This is one of my earlier patrion videos. I hope you all enjoy this video.
Tag: universe
Your Choices at Death
This video is one of the earlier Patrion videos. It was posted two months ago and is part of the daily Patrion videos articles and subjects regarding world-line travel, Domain, and all the good stuff that MM is known for. Here it is for free for those who are not paying patrions. I hope that it is beneficial to you.
Video here…
The Human-Mantid Trinity
This article links to one of the very first videos that I posted on Metallicman Patrion. Is is a fundamental video that explains what the Mantids are, and their relationship to humans.
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Full video here…
The origin of consciousness and how we got “here”
Now how about that for a title. Maybe if I’m lucky, it might end up on page 500 in a Google search ranking. LOL.
The other day, I had to go to the doctor.
You see I have been taking blood pressure medicine. Somehow, probably due to my age, and most people my age do take this medicine, I had to join the ranks. And it was a good thing too. Mine was pretty high. On a number of occasions I was just about ready to pop.
Systolic blood pressure readings at least 140 or diastolic blood pressure readings at least 90 usually indicate Stage 2 Hypertension , which puts you at high risk for life-threatening problems such as heart attack and stroke. Once you become 60+ in age, the normal range is 134/87.
Mine was 165/ 96 most of the time. Yikes!
So he prescribed some blood pressure medicine for me. It was a little white pill. Dirt cheap. He said that I would have to take it for the rest of my life. I told him “okey dokey”, and he just looked at me. Being Chinese, I don’t think that he knew what that meant.
So then I said “thank you” in Chinese, and he smiled and all was good.
And I started taking it, every morning when I got up. First thing. pop that little white pill and start the day. And you know, after a while my body adjusted and my blood pressure lowered and stabilized and all was good.
But then, I started to have some side effects.
Nothing too radical, don’t you know.
For one, I started to get “elephant ankles”. My ankles both swelled up and looked like tree trunks.I was embarrassed to show my legs. They looked awful.
And my heart seemed to act strangely. I began to be “aware of it”. Like I knew that it was there, when before I didn’t care. If any of that makes sense.
Then, one night, I woke up clutching my heart. It felt like someone was tickling it.
So the next day we went to the local clinic and went to the doctor there. He looked at my mouth. He looked at my ears. He felt my chest. He checked my spine, and the under-soles of my feet. Then he nodded, and said that “yes, of course I was having some issues.”
So I went and had some further tests done. And then brought the results to him.
Mind you, this was all in the local clinic here. In China, the government treats local medical care as a very important aspect of life. And so not only is it efficient and quick, but it is pretty inexpensive. All told, the total cost was around 600 RMB, or maybe $85 USD.
Anyways, he told me that my heart was perfectly fine. Not to worry. My heart was good. And then prescribed me a bunch of heart medicine. Maybe five different types of pills, and a big garbage bag full of the boxes.
Ah. China.
Anyways, I went and ate a delicious fish afterwards and pondered my life. You do this from time to time, you know. You look at your life and you wonder and compare. You look at what it was like when you were young, and what your life is now. Not in sadness. Just in contemplation.
So I drank some wine.
It’s good for the heart, don’t you know.
And I ate some fish. Tasty, delicious, Chinese fish.
And I thought about things.

Why the Hell was I living this life?
Which brought me to this point, and to this article.
Today it is the origin of consciousness is what we are going to talk about. We are going to discuss how YOU… that is your consciousness… came into being. And what is going on right now as YOU (as consciousness) are reading this here.
To begin with let’s start with something that both the Alien Interview and MAJestic agrees with.
In the beginning…
There was nothing, and then there was an explosion of quanta / particles that started to group together. They formed clumps. And over many, many, MANY trillions of trillions of years consciousness developed.
Over time…
IS-BEs are not physical universe entities.
They are a source of energy and illusion.
IS- BEs are not located in space or time, but can create space, place particles in space, create energy, and shape particles into various forms, cause the motion of forms, and animate forms.
Any form that is animated by an IS-BE is called life.
In Alien Interview, the extraterrestrial referred to these consciousnesses as IS-BE. In MAJestic, we just refer to it as consciousness. Which is pretty much the reason why I stick with referring to consciousness rather than IS-BE. I guess that I am just an old guy, with old habits that die hard.
Anyways, over many trillions of years, these individual consciousnesses started to interact with each other.
They started to communicate with each other.
They started to organize and they started to create a non-physical reality from which they would dwell, work and live within.
Before the formation of the physical universe there was a vast period during which universes were not solid, but wholly illusionary.
You might say that the universe was a universe of magical illusions which were made to appear and vanish at the will of the magician.
Then, after many, many more trillions of years, they decided to create a physical universe. And so they thought, organized, planned and then created a physical universe. Separate universes were brought together and unified to form one singular universe.
Each IS-BE entered into the physical universe when they lost their own, "home" universe. That is, when an IS-BE's "home" universe was overwhelmed by the physical universe, or when the IS-BE joined with other IS-BEs to create or conquer the physical universe.
We call that “the big bang”. And our “experts” have dated it to around 14 billion years ago.
The Creation of the Physical Reality
And of course, with the creation of the universe, we had the creation of all the planets, stars, galaxies and all of that.
And it took time.
And over many billions of years, these consciousnesses started to populate this physical universe with life.
Eventually creating archetypes that populated the universe. Each archetype had regional variations to live in certain environments. And the consciousness placed regional variants of these archetypes all over the universe.
The notion that human biological organisms evolved naturally from earlier ape-like forms is incorrect.
No physical evidence will ever be uncovered to substantiate the notion that modern humanoid bodies evolved on this planet.
The reason is simple: the idea that human bodies evolved spontaneously from the primordial ooze of chemical interactivity in the dim mists of time is nothing more than a hypnotic lie.
(It was) instilled by the amnesia operation to prevent your recollection of the true origins of Mankind.
Factually, humanoid bodies have existed in various forms throughout the universe for trillions of years.
So life abounded all over the universe. First with microbial life, then with plants, fishes, and so on and so forth.
Multiple Universes
There are more than one universe. There are many, many universes. The physical universe (along with it’s non-physical universe components) is but one universe.
Or in other words,
[1] Physical universe + [2] non-physical universe = [3] “our” universe.And yet there are many, many others. And we tend to refer to them as “Heaven”. Which tends to be confusing as many people confuse “Heaven for humans” with the non-physical reality that surround our MWI (in our universe).
In this fashion, all of the space, galaxies, suns, planets, and physical phenomena of this universe, including life forms, places, and events have been created by IS-BEs and sustained by mutual agreement that these things exist.
There are as many universes as there are IS-BEs to imagine, build and perceive them, each existing concurrently within its own continuum.
Each universe is created using its own unique set of rules, as imagined, altered, preserved or destroyed by one or more IS-BEs who created it.
Time, energy, objects and space, as defined in terms of the physical universe, may or may not exist in other universes.
The Domain exists in such a universe, as well as in the physical universe.
Now, both the “Alien Interview” and the MAJestic discourses agree about all this, for the most part. As far as I can tell the general overview is identical. MAJestic agrees with Alien Interview and, vice versa.
But now we come to a “fork in the road”. For there is a difference in belief or understanding between the two “camps”. Well sort-of. Maybe the understanding is looking at the same thing from different angles.
A difference in belief – Alien Interview
I am going to simplify my thoughts on this matter, and I might be in error…
According to “Alien Interview”, all consciousness was created a long, long, long time ago.
Airl explained that IS-BEs have been around since before the beginning of the universe. The reason they are called "immortal", is because a "spirit" is not born and cannot die, but exists in a personally postulated perception of "is - will be".
And, the various consciousnesses entered “our” universe at different times.
IS-BEs arrival or invasion into the physical universe took place at different times, some 60 trillion years ago, and others only 3 trillion.
So to summarize, according to Alien Interview, consciousness comes from somewhere outside of time and space and it creates a universe to live in. Eventually, the universes merge with other universes, and the consciousness exists within this growing and expanding universe.
Now, let’s look at what I was instructed during my time in MAJestic…
A difference in belief – MAJestic
This is a compilation of <redacted> (not that it's secret, but the background is way too involved to get involved with at this time.) from a combination of sources that <redacted>. EBP and ELF sourced.
Consciousness is constructed in “human Heaven”. It originates from Soul. It is built up through the collection of quanta obtained through experiences. And becomes more and more advanced over time.
Thus the purpose of reincarnation, over and over again, is to improve the soul, that consciousness derives from.
Thus, for the humans to learn, grow, mover forward to the “next big thing” they need to experience life, after life, after life, over and over again. Each time getting bigger, and better.
And eventually…
…some day, they will evolve into something else.
I made a graphic of this on one of my articles. How you start off as a microbe, obtain experiences, then are an insect. You obtain more experiences, then become a humans, etc.. etc.
The fundamental difference
The fundamental differences between what Alien Interview said, and MAJestic said can be classified as following…
- Alien Interview – Consciousness came before the universe, and is perfect as is.
- MAJestic – Consciousness is created in Heaven, and needs to experience reincarnation to evolve.
Both could be true simultaneously, or one could be true alone.
I suppose it is up to the reader to determine which one is most accurate.
MM thoughts
I suppose that the earliest consciousnesses from the start of everything could be considered part of “The Domain”. And other consciousnesses that formed piecemeal, and have formed in other universes, can also be existent.
And in a universe where anything is possible, the ability to create a consciousness must also be possible.
And if you are going to create a consciousness, wouldn’t it make sense to cultivate and “grow” it? And growth through the accumulation of quanta obtained by experiences does make sense.
[1] Omniscient. According to Alien Interview, once you obtain consciousness, you automatically know everything. You are omniscient. Thus you don’t need to “learn anything”. You don’t need to grow and advance, and evolve.So why do this?
[2] Reincarnation. There are many ways of obtaining knowledge, and experience. Yet, WHY do you need to reincarnate, back to earth, with your memories erased? Why not build upon what you learned from your previous life? Wouldn’t that be more efficient, and better for the consciousness? You do not NEED to forget things.Cats don’t.
Dogs don’t.
Horses don’t.
What purpose does amnesia have? And what does it have with building quanta associations? It doesn’t make sense, as far as I can see.
These two points [1 and 2] seem to invalidate the MAJestic belief system. Now, maybe I am being wrong in all this…
But, to me, it seems that the idea that you MUST reincarnate over and over in the hope of some eventual reward smacks of fraud.
It’s like the USA election process. Every four years you have an election, and over and over and over, but nothing changes. You are given the illusion that you have some ability to change things, but in truth you don’t have any ability at all.
Let’s elaborate on this some…
For most of humanity, we are taught that there is one God, and that we must live our lives and fulfill certain requirements and then when we die will be rewarded with Heaven. Different religions have different terms, and different processes, and different laws, but the basic idea stays the same.

Then there are “secret” organizations. Some like MAJestic, and occult studies teach (in their various ways) that the truth is something different.
You learn that when you die, you meet guides who will take you to a “tunnel of light”. When you pass through that tunnel you will arrive in Heaven. And there in Heaven, you will be judged. Then for one reason or the other, you must “return to Earth” as part of some “mission”.
But Alien Interview says something quite different…
As consciousness…
No human being ever assumes personal responsibility for the fact that they, themselves -- individually and collectively -- are gods. This fact alone is the source of entrapment for every IS-BE.
Thus there is no need for “secret missions”, “growth through suffering”, “reincarnation”, “learning or training” in regards to this belief system.
While the extraterrestrial stated that it did go through some specific training to operate various physical objects and roles, they pertained to interaction with the physical universe in one way or the other. While these other “secret societies” and geography of Heaven refer to training to improve one’s being or improve one’s consciousness.
Yet, in Alien Interview we learn that once you are consciousness, you know everything. You transcend the universe.
So to me, it appears that this belief that you go through the “tunnel of light” will take you to Heaven is a trap. Instead it appears to be an elaborate system of reprogramming, memory erasure, and extraction of your experiences.
I wrote about this before.
How other species can farm your soul for experiences. Where you have to relive a Hellish life, over and over again, and then extract the quantum associations, and then re-inject you back into the environment.
In fact, it is just like this Bruce Willis movie… Vice (2015).
Bruce Willis stars in this Sci-Fi thriller about ultimate resort: VICE, where customers can play out their wildest fantasies with artificial inhabitants who look like humans.
It is about an artificial human-being (an android) that escapes from a place where people can play out their wildest fantasies. The android (say a woman) would go into this environment with no memories and live out her life, then she encounters a “customer” to the environment who she thinks is a normal guy. The guy brutally rapes her, tortures her, and then kills her. He leaves, a squad a people come into the facility, extract her. Download her memories. Erase her memories, clean her up and send her back in for the next “customer”.
Then, she would go into this environment with no memories and live out her life, then she encounters a “customer” to the environment who she thinks is a normal guy. The guy brutally rapes her, tortures her, and then kills her. He leaves, a squad a people come into the facility, extract her. Download her memories. Erase her memories, clean her up and send her back in for the next “customer”.
Then, she would go into this environment with no memories and live out her life, then she encounters a “customer” to the environment who she thinks is a normal guy. The guy brutally rapes her, tortures her, and then kills her. He leaves, a squad a people come into the facility, extract her. Download her memories. Erase her memories, clean her up and send her back in for the next “customer”.
The movie is about one android who regains her memories and does not want to return back to that world.
That is what the Earth sounds like to me. It’s relive Hell over and over again, and never retain any memories so that you can learn from the experiences.

The more that I look at it, the clearer it becomes. The Alien Interview is everything that the extraterrestrial said it was. And as elaborate as the idea of Heaven is, I simply cannot reconcile the need for amnesia as part of a reincarnation process to “improve” consciousness and soul.
It seems to me that the best thing to do is upon death not to go into the “tunnel of light” no matter how much that you are drawn towards it. Instead, you just say put where you are in the incorporeal state.
I will cover, in later articles, how to establish “beacons” to alert others to retrieve you. And some other tools that might be helpful
In the meantime, relax. Make sure you are good and healthy. Eat some fine delicious food, drink some fine beverages (of your choice), and spend time with loved ones. Maybe sit on the porch. Have some lemonade. Watch the sun set. Or perhaps sit in your truck alone on a dirt road near some corn fields. Or, maybe ride to a cemetery. Park there, and eat a sandwich.

It’s the little things in life that matter most.
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Glimpses into your personal future; cultivating the intention prayer campaign to layout signposts and windows to aid in world-line navigation
Here we are going to look at premonitions. We are going to place them in context with prayer campaigns, and how everything works together and why.
Not your “run of the mill” article. Is it?
Another amazing title. But then again, that’s exactly what we are going to discuss here. We are going to look at ways to hone our affirmation prayer campaigns. And, more specifically, how to provide (what I refer to as) “sign-posts”, to reassure us that we are following the right path. This is an advanced post. I do hope that you all take your time and read through it slowly. It’s got some great stuff here.
Essentially, the primary purpose of this post / article is to reiterate the importance of the pre-birth world-line template (PB-WL-T). Further, that while you can make some (more or less) “cosmetic” changes to your life through thought navigation, some events are beyond your ability to alter. The events are “set in stone” and unalterable.
- You can “slide” off your pre-birth world-line template.
- But there are still events that are unalterable and unavoidable.
- These events are birth, death and signposts.
Long time readers to MM might find this disgusting and distasteful. But it need not be. It just states that there are limits to your ability to navigate using thoughts. And you need to take this into account when you perform world-line prayer intention campaigns.
An unchangeable future
Right now I am going to posit the idea that while your ability to perform intention prayer campaigns does actually work, that there are certain elements of your life that are extremely difficult to change. All being nearly unchangeable by you, the operator of your consciousness.
In general, and understandably, these unchangeable events fall into three broad categories.
- Your birth. Time, place, and situation.
- Key “sign posts” that are placed there intentionally by your soul to assist in your navigation efforts.
- Your death. Time, place and situation.
So, listen up.
The first shocker; You cannot use an intention prayer campaign to prevent your demise, or alter your pre-birth world-line template. Sorry. My guess is that you probably thought that you could.
You [1] need to pay attention, and [2] you need to work with the “cards that you have been dealt”.
But, it need not be horrific
So don’t get all hot and bothered about fate. Your soul established this particular life for the obtainment of experiences, and the pre-birth world-line template was chosen for a reason. Your start and end dates for this block of experiences is all predetermined. That’s just the way it is.
And what’s more, your soul set up “signposts” that will alert your subconscious to keep you on the proper life-path.
By learning to look for these signposts we are better able to navigate though our reality, and still obtain the very important life experiences that was intended by our soul prior to our birth.

A signpost example.
By being alert and aware, we can have glimpses of our reality independent of time. We can see images, if a fleeting glimpse, of an event that is a signpost within our life. No special training or ability is necessary. All humans can do this. It’s just that most are not aware of this, or of this ability and are unaware of what it actually is, or it’s innate importance to us.
The second shocker; all humans have the ability to glimpse into their future. But they can ONLY glimpse the solid unchangeable events; birth, death and signposts.
Perhaps this personal example from Metallicman might be of interest and might make a nice illustration.
In one of my jobs, we had moved the company offices from one building to another across town. During the move, of course, we ended up moving the various office equipment, desks, and materials. While I was having the workmen move my desk into the office, I had a strong, but very brief, image. I imagined myself getting bad news. I leaned on the desk with my hand covering my forehead, and holding the telephone in the other hand. While the image only lasted one second in duration, it was quite clear. I "saw" the orientation of the desk, where my high-backed chair was located, the painting on the wall, and the location of the windows. I did not know of the details all that much. I just knew that it was "bad news" and that I dealt with it. I also knew that it would take place in my future. In order to prevent that future from occurring, I decided to purposely relocate my desk orientation. Instead of facing my back to the wall (as I observed in my premonition), I placed the windows to my back. Thus, I completely reordered my office so that it would not in any way resemble the premonition that I observed. In short, I tried to prevent the future from occurring to me. Two years passed. Yet, even with my office completely the altered, the future was (itself) not altered. I ended up getting a bad phone-call, and I too sat in my chair, at my desk with one hand on my forehead and the other holding the telephone. The event still occurred, though I had altered the minor aspects of the office.
If you all are paying attention you might want to take notes.
I could change the events in my life, and I could rearrange the events and situations of the world around me, but I could not postpone, delay, or change that key “signpost” event. In short, that event was a pivotal moment in my life, and in my work relationship.
It was unchangeable, though I did try to change it.
What else can we learn…
Look at the event and learn from it.
- I had a one-second glimpse into my future.
- I understood the context regarding that glimpse, but not the details.
- I tried to prevent the event from occurring, but failed.
- That event was a pivotal moment. Almost all premonitions are important moments.
- There was nothing that I could do, sort of really radical changes to my life, that could alter that event.
Some definitions…
Premonition | Definition of Premonition at noun A feeling of anticipation of or anxiety over a future event; presentiment.
And do not “poo-poo” this situation away. Most humans have experienced premonitions at some point of their lives.
presentiment Since the 1990s, parapsychologists have carried out research into an unconscious form of precognition termed presentiment. Using experimental techniques well-established in psychophysiology, subjects in controlled experiments have been found to unconsciously anticipate stimuli to which they are randomly exposed, to a degree that is highly statistically significant. The effect is small but the findings have been widely replicated. -PSI Encyclopedia
A life-line differs from a world-line…
World-line A fixed, and frozen moment in time. It can describe any set of conditions from 1776 in Boston, to 4567 and more...
And time…
Time Time is the apparent movement that our consciousness observes as we move from one world-line to the next.
Which then opens up to…
Life-line A life-line is the vector path that our consciousness moves upon. It is a collection of all the world-lines that we have visited, and those that we will visit in the future.
And what we are doing here…
We are using inherent presentiment to locate “signposts” that will give the consciousness guidance.
Signposts are “tell-tales” that indicate whether or not we are following the intention goals of the pre-birth world-line template.
We can navigate all we want using prayer and intention, and we can conduct slides as well, but a deviation away from our real purpose in this life is ill-advised and not beneficial to our soul.
5.3 - Sailing To Telltales — UK Sailmakers These yarns or “ticklers” monitor the flow of wind across the sail. Telltales are used for fine tuning your genoa sheet trim and to fine-tune the course you are steering. Telltales are only an aid when the sail has wind flow across both sides, i.e., when sailing angles between beating and beam reaching. When sailing lower than a beam reach, the sail is catching wind instead of working like an airfoil.
What are your Telltales Telling You | Sailing World There is an old sail trim adage, “trim the front of the jib and back of the mainsail,” or where the wind meets and leaves the sail plan. Telltales are a key tool helping you figure out what is...
Telltale | Definition of Telltale by Oxford Dictionary on ... 2.1. (on a sailboat) a piece of string or fabric that shows the direction and force of the wind. ‘If the outside telltale flutters, let the sail out.’. More example sentences. ‘Flags and pennants are also used as telltales on a sailing ship that show the direction of the wind.’.
For our purposes, a “sign post” serves the same purpose of a “telltale” on the sail of a sailboat. It tells you the direction of the wind and helps you adjust (trim) your sails for optimum life experience.

Quick summary
Premonition = Consciousness observation of a soul’s “sign-post”.
Signposts = Telltales on a life-line
Telltales = Presentiment regarding fixed events in a life-line.
Life-line = The path through world-lines that our consciousness experiences while alive.
What are “signposts”?
To learn what a “signpost” is, we need to use an example. For now, I will use a couple of televisions shows (American) that I think most MM readers will be aware of, if not active viewers.
Lately I have been watching the latest five seasons of the AMC television series “Better Call Saul”. I started watching it because I had become a big fan of a much earlier series titled “Breaking Bad”. And both are really great, and I am (or have been) enjoying them.
I am going to use these two television series to explain the importance of “signposts”.
For those that are unaware…

Walter H. White is a chemistry genius, but works as a chemistry teacher in an Albequerque, New Mexico high school. His life drastically changes when he's diagnosed with stage III terminal lung cancer, and given a short amount of time left to live: a mere matter of months. To ensure his handicapped son and his pregnant wife have a financial future, Walt uses his chemistry background to create and sell the world's finest crystal methamphetamine. To sell his signature "blue meth," he teams up with Jesse Pinkman, a former student of his. The meth makes them very rich very quickly, but it attracts the attention of his DEA brother in law Hank. As Walt and Jesse's status in the drug world escalates, Walt becomes a dangerous criminal and Jesse becomes a hot-headed salesman. Hank is always hot on his tail, and it forces Walt to come up with new ways to cover his tracks. —halo1k, jackenyon
I first started watching the televisions series Breaking bad when it first came out. Oh, around 2005 or so. It was a long standing series, and I managed to watch it while I was incarcerated, doing my time. In many ways, I could relate to his character. And the show itself was indeed, quite engrossing and entertaining.
Now, there was a character in the show called Saul Goodman. This fellow was the “criminal” attorney that Walter White used to get out of trouble with.
Now, Saul Goodman was quite the engaging fellow. He was colorful, interesting, a bit of a genus in the legal profession, and most certainly had an interesting back-story. And when the series ended, the fans clamored for more, and a second television show was birthed.
This second show was “Better call Saul”.

'Better Call Saul' is the origin story of a man trying to survive in a harsh, exploitative world where anyone and everyone will try and take him, and his dreams, down. Meet James M. McGill Esq. Attorney-at-law AKA Slippin' Jimmy AKA Saul Goodman. -Better Call Saul (TV Series 2015– )
OK. Now using these two television series, I will illustrate how “signposts” work.
Using the television series as a platform.
Both series are about the same group of people, the same periods of time, the same relationships, and situations, and the same conditions. Where they differ is in the view point.
- The first series, “Breaking Bad“, was about a chemistry genus with cancer; Walter White.
- The second series, “Better call Saul“, was about Sal Goodman, a conniving attorney.
So one series is from one point of view, and the other from another.
If you watched the first series in order you will know what actually happens to the various characters in the show.
- Walter White dies in a shootout.
- Jessie Pinkman escapes and is a really changed person.
- Tuco Salamanca dies.
- Saul Goodman buys a new identity and lies low in the middle of nowhere.
And when you watch the second series with “Better call Saul”, you do so knowing all this information.
Thus, watching the second series is a “flushing out” of background stories. It adds more depth to the characters, and you (the viewer) can see the greater depth of color and cultural and contextual interplay between the characters and their situations.
Or, in other words, you KNOW what will happen to the characters in the second series “Better call Saul”.
Using the television series as an analogy…
Both of the two television shows have shared characters. And they both take place in the same “universe”. Which means that the characters are interconnected and the histories of each character is mirrored in the other series.
For our purposes, we can imagine that the first series (Breaking Bad) is a premonition. It is a glimpse into what will happen in the second series (Better Call Saul).
- First series “Breaking Bad” is a premonition.
- Second series “Better Call Saul” is the active life-line.
And in “Better call Saul” no matter how crazy the events become, and no matter what “cliff hangers” are provided for the viewers to endure, we know from our “premonition” (the first series) what will happen to them.
Typically, premonitions describe Signposts and the end of life events. Thus they have a reputation as harbingers of disaster and bad news. But that is not necessarily true. They are glimpses into fixed events that your consciousness will experience unless you make REALLY DRASTIC CHANGES to your life.
As some have done regarding premonitions avoiding death…
- A Psychic Premonition of a Fateful Day: 9/11 – LetterPile …
- Survey of Dreams and Premonitions about the 9/11 Attacks …
- 10 Unnerving Premonitions That Foretold Disaster – Listverse
- Dark Roasted Blend: September 11 Premonitions
- Exploring Premonitions of Death and Their Meanings ..
- The Christian and the Premonition l What Are Premonitions …
- 9/11 anniversary: Chalk drawing ‘premonition’ from 1980s …
- Premonition Dreams: A Blessing in Disguise or Evil …
- 10 Creepy Premonitions About The Sinking Of The Titanic …
- The Science of Premonitions – Guideposts
- The 9/11 victims who foresaw their deaths: New book claims …
Example 1 – Death
As I have stated, your birth on your lifeline, or pre-birth world-line template is fixed. But so is your death. If you are talented, or aware, or provide prayer questions looking for answers in your affirmation campaigns, you will be able to “image” your death.
A signpost premonition can tell us our mortality.
Consider the television show “Breaking Bad”.
We know, from the show, that the character Gus died by a pipe bomb.
Sharp-minded antagonist Gus Fring was killed by a pipe bomb explosion in Breaking Bad season 4, in one of the show's most shocking and memorable moments. Gus actually managed to briefly walk away before succumbing to his injuries. -Breaking Bad: Is Gus Fring's Death Realistic? | Screen Rant

Yet, as we watch the show “Better call Saul”, Gus is alive and well. As the show takes place before the death scene.
Thus the scene from “Breaking Bad” is a premonition, or a Telltale / signpost, of the televisions show “Better call Saul”. Because when you are watching the television show “Better Call Saul”, Gus Fring is alive and is the middle of dealing with all sorts of issues.
It is so easy to get caught up in the show, and to forget that Gus Fring is fated to die. As we see him interacting with people and dealing with the issues of the day.

A signpost (premonition) is often associated with fixed and certain events that are very difficult to change. Like the birth event, or the death event. Thus, most people associate premonitions with bad news. But it need not be that way. It is just an understanding that your time on this earth will end, and the conditions of your ending will be made clear to you.
Example 2 – Prepare for a life altering event
Often, a signpost is not a birth or death event. But rather it is a significant event that will change the path that we are on. It doesn’t mean that we will die, or that anything “bad” will happen, but rather it is an illustration to tell us what to look forward towards, and not to be fearful of it.
A Signpost premonition is used to confirm or allay our fears.
If you are wondering what will happen in your future, and you don’t know how things will pan out, good or bad… and you just cannot top fretting about it… a signpost premonition can be used to allay your fears.
In the television show “Better call Saul” we really don’t know how things will work out in an episode by episode basis. Saul Goodman has all kinds of issues and the show is a roller-coaster of risk, emotions and the ups and downs of his adventures.
Never the less, we are always reminded at the start of the show what actually ends up happening.
Better Call Saul contains flashforward sequences showing Jimmy McGill now working at a Cinnabon as Gene, and here's why he ended up there. Introduced in season 2 of Breaking Bad, Walt and Jesse's "criminal lawyer" Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) would become one of the most important characters on the series. He was also one of the few major figures to end the show alive, making the smart move to get the hell out of dodge - or in this case Albuquerque - before things really hit the fan. In Better Call Saul, fans have gotten to witness Saul's journey from small-time hustler Jimmy McGill, to briefly respectable attorney Jimmy McGill, to go-to lawyer for the New Mexico meth trade. Well, he's not quite there fully yet, but presumably will be by the end of the spinoff. As Better Call Saul goes on though, it's becoming more and more like Breaking Bad, which doesn't seem to be bothering fans. The fact that Saul Goodman is spending his time after Breaking Bad managing a Cinnabon in Omaha is a direct callback to the final conversation had between Saul and Walter White before they parted ways for good. Both men were holed up in a bunker owned by Ed, the man who specializes in making people disappear, and giving them new identities. Saul says to Walt, lamenting their perilous situation at the time, "If I'm lucky, month from now, best case scenario, I'm managing a Cinnabon in Omaha." Sure enough, that's where he ended up in Better Call Saul. -Screenrant
No matter what happens, we know that Saul Goodman will managed to untangle from the mess that he is in and survive as a franchise manager at a Cinnabon.

Premonition signposts can be used to allay your fears and concerns about the future. When you see yourself in those future events, you will get the understanding that no matter how bad things look, you will end up attaining that signpost event.
Example 3 – Unresolved event
Not every event that we have a signpost for; a telltale, or a premonition of provides us with answers. Sometimes they just provide us with questions. And something to be alert during.
A Signpost premonition can be an alert.
Regarding the television show “Better call Saul”. A major character in this season is Nacho Varga. He is a reluctant man who is getting sucked into a big-time drug cartel, the Salamanca’s. He is doing so in an effort to protect his father, but everything is beyond his control, and so he is all caught up riding the stream to it’s ultimate conclusion…
…but we don’t know what will happen.

At the end of season five, of “Better call Saul”, Nacho Varga assists in the attempted killing of Lalo Salamanca. And it is dicy. Not only is Lalo Salamanca a very bad and sadistic kind of fellow, but he knows or suspects that Nacho Varga was involved in the attack. And everyone watching the show is left hanging…
…what is going to happen?
Nacho Varga is a “good guy”. Lalo Salamanca is a bad guy. And he survived. It looks like there is going to be a very nasty turn of events for poor Nacho…
We know from “Breaking Bad” some background information that is not evident in the series “Better call Saul”…
Ignacio Varga, popularly known as Nacho Varga, was played by Michael Mando in Better Call Saul. He played the character of an intelligent criminal and was the right-hand man to Tuco Salamanca, heir of the crime family. Nacho Varga was not a part of Breaking Bad but his name was mentioned a few times on the show. However, after Breaking Bad ended, fans raised questions regarding the disappearance of Nacho Varga. What happened to Nacho Varga? Nacho in Better Call Saul Nacho played a key role in the prequel show Better Call Saul. He murders 1 member of the Espinosa Gang and is also connected to murder 21 members of Espinosa Gang. Although Nacho does not make an appearance in Breaking Bad, he is briefly mentioned by Saul Goodman in season 2 of the show. Nacho is kidnapped by Walter White and Jesse Pinkman on December 4, 2008. Saul Goodman mistakes them for the cartel and also blames Nacho, for he thinks the cartel is angry with him. After his disappearance from the show, this raised a few questions amongst the fans and left them wondering whether Nacho is dead or is he in jail. After being mentioned in season 2, Breaking Bad never revealed the fate of Nacho. Saul Goodman just assumes it was him when he was kidnapped by Walter and Jesse and it is just a sign that this man means business. So viewers don’t really know if Nacho ends up living in Canada or is actually killed for his spy games. While his narrow escapes in the past have given a conclusion that Nacho Varga might have been dead in Breaking Bad, nobody is able to give a conclusion yet. -Republicworld
And that situation is carried on into the second series “Better call Saul”.
We, the viewers do not know what is going to happen. We tend to like the character, but we know that things are not going well for him.
A premonition regarding events about this character; what we know from “Breaking Bad”, tells us nothing about how he dies. We only know that he “disappears”. And that knowledge is the ONLY significant insight that your consciousness is permitted to have at that time.
Not every “signpost” is in regards to bad news, death or destruction. But rather they provide insight to the situations and conditions that you are involved in.
Misunderstanding a signpost.
I want to relate a premonition that my first wife had while we were in the middle of some financial distress. We were all pretty upset about it, and didn’t know when our next meal would come from. Then, out of the blue, she had a flash vision. It was a premonition of us living in Greece and it was beautiful.
At that time were were living in a mobile home, and yes, I was “down sized” again without notice. Our vehicle was kaput (means broken down and non-functioning), the hot-water heater was broken, and we were taking cold showers during ice storms. Luckily we had some oatmeal that we could live off of, and that sustained us for a while
But Greece? WTF?
She was absolutely convinced that we would be living in Greece, and it was so very beautiful. The skies were pristine blue, the grass was lush and green, and the pillars were classic Greek. She said it was wonderful and nearby was a brilliant lake where ducks would fly.
That is not the Greece that I am familiar with.

The “Greece” that my first wife described consisted of plenty of tree, tall stone Greek pillars, and a large lake full of geese and ducks.
I let the narrative “roll over my shoulders”. I was just happy that my wife wasn’t fretting so much over our future.
Ten years passed.
And we were living in Massachusetts. On a weekend we went to visit a park in Rhode Island. The park is the Roger Williams Park. And yes it is beautiful. It was there my wife exclaimed that the park was the exact replica of the “life in Greece” that she had the vision of.

All in all, this vision that my wife had was a signpost, or a telltale. It was a premonition that helped my wife put her fears at rest. For she saw clearly that we were doing well and living in a nice area.
Signposts or telltales are premonitions that are useful for our consciousness to view while we are in the middle of a difficult life-line.
So what is a “person’s life” actually?
Which now opens up to a really deep subject. Do we really have any control over our life? And the answer to that is…Yes, we do.
But the entire lifetime is “bracketed”. It has a start, and an end. It also have “anchors” or “way points”, or as I like to say, “signposts” that we use to keep us on track during our entire life.
Tips and tricks.
In general, we can use our thoughts to navigate though out our lifetime. But it will be a difficult task to change our birth date, and our date of death. These are all established long before our pre-birth world-line template was affixed and imprinted upon our consciousness.
Our consciousness is assigned a task by our soul.
This task is to collect and obtain experiences. These experiences collect quanta relationships and form long-standing bonds. How we go about doing so will affect the growth of our soul. Therefore, it is important that the soul controls the LIMITS of our behaviors.
The soul creates a road-map of sorts. We have a start and a finish. And we are given way-points or sign posts that we can look towards to verify that we are not deviating too far off the path. We can have glimpses of these events.
When we have a glimpse of these sign-posts we call that a premonition.
There are different reasons for having a premonition, however it has been my experience that they are useful to help reset our emotions from running amok. News, most especially bad news, circumstances, people, stories and all the rest can get our mind all worked up into a tizzy. When that happens, our emotions are triggered, and a fear-induced fight or flight reaction starts to manifest. This is counter productive.
So glimpses of our future, if only momentary, are useful for keeping us on track and following the proper path.
How to access signposts
If you are running an intention prayer campaign and you want to have some control over accessing premonitions, then it is as easy as adding an affirmation saying so.
- I have the ability to have premonitions regarding key events in my life, especially future events. These premonitions are triggered when I need them and they are useful in controlling my emotions and helpful in decision making.
It’s all just that simple. Just add this desire into your affirmation prayers, and don’t worry about it.
Can you avoid a signpost?
No. You cannot avoid a signpost unless you have radically, and substantially altered your active life-line to such an extent that the slides have placed you way off your intended track boundaries. The signpost is never a singular fixed world-line. Rather it is a string, or a region of world-lines, like a fence that you must pass through to continue on with your life.

What about those who get a glimpse of a disaster and avoid it?
Are they avoiding their death?
I posit that they were NEVER intended to die, and the premonition of the upcoming disaster is a signpost (not their death) so that they will INTENTIONALLY avoid a problematic future.
How can you, as an individual consciousness, tell?
Short answer: I do not know. My “gut feeling” is that YOU will know. You will know whether your signpost is one upon which you take action, or whether it is a view of your death as pre-determined as part of your pre-birth world-line template criteria.

What about sliding off your pre-birth world-line template?
These rules about boxing in a life-line holds true whether or not you use affirmation campaigns to slide off your pre-birth world-line template.
There is a start date and conditions, and there is a end date with conditions. Your slides might alter some (some) of the conditions, but it will not negate the ultimate closure events. The same holds true regarding signposts (telltales).
Look at the following illustration…

Now, I think, or do believe that it is possible to “cheat death” and avoid severe conflict or extraordinary trouble. However, the actions that you must do in order to accomplish this task is in itself extraordinary.
And what about MM?
Well, I can see many (if not all) of my signposts. The truth be told, my soul jam-packed a lifetime of experiences in a very short lifespan. I am sure that there is a reason for this. But what ever the reason is, I do not know and cannot enunciate. Apparently I must have “signed up” and agreed to some pretty involved things long before I was born.
Apparently. I guess.
And you the reader, are supposed to be reading this. For what ever reason that might be suitable for you.
I cannot believe that I am wholly unique. Instead, I believe that I am but a small part of something larger, and with that, all the MM readership are all part of a larger group that shares in our great growth and adventures. What ever they might be.
Not specially chosen, mind you, but rather souls that stepped up front and volunteered.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my prayer affirmation campaign index here…
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What is so special and great about the human race from an extraterrestrial point of view (part 1)
I haven't been posting too many "extraterrestrial" things lately. But, I've got some followers that live for this kind of stuff. So, in the interests of balance, I'm gonna post this article. And it will most probably anger the rest of my readership in the process.
Here goes…
If you were to have an ongoing conversation with an extraterrestrial, and ask them what they thought about the human race, and the human species, what would they say? What do you think they would say?
Well, here I am going to tell you.
Well, actually, I’m going to tell you (in my way) what one particular species thinks, anyways. I just can’ speak for every species. Just those with whom I’m exposed to.
Is it our culture? Is it our society? It is out spirituality? Is it our technology? Is it our attractiveness? It is our various religions? Is it our adaptability? Is it our kindness? What is it?
None of the above.
It is our “human-ness”.
There are many species out in our universe (though I am only referring to those in our immediate vincinity) and they all have their own societies, and their own technologies, and their own histories, and all of that. What makes the human species “special” is our unique “human-ness”.
What is “human-ness”?
A trait.
It’s a trait that is very difficult to put into words because it is a comparative measure. It is not something that is recognized by us as having. It’s something you see and appreciate when you compare humans to other species. We don’t know it exists because we can’t see it.
We are it.
If you compare species A, to species B, to species C, and then to humans, you will not help but to be amazed at our “human-ness”.
Maybe “amazed” is not the right word. Perhaps a better one woould be “pleased”, or “pleasantly amused”, or “comforted”.
Now I am going to upset some people, but do not shoot the messenger. OK?
Don’t shoot the messenger is an admonition to not blame the bearer of bad news. It is often used when someone reveals a difficult truth that the listener does not want to hear. It reminds the listener that the truth is not the fault of the person revealing the truth. -
The best example that I know of that highlights and showcases our “human-ness” is the various shades of Japanese culture and society. I know this because of <redacted>.
And it occured to me that perhaps there are others who might want to know about what makes humans so “unique”.
Well, we are sort-of unique, because <redacted>.
It has been “thrown into my face” on numerous occasions by <redacted> that the Japanese have some really inherent attributes that highlight the human species. And while most of the world might think that the Japanese are bonkers crazy, they are not viewed as such by non-humans.
They are instead viewed as sublime.
Sublime; "of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe."
In fact, the Japanese are probably (I am not too far out of line here) the most approachable culture of humans because of their saturation of human-ness qualities. This has been impressed to me numerous times, and on different occasions.
The Japanese culture and socity is infused with “human-ness”.
I know that it is going to upset many people, but Americans are not high on the list of being appreciated or even understood by the extraterrestrials that I know of.
The Japanese are.
And while you might snort, and laugh, you all have to realize that there are many things that we humans have but do not appreciate or understand. The Japanese culture and society highlights these characteristics and enlarges them. And, well… “showcases” our “human-ness”
A descriptive video
The following is a video that (I personally believe) is filled with examples of what “human-ness” is and now it is used. The group is “World Order”, and the song is “have a nice day”.
I could have picked out any number of other videos.
I chose this one because it seems to have the widest range of “human-ness” related events that I have found. (I am sure that there are better candidates, but I don’t have all day, don’t you know.)
And yeah. I know.
It’s bat-shit, off the wall, bonkers nuts.
But, it displays our “human-ness”.
Here is a few embeds of Videos of world order have a nice day. I hope that they are able to play. I have put a few embeds as I don't know which one will work in your region.
Try YouTube first…
You tube
If you cannot access the embed on YouTube, then try metatube…
<iframe src='' width='750' height='390'></iframe>
Cat videos
You know how we like to watch “cat videos”?
Well, it’s sort of like that. When we watch cat videos we are admiring the cats being feline in all it’s glory. Well, it’s sort of like that. You might go as far as to say that the <redacted> like to watch Japanese Music Videos to enjoy our human-ness…
…except they do something different. But it’s like that. It really is.
Instead of videos, of course, they <redacted>.
The attributes
In the above video is at least 35 scenes or elements of “human-ness”. Can you identify what they are? Can you see why they would be appreciated by another species?
Or maybe you can’t.
If you think that the Japanese are too off the wall, and not “with the program” then I am not making myself clear. The qualities that make us human; our human-ness is our relationships with others and how we interface with the universe within our reality.
Watch the video again, if you still “don’t get it”.
Pay attention to the interactions between the individuals, both singular and in groups. Note the interaction of the groups of people with things and items. These characteristics define our human-ness.
Like anything… it is our relationships with others, and our actions and thoughts that define our sentience. That is what makes us attractive.
Do you want some more?
I have more posts about extraterrestrials in my extraterrestrial index here…
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Glimpses into the non-physical reality
As I have repeatedly stressed, our universe is one of many other universes. This universe houses our “reality”, which in all actuality means that our universe can well be called the “reality universe”.
It is a complex stew of all sorts of things, many, many of which we humans are unable to see and perceive with our senses.
This includes the “physical world-lines” that we inhabit and non-physical environments associated with those world-lines. Plus all that other “stuff” that is all part of the universe as a whole. It includes such things as “time”, and “the past”, and “the future”. It includes all sorts of things from spirits, to sprites, and ghosts to smelly feet and extraterrestrials.
Here we discuss some ways or techniques that you can use to alter the way you can see the reality that you are in. In this post we will look at some drugs that alter the way that the brain senses things and interprets them, as well as some “illnesses” or “ailments” that enable humans to observe the unseen worlds around us.
The techniques discussed are;
- Charles Bonnet Syndrome
- The Capgras Syndrome
- The bicho de tacuara
- DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine)
There are other techniques and means as well, but for now, we will concentrate on these three elements of concern.
Charles Bonnet Syndrome
"People afflicted with certain eye diseases give similar reports of beings from parallel universes."
People afflicted with Charles Bonnet Syndrome see beings from another world. Many scientists would call these beings hallucinations. Others call this syndrome a portal to a parallel reality.
I like to think of it as an alteration of the mind that permits a wider range of “vision” into the normally unobserved elements within our reality.
People with Charles Bonnet Syndrome (or “Bonnet-people”) are otherwise mentally sound.
The beings appear when the Bonnet-people’s vision deteriorates as a result of eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration — or when patients have had both eyes removed. Charles Bonnet Syndrome is more common in older people with a high level of education.
When eyesight deteriorates, the brain compensates. It gathers information from a multitude of inputs from the other senses (touch, smell, feeling, etc.) and interpets the inputs visually as if the eyes were normal.
Bonnet-people report that they see apparitions resembling distorted faces, costumed figures, ghosts, and little people.
Most Bonnet-people see beings wearing hats.
For example, one very sane woman was sitting quietly at home when she suddenly saw several two-inch-high, stovepipe-hat-wearing chimney sweeps parading in front of her. (ref 2.) She tried to catch one, but could not. Her only medical problem was that she had poor sight due to macular degeneration.
One patient described how a friend working in front of a tall privacy hedge suddenly disappeared, as if he had suddenly put on a cloak of invisibility.
"There was an orange peaked cap bobbing around in front of the hedge and floating in space by its own devices." (ref. 1)
Fifty percent of Bonnet-people see a disembodied or distorted face of a stranger with staring eyes and prominent teeth. Sometimes the strangers are seen only in an outline or cartoon-type form, which reminds me of the images seen by people taking the psychedelic drug DMT. The faces are often described as…
"being grotesque, or like gargoyles". (ref. 1)
Some of the beings have blank eye sockets.
(This image is also reported by people using the hallucinogen Special K. One person stated that while under the influence, everything was normal except that people in the room had no eye sockets, just a black void, and he saw light being sucked into the void from around the periphery of the eyeballs.)
Bonnet-people also see serene landscapes and vortices.
Many Bonnet-people will see entire new worlds, such as landscapes or groups of people, which are either life size or tiny (ref 3.)

