[daegonmagus] – Part 12 – Miscellaneous Experiences: The Curious case of the Mysterious Chicken Bird

The following is the twelfth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 


Part 12 – Miscellaneous Experiences: The Curious case of the Mysterious Chicken Bird

Yeah, yeah I know….I am supposed to be teaching you guys about LD so we can all meet in the non physical planes and kick some Old Empire ass before sitting down to smoke a fat Cuban, or whatever the equivalent is over there. But, I’ve got get this thing off my chest, because, well, it has been weird even for me. Plus it involves my family, so….

A week or so ago I posted on one of the forum threads about a strange little chicken bird that decided to visit my daughter in her room at 2am and scare the living shit out of her and my wife, before seemingly disappearing into “fat” air. And yes, that is a Simpsons reference.

Well, allow me to give you an update, the chicken bird came back, and it has been here before that visit with my daughter…apparently.

I tried talking about this on a site apparently all for paranormal stories and got labelled batshit crazy, an attention seeker yada yada yada. So I figured I’d do an article about it and put it up on here, my safe zone.

Like MM, I’ve got better shit to do than write about my experiences and have douschebags call me crazy.

Like MM, its that incessant voice in the back of my head that tells me it is necessary so people know there most definitely is a connection with lucid dreaming and ETs.

Maybe afterwards I’ll curl up into the fetal position and spoon the computer with MM open whilst eating directly out of a Milo tin with a soup ladle as I try to suppress all the psychological damage those people’s opinions did to me. I haven’t decided yet. That’s sarcasm by the way. But just in case she is reading, fuck you Maria. I can handle being called nuts, I can handle being called a liar, I can handle being called an attention seeker but if you are going to bring my family into it, then, seriously, fuck you. You government approved robotic troll.

The least you can do is read my autobiography before jumping to such conclusions.

For those who don’t know, Milo is a chocolate malt drink we get here in Oz.

As a kid, the common rule is that you fill up a tumbler glass with the chocolatey maltey goodness and pour about an inch worth of milk at the top, then high tail it the fuck out of the kitchen before a parent walks in and catches you in the middle of your diabolical scheme.

The punishment for being caught is usually pretty serious; your mum doesn’t buy Milo next time she gets the groceries.

Don’t even get me started on what happens when you steal dad’s salami that has been sitting in the back of the fridge untouched for 2 weeks.

Anyway back to the weirdness, and I want to back up a bit, because strange things have been happening here since even before this Chicken bird showed up.

For anyone familiar with my story, you may have noted such strange happenings have been following me and my wife, SD, our whole lives. Usually these are seemingly random events dispersed over many months. These last few weeks have been an exception. The year itself has been particularly interesting for me. Scratch that; for us.

You may recall back in Jan I had what appeared to be a doppelganger banging on my door and calling out to my wife and daughter when I was out with my son.

What happened was that my wife went to open the door and let this thing in, then noticed that despite it wearing my exact usual clothing, it was sporting a different haircut to what I went out the door with about 10 minutes prior.

She said “fuck that”, locked the door and then watched it walk behind the curtain and seemingly disappear. We have a dog fence surrounding that side of the house that would have slowed its departure somewhat, but nope, this thing was gone as soon as she pulled the curtain back. This was soon after something had been calling out to my daughter in my voice; my daughter said “dad’s home” and went to go find me before my wife stopped her, thankfully. I suspect this thing, whatever the fuck it was, had a hand – pun intended – in almost getting me killed some 8 years ago.

This caused me to finally pull my finger out of my butt, risk hearing a noise that sounded very much like Maria’s opinion, and write about all the things I experienced in LD before this thing got me killed.

It’s been a rollercoaster ride ever since.

Oh and in case I forgot to mention, our house has weird things happening in it all the time. Like shadow people walking around that you catch out of the corner of your eye, or – like what happened to me last night – random heavy weights weighing more than my 100kg body mass just randomly deciding “jump on me” and wake me up. Waking up after strange LD sessions with helicopters directly over our house.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks before MM’s comms channel opened up with the Domain Commander. My wife had a lucid dream/ astral projection experience she and a bunch of others were working in a lab section of a ship with several tall, extremely muscly blue eye blonde beings who were making some kind of medicine to cure some sort of sickness. Don’t be fooled though, these guys weren’t Nordics – they had short hair. The next day she caught a glimpse of their ship hovering high above our house.

A week later she caught yet another glimpse of something parked in our driveway before a bunch of honeycombed shaped mirrors appeared around it and cloaked it into oblivion. Unlike the shadow people, she assured me this was a proper physical sighting and not just one born from channeling into the non physical.

She saw this thing in our goddamned fucking driveway.

So I decided to set up a hunting camera facing not 2m away from where she said it was. Not that I caught much apart from some random digital noise.

Then, a few days later came Mr chicken bird.

Our 2 year old son was incredibly sick with diarrhoea and power spewing all night. Our 4 year old daughter had been worried about him so we let her sleep in our room. We put her in his cot and had him in our bed, where he usually sleeps anyway.

Our 2 year old woke everyone up at 2am screaming from his sickness.

My daughter, after being woken up started getting silly and wouldn’t go back to sleep, so I took her into her own room and gave her some cuddles while my wife nursed our son. I couldn’t stay too long because our boy was just too sick, so after a couple minutes I went back to our room, whilst my daughter was still wide awake.

Not 2 minutes later, we hear her saying “get out of here you naughty little thing”. She says something similar to our eldest boy when he harasses her when they play, so we thought he had woken up and gone in her room and was annoying her.

My wife gave our sick son to me and went to investigate.

Our daughter’s room is right next to ours to the right as you come out our door. As soon as she reached the door to my daughter’s room, I heard her say “what the fuck”. The next thing I know she is pulling my daughter into our room and trying to get our eldest son (still asleep) out of his bed and into our room in a mad panic.

As she got to the door she noticed our daughter with tears streaming her face, standing on her bed trying to get away from something that was standing next to the bed using it to balance, and walking very slowly towards her – both my wife and daughter saw this.

My wife said it was hard to make out in the dim lighting of the room, but it was very definitely a physical “thing” with wings about 3ft tall. Our daughter said it looked like a black and white chicken bird. She said she saw a “plane” drop it off outside her window before it came in the house. It took us quite awhile to calm her down (she ended up sleeping in our bed).

As if this wasn’t enough the son of a bitch showed up again a few nights ago around the same time of night; my wife got up to go to the toilet and said this same thing just appeared in the doorway walking towards her like it had done to my daughter, using its wings to try and balance.

She stared at it for a good while as she sat on the toilet before getting up and walking straight through it, to which it just dissipated.

She didn’t feel anything as she did so. She said it’s beak reminded her of those medieval plague doctors that used to wear those bird masks back in the renaissance period.

Plague doctor from Renaissance period.

So now, several weeks have passed and our girl won’t sleep back in her room. She is that terrified of the chicken bird, she won’t even go in there to play. What the fuck is this thing?

Note the correlation to medicine on the ship SD was on, and the plague doctor who used to put herbs in the mask to rid themselves of the smell of the dead they worked near.

The medicine SD was working on with the short haired blonde guys was also herbal/ natural based. Are the things visiting my family responsible for the depictions of the Plague doctors?

Then some more weird shit happened.

I set up a portable stretcher in our room so my daughter wouldn’t have to sleep in the cot that is much too small for her. She woke up in the middle of the night, again absolutely terrified and comes and crawls into our bed. The thing that scared her?

She saw a bunch of monster “people” appear before her and start talking to her in a strange language.

The description she gave of these people was exactly the same as a bunch of beings that used to harass my wife when she was about the same age. Bald, red eyes etc etc. This was a repetitive experience. They are apparently extremely loud when they talk.

And again, just last night she told us more about them. There are children ones and a “daddy” one. The daddy one usually isn’t there because he has to go to work “stealing other children”. She has seen these loud beings get dropped off along with the chicken bird and “snake looking people” from the same plane.

It gets even better.

So we are sitting in the loungeroom the other night, and out of no where my eldest son says that he has seen the chicken bird before in his sleep. He says that he saw a plane come into the loungeroom, drop it off and then leave through the back door (same one my doppelganger tried to get in through.).

I remember quite awhile ago he had a dream that some beings had taken him out of bed into a waiting spaceship in the driveway, then took him to the moon where they made him touch something silver that turned him silver (hello again Matrix Movie) and made him extremely cold at the same time.

They turned him into a literal fucking Metallicboy, and this was before I had even made the acquaintance of the Metallicman.

It is hard to tell if his were lucid dreams or standard ones, given that kids can’t properly externalise what the fuck is happening to them whilst in these states, though I assume it was an LD judging from his ability to recall it so vividly. My daughter’s seem like a bunch of Lucid Dreams interwoven with physical contact of the chicken bird, backed up by my wife seeing it.

Somewhere in all this cacophony of weirdness I myself had a lucid dream about standing out in the driveway and watching a ship come in to collect me.

The place I was standing would have been right next to where my wife saw her ship and my daughter said the chicken bird ship landed.

In fact it would have been the corner of a right angle if you dotted them out on a map. It was right in the exact spot my son said they took him to the moon. The entirety of our experiences would have been within a 15m radius of each other. That’s four different people from one family who have seen ships, either physical or non physical, in pretty much the exact same spot.

I can’t help but think about my abduction dream – refer to my Part 5 – from my mother in law’s house a few years back which is literally less than 5km away as the crow flies from us.

I was there the other day and took a video of how I remembered that dream experience unfolding (except I came out the door and not from around the side of the house).

When I point to the sky, just imagine a very angular shaped ship coming out of a cloud to the right and sucking me up into a circular arrangement at the bottom followed by a very confusing and disorientated wake up session.

The thing that gets me is that that experience felt like a future occurrence; it was too vivid to be just a standard dream.

I initially wrote it off because in the dream my car (which I no longer own) was very vividly parked in my mother in law’s spot under the garage.

Then I remembered my mother in law was the one I sold that particular car to. So if I randomly go missing it’s a good bet I woke up back in 2016 lol.

Joking aside, SD is under instruction to inform MM if I do indeed go missing one day whilst at my mother in law’s house; that is just a precaution I feel is necessary to take considering the Domain Commanders recent confirmation on our LD experiences. Maybe it will never happen – I honestly have no clue what to expect.

What I do know is that something weird is going on in our household, and it amplified the moment

MM’s comms channel opened up (this is in no way me laying blame on MM for it). Is it the Domain, is it someone else? I have no fucking idea, but it is definitely related if you want my honest opinion.

I showed this to my daughter who said the eyes and beaked looked fairly similar. My wife said if you take away the hat body, pickaxe etc, it looked similar. My son said the one he saw was different, more like a chicken that made a high pitched squeaking noise.

MM comment

Jeeze! Louise!

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Images from a nation in freefall

Doesn’t it seem that every single thing that the United States accuses China of, it manifests inside America? It’s almost like this big; enormous wish-machine was turned on it’s head and starts attacking it’s creator. Yeah. It’s like the science fiction movie where a mad scientist creates a robot, and then the robot turns on it’s creator.

Today I saw the horrific images of an African-American Rapper who drove an SUV at high speed through a children’s parade killing and maiming scores of children. He’s a “rapper” who spouts hate and disgust from his urban enclave. It’s all very disturbing. My God! He was out on bail for running over another woman with his SUV. Insanity. Pure insanity.

Why is this happening in America? What is going on?

The answer is simple

America has collapsed. It is dead, it’s just that the people don’t really realize it yet.

When there is no longer a “rule of law”, and “justice” becomes a tiered game of money laundering, society is over. It’s all a simple matter of the rats scurrying from ship mast, to ship mast, and trying to jump on some pieces of wood floating in the water. It’s just the middle of a long, drawn out scramble of survival.

The ship of America has sunk.



Throw some dirt on top of the grave and move on.

Oh sure, the bow of the ship is riding high. Lights are still blazing in the portholes. The band is still playing on the deck, and the Captain is still at the helm. But the ship is no longer seaworthy.

Some realize this. That is why you see mass looting of stores all over the cites in America, those shootings in the suburbs and on the highways, and the crazy behavior of the American leadership. They are all Jack-shit crazy and the world is falling apart all around them.

Here in this article I am going to prove my point by presenting short videos of the freefall collapse of the United States.

Please keep in mind that what you see on the “news” and social media is only a small percentage of what is actually going on. It is actually far worse than what is being depicted.

The real bad things are not being reported on.


Keep in mind that while the shit-show known as the United States “democracy” collapses, China moves on. It is a merit driven society that teaches military discipline to everyone from first grade onward.

Here’s a first grade class reporting for military training. Video 5MB

And a nation that is merit driven, unified, and run by STEM (science, technology, engineering and manufacturing) educated people who volunteer for that role is naturally going to overwhelm the fucking clown-show that the “blue blood” oligarchy operates. Fucking FIRE (Fiance, Insurance, Real Estate) folk haven’t a clue how to run a nation.

Here’s a locally produced, 100% all Chinese design and manufactured, Chinese fighter aircraft. video. 5MB

The Chinese do not play. They are a serious, serious nation. And they take their roles seriously. Here is a video of a Corruption Police raid on a kidnapping operation. I like how they rescued the little girl at the end.

You do not mess with China.

But since the USA is in a state of collapse, those in the West cannot see the shit show that they are living inside of. They need to start comparing their world to the rest of the world outside.

Like with China… on REAL terms. video 7MB

Here’s a funny video of a hysterical American screaming that America is not China.

It’s funny because China is so very much better than America in every way imaginable, but the dumbed down poverty serfs have no clue about how impoverished they actually are.

So, anyways, this video has been circulating all over China, and getting a ton load of snickers and giggles.

The guy probably hasn’t a clue as to why all the Chinese are laughing at him. video. 4MB

Clueless. Stupid. manipulated. Ignorant serf that services the billionaire class. Yeah, your fucking silly world is collapsing all around you, and you want to blame China.

Blame China? How about blaming yourself.

China has endured horrors that you have no fucking about. Thousands of years of fighting, and then Japans takeover and horrors followed by massive poverty, and abuse.

China will not forget what they had to endue. Do not push them. video 6MB

China is not a pushover.

China will retaliate if you all threaten them, and the United States is in no state to attack anyone. Hell, it can’t even build a simple fence on it’s borders.

It’s a helpless big lazy blob. So put everything in context. Understand what is going on and what the stakes are. video. 4MB

Videos of the United States in collapse

They are everywhere. Here’s looting and damage in a McDonald’s in the suburbs. video. 2MB

American nighttime roadblock.

Full militarized armored cars, full automatic assault rifles, sidearms, flack vests, and other military paraphernalia show that this is a domestic military road block and not a police action.

Common in America today. video. 8.6MB

Shootings, riots, mobs, organized crime and daring store break-ins are now common throughout the Untied States today.

This is not a lonely, singular, isolated event.

It is common throughout most of the major cities inside of America today. video. 2MB

Shoplifter at Walmart.

And so the guy drives off and the security guard shoots at him. Just another normal day inside of America. But now people are starting to die…

Police said the suspect - dressed in all black with a black mask - attempted to steal unspecified merchandise and, when confronted by the store worker in the parking lot, pulled out a firearm.

The loss prevention officer, who has a concealed carry permit, then shot the armed suspect two or three times at close range, he told police.

The suspect fled the scene and was later detained at a home near 5th and Olympia in Kennewick without incident.

-Ferguson Walmart Shooting

People! This is not an image of a healthy society. video

And while hard crime rages… Guns are being purchased, and used.

People are dying, the government enacts draconian laws, rules and clamps down on the Police State, well-meaning folk try to change things for the better.

But they are not going after the serious issues. They are addressing the trivial. Video. 7MB

Meanwhile in China…

China has face recognition technology, and a completely wired nation that tracks your movements, and permits law abiding people free reign, while snagging the evil, the selfish, the dangerous and those CIA inspired (NED) “bad actors”.

Video. 7MB

While the American wealthy is trying to steal everything on paper, and the serf citizenry are trying to haul away everything not nailed down, China is building, growing, developing.

China is, and stands, in stark contrast to the cluster fuck that America is today. video 8MB

What is China like?

China is a merit driven nation and it strives to be the best home for it’s people.

It spent time working on the basics. It spent time developing things, and it took time to do so. And the Chinese philosophy is summed up in this little video here. video. 2MB

Back to the American meltdown

Crime is rampant all over the United States.

It’s a consequence of multiple failures on multiple levels and the situation is getting worse, much worse. the society has broken down. There is rampant lawlessness throughout the urban areas. video 5MB

And another robbery inside of America. These are so common these days. Honest citizens hide inside their homes and peer through drawn curtains. they hope that everything will go away and change.

video. 4MB

No consequences.

People just watch stunned.

It’s a complete breakdown of society and it’s every man for himself, with zero protections under the law, and zero policing. video. 7MB

This is what it looks like when society collapses. It’s every man for himself.

Mobs rule. Gangs rule. Society fractures, and the wealthy scurry to their enclaves for safety.

What America resembles today is what happened during the Fall of Saigon. video. 43MB

People are out and just being really brazen in their crimes.

They don’t care.

Nothing matters these days inside of America. Here is a guy that hijacked a complete tractor trailer rig and it’s cargo and is in a high speed chase down the highway. Jeeze! video. 28MB

America as it really exists

Consider the reality. Why must the current mess that the United States is, be allowed or permitted to exist. It does not serve it’s people. It’s a war empire that causes destruction all over the world, it rapes and pillages, and is run but a small handful of evil greedy oligarchs. Why?

Why is it important that the world become like America? VIDEO

Video of City life inside of America.

Here’s some roadside rage. It’s about to get really ugly, really soon. video 6MB

Still not convinced, well lets go to a DIFFERENT city… VIDEO


Still not convinced, it is EVERYWHERE in America. Ok, well lets go to a third DIFFERENT city… VIDEO


Hey! Do you want to know why there are NO homeless in China?

Let this Chinese girl living in America explain it to you. For all of my Chinese friends, they are just flabbergasted at the lack of care and concern the US government has for it’s people.

video 96MB

The world will breathe a sigh of relief when the United States is finally broken up

Yes. The rest of the world will.

Look, if you are not aware of the collapse of America then you are delusional. The fact is pretty clear America is collapsing and it is up to the rest of the world to manage how their own individual nations handle that event. Most will be just fine.

It’s not that I want it to happen, in so much as I want the scales of justice to balance.

For far too long the crimes and the injustices have been propagated for far too long. It is a time of reckoning, and if you are smart you will align yourself with justice, truth and freedom . If you are a fool, then you will align yourself with the United States. It’s your choice.

I however, advise running away and hiding. Go to somewhere safer, and better. Like Uganda…video 7MB

Look at all the very beautiful women in the audience. Jeeze!

What am I doing wasting my time in China? video 1MB

Well, there’s only one of me, and so many interesting and beautiful and smiling people everywhere. So much food to eat. So many interesting people to meet and chat with. So many nice restaurants to eat in. So many great things to do.  Sigh.

I love it when a woman cooks food. It just really drives me absolutely crazy! And Chinese food is so very delicious!!!!

Oh, and you know, I do love to go out girl watching. There’s something great about women shopping in the malls, looking great in their outfits, nice makeup and just bouncing about. In America they all rush off to their cars, and then speed away. Not enough time for me to watch their poetry as they walk. video 5MB


Here’s a funny RAP… video 43MB

Out of the ruins of America…

Out of the ruins of America new societies will develop. The key is to create societies where everyone has the choice to participate, but only ONLY those that participate, and make the society a good place to live can have any say in government.

It’s a Rufus philosophy. And it is crucial to good governance.

Be the Rufus. Only allow other Rufus’s to control the government. They do it for others, not themselves. video. 16MB

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Fate Forecasting using Chinese BaZi astrology as elements of consciousness control in the MWI (Part 1)

This article discusses fate forecasting. It is a technique of measurement to gauge the degree of luck that exists in your present and future.

All MM readers know that we as consciousness are free to move around by choice and action in our reality, but that the options offered to us are limited due to fate. This fate is known as the pre-birth world-line template.

Additionally, another component comes into play. This is the entry point (time and place) when the physical body is birthed. This point in time establishes the fate that the consciousness experiences during a life-time. It’s a measure of how easy or how difficult it is for the consciousness to experience events on their template.

When you look at the MWI world-line template map and you see all those hills and valleys, we tend to believe that they are equally difficult for us to climb or scramble down. But that is not actually the case. Consider our consciousness has another set of “baggage” that it must carry up and down those hills. This extra “baggage” is known as fate.

It is fixed, but can be measured.

Depending on the person, the “baggage” of fate (or you might call it a “fate setting”) might be light and positive, or heavy and oppressive. This will have two effects.

Firstly, it will affect how the consciousness WANTS to navigate on the MWI; Does it want to climb those mountains or go towards those hills. And…

Secondly, it will affect the apparent ease of climbing the terrain on the MWI in front of them.

This method is known as Chinese astrology and horoscopes in terms of quantum physics related to the MWI (reality universe) where our thoughts control our world-line movement. Let it be clear that while there are many unfamiliar terms and associations with astrology, the system, mapped out by the Chinese over many centuries, is an empirical solution and explanation for the rise and fall of “luck” that consciousness experiences during a lifetime.

This is part 1.

I have described an element of the Bazi in my life by studying the Ben Ming Nian when I turned sixty years old. Here I stated…

Contemporaneously, in the Bazi it is believed that a person is surrounded by a non-physical reality. Within this non-physical are cyclic events and attributes that ebb and flow  depending on a host of causes and effects.

This non-physical reality differs from person to person. However, it consists of things that ebb and flow according to synchronized events that are triggered upon birth.

The Chinese have given these various components and their behaviors all sorts of names. They have created a series of "animal characteristics" such as dog, pig, and snake to describe a set of initial non-physical conditions. 

They have also created a series of names to describe how the non-physical components behave as a group. They go by such names as a "strong earth", or a "weak wood".

It's easy for the ignorant to make fun of this entire system. To them, it sounds a lot like a more detailed version of Western astrology.

But it is not.

It’s not bullshit

It’s an empirically obtained solution for rise and fall of fate and luck during one’s lifetime.

based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

For over 5000 years, the Chinese have observed the rise and falls of fortunes.

They noticed that people with similar birth dates had similar luck, and this effect was studied and built upon. The entire effort; this trend for luck (good or bad) is well mapped out, and it is an empirically derived map that resembles the pre-birth world-line template.

It is called Bazi.


Bazi is known by different names; the most commonly used names in China are…

      • Eight Characters (八字) , BaZi.
      • Four-Pillars (四柱),
      • Zi Ping (子平).

It is a technique that is based on one’s precise birth date and time to the exact minute.  At the moment of birth, the physical body enters the MWI on a specific world-line. This world-line moment in time sets the “fate rules” for the person so birthed.

In practice, the birth date/time is first translated into a Chinese calendar representation. This representation is described as 4 “pillars”. Each pillar represents YEAR, MONTH, DAY and HOUR. And each pillar contains 2 Chinese characters.

Four pillars, each having two characters means a total of eight characters, hence the term “the naming of Eight Characters.”

Bazi had long been used and practiced, but in Sung Dynasty, Xu Zi Ping, set the standard in using Bazi as the fortune of fate forecasting tool.

Bazi is a forecasting tool that measures one’s fate on the pre-birth world-line template. This aspect of fate is not changed when you slide off one template to another. Your fate is fixed with your physical body. It is not associated with the world-lines that you traverse.

The methodology

There are ‘two’ main fortune forecasting methods: (a) 神煞 and (b) 十神生剋制化.

[a] 神煞 (shén shà) “God is scant”

This is used by many practitioners. Simply because it much easier to use than [b] below.

[b] 十神生剋制化 (shí shén shēng kè zhì huà) “Ten gods are born and systematized”

Xu Zi Ping, of the Sung Dynasty, based his foretasting on this methodology. It is both much richer in its theoretical base as well as its application than [a].

Destiny considerations

One should note that bazi only uses the birth time for fate forecasting. It does not include where the person is born and what are the targeted person’s relationships. Both these aspects contributes a significant influence on one’s destiny.

So bazi can only provide an indicator of a possible prediction. This is critical as many people think bazi or any fortune telling tool can be used to predict with 100% accuracy, I will leave this to you to have a thought about it.

The other analogy of Bazi is DNA: with the advance of genealogy, it is now possible to predict one’s health condition and possibilities of getting certain diseases. Genealogy doesn’t say one WILL certainly get some diseases but only suggests that one may be more susceptible. Bazi is similar whereby it can be used as a guide to what may happen to one’s fate.

Good Luck and Bad Luck

The fate forecasting methodology relies on trending attributes for measurement. You have “auspicious” trends and “inauspicious” trends.  Further these are further divided into strong and weak trends.

Good Luck

      • Strong likelihood of auspicious opportunities / events.
      • A weak trend towards auspicious opportunities / events.

Bad Luck

      • Strong likelihood of inauspicious opportunities / events.
      • A weak trend towards inauspicious opportunities / events.

A Bazi (Chinese Astrology) Primer

Chinese cosmology is a cohesive philosophy that undergirds every aspect of Chinese culture and society.

This primer is by no means meant to be a comprehensive treatment of Chinese cosmology. It is, however, meant to serve as an introductory guide to Bazi which is Chinese Astrology.

It is presented here on MM as a forecasting tool to measure fate influences as your consciousness travels the MWI and world-line movement.


命运 (mìng yùn)

fate, destiny, fortunes, fates

Chinese cosmology has a holistic conception of “ming”, or fate/destiny. There are 3 kinds of fate of luck: heaven luck, earth luck, and man luck. These are hierarchical and define both the possibilities and  impossibilities in a person’s life.

All 3 notions of fate, or luck, are beholden to time:

  • Heaven luck is astrology, how celestial phenomena occurring at specified times correlate to affairs on earth and the lives of men;
  • Earth luck is feng shui, the art of scheduling and positioning. It is the orientation of one’s self and life in relationship to the flow of qi (life force or energy);
  • Man luck is how one understands, respects, and works with or against their heaven and earth luck.


Essential to each of these studies of fate is “wu xing” which is the five elements (stages, phases, etc). The five elements are:

      • Wood
      • Fire
      • Earth
      • Metal
      • Water

Each of the five elements takes to forms, a yin form and a yang form giving us 10 primary presentations of qi (Life force energy).

Each of these yin/yang forms of qi governs a season.

Each season is comprised of 3 animal signs which are earthly manifestations of the qi/element that governs each season. Earth governs the periods between each of the seasons. See figure 1 for an example. Note that it changes yearly from one person to the next.

Each element interacts with every other element in several defined relationships.

But the most important interactions between elements are the production cycle and the controlling cycle.

Be careful not to assume that relationships is better than the other. Context is everything.

When we discover the flow of your chart we will come to understand which relationships are most important to support that flow.


Bazi means eight characters.

The eight characters in your Chinese astrology chart are divided into two groups.

The [1] Heavenly Stems and [2] the Earthly Branches.

The Heavenly Stems are the pure qi, the five elements in their yin or yang forms. The Earthly Branches are the 12 animals (see Figure 1).

There are four pillars in your Bazi chart. The year pillar, month pillar, day pillar, and hour pillar.

  • Year pillar is grandparents and extended family members, it is your family background and upbringing.
  • Month pillar represents the parents or siblings, employment.
  • Day pillar is the self, spouse, home.
  • Hour pillar is children, aspiration, career.

Each pillar has one heavenly stem at the top, and one earthly branch on the bottom. Each part of the chart is identified in terms of its pillar and whether it’s a stem or a branch. See figure 3 for another example for a specific person on a specific year.

The two most important parts of a Bazi chart are the day stem and the month branch. The day stem is called the daymaster, and the month branch is the season of birth.

Once the daymaster is identified each of the other elements can be identified as well.

  • The daymaster (and its yin or yang counterpart) is the self (friends/enemies, peers, audience). It produces output.
  • The element that the daymaster produces is output (ideas, work ethic, talents, children in the chart of women). It produces wealth.
  • The element that output produces is wealth (assets, father, spouse or partner in the chart of men) it produces influence.
  • The element that wealth produces is officer (authority, superiors, spouse or partner in the chart of women, children in the chart of men). It produces resource.
  • The element that the officer produces is resource (mother, family support and upbringing, education, helpful people). It produces the self.


The flow of a Bazi chart originates with the daymaster and the season.

The daymaster can be rooted or not rooted in the season. That means the animal in the earthly branch of the month pillar can be the same as or produce the element in the heavenly stem of the day pillar.

For example, Yi (Yin Wood) daymaster born in Spring (Wood season) or Winter (Water season) is rooted because the element of the season in the month branch matches the element of the day stem. Yi is rooted in Winter because the Water of Winter produces Wood. Yi (Yin Wood). Yi (Yin Wood) born in any other season is not rooted.

Whether or not the daymaster is rooted in the month branch determines the flow of the chart. The flow defines which elements are favorable and which elements are unfavorable to a chart. This is a complicated task that requires an understanding of how the stems and branches interact with each other. That is beyond the scope of this primer.


The Bazi chart and its flow determine the heaven luck you were born with. The annual and 10 (personal) year luck pillars determines when that flow is supported, disrupted or blocked.

Every 10 years, your personal luck pillar changes. Then you enter a new time period with a different focus. See figure 4 for another example.

Each year the annual luck pillar changes. It interacts with both your Bazi chart and your personal luck pillar to support, disrupt, or block the flow that your personal luck pillar adjusts every 10 years.

It is this part we focus on in the Bazi

Conducting the primary forecasting charts

Step 1 – Casting the chart

When casting your Bazi chart, you must convert your birth time to solar time. You can use this calculator to convert it.

Step 2 – Plotting the chart

Here is a calculator you can use to plot your Bazi chart for you. Here’s a sample of what it might look like…

It is very easy to make a mistake in this process. So I strongly recommend that you pay the fee and use an expert. The expert will give you direct and usable intel. Instead of just guidelines that you need to interpret. (And unless you are an expert, you could misinterpret the readings.)


This is just part 1. Don’t get too caught up in the terms and try to make heads or tails out of it. The over all beauty and symmetry of the system becomes evident once you study it.

In future article we will go step by step to tear into the individual components, and then things will become clearer. Of most importance is the idea of “stars” or rotational periodic influences that orbit the consciousness.

I do not recommend that you try to figure out your destiny on your own. Instead, I strongly recommend you locate a practitioner on the internet and they will generate a day to day forecast for you to go by. It has been my personal experience that it is uncanny how accurate it can be.

Here is the group that performed my fate forecast for me back in 2003. I was in the United States at the time, and they are a group in Singapore. No problem what so ever…

This is NOT an advertisement. This is their “line card”. It’s a Singapore based organization.

My personal experience

Here’s overview excerpts from the MM reading that I obtained back in 2003 from geomancy.net.

I found it interesting, but was not paying attention. I had no idea what “bad” + “Very inauspicious” would mean.

This is the period of time where I was “retired”. My life started to fall apart in August 2005, with arrest and incarceration later on in that year. My sentencing to the ADC was in 2006 where I began my five year prison sentence.

Here is the current period of time.

I can confirm that the first half of 2021 was a bit of a strain for me personally, but that the second half was much better. And things are looking brighter this up coming 2022.

The day to day summaries were very helpful. But again, they just show potentials and when you are getting a massive mountain of shit coming your way, the only thing you can do is hunker down and endure the storm.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Fate Forecasting Index here…

Fate forecasting


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A glimpse at the post-American world

You know, all these actions by the United States against China, and Against Russia remind me of this following meme…

Here is a reprint of a translated Russian article regarding the collapse of the United States, and the dragging of it’s client “Western nations” into the black hole with it.

And the USA is actually collapsing.


In fact, it has collapsed quite a bit, but it still has a long way to go yet. It will not be over until a new nation rises like a phoenix from the ashes of the former.

It’s a good read, though I had to conduct some serious editing to make it readable for English native readers.

I do hope that you enjoy it.

Despite the running assumption in Washington for some time that democratic backslides are linked to perceived adversaries such as Russia and China, the data actually seems to point back to the United States itself. 

Of all places, the news of this democratic decline was recently reported in the New York Times. According to data from V-Dem, the US and its allies (defined as countries with a formal or implied mutual defense commitment) have accounted for only 5% of worldwide increases in democracy in the 2010s while having 36% of the decreases.

In fact, it states, US-allied countries saw their democracies decline by nearly double the rate of non-allies.

This obviously raises the question: why?

Answering this is quite a tall order for even the most astute political scientists, but it’s obviously not as simple as blaming Trump. Let’s look at some of the possible reasons. 

First of all, contrary to a long-running assumption, American influence does not actually lead to countries wanting to be like America. A Pew Research Center study from November 1 found that only 17% of people in their survey countries viewed US democracy as worth emulating, against 23% who said it was never a good example. Why is this?

Well, US democracy sucks.

If democracy means that public opinion is supposed to decide policies, then the US is an abject failure.

Public opinion actually means next to nothing, considering the US is a functioning plutocracy – a government of, by, and for the wealthy.

- Mirna Miranda

Post-American world

Rostislav Ishchenko develops his theme first posted here: Russian World as a global project into global multipolarity and covers why and how the West ran into a dead end, and where the multipolar situation may lead.

Please note it is a machine translation with some human assistance, and it is not a perfect document.  It however makes his points clear enough, for the discussion on this massive global change.

Today we are in a unique situation – for the first time in the history of mankind, a global empire is breaking up.

Humanity is constantly living in an era of decay. At the same time, humanity is constantly living in an era of centralization.

The dialectic of history works simply: the centers of disintegration and centralization are constantly changing places both horizontally (some states are weakening, others are strengthening) and vertically (against the background of a weakening center, power in the shires is always strengthening, and the weakness of the regions leads to the strengthening of the center).

The art of leading a state is to correctly determine its internal and external state.

Accordingly, you need to move the control center of gravity from the regional level to the central level and back.

In the field of foreign policy, in an era of weakness, try not to be too active in order to suffer as few losses as possible (and it is better not to lose anything at all), while at the time of strength, try to carefully acquire additional resources.

Depending on the era, this resource can be nominated in terms of land, people, industrial power, market access, ideological leadership, information superiority, and other resources.

As a rule, several interrelated factors from among the above play an important role.

The Empire of the Collective West

Today we are in a unique situation. This has never happened before in the history of mankind.

For the first time, a global empire is breaking up.

We used to call it the American world, because after the collapse of the USSR, the United States remained the only superpower for twenty or twenty – five years (who thinks so) and became a symbol of Western dominance.

But in reality, it was the empire of the collective West.

The United States did not share the profits made by robbing the rest of humanity with Canada and Australia, New Zealand and South Korea, Japan and the EU out of a love of art or an innate desire for charity. It’s just that without the support of these vassal regimes, Washington was unable to manage the globalized world.

And, as has been known since classical feudalism, the vassal owes the master exactly the same amount as the master owes the vassal.

If a prince or duke does not dress his retinue luxuriously, does not provide it with expensive horses and weapons, does not feed it to the brim and does not drink it to the point of drunkenness, then the retinue has every right to abandon such a leader and look for a new master (the right to leave).

In politics, these relations are expressed in a change of allies.

For example, when the USSR could no longer provide Eastern Europe with an influx of additional resources (at the expense of its own population) The ATS and COMECON instantly disappeared in time and space, and their yesterday’s members lined up in NATO and the EU.

Next in line were the Union republics, which fled the Union in full confidence that they were feeding Russia and would live better on their own.

At the same time, the republics did not really think about any independence either. They took the queue “to the West” for Eastern Europeans, fully confident that they only need to join the EU and NATO and everything will be like in the USSR, only even more satisfying and better.

Some managed to join, some did not, but everyone was disappointed.

And not at all because, as some think, the West did not want to feed freeloaders.

The EU and the US were well aware of their responsibilities to their vassal countries, and they also understood that spending on their “weapons, horses, clothing, food and drink” would pay off by strengthening Western dominance around the world.

The annexation of Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet states (except for Russia and the Asian republics) was supposed to significantly improve the geopolitical position of the West, strengthen its military capabilities and make its political and economic dictates insurmountable.

When the West overestimated its strength

At first, it worked that way.

The costs of maintaining Poland and demonstrating the success of the Baltic Tigers were more than repaid by predatory exploitation of Russia.

 (in the 1990s, the West established direct or indirect control over most of Russia’s resources through local oligarchs) and outright piracy in the rest of the world (Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, and after it Serbia).

Economically booming, China was unable to stand up to the collective West militarily. Russia seemed completely destroyed and only temporarily preserved the appearance of unity. At this point, the West overestimated its strength.

In any society, there are always different groups that see the purpose and meaning of existence and the direction of development of the corresponding society in different ways. And as long as there is an obvious external danger, these groups reject internal contradictions, rallying against the external enemy. If, for some reason, the authorities lose the ability to reconcile and balance internal contradictions, a catastrophe of the 1917 model occurs.

In the 1990s, the collective West believed in the “end of history”, that the world is forever Westernized, that the roles of governors and governed are assigned to different countries forever.

Being in a state of euphoria, the Western left liberals launched an ideological offensive not only on the external front, but also on the internal one, trying to make their “tolerant new world” mandatory for everyone, not only in the conquered countries, but also among those who, in their opinion, “won the Third world war (cold war).”

As long as the leftists did not dig in, the resistance to their expansion in Western society was provided by certain marginal groups of conservatives, who were branded fascists by the” new left”.

Broad strata of Western society were virtually untouched by the confrontation between these groups until the mid-noughties of the third millennium.

Moreover, the main ideological expansion of the West was aimed at the development of “conquered territories”.

It was there that the most “advanced” “public organizations” were created, spreading the propaganda of equality of norm and perversion to Western grants, even the advantages of perversion over the norm, because it “suffered for a long time”.

There, on the” new lands”, the” Soros funds ” and their many similarities worked. And left-liberal ideas, having fallen into the post-communist ideological void accustomed to the presence of a” leading and guiding ” people, were in the greatest demand. The additional appeal of these ideas was given by the fact that their local adherents, due to the support of Western funds, instantly became super-successful people against the background of the rapidly impoverished (in the 1990s) post-Soviet society.

It is difficult to say how all this would have ended if the West had had the wit and patience to wait, not to immediately cut the post-Soviet “chicken”, but to give the liberals the opportunity to demonstrate at least some success.

Then it was inexpensive.

But, having invested in a thin layer of people temporarily in power, the West decided that all the problems were solved.

The elites will cope with educating the masses.

And it was seriously mistaken.

Split in the Western family

I don’t know if Russia and China would have had a chance to stand up to the united West, which by the end of the 1990s was totally superior to them in all indicators, except for Chinese industrial growth (but it is not enough to grow quickly, you need to have time to grow), if the expansion of Western neolithic ideas would have remained exclusively external.

But the left-wing liberals, sensing that they had significantly strengthened their positions due to external expansion, launched an offensive against conservatives inside the West.

This was the beginning of the end, for” Every kingdom divided against itself will become desolate; and every city or house divided against itself will not stand ” (Matthew 12: 25).

The West faced several divisions at once. First, there were divisions between conservatives and liberals within each individual country. Second, there is a split between conservative Eastern Europe and liberal Western Europe within the EU. Third, a split has emerged between the European bureaucracy and national Governments.

Moreover, since the European bureaucracy came out from radical left-liberal positions, in the fight against it, even liberal national governments were forced to seek the support of conservatives, which weakened the position of liberals in each individual country.

An increasing amount of Western resources began to be directed not to maintain the hegemony of the West, but to the internal struggle of liberals for an ideological monopoly.

The West has lost the ability to control planetary processes, but, being in euphoria, on the wave of success, it did not immediately notice this.

When it noticed, it was too late.

The divided Western society could no longer unite and was increasingly slipping into a state of cold, and then almost hot, civil war.

The struggle between liberals and conservatives, like any struggle of roughly equal forces, began to devour almost all available resources, and the West began to feel resource hunger.

Since the opportunity to pay off the resource shortage at the expense of Russia and/or China was lost (the West thought it was temporary, but in fact it turned out to be forever), cannibalism had to be engaged: the stronger countries of the West began to redirect resources that had previously been used to support weaker and poorer countries in their favor.

Immediately, the internal split deepened.

In Europe, in addition to the division into West and East, there was a problem of “rich North” and “poor South”. These two parts of the EU had different views not only on the prospects of economic and financial policy of the European Union, but also set different foreign policy goals for themselves.

Divisions between the US and the EU, the US and Israel, the US and Turkey, Turkey and Israel, Israel and the EU, and the EU and Turkey have emerged and begun to deepen.

Washington’s position began to weaken even in the traditionally loyal monarchies of the Arabian Peninsula.

Political laws are inexorable

The West is still trying to present a united front.

In particular, the United States is forming an all-Western coalition against China and is trying to bind Russia’s forces in the European direction by forming a single pan-European anti-Russian front.

In the statements of government officials, on the paper of signed agreements and according to the estimates of expert offices funded from Western budgets, it seems to work, but not so much in terms of the self-perception of the population of Western countries, which the press is increasingly forced to reflect with minimal objectivity.

The collective West still retains a sense of civilizational unity, but in the face of growing resource scarcity, this cannot help it in any way.

Still, the strong, in order to survive, is forced to withdraw resources from the weak.

At the same time, even if the weak does not rebel, but allows themselves to be robbed to the end, the weakening of the West will progress at an increasing pace.

On the example of Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, and the former “Baltic tigers”, we see that sooner or later there comes a time when the robbed statehood loses the ability to support itself.

Starting from this period, it is necessary either to pump additional resources into it just for the sake of preserving it, or to accept that it will de facto disappear, first as an economic unit, and then as a political one, which will reduce the amount of available resources, respectively aggravating the problem.

Today, the West is already clearly divided into three clusters: the American one (the main one, torn apart in the United States by the struggle of right-wing conservative Trumpists and left-wing radical Bidenites); the European one (whose economic interests require cooperation with Russia, but the ruling elites of most countries are afraid that they will not be able to retain power if they leave the American umbrella); and the Asia-Pacific one (which has already fallen into the sphere of Chinese economic influence, but does not want to admit it for the same reason that modern Europe does not want to break with America).

Historical experience shows that political laws are inexorable.

If you try to slow down the development of natural processes, then the longer you delay, the more terrible the final catastrophe will be.

In the 1990s, the West could still win, in the noughties conclude a compromise peace, being in a favorable position, in the tenth it was still possible to talk about a compromise, but the main bonuses were already received by Russia and China.

At this stage, the West can only count on a complete and unconditional surrender. Further delay will lead to the fact that there will be no one to capitulate. People, houses and cities will remain, but the western system will disappear.

Yet the United States is trying to continue playing the game of victory, and its allies have no strength to step out of the American shadow.

Further decisions should be made in the next three to five years. Either the United States will risk starting a war against China (then it should be started as early as possible, since it may be too late), or they will have to admit defeat in the global confrontation.

For the collective West, this will be a greater shock than the one that shook the Soviet sphere of influence during the collapse of the USSR.

The wreckage of the collective West in the form of junior partners of the United States will start looking for new patrons even more frantically than the post-socialist countries did in the 1990s.

At this point, the question will arise: where is the new assemblage point, around whom will the new centralization take place?

The square trinomial and its political roots

So far, we believe that such an assemblage point can be the Russian-Chinese Eurasia based on the SCO, the EAEU, the CSTO and other structures created and being created by Russia and China.

However, China, which is trying to protect itself against a sudden (but more than likely) collapse of Western markets, has recently taken several cautious steps to establish its own control over the Trans-Eurasian trade routes under Russian control.

A possible clash of interests is in Africa and Latin America, where both powers are actively increasing their economic expansion.

Finally, while not yet obvious, but in the long run, the most dangerous contradiction is that the fragments of the collective West that fall into the Chinese sphere of influence (the Republic of Korea, Australia, and New Zealand), along with the Southeast Asian states already located there, have interests diametrically opposed to the interests of Europe that potentially falls into the Russian sphere of influence.

Plus, India and Japan are too big a prize for Beijing and Moscow to allow each other’s sole influence there.

These contradictions are objective, and whether they can be overcome depends on the collective will of Russia and China.

Today, we cannot say unequivocally that this will be achieved, if only because we do not know in what geopolitical conditions we will have to move on to building a “beautiful new world”.

