your sails” so that your affirmation realization can “pick up her skirts and trot”. Things will happen, though they will not necessarily happen quickly. This will make things happen and are just great for long term desires. Some variations…
Basic Maintenance technique
One week on/off In general I do not recommend this variation technique. But it does have it’s uses. What it tends to allow is a basic level of control on the MWI. It’s not really all that good for new goals or objectives. But it will make sure that you are still following your plan and your vector path towards your ultimate results. There are no variations to this technique.
Dragon Loop
This is a creative method of manifesting intention, but it is rather advanced. You conduct the three month on/off affirmation campaign schedule, and then follow up with a one month on/off schedule. The second shorter period is for course corrections, and feed back purposes. Then you go back to the three month on/off sequence with the corrections in play.
Some final thoughts
This is a really short and abbreviated article. But I hope that it helps you in some way.
In always, the longer the duration of the active affirmation campaign phase, the more powerful the implementation will be.
I hope that your dreams, wishes and desires all come true. Because, you know what? You deserve them. You really, really do.
Be good and do great things. And never forget… To be the Rufus. Video 7.7MB
Remember to be the Rufus
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Intention Prayer Index here…
Intention Campaigns.
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Fate Forecasting using Chinese BaZi astrology as elements of consciousness control in the MWI (Part 1)
This article discusses fate forecasting. It is a technique of measurement to gauge the degree of luck that exists in your present and future.
All MM readers know that we as consciousness are free to move around by choice and action in our reality, but that the options offered to us are limited due to fate. This fate is known as the pre-birth world-line template.
Additionally, another component comes into play. This is the entry point (time and place) when the physical body is birthed. This point in time establishes the fate that the consciousness experiences during a life-time. It’s a measure of how easy or how difficult it is for the consciousness to experience events on their template.
When you look at the MWI world-line template map and you see all those hills and valleys, we tend to believe that they are equally difficult for us to climb or scramble down. But that is not actually the case. Consider our consciousness has another set of “baggage” that it must carry up and down those hills. This extra “baggage” is known as fate.
It is fixed, but can be measured.
Depending on the person, the “baggage” of fate (or you might call it a “fate setting”) might be light and positive, or heavy and oppressive. This will have two effects.
Firstly, it will affect how the consciousness WANTS to navigate on the MWI; Does it want to climb those mountains or go towards those hills. And…
Secondly, it will affect the apparent ease of climbing the terrain on the MWI in front of them.
This method is known as Chinese astrology and horoscopes in terms of quantum physics related to the MWI (reality universe) where our thoughts control our world-line movement. Let it be clear that while there are many unfamiliar terms and associations with astrology, the system, mapped out by the Chinese over many centuries, is an empirical solution and explanation for the rise and fall of “luck” that consciousness experiences during a lifetime.
This is part 1.
I have described an element of the Bazi in my life by studying the Ben Ming Nian when I turned sixty years old. Here I stated…
Contemporaneously, in the Bazi it is believed that a person is surrounded by a non-physical reality. Within this non-physical are cyclic events and attributes that ebb and flow depending on a host of causes and effects. This non-physical reality differs from person to person. However, it consists of things that ebb and flow according to synchronized events that are triggered upon birth. The Chinese have given these various components and their behaviors all sorts of names. They have created a series of "animal characteristics" such as dog, pig, and snake to describe a set of initial non-physical conditions.
They have also created a series of names to describe how the non-physical components behave as a group. They go by such names as a "strong earth", or a "weak wood".
It's easy for the ignorant to make fun of this entire system. To them, it sounds a lot like a more detailed version of Western astrology.
But it is not.
It’s not bullshit
It’s an empirically obtained solution for rise and fall of fate and luck during one’s lifetime.
based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
For over 5000 years, the Chinese have observed the rise and falls of fortunes.
They noticed that people with similar birth dates had similar luck, and this effect was studied and built upon. The entire effort; this trend for luck (good or bad) is well mapped out, and it is an empirically derived map that resembles the pre-birth world-line template.
It is called Bazi.
Bazi is known by different names; the most commonly used names in China are…
- Eight Characters (八字) , BaZi.
- Four-Pillars (四柱),
- Zi Ping (子平).
It is a technique that is based on one’s precise birth date and time to the exact minute. At the moment of birth, the physical body enters the MWI on a specific world-line. This world-line moment in time sets the “fate rules” for the person so birthed.
In practice, the birth date/time is first translated into a Chinese calendar representation. This representation is described as 4 “pillars”. Each pillar represents YEAR, MONTH, DAY and HOUR. And each pillar contains 2 Chinese characters.
Four pillars, each having two characters means a total of eight characters, hence the term “the naming of Eight Characters.”
Bazi had long been used and practiced, but in Sung Dynasty, Xu Zi Ping, set the standard in using Bazi as the fortune of fate forecasting tool.
Bazi is a forecasting tool that measures one’s fate on the pre-birth world-line template. This aspect of fate is not changed when you slide off one template to another. Your fate is fixed with your physical body. It is not associated with the world-lines that you traverse.
The methodology
There are ‘two’ main fortune forecasting methods: (a) 神煞 and (b) 十神生剋制化.
[a] 神煞 (shén shà) “God is scant”
This is used by many practitioners. Simply because it much easier to use than [b] below.
[b] 十神生剋制化 (shí shén shēng kè zhì huà) “Ten gods are born and systematized”
Xu Zi Ping, of the Sung Dynasty, based his foretasting on this methodology. It is both much richer in its theoretical base as well as its application than [a].
Destiny considerations
One should note that bazi only uses the birth time for fate forecasting. It does not include where the person is born and what are the targeted person’s relationships. Both these aspects contributes a significant influence on one’s destiny.
So bazi can only provide an indicator of a possible prediction. This is critical as many people think bazi or any fortune telling tool can be used to predict with 100% accuracy, I will leave this to you to have a thought about it.
The other analogy of Bazi is DNA: with the advance of genealogy, it is now possible to predict one’s health condition and possibilities of getting certain diseases. Genealogy doesn’t say one WILL certainly get some diseases but only suggests that one may be more susceptible. Bazi is similar whereby it can be used as a guide to what may happen to one’s fate.
Good Luck and Bad Luck
The fate forecasting methodology relies on trending attributes for measurement. You have “auspicious” trends and “inauspicious” trends. Further these are further divided into strong and weak trends.
Good Luck
- Strong likelihood of auspicious opportunities / events.
- A weak trend towards auspicious opportunities / events.
Bad Luck
- Strong likelihood of inauspicious opportunities / events.
- A weak trend towards inauspicious opportunities / events.
A Bazi (Chinese Astrology) Primer
Chinese cosmology is a cohesive philosophy that undergirds every aspect of Chinese culture and society.
This primer is by no means meant to be a comprehensive treatment of Chinese cosmology. It is, however, meant to serve as an introductory guide to Bazi which is Chinese Astrology.
It is presented here on MM as a forecasting tool to measure fate influences as your consciousness travels the MWI and world-line movement.
命运 (mìng yùn)
fate, destiny, fortunes, fates
Chinese cosmology has a holistic conception of “ming”, or fate/destiny. There are 3 kinds of fate of luck: heaven luck, earth luck, and man luck. These are hierarchical and define both the possibilities and impossibilities in a person’s life.
All 3 notions of fate, or luck, are beholden to time:
- Heaven luck is astrology, how celestial phenomena occurring at specified times correlate to affairs on earth and the lives of men;
- Earth luck is feng shui, the art of scheduling and positioning. It is the orientation of one’s self and life in relationship to the flow of qi (life force or energy);
- Man luck is how one understands, respects, and works with or against their heaven and earth luck.
Essential to each of these studies of fate is “wu xing” which is the five elements (stages, phases, etc). The five elements are:
- Wood
- Fire
- Earth
- Metal
- Water
Each of the five elements takes to forms, a yin form and a yang form giving us 10 primary presentations of qi (Life force energy).
Each of these yin/yang forms of qi governs a season.
Each season is comprised of 3 animal signs which are earthly manifestations of the qi/element that governs each season. Earth governs the periods between each of the seasons. See figure 1 for an example. Note that it changes yearly from one person to the next.
Each element interacts with every other element in several defined relationships.
But the most important interactions between elements are the production cycle and the controlling cycle.
Be careful not to assume that relationships is better than the other. Context is everything.
When we discover the flow of your chart we will come to understand which relationships are most important to support that flow.
Bazi means eight characters.
The eight characters in your Chinese astrology chart are divided into two groups.
The [1] Heavenly Stems and [2] the Earthly Branches.
The Heavenly Stems are the pure qi, the five elements in their yin or yang forms. The Earthly Branches are the 12 animals (see Figure 1).
There are four pillars in your Bazi chart. The year pillar, month pillar, day pillar, and hour pillar.
- Year pillar is grandparents and extended family members, it is your family background and upbringing.
- Month pillar represents the parents or siblings, employment.
- Day pillar is the self, spouse, home.
- Hour pillar is children, aspiration, career.
Each pillar has one heavenly stem at the top, and one earthly branch on the bottom. Each part of the chart is identified in terms of its pillar and whether it’s a stem or a branch. See figure 3 for another example for a specific person on a specific year.
The two most important parts of a Bazi chart are the day stem and the month branch. The day stem is called the daymaster, and the month branch is the season of birth.
Once the daymaster is identified each of the other elements can be identified as well.
- The daymaster (and its yin or yang counterpart) is the self (friends/enemies, peers, audience). It produces output.
- The element that the daymaster produces is output (ideas, work ethic, talents, children in the chart of women). It produces wealth.
- The element that output produces is wealth (assets, father, spouse or partner in the chart of men) it produces influence.
- The element that wealth produces is officer (authority, superiors, spouse or partner in the chart of women, children in the chart of men). It produces resource.
- The element that the officer produces is resource (mother, family support and upbringing, education, helpful people). It produces the self.
The flow of a Bazi chart originates with the daymaster and the season.
The daymaster can be rooted or not rooted in the season. That means the animal in the earthly branch of the month pillar can be the same as or produce the element in the heavenly stem of the day pillar.
For example, Yi (Yin Wood) daymaster born in Spring (Wood season) or Winter (Water season) is rooted because the element of the season in the month branch matches the element of the day stem. Yi is rooted in Winter because the Water of Winter produces Wood. Yi (Yin Wood). Yi (Yin Wood) born in any other season is not rooted.
Whether or not the daymaster is rooted in the month branch determines the flow of the chart. The flow defines which elements are favorable and which elements are unfavorable to a chart. This is a complicated task that requires an understanding of how the stems and branches interact with each other. That is beyond the scope of this primer.
The Bazi chart and its flow determine the heaven luck you were born with. The annual and 10 (personal) year luck pillars determines when that flow is supported, disrupted or blocked.
Every 10 years, your personal luck pillar changes. Then you enter a new time period with a different focus. See figure 4 for another example.
Each year the annual luck pillar changes. It interacts with both your Bazi chart and your personal luck pillar to support, disrupt, or block the flow that your personal luck pillar adjusts every 10 years.
It is this part we focus on in the Bazi
Conducting the primary forecasting charts
Step 1 – Casting the chart
When casting your Bazi chart, you must convert your birth time to solar time. You can use this calculator to convert it.
Step 2 – Plotting the chart
Here is a calculator you can use to plot your Bazi chart for you. Here’s a sample of what it might look like…
It is very easy to make a mistake in this process. So I strongly recommend that you pay the fee and use an expert. The expert will give you direct and usable intel. Instead of just guidelines that you need to interpret. (And unless you are an expert, you could misinterpret the readings.)
This is just part 1. Don’t get too caught up in the terms and try to make heads or tails out of it. The over all beauty and symmetry of the system becomes evident once you study it.
In future article we will go step by step to tear into the individual components, and then things will become clearer. Of most importance is the idea of “stars” or rotational periodic influences that orbit the consciousness.
I do not recommend that you try to figure out your destiny on your own. Instead, I strongly recommend you locate a practitioner on the internet and they will generate a day to day forecast for you to go by. It has been my personal experience that it is uncanny how accurate it can be.
Here is the group that performed my fate forecast for me back in 2003. I was in the United States at the time, and they are a group in Singapore. No problem what so ever…

