We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
The United States in the midst of a cultural revolution; just like swept through China in 1966. Today, China views that time as perhaps one of the most dangerous and lethal times for Chinese society and will no longer permit it to exist.
Watch this video…
What is going on in the United States? What is going on in the West?
As I have discussed on my you-tube video, the United States assaults on the united Asia continues. All you need to do is see the big picture, and look at the overviews. It’s really crystal clear.
The United States provoked a Russian military action in Ukraine.
The United States failed at a color revolution in Pakastan.
The United States failed at a color revolution in Kazakhstan.
The United States is provoking a Chinese military action in Taiwan.
The United States failed at a color revolution in Belarus.
This article collects a host of loose-end articles associated with this particular time event sequence. Just hop on in and wander around. I hope that you find one or two things of interest.
Updated on
Finland has seized more than 42 million euros ($46 million) worth of art en route to Russia under European Union sanctions after President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
The art was being returned from museums in Italy and Japan where the works had been on loan, the Finnish Customs told reporters in Helsinki on Wednesday. They arrived in three shipments and were taken into custody at the Finnish-Russian border on April 2 and 3.
I was born into a normal family. I wasn’t abused. I wasn’t dirt poor, I didn’t grow up devoid of opportunities.
Physically I am a perfectly average man, around six feet tall, normal physique. I have all my hair still, got all my teeth and everything.
You could walk past me on the street and you wouldn’t have a clue that I’m a lonely man. You wouldn’t know I’m miserable.
You wouldn’t know I’m deathly shy, because if you talked to me, I could make some small talk, but if you never approached me, I’d never dare to speak up.
For all my life I have been so terribly scared of making mistakes, that I tried desperately to avoid making any, ever. I didn’t want to make any form of social faux pas, I didn’t want to do anything I would be ashamed of remembering.
The only times I could ever let go, was when I was intoxicated… that’s when I would feel human. It’s when I go the courage to actually make jokes, be funny, be friendly, be an actual person for a moment until I sobered up.
I’ve only approached very few women in my life with romantic intentions, and when I did, I would fail inevitably.
I did not even manage to befriend any, not really anyway… I had a female friend, once, who I drifted away from. She was married and her husband was also my friend, also briefly. He was a seaman and a great guy. We had some drinks together when both of us were in our twenties.
It now seems like a lifetime away, but I remember how I envied his life… he had a wife who was an intelligent and charming young woman, he himself was a handsome, tall, robust fellow. They had a lovely young daughter who was mildly disabled intellectually due to a lack of air at birth, but who was so sweet and wonderful and ended up largely growing over her issues.
Eventually this couple, my only two friends, moved far away. After five years of working for a foreign shipping company as an officer, my friend was able to relocate to another country where he moved his wife and daughter. We tried to meet several more times. But it never materialized. Just two days ago I received the news that my only friend has died. It’s been almost twenty-five years since we last had a beer together in his backyard… I loved that man and I miss him.
That’s my entire social life of sixty-four years right there. Besides my brother and his family, there is no one I interact with anymore. Co-workers and I were always cordial at best, distant, professional but reserved.
That’s my entire life… reserved. Controlled. Never let my emotions show.
Three decades ago my friend and I, we drank and talked of the good things in life… but we never let go of our emotions. I never shed a tear. I never gave him a manly hug. I wish I did. I wish I had shed a tear. I wish I had let go of my emotions. But I never did.
As I am writing this I am realizing that I really loved my friend. He was a great man and a wonderful man and he was sweet. He was the only one, in my life, who was truly sweet… his wife didn’t treat him right. I remember my friend would come to my apartment and bring food he had made.
He would prepare fish, meat, delicious dishes. The barbeque gatherings we had in his backyard were always wonderful. I wish on that one last night we shared in the house of his in-laws, when the other guests had left and it was just the two of us sitting there… I wish I had told him, right there and then, as he told me in tears of his father’s mistreatment of him and the rejection he felt, that I loved him. Because I realize now did I did.
I married at the age of fifty. I was a virgin when I married. And perhaps underuse of equipment causes malfunction, because I was unable to have a child with her. Which is why she decided to leave me. I understand it. I was broken, truly, and she saw it. I’ve been alone for too long to be with anyone, really.
And besides, to be completely honest, I did not love her and I am pretty sure she did not love me either. She loved the idea of me. Of what I could, in theory, have offered her. A house. Family. Stability and a future. But the family part was important, too important for her to give up on. She would have resented me had she stayed with me. So she didn’t.
I never loved my wife. She left me within two years, and I have never been with another soul since. Never tried, either. The will to try has left me long ago. The only one I think I ever truly loved was my friend. But he was a married man and he moved away to Europe.
Now I just want to die in peace. But my health is decent and I am not suicidal so I will have to wait a little while longer.
When I do, I hope I will see my friend again. I find the idea of an afterlife soothing, although I am not fully sold on it, I would love it to be true, so I could actually tell him what I have always felt and never could bring myself to say.
The fact that I never did will always haunt me forever. But if I had told him and he felt it too, what good would it have been for me to end a marriage? His daughter deserved better. She is married now and has a family. She never knew. And she never will. But now you do.
Don’t do what I did. Don’t be so scared to be yourself. Don’t be so terrified to take risks. Don’t wait endlessly for life to put something good on your path, because life won’t do any such thing.
Please do not grow old and let the years pass by uneventfully. Don’t wait for golden years to arrive without effort, without risk, without ups and downs and struggles.
I tried so hard to avoid struggles out of that crippling fear and anxiety I always felt, and it got me nowhere.
Gordon if you can read this from wherever you are now, I love you and I am sorry I was such a coward.
First grade military training
China first grade. I think the kids are enjoying it. video 9MB
The world needs people who act like Rufus’s
You must make the world a better place. Don’t allow the perpetually ill, selfish and mean to be part of your reality. You ahve the power of changing things. So make it so.
People Acting Like Jerks
Shanghai Residents Rebel As Cases Surge, Lockdown Extended ‘Indefinitely’
This article is so typical of the lies that spew out of the West regarding China. It’s so much bullshit. It’s amazing.
"To be sure, the surge in cases is partially a factor of the latest mass-testing regime, but that hasn't stopped the CCP from imposing the most draconian lockdown since Wuhan (as we explained earlier, backing down would be an intolerable capitulation for President Xi and local authorities, whose careers are now in jeopardy due to factors that are completely out of their control).Following an unceasing torrent of scandals, including separating COVID positive children from their parents, covering up nursing home deaths and failing to address shortages of food and medicine, the population of Shanghai has reached its breaking point."
I never imagined that I would be writing so much about fertilizer in 2022. When I was growing up, there were only two things that I knew about fertilizer. I knew that it helped stuff grow and I knew that it smelled bad. But these days, experts are telling us that a global shortage of fertilizer could result in horrifying famines all over the world. Right now, to a very large degree we are still eating food that was produced in 2021. But by the end of the year, to a very large degree we will be eating food that was produced in 2022. Unfortunately for all of us, it appears that a lack of fertilizer will mean that far less food is grown in 2022 than originally anticipated.
Thanks to an unprecedented explosion in energy prices, we were already facing a fertilizer crisis even before the war in Ukraine, but now that war has definitely taken things to the next level.
A fertilizer shortage has added to growing concerns about the Ukraine war’s impact on the price and scarcity of certain basic foods.Combined, Russia and Belarus had provided about 40% of the world’s exports of potash, according to Morgan Stanley. Russia’s exports were hit by sanctions. Further, in February, a major Belarus producer declared force majeure — a statement that it wouldn’t be able to uphold its contracts due to forces beyond its control.Russia also exported 11% of the world’s urea, and 48% of the ammonium nitrate. Russia and Ukraine together export 28% of fertilizers made from nitrogen and phosphorous, as well as potassium, according to Morgan Stanley.
Global hunger rose significantly in both 2020 and 2021, but what we are going to be dealing with in the months ahead is going to be completely unlike anything that we have dealt with in the past.
“All of this is a double whammy, if not a triple whammy,” said Bart Melek, global head of commodity strategy at TD Securities. “We have geopolitical risk, higher input costs and basically shortages.”
We have never seen anything like this before.
Since the beginning of 2021, some fertilizer prices have “more than doubled”, and some fertilizer prices have more than tripled…
Some fertilizers have more than doubled in price. For instance, Melek said potash traded in Vancouver was priced at about $210 per metric tons at the beginning of 2021, and it’s now valued at $565. He added that urea for delivery to the Middle East was trading at $268 per metric ton on the Chicago Board of Trade in early 2021 and was valued at $887.50 on Tuesday.
The global fertilizer squeeze exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is imperiling rice production in Peru, where the seed is a staple for tens of millions of people.Prices of the crop nutrient urea have surged almost fourfold amid supply scarcities, adding to cost inflation for growers, according to the Peruvian Association of Rice Producers.
That same article goes on to explain that many farmers in Peru won’t be able to afford to plant crops at all this year.
If that sounds familiar, that is because this is something that I have been warning about for months.
In particular, here in the United States it simply is not going to be profitable for many farmers to grow corn this year, because corn needs a high amount of fertilizer.
All over the world, far less fertilizer will be used in 2022, and that means that far less food will be grown.
“We’re talking about an erosion of food security on a scale we have not seen for a long time, and I think it will touch people in the lower income distribution in North America,” he added.
But as long as you have a decent income, you will still be able to go to the store and buy food in the months ahead.
It just might cost you a lot more.
During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, farmer Ben Riensche warned that Americans could soon be paying a thousand dollars more a month for their groceries…
“Soaring fertilizer prices are likely to bring spiked food prices. If you’re upset that gas is up a dollar or two a gallon, wait until your grocery bill is up $1,000.00 a month, and it might not just manifest itself in terms of price. It could be quantity as well. Empty Shelf syndrome may be starting.”
Can you afford to pay $1,000 more for groceries every month?
If not, you better stock up now while prices are still relatively reasonable.
Of course there are certain things that you will not be able to stock up on because they simply aren’t there.
Shortages are intensifying all over the country, and in particular we have seen an alarming shortage of pasta begin to happen in certain stores. The following comes from an article that was just posted on All News Pipeline…
First, it was Eggs and now it’s also Pasta.The eggs have been missing for well over a week now and yesterday morning I was surprised to see the pasta was also mostly bare. Also, some of the shelves have the old COVID trick of pushing everything together and up to the front of the shelf!This is Sioux Fall SD!No eggs for over a week!Very little pasta left!
Of course the shortage of eggs is related to the shortage of pasta, because eggs are used in making pasta.
I have been trying to explain to my readers that this new bird flu pandemic is going to be a really, really big deal. As I mentioned yesterday, 28 million chickens and turkeys are already dead in less than two months, and things are already so bad that pasta is starting to disappear from our store shelves.
If things are this crazy already, what will conditions be like six months from now?
Global food riots have already started, but what we have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg.
Like I said at the top of this article, for now we are still eating food that was produced last year to a large degree.
Just wait until we get to the end of this year and beyond.
It won’t be pretty.
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures, and I hope that this article will give you a sense of urgency to take action.
Unfortunately, most people still assume that everything will turn out just fine somehow, and so they won’t do anything to get prepared until it is far too late.
Behaviors of Service-to-self people
They don’t care, and they make it difficult for the rest of society. It’s all me-me-me like spoiled three year old children.
People Acting Like Jerks
Rest stop in China
This is how China does highway Rest-stops. Pretty typical. Soak it in. video 40MB
For years, there was a great debate about what the future of our society would look like. The irrational optimists kept assuring us that we would never suffer any serious consequences for decades of incredibly foolish decisions, and they kept promising that a new golden age of peace and prosperity for humanity was just around the corner. Meanwhile, others were warning that humanity would soon be plunging into an abyss filled with endless nightmares. Instead of a utopian new chapter in our history, we were warned that war, hunger, pestilence and relentless economic problems were on the horizon.
Prior to 2020, to a lot of people it seemed like the irrational optimists might be right after all.
Yes, there were lots of serious problems simmering in the background, but overall life seemed to be rolling along pretty good for most of the population.
But then 2020 came along, and everything started to change.
As I write this article in April 2022, war, hunger, pestilence and relentless economic problems have all materialized. In fact, things are already so bad in Europe that rationing has now been instituted in some areas…
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has threatened the supply of critical commodities in Europe and thrown global supply chains, which were already struggling amid COVID-19, into complete chaos.As a result, the prices of everything from wheat to oil have soared, leading to multi-decade high inflation rates in places like Germany and Spain. The supply crunch in Europe is now so bad it’s causing governments to begin laying the groundwork for rationing, with some stores already limiting supplies.
This isn’t Africa that we are talking about.
If rationing is already taking place in Europe, how bad is it going to be for the poorer nations in the months ahead?
Well, UN Secretary-General António Guterres is telling us that “the world’s most vulnerable people and countries” are heading into a “hurricane of hunger”…
UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned urgently of the global consequences of the war as early as mid-March. The breadbasket is being bombed and a “hurricane of hunger” is threatening, he stated. Given Ukraine’s great importance as a food exporter, the invasion was “also an attack on the world’s most vulnerable people and countries.”
Sadly, he is not exaggerating one bit.
As I discussed yesterday, at this point even Joe Biden is admitting that the coming food shortages are “going to be real”.
But even though global leaders are openly telling us that things are going to get really bad, most people still don’t seem very alarmed.
This greatly frustrates me, because this is not a false alarm.
The world’s 45 least developed countries import at least one-third of their wheat from Ukraine or Russia, and 18 countries among them import more than 50 percent. These include Egypt, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. These are all countries that are already dependent on humanitarian aid and food supplies because millions of people are currently suffering from massive hunger.
How are all of those countries supposed to feed their people without that wheat?
I keep asking that question, and not a single person has been able to answer it.
Just look at the crisis that has erupted in Lebanon. They normally get approximately 75 percent of their wheat from either Russia or Ukraine, and so far they have been unable to procure supplies from alternate sources…
Lebanon, which obtains 75 percent of its wheat from Russia and especially Ukraine, is also desperately seeking other wheat exporters, but so far without success. The government turned to the international community with a call for help. There are now fears of rationing and sharp price increases, which will hit the already hard-pressed population hard.
Meanwhile, the global bird flu plague just continues to intensify.
The new cases mean that across the nation, farmers have had to kill about 22 million egg-laying chickens, 1.8 million broiler chickens, 1.9 million pullet and other commercial chickens, and 1.9 million turkeys.
It has taken less than two months to go from the first confirmed case in the U.S. to nearly 28 million dead.
So what will the death toll look like six months from now?
And can you imagine what this will do to food prices?
It is being reported that the price of a dozen eggs has already risen 52 percent since the start of this new pandemic…
Egg prices are skyrocketing as a bird-flu outbreak ravages commercial chicken flocks in the U.S., with the price of a dozen large eggs spiking more than 52% in just under two months.
For much more on this crisis, please see the article that I posted yesterday entitled “20 Facts About The Emerging Global Food Shortage That Should Chill You To The Core”. I wish that I had sufficient words to properly convey the urgency that we should all be feeling in this hour. We are heading into a complete and total nightmare, and I wish that I could get more people to understand this.
Mike Adams is sounding the alarm too. The following comes from an article that was published a few days ago in the Epoch Times…
Food scarcity. Food vouchers. Food riots and flash mobs.All of that’s coming—and soon, says Texas-based food scientist and “Health Ranger” podcaster Mike Adams, who sees dire events unfolding in America in the short term.His advice: people need to get prepared now.
If there’s one place one can find plenty of nicknames, it’s within the sprawling landscape of the armed forces. When it comes to the greater civilian world, there’s no historical precedent or agreed upon social norm for how someone or something gains a substitute informal title. However, given the Department of Defense’s fondness of rigid structure, it should be no surprise that when it comes to nicknames, there’s a policy for them, too.
Prior to 1975, names for military operations and projects were exclusively chosen at the behest of military commanders. As a result, within the annals of American military history one can find a diverse range of interesting titles from Operation Killer—a major 1951 counter-offensive during the Korean War—to Operation Beaver Cage—a U.S. Marine Corps operation that occurred during the spring of 1967 as part of the Vietnam War.
However, shortly after the close of the Vietnam War, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) decided it was time to formalize the use of code words and nicknames by unveiling the Code Word Nickname and Exercise Term System, colloquially known as NICKA.
For the Department of Defense (DoD), NICKA is both a set of policies governing the selection of defense monikers and a military-wide computer system that archives and prevents duplication of terms.
Important to note, NICKA is primarily used for Department of Defense-related endeavors. Many operations or programs emerging from within the intelligence community use their own separate naming system.
For example, the Central Intelligence Agency uses the Cryptonym system for developing code words and names. It is also worth noting that the National Security Agency (NSA), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) all use the NICKA system
NICKA outlines three distinctive types of monikers that can be used within the DoD:
Code Words
Exercise Terms
Code Words
In NICKA, acode word is a single word that’s assigned to any program or operational plan that’s classified confidential or higher. Each component agency in the Department of Defense are assigned blocks of code words by the Joint Staff. When needed, the NICKA computer program will randomly select and assign a code word from the originating agency’s allocated block of terms.
For example, in the lead up to the Gulf War, when the Combat Aviation Brigade of the 1st Armored Division needed a code word for their forward assembly area, the NICKA computer system pulled from one of the Army’s predetermined block designations and selected the amusingly mundane code word—LARRY.
Essentially a password for entry in an exclusive club, the preeminent role of code words is to restrict access to sensitive national security information to only those who have a need to know. Assisting security, a code word itself will be safeguarded by being classified by one of the three security classifications—confidential, secret, or top secret—based on the security level of the associated program.
Virtually anything conceivably classified, including programs, projects, locations, operations, objectives, missions, or plans, can be assigned a code word. One particular area code words can be highly prevalent is with Special Access Programs (SAP). As mentioned in The War Zone’s in-depth look at Special Access Programs, multiple components, sub-components, and projects can sprawl out from a single SAP “umbrella.” In this compartmentalized system of security, each of the different appendages of one SAP can potentially be assigned their own specific code word.
Once NICKA assigns a code word, it’s considered active. An active code word will remain unchanged for the life of a program and cannot be altered by its users. The one exception being if there’s a concern a code word had been compromised. In this instance, a new code word would be issued. Equally, in certain situations, an unclassified cover term may get applied to a program for counterintelligence purposes.
In addition to the obvious security and oversight reasons, the principal reason for a code word’s permanence relates to the significant role NICKA serves as an archive of all active and inactive code words. The system uses its database of terms to prevent any potential conflicts that could arise due to similarities or duplication of previous code words.
As a Department of Defense system, NICKA will only assign single-word code words. However, in some instances, the Pentagon may take over a project or program that originated outside of the DoD, such as from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Department of Energy (DOE), commercial companies, or even foreign governments. In these instances, already assigned code words may not follow NICKA guidelines. In these occurrences, a program may be reassigned a new NICKA code word or the previous unregulated code name may be maintained.
Regardless, of whether it’s kept or not, the non-NICKA code name may still be added to the program’s database to stem off any future confusion or conflict.
For example, technically before NICKA’s time and not a DoD project, the 1960s A-12 reconnaissance plane was developed and operated under the CIA code word “OXCART”. However, Kelly Johnson and his pioneering team of engineers at Lockheed Skunk Works used the code word “ARCHANGEL” for the A-12. Furthering the spy plane’s eventual identity crisis, flight crews would nickname the A-12 “Cygnus.”
Though OXCART was the only officially assigned government code word, under NICKA, both the contract code word, “ARCHANGEL” and the A-12’s nickname “Cygnus,” would equally be archived to prevent duplicate use.
When it comes to code words. Many real-world military operations and programs, for example, “HAVE BLUE,“ “ACID GAMBIT,” “AUTUMN RETURN,” “SENIOR TREND,” or the infamous “YELLOW FRUIT,” are often reported as being the “code word” for a classified operation or program. However, per DoD and the Joint Chiefs NICKA policy, a code word always consist of just a single word. By NICKA, the above named examples would be “nicknames” and not code words.
This does not mean that multiple code words cannot apply to a certain entity. Any intelligence product that contains Top-Secret NATO information would carry the code word “COSMIC” in addition to any other applicable ones. Certain categories of sensitive activities can even involve code words that become intrinsically linked and enter common usage linked together. “TALENT,” an overarching code word for aerial intelligence-gathering assets, such as the U-2 Dragon Lady and SR-71 Blackbird spy planes, and “KEYHOLE,” which covers intelligence-gathering satellites, are no longer treated as separate from each other officially and one will routinely see documents marked “TALENT KEYHOLE,” or using the abbreviation “TK,” as a single term.
As we briefly mentioned, when it comes to the designation of nicknames, NICKA offers some flexibility and gives military commanders the ability to be a little more creative.
Whereas NICKA only assigns single-word code words, by policy, nicknames must be comprised of two separate words. Similar to the code word process, each DoD component agency is assigned a set of designated numerical block assignments by NICKA. In turn, the agency’s numerical block assignment will correspond to “alphabetical assignment list,” which is a range of two-letter alphabetical sets. The first word of any nickname must come from within an agency’s assigned alphabetical range.
For example, using the now obsolete and unclassified NICKA block assignments, if a program within the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) needed to come up with a nickname, one would start by identifying the four numerical blocks assigned to the DIA (15, 33, 51, and 76).
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The next step would be identifying what ranges of two-letter combinations would be associated with an agency’s assigned blocks. Following along with the previous example, based on the alphabetical assignment list, the first word of a DIA program nickname would have to start with:
Block 15 – Letters DM – DR
Block 33 – Letters IA – IF
Block 51 – Letters MM-MR
Block 76 – Letters SS – SZ
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Once the alphabetical block assignments are determined, for military commanders, the process then becomes a word-search of sorts in order to come up with an appropriate first word for a nickname that fits within the designated letter combinations. In our example, the words “DOOM,” “IDEAL,” “MOON,” or “STEREO” would all fit the criteria as being acceptable first words for a DIA nickname.
Below is a more specific set of examples straight from the U.S. Central Command’s (CENTCOM) regulation regarding NICKA:
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When it comes to the second portion of the two-word requirement for nicknames, military planners have the unrestricted ability to get creative, provided phrases are not “improper” or “counterproductive.”
By NICKA guidelines, improper nicknames would be terms that are:
Inconsistent with traditional American ideals or current foreign policy.
Offensive to good taste or derogatory to a particular group, sect, or creed.
Offensive to U.S. allies or other free world nations.
Additionally, NICKA forbids nicknames from being:
Any two-word combination voice call sign found in the Joint Army Navy Air Force Publication Call Sign Book (JANAP-119).
Include the words, “Project, Exercise, or Operation.”
Words that may be used correctly either as a single word or as two words, such as “moonlight.”
Exotic words, trite expressions or well-known commercial trademarks.
By military standards—where one can often find rules for rules—NICKA guidelines on nicknames are fairly limited and debatably common sense. Thanks to the tempered flexibility NICKA gives to nicknames, the system still affords for some bellicose poetry like “Beast Master”—a 2006 Army operation to clear the Baghdad suburb of Ghazaliya—an area itself (unofficially) nicknamed “IED Alley East,” or “Viking Snatch”—a 2007 counterinsurgency operation in Iraq. Still, especially at lower levels of command and for short-duration operations, one still often sees nicknames that do not comply with NICKA, including ones with single words.
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In contrast to code words, nicknames, including their descriptions, meanings, and relationship, are also, by policy, supposed to remain unclassified, though the branches of the U.S. military still routinely classify them on the ground of national security. In addition, NICKA guidelines stipulate nicknames are not required, but can be assigned to actual real-world events, projects, or activities. One caveat to “not required” being with Special Access Programs, which are required to have an unclassified nickname assigned to them.
Exercise Terms
Rounding out NICKA’s trifecta of officially sanctioned phrases, are exercise terms. As the name implies, exercise terms are monikers assigned to tests, drills, or exercises, which are assigned for the purpose of emphasizing the event is not an actual real-world operation. That said, the military has a bad habit of not sticking to DoD rules when it comes to publicizing or describing training exercises, often describing them as “operations.”
For example, “Llama Fury” was a week-long Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) training exercise at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in late summer of 2015. By NICKA policies, Llama Fury should have carried the “exercise” moniker. However, in press releases, multiple Air Force Public Affairs Offices described the event as “Operation Llama Fury.”
Though technically their own classification, exercise terms are more or less an extension of NICKA nicknames, with their selection and regulation falling under the same agency assigned alphabetical block system as the nicknaming process.
Since some military training evolutions are regularly repeated, certain specific exercises will carry the same name with an added numerical postfix indicating the month or year the event occurs. For example, held annually from 2006 to 2018, some of the largest U.S. military war games ever performed in the Pacific Ocean were all conducted under the exercise term “Valiant Shield.” Since this training event was repeated for twelve-years, a four-digit identifier for the year training maneuvers were performed would accompany the exercise term, producing “Exercise Valiant Shield 2017,” and so on and so forth.
For exercises that occur multiple times in a fiscal year, like “Swift Response,” a large training event between the U.S. and its European allies, the second iteration of the exercise in 2017 would be called “Swift Response 17-2.”
Least ambiguous of NICKA’s trio, code words play an essential role safeguarding extremely sensitive secrets. However, when it comes to nicknames and exercise terms, this aspect of NICKA is arguably more significant.
For example, “Enduring Freedom,” (the U.S. Global War on Terrorism, though often applied solely to operations in Afghanistan), “Iraqi Freedom,” (the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent occupation), or “Inherent Resolve,” (the U.S. military intervention in Iraq and Syria to combat ISIS), are not merely nicknames, these phrases are meant to inspire and express the overarching intent of military involvement.
More than just iconic inscriptions on military ribbons, medals, and service records, the perceptions associated with a few major military nicknames or terms become ingrained in the public’s collective conscious and often end up being enduring aspects of American history.
So, there you have it. All those cool-sounding program nicknames, secretive code words, and intense sounding military exercises you probably heard of over the years, all likely came from a highly structured, yet obscure Department of Defense system puzzlingly named NICKA.
Rufus police rescues a little baby
He helps those in need like a real Rufus. video 3MB
If you only get your news from the mainstream media, you would be tempted to believe that global conditions are relatively stable right now. Yes, there is a war between Russia and Ukraine, but the mainstream media is assuring us that Ukraine is winning that war. Other than that, the mainstream media seems to think that everything is just fine. Of course the truth is that our planet is facing a whole host of extremely challenging problems at the moment. The UN has warned that we are entering the worst global food crisis since World War II, inflation has started to spiral out of control all over the world, the war in Ukraine is making our supply chain nightmares even worse and an absolutely horrifying bird flu plague is killing millions upon millions of chickens and turkeys.
But if you flip on one of the corporate news channels tonight, they will be focusing on other things.
And you probably won’t even hear them talk about the food riots that have suddenly begun erupting around the world at all.
Peruvian President Pedro Castillo announced a curfew for Tuesday in the capital Lima and neighboring port city Callao, after demonstrations across the country over fuel prices caused roadblocks and “acts of violence”.Protests had erupted across Peru in recent days due to a hike in fuel prices and tolls, during a time of rising food prices.
Is this the first time that you have heard about this?
For many of you it will be, and that is because the mainstream media in the U.S. is largely ignoring this.
In Sri Lanka, severe shortages of “food, medicine and fuel” have caused a full-blown economic collapse and tremendous chaos in the streets…
In Sri Lanka, where an economic crisis is growing, more than 40 lawmakers walked out of the ruling coalition today. That leaves the government of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in the minority in Parliament. There have been new calls today for both the president and prime minister to step down after the entire Cabinet resigned on Sunday. Shortages of food, medicine and fuel have sparked countrywide protests, and security forces have fired tear gas and water cannons at protesters marching on the president’s home.
Most of you have probably not heard about that either, and that is because our largest news outlets are being really quiet about it.
More than ever before, our perception of the world around us is shaped by the corporate elite. Americans get more than 90 percent of the “television news” that they consume from just five giant media corporations, and so that gives those corporations an incredible amount of influence over how our society views reality.
For example, far more Americans are talking about “the slap” at the Academy Awards than about the fact that North Korea just threatened South Korea with nuclear war…
North Korea opposes war but would use nuclear weapons if South Korea attacked, Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of leader Kim Jong Un, said on Tuesday, in a warning that analysts said is probably aimed at the South’s incoming conservative president.Kim Yo Jong, a senior official in the government and ruling party, said it was a “very big mistake” for South Korea’s minister of defence to make recent remarks discussing attacks on the North, state news agency KCNA reported.
The war in Ukraine is not going to be the last war that erupts. I believe that China is very strongly considering an invasion of Taiwan in the not too distant future, and a major war between Israel and Iran could literally start at any time.
I suppose that we should be thankful to CNN, because I probably never would have heard about that new flavor unless they ran that story.
Meanwhile, the number of poultry flocks in Minnesota that have been hit by the new bird flu pandemic just doubled…
The Minnesota Board of Animal Health on Tuesday reported the latest outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza in the state is now affecting a total of 15 poultry flocks — up from seven last Friday.
Minnesota is the number one state for turkey production, and so this is a really big deal.
Overall, the national death toll just continues to climb. The first case at a commercial facility in the United States was confirmed less than two months ago, and now the death toll has risen to nearly 28 million…
The new cases mean that across the nation, farmers have had to kill about 22 million egg-laying chickens, 1.8 million broiler chickens, 1.9 million pullet and other commercial chickens, and 1.9 million turkeys.
I am so grateful for the alternative media, because they often cover stories that the mainstream media never talks about.
For example, our friends at Zero Hedge have informed us that the price of jet fuel in New York has risen “more than 162% since mid-March”…
Wholesale jet fuel prices in New York have risen more than 162% since mid-March, as buyers at some of the world’s busiest airports, located on the US East Coast, anticipate dwindling supplies as Western sanctions shun Russian energy exports.On Monday, jet fuel prices jumped 93 cents to $7.61 a gallon, a new record high, according to Bloomberg data going back to 1988.
That is crazy.
We are seeing so much inflation all throughout the system right now. A few hours ago, I came across a post by a supermarket employee on a very popular Internet forum that really got my attention. According to this employee, workers at this particular store were given 52 pages of price changes just this week…
Tyson Chicken strip jumped up $3Eggs went up to $3.50 they were 2.2532 pack of water went to $5.50 originally 3.75There was 35 pages of price changes on the dry side and 17 pages in freezer and cooler they are planning to have that many pages or more next week also
A trip to the grocery store is going to become very, very painful in the months ahead.
But just be thankful that you don’t live in one of the poorest countries on the planet.
At this point, even Vladimir Putin is telling us that the food shortages that we are now witnessing are going to get even worse…
Putin said higher energy prices and fertilizer shortages would mean Western nations would have to print more money to buy supplies, which would cause food shortages in poorer countries.“They will inevitably exacerbate food shortages in the poorest regions of the world, spur new waves of migration, and, in general, drive food prices even higher,” Putin said in a meeting on developing food production, Reuters reported.
A full-blown global meltdown has now begun, and it is going to go to an entirely new level in the months ahead.
But the mainstream media will try to distract you with stories about Will Smith, Kourtney Kardashian and other celebrities for as long as they can.
Personally, I don’t really care that Kourtney Kardashian just married Travis Barker in Las Vegas. What I do care about is the fact that our society is coming apart at the seams all around us.
The news that you get from the corporate media has been carefully designed to promote certain narratives, and these days much of it is wildly inaccurate.
But most of the population will continue to blindly believe whatever they are told to believe by our “professional journalists”, and that is extremely unfortunate.
Video in front of MM office
This is what it is like on the road right in front of my office. video 14MB
Confessions of a Woman Who Suffers From Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality)
When did you first learn or suspect that you had DID?
The first signs that something was wrong were that she was losing track of big chunks of time, people were telling her that she had said or done things that she couldn’t remember doing, people she didn’t know were acting like they knew her, and she was finding journals, poetry, and art that she didn’t recognize.
The first signs that something was wrong were that she was losing track of big chunks of time, people were telling her that she had said or done things that she couldn’t remember doing, people she didn’t know were acting like they knew her, and she was finding journals, poetry, and art that she didn’t recognize.
What causes someone to have DID?
DID is a trauma-based disorder.