Perhaps when vision deteriorates, the brain’s visual cortex is starved for information, and the brain is free to access parallel realities.
Sometimes the imagery can be complex, almost comical, like two miniature policemen guiding a midget villain to a tiny prison van, ghostly (translucent figures floating in the hallway), people wearing one big flower on their heads), as well as beautiful (a shining angel, wonderful group of flowers). (ref 4.)
A Swiss philosopher named Charles Bonnet first described this condition in the 1760 when he noticed his grandfather, who was blinded by cataracts, describing birds and buildings that Bonnet could not see. (ref. 3)
Further Reading on Charles Bonnet Syndrome
1. Roger Highfield, “Ghosts and witches on the brain”
2. Dr Stephen J Doyle and Maggie Harrison, “Lost in Lilliput”
3. Royal National Institute of the Blind on Bonnet Syndrome
4. Robert J Teunisse, Johan R Cruysberg, Willibrord H Hoefnagels, André L Verbeek, Frans G Zitman, “Visual hallucinations in psychologically normal people: Charles Bonnet’s syndrome”
The Capgras Syndrome
"People with Capgras Syndrome act as if they are in a parallel universe in which the people they know are "doubles" or "impostors." - Sex, Drugs, Einstein, and Elves.
When people with Capgras Syndrome see a friend, spouse, or themselves in a mirror, they believe they are seeing an exact double or an impostor.
Sometimes, people with Capgras Syndrome even believe that inanimate objects — like a chair, watch, book, or lamp — have been replaced by exact replicas. If people own a pet, the pet may be seen as an impostor, a strange animal roaming through their lives and homes.
Capgras patients are often so disturbed when they see a doppelganger in the mirror that they remove all mirrors from the home. The syndrome, named for French psychiatrist Jean Marie Joseph Capgras, afflicts thousands of people in the United States.
Some people with Capgras Syndrome have epilepsy or strange-looking temporal lobes in the brain.
The Capgras’ patient identifies his or her spouse as being an imposter – identical in every possible way, but an identical replica. The patient will accept living with these imposters but will secretly “know” that they are not the people they claim to be.
This reminds me of the movie “Invasion of The Body Snatchers”.
I view this syndrone as an interesting "pointer" to the idea that what the brain interperts the reality as can alter our perception of it. It can do so to the point where it no longer "feels" correct, even though all the other senses are telling it to believe what it sees. This syndrome is important as it points to the mechanism that the brain uses to distinguish between actual consciousness-inhabited beings and "quantum shadows" of beings within a world-line event.
A Hallucinogen of Insect Origin
Submitted by E.B. Britton. Deakin, Canberra ACT 2600 (Australia)
Let’s take a moment to consider the existence of a hallucinogen, unique in that its
source is an insect.
Augustin de Saint-Hilaire (1779-1853) traveled extensively in eastern
Brazil between 1816 and 1823. After his return to France, published
valuable observations on the geography, ethnology and natural history of the
In two of his unpublished works Saint-Hilaire (1824, republished
Jenkins, 1946, p. 49; 1830, pp. 432-433) described the use of an insect as
food and medicine by the Malalis. THe Malalis are natives in the Brazilian province of Minas Gerais in Brazil.
The relevant passage (1824) (translated) is as follows:
When I was among the Malalis, in the province of Mines, they spoke much of a grub which they regarded as a delicious food, and which is called bicho de tacuara (bamboo-worm), because it is found in the stems of bamboos, but only when these bear flowers. Some Portugese who have lived among the Indians value these worms no less than the natives themselves; they melt them on the fire, forming them into an oily mass, and so preserve them for use in the preparation of food. The Malalis consider the head of the bicho de tacuara as a dangerous poison; but all agree in saying that this creature, dried and reduced to powder constitutes a powerful vulnerary (for the healing of wounds). If one is to believe these Indians and the Portugese themselves it is not only for this use that the former preserve the bicho de tacuara . When strong emotion makes them sleepless, they swallow, they say, one of these worms dried, without the head but with the intestinal tube; and then they fall into a kind of ecstatic sleep, which often lasts more than a day, and similar to that experienced by the Orientals when they take opium in excess. They tell, on awakening, of marvellous dreams; they saw splendid forests, they ate delicious fruits, they killed without difficulty the most choice game; but these Malalis add that they take care to indulge only rarely in this debilitating kind of pleasure. I saw them only with the bicho de tacuara dried and without heads; but during a botanical trip that I made to Saint-Francois with my Botocudo, this young man found a great many of these grubs in flowering bamboos, and set about eating them in my presence. He broke open the creature and carefully removed the head and intestinal tube, and sucked out the soft whitish substance which remained in the skin. In spite of my repugnance, I followed the example of the young savage, and found, in this strange food, an extremely agreeable flavour which recalled that of the most delicate cream. If then, as I can hardly doubt, the account of the Malalis is true, the narcotic property of the bicho de tacuara resides solely in the intestinal tube, since the surrounding fat produces no ill effect. Be that as it may, I submitted to M. Latreille the description of the animal I had made, and this learned entomologist recognised it as a caterpillar probably belonging to the genus 'Cossus' or to the genus 'Hepiale'.
These observations are repeated in Saint-Hilaire (1839, pp. 432-433) with
the addition of the information that the “bicho de taquara” are half as long
as the index finger.
The intoxicating effect of the larvae from bamboo has apparently been
forgotten in Brazil and the seven volume Handbook of South American
Indians (Steward, 1946-1959) while referring briefly to the observation of
Saint-Hilaire in Vol. 5 (p. 557) gives no additional references.
This is perhaps not surprising as the Malalis were a near-coastal tribe long ago overrun by the advance of civilization. The name “bicho de taquara” is, however, still in use and according to Ihering (1932, p. 236) and Costa Lima (1936, p. 266;
1967, p. 246) refers to the larva of the moth Myelobia (Morpheis) smerintha
Huebner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae : Crambinae).
Costa Lima (1967, p. 246) states that the larvae feed in common bamboos
including Nastes (=Nastus) barbatus Trin., “taquara lixa” (Merostachys
Rideliana Rupr.), “taquara poca” (Merostachys Neesii Rupr.) and “taquaras-
su” (Guadua sp.) (Hoehne, F.C. et al.).
The larvae feed inside the internodes of the bamboo and attain a maximum length of about 10 cm. The moth emerges in September and has frequently appeared in plague proportions.
There are 24 species of Myelobia in South America, one in Mexico and one
in Guatemala.

The statement by Saint-Hilaire that the larvae are only found when the bamboo is in flower probably means that the host bamboos flower annually (as do a number of Brazilian species) and it is at that time that the larvae reach their maximum size. As the adult moth emerges in September this is probably in July or August.
It appears from the observations of Saint-Hilaire that the active substance
is not destroyed by drying, and the need to remove the head and gut to
avoid intoxication suggests that it is contained in the salivary glands. The
active material could therefore be concentrated initially by removing the
head plus salivary glands and part of the gut, discarding the rest of the body.
In view of the interest in the pharmacology of hallucinogens and the
medicinal use of the dried and powdered larvae it would seem to be woth-
while to investigate what appears to be a new source, and as the insect is
large and common it would be well suited to biochemical study. It is of
particular interest that this would be the first hallucinogen of insect origin.
Interesting, because…
"They tell, on awakening, of marvellous dreams; they saw splendid forests, they ate delicious fruits, they killed without difficulty the most choice game."
- Costa Lima, A.M. da (1936) Terceir Catalogo do Insetos qui vivem nas plantas da Brasil, Directoria de Estatistica da Producao, Rio de Janeiro.
- Costa Lima, A.M. da (1967) Quarto catalogo dos insetos qui vivem nas plantos de Brasil; seus parasitos e predatores. Rio de Janeiro, Ministerio de Agricultura, Departamento de Defesa e Inspecas Agropecuaria, Servico de Defesa Sanitaria Vegetal, Laboratorio Centralde Patolgia Vegetal.
- Ihering, R. von (1917) Observacoes sobre a mariposa Myelobia smerintha Hubn. em S. Paulo. Physis (Buenos Aires) 3, 60-68.
- Ihering, R. von (1968) Diccionario dos Animaes do Brasil, Sao Paulo, Editora Universidade Brasilia, pp. 147-148.
- Jenkins, Anna (Ed.) (1946) Chronica Botanica 10, 24-61 (a reprint of Saint-Hilaire, 1824).
- Saint-Hilaire, Augustin F.C.P. de (1824) Histoire du Plantes les plus remarquables duBresil et du Paraguay.
- Saint-Hilaire, Augustin F.C.P. de (1830) Voyages dans l’interieur du Bresil – Premiere Partie. Voyage dans les provinces de Rio de Janiero et de Minas Gerais, Paris.
- Steward, Julian H. (Ed.) (1946-1959) Handbook of South American Indians, 7 Vols. Vol. 5. The Comparitive Ethnology of South American Indians Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of State as a project of the Interdepartmental Committe on Scientific and Cultural Cooperation. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington.
There are many, many articles on the use of DMT to glimpse past the veil and observe the reality that surrounds us. For if properly ingested, you can actually observe the Mantids doing their things to assist in the development of the human species.
- Documented DMT Experiences — DMT Times
- The DMT Experience: The Good, the Bad, and the Unbelievable
- DMT drug study investigates the ‘entities’ people meet …
- Can’t Remember My Experiences – DMT Discussion – …
- DMT Trip: The Experience and Effects of the Most Powerful …
- Near-Death Experiences and DMT | Psychology Today
- How to Have the Best DMT Experience: 5 Necessary Steps To .
- 10 Mind-Blowing Experiences Shared by People Who Took …
- A DMT trip ‘feels like dying’ – and scientists now agree ..
- What Is DMT? Everything You Need to Know
- Programmed Communication During Experiences with DMT …
- The DMT Drug is not a Drug, It’s Much Stranger
- DMT- My experiences and entity encounters – The …
- DMT Trip: The Experience and Effects of the Most Powerful …
- DMT – Erowid Exp – ‘Alien Head Surgery’
- DMT – Erowid Exp – ‘Going Home and Coming Back’
- Personal Story: My 5-MeO-DMT Experience –
- Dmt, does it simulate death and what are your dmt experiences?
- Descriptions of the DMT Experience
- 4-AcO-DMT Guide – Experience, Benefits, & Side Effects …
- DMT Trip: What to Expect – The Third Wave
- DMT: Gateway to Reality, Fantasy or What? | Psychology Today
- The Super Secret Hidden DMT Extraction Guide | The …
- Study investigates ‘entities’ seen while using DMT – Big Think
"DMT in the pineal glands of Biblical prophets gave God to humanity and let ordinary humans perceive parallel universes."
The molecule DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a psychoactive chemical that causes intense visions and can induce its users to quickly enter a completely different “environment” that some have likened to an alien or parallel universe.
The transition from “our” world to “theirs” occurs with no cessation of consciousness or quality of awareness.
What is actually going on is that the veil of what our actual reality is has been lifted and our senses and our brain can now, if only briefly, observe the universe and reality as it really is. And since it is so different from “our” day-to-day universe, many people consider it as entering a “new” universe.
In this environment, beings often appear who interact with the person who is using DMT. The beings appear to inhabit this parallel realm.
These beings are Mantids.
They are an old species that evoled upon the earth millions of years ago and advanced to become a multi-dimensional species. They work with humans to improve our sentience, assist in the evolution and growth of our soul, and manage the world-line transitions.
The DMT experience has the feel of reality in terms of detail and potential for exploration. The Mantids encountered are often identified as being alien-like or elf-like.
Some of the creatures appear to be three-dimensional. Others appear to lack depth.
Author Terence McKenna has used DMT and feels that…
"Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe." The aliens seen while using DMT present themselves "with information that is not drawn from the personal history of the individual."
DMT is also naturally produced in small quantities in the human brain, and it has been hypothesized that DMT is produced in the pineal gland in the brain.
Is it possible that the reality exposed to humans by injecting DMT is in some sense a valid reality, on par with our normal reality? -Reality Carnival
Our minds, which evolved to help us run from lions on the African savannas, is not engineered to see these other realities under normal circumstances.
What is the guarantee that our minds are naturally designed to sense the “true reality”?
Perhaps there is no guarantee.
Consider a far-fetched example. Imagine a creature or phenomena that has been lurking among us since the dawn of evolution. If our ancient ancestors died every time they perceived the phenomena, evolution would favor creatures who did not perceive the creatures or phenomena. One might counter this argument by saying that our modern instruments, such as X-ray machines and cameras, should be able to make the creatures apparent to us, even if our unaided sensorium is not up to the task. Reasoning further, because our instruments have not made these realms apparent to us, the realms must not be real. However, perhaps our traditional instruments and theories are also not up to the task. Or perhaps our interpretation of the instruments' results is incomplete. Perhaps DMT is an instrument. - Reality Carnival
As a metaphor, consider infrared goggles. A person leans on a tree. At night, we don’t see the person. Put the goggles on, and a new reality results — a truer reality — and we see the man.
Similarly, is it possible that our brain is a filter, and the use of DMT is like slipping on infrared goggles, allowing us to perceive a valid reality that is inches away and all around us?
Is it possible that that some of our human ancestors produced more DMT than we do today? For example, many of the ancient Bible stories describe prophets with DMT-like experiences.
These sorts of ecstatic singing and repetitive exaltations remind me of subjects who took DMT and heard:
"Now do you see? Now do you see?" along with singing voices. -These cases are described in Rick Strassman's book DMT: The Spirit Molecule.
Maybe this is why the ancients seemed so in touch with God and with miracles and visions. Maybe Moses and Jesus had a greater rate of pineal DMT production than most.
One way to imagine how other realities could exist side by side with our own is to consider the forces that produced the diversity of senses and intelligences right here on Earth.
In a real way, there are already alien worlds right here among us.
Every Earthly creature perceives the world in an “alien” way. Dogs. Bees. Bats. Cats. They experience the world with different kinds of senses. They can smell what we cannot, they can see what we cannot, they can hear what we cannot.
If the organisms of the Earth were somehow able to describe their world to you, it would probably not be recognizable to you.
It would seem like the wildest world from any science-fiction story.
Moreover, if you were able to describe the world to another species, they would “see” no resemblance to their own. Our sense of reality would be different; our way of thinking would be different, and even the practical technology we would produce would be different.
We do not have to contemplate aliens or science fiction to imagine alien-like senses and bodies. The animal world of Earth is so diverse and full of different senses, that creatures are already walking among us possessing “alien” awareness beyond our understanding.
By studying the creatures of the Earth, we can hypothesize on the diversity of realities here on Earth.
Aliens would no doubt see a different world than we do.
To best understand this, consider the Indian luna moth, which has a wingspread of about 10 cm (4 inches). To our eyes, both the male and female moths are light green and indistinguishable from each other. But the luna moths themselves perceive in the ultraviolet range of light, and to them the female looks quite different from the male.
Other creatures have a hard time seeing the moths when they rest on green leaves, but luna moths are not camouflaged to one another since they see each other as brilliantly colored.
Other reading…
- “People with Charles Bonnet Syndrome See Beings from Parallel Universes”
- “DMT Users See Insect Gods”.
- “Man Discovers Intelligent Beings After Consuming DMT,“
- “The fleeting reality of DMT machine elves,”
- “Psychedelics, Abortion, and the Chrysanthemum.”
Please kindly keep in mind, I do not advocate or suggest that readers break any laws or try these drugs.
There is an entire subculture of people who use drugs and other means to “expand their consciousness”. In truth what they are doing is altering how their brain interprets the sensory inputs it receives.
Some do this for recreation. Some do this for spiritual awakening, and others do it for exploration purposes.
The truth is that our human biological bodies are not constructed to observe the universe as it actually is. It observes it as was determined by evolutionary factors.
We can observe the actual reality, and see all sorts of strange things, strange and unusual perceptions and odd “feelings” when we alter our brain through certain drugs, a change in our physical body, or through “enhancements” or alterations to our brain.
Rather than scoff at people who have had these “visions” outside of the normal, we should listen to them. Take notes, and move on in our own life. Well aware that perhaps, just perhaps, NOT being able to see the world as it actually is…
…is really a good thing…
… for now.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my MAJestic Index here…
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- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
The structure of our physical universe as understood by MAJestic.
This is going to be a kind of odd-ball post, and I have been putting it off for a long time. But it needs to be presented, no matter how confusing or perplexing. This is a post that talks about our physical universe, as opposed to what is conventionally believed to be our universe. I discuss our physical and non-physical universes and what the delineation is. I also discuss how it differs from what everyone thinks it is. This is what many people in MAJestic understand the universe to actually be like. In some ways it is simple and in some ways it is really strange as it does not agree with our physical Newtonian observation.
I should have tackled this subject first, right off.
But, it’s a real hassle.
You know, the ignorance in America and the world is so absolutely profound that it would be an up-hill battle. It’s like that character trying to explain to the “scientists” in the White House (in the movie “Idiocracy”) that you cannot give energy drinks to plants.

And this ignorance is so profound and prevalent that it just isn’t worth my time and effort. For me, and many in MAJestic, we just shrug our shoulders and say “fuck it”, and then grab another beer. Arguing with fools is a zero-sum game.
What we think the universe is
To understand your role in this universe, you need to understand just what “this” universe actually is. For it is absolutely not what everyone else thinks or says it is. And I must say if you are trying to find understanding by using the internet, you are going to be disappointed.
This is from NASA…
What is the Universe? 07.15.04 The Universe is a big, open place. You are in the Universe. Things you can't see are in it, too. The biggest stars are in it. Even the smallest things on Earth are part of the Universe. We don't even know how big the Universe is!
This is from NASA.
Obviously written by a “diversity hire“.
That’s what the most learned scientists have to say about the universe. Aren’t you glad that you asked? Isn’t it great to know that it is a big, vast, empty space that tiny insignificant you exists within?
But it’s so absolutely wrong, it boggles the mind.

What the actual universe is
Our “universe” is not what it appears. It is not this big enormous area of empty space with scattered stars, galaxies and planets in it. It is not empty. It is actually quite solid…
… yeah. I get it.
“How can it be solid, when all I see is empty space, duh?”

We cannot see the universe as it is simply because our physical bodies cannot see things as they are. We only have a mere five senses that are all quite limited, and only permit us to see the most narrow bands of what our earthly environment is.
We cannot see raw infrared radiation.
We cannot see X-rays emitted from a star.
We cannot see “dark matter”.
We cannot see a neutron shower.
We cannot see all the quanta, the photons, the electrons and all the atomic particles zooming about all over the place. We cannot see the things burst forth into our universe and then leave it. We cannot see the thoughts that all creatures create, and how they move about and influence the actions within our universe. We cannot see or sense the “unseen”.
This is unfortunate, but this is the way that it is.
If we could see quanta, everything would look like shades of grey. With floating and moving "clouds" of grey that move in and out of a overlapping grey "fog".
To us, it appears that the universe is just ’empty space’. But, it’s not. It really isn’t.
Instead, our universe is all quite solid.
It is like this enormous cauldron of thick soup. And within that mixture are pockets of thicker soup, and areas of watery soup. There are areas of spicy soup, and areas of sweet soup. There are areas of hot soup, and areas of cold soup. There are all kinds of things in this soup.
Do you see any empty space in the picture of soup below?

And that is what our actual universe is like.
You know, it’s not all that unlike the code in the movie “The Matrix”. Where the entire “universe” that humans experience is just computer code. And if you look at the code itself it doesn’t resemble anything at all what you see, hear, and sense when you are within the matrix.

Now the thing about this is that our universe is not lines and reams of computer code. It’s NOT a software simulation. It’s a region that is filled to the brim with all sorts of super tiny stuff…
It is just a soup of quanta moving about in all sorts of ways, means and actions. We as humans cannot sense this quanta. But we can sense the things that the quanta alters.
We, as human beings, observe the world around us with our senses. And what our senses “pick up” are the effects of the mass movement and behaviors of the quanta in this universe. They do not pick up the quanta themselves.
Imagine that you are on a boat in a sea. You can see the blue sky above and the deep dark green-blue sea below. It’s calm, but pretty soon the sea starts to get choppy and waves form, with many waves forming “white caps”. You, on the boat, cannot see why the waves are choppy, you just know that they are.
That is how this universe works.
We cannot see things as they truly are with our senses. But we can sense the end result of the movement of quanta.
The “filler” in our universe
All that quanta moving back and forth in our universe forms the basic building blocks of everything within our physical universe. They consist of tiny quanta, and they form complex relationships with other quanta. We can identify them as “particles” and we can identify them as “waves”.
But we know what they are and that they do exist.
Quanta makes up everything that we know and experience. And we have mapped out this relationship over the years to paint a pretty comprehensive idea of how quanta fits in the grand scheme of things.

So, we know all about quanta.
They go in and out of different phases of existence. Sometimes they behave as particles. Sometimes they behave as waves.
They influence each other.
And they are influenced by thought…
But, that is a subject for other posts.
Well, I really don’t think that anything that I just said is going to shock any student of quantum physics. It’s all pretty much well understood at the university level at least).
But it’s the MWI that is most often misunderstood.
Most people think that the MWI means that the singular universe that we all share has multiple versions of it. That is the MWI. You know what I am talking about.
If we are share the same earth and the same sky, and the same moon, and the same things then that is our universe. So... If the MWI exists, then there are an unlimited selection of almost-like universes where there are versions of ourselves walking about and interacting with others.
Oh, boy is that wrong.
So, what might come as a surprise is the idea that world-lines exist in this entire universe as separate entities. It’s not that there are multiple universes.
No. There are not an infinite array of multiple universes. And somehow, we are all crowded upon one of those world-lines. (Which is pretty much the default standard interpretation.)
It’s not like that at all.
It’s that there are separate entities within our universe that we call (name them as) our universe.

It doesn’t sound like much of a difference, but in truth, it is a very substantial difference.
Our “universe” contains a moment-to-moment individual world-line for every person, and every situation, and every animal, and everything possible. This “universe” is our reality. It is where our physical interactions derive.
Universal Confusion
One of the great handicaps that we as humans have is that we think that what we see is all there is. For any moment in “time” we observe around us “our universe” and think that that is all that there is. But that is a lie and a grand deception.
We are sitting pretty within a track that constantly moves world-lines in and out around us. What we see as a “changing universe” is just the interiors of a long string of world-line universes.
There is not one singular, ever changing, universe.
There are instead, an infinite number of world-line universes. These are what we observe around us. These are what we call “an ever changing universe”.
- World-Line Universe
A "world-line universe" is the apparent universe as viewed by the soul (as an observer) within a given world-line. The changes that are observed by this observer are simply the variations from one world-line to the next as the consciousness moves through the various world-lines.
Now, to further confound the reader, all of these world-lines sit with a big stew or soup, that I have referred to as a cauldron of soup. This is the universe that I like to refer to as the “physical universe”. This “physical universe” is a universe that contains all the world-lines that give us the physical world that is around us.
- The Physical Universe.
The "Physical Universe" is the actual place that houses all the (near infinite number) of world-lines. It is filled with all sorts of things, much like a thick soup or stew.
So, so far, this is how the two different terms are used. The world-line universes reside within a much larger and all encompassing universe that I refer to as a “Physical Universe”.

But it is actually not quite the way things work. Because my terminology is really sloppy and imperfect. I like to refer to the over-riding universe as the “physical universe” out of convention, but it is actually a misnomer. This is because there are many non-physical elements within this universe.
So, a reader with some background in the more esoteric new-age teachings, and middle Asian religions might recognize the “physical universe” as a place that contains, not only the world-lines, but many of the “lower” planes of existence. Such as “astral planes”, and “casual plane”.
Many of these “planes of existence” all are part of the “physical universe”. They are but density stratification’s of the quanta near a given world-line. In much the same way that an egg has the white part of the egg nearby and adjacent to the yellow part of the egg.
Filled up with world-lines
The big thing about this cauldron of soup is that it is filled with “eggs”. These are timeless-constructions which we call world-lines. Each one is a static and fixed state that never changes. But there are so many of these “eggs” that we often consider the cauldron to be limitless with an infinite number of these eggs.
But you know, these eggs are not those chicken eggs with a hard shell, but rather like an egg without the hard shell. So imagine a pot of water, and you “poach” an egg in that water. Which means that you remove the hard shell and let the egg, yoke and all fall into the water. You can see it in the clear water. The yellow yoke is surrounded by a transparent white-clear albumen.

We can consider the yellow yoke to be the universe that we observe. That is the house you live in, the people you interact with, and everything that you do on a day to day basis.
We can consider the clear – white portion of the egg to be the “lower dimensions” of our Physical world. In this region are where thoughts bounce about, where sprites and non-physical creatures live, and where other fundamentals of the world around us operate.
The “stew” is but a further realm, or “higher dimension” that exists within this very same “physical universe”
Our universe is a physical region that is solid with all sorts of tiny quanta that is all in all sorts of complex movement. We cannot see what is going on naturally. We need very complex equipment to observe the events, and at that, we can only observe small, tiny parts of the movements. We cannot see the over all “big picture”.
Our universe is what I refer to as the “Physical Universe” even though it contains non-physical elements.
Looking closer at the world-lines
The over-riding focus of this universe of “ours” is the content within it.
Or, in other words, all those “uncooked” eggs floating about within that cauldron of soup.
Each “egg” is a world-line.
It is a frozen moment in time of an absolutely complete “universe”. And thus, this universe is a cauldron of many duplicates of it’s self each one with a tiny variations to it’s neighbor.

This is our “physical universe”.
It is a purposefully created environment from which our souls can obtain experiences within. And, as such, with each experience we obtain, we have new alignments with quanta. And our soul self-improves and changes in the process.
Now, these “eggs” tend to cluster together in the soup. They share similar features and relationships. The combined and shared experiences of these clusters of eggs are known as the “shared template”.
See other posts elsewhere for…
- Shared template(s).
- World-line anchoring.
- Soul growth via consciousness experiences in the physical.
The Non-Physical Universe
You see, while the “Physical Universe” contains all the world-lines, and all the physical environments that we work with, as well as the “lower” non-physical realms…
… it does not contain the home of the soul.
That place is what everyone collectively refers to as “Heaven” or “Nirvana”. This place is where our consciousness is formed (by our soul) and set forth on it’s missions within the “physical universe”.
So there is another universe which we refer to as “Heaven”. It is the “non-physical universe”. And I refer to as such…
- Non-Physical Universe
The "non-physical universe" is the home for our souls, and the place where consciousness is created, established, repaired, grows and resides.
And as such, it connects to our “physical universe” with a “light pipe” or tunnel that our consciousness uses to move back and forth between the two universes.
Like this…

How it works
Soul exists in “Heaven”. This is the “Non-Physical Universe”. It is the repository of where everything that we are resides. Our quanta resides there, as does our memories.
Soul creates a “consciousness”, which is a specially constructed packet of quanta. It is associated with a physical body (or container).
The consciousness is emitted or ejected from the soul and placed on a mission to acquire experiences. With each experience, there are entangled quanta. The type of entanglements, and the type of quanta involved changes the personality of the consciousness. This change is reflected in a change or “growth” of the soul.
The consciousness, once created, goes on a mission in an adjacent universe (the “Physical Universe”).
This mission takes place in the following manner…
- A body is selected.
- The consciousness enters the new-born brain.
- As it thinks, it moves into adjacent world-lines. This is observed as time.
- It’s thoughts and the thoughts of those around it create experiences.
- The experiences collect and vacuum up new types of quanta.
- The new quanta alter and change the structure of the soul.
- The body dies.
- The consciousness then returns to the “non physical universe”.
Once the consciousness has completed the mission, the soul then makes a determination if further “new missions” are required, or if the very nature of the body, the consciousness, or the soul itself needs to change.
And that is our purpose in life.
Our “universe” is often quite confused and mislabeled. We use that term to define what we observe, when in reality, what we are observing is a string of static world-line universes while we experience “time” Each moment is a snap-shot of a “world-line universe”.

All of these world-lines lie within a much larger physical place with is called the “physical universe”. It contains many things. Including many non-physical things.
It connects to the place where our soul resides, which is often referred to as “Heaven”. This is the “non-physical universe. It connects the the “physical universe” with a tunnel, also known as a “tunnel of light”.
Do you want more?
I have many more posts on the nature of the universe and our role in it. You can check them all out in my MAJestic Index here…
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Going to school after the EBP insertion and calibration.
This post discusses a hidden aspect of the EBP. It was used to teach and / train me (aside from it’s other purposes).
Once I had the EBP installed, and my genetic makeup modified, I underwent a long period of time being trained. This was during the time that I described in my post; lost as an autonomous vagabond. This period in my life was absolutely confusing. As I lived on the outskirts of society, living hand-to-mouth at a below-poverty level. While all the time, my consciousness was partitioned and participating within a training regimen.
Here we will discuss what it was like for me during my training and the kind of things that I was taught. It’s way, way, WAY “out there” and rather incredulous. But this is my record, and this is my autobiography. Read it or not. Believe it or not. I don’t fucking care. It’s your life.
I was trained by our extraterrestrial benefactors. MAJestic had nothing to do with the training. It was all associated with the EBP.
MAJestic controlled the ELF probes only.
They were used to monitor what was going on between the benefactors and my mind. I do believe that it must have been rather boring to the operators, as it relied on the optical sensors and the auditory sensors of my brain. While just about all the activity took place with consciousness with operates outside of the brain.
There was activity that took place between the ELF and the benefactors in regards to mission parameters at Oxia Palus. But this began AFTER this period of training.
MAJestic knew about the EBP. They knew that it was installed, and that I had a role that involved our benefactors. They also knew that they had to be “hands off” in regards to this role.
They did not know the scope of what the EBP entailed, or what my actual role with the benefactors would be.
Our benefactors consider the physical world to be a small part of the totality of reality. They operate within the non-physical world, and what we see in the physical is but a small part of their operations.
Thus it makes complete sense that I would be trained in using their technology, and their systems within their environment. And ya!, it’s really, really different than anything we (as humans) know.
The Mantids are a multi-dimensional species, and the EBP interfaced with that species using their technologies and their sciences.
Sequence of events.
This is the sequence of events…
- Enter MAJestic.
- ELF probes installed.
- EBP installed and genetically re-engineered.
- Left on my own as a vagabond.
- Training via the EBP while a vagabond. – You are HERE.
- Recovery by MAJestic at China Lake Naval Weapons Center.
- Calibration of the ELF probes at China Lake.
- Operations with the ELF probes via Oxia Palus.
- Mission operations…
The Schools
To understand what is going on, you need to recognize that over a period of at least three years I “attended” schooling. It occurred in my mind via my consciousness. My brain observed two things happening all at once.
- I lived a normal physical life, and my consciousness participated in that life.
- My brain also observed that my consciousness attended school in the non-physical realms. This occurred simultaneously with my normal day to day life.
This education took place with my partitioned consciousness and our benefactors. There was zero participation with MAJestic. To an outside observer, there was zero physical evidence that anything was going on. There was nothing that would tell an outside observer what I was going through or enduring.
I went through “training” of a unknown nature at facilities and training centers.
While there were occasional “schools” that I attended that lasted for under a day. Most attendance was sequential at various “facilities” or “places”.
While my consciousness migrated in the non-physical worlds, it would attend schools. These schools in all instances resembled human structures with campuses, buildings, vegetation, parks, quads, and entities. Most of the entities were human people, for the most part, but not always.
The appearance of the structures varied from a simple outdoor amphitheater to huge buildings of amazing construction and complexity.
I would attend classes with other students. Some of the classes had a few as three students while other classes had perhaps thirty. Most of the classes were of small size. Only a a few very rare occasions did I participate in larger classes.
There would be a teacher / instructor.
Often, that instructor would take a special notice of me and devote the class to my particular studies while the rest of the class watched on. I have no idea why this was the case.
Class length and duration
This education at different facilities had a degree of uniformity to it. I would attend “training” at one place for a period of time, and then attend another school or a different period of time. After that, another school, and then again, yet another school.
Duration was typically three days per school. This would occur during my waking life, as well as intrude into my dreams. I was 24-7 “on” in regards to this.
The longest time that I spent at any school was (perhaps) around two and a half weeks. The shortest time was just a few hours. I estimate that I attended perhaps 300 to 350 different “schools”.
That is quite a lot, in case you aren’t paying attention.
Breaks / vacations
There were breaks between sessions. I do not know why the breaks occurred or what was behind the breaks. Breaks typically lasted between four to six days. Then the education procedure would continue. I would typically have a break every three or four months or so.
When I was on a break, I would have a more or less “normal” life. No strange thoughts, experiences, dreams or feelings.
The subjects were beyond the conception of anything that I can explain. Sorry.
If we used a scale to compare educational complexity, we might be able to compare difficulty and advancement levels. So here’s my attempt.
- Toddler learning how to walk – 1
- Kindergarten – 4
- Elementary School – 12
- High school – 22
- College – 38
- Post-graduate studies – 45
Using that as a scale, I would say that the content, the subjects, the content and the degree of saturation and density of the information portrayed as…
- EBP 3 year training – 3450
I attended numerous “programs” that consisted of “blocks” of education and specific “classes”.
After a certain period of time had elapsed I would then attend another school.
Infrequently, and for reasons I do not understand, I would attend a sort of “graduation ceremony”. This procedure would acknowledge that I had obtained the necessary education, skills and abilities that I was supposed to learn.
I perhaps graduated, maybe, five separate times, plus my “final” graduation ceremony. Thus, I can only assume that I attended approximately six Major “educational programs” (and at least 12 minor programs) from which I obtained some type of ‘certificate”.
So, the question is what abilities do I now have?
I think that most of the training was associated with the world-line switching and slides that I experienced once I completed my training at China Lake NWC. I also believe that most of the training was elementary (from our benefactors point of view) as it taught me how to use their systems and understand their technologies.
After all, if you are going to teach a dog to drive a car, you would need to show him how to get into the car, where to sit, and other basics that we humans take for granted…
…and not to sniff and pee on the tire.
Important points
All this took pace before the ELF probes were calibrated at China Lake NWC.
Which means that the EBP and the genetic changes were such that they were able to partition my consciousness into a secondary “container”.
Imagine this much the same way that we partition a hard drive into different “drives”.
If you install a 500 MB hard-drive into a computer, it is preset as drive C:. Thus it would appear in your Windows Explorer as “Drive C:”.

You can use partitioning software to break that drive down into other drives. Such as Drive D:, Drive E: and Drive F:.
In a way, and this is very simplistic, I believe that this is what occurred with my consciousness.
Partitioning and education
Most of what I was taught had zero utility in my physical life.
Therefore, it wasn’t even transmitted to my physical brain in in any kind of meaningful way. I just cannot vocalize my teachings, or be able to explain them to anyone within this world-line.
The consciousness partitioning was absolute and what could be utilized by my physical body was conveyed by the shared consciousness. What could not be, was not transmitted. and this leads to some interesting conclusions…
- There is a segmentation and stratification of understanding, experience and knowledge between the physical and non-physical worlds.
- A given world-line within the physical world might have information restricted or access denied to the consciousness that is within that reality.
- The idea that the physical reality is all that there is, is laughingly pathetic. It is but a very tiny part of a much larger, much more expansive non-physical reality.
- To obtain my role in the physical reality, and acquire my experiences for the non-physical reality, certain non-physical universe training was necessary. What it is, and how to communicate it to the reader trapped within this physical reality is impossible.
My role in MAJestic required me to perform tasks for our benefactors.
I had two set of physical modifications. They were a set of ELF probes that were MAJestic implanted, and operated. And a EBP that was installed with other substantial genetic modifications and training by our benefactors.
The training of the EBP is what this post covers.
The EBP modified my physical body and created multiple consciousnesses. Both consciousnesses can communicate back and forth between each other. The two consciousnesses have different roles and different functions, and much of what the EBP educated me with was involved in the newly segmented consciousness. Not with my original consciousness.
And finally…
- MAJestic traded myself to our benefactors for technology.
- They used me as a kind of “ambassador”.
- This role was monitored by MAJestic via the ELF technology.
This ambassador role was unlike anything that we can conceive of.
- I was altered and changed.
- Not only physically, but spiritually as well.
- I had my consciousness segmented.
As such, I was able to utilize advanced non-physical technologies provided by our benefactors.
- This training enabled me to conduct world-line travel with a great degree of facility over and above what most humans are capable of.
- It enabled me to anchor world-lines.
- It enabled me to be the “representative” of humans to “adjust” our world-line trends towards a preferred sentience.
Are you confused?
You should be. Our world, our universe, and our lives are not like anything that we have been taught or understand. It is different, really, really different on so many, many levels.
If you want to kick the computer screen and yell, go ahead. Then go read about the “enlightened ones”, the (shape changing) “reptilians”, chrononauts, the “Zeta’s” that are going to take over America, Eh? It’s your reality. Read about the “coming age of enlightenment” and other fictions.
This is my history. Not a relatable fiction that makes you feel good about yourself.
Like I said before. The “real world” doesn’t resemble anything that you think it does.
Do you want more?
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The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls (full text) by Michael Newton (part 1c) with world-line (MWI) annotations.
Multiple Part Post
This post is a multiple part post. I have labeled them…
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1a
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1b
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1c – This post.
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1d
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1e
Case 16
Dr. N: Once you leave the staging area and have arrived in the spiritual space where you belong, what do you do then?
S: I go to school with my friends.
Dr. N: You mean you are in some kind of spiritual classroom?
S: Yes, where we study.
Dr. N: I want you to take me through this school from the time of your arrival so I can appreciate what is happening to you. Start by telling me what you see from the outside.
S: (with no hesitation) I see a perfectly square Greek temple with large sculptured columns-very beautiful. I recognize it because this is where I return after each cycle (life).

Dr. N: What is a classical Greek temple doing in the spirit world?
S: (shrugs) I don’t know why it appears to me that way, except it seems natural … since my lives in Greece.
Dr. N: All right, let’s continue. Does anyone come to meet you?
S: (subject smiles broadly) My teacher Karla.
Dr. N: And how does she appear to you?
S: (confidently) I see her coming out of the entrance of the temple towards me… as a goddess … tall … wearing long flowing robes … one shoulder is bare … her hair is piled up and fastened with a gold clasp … she reaches out to me.
Dr. N: Look down at yourself. Are you dressed in the same garments?
S: We… all seem to be dressed the same … we shimmer with light… and we can change … Karla knows I like the way she looks.
Dr. N: Where are the others?
S: Karla has taken me inside my temple school. I see a large library. Small gatherings of people are speaking in quiet tones… at tables. It is … sedate … warm … a secure feeling which is so familiar to me.
Dr. N: Do all these people appear as adult men and women?
S: Yes, but there are more women in my group.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Because that’s the valence they are most comfortable with right now.
Note: The word valence used by this subject to indicate gender preference is an odd choice, yet it does fit. Valences in chemistry are positive or negative properties which, when combined with other elements, give proportion. Souls in groups may be inclined toward male and female personages or mixed.
Dr. N: Okay, what do you do next?
S: Karla leads me to the nearest table and my friends immediately greet me. Oh, it’s so good to be back.
Dr. N: Why are these particular people here with you in this temple?
S: Because we are all in the same study group. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be with them once more. (subject becomes distracted with this scene and it takes me a minute to get her started again)
Dr. N: Tell me how many people are in this library with you?
S: (pauses while mentally counting) About twenty.
Dr. N: Are all twenty very close friends of yours?
S: We are all close-I’ve known them for ages. But five are my dearest friends.
Dr. N: Are every one of the twenty people at about the same level of learning?
S: Uh… almost. Some are a little further along than the rest.
Dr. N: Where would you place yourself in the group as far as knowledge?
S: Around the middle.
Dr. N: As to learning lessons, where are you in relation to your five closest friends?
S: Oh, we are about the same-we work together a lot.
Dr. N: What do you call them?
S: (chuckles) We have pet names for each other.
Dr. N: Why do you have nicknames?
S: Hmm … to define our essence. We see each other as representing earth things.
Dr. N: What is your pet name?
S: Thistle.
Dr. N: And this represents some personal attribute?
S:(pause)I… am known for sharp … reactions to new situations in my rotations (life cycles).
Dr. N: What is the entity you feel closest to called, and why?
S: (soft laughter) Spray. He goes flat out in his rotations … dispensing his energy so rapidly it splashes in all directions, just like the water he loves so much on Earth.
Dr. N: Your family group sounds very distinctive. Now would you explain to me what you and your friends actually do in this library setting?
S: I go to my table and we all look at the books.
Dr. N: Books? What sort of books?
S: The life books.
Dr. N: Describe them as best you can for me.
S: They are picture books-thick white edges-two or three inches thick-quite large …

Dr. N: Open one of the life books for me and explain what you and your friends at the table see.
S: (pause, while the subject’s hands come together and move apart as though she were opening a book) There is no writing. Everything we see is in live pictures.
Dr. N: Action pictures-different than photographs?
S: Yes, they are multi-dimensional. They move… shift… from a center of … crystal … which changes with reflected light.
Dr. N: So, the pictures are not flat, the moving light waves have depth?
S: That’s right, they are alive.
Dr. N: Tell me how you and your friends use the books?
S: Well, at first it’s always out of focus when the book is opened. Then we think of what we want, the crystal turns from dark to light and … gets into alignment. Then we can see … in miniature… our past lives and the alternatives.
Dr. N: How is time treated in these books?
S: By frames … pages … time is condensed by the life books.
Dr. N: I don’t want to dwell on your past right now, but take a look at the book and just tell me the first thing you see.
S: A lack of self-discipline in my last life because this is what is on my mind. I see myself dying young, in a lover’s quarrel-my ending was useless.
Dr. N: Do you see future lives in the life book?
S: We can look at future possibilities … in small bites only … in the form of lessons … mostly these options come later with the help of others. These books are intended to emphasize our past acts.
Dr. N: Would you give me your impression of the intent behind this library atmosphere with your cluster group?
S: Oh, we all help one another go over our mistakes during this cycle. Our teacher is in and out and so we do a lot of studying together and discuss the value of our choices.
Dr. N: Are there other rooms where people study in this building?
S: No, this is for our group. There are different buildings where various groups study near us.
Note: The reader may refer to Figure 1 (page 89), circle B, as an example of what is meant here. In the graph, clusters 3-7 represent infrequent group interaction, although they are in close proximity to each other in the spirit world.
Dr. N: Are the groups of people who study in these buildings more or less advanced than those in your group?
S: Both.
Dr. N: Are you allowed to visit these other buildings where souls study?
S: (long pause) There is one which we go to regularly.
Dr. N: Which one?
S: A place for the newer ones. We help them when their teacher is gone. It’s nice to be needed.
Dr. N: Help them how?
S: (laughs) With their homework.
Dr. N: But don’t the teacher-guides have that responsibility?
S: Well, you see the teachers are … so much further along (in development) … this group appreciates our assistance because we can relate to them easily.
Dr. N: Ah, so you do a little student teaching with this group?
S: Yes, but we don’t do it anywhere else.
Dr. N: Why not? Why couldn’t more advanced groups come to your library to assist you once in a while?
S: They don’t because we are further along than the newer ones. And, we don’t infringe on them either. If I want to connect with someone, I do it outside the study center.
Dr. N: Can you wander about anywhere as long as you don’t bother other souls in their study areas?
S: (responds with some evasiveness) I like to stay around the vicinity of my temple, but I can reach out to anyone.
Dr. N: I get the impression that your soul energy is restricted to this spiritual space even though you can mentally reach out further.
S: I don’t feel restricted … we have plenty of room to go about … but I’m not attracted to everyone.
The statement about non-restriction, cited by Case 16, seems contrary to those boundaries of spiritual space seen by the last case. When I initially bring subjects into the spirit world, their visions are spontaneous, particularly as to spiritual order and their place in a community of soul life. While the average subject may talk about having private spaces, as far as living and working, none sees the spirit world as confining. Once their superconscious recall gets rolling, most people are able to tell me about having freedom of movement and going to open spaces where souls of many learning levels gather in a recreational atmosphere.
In these communal areas, floating souls socially engage in many activities.
Some are quite playful, as when I hear of older souls “teasing” the younger ones about what lies ahead for them. One subject put it this way, “We play tricks on each other like a bunch of kids. During hide-and-seek, some of the younger ones get lost and then we help them find themselves.” I am also told “guests” can appear in soul groups at times to entertain and tell stories, similar to the troubadours of the Middle Ages. Another subject mentioned that her group loved to see an odd-looking character known as “Humor” show up and make them all laugh with his antics.
Frequently, people in hypnosis find it hard to clearly explain the strange meanings behind their intermingling as souls.
One diversion I hear rather often is of souls forming a circle to more fully unify and project their thought energy. Always, a connection with a higher power is reported here.
Some people have told me, “Thought rhythms are so harmonized they bring forth a form of singing.” Gracefully subtle dancing can also take place when souls whirl around each other in a mixture of energy, blending and separating in exotic patterns of light and color.
Physical things such as shrines, boats, animals, trees, or ocean beaches can be conjured up at the center of these dances as well.
These images have special meaning to soul groups as planetary symbols which reinforce positive memories from former lives together. This sort of material replication apparently does not resent sadness by spirits who long to be in a physical state again, but are a joyful communion with historical events that helped shape their individual identities.
For me, these mythic expressions by souls are ceremonial in nature and yet they go far beyond basic ritual.
Although certain places in the spirit world are described as having the same function by subjects in superconscious, their images in each of these regions can vary.
Thus, a study area described as a Greek temple in this case is represented as a modern school building by another person.
As an example, to a football player a long hard rain would be a terrible thing because they couldn’t play a game. But to a farmer, a long hard rain would be a welcome event that would make his crops grow lush and tall. It’s all perception.
Other statements may seem more contradictory.
For instance, many subjects mentally traveling from one location to another in the spirit world will tell me the space around them is like a sphere, as we saw in the last chapter, but then they will add that the spirit world is not enclosed because it is “limitless.”
I think what we have to keep in mind is that people tend to structure their frame of reference during a trance state with what their conscious mind sees and has experienced on Earth.
Quite a few people who come out of trance tell me there is so much about the spirit world they were unable to describe in earthly terms.
Each person translates abstract spiritual conditions of their experience into symbols of interpretation which make sense to them.
Sometimes a subject will even express disbelief at their own visions when I first take them into a spiritual place. This is because the critical area of their conscious mind has not stopped dropping message units. People in trance soon adapt to what their unconscious mind is recording.
When I began to gather information about souls in groups, I based my assessments of where these souls belonged on the level of their knowledge.
- Very young
- Youthful
- Middle range
- Experienced
- Old
- Ancient
Using only this criterion of identification, it was difficult for me to swiftly place a client.
Case 16 came to me early in my studies of life in the spirit world. It was a significant one, because during the session I was to learn about the recognition of souls by color.
Before this case, I listened to my subjects describing the colors they were seeing in the spirit world without appreciating the importance of this information in relation to souls themselves. My clients reported about shades of soul energy mass, but I didn’t piece these observations together.
I was not asking the right questions.
I was familiar with Kirlian photography and the studies in parapsychology at U.C.L.A., where research has indicated each living person projects their own colored aura.