My personal experience
Here’s overview excerpts from the MM reading that I obtained back in 2003 from
I found it interesting, but was not paying attention. I had no idea what “bad” + “Very inauspicious” would mean.
This is the period of time where I was “retired”. My life started to fall apart in August 2005, with arrest and incarceration later on in that year. My sentencing to the ADC was in 2006 where I began my five year prison sentence.
Here is the current period of time.
I can confirm that the first half of 2021 was a bit of a strain for me personally, but that the second half was much better. And things are looking brighter this up coming 2022.
The day to day summaries were very helpful. But again, they just show potentials and when you are getting a massive mountain of shit coming your way, the only thing you can do is hunker down and endure the storm.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Fate Forecasting Index here…
Fate forecasting.
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When prayers counter act each other and cancel out in an affirmation campaign
Prayers can seemingly cancel each other out. Yikes!
This happens, and the larger the number of affirmations you have, the greater the risk you have in having them cancel out each other. It happens, and you have to be aware and careful about your affirmations. Most certainly, the simple and sweet rule applies. Do not get too hung up on elaborate campaigns. Keep things simple.
Let’s talk about this here.
An example
This is a true example that was sent to me.
A MM follower had a problem. (Most of us do, but this has to deal with his affirmations. He felt that he was “spinning his wheels”.) While there were all sorts of things going on in his life, his most important two affirmations had not yet been realized. It had been at least a year maybe longer.
And while I told him that it takes time for the more distant goals to be realized, he argued that he must be doing something wrong.
So, after a few probing questions, he let me see his list of prayer affirmations, and at the top, under the heading “Most important” were two affirmations. They were…
- Be the CEO of a large and important company.
- Have a nice calm, happy and peaceful life.
Now, of course, it is possible to have both. It is not impossible. For with affirmation prayers, anything is possible. It’s just that some things require more world-lines to traverse to get to.
I suggested to him to do one or the other. Not both simultaneously.
And why you might ask…
Pick the one that he desires first, and then work towards it.
The reason for this, is that the combination of both together is going to be a difficult one to obtain quickly. Now I said “quickly”. I did not say unobtainable. His combination made quick implementation of his desires rather problematic.
How to understand this…
When your objective prayers are not being realized that means that there might be one or more of a number of things going on.
- Your prayer goal takes a large number of world-lines to traverse. It is farther away than your would like, and you have yet to reach it.
- Your goal is in conflict with another goal, thus obtaining both goals together sends your ultimate objective further down the time track.
- Your goal is off your pre-birth world-line template and you have not approved or blessed a slide to get off your fated life.
- You are being blocked by non-physical issues that you are unaware of.
- Your prayer is simply not possible within your template.
Regarding this last point…
Anything and everything is possible in our reality. In the movie The Craft (1996), the three other witches placed curses, hexes and spells on a girl in their coven. Her life turned to shit, and even her parents died. Then, after running a prayer / spell campaign she awoke to a new reality. One where her parents didn’t really die as was reported on television, it was all a bad mistake.
Anything is possible in this reality.
It’s just that there is a measure of your opposition to change that plays a role. And I want to discuss that right now.
Our “reality universe” in both the physical reality, and the non-physical reality has this quality, or attribute known as “inertia”. It is measurable, and there have been many studies on it. Essentially, inertia is the resistance to change. We see this everyday.
If you are running and you want to stop suddenly, you end up toppling and going heads over heals. Or if you are trying to push a car that is broken down, its hard to get it moving, but once it starts to roll, it is so much easier. All of this is known as “inertia”.
Inertia Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its velocity. This includes changes to the object's speed, or direction of motion. An aspect of this property is the tendency of objects to keep moving in a straight line at a constant speed, when no forces act upon them.
Now, I want the reader to take into account that there is no such thing as “time”, and since there is no such thing…
…that means that the affirmations that you made last year has the same validity or “juiciness” as if you were making them today. And thus all the affirmations and writings that you have ever done is part of the big stew that you have been cooking all your life to get to the point where you are now.
We can refer to this characteristic as the inertial component of an affirmation / prayer campaign.
An Illustration
Let’s look at this example.
We see that the “hills” and valleys” of a topographical world-line map that is representative of the MWI is a measure of how difficult, stressful, or contentious a person’s life might be RELATIVE to the other world-lines that preceded it.
And here we see that you can accumulate benefit by climbing these “hills”…
And here I make the point that effort, strife, discomfort accumulates a specific type of experience that the consciousness can use.
How it is used depends on many things.
As we go “up the hill” in the MWI topographical map, we can also go “down the hill” upon the topographical map. And the ease of your life would be wholly a function of the release of the “good stuff” or “good karma” that you have accumulated during your travels.
As shown here…
But we can consider the benefits and liabilities of this accumulated effort in dealing with strife to be similar to that of inertia.
You climb the “hills” and you experience discomfort. You do down the “hills” and you experience a relatively easy period of time.
If we consider it to be analogous to “karma” as well as “inertia” then we have a real actual characteristic that is fundamental to our movement within the MWI and when we go from world-line to world-line.
This can be counter intuitive. After all, how can you “gain something” when you expend effort?
And I am here to tell you that no matter what you do in life, everything is inner connected.
So when you make a prayer affirmation campaign a few years back, the impressions that they made still slings to your being. Even though (for instance) you recognize that that you made some grievous errors in judgment when you defined those prayers.
Back to the example
So here, let’s go back to the example of the follower who is upset that he is not achieving the life of comfort and success as he pictured in his affirmation prayer campaign.
His life apparently isn’t going anywhere.
He seems stuck in his current situation.
He is frustrated, and he desperately wants that vision of a new life. You know which one. Something like this…
There are many things at play. But I am willing to wager that the primary contributors are that his prayers counter-act each other, and ended up putting his goals in a far-away location on the MWI, as well as residual inertial influence of previous desires, wishes and vocalizations.
Time does not exist.
So the things that he said, and the writings that he made, and the actions that he dreamed of and contemplated upon has created a “tablecloth” upon which his new (and latest) prayer affirmations rest upon.
And while we want to believe that each and every new affirmation prayer campaign is a “new slate” from which to conduct our desires and goals, it is in all actuality a new meal that is placed on a tablecloth already soiled by your previous dining efforts.
In this particular case, I believe that it is a combination of things going on that has set his goals far off “in the distance” (MWI speaking)…
- Too complex of a goal.
- Characteristics of that goal that are too specific for immediate implementation.
- A history of other wishes, desires, actions, or verbalization’s that further remove his goal form easy direct access.
Such as…
“Oh the boss is an idiot. I would never work like he does”
“It’s a hard life. having a calm life is just a dream and wishful thinking”
“Who needs money and the lifestyle of a boss? I’m happy as I am right now”
For him to move forward, he needs to counter act all what he has created over the years and then build upon this new foundation with his affirmations. Then he needs to adjust his affirmation campaign to be simpler. Concentrate on it step by step and don’t but too many big enormous desires without laying a foundation to travel upon.
Keep in mind that everything we do has an accumulated characteristic that color and alters the prayer campaign. I do not believe that it can completely render the campaign inept and non-functional, but rather that they tend to add a few “extra” world-lines between you and your objective. For you to advance forward you need to be of clear mind and purpose, and control any negative and counter active thoughts and actions that might have developed into habitual problems within your life.
If you do, you can be guaranteed of speedier implementation of your desires.
Best Regards.
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I have more posts in my Intention Prayer Index here…
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A little discussion on how your consciousness is able to navigate the MWI world-lines accurately
You know, people want to know the "secrets of the universe", and when you present them the information, they go "what's this shit?" They said that they don't want "that". Oh no. They want something that already agrees with their erroneous world view...
The way the universe works is pretty straight forward.
Thoughts create our reality. What you think naturally causes your consciousness to migrate to those places conceived by your thoughts.
This pretty much agrees with what we understand about quantum physics.
But this post is going to step into this matter at a deeper level. We are going to get into [1] the fracturing of consciousness and [2] how the whole consciousness works (behind the scenes) to [3] generate very accurate and suitable world-line destinations. Destinations that fit both [4] pre-birth world-line templates, and [5] autonomous consciousness world-line roving ability.
So, this post is NOT going to be about the nuts and bolts of MWI navigation by an Affirmation Campaign. No, it will not be like the other posts. Instead, it is a discussion about [1] how the world-lines are manifested, and [2] what elements of a given conscious thought generation contribute to them.
It’s a very, very deep subject. And it is very, very advanced.
I’ll try to explain it in simple terms so that everyone can understand what is going on and the mechanism(s) involved.
For those of who who are new to Metallicman, let’s let put it simply.
The world that surrounds you has not resemblance to what everyone thinks it is. It is something entirely different.
I have covered this in other posts, in other places. And I tire about repeating myself.
You have walked into an advanced discussion area, and you won’t be able to make out anything that is said herein unless you start with the basics. Therefore, for you newcomers, you need to start at the front and work your way up to this point.
Intro to a first time visitor;
MAJesticIf you want to know how to control your world though manifested thoughts and intentions, which is what this particular post is all about, go here…
Intention CampaignsStart at the beginning and work your way down. It’s all there. It’s everything you ever need.
So to fully appreciate what is being stated here, you must recognize that the world is not a physical place where your body is born into.
Instead, it is a temporary construction. It changes moment to moment by the thoughts generated by your consciousness. And it is your consciousness that occupies the physical reality. Not your body.
These changes are known as “world-lines” and the physics involved is known as quantum physics, and the particular branch that this discussion centers upon is known as the MWI.
- The primary world-line that you start out with at birth is known as your “pre-birth world-line template”.
- Movement through the various world-lines is known as “time”.
- Switching the pre-birth templates to completely different sets of initial conditions are known as “slides”.
- Intentional navigation though the various world-lines is known as an “intention campaign”.
- Planning and directing a navigation vector through the MWI is known as “mapping”.
Consciousness is the key to everything
So here you are.
You are not a physical body that thinks has emotions and walks about.
You are soul, that creates a “consciousness” that is placed within a (human) container that is fixed and tied to a pre-birth world-line template.
Your physical body, and the world surrounding your, as well as all the thoughts floating around and the spirits, and all that history, and the subway cars and everything else is all just a very elaborate construction.
Not your construction.
You, your consciousness, your soul did not create this reality.
You picked it out, and you selected it.
You (as soul), put part of you inside this “sandbox”, this “playground”, this world-line reality at birth to obtain experiences.
And with each experience…
New relationships (known as “entanglements”) were formed at the quantum level.
Good or bad. Right or wrong. Black or white. Love or hate. All defined what your consciousness experienced, and all defines who you are. For you are the sum total of your experiences.
Put a “part” of you inside the reality…
Your soul created a “consciousness”.
It used quanta that it has, and organized it, and arranged it, and made a “consciousness”,
Most “consciousnesses” contain from 10% to 35% of the quanta of any given soul.
Which means that most of who you are is out in Heaven somewhere, doing “other things”.
And your “consciousness” is busy doing a number of tasks…
- It is experiencing “life” within the “passage of time”.
- The “life” is a non-stop sequence of experiences.
- Each experience is the building, shaping, structuring, and arranging the relationships between different quanta, by your thoughts and your physical actions.
- Thus it is making and creating memories.
All the time, the consciousness resides within a fixed physical body. One that has emotions, and feelings and other biological needs that drive it towards behaviors. These behaviors might be normal and bland, like eating and sleeping, or more complex like desiring to own a sports car, or having an interest in someone else, or very complex like emotions and relationship entanglements.
So the sum total of your “life” as a human, from birth to death, is actions and thoughts that result from experiences within the MWI. It is what the consciousness experiences. And since the consciousness is a part of the soul that created it…
That comprises from 10% to 35% of the activity of the soul.
What are these “other things” soul is doing…
So a big question that you might want to ask is what is the soul doing if a part of it is living life within the MWI?
Is it up there in Heaven “twiddling it’s thumbs”?
twiddle (one's) thumbs To wait idly because one cannot take action or has nothing to do at the moment. Although the phrase refers to an actual movement of the hand (in which one's fingers are interlaced and each thumb is brought over the other in succession), the phrase is usually used figuratively.

The soul is actually busy doing other things in Heaven.
Most of which, are way beyond the scope of what the consciousness might understand. For the consciousness is in control of a physical mind, within a physical body, that is physically tied to the understandings of that world-line that it is part of.
Now, it it be well understood that I do not have privy to what is going on with soul, because (after all) I am like you. I am a consciousness trapped within a physical body. And all I know that might be different is limited in scope, and tied to my EBP and other “understandings”. Things which might or might not be correct.
Never the less, there are some things that we can infer are going on.
Namely what the soul is doing in regards to the consciousness that it created.
For, as we well know, the soul is intimately connected to the consciousness. And, as such, the consciousness (you) can have an “inkling” of what soul might be doing in it’s involvement with the consciousness.
Orders from Headquarters
When I was young, and I wanted my father to play with me, the would sometimes explain to me that he couldn’t. I would ask why, and he would say “orders from headquarters”. Which meant that there were powers stronger than him that were telling him what to do and how to do it.
- Sometimes it would be his job, his career, and his schooling (night school).
- Sometimes it would be my mother.
- And sometimes it would be other commitments.
All of which were beyond my understanding as a young boy.
So, instead of getting involved with detailed explanations on why he could not play with me, instead he would use this “catch all” phrase. He did this knowing that he did not have the time to explain the various complicated relationships and issues involved. And even if he did, it would have been unlikely for me to understand the reasoning at that time, at that age, and at that stage in my personal development.
There is NO WAY that any human within the “reality” universe that comprises the MWI can understand what is going on within the “Heaven” universe. All we can relate is the flimsy and tenuous understandings associated with the link between our consciousness and soul. Because, after all, they are intimately tied together.
So, what we can say is that there is a “relationship” between soul and the consciousness that it creates.
We can further say that this “relationship” is involved in how the consciousness obtains experiences…
Because, after all, that is WHY the soul created the consciousness in the first place.
… and thus the soul is in charge of the degree of comfort or discomfort that the consciousness experiences.
This has some profound implications.
What this means
While the reader should be well versed in the idea that thoughts create our reality, we have to take into account that there might be other influences that might also bend and shape the realities that converge.
What other influences?
- Strong, contrary thoughts that might inhabit the world-line(s) that you inhabit. These might inhibit your Intention Navigation Campaign.
- Physical limitations of the world-line itself.
- Modification of the intention desires by your soul, which might run contrary to the desires of your consciousness.
- Other, non-physical entities or mechanisms that might work with your soul to mitigate your intention direction.
In other words, it is very probable that your soul is assisting in the manifestation of the new world-lines that you enter. The degree of this “assistance” will depend on all sorts of factors. But I guess that the point is that you (as consciousness) have support (from your soul) in the selection of the world-lines that you enter and move towards. And that it will not alloy you (as consciousness) to “get off the track” in regards to learning experiences that it desires.
Thus you can expect the resulting world-lines that materialize to be what you asked for (in a Intention Campaign) but with very specific “strings attached” (lessons for you to obtain and learn from).
"Strings attached" is an idiomatic expression we say in English. When you give something to anybody with strings attached, that means there are conditions or obligations to the recipient. For example, you give a friend a new car and he is obligated not to refuse you if you ask him for a favor. -Strings Attached | WordReference Forum
An Intention Campaign for (example) that might want a girlfriend that is a beautiful model in show business, might come with the “strings attached” that might have things from which you might learn some important lessons. And lessons are always uncomfortable. In this case, perhaps, she has a husband named Bluto, or that she has warts and will give them to you.
The soul, when working with the consciousness, will determine the level of severity and speed of the lessons that you will obtain within this MWI experience.
- Some intention campaigns will be exactly what you desire. After all, if your intention campaigns will not work, then you would stop doing them.
- Some intention campaigns would have resultant desires that would be exactly what you want, and it will come with a lesson that you will learn. If I were to ask other readers of Metallicman about whether they learned anything from their manifested desires, I might get hundreds of responses.
- Some intention campaigns will result in things manifesting that will change the course of your desires in mid-stream. That is when you know that your soul has a hand in the manifestation of your desires.
So, do not mistakenly believe that 100% of what you intentionally campaign for will result in a 100% manifestation of your desires. The actual numbers are actually slightly less. It’s more like 95% and 95%. And it is your soul that has the ultimate say over what your consciousness manifests.
You (consciousness) is part of something much larger (your soul). And what you desire, and think of will manifest within your reality. Just realize that your soul has a say in that manifestation. And it will come with a "price tag".
One thing about “false positives” is that every time they occur, you learn from them. That’s funny, isn’t it? Have you ever stopped and wondered why some manifested intentions have false positives while others don’t?
It’s all about the lessons that you as consciousness obtain.
Now, knowing this mechanism, you should be better equipped in using and manifesting your affirmation campaign. You can expect that what you yearn for will continue to manifest, and that the results will not do so by the laws of the physical universe, but rather will be “massaged” and manipulated by your soul to best manifest for your very own personal growth.
That is a good thing.
So, you need to keep all this in mind as you observe things manifesting before your very eyes. When they do, you need to review what lessons you are learning and whether or not you are growing as a person, as consciousness, and as soul in the process.
From the point of view of your soul, this is your learning center. Don’t squander it. Play with whatever “toys” you desire. Just know that their manifestation will be associated with the learning of something, at some time.
Just know that their manifestation will be associated with the learning of something, at some time.
Life can be far more exciting, far more enjoyable, and far more wonderful than you could ever imagine.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Intention Campaign Index here…
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Pet love and shadowing during MWI world-line cross-overs. They can actually follow your consciousness during your travels, and meet you after death.
Wow! How’s that for a title?
OK. Here is yet another thing that you will not find elsewhere on the internet.
This post deals with the quantum attachments of one species consciousness (human) with another species consciousness (dog, cat, horse, etc.) during the MWI world-line switches. Which we tend to refer to as “time”.
- The universe is composed of quanta.
- Quanta can form “clumps”.
- Over time, these “clumps” can obtain intelligence.
- We refer to collections of “clumps” as species.
While I have repeatedly stated that “time” is how our consciousness experiences a sequences of world-lines, I have pretty much let it be understood that everyone else isn’t actually sharing those world-lines with us. Instead, they are “what it” versions of other people. Whom I refer to as “quantum shadows”.
Well, now I am going to lay down some really astounding information to you all.
When it comes to pets, and loved ones (really close pets, and really close loved ones), their consciousness does ACTUALLY share many of the same world lines that you would. (Not all of them. Not every one of them. But enough to consider a pair or trio of consciousnesses following and surfing the MWI together.)
You are not truly alone.
Here we are going to talk about this. But, first we need to really hash out a review of terms and concepts. Just a refresher for all you metallic men and women out there…
Review – The MWI
What everyone seems to think “Heaven” is this big old guy in a long white beard on a throne sitting and telling people to life in paradise as long as they worship him.
Nah. It’s not like that.
It’s a place, yah. And it is many things. It is more than what our physical reality is. That is for certain.
Heaven is also graduated. It possesses different regions and areas. Each region or area have different concentrations of quanta. (Quanta is the building blocks of our reality.)
They form different densities.
Some of which are very dense with one type of quanta, and others are dense with other combinations of quanta. It is a complex “soup” or “stew” of quanta that pop in and out and move about all under the influence of other “influences” (I will discuss these later.).
Consider "Heaven" to be everything. It includes the physical universe and the unseen "Heavens" often referred to in religious writings. It is a place where everything is composed of the smallest building blocks or components possible - quanta.
Within this realm, are clumps and arrangements of quanta. The quanta naturally starts to entangle with other quanta. They form arrangements, and dance about in certain ways. Over time, they get larger and more complex. They form things. They precipitate into simpler, slower and coarser things such as physical rocks, dust and energy.

Eventually, some of the quanta form into constructions that obtain sentience. The groups of quanta with sentience are called "souls".
The souls realize that the way that they can grow and advance is to organize their quanta. There is only one problem. Quanta can only organize through entanglements. They need to entangle with other quanta.
The way entanglements work is through association, or better yet, experiences.
Our Bubble of Reality
So, in order to obtain these experience, the soul creates a bubble within Heaven.
It is an environment where the soul can obtain experiences. These “bubbles” are regions that can best be defined as a construction. They are constructed regions manufactured by a given soul to obtain experiences within. These regions are unique and custom for a given consciousness.

A soul would connect to this bubble of reality via a “tube” or an interface. We call that interface as “consciousness”. Souls can have multiple consciousnesses but only one consciousness may occupy a given reality at a time.
A bubble of reality consists of four set “dimensions”. Three spacial dimensions and one of entropy; time.
The "passage of time" is simply our reality bubble changing by our thoughts. Additionally, other nearby bubbles also move about and change. They can influence our bubble as well.
The control over this bubble of reality is quite possible. That is because our reality changes with our thoughts. Each thought changes it.
Thoughts of the consciousness within the reality can alter the reality. Thoughts can make or break the experiences of the consciousness. As such the soul can learn from the consciousness and it’s decision making process. This is of course, through manipulation of the three dimensions plus the “dimension” of time.
Consciousness experience events within the reality. As such they generate thoughts. The thoughts alter and create the reality that the consciousness exists within. As such, the consciousness obtains experiences and learns from them.

“Seen” dimensions typically are referred to as the physical world. While “unseen” dimensions are referred to as various levels or dimensions of Heaven.
But, what exactly is heaven?
Please refer to the image above. How “heaven” is organized. (above). This diagram if a simplistic version of what a human “heaven” looks like. Let’s suppose you (the reader) is sitting down in your house reading this manuscript. That figure is the icon of the blue person shown by (B). You exist within this “bubble” or reality also shown by (R1). This “reality” includes the chair you sit in, the television show that you are watching, and the coffee beside you.

Extending beyond your (physical) reality is your “extended” (non-physical) reality (R2) which consists of your thoughts, memories and everything associated with it (also known as the “quantum cloud”).
Your thoughts regarding what you are now reading are moving about in this (R2) reality. This area contains not only thought, but emotion and other generated “influences” (far too complex to discuss at this time).

However, you have a soul (A) that is part of who you are. This soul only partially occupies your reality. In fact, it spends the vast bulk of it’s time outside of your “reality”. You know it exists, but you are unaware of it’s “day to day” experiences, challenges and behaviors.
Your soul can create numerous “realities” with numerous “individuals” (of which YOU are but one of the people that your soul creates) occupying those realities. This can occur at different times and at different locations. However, for now, let’s keep it simple and suppose your soul has created only one “realty” (R1) and (R2) for one person (B), you the reader.

Now, let’s suppose that you are married to another person that is part of your life. (A pretty common situation.)
That person would be represented by (C) which is but a “quantum shadow” of another person. It is not the ACTUAL person. It only seems that way. (Though in your reality, that person is just as real as anything else in your reality.)

What you see is their world-line version of where they married you and share your reality. It is not an actual reality (from their point of view, but rather the world-line version of them). (Your quantum-shadow spouse is but one version of a near infinite number of world-line variations of that particular person.)
That person (D) is actually living within their own “reality “just like you are. They may or may not see a quantum shadow of you. It is all determined by their version of reality. This of course is determined by their soul (E).

What is of most interest here is how their thoughts affect your reality (R1 & R2). While we all have our own “bubble” or reality that we live and exist within, our reality is constantly in flux by the thoughts of others (G). We view these effects as the “passage of time”.

