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This article provides a series of general affirmation templates that are useful to help increase your extra-sensory-perception (ESP) abilities. There are many such ESP abilities.
I have found sources on the internet that describe hundreds of these abilities.
What we will do here is just comer some of the more critical or popular abilities that one might wish to learn or acquire.
In all cases, if you want to increase your psychic abilities you must accept the fact that this is a learned skill. No one is actually gifted with these skills. They have to practice and work on their studies to master them. However, by adding specific affirmations to a affirmation prayer campaign, one is able to really speed up the process that one would use to obtain these abilities.
I urge those who wish to learn of these abilities to select one and only one ability, and then work on it to the exclusion of any other ESP ability. Go step by step, and take slow methodical actions toward your end objectives. You can always add other ESP abilities later on. To accomplish this goal you will need to add statements 1 and 2 to your present (or future) affirmation campaign, and then add the specific ESP target statements as described below.
Basic Statement 1
No matter what ESP skill set you wish to acquire, you should add the following base line statements to your prayer campaigns. These statements are a fundamental necessity regarding the learning and acquisition process.
I am improving, learning, and expanding upon my ability to perform XXXXXX.
Where XXXXXX is the name of the ESP skill that you are trying to acquire.
Basic Statement 2
This second statement specifies the techniques that you wish to use to acquire this skill. And you can include all the techniques, or just utilize one technique cautiously.
The methodology that is used to improve my XXXXXX ablity is via YYYYYY.
Where YYYYYY can be any of the following items, either collectively (and listed as such) or a single specific technique.
1. Visual Learning
Visual learners prefer to see things drawn out or in graphs to understand concepts. If you like to doodle, draw, or create mind maps, it’s likely that you’re a visual learner. Visual learners use images and symbols to connect concepts and be able to see relationships between ideas. It’s common for people who become architects, designers, engineers, and project managers to prefer this style of learning. By specifying “visual learning” of your preferred ESP skill, you are asking for videos, movies, pictures, drawings, and other forms of written, or media representation to teach you and instruct you. In so doing, you will be directed towards books, movies, or art that will help you obtain the education that you are looking for.
2. Auditory Learning
This style is also known as aural or auditory-musical. Such learners like to listen and hear information in order to process it optimally. Those who lean towards aural learning are able to notice the nuances between pitch and tone. Some professions that bode well for auditory learners include: musicians, speech pathologists, sound engineers, and language teachers. By specifying “Auditory Learning” of your preferred ESP skill, you are asking or requesting to be directed to speeches, classes, audio tapes, or teachers who will speak to you and that would help you obtain the education that you are looking for.
3. Verbal Learning
If you love words and writing, you’re likely a verbal learner. Linguistic learners enjoy reading and writing and enjoy word play. Some techniques that verbal learners employ to soak up information could include role playing and using mnemonic devices. Verbal learners are likely to become writers or journalists or work in politics and administration roles. If you specify this type of learning, you will be directed to books, teachers, situations, and mentors.
4. Physical Learning
Kinesthetic or physical learners are hands-on. Rather than watching a demo or listening to directions, physical learners like to perform the task. Some careers that are well-suited for kinesthetic learners include: EMTs, physical education, or working in the entertainment industry as singers or actors. If you specify this kind of learning route, then you will be provided with situations that will actually teach you the skills. This will be physical, as well as non-physical where you would learn from your dream adventures.
5. Logical Learning
Logical learners have a mathematical brain. They can recognize patterns easily and connect concepts. To understand ideas, they prefer to group them into categories. Logical learners are most often found in math-related professions, like accounting, bookkeeping, computer science, or research. If you specify this kind of learning methodology, you will find yourself in situations where you would have to solve, which would then develop your targeted ESP skill.
6. Social Learning
Social learners are known as interpersonal learners. They can communicate well both verbally and non-verbally. Social learners have a distinctive sensitivity and an empathetic nature. This is why they often work in social fields that help others, like counseling, coaching, or teaching. Social learners tend to also thrive in a sales environment because it relies on interpersonal connections. If you specify this type of learning, then you would find yourself in situations where you interact with others, and through that interaction, you would obtain knowledge, and training related to your ESP skill set.
7. Solitary Learning
Intrapersonal learners like their solitude. When you think of this type of learner, you can imagine an author or researcher who spends a lot of time with their own thoughts and works best with the least distractions. If this is your preferred method of learning then you would rely very much on your “gut instincts”, and interpretation of the situations that you find yourself in. As a result, you would, over time, learn the necessary ESP skill set that you are searching for.
Replacements for Basic Statement 2
I have found that it might be more acceptable for you not to predefine the learning mechanism that you would learn to use the skill. But rather, that you would simply specify that the best, and most easy method to learn be provided to you.
The methodology that is used to improve my XXXXXX ablity is via the most effective available to me, and that I utilize it to it’s fullest potential.
The different types of ESP skills
The following are various ESP skills. You select the singular skill that you want to learn or improve and then incorporate the affirmations associated with that skill in your affirmation campaign.
Astral Projection
Astral projection is the ability to will your conscious out of your body. This type of psychic experience is similar to an out of body experience (OBE), except astral projection is voluntary, while OBE is typically involuntary. Astral projection is achieved through meditation and allows your astral body (also called a “soul”) to travel places your physical body cannot; for example, through walls and doors.
Automatic Writing
Automatic writing is a psychic ability that requires one to channel spirits in order to write messages from the beyond. This type of psychic power does not involve the conscious mind, but rather requires the individual to be in a trance-like state, with their hands moving unconsciously across a page to convey supernatural messages. The key is to be able to “turn off” the “noise” from your brain.
Clairaudience is the ability to hear beyond the normal human perception. This could mean anything from hearing voices, noises, and music from the supernatural world, or being able to hear messages from inanimate objects like minerals, crystals, and special artifacts.
Also called ‘clear knowing’, claircognizance is a psychic power in which a person is able to know things without any previous knowledge on the subject. It is conventionally believed that this knowledge is bestowed upon the psychic by a spirit guide or by their higher self. I consider it an access point to their (suppressed) memories.
Scene from the movie “Push”.
Clairgustance is the supernatural ability to taste a substance without making contact. It tends to happen and occur when you have a strong association or relationship with a person eating or around such an item.
Clairsentience is the psychic ability to sense or feel something supernatural. Psychics with this ability are able to acquire knowledge through feeling spirits and energies in the enteral world. According to Psychic Library, clairsentience is the ability to sense the past, present, or future emotional and physical state of a person. For example, psychics with clairsentience could meet a person and instantly know their name, birthday, emotional state, and other important details about their life. This often works based on the energies that surround a person, but it can also a result of channeling someone’s emotion after physically touching them.
Bruce Willis in the movie “Unbreakable”.
One of the most known forms of psychic power, clairvoyance is the ability to see things beyond the physical sphere, like auras, spirits, and visions, and it also includes being able to see into the past and future. Unlike other psychics, clairvoyants have the unique ability to see spirits or ghosts and communicate with them. They can also tell someone’s fortune by looking into the future.
Bruce Willis in the movie “The Sixth Sense”.
The noble art of divination is the practice of gathering evidence from the spiritual world to interpret the physical world. There are many different ways to practice divination in order to predict the future, reveal things from the past, or better understand the present. For example, some of the most common types of divination practices involve tarot cards, tea leaves, crystal balls, Ouija boards, pendulums, dowsing, scrying, bibliomancy, and the use of many other tools to translate messages from the ethereal world. Those who practice divinations believe that the ethereal world and the physical world are closely linked, and that the tokens or objects they are using to create a prophecy have either been marked by a supernatural energy as a type of clue, or are a type of medium communication tools between the two spheres.
Also referred to as ‘channeling’, mediumship is the ability to communicate directly with spirits. Psychics with this ability essentially act as a “medium” to relay messages from the spiritual world. There are different types of mediumship, but the most commonly known, perhaps, involves a spirit taking over the medium’s body and using their voice to communicate. Other mediums, however, can only speak to and hear messages from spirits, and then pass along the message themselves.
One of the MM followers is a “Precog”. Who would figure? Precognition is the ability to predict the future and future events. Psychics may experience precognition in different ways, but the most common, perhaps, is through detailed dreams. Others may experience precognition as a by-product of other psychic powers, like clairvoyance or ESP (extrasensory perception).
Precog in the movie “Minority Report”.
Psychic Channeling
Psychic channeling is another word for mediumship. This type of ability involves channeling spirits from the ethereal world, in order to communicate with the dead, ask questions about the future, or better understand the present. While channeling a spirit, the spirit can in some cases take over the psychic’s physical body, similar to a possession. However, in other cases, the psychic can only pick up on the emotion of a spirit and use other clues to try to piece together a message. Some even suggest that when you use a Ouija board you are performing a low level of channeling to move your hands across the board and create a message.
Psychic Empathy
In general, psychic empathy is the ability to feel or sense another person’s emotions. This skill is something that most people have in varying degrees, but psychic empathy gives you the power to sense another’s emotions without any physical cues. Often psychic empathy works by detecting the energy of one’s aura or energy field. This is something that all business managers and leaders learn to do over time. It comes with the territory if you grow to your position through effort and hard work.
Psychometry is a type of psychic power where an individual can experience visions or emotions related to a place or object just by touching it. Also called token-object reading, the psychic will usually hold an object in their hands, such as a photograph or piece of clothing, in order to summon information about the object. In addition, this types of power is sometimes used to communicate with animals, by detecting certain images or emotions.
Remote Viewing
Remote viewing is the ability to receive visions or impressions related to a distant object or place. This practice is a type of extrasensory perception (ESP). I can tell you that I have done this and over time, I have become pretty good at it. But I have allowed this skill to fall into disuse by the stresses of life and family.
Also referred to as post-cognition, retrocognition is the ability to see into the past. This is the opposite of precognition, which is the ability to see into the future. Retrocognition can occur in many ways, but most commonly it occurs while the psychic is dreaming.
Scrying is a type of psychic power that is related in many ways to divinations. Scrying is a technique in which a psychic looks into an appropriate medium to receive a message or vision. In popular culture, the most popular type of scrying is crystal gazing, often depicting mediums gazing into a crystal ball in order to read the future. However, scrying doesn’t always have to deal with a crystal or glass object.
One of the most fictionalized forms of psychic power, telekinesis is the ability to move objects in the physical world with your mind. Think “the force” from Star Wars or some of the superheroes from X-Men. This type of psychic power is extremely rare.
Scene from the movie “Push” where the character uses his mind to move the dice to win a bet.
Have you ever wanted to plant a thought is someone’s mind? Well, that’s exactly what can happen with telepathy. Telepathy is a type of psychic power that allows mind-to-mind communication. There are varying degrees of telepathy, but in powerful cases, the psychic can communicate clear and complete thoughts in just a blink of an eye. In addition, telepathy isn’t only limited to human to human interactions. Animal telepathy is also a popular sect of psychic practice. I can tell you that I have done this on multiple occasions. That I believe that it is a common human skill, but it needs to be trained to work properly.
There is nothing strange or unusual about having ESP abilities. It is simply a way to utilize your non-physical body to solve physical problems. It’s a true shame that we were not taught how to do this at an early age, and as a result, many people live stunted, frail, and shadow existences wholly manipulated by others and suffer the folly pitfalls of greed, lust and vice. Follow the guidelines above, and learn to enhance and use the skill sets that you have long neglected throughout your life. I believe in you.
Scene from the movie “Push”.
Do you want more?
I have more posts related to this in my Affirmation Campaign index here… Intention Campaigns
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
I want to continue discussing the use of thought to control your life.
As many long duration MM members can attest to, all you need to do to navigate on your reality template is to think and vocalize what you want. And if you write about, and think about, and talk about… bad things… then you will have that in your life. While if you think about good things, they instead will enter your life.
A “prayer” is a method of intentionally thinking certain thoughts, in a certain manner, to manifest certain things to occur in YOUR life.
There are many ways to run and conduct prayers. I have covered just a mere fraction of the ways in prior articles. It’s actually really based on the understanding that what you believe and what you think actually manifests. And for prayers, well, it’s actually only a way (or a method) that you can use to help you focus and direct your thoughts.
Good right?
Well, not so fast.
But this can cause all sorts of problems, when bad or malevolent people concoct systems of mechanisms based on prayer intention for personal gain, profit or fame. Whether it is a woman dressed up in Haitian garb on television in the late 1990’s telling you to call 1-800-know your life, or a white robed televangelist that you too can guarantee a set on the Heaven-express for only small weekly payments of $9.98. Or the Magick Dawn teaching you to control your life by the practice of Aleister Crowley’s magick.
And we are going to talk about this right here and right now.
You see, in Russia, many young folk are following Tiktok videos and describing their experiences with “magic numbers”. And then telling about how their wishes and desires manifested.
Does it work?
Sure. Fundamentally.
If you believe anything, and you think anything, it will manifest.
Found HERE. All credit to the author, and note that it was edited to fit this venue.
A rich husband, a slim figure, clear skin or good grades at school can be obtained with the help of special cheat codes. All you have to do is to write them on your hand and send a request into space, according to English-speaking bloggers on TikTok. In actual fact, the codes are part of the teachings of a Russian sect leader who served two years in prison.
On the smartphone screen in front of me is an image of a light-colored wall with plants and in the foreground are rows of numbers with headings such as ‘Beauty’, ‘Love’, ‘Health’, ‘Ideal Figure’ and so on. There are hundreds of both positive and negative opinions in the comments. I choose the most common heading – ‘Money’ – which has the greatest amount of number sequences under it. As I am diligently copying them, using a pen to inscribe them on my left wrist, my mom enters the room.
“What are you doing?” she asks suspiciously.
“I’m writing out some cheat codes for money,”
I reply, as if I do it every day.
“Then write them down in a column going up to your elbow and leave them there for as long as possible before washing them off - at least that way it might work,”
she says ironically and leaves the room to do other things.
The number sequences in the video are so-called cheat codes or “Grabovoi numbers”, which, according to Russian and foreign bloggers, must be written down in order to produce the desired outcomes.
On English-language TikTok, videos with codes and instructions on how to use them, accompanied by the appropriate hashtags, have gathered over one hundred million views. And, in the comments, representatives of Generation Z share the results of their use of the codes, with many positive comments among them.
Where do the codes come from, who publishes them and why?
Cheat codes for well-defined abs & YouTube subscribers and their ‘side effects’
Russian and foreign bloggers started actively making videos about these “cheat codes” in the spring of 2021.
The instructions in all the videos look the same – you need to choose the required number sequence, write it down on a piece of paper or directly on your wrist and also trace the same number sequence in the air with your finger – this increases the chances of “your request reaching space”. It is best to leave the number sequence on your wrist for up to three days. And then, all you have to do is wait for your wish to come true.
Apart from classic blessings, such as health, happiness, money or love, you can use the code to ask the “Universe” for almost any whim – bloggers publish codes for good grades at school, for a slim figure with well-defined abs, for popularity on YouTube, clear skin without acne, a rich husband and so on.
Russian-speaking TikTokers are more malicious – in addition to “positive” codes, they share number sequences for poisoning, high fever, coma and cardiac arrest.
Eighteen-year-old aspiring artist Viktor Alekseyev says that his code for money worked, even though he himself thinks it was pure coincidence.
“I wrote the code for money on my hand for a laugh. Until then, my art was not selling very well, but before the code I had submitted my drawings to a special organization that sells artists’ work and they started selling much better. It must have been autosuggestion or coincidence,”
Viktor says.
Senior school student Olesya says that a code helped her to become a star pupil in class.
“I did everything according to the instructions and, the next day, I started getting excellent grades. To be honest, I was doing well even before then. It’s just that before the code, I was getting 4s [Bs], but now, like magic, I’m getting 5s [As],”
…she opined.
Another schoolgirl from Moscow, Anna, says she wrote down a code for success in her school work and, the next day, her Russian language teacher cancelled a lesson. Anna attributes this to the code, since Russian was the class for which she had not had time to do her homework.
Many users complain that the codes just don’t work and some even experience “side effects”.
“I wrote down a code for luck and almost straight away I started to feel bad, I got a headache, then I erased it and felt better. I don’t believe in the codes, but who knows what the hell it was,”
…says schoolgirl Alina Batchayeva.
In addition, some users say that using the codes is dangerous – according to some TikTokers, the codes are connected to black magic, since the wishes vested in the codes are fulfilled by the Devil, who takes away your soul in return.
Numbers for health and bringing back the dead for money
The invention of cheat codes is attributed to the psychic healer Grigori Grabovoi.
Born in Soviet Uzbekistan, upon finishing school, Grigori studied mechanics at Tashkent State University and then worked for the Uzbek civil aviation authority. There, he was already passing himself off as a psychic and taking money for investigations into the “extrasensory” repair of airplanes.
In 1996, he obtained a paramedical qualification in Moscow.
At that time, Grabovoi announced that he could raise people from the dead and set up a sect called, ‘The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi’ and a foundation. He gave talks at the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, appeared on television and was a member of various public organizations and, additionally, referred to himself as Christ.
In 1999, Grigori published his book titled ‘Restoration of the Human Organism Through Concentration on Numbers’, in which he proposed the use of numbers to heal physical and mental ailments.
In his view, all illnesses and maladies should be regarded as energy with a specific frequency that can be expressed in numbers and these numbers can be enlisted to eliminate illnesses and everyday problems.
After the terrorist act at the school in Beslan on September. 1, 2004, which resulted in 334 deaths, Grabovoi proposed to the mothers of the dead children that he would bring them back from the dead for 39,000 rubles (approx. $1,400 according to the 2004 exchange rate).
The outraged residents of Beslan reported Grigori to the law enforcement bodies, but it was only four years later, in 2008, that he was sentenced to 11 years for fraud.
Two years later, in 2010, Grabovoi was granted early conditional release.
Grigori moved abroad and continued to expand his sect outside Russia – his books were translated into several languages, and a ‘Grigori Grabovoi Education Center’ was opened in Serbia.
