You can go all over the internet and find all sorts of advice on how to keep your love and life alive. Here is mine. I argue, quite convincingly, I must add, that happiness can be had by any couple that enjoys fine food and drink.
There is an old saying that goes a little like this…
“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
Oh, it might not be all that popular in today’s progressive reality of gender-less, role-less, lifestyle. But it is a very strong truth. If you want to keep a family strong, tight, and together, make sure that everyone is fed with delicious home-cooked delicious food.
You know, there is something very special about home-cooked, home-made food. Now, certainly, it all doesn’t have to be made from scratch. What is important is the care and attention that goes into the food preparation. Then, once the meal is made, it can be shared together with your loved ones at a table.

Let everyone else play their games on their phones. Let them grab a burger at the local drive through. Let them steal bites while they are playing a game on the computer or watching the news. That is their life. Not yours. You and your loved ones can enjoy a meal together in peace.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, keeps a family together than delicious food shared together without interruption.

The meal
The most important meal, is of course, dinner. But here, we are going to concentrate on the second most important meal. Lunch.
And, of course, this entire article implies that the family members will somehow work out an arrangement whereas they can share a mid-noon meal together (and if possible) a siesta afterwards. It’s not always possible in today’s world. However, with some planning and preparation, it can be part of your life as well.
Of course, there are many meals that can be used for lunch.
I like steak and wine myself, but here we will concentrate on the most fundamental of American meals; the delicious soup, sandwich and icy cold beer. Ah, who doesn’t like beer? Who doesn’t like a thick and hearty delicious soup? And, for goodness sakes, who doesn’t enjoy a wonderful well prepared sandwich?
I met a few on the internet. They are ugly sad souls indeed.

Now, you do not need to make the soup from scratch.
Many times, the Mrs. would simply get a can of Campbell’s (creamy) soup, add milk or creme instead of water, and thicken it up with cheese and crunched up crackers. Oh, I so do love a thick soup. Especially something like creme of broccoli or celery.
I never really appreciated thick hearty creme soups until I was well into my 30’s. But, once I was bitten, I couldn’t get enough of this wondrous, tasty and delicious food.

Now, buying fresh bread is pretty hit and miss here in China. If possible, we will buy a loaf of fresh french or Italian bread if possible, and then use it. However, many times we are stuck with the various flavors of sliced white bread.
No matter. The creative can certainly work out a great sandwich out of it. It could be a “Dagwood” with everything, to a simple grilled cheese. No matter what, I personally enjoy all sandwiches with a tomato somewhere hiding between the layers of meat and cheese.

Delicious Soups and Sandwiches
I think that it is a shame that many people in the United States today has forgotten the importance of soup and sandwiches made “home style”. Americans have grown up to accept high-caloric fast food alternatives as the preferred ways and means to enjoy lunches.

By eating healthy, with carefully prepared meals by those that you love and trust, you can not only lose weight, but eat better and spend quality time together. Gals, listen to me. No man will leave a woman who is a fantastic cook. We’d have to be out of our mind.
Seriously. Name one man who does not like to eat. Name one.
Of course, that’s coming from a traditional old stogie like myself. I cannot tell you what Justin Berber, Bill Clinton, or Ellen DeGeneres would do.

There are so many ways to make the soup and sandwich meal special. Personally, I think that tomato selection plays an important role. I also think that the selection of the type of onions (if you use them) are critical. Red onions taste differently than white or yellow onions.
The bread selection is important. Potato bread makes for great grilled sandwiches with melted cheese, but the Italian and French loaves with big air pockets add a special kind of taste that really emphasizes the meats.

There are so very many ways to make sandwiches. You can go all vegetarian, or go lean on the meats, and go heavy on the delicious vegetables. You can lightly cook the vegetables, and melt cheese. You can add eggs, tuna, sausage, meat spreads, peanut butter, or just anything that you heart desires. Let the chef of the house decide. You will not be disappointed.
I suppose that everyone has their own tastes when it comes to sauces. I have taken to using a oil and mayonnaise mix with a tad of yellow mustard on most sandwiches, but the wife loves to mix it up with blue-cheese dressing, and such exotic (for here in China, at least) such things as French, Russian and Thousand Island dressing.
Plain old mayonnaise or Miracle Whip can make even a bad sandwich serviceable. But with a little extra work, that mayo can be great. Consider mixing in any of the following concoctions: Pesto mayo (Tablespoon of pesto per half cup of mayo) Curry mayo (1/2 tablespoon of curry powder per half cup) Fry sauce (ketchup and mayo) Thousand island (French dressing, pickle relish, mayo) Sriracha hot sauce mayo (Sriracha to taste, plus mayo) Brown mustard mayo (2 tablespoons per half cup) Mayo and cajun seasoning (Teaspoon per half cup) -WikiHow