The influence of the quantum-shadow of those nearest to us absolutely shape and mold the realities that we participate in. We can alter their influence by having “strong personalities”, or trying to isolate ourselves from others. However, the more we do so, the less likely we are to learn lessons and have experiences. It is the overlap of thought influences that create the experiences that we learn from.
Both your (A) soul and your spouse’s soul (E) exist within a heaven (F).
Your soul’s can work out different “realities” or “adventures” for both of you to share to obtain experiences.

The idea, of course, is to obtain experiences and configure the quantum clouds associated with the constructed realities that the soul utilizes. As soul grows and configures itself, it can “improve” and evolve. Hopefully towards an approved soul archetype and sentience.

As it improves and grows, the vast bulk of it’s quantum configuration dwells at different energy states. Each different energy state has a different place in heaven (F). Two are indicated by (J) and (I).
To prevent confusion, I would suggest that the reader consider “reality” as the first three dimensions, plus “time” as the fourth dimension.
I would then suggest that the fifth dimension, as world-line swapping (alteration of the “reality” “bubble”). This is very easy to visualize by using the above-mentioned model. For to understand what is happening in this case, the “quantum shadows” within your reality are being rearranged.

In “world-line” travel, all that is taking place is that the “quantum shadows” are being rearranged within one’s “bubble” of “reality”. This is fifth-dimensional travel. In the example above, Fifth-dimensional travel as world-line travel.
Quantum shadow (C) changes to fit the new revised “realty”. (It is now a yellow person instead of a red person.) We, as a participant within our reality look upon these changes as “world-line” travel.
From this point of view, it should be clear. That obtaining world-line dimensional travel is actually accessing our own soul and requesting it to alter our reality to fit our needs, while at the same time keeping the educational lessons that we are to obtain the same or better. This can be accomplished through certain techniques. In my case, we utilized a biological artifice to bend reality (within the confines of my experience structure).
So, in all actuality, there isn’t really any kind of “travel” at all. What is actually happening is the “reality” construct changes in accordance with the wants and needs of the soul.
If a given person, within a “reality” bubble wants to change his “world-line” he would be able to do so with the proper technology. However the changed “world-line” that manifests would be one that would either have the same and equal types of experiences for the soul, or that it would be one that would have more or “better” experiences.
There are even more interesting nuanced versions of “world-line” travel at the “higher” dimensional values. However, for our purposes, let’s keep it simple. I would then suggest anything above the fifth dimension as the realm of “heaven”. (Whether it is actually in a Heaven Universe, or within our “reality” universe.)
Review – What “time” actually is.
Most people have a really crap-tastic idea of what the MWI or multiple world-line theory is. They just cannot visualize it for the life of themselves. They have no idea what to think, or how it would manifest.
They come up with visualizations such as this…

One major hurtle…
The problem with all these contemporaneous visualizations is that the artist, philosopher, or scientist does not isolate the concept of consciousness from that of a physical person. It is assumed, and defaulted to one and the same identical thing. When in fact, they are entirely two separate things.
Everyone assumes that all those people around us also possess a consciousness. We assume they are also like us; that they have an active consciousness and an associated soul as well. We make this assumption based on our interactions with them. They appear, to us to be fully actuated and in possession of a soul and consciousness. We argue here that the appearance of something does not equate to the de facto possession of something.
There are differences between [1] a “consciousness”, [2] a “physical body”, and [3] a “person”. For our purposes, a person is someone with an active consciousness. Most people think that all three things are just different names for the same thing. They are not.

Most laymen, and many scientists do not understand this simple fact. They assume that everyone is a “person”. That we share our universe with other people who all have internal “consciousnesses”.
We do not.
We are a consciousness. Not a physical body.
Instead we are consciousness, that inhabits a physical body, forming a person. (As in the picture above.) We then occupy a reality.
In this reality, we are surrounded with physical bodies, but none of them possess a consciousness. Instead they appear to have a consciousness simply because of how they interact with us. This interaction of these others is how the soul obtains experiences and thus grows and advances in the quantum sphere.

Thus, our universe is comprised with a near infinite number of world-line realities. Many are empty, and some contain a consciousness which is inhabiting a body to obtain experiences with. Our universe, thus looks something a little like this…

Why this is important.
If you want to know the “secrets of the universe” then you will need to forget everything you learned in school and college. For all of it is based on assumptions that are rock-hard, firm, fixed and imputable.
Most of it is really, really incorrect. For our “reality” is not what everyone thinks.
- We do not “share” our universe with others.
- We live alone in our universe.
- Everyone else are “shadow copies” of their true forms.
- These “shadow copies” are other people acting and living as if they were to share our universe. They are what could possibly exist and manifest. Not that they actually do manifest.
Shadow copies
For simplicity purposes, we simplify things to understand them. And in the case of these “quantum shadows” or “shadow people”, we say that they are empty and devoid of a consciousness.
But that is not really true.
Every shadow person, on every possible world-line has a teeny-tiny part of the quanta associated with another consciousness. It’s really sparse, and really small, but it does exist there. We just simplify things and say that a person; a consciousness, occupies a world-line alone.
It’s a simplification. And here we can see how the simplification helps us to understand things…
What it looks like is NOT the way it is.
We all think that there is just one universe, and one Earth, and it is populated by all of us together. That we share the earth with each other and that we are all equal and are in the same time-line.
All these assumptions are wrong.

We do not share our universe with others.
Not. Even. Close.
Instead, we occupy a universe alone. We do not share it with anyone. Oh, yes, it does appear that we share it, but we really do not.
All those other people that we interact with are not really what they appear. They are a version of that other person. This is the version of that person were they to actually share the reality with us.

They are but quantum shadows of the possibility of interaction.
In Plato’s classic Allegory of the Cave, a group of people living in a cave have a very false view of the world because the only thing they can see is the shadows on a wall. Plato was trying to teach his students that the philosopher must see beyond the shadows to the reality that is projecting them, but what exactly is that reality. The reality that Plato wanted his students to see is not the physical form of the object casting the shadow, those physical objects are just another level of shadows! The world of matter is the shadow world, the world of illusion, the world of deception. It is not at all what it appears to be because our physical eyes, and other physical senses, can sense only the shadows called matter so we are deceived into believing that it is real. That is not to say that matter is not real. Matter is real just as the shadow of a tree is real, but the shadow is not the tree and matter is not true reality. -Cosolargy International
To understand this please note.
We are not a physical body. We are soul.
Now, do not be offended.
This does not at all mean that there is no love, that there isn’t a thing called togetherness. That there isn’t all the physical, emotional and spiritual relationships that we have with others. Do not be silly. Of course they exist.
What changes is the understanding of what a physical body is.

Instead of one (and only one) physical body that your consciousness inhabits, there is an infinite number of physical bodies. Each one within a unique and separate world-line.
You, as consciousness, moves in and out of all these other bodies of yours through thought.

This is also true for the entire rest of the universe. Everyone else also possesses bodies such as this. Your dog has this kind of body. Your cat has this kind of body. In fact, the felines are actually quite cognizant of this ability.
We are NOT a physical body. We are soul that manifests a consciousness within our reality.
Knowing and realizing this, makes some of the passages in the religious books far more reasonable, and easier to understand. It doesn’t matter if it is the Koran, or the Bible. Understanding the way the universe works, and truly works, adds a far greater understanding to the wisdom that resides inside of these great works.
The soul creates a “consciousness” that it places in a “container”. This container is a “world-line”. Our “universe” is a near infinite number of world-lines.

We are placed here for our consciousness to obtain experiences.
We navigate in and out of the world-lines though our thoughts. Our rate of travel (in general) is (for most humans) about 4 Hz. Or, four cycles per second. (Four world-lines each second.)
There are different rates of travel, and different species travel the MWI at different speeds. In general, the rate of travel is proportional to the operational speed of the brain. This of course varies. If you dull your brain to such a degree that your brain is slower, then you will not travel the MWI as fast as others would. And you might find your life slowly "falling behind" that of others.
- We are consciousness. We “rent” a physical body for a fleeting moment of time.
- Our reality is NOT shared. Instead our consciousness occupies a singular world-line. It is a momentary event.
- We (our consciousness) migrate between momentary world-lines through our thoughts.
- This movement is known as “the arrow of time”.
The best way that I can introduce the reader to this “radical” understanding of how our universe actually works, is to use the “movie projector theory”.
Movie Projector theory for the MWI.

Thus, the idea of the actual way things work is really, really, REALLY different than what everyone assumes or believes. The difference is so stark, that many researchers are handicapped in their understanding of reality. Ah, but it need not be that way.
Come on! You can well understand the movie projector analogy, can’t you?
If you can, well good for you! Award yourself a gold star.
The Movie Projector Theory in more detail…
The problem with that analogy (and it is a really good analogy), that that it does not take into account the individual frame selection in the film role. For in actual contemporaneous movies, it is the movie producer that selects the individual frames, and the person just sits back and watches the movie.
In reality, it is more like an entire bank of projectors, and we (as soul) selects the movie that interests us.
In this model, we have numerous movie projectors, all running simultaneously (at the same entropy)… Ah! At the same time.
We can “jump into” any scene portrayed by any of the movie projectors at will. We just look at the projected images.

The further away the movie projector is from us, the harder it is to watch that movie. So we must watch closer movies (momentarily) and then “edge our way” closer to the movie projector that we are interested in.
Most people, sadly, do not do this. They allow the movie projectors to operate randomly and they find themselves watching movies that they may not really care for.
How it manifests
So, using this film / movie projector analogy further it is exactly how our consciousness selects the “life experience” that we obtain. Each frame in a given movie reel is a world line. They are all playing about simultaneously, and our consciousness selects the world-lines to occupy by hopping from frame to frame. (World-line to world-line.)

Nearby movie projectors are nearly identical to the one that we are viewing at the moment. Their divergence from our “present reality” is often very small.
As we move further and further away to more distant movie projectors the divergence gets larger and larger and larger.
This is why it doesn’t seem like we are moving from one world-line to the next. It seems smooth, seamless and transparent. That is because the deviance in nearby world-line (projectors) is very, very small.
Our thoughts select the world-line…
In reality, the “film spool” (a collection of “frames”) is known as the “life experience” of a given consciousness as it takes on a life.
It is a record of our travels in and out of different world-lines. Where a “world-line” is represented as a frame within the movie reel.
The individual “frames” that are selected, are chosen by the thoughts of the consciousness that inhabits the body. We migrate to things that we think about. We migrate to what we think about.
Not necessarily what we might desire. It is what occupies our thoughts most of the time. (So shut off that stupid manipulative television, why don’t ya!)
For all its popularity, Facebook isn’t without its share of scandals. In the latest one, details came out of an experiment conducted on 700,000 Facebook users over the period of a single week in 2012. News feeds were manipulated to contain positive or negative news and content, then users were monitored to see if the change made them use more positive or negative words in their status updates. And it worked—people’s status updates showed a change in emotion that went along with the kind of news that they were exposed to. The term used was “emotional contagion,” and it confirms something pretty frightening. According to the study, people don’t even have to be physically around another person in a bad mood to absorb the negativity into themselves—negativity can be “caught” just from looking at a computer screen. There doesn’t need to be a personal, emotional connection for emotional contagion to happen. Not surprisingly, the study has brought up a number of disturbing questions, and it’s now being investigated by organizations like the Information Commissioner’s Office in Dublin. Those questioning the ethics of the study state that it’s nothing less than psychological manipulation. As if that’s not shady enough, Facebook users were unaware that they were having their emotions and moods manipulated through another party controlling just what was popping up in their news feeds. -List verse

No two thoughts are the same…
One of the problems that people need to come to grips with is that thoughts are not equal. Thoughts are “weighed”. Each thought is different. And thus each thought has a different degree in influence in world-line selection.

Thoughts and emotions together form a complex stew of “influence” that can absolutely affect your world-line travel adventures.
These thoughts are comprised of “levels of influence”.
- Duration of thinking about something.
- Emotional attachments with the thoughts.
- Prior memories of similar events.
- Prior physical experiences.
- The thoughts of the people (shadow consciousnesses) around you.
- Cultural variances, needs and desires.
- Mass thought manipulation (Have you been paying attention to the news lately?)
- One’s inherent belief system.
Ah, no two thoughts are equal. They have a “weighed” value or influence factor. Further, they are also modified by other thoughts by other “shadow consciousnesses” (Individual proxy consciousnesses that share a given reality.)
Think about it. It has to be this way, or else an obsessed person should be able to have their dreams manifest quite easily. But, the truth is that they don't. That is because of a slew of factors. One of which is the "level of influence" that a thought is given within a given world-line.
One of the most important and significant factors in thought-directed world-line selection is one’s inherent belief system.
Consider the cow.

Let's use the cow analogy. For instance, you might be starving, and ready to die of starvation. A typical American would not have any qualms with butchering a cow and eating steak. A Hindu would not, and would rather die than kill a cow. A vegetarian might be against eating it, but would not have any qualms drinking it's milk. Our actions are determined, in large part, by our belief systems.
It is our deepest belief systems that have the greatest influences in our thoughts.

This is a very important subject, and I will cover it later on. For now, let’s look at things simply. Consider that all thoughts are simple, unique and they can easily select the “frames” or world-lines that the consciousness will migrate to.
The actual “landscape” of the MWI as viewed by the individual consciousness.
Imagine a “road map” of nearby world-lines.
Now, what would it look like? What would it resemble? How would we be able to take into account all the different variables that are constantly shifting and changing all around us?
Obviously, it would have a form of sorts.
It would have (as an illustration) globes representing a given “world-line” (or “frame” in the movie using the analogy above). It would also have lines. The lines would represent a path of migration. Which is the most probable paths for a consciousness to take when moving from one world-line to another.

Now, this is a pretty good analogy as far as it describes the path that a consciousness would take. However, this analogy ignores the world-lines that are not taken. And in general, there a millions or much larger numbers of world-lines that are constantly ignored.
So a better way of mapping this procedure is to do so in a three dimensional framework.
Moving away from the movie projector analogy and mapping it upon a three-dimensional grip, it might look something a little like this. With the positions of the world-lines geographically positioned relatively to the pathways as a function of the intrinsic value of the particular world-line.

However, it would not look so much like a cluster of grapes, or bubbles on a foamy sea of bath water. No.
It turns out that the highest probability pathway forms a kind of sheet or flat surface when plotted in the three dimensions. If you end up plotting everything, you can't make out heads or tails of the map. It's just this one big mess. But, if you plot the pathways that have the greatest probability of travel, it simplifies immensely.
Instead of a cluster of grapes, it would look a little like a mesh or a grid. With the points being world-lines, and the lines connecting the points as the shortest distance to that world-line.
Now, if you take a step away from this “map” of “world-lines” and their lines of “high-probability” consciousness transfer it might start looking a little like this. Where you would see a “surface” of “highest probability” pathways, with the relative ease of travel and the strength of character needed to traverse affecting the heights and valleys of the apparent surface.

The “surface” that this map forms is the HIGHEST PROBABILITY of consciousness movement from one world-line node to another.
- Going above the surface indicates a strength of will over the combined strength of inertia of a given world-line.
- Going below the surface indicates a weak strength of will and a consciousness being overwhelmed by the inherent inertia of a given world-line.
- Moving to the left upon the mapped surface indicates more freedom of movement upon a given world-line reality.
- Moving to the right upon the mapped surface indicates less freedom of movement upon a given world-line reality.
The topographic map display is a useful tool in understanding the hurtles and trials that one needs to endure to travel forth on the MWI.

However, the rate of travel is fast…
The thing is, however, that the rate of travel through each world-line in the MWI is quite fast. It is around four world-lines per second. (For some people it is much, much higher.) Thus, for any topographic map to be of any use, it will have to have to exist on a much larger scale than what is presented here.
As such, the individual world-lines would appear as tiny pixels, and for the map to be of any use, it should describe a travel duration in terms of weeks rather than seconds. This means that the map would look like a smooth gradient rather than an array of “floating”globes.

Mapping the surface.
Here, we are going to take a look at the way the landscape actually looks from the point of view of an individual consciousness. It is NOT simple and flat. It is undulating with all sorts of “nearby” world-lines that the thoughts can select and migrate towards.
In general, it might look something along these lines…

In reality, this topographical map is much more complex and complicated. However, I was able to (functionally) navigate it using a sort of simple 3d understanding, and that understanding is one that I will provide here. Yes, these are my conventions distilled and illustrated as a teaching aide.
Here we look at it is the substantially simplified version that I am accustomed to using.

Now because this is a very simplified diagrammatic representation, numerous variables are incorporated in the “X’ and “Z” axes. (Not to mention the entropy axis “Y”.) In general, as I understand it, the characteristics of the “X’ and “Y” axes are an algebraic sum of the inverses of the individual contributions to the axes elements.
OK. I know that I lost you. Just think of it as a sum average of all your thoughts.
Internal Influences
Internal influences should be understood as the ultimate result of comparative thought-driven MWI transitions by the given consciousness.
Suppose the mind has a wide selection of thoughts. Everything from anger at a spouse, to frustration at work, and influences in the news, to a loving thoughts related to romance. All these thoughts will work together to generate a (singular) "value" on this axis. But, it is more than that. It is also the weighed value and the intensity of the thoughts, coupled with the apparent carry-over duration longevity of the thoughts as a person migrates in and through the other world-lines. Let's keep it simple. Look, if you drop a slice of pizza in the middle of a muddy road, would you [1] pick it up, wipe the mud off the pizza, and eat it. or [2] say "heck with that", and leave the pizza in the mud as a lost cause. For most people, they would give up and abandon the slice of pizza. The amount of mud is far too distracting to enjoy the slice of pizza. That is that way this system works. For if you abandon the slice, like most people would, your would occupy a world-line on the surface of the undulating map. If however, against all probability and convention, you decided to eat the slice, you might be above or below the surface, depending on other factors.
Here’s an example.
Let’s suppose that you are a simple fellow and you have five things going on in your life.
- A spouse that wants a divorce.
- A boss who is hinting on firing you.
- A yearning for a club sandwich and an ice cold beer.
- A pet that loves you and is very loyal.
- Memories of fishing with your father.
In this example, some of the items would have more emotion attached to it that others. While other issues might be better at controlling your emotions and directing your thoughts. While still others might be able to erase the thoughts completely (if for a short period of time).
You might be an emotional wreck and your thoughts would manifest a life that would reflect your thoughts.
As an aside, drugs and other stimuli can also influence thoughts and behaviors. All of these complexities can alter the navigational ability on the MWI.
There is no way to judge which thoughts or issues affecting the thoughts would have the greatest influence on the person because it is their deepest internal core belief systems that would result in how the world-lines would manifest.