He also started selling instruments for stopping the ageing process for 9,700 euros a piece and, in early 2020, he released two more codes – for treating Coronavirus.
‘Grabovoi trainers’ and revenue from viewers
Many foreign and Russian TikTokers, who make videos about the Grabovoi codes, also offer their own paid services on their accounts – from personal growth training sessions to sales of trinkets and T-shirts.
For instance, blogger Lindsey Rummel sells T-shirts with monkey designs and a range of nutritional supplements to maintain the functioning of the gut, brain and heart. Candice Nikeia, whose account on TikTok is fully dedicated to the Grabovoi codes, conducts private lessons in positive autosuggestion.
I sent questions to 20 Russian-language and English-language bloggers who publish Grabovoi codes. Out of these, only the Russian-speaking blogger Lady Di replied, demanding a fee of $200 for an interview.
When I refused, she blocked me on Instagram.
Many bloggers follow the fashionable trend of publishing videos about the codes for free for the sake of views and likes on social media, but, at the same time, some of those on TikTok publish clips, in order to make money out of teenagers and poorly-educated adult users, according to clinical psychiatrist and hypnotherapist Andrei Efremov.
“People who believe in the codes uncritically accept what they are told. <...> They see the positive example of someone, they see a lot of comments and they blindly follow the instructions. What is more, such people themselves are going to be on the look-out for situations that will demonstrate that the ritual works and will attribute all positive events to the codes. This is how autosuggestion works. The followers of Grabovoi themselves - probably also swindlers - will seek out such people on TikTok and make money off of them, while the latter will lose their savings and possibly even their apartments,”
…Efremov says.
In my case, I did not manage to accept uncritically what I was told – possibly that is why, at the time of writing, the cheat code for money hasn’t worked yet.
And thus the article ends.
The codes
In his books, Grigori offers a very large list of codes to the readers. Thus, they can choose those that best match their needs and finally put them into practice. However, it is not necessary to read all the books to get into action.
Here, is a list containing the main codes.
Grabovoi Code for Self-healing of the body – 9187948181;
Grabovoi Code for Love – 888 412 1289018;
Grabovoi Code for Weight loss and health – 1891014;
Grabovoi Code for Fight against alcoholism – 14843292;
Grabovoi Code for Peace – 1001105010;
Grabovoi Code for Depression – 519 514 319891;
Grabovoi Code for Self esteem – 4818951749814;
Grabovoi Code for Unemployment – 318514517618;
Grabovoi Code for Rejuvenate – 2145432;
Grabovoi Code for Protection – 9187756981818;
Grabovoi Code for Universal harmonization – 14854232190;
Grabovoi Code for Environmental sustainability – 97318541218;
Grabovoi Code for Determination – 498518498;
Grabovoi Code for Chemical dependency – 5333353;
Grabovoi Code for Nicotine addiction – 1414551;
Grabovoi Code for Determination and focus for learning – 212585212;
Grabovoi Code for Entrepreneurship – 71974131981;
Grabovoi Code for Understanding – 39119488061.
It is unknown how he came up with these number codes. My guess is that he used a random number generator.
What ever you believe will manifest. And perhaps one of the reasons why the United States is falling apart right now is simply because such a large number of people believe that it will happen.
Along this vein, I argue that generational turnings as described by Strauss and Howe is generated in defined waves of thought, and what makes things so contentious right now during this wave is that the government has been trying o manipulate thought for it’s own purposes. Yikes!
It doesn’t matter if you believe in a charismatic leader, drawings and symbols, vocalized prayers, or a mindless string of numbers. Your belief is what actuates the manifestation of thought. Not the physical elements that you use to focus your thoughts upon.
With this being said, I offer a way to understanding how this mechanism actually works.
And yes, bad people can profit from it. And others can fear it. But you can utilize it to achieve your desires.
I suggest just focusing on the end objectives in a positive and good way. I recommend that you vocalize and write them down, and follow the actualization of them properly. And if you do so, there is no question in my mind, that they will manifest.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my index about prayer and affirmation campaigns.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
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You know, there are many people out there in MM land that are running their own affirmation / prayer campaigns. And many are very enthusiastic about it. They give me reports on what is going on; what is working and what is falling apart.
And then when they are this close…
… they change their affirmations and it all comes falling apart.
What is going on, they ask me. Why is everything getting so close to happening and then it all seems to fall apart?
And I am going to talk about this particular issue right now.
Rule Number One
Do not change your affirmations.
You can tweak them. You can become more specific or broader. You can make them more colorful. You have change how your read them out. You can change the number of them, and their order.
Do not stop them.
It is only until the affirmation is realized that you can stop. And then, only if you are 100% confident that the changes are permanent enough so that they will not dissipate as time goes one.
For instance…
I have an affirmation that goes like this…
I live in a beautiful area, that is calm, friendly, has fantastic colors and is very relaxed.
Now, I live in Zhuhai. It is indeed, calm, friendly. It has fantastic colors and is very relaxed.
But I still have it inside my prayer affirmations. Why? Well, this is simply because I do not want this to change. I am making sure that my life stays this way and is not displaced by future affirmations campaigns. So I keep it “active” in my affirmation campaigns.
That way, no matter what new campaigns I launch, this fundamental aspect of my life does not change.
Now consider this affirmation that I had last year…
My XXXX no longer YYYY and thus ZZZZ.
(Obviously this is a very personal affirmation. So I’m not going to throw out the details.) Anyways it materialized. In fact, it even surprised me! I was expecting a less than 10% chance of it actually occurring but, it really did.
I actually looked at XXXX and was amazed that what I saw. Even I was surprised, that exactly what I navigated to; a very unlikely world-line, actually materialized.
Now this is a one-shot deal. Once it’s done, it’s done. The affirmation is complete and I can cross it off from the list. It is over.
So that is what I did. It is now greyed out on my spreadsheet.
So rule one is this;
You continue your affirmation campaign using the previous campaign as a baseline. You then cross out or grey out those things that have either occurred or are no longer of interest to you, and you leave the ones that you are still striving for.
As well as leaving in the affirmations that has materialized, but that you do not want to disappear away.
Rule Number Two.
When you see things start to manifest, do not ASSUME that your goals are being realized.
They could be false positives, or any number of things.
Do not take the cake out of the oven until it is fully baked. The inside might still be doughy, and the cake might completely collapse when you take it out of the oven. If the recipe calls for 350 degrees for two hours, then you follow that recipe exactly. You do not say… “it looks like it is done” in the first one half hour of baking. Do you?
You sit down. You make yourself a cup of tea. You turn on a show and you wait it out. You know that when the oven goes “ding” that the cake is baked and you can take it out of the oven.
But… nooooooo!
Many people just can’t wait to take the cake out early. Most especially young cooks who don’t have the patience to let the things bake properly.
Let’s suppose you have an affirmation that looks something like this…
I have a long passionate relationship with a rugged mountain man, who has a cabin in the woods, likes poetry, drives a truck, and knows how to knit.
Then, one day you realize that this man who you are just starting to get to know (not yet dating, even) is a (sort of) “mountain man”, he does have a cabin in the woods. He does have a truck.
And so you assume that your affirmation has materialized.
It has not.
Well, for starters, you don’t have a relationship with him (yet), and you don’t know if he knits, and your certainly do not have a “passionate” relationship either. All you see is a POTENTIAL, and that can mean absolutely nothing.
As we used to say in the United States, “do not count your chickens until they are hatched.”
Definition of count one's chickens ( before they hatch ) -usually used in negative statementstomeanthat someone should not depend on something hoped for until he or she knows forcertainthat it willhappen
People who count their chickens before they are hatched act verywisely because chickens run about so absurdly that it’s impossible to countthem accurately. ― Oscar Wilde.
If you do in an affirmation campaign, you could easily terminate something that is going ahead according to plan, but your impatience will ruin the entire sequence of events. Some things need time to cook.
So rule two is this…
It isn't over until the fat woman sings.
You keep on doing the affirmations, and running your campaigns until every single aspect of your desires come true. Do not assume that you are close to realizing them. Do not assume that they will manifest "any day now".
If you order a pizza to eat in a restaurant, you cannot tell others that "you ate pizza in the restaurant" until AFTER [1] you were served the pizza, [2] ate the pizza to [3] your satisfaction, [4] paid for the pizza, and then [5] left the establishment.
Rule Number Three
Do not concentrate on the material aspects of your affirmations. Concentrate on the ultimate end goals.
Instead of an affirmation campaign for a Dior gown, how about concentrating on a gown that fits you perfectly, is comfortable, and that looks stunning on you.
Instead of a campaign that asks for one thousand dollars in your wallet. Ask about having a wallet that always has enough cash for you to live life in the way you see fit.
Instead of asking for the ability to win at every sports game you play, how about asking for you to play games where you are always comfortable and satisfied with the game and the outcome.
Rule three is…
Always concentrate on the end result.
Often this is the emotions that you anticipate you will have if your goals are achieved. Focus always on the end game, not on the details.
Does it matter what color your beloved pet is? All that matters is that you and your beloved pet are happy together.
Rule number four
Nothing works until you have a “pause” in your affirmation campaign.
I have repeatedly stated this over and over, and yet… still… people are running long prayer campaigns without a break. People(!) you do not wind up a toy continuously without letting the spring unwind. What is the purpose of obtaining six PhD degrees if you cannot apply your knowledge? Why work at a job that you hate, if they are not going to pay you?
Do not overwind the spring.
A campaign requires two sections. The first section is the verbal affirmation phase, and the second section is an equal period of letting the affirmations run their program.
Rule four is…
Conduct your campaign, and then stop all affirmations for an equal amount of time.
Actually, the rest period can be shorter, but that is another subject for advanced students. In general, keep to the basics and do not deviate from it.
Rule Five
Everything is interconnected.
You cannot isolate a certain action in an affirmation campaign and expect it to manifest alone. There will always be other things that will move and happen associated with your affirmation.
Suppose that you have a tree in your front yard. And for reasons that I don’t understand, you will to get rid of that tree. So you cut it down. The good news is that you no longer need to rake the leaves in the fall, and mow around the tree trunk. Yay! But the bad news is that your Summer electricity bill has doubled, as the sun is not hitting the side of your house directly, and is no longer being blocked by the leaves on the tree.
Your goal was realized, but other things occurred that might not be to your liking.
I argue that you should try to be as helpful and positive as possible in your affirmation campaigns. Remember that if you try to change something, get rid of something, alter something, that those changes will come with associated other events. Some of which might be welcome. Some not so much, and others might end up being a complete surprise.
Do not not place contradicting affirmations in your prayer campaign.
Rule five is…
Affirmations do not work in isolation. They work together with other intentions. And what ever intentions you had in your past, and will have in your future will be tied and influenced by the affirmations you make now.
Therefore, always strive to place good, happy and benevolent affirmations in your campaigns, least undesirable situations manifest.
Rule Six
There is no such thing as time.
Time is a construct to help us sort out things as they occur. It is the observed movement of your consciousness through the MWI. That’s all.
What you prayed for when you were seven years old has just as much power as what your affirmation campaign has right now. As well as what you will be praying for in the future.
To maximize the strength of your affirmations you need to be specific regarding them, but general on the outcome manifestation.
Long time readers will confirm that the more “unique” and “special” the affirmation is, the quicker it apparently seems to manifest. While other long-time, long-duration desires just seem to “hang there” and move really slowly.
This rule…
There is no such thing as time. In order to prevent negative past prayer campaigns, or future campaigns from influencing your current campaign, you must do either one of two things.
[1] Add an affirmation that prevents the influences of other prior or future affirmations.
[2] Make sure that your campaigns are broad scoped and will not have any negative consequences associated with them.
Oh, by the way, I use this affirmation in my campaigns…
These intention prayers supersede any and all previous ones that would conflict with the ones listed here.
And this one…
Any previous actions, statements or affirmations that I have made in my past, that will have a contrary effect on my current affirmation prayer campaign, are ignored and does not influence my current affirmation campaign.
Some thoughts…
Sometimes we are our worst enemy. We try to take control over a system that is working.
It’s like a drunk guy in the back seat of a car, who insists on driving the car. The rest of the passengers know that he will probably drive off the road and wreck the car, but he’s too big and powerful to subdue.
Follow the script. Do not deviate, and accept things as they manifest. Do not try to take control. Never try to take control. Just let the events unravel and manifest.
And NEVER, never, ever take the pizza out of the oven before the dough is properly cooked, the cheese is melted, and the meat is well cooked. No matter how good it smells, and no matter how delicious it looks, do NOT take it out until the timer goes off!
Do not remove the pizza from the oven until the cooking is finished.
I have a couple of videos that I would like to throw out to the MM audience. I took it earlier this week. It just shows a few minutes of my life.
Now, you realize that I did not say in my verbal affirmations “I will live in JiDa, Zhuhai, China and have a great life“. I said; “I live good healthy life in a beautiful, calm and relaxed place.”
When I left the United States, I landed in Erie, Pennsylvania after prison. It was also calm and pleasant. It was in late August into September, and a rather nice time of the year. I could have stated “Yeah, it has materialized.“
But no. It really didn’t.
Erie is a beautiful town, and great if you are affluent.
Erie looked and appeared to be beautiful. But for me it was not “calm and pleasant”. For me it was a scene of constant and perpetual stress. Try living in the USA as a “sex offender”. That was not “calm and relaxed”. It is a forever stress that you learn to deal with. Miss one reporting date, get one traffic violation, get snagged on laws that were constantly changing, and your life is toast.
And due to the local Pennsylvania laws, I wouldn’t be living in the “nice section”. I would either live far away in the woods outside of town, or in the “bad section”. I would have to live on the East Side of Erie.
The East Side of Erie, Pennsylvania. Home of ethnic youth gangs, shootings, prostitution, drugs, and weekly shootings. It is the lower class section of town.
But I did not accept Erie as the result of my affirmation prayers.
You see, an affirmation prayer campaign is a very personal thing. What is beautiful and stress free for me might mean something else to a different person. And for me, I really wanted a nice, calm and beautiful place to live in.
Not one in a urban ghetto where I was constantly on the alert.
Indeed, I didn’t take the pizza out of the oven until it was cooked.
It took me to Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Pago Pago, TangXia in Dongguang, and finally to where I live now in Zhuhai.
The first movie is all about the pace of life during lunchtime in China. You can see it HERE. 101MB.
The second movie is about the importance society places on the living environment, but it still is 180MB, and I talk about trees and parks. If you all think that trees aren’t important, maybe you might find this a tad boring. But I do want you all to see what my verbal affirmations manifested for me. You can see this video HERE. 180MB. Notice how calm and peaceful everything is.
The point here is that what makes a person realize their dream is something personal. You cannot use television, movies or stories to illustrate it. You must use what you find most desirable in your life and emphasize that as a core requirement of your goals. And you should NEVER abort the process early when you think you see “light at the end of the tunnel”. You stick to your plans, and continue walking the walk.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my index about prayer and affirmation campaigns.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
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You guys realize that MM is not as popular or as well-promoted as such “big names” as Politico, MSN, Time, Newsweek, Rush Limbaugh, Drudge report or any other American media outlets. It’s that way for a reason. Well, maybe a couple of reasons, eh? But that doesn’t mean that we don’t have a readership. We do. And we have some pretty impressive readers with some pretty impressive credentials that follow us from time to time and throw out their “two cents”.
One such influencer is BlueNarwhal.
This fellow has an interesting point of view concerning some of the MM writings and I would like to expose the rest of the readership to his words and thoughts. Who knows, maybe he’ll end up being a contributor?
What is Remote viewing
I haven’t covered any Remote Viewing activity in terms of the MWI, simply because I am not an expert in it. All I have done is read a few books on it, and maybe practiced a time or two. But that’s just about it.
According to the “mainstream internet” / “mainstream media” it’s pseudoscience.
Remote ViewingRemote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly "sensing" with the mind. Remote viewing experiments have historically been criticized for lack of proper controls and repeatability. There is no scientific evidence that remote viewing exists, and the topic of remote viewing is generally regarded as pseudoscience.Wikipedia
But I can tell you that this “pseudoscience” is well funded by the United States and Russian governments. It is used by Bankers, and in American Industry, and has a track record of success that shows a sizable and significant record of success.
Remote viewing is defined as the ability to acquire accurate information about a distant or non-local place, person or event without using your physical senses or any other obvious means. It’s associated with the idea of clairvoyance, seemingly being able to spontaneously know something without actually knowing how you got the information. It is also sometimes called “anomalous cognition” or “second sight.”
Many of us experience this from time to time as an intuitive flash of insight that turns out to be correct. Many well-known entrepreneurs and business people, like George Soros, Conrad Hilton, Thomas Alva Edison and Akio Morita, the co-founder of Sony, have attributed their business success to this ability. And we’ve all seen natural psychics perform seemingly amazing feats of mental skill on TV.
The difference between natural psychic receptivity and remote viewing is that the latter is a trained skill, a controlled process, that the average person can learn to do, to some degree or another.
The CIA uses Remote Viewing
Money and resources were given by the Central Intelligence Agency to Stanford Research Institute (SRI), located on the campus of Stanford University at the time, to test the possibility of remote viewing. The goal was to disprove that psychic functioning was real. No one wanted it to exist. It was the last thing that the military establishment wanted to worry about, especially if it was a new Soviet threat.
Physicists Russell Targ and Hal Putoff working at SRI were tasked with determining whether Extrasensory Perception (ESP) and related phenomena were real or not. Targ and Putoff set about to locate some natural psychics and test them. Their first subject was artist, psychic and scientist Ingo Swann of New York City who had demonstrated an ability to accurately “remote view” weather in various American cities. He had published some articles about ESP and also psychokinesis, the ability to mentally affect distant objects, when he worked with researcher Gertrude Schmeidler of City College, New York and the American Society for Psychical Research.
Ingo Swann - Consciousness Researcher | Ingo Swannhttps://ingoswann.comINGO SWANN (September 14, 1933 January 31, 2013) was internationally known as an advocate and researcher of the exceptional powers of the human mind, and as a leading figure in governmental and scientific projects to investigate and identify the scope of subtle human perceptions.