Primal Urges
Being fed well,as well as all the care that goes in the preparation of food is primal. It is our most basic of human instincts. From the moment we are born, we associate love, nurturing, care and concern with food. The nourishment that we get from our mothers makes a lasting impression on us, and shapes who we are today.
These primal urges stay with us all our life.
It impacts our interests, our relationships with family and loved ones. It determines the kind of occupation we would have, and our security within that occupation. In fact, if I were to be so bold, it is how we are cared for by our parents, most especially our mother, that determines how well adjusted we will be as an adult, and how substantive our relationships would be.

Food, and nutrition, was provided to us from our loved ones at our earliest age. It is encoded in our genetic makeup to love those that serve, feed and nurture us. It is this nature, this most basic and primal of biological urges, that the traditional family structure is based upon.
The mother, the primary source of nutrition, love, and education, of the children would be responsible for their well being. The husband of the house would go forth and earn, provide, and support the family. Given the contentious history of the world, he would also protect it and defend it from others.
Then after a tough day, he would come home. He would give all of his earning to his wife who would use the money, budget it, invest it, and use it for the family. As such, he would find the hearth warm. The children happy, and relaxed. He would find a delicious meal waiting for him, and a loving family that appreciates him. Know your history.

This all being said, let’s get back to the matter at hand. That is delicious food and wondrous icy cold beer.
It’s the Details that make the difference
I argue that when a loving wife makes up a carefully prepared meal for her man, that he appreciates it far more that he is able to tell her. No, this is not some scene from Jackie Gleason, or All in the Family. This is the real world, not some kind of Hollywood fantasy.
Men, I do not care who or where, appreciate food. They appreciate how it is made. They appreciate how it tastes. They appreciate the care and concern that goes into it. they appreciate the love and affection. Indeed, when a wife takes the time to prepare food for her family; her children, and her man, it is a special time.
It always has been.

That goes double if there is a nice table spread set forth before the man. I will tell you, it is hard to turn your back on any woman who lays out an excellent table spread. Who treats her man as the king of the house. Who lays out a great table cloth, with sliced bread and butter, fine tasty food, an a icy cold beverage, and then joins the man for conversation.
One of the things that my wife likes to do for me is to make sure that my beer is frosty cold. She not only gets the glass pre-chilled, but she takes ices cubes and smashes them with a hammer into slivers, and then fills the glass with them. The beer is then poured into the icy glass for me to enjoy. Listen people, ain’t no other woman, in this entire world, would take the time or give the attention to ME than my wife does. That is one of the very many, many special things about her.

When you come across a woman who is smart, attractive and so detail minded for her man and her family, you would be an absolute fool to leave her. You know, people change over time. Your body changes, you put on weight. You get white hair, and things start to sag. But you know what, it is that forever level of attention that keep us guys coming back for more.
The Importance of a Strong Wife
I cannot state just how important it is to have a fine, caring and loving wife waiting for you when you come home from work. This isn’t the 1950’s where one you obtained a job, you were set for life. Today in America you can be hired and fired at will with zero notice. As such the bosses treat you like shit because they know that you cannot do anything about it.
And they WILL treat you like shit. Everything from being berated in front of your peers in a meeting, to getting a 360 degree review, to looking at his watch when it is time for you to leave for home. Men, real men, do not take this kind of abuse. But in America, the nation of Beta-males, do.

Oh, yeah. The world is a rough place. We’ve got megalomaniac bosses, HR with rules and regulations thicker than an old telephone book, and all sorts of requirements from blood drives, to free-overtime.
But you know what, when I come home, and my wife treats me like a king… well… I feel like I can take on the world for MY FAMILY. It’s like the character Uriah Heep. His home was his castle…literally. (There was even a rock group named after him. Remember the song “Easy Livin’?)

A real man, comes home to a genuine wife who treats him like a king.
I think that all men appreciate a good caring, loving woman. I think that he would be crazy not to. And even though Hollywood, and the mainstream media has ridiculed the traditional lifestyle to the point where it isn’t even considered, it is the ONLY household arrangement that has lasted for thousands of years and transcends cultures.
It is NOT a scene from the science fiction movie “The Handmaids Tale”. This reality has NEVER existed. Though with all the relentless media hype it sure seems lit it must have somewhere… but nah. It never did.

Listen up! You can say this or that, but the fact remains.
All men appreciate a good, caring woman is one who is an excellent cook. While there are all kinds of people, I have found that those women who love their family go out of their way to provide for them in the best way that they know how.
People, there is a bond that is strengthened over food.