The most popular explanation for the etiology of DID is that when a child experiences truly horrific trauma, they invent other identities to cope with that trauma. The child essentially says to themselves, “That didn’t happen to me. That happened to another little girl. It wasn’t me.”
Dissociation during traumatic events is fairly common. You’ll hear survivors of car crashes say that it all felt surreal, like it was in slow motion, like they remember it as if they were detached from their body or viewing it from a detached perspective. Now imagine being in a car crash over and over, every single day. If you enter that detached state over and over again at a young age when your sense of self and your concept of identity is being formed, you develop a fragmented sense of self. Being a child, you give names to those fragments. Over time, the fragments develop their own sense of self.
Have you been diagnosed by a professional? What was that process like?
I feel really fortunate that the diagnosis process for us was shorter than most. DID is a very stigmatized disorder so it can be a slow process for most people.
At 14 we were referred to therapy because of problems at school. Our initial diagnosis was PTSD, but our therapist quickly began to suspect a dissociative disorder. Because of our young age, she chose to formally diagnose us with Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified rather than DID. She wanted to take a “wait and see” approach to diagnosis. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to continue therapy with her for long because we lost our insurance.
In college we were formally diagnosed, but by that point it was not a surprise at all. By then, we were very aware of each other and had been working on improving our communication and working together.
How do you feel about the fact that you have DID?
I guess acceptance is the best way to describe it. I don’t know anything else, so this is normal for me.
How many alters do you have? Are you comfortable describing them or any of their traits? How are they different from you?
I’ll start with myself. My name is Quin. I am not the original identity, but I think I have been around the longest. I currently do most of the fronting. I keep everyone organized and try to keep this system running smoothly.
Morgan is our original identity. Until we moved away from our family of origin, she was the one fronting most of the time. Ever since we moved away, she stopped fronting. Right now we don’t know if that’s a temporary thing or if it’s permanent, but it seems like the best decision for everyone.
Emma is a childlike alter who will tell you that she is four years old. She likes to play with toys and play Facebook games like Candy Crush.
Hailey is our other childlike alter. We think that she is emotionally about eight. She likes to watch Disney movies, but also likes to watch upsetting TV shows that are way too mature for her.
Storm has the emotional maturity of a teenager. I have previously joked about her being a little edgelord with a name to match, but that’s a bit mean. I honestly don’t know what she’s into at the moment.
Caden is a little ball of sunshine, according to one of our friends. I don’t actually know how old Caden is? He gets along with everyone. He’s silly and friendly and impossible to dislike, even when he’s being a bit of a jerk. I think he does it so that he can get away with doing whatever he wants to do.
Zoe is creative and smart. I’ve previously said she wasn’t very friendly, but that’s not very accurate. She’s not very friendly to me and she’s not very trusting, but she’s actually very social and more interested in socializing than I am. Zoe is very emotional and a little hot-headed.
Hannah is one of the most mature alters in our group. For a long time I couldn’t get a read on her and I didn’t know what was going on with her. She kept herself closed off from me for some reason, but I’ve gotten to know her more recently. She holds a lot of our memories and seems to be trying to figure out what to do with them. When she fronts, she takes care of lots of self-care type tasks and household things. She seems kind of like the mom of the group.
Carrie is an alter that I know exists, but I haven’t interacted with in a long time. I don’t really know much about her.
Arlo is one of our newest alters. They still haven’t told us if they are are a boy or a girl, but maybe they aren’t either? Arlo fronts when we are overwhelmed. They like to play video games. Arlo is extremely stubborn.
We also have an unnamed alter who exists mainly to harass and persecute us, but since they don’t front, I won’t go into detail about them.
Describe your relationship with your alters.
Our relationships with each other vary quite a bit, but I think we are a lot like a family. There’s some occasional friction and tension, but everyone has the same goal. We’re all just trying to survive.
What does it feel like to switch to another alter?
I absolutely hate answering this question every time it’s asked, so I’m going to skip it.
Do you always change clothes/hair/makeup/hats when you switch?
No, that’s really more of a media thing. I think it’s done in film and tv so that the audience can tell which alter is present. In reality, it would be exhausting to run to our closet for a wardrobe change every time there was a switch.
That said, we do have some different clothing preferences. If Zoe is planning on being in control all day long, she might dress more feminine than I would normally dress. If Arlo is fronting, they are almost always wearing their favorite hoodie. But it’s not like wearing that hoodie is a for sure indication that Arlo is currently fronting.
Do you have any abilities or skills that your alters don’t, or vice versa?
Only myself and a few others are able to do our work tasks. Hannah is a better cook than most. Only Hailey knows how to play the flute. Zoe is a creative writer.
Do different alters have different physical conditions or traits (for example, different eyesight, allergies or hand preference)?
No, and others may disagree with me on this but I personally believe that this is (for the most part) a media myth. The physical body is the physical body. The only physical differences that you can have between alters are the ones that can be impacted by emotional/psychological state, like placebo and conversion disorders. It’s not like the movie Split where one alter can be diabetic when the others aren’t. However, if the body has diabetes then different alters could have different blood sugar levels because your stress levels can cause your blood sugar to go up and down.
How frequently do you experience gaps in your memory? What is that like? How do you cope with it on a daily basis?
This really depends on how well we are coping with our current life stress. When we’re doing well, memories are shared and co-consciousness is common. When the stress level rises and we’re struggling to cope, amnesia and memory gaps become more common.
Amnesia can be really frightening, especially “waking up” some place you don’t expect to be. It’s not so bad if I’m just at home and I’ve lost a few hours, but if I’m suddenly at the grocery store and the last thing I remember is being at home in bed, it’s pretty alarming.
I cope with it by trying to stick to a schedule, journaling, using notes and calendars to keep track of everything. I try to stay really organized to compensate for everything.
How do you communicate with your alters?
This sounds ridiculous, but internal communication is as simple as “thinking at” the other alters. When internal communication breaks down, we use journals and things like Google Keep to talk to each other.
Do your alters have different relationships, i.e. friendships or romantic partners? If you’re married or in a relationship, how do your alters feel about your SO?
We basically have the same friends, but we have different relationships with those friends.
All of us have a good relationship with our SO.
Are you co-conscious with any/all of your alters? What does co-consciousness feel like?
Most of us are able to experience co-consciousness with each other. Not all of us are “drift compatible” with each other, to borrow a term from Pacific Rim.
Are you aware of an internal world or inside space?
No, we have never experienced an internal world.
Have you told friends/family about your diagnosis? Why or why not?
When we were in our early 20s we were more open about our diagnosis, but we experienced some real negative consequences because of that. People tend to see us only as our diagnosis. It’s very difficult for people to understand. It’s hard to live a normal life when people know. We much prefer that people don’t know.
What do you wish everyone without DID knew or understood better about you?
It’s nothing like (most of) the media depictions. When it’s what you’ve lived with your whole life, it just feels normal.
What is the worst or most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you as the result of an alter’s actions?
I won’t embarrass myself by going into details, but it can be hard having childlike alters. It was a bigger problem when we were younger, and things are much better controlled now, but there were some embarrassing moments.
Describe a time when one of your alters saved your ass.
I don’t give her enough credit, so I’ll use this opportunity to talk about Storm. We’ve been joking lately about how Storm is a “fire alarm” that goes off when something isn’t right, but she’s kind of a shitty fire alarm because if you don’t pay attention to her fast enough she’ll just spray gasoline in the whole building and burn the whole place down (metaphorically, of course) to make sure you are really aware of the fire.
But the truth is, Storm probably has saved my ass dozens of times and she would have saved my ass dozens more if I had just listened to her more. She’s really good at knowing when situations are unsafe and knowing when something is wrong. She’s one of the few of us who is brave enough to use her voice and really scream and stand up for herself. I’m sure that at least a few of the times she’s screamed “Get the fuck away from me!” could have turned out really badly if she hadn’t.
Has an alter ever done something illegal or immoral?
Illegal? No. Immoral? Depending on your standards of morality, absolutely. We have disagreements about moral behavior all the time. Zoe constantly does things that I find unacceptable.
Have you experienced bullying, discrimination or stigma because of your DID?
When we were open about it, yes. That’s why we have chosen not to tell most people.
Does DID interfere with your ability to have a family, a career, or to achieve the kind of life you want?
This isn’t the feel good answer people probably want, but yes.
We are childfree mostly because of DID. There are alters in our system who wanted children very badly, but we felt that having children was the wrong choice for us because of our condition.
DID also interfered with our education throughout high school and college. We were able to finish our undergraduate degree, but ultimately it did stop us from completing our masters program and working in the field that we intended to work in.
At our current level of functioning, I don’t think we could hold down a traditional 9 to 5 job. We currently work from home and are really happy with our career, but we are lucky that this is an option for us.
I don’t know if this is the case for everyone else with DID, but we choose not to drive because of the severity of our dissociation. The risk of dissociating while driving is just too much for us, so we are reliant on other people for transportation.
What are your biggest challenges living with DID?
Honestly, it’s not the DID itself, it’s working through the underlying issues that caused the DID. Unpacking all of that trauma can be exhausting and disruptive. Just when you think you’ve found homeostasis with your system, someone finds a bunch of new baggage to unpack.
What are some of the positives that have come out of having DID?
We survived.
A cat sized couch…
2022 04 07 18 52
Places where birthright Citizenship is based on land and places where it is based on blood
Very interesting.
Pretty Chinese Girl
Very nice desert scene. China has some very large and beautiful deserts.
Warning: A NATO/Internet wide National Security Letter has been issued blocking all reporting of the alleged capture of an American general in Mariupol.
Our sources on the ground report that the last two helicopters trying to evacuate foreign VIPs from Mariupol were shot down this morning. They were sent on a suicide mission to collect Lt.General Coultier, who was, we are told, hiding in a huge industrial complex with some Special Forces staffers and about 30 Ukrainian Army, not Azov, soldiers. This hours old story from Tass is below.
2022 04 07 19 16
From KP.Ru:
On the morning of April 5, another attempt by the Kiev regime to evacuate the leaders of the Azov nationalist battalion and “others” was thwarted near Mariupol. Two Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters, which tried to break through to the city from the sea, were shot down from man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems, Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, said at a briefing.
Note that this is the third attempt by Kyiv to pull its war criminals from the crime scene. But it ended the same as the previous ones: the helicopters did not reach Mariupol.
Читайте на WWW.KP.RU: https://www.kp.ru/daily/27375/4568448/
Reports from our friends in the Pentagon say “something’s up” and panic has set in at the White House.
Minutes ago, the general showed up on his Linkdin account and we are told that the ranks of retirees and crisis actors (yes they exist) are being scoured for fat bald types that can be green-screened into a show and tell with Zelensky, believed to be hiding in Poland.
2022 04 07 19 19
Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are busy erasing all posts tied to this, even faster than usual. We await broader confirmation but, if Russia is holding him, they are unlikely to announce it but rather use it as a secret bargaining chip to hold over Biden’s head.
Based on this, and having seen similar issues where an Israeli general was captured in Syria (confirmed, they sent us his ID card)…and VT helped negotiate his return to his family (for millions paid to Shiite militias).
We have sources that claim Cloutier had been in and out of Syria through Turkey, working with ISIS and al Qaeda there as well and with terrorist groups in Africa.
We say “no denial can be believed…we are now in ‘new territory’”
There are numerous reports currently circulating claiming that U.S. Army Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier was captured by Russian forces in or near Mariupol, Ukraine, where reports claim he was assisting the Azov battalion, which is the official Nazi unit of Ukraine.
Confirmation that as early as March 7, US Lieutenant General Roger Cloutier was in Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/0eiJYrAcHZ— TheRepublic (@_TheRepublic_) April 5, 2022
According to Wikipedia, Lt. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier:
Roger L. Cloutier Jr. is a lieutenant general in the U.S. Army and commander of Allied Land Command . He previously served as commander of the United States Army in Africa.
Allied Land Command (LANDCOM) formerly Allied Land Forces South East Europe
Oh boy. US General Roger Cloutier was most definitely involved in training Ukrainian soldiers, as this photo attests.Two days ago, a Bulgarian news source claimed he was visiting Bulgaria — pic.twitter.com/gOMBDRgmTQ— OldGuyOnTheMove (@old_move) April 5, 2022
(LANDSOUTHEAST) is a permanent headquarters for NATO land forces that can be appointed as needed. The commander of LANDCOM is the Alliance’s chief ground warfare advisor. When directed by the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, he provides the core of the headquarters responsible for ground operations.
The command is based at Shirinya (Buka), Izmir in Turkey.
Unconfirmed sources from #Russia Military:
The #Russian army captured the U.S Major General Roger L. Cloutier Jr. Maj. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier, the #USA Africa Command HQ Chief of Staff in the besieged Ukrainian Azov camp in Mariupol !https://t.co/7Y8Jd2qU9X— Su-57 5th Gen Fighter (@5thSu) April 5, 2022
A letter to the Pentagon sent a few hours ago went unanswered, which, from a media perspective, is very unusual. If the message had been false, the Pentagon would have denied it immediately. They did NOT deny it. But there has been no official response from the Pentagon as of 6:10 p.m. EDT on Monday.
Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier Jr. assumed command of Allied Land Command in August 2020. Prior to this he served as the commander of U.S. Army Africa / Southern European Task Force. https://lc.nato.int/about-us/biographies/commander
Russian Defense Ministry: two more Mi-8s sent to evacuate Azov leaders were shot down near Mariupol
According to the department, this happened on the morning of April 5.
MOSCOW, 5 April. /TASS/. Two Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters sent to evacuate the leaders of the Azov nationalist battalion were shot down near Mariupol on Tuesday morning.
Igor Konashenkov, official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, told reporters about this.
“On the morning of April 5, another attempt by the Kiev regime to evacuate the leaders of the Azov nationalist battalion was thwarted in the Mariupol region. Two Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters that tried to break through to the city from the sea were shot down from man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems,”
I worked at a Juvenile Detention Facility in New Mexico. The absolute scariest thing I ever saw was a young boy, 9 years old, booked in for murdering both of his parents. There was nothing there. I fail to call this thing even human. I looked into this child’s eyes and felt more fear than I ever have to this day. This was no child, it was a monster. Pure evil, condensed and given human form.
And to clarify: I have booked and looked after murder suspects before, it was nothing new. But this kid was different. Very different. He never broke any rules and always followed commands but never, ever spoke unless directly asked something. And then it was curt, short. Just to answer a question. He never cried, either. Which is highly unusual for a 9 year old kid in jail. He was eventually tried and transferred to mental facility. But I’ll never forget the kid’s eyes. It haunts me to this day.
High school track meet
1960s obviously. But that hair! Can you just imagine?
For those who want to contribute to their community
I always tell everyone to become part of their community. Volunteer. Smile. Contribute and to have a skill or a resource that they can contribute to the rest of the community when times get hard. Like being a handiman, or a medical tech. Well, how about a home craft beer beermeister?
That could be a great skill…
Make your own home craft beer.
An image for inspiration
What is stopping you?
A Flock Of Seagulls – Space Age Love Song
The scenes are from one of my long-forgotten mid-1990s movies. Brings back a flood of memories. Jennifer Connelly was 20 years old in this video, and it’s been 30 years since. But, yes, she was absolutely stunning here. Falling in love with her would have been the easiest thing in the world. The Flock of Seagulls song was perfect.
Scenes are from the movie Career Opportunities (1991). At that time, she was one of the most beautiful young woman on the planet and this movie captures her innocence in a very beautiful manner. She mesmerizes with her raw charm and superb natural talent throughout the film.
There’s a higher than average prevalence of “ready to leave” this prison complex than in the general human population. This need,; this desire, is very strong, but it is most especially difficult at this point of time of great change.
Nothing is guaranteed. Remember that the things that you desire are a function of your thoughts. COntrol your thoughts and you can control your reality. This is true whether you are in the physical reality or elsewhere.
Control your thoughts. You will control your life.
The world seems to be going down the drain. Seems to… Maybe so. Maybe not. But it’s all a perception. You must change that perception to achieve your goals.
So, just be good. Be calm. And maybe go to a yard sale or thrift store and find a treasure or two. It’s time, don’t you think?
“The Perfect Yardsale Find $13.00 In Kerrville Tx .. Beetlejuice meets Mary Poppins”
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”
— Ayn Rand
Rule by brute force.
That’s about as good a description as you’ll find for the sorry state of our nation.
SWAT teams crashing through doors. Militarized police shooting unarmed citizens. Traffic cops tasering old men and pregnant women for not complying fast enough with an order. Resource officers shackling children for acting like children. Homeowners finding their homes under siege by police out to confiscate lawfully-owned guns. Drivers having their cash seized under the pretext that they might have done something wrong.
The list of abuses being perpetrated against the American people by their government is growing rapidly.
We are approaching critical mass.
The groundwork has been laid for a new kind of government where it won’t matter if you’re innocent or guilty, whether you’re a threat to the nation, or even if you’re a citizen. What will matter is what the government—or whoever happens to be calling the shots at the time—thinks. And if the powers-that-be think you’re a threat to the nation and should be locked up, then you’ll be locked up with no access to the protections our Constitution provides.
In effect, you will disappear.
American Citizens are just “things” that the elites use
President Biden’s long list of executive orders, executive actions, proclamations and directives is just more of the same: rule by fiat.
Now the Biden Administration is setting its sights on gun control.
Mark my words: gun control legislation, especially in the form of red flag gun laws, which allow the police to remove guns from people “suspected” of being threats, will become yet another means by which to subvert the Constitution and sabotage the rights of the people.
In Radley Balko's study of police raids of the homes of civilians for the CATO Institute, he described the mayhem currently taking place at the hands of federal and state governments in the United States in the name of law enforcement:
"Americans have long maintained that a man's home is his castle and that he has the right to defend it from unlawful intruders. Unfortunately, that right may be disappearing. Over the last 25 years, America has seen a disturbing militarization of its civilian law enforcement, along with a dramatic and unsettling rise in the use of paramilitary police units (most commonly called Special Weapons and Tactics, or SWAT) for routine police work. The most common use of SWAT teams today is to serve narcotics warrants, usually with forced, unannounced entry into the home.
"These increasingly frequent raids, 40,000 per year by one estimate, are needlessly subjecting nonviolent drug offenders, bystanders, and wrongly targeted civilians to the terror of having their homes invaded while they're sleeping, usually by teams of heavily armed paramilitary units dressed not as police officers but as soldiers. These raids bring unnecessary violence and provocation to nonviolent drug offenders, many of whom were guilty of only misdemeanors. The raids terrorize innocents when police mistakenly target the wrong residence. And they have resulted in dozens of needless deaths and injuries, not only of drug offenders, but also of police officers, children, bystanders, and innocent suspects."
- from the Executive Summary of a research paper titled, Overkill: he Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America by Radley Balko, CATO Institute.
But you have already heard this spiel…
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
These “red flag” laws, growing in popularity as a legislative means by which to seize guns from individuals. They are an excuse. The excuse sounds so reasonable. People who are viewed as a danger to themselves or others, have their guns removed. Yes, this is yet another Trojan Horse, a stealth maneuver by the police state to gain greater power over an unsuspecting and largely gullible populace.
Nineteen states and Washington DC have red flag laws on their books.
That number is growing.
As The Washington Post reports, these laws “allow a family member, roommate, beau, law enforcement officer or any type of medical professional to file a petition [with a court] asking that a person’s home be temporarily cleared of firearms. It doesn’t require a mental-health diagnosis or an arrest.”
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
Sound familiar?
Someone in the neighborhood doesn’t like you…
… they claim that you are a witch…
…or you are a communist…
…or a child sex offender…
…or are a danger to yourself.
In the midst of what feels like an epidemic of mass shootings (the statistics suggest otherwise), these gun confiscation laws—extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws—may appease the fears of those who believe that fewer guns in the hands of the general populace will make our society safer.
Of course, it doesn’t always work that way.
It’s just an excuse
SWAT team raids "The Garden of Eden" The beast is gaining more and more unbridled power to lash out as he did this week at "The Garden of Eden" - a small organic farm in Texas reported by a RT News. This is but one of many raids that take place on a daily basis throughout the U.S. In this case they held 6 adults at gunpoint and handcuffed them for 10 hours saying they were looking for marijuana. Throughout the day the police conducted their search, destroying parts of the farm in the process. However, the property owner Shelley Smith told the media, "They came here under the guise that we were doing a drug trafficking, marijuana growing operation. They destroyed everything.”
The residents believe the raid was only an excuse to allow them to change the farm's "unconventional appearance." Code enforcement cops came along with the SWAT team and Smith said that they had been issued a number of code violations recently including, “grass that was too tall, bushes growing too close to the street, a couch and piano in the yard, chopped wood that was not properly stacked, a piece of siding that was missing from the side of the house and generally unclean premises,” The cops found no drugs or criminal activity but arrested one of the members of the group for an unpaid parking ticket.
While in theory it appears perfectly reasonable to want to disarm individuals who are clearly suicidal and/or pose an “immediate danger” to themselves or others, where the problem arises is when you put the power to determine who is a potential danger in the hands of government agencies, the courts and the police.
Any excuse serves a tyrant
It took place in August, 2005 when a SWAT team killed an innocent man in his home while his wife and 4 year old son hid in a bedroom closet in Sunrise Florida. After killing the man, the police claimed they knocked on his door and announced they were police. But according to neighbors who watched the scene unfold from their window, the police in black masks did not identify themselves before smashing down his door and using a flash grenade expecting to find drugs and guns. The neighbors said that if the police had yelled, "POLICE!" - they would have heard it. The police claimed that 23 year old Anthony Diotaiuto (a two-time Iraq war veteran) fled from his bed into another room and "armed himself." Radley Balko (quoted above) reported that the police initially claimed that he fled to the bedroom for a handgun and pointed the gun at them. Later, the story changed with a spokesperson for the police saying that the "found the weapon next to his body" after they killed him.
Diotaiuto returned from his night shift at one of the two jobs he had to provide for his family. According to his friends, he had a shotgun and handgun which he kept for protection with a valid concealed weapons permit. Balko surmised that he rose from a deep sleep, disoriented by the crashing of his door and flash grenade and ran terrified into another room. After they killed him, the police claimed that they found 2 ounces of marijuana, some plastic baggies and a scale. But by the time the case went to a jury trial, that amount of marijuana was determined to be 16 grams, a little more than half an ounce. The Broward County medical examiner reported 10 bullet wounds in his head, chest, torso, and limbs.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
We’ve been down this road before.
Remember, this is the same government that uses the words “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably.
This is the same government whose agents are spinning a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports using automated eyes and ears, social media, behavior sensing software, and citizen spies to identify potential threats.
This is the same government that keeps re-upping the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows the military to detain American citizens with no access to friends, family or the courts if the government believes them to be a threat.
This is the same government that has a growing list—shared with fusion centers and law enforcement agencies—of ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that could flag someone as suspicious and result in their being labeled potential enemies of the state.
For instance, if you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution ...
(namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign),
Radley Balko’s White Paper, Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America:
Balko said that botched raids such as this one are not 'isolated incidents.' Other examples of SWAT teams misused are the hundreds of raids conducted each year at a wrong address. Often the people targeted are completely innocent, unlike in the Diotaiuto tragedy. Further, the 'no-knock' and 'quick-knock' raids often rely on anonymous tips and 'dubious informants to obtain the search warrants.'
The raids are intended to terrify. The police generally break down the doors with a battering ram or blow them off with explosives. Sometimes police use a flash bang grenade. Once inside, police force the occupants to lie prone, generally at gunpoint...
Balko wrote in Overkill, 'The idea of sending battalions of men dressed, trained, and armed like soldiers to do civilian police work should give us great discomfort'.”
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
Now consider the ramifications of giving police that kind of authority: to preemptively raid homes in order to neutralize a potential threat.
It’s a powder keg waiting for a lit match.
Duncan Lemp
Under these red flag laws, what happened to Duncan Lemp—who was gunned down in his bedroom during an early morning, no-knock SWAT team raid on his family’s home—could very well happen to more people.
At 4:30 a.m. on March 12, 2020, in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic that had most of the country under a partial lockdown and sheltering at home, a masked SWAT team—deployed to execute a “high risk” search warrant for unauthorized firearms—stormed the suburban house where 21-year-old Duncan, a software engineer and Second Amendment advocate, lived with his parents and 19-year-old brother.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
No one in the house that morning, including Lemp, had a criminal record.
No one in the house that morning, including Lemp, was considered an “imminent threat” to law enforcement or the public, at least not according to the search warrant.
So what was so urgent that militarized police felt compelled to employ battlefield tactics in the pre-dawn hours of a day when most people are asleep in bed, not to mention stuck at home as part of a nationwide lockdown?
According to police, they were tipped off that Lemp was in possession of “firearms.”
Thus, rather than approaching the house by the front door at a reasonable hour in order to investigate this complaint—which is what the Fourth Amendment requires—police instead strapped on their guns, loaded up their flash bang grenades and acted like battle-crazed warriors.
In May, 2010 Joseph Weekley, a Detroit cop shot and killed Aiyana Stanley Jones, a seven-year-old girl when they raided a home during the early morning hours as she lay sleeping on a sofa in her home on Lillibridge Street in Detroit. Aiyana was shot in the head and neck. Assistant Police Chief Ralph Godbee said the heavily armed "Special Response Team" was executing a "no-knock" search warrant for a homicide suspect and they threw a flash grenade through an unopened window around 12:45 a.m. before charging in with guns drawn but they got the wrong house. It may have never gained international attention except that it was recorded by a reality TV crew, which was filming an episode of “The First 48,” a program like "Cops" and other racist TV shows that feed off the misery of victims in praise of the work of US police.
In June, 2013 Weekley went on trial for involuntary manslaughter with a possible sentence of 15 years in prison. The cop claimed that he had "physical contact" with the little girl's grandmother, Mertilla Jones, after entering the home. On June 18, the trial ended in a hung jury and he is now to be retried. In the trial, Grandmother Mertilla testified,
"I saw the light leave out of her eyes, and blood gushed out of her mouth. I knew she was dead.” After the first trial, Mertilla stated, "He admitted he shot and killed her. He's a dirty cop because he said I touched him. I never touched that man. ... I was never anywhere near Joseph Weekley. He's a lying [expletive] cop."
The Military patrol America today
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
This is what you get when you live inside a Military Empire.
This is the blowback from all that military weaponry flowing to domestic police departments.
This is what happens when you use SWAT teams to carry out routine search warrants.
Red Flag Laws
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
This is what happens when you adopt red flag gun laws, which Maryland did in 2018, painting anyone who might be in possession of a gun—legal or otherwise—as a threat that must be neutralized.
Therein lies the danger of these red flag laws, specifically, and pre-crime laws such as these generally where the burden of proof is reversed and you are guilty before you are given any chance to prove you are innocent.
Red flag gun laws merely push us that much closer towards a suspect society where everyone is potentially guilty of some crime or another and must be preemptively rendered harmless.
Where many Americans go wrong is in naively assuming that you have to be doing something illegal or harmful in order to be flagged and targeted for some form of intervention or detention.
The American Police State
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
In fact, U.S. police agencies have been working to identify and manage potential extremist “threats,” violent or otherwise, before they can become actual threats for some time now.
All you need to do these days to end up on a government watch list or be subjected to heightened scrutiny is use certain trigger words (like cloud, pork and pirates)…
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
Be warned: once you get on such a government watch list—whether it’s a terrorist watch list, a mental health watch list, a dissident watch list, or a red flag gun watch list—there’s no clear-cut way to get off, whether or not you should actually be on there.
You will be tracked wherever you go.
You will be flagged as a potential threat and dealt with accordingly.
This is pre-crime on an ideological scale and it’s been a long time coming.
The government has been building its pre-crime, surveillance network in concert with fusion centers (of which there are 78 nationwide, with partners in the private sector and globally), data collection agencies, behavioral scientists, corporations, social media, and community organizers and by relying on cutting-edge technology for surveillance, facial recognition, predictive policing, biometrics, and behavioral epigenetics (in which life experiences alter one’s genetic makeup).
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
It’s the American police state’s take on the dystopian terrors foreshadowed by George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and Phillip K. Dick all rolled up into one oppressive pre-crime and pre-thought crime package.
If you’re not scared yet, you should be.
It’s a Nightmare America
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
Connect the dots.
Start with the powers amassed by the government under the USA Patriot Act, note the government’s ever-broadening definition of what it considers to be an “extremist,” then add in the government’s detention powers under NDAA, the National Security Agency’s far-reaching surveillance networks, and fusion centers that collect and share surveillance data between local, state and federal police agencies.
To that, add tens of thousands of armed, surveillance drones that will soon blanket American skies, facial recognition technology that will identify and track you wherever you go and whatever you do. And then to complete the picture, toss in the real-time crime centers being deployed in cities across the country, which will be attempting to “predict” crimes and identify criminals before they happen based on widespread surveillance, complex mathematical algorithms and prognostication programs.
Hopefully you’re starting to understand how easy we’ve made it for the government to identify, label, target, defuse and detain anyone it views as a potential threat for a variety of reasons that run the gamut from mental illness to having a military background to challenging its authority to just being on the government’s list of persona non grata. Finally, add in the local police agencies and SWAT teams that are being “gifted” military-grade weaponry and equipment designed for the battlefield and trained in the tactics of war.
It all adds up to a terrifying package of brute force coupled with invasive technology and totalitarian tactics.
This brings me back to those red flag gun laws.
It’s the nail in the American Coffin
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
In the short term, these gun confiscation laws may serve to temporarily delay or discourage those wishing to inflict violence on others, but it will not resolve whatever madness or hate or instability therein that causes someone to pull a trigger or launch a bomb or unleash violence on another.
Indeed, those same individuals sick enough to walk into an elementary school or a movie theater and open fire using a gun can and do wreak just as much havoc with homemade bombs made out of pressure cookers and a handful of knives.
Nor will these laws save us from government-instigated and directed violence at the hands of the militarized police state or the blowback from the war-drenched, violence-imbued, profit-driven military industrial complex, both of which remain largely overlooked and underestimated pieces of the discussion on gun violence in America.
No matter how well-meaning the politicians make these encroachments on our rights appear, in the right (or wrong) hands, benevolent plans can easily be put to malevolent purposes. In this way, even the most well-intentioned government law or program can be—and has been—perverted, corrupted and used to advance illegitimate purposes once profit and power are added to the equation.
The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, asset forfeiture schemes, road safety schemes, school safety schemes, eminent domain: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the police state’s hands.
And what is next…
Well, it’s when the elites declare that they are a class that is up and above that of the American citizenry.
The following article is reprinted as found with limited editing to fit in this venue, and all credit to the original author. by Baruch Pletner,PhD,MBA
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: A Revolution In Reverse: The Uprising Of The American Elites Against The American People
The great Bolshevik revolutions of the last century in Russia, in China, and in Cuba all followed a familiar pattern: a group of young, energetic, endlessly corruptible, but not yet corrupt outsiders take on, in the name of the people, a tired corrupt establishment.
A civil war ensues in which the people side with the revolutionaries because they (mistakenly) think that things can never be worse.
Revolutionaries win, slaughter the establishment elites, and proceed to rob and enslave the people in even more outrageous fashion.
In May, 2008, a SWAT team raided a home in Norwalk, Connecticut after a prostitute called the police telling them that the home contained drugs and weapons. She gave the police a false name and after the killing no weapons were found but the police killed Gonzalo Guizan and dragged the home owner, Ronald Terebesi out in handcuffs. In February, 2013 taxpayers from 5 Fairfield County towns were ordered to pay $3,500,000.00 resulting from the raid on the residence in Norwalk that left Guizan dead, Terebesi traumatized and heavy damage done to his house. Reporter Jonathan Turley expressed his view of the $3.5 million settlement:
"Now, Easton First Selectman Thomas Herrmann insists that the settlement does not reflect any negligence by his officers or those of the other towns: 'While the defendants, police departments and officers from Darien, Easton, Trumbull, Monroe and Wilton maintain they were not responsible for the unfortunate death of Mr. Guizan, the insurers for the defendants, who will bear the full cost of the settlement, believed that it was best to resolve the matter rather than incur further attorneys’ fees, which were anticipated to be significant. The defendants concurred, further believing it was important to facilitate the Guizan family being relieved of the combined burden of litigation.'