Working with Schmeidler, Swann had shown that he could affect the temperature of thermistors sealed in insulated thermos canisters twenty-five feet away from him.
A thermistor is a a sensor that measures temperature. Swann was able to raise the temperature of the region around the thermistor and cause the readings on the computer to change.
At a friend’s request, Swann sent his published findings to Putoff, who asked Swann to come to SRI and demonstrate his abilities. The first thing they had Swann do was to see if he could affect a super sensitive, electromagnetically shielded quark detector buried five feet underground in a cement floor.
Every time Putoff asked Swann to think about the detector (used to detect subatomic particles), the readings from the device would noticeably deviate from the baseline readings. Putoff was convinced that Swann had special abilities and so the program to test and develop remote viewing began.
At first they had Swann view objects in a box: this was a practice he was good at but quickly became bored with. Swann said to them: “I can view anything in the universe, this is a trivialization of my abilities.”
Remote Viewing physical locations by GPS coordinates
A few days later he came up with a new way to do remote viewing: viewing map coordinates.
Targ and Putoff went out and bought the biggest atlas they could find at the local book store. The would pull coordinates off of the map, and write them down on paper inside a sealed envelope. Then give the envelope to the remote viewer.
The Swann’s coordinate map viewing turned out to be a big success.
Of course, not everyone believed that is was truly possible. A critic at the Central Intelligence Agency suggested that maybe he had memorized the entire global map.
Swann went on to use randomly chosen numerical coordinates to view randomly selected events, people and structures around the planet. He performed equally well using this coordinate-based viewing system.
Swann coined to term “remote viewing” to describe the process though you can question whether the information is actually remote to the viewer or whether the process is entirely visual.
Some people are more sensitive to auditory, kinesthetic or other types of sensory information and few viewers actually “see” the target very clearly. Nonetheless, the name stuck and was sufficient to convince the intelligence agencies to fund the project.
Other viewers were also tasked to help Targ and Putoff understand remote viewing.
Pat Price
Pat Price, a former police commissioner from Burbank, CA also proved to be an excellent viewer. Price used his own system to view where he actually imagined that he was at the distant target site. His results were so good that the Central Intelligence Agency hired him to work for them directly.
Pat Price was one of the most skilled of the U.S. government’s remote-viewers of the 1970s. He was someone who regularly used his psychic abilities to spy on hostile nations for various military and intelligence departments. There is very little doubt that Price would have continued with his work had death not intervened in a very strange (and even sinister) way. Price passed away on July 14, 1975. It was, however, the nature of his death that was so disturbing of all. Just a few days before his untimely death, Price had a number of covert rendezvous’ with a variety of agents of the National Security Agency. Also, with personnel from the Office of Naval Intelligence. The meetings were initiated to determine if Price would be willing to undertake remote-viewing operations for both agencies. Price was gung-ho for both projects. In no time at all, the operations began.
Just a few days after the meetings, Price flew out of Washington, D.C. His destination: he first took a flight to Salt Lake City, and then onto Sin City itself: Las Vegas. We may never know for sure if Price suspected that his life was in danger. The fact is, however, that with all of this top secret work being undertaken for U.S. intelligence, Price became concerned about his safety to at least a certain degree. To the extent that the purpose of the flight to have over some important, sensitive documents to a friend; just in case anything were to happen to him. It was in the afternoon of July 13 that Price checked into Vegas’ Stardust Hotel. All was going good. That is, until it wasn’t. As he approached the desk to check-in, a man walked straight into Price. It was a violent collision. He felt a shooting pain in his leg, as if he had been hit with a needle. With hindsight, that may very well have been what happened. In near-quick time, Price started to feel ill and decided to lay down and take a nap. But, not before handed over those precious documents.
A few hours later, and still not feeling so good, Price met with several friends for dinner. There was something on his mind. Not only did Price tell them about the collision in the lobby just a few hours earlier, but he also confided in them that while he was in Washington, D.C. just a little more than a day earlier, he had seen someone slip something in his coffee. Having seen this chilling, covert action occur, Price left the coffee well alone and exited the restaurant quickly. As for the evening at the Stardust Hotel, it wasn’t going to well. In fact, not at all. Price cut the dinner meeting short and went back to his room.
Around 5:00 a.m. the next day, Price woke up in significant physical distress. His breathing was not right. He had severe cramps in his back and stomach and he was sweating profusely. He called his friend who had those important papers, who quickly raced to Price’s room. A doctor was about to be called when Price began to convulse. Then, he went into cardiac arrest. Despite the best efforts of paramedics, who were quickly on the scene, and who managed to briefly kick-start his heart, it was all to no avail. Price was soon dead. It is a fact that Price had heart disease. With that in mind, his death could have been due to wholly natural causes and nothing else at all. But, we cannot – and should not – forget the fact that Price had seen someone surreptitiously slip something into his coffee, just a couple of days earlier. Then there was the matter of the potentially suspicious collision in the lobby of the Stardust Hotel in Vegas. To this day, the death of Pat Price – almost certainly the work of an overseas, hostile nation – is still discussed in hushed tones where the conspiratorial lurk.
-Mysterious Universe
Joe McMoneagle
Back East, another natural viewer Joe McMoneagle, also known as “Remote Viewer No. 1,” worked directly with the U.S. Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency. He was also tested and found to have amazing abilities to describe and sketch distant locations. Upon retirement, McMoneagle was awarded a Legion of Merit award, in part, for his five years of remote viewing missions for the military and various government agencies.
Joseph McMoneagle is a former US Army soldier who played a leading role as a 'remote viewer' in the Star Gate psychic spying program run by American military and intelligence organizations until the 1990s. Since retiring from the military he has continued his activities in the private sector. He gives talks and public demonstrations, and has published several books.
-PSI Encyclopedia
Swann’s 6-stage RV system
However, Swann was able to describe, with great precision, what he was doing with his mind and attention as he was viewing, an ability other viewers did not have. This allowed him to come up with a 6-stage system that could be taught to anyone, including you or me.
It became known as CRV: Coordinate (or Controlled) Remote Viewing.
The Six Stages of Controlled Remote Viewing CRV was first called “coordinate remote viewing” because it used geographic coordinates instead of outbounder “beacon” teams to focus the viewer on the target. Years later, Ingo Swann changed the term “coordinate” remote viewing to “controlled” remote viewing.
Swann’s CRV system is based on separating out signal from noise in your mind as you are viewing.
All the information is recorded during a session, but the viewer puts the noise in a different place on the paper than the signal. At the end of the session, you can separate them from one another.
The method became the basis of the remote viewing protocols that the U.S. army taught to several groups of viewers. The program lasted until 1995 when it was declassified; about $20 million was spent over the two decades.
Controlled Remote Viewing
a. Remote Viewing (RV): The name of a method of psychoenergetic perception. A term coined by SRI-International and defined as “the acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding, or time.” b. Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV): The process of remote viewing using geographic coordinates for cueing or prompting.
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR)
During this time, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR) at Princeton University, run by Bob Jahn and Brenda Dunn, also conducted twenty years of research into remote viewing and so-called “micro-psychokinesis” with experiments on the effect of human intention on Random Number Generators (RNGs).
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program, which flourished for nearly three decades under the aegis of Princeton University's School of Engineering and Applied Science, has completed its experimental agenda of studying the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes, and developing complementary theoretical models to …
They found that, looking at the cumulative results of hundreds of thousands of trials, that their subjects could influence about 2 or 3 events per 10,000 random coin flips seemingly moving the device away from true randomness in an inexplicable way.
The odds of these results being by chance were an astonishing 375 trillion to one.
The Technique – opening the aperture
When someone asks you to describe something, you normally proceed to name what you’re perceiving using nouns and symbols. Remote viewing is just the opposite. You begin by describing your perceptions without trying to identify anything about what they mean or what the larger picture is. You begin with basic gestalts: fundamental, general components of the target site like whether it’s manmade or living or natural. You then proceed to basic colors, smells, temperatures, shapes and sizes.
Only after you’ve been describing the target for a while can you proceed to more specific ideas and possibly names, nouns and more analytical types of information.
In this you way, Swan would say that you are opening the aperture of your perception, slowly and resisting the temptation to draw conclusions about what you are viewing.
Our minds are always attempting to draw conclusions from what we’ve perceiving at any given moment, but because you have no conscious, physical information to work from in RV, you’re almost always likely to be wrong if you do so. Which brings us to one of the great paradoxes of RV: the fainter the perception, the more likely it is to be accurate and the less likely you are to feel confident in that perception.
In other words, the more confident you are about your psychic perceptions during the session, the less likely those perceptions are to be correct! And the less confident you feel, the more likely it is that your perceptions are right on. How’s that for a paradox?
Good remote viewers learn to trust the feelings of uncertainty and ambiguity they get while doing a session.
Someone familiar with the military viewing program said that if a viewer finished a session and said with confidence “I nailed it!,” that viewer’s session would be thrown in the garbage. A good session is one in which the viewer has no idea what they’ve been doing or whether it’s accurate or not.
This is very different from the way our educational system, which stresses linear and rational thinking, trains us to deal with acquiring and processing information. And believe me, it takes some time to get used it.
Eventually, you see the benefits:
You learn to trust your intuition more and don’t necessarily need to rationalize everything before you take action.
You become more spontaneous which can often be a good thing if you’re used to over-thinking things in your life.
When the RV program was declassified, one of the two people asked to evaluate the program was statistician Jessica Utts, the head of the American Statistical Association at the time of this writing. She concluded:
“Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted.
Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC (another government sponsored think tank) have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud.”
And researcher Dean Radin, doing very complex meta-analyses using the results of many studies about psychic perception over many decades, came to the same conclusion.
Looking at the entire population, not just trained viewers, RV is a weak effect, about four to eight percent higher than expected if we were only using our physical senses to gather information: yet, it’s consistently there in everyone.
How Does Remote Viewing Work?
So RV is scientifically proven to work. But how? What’s going inside the viewer’s body and mind? How do they access far away information with such great accuracy? You can pick your favorite explanation but the truth is, no one knows for sure. But my feeling is shared with others in that it has something to do with resonance, vibration and frequency.
Right brain thinking tends to be free flowing, intuitive and descriptive while left brain thinking is more analytical, linear and symbolic. Good remote viewers learn to distinguish their own left and right-brain thinking. They’re good at discerning the difference between the two and can separate signal from noise. Remote viewing tends to be more more accessible to the right-brain type. If you have artistic tendencies, can play music and have an ear for sound, are creative, and / or who are very spiritual as opposed to religious you would probably excel in Remote Viewing.
Picking Up Signals Through Vibrational Resonance
Where does the information come from? Well, if you look around the space wherever you are at the moment, the air will seem empty: you can’t see the air with your eyes. But you also know that it’s filled with electromagnetic information from cell phone signals, radio waves, TV signals, etc. So empty space can be filled with information coming to you from distance. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
That information is coming to you through a type of vibrational resonance that fills space-time.
When you have a receiver that is tuned to the frequency of those signals, you’ll pick them up. All you need to do after that is to amplify the signal. Remote viewing doesn’t necessarily amplify the signal of what you’re viewing, but it does teach you how to reduce your own mental noise, your monkey mind.
What is the Farsight Institute
Since the CIA have been using this system for decades and has documented successes, the private industry has (often) decided to use the techniques, and skilled RV observers for their own purposes. And thus organizations have materialized that provide this service. The Farsight Institute is one such organization.
The Farsight Institute is a nonprofit research and educational organization that is dedicated to understanding the remote-viewing phenomenon itself through the process of scientific experimentation.
It is our belief that a more complete understanding of the remote-viewing phenomenon will have collateral benefits to much of science and society.
Due to how the remote-viewing phenomenon manifests in controlled experiments, the remote-viewing phenomenon appears to be based on quantum-processes.
Much of the research done at The Farsight Institute blends theories of quantum mechanics with interpretations of experimental remote-viewing data. This has lead to new insights into the remote-viewing phenomenon as well as the nature of time and physical reality.
For example, new research indicates that alternate futures actually do exist, and that the past exists simultaneously with the present.
New research also suggests that information transfer across time does not require enormous energy consumption that would be associated with worm hole singularities. These questions are among the most profound addressed by science today.
-The FarSight Institute
With all that introductory information out of the way…
Some introductory stuff on BlueNarwhal.
Just a little bit. Here’s the (edited) text to MM from BlueNarwhal…
I have had an interesting history in studying in some rather great detail everything on JT especially the physics, and then again everything with the drone affair.
I am assuming that he is referring to JT gravity. And (of course) he is referring to CARET when he mentions the “drone affair“.
I spent maybe a half year developing some implications of theory about how the glyphs actually function and felt I was starting to translate.
When he refers to the “glyphs” he is referring to the “language” used on the CARET drones. And while the language is similar to that of what I have been exposed to in the programming of my EBP, there are differences.
Some amazing breakthroughs have come from that disclosure all of which I realized for the most part I needed to keep quiet.
I lived right where those sightings happened LoL.
And then there’s my 20 years of work in Remote viewing being good friends with s few of the greats there - I focused a lot remote viewing future tech for clients. Worked with Pru, and good friends with many of her team. She shuttered her $8m per year RV commercial business (amazing stories in there) because TPTB ...
TPTB = “The Powers That Be”.
...(they) started a heavy target hijacking and remote influence attempts on her team of 15 viewers she had hand picked from thousands she had trained.
And she is the subject of a major resources debunking after London Sunday Times cover story! Websites like pruwatch!
She was a large scale magnet physicist before that. Courtney is a long time acquaintance too. Just all really good folks in truth. I love them all.
Luckily for me I have always been outside that fray. But that does not mean that it doesn’t go on. Most of the things that occur in our world and within our reality is unknown and completely transparent to the general population.
I would be in a <redacted> and eating at a restaurant there. And I would see other engineers and scientists come in during lunch break. They would have their name badges and I would casually over hear snippets. People talked and chatted about stuff using the arcane language of scientists, and defense contractors, and while others might not have a clue as to what they were discussing… but I would.
For all of us, it’s no “big deal”.
And of course, the mainstream media “news” would be about some “expert” proving that some photograph of a blurry UFO was a hoax. Yeah. It’s like that.
... anyway, again all of your words not only ring true but actually change the person reading it.
It has been so utterly refreshing, validating, delightful and yes heartwarming because I can sense the absolutely wonderful nature of who you are, in the spiritually lovely person so it is an honor to read your words indeed. It’s like drinking clean fresh pure water, thank you!
Yes. I blushed when I read this. But we all like validation.
Yah funny you are of course just an nice average human being like me - who has a few really special skills and is really just working to have a wonderful life!
Yeah fate has decided you were ready to live up to some future legacy and be a anchor exemplar establishing certain influence factors of evolutionary value - and why not!?
What I think I like best about your writing is you have maintained a true service to others template expression so yeah you are kinda special but I can say that because I simply know to ain’t goin to yer noggin - your just sweet family man and right on for that!!
Again, I love this validation.
Remote Viewing in the MWI
Ok here’s what I wrote yesterday reflecting on what you have said in the context of my communications about this w Courtney at farsight...
So BlueNarwhal was discussing the MWI as it pertains to Remote viewing with Courtney at the Farsight Institute.
Working hypothesis:
Predictive remote viewer naturally quantum-couples or entangles their viewing range to be occur across multiple proximal world line probability trajectories in the multiverse.
I have no problems with this. In fact, this hypothesis is well stated and agrees with all my posts and articles in my Prayer / Intention Index. Here, however he is saying that the use of Remote Viewing is like a special “radar” that targets high-probability trajectories (vectors) in the MWI. Here we illustrate a remote viewing exercise of an observer of his/her future.
It is difficult to determine what the future will be. As everything is based up probabilities. So any kind of Remote Viewing activity will result in multiple targets depending on the situation and conditions imposed. In general, what we see is that Remote Viewing is like a “radar” that scans the world-line template surface for a region of highest probability (given the conditions specified). It looks something like this.
Outlier world line target coupling by RVers occurs simply due to the collateral quantum attractive influence that higher relative disruptive novelty factors exert on selected souls and consciousnesses.
e.g. a group of top viewers all view a disaster scenario that never happens in the world line from which the viewers viewed.
Yet it clearly happened in some nearby world line of greater variance to our own.
This is a very interesting perspective. This is something that I have not paid attention to. It is the idea that nearby world lines might possess more “novelty” to the Remote Viewer. It could be more “attractive” and thus dominate the viewing “radar”.
Consider this…
Within a remote viewing target, there is an area of most likely, or highest probability world-lines. We argue that there is a bias to the more interesting world-lines.
Some of these influences can be injected into remote viewing sessions.
This is due to the idea that individual remote viewers couple with targets via universal quantum field or “soul intelligence”.
This target coupling process can allow insertion of universal intent to bias the remote viewer to couple with a more novel world line but less likely or even unlikely the mutual world line viewers are viewing from.
This explanation suggests that bias of the observer (the Remote Viewer) influences his / her ability to target properly.
This bias, of course, isn’t just interest of a personal nature, but also includes pre-disposition “programming” by the soul prior to injection onto the Pre-Birth World-Line template. Which is, of course, tied into the universal quantum field.
Universal Intent Coupling
This seems to a form of universal intent coupling with (a) conscious individual.
Interesting wording.
I would agree with this appraisal. Only that I refer to it with the very clumsy name “Pre-Birth World-Line Template“. Or in other words, perhaps the desire or natural inclination of a consciousness to view certain types, kinds or relative magnitudes of world-line possibilities (within the RV target coordinates) is a primary characteristic of the Pre-Birth World-Line Template.
Not just in geography, but in the way that the body thinks, feels and behaves.
This seems to a form of universal intentcoupling with (a) conscious individual.
Again, could the ability to Remote View a place, an action, a person at another time is due to the “intent coupling” with another individual at that target coordinate? Or, not even a different person. Perhaps the same person as the Remote Viewer observer. Just viewing their knowledge and understanding at another time or another place…
But what if…
…if the person, thought streams, or target environment is in error? Suppose that you, back in 1982 remote viewed 2020. What would you see?