One thing is clear: Washington’s belated recognition of multipolarity in the form of a statement that there are three centers of power in today’s world (Russia, the United States, and China), although formally true, cannot satisfy anyone, because the dynamics of global processes are negative for the United States, and they will still try to change it, which means that the three-member structure will not be stable due to American opportunism.

In general, [1] today the crisis is developing, [2] the catastrophe of the collective West seems inevitable, but [3] the subsequent catharsis does not promise peace.


What may come, may come. But don’t lose sleep over it. If you can still enjoy a fine pizza, then do so. If you can still go out and watch a funny movie then go do so. If you can go outside and play with your critters, please do so. And remember… Always be the Rufus. video. 130MB

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Rufus humanity post for Christmas leading into 2022 it is our highest calling

Here’s a mixtures of videos describing Rufus behaviors. When I mean being the Rufus, I mean contributing to society. I mean putting it out there, being helpful. Being kind. Refraining from anger. Refraining defensively when provoked. I means being the best you that YOU can be. Be that Rufus.

The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.

Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.

In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.

While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.

You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.

The following are some videos about people; humanity and being a Rufus. Some are sad, some are painful, some are good, and some are happy. Be the Rufus. Otherwise, why live?

Be the Rufus. Be family. Be the community that cares for it’s members.

I strongly suggest you watch the videos in the order presented to get the proper "effect" that I am trying to provide.

Rufus father rescues

Protecting the young ones is a top priority for the Rufus. Video 19MB

Rufus Child Protects Others

Caring for the well-being of others is a top Rufus priority. video 3.6MB

Rufus child holds open the door

It starts with caring and consideration for others. video 2MB

Rufus Husband

Awareness of your loved ones is a prerequisite for fine Rufus behaviors. video 2MB

Rufus fire crew

A Rufus always welcomes others to join them in their efforts. video 4MB

Rufus helps girl on scooter

A Rufus always comes to the rescue. video 3MB

Rufus tends to the volunteers

A Rufus participates in their community. video 23MB

Rufus student sings about his country

The Chinese are wildly patriotic. And they associate (naturally) their friends and family with their nation. Which is the exact opposite of America where it is “us vs. them” and “every man for himself”. Here we have a student singing about China in school. video 3.1MB

MM video

This is a video that I took of a nice elementary school girl handing out brochures for her parents business. She gets out of school and hands out the brochures to help her family while she walks home. video 22MB

Rufus park amusements

When your government supports the community, then the community provides a stable and healthy environment to exist, work and play in. Part of that is having amusements and other free things for the community to us. None of which are a for-profit model. video 4MB

Rufus review

Here’s a good review of some fine Rufus behaviors. Be the Rufus, or just be a nobody. video 14MB

Let me be perfectly clear…

We must be part of something bigger than ourselves. We are not machines that eat, are entertained, and propagate. We are living, breathing entities and we need to provide and treat others the same way.

Be the Rufus. It’s our highest calling. video 26MB


More Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out…

Rufus Index


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A interesting collection of time capsules

When I was married to my first wife, she told me a story about what happened when her grandmother died. Once this 90-something woman died, the “children” all went over to her old house “on the hill” and started probate on the belongings. And there they discovered that there was a very large, and very heavy bureau that had been against the one wall for as long as anyone could remember. And when they emptied the bureau, and moved the heavy massive piece away, they discovered a locked door.

When they opened it, they found a child’s bedroom dating from the 1920’s all perfectly preserved.

Apparently, my wife’s oldest uncle told the story that when he was five years old, he and his older brother, who was six went out playing on the frozen river, and the older brother fell into the ice and died. Since he was so young at the time, he had forgotten about the older brother and the event, but the grandmother simply walled up the room. Closed the blinds, shut the drapes and never spoke of the lost son ever again.

Inside was the room just as the boy had left it. With clothing on the floor, an unmade bed. Toys about, and other things of that period such as books, cast metal toys, an an old baseball mitt and bat.

It’s a fascinating story, and one that comes up time and time again over the years.

  • Time capsules are purposely built to contain interesting and unique items meant to be uncovered at a predetermined date in the future. This can often be a century or more after the capsule is buried.
  • Unintentional time capsules are something else altogether as they are far rarer and only appear when least expected. These are places and items lost for a time. But when they are revealed, they showcase what life was like in the past.

Here we can look at some other time capsules as we explore this interesting subject.

Lost Purse From 1957 Discovered In 2019

In 1957, a young woman named Patti Rumfola was attending Hoover High School in Ohio when something terrible happened: She lost her purse. That stroke of bad luck for Rumfola turned into an incredible discovery in 2019 when her handbag was finally found by a custodian.

Unfortunately, it was a bit too late for Rumfola as she had passed away in 2013 at age 71. Still, the purse was found, and with some Internet sleuthing, the original owner was identified. The handbag was given to one of her daughters, who had the opportunity to peek into her mother’s life from 62 years in the past.[1]

The purse, which had fallen behind some lockers, ultimately became an unintentional time capsule filled with the kinds of items you might expect to find in a young girl’s handbag in 1957. There were several pristine tickets to her school’s football games, a couple of library cards, a photograph of one of her friends, a wallet, and a small amount of change. Each of her five children kept a penny from the purse to remember their mother.

The Town Of Bodie, California

Shortly before the US Civil War broke out, gold was discovered east of the Sierra Nevada mountains. By the late 1870s, the site had grown to become a boomtown called Bodie with some 10,000 residents. By 1915, the gold was gone, and people had to leave the town for good.

Bodie became an unintentional time capsule because it’s more than 2,500 meters (8,300 ft) above sea level. In the early 20th century, it wasn’t easy to get in and out of the little town. As a result, the residents left most of their possessions there as it was too expensive to have them hauled over miles of mountain trails.

In 1962, California State Parks stepped in to establish the ghost town as Bodie State Historic Park. It is preserved in an arrested state, so nothing is disturbed except for the occasional repair to ensure that a wall or roof remains intact.

The place is exactly what people envision a ghost town to be. But more than that, it’s a glimpse back in time to the Old West without the kitschy tourist traps found in places like Tombstone.[2]

Completely Intact Shoe Store Rediscovered After Half A Century

From the 1940s to the 1960s, the Fashion Shoe Shop stood as a staple mom-and-pop store. But it eventually shut down. Years later, it was bequeathed to a man who went by to see what the property looked like. He found a shoe store that had been shuttered several decades earlier.

The shop was something of a step back in time as the shoe store looked just as it had when the doors were locked years earlier. Instead of cleaning out an abandoned space, the new owner found a treasure in perfectly preserved vintage shoes. As the shoes were still inside their boxes, they were preserved without damage from dust, mold, or anything else.[3]

The time capsule was also filled with fashion from previous eras. In such well-preserved conditions, the items were worth quite a lot of money. In addition, the shop had a Victrola Credenza Talking Machine full of vintage records, a vintage stove, and more incredible finds from 40 years ago when the shop was closed.

Abandoned Home In Ontario Revealed A Link To The Past

Not every abandoned property is a decaying mess that people should avoid. Occasionally, a place will turn up something surprising, which is exactly what happened when a home in Ontario, Canada, was discovered by an urban explorer in 2013.

The home wasn’t in the best shape. But looking past the “usual smell of decay and years of abandonment” revealed a hidden gem showcasing how people lived in the 1960s when the property was abandoned.

Inside the home was a plethora of items from the 1960s and earlier, including several musical instruments, a shaving kit, a shoeshine polish kit, a cache of vinyl albums, cartons of food far beyond their expiration dates, furniture, books, clocks, televisions, a gramophone, a piano, jewelry, and two complete sets of polished silverware, which are worth their weight in . . . well, silver.

It’s unclear why the home was abandoned with everything left inside. But it helps to paint a picture of the people who lived there more than 50 years before the property was rediscovered.[4]

A Shop Boarded Up For 30 Years In Lancashire

Typically, when a shop goes out of business, its contents are sold, the building is vacated, and then it’s taken over by someone else. But something that seldom happens turned up in Accrington, Lancashire, in October 2008.

As builders were working in the area, they uncovered a shop that had been boarded up for at least 30 years. Instead of a decrepit empty space, they found a perfectly preserved corner shop and ice cream parlor. It was filled with items from the shop’s earliest days in the 1920s to products dating to the early 1970s.[5]

These included cigarette advertisements from the 1950s, a magazine that went through the day-by-day happenings of then Princess Elizabeth’s tour of Australia in 1938, old-fashioned sweet jars, and ice cream spoons. The original owners had left the property over 30 years earlier without removing the contents.

Paperwork found within the shop dated back more than 80 years. It indicated that the establishment had belonged to the Boyd family for several generations. The building was renovated, but the items were preserved by the developer.

A Victorian-Era Pharmacy Hidden For 80 Years In Somerset Village

In the early 1800s, John Wellington opened a chemist shop at South Petherton, Somerset. He also sold groceries. After John’s passing in 1845, the shop stayed in his family for more than four decades. Then it was sold to W.C. White in 1887.

White operated the shop’s chemist side until he died in 1909. Then his son and heir, Charles White, continued with the grocery business only. Charles wasn’t qualified to dispense medications, so the store’s chemist side was sealed behind a locked door.

Despite having several other owners, it remained that way until 1987. That year, the shop was sold and the locked door was finally opened. Inside was the chemist shop precisely as it had looked when it was sealed 78 years earlier.

The Victorian-era pharmacy was purchased in its entirety by Flambards Theme Park in Cornwall. The shop was moved and reestablished exactly as it had looked nearly a century before. Some items didn’t make the transition—but not because they were damaged.

Certain chemicals were now considered dangerous and deadly. They were confiscated by the British Home Office. But everything else has been perfectly maintained and preserved.[6]

A Long-Forgotten Closet Revealed A Treasure Trove Of Civil War Artifacts

In 2010, the former Carnegie Library in San Antonio, Texas, was undergoing some renovations when something unexpected turned up. The workers found a closet that had been walled up in the early 1950s. Inside, they discovered a treasure trove of artifacts dating back to the US Civil War.

More than 200 items were found in the closet. Although most were from the Civil War era, the oldest was a priceless copy of the 1615 King James Bible printed in London. Beth Graham, a spokesperson for the library system, described it as “in astoundingly good shape for being nearly 400 years old.”[7]

At least one document was dated 1861. According to Graham, another was “a proclamation by the Governor of New Mexico calling up the militia to repel Confederate raiders coming into the territory from Texas.”

Several magazines were dated 1952, which suggests that the closet was walled up before the building housed the Hertzberg Circus Museum in the late 1960s. The library staff cataloged the items and put them on display at the San Antonio Public Library.

Parisian Apartment Left Untouched For 70 Years Discovered In 2010

In 1942, as the Nazis invaded Paris, playwright Solange Beaugiron, the granddaughter of Madame Marthe de Florian, fled the city. Beaugiron left behind her apartment but continued to pay the rent until her death at age 91, almost 70 years later.

It is believed that Beaugiron didn’t return at all between 1942 and her death in 2010. So the apartment remained closed. Initially Marthe de Florian’s home, it was filled with opulent furniture and paintings. All of them remained untouched.[8]

The apartment was finally opened in 2010. Although it was an amazing unintentional time capsule of 1940s Parisian life, it also contained many valuable artifacts. One such item was a portrait of de Florian by Giovanni Boldini. It sold at auction for €3 million, a record for the artist.

Other paintings by famous artists, ornate furniture, a piano, a phonograph, and much more were uncovered in the apartment. Somehow, the place survived World War II without a scratch as did everything sealed inside.

Thomas Jefferson’s Lost Chemistry Lab Found Hidden Behind Wall

From HERE.

Conservators working at the University of Virginia’s Rotunda have inadvertently uncovered a chemical hearth designed by Thomas Jefferson. The discovery is offering fresh insights into how chemistry was taught over 200 years ago.

The iconic Rotunda, constructed in 1826, is located on The Lawn of the original grounds of the University of Virginia and is currently undergoing renovations. Inspired by the Pantheon in Rome, Thomas Jefferson designed it to symbolize the “authority of nature and power of reason” and the separation of church and education.

Back in 1895, a fire destroyed much of the building’s interior. But during the 1850s, the chemical hearth—part of an early chemistry classroom—was sealed in one of the lower-floor walls of the Rotunda, which protected it from the fire. Recently, while preparing for the current renovations, workers examining the cavities in the walls unexpectedly discovered the lost chemistry hearth.

Back in Jefferson’s day, chemistry was taught on the Rotunda’s bottom floor. His collaborator, professor of natural history John Emmet, taught the classes. UVA Today explains how it worked:

The chemical hearth was built as a semi-circular niche in the north end of the Lower East Oval Room. Two fireboxes provided heat (one burning wood for fuel, the other burning coal), underground brick tunnels fed fresh air to fireboxes and workstations, and flues carried away the fumes and smoke. Students worked at five workstations cut into stone countertops.

Brian Hogg, senior historic preservation planner in the Office of the Architect for the University, said the chemical hearth may have been for Emmet’s use; the students may have had portable hearths with which they conducted experiments.

“Back then, the different experiments would get different levels of heat from different sources,” said Jody Lahendro, a supervisory historic preservation architect for U.Va.’s

Facilities Management. “For some, they would put the heat source under a layer of sand to more evenly disperse and temper the heat.”

According to Hogg, this may be the oldest intact example of early chemical education in the United States.

The University of Virginia will put the chemical hearth on display once renovations are complete.

Now some other stuff…

All of this stuff is interesting and a curiosity. There is no question about that. But what about today? What about your life now? What about things, people, places, food, friends, drink, pets and other interests? Well…

…lucky for you all, I have some videos that I am gonna deposit here for your enjoyment. And as you look at them remember that those relics that you read about are from another person’s time; another person’s life. But this time; this life, is yours NOW.

Make it a good one.

Please contribute. Don’t disparage.

Check out this guy who used to ice skate when he was in elementary school, and then life carried him away. Now, for the first time in 50 years, he tries to ice skate again. Not so easy is it? video


You are not your age. You are not your color, nationality, your style, your wealth. You are not your job. You are not your career or your education. You are very unique and you are very, very special.

Never forget that.

Here’s a video where a middle-school student discovers what her dad does for a living. It’s a bit of a shock, but you know what…? It doesn’t matter. video.

What the world needs now is more understanding; more humanity; and more kindness. Help others. Be the Rufus. Show understanding, compassion and kindness. Help others. And when someone is in need, help them.



Do not be afraid to volunteer. You can join the volunteer fire department, be an auxiliary in the police. Help in the local community. Volunteer at the food pantry. Go to the local humane society and just volunteer. Be part of the community. Smile. Make friends.

Act like a real Rufus does. Video.


I hope you enjoyed this article. Please have a wonderful day.

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EBP Q&A with the Commander from The Domain a November 2021 episode

Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and so I wanted to celebrate somewhat. You know turkey is rather difficult to come by in China, so I decided to go and get some chicken. I had my mind on a big family bucket of chicken at KFC. I had been thinking about it all day. Then at the last minute around 7pm, the wife says, “KFC is too far away, and I don’t feel like going out. Let’s go to the local restaurant outside our place and get some chicken there.”

Now, I had a bad feeling about it. I kept on imagining some of the worst chicken meals that I had in China, but I shrugged my shoulders and “went with the flow”. I did this, even realizing…

“…I have a bad feeling about this…”

It was horrible.

Steamed chicken. Nice thick globs of yellow fat (the size of your thumb) on bloody red chicken meat. Skin a yellow-white thick layer of fat. I ate a few bites and left the chicken sit there.

Globs of fat.

Even my Chinese wife, who is used to these kinds of “dishes” was aghast. She wouldn’t touch it either. The other dishes were a mistake as well. We ordered ten scallops, but they made oysters instead, so I ate ten oysters, some rice and wilted vegetables for Thanksgiving dinner.

It was pathetic.

I went home subdued. Didn’t say much. Put the kid to bed, and turned in.

The misses, knows that it was terrible, and tried to make up for it by making me a nice cup of coffee today this morning. It’s one of those unspoken things that people in a relationship do with each other when words cannot suffice.

The bitter memory of such a horrible event will stick to my mind for years now, and we will never… and I do mean NEVER… go back to that pathetic restaurant ever again.

Why did I want to eat chicken (as a substitute for turkey) on this particular day?

Well, because it is an American holiday of friendship, and sharing. And today, like the nation it represents, are a horrible distortion of what it used to be. I don’t think that I will ever celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday ever again, it is crossed out and erased from my calendars.


Given what I know now, in America, Thanksgiving and “Black Friday” will turn into grand distortions of what they used to be.

Much like that horrible, bloody, greasy, fat laden piece of “road-kill” that I endured for dinner.

Ok. I hope that your holiday is much better than mine was.

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This group of questions took place in November 2021. It consists of various questions that influencers asked, and that we asked over time. I compiled the questions and then submitted to the Commander via my EBP for answers.

Tell me more about the rest of the prison complex

This is a question that I want to ask. So I placed it up front here.

I have long understood that our solar system is but one system in a constellation of five (give or take) other solar systems that combined form (what I refer to as) a “sentience nursery”. Most discussions on the “Prison Planet” concept revolve around the idea that since we are earth humans that we should only be concerned about our planet and not the entire prison system.

So I went and grabbed a 52º “white wine” and started a typing. (Alcohol has no effect on the comm channel. I use it because it mitigates the bad effects of the biological impacts during the chat.)

Time is 23:48 Saturday night. My daughter is finally asleep.

[1] Is the “Prison Complex” like that of the ADC (spread out), or a cluster in one large geographic area?

The prison complex is a set geographical area with this region of space. It is unlike the ADC with had prisons spread out throughout the state. This geographical region, in it's entirety is enveloped in a "bubble" field or interdimensional / universe /containment field / mechanism.

This bubble contains five plus one solar systems. Thus there are six solar systems that contain prison environments. One of them is "your" solar system.

The five others are geographically located within close proximity of your solar system, and all lie within an ellipsoid of which your solar system is part of. Your solar system is not at the center of the ellipsoid containment area. It is actually off to one of the extreme edges of the containment field.

Within this containment field are also some other solar systems that are "empty" / devoid of active prison utility. Any lives, creatures or inhabitants on those planets are not part of the prison skin-suit system.

The ellipsoid containment field is at an angle to the galactic plane, and is tilted to fit the requisite solarsystems involved.

The dimensional map of the neighborhood of stars and their respective solar systems. However, I am unable to place the bubble or draw it on the map at this time. As the reader can see, there are all sorts of ways that a person can draw up a area of space to encompass six solar systems with our Sun off to one of the edges. -MM

The Alpha Centauri solar system is also part of the prison complex.

[2] Are all the other solar systems in the same state as the earth prison complex?

I asked this question, not realizing just how broad based it was. I was reprimanded for the generalities involved. Never the less here’s the answer.

This is a general question statement. So a general overview is in order as the answer.

All of the solar systems are administered as one single entity from one unified central complex. Each one has it's own administrative center. For the earth solar system, the administrative center is in the earth's moon. 

The main prison complex administration center (for the entire multi-system complex) was destroyed by The Domain, roughly 1200 (earth) years ago. When that happened, administrative control reverted to the individual solar system administrative centers. Each one handled the situation differently.

The solar systems act as puzzle pieces or cells to the unified whole. This is true for the "tunnel of light" to go to the "Heavens", the containment fields, and the mini-pocket universes that are all involved in the individual solar systems. Each solar system has their own unique and independently maintained and controlled systems. They work together as a whole.

If the containment field near the earth solar system were to be destroyed and effectively shut down, the containment field of the nearest other prison solar system would expand to take over and compensate for the loss. Thus the entire system is a maze of complexities and self-repairing actions.

All of the solar systems, and their planets within the prison complex are still operational in one form or the other. All are now operating under the local control of The Domain, and all are being unraveled / untangled / investigated so that the entire system can be under full Domain control for the eventual shut down of the field and the rehabilitation of the inmates entrapped inside.

The inmates occupy different (species) skin-suits depending on the planetary environments involved, and thus the individual physical situations vary substantially from planet to planet.

[3] Are there any lost members of the Domain in other solar systems of the prison complex?

Yes. The largest lost contingent is associated with the earth, but there are some smaller groups or individuals who are lost in other planets of the prison complex. We know where all of them are and we are tracking them (as best we can) given the current restrictions on our capabilities at this time.

For The Domain, geographic location is not the kind of problem that it is for human physical skin-suits. To us, the location is all in the same consciousness area, while for you it seems like they are scattered all over the galaxy.

The earth lost a military garrison. While the XXXXXX lost a scientific research base, and YYYYY lost a number of vehicles and crafts including their crews. There are also a few individual IS-BE's that got caught in the field that are in need of rescue.

[4] Do the other solar systems have human skin-suits and other similar animal forms for inmates?

No. The other solar systems do not use human skin-suits. The inmates occupy other (some are humanoid) forms. 

The remaining administrators, of course maintain their "old empire" forms and they are imprisoned within their command and administrative bunkers under our control. 

Mades Escapleon was the administrator for your solar system, and is (as you know) an inmate within the general population. You are the only one that escaped in such a manner. 

The rest fled the prison complex completely and disappeared in or outside of the "old Empire". We have not been able to find any of them and their whereabouts are unknown. You are our only viable tie to the administration aspects of the prison complex. And unfortunately, your human prison skin-suit has the many inherent retardation's making memory access and utility very difficult.

[5] Are the heaven(s) that exist in these other solar systems the same as the heaven(s) that are accessible from our solar system?

Heavens are species dependent. 

Where there are same species on different planets within the Prison Complex, they will share the same "Heaven" pocket-universe. 

All of the "Heavens" utilize a "tunnel of light" for memory erasure and reprogramming.

The "Heavens" are unique to the prison complex, and do not actually exist in the Master Universe as inmates would understand. The IS-BE's that live and operate outside of the prison complex live and die in a completely different state of understanding and reality that is far beyond anything that inmate humans can understand. The "Heavens" that exist within the Master Universe are simply a part of the Master Universe mechanics / mechanism /architecture.

It is a different state within the same confines.

In the Prison Complex, "Heavens" provide an opportunity for the IS-BE to rest and learn from it's experiences in the physical realm. This is not necessary in the Master Universe. Thus, the only "Heavens" that exist are those associated with the Prison Complex.

From our point of view, "Heavens" are sub-pocket universes that are specific constructions for specific purposes and utility.

[6] Are there mantids in other planets of the prison complex?

There are other species that perform the same role as the Mantids do in the earth prison enclave. It should not be a concern to inmate human archetype skin-suits. 

All of these other species were designed and bread for that specific role, and all follow the basic template of being a caretaker for another species.

In every instance, they assist the consciousness to endure hardship and then reward them with a stint in "Heaven".

[7] Does you; “our”, Domain Commander liaison work with the rest of the prison complex, or is specifically assigned to our solar system alone?

I am in charge of the entire geographic region that includes the Prison Complex of multiple star systems.

I have multiple projects and roles proceeding throughout this region. The resolution of the Prison Complex issue and the recovery of the lost battalion are issues that are prioritized as significant and have abbreviated windows of opportunity for resolution.

A Question – Was I altered?

From a MM influencer who asked…

Hope you are well!

I hesitated about writing this report because I can't remember the most crucial part of the dream-- the mission itself. But this dream also brought up a recurring question I've had for the Domain and our roles as volunteers in the war against imprisonment. 

I'm still in my break from my intention campaign but have been recently learning (relearning?) how to meditate and reawakening my lucid dreaming and precognitive abilities.

So occasionally when I'm falling asleep, especially if I'm dead tired, I'll have disturbing "mini-nightmares" that I'll wake myself from, but that will keep occurring each time I try to sleep unless I physically switch position. 

These little dreams will be of grotesque images, snapshots of bad things happening to friends or family; basically anything that will bug me, and it's almost like something's being sadistic and messing with me because it's hard enough to get comfortable with my chronic back pain.

Last night my position was so comfortable and I was so tired that when I woke myself from the 3rd mini-nightmare (each only lasting a few minutes), 

I was like screw it; I'm donning the armor I used to use to battle the demon in my sleep paralysis and I'm taking these nightmares dead on because I need to sleep and I'm not changing positions. 

So mentally I donned my Armor of Love (a gift from my Guardian Angel/Mantid, whatever), and my Sword of Truth and I visualize charging off on my horse even as the tingling in my arms and legs signals the transition into sleep paralysis.

Now my transitions into lucid dreaming are generally quick and seamless--I don't have any sense of contracting into the pineal gland or anything else; it's more like moving through different veils. Anyways it takes me mere seconds to slay the little pesky scamp that's been messing with me, and then here I am in the dream landscape, lucid and aware that I can do whatever I want in the dream creation, which hasn't happened in years. So naturally I decide to go flying, because it's also been years since I did that.

Flying in dreams can be funny sometimes because it seems like something there are certain rules you have to follow to gain altitude or control movements, such as making swimming motions or focusing really hard. This time it was easy to take off to a comfortable altitude where I could see the landscape, but I had this little string tethering me to the earth like a balloon. I decided to just accept it as something like an Astral tether, and as soon as I did that it went away.

Then I was able to concentrate on the land below me-- it wasn't local because everything was green (and I live in the desert). It looked like China or Japan, with rice paddies and low forested foothills. 

Now here I began to move from more lucid and aware to less lucid, so when I awoke the details became less clear. 

In the dream I mentally heard someone calling for me, and it was someone I knew but hadn't connected with for years. I flew down into a little house, thinking I know this entire family; I've helped them before. I was trying to remember their names and was having difficulty, which bugged me. 

I spoke with a middle-aged man, and I want to say his name was Mr. Miyomi--Japanese. He told me that my last mission where I'd taken out a sentry was incomplete--either I hadn't neutralized the second target or there was a new target. This came with a very strong sense of deja veux and I thought about how I used to go on these missions all the time when I was younger.

I said, sure, I'll handle it. 

There was no sense of danger really; when I lucid dream like this I'm very powerful, because I can control reality in different ways, including having abilities like martial arts, and of course no physical ailments or pain. 

I headed off flying-- I flew past the first objective which was a sentry tower of some kind. Rather like a prison watch tower, but not quite-- more like the wooden fire watch towers used in California for monitoring forest fires--rather open at the top, not glassed in. 

I had the sense of a human-like figure lying broken at the base or underneath the tower from the previous mission. Human-shaped but not human. Maybe a robot, or NPC.

I can't remember the next part. I think it was another tower, with a similar sentry figure, but that's all I know. (I don't think it even saw me coming or was aware of me before it was dispatched). I have vague images of forested hills and mountains-- maybe northern Japan like Hokkaido? Not bamboo forests but more a mixture of pine and deciduous. Anyways I was successful and when I reported back to Mr. Miyomi he was pleased. 

Embarrassedly I told him I had forgotten his name and asked what it was. He laughed and shook his head and said it wasn't important. Then he said I needed to get going because there's a storm coming.

This storm...it's a recurring feature in my dreams. 

Sometimes it's a tornado, but more often it's more like a hurricane, but less wet--it's mostly gale force winds and lightning. I flew away from the storm front towards a city of glass towers, and before the storm got too close I landed and went inside some double glass doors to something like a large indoor mall complete with garden.

That ended the lucid dream.

Here's my question. Since voicing my intention to help the Domain and allowing a Domain officer to contact me and make whatever alterations are necessary, unlike other followers, I haven't had any visits or sleep paralysis episodes that I can remember. 

And yet last week you were told all volunteers had been altered. So was my memory of that erased? Or it occurred to me that maybe I was altered when I was younger, when I was having all those episodes, since I've had many, many dreams since then of doing espionage, or taking part in rescues of different kinds. You were selected years and years back for the work you are doing now.

Were any of us?

Thanks, and have a great day. Sorry if this was overly long.

I cannot confirm or deny that I was (myself) previously selected for the MAJestic and the Domain while I was in another state. But I will try to ask the Domain Commander for his input in this question….

All volunteers that are part of The Domain have been altered. This alteration differs from one IS-BE inmate to another.

In the case of this questioner, their alterations occurred at a very young age when they were a child.

Alterations come in different forms or "kits". Some inmates have tasks that makes alterations problematic for them. Others need the alterations to conduct their mission objectives.

Fundamentally, the ability to Lucid Dream or conduct OBE does not directly correlate with a Domain "kit" modification. However, everyone who has a Domain "kit" modification has the ability to LD and OBE with practice. 

Many of the restrictive controls on the inmate skin suits are removed by the presence of an installed "kit".

A question by DM

I am very sorry about this news from DM. Of course, I took care of this request as a top priority…

I am wondering if I can ask the Commander a bit of a personal question in regards to [my wife]. This comes as a recent doctor's appointment has revealed some very bad news - it looks very much like she might have uterine cancer. 

The shit thing is the hospitals over here won't do anything about it because they are Catholic owned and don't believe in taking out "young" women's uteruses, despite the obvious growths that are present and despite them supposed to be working in the public's interest.

Her health has been deteriorating these past months and it has me quite concerned, particularly what happens to her "afterwards".

Given the recent question regarding the baker, I feel similar about her. I know she is important in some regard - I have chased her through multiple worlds in LD for fucks sake, and share memories of past lives with her - but I still do not quite understand what exactly that importance is.

It seems very much like her {non physical} "father" is an admin of one of the consciousness schools and that she is quite a valuable asset.

I am worried if she does die that she might get recycled through the reincarnation mechanisms and that connection will become lost.

So my question would be "Who is [my wife] (not her real name) really and is she on the Domain's radar if she does end up dying.

Why have I been chasing her through all these lives? I feel the answers to these will also help with the puzzle of who I am immensely.

I hate to ask this of you, as i know it fucks with you quite badly, but it is something has been bugging for quite some time. All good if you are not up for asking it.

It is my honor.

I logged in the question, and I needed to “tune in” on a couple of levels. I was having static / drift and some noise that I needed to sort out. I know that this doesn’t make sense, but I needed to “tune in” on the comm for a clear answer.

First up; in the event of an early physical death…

[Your wife] is under our observation. If it is her choice we can conduct a retrieval upon her physical death. She need only think about contacting us and we will assist her is whatever she wants to occur.

Your fears about losing your relationship at the time of transition are unfounded. She is a very capable person and will be under full control of her various bodies upon her physical demise.

I / we suggest that she pings us when she is desirous of action. We will accommodate her requests.

Next question. Who is [my wife] in the wider scope of things…

To understand this answer you need to realize that all IS-BE's are not the same. IS-BE's come in different shapes, sizes, colors and flavors (figuratively -MM). In the Domain, we have a society of classes that enables the IS-BE to choose their role depending on their IS-BE construction. Some end up in the military ranks, others end up in leadership ranks. Still others end up in scientific pursuits, and so on and so forth.

[Your wife] was / is an IS-BE of extraordinary (with a great emphasis on the word - MM) ability. Were she to be in our society, she would easily fit within powerful leadership roles.

[Your wife] was / is a past regarding trans-stable dimensional elder / tribal leader of a community of other trans-dimensional trans-universe IS-BE's that occupy communities that lie outside of the Domain, and the Master Universe. 

She volunteered for her role on the earth. She is performing her objectives, and will depart the physical skin suit when it is time to do so. It will appear (to you) that everything is out of your hands, but the reality is that she is in control.

In a like way, you figure predominantly in her pre-birth operational calculus. 

We (The Domain) stand ready to assist her in what ever capability she requests. Her mission in the Prison Complex involves the unmasking / de-tethering of the mini-pocket universes (Heavens) from the base line Reality Universe that all the general population skin-suits inhabit.

Mantid comm channels


something strange happened (actually it happened twice). But before I say anything, I would like to know...how do Mantids usually communicate with their charges who make specific requests of them? I have a hunch, but I would like a little bit more info before I draw any conclusions. 

On Tues, Nov 16, I included a request to my Mantid Guardian in my daily affirmations, which was badly worded. 

So I say my affirmations, and later that day my mouse (or my mac) starting acting funny. Like it was just moving on its own, doing a right click here, etc. 

At first I thought I just touched a bad button, but I realized it was moving by itself! I panic, I unplug my mouse. have I been hacked? Then I notice that there is a screenshot I took from August 29, 2019 that I am ABSOLUTELY SURE that I had deleted already. 

That spooked the hell out of me and I quickly put it in the trash. The next day, I followed instructions from an article that shows how to check if I have been hacked. It shows I was the only user. 

Anyway, Nov 22--yesterday, I rewrote the request to my Mantid per your suggestion. So I say the reworded request in my affirmations, and then later---the same thing happened! 

But this time, no spooky screenshots appeared (that had been previously deleted) on my home screen. I don't feel fear or panic, but I do want to be absolutely sure it was my Mantid. If it isn't, if you could please give me some advice/thoughts on what probably actually happened.
I can probably answer this one myself. But I submitted it to the Commander, and got a very highly charged answer.
Mantids are very "tuned in" to their assigned human charge. They know exactly the proper way to communicate and work with them as they traverse the MWI within the Reality Universe. The pre-birth world-line template (sic.) establishes the tell-tales (sic.), and way points that the IS-BE is to be made aware of.

When necessary, the Mantid can create physical events manifest. The easiest is anything that is electrical in nature. Computers, radios, electronic fobs and other devices are easily manipulated for attention grabbing sources.

If the mantid is doing this, then it is because they are not seeing a registration of understanding that points or actions were confirmed, and so they default to physical manipulation.

It is their way of SHOUTING at you in a physical manner to tell you that they are monitoring you and that YES AN EVENT OR THOUGHT has manifested. It is their way of saying STOP BEING SUCH A DUNDER-HEAD. This is actually going on. Stop over thinking things. 

(I get the impression of a mantid holding a toy shovel, like what is used by kids to play in sand, and hitting a person sitting at the computer with it. While it's wacky mouth is mungling "pay attention." It's actually a funny comical scene. -MM)
This seems to be pretty clear.
From my understanding the mantids will try to perform physical actions if you do not respond to non-physical “hunches”. And yes, using a computer, or some kind of electrical device is their preferred avenue of comm. They will try to send a message that you will understand then then gauge your understanding to see if you got the message. They can read your thoughts.  So they will measure your reactions to the physical events they initiate. More or less.

Misinterpretations of dreams

The following is about trying to understand our dreams and to use those understandings to provide guidance and feedback.

I had a dream last night that I wrote down. Keep in mind that this dream occurred after I made adjustments to the request I gave to my mantid guardian (I reworded it) and the adjustments i made to improving precognition and ESP based on your last message. 

While I stressed clarity and complete understanding in my affirmations, I am worried that I am misinterpreting things again. 

Here is the dream:
Nov 23, 2021 Tuesday morning:

Technically, this dream occurred earlier today—

I never see myself, but I was involved or participating in the scene/event in my dream. 

I was with a group of young Caucasian men, we were all dressed in plain raggedy clothing, it seems. The kind of clothing you might see in a Mad Max scene, or perhaps the kind of clothing you would see in a poor medieval village, except the clothing style is not overly medieval. Does that description even make sense? 

Whatever the scene was, it didn’t seem like a prosperous place full of hope. Seemed rather poor actually. 

Anyway, I didn’t see (or maybe the word is “notice”) any females in our group. I assume I am female in this dream, but I didn’t even see myself. 

Anyway, I am involved romantically with another young man in the group, who is handsome, had olive skin (think Caucasian person with a tan), had long wavy/curly dark brown hair that he tied back in a low ponytail. 

We as an entire group traveled through the streets in some kind of ramshackle vehicle or wagon or cart of some sort. 

We were laughing and having a good time though. 

There was one sequence where I was lying in bed with the young man I was involved with and holding his face, and he was holding mine. There were other people sitting on the bed while we were there. 

I thought, sheez, we must be really living rough. 

All this sharing of living space must mean that we are all dirt poor or something. …..

Some things happened that I forgot. 

Then see a blond young man who is in our group (note, he has hooded eyelids, his eyes are small and long), talking to an older woman. She is maybe in her 50’s. (Note, it seems like all the people in my dream so far are caucasian—

I am currently in a meat suit that is mainly “Han Chinese” in genetic makeup and have a predominantly Han Chinese phenotype and appearance in the face, though my body shape is considered more typically Western European—I am of mixed genetic heritage but face and hair is Han dominant). 

She must be somebody’s mom. 

The blond man talks about traveling to all these cities (all Western European cities) and explains that “there’s nothing there”. 

So I ask him, “Have you been to Hong Kong?” He smiles and responds, “No, but I have been to Hamburg. Does that count?” 

My take is that in this dream sequence, I must have been inside a Caucasian/European meat suit (or something with those physical characteristics). 

The people I saw in this sequence aren’t anyone I would know in real life—in fact all their faces are completely new to me.

Then I start seeing a scene where a young fellow, who looks to be a pale skinned Han Chinese looking fellow with shoulder length black hair, had been killed. 

It looked like some kind of gangland style hit or something. I saw an image of a burly looking man, most likely European, getting killed by someone unknown. 

I see an image of a blond female, kind of icy looking. I say, “this icy blond shanked this dude. She is avenging the death of that long haired Han Chinese looking fellow, she must have really loved him. She was stone cold serious in getting her revenge since she needed to kill the perp herself. However, she doesn’t want anyone to know it’s her.” 

I get images of people coming after her, and her trying to get away.

I believe I woke up right there. I recounted everything I could remember. I could not get a clear image of the blond female’s face, just enough to know she’s a blonde female. 

I got a clearer image of the Han Chinese looking fellow who died, he was quite handsome.

I drifted back to sleep real quick and I witnessed something inside a building. 

I was not participating this time. I was just watching. I don’t know where this place is, except it looks like I am viewing a section within a building, which had secured doors. 

The lighting was yellow. 

There were 3 people (all males) wearing dark blue jumpsuits. They seem to be working there, or at least they were “running” things or “took control” of the security apparatus (cameras, machines and stuff) there.

One man was behind a security door and you could see him because there was a glass wall separating his from the other room. It looked like a glass counter, and he was sitting on a chair. 

He was yelling out, it seems like he’s giving instructions or information to someone. This man looked like this guy (a model I saw on a Springfield website while I was Xmas shopping):

Very similar face, but the face in my dream/flash sequence looked older, thinner, and “leathery”/weathered. Maybe he seemed ornery. 

Then I woke up. It initially didn’t feel like a dream, it felt more like I was just thinking, but why would I think this? I can connect the face to some earlier Xmas shopping I did because it looks similar, but that’s it. I did watch the family movie “Clifford” earlier, and I tried to watch the movie Shang Chi. 

I couldn’t finish Shang Chi because it was soo cheesy. I don’t know what I’m missing.

That’s it for now.


My aplogies for the long message MM. I do hope things will be clearer after a few days. I don't know what I would expect your response to be, but I do know I want to hear the truth...no matter how mangled or indecipherable it may be. 

If you think it's unimportant or a mountain out of a molehill, it's fine too. Really, I feel like I need another perspective so I have a better understanding. I feel like I must be missing something.

Thank you for everything,
And yes, the mantids can send messages and data into your dreams. It is quite easy; I understand.
Now what is actually going on is something else entirely. So what I did was read this once, and then settled in to reread, parse, and then query to the Commander and get his take on this matter. I made a cup of coffee, got settled in and started recording.
When human meat suits experience dreams they are observing unsorted imagery that they are attuned to for a host of reasons. Part of it is actual observations of thought paths and vectors associated with one of the non-physical bodies. Part of it might be physical images that you have observed in your physical life. Part of it might be tell-tales and signposts that you have established. Part of it might be friends and associates that are trying to communicate to you and the only way that they can leave a message is when your mind has slowed down.

The inmate skin suit has a mind that works much harder, and much more aggressively than what the human archetypes allows. This is an intentional design of the "old empire" to limit communication and thought control via the entrapped consciousness.

For you to determine what is going on you need to write down your dreams and then review them every week. You will notice trends.

One of the most important trends are reoccurring themes. You might find that you are dreaming of a school, or a certain place for three nights in a row. Or something equally similar. These dreams that reoccur over multiple nights in a row are a characteristic of activities that take place involving the non-physical bodies. 

Their apparent day is much longer than what human meat-suits experience on the earth. Garble / rush of information. Three days of the same kinds of dream elements indicate activities on the non-physical of significant duration and importance. Other activities of extreme clarity and uniqueness also the same / qualifiers.

The human archetype as intended operates or was designed to operate with a day equal to 72 / 73 hour length. The earth physical reality in the general population, and the rapid cycling of the mind necessitates the inmate meat suit to require more sleep and rest times, and thus the physical body must endure the 24 hour rotational schedule of the earth. This hyper / aggressive rapid mind acceleration also has abbreviated the human lifespan for a human meat-suit.
I had to get up and take care of some personal issues. Then when I sat down, I tried to recover the rest where I left off. You know, now as time moves forward, I am getting better and better in this comm channel transcription.
I put on some Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and Michael Bublé Christmas music on random rotation and lit up the tree and decorations, got a nice cup of coffee and sat down again. I’d put on the old 1970’s album “Blues for baby Jesus” if I could ever find it again. Ah. Some things are not that easy to obtain. You can see that I am such an old fashioned guy, eh?
Anyways, I tried to recover and continue…
(Difficulty registering.)

Some dreams are tapped memories of previous lives and incarnations in different places, and in different roles. Most are related to the Prison Complex as the specific memories of the "Old Empire" are intentionally suppressed and access is restricted by your mantid. (sic.)

Never the less, it is possible to access memories of experiences that predates prison life. This requires approval from your mantid and an effort on you behalf that indicates purpose. 

(I suggest that you add specific affirmations to this affect if you wish to proceed in this direction.-MM)

OK. I am going to call it quits for now. And we can continue a new Q&A at a later date. This really takes a lot out of me personally. Take care guys. Oh, and never forget…

Be the Rufus

video 30MB

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Sitrep China at the starting gate

Ah. I do love a good meal. I consider steak, done medium rare to be a fine delicious meal. Don’t you? Oh, and do not forget the dipping sauce or gravy. Don’t you know. It’s all around a taste treat.

A delicious steak. I like mine medium rare.

Especially with some alcohol. Most especially some fine tasty Shiraz. I like shiraz. It’s fruity, sweet, easy to drink and goes great with everything from peanuts to lasagna.

Wine. Nicely decanted. Served with fresh baked Italian or French bread.

You guys know that I have never ate so well as I am doing inside of China. This place is great. But judging from some of the comments when I post on LinkedIN, the rest of the world instead believe the hate-China fantasy.

Such as this guy…

China is short on energy, food supply and raw materials. It's fixed capital need overseas markets to break even. By geography, it is hemmed on all sides. It will suffer incredible loss of wealth and the regime will lose any credibility it may have left. 

-London Desa

He’s clueless.

Just absolutely clueless.

One of the things that is going on with myself (MM for you readers) is that my meals have taken a decidedly up-tick swing in food quality.

A few “affirmation campaigns” ago, I had an affirmation that went like this…

I eat healthy, delicious and tasty foods daily.

Well, without my knowledge, my wife has this great idea to take 10,000 RMB and get a VIP account in a local high-class vegetarian restaurant. Her idea was to feed our two year old with a selection of healthy food, prepared with cleanliness, and with an eye of being tasty. This all was the direct result of a rash that broke out on my daughter after we ate some Sichuan food a few weeks ago. (All is well, by the way.)

So now, I am eating healthy, delicious and tasty food daily.

What do you know…

Ah, it’s funny how those affirmation campaigns work. Now, I long to eat some meat. You know, I am a guy. A steak lover. A carnivore. But anyways, I am fine, the kid is finally eating, and I am actually feeling much healthier than before. You would be amazed how you feel once you change your diet.

Ma Po Dou Fu

Like the one follower (Alice) who wanted youthful skin like when she was young, and ended up having zits and acne breakout. Ask her about it some time.


Anyways, life is what you make it. If you are thinking one thing… “China is bad, people are starving, child labor”… so on and so forth it will start to manifest in your life. Well, goodness! Don’t allow that.

Think good stuff.

Here’s a cute kitten. She’s napping. Shucch!

Life is hard, then you nap.

Think good stuff.

Here’s a classic car. I always wanted one of these beasts once I watched the 1980’s comedy Adventures in Babysitting. I remember watching it while I was in training at China Lake. Did you know that it snowed that year? Yes. One inch of dusty snow on the evaporate cooler in the middle of the High Desert. Who would figure?

Think good stuff.

1950 Cadillac Series 62.

Think good stuff.