"That seems a rather belated concern for the Guizan family since you first launched a virtual military assault on a drug allegation, then killed the unarmed Guizan, and then fought their claim for damages until you had little practical alternative but to settle."
The only thing the police found were two smoking pipes and a tin with a minuscule amount of drugs. Jonathan Turley described the raid and this part of his original story has since been redacted,
"One would have thought this was the alleged bin Laden raid, as it looked like a military operation in a war zone. Heavily armed police and SWAT teams raided a home owned by Ronald Terebesi based on a tip from a local stripper that she had a “dispute” with Terebesi. This sounds pretty harmless so far, but SWAT team members dressed in armor bore down on this home with flash grenades, snipers surrounding the house, and a virtual tank supplied to this police department after the cover up of 9/11 by DHS.
"When all was said and done, one man, Gonzalo Guizan, was killed and Terebesi was dragged from his home. Both of these men were unarmed, and had done nothing to warrant this raid, and in fact were cowering in a corner when the spray of bullets were fired."
Soon enough the old guard revolutionaries become every bit as corrupt as the ones they have replaced if not more so and the cycle repeats itself.
In America, the situation is rather farcically backwards.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
In America, the corrupt establishment elites have decided to stage a Bolshevik coup against the American people rather than the other way around.
A Tsar fully in command of his own kingdom staging a coup against his own people is a bizarre development to say the least, and yet, here we are in 2021 America.
Like always, there are reasons.
First and foremost among them is the sheer scope of the nepotism and corruption of the American elites in business, government, technology, and the intelligence services.
This scope has very likely far exceeded anything previously known in human history.
Had the dimensions of the robbery perpetrated by the American ruling classes against the American people become widely known earlier, America could well have experienced a more typical revolution, one by the people against the elites.
Well aware of the possibility if not probability of such an outcome, the people who run America put in place a plan to make it all but impossible.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
The plan involved the gradually escalating erosion of the limits on government powers put in place by the Constitution with a parallel erosion in the God-given rights guaranteed every American by the same document.
This was a fully bipartisan effort, put in place immediately after president Reagan departed office.
It is sufficient to observe the exponential increase in government versus private sector employment in America from 1988 to 2019 to fully grasp this point.
Stopping immigration from countries that have (or at least used to have) a tradition of personal freedom and limited government while throwing open the spigots for immigration from countries that have neither was the second part of the same plan.
The destruction of family values and Christianity in America was the third.
On the whole, the plan was a spectacular success.
Americans proved easy targets for propaganda on pro-gay rights and every other kind of moral depravity and have learned to bite their tongues and bow low whenever they heard the phrase: “diversity is our strength”.
White Americans learned to internalize guilt for something they had no control over – the very color of their skin.
Americans allowed themselves to become squeezed out of well-paying jobs by the elites-induced trifecta of low and high-skilled immigration and automation, with nary a whisper in protest.
All was going well for the elites until they had a panic attack, a freakout of unheard of proportions when a non-establishment person, Donald Trump managed to get himself elected president.
The problem for the elites inherent in Trump’s election was simple: they have not done much, if anything, to cover the tracks of their massive robbery of the American people.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
That meant that when Trump assumed office even their best efforts would likely not be good enough to stop him from perceiving at least a glimpse of the true scale of their crimes.
There is a certain irony in the fact that being criminals themselves, the American establishment has found, in Trump, the one true nemesis.
For he is a New York developer who cut his teeth dealing with the New York building trades, which are, of course, a criminal element in and of themselves.
Trying to pin on Trump their own sins of sexual corruption, nepotism, embezzlement, etc. has not been a well-thought out strategy on the part of the American power elites.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
This is simply because it enabled him to begin educating the American public as to the breathtaking scope of their own criminality.
And that pretty much explains what happened during the election of 2020; a coup d’etat against the American people, the American Constitution, and the American Republic itself.
Since the elites still very much permeate every hall of power in America, this is a one-off deal in which the rulers of a country set out to violently overthrow the very political structure of the country they are ruling, but, as they say, it is what it is.
The cover may be different, but the playbook is the same, so we are already being exposed to the oldies but goodies of…
escalating agitprop (weaponized lies and propaganda),
suppression of unwanted elements (cancel culture),
and paid snitching (whistleblowing).
Now we are entering into a new phase, that of secret trials with a predetermined outcome.
Apparently congressional Democrats are going to hold impeachment hearings (read Bolshevik tribunal) at a secret location with no rights whatsoever being afforded to the accused.
America is a military empire, it’s police are military soldiers.
Unfortunately for all of us, however, the scope of their criminal acts is such that they cannot contemplate any due process without committing political and even non-political suicide.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said federal government programs that armed police “with the weapons and tactics of war” had led forces across the United States to become unnecessarily and dangerously militarized.
“The use of hyper-aggressive tools and tactics results in tragedy for civilians and police officers, escalates the risk of needless violence, destroys property and undermines individual liberties,” the ACLU said in a report.
It said police forces set up special weapons and tactics (SWAT) units initially to face emergencies such as hostage situations and active-shooter scenarios.
But after studying more than 800 SWAT deployments conducted by 20 law enforcement agencies between 2011-2012, it said the specialized teams had moved away from that original role and were increasingly used to search people’s homes for drugs.
It said the raids were often violent, involving 20 or more officers armed with assault rifles and stun grenades, breaking down doors and windows, and screaming at occupants to get on the floor. It said children were present on numerous occasions.
The ACLU said the militarization of policing was also evident in police training that it said encouraged officers to adopt a “warrior” mentality – something it said was reinforced by the use of equipment such as battering rams, flashbang grenades, and armored personnel carriers.
It said the shift in culture was partly driven by U.S. Supreme Court rulings that gave police increased authority to force their way into homes, often in narcotics probes.
All things are on the table right now, including things that now sound crazy like setting up a parallel Supreme Court having declared the Constitution illegitimate because it was written by white males some of whom supported slavery and ratified without African American and other minority votes.
Needless to say, such actions may well precipitate an armed conflict we know of as civil war, but that would not be an unexpected outcome for the elites.
We know now that the American intelligence services all work for the elites and not for the people.
They will fight on their side in the coming war. What we don’t know is to what degree the armed forces have been infiltrated, especially the mid-level officer corps.
The outcomes of such cataclysms are never possible to predict, but we know what we know.
American ruling classes have long since betrayed her and her people to make themselves fabulously, generationally rich and powerful.
They could have cut a power-sharing deal with the American people as represented by president Trump; his hand has always been open to them.
They didn’t take him up on it.
Massive anger is building up in America now and the battle lines are drawn: either the American republic overthrows her own criminal elites or they overthrow her.
Which shall it be? To quote the Commander in Chief of the forces of light: “we’ll see what happens.”
The MM Opinion
Nothing is going to happen domestically. People are getting ready, ready, ready but there isn’t any “trigger” that will enable the unleashing of holy terror internally.
If something is going to happen, then it will happen externally.
Which brings up all these “waltzes” and “dances” that the Biden administration is involved in regarding other nations. It’s very blatant and “in your face”. Here’s my terms, you lowly Chink.. you lowly scum Russki… you evil Iranian… accept them or we will squelch you like the vermin you are.
Is it intentional? Or is the leadership complete morons? It’s difficult to tell these days. So I must ask…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
The American Revolution was built on a foundation of booze, led by tavern addicted Founding Fathers who could drink any frat boy under the table.
Yes, and we will explain it right here.
Throughout history, nations rise when there is righteous leadership that cared for its citizens' welfare and do the greater good. When they are corrupt and self-serving, those nations fall. Learn from history because we live in a world governed by cause and effect. History will repeat itself.
-Tom Tan
I’ve discussed this all before. You need to have a responsible government. One that decides to work FOR the people it is supposed to represent. And then, once that government gets it’s internal affairs in order, it makes alignments and agreements with other nations to build up trust. And that meas no CIA-style, NED-style, or NID-style interference and American-style “color-revolutions”.
Don’t you know.
Thursday, February 04, 2021, 22:52
China, Russia stress adherence to non-interference
By Xinhua
China and Russia said Thursday that the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, one of the basic norms governing international relations, should be upheld.
In a phone conversation between Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the two sides also pledged to jointly preserve global and regional strategic stability.
The two heads of state have also agreed to celebrate this year the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, pointing out the direction for deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between the two countries, Wang said.
Both sides should take this opportunity to add new dimensions to this important treaty and send a clear message to the world that the two countries will safeguard the security of themselves and along their peripheries, he added.
-Posted by: Mao | Feb 11 2021 21:38 utc | 20
As a direct consequence of Donald Trump wanting to throw the entire world into an enormous bonfire (global nuclear winter), the rest of the world reacted…
New and strong alliances have formed.
America has become severely isolated.
People are questioning the value and worth of having a “democracy“
But America isn’t giving up. The neocons are (seriously and really) “foaming at the mouth for a fight with China, or Russia (as the fall-back” default). Phew! It makes me want to hurl.
Caught In The Act - New York Times "Selectively Misquotes" Scientists To Fit Its "Prescribed Narrative"
The New York Times continues Trump's anti-China campaign by claiming that China hindered a WHO investigation into the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and is withholding data.
On W.H.O. Trip, China Refused to Hand Over Important DataThe information could be key to determining how and when the outbreak started, and to learning how to prevent future pandemics.
Chinese scientists refused to share raw data that might bring the world closer to understanding the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, independent investigators for the W.H.O. said on Friday. The investigators, who recently returned from a fact-finding trip to the Chinese city of Wuhan, said disagreements over patient records and other issues were so tense that they sometimes erupted into shouts among the typically mild-mannered scientists on both sides.
China’s continued resistance to revealing information about the early days of the coronavirus outbreak, the scientists say, makes it difficult for them to uncover important clues that could help stop future outbreaks of such dangerous diseases.
“If you are data focused, and if you are a professional,” said Thea Kølsen Fischer, a Danish epidemiologist on the team, then obtaining data is “like for a clinical doctor looking at the patient and seeing them by your own eyes.”
Peter Daszak, a member of the W.H.O. team and the president of EcoHealth Alliance in New York, said the trip was emotionally draining, as he and the team came to terms with the trauma of the early days of the pandemic. The team interviewed some of the first people to fall ill with Covid-19 in Wuhan, as well as medical workers.
“The world doesn’t realize, you know, that they were the first to get this thing,” Dr. Daszak said, “and they didn’t know how bad it was.”
While the Times claims that the Chinese have more data than they provided (they don't) and insinuates that they have something to hide, the researchers quoted in its piece reject both as nonsense.
Linking the NYT propaganda piece Peter Daszak refuted its basic tone:
Peter Daszak @PeterDaszak - 11:27 UTC · Feb 13, 2021 This was NOT my experience on @WHO mission. As lead of animal/environment working group I found trust & openness w/ my China counterparts. We DID get access to critical new data throughout. We DID increase our understanding of likely spillover pathways.
New data included env. & animal carcass testing, names of suppliers to Huanan Market, analyses of excess mortality in Hubei, range of covid-like symptoms for months prior, sequence data linked to early cases & site visits w/ unvetted live Q&A etc. All in report coming soon!
Quoting Daszak's tweet Thea Fischer pitched in:
Cont. reading: Caught In The Act - New York Times "Selectively Misquotes" Scientists To Fit Its "Prescribed Narrative"
Posted by b at 17:23 UTC | Comments (69)
The neocons are still living in their fantasy world, and the reality is starting to peer through the veil. America looks like a real ignorant, and stupid, piece of evil elephant shit.
The New York Times told blatant lies there including quoting Dominic Dywer whom they claimed was part of the WHO team.
Here Dwyer admits he was never on the team but part of a group of "independent experts".
"We go there as an international group and we're not part of the WHO, we're just independent experts."
Thea Fischer who was actually on the WHO covid origins team said the quoting of her out of context to convey a message exactly opposite to her experience was intentional (also known as lying).
NYT usually are subtle and crafty with their lies. With some countries like China they are bald faced liars.
Posted by: Doryphore | Feb 13 2021 20:20 utc | 29
It’s heavily promoted (don’t you know) that one-person, one-vote system is the pinnacle of “freedom” and “liberty” in the world. Which is rather strange as the founders of the United States said the absolute opposite.
And people are looking at these various systems of governance with a keen eye. Maybe there needs to be some changes they wonder…
Daniel Bell has put forward his views in favor of China's political meritocracy... against the one person one vote (Western Democracy model) as a mode of selection for political leaders. He has done this in two books.
The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy
Princeton University Press, 2015. ISBN 9781400865505.Dean of the School of Political Science and Public Administration at Shandong University and professor at Tsinghua University (Schwarzman College and Department of Philosophy). He was born in Montreal, educated at McGill and Oxford, has taught in Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai, and has held research fellowships at Princeton's University Center for Human Values, Stanford's Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioural Sciences and Hebrew University's Department of Political Science.
Ah. The founders of America were terrified of democracies. They wanted the United States to be a Republic.
You must be swimming in that great delicious "democracy". How's it working out for ya?
The Founders explicitly stated that democracies are dangerous and they always devolve into oligarchies, and if they still don't collapse from the corruption within, they become military empire that all tend to be consumed in great wars that pretty much destroy the nation irrevocably. That's why they made the United States into a Republic. You know, like China is today.
But don't my word for it. Read the Federalist Papers. Read what they had to say in their own words. It's on-line and it's free. great stuff, too. It discusses in great detail things that are important.
Beer is necessary.
"The idiocy of believing supposed democracy meaning each individual vote is equal in an economy of staggering wealth inequality where politcal power ... blah blah"
Everyone's vote in U.S. democracy is absolutely equal, the same as every spectator's cheer is equal at a football match. It doesn't matter whether you're cheering for the home team or the visitors, everyone's voice in the stadium has equal validity and value. Of course, it doesn't determine the outcome of the game, but the crowd gets to feel it participated in the victory or defeat.
Maybe there's idiocy to be mined in conflating process with outcome.
John Rachel
Now for some perspective…
How did America move from a “freedom loving (and living) Republic” to a tyrannical military empire controlled by a minority of ultra-wealthy oligarchs? It all started off right. They were saying the right things, and drinking the right beverages…
Saying the right things and drinking the right beverages.
Images of our Colonial forefathers usually involve powdered wigs, petticoats, and the thrill of throwing tons of tea into the Boston Harbor.
Woo, woo!
Although we often think of their era as proper and civilized, it turns out that the people who led the American Revolution knew how to party.
They were party animals! You bet-ya.
Beer powered revolution.
In fact, the American Revolution was built on a foundation of booze, led by tavern addicted Founding Fathers who could drink any college frat boy under the table.
Don’t you all just LOVE history?
Beer saved the Mayflower
The first settlers brought with them the English tradition of beer drinking.
Even during the famous 1620 voyage of Pilgrims on board the Mayflower, beer saved the voyage. The water aboard ship reportedly become brackish and potentially deadly while the beer on board remained drinkable.
The latter part of the voyage kept sailors and passengers alike happy with a good supply of beer. We tend to think of the Pilgrims as sober-faced, upright people who avoided fun at all times, but they obviously packed a lot of beer on board before embarking on a lengthy trip aboard the very crowded 110-foot Mayflower.
The Pilgrims were planning to go to Virginia but ended up in Massachusetts, landing on a cold, snowy, wind-blown coast on December 19, 1620. A minor inconvenience, you’d think.
The change in plans apparently was caused by the lack of water and the dwindling supply of beer on board the ship. Captain Christopher Jones recognized the need to preserve the dwindling stocks for his sailors on the return journey (which would be far too dangerous to undertake until the following spring), and so the passengers were encouraged to land near the top of Cape Cod.
Everyone loves beer.
Jones knew that the fresh water found in Massachusetts would be insufficient for the return voyage. First, the water might go bad on the return voyage; secondly, he and his sailors were not accustomed to drinking water.
His crew were not accustomed to drinking... water.
These instructions to keep beer on board the Mayflower for the return trip did not go down well with the Pilgrims. William Bradford complained that he and his companions “were hastened ashore and made to drink water, that the seamen might have the more beer.”
Pilgrim William Wood complained that he did not dare drink the water in the wilderness, preferring beer.
He wrote his opinion of fresh water: “I dare not prefere it before good beere.” (Wellsprings: A Natural History of Bottled Spring Waters by Frank Chapelle).
Used to beer, the Pilgrims were quite upset that they had to drink water instead.
The Pilgrims in Massachusetts were not the first Europeans in North America to enjoy alcohol.
The Dutch also had a functioning brewery in what is now Lower Manhattan by 1613, beating the Mayflower immigrants, who would not have anything resembling a formal brewhouse until at least 1621. Even before that, the Roanoke colony tried brewing with corn as early as 1584 (obviously before going missing).
The Pilgrims’ first encounter was an order for beer
A Native American startled the Pilgrims on March 16, 1621, by walking into Plymouth Colony and greeting them in English.
His name was Samoset, and soon it became clear that he was just looking to fill his mug, specifically with beer.
"Hi dudes! My name is Sam, but you can call me Sam-o-set. Hey, I don't hope that you would mind having a few brewskies with me? I'm awfully tired and really thirsty."
Samoset knew European ways and the taste of a cold one because he was a sagamore (lower-level chief) hailing from an Eastern Abenaki tribe in Maine, where European fishermen had already established some trade routes.
He had picked up some English, as well as a hankering for the fishermen’s beer.
Everyone loves beer.
Native Americans produced their own alcoholic beverages before settlement, but these were often weaker drinks used mainly for ceremonial purposes.
And yes, Samoset was the guy that introduced the Pilgrims to Squanto, one of the primary translators who helped arrange the first Thanksgiving with the local chief.
Eight ounces a day
“Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants to see us happy.”
– Benjamin Franklin
Oh baby!
A look into the daily drinking habits of our forefathers will explain how integral alcohol was to our history. Consider this: it is estimated that there were more taverns per capita than any other business in colonial America. In fact, the Colonial Williamsburg web site says:
Colonial Americans, at least many of them, believed alcohol could cure the sick, strengthen the weak, enliven the aged, and generally make the world a better place. They tippled, toasted, sipped, slurped, quaffed, and guzzled from dawn to dark.
Many started the day with a pick-me-up and ended it with a put-me-down. Between those liquid milestones, they also might enjoy a midmorning whistle wetter, a luncheon libation, an afternoon accompaniment, and a supper snort. If circumstances allowed, they could ease the day with several rounds at a tavern.
Gals love beer.
Alcohol lubricated such social events as christenings, weddings, funerals, trials, and election-day gatherings, where aspiring candidates tempted voters with free drinks. Craftsmen drank at work, as did hired hands in the fields, shoppers in stores, sailors at sea, and soldiers in camp. Then, as now, college students enjoyed malted beverages, which explains why Harvard had its own brewery. In 1639, when the school did not supply sufficient beer, President Nathaniel Eaton lost his job.
Colonial Americans drank more alcohol that in any other era, and certainly more than the national average today. It is estimated that the average American at the time drank eight ounces of alcohol a day.
A typical day started with a few shots of rum — coined an “Antifogmatic”— which would combat the morning fog. Back-breaking physical labor was a daily reality for the working class citizens of Colonial America, and this often led to another shot of rum by mid-morning, which was called a “cooler.” A little before lunch, our ancestors would enjoy a hard cider or two, and this would continue until it was time to visit the local tavern.
Upon dinnertime, they would enjoy a hearty meal and some brews with friends; claret, ratafias (a fortified wine or a fruit-based beverage), creams, punches, and other concoctions were also standard.
Before they went to bed?
The day would not be complete without a glass of wine to ease hardworking Americans into blissful sleep.
It’s no wonder that the rest of the world looked upon America as “bright and shining star” to emulate.
The American Revolution was fueled by spirits
“Wine is necessary for life.”
– Thomas Jefferson
Although there were endless meetings and debates that paved the way for America during colonial times, our forefathers’ love for a good drink was just as vital. Indulging in a cold lager was not only embraced — it was pretty much expected.
Some of the most revered men of the American Revolution professed their love for a refreshing, relaxing beverage.
Thomas Jefferson planted vineyards at Monticello and encouraged others to take up the practice; he was also known to import thousands upon thousands of bottles of his favorite wine.
As for Washington, he operated his own whiskey distillery and it was said that he could dance the night away with four bottles of wine under his belt. His Revolutionary War personal expense account for alcohol from September 1775 to March 1776 amounted to over six thousand dollars (Washington & Kitman, 1970).
Franklin’s Return to Philadelphia, 1785, painted by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863-1930) — with some, uh, later enhancements.
“My manner of living is plain…a glass of wine and a bit of mutton.”
– George Washington
Beer is good for you.
Not only did alcohol provide a good time, it also caused some serious controversy — to the point of a war breaking out.
Wine almost sank ships — the Liberty Affair
American patriot John Hancock caused quite the stir when he smuggled Portuguese Madeira into the American colonies and things didn’t go exactly as smoothly as he had intended. The seizure of his ship sparked a riot and the burning of a British customs boat.
Asked to name the key events that led to the American Revolution, many will bring up the Boston Massacre of 1770 or the Boston Tea Party of 1773. But another incident that proved to be just as critical in fostering the revolution was the Liberty Affair—an important turning point in American history during which Madeira played a central role.
Before John Hancock became famous for his signature, he was a Boston merchant and alleged smuggler who constantly thumbed his nose in the face of British tax collectors. On May 9, 1768 however, his sloop Liberty arrived with 25 pipes (large wooden barrels) of “the best sterling Madeira,” just one quarter of the vessel’s carrying capacity.
Believing that he had unloaded the rest without paying the required duties, the ship was seized and Hancock was charged with smuggling. This resulted in one of the worst riots in Boston’s history when colonists, already infuriated with the Royal Navy for impressing them [the taking of men into a military or naval force by compulsion], violently revolted in the defense of Hancock and his supposedly smuggled wine. Call it the Boston Madeira Party!
Cheers to that!
Did you know that America is trying to ban alcohol again? Yup it’s true.
I had to read that twice. Then what the fuck are you supposed to drink at bars? Coke-cola? Sometimes I just read the American “news” and just shake my head. Is this all that delicious “democracy” that I keep hearing about? Is this what “freedom” is all about?
Don’t even think about flying to PA or FL to have a good time. It ain’t gonna happen. No way. No how.
“Democracy” it’s finger lickin’ good!
Well, drinking white wine (I am drinking 53 degree hard grain right now (also known as “white wine”) makes me want to say “phooey” to all this stuff about “saving” America and recovering it to something worthwhile. As I drink I see the wisdom of the forefathers.
If it is working, you did good.
If it is broken, it is up to the people in-charge of running it, to fix it.
If that does NOT happen, then your system (that you put in place) is a failure. And you know what? You need to start again, all over.
I know, I know. Drinking is “taboo” in the United States.
But outside of it, it’s part of life. It makes and helps you see the insanity that the Untied States has become.
Doing things right.
The forefathers of the United States were smart.
Drunk, but smart.
But their wisdom is lost. It’s all off in dusty unread volumes in the back of old libraries. No one pays what they said, and give it any attention. For goodness gracious, people talk about how great “democracy” is!
That is so amazing. That is the LAST THING that they wanted to happen to the Untied States that they created. They warned about it. They pleaded. They wrote; “what ever you do… DON’T ever, ever establish a “democracy”. Because if you do you will create an oligarchy. And if you don’t stop it, it will evolve into a military empire and everyone’s lives will become “toast”.
Be toast - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
toast, to be. To be doomed or unworthy of further consideration. This slangy usage dates from the twentieth century. It can be applied to a person, a group, an idea, a project, and so on. It must be distinguished from being the toast of something, such as “the toast of the Academy Awards,” which means a person receiving much acclaim.
The “last thing”.
They also smoked weed” don’t you know…
…(have you) ever watched the movie “Dazed and Confused”?
Or maybe the MM audience are all too “high brow”.
But they were correct.
Do your best, and show the way. If others abuse it, it’s not your role to change them. Let them learn from their mistakes. Let them make them and suffer the consequences. And while all this is going on, you all just go off to your nice “safe place”, cavort with pretty girls (or guys if that is your desire), sing a few songs, try to dance a jig or two, and eat some delicious food with some fine, fine libations.
And please, make sure that you have some pet pals (dogs, cats, and horses) would be really nice. Make sure that you have some treats on hand. And let those “fuck ups” that are running your nation into the ground… suffer the consequences of their ignorance.
It’s time for some cheese and crackers, and some nice frothy cold beer. (Hey! Doesn’t that green lamp base to the right look like a 1960’s style bong to you all?) Ah. Remember the days when couch end tables were filled with magazines… Oh, those were the days.
I’ll tell you what.
Go be with others that share your appraisal of the current state of “fuck up”, and just enjoy life. You all will be gone soon enough. Don’t you know…
Obama,love him or hate him, at least he drank beer.
And you know, the Chinese love to have fun too…
And yes they really do. Anyone that drinks beer and alcohol can’t be all bad. In fact, I argue that all of the disruption during 2020 was due to the non-drinking teetotalers of the American neocon administration. And that’s my strong opinion.
You all need to have a good time.
We all need to have a good time. It’s what humans do.
But there are people who have evolved past the basic needs of being human. Instead, they have become a different kind of creature. And I have discussed this at length elsewhere, don’t you know. We as humans need to get a little crazy and a little silly at times. I strongly believe this.
We as humans need to get a little crazy and a little silly at times. I strongly believe this.
But on a much more serious note. Take care of whom is running the nation. There are many, many psychopaths out there, and they all seem to evolve towards positions of power and control. You know, if you continue to let sociopaths and psychopaths run the United States Government, then this is what you all can look forward to…
Change the uniforms, and change the name of the targeted group. It’s coming to America you all. If you are port of the “undesirable group” this will be your fate. Sure as shit. Who’s gonna be the objects of this assault? Oh, you know. You know.
You know.
Don’t you?
Lately I have been researching my family history. Ah. It’s a long story. I’m West Prussian and Irish. A mutt. An American mutt living in China. But still, looking at my history shows some things that put a real smile on my face, and some perspective.
It also explains my love of beer, whiskey, and pretzels. Glorious, hot, fresh, steamy horseradish-covered pretzels.
Pretzel, hot, with mustard and horseradish. Yum!
Oh and don’t forget the kelbassa.
Kielbasa is any type of meat sausage from Poland, and a staple of Polish cuisine. In American English the word typically refers to a coarse, U-shaped smoked sausage of any kind of …Wikipedia
Oh, and I do love a good strudel, some fine Polish sausages, and some big-chested beer girls. Not to mention a tad bit of accordion music, and some jig dancing. Those Lederhosen also helps me get into the mood.
Lederhosen are short or knee-length leather breeches that are worn as traditional garments in some regions of German-speaking countries. The longer ones are generally called Bundhosen or Kniebundhosen. Once common workwear across Central Europe, these clothes—or Tracht—are particularly associated with Bavaria and the Tyrol region.Wikipedia
Beer Girls. Germany.
And some Beer People.
Beer People. Germany.
Beer people having fun. Here’s some more beer girls.
More beer girls. Why do they all look like my sisters and cousins?
This was a post about beer, and some nonsense about America thrown in for things to talk about while drinking beer. I hope that you enjoyed my daily rant.
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Well, America is in the middle of the COVID-19 viral emergency. Due to incompetence at all levels of the various American governments, there has been a complete failure of handling this event and it has manifested into an outright fiasco. With things as they stand today, and what we know about the corrupt American government, what is next?
Already States, and local governments are placing restrictions on liberty and behaviors. Stores are being ordered to close and assembly can get you arrested.
No one stated it better than Remus in the Woodpile Report…
These are your choices. They always were and they always will be.
Prepare when no one else is preparing.
Panic when everyone else is panicking.
Got food? Ammo? Meds?
It's too late now to prepare adequately for the pandemic much less the impending derailment of civilization itself. Preppers were calmly topping off their stashes in early January, at regular prices, in any quantity with lots-o'-choices. They saw the foreshadow of this emergency and acted appropriately. Prepping always looks crazy until the rug gets pulled. Paranoia is a survival tool, panic is not.
Systems are visibly collapsing.
The stock market is out-crashing the 1929 debacle in both speed and depth. "No Admittance" signs are posted at hospitals and needed surgeries are being cancelled. Police aren't responding to anything less then a murder in progress. Cities are opening the prison doors and chasing off the inmates. Food wholesalers were cleaned out in a fortnight and many can't restock enough to matter. Others have stopped answering their phones.
Guns and ammo are selling at a record rate.
Dealers say even anti-gun leftists are buying 'em. No one will say it, but it won't take much scarcity for the perpetual EBT Diversity to go where the food and supplies are. It's just there they'll meet real resistance for the first time in their lives. The suburbs have learned their family freezers are worth more than social posing. Unlike the stock market, price discovery will be utterly reliable when it comes to fried chicken and a six pack.
Emergency Rooms
Our Open Borders Diversities already clog the ER and get it all for free because you're paying their bills. Activists will choose the most deserving victims and it won't be the Deplorables. Compulsory charity can't be any other way. Tribal loyalty or redemption will be served. Either way, traditional Americans are a problem to be solved and inaction leaves no fingerprints.
The Center for Disease Control
The CDC had one job. Virology. Other countries had reliable test kits ready to go, in sufficient quantity to be useful. The technology is decades old yet the "renowned" CDC managed to botch it. The CDC distributed excuses and promises. N95 masks? Ventilators? Um, no. Maybe eventually, their Top Men are working on it. Somehow they always have plenty of everything to "fight the epidemic of obesity and racism" but not enough to perform their mandate. The CDC is useless and incompetent, an 11 billion dollar scam, benefiting no one except otherwise unemployable social activists.
Meanwhile, Russia is shipping nine planeloads of medics and surplus equipment and supplies to Italy, including ventilators.
Natural News reports:The battle for Los Angeles is lost. LA County announces no more testing for coronavirus, containment now impossible, 100,000+ may die in LA, prepare for chaos
The tipping point of containment has long since passed. That’s not even the goal anymore, and the number of infections being reported out of LA will no longer even come close to describing the real situation on the ground there...
Expect chaos. Expect looting and violence. It's LA, after all, and the gangs are barely kept in check even during good times.
America is right now in the midst of a full-scale SHTF event.
This is the thing that preppers have been readying for all these many, many years. And as all preppers know, there is a point in time when you are in the middle of “it”…
When you are in the middle of “it”.
With all this in mind, lets take a look at what will follow next…
A need for “violent” change.
For the oligarchy (PTB) have well prepared for this. And make no mistake, they will use this event to consolidate their power and implement sweeping changes to America… to your families and… your way of life.
Let’s dust off this document of horror…
The following is an article titled “The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil Unrest”By Larry Romanoff in Global Research, November 27, 2019. Edited to fit this venue and all credit tot he author.
The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil Unrest
Preparing For Civil War?
US authorities have for decades become increasingly prepared for mass civil disturbances resulting from government and corporate attacks on American society. We can recall that in the early 1980s the Hidden State launched its open war on the middle class by the savage FED-induced recession and the unilateral revocation of the social contract that had existed since 1946.At that time, the US government had already anticipated widespread public unrest, fully expecting mass protests and riots, and had made preparations to deal with them in the form of internment camps. In a real sense, the government had prepared for another civil war.
Like most of the “Great Transformation”, it began during Reagan’s reign with what was called “Rex 84”, an abbreviation for Readiness Exercise 1984.
It is a plan by the US government to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of civil unrest.
This master plan involved the FBI, Department of Defense, the Emergency Measures group, the Secret Service, the CIA and altogether 34 government agencies.
It was presented as an exercise to test military assistance in civil defense in times of national emergency, but in fact the plan was anticipating civil disturbances, major demonstrations and labor strikes that would affect continuity of government.
The anticipated civil unrest from the FED-induced financial crisis that devastated the middle class was considered “subversive”.
And, REX-84 is an authorization for the US military to implement government-controlled movements of civilian populations at both state and regional levels. Including the arrest of many segments of the American population, and the imposition of martial law. (1) (2)
Federal Police in America have been training alongside the American military to best be able to deal with Americans within the individual states.
Initially, the Rex-84 program was created under the pretense of a possible mass exodus of illegal aliens attempting to cross into the US from Mexico.
However, when the program accidentally became public during the Iran-Contra Congressional hearings in 1987, it was revealed that it was in fact a secret federal government program…
“to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be ‘national security threats’.”
