This is NOT a bash America post. Nor is it some kind of biased political rant. Instead, we look at the current situation in America; social, and economic, and compare it with other similar events that has happened in the recorded historical past. By all accounts, under all situations, the future for America describes a time of great (tumultuous) change. Change that will be “grim” for large swaths of the American population.
The more astute readership will certainly be aware of this. They will be keyed into various economic indicators, and social trends. Often rejected as “tin foil hat” conspiracies by the (oligarchy run) mainstream media.
They see what is going on…
Why are the rats scurrying?
"If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when. " - The pitchforks are coming
However, the fact that the wealthiest in American society has been in the process of moving their assets off-shore, and establishing “safe havens” should be a indicator of concern. As should be the large number of bureaucrats at all levels of the state and Federal governments seemingly “grabbing as much as they can” prior to a serious “bug out” event.
- Americans Moving To New Zealand – Billionaires Buying
- Why US billionaires want property in New Zealand
- Realtor: “Paranoia” Driving Wealthy to Buy Homes
- Billionaires Are Building Bunkers In New Zealand, Prepping
- Why Silicon Valley billionaires are prepping
- Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich | The New Yorker
Of course, you can discount this as all so much nonsense. What about the charts?
- Measuring America’s Decline, in Three Charts | The New Yorker
- America in Decline –
- Decline and fall: how American society unravelled
- 5 charts that show what is happening to the middle class
- 100 Facts About The Moral Collapse Of America
A quick review…
America was founded on great and just principles.
However, the snake known as “progressive socialism” (or, in other words, fundamental Marxism) encroached and rewritten key aspects of the Constitution from 1900 forward. In fact, the last century has been nothing less that a long-march of encroaching progressive socialism with the end-goal to create of “progressive utopia”. Or in other words, a feudal society, run by the 0.01% of the elite.
All of which were the goals of Presidents;
- Woodrow Wilson ,
- Herbert Hoover ,
- Franklin D. Roosevelt ,
- Harry S. Truman ,
- Lyndon B. Johnson ,
- Jimmy Carter ,
- Bill Clinton
- Barack Obama .
America is almost there. Almost. There’s only one last major thing that needs to be taken cared for. Can you guess what it is?

American Political Alignment
Let’s take a look at the political chart, shall we. In the chart below we can see how the United States was first founded. For our purposes here, we will refer to it as the “1789 Constitution”. It consists of the 1776 Constitution plus the 1789 Amendments 1 through 10 known collectively as the Bill of Rights.
Personally, I believe that America needs a complete roll back of everything to the 1789 Constitution and start again from scratch.
In that understanding this chart shows the division of government control divided into three categories. Traditionalist, Neutral (or transitive) and Progressive. We have further divided it into two axes. The horizontal axes, represents Federal or centralized control. The vertical axes represents local (or, in the United States) State-level control.