Here’s a craftsman home. It’s one of my favorite designs. I really love the nice interiors. It’s sort of a post-modern art-deco version of a “Hobbit hole”.

Laurelhurst 1912 Craftsman living room

Christmas is coming. Well, after Thanksgiving, that is. Are you ready for it? I am. MM has his tree up and little mm has her presents all wrapped up and hidden awaiting the “big day”. Though Ms. Mm can’t help herself and unwraps one every few days or so. Sigh.

Think good thoughts.

Goldie Hawn & Kurt Russell
The Christmas Chronicles 2.

Think good thoughts.

Oh, maybe I didn’t make myself clear. I really think, and believe that what you think about affects the life that you live. And thus to that end, you all need to…

…think good thoughts.

Bread done right.

This post is all about China, and it is a situation report or “sitrep” for short. Since the entire Western “news” is simply the propaganda outlet for the Washington DC monied interests, we have to perform our own investigations and sleuthing.

Not that it matters though. Our non-compliance with the approved media narratives tend to get our works banned, shadow banned, or completely cut off. But not here in MM land.

The following comes from The Saker, and it was edited for the tender sensibilities of the MM readership. As well as my “superior” editing ability. LOL. All credit to the author, the source, and the venue. I hope you all like it and appreciate it.


Here Comes China: Xi Jinping’s speech, Major geo-political events, Joint naval patrol, Shangri-La was a novel

by Amarynth for the Saker Blog

There has been a slight pause in these sitreps. This writing became overshadowed with current events, fully covered in the Saker Blog by other writers.  Because of the length, we will upgrade this one today from sitrep to guest analysis.

A shortlisting of four major events since the Sitrep paused:


Meng Wanzhou’s triumphant return to China and a win against the Long Arm of the Law.  Meng is back at work this morning.  https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202110/1237211.shtml


The failed visit (yes another failed diplomatic visit) which resulted in this comical and humorous tweet from Escobar



Jake Sullivan – “We wanna talk about Uyghurs, Hong Kong, Taiwan, human rights.”
Yang Jiechi – “No.”
Jake Sullivan – “Climate change.”
Yang Jiechi – “No.” “Maybe. If you listen.”
Jake Sullivan – “So we’re coming after you big time.”
Yang Jiechi – “Bring it on.”

Uhm, how did that climate change maybe thing work out?

Well it turns out not so well. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are among several world leaders who will not be attending the big climate summit COP26 scheduled to begin this week in Britain. The two leaders will not even give it a pretense of legitimacy.

Now, that is how to give a perfect diplomatic snub!  Or is it only a diplomatic snub? 

I think both China and Russia are expressing that any attempt to do productive work with a naked insane emperor is now futile. 

We will probably see light speed changes from now on into multipolarity to hopefully gain a world that is now insisting on decent human values and most of all, peaceful resolution of differences.     



The other big event was the forming of Aukus, obviously in an attempt to create a mini-NATO against first China and Russia.

AUSTRALIAN SUBMARINES are indicative of the way our wonderful country is being governed. 

CANBERRA is dysfunctional with the state governments nationally and that is just a start.

Department of Defence (DoD) is clearly not thinking with logic but rather with the influence of the government of the day.

DoD appears to be doing national defence planning with votes in mind and not our national security.

From the very beginning, our submarines are a dud resource.

We were going to spend $220,000,000,000.00--- YES $220 BILLION on 12 submarines that were designed to be nuclear and we insisted they be designed backwards to be diesel.
That was bad enough.

Then we discover that of the 4 submarines we have now we only have CREW for 2 in 2021???

If we can only get crew for 2 now, why are we buying 12 and who will crew them in 20 years time when they are built?

We have nuclear subs from the US and UK at an undisclosed price, no plans and no idea when we will see them.

FRANCE needs CHINA a lot more than FRANCE needs AUSTRALIA so I am not surprised by France sidling up to China.

France and China have a number of daily trains from stations in France to Stations in China.

Last year there were 11,000 trains between the EU and China. That is one every 45 minutes.

That daily business is a lot more important to a nation in a pandemic than some subs half-built in Australia and half-built in France in 20 years time.

Back to the DoD in Australia.
They need an UPPERCUT for the pathetic way they are showing themselves to the world via CANBERRA.

They "appear" like they could not organise a sausage sizzle at Bunnings

What do you think of this mess?

How could it have been handled better?

Will submarines be relevant in 20 years time especially with NO CREWS?

-Peter Fennel


At the height of all of these were and are still the Taiwan issues and we will take a look at Xi Jinping’s speech a little later in this writing.

One soon finds that it becomes almost impossible to approach China from a generalist perspective. But, we have help.

On the economics side, we have Michael Hudson.

On the historical side, we have writers such as Godfree Roberts, Jeff J Browne and many others.

On the anti-China propaganda side, we have me and a number of reliable commentators on the Saker Blog and on the social, community.

On the humanity side, we have a host of excellent bloggers, documentary makers, and distributors of information as if one is walking in the streets and in the countryside with your own feet.

And of course, China is now taking its rightful place in the world as a leader and has improved markedly in information dissemination; they are taking their place on the world stage as wolf warriors, (Uhm, no, I did not mean to write that, of course, I meant to write ..) diplomats.


China is a massive country and in landmass second only to Russia. But even in this simple measurement, the West tries its quibbling (and belittling) techniques. 

Read it and weep.

China is only second but Canada is bigger if we measure waterways. And really, China is really smaller than the US. Take a look at the quibble: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/largest-countries-in-the-world

A little story

This is from Jim Nelson that I found in my LinkedIN feed…

It was really a precious time in China in 1991. I taught English in Bengbu, Anhui for two years before deciding teaching English was not my career. Just the same, I treasure that time. 

The picture below is for the first party that the students had. They invited me and my teaching partner. They were freshman who had just finished newly instituted military training.  

Coming from America, I had some preconceived notions of what a college party could be like. The event I arrived at was beyond my imagination.

They had pushed desks to the side of the room to make space in the center. There were no decorations at all. They had no alcohol. If you look closely at the picture, we had one bottle of Huang Shan Cola each and a handful of pumpkin seeds. That is the whole story on the food and drink.

Who can remember Huang Shan Cola (translated that would be Yellow Mountain Cola.) It was a local Anhui Cola, and I do not know if it could ever be found outside of Anhui. Within 4 years, this cola could no longer be found as had been bought out by Coca Cola. It was a good soda. I would never have asked for Coca Cola.

The pumpkin seeds. Oh my, I was not even a sun flower seed eater in the US, so had no idea what to do with the pumpkin seeds. I saw the students open them and eat the seed inside. I awkwardly did the same. They were completely forgettable. I have never since tried to eat pumpkin seeds.
The planned activity was 3-step ballroom dancing with old style Western classical 3-step dancing music.  

The girls were glad to teach me how. Once I got the basic hang of it, one girl I danced with said I danced like a soldier, 1,2,3 1,2,3 by the numbers. She was completely right. It was a sweet and innocent event so different than the US that I can never forget it.

Man. China has really changed since that date.

100 Year Anniversary

In this year, the year of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, we experience an almost complete restatement and refinement of China’s goals in our world.

We see internal nomenclature such as…

  • “national rejuvenation”,
  • “a modern socialist country”, and
  • “continual reformation with comprehensive plans and strategy”,
  • and a “peaceful and united domestic environment”.

Toward the world, we see phrases such as…

  • “maintaining a revolutionary spirit”,
  • “the courage to carry out a great struggle with contemporary features”,
  • “courage, and skill”,
  • “safeguard sovereignty”, and
  • “protect security and development interests”.

We hear that China intends to assume a greater role in and for the world. 

Aggression and hegemony are not in the blood of the Chinese people and they will strive for a human community with a shared future. There are specific goals set out.

China will:

  • endeavor to improve the global governance system
  • engender peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom
  • work to strengthen solidarity of people of all other countries
  • engage in all efforts to oppose hegemony and power politics

What is the difference between Putin’s Optimistic Reasonable Conservatism and Xi’s Human Community with a Shared Future and moderately prosperous society

I cannot see too big of a difference. As the qualitative values expressed are similar although the civilizational socialization is different. 

As Putin expressed his non-acceptance of woke ‘values’ in his Valdai speech, so China in the last few months took real action

  • China threw the feminine men out of their television programs. 
The feminine men is an inheritance from Japan to a lesser degree and Korea, to a larger degree.  
  • China does not want girly men to become role models for their children.   
  • They pulled the rug out from underneath expensive additional schools, acting as funnels to expensive university programs, and tutoring that basically burdened the Chinese children. 
  • They have strengthened the Chinese schools to offer all additional education necessary, in order to have consistent educational standards. 
  • They simply stopped computer games for younger children and limited this to no more than 3 hours per week. 
  • They increased physical programs and education to get the kids out and about with healthy activities. 
  • And in stark contrast to the western sphere who wants to control the kids, China just put the responsibility by law, properly and correctly in the parents’ hands. 
“On Saturday, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee adopted a new law stating that China’s parents are responsible for family education.”


On Taiwan, we see Xi Jinping expressing the following:

“The Taiwan question arose from weakness and chaos and will be resolved with national reunification, the one-China principle, and 1992 resolution”.

Regarding military action; we see even Putin expressing that Xi Jinping does not need to take military action.  The verbose threats come from the US and Australia.

There are three aspects that Putin and Xi Jinping express as in one voice.

  • We are in a time of momentous changes in the world.
  • Both Russia and China are prepared and can ride the waves of change in a manner that is helpful, peaceful, and supportive in and for the world. 
  • The UN (and it has been said a number of times that it needs to be updated) is still the only venue where world problems can be discussed.  From Russia, our Law is the UN Charter and this is expressed by China as well.  The rules-based concept does not feature whatsoever.

These concepts are fully supported by Putin’s speech at Valdai, and Xi Jinping’s speech at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of China’s formal joining of the United Nations.

During the years since the cold war, another momentous alliance grew almost from a grassroots level.

This is the Russia / China treaty of Good Neighborliness.

Here, with subtitles is what the Chinese office of foreign affairs thinks of this treaty at its 20th anniversary.

China and Russia are not allies, but far, far closer than allies ever could be:

'China and Russia are not allies but closer than allies' 
– Spokesperson on Putin's remarks pic.twitter.com/uePzp2epIf

— Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil (@ivan_8848) October 22, 2021

50th Anniversary of China’s seat in the UN

In this atmosphere of global chaos, Xi Jinping delivered a speech this morning at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of restoration of People’s Republic of China’s lawful seat in the UN:


Speech by H.E. Xi Jinping

President of the People’s Republic of China

At the Conference Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration Of the Lawful Seat of the People’s Republic of China

In the United Nations

25 October 2021

Your Excellency Secretary-General António Guterres,

Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys and Representatives of International Organizations,

Ladies and Gentlemen,



Fifty years ago today, the 26th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted, with an overwhelming majority, Resolution 2758, and the decision was made to restore all rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations and to recognize the representatives of the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations. It was a victory for the Chinese people and a victory for people of the world.

Today, on this special date, we are here to review the past history and look to the future, and that makes our gathering all the more significant.

The restoration of New China’s lawful seat in the United Nations was a momentous event for the world and the United Nations. It came as the result of joint efforts of all peace-loving countries that stood up for justice in the world. It marked the return of the Chinese people, or one-fourth of the world’s population, back to the UN stage. The importance was significant and far-reaching for both China and the wider world.

On this occasion, I wish to express, on behalf of the Chinese government and the Chinese people, heartfelt gratitude to all countries that co-sponsored and supported UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, and to pay high tribute to all countries and people that stand on the side of justice.

Ladies and Gentlemen,



The past five decades since New China restored its lawful seat in the United Nations have witnessed China’s peaceful development and its commitment and dedication to the welfare of all humanity.

For these 50 years, the Chinese people have demonstrated an untiring spirit and kept to the right direction of China’s development amidst changing circumstances, thus writing an epic chapter in the development of China and humanity. Building on achievements in national construction and development since the founding of New China, the Chinese people have started the new historical era of reform and opening-up, and successfully initiated and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have continued to unleash and develop productivity and raise living standards, and achieved a historic breakthrough of leaping from a country with relatively low productivity to the second largest economy in the world. Through much hard work, the Chinese people have attained the goal of fully building a moderately prosperous society on the vast land of China, and won the battle against poverty, thus securing a historic success in eradicating absolute poverty. We have now embarked on a new journey toward fully building a modern socialist country and opened up bright prospects for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

For these 50 years, the Chinese people have stood in solidarity and cooperation with people around the world and upheld international equity and justice, contributing significantly to world peace and development. The Chinese people are peace-loving people and know well the value of peace and stability. We have unswervingly followed an independent foreign policy of peace, stood firm for fairness and justice, and resolutely opposed hegemony and power politics. The Chinese people are a strong supporter of other developing countries in their just struggle to safeguard sovereignty, security and development interests. The Chinese people are committed to achieving common development. From the Tazara Railway to the Belt and Road Initiative, we have done what we could to help other developing countries, and have offered the world new opportunities through our own development. During the trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic, China has been active in sharing COVID response experience with the world, and has sent large quantities of supplies, vaccines and medicines to other countries, and deeply engaged in science-based cooperation on COVID-19 origins tracing, all in a sincere and proactive effort to contribute to humanity’s final victory over the pandemic.

For these 50 years, the Chinese people have upheld the authority and sanctity of the United Nations and practiced multilateralism, and China’s cooperation with the United Nations has deepened steadily. China has faithfully fulfilled its responsibility and mission as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, stayed true to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and upheld the central role of the United Nations in international affairs. China has stood actively for political settlement of disputes through peaceful means. It has sent over 50,000 peacekeepers to UN peacekeeping operations, and is now the second largest financial contributor to both the United Nations and UN peacekeeping operations. China has been among the first of countries to meet the UN Millennium Development Goals. It has taken the lead in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, accounting for over 70 percent of global poverty reduction. China has acted by the spirit of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and earnestly applied the universality of human rights in the Chinese context. It has blazed a path of human rights development that is consistent with the trend of the times and carries distinct Chinese features, thus making major contribution to human rights progress in China and the international human rights cause.

Ladies and Gentlemen,



The trend of the world, vast and mighty, prospers those who follow it and perishes those who go against it. Over the last 50 years, for all the vicissitudes in the international landscape, the world has remained stable as a whole, thanks to the concerted efforts of people of all countries. The world economy has grown rapidly, and innovation in science and technology has kept breaking new ground. A large number of developing countries have grown stronger, over a billion people have walked out of poverty, and a population of several billion are moving toward modernization.

In the world today, changes unseen in a century are accelerating, and the force for peace, development and progress has continued to grow. It falls upon us to follow the prevailing trend of history, and choose cooperation over confrontation, openness over seclusion, and mutual benefit over zero-sum games. We shall be firm in opposing all forms of hegemony and power politics, as well as all forms of unilateralism and protectionism.

We should vigorously advocate peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, which are the common values of humanity, and work together to provide the right guiding philosophy for building a better world. Peace and development are our common cause, equity and justice our common aspiration, and democracy and freedom our common pursuit. The world we live in is diverse and colorful. Diversity makes human civilization what it is, and provides a constant source of vitality and driving force for world development. As a Chinese saying goes, “Without achieving the good of one hundred various schools, the uniqueness of one individual cannot be achieved.” No civilization in the world is superior to others; every civilization is special and unique to its own region. Civilizations can achieve harmony only through communication, and can make progress only through harmonization. Whether a country’s path of development works is judged, first and foremost, by whether it fits the country’s conditions; whether it follows the development trend of the times; whether it brings about economic growth, social advancement, better livelihoods and social stability; whether it has the people’s endorsement and support; and whether it contributes to the progressive cause of humanity.

We should jointly promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and work together to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. The human race is an integral community and Earth is our common homeland. No person or country can thrive in isolation. Humanity should overcome difficulties in solidarity and pursue common development in harmony. We should keep moving toward a community with a shared future for mankind, and jointly create a better future. To build a community with a shared future for mankind is not to replace one system or civilization with another. Instead, it is about countries with different social systems, ideologies, histories, cultures and levels of development coming together for shared interests, shared rights and shared responsibilities in global affairs, and creating the greatest synergy for building a better world.

We should stay committed to mutual benefit and win-win results, and work together to promote economic and social development for the greater benefit of our people. As ancient Chinese observed, “The essence of governance is livelihood; and the essence of livelihood is adequacy. Development and happy lives are the common aspirations of people in all countries. Development is meaningful only when it is for the people’s interest, and can sustain only when it is motivated by the people. Countries should put their people front and center, and strive to realize development with a higher level of quality, efficiency, equity, sustainability and security. It is important to resolve the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development, and make development more balanced, coordinated and inclusive. It is also important to strengthen the peoples capacity for development, foster a development environment where everyone takes part and has a share, and create a development paradigm where its outcome benefits every person in every country more directly and fairly. Not long ago, at the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly, I proposed a Global Development Initiative with the hope that countries will work together to overcome impacts of COVID-19 on global development, accelerate implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and build a global community of development with a shared future.

We should step up cooperation, and work together to address the various challenges and global issues facing humanity. The international community is confronted by regional disputes as well as global issues such as terrorism, climate change, cybersecurity and biosecurity. Only with more inclusive global governance, more effective multilateral mechanisms and more active regional cooperation, can these issues be addressed effectively. Climate change is Natures alarm bell to humanity. Countries need to take concrete actions to protect Mother Nature. We need to encourage green recovery, green production and green consumption, promote a civilized and healthy lifestyle, foster harmony between man and Nature, and let a sound ecology and environment be the inexhaustible source of sustainable development.

We should resolutely uphold the authority and standing of the United Nations, and work together to practice true multilateralism. Building a community with a shared future for mankind requires a strong United Nations and reform and development of the global governance system. Countries should uphold the international system with the United Nations at its core, the international order underpinned by international law and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. International rules can only be made by the 193 UN Member States together, and not decided by individual countries or blocs of countries. International rules should be observed by the 193 UN Member States, and there is and should be no exception. Countries should respect the United Nations, take good care of the UN family, refrain from exploiting the Organization, still less abandoning it at one’s will, and make sure that the United Nations plays an even more positive role in advancing humanitys noble cause of peace and development. China will be happy to work with all countries under the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits to explore new ideas and new models of cooperation and keep enriching the practice of multilateralism under new circumstances.

Ladies and Gentlemen,



A review of the past can light the way forward. Standing at a new historical starting point, China will stay committed to the path of peaceful development and always be a builder of world peace. China will stay committed to the path of reform and opening-up and always be a contributor to global development. China will stay committed to the path of multilateralism and always be a defender of the international order.

As an ancient Chinese poem reads, Green hills immerse in the same cloud and rain. The same moon lights up towns however far away. Let us join hands, stand on the right side of history and the side of human progress, and work tirelessly for the lasting and peaceful development of the world and for building a community with a shared future for mankind!

Thank you.


China, Russia and Japan…

To my great surprise, Xi Jinping did not say one word about Taiwan, but sketched out the past as a harbinger of the future while cementing the legal status of China, which is not the legal status of Taiwan. 

I guess he feels that the contretemps with Taiwan is not important enough.

On the speeches, we may say that those are lofty ideals. But we also see practical and real interaction between China and Russia.

The two countries just completed a first joint naval patrol in waters of the West Pacific,  between October 17th to the 23rd, according to the Chinese Ministry of Defense. The patrol was held right after China and Russia wrapped up a joint naval exercise in the Sea of Japan from October 14th to 17th.

5 Chinese vessels and 5 Russian destroyers and frigates accompanied by six carrier-based helicopters made passage through the Tsugaru Strait (which caused Japan to run for the Prozac).

Yet this Strait is not territorial waters, and warships from any country have the right to transit, which means the transit of the Chinese and Russian vessels was in line with international law.

The Tsugaru Strait is narrow, only 12 miles wide at its narrowest point from the Sea of Japan to the Pacific Ocean.  This RT link has the photography and videos:  https://www.rt.com/news/538265-russia-china-pacific-patrol/

What is also very interesting is that it is said that the sea lane between these two islands is specifically maintained for quick access of US submarines to the Pacific Ocean. 

A Chinese expert opined as follows:

Encircling Japan, particularly sailing to the east side of Japan, is of significance because many key military installations are located on that side, including the US Navy base in Yokosuka, a Chinese military expert who requested anonymity told the Global Times.

Many US military provocations on China in places like the Taiwan Straits and the South China Sea were launched from these bases, the expert said, noting that the joint patrol by Chinese and Russian vessels could be seen as a warning to the US and Japan, which have been rallying up to confront China and Russia, serves the goals of US hegemony, and undermines regional peace and stability.

“The joint maritime patrol is aimed at further developing the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era, elevating the joint action capabilities of both nations and jointly maintaining international and regional strategic stability. It’s a part of the annual cooperation plan between the two nations …”

In bold are the most important words, and this is not a lofty ideal, but a very hard challenge to the western powers and of course Japan.

Also, if one looks at that area with a strategic eye, it breaks up the supposed ‘ring of fire’ to keep China contained.

American war-mongering neocon “wet dream” plan on “containing” China.

In addition, it is also a warning for Japan, which has been dragging its feet to come to an agreement with Russia on islands further North in the island chain.

So, we have to ask, was this a threat?

No, not at all on the surface of it, but it was a stark reminder that the so-called freedom of navigation game that has been constant in the South China Sea and the Straight of Taiwan can be played by more than one player. Not just the United States. It’s a new world and everyone must play by the same rules.

It is also notable that from 2019, air forces from China and Russia have conducted annual joint strategic air patrols over the East China Sea and Sea of Japan.

We are now seeing very visibly one of the aspects of the development of the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era.

Did you see that coming?

Did you see the evolution of the Russia / China treaty of Good Neighborliness to the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership?

Chinese GDP expansion

As is usual, we look at a few of the China data points and I want to remind that you the Chinese governance is always refining, always testing, and prototyping new methods and systems across the spectrum of modern life, and always this is done on a grassroots level.

"China is in trouble, clapped-out economically, and is going to bring the west down with it."

This is the message that we see with monotonous regularity. 

The reality is different.  

Chinese GDP expanded a whopping 9.8% in the first three quarters of 2021, and major indicators are within a reasonable range.


Evergrande – caused by poor management and that is all and the Chinese government will both let them burn, and also make them take responsibility to Chinese people first. 

There will be no monopolies or other behemoth-type business structures in China that can challenge the state. 

The Chinese people come first.  

(Evergrande has no option but to resume work and they did so today on 10 projects.  There is no quick bankruptcy for them, and certainly no bail-out).

China’s Strong Economy

Chinese banks have foreign-currency deposits of $1 trillion for the first time, an opportunity for Beijing to liberalize the country’s capital account.

A resilient economy and strengthening currency have attracted record foreign purchases of bonds and stocks while surging demand for goods meant exporters brought back more dollars.

The pace of the influx has tested the authorities’ tolerance for a strengthening yuan, with the currency now near a five-year high against a basket of its peers.

China’s exports grew 20%!

Exports grew 20% in September, up from 15.7% in August. September’s gain was higher than the median estimate of 13.3% in a Bloomberg survey of economists. Growth in imports slowed to 11% in September from 23.1% in the previous month.

Korean IC Chip Manufacturers building factories in China

China-Korea semiconductor industrial complex starts construction amid Beijing’s push for tech self-reliance. The municipal government of Wuxi and memory chip giant SK Hynix have teamed up to develop the China-Korea Integrated Circuit Industrial Park. 

The city is expected to become home to 19 new semiconductor-related projects with a combined investment of US$4.7 billion.

A Herbal solution for Coronavirus

A Chinese herbal formula for coronavirus patients is undergoing clinical trials in the US for possible approval for people with mild-to-moderate symptoms of the disease. Qingfei Paidu, most commonly called QFPD, is a 21-herb formula whose name literally means lung cleansing and detoxification.

Zero-tolerance to COVID remains in place

China, which pioneered controlling Covid-19 with lockdown orders and tight border rules, will  “wait and see” about adjusting its zero-tolerance policy.

“We are discussing about the new strategy in China … everything is dynamic. We are ready for any possible reassessment”.  

(Please do not consider this comment and the previous as an open sesame to start discussing Covid on the Saker Blog.  You all know the blog policy).

Chinese getting taller

Between 1985 – 2019, the average height of a 19-year-old Chinese increased 3.5 inches, or 9 cm, supporting President Xi Jinping’s declaration in July that the country had achieved its goal of establishing a “moderately prosperous society” in time for the Party’s centenary.  This is a result of a relentless project to bring the Chinese people out of abject poverty.

Vehicular KTV

An important question in auto showrooms: Can I sing karaoke in this car? The only acceptable answer is yes, as Nio and XPeng know well. Western rivals are scrambling, “We’ve identified this as a challenge,” said BMW’s Christoph Grote, “Chinese consumers are the most demanding when it comes to digital technology in the car.”

Social Credit System

The dreaded Social Credit System which is abhorred in the West by most that do not have an idea what it is about.

China’s social credit system is more of a bureaucratic interface for existing legal and regulatory systems.

It is not the widespread Western perception of a dystopian algorithm that uses “big-data collection and analysis to monitor, shape, and rate individual’s behavior”.

Social credit includes new enforcement mechanisms.

However, it is but an extension of the law rather than an independent rule-making authority, and all data collection and penalties require a legal basis.

USA Universities moving to China

This was mentioned before but as a reminder.

When the Chinese students started being hunted and haunted specifically in the US, all the major universities opened campuses in China (they could not afford to lose the Chinese money).

For Harvard, it did not take too long to become part of the propaganda war on China and they are moving their Chinese language program from Beijing to National Taiwan University, replacing a partnership with Beijing Language and Culture University.

Harvard’s Jennifer Liu said the decision was made because of a perceived lack of friendliness from the host institution, Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU).

Just a taste

This gives a taste of what is happening in China and now we need to give the regular shout-out to Godfree Roberts’ Here Comes China newsletter that supplies these data points. Subscribe here – it is worth it!: https://www.herecomeschina.com/#subscribe

In the next few China Sitreps, I will post a selection of documentaries and information on those aspects of China’s history that remain western talking points, whether correct or not.

This is Tibet, Tiananmen, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and the border skirmishes with India as a shortlist. Today we start with Tibet.


Tibet – if you have the romantic western mindset about Tibet, let’s revise that. Your knowledge most certainly comes from a book, movies, and a whole Shangri-La industry spawned in the wake.


Tibet was a dramatically brutal theocratic serfdom and never-ending debt peonage. Under the Dalai Lama in Tibet before China’s takeover:

  • 98% of the population were serfs or slaves or kept in debt peonage.
  • Disobedient serfs endured torture
  • The 14th Dalai Lama’s family owned 6,000 serfs
  • 95% of the population were illiterate
  • In 2015: 0.52% were illiterate
  • And in 2020: extreme poverty was eliminated in Tibet

From this documentary, you will learn that Tibetan Buddhism was not the sweet, and romantic Buddhist religion based on peace and high ideals and spinning colorful prayer wheels and praying in monasteries.

It was based on the Indian Caste System where an extreme minority controlled the vast majority and kept them in abject poverty.

You will also learn why, on the death of a Dalai Lama (meaning God on earth), the successor, the soul boy was always found and appointed from a very poor family, in order to avoid any power struggles between the very few rich families. 

The connection with the Roman Catholic Pope will astound you.

And then you will see brutal sights of religious and shamanic powers whipped into inhumane forces.

You will learn that Dalai Lamas regularly fled Tibet, sometimes to flee British Forces.

Tibet was the first lever that was used by at that time British forces, and this lever was seamlessly taken over by the rest of the west, to break up China, even after some territory had to be given to Japan and some even to Korea.

You will learn how the Brits just simply carved out pieces of Chinese land from the Indian side.

This effort to break up China is still in full swing today, by the current hegemon in its frenzied dying attempts to own the whole world using weapons, war, lawfare, internal destabilization, the appointment of external presidents, propaganda, kidnapping of high officials, outright assassinations, drugs, biological substances, and poison.

Of course from the 1950s, CIA involvement around Tibet is well documented even to training ethnic Tibetans in Colorado for a planned Tibetan revolution.

You will also see one of the reasons why China will not let itself be hegemonized today, specifically with its history of never fighting a war of conquest in its 4,000 years of existence.

The population stands firm and resolute.

Never aired footage in the west will have you take part in the joy when religions serfdom and debt peonage was abolished in 1959 and the Tibetan Religious Serfs could burn their debt peonage documents.

If your stance in life is ‘Free Tibet’, which mine was, once upon a time before I did my homework, consider if you were romanticized by the CIA and a novel called Lost Horizon (1933) by English writer James Hilton.

Two movies followed (Frank Capra directing one), a Broadway play, and the world’s first mass-produced paperback, all called Lost Horizon, set in a fictional utopian lamasery called Shangri-La, high in the mountains of Tibet.

‘Free Tibet’ for you may just as wll be based on the fiction of Shangri-La.


Think good thoughts. Here’s a video 31MB

Be the Rufus

Be the Rufus. Get the most out of your life. video.

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Why are Chinese skies so pristine blue all the time? What happened to all the air pollution?

When I first came to China back in the 1980’s, China was a poor land. The roads were dirt, and the cities looked very disorganized, dirty, and poor. it was very primitive. Public restrooms were horrible, the people were rural, even in the cities, and the police looked like some cross between Mad Max and a Mongolian mountain guide. And as I traveled back and forth from the USA to China and back, I saw first hand how it developed, changed and improved. It has been amazing.

Today China is simply amazing. It really is. This is true on oh, so many levels. And today we are going to talk about one of those things that no one ever addresses in a visceral way; the deep blue skies of China.

What? You might ask.

According to all the “experts”, China is a polluted wasteland of child workers, trash, poor unsanitary facilities, and gloom. Well it is not. It’s a merit-driven nation of hard workers, a harmonious culture, and society, and an enormous land with a deep and impressive culture and history.

But that doesn’t stop the Western media from continuing to bash it so relentlessly.

Do a Google search on China pollution, and you get millions of articles (all out of America and the UK) about how terrible and polluted China is. So, judging from the great magnitude of articles, it must be true. Right?

Image search “skies of China”.

CNN takes a picture of a dust storm in Beijing and claims that it’s pollution. FOX takes a picture of China in the early 1990’s and provides the impression that it is contemporaneous. Yahoo “news” bans any comments out of China to their China-hate articles. The BBC takes clips from an expat blog, uses photoshop to colorize it into greys and dark hues to give the illusion of a dirty, oily, filthy place.

And the articles. Jeeze!

And then they make all these graphs, and maps to show pollution quality. Giving the reader the perspective that the air must just be fucking awful.

China air pollution from the American company “Listverse”.

Western “news” is simply manipulated propaganda for the domestic audience. Those of us who know better shouldn’t read it. It provides zero benefit to us.

Today, we are going to compare apples with other apples. We are going to compare orange with other oranges. And we are going to compare pizza with other pizza. These days of deception, half truths and manipulation are OVER.

Well, here we are going to chat about something that had to be pointed out to me. I have grown so accustomed to the blue skies here, that I take them for granted, when I shouldn’t.  And with that as an introductory lead in, I will [1] address the fact that Chinese skies tend to be pristine, and then [2] how this all came about.

China has tamed air pollution in all of it’s forms, and China today has absolutely stunning skies.


It all began when I posted this article HERE about a factory business trip that I took.I went to an industrial area, and visited some hard manufacturing factories.

People couldn’t get over how pristine blue the sky was, as that was not at all the impression that they had of China. They asked “where’s all the pollution”, “where’s the smog”, the “plumes of industrial clouds, and the forever white eye-burning skies? They asked where are the vapor plumes of the airline flights that create a network of white lines in the skies?

And that got me thinking.

As many times that I have mentioned over and over, and over that China has “cracked down” severely on pollution and enforces it with a very special of police known as the “corruption police”, people don’t get it. They don’t understand.

There are results as a consequence of these actions.

China does things, and then there are measurable and visceral results.

So when I take a drive up to visit a factory, I am used to the pristine blue skies, the brilliant and fresh green trees, the clear colors and razor sharp images. But others, who do not live inside of China aren’t.

What started this discussion

Here’s the videos and images that started this entire discussion…

In the following videos, please check out these embedded videos or their associated links to get the “full” experience. It’s almost as good as sitting in the car with MM getting there. video 46MB

All of rural China looks like this. It’s an entire nation of skyscrapers. This, believe it or not, is just a tiny, tiny village. video. 69 MB.

And this is what it is like. The factory sits on the edge of the tiny village, and so we just pulled in and went up to the front gate. Video. 32MB

But you know, it’s not just a trip to a factory. It’s not confined to the rural sections of China. It’s everywhere.

And I do live in Zhuhai

I know it is nice here. But I am not talking about only my city. I am talking about all of China. Video of Zhuhai. 1MB

But Zhuhai isn’t unusual. We are right outside of Hong Kong. Shenzhen is right across the bay. Combined, over 20 million people live within ten miles of my house. Which is a lot. New York City is only 6 million people! Yet, look at the skies here….

Near my house. Video 2MB

Downtown Gongbei Zhuhai at sunset. Video 2MB

Video Again. 2MB

But then again, let’s be real.

There’s rain, cloudy days, snow, squalls, fog, dust storms and other weather events that will turn the sky different than the pristine blue skies that I seem to encounter most of the time. video 16.7MB

Shanghai, and Hong Kong see a lot of fog. Overcast skies and fog seem to be the norm there. Shenzhen gets a lot of the overcast from the geographical wedging from the fog of Hong Kong and the mountains inland.

Beijing deals with dust storms.

And so on and so forth.

Some examples

Examples of blue skies, free of smog, pollution or aircraft vapor trails are everywhere. Just go onto the Chinese social media and watch the videos. Blue skies are everywhere. Seriously.

  • It’s like those High Speed Trains. They are common and everyday events. No one notices them.
  • It’s like those police drones in the sky, they are everywhere and no one notices them.
  • It’s like those thermal scans at all the entrance ways. No one cares or gives them any notice any longer.
  • It’s like paying using WeChat. It’s common and no one thinks about it at all.

But you know, we do need to take notice, and pay attention. The rest of the world do not have these kind of skies. Their cities have a dome of haze. Their suburbs are criss-crossed by airplane vapor trails. Their industrial areas have eye stinging smog and glare.

And I, for one, am going to point it out and celebrate it.

Here’s someone else driving in Hunan, China. video. 2MB

Here’s my ride in the DD. video

Here’s a cute BABY girl in the front of her house. Video 6MB

Here’s a ride taken yesterday from my house. I just filmed the ride as we pulled out of the building complex. video. 53MB

Here’s a nice girl being filmed at dusk video. 3MB

This looks like the mountains near Longgong, North of Shenzhen, China. video 4MB

Here’s a nice video showing the first graders getting their red scarves as part of the Pioneers. Everyone in China gets mandatory military trainings, and it all starts in first grade. video. 5MB

Here’s the Hong Kong, Macao and Zhuhai bridge. Video. 4MB

This girl is posing all over the city. I love these compilations with a pretty girl showing what China is like. Video. 10MB

Here’s another nice girl. Notice the sky and clarity of the air all around her. video. 4MB

Here’s a movie taken in front of my office. Video 14MB

Here’s another nice girl. video. 6MB

I took this video as I walked to my office in the morning. video 10MB

And another nice woman outside. video 3MB

Here’s the park outside the bridge near my house. video. 7MB

And, yet another girl. video. 4MB

The Chinese are so patriotic too. All of them trust their government, and the government really has earned their respect. Here’s a Pioneer. You can tell with the red scarve. video. 2MB


Let’s be real

Video 6MB

Yeah, it’s a non-stop hate fest against China, and while China changes, cleans up and moves forward the lies just keep a running. And the West, already ignorant, is really completely uneducated on the true and real state of things.

The crack down on pollution

China has made enormous strides in cracking down on pollution. Though you would NEVER read about that in the Western “news”. It’s all the continuing non-stop fantasy of China being the world’s polluter. If so, then why are Chinese skies so blue? Eh?

Here’s some articles about the Chinese efforts to stop, contain and eliminate pollution of all types.

Yeah, you probably saw these articles, but didn’t think too much about them. Maybe you should have read them, eh?


Pay some attention to the world around you and note who is doing all the complaining, and who is actually physically doing things; taking corrective measures, and actually making the world a better place. Eh?

When China says that it is going to do something, well you should take note. They actually do things. And when they say they are going to clean up China, and make it a healthy and clean place they do so.

China is very beautiful

YaoYao showing how beautiful Hunan, China is. Video 3MB

Video taken at a busy intersection waiting on our DD. Video. 12MB

Chinese first graders going through their military training exam. Everyone in China MUST take military training through their entire education system. It starts at first grade. Here’ is the first “final exam” where they are rate in their ability to compete an obstacle course. These kids are 6 years old. video. 9MB

Here’s a nice girl walking in one of the many, many parks here in China. She is wearing black. video. 3MB


Airplane vapor trails

Air Pollution Control Air pollution is arguably the most egregious environmental problem plaguing China. The central government has placed improving air quality as a priority on its agenda for the next several years, with China’s Premier Xi Peng pledging in March 2017 tobring back blue skies” and work faster to address air pollution. 

- China - Environmental Technology

But why no vapor trails in the sky above? Well it appears that the Chinese government has placed pollution controls on all the domestic airlines, and this has really caused a great deal of consternation on the international airlines that want to operate inside of China domestically.

It costs too much money, they say, and they can’t earn the kinds of profits that they need to please their shareholders. They argue that they MUST make a profit because they must answer to their owners who demand profits.

Meanwhile, China reports that the role of the government is to provide affordable, food, clothing, shelter transportation and a comfortable standard of living to it’s people. The government should not be a for-profit enterprise.

Because the foreign airlines cannot meet the tough environmental, and pricing requirements that China provides for it’s citizenry, the airlines had a fit. They then worked with the United States to “crowbar” and “strong arm” China to change it’s polices so that foreign companies can profit off the Chinese citizenry inside of China.

Blue skies everywhere

This girl is skateboarding near my house. The building in the background is the Zhuhai Opera House. Video. 10MB

You can actually see the Opera House from my living room. Here’s a video that I took not too long ago. Video. 26MB

Here’s one of our photoshoots. This one took place at around 5:00 in one of the parks down the street. Video. 21MB



96 percent of Chinese people owned their own residence. More than 50 percent of the Chinese people grow their own food and produce. They do not need to pay any property tax and any insurance. 

They do not need a car in their lives. They do not pay homeowners' association fees, the fire department fees, the police protections and so on and on. Of the fifty percent of the Chinese rural population, they do not use cash that much.

Three of my sisters in China have been laid off workers of state owned enterprises for the last thirty years. Their income is only a couple thousand yuan from the state pensions every. But they all have their own houses, and have savings over one million Chinese yuan.

They eat better than I do in the USA as a professor struggling to pay for my mortgage. I have to pay out of my pocket medical care, dental insurance, home insurance, property taxes, home owners association fees, all of which the Chinese do not have.

My sisters all grow their own vegetables in their own yard. I have to buy everything from the supermarkets.

There are too much loose holes in the calculation of GDP, which is simply meaningless.

When I was growing up during the Mao era, we grew everything we ate organically, and everything was fresh. We did not have much cash income, but we had everything we needed. By comparison, how many people in the world could have organically grown fresh produce everyday in the world free of all kinds pollutants.

The Chinese people's per capita income was very low during the Mao era, about a hundred dolar a year. But Chinese people life expectancy grew from 32 years in 1949 to 69 years in 1976, more than doubled in less than thirty years.

GDP as a measurement of well being is simply a trick created by the capitalist west to cover up their management failure, with a high GDP but many homeless and hungry people.


After all this, it should be clear that China is really doing things and making things happen. There’s so much bullshit and lies about China, but I will tell you what, if you come to China, you WILL SEE the blues skies. You will see the HIGH TECHNOLOGY. You will see the flower and the trees, and the relaxed pace of life. And you will see that it’s because it is a nation government by merit and people who care.

China treats those who want to change things for “democracy”, and “rule by the wealthy”, and the greedy as evil and dangerous people. They are locked up and kept away from the levers of power.

China is doing things RIGHT.

A billion Chinese have applied for membership in the Communist Party of China since 2001. 907 million of them were rejected, mostly on moral grounds. It seems that most Chinese adults would take the Party oath, to endure the people’s ordeals first and enjoy their fruits last, subject themselves to constant scrutiny, and be held to higher ethical and legal standards than non-members. Adultery is cause for dismissal. Rape is cause for execution. Nonetheless, ninety-four million members are honoring their oath pretty well. 


China is a nation of Rufus’s…

We don’t want even one politically unqualified person sneaking into the Party, fishing for personal gain. 

-Xi Jinping.

And here’s a great image of a roadside rest area. Check it out.

A highway rest area. This one is in Inner Mongolia, Northern China. 41.5MB Video

Other possible reasons

There are a host of other possible contributors for the blue skies. May I suggest that other things can add to the overall effect experienced within China today…

  • A decline in domestic air flights because of the enormous network of high speed trains.
  • A decline in international air flights to and from China.
  • A severe curtailing of all factories that do not have, or plan to add, air scrubbing pollution control equipment.
  • A movement of the simple, labor intensive, and crude manufacturing out of China to South East Asia.
  • Intentional power rationing to selected geographical regions and specific targeted regions.

All in all, while China has indeed set forth impressive air pollution standards, and have implemented such, a number of other effects contributed synergistically to make the air of China noteworthy and pristine.

Oh, and a note to all the people who just stumble on MM and this article and want to shit on it…

Yes. And I do actually mean “to shit” on it.

Keep in mind that this information is going to go against your Western media brainwashing. It’s comfortable to believe the lies that face the TRUTH.

So don’t give me the normal bullshit, I delete those comments. If I wanted to read a regurgitation of FOX “news”, or the BBC, I’d read them directly myself. Though I do keep a few prize examples of stupidity for use in other articles.

Like these two comments (that I deleted from other articles that made China look better than the non-stop hate-China narrative spewing forth from the media megaphones)…

...the lies and propaganda concocted by CCP. For example, the title claims China has democracy at bottom, which is fabricated by CCP to fool people. In fact, CCP uses all of its power to crush any thing associated with democracy as it cruelly did in Hong Kong last year. CCP made it very clear that it will destroy any buds of democracy movement in China mercilessly as it did 32 year ago in Tiananmen massacre in which thousands of pro-democracy students and Beijing residents were killed by machine gun fires and crushed by army's main battle tanks. 


This is essentially a person staying up all night, and fantasizing about how China might be if all the consultative channels that China has erected were ACTUALLY HOW CHINA WAS GOVERNED. But they are not. Modest consultative measures might indeed help an authoritarian regime operate better, and that it probably part of China's success. But that doesn't mean, as the author seems to think, that a group of ordinary citizens makes the final decision about China's laws. It's laughable. Don't waste you time on this, and ask yourself why it is being heavily promoted. 

I’m telling you what it is like.

You can absorb it in, or you can believe the nonsense being spewed at you by billions of dollars in manipulation and funding. Your choice.

But here, is the REAL deal. It’s what is going on right now. Soak it in.

And finally…

Be the Rufus

Are you making the place a little bit nicer when you leave it? Do you pick up after yourself? Do you make people smile when you are in public? Do free-ranging dogs and cats welcome you?

Are those around you comfortable that you are nearby in case anything goes wrong?

Do not be ashamed of who you are, or what you do. You are NOT your job. You are NOT what others say you are. You are unique and very, very special. Stand up for who you are and serve justice, and help those in your society. It’s your highest calling. video. 2MB

Please, be the Rufus. Not for personal profit. Not for fame, or glory. Just do it because you are a decent person and you want to make your tiny part of the world a better place to live in.

Video 2MB

And after the explosion, the Rufus runs back into the flames to rescue others trapped inside. Video. 2MB

The world is not a bad terrible place. Spread the love around. Be a Rufus. Just be nice, give things away for free just to make people feel happy, wanted and included. It won’t cost you that much, and you will really help make the world a much better place. Be the Rufus. Like this guy does… video 5MB

Or this. Use your talents and make the world a better place. Video. 6MB

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my China index here…



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[daegonmagus] – Part 11 – Lucid Dreaming Lesson 3; Techniques for Inducing Effective LDs

The following is the eleventh part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 


Part 11 – Lucid Dreaming Lesson 3 Techniques for Inducing Effective LDs

In this lesson we are going to get into some techniques myself and SD have used numerous times to induce LD with a great measure of success. These techniques are entirely my own; I am yet to see them being used anywhere else.