A Real Estate mogul as President.
Many protests everywhere.
Some people wearing masks.
News discussing how bad China is.
How would it manifest to a Remote Viewer as an observer of the events?
Crowds cheering.
Sad people wearing masks.
Some general images of China.
Riot police.
What would you conclude?
This is a bias. A bias associated with the nature of the “intent coupling” activity.
The effect is to widen the multiple world line range of consideration aperture...
... to provide high value insight about probabilities on other world lines...
... about similar lurking but unmanifest novel high impact eventualities for the viewer world line.
This is a very interesting observation.
I broke the sentence down into manageable bites for digestive autopsy, and to make fine MM points of interest.
Essentially, he is saying that the process of “intent coupling” with the thoughts, items, situation, or personalities at the target area opens up the target area, not narrows it down. And that the reason for this seems to be the bias associated with the mechanism used in “intent coupling”.
He says that this is a good thing. Because it provides us insight into the geography of the World-Line Template.
The differences in observed Remote Viewed targets as a function of two different observers who both share the same target objectives. Simplified for illustration purposes.
Could universal intent (being entangled for target coupling by remote viewers) be making individual intent see outcomes that might happen but likely won’t?
I would argue, YES.
We live in a universe where our manifested world-lines are based on thoughts that hit most probable targets. Sure, my pizza could conceivable grow legs and do a tap-dance before it jumps into my mouth, but that result is highly unlikely.
Instead, the most probable outcome, if you plop a pizza in front of me, is that I would get a slice and eat it.
I do not know if the geography of world-lines outside of our most probable world-lines that lie on our life-line path has any relevance. The only issue and aspect to this (and the only exception) is how these other world-lines affect the “quantum shadows” of the people that surround us that their “parent” consciousnesses that inhabit them.
Which was, as best that I can vocalize, what my role was in regards to our benefactors point of view. As a “dimensional anchor” I was able to “lasso” adjacent world-line trajectories to avoid mass catastrophes that are a typical result of the mass manipulation of people through use of media.
Improving sensing ability
While working with universal intent sentient within the multiverse quantum super field...
... encompassing all our souls and individual quantum clouds,
... there is no issue with requesting super sentience...
... to limit target viewing hits ...
... to only the higher probability outcomes for the present world line in which the viewers reside.
Another interesting consideration. You can use intention / prayer communication, whether or not it is part of a campaign or not to communicate to your “higher self” …
… or as I believe, to program your brain to direct your probing thoughts and senses toward specific awareness profiles. And, in so doing, improve your targeting ability.
You can use different awareness profiles; either differing statements of targeting intent, or even different people to assist narrowing down the target coordinates.
Universal intent is certainly willing to limit targeting to single world line...
... or widen the reception aperture to proximal cluster of most probable but yet alternate world lines relative to an anchor referential consciousnesses.
It does seem that way.
Target Identification
Another different possibility is that remote viewing “picking up signals” of a proximal relative cluster of world lines...
... is likely only possible because remote viewers are evolving souls and consciousness themselves.
And despite their proclivity for rationally limiting future probabilities viewing to the world line in which they reside, multiple world lines will be viewed.
Picking up signals. Yes whatever is received by the remote viewer will be colored by the knowledge and experiences of the observer.
For instance, an observer who has never been to China would have a difficult time imagining China as it is today. With everyone paying using QR instead of paper money, where High Speed Travel is the norm and preferred over aircraft, where even the tiniest town has 40-story tall sky-scrapers. Where everyone wears masks even when it is not required. Where fifth graders can speak both English and Chinese while they study their calculus.
Most Americans have absolutely no concept as to what China is today.
An American who is remote viewing modern China, say from the perspective of 1983, would be unable to comprehend that what he is seeing is actually China. And perhaps, maybe, would discard the images as perhaps representative of Japan or another date in a far-away future.
These are limitations that we have to deal with. You only know what you know. And thus remote viewing things that are beyond our own personal experience would be too alien to us to interpret properly.
The viewers themselves, as do human beings in general, possess individually, in groups and even globally possess the natural ability to shift/move/migrate to different world lines.
The quantum wave field of the soul focuses consciousness on inhabiting a physical embodiment existing in nearby variant world lines that furthers soul growth.
This is in turn depends on their in-body own associated outside influences, their own resonant thoughts, feelings, core beliefs and choices that normally bias target coupling to that which holds the greatest growth value for the viewer alone, unless they alter the target description to anchor its viewing parameters to exclude world line coupling that is less likely for the anchoring set of consciousnesses.
If there are proximity world-lines, even outside that of the target area, that are more familiar to the observer, it would be a natural proclivity of the observer to migrate to those world-line influences that are easier to relate to (based on their personal experiences).
But change is part of growth. For our soul to grow and expand the consciousness it must experience the uncomfortable and novel world-lines, and if they lie on the path in our future they might be difficult to observe.
Certainly the Incas might have had a difficult time picturing the Spanish Galleons that lay at anchor off their beaches.
But what of this?
What of cross talk between different world-lines? What if wildly divergent world-lines reside in “close proximity” to your world-line template, and their novelty (no matter how strange) could alter your attention and sensing ability?
“The woman in the red dress” a scene from the Movie “The Matrix”. Our focus and our observation is drawn to that which appeals to us or that which we can clam is novel, of interest, or more interesting that the most probably reality that is within the target area.
On analyzing this particular scene in The Matrix, it becomes clear that the woman in red is a deliberate distraction, a simulated character who is a part of the Agent training program. While the woman appears harmless, she wears a vibrant shade of red in order to distract trainees, triggering what's known as the "red dress effect" - a phenomenon where women wearing red are perceived to be more attractive and open to sexual advances than those in plain colors.The Matrix: What the Woman in the RedDress Really Means
Let’s talk about world-line cross-talk
The result is remote viewing in any single timeline easily gets crosstalk from other multiverse proximal timelines.
I argue that cross-talk is a natural, and a fundamental aspect of our reality.
But how does the subtle influences manifest?
Let’s look at 2020. I argue that the entire world “missed a bullet”. That the President and his team of neocons were Hell-bent on attacking China in a “hot war”, and knowing China (& Russia) as I do, this would be a very brief and (to Americans) surprising nuclear exchange.
It was something like this…
I could write a ton-load of information on world-line cross-talk, and perhaps I will. But for now, keep things simple. There is no such thing as isolation. Either for consciousness or for world-lines. We are all connected and the purpose of our consciousness within this reality IS TO MAKE entangled associations.
Using this understanding to improve Remote Viewing capabilities and targeting
OK. Consider this…
If proven, this may predict targeting protocols with means...
... to bind multiverse RV target coupling range...
... to viewing only the most probable eventuality for the timeline...
... in which the remote viewer originates the session,
... thereby filtering the quantum coupling multiverse range...
... to the most novel punctuated variations across a cluster of intersecting world lines.
Using this knowledge and carefully improving the targeting protocols we should be able to not only [1] improve the targeting ability, but also we should be able to [2] begin to understand and even describe the near-by world-lines that will influence the ones that our trajectories will bypass.
There is a lot of work that needs to go into this exploration of the MWI, but I personally believe that it is worth it.
Some Ideas
There are all sorts of ways to accomplish this, once we recognize that our reality is the MWI, and not some kind of shared “universe” as it is conventionally taught.
For example, one may find some means to construct the RV target description to...
... effectively limit multi-timeline target coupling ...
....to only the most large population probable common future for a selected anchor subjects....
... in the timeline as of the session or as of an identified target date.
By realizing the true and realistic nature of the MWI, we can greatly increase our ability to target future and past events along specific shared or specific world-line trajectories. As opposed to say…
…assuming that we all share the same universe and everything that is viewed is shared and experienced by everyone.
Other ideas…
However, taskers for remote viewers can design target descriptions to block receptive coupling to less than large selected sample group collective likelihoods.
This couples the target range to a more commonly desired and likely world line so that predictive RV sessions entangle only relative to and biased from the selected baseline group of anchor parties.
It effects a proximal world line variance clamping function to block entanglement with less likely outcomes for this present world line.
Other ideas and comments…
World line entanglement blocking prevents viewer intermediaries drifting towards natural attraction of more novel world lines,
...regardless of present world line probability momentum and mass habitation factors.
It simply works to exclude less likely world line outcomes relative to an anchor reference group of persons or beings to thereby yield more likely valid predictive data for the present world line.
Using MM for creative discussion and information transfer.
“Free talk” and brainstorming is a great way for everyone to learn from each other. For me, I don’t have that much knowledge about remote viewing, but I do understand the MWI as far as my role was codified. By working together, we can improve the techniques, the technologies, the results for all. And perhaps, just perhaps, save the earth and make it a better place for all of us to live within.
The Ukraine on our world-line and within our world-line template…
Post-Soviet countries look worse than ever. There are no drastic changes happening, so cityscapes are clogged with handmade balconies and other outbuildings, messy advertising, and ugly signs.
Imagine what would happen if we, as a species, worked together to address the haphazard trajectories that we live upon. Consider what our reality would start to look like. Consider what we can do, should do, and how we can begin.
The Ukraine on a different world-line template and upon a different vector direction.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Prayer / Intention Campaign Index here…
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One thing that I have noticed over the last decade was that the auto-correct in MS Word, and the various on-line options are configured for people with an IQ of a snail. Words that I learned in seventh grade are often either no longer available on the internet dictionaries, or are replaced with politically correct versions. This is frustrating (maybe even angering) as each word has it’s own intrinsic value and the words currently available are sadly too generic for use.
I would want to use the word “niggardly” and MSWord would auto-correct it to “miserly”. I would type “policeman”, and the software would instantly (in the blink of an eye) correct it to “policeperson”. I would use pronouns that defined gender, like in the sentence “He ate icecream.” only to find it changed to “It ate icecream.”. (I always get the image of this big green blog from the movie “Ghostbusters” eating some icecream.)
It was so frustrating.
Here we discuss the joys and perils of using the English language alongside with software that originates out of the politically-correct bastions of California.
Here is a fine torture device that is displayed in the movie “A princess Bride”. It, of course, utilizes an odynometer to measure pain. You can plainly see it next to the man in red.
Here, are some online resources that I use. They are pretty decent. I only wish that the words provided in them would be added to the more ubiquitous entries as presently available on the on-line dictionary options.
Here is another big word from the movie world of the 1980’s. This movie is “Labyrinth”. Do you know what an oubliette is? It’s a hole in the basement of a dungeon, often covered and barred. It’s a place where you put people that you want to forget about. Yikes!
Some Options
Here are some options that I use for more juicy and plump words that might best fit my given needs at any moment in time…
I fear that the United States is turning into a ochlochracy with the actions of the antifa-influenced Democrats.
I thoroughly enjoyed her callipygian as she moved. My eyes engaged in rapidoculoplania beyond my control.
Some useful words to use on Trolls
(This is from the House of Logorrhea.) This small set of 21 obscure words consists of nouns used to define minor, inferior, or petty members of various professions.
The words end with ‘-aster’, a Latin pejorative suffix indicating incomplete resemblance or lesser status.
These words are little used today, but in another age were devices of scorn used by the intelligentsia to deride their lesser fellows. With a little creativity, practically any name for a profession can be altered in this way, should you find a desirable object for your contempt.
a foolish or petty astrologer
inferior or petty critic
a piddling grammarian
a petty or contemptible heretic
a petty scholar of Latin
a petty logician
minor or inferior mathematician
quack; charlatan
soldier without skill or ability
a mediocre musician
one who obstinately holds to an opinion
a mean or sorry parasite
petty or contemptible philologist
amateur or superficial philosopher
petty poet; writer of contemptible verses
petty politician
petty rhetorician
petty scientist
petty or shallow theologian
self-appointed conservative language usage expert
a petty or inferior wit
Some useful Obscure words just perfect for insults…
There are numerous websites that cover all sorts of interesting words. Rather than compile my very-own-list, I offer the websites for the enjoyment of the reader.
Here are some fine words that might be worthy of including in a comment section or two. All credit to Neatorama.
Definition: To spray with poo.
Analysis: Actually bescumber is just one of many words in the English language that basically mean “to spray with poo”. These are: BEDUNG, BERAY, IMMERD, SHARNY, and the good ol’ SHITTEN. In special cases, you can use BEMUTE (specifically means to drop poo on someone from great height), SHARD-BORN (born in dung), and FIMICOLOUS (living and growing on crap).
Dog poop everywhere. This sentence could be written as…”The area was all bescumber rendering it unwalkable.”.
Alternative: If that is too vulgar, you can use BEVOMIT and BEPISS, which meanings should be obvious to you, as well as BESPAWL (to spit on).
Oh, and if you want to say poo without looking like you’re saying it, you can use ORDURE, DEJECTION, and EXCRETA. To mean something more specific, you can use MECONIUM (first feces of a newborn child), MELAENA or MELENA (the abnormally tarry feces containing blood from gastrointestinal bleeding), LIENTERY (diarrhea with undigested or partially digested food), and STEATORRHEA (fatty stool that’s hard to flush down).
Definition: An unusually small penis.
Analysis: Self explanatory.
Alternative: Insulting a man’s private part is a very reliable way to put him down (if he’s smaller than you) or to get beat up (if he’s larger than you). Usually, even a dimwit can decipher the meaning of this word, after all, it’s just a combination of “micro” and “phallus”.
Scene from the movie Bedazzled, where this huge player, with his huge score, and huge abilities is granted a microphallus.
So, to insult a physically larger opponent, we recommend you use these words instead: PHALLOCRYPSIS (retraction or shrinkage of the penis), CRYPTORCHID (undescendend testicles), and PHALLONCUS (tumor of the penis).
Definition: Pain in the butt.
Analysis: It’s a real medical term: coccydynia is pain in the coccyx or tailbone. Most people simply call it “buttache.”
Similar: PROCTALGIA, PROCTODYNIA, PYGALGIA and RECTALGIA all mean pain in the butt.
Alternative: CERVICALGIA (pain in the neck), PHALLODYNIA or PHALLALGIA (both mean pain in the penis), and PUDENDAGRA (pain in the genitals).
Butthurt meme. Yikes! Poor gal with coccydynia .
The word “butt” is highly versatile in its vernacular use – you can say “butt face” or “hairy butt” – them are fightin’ words – but it’s much better to use these instead: ANKYLOPROCTIA (stricture of the anus, the state of “tight-assity”), STEATOPYGOUS (fat-assed), DASYPYGAL (having hairy buttocks), and CACOPYGIAN (having ugly buttocks).
Definition: A ludicrously false statement. Basically it means bullshit or nonsense.
Analysis: Actually, you probably already know this word by its more common spelling: bunkum.
Obama was full of buncombe.
The origin of this word is fascinating.
In 1819, a North Carolina congressman, the Honorable Felix Walker, was giving a rambling speech with little relevance to the current debate. He refused to yield the floor, and claimed that he wasn’t speaking for Congress but instead “for Buncombe” (a county in North Carolina he represented).
That’s all it took.
Buncombe, North Carolina.
Over time, the spelling changed to “bunkum,” and the meaning strangely changed to be “excellent.”
Then it changed back in 1870, when a San Francisco gambler introduced a new game “banco“.
But it was played with dice that were later found out to be loaded.
Sure enough, BUNCO became known to mean swindle or cheat, and bunkum reverted back to its original meaning. (Source)
The word DEBUNK came directly from this: it’s just bunk(um) with the prefix de- (meaning to remove).
It is not often that we know who created a particular word, despite the claims that are made about such-and-such writer inventing this-or-that word; such claims are usually false. In the case of smellfungus, however, we not only know who coined the word (Laurence Sterne), we also know who it is supposed to represent (Tobias Smollett).
Soup Nazi, from the television show “Seinfeld”. “No Soup for You!”
Stern created a hypocritical character named Smelfungus in his 1768 book A Sentimental Journey through France, a satire on Smollett, whose Travels through France and Italy had been published two years earlier.
About MS Word
Up until 2017, the spell-checking service on Microsoft Word was horrible. The checker was maddeningly auto-correcting everything to a politically correct narrative. if you typed in the sentence;
The postman wished the housewife a “Merry Christmas”!
It was auto-corrected to this butchered-up sentence;
The postalperson wished the housepartner a “Happy Holiday”!
I do not know what happened.
Then suddenly it all ended. It reverted back to normal-speak.
I suspect that someone in Microsoft saw the light and changed the dictionary conventions to a more historically and conventionally accurate setting. It happened sometime in 2017.
I attribute it to the “Trump effect”.
I wonder if I am the only person who noticed this. For, I most certainly haven’t seen any news article or reports on this phenomenon.
It certainly wouldn’t be in the “news”. News stopped reporting a couple of decades ago. Now they just fabricate political events to manipulate the populace. Ah, but that’s a discussion for another time.
This was just a quick and fun post describing my frustration with some elements of the “modern” internet and software programs. Part of it is that wordpress has a crappyassed spell-checker, and part of it was year of frustration (approximately from 2009 to 2017) where the PC police invaded my laptop and took over my MS Word software.
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When your world is turned upside down, what is it like? Can you rush to the supermarket and stock up on groceries? Can you rely on the national guard to keep roving gangs at bay? Can you make sure that your home is heated and that you have running water? What is it like?
This is an interview with Selco when he first started posting on the internet. He says a lot of interesting things, and makes a number of points that I would like to underline.
TheSiegeofSarajevowasthelongestsiegeofacapitalcityinthehistoryofmodernwarfare. AfterbeinginitiallybesiegedbytheforcesoftheYugoslavPeople’sArmy, Sarajevo, thecapitalofBosniaandHerzegovina, wasbesiegedbytheArmyofRepublikaSrpskafrom 5 April 1992 to 29 February 1996 duringtheBosnianWar.
This article is from another article posted, titled ;”How I survived a year of SHTF in 90s Bosnia”. I think that is is pretty good. All credit to the author and the source. I did edit his grammar, for the most part. It makes for decent reading that way.