The upper left box clearly shows the 1776 American Constitution as embodied by the 1789 Constitution. It is what America started off with. It has a small and weak centralized government, with strong powers granted to the individual states and local governments.
The lower right box clearly shows the embodiment of a progressive “utopia”. It is full-on hard-core Marxism. Much like what you can find in the Pol Pot Cambodia, Mr. Mao’s China (up to 1976 with the “Gang of Four”), and contemporaneous North Korea.
Curiously, the ignorance of most Americans astounds me. They think that contemporaneous China is identical to the 1976 pre-gang-of-four China. They believe that it closely resembles North Korea. Nope. Not at all correct.
The middle box on the far left represents modern China today. It more closely resembles America in 1800 than 1976 China.
China today is a strong nation with strong regional governments. Certainly you all have heard of the “one country with different systems” eh?
Well, that is what America used to have. That is, until the Federalists and the Progressive took power. The Federalists not only started to take power away from local and state governments, but they also set up “political parties”, instead of a singular nation run on merit and achievement.
The Federalist Party, referred to as the Pro-Administration party until the 3rd United States Congress as opposed to their opponents in the Anti-Administration party, was the first American political party. It existed from the early 1790s to the 1820s, with their last presidential candidate being fielded in 1816. They appealed to business and to conservatives who favored banks, national over state government, manufacturing, and preferred Britain and opposed the French Revolution. -Wikipedia
Anyways, China is today where America was in the early 1800’s. A generally weak central government, with strong regional governments. Anyone who has lived in Shanghai and then moved to Guangzhou can attest to the different systems and laws the two regions use.
China is one single party. Like the USA was back around 1800, and allows and permits a “one country with different systems” governance.
- One country, two systems – Wikipedia
- One Country, Two Systems is the Best System for Hong Kong
- What is China’s “one country, two systems” policy?
- Macao to Further Promote “One Country, Two Systems“
1800's When studying history, it is important to remember that one of the countries that went through the largest transformation in the 1800's was the United States Of America. Just a quick look at some of the events occurring during the century makes you realize how different America was at the start of the century compared to the end of the century. -The People History
Opposition to Progressive ideology
People misunderstand the Bill of Rights. They were not designed to guarantee anything, support anything, they were supposed to be used as a gauge of tyranny. Those ten items suggested to a people that a proper government, a benevolent government would refrain from encroaching on those areas of an individual’s life. To the extent that a government cannot restrain itself from imposing on those areas, is the degree to which it is a tyrannical government. Re-read the Bill of Rights and see how free you are. - From T.L. Davis Newsletter 13
The other presidents (not listed) during this last century did NOTHING to undo the progressive Marxist changes that the oligarchy ram-rodded down the collective throats of Americans.
Please keep in mind that I am referring to the term "Marxist Changes" rather loosely. Rather in this case, I refer to the cumulative effect of a coalition of forces desirous of a singular outcome. From this point of view, we can say that Federalists, Progressive and Marxists all want the same thing; A King presiding over Serfs.
Thus, the “Conservatives” were lazy. (If not outright criminal.)
At best they sat by, content in their brief moments of power where they were permitted to hold the reins of power inherited from the progressives. Meanwhile, the progressive illness festered , advanced and became a nightmare.
Every single institution in the United States is either actively malicious toward the American people, or a complete scam—and often both. - From Darren Beattie at American Greatness
Oh sure, there were some noteworthy presidents that “took a harsh line” regarding the encroachment of progressive socialism. But, for the most part NONE of them did anything to REVERSE all those progressive “improvements”…

These presidents were sadly few and far between. Such as Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. But, even these two Presidents did not undo any of the very serious changes that progressive management did to rewrite the Constitution.
Unless you UNDO the damages of Progressive advancement, you are only "treading water".
Instead, they (at best) performed minor cosmetic fixes, and conducted policy in such a way that would follow the normal ebb and flow of American politics. None took a hard-line Conservative approach to unraveling the damage that progressiveness introduced to America.
Like what you may ask?
- Abolishing all Federal Agencies in accordance with the Ninth Amendment. If you recall, it took FDR “stacking” the SCOTUS with Progressives to rewrite the Constitution to allow the formation of agencies. SCOTUS kept on ruling that the ninth amendment forbid the regulation of any unlisted Right. Indeed; a true “roadblock” to progressive advancement.
- Reinterpretation of the “Commerce Clause” to mean ONLY what it it actually says. Right now the law says that Congress can regulate anything, but the actual text of the Constitution limits it to other nations and American Indians.
- Enforcement of the 10th Amendment, and a return back to the States having power. Hey! “States Rights” and the need for limits on Federal power, and all that. Right?
- Abolishment of the Federal Reserve. As it stands international bankers control America because of this. And all they have been doing is plundering and squandering our money. They have torn apart families, altered society and stratified America. Not to mention bankrupted the nation.
- Abolishment of the Income Tax, all legislation associated with it, and the IRS. Do I need to elaborate on this? Free people [1] do not pay taxes, nor [2] do they need to ask permission for anything, or [3] need to defend and [4] justify their actions. (Please read that sentence two more times and let it sink in.)
- Enforcement of the 1st and 4th amendments in all Internet and software issues. I mean, of course, right? Just because technology advances does not mean that you ignore the Rights given to you by God, does it? It does if you are a wealthy oligarch that utilizes Marxism to stay wealthy.
- Arresting anyone who suggests the infringement of the second amendment. As well as reverting civilians to have REAL military arms, you know like they had for most of America’s history.
The above sounds radical to anyone who gets their news from the oligarchy. But to people who have read and studied the Constitution, it all makes complete sense. All you need to do is read a little bit of history.
Once you do, and you compare what has happened in other nations, all what we see in America today ends up making a heck of a lot of sense.