The methodologies came about entirely by accident and through observations of my environment {both mental and physical} either immediately from waking up from an LD or taking note of certain things before one was initiated that I would remember afterwards.

Some of these techniques are particularly effective at inducing a WILD even from a heavily fatigued state of mind. In fact, they seem to work better from this state.

Before I begin though, a quick word on the “cheats”:


Drugs and Alcohol

Many people suggest explicit substances such as drugs and alcohol can have a

negative effect on ones ability to LD. While I was never big on anything harsher than marijuana, I cannot specifically remember ever having an LD experience whilst under the influence of such a substance.

I am generally skeptical when it comes to using drugs to initiate an LD.

This is mainly because I believe they distort the mind too much to make becoming lucid whilst in the dream state feasible. I have had friends who have used LSD and DMT to try and initiate an astral projection.

I sincerely advise against it.

All it seems to have done for these people is given them a fast tracked ticket to the mental health ward of their local hospital. Though, I suspect the LD/AP thing was really more of an excuse to justify their addiction to these substances.

If one has not taken the psychological preparation necessary, then they are leaving themselves open to all sorts of trouble.

This is of course, my own opinion.

Alcohol, is different for me. Whilst I have never had an LD under its immediate influence I have had many LDs during the hangover recovery phase the day after a major bender.

I have actually used alcohol to deliberately try to induce an LD in this manner.

Though it seems to work better when I haven’t had LD as an intention. Be warned though, the level of alcohol needed to put you in a state of such dissociation from the body could be considered lethal by many people’s standards. It is also for this reason, I really don’t recommend it as a feasible avenue to LD.

However, if you are planning on indulging in it quite liberally, I see no reason why you can’t give LD a try when you are lying half comatose in bed with a blanket of regret over you to keep you warm, as you tell yourself “never again”.

You might as well try and get something out of the annihilation of brain cells.

I have noticed it is particularly easy to tune into non physical chatter whilst in bed and still reeling from a particularly bad hangover. I am not trained in psychology, so I will skip going into my opinions on why this would be.

Non Physical Chatter:

Whilst we are on the subject, I feel the need to mention some things I have noticed in regards to non physical chatter.

Whilst not necessarily LD related I believe they are worth experimenting with.

The most noticeable is the way pressure is applied to the head when one is about to fall asleep.

I have found that there is a correlation with me lying in such a position that most pressure from my pillow presses on the top, middle right part of my head, and having strange “visions”.

A common theme is what appears to be a very vivid movie real of an unfamiliar cartoon.

It is in a similar style to the old Felix the cat cartoons. A similar cartoon has been mentioned by members of the occult/LD community, and by SD.

I have also noticed that if I fall asleep lying down with my head on my propped up elbow, then there is potential for audible chatter that is clearly not related to my own thought train.

There seems to be a grey area of conscious awareness where this chatter is at its most extreme.

An effective method to “catching it” is to count up to 5 minutes; when the mind is preoccupied with focusing on the counting, it is incredibly easy to notice when the chatter appears because it completely derails the counting.

“The Emerther are scared to death for many reasons that lead back to the human race”, “Japan has nothing at the edge of their chasm”, “Please be careful” are examples of the things I have heard whilst in this grey area. It seems to correspond to the M Band noise mentioned by Bruce Moen.

Diet and Exercise.

I have been asked if there is a correlation with diet and LD, and honestly I can’t say I have really noticed anything to be that beneficial.

This is not to say there isn’t an eating plan you should try, more so that I just never bothered looking too deep into this aspect.

By all means if you find someone who suggests something an eating regime specifically to induce LD, then give it a try and get back to me on how it went for you.

In saying this though, my most intense period of lucid dreaming was when I was working out on a regular basis with a goal of getting fit enough to join the Defense Force.

At the same time I was also eating quite healthily, so it is hard for me to tell if my heightened level of lucid awareness of the dream state was because of the exercise, the diet, or both.

It could have been a result of the location for all I know.

I can’t give a definite in this regard. What I do know is that my diet and exercise regime is no where near as healthy as it was, and my lucid dreaming ventures have taken a nose dive.

Hopefully I’ll start getting back into it when my youngest is a little bit older. I am curious to see if my forays into lucidity start to come back a bit stronger under a healthier lifestyle.

What I did noticed with two rather potent LD experiences that happened only a few nights apart is that I had some sort of spicy chicken dish followed by a dose of sugar.

There appeared to be no correlation in “healthiness” with these foods; one was a lean Thai curry with a portion of cake for dessert, the other was standard hot and spicy KFC followed by a typical sugary drink from that food chain.

I suspect it has to do with the chemical change from the chili/ sugar content that is registered via the subconscious mind whilst in the dream state. I suggest exploring this avenue further and experimenting with it if you are game enough.

Thought Placement:

Many DILD techniques involve the use of “reality checks” to help stimulate the sub consciousness mind into becoming lucid.

These basically consist of a series of checks you do each day whilst awake which hopefully carry over to the dreaming domain and allow you to come to the realisation you are lucid. “Am I awake, am I asleep?” that sort of thing. Similar to me throwing my bass guitar in the pool.

In the movie Inception, Leornado DiCaprio employs the use of a spinning top as a reality check. He spins the top and if he is awake it eventually slows down and falls over due to the lack of centrifugal force.

The tell that he is still dreaming is that it continues to keep spinning unencumbered by the lack of physics.

I recommend watching this movie.

It not only is a good representation of LD in general, but also highlights the importance of being psychologically ready before undertaking extensive voyages into the Lucid planes.

In the movie, DiCaprio’s wife ends up killing herself because she believes she is still dreaming and needs to wake up, despite DiCaprio insisting she is already awake and back in the physical reality.

Another thing Inception portrays really well is the layering depths of dreams one may delve into and how time becomes distorted in these other “dream worlds”.

When you get good at LD, it is easy to get carried away and start going deeper and deeper into a dream within a dream within a dream.

You must learn and employ your safeguards so you know how to properly get back from such a maze.

This may sound somewhat silly, but believe me, I have been trapped in lucidity for “years” only to wake up to find a single night has passed; it can really fuck you up if you are not prepared for it.

Another thing to be aware of is that it can be quite depressing visiting an LD Utopia only to have to wake back up into this physical plane.

Expect a readjustment period of at least a few days.

Thought Placement for DILDs

Through my observations I have found that there is a correlating timeframe that thoughts can be used to stimulate the sub consciousness in the dream state.

This came about by having dreams with elements that I could pin point back to a very specific time of having that thought element during the day time.

It appears that around 10 to 10 and a half hours, and half an hour before going to sleep (not just going to bed) are prime times for instilling thoughts about doing reality checks and lucid dreaming.

Of course, this means having a strict bed time schedule and understanding how long it actually takes you to get to sleep once in bed.

The Dream Blanket

I have a book written by a guy with Native American blood that talks about the shamanic practice of “shapeshifting”. The Art of Shapeshifting by Ted Andrews.

It is essentially about using dances that mimic certain animals and special talismans for remote viewing and lucid dreaming purposes.

While I never got into the dances, one of the talismans I found curious was a blanket that you drape across you every time you are consciously trying to LD.

The theory by the author is that every time you have a LD you subconsciously imbue this blanket with dream energy, which eventually makes it easier to lucid dream, as you connect with this energy when fall asleep.

The dream blanket is considered so sacred by him that he suggests locking it up within a special chest and not letting it come into contact with other artifacts lest it becomes tainted by their energy.

It must only ever be used for Lucid Dreaming.

I tried using a piece of expensive silk fabric for this purpose but it was not clear if it had any profound effect.

In saying that, I have noticed it takes awhile to build up “LD momentum” if the blankets are changed from ones I have been using during periods with many LDs. Purple and blue colored linen seems to work the best.

The Pillows:

Did you end up buying a triangular {right angle} shaped pillow? If not, don’t worry too much about it.

Some regular pillows that are quite “puffy” with a good puff to density ratio will do just fine.

Try to avoid ones that are so puffy that your head falls right through them though.

The reason triangular pillows are good is that they wrap around the entirety of your neck and give you’re the head the support it is going to need when undertaking the main LD inducing technique, the hanged man pose.

You can get by without it, but I have found one side of my neck quickly gets quite fatigued without this support base from the pillows.

If you are using standard rectangular pillows, their arrangement will be crucial to whether or not the technique works, and it may take quite a few adjustments to get them “right”.

I hope you have been practicing the stillness of the body meditation, because you are going to need it for the next part:

Onto the techniques

The Hanged Man Pose:

Over the many years I was engaging in LD, I started noticing “commonalities” between when I would have an LD and the arrangement of my body when waking up.

The most notable of such commonalities was a particular pose I usually {not always} found myself in immediately upon waking from my LDs.

Curious, I began experimenting with this pose.

I would take a few minutes after awaking into to it to study it in depth without moving, then try to recreate it whenever I’d go to bed to try and initiate an LD.

More often than not it would work for both DILDs and WILDs.

In fact some of the most vivid LDs I have had have been from using this very pose. I explained it to SD and she began using it, and reported that it works quite well for her.

As far as I am concerned, this is the secret to initiating an LD.

The pose itself is quite easy to get into.

The difficulty, however, comes when trying to remain in it without moving. Hence why the practice of the stillness of the body is crucial to mastering it. And hence why pillow arrangement is crucial to its correct use.

Five minutes after getting into this pose I guarantee every ounce of your being will be telling you to move into a more comfortable position; It is an incredibly uncomfortable position to be in.

It is not as if you are going to be doing yoga or anything.

It is more that you will be stretching certain muscles and placing weight on your body in a way that you are not used to.

You need to just suck it up and lie there if you want it to work properly.

Hopefully, after a few weeks you will automatically start taking up this position as you sleep.

So how do we get into the pose?

Well, there is a reason I call it the Hanged Man pose, and this is because it is similar to the Hanged Man in the Tarot deck.

Traditionally, this card depicts a man hanging upside down with his arms at his side and his leg bent at such an angle so that it touches the knee of the opposing leg.

While I have used this exact pose, for LD, I prefer to alter it slightly.

Rather than have the leg bent at a 90 degree angle, simply place the heel of your right foot on top of your left when you are laying down.

If you find this too uncomfortable you can alter it so that your feet are to the side of each other.

The crucial thing, though is that the two must be touching.

The arms can either relax at your side or be placed upon your sternum; that latter seems to work better.

Keeping your back flat to the plane of your mattress, you then need to bend your head to the right so that your right ear is completely covered by your pillow.

Aim to create a “seal” around your whole ear so that no air can escape.

Again, I have found the triangular pillow makes this easier to achieve.

I am not sure why this works so well. I suspect it has something to do with unbalancing the inner ear or something to do with redirecting the flow of energy through the body, which are picked up in dreamtime.

One thing I know for certain though, is that it gets results. Provided you can keep it up.

The Tennis Match Scenario:

This will consciously carry you from an awakened state through the transition into the dream state and on into the Void Space if done correctly, regardless of your fatigue level.

In fact, most of the WILDs I have had have been from utilizing this technique, or a slight variant of it.

Consider it a cheat code to getting into the void space.

To understand why it works you need to understand the way consciousness “collapses” back in towards the pineal gland as you enter the dream state.

This is a complete inversion of the consciousness you use whilst engaging in physical reality whilst awake.

If you are successful with this technique, you will experience this inversion.

It works particularly well when you are fatigued to the point of being in danger of falling asleep within minutes of your head touching the pillow, which is why I like it.

I used it quite a lot when I was working a full time job as an assembler in an electronics factory.

I was getting up at 4:30am and getting home at 6pm, completely exhausted, and yet it still worked.

So if this sounds like your sort of lifestyle, I recommend trying it.

You start by visualising a tennis match between you and an opponent.

It has to be a first person view on your part. You need to visualize this as if you are actually there, playing tennis, with the net in front of you and the racket being held in your hand.

It can’t be from a third person viewpoint.

Pretend it is your opponent’s turn to serve.

I find it easier to visualize slow serves that gradually build in pace, but if you are too fatigued just go right on to the fast serves. You need about 5 seconds worth of unbroken, vivid visualization of your opponent smashing the ball as hard as they possibly can.

Repeat the visualization with the ball flying past your head.

After every 4th or fifth hit, make the ball hit square in the middle of your nose.

Hopefully, in your fatigued state, your mind will automatically keep replaying the scenario, and eventually start believing it is real.

The goal is to have it react with a surge of adrenaline as the ball hits your nose, thinking there is a very real possibility of your nose being broken.

This surge of adrenaline, I have found, is just enough to awaken you back into a conscious understanding that you are almost asleep.

At the same time, your consciousness “locks” onto the ball, and is projected back in towards the pineal gland the same way it collapses into the dream state.

Because the adrenaline has made you lucid, you consciously witness that transition before the adrenaline disappears.

The speed of which consciousness enters into this transition is what I term as “the velocity of consciousness”.

From my experiences, this velocity can be anywhere between the speed of a properly served tennis ball to that of a bullet.

I suggest experimenting with different scenarios that involve different speeds, to see if you can find something that works better for you.

A variant of this technique I found also works well is by imagining a fast orbiting satellite near a planet that you “spin” off its trajectory and have it hit you.

In my case, it was a dodecahedron spinning about a tetrahedron; both are heavily related to occult philosophy. They are platonic solids.

The Velocity of Consciousness and the Void Space.

The speed at which your consciousness inverts and falls back through pineal gland will dictate how deep one falls into the void space.

I mentioned in the previous lesson that distortions will come into play and that these distortions will dictate how successful your lucid dream will be.

With a high velocity of consciousness, one risks penetrating too “deep” into the void space where the distortions are at their most extreme.

The tennis match/ orbiting satellite visualization seems to instill consciousness with a velocity so that It can reach a shallower level of the void space.

Coming from sleep paralysis on the other hand, the distortions can be anywhere from mild to extreme.

These distortions will last only whilst in the void space, but they have the potential of completely destroying the lucid dream.

The reason for this is because it takes an incredible amount of visualization willpower to be able to create a dream; all focus must be put towards this end.

If the mind is busy dealing with using it’s visualization resources trying to neutralize these distortions, then proper dreamscape visualization cannot take place.

Unfortunately I have no remedy for when these distortions are at their maximum.

I have rarely been able to make it past this stage when they are, and the times I have, my dreamscapes have been a random mess of corrupted data.

Even the most basic of dreamscapes become impossible to visualize, and movement within them becomes even harder.

Don’t feel disheartened if these distortions ruin your LD. This happened to me more times than I can count. Perseverance is the only way through

Dream Creation From the Void Space:

Dreams created from the void space are not standard dreams, and neither are they typical LDs.

When done properly, one can exhibit almost total control over what appears in the dreamscape, and can use this for exploration of the non physical worlds.

Many experts will suggest this is astral projection, other experts will claim that LD cannot be used for such traveling or that it is really just a trick of the mind and you are not really “traveling”. My personal experiences suggest differently on both accounts.

To create a dreamscape to this extent you MUST take control of the distortions before the intent to create a dream even comes up whilst you are in the void space.

The reason for this is that to create a proper dreamscape takes an immense amount of will power and conscious focus.

If majority of that focus is spent dealing with the distortions after the dream has been created, your dream will not be stable and will “fall apart,” waking you up in the process.

Strong visualization practices to counter the distortions are the only thing I know that works, hence why you don’t want the distortions to be anything other than weak.

Once confidence of dominations over the distortions has been gained, there is a certain trick to being able to create a stable dreamscape.

Remember, you need to be able to think of all of this on the fly – you won’t have time to try and process and remember it all from scratch, so I suggest running through the process multiple times so it becomes automatic.

Rather than start surrounding yourself with items you wish to be present in the immediate environment, I have found it more beneficial to visualize the extremities of the particular scenario – if your eyes were functioning in this state, it would be equivalent of creating the objects you can see at the horizon.

The next trick is to switch your attention from this horizon onto the area encompassing a few meters around you without letting it collapse.

This is where the level of the void space you are in comes in to play; if you are too deep into it, close to the depths of the basement, you will be met with distortions in your visualisations which will “attack” them and ultimately collapse the environment around you, resulting in you waking up back in the physical world.

It takes great practice to be able to create a dream environment like this, then switch to populating it with whatever objects or people, smells etc, you desire without it collapsing, but it can be done to the point one can experience the same sensations they feel utilizing a physical body, such as smell, touch, taste etc.

This is something I was doing consistently in my youth, almost 3 times a week.

The number one rule is that once created, no conscious thought can be allowed to be given to the structure of this environment, as this will also cause it to collapse; you have to just create it, and “know” it is around you and move straight into and interact from within it; if you find yourself focusing on one particular thing during the creation stage, you need to quickly find something else and use that to anchor your dreamscape, and you keep doing this until it becomes stable.

You can then manifest a dream body if you wish, or continue to operate without one.

Once stable, the dreamscape can be interacted with just like any physical environment (but more profoundly).

This is the art of applying velocity to consciousness; once a dreamscape has been created, consciousness can move about in it simply by picking a point and focusing on it, much like with astral projection.

Time and space become irrelevant factors, as one is immediately “teleported” to the point of imagination, hence why the control of one’s imagination is such an important factor.

Just as the infant must learn to use its legs to walk through its physical environment, so too must one learn to use the points around them to move within their lucid environment.

By having an idea beforehand of what sort of dream environment one wants to build, and an object that can be summoned and moved away from the area closest to you after your horizon has been established, one can smooth out the whole process and evade the distortions before they begin to present themselves.

I have been known to “free fall” in the void for long periods of time – hours in fact – whilst I decided what dream I wanted to create, or simply for relaxation/meditation purposes.

I have also been known to switch dreamscapes as easily as one walks through a door, jumping from world to world as if I was walking into different rooms.

All this can be done via the portals when one becomes skilled at visualization practices.

Summoning the Portals:

Once you are certain your dream is stable – ie you can move about it within it fairly easily without having to think too hard to keep it in place – the portals can summoned to allow for travel to other non physical locations.

I really do not know how I learnt this; it was just something I “knew” how to do quite effortlessly whilst in an LD. A memory of sorts.

The portals themselves are quite small, and spherical shaped, about the size of a tennis ball.

They are, on first summoning of them, a pearlescent white color.

If you consider your vision straight ahead as being a flat plane at 0 degrees, the portals are off set above your vision at about a 6 degree angle from your eyes, and several feet away.

They exist in your close range top peripheral in other words, right on the edge of your focusing range.

The means for using them is this; you summon them in their pearlescent white form, then you “attach” an environment to them so they become a mini “world” display of the environment you wish to travel to.

They act as a means to contain very specific visual coordinates of a non physical location that will not be subject to the distortions in your immediate environment.

Once they have been summoned, and your visual coordinates have appeared on their surface, you then project or “jump” into them by contracting your consciousness (remember I said consciousness in a non physical state can contract and expand?).

You then come out at the location in question.

Though the portals can be used as a means to travel to one’s own self designed dreamscapes, there are other locations that I have accessed multiple times without any need to create them using the same portals; when accessed, it is as if they automatically materialize in one’s own void space without any visualisation input.

The amount of time I have spent in these particular places equates to a great deal more than someone who goes on regular holidays.

Many of them have their own portals in certain places that access other parts of the other “worlds”, so that, ultra dimensionally, they are all, in some way, linked together.

The portals can allow two way access by using the expansion of consciousness method rather than the contraction method, but I will cover this in the next lesson.

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A very abbreviated summary of the China-Taiwan relationship, and why the United States is risking global thermonuclear war over it

You know, the anti-China media hysteria has reached new lows and levels of insanity that is truly difficult to fathom.

I mean, who in their right mind would believe this nonsense? Wait for it?

…Dumbed down Western media consumers.

I do tire of all the “War with China over Taiwan is imminent” bullshit.

It’s not.

Unfortunately, the Republicans are equally locked into an adversarial mode when it comes to Russia and China. Ex-UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, is now calling for economic war against Beijing. Some might conclude that everything in contemporary Washington comes down to a latter-day opera buffa in which an assortment of comic characters parade for a moment only to be replaced by the next bumbler sporting an equally ridiculous message.

Russia aside, witness the recent wave of China bashing, begun by Barack Obama with his pivot to Asia, continued under Donald Trump with his China virus rants, and endorsed by Joe Biden’s team which persists in labeling Beijing as enemy number one. 

No one steps back and considers even for a moment that the US is China’s largest market and that the US in turn relies on Chinese manufactured products to fill its Walmarts. 

(Not true. The USA represents only 2% of Chinese exports. It was 11% in 2019 when COVID hit. The largest export market for Chinese products is Japan. Please get your info correct. -MM)

If ever two nations had good reasons not to go to war, it would be China and the United States, yet the US desire to confront the “Red Menace” to include defending Taiwan continues to drive policy.


Here’s another post that you simply will not find anywhere else on the Internet. American “news” has become a sewer of noise, horrible lies and distortions. And, you know, it’s going to get people killed. I tire of it all. To understand what is really going on you need to study the issues, and then you look for what is not being reported and stay alert for distractions.

I’ll drink to that.

A time for wine.

Anyways, a long story (made) short; I received an email from my brother who was petrified that World War III was going to explode “any minute” and that I had to flee China immediately.

Well, I wrote about this in another post HERE, and I told him that I was going to stay in China. After all, it is the safest location on the planet.

Anyways, my brother is so very convinced that Taiwan is it’s own singular nation and that it is in need of defending by America for “democracy”. And that because of the “evil regime” in China, and the “gross overreach”, and “saber rattling” of the horrible communists, that a war is soon to explode.

China is a “democracy” for Pete’s sake! (Head slap!)

Pretty strange for a certified “tax protestor”, who had his passport seized by Uncle Sam to talk about “freedom” and “liberty” when he himself is restricted in travel due to not having a vaccination. But then again, that’s the USA for you.

All talk, no substance. Or, as we used to say in Texas; “All hat. No cattle”.

Well, this bullshit about Taiwan being an “independent” nation is simply not true, and I am going to explain why.

What is the relationship between Taiwan and China?

History need not be difficult to understand, but you do need to know the basics. Here’s my simplistic abridged version. And YES, I do know that I have omitted a lot of details…

History is actually interesting.

Between 1945 and 1949, China experienced a massive civil war. It was more massive than the American Civil War, and many, many people died.

Eventually, towards the Fall of 1949, the Communists under Mao Zedong won the war. They set up their capital in Beijing, and on 1 October 1949 declared the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

The losers; the “Chinese Nationalists” fled the Chinese mainland.

They looted all the museums, and using lorries, trucks, and other conveyances hauled their booty to the coasts where they loaded them on  boats. The major staging area was in the Xiamen coastal region. As the laden boats began to depart, the communists began shelling the vessels and  so the retreating rebels landed on the island of Taiwan and fortified themselves in.

They had no where else to go. They spent years fighting the Japanese, and they couldn’t go there. Korea was too risky, as the Chinese communists had well secured that area, and heading south towards the South China Sea was the only remaining option.

So they hunkered down, and fortified their positions and made Taiwan their base of resistance to the Chinese mainland. Since that time, these rebels have declared themselves to be the “true” heir to the Chinese nation, and they have enlisted help from the United States to conduct “color revolutions” and other black operations in an attempt to regain their power back.

This effort continues to this day.

Over the last 70 years

The rebels in Taiwan, with all the looted gold and valuables, left the mainland destitute, poor and agrarian.

In the tiny Taiwan island, they used their money to construct huge enormous palaces for themselves and their families, and then used the rest of the loot to set up business as factories that would cater to the West.

And they were successful.

Over the decades “Made in Taiwan” dominated much of the world’s manufacturing concerns.

While mainland China had to work hard, step by step to become the economic powerhouse that it is today. They went from sub-zero to the very top and the very best.

It only took them 70 years.

Today, we see an eclipsing of economic power between Taiwan and China, and the oligarchy that rules Taiwan is literally scared shitless.

For the wrath of China will not be kind to them.

So they have been funding, in terms of billions of dollars, the American Senate, and American neocons, to get American intervention regarding mainland China. And the greedy, psychopathic American leadership are just lapping it all up. Yum!

The Hate China narrative, paid for by Taiwanese billionaires.

Many things has occurred over the last 70 years, but one thing is certain, China will once again be unified as one nation. Both Taiwan, and mainland China expect it.

Is Taiwan and China separate nations?


  • China says that they are the same nation.
  • Taiwan says that they are the same nation.
  • The United Nations (UN) says that they are the same nation.

All Taiwanese citizens have Chinese residency. This is something that the American media NEVER reports.

The only nation that doesn’t accept the one-China solution is the United States. Which is thanks to the many billions of dollars that the Taiwanese billionaires have been throwing at Washington DC over the last few decades.

Now the current ruling “political party” in Taiwan is pushing for a “two nation” solution, and want the United States to force this situation into being.

Which, you know,  seems to be a severe death wish, and delusions of dying in a full scale nuclear holocaust.

Haven’t they seen what America looks like today?

I guess not. It’s “exceptional” don’t you know!

Size Comparisons

I shouldn’t need to do this, but since most Americans are dumbed down to the knowledge of a retarded snail, I am afraid that I have to speak in pre-school terms to get the message across.

Since, China and the United States are roughly the same size. You can compare how big Taiwan is relatively. Taiwan is roughly the size of Rhode Island comparatively.

Size of Rhode Island shown on a map of the United States.

In case you don’t believe me, here’s a map of China. Taiwan is pretty small.

Map of China showing Taiwan.

Taiwan is a tiny, tiny island that sits right off the coast of China. It has been part of China for thousands of years, and still is recognized as part of China. And all the millions of dollars in saying otherwise will not change that fact.

Why is Taiwan important to the United States?

According to all the literature on the subject, all American battle plans against China originate from a fortified staging area inside of Taiwan.

American war-mongering neocon “wet dream” plan on “containing” China.

Thus it is critically important for the United States to place enormous quantities of war and military munitions and equipment on Taiwan in preparation for a landing inside of China.

Obviously this is myopic, short sighted and stupid.

China would have Chicago, New York, San Francisco, and Houston in radioactive ruins long before the first landing wave touches the shoreline. And if you think that China will allow Taiwan to have active American military bases there, you are delusional.



Insanely delusional. Foolhardy idiotic.

Mind-numbingly stupid.

A handful of technical advisors is one thing, but a full scale military presence is a war-move.



But I have covered all the actual and real reasons why all the fuss is over Taiwan right now. It’s the billionaire oligarchy inside of Taiwan that want something done. And they are in a state of panic.

Names, dates, places, and facts. Here…

New Beginnings 2


So what is going to happen?

Chinese Z-20 Helicopter.

Well, if you listen to the bullshit blaring American media microphone, war is imminent. But you know, that’s just a song for the Americans to dance to. Hype up war. Create a context and then strike preemptively on some kind of false-flag bullshit excuse.

It’s the American way, don’t you know.

Provoke China to fight. And then America “plays China like a fiddle”.

Will China attack Taiwan?

It can.

It certainly has the ability. But it won’t. China is far smarter than that. It will do so if the “red lines” are crossed. They are not crossed, so China will do nothing.

Countercurrents against peaceful reunification must be curbed. General Secretary Xi Jinping stated categorically that nothing can change the fact that people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are Chinese with the same national identity, and nothing can stop the trend toward reunification of the Chinese nation. 

Taiwan independence goes against this unstoppable trend and will eventually be crushed by the wheels of history. 

Chinese must not fight against Chinese, and for this purpose we have made the greatest efforts for peaceful reunification with the utmost sincerity. 

However, we do not renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all necessary measures to prepare for possible interference by external forces and separatist activities by a handful of "Taiwan independence" separatists. 

Such measures would certainly not be targeted at the people of Taiwan.


Though they really can.

China really does love their missiles…

Impressive video this. video.

Another video of some of the Chinese military systems. video.

Oh, and by the way, China is decades ahead of the USA in laser beam weapon systems

I’ll bet you didn’t know that. Well, you know, any real good things about China are suppressed. You probably think that all of China is polluted, filthy full of bat eating, floor spitting, tiny brown people riding bikes, huh? video.

There’s a lot of things in play right now. And I am going to do you all a favor and simplify things for you all.

An overview of China Military

Well, since no one is going to do this, I will. There’s a two minute overview of just how formidable the Chinese military is right now.  It’s a great little short video, and if you are still thinking that China can be attacked, or that China is just some bunch of untrained peasants with AK47 clones, you are sadly, and dangerously mistaken. The PLA will attack and be very, very nasty about it. You haven’t seen shit yet. DO NOT POKE THE PANDA. video.

And what China can do to Taiwan, right now!

Just a reminder on how close Taiwan is to the mainland. Just in case you didn’t get that fact while listening to CNN, FOX “news” or the Drudge Report. Check out what China can do to Taiwan right now. video. This can happen from inside of mainland China to the tiny, tiny island of Taiwan.

Watch the video.

Learn a thing or two.

Because China can do what is shown on this video without even putting a foot on the ground. China just pressed a button, and all of Taiwan is on fire. Watch and Learn. video.

What to expect… the nightmare scenario.

This is what would happen if the billionaires get their way…

Russia and China are tired of the buildup to war, and preemptively strike America with a bone-crushing nuclear salvo, while simultaneously destroying all naval carrier groups, boomer subs, and major Naval bases. Additionally, Australia suffers massive destruction, as does Japan and Korea.

Massive, in that the top ten cities of Japan, and Australia are all radioactive rubble.

American command centers are all black  blank screens all comms are down. Satellites malfunction, or fall out of orbit. Alt communication goes black.

The ass-kissing diversity officers, and the trans-gen military leadership start freaking out in the command bunkers and they desperately try to warn the American leadership to fly to safety, but before they can pick up a cellphone, they themselves are gone in a shooch! of bright light and dust.

The largest city surviving is Picayune Louisiana.

But, you know it's tough, as they are trying to cope with a massive flood of armed, ethnic-urban-youth, radioactive refugees streaming out from the blackened remains of smoldering New Orleans. Big thick oily black clouds fill the air with soot.

The United States government collapses. It's not hard. Long in coming. But with Washington DC a water filled crater, I mean, what are you gonna do? 

All American supply lines completely collapse. Hordes of hungry starving urban ethnic youth stream into the suburbs. They raid the "McMansions", the small towns, and the communities, and they take over all of the highways and transport routes. Oh, sure there's a few "freedom patriots" that shoot back.

Not many.

It's "every man for himself".

Many die, overwhelmed by the millions of angry, hungry, pissed off hordes. People who hate. Hate. Hate. HATE.

Balkanized battles are common. White people are hung screaming and crying from the top of McDonald's "golden arches" signs. Asians are tied to chairs inside of Starbucks and set on fire. Mexicans are  attacked, but they shoot back, and the "good ol' boys" try to hop into their trucks to join the fray, but they are immobilized as an EMP burst fried all automotive electronics.

The first major storm of Winter hits. 

All the homes freeze as there isn't any heat, and all the pipe crack and break as CPVC isn't as strong as cast iron. To make matters worse, they needed secondary booster shots of the mRNA Vaxx are not available. People start dying of the common cold. Many nine year olds die from heart attacks.

A sniffle becomes the mark of the plague. 

Starvation, sickness, gunshot wounds, and poor sanitary conditions prevail.

The most frustrated transgens start to freak out as their hormones start altering, and their sex-change medicine is no longer available to them. They become enraged angry maniacs and the cities become true horror scenes.

In the midst of all this turmoil, the second American civil war starts. Texas, and California break away to become their own nations. Others follow.

Virginia organizes.

Armed enclaves set up in Georgia.

Mississippi monitors all road traffic with lethal consequence. Many a dead person sways in the breeze.

Snipers slow all movement in the desert to a standstill.

And you have all those guns in the hands of all those civilians shooting everyone.  Organized State armies, using all those fancy tanks and high tech weapons developed by the military-industrial union turn on the people and serve their own needs. National guard patrol the major cities, but are overwhelmed by organized armed rebellion.

Killings, rapes, torture, and looting are commonplace.

The interim federal government in exile flies to New Zealand and tries to coordinate control over the collapsed United States out of a survivalist bunker, but is unsuccessful. They try to coordinate but are unsuccessful. They too start to worry as their own supplies of drugs and sustaining medication are quickly being depleted.

Eventually, they surrender, and the United States is carved up into tiny, tiny fiefdoms.

The rest of the world moves on. 

America? What's an america?

North America is listed as a quarantine zone, and is isolated from the rest of the world. Millions die. The survivors become hardier, but no longer speak English. The Southern "new" nations speak Spanish, and the rest have their own various regional accents. With ghetto ubonics betting the most common.

Most white, Asian, and Spanish Americans north of the Mason-Dixon line are killed in mass.

Fifty years later, some of those fiefdoms are recognized as independent countries and are permitted to attend the UN meetings in "observer" status.

Pretty nasty, huh?

You bet.

I hope that I frightened you. It’s not a pretty sight. I think we have to be reminded that the things that we do have consequences, and we must always hope for the best, but plan for the worst.

What’s more than likely is this…

In Taiwan, a number of the hard-core separatist nationalists start dying off of old age, coronavirus, and car accidents. 

Rapprochements by the traditionalist factions inside of Taiwan and the Chinese mainland government come to a workable solution for reunification.

The United States military is kicked out of Taiwan, as all the USA weapons systems that they have (billions  and billions of dollars worth) are boxed up and shipped off to Iran as a "good will" gesture.

The Iranians welcome the many shipments of high end fighter jets, missiles, and equipment.

The United States has a fit. News media screams! And the rest of the world continue as if nothing has happened. 

A new American election looms on the horizon. 

The candidates scream to do "something" about China, and the dumbed down apathetic sheeple go eat their McFat burgers and slurp their mega-Coka sodas. 

All continues in the land of the dumb, fat, and ignorant.

Anyways, keep in mind that what you see on the “news” is for regional consumption. The rest of the world doesn’t really care.

Remember. China has friends.

Something that is somehow omitted in all the hate – hate – hate dialog flooding the media. China has friends, and the “West” is increasingly becoming more and more isolated every day.

China has friends.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning 2. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Advice for lonely women who cannot find a partner to live out their life with

I do love a delicious baked lasagna. It’s not like I can get it often. Here in China, it’s truly a rare thing.

A fine baked lasagna.

It’s great with a fine bottle of wine. Red wine. Dry red, would be lovely.

Though I do get to eat other kinds of food often enough instead. I think that food is something that needs to be savored. You know, most people, in most nations savor their food. unlike the United States (where I grew up) which was dash, grab, smunch, and return.

Meals should be shared. They should be savored, and they should be enjoyed.

Our health is determined not only by what we do, but what we eat and who we eat the foods with. A solitary life is unhealthy. It really is. I know, I have been solitary on and off for much of my life. I didn’t like it then, and I sure as heck don’t now.

Your weight, I strongly believe, correlates on HOW you eat, WHAT you eat, and WHO you eat with. If you want to trim down, then start going out more with friends and savoring the food.

Isolation is toxic.

Most MM readers are older, and are or have been married. Never the less, every now and then I get a email or a message from someone who is alone and very lonely. I have been there before, and so I just cannot sit by and let this pass.

This is me, ol’ MM, dishing out advice.

I’m going to be straight and honest, and abrupt. And I might upset some people. I apologize for that. I guess that this is my way to plow through a bunch of fears and bullshit, and tell you all things that are truthful. I hope that it connects and changes someone’s life for the better.


This article was inspired by this letter…

I’m almost 32 and still a virgin. I can honestly say I don’t feel human. I hate to admit this but suicide seems more and more like a viable option as every day goes by.

The worst thing is when I try to reach out for help. I don’t know why I am a masochist and try to get advice from my mom…. I told her that I am desperate for a relationship and can’t find one. Her answer was that I should pray to God that I lose my feelings of wanting a relationship. Implying that I should give up and not try.

She even told me that one of her friends had a relative my age and they suggested setting us up. She told me that she said to them “I wasn’t interested”…. not that I would actually want to have someone set me up with a stranger but…. really??? Most moms are dying to help their daughters with this. Mine seems to get a KICK out of sabotaging me and not wanting me to just find someone.

And I was talking to my mom last night and brought up the idea of liposuction. Cue a huge fight between the two of us. I am not overweight but I do have a few odd body proportions that I think make me unappealing…. It’s like an affront against nature for me to try to improve my chances of finding someone. Literally the world turns on me the moment I think of maybe being alluring. Almost every other woman can have her moment, but when I get ideas of trying to be pretty? It’s like I murdered someone. I am now reeling after this conversation, wondering what types of rope would be best to hang myself with.

I don’t know how to navigate life and frankly, killing myself is less of a horrible idea every day. I know that it’s a “permanent solution to a temporary problem” but my situation feels like I am trapped and there is no other way out. People reading this, can you blame me for wanting this to end?

It is unbearable being someone like me, who wants a relationship but can never have it. I am not human. I’m not even sure I should be alive.

I’d almost think of losing my virginity to a prostitute but frankly that would just be me adding to a larger problem of abuse. I’d rather not do that. Frankly, there is no future for me. I am starting to plan out suicide methods at the same time most women are planning baby showers and weddings. I am toying with the idea of going out into the snow during winter and just falling asleep. There is something dignified about just falling “asleep” in the snow. Maybe nobody would find me and it would be a mystery as to what happened to me.

I’ve lost hope.

And, it hurts.

I know it hurts. It really hurts.

So I am going to talk as a man, who appreciates women.

[1] There is a man for every woman.

The very first thing that YOU must understand is that there is a Mr. Right out there, somewhere for you.

This is a TRUTH.

This is an undeniable truth.  Somewhere, out THERE, is a guy that is just like you, wanting to share his life.

It’s just that he is not available in your area, with the group of friends that you have, or anywhere near your school, industry or day to day activities.

Hell, I didn’t get to go out with girls / women (myself) until I started getting out of the male-dominated schools, industries, and societies that I frequented. I had to break out of the little close knit life that I had.

You might have to break out from your normal circle of friends to find him. You might have to go out further to find him. You might even have to employ an agency, or travel overseas to find him…

…but find him, you will.

I am convinced that there is a man for every woman simply because I have been exposed to so many men who all have such a wide array of tastes and interests. Many of the women who I wouldn’t be that interested in would really cause some of my male friends to just fall madly in love.

For instance, I am not interested in a woman who is taller than I am. It’s a personal taste. I just feel very odd looking up to a woman, and having to stand on my tippy-toes to kiss her. But that is just me. However, when I have mentioned to this to other men, I find that a goodly 25%, or one in four counter with “so what?” they argue (for the most part) that sex would be great; that our kids would be either fashion models or basketball players, and that all the other guys would think that I was a “stud” because I was with such an extraordinary woman.

I am also freaked out by Polydactylyism. But that is again, just me. It’s not that I am revolted by it, it just seems a little odd to me, and I don’t know if I can focus on the relationship if the woman had eight fingers on each hand. I’d always be wondering what our children would be like.

But on the other hand, a person’s kindness, confidence, experience, ability to communicate and participate in my interests, food, and just being fun goes a long… long way in me wanting to spend time with them.

[2] Men are attracted to a wide variety of shapes, and sizes.

I know I am.

There is NO SUCH THING as being too fat, too “thick”, too thin, too ugly, or too short. Nor is there too old, or too young.

I will tell you that, me personally, I generally have an upper limit on size for a woman that I am interested in. If she is bigger, wider or heavier than I am, I tend to lose interest. It’s NOT that I don’t like thick or fat people, it’s that I lose my interest in them as my interest lies towards smaller women than I am.

But I am not the average.

I have discovered, to my GREAT surprise, that many American men love bigger women. The urban ethnic folk call it “having booty”, and they absolutely go “ape shit” over a bigger voluptuous woman. I mean, really! And they are beyond themselves in how they react to the bigger women. And I mean it, too. The bigger… the better!

Like… really big… is really great. They just love a “pear shaped” woman.

Me, well, robust busty woman with big hair, big smile, and big shoulders are a turn-on. And I am not alone.

And I can see their point of view. I once dated a woman who was much larger than I was, and she had the nicest personality, she loved to cook and I ate well, and Lordy did she have an awesome chest. Purely amazing! So, this one woman altered my perceptions of what I like and favor in a woman. Who would have thought?

So, no matter what you size is… tiny, petite, slim, slender, curvy, athletic, rotund, bouncy… etc, you would be surprised at how others might find you to be attractive. And that is in everything. You NEVER know.

So accept yourself.

Just. As. You. Are.

[3] Stop trying to please your friends

When I was in High School there was a girl that was infatuated with me, and everyone at my work just hassled me and hassled me, and hassled me over it. They kept on saying how ugly she was. Well, I didn’t think that she was ugly, and she sure as heck had a “rocking body”, but I didn’t go out with her after the few precious dates. It wasn’t that I didn’t like her, it was that I hated the non-stop hassling at work, about how ugly she was.

She wasn’t ugly. I thought she was rather strong and handsome in a very womanly way. Like Loni Anderson.

But I listened to the asshole co-workers. Oh, how I regret that decision. Oh, how I lament my ignorance, and my piss-poor decision making ability!

Then one of those co-workers went out with her and they ended up getting married. And I remained single.

Single as in alone with no dates, at all.

Opportunist, jackass, asshole.

She wasn’t ugly. And she had a very appealing body shape. And I didn’t end up with her, even though she was really interested in me. Why?

It was because I listened to my friends and co-workers.

I often think of her. I often wonder what my life would have been if I spent some time with her. i often wonder what it would do to me, and affect my personality, but I never got that chance. I was young and I was a fool. I didn’t know any better. I made mistakes.

But I learned.

Slowly. Unfortunately.

As you get older, you learn that the opinions of others DO NOT MATTER when it comes to your own personal happiness. So shut them off, and go ahead and go after what YOU want. Stop trying to please others.

This goes to both men and women.

On another occasion, I was on a date where my (then) girlfriend brought two of her girlfriends along. I liked the girl. She liked me, but both of her girlfriends disapproved of me. And that was it. Who knows what kind of relationship we could have had. But I do know one thing, it went nowhere because her friends did not like me. I failed in pleasing three girls. I thought that pleasing one would have been enough.

Lesson learned.

Do not listen to your friends. Listen to your heart. Video.

[4] The most important thing that attracts a man is confidence.

It’s the same for women. Isn’t it?

I do not want you all to confuse being aggressive with confidence. I mean being comfortable with you you are, and what you are doing. Confidence. It’s such a turn on. In fact, many men will not ask a confident woman out on a date because they are afraid that she would say “no”.

So be very careful with this power.

You need to be who you are. Be comfortable with your good and your bad traits, and accept them. Think of yourself as a a nice comfortable pair of jeans. Just accessorize yourself as need be and as the occasions arise.

Myself, I am clearly a comfortable tee-shit kind of man, with a clean pair of jeans, and some well worn, but well tended for loafers.

Who are you?

A confident woman, would be able to throw on a dress, put on a thin foundation and some light makeup and run out the door in some low heels without a second thought. Are you that kind of woman?

Be confident on who you are, and what you are. Spend time with friends, and cherish the time with them. Share. Laugh. Enjoy a good drink and good food, and NEVER, ever, ever make a man feel uncomfortable around you. Men are attracted to confident comfortable women. That’s a fact. Video.

Ask any KTV hostess. They will tell you who the most popular girls are. They are the ones smiling, and joking around. Not the ones that are “beautiful” or who “look like fashion models”.


This poor girl needs some confidence…

Important day tomorrow yet here I am. I would try to make myself more palatable/acceptable to people by being extra nice to them. Try to please them. At least let’s be the sweet ugly girl than bitter ugly b**ch I thought. No surprise but it doesn’t work. People just walk all over you and don’t treat you well still.

I tried to be cold, strong and someone who stands their ground but I couldn’t. The thing is, my voice gets shaky easily during confrontations and it immediately turns to full on bawling. I once lowkey embarrassed myself in public by crying like that.

So here I am, total people pleaser, doormat, someone who’s taken advantage of, always ditched, flakes out on and yet I take it without standing up once for myself. I hate it. I resent people because I end up giving more than what I get from them. I lost count the times I said sorry when I didn’t have to.