Ah. That good ‘ol “National Security” reason.
An Actual Program.
This was part of a master contingency plan.
It is a plan for which the FBI today has a primary list of more than 100,000 Americans, and a secondary list ten times larger, who are targeted to be rounded up as subversives.
Scene from the 1980’s movie “Red Dawn”.
This list includes labor leaders, scholars and public figures. With the incarceration designed to isolate political dissidents and to contain civil unrest.
And these are prison camps, ringed with fences, barbed wire and armed
guards, not places from which escape would be likely, and they were
designed to hold Americans, not Mexicans. (3)
“Avenge Me” Scene from the 1980’s movie “Red Dawn”.
There is no question the US government is prepared for the possibility of widespread and uncontrollable domestic disorder.
This program in place and building for years was encouraged by fears of a massive public uprising in the wake of the 2008 banking fraud.
US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said some years ago that [1] concentration camps were a likely future reality for Americans and [2] that the Supreme Court would not do anything about the tyranny should the executive branch think it necessary.
“Avenge Me” Scene from the 1980’s movie “Red Dawn”.
He mentioned the World War II internment of Japanese in the US and said of these camps,
“you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again”. (4) (5)
“Internment specialists”
In 2009, as the US financial crisis deepened and concern about public unrest was increasing, the US National Guard was posting job opportunities for “Internment/Resettlement Specialists” to work in “civilian internee camps”. These camps were within the United States. With Halliburton subsidiary KBR actively seeking subcontractors to staff “emergency environment” camps located in five regions of the US.
KBR, outsourced Americanized Gestapo forces.
Earlier, in 2006, KBR was contracted by Homeland Security to build detention centers designed to deal with “the rapid development of unspecified “new programs” that would require large numbers of people to be interned.” (6) (7)
The US has for many years been dangerously close to a situation where, if the American people take to the streets in protest, these internments can be easily carried out.
By 2004, there were more than 800 of these internment camps in the US, all empty, but all fully operational, staffed, and surrounded by full-time guards, ready to receive prisoners.
I have seen photos.
State of the art American patrol car.
As well, many military bases are slated to be closed down and used as extra civilian prisons if the need arises, all intended for the internment of dissidents and others deemed “potentially harmful to the state”.
Some camps can each hold 20,000 or more prisoners, a massive effort at civilian population control, and the program is still expanding.
America is at this point today.
The US is very near the point today where political dissidents questioning the actions of their government will risk being rounded up. And then forced into these prison camps,. This is essentially a government plan to forcibly suppress political dissent under the guise of rooting out domestic “terrorism”.
State of the art American patrol car.
The US government defines many Americans as having become “pre-revolutionary” from their outrage at the 2008 government-approved housing collapse. They have increasing concern that massive civil unrest would emerge from both the poverty-stricken lower classes and the eviscerated middle class. They believe that this would lead to what would become an internal civil war.
This is the reason that the FBI and DHS increasingly focus their “anti-terror” apparatus on white middle-class Americans like the Occupy Wall Street protestors who were categorized as “low-level terrorists”.
State of the art American patrol car.
“Domestic Security”
In 2008, the Washington Post reported government plans to station many tens of thousands of troops inside the country for purposes referred to as “domestic security”. They did this in the light of massive civil unrest that would follow an economic collapse or serious financial crisis, perhaps stemming from 2008.
According to the government document,
“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security”,
stating that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”.
State of the art American patrol car.
To prepare for this quelling of resistance, the US has resorted to demonizing its own citizens.
A recent study funded by DHS conveniently identifying those Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority” and who exhibit signs of being “reverent of individual liberty”, and re-categorizing them as “extreme right-wing” terrorists. (8) (9) (10)
The program is designed to “reduce and eliminate” all domestic resistance to the US government.
“Crowd control agents” will be used for this purpose, and government agencies will be involved in “gathering information on dissidents” to identify all those who have either “threatened or are creating disturbances”.
American police forces today.
Manuals and Policies.
The US military produced a manual on what it termed “Civil Disturbance Operations” that outlines how military assets will be used to “help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order” in the event of mass riots and civil unrest.
Military and other law-enforcement will be tasked with “breaking up unauthorized gatherings” and restoring order by
“presenting a show of force, establishing roadblocks, breaking up crowds, employing crowd control agents, and other operations as required”.
American police forces today.
The same government manual describes how prisoners will be processed through these internment camps, and outlines how these internees would be “re-educated” while detained in prison camps inside their own country by their own government.
FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations
A leaked military document titled ‘FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations’, outlined a program for “re-education camps” in the US which contained plans for “political activists” to be “pacified” by various psychological officers.
They would be re-programmed into “sympathizing” with the government and into “developing an appreciation of US policies” while detained in prison camps inside the US.
American police are fully equipped to suppress a well-controlled American populace.
The document was restricted to Department of Defense personnel but was been leaked and posted online.
It outlined policies for “processing detainees into internment camps” and made clear these operations would be used for domestic civilian situations. (11) (12) The full document is available here: (13)
“Once the detainees have been processed into the internment camp, the manual explains how they will be “indoctrinated”, with a particular focus on coercing political dissidents into expressing support for U.S. policies.”
The American police are trained to control, and suppress Americans who refuse to obey Federal laws.
Part of the stated role of the psychological officers would be to
identify political activists, political leaders, ‘malcontents’, and
other agitators, and to develop and execute appropriate
“indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes”.
However, their first task would be to “pacify and acclimate detainees
to accept the internment facility’s authority and regulations”.
Americans have become accustomed to the new face of Authoritarian government control.
Approved use of violence against Americans.
There are also disturbing insights into the government’s intention to use brutal force to violently quell any civil political unrest.
The manual includes a long list of weapons meant to be used against protesting American civilians, including anti-riot grenades.
All over America, from Hawaii to Alaska, from California to Maine, the police are armed with military weapons and equipment for use against American citizens.
Page 20 of the manual authorities the use of “deadly force” in confronting these peaceful political “dissidents”, the murderous intent made disturbingly clear with the directive that “Warning shots will not be fired” first.
Northcom itself, in a September 8, 2008 Army Times article, said the first wave of the deployment, which was put in place on October 1st at Fort Stewart and at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, would be aimed at tackling “civil unrest and crowd control”.
All sorts of high precision, and lethal weapons are deployed with American police and Federal police today.
In November of 2013, Forbes Magazine ran an article based on the AP newswire, detailing that DHS had been assembling a massive weapons arsenal since 2011 or 2012. (14)
The AP reported that Homeland Security had been stockpiling ammunition by buying more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in addition to a prior purchase of 1.5 billion rounds, for a staggering total of more than three billion rounds.
Depending on the state and the local police force, all manner of high-technology and state-of-the-art weapons are issued to police forces. These weapons are not for the military to use against an enemy. They are for American police to use against American people.
This is more ammunition than the US military used collectively in all its wars in the last decade, and represents about ten shots for every man, woman and child in America.
There were also confirmed purchases by various government agencies, of hundreds of millions of hollow-point rounds to be delivered to dozens of locations around the US.
These bullets are so lethal they are banned for battlefield use during wars because they mushroom and fragment on impact, their only purpose being to cause the maximum possible damage to internal organs.
The reader must ask themselves why suppression firearms, like machine-guns, and grenade launchers are being issued to American police forces. The Constitution has been quite explicit and exact that standing armies are forbidden to exist upon American soil.
Also purchased were large numbers of magnum rounds with the power to penetrate walls, and a frightening hundreds of millions more rounds of specialty sniper ammunition.
Friendly Weapons
Even more, it was reported in early 2015 that DHS had placed orders for massive amounts of other kinds of anti-civilian weaponry termed “Less Lethal Specialty Munitions”, which were described as “an arsenal of specialized weaponry for training and deployment against crowds”.
Why are American regional police forces issued and trained to us the M134 GAU-17 Gatling Gun?
These included flash grenades, light bursts, gas and chemical grenades, riot rounds, rubber bullets, and much more.
These are all heavy-duty crowd control and civilian intimidation weapons.
They have no other purpose and, in the volume in which they are being purchased, it is clear the US government is expecting some very serious civil disturbances, possibly a revolution, and soon.
One such non-lethal weapon is the 500-vold shotgun.
As recently as 2018, Forbes was reporting more of the same, that these purchases have reached an astonishing ubiquity.
It isn’t only Homeland Security who is arming to the teeth. Thousands of agents at the IRS now have tactical assault rifles and heavy weaponry.
The Small Business Administration and the Department of Veterans Affairs have purchased thousands of Glock handguns.
The Health Services agencies purchased millions of dollars worth of Glock handguns – equipped with silencers.
The US Geological Survey, which is a weather bureau, purchased millions of dollars worth of Winchester Black Shadow shotguns with large bulk ammunition orders in addition to Glock handguns.
Even the Department of Education purchased millions of dollars worth of Glock handguns, shotguns and body armor.
I am unaware of any nation in the world where the income tax department or the departments of education and health care require huge amounts of military-grade weapons, much less body armor and gun silencers.
Non-lethal microwave cannon to use to fry the living daylights out of protesters and mobs.
Armed to the teeth
In June of 2016, RT reported that non-military federal agencies had more firepower than the entire US Marine Corps.
This including agencies like education, health and income tax. (15) RT documented, a new report where 67 non-military federal US agencies spent $1.50 billion purchasing guns, ammunition and military-style equipment.
Tazer pistols are quite common all over America and are used with far less restraint than normal pistols.
The details came from the Militarization of America: non-military federal agencies purchases of guns, ammo, and military-style equipment, published by the non-profit good government group OpentheBooks.com. (16) (17)
In addition to the massive purchase of ammunition, DHS was showing off its acquisition of heavily armored and mine-resistant personnel carriers.
Sticky foam is one such non-lethal weapon that is deployed inside America.
These have been seen on streets all across America and verified with photos and video.
Forbes noted that these vehicles are equipped with gun ports and are “designed to withstand IEDs, mine blasts and 50 caliber hits to bullet-proof glass”, and asked why they would be necessary on American streets.
The “Thunder Generator” was originally developed by Israeli farmers to scare away crop-eating birds. However, it has now grown to become a viable weapon against humans. In good conditions, the Thunder Generator can hurl a series of super-short shockwaves up to 100 meters (328 ft) away. In general, these shockwaves serve to only knock down and stun individuals. Any closer than 10 meters (33 ft), however, and the waves can result in permanent damage or death.
The DHS also purchased large amounts of riot gear and bullet-proof checkpoint booths, as well as a purchase of 7000 automatic rifles, and 2700 armored vehicles, and the deployment of drones with allowance for their use on US citizens.
The DHS is becoming a massive domestic army to handle domestic conflict. In the words of Ellen Brown,
“somebody in government is expecting some serious civil unrest …”
American police have taken a page out of the Communist Chinese civilian suppression manual and have adopted drones for surveillance, crowd control and suppression purposes.
False Claims of utility.
DHS chief Janet Napolitano claimed this was to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States that would require the “shelter and processing” of large numbers of people, but this is nonsense.
By whom will the US be attacked that Homeland Security would be responsible for defense, and from where would arise a mass of peaceful immigrants so large as to require more than three billion bullets to repel them?
America has spent millions of dollars, if not billions, on prisons and internment facilities to deal with emergencies and large scale unrest.
This is the same government that recently shut down many of its operations including most of the National Parks, for lack of funds, yet had sufficient money to purchase billions of bullets for a non-existent civilian army.
A spokesperson was quoted as justifying this massive purchase to “help the government get a low price for a big purchase”, and claimed DHS used “as many as 15 million rounds every year in training exercises”.
Someone should ask DHS to divide 3 billion by 15 million, which tells us the ammunition purchase will supply DHS needs for the next 200 years.
America has spent millions of dollars, if not billions, on prisons and internment facilities to deal with emergencies and large scale unrest.
The authorities naturally attribute criticism and hard questions to mentally-unbalanced ‘conspiracy theorists’, but this is one more instance where actions appear irrational and the official story is so full of holes that it makes no sense.
‘Unconventional’ paper targets.
Another DHS purchase that produced a firestorm of anger when its news went viral, was the supply of what we might call ‘unconventional’ paper targets which were used as practice shooting targets in ‘training exercises’.
This could very well be the future for many Americans who are not “with the program”.
These targets consisted of figures of American civilians in residential settings. They included small children. They include a young pregnant mother, and old women in robes. They include grandmothers and grandfathers in their kitchens and front yards. They include teenagers in parks, little girls and more.
Perhaps the most frightening part being that all these were termed “no hesitation targets”, meaning to fire without hesitation at the sight of these enemies.
American protestors are the exact type of people that these weapons are targeting.
What could possibly justify the supply of such targets to a military force, with such an instruction? The US fedbiz.op website took down the solicitation after Infowars broke the story, and eventually apologized publicly for creating these targets of small children.
A Fake City
In early 2014 it was reported that the US military had built a $100 million fake city of about 300 acres in Virginia, for use in training.
The Federal government has created these fake cities and towns from which to train warriors to fight American patriots on American soil with.
This was for the training of troops for the occupation of cities, complete with a sports stadium, bank, school, and an underground subway in order to train for future combat scenarios in American urban areas.
The subway carriages even carry the same logo as those in Washington DC. More disturbingly, it was reported that
“soldiers are being taught that Christians, Tea Party supporters and anti-abortion activists represent a radical terror threat, mirroring rhetoric backed by the Department of Homeland Security which frames “liberty lovers” as domestic extremists.”
The DHS is also building a 176-acre secure compound in the
lowest-income area of Washington, DC, which seems almost certainly a
preparation for civil war. (18) (19)
American soldiers, train alongside the DHS, in these American sized towns wearing full spectrum bio-warfare gear.
The Trigger Event
The trigger could be an economic collapse that causes angry Americans to flood the streets similar to the Occupy Wall Street and other scenes witnessed across both the US and Europe during the last FED-induced economic crisis.
Or it could be COVID-19.
It is worth noting that the Occupy Wall Street protest had the right idea but the wrong target.
A military urban training center, which is a mock 30-acre town located on Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, has been recently upgraded to look more American than the ‘international city’ it once did, adding a Baptist church, a police station and several farmhouses. Just last February we posted a story of another fake “American looking” city, equipped with our street signs, a church and an underground subway system nearly identical to one in Washington DC.
Wall Street is just an idea, and a bit player. The ultimate cause is the FED, and that should have been their focus. But the FED, the bankers and the FBI saw this coming and infiltrated and financed the protest groups as a way to take control and deflect them from any useful action or focus.
The “top secret” exercises
In the middle of 2013 several US local media reported the DHS was conducting widely public but still “top secret” exercises categorized as “full scale terrorism drills” across the entire nation.
All of this was with the stated purpose of making citizens “feel safe”, but which resulted in thousands of terrified people not knowing how to respond to what appeared as a domestic invasion by the US military.
The military has a very long history of training and using aerosols that they would spray over regions. They have done this for cloud seeding, insect control, and to practice germ and chemical warfare operations in simulated battle conditions.
People were capriciously apprehended and released after having their belongings searched, but nevertheless urged to celebrate their “independence” from tyranny.
These drills were presented as readiness training for potential terrorist incursions, though DHS failed to mention the New York Times observation that all the domestic terror plots in the United States over the last decade were “hatched by the FBI”.
One other worrying development …
One other worrying development was the appearance of US military C-130 cargo planes apparently spraying “mosquitoes” over various Florida cities at an altitude of less than 50 meters.
An American Air Force C-130 spraying pesticides over a target area.
Pest control is hardly a military duty, these events immediately reminding me of the US military spraying bacterial and other pathogens over many parts of the US in various CIA-related experiments on the domestic population.
These low-altitude overflights are almost certainly practice runs for potential crowd control in the future, for dispensing tear gas or other non-lethal (or lethal) material that would disperse or disorient protestors.
A spraying and aerosol mixing assembly system being installed and loaded into a C-130 cargo plane for undisclosed purposes.
I cannot imagine all the possibilities, but the US military most certainly is not going into the mosquito-spraying business. (19) (20)
US Major General Curry was quoted as stating,
“We have local police, backed up by each state’s National Guard, backed up by the Department of Defense. So in addition to all these forces why does Homeland Security need its own private army? Why do the SSA, NOAA and other government agencies need to create their own civilian security forces armed with hollow nose bullets?”
Some may want to dismiss this as just another conspiracy theory, but we might recall the words of Senator Daniel Inouye in 1987,
“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
The threats to civil liberties
The threats to civil liberties go much farther and are much more ominous than I’ve related so far.
Another factor is the spate of secret Executive Orders that Obama signed without Congressional approval, observers claiming those orders violated existing laws and were therefore illegal, but that the powers behind the White House considered themselves above all law.
Militarized police can go and conduct military operations, using the same sort of tactics, in America against Americans at will.
One of the most sinister was Executive Order 13603 which granted authorization to seize possession of every possible resource, including property and “all food storage facilities”.
One author wrote that…
“This extremist, maniacal edict is designed to enforce our submission, rendering us totally dependent on Big Brother government or face the obvious – starvation and extermination.”
What could possibly have instigated such an order, unless the government is preparing for an all-out war against the American people?
What possible excuse, during peace-time, would a “democratic” government have, for the initiation of a program to seize all the “food, water and food storage facilities” of a nation?
The various American government(s) at all levels have been training on how to control, herd and disarm normal American civilians.
If we add these to the internment camps and the bullets, what conclusions are possible?
Another Threat
Another ominous threat is that much of the NSA’s illegal intelligence-gathering activities were transferred to the Department of Homeland Security.
This is the same people with the 800 internment camps and the 3 billion bullets.
The apparent reason is that the NSA can collect information on domestic political dissidents but has no police powers to act on them, whereas DHS has legislative authority to gather, arrest and incarcerate anyone on their watch lists.
American police today more resembles a military army that operates on American soil, in complete defiance of the United States Constitution.
DHS is apparently creating a “graded list” of these targeted so-called “security threats”. Those at the top of this list assessed according to how widely disseminated are their anti-establishment views, the followers they appear to have. These will be the first to disappear into the internment maze.
This new policy gives Homeland Security full authority to effectively terrorize the American people under a pretense of controlling domestic terrorism. When we consider these two items, Executive Order 13603 and the new powers granted to DHS, the only possible response can be fear.
When the militarized police come into your communities they will first sweep it of guns, making absolutely sure that the civilians are disarmed properly and completely.
Secret Procedures
If all this isn’t enough, DHS was revealed to have a secret procedure for the instant shutting down of all private communications in America. This includes mobile phone networks. It is a program that was accidentally revealed when government officials in San Francisco disabled all mobile phone calls during a peaceful protest.
The administration insisted it had the legal authority to control these communications “during times of national crisis”, and “for the purpose of ensuring public safety”. It has also given DHS the power to actually “seize” all privately-owned communications facilities in order to prevent any civilian communications occurring.
It is quite common to find militarized police in America conducting “no knock” raids on innocent American civilians. People! Not even Communist China does this.
Some individuals applied to the courts for further information on these new procedures and policies, but DHS claimed it was “unable to locate or identify any records” in relation to the matter.
Nothing more to be said, but it’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that the US government is quickly becoming fully prepared for war against its civilian population.
No Fourth Amendment.
With the NSA revelations by Edward Snowdon, there is no longer any question that many US government agencies have been monitoring and gathering information on large numbers of known American political dissidents.
These many agencies include the NSA, FBI, CIA, DHS, various military groups and another 70 or 80 so-called “public-private fusion centers” scattered around the US.
Americans are monitored -, then they will be disarmed, as they are all on “lists” where the government will use to secure them into “camps” for their own safety.
Former NSA Technical Director William Binney claimed in an interview that the NSA had a list of 500,000 to one million people in the US who were closely watched and whose every communication and bit of personal data were recorded.
These are not terrorists in any sense, but potential leaders of political dissension and therefore potential suspects in the event of civil disturbances.
Americans are on “lists”…
There also exists a database known as “Main Core”, containing names of Americans who might be considered troublesome.
Knowledgeable sources claim these lists contains the names and communication information of more than eight million Americans who would be potential suspects of political activism.
“Political Activism” would include “national opposition to US military invasion abroad”.
It includes political dissidents, environmental and other activists, political and tax protesters, lawyers and professors, publishers and journalists, and many more who are most likely harmless, average people.
Average, everyday Americans, are the targets for the PTB; the oligarchy that plans to totally transform America into their vision of utopia.
The database apparently contains all to and from email addresses, all email content, all in and out phone numbers plus duration of calls, the amounts and locations of ATM withdrawals, all credit card purchases and much more.
It appears that this dissident surveillance program dates back to the early 1980s, the time of our Great Transformation.
When it was revealed that Oliver North, operating from a secure White House site, had been using a database called PROMIS which was part of the REX-84 plan, to track dissidents and potential troublemakers within the United States.
This database was meant to identify and immediately locate perceived “enemies of the state” if mass civil disturbances were to break out. (21) (22)
The perceived “enemies of the state” are average people like you and I, who might not agree with the % who rule America.
The Middle-Class Revolt
In late 2008 a leaked internal memo from Tom Fitzpatrick, Citibank’s chief technical strategist, contained ominous predictions for American civil society after the vicious financial crisis. He wrote,
“The world is not going back to normal ‘after the magnitude of what they have done'”.
Fitzpatrick claimed that [1] the massive destruction of the middle class, [2] the draining of all the wealth from the population, and [3] the QE money creation by the FED would either bring about a resurgence of inflation…
… or that the US would fall into “depression, civil disorder and possibly war”.
Occupy Wall Street protest.
He claimed that with the passing of each week and month there was a growing danger that could lead to political instability, a risk of domestic unrest because people were becoming increasingly disenfranchised and impoverished.
Lest we succumb to the temptation of accepting the 2008 financial
crisis and the resulting loss of homes as an accident of fate, it would
be wise to consider these quotes by Montagu Norman, Governor of The Bank
of England prior to the crash of 1929, addressing the United States
Bankers’ Association, New York, Idaho Leader, 26 August 1924.
“Capital must protect itself in every possible way, both by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through process of law, the common people lose their homes, they will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of the government applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers. These truths are well known among our principal men, who are now engaged in forming an imperialism to govern the world.”
And his thoughts on democracy:
“By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance.”
“It is thus, by discrete action, we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished.”
The US government has developed an increasing fear of its own middle class.
The PTB Oligarchy should not need to fear Average Americans unless…
Armed Citizens
A middle class that is wide awake to the protests and uprisings in other nations where governments have colluded with the international bankers.
And where large multi-nationals to gut their middle classes and effect the same transfer of wealth to the top 1% as occurred in America.
People in many Western societies have become disgruntled and bitter at the increasing evidence that their vaunted democracies have been usurped by the unrestrained capitalists, creating intolerable situations where the people are sacrificed for the increasing wealth of that same top 1%.
While the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world some people are stockpiling toilet paper and food, while Americans are flocking to buy guns. Images and videos of people lining up outside gun stores in the United States are emerging on social media. Amelia Adams, the US correspondent for Nine News tweeted a video of people lining up outside a gun shop in Los Angeles, with the queue trailing some 10 meters from the shop’s door down the sidewalk.
At first, the US government exhibited a grim and rather reprehensible kind of satisfaction at watching the misery in other nations where the FED and IMF and the International Bankers had succeeded in their aims of wealth transference, but it also realized that the same boiling rage existed in America and perhaps much less controllable.
US citizens were protesting against a government that was no longer democratic in any sense…
… and was both unwilling and unable to repair a hopelessly corrupt and inefficient system.
They finally awoke en masse and objected to ingrained corruption, shoddy public services, high taxes, homelessness, unemployment, rising inflation, the development of a police state, and more.
Public Rage
It is public rage at the realization of having been betrayed by a “democratic” government that converts civil unrest into political activism and revolution…
… and it is this that lies at the heart of the FBI’s categorization of US political dissent as “domestic terrorism”.
The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.
This terminology is important because the US, in all its hypocrisy for democracy, free speech and freedom of assembly, cannot face the world with open and apparent suppression of political dissent.
Therefore, US citizens protesting against their own government cannot be exercising free speech but rather anarchy and terrorism, thereby justifying the use of deadly force to control dissension.
The powers that control America (PTB) have no interest in fairy-tales of freedom. They are interested in wealth and control, and the people in any country are irrelevant – including those in the US.
The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.
Americans have experienced first-hand the destruction of their quality of life; they see clearly the disappearance of future opportunity for their children, and they recognize better than most the loss of their freedom of expression which they have so valued.
And they know it is precisely the retraction of that expression that is necessary for their no-longer-democratic government to maintain control.
The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.
This is where their economic and social dissatisfaction mutate into political activism – revolution, in fact – and it is this realization among the authorities that has spawned the internship camps, the billions of bullets purchased, and the “shoot to kill” orders.
Revolution – The Struggle for Class Power
Buried in the litany of troubles the US is facing today is the primary fact that the nation is engaged in a brutal class war, a struggle for class power that the bottom 99% are losing.
This war was declared in the late 1970s, gained great momentum in the 1980s and 1990s, and is still accelerating toward its final desperate conclusion.
There are few signs on the horizon that cause hope for a change in direction, and I fear it may be too late.
The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.
There is still power with the people themselves, and indeed without the both active cooperation and silent complicity of the people, none of the pathological descent into despair would have been possible.
Probably the only force in America that can change what is happening is the combined force of labor.
This isn’t so easy today, since the government killed most labor organizations and there is now little if any leadership.
A total withdrawal of labor succeeded in forcing a new social contract in 1946 and may be the only power remaining today, but times have changed and tactics must change too. If all unions withdrew their services with the full cooperation of unorganized labor, change might be possible.
Socialist Antifa shock-troops lining u to overthrow the government in favor of a social utopia.
But realistically, there is no hope that such a mass protest could be organized even though it is the only possible way to get the attention of whatever remains of a conscientious government and force through a reversal of the tide.
In any case, taking to the streets is unlikely to produce pleasant results. If the police don’t have enough bodies to beat up and arrest everyone, DHS has its internment camps, its 3 billion bullets, its years of practice with “no-hesitation” human targets, and it will use all of them.
BLM – Black Lives Matter forces demanding “social and racial change”.
The only safe way for Americans to go on strike today is to stay at home. On this topic, one internet commenter wrote,
“Just don’t go to work. There is no need to picket in the streets to be on strike, and the factories and offices will be just as quiet and empty, and the profits just as non-existent. The police cannot possibly conduct home-by-home visits to beat up strikers one by one, and no military, even the DHS, is efficient when trying to blow up houses scattered all over the county, one by one. Strikers are probably safe if they stay at home and lock their door.”
Another wrote,
“Another tactic is for Americans to simply quit shopping. They don’t have the money anyway, and don’t need all that useless junk. Don’t buy anything you don’t actually need, and delay even those purchases as long as possible, especially the big-ticket items like cars and furniture. If at all possible, delay every purchase for at least one year. As much as is practicable, stop driving your car. Cancel your cable TV and read a book.” Your grandmother gave you advice 100 years ago that is still valid today: “Use it up, wear it out. Make it do. Do without.”
A third commenter gave this advice:
“One thing you can do to get their attention is to stop paying your bills. VISA and MasterCard can’t cancel 800 million credit cards at the same time, and no bank can process 100 million mortgage defaults. No system can cope with massive non-payment of debt. You are their only source of money and you can ensure they don’t get any of it. That will wake them up. Tell them you’ll begin paying when the overseas corporate tax holiday is over, when high income taxes are reinstated for the rich, when the individual bankers are in prison and when the lost jobs begin returning. This isn’t foolproof, but it’s the best I can do.”
And finally, a more ambitious poster offered these comments:
“Today, the US State Department, the CIA and the FBI pride themselves on their ability to use Twitter and Facebook to cause civil unrest, chaos, violence, and even revolutions, in other countries. It may not have occurred to them that the same tools they use against everyone else can be just as easily used against them. The CIA used Gene Sharp and his Einstein Institute to prepare the Otpor civil disobedience manuals that our government used as the gunpowder to destroy Jugoslavia, and as the template for a dozen other “color revolutions” of which it was so proud. Copies are freely available on the internet.”
William Blum again:
“As I’ve said before: Inasmuch as I can’t see violent revolution succeeding in the United States (something deep inside tells me that we couldn’t quite match the government’s firepower, not to mention its viciousness), I can offer no solution to stopping the imperial beast other than this: Educate yourself and as many others as you can, raising their political and ideological consciousness, providing them with the factual ammunition and arguments needed to sway others, increasing the number of those in the opposition until it raises the political price for those in power, until it reaches a critical mass, at which point … I can’t predict the form the explosion will take or what might be the trigger … But you have to have faith. And courage.”
Isn’t this exactly what is happening today?
Isn’t all these suggestions what is occurring today? People are staying inside. They are not buying anything. They are sheltering in place, and cowering in fear.
This translates into one of two things.
Advantage for the PTB to implement drastic change.
Advantage for the grassroots American citizenry to implement drastic change.
Both of which are truly frightening in the “powder keg” that America is today.
Larry Romanoff is a
retired management consultant and businessman. He has held executive
positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international
import-export business. He lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a
series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He can be
contacted at: 2186604556@qq.com
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you.
Noharmwillcometome. TheAssemblyispreparedtotreatusleniently.
- Marie Antoinette
I’ve been musing about the direction that America is moving towards for some time now. In these musings I wonder what it must have been like for other oligarchies and their leadership when the torches and pitchforks came out. Let’s recall what happened in France to the wealthy living within their comfortable bubble of security.
Let’s look at what it was like for Marie Antoinette. One day, eating cake on fine china, surrounded by attendants in opulent attire, and the next day sitting in a dingy dungeon awaiting death.
In 1793, she was convicted by the Revolutionary Tribunal of high treason and was executed by guillotine on October 16, 1793.
The days preceding Marie Antoinette’s execution were excruciating. She was imprisoned, endured allegations of incest, and her hair went white overnight from shock. All the time, the entire nation loathed her, for she became the image of everything that was wrong with France at that time. She was the scapegoat.
True or not. Justified or not. It does not matter. She was used as the scapegoat, and suffered for her position and role within society.
The anti-Marie Antoinette propaganda was uniform and relentless. She couldn’t do anything right. If she wore lavish clothing, she was considered to be “out of touch”. When she wore “commoner clothing” she was considered to be “fake and insulting”.
It was a lose-lose proposition.
Much like the anti-China narrative going on now out of the American Media during the Trump Trade War.
Marie Antoinette – the final moments.
Marie Antoinette: the very name of the doomed queen of France, the last of the Ancien Régime, evokes power and fascination. Against the poverty of late 18th-century France, the five syllables evoke a cloud of pastel-colored indulgence, absurd fashions, and cruel frivolity, like a rococo painting sprung to life.
The real life, and death, of Marie Antoinette is certainly as fascinating. Falling from the Olympus-on-earth of Versailles to the humble cell of the Conciergerie and ultimately the executioner’s scaffold, the last days of the last real Queen of France were full of humiliation, degradation, and blood.
Life At The Conciergerie
Tucked away in its cavernous halls, Marie Antoinette’s life at the
Conciergerie couldn’t have been more divorced from her life of luxury in
Versailles. Formerly the seat of power for the French monarchy in the
Middle Ages, the imposing Gothic palace lorded over the Île de la Cité
in the center of Paris as part administrative center, part prison during
the reign of the Bourbons (her husband’s dynasty).
The final 11 weeks of her life were spent in a humble cell at the
Conciergerie, much of which she likely spent reflecting on the turns her
life — and France — took to bring her from the top of the world to the
guillotine’s blade.
Marie Antoinette being taken to the Conciergerie.
Marie Antoinette wasn’t even French. Born Maria Antonia in 1755
Vienna to Empress Maria of Austria, the young princess was chosen to
marry the dauphin of France, Louis Auguste, when her sister was found an
unsuitable match. In preparation to join the more formal French court, a
tutor instructed young Maria Antonia, finding her “more intelligent
than has been generally supposed,” yet also warned that “She is rather
lazy and extremely frivolous, she is hard to teach.”
The Years Preceding Marie Antoinette’s Death
Marie Antoinette embraced the frivolity that came so naturally to her
in a way that stood out even in Versailles. Four years after coming to
the heart of French political life, she and her husband became its
leaders when they were crowned king and queen in 1774.