In human form, apparently we have an ionized energy field flowing out and around our physical bodies connected by a network of vital power points called chakras.

Since spiritual energy has been described to me as a moving, living force, the amount of electromagnetic energy required to hold a soul on our physical plane could be another factor in producing different earthly colors.
It has also been said that a human aura reflects thoughts and emotions combined with the physical health of an individual. I wondered if these personal meridians projected by humans had a direct connection to what I was being told about the light emitted by souls in the spirit world.
With Case 16, I realized that radiated soul light visualized by spirits is not all white.
In the minds of my subjects, every soul generates a specific color aura. I credit this case with helping me decipher the meaning of these manifestations of energy.
Dr. N: All right, let’s float outside your temple of study. What do you see around you, or off in the distance?
S: People-large gatherings of people.
Dr. N: How many would you say?
S: Hmm…. in the distance … I can’t count… hundreds and hundreds … there are so many.
Dr. N: And do you identify with all these souls-are you associated with them?
S: Not really-I can’t even see all of them-it’s sort of… fuzzy out there … but my gang is near me.
Dr. N: If I could call your gang of about twenty souls your primary cluster group, are you associated with the larger secondary body of souls around you now?
S: We … are all … associated-but not directly. I don’t know those others …
Dr. N: Do you see the physical features of all these other souls in the same way as you did your own group in the temple?
S: No, that isn’t necessary. It is more … natural out here in the open. I see them all as spirits.
Dr. N: Look out in the distance from where you are now. How do you see all these spirits? What are they like?
S: Different lights-buzzing around as fireflies.
Dr. N: Can you tell if the souls who work with each other, such as teachers and students, stick together all the time?
S: People in my gang do, but the teachers kind of stick to themselves when they are not assisting in our lessons.
Dr. N: Do you see any teacher-guides from where we are now?
S: (pause) Some … yes … there are much fewer of them than us, of course. I can see Karla with two of her friends.
Dr. N: And you know they are guides, even without seeing any physical features? You can look out there at all the bright white lights and just mentally tell they are guides?
S: Sure, we can do that. But they are not all white.
Dr. N: You mean souls are not all absolutely white?
S: That’s partially true-the intensity aspect of our energy can make us less brilliant.
Dr. N: So Karla and her two friends display different shades of white?
S: No, they aren’t white at all.
Dr. N: I don’t follow you.
S: She and her two friends are teachers.
Dr. N: What is the difference? Are you saying these guides radiate energy which is not white?
S: That’s right.
Dr. N: Well, what color are they?
S: Yellow, of course.
Dr. N: Oh … so all guides radiate yellow energy?
S: No, they don’t.
Dr. N: What?
S: Karla’s teacher is Valairs.
He is blue. We see him sometimes here. Nice guy. Very smart.
Dr. N: Blue? How did we get to blue?
S: Valairs shows a light blue.
Dr. N: I’m confused. You didn’t say anything about another teacher called Valairs being part of your group.
S: You didn’t ask me. Anyway, he is not in my group. Neither is Karla. They have their own groups.
Dr. N: And these guides have auras which are yellow and blue?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: How many other energy colors do you see floating around here?
S: None.
Dr. N: Why not red and green energy lights? S: Some are reddish, but no green lights.
Dr. N: Why not?
S: I don’t know, but sometimes when I look around, this place is lit up like a Christmas tree.
What I can say is that the non-human entities, when they interacted with me in this environment took on a human form. For me to concentrate on them rather than the lesson at hand was unthinkable.
Dr. N: I’m curious about Valairs. Does every spiritual group have two teachers assigned to their cluster?
S: Hmm … it varies. Karla trains under Valairs, so we have two. We see little of him. He works with other groups besides us.
Dr. N: So, Karla herself is student teaching as a less advanced guide?
S: (somewhat indignantly) She is advanced enough for me!
Dr. N: Okay, but will you help me straighten out these color schemes? Why is Karla’s energy radiating yellow and Valairs blue?
S: That’s easy. Valairs … precedes all of us in knowledge and he gives off a darker intensity of light.
Dr. N: Does the shade of blue, compared to yellow or plain white, make a difference between souls?
S: I’m trying to tell you. Blue is deeper than yellow and yellow is more intense than white, depending on how far along you are.
Dr. N: Oh, then the luminosity of Valairs radiates less brightly than Karla and she is less brilliant than your energy because you are further down in development?
S: (laughs) Much further down. They both have a heavier, more steady light than me.
Dr. N: And how does Karla’s yellow color vary from your whiteness in terms of where you are going with your own advancement?
S: (with pride) I’m turning into a reddish-white. Eventually, I’ll have light gold. Recently I’ve noticed Karla turning a little darker yellow. I expected it. She is so knowledgeable and good.
Dr. N: Really, and then will she eventually take her energy level to dark blue in intensity?
S: No, to a light blue at first. It’s always gradual, as our energy becomes more dense.
What is going on is that the travels of one consciousness is observing the appearances of other consciousnesses with the non-physical reality. And a consciousness is but a part of a given soul.
As I have mentioned previously, a consciousness and a soul is partitioned. These partitions are such that a consciousness can occupy numerous world-lines and numerous universes at any singular point in time. Thus, what the consciousness is reporting on is the assumed appearance of a portion of a given consciousness that is reflective of the quanta associated with a given soul. Phew!
Dr. N: So, these three basic lights of white, yellow, and blue represent the development stages of souls and are visibly obvious to all spirits?
S: That’s right, and the changes are very slow.
Dr. N: Look around again. Do you see all the energy colors equally represented by souls in this area?
S: Oh no! Mostly white, some yellows, and few blues.
Dr. N: Thank you for clarifying this for me.
I routinely question everyone about their color hues while they are in trance. Aside from the general whiteness of the spirit world itself, my subjects report seeing a majority of other souls displaying shades of white. Apparently, a neutral white or gray is the starting point of development. Spirit auras then mix the primary colors of red, yellow, and blue from a base of white.
A few people see greenish hues mixed with yellow or blue.
To equate what I have heard about soul energy with the physical laws which govern the color spectrum we see in the heavens is just supposition. However, I have found some similarities.
The energy of radiated light from cooler stars in the sky is a red- orange, while the hotter stars increase from yellow to blue-white. Temperature acts on light waves that are also visible vibrations of the spectrum with different frequencies.
The human eye registers these waves as a band of light to dark colors.