Of course, not everyone wants to recognize this fact.
There are, however, those who have lived in dysfunctional families, progressive families, or neutral-gender families that all tend to be very confused about roles and responsibilities.
They don’t apply themselves to their relations, and relationships. They feel that they don’t need to do so. They believe that roles are restrictive. They feel that responsibilities stifle their freedom. They believe that anyone who isn’t as open-minded and progressive as them are manipulated waifs that need to be liberated.
Instead they have their head in the clouds like they could be another Bill Gates, or a feminist version of Joan of Arc. In their mind, they can be anything.

Good for them.
They will find out that as they march this road all alone, that it starts to get very lonely. People need each other. We form families and love-strengthened bonds.
When they hit their 40’s childless, alone, with only their pets for company, let’s see how well they fare when no one visits them in the hospital when they are diagnosed with cancer. Let’s see how joyous their holidays are. Let’s see how much appreciation their companies and employers give to them for their “sacrifice”. Let’s see.
So they can drink their expensive Starbucks coffee alone inside. They can play on their iphone. They can check out the latest on social media.
Meanwhile you and I are going to spend time with our loved ones eating delicious food, talking about the things that matter to us, and enjoying each other’s company.

In praise of the great
You know, you do not need to inject the meals with tons of sugar to make them delicious. (I once had a girlfriend that used to do this. I didn’t care too much for the sugar-laden cooking.) Personally, I prefer simple and clean ingredients with light seasoning.
Which brings me back around to the delicious lunch meal of soup and sandwich. (Yeah, you all were probably wondering when I’d get back around to it.)

When I was a young boy, for a while I carried a lunch box. And inside that lunch box, my mother would prepare for me a soup (inside the thermos), a delicious sandwich inside a paper bag, and a piece of fruit. This varied from a apple to a banana and everything in between. And yes, it was easy enough to get candy and soda at school, we always ate our healthy lunches during lunch break.
Of course, I am from a different generation. Baloney was a staple, as was olive loaf, Braunschweiger, and peanut butter.

A real talented woman can make the most amazing dishes. You see, a woman has the ability to put everything into anything she does. If she loves you and her family, she will give you everything. She will provide for you. She will prop you up when you collapse, and she will keep your well-fed and strong. She will make fine delicious food for you. She will never let your down.
Not, like progressive women do. Don’t believe me? Facts don’t lie.

Of course, long time readers of this blog will know that I live in China. China is a conservative paradise. It is a place where Chinese traditions are enjoyed, appreciated, and protected from progressive liberal influences. In fact, if you even try to pull any SJW, or progressive moves, the government will come and arrest you. Next stop? Re-education center to strip-mine all that evil progressive thought out of your mind.
One of the things that I miss the most about the awesome American culture is the wonderful food. How about some awesome and genuine American food? Right? Am I right or am I right? Maybe something along the lines of this…

Eating American food, in a solid conservative culture is glorious. Ah, you’ve got to love China.
Here is a traditional, and typical, Chinese housewife.
In traditional societies, such as China, and America 50-years ago, the household is run traditionally. The man, as the head of the household, would go work and earn money and give all the money to the wife to budget. The wife, would be in-charge of finance, budgeting, and all domestic matters including raising the children and educating them.

This relic still exists in China, though it has been modified to some degree by the necessities of modern life. For in China, multi-generational households run traditional, and conservative is the norm.
Here we have a housewife showing show she cooks delicious and nutritious meals for her family. So that when the husband gets home from work, and the children come home from school, this is what they can look forward to eating…
Anyways, and the big point that I would like to underline is very simple. Food is the way to people’s heart. Maybe the world has treated you poorly. Maybe you have problems. Maybe you are lonely. Maybe nothing is going well…
Share a meal with a friend.
If you can make it yourself, do so. It will cost less and you will be able to enjoy it within the privacy of your own home. Oh, and don’t skimp on the beer. There is nothing worse than cheap beer. Get the good stuff and enjoy it with your friends.
Here’s a steak grilled cheese to get you inspired.

The truth and the fact is that most men that I know would be willing to give 100% of everything that he earns, if his wife uses it to make a solid, well taken cared for, household. FACT.
It is the progressive liberal socialist reality that says otherwise. In that reality it is one where there are no roles, no rules, and no structure. People come together, or not. Build a family or not. Divorce and find others, or not. It just doesn’t matter. There is no glue, or any thing of substance to keep the family together.
I urge everyone to revisit a traditional family arrangement. It will mean less income, but a much… much higher standard of living.
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