Back in September of 2011, a user named Selco joined the forums at SurvivalistBoards.com and posted “my SHTF experience-wartime,” a thread that would since become legendary in survivalist communities and beyond (you frequently see people reference it to this day on sites such as 4chan and reddit).
In it, Selco details his experience of living in a besieged Bosnian town of 50 to 60k people during the Bosnian War (1992-1995). The siege took away everything modern humans take for granted and tested with extreme brutality Selco’s and his community’s ability to survive.
But what is so interesting about this war story is that it was told to a group of survivalists (preppers) who had questions — lots of questions.
How does barter work and which survival strategies are worthless bunk?
How were the social dynamics when everyone realized there was no law?
What really happens and what kind of tricks do people actually get up to to get by when faced with — essentially — the apocalypse?
Selco’s first post.
OK, i wanna share with you my own experience. (be patient with my English, I am from far away )
I am from Bosnia, and as some of you may know it was hell here from 92-95, anyway, for 1 whole year I lived and survived in a city of 50 000- 60 000 residents WITHOUT: electricity, fuel,running water, real food distribution, or distribution of any goods, or any kind of organized law or government. The city was surrounded for 1 year and in that city actually it was SHTF situation.
We did not have organized army or police force, there was groups of defenders, actually anybody who had a gun, fight for his own house and his own family.
Some of us was better prepared, but most of families had food for couple of days, some of us had pistol, few owned AK-47 when all started.
Anyway, after one month or two, gangs started with their nasty job, hospital looked like butchery, police force vanished, 80 percent of hospital staff gone home.
I was lucky, my family was big in that time (15 members in one big house, 5-6 pistols, 3 Kalashnikov s) so we lived and survived, most of us (that is).
I remember US Air force dropped MRE every 10 days (God bless USA for that) as help for surrounded city, it just was not enough. Some of houses had little gardens with some vegetables, most did not.
After three months rumors started about (the) first deaths from starvation, deaths from low temperatures, we stripped every door, window frame from abandoned houses for heating, I burned all my own furniture for heating, lot of people died from diseases, mostly from bad water (two of my family members), we used rain water for drinking, several times I ate pigeons, once I (even) ate rat.
Money did (was) not worth shit.
We traded things, (the) black market worked. A few examples: for 1 (can of) corned beef can you could have woman for couple of hours (sounds bad, but it was the reality). I remember, (that) most of that the women were just desperate mothers…
…candles, lighters, antibiotics, fuel, batteries, rifle ammo and of course food, we fight like animals for that.
In a situation like that, lot of things change, most of people turned into monsters, it was ugly.
Strength was in numbers, if you were alone in the house, you would have probably been robbed and killed, no matter how well armed (you were).
Anyway, war ended, again thanks to America (and again god bless USA for that). It is not important witch side was right in that war.
It was almost 20 years ago, but believe me, for me it was just like yesterday, I remember everything, and I think that I learned a lot (of things).
Me and my family are (all) prepared now, I am well armed, (well) stocked and (well) educated.
War is never pretty. Nor does it resemble what is portrayed by Hollywood. All is in ruin, and there are no clear friends, sides, or relationships.
It is not important does not matter what going to happen; earthquake, war, tsunami, aliens terrorists, important thing is that something is gonna (eventually happen).
And from my experience, you can not survive alone. Strength is in numbers. Be close with your family, prepare with them. Choose your friends wisely and prepare with them too.
And at the end, this is my first post, and my English is not so good, so don t judge me too hard. ”
Q: How did you get around safely?
Actually, the city was broken in something like a lot of street communities. In my street (15 or 20 houses) we organized patrols (5 armed man every night) to watch out for gangs or enemies.
Cities were death traps and your only hope for survival were your friends and family.
We traded things between people in that street. Five miles from my street there was one street with something (that looked) like organized traders, but it was to dangerous to go there. It worked only during the nighttime (during the day it was sniper alley) and (it was risky) you had a greater chance to be robbed there than to trade. I used that street only 2 times, and believe me, it was only when i really needed something (really) bad.
Selco didn’t want to specify the city, but based on his description it could be Livno, which had 40,600 residents in 1991 (now at 34k). Wikipedia: “After the end of World War II, Livno was a part of Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Yugoslavia. After its collapse in 1992 and during the Bosnian War, it was under control of Croat Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia.”
Q: What about wood? It looked like there are many forests around your city, why did you have to burn doors and furniture?
First, thank you for your questions, I did not expect this kind of interest in my post.
I ll be glad to share lot of things with you guys because i want to learn lot of things from you.
Bosnia does have a lot of woods and forests when you go and check the map, but I lived in city closer to the Croatian border, more to the South. I really don’t want to mention name of the city, but if you check the map, the southern part of my country closest to Croatia is all rocky.
Yes we had some trees in my city, parks, fruit trees, but most of the city was building and houses. But believe me…
… all the trees in the city are going to be burned very fast when you don’t have electricity for cooking and heating. After that all what you have is furniture, doors, wooden floors… (and believe me that stuff is burning up far too fast)
Death came swiftly from unexpected places and was often sudden and swift.
There was almost no car use in town. This is because: most of the roads were jammed with ruins, abandoned cars, destroyed houses stuff like that, and petrol was like gold (to us).
If i needed to go somewhere I almost always used night time. I never went alone but also I never went in big group either. (We traveled in smaller groups) (2-3 men maybe), always armed, very fast, always in shadows, through ruins, rarely ever openly on the street, actually… always hiding.
We did not have suburbs and farmers, in the suburbs were the enemy army. We were surrounded by the enemy army, and inside town… (well,) you did not know who is your enemy.
You can expect that all government organization to shut down, and the currency that you hoarded to be useless.
And yes, there were organized groups of gangs, 10-15 people, sometimes even 50. But also there were (a lot of) normal people like you and me, fathers, granddads, decent folks, who robbed and killed. There wasn’t too much good and bad guys (black and white), most of everyone was (some shade of) gray, ready for everything.
Q: Did you prep and what kind of skills did you need?
Of course you can ask.
We used what we had, we were not prepared for that situation. We did not know about prepping.
During a SHTF event, it will all be crazy. Currency, and money will be useless. There will be no water, and no electricity. There will be no wifi and no internet. Most furniture will be used for firewood, and people will trade anything to stay alive.
So you can imagine in some aspects we went back to stone age, actually in most (ways we did).
We just used everything what we had. One example, I had in my possession, a propane (or butane I am not sure which) large storage bottle; cylinder (i am not sure is that right word), but I did not use it for cooking or heating, it was too valuable. Instead, I managed to modify that bottle with my friend. I attached a hose and created some kind of refueling mechanism (sorry my English is going down here) so i can refill those disposable lighters, (they are not really disposable if you have know-how) those lighters were worth a small fortune.
During the war, the capital lay in ruins.
To make story short, somebody (would) bring an empty lighter to me and I would fill that lighter up with gas. Usually I took one can (of food) for that or (else) one candle or whatever he was able to offer me.
I hope you understand my example, my English is poor on some things.
One more example, I am a registered nurse, in any time like that, my knowledge was (a valuable thing) for trade.
And yes, be trained and educated, in times like that it worth a fortune if you know how to fix things. Eventually, all your goods are going to be exhausted one day. However, your specific knowledge can be your food.
Neighborhoods will be in ruins. Those with the best or the wealthiest homes will be repeatedly looted and attacked. Even if you do not appear to have a nice house, if your neighbors think that you might have storage and food, you will be looted.
I mean learn to fix things (shoes or people, whatever you can).
My neighbor used to know how to make some kind of oil for oil lamps (oil in glass, peace of rope – “kerosene camping lanterns”) and he was never hungry, he never did show me how he made that oil for the lamps. ”
I believe he used some tree behind his house and small amount of diesel fuel, i don’t know.
My point is to learn things, people always need somebody who knows how to fix things.
It was not survival movie, it was ugly, we did what we have to do to survive.
Nobody wins, we just survived, with a lot of bad dreams.
Q: Wasn’t it religious, the war?
Sorry man wrong info, that was not Cristian vs Muslim war, it was civil war, with lot of switching between sides.
And sorry I will not get into the politics involved, I really don’t care too much about that, I am not going into religious stories. I mean, I believe in God as a higher power, and I am trying to live by his laws, but I do not belong to any dogma, Muslim or Christian.
Q: Who was your support group?
My group was only my family. This was my blood (relatives like uncles, grandmother…), in my street. In my town trips I had some close friends, but my best friend(s) was my family. I never took a stranger into my close group.
Q: If you had three months to prepare today, what would you do?
If I have extra three months to prepare?
Hmmm, I’d probably run overseas …
OK, Now I am very well aware how things can go very bad in very short time, so (today) I have food, hygiene, energy etc. to supply me for 6 months. I now live in apartment with some improved security. I also have a house with shelter in a village some 5 miles from my apartment. In that house are also supplies for 6 months. The village there is a small community, and most of them are my relatives, (and now) most of them are prepared (they learned that from war). I have four kinds of (live) fire weapons with (at least) 2000 bullets for each (sorry, can not go in details, laws are different here for rifles).
I have big garden at that house and some good knowledge about gardening and farming.
I think i have knowledge now to smell trouble. You (do) know that when everybody is saying that everything is going to be fine you somehow know that is everything going to fall apart.
I think I have the strength necessary to do everything what it takes to keep me and my family alive, because when everything is going to shit…
…be sure, you are going to do some bad things to save your kid. You don t want to be hero, but you do want to survive with your family.
I am nurse, also I am paramedic (US standards)
And i am willing to learn from all of you.
One man survivor, no chance ( OK, it’s only my opinion).
No matter how well armed and prepared you are, at the end you are gonna die. I’ve seen that, many times. Family groups or closest friend with lot of preparing and lots of different knowledge (skill sets) will carry you through the SHTF event, I believe that is what is best.
Q: What items should we stockpile?
Thank you.
Well it depends, I guess if you stock only one thing you are not going to survive. (That is), unless you want to survive like robber, then you need only a gun and lot of ammo.
I believe, besides ammo, food hygiene and energy things (batteries etc.) are necessary. You need to focus on small things for trade. This would include pocket knives, lighters, and flints.
Also a LOT of alcohol, the kind that can store long. I mean stuff like whiskey and all that. It’s not not important what kind, you can have cheapest brand. It is a very good thing for trade in desperate times.
Also lack of hygiene things killed a lot of people, I’ve seen that.
You gonna need to have some simple things, like for example lot of garbage bags, I mean a lot, many uses for that, and a LOT of duct tape, many many uses for that (too).
In case of weapon keep it simple. I mean now i always carry a Glock 45 with me, because i like that gun, but it is not a usual gun and usual caliber here…
The G21 is the perfect answer to the gun owners who’re interested in owning a .45 ACP for defense purposes, but have remained loyal to the 9mm because of its capacity.
… so I also have two 7.62 mm TT Russian pistols hidden, because almost everybody has that gun here and a lot ammunition (is available).
Russian engineers decided to develop a round based on the German Mauser’s 7.63 mm ammo. So in the early 1930s, the Soviet was armed with the famous TT-30 pistol. Its construction was based on a simplified version the of Brauning pistol. The TT-30 received powerful 7.62 x 25 rounds that flew out of the gun at 420 meters per second.
I don t like Kalashnikov, but here there is that rifle on almost every 3rd house so…
Most of the time I collected my water from roof in 4 big barrels during the war, then boiled to disinfect it, we also had river in that town, but it was far too polluted but if you can’t choose…
I don t think I am an expert, I am here to learn.
I guess, it depends how far you going to go to survive with your actions, you need to be prepared to do some ugly things.
Oh yes… it changed my perspective on life.
I know now that bad things can happen, and one more important thing, actually I believe it is most important:
I no longer believe government and authority, not at all.
When they really doing their best to assure you that everything going to be fine, you can be sure that something bad is happening.
American politics.
Do not just believe, (do your own) research.
Q: What about the civil war…and the religious fighting? Did
gold and silver help much and how did you get the alcohol and other
Hello to all. It is me again.
I believe in some point this discussion gone the wrong way, and no I am not offended, everybody have right for opinion, so here are few of my opinions:
It was a civil war, yes there was a great influence of religion, but somebody mentioned “what did you do with people of other religions?”
Well in my family there are people with different religious beliefs so what do you mean with that?
I’ll try to explain you simply; it was an attackers and defenders war. (There were a) lot of switching sides; a civil war.
The war ended without winners, it ended with a truce, thanks mostly to USA.
It was a wrong war, (all for the) wrong reasons.
I did not fight for religion or ethnicity, I fought to keep my family and myself alive.
For the last 15 years we have had peace. We live with people who used to be our enemies. I do not to want to have war and enemies again because ethnicity or religion or for any other reason.
Please do not try to generalize anything about that war, there was no good or bad side, we all suffered and (now) we all try to live together again.
And yes every side did bad things, and every side had both good and bad guys.
I am here for one and only reason- survival, I want to learn, and I can share some useful stuff with you. I don’t think (want to know) about your religious beliefs, your ethnicity or your politic opinions.
Few words about my city before war, it was the usual Bosnian town. (It had a) normal life, decent people, schools, theaters, and parks. (It had a) college, airport, crime rates were very low. (The) town was like most of the smaller towns in USA (I think). I was a young man, just like any of you are maybe.
Now very important think: I am not here to discuss about war reasons, or sides, religion or anything similar.
Thanks to the war, in my town was REAL SHTF situation, and we can discuss only about that, only that is important.
You have a lot internet pages, you can learn everything about that war, and you can choose side if you want. OK that’s it.
About survival.
I don t know about other people on this forum, but I have lot of alcohol stacked now.
At the beginning of the war a tank grenade smashed front wall of small distillery (alcohol factory) close to my house. (It opened up and we were able to access it) so we took something around 500 liters of rakia (it is something like Bosnian whiskey, I guess, it’s made from grapes, and very strong)
It was great stuff for trading, people used alcohol a lot, desperate times I think, we also used it for disinfection.
About hygiene, cups and plates, paper or plastic, your gonna need a LOT, I know, we did not have it at all.
My opinion is that hygiene things are more important maybe than food, you can easily shoot pigeon. If you have a grandmother she may know (about) some of the eatable plants on nearest small hill (my experience) but you can not shoot hand sanitizer
Water purifying pills, all kind of cleaning stuff, sanitizers, lot of soap, bleach, gloves, masks, all disposable. (All are important and needed.)
Here, I copy and edit this in the middle of the cornovirus event inside of China. And this advice is spot on, I'll tell you what.
Take very good care about (getting) first aid training. Learn how to treat smaller cuts, burns or even a gunshot wound. There will not be any hospital (available), even if you found a doctor somewhere he probably will not have any meds, or (perhaps) you won’t have stuff to pay him with.
Learn how and when to use antibiotics and have a lot of it on hand.
Believe me with (some) good knowledge and goodly amount of meds you are gonna be rich.
About gold and silver, yes, me personally gave all my gold for ammunition in that time, but it wasn’t worth too much.
About pets, i did not have any, I did not notice a lot pets in that time, did somebody ate them? I don’t know… probably.
About a small family, hmm, not good.
Usually a few smaller families would get together in the biggest house available and stay together, all relatives (my case).
A small family or a single man, (is) not good (an ideal arrangement) for survival in town (during a) SHTF event.
Maybe in the wilderness (but I don t have experience in that).
Even if you keep a low profile, hidden in your house with lots of food etc, sooner or later the mob will come. And you have maybe have one or two guns… (it’s going to be) very hard (to make it oout alive).
I agree with the low profile policy, it is very important not to attract people with anything. But when they come, (and they will come) you will need to have numbers, people and guns, your best people is your family.
About moving through the city: always move during night time as I mentioned earlier. Never alone. 2-3 man. Move very fast, never attract anything. Look like everybody else. If most folks look desperate, poor, and dirty you need to look the same. There is no need that everybody else knows that you have a good amount of food, ammo, clean clothes and everything else back at home. Look and act like everybody else. (Blend in. Be inconspicuous.)
When somebody attacks you or your family then (is when) you need to show them that you are very ready.
I never walked in big groups, in that time and that situation, (the only) big groups are gangs.
Now, this is all my experience, it was then. I made a lot of mistakes. I am no expert. I am here just like any of you, to learn and share.
For example i don t know too much about wilderness survival, I am here to check learn about it.
Oh yes, few things to the Sedoy: my wife is different ethnicity, and she is also a Catholic, I am not, and to answer you: no I am not going to shoot her.
Q: What happened to those who died? Where did people get firewood?
Well, who ever died or get killed in that period, did not get a proper funeral.
Folks used used every peace of free land, close to their house for burial. Sometimes even in the garden. 2-3 city parks turned to graveyards. After the war most of them are exhumed and properly buried.
There was not nothing like burning bodies or anything similar, as far as I know.
Oh one more interesting thing about fire. Some people used to travel a few miles during the night just to find fire somewhere so they can light a peace of wood and bring it home, and start a fire for cooking or heating. Lighters and matches were really precious, and most of the folks did not have enough firewood to keep a file or embers burning. For most of the people it was constant search for something, fire, wood, food, ammo…
Q: Was salt valuable?
It was valuable yes, but not too much, for example coffee or cigarettes were worth much more.
Q: What about cigarettes?
Hm, I had a lot of alcohol as I mentioned before. I traded almost everything without any problem, let me say it like this: consumption of alcohol was probably 10 times more than during normal times. Not to mention cleaning and disinfection.
On the other hand, you made a very good point, if you have money and time and you have a storage it is probably better to store cigarettes or candles and batteries for trade, or food.
I was not a “prepper” at that time, we did not have time to prepare. A few days right before the SHTF politicians on TV stated that everything is fine. Then, when the sky fell down we just take what you can.
Q: Tell us more about cooking and the foods you were able to
prepare. Were you concerned about the smell getting around and alerting
people that there was food over there?
About cooking, before the SHTF I used in my house electricity for both, cooking and heating. So when everything started I traded some stuff for some kind of old wood stove. I put it in the kitchen and fix exhaust pipe (right word?) through a hole in wall. I used that for both cooking and heating.