The energy colors of souls probably have little to do with such elements as hydrogen and helium, but perhaps there is an association with a high energy field of electromagnetism.
I suspect all soul light is influenced by vibrational motion in tune with a harmonious spiritual oneness of wisdom.
Some aspects of quantum physics suggest the universe is made up of vibrational waves which influence masses of physical objects by an interaction of different frequencies. Light, motion, sound, and time are all interrelated in physical space.
I was hearing these same relationships applied to spiritual matter from my cases.
Eventually, I concluded both our spiritual and physical consciousness project and receive light energy. I believe individual vibrational wave patterns represent each soul’s aura.
As souls, the density, color, and form of light we radiate is proportional to the power of our knowledge and perception as represented by increasing concentrations of light matter as we develop. Individual patterns of energy not only display who we are, but indicate the degree of ability to heal others and regenerate ourselves.
Obviously there are other criteria that come into play.
Depending on the construction and garbionic layout of a given species soul, the consciousness may or may not reflect the true and actual composition of the parent soul. For instance the Type-1 greys have a hive / matrix soul and the “individual” consciousnesses reflect something different than the core soul hive center. To an outside observer, there might be very little color in the overall appearance of the entities of this species. Thus the colors as viewed by another soul might not be accurate.
Which lends me to believe that this observation of color associated for other souls / consciousness int he non-physical realm is but a mechanism that young to medium age consciousnesses use to compare themselves with others. Older spirits and entities, or those that are routinely involved in the non-physical world, do not use this primitive method of determination. And find no benefit in comparisons with others.
People in hypnosis speak of colors to describe how souls appear, especially from a distance, when they are shapeless. From my cases, I have learned the more advanced souls project masses of faster moving energy particles which are reported to be blue in color, with the highest concentrations being purple. In the visible spectrum on Earth, blue-violet has the shortest wavelength, with energy peaking in the invisible ultraviolet. If color density is a reflection of wisdom, then the lower wavelengths of white through yellow emanating from souls must represent lower concentrations of vibrational energy.
Where does that put hybrid souls, and those that fit outside of the “normal” progression? Indeed, there are far too many variances to make these kinds of broad assumptions.
Figure 3 (page 103) is a chart I have designed for the classification of souls by color coding, as reported by my subjects. The first column lists the soul’s spiritual state, or grade-level of learning. The last column shows our guide status and denotes our ability and readiness to serve in that capacity for others, which will be explained further in the next chapter. Learning begins with our creation as a soul and then accelerates with the first physical life assignment. With each incarnation, we grow in understanding, although we may slip back in certain lives before regaining our footing and advancing again. Nevertheless, from what I can determine, once a spiritual level is attained by the soul, it stays there.
In Figure 3, I show six levels of incarnating souls. Although I generally place my subjects into the broad categories of beginner, intermediate, and advanced souls, there are subtle differences in between, at Levels II and IV. For example, to determine whether a soul is starting to move out of the beginner stage at Level I into Level II, I must not only know how much white energy remains, but analyze the subject’s responses to questions which demonstrate learning. A genealogy of past life successes, future expectations, group associations, and conversations between my subjects and their guides, all form a profile of growth.
Some of my subjects object to my characterizing the spirit world as a place governed by societal structure and organizational management symbolized by Figure 3. On the other hand, I continually listen to these same subjects describe a planned and ordered process of self-development influenced by peers and teachers.
If the spirit world does resemble one great schoolhouse with a multitude of classrooms under the direction of teacher souls who monitor our progress-then it has structure.
Figure 3 represents a basic working placement model for my own use.
I know it has imperfections. I hope follow-up research by regression therapists in future years may build upon my conceptualizations with their own replications to measure soul maturity.
This chapter may give the reader the impression that souls are as segregated by light level in the spirit world as people are by class in communities on Earth. Societal conditions on Earth cannot be compared with the spirit world.
The differences in light frequency measuring knowledge in souls all comes from the same energy source.
Souls are fully integrated by thought. If all levels of performance in the spirit world were on one grade level, souls would have a poor system of training. The old one-room schoolhouse concept of education on Earth limited students of different ages. In spiritual peer groups, souls work at their own developmental level with others like them. Mature teacher-guides prepare succeeding generations of souls to take their places.
And so there are practical reasons why conditions exist in the spirit world for a system designed to measure learning and development.
The system fosters enlightenment and ultimately the perfection of souls.
It is important to understand that while we may suffer the consequences of bad choices in our educational tasks, we are always protected, supported, and directed within the system by master souls.
I see this as the spiritual management of souls.
The whole idea of a hierarchy of souls has been part of both Eastern and Western cultures for many centuries. Plato spoke of the transformation of souls from childhood to adulthood passing through many stages of moral reason.
The Greeks felt humankind moves from amoral, immature, and violent beings over many lives to people who are finally socialized with pity, patience, forgiveness, honesty, and love. In the second century AD, the new Christian theology was greatly influence by Polotinus, whose Neoplatonist cosmology involved souls having a hierarchy of degrees of being.
The highest being was a transcendent One, or God-creator, out of which the soul-self was born which would occupy humans. Eventually, these lower- souls would return to complete reunion with the universal over-soul.
My classification of soul development is intended to be neither socially nor intellectually elitist. Souls in a high state of advancement are often found in humble circumstances on Earth.
By the same token, people in the strata of influence in human society are by no means in a blissful state of soul maturity. Often, just the reverse is true.
Summary of Soul Groups
In terms of placement by soul development, I cannot overemphasize the importance of our spiritual groups. Chapter Nine, on beginner souls (Levels I and II), will more closely examine how a soul group functions. Before going further, however, I want to summarize what I have learned about the principles of soul group assignments.
- Regardless of the relative time of creation after their novice status is completed, all beginner souls are assigned to a new group of souls at their level of understanding.
- Once a new soul support group is formed, no new members are added in the future.
- There appears to be a systematic selection procedure for homogeneous groupings of souls. Similarities of ego, cognitive awareness, expression, and desire are all considerations.
- Irrespective of size, cluster groups do not directly intermix with each other’s energy, but souls can communicate with one another across primary and secondary group boundaries.
- Primary clusters in Levels I and II may split into smaller subgroups for study, but are not separated from the integrated whole within a single cluster of souls.
- Rates of learning vary among peer group members. Certain souls will advance faster than others in a cluster group, although these students may not be equally competent and effective in all areas of their curricula. Around the intermediate level of learning, souls demonstrating special talents (healing, teaching, creating, etc.) are permitted to participate in specialty groups for more advanced work while still remaining with their cluster group.
- At the point where a soul’s needs, motives and performance abilities are judged to be fully at Level III in all areas of self-development, they are then loosely formed into an “independent studies” work group. Usually, their old guides continue to monitor them through one master teacher. Thus, a new pod of entities graduating into full Level III could be brought together from many clusters within one or more secondary groups.
- When they approach Level IV, souls are given more independence outside group activities. Although group size diminishes as souls advance, the intimate contact between original peer group members is never lost.
- Spirit guides have a wide variety of teaching methods and instructional personifications depending upon group composition.
Our Guides
I HAVE never worked with a subject in trance who did not have a personal guide. Some guides are more in evidence than others during hypnosis sessions.
It is my custom to ask subjects if they see feel a discarnate presence in the room.
If they do, this third party is usually a protective guide.
Often, a client will sense the presence of a discarnate figure before visualizing a face or hearing a voice. People who meditate a great deal are naturally more familiar with these visions than someone who never called upon his or her guide.
The recognition of these spiritual teachers brings people into the company of a warm, loving creative power. Through our guides, we become more acutely aware of the continuity of life and our identity as a soul. Guides are figures of grace in our existence because they are part of the fulfillment of our destiny.
Guides are complex entities, especially when they are master guides. The awareness level of the soul determines to some extent the degree of advancement of the guide assigned to them. In fact, the maturity of a particular guide also has a bearing on whether these teachers have only one student or many under their direction.
Guides at the senior level of ability and above usually work with an entire group of souls in the spirit world and on earth.
These guides have other entities who assist them.
From what I can see, every soul group usually has one or more rather new teachers in training. As a result, some people may have more than one guide helping them.
The personal names my clients attach to their guides range from ordinary, whimsical, or quaint-sounding words, to the bizarre.
Frequently, these names can be traced back to a specific past life a teacher spent with a student. Some clients are unable to verbalize their guide’s name because the sound cannot be duplicated, even when they see them clearly while under hypnosis. I tell these people it is much more important that they under stand the purpose of why certain guides are assigned to them, rather than possessing their names.
A subject may simply use a general designation for their guide such as: director, advisor, instructor, or just “my friend.”
One has to be careful how the word friend is interpreted.
Usually, when a person in trance talks about a spiritual friend, they are referring to a soul-mate or peer group associate rather than a guide. Entities who are our friends exist on levels not much higher or lower than ourselves. These friends are able to offer mental encouragement from the spirit world while we are on Earth, and they can be with us as incarnated human companions while we walk the roads of life.
One of the most important aspects of my therapeutic work with clients is assisting them, on a conscious level, with appreciating the role their guides play in life. These teacher entities edify all of us with their skillful instruction techniques. Ideas we claim as our own may be generated by a concerned guide.
Guides also comfort us during the trying periods in our lives, especially when we are children in need of solace.
I remember a charming remark made by a subject after I asked when she began seeing her guide in this life. “Oh, when I was daydreaming,” she said. “I remember my guide was with me on my first day of school when I was really scared. She sat on top of my desk to keep me company and then showed me the way to the bathroom when I was too afraid to ask the teacher.”
The concept of personalized spiritual beings goes far back in antiquity to our earliest origins as thinking human beings.
Anthropological studies at the sites of prehistoric people suggest their totemic symbols evoked individual protection. Later, some 5,000 years ago as city-states arose, official deities became identified with state religions. These gods were more remote and even generated fear.
Thus, personal and family deities assumed great importance in the day-to-day life of people for protection.
A personal soul deity served as a guardian angel to each person or family, and could be called upon for divine help during a crisis. This tradition has been carried down into our cultures of today.
We have two examples at opposite ends of the United States.
Aumakua is a personal god to Hawaiians. The Polynesians believe one’s ancestors can assume a personal god relationship (as humans, animals, or fish) to living family members. In visions and dreams, Aumakua can either assist or reprimand an individual.
In northeastern America, the Iroquois believe a human’s own inner spiritual power is called Orenda, which is connected to a higher personal Orenda spirit. This guardian is able to resist the powers of harm and evil directed at an individual.
The concept of soul watchers who function as guides is part of the belief system of many Native American cultures.
The Zuni tribes of the Southwest have oral traditions in their mythology of god-like beings with personal existences. They are called “the makers and holders of life paths” and are considered the caretakers of souls.
There are other cultures around the world which also believe someone other than God is watching over them to personally intercede on their behalf.
I think human beings have always needed anthropomorphic figures below a supreme God to portray the spiritual forces around them.
When people pray or meditate, they want to reach out to an entity with whom they are acquainted for inspiration. It is easier to ask for aid from a figure which can be clearly identified in the human mind. There is a lack of imagery with a supreme God which hinders a direct connection for many people.
Regardless of our diverse religious preferences and degrees of faith, people also feel if there is a supreme God, this divinity is too busy to bother about their individual problems.
People often express an unworthiness for a direct association with God. As a result, the world’s major religions have used prophets who once lived on Earth to serve as our intermediaries with God.
Possibly because some of these prophets have been elevated to divine status themselves, they are not personal enough anymore.
I say this without diminishing the vital spiritual influence all the great prophets have had on their followers. Millions of people derive benefit from the teachings of these powerful souls who incarnated on Earth as prophets in our historical past. And yet, people know in their hearts-as they have always known-that someone, some personal entity individual to them-is there, waiting to be reached.
I have the theory that guides appear to people who are very religious as figures of their faith. There was a case on a national television show where the child of a devout Christian family suffered a near-death experience and said she saw Jesus. When asked to draw with crayons what she saw, the little girl drew a featureless blue man standing within a halo of light.
My subjects have shown me how much they depend upon and make use of their spiritual guides during life.
I have come to believe we are their direct responsibility- not God’s. These learned teachers remain with us over thousands of earth years to assist in our trials before, during, and after countless lives. I notice that, unlike people walking around in a conscious state, subjects in trance do not blame God for their misfortunes in life.
More often than not, when we are in the soul state, it is our personal guide who takes the brunt of any dissatisfaction.
I am often asked if teacher-guides are matched to us or just picked at random. This is a difficult question to answer. Guides do appear to be assigned to us in the spirit world in an orderly fashion. I have come to believe their individual teaching styles and management techniques support and beautifully integrate with our permanent soul identity.
For instance, I have heard about younger guides, whose past lives included overcoming particularly difficult negative traits, being assigned to souls with the same behavior patterns. It seems these empathetic guides are graded on how well they do in their assignments to affect positive change.
All guides have compassion for their students, but teaching approaches vary. I find some guides constantly helping their students on Earth, while others demand their charges work out lessons with little overt encouragement. The maturity of the soul is, of course, a factor. Certainly graduate students get less help than freshmen. Aside from the developmental level, I look at the intensity of individual desire as another consideration in the frequency of appearance and form of assistance one receives from his or her guide during a life.
As to gender assignments, I find no consistent correlation of male and female subjects to masculine or feminine appearing guides. On the whole, people accept the gender portrayed by their guide as quite natural. It could be argued that this is because they have become used to them over eons of relative time as males or females rather than the assumption that one sex IS more effective than another between specific students and teachers. Some guides appear as mixed genders, which lends support to souls being truly androgynous. One client told me, “My guide is sometimes Alexis or Alex, dropping in and out of both sexes, depending on my need for male or female advice.”
From what I can determine, the procedure for teacher selection is carefully managed in the spirit world. Every human being has at least one senior, or a higher master guide, assigned to their soul since the soul was first created. Many of us inherit a newer, secondary guide later in our existence, such as Karla, in the previous chapter. For want of a better term, I have called these student teachers junior guides.
Aspiring junior guides can anticipate the beginning of their training near the end of Level III, as they progress into the upper intermediate stages of development. Actually, we begin our training as subordinate guides long before attaining Level IV. In the lower stages of development we help others in life as friends and between lives assist our peer group associates with counseling.
Junior and senior teaching assignments appear to reflect the will of master guides, who form a kind of governing body, similar to a trusteeship, over the younger guides of the spirit world.
We will see examples of how the process of guide development works in Chapters Ten and Eleven, which cover cases of more advanced souls.
Do all guides have the same teaching abilities, and does this affect the size of the group to which we are assigned in the spirit world? The following passage is from the case file of an experienced soul who discussed this question with me.
Case 17
Dr. N: I’m curious about teacher assignments in the spirit world in relation to their abilities to help undeveloped souls. When souls progress as guides, are they given quite a few souls to work with?
S: Only the more practiced ones.
Dr. N; I would imagine large groups of souls needing guides could become quite a responsibility for one advanced guide-even with an assistant.
S: They can handle it. Size doesn’t matter. Dr. N: Why not?
S: Once you attain competency and success as a teacher, the number of souls you are given doesn’t matter. Some sections (clusters) have lots of souls and others don’t.
Dr. N: So, if you are a senior in the blue light aura, class size has no relation to assignments, because you have the ability to handle large numbers of souls?
S: I didn’t exactly say that. Much depends upon the types of souls in a section and the experience of the leaders. In the larger sections they have help too, you know.
Dr. N: Who does?
S: The guides you are calling seniors. Dr. N: Well, who helps them?
S: The overseers. Now, they are the real pros.
Dr. N: I have heard them also called master teachers. S: That’s not a bad description for them.
Dr. N: What energy color do they project to you?
S: It’s … purplish.
Note: As signified in Figure 3 in the last chapter, the lower ranges of a Level V radiate a sky-blue energy. With advancing maturity this aura grows more dense, first to a muted midnight blue and finally to deep purple, representing the total integration of a Level VI ascended master.
Dr. N: Since guides seem to have different approaches to teaching, what do they all have in common?
S: They wouldn’t be teachers if they didn’t have a love of training and a desire to help us join them.
Dr. N: Then define for me why souls are selected as guides. Take a typical guide and tell me what qualities that advanced soul possesses.
S: They must be compassionate without being too easy on you. They aren’t judgmental. You don’t have to do things their way. They don’t restrain by imposing their values on you.
Dr. N: Okay, those are things guides don’t do. If they don’t over-direct souls, what are the important things they do, as you see it?
S: Uh … they build morale in their sections and instill confidence-we all know they have been through a lot themselves. We are accepted for who we are as individuals with the right to make our own mistakes.
Dr. N: I must say, I have found souls very loyal to their guides. S: That’s why-because they never give up on you.
Dr. N: What would you say is the most important attribute of any guide? S: (without hesitation) The ability to motivate you and instill courage.
My next case provides an example of the actions of a still-incarnating guide. This guide is called Owa, and he represents the qualities of a devoted teacher reported by the last case. Evidently, his early assignments as a guide involved looking after the subject in Case 18 in a direct fashion, and his methods apparently have not changed. My client was stunned once she recognized her guide’s latest incarnation.
Owa made his first appearance as a guide in my client’s past about 50 BC. He was described as an old man living in a Judean village which had been overrun by Roman soldiers. Case 18 was then a young girl, orphaned by a Roman raid against local dissidents. In the opening scene Of this past life, she spoke about working in a tavern as a virtual slave. As a serving girl, she was constantly beaten by the owner and occasionally raped by Roman customers. She died at age twenty-six of overwork, mistreatment, and despair. This subject made the following statement from her subconscious mind about an old man in her village: “I worked day and night and felt numb with pain and humiliation. He was the only person who was kind to me-who taught me to trust in myself-to have faith in something higher and finer than the cruel people around me.”
Later in the superconscious state, this client detailed parts of other difficult lives where Owa appeared as a trusted friend, and once as a brother. In this state she saw these people were all the same entity and was able to name this soul as Owa, her guide. There were many lives when Owa did not appear, and sometimes his physical contact was only fleeting when he came to help her. Abruptly, I asked if Owa might possibly be in her life now? After a moment of hesitation, my subject began to shake uncontrollably. Tears came to her eyes and she cried out from the vision in her mind.
Case 18 – Owa
S: Oh, Lord-I knew it! I knew there was something different about him.
Dr. N: About who?
S: My son! Owa is my son Brandon.
Dr. N: Your son is actually Owa?
S: Yes, yes! (laughing and crying at the same time) I knew it! I felt it right from the day I delivered him-something wonderfully familiar and special to me-more than just a helpless baby… oh
Dr. N: What did you know the day he was born?
S: I didn’t really know-I felt it inside-something more than the excitement a mother feels at the time of her firstborn. I felt he came here-to help me-don’t you see? Oh, it’s so fantastic-it’s true-it’s him!
Dr. N: (I work on calming my client before continuing, because her excited wiggling around is about to carry her over the side of the office recliner) Why do you think Owa is here as your baby son Brandon?
S: (quieter now, but still crying softly) To get me through this bad time … with hard people who won’t accept me. He must have known I was in for a long period of trouble and decided to come to me as my son. We didn’t talk about doing this before I was born… what a wonderful surprise…
Note: At the time of this session, my client was struggling to gain recognition in a highly competitive business. She was also having marital difficulties at home, partly due to being the major wage earner. I have since learned she is divorced.
Dr. N: Did you sense something unusual about your baby after you took him home?
S: Yes, it started at the hospital and this feeling never left me. When I look into his eyes he… soothes me. Sometimes I come home so worn out-so tired and beat down-I am short-tempered with him when the baby-sitter leaves. But he is so patient with me. I don’t even need to hold him. The way he looks at me is … so wise. I didn’t fully understand what this meant until now. Now, I know! Oh, what a blessing. I wasn’t sure if I should even have the baby-now I see it all.
Dr. N: What do you see?
S: (in a firm voice) As I try to advance in my profession, people are getting … harder … not accepting what I know and can do. My husband and I are having trouble. He puts me down for pushing too hard … wanting to achieve. Owa-Brandon-is here to keep me strong so I can overcome.
Dr. N: And do you think it is all right we discovered your guide is with you as Brandon in this life?
S: Yes, if Owa didn’t want me to know that he decided to come into life, I wouldn’t have come to see you-it wouldn’t have been on my mind.
This exceptional case represents the emotional intoxication a subject feels when an in-life contact is made with their guide. Notice the role Owa chose did not infringe upon the most typical role usually taken by a soulmate. He did not come through as her spouse, and never has, in any of her past lives. Certainly, soulmates take other roles besides spouses, but an incarnating guide does not normally take a role which might transgress between two soulmates working on their lives together. This client’s soulmate happens to be an old flame from high school.
Based upon all the information I was able to gather, Owa seems to have moved into the level of a junior guide in the last two-thousand years. He may possibly graduate into the blue level of a senior guide before this client is qualified herself to rise from white to a yellow energy aura. Regardless of the number of centuries this takes, Owa will remain as her guide, even though he may never incarnate again with her in a life.
Do we ever catch up to our guides in development? Eventually, perhaps, but I can say I have not seen any evidence of this in my cases. Souls who develop relatively fast are gifted, but so are the guides who assist them.
It is not uncommon to find guides working in pairs with people on Earth, each with their own approaches to teaching. In these cases one is dominant, although the more experienced senior guide may actually be less evident in day-to-day activities of their charges. The reason for this spiritual arrangement in tandem is because one of the pair is either in training (such as a junior guide under a senior), or the association is so long-standing between the two guides (as with a senior to a master) that a permanent relationship has evolved. The senior guide may have acquired his or her own cluster of souls, which is still monitored by a master overseeing a number of soul groups.
Teams of guides do not interfere with each other in or out of the spirit world. I have a close friend whose guides illustrate how two teachers working together complement each other. Using this individual’s case is appropriate, because I have observed the way this person’s two guides interact in various life circumstances.
My friend’s junior guide appears in the form of a kindly, nurturing Native American medicine woman called Quan. Dressed simply in a deerskin sheath, her long hair pulled back, Quan’s soft face is bathed in vivid light during her appearances. When she is called, Quan provides a vehicle for insight and understanding events and the individuals associated with those events, which are troubling to my friend.
Quan’s desire to lighten the load of the rather difficult life my friend has chosen is tempered by a challenging male figure called Giles. Giles is clearly a senior guide who may be close to being a master in the spirit world. In this capacity, he does not appear nearly as often as Quan. When Giles does come into my friend’s higher consciousness, he does so abruptly.
Here is a sample of how a senior guide operates differently from one of junior status.
Case 19 – Senior Guide
Dr. N: When you are in deep reflection over a serious problem, how does Giles come to you?
S: (laughs) Not the same as Quan-I can tell you. Usually, he likes to … hide a little… at first… behind a shadow of … blue vapor. I hear him chuckling before I see him.
Dr. N: You mean he appears first as a blue energy form?
S: Yes … to hide himself a bit-he likes to be secretive, but it doesn’t last long. Dr. N: Why?
S: I don’t know-to make sure I really want him, I guess.
Dr. N: Well, when he shows himself, what does Giles look like to you?
S: An Irish Leprechaun.
Dr. N: Oh, then he is a small man?
S: (laughs again) An elf figure-tangled hair all over his wrinkled face-he looks a mess and moves constantly in all directions.
Dr. N: Why does he do that?
S: Giles is a slippery character-impatient, too-he frowns a lot while he paces back and forth in front of me with his arms clasped in back of him.
Dr. N: And how would you interpret this behavior?
S: Giles is not dignified like some (guides) … but he is very clever … crafty.
Dr. N: Could you be more specific as to how this conduct relates to you?
S: (strained) Giles has made me look upon my lives as a chess game with the Earth as the board. Certain moves bring certain results and there are no easy solutions. I plan, and then things go wrong during the game in my life. I sometimes think he lays traps for me to work through on the board.
Dr. N: Do you prosper with this technique of your advanced guide? Has Giles been a help to your problem-solving during the game of life?
S: (pause) … More afterward … here (in the spirit world) … but, he makes me work so damn hard on Earth.
Dr. N: Could you get rid of him and just work with Quan?
S: (smiles ruefully) It doesn’t work that way here. Besides, he is brilliant. Dr. N: So, we don’t get to choose our guides?
S: No way. They choose you.
Dr. N: Do you have any idea why you have two guides who approach your problems so differently in the way they help you?
S: No, I don’t, but I consider myself very fortunate. Quan… is gentle… and steady with her support.
Note: The embodiments of Native Americans who once lived in North America make powerful spiritual guides for those of us who have followed them to live in this land. The large number of Americans who report having such guides lends support to my belief that souls are attracted to geographical settings they have known during earlier incarnations.
Dr. N: What do you like most about Giles’ teaching methods?
S: (pensively) Oh, the way he-well, trifles with me-almost mocking me to do better during the game and stop feeling sorry for myself. When things get especially rough he prods me and keeps me going … insisting I use all my abilities. There is nothing soft about Giles.
Dr. N: And you feel this coaching on Earth, even when you and I are not working together?
S: Yes, when I meditate and go inside myself… or during my dreams.
Dr. N: And Giles comes when you want him?
S: (after some hesitation) No … although it seems as though I have been with him forever. Quan does come to me more. I can’t just grab hold of Giles in any situation I want, unless what I have going on is really serious. He is elusive.
Dr. N: Sum up your feelings about Quan and Giles for me.
S: I love Quan as a mother, but I wouldn’t be where I am without Giles’ discipline. They are both skillful because they allow me to benefit from my mistakes.
These two guides are a cooperating team of instructors, which is standard procedure for those people who have two guides. In this case, Giles enjoys teaching karmic lessons by the Socratic method. Providing no clues in advance, he makes sure problem-solving on major issues is never easy for my friend. Quan, on the other hand, provides comfort and gentle encouragement.
When my friend comes to me for a hypnosis session, I am aware that Quan remains in the background when Giles is on-board and active. Giles is a caring guide, as all guides are, but without a trace of indulgence. Adversity is allowed to build to the absolute limits of my friend’s ability to cope before solutions suddenly begin to unfold.
To be honest, I see Giles as a wicked taskmaster.
This view is not really shared by my friend, who is grateful for the challenges offered by this complex teacher.
What is the average spiritual guide like? In my experience, no two guides are the same.
These dedicated higher entities give me the impression of having attitudinal swings toward me from one session to the next, and even within the same session with a client.
They can be cooperative or obstructive, tolerant or disobliging, evasive or revealing, or just flat out unconcerned with anything I do with a subject.
I have great respect for guides because these powerful figures play such an important part in our destiny, but I must admit they can frustrate my inquiries. I find them enigmatic because they are unpredictable in their relations with me as a facilitator.
Early in this century, it was common for mediums working with people in hypnosis to call any discarnate entity in the room a ”control,” because they acted as the director of communications on the spiritual side for the subject.
It was recognized that a spiritual control (whether a guide or not) had energy patterns which were in emotional, intellectual, and spiritual attunement with the subject. The importance of a harmonious energy pattern between facilitator and these entities was also known.
If a control is blocking my investigations with a client, I search for the reason why this is happening. With some blocking guides I must fight for every scrap of information, while others give me a great deal of latitude in a session.
I never forget that guides have every right to block my approach to problems with souls under their care.
After all, I have their people as my subjects for only a short while. Frankly, I would much rather have no contact with a client’s guide than work with one who might assist me at one point and then block the rhythm of memory in the next portion of a session.
I believe a guide’s motivation for blocking information goes far beyond resisting the immediate psychological direction a therapy session is taking. I am constantly searching for new data on the spirit world.
A guide who lends support to a free flow of past life memories from one of my subjects may balk at my far-reaching questions about life on other planets, the structure of the spirit world, or creation itself.
This is why I am only able to collect these spiritual secrets in fragments from a large body of client information reflecting the discretion of many guides. I also feel that I am receiving assistance from my own spiritual guide during communications with subjects and their guides.
Occasionally, a subject will express dissatisfaction with his or her particular guide. This is usually temporary.
At any time, people are capable of believing their guides are too difficult and not working in their best interests, or just not paying enough attention to them. A subject once told me that he had tried for a long time to be assigned another guide. He said, “My guide is stonewalling me, she doesn’t give enough of herself.”
The man told me his desire for a change in guides was not honored.
I observed that he spent considerable time alone, without much group interaction after his last two lives, because he refused to deal with his issues. He projected anger toward his guide for not rescuing him from bad situations.
Our teachers really don’t get perturbed with us to the point of alienation, but I notice they have a way of making themselves scarce when disgruntled students avoid real problem-solving. Guides only want the best for us and sometimes this means they must watch us endure much pain to reach certain objectives. Guides cannot assist in our progress until we are ready to make the necessary changes in order to take full advantage of life’s Opportunities.
Do we have reason to be fearful of our guides? In Chapter Five, with Case 13, we saw an obviously younger soul who expressed some trepidation right after death about meeting the guide Clodees for debriefing. Typically, this concern does not last.
We may feel chagrined over having to explain to our guides why goals were not attained, but they understand. They want us to interpret our past lives so we will have the benefit of assisting in the analysis of mistakes.
My clients express all sorts of sentiments about their guides, but fear is not among them.
On the contrary, people are more worried about being abandoned by spiritual advisors during difficult periods in their lives. Our relationship with guides is one of students and teachers rather than defendants and judges. Our personal guides help us cope with the separateness and isolation which every soul inherits at physical birth, regardless of the degree of love extended by our family. Guides give us an affirmation of Self in a crowded world.
People want to know if their guides always come whenever they call for help. Guides are not consistent in the manner in which they choose to assist us, because they carefully evaluate how badly they are needed.
I am also asked if hypnosis is the best way to get in contact with one’s guide. Naturally, I lean toward hypnosis, because I know how potent and effective this medium can be to obtain detailed spiritual information. However, hypnosis by a trained facilitator is not convenient on a daily basis, where meditation, prayer, and perhaps channeling with another person would be.
Self-hypnosis, as a form of deep meditation, is an excellent alternative and may be preferred by those who have a fear of being hypnotized by others, or don’t want the interference of a second party in their spiritual life.
Regardless of the method used, we all have the capacity to send out far-reaching thought waves from our higher consciousness. Every person’s thoughts represent a mental fingerprint to guides marking who and where we are. During our lives, especially in periods of great stress, most people feel the presence of someone watching out for them. We may not be able to describe this power, but it is there nonetheless.
Reaching our soul is the first step on the ladder of finding our higher power. All lines of mental communication we use to reach a God-head are monitored by our guides on this step. They, too, have their guides further up the ladder. The entire ladder serves as one unbroken conduit to the source of all intelligent energy, with each rung being part of the whole. It is essential for people to have faith that a prayer for help will be answered by their own higher power.
This is why guides are vitally important to our spiritual and temporal lives.
If we are relaxed and in a state of concentrated focus, an inner voice speaks to us. And, even if we didn’t initiate the message, we should trust what we hear.
National surveys by psychologists indicate one person in ten admits to hearing voices which are frequently positive and instructional in nature. It is a relief for many people to learn their inner voices are not the hallucinations associated with the mentally ill. Rather than something to be worried about, an inner voice is like having your own resident counselor on call.
More often than not, these voices are those of our guides.
Guides assigned to different souls do work together relaying urgent mental messages for each other. People unable to help themselves in critical situations may find counselors, friends, and even strangers coming to their aid at just the right moment.
The inner strength which comes to us in our daily lives does not arrive as much by a visual picture of actually seeing our guides, as from the feelings and emotions which convince us we are not alone. People who listen and encourage their inner voice through quiet contemplation say they feel a personal connection with an energy beyond themselves which offers support and reassurance.
If you prefer to call this internal guidance system inspiration or intuition, that is fine, because the system which aids us is an aspect of ourselves as well as higher powers.
During troublesome times in our lives, we have the tendency to ask for guidance to immediately set things right. When they are in trance, my clients see that their guides don’t help them solve all their problems at once, rather they illuminate pathways by the use of clues.
This is one reason why I am cautious about client- blocking during hypnosis. Insight is best revealed with a controlled pace relative to each person. A concerned teacher may not want all aspects of a problem uncovered at a given point in time for his or her student. We vary in our ability to handle revelations.
When asking for help from your higher spiritual power, I think it is best not to demand immediate change.
Our success in life is predicated on planning, but we do have alternative paths to choose from to reach certain goals.
When seeking guidance, I suggest requesting help with just the next step in your life. When you do this, be prepared for unexpected possibilities. Have the faith and humility to open yourself up to a variety of paths toward solutions.
After death we do not experience sadness as souls with the same emotional definition as grief felt in physical form. Yet, as we have already seen, souls are not detached beings without feelings. I have learned those powers who watch over us also feel what I call a spiritual sorrow when they see us making poor choices in life and going through pain. Certainly, our soul-mates and peers suffer distress when we are tormented, but so do our guides. Guides may not show sorrow in orientation conferences and during soul group discussions between lives, but they keenly feel their responsibilities toward us as teachers.
In Chapter Eleven, we will get the perspective of a guide at Level V.
I have never found a person who is a living grade VI, or master guide, as a subject.
I suspect we don’t have a whole lot of these advanced souls on Earth at any one time. Most Level VI’s are much too involved with planning and directing from the spirit world to incarnate any longer.
From the reports of the Level V’s I have had, it would seem the Level VI has no new lessons to learn, but I have a hunch a still-incarnating soul at Level V may not know all the esoteric tasks involved with master level entities.
Once in a while during a session with a more advanced soul, I hear references to an even higher level of soul than Level VI. These entities, to whom even the masters report, are in the darkest purple range of energy. These superior beings must be getting close to the creator. I am told these shadowy figures are elusive, but highly venerated beings in the spirit world.
The average client doesn’t know if spiritual guides should be placed in a less than divine category, or considered lesser gods because of their advancement.
There is nothing wrong with any spiritual concept, as long as it provides comfort, is uplifting, and makes sense to each individual. Although some of my clients have the tendency to consider guides god-like-they are not God. In my opinion, guides are no more or less divine than we are, which is why they are seen as personal beings.
In all my cases God is never seen.
People in hypnosis say they feel the presence of a supreme power directing the spirit world, but they are uncomfortable using the word “God” to describe a creator. Perhaps the philosopher Spinoza said it best with these words: “God is not He who is, but That which is.”
Every soul has a spiritual higher power linked to its existence. All souls are part of the same divine essence generated from one oversoul. This intelligent energy is universal in scope and so we all share in divine status. If our soul reflects a small portion of the oversoul we call God, then our guides provide the mirror by which we are able to see ourselves connected to this creator. 9
The Beginner Soul
THERE are two types of beginner souls: souls who are truly young in terms of exposure to an existence out of the spirit world, and souls who have been reincarnating on Earth for a long period of relative time, but still remain immature.
I find beginner souls of both types in Levels I and II.
I believe almost three-quarters of all souls who inhabit human bodies on Earth today are still in the early stages of development. I know this is a grossly discouraging statement because it means most of our human population is operating at the lower end of their training. On the other hand, when I consider a world population beset by so much negative cross-cultural misunderstanding and violence, I am not inclined to change my opinion about the high percentage of lower level souls on Earth. However, I do think each century brings improvement of awareness in all humans.
Over a number of years, I have maintained a statistical count of client soul levels in my case files. Undoubtedly, the figures are weighted to some extent at the lower levels because these subjects were not selected at random. My cases could be over- represented by souls at the lower levels of development because they are the very people who require assistance in life and might come to me seeking information.
For those who are curious, the percentages by soul level of all my cases are as follows:
- Level I, 42%;
- Level II, 31%;
- Level III, 17%;
- Level IV, 9%;
- Level V, 1%.
Projecting these figures into a world population of five billion souls would be unreliable, using my small sample. Nevertheless, I see the Possibility we may have only a few hundred thousand people on Earth at Level V.
My subjects state that souls end their incarnations on Earth when they reach full maturity. What is significant about the high percentage of souls in the early stages of development is our rapidly multiplying population and the urgency babies have for available souls. We are increasing by 260,000 children per day. This human necessity for souls means they must normally be drawn from a spiritual pool of less advanced entities who require more incarnations to progress and are, therefore, more available to return to another life.
I am sensitive to the feelings of clients whom I know to be in the early stages of development.
I cannot count the number of times a new client has come into my office and said, “I know I am an old soul, but I seem to have problems coping with life.”
We all want to be advanced souls because most people hate to be considered a beginner in anything.
Every case is unique.
There are many variables within each soul’s character, individual development rate, and the qualities of the guides assigned to them. I see my task as offering interpretations of what subjects report to me about the progression of their souls.
I have had many cases where a client has been incarnating for up to 30,000 years on Earth and is still in the lower levels of I and II. The reverse is also true with a few people, although rapid acceleration in spiritual development is uncommon. As with any educational model, students find certain lessons more difficult than others. One of my clients has not been able to conquer envy for 850 years in numerous lives, but she did not have too much trouble overcoming bigotry by the end of this same period.
We all have our own individual lives. And what spiritual color we have, our duration in any form, or the number of reincarnations one has is as meaningless as the grade that you had in spelling in fourth grade. It’s not a race. It is not a competition. All of this non-physical stuff is all a very personal matter and is part and parcel of your development as soul. Nothing else other than that..
Another has spent nearly 1700 years off-and-on seeking some sort of authoritative power over others. However, he has gained compassion.
The next case represents an absolute beginner soul. This novice shows no evidence of having a spiritual group assignment as yet, because she has lived too few past lives. In her first life she was killed in 1260 AD in Northern Syria by a Mongol invasion. Her name was Shabez, and her settlement was sacked, resulting in a terrible massacre of the inhabitants when she was five years old.
Case 20 – Shabez
Dr. N: Shabez, now that you have died and returned to the spirit world, tell me what you feel?
S: (shouts) Cheated! That life was so cruel! I couldn’t stay. I was only a little girl unable to help anybody. What a mistake!
Dr. N: Who made this mistake?
S: (in a conspiratorial tone) My leader. I trusted his judgment, but he was wrong to send me into that cruel life to be killed before my life got started.
Dr. N: But you did agree to come into the body of Shabez?
S: (upset) I didn’t know Earth would be such an awful place full of terror-I wasn’t given all the facts-the whole stupid life was a mistake and my leader is responsible.
Dr. N: Didn’t you learn anything from this life?
S: (pause) I started to learn to love … yes, that was wonderful … my brother … parents … but it was so short …
Dr. N: Did anything good come out of this life?
S: My brother Ahmed… to be with him …
Dr. N: Is Ahmed in your present life?
S: (suddenly my subject rises out of her chair) I can’t believe it! Ahmed is my husband Bill-the same person-how can …?
Dr. N: (after calming subject, I explain the process of soul transference to a new body and then continue) Do you see Ahmed on your return to the spirit world after dying as Shabez?
S: Yes, our leader brings us together here … where we stay.
Dr. N: Does Ahmed emit the same energy color as yourself or are there differences?
S: (pause) We … are all white.
Dr. N: Describe what you do here.
S: While our leader comes and goes, Ahmed and I… just work together.
Dr. N: Doing what?
S: We search out what we think about ourselves-our experience on Earth. I’m still sore about us being killed so soon … but there was happiness … walking in the sun … breathing the air of Earth … love.
Dr. N: Go back further to the time before you and Ahmed had your life together, perhaps when you were alone. What was it like being created?
S: (disturbed) I don’t know… I was just here .. with thought.
Dr. N: Do you remember during your own creation when you first began to think as an intelligent being?
S: I realized … I existed … but I didn’t know myself as myself until I was moved into this quiet place alone with Ahmed.
Dr. N: Are you saying your individual identity came more into focus when you began interacting with another soul entity besides your guide?
S: Yes, with Ahmed.
Dr. N: Keep to the time before Ahmed. What was it like for you then?
S: Warm … nurturing … my mind opening .. she was with me then.
Dr. N: She? I thought your leader displayed a male gender to you?
S: I don’t mean him… someone was around me with the presence of a … mother and father … mostly mother
Dr. N: What presence?
S: I don’t know … a soft light … changing features… I can’t grasp it … loving messages … encouragement
Dr. N: This was at the time of your creation as a soul?
S: Yes … it’s all hazy … there were others … helpers … when I was born.
Dr. N: What else can you tell me about the place of your creation?
S: (long pause) Others … love me … in a nursery… then we left and I was with Ahmed and our leader.
Dr. N: Who actually created you and Ahmed?
S: The One.
I have learned there seems to be a kind of spirit world maternity ward for newborn souls. One client told me, “This place is where infantile light is arranged in a honeycomb fashion as unhatched eggs, ready to be used.”
In Chapter Four, on displaced souls, we saw how damaged souls can be “remodeled .” My conjecture is these creation centers described by Shabez have the same function. In the next chapter, Case 22 will explain more about spiritual areas of ego creation where raw, undefined energy can be manipulated into a genesis of Self.
Case 20 has some obvious traits of the immature soul.
The subject is a sixty-seven- year-old woman who has had a lifetime of getting into disastrous ruts. She does not demonstrate a generosity of spirit toward others, nor does she take much personal responsibility for her actions.
This client came to me searching for answers as to why life had “cheated me out of happiness.”
In our session we learned Ahmed was her first husband, Bill. She left him long ago for another man, whom she also divorced, because of her inability to bond with people.
She does not feel close to any of her children.
The beginner soul may live a number of lives in a state of confusion and ineffectiveness, influenced by an Earth curriculum which is different from the coherence and supportive harmony of the spirit world.
Less developed souls are inclined to surrender their will to the controlling aspects of human society, with a socio-economic structure which causes a large proportion of people to be subordinate to others.
The inexperienced soul tends to be stifled by a lack of independent thinking. They also lean towards being self-centered and don’t easily accept others for who they are.
It is not my intention to paint a totally bleak portrait of souls who comprise so much of our world population-if my estimates of the high numbers of this category of soul are accurate. Lower level souls are also able to lead lives which have many positive elements. Otherwise, no one would advance. No stigma should be attached to these souls, since every soul was once a beginner.
If we become angry, resentful, and confused by our life situations, this does not necessarily mean we possess an underdeveloped spirit. Soul development is a complex matter where we all progress by degrees in a variety of areas in an uneven manner. The important thing is to recognize our faults, avoid self-denial, and have the courage and self-sufficiency to make constant adjustments in our lives.
One of the clear indications that souls are coming out of novice status is when they leave their spiritual existence of relative isolation. They are removed from small family cocoons with other novices and placed in a larger group of beginner souls. At this stage they are less dependent upon close supervision and special nurturing from their guides.
For the younger souls, the first realization that they are part of a substantial group of spirits like themselves is a source of delight. Generally, I find this important spiritual event has occurred by the end of a fifth life on Earth, regardless of the relative length of time the novice soul was in semi-isolation. Some of the entities of these new spiritual groups are the souls of relatives and friends with whom the young soul was associated in their few past lives on Earth. What is especially significant about the formation of a new cluster group is that other peer group members are also newer souls who find themselves together for the first time.
In Chapter Seven on placement, we saw how a soul group appeared when Case 16 rejoined them, and the manner in which life experiences were studied through pictorial scenes, as reported by this subject.
Case 21 will offer a more detailed account of spiritual group dynamics and how members impact on each other. The capacity of souls to learn certain lessons may be stronger or weaker between one another depending upon inclination, motivation, and prior incarnation experience. Cluster groups are carefully designed to give peer support through a sensitivity of identity traits between all members. This cohesiveness is far beyond what we know on Earth.
Although the next case is presented from the perspective of one group member, his superconscious mind provides an objectivity into the process of what goes on in groups.
My subject will describe a grandiose, male-oriented spiritual group.
The raucous entities of this group are linked by exhibitionism which could be labeled narcissistic. The common approaches these souls use in finding personal value is one indication why they are working together.
The extravagant behavior modes of these souls is offset, to some extent, by their spiritual prescience. Since the complete truth is known by all group members about each other in a telepathic world, humor is indispensible. Some readers may find it hard to accept that souls do joke with each other about their failings, but humor is the basis upon which self-deception and hypocrisy are exposed.
Ego defenses are so well understood by everyone in spiritual groups that evidence of a mastery of oneself among peers is a strong incentive for change. Spiritual “therapy” occurs because of honest peer feedback, mutual trust, and the desire to advance with others over eons of time. Souls can hurt, and they need caring entities around them. The curative power of spiritual group interaction is quite remarkable.
Soul members network by the use of criticism and acclaim as each strives toward common goals. Some of the best help I am able to give my clients comes from information I receive about their soul group. Spiritual groups are a primary means of soul instruction. Learning appears to come as much from one’s peers as from the skill of guides who monitor these groups.
In the case which follows, my client has finished reliving his last past life as a Dutch artist living in Amsterdam. He died of pneumonia at a young age in 1841, about the time he was gaining recognition for his painting.
We have just rejoined his spiritual group when my subject bursts out laughing.
Case 21 – Dutch Artist
Dr. N: Why are you laughing?
S: I’m back with my friends and they are giving me a hard time.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Because I’m wearing my fancy buckled shoes and the bright green velvet jacket-with yellow piping down the sides-I’m flashing them my big floppy painter’s hat.
Dr. N: They are kidding you about projecting yourself wearing these clothes?
S: You know it! I was so vain about clothes and I cut a really fine figure as an artist in Amsterdam cafe society. I enjoyed this role and played it well. I don’t want it to end.
Dr. N: What happens next?
S: My old friends are around me and we are talking about the foolishness of life. We rib each other about how dramatic it all is down there on Earth and how seriously we all take our lives.
Dr. N: You and your friends don’t think it is important to take life on Earth seriously?
S: Look, Earth is one big stage play-we all know that.
Dr. N: And your group is united in this feeling?
S: Sure, we see ourselves as actors in a gigantic stage production.
Dr. N: How many entities are in your particular cluster group in the spirit world?
S: (pause) Well, we work with … some others … but there are five of us who are close.
Dr. N: By what name do they call you?
S: L … Lemm-no that’s not right-it’s Allum … that’s me.
Dr. N: All right, Allum, tell me about your close friends.
S: (laughs) Norcross … he is the funniest … at least he is the most boisterous.
Dr. N: Is Norcross the leader of your group?
S: No, he is just the loudest. We are all equal here, but we have our differences. Norcross is blunt and opinionated.
Dr. N: Really, then how would you characterize his Earth behavior?
S: Oh, as being rather unscrupulous-but not dangerous.
Dr. N: Who is the quietest and most unassuming member of your group?
S: (quizzical) How did you guess-it’s Vilo.
Dr. N: Does this attribute make Vilo the least effective contributing member of your group?
S: Where did you get that idea? Vilo comes up with some interesting thoughts about the rest of us.
Dr. N: Give me an example.
S: In my life in Holland-the old Dutch couple who adopted me after my parents died-they had a beautiful garden. Vilo reminds me of my debt to them-that the garden triggered my painting-to see life as an artist … and what I didn’t do with my talent.
Dr. N: Does Vilo convey any other thoughts to you about this?
S: (sadly) That I should have done less drinking and strutting around and painted more. That my art was … reaching the point of touching people … (subject pulls his shoulders back) but I wasn’t going to stay cooped up painting all the time!
Dr. N: Do you have respect for Vilo’s opinions?
S: (with a deep sigh) Yes, we know he is our conscience.
Dr. N: So, what do you say to him?
S: I say, “Innkeeper, mind your own business-you were having fun, too.”
Dr. N: Vilo was an innkeeper?
S: Yes, in Holland. Engaged in a business for profit, I might add.
Dr. N: Do you feel this was wrong of Vilo?
S: (contrite) No … not really … we all know he took losses to help those poor people on the road who needed food and shelter. His life was beneficial to others.
Dr. N: I would guess telepathic communication makes it hard to sustain your arguments when the complete truth is known by everyone?
S: Yes, we all know Vilo is progressing-damn!
Dr. N: Does it bother you that Vilo may be advancing faster than the rest of you?
S: Yes … we have had such fun … (subject then recalls an earlier life with Vilo where they traveled together as brothers in India)
Dr. N: What will happen to Vilo?
S: He is going to leave us soon-we all know that-to have associations with the others who have also gone.
Dr. N: How many souls have left your original group, Allum?
S: (A long pause, and then ruefully) Oh … a couple have moved on … we will eventually catch up to them … but not for a while. They haven’t disappeared-we just don’t see their energy as much.
Dr. N: Name the others of your immediate group for me besides Vilo and Norcross.
S: (brightening) Dubri and Trinian-now those two know how to have a good time!
Dr. N: What is the most obvious identifying characteristic of your group?
S: (with relish) Adventure! Excitement! We have some real pioneer types around here. (subject rushes on happily) Dubri just came off a wild life as a sea captain. Norcross was a free-wheeling trading merchant. We live life to its fullest because we are talented at taking what life has to offer.
Dr. N: I’m hearing a lot of self-gratification here, Allum.
S: (defensively) And what’s wrong with that? Our group is not made up of shrinking violets, you know!
Dr. N: What’s the story on Trinian’s last life?
S: (reacts boisterously) He was a Bishop! Can you believe it? What hypocrisy.
Dr. N: In what way?
S: What self-deception! Norcross, Dubri, and I tell Trinian his choice to be a churchman had nothing to do with goodness, charity, or spirituality.
Dr. N: And what does Trinian’s soul mentally project to you in self-defense? S: He tells us he gave solace to many people.
Dr. N: What do you, Norcross and Dubri, tell him in response?
S: That he is going soft. Norcross tells him he wanted money or otherwise he would have been a simple priest. Ha-that’s telling him-and I’m saying the same thing. You can guess what Dubri thinks about all this!
Dr. N: No, tell me.
S: Humph-that Trinian picked a large city with a rich cathedral-spilling a ton of money into Trinian’s fat pockets.
Dr. N: And what do you tell Trinian yourself?
S: Oh, I’m attracted to the fancy robes he wore-bright red-the finest of cloth-his Bishop’s ring which he loved-and all the gold and silver around. I also mention his desire to bask in adulation from his flock. Trinian can hide nothing from us-he wanted an easy, cushy life where he was well-fed.
Dr. N: Does he try to explain his motivations for choosing this life?
S: Yes, but Norcross reproaches him. He confronts Trinian on seducing a young girl in the vestry. (jovially) Yes, it actually happened! … So much for providing solace to parishioners. We know Trinian for who he really is-an outright rogue!
Dr. N: Does Trinian offer any excuses to the group for his conduct?
S: (subject becomes quieter) Oh, the usual. He got carried away with the girl’s need for him-she had no family-he was lonely in his choice of a celibate church life. He says he was trying to get away from the customary lives we all choose by going into the church-that he fell in love with the girl.
Dr. N: And how do you, Norcross and Dubri, feel about Trinian now?
S: (severely) We think he is trying to follow Vilo (as an advancing soul), but he failed. His pious intentions just didn’t work for him.
Dr. N: Allum, you sound rather cynical about Trinian’s attempts to improve himself and make changes. Tell me honestly, how do you feel about Trinian?
S: Oh, we are just teasing him … after all…
Dr. N: Your amusement sounds as if you are scornful over what may have been Trinian’s good intentions.
S: (sadly) You’re right … and we all know that … but, you see … Norcross, Dubri, and I… well, we don’t want to lose him from the group, too…
Dr. N: What does Vilo say about Trinian?
S: He defends Trinian’s original good intentions and tells him that he fell into a trap of self-gratification during this life in the church. Trinian wants too much admiration and attention.
Dr. N: Forgive me for passing judgment on your group, Allum, but it seems to me this is something you all want, except perhaps Vilo?
S: Hey, Vilo can be pretty smug. Let me tell you, his problem is conceit and Dubri tells him that in no uncertain terms.
Dr. N: And does Vilo deny it?
S: No, he doesn’t … he says at least he is working on it.
Dr. N: Who among you is the most sensitive to criticism?
S: (pause) Oh, I guess it would be Norcross, but it’s hard for all of us to accept our faults.
Dr. N: Level with me, Allum. Does it bother the members of your soul group when things can’t be hidden from the others-when all your shortcomings in a past life are revealed?
S: (pause) We are sensitive about it-but not morbid. There is great understanding here among us. I wanted to give artistic pleasure to people and grow through the meaning of art. So, what did I do? I ran around the Amsterdam canals a lot at night and got caught up in the fun and games. My original purpose was pushed aside.
Dr. N: If you admit all this to the group, what kind of feedback do you get? For example, how do you and Norcross regard each other?
S: Norcross often points out I hate to take responsibility for myself and others. With Norcross it’s wealth … he loves power … but we are both selfish … except that I am more vain. Neither of us gets many gold stars.
Dr. N: How does Dubri fit into your group with his faults?
S: He enjoys controlling others by leadership. He is a natural leader, more than the rest of us. He was a sea captain-a pirate-one tough individual. You wouldn’t want to cross him.
Dr. N: Was he cruel?
S: No, just hard. He was respected as a captain. Dubri was merciless against his opponents in sea battles, but he took care of his own men.
Dr. N: You have told me that Vilo assisted people who were in need on the road, but you haven’t said much about the positive side of your lives. Is anyone in your group given any gold stars for unselfish acts?
S: (intently) There is something else about Dubri …
Dr. N: What is that?
S: He did one outstanding thing. Once, during heavy seas, a sailor fell off the mast into the ocean and was drowning. Dubri tied a line around his waist and dove off the deck. He risked his life and saved a shipmate.
Dr. N: When this incident is discussed in your group, how do you all respond to Dubri?
S: We praise him for what he did with admiration in our minds. We came to the same conclusion that none of us could match this single act of courage in our last lives.
Dr. N: I see. Yet, Vilo’s life at the inn, feeding and housing people who could not pay him, may represent acts of unselfishness for a longer term and therefore is more praiseworthy?
S: Granted, and we give him that. (laughs) He gets more gold stars than Dubri.
Dr. N: Do you get any strokes from the group for your last life?
S: (pause) I had to scramble for patrons to survive as a painter, but I was good to people … it wasn’t much … I enjoyed giving pleasure. My group recognizes I had a good heart.
Every one of my clients has special attachments to their soul group, regardless of character makeup. People tend to think of souls in the free state as being without human deficiencies. Actually, I think there are many similarities between groups of souls close to each other and human family systems.
For instance, I see Norcross as the rebellious scapegoat for this group of souls, while he and Allum are the inventory takers for everyone’s shortcomings. Allum said Norcross is usually the first to openly scrutinize any rationalizations or self-serving justifications of past life failures offered by the other members. He appears to have the least self-doubt and emotional investment over standards of conduct. This may define his own insecurity, because Norcross is probably fighting the hardest to keep up with the advancing group.
I suspect Allum himself could be the group’s mascot (often the youngest child in human families), with all his clowning around, preening, and making light of serious issues. Some souls in spiritual groups do seem to me to be more fragile and protected than other group members. Vilo’s conduct demonstrates he is the current hero (or eldest family member), with his drive for excellence. I have the impression from Allum that Vilo is the least defiant of the group, partly because he has the best record of achievement in recent past lives. Just as in human family systems, the roles of spiritual group members can be switched around, but I was told Vilo’s kinetic energy is turning pink, signaling his growth into Level II.
I attach human labels on ethereal spirits because, after all, souls who come to Earth do show themselves through human characteristics.
However, I don’t see hatred, suspicion, and disrespect in soul groups.
In a climate of compassion, there are no power struggles for control among these peer groups whose members are unable to manipulate each other or keep secrets. Souls distrust themselves, not each other. I do see fortitude, desire, and the will to keep trying in their new physical lives. In an effort to confirm some of my observations about the social dynamics among spiritual group members in this case, I ask Allum a few more questions.
Dr. N: Allum, do you believe your criticism of each other is always constructive?
S: Sure, there is no real hostility. We have fun at each other’s expense-I admit that- but it’s just a form of … acknowledgement of who we really are, and where we should be going.
Dr. N: Is any member of your soul group ever made to feel shame or guilt about a past life?
S: Those are … human weapons… and too narrow for what we feel.
Dr. N: Well, let me approach your feelings as a soul in another way. Do you feel safer getting feedback from one of your group members more than another?
S: No, I don’t. We all respect each other immensely. The greatest criticism comes from within ourselves.
Dr. N: Do you have any regrets for your conduct in any past life?
S: (long pause) Yes … I feel sorry if I have hurt someone … and then have everyone here know all about my mistakes. But we learn.
Dr. N: And what do you do about this knowledge?
S: Talk among ourselves… and try to make amends the next time.
Dr. N: From what you told me earlier, I had the idea that you, Nor-cross, and Dubri might be releasing some pent-up feelings over your own shortcomings by dumping on each other.
S: (thoughtfully) We make cynical remarks, but it’s not like being human anymore. Without our bodies we take criticism a little differently. We see each other for who we are without resentment or jealousy.
Dr. N: I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but I just wondered if all this flamboyance exhibited by your group might indicate underlying feelings of unworthiness?
S: Oh, that’s something else again. Yes, we do get discouraged as souls, and feel unworthy about our abilities … to meet the confidence placed in us to improve.
Dr. N: So, while you have self-doubts about yourselves, it’s okay to make cynical remarks about each other’s motivations?
S: Of course, but we want to be recognized by one another for being sincere in working on our individual programs. Sometimes self-pride gets in the way and we use each other to move past this.
In the next passage of dialogue, I introduce another spiritual phenomenon relating to group healing. I have heard a number of variations about this activity which are supported by the interpretations of Case 21.
Dr. N: Now Allum, as long as we are discussing how your group members relate to each other, I want you to describe the spiritual energy by which you all are assisted in this process.
S: (hesitant) I’m not sure I can tell you …
Dr. N: Think carefully. Isn’t there another means by which your group is brought into harmony with each other with intelligent energy?
S: (long pause) Ah … you mean from the cones?
Dr. N: (the word “cone” is new to me, but I know I’m on the right track) Yes, the cones. Explain what you know about them relative to your group.
S: (slowly) Well, the cones do assist us.
Dr. N: Please continue, and tell me what the cone does. I think I have heard about this before, but I want your version.
S: It’s shaped to go around us, you know.
Dr. N: Shaped in what way? Try to be more explicit.
S: It is cylindrical-very bright-it is above and all around us. The cone is small at the top and wide at the bottom, so it fits over all of us-like getting under a great white cap-we can float under the cone in order to use it.
Dr. N: Are you sure this isn’t the shower of healing you experienced right after your return to the spirit world?
S: Oh no, that was more individual purification-to repair Earth damage. I thought you knew …
Dr. N: I do. I want you to explain how the cone is different from the shower of healing.
S: The top funnels energy down as a waterfall in a spreading circle around all of us and allows us to really concentrate on our mental sameness as a group.
Dr. N: And what do you feel when you are under the cone?
S: We can feel all our thoughts being expanded … then drawn up … and returned back … with more knowledge added.
Dr. N: Does this intelligent energy help your unity as a group in terms of more focused thinking?
S: Yes, it does.
Dr. N: (deliberately confrontational) To be frank with you, Allum, I wonder if this cone is brainwashing your original thoughts? After all, the arguments and disagreements between you and the others of your group are what make you individuals.
S: (laughs) We aren’t brainwashed! Don’t you know anything about the afterlife? It gives us more collective insight to work together.
Dr. N: Is the cone always available?
S: It is there when we need it.
Dr. N: Who operates the cone?
S: Those who watch over us.
Dr. N: Your guide?
S:(bursts out laughing) Shato? I think he is too busy traveling around on his circuit.
Dr. N: What do you mean?
S: We think of him as a circus master-a stage manager-of our group.
Dr. N: Does Shato take an active part in your group deliberations?
S: (shakes head) Not really-guides are above a lot of this stuff. We are left on our own quite a bit, and that’s fine.
Dr. N: Do you think there is one specific reason for the absences of Shato?
S: (pause) Oh, he probably gets bored with our lack of progress. He loves to show off as the master of ceremonies though.
Dr. N: In what way?
S: (chuckling) Oh, to suddenly appear in front of us during one of our heated debates-throwing off blue sparks-looking like a wizard who is an all-powerful moderator!
Dr. N: A wizard?
S: (still laughing) Shato appears in long, sapphire-blue robes with a tall, pointed hat. With his flowing white beard he looks simply great, and we do admire him.
Dr. N: I get the picture of a spiritual Merlin.
S: An Oriental Merlin, if you will. Very inscrutable sometimes. He loves making a grand entrance in full costume, especially when we are about to choose another life. He knows how much we appreciate his act.
Dr. N: With all this stage management, I am curious if Shato has much emotional connection to your group as a serious guide.
S: (scoffing at me) Listen, he knows we are a wild bunch, and he plays to that as a non-conformist himself-but he is also very wise.
Dr. N: Is Shato indulgent with your group? He doesn’t seem to limit your extravagance very much.
S: Shato gets results from us because he is not heavy-handed or preachy. That wouldn’t sit well with our people. We respect him.
Dr. N: Do you see Shato as a consultant who comes only once in a while to observe, or as an active supervisor?
S: He will pop in unannounced to set up a problem for our discussions. Then he leaves, coming back later to listen to how we might solve certain things …
Dr. N: Give me an example of a major problem with your group.
S: (pause) Shato knows we identify too much as actors playing parts on Earth. He hits … on superficiality. He is trying to get us to cast ourselves from the inside out, rather than the reverse.
Dr. N: So Shato’s instruction is serious, but he knows you all like to have fun along the way?
S: Yeah, that’s why Shato is with us, I think. He knows we waste opportunities. He assists us in interpreting the predicaments we get into in order to get the best out of us.
Dr. N: From what you have told me, I have the impression that your spiritual group is run as a kind of workshop directed by your guide.
S: Yes, he builds up our morale and keeps us going.
Unlike educational classrooms or therapy groups on Earth, I have learned teacher- counselors in the spirit world are not confined as group activity leaders on a continuous basis. Although Shato and his students are a colorful family of souls, there is much here that is typical of all cluster groups. A guide’s leadership is more parental than dictatorial. In this case, Shato is a directive counselor while not being possessive, nor does he pose a threat to the group. There is warm acceptance of these young souls by this empathic guide, who seems to cater to their masculine inclinations. I will close this case with a few final questions about the group as a spiritual unit.
Dr. N: Why is your group so male-oriented on Earth?
S: Earth is an action planet which rewards physical exertion. We are inclined to male roles so we can grab hold and mold events … to dominate our surroundings … to be recognized.
Dr. N: Women are also influential in society. How can your group hope to progress without more experience in female roles?
S: We know this, but we have such a fierce desire to be independent. In fact, we often expend too much energy for too little return, but the female aspects don’t interest us as much right now.
Dr. N: If you have no female counterparts in your immediate group, where do you go for those entities to complement your lives on Earth?
S: Nearby there are some who relate better to female roles. I get along with Josey- she has been with me in some of my lives-Trinian is attached to Nyala-and there are others
Dr. N: Allum, I would like to end our conversation about your spiritual associations by asking you what you know about the origin of your group.
S: (long pause) I … can’t tell you … we just came together at one time.
Dr. N: Well, someone had to bring those of you with the same attributes together. Do you think it was God?
S: (puzzled) No, below the source … the higher ones …
Dr. N: Shato, or other guides like him?
S: No, higher, I think… the planners… I don’t know any more.
Dr. N: A while back you told me some of your old friends were reducing their active participation in your group due to their development. Do you ever get new members?
S: Never.
Dr. N: Is this because a new member might have trouble assimilating with the rest of you?
S: (laughs) We aren’t that bad! It’s just we are too closely connected by thought for an outsider, and they would not have shared our past experiences.
Dr. N: During your discussions about these past lives together, does your group believe it contributes to the betterment of human society?
S: (pause) We want our presence in a community to challenge conventions-to question basic assumptions. I think we bring nerve into our physical lives-and laughter, too …
Dr. N: And when your spiritual group has finished discussing what is necessary to further your aims, do you look forward to a new life?
S: (zestfully) Oh yeah! Every time I leave for a new role on Earth, I say goodbye with, “See you all back here A.D. (after death):’
This case is an example of like-minded souls with ego-inflating needs who support and validate each other’s feelings and attitudes. Herein lies the key to understanding the formation of soul groups. I have learned that many spiritual clusters have sub- groups made up of entities whose identities are linked by similar issues blocking their advancement. Even so, these souls do have differences in strengths and weaknesses. Each group member contributes their best attributes toward advancing the goals of others in the family.
I do not want to leave the impression from Case 21 that the few remaining souls in this inner circle of close friends represent the behavior traits of everyone in the original cluster. When a primary group of, say fifteen or twenty souls is formed, there are marked similarities in talent and interests.
But a support group is also designed to have differences in disposition, feelings, and reactions.
Typically, my subjects report a male-female oriented mixture of one or more of the following character types in their groups:
1) Courageous, resilient, a tenacious survivor.
2) Gentle, quiet, devoted, and rather innocent.
3) Fun-loving, humorous, a jokester and risk-taker.
4) Serious, dependable, cautious.
5) Flamboyant, enthusiastic, frank.
6) Patient, steady, perceptive.
7) Thoughtful, calculating, determined.
8) Innovative, resourceful, adaptable.
These differences give a group balance. However, if an entire group displays a strong tendency toward flamboyance or daring, the most cautious member would appear less so to another group of souls.
There is no question that the souls in Case 21 are in for a long development period.
Yet they do contribute to the vitality of earth. Subsequent questioning of this subject revealed the paths of these souls continue to cross in the twentieth century. For instance, Allum is a graphic designer and part-time professional guitar player involved with Josey, who is a singer. The fact that the closely-knit souls in this case were so male-oriented in their physical lives does hot take away from their ability to associate with young souls with predominantly female preferences. Cluster groups are gender-mixed. As I have mentioned, truly advanced souls have balanced gender preferences in their physical life choices.
The desire for expression of self-identity is an important motivating factor for souls choosing to come to Earth to learn practical lessons. Sometimes a reason for discomfort with the lower level soul is the discrepancy in perception of Self in their free soul state, compared to how they act in human bodies. Souls can get confused with who they are in life. Case 21 did not seem to exhibit any conflict in this area, but I question the rate of growth achieved by Allum in recent past lives. However, the basic experience of living a life may compensate, to some extent, for the lack of insight gained from that life.
Our shortcomings and moral conflicts are recognized as faults far more in the spirit world than on Earth. We have seen how the nuances of decision-making are dissected and analyzed in spiritual groups. Cluster members have worked together for such a long time in earth years that entities become accountable to each other and the group as a whole. This fosters a great sense of belonging in all spiritual groups, and can give the appearance of thought barriers between clusters, especially with souls in the lower levels. Nevertheless, while rejection and loneliness is part of every soul’s life in human form, in the spirit world our individual ego-identity is constantly enhanced by warm peer group socialization.
The social structure of soul groups is not the same as groups of people on Earth.
Although there is some evidence of paired friendships, I don’t hear about cliques, stars of attraction, or isolated souls within clusters. I am told souls do spend time alone in the silence of personal reflection when attached to a group. Souls are intimate entities in their family relationships on Earth and engagement in group community life in the spirit world. And yet, souls do learn much from solitude.
I understand from my white-light subjects that souls at the beginning levels are frequently separated from their groups to individually work on simple energy projects. One rather young soul recalled being alone in an enclosure trying to put together “a moving puzzle” of dissembled geometric shapes of cylinders, spheres, cubes, and squares with self-produced energy. It was described as being “multi- dimensional, colorful, and holographic” in nature. He said, “We have to learn to intensify our energy to bring the diffused and jumbled into focus to give it some kind of basic shape.” Another subject added, “These tests give the Watchers information about our imagination, creativity, and ingenuity, and they offer us encouragement rather than being judgmental.”
Souls on all levels engage in another all important activity when they are alone.They are expected to spend time mentally concentrating on helping those on Earth (or other physical worlds) whom they have known and cared about.
From what I can gather, they go to a space some call the place of projection.
Here they enter an “interdimensional field of floating, silvery-blue energy,” and project outward to a geographical area of their choosing. I am told this is a mental exercise in “holding and releasing positive vibrational energy to create a territory.”
This means souls ride on their thought waves to specific people, buildings, or a given area of land in an attempt to comfort or effect change.
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The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls (full text) by Michael Newton (part 1b) with world-line (MWI) annotations.
Multiple Part Post
This post is a multiple part post. I have labeled them…
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1a
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1b – This post.
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1c
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1d
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1e
AFTER those entities who meet us during our homecoming have dispersed, we are ready to be taken to a space of healing. This will be followed by another stop involving the soul’s reorientation to a spiritual environment. In this place we are often examined by our guide.
I tend to call the cosmology of all spiritual locations as places, or spaces, simply for convenient identification because we are dealing with a non-physical universe. The similarity of descriptions among clients of what they do as souls at the next two combined stops is remarkable, although they do have different names for them. I hear such terms as: chambers, travel berths, and interspace stop over zones, but the most common is “the place of healing.”
I think of the healing station as a field hospital, or MASH unit, for damaged souls coming off Earth’s battlefields. I have selected a rather advanced male subject who has been through this revitalization process many times to describe the nature of this next stop.
Case 11 – The Revitalization process.
Dr. N: After you leave the friends who greeted you following your death, where does your soul go next in the spirit world?
S: I am alone for a while … moving through vast distances …
Dr. N: Then what happens to you?
S: I am being guided by a force I can’t see, into a more enclosed space-an opening into a place of pure energy.
Dr. N: What is this area like?
S: For me … it is the vessel of healing.
Dr. N: Give me as much detail as possible about what you experience here.
S: I’m propelled in and I see a bright warm beam. It reaches out to me as a stream of liquid energy. There is a … vapor-like … steam swirling around me at first … then gently touching my soul as if it were alive. Then it is absorbed into me as fire and I am bathed and cleansed from my hurts.
Dr. N: Is someone bathing you, or is this light beam enveloping you from out of nowhere?
S: I am alone, but it is directed. My essence is being bathed … restoring me after my exposure to Earth.
Dr. N: I have heard this place is similar to taking a refreshing shower after a hard day’s work.
S: (laughs) After a lifetime of work. It’s better and you don’t get wet, either.
Dr. N: You also don’t have a physical body anymore, so how can this energy shower heal a soul?
S: By reaching into … my being. I’m so tired from my last life and with the body I had.
Dr. N: Are you saying the ravages of the physical body and the human mind leaves an emotional mark on the soul after death?
S: God, yes’. My very expression-who I am as a being-was affected by the brain and body I occupied.
Dr. N: Even though you are now separated from that body forever?
S: Each body leaves … an imprint … on you, at least for a while. There are some bodies I have had that I can never get away from altogether. Even though you are free of them you keep some of the outstanding memories of your bodies in certain lives.
Dr. N: Okay, now I want you to finish with your shower of healing and tell me what you feel.
S: I am suspended in the light … it permeates through my soul … washing out most of the negative viruses. It allows me to let go of the bonds of my last life … bringing about my transformation so I can become whole again.
Dr. N: Does the shower have the same effect upon everyone?
S: (pause) When I was younger and less experienced, I came here more damaged- the energy here seemed less effective because I didn’t know how to use it to completely purge the negativity. I carried old wounds with me longer despite the healing energy.
Dr. N: I think I understand. So, what do you do now?
S: When I am restored, I leave here and go to a quiet place to talk to my guide.
This place I have come to call the shower of healing is only a prelude for the rehabilitation of returning souls. The orientation stage which immediately follows (especially with younger souls), involves a substantial counseling session with one’s guide. The newly refreshed soul arrives at this station to undergo a debriefing of the life just ended. Orientation is also designed as an intake interview to provide further emotional release and readjustment back into the spirit world.
People in hypnosis who discuss the type of counseling which goes on during orientation say their guides are gentle but probing. Imagine your favorite elementary school teacher and you have the idea. Think of a firm but concerned entity who knows all about your learning habits, your strong and weak points, and your fears, who is always ready to work with you as long as you continue to try.

When you don’t, everything remains stationary in your development. Nothing can be hidden by students from their Spiritual teachers. No subterfuge or deception exists in a telepathic world.
There are a multitude of differences in orientation scenes depending upon the souls’ individual makeup and their state of mind after the life just ended. Souls report their orientation often takes place in a room. The furnishings of these settings and the intensity of this first conference can vary after each life.
The case below gives a brief example of an orientation scene which attests to the desire of higher forces to bring comfort to the returning soul.
Case 12 – Comfort to a returning soul.
S: At the center of this place I found my bedroom where I was so happy as a child. I see my rose-covered wallpaper and four-poster bed with the squeaky springs under a thick, pink quilt made for me by my grandmother. My grandmother and I used to have heart-to-heart chats whenever I was troubled and she is here, too-just sitting on the edge of my bed with my favorite stuffed animals around her-waiting for me. Her wrinkled face is full of love, as always. After a while I see she is actually my guide Amephus.
I talk to Amephus about the sad and happy times of the life I have finished. I know I made mistakes, but she is so kind to me. We laugh and cry together while I reminisce. Then we discuss all the things I didn’t do that I might have done with my life. But in the end it’s okay. She knows I must rest in this beautiful world. I’m going to relax. I don’t care if I ever go back to Earth again because my real home is here.
Apparently, the more advanced souls do not require any orientation at this stage. This does not mean the ten percent of my clients in this category just sail right by their guides with a wave upon their return from Earth.
Everybody is held accountable for their past lives.
Performance is judged upon how each individual interpreted and acted upon their life roles. Intake interviews for the advanced souls are conducted with master teachers later. The less experienced entities are usually given special attention by counselors because the abrupt transition from the physical to a spiritual form is more difficult for them.
The next case I have selected has a more in-depth therapeutic spiritual orientation.
The exploration of attitudes and feelings with a view to reorienting future behavior is typical of guides. The client in Case 13 is a strong, imposing thirty-two-year-old woman of above-average height and weight. Dressed in jeans, boots, and a loose- fitting sweat shirt, Hester arrived at my office one day in a state of agitation.
Her presenting problems fell into three parts. She was dissatisfied with her life as a successful real estate broker as being too materialistic and unfulfilling. Hester also felt she lacked feminine sexuality. She mentioned having a closet full of beautiful clothes which were “hateful to wear.” This client then told me how she had easily manipulated men all her life because, “There is a male aggression about me which also makes me feel incomplete as a woman.” As a young girl, she avoided dolls and wearing dresses because she was more interested in competitive sports with boys. Her masculine feelings had not changed with age, although she had found a man who became her husband because he accepted her dominance in their relationship. Hester said she enjoyed sex with him as long as she was in physical control and that he found this exciting. In addition, my client complained of headaches on the right side of her head above the ear which, after extensive medical examinations, doctors had attributed to stress.
During our session, I learned this subject had experienced a recent series of male lives, culminating with a short life as a prosecuting attorney called Ross Feldon in the state of Oklahoma during the 1880s. As Ross, my client had committed suicide at age thirty-three in a hotel room by shooting himself in the head. Ross was in despair over the direction his life had taken as a courtroom prosecutor.

As the dialogue progresses, the reader will notice displays of intense emotion. Regression therapists call this “heightened response” being in a state of revivification (meaning to give new life) as opposed to the alternative trance state where subjects are observer-participants.
Case 13 – A stern talking to.
Dr. N: Now that you have left the shower of healing, where are you going?
S: (apprehensively) To see my advisor.
Dr. N: And who is that?
S: (pause) … Dees … no … his name is Clodees.
Dr. N: Did you talk to Clodees when you entered the spirit world?
S: I wasn’t ready yet. I just wanted to see my parents.
Dr. N: Why are you going to see Clodees now?
S: I … am going to have to make some kind of … accounting … of myself. We go through this after all my lives, but this time I’m really in the soup.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Because I killed myself.
Dr. N: When a person kills himself on Earth does this mean they will receive some sort of punishment as a spirit?
S: No, no, there is no such thing here as punishment-that’s an Earth condition. Clodees will be disappointed that I bailed out early and didn’t have the courage to face my difficulties. By choosing to die as I did means I have to come back later and deal with the same thing all over again in a different life. I just wasted a lot of time by checking out early.
Dr. N: So, no one will condemn you for committing suicide?
S: (reflects for a moment) Well, my friends won’t give me any pats on the back either-I feel sadness at what I did.
Note: This is the usual spiritual attitude toward suicide, but I want to add that those who escape from chronic physical pain or almost total incapacity on Earth by killing themselves feel no remorse as souls. Their guides and friends also have a more accepting view toward this motivation for suicide.
Dr. N: All right, let’s proceed into your conference with Clodees. First describe your surroundings as you enter this space to see your advisor.
S: I go into a room-with walls … (laughs) Oh, it’s the Buckhorn!
Dr. N: What’s that?

S: A great cattleman’s bar in Oklahoma. I was happy as a patron there-friendly atmosphere-beautiful wood paneling-the stuffed leather chairs. (pause) I see Clodees is sitting at one of the tables waiting for me. Now we are going to talk.
Dr. N: How do you account for an Oklahoma bar in the spirit world?
S: It’s one of the nice things they do for you to ease your mind, but that’s where it ends. (then with a deep sigh) This talk is not going to be like a party at the bar.
Dr. N: You sound a little depressed at the prospect of an intimate conversation with your guide about your last life?
S: (defensively) Because I blew it! I have to see him to explain why things didn’t work out. Life is so hard! I try to do it right… but …
Dr. N: Do what right?
S: (with anguish) I had an agreement with Clodees to work on setting goals and then following through. He had expectations for me as Ross. Damn! Now I have to face him with this.
Dr. N: You don’t feel you met the contract you had with your advisor about lessons to be learned as Ross?
S: (impatiently) No, I was terrible. And, of course, I’ll have to do it all over again. We never seem to get it perfect. (pause) You know, if it weren’t for Earth’s beauty- the birds-flowers-trees-I would never go back. It’s too much trouble.
Dr. N: I can see you are upset, but don’t you think …
S: (breaks in with agitation) You can’t get away with a thing either. Everybody here knows you so well. There is nothing I can keep from Clodees.