Quick History Review
You need to realize just how rapidly the Constitution was altered from a Constitutional Republic into a Democracy. Then you need to see how that Democracy devolved into Mob Rule through manipulation.
You need to understand the reason for the “States Rights” issues and how America changed when the states could not break away from a tyrannical central government.
You need to understand President Wilson’s introduction of Progressive thought, and the follow up efforts by FDR and all the rest of the oligarchy cabal. America is today, what it is, solely due to the criminal actions of EVERYONE in government, and the lack of American will power to stop it.
A person who has to pee in a cup to get a job is not free.

Build up to calamity
This has brought us to a situation in which a pure populist election was possible; in which every single powerful institution in the West—the corporate media, the military-industrial complex, the establishments of the Republican and Democratic parties, even the Pope—were aligned against candidate Trump; which candidate Trump nevertheless won, because he had the support of one institution that still matters in the face of such an onslaught—namely, the support of the people. -American Greatness
Therefore, since not a smidgen of action is taken on the above issues, we can only rightfully conclude that the progressive movement is going to continue to move forward. As such, non-progressive presidents will only “tread water” at best. All of these conditions show no signs of changing. Thus, the progressive onslaught will not slow down the eventual showdown between lovers of liberty and the progressive followers of servitude.
There will be a “showdown”. It is inevitable.
And so you see my point—it’s not just a lack of substantial progress on the wall or immigration at a time where immigration is registered in polls as a matter of highest importance among the electorate. It is something deeper than that. Because of this stress test of democracy that we passed when Trump won, we have a certain level of justified optimism in the country. But if we don’t implement the agenda that propelled his victory, it will lead to the prospect of a profound and justified cynicism with respect to democracy and our democratic institutions. People will justly ask, “What good are elections if nothing changes?” -American Greatness
Once Trump is removed from office and replaced by any candidate from the uni-party (Democrats or Republicans), progressive Marxism will advance from a trot to a gallop and Joe and Suzy average will get run over.
And, getting run over is never pretty.
The buildup
Do I really need to show graphs of the national debt? Or, how the middle class has just about completely disappeared and left a two tiered society? Do I need to remind everyone that there are two sets of rules and laws, and due to the machinations of FDR, the rule of law can be selectively applied?
I am confident that most readers reading this will not need numerical or charted proof to validate what they see with their eyes and know in their hearts.

But seriously, by all measures the United States, as great as it is is due for a reset. This reset can be positive; [1] an evisceration of all things “progressive” and an absolute return to the 1776 Constitution as written, or…
[2] Confront the final steps of a progressive Marxist takeover. For it is already here and well established. The only things left are disarming of the opposition and their extermination. It’s the historical norm.
Obviously, by looking at the picture above you can easily see that a return to the Constitution was originally written will be a tough battle. This is physically, emotionally and politically.
Which is why I say that America is heading towards a big reset. You can call it the “Fourth Turning”, or a “SHTF” event, or the “Second American Civil War” (CWII), or any such names. They all describe the same thing, as viewed from different viewpoints.
- A progressive Marxist takeover will be a genocide for their targeted “enemies”. And make no mistake, it will be genocide.
- A traditional Conservative takeover will result in discomfort to all those “swamp creatures” living off the teat of government, as well as all those non-government folk who have their hands in the cash till of American society. They will not go quietly into the night. They will scream, have fits, kick their feet and destroy their playpen.