All that one can assume is that all the factors would be weighted together and balanced though the core belief systems of the soul / consciousness. This would influence the momentary section of the next world-line.
Is it no wonder that when things start going wrong, that they often end up spiraling out of control?
- The Meltdown of Charlie Sheen
- Charlie Sheen’s Meltdown
- Charlie Sheen’s Public Meltdown in 2011
- Charlie Sheen blames ‘tiger blood’ meltdown
- Read Jon Cryer’s Painful Inside Account of Charlie Sheen’s meltdown
External Influences
External influences should be considered the inherent inertia that comes with a given world-line.
Inertia. Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state. Once you have a bowling ball sitting on the floor, it is a little difficult to get it to move. However, once you get it moving, it's hard to slow down. That difficulty... getting it started to move, and stopping it from moving... is what is known as inertia.
For our purposes it is the accumulated influences of the “shadow thoughts” of those (non-consciousness) apparent beings that share a given destination world-line. These are all the physical and non-physical influences that would affect the thoughts of a consciousness while it is in a given world-line.
You see, there can only be one consciousness per world-line. All those other "people" that we share the world-line with are actually "shadows". They are the bodies and representation of other consciousness were they to share the reality with us. As such, not only are their physical being present with us, but also their thoughts, dreams, desires and urges as well. A "shadow" is a person that we share the specific world-line with. However no consciousness inhabits their body. Their actual consciousness is off in another reality. We are observing their 'shadow" or a portrayal of how they would behave, act and think were they to share our reality with us.
The arrow of time.
With this being understood, a consciousness… a person might experience world-line travel at a rate of around 4 Hz, and visit numerous world-lines in any given instance. Thus the “arrow of time” might look something like this…

Thus in this simplified diagram showing the geography of the MWI you (the reader) can see [1] how the passage of time manifests, [2] how your thoughts can alter and change the “X” vector component, and [3] how a given world-line can influence the path direction via a “Z” axis vector. You will also notice that the “arrow of time” [4] moves along the direction of decreasing entropy.
Entropy A measure of the amount of disorder in a system. Entropy increases as the system's temperature increases. For example, when an ice cube melts and becomes liquid, the energy of the molecular bonds which formed the ice crystals is lost, and the arrangement of the water molecules is more random, or disordered, than it was in the ice cube. We can assume that in a macrocosmic universe, that it can be best represented as time.
The migration process.

Our consciousness moves from one physical body in one world-line to another in a different world-line. For most humans, most of the time, the rate of travel is around four world-lines per second.
Expert hint; If you are using "the power of intention" to manifest your reality, what you are doing is focusing on a destination world line. If you track your success or failure in this effort, you will discover the amount of time it will take for your intentions to manifest. If it took 6 months, then that means that you had to pass through 62,208,000 (more or less) world lines to arrive at your destination world-line. Figure around 10 million world-line transitions per month.
The way that consciousness is able to move in and out of the various world lines is though wave propagation behavior.
- While it is a given world-line, the consciousness occupies the body in the particle form.
- While the consciousness moves from one world-line to another, it is no longer occupying a body. It is thus in a wave form.

This all happens rather quickly. In most people, mostly the rate of travel from one world-line to another is around 4Hz. For most humans our brains have a difficult time observing the changes in these movements. So we think that we are living in one singular world-line that we share with others.
Here is a gif that kind of illustrates the point, and the system at work here.

The entry process
This is how the consciousness changes from wave to particle for entry within a body within a reality. Our consciousness naturally exists in the wave form.
However, the moment it “crashes through” into a fabricated world-line reality, it changes form. It becomes a particle. It’s a natural process.

Our “universe” is often quite confused and mislabeled. We use that term to define what we observe, when in reality, what we are observing is a string of static world-line universes while we experience “time” Each moment is a snap-shot of a “world-line universe”.

All of these world-lines lie within a much larger physical place with is called the “physical universe”. It contains many things. Including many non-physical things.
Review – We inhabit world-lines alone.
So… what have we reviewed?
- The reality is a series of world-lines. Each a “frozen” moment in time.
- Time is the movement of consciousness through those world-lines.
- We travel alone, with the only thing of interest is our consciousness.
- Shadow people lie around us, but they are “empty”.
Now all of this pretty much sums up the idea that everything that you know about the universe, life, spirit, and the physical world is wrong. In fact, it is so very wrong that there can be absolutely zero recognizing the two. You either believe the way things actually work, or you don’t. Instead, or going with the way things actually work, you might try to fit it into the fantasy that we have constructed for ourselves over the last 5000 years.
Now all of this is a radical notion.
It is one where the physical universe is a construction. It is used by consciousness (which is controlled by a collection of quanta, known as “soul”) to obtaining new experiences. And experiences is what cause quanta to become entangled with other quanta.
Thus, the entire “secret of the universe”!
Ta Da!
But are we really always alone?
As such, in order to best describe this process, I explained that consciousness goes in and out of world-lines. But that it does so alone. That each world-line appears to be populated with other people, other animals and other things. But those aren’t “real” people, animals and things, that they are actually “quantum shadows” of others instead.
Which lends people to mistakenly believe that they are all alone.
But this isn’t true. Not at all.
In reality, those quantum shadows are just elements of other consciousnesses and other souls, it’s just that their representation in any given particular world line is very tiny.
- Your consciousness is 60% present in a given world-line.
- Everyone else’s is a shadow and only 0.00000000000000000000001% present.
When your consciousness is in a world-line, it really isn’t there 100%. It might be there 60%. With the remaining 40% spread out among 100,000 trillion other world-lines.
And that is true with every other animal, person, critter and plant.
For simplification purposes, it’s just easiest to imagine that you are alone surfing the MWI with empty quantum shadows of others.
But that simple way of thinking is really just “training wheels” to understand the MWI and world-line travel.
In reality, you are actually sharing a world-line with others. It’s just that (from their point of view) they are hardly participating in the one that you are in. Their other world-line where they are on might have a reality quite different from yours. But they are touching your world-line, it’s just not that strongly.
And now for the new stuff…
Love is very strong and it is an emotion that has quantum components that “plug into” our very bodies, our very natures, and cause us to build up great entanglements with other people, places, things, and …
… loved pets.
When we truly love someone and something, we want to be with them. And it is this strong desire that forges very strong emotional bonds. These bonds can quickly become physical with would result in quantum entanglements.
And that means…
That something “special” is going on when someone loves another.
And this “special” thing is the entanglement of emotions, and the quantum entanglements of the two consciousnesses together.
Which means…
That a world-line that contains your consciousness at 60%…
…would attract the consciousness of another…
…so that both you and your love interest (pet, lover, family member) would both (for a while, at least) share the DOMINANT world-lines together within the same cycle.
Or, in other words…
Instead of…
- Your consciousness at 60% occupancy within a given world line.
- Your pet, lover or friend occupancy at <1%.
It would be different.
It would be more like this…
- Your consciousness at 60% occupancy within a given world line.
- Your pet, lover or friend occupancy at 60% as well.
Both of you two would travel the MWI together.

Pair consciousness exploration of the MWI
What this means is quite significant.
No longer does your sole thoughts navigate your destination world-lines. Instead, something else happens. The navigation becomes quite different.
Both of your now navigate the world-lines together. With the dominant personality taking on the majority of the dimensional navigation responsibilities.
And we can see his effect in all sorts of ways. Both good and bad.
Beloved Cat, Horse or Dog The consciousness and the desires of an animal is different than that of a human. Thus the human who is paired with an animal friend might find their life takes on a kind of controlled calmness and sensibility. If you have a stressful and crazy life at work, it will be the cat or dog that will create a tranquil life for you at home. They will navigate the world-lines while you are with them, and the times will be calm, cool and collected. The beloved pet will navigate the world-lines for you. They will migrate towards comfort and happiness. Married to an alcoholic, or someone with an addiction. Here, the drives and desires of the chemical addiction will alter all the navigation control. The spouse of the alcoholic will find that the alcoholic or addicted person will drive the navigation of the world-lines, and over time, the life style and calmness of life will become more and more chaotic. The alcoholic would navigate in a very focused and directed manner. It would drag everyone along with that person towards the world-lies they want, whether you want to go or not. Married to someone with a mental illness. A person with a mental illness will be just as bad as someone with an addiction, only more so. They will not have the reasoning ability of a "normal" person, and often their odd thoughts and crazy unrestrained emotions will result in all sorts of bad and dangerous world-lines. Being a caretaker for a person with a mental illness is not a happy life. At best, it will be chaotic with all manner of stops and starts and redirections. The only way that a person can get off this crazy union is to [3] have a much stronger personality, or [2] sedate the mentally ill person under strong medication, or [3] leave that person and do not look back.
Entanglement of different species.
I can see a lot of lovers, long well-established couples, and animal lovers all over the world nodding their heads in collective agreement. Yes, it is true, as long as the love is present, there is a strong likelihood that the two consciousnesses would share the given world-line switches together.
You would not be able to tell when you are both on the same world-line actually or you are with a quantum shadow of your beloved. But that is fine. It doesn’t matter, that much.
In general, the greater the love that you generate towards others, the stronger the associative world-lines are. As long as the love is strong, then the world-lines would either be shared, or at the very least, cluster together.
Emotional Connections
Which means that as long as everyone is “on the same page” or in agreement with the ways things should be or get accomplished (family, work, life, friendships) then you can well expect that the life would be calm and controlled and pretty nice.
If however, you have a dominant personality in the group, and that person does not think the same as the rest of the group, then the entire group could very well be dragged with that person’s thoughts and desires. And this can become very dangerous.
Which is why I say that both LOVE and HATE are the same thing as far as quantum associations are involved.
Both will tie you to another, and actually result in you sharing the same world-lines or at least associating with theirs.
Be very careful concerning this. As both the emotions will tie you all together, how the world-lines will manifest will be by the thoughts that you all would generate. And the truth is that hateful thoughts can create very, very, very black world-lines.
Be particularly cautious of people who spew hate and dangerous thoughts. They will drag you towards very bad places.
And control you there.
Why pets?
There is an association with our pets that we build up. Whether it is a dog, a cat, a horse, or any of the many, many pets that we might associate with. We share real love with them. They become our buddies and are more than just friends to us. They are our special companions that have a very precious role in our life.
And I just want to tell everyone that this role also has a component during world-line transitions.
So please kindly pay attention to my observations…
- Quantum shadows or shadow people and pets are not devoid of consciousness, it’s just that most only have a very tiny occupancy when your consciousness is on a given world-line.
- If you have a strong emotional attachment, and they have it as well, you will both end up sharing the world-line cycling together at the same time.
- The dominant personality will take over the navigation during this period of time. There will always be a dominant and a passive component to this relationship.
- Beloved pets will mellow out your world-lines considerably. If happiness is your ultimate goal, get a beloved pet.
Since you would have an attachment with a person or a pet, and you would share world-lines together for a period of time, then it makes sense that you would have a strong bond of attachment whether you are alive or dead.
This attachment will come in handle when you two reunite in the non-physical worlds.

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Structuring a well-rounded prayer affirmation campaign using world-line transitions
This is a very simple post that will layout a fundamental template for your prayer affirmations. These affirmations are things that you read aloud (to yourself) everyday during a campaign. Prayer campaigns happen over a period of time, and are interrupted by periods of inaction. In other words, you conduct a campaign and then stop completely. Then after a period of rest, you start a new campaign. The affirmations are a list of your desires laid out in a prayer format.
Structuring is a term that I use to describe the organization of your prayer list. You do not need to have it organized, but it will really help you out when the time comes to run a campaign.
The Structuring of a prayer campaign
Most people put together perhaps ten lines of prayers and call it their verbal affirmations. They repeat them once a day in their private moments. Some put them on a laminated sheet in the shower and read them aloud while taking a shower. Some put them in a notebook and read them when they are alone in their home office. While others have them on a list in their wallet and they read it in their car in the company parking lot.
When I conduct a prayer affirmation campaign, my list is long. It is very long and very detailed. I do this because I know that if I am not that detailed, what will manifest might not be what I want. So I tend to be very descriptive and very exacting in my campaign.
I learned the importance of this the hard way. It's almost like that "contract that you sign with the devil", you will indeed get exactly what you wish for. But you must be very careful in defining your wishes. So there are really only two recommended techniques (for the newbe and novice) that you can employ. Either have [1] very simple and broad affirmations, or [2] a very complex detailed affirmation campaign.
You do not need to be like me.
In fact, I strongly recommend that people new to intention campaigns start out slowly and simply, and then modify the affirmations over time to find our what works for them. For certainly, what works for one person might not work for others.
I will repeat.
We are all different. So what works for one person might not work for others. Which is why, pretty much, I tell everyone to stick to plain and simple affirmation campaigns and keep things basic. And then, after you have seen how things manifest for you, you can alter and grow your affirmation campaigns into great complexity with more intense results.
My suggested campaign template
Here, I am going to lay out the elements of a very detailed affirmation campaign. One that I use personally (with my personal prayers omitted, of course) and leaving the general affirmations for you all to use and alter as you see fit.
Now, I have mentioned how to conduct these kinds of prayer campaigns in other posts. So none of this should be a real surprise. What might be different here is that the campaign that I am listing here is an “advanced” campaign. It is one that is intentionally modified for “expert” use.
This is what I use, and it is what any one who has been doing affirmation campaigns for a couple of years can use. It is not for newbe use.
What is different here, and why I warn NOT to use if you are new to affirmation campaigns, is that it contains certain elements that you must agree to that will completely and totally alter your campaign implementation.
The advanced techniques
This affirmation campaign is full of affirmations that will fundamentally alter and change how your campaign actually runs. This campaign includes “code” that will rewrite the “source code” behind the normal working procedure of an affirmation campaign. And thus it is dangerous for newbe use.
The advanced coding…
- [1] Permits the application of world-line slides in your life.
- [2] Discards your “initial world-line template” or base-line world-line map for others that will achieve your goals.
- [3] Dramatically decreases the time for implementation of your affirmations by permitting and allowance for periods of “phased out discomfort”.
- [4] Places guarantees that discomfort will be kept to a minimum.
To use these advanced techniques would result in some rather impressive changes in your life, but it will come at a cost.
[1] Using slides
The cost is that once you have allowed a campaign to slide you out of your birth-world-line map, you will never be able to return back to it. Which means that [1] you will forever be forced to conduct prayer affirmation campaigns until you die, and [2] that you must still obtain experiences and lessons as part of your soul charter. This will result in [3] some level of potential discomfort.
What does this mean?
Well, it might be like the character “Earl” from the show “My name is Earl”, who wins a lottery ticket for millions of dollars, but gets hit by a car and loses the ticket. Because he owes a karmic debt that exceeds the value of the lottery ticket.