Dr. N: I want you to take a deep breath and go further into the Buckhorn Bar and tell me what you do.
S: (subject gulps and squares her shoulders) I float in and sit down across from Clodees at a round table near the front of the bar.
Dr. N: Now that you are near Clodees, do you think he is as upset as you are over this past life?
S: No, I’m more upset with myself over what I did and didn’t do and he knows that. Advisors can be displeased but they don’t humiliate us, they are too superior for that.
The counseling input of a directive guide gives the healing process of our soul a boost during orientation, but that does not mean the defensive barriers to progress are completely removed. The painful emotional memories from our past do not die as easily as our bodies. Hester must see her negative past life script as Ross clearly, without distorted perceptions.
Recreating spiritual orientation scenes during hypnosis assists me as a therapist. I have found the techniques of psychodramatic role playing to be useful in exposing feelings and old beliefs related to current behavior. Case 13 had quite a long orientation which I have condensed. At this juncture of the case I shifted my questioning to involve the subject’s guide.
As the proceedings unfold with Ross Feldon’s life, I will take the roll of a third party intermediary between Ross and Clodees. Within this counseling mode I also want to initiate a role transference where Hester-Ross will speak the thoughts of Clodees. The integration of a subject with their guide is a means of eliciting assistance from these higher entities and bringing problems into sharper focus. I sometimes sense even my own guide is directing me in these sessions.
I am cautious about summoning up guides without good cause. Facilitating communication directly with a client’s guide always has an uncertain outcome. If my intrusion is clumsy or unnecessary, guides will block a subject’s response by silence or use metaphoric language which is obscure.
I have had guides speak through a subject’s vocal chords in raspy tones which are so discordant I can hardly understand the responses to questions. When subjects talk for their guides, rather than guides speaking for themselves through the subject, usually the cadence of speech is not as broken. In this case, Clodees comes through Hester-Ross easily and allows me some latitude in working with his client.
Dr. N: Ross, we both need to understand what is happening psychologically to you right from the start of your orientation with Clodees. I want you to assist me. Are you willing to do this?
S: Yes, I am.
Dr. N: Good, and now you are going to be able to do something unusual. On the count of three, you will have the ability to assume the dual roles of Clodees and yourself. This ability will enable you to speak to me about your thoughts and those of your guide as well. It will seem that you will actually become your guide when I question you. Are you ready?
S: (with hesitation) I … think so.
Dr. N: (rapidly) One-two-three! ( I place my palm on the subject’s forehead to stimulate the transference.) Now be Clodees speaking his thoughts through you. You are sitting at a table across from the soul of Ross Feldon. What do you say to him? Quickly! I want the subject to react without thinking critically about the difficulty of my command)
S: Subject reacts slowly, speaking as his own guide) You know… you could have done better.
Dr. N: Quickly now-be Ross Feldon again. Move to the other side of the table and answer Clodees.
S: I… tried … but I fell short of the goal
Dr. N: Switch places again. Become the voice of Clodees’ thoughts and answer Ross. Quickly!
S: If you could change anything about your life, what would it be?
Dr. N: Respond as Ross.
S: Not to be … corrupted … by power and money.
Dr. N: Answer as Clodees.
S: Why did you let these things detract from your original commitment?
Dr. N: (I lower my voice) You are doing fine. Keep switching chairs back and forth at the table. Now answer your guide’s question.
S: I wanted to belong… to feel important in the community… to rise above others and be admired … for my strength.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: Especially by women. I observed you tried to dominate them sexually as well, making conquests without attachments.
Dr. N: Speak as Ross.
S: Yes … that’s true … (shakes head from side to side) I don’t have to explain-you know everything anyway.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: Oh, but you do. You must bring your self-awareness to bear on these matters.
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: (defiantly) If I hadn’t exerted power over these people they would have controlled me.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: This lacks merit and was unworthy of you. What you became is not how you started. We chose your parents carefully.
Note: The Feldon family were farmers of modest means who displayed honesty, forbearance, and sacrificed much so Ross could study law.
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: (in a rush) Yes-I know-they brought me up to be idealistic-to help the little guy, and I wanted this, too, but it didn’t work for me. You saw what happened. I was in debt when I began as a lawyer…ineffective … of no consequence. I didn’t want to be poor anymore, defending people who couldn’t pay me. I hated the farm-the pigs and the cows. I liked being around substantial people and when I joined the establishment as a prosecutor, I had the idea of reforming the system and helping farm people. It was the system that was wrong.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: Ah, you were corrupted by the system-explain this to me.
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: (hotly) People had to pay fines they couldn’t afford-others I sent to jail because of offenses they didn’t mean to commit – others I had hung! (voice breaks) I became a legal killer.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: Why did you feel responsible for prosecuting criminals who were guilty of hurting others?
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: Few of those … most were … just ordinary people like my parents who got caught up in the system … needing money to survive … and there were those who were … sick in the head
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: What about the victims of the people you prosecuted? Didn’t you choose a life of law to help society and to make the farms and the towns safer with justice?
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: (loudly) Don’t you see, it didn’t work for me-I was turned into a murderer by a primitive society!
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: And so you murdered yourself?
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: I got off track… I couldn’t go back to being a nobody… and I couldn’t go forward.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: Too easily you became a participant with those whose motivations were for personal gain and notoriety. This was not you. Why did you hide from yourself?
Dr. N: Answer as Ross.
S: (with anger) Why didn’t you help me more-when I started as a public defender?
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: What benefit do you get from thinking I should pick you up at every turn?
Dr. N: (I ask Hester to respond as Ross, but when she remains silent after the last question, I step in) Ross, if I may interrupt-I believe Clodees is inquiring into the payoff for you from both the pain you feel now and strokes you get from blaming him over your last life.
S: (pause) Wanting sympathy … I guess.
Dr. N: Okay, respond as Clodees to this thought.
S: (very slowly) What more would you have me do? You didn’t reach far enough inside yourself. I placed thoughts in your mind of temperance, moderation, responsibility, original goals, your parents’ love-you ignored these thoughts and were stubborn to alternative action.
S: (Ross responds without my command) I know I missed the signs you set up … I wasted opportunities … I was afraid …
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees to your statement.
S: What do you value most about who you are?
Dr. N: Answer your guide.
S: That I had the desire to change things on Earth. I started with wanting to make a difference for the people of Earth.
Dr. N: Respond as Clodees.
S: You left that assignment early and now I see you missing opportunities again- being afraid to take risks-taking paths which damage you-trying to become someone who is not you and there is sadness again.
Recreating the orientation stage does produce abrupt transitions during my hypnosis sessions. While Case 13 is speaking as Clodees, notice how her responses take on a more lucid and decisive quality which is different from either my client Hester, or her former self as Ross. I am not always successful with my subjects translating their guides’ comments so insightful[y in former spiritual orientations. Nevertheless, past life memories often spill over into contemporary problems in whatever spiritual setting is selected.
Whether my subject or her guide actually directed the conversation in the Buckhorn Bar scene while I moved the time frame around does not matter to me. After all, Ross Feldon as a person is dead.
But Hester is caught in the same quagmire, and I want to do what I can to break this destructive pattern of behavior. I spend a few minutes reviewing with this subject what her guide has indicated about lack of self- concept, alienation, and lost values. After asking Clodees for his continued assistance, I close the orientation scene and immediately take Hester to a later spiritual stage just before her rebirth today.
Dr. N: With all the knowledge of who you were as Ross, and having a greater understanding of your real spiritual identity after your stay in the spirit world, why did you choose your current body?
S: I chose to be a woman so people would not feel intimidated by me.
Dr. N: Really? Then why did you take the body of such a strong, forceful woman in the twentieth century?
S: They won’t see a prosecuting attorney dressed in black in a courtroom-this time I am a surprise package!
Dr. N: A surprise package? What does that mean?
S: As a woman, I knew I would be less intimidating to men. I can catch them off guard and scare them to death.
Dr. N: What kind of men?
S: The big guys-the power structure in society-catch then when they are lulled into a false sense of security because I’m a woman.
Dr. N: Catch them and do what?
S: (drives her right fist into the left palm) Nail them-to save the little guy from the sharks who want to eat up all the small fish in this world.
Dr. N: (I move my subject into the present while she remains in the superconscious state) Let me understand your reason for choosing to be a woman in this life. You wanted to help the same sort of people who you were unable to help as a man in your previous life-is this correct?
S: (sadly) Yeah, but it’s not the best way. It’s not working out for me like I thought. I’m still too strong and macho. Energy is pouring out of me in the wrong direction.
Dr. N: What wrong direction?
S: (wistfully) I’m doing it again. Misusing people. I chose the body of a woman who is intimidating to men and I don’t feel like a woman.
Dr. N: Give me an example?
S: Sexually and in business. I’m in the power game again … pushing aside principles … getting off track as before (as Ross). This time I manipulate real estate deals. I’m too interested in acquiring money. I want status.
Dr. N: And how does this hurt you, Hester?
S: The influence of money and position is a drug to me as it was in my last life. My being a woman now has done nothing to change my desire to control people. So … stupid …
Dr. N: Then do you think your motivations were wrong in choosing to be a female?
S: Yes, I do feel more natural living as a man. But I thought as a woman this time around I would be… more subtle. I wanted this chance to try again in a different sex and Clodees let me take it. (client slumps down in her chair) What a blunder.

Dr. N: Don’t you think you are being a little hard on yourself, Hester? I have the sense you also chose to be a woman because you wanted a woman’s insight and intuition to give you a different perspective to tackle your lessons. You can have masculine energy, if you want to call it that, and still be feminine.
Before finishing this case, I should touch on the issue of homosexuality. Most of my subjects select the bodies of one gender over another 75 percent of the time. This pattern is true of all but the advanced souls, who maintain more of a balance in choosing to be men and women. A gender preference by a majority of earthbound souls does not mean they are unhappy the other 25 percent of the time as males or females.
Hester is not necessarily gay or hi-sexual because of her body choice. Homosexuals may or may not be comfortable with their anatomy as humans. When I do have a client who is gay, they often ask if their homosexuality is the result of choosing to be “‘the wrong sex” in this life. When their sessions are over this inquiry is usually answered.
Regardless of the circumstances which lead souls to make gender choices, this decision was made before arriving on Earth. Sometimes I find that gay people have chosen in advance of their current lives to experiment with a sex that was seldom used in former lives.
Being gay carries a sexual stigma in our society which presents a more difficult road in life. When this road is chosen by one of my clients, it can usually be traced to a karmic need to accelerate personal understanding of the complex differences in gender identity as related to certain events in their past. Case 13 chose to be a woman in this life to try and get over the stumbling blocks experienced as Ross Feldon.
Would Hester have benefited from knowing about her past as Ross from birth rather than having to wait over thirty years and undergo hypnosis?
Having no conscious memory of our former existences is called amnesia.
This human condition is perplexing to people attracted to reincarnation. Why should we have to grope around in life trying to figure out who we are and what we are supposed to do and wondering if some spiritual divinity really cares about us? I closed my session with this woman by asking about her amnesia.
Dr. N: Why do you think you had no conscious memory about your life as Ross Feldon?
S: When we choose a body and make a plan before coming back to Earth, there is an agreement with our advisors.
Dr. N: An agreement about what?
S: We agree … not to remember … other lives.
Dr. N: Why?
S: Learning from a blank slate is better than knowing in advance what could happen to you because of what you did before.
Dr. N: But wouldn’t knowing about your past life mistakes be valuable in avoiding the same pitfalls in this life?
S: If people knew all about their past, many might pay too much attention to it rather than trying out new approaches to the same problem. The new life must be… taken seriously.
Dr. N: Are there any other reasons?
S: (pause) Without having old memories, our advisors say there is less preoccupation for … trying to … avenge the past … to get even for the wrongs done to you.
Dr. N: Well, it seems to me that so far this has been part of the motivation and conduct in your life as Hester.
S: (forcefully) That’s why I came to you.
Dr. N: And do you still think a total blackout of our eternal spiritual life on Earth is essential to progress?
S: Normally, yes, but it’s not a total blackout. We get flashes from dreams… during times of crisis… people have an inner knowing of what direction to take when it is necessary. And sometimes your friends can fudge a little …
Dr. N: By friends, you mean entities from the spirit world?
S: Uh-huh… they give you hints, by flashing ideas-I’ve done it.
Dr. N: Nevertheless, you had to come to me to unlock your conscious amnesia.
S: (pause) We have … the capacity to know when it is necessary. I was ready for change when I heard about you. Clodees allowed me to see the past with you because it was to my benefit.
Dr. N: Otherwise, your amnesia would have remained intact?
S: Yes, that would have meant I wasn’t supposed to know certain things yet.
In my opinion, when clients are unable to go into hypnosis at any given time, or if they have only sketchy memories in trance, there is a reason this blockage. This does not mean these people have no past memories, that they are not ready to have them exposed.
My client knew something was hindering her growth and wanted it revealed. The superconscious identity of the soul houses our continuous memory, including goals. When the time in our lives is appropriate, we must harmonize human material needs with our soul’s purpose for being ‘. I try to take a common sense approach in bringing past and present experiences into alignment.

Our eternal identity never leaves us alone in the bodies we choose, despite our current status. In reflection, meditation, or prayer, the memories of who we really are do filter down to us in selective thought each day. In small, intuitive ways- through the cloud of amnesia-we are given clues the justification of our being.
After desensitizing the source of her headaches, I completed my session with Hester by reinforcing her choice to be a woman for reasons other than intimidating men. I gave her permission to lower her defenses a little and be less aggressive.
We discussed options for restructuring occupational goals toward the helping professions and the possibilities of volunteer service work. She was finally able to see her life today as a great opportunity for learning rather than a failure of gender choice.
After a case is completed, I never cease to admire the brutal honesty of souls. When a soul has lead a productive life beneficial to themselves and those around them, I notice they return to the spirit world with enthusiasm. However, when subjects like Case 13 report they wasted a past life, especially from early suicide, then they describe going back rather dejected.
When orientation is upsetting to a subject, I find an underlying reason is the abruptness with which a soul is once again in full possession of all knowledge. After physical death, unencumbered by a human body, the soul has a sudden influx of perception. The stupid things we did in life hit us hard in orientation. I see more relaxation and greater clarity of thought move my subjects further into the spirit world.
Souls are created in a positive matrix of such love and wisdom that when a soul starts to come to a planet like Earth and join the physical beings who have evolved from a primitive state, the violence is a shock. Humans have the raw, negative emotions of anger and hate as an outgrowth of their fear and pain connected with survival going back to the Stone Age.
Both positive and negative emotions are mixed between soul and host for their mutual benefit. If a soul only knew love and peace, it would gain no insight and never truly appreciate the value of these positive feelings. The test of reincarnation for a soul coming to Earth is the conquering of fear in a human body. A soul grows by trying to overcome all negative emotions connected to fear through perseverance in many lifetimes, often returning to the spirit world bruised or hurt, as Case 13 indicated. Some of this negativity can be retained, even in the spirit world, and may reappear in another life with a new body. On the other hand, there is a trade-off. It’s in joy and unabashed pleasure that the true nature of an individual soul is revealed on earth in the face of a happy human being.
Orientation conferences with our guides allow us to begin the long process of self-evaluation between lives. Soon we will have another conference, this time with more master beings in attendance. In the last chapter, I referred to the ancient Egyptian tradition of newly deceased souls being taken into a Hall of Judgement to account for their past life. In one form or another, the concept of a torturous courtroom trial awaiting us right after death has been part of the religious belief system of many cultures.

Occasionally, a susceptible individual in a traumatic situation will say they had an out-of-body experience with nightmarish visions of being taken by frightening specters into an afterlife of darkness where they were sentenced in front of demonic judges.
In these cases, I suspect a strong preconditioned belief system of hell.
In the quiet, relaxing state of hypnosis, with continuity on all mental levels, my subjects report that the initial orientation session with their guides prepares them to go before a panel of superior beings.
However, the words courtroom and trial are not used to describe these proceedings.
A number of my cases have called these wise beings, directors and even judges, but most refer to them as a Council of Masters or Elders. This board of review is generally composed of between three and seven members and since souls appear before them after arriving at their home base, I will go into this conference in more detail at the end of the next chapter.
All soul evaluation conferences, be they with our guides, peers, or a panel of masters have one thing in common. The feedback and past life analyses we receive in terms of judgement is based upon the original intent of our choices as much as the actions of a lifetime.
Our motivations are questioned and criticized, but not condemned in such a way as to make us suffer.
As I explained in Chapter Four, this does not mean souls are exonerated for their acts which harmed others simply because they are sorry. Karmic payment will come in a future life. I have been told that our spiritual masters constantly remind us that because the human brain does not have an innate moral sense of ethics, conscience is the soul’s responsibility. Nevertheless, there is overwhelming forgiveness in the spirit world. This world is ageless and so too are our learning tasks. We will be given other chances in our struggle for growth.
When the initial conference with our guide is over, we leave the place of orientation and join a coordinated flow of activity involving the transit of enormous numbers of other souls into a kind of central receiving station.
ALL souls, regardless of experience, eventually arrive at a central port in the spirit world which I call the staging area.
I have said there are variations in the speed of soul movement right after death, depending upon spiritual maturity. Once past the orientation station there seems to be no further travel detours for anyone entering this space of the spirit world.
Apparently, large numbers of returning souls are conveyed in a spiritual form of mass transit.

Sometimes souls are escorted by their guides to this area. I find this practice is especially true for the younger souls. Others are directed through by an unseen force which pulls them into the staging area and then beyond to waiting entities. From what I am able to determine, accompaniment by other entities depends upon the volition of one’s guide. In most cases haste is not an issue, but souls do not dawdle along on this leg of their journey. The feelings we have along this path depend on our state of mind after each life.
The assembly and transfer of souls really involves two phases.
The staging area is not an encampment space. Spirits are brought in, collected, and then projected out to their proper final destinations. When I hear accounts of this particular junction, I visualize myself walking with large numbers of travelers through the central terminal of a metropolitan airport which has the capacity to fly all of us out in any direction. One of my clients described the staging area as resembling the hub of a great wagon wheel, where we are transported from a center along the spokes to our designated places.”
My subjects say this region appears to them as having a large number of unacquainted spirits moving in and out of the hub in an efficient manner with no congestion. Another person called this area “the Los Angeles freeway without gridlock.” There may be other similar wheel hubs with freeway-type on and off ramps in the spirit world, but each client considers their own route to and from this center to be the only one.
In these special hubs, it really isn’t all that crowded It’s more like going to a bank on on off-hour during the weekday, or entering a mall when everyone else is at work. It’s mostly empty, but there are entities moving about here and there.
And no, I have no idea why I ended up attached to “VIP” or “special access” hubs.
The observations I hear about the nature of the spirit world when entering the staging area have definitely changed from those first impressions of layering and foggy stratification.
It is as if the soul is now traveling through the loosely-wound arms of a mighty galactic cloud into a more unified celestial field. While their spirits hover in the open arena of the staging area preparing for further transport out to prescribed spaces, I enjoy listening to the excitement in the voices of my subjects. They are dazzled by an eternal world spread out before them and believe that somewhere within lies the nucleus of creation.
When they look at the fully opened canopy around them, subjects will state that the spirit world appears to be of varied luminescence. I hear nothing about the inky blackness we associate with deep space.
The gatherings of souls that clients see in the foreground in this amphitheater appear as myriads of sharp star lights all going in different directions. Some move fast while others drift. The more distant energy concentrations have been pictured as “islands of misty veils.” I am told the most outstanding characteristic of the spirit world is a continuous feeling of a powerful mental force directing everything in uncanny harmony. People say this is a place of pure thought.
Thought takes many forms. It is at this vantage point in their return that souls begin to anticipate meeting others who wait for them. A few of these companions may have already been seen at the gateway, but most have not. Without exception, souls who wish to contact each other, especially when on the move, do so by just thinking of the entity they want. Suddenly, the individual called will appear in the soul mind of the traveler. These telepathic communications by the energy of all spiritual entities allow for a non-visual affinity, while two energy forms who actually come near one another provide a more direct connection. There is uniformity in the accounts of my subjects as to their manner of spiritual travel, routes, and destinations, although what they see along the way is distinctive with each person.
I searched through my case files to find a subject whose experiences along this route to an ultimate spiritual destination was both descriptive and yet representative of what many others have told me. I selected an insightful, forty-one-year-old graphic designer with a mature soul.
This man’s soul had traveled over this course many times between a long span of lives.
Case 14 – What it is like…
Dr. N: You are now ready to begin the final portion of your homeward journey toward the place where your soul belongs in the spirit world. On the count of three, all the details of this final leg of your travels will become clear to you. It will be easy for you to report on everything you see because you are familiar with the route. Are you ready?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: (raising my voice to a commanding tone) One-we are getting started. Two- your soul has now moved out of the area of orientation. Three! Quickly, what is your first impression?
S: Distances are … unlimited … endless space … forever …
Dr. N: So, are you telling me the spirit world is endless?
S: (long pause) To be honest-from where I am floating-it looks endless. But when I begin to really move it changes.
Dr. N: Changes how?
S: Well … everything remains … formless … but when I am … gliding faster … I see I’m moving around inside a gigantic bowl-turned upside down. I don’t know where the rims of the bowl are, or even if any exist.
Dr. N: Then movement gives you the sense of a spherical spirit world?
S: Yes, but it’s only a feeling of… enclosed uniformity … when I am moving rapidly.
Dr. N: Why does rapid movement-your speed-give you the feeling of being in a bowl?
S: (long pause) It’s strange. Although everything appears to go on straight when my soul is drifting-that changes to … a feeling of roundness when I am moving fast on a line of contact.
Dr. N: What do you mean by a line of contact?
S: Towards a specific destination.
Dr. N: How does moving with speed on a given line of travel change your observational perceptions of the spirit world to a feeling it is round?
S: Because with speed the lines seem to .. bend. They curve in a more obvious direction for me and give me less freedom of movement.
Note: Other subjects, who are also disposed toward linear descriptions, speak of traveling along directional force lines which have the spatial properties of a grid system. One person called them “vibrational strings.”
Dr. N: By less freedom, do you mean less personal control?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: Can you more precisely describe the movement of your soul along these curving contact lines?
S: It’s just more purposeful-when my soul is being directed someplace on a line. It’s like I’m in a current of white water-only not as thick as water-because the current is lighter than air.
Dr. N: Then, in this spiritual atmosphere, you don’t have the sense of density such as in water?
S: No, I don’t, but what I am trying to say is I’m being carried along as if I were in a current underwater.
Dr. N: Why do you think this is so?
S: Well, it’s as if we are all swimming-being carried along-in a swift current which we can’t control … under somebody’s direction up and down from each other in space … with nothing solid around us.

Dr. N: Do you see other souls traveling in a purposeful way above and below you?
S: Yes, it’s as if we start in a stream and then all of us returning from death are pulled into a great river together.
Dr. N: When do the numbers of returning souls seem the highest to you?
S: When the rivers converge into … I can’t describe it
Dr. N: Please try.
S: (pause) We are gathered into … a sea … where all of us swirl around … in slow motion. Then, I feel as though I’m being pulled away to a small tributary again and it’s quieter … further from the thoughts of so many minds … going to the ones I know.
Dr. N: Later, in your normal travels as a soul, is it the same as being propelled around in streams and rivers as you have just described?
S: No, not at all. This is different. We are like salmon going up to spawn-returning home. Once we get there we are not pushed about this way. Then we can drift.
Dr. N: Who is doing the pushing while you are being taken home?
S: Higher entities. The ones in charge of our movements to get us home.
Dr. N: Entities such as your guide?
S: Above him, I think.
Dr. N: What else are you feeling at this moment?
S: Peace. There is such peace you never want to leave again.
Dr. N: Anything more?
S: Oh, I have some anticipation, too, while moving slowly with the energy current.
Dr. N: All right, now I want you to continue to move further along with the current of energy closer to the area where you are supposed to go. Look around carefully and tell me what you see.
S: I see … a variety of lights … in patches … separated from each other by … galleries
Dr. N: By galleries, do you mean a series of enclosures?
S: Mmm … more like a long … corridor … bulging out in places … stretching out away from me into the distance.
Dr. N: And the lights?
S: They are people. The souls of people within the bulging galleries reflecting light outward to me. That’s what I’m seeing-patches of lights bobbing around..
Dr. N: Are these clusters of people structurally separated from each other in the bulges along the corridor?
S: No, there are no walls here. Nothing is structural, with angles and corners. It’s hard for me to explain, exactly…

Dr. N: You are doing fine. Now, I want you to tell me what separates the light clusters from each other along this corridor you are describing.
S: The people … are divided by … thin, wispy … filaments … making the light milky, like the transparency of frosted glass. There is an incandescent glow from their energy as I pass by.
Dr. N: How do you see individual souls within the clusters?
S: (pause) As light dots. I see masses of dots hanging in clumps as hanging grapes, all lit up.
Dr. N: Do these clumps represent various groups of soul energy masses with space between them?
S: Yes … they are separated into small groups … I am going to my own clump.
Dr. N: What else do you feel about them as you pass by on the way to your cluster? S: I can feel their thoughts reaching out … so varied … but together too … such harmony … but … (stops)
Dr. N: Go on.
S: I don’t know the ones I’m passing now… it doesn’t matter.
Dr. N: Okay, let’s pass on by these clusters which seem to bulge out along a corridor. Give me an example of what the whole thing looks like to you from a distance.
S: (laughs) A long glow-worm, its sides bulging in and out … the movement is … rhythmic.
Dr. N: You mean the corridor itself appears to move?
S: Yes, parts of it … swaying as a ribbon in the breeze while I am going further away.
Dr. N: Continue floating and tell me what happens to you next.
S: (pause) I’m at the edge of another corridor… I’m slowing down.
Dr. N: Why?
S: (grows excited) Because … oh, good! I’m coming in towards the site where my friends are attached.
Dr. N: And how do you feel at this moment?
S: Fantastic! There is a familiar pulling of minds … reaching out to me… I’m catching the tail of their kite … joining them in thought I’m home!
Dr. N: Is your particular cluster group of friends isolated from the other groups of souls living in other corridors?
S: No one is really isolated, although some of the younger ones may think so. I’ve been around a long time, though, and I have a lot of connections (said with modest confidence).
Dr. N: So you felt connections with those other corridors, even with spirits in them you might not know from past experience?
S: I do because of the connections I have had. There is a oneness here.
Dr. N: When you are moving around as a spirit, what is the major difference in your interactions with other souls, compared to being in human form on Earth?
S: Here no one is a stranger. There is a total lack of hostility toward anyone.
Dr. N: You mean every spirit is friendly to every other spirit, regardless of prior associations in many settings?
S: That’s right, and it’s more than just being friendly.
Dr. N: In what way?
S: We recognize a universal bond between us which makes us all the same. There is no suspicion toward each other.
Dr. N: How does this attitude manifest itself between souls who first meet? S: By complete openness and acceptance.
Dr. N: Living on Earth must be difficult for souls, then?
S: It is, for the newer ones especially, because they go to earth expecting to be treated fairly. When they aren’t, it’s a shock. For some, it takes quite a few lives to get used to the earth body.
Dr. N: And if the newer souls are struggling with these earth conditions, are they less efficient when working within the human mind?
S: I would have to say yes, because the brain drives a lot of fear and violence into our souls. It’s hard for us, but that’s why we come to earth … to overcome …
Dr. N: In your opinion, might the newer souls tend to be more fragile and in need of group support upon returning to their cluster?
S: That’s absolutely true. We all want to return home. Will you let me stop talking now, so I can meet with my friends?
I have touched on the commonality of word usage by different clients to describe spiritual phenomena. Case 14 offered us a few more.
One person’s “glow worms bulging out in places” is another’s “floating trail of balloons.” A description about “clumps of huge, translucent bulbs” in one case becomes “giant bunches of transparent bubbles” from somebody else mentally returning to the spirit world. I regularly hear such water-words as currents and streams used to explain a flowing directional movement, where a sky-word like cloud denotes a freedom of motion associated with drifting. Visual images which call up expressions of energy mass and group clusters to indicate souls themselves are especially popular. I have adopted some of this spiritual language myself.

At the final debarkation zone for the incoming soul, waiting cluster groups of familiar entities may be large or small, depending upon the soul developmental level and other factors which I will take up as we get a little further along. By way of comparison with Case 14, the next case demonstrates a more insular perception of the spirit world from a soul with less maturity.
In Case 15, the transition of this soul from the staging area to her home cluster is fairly rapid in her mind. The case is informative because it presents attributes of propriety felt by this soul to a designated space, as well as deference toward those who manage the system. Because this subject is less experienced and a bit edgy over what she sees as a need for conformity, we are given another interpretation of spiritual guidelines for group placement.
Case 15 – Fresh impressions.
Dr. N: I want to talk to you about your trip into the place where you normally stay in the spirit world. Your soul is now moving toward this destination. Explain what you see and feel.
S: (nervously) I’m … going … outward, somehow …
Dr. N: Outward?
S: (puzzled) I am… floating along… in a chain of some kind. It’s as though I’m weaving through a series of … connecting links … a foggy maze … then … it opens up
… oh!
Dr. N: What is it?
S: (with awe) I have come into … a grand arena … I see many others … criss-crossing around me … (subject grows uncomfortable)
Dr. N: Just relax-you are in the staging area now. Do you still see your guide?
S: (with hesitation) Yes … nearby … otherwise I would be lost … it’s so … vast …
Dr. N: (I place my hand on the subject’s forehead) Continue to relax and remember you have been here before, although everything may seem new to you. What do you do now?
S: I ‘m … carried forward … rapidly … straight past others … then I’m in… an empty space… open
Dr. N: Does this void mean everything is black around you?
S: It’s never black here … the light … just contracts to darker shades because of my speed. When I slow down things get brighter. (others confirm this observation)
Dr. N: Continue on and report back to me what you see next.
S: After a while I see … nests of people
Dr. N: You mean groups of people?
S: Yes-like hives-I see them as bunches of moving lights … fireflies
Dr. N: All right, keep moving and tell me what you feel?
S: Warmth … friendship … empathy … it’s dreamy … ….. .?
Dr. N: What is it?
S: I have slowed way down-things are different.
Dr. N: How?
S: More clearly defined (pause)-I know this place.
Dr. N: Have you reached your own hive (cluster group)?
S: (long pause) Not yet, I guess
Dr. N: Just look about you and report back to me exactly what you see and feel.
S: (subject begins to tremble) There are … bunches of people … together … off in the distance … but … there!
Dr. N: What do you see?
S: (fearfully) People I know… some of my family… off in the distance … but … (with anguish) I don’t seem to be able to reach them!
Dr. N: Why?
S: (in tearful bewilderment) I don’t know! God, don’t they know I’m here? (subject begins to struggle in her chair and then extends her arm and open hand at my office wall) I can’t reach my father!
Note: I briefly stop my questioning. This client’s father had a great influence in her most immediate past life and she needs additional calming techniques. I also decide to reinforce her protective shield before continuing.
Dr. N: What do you think is the reason your father is off in the distance so you can’t reach him?
S: (during a long pause I use the time to dry subject’s face, which has become wet with tears and perspiration) I don’t know …
Dr. N: (I place my hand on subject’s forehead and command) Connect with your father-now!
S: (after a pause the subject relaxes) It’s okay … he is telling me to be patient and everything will become clear to me … I want to go over there and be near him.
Dr. N: And what does he tell you about that?
S: (sadly) He says … that he can always be in my mind if I need him and… I will learn to do this better (think telepathically), but he has to stay where he is…
Dr. N: What do you think is the basic reason for your father remaining in this other place?
S: (tearfully) He does not belong in my hive.
Dr. N: Anything else?
S: The … directors … they don’t … (crying again) I’m not sure …
Note: Normally, I try to avoid too much intervention when subjects are describing their spiritual transitions. In this case, my client is confused and disoriented, so I offer a little guidance of my own.
Dr. N: Let’s analyze why you can’t reach your father’s position right now. Could this separation be the result of higher entities believing this is a time for individual reflection on your part and that you should associate only with other souls at your own level of development?
S: (subject is more restored) Yes, those messages are coming through. I have to work things out for myself … with others like me. The directors encourage us … and my father is helping me understand, too.
Dr. N: Are you satisfied with this procedure?
S: (pause) Yes.
Dr. N: All right, please continue with your passage from the moment you see some of your family in the distance. What happens next?
S: Well, I’m still slowing down … moving gradually … I’m being taken along a course I have been on before. I’m passing some other bunches of people (group clusters). Then, I stop.
Note: The final transit inward is especially important for the younger souls. One client, upon awakening, described this scene as giving him the sense he was arriving back home at twilight after a long trip away. Having passed from the countryside into his town, he finally reached the proper street. The front windows of his neighbors’ houses were lit, and he could see people inside as he drove slowly past before reaching the driveway of his own home. Although people in trance may use such words as “clumps” and “hives” to describe how their home spaces look from a distance, this view becomes more individualistic once they go into each cluster. Then the subjects’ spiritual surroundings are associated with towns, schools, and other living areas identified with earthly landmarks of security and pleasure.
Dr. N: Now that you are stationary, what are your impressions?
S: It’s … large … activity… there are a lot of people in the vicinity. Some are familiar to me, others are not.
Dr. N: Can we get a little closer to all of them?
S: (abruptly my subject raises her voice with indignation) You don’t understand! I don’t go over there. (points a finger toward my office wall)
Dr. N: What’s the problem?
S: I’m not supposed to. You can’t just go off anywhere.
Dr. N: But, you have reached your destination?
S: It doesn’t matter. I don’t go over there. (again points a finger at her mental picture)
Dr. N: Does this tie in with the messages you received about your father?
S: Yes, it does.
Dr. N: Are you saying to me your soul energy cannot arbitrarily float anywhere- such as outside your group?
S: (pointing outward) They are not in my group over there.
Dr. N: Define what you mean by over there?
S: (in a grave tone of voice) Those others nearby-that is their place. (points down to the floor) This is our place. We are here. (nods head to confirm her statement)
Dr. N: Who are they?
S: Well, the others, of course, people not in my group. (in a burst of nervous laughter) Oh, look! … my own people, it’s wonderful to see them again. They are coming toward me!
Dr. N: (I act as though I am hearing this information for the first time, to encourage spontaneous answers) Really? This does sound wonderful. Are these the same people who were involved with your past life?
S: More than one life, I can tell you. (with pride) These are my people!
Dr. N: These people are entities who are members of your own group?
S: Of course, yes, I have been with them for so long. Oh, it’s fun seeing them all again. (subject is overjoyed and I give her a few moments with this picture)
Dr. N: I see quite a change in your understanding in just the short time since we arrived here. Look off in the distance at the others around this space. What is it like where they live?
S: (agitated) I don’t want to know. That is their business. Can’t you see? I’m not attached to them. I’m too busy with the people I am supposed to be with here. People I know and love.
Dr. N: I do see, but a few minutes ago you were quite distressed at not being able to get close to your father.
S: I know now he has his own gathering place with people. Dr. N: Why didn’t you know that when we arrived here?
S: I’m not sure. I admit it was a shock at first. Now I know the way things are. It’s all coming back to me.
Dr. N: Why wasn’t your guide around to explain all this to you before you saw your father?
S: (long pause) I don’t know.
Dr. N: Probably other people you have known and loved besides your father are also in these groups. Are you saying you have no contact with them now that you are in your proper place in the Spirit world?
S: (upset with me) No, I have contact with my mind. Why are you being so difficult? I am supposed to stay here.
Dr. N: (I prod the subject once more to gain additional information) And you don’t just drift over to those other groups for visits?
S: No! You don’t do that! You don’t go into their groups and interfere with their energy.
Dr. N: But mental contact offers no interference with their energy?
S: At the right time. When they are free to do this with me …
Dr. N: So, what you are telling me is that everyone here is located in their own group spaces and you don’t go wandering around visiting or making too much mental contact at the wrong times?
S: (calming down) Yes, they are in their own spaces with instruction going on. It’s the directors who move around mostly …
Dr. N: Thank you for clearing all this up for me. You want me to know that you and your group friends are especially careful about infringing upon others’ spaces?
S: That’s right. At least that’s the way things are around my space.
Dr. N: And you don’t feel confined by this custom?
S: Oh no, there are great expanses of space and such a sense of freedom here, as long as we pay attention to the rules.
Dr. N: And what if you don’t? Who decides what is the proper location for each group of souls?
S: (pause) The teachers help us, otherwise we would be lost.
Dr. N: It seemed to me you were lost when we first arrived here?
S: (with uncertainty) I didn’t connect … I wasn’t mentally in tune… I messed up … I don’t think you realize how big it is around here.
Dr. N: Look around you at all the occupied spaces. Isn’t the spirit world crowded with souls?
S: (laughs) Sometimes we do get lost-that’s our own fault-this place is big! That’s why it never gets crowded.
The two cases in this chapter represent different reactions from a beginner and a more advanced soul recalling the final phase of their return passages back to the spirit world. Every participant has their own interpretation of the panoramic view from the staging area to the terminus in their cluster group. Some of my subjects find the transition from the gateway to group placement to be so rapid that they need time to adjust upon arrival.
When recalling their memories between homecoming and placement, my subjects sometimes express concern that an important individual was not present in light form or did not communicate with them telepathically. Often this is a parent or spouse in the life just completed. By the end of the transition stage, the reason usually becomes evident. Frequently it has to do with embodiment.
We have seen how the average returning soul is overwhelmed by pleasure. Familiar beings are clustered together in undulating masses of bright light. On occasion, resonating musical sounds with specific chords guide the incoming traveler. One subject remarked, ‘As I come near my place, there is a monotone of many voices sounding the letter A, like Aaaaa, for my recognition, and I can see them all vibrating fast as warm, bright energy, and I know these are the disembodied ones right now.”
What this means is that those souls who are currently incarnated in one or more bodies at the moment may not be actively engaged with welcoming anybody back. Another subject explained, “It is as if they are sleeping on autopilot-we always know who is out and who is in:’
Those souls who are not totally discarnated radiate a dim light with low pulsating energy patterns and don’t seem to communicate much with anyone. Even so, these souls are able to greet the returning soul in a quiet fashion within the group setting.
In this life, for me, I actually happen to know that my earth consciousness as Metallicman is set at 35%, which is considered to be very high. But given my role(s) it needs to be at that level.
Now, then it should be clear for me that my soul has 35% in the physical universe traipsing around the world-lines and the balance of 65% in the non-physical reality known as Heaven. This would be considered a discarnated being in Heaven.
Now, as far as my 35% that is currently Metallicman and in the physical world, a sizable percentage of it is in any one given world line at a time. Say, perhaps 85% of the 35% that is here. The rest (the 15%) is off in a multitude in adjacent world-lines as they all cluster together.
The sense of a barrier between various groups, as experienced by Case 15, has different versions among my subjects, depending upon the age of the soul. I will have another perspective about mobility in the next case. The average soul with a great deal of basic work to do describes the separation of their group from others as similar to being in different classrooms in the Same schoolhouse. I have also had clients who felt they were entirely separated in their own schoolhouse. The analogy of spiritual schools directed by teacher-guides is used so often by people under hypnosis that it has become a habit for me to use the same terminology.

As I mentioned earlier, after souls arrive back into their soul groups, they are summoned to appear before a Council of Elders. While the Council is not prosecutorial, they do engage in direct examination of a soul’s activities before returning them to their groups. It is not unusual for my subjects to have some difficulty providing me with full details of what transpires at these hearings, and I am sure these blocks are intentional.
Here is a report from one case. “After I meet with my friends, my guide Veronica (subject’s younger teacher) takes me to another place to meet with my panel of Elders.
She is at my side as an interpreter for what I don’t understand and to provide support for explanations of my conduct in the last life. At times, she speaks on my behalf as a kind of defense advocate but Quazel (subject’s senior guide who arrived before Veronica) carries the most weight with the panel.
There are always the same six Elders in front of me who wear long white robes.
Their faces are kindly, and they evaluate my perceptions of the life I have just lived and how I could have done better with my talents and what I did that was beneficial.
I am freely allowed to express my frustrations and desires.
All the Elders are familiar to me, especially two of them who address me more than the others and who look younger than the rest. I think I can distinguish appearances which are male or female. Each has a special aspect in the way they question me but they are honest and truthful, and I am always treated fairly. I can hide nothing from them, but sometimes I get lost when their thoughts are transmitted back and forth in the rapid communication between them. When it is more than I can handle, Veronica translates what they are saying about me, although I have the feeling she does not tell me everything. Before I return to Earth, they will want to see me a second time.”
Souls consider themselves having finally arrived home when they rejoin familiar classmates in group settings. Their attendance here with certain other souls does resemble an educational placement system in form and function. The criteria for group admission is based upon knowledge and a given developmental level. As in any classroom situation, some students connect well with teachers and others less so. The next chapter will examine the sorting-out process for soul groups and how souls view themselves in their respective spiritual locations.
My impression of the people who believe we do have a soul is that they imagine all souls are probably mixed into one great congregation of space.
Many of my subjects believe this too, before their sessions begin. After awakening, it is no wonder they express surprise with the knowledge that everyone has a designated place in the spirit world.
When I began to study life in the spirit world with people under hypnosis, I was unprepared to hear about the existence of organized soul support groups. I had pictured spirits just floating around aimlessly by themselves after leaving Earth.
Group placement is determined by soul level. After physical death, a soul’s journey back home ends with debarkation into the space reserved for their own colony, as long as they are not a very young soul or isolated for other reasons as mentioned in Chapter Four. The souls represented in these cluster groups are intimate old friends who have about the same awareness level.
When people in trance speak of being part of a soul cluster group, they are talking about a small primary unit of entities who have direct and frequent contact, such as we would see in a human family. Peer members have a sensitivity to each other which is far beyond our conception on Earth.
Secondary groups of souls are arranged in the form of a community Support group which is much less intimate with one another.
Larger secondary groups of entities are made up of giant sets of primary clusters as lily pads in one pond. Spiritual ponds appear to be endless. Within these ponds, I have never heard of a secondary group estimated at less than a thousand souls.
The many primary group clusters which make up one secondary group seem to have sporadic relationships, or no contact at all between clusters. It is rare for me to find souls involved with each other in any meaningful way who are members of two different secondary groups, because the number of souls is so great it is not necessary.
The smaller sub-group primary clusters vary in number, containing anywhere from three to twenty-five souls.
I am told the average assemblage is around fifteen, which is called the Inner Circle. Any working contact between members of different cluster groups is governed by the lessons to be learned during an incarnation.
This may be due to a past life connection, or the particular identity trait of the souls involved.
Soul acquaintanceships between members of different cluster groups usually involve peripheral roles in life on Earth.
An example would be a high school classmate who was once a close friend, but who you now see only at class reunions.
Members of the same cluster group are closely united for all eternity.
These tightly- knit clusters are often composed of like-minded souls with common objectives which they continually work out with each other. Usually they choose lives together as relatives and close friends during their incarnations on Earth.
It is much more common for me to find a subject’s brother or sister from former lives in the same cluster group rather than souls who have been their parents.
Parents can meet us at the gateway to the spirit world after a death on Earth, but we may not see much of their souls in the spirit world.
This circumstance exists not for reasons of maturity, since a parent soul could be less developed than their human offspring. Rather, it is more a question of social learning between siblings who are contemporary in one time frame.
Although parents are a child’s primary identification figures for both good and bad karmic effects, it is frequently our relations with spouses, brothers, sisters, and selected close friends over a whole lifetime that most influences personal growth.
This takes nothing away from the importance of parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who serve us in different ways from another generation.
The younger souls within secondary Groups A, B, and C would probably have little or no contact with each other in the spirit world or on Earth.
Close association between souls depends on their assigned proximity to one another in cluster groups, where there is a similarity of knowledge and affinity brought about by shared earthly experiences.
The next case offers us an account of what it is like coming back to one’s cluster group after physical death.
This is the second part of a multiple part series. To go to the next part, please click HERE.
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls (full text) by Michael Newton (part 1a) with world-line (MWI) annotations.
I had previously posted the complete text of the Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. This post, unfortunately, was fraught with problems. It was poorly formatted, had errors galore, and most strikingly created confusion. The book, as great as it is, was written by an imperfect person who did not understand the MWI and world-lines. Neither did his patients. They were stuck in the quaint notion of a Heaven and a Hell, and a shared physical universe. And their answers, and comments, reflected those beliefs. And, as a result, ended up generating confusion.
And I ended up having to deal with it.
Jeeze! Guys!
"Why did you, of all people, put such new age mumbo jumbo in your blog? Just when I was starting to understand things, you throw a wrench into everything and show that you are just another con artist. "
I can understand the anguish.
Doctor Newton, and his patients, would make statements along the lines of “shared experiences” which implied that two consciousnesses would occupy the same world-line simultaneously. Which is wrong, or at best, partially true. Or discuss instances of a consciousness communicating with a living person in the physical. Sure, all these things are observations from the point of view of a given consciousness; one that does not fully understand what is going on.
Thus this post.
Here, we are going to take the great writings of the good Doctor Newton and expand upon them. We will elaborate on what is actually going on from a (dispassionate) fourth person perspective, instead of the second-person narrative.
Which is unfortunate. I kind of hoped that people would be able to have some degree of discernment. A work by someone else ALWAYS includes their own personal biases, and misunderstandings.
So this post is going to take the good writings of the good doctor and try to edit out the misconceptions and place some insight into what is actually going on.
This thus is useful for a person to understand the following things about the non-physical world;
- Firstly, the point of view of a given consciousness. (The book.)
- Secondly, what is going on pertaining to the mechanics of the non-physical reality. (My comments.)
For us, as a person using our consciousness, we are often confused as things might or might not make sense to us.
It is like we are trapped in a car that we just woke up in. We look out the window and see a storm of water, wind and movement. We look at the toddler in the front seat to tell us what is going on, but they are not much help. It's only when the car-wash attendant comes to the window do we realize that we were actually inside a car wash.
This post discusses the operation of the car wash, in reference to a book that describes the feelings and perceptions of the inhabitants inside the car.
Thus, this is a very useful post. It provides both the stories and the experiences of consciousness, along with the “nuts and bolts’ mechanics of the operation and what is actually going on.
Multiple Part Post
This post is a multiple part post. I have labeled them…
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1a – This post.
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1b
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1c
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1d
- The Geography of Heaven; Journey of Souls – 1e
This is an annotation to the Journey of Souls book
I politely suggest that the reader, go ahead and read the initial post (the raw book) first HERE, and then start going thought this post. As this is a “study guide” that uses the book as a medium from which to discuss the nature of the non-physical world.
About the MAJestic disclosure and this…
OK. Well it took a long time to come about, but now we are finally getting to the part of “the disclosure” that I am entrusted with disclosing. Nope. It’s not about who our extraterrestrial benefactors are, or about the nature of our physical universe. It is about our role inside the physical universe as it pertains to the non-physical universe.
What? You think that MAJestic was “only” about the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial artifacts? Did you, eh?
Maybe the bulk of it was, but my role and the role of Sebastian was far deeper and involved interaction / interfacing with a society of individuals who’s very nature was inherently much larger than what we humans perceive. And for us to improve our lot, as humans on Earth, we need to understand why our non-physical reality is so darn important.