She was only 18, and was frustrated by her and her husband’s polar
opposite personalities. “My tastes are not the same as the King’s, who
is only interested in hunting and his metal-working,” she wrote to a
friend in 1775.
As King and Queen they enjoyed different interests, different personalities and different habits. They were truly the “odd couple”.
Marie Antoinette threw herself into the spirit of the French court —
gambling, partying, and purchasing. These indulgences earned her the
nickname “Madame Déficit,” while the common people of France suffered
through a poor economy.
Madame Deficit
During her reign, Marie Antoinette became a hate symbol for those wishing to overthrow the privilege and power of the French Aristocracy. French society suffered from a deep class divide and she became known as Madame Deficit for her lavish spending. She was especially hated for the money she spent refurbishing the Palace of Versailles, particularly, her mini-estate, the Petit Trianon. Even though it had been built for the previous King’s mistress, it became associated with the Queen, and how out of touch with reality she was.
Yet, while reckless, she was also known for her good heart in personal matters, adopting several less fortunate children.
A lady-in-waiting and close friend even recalled: “She was so happy at doing good and hated to miss any opportunity of doing so.”
Smear Campaign
Prior to Louis XVI, the politically themed pornographic pamphlets and books that circulated through France would focus on the King’s mistresses, who were subject to ridicule, and considered promiscuous for their part in the King’s affairs. Louis had no mistresses, and therefore, critics unfairly turned their attention towards the Queen. Creating propaganda that portrayed the Queen as immoral was a way for revolutionaries to “prove” that the monarchy was corrupt, and they insinuated that she slept with several men and women, including her brother-in-law.
Whether deserved or not. The government running France for decades had plundered it. The wealthy elites treated the peasants as deplorable peasants not worthy of spitting upon. They considered them rabble.
Marie became the face for all the hate and anger.
The Monarchy And Revolution
However soft her heart was one-on-one, to the underclass of France
grew to consider her a scapegoat for all of France’s ills. People called
her L’Autrichienne (a play on her Austrian heritage and chienne, the French word for bitch).
The “diamond necklace affair”
made matters even worse, when a self-styled countess fooled a cardinal
into purchasing an exorbitantly expensive necklace on the queen’s behalf
— even though the queen had previously refused to buy it. When news got
out about the debacle in 1785, and people thought Marie Antoinette had
tried to get her hands on a 650-diamond necklace without paying for it,
her already shaky reputation was ruined.
Affair of the Diamond Necklace
In 1785, a scandal known as “The Affair of the Necklace” shocked the French court, and it would eventually be used as an example to discredit the French Monarchy. It began with the procurement of a diamond necklace worth 1,600,000 livres (about $10,000,000 USD) by the Comtesse de La Motte, supposedly for the Queen. In reality, it was for herself and her associates. Though the fraud was eventually exposed and the Queen proved innocent, the damage was done, and became one of the factors leading to the dissolution of the old order, and to the French Revolution.
Affair of the Diamond Necklace . A large and expensive necklace with a dark history was a PR disaster for the French monarchy
Inspired by the American Revolution — and the fact that King Louis XVI put France into an economic depression in part by paying to support the Americans — the French people were itching for a revolt.
And while it simmered for a spell. It eventually exploded into the open.
Madame Veto
With the country straining under the pressure of debt and a stagnating economy, Louis XVI proposed reforms to end the worst of the excesses, and to impose a more progressive taxation system. The reforms were blocked by clergymen and the nobility, but the press blamed Marie Antoinette, labeling her “Madame Veto.” There’s little evidence to prove whether or not she ever did veto the proposals.
Then came the summer of 1789. Parisians stormed the Bastille prison,
freeing political prisoners from the symbol of Ancien Régime power. In
October of that year, the people rioted over the exorbitant price of
bread, marching 12 miles from the capital to the golden gates of
The French Revolution had been simmering for decades, and finally it burst all over France in a glorious orgy of death and destruction.
Legend has it that a frightened Marie Antoinette charmed the
mostly-female mob from her balcony, bowing to them from above. The mob’s
threats of violence turned into shouts of “Long live the queen!”
But the queen wasn’t soothed. “They are going to force us to go to
Paris, the King and me,” she said, “preceded by the heads of our
bodyguards on pikes.”
She was prescient; members of the crowd, carrying pikes topped with
the heads of the royal guards, captured the royal family and took them
to Tuileries Palace in Paris.
The French Revolution had been simmering for decades, and finally it burst all over France in a glorious orgy of death and destruction.
The royal couple wasn’t officially arrested until the disastrous Flight to Varennes
in June 1791, in which the royal family’s mad-dash to freedom in the
Austria-controlled Netherlands crumbled thanks to poor timing and a
too-large (and too-conspicuous) horse-drawn coach.
The royal family was imprisoned in the Temple and on Sept. 21, 1792
the National Assembly officially declared France a republic. It was a
precipitous (albeit temporary) end to the French monarchy, which had ruled over Gaul for representing the fall of a nearly a millennium.
The French Revolution had been simmering for decades, and finally it burst all over France in a glorious orgy of death and destruction.
The Death Of Marie Antoinette
In January 1793, King Louis XVI was sentenced to death for conspiring
against the state. He was allowed to spend a few short hours with his
family until his execution before a crowd of 20,000.
Marie Antoinette, meanwhile, was still in limbo. In early August she
was transferred from the Temple to the Conciergerie, known as “the
antechamber to the guillotine,” and two months later she was put on
Death Of Marie Antoinette
She was only 37 years old, but her hair had already turned white, and
her skin was just as pale. Still, she was subjected to an excruciating
36-hour trial crammed into just two days. Prosecutor Antoine Quentin
Fouquier-Tinville aimed to denigrate her character so that any crime she
was accused of would seem more plausible.
Thus, the trial began with a bombshell:
According to Fouquier-Tinville, her eight-year-old son, Louis Charles,
claimed to have had sex with his mother and aunt. (In reality,
historians believe he made up the story after his jailer caught him
Marie Antoinette replied that she had “no knowledge” of the charges,
and the prosecutor moved on. But minutes later a member of the jury
demanded a response to the question.
Surrounded by people who hated and loathed her, she found herself alone and stripped of all that she knew and loved.
“If I have not replied it is because Nature itself refuses to answer such a charge laid against a mother,” the former queen said. “I appeal to all mothers here present – is it true?”
Her composure in court may have ingratiated her with the audience,
but it didn’t save her from death: In the early hours of October 16, she
was found guilty of high treason, depletion of the national treasury,
and conspiracy against the security of the state. The first charge alone
would have been enough to send her to the guillotine.
Her sentence was inevitable. As historian Antonia Fraser put it,
“Marie Antoinette was deliberately targeted in order to bind the French
together in a kind of blood bond.”
In the early hours of October 16, Marie Antoinette was found guilty of high treason, depletion of the national treasury, and conspiracy against the security of the state.
Shortly before she met the guillotine, most of her snow-white locks were cut off.
At 12:15 p.m., she stepped on the scaffold to greet Charles-Henri Sanson, the notorious executioner who had just beheaded her husband 10 months earlier.
Though the man in the black mask was an early supporter of the
Guillotine machine, he probably never dreamed he’d have to employ it on
his former employer, the queen of France.
Marie Antoinette, clad in simple white so different from her signature powder-blue silks and satins, accidentally stepped on Sanson’s foot. She whispered to the man:
“Pardon me sir, I didn’t mean to.”
Those were her last words.
After the blade fell, Sanson held up her head to the roaring crowd, which shouted “Vive la République!”
Marie Antoinette’s remains were taken to a graveyard behind the
Church of Medeleine about half a mile north, but the gravediggers were
taking a lunch break. That gave Marie Grosholtz — later known as Madame
Tussaud — enough time to make a wax imprint of her face before she was
placed in an unmarked grave.
Some death masks of those executed during the French Revolution.
Decades later, in 1815, Louis XVI’s younger brother exhumed Marie Antoinette’s body and gave it a proper burial at the Basilica of Saint-Denis. All that remained of her, besides her bones and some of her white hair, were two garters in mint condition.
It Wasn’t Her Fault
Despite claims from sources such as Mary Wollstonecraft and Thomas Jefferson, Marie Antoinette’s excessive spending was not the true cause of the French Revolution. When she and Louis XVI took the throne, the country was already broke, and the treasuries were empty.
While her spending certainly didn’t help France’s economic problems, it didn’t break the proverbial bank. Louis’ unpopular and expensive decision to send troops to America to help with the American Revolution was a much bigger cost, but Marie Antoinette made an easy scapegoat.
When society is stratified, it historically collapses as the “have nots” kill (and in this case, decapitate) the wealthy “haves”.
If America somehow escapes this cycle of events, it will be a miracle. All and every tell-tale are screaming “ALARM! ALARM!” at what is right down the tracks. My own predictions place some near catastrophic events in the 2024 / 2025 time period. Let’s see what happens.
Keep in mind that history repeats. And no… America is NOT special. It is following the historical precedents.
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History repeats. It’s often frightening just how it repeats.
We do not really know how the French aristocracy felt and acted during the months leading up to the French revolution. Few penned records survive. We do know, however, that the wealthy elite dismissed the reports. They called them “deplorable peasants” and instead of admonishing them to “learn to code” they told them “to eat cake”.
Rather than get involved in a discussion of how the successful French kept themselves isolated from the “ignorant Neo-peasant riff-Raff”, let’s look at how a similar situation is manifesting today in America.
The following is a great write-up. It is titled “Our Elites Are Steering Us Towards Civil War” and it was written by Glenn Ellmers when he posted it on 01.07.2020. All credit to the author. I would suggest everyone to visit the original site and give them a look around. Some really good stuff there.
They are as clueless as the ancien régime.
Along with the Upper West Side of Manhattan and a few other redoubts, my suburban neighborhood near the Maryland border represents the heart of what some pundits call the “blue church.”
It is increasingly a dream world.
I drop in periodically at Politics and Prose, a prominent bookstore
in Northwest D.C., to browse and shop. Lately I find it more and more
difficult to avoid eavesdropping on the conversations of the elderly
white women (lifelong Democrats, of course) who make up 80% of the
regular clientele.
Not that I try especially hard to tune out, because it is fascinating to hear what they say in their unguarded chit-chat.
No Japanese soldier on a remote Philippine island in 1947, oblivious
to the emperor’s surrender, was more disconnected from the real world
than these educated, well-spoken women. They read the Washington Post and listen to NPR every day, and therefore have no idea that they are imprisoned on a kind of island of the mind.
The bookstore’s regular customers, mostly retired professionals, are
the kind of well-to-do urbanites that used to be called limousine
liberals. But my bibliophile neighbors, with their casual shoes and
canvas tote bags, generally prefer a Prius to a limo. Even so, they
enjoy lives of comfortable physical ease, security, and culturally
enriched leisure. One might think this would make them nice. And on many
topics (grandchildren, for instance) they are.
But their conversations turn easily and often to politics—in particular, the illegitimacy of our odious president and the racist underclass that elected him—and then their tone becomes suddenly and shockingly nasty. That nastiness arises in part, no doubt, from an aversion to an uncomfortable truth: that the cozy world of these coastal urban elites is far from natural or normal.
It is the product of an artificial, often dishonest patchwork of legal, political, and cultural practices that have been distinctly unfair to millions of disenfranchised Americans.
It was said of the ancien régime—the nobility that reigned prior to the French Revolution—that “they learned nothing and forgot nothing.”
In his monumental book on Lincoln and the principles of self-government, A New Birth of Freedom(2000), the late Claremont professor Harry Jaffa expounds on this observation:
“They could forget nothing, namely their undeserved and socially useless privileges; and they could learn nothing, namely that their fellow countrymen would no longer tolerate the continuance of their privileges.”
One might think that this world of artificial nobility is dead and
gone. But in deep-blue sanctuaries like my local bookstore—that bubble
of bubbles, the summa bubblica of America’s leftist oligarchy—a version of this same decayed aristocracy is still holding on.
These liberal ladies (and a few distinctly milky gentlemen) are
harmless enough in one sense. They aren’t abusing the working class in
any direct or obvious way—certainly not in their own minds! Unlike the
French gentry, they do not dwell in ostentatious luxury while serfs
labor in hunger. Even less are they complicit in anything like the
gruesome brutality of chattel slavery in the Old South.
Still, they do partake in their own shallow way of an intellectual and moral presumption that is not at all harmless. Like every privileged class in history, they are convinced that they deserve what they have, however slight their own efforts may have been in the smooth glide-path of their lives.
The recognition of unearned privilege can sometimes turn
psychologically sideways, with sublimated guilt erupting into
destructive revolutionary fervor. Rarely, alas, does it flower into
genuine humility and charity. But the complacent retirees with whom I
rub elbows are not directing their unconscious guilt (if they have any)
into overthrowing the system.
To the contrary, the oligarchy they represent frantically wants to preserve, or bring back, the pre-2016 uni-party establishment in which they flourished. Because they cannot comprehend that their fellow countrymen will no longer tolerate their socially useless sinecures, they retreat ever further into monasteries of self-deception.
But this cannot continue; something must give, and it seems ever likelier that the way forward will be rough.
In New Birth and other writings over the course of his long
career teaching political philosophy, Jaffa explained that the American
Founders solved the crisis of religious warfare (which had plagued
Europe for centuries) through the separation of church and state. The
power of government would no longer be used by believers who were in
authority to persecute different believers who were out of authority.
Yet the danger of religious warfare can return in secular form when
people no longer agree on the basic principles of republican government
and regard each other as political heretics rather than fellow citizens.
“Elections,” Jaffa wrote, “may properly decide only between those whose
differences of opinion are not differences of principle.”
For example, in 1861 the Confederacy endorsed the idea of slavery as a
“positive good.” This doctrine of “you work, I eat” replaced the equal
natural rights doctrine of the Declaration of Independence as the
South’s new faith. Driven by this alternate conception of politics based
on inequality, many of the slave states rejected the results of Lincoln’s election in 1860, and the nation was plunged into war.
Today, we face a parallel problem.
The true believers (who, not coincidentally, were also the true beneficiaries) of the blue church administrative state have also become alienated from the idea of republican government and shared citizenship.
This can be seen most clearly in their unwillingness to accept the results of the 2016 presidential election, and the demonization of Trump voters.
Like most privileged elites, their faith is immune to facts or persuasion. It is simply too hard to give up the notion of natural or divine sanction for the socio-economic superiority they have enjoyed.
With each passing day, this crumbling oligarchy seems to become more
fanatical, more fixated on its own righteousness, and more impatient
with the supposed iniquity of its political opponents. But the rejection
of dialogue and compromise undermines the very possibility of a common
citizenship. Without a shared dedication to republican principles,
self-government cannot continue.
The peaceful transfer of power that accompanies a free election is
only possible on the basis of civic friendship and trust; each side must
believe that, win or lose, the rights of the minority will be protected
by those who take power. On both sides today, that trust seems to be
While most Americans acknowledge the fact that America is deeply divided, many of our leaders remain in denial about the potential result of this growing, fundamental distrust.
We are confronting again the dire situation New Birth describes prior to the Civil War:
“both parties [see] the contest as a zero-sum enterprise in which the advantages of one side [are] losses to the other. From this viewpoint, ballots can never really substitute for bullets.”
Not for the first time in our nation’s history, if this state of
affairs continues force may be embraced as the only alternative when
reason fails. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
We must fervently hope that things will change before they become
violent. But if the clueless attitudes of our sclerotic elite remain
unaltered, it is not hard to see what’s on the horizon.
History repeats. I can easily see parallels between what is going on in Washington DC today, and what transpired in France right before the French Revolution. Of course no one in Washington and the establishment will agree with me. But for me, a “deplorable” outsider, it is clear as the nose on my face.
People, prepare for some spicy times ahead. This situation is not sustainable and a change will happen.
Whether it will be a revolution that follows the bloody French model, or a Orwellian dystopia, no one knows. All that I do know is that the next four years; 2020 through 2024 will be exciting and pivotal.
They really do want an armed conflict.
The Sleeping Giant is even more alert... And the puppet master Bloomberg will be guarded by several heavily-armed Stasi as he visits his kingdom. The kingdom of “peasants” he wishes to disarm.
“... Mike Bloomberg’s planned visit to Virginia, intimating the bill was passed as a way of paying homage to him: “With their billionaire benefactor coming to Richmond next week to headline a Democratic Party fundraiser, however, it is clear that House leaders would rather bow to out-of-state interests than listen to their constituents and fellow lawmakers.”
-Intro to the article; VA Democrats pass bill requiring destruction of 'High Capacity" magazines.
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This is part of my SHTF – Practical skills posts. Most of what I post (in this section) are lost skills; skills that Americans have forgotten though the centuries of disuse. So, now, as the fourth turning is rapidly approaching, these skills need to be dusted off and updated to fit the modern American lifestyle. Here we discuss the practical methods of “tar and feathering” corrupt officials, progressive Marxists, aggressive social justice warriors, Wall street bankers and members of the elite oligarchy.
This is not written for historical interest, or in some kind of jest.
These are serious issues and should not be taken trivially. We can only hope that things do not ever get to the point where humans are seriously contemplating these kinds of actions. Let’s hope and pray that we all never have to deal with these matters.
We, as Americans have been (for the most part) isolated from them. America has lived a life of relative calmness and tranquility for the vast bulk of population. We erroneously believe that it will always stay that way and never change.
At worst, we somehow imagine climbing up on a hilltop near our home and shooting police as they approach our “stomping grounds”. Those thoughts are all fantasies. We are not talking about those childish dreams. We are talking about real issues that mean death and destruction. We imagine something out of a television series, or a movie. We cannot imagine what really happens during periods of societal reset.
We’ve been isolated and insulated from that harshness.
Meanwhile the rest of the world confronts these kinds of issues with far greater frequency than we are aware of…
Tar and feathering in contemporaneous Africa. This was in 2019.
I argue that the United States is going to go through a barbaric time, and it will be on par with the rest of the world. This reality is something that Americans have no concept of. We just cannot imagine it.
It’s a horror.
So buckle up and get ready. If you find yourself trapped within an area of conflict, such as Virginia, then be advised. Wars do not play by the Geneva Conventions, or Papal Decree. They are nasty, nasty affairs.
There are events where you would have a high 70% probability of one member of your family being killed or maimed in the process. War is very ugly. Loved ones, family die.
FILE – In this Friday, Nov. 18, 1994 file photo, seven year old Nermin Divovic lies mortally wounded in a pool of blood as unidentified U.S and British U.N. firefighters arrive to assist after he was shot in the head in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. More than 20 years after Bosnia’s war, Radovan Karadzic will learn his fate on Thursday when U.N. judges deliver verdicts in his genocide and war crimes trial. (AP Photo/Enric Marti, File)
Cliff Notes
Note, if the worst does indeed come to past, keep these points in mind…
You can never win a Defensive war. Do not “fortify” your territory to try to defend it.
You fight on the turf and territory of the enemy, on your terms.
You always spend most of your resources going after the enemy leadership, their confederate instigators and enablers. You hunt them out, you target their friends and family. You flush them out of hiding, you capture them and you apply horrors to them Genghis Khan style.
To be fully effective in war, you need to create horror. Real wars are not tea and biscuits. It’s an ugly, ugly business where objectives must be realized with finality and horror.
At a Dec. 3 2019 meeting of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, U.S. Marine Corps Reservist Maj. Ben Joseph Woods addressed the board and admonished Commonwealth of Virginia lawmakers for their plans to pass sweeping gun laws after they gained the majority in 2020.
The Democrats in the Virginia House are poised to impose controversial, and likely unconstitutional, gun laws in that state, including a program to register firearms. Gun registration has historically been the first step in confiscation by extremis regimes worldwide. It also is a prelude to wide scale genocide.
As Maj. Woods addressed the meeting, he spoke of his time in the military and federal law enforcement and what he feared politicians were doing to the state:
“I’m not going to address the bills themselves. What I would like to address is the fact that at this point, so many people believe that these are unconstitutional or draconian that as of last night, 30 counties in this state which have voted themselves…to be Second Amendment sanctuary counties.
The ugly truth of our situation is that is just scratching the surface of what is happening…I work plainclothes law enforcement…I walk around without a uniform, people don’t see my badge, people don’t see my gun, and I can tell you:
People are angry.
And I am frightened to the point that I am looking at moving my wife and child…out of this state if these bills pass. The reason is because my fellow law enforcement officers…
Tell me that they would not enforce these bills regardless of whether they believe in them ideologically because they believe that there are so many people angry in gun shops, gun shows, at bars, we have heard it now, people talking about tar and feathering politicians in a less than joking manner…
That is a terrifying prospect and I have never seen people willing to speak about something like that publicly…As a law enforcement officer, I empathize with concerns people have over gun violence.”
“The legal precedent we would set by allowing the legislature to selectively ignore enumerated rights at will is the same mindset that 150 years ago let this country into a civil war.”
The progressive Marxists don’t even bother trying to follow the Constitution. They no longer try, nor do they even bother to pretend. They know, after decades of getting away with crimes, that they can continue to do so without consequence. Thus, they are going to pass unconstitutional laws and expect everyone to obey them. No matter what.
They write the laws and you obey. This is classic tyranny.
This is not acceptable to the vast majority of law-abiding citizens in the state of Virginia. And as such, they are openly considering invoking the anti-tyranny measures inherent in the second amendment to the Bill of Rights.
So, with the understanding that large numbers of extremely pissed-off conservatives are openly discussing [1] capturing, [2] torturing, [3] tar and feathering, and [4] lynching the politicians in Virginia, it might be a good time to discuss the practical fundamentals of a punishment method known as “tar and feathering”.
Discussion of the “ugly side” of things.
This is a truly distasteful post.
It discusses torture as a form of punishment. This is Genghis Khan type of stuff, and not for the uninitiated. For the record… I do not like writing about this.
No Such Thing as Limited War
Shall we go one step further? We're now watching the smoke rising over what amounts to a small-scale battlefield between the Virginia National Guard and the sheriffs and deputies of one or more counties along with however many gun rights advocates stream in from adjacent states to augment the flash mob.
Unlike the slaughter of 1861, this will be broadcast live and in living color.
Of course, the National Guard has tanks and most sheriffs don't. Odds are, they'll win, but only by slaughtering large numbers of Trump voters - and yes, obviously, it will be Trump voters lying dead at the hands of, ultimately, Mr. Trump's political enemies.
What would the President do?
Well, what could and should the President do? Legally, he can nationalize the National Guard and order them to stand down, but by that time the Guard officers who might have obeyed his orders to stand down would have long since resigned.
He could order in the regular army.
Now we have a battle between two trained, equipped armies - yes, literally, that is a Civil War by definition, assuming the regular army was willing to obey such an order and fire on their colleagues.
Would other governors stand idly by?
Dare we imagine what Congress would do? Might there be a 25th Amendmentcoup, as the media and the bureaucracy have been agitating for since before Mr. Trump took office? How would the half of the country that voted for Mr. Trump respond to that? Don't forget that Trump would either be in the midst of running for re-election, or recently re-elected to office.
Or, he could just suck it up and let the Democrat National Guard destroy "his" people and the Constitution by force. This, too, has happened before. Paul Hindenburg, while President of Germany, let Nazi stormtroopers effectively take control of the country and suppress opposing voters and politicians until, in short order, Germany was a Nazi one-party state.
Does this sort of passive compliance seem characteristic of what we've seen of Donald J. Trump thus far? Let's just say it doesn't seem yuuuuugely likely that he'd let his supporters be gunned down without doing something about it.
Beyond this point, there are far too many unknowns to make any sort of solid predictions. Wars never go the way people who start them intend, and the end result is almost always something nobody predicted and few wanted at the beginning.
Novelists could write any number of vaguely plausible scenarios, and we'll leave that job to them.
- Virginia's Rampup to Civil War
I argue that it’s going to get ugly. Very, very ugly. It will be a horror of unimaginable magnitude, and most people will have a difficult time coming to terms with it.
You all shouldn’t.
Instead, you should read a history book or two. This is what always happens. It’s never pretty.
The Siege Of Sarajevo. One can well imagine a similar situation in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Framington, and Tampa.
Tarring and feathering is a form of punishment which was developed in 12th century England. It spread across feudal Europe, and was also practiced in many European colonies, once Europeans began exploring and colonizing the globe. In this punishment, the victim was stripped, painted with hot tar, and then covered in feathers which stuck to the tar.
They were then released running about and flailing their arms in pain. They would look like some kind of demented crazed bird, running around all over the streets in circles.
The primarily goal of this was physical intimidation and humiliation, with people being tarred and feathered in an attempt to run them out of town. The term “tarred with the same brush” in reference to guilt by association appears to be derived from this practice.
This practice appears to have been practiced primarily among mobs and vigilantes, rather than being an officially sanctioned form of punishment.
Depending on the temperature of the tar and the attitude of the crowd, it could sometimes become quite violent and rather dangerous. Hot tar could cause significant burns, and removing the tar would pull out hair and pieces of skin, potentially putting the victim at risk of infection. Theoretically, covering the skin in tar would also prevent it from breathing, potentially causing death.
However, the goal of tarring and feathering was humiliation, not death, and not many deaths as a result of this practice have been recorded.
More commonly, people were scarred for life by the hot tar and resulting injuries from removal, marking them to other members of the community as victims.
People also died as a result of lynchings, in which they were tarred and feathered, marched around town, and then hung.
Tar and feathering is often used as humiliation prior to being lynched in the town square.
Several variations on tarring and feathering have been recorded. In the British military, for example, people once practiced pitchcapping, in which a soldier’s head would be covered with hot tar.
Removing the tar involved being willing to lose much of your hair and scalp along with the tar, leaving ugly scars. Sometimes the bodies of people who had been hung or beheaded were also tarred and feathered, to add humiliation, and to hold the bodies together when they were hung on the gibbet as a warning for other citizens.
Many people associate tarring and feathering with the American West, where the practice endured until a surprisingly late date, with recorded instances dating to the 1900s.
In fact, people were tarred and feathered recently enough for there to be photographic examples of tarring and feathering, in which streaks of tar and feathers can be clearly seen, suggesting that the practice involved less of a careful painting of the body, and more of a streaking with lines of hot tar.
The goal of tarring and feathering was humiliation, not death, and not many deaths as a result of this practice have been recorded. More commonly, people were scarred for life by the hot tar and resulting injuries from removal, marking them to other members of the community as victims.
To conduct a “tar and feathering” punishment, the two (primary) ingredients are [1] Tar and [2] feathers. These used to be quite common back in the day, as all bedding, pillows and insulation used feathers. Today, feathers are relatively difficult to obtain and you need to procure them in advance. Additionally, you need to produce a container, or caldron to cook the tar to boiling, and a heat source.
You need a rack or device to securely bind the victim to. Do not expect to hold him / her steady while applying the tar. They will be very difficult to manage.
You need to strip, and bind the victim on a metal or wooden frame.
You can substitute other materials in the event that you are unable to produce tar or feathers. For instance, maple syrup, glue, water proof sealants for mobile homes, coal-tar epoxy and Lacquer might be considered suitable materials. Just make sure that the tar substitute is well heated to a temperature that would generate painful first-degree burns.
Ordinary roofing tar can be procured at any hardware store and DIY chain. Make sure that you follow the heating instructions and make sure that you do not detonate the tar over a fire.
Expert tip; Watch for the flash point.
Typically, you can pour the tar into a large 55 gallon drum that is sitting over an open fire. Then, using ladles, you can pour the tar over the victim.
Henry brand roofing tar.
Other techniques with the tar include simply heating the metal bucket that the tar comes in over a fire, or a propane stove.
When applying the tar, you can either pour it over the victim or brush it on. Make sure that the victim is nude. They must be fully nude for a proper tar and feathering. Also, they must be bound securely. You can use handcuffs or wire ties. Just make sure that they are securely bound. A well welded frame with attachment points for the wore ties works best.
The idea is to fully cover the victim from head to toe with hot scalding tar. The victim must be fully bound for this to happen, and you must be very thorough in the application. No area of skin can be ignored.
Then you can apply the “feathers”.
Tar and feathers and being rode out of town on a rail.
Feathers are rather difficult to come by in the quantities necessary for a decent tar and feathering. Sources of feathers are down coats and jackets, and bedding. You can also go to poultry farms such as chicken and geese and collect the dander and feathers there.
If gathering feathers are problematic, you can certainly use commonly available substitutes. Here are some suggestions…
Used cat litter.
Styrofoam peanuts.
Dryer lint (you need to collect enough of it).
Broken glass bottle fragments.
Cut hair (from a barbershop).
Let’s see what the Marxists do when they take power…
Necklacing is a preferred method of torture and execution under the Marxists in South Africa.
In South Africa, the Marxists implement a similar kind of punishment. They only problem is that the victim tends to die, instead of being maimed for life. It’s known as “necklacing” and the survivors are scarred for life. It’s really nasty.
In South Africa, the Marxists implement a similar kind of punishment. They only problem is that the victim tends to die, instead of being maimed for life. It’s known as “necklacing” and the survivors are scarred for life. It’s really nasty.
They would take a tire and put it around the neck of a victim. Then they would chain it in place, place a highly flammable liquid in the tire well, and set it on fire. It’s a horrible way to die.
Necklacing was the primary form of torture under Nelson Mandela in South Africa.
It’s more work, but far easier to procure and implement.
It’s coming. That’s for certain.
Here’s a quote from one of my “must see” blogs called Busted Knuckles. He’s a word-smith that can say things far better than I can. Listen up!
Who the hell knows what is going on for sure?
Being the Realist I am, Rose scented Unicorn farts and Magic Rainbows don’t enter my world view.
Then we have Virginia.
Every truly patriotic American is watching that like a hawk.
The very real possibility of another Shot Heard Around The World is but one stupid mistake away from becoming a reality.
A lot of people have decisions to make.
On both sides of that whole scenario.
Everyone has their own personal convictions and I most certainly have mine.
I am hoping against hope that we have turned a corner at this point in time.
We as in the kind of people who think like I do.
There are a lot more of us than the media would lead you to believe.
A vast majority as a matter of fact.
It’s time we started acting like one.
Push back.
Come together as a united front against these Socialists.
Spicy Time is coming, get ready for it, the party is about to start.
The images are horrible, right?
You want to avoid all this, right?
You want to live a calm and peaceful life where your families can live in peace and harmony… right?
This horror is what happens when bad, evil and dangerous people are permitted to come to power, change the world around them, subvert the law, and rule over others. Once they gain control of your weapons of defense, it’s all over.
Climb into the boxcars.
Game over!
Game over, man. Game Over!
Human nature is predictable.
Those progressive Marxists believe in a stable life where they are always in control and that the systems that they have put in place can overwhelm the most basic of human emotions. They believe that through incremental steps, over a long time, their (long desired) changes to the American State and Federal Constitutions would be accepted without incident.
They believe that change is gradual. Conservatives believe that change in an on/off switch from acceptable to unacceptable.
Can you blame them? It’s been this way for at least 100 years if not longer.
But, they are wrong.
If the National Guard gets involved, it is not merely imaginable but inevitable that a televised bloodbath would ensue.
What will happen when National Guard units encounter the county sheriff in uniform, backed up by a throng of deputized, armed citizens, many of whom are former military who took a solemn oath to defend the Constitution with their lives, their liberty, and their sacred honor? What would happen when they start breaking down doors and confiscating guns?
It is inconceivable that the defenders of the Second Amendment would peacefully back down - that's the whole point of the Second Amendment, after all - and thus far, Democratic rhetoric doesn't seem to leave much room for backing down either.
- Virginia's Rampup to Civil War
Rage, anger, disgust, fury and horror are real emotions that no amount of Prozac can suppress. It’s been pent up for decades, and it’s gonna blow.
In the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, conflict between the three main ethnic groups, the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the Muslims in Bosnia. Bosnia is one of several small countries that emerged from the break-up of Yugoslavia, a multicultural country created after World War I by the victorious Western Allies. Yugoslavia was composed of ethnic and religious groups that had been historical rivals, even bitter enemies, including the Serbs (Orthodox Christians), Croats (Catholics) and ethnic Albanians (Muslims).
The objects of this anger should consider themselves lucky to be killed off humanely. A shot to the head, a lynching, burning down a union hall with the radicalized members all trapped inside…
Quick, easy death.