… it might appear to be like that.
[2] Changing the template world-line map
In reality, it’s not really so much about karma as it is that your consciousness NEEDS to obtain experiences during this life.
The at-birth-world-line template was provided to you to use as a map to make those experiences occur. Good or bad, right or wrong, you were corralled or lead to make decisions that would cause events that would manifest due to your thoughts.
So yes, in a way, our world-line template that was allocated to us at pre-birth pretty much set up a corralled, and fated life.
Now, you are purposely leaving that template map, and permitting yourself to slide out on to other world-line maps.
World-lines can be grouped into clusters of similarly, and by other means. When I refer to a world-line "map", I am referring to cluster of world-lines that evolve (over "time" as viewed by the consciousness) in such a way that the HIGHEST PROBABILITY of events are presented in a three dimensional format. The most probable world-lines are shown in a two dimensional plane, and the relative "difficulty" or "discomfort" to the person is presented in the third dimensional axis. If you do not use this kind of "map", then you have no structure. Just a big furry and fuzzy ball of all probabilities all superimposed over each other. So use of this map greatly simulates how a person can make decisions, be corralled into certain actions, and learn from experiences and events. If you want to get off this "fated" or "corralled" map that you were assigned with at birth, then you need to slide off of it. You would slide onto another map.
These other maps might be radically different, or might not. They might be violently disturbing, or quietly comforting. They might be anything. And that is the point. You elect to leave the experience-kindergarten and step into the elementary school hallway. It’s a big step.
Normal thoughts, and a normal simple affirmation campaign works within a pre-birth template map. There is a fixed number of world-lines that you must pass through (on the x-y axis) to obtain your goal. To speed things up, or achieve other advantages, you need to slide off that map in a z-prime axis onto another map. This other map would have other issues and an entire set of highest probability pathways.
[3] Quick(er) response to your campaign
In this “heavyweight” affirmation campaign template, you would agree to sacrifice comfort and convenience for achieving your goals.
So, for example, if your normal campaign would normally take six years to manifest some long-term goal, this technique would reduce it to a third of the time. Say two years.
Also, as a side effect of this methodology, you will discover that the “pause” between campaigns will be abbreviated as well. Rather than taking a three month long pause between campaigns you might have the strong feeling that you could start a new subsequent campaign shortly afterwards, say in two months instead of three.
[4] Fail safes
Of course, this campaign would include fail-safes or else it would be very, very dangerous.
The idea behind this is that the world-line map that your experiences would lie upon in this incarnation would be within a set of boundary limits. You would have a high probability of experiencing “A”, and “B”, and while you could us your free will to avoid experiencing those things, the probability of you doing so would be very small.
People ask what is fate? A child drops an ice cream cone on a hot pavement in the Summer and runs away crying. You watch that event. The highest probability would be that you watch, and then continue on your way as if nothing happened. This would be your fated pre-birth template, and you would be proceeding on the x-y axis. This is the most common and highest probability of behavior. But there are actually a near infinite things that you can do. Such as... [1] Buy the strange kid a new ice cream cone. [2] Go after the kid and taunt her / him making fun of them. [3] Pick up the cone and throw it in the trash. [4] Pick up the cone and eat it. [5] Pick up the cone and throw it at a passing car. The most common and highest probability reactions and events are on the world-line map.
For instance, you would accept a job at “ACME Widgets”, not knowing that in three years they would lay you off. This would be a scenario that you would pretty much be fated to experience.
Now, it is true that you do not have to accept the job at “ACME Widgets”, but the situation on this world-line template would be such that not taking it might mean going without food for a while, or other uncomfortable things.
So in other words, the world-line template map is a fated life that you as soul selects for your consciousness to experience.
But, by accepting and allowing to slide off this birth-assigned template map, you can use your thoughts to navigate to new and different world-lines off that template.
On this new world-line template, you have a set of new opportunities and new events that were NOT present on the old pre-birth world-line template.
So, while the option for “ACME Widgets” might still be open to you, so will an opportunity at “Headbook Software”.
Now taking that opportunity would give you much better salary, and a host of other benefits. More so than “ACME Widgets”, but also would provide a different mapped “terrain” that you would need to navigate.
Instead of just worrying about a pay check at “ACME Widgets”, you now have to contend with a host of other issues that was not in your pre-birth charter. You would experience far more, and do far more, and live a much more active life… but it would be at a level of compression. In other words, more experiences, and thus a greater risk of discomfort.
To mitigate and control this additional and new discomfort, you would need to add text to your affirmations to control and mange it. Thus this technique…
Advanced Technique
I call this an advanced technique because you are “taking the training wheels off”.
The idea of training wheels is to teach balance with a “safety” system to catch the child when their balance is off. In reality, most kids simply rely on the training wheels and never practice balance at all. Some children even find that it is easier to fall with training wheels – particularly while maneuvering around a corner. -Time to Take Off the Training Wheels? Parents
So once you implement advanced intention campaigns…
… you are awarded “full spectrum” control…
… with all the benefits and the inherent dangers that come with it.
You need to have been conducting an affirmation campaign for at least a year before you try these techniques. I don’t want to advocate people to dive into the deep end of a pool until they learned how to “doggie paddle” first.
The affirmation campaign template
Here I am going to give you, the reader, elements of my very own personal affirmation campaign. I have omitted my personal information so as not to confuse this template. (And besides, it’s personal, don’t you know.)
- I am calm, cool, collected and confident.
- I , and my family, are all happy, healthy, and relaxed.
- I live a calm, stress-free, comfortable life.
- I feel calm and halcyon most of the time.
- I have no worries, concerns, or stress. [1]
- I am the water that flows under the earth in strength and power. [2]
- I am navigating my reality towards my goals. [3]
- In general, my reality is one that is a controlled improvement over what I already have. [4]
- I am happy, healthy, and successful.
- I fill my body with good delicious and healthy food and drink.
- I have money, savings, and investments. [5]
- Negative people are always repelled away from me in such a way that they do not affect my reality.
- These affirmations manifest in the near future, and maintain existence for the remainder of my life.
- All of these events as specified manifest as quickly as possible. [6]
Notes; This is the "general" category at the top of my affirmation list. It contains phrases and general assumptions that will occur not matter what else manifests. [1] The first five items refer to my level of stress and comfort. Now, if you do not want a relaxed and comfortable life, you can omit these items. I, myself, have lived in stressful situations. I do not want any part of them to manifest. So I make sure that no matter what, my life is calm, and good. [2] My personality is one of adaptation. Some people have fixed personalities. You can alter this to read something like "I am a rock and stable in all things", or perhaps if you are of a flighty and wispy countenance "I move like the air and master my environment". It's all up to you. This phrase defines your general placement within the mapped terrain. [3] You must vocalize what you are doing. [4] You want to improve in what you have. You want to keep the good things going on in your life and add more good things to them. You do not want to throw away everything and start from scratch, do you? If you do, you can omit this phrase. [5] If you do not include money in your affirmations, no matter how well intentioned, you could easily end up being poor and destitute; happy, but poor and destitute. [6] These last two statement phrases are critical. By specifying a time limit, you allow the navigation to take you off the pre-birth intention canvas. You drop off the map and are permitted to slide to what ever new map will provide you quicker and more immediate results.
Now the world around us is seemingly going crazy. Pockets of discomfort, strife and alarm are all around us. We don’t want any of that to impact our life. We do not want any part of that in our life and we most certainly do not want to obtain experiences that are associated with strife.
However, if you slide off the pre-birth template you can end up (easily) within a world-line that is full of stress and discomfort. You do not want that. Not in the least. So in order to prevent that, you will need to place some affirmations in regards to safety and security.
Like this…
- My family is safe and secure and protected from all efforts to attack it. [1]
- I am safe and protected where I live, and my life is stable and isolated from any attacks of any type.
- No matter what the news says, none of the disturbing things actually happens to me or my family. [2]
- I and my family are safe and secure. Any battles, wars, conflicts or social upheavals occur far away from us.
- My family and I are safe and isolated away from conflict, strife, and danger. We are always safe.
- The people around me love me, protects me, nurtures me, and supports me. [3]
Notes; If the world was stable this section in your affirmation campaign might not be necessary. But the world is not stable. Right now there are three carrier battle assault groups off the coast of China 15 miles from where I live. Maybe Donald Trump thinks that it makes great news headlines. For me, well it is very stressful and ugly. [1] This might be the only phrase you might need. [2] If the "news" is promoting something dangerous, this phrase will act like a shield and cause the event (or something similar) to "bounce off" and hit some other target. You know, like the fire on the USS Bonhomme Richard, or the massive explosion known as the Beirut explosion. This phrase will deflect events away from your area. This is a complicated matter and I could devote an entire post on it alone. When huge groups of people start thinking things, they create a buildup of quanta. That buildup must be released. If it is being directed at something, and you use an affirmation to conduct a world-line switch, the build-up still needs to be released. And thus you will see other examples of where the "bullets ricocheted to". [3] You need to tie yourself to a friendly and supportive community.
Now, let’s get into the content…
Here is where you would put your “regular” intentions. This is where the vast bulk of your intentions would go. And it might look something like this…
The affirmations are for example only. They are not my personal affirmations. My very own intentions are a little shy on objects and things, and rather dense when it comes to personal relationships, adventure, and lifestyle. But here are some illustrative examples.
- I have a lawn with “Centipede grass”.
- My front door is painted a high gloss PANTONE Bright Red C, with a nice real shiny brass door knocker.
- I own a John Deer Cub Cadet Ultima ZT1 50-in. 23-hp Kawasaki Zero Turn lawn mower.
- I own a beautiful white Nissan Titan XD Pro 4X.
You can add anything here that you want. In this example, I have placed things. But you can describe relationships, or situations, or events.
Events like…
- I am able to travel the world in a sailboat.
- I am part of a local group of businessmen and attending gatherings.
- I have box seats at the local stadium.
Relationships like…
- I am dating a girl that has the personality of Lauren Cohan (The Walking Dead actress).
- I am dating a girl that has the body of Kelly Brook (English model, actress and television presenter best known for her roles in the 2010 horror comedy remake Piranha 3D).
- My father and I have resolved our differences and spend time together on the weekends.
Situations like…
- I have part ownership in a golf club.
- My house is filled with happy dogs and relaxed cats.
- I live next to the mountains and have a fresh water spring in the back.
In short, you can put anything here that is is desire. You can be vague or specific. Just note that the more specific you are, the longer it will take to manifest. So only add specificity when actually necessary. Otherwise, it’s wisest to keep things flexible.
Non Physical Entities & Forces
Our world, for the most part, is populated with the things that we see and experience around us. Therefore, since that is all that we know, that is all that we wish to alter. But the truth is that there are a host of other things, and other elements of our reality that exists around us. This includes things and entities.
By placement of specific affirmations you can protect yourself from malevolent entities (if they exist) or enlist the help of other non-physical entities, were it your prerogative.
- I ask for help to achieve my intention targets; and I do get help from all the non-physical beings that can assist me.
- I also get help from any physical beings that can assist making my dreams and wishes come true and manifest.
- Other entities, not limited to but including, XXX, YYY, ZZZ, guardian angels, friendly sprites, and other entities are permitted to assist me obtaining my goals as defined here. [1]
- In no way can these other entities hurt, harm, or mess up my life and intentions. They may only help, and are welcome to help gladly.
- I know how to embrace opportunities as they manifest around me, and implement those necessary changes and actions promptly. [2]
Notes; [1] You might not believe that non-physical intelligence's and animals exist. That's fine. But it wouldn't hurt to have this line in your affirmations, now would it? [2] This affirmation can go anywhere, but the placement herein associates it with a knowledge associated with specific actions associated with non-physical, or physical entities.
Control of emotions and thoughts
We are constantly under manipulation. Where it is the embedded code within the websites and the APPs that we use, to the movies we watch and the news that we subscribe to. Everything is trying to twist and control our emotions. Yet, in order for our affirmations to actually work, these influences must be zeroed out.
Now there are two ways to zero out these influences. Firstly [1], you can get rid of those influences directly. You can stop using the media, using the computer and using the cell-phones. Or [2] you can add affirmations that control your reactions to those influences.
This section follows route #2. You have affirmations that control the way that the external influences influence your behaviors and action.
- I am able to control my emotions and thoughts.
- I prevent any angry, dangerous, or terrible thoughts from occurring. [1]
- I prevent the manifestation of any reality that might result from bad, negative or dangerous thoughts. [2]
- I avoid getting into arguments on the internet.
- Everything surrounding me is positive and good.
Notes; [1] The first two affirmations are seemingly redundant. But, they are not. One specifies that I am in control of what I think, not outside influences. The other prevents the manifestation and generation of bad or negative thoughts. [2] Prevents the generation of "bad" reality generation resulting from my thoughts.
MWI Routing
This section adds a strong degree of control on how you add, alter, modify or implement your intention campaign. I am a strong believer that each one of us runs our very own unique campaign, and thus what works for one person, might not work for a different person. So in order to control that aspect of variance, you need to specify how the affirmation campaign works within your MWI reality.
These affirmations serve that purpose…
- I understand how this universe works, and how to alter, improve and change my reality. [1]
- I use this knowledge to generate a perfect life for myself and for my family.
- As such, I am the Captain of my Consciousness. [2]
- I move in and out of the world-line realities as necessary to achieve my thought-destination(s).
- I do achieve my ultimate goals and I do so efficiently, and quickly while avoiding bad or undesirable world-lines. [3]
- I am alert on what to say and do in order to achieve my desires.
- I know what affirmations to make to manifest the life that I wish to participate within.
- I know, positively, when to stop, change, alter or revise my affirmations in accordance with my needs and desires. [4]
- I am aware of opportunities as they arise, and I know exactly what actions to take to maximize my desired intentions.
- I am aware of the world-line routing as it occurs and do not panic or worry about how things will manifest. [5]
- I recognize that world-line realities that I inhabit might be calm and relaxed, but that substantial positive and proactive events are unfolding for my benefit that might be hidden from me.
Notes; [1] This phrase helps you rapidly learn what affirmations to use, and which ones not to use. You also better understand why and how they work. I think that this sentence along helps tie the affirmation campaign into a mechanism for soul experience growth. [2] These two commands place your verbal affirmation campaign firmly into the realm of "navigation console". By using these phrases you convert an intention campaign from a "lifestyle enhancement method", to a "world-line navigation console". [3] These two lines explicitly state what the purpose of the affirmation campaign is, and how it works. [4] These four affirmations enable you to have insight on how to improve your affirmations, and add or subtract from them. While this is seemingly a more or less natural consequence of performing a campaign, this little statement guarantees that whatever alterations you make will be in accordance with your direct wishes, and not what was laid out in the pre-birth reality template map. [5] These two affirmations cover cognizant awareness of the physical reality and what to do to alter, reroute or modify your intention campaign.
Intention Canvas
I urge everyone to have “dream board” or “intention canvas”. This contains images and pictures used to complement your affirmation campaign.
As opposed to "sharpening" your intention focus, it make it more "fuzzy". (Which is counter intuitive. Not what you would think, eh?) In other words, instead of a small, hard, absolute point on the world-line terrain map, it becomes a bigger, fuzzier, and softer ball. What this does is provide a larger group of avenues or paths for you to reach to your goal.
The key words or text herein is to “complement”, and not to “replace” your affirmation campaign.
As I have discussed previously, the canvas can be a “dream board”, a rotating image display on your computer, or a folder containing a stack of pictures. It can also include a computer folder in your PC that contains images that you can use (and one that you don’t visit often either.)
In all cases you MUST tie this “intention canvas” to your affirmation campaign. These affirmation commands do just that. In my case, I have a folder that contains picture collages that represent my intended desires. And that is what I will suggest in these examples…
- I utilize the images in my “XXXXX” folder (and all subfolders) to help make the manifestation of my lifestyle manifest.
- I also utilize the photos in my PC (found in the YYYYYY directory) and used as my rotating background display to help cultivate the reality that my world line is.
- The following commands specify exactly how the images will manifest and what they represent within my life…
In which case, then you go into great detail what general terms that each image represents. Such as these examples…
Males shown in photos
- In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself. [1]
- Images that portray mafia figures, or “bad people” portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people against me. [2]
- Images that portray powerful people represent my role as it manifests.
- In images showing actors, it is the character, personality and role that they play that manifests in my life, not that of the actual actor. [3]
Notes; [1] Do not assume that just because a male figure is in a photo residing inside your intention canvas, that it automatically represents you. If you want that to happen, then you will need to either use this affirmation, or photoshop your image into that photo. [2] So, you've got a picture of Tony Soprano enjoying some wine, with his underlings nearby and a girl on each arm. Do not assume that you would intend this role to materialize. Instead, the local mafia don in your neighborhood might end up getting the intention instead of yourself. [3] Likewise, you want the role that the actor plays. Not the life of the actor him or herself. If you want the actors person life, then you need to specify it. You need to specify exactly what elements the images represent or else you might have the wrong things manifest. You might (for example) want the life of Captain Jack Sparrow, and have a photo of a carefree run-infused pirate. While in reality you might end up with Johnny Depp's life and an embroiled divorce. Yikes!
Objects shown in photos
- In images related to gold, money, currency and wealth, the intention is broadly associated with large sums of money, wealth and success that I possess.
- In images relating to objects, they represent the things that I own or possess as property.
Women shown in photos
- In images that have females, they represent the situation that I am participating in.
- In images that only contain females, the appearance and body shapes, and the situation of the female, their body and actions are what manifests per my intention direction.
- In images showing females, with a dominant physical attribute (as determined by myself), that attribute manifests within my reality.
Notes; Since I am a male, I do not want to confuse any images with women and children. I want to specify that they are different and perform roles that are situational.
Blocking and Protections
We live inside a reality that has both physical and non-physical components. Thoughts alter and change our reality. Both our thoughts, and the thoughts of those around us. Good people can give us good wishes and pleasant thoughts. However, most of the world today is not good, and thus bad people can thrust bad wishes upon us.
We don’t want to suffer through hexes, malevolent intentions or bad events sent in motion by individuals who have a grudge against us. So we must utilize protections. Here are the protection affirmations that I use…
- I have awareness on how to avoid the manifestation of problems. I follow that advise immediately without question automatically.
- I purposely avoid negative, dangerous, bad, or problematic reality world-lines to achieve my goals
- I have broken apart any barriers to controlling my reality. These are barriers that are either self-created, or those created by others.
- I define my reality, and undo any spells, magick or alterations imposed upon me, or the reality around me by anyone or anything.
- I block and shut out all negative, de-constructive, and dangerous thoughts from manifesting and altering my intentions listed herein.
Notes; Do not assume that everyone thinks like you. There are many "closet" occultists, and "home-grown" priests that will throw some unwanted thoughts and beliefs your way. You must put up protections. You would be surprised at how many there are. Seriously.
Personal Health
We can have an affirmation campaign that is all great and full of details, but if you ignore you health, it will all be for naught. If there is one thing that we should learn from this coronavirus situation, it is that if you don’t have your healthy, all the riches and “stuff” in the universe become meaningless. You absolutely need to protect your health and general well-being in your affirmation campaign.
Do not neglect this most important aspect of a prayer / affirmation campaign.
- I am in top physical shape. I am healthy and happy.
- My body operates, functions and behaves like when I was in my late 20’s and into my early 30’s. [1]
- My wardrobe is professionally matched, and my body is clean, pleasant and attractive.
- My heart is strong and healthy. My internal organs are all in top shape. [2]
- Nothing is permitted to cause me harm, damage or physical discomfort.
- I know what minerals, vitamins and foods that I must eat to achieve my intention targets. [3]
Notes: [1] Obviously this applies to folk older than this age. LOL. [2] Old men can have all kinds of problems and issues, and to prevent and control that, we tend to watch our diets and take vitamins. Exercise is important, and I don't need any affirmations to support what I already do naturally. [3] Shortly after adding this affirmation line, the number of business luncheons and dinners that I would normally have dropped considerably. My wife started to make a lot of vegetables, and fish. I began to find myself eating this kind of nut and fruit oatmeal just about every morning. Ugh! Yet, after a few months I discovered that my over all body health did actually improve dramatically.
The biggest influence on your life are those in your immediate family. Thus, you need to cherish, and protect them. For without them, you are just a lonely speck floating upon a most turbulent sea.
- My family is happy, healthy, and well-taken cared for emotionally, physically, and financially. There isn’t any stress at all.
- My family life is very calm, happy and positive. [1]
- My family is happy and I have a very calm and happy domestic life at home.
- I and my family are healthy, happy, relaxed and doing what we love.
Notes; [1] My idea of what constitutes a happy family household might not be what you would. I think a calm and happy household is best for my temperament. I however, know others that love a chaotic household with all sorts of happy noise and activity. You need to customize this affirmation to fit your own personal lifestyle.
Lifestyle is a “catch-all” that really describes the overall desire that you hope to accomplish from this affirmation campaign. Thus, it is critically important. It is the difference between having a “wealthy” life as opposed to a “rich” life. And if you don’t know what I am talking about, watch the movie “Bronco Billy”.
- I love my life, and I love everything about my life.
- I love the colors, the air, the weather, the people, the location, everything.
- I improve upon what I have, not change it drastically.
- The improvements are all what is listed here or better.
- The improvements are glorious additions to what I already possess.
- I live in a beautiful area, with great colors, fresh air, roomy spaces, and a calm and relaxed neighborhood.
- I am very comfortable, safe, secure, happy, relaxed and live a nice fun and carefree life.
- Everyone sees me as how I desire to be seen. [1]
- I know what actions to take to secure my privacy and personal life. [2]
- I have the strength (emotional and physical) to break through any barriers to achieve my goals.
Notes; [1] I control what people think about me. Not others. [2] Privacy is a fundamental human need. Yet governments, family members, and society pretty much has obliterated this belief. Which is why that I often go without a cell phone on me, and do things on my own personal schedule and not on the schedules that others use. Now, if you do not secure your privacy, the chances are that you will lose it.
The thing about affirmation campaigns is that they rely on you (the person making the affirmations) on taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you. Thus, it makes no difference if you have an opportunity manifest in front of your eyes, but refuse to take advantage of it. You need to act to manifest that situation.
- I am aware of opportunities when they arise, and I am led onto which ones to take and follow up with.
- I have physical, spiritual and non-physical entities assisting me in making the opportunities listed herein into personally profitable ventures.
- Opportunities come my way and I always profit handsomely from them.
- I am aware of the trends going on in my life, behind the scenes, and on tactical, and strategic levels.
Affirmation techniques
Here we specify and “hammer out” the way that these affirmations will operate. You do not need to do this, but by doing so you can control the implementation of the affirmations onto your world-line.
- I know of, and use, the specialized techniques to improve the actionablity of my verbal affirmations listed herein.
- I know what things to say in my affirmations to make my reality happen safely and quickly.
- I am dismissive of those that are not worthy of my time, or effort.
Speed of implementation
By specifying the speed of implementation, you create a slide event. This moves your world-line adventures, and your life off the pre-determined template and direct and straight into your own hands.
- All these affirmations occur as quickly as is comfortably and as safely as possible. At no time is my family, health or safety at risk.
- These changes are being implemented now, and will manifest soon. Really, really soon.
- The normal rules of affirmation manifestation has now been advanced to this direct and immediate application without hesitation.
- All these affirmations happen quickly, provided that dangers are avoided and I (and my family) are protected.
Here, it seems really morbid, but a few moments a day to make sure that your transition out of the physical reality would be calm and complete is really a good thing. Don’t you think?
- Death will occur late in my life.
- I will outlive my father, yet be healthy and functional up until death.
- When the time comes for my death, it will be smooth and easy.
- Those left behind will be well taken cared for.
Important Navigation Notes
Here we get involved in the aspects that make this affirmation campaign “advanced”. It lays out the use of slide and how they will manifest and under what conditions. You will notice that they permit “minor imperfections” to occur as long as my baseline affirmations manifest.
- This affirmation campaign is set up to engage the obtainment of objectives early on, with whatever minor imperfections that they might have.
- I use world-line slides to accelerate the implementation of these affirmations.
- The slides only come into use whenever they can [1] reduce the time to obtain the affirmation realization within my physical reality, and [2] they do not cause me any discomfort or trouble.
- As time moves on, the imperfections drop away, and the true and idealized intention manifests.
- This rule enables a quick near-immediate manifestation of my desires herein without having to wait for a long time to obtain the “perfect” intention reality.
This post describes an “advanced” affirmation campaign. It uses slides to accelerate the manifestation of the campaign objectives. As such, it is highly detailed and involves long lines of affirmation code.
It is only for advanced users to use.
As an example, I used elements of my very own affirmation campaign and I urge the reader to use and discard what they wish to make a similar campaign for themselves.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my affirmation campaign index here…
Intention CampaignsArticles & Links
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Free Intention Dream Boards
Here are some free Intention / Dream boards for your use. I would suggest that you copy the (presented image) photos to your computer and alter and customize it to fit your own personalized intentions. As such, please feel free to download and use to your heart’s content.
A dream board is a collage of images, pictures and written affirmations of the intentions and desires you wish to achieve. It helps you through visualization, thus activating the Universal Law of Attraction, or “likes attract like.” - 6 Tips for Making a Dream Board - Fit Bottomed Girls
The so called “Law of Attraction” is an element of the quantum physics law known as the “observer effect“. It has been repeatedly proven that a person’s thoughts alter the reality that they experience.
Though many people outside of MAJestic haven’t a clue as to the mechanism for this behavior.
Here are some attempts to explain this curious effect, and how a person can utilize it for their own personal use. If you are the kind of person that wants to know what all this is all about, and why it is important, these following links might be of help.
- Quantum Physics Explains How Your Thoughts Create Reality
- Part 1: Using Quantum Physics to…Manipulate Reality
- Consciousness Creates Reality – Quantum Physics Explains
- How Your Beliefs Create and Influence Reality – Robbie Holz
- QUANTUM-MIND The Mind Creates Reality
- Quantum Physics and Law of Attraction – What Is the Link
Now of course, us in MAJestic (well, at least those in my particular program) actually know how the universe works. We know how to manipulate it, and we do know the dangers of thought imposition.
How it works
Ah, I covered this subject in great detail in other posts.
However, for now, let’s just keep it simple. The universe is nothing like we think it is. Seriously. It does not resemble anything that is being taught in universities, or being promoted in any of the world’s religions.
Time is the movement of consciousness in and out of adjacent world-line variations.
The thoughts generated by the consciousness navigate the movement through these realities.
By controlling your thoughts, you can set destination realities for you to inhabit.
Which, by the way, means that you must be the pilot for your consciousness. You must keep your destination in mind, and your objectives clear. You have to avoid the “rocky shores” or disruptive thoughts. Thus you need to stay away from discordant news, and toxic people.
Dream Boards
I often go on the Internet and see examples of Intention / Dream boards. Their heart is in the right place but they are going about it wrong.
- Firstly, a “Dream Board” is one element of “Intention Projection”.
- Secondly, a “Dream Board” is useless without an associated prayer.
Also the theory behind how it works, as promoted on the internet, is really not accurate. To fully understand how an Intention / Dream board works, you need to understand just how our universe works. And, you know what, everyone has it wrong.
Unless you are backing up your vision board with prayer, you will not derive full benefit from your dream board. It is your thoughts that define your reality. To navigate in and out of the realities that are constantly evolving and shifting around us, you must pilot your consciousness. You need to be the Captain of your consciousness.
To navigate, you need to control and master your thoughts. You need to do the following…
- Pray. These are thoughts that show your intentions, and desires.
- Create a vision board, or vision “splash screen” on your electronic media.
- Isolate yourself from negative media; news, music or movies.
- Isolate yourself from negative or disruptive people.
Use of the Vision Board / Splash Screen
You use the sample image as a desktop background. When ever you see the desktop image in the background you say your prayer associated with it. Thus is you want to use multiple backgrounds on a rotating basis, it becomes helpful to have a nice list of intention prayers that you read once a day.