For mankind, human-kind, or our species to advance in a unified sentience, we will need to understand our role in the “big picture”, and that boys and girls means the non-physical reality; the so called “Heaven”.
And those of you that are worried about what the “Big Boys” think about all this, rest easy. The PTB are concerned with the overall well-being of a world that is increasingly overpopulated, greedy and “out of control”. They want a smaller, more compact, and far more “reasonable” world for us to live in. And unfortunately, that means that there will need to be a sorting process…
We all must need to know our place and role in the big scale of things. This is the first step to our personal enlightenment.
Journey of Souls by Michael Newton
Table of Contents
- Death and Departure
- Gateway to the Spirit World
- Homecoming
- The Displaced Soul
- Orientation
- Transition
- Placement
- Our Guides The Beginner Soul
- The Intermediate Soul
- The Advanced Soul
- Life Selection
- Choosing a New Body
- Preparation for Embarkation
- Rebirth
Introduction by Dr. Newton
You would know the hidden realm where all souls dwell. The journey’s way lies through death’s misty fell. Within this timeless passage a guiding light does dance, Lost from conscious memory, but visible in trance. -M.N.
ARE you afraid of death? Do you wonder what is going to happen to you after you die? Is it possible you have a spirit which came from somewhere else and will return there after your body dies, or is this just wishful thinking because you are afraid?
It is a paradox that humans, alone of all creatures of the Earth, must repress the fear of death in order to lead normal lives. Yet our biological instinct never lets us forget this ultimate danger to our being. As we grow older, the specter of death rises in our consciousness. Even religious people fear death is the end of personhood. Our greatest dread of death brings thoughts about the nothingness of death which will end all associations with family and friends. Dying makes all our earthly goals seem futile.
If death were the end of everything about us, then life indeed would be meaningless.
However, some power within us enables humans to conceive of a hereafter and to sense a connection to a higher power and even an eternal soul. If we do actually have a soul, then where does it go after death? Is there really some sort of heaven full of intelligent spirits outside our physical universe? What does it look like? What do we do when we get there? Is there a supreme being in charge of this paradise? These questions are as old as humankind itself and still remain a mystery to most of us.
The true answers to the mystery of life after death remain locked behind a spiritual door for most people. This is because we have built-in amnesia about our soul identity which, on a conscious level, aids in the merging of the soul and human brain.
In the last few years the general public has heard about people who temporarily died and then came back to life to tell about seeing a long tunnel, bright lights, and even brief encounters with friendly spirits. But none of these accounts written in the many books on reincarnation has ever given us anything more than a glimpse of all there is to know about life after death.
This book is an intimate journal about the spirit world. It provides a series of actual case histories which reveal in explicit detail what happens to us when life on Earth is over. You will be taken beyond the spiritual tunnel and enter the spirit world itself to learn what transpires for souls before they finally return to Earth in another life.
I am a skeptic by nature, although it will not seem so from the contents of this book. As a counselor and hypnotherapist, I specialize in behavior modification for the treatment of psychological disorders. A large part of my work involves short-term cognitive restructuring with clients by helping them connect thoughts and emotions to promote healthy behavior. Together we elicit the meaning, function, and consequences of their beliefs because I take the premise that no mental problem is imaginary.
In the early days of my practice, I resisted past life requests from people because of my orientation toward traditional therapy. While I used hypnosis and age- regression techniques to determine the origins of disturbing memories and childhood trauma, I felt any attempt to reach a former life was unorthodox and non-clinical. My interest in reincarnation and metaphysics was only intellectual curiosity until I worked with a young man on pain management.
This client complained of a lifetime of chronic pain on his right side. One of the tools of hypnotherapy to manage pain is directing the subject to make the pain worse so he or she can also learn to lessen the aching and thus acquire control. In one of our sessions involving pain intensification, this man used the imagery of being stabbed to recreate his torment. Searching for the origins of this image, I eventually uncovered his former life as a World War I soldier who was killed by a bayonet in France, and we were able to eliminate the pain altogether.
With encouragement from my clients, I began to experiment with moving some of them further back in time before their last birth on Earth. Initially I was concerned that a subject’s integration of current needs, beliefs, and fears would create fantasies of recollection.
However, it didn’t take long before I realized our deep-seated memories offer a set of past experiences which are too real and connected to be ignored. I came to appreciate just how therapeutically important the link is between the bodies and events of our former lives and who we are today.
Then I stumbled on to a discovery of enormous proportions. I found it was possible to see into the spirit world through the mind’s eye of a hypnotized subject who could report back to me of life between lives on Earth.
The case that opened the door to the spirit world for me was a middle-aged woman who was an especially receptive hypnosis subject. She had been talking to me about her feelings of loneliness and isolation in that delicate stage when a subject has finished recalling their most recent past life. This unusual individual slipped into the highest state of altered consciousness almost by herself Without realizing I had initiated an overly short command for this action, I suggested she go to the source of her loss of companionship. At the same moment I inadvertently used one of the trigger words to spiritual recall. I also asked if she had a specific group of friends whom she missed.
Suddenly, my client started to cry. When I directed her to tell me what was wrong, she blurted out,
“I miss some friends in my group and that’s why I get so lonely on Earth.”
I was confused and questioned her further about where this group of friends was actually located.
“Here, in my permanent home,”
She answered simply,
“...and I’m looking at all of them right now!”
After finishing with this client and reviewing her tape recordings, I recognized that finding the spirit world involved an extension of past life regression. There are many books about past lives, but none I could find which told about our life as souls, or how to properly access the spiritual recollections of people.
I decided to do the research myself and with practice I acquired greater skill in entering the spirit world through my subjects. I also learned that finding their place in the spirit world was far more meaningful to people than recounting their former lives on Earth.
How is it possible to reach the soul through hypnosis?
Visualize the mind as having three concentric circles, each smaller than the last and within the other, separated only by layers of connected mind-consciousness. The first outer layer is represented by the conscious mind which is our critical, analytic reasoning source. The second layer is the subconscious, where we initially go in hypnosis to tap into the storage area for all the memories that ever happened to us in this life and former lives. The third, the innermost core, is what we are now calling the superconscious mind. This level exposes the highest center of Self where we are an expression of a higher power.

The superconscious houses our real identity, augmented by the subconscious which contains the memories of the many alter-egos assumed by us in our former human bodies. The superconscious may not be a level at all, but the soul itself. The superconscious mind represents our highest center of wisdom and perspective, and all my information about life after death comes from this source of intelligent energy.
How valid is the use of hypnosis for uncovering truth?
People in hypnosis are neither dreaming nor hallucinating. We don’t dream in chronological sequences nor hallucinate in a directed trance state.
When subjects are placed in trance, their brain waves slow from the Beta wake state and continue to change vibration down past the meditative Alpha stage into various levels within the Theta range. Theta is hypnosis-not sleep. When we sleep we go to the final Delta state where messages from the brain are dropped into the subconscious and vented through our dreams. In Theta, however, the conscious mind is not unconscious, so we are able to receive as well as send messages with all memory channels open.
- Your 5 Brainwaves: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma
- 5 Types Of Brain Waves Frequencies: Gamma, Beta, Alpha …
- Different Types of Brain Waves: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta …
- Types of brain waves: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma …
- Types of brain waves: Delta, Theta, Alpha and Gamma
- This Is How Brain Waves Contribute To The State of Mind
- The 5 Brain waves and its Connection with Flow State
- What is the function of the various brainwaves …
- Brain Waves and the Deeper States of Consciousness

Once in hypnosis, people report the pictures they see and dialogue they hear in their unconscious minds as literal observations.
In response to questions, subjects cannot lie, but they may misinterpret something seen in their unconscious mind, just as we do in the conscious state. In hypnosis, people have trouble relating to anything they don’t believe is the truth.
Some critics of hypnosis believe a subject in trance will fabricate memories and bias their responses in order to adopt any theoretical framework suggested by the hypnotist. I find this generalization to be a false premise.
In my work, I treat each case as if I were hearing the information for the first time. If a subject were somehow able to overcome hypnosis procedure and construct a deliberate fantasy about the spirit world, or free-associate from pre-set ideas about their afterlife, these responses would soon become inconsistent with my other case reports.
I learned the value of careful cross-examination early in my work and I found no evidence of anyone faking their spiritual experiences to please me.
In fact, subjects in hypnosis are not hesitant in correcting my misinterpretations of their statements. As my case files grew, I discovered by trial and error to phrase questions about the spirit world in a proper sequence. Subjects in a superconscious state are not particularly motivated to volunteer information about the whole plan of soul life in the spirit world.
One must have the right set of “keys” for specific “doors”.

Eventually, I was able to perfect a reliable method of memory access to different parts of the spirit world by knowing which door to open at the right time during a session.
As I gained confidence with each session, more people sensed I was comfortable with the hereafter and felt it was all right to speak to me about it. The clients in my cases represent some men and women who were very religious, while others had no particular spiritual beliefs at all. Most fall somewhere in between, with a mixed bag of personal philosophies about life.
The astounding thing I found as I progressed with my research was that once subjects were regressed back into their soul state they all displayed a remarkable consistency in responding to questions about the spirit world. People even use the same words and graphic descriptions in colloquial language when discussing their lives as souls.
However, this homogeneity of experience by so many clients did not stop me from continually trying to verify statements between my subjects and corroborate specific functional activities of souls.
There were some differences in narrative reporting between cases, but this was due more to the level of soul development than to variances in how each subject basically saw the spirit world.
The research was painfully slow, but as the body of my cases grew I finally had a working model of the eternal world where our souls live. I found thoughts about the spirit world involve universal truths among the souls of people living on Earth.
It was these perceptions by so many different types of people which convinced me their statements were believable. I am not a religious person, but I found the place where we go after death to be one of order and direction, and I have come to appreciate that there is a grand design to life and afterlife.
When I considered how to best present my findings, I determined the case study method would provide the most descriptive way in which the reader could evaluate client recall about the afterlife. Each case I have selected represents a direct dialogue between myself and a subject. The case testimonies are taken from tape recordings from my sessions.
This book is not intended to be about my subjects’ past lives, but rather a documentation of their experiences in the spirit world relating to those lives.
For readers who may have trouble conceptualizing our souls as non-material objects, the case histories listed in the early chapters explain how souls appear and the way in which they function. Each case history is abbreviated to some extent because of space constraints and to give the reader an orderly arrangement of soul activity.
The chapters are designed to show the normal progression of souls into and out of the spirit world, incorporated with other spiritual information.
The travels of souls from the time of death to their next incarnation has come to me from a ten-year collection of clients.
It surprised me at first, that I had people who remembered parts of their soul life more clearly after distant lifetimes than recent ones. Yet, for some reason, no one subject was able to recall the entire chronology of soul activities I have presented in this book. My clients remember certain aspects of their spiritual life quite vividly, while other experiences are hazy to them. As a result, even with these twenty-nine cases, I found I could not give the reader the full range of information I have gathered about the spirit world. Thus, my chapters contain details from more cases than just the twenty-nine listed.
The reader may consider my questioning in certain cases to be rather demanding. In hypnosis, it is necessary to keep the subject on track. When working in the spiritual realm, the demands on a facilitator are higher than with past life recall.
In trance, the average subject tends to let his or her soul-mind wander while watching interesting scenes unfold. My clients often want me to stop talking so they can detach from reporting what they see and just enjoy their past experiences as souls. I try to be gentle and not overly structured, but my sessions are usually single ones which run three hours in length and there is a lot to cover. People may come long distances to see me and not be able to return.
I find it very rewarding to watch the look of wonder on a client’s face when his or her session ends.
For those of us who have had the opportunity to actually see our immortality, a new depth of self-understanding and empowerment emerges.
Before awakening my subjects, I often implant appropriate post-suggestion memories. Having a conscious knowledge of their soul life in the spirit world and a history of physical existences on planets gives these people a stronger sense of direction and energy for life.
Finally, I should say that what you are about to read may come as a shock to your preconceptions about death. The material presented here may go against your philosophical and religious beliefs. There will be those readers who will find support for their existing opinions.
For others, the information offered in these cases will all appear to be subjective tales resembling a science fiction story. Whatever your persuasion, I hope you will reflect’ upon the implications for humanity if what my subjects have to say about life after death is accurate.
Death and Departure Case 1
S. (Subject): Oh, my god! I’m not really dead-am I? I mean, my body is dead-I can see it below me-but I’m floating… I can look down and see my body lying flat in the hospital bed. Everyone around me thinks I’m dead, but I’m not. I want to shout, hey, I’m not really dead! This is so incredible … the nurses are pulling a sheet over my head… people I know are crying. I’m supposed to be dead, but I’m still alive! It’s strange, because my body is absolutely dead while I’m moving around it from above. I’m alive!
THESE are the words spoken by a man in deep hypnosis, reliving a death experience. His words come in short, excited bursts and are full of awe, as he sees and feels what it is like to be a spirit newly separated from a physical body.
This man is my client and I have just assisted him in recreating a past life death scene while he lies back in a comfortable recliner chair. A little earlier, following my instructions during his trance induction, this subject was age-regressed in a return to childhood memories. His subconscious perceptions gradually coalesced as we worked together to reach his mother’s womb.
I then prepared him for a jump back into the mists of time by the visual use of protective shielding.
When we completed this important step of mental conditioning, I moved my subject through an imaginary time tunnel to his last life on Earth.
It was a short life because he had died suddenly from the influenza epidemic of 1918.
As the initial shock of seeing himself die and feeling his soul floating out of his body begins to wear off a little, my client adjusts more readily to the visual images in his mind. Since a small part of the conscious, critical portion of his mind is still functioning, he realizes he is recreating a former experience. It takes a bit longer than usual since this subject is a “younger soul” and not so used to the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth as are many of my other clients.
Yet, within a few moments he settles in and begins to respond with greater confidence to my questions. I quickly raise this subject’s subconscious hypnotic level into the superconscious state. Now he is ready to talk to me about the spirit world, and I ask what is happening to him.
S: Well … I’m rising up higher … still floating … looking back at my body. It’s like watching a movie, only I’m in it! The doctor is comforting my wife and daughter. My wife is sobbing (subject wiggles with discomfort in his chair). I’m trying to reach into her mind … to tell her everything is all right with me. She is so overcome by grief I’m not getting through. I want her to know my suffering is gone … I’m free of my body … I don’t need it any more … that I will wait for her. I want her to know that … but she is … not listening to me. Oh, I’m moving away now …
And so, guided by a series of commands, my client starts the process of moving further into the spirit world.
It is a road many others have traveled in the security of my office.
Typically, as memories in the superconscious state expand, subjects in hypnosis become more connected to the spiritual passageway. As the session moves forward, the subject’s mental pictures are more easily translated into words.
Short descriptive phrases lead to detailed explanations of what it is like to enter the spirit world.
We have a great deal of documentation, including observations from medical personnel, which describes the out-of-body near-death experiences of people severely injured in accidents.
These people were considered clinically dead before medical efforts brought them back from the other side.
Souls are quite capable of leaving and returning to their host bodies, particularly in life-threatening situations when the body is dying’. People tell of hovering over their bodies, especially in hospitals, watching doctors perform life-saving procedures on them. In time these memories fade after they return to life.
In the early stages of hypnosis regression into past lives, the descriptions of subjects mentally going through their past deaths do not contradict the reported statements of people who have actually died in this life for a few minutes.
The difference between these two groups of people is that subjects in hypnosis are not remembering their experiences of temporary death. People in a deep trance state are capable of describing what life is like after permanent physical death.
What are the similarities of afterlife recollection between people reporting on their out-of-body experiences as a result of a temporary physical trauma and a subject in hypnosis recalling death in a past life?
Both find themselves floating around their bodies in a strange way, trying to touch solid objects which dematerialize in front of them.
Both kinds of reporters say they are frustrated in their attempts to talk to living people who don’t respond.
Both state they feel a pulling sensation away from the place where they died and experience relaxation and curiosity rather than fear.
All these people report a euphoric sense of freedom and brightness around them. Some of my subjects see brilliant whiteness totally surrounding them at the moment of death, while others observe the brightness is farther away from an area of darker space through which they are being pulled. This is often referred to as the tunnel effect, and has become well known with the public.

My second case will take us further into the death experience than Case 1.
The subject here is a man in his sixties describing to me the events of his death as a young woman called Sally, who was killed by Kiowa Indians in an attack on a wagon train in 1866.

Although this case and the last one relate death experiences after their most immediate past lives, a particular death date in history has no special relevance because it is recent. I find no significant differences between ancient and modern times in terms of graphic spirit world recall, or the quality of lessons learned.
I should also say the average subject in trance has an uncanny ability to zero in on the dates and geographic locations of many past lives. This is true even in earlier periods of human civilization, when national borders and place names were different than exist today. Former names, dates, and locations may not always be easily recalled in every past life, but descriptions about returning to the spirit world and life in that world are consistently vivid.

The scene in Case 2 opens on the American southern plains right after an arrow has struck Sally in the neck at close range. I am always careful with death scenes involving violent trauma in past lives because the subconscious mind often still retains these experiences. The subject in this case came to me because of a lifetime of throat discomfort. Release therapy and deprogramming is usually required in these cases. In all past life recall, I use the time around death for quiet review and place the subject in observer status to soften pain and emotion.
Case 2 – Sally dies by an arrow
Dr. N: Are you in great pain from the arrow?
S: Yes … the point has torn my throat … I’m dying (subject begins to whisper while holding his hands at the throat). I’m choking… blood pouring down … Will (husband) is holding me … the pain … terrible … I’m getting out now … it’s over, anyway.
Note: Souls often leave their human hosts moments before actual death when their bodies are in great pain. Who can blame them? Nevertheless, they do stay close by the dying body. After calming techniques, I raise this subject from the subconscious to the superconscious level for the transition to spiritual memories.
Dr. N: All right, Sally, you have accepted being killed by these Indians. Will you please describe to me the exact sensation you feel at the time of death?
S: Like … a force … of some kind … pushing me up out of my body.
Dr. N: Pushing you? Out where?
S: I’m ejected out the top of my head.
Dr. N: And what was pushed out?
S: Well-me!
Dr. N: Describe what “me” means. What does the thing that is you look like going out of the head of your body?
S: (pause) Like a … pinpoint of light … radiating…
Dr. N: How do you radiate light?
S: From… my energy. I look sort of transparent white my soul…
Dr. N: And does this energy light stay the same after leaving your body?
S: (pause) I seem to grow a little … as I move around.
Dr. N: If your light expands, then what do you look like now?
S: A… wispy … string… hanging …
Dr. N: And what does the process of moving out of your body actually feel like to you?
S: Well, it’s as if I shed my skin … peeling a banana. I just lose my body in one swoosh!
Dr. N: Is the feeling unpleasant?
S: Oh no! It’s wonderful to feel so free with no more pain, but … I am… disoriented … I didn’t expect to die …
(sadness is creeping into my client’s voice and I want him to stay focused on his soul for a minute more, rather than what is taking place on the ground with his body)
Dr. N: I understand, Sally. You are feeling a little displacement at the moment as a soul. This is normal in your situation for what you have just gone through. Listen and respond to my questions. You said you were floating. Are you able to move around freely right after death?
S: It’s strange … it’s as if I’m suspended in air that isn’t air … there are no limits… no gravity… I’m weightless.
Dr. N: You mean it’s sort of like being in a vacuum for you?
S: Yes… nothing around me is a solid mass. There are no obstacles to bump into… I’m drifting…
Dr. N: Can you control your movements-where you are going?
S: Yes … I can do some of that … but there is … a pulling … into a bright whiteness … it’s so bright!
Dr. N: Is the intensity of whiteness the same everywhere?
S: Brighter … away from me … it’s a little darker white … gray … in the direction of my body … (starts to cry) oh, my poor body … I’m not ready to leave yet. (subject pulls back in his chair as if he is resisting something)

Dr. N: It’s all right, Sally, I’m with you. I want you to relax and tell me if the force that took you out of your head at the moment of death is still pulling you away, and if you can stop it.
S: (pause) When I was free of my body the pulling lessened. Now, I feel a nudge … drawing me away from my body … I don’t want to go yet … but, something wants me to go soon …
Dr. N: I understand, Sally, but I suspect you are learning you have some element of control. How would you describe this thing that is pulling you?
S: A … kind of magnetic … force … but … I want to stay a little longer …
Dr. N: Can your soul resist this pulling sensation for as long as you want?
S: (there is a long pause while the subject appears to be carrying on an internal debate with himself in his former life as Sally) Yes, I can, if I really want to stay. (subject starts to cry) Oh, it’s awful what those savages did to my body. There is blood all over my pretty blue dress … my husband Will is trying to hold me and still fight with our friends against the Kiowa.
Note: I reinforce the imagery of a protective shield around this subject, which is so important as a foundation to calming procedures. Sally’s soul is still hovering over her body after I move the scene forward in time to when the Indians are driven off by the wagon train rifles.
Dr. N: Sally, what is your husband doing right after the attack?
S: Oh, good … he isn’t hurt … but … (with sadness) he is holding my body … crying over me … there is nothing he can do for me, but he doesn’t seem to realize that yet. I’m cold, but his hands are around my face … kissing me.
Dr. N: And what are you doing at this moment?
S: I’m over Will’s head. I’m trying to console him. I want him to feel my love is not really gone … I want him to know he has not lost me forever and that I will see him again.
Dr. N: Are your messages getting through?
S: There is so much grief, but he … feels my essence … I know it. Our friends are around him … and they separate us finally … they want to reform the wagons and get started again.
Dr. N: And what is going on now with your soul?
S: I’m still resisting the pulling sensation … I want to stay.
Dr. N: Why is that?
S: Well, I know I’m dead … but I’m not ready to leave Will yet and I want to watch them bury me.
Dr. N: Do you see or feel any other spiritual entity around you at this moment?
S: (pause) They are near … soon I will see them … I feel their love as I want Will to feel mine … they are waiting until I’m ready.
Dr. N: As time passes, are you able to comfort Will? S: I’m trying to reach inside his mind.
Dr. N: And are you successful?
S: (pause) I … think a little … he feels me … he realizes … love…
Dr. N: All right, Sally, now we are going to move forward in relative time again. Do you see your wagon train friends placing your body in some kind of grave?
S: (voice is more confident) Yes, they have buried me. It’s time for me to go … they are coming for me now… I’m moving… into a brighter light…
Contrary to what some people believe, souls often have little interest in what happens to their bodies once they are physically dead. This is not callousness over personal situations and the people they leave behind on Earth, but an acknowledgement of these souls to the finality of mortal death. They have a desire to hurry on their way to the beauty of the spirit world.
What the person’s consciousness sees at this moment in time is the shock of an abrupt ending of a time track at death.
However, many other souls want to hover around the place where they died for a few Earth days, usually until after their funerals. Time is apparently accelerated for souls and days on Earth may be only minutes to them. There are a variety of motivations for the lingering soul. For instance, someone who has been murdered or killed unexpectedly in an accident often does not want to leave right away. I find these souls are frequently bewildered or angry. The hovering soul syndrome is particularly true of deaths with young people.
When a given consciousness wants to “stay” and visit loved ones, its mostly due to the fact that the traumatic events of the death is preventing them from seeing the reality around them.
They are not looking around and seeing their loved ones (or a percentage part off their loved ones) are outside of the physical reality as well. You are never alone.
To abruptly detach from a human form, even after a long illness, is still a jolt to the average soul and this too may make the soul reluctant to depart at the moment of death. There is also something symbolic about the normal three- to five-day funeral arrangement periods for souls. Souls really have no morbid curiosity to see themselves buried because emotions in the spirit world are not the same as we experience here on Earth. Yet, I find soul entities appreciate the respect given to the memory of their physical life by surviving relatives and friends.
As we saw in the last case, there is one basic reason for many spirits not wanting to immediately leave the place of their physical death.
This comes from a desire to mentally reach out to comfort loved ones before progressing further into the spirit world. Those who have just died are not devastated about their death, because they know those left on Earth will see them again in the spirit world and probably later in other lives as well.
Consciousnesses might spend the bulk of their time in one world-line as they experience time, but that is not where all the consciousness or soul is.
It is all over the place in many different world-lines simultaneously. Thus, in this case Sally died. Her consciousness left the last world-line. Those others that she cared about (Will) did not die on that world line. However, Will’s consciousness is not limited to that world-line. He is in other world-lines as well. Most as “quantum shadows”, but also in a non-physical state as well.
And as such, all Sally need do is look for Will OUTSIDE of the given world-line to see him, or at least part of him.
On the other hand, mourners at a funeral generally feel they have lost a loved one forever.
During hypnosis, my subjects do recall frustration at being unable to effectively use their energy to mentally touch a human being who is unreceptive due to shock and grief. Emotional trauma of the living may overwhelm their inner minds to such an extent that their mental capabilities to communicate with souls are inhibited. When a newly departed soul does find a way to give solace to the living-however briefly- they usually are satisfied and want to then move on quickly away from Earth’s astral plane.
I had a typical example of spiritual consolation in my own life.
My mother died suddenly from a heart attack. During her burial service, my sister and I were so filled with sadness our minds were numb at the ceremony. A few hours later we returned to my mother’s empty house with our spouses and decided to take a needed rest.
My sister and I must have reached the receptive Alpha state at about the same time.
Appearing in two separate rooms, my mother came through our subconscious minds as a dream-like brush of whiteness above our heads. Reaching out, she smiled, indicating her acceptance of death and current well-being. Then she floated away. Lasting only seconds, this act was a meaningful form of closure, causing both of us to release into a sound sleep of the Delta state.
About four days later, me and my two friends were sleeping the dorm after a night of drinking beer. At around 3am we all suddenly woke up and all of us were sitting up. We all had a dream that Marty was telling us that he was fine and well and not to worry about him. It was so loving and kind that we have never forgot that experience..
We are capable of feeling the comforting presence of the souls of lost loved ones, especially during or right after funerals. For spiritual communication to come through the shock of mourning it is necessary to try to relax and clear your mind, at least for short periods. At these moments our receptivity to a paranormal experience is more open to receive positive communications of love, forgiveness, hope, encouragement, and the reassurance your loved one is in a good place.
When a widow with young children says to me, “A part of my husband comes to me during the difficult times,” I believe her.
My clients tell me as souls they are able to help those on Earth connect their inner minds to the spirit world itself As it has been wisely said, people are not really gone as long as they are remembered by those left on Earth.
In the chapters ahead, we will see how specific memory is a reflection of our own soul, while collective memories are the atoms of pure energy for all souls.
Death does not break our continuity with the immortal soul of those we love simply because they have lost the physical personhood of a mortal body. Despite their many activities, these departed souls are still able to reach us if called upon.
Occasionally, a disturbed spirit does not want to leave the Earth after physical death. This is due to some unresolved problem which has had a severe impact on its consciousness. In these abnormal cases, help is available from higher, caring entities who can assist in the adjustment process from the other side. We also have the means to aid disturbed spirits in letting go on Earth, as well. I will have more to say about troubled souls in Chapter Four, but the enigma of ghosts portrayed in books and movies has been greatly overblown.
How should we best prepare for our own death?
Our lives may be short or long, healthy or sick, but there comes that time when we all must meet death in a way suited for us. If we have had a long illness leading to death, there is time to adequately prepare the mind once initial shock, denial, and depression have passed.
The mind takes a short cut through this sort of progression when we face death suddenly.
As the end of our physical life draws near, each of us has the capacity to fuse with our higher consciousness. Dying is the easiest period in our lives for spiritual awareness, when we can sense our soul is connected to the eternity of time.
Although there are dying people who find acceptance to be more difficult than resignation, caregivers working around the dying say most everyone acquires a peaceful detachment near the end. I believe dying people are given access to a supreme knowledge of eternal consciousness and this frequently shows in their faces. Many of these people realize something universal is out there waiting and it will be good.
This can be slower or faster.
In any event, the brain and the person interprets this as a general calming effect as there is a greater percentage of conscious “duration” within a wave state..
Dying people are undergoing a metamorphosis of separation by their souls from an adopted body. People associate death as losing our life force, when actually the opposite is true. We forfeit our body in death, but our eternal life energy unites with the force of a divine oversoul.
Death is not darkness, but light.
My clients say after recalling former death experiences they are so filled with rediscovered freedom from their earthbound bodies that they are anxious to get started on their spiritual journey to a place of peace and familiarity. In the cases which follow, we will learn what life is like for them in afterlife.
Gateway to the Spirit World
For thousands of years the people of Mesopotamia believed the gates into and out of heaven lay at opposite ends of the great curve of the Milky Way, called the River of Souls. After death, souls had to wait for the rising doorway of Sagittarius and the autumn equinox, when day and night are equal. Reincarnation back to Earth could only take place during the spring equinox through the Gemini exit in their night sky.

My subjects tell me that soul migration is actually much easier.
The tunnel effect they experience when leaving Earth is the portal into the spirit world. Although souls leave their bodies swiftly, it seems to me entry into the spirit world is a carefully measured process. Later, when we return to Earth in another life, the route back is described as being more rapid.
The location of the tunnel in relation to the Earth has some variations between the accounts of my subjects.
Some newly dead people see it opening up next to them right over their bodies, while others say they move high above the Earth before they enter the tunnel. In all cases, however, the time lapse in reaching this passageway is negligible once the soul leaves Earth.

Here are the observations of another individual in this spiritual location.
Case 3 – The Tunnel of Light
Dr. N: You are now leaving your body. See yourself moving further and further away from the place where you died, away from the plane of Earth. Report back to me what you are experiencing.
S: At first … it was very bright … close to the Earth … now it’s a little darker because I have gone into a tunnel.
Dr. N: Describe this tunnel for me.
S: It’s a … hollow, dim vent … and there is a small circle of light at the other end. Dr. N: Okay, what happens to you next?
S: I feel a tugging … a gentle pulling… I think I’m supposed to drift through this tunnel … and I do. It is more gray than dark now, because the bright circle is expanding in front of me. It’s as if… (client stops)
Dr. N: Go on.
S: I’m being summoned forward …
Dr. N: Let the circle of light expand in front of you at the end of the tunnel and continue to explain what is happening to you.
S: The circle of light grows very wide and … I’m out of the tunnel. There is a … cloudy brightness … a light fog. I’m filtering through it.
Dr. N: As you leave the tunnel, what else stands out in your mind besides the lack of absolute visual clarity?
S: (subject lowers voice) It’s so … still … it is such a quiet place to be in … I am in the place of spirits
Not just the sounds of the physical world-lines that lie as part of the “time track” that the consciousness was part of, but the thoughts of all the “quantum shadows” nearby.
Dr. N: Do you have any other impressions at this moment as a soul?
S: Thought! I feel the … power of thought all around …….
Dr. N: Just relax completely and let your impressions come through easily as you continue to report back to me exactly what is happening to you. Please go on.
S: Well, it’s hard to put into words. I feel… thoughts of love companionship … empathy … and it’s all combined with … anticipation … as if others are … waiting for me.
Dr. N: Do you have a sense of security, or are you a little scared?
S: I’m not scared. When I was in the tunnel, I was more … disoriented. Yes, I feel secure … I’m aware of thoughts reaching out to me of caring … nurturing. It is strange, but there is also the understanding around me of just who I am and why I am here now.
Dr. N: Do you see any evidence of this around you?
S: (in a hushed tone) No, I sense it-a harmony of thought everywhere.
Dr. N: You mentioned cloud-like substances around you right after leaving the tunnel. Are you in a sky over Earth?
S: (pause) No-not that-but I seem to be floating through cloud stuff which is different from Earth.
Dr. N: Can you see the Earth at all? Is it below you?
S: Maybe it is, but I haven’t seen it since I went in the tunnel.
Dr. N: Do you sense you are still connected to Earth through another dimension, perhaps?
S: That’s a possibility-yes. In my mind Earth seems close … and I still feel connected to Earth … but I know I’m in another space.
Dr. N: What else can you tell me about your present location?
S: It’s still a little … murky … but I’m moving out of this.
This particular subject, having been taken through the death experience and the tunnel, continues to make tranquil mental adjustments to her bodiless state while pulling further into the spirit world. After some initial uncertainty, her first reported impressions reflect an inviting sense of well-being.
This is a common feeling among my subjects.
Once through the tunnel, our souls have passed the initial gateway of their journey into the spirit world. Most now fully realize they are not really dead, but have simply left the encumbrance of an Earth body which has died.
With this awareness comes acceptance in varying degrees depending upon the soul. Some subjects look at these surroundings with continued amazement while others are more matter-of-fact in reporting to me what they see.
Much depends upon their respective maturity and recent life experiences.
The most common type of reaction I hear is a relieved sigh followed by something on the order of, ” wonderful, I’m home in this beautiful place again.”
There are those highly developed souls who move so fast out of their bodies that much of what I am describing here is a blur as they home into their spiritual destinations. These are the pros and, in my opinion, they are a distinct minority on Earth.
The average soul does not move that rapidly and some are very hesitant.
If we exclude the rare cases of highly disturbed spirits who fight to stay connected with their dead bodies, I find it is the younger souls with fewer past lives who remain attached to Earth’s environment right after death.
Most of my subjects report that as they emerge from the mouth of the tunnel, things are still unclear for awhile. I think this is due to the density of the nearest astral plane surrounding Earth, called the kamaloka by Theosophists.

The next case describes this area from the perspective of a more analytical client. The soul of this individual demonstrates considerable observational insight into form, colors, and vibrational levels. Normally, such graphic physical descriptions by my subjects occur deeper into the spirit world after they get used to their surroundings.
Case 4 – Exiting the “Tunnel of Light” and entering the “Heaven” Universe.
Dr. N: As you move further away from the tunnel, describe what you see around you in as much detail as possible.
S: Things are … layered.
Dr. N: Layered in what way?
S: Umm, sort of like … a cake.
Dr. N: Using a cake as a model, explain what you mean?
S: I mean some cakes have small tops and are wide at the bottom. It’s not like that when I get through the tunnel. I see layers … levels of light … they appear to me to be .. translucent… indented…
Dr. N: Do you see the spirit world here as made up of a solid structure?
S: That’s what I’m trying to explain. It’s not solid, although you might think so at first. It’s layered-the levels of light are all woven together in … stratified threads. I don’t want to make it sound like things are not symmetrical-they are. But I see variations in thickness and color refraction in the layers. They also shift back and forth. I always notice this as I travel away from Earth.
Our consciousness can interpret the visualization of this effect as light. For after all, that is the way our eyes see things, through colors and light.
What is actually going on is that the subject is perceiving the different levels of quanta that make up the physical universe. He / she “sees” it as light.
The quanta has the ability to move from one universe to another, so it should not be misunderstood. The consciousness can see quanta in different universes.
Dr. N: Why do you think this is so?
S: I don’t know. I didn’t design it.
Dr. N: From your description, I picture the spirit world as a huge tier with layers of shaded sections from top to bottom.
S: Yes, and the sections are rounded-they curve away from me as I float through them.
Dr. N: From your position of observation, can you tell me about the different colors of the layers?
S: I didn’t say the layers had any major color tones. They are all variations of white. It is lighter … brighter where I’m going, than where I have been. Around me now is a hazy whiteness which was much brighter than the tunnel.
Dr. N: As you float through these spiritual layers, is your soul moving up or down?
S: Neither. I am moving across.
Dr. N: Well, then, do you see the spirit world at this moment in linear dimensions of lines and angles as you move across?
S: (pause) For me it is … mostly sweeping, non-material energy which is broken into layers by light and dark color variations. I think something is … pulling me into my proper level of travel and trying to relax me, too …
Dr. N: In what way?
S: I’m hearing sounds.
Dr. N: What sounds?
S: An … echo … of music … musical tingling … wind chimes … vibrating with my movements … so relaxing.
Dr. N: Other people have defined these sounds as vibrational in nature, similar to riding on the resonance from the twang of a tuning fork. Do you agree or disagree with this description?
Each interpretation is based on a human sense. As that this the soul construction that the consciousness is familiar with.
This includes all the sense, from sight to taste, to sound, to vibration, to touch. And since the consciousness can apply human sensations to these quanta, the ability to manipulate the quanta can create human-like constructions.
S: (nods in assent) Yes, that’s what this is … and I have a memory of scent and taste, too.
Dr. N: Does this mean our physical senses stay with us after death?
S: Yes, the memory of them … the waves of musical notes here are so beautiful … bells … strings. such tranquility.
Many spirit world travelers report back to me about the relaxing sensations of musical vibrations. Noise sensations start quite early after death. Some subjects tell me they hear humming or buzzing sounds right after leaving their physical bodies. This is similar to the noise one hears standing near telephone wires and may vary in volume before souls pull away from what I believe to be the Earth’s astral plane.
People have said they hear these same sounds when under general anesthesia. These flat, ringing sounds become more musical when we leave the tunnel. This music has been appropriately called energy of the universe because it revitalizes the soul.

With subjects who speak about spiritual layering, I mention the possibility that they could be seeing astral planes. In metaphysical writing, we read a lot about planes above the Earth.
The reason for this has to do with the construction of our own individual souls. Most specifically the garbions and the swales that connect them.
Other species, with different soul constructions, and different types of garbions and swale arrangements would interpret these variations quite differently and might even have a difficult time understanding what we are talking about.
Beginning with ancient Indian scriptures called the Vedas, followed by later Eastern texts, astral planes have historically represented a series of rising dimensions above the physical or tangible world, which blend into the spiritual. These invisible regions have been experienced by people over thousands of years through meditative, out-of-body observations of the mind. Astral planes also have been described as being less dense as one moves farther away from the heavy influences of Earth.
Theravada Buddhist cosmology describes the 31 planes of existence in which rebirth takes place. The order of the planes are found in various discourses of the Gautama Buddha in the Sutta Pitaka. For example, in the Saleyyaka Sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya the Buddha mentioned the planes above the human plane in ascending order. In several sūtras in the Anguttara Nikaya, the Buddha described the causes of rebirth in these planes in the same order. In Buddhism, the devas are not immortal gods that play a creative role in the cosmic process. They are simply elevated beings who had been reborn in the celestial planes as a result of their words, thoughts, and actions. Usually, they are just as much in bondage to delusion and desire as human beings, and as in need of guidance from the Enlightened One. The Buddha is the "teacher of devas and humans (satthadevamanussanam). The devas come to visit the Buddha in the night. The Devatasamyutta and the Devaputtasamyutta of the Samyutta Nikaya gives a record of their conversations. The devaputtas are young devas newly arisen in heavenly planes, and devatas are mature deities. There are more than 10,000 crore (100 billion) solar systems in our Galaxy, and more than 10,000 crore (100 billion) galaxies in our Universe. There are many Universes in space. Past and future lives may occur on other planets. The data for the 31 planes of existence in samsara are compiled from the Majjhima Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, Digha Nikaya, Khuddaka Nikaya, and others. The 31 planes of existence can be perceived by a Buddha's Divine eye (dibbacakkhu) and some of his awakened disciples through the development of jhana meditation. According to the suttas, a Buddha can access all these planes and know all his past lives as well as those of other beings. -Buddhist cosmology of the Theravada school - Wikipedia
The next case represents a soul who is still troubled after passing through the spiritual tunnel. This is a man who, at age thirty-six, died of a heart attack on a Chicago street in 1902. He left behind a large family of young children and a wife who was deeply loved.
They were very poor.
Case 5 – Death in 1902 Chicago.
Dr. N: Can you see clearly yet as you travel beyond the tunnel?
S: I’m still passing through these… foamy clouds around me.
Dr. N: I want you to move all the way through this and tell me what you see now.
S: (pause) Oh … I’m out of it … my God, this place is big! It’s so bright and clean-it even smells good. I am looking at a beautiful ice palace.