More often than not, however, it looks like extreme forms of torture are going to be the norm. It’s gonna be truly horrific. And if you are on the side “balancing the equation” back to Constitutional law as opposed to progressive Marxism, you had best know how to torture properly.
Let’s pray that the Marxists stand down and give up their assault on America. Because “Sunset” is coming and it’s going to be spectacular in it’s ferocity.
How do we know?
Read your history.
An archaeological team in France has unearthed a Gallo-Roman necropolis in Saintes, France, in which the remains of a group of adults and a child were found with iron shackles around their wrists, ankles, and/or necks. Archaeologists are trying to unravel the story of these individuals’ lives, their origin, and the circumstances of their death.
I so pray that we all can avoid this fate.
Final comment
Where are all those activist judges? You know the ones that are putting everything that President Trump does on hold. Why aren’t they issuing injunctions on these blatant anti-Constitutional actions?
Maybe its’ because the country is too far gone to matter.
I have other posts on this subject matter. You can check out my SHTF index here…
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find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
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because I just don’t care to.
Nope, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill “doom porn”. Instead, most everyone realizes that the Untied States is in the process of some changes. Some predict that the changes are merely “adjustments” towards a better, more improved, society. While others stand outside holding a sign saying “The End of the World is Near!”. Here are my thoughts on the changes that America will go through during the decade of the 2020’s.
It could be anything from a whimper to a bang…
The Sky is Falling!
Not so very long ago, societal collapse was a big topic of conversation. Most critics of the current world order wrote in screeching big bold letters that the entire financial “house of cards” was going to fall apart. Usually they centered on economics, as the financial system has become so complex that no one can explain it, let alone predict it. It became a monster, a hydra, that was careening out of control.
Indeed, the run-up to the mortgage crisis had tons of people promoting economic collapse theories.
A decade earlier, the Y2K panic ushered in theories of technological collapse. Of course, the zombie apocalypse movies and TV shows are a regular part of the pop media rotation.
Scene from the ever-popular “Walking Dead” television show.
Societal collapse, however, is probably not in the cards.
Tainter comments.
The best known treatment of the issue is by Joseph Tainter.
In his Collapse of Complex Societies, Tainter makes the point that collapse in the modern age is unlikely. He states this belief under the assumption that all complex societies are dependent on one another.
Normalcy bias. The belief that things are never changing, that they have always been that way and will always continue to stay that way.
Therefore, when one society begins to fail, the rest will provide support to prevent the rapid disintegration of the failing society.
In other words, the modern age is a network of reciprocal relationships between complex societies.
In the case of America, the rest of the world needs America in order to remain intact. Some nations more than others. Thus, a crisis in America will be met with a response from Europe, Asia and even South America.
In 2018, Chinashipped 18% of its exports to the United States. That contributed to a $419 billion trade deficit. China's trade with Hong Kong, at 14%, wasalmostasmuch. Itstradewith Japan, whichwasat 6%, andSouthKorea, at 4.5%, wasmuchless.
- China Economy: Facts, Effect on US Economy
The internal response to crisis will include global support for repairing the internal problems of America.
Of course, this network of relationships may not arrest the decline, but it will prevent complete collapse. The rest of the complex societies will ease America into the autumn of its existence, thus buying themselves time to adjust.
They will “decouple” from the USA. They will no longer being so closely tied to the economic, financial, social, military and political networks established int he United States.
There is evidence that this is already in process.
U.S. Decoupling From China ForcesOthersTo Decouple From U.S. The U.S. is decoupling itselffrom China. Theeffectsofthatprocesshurtallglobaleconomies. Toavoiddamageothercountrieshavenochoicebutto decouple themselvesfromthe U.S..
An alternative view.
An alternative to this analysis comes from John Michael Greer. He wrote a paper on what he termed catabolic collapse.
The general theory is that all human societies create complex institutions and social structures that require maintenance. Over time, the cost of maintaining them begins to exceed capacity. The solution is a deliberate downsizing where these complex systems are abandoned in order to focus resources on the core functions of society.
Complex societies don’t collapse. They downsize.
The Global Elites do not see what is coming. They believe that they can hide away in NZ or inside the bunkers far away from the areas of conflict and strife. Nope. That is not going to happen. Know your history, and recognize that now things are different and the game is going to be tortuously lethal.
Greer’s idea is a variation of the Tainter theory, in that it focuses on the material aspects of society.
In the Tainter view, collapse is like bankruptcy that ends in a liquidation of the society. Greer’s view is a bankruptcy that leads to a reorganization of society going through bankruptcy, so it can reemerge simpler and more viable.
In reality, both ideas are working from the same assumption. That is, human societies grow inefficient over time and that inefficiency eventually reaches a tipping point.
KaLa cycle lineup for a span of time since 2000 into the middle of the new century. The tipping point is the period from around 2010 to around 2027.
The Collapse Event
One issue that is a problem when discussing these theories of societal collapse is we tend to think of collapse as something that happens relatively quickly.
That is, it happens not just in our lifetime, but overnight.
One day things are going along just fine and the next day the wheels are coming off the cart. It is the image of Rome at its peak compared to the image of hairy barbarians scaling the walls. We naturally want to think of collapse as the sudden, unexpected death of society.
Collapse is most likely experienced in fits and starts, with those
fits and starts spanning lifetimes. For example, the men who founded the
American empire in the early 20th century passed out of this world
seeing their creation in the throes of the cultural revolution of the
60’s and 70’s. The so-called greatest generation that inherited the
empire from the founders, were re-engineering American society so their
rotten kids would stop rioting in the street and burning the college
The generation that founded the empire probably thought it was headed for collapse, but by that point they were too old to care. It did not collapse. American society stabilized, regained its footing and started to recover in the 1980’s and 1990’s, with the great economic and technological boom.
Scene from the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”. The 1980’s and 1990’s were a period of time when money flew abundantly to the “power players”.
Ironically, the baby boomers are experiencing what their grandparents experienced as they head for the void. They are seeing what appears to be the collapse of American society in a spasm of multicultural rage.
A half century ago, California was the epicenter of the cultural revolution that threatened to collapse society. It is the test bed for the multicultural favela the rage heads in the ruling class have planned for the nation.
Today, they have rolling blackouts in a third world effort to keep from setting the state on fire. Their efforts to manage air pollution, a great crusade in the 1860’s and 1970’s, is beginning to fail. Their pension system is effectively bankrupt, just waiting to collapse in the next decade.
In other words, the spasm of decline and near collapse of a half century ago was part of a cycle of decline.
An interregnum
This crisis will probably be followed by some correction, where things settle for a while, but never return to the prior normal. Just as the 1980’s never reached the level of social accomplishment of the post-war years, the next period of tranquility will fall far short of the 1980’s and 1990’s.
It will simply be an interregnum between one period of crisis and the next, another step down the ladder of collapse.
At some point, the old social capital of the prior greatness is exhausted. The Romans were a spent people for over century before the collapse. In fact, they were arguably done in the third century.
The real question about the late Roman Empire is how it managed to stagger on for so long.
Fall of the Roman Empire.
That may be where we are now in present day America. The next step down the ladder of decline may be so unstable that the weight of past error crashed society through to the bottom.
The case for this theory of collapse is the rapidly shrinking white middle-class.
Shrinking of the White Class
It’s not just shrinking as an economic institution, but as a cultural one. The dominant culture today is one that celebrates degeneracy and barbarism. Bourgeois culture remains, but unlike the 1980’s, it is not front and center, offering a stabilizing point to arrest the cultural turmoil of the day.
The antidote to what’s happening today is not a man in a sundress demanding the rest of us pretend he is a girl.
Facing the fall…
In addition to the shrinking influence of bourgeois white culture, there is the growing sense that what’s left of America is not worth saving.
Everyday, more and more white people come to the conclusion that the people they see in politics, the media and popular culture are incompatible with the world they want for themselves and their decedents.
That old bourgeois white culture is looking at America like the family exhausted by an alcoholic relative. It’s time to cut our losses.
America is collapsing. It will collapse in a long, slow drawn out manner. It will not be fast, though there will be some very spectacular events that will stun the viewing audience. Many people who have the knowledge and ability to retard the collapse are quietly scurrying to protective safe havens and enclaves.
Perhaps, you the reader, should also take heed.
America is not afraid of the consequences of using Nuclear Weapons. They do not think that any nation would use nuclear weapons in retaliation. Nor do they believe that American cities might be affected. They are living in a dangerous and crazy illusion.
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Some prepper humor…
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There is a sizable majority of the American (and by extension, globalist) oligarchy believe that they will be able to “ride out” the coming “shit-storm” of societal upheaval slated for America. They have bought land, and established residences, and constructed mini-fortresses in far away lands for precisely this purpose. Well, I am going to be the first to lay out the truth; you all will not be able to avoid your comeuppance.
It’s coming.
It’s heading and barrelling right down upon all of us, and this time, the oligarchy will be not be spared.
The American second civil war will not be like Bosnia, Rhodesia, Rwanda, or any other revolutionary messes. You know the ones. Where the wealthy creates a situation, and then skedaddles off to a “safe haven” to wait out the societal reconstruction.
Take note. This time is different.
We are coming after you.
The world is connected. There’s a Burger King and Pizza Hut on Tutuila island, for goodness sakes! Internet is everywhere. We know where your “hidy holes” are, and who built them, and when, and what mechanical systems you utilize. We know which planes you fly, who pilots them, and where the pilots families reside.
We know a lot more than you think we know, and (drop the bullshit) you know that us “deplorables” are not at all the under-educated white racists that you so loudly proclaim. We are watching you all with seething anger.
I met Lloyd Blankfein at a Super Bowl. It was the New England Patriots and the New Jersey Giants. And Blankfein came up to me, “I know who you are, but you don’t know who I am.” And I said, “The hell I don’t! You run Goldman Sachs. I know who –” and he was stunned that I knew who he was. He said, “I know who you are,” like, “I know who you are. Ha-ha. I know what you’re up to, but you don’t know who I am.” “Oh, yes, I do.”
-Rush Limbaugh
We are chomping at the bit for an excuse to come after you all. It’s gonna be glorious.
workers, with their company name badges, in the parking lot of their
employer. Two dead and one dying with his legs shot off. He and his
co-workers had no idea that “world war III” would break out while they
were trying to clock in at work. When one group of people identify
another group, and target them with hate, and violence, it only
escalates. It gets worse. Eventually there is whole-scale blood shed. Do
not be under the illusion that it will never happen in America. There
are enormous groups of people just chomping at the bit to attack
conservatives and traditionalists. All in the name of a progressive
See how easy it was to find this information, on just a three key-word search. Very easy.
But you know, escape anywhere will be fraught with problems. We, as humans, are all interconnected. He have histories, associations, and ties. And, it’s not all “black and white” internet data streams either. It’s personal. It’s visceral.
It's not going to be like you all think. With some kind of race genocide, on top of political machinations, with overtures of hicks riding around like some scene out of Mad Max.
There are going to be elements of WWIII, and WMD. There's going to be a great deal of political and sociological changes, and you are right to realize that "blue areas" in America will not be safe.
But you are wrong to think that you all can sneak away and go somewhere where you will be forgotten. You will NOT be forgotten.
Let that sink in.
And, it’s all going to come back and haunt you.
What? You think that you don’t have siblings, who are married with kids? You think that they are immune from the consequences of your evil machinations? You think that you are NOT on watch lists? You think that your behavior is not tracked? You think that your “connections” in whatever government entity will protect you?
Listen up.
The world is not a new “enlightened”, and “progressive” reality where wars are long behind us. Where citizens will turn in their weapons willingly to be serfs under a wise Kingly leader. Nope. Those are all imaginary fantasies that many of you all believe.
They are not true.
Most of human history has been fraught with terrible, terrible battles and conflicts. Where entire blood lines were executed. Where women, if they were lucky, were enslaved as sex slaves, while everyone else were killed. Know your history. Entire cities were decimated. Men, women, children, even the dogs and cats. All killed and the ground salted afterwards.
The time has come that you all must start to live like the Kings of old. With poison testers, thrice-tested body guards, and loyalty oaths that are rock solid. You will not be able to hole-up behind strong stone walls. You will not be able to escape to a land where you will be unknown and untraceable. You will not be able to escape the wrath of your fellow citizens who have spent decades watching you cart your weight around and lord over us.
We are coming for you.
Know your history. This is what really happens when a particular group comes to power and their enemies are disarmed. It is never pretty. Know your history.
You think that your accents, behaviors, and lifestyle won’t give you away. You think that being a flabby old white dude walking on the beach of Mahebourg on Mauritus will be overlooked? Is that what you think? Do you actually believe that an extensive underground lair in Dunedin will protect you? Hey! Am I being specific enough for you? Or, perhaps you think that you will be different…
We are coming for you.
No, you do not have to worry about one singular person. Personally, I not going to do Jack Shit. But what you will need to worry about is the consequences of your support… in all the myriad of ways… for the coming Shit Storm that is going to engulf the United States into a conflagration of an unparalleled magnitude.
Read your history books. You cannot simply take on a defensive posture and hole up like some hermit in a monastery while Rome burns, or the Huns sack your city, rape your women and torture everyone else.
The “bubble” of civility is coming to an abrupt end.
Graphic photograph of a capture and subsequent rape of a young girl by German soldiers. Know your history. This will be common. Know your history.
It had a good run. At least in America, it did. Eighty years. That’s long enough to assume that things will always be a certain way, and full danger is really only the stuff of nightmares. Well, it is ending.
In large part because of your actions.
As such, the historical “normal” is returning. Buckle up. You and yours are all in the cross hairs.
Greek authors rarely go into any detail when describing the fall of a city, so if we want to know what this really means, we are to some extent forced to use our imagination. However, it's clear from what little we hear that Xenophon's 'universal law' usually meant 3 things:
All movable property was taken
All adult men were killed
All women, children and elderly men were sold into slavery.
The first of these points is least well attested, but probably most widespread. Every warrior who was sent against an enemy settlement would hope to come away with a profit.
Homes could be stripped of furniture and metal objects; temples could be robbed of their dedications and temple treasuries emptied. If there was time, even the rooftiles and wooden fittings of houses could be torn off and carried away.
The simple fact that large amounts of ancient coinage and jewellry was preserved in its hiding place (buried, thrown into wells, etc.) shows that people were quite concerned to keep their valuables out of the hands of greedy invaders.
The second point is better known, because it was a matter of justice and pride. When a city was attacked, it could choose to surrender; if it did not, it forfeited any claim to mercy. Those who had decided to resist their enemies would get what they deserved. The most explicit example of this is the fate Agamemnon desired for Troy:
Not a single one of them must escape sheer destruction at our hands. Not even if a mother carries one in her belly and he is male, not even he should escape. All together they must be exterminated from Troy, their bodies untended and invisible.
-- Iliad 6.57-62
There are loads of examples from Greek history of sieges ending with the slaughter of all adult men. These massacres removed the defeated community's ability to fight and ensured that there would be no further resistance.
The third point arises from the fact that the Greeks seem to have considered it barbaric to kill captured women and children as well as men. The few examples of this in Greek history were condemned as savage. Once the needs of revenge had been satisfied, the remaining population was instead considered a potential source of profit:
When they were delivered to her by the Persians, Pheretime took the most guilty of the Barkaians and set them impaled around the top of the wall; the breasts of their women she cut off and planted around the wall in like manner. As for the rest of the Barkaians, she told the Persians to take them as plunder.
-- Herodotos 4.202
There was substantial money to be made from this, which is why commanders sometimes tried to restrain the bloodlust of their victorious troops. Even if it was just, as well as satisfying, to kill the defenders, it still amounted to the destruction of a source of income:
Dionysios' entire army burst into the city (...) and now every spot was a scene of mass slaughter; for the Sicilian Greeks, eager to return cruelty for cruelty, slew everyone they encountered, sparing without distinction not a child, not a woman, not an elder. Dionysios, wishing to sell the inhabitants into slavery for the money he could gather, at first attempted to restrain the soldiers from murdering the captives, but when no one paid any attention to him and he saw that the fury of the Sicilian Greeks was not to be controlled, he stationed heralds to cry aloud and tell the Motyans to take refuge in the temples which were revered by the Greeks. When this was done, the soldiers ceased their slaughter and turned to looting the property.
-- Diodoros of Sicily 14.53.1-3
The beginning of this passage is unique in actually describing a scene that must have been typical when a city fell to a Greek army. Most successful siege assaults were not the result of elaborate circumvallation, but of a surprise assault or betrayal.
As a result, rather than bottling up the helpless enemy from all sides, the attackers usually entered the city from one point and began their rampage from there.
Those left in the city therefore had two choices: either to resist or to flee. The former would result in the brutal fate sketched above - but the latter explains how Greek communities often seem to have survived a lost siege despite the genocidal intent of their attackers. It was often possible for a substantial part of the population to get away.
Their ultimate fate would then depend on what the victorious enemy intended to do with the settlement. Sometimes (especially in the Archaic period) their intent was to seize the territory for themselves; in these cases the town would be razed, and the fugitive population cast adrift. Fear of this outcome was supposed to keep the Spartans in the fight against the Messenians early in their history:
The most wretched of all things is for a man to leave his city and its fertile fields, reduced to the life of a beggar, wandering with his mother and aged father, his little children and wedded wife. Wherever he ends up, he will be as an enemy dwelling among them. He will succumb to need and detestable poverty, bring shame upon his family, disgrace his splendid looks. All forms of dishonour and misery will dog him. Since this is how it is and no one cares for or respects a wanderer or his offspring at all, let us fight hard for our land and die for our children without sparing our lives.
-- Tyrtaios fr. 10.3-14
If they had friends elsewhere, they might be able to obtain a temporary home, or even gain resident status and a home away from home, as the Plataians did at Athens when the Spartans razed their settlement in 427 BC.
In the Classical period, the intention was often rather to plant settlers on the conquered territory in order to expand the victorious city's number of land-owning citizens. This is what Athens did with the land of most of its defeated enemies from 506 BC onward. In such cases, the captured city might be reinhabited - at times by the new settlers along with the old population of women and children, whom they took as wives or slaves.
Alternatively, once due vengeance had been exacted, the remnants of the city's population could simply be allowed to return to it, often subjected to tribute and an imposed political regime. When the Athenians finally lost their fleet at Aigospotamoi in 405 BC, fear washed through the city, because the Athenians fully expected to meet the same fate that they had inflicted upon other Greeks throughout the decades of their Empire - the eradication of their community, the death of their men, and the sale of their women into slavery. However, for reasons that are still debated today, the Spartans decided to spare them. They got away with "only" a sack, the destruction of their walls, and the imposition of the tyrannical yoke of the Thirty.
- What actually happens when a city is sacked?
You should have paid attention to history class. The historical normal is one where no one is ever safe. It is always a short bubble of time, no more than one or two generations in length where people can live together in some sort of sanity.
But that bubble always pops, and the people living their nice safe lives are often overtaken by the shock and brutality of the reality that will overwhelm them.
know what will happen. It has been well documented. People will be
collected. They will be rounded up into urban areas, or centers. The men
will be separated out from the group. They will be led to an isolated
area, a cellar, a warehouse, a cluster of tree, an area behind a
bulldozer. They will then be held down by two people and shot dead.
We are coming for you.
It’s going to be historical. It will be Biblical, and it will consist of many elements that are not at all “enlightened” and “progressive”. It will be raw and unbridled.
Who are “we”?
have learned all about the great con game, and we are fed up. We know
know what is going on and we are pissed, and desire real, substantive
change. Now, for those of us who have awakened from the con, it is time
for a clean break – a refusal to accept that anything over the past 60
years was any good…a desire, that is, to move forward in an entirely
new way, unshackled to whatever we might have said or done in the past.
Like water, we are not one set person, but rather a very lose and amorphous collection of many well-educated people that will not allow instigators, and criminals to scurry away unscathed. It won’t be me, but I’m telling you that it will be others. And they won’t have any set plans, no set maps, no coordination. But they will see you all for what you actually are; big, plump, juicy, lush, targets to seize and use for purposes that you do not want to read about.
Yet, there is still time. You can alter your future and atone for your sins. Your future does not need to be that of fertilizer spread out upon a glassed-over barren wasteland. You can change. You can start taking action to prevent the crisis that is barrelling straight down the Pike for us all. You can make a difference.
Yes, YOU!
Well… listen NOW.
But let’s speak frankly to each other. I’m not the smartest guy you’ve ever met, or the hardest-working. I was a mediocre student. I’m not technical at all—I can’t write a word of code. What sets me apart, I think, is a tolerance for risk and an intuition about what will happen in the future. Seeing where things are headed is the essence of entrepreneurship. And what do I see in our future now?I see pitchforks.
- On Friday Jun 27, 2014 at 12:04 pm Michael Krieger posted an article where he offered up a warning for thouse oligarchs about the coming shit-storm and what you can do about it.
He and others have warned you.
a political ideology takes power, they are ruthless in their treatment
of opposition. They will kill you, and if you are a woman, they will
rape you and then kill you. There will not be any mercy. It is better to
die fighting when they come to your house, than to accept the lies that
they will put you into “protection” for your own best interests.
If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising.
There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when.
-From Nick Hanauer’s excellent Politico Op-Ed: The Pitchforks are Coming…For Us Plutocrats
The is something about money, wealth and power that corrupts. It corrupts everyone it touches, and no one is immune. If you are wealthy then you are corrupted. There are no exceptions.
You might not think that you are corrupted.
You might, somehow, think that you are different. “Just one of the guys that got lucky.” You are deluding yourself.
The “freedom from need” corrupts the soul. Thus, the individual finds other pursuits to occupy the void in their being.
"What I do care about is the kind of power that such money can buy, and how that power is then abused to purchase politicians and run roughshod over entire societies. I have also been disgusted with the fact that the 0.01% as a class seem self-absorbed, apathetic and delusional when it comes to the catastrophe the current economic and financial system is reaping upon the planet. So busy are they patting themselves on the back and scrambling to acquire that next billion to see what is rapidly unfolding beyond their moats."
- Michael Krieger
And that is where you are all.
You might consider yourselves smart, intelligent, lucky, fortunate, or whatever.
But you are not.
You have forgotten so much.
progressive liberal communists rounded up anyone who could possibly be a
threat to them. They loaded them into trucks. They tied their hands
behind their backs, and they killed them.
You have forgotten, or maybe never had the experience of being a most valued employee; working 14 hour days for months in a row, earning the company millions of dollars and then you suddenly being let go on Christmas eve. Coming home to a shocked wife, with the baby screaming for food, and you being forced to go into your meager savings… savings that will be depleted in a week… to buy some day-old vegetables, and on-sale food-stuffs.
That’s America for the last fucking three decades you God damn son-of-a-bitches!
You think that we are going to turn the other cheek and not find a scapegoat to roast over some burning embers? Maybe you weren’t the the person who handing out the pink-slip, or the manager that approved it, or the VP that authorized it, or the President that demanded it. But all of you… EVERY… FUCKING… ONE… contributed.
We will never forget.
Your time is coming.
At the same time that people like you and me are thriving beyond the dreams of any plutocrats in history, the rest of the country—the 99.99 percent—is lagging far behind. The divide between the haves and have-nots is getting worse really, really fast. In 1980, the top 1 percent controlled about 8 percent of U.S. national income. The bottom 50 percent shared about 18 percent. Today the top 1 percent share about 20 percent; the bottom 50 percent, just 12 percent.
-From Nick Hanauer’s excellent Politico Op-Ed: The Pitchforks are Coming…For Us Plutocrats
Inequality is one aspect of it. There are “haves” and “have nots”. But that’s not the point. Many of us watched our life fall apart before our very eyes, not because we were lazy while we toiled in the company, but rather instead to make the bottom-line look better to the investors of the companies where we were employed.
We see pictures in history books and say, “nah that could never happen here”. The roads are dirt. The people are wearing military clothing. There isn’t anything that looks like a part of America in the pictures.
This attitude… one of us being just a useful tool… like a broom or a toilet brush… has altered the emotional fabric of America. And, yes, part of the turmoil that you see all over America today is a direct result of this arrogant behavior.
But the problem isn’t that we have inequality. Some inequality is
intrinsic to any high-functioning capitalist economy. The problem is that inequality is at historically high levels and getting worse every day. Our country is rapidly becoming less a capitalist society and more a feudal society.
Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class will
disappear, and we will be back to late 18th-century France. Before the revolution.And so I have a message for my fellow filthy rich, for all of us who live in our gated bubble worlds: Wake up, people. It won’t last.If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality.
-From Nick Hanauer’s excellent Politico Op-Ed: The Pitchforks are Coming…For Us Plutocrats
Oh, do not be under the illusion that the situation and the contributors can all be quantified on some sort of chart. They cannot. Like the school kid relentlessly bullied by the school-hall bullies, an anger has been pent up for decades.
You do not want to be on the losing end of that stick.
these times and types of conflicts it is NORMAL for women, and girls to
be abducted, raped repeatedly and then killed. This is a historical
The only way that you avid this fate is to confront it.
Face on. Right now.
Do good works, and stay out of politics. Help people.
In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when.Here’s what I say to you: You’re living in a dream world. What everyone wants to believe is that when things reach a tipping point and go from being merely crappy for the masses to dangerous and socially destabilizing, that we’re somehow going to know about that shift ahead of time. Any student of history knows that’s not the way it happens.
-From Nick Hanauer’s excellent Politico Op-Ed: The Pitchforks are Coming…For Us Plutocrats
You know that this is coming. Its not a surprise.
You all are not fools. Indeed, you all are investing in property, safeguards and insurance plans.
sex slave at a slave auction in an occupied region of Syria. During
periods of change, the plight of women is always a dangerous one.
What I am saying is that clutching your bags of gold and scurrying off to your rat-hole in some remote location is not the answer. Historically it will not end up like you think. This will not be like a Hollywood movie.
Instead, it will (more) be like a barricaded city that tries to deal with an overwhelming and vicious Mongol horde.
Revolutions, like bankruptcies, come gradually, and then suddenly. One day, somebody sets himself on fire, then thousands of people are in the streets, and before you know it, the country is burning. And then there’s no time for us to get to the airport and jump on our Gulfstream Vs and fly to New Zealand. That’s the way it always happens. If inequality keeps rising as it has been, eventually it will happen. We will not be able to predict when, and it will be terrible—for everybody. But especially for us.
-From Nick Hanauer’s excellent Politico Op-Ed: The Pitchforks are Coming…For Us Plutocrats
Imagine that you and your family are living in one of those cities, one thousand years ago.
It’s a very large city for the time. With large stone walls that tower up many, many stories high. You have a great life, based on trade along the “silk road”. You are wealthy. You have a large spacious home. You have a beautiful family, servants, fine clothes and a home filled with fine arts, laughter and parties.
You are aware of the coming Mongols.
You have discussed this matter with your other wealthy friends. They all have strong political connections and everyone reassures you that there is nothing to worry about. Most of the Mongols are over-rated they say. Plus they have provided reassurances that our military, with the best fighters in the world are more than a match for them. They even took you on a tour of the military barracks and you saw first hand how well organized they were.
Rather than agree to the demands of the Mongols, the most intelligent in the city advised that the rulers confront the Mongols with their superior military.
And so a strong force of 20,000 of the best warriors in the city left the city gates and marched forward with trumpets blowing to confront the horde.
You don’t know what will happen. But you have been reassured that your military will be victorious. After all, they have never lost a battle for at least four decades.
Still you worry.
All you know is that the military went out one week ago and never returned. The King gave you every assurance that things are proceeding well, and that you need not worry. But the truth is that you feel very uneasy.
This is a joint suicide by a Burgermeister and his family upon news that the Americans were entering the town.
The wife says that people are beginning to talk and rumors are starting to fly about what happened at the battle last week.
You cannot put your finger on it, but there is this feeling of dread and gloom that you cannot shake. yet, the sky is blue. The birds are fluttering in the trees, and the boys are playing in the yard. Your daughter just bought a nice silk dress that she is going to wear to a religious celebration in two days. Yet, that dread persists.
“Maybe I should flee?” you ask yourself.
At Politicon 2019 in Nashville on Saturday, during a "conversation" with Never Trumper MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, James Comey said, "Our leaders must reflect the glue that holds us together. They can’t be people who lie all the time. They just can’t. And I hope people see that’s true whether they are Republicans or Democrats.
Wallace then asked, "What if he wins again? Will you still believe that?"
Comey said, "I will be, from my new home in New Zeland, I will still believe in America."
Do you want to place a bet that what Comey says will come true? That he will be safe and forgotten in New Zealand?
not think that in today’s “modern” and “enlightened” society that we
are beyond mass genocide against a particular race, or group of people.
Here are people who were seized out of their homes at the dead of night
by militarized police (the Federal Police), handcuffed with wire-ties
(behind his back) and then killed and dumped in a mass grave. Like this
poor fella. I am quite sure that the person putting the wire-ties on his
clasped wrists was very polite and nice about it. Cool and
professional, most certainly. Then he was handed over to others. Those
others then killed him like one would step on cockroach. And, with just
as much care. What? You think America can’t relive the Bosnia
Or do you think that he will be in chains before he can ever reach an airplane? Or, barring that, seized by the NZ authorities upon the direction of the American government?
All of you are delusional.
Raped and then killed. This is the fate for most targeted women from the ages of 10 to 40. Those outside will probably just be killed.
You keep on dancing near the fire, unaware that you are dowsed in kerosene and that a single spark can set you, and those around your alight.
Because here’s an odd thing. During the past three decades, compensation for CEOs grew 127 times faster than it did for workers. Since 1950, the CEO-to-worker pay ratio has increased 1,000 percent, and that is not a typo. CEOs used to earn 30 times the median wage; now they rake in 500 times. Yet no company I know of has eliminated its senior managers, or outsourced them to China or automated their jobs. Instead, we now have more CEOs and senior executives than ever before. So, too, for financial services workers and technology workers. These folks earn multiples of the median wage, yet we somehow have more and more of them.
-From Nick Hanauer’s excellent Politico Op-Ed: The Pitchforks are Coming…For Us Plutocrats
Grbavica where a huge complex was set up for the mass internment and rape of women. This is what it looked like at the tail end of the war. 1996.
People! You have jumped over the turnstiles, and gobbled up all the money that you can. Then you set up systems to keep it all for yourself. And somehow you think that the rest of us hasn’t noticed.
Well, we have, and we are royally pissed off over it.
Wal-Mart is our nation’s largest employer with some 1.4 million employees in the United States and more than $25 billion in pre-tax profit. So why are Wal-Mart employees the largest group of Medicaid recipients in many states? Wal-Mart could, say, pay each of its 1 million lowest-paid workers an extra $10,000 per year, raise them all out of poverty and enable them to, of all things, afford to shop at Wal-Mart. Not only would this also save us all the expense of the food stamps, Medicaid and rent assistance that they currently require, but Wal-Mart would still earn more than $15 billion pre-tax per year. Wal-Mart won’t (and shouldn’t) volunteer to pay its workers more than their competitors. In order for us to have an economy that works for everyone, we should compel all retailers to pay living wages—not just ask politely.
-From Nick Hanauer’s excellent Politico Op-Ed: The Pitchforks are Coming…For Us Plutocrats
All of you are fucking guilty.
And if you live in an upscale neighborhood, YOU WILL BE TARGETED.
There will be no avenues of escape. You are FUCKED.
While Donald Trump is undoing many terrible things, nothing is being done about the pre-genocidal conditions already put in place. Unless action is taken by the President or Congress, it is just a matter of time before they will be mobilized against YOU and your family. Take notice.
We rich people have been falsely persuaded by our schooling and
the affirmation of society, and have convinced ourselves, that we are the main job creators. It’s simply not true. There can never be enough super-rich Americans to power a great economy. I earn about 1,000 times the median American annually, but I don’t buy thousands of times more stuff. My family purchased three cars over the past few years, not 3,000. I buy a few pairs of pants and a few shirts a year, just like most American men. I bought two pairs of the fancy wool pants I am wearing as I write, what my partner Mike calls my “manager pants.” I guess I could have bought 1,000 pairs. But why would I? Instead, I sock my extra money away in savings, where it doesn’t do the country much good.