The Big Black Line
For the Right violence is not a rheostat, it's an on-off switch, and they do not want that switch to be thrown. - From Anonymous, comment at Raconteur Report
In the last ten years we have reached the “black line”; the line of danger, where choices must be made.
There is no longer any hope or chance for a reversal of conditions to a halcyon time in the past. Today, it’s a red pill – blue pill moment.

Americans can either finish the march towards an oligarchy ruled serfdom, or “nuke everything” and start back from scratch; go back to the pre- 11th amendment 1776 Constitution. There are no other options. NONE.
Which is why there is a grim future for America.
This was taken exactly from the most excellent blog “The Tactical Hermit“. I urge everyone to visit it and read some of the articles there. Good stuff. Like this…
Lessons From The Warsaw Ghetto August 24, 2019 Great Read. Be sure and read the two links on Lithuania. Highlights from Part one. Staple this to your Brain. 1) Government identification records are the clerical basis for mass murder and other atrocities: No, not every government ID scheme leads to genocide and expatriation. But for the collectivists of both the German Reich and the USSR, each victim’s identity card was both part of the initial targeting and the final “production record”. 2) Get to the forest early if you want to live: If you think they will be coming for you, you are probably right. Plan not to be where they know you work and live. Act early if you want to maximize your chances. You and your family will die if you are at your government-approved address. 3) The Bad People will have lots of help from your neighbors:The most disturbing moment for me in the KGB museum was not in the execution or interrogation/torture cells. It was realizing, while moving through the excellent exhibits on the mass deportations of Lithuanians after “liberation” by the Soviets in 1944, that most of the deportees (many of whom were subsequently executed or starved or died of exposure and disease) had been betrayed to the NKVD/KGB by their neighbors. 4) “Fascism” is not the only mortal enemy of freedom and life; the real enemy is collectivism in any form: At each of the memorials, one could tell the provenance of any signage by its reference to “fascism”. Mostly, such markings were from the Soviet era, during which — not coincidentally — many more millions of innocent human beings were killed by the “enlightened” Communists than had been slaughtered by the Hitlerites and their collaborators. While it is too much to expect the Soviets to acknowledge these facts, it is essential that freedom-minded folks grok that collectivism, in any form, can and usually does lead to the mass grave. 5) Never report en masse when ordered to do so: Nothing good ever happens to folks who do. 6) Food and ammunition will be the vital shortages you must address in order to live: Empty weapons and bellies a successful resistance does not make. 7) The Bad People will torture and kill those who help you: Get used to the idea. Retribution killing is a standard totalitarian play. Try to avoid jeopardizing your allies to the extent possible, but know that they too will be swept into the whirlwind. 8) The Bad People will torture and kill your family members:Sippenhaft ain’t just a chapter in Vanderboegh’s long-awaited novel. The KGB museum was filled with execution orders with notations indicating that not only had the subject been killed per order of the Party, but that “special measures” had or would be taken against the victim’s family. 9)You must be prepared to fight until victory or death: Once you go to the woods, you are there for the duration. The Baltic “forest brothers”stayed out until they were killed or captured. More on them in the next part of this report. 10) If you think it can’t happen here, you are wrong. The Polish and Lithuanian Jews who were ground into dust by the Einsatzgruppenthought the same thing. So did the Lithuanians who couldn’t believe that the Communists under Stalin and subsequent regimes would hold their passionate patriotism against them. Almost all of those folks who believed “it couldn’t happen” died. A few survived by running into the woods, or by bearing up under the brutal realities of the Gulag, year after year after year. Each of them knows the single biggest lesson from Lithuania: naked, brute force can and does triumph over kindness, love of kin and country, and simple human decency — often for decades or more. Lose your illusions. While there is still time. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
SHTF and Related Index

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