Remember, that in order the intention board to work, you must recite your prayers out loud. (This is can be in a whisper, don’t you know.)
The longer you do this, the more “stable” your destination reality will become. However, there will come a point in time when you will “tire” of the prayers and dream boards. When this occurs, let it go and forget about it all. (It’s an important evolution that is established by your consciousness.)
You can do a different prayer and dream board, if you want. Just know that your intention will most certainly manifest.
The Things people wish for
I went on the handy dandy internet, and researched the things that most people wish for. Then I compiled them into a list and I am presenting intentions splash screens for each item on the list. Please consider these splash screens as an idea from which you can base your very own intention splash photos off of. Or use them raw as shown. It’s all up to you.
The Samples
The samples provided are just that. Samples. If you want to use them, feel free, but you MUST include an associated daily prayer with them.
Also note, that providing the samples here does not mean that I agree with the thought projections. Some of the samples offer vices, and other elements that do not fit my personal preferences. They are offered as suggestions for you the reader to base your own dream boards on.
Please take note that all these images and dream board splashes are made using the Microsoft Visio application. It is amazingly easy to use and simple. You just create a picture and add other pictures and text to your desired image.
Further, please take note that there is a trade off between a singular image with prayer, and a collage of images. A group of images will offer the person a greater degree of latitude and versatility in how the intention manifests. This latitude enables the manifestation to occur quicker. A singular image properly prayed for with strong intentions take much longer to manifest, but the results are more exacting.
Here we provide (mostly) singular images for your study and enjoyment.
This intention desktop “splash” is related to POWER.
If you are desirous of increasing your apparent power within the reality that you inherit, then this image is for you. You are free to use it as is, or make your own along these lines. Alternatively, you can fill the entire image screen with smaller images that illustrate the kinds of power that you might wish to evoke.

Please note that you must use the following dialog in your prayers associated with this image…
I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is. In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself. Images that portray mafia figures, or "bad people" portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people arrayed against me.
If you do not take care in your prayers, and in the application of the desktop display intention splash, it could easily “backfire” against you. Therefore, it is critically important for you to have a very clear and well defined image intention with an associated prayer.
After all, unless you are careful on how your thoughts manifest, you might end up having this crew come a knockin’ at your door…

Success in business
Again, here is a a different intention desktop splash. This is for people who are desirous of having a very successful business, and the rewards that come with it.

Again, it’s not enough just to use this image as a desktop background display. You need to associate it with a prayer. I would suggest that what ever prayer that you utilize, that you incorporate the following prayers / affirmations…
I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is. In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself. Images that portray "bad people" portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people arrayed against me.
This is for you men who desire to be considered charming, confident, and elegant by others. Whether that is members of the other sex (women) or men, it does not matter.
charming · sophisticated · debonair · urbane · worldly · worldly-wise · polished · refined · poised · self-possessed · dignified · civilized · gentlemanly · gallant · smooth · smooth-talking · smooth-tongued · silver-tongued · glib · polite · well mannered · civil · courteous · affable · tactful · diplomatic · slick · cool · mannerly

And again, you must associate this image display with your prayers…
I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is. In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself. The manifestation of this reality is gradual and safe and is in alignment with my deepest desires.
Good Health
Good health is something that we take for granted, and it isn’t until we get older when we start to panic at how our bodies age. There are things that we can do, of course. We can eat better, stay away from bad people and negative thoughts, and do some moderate exercise.
Also we must not neglect the role that good, directed thoughts play in shaping our life.
While you cannot simply wish or pray to be healthy, it can help assist in the movement of world-line selection towards the manifestation of your desires. The formula works a little like this…
Modest physical efforts + strong directed thoughts = Attainment
Here is a nice splash image for your desktop. In all cases laid out here, from the Power to the Fame, you MUST provides some kind of minimum physical action from which the desired world-lines can manifest.
- Wishing for something to happen = nothing will happen.
- Physically working for things = maybe might happen.
- Directed thoughts for things = a possibility can happen.
But… you should take careful note…
- Physically working towards things + Directed thoughts = cause your desires to manifest.
Please kindly keep that in mind when you utilize these desktop displays and splash screens. These intention boards are only part of a much more inclusive system that requires your participation to work.
You can manifest the world-lines that will be favorable to your intentions, and thus they will appear to manifest for you.
To put it in another way, laying on a couch / sofa eating potato chips and just leaving a intention dream canvas splash display rotate passively on the computer will result in NOTHING.
You must pump your thoughts full of directed thoughts, you must use the desktop display and view it from time to time to refresh your imagery, and you must do a moderate amount of physical action to generate a baseline from which your thoughts can manifest upon.
I have generated two splash intention dream canvas. One is for a man and the other is for a woman. Those of you who are of confused gender, you can follow the guidelines to create your very own specialized splash screen.


And do not forget to add this prayer…
I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is. In all cases, the dominant figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself.
The desire for fame is one of the most popular desires that people have. Yet, it’s perplexing why this is. Personally, I think that it is rather silly. Why do you want fame? To have followers, groupies or get offered free sex on demand?
People, if that is what you want, then you just go ahead and ask for it directly. If you want to have loads of sex with strangers who are enraptured with you, then ask for that in your intention prayers. You don’t need to ask for “fame”.
The problem with fame is “thought imposition”. The associated thoughts and quantum environment associated with others will severely influence your life. Trust me, you DO NOT want large groups of people thinking negatively about you. Or, even if it is positive, these thoughts can severely impact your ability to direct your own thoughts.
Never the less, I am placing the free desktop splash photo for those desirous of “Fame” here. In every case, you absolutely MUST associate it with the following affirmation / prayer.
I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is. In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself. The manifestation of this reality is gradual and safe and is in alignment with my deepest desires. However, at any event, the manifestation of fame as pictured will be positive in every way, and will not have any negative connotations or spawn negative associated events.
Here’s my suggested image desktop splash intention photo;

Sex. It’s a biological driven human attribute. If you do not have the desire to reproduce, or at least go through the motions of reproducing, then you are not living life. All humans desire sex.
It might not be politically correct, but that is the way it is.
Which is one of the reasons why tyrannical governments ban vices, such as sex out of marriage in order to control people. It is a very common and human element that is very easy to use to control others with.
As are other things, like mind altering substances (alcohol) and things that are fun. It's a way of controlling people.
“Everything I love is illegal, banned or dangerous.”
When constructing you very own dream splash canvas, you can be very generous with the images used. However, take most special attention to their selection.
Improperly selected images, and splash screens without a detailed prayer / intention affirmation can easily result in conditions, situations and environments that you might find undesirable. Be very careful, precise and exact when selecting the images that you wish to use.

The reader will notice that all of the images depict people and are representative of situations that people are in. That’s the way a dream / intention canvas works.
Picture and image the situations.
Do not image things.
You cannot display pictures of money and expect that it is to be associated with you having lots of money in your wallet. Instead, it is just a picture of an item. And you, constantly seeing that item, turns it into a kind of world-line scenery; Something that might lie around you, but not anything that you are associated with.
Not exactly what you want.
You see this all the time. People set up dream intention boards with nice expensive cars, pictures of houses, and images of a lot of nice things. They will include words that describe what they want to accomplish in their life. While it will contribute to the world-line direction that the creator intended, it will be done so inefficiently. You need to explicitly map out your desires and intentions and navigate properly in a very careful manner.
After all, you don’t want to make the same kinds of mistakes that our hero Elliot made in the movie “Bedazzled“, do you?
Elliot Richards (Brendan) would give anything to have Allison Gardner (Frances O'Connor) in his life, or so he says. Who should overhear? The devil (Elizabeth Hurley) of course. She offers him "seven absolutely fabulous wishes for one piddling little soul". Only Elliot finds out that you don't always get what you wish for.

The image you use, or the images you select MUST have a special meaning and association with you personally. Which is why many intention / dream splash screen canvases must be made intentionally for your own wishes and desires, as well as to have a prayer dialog that you must recite daily that will reset your thought direction, for world-line navigation, properly.
Here is a sample splash screen for a Happiness directed intention.

Wine and Cats
The most effective intention splash screens are those that represent people, and actions. However, you the reader should note that there are other techniques that can be used in a dream splash canvas. Here we explore one such concept.
Here is a splash screen for a person who wants a life filled with wine and plenty of kitty-cat friends…

There are no limits
There are really no limits to the direction that you want your life to evolve into. You simply think about your goals and dreams, all the time, while also removing all the nonsense from others, the news, and other’s manufactured problems. Stay pure, and you will walk the path to your deepest desires.
You can use many clusters of pictures
Many people create an Intention / Dream board that they place on their wall. This is often filled with photographs and images that were cut out of magazines. Every time they see this board, they are instantly reminded of their goals and dreams, and thus it serves it’s most exacting purpose.
In today’s computerized age, I suggest using the computer to do the same thing, and while my examples have one singular photo on it, in my own personal case, I use multiple images myself, creating a collage.
Here is an example of a “fairly decent” dream board. They use imagery that is important to them, and use words to specify the purpose and utility for the images.

You see, everyone is different.
We all have different desires, goals, needs, wants and interests. So each dream splash screen will be different for different people. And, while I argue that you need to let the intention splash screen be a part of a tool kit for manifesting your reality, how you use the tools will depend on your own experiences, lifestyle and needs.
Here’s another example.