During the summer I cooked in my backyard (walled fence, brick, luckily).
Concerning the smell of the food, hum. I’ll try to (describe for you a) picture (of the) situation: no electricity, no running water, sewage off for months, dead bodies in ruined houses, grime and mess, believe me it was very difficult to smell something nice.
It was not like in movies, it was ugly, dirty, and smelly.
Yes I had a few problems because of cooking, only a few, but as I said before, enough people, properly armed and with the will to defend…
… and you can manage most of the problems with that.
Probably, the situation would be (quite) different in the wilderness.
I ate mostly some kind of pancakes with local herbs (it does not require cooking oil and too much firewood), and of course, everything what I could get and trade (we ate). Rice was good to eat, not too much firewood for that.
I think I had (a lot of) luck, only a few times (did) I eat funny things like pigeons.
I always had something to trade, I guess that saved me…
… and guns of course.
Downtown Grbavica, a suburb of Sarajevo, March of 1996. Sarajevo was also besieged and faced many of the issues described by Selco.
1. Why would the night be safer than daytime? Outside of the obvious of
being easier to hide at night, but were the gangs more out during the
days? Also, why only small groups of 2-3? What happened to larger
2. Why would you have to go out at night? For instance, where were you going and why?
3. How did you handle the mob situation when they came for you, or your family?
4. You mentioned trading for bullets, etc. How much shooting were you doing during that time and how much ammo did you have, or would like to have had?
5. How were you able to determine who was an enemy and who wasn’t? How did you manage to get out there trade with people and when/where?
6. What fortifications did you do to your home and what kind of guard, or protections did you have in place?
7. Finally, how did you avoid snipers? What precautions did people take against them?
Firstly, almost nobody went out during the day because of snipers, the line of defense was very close, so whatever you have to do, you do it during the night.
(You) trade something, look for firewood (I can’t express how much this was important (to us) in town, and hard), looking for anything, check somebody, to go to hear news (very very important, lot of people get killed because they go somewhere just to see what happening, or what’s new) remember, no news, no radio ,no TV, nothing, rumors fed lot of people.
Already (as I) explained, you can stay home and die of hunger and cold, or even by infection of some small wound or go out and risk your life, try to find – trade anything useful
I did have situations concerning my house only, there is no need (to get into) too many details, we had more fire power, and (a) brick wall.
Also we had something like a street watch, people from my street were well organized, in case of gangs, now there were a lot shootings.
There was pretty much shooting all over town, I did not have enough weapons at the beginning. (I had) one rifle and one pistol (old world war II vintage), maybe 100 bullets total. Later I traded some things for more rifles and ammo. I remember that I gave away a car battery for 2 rifles.
How much ammo ?
A LOT, as much as you can (get a hold of).
Most of the time you are not able to determine who is enemy or friend. Expect my family and few real friends. Everybody else is a potential enemy. When your friend must choose between his child’s death and your death guess who (he) is going to choose.
Rumors, somebody tells you that some old guy a few blocks away has some cans and he is looking for ammo or whatever. You go there, as I say you are always looking for something. Same some people would came to my street as traders, with some goods.
There was something like trade street during the night, actually it was in the big ruins of sport center. You can go over there and look for something or offer something. However, it was not controlled by anyone so it was too dangerous.
It was primitive pretty much, a brick wall around the house, bags of sand on windows and doors, over that bags we used whatever you can. (There were) big pieces of metal, stones, (everywhere). Inside the house we put all kinds of stuff on the windows, (leaving) only a small opening left for a rifle. (We had a rule) always 5 members of family ready for fight, one always outside on street hidden.
Stone age situation.
To avoid snipers, we would stay home during the day, there were not so many night snipers, even during the night we never walked openly on the streets if we can avoid that, always (using) shortcuts, trough ruins, fast and quiet.
Q: What was your bathroom situation? Where did you go? Did
you have anything to wipe with? Sorry ask such personal questions, but
this is something that I’ve wondered about in this type of situation.
We used shovels and any piece of land close to house, (yeah) it sounds dirty, and it is dirty; washing with collected rainwater, sometimes (we would) go to the river (most of the time that was too dangerous) Most of the time we did not have toilet paper, even if I had it, I (would) trade it.
It was a bad situation all the time.
If i can give some advice: first to prep is a weapon and ammo, then everything else.
I mean everything, depends how much money and space you have.
If you forget something no problem there is always somebody ready for trade, but if you forget guns and ammo then you may not be able to get to trading places.
I do not see big family or group of really (I mean really) good friends as more mouth to feed, I see them as more guns and strength, it is in people’s nature to adapt.
And keep it simple and use common sense. In the first period (of the war) the weak people vanished, others fought.
Go with small things, lighters, candles, flints.
It is great idea to have a fuel generator (electrical generating unit) but i think a better idea is to have 1000 BIC lighters. A fuel generator is great, but in a SHTF scenario in town it is going to attract a whole army. But, 1000 BIC lighters don’t take up too much space, (they’re) cheap, and you can always trade it for something.
Real SHTF scenario demands a complete change of the normal mindset, (it’s) hard to explain, I’ll try through examples.
Q: How easy/hard was it to get weapons AFTER the SHTF and what could you trade for weapon and ammunition (I remember you saying a car battery for a rifle) and where would I go to find the people who trade in weapons?
Hum, you re right, after the war every house here had a weapon from the war, and yes the police did take some action to take illegal weapons from the population. It depends from man to man I guess, a lot of people find ways to hide their weapons somewhere, just in case.
I also have legal weapon (license), and the authority here has some thing they refer as “temporary collecting”. It basically says something like: “in a case of unusual event (riots, unrest, etc) government has the right to temporary collect all legal weapons”. So I keep always in mind that fact. And I acted like some other people.
You know some people have legal weapon for everyday carry (I have a Glock 45 and Taurus 38) but some people with legal weapon also have illegal weapons hidden somewhere just in case SHTF and “temporary collecting”.
It is not hard to get weapon in SHTF if you have good stuff for trade,. However, the other thing is important. The very first days of SHTF is worst in terms of chaos and panic. So, maybe you’re not gonna have time to get a gun. And to be unarmed in chaos panic and riots is bad.
In my case, the man needed a car battery for a HAM radio I think, and he had some extra rifles, so we traded.
Q: What about medical care for people who were shot or became injured?
Wounds was mostly gunshot wounds of course, without specialists and everything else, if wounded manage to find a doctor somewhere he had like 30% chances to live.
Again it is not (like a) movie, mostly they died.
A lot of people died even from minor cuts infections, I had antibiotics maybe for 3-4 treatments. Of course for my family only.
Simple things killed people. Diarrhea can kill you in a few days without meds and re-hydration, (fluid therapy, IV) especially small kids. Lot of fungal skin diseases, and food poisoning, we could not do too much. Basically we treated diseases mostly with local herbs, and if you had a wound, put rakia (whiskey) on it and tried to find antibiotics somewhere.
So i was good at fixing wounds in term of emergency help, but longer procedure…
…bad prognosis.
What I learned? Hygiene again, and a lot of meds, especially antibiotics. You need to learn to treat lot of stuff, go online, finish some training, EMT maybe, first aid etc.
In SHTF things are different, learn how to open IV, when to use certain drugs, or antibiotics.
Get your self ANA TE (anti tetanus ) shot injections , snake poison kit, adrenaline kit (allergic reactions, different kinds) tick removal kit, (tick related illness can kill you, learn how to remove tick)…
Get in Supply your prepper storage some reanimation kit (simple one) like a small oxygen cylinder, a BVM mask etc. It is not really hard to learn to use all of these.
OK let’s be clear about something, of course you can not use anything of this in the “real world” unless you are certified and trained for that ( EMT, nurse, physician ).
But in SHTF nobody will ask you for your license, just learn and have it in your storage big part for medical things.
So to answer question how did I help and treat others? Most of the time everyone was very poor. I helped some with the resources that I had. I took food or something else for exchange, I was badly prepared for that, now I have what I need to have.
Q: Did your local currency/money still hold value? Were you still able to use money to purchase items from other people?
No, not really. I mean sometimes you can use foreign money if you had it to buy something, (dollars or German marks) but even in that rare occasion the rate was unbelievable. For example 1 can of beans for 30-40 dollars (normal value was maybe 0.50). I guess somebody had connections with outside world, black market you know, so he can earn a lot of money. But it was very rare. Trade was main thing to get something.
Local currency crashed very fast, in few weeks or month maybe.
Q: How much space should I keep for alcohol storage? What was security like?
About alcohol first, you are right but you are right in both ways, people needed alcohol more in desperate times then usual, so it is a kind of gambling I guess, it is very good item for trading. I never had problems with alcohol trading and having than problems with trading other things.
Also I am thinking about something else, maybe it is better to fill my storage with something less space consuming but still interesting for trade, like batteries, antibiotics etc.
Thing is I had all that alcohol for free, I did not buy it. I don t know about this.
In most of the situations people attacked me because they thought they are stronger, they did not know for sure what I really had.
About ammunition trade, it depends how much ammo you are going to have, sometimes I would trade ammo for food, and in few weeks again food for ammo. However, I never never conducted trade at my home, and never bigger amounts, very few people knew how much of anything I had in my house.
The point is to store as much of anything as you can store (space , money). (Then) later during the situation you ll see what is most popular. Correction – ammo and guns always gonna held first place for me, but who knows maybe number 2 for trading gonna be for example masks with filters.
About medical issue , I’ll write in my next post what do I have now in my medical part of storage
Defenses were very primitive, again we were not prepared. We use whatever we could, windows were broken, roofs mostly damaged from shelling, all windows were blocked with something, sand bags and rocks. Every night I blocked my yard gate with junk- rubble from the street and I used an old aluminum ladder to get over the (brick) wall, when I came back I called somebody from house to get me with that ladder so I can move back in.
A guy from my street barricaded his house completely. If he goes out at night, he used a hole that he made in one room that was connected with his neighbor’s house, and then go trough his (ruined and destroyed) house out. So, actually he had secret entrance.
It may look weird to say but most secured houses are gone first, of course we had some very nice houses in neighborhood, with walls, dogs, alarms, steel bars on windows, alarms. And you can guess what happened, mobs attacked those houses first, some were defended other not, depend how many guns and hands they had inside.
So i think security is great, but be sure that you keep it low profile. Forget about alarms, if you live in town and SHTF you gonna need simple looking non-interesting secured house, with a lot of guns and ammunition.
Just keep it low profile and not interesting.
On my apartment door now I have a steel door for security reasons, but only to keep me trough the first (brief) short period of chaos, then I am ready to move out to connect with a much bigger group of armed people (family and friends) in the country (I hope).
Well in my case migration did not happen because it happens very fast. The other army just closed up the city in a ring and that’s it. If you ask me where was that army and how we were unable to see them coming, the answer is simple. That army was an ally of the army of my side and people…
… one day we woke up and figured they are the enemy now and they are closing all the ways out. Politics. It is true, it’s one more side of civil war.
But I heard from others parts of country, and my friends who stayed in villages in the other parts in state, that they had much better situations. Their countryside had land, corn, wheat, fruit trees, farms etc. They had enough food, it was bad, but much better than in the city.
I know one thing if we had some way out from the town, we would use it, (unfortunately) we did not have it.
Q: What was the situation with banks and stores?
About banks, loans, credit cards. Complete monetary system died for about one year, so nothing works.
It is complex question in many ways, I’ll try it to answer it in some future posts, (I) need much more time and much much more space to describe it.
Even now, almost 20 years later, folks are in European court suing banks, because they don’t want to admit their savings in banks.
A lot of different things happened in that period. They changed money, I mean (the) monetary name, they changed it 2-3 times , hyperinflation occurred. (All manner of things were lost), lost (all the) paper trails about savings, loans … I remember some people use that situation to get rich, they are still rich.
So I’ll try to describe that in separate post.
There was a lot of problems with proving peoples property after everything. For example: my father had a nice apartment and because of the war he had to leave it. Now, after the war ended he was at court for about 4 years proving that the apartment was his.
Now, the reasons for that were different, because politics in that time, but also he did not have enough paper work to prove that apartment was his (he did not take papers from the apartment when he fled), he had more important things to care about.
On the other side during the worst period, people just moved in the empty house, and that’s it.
I mention rural areas in another post. As far as I remember it was better there.
In that period there wasn’t any running vehicles. Actually I remember a tank at the front line, and Lada Niva (check it on web) with cut off doors and roof and installed machine gun (I think it was an old m53) and those two only moved when they fired (they keep it hidden behind ruined houses).
Lada Niva
For let me call it “civilian population” there was no moving with
vehicles, streets were mostly under rubble and unusable and fuel was too
Not to draw attention was a big thing, about clothing, there used to be some sort of town defense, it was not like a real military, mostly mixed civilian clothes with parts of uniforms, different types of weapons, so no rules.
But as soon as we start to go in to those things and try to talk about two armies, their strength, war crimes, politics I am not gonna like it any more, because people gonna start to choose sides, and I think it is not important for us here.
As I said before there wasn’t an organized army, but we all had been like soldiers, we had to, most of us carried weapon and tried to protect ourselves from the enemy army and robbers.
Inside the town you did not want to look fancy because somebody would shoot you and take all your good stuff, you did not want to have a fancy rifle, because probably you not gonna find ammo in that caliber and also you are drawing attention to yourself.
So let me try to put it this way: If SHTF tomorrow, I will try to look like most of the people outside, scared, desperate, confused and I’ll scream maybe, no fancy looking stuff, I’ll not go out in fancy new uniform and yell “I am here, you are finished now looters and robbers”.
I’ll stay low profile, heavily armed and well prepared waiting to see my options, even if I have to go out with all my gear to do things I’ll go out in the night, with my best friend or brother. Maybe it sounds ridiculous, but from my experience it works, be very well prepared, but let nobody outside your house know or see that.
No matter how good your house security is, how good your weapon is, if people see that they have good reason to rob you they probably rob you in town SHTF. It is only matter of time and number of guns.
Don’t ever give them reason to be interesting in robbing you. Stay uninteresting. Now this is my opinion, maybe is not working in different situation.
About robbing grocery store and gas stations; it happened very very fast, as soon as shooting started all valuable things were emptied. There was some effort of authority to keep it together but everything fell apart in the first few weeks.
Bernie Carr from ApartmentPrepper was fascinated with the story and had even more questions, and was able to reach Selco.
Q: On the forum where you described your experience of being
under siege, you mentioned that you had no electricity or running water.
How did you and your family handle the toilet (sanitary) conditions?
We had a small yard and dug holes for toilets, we thought it was temporary so the holes were small but later on we dug bigger ones because we realized this is long and world might have forgotten us. It was not nice but at least we did not do it in the house like many others did. Whole area started to smell bad anyway, stench from dead people is worse than a bit of poo.
Q: A lot of my readers are women and they would want to know what did the women, children and elderly members of your family do on a day to day basis during the time your city was under attack?
The roles were back to hundred years ago. Before war we were modern society, but as soon as SHTF the women, kids and elder stayed mostly at home. They wanted that, no questions. Happened automatically.
They did the washing, cooking, cleaning and taking care of sick people. Just sometimes when shelling was a bit less some women came along to gather herbs or MRE if food aid was coming that time. Not often. We always had some man protecting the home, women, children and elderly.
Q: From all the weapons that you used, what was your
preferred weapons for when you went out into the street OR when you were
staying at home and why?
Always had the same weapons, TeTe gun / some Russian gun and AK47. Simple choice, most ammo for these weapons. We had only a few of those so we exchanged them among us. Did a good job, very reliable weapons. AK47 has good stopping power, just not very good on fully auto. Can make a mess out of a human.
Q: A lot of apartment preppers will probably decide to stay
in their homes and this has raised a lot of discussions on the pros and
cons of staying in the city. Some people say that by staying in the
city, the infrastructure will be restored first, and that those living
in the countryside would be attacked by roving bandits. The other side
states that those living in the countryside have greater chances of
survival as they would be more self-reliant and not dependent on
resources from the city. Based on you and your family’s experience,
which would you prefer and why?
RUN! If you lucky yes, city might be better off but if not it is so much worse. Bug in for a few days until first madness settled and then bug out. Also depends on the weather. Might stay at home in winter and risk getting robbed / murdered instead of going out and freezing to death. Only run if you know where you run to.
Daisy Luther from The Organic Prepper
also contacted Selco for an interview. We highlight a couple of the
Q&As and you can go to her site if you’d like to read the rest (she
focuses on politics and the US situation).
Q: What parallels do you see with events in the US and Bosnia before the SHTF?
US and Yugoslavia (in 1990) on first look do not have
anything in common because people are going to say, “The USA cannot have
anything similar to any socialistic system.”
This is true but only on first look.
Yugoslavia had somewhere around 20-22 million citizens, six republics
(similar to states in the US), 3-4 main religions, and many national
groups (ethnicity).
The official state policy was to build Yugoslavian “nationality”
(from the end of WW1) and through different ways that effort was
successful until the 90s.
We were “something big, united through differences with a strong connection to make something big.”
And then those differences were used to make chaos.
In the late 80s and beginning of the 90s (when democracy came) the
problems started and ended up in series of wars and cases of complete
Things that I experienced in my case prior to SHTF, and things that you might recognize:
Things that make differences between people are more and more problematic (race, religion, political opinion).
Polarization is getting obviously stronger.
People want to come to your country, but they do not want to
“assimilate” or contribute to the greater good. They want to preserve
their way of life which is often absolutely contradictory to the way
that your country (society) works.
The political way of solving those problems often fails, because, in
essence, those problems are hard to solve in a democratic way (in the
spirit of democracy).
Your freedoms are “shrinking” as a result of that.
Calls for “radical solutions“ for the problems are stronger and stronger.
The media is absolutely working a dirty job, and it is hard to find out what is the truth anymore.
Suddenly people and events from history are “brought back” so people
can judge and argue about it, to write history again, to build myths
Q: Anything else to add?