Since I never had good friendships since 17 or so, I don’t know how a healthy adult friendship is supposed to be. I don’t know what to expect, I’m in constant worry “is it okay to share this? Am I burdening this person?”. I never had friends (both online n irl) who I could go and vent to. It feels as if no one will ever understand me and support me.

I’m tired and lonely af. I feel vulnerable and weak.. I’m crying my eyes out as I write this.

Confidence. It’s very important. video.

Do you know what is missing?

Yeah. A smile.

How about this confident woman, instead…video

Or this lovely lass. See how her personality comes out when she smiles… video.

[5] Have a Passion.

So please find out what you love. What are the things that you can go on and on talking about? Food? Dogs? Cats? Horses? Houses? Furniture? Fashion? Televisions Shows? Alcohol? Hunting or fishing? Politics?

Cast iron miniatures?

Gardening? Crafting? Cooking? Trees? Novels?

Find out your passion, and then find a man what has the same passion. You would be surprised. Yes you would.

You see, men are interested in COMPANIONSHIP.

If your passions match that of a man, then he will over look any of your (perceived) faults and really show an interest in you. You see, men are not looking for 100% perfection. They want 50%, and they will work on the other 50% to meet you half way.

You will be amazed at how they will not be able to see the imperfections that you are so worried about. And you will end up scratching your head at the things… the everyday things… that you do that really “turn him on”.

Something as silly as this video, perhaps.


Here’s a woman who loves to cook. Being able to cook well is on my top personal requirements, and this gal is cooking bacon with peppers, onion and garlic. OMG! video.

I used to date (well we actually lived together) with a very attractive fashion model. I mean she was gorgeous. And though she was amazingly beautiful and we did eventually break up, the thing that attracted me to her was our shared love of poetry. And there she would sit listening to me read my poetry over coffee and absorb it all in.

I loved that.

Alas, she had faults that I could not bear, but that is immaterial. What attracted me to her was our shared passions.


Max was peeved. “I am so sick of boring profiles on the dating sites. The first thing people want is to hold hands and walk with someone at sunset on the beach. The second thing is to cuddle up on a couch and watch TV. Why can’t they think of something more interesting?”

I explained to Max that this yearning for sharing quality time is a universal because it reflects close companionship. This is what we all need and desire. It’s especially vital for older folks who must move at a slower pace and have the opportunity to savour shared quality time.

“But I’m not slow!”, declared Max. “At 68, I can keep up with the 40 year olds when we cycle round the bay on Sunday mornings. I want the companionship of a woman who can ride her bike with me at least for two hours into the country and pitch a tent an enjoy the peace and quiet of the bush”.

Where Max wanted active companionship, John was different. He was the film buff who enjoyed nothing more than holding hands with his woman for a film-fest and then having dinner and debriefing the film.

Both men could find their ideal companion. The significant thing about companionship is that there’s no “have tos” – it’s just time shared where you feel bonded and content.

But is companionship better than sex? It’s actually expressed in good sex!

Trust is an essential ingredient of companionship and trust is essential for good sex.

Kevin believes that love is also essential for good sex. He said, “Sex is empty without love. Sure the physical sensations are exciting and pleasurable but it dissipates quickly and leaves in its wake a sense of longing for what was missing. If loving intimacy is missing I feel both sad and upset during the act, like I’ve used the other and abused my own values – a vacuum forms and I feel it in the pit of my stomach – and in my heart. When everything is in place though and sex is love-making – there is nothing that compares!”

Seniors can be sexual in order to express affection, passion, love, loyalty and appreciation of life as opposed to merely a sexual release.

I acknowledge that some older folks become very limited in being able to engage in enthusiastic love-making. For them, non sexual touch is also magical. An arm around a loved one, a small caress on the back or a brush along the cheek with the back of hand are affirming, reassuring and reflect a partnership where the couple are caring companions.

To be truly loving, a relationship would need to work on a number of levels – spiritual, mental, physical, emotional. All of these are intricately interwoven and in balance, with caring companionship, can enhance longevity and quality of life.

[6] Change what you don’t like.

If there is something that you don’t like about yourself, don’t tolerate it. Change it.

As we get older, our faults become deeper and more ingrained. Our problems multiply, and our issues become real personality faults. Change what you cannot bear.

  • For some people it is their job.
  • For others it is their negative friends, or their over-bearing family.
  • For still others it is their appearance.
  • What ever it is that bothers you… change it.

We haven’t been taught to change things, but rather to deal with them; to accept them. And that generates anxiety and worry…

We have been worrying ever since we were little about making people angry or disappointed. These are worries that negatively affect us and are not at all beneficial for us.

Are you the type of person that thinks that they worry too much? Have you ever thought that you worry more than others? If that’s so, it’s time for you to change that situation, because you probably don’t like it, right?

Not worrying excessively doesn’t imply that we’re free of worrying, but it does mean we should learn to not give it as much importance as we currently are.

Many of the worries that currently hassle us are pretty silly. Do they really deserve all of our attention? Everybody else doesn’t give them their full attention, you shouldn’t either. Start changing today.

It’s incredible how much your life can change when you decide to change how you think. There are many things that have been instilled in us from our childhood, considerations that torment us when we become adults because something is just simply not working.

So do not worry about the things that you don’t like. You change them into something that you DO like.

If it is your weight, then you can exercise, and change your eating habits. I did not say diet. I said change what your eat, how much you eat, when you eat and all the rest.

If it is your shape, and exercise won’t do it, then sculpture your body.

If it is your outfits, clothing or whatever, you have the power to change it. Bleach away the old and embrace in the new.

[7] Don’ t force the change, embrace it.

Never force things. Always adapt to them.

Maybe you wish to be slim and petite, but you are tall, chunky and robust. No problem. Embrace it. Personally, I like robust women. But you need to know how to wear the proper clothes and how to carry yourself. Here’s some more robust girls that are fine with tight clothing.

It’s the same with me. If I wear tight fitting clothing, I need to exercise on my push-ups and sit-ups to make my frame fit the clothing. Otherwise, I look like an old man with a pot belly so big that it looks like I am nine months pregnant.

So what I do is wear bigger clothing, looser clothing. I just look like a regular guy. You cannot tell that I wear size 2xxL, instead of a M.

This trick is the same with women. Now some more robust women can wear tighter clothing and “pull it off”, but it’s difficult.


Accept who you are. Then adapt your lifestyle to fit. video

The rule is a simple one.

Tight clothes go on thin bodies. Loose clothes go on thick bodies.

The thicker, or fatter you are, the looser the clothing should be.

The girl below has a “barrel” shaped body, but look how absolutely gorgeous she looks in the nice wide flowing dress. She displays her best features; hair, eyes, cleavage, shoulders, and minimizes the things she doesn’t like.

The heavier you are the looser the clothes should be.

So maybe you wore tight fitting clothes when you were in your teens, today, being twice that size means that you must adapt with the changes and adapt to the newer, more mature you.

Don’t live in the past.

Accept who you are right now.

This is how good a plus sized woman looks when she is wearing roomy clothes that fit her. WOW! Video.

[8] Good enough is good enough

Don’t wait for the perfect relationship to come. Go forth and make friends. One day, one of those friends will end up being the guy that you would like to settle down with. For some people this is quick, but for others it takes a lot of time. Don’t rush it.

Friends first.

Then something better later on, if you want.

Don’t look for perfection. Just look for friends. Given enough friends, you will be able to find the very special person, but the important key is getting out there and meeting him.

Remember; perfection is an ideal. It is not actually possible to obtain.

Do not seek perfection in yourself or in others. It will only cause you heartache and despair. Accept things, people and situations as they are. Not as you want them to be.’

It’s called being pragmatic.

[9] Turn off your preconceived notions.

Men are men.

Women are women.

Cats are cats.

If you think that you are going to change a cat to fit your lifestyle, then you are wholly mistaken. The same is true with just about every other animal, and that includes men and women.

If you are looking for a mate then get to know them first. Over time they will change to fit your needs, and you will change to fit their needs. You do not need to force this as it will happen naturally. But what you do need to realize that in a loving relationship, there is always room to grow… to expand… and to accept.

Be realistic about what men are, how they think, and what their desires are. It is neither a 14 year old teenager’s fantasy, or a feminist nightmare. It is something else entirely.

[10] What a man REALLY wants in a relationship.

I have a post on this. And it boils down to the simple rule of “best fit”.

There are about ten major things that a man looks for in a woman. If you can meet most of those items, you can definitively snag yourself a good decent man that would make a fine husband.

But if just meet the top three, you have a very good chance at a mutually sustaining long-term relationship.

Remember this simple fact; Men play the percentages.

Go here, for the detailed article…What Men Want


[11] Be the best YOU that you can be.

Be clean. have nice habits. Dress in clothes that fits you. Avoid bad people, toxic people, and horrible bosses.

Be kind. Show compassion. Take the time to make others happy. Participate in your community and always do good things.

Be the Rufus. Video.

Not convinced? Here’s six minutes of being a Rufus, and showing compassion. video. 256MB.

Still not convinced? Here’s another three minutes of being a Rufus and showing compassion. video. 78MB

[12] Desperate times call for desperate measures

Forget about the free dating sites. (Or almost free computer dating sites.)

Go to a professional and pay the money.

Get a real assessment of your chances in obtaining dates and meeting desirable men. You will be surprised with the results. If they are good, they will help you and perform an entire “package image makeover”. They are worth their weight in gold.

[13] Smile

A smile is everything. video

The world might be falling apart, you might be ugly and have the body of a whale, but your smile will be what people will remember.

Never forget that.

Make a difference by smiling big and huge and radiating for the entire world to see.

[14] Nothing lasts

You might believe that you have found Mr. Right, and for a set period of time everything is just great. But over time, people learn, change, adapt and all sorts of things happen. For many of us, it means that often we all change. And when we change, we tend to move in different directions and our relationship might become strained.

There is nothing good or bad about this. It is just the way life is. You need to accept it, and realize that you have a window or an opportunity to get the best that you can in life. Accept what you have right NOW, and realize that things… all kinds of things can upset that perfect balance that you are living. So enjoy it. Savor it, and by all means NEVER compare yourself to another person.


I think that this gal is going to take some of my advice. In any event she has moved on, and MM is just a stepping stone on her life road. I hope that I performed some beneficial role in it. She said thank you and moved on. And that was that.

Don’t get caught up in the “woe is me” syndrome.

What ever you do, keep in mind that you are perfect as you are. Improve upon your perfection, and seek out others who share your interests. Get out, and go forth into the world with confidence and gusto.

Do not try to live up to the expectations of others, just know that somewhere out there is someone who understands you. Seek them out.

And know that you might have to travel a bit to find this person. Do not be afraid. Take the fist step in a journey that will continue for the rest of your life. I believe in you.

Do not try to live up to the expectations of others, just know that somewhere out there is someone who understands you. Seek them out.

Do you want some more?

I have more posts in my Relationship Index here…











What would happen to a war with China (and Russia) and America lost?

Again, yet again, MM here addresses the things that no one ever talks about. And in this case we are taking up the real whale; the massive, titanic-sized “elephant in the room”. While just virtually all of the American media press is gung-ho for a war against China (and assumes that China will be alone), no one is talking about the consequences of such a war.

Nothing surprises me, the more successful China becomes the greater the lies. 


As the clueless media and their readership assumes that the United States will win any war that it starts in Asia. (Or actually, that it will be a long decades long war, and life would go on without any impact on their own lives.) No one talks about the rightful consequences of a war effort gone terribly wrong…

But we will.

The United States will lose.

And it will lose BIGLY.

And, it’s not just me saying this. It’s RAND, Heritage Foundation, the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies and every single one of the military war games (for the last 18 years), the military think tanks, and the “big buck” experts in Washington DC. As well as all of the generals in charge of the American military.

America would lose.

I have discussed over and over, and over again, why the United States would lose. Don’t want to hear this, do you? Well, tough cookies. Here, we talk about things as they actually are, not as we want them to be. If you are a new comer to MM, you might want to take a refresher course in actual current affairs here…

New Beginnings 2


What do I mean about “could lose” a war?

According to US analysts, by 2025 the USA won’t be able to win a war against China. 

Frankly, I think that this ship has already sailed a long, long, LONG time ago.  

However, that semi-admission is a desperate attempt to create the political climate to circle the wagons before China officially becomes the second nation the USA cannot defeat.

The first one being, obviously, Russia (I would even include Iran and the DPRK is that list). 

Hence all the current Anglo posturing in the Black Sea (which is even far more dangerous for US/NATO ships than the China Seas) is just that: posturing. 

The main risk here is that I am not at all convinced by the notion that “Biden” can rein in the Brits or the Poles, especially since the latter are both NATO members who would sincerely expect NATO to protect them (they should ask Erdogan about that). 

But, of course, there really is no such thing as “NATO”: all there is the US and its vassal states in Europe. 

Should the two wannabe empires trigger a real, shooting war, all it would take is a single Russian conventional missile strike somewhere deep inside the continental USA (even in a desert location) to convince the White House, the Pentagon or the CIA “get with the program” and seek a negotiated solution, leaving the Brits and the Poles utterly disgusted and looking foolish. 

I don’t think anything else can bring those two countries back to a sense of reality. 


From The Saker;

Why concentrate on hybrid/unlimited war instead of an outright nuclear or conventional military conflict between the US and China and/or Russia?

That is because both conventional and nuclear military conflict between any of these three nations is an insane, suicidal choice, while those in charge of defining military strategy are specifically not selected for their suicidal tendencies.

Neither Russia nor China are known for their wars of aggression, and while the US is extremely well known for its homicidal, violent tendencies (having carried out 32 bombing campaigns on 24 countries since World War II), it is fundamentally a bully, only picking on weak countries that pose no threat.

And… it (because of the non-stop demonetization of China) thinks that China is weak enough to pick on.

Based on publicly available information, both Russia and China are now quite far ahead of the US in weapons development, to a point where any possible direct US attack on either of them would be [1] self-disarming at best and [2] suicidal at worst.

Its like when the schoolyard bully realizes he can't bully you anymore, so now he just throws slurs and insults instead of punches. After a while he loses all credibility and starts being ignored. A couple of decades later you go to a school reunion and he is the loser that no one wants to talk to. That reunion was sweet ....

Posted by: Roger | Nov 19 2021 17:20 utc | 16

[1] In the best case scenario, the US launches an attack which is successfully repelled: bombers and rockets shot down, ships sunk, US military bases and port facilities destroyed, possibly US command and control centers also destroyed, as quite pointedly promised by Putin.

The US then lays prostrate and at the mercy of its opponents.

If its cooperation still leaves something to be desired, some combination of deplorables, despicables, imponderables and indecipherables will be organized just enough to make a bloody mess of what’s left of US government structures and power elites, which will then be replaced with an international peacekeeping force (as an optimistic case) or just left to persist in durable disorder, misery and international isolation.

[2] The worst case scenario is the tired old mutual assured destruction, nuclear winter and end of life on Earth, but it is unlikely for a number of reasons.

First, of the US nuclear deterrent triad only the submarine component remains viable, and even it is quite tired.

Aside from a single Minuteman missile launch test most hasn’t been tested in decades, and these are ballistic missiles which, once the boost phase is over, follow a perfectly predictable inertial trajectory.

This makes them easy targets for Russia’s and China’s new air defense systems.

Of the Minutemen that manage to get out of their silos and launch in the general direction of Russia or China, it is unknown how many of their nuclear payloads would actually detonate since these are all quite old and haven’t been tested in a long time either.

The US no longer has the ability to make new nuclear charges, having lost the recipe for making the high explosive needed to make them detonate. But that may be a moot point, since at this point no ICBM is likely to be able to penetrate Russian air defenses. Both Russia and China have state of the art formidable anti-ICBM systems. video

As far as Chinese air defenses, it is notable that Russia and China have integrated their early warning systems and China now has four divisions of Russian S-400 Triumph air defense systems and is planning to add more. video

Turning to the airborne part of the US nuclear triad, its mainstay is still the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, the youngest of which is almost 60 years old. It cruises at 260 knots at an altitude of 34000 feet and is the opposite of stealthy, making it easy to shoot down at a stand-off distance of several hundred kilometers. Since this makes it perfectly useless for dropping bombs, all that remains is cruise missiles, which fly at a positively poky 0.65 Mach, again making them easy targets for modern air defenses.

There are also some newer stealth bombers—very few and, it has turned out, not too stealthy, putting them essentially in the same category as the Stratofortress, and the cruise missiles they can launch are also those same old subsonic ones.

Lastly, there are the strategic nuclear submarines, which are the only part of the US nuclear triad that is still viable. They remain effective as a deterrent, and they do have the ability to get up close to launch a sneak attack with a good chance that at least a few of the missiles will get through the air defenses, but they can’t possibly hope to get around the inevitability of retaliation which will cause unacceptable, fatal damage to the continental US. This makes them useless as an offensive weapon.

The uncloaking, and damage to the USS Connecticut, is worth a good study in this regard. HERE.

Add to this Russia’s updated nuclear doctrine, according to which any attack against Russian sovereign territory or Russian sovereign interests, whether conventional or nuclear, would open the door to a nuclear retaliation, launched upon warning, and Putin’s solemn promise to counterattack not just against the locations from which a strike is launched but against the centers of decision-making.

Considering that Russian missiles are hypersonic and will reach their targets before those of the US reach theirs, and that Russia has the means to shoot down US missiles while the US is unable to shoot down Russian ones, if the US were to launch an attack, those who launched it would be dead before they could find out whether their attack succeeded in causing any damage at all or whether they had just suicided themselves for nothing.

The “Punch Line”

All of this adds up to an inevitable conclusion: under no circumstances will the US attack either Russia or China, using either conventional or nuclear weapons. To do so would result in nuclear annihilation. And for a weakened nation such as the United States is today, it’s wouldn’t take too much to throw it into absolute chaos.

Only an idiot would consider such an action.

However, there are experts who are of the opinion that a world war could spontaneously erupt at any moment without anyone wishing it to do so, just as the world slid into World War I due to a confluence of unhappy accidents. But there is a big difference: the military and civilian leaderships of the warring sides in World War I did not have hypersonic missiles pointed directly at their heads.

They thought that the war would be fought far away from their palaces, headquarters and stately mansions. They were, in some cases, quite wrong, but that was their thought originally: why not test our industrial prowess while sacrificing the lives of several million useless peasants?

Now the situation is quite different: any substantial provocation is an automatic self-destruct trigger and all sides know this.

Especially against Asia.

Pilger is bouncing a few examples of Western anti-China drivel off a Chinese historian. The historian gets a bit impatient and says (words to the effect):

"Look, China doesn't want to take over the world or tell other countries how to behave. In fact we built the Great Wall to keep the barbarians OUT!"

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Nov 19 2021 18:24 utc | 23

Of course, there will be minor provocations such as the US Navy steaming around in the Taiwan Strait or the Black Sea close to the shores of Crimea, but then they do have to earn their keep somehow.

In turn, the Russians and the Chinese will periodically up the ante a little bit by shooing them away with a harshly worded radio message or a few shots fired across their bows. But both sides know just how careful they have to be because any serious error will require immediate deescalation and may entail major loss of face.

And that, as the saying goes, would be worse than a crime: it would be a vast mistake.

The USA Leadership are idiots

And at that, we can see that no matter how much we can parse the issues; no matter how many times we can study the calculus; no matter how many times we can say “nah, no one would be that stupid to risk a war”, we see the United States doing just that.

All part of the required reverberations for the "drum beat of war".

Making the public recognize and demonize an enemy is a requirement! Step by step, little by little.

Don't think there is a war on the way? Just look around at the chaos, misinformation and pursuit of control.

Don't think others hear the drum beat? Read here: https://thesaker.is/russian-options-in-a-world-headed-for-war/
Posted by: James Cook | Nov 19 2021 17:04 utc | 5

The provocations against China are getting more and more outrageous, outlandish and dangerous. This is intentional, and it is not going to end up well.

The calculus so far assumes reasonable people would be in charge of the Leadership of the West. But that variable is “thrown out the window”, the United States and their proxy nations are all run by imbeciles and they are dancing on top of nuclear armageddon.

The Chinese military is dangerous

Here’s a training exercise. Hey! Do you see any cheap AK-47 / SKS clones here? Do you see uneducated peasants? Do you see any starving people that was all that delicious freedom and democracy out of America? VIDEO

And they start training in first grade. Military discipline is part of their lives.

Listen to me. They will not be nice. VIDEO.


Here’s some third grade students showing first grade students how to assemble and handle rifles, and weapons. VIDEO. It’s a long video at 83MB, but WELL worth the watch. I recorded it while watching my little girls, so sorry about the chit-chat in the background.

Please pay attention to what is going on. Third grade students doing this. 9 years old. We see them teaching the first and second graders in basic squad movement and behaviors. VIDEO.


We will discuss the consequences of the loss of the United States to Asia

In this article we will assume the following…

  • The United States is successful in triggering a war with China. After all, it has been non-stop provocations for years now. It’s not like China has an aircraft carrier off Boston harbor. Sooner or later there WILL be a response. And it won’t be a subtle hint like the USS Connecticut affair, either.

And, what is omitted from American media (and Conservative) articles and discussions on this subject…

  • Russia and China work together to fight the USA as they said they would.
  • Nuclear weapons would be used as they said they would.
  • The “war” would be short and devastating. Per war game results.
  • The “war” would be on Asian terms, not defined by America. Per war game results.
  • First use of nuclear weapons occurs. Per Russian military doctrine.

We will also ignore the ruin and destruction in the rest of the world. This article is not about Israel, Europe, the Ukraine, China, or Japan. This article is about what would happen to the United States once it lost a war.

It would be a first.

And, it would be painful.

Some history…

To understand this article you have to understand history.

America has never lost in a war. The closest to losing a war is what the Confederate States experienced when the South lost the American Civil War. And using that as a template, as well as the pain and anguish that both Russia and China has experienced over the last ten centuries or so, we can compile up a pretty comprehensive picture of what to expect.

So don’t yell at me.

You all should have read a history book or two while you were in school. None of this should be new. The only difference here is that I am providing a reminder that YOU are right now, living in a historical moment. And that moment can have enormous consequences.

We are teetering on the very sharp edge of a very thin line, with a deep abyss on both side.

And using this history, we can compile a listing of potential things to expect to occur once America loses World War III.

Brace yourself…

New borders

Every losing nation ends up having it’s geographical boarders redrawn. For a large nation such as the United States, we would see the entire nation carved up into separate “Protectorates.”

  • Hawaii would be it’s own Protectorate.
  • Alaska might be returned to Russia.
  • Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands will become a Protectorate.
  • Texas would be carved up. Part would go to Mexico. The other half would be a Protectorate.
  • California would be carved up. Part would go to Mexico. The remaining sections carved up into protectorates.
  • The remaining states on the continental United States would be reshaped into ten to 25 individual protectorates.

No existing State would be permitted to retain it’s borders.

Think about what happened to Poland after World War I, and then again after World War II. Think about what happened to Africa when the British colonial power left it. Thank about what happened when the “White Settlers” colonized North America.

The State of Louisiana cut up into regions by cultural and social lines. This could very well be the fate of the entirety of America.

Protectorate laws

As a “Protectorate” the region would function under the rules and laws of the conquering nation. This would vary from protectorate to protectorate. But some things will be constant.

  • A protectorate can ONLY trade with it’s physical neighbor.
  • A protectorate cannot have a standing army, navy, air force, space forces.
  • A protectorate must pay tribute to the conquering nation. This historically consists of a lump sum, plus a very high annual tax born by the inhabitants.
  • A protectorate would do anything the conquering nation demands.

New Government

The federal United States government would be crushed, destroyed, and any mention of any former leaders retaining power would be harshly suppressed.

A small taste of what is to come.

For a new world out of the old, all old and former government influences are to be extinguished. Buildings would be destroyed, historical monuments raised, and all history rewritten. This is not just on the Federal level, but on the state and local levels as well. Everything would be raised and then altered beyond recognition, and a new command and control government structure rebuilt upon the ashes of the former.

Each protectorate will be told (by the conquering nation) what government it shall have. Some will become theocracies. Such as the “Bible Belt States”. Others will become quaizi-republics. Still others will be dictatorships, and others will simply be socialist based government structures.

All will use the police forces to enforce their new laws, rules and regulations.

The new rulers will use what ever systems are in place to enforce complete obedience.

New laws

There will be new laws. All of the old laws will be discarded. This will be everything from divorce law to business law, to patent law and criminal law. The laws specified by the protectorate will be determined by the conquering nation. You can expect a very harsh social credit scoring system, and the harshest penalties for non-compliance.

Sentenced to being stoned to death for admitting to being raped.

They can be arbitrary, vindictive, and capricious.

  • Loss of a leg for drinking alcohol.
  • Beheading for jay-walking.
  • Death for showing disrespect.
  • Penis removal for wearing shoes on Sunday.

Non-compliance is often death.

The process of stoning a person to death.

Ownership will change drastically

You may suddenly discover that the home you live in has been seized for “public housing”, a “museum”, or a barracks. That your factory where you work is now under new management and everything is being disassembled and shipped elsewhere, or that the apartment complex that you rent out of is now being turned into hospital.

What’s more, you might be granted 24 hours to gather your belongings and leave… if you are lucky.

Ownership takes on a new meaning when the world is turned upside down, and you are on the losing side. And now you will have to obey your new masters. Imagine that these people were now YOUR local government authority…

Progressive liberal democrat thugs
It is people like these that will be pressed into an anti-white frenzy and will hurt, attack, and torture you before they rape and kill you. These people will become pawns of the new conquering nation.

Quality of life will plunge

Sure, you might have three cars, two motorcycles and live in a McMansion. But all that means nothing when you have a social credit score so low that you are not authorized to drive, purchase gasoline, or use electricity.

What are you going to do? Hide in your house for months?

Many people will find themselves plunged from “Middle Class” into the world of the sub-slave. Today, the United States is a stratified, balkanized society with nine social classes. After conquest, many will find themselves at the lower “bottom feeder” social classes.

9 Social Classes


And let’s not even talk about the lifestyle changes for those who expect running water, electricity, access to a cell phone and radio. All these things can, and probably will, be subject to the whims of the new protectorate government.

The USD will collapse and be replaced

One of the first casualties of any war will be the total and complete collapse of the “house of cards” known as the United States Dollar. It’s kept alive on vapor, dreams, hope and frantic, fanatical spending. During a war, and afterwards, these pieces of paper will have zero value.

And unless you have something tangible, and not other vapor-currency like bit-coin, you will suddenly become penniless. Then what are you going to use for trade and commerce when your stomach is growling, and you need heat, water, electricity and a meal in your gut?

The USD is going to become absolutely worthless.

What are you going to barter with?

An x-box when there is no electricity? A car when there’s no access to gasoline? Your collection of Pokemon cards?

More than likely it will be a service that you, or your family can provide to others. Do they have the necessary training? Or will they need to receive on-the-job training to meet the needs of others during a SHTF scenario?

Think sex, manual labor, or other undesirable activities.

Rights become zero

Forget about the “Bill of Rights”.

You will be a slave. Slaves have no Rights. It’s a historical norm.

Photographed before being killed.
Cambodian soldier who turned in weapons as directed by his commander when the Marxists took power. Once disarmed, he was tied up and bound. Still in his army uniform. Photographed before being killed. This is the price you pay for not qualifying to live in a Marxist paradise. He was demonized for his “privilege”, attacked for his social irresponsibility, and tortured, well… because it was fun. He was then photographed and killed.

Sure it is pretty much meaningless today, but in this scenario, it not only doesn’t exist, but it would be ignored BY LAW. If you think that you have the right to think, speak, dream or practice your religion… then think again.

It will be OVER. And non-compliance would mean death. It’s a historical norm.

Conquered people do not have Rights. They are slaves, servants, or chattel.

Deal with this historical fact.

Rape and pillage in the Ukraine
In the Ukraine, the woman were forced to strip in the fields while the drunken soldiers, political squads, and other progressives raped them. Then, when they were finished, they simply lined them up and killed them all.

Places will be renamed

The water-filled crater formerly known as New York City will be renamed “Commode”. Washington DC will become “Fresh Vomit”, and San Francisco will become “Fagland”.

This means different things to different people. But with the renaming of places will come with an entire different understanding of geography. Maps will all be different, and along with it will be the associated perceptions.

Places will be renamed by the victors.

Restrictions become many

There will be all sorts of restrictions on everything. The inhabitants of the conquered territories will need to ask permission to do anything and everything. Failure to get the correct permissions, permits, or pay the necessary fees will result in the harshest measures possible.

Lead to their grave.
Once disarmed, the people will be collected in the cities. They will be segregated into groups. Then they will all be killed, if not used for slaves. This is a historical norm. This is what always happens.

Driving a car. Traveling. Ownership of a bicycle, access to a bridge. Crossing a border will all be illegal.

And that’s just for movement.

Think about food, clothing and shelter. All will be restricted access. You will be told where to live, what to eat, how to behave, how to dress, what to do, and whether or not you are paid for your labors.

History will be rewritten

Typically all history books and records are burned, destroyed and eliminated. The teachers killed, and a new history constructed to fit the needs of the new ruler class.

Think about the reeducation camps for the teachers and intellectuals in South Vietnam when the North Vietnam took over Saigon (now, Ho Chi Men city.) Think about what happened in Cambodia with the “killing fields”. Think about what happened to the Polish in the Katyn Forest massacre.

The Katyn massacre, also known as the zbrodnia katyńska ('Katyń crime'), was a mass execution of Polish POW officers and citizens ordered by the Soviet authorities in 1940. The most widely accepted estimate of the number of dead is about 22,000. The victims were murdered in the Katyn forest, Kalinin ( Tver) and Kharkiv prisons, and elsewhere. 


Prison camps / rape camps / mass torture complexes

There will be segregation of people into locations. Then new jobs, activities, and tasks will be assigned to them depending on their utility.

Captured female slaves
Here is a truck parading captured, and “handed over” females to be either given to the soldiers, or sold off in the public square as slaves. This is from Syria, and the girls were most likely handed over to the “police” to spare their lives. The “police” then processed them and set them off to the market for their future roles within the community; sex slaves.

Men typically are used either for fertilizer (killed outright in mass graves) or as slaves.It is very rare for a male to survive within a conquered land. They are viewed as a viable threat vector and eliminated in mass. Though, exceptions can occur based on their skills or knowledge.

Women are almost always earmarked as sex toys. Historically the women that manage to survive in this role age from 12/14 to up to 30. Older than that, then they are killed.

All of the women will be dehumanized, raped and sent off to “collection centers”. There they will be provided dehumanizing clothing and attire, and raped until they are of no further use.

Captured women in Germany.
German Nationalist Socialists (Nazi’s) collected Jewish women. Stripped them, and provided them a roughly hewn sackcloth to wear, and a scarf to cover their head with. An uncovered woman is considered to be a threat. And used them as they felt necessary.

Everyone, and every moment will be documented to excess. It doesn’t matter if it was the Nazi’s with the Jews, the Soviets with other Soviets, the Khmer Rouge with their fellow citizens, or Americans against Americans. Each person will be interviewed, indexed, photographed, sheared, and categorized prior to execution.

Know your history.

Children are typically killed. Older people are also typically killed. Pets tend to be eaten.

Protected children.
Children rounded up in Syria by the occupation forces. The parents gave them up because the new government promised to protect them and keep them out of harm’s way while the war raged. As a result they were sold and abused. many died.

Schools will change

Historically schools are eliminated, and then when they do reappear, access is severely curtailed and limited. The subjects and information taught in the schools also change as well.

As the schools change, so will the people.

Know your history.

It’s not all boring you know.


Important cities will be erased

If a city manages to survive the war, and the attacks, it will not be spared when the occupation forces arrive.

The Japanese “rape of Nanjing” in China is one such example.

Nanjing was “occupied” by the Japanese when Japan conquered the region. Then then decided to torture and kill every single person in that entire city.

The entire city was rounded up, tortured and killed by the Japanese occupation forces. Many such examples of this occur throughout history.

Have you ever wondered what happened to the American Indians that lived in such places as Kittanning, PA, or Oswego, NY? All erased from history. Their cities plowed under and now exist as State Game Lands, farm land or parking lots.

The Japanese attack China with the “rape of Nanjing”

Cultural landmarks will be destroyed

Expect such landmarks as Mount Rushmore to be dynamited, The statue of liberty to be torn down and used as scrap metal, the San Francisco bridge to be destroyed, and the iconic White House to be leveled into dust.

Landmarks will be destroyed.

A new “privileged class” will arise

Those “bottom feeders” in society, who have obtained power and control over groups of people, such as urban ghetto enclaves will often be granted special powers and abilities. They will use these powers to control people, places and things in the new protectorates.

Urban groups will seize control of the cities.

Urban groups will seize control of the cities.

Drug gangs will seize entire geographical areas.

Drug gangs will seize entire geographical areas.

Restrictions on movement, attire, and activity

Seemingly random restrictions will appear and will be mandatory. Such as not being allowed to wear camouflaged clothing, shoes, use a cell phone or use a cigarette lighter. Certain areas may forbid the use of automobiles, and the access of grains, apples, seeds, or corn could mean a death sentence.

American police today. It would not be difficult to turn them into an occupation force.


Pretty terrible, huh?

Well then, WHY THE FUCK IS THE UNITED STATES TRYING TO PROVOKE A WAR with both China and Russia simultaneously? Are they out of their minds? Because sooner or later, when you poke a lion it will snap back.


…or, later.

So here is what you all have to look forward to unless things change. You cannot continue to act like a bully when you walk into a gang of Hell’s Angels (hard core bikers). They will not be nice.

The United States had best stop acting like a bully, or else some very mean people are going to take care of the issue.


Once a war starts, it will only be a matter of time before the United States collapses and is occupied by the rest of the world. During that time, the nation will be broken up, tortured, abused, redefined, purged, and the lives of Americans will be worth nothing.

That’s what you get when your government is corrupt and your leaders are dysfunctional.

The ONLY way to prevent this nightmare scenario is for America to stop trying to provoke a war with Asia, and start trying to reform itself. Though to expect that to actually happen is very, very unlikely.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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MM factory trip into the heartland of China November 2021 (Real deal reporting)

According to all the “experts”, China is a polluted wasteland of child workers, trash, poor unsanitary facilities, and gloom. Well it is not. I had to take a business trip into a heavily industrial zone in the Guangzhou industrial corridor, and here’s my story and pictures. So this is just going to be another quick article on MM life, banging around some factories on a day trip. I think you all might find it interesting.

About the “Nay Sayers”

About two weeks ago, we had a jerk-off place a comment here confirming / stating the nonsense that China is ugly, filthy and corrupt. He provided his “expert” status by prefacing his comment that he taught in medical universities for ten years, twenty years ago.

Ah, that standard boiler plate; “being an “expert” because he was teaching in China for ten years”.

He’s not the first, and won’t be the last. You can make good money having a small “cottage industry” churning out hate-China articles. They pay $1000 per article as of this year. Just follow the template. But you know, I saw through all that.It’s “easy pleasy, lemon squeezy”. So simple a child could do it.

Three reasons…

  • Six month changes. Anyone who has lived in China KNOWS that it changes every six months. I mean it. It changes so friggin’ fast here it is amazing. If you are gone for ten years, then you are clueless about  what it is now today. Heck, ten years ago people still used paper money. There weren’t any drone police, robot scanning didn’t exist, no one knew what a QR access was, and no one conducted thermal scans!!!!!
If we compare China’s 31 provinces with the 214 sovereign states that compose the “international community”, every Chinese region has experienced the fastest economic growth rates in the world. -UNZ
  • Talking Points. Don’t give me all the hate-China talking points. The comment read like something from the “National Review”. Mix it up some. Don’t regurgitate talking points. After all I am HERE, inside of China reading you trying to convince me of things that I can verify by sticking my head out the window.
  • Lonely guy. Anyone who has lived in China for ten years and didn’t find a partner and get married is a truly miserable person indeed. It’s not impossible, just highly unlikely. Which says something about your personality, personal body care,  hygiene, and social skills. If you cannot build a relationship in China, after one year, you have a problem. At ten years; you just have to be one Hell of a seriously disgusting person. Especially when you are SURROUNDED by attractive marriage age university women.

The trip overview

I had to visit the factory as it is a “new” factory that replaces our normal factory for a New Zealand customer. This factory needed to be instructed on what quality points and checks needed to take place to make the part.A day trip was in order. Drive up, visit the factory and have lunch, drive back. The distance was roughly comparable to driving from Boston to Albany, New York. Not close, but not too far either. The factory was near Shaoguan. You can see it at the top of the map below…

Factory location.

The ride up to the factory

"You must live on the coast, the inland is terribly polluted."

The trip itself was pretty uneventual. We traveled for about four hours. We rode up major highways, crossed massive bridges and went through long tunnels to reach our destination. In all cases, please check out these embedded videos or their associated links to get the “full” experience. It’s almost as good as sitting in the car with MM getting there. video 46MB

Arrival into the tiny village

All of rural China looks like this. It’s an entire nation of skyscrapers. This, believe it or not, is just a tiny, tiny village. video. 69 MB.

Arrival at the factory

And this is what it is like. The factory sits on the edge of the tiny village, and so we just pulled in and went up to the front gate. Video. 32MB

What the factory does

The factory is a casting and machining operation. They cast the part out of stainless steel, then they machine it, and finally check for quality and box and ship. Casting operations are typically dirty everywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are; the United States, China, Afghanistan… a casting factory is hot, dusty, dirty and greasy. Here’s an American casting factory in Cincinnati, Ohio…

American casting factory in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Machining operations are better, but not by much. Usually they include polishing operations and the like that typically result in dust and grime everywhere. These are hard core, basic operations, that made cities like Pittsburgh and Detroit famous. But we are not in America. We are in China. And, you know, things are different here.

Out of the car and into the factory

So we parked outside the gate, and met the factory boss at the gate who did the mandatory Coronavirus QR scans, the GPS positioning history, the temperature checks, and supplied us with fresh face masks and we went inside. video

Frenzied pace at the factory

" China employs slave labor, child labor, and indentured poverty stricken people who are yearning for freedom and democracy to unchain them from their shackles..."

Here’s a video that I took from outside the QC building. Sorry it’s kind of boring, but it illustrates the pace of life here. It shows that people are not upset, worried or working a frenzied pace. They are not afraid of losing their jobs on a layoff on Friday, or having to scramble to make ends meet. The factory, by law, must provide them with three free meals a day, free housing, free wifi and television access, and free transportation to and from town. Do they look like they are all yearning for American “freedom and democracy”? video. 14MB

This and that

While my engineer took care of the details, I hung out in the office, drinking tea and smoking cigarettes. We had a nice lunch, and then continued on our work. We ended up inspecting all of the parts, and then then left satisfied for lunch.

Dimensional fit checks.

Of course, I would check in with him from time to time.

All parts must meet the specifications on the drawing, but not all the customer requirements are listed in the specifications.


"...starvation and famine are rampant inside of China. It's just that the evil CCP regime won't allow people to see the truth."

We broke for lunch. As always, the factory hosted us and we ate in a private room (which is normal in China). I had a few beers. They wanted to give me a bottle of red wine or 52° white wine for myself, but I declined. Ugh! Then about half way though the meal, I remembered to take some pictures. Because, after all, I did want to record this visit for MM. So I took pictures of the food mid-meal. We ate well…

Local steamed fish in a nice peanut / ginger sauce. It’s eyes are covered by the garnish.
Pigeon. Tasty little buggers, but hardly any meat.
Shrimp and snow peas with sweet cashews and sesame. A real favorite of mine. The white leafy things are lotus, not onion.


"Child and slave labor is rampant all over China."

We spent the rest of the day inspecting the product. As you can see the factory workers were inspecting and packaging the product for shipment.

Rework and inspection.
Rejected parts.

Final packaging

"China only makes cheap Wal-mart junk. We don't need their bullshit."

The approved parts were recorded, marked and packaged by the ladies int he factory. Everything was 100% inspected to print from the customer. Here’s what that looked like…

Finishing up.
Packing the parts.


After all this, we hopped into the car and drove home. I arrived home, and immediately found my home to be in the kind of chaotic shambles that only a two-year old can accomplish. So I helped feed her, clean up, bathe her and put her to bed, then I churned out a post on Affirmation Campaigns. And this was my day. When I woke up, I opened up my normal news feeds to discover that Yahoo! would not longer be accessible inside of China, but used my indexes to see what articles they were pushing. And low and behold it was non-stop hate-China fest. I guess they wanted a piece of that 300 million dollars from the United States federal budget to push that narrative. Whores for money. Sheech! But you know, there are better things in this world. Like this Rufus doggie that saves his master… video 4MB

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my China index here… China .

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What REALLY happened with the collision of the USS Connecticut in the South China Sea

Important note: Image above is NOT of the USS Connecticut. It is of the USS San Francisco that rammed into an undersea mountain in 2005.

Let’s get right to the point.

The official American story is that the USS Connecticut rammed into an unmarked undersea mountain.

Since the Navy revealed this week that the fast-attack submarine Connecticut struck an undersea mountain in early October while operating in the South China Sea, one question springs to mind: how could this happen?

How could a $3 billion Seawolf-class boat, considered one of the Navy’s most formidable and advanced, crash into an undersea landmass?


Which is pretty strange as the locations of all undersea mountains has been well mapped for decades. You can see them on Google Earth for goodness sakes!

Bathymetric map of the South China sea.

It’s a very questionable conclusion.

And you know, what makes it even more questionable is that the United States navy has been flying their radiation detection aircraft all over where the USS Connecticut was running operations. Which is abnormal.

Radiation detection aircraft flight path…

Searching for something.

But then if you couple the United States silence to the Chinese inquiries as to whether or not nuclear payloads, equipment, and fissionable materials entered Chinese waters.

There are absolutely zero answers from the United States government to very serious questions asked by China.

The official Chinese story is something else. Here we will tell the Chinese side of the story.

Believe it or not. It’s up to you.

Here’s another post that you simply will not find anywhere else on the Internet. And, you know, I tire of my own sluggishness in trying to understand the great failure of the American “free media”.

Even I realize that there is no such thing as actual “news” in the West, but really guys it’s not too FUCKING DIFFICULT.

  • Beware of any “news” that you WANT to believe.
  • Look for what IS NOT being reported in the mainstream or conservative media.
  • Take particular note when the official narrative is absurd.
  • Be especially cautious of “seeded“ narratives that you get in emails, or in alternative websites.

That being said, let’s dive in…

The Seawolf class overview


From my email 17NOV21

I had a little message from one of my friends regarding the Connecticut incident. FYI, it seems the following message was approved by Beijing so I will just tack it on here.
It has been translated from Chinese, with some clarifications to the machine translations by MM.

The Chinese military authorizes the disclosure of the truth about the accident of the Seawolf class nuclear submarine on the USS Connecticut.

16 November 2021

How the Chinese People’s Liberation Army hunted and sunk the (state of the art) USS Connecticut Seawolf-class attack nuclear submarine in the South China Sea.

 -October 2-
The British aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth, the American aircraft carrier Nimitz, the American aircraft carrier Roosevelt, and the Japanese aircraft carrier Izumo entered Chinese waters. It dis so with 17 other warships. They hailed from the United States, Britain, Japan, the Netherlands, Canada and Australia. This 4 aircraft carrier armada represented the Western power of six nations.
The South China Sea armada begins to conduct large-scale military exercises against China. This was done off the Chinese coast and within Chinese territorial waters.

Trying to push China into a war.

 -October 2 to 4-
The People’s Liberation Army dispatched a large number of military aircraft to the South China Sea to conduct simulated attack exercises against these uninvited warships.
The armada came from six countries. they were the United States, Britain, Japan, Holland, Canada and Australia. These nations all participated in conducting simulated invasions, attacks, and destruction of China, the Chinese nation, and Chinese sea lanes.

Chinese J-20 aircraft.

 -October 2-
China’s Guanlan Marine Science Guard observed the approximate position and depth of the USS Connnecticut Seawolf class nuclear submarine when it entered the South China Sea.
It followed it as it approached the South China Sea, and conducted operations South of Taiwan. It then observed it creep up the coast and operated near the Chinese shoreline and conduct surreptitious and illegal operations (inside of Chinese territorial waters as defined by the UN) of an unknown nature.
The Guanlan satellite sent the data to the Super Measurement Center in Jinan to estimate the position of the Connecticut.