-From Nick Hanauer’s excellent Politico Op-Ed: The Pitchforks are Coming…For Us Plutocrats
Back to the wealthy man living in his villa in the upscale part of the city-state that he inhabits…
Last night over some chicken and some fine vintage wine, you discussed what was going on with a fellow trader friend of yours. He had entered the city and was planning on leaving in the morning. He said some worrisome things.
He said that he used to trade to numerous cities to the East. But he no longer trade with them any more. They no longer exist.
When we went to visit them, they were abandoned. Some still had the walls intact, but most of the homes were empty. Some wild dogs and a goat or two were all that remained. He said that most of the homes no longer had roofs and it looked like the entire city was sacked and set ablaze.
Some had piles of bones blowing in the sand and trapped under broken stone, bricks and walls. Farm fields of plants weren’t harvested and allowed to go fallow. The trees were ripe with apples, but no one collected them.
He couldn’t tell what happened.
All he said was that it looked like it came upon everyone suddenly and no one was spared. Even the churches were burned to the ground. What was not looted, was intentionally destroyed.
He said that he was going to leave in the morning and wanted the family to leave and accompany him.
Photo of a suburb in Sarajevo Bosnia after the fighting that took place
between the Serbians and the Muslims,taken by Specialist Nadine Byrnside
from the 55th Signal Company Combat Camera team, in a place called
Grbavica on 3 April 1996.
In Conclusion.
I tip my hats off to Mr. Hanaeur and Mr. Krieger. I think you all should listen to them. But if you choose not to, that is fine. Then listen to me. Your fucking days are numbered, and if America burns, then do not rest easily, for you will be searched out. Located and slaughtered.
It will be historical.
Heed my words. There will be no place for you to hide.
I am talking about the annuals of history and the role that you will play in it. It will not be pretty. But there are things that you can still do about it. You can still make a difference. And running away to hide is not one of them.
is what happens to people who do not “go along” with the “new” way of
doing things. It is never pretty. You are rounded up. You are
handcuffed, and you are killed. That is the way it has been for
thousands of years. It never stopped. It will continue.
It is time to atone for your sins. Do not put it off.
Now, you are probably wondering what happened to the family that was awaiting the news of the battle between their city and the Mongol hordes…
Large Urban Cities…
Worse was to come in 1221 — ‘a year to live in infamy’. While Genghis’s other armies had been busy in the east, threatening Tbilisi in Georgia and terrifying the Christian world, Tolui, one of Genghis’s equally reprehensible sons, took Merv (in modern-day Turkmenistan), one of the largest cities in the world.
Promised safety, the citizens surrendered and emerged from behind their walls. Tolui ‘surveyed the masses dolefully gathered with their possessions, mounted a golden chair and ordered mass executions to commence’.
They took four days and nights to complete.
Genghis’s rotten fruit did not fall far from the tree. Terror — and the certainty of its visitation — was a major weapon in Genghis’s arsenal: decapitated women, children and even cats and dogs were reputedly displayed.
- Was Genghis Khan the cruellest man who ever lived?
Complete devastation…
Incursions into Southeast Asia were largely successful, most factions agreed to pay tribute, and only the Invasions into Vietnam and Java failed.
Europe was devastated by the Mongols.
They destroyed near enough every major Russian city, and invaded Volga Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Poland, and Hungary.
If rumours spread that the Mongols were coming, then it would cause a mass panic, and some would run to safety.
There was no guaranteed way to defeat the Mongol hordes, they continuously defeated much larger armies, so numerical strength couldn’t protect you.
Mongol conquests would leave once populous and flourishing areas as wastelands, with little to no people, those remaining would be slaves.
The Women…
Genghis Khan had so much power that he could do whatever he wanted.
For instance, when Genghis occupied some new area, he would kill or enslave all the men and share all the women amongst his tribe.
Genghis Khan would even make beauty contests of captured women to decide which woman is the most beautiful one.
Yeah, he was having his Miss Universe competition before it was cool. So, the queen of those beauty competitions would win the privilege to become one of many Genghis Khan's women.
Rest of the Mongolian army would share all the other contestants.
-The Richest
The Wealthy…
Genghis Khan was the most feared human of the 13th century, who could destroy dynasties just by moving his little finger. He created the Mongol Empire all by himself and earned his eternal spot in the history books.
However, a lot of people had to suffer for Genghis Khan to succeed. Oh yes, the Mongolians were known for their horrendous torturing techniques.
One of the most popular was pouring molten silver down the throat and ears of a victim. Genghis Khan also liked bending his enemy's back until the backbone snapped. If that sounds barbaric, skip this next part.
So, the Mongols once celebrated victory over Russians in a very bizarre way. They picked all the Russian survivors, dropped them on the ground and put a heavy wooden gate on top of them.
Then, Genghis Khan and the entire Mongol army had a huge banquet on that wooden gate. They ate, drank, and watched how Russians were dying one by one from the suffocation, pressure, and wounds.
-The Richest
A return to the old ways…
“The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms.”
-Genghis Khan.
SHTF Related Index
This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
Some prepper humor…
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Trump’s 40-45 percent of the nation is not only being constantly castigated and demonized by the establishment media but it is also being told that, in the not far distant future, it will be demographically swamped by the rising numbers of new migrants pouring into the country.
Your time is about up, it hears.
And most of the Democratic candidates have admitted that, if elected, the border wall will never be built, breaking into the country will cease to be a crime, ICE will be abolished, sanctuary cities will be expanded, illegal immigrants will be eligible for free health care and, for millions of people hiding here illegally, amnesty and a path to citizenship will be granted.
America, they are saying, will be so unalterably changed in a few years, your kind will never realize political power again, and your America will vanish in a different America where the Squad and like-minded leftists set the agenda.
Will the deplorables, who number in the scores of millions, accept a future where they and their children and children’s children are to submit to permanent rule by people who visibly detest them and see them as racists, sexists and fascists?
Will Middle America go gentle into that good night?
-America; an us vs. them country
When the American second civil war occurs (CWII), it will be an ideological genocide. It will follow the identical patterns that have happened in all of the genocides of the twentieth century. How do we know?
Because the identical pre-genocide preparations have already been put in place.
Once disarmed, the people will be collected in the cities. They will be segregated into groups. Then they will all be killed, if not used for slaves. This is a historical norm. This is what always happens.
No matter what – Avoid the cities.
As a quick reminder, whether you are in the rural areas, a small town, or on the road. Avoid the cities. This is where your enemies want you to stream towards. It’s a trap. It’s a snare.
The idea is to herd people into places where they are trapped and can be easily controlled. There will be urban youth terrorizing the rural areas, small towns and communities, and this will create a situation where everyone will start to stream into the “safe” cities.
It won’t be safe.
Here is a truck parading captured, and “handed over” females to be either given to the soldiers, or sold off in the public square as slaves. This is from Syria, and the girls were most likely handed over to the “police” to spare their lives. The “police” then processed them and set them off to the market for their future roles within the community; sex slaves.
People will be collected, processed and used or killed. They will use lists. This here, is how the lists will come into being…
Identify the Enemies of Socialism
Oh, and make no mistake. They will try to seize power, and in many ways they actually HAVE the advantage.
They have ADVANTAGE.
And they will be better armed, and trained than what you are expecting.
Normalcy bias is a common theme when you think you’re the only ones in the room. And because of that bias coupled with the election in 2016, many went to sleep. But you are not alone- not by a long shot. The Left has that same momentum and drive that you had between 2008-2015, but they differ in the facts that their mass base skewers far younger, they have a legal system and media providing overhead cover for their actions, and from our observation, their level and speed of organization have far surpassed what the Right was able to accomplish in twice the time. Tactical Hermit lays out many facts about their levels of organization with a large number of embedded links detailing their own resources and training programs. You don’t have to like it, but you do have to face it. And they’ll continue to seize the initiative while you flounder, failing to understand the reality of the situation. -NCS
Since Donald Trump was elected President in 2016 and the left-tards started throwing public temper tantrums akin to five year-old’s who do not get their way, the general consensus in the Conservative Patriot Community was “What do we really have to fear from a group of people with purple hair who don’t even know which bathroom to use?” but recent tragic events at the ICE Detention Center in Washington State requires all of us to prudently re-evaluate the REALISTIC THREAT LEVEL these people and their organizations really pose.
-American Partisan
Once, the progressive socialists come to power, they reshape everything in their image.
Later on, other private parts were weaponized, and the political movement of LGBT was born. It largely succeeded in bringing down the Boy Scouts and normalizing something that was considered abnormal through the entirety of written human history. Such abnormalities, if they were confined into private bedrooms, were widely tolerated for millennia, but the political weaponization injected these abnormalities into the public domain, including LGBT brainwashing in public schools.
Leftism spread in human society like a contagious virus and carried with it a total weaponization of everything. Leftism, being a totalitarian ideology, could not settle for anything less than total weaponization.
The modern political weaponization of everything is very similar to the old communist idea of the militarization of everything. For example, concentration camps — leftists prefer to call them "re-education camps" — were introduced by communist Leon Trotsky in order to create "labor armies" to demonstrate that socialism is better than capitalism. The idea was to crush capitalism by over-producing and out-profiting it due to practically nonexistent personal expenses in such hard labor camps. When the National Socialists came to power, they liked the idea of the concentration camps very much, and they continue to call them "re-education camps" officially.
The total weaponization has reached science (recall the "global cooling" hoax, which got transformed into the "global warming" hoax), media (recall the complete evolution of modern media into open propaganda outlets, where journalists act as ideological soldiers), culture (an idea of "cultural Marxism" by Antonio Gramsci), religion (recall Black Liberation Theology), sports, and many other endeavors.
The election of socialist Barack Obama as the president of the United States was the peak of leftism. This peak was unique, a once-in-human-civilization event, that allowed for the weaponization of institutions — like the IRS and U.S. spy agencies (CIA, FBI, all seventeen of them). Also, health care was weaponized (Obamacare), as well as the United Nations. The trade unions had been weaponized around the same time as genitalia, and by the same people, but only President Obama managed to use unions as political assault weapons. (Recall the General Motors saga.)
There are certain elements to this. For starters, everything becomes tied; financially, politically, socially, and economically to the socialist cause.
If it is Football, then you can be sure that every game, and every statement they make, and every endorsement that they have, in some way promotes the socialist cause.
If it is coffee, you can be sure that every socialist cause and issue will be promoted.
If it is education, you can be sure that all the children will be taught how to think and what to think according to socialist ideology.
In twenty-five years, we went from arguing that it must be legal to burn the American flag to punishing someone who burns an LGBTP flag with fifteen years in prison.
- Brett Stevens at Periscope
we can comment on outrageous this all is. The truth remains that those
who promote it are dead serious in their beliefs. THis is not funny to
them. This is not a game to them. They believe this with all their
But with all this realignment, comes the resistance to it. It happens every time, and it is predictable in so far as it exists. So, one of the first things that the progressive socialists do is identify who their enemies are.
They identify who their enemies are, and they put their names on a list.
Once the enemies are identified, “tiger teams” of lightly trained militia go forth into the undefended rural areas and small towns attacking everyone on the lists that they were given. It never is random. They have lists of people to target and places to go. Do not expect it to be unplanned or random. Picture from the Sierra Leone conflict.
These are the people who will oppose their efforts.
They identify them. They call them out, and they make it plain as day that “real” progressive socialists won’t have anything to do with these “enemies of the people”.
Today in America, these are the enemies…
White people.
Anyone who is friends with white people.
Climate change deniers.
Traditionally-minded people.
Gun owners.
People from a predominantly “red” state.
Religious people (with the exception of Muslims).
Heterosexual people and traditional marriages.
Anyone or anything associated with traditional America
In America, it is “White Privilege”.
“I do not believe in people owning guns. Guns should be owned only by [the] police and military. I am going to do everything I can to disarm this state.”
-Michael Dukakis
knows who the targets of hate actually and really are. You have to be
either fully immersed in PC culture and blind to reality, or a friggin’
moron not to realize this. I well remember an experience about two
decades ago. My bathroom was broken, so I only took a shower once a
week. One day my six year old niece came next to me and said that I
smelled and stank. Now, why is this important,? No one else told me.
They were being too polite. They did not want me to feel bad that my
bathroom was kaput. But the young niece said the truth bluntly. It was
refreshing. Listen to what is being said now.
Political Correctness is a blanket term that today is used to demonize and isolate.
“Why do I even worry about some silly little statue coming down? Or some silly little street names changing? Why do I even care?” she asked.
“It’s because the last time I didn’t care,” the woman then said, answering her own question. “The last time, I didn’t care about this as a teenager — I have already lived through these things when I was living in Venezuela.”
“Statutes came down, [Hugo] Chavez didn’t want that history this way. And then he changed the street names, then came the [school] curriculum. And then some movies couldn’t be shown on TV channels, and so on and so forth,” she said.
Talking to Americans, the woman pointed out that she has heard it said that these things can’t happen here.
“But always been on guard, never believe that something can’t happen to you,” she cautioned. “You need to guard your country, your society, or it will be destroyed.”
“We didn’t believe it could happen to us, we Venezuelans,” she said. “Cubans warned us, and we were like, ‘We know what freedom is like, that’s not going to happen here.'”
“Yet, it happened,” she concluded."
-Venezuelan woman begs Americans to wake up: This is how it starts. Cubans warned us, we didn’t think it could happen to us.
It goes by other names in other nations. But by whatever name is of no consequence. What is important is how it is used, and what it’s purpose is. For it prevents a person from saying what they truly think.
History is full of reminders in how to use terminology like this.
First comes the us-vs-them propaganda. Then the disarming. Then the gathering of people. Finally comes the killings. Every time you hear the term “white privilege” on the media, this is what that announcer wants to do to your family and YOU.
The dehumanization and objectification of political adversaries is always used in the preparation and justification for mass murder. This came into sharp focus as an effective weapon during the French Revolution. As well as other “revolutions”, “civil wars”, or “conflicts”. They are almost always genocidal events initiated by the richest people in the nation.
In these events, people are pitted against each other. Often by the most trivial of reasons. Their “armies” are mob-manipulated youth driven into crazed behaviors by decades of non-stop propaganda. We we have some urban youth, provided with drugs and military weapons to terrorize the countryside.
The specific insults morph to fit the circumstances and the times. each time it is a new and different term; a new name. Yet, each insult is designed to have the same effect — to dehumanize and to objectify a group of people.
These are the people in opposition to the dominant group that has seized power and the legal mechanisms of the State.
Progressive liberal militia in Berkeley, California getting ready to fight against “White privilege” , deplorables, and racists. They are willing to kill anyone whom they deem a threat to their vision of a Marxist utopia. Please take a special note that the Marxist militia is totally fine with having “large capacity” magazines, while the law is in place to collect them from local conservatives and moderates. It doesn’t seem fair does it?
The insults and attacks serve a purpose to strengthen the ideology of young easily manipulated people who can be the disposable “soldiers” of the cause. This always happens.
It is predictable.
soldiers that participated in the Sierra Leone conflict. They were
“brainwashed” into ideologically motivated pawns to accomplish military
goals as established by the people instigating the military activity.
Rural Midwest America can expect such soldiers to stream outward from
Chicago and other major American cities.
Here is a partial list of the defamatory names of condemnation. Pay attention. These are utilized by tyrannical regimes. These well map out the fate meted out to people so branded:
1793, France Enemies of the people Enemies of the revolution Girondists Indulgents Aristocrats Criminal Clergy Criminals against Liberty
These terms were used often, and resulted in mass executions by guillotine in Paris and cities across France. Additionally, there was total and complete genocide against the Catholic clergy, nuns and laity of La Vendee.
You see. They weren’t “progressive” enough.
In France, it was “Aristrocrat Privilege”.
By using emotion-driven political speech, you can demonize a class or a group of people. Then you can take another group of people, manipulate them through alcohol, drugs and sex and unleash them on the people that you demonize. This is a historically proven method.
Well, that was France. Just France. Well, look at what happened in Russia. Know your history.
1917, Russia Bourgeois Capitalists Counter-Revolutionaries Reactionaries Political deviants Kulaks Czarists Trotskyites Mental defectives
All this resulted in mass executions by firing squad, mass graves. There was imprisonment and torture in Lubuanka and Leforto prisons. Millions starved to death. Others sentenced to hard labor in Siberia. Know your history.
In Russia, it was “Trotskyite Privilege”.
Demonized people being lead to concentration camps for their “protection”. This is ultimately what happens when you demonize a race or class of people.
Well, that was just two examples, the argument goes. Ok, then. Let’s look at China…
1966, China Class enemies Landlords Bad elements Rightists Rich peasants Impure elements Revisionists
Of course, this resulted in re-education camps, sanctioned mass murder by Red Guards, torture, imprisonment, and starvation.
In China, it was “Revisionist Privilege”.
In Greece, during the civil war there, dead civilians are shown being pulled out of a well. They were killed and tossed into the well by roving bands of ideological armed youth.
And now, today in the United States. Ah, you say…. “It could never happen here.” That’s what everyone is saying…right?
2016, USA Deplorables Racists Sexists Homophobes Xenophobes Islamophobes Irredeemables Nazis White Privaledge
What could possibly happen?
In America it will be “White privilege”.
What makes these derogatory blanket terms salient and potentially dangerous is that they were intentionally uttered publicly in front of an audience of admirers in 2016 by Hillary Clinton. And, when she uttered these words; words designed to minimize other Americans, and trivialize them, the crowd burst into clamorous applause.
This is what happens when organized genocide, initiated by the oligarchy in a nation, is permitted to follow it’s pre-determined course. People die. This scene could easily be duplicated in Chicago, Detroit, LA, Atlanta, and Birmingham, given just a tiny amount of prodding.
She did so in possession of all the levers of State power. She did so and used these defamatory, inflammatory, dehumanizing terms to describe en masse tens of millions of American citizens. People like me, and like YOU, the reader.
When you are demonized by ideological Marxists, they will come after you. They will attack you and kill you when you are minding your own business. Like this poor girl carrying turnips.
I mean, really, just how dangerous can you be carrying turnips? The point is that you just aren’t. The only thing dangerous about you is how you think, and progressive liberal Marxists want to destroy anyone who has any thoughts outside of their narrative.
De-arming the citizens
Genocide can only happen once the citizens are disarmed. Then you can lie to them, and convince them to obey you. Works every time. It works like a charm.
Once you are disarmed, and are unable to fight back, those in power will use you until you are no longer of value. Then they will kill you. It always happens that way.
There are multiple avenues that the Marxists are taking to disarm Americans. This should be obvious to everyone. But there are other avenues of approach that are being done in secret and are hidden. One of which was by UN treaty.
Luckily on “pause” for now…
President Trump signed an executive memorandum officially notifying the United Nations that the United States was withdrawing its support for a United Nations-backed treaty former Secretary of State John Kerry signed in 2013.
With this action — “un-signing” a treaty document — Trump sent a clear, unambiguous, and long-overdue signal to the domestic and international gun control movement, that since 2001 had been pressing for a U.N. foothold to regulate firearms use and possession within our country: “Back off!”
In signing this document, Trump drove a stake into the heart of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT); and our Second Amendment is the stronger for that action.
Oh, the outcry from the left! New Jersey’s Bob Menendez, ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, wailed that in taking this “disturbing” action, Trump was “[jeopardizing] U.S. security.” Rachel Stohl, managing director for the Stimson Center in the nation’s capital, somehow concluded that the president’s action will “harm the American economy.” The common catchword by these and other globalists in describing the ATT that is now dead to the United States, was — as always for the gun control movement – “common sense.”
In fact, there was nothing “common sense” about this document and the ongoing process to make it the operative mechanism for international gun control.
Always seeking relevance and power since it was established in the immediate aftermath of WWII, the U.N. has worked for nearly two decades to shoehorn gun control into its “world peace” mission. In this, it has been strikingly successful, with some 130 countries signing the ATT and over 100 actually ratifying it and becoming thereby fully and legally bound by its terms. The U.N. even convinced the Obama Administration to sign onto it and submit it to the U.S. Senate for ratification, where it sat until Trump’s April 29 action pulling it back.
Despite the long-standing effort by ATT proponents to present the Treaty as a purely international instrument affecting only export and import of firearms, lurking within its broad parameters and underlying authorities is a catalog of gun control measures that each signing country (which had included the United States) commits to act consistent with.
This list of what Menendez and Stohl (and others) describe as “common sense” measures includes, among others:
• Restricting civilian possession of firearms only to those “at the lowest risk of misusing them.” (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• Limiting sales and other transfers of firearms only to commercial transactions at licensed “sales premises” (in other words, no transfers at gun shows).
• Only persons licensed and periodically re-licensed by the national government could possess firearms. (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• All firearms must be registered with the national government. (Violation of the 4th amendment.)
• All persons wishing to possess a firearm must pass a rigorous exam administered by the national government. (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• All firearms must be stored in locked containers separate from ammunition, and “bolted to a heavy or immovable object.” (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• Only a pre-determined number of firearms and rounds of ammunition may be possessed by a properly licensed civilian. (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• Magazine capacity is limited to 10 rounds. (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• No firearm could be possessed before at least a seven-day waiting period.
• No civilian could own or possess a firearm for self-defense unless they first demonstrate a clear and convincing need.(Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• Individuals licensed to own firearms are subject to periodic and random inspections of their homes or businesses (Violation of the 4th amendment)
• In order to be granted a license to possess a firearm, an individual must secure recommendations from “responsible members of society,” attesting to their “suitability to possess a small arm.” (Violation of the 2nd amendment, as well as the preamble to the Bill of Rights.)
These terms would not — unless the treaty was ratified by the Senate — be legal binding. However, the federal government’s commitment to act consistently with all explicit and underlying terms of the treaty would have provided easy opportunity for gun control advocates in any administration to take such steps and justify them by virtue of Kerry’s signature back in 2013.
At least with regard to the Arms Trade Treaty and its sneaky gun control agenda, Americans who understand and support the right to keep and bear arms, can heave a sigh of relief thanks to Trump’s action on April 29.
-Bob Barr (@BobBarr) represented Georgia in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003. He currently serves as president and CEO of the Law Enforcement Education Foundation.
All it takes is for the US Senate to ratify the UN agreement, and the President to sign it. When that happens, the Bill of Rights become subject to modification by the UN.
Now, once you are disarmed, then comes genocide. It always happens. Always.
Demonized for his “Jewish Privilege” the last member of his family stands over his dead family before he too is killed.
This is what the progressive liberal Marxist democrats want to do to YOU and your family. Do not close a blind eye to it. They are just biding their time, and then whammo! It will hit you like a bulldozer that fell from the sky.
Know your history.
Don’t allow it to happen to YOU.
Others have mapped out “signposts” and “markers” along the way in order for people to gauge the relative state of American affairs regarding Marxist takeover. They often have many, many great things to say.
Don’t let it happen to you. Do not let your guard down. America is very close to a full-scale SHTF.
The Western Rifle Shooters blog-spot has a number of excellent writers on this subject. One of whom is “Bracken”. I have provided numerous excerpts from his profound insights. One of which is below. Take note…
The Yellow Line:
The yellow warning line will be crossed with national gun registration laws, including laws forbidding private gun sales without government permission. When that law passes, millions of Americans will feel that they have been pushed directly to the edge of the abyss above the mass graves of history. Defenders of the Second Amendment know what happened in Turkey, the USSR, Germany, China, and other nations that fell under totalitarian rule: in every case a necessary preliminary step on the road to genocide was national gun registration, followed by confiscation. The Jewish survivors of the Nazi Holocaust say, “Never again!” And so do we.
The Red Line:
The red line will be crossed with the passage of laws mandating that currently owned weapons, ammunition magazines, and ammunition quantities above a certain number must be turned in to authorities or destroyed, and thereafter their simple possession will be a felony. At that point, the nation will be on a hair trigger, with a thousand flaring matches nearing a thousand primed cannon fuses aimed directly at the next Fort Sumter.
The Dead Line:
The next line requires a bit of history to explain. In some primitive Civil War POW camps, where lack of funding or logistical constraints did not allow the construction of proper fences, a knee-high continuous railing of wooden slats encircled the prison grounds. Guards with rifles were positioned at the corners and in crude towers. If a prisoner so much as stepped over the narrow plank, he was shot dead without warning, obviating the need for a real fence to contain him. Hence the term “dead line.” Cross the line and people die, right now.
And this is what liberal utopians must understand: after passing the yellow line with national gun registration and transfer requirements, and the red line by making possession of currently legal firearms felonious, the dead line will be breached with the first SWAT raids upon citizens suspected of owning legal firearms made illegal by the new gun control laws. People will die resisting confiscation, in large numbers.
Confiscation crosses the dead line, make no mistake about it.
I am sure that he thinks that we are getting close to “zero hour”. But, maybe we are way past that moment in time. Maybe.
Now, let’s just see where we are, shall we…
Yellow Line
Requiring government permission to exercise the right to own a gun. Sorry. We have been there for almost a century.
This is where guns, ammo, or types of gun components must be turned into the government. We have been there for almost a full decade. Ever since Obama became President.
And, to you tough-talking Neo-Cons with your AR-15 rifles and a few thousand rounds of ammo, here is the reality: they will take your guns, and no, all your Second Amendment bluster aside, you are not going to do anything about it.
You are not going to take on a platoon of Marines with state-of-the-art automatic weapons and the best body armor you cannot buy protected by armed personnel carriers and attack helicopters unless you choose to die that day — for nothing.
You will either be in the country or out, and if you are in, you will stay in and you will comply.
-Daily Reckoning
Those progressive Marxists are pretty emboldened. Taunting us conservatives like that. Maybe they are in their own echo chamber or maybe they know something we don’t.
Maybe they know something…
Dead Line
We are there. People now die when the police come to their houses to collect their guns.
According to police, two officers serving a new Extreme Risk Protective Order (Red Flag Law), a Maryland protective order to remove guns from a household, shot and killed the man listed on that order.
“Under the law, family, police, mental health professionals can all ask for the protective orders to remove weapons,” said Sgt. Jacklyn David, with Anne Arundel County Police.
That man was identified as Gary J. Willis of same address.
Officials said Willis answered the door while holding a handgun.
Willis then placed the gun next to the door.
When officers began to serve him the order, Willis became irate and grabbed his gun.
One of the officers tried to take the gun from Willis, but instead Willis fired the gun.
The second officer fired a gun, striking Willis. He died at the scene.
Convinced yet?
You have a window of opportunity now.
Things are not yet "hot". Do you intend to stay put, and if so do you have a safe hiding place... well constructed, well-hidden, with supplies? Are you armed and able and (most importantly) willing to use the weapons?
Rouse up the rabble through organized rallies and protests
“If someone is so fearful that they are going to start using their weapons to protect their rights, it makes me very nervous that these people have weapons at all.”
-U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman
In order to instigate genocide, there is a formula that must be followed with some due care.
Demonize a class of people.
Promote that demonization into mainstream society.
Normalize it to a point where pure hatred manifests.
Create rallies and protests that will inflame the hatred.
Then disarm the people so hated.
As we see all of the protests and other civil unrest in America, it’s easy to think that it’s a groundswell of outrage. Knowledge takes us beyond that mere information!
Ever since the 2016 election, we’ve seen an increase in violence in America. The media would have you believe that this a country wide, groundswell of discontent. Many good folks are getting scared. Well, the good news is that the bad news is more “fake news”! I’ve been studying the violence and tracking it on a map. The map I’m using is the one that shows which counties Hillary won and which Trump won.
It’s happening in one of the 487 counties that Hillary Clinton won in 2016! The protesters know that they are breaking laws in a community where the local politicians and police are “protestor friendly”.
I wasn’t surprised to see that virtually 100% of these protests and violence was happening in one of the 487 counties that Hillary won! Other than the sheer logistics of being in those counties, I believe that the real reason for their doing these protests in 487 counties is because they own the entire political spectrum in those counties.
They own the government, the police and the sheriff. They know that they can protest with little fear of being punished.
- What the 487 means, and why it’s important
The Causes of Genocide
“[To get a] permit to own a firearm, that person should undergo an exhaustive criminal background check. In addition, an applicant should give up his right to privacy and submit his medical records for review to see if the person has ever had a problem with alcohol, drugs or mental illness . . . The Constitution doesn’t count!”
-John Silber, former chancellor of Boston University and candidate for Governor of Massachusetts. Speech before the Quequechan Club of Fall River, MA. August 16, 1990
Know your history. Read a textbook why don’t ya.
Woman refusing to be taken from her home by the federal police. Germany. The Nazi Germans, as well as the Stalinist’s used the same techniques to isolate and kill their political and ideological opposition.
Once they disarmed them, they went into the homes and seized them.
Yet, the Germans weren’t ignorant. They knew that they had Rights. They knew that the German police could not just simply come in. They needed “papers” and “permissions” to do so. yet, the German citizens were stunned when they were told that “NO we do not need no stinkin’ papers”.
"That law doesn't apply in this case. You can contact an attorney after we take you to the station."
There is substantial, documented evidence that all the hype by the progressive liberal democrats and the mainstream media are are geared up to one singular result; the genocide of traditional conservatives and white males.
That’s right. Know your history.
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them… ‘Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ’em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren’t here.”
-U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) CBS-TV’s “60 Minutes,” 2/5/95
Here is a slide from a history class. Apply it to America today, why don’t ya.
PPT slide on the causes of Genocide. Sound familiar? It should, it sounds pretty much what the progressive liberals are planning for right now today. SHTF and CWII will be a genocidal event.
After a decade of vicious conflict, the war in Sierra Leone is still shocking in its sheer atrocity: rebel troops of drug-crazed teenagers have hacked the limbs off thousands of civilians, including women and babies. U.N. peacekeeping forces have been powerless to intervene. Cold-blooded calculation fuels the rebels' insanity.
-The Terror of Sierra Leone
Hillary Clinton used it in such a way to recruit others to openly
attack (physically) her conservative opposition. Much in the same way
the the RUF became motivated to attack the long-standing traditional
elements of society in Sierra Leone.
soldiers in Sierra Leone. Note how well armed they are. Government
forces working secretively set aside caches of weapons and ammunition
for use by ideologically motivated “regulars”. Who then sprung forth
when the time was right. They will be better armed than you. You had
best be better trained.
Once in power, the laws will be prejudicial
“I am one who believes that as a first step, the United States should move expeditiously to disarm the civilian population, other than police and security officers, of all handguns, pistols, and revolvers… No one should have the right to anonymous ownership or use of a gun.”
-Professor Dean Morris, Director of Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, stated to the U.S. Congress
As we already see in the United States, there are two sets of laws.
One set are for the progressive democrat Marxists. The other set of laws are for everyone else. While currently, it provides advantage for the progressive socialists, once they obtain power, they will twist the laws to be completely prejudicial to their opposition. Like you.
In the Urban areas, the police will be active in purging conservatives from society.
The police will use lists, list compiled by “diversity officers” and local progressive informants to identify local conservatives. These conservatives will then be collected by police and taken to interrogation centers and “safe places” for their “protection”.
"You can contact your attorney once you are in the station. For now, turn around and put your hands behind your back. It's for your protection."
Know your history. See how the German Nazi Socialists treated the Jews.
From HERE On July 5, 1941 Korvettenkapitan Brückner, who had taken over for Stein issued a set of anti-Jewish regulations. These were published in a local newspaper, Kurzemes Vārds. Just imagine what it would be like if the terms related to Jews were replaced with their modern American equivalents.
Indeed, one can only imagine what it would be like if the word “Jew” was replaced by the word “conservative”.
All Conservatives must wear a sign on the front and back of their clothing;
Shopping hours for Conservatives are restricted to 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Conservatives are only allowed out of their residences for these hours and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.;
Conservatives are barred from public events and transportation and are not to walk on the beach;
Conservatives are required to leave the sidewalk if they encounter anyone in uniform;
Conservative shops are required to display the sign “A non-progressive business” in the window;
Conservatives are to surrender all radios, televisions, computers, cell phones, fax machines, and typewriters.
Conservatives are to surrender all uniforms, arms and knives in their possession.
Conservative are to surrender all means of transportation; including cars, bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, and boats.
What? You think it can never happen?
“Banning guns is an idea whose time has come.”
-U.S. Senator Joseph Biden, 11/18/93, Associated Press interview
Wake up. It has been going on for the last decade or so…
Clandestine photo of women being herded to the gas chambers of Crematorium V in one of the many extermination camps set up by the Nazi Germans. Their goal was ideological. It was to exterminate all opposition and anyone whom they felt were “privileged” and didn’t deserve it.