I have seen many people killed, a lot of women and children too, civilians. A huge number of people suffered, were hungry and cold and were terrified through that period.
But I can count on one hand the dead or hungry politicians in that time.
Things were good for them through that period. Some of them ended up even richer. A lot of them are still powerful in the same or different parties, and are still talking about “their people” or “ causes” or “fear from others”.
It is the way it works.
This is good stuff, don’t you think?
Take heed, SHTF can come in many forms. Like the biological warfare with the coronvirus here in China. (Just a second ago I stepped outside to check with the apartment complex police. We are still under lock-down. No one can come in or leave the complex.)
Make sure you have a tight group of friends and family.
Stockpile food.
Stockpile sanitary and anti-bacterial supplies.
Have skills or items to barter.
Be able to defend yourself with equipment that you know how to use well.
Lie low key, and hide.
If you enjoyed this post, please be sure to visit the rest of my blog here…
You’ll not find
any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Patent documents indicate that the U.S. and China are actively developing radical new craft that seem eerily similar to UFOs reported by Navy pilots.
The United States Secretary of Navy is listed as the assignee on several curious aviation technologies patents. These are highly unusual patents, devices and mechanisms.
Highly unusual.
These patents were generated by an aerospace engineer working at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) headquarters in Patuxent River, Maryland.
They are very interesting.
Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) headquarters in Patuxent River, Maryland.
The patents are very interesting.
One of these patents describes a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft”. You know, one that can swim through the water as easily as it can fly through the air or jet through space.
Vehicle from the movie “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow”.
According to the patent, it is capable of truly extraordinary feats of speed and maneuverability in air, water, and outer space. It is truly a revolutionary electromagnetic propulsion system.
Very exciting. Bordering (or perhaps, crossed over) the line between accepted scientific paradigms and God-like technology.
A scientific paradigm is a framework containing all the commonly accepted views about a subject, conventions about what direction research should take and how it should be performed.
- What Is A Paradigm? - Explorable.com
To most classically educated scientists, it sounds pretty far fetched.
Imagine trying to get a patent for it!
Trying to get a patent.
A primary patent examiner at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) thought that they were too fantastic to approve. And as such, he denied the patent applications as “too fantastical” to be considered in any degree of seriousness.
“Brawndo has what plants crave. It’s got electrolytes.”
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
This did not sit well with the United States Navy.
No sir. Not at all.
They absolutely and urgently, wanted these patents to be granted. They believed that it was in the best interests of “National Security”.
Washingtonhasbeenincapableofcopingwiththegreatchangesthathavetakenplaceinrecentyears, includingtheriseofemergingmarketsanddevelopingcountries, and national security hasbecomean excuse itleansonwhenitwantstoactonitssuspicionsabouttheeconomicdevelopmentandtechnologicalprogressofothercountries.
- The phony excuse of national security - CGTN
The Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of the Naval Aviation Enterprise personally wrote a letter addressed to the examiner. He claimed that the U.S. needs the patent. As the Chinese are already “investing significantly” in these aerospace technologies.
His argument is that the patents were necessary for “American Defense superiority”.
Chinese idiom.
UFO’s? No way!
The descriptions on the patents sound very, very similar to the UFOs reported by Navy pilots.
They do.
Why is that, you suppose?
Well, everyone know that there’s no such things as “little green men”, extraterrestrials or “star people”. That’s just nonsense for school children. Right?
And since the USA would never keep secrets and technologies hidden from the American people, we know that they would tell us about extraterrestrials and their technologies. They would be open and transparent.
Open and transparent is the way America always does things. Right?
That’s what it’s like to live within the best democracy in the history of the world. Right?
The government is open and has no secrets. Don’t you know!
So, there are no extraterrestrials at all. After all, President Obama got on the Ellen DeGeneres show and said that to an audience of millions. Millions!
President Barack Obama has awarded the USA’s highest civilian honor to
various actors, musicians and athletes during a ceremony at the White
It must be the dastardly Chinese or Russians!
Since it cannot be extraterrestrials that are using these technologies, then it MUST be those terrible Chinese or Russians! Right?
Damn Commies!
It’s easy to find demonization of the Chinese on the internet. Oh, they are so evil… right?
This raises the question, are the Chinese developing (or even already flying craft) leveraging similar advanced technology and is the American Navy now scrambling to catch up?
I rather doubt that the Chinese are anywhere near this level of development, and I am a pretty strong supporter of the Chinese. Yes, it is true that many Chinese cities look like something out of the "The Jetsons", but this level of technology is centuries more advanced than what is publicly available in peer review journals.
And I am not alone…
I deeply doubt that the Navy is playing catch-up to what the Chinese have secret developed. Tingly and Rogoway do not appear to be aware of the many insiders who have come forward with their startling testimonies about U.S. reverse engineering programs involving captured flying saucer technologies that go back as far back as the 1940s.
Why not reverse engineering of extraterrestrial craft?
Why not?
I mean, you have to be a rather retarded block head not to realize that the universe is a very big place, and time goes on a long long way. To think that the world, as we know it, and the beliefs that we hold are absolutely fundamentally correct, is absolute lunacy.
Extraterrestrials exist.
The Untied States government knows about them, and has treaties with numerous entities. They have been reverse engineering their technologies for decades now, and it’s only a matter of time when the research will pay off with some kind of hybrid developmental vehicles.
It’s only a matter of time.
Maybe like now.
And if the reverse engineering has reached a point where actual prototypes can be manufactured, perhaps it would also be a good time to secure intellectual patents protections. Right?
The Wondrous Inventions Of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais
Maybe a look at some of these patents might give us some insight.
Maybe we can take a peek at the strange aerospace patents filed by Salvatore Cezar Pais, an aerospace engineer at NAWCAD.
Aerospace engineers work and develop the technologies and systems that go into vehicles that fly though the air and space.
Let it be well understood that there are some supplemental documents in the USPTO’s databases that imply that Navy leadership knows that these technologies are actually feasible.
Throughout the supplemental documents are references to actual validation tests and observations. All of which point to the idea that these parents are not just “ideas of merit”, but rather “technical protection documents for technology that has been proven to work”.
Let it be well understood that there are some supplemental documents in the USPTO’s databases that imply that Navy leadership knows that these technologies are actually feasible.
Little information can be found about Salvatore Cezar Pais; he has virtually no web presence.
What is known is that he received a PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 1999. We also know that he currently works as an aerospace engineer for NAWCAD at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland. This facility is one of the Navy’s top aircraft test bases.
Pais has published several articles and presented papers at American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics conferences over the years.
With all the “hush hush” and top secret development work in the deep black SAP’s, it’s just a simple matter of time before some of the technologies will need to be patented.
In those papers he covers his work in electromagnetic propulsion, and revolutionary room temperature superconductors. Not to overlook such topics like his PhD dissertation: “Bubble generation under reduced gravity conditions for both co-flow and cross-flow configurations.”
While all are pretty outlandish-sounding, the last one is the one that the Chief Technical Officer of the Naval Aviation Enterprise personally vouched for.
This is the patent that he claimed that the Chinese are already developing similar capabilities.
The patent was first applied for on April 28, 2016, over a decade after the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group encountered strange Tic Tac-shaped aircraft. It is also nearly a year after Navy pilots across multiple squadrons flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana and NAS Norfolk experienced a string of bizarre encounters with unidentified aircraft. Some of which, like the Tic Tac UFO, seemed to possess exotic performance capabilities.
The Nimitz Carrier Strike Group encountered strange Tic Tac-shaped aircraft. It is also nearly a year after Navy pilots across multiple squadrons flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana and NAS Norfolk experienced a string of bizarre encounters with unidentified aircraft.
The hybrid aerospace-underwater craft in Pais’ patent, meanwhile, is described as being capable of incredible feats of speed and maneuverability. It can fly equally well in air, water, or space without leaving a heat signature.
This is possible, Pais claims in the patent, because the craft is able to “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” by exploiting the laws of physics.
“…engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level”
The concept is fairly simple, although the engineering required to make it a reality is another issue all together.
The basic theory…
All matter contains energy on the quantum level.
Allparticlesareripplesinfieldsandhave energy; photonsarenotspecialinthisregard. Photonsarestuff; energy isnot. Thestuffoftheuniverseisallmadefromfields (thebasicingredientsoftheuniverse) andtheirparticles. Atleastthisisthepost-1973viewpoint.
- Matter and Energy: A False Dichotomy
By theoretically creating its own incredibly dense and polarized energy field, the hybrid craft is claimed to be able to create a quantum ‘vacuum’ around itself. This vacuum allows it to repel any air or water molecules with which it interacts.
Thus, the craft can essentially ignore aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces, or so it is claimed in the patent.
The hybrid craft is claimed to be able to create a quantum ‘vacuum’ around itself which allows it to repel any air or water molecules with which it interacts.
Throughout his patents and publications describing the hybrid aerospace underwater craft (HAUC), Pais writes that the radical feats of speed and maneuverability (of which the craft is supposedly capable of) can be achieved by coupling “high-frequency axial spin” or “accelerated vibration” with “high-frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems.”
High speeds are possible with [1] High frequency axial spin (or vibration) and [2] high frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems.
In other words, if you can [1] create a room temperature superconductor capable of storing an incredibly high amount of energy and [2] get the energy field created by that superconductor moving at incredibly high speeds around or within the craft, then…
… you can create a polarized energy vacuum around it.
This then, allows it to basically ignore the energy of the air or water around it, thereby removing its own inertia and mass from the equation.
The application of the theory…
In his most recent publication, Pais describes the hybrid aerospace / underwater craft as a roughly cone-shaped vehicle that would appear round from the front or rear.
“the HAUC is conical in configuration, with an elliptical cross-section, similar in geometry to a hypersonic glide vehicle / dart.”
The radical vehicle would have room for a crew compartment. Maybe something along the lines of the space shuttle, where the pilot and NFO would sit side by side.
He presented it at the 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech Forum in San Diego on January 2019.
Man, with all these papers of a great diversity of subject matter and content, you would think this guy is either a genius, or is the designated patsy for technical patent assignments for IP.
In the paper, Pais writes…
"the achievement of room temperature superconductivity (RTSC) represents a highly disruptive technology, capable of a total paradigm change in Science and Technology,” and adds that its “military and commercial value is considerable."
The capabilities described in the paper
should certainly sound familiar to anyone who’s been following the Navy
UFO stories over the last several years:
“the achievement of room temperature superconductivity (RTSC) represents a highly disruptive technology, capable of a total paradigm change in Science and Technology,” and adds that its “military and commercial value is considerable.”
From the paper…
It is possible to envision hybrid aerospace-undersea craft (HAUC), which can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds (lack of water-skin friction) and enhanced aerial/underwater stealth capabilities (non-linear scattering of RF and sonar signals).
This hybrid craft would move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a Vacuum/plasma bubble/sheath, due to the coupled effects of EM field-induced air/water particles repulsion and Vacuum energy polarization.
Dr. Brian Collett provides his opinions
Dr. Brian Collett, is a Hamilton College physics chair who teaches courses in electromagnetic theory and quantum physics. He has some thoughts on these patents and what they might imply.
Dr. Brian Collett, is a Hamilton College physics chair who teaches courses in electromagnetic theory and quantum physics. (Image is for reference only. Not an actual photo of the good doctor.)
Collett stated that patents and peer-reviewed articles about theoretical physics are one thing, however the descriptions of the HAUC and the claims in Pais’ research…
"...bear no more resemblance to quantum physics as I understand it than does ‘The Force’ from Star Wars."
Moreover, Collett adds,
"a working room temperature superconductor would have far more radical uses that are actually within the bounds of possibility"
…than a hybrid craft that can theoretically create a quantum vacuum around itself.
Other physicists have stated the same thing – although most of them refused to go anywhere near on the record concerning the hybrid craft patent based on how outlandish it seems.
But, why then would the Naval Aviation Enterprise CTO personally vouch for this patent to the USPTO?
Is it possible?
Just because something is patented doesn’t mean it’s currently in production or even possible.
Private entities and the U.S. government both regularly patent forward-looking technologies to ensure that they own the rights to them when or if they’re ever fully realized. The patent for the hybrid craft is set to expire on September 28, 2036.
That being said, the unorthodox circumstances surrounding the approval of this patent have us wondering why the Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. Naval Aviation Enterprise, Dr. James Sheehy, personally vouched for the legitimacy of this beyond-revolutionary aerospace technology in the Navy’s appeal to the USPTO.
Take important note. Sheehy assured the patent examiner in charge of this application that the aircraft propulsion method described in the patent is indeed possible or will be soon based on experiments and tests NAWCAD has already conducted.
Never the less, the application was initially rejected by Patent Examiner Philip Bonzell on the grounds that “there is no such thing as a ‘repulsive EM energy field,'”
While repulsive fields are well known in physics, the patent examination did not agree that this new type of repulsive field was possible. He saw no evidence that it could be constructed, tested or applied.
Further, he argued it was outrageous. Here;
"when referring to the specifications as to ascertain about the microwave emitters needed in this system it is seen that for a high energy electromagnetic field to polarize a quantum vacuum as claimed it would take 10^9 [T]eslas and 10^18 V/m."
That’s roughly the equivalent to the magnetic strength generated by most magnetars and more electricity than what is produced by nuclear reactors.
What would be needed to generate such amounts of energy is perhaps the potentially revolutionary room temperature superconductor described in one of Pais’ other patents for which the Navy is listed as the assignee.
Obviously, the examiner believed it’s impossible with today’s technology. He believed that it was impossible to create the insane amount of energy needed to generate the EM field. And this is what would be required to propel this craft in the manner described in the patent application.
More New Technology…
The implication is that another type of new technology would be required.
Well, to do A, you need to have B, C, and D.
Well, imagine that! All these things are suddenly available simultaneously for patent.
Wow oh wow!
Either an army or geniuses have been toiling away in the dark, in secret, and being fed through their cages for decades, or we have been secretly reverse engineering very advanced technologies based on principle that make the internal combustion engine, electronics, and rocket engines look like "Romper room play toys".
What would be needed to generate such amounts of energy is a revolutionary room temperature superconductor . One, mind you, already described for in one of Pais’ other patents for which the Navy is listed as the assignee.
are materials that can conduct electricity with zero resistance,
meaning the electrical currents carried through them never degrade or
dissipate like they do in metals, such as copper or silver.
After it was rejected, the NAWCAD’s patent attorney, Mark O. Glut, appealed the decision and submitted further documentation to ensure the patent office that this craft is indeed “enabled,” meaning it can actually be built and can perform as described in the patent.
Superconductors also create their own repulsive magnetic fields when placed near magnets, enabling applications like the levitating Maglev trains currently floating at high-speed in Japan and China.
Most superconductors today require extremely low temperatures to operate, however, making them impractical for most uses outside of laboratories or large scale industrial applications. Room temperature superconductors for years have been something of a "Holy Grail" of science for engineers, because, once realized, they would open the doors for incredible new forms of power transmission and storage, electric motors, and magnetic levitation devices.
According to documents available to the public at the USPTO website, the Patent Office rejected Pais’ and the Navy’s application for this craft on March 30, 2018.
After it was rejected, the NAWCAD’s patent attorney, Mark O. Glut, appealed the decision and submitted further documentation to ensure the patent office that this craft is indeed “enabled,” meaning it can actually be built and can perform as described in the patent.
NAWCAD’s patent attorney, Mark O. Glut, appealed the decision and submitted further documentation to ensure the patent office that this craft is indeed “enabled,” meaning it can actually be built and can perform as described in the patent.
This craft has already been built…
One of the most compelling items in the collection of appeal documents is the letter accompanying the final appeal written CTO Sheehy concerning the U.S. Patent Office’s rejection of “Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device.”
This craft is indeed “enabled,” meaning it can actually be built and can perform as described in the patent.
In the letter dated 15 December 2017, Dr. Sheehy claims that Salvatore Pais has “already begun a series of experiments to design and demonstrate advanced High energy Density/High Power propulsion systems” that are described in the patent.
In the letter dated 15 December 2017, Dr. Sheehy claims that Salvatore Pais has “already begun a series of experiments to design and demonstrate advanced High energy Density/High Power propulsion systems” that are described in the patent.
Furthermore, Sheehy claims that…
"the realization of this result demonstrates that this patent documents the future state of the possible and moves propulsion technology beyond gas dynamic systems to field-induced propulsion based hybrid aerospace-undersea craft."
Have a look at the letter yourself:
“the realization of this result demonstrates that this patent documents the future state of the possible and moves propulsion technology beyond gas dynamic systems to field-induced propulsion based hybrid aerospace-undersea craft.”
It’s important to note that Sheehy doesn’t go so far as to say on the record that the Navy currently possesses this technology and instead notified Patent Examiner Philip Bonzell that he agrees that…
"this mode of acceleration/movement is beyond the state of the possible, at least at present."
Sheehy, of course, adds that…
"China is already investing significantly in this area" and "would prefer we [the U.S.] hold the patent as opposed to paying forever more to use this revolutionary technology" as he asserts "this will become a reality."
Remarkably, it seems to boil down to the ol’ “we must not allow an Inertial Mass Reduction Device gap!”
Heh. Heh.
Approved patent.
Perhaps because of that threat from the Chinese looming, the USPTO finally issued a notice of allowance for “Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device” to the Department of the Navy on October 31, 2018, at a fee of $1,000 USD.
No reason was given for why the patent was eventually approved.
It’s important to note, as well, that U.S.
patent law ends at America’s borders. The Navy can patent anything it
wants to, but those patents would not necessarily keep a foreign country
from developing and patenting similar technologies.
The Dawn Of Electromagnetic Propulsion?
Normally, I would agree with others that these patents are likely just the Navy ensuring that when or if this technology does become available, the U.S. will be able to control it.
However, these are not normal times.
Thanks to To the Stars Academy (TTSA), the Department of Defense, and the media at large, the Navy pilots have witnessed aircraft behaving exactly like the craft these patents describe. Additionally, some of the pilots’ visual descriptions of those anomalous aircraft even seem to be uncannily similar to the drawings of the aircraft as depicted in Pais’ patents.