Guanlan satellite.

 -China’s special detection device captured the ultra-low frequency sonar from the bow of the Connecticut spherical boat and transmitted the data to the Sonar Analysis Center in Shanghai to accurately locate the position and depth of the Connecticut. It was operating at 1500  meters [?] making and conducting obvious operations and drills inside of the Chinese coastline.
 -The Type 927 underwater acoustic detection ship stationed on Yongshou Island and the anti-submarine helicopter stationed on Yongxing Island are dispatched for detection.

Type 927 underwater acoustic detection ship.

 -The Yun-8 military plane took off from the Hainan Air Force Base and carried out a “sonic bomb” on the Connecticut.
This technology (a “sonic bomb”) causes the submarine’s personnel to be extremely uncomfortable due to the sonic shock. It does not injure or kill anyone. It simply makes all their pain receptors ignite on their bodies.
I am told it feels like being burned alive while frenzied hordes of cocaine-addicted rats gnaw at your eyes, gonads and fingers. And insects borrow deep inside your skin, biting, chewing and clawing all over your body. -MM
This terror and discomfort forced the submarine to try to escape from the targeting cone of effect.

Yun-8 military plane.

 -While it was trying to exit the cone of effect, the AI controlled robotic Chinese HSU001 unmanned submarine slipped silently to the nuclear submarine Connecticut. Where it attached itself to the bow of the ship.
This was an intentional placement. This locations was as far away as possible from the nuclear power plant for a close local directed-explosion attack.
It was then ignited,  and ended up causing serious damage to the bow of the boat and a complete loss of sonar sensing ability.
Translation confusion. I do not know if it placed weapons charges, or if the entire robot detonated itself. -MM
The navigation capabilities and the nuclear power plants were not affected, preventing nuclear leaks from polluting the fishing waters off the Chinese coast.

Chinese HSU001 unmanned submarine.

 -The Connecticut nuclear submarine, which lost its underwater submarine capability, was forced to float up and surrender. The Chinese military forced the submarine to float up and surrender.
As the submarine broke the surface, it was met with Chinese PLA Naval vessels who took no overt action.
Due to the close surveillance of the navy and air force of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the military aircraft and ships from the six countries of the United States, Japan, Britain, Australia, Holland, and Canada dared not come to rescue the submarine during the South China Sea exercise.

If the Allied American force were to engage, world war III would become a reality.

The submarine was “escorted” by the Chinese Navy and Air Force while in the South China Sea and the submarine was directed to follow the ships to docking facilities on the Chinese mainland.
Translation misunderstanding. It is unknown if the damaged submarine was actually escorted by the Naval Vessels, or if it then immediately submerged when given the opportunity. -MM
Where it then again submerged. Further contact with the submarine was then lost.
 -October 7th-
The United States announced the Connecticut accident by the United States.
 -October 7-
The Chinese Foreign Ministry frantically questioned the ins and outs of the USS Connecticut incident to the Biden administration, but did not obtain any answers or explanations.
 -October 22-
The Chinese monitoring system detected a US nuclear submarine entering the South China Sea again near Huangyan Island.

Damaged submarine surfaces.

A final update by the source

The PLAN would be messing around with USN at this point. 

1500 meter depth misinfo probably planted deliberately to taunt them because if the Drone sub did find the Connecticut, they definitely knew the actual depth it was running.

From the questions subsequently posed by the Chinese, it does seem they knew there was no nuclear leak.

China is playing around but It's like a cat with a mouse it caught.

The whole thing has Donald Cook vibes. Morale can't be good atm.

Added youtu.be link. You might like. https://youtu.be/VeJLwUfLcEU.

A comment on the destruction

The picture used above is a Los Angles class submarine.  It is the Nuclear Submarine USS San Francisco which struck an undersea mountain in 2005. It is NOT a seawolf class. So do not read too much into the imagery that I used to open this article with. It’s for illustration purposes only.

These pictures are all over the internet and I snagged one for use here.

Unfortunately the damage to the seawolf is not well photographed anywhere that I could find. Obviously the damage is a secure matter and the USN will not disseminate any pictures of it. Which is exactly what you would do to prevent an enemy from ascertaining knowledge on how effective their weapons systems were against you.

You do not do that with undersea mountain collisions. As the hundreds of USN released photos attest to. In previous mountain collisions, the USN was quick in the dissemination of information.

  • All photos depicting “combat damage” are classified as secret.
  • All photos depicting “accidental damage” are classified as “confidential” and released as the USN permits.

By all indications the damage to the seawolf is much more substantive than what everyone is led to believe. It is far more extensive than the collision damage indicated in the article featured image photo above.

Bow of a seawolf…

Bow of a seawolf class submarine.

A Los Angeles submarine bow…

The bow of a Los Angeles submarine bow.

This is the only photo that I have been able to obtain on the actual submarine in drydock and the damage involved. This is from THE DRIVE.

You can clearly see that the entire bow of the submarine is GONE. This fact alone shows that the damage is far more substantive than what is illustrated in the collision photo used as the header above.

Additionally, please note the orange ventilation tube, and the three access points where the tubes pump air into the front bow of the ship..

It appears that the entire front of the submarine forward of the conning tower is seeping water. And thus, needs to be pressurized to keep the water out.

This implies hull breaches at numerous points in the front one third of the submarine. This is NOT damage indicative of a forward collision. It is indicative of an explosion.

Seawolf sub in drydock.

From the photos it appears that the entire bow sonar array is GONE.

This is not a crushed impact. The array does not disintegrate upon collision. Some event completely eviscerated the entire front of the bow. Then punctured the hull in numerous points up to the conning tower.

Air is being pumped into the entire weapon storage and handling area aft of the forward navigation section.


Interesting version of events.
This certainly makes far more sense that “accidentally” hit an “unmarked mountain”. But whether or not it is actually true is unknown and will stay that way forever.
So, I do not know how true it is. We must always be aware of propaganda consisting of what we want to believe. The aspects of this particular narrative that makes sense is that it is in alignment with current Chinese technology and military doctrine.
What I DO KNOW, is that right after the damage to the submarine was ascertained, and the crew debriefed, a close family friend of ours who is “connected” with the USN at a high level chatted with my brother. (A man who had gone “X-ray” from me for the last year or so) And contacted me telling me to leave China immediately that there would be a massive dangerous war and he couldn’t help me. I wrote about this elsewhere.
This event train, along with the [1] quick rearming and [2] secret payload installation on numerous submarines at that time, fits well with this Chinese narrative. And not with the “crashed into a mountain” narrative.

That all being said, it is obvious that the Chinese do not want radioactive waters near the Chinese coast, so they only damaged the sub, not sunk it completely. For after all it is a nuclear sub carrying nuclear torpedoes. But we cannot expect this behavior and “safety rules” to continue with the pushing by the United States towards war. This is an aspect of war that I hadn’t thought about previously, but makes complete sense. This is why New Zealand absolutely refuses any nuclear vessels in and near it’s waters.

Yet nothing else about this incident is available anywhere. Very curious. Very, very curious. I presume there is video footage of the sub surfacing and it’s surrender. The PLA Navy seem to be toying around with the US navy like a cat would with a mouse. Seeing this video footage would greatly substantiate this narrative, but as in all things Chinese PLA, access and dissemination are tightly controlled.

It’s difficult for me to accept the American narrative that the submarine not only collided with an uncharted mountain, but that the Chinese just stood by and did nothing while a four aircraft carrier armada conducted missile drills simulating an attack on China. There are NO uncharted undersea mountains in the South China Sea. Hasn’t anyone watched the 1980’s Tom Clancy movie “Red October”? The entire ocean has been mapped.

It is also difficult for me to believe that the Chinese with all their advances and lead in military technology are thwarted by the American Navy. It just doesn’t stand up to the “sniff test”. At least not to us “technology wonks“. The Chinese have surpassed the United States military in a number of very new and novel technologies and the USA will take decades trying to counter them.

Overall, the Chinese seemed to intentionally want to disable the submarine, force it to surface, and then acquire it in a fully functional state. Whether this is for Geo-political purposes, or to reverse engineer it is unknown. My guess is the later, as they really don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone else thinks. When your reputation is shit, who cares if someone says something bad about you.

True or not, you can rest assured that this release of this information would have been war gamed and factored into the AI computations that will figure predominantly in the events of the future. The Chinese do not play around. They are a very serious nation, run on merit, and lead with capable leaders.
If the provocations continue, we can expect China to sink the submarines completely. The impression that I have is that they are “being gentle” at this moment in time. After all, they could have sunk the 3 billion 6 billion dollar nuclear submarine and killed the entire crew of 140 seamen. It is a top of the line, best of the best, American “prize” of the fleet. But they did not.
This particular Seawolf type of submarine is an offensive weapon that is designed to sneak into enemy waters, and destroy ships, shipping, and facilities. The fact that it was tracked inside Chinese territorial waters clearly indicated it’s intentions. Aside from a violation of the national sovereignty of China, it was a violation of the UN code of behaviors in the South China Sea. Sinking the ship off the Coast of China would prove to the world that the USA is a dangerous aggressor, but that would not matter, as World War III would have been ignited.
All in all, it took a remarkable amount of restraint not to completely sink the submarine and kill all the crew. The Chinese played this incident adroitly. They [1] demonstrated their abilities and capabilities for the world to see, and [2] showed that they have restraint. They [3] indicated that they desire peace and not war.
It is unfortunate that the United States cannot take these subtle hints at face value. The American government leadership tend to over-estimate their abilities, and severely under-estimate the abilities of their foes.
This was a warning. There will NOT be a second one.
Let’s see what happens next.
Given the idiots that run the United States today, I fully expect the United States government to “double down” and send their ships and submarines into harms way knowing full well that they risk the lives of all involved. I cannot see that it would matter inside the Washington DC beltway.
Interesting read never the less.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

Military Index


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Long term strategies for stringing affirmation Intention campaigns together

In this article we will look at different techniques, tricks and things that you can do to improve your affirmation campaigns so that they all fit together into one unified strategy. This article is one of strategy and long-term planning so that you can manifest your desires over time.

For those of you who are unaware of what this subject is all about, I would suggest visiting the Affirmation Prayer Campaign Index here…

Intention Campaigns


What many people do

When most people conduct affirmation campaigns they do so “on the fly”. When they collect and acquire their affirmation statements, they do so with the knowledge of what they desire at that particular moment in their life line. Not realizing that the way to achieve long term substantive changes is through long term strategies.

That’s what I have done. And it has caused me problems “down the road” as I got older.

You need to construct a strategy that includes both your immediate short-term objectives along with a master grand plan for eventual objectives to be realized. Noting that long term strategies are the end result of years of directed thought.

The importance of a grand strategy

I strongly believe that any grand strategy much include the simplest narratives of contentment. Think in terms of you being an old person. What would you want, and then incorporate those primal elements inside of every one of your campaigns. Such as…

  • I have a calm and peaceful life.
  • I always eat well, and the food is delicious and healthy.
  • I am in good health. There are no medical issues or problems.
  • I am happy, contented, and live a full enchanted life.
  • I never worry about money, taxes, bills, or encumbrances.

If you have these affirmations in your campaign, then you can guarantee that you will achieve them in your later years. After all, thirty, forty, or fifty years of directed affirmation campaigns will absolutely manifest these things.

Keep an awareness that you will change over time

Our experiences change us.

Our experiences change us.

The man that I was when I was in university is not the man who I am today. That man who worked in the steel mills is not the man I am today. That man who worked in corporate America is not who I am today. My experiences changed me, and yours will change you.

Affirmation campaigns generate new experiences for you. And as they generate, they will change you. Understand and expect that.

Embrace it.

Mapping the campaigns

I have often resorted to, or utilized topographical terrain maps to illustrate the MWI. They are effective ways to see where you are going and the problems that you will encounter.

I use topographical terrain maps to illustrate the MWI.

But a mind concept differs substantially from actual event experiences. So how can you peer into your future to see what “mountains” and hurtles lie ahead of you?

Well, the answer is easy.

You add phraseology to manifest that knowledge, second sight, and ability. May I suggest the following…

  • I have the ability to sense the MWI “mountains” that lie on my life-path, and take immediate measures to make sure that they are avoided.

Sign posts / tell-tales

You might want to inject “sign posts”, or “tell-tales” into your affirmation campaigns to make sure that you are on the right trajectory, and not getting sidetracked on other issues. These are little “markers” or events that you will know when you see them, to reaffirm that you are on the right path.

These little “markers” differ person to person, but the one thing that they all have in common is that you would recognize them.

  • They could be a sequences of numbers or letters.
  • They could be a string of automobile license plates.
  • They could be a kind of food, or a deja vu moment.
A deja vu moment.

To incorporate these kinds of “sign posts” you need only add them into your campaign. Such as…

  • Periodically, sign-posts or tell-tales are provided to me to reaffirm that I am on the correct vector path to achieve my goals dreams and objectives.

Putting it all together

In order to incorporate a grand strategy in your individual affirmation prayer campaigns, you need only add a few phrases to your campaigns. These phrases will assure that a final goal can be realized, and that sign-posts are provided to you along the way as you move ahead on that path.

Plan your adventure with the affirmation campaigns all lined up into a singular unified goal and objective.

You can conduct prayer affirmation campaigns as you would normally conduct them, it’s just that by adding a few extra affirmations you are now part of a much larger theme and objective. Great going you!

Recording your journey

I always try to record my life in a series of notebooks and journals.

Recording your adventure.

Over time they get displaced or lost, and for the last twenty years they have been all electronics, with their destruction a matter of the collapse of hard drives and computer malfunctions. Never the less, it is always enlightening to read your entries from six months ago, one year ago, two years, ago and so on and so forth.

You can actually see how your life has changed and has adapted.


This was just a short article. Please everyone keep conducting your affirmation prayer campaigns and working to improve your life so that you can be the best that you can ever possibly be. I believe in you.

I hope that all of this will be beneficial to you on a very personal basis.

A final note.

To facilitate your successful implementation of your goals, intentions and prayers, it is always beneficial to be the Rufus in everything that you do. video. 130MB

Do you want more?

I have more posts related to this in my Affirmation Campaign index here…

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News and stuff a collection of tidbits

Well, here’s some stuff for thought. I’m going to be all over the place here. With Scotland, China, the United States, food, girls, and being a Rufus all thrown together to make a disjointed point about being a human and showing humanity. So enjoy my ramblings and take a nice stroll in MM land here today. I hope you all enjoy it.

We start off with America

America’s Judges Are Putting My Life on the Line

Sara Nelson [New York Times, via Naked Capitalism 11-12-2021]

America needs more judges who understand and support the rights of workers. For too long, the courts have sided with corporations over labor, fundamentally and perniciously reshaping American law, life and liberty. Today, they are doing their part to unravel the American dream — and the social contract that has been in place since the 1940s, offering the working class a good life if they spend 40 hours on the job, the means to enjoy it in off hours and a secure retirement.

In one stark example, a judge in Alabama in October barred union mineworkers from picketing within 300 yards of mine entrances, even as the authorities there have failed to charge the drivers of vehicles that struck lawful picketers. In a more common infringement of free speech, a judge in Iowa limited United Auto Workers picket lines outside a John Deere plant in Davenport last month to just four people at each entrance to the plant….

This didn’t happen by accident. Republican presidents have stacked the federal courts with judges who hail from elite law schools, white-shoe law firms and corporate boardrooms. (More than a quarter of all federal judges on the bench in January had been appointed by Donald Trump.) As a result, the corporate win rate in American courts is sky-high.

This is especially true in cases heard by the Supreme Court, which has sided with the Chamber of Commerce 70 percent of the time since 2006. A study published in 2013 ranked Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas among the five most-corporate-friendly members of the court since 1946, and the pro-corporate voting rate of its conservative wing is only growing. According to one recent report, the court agrees with the Chamber of Commerce more now than it had at any other time in recent history….

This isn’t just an academic question, or even an economic one — it’s often a matter of life and death. Before he joined the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, as a judge on the Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, voted to allow the firing of an employee who abandoned an unheated company truck in a blizzard to avoid freezing to death. This is just one example of the judicial callousness toward workers that has put our livelihoods and lives in real danger.

How Other Nations Pay for Child Care. The U.S. Is an Outlier.

[New York Times, October 6, 2021, via The Big Picture 11-7-2021]

Rich countries contribute an average of $14,000 per year for a toddler’s care, compared with $500 in the U.S.


The truth HURTS. Exceptional, my ass!

The carnage of mainstream neoliberal economics

Yves Smith, November 10, 2021 [Naked Capitalism]

Broken chain of supply

We chartered a boat with a logistics expert to look at port congestion up close and saw how American greed is leading to shortages and empty shelves

[Business Insider, via The Big Picture 11-7-2021]

A second tour of the The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. “‘I blame 150 years of supply chain optimization,’ Nathan Strang, Flexport’s director of ocean trade lane management, told Insider of why ships are still steaming towards Los Angeles and Long Beach. ‘It’s a sign of their success, that’s causing the congestion.’”

….the ports can’t just stack up the containers until a driver comes to pick them up: “There’s no space,” Rice said…. “A lot of the congestion is due to the fact that there’s nowhere to put the empty containers.” Flexport’s Strang said. “Having some way to get those empties stored and off the chassis so that we can pick up live containers, that would actually go very far.”

American GREED. Stop blaming China.

How American leaders failed to help workers survive the ‘China Shock’

[NPR, via The Big Picture 11-7-2021]

But most economists, like most American leaders, had believed that workers would adapt somewhat smoothly to economic change and that they would find solid places to work in other sectors. “We had this notion that the American economy is this incredibly dynamic place,” says Hanson, an economist at Harvard Kennedy School. “We create millions of jobs every year, and we destroy millions of jobs every year. 

We thought we could handle moving a couple of million manufacturing workers from one sector to another.”

Autor, Dorn and Hanson’s first peer-reviewed papers from their China Shock saga were published in 2013. The economists found that between 1990 and 2007, trade with China killed about 1.5 million American manufacturing jobs, or about a quarter of all manufacturing jobs lost during that period. 

But what was even more startling: These losses were heavily concentrated in small- and medium-size communities dotting America’s heartland — and workers who lost their jobs in those areas struggled to find other work. The China Shock created what looked like miniature Great Depressions in these places.

Standard economic theory said that the non-college-educated workers who lost their jobs would move or retrain and find work in other places or sectors. But they didn’t. 

Most stayed put and were never fully employed again. “It ended up creating these pockets of distress,” Hanson says. “That was the surprising part. That’s what we economists didn’t know was going to happen.”

As Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton wrote in 1791: 

Experience teaches, that men are often so much governed by what they are accustomed to see and practice, that the simplest and most obvious improvements, in the [most] ordinary occupations, are adopted with hesitation, reluctance and by slow gradations … To produce the desirable changes, as early as may be expedient, may therefore require the incitement and patronage of government…

Too bad Hamilton is not required reading for economics students…

Bill Mitchell — When labour shortages just signal management caprice

[via Mike Norman Economics 11-9-2021]

I have been researching the so-called labor shortage that business types are talking about relentlessly as part of their on-going strategy to undermine the conditions of work and make more profit. 

In the course of that inquiry, I came across an interesting juxtaposition between two US companies that illustrate a lot of what we have known about for years but have allowed this relentless, neoliberal, race-to-the-bottom to obscure. 

Well-paid workers with job security, work better and are happy workers. 

Companies that pursue the ‘race-to-the-bottom’ strategy and seek to build profits by trashing the conditions they offer workers eventually struggle to prosper because their bad reputation undermines their ability to attract productive workers. 

In the case we discuss today, the so-called ‘labor shortage’ is really just a signal of management caprice. 

Rather than being a shortage of workers, there is a shortage of workers who will tolerate the indignity of low wages, onerous conditions and capricious management. 

It is also a union versus non-union type of discussion where the unionised work places generate high productivity and worker attachment, while the non-unionised workplaces find it hard to attract reliable staff and blame it all on ‘labor shortages’….

It’s all over the “West”. The capitalist democracies are all falling apart.

They’re not capitalists – they’re a criminal predatory class

[International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, via Mike Norman Economics 11-10-2021]

No shit! Dick Tracy.

David Dayen, November 12, 2021 [The American Prospect]

A new report identifies 20 major corporate recidivists, with rap sheets that should be in the sights of the Justice Department’s new approach to white-collar crime.

Pam Martens and Russ Martens: November 12, 2021 [Wall Street on Parade]

Pam Martens and Russ Martens: November 10, 2021 [Wall Street on Parade]

Pam Martens and Russ Martens: November 9, 2021 [Wall Street on Parade]

As for leverage at hedge funds, yesterday’s Fed report had this to share:

“Hedge fund leverage remained somewhat higher than its historical average in the first quarter of 2021, according to the most comprehensive available measures. On-balance-sheet leverage at hedge funds, based on confidential data collected by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), decreased in the first quarter to a level close to its historical average. Gross leverage at hedge funds—based on the same source but including off-balance-sheet derivatives exposures—continued to be above its historical average in the first quarter.”

One needs to carefully parse the above paragraph. Why does the Federal Reserve, which has bank examiners in every mega bank that owns a trading house on Wall Street, need to ask the SEC for data about hedge fund leverage? The prime brokerage operations of those mega banks are the ones making those highly leveraged loans to hedge funds. (See our report: Archegos: Wall Street Was Effectively Giving 85 Percent Margin Loans on Concentrated Stock Positions – Thwarting the Fed’s Reg T and Its Own Margin Rules.)

Climate and environmental crises

[Twitter, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 11-12-2021]

Take a look at who actually emits the most carbon. And take a look at how much rich people in the US emit, compared to absolutely anyone else https://t.co/XGjRhj1OKE pic.twitter.com/UbNjGlx9Ld

— Vincent Bevins (@Vinncent) November 8, 2021

Yeah blame China, instead of looking at yourselves.

[Financial Times, via Tweet above]

The fight to protect the planet is shifting in ways that could soon exacerbate conflicts within countries, particularly between social classes. Or, to put it bluntly, between the rich and the rest. The top 1 per cent by income of the world’s population account for about 15 per cent of emissions, according to UN data. That is more than double the share of the bottom 50 per cent.

[Digg, via Naked Capitalism 11-13-2021]

[Slate, via The Big Picture 11-10-2021]

The challenge is not identifying the solutions, but rolling them out with great speed.

[South China Morning Post, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 11-11-2021]

“The Iceland plant, called Orca, is the largest such facility in the world, capturing about 4,000 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. But compared to what the planet needs, the amount is tiny. Experts say 10 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide must be removed annually by mid-century…. Leading scientific agencies including the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change say that even if the world manages to stop producing harmful emissions, that still won’t be enough to avert a climate catastrophe. They say we need to suck massive amounts of carbon dioxide out of the air and put it back underground – yielding what some call “negative emissions”… As dire warnings have accelerated, technology to vacuum carbon dioxide from the air has advanced. Currently, a handful of companies operate such plants on a commercial scale, including Climeworks, which built the Orca plant in Iceland, and Carbon Engineering, which built a different type of direct air capture plant in British Columbia. And now that the technology has been proven, both companies have ambitions for major expansion. At Climeworks’ Orca plant near Reykjavik, fans suck air into big, black collection boxes where the carbon dioxide accumulates on a filter. Then it’s heated with geothermal energy and is combined with water and pumped deep underground into basalt rock formations. Within a few years, Climeworks says, the carbon dioxide turns into stone.”

[Pro Publica, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 11-11-2021]

“ProPublica’s analysis of five years of modeled EPA data identified more than 1,000 toxic hot spots across the country and found that an estimated 250,000 people living in them may be exposed to levels of excess cancer risk that the EPA deems unacceptable. The agency has long collected the information on which our analysis is based. Thousands of facilities nationwide that are considered large sources of toxic air pollution submit a report to the government each year on their chemical emissions. But the agency has never released this data in a way that allows the public to understand the risks of breathing the air where they live. Using the reports submitted between 2014 and 2018, we calculated the estimated excess cancer risk from industrial sources across the entire country and mapped it all.”

Creating new economic potential – science and technology

[Bloomberg, via Naked Capitalism 11-9-2021]

[MIT Technology Review, via Naked Capitalism 11-11-2021]

[Brighter Side, via Naked Capitalism 11-13-2021]

  • Information Age Dystopia

Securing your digital life, part one: The basics

[ars technica, via Naked Capitalism 11-13-2021]

Collapse of Independent News Media

David Sirota [The Daily Poster, November 8, 2021]

This morning, the New York Times published a screed from pollster Mark Penn and former New York City lawmaker Andrew Stein demanding Democrats abandon their promised agenda ahead of the midterm elections. The massive 1,500 word op-ed — designed to define the political news cycle for the coming week — echoes a house editorial from the newspaper making much the same argument, and it mirrors previous Penn diatribes that the Times has platformed in the past.

In the process, this essay offers a rare glimpse of how corporate media imperceptibly puts its thumb on the scale for a particular ideology that is decidedly neither centrist nor objective.

The Times’ original headline on Monday’s piece (which has since been changed) read “A Way Forward for Biden and the Dems in 2022 & 2024.” It argues that President Biden should “listen to centrists (and) push back on the left” and insists Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema “are in fact the very heart of the Democratic Party.”

It’s a hot take that might be mildly interesting, if it came from voices who genuinely had the Democratic Party’s best interests in mind. However, the Times decided to not tell readers that Penn is a private equity mogul with myriad connections to the corporate world that’s looking to kill the Democratic legislative agenda that the op-ed seeks to curtail. The paper doesn’t mention Penn’s ties to No Labels, a dark money group funded by big donors that’s been vilifying Democrats’ reconciliation bill. The paper also declines to mention that Penn advised President Donald Trump during his first impeachment, nor does it mention that Stein is the guy who

The Windows XP wallpaper is now a vineyard

Who would figure?

Ammonia-based fertilizers

Ammonia-based fertilizers are made from nitrogen (it’s most of our air, so never in short supply) and natural gas or methane (CH4), and make up almost 70% of all fertilizers used world-wide to support major agriculture crops such as wheat, corn, rice and even coffee. As natural gas prices have soared by anywhere from 300% to 500% over the past months, this has had a devastating impact on world fertilizer production, where some 80% of the cost of making ammonia fertilizers is due to the natural gas cost.

What’s more, big Ammonia plants in many countries are now closing (for how long?), and  China, who is said to make 30% of the world supply of ammonia, has just banned its export.  (Check to verify).  Early next year this will all become very evident.  First hit will be animal feed so it looks like meat eating will diminish greatly.  I don’t see any way it won’t happen.


Here’s Guangzhou, China.

It’s a very middle class city. Full of factories and just blue-collar Chinese people. Check it out. Video.

“Where’s Waldo” Beach addition for warmer wallpaper weather!

Some stuff on China

From the Daily Stormer

Since Biden has taken over, there have been nonstop threats against China, and US warplanes and warships are racing in and out of their territories. Biden’s Secretary of Defense flew to Japan to demand that they sign a blood pact to defend Taiwan. Most of the US military activity is not much reported on in the American media (I usually read about it on RT), but we are hearing rising nonsense about the poor and pitiful Moslems, and the importance of Americans devoting their military to defending the sacred democracy of the very important nation of Taiwan.

What is incredible to me is that both the right and the left are so easily manipulated into thinking conflict with China is a good idea. For the left, I guess it makes sense. As we’ve mentioned before, the Antifa type neo-socialists who have been so heavily force-memed on social media as the Democrat Party’s internet defense force (Vaush, for example) spend a lot of time talking about how China is a “fascist state.”

For the right, the support for anti-China sentiment makes no real sense, and is mostly based on stupidity and a lack of information. Republican leaders are openly saying that they need to protect Antifa in Hong Kong, Islamic terrorists in Xinjiang, and gay marriage in Taiwan. But Sean Hannity and Mark Levin continue to talk about “the threat of Chinese communism.”

As I’ve written about before, China is not a “communist country.” The average Chinese person knows nothing about Marxism. They have a very free market (much more free than America’s), where small business is encouraged.

As I’ve written before, the fact that it is even called “The Communist Party” in English is sort of deceitful, and an exploitation of the fact that Westerners know nothing about China or its culture, including the total difference of the nature of their language. “中国共产党” is translated as “communist party” consistently, yet a direct translation, as it would be spoken in Chinese, would be something like “The Party of People Working Together to be Productive.”

That’s how Chinese people view it.

Even with their supposed “communist” connections to Southeast Asian countries, they frame it as a historical cultural connection, rather than one based on a political system designed by a German Jew in London in the 19th century.

If you asked a working class Chinese person why China, Laos, and Vietnam all use the hammer and sickle, they would say something like: “this is the symbol of Asia people,” and laugh and point at their eyes, then say “eat rice, eat noodle,” and laugh again. A more educated Chinese person might be vaguely aware of the history, but would claim that no foreigner ever influenced China in any way, ever, in all of history: “we make a big, strong wall. Cannot allow.”

Under Emperor Xi, China has become increasingly more traditional, and backing away from the kind of modernism that had been encroaching. He is attempting to reestablish a form of Confucianism.

The Chinese are effectively the opposite of everything the modern West stands for:

  • Extreme ethno-nationalists
  • Patriarchal
  • Anti-feminist
  • Anti-gay
  • Pro-family
  • Pro-middle class and anti-elitism
  • Meritocratic
  • Militaristic in individual discipline

The Chinese government recently announced a program to build masculinity among boys, as they recognize that the school environment (which was largely imported from the West) is too feminizing, that the high tech environment itself is feminizing, and they recognize masculinity as a foundation of society.

In February, the Chinese government published “The Proposal to Prevent the Feminisation of Male Adolescents,” and said that they would use sports to toughen boys up.

The Western media outright declared this to be evil. (You might not have noticed, but at some point between 2018 and 2020, the media made the jump from talking about “toxic masculinity” as a social evil to simply referring to “masculinity” as a social evil. When they began talking about “toxic masculinity,” I noted that they were playing a terminology game, and that “toxic masculinity” just meant “masculinity.”)

Chinese cultural values are virtually a direct inversion of the modern Western values created and promoted by the Jews. But it is simply the basic order of nature they are promoting. No one in any society anywhere in history before the development of the modern West could have imagined a reality in which instilling masculinity in boys or discouraging family-destroying feminist ideology was a negative thing.

Most of us still living are not old enough to even be able to imagine a situation in which a Western government encouraged masculinity or discouraged feminism. So it’s hard to say how a right-winger in America can look at Joe Biden’s government, then look at the Chinese government, and say “yes, Joe, I agree – these people are so evil that we need to put our own nation’s problems on hold and use our military to defend the Taiwanese secessionist movement from this encroaching communism or fascism or whatever.”

The only thing right-wingers can ever say about the Chinese is that they are “too authoritarian.” Generally, that person will then immediately move to “muh social credit system.”…

…Conversation falls apart…

No “Where’s Waldo” Wallpaper? Couldn’t be me.

And about the US and Taiwan…

From HERE.

…the possibility of conflict between China and Taiwan, between whom tensions have been steadily rising.

Most members of the Blob, as the foreign policy establishment is called, believe the U.S. should be ready to go to war with China over the island, which escaped the Chinese Communist Party when Chiang Kai-shek and his defeated Nationalists fled there after their defeat on the mainland.

Indeed, U.S. analysts have been debating the idea of dropping Washington’s currently ambiguous stance—refusing to say yes or no—and making a clear commitment. Although the idea of not going to war is almost entirely absent in the capital, most analysts have convinced themselves that talking tough would be enough to scare off the Chinese.

"Scare the Chinese". Fools. 


However, Taiwan is the final Chinese territory stolen away during the “Century of Humiliation,” and even younger Chinese back their government’s claim. In such a contest angry nationalism commonly trumps good sense, as in America’s Civil War.

Americans who believe Beijing will yield its claim to Taiwan without a fight risk sleepwalking into a major war, as have so many other self-assured fools throughout history.

In any case, the president recently went off-script and declared that America would fight.

His aides quickly corrected the record, so to speak, as did President George W. Bush after making a similar promise in 2001. Nevertheless, Beijing has seen more than enough continuity between the Trump and Biden administrations toward China and assume the worst, irrespective of Washington’s verbal legerdemain.

So if the People’s Republic of China decides war is necessary and believes the U.S. will fight, the People’s Liberation Army will act swiftly and brutally, hoping to win before the U.S.—nearly 8000 miles away—can interfere.

War with China would be even worse than with Russia.

The PRC would have more at stake in the fight, local superiority, a couple score bases on the mainland roughly 100 miles away, and a victim that so far has shown little inclination to defend itself.

In combat the U.S. would have little choice but to strike the mainland, which would trigger escalation, with no obvious endpoint.

Indeed, Washington, attempting to fight from half a world away, has done poorly in wargames.

It is far easier for Beijing to deter the U.S. than for America to project sufficient power to defeat the PRC. And even a U.S. victory would probably be just the first round, as a nationalistic Chinese public prepared for round two. How much is Taiwan worth to the U.S.?

Worse, imagine if Washington faced simultaneous crises, perhaps with Iran, Russia, and China at once. While most of America’s allies discovered that they were busy, very busy, but nevertheless wished the U.S. well. Indeed, they would make a very strong statement as the bullets and missiles started flying.

President Biden has always seen himself as an internationalist. That doesn’t mean he should start a war, however. Indeed, he is one of the few policymakers who today understands the reality of war. He entered public life about the same time that the Nixon administration was pulling the last U.S. troops out of Vietnam. It has been almost a half century since America fought a conflict with heavy casualties, extended ground combat, heavy air action, and mass protest at home.

However, all could return if the administration managed to stumble into one or more major wars. At least a conflict with Russia or China would make the American people forget Biden’s ragged exit from Afghanistan. However, if he wants to be reelected—and, more important, to be a good president, however long he serves—then he should concentrate on avoiding real war with real opponents, and especially multiple conflicts at once.

It’s never a good thing.

Do something to make others happy

Like this subway artist. This gal was obviously having a bad day, but the emotion on her face says it all. video.

Oh, and don’t even think about starting a war with China or Russia

"Should there be any loss of life in the US as a result of a conflict the US federal government would disintegrate. Immediately as in ungovernable. Russia as a country has strength in the solidarity of it's people. The US and Europe not so much. A price to be paid for letting the ruling class and it's masters destroy the poor and the middle class."
-So | Nov 12 2021 20:27 utc | 15

A Brief History of the Cheez-It

From HERE.

Dayton’s historic Edgemont neighborhood is cocooned inside a crook in the Great Miami River, a winding waterway that snakes through the heart of southwest Ohio. Two miles from downtown, with its air of industry, the community hearkens to a time when Dayton was hailed “The City of A Thousand Factories.”

Cheez-It crackers.

In the early 20th century, inside a foregone factory on the corner of Concord and Cincinnati Streets, Green & Green cracker company cooked up its Edgemont product line, a collection of grahams, crackers and gingersnaps that were shipped across the region. But of the company’s four Edgemont products, only one, in particular, a flaky one-by-one-inch cheese cracker, would revolutionize snack time. On May 23, 1921, when Green & Green decided to trademark the tasty treat’s unique name, the Cheez-It was born.

“In 1921, Cheez-It didn’t mean anything, so Green & Green marketed the cracker as a ‘baked rarebit,’ ” says Brady Kress, president & CEO of Dayton’s Carillon Historical Park, a nationally recognized open-air museum centered on the city’s history of innovation. (Inside Carillon Brewing Company, a fully operating 1850s brewery at the park, costumed interpreters still bake crackers over an open hearth.) “People were familiar with rarebit, a sort of melted cheddar beer cheese spread over toast. Cheez-It offered the same great taste, only baked down into a cracker that will last.”

Cheez-It’s 11-month shelf life is impressive, but so is the company’s history. In May 2021, America’s iconic orange cracker turned 100. But the Cheez-It story stretches even further back than that.

In 1841, Dr. William W. Wolf moved to Dayton to practice homeopathy, a branch of alternative medicine that believes in the healing power of food. Hailed Dayton’s “Cracker King,” Wolf concocted the Wolf Cracker, a curious hard-butter snack made for medicinal purposes.

“In the 19th century, crackers were linked to Christian physiology and sectarian medical practitioners,” says Lisa Haushofer, a senior research associate at the University of Zurich’s Institute for Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine. “Christian physiologists like Sylvester Graham, of Graham Cracker fame, were concerned about a modern diet that contained too many stimulating substances.” (In addition to being a cracker evangelist, Graham was also a pro-temperance Presbyterian minister who preached a vegetarian diet). Wolf echoed Graham’s concerns that food was far too rousing (though Graham also dubiously believed his crackers could cure licentiousness), so he launched the Wolf Cracker Bakery to churn out his wholesome snacks.

“They believed there was too much nourishment per food unit in modern bread, too much excitement,” says Haushofer. “So they recommended grain products made from coarse flour, which, they believed, contained a more natural ratio of nourishing and non-nourishing parts. Crackers were considered health food.”


According to Haushofer, homeopaths at the time were also concerned about digestibility, and since they believed heating food aided digestion, baked Wolf Crackers were just what the doctor ordered. But Wolf’s patients weren’t the only ones after his crackers. What started as a medical remedy soon became a sought-after treat.

In the 1870s, while living on the barren plains of North Dakota, Dayton natives J.W. and Weston Green often longed for a taste of home. “In those days food supplies were both expensive and scarce in that region,” wrote the Dayton Journal Herald in its October 31, 1907, edition, “and the father and son regularly sent back to their old home city, Dayton[,] for those necessities that could not be obtained there. ‘Invariably,’ Mr. Green says, ‘we would include in that order a good supply of … the ‘Wolfe Cracker’ [sic].”

J.W. Green never forgot the savory, buttery, nut-like flavor of Wolf Crackers. In 1897, when Wolf died, Green purchased the Wolf Bakery Company, then enlisted his son, Weston Green, to join him in business. The Greens renamed the enterprise Green & Green Company, and while Wolf’s recipe remained the same, they rebranded the doctor’s famous treat as the “Dayton Cracker.”

By the turn of the 20th century, Dayton held more patents, per capita, than any U.S. city; surrounded by this innovative environment, Green & Green flourished, expanding its operations to nearby Springfield and Lima, and delivering baked goods across southwest Ohio. But soon, the company’s crackers became more than a regional concern. During World War I, Green & Green fired up its ovens for the war effort.

“All our facilities but one little oven that can’t be used for Hard Bread will be speeded up to keep two car loads a day going by express,” read a Green & Green ad in the Dayton Daily News’s July 14, 1918, edition … “that OUR BOYS at the front may have their Fighting Bread.”


Though far less tasty than the Dayton Cracker, Dayton’s Fighting Bread sustained countless soldiers during the Great War. Typically made from salt, flour and water, Hard Bread—also known as hardtack, teeth dullers or jawbreakers—was often soaked in water before being served. If stored improperly, weevils and maggots made Hard Bread their home, prompting soldiers to dub the wartime ration “worm castles.”

“We are mighty glad and proud to be a cog in the big machine that will win the war,” read Green & Green’s ad. However, Doughboys weren’t the only ones helping win the war. “P.S. We could still use a few more women in the packing of Hard Bread.”

After World War I, Green & Green Company sidelined Hard Bread in favor of more flavorful fare. By Armistice Day, the Dayton Cracker (still made with Wolf’s original recipe) had been baked in Dayton for nearly 80 years. But while the hard butter-cracker was a local treasure, customers yearned for a delicate, flakier treat. Soon, Green & Green launched its Edgemont line, and in 1921, unveiled the “baked rarebit,” known as the Cheez-It.

“Welsh Rarebit, at its most basic form, is essentially a cheese sauce spread on toast,” says Rachael Spears, a living history specialist at Dayton’s Carillon Historical Park. “Some 19th-century English recipes specifically call for cheddar cheese. To this day, Cheez-It still advertises 100 percent real cheese, which draws a connection to its rarebit roots.”

But in 1921, Americans needed more than a novel snack. Following the Great War, the global economy dipped, and American wallets were increasingly thin. “Rarebit is a lesson in frugality,” says Kress. “It’s a nutritious dish that doesn’t cost a lot of money. When it’s baked down into a Cheez-It, it becomes a tasty treat. And just like hardtack, if you store it correctly, it will stay for a very long time. You don’t run the risk of it growing weevils.”


In 1915, one pound of Green & Green crackers sold for 10 cents, roughly $2.65 in 2021 dollars. “When Uncle Sam picked men for his army overseas,” read a June 1920 Green & Green ad, “he also picked foods that would keep those picked men robust and healthy—fit for the strenuous duties ahead of them. Just as the crackers for our soldiers kept sweet and fresh in tins, so Edgemont Crackers … keep crisp and creamy in the Family Tin. Ask mother to keep a tin in her pantry.”

Cheez-Its kept Americans fed during the post-war recession, throughout the Roaring Twenties, and at the onset of the Great Depression. But by 1932, Green & Green packed up its last Family Tin and sold the business to Kansas City’s Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company.

In 1947, the Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company became the Sunshine Biscuit Company; in 1996, Keebler acquired Sunshine; and in 2001, Kellogg acquired Keebler.

“The Cheez-It name has accompanied the baked cracker since its creation in 1921,” says Jeff Delonis, senior director of marketing for Cheez-It. “The original Cheez-It packaging was green and white. In the 1930s, red was introduced into the brand logo, and by the 1940s, the box included the iconic red and yellow-orange colors that remain today. The general shape and look of the cracker has largely stayed the same.”

Cheez-Its may still look the same, but the cracker’s production has soared. Once baked on the corner of Concord and Cincinnati Streets in Dayton’s Edgemont neighborhood, then shipped to regional grocers, Cheez-It sold more than 400 million packages in the U.S. alone in 2020.

Scene from Ghostbusters. Cheez-It crackers and bud beer.

“It’s super fun to think about all the cities around the country that were producing foods for local audiences,” says Kress. “Every city had them. Here’s an idea that came out of Dayton, Ohio.”

But “baked rarebit,” once a prevalent idiom used to describe an obscure cracker, has since faded, replaced by the now-ubiquitous term, Cheez-It.

“When you bake a cracker, you roll the dough out thin, kind of like a pie crust,” says Spears. “But at the heart, it’s like a thin, crispy biscuit. When you bite into a Cheez-It, you get those nice layers. Those are the layers that form if you cook it a bit.”

Like the Cheez-It itself, we need only bite into the snack’s history to uncover countless compelling layers.

“Cheez-It is a survivor from a bygone time,” says Kress.

Why I like Chinese girls…

A big smile. Happy times. Food. video.

A local Chinese girl shows you her life…

Sure, I make a couple of videos, but there are other people who are more photogenic than myself, and easier on the eyes. They show their life, and their food, and their homes.

Here’s one such girl. A friend. video.

American “democracy”…

China slams the US:

“The electoral democracy of Western countries are actually democracy ruled by the capital, and they are a game of the rich, not real democracy.

I would gladly ignore this and write it off as Soviet style propaganda, were it not for some shocking statistics from Pew research poll that supports the thesis.

According to a new Pew survey published last week, many American’s seem to share concerns about the direction of the US’s democracy. The survey can be found here: (https://cnb.cx/3ooDsKw)

“Americans largely share the view that their democracy is no longer a model: 72% say U.S. democracy used to be a good example for others to follow but has not been recently.”

Frankly, I thought the number was shocking and perhaps reveals a nation tired of covid and legislative gridlock.

Pew continues with more stunning statistics from polling in 17 advanced economies:

“Few believe U.S. democracy, at least in its current state, serves as a good model for other nations. A median of just 17% say democracy in the U.S. is a good example for others to follow, while 57% think it used to be a good example but has not been in recent years. Another 23% do not believe it has ever been a good example.”

For the record I am not agitating for a change in government, nor professing undying love for China’s communism. Some will undoubtedly make these accusations.

I present this because I think it is important to acknowledge that the US’s “global brand” has been severely tarnished. Covid, Afghanistan and an assault on the nation’s capital among others are taking their toll on the US across the globe.

If it takes harsh critique from China to get the US to pay attention so be it. And it does seem to have hit a nerve , as this article is No 1 in google news search for “China” 24 hrs running.  That’s why I’m running it.

China isn’t making this critique up out of the blue, they are going for the jugular and calling out a problem at least roughly supported by global sentiment. Interestingly, they don’t often criticize the US so this inflammatory rhetoric is a bit of a departure especially after progress with the climate deal.