"You need to undress and place your clothing on the pile to the right. You are being led to showers, and a de-lice station for your own benefit."
Do not expect mercy
I’ll tell you what, do not expect mercy from these people.
"By order of the Governor, all firearms that do not have ownership registration papers, are to be turned in by 6 O'clock Friday. The police will conduct door to door searches for compliance."
Do not expect mercy from ideological progressive liberal democrat Marxists. They have had decades of indoctrination to hate you and other similar groups of people. To them, you are a dangerous cockroach that must be killed to save the human race. You and your family must be killed for the pasts what ever they were, and to save the environment. You must be killed and those with the guns are the ones that are going to do it.
Prior to Hitler banning Jews, and carting them off to concentration camps, he demonized them.
In Germany it was “Jewish privilege”.
There was a constant anti-Jew media onslaught on all the media. In addition he created non-Jew stores, gatherings and rallies.
He talked and railed about “Jewish privilege” so much, that it started to be talked about in universities and promoted in stores and restaurants. After a decade of this, the rank and file Germans hated Jews so much that they couldn’t see straight.
The smart Jews fled.
“I don’t care about crime, I just want to get the guns.”
-Senator Howard Metzenbaum, 1994
Do not wait until it is too late to flee a war zone. Unless you can count on your neighbors, you will need to leave.
The rest sat hopefully believing that their representatives in (the German version of) Congress would stop the flow of anti-Jewish sentiment.
They mistakenly believed that all that nonsense about “Jewish privilege” on university campuses would end.
They foolishly believed that it would just dissipate over time, and things would get back to “normal”.
When the time came, the German people vented their anger on the Jews.
"There have been some few incidents, but none were racial or politically motivated, reported the Chief of police."
Mobs of “normal” German boys went on rape crusades. They hunted for Jewish girls to attack and rape. Jewish stores and businesses were vandalized. Jews were ostracized in public, and everything Jewish was shunned.
“We’re here to tell the NRA their nightmare is true…”
-U.S. Representative Charles Schumer, quoted on NBC, 11/30/93
In the Ukraine, the woman were forced to strip in the fields while the drunken soldiers, political squads, and other progressives raped them. Then, when they were finished, they simply lined them up and killed them all.
This kind of activity is common. It always happens. Consider Sierra Leone.
Their trademark was amputations, mostly of hands, as a tactic to terrorize the local population. It was one of the only uses of mass amputations in the history of warfare, and it gave the R.U.F.—a small, poorly armed force that had no real backing—a power disproportionate to its size.
Announcing their attacks beforehand to inspire terror, the rebels swept through southern and eastern Sierra Leone in a matter of months. The national army was too small, too disorganized, and too corrupt to offer much resistance. Some of them even joined forces with the rebels to loot.
-The Terror of Sierra Leone
Genocide, campaign of deportation and mass killing conducted against
the Armenian subjects of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turk government
during World War I (1914–18). Armenians charge that the campaign was a
deliberate attempt to destroy the Armenian people and, thus, an act of
genocide. The Turkish government has resisted calls to recognize it as
such, contending that, although atrocities took place, there was no
official policy of extermination implemented against the Armenian people
as a group.
This is a common activity by the progressive left.
They identify a target and then relentlessly attack them. Anger against the target builds up and up, until it is unleashed in a fury of hatred. It happened in Germany, and it happened against the Tutsi in Rwanda.
In Rwanda it was “Tutsi Privilege”.
“I’m convinced that we have to have federal legislation to build on. We’re going to have to take one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily — given the political realities — going to be very modest. Of course, it’s true that politicians will then go home and say, ‘This is a great law. The problem is solved.’ And it’s also true that such statements will tend to defuse the gun-control issue for a time. So then we’ll have to strengthen that law, and then again to strengthen that law, and maybe again and again. Right now, though, we’d be satisfied not with half a loaf but with a slice. Our ultimate goal — total control of handguns in the United States — is going to take time. My estimate is from seven to ten years. The problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns sold in this country. The second problem is to get them all registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition — except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors — totally illegal.
-”Nelson T. Shields of Hangun Control, Inc. as quoted in `New Yorker’ magazine July 26, 1976. Page 53f
genocide. The Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the
Tutsi, was a genocidal mass slaughter of Tutsi in Rwanda by members of
the Hutu majority government. An estimated 500,000 to 1,000,000 Rwandans
were killed during the 100-day period from 7 April to mid-July 1994,
constituting as many as 70% of the minority population. The Tutsi were
methodically given bad press for years which fed an increasing agitated
populace that went on a murder spree.
The media is complicit in all Genocides.
The media is complicit in all Genocides.
They are used as a tool to generate an irrational hatred towards one
particular class of people. Then, when the hatred reaches a peak or
zeal, they allow it to vent. The result is thousands of deaths, and many
more harmed irreparably.
“There is no reason for anyone in the country, for anyone except a police officer or a military person, to buy, to own, to have, to use, a handgun. The only way to control handgun use in this country is to prohibit the guns. And the only way to do that is to Change the Constitution.” USA Today
– Michael Gartner – Former president of NBC News – “Glut of Guns: What Can We Do About Them?” – January 16, 1992
Make no mistake. The American Civil War 2 will be an ideological genocide. The stage has already been set.
The stage for Genocide is already in place.
All that is needed are just a very few “chess pieces” to move into place. Just a few. Aside from that, everything is ready.
will start to look something like this once the ideological “hounds of
war”; those armed packs of thugs from the urban strongholds are let
loose on the rural, undefended communities.
Right now, today in the United States, the complicit American media
is fostering and fomenting this kind of ideological zeal against the
following types of people…
White people (for slavery and “privilege”.)
Straight white males that show alpha-male qualities.
Anyone who lives outside of a major city.
Anyone who holds a conservative point of view.
The internet and media is rife of anti-white sentiment, and people “admitting” to their “privilege”.
The oligarchy is promoting the us-vs-them narrative aggressively. Historically it only results in one thing; the DEATH and whole-scale slaughter and genocide of the people targeted.
If you fit into any of the above characteristics, then I will be the
first to tell you that you will not, and your family will not, be given
ANY mercy. These progressive liberal democrats will come into your house
and kill you without blinking an eyelash.
It’s already happening…
demonetization of white people by the constant onslaught of the media
has resulted in attacks and injuries. It is only a matter of time until a
major event transpires.
(WASHINGTON, DC) Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.
Chicago police announced on Wednesday evening that they had arrested four people in connection with the crime, according to Fox 32.
The video, taken by a woman identified on Facebook as "Brittany Herring," shows a white man tied up with tape across his mouth. The victim is shown being repeatedly hit, sliced at with a knife, berated and his clothes ripped off.
At one point in the video, the primary assailant shouts at the bound man, **** Donald Trump, *****! **** white people, boy! **** white people, boy! while he kicks him.
is people like these that will be pressed into an anti-white frenzy and
will hute, attack, and torture you before they rape and kill you. This
is what is going on all over the United States today. Do not tell that
that it will NOT happen in the USA. It already has.
At another point in the video, the perpetrators laugh about being reported to the police in response to a Facebook commenter claiming they're going to be arrested. They also mock another commenter who said their torture was not funny by claiming it is funny.
More videos emerged later on Wednesday of the crime. In one, the suspects threaten their victim with a knife and beat him before he was tied up. The victim can be heard screaming and pleaded with his attackers to stop. It ends with one of the attackers saying he's going to shank the white male.
Chicago police said they were considering hate crime charges in the case and called the crime "sickening" in a Wednesday night press conference. They confirmed the victim is mentally handicapped and was released from the hospital after being treated for his injuries.
Police say he has been extremely traumatized by the crime.
However, Chicago Superintendent Eddie Johnson said he doesn't believe the incident was politically motivated.
Ah, yes. The Progressive Liberal Democrat Superintendent Eddie
Johnson said that he doesn’t believe the incident was politically
You see, if it is an attack against a “white person”, and they are
repeatedly railing against Donald Trump, it is not racist, nor is it
political. You see there are one set of rules for progressive democrats,
and another set of laws and rules for conservatives.
You have to understand that this is the reality in America today.
Progressive Liberal Democrat Superintendent Eddie Johnson said that he doesn’t believe the incident was politically motivated. Instead he said that these were “good kids” and represented their neighborhood. They should be forgiven for a minor, unimportant “indiscretion” and that they had no idea what they were doing.
He immediately went about dismissing the charges against them with the local DA which caused a howl of outrage. What is the most amazing about all of this is that he was absolutely stunned and flabbergasted that anyone would find that the behavior of these “innocent children” would be considered to be bad, or criminal at any level.
It isn’t just one LONE incident either. These kinds of anti-white
aggression are popping up everywhere like a “wack a mole”. And
everywhere where they manifest, the criminals are let off with a slap on
the wrist and the event down-played as insignificant.
Now, none of this should be new to the reader. Most Americans, on both sides, are well aware of this.
“the state of Iowa should take semi-automatic weapons away from Iowans who have legally purchased them prior to any ban that is enacted if they don’t give their weapons up in a buy-back program. Even if you have them, I think we need to start taking them,”
-Iowa state Rep. Dan Muhlbauer (D-Manilla) 2013
What should be new is the…
Things that are likely to happen…
There are many things that can happen when progressive socialists come to power. Especially when the general population is ready and primed for attack by ideologically motivated progressive Marxists.
Study these pictures. They are not photo-shopped.
are many bad things that happen when progressive liberal democrats
(ideological Marxists) come to power. Do not pretend that worst case
scenarios can be avoided. They cannot.
Remember how Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton was completely shocking everyone with their actions?
Do. You. Remember?
Suddenly we had [1] retroactive tax increases, and [2] forcing Americans to buy things. We had [3] enormous giveaways of billions of dollars with no oversight or permissions, and [4] drone strikes on Americans. They did strange things while in office, that only now can we see the implications of…
…like Bill Clinton stacking the 9th circuit court with
radical socialists. (People on FR watched in horror as this took place.
We watched as closed door sessions were conducted, and “off-site”
meetings were held purposefully omitting conservatives.)
Look at America today. How many decades have we Americans had to deal with this one singular problem?
Genocide disguised as a Civil War. Know your history. It is always a manipulation of the wealthy elite used to attack another group of people.
War does not get worse than January 6, 1999.
Teenage soldiers, out of their minds on drugs, rounded up entire neighborhoods and machine-gunned them or burned them alive in their houses.
They tracked down anyone whom they deemed to be an enemy—journalists, Nigerians, doctors who treated wounded civilians—and tortured and killed them.
They killed people who refused to give them money, or people who didn't give enough money, or people who looked at them wrong.
They raped women and killed nuns and abducted priests and drugged children to turn them into fighters. They favored Tupac T-shirts and fancy haircuts and spoke Krio—the common language of Freetown—to one another because they didn't share a tribal language.
-The Terror of Sierra Leone
In Sierra Leone, it was “Financial Privilege”.
is well on the way to a progressive socialist takeover. When the noose
is completely tightened the resulting situation will be dangerous for
conservatives and traditionalists of all types. What we see today is
only the start of a long and drawn out dark road that we will be forced
to tread upon.
Imagine getting into a time machine and going just a few years in the
future when another Democrat has control of the White House, the
Senate, and Congress. Do you really think that the next presidential
democrat will be like Jimmy Carter, or John Kennedy? Nope. Not by a long
The next democrat president will be DANGEROUS.
Maxine Walters is nothing compared to what the next Democrat President will be like. Be ready because it WILL happen.
Make no mistake. The democrat party is off the rails and is in dangerous territory. This is nothing to take lightly or trivially. Who would ever think that a failed artist and corporal would take over Germany with the crazy Nazi party? Well, it happened.
What is going to happen in the USA is going to be far worse.
“People who own guns are essentially a sickness in our souls who must be cleansed.”
-Colorado Senator (Majority Leader) John Morse. 2013 (Cleansed? “Final Solution” anyone?)
Women, collected and forced to disrobe in front of an enormous ditch. There they were led inside and shot.
Successive groups of women came. Told to lie on top of them and then were killed.
This went on and on though the day and into the night until the layers of people were many layers deep.
Now, about this picture. These women were told to disrobe and undress so that they could be deloused. It was for their “protection”, don’t you know. They had no idea that they were being stripped and led to the gas chamber to be killed like vermin. They had no idea.
Even though they witnessed one decade of “Jew Privilege” and the hate being generated over it. Somehow, they just couldn’t believe that they were in the process of being exterminated. Know your history.
Sharpen your hatchets gentlemen. You had a short breather, hope you used it well.
-American Partisan
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Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
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other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might
like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in
America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken
apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions
as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
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reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly
impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal
library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come
and enjoy a read or two as well.
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This is a multi-part posting. The amount of content is enormous and the scope is too broad for a couple of paragraphs. Please follow the arrows to move between the different sections. Also note that this article covers a very politically-incorrect subject matter, and supporting photos and writings are very graphic. This is not for children or people of tender sensibilities.
...there are periods in history when the entire paradigm you’ve been accustomed to living under changes rather abruptly and for good. A change of this nature alters the entire game on a global basis and happens perhaps once in a lifetime. The last such shift happened during World War 2 and we’re living in the next one. How big of a change this will represent in the context of human history remains unknown, but we know it’s big. Really, really big.
The most significant challenge most of us face when confronted with such a moment is to remain focused and emotionally stable during the transition. This doesn’t suggest apathy, but it does mean staying grounded and not giving in to the constant news and pundit cycle of incensed outrage and anger about every single event that unfolds. After all, it’s important to recognize that almost everything you see in the news is a symptom of something far bigger happening in the background. Namely, that the global order most of the planet has known in the post-WW2 period is coming apart at the seams. If you don’t stay focused on the big picture, you’ll be easily and hopelessly manipulated without even knowing it.
-Liberty Blitzkrieg
What I intend to lay out here is that historically, there are predictable elements of societal evolution. These elements can be unsavory and distasteful, but that does not mean that they do not exist.
They do exist.
Historically, we know what has happened when there is conflict between a traditional society and a progressive socialist movement that has (or is in the process of gaining) the reigns of power in government.
We know what happens. It is a predictable, and well understood process. It is well documented.
When one side has the guns, and the other side does not, there can only be one outcome.
So we know what will happen… eventually when a progressive socialist movement tries to gain control of a government.
We are in the middle of the very beginnings of this in the United States. Here we discuss some very important points that other articles of this SHTF theme all leave out…
You will not know you are in danger until it is too late.
You will not know.
Once you are told to turn around and put your hands behind your back it will be too late. You will be lead politely into the vehicle. Then as door after door closes behind you, you will discover yourself in a position of disadvantage and you will be killed. It will happen and you won’t be aware of it until it is too late. Do you think this fellow was anticipating being killed the morning when he put on his shoes?
You will not know that you are in danger until it is too late.
You will NOT know you are in danger.
I had been living in Germany since 1988 and was living there when the shelling of Sarajevo, "my city" started. The best description of the state that I was in when the news reached me is simply: shock!
I always wonder how the people in Bosnia must have felt at this time. I was really panicked and kept phoning my friends in Sarajevo which remained possible for a couple of weeks after the bombing started.
I kept asking them what to do and what the situation was like over there. They told me about relatives of theirs who had fled into Sarajevo from smaller towns and villages throughout Bosnia and Hercegovina where they had witnessed the torturing and killing of people including small children.
They had witnessed the installing of concentration camps and other horrors. During these first months of the war in March, April and May 1992.
I was paralyzed - I spent weeks and weeks sitting on the couch watching television and reading the newspapers . I was totally unable to understand what was going on and I was waiting for someone to come and stop it.
When SHTF happens, it will be a very dangerous times. Do not be caught in the target hot area. Do not be caught unarmed. Do not try to hide in easily located places like attics or basements. Be ready.
One of the keys in socialist and Marxist control of a region is to get the citizenry to comply to their rules. They lie. They tell falsehoods. They set up false senses of security. They use children. They use the media.
Do not believe any of it.
Historically speaking, the lies will result in people dying.
1994 genocide in Rwanda. This followed the well documented model. Demonize a class of people. Then disarm them. Finally, herd them together under a blanket of lies, and kill them all.
The Outcome is Absolute and Predictable
The outcome of all state-sponsored genocide against a certain group of people is well recorded and predictable. Here is a photo from the Sierra Leone Civil War.
The outcome is absolute. Historically, with the exception of China (with the SJW uprisings), most progressive socialist movements eventually take over the reigns of government and mold it to their will. Those whom follow the traditional and often “old Style” of political discourse are eventually overwhelmed.
Once they gain power, they take over the government and mold it to their will. Suddenly the traditional symbols of government are co-opted and remolded into other purposes. This leads many traditionalists confused. This confusion sets up a perfect environment for the FULL implementation of their agenda.
German woman demanding her “Rights” when the German Federal Police come to take her and her family to a “resettlement farm” for their “safety” and “protection”. You know the places like Auschwitz. She obviously don’t want to go. Note that here were many other camps in German occupied Poland including Belzec, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Chelmno.
When the new progressive socialist government takes control, one of the first things that they do is hunt down and slaughter their opposition. Historically, that has been the conservative and traditional elements of the society. I am sorry to say this, but this is the historical truth.
Consider Bosnia…
"There used to be a law about weapons here, where I live, before the war. And yes, you could own a weapon but it was such a hard law that actually not too many people owned legal weapons.
And right when the (Shit Hit The Fan), first thing that happened was the confiscation of legal weapons, based on lists of who own legal weapons.
Now what people could do then was to say, “This is my legal weapon. I have a right to own it, by the law.”
...And those who did that usually got shot.
There were 20 heavily armed guys at your door asking nicely for your weapon, to be turned over to them in the name of “law” as an effort of a government that wanted to calm down a chaotic situation.
Sometimes if you said no, those guys would simply destroy the whole house with RPGs and bombs.
And guess what that meant?
Folks who owned legal weapon lost them even before the big SHTF. And a lot of guys who owned them in an illegal way hidden somewhere still own them when SHTF.
Illegal and legal have different meanings in different times and based who says those words, so think about it.
I am not saying that it will go like that there where you are. What I do say is you that you need to think a bit outside the box when it comes to owning things."
-Organic prepper
When the Khmer Rouge emerged from the civil war victorious and marched down the streets, thousands of terrified people fled, some rushing for the border with Thailand while others flooded the gates of the French Embassy. The massacres soon began and the Cambodian genocide was underway. The fighters who had stood up against the Khmer Rouge were executed en masse. Then the Khmer Rouge turned on civilians, driving the people into the countryside and killing thousands in the process. Soon, the Khmer Rouge was rounding up anyone who did anything that could be seen as capitalist. Selling a product or talking to anyone from the world beyond Cambodia’s borders was treated like an act of treason. Those caught were sent to so-called re-education camps like Tuol Sleng and Choeung Ek, a fate that nearly always meant getting tortured and killed.
It doesn’t take a brain surgeon or rocket scientist to figure this out. All you need to do is read one or two history books. Nothing being said now should be any shock to anyone even remotely versed in history. It’s a very well established progression of history.
Every progressive liberal socialist movement eventually goes full-on Pol Pot.
Do not think that in today’s “modern” and “enlightened” society that we are beyond mass genocide against a particular race, or group of people. Here are people who were seized out of their homes at the dead of night by militarized police (the Federal Police), handcuffed with wire-ties (behind his back) and then killed and dumped in a mass grave. Like this poor fella. I am quite sure that the person putting the wire-ties on his clasped wrists was very polite and nice about it. Cool and professional, most certainly. Then he was handed over to others. Those others then killed him like one would step on cockroach. And, with just as much care. What? You think America can’t relive the Bosnia experience?
What should be a shock is that the United States is destined to be one such nation. And you, dear boys and girls, are just about ready to be placed smack dab in ground zero for conflict. It will not be comfortable. It will not be pleasant. And, there will be those who will absolutely refuse to believe that it is happening.
They will come up with all kind of excuses. Such as “Sessions is playing 5D chess…you’ll see”, “Firearms confiscation will never occur in America.” and that great knee-slapper “Snopes fact checked it, and says that you are full of it.”
The genocide in Cambodia followed the well known and well defined pattern. Marxists take control. They disarm everyone. They propagandize against certain kinds of people. They use lies to escort them to “safe areas”. Then they kill them.
Remember when the Marxists took over Cambodia…
April 17, is a date that sends shivers down the spines of most Cambodians. On that day in 1975 the Khmer Rouge marched into Phnom Penh and took control of the country after almost five years of bitter fighting in the countryside.
Only a few photographers ventured onto the streets of Phnom Penh on April 17 and captured images of the victorious Khmer Rouge fighters entering the besieged city, taking enormous risks to photograph the mysterious communist guerillas who had a well-deserved reputation for brutality and taking no prisoners.
As the battle-hardened Khmer Rouge made their way into the city on the morning of April 17, none of the remaining foreign reporters and photographers who took refuge in the grounds of the French Embassy knew what to expect.
“I had seen the badly decomposed or disfigured corpses of Khmer Rouge soldiers on several occasions on the front line, but this was the first time I’d seen one alive,” said Neveu.
“At first nobody moved as we knew it was not a simple case of being brave of foolhardy. Then, just across the road, a few excited children holding hastily-made white flags above their heads walked out of a side street to meet the approaching guerrillas.
The Marxists now have complete control of the nation of Cambodia. They can do whatever is necessary to bring their idea of utopia to fruition. Most of which requires killing large number of “impure” and evil citizens.
“The ice was broken. Walking cautiously across the road, we approached the group, keeping an eagle eye on the whole area, feeling not entirely safe. The Khmer Rouge soldiers were probably enjoying their first moments of relative safety in many days since the operation to seize the city had begun.”
The calm did not last long. By early afternoon the Khmer Rouge were ordering all residents to leave the city with a minimum of belongings, the start of what turned out to be a death march for thousands. The city remained mostly empty until the Vietnamese invasion almost five years later.
“Some soldiers were shooting in the air in order to force the inhabitants to flee the city,” said Neveu.
When Marxists take over a city, crowd control will be very aggressive. The chances of survival is very slim. If you are caught in the middle of SHTF, do whatever is necessary to escape, survive and use evasion to protect you and your loved ones. Trust no one.
It has been estimated that at least 20,000 people perished during the evacuation of the capital. It marked the start of what the Khmer Rouge leaders called the “Year Zero” campaign, emptying towns and cities and forcing city-dwellers to become slave laborers in the countryside. By some accounts, Phnom Penh’s population dropped from two million to 25,000 in only three days.
Foreigners were ordered to move to the large grounds of the French embassy, and Neveu, Mabuchi and Rockoff joined them after spending the day roaming the city, talking photos of various Khmer Rouge units and government soldiers surrendering and handing over their arms, which were being piled up on street corners, overseen by Khmer Rouge cadres.
-The Day the Nightmare Started
Leadership will scurry.
When it seems like everything is beyond hope of redemption, the instigators of the conflict with evacuate and scurry to their “safe havens”. In the case of the United States, it will mean well fortified, and guarded locations, outside of the country. Such as underground lairs in NZ for the Software billionaires, and well fortified chateaus in Europe for the corrupt politicians.
This is not a win for team Trump, but it was inevitable, just as it was with Reagan. Conservatives would love to cut down our deficit and trim our budget back to size, but with three-quarters of our budget going to entitlements, there is no way forward without cutting those. Even if we halve the military budget (20%) we will achieve nothing. Even if we cut all programs across the board by 10% we will achieve nothing except debilitating them.
This is how democracy ends: it spends itself into oblivion, collapses the society, and a few rich industry leaders, union organizers, and politicians board planes for Switzerland with suitcases full of cash.
Do not expect any of the instigators to remain in the USA when SHTF. They never do.
Once the conflict escalates, those that sponsored the event will move to safe areas. These will be pre-prepared locations where they can continue their plotting without worry about repercussions. In Cambodia, the entire genocide was the end result of American and CIA machinations. Here is a last chopper leaving the nation.
In Cambodia, the American elite and their CIA covert operatives were bundled up by the United States Marines and evacuated out of the “Hot Zone”. They flew away and watched the nation burn.
Twelve helicopters, bristling with guns and U.S. Marines, breached the morning horizon and began a daring descent toward Cambodia's besieged capital. Residents believed the Americans were rushing in to save them, but at the U.S. Embassy, in a bleeding city about to die, the ambassador wept.
Forty years later, John Gunther Dean recalls one of the most tragic days of his life — April 12, 1975, the day the United States "abandoned Cambodia and handed it over to the butcher."
"We'd accepted responsibility for Cambodia and then walked out without fulfilling our promise. That's the worst thing a country can do," he says in an interview in Paris. "And I cried because I knew what was going to happen."
Five days after the dramatic evacuation of Americans, the U.S.-backed government fell to communist Khmer Rouge guerrillas. They drove Phnom Penh's 2 million inhabitants into the countryside at gunpoint. Nearly 2 million Cambodians — one in every four — would die from executions, starvation and hideous torture.
This happens EVERY TIME.
The instigators gather up their belongings, and what ever they can grab and flee. This has happened time and time again, and it just starting to happen in America RIGHT NOW.
That was the moment when serious reform and severe consequences for the criminal perpetrators of economic collapse could’ve reset the system and brought the world back to a sustainable path, but we all know that’s not what happened.
Instead, the “elites” in charge of addressing the situation decided instead to temporarily prop up a broken system while ensuring they’d be the primary beneficiaries of the specific polices that supposedly “saved the economy.”
In fact, nothing was saved. A dead system was put on life support while our self-proclaimed heroic elite grabbed everything not nailed down. A stealth crime spree that is ongoing to this day.
-Liberty Blitzkrieg
U.S. Marines come under Khmer Rouge fire while they were on the ground near the U.S. embassy during Operation Eagle Pull which evacuated American and embassy personnel in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on April 13, 1975. (Tea Kim Heang/AP)
What to expect
The first thing that can be expected is mass disarming of the populace.
Once the Khmer Rouge took over and capture Phnom Penh in 1976, the disarmed everyone. Those that refused, that stood on their Rights as Cambodian citizens, were shot, and the entire family arrested. The weapons were collected in major road intersections and put in display so that everyone could see that the new Marxist government was fully in charge.
I am not going to rehash history. You should know this. The only thing that I must underline is that YOU are not immune from the steam-roller of historical events. They will occur whether you want them to or not.
Factory workers, with their company name badges, in the parking lot of their employer. Two dead and one dying with his legs shot off. He and his co-workers had no idea that “world war III” would break out while they were trying to clock in at work. When one group of people identify another group, and target them with hate, and violence, it only escalates. It gets worse. Eventually there is whole-scale blood shed. Do not be under the illusion that it will never happen in America. There are enormous groups of people just chomping at the bit to attack conservatives and traditionalists. All in the name of a progressive utopia.
If you haven’t read any history books by now, any statement from myself will be meaningless. So, I’m not going to do so.
Instead, I will lay out some of the characteristics that are common with every single progressive liberal socialist takeover of government. I will put them in terms that are applicable to Americans today…right now.
In the Country…
Urban youth, armed with fully automatic weapons, and RPG’s will burst forth and stream out of their protective enclaves. (Enclaves where their ideology has been nurtured for decades to hate one type or class of person.) They will ride forth in new cars and trucks. Sort of like how the ISS managed to get all those brand-new white Toyota trucks and turn them into “mechanicals”.
The people in the rural sections will have to fend for themselves, and they will have a tough go at it. There will be local Marxists in just about every village and town reporting on who to target and who has guns, etc. They will compile lists and they will provide those lists to their leadership in the cities.
The people in the rural areas, will be forced to go on the defensive. They will try to block the roads from whence the urban youth streams from, and they will have road-blocks and barriers as best they can, so that they can move their loved ones to safety.
The people, isolated and undefended, in the rural regions were dangerously exposed. Large packs of armed “militia”, actually ideological youth armed with military arms and on drugs and in an frenzy against perceived slights (“privilege” and “advantage”) as promoted by the media prior to the SHTF event. This is a scene in front of a “road block” that was set up by local residents to slow down the roving bands of armed urban youth. Their hope was that it would give them enough time to stream into the nearby cities for protection. The only thing was that the cities were all controlled by the very same people who set all the attacks in motion.
Paradoxically, this will mean that they will stream as refugees to apparent “safe areas” within urban areas. These areas will be controlled by the very people who have unleashed the terror.
In the cities…
The people, now pouring into the cities will be collected by the armed forces there. Most likely given to the Marxists who fully intended for this to occur.
The men will be separated from the women and the children.
During times of great turmoil, the odds of living after being handcuffed are mighty slim. Once you are in a confusing war zone, DO NOT EVER allow yourself to be handcuffed. The odds of survival are very slim. Know your history.
Most of the men will be killed immediately. Those rare exceptions would be those who would be tortured for various reasons to make a point to the remaining captives.
S 21 refers to “Monti Santesok S 21,” the main “security office” of Democratic Cambodia of the Khymer Rouge. Nearly 17,000 prisoners where imprisoned, tortured, interrogated and executed there between 1975 and 1979.
Only three of them are still alive.
All of the women will be dehumanized, raped and sent off to “collection centers”. There they will be provided dehumanizing clothing and attire, and raped until they are of no further use.
German Nationalist Socialists (Nazi’s) collected Jewish women. Stripped them, and provided them a roughly hewn sackcloth to wear, and a scarf to cover their head with. An uncovered woman is considered to be a threat. And used them as they felt necessary.
Everyone, and every moment will be documented to excess. It doesn’t matter if it was the Nazi’s with the Jews, the Soviets with other Soviets, the Khmer Rouge with their fellow citizens, or Americans against Americans. Each person will be interviewed, indexed, photographed, sheared, and categorized prior to execution.
Know your history.
Everyone, and every moment will be documented to excess. It doesn’t matter if it was the Nazi’s with the Jews, the Soviets with other Soviets, the Khmer Rouge with their fellow citizens, or Americans against Americans. Each person will be interviewed, indexed, photographed, sheared, and categorized prior to execution.
Prisoners, who included everyone from infants to grandparents, were brought in and tortured until they confessed they were either CIA or KGB operatives - even though many did not know what the CIA or KGB were. They were then further tortured until they "named" at least one other person who was also a CIA or KGB operative.
Then they were executed.
Nhem En, who was 16, was the house photographer. As each prisoner was brought in, he took their picture - a classic mug shot, the prisoner staring into the camera. He estimates he photographed 6,000 prisoners, knowing that all were about to die.
Cambodian soldier who turned in weapons as directed by his commander when the Marxists took power. Once disarmed, he was tied up and bound. Still in his army uniform. Photographed before being killed. This is the price you pay for not qualifying to live in a Marxist paradise. He was demonized for his “privilege”, attacked for his social irresponsibility, and tortured, well… because it was fun. He was then photographed and killed.
So much for the introduction.
The next six pages break down, in detail, how America is primed for a progressive Marxist genocide. Everything is in place. And make no mistake, many conservative politicians are on board with their Marxist confederates. We look at such things from the point of view of history and how it WILL manifest in the USA.
History can teach us a lot. But, it’s not a very pretty sight.
The election of Donald Trump has only postponed the genocide. I describe in depth why this is the case, and show clearly why this genocide SHTF CWII train-wreck is going to happen whether we want it to happen or not.
My you-tube video on this article
I created this video years after this article was first written. It serves as a perfect match for the contents of this article. It discusses the idea that societies collapse before governments do, and that is reason to be concerned (if you are an American.)
Keep in mind that I am an American expat living inside China. I took the “life boat” to a much safer place, and I wish and want those who have decided to “stay put” and “duke it out”, great success in your efforts to survive the present conditions of chaos and insanity. Hang in there! I believe in you!
You can view it on my you-tube channel. Here’s the video…
The following six articles will cover;
How your Human Resource manager will determine the future of your family.
How to defend yourself; the rule of three.
How the media is used to demonize; and then communicate to the Marxists.
How to avoid innocent but dangerous situations.
How the “lone wolf” mentality will get you killed.
What not to do, and what to do, to prepare realistically from a historical perspective.
How to get your family and loved ones to protection.
Avoidance of being a target.
How to take down a technical.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
If you want to see my MEGA-Index about the collapse of America click here…
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