When you get on the internet, you will see all kinds of examples of people describing their intention / dream boards. You will also find many that monetize this effort.
Do not fall for that trap. The United States has become one great big vending machine and the people are the commodity.
Keep this most important fact in mind. You do not need to pay anyone for anything regarding how you think.
Also… Your thoughts are private.
We have come to accept the idea that you can police discourse on the internet, that the government agencies can extract history, reasoning, and behaviors from you at will, and that your thoughts are subject to scrutiny.
That is false.
Not only is it all against the 1st, 4th and 9th amendments to the United States Constitution, but it is a fundamental nature of yourself as a human. Privacy is a human need.
No. The "elected" officials in the United States are NOT doing their job, nor have they been since the last 150 years or so. But that is a subject for another time.
You need NEVER justify why you desire something to manifest in your life. It is secret and only between you and your God.
Everyone’s mind works differently
When I use the term “mind” I am referring to HOW the consciousness implants thoughts into the brain. It also includes how the brain reacts to the physical stimulus that surrounds it in this reality (that it inhabits).
Everyone’s mind works differently.
Oh we are often under the impression that while there might be deviance in thoughts from the baseline “normal”. That is all false. Really, really false. We all think differently. Do not assume that others will understand you or accept your thought processes. They won’t. It’s a foregone conclusion and do not even bother trying to explain anything.

Do not assume anything. Live your own life to the best of your ability. Do not care, or give any consideration to what others think of you, your actions or your thoughts.
Creating an inspiration or dream board is a fundamental technique for a person to pilot their life to manifest their desires.
It works on the quantum physics principle of the observer effect.

Why it works is not well understood outside of MAJestic. That is because the vast bulk of the world has absolutely zero concept of how the universe works. However, we in MAJestic (well at least those in my sub-project) know quite well the mechanism involved.
It’s simple really.
There is no singular fixed reality. Instead there are a near infinite number of realities.
Our consciousness moves through each one, forming a path.
This path is called time.
We travel at a rate, more or less, around 4Hz.
The selection of the next reality for us to inhabit is determined by our thoughts. Typically, we migrate to realities that are defined by our thoughts that are influenced by the world around us. This can be dangerous and evil people use media to manipulate, and thus cause our travel path to bend and twist towards realities that we might not want to participate in.
Therefore, to manifest the life that we desire to live, we need to do three things…
- Turn off all negative, distracting, and disruptive thoughts that surround us.
- Stay away from people with strong thoughts and personalities that are contrary to our desires.
- Focus our thoughts on our ultimate goals.
A vision dream (intention) splash desktop will help accomplish this. Provided that it is linked to a daily prayer that includes the subject matter listed.
Related Links
Here’s some other related links for the interested fellow or chick.

A little bit more background for the more scientifically inclined…

Ah, and why I ended up learning the utility of all this as part of MAJestic. Here is the end ball game…

Final Note
This is how it works people. And, at that, perhaps this is my MAJestic gift to the world.
The things we did with our extraterrestrial benefactors was intended to help sort out the sentience selection for the human species. It seems to me that it is still in flux, but that need not concern you all. What you should be concerned with is how you can truly embrace the life that we live and customize it to fit your ultimate desires.
Being able to control our thoughts is the FIRST step in mastery of our life. You can do this through [1] prayer, and [2] visualization.
There is a reason why ritual is important. For ritual permits proper direct visualization so that prayer can be conducted without distraction.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Funny Pictures

Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.