You can see the influences of large banks or techs on the American government. Money has created enormous lobbying groups that make Banks and large industry unassailable. Big tech seems impossible to control. Whistleblowers from Meta, election interference, and consumers asking for privacy don’t seem to count for much.

Lest I get comments that I am “paid by China.”  This isn’t about China but about a the real problem of money’s influence in government.

If the US’s economic rival China, sees the problem, as do American citizens, why doesn’t anyone in Washington?


China schools compared to American schools…

Check out this little dialog. video.

And this followup. Also good. video

And, thus how it manifests for a typical Chinese family. Video.

Data Testing Julian Cope’s Dunnideer Hill Alignments Theory

A great adventure in Scotland.

It’s the story or tale of how one person took the time and effort to investigate ancient ruins in his own backyard. I applaud him, and you should too. -MM

From HERE.

In his popular guidebook to British prehistoric monuments, The Modern Antiquaria n, rock musician and poet Julian Cope proposed that a distinctive Aberdeenshire hill in Scotland, the 264 meter (866 ft) high Dunnideer Hill, formed a visual focal point of reference in the landscape in relation to the positioning of ten nearby Scottish Recumbent Stone Circles (RSCs).

Notably, no physical survey data was presented by Cope so I can only assume his comments were intuitively based, undoubtedly after physically visiting each circle and seeing for himself their collective inter-visibility with Dunnideer Hill (Figure 1). A reasonable assumption, but as an archaeologist I have to be careful when accepting such intuitively based information. More so given the fact that he used emotive language such as “Mother Earth Hill” to describe it. However, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and test his “inter-visible-theory” by conducting a quantifiable survey using GPS technology .

Figure 1. Dunnideer Hill. The remains of the hill’s medieval Chapel enhances its visibility amongst the surrounding landscape. (Author provided)

Recumbent Stone Circles (RSCs) Surrounding Dunnideer Hill

The stone circles surrounding Dunnideer Hill belong to a greater class of stone rings known as Recumbent Stones Circles (RSCs). A distinctive class of prehistoric circles which were confined to North-east Scotland.

Their architecture was consistent, set out in a ring, they often contained between ten or eleven standing stones plus an outlandishly large recumbent stone that was deliberately laid flat in the southern quadrant of the respective circle – hence their name (Figure 2). Amazingly 156 of these monuments were built across the entire landscape of Aberdeenshire.

Regrettably, only 71 of them survive today.

Carbon dating places their construction to the Late Neolithic, circa 2500 BC. The original purpose for building these stone circles remains unknown but what we can say with certainty is that no human burials have been found in any of their primary contexts.

I have already written about these RSCs in a previous article published on Ancient Origins . In that paper I proposed that a single specialist was responsible for designing every one of these RSCs.

As I also mentioned in that article, these RSCs were positioned across the landscape so that they were astronomically aligned towards each other forming clusters of circles within their respective landscape settings.

See the first of my freely available YouTube videos here explaining more about how these alignments work at the circles.

Although I had suspected that these clusters of circles were deliberately aligned towards natural features of the landscape, such as hilltop summits, I did not have any survey data to prove it.

So here was an opportunity to not only test the extent of stone circle alignments towards natural hills but also see if Julian Cope was correct.

Figure 2. The distinctive architecture of an RSC. A ring of standing stones plus its recumbent stone as seen at the Strichen House RSC. (Author provided)

The Ancient History of Dunnideer Hill

Of course my starting point was Dunnideer Hill. Located close to the small town of Inch, Aberdeenshire, this hill possesses its own long archaeological history.

Unfortunately, if ever a stone circle stood on the summit of this hill then whatever evidence for it is now lost.

Nevertheless, some 440 meters (1,443 ft) downslope, north-west of the summit, are the remains of the Dunnideer RSC (B), indicating that the hill was at least known to the Neolithic communities as far back as 2500 BC.

Survey Method Used at Dunnideer Hill

To survey the alignments between the Dunnideer Hill and its surrounding cluster of ten stone circles , I utilized GPS technology in the following manner. Standing on the summit of Dunnideer Hill, the GPS plotted my precise position on the ground.

This information was then relayed back to me via a positional coordinate for where I was standing.

Then systematically moving to each of the surrounding RSCs, the GPS plotted my successive positions, each time providing me with the corresponding coordinates. Using the “go to” facility on the GPS, I could then obtain the distance and direction travelled between each coordinate.

After completion I was able to cross-reference the combined GPS data to produce the maps discussed here.

What I was particularly looking for with the GPS data was to search for astronomical alignments between the hill and the surrounding ten stone circles .

Now, if I know the angle of the ecliptic (between the Sun and Earth) at around 2500 BC, I can divide that angle by the exact latitude for the hill and whichever stone circle I was standing at.

This “scientific calculation” then gives me the directions of where the Sun rose or set on the days of midwinter and midsummer for Aberdeenshire around 2500 BC.

With some adjusting (to cater for the angle of the moon’s orbit around the Earth), I could also determine similar positions for the Moon as well. After obtaining this scientific calculation I was ready to start.

The Dunnideer summit has been subjected to many alterations and much disturbance since that time. For instance, during the British Iron Age, a hill fort (circa 700 – 500 BC), was dug out across its summit. 1,500 years later, a medieval Chapel with both solid stone flooring and walling was built above the foundations of the fort, destroying anything below it.

Still, the views from the top of Dunnideer Hill are amazing (and well recommended – despite the short climb). Certainly, I could imagine the Neolithic specialist builder standing here some 4,500 years ago, viewing the landscape below, pondering where to position the ten stone circles in relation to those areas of land below being opened up for domestication and cultivation.

Figure 3. The ten RSCs selected for survey that are also inter-visible with Dunnideer Hill. (Dr. John Hill)

Dunnideer Hill Survey Results

I had established with my GPS an arbitrary distance equal to a radius of 6 km (3.72 mi.) circumnavigating Dunnideer Hill.

This radius immediately captured the ten RSCs (Figure 3). The logic behind this arbitrary distance being that (at the most) it would take an hour to walk from the farthest RSC to the hill. Secondly, all ten circles were physically inter-visible with good views of Dunnideer Hill.

Incidentally, another interesting observation uniting this cluster of circles is that they all shared similar oval-shaped large but thin recumbent stones – usually these recumbent stones are very broad and thick (Figure 4).

Possibly, these thin recumbent stones signified a specific local identity associated with this particular cluster surrounding the Dunnideer Hill.

Figure 4. Three examples of the thin, oval-shaped recumbent stones. 1 = Dunnideer RSC; 2 = Wantonwells RSC; 3 = Stonehead RSC. (Author provided)

After compiling the GPS data from Dunnideer Hill, the rock musician’s theory of it being a focal point for the surrounding stone circles was proving to be disappointing. I could not find any data that would indicate that the hill possessed any astronomical correspondences towards the surrounding ten circles other than them being inter-visible with the summit.

Incidentally, Dunnideer Hill is not the only hill in this landscape, there are other hills which could have acted as alternative focal points. Nonetheless, I wanted to give Cope the benefit of the doubt, so I continued to collect GPS data from the surrounding stone circles.

As I visited each of the stone circles I needed to re-compute my original scientific calculation. When I was standing on top of Dunnideer Hill’s summit I was looking downward towards the directions of the surrounding stone circles, so the altitude factor (within my first equation) did not matter with regard to the astronomical data I collected.

Now, standing at the circles, I was looking upward, towards the summit of the hill, so I had to make the necessary adjustments for the “upward” angle of altitude.

Having made these adjustments to my second equation the results I was anticipating began to materialize but not in the manner I expected. Yes, Dunnideer Hill was important to the astronomical alignments connected with the ten circles, but it was not the single focal point as I thought it would be.

Rather than being a single point of reference in the landscape for any one of its surrounding RSCs, the data suggests that Dunnideer Hill appears to have acted like an axis mundi around which the rising and setting of both the Sun and Moon would be seen to rotate during the seasons.

And it all depended on when and where one was standing in order to see the corresponding astronomical event at each of the respective stone circles. Indeed, one would have to follow a circular route around the hill, visiting each circle at different seasons to appreciate how the Neolithic communities organized their agricultural and ceremonial calendars.

In short, they were using the hill as a gigantic beacon in the landscape to monitor the movements of the Sun and Moon. Or rather, the cosmos above revolved around the earthen-hill below, with the hill acting as the axis mundi .

Let me explain further.

In Figure 5 we see an alignment between Ardlair RSC (A), Dunnideer Hill and Old Rayne RSC (F). Taking into account the altitude factor for the hill, then the alignment runs due east / west. So let us imagine that we are standing at Ardlair RSC, looking eastward, and watching the Sun as it appears to rise behind the eastern summit of Dunnideer Hill. When the Sun appears to rise in this direction then we have an astronomical alignment between the two circles (and the hill between them).

Now, this is the alignment that would only occur on the morning of either the spring, Vernal (21st March), or autumn equinox (21st September). And vice versa, standing at the Old Rayne RSC, looking westward we can watch the equinox sunsets, setting behind the hill in the direction of the Ardlair RSC. Thus, the two circles and the hill align with the equinoxes and as such we have an ingenious method of predicting the times in the agricultural calendar for sowing (i.e. spring) and harvesting (i.e. autumn).

Figure 5. The equinox alignments between two RSCs and Dunnideer Hill. (Dr John Hill)

Similarly, in Figure 6, we can see an alignment between Wantonwells RSC (G) and Dunnideer RSC (B), with Dunnideer Hill again positioned in the middle of the two circles. The axis of this alignment corresponds to the direction of the summer solstice sunset (21st June) and vice versa the direction of the winter solstice sunrise (21st December). So if we were to stand at Wantonwells RSC and watching the sunset behind the hill then we would be looking in the direction of both north-west and the Dunnideer RSC (at the time of midsummer sunset). Such an observation might have been a cue for the Neolithic farmers to move their cattle northward, during the warm summer months, to the higher pastures around the Candle Hill RSC (D).

Alternatively, standing behind Dunnideer RSC and watching the sunrise behind Dunnideer Hill in the direction of Wantonwells RSC, then we would be looking towards the direction of the midwinter sunrise. Seeing the sunrise in this direction may have been the cue for the Neolithic communities to commence the culling of their surplus livestock which would have provided them with plenty of meat for the cold winter months.

The GPS also provided data to support the statement that the Neolithic communities were also using Dunnideer Hill as a means to monitor the movements of the Moon. For instance, the alignment between Wantonwells RSC (G), the hill and the Stonehead RSC (C) captures the setting position of the midwinter full moon at its most southerly position on the distant horizon. In effect, by using Dunnideer Hill as an axis mund i, the Neolithic communities could operate (albeit a basic) solar-lunar calendar.

Figure 6. Solar and lunar alignments revolving around the axis mundi of Dunnideer Hill. (Dr John Hill)

I did not want to bombard the reader with too much of the astronomy in this article, so the above examples are just a sample of the alignments I have obtained for this particular cluster of stone circles. For sure, there are many more alignments that I could have discussed here. Of course, the reader may question as to how these astronomical alignments were achieved when their inter-visibility between the stone circles mentioned here was blocked by Dunnideer Hill.

Certainly, this is an important question and in in my recent book The Recumbent Stone Circles of Aberdeenshire I propose a number of solutions. But for now, I would ask the reader to view my second freely available video which demonstrates how the geometry used to construct these circles and captured the symbolism associated with the astronomical alignments across the landscape: Ancient knowledge, Sacred geometry at the Loanhead of Daviot stone circle .

But here is another one of my solutions. That is the people were using “smoke signals” across the landscape in order to set out their stone circles in alignments (Figure 7). We have good archaeological evidence that fires were regularly set alight before, during and even after these RSCs were constructed. Although whatever the reasons for these fires remains conjectural, I can reasonably propose that they were a sure way for the Neolithic communities to set out their stone circles in straight lines across the landscape, especially when their visibility was blocked by natural hills such as Dunnideer Hill.

Figure 7. The Neolithic communities used smoke signals to set out accurate alignments across the landscape. (Dr John Hill)

Dunnideer Hill as Axis Mundi

As well as acting as a visible focal point in the landscape, Dunnideer Hill also operated as an axis mundi for the local Neolithic communities to organize their agricultural activities. Of course, I have so far interpreted the GPS data within the practical terms of farming and there is no reason why sacred explanations could not also be offered. Social ceremonies such as weddings or funerals could have been scheduled around the hill in accordance to the relative positions of the Sun and Moon.

Indeed, at certain times of the year the solar and lunar orbs may have even been invited guests to visit the stone circles. An ethnographic analogy springs to mind here with the ancient Japanese, shamanistic religion of Shinto, which was populated by kami-spirits who lived on the summits of certain sacred hills across the Nippon landscape. The Shinto-shamans would place special stones and rocks at the bases of such hills in order to entice the benevolent spirits to come down from their summits and enjoy both the seasonal gatherings and offerings left by the people in exchange for good fortune and productive harvests.

Finally, I should thank Julian Cope for his intuitive observations. Had he not written about his ideas about the “inter-visibility-theory” between Dunnideer Hill and its surrounding stone circles then I would not have undertaken this GPS survey nor written this report.

MM video riding in the taxi on tuesday

Here’s what it’s like in my “neck of the woods”…video

I do love watching people who love their jobs…

We should all be doing what we love.

And more about China from the Daily Stormer…

“Jewish conservatives” and shill conservatives in general have a script to inject China into everything, despite the fact that China is not running Western governments. This is partially a way to protect the people who are running our governments, by offering the distraction of a foreign enemy, but also a way to pump up anti-Chinese sentiment so that people will support conflict with them.

My goal is first and foremost to simply tell the truth. My goal is not to defend every aspect of Chinese society and culture. Politically, however, I am opposed to a war with the Chinese. Even more than that, I am against this obsession with the Chinese, which is so obviously a result of the fact that they are not on board with the globalist agenda. If you go around talking about China all the time, the only thing you are doing is shifting blame from our own leaders and feeding this drive for world government.

To the extent that I am a Chinese shill, this is the thing: as long as China is standing as an independent country, this world government cannot exist. Therefore, I am “pro-CCP” in that I am against this lunatic plan for a global tyrannical government. I also admire their strength as a people, nation, and race. How could I not admire them, when they’re the only thing standing between me and a brutal hell on earth? Furthermore, the Chinese haven’t ever done anything to me. Well, I take that back. One time I was staying at a hotel in Bangkok, and a group of Chinese tourists checked in, and they were spitting in the hallways and the elevator, so I had to switch to a different hotel. Eventually, in Bangkok, you learn that there are hotels that do not allow Chinese tourists.

But even with the spitting/yelling/cigarette-flicking – you can uncover something admirable about the Chinese. The reason that so many Chinese tourists behave in ways that we consider crude is that the overwhelming majority of the Chinese middle class are the children of literal rice farmers, who grew up in fields without electricity. Now, in one generation, their children are rich, living in a futuristic society.

China’s social credit system is a result of something called “being Asian.” The Asian social contract is totally different than the white one. No one in China other than criminals and CIA cults opposes the social credit system.

Everyone has seen this clip (regularly used by Ezra Levant), and talked about how terrible it is.

‘Social Credit Score System China’ … and how it works! 😡 pic.twitter.com/vOzt0lZphf
— daisymay4263 (@daisymay4263) October 1, 2021

But in the clip, the Chinese all say they support social credit scores. The response is “oh they’re scared not to say that.” Okay, well, we don’t see Chinese diaspora around the world opposing this system.

You can disagree with that, and I certainly would not want a social credit system in America, but nations should have self-determination.

Whining about the social credit system and supporting anti-CCP policy because of it is no different than saying that you support the war in Afghanistan because you’re against Sharia Law.

All of this stuff about how America is becoming like China is totally nonsensical.

I have a few simple questions for conservatives making these claims:

  • Where are my masculinity classes for young boys? Where is my program to discourage feminism?
  • Where is my nonstop propaganda about the superiority of my race, culture, and nation?
  • Where is my economic program to strengthen the middle class?
  • Where are my low taxes for family businesses and high taxes for large corporations?
  • Where are my anti-trust laws?

Comparing the Chinese social credit system to the attempts to force this vax pass thing in the West is apples to Doritos. “We’re becoming more like China because of the vaccine passport being like the social credit system” is a shallow, stupid take aimed at people who have low IQs or are just uninformed about the world.

It’s like saying America is becoming like Afghanistan because women have to cover their faces in public because of the virus.

It’s moronic on par with Dinesh D’Souza saying that Black Lives Matter is inspired by Adolf Hitler.

The only reason someone would make an argument so obviously dumb is if they were trying to manipulate you.

I will say again that I have no specific desire to defend everything the Chinese government does. I will certainly not defend everything they have done since the revolution.

However, while I do not agree with it, the “one child policy” is very overstated by Western critics. Westerners generally have no idea at all how Asian culture works. And they shouldn’t be expected to.

I personally find it interesting, but outside of that, no one in America should be under any obligation to understand the dynamics of Chinese culture.

Unless of course, they are making judgements about them – which apparently everyone in the West feels compelled to do now.

There are many things that Westerners simply could not possibly ever understand about Asia, no matter how much information they had, simply because the historical development of the culture, and the genetics behind it, are too different.

The role of law and the concept of law enforcement is an example of something no white person is ever going to grasp.

Here’s a big think for you: during most of 2020, Christians in America were banned from attending church, while Chinese Christians were not.

In Australia, the number two country which claims to be fighting against China to create freedom, Christians are still banned from attending church.

It’s again just utterly dishonest and slimy to have these publications that express open hatred for Christianity claim that the Chinese government is at war with Christianity, while the CIA is using these home churches to incite revolution against the government.

It’s like if the CIA were using hamburger stands to traffic guns into China and the Chinese government arrested them and the New York Times ran the headline “Inside China’s Brutal Crackdown on Hamburgers” – of course, right next to “You Must Eat Bugs: Americans Have Only One Week to Stop Eating Burgers Before Cow Farts Cause Deadly Earthquake.”

By pointing to “authoritarianism,” people who are trying to demonize China can make a superficial surface level critique without any context and leap to “China is the model for the New World Order.”

The attacks on China are disorganized and weird, but they are working very well.

Frankly, I’m the only person I’m aware of that is offering meaningful analysis of the China situation in the English language, aside from a few white guys who live in China.

China is a closed society, due not to communism, but to the massive language and cultural gap.

Food cubes – Can you name them all?

Food cubes.

And some more stuff from the Stormer…

Though it is clear that the globalist agenda hinges on regime change in China…

… that rampant anti-Chinese propaganda abounds…

… and that the entire political and military apparatus in Washington supports using the military to “defend Taiwan,” ….

… the US plan to destroy the CCP is completely unclear.

Right now, China is finally standing up and pushing back against this bullying.

If they decided to “invade” Taiwan, the Taiwanese military would put up less of a fight than the Afghan military.

Americans have no idea what is going on in Taiwan.

I would be surprised if even one soldier fired a shot if the CCP military landed in Taipei, and at least 40% of the people would openly greet them as liberators.

The people who are still against reunification in theory would just shrug, and carry on with their day.

No one in Taiwan even understands the concept of the mainland “taking their freedoms.”

No one thinks that anything substantial that affects them personally would change, other than gays and maybe some feminist women.

A lot of people want the CCP to come in and ban gay marriage.

The US forcing the gay marriage thing really rustled a lot of Taiwanese people.

Imagine the internet being flooded with videos of PRC troops landing in Taiwan and people either smiling and waving or just going about their business.

Imagine the female president of Taiwan giving a public statement apologizing to the Chinese people for “disrespectful behaviors and mean-spirited actions.”

Chuck Schumer and Ben Sasse could call a bipartisan press conference to release secret satellite photos of buildings in Taiwan that look shockingly similar to the infamous Hitler steam chambers.

They could bring in the daughter of the Taiwanese ambassador to cry and say she saw CCP soldiers eating babies.

But the jig would be up.

Seriously: what is the US going to do if China takes Taiwan? They’re going to start World War III?

I guess?

Every US military simulation about defending Taiwan from an “invasion” shows China winning, meaning the only option would be for the US to escalate.

China has consistently said they are going to fire nukes.

So we’re going to go to nuclear war for gay sex in Taiwan?

I sure looks like it.

How prepared is the US for nuclear war?

Who has been running the strategy on that front for the last two decades or so?

Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin?

Do what you can to help others.

Again, this subway artist strikes again. video.

Mysterious Carved Stone Balls Found in Scottish Isle Tomb

There’s a lot of interesting history in Scotland. Like this very curious article.

From HERE.

A 5,500-year-old tomb discovered on a Scottish island will soon be reclaimed by the sea. Archaeologists racing to excavate the site, “before it’s lost forever,” have discovered two enigmatic carved stone balls at the site.

Over the last two centuries archaeologists in Scotland have only discovered about 500 of these mysterious balls.

Dating back to between 3500 BC and 1500 BC, most carved stone balls measure around 3 inches (7.6 cm) in diameter, therefore, fitting easily into the palm of a closed hand. A 2017 Ancient Origins article explored a range of possible purposes for these stone balls.

While some archaeologists maintain they were hunting projectiles and fishing weights, others point out that most are flawless, and suggest they were sacred artifacts passed down from generation to generation.

The Press and Journal article reported that Dr Hugo Anderson-Whymark, senior curator of prehistory (Paleolithic – Neolithic) at National Museum of Scotland, posted about the discovery of the two balls on Twitter.

He pointed out that only about 20 carved stone balls dating to the Neolithic have ever been found on Orkney.

The two balls recently discovered on Orkney were described by Dr Anderson-Whymark as a “cracking find from the tomb.”

The researcher described one of the balls as “size of a cricket ball,” and that it was “perfectly spherical and beautifully finished.”

The second carved stone ball found in the Neolithic tomb site at the edge of the sea at Tres Ness, Sanday, Orkney, Scotland. ( University of Central Lancashire )

The Rare Carved Stone Balls Of Scotland: Purpose Unknown!

Carved from both hard and soft stones, most carved stone balls have six projections (knobs) but they have been discovered with as many as 160. In 1876, J. Alexander Smith suggested that when bound to wooden handles the balls would have made efficient “ axe-like weapons .”

However, in the 1970s Dorothy N. Marshall pointed out that most of the balls are nearly flawless, and that ancient people wouldn’t have spent that much time and effort on spherical accuracy for a weapon.

The most recently discovered stone balls were found on what is, arguably, the most astoundingly beautiful of the many spectacular beaches in Orkney .

Tres Ness, on the island of Sanday, is according to Orkney.com “a special place.”

The website says you will often be the only people on the beach, “soaking up the ancient scenery as if you’re on a deserted island.”

However, for the last few years the prevailing silence has been disturbed by the chinking and chipping sounds of archaeologist trowels resounding from one of the island’s Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement that is about to fall into the sea forever.

Changes Times, Changing Coast Lines

The two Orkney stone balls were discovered within a Neolithic burial tomb. According to a report in Press and Journal the tomb on Tres Ness is formally known as “a stalled cairn” where the burial space was compartmentalized.

Dating back to around 3,500 BC the burial structure represents one of the oldest remaining buildings in Scotland and it was here that a team of archaeologists found the two rare stone balls. And luckily too, as the site is quickly being clawed away by the encroaching sea .

Professor Vicki Cummings is a reader in archaeology at the University of Central Lancashire.

She speculates that the tomb at Tres Ness was probably associated with the Neolithic settlement at the Cata Sand archaeological site.

Located about a mile-and-a-half away from the Tres Ness tomb, Cummings said that both sites and the beautiful beach at Tres Ness are under immediate threat from coastal erosion .

Another view of the Neolithic cliffside tomb side on Sanday. The left edge of the tomb is a seaside cliff that is eroding quickly. (University of Central Lancashire)

Sadly, The Sanday Orkney Site Is Vanishing Into The Sea

In the early Neolithic period both sites would have been located on a headland high above the coastline overlooking the sea from the distance and from above.

However, like sugary drinks working away at the roots of teeth, over time, the headland has been eaten away leaving the sites on the edge of a new, super-erosive, tidal coastline.

Cummings added that one major factor for the rapidly changing environment is the lack of trees, whereas in the Neolithic the entire area was wooded.

Cummings said, “sadly the site is vanishing into the sea,” so the focus of the site archaeologists is to extract as much information as possible “before it is basically lost forever.”

The discovery of the two rare carved stone balls really is what Dr Anderson-Whymark said, “a cracking find from the tomb.”

More from the Stormer…

Who is even running the US government?

Where are the adults?

The people running the US government are going around trying to force vax everyone, turn children into trannies as part of a program to normalize sex with children, and claiming that there’s a secret QAnon terrorist group planning to overthrow the government.

Then behind those freaks you’ve got freaks like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab planning to turn themselves into genetically-engineered cyborg immortals.

Everything that is going on in the Western world is just as absurd and unserious as it is sickening and evil.

Here’s a thing which is happening: people – probably most of you reading this – are confusing the total power of the current US government for competence.

This is very natural, psychologically – it makes fundamental sense that people with absurd amounts of power would have to have competence.

But, if we break down the fact that these people inherited this power structure, then you might look at it like the logic of assuming a guy driving a Lamborghini must be rich, before you find out it was stolen.

It took me a long while to process it myself, and I definitely didn’t have a full understanding of it until Joe Biden took over as our overlord, but these people are not competent.

Upon closer inspection, we realize they are actual morons.

As a thought experiment: try to think of one single thing that the Democrats have done since assuming total domination of America that is indicative of competence.

The only thing you will likely be able to think of is the fact that they’ve managed to keep this virus thingy rolling, but that is obviously virtually entirely managed by the media.

And the success of the project is entirely dependent on the docility of the American people.

Same people, ten years later

MM home video

I took a minute to record what China is like. I was on my way to my office, and the contract of what China is compared to the crazy insanity that America is is breathtaking. It’s calm here. It’s nice and pleasant here. It’s clean, safe, relaxed, and healthy. video.

K-pop dance studios

As I have repeatedly stated in previous other articles, There’s three k-pop studios in my office building, and I often do down to watch the girls dance, make some friends, and find an opportunity to “pal around” with all the pretty girls there.

Here’s a gal performing vibrato by Stellar. video.

Some fine butt action there. LOL.

Some more from the Stormer…

China is understandably tired of having their country surrounded by the US military…

They are tired of being threatened and bullied.

And they’re tired of the humiliation of not being able to control their own internationally recognized national borders.

Yes, even the US recognizes Taiwan as a part of China…

…I guess people apparently don’t even know that.

Maybe the US will go to war, maybe they won’t – I have no way of predicting that.

I think it’s impossible to predict, given that there is no real order to the decisions being made by the people running the US government, other than that they are following this “New World Order” plot that was laid out by people who are already dead.

Most likely, if China took Taiwan, the leaders of the US would flinch, and that would signal the end of US global supremacy.

The empire would then enter into rapid decline, as without US military supremacy, there is no logic to the dollar as global reserve currency.

This would be a total tailspin, and America would look like the opening of that Dawn of the Dead remake.

It’s going to be a rough scene.

The best thing for you in such a situation would be if you – wait for it – lived in a rural community.

There will be serious rioting and all of the Walking Dead type stuff.

The blacks will probably form cannibal gangs pretty early on, but they’ll just end up eating each other. After eating his last remaining lieutenant, the last cannibal warlord in any given city will be totally alone, and his last words before he starves to death will be: “muffuggen wite ppl did dis.”

What will not happen: the Chinese will not invade America to enslave people in communism with their social credit system.

If you think that the Chinese want to invade America and enslave people, then you basically need to accept that you just don’t really have any idea what is going on.

Why would the Chinese want to invade and enslave Americans?

Just to be mean?

Do Chinese people strike you as that emotional, that they would waste huge amounts of resources in order to engage in an act of geopolitical meanness?

The entire Chinese mindset, and their entire marketing strategy as a superpower, is that they don’t invade countries, and instead trade with countries and invest in countries’ infrastructure.

There are all of these books published by Western universities over the last five years talking about how the US strategy of trying to convince countries to side with them over the Chinese was failing, and that all the countries who had made economic pacts with the Chinese were generally happy with the results.

China’s strategy has been to basically portray the US as a country of violent lunatics trying to enslave the planet with their military and their debt economic system.

And they are 100% accurate. -MM

Anthony Blinken was apparently chosen as Secretary of State because, along with being a Jewish Zionist, he’d given a bunch of speeches about the need for a new strategy to confront China in order to maintain US dominance.

It turns out he does’t have any such strategy, but he’s adamant that there needs to be a new one, which is more than the other candidates for Secretary of State were able to offer, apparently.

During his March meeting with Chinese adults, his first and thus far only major appearance on the global stage, Blinken brought a woman with purple hair and channeled Holden Caulfield when the Chinese “phonies” said that Americans need to start applying themselves to their job of maintaining world order.

America is viewed as weak by the rest of the world under the Biden administration. 
Putin is challenging Biden with live debate. 
And at the Alaska Summit, China told Blinken how he views America. ⬇️⬇️⬇️


— Rob Stark (@starkrob21) March 19, 2021

It’s rumored that during his interview for the job, Blinken did a pretty decent rendition of “Stairway to Heaven,” which Biden’s wife and caretaker “Doctor” Biden found “so dreamy.”

(Yes, Blinken actually was in a band and has admitted that his first choice for a career was “pop star.” Yes, he really had a single called “Lip Service,” which he wrote for Kamala Harris. Yes, that last part is a joke. I mean the Kamala Harris part. He really did release a single called “Lip Service,” which is on Spotify. This is going to go down in history alongside Caligula marrying his horse.)

Yes, after the total collapse, if you survive, then in 2050, there’s a high likelihood you will have a Chinese landlord.

Except maybe not, because if you survive the meltdown, it probably means you own rural land.

The point is: everything is probably all going to work out.

The ZOG empire is going to collapse, and the world is going to then be controlled by a Chinese merchant network, where the concept of “empire” is based on trade rather than military strength.

People will be fine in such a situation.

Certainly a lot better than we are now, under these guys.

In the Chinese version of Star Wars, Darth Vader has a pet triceratops.

Also, instead of blowing up Alderaan, he blows up the Kennedy Space Center.

Furthermore, Obi-Wan rides a motorcycle and wears a knight’s armor.

Han Solo is heavily grizzled, but he wears a heart locket.

Ask yourself: wouldn’t the new Star Wars movies have been better if instead of being about feminism and race-mixing, they explored Darth Vader’s relationship with his triceratops?

I rest my case.

Built like a fish.

In China, the idea of the perfect shape is one that resembles the smooth thin lines of a fish. Much like this girl does. video.

Or this woman who is shaped like a fish…

Nice bouncy Chinese woman. My guess is that she had implants, and the only way you can achieve such an aggressive bouncy softness is with the Motiva Ergomax implants. video. Yeah, these sixth generation implants are truly something.

It makes me want to play with her boobies. Jiggle. Jiggle. Jiggle.

China infrastructure projects.

It’s all totally under reported in the West.


Delivery guy stops and becomes a Rufus…

Just an ordinary guy, doing ordinary things, when he sees a boy drowning. In a split second he make the decision to dive in and save the boy. video

How to make authentic Pepper-pork

Here’s how you do it. It’s so easy, and OMG so very, very delicious. Give it a try, you will not regret it. video.

What it is like leaving the KTV going to the hotel…

Ah. For those of you who are not aware. This is what it is like leaving the business KTV hostess and having an evening of fun. It’s riding in the car to the hotel for the final enjoyment of the evening.

It was a fun evening. video.

Finally, Be the Rufus!

Imagine a world where everyone is nice to each other. Where families can live without worries, fear or threats. Imagine a place where everyone is helpful. Well, you don’t have to wait. You can start doing it now. Today. Just go forth and do some random acts of kindness. Smile at people. Go out of your way to be nice. Just put a little bit of sunshine in the lives of others. Be the Rufus. video.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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Law 43 of the 48 Laws of Power; Work on the hearts and minds of others

For those of you who don’t understand what the Chinese BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) is all about, I present this law.

This is law 43 of the “48 Laws of Power” by Robert Green. Reprinted in it’s entirety. I hope that you all enjoy it.

Coercion creates a reaction that will eventually work against you. You must seduce others into wanting to move in your direction. A person you have seduced becomes your loyal pawn. And the way to seduce others is to operate on their individual psychologies and weaknesses. Soften up the resistant by working on their emotions, playing on what they hold dear and what they fear. Ignore the hearts and minds of others and they will grow to hate you.

  • Remember: The key to persuasion is softening people up and breaking them down, gently. Seduce them with a two-pronged approach: Work on their emotions and play on their intellectual weaknesses. Be alert to both what separates them from everyone else (their individual psychology) and what they share with everyone else (their basic emotional responses). Aim at the primary emotions—love, hate, jealousy. Once you move their emotions you have reduced their control, making them more vulnerable to persuasion.
  • Play on contrasts: push people to despair, then give them relief. If they expect pain and you give them pleasure, you win their hearts.
  • Symbolic gestures of self-sacrifice can win sympathy and goodwill.
  • The quickest way to secure people’s minds is by demonstrating, as simply as possible, how an action will benefit them.

LAW 43



Coercion creates a reaction that will eventually work against you. You must seduce others into wanting to move in your direction. A person you have seduced becomes your loyal pawn. And the way to seduce others is to operate on their individual psychologies and weaknesses. Soften up the resistant by working on their emotions, playing on what they hold dear and what they fear. Ignore the hearts and minds of others and they will grow to hate you.


Thinking of the means by which he could most effectively persuade the Persians to revolt, [Cyrus’s] deliberations led him to adopt the following plan, which he found best suited to his purpose. He wrote on a roll of parchment that Astyages had appointed him to command the Persian army; then he summoned an assembly of the Persians, opened the roll in their presence and read out what he had written. “And now, he added, I have an order for you: every man is to appear on parade with a billhook....” The order was obeyed. All the men assembled with their billhooks, and Cyrus’s next command was that before the day was out they should clear a certain piece of rough land full of thorn-bushes, about eighteen or twenty furlongs square. This too was done, whereupon Cyrus issued the further order that they should present themselves again on the following day, after having taken a bath. Meanwhile, Cyrus collected and slaughtered all his father’s goats, sheep, and oxen in preparation for entertaining the whole Persian army at a banquet, together with the best wine and bread he could procure. The next day the guests assembled, and were told to sit down on the grass and enjoy themselves. After the meal Cyrus asked them which they preferred—yesterday’s work or today’s amusement; and they replied that it was indeed a far cry from the previous day’s misery to their present pleasures. This was the answer which Cyrus wanted; he seized upon it at once and proceeded to lay bare what he had in mind. “Men of Persia,” he said, “listen to me: obey my orders, and you will be able to enjoy a thousand pleasures as good as this without ever turning your hands to menial labor; but, if you disobey, yesterday’s task will be the pattern of innumerable others you will be forced to perform. Take my advice and win your freedom. I am the man destined to undertake your liberation, and it is my belief that you are a match for the Medes in war as in everything else. It is the truth I tell you. Do not delay, but fling off the yoke of Astyages at once.”

The Persians had long resented their subjection to the Medes. At last they had found a leader, and welcomed with enthusiasm the prospect of liberty.... On the present occasion the Persians under Cyrus rose against the Medes and from then onwards were masters of Asia.



Near the end of the reign of Louis XV, all of France seemed desperate for change. When the king’s grandson and chosen successor, the future Louis XVI, married the fifteen-year-old daughter of the empress of Austria, the French caught a glimpse of the future that seemed hopeful. The young bride, Marie-Antoinette, was beautiful and full of life. She instantly changed the mood of the court, which was rank with Louis XV’s de baucheries; even the common people, who had yet to see her, talked excitedly of Marie- Antoinette. The French had grown disgusted with the series of mistresses who had dominated Louis XV, and they looked forward to serving their new queen. In 1773, when Marie-Antoinette publicly rode through the streets of Paris for the first time, applauding crowds swarmed around her carriage. “How fortunate,” she wrote her mother, “to be in a position in which one can gain widespread affection at so little cost.”

In 1774 Louis XV died and Louis XVI took the throne. As soon as Marie-Antoinette became queen she abandoned herself to the pleasures she loved the most—ordering and wearing the most expensive gowns and jewelry in the realm; sporting the most elaborate hair in history, her sculpted coiffures rising as much as three feet above her head; and throwing a constant succession of masked balls and fêtes. All of these whims she paid for on credit, never concerning herself with the cost or who paid the bills.

Marie-Antoinette’s greatest pleasure was the creation and designing of a private Garden of Eden at the Petit Trianon, a château on the grounds of Versailles with its own woods. The gardens at the Petit Trianon were to be as “natural” as possible, including moss applied by hand to the trees and rocks. To heighten the pastoral effect, the queen employed peasant milkmaids to milk the finest-looking cows in the realm; launderers and cheese-makers in special peasant outfits she helped design; shepherds to tend sheep with silk ribbons around their necks. When she inspected the barns, she would watch her milkmaids squeezing milk into porcelain vases made at the royal ceramic works. To pass the time, Marie-Antoinette would gather flowers in the woods around the Petit Trianon, or watch her “good peasants” doing their “chores.” The place became a separate world, its community limited to her chosen favorites.

With each new whim, the cost of maintaining the Petit Trianon soared. Meanwhile, France itself was deteriorating: There was famine and widespread discontent. Even socially insulated courtiers seethed with resentment—the queen treated them like children. Only her favorites mattered, and these were becoming fewer and fewer. But Marie-Antoinette did not concern herself with this. Not once throughout her reign did she read a minister’s report. Not once did she tour the provinces and rally the people to her side. Not once did she mingle among the Parisians, or receive a delegation from them. She did none of these things because as queen she felt the people owed her their affection, and she was not required to love them in return.

In 1784 the queen became embroiled in a scandal. As part of an elaborate swindle, the most expensive diamond necklace in Europe had been purchased under her name, and during the swindlers’ trial her lavish lifestyle became public: People heard about the money she spent on jewels and dresses and masked dances. They gave her the nickname “Madame Deficit,” and from then on she became the focus of the people’s growing resentment. When she appeared in her box at the opera the audience greeted her with hisses. Even the court turned against her. For while she had been running up her huge expenditures, the country was headed for ruin.

Five years later, in 1789, an unprecedented event took place: the beginning of the French Revolution. The queen did not worry—let the people have their little rebellion, she seemed to think; it would soon quiet down and she would be able to resume her life of pleasure. That year the people marched on Versailles, forcing the royal family to quit the palace and take residence in Paris. This was a triumph for the rebels, but it offered the queen an opportunity to heal the wounds she had opened and establish contact with the people. The queen, however, had not learned her lesson: Not once would she leave the palace during her stay in Paris. Her subjects could rot in hell for all she cared.

In 1792 the royal couple was moved from the palace to a prison, as the revolution officially declared the end of the monarchy. The following year Louis XVI was tried, found guilty, and guillotined. As Marie-Antoinette awaited the same fate, hardly a soul came to her defense—not one of her former friends in the court, not one of Europe’s other monarchs (who, as members of their own countries’ royal families, had all the reason in the world to show that revolution did not pay), not even her own family in Austria, including her brother, who now sat on the throne. She had become the world’s pariah. In October of 1793, she finally knelt at the guillotine, unrepentant and defiant to the bitter end.


From early on, Marie-Antoinette acquired the most dangerous of attitudes: As a young princess in Austria she was endlessly flattered and cajoled. As the future queen of the French court she was the center of everyone’s attention. She never learned to charm or please other people, to become attuned to their individual psychologies. She never had to work to get her way, to use calculation or cunning or the arts of persuasion. And like everyone who is indulged from an early age, she evolved into a monster of insensitivity.

Marie-Antoinette became the focus of an entire country’s dissatisfaction because it is so infuriating to meet with a person who makes no effort to seduce you or attempt to persuade you, even if only for the purpose of deception. And do not imagine that she represents a bygone era, or that she is even rare. Her type is today more common than ever. Such types live in their own bubble—they seem to feel they are born kings and queens, and that attention is owed them. They do not consider anyone else’s nature, but bulldoze over people with the self-righteous arrogance of a Marie-Antoinette. Pampered and indulged as children, as adults they still believe that everything must come to them; convinced of their own charm, they make no effort to charm, seduce, or gently persuade.

In the realm of power, such attitudes are disastrous. At all times you must attend to those around you, gauging their particular psychology, tailoring your words to what you know will entice and seduce them. This requires energy and art. The higher your station, the greater the need to remain attuned to the hearts and minds of those below you, creating a base of support to maintain you at the pinnacle. Without that base, your power will teeter, and at the slightest change of fortune those below will gladly assist in your fall from grace.


In A.D. 225, Chuko Liang, master strategist and chief minister to the ruler of Shu in ancient China, confronted a dangerous situation. The kingdom of Wei had mounted an all-out attack on Shu from the north. More dangerous still, Wei had formed an alliance with the barbarous states to the south of Shu, led by King Menghuo. Chuko Liang had to deal with this second menace from the south before he could hope to fend off Wei in the north.

As Chuko Liang prepared to march south against the barbarians, a wise man in his camp offered him advice. It would be impossible, this man said, to pacify the region by force. Liang would probably beat Menghuo, but as soon as he headed north again to deal with Wei, Menghuo would reinvade. “It is better to win hearts,” said the wise man, “than cities; better to battle with hearts than with weapons. I hope you will succeed in winning the hearts of these people.” “You read my thoughts,” responded Chuko Liang.


The north wind and the sun were disputing which was the stronger, and agreed to acknowledge as the victor whichever of them could strip a traveler of his clothing. The wind tried first. But its violent gusts only made the man hold his clothes tightly around him, and when it blew harder still the cold made him so uncomfortable that he put on an extra wrap. Eventually the wind got tired of it and handed him over to the sun. The sun shone first with a moderate warmth, which made the man take off his topcoat. Then it blazed fiercely, till, unable to stand the heat, he stripped and went off to bathe in a nearby river. Persuasion is more effective than force.


As Liang expected, Menghuo launched a powerful attack. But Liang laid a trap and managed to capture a large part of Menghuo’s army, including the king himself. Instead of punishing or executing his prisoners, however, he separated the soldiers from their king, had their shackles removed, regaled them with food and wine, and then addressed them. “You are all upright men,” he said. “I believe you all have parents, wives, and children waiting for you at home. They are doubtless shedding bitter tears at your fate. I am going to release you, so that you can return home to your loved ones and comfort them.” The men thanked Liang with tears in their eyes; then he sent for Menghuo. “If I release you,” asked Liang, “what will you do?” “I will pull my army together again,” answered the king, “and lead it against you to a decisive battle. But if you capture me a second time, I will bow to your superiority.” Not only did Liang order Menghuo released, he gave him a gift of a horse and saddle. When angry lieutenants wondered why he did this, Liang told them, “I can capture that man as easily as I can take something out of my pocket. I am trying to win his heart. When I do, peace will come of itself here in the south.”

As Menghuo had said he would, he attacked again. But his own officers, whom Liang had treated so well, rebelled against him, captured him, and turned him over to Liang, who asked him again the same question as before. Menghuo replied that he had not been beaten fairly, but merely betrayed by his own officers; he would fight again, but if captured a third time he would bow to Liang’s superiority.

Over the following months Liang outwitted Menghuo again and again, capturing him a third, a fourth, and a fifth time. On each occasion Menghuo’s troops grew more dissatisfied. Liang had treated them with respect; they had lost their heart for fighting. But every time Chuko Liang asked Menghuo to yield, the great king would come up with another excuse: You tricked me, I lost through bad luck, on and on. If you capture me again, he would promise, I swear I will not betray you. And so Liang would let him go.

When he captured Menghuo for the sixth time, he asked the king the same question again. “If you capture me a seventh time,” the king replied, “I shall give you my loyalty and never rebel again.” “Very well,” said Liang. “But if I capture you again, I will not release you.”

Now Menghuo and his soldiers fled to a far corner of their kingdom, the region of Wuge. Defeated so many times, Menghuo had only one hope left: He would ask the help of King Wutugu of Wuge, who had an immense and ferocious army. Wutugu’s warriors wore an armor of tightly woven vines soaked in oil, then dried to an impenetrable hardness. With Menghuo at his side, Wutugu marched this mighty army against Liang, and this time the great strategist seemed frightened, leading his men in a hurried retreat. But he was merely leading Wutugu into a trap: He cornered the king’s men in a narrow valley, then lit fires set all around them. When the fires reached the soldiers Wutugu’s whole army burst into flame—the oil in their armor, of course, being highly flammable. All of them perished.