One of those patents depicts a curiously and distinctly shaped gravitational wave generator that resembles the Tic Tac-shaped object reported by retired U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor and other NimitzCarrier Strike Group pilots in encounters that took place in 2004 off the Baja Coast.
The so called “Tic Tac” encounter.
One of those patents depicts a curiously and distinctly shaped gravitational wave generator that resembles the Tic Tac-shaped object reported by retired U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor and other NimitzCarrier Strike Group pilots in encounters that took place in 2004 off the Baja Coast.
In regards to claims that these patents may simply be speculative “math theory,” as the patent examiner called them in one of the rejections. Never the less, it’s important to remember that scientific and engineering research sometimes reach tipping points. Tripping points in which incremental progress made over decades suddenly culminates in large paradigm shifts. Shifts, mind you, that bring the theoretical into the realm of the possible. (Of course, massive bursts of associated funding also can really help, of course.)
The patents appear to draw upon established theoretical research. Included in the Navy’s patent appeals and Pais’ most recent publication are references to decades’ worth of peer-reviewed research in room temperature superconductors and macroscopic quantum effects. Additionally, there are even notated copies of several studies related to Pais’ research.
In the publication, Pais also thanks Naval Aviation Enterprise CTO Dr. James Sheehy…
"for the many hours of thought-provoking discussions on the concept at hand."
To the Stars Academy.
Interestingly enough, both Pais’ research and some of his patents also contain acknowledgments to the work of Dr. Harold E. Puthoff.
Dr. Harold E. Puthoff is the co-founder and Vice President of Science and Technology of To the Stars Academy.
TTSA’s goal is to advance “our current understanding of scientific phenomena and its technological implications.”
The stated mission of TTSA’s Aerospace division is to find “revolutionary breakthroughs in propulsion, energy, and communication”.
The company claims it is “currently working with lead engineers from major Department of Defense and aerospace companies with the capability to pursue an advanced engineering approach to fundamental aerospace topics.”
This includes Space-Time Metrics Engineering (STME). (This is a theoretical concept in which quantum vacuums are engineered as a means of propulsion.)
It remains unclear how TTSA intends to follow through with and secure funding for these ambitious goals.
Physicist Harold White stunned the aeronautics world when he announced that he and his team at NASA had begun work on the development of a faster-than-light warp drive. His proposed design, an ingenious re-imagining of an Alcubierre Drive, may eventually result in an engine that can transport a spacecraft to the nearest star in a matter of weeks — and all without violating Einstein’s law of relativity.
In a press release marking the official launch of TTSA on Oct. 11, 2017, former Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs at the Skunk Works, Steve Justice, described how TTSA was working on developing revolutionary “Advanced Electromagnetic Vehicles”.
These are vehicles that will “dramatically reduce the current travel limits of distance and time” and “mimic the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a drive system that alters the space-time metric.”
Without a doubt, these advanced electromagnetic vehicles that TTSA says it plans to develop sound uncannily like the electromagnetic hybrid aerospace underwater craft in Pais’s patent.
Few Answers, But Plenty Of Questions
NAWCAD has a liaison for pubic communication.
Kurt Larson is NAWCAD’s Public Affairs Director.
Larson states that…
"when it comes to patent applications, [NAWCAD] cannot provide any context outside of the filed patent application documents."
Similarly, USPTO policy states that applications for patents are not generally open to the public, and…
"no information concerning them is released except on written authority of the applicant, his or her assignee, or his or her attorney, or when necessary to the conduct of the business of the USPTO."
As striking as the similarity between the claimed capabilities of the hybrid craft and those of the objects described by Navy personnel, it’s still unknown whether these patents are related to the ongoing UFO revelations.
It is important to note that if the Navy had wanted this patent to remain classified, it could have filed the patent under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 (35 U.S.C. ch. 17).
This is a law which allows patents to remain classified if they might pose a possible threat to the national security of the United States.
Instead of doing that, however, all of Pais’ patents are currently fully available to the public.
If such a propulsion technology was so revolutionary and if the Navy indeed wanted to keep this technology out of others’ hands, it’s curious that they would choose to make the patent public.
Maybe the Navy is signaling to its adversaries that it, too, is aware of this revolutionary capability and to whom it belongs.
It is important to note that if the Navy had wanted this patent to remain classified, it could have filed the patent under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 (35 U.S.C. ch. 17).
Also, consider the fact that Senators, including the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Community, have been briefed in recent weeks by Navy officials about the unexplained sightings Navy pilots have reported.
Even President Donald Trump recently stated in an interview that the Navy UFO reports could be due the fact that pilots
"see things a little bit different from the past,"
This is a comment which could be taken to mean that pilots are witnessing new types of aerospace technology for the first time.
Trump seemed to indicate that he does not believe the objects reported by Navy pilots are evidence of anything extraterrestrial. As such he took his interviewer’s UFO question in stride without any apparent surprise. This could be an indication of just how far into the mainstream the UFO discussion has become.
A Technology “UFO” Race
Consider as well the comments made by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, reportedly a key figure in securing funding for programs like the now-infamous Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program and its associated studies.
Has China and Russia also been reverse engineering exotic extraterrestrial spacecraft as well?
Could Reid have meant that these three military powers are currently scrambling to be the first to master the technology behind a hybrid aerospace-undersea craft and deploy it on a substantial scale? If so, where does the Navy, and the Pentagon as a whole, currently stand in that clandestine race?
Well known in “UFO circles” that the Russians have been working with extraterrestrial species for decades and has various vehicles in their possession.
Furthermore, Pais notes in the paper that such a technology…
“would permit swift movement of the HAUC beyond our Solar System.”
Image is from a source who claims China will be releasing Hi Res images taken by the Chang’e-2 moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the moons surface.
It’s also possible that this patent is just another facet of an information operation that goes along with a larger UFO narrative to promote the Pentagon’s undisclosed interests.
But the inclusion of China, a very terrestrial potential foe and America’s chief technological adversary, as a direct competitor when it comes to the technology seems odd and even counterproductive if that were the case.
On the other hand, some may say that this could be proof of two superpowers struggling to mimic the capabilities of something they are observing, but do not fully understand on a technological level. Considering all the unknowns, all possibilities are worth examining.
... some may say that this could be proof of two superpowers struggling to mimic the capabilities of something they are observing, but do not fully understand on a technological level.
Much of this work and investigation are being “bird dogged” by Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway. They are doing some great work. Now, of course, they know nothing of MAJestic or any thing related to it, so they are doing the necessary journalistic ground work with a healthy dose of skepticism. Well, good for them!
Much of this work and investigation are being “bird dogged” by Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway. They are doing some great work. Now, of course, they know nothing of MAJestic or any thing related to ti, so they are doing the necessary journalistic ground work with a healthy dose of skepticism. Well, good for them!
In any event, I would strongly advise the interested reader to follow their work and observe that the US Navy is making headway in the understanding and development of technologies that mimic that of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
Check out the patents yourself…
To view them for yourself, visithttps://portal.uspto.gov/pair/PublicPair and search for application number 15/141,270. Once there, click on the “Image File Wrapper” tab.
The Inventor speaks out
I hate it when other people get credit for work that you do. I know, it has happened to me, more than just a few times.
Comment or Message
The article on patents held by the Navy make me feel angry because I have an unmet need for the US Government to acknowledge my patents on gravitomagnetic energy. https://patents.google.com/patent/US10177690B2/en I observe I also filed for a patent in China too.
They denied the patent even though the US had already granted it. I feel suspicious that they stole my invention along with the US Navy. I have an outstanding FOIA request on this with the Navy.
I have analyzed the Navy's Tic Tac UAP video to demonstrate spacetime metric engineering effects.
I observe I have some research results I would like to share. Here's a report I conducted with correspondence with Dr. Hal Puthoff of TTSA. There's a few of the slides in the beginning that cover my background.
Also I have several GIF files I created to share to show some of the UAP technology in action I would like to explain in more detail. It makes me feel happy to know your curious. I request you check out the following background information that goes with the PowerPoint presentation. I suggest you run the presentation software to operate the Gif on quantum tunneling; slide 7. My explanation of the presentation is in the form of a dialog.
Where do slides 6-11 come from? Are they your research, or from Dr. Puthoff? Both? Somewhere else?
Observe the information in slide 6 from Hal’s paper which I cite on the upper left of the slide. Spacetime metric engineering allows for altered spacetime. Basic hypothesis in altered spacetime: denser spacetime (g00 <1, |g11| > 1) time dilates, length shrinks “gravitational”, and, expanded spacetime (g00 > 1, |g11| <1) time shrinks, length dilates “antigravitational”.
Observe slide 7 explains how quantum entanglement [quantum tunneling] works and its possible to move information through spacetime instantaneously.
I feel this is useful to explaining the concept of wormholes. Observe slide 8 explains the concept of gravitational frame dragging using nano-bump [empirical] data from the mass spin-valve device.
My invention is called the mass spin-valve or gravitational rectifier, aka gravity diode. Observe slide 9 explains using nano-bump [empirical] data from the mass spin-valve device to support the creation of denser spacetime (g00 <1, |g11| > 1) time dilates, length shrinks “gravitational” energy at the nano-scale.
Observe slide 10 explains using nano-pit [empirical] data from the mass spin-valve device to support the creation of expanded spacetime (g00 > 1, |g11| <1) time shrinks, length dilates “antigravitational” energy at the nano-scale.
Observe slide 11 explains that utilizing data from variable area nano-bumps and nano-pits we are able to show that moving objects at the nano-scale produce parabolic pull force of nano-gravity and hyperbolic push force of nano-antigravity [like a balloon].
The term 'antigravity bubble', I'm not quite sure what that is -- how it operates or what it looks like. So, when you mention balloons (i.e. 'a dark torus shaped balloon', 'A balloon shaped brighter region', or 'small dark oval shaped balloon') -- are you saying 'balloon' because they appear balloon-shaped?
That is to say -- they aren't physical balloons travelling alongside the craft? Observe denser spacetime (g00 <1, |g11| > 1) force magnitude of gravity |g11| is greater than 1 G force and anti-gravity force is less than 1 G, and, expanded spacetime (g00 > 1, |g11| <1) force magnitude of gravity |g11| is less than 1 G force and anti-gravity force is greater than 1 G. I hope this helps your understanding of slide 6.
Greater G force means time dilates, length shrinks “gravitational” energy while lower G force means time shrinks, length dilates “anti-gravitational” energy. This is based on principals of General Relativity, Einstein's theory of geometric gravitation and the data.
No, [not a real balloon] the dark balloon shaped region over the top of the UAP appears to be a region of expanded spacetime. The other balloon shaped regions on the right of the UAP are also regions of altered spacetime used to open a wormhole on the left of the UAP. These regions appear to be utilized to create gravitational winding spring like force that propels the craft to the left at the entrance to the wormhole. Empirical evidence is from slides 7-11. This second GIF includes this first one above. Above the UAP is the anti-gravity balloon I explain in slide 11. The left of the image is where a worm hole is opened and the right side is where the UAP is spacetime engineering a gravitational bow, like in a bow and arrow, where the UAP is the arrow. This second GIF shows the arrow being released; aka warp drive. http://www.calfree.com/TicTacWarpDrive.gif This third GIF shows something I felt was pretty cool. It appears the UAP as hitting the Nimitz aircraft with an EMP pulse which saturates the IR detector array. http://www.calfree.com/TicTacEMPattack.gif Are you suggesting that the Air Force acted aggressively towards the UAP -- possibly hitting it with some type of hypersonic weapon? -- 'These slides make me feel uncomfortable. I have an unmet need for reassurance of future nonviolent interaction with UAPs.
I request the support for further failure analysis and for development of protocols for remedial measures.' My experience as an Archaeologist necessitates me to intercommunicate with native Americans about their culture. This requires a feeling of trust be established so I don’t go where I am not invited.
The UAP appears to be hitting the Nimitz aircraft with an electromagnetic pulse that charged the IR detector array fanout on the back of the array causing it to saturate. The image observed shows the fanout behind the array in that frame. I don’t know what the Nimitz aircraft did to the UAP that would be considered hostile by the UAP.
Michael Boyd (408) 891-9677 PS the GIFs are mine so feel free to use them.
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Suggesting the future of the human existence without showing a single person, Martin Wittfooth creates allegorical oil paintings of majestic animals.
Excepting traditional techniques of the old Masters in combination with new approaches, his visual language reveals exceptional depth in both medium and content. Indicating the issue of climate changes, his mysterious and beautiful images convey the impression that something in this world is wrong.
Although absent, human subsistence is depicted with their rubbish remains, as junked car or demolished buildings, in the world given over to animals that encourage us to think about our place in it.
Suggesting the future of the human existence without showing a single person, Martin Wittfooth creates allegorical oil paintings of majestic animals.
Born in Toronto, Wittfooth spent his childhood in Finland. He moved to his hometown to study where he earned his BAA in illustration from Sheridan College and then MFA at the School of Visual Arts in New York. His work has been shown nationally and internationally and has been published in numerous relevant magazines, as Hi Fructose or New American Paintings.
Surpassing the illustrative genre, he entered the realm of modern masterworks, finding his inspiration in the 19th-century painters. Creating the familiar contents, he incorporates a feeling of dystopia and dilapidation in his post-apocalyptic vision and symbolism of using animals instead of humans as subjects.
Wittfooth underlines the possibilities of what could happen if people do not adopt some changes.
Surpassing the illustrative genre, he entered the realm of modern masterworks, finding his inspiration in the 19th-century painters. Creating the familiar contents, he incorporates a feeling of dystopia and dilapidation in his post-apocalyptic vision and symbolism of using animals instead of humans as subjects.
His series of oil paintings named The Offering explore the theme of shamanism and its revitalization worldwide.
In accordance with its practice of researching altered states of consciousness in order to interact with the world spirit, Wittfooth asserts that those beliefs have an influence on people’s egos and materialistic obsessions, helping the connection with nature and other humans.
There are the traces of destruction in his paintings, as fires rage and oceans surge, but the creatures carry the surreal peacefulness, celebrating the existence, they represent the life-givers.
In accordance with its practice of researching altered states of consciousness in order to interact with the world spirit, Wittfooth asserts that those beliefs have an influence on people’s egos and materialistic obsessions, helping the connection with nature and other humans.
Always been drawn to visual art, Wittfooth’s interests and tastes had passed through a lot of changes.
During the studies in New York, he had a chance to experiment with oils as medium and to reassess his personal ideas. Exploring his own paintings in series, he is trying to have a wider theme over the whole body of work.
Every painting is a piece of a puzzle, but all of them can speak individually, representing their own solo show. In series The Passions, Wittfooth borrowed tittles and composition from classical paintings and sculptures, processing the theme of blind faith and human martyrdom.
One of his favorite motifs, the fire, instead the symbol of destruction, here represents the substitution for halo.
One of his favorite motifs, the fire, instead the symbol of destruction, here represents the substitution for halo.
Featuring creatures in unexpected environment, that deviate from the natural surrounding we used to, in Wittfoot’s paintings smog fills the sky and garbage and decay lay on the ground.
Small animals get the heroic role, while large ones represent the calmness and peacefulness. Aiming to induce the viewer to question and challenge which is taken for granted, he’s work investigate themes of industry and nature, human influence on environment, the collision of obsolete ideologies with modern fears.
His creative language uses the combination of symbolism, the juxtaposition of visual narratives and the displacement of expected realities.
Small animals get the heroic role, while large ones represent the calmness and peacefulness. Aiming to induce the viewer to question and challenge which is taken for granted, he’s work investigate themes of industry and nature, human influence on environment, the collision of obsolete ideologies with modern fears.
Martin Wittfooth is an artist whose paintings, drawings, installations, and sculptural works investigate themes of the intersection and clash of industry and nature, and the human influence on the environment.
Martin Wittfooth is an artist whose paintings, drawings, installations, and sculptural works investigate themes of the intersection and clash of industry and nature, and the human influence on the environment.
Many of Wittfooth’s works explore the theme of shamanism — rituals and practices as old as our species — through which we have attempted to dialogue with nature: the nature outside ourselves and the nature within. His creative language uses the combination of allegory and symbolism to convey visual narratives.
His creative language uses the combination of allegory and symbolism to convey visual narratives.
Martin Wittfooth was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1981. He currently splits his time between two studios — Savannah, Georgia, and the Hudson Valley. He earned his MFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York City in 2008.
Wittfooth’s work has been exhibited in galleries and museums worldwide, including the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, Akron Art Museum in Ohio, and La Halle Saint-Pierre in Paris, with solo exhibitions in New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Montreal. His paintings have also appeared in numerous publications.
Martin Wittfooth was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1981. He currently splits his time between two studios — Savannah, Georgia, and the Hudson Valley. He earned his MFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York City in 2008.
Wittfooth’s oil paintings explore disquieting themes of industry and nature, unhinged evolution, the clash of old ideologies with modern fears, and the growing shadow of the human footprint on the earth.
Set in atmospheric landscapes rendered over many paint layers on canvas, linen, or wood panels, these themes are realized through a combination of symbolism, the juxtaposition of visual narratives, and the displacement of expected realities.
Set in atmospheric landscapes rendered over many paint layers on canvas, linen, or wood panels, these themes are realized through a combination of symbolism, the juxtaposition of visual narratives, and the displacement of expected realities.
The worlds created in Wittfooth’s paintings implore the viewer to
question the status quo, to challenge that which is taken for granted,
and to proceed with caution on our present course.
The worlds created in Wittfooth’s paintings implore the viewer to question the status quo, to challenge that which is taken for granted, and to proceed with caution on our present course.
This is an index of art that I have found profound, interesting,
beautiful or enlightening. In any event, I find that art soothes my
soul. I enjoy painting figurative and portraits in oils using the more
traditional Flemish technique, but it never really brought me the kind
of money I need to live off of. Such is the life of a painter today.
Please enjoy.
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