Dr. N: Tell me more.
S: (with amazement) It’s enormous … it looks like bright, sparkling crystal … colored stones shining all around me.
Dr. N: When you say crystalline, I think of a clear color.
S: Well, there are mostly grays and white … but as I float along I do see other colors … mosaics … all glittery.
Dr. N: Look into the distance from within this ice palace-do you see any boundaries anywhere?
S: No, this space is infinite … so majestic … and peaceful.
Dr. N: What are you feeling right now?
S: I… can’t fully enjoy it … I don’t want to go further … Maggie (subject’s widow)

Dr. N: I can see you are still disturbed about the Chicago life, but does this inhibit your progress into the spirit world?
S: (subject jerks upright in my office chair) Good! I see my guide coming towards me-she knows what I need.
Dr. N: Tell me what transpires between you and your guide.
S: I say to her I can’t go on… that I need to know Maggie and the children are going to be okay.
Dr. N: And how does your guide respond?
S: She is comforting me-but I’m too loaded down.
Dr. N: What do you say to her?
S: (shouting) I tell her, “Why did you allow this to happen? How could you do this to me? You made me go through such pain and hardship with Maggie and now you cut off our life together.”
Dr. N: What does your guide do?
S: She is trying to soothe me. Telling me I did a good job and that I will see my life ran its intended course.
Dr. N: Do you accept what she says?
S: (pause) In my mind… information comes to me … of the future on Earth … that the family is getting on without me … accepting that I am gone … they are going to make it … and we will all see each other again.
Dr. N: And how does this make you feel?
S: I feel … peace … (with a sigh) .. I am ready to go on now.
Before touching on the significance of Case 5 meeting his guide here, I want to mention this man’s interpretation of the spirit world appearing as an ice palace.
Further into the spirit world, my subjects will talk about seeing buildings and being in furnished rooms.
The state of hypnosis by itself does not create these images.
Logically, people should not be recalling such physical structures in a non-material world unless we consider these scenes of Earth’s natural environment are intended to aid in the soul’s transition and adjustment from a physical death. These sights have individual meaning for every soul communicating with me, all of whom are affected by their Earth experiences.
When the soul sees images in the spirit world which relate to places they have lived or visited on Earth, there is a reason.
An unforgotten home, school, garden, mountain, or seashore are seen by souls because a benevolent spiritual force allows for terrestrial mirages to comfort us by their familiarity. Our planetary memories never die-they whisper forever into the soul-mind on the winds of mythical dreams just as images of the spirit world do so within the human mind.
I enjoy hearing from subjects about their first images of the spirit world. People may see fields of wildflowers, castle towers rising in the distance, or rainbows under an open sky when returning to this place of adoration after an absence.

These first ethereal Earth scenes of the spirit world don’t seem to change a great deal over a span of lives for the returning soul, although there is variety between client descriptions. I find that once a subject in trance continues further into the spirit world to describe the functional aspects of spiritual life, their comments become more uniform.
The case I have just reviewed could be described as a fairly unsettled spirit bonded closely to his soulmate, Maggie, who was left behind.
There is no question that some souls do carry the negative baggage of a difficult past life longer than others, despite the calming influences of the spirit world.
People tend to think all souls become omniscient at death.
This is not completely true because adjustment periods vary. The time of soul adjustment depends upon the circumstances of death, attachments of each soul to the memories of the life just ended, and level of advancement.
I frequently hear anger during age-regression when a young life ends suddenly.
Souls reentering the spirit world under these conditions are often bewildered and confused over leaving people they love without much warning. They are unprepared for death and some feel sad and deprived right after leaving their bodies.
If a soul has been traumatized by unfinished business, usually the first entity it sees right after death is its guide. These highly developed spiritual teachers are prepared to take the initial brunt of a soul’s frustration following an untimely death.

Case 5 will eventually make a healthy adjustment to the spirit world by allowing his guide to assist him during the balance of his incoming trip.
However, I have found our guides do not encourage the complete working out of thought disorders at the spiritual gateway. There are more appropriate times and places for detailed reviews about karmic learning lessons involving life and death, which I will describe later.
The guide in Case 5 offered a brief visualization of accelerated Earth time as a means of soothing this man about the future of his wife and children so he could continue on his journey with more acceptance.
Regardless of their state of mind right after death, my subjects are full of exclamations about rediscovered marvels of the spirit world.
Usually, this feeling is combined with euphoria that all their worldly cares have been left behind, especially physical pain. Above all else, the spirit world represents a place of supreme quiescence to the traveling soul. Although it may at first appear we are alone immediately following death, we are not isolated or unaided. Unseen intelligent energy forces guide each of us through the gate.
New arrivals in the spirit world have little time to float around wondering where they are or what is going to happen to them next. Our guides and a number of soulmates and friends wait for us close to the gateway to provide recognition, affection, and the assurance we are all right. Actually, we feel their presence from the moment of death because much of our initial readjustment depends upon the influence of these kindly entities toward our returning soul.
SINCE encountering friendly spirits who meet us after death is so important, how do we recognize them?
I find a general consensus of opinion among subjects in hypnosis about how souls look to each other in the spirit world. A soul may appear as a mass of energy, but apparently it is also possible for non-organic soul energy to display human characteristics.
Souls often use their capacity to project former life forms when communicating with each other.
Now this can get confusing. What happens when you are moving about world-line sliding and in one world-line you are a poor beggar, and the next a heavily tattooed weight-lifter, and the third, a frail sickly man? What is the default image that is projected?
The default image projected is always the image that the consciousness associates with itself.
Further, the projected image is usually the upper torso. This will be apparent once one migrates about in the non-physical reality.
Projecting a human life form is only one of an incalculable number of appearances which can be assumed by souls from their basic energy substance. Later on, in Chapter Six, I will discuss another feature of soul identity-the possession of a particular color aura.
Most of my subjects report the first person they see in the spirit world is their personal guide.
However, after any life we can be met by a soulmate.
A soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, compatibility and trust. -Wikipedia
Guides and soulmates are not the same.
If a former relative or close friend appears to the incoming soul, their regular guide might be absent from the scene. I find that usually guides are somewhere in close proximity, monitoring the incomer’s arrival in their own way.
The soul in my next case has just come through the spiritual gateway and is met by an advanced entity who obviously has had close connections with the subject over a prolonged series of past lives. Although this soulmate entity is not my client’s primary guide, he is there to welcome and provide loving encouragement for her.
Case 6 – Meetup with long-time friends
Dr. N: What do you see around you?
S: It’s as if … I’m drifting along on … pure white sand … which is shifting around me … and I’m under a giant beach umbrella-with brightly colored panels-all vaporized, but banded together, too …
Dr. N: Is anyone here to meet you?
S: (pause) I … thought I was alone … but … (a long hesitation) in the distance … uh … light … moving fast towards me … oh, my gosh!
Dr. N: What is it?
S: (excitedly) Uncle Charlie! (loudly) Uncle Charlie, I’m over here!
Dr. N: Why does this particular person come to meet you first?
S: (in a preoccupied far-off voice) Uncle Charlie, I’ve missed you so much.
Dr. N: (I repeat my question)
S: Because, of all my relatives, I loved him more than anybody. He died when I was a child and I never got over it. (on a Nebraska farm in this subject’s most immediate past life)

Dr. N: How do you know it’s Uncle Charlie? Does he have features you recognize?
S: (subject is squirming with excitement in her chair) Sure, sure-just as I remember him-jolly, kind, lovable-he is next to me. (chuckles)
Dr. N: What is so funny?
S: Uncle Charlie is just as fat as he used to be.
Dr. N: And what does he do next?
S: He is smiling and holding out his hand to me
Dr. N: Does this mean he has a body of some sort with hands?
S: (laughs) Well, yes and no. I’m floating around and so is he. It’s … in my mind … he is showing all of himself to me … and what I am most aware of … is his hand stretched out to me.
One one hand, it is the residual memories that you might have of an individual, and on the other hand it is greatly influenced by the default image associated with the other consciousness.
Dr. N: Why is he holding out his hand to you in a materialized way? S: (pause) To … comfort me … to lead me … further into the light.
Dr. N: And what do you do?
S: I’m going with him and we are thinking about the good times we spent together playing in the hay on the farm.
Dr. N: And he is letting you see all this in your mind so you will know who he is?
S: Yes … as I knew him in my last life … so I won’t be afraid. He knows I am still a little shocked over my death. (subject had died suddenly in an automobile accident)

Dr. N: Then, right after death, no matter how many deaths we may have experienced in other lives, it is possible to be a little fearful until we get used to the spirit world again?
S: It’s not really fear-that’s wrong-more like I’m apprehensive, maybe. It varies for me each time. The car crash caught me unprepared. I’m still a little mixed up.
Dr. N: All right, let’s go forward a bit more. What is Uncle Charlie doing now? S: He is taking me to the … place I should go …
Dr. N: On the count of three, let’s go there. One-two-three! Tell me what is happening.
S: (long pause) There… are … other people around … and they look… friendly… as I approach … they seem to want me to join them…
Dr. N: Continue to move towards them. Do you get the impression they might be waiting for you?
S: (recognition) Yes! In fact, I realize I have been with them before (pause) No, don’t go!
Dr. N: What’s happening now?
S: (very upset) Uncle Charlie is leaving me. Why is he going away?
Dr. N: (I stop the dialogue to use standard calming techniques in these circumstances, and then we continue.) Look deeply with your inner mind. You must realize why Uncle Charlie is leaving you at this point?
S: (more relaxed but with regret) Yes … he stays in a … different place than I do … he just came to meet me .. to bring me here.
Dr. N: I think I understand. Uncle Charlie’s job was to be the first person to meet you after your death and see you were okay. I’d like to know if you feel better now, and more at home.
S: Yes, I do. That’s why Uncle Charlie has left me with the others.
A curious phenomenon about the spirit world is that important people in our lives are always able to greet us, even though they may already be living another life in a new body. This will be explained in Chapter Six. In Chapter Ten, I will examine the ability of souls to divide their essence so they can be in more than one body at a time on Earth.
Usually at this juncture in a soul’s passage, the carry-on luggage of Earth’s physical and mental burdens are diminishing for two reasons. First, the evidence of a carefully directed order and harmony in the spirit world has brought back the remembrance of what we left behind before we chose life in physical form. Secondly, there is the overwhelming impact of seeing people we thought we would never meet again after they died on Earth.
Here is another example.
Case 7 – Reunions with loved ones.
Dr. N: Now that you have had the chance to adjust to your surroundings in the spirit world, tell me what effect this place has on you.
S: It’s so … warm and comforting. I’m relieved to be away from Earth. I just want to stay here always. There is no tension, or worries, only a sense of well-being. I’m just floating … how beautiful…
Dr. N: As you continue to float along, what is your next major impression as you pass the spiritual gateway?
S: (pause) Familiarity.
Dr. N: What is familiar?
S: (after some hesitation) Uh mm… people … friends … are here, I think.
Dr. N: Do you see these people as familiar people on Earth?
S: I … have a sensation of their presence … people I knew
Dr. N: All right, keep moving along. What do you see next?
S: Lights… soft… kind of cloudy-like.
Dr. N: As you are moving, does this light continue to look the same?
S: No, they are growing … blobs of energy … and I know they are people!
Dr. N: Are you moving toward them, or are they coming toward you?
S: We are drifting toward each other, but I am going slower than they are because … I’m uncertain what to do
Dr. N: Just relax and continue floating while reporting back to me everything you see.
S: (pause) Now I’m seeing half-formed human shapes-from the waist up only. Their outlines are transparent, too … I can see through them.
Dr. N: Do you see any sort of features to these shapes?
S: (anxiously) Eyes!
Dr. N: You see just eyes?
S: … There is only a trace of a mouth-it’s nothing. (alarmed) The eyes are all around me now… coming closer …
Dr. N: Does each entity have two eyes?
S: That’s right.
Dr. N: Do these eyes have the appearance of human eyes with an iris and pupil?
S: No … different … they are … larger … black orbs … radiating light… towards me … thought … (then with a relieved sigh) oh!
Dr. N: Go on.
S: I’m starting to recognize them-they are sending images into my mind-thoughts about themselves and … the shapes are changing into people!
Dr. N: People with physical human features?
S: Yes. Oh … look! It’s him!
Dr. N: What do you see?
S: (begins to laugh and cry at the same time) I think it’s … yes it’s Larry-he is in front of everybody else-he is the first one I really see … Larry, Larry!
Dr. N: (after giving my subject a chance to recover a little) The soul entity of Larry is in front of an assortment of people you know?
S: Yes, now I know the ones I want most to see are in front… some of my other friends are in the back.
Dr. N: Can you see them all clearly?
S: No, the ones in back are … hazy … far off… but, I have the sensation of their presence. Larry is in front … coming up to me Larry!
Dr. N: Larry is the husband from your last life you told me about earlier?
S: (subject rushes on) Yes-we had such a wonderful life together–Gunther was so strong-everyone was against our marriage in his family-Jean deserted from the navy to save me from the bad life I was living in Marseilles – always wanting me
This subject is so excited her past lives are tumbling one on top of the other. Larry, Gunther, and Jean were all former husbands, but the same soulmate. I was glad we had a chance to review earlier who these people were in sessions before this interval of recall in the spirit world. Besides Larry, her recent American husband, Jean was a French sailor in the nineteenth century and Gunther was the son of German aristocrats living in the eighteenth century.
Dr. N: What are the two of you doing right now?
S: Embracing.
Dr. N: If a third party were to look at the two of you embracing at this moment, what would they see?
S: (no answer)
Dr. N: (the subject is so engrossed in the scene with her soulmate there are tears streaming down her face. I wait a moment and then try again.) What would you and Larry look like to someone watching you in the spirit world right now?
S: They would see… two masses of bright light whirling around each other, I guess … (subject begins to settle down and I help wipe the tears off her face with a tissue)
Dr. N: And what does this signify?
S: We are hugging … expressing love … connecting … it makes us happy …
Dr. N: After you meet your soulmate, what happens next?
S: (subject tightly grips the recliner arms) Oh-they are all here-I only sensed them before. Now more are coming closer to me.
Dr. N: And this happens after your husband comes near you?
S: Yes … Mother! She is coming over to me … I’ve missed her so much… oh, Mom… (subject begins to cry again)
Dr. N: All right …
S: Oh, please don’t ask me any questions now-I want to enjoy this (subject appears to be in silent conversation with her mother of the last life)
Dr. N: (I wait for a minute) Now, I know you are enjoying this meeting, but I need you to help me know what is going on.
S: (in a faraway voice) We … we are just holding each other … it’s so good to be with her again
Dr. N: How do you manage to hold each other with no bodies?
S: (with a sigh of exasperation at me) We envelop each other in light, of course.
Dr. N: Tell me what that is like for spirits?
S: Like being wrapped in a bright-light blanket of love.
Dr. N: I see, then ….
S: (subject interrupts with a high pitched laugh of recognition) Tim!… it’s my brother-he died so young (a drowning accident at age fourteen in her last life). It’s so wonderful to see him here. (subject waves her arm) And there is my best girl friend Wilma-from next door-we are laughing together over boys like we did while sitting up in her attic.
Dr. N: (after subject mentions her aunt and a couple of other friends) What do you think determines the sequence of how all these people come here to greet you?
S: (pause) Why, how much we all mean to each other-what else?
Dr. N: And with some, you have lived many lives, while with others perhaps only one or two?
S: Yes … I have been with my husband the most.
Dr. N: Do you see your guide around anywhere?
S: He is here. I see him floating off to the side. He knows some of my friends, too … Dr. N: Why do you call your guide a “him?”

S: We all show what we want of ourselves. He always relates to me with a masculine nature. It’s right and very natural.
Dr. N: And does he watch over you in all your lives?
S: Sure, and after death too … here, and he is always my protector.
Our reception committee is planned in advance for us as we enter the spirit world. This case demonstrates how uplifting familiar faces can be to the incoming younger soul.
I find there are a different number of entities waiting in greeting parties after each life.
Although the meeting format varies, depending on a soul’s special needs, I have learned there is nothing haphazard about our spiritual associates knowing exactly when we are due and where to meet us upon our arrival in the spirit world.
Frequently, an entity who is significant to us will be waiting a little in front of the others who want to be on hand as we come through the gateway.
The size of welcoming parties not only changes for everyone after each life, but is drastically reduced to almost nothing for more advanced souls where spiritual comfort becomes less necessary. Case 9, at the end of this chapter, is an example of this type of spiritual passage.
Cases 6 and 7 both represent one of the three ways newly arrived souls are received back into the spirit world. These two souls were met shortly after death by a principal entity, followed by others of decreasing influence. Case 7 recognized people more quickly than Case 6. When we meet such spirits in a gathering right after our death, we find they have been spouses parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, and dear friends in our past lives. I have witnessed some gut- wrenching emotional scenes with my clients at this stage of their passage.
The emotional meetings which take place between souls at this interval in a spiritual passage are only a prelude to our eventual placement within a specific group of entities at our own maturity level.
These meetings provide another emotional high for a subject in superconscious recall. Spiritual organizational arrangements, involving how groups form and are cross-matched with other entities, will be described in subsequent chapters.
For the present, it is important we understand welcoming entities may not be part of our own particular learning group in the spirit world. This is because all the people who are close to us in our lives are not on the same developmental level.
Simply because they choose to meet us right after death out of love and kindness does not mean they will all be part of our spiritual learning group when we arrive at the final destination of this journey.
For instance, in Case 6, Uncle Charlie was clearly a more advanced soul than my subject and may even have been serving in the capacity of a spiritual guide. It was evident to me that one of the primary tasks of Uncle Charlie’s soul was to help Case 6 as a child in the life just ended, and his responsibility continued right after my subject’s death.
With Case 7, the important first contact was Larry, a true soulmate on the same level as this subject. Notice also in Case 7, that my subject’s spiritual guide was not conspicuous among her former relatives and friends. However, as the scene unfolded, there were indications of a spiritual guide orchestrating the whole meeting process while remaining in the background.
I see this in many cases.
The second manner in which we are met right after death involves a quiet, meaningful encounter with one’s spiritual guide where no one else is revealed in the immediate vicinity, as in Case 5.
Case 8 further illustrates this sort of meeting.
What type of after-death meeting we do experience appears to involve the particular style of our spiritual guide along with requisites of our individual character. I find the duration of this first meeting with our guides does vary after each life depending upon the circumstances of that life.
Case 8 shows the very close relationships people have with their spiritual guides.
Many guides have strange sounding names, while others are rather conventional. I find it interesting that the old-fashioned religious term of having a “guardian angel” is now used metaphysically to denote an empathetic spirit.

To be honest, this is a term I once denigrated as being foolishly loaded with wishful thinking and representing an out-dated mythology at odds with the modern world. I don’t have that belief anymore about guardian angels.
I am repeatedly told that the soul itself is androgynous, and yet, in the same breath, clients declare sex is not an unimportant factor.

I have learned all souls can and do assume male and female mental impressions toward other entities as a form of identity preference. Cases 6 and 7 show the importance of the newly arrived soul in seeing familiar “faces” identified by gender.
This is also true of the next case. Another reason why I selected Case 8 is to indicate how and why souls choose to visually appear in human form to others in the spirit world.
Case 8 – Spirits in human form
Dr. N: You have just started to actually leave the Earth’s astral plane now, and are moving further and further into the spirit world. I want you to tell me what you feel.
S: The silence … so peaceful …
Dr. N: Is anyone coming to meet you?
S: Yes, it’s my friend Rachel. She is always here for me when I die.
Dr. N: Is Rachel a soulmate who has been with you in other lives, or is she someone who always remains here?
S: (with some indignation) She doesn’t always stay here. No, she is with me a lot-in my mind-when I need her. She is my own guardian (said with possessive pride).
Note: The attributes of guides as differentiated from soulmates and other supportive entities will be examined in Chapter Eight.

Dr. N: Why do you call this entity a “she”? Aren’t spirits supposed to be sexless?
S: That’s right-in a literal way, because we are capable of both attributes. Rachel wants to show herself to me as a woman for the visual knowing and it is a mental thing as well with her.
Dr. N: Are you locked into male or female attributes during your spiritual existence?
S: No. As souls there are periods in our existence when we are more inclined toward one gender than another. Eventually, this natural preference evens out.
Dr. N: Would you describe how Rachel’s soul actually looks to you at this moment? S: (quietly) A youngish woman … as I remember her best … small, with delicate features … a determined expression on her face … so much knowledge and love.
Dr. N: Then you have known Rachel on Earth?
S: (responding with nostalgia) Once, long ago, she was close to me in life … now she is my guardian.
Dr. N: And what do you feel when you look at her?
S: A calmness … tranquility … love …
Dr. N: Do you and Rachel actually look at each other with eyes in a human way?
S: (hesitates) Sort of … but different. You see the mind behind what we take to be eyes, because that is what we relate to on Earth. Of course, we can do the same thing as humans on Earth, too …
Dr. N: What can you do on Earth with your eyes that can also be done in the spirit world?
S: When you look into a certain person’s eyes on the ground-even people you have just met-and see a light you have known before well, that tells you something about them. As a human you don’t know why-but your soul remembers.
Note: I have heard about the light of spiritual identity being reflected in the human eyes of a soulmate expressed in a variety of ways from many clients. As for myself, I have knowingly experienced this instant recognition only once in my life at the moment I first saw my own wife. The effect is startling, and a bit eerie as well.
Dr. N: Are you saying that sometimes on Earth when two people look at each other, they may feel they have known one another before?
S: Yes, it’s deja vu.
Dr. N: Let’s go back to Rachel in the spirit world. If your guardian did not project an image of herself in human form to you, would you have known her anyway?
S: Well, naturally we can always identify each other by the mind. But, it’s nicer this way. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s a … social thing … seeing a familiar face puts you at ease.
Dr. N: Seeing human features of people you knew in past lives is a good thing then, particularly in the readjustment period right after leaving Earth?
S: Yeah, otherwise you feel a little lost at first … lonesome … and maybe confused, too … seeing people as they were helps me get used to things here faster when I first come back, and seeing Rachel is always a big boost.
Dr. N: Does Rachel present herself to you in human form right after each death on Earth as a way of getting you readjusted to the spirit world?
S: (eagerly) Oh, yes-she does! And she gives me security. I feel better when I see others I have known before too …
Dr. N: And do you speak to these people?
S: No one speaks, we communicate by the mind.
Dr. N: Telepathically?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: Is it possible for souls to have private conversations which cannot be telepathically picked up by others?
S: (pause) … for intimacy-yes.
Dr. N: How is this done?
S: By touch-it’s called touching communication.
Note: When two spirits come so close to each other they are conjoined, my subjects say they can send private thoughts by touch which passes between them as “electrical sound impulses.” In most instances, subjects in hypnosis do not wish to talk to me about these personal confidences.
Dr. N: Could you clarify for me how human features can be projected by you as a soul?
S: From … my mass of energy… I just think of the features I want … but I can’t tell you what gives me the ability to do this.
Dr. N: Well, then, can you tell me why you and the other souls project certain features at different times?
S: (long pause) It depends on where you are in your movements around here … when you see another… and your state of mind then.
Dr. N: That’s what I want to get at. Tell me more about recognition.
S: You see, recognition depends on a person’s … feelings when you meet them here. They will show you what they want you to see of themselves and what they think you want to see. It also depends on the circumstances of your meeting with them.
Dr. N: Can you be more specific? What different circumstances can cause energy forms to materialize in a certain way toward other spirits?
S: It is the difference between your being on their turf or your turf. They may choose to show you one set of features in one place, while in another you might see something else.
Note: Spiritual “territory” will be explained as we proceed further into the spirit world.
Dr. N: Are you telling me that a soul may show you one face at the gateway to the spirit world and another image later in a different situation?
S: That’s right. Dr. N: Why?
S: Like I was telling you, a lot of how we present ourselves to each other depends on what we are feeling right then … what relationship we have with a certain person and where we are.
Dr. N: Please tell me if I understand all this correctly. The identity souls project to each other depends on timing and location in the Spirit world as well as mood, and maybe psychological states of mind when they meet?
S: Sure, and it works both ways … it’s interconnecting.
Dr. N: Then, how can we know the true character of a soul’s consciousness with all these changes in each other’s image?
S: (laughs) The image you project never hides who you really are from the rest of us. Anyway, it’s not the same kind of emotion we know on Earth. Here it is more … abstract. Why we project certain features and thoughts … is based on a … confirmation of ideas.
Dr. N: Ideas? Do you mean your sentiments at the time?
S: Yes … sort of… because these human features were part of our physical lives in other places when we discovered things … and developed ideas … it is all a … continuum for us to use here.
Dr. N: Well, if in each of our past lives we have a different face, which one do we assume between lives?
S: We mix it up. You assume those features which the person you see will most recognize as you, depending on what you want to communicate.
Dr. N: What about communication without projecting features?
S: Sure, we do that-it’s normal-but I mentally associate with people more quickly with features.
Dr. N: Do you favor projecting a certain set of facial features?
S: Hmm … I like the face with the mustache … having a rock-hard jaw…
Dr. N: You mean when you were Jeff Tanner, the cowpuncher from Texas in the life we discussed earlier?
S: (laughs) That’s it-and I have had faces like Jeff’s in other lives, too.
Dr. N: But, why Jeff? Was it just because he was you in your last life?
S: No, I felt good as Jeff. It was a happy, uncomplicated life. Damn, I looked great! My face resembled those billboard smoking ads you used to see along the highway. (chuckling) I enjoy showing off my handle-bar mustache as Jeff.

Dr. N: But that was only one life. People not associated with you in that life may not recognize you here.
S: Oh, they would get it was me soon enough. I could change to something else, but I like myself as Jeff the best right now.
Dr. N: So, this goes back to what you were saying about all of us really only having one identity, regardless of the number of facial features we might project as souls?
S: Yeah, you see everyone as they truly are. Some only want their best side to show because of what you might think of them-they don’t fully appreciate that it is what you are striving for which is important, not how you appear. We get a lot of laughs about how spirits think they should look, even taking faces they never had on Earth, and that’s okay.
Dr. N: Are we talking about the more immature souls, then?
S: Yes, usually. They can get stuck … we don’t judge … in the end they are going to be all right.
Dr. N: I think of the spirit world as a place of supreme all-knowing intelligent consciousness and you make it appear that souls have moods and vanity as though they were back on Earth?
S: (burst of laughter) People are people no matter how they look on their physical worlds.
Dr. N: Oh, do you see souls who have gone to planets other than Earth?
S: (pause) Once in a while …
Dr. N: What features do souls from other planets besides Earth show you?
S: (evasively) I … kind of stick with my own people, but we can assume any features we want for communication …
Note: Gaining information from the subjects I have had who are able to recall leading physical past lives in non-human form on other worlds is always challenging. Recollection of these experiences are usually limited to older, more advanced souls, as we will see later.
For now, and apologies to any loose statements that I have made in the past, we can consider the “universe” outside or next to the physical universe to be segregated into sub-universe or regions that each favor a certain species. It’s a spawning process and the lack of proper terminology can hamper our study of this.

Dr. N: Is this ability to transmit features to each other as souls a gift the creator provided for us based upon spiritual need?
S: How should I know-I’m not God!
The concept of souls having fallibility comes as a surprise to some people. The statements of Case 8 and all my other clients indicate most of us are still far from perfect beings in the spirit world. The essential purpose of reincarnation is self- improvement. The psychological ramifications of our development, both in and out of the spirit world, is the foundation of my work.
We have seen the importance of meeting other entities while entering the spirit world. Besides uniting with our guides and other familiar beings, I have mentioned a third form of reentry after death. This is the rather disconcerting manner in which a soul is met by no one.
Although it is an uncommon occurrence for most of my clients, I still feel a little sorry for those subjects who describe how they are pulled by unseen forces all alone to their final destinations, where contact is finally made with others. This would be akin to landing in a foreign country where you have been before, but without any baggage handlers or a tourist information desk to assist you with directions. I suppose what bothers me the most about this type of entry is the apparent lack of any soul acclimation.
My own conceptions of what it must be like to be alone at the spiritual gateway and beyond is not shared by those souls who utilize the option of going solo. Actually, people in this category are experienced travelers. As older, mature souls, they seem to require no initial support system. They know right where they are going after death. I suspect the process is accelerated for them as well, because they manage to more rapidly wind up where they belong than those who stop to meet others.
Case 9 is a client who has had a great number of lives, spanning thousands of years. About eight lives before his current one, people finally stopped meeting him at the spiritual gate.
Case 9 – Arriving alone in Heaven.
Dr. N: What happens to you at the moment of death?
S: I feel a great sense of release and I move out fast.
Dr. N: How would you characterize your departure from Earth into the spirit world?
S: I shoot up like a column of light and I’m on my way.
Dr. N: Has it always been this fast for you?
S: No, only after my last series of lives.
Dr. N: Why?
S: I know the way, I don’t need to see anybody-I’m in a hurry.
Dr. N: And it doesn’t bother you that you are not met by anyone?
S: (laughs) There was a time when it was good, but I don’t require that sort of thing anymore.
Dr. N: Whose decision was it to allow you to enter the spirit world without assistance?
S: (pause and then with a shrug) It was … a mutual decision … between my teacher and me … when I knew I could handle things by myself.
Dr. N: And you don’t feel rather lost or lonely right now?
S: Are you kidding? I don’t need my hand held anymore. I know where I’m going and I’m anxious to get there. I’m being pulled along by a magnet and I just enjoy the ride.
Dr. N: Explain to me how this pulling process works which will take you to your destination?
S: I am riding on a wave … a beam of light.
Dr. N: Is this beam electromagnetic, or what?
S: Well … it’s similar to the bands of a radio with someone turning the dial and finding the right frequency for me.
Dr. N: Are you saying you are being guided by an invisible force without much voluntary control and that you can’t speed things up as you did right after death?
S: Yes. I must go with the wave bands of light … the waves have direction and I’m flowing with it. It’s easy. They do it all for you.
Dr. N: Who does it for you?
S: The ones in control … I don’t really know.
Dr. N: Then you are not in control. You don’t have the responsibility of finding your own destination.
S: (pause) My mind is in tune with the movement … I flow with the resonance …
Dr. N: Resonance? You hear sounds?
S: Yes, the wave beam … vibrates … I’m locked into this, too.
Dr. N: Let’s go back to your statement about the radio. Is your spiritual travel influenced by vibrational frequencies such as high, medium, and low resonance quality?
S: (laughing) That’s not bad-yes, and I’m on a line, like a homing beacon of sound and light… and it’s part of my own tonal pattern-my frequency.
Dr. N: I’m not sure I understand how light and vibration combine to set up directional bands.
S: Think of a monster tuning fork inside a flashing strobe light.
Dr. N: Oh, then there is energy here?
S: We have energy-within an energy field. So, it isn’t just the lines we travel on … we generate energy ourselves … we can use these forces depending on our experience.
Dr. N: Then your maturity level does give you some element of control in the rate and direction of travel.
S: Yes, but not right here. Later, when I am settled I can move around much more on my own. Now, I’m being pulled and I’m supposed to go with it.
Dr. N: Okay, stay with this and describe to me what happens next.
S: (short pause) I’m moving alone … being homed into my proper space… going where I belong.
In hypnosis, the analytical conscious mind works in conjunction with the unconscious mind to receive and answer messages directed to our deep-seated memories. The subject in Case 9 is an electrical engineer and thus he utilized some technical descriptions to express his spiritual sensations. This client’s predisposition to explain his thoughts on soul travel in technical terms was encouraged, but not dictated, by my suggestions. All subjects bring their own segments of knowledge to bear on answering my questions about the spirit world. This case used physical laws familiar to him to describe motion, whereas another person might have said souls move in this tract within a vacuum.
Before continuing with the passage of souls into the spirit world, I want to discuss those entities who either have not made it this far after physical death, or will be diverted from the normal travel route.
The Displaced Soul
THERE are souls who have been so severely damaged they are detached from the mainstream of souls going back to a spiritual home base. Compared to all returning entities, the number of these abnormal souls is not large. However, what has happened to them on Earth is significant because of the serious effect they have on other incarnated souls.
There are two types of displaced souls:
- Those who do not accept the fact their physical body is dead and fight returning to the spirit world for reasons of personal anguish, (ghosts) and…
- Those souls who have been subverted by, or had complicity with, criminal abnormalities in a human body.
In the first instance, displacement is of the soul’s own choosing.
While in the second case, spiritual guides deliberately remove these souls from further association with other entities for an indeterminate period.
In both situations, the guides of these souls are intimately concerned with rehabilitation.
But because the circumstances are quite different between each type of displaced soul, I will treat them separately.
The first type we call ghosts. These spirits refuse to go home after physical death and often have unpleasant influences on those of us who would like to finish out our own human lives in peace.
These displaced souls are sometimes falsely called “demonic spirits” because they are accused of invading the minds of people with harmful intent.
The subject of negative Spirits has produced serious investigations in the field of parapsychology. Unfortunately, this area of spirituality has also attracted a fringe element of the unscrupulous associated with the occult, who prey on the emotions of susceptible people.

The troubled spirit is an immature entity with unfinished business in a past life on Earth.
They may have no relation to the living person who is disrupted by them.
It is true that some people are convenient and receptive conduits for negative spirits who wish to express their querulous nature. This means that someone who is in a deep meditative state of consciousness might occasionally pick up annoying signal patterns from a discarnated being whose communications can range from the frivolous to provocative. These unsettled entities are not spiritual guides.
Real guides are healers and don’t intrude with acrimonious messages.
More often than not, these uncommon haunted spirits are tied to a particular geographic location.

Researchers who have specialized in the phenomena of ghosts indicate those disturbed entities are caught in a “no-man’s land” between the lower astral planes of Earth and the spirit world.
From my own research, I don’t believe these souls are lost in space, nor are they demonic. They choose to remain within the Earth plane after physical death for a time by their own volition due to a high level of discontent. In my opinion, they are damaged souls because they evidence confusion, despair, and even hostility to such an extent they want their guides to stay away from them.
We do know a negative, displaced entity can be reached and handled by various means, such as exorcism, to get them to stop interfering with human beings. Possessing spirits can be persuaded to leave and eventually make a proper transition into the spirit world.
If we have a spirit world governed by order, with guides who care about us, how can maladaptive souls (who exert negative energy upon incarnated beings) be allowed to exist?
One explanation is that we still have free will, even in death.
Another is that since we endure so many upheavals in our physical universe, then spiritual irregularities and deviations from the normal exodus of souls ought to be anticipated as well.
Discarnate, unhappy spirits who trap themselves are possibly part of a grand design.
When they are ready, these souls will be taken by the hand away from Earth’s astral plane and guided to their proper place in the spirit world.
The Evil Soul.
I turn now to the far more prevalent second type of disturbed soul. These are souls who have been involved with evil acts.
We should first speculate if a soul can be considered culpable or guilt-free when it occupied the offending criminal brain? Is the soul mind or human ego responsible, or are they the same?
Occasionally, a client will say to me, “I feel possessed by an inner force which tells me to do bad things.”
There are mentally ill people who feel driven by opposing forces of good and evil over which they believe they have no control.
After working for years with the superconscious minds of people under hypnosis, I have come to the conclusion that the five-sensory human can negatively act upon a soul’s psyche.
We express our eternal self through dominant biological needs and the pressures of environmental stimuli which are temporary to the incarnated soul. Although there is no hidden, sinister self within our human form, some souls are not fully assimilated. People not in harmony with their bodies feel detached from themselves in life.
This condition does not excuse souls from doing their utmost to prevent evil involvement on Earth. We see this in human conscience. It is important we distinguish between what is exerting a negative force on our mind and what is not.
Hearing an inner voice which may suggest self-destruction to ourselves or someone else is not a demonic spiritual entity, an alien presence, nor a malevolent renegade guide. Negative forces emanate from ourself.
The destructive impulses of emotional disorders, if left untreated, inhibit soul development. Those of us who have experienced unresolved personal trauma in our lives carry the seeds of our own destruction. This anguish affects our soul in such a way that it seems we are not whole. For instance, excessive craving and addictive behavior, which is the outgrowth of personal pain, inhibits the expression of a healthy soul and may even hold a soul in bondage to its host body.
Does the extent of contemporary violence mean that we have more souls “going wrong” today than in the past?
If nothing else, our over-population and mind- altering drug culture should support this conclusion. On the positive side, Earth’s international level of consciousness toward human suffering appears to be rising. I’ve been told that in every era of Earth’s bloody history there has always been a significant number of souls unable to resist and successfully counter human cruelty. Certain souls, whose hosts have a genetic disposition to abnormal brain chemistry, are particularly at risk in a violent environment.
We see how children can be so damaged by physical and emotional family abuse that, as adults, they commit premeditated acts of atrocity without feelings of remorse. Since souls are not created perfect, their nature can be contaminated during the development of such a life form.
If our transgressions are especially serious we call them evil.
My subjects say to me no soul is inherently evil, although it may acquire this label in human life. Pathological evil in humans is characterized by feelings of personal impotence and weakness which is stimulated by helpless victims.
Although souls who are involved with truly evil acts should generally be considered at a low level of development, soul immaturity does not automatically invite malevolent behavior from a damaged human personality.
The evolution of souls involves a transition from imperfection to perfection based upon overcoming many difficult body assignments during their task-oriented lives.
Souls may also have a predisposition for selecting environments where they consistently don’t work well, or are subverted.
Thus, souls may have their identity damaged by poor life choices.
However, all souls are held accountable for their conduct in the bodies they occupy. We will see in the next chapter how souls receive an initial review of their past life with guides before moving on to join their friends.
But what happens to souls who have, through their bodies, caused extreme suffering to another?
If a soul is not capable of ameliorating the most violent human urges in its host body, how is it held accountable in afterlife? This brings up the issue of being sent to heaven or hell for good and bad deeds because accountability has long been a part of our religious traditions.
On the wall of my office hangs an Egyptian painting, “The Judgment Scene,” as represented in the Book of the Dead, which is a mythological ritual of death over 7,000 years old.

The ancient Egyptians had an obsession with death and the world beyond the grave because, in their cosmic pantheon, death explained life. The picture shows a newly deceased man arriving in a place located between the land of the living and the kingdom of the dead.
He stands by a set of scales about to be judged for his past deeds on Earth.
The master of ceremonies is the god Anubis, who carefully weighs the man’s heart on one pan of the scale against the ostrich feather of truth on the opposite side.
The heart, not the head, represented the embodiment of a person’s soul-conscience to the Egyptians.
It is a tense moment.
A crocodile-headed monster is crouched nearby with his mouth open, ready to devour the heart if the man’s wrongs outweigh the good he did in life. Failure at the scales would end the existence of this soul.
I get quite a few comments from my clients about this picture.
A metaphysically oriented person would insist no one is denied entrance into the kingdom of afterlife, regardless of how unfavorably balanced the scales might be toward past conduct.
Is this belief true? Are all souls given the opportunity to transmute back into the spirit world the same way, irrespective of their association with the bodies they occupied?
To answer this question, I should begin by mentioning that a large segment of society believes all souls do not go to the same place. More moderate theology no longer stresses the idea of hellfire and brimstone for sinners. However, many religious sects indicate a spiritual coexistence of two mental states of good and evil.
For the “bad” soul there are ancient philosophical pronouncements denoting a separation from the God-Essence as a means of punishment after death.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead, a source of religious belief thousands of years older than the Bible, describes the state of consciousness between lives (the Bardo) as a time when “the evil we have perpetrated projects us into spiritual separation.”
If the peoples of the East believed in a special spiritual location for evil doers, was this idea similar to the concept of purgatory in the Western world?
From its earliest beginnings, Christian doctrine defined purgatory as a transitory state of temporary banishment for sins of a minor nature against humanity. The Christian purgatory is supposed to be a place of atonement, isolation, and suffering.

When all negative karma is removed, these souls are eventually allowed into heaven. On the other hand, souls committing major (deadly) sins are condemned to hell forever.
Does hell exist to permanently separate good souls from bad ones? All my case work with the spirits of my subjects has convinced me there is no residence of terrible suffering for souls, except on Earth. I am told all souls go to one spirit world after death where everyone is treated with patience and love.
However, I have learned that certain souls do undergo separation in the spirit world.
This happens at the time of their orientation with guides.
They are not activated along the same travel routes as other souls. Those of my subjects who have been impeded by evil report that souls whose influence was too weak to turn aside a human impulse to harm others will go into seclusion upon reentering the spirit world. These souls don’t appear to mix with other entities in the conventional manner for quite a while.
I have also noticed that those beginner souls who are habitually associated with intensely negative human conduct in their first series of lives must endure individual spiritual isolation.
Ultimately, they are placed together in their own group to intensify learning under close supervision.
This is not punishment, but rather a kind of purgatory for the restructuring of self-awareness with these souls.
Because wrongdoing takes so many forms on Earth, spiritual instruction and the type of isolation used is varied for each soul. The nature of these variations apparently is evaluated during orientation at the end of each life.
Relative time of seclusion and reindoctrination is not consistent either.
For instance, I have had reports about maladjusted spirits who have returned back to Earth directly after a period of seclusion in order to expunge themselves as soon as possible by a good incarnated performance.
Here is an example, as told to me by a soul who was acquainted with one of these spirits.
Case 10 – The “second chance ” at redemption.
Dr. N: Do souls bear responsibility for their involvement with flawed human beings who injure others in life?
S: Yes, those who have wronged others savagely in a life-I knew one of those souls.
Dr. N: What do you know about this entity? What happened after this soul returned to the spirit world following that life?
S: He … had hurt a girl … terribly … and did not rejoin our group. There was extensive private study for him because he did so poorly while in that body.
Dr. N: What was the extent of his punishment?
S: Punishment is … a wrong interpretation … it’s regeneration. You have to recognize this is a matter for your teacher. The teachers are more strict with those who have been involved with cruelty.
Dr. N: What does “more strict” mean to you in the spirit world?
S: Well, my friend didn’t go back with us … his friends … after this sad life where he hurt this girl.
Dr. N: Did he come through the same spiritual gateway as yourself when he died?
S: Yes, but he did not meet with anybody … he went directly to a place where he was alone with the teacher.
Dr. N: And then what happened to him?
S: After awhile … not long … he returned to Earth again as a woman … where people were cruel … physically abusive … it was a deliberate choice … my friend needed to experience that …
Dr. N: Do you think this soul blamed the human brain of his former host body for hurting the girl?
S: No, he took what he had done … back into himself … he blamed his own lack of skill to overcome the human failings. He asked to become an abused woman himself in the next life to gain understanding… to appreciate the damage he had done to the girl.
Dr. N: If this friend of yours did not gain understanding and continued involving himself with humans who committed wrongful acts, could he be destroyed as a soul by someone in the spirit world?
S: (long pause) You can’t destroy energy exactly … but it can be reworked… negativity which is unmanageable … in many lives … can be readjusted.
Dr. N: How?
S: (vaguely) … Not by destruction … remodeling …
Case 10 did not respond further to this line of questioning, and other subjects who know something about these damaged souls are rather sparse with their information. Later, we will learn a bit more about the formation and restoration of intelligent energy.
Most errant souls are able to solve their own problems of contamination. The price we pay for our misdeeds and the rewards received for good conduct revolve around the laws of karma. Perpetrators of harm to others will do penance by setting themselves up as future victims in a karmic cycle of justice. The Bhagavad Gita, another early Eastern scripture which has stood the test of thousands of years, has a passage which says, “souls of evil influence must redeem their virtue.”
No study of life after death would have any meaning without addressing how karma relates to causality and justice for all souls. Karma by itself does not denote good or bad deeds. Rather it is the result of one’s positive and negative actions in life. The statement, “there are no accidents in our lives,” does not mean karma by itself impels. What it does is propel us forward by teaching lessons. Our future destiny is influenced by a past from which we cannot escape, especially when we injure others.
The key to growth is understanding we are given the ability to make mid-course corrections in our life and having the courage to make necessary changes when what we are doing is not working for us. By conquering fear and taking risks, our karmic pattern adjusts to the effects of new choices. At the end of every life, rather than having a monster waiting to devour our souls, we serve as our most severe critic in front of teacher-guides.
This is why karma is both just and merciful. With the help of our spiritual counselors and peers we decide on the proper mode of justice for our conduct.
Some people who believe in reincarnation also think if negative souls do not learn their lessons within a reasonable span of lives, they will be eliminated and replaced by more willing souls.
My subjects deny this premise.
There is no set path of self-discovery designed for all souls. As one subject told me, “souls are assigned to Earth for the duration of the war.”
This means souls are given the time and opportunity to make changes for growth. Souls who continue to display negative attitudes through their human hosts must overcome these difficulties by continually making an effort to change. From what I have seen, no negative karma remains attached to a soul who is willing to work during their many lives on this planet.
It is an open question whether a soul should be held entirely at fault for humanity’s irrational, unsocialized, and destructive acts.
Souls must learn to cope in different ways with each new human being assigned to them. The permanent identity of a soul stamps the human mind with a distinctive character which is individual to that soul.
However, I find there is a strange dual nature between the soul mind and human brain.
I will discuss this concept further in later chapters, after the reader learns more about the existence of souls in the spirit world…
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Is our Solar System a binary system with a Brown Dwarf Companion within the Oort Cloud?
Could our solar system resemble most other visible stars in our galaxy? As our galaxy is filled with solar systems comprised with multiple stars, it has always seemed strange that our solar system would be so unusual.
Strange. Or perhaps, unique and special.
Well, there is evidence that our Sun has a companion. It’s a very dim brown dwarf, tiny and out on the fringes of our solar system in the Oort cloud. That would make it a Binary Star System.
Binary classifications Binary stars are two stars orbiting a common center of mass. The brighter star is officially classified as the primary star, while the dimmer of the two is the secondary (classified as A and B respectively). In cases where the stars are of equal brightness, the designation given by the discoverer is respected. -Binary Star Systems: Classification and Evolution | Space
Here we talk about it.
First off, it’s pretty unusual for a G-class star to be part of a single-star solar system.
How do we know?
Multiple star systems are common
It has long been the common line that most stars are binary (or multiple). It’s one of those things that astronomers at all levels have a tendency to repeat if only because it has already been said so many times that it’s “obviously” true.
This notion is based primarily on the work of Helmut Abt during the 1960s & 1970s (e.g., Abt, 1961; Abt, et al., 1965; Abt, 1965; Abt & Levy, 1969; Abt & Snowden, 1973, which actually provides evidence to the contrary; Abt & Levy, 1978).
However, Abt only sampled a magnitude-limited population of stars. He only sampled the fairly bright & massive stars.
He did not explore the realm of low mass M-class dwarf stars.
But today we can see that the low-mass stars are far dimmer & far more common than was possible in Abt’s day. Modern surveys commonly sample hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of stars, something Abt could only dream of.
Analysis of those far larger samples now indicates that most main sequence stars are likely to be single than binary or multiple.
For instance, Lada, 2006 shows that 2/3 of all main sequence stellar systems in the Milky Way disk are single stars. Meanwhile, somewhat less than 1/2 of the Hipparcos stars in Lepine & Bongiorno, 2007 are binary or multiple (146 out of 521). Clark, Blake & Knapp, 2011 finds the binary fraction for their sample of SDSS M-dwarfs to be only 3-4%, but also that the total binary fraction goes up with stellar mass).
I think the current trend in “stellar multiplicity studies” shows that multiplicity goes up with stellar mass. The bigger and brighter the star, the greater the probability that it will be part of a multiple star system.
However, most stars are not in binary or multiple systems simply because low mass stars heavily outnumber high mass stars. And they outnumber them a lot!
It is evident that the formation of massive stars (Kratter, 2011; Zinnecker & Yorke, 2007) is somewhat different from the formation of lower mass stars (McKee & Ostriker, 2007) such that multiplicity is more likely in stars higher in mass than the sun.
- O,B,A,F,G,K class stars tend to be part of multiple star systems.
- M and brown dwarfs can, at times, be singular.
- There are all sorts of exceptions to these rules.
Anyways, it just seemed strange to me that our sun, Sol is a singular G3 star with no companion. It’s the only one in our “neck of the woods”. In fact, I am unaware or any other G class star that does not have a companion.
It’s just odd.
A Brown Dwarf Companion
Thus, our sun (our star), Sol may be perturbing the orbits of two different groups of long-period comets that reside in the outer reaches of the Oort Cloud.
This gravitational action is causing two groups of comet (clusters) that normally reside in the Oort cloud to be pulled into the inner Solar System. This action is done with the assistance of galactic tidal forces.
Two teams have come to this conclusion independently.
- John B. Murray (UK)
- John J. Matese (US)
Calculations in 1999 by John B. Murray of the United Kingdom focus on a smaller region centered around Constellation Delphinus at an estimated distance of 32,000 AUs (John B. Murray, 1999).
The U.S. team (led by John J. Matese) most recently estimated that the substellar object (proposed to be named Tyche, the sister of Nemesis) may have a mass around one to four Jupiter-masses in the innermost region of the outer Oort Cloud, possibly orbiting Sol at around 10,000 to 30,000 AUs depending on its actual mass (Matese et al, 2010; and Lisa Grossman, Wired Science, November 29, 2010).