Articles & Links
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
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Consciousness Migration for World-Line Travel
Consciousness can migrate about in and out of the physical world. A truly advanced civilization and culture recognizes this fact. For us to grow as humans we must also recognize this fact.
For me to perform my operations relative to MAJestic, I needed to migrate my consciousness. As such, I was exposed to numerous technologies involved in this action. Fundamental to that is an understanding of what soul is. Here, I would like to introduce the reader to the reality of soul. Yes, boys and girls, souls do exist. There is a reason to life.
Of course, this post, like all my other posts, is going to ruffle some tail feathers. Hey, no problem. You can leave if you don’t like what I have to say.
Contrary what you (the reader) might be expecting, I am not going to repackage any of the teachings of the major religions. Nor am I going to point out an approved “scientific” narrative, either. What I am presenting here is what I have learned through entanglement experiences. As such, it can be wrong, because what was taught to me was in error, or it could be wrong because my understanding is faulted. It can also just be a bunch of nonsense. You the reader can decide.
You can read it or not…
Elementary Summary of History
Here is my very simplified explanation as to how Heaven came about. It was pretty simple.
There was a point of beginning. The reader can think of it as “The Big Bang”, but for reasons that I cannot get into at this moment, I think it was something else. Let’s, for now, just consider it “The Start”. It was very similar to the “Big bang” in that there was nothing, and then there was something.
When the “The Start” erupted, the universe was flooded with quantum strings. Over time, the quantum strings began to interact with each other. They developed into different forms and shapes. They also developed into different energy states. Within this place were all sorts of these weird quantum strings. Over time, as they interacted with each other, they created a stratified place. (In the picture above, this stratified place is shown as a color gradient.) The different energy states and different behaviors of the quantum strings occurred within a strange reality. It is one that our minds cannot grasp. It is a reality where there just isn’t anything known as time, and anything known as space. It was, for lack of a better word, a “place”. It is NOT the universe.
That place can be considered to be “Heaven”.
At this time, nothing existed except the presence of the quantum strings.
Since it was stratified by energy potential, certain combinations or configurations of strings started to “drop out” or “fall into” a state of comfort or stability. They did so suddenly, as if on cue. The lowest or less energetic of the quantum strings found a point of stability and created a “bubble”. All of the lower order strings migrated towards that “bubble”. We call this event ‘The Big Bang”.
Now, many scientists wrap the “Big Bang” together with “The Start”. It is as if, they were one and the same. Maybe they were. I don’t know. What I do know is that the “Big Bang” came after the formation of “Heaven”.
We exist within this “bubble”. To us, it is all that there is. It is the universe as we observe it. The highest energy potentials are beyond range of our human ability to perceive.
What is not clear to us, but should be obvious, is that other collections of quantum strings formed other bubbles. In many ways, these bubbles were similar to the one that we now consider to be our universe. However, that is where the similarity ends. These other bubbles or “other universes” are all different from ours in strange and unusual ways.
Just as the slower and denser arrangements of quantum, strings precipitated out and became our universe. Other collections of quantum strings arranged themselves into new orders and migrated into other “bubbles”.
Many collections of quantum strings formed “arrangements”. They fell into ordered shapes. They became ordered quanta. As such, over time they began to develop sentience. As such, they migrated into bubble “universes” that was attractive to them. For humans, when the quantum strings began to form a human-like sentience, they all migrated to a new “bubble universe”. For lack of a better term, I call this universe the “Human Universe”. And, for lack of a better term, I call the parent Heaven as the “Zone of Unordered Quanta”.
This is the way the universe works. Our physical bodies reside within a physical universe. Our souls reside within a “Human Heaven”. We know that there are other “Heavens” for different types of sentience. There is a “Dog Heaven”. There is a “Cat Heaven”. There is even a “Turtle Heaven”.
The Human Soul
Most Americans know what a “soul” is, though they would be hard pressed to explain it. The problem with this is that it is difficult to describe and measure in three-dimensional Newtonian terms. That is because the mathematics of how the brain functions describe a multi-dimensional existence (more about this later.).
I think that everyone, including the reader, must understand the reality of soul. They must understand that it has form. That it also has a function and features that can be defined and measured if one has the proper tools and equipment. It’s not some kind of imaginary spiritual feel-nice flowery “stuff”. It is a major component of who and what we are. Just because we, today, are having trouble pinning it down today does not mean that it will always be impossible to do so. We, as humans, just simply don’t have the proper equipment yet to do so.
The soul is quite real.
We are having trouble trying to detect it because it does not reside within our physical reality. It exists outside of our reality. The only thing that we can detect is our consciousness. Luckily, for us, our consciousness is a part of our soul. They are intimately connected.
The Soul Resides within Heaven
The (human) soul exists in a higher dimensional state, which we commonly refer to as “Heaven”. (From now on, I will use shorthand notation. “Heaven” will always refer to “Human Heaven” unless specified otherwise.) It does not exist in the physical world. Instead, it creates a “connection” or “link” to the physical world. The link or connection is our consciousness.
Souls exist in “Heaven”. In the illustration above, it is clear that while all souls exist within a “Heaven”, they are NOT equal. They occupy different energy states or states of being (ability). In the picture above, soul B has a coarser or denser energy level compared to that of soul A. That does not mean that soul A is “better” or “more spiritual” than soul B. It simply means that they are different.
Those differences between the two souls are meaningless. It holds no understanding for us as physical beings existing as we do, within our physical reality.
In truth, there are numerous characteristics of a given soul. These characteristics are defined how the “stuff” that souls are made out of (ordered quantum strings), interact with the “stuff” that Heaven is made out of (unordered quantum strings). Thus, we have different energy potentials, different entropic states, different sizes, different arrangements of quanta, and different resultant post-formulation self-constructions.
No one (human) really knows exactly what “Heaven” is. For our purposes, we shall keep it simple. “Heaven” is state of existence that lies outside of our physical reality. Its dimensions, shape, composition, and limitations are unknown to us.
Thus we know of two states of existence. There is the one state that we reside in. It is our reality. It is all that we know. Then, there is a second state of existence. It lies outside of our reality. We know nothing of this state, except that it exists.
How do we know that it exists? Because we, as consciousness, know and understand that there is something “out there”; something bigger and grander than the reality that we exist within. We don’t know anything more than that. We just know that there is something “else” once our physical body dies within this reality.
While we do know that Heaven is composed of unordered quanta, we do know that it is self- segregated. We do know that within “Heaven” are states, or “levels” of existence. Some might refer to this as “energy levels”, “power”, “entropy”, “purity”, or some other means that would help express the concept of Heaven to us humans. Some religions break these regions into “planes”, or “levels” of Heaven. We, as physical mortals do not know what they are. We only know that they exist.
Our minds put these various regions in a two dimensional existence. When in reality, instead of a two dimensional (up and down, with better or “more” spiritual states up top, and lesser states below) there are multiple components regarding this state situation. (The picture above shows the two dimensional concept.) When in reality it might look like something much more complex. (Please see the picture below.)
Souls exist in a “Heaven” of unique complexity.
Composition of Souls
Within Heaven are Souls.
Souls are also not well understood. In fact, it is still under debate by many well-learned scientists. For our purposes, we will define both Heaven and Souls to be made up of the same “stuff”. We will define the “stuff”, makeup or composition of both Souls and Heaven to be the smallest and basic elements of the known universe. That is “strings”. Both Heaven and Souls are composed of quantum strings.
To continue, and to greatly simplify, the “stuff” of Heaven can be considered to be “unorganized” quantum strings. While Souls can be considered to be “ordered” or “organized” quantum strings that have obtained sentience. Within this environment, souls with the proper experience and training, can take unordered quantum strings and create order.
Unordered Quantum Strings + Experience = Ordered Quantum Strings
Thus, in this most simple explanation of our universe, we have a universe that is composed of ordered and unordered quantum strings, and within this are souls. With Souls consisting of ordered quantum strings that have obtained sentience.
A soul is a collection of quantum strings that have obtained sentience.
Sentience is the first step in growth of a soul. There are many other steps. In order to grow and achieve these other steps or levels, we need to expand soul. This is accomplished by adding and arranging ordered quantum strings.
As stated previously, ordered quantum strings are a consequence of experience.
Realities are Constructs to obtain Experiences
Within the world of Heaven, it is very difficult to configure, compile and grow Souls. Souls grow by attachments and relationships between quantum strings.
In short, it is rather very simple to explain. Souls grow by the attainment of experiences. With each experience, the soul can configure, grow, adapt, and learn.
Soul A creates a “Reality” so that it can obtain experiences in.
The reader who might be a “Star Trek, the Next Generation” fan can consider our “Reality” to be a universe-sized “Holodeck”.
Experiences, and most especially how we handle them, determine the quantum attachments we make. Therefore, it is very important to watch our behaviors and control our actions. This not only concerns actions, but our thoughts as well. I will cover this in more detail later. For now, the reader just needs to note that thoughts and actions together define the shape our reality takes on. That reality, in turn, translates into the type of quantum entanglements that our consciousness collects.
When our soul collects entanglements via the consciousness, it can use them build upon, create and expand with. In general, the soul wants the best “quality” entanglements. Poor quality entanglements retards growth.
The best way to obtain high quality entanglements is to [1] be active and be outgoing, [2] think good thoughts, [3] be a moral person, and [4] be kind to others (including animals). Intention is everything.
To obtain the largest amount of entanglements, you need to out and be around a lot of people. We, as humans in the physical world, are like huge vacuum cleaners, entangling with everyone and everything we meet. To obtain the highest quality of entanglements, we need to be around good people, in a good environment. Now, we can be around bad people, but we must be good and positive around them. We must not let them affect us in a negative way.
The reader can think of it this way;
You walk down a road at night. A robber mugs you and you hand over your wallet. He leaves. You are one wallet poorer. That entire event was an experience. Like it or not, that experience is now part of who you are.
However, how you react to that experience will determine the shape of the quantum attachments that you collect. If you are angry and hold on to it, the attachment gets courser, and more primitive. You attract other events and people of a similar nature. The longer you hold on to it, the worse it gets. If, however, you let it go. You forget about that event and move on with your life, you will chalk up that experience and benefit from it. It didn’t change who you are, and you have learned from it. It became a positive growth experience and you have benefited from it.
Control of thoughts and actions is there most important thing that we can do on this planet within our reality.
One Reality per Person
There is only one reality per person. It is set up by the soul specifically to obtain experiences from. We do not share our reality with anyone. It only looks that way. We might think that we are sharing it with our loved one. We are not. It is an illusion. We are sharing it with the version of them within our reality.
To facilitate educational growth, Souls create “Realities”. Realities are a classroom that Souls can grow through a surrogate “human” (If you are a human. Different realities exist for different animals.). In each reality (or world-line), there is but one physical reality with but one person existing within it. (This is not what everyone thinks. We all believe that we share our realities. We do not. We share the universal “template”.) The Soul connects to this reality through a mechanism known as “Consciousness”.
This “connection” or “link” is known as consciousness.
Sentience is meaningless in of itself.
Souls can partition their sentience into small groups known as “consciousness”. These smaller elements are set forth to inhabit a physical reality. This is done in order to acquire experiences. Each body that the consciousness acquires needs to have a physical component of sentience. There is no word for this in the English language. Therefore, we are stuck with the confusion resulting from two types of sentience. One is a GOD-level sentience, and one is a physical-level-sentience.
Soul places an “interface” within the constructed “reality”. This is known as “consciousness”.
The consciousness, when it resides within the physical reality can move about freely. It takes on wave behavior. As such, it can move in and out the constructed reality. The reality (of course) has both a physical and non-physical components. The consciousness can move about both quite adeptly.
However, that really isn’t very useful. The consciousness is not able to interact with anything. In order to gain experiences, and attract quanta (it’s like a big vacuum cleaner, don’t you know…) the consciousness must interact with other physical things within the reality construct. The best way to do this is for the consciousness to occupy a physical body.
To occupy the physical body, the consciousness needs to leave the wave state and enter a particle state. Once in the particle state, it can interact with the physical body. It can move the physical body, learn and grow.
Souls create “Realities” to obtain experiences.
Thus the soul, in this “Heavenly” environment, it creates various “realities” or “bubbles” of realities from which to learn and obtain experiences. Experiences are how souls grow. They collect quantum particles and form them into shapes that create advancement of soul states. When the soul wishes to obtain an experience, it creates a consciousness that it assigns to a physical body within one of the realities.
A soul is NOT a consciousness. A given consciousness is but a small part of a soul that is dispatched into a “reality” to learn and acquire experiences. Consciousness is a part of a soul that is allocated for physical education.
Each reality can be segregated into the physical and the non-physical reality. The physical reality is well known and understood. It is the Newtonian reality that we have all been taught in school. The non-physical reality is (currently) the realm of the “spiritual”. It is the world of the unseen. It is also the home of the spiritual worlds such as evidenced by “astral projection” and the various other planes of existence.
The consciousness is not imprisoned within a body. The consciousness can move within the physical reality so created, or with proper training, enter into the non-physical realities surrounding the reality bubble. It is a matter of changing the quantum state of the quantum particles that form the consciousness component of the soul. (Particle dynamics change to wave dynamics; more about that later.)
However, it is always limited to one specific reality at a time.
Consciousness is a “Passageway”
Consciousness can be thought of as a “passageway”.
We like to think of it as “who we are”. However, that is not what it is. It is something else entirely. So instead of thinking of it as a set being or entity, consider it as a long road. Think of it as a window or path that connects your physical brain to your non-physical soul. As such, your consciousness connects your physical reality to heaven.
It is a passageway.
It is a passageway from your soul to your present reality. This reality is NOT a shared reality that you share with others. No. It is to a specific “reality” that resides within the universe. This reality is but one of the many, many possible combinations of what can, did and will happen in our universe.
Consciousness should be considered a “Passageway” or “Tunnel” to our soul.
The Universal Template
The universe is, fundamentally, a template from which a reality can be constructed from.
This is NOT what we think it is. We consider the universe to be fixed, and never changing. We all think that we all share the same universe at the same time. We do not. That is just what it appears to be while we exist within it. We share the same universal template. From that are spawned various realities as needed.
Individual realities tend to cluster. They are not that dissimilar.
This is both for different souls, and for given particular lessons. For must humans, the realities are constructed from a universal template that centers around the earth. Experiences are drawn from different variations of experiences in different time periods. Yes, so the idea that we all share the same experience in the same place at the same time is wrong. It only appears that way.
The universal template consists of every single human, and every possible action that they were involved in, from the earliest dates to the end of humanity. The soul selects individual realities out of this universal template. It then positioned a consciousness within a physical body, which lies within a reality drawn from this physical template.
Your reality is spawned from the Universal Template.
As such, a reality can be mixed up and taken at random as needed. It does not need to follow a sequential “arrow” of time. If a given soul needs the experiences of a baker working in Paris in the year 1850, it will construct that reality from the template. Then it will send a consciousness into that reality so to obtain experiences.
Once the experiences, and the lessons, are finished the consciousness leaves the physical reality. It returns home to soul.
If the soul then wants to have other additional experiences (as is often the case), it reinserts the consciousness in another reality that it constructs. Perhaps, it might want to have the experiences of an American aviator fighting in the South Pacific ocean during World War II. It then would spawn a new reality from the universal template. It would then insert the consciousness into that reality. As such, it would then obtain those experiences.
Once the experiences (and the lessons) were finished, the consciousness would leave the body. It returns home to soul yet again.
Now, let’s suppose that the soul wants to have the experiences as a slave involved in the building of one of the pyramids in ancient Egypt. It can most certainly do so. As such, it would pull a reality from the universal template and reinsert the consciousness into that reality. It can do this because “time” doesn’t really exist. It only appears that way to us who are within an extracted reality.
Thus, through continuous manipulation of realities, and the movement of consciousness, the soul grows and rearranges quanta. Each time it improves itself. It keeps progressing and doing so until it can reach the next stage of existence for the soul. (Whatever that might be.)
Putting it all Together
So far, I have introduced the reader to the reality of all there is. The reader should now know what a “Human Heaven” is like, and how it came about. The reader should now also know what the universe is, and how it came about as well. The reader should also understand how souls use the Physical Universe” to select “Realities” from which the soul can obtain experiences.
So, putting everything together, it looks something like this…
And, ladies and gentleman, that is exactly how the universe works. As you can see it is quite different from what is taught in churches, and in schools. Never the less that is the way it is.
A brief set of summaries are in order;
- Heaven is a place that best suits a set of organized quanta that has obtained sentience.
- As such, there is a Heaven for each creature that has obtained sentience.
- Heaven was created by the “Big Bang” after an event which I refer to as “The Start”.
- Our souls exist in Heaven.
- They create “realities” so they can obtain experiences.
- Experiences allow souls to organize unorganized quanta and thus grow and advance.
- We do not share realities.
- Each reality is unique to the consciousness that inhabits it.
- Because each reality is unique, we as consciousness can change it…
From which I would like to segway to some aspects of my role within MAJestic; World-Line travel.
The idea of world-lines is a very simple concept in regards to this.
There are a (near) infinite number of world-lines that a consciousness (person) can experience. However, it is only beneficial for the person to experience a different world-line as long as it guarantees the same level of learning (of the Soul) will be obtained.
A “world-line” is a variation of a reality that a consciousness inhabits.
There is NO physical movement from one world-line to another. It is after all, the same reality bubble. (The reader is advised NOT to get confused in this regard. Some of the illustrations might give that impression. It is not the case. In the absolute reality of the soul, world-line travel is not really travel at all. Instead, it is a change in the composition of reality.) What changes are the entropy presets that are associated with the reality bubble. More about this later on.
Consciousness can migrate from one reality to another reality. This is commonly known as world-line travel. The consciousness would migrate from one world-line reality to another world-line reality.
The only benefit in the migration is relative to the experiences that soul can obtain. For now, in this section, let’s keep our focus on the human soul as viewed by a human within a bubble reality.
In the above picture we can see that a person is living within a reality. The soul then decides to move or migrate the consciousness to another reality. It can happen ONLY as long as the experiences are similar or “better”. So the reader can imagine that he / she is living within a reality where they are a taxicab driver in New York City. If the soul wanted to, or if the conditions and technologies were acceptable, the consciousness of the taxicab driver could migrate to a world-line where he is the CEO of an Ice Cream company in Hartford, CT.
Consciousness migration can change EVERYTHING within that reality.
Typically, in the “real world” (the reality that I happen to inhabit at this point in time), most contemporaneous world-line travel is limited by the technologies utilized. These technologies limit the travellers to world-lines were they share the same (approximate) physical body. If you are a white male named “Fred” in the first reality, you will move to a new reality where you are still a white male named “Fred”.
By changing certain defaults and energy settings an entire world of change can manifest during world-line travel. This is typically known as a “Level Three” migration. It’s not for the faint of heart, however. When the vector coordinates change radically, so can find yourself in a new environment with little in the way of commonality. You might leave the first reality as a “Fred” and enter the new world-line reality as a “Susan”. While your memories won’t change (they are stored in the non-physical reality) yourself within the new reality might take some getting used to.
Types of World-Line Migrations
There are numerous ways that world-line migration can manifest for us humans. I know of only five ways. Most of them are beyond the capabilities and experiences of most humans as they require specialized equipment, and training to conduct.
Typically, the most common changes are rather simple.
Level Zero Migration
The most common, and simple migrations are achievable by everyone. That means YOU, the reader. You can manifest these changes yourself. These are “Level Zero” migrations. Here the alterations are very simple and hardly noticeable. They take time to manifest. Typically six months to three years. Nevertheless, if you are careful and persistent, they will always manifest. These are changes in the reality of less than a fraction of a percentage. For instance;
- Slight alterations of friends and nearby people’s behaviors
- Changes in the reality that surrounds you physically.
- General alterations in people, places and things.
- Specific alterations in furniture, money, luck or skill
- Minor changes in weather
As such, these changes help to bring about desired experiences and lessons. They are but “tweaks” that are useful in obtaining the necessary experiences that a given consciousness needs. Most consciousness’s experience these kinds of tweaks due to subconscious direction, or verbal affirmations that directs the individual power of intention. Level zero migrations are achievable by everyone and do not require any technology to accomplish.
The power of prayer is a “level zero” migration.
Most people do not know how to pray. They ask for things. That is not how to pray. You must visualize what you desire to alter. Then impress it with emotion. Perform this ritual for a set period of time, maybe ten minutes every day for two weeks or something similar, and then release it. Let it go. It will manifest… eventually. Don’t wait for it.
As such, it is very powerful. Just because it is classified as a “Level zero” migration, does not diminish it’s significance. This, of course, only pertains to self-prayer. Or, prayer that is directed to the person making the prayer. Prayer directed outwards is another issue altogether and another thing entirely. It does not work. The only types of prayer that will manifest for you is ones directed at you, by you.
Level One Migration
However, given mastery of certain (assistive) technologies, a consciousness with a given reality can migrate automatically and autonomously. This can be considered a “Level One” migration ability. This can accomplish greater experiences and learning exercises.
It does requires technology to accomplish. That means an actual machine.
There is a lot of this going on. Those that possess this ability typically waste it on “time travel” activities. Which is pretty silly when you really think about it. As such, the person so empowered can change the following attributes during reality migration;
- Geographic location
- Date and time
- Weather
- Culture
These are the most common changes during world-line travel. But that is only because the changes and influences were small. Here a person can go back in time (apparently) and return (apparently). These changes will have corresponding alterations in culture and society the greater the delta deviation from the baseline to the origination point is. Any changes will alter their reality. It will not alter your reality as you are occupying a different reality.
Now, when a person gets involved in level one migration they can (possibly under certain conditions) enter realities where other “versions” of themselves might share the reality. This can include examples of older or younger versions of yourselves. This can included examples of different versions of yourself. This type of migration can certainly get very confusing.
Level Two Migration
“Often people claim to remember past lives; I claim to remember a different, very different, present life. …I rather suspect that my experience is not unique; what perhaps is unique is the fact that I am willing to talk about it.” -Philip K. Dick
To obtain large-scale experiences and radical changes, much greater deviations can occur. Here, a person (Consciousness) can migrate to far different realities. This would be a “Level Two” migration ability.
Like a Level One migration, technology is required. However the technology level is similar. What differs is the manipulation of the target coordinates. It is much more comprehensive and complex.
This is the most important type of world-line travel, as the benefits to consciousness is the most advantageous. However it is also the most dangerous, as the risks are quite large. Here, we can add the changes of;
- Revised historical pasts (What if Hitler won World War II…)
- Altered cultural and scientific advancements (What if McDonalds was a car wash…)
- Changed behaviors and cultural norms (What if people rubbed their butts instead of shaking hands when they met…)
This is the kind of travel that one would experience when one would move from drinking a Starbucks coffee in a San Francisco under the presidency of Donald Trump to drinking out of a water fountain filled with Bondo (it has electrolytes!) in a “charge by the hour” ear massage room (near a McStarbucks) located in New Stalingrad under Vice-Queen Lady Gagagaga the third.
I have had a brief taste of this during my training at China Lake. It can be really really startling.
Again, since level two migration is more involved than a level one migration, that all the complexities of a level one migration is maintained and expanded upon. It can become very disorienting and very disturbing.
Level Three Migration
A level three migration changes the physical person who is involved in world-line migration. You exit a world-line as one person and you enter a new world-line as a different person. You will ALWAYS migrate as the same species. This can include, gender and appearance. This can include occupation, and age. This can include everything EXCEPT the apparent associated memories of the new world-line. You will arrive in your new location with your previous memories.
For instance, you might be a thirty year old female software programmer. As such you might be married, have a pet dog, and have some friends that you like to go out with and have a coffee. You would speak English and watch football on television. Once you migrate, you might end up as an overweight 55 year old Russian male who lives alone in the basement of his parents’ house. You might be unemployed and on welfare and taking Zoloft for depression.
Because of this, this level four migration is a very difficult thing to do and very uncomfortable. I have never been involved in this. I do not know of any person who has ever done this.
Level Four Migration
Level four migration combines a level two and a level three migration together. Why anyone in their right mind would want to do this is beyond me. The risks are significant. Remember, the ability to migrate is a function of technology, and the selection of destination coordinates is not that easy. While you might want to end up in some place in some type of new reality, the result could easily turn sour and go very, very badly.
For instance, you might be a twenty five year old male who is busy working as an engineer at Google. After work, you like to go and have pizza and beer with your friends at the local bar. You ride a nice Harley Davidson motorcycle and you are very stylish with the latest iPhone and APPs. The president is Donald Trump and the news is talking about “Russian collusion”. It is a nice sunny day.
After a level four migration, your life might look something like this;
You are now a 67 year old transgender feminist who is a vocal supporter for the new King; Justin Clinton. You are supported though your owner (as you are actually a short-term slave), who allows you one night off a month to go to the elephant races at the other end of South Berlin. There you eat your favorite food; oysters and jellied duck feet hamburgers. Then you come home to your master who usually have “some tasks” for you to do before you turn in for the night. The news is all excited about the new taxes that are coming out of Beijing this year. As normal, it is a dreary, foggy day.
Like I said, you never know what kind of life that you will end up with. Life might be a box of chocolates, but what happens when you change the box?
Memories do not Migrate
The reader might question why the memories do not migrate. The answer is simple. The purpose of our physical reality is to obtain experiences. Each experience that we have obtained helps shape our quanta and helps build and construct our soul. The realities that we inhabit are but training grounds by which we can acquire these experiences. It would defeat the purpose of obtaining an experience in the first place if this were to occur.
Also, and I will cover this in another post, memories are not retained within the brain. They are processed in the brain, but they are not retained there. Memories are retained and stored outside the physical reality. The memories are used to help us adjust and learn from the experiences that we have had during the time within our reality.
But… but…
Scientists have identified places where the memories are retained. Isn’t that correct? No it is not. They have identified places within the physical brain where memories (that lie outside of our physical reality) are accessed. They have just located the access points and the methods of accessing them. They have not identified the actual memories.
What can you do?
I hope that this was helpful. Understanding the reality of our life helps us to better control it and shape our destiny. So, to keep it simple;
- There is a “Hell”, no matter what the Pope says. It is a different “universe” or “Heaven” if you want to use that nomenclature.
- Our physical reality is constructed through our actions and thoughts.
- Action and thoughts create and modify our physical world. To best be the master of it, we must master ourselves.
- Be good. Be kind. Be helpful. Be just and be fair.
- Everything you do is recorded by memory. These memories lie outside of our constructed reality.
- All actions will be tallied at the end of our life. If we behaved poorly, then that will adversely affect our soul’s construction.
As such, many of us need the help of others to go about our day to day activities. We need to be helpful, supportive and positive in every way. Life can be hard, but if just one person can do one small thing, it can make all the difference in the world. Surprise others with small acts of kindness, and be the ray of light in this often dark and gloomy world. What do you do?
I know that most people will not care about souls and Heaven outside of their religion. So all of this can just be considered to be nonsense.
I know that officially MWI is only considered to be a theory. That’s fine. It’s treated very seriously by those in control of this world that we occupy. It is also FUNDED. There are many, many things that are well understood by those who are permitted to understand them. Like I said, you can believe me or not. I really don’t care.
I also know that world-line travel is not contemporaneously accepted as a reality. Fine. Believe what you want. The reality template what we all base our realities off of is a very interesting place. To understand it, you will need to undo all of what you think you know. This is how the universe works.
You can believe it or not. It’s no skin off my back.
Take Aways
- Every person lives within his or her own reality.
- Realities are constructs of the soul.
- Realities are drawn from a Universal Template.
- Consciousness is a bridge between the soul and experiences in the reality.
- Souls consist of organized quantum strings that have obtained sentience.
- With the skill of intention, a person can tweak their reality.
- With the utilization of technology, one can alter their reality substantially.
How about a Request For Help? I tire of busybodies and statists who poke fun at the ideas and theories of others. They offer no constructive dialog. Rather they just make fun, ridicule, and then scurry under a rock.
I use this forum as a way to disseminate some of the things that I learned though my thirty years of involvement in MAJestic. However, I am forbidden to posit my knowledge directly. I cannot tell the interested, the “secrets of the universe”. The best that I can do is share my opinions about things that interest me, and flavor it indirectly with my forbidden understandings.
To help put this in perspective, put yourself in my shoes…
Imagine that you are working at a company with a brutal NDR. You cannot divulge anything about what you are involved in for any reason. Now, let’s suppose that for thirty years you were involved in training unicorns to dance with bigfoot. To help with your training, the Lock Ness Monster would gather “magical beans” that you would award the unicorns when they did a particularly impressive dance move; like the cha cha or a nice rendition of the samba. Now, there is no way that you can talk about unicorns, bigfoot, or the Lock Ness Monster. But, the NDR doesn’t cover “magic beans”. So in the best interests of society, you might want to posit your thoughts about growing “magic beans” and how they might be of interest to imaginary creatures. That is the situation that I find myself in.
So, if you, the reader, were so interested, I would welcome your thoughts on soul composition. I would welcome your understanding of MWI in relation to multi-dimensional soul structure. I would welcome your thoughts about the soul structures of other creatures. I would welcome links to other websites of interest, or videos of interest.
This is my call out, to you the reader, to assist all of us in solving these mysteries. After all, this is a far better use of the internet than for looking at Justin Bieber videos.
Q: What is the difference between souls vs. consciousness?
A: Soul is the entire being of a given entity. It includes everything. It includes all physical histories, memories, and energy states of that entity. It resides within Heaven. Consciousness is a part of the soul. It is partitioned from it and resides within a physical construct within a reality. It is a mechanism from which experiences are obtained.
Q: What is the highest level of spirituality?
A: In this narrative, the highest level of spirituality is one in which the soul transcends Human Heaven. Each Heaven is constructed for a specific animal or physical construct type. Therefore, to achieve the highest level of spirituality means that the soul exits a “lower state of Heaven” and enters a “higher state of Heaven”. In other words, it exits one Heaven and enters into a different and “better” Heavenly realm. This would mean, of course, that it now occupies a Heaven associated with a different physical animal or being.
Q: What is the relationship between quantum theory and consciousness?
A: Soul is comprised of ordered quantum strings. It creates a consciousness to occupy a set physical reality in order to obtain experiences. Consciousness is the pathway for the soul within the physical reality it has created. The quantum consciousness takes on a particle reality when it occupies a body, and takes on a wave reality when it lies outside of the body.
Q: What are the levels of the soul?
A: The soul is very complex and holds many attributes that our physical science and spiritualists do not understand. In order to help us understand things, they have often divided things into levels or gradients. The truth is that there are many aspects of soul that just cannot be simplified into simple layers or levels.
Think of a soul like that of a race car. Is the speed of the race car the most important thing, or is it a combination of handling ability, maintenance, acceleration, energy efficiency or the driver’s ability?
Q: How does quantum physics reconcile itself with the soul?
A: The soul is comprised of quantum strings. They can be ordered and unordered. The ordered strings become entangled with other particles and form arrangements. Eventually these arrangements attain sentience.
Q: What are the levels of consciousness?
A: Consciousness has one level of understanding when it inhabits a physical body. At that point of time it behaves as a particle. When it leaves the body it behaves as a wave and can take on different levels of behavior. The behavior of consciousness depends on the lessons and experiences that the soul wishes to impart.
Experiences are very important. Each time a quantum particle meets up with another one, they become entangled and related in various ways. If a group of particles meets up and interacts with other particles the situation can be greatly enhanced. These relationships are the experiences that build up (or tear down) a given soul. Therefore it is critical that consciousness learn and interacts with the surrounding reality properly.
Q: What are the differences between consciousness, spirit, and soul?
A: Soul is the center of all that we are. That is the sum total of everything at every moment relative to the (apparent) vector of time. Conscious is a portion of the soul that is assigned to a reality so as to acquire experiences. Spirit is sometimes considered to be the consciousness as it enters a wave form instead of a particle form within a given physical body.
Q: Where does the Bible say that soul is a collection of ordered quantum particles?
A: It doesn’t. Where does the Bible say that the soul is not a collection of ordered quantum particles?
Q: Is world-line travel possible?
A: Yes.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.

John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
They are;
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