While some astronomers have speculated that Matese and Murray are being misled by random statistical fluctuations or the past gravitational effects of passing stars, Matese believes that confirmation through direct observation can be achieved by NASA with its Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) satellite.
On May 25, 2011, at the 218th American Astronomical Society Meeting, Ned (Edward L.) Wright, principal investigator of the WISE Mission, noted that Tyche might be detectable as a “possible low-mass brown [dwarf]” in observational data already collected by WISE (now being processed) if it has at least two Jupiter-masses (AAS presentation abstract by Lissauer et al, 2011; and John Matson, blog at Scientific American, May 27, 2011).
The hypothesized object appears to have a mass smaller than one controversial definition for brown dwarfs specifying a minimum mass of at least 13 Jupiters (so that deutrium fusion can be sustained).
According to Matese, the objects current location in the outer Oort Cloud suggests that it did not form in Sol’s proto-planetary disk. Hence, either the object formed independently from fragmentation of the original Solar nebula, or the object was ejected from another star system and subsequently captured by the Sun (possibly as early as Sol was born in the crowded environs of its original star-forming cluster).
Dark and Golden Ages common in the lore of ancient cultures.
A book titled “Lost Star of Myth and Time” takes a good hard look at history and modern astronomical theory.
In it, the author makes a compelling case for the profound influence on our planet of a companion star to the sun. The author and theorist, Walter Cruttenden, presents the evidence that this binary orbit relationship may be the cause of a vast cycle human observed change. Change that is associated with the Dark and Golden Ages common in the lore of ancient cultures.
Researching archaeological and astronomical data at the Binary Research Institute, Cruttenden concludes that the movement of the solar system plays a more important role in life than people realize.
As such, he challenges some preconceived notions:
- The phenomenon known as the precession of the equinox, fabled as a marker of time by ancient peoples, is not due to a local wobbling of the Earth as modern theory portends, but to the solar system’s gentle curve through space.
He argues that this movement of the solar system occurs because the Sun has a companion star. And this effect is due to a common center of gravity. Which is typical of most double star systems. The grand cycle–the time it takes to complete one orbit––is called a “Great Year,” a term coined by Plato.
Cruttenden explains the effect on earth with an analogy:
"Just as the spinning motion of the earth causes the cycle of day and night, and just as the orbital motion of the earth around the sun causes the cycle of the seasons, so too does the binary motion cause a cycle of rising and falling ages over long periods of time, due to increasing and decreasing electromagnet effects generated by our sun and other nearby stars."
While the findings in Lost Star are controversial, astronomers now agree that most stars are likely part of a binary or multiple star system.

Dr. Richard A. Muller, professor of physics at UC Berkeley and research physicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is an early proponent of a companion star to our sun; he prefers a 26 million year orbit period. Cruttenden uses 24,000 years and says the change in angular direction can be seen in the precession of the equinox.
Enter Zecharia Sitchin. Zecharia Sitchin was a historian who translated ancient Sumerian texts. The translations, no matter how hard he tried, always defined the establishment of the Sumerians as cultivated from the “Gods”. Of which, the “Gods” came from a planet within the solar system, known as the “12th planet” or the “tenth planet” depending on how you look at the writings. Of which Sitchin gave the name “Nibiru”.
He wrote a complete library of books on the subject.
The Earth Chronicles Series The 12th Planet Year of Publication: 1976 This is the first volume of the series that puts forth the view that humanity was the creation of a group of aliens who came to Earth, some time between 450,000 BCE and 13,000 BCE. The book tells us how the aliens mixed their own DNA with that of the proto-humans to create a superior race of the Homo sapiens, to work for the mining enterprises they had set up on Earth. The Stairway to Heaven Year of Publication: 1980 This second volume of the series ponders on the mystery of immortality. It seeks to unravel the secrets of alien landings on Earth, stating that the Anunnaki gods may have had a spaceport in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, where they frequently landed―”Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came.” He also puts forth a thought that the Pyramid of Giza may have been the Pharaoh’s entrance to the world of the immortal gods, which he aimed to enter in his afterlife. The Wars of Gods and Men Year of Publication: 1985 Sitchin begins this volume by saying that the Sinai spaceport was destroyed by nuclear weapons some 4,000 years ago. The book goes on to describe the violent beginnings of humanity on Earth, and how these power conflicts had begun ages before on another planet. The volume takes references from ancient texts, and attempts to reconstruct epic events like The Great Flood. The Lost Realms Year of Publication: 1990 Another well-researched volume in the series, The Lost Realms seeks to uncover the mysteries of ancient civilizations. The book describes how, in the 16th century, the Spaniards came to the New World in quest of the legendary City of Gold, El Dorado, and found instead, the most inexplicable ancient ruins in the most inaccessible of places. He further put forth the idea that the so-called pre-Columbian people―Mayans, Aztecs, Incans, etc.―might, in fact, have been the fabled Anunnaki. When Time Began Year of Publication: 1993 Through this book, Sitchin attempts to draw correlations between the various events in several millennia, which helped shape the human civilization on Earth. He stresses on the idea that the human race has progressed and prospered with the help of ancient aliens, who left behind several impressive and imposing structures, which testify their genius to this day. The Cosmic Code Year of Publication: 1998 Yet another engaging volume, The Cosmic Code delves in the idea that the human DNA, which was created by the ancient aliens, is in fact, a cosmic code that connects Man to God and the Earth to Heaven. He refers to writings on ancient prophesies, and proposes that this cosmic code is key to several secrets related to the celestial destiny of man. The End of Days: Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return Year of Publication: 2007 In this last volume of the Earth Chronicles, Sitchin stresses on the idea that the past is very similar to the future. He attempts to put forth compelling evidence that the fate of man and that of our planet depends on a predetermined celestial time cycle, and if we understand the past properly, it is also possible to foretell the future. The Companion Volumes Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge? Year of Publication: 1990 Sitchin wrote this first companion volume to his Earth Chronicles series, in which he attempts to establish, in the light of ancient as well as modern evidence, that all the advances made by humans today were actually known to our ancestors, millions of years ago. Divine Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries Year of Publication: 1995 This book seeks to tackle the issue of the possible links between humans and the so-called divine beings. Sitchin refers to several Biblical stories in his attempt to establish a probability of an interaction between Anunnaki and the humans, thus, also offering an explanation to the UFO sightings in recent years. The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God Year of Publication: 2001 This companion volume attempts to reveal the actual identity of the Anunnaki―the first gods of mankind according to the Sumerian mythology. Sitchin has taken efforts to explain the reason behind the creation of humans, and the probable existence of the knowledge of genetic engineering, millions of years ago. The Earth Chronicles Expeditions Year of Publication: 2004 This book is Zecharia Sitchin’s autobiographical account of his various expeditions to the ancient and relatively modern archaeological sites in quest of the probable connection between humans and extraterrestrials. He presents compelling evidence to state that ancient myths are, in fact, recollections of real events of the past. The book also contains many photographs from the author’s personal collection. Journeys to the Mythical Past Year of Publication: 2007 A continuation of the earlier volume, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions, this book talks about some more investigations and discoveries of Sitchin, and how all these experiences inspired him to write his Earth Chronicles. This autobiographical account takes us to several interesting places right from Egypt to the Vatican to the Alps and Malta, and attempts to list some mind-stirring facts. The Earth Chronicles Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to the Seven Books of The Earth Chronicles Year of Publication: 2009 This is an encyclopedic compilation that is meant to serve as a navigational tool for the entire Earth Chronicles series. This is a must-have volume, especially if you are reading the series without any background knowledge. There Were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods & Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA Year of Publication: 2010 This volume attempts to present supporting evidence for the author’s assertion in the Earth Chronicles that the human DNA was genetically engineered by the aliens. In the light of ancient writings and artifacts, Sitchin not only tries to reveal the DNA source, but also to provide proof of alien presence on Earth millions of years ago. The King Who Refused to Die: The Anunnaki and The Search for Immortality Year of Publication: 2013 This is the last book authored by Zecharia Sitchin, which attempts to reconstruct the famous epic of Gilgamesh in the wake of his own findings. The novel tells a tale of ancient Sumerian ceremonies, love and betrayal, gods among men, travels from one planet to the other, and the age-old thirst of humans for immortality. The book was published after Sitchin’s death.
The core premise he has made in his writings is that there is a 10th Planet (again, including Pluto) in our solar system with an elliptical orbit of about 3600 of our years.
People from Nibiru came to Earth and discovered the gold they needed to help repair their atmosphere and they began mining it. Much of the knowledge of these ancient people, which they knew because the Anunnaki (those who from heaven to Earth came) told them, has come true, including the color and size of Neptune and Uranus, and the very existence of the outer planets, long before our telescopes could find them. Scientists even suspect another large object in the Kuiper Belt, which might be Nibiru.
Perhaps Nibiru isn’t a planet in orbit around our sun, but rather a binary companion to our star. If so, then that would explain a lot.
Others have come to the conclusion that there are large planet sized objects out in the Oort cloud. The evidence is there from;
- Historical writings.
- Observations in the orbits of comets.
- The precession of the equinox.
If accurate, then this means that the solar system is typical. And that if there is a brown dwarf sized body out in the Oort cloud, then it could very well shelter earth-sized rocky moons (planets) in orbit around it.
While it would be impossibly dim to see with human eyes on earth, to a person living upon a earth-sized planet around this brown dwarf, they would have evolved to see in the infrared, and could have easily adapted to the point where they could have obtained space flight millennia ago.
And perhaps, just perhaps, flew to their nearest stellar neighbor millions of years ago; our Sun.

This idea, and this concept would explain a lot of mysteries.
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Ah. The handiwork of God.
There is a uniformity and beauty to the universe that we live in. Indeed, mathematicians are often able to perceive this beauty in their calculations. Now, this being said, sometimes the simplicity and the beautify that lies inherent within a mathematical construct can be profound and stunning.
It can make the most skeptical of people into a believer of the divine.
Here is one such exercise.
In the 1960s, Soviet mathematician Vladimir Arnold mapped the square image of a cat to a torus, “stretched” (sheared) it as shown on that surface, then sliced the resulting image into pieces and recomposed them into a square.

As the process is repeated, any two points in the image quickly become separated, but, surprisingly, after sufficient repetitions the original image reappears.
A discrete analogue is below…

As the transformation is repeated, the image appears increasingly random or disordered, but the underlying cat can be glimpsed making occasional appearances, sometimes as a ghostly suggestion, sometimes in multiple smaller images, and occasionally (yowling, one imagines) even upside down.
It reappears again, unhurt, at the 300th iteration.
It’s called Arnold’s cat map. You can try it yourself here.
It implies a uniformity within our universe, and a glimpse into how we can perceive ourselves, our alternative world-lines, our past and our futures through the lenses of the momentary iterations of our own consciousness.
- Arnold’s Cat Map – Jason Davies
- Arnold’s cat map – Wikipedia
- Arnold’s Cat Map — from Wolfram MathWorld
- Arnold s Cat Map – Cornell University
- Arnold’s Cat Map
- Arnold’s Cat Map – Michigan State University
There are different interpretations as to what this exercise amounts to. I like to consider that it is a fine illustration that no matter how complex, and convoluted life is, that it follows set patterns and rules that always fit together naturally. As such, everything, from the ordered, to the disordered, to the unexplained and the mysterious all have a role in the grand overall scheme of things…
… the idea that there is a God, or a grand force that we belong to is too strong to discount casually.
I hoped that you enjoyed this piece. If you would like to look at other mysteries and unexplained events and the curious, please attend to my index here…
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Assorted Influencer Driven FAQ’s Regarding this MAJestic Disclosure (part 2)
This is part two (2) continued.
Organized Government Time-Travel
Is this a thing?
What do you think about organized government plans regarding time travel?
I know nothing about the subject aside from what I have heard on the Internet. I know that time travel, as conventionally understood does not exist.
The closest thing is (apparent) time travel, which is really dimensional travel that indexes a different state of entropy via gravitational proximity measurement (such as described by John Titor).

While it is well known and widely understood that the United States government has been involved in all kinds of highly classified and secret projects, the plausibility of one being related to time travel is actually rather low.
The reason behind this belief is because there has to be a reason for a given project. Those involved in the projects must have [1] a quantifiable goal, with [2] specific measurables to judge the success or failure of the task.
For instance, I was in MAJestic. My particular project fell under MAJI simply because I was involved working with extraterrestrials.
I do not know what my management thought my role would be, aside from being lent out as I was.
I could not fathom anyone from Washington D.C. approving “dimensional anchoring” activity as directed by an extraterrestrial species. In fact, I think it was set up with an understanding that I would be “used” by the <redacted> for some unspecified roles. I do believe that they proceeded on the assumption that I might be hurt or changed in the process, but shrugged their shoulders and said “meh”.
That the monitoring of my engagement with them would be recorded by the ELF signals.
My functional goal was dimensional anchoring. The measurables were also defined. Either the human sentience follows a normal evolutionary development, or veers off into unapproved sentience development. It was clear.

I have a difficult time believing that time travel would have a specific goal. That is because if a person does not like how something turned out, they can move to a different world-line. Also, how could the success of such an action be measured? It just cannot.
Operation Black Opera
What do you know about “Operation Black Opera”?
Nothing, aside from what I have heard on the Internet.
Point One. Truthfully, If a person was involved with extraterrestrials or involved in using extraterrestrial technology, they would have a Core Kit #1 probe installation. Everyone in the world, who deals with extraterrestrials have these probes. If they don’t have the probes, then they are just blowing smoke up your ass.
Point Two. To get the probes, you would need to be associated with the military. They would also be in the military, probably the United States Navy, and be part of MAJestic. Even those pretty civilian girls on the base, were ON THE MILITARY BASE.
Point Three. Additionally, they would NEED to have a technical background. That means an engineering degree at the bare minimum. Engineering degrees teach how to research, solve problems, and quickly analyze situations. These are fundamental requirements for extraterrestrial interaction.
If you are going to utilize extraterrestrial technology in any way then you will HAVE and NEED to possess a technical background; a college degree in some technical field. It would be a baccalaureate or higher in the sciences.
This should be obvious to every clear thinking and reasoning person out there.
No one is going to expose extraterrestrial contact and technology to anyone without making sure that they have the skills and knowledge to handle the knowledge. Right?
A friend of mine bought a steak for his dog, Buddy. It was an end cut, but he wanted to give the dog something special. So he bought a $10 slab of steak. I will never forget that day. He showed the steak to Buddy. He sniffed it, and went CHOMP, and swallowed. It went from steak to zero in less than a second. And Buddy is there, not knowing what's going on, begging. More, more, more...
You have to know, and understand, and show by demonstration that you are able to handle NEW, unusual, and unique experiences. It’s NOT handed out like political favors (a nod to the Obama’s), or given because you provide sexual gratification (a nod to Hollywood), or given to you because your parents are wealthy and powerful (a nod to Stanford, Yale and the rest).
That requires verifiable education.
They are not going to hand over the keys to any technology without them [1] being implanted with ELF probes (core kit #1 at minimum) and taking [2] a military oath.
So when I read stories about people who supposedly held key leadership roles in MAJestic, and they have no demonstrable abilities, all I can do is laugh.

Discordant Sentience’s
What is a discordant sentience?
Concerning humans, the <redacted> did not want a discordant sentience to develop; (in the case of humans) the discordant sentience is a “service for self sentience” that believe that they are actually a “service for others” sentience.
There are really three types of sentience’s that human consciousness can migrate towards. They are (plus the discordant variant)…
- Service for others.
- Service for another.
- Service for oneself.
- Discordant.
Discordant sentience’s manifest in different ways. In short, a discordant sentience is one that will not evolve into an approved sentience archetype.
This was what was actually occurring at the time of my entry into the program. Through the advances in technology, various individuals were convincing vast groups of people that they were “helping others” by “being selfish”. As a result, large groups of people were getting conflicting thoughts regarding their identity.
All entities must know their identities.
A fox knows it’s a fox. A dog knows it’s a dog. However, humans (in larger and larger numbers) started thinking they were doing one thing when they were actually doing something else.
Believing that you are helping people by demanding that person "X" does something to help person "Y". You believe by doing so you are helping others. You aren't. You are instead being selfish.
Thoughts create realities.
So the resultant world-line directions were not going in associated directions. The manners that would match the thoughts with the actions were not occurring.
This created problems in world-line direction, and altered severely the educational value of the experiences that the people would be exposed to. This is absolutely and positively unacceptable.
Examples abound. Such as [1] having a basically kind and loving person vigorously insists that we need to tax other people to help a certain “special” segment of the population. Alternatively, [2] that we had to fight a war, to help others who would suffer otherwise. In both examples, the kind person believes that they did not have to do anything, just make others do the work that they think is required.
Sentience is tied to personal physical action of the person having the thoughts. You cannot delegate responsibility or actions. It does not work that way.

A person can be manipulated into being a discordant sentience.
This is selfish behavior on behalf of the kind person. They did not do anything positive. Instead they “forced”, though thought or action, another person fulfill their desires. Their thoughts were kind, their intentions were good, but their actions were selfish.
Those who do this possess discordant sentience’s. Ignorance has no bearing in this issue. Thoughts create realities.
The Future Doom…
Will any of the great “fears” actually manifest in your lifetime?
No. California will not slide into the Pacific ocean.
Global warming will not melt the ice caps, nor will it cause a “snowball effect” and another global ice age. The same was true about global cooling. Both excuses are suitable for collecting money for the easily manipulated ignorant. Humans do not have the ability to alter climate on a global basis… yet.
There will not be a global pandemic, and there will not be a pole shift that we need to worry about.
“Mad Cow” disease will not kill too many people.
2012 will come and pass with hardly a ripple. (And there wasn’t a ripple was there?)
All these things are simply media generated fears specifically targeted to manipulate people to behave in certain ways. Usually to empty our wallets and to give the money to “others” and “experts” to use as they see fit.
One of the reasons for the NEED to anchor mass groupings of world-line realities was because of the amplification of efforts to manipulate people though mass thought control.
Do you believe that you can teach the science of our souls to the general population?
We do not know enough about soul construction to be able to teach anything. What I know is only trivial in substance. What I provide here is intended to be a spark that ignites an effort to study and research the soul, and it’s construction.
Were you in the CIA?
No. Nothing that I was involved in has anything to do with that agency.
Naval Aviator
Why do you claim to be a Naval SEAL? It sounds like you are making up stories to inflate yourself like being an American Indian like Senator Warren.
I was never a Navy SEAL.
I never applied for one, and have no idea why anyone would want to be one in the first place. My interests were always in aviation, and with the most skilled aviators, flying the most advanced aircraft. These people were (and still are) in the US Navy.
My goal and desire has always to be a “Spaceman”. You can pour through my High School transcripts, my university transcripts, and come to the same conclusion. I studied hard, hard science classes. Then you can easily see that I was in class 21-81 at AOCS at NAS, NASC Pensacola, Florida.
All of what I proclaim is verifiable. Go ahead. Look at my W-2 forms. You will see that I dropped off the grid right after joining MAJestic, and popped up at NAS China Lake where I trained. It’s all verifiable. It’s all in my jacket. Or my retirement binder. It’s in multiple places.
I’m not blowing smoke up your ass. I am in a monitoring program, and I have seen the document. It’s THICK. It’s about five times thicker than any others that I have had the chance opportunity to compare with.
If you don’t want to believe the paper-trail, you can minimize it. You can say that it’s just coincidence.
Now, people like Elizabeth Warren say and do what they do for MONEY. They use it to obtain wealth, popularity, or some other kind of physical benefit. They want fame to acquire power, and use it to obtain wealth.
Not me.
I get absolutely derive zero benefit from writing this, except to leave something behind upon my death. I do not want fame. I have other ventures that provide income, and anything that I get off this blog is really a minuscule pittance.
Come on. Be honest with yourself. Do you really think that I would derive any kind of benefit by telling others about my life?
This is what my life is…
In general, if you found paradise… you keep it to yourself.

The “Deep Dive”
Why didn’t you stay in the “great life” that manifested during the “deep dive”?
I had no control.
I could not abort the process and the procedure. The “deep dive” was beyond my control. Besides, I really do not think that I would like it as much as I do my current life.
If there is one thing that I have learned is that there are trade-offs with everything.
The Roswell event.
What do you know about Roswell, NM and the famous UFO event?
I only know what I have read. I never had a briefing on this event, and I have no idea one way or the other about it.
Retirement as a sex offender
Is there anything that you have learned since you were arrested, imprisoned, and released from prison?
Yes. Many things.
Firstly, if I can be thrown in prison for “nothing” but a trumped up charge, anyone can. I have lived a rather unassuming and quiet life. All MAJestic members do. We are quiet and keep to ourselves as part of our training.
If “they” want you there, you will go and there isn’t a bloody thing that you can do about it. It is now your fate, as horrible as it is.
You must deal with it.

In my case, my attorney gave me a document to sign. On it was a plea bargain. I agreed to nine months in-home supervision at my Father’s house in exchange for a plea of guilty.
I believed that if an arrangement was worked out between the DA and my attorney, that that was the way things would work out. So I signed it.
Plea of Guilty = 9 months in-house detention.
But the DA fucking lied.
During sentencing, the judge held the plea agreement. He started to give me the sentence agreed to. However, the prosecuting attorney used HAND SIGNALS (a thumbs up, waving vigorously upward) to signal the judge to NOT give me the agreed to plea. As a result the judge stopped mid-sentence, and started to say one year, and the DA shook his head vigorously. Then he started to say two years. Still the DA wagged his head and shook his head. Finally, he said “Five Years” and slammed the gravel.
He gave me FIVE YEARS. Five years at hard labor for a FIRST OFFENSE. Anyone who works in the Justice Department will tell you that is is one fucking harsh sentence.
My father, who had come to the sentencing to take me home for my detention, was crestfallen and didn’t know what the fuck was going on. He couldn’t believe that our Justice system was so corrupt.
Sentenced on a Guilty Plea = Five years at Hard Labor
If they want you in prison, you will go. Even if that means that they will lie to you.
Secondly, it was terrible and uncomfortable. (Putting it mildly.) I endured Brickey’s which has the reputation in the United States for being the worst hard-labor facility in America. And yet, you know what? I survived.
If I can survive Brickey’s I can survive anything.
You can endure and survive anything, and once you get out “It’s all good”. It’s downhill, easy street for the rest of your life.
I can feel carpet on my feet. I can see and appreciate colors. I can use wall outlets and light switches. I can eat food… glorious food. I can sleep without a light over my face. I can sit on a chair with a soft cushion.
Oh FUCK, it’s all good.

Thirdly, and I know that no one is going to want to hear this, but I no longer fear the police and getting arrested.
Prison was not fun, but you adapt. What that means is that now, today, if I will need to fight someone, I will fight to KILL. I will not hold back. I will stab their eyes out. Bite their nose and swallow it. I will pick up a spoon and jab that sucker right through the temple. I am not afraid what would happen afterwards. Big fucking deal. I get arrested. Big Deal. Big deal. Been there, done that. I dealt with the worst and survived it.
Being a murderer won’t be worse than being a sex offender felon at Brickey’s.
I know the truth in this.
I did five years Bricky hard labor on a whim, while murders got two years maximum in an “easy” prison like Malvern. I’m no longer afraid. I did the harsh time. I did the awful time.

Inter-dimensional Communication.
How can the drone pilot, and the biological artifice operate if you are on a different world-line then they are?
Outstanding question.
I do not know. I can only presuppose that they operate in a state of reality that transcends that of the physical world. To solve this quandary we must take a good hard look at the anthropic principle. Specifically, the ψ which is a measure of how thought alters our reality.
World-lines are each individually ψ-epistemic .
While the entire universe is actually ψ-ontic.
Obviously the <redacted> species has been able to derive a technology that is finer than anything available with a ψ-epistemic world-line MWI.
Confused? Check out this post for clarity…

The Girls
What about the girls who entered the portal with you; since you all entered at the same time, are they not the same as you and have the same mission parameters?
No. [1] None of them were Naval Aviators. So they did not endure the same entry qualifications as we had.
[2] They were all female, and Sebastian and myself (the only two Naval Aviator Candidates) were male.Additionally, [3] none of them went directly through the portal on the same day that they must have been implanted (they had to be implanted, otherwise the portal would not work for them).
[4] None of the females were at the same implantation booths during our implantation.Finally, [5] during the SAP briefing, the person instructing us told us that we had different roles and were involved in different program, and were subject to different levels of SAP. He specifically stated that Sebastian and myself were involved in a much more secretive program.
What are thoughts exactly?
Thoughts are what your consciousness creates. It is the only thing that a consciousness can create. It is a directed entanglement of an idea, a place, a person, or a thing.
These “creations” are how consciousness can navigate the MWI. It is how different world-lines are manifested.
The thing about thoughts is that they are generated by a number of things;
- An individual consciousness can generate individual thoughts, and this can navigate the MWI many world-lines.
- Other “quantum shadows”, the other “people” within your world-line also have thoughts. In fact every world-line is filled with the thoughts of all the quantum shadows that occupy the world-line.
- Thoughts are “sticky”. They tend to associate themselves with objects, people and things.
- They can be influenced by other thoughts. This can be nearby within the world-line, and also from adjacent world-lines that cluster near the one that is occupied.
If you are in a place, like prison for example, the thoughts of those around you will “stick” with you. And as your consciousness moves through the MWI and in and out of different world-lines, they will attract and repel other thoughts. This will create bad situations (if you were in prison), or good situations (if you were in a monastery).
It takes time for the “sticky” thoughts to fall away. That is why I strongly recommend a serious period of contemplation and a good happy environment for the person who is released from a bad situation.
Or else, they will come across a higher than usual percentage of individuals and situations similar to what they just left.
This is also true of used furniture, and other objects such a “haunted” houses, and automobile “lemons”.

For us to be truly happy we need to carefully cultivate our thoughts.
- Avoid negative friends, relationships and toxic people.
- Avoid old things, clutter, and brick a brack.
- Avoid most news.
- Avoid movies, or music that will upset us.
Do you have any great regrets?
Yes. I wish that I would have spent more time with my friends and family.
When opportunities arose, I should have taken them.
I wish that I would have spent more time with my pets rather than worry about work so much. I wish that I would have spent the time to play with my dogs and cats and given them more happiness, no matter how tired and stressed I was. I should have been a better caretaker of my pets.
I should have been a better friend to those whom I cared for, and I should have been a better human to the strangers whom I encountered. I truly regret that I did not purpose my personal life more fully.
I was far too goal-focused, and missed out on the wonders of life as they were presented to me.
When it became clear that my first wife possessed a terminal mental illness, and that she would never get better. I should have taken the doctor’s advice and left her. It would have been better for both of us. Instead, I only endured a very painful process. I could not stop her madness. I could only delay its onslaught. The price that I paid for this postponement took a great toll on my sanity and health. It did not help her at all.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, and how much effort you put into something, you will fail.
When my beloved pet was dying. I should have taken him to the vet and put him to sleep. Instead, I wanted to keep him alive as long as possible. This was selfish of me, and my dear pet suffered because of it. I did things for my own selfish reasons.
I was too selfish at times, and love ones suffered.
When I was younger, and my mother was happy and singing while getting things together during Christmas, I should have allowed her to sing, and even joined her. Instead, I criticized her singing, and just pouted about, not even offering to help her in the kitchen. I was so self-absorbed.
Yes. I have regrets. All humans (aside from sociopaths) have regrets.

If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.

Influencer Questions
Here are posts that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the mysteries of the lives that we live.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.

John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
They are;

Articles & Links
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
What the difference is between Soul and Consciousness
This is a very tiny post. It discusses something that it considered to be very important.
For us to truly grow as a human; as a person, as well as to advance technologically in our universe, we need to understand the fundamental rules of our universe.
Unfortunately, these fundamentals are not at all understood by humans today. They are often considered to be associated with religion and the “soft sciences” instead of their rightful place in the nature of our reality.
To grow, and for our species to master technology, we absolutely need to know what soul is and how it differs from our consciousness. Once we understand this difference, we would be fully able to master so many things that we, today, consider the limitations of our physical universe. Yes. And that means, the ability to travel anywhere in the universe. Yes. And that means the ability to travel to “Heaven” at will while we are alive in the physical, and Yes that means that we would be able to fully appreciate and master the control over our physical world.
Here, we talk about the fundamentals of this issue.
[1] Soul is not Consciousness
Firstly, everything has a soul. But… but, not everything has a consciousness.
A soul can be considered the “stuff” of who we are fundamentally. It is the “ground level” or quantum particles and the “building blocks” of who we are. It is the “brick and mortar” components of our very being.
That chair that you are sitting on has a (very simplistic) soul, but not a consciousness. It does not recognize that you are sitting on it. It does not think. It does not alter the reality surrounding it, and it does not generate memories.
That blade of grass outside also has a soul. It is a more advanced soul than that (human fabricated) chair, but it is still quite simple. It also has a rudimentary consciousness. It might be able to think… to some degree. It might not be able to generate memories or access them. But, we consider it living, because it does has a consciousness.
It’s consciousness drives the animation of the plant. It grows. It seeks and needs sun, water and nourishment. It lives, and then it dies.
Turning to animals, we can see that they have souls, and they have consciousnesses. They might think differently than us, sense things differently, and have different ways of accessing memories, but it is clear that they have a consciousness.

A Soul is…
In short, a soul is a generalized collection of quanta that is associated with one or more consciousnesses. It is a “home” from whence the consciousness originates. [1] It resides in a “place” or a “Heaven” that is beyond the physical distances, and time, and space. [2] It exists independently of any physical reality, or notion of time.
A Consciousness is…
Consciousness, on the other hand, is something that comes forth from the soul. [1] It is tied to “reality” which will include the limitations of time, space, and spacial distances. [2] It is connected to a given reality and thus can be influenced by it. There is always a “give and take” between a reality and a consciousness.
[2] Memories are associated with Consciousness, not Soul.
Memories do NOT reside within the brain, as is conventionally thought. Instead, they are accessed by the brain. They are actually stored outside of our reality.
The creation of memories is via [1] the thoughts and [2] the physical activity of the person inhabiting a physical reality.

Thoughts and memories reside at “the same level” or within the “same space” as the soul. You can call this area or place, or condition, “Heaven” if you wish. It’s a close enough approximation.
Consciousnesses can move about from the “Heaven” that the soul occupies, and the “Heaven” where the memories are stored to the physical universe. This is accomplished by changing from wave to particle properties.
Our reality is a a “destination” that is arrived at due to the physical actions and thoughts of a given consciousness.
[3] Our Soul utilizes the memories that our Consciousness generates to form entanglements with quanta.
One of the biggest questions that humans have asked is “what’s the purpose of our existence?”. Well, there is an answer. We exist to grow, learn and advance.
However, it is more than that.
Our physical bodies are constructions that occupy a physical reality within a “situation”. This situation is picked from a near infinite number of situations in the MWI multiple-reality-worlds of our universe. Our consciousness is placed within a physical body within that reality, and we live the life within that “situation”.

Our thoughts, generated by our physical actions, and our thoughts, act as a steering vector that alters and changes the reality into other realities. All the time, generating thoughts and situations for us to experience, and if need be, endure.
Look back in your own life. Go back ten, twenty, thirty, forty, or even fifty years. Look at your life then and what you thought about; what you dreamed about, and the actions you took. Then…
…fast forward your life to see how the things manifested. You should find that while there are often outside influences involved, many of the things that you thought about that that time manifested one way or the other in your life.

The thoughts, emotions and feelings that we generate within this life goes to a “thought repository”. This repository is used to make and break quantum attachments and entanglements.
Quantum attachments and entanglements create the fabric, shape, size and organization of soul.
[4] Soul organization determines the rate of Soul growth and Soul Abilities.
What most humans do not “get” or understand, is the importance in soul evolution. We kind of think that the soul is fixed and will forever exist in the configuration or shape that it is now.
That is wrong.
Souls evolve. They have always been evolving. They can do so on their own, without creating a consciousness. And, they can also (greatly accelerate the process) do so by using a consciousness involved collecting experiences within a reality.
As souls evolve they transcend the limitations of our universe and achieve far greater abilities. As such, their manifested consciousnesses and spawned realities also increase in scope. From a human perspective, these evolved souls are astounding.
Only when we, as a species, recognize the intimate connection that our thoughts have with the reality that we inhabit, can we even begin to consider leaving this little ball of earth that we call our own.
We would discard the notions that hate, and killing others, and the obtainment of physical possessions distract from our ability to direct our thoughts. Direction, mind you, that is intended to acquire experiences for our soul to utilize.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.

John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
They are;

Articles & Links
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
AJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.

John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
They are;

Articles & Links
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
Graphic on how world-line travel is possible
Here is a simplistic premier on how our universe works, and how we can control the reality that we inhabit. We also touch upon how we can “cheat” and use certain techniques to cross into other realities, or other world-lines.
This is often referred to as world-line travel.
To best understand world-line travel or dimensional egress, you need to throw away any obsolete Newtonian ideas about the universe that you might cherish. You all need to. If you keep thinking in ways that have no bearing on reality, how in the heck will you eventually be able to master reality?
Throw it all away. Chuck it all. Listen to me, and learn. This is the way the universe really works.
How world-line travel can manifest
First of all, here is what the universe really looks like. It is a multiverse with a near infinite number of realities that we might inhabit at any given time.
This pretty much agrees with the MWI theory of quantum mechanics. However, most people never think about it and take it to it’s logical conclusion. They try to take the observed physical world and try to make it fit into the MWI. It doesn’t work that way. It just cannot fit together. It’s like mixing oil and water; not gonna happen.
This is how it manifests…
- There is no such thing as time.
- The “physical” is a construct.
- We possess a “soul” that does understand and operate in the true totality of the universe.
- The “soul” creates a “consciousness” for it to use.
- The “consciousness” is placed within a physical body residing within a reality construct.
Now, the problem is what when people study the MWI theory, they do so with the “baggage” of their childhood assumptions. For instance, we assume that there might be multiple world-lines, but there is only one that we all share. The others might not exist, or that the person we are with is a person with an active consciousness within our reality.
All these assumptions are false.
Nothing is shared. It only appears that way. We occupy a given reality alone. Our consciousness connects to a physical body within the reality that our soul selects.
It looks like we all share our universe with others. Yes, that is what it looks like. However, that is not the case. The universe that we inhabit is designed for us and us alone. There is only one “consciousness” within it. That is our very own “consciousness”.
There is generally, one “reality” per one “consciousness”.
All those other people are like props that populate our reality. Yes, there is a chance that some of them have a “consciousness” controlling them, but they are off in their very own reality doing so. What we actually experience and see is the “shadows” of what their “consciousness” does within our reality.

Some clarity on the graphic is in order
The image above is really quite different what what people think the universe looks like. That is because it is. We, as humans, can only see a very small portion of the universe. We can only see one instance in time, that is our “reality”.

There are actually two aspects of “reality”. There is a visible reality, and an unseen reality. The unseen reality includes thoughts, emotions, heaven, and all sorts of things from radio waves to gravity.

Further, there is a physical body. And our soul connects to it using a mechanism known as consciousness.
Every moment is a change in reality…
Every moment that we live is a change in our reality. If we think one tiny thing, our reality adjusts accordingly. If we feel sad, our reality changes. Our reality is a on-going dynamic “bubble” that is constantly changing. The thing is that we do not stay in that reality. We move to a new reality with every change in thought, action, emotion or outside influence.

Further, all the influences of others, and their thoughts change our reality as well. Thus, if you were to look at a clock, you would see your reality change. It would seem like you were sitting still, but in truth your entire reality was constantly changing in all sorts of ways.

The passage of time is the movement of consciousness.
But, what about world-lines?
Now it should be understood that people who don’t understand our universe, and don’t understand what time is, would have the dickens of a time understanding what a “world-line” is. To them, they view it as a “different” universe. Like ours but somehow “different”. Well, it is and it isn’t.
But, it need not be confusing.
All a “world-line” is is the time vector as experienced by a given consciousness.

Each thought, emotion, or event that surrounds us (in the physical and non-physical) alters our reality. As such, then we realize that by controlling our thoughts and our actions…
…we can control the realities that we inhabit.
We can control the direction of our life and what manifests. It’s up to us. This shouldn’t be a big surprise. Many people have promoted this idea over the years. From The Secret, to the Intention Experiment, to the water studies of Dr. Masaru Emoto.
The difference here is that I argue that is is the fundamental mechanism that controls our reality. I argue that the consciousness is linked at a fundamental level with the reality that we inhabit.
More about thoughts…
This is both good and bad.
For instance, if we isolate the bad thoughts, and the bad and toxic people from our lives, we can start to inhabit new realities that are better. Likewise, if we don’t, and allow the bad things to affect our thoughts and moods, then bad things can occur.
Which is why I argue that everyone should shut off the American media. It is a toxic brew designed to manipulate, and it is plunging all of America into dark times. But, I digress…

However there is more to this than “what meets the eye”. You see, the unseen reality is much larger and more powerful than the seen and observed reality. While you might be successful in changing your observed physical reality, it will take some time to all the unseen reality to readjust.
The changes are never immediate.
That is because the thoughts of other “quantum shadows” influence the reality that we inhabit. It takes time to “pull away” and release from those other influences.

For instance, let’s suppose you wanted to leave a relationship with a bad person. You stop talking to them, you stop seeing them, and you stop thinking about them. Yet, you wonder why your life doesn’t immediately spring up and improve…
…that is because their thoughts, their emotions and their actions are still influencing their unseen reality. This interaction and influence will also influence your unseen reality.

The more influences in your life, the harder it will be to remove yourself from them. Be advised.
Once we are able to master this, then we can easily steer our life to be the kind of life that we desire…

Many people should be aware that you can take “shortcuts” to bypass the realities that we would normally encounter.

We can, using certain techniques, “tunnel through” the adjacent realities to hit the “rich meat” of our desires. Many of these techniques require mechanisms or devices to work. I have covered these in other posts.
For instance, you can utilize a fixed portal. This consists of a device that can place a person anywhere in the universe at any time. It is big and bulky and requires some training to use…

Or, you could end up like me, and utilize a biological artifice (EBP integrated with ELF implants) to alter your realities. The problem with this is that someone (or something) else is driving your experiences. Yikes!

You could utilize a personal hand-held device to move about. There are all sorts of examples of this. Here, I show examples of 5th dimensional egress, as well as some more advanced 7th dimensional egress.

Or you could utilize a vehicle to do so. Here we talk about how it is done and why. Compared to the 5th and 7th dimensional egress, and the MWI portal, and EBP x ELF implants, this method is rather crude.

In fact, if you want to study this issue in more depth, perhaps the John Titor saga might enlighten you…
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
They are;

World line travel opens up all sorts of opportunities to understand our place within this universe. Fundamentally, we can understand how consciousness is connected and important to the soul. If we can embrace this understanding, then we have the ability to interact with other intelligent species and create environments for the mutual benefit of all.
There are many ways to break outside of the reality that we inhabit.
We can use thoughts and actions. We can control our emotions and the people around us. We can control what we read, what we watch and what we eat.
We can also use advanced techniques in the manipulation of energy and quantum behaviors to enable more radical and advanced methods of entering and leaving our realities. In fact, some of these techniques can result in severely different realities. Realities that are quite different from anything that we have experienced within our already experienced world-lines.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.

John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
They are;

Articles & Links
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
ted Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.

John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
They are;

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Articles & Links
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.