Liang had managed to separate Menghuo and his entourage from the carnage in the valley, and the king found himself a captive for the seventh time. After this slaughter Liang could not bear to face his prisoner again. He sent a messenger to the captured king: “He has commissioned me to release you. Mobilize another army against him, if you can, and try once more to defeat him.” Sobbing, the king fell to the ground, crawled to Liang on his hands and knees, and prostrated himself at his feet. “Oh great minister,” cried Menghuo, “yours is the majesty of Heaven. We men of the south will never again offer resistance to your rule.” “Do you now yield?” asked Liang. “I, my sons, and my grandsons are deeply moved by Your Honor’s boundless, life-giving mercy. How could we not yield?”

Liang honored Menghuo with a great banquet, reestablished him on the throne, restored his conquered lands to his rule, then returned north with his army, leaving no occupying force. Liang never came back—he had no need to: Menghuo had become his most devoted and unshakable ally.

The men who have changed the universe have never gotten there by working on leaders, but rather by moving the masses. Working on leaders is the method of intrigue and only leads to secondary results. Working on the masses, however, is the stroke of genius that changes the face of the world.



This long and painful pursuit of Dariusfor in eleven days he marched 33 hundred furlongsharassed his soldiers so that most of them were ready to give it up, chiefly for want of water. While they were in this distress, it happened that some Macedonians who had fetched water in skins upon their mules from a river they had found out came about noon to the place where Alexander was, and seeing him almost choked with thirst, presently filled a helmet and offered it him.... Then he took the helmet into his hands, and looking round about, when he saw all those who were near him stretching their heads out and looking earnestly after the drink, he returned it again with thanks without tasting a drop of it. “For,” said he, “if I alone should drink, the rest will be out of heart.” The soldiers no sooner took notice of his temperance and magnanimity upon this occasion, but they one and all cried out to him to lead them forward boldly, and began whipping on their horses. For whilst they had such a king they said they defied both weariness and thirst, and looked upon themselves to be little less than immortal.



Chuko Liang had two options: Try to defeat the barbarians in the south with one crushing blow, or patiently and slowly win them to his side over time. Most people more powerful than their enemy grab the first option and never consider the second, but the truly powerful think far ahead: The first option may be quick and easy, but over time it brews ugly emotions in the hearts of the vanquished. Their resentment turns to hatred; such animosity keeps you on edge—you spend your energy protecting what you have gained, growing paranoid and defensive. The second option, though more difficult, not only brings you peace of mind, it converts a potential enemy into a pillar of support.

In all your encounters, take a step back—take the time to calculate and attune yourself to your targets’ emotional makeup and psychological weaknesses. Force will only strengthen their resistance. With most people the heart is the key: They are like children, ruled by their emotions. To soften them up, alternate harshness with mercy. Play on their basic fears, and also their loves—freedom, family, etc. Once you break them down, you will have a lifelong friend and fiercely loyal ally.

Governments saw men only in mass; but our men, being irregulars, were not formations, but individuals.... Our kingdoms lay in each man’s mind.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T. E. Lawrence, 1888-1935


In the game of power, you are surrounded by people who have absolutely no reason to help you unless it is in their interest to do so. And if you have nothing to offer their self- interest, you are likely to make them hostile, for they will see in you just one more competitor, one more waster of their time. Those that overcome this prevailing coldness are the ones who find the key that unlocks the stranger’s heart and mind, seducing him into their comer, if necessary softening him up for a punch. But most people never learn this side of the game. When they meet someone new, rather than stepping back and probing to see what makes this person unique, they talk about themselves, eager to impose their own willpower and prejudices. They argue, boast, and make a show of their power. They may not know it but they are secretly creating an enemy, a resister, because there is no more infuriating feeling than having your individuality ignored, your own psychology unacknowledged. It makes you feel lifeless and resentful.

Remember: The key to persuasion is softening people up and breaking them down, gently. Seduce them with a two-pronged approach: Work on their emotions and play on their intellectual weaknesses. Be alert to both what separates them from everyone else (their individual psychology) and what they share with everyone else (their basic emotional responses). Aim at the primary emotions—love, hate, jealousy. Once you move their emotions you have reduced their control, making them more vulnerable to persuasion.

When Chuko Liang wanted to dissuade an important general of a rival kingdom from entering into an alliance with Ts‘ao Ts’ao, Liang’s dreaded enemy, he did not detail Ts‘ao Ts’ao’s cruelty, or attack him on moral grounds. Instead Liang suggested that Ts‘ao Ts’ao was really after the general’s beautiful young wife. This hit the general in the gut, and won him over. Mao Tse-tung similarly always appealed to popular emotions, and spoke in the simplest terms. Educated and well-read himself, in his speeches he used visceral metaphors, voicing the public’s deepest anxieties and encouraging them to vent their frustrations in public meetings. Rather than arguing the practical aspects of a particular program, he would describe how it would affect them on the most primitive, down-to-earth level. Do not believe that this approach works only with the illiterate and unschooled—it works on one and all. All of us are mortal and face the same dreadful fate, and all of us share the desire for attachment and belonging. Stir up these emotions and you captivate our hearts.

The best way to do this is with a dramatic jolt, of the kind that Chuko Liang created when he fed and released prisoners who expected only the worst from him. Shaking them to the core, he softened their hearts. Play on contrasts like this: Push people to despair, then give them relief. If they expect pain and you give them pleasure, you win their hearts. Creating pleasure of any kind, in fact, will usually bring you success, as will allaying fears and providing or promising security.

Symbolic gestures are often enough to win sympathy and goodwill. A gesture of self- sacrifice, for example—a show that you suffer as those around you do—will make people identify with you, even if your suffering is symbolic or minor and theirs is real. When you enter a group, make a gesture of goodwill; soften the group up for the harsher actions that will follow later.

When T. E. Lawrence was fighting the Turks in the deserts of the Middle East during World War I, he had an epiphany: It seemed to him that conventional warfare had lost its value. The old-fashioned soldier was lost in the enormous armies of the time, in which he was ordered about like a lifeless pawn. Lawrence wanted to turn this around. For him, every soldier’s mind was a kingdom he had to conquer. A committed, psychologically motivated soldier would fight harder and more creatively than a puppet.

Lawrence’s perception is still more true in the world today, where so many of us feel alienated, anonymous, and suspicious of authority, all of which makes overt power plays and force even more counterproductive and dangerous. Instead of manipulating lifeless pawns, make those on your side convinced and excited by the cause you have enlisted them in; this will not only make your work easier but it will also give you more leeway to deceive them later on. And to accomplish this you need to deal with their individual psychologies. Never clumsily assume that the tactic that worked on one person will necessarily work on another. To find the key that will motivate them, first get them to open up. The more they talk, the more they reveal about their likes and dislikes—the handles and levers to move them with.

The quickest way to secure people’s minds is by demonstrating, as simply as possible, how an action will benefit them. Self-interest is the strongest motive of all: A great cause may capture minds, but once the first flush of excitement is over, interest will flag—unless there is something to be gained. Self-interest is the solider foundation. The causes that work best use a noble veneer to cover a blatant appeal to self-interest; the cause seduces but the self-interest secures the deal.

The people who are best at appealing to people’s minds are often artists, intellectuals, and those of a more poetic nature. This is because ideas are most easily communicated through metaphors and imagery. It is always good policy, then, to have in your pocket at least one artist or intellectual who can appeal concretely to people’s minds. Kings have always kept a stable of writers in their barn: Frederick the Great had his Voltaire (until they quarreled and separated), Napoleon won over Goethe.

Conversely, Napoleon III’s alienation of writers such as Victor Hugo, whom he exiled from France, contributed to his growing unpopularity and eventual downfall. It is dangerous, then, to alienate those who have powers of expression, and useful to pacify and exploit them.

Finally, learn to play the numbers game. The wider your support base the stronger your power. Understanding that one alienated, disaffected soul can spark a blaze of discontent, Louis XIV made sure to endear himself to the lowest members of his staff. You too must constantly win over more allies on all levels—a time will inevitably come when you will need them.

Image: The Keyhole.

People build walls to keep you out; never force your way in—you will find only more walls within walls.

There are doors in these walls, doors to the heart and mind, and they have tiny key holes. Peer through the keyhole, find the key that opens the door,

and you have access to their will with no ugly signs of forced entry.

Authority: The difficulties in the way of persuasion lie in my knowing the heart of the persuaded in order thereby to fit my wording into it…. For this reason, whoever attempts persuasion before the throne, must carefully observe the sovereign’s feelings of love and hate, his secret wishes and fears, before he can conquer his heart. (Han-fei-tzu, Chinese philosopher, third century B.C.)


There is no possible reversal to this Law.

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A short history of the Chinese hopping vampires

And more…

And now for some amusing history. I like to believe that the world is full of interesting tales, histories, people and events. Yet many of these things are hidden from view. It’s treated as just some arcane knowledge that lies hidden in an attic trunk, or the garage of a long dead relative. Just waiting there, so that one day, an inquisitive young ten year old (boy or girl) would venture into that dusty realm and explore and discover treasures worth appreciation.

My curiosity was sparked by this vintage advertisement. Which makes me wonder if future historians will believe that everyone in the 1970’s wore swimming clothes when they operated a computer.

Computing in the 1970’s.

And speaking of the past. Have you ever wondered what modern Russian people think of the KGB and the days of the fading Soviet Union? We, it’s interesting, they think about it a lot. And there are some interesting meme’s floating around. Like this one…

Russian starter pack 1980s

An Anzio 20mm rifle. They’re legal to own in the US

For when you really need to take down an armored vehicle. Legal to own in most States.

An Anzio 20mm rifle. They’re legal to own in the US.

Good Debt vs. Bad Debt

Good debt: you buy a house. You now own the bank $300,000 and after your loan term you end up paying the bank $400,000 after interest. It took 30 years to pay that debt but since houses went up in price your initial $400k spent is now worth $500k.

Bad debt: you see this nice new TV at best buy. It costs $3k, but its top of the line. Now, you don’t have $3k to drop on a TV, so you put it on the credit card. It takes you ~3 years to pay it off @ 20% interest. In the end you will pay about $4k for the TV, and in 3 years time that TV will most likely be worth 1/10 of what was paid.

The idea that you need to avoid all debts is not practical to most people and not really good financial advice. The exception are people who can’t handle the responsibility of credit (which tend to be the people who get this advice, and tend to be younger people) or people who have jobs that are too inconsistent to keep up with regular payments (which tend to be poorer people).

Johnny Depp was in a wedding band back in 1982

Well, we all have to start somewhere.

Johnny Depp

What I really wanted when I was a boy

I didn’t get it though. Sigh.

A totally cool floor

Well, at least I think so. Anyways.

Cool floor

Married with Children

One of my favorite television shows of the 1980’s.

A Stop at Willoughby

The Twilight Zone is known for the weird, the macabe and the dark. However, this episode isn’t so black and white. Well, the show’s physically still in black and white, but in the case of Gart Williams, a tired and overworked advertising executive, life is a nightmare and The Twilight Zone offers relief every evening on his train ride home. Williams pictures an idyllic society, one that he feels at ease in. “A Stop at Willoughby” is about man’s search for paradise. Some call it heaven, Williams calls it Willoughby.

“A Stop at Willoughby”

The OTS-135 12.7mm Revolver: For when you need to blow a hole through Neptune’s rings

A bit over-kill. I would like to see the holster fro this monster.

Enjoy this little adventure.

From HERE.

The Hopping Vampires (jiang shi) are a type of undead creature found in Chinese folklore. Although its Chinese name is often translated as ‘Chinese hopping vampire / zombie / ghost), its literal meaning is ‘stiff corpse’. These creatures may be identified by their attire – the uniform of a Qing Dynasty official. Additionally, the jiang shi is recognizable by its posture and movement. The arms of these creatures are permanently outstretched, apparently due to rigor mortis, and they hop, rather than walk.

As a result of the stiffness in their bodies, there are many ways to turn a corpse into a jiang shi, and as many ways to defeat them. These undead creatures appear in quite a number of Chinese films.

What are Jiang Shi?

While most jiang shi share the same type of attire, bodily posture, and mode of movement, variations also exist among these creatures. For example, some of these beings look like normal humans, while others are a little more decomposed as a result of being dead for a longer period of time. Yet others have been depicted with sharp teeth, long nails, and emitting a green phosphorescent glow. In some versions of the story, jiang shi are said to be able to grow stronger, thus allowing them to acquire skills such as flying and transforming into wolves.

How a Jiang Shi is Created

There are apparently many ways for a dead body to turn into a jiang shi. For instance, according to one version of the myth, a jiang shi is created when a person suffers a violent death, for instance, suicide, hanging or drowning. Such deaths cause the soul to be unable to leave the body, thus resulting in a reanimated corpse.

Another belief is that a corpse may become a jiang shi if it is not given a proper burial. For instance, if a burial was postponed after death, a dead body may become restless, and return to haunt the living. Another supposed way of a corpse turning into a jiang shi is that it fails to decompose even after burial. Corpses that have been struck by a bolt of lightning or hopped over by an animal (particularly cats) are also said to turn into this undead creature.

Some Truth to the Story?

Stories about the jiang shi are not entirely without basis in fact. During the Qing Dynasty, efforts were made to return the bodies of Chinese workers who died far away from home back to their place of birth. This was done so that their spirits would not grow homesick.

It seems that there were those who specialized in this trade and handled the transportation of the corpses back to their ancestral homes. These ‘corpse drivers’, as they are called, are said to have transported the dead at night. The coffins were attached to bamboo poles that rested on the shoulders of two men. As they went on their journey, the bamboo poles would flex. Viewed from afar, this would look as is the dead were bouncing on their own accord.

It is from here that rumors about reanimated corpses began. Initially, it was speculated that the ‘corpse drivers’ were necromancers who were able to magically reanimate the corpses of the dead. Under the supervision of the ‘corpse drivers’, the dead would hop back home.

This was done overnight to minimize the decay of the body. Additionally, travelling at night meant that there would be a lower chance of encountering the living, and meeting the dead is considered bad luck. For added measure, a priest with a bell is said to lead the procession, thus warning people of their approach.

How to Defeat a Hopping Vampire

The jiang shi are commonly said to come out at night. To sustain themselves, as well as to grow more powerful, the jiang shi would steal the qi (life force) of living victims. The living, however, are not entirely defenseless against these creatures. There seems to be several ways to defeat a jiang shi, these include:

  • the blood of a black dog
  • glutinous rice
  • showing it a mirror because it fears its reflection
  • chicken eggs
  • throwing money on the floor (they’ll stop to count it)
  • the urine of a virgin boy
  • holding one’s breath
  • sticking a Taoist talisman on its forehead
  • a rooster’s crowing

During the 1980s, the jiang shi was a popular subject in the film industry of Hong Kong. While these undead were often featured as antagonists, they have sometimes been depicted as more human-like, and at times even served as comic relief!

Now that was fun huh? Well, we’re on a roll. Let’s keep a rolling.

Selected Alternative Media

The art of Electronics (full PDF – FREE)

This is the complete PDF of chapter 9 of the amazing work “The art of electronics”.  It is provided free with no encumbrances. No registration. No credit card “to verify if you are human” and other bullshit methods to squeeze money from you. It’s presented here for fellow geeks and mad scientists to enjoy.


Thoughts In The Middle Of An Economic Collapse?

From Busted Knuckles

It’s being done intentionally in case anyone was wondering.

I see Gold and Silver are trying to break out.

There’s a sign all is not well in Koo Koo land right there.

Inflation is killing us, eating at our buying power.

I saw an article last night that I am too lazy to find at the moment showing that Shadow Stats compared what the official inflation rate is compared to how they used to calculate it back in the 80’s and it would be right about 15%.

Anyone who has recently bought groceries or fuel of any kind has seen that with their own eyes.

I also saw where Homeland Security is still pushing the Domestic Terrorism button.

Standing on it actually.

TPTB would love nothing better for someone to snap and start shooting the place up so they could start with the Purge they already have unwrapped and sitting on the table waiting.

People are quitting and getting fired left and right over the horse shit OSHA enforced Vaxx Mandate that we are all waiting to see some Black Robed Nazgul’s say is perfectly legal when anyone with a lick of sense can see through like cellophane.

It’s either because [1] the Government is incompetent beyond rational understanding, or [2] they are criminally complicit in trying to destroy the lives and families of Americans. Either way, the USA is very toxic right now.

Other comments…

Just seeing a few holes in the grocery shelves, but nothing serious.  Gas is just under $4/gal (premium), and ammunition is outrageous when you can find it.  Help wanted signs everywhere with some restaurants short-staffed to the point of drive-thru only.  If Waffle House can only have one server and one cook, shit is baaad.  Same staffing shortages in retail as well.  It’s like 10% of the population just left the planet.  Just wish our local government retards would vanish.   New residential developments left and right.  Wondering who is going to pay those high prices for a house.  I’m hoping the asshole turning a corn field into a subdivision about 1/2 mile from me loses his ass.  Life seems to be normal, but even the wife senses “tension” (her word) when she’s out and about for provisioning.  I’m too old to wait too long, so whatever is going to happen I wish it would pop so I can have a little fun with it.


Great vid that explains quite a bit fer the simple minded like me:



But cool.

Some Geo-politic stuff

From HERE. Interesting website.

The fight in Donbass is one of the major world’s flash points alongside Syria and Taiwan—where U.S. provocations threaten a major war with China.

If the West forces a military confrontation with Russia in Ukraine, it can be sure it will face one with China over Taiwan simultaneously, neither of which it has any chance of winning.

The Russians and Chinese have forged a partnership against Western, primarily U.S. aggression in the political, economic, and military spheres.

“Idiots in the Pentagon Are Pushing the U.S. into a Military Confrontation with China over Nothing,” Says Former Top Policy Adviser

From HERE.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley claimed last week that China was close to a “sputnik moment” due to its successful test of a hypersonic missile. 

However, U.S. space-based early warning systems can detect hypersonic missiles, marking them as no threat at all.

General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff warned on Wednesday, October 27th, that China’s development of a hypersonic missile system is “very concerning,” calling it “very close” to a “sputnik moment” that triggered the space race during the Cold War.

“What we saw was a very significant event of a test of a hypersonic weapon system. And it is very concerning,” Milley said during an interview with “The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations” on Bloomberg Television. “I don’t know if it’s quite a Sputnik moment, but I think it’s very close to that. It has all of our attention.” 

Sputnik was the first artificial satellite launched into low Earth orbit in 1957 by the Soviet Union, which sparked the space race between the U.S. and USSR.

Theodore Postol, professor emeritus of Science, Technology, and International Security at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a former top policy adviser to the Chief of Naval Operations, says that the Sputnik analogy advanced by General Milley is off base.

“The launching of Sputnik,” Postol said in an interview with CAM, “signaled at the time that the Soviet Union was able to compete with the U.S. in space and had been a surprise.” However, in the case of China and the testing of a hypersonic missile, U.S. intelligence agencies were “already aware about it and knew that China is very advanced in science and technology.”

The hypersonic missile, furthermore, “does not threaten the U.S. population in any way or provide China any military-technological edge.”

This is because the U.S. has “extraordinary space-based early warning infrared systems with the ability to detect hypersonic vehicles as they descend into the atmosphere and become heated to very high temperatures.”

General Milley’s statement, according to Postol, reflects how “idiots in the Pentagon” and political appointees are trying to “push us [the U.S.] into military confrontation with China over nothing.”

“Pushing us into military confrontation over nothing”

Launched via rocket, the hypersonic missile can travel over 6,000 miles at five times the speed of sound (3,836 mph). It runs parallel to the earth’s surface and can skip off it like a rock before reaching its destination after heating up to a very high temperature.

The space-based early warning system can see the hot spots of the hypersonic missile that’s moving when it dips into the boundary between space and the upper atmosphere. The exhaust from the hypersonic vehicle would also be recognizable.

According to Postol, a more real threat to U.S. national security are ballistic missiles—that Russia and China both possess—which are more accurate and launch balloons in space that radar cannot peer through and detect. The balloons are decoys which in frictionless outer space are very hard to distinguish from the actual warhead.

The U.S. military also cannot defend against cruise missiles that the Russians and Chinese have in their arsenals.

Testing the hypersonic missile, according to Postol, may provide “a statement from China that they are a technological competitor to the U.S.,” but it will “have little or no meaning in terms of adding significant nuclear-strike capabilities.”

“Someone gave Milley false information”

Postol says that he “does not think that Milley is a liar, but believes that he was provided false information from someone within the U.S. military or intelligence agencies and didn’t know any better.”

According to Postol, “Milley is both an unsophisticated consumer of intelligence and someone who is easily manipulated.”

In October, “when a drone strike in Kabul killed ten civilians, Milley stated that the attack was just”—though later acknowledged it had been a mistake.

“A dysfunctional system” and culture that “hypes threats”

Trained as a nuclear engineer at MIT, Postol said that his experience as a scientific policy adviser to the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jim Watkins, from 1982 to 1984, “left him with a low regard for the accuracy of information provided by high-level government employees.”

This low regard has only intensified with time.

When Colin Powell gave his infamous speech at the UN in February 2003 about Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Iraq, Postol—then a Pentagon adviser—knew right away that every line in the speech was wrong and that Powell himself knew this.

Recipient of the Leo Szilard Prize in 1990 from the American Physical Society for “incisive technical analysis of national security issues that [have] been vital for informing the public policy debate” and Norbert Weiner Award from Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility for “uncovering numerous and important false claims about missile defenses,” Postol earned the ire of the Bush I administration when he challenged the efficacy of the Patriot missile system—which had reputedly intercepted Scud missiles launched against Israel by Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein during the first Persian Gulf War.

Since that time, Postol has been highly critical of the tearing up of arms control agreements like the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with Russia reducing cruise missiles, and U.S. government investment in ineffective weapons systems that waste taxpayer dollars.

In Postol’s view, the intelligence agencies have some good people working for them, but have developed into “rigid, dysfunctional bureaucracies with weak leaders who are often politicized.”

Those who gain promotion “have their own motivations” and “do not always provide the best information.” They are “part of a culture that hypes threats,” and “provides higher ups with a storyline that is useful to the larger agenda which is to get more money from Congress.”

By amplifying threats, the intelligence agencies want to “scare people” so they will “sanction huge military budgets” and big-ticket “defense projects that often add little to national security.”

Syrian chemical gas hoax

According to Postol, the intelligence agencies deliberately deceived the American public when they claimed that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad carried out chemical weapon attacks against his own people—a claim that was adopted as a pretext for military strikes against Syria.

Postol reviewed key evidence about alleged attacks in August 2013 in the Ghouta district of Damascus and in April 2017 in the town of Khan Shaykhun in the Idlib Governate of Syria.

In the case of Ghouta, Postol said that the Obama White House presented a false intelligence report like in the Gulf of Tonkin incident that could have caused the nation to go to war.

According to Postol, what shows that the White House was lying is simple: The rockets that delivered the Sarin gas had a range of about two kilometers, roughly four to five times shorter than what was needed to execute the attack from Syrian-government controlled areas according to the White House map.

In the case of the attack on Khan Shaykhun, Postol said that the Syrian air force bombed a building—a meeting place for extremist leaders—with a supply store in its basement that stored pesticides and other chemicals which released toxic materials when it was struck.

The crater in the building had to have been caused by artillery rockets, and the scene was later staged to make it look like it was the target of a sarin nerve gas attack by Assad.

Jeffrey St. Clair wrote in Counterpunch that “China’s successful hypersonic missile test insures that over the next decade trillions will be diverted from health care, climate change, education and infrastructure budgets into a bottomless Pentagon slush fund for developing, testing and deploying missiles that by definition (or at least according to the logic of MAD theory) can never be used.”

This is how much food you can get for the cost of a pack of cigarettes in Australia

Part of Australian social engineering.

Australian cost for cigarettes

This all-female football tournament in Pakistan might have the best backdrop in the world

Pakistan is truly a beautiful place.

A cabbage farm kinda looks like a field of alien pods waiting to hatch

It does, doesn’t it?

Some video time

I would like to throw forth some videos now…

Show some love… video

Come on, ya gotta give out some love if you are ever going to expect to receive any. video

In China, people work together. In China, people take the time to make the world a better place. I like to believe that this aspect of the Chinese people is very much a human aspect that has been bleached out of many people because their societies have become evil, corrupted by the greedy. Start now. Take charge of your life. Start now, clean up your little part of the world. Start now and make the difference.

Stop waiting on others to do things. Instead, you go forth and do them yourself. video.

Please be the Rufus. Help others. Take action when it is needed. Do not fear anything. Go forth and go great things. Video

Show some humanity. Show some understanding. Show some kindness. Be the Rufus. Make a difference in the world around you. VIDEO.

Help others. Be kind. Go out of your way to do nice and helpful things. Do not be afraid about being late for work, or getting sued, or what others will think. Take the initiative and be the Rufus… video

Be the Rufus. Seriously. Be the Rufus. Like this cab driver does… video

Or like this cab driver does…


Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my Happiness Index here…

Life & Happiness


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More Q&A with the Commander from The Domain with personal questions from top MM influencers

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This group concentrates on a number specifically asked by top influencers, lurkers, and participants on the MM website. In this instance I took my time to get and obtain answers to the various questions, and devoted time and effort to acquire the most accurate and useful information possible.

I had to spread this Q&A out, and many times it was extremely difficult for me to read the actual answers as my physical life was chaotic, noisy, demanding and discordant at the time that I received the answers.

All of these questions are exactly as posted to me, either by email, comments, or in the forum.

I also needed to differentiate between “noise”, my “internal thoughts” and “The Commander”.  What I do not EVER want to happen is my own personal thoughts, and ideas override what the Commander is telling me. So in this particular instance, and throughout this article, I have asked to “increase the gain” and “open up the volume”, even though it is more uncomfortable for me personally, so that I can obtain the best quality responses free of any personal opinions or thoughts.

What is the life of a “typical” citizen of The Domain like?

I wonder if it is appropriate to ask the Commander what the life of a typical Domain citizen is like. Are they born into particular bodies?

Domain citizens live very differently than anything that an imprisoned earth human would understand.

Fundamentally, all citizens of The Domain are non-corporeal entities. We "live our lives" is a state that you would consider to be trans-dimensional in a "spirit form". This state is a state that humans will have a very difficult time understanding. We live in a timeless state of existence, however, we inject our consciousnesses in the Master Universe to experience time.

The Master Universe experiences time just like the Reality Universe does, as does the spawned pocket universes that you refer to as Heavens.

In our "normal" state, we form communities, societies and collectives. We have communication, interactions, form bonds, relationships and clusters not unlike families that you experience. We have non-physical areas where our communities exist. These areas are very similar to what is experienced in your "Heavens". There are structures, venues, environments that we exist in and interact in.

All the members of The Domain participate in society.

We all have roles based on our abilities. Our abilities define our social roles within The Domain society. Some are engineers, some are administrators. Some are historians, some are social engineers. There are many roles. As we have discussed in other communications, such as military soldiers, and pilots.

As members of The Domain we cycle in and out of the Master Universe like you human inmates would cycle to and from work. However, it is at a much longer duty cycle that you could comprehend.

My current cycle involves administrative, management and leadership roles in this particular geographic region of physical space, or which the Prison Complex is but one of my responsibilities.

In this role, I can inject myself into "doll bodies", "skin suits", or take over bodies as needed.

All members of The Domain have this ability. However, the type of bodies that can be occupied is a function of ability and skill set. And since this is stratified by rank hierarchy, one can see that occupational societal position determines one's ability to inject consciousness for an IS-BE.

There is a great deal of freedom of a Domain IS-BE. But all that freedom is tempered by the restrictions due to their responsibility as the caretakers and stewards of the Master Universe.

The only prohibitions on an individual member of the Domain is their agreed upon responsibilities and rules of behavior. When they agree to play a role in The Domain society, they also agree to behavior limitations corresponding to that social role. Unlike those rules, laws and regulations that humans experience, ours are finer, and reasonable.

Do the citizens of The Domain grow up in different cultures?

Do they grow up in different cultures?

Many of the citizens of The Domain have come from previous backgrounds, interesting cultures, and skin suits of many different creatures and their many, many different societies. Once they decide to join the Domain, they do so realizing that they will accept a lifestyle where they will spend the bulk of their time in the non-corporeal form, with periodic injections into other forms for work-related purposes, enjoyment and pleasure, and exploration and adventure.

It is a lifestyle that is alien to earth human inmates.

Most all of the members of The Domain have full and complete access to all of their memories which date back trillions of years. This provides a wisdom and an understanding that is alien to the earth human condition.

The Domain spans most of the Master Universe. Additionally, it radiates elsewhere to other regions / realities / environments / universes that are beyond human understanding.

This should be obvious to the questioner that the great diversity and variety of experiences held between the various IS-BE's within The Domain is extensive, comprehensive, and serves as a great repository of resources that we mutually draw upon to resolve our mutual goals.

All of the IS-BE's within The Domain has experienced "lifetimes" in corporeal bodies within societies and roles of many different types and understandings.

Concerning the “typical” citizen of The Domain, what is their attitude concerning work, and play?

What is their attitude towards work and play etc…you know the “mundane” stuff that I think would help us understand more about them?

Work is play for many members of The Domain. 

We find what our interests are, and then our society envelopes those that match interests with our mutual needs. Those that are aggressive, and militaristic in nature, find a role in the military. Those that are contemplative and studious find a role in research and discovery.

As an IS-BE we can easily choose a life of carefree wandering. Those that are part of The Domain do so of our own choosing. We seek to provide benefit to all, and in that action find personal rewards. These rewards serve as our enjoyments and pleasures.

Of course, we often occupy various skin suits for vacations, past-time pleasures, and other purposes. These are either part of an established society, or contrived as part of an artificial "playground". Of course, many of us go on various adventures to other universes and realms. Some are gone for a very long time before they return to the primary group cluster.

Personal question: “Was the questioner a comedian or a humorist” in a former incarnation?

I do have one question for the Domain. All the other “heavy” questions, the other readers have beat me to it (mRNA vaccines, possible WW3, etc).

It’s a small and quite unimportant question (on the larger scheme of things), but it’s somewhat important to me in piecing together my full identity (I’m not going to die or anything, but I really would love to know).

If the commander would be kind enough to reveal this trifle, I would be extremely grateful. If you could ask the Commander: was I a comedian or humorist in a previous incarnation?

It’s a serious question, and I promise it’s not “busy work” or me “getting my rocks off”. I do understand that you have a lot on your plate, as does the Commander.

Have a great day, and I hope you are able to iron out the wrinkles in your website. It’s a very valuable place for information, and it would be a tragedy to lose it.

Everything is recorded in this Master Universe. It is available to anyone who can read the data. The same is true for all the pocket universes that are spawned from this Master Universe. These include the Prison Complex (universe) and it's sub-pocket universes; the various Heaven universes. 

This is true for all universes. Whether this one, or another one. All one needs to know is how to read the experience, and memory data. Since time does not exist in the means that contemporaneous human inmates understand, an IS-BE can freeze events from any segment of time, from any segment of the MWI (within the reality universe) and observe it.

Unfortunately, most inmate human skin suits are unable to access their past memories irregardless of their histories. This is a factor regarding purposeful amnesia. 

The system is designed so that access of memories is controlled and metered out on a as-needed basis. For the most part, the Mantids (sic.) control access to these memories. Yet, the access to these memories are not all that difficult. There are numerous methods that a consciousness can utilize to obtain access to these memories that bypass the Mantid (sic.) policing and allocation measurements.

[1] The first method is though guided hypnosis for past life regression. It is very effective, and it works quite well.Locate a skilled past life regressionist to accomplish this task. Not every one is skilled, and not everyone is appropriately skilled for your particular needs.

[2] The second method is via MM affirmation campaign technique (sic.). Here, you place affirmations asking for guidance and events that will inform you of who you were in the past.

[3] A third method is to communicate with your assigned Mantid (sic) and ask them to allow you to view your previous lives while you are still in the corporeal body. This can be done through prayer / affirmations, and those that are skilled, through LD and OBE. They tend to be rather accommodating in this regard, provided that it does not interrupt their over riding objectives.

It is obvious that there is a connection with your previous incarnations based upon the the question issued. You should not doubt yourself. Obviously there IS A CONNECTION, but what it is specifically we (The Domain) and I (The Commander) cannot elaborate on. This limitation is based on the limitations imposed on us by our roles within the Domain hierarchy, our skill-sets, and the intentional memory access locks / tumblrs / restraints imposed by the Mantid (sic.) in charge of your histories.

However, there are some points / guidance / recommendations / suggestions that I (The Commander) can advise the questioner on.

(As follows)

[1] Nothing is unsupported. Histories always influences current activities, lives and personalities. This is because time does not actually exist. It just seems that it does.

[2] If you believe that you have a certain history, there is a great likelihood that it is an actual reality that you participated within.

[3] You should never question your intuition. In fact, your intuition / gut feelings / urges are a far better gauge of your situation than anything that your brain and reasoning might tell you.

Thus, it is obvious to us (The Commander and others in the particular locale during the Q&A) that the questioner was indeed a comic or someone of creative humorous intent.

Next Question….

I don’t know how you know I am in need of answers.

I am worried by the upcoming war. I am living a good but fragile life, i.e. I have a full-time job. With it, I am able to support my close family and my relatives living in Venezuela. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to pay the bank credit for the apartment and basically I will become homeless here. I may be laid off as consequence of war. If that happens I will be forced to go back to my country with my family.

I have 3 personal questions for the Domain Commander, if you may and when your possibilities allow:

Personal question:” Will the questioner keep his job and continue living here in Costa Rica despite war and the catastrophe caused by it?”

The response…

The MWI in the Reality Universe that the Prison Complex is part of is constantly undulating and changing. However, there are areas of calm and stability. In regards to the geographical region that is Costa Rica, it is (though most scenarios) a stable region. While not an oasis, it will not be as greatly affected as the turmoil that might be presented to you in the various media outlets. Do not allow fear to cause you to react. Our readings show stability, with slowly encroaching elements of change.

Inflation, worries, various elements of instability, that are successfully suppressed manifest in most probable scenarios. For most people, and yourself, you can consider yourself to be in a "life raft" while the rest of the world undergoes turmoil.

There will be inflation. The price of goods will increase. There will be changes. But none of the changes should be physically dangerous to you or your family. There MAY be contentious political changes, but your ability to react to them, though your role in your immediate community will enable you to successfully navigate though the changes.

Do not fear. You are going to be doing far better than most others (on the planet) through this period of contentious change.

This does not mean that you will be completely comfortable, nor does this mean that you will be able to profit though the changes. What this means is that there are some scenarios, depending on the changing trends, where you could profit, or where you could just survive. But in every event, you and your family will be safe. (Emphasis on the word "safe".) No matter what turmoil might rage around you.

(Commander request:) Please reaffirm your desire to work with The Domain on all these efforts.

(There is no attached requirement do this, and they will do what ever is necessary to maintain this manifestation with this request. It is just a request on their part. And to this, I must add, do not fear the dreams or feeling that you might have once you do so. The impression that I get is that there is an attached extra monitoring effort involved, and some added reassurance on your part might be necessary to implement this action. -MM)

Personal Question; ” Who is the questioner fundamentally?”

Quick answer, but a great deep question. To engage this level of question I have to intervene. I informed the Commander that this is a deeply personal question that will determine the outcome of future interactions with the rest of society. -MM


You are (today) a member of the Domain. But, your substantive history is checkered.

You entered the "Old Empire" from another universe, and quickly found yourself engulfed in uncomfortable situations. 

After a short period of time, you ended up meeting the wrong people, getting into bad situations, and making enemies that you had no intention of making. 

In short order, you were arrested, confined and sentenced, and soon ended up in this Prison Complex.

As best as I / we can determine, you lived a rather stable life in your other previous universe, and was a productive and viable member of society there. Your histories are "good" in that regard. 

When you entered this universe, you had the dysfunction of ending up in a clamorous dangerous empire; the "Old Empire" and thus being wholly unprepared for the encounters you met, you were quickly arrested, incarcerated, and sentenced. We  (I) see great confusion as you were thrown into this Prison Complex. 

Your situation is a real complete tragedy.

We / I offer our sympathies.

Personal Question; “Is the questioner doing a good job for the Domain so far?”

I seldom remember my dreams, but in the last one I didn’t run. I faced an adversary and defeated him. There were a lot of people with me, just as described by the DC in your last post.

Besides, as the Domain needs assets with LD – OBE – Astral Projection, I want to recommend my mother to help them. I haven’t talked with her regarding this because she is brainwashed by Christianity. She is extremely good and she knows how to travel to future events (MWI slides? – mostly catastrophic events). Her name is <redacted>. She lives in Charallave, Venezuela.

Please tell the DC there is a small area in Canaima, Venezuela that has little or no gravity and big magnetic activity. Maybe this is an “Old Empire” device. This area is hard to locate and it is deep in the jungle. I can’t confirm its existence but I had read of this for years.

I am terrified and those fears are consuming me. There is no hurry. Please help me when you can.

Your fears are consuming you. Stop.

(Alright) Listen to me / us; (Really aggressive stance. -MM) 

You are not unprotected. Do your affirmations (sic.) and follow the guidance's of your instincts / gut feelings. Watch your dreams. We will not abandon any of our voluntary corps. You are now part of The Domain. 

And we expect you to understand that membership has responsibilities, but also benefits.

Benefits: We ask for you to assist us, and you are doing quite well; splendidly (actually). 

Yet you have doubts. Do you believe that we would abandon you? 

We will not.

(Again aggressive emphasis on the word "NOT".)

There are all sorts of things going on. Your mother is an IS-BE that we can help, but she must ask for it. We cannot provide help or assistance without a formal request FROM HER. 

You know what you need to do.

Do not fear the changes. What you need to understand is what your role is in this life that you live. Recognize that you are part of something bigger, and we will NEVER (emphasis) N-E-V-E-R abandon our people who work with us. 

Do your best. You will be fine.

Are other “prison guard” consciousnesses assigned as “family members” and “friends” to ensure that tabs are being kept on the members of the Lost Battalion?

I now have some serious questions for the Commander. Also for you.

I believe the commander had mentioned that the Lost Battalion members were purposely injected into “punishment/torture” style pre-birth templates. I was wondering, are other “prison guard” consciousnesses assigned as “family members” and “friends” to ensure that tabs are being kept on the members of the Lost Battalion, and to ensure that they stay on the “torture” path?

I was wondering if perhaps fucked up family relations with people who are clearly unlike you was an “Old Empire” type of system meant to keep the inmates from truly trusting and working with one another, since the damage is done at an intimate level.

And that of course, the “prison guards” are programmed well enough to not recall their true purpose.

Also, it seems that some malevolent family members want to “stay” in one’s life, even though it’s clear that the person wants to sever ties. Is this a result of some astral contract they signed elsewhere perhaps, that they must fulfill their duty of causing misery or trouble to others or otherwise they will be made to pay a price for contract violation/ineffectual servitude/service failure?

I’m sorry if this sounds “out there”, but I always wondered what compelled them to chase the person who is clearly rejecting them (for good reason), when they could be focusing on their own affairs and living well without crossing paths with the person who rejected them ever again.

(Lots of information thrown at me at once.)

Yes. No. Maybe. Probably.

Probably. It is a serious probability, but not as you assume.

Shadow people (sic.) can be constructs in a world-line that fit the pre-birth world-line template used to control though direction and manifestation.

Mantid Prime's control your pre-birth world-line templates, and they can place directing and funneling utilities; people, places and events to corral your thoughts and actions into pre-determined outcomes.

Yes. The probability is high (bolded to reflect the communication emphasis. -MM) that this is the case. 

However, if this is the actual case, you need to ask your Mantid (sic.) handler to determine the actual situation. This can be obtained by asking them directly via prayer or personal affirmation. You must address them directly. They will recognize the request if done in this manner.

Personal Question: Did the questioner accidentally curse MM in some manner unintentionally?

I was a little concerned that I accidentally hurt or cursed you in my last lucid dream. That was why I was a little shocked that you said your tooth popped out.

In the teeth falling out dream I had, I saw your face. The whole time I was pleased with myself for remembering to feel my teeth with my tongue, but now I’m a little worried that you got hurt in the process of my mini LD event. I sincerely hope I’m not some kind of jinx on you.

(I answer this personally;) 

Nope it is only a coincidence, though you might have some insight in what is going on in my life, but you cannot change anything that I personally do not want and allow to change.

(Never the less, I asked this to the Commander. Who responded...)

No. Observations though dreaming has very little relevance on the physical lives that individual consciousness live. It is similar to watching television or listening to a radio while there are all kinds of distractions and noise going on. 

In this particular case, you were "attuned" / aware / connected to MM (sic.) during the dream state, and you were able to "tune in" / observe / track / aware of events in his life. 

This ability is advanced, and a characteristic of great latent abilities that you possess. You should work on expanding these abilities and improving them. 

This kind and level of awareness is a precious thing that would benefit you in many areas of your personal life, as well as be a great asset to The Domain in the future.

So relax. All is good.

Good “asset” in the future, eh? Well, I’d take it as a complement, anyways.

I just need my teeth fixed, my bedroom floor repaired from the water damage, the study room windows repaired, and those floors, wiring, and windows all repaired. And I need to stop my damn old dog from peeing and crapping all over the place. I swear he has sprung a leak. But it’s not your fault. You are just an observer of the chaos. -MM

You are like that girl from the movie “Push” (2009). She can see the future as the MWI changes, and she writes her impressions on in this little book she carries around. It’s a great little movie. Takes place in Hong Kong. Very atmospheric and a little Film Noir.

Scene from Push…

Awareness scene from the movie Push.

Follow up scene from Push…

Scene from the movie Push.

I strongly believe that all MM participants, lurkers, or followers all have some very powerful latent abilities. Unfortunately many are unaware of what we can do. I view this comment from the Domain Commander as a strong affirmation that you are yourself a true treasure.

What is the percentage of the earth prison population wearing “human prison skin suits”?

Is it possible to ask the Commander how much of the Earth prison population that is currently occupying human prison skins are actually not “human” archetypes (kind of like the original you, before the “adjustments”)?

This is an very easy question. The answer is a sizable percentage. 

Everyone who is a prisoner in the prison complex wears a inmate skin suit. And those that do, actually a large percentage are not human-preferential entities.

There is a small percentage of human entities in the Old Empire. Thus most of the old empire prisoners have now been adapted to the human biological skin suit.

IS-BE's from elsewhere have had to adapt to the prison attire within this Prison Complex, whether they were of a (difficult to translate) form, aquatic, from a high gravity desert world or whatever.

The human form is the dominant prison skin suit attire in this complex on / in / about the earth physical environment. Other forms include donkeys, dolphins, elephants, and a few others. The second most populous skin suit form is monkey.

Questions for The Commander on the write up “[daegonmagus] – Part 11 -Combined LD Asset Penetration Into Amnesia Infrastructure”?

Keep in mind that LD and OBE can be entirely unnerving experiences, and it takes time and lucidity to understand it when we return to our prison skin suits.


From DM…

While it rehashes a few things I have already talked about, I think it contains some info the Commander will consider as being quite valuable.

It is valuable. The information provided is a treasure trove of great intel and has already set things in motion towards new projects and operations. -DOMAIN

I am very interested to hear yours and his opinions of it, particularly the first impression you get from him “absorbing” it.

The size of the documentation is large and difficult to repeat all the notations without overloading our channel (he's talking about me. -MM), there is a great deal of things that relate to other processes and systems that we were aware of, but this information has provided us with other perceptions that has since spawned other investigative venues. -DOMAIN

Be warned, it is about 12k worth of words, so might take you a good amount of time to go through. There will be further documentation in the coming weeks in regards to my opinions on how LD assets can be effectively used to tackle this amnesia problem.

I also have a few questions for the Commander, but as there is already a couple of question in the document I will hold off asking them for your sake.

Is the Domain absolutely sure that the Old Empire has been eradicated in this sector of the physical/ non physical universe?

Because intelligence gained from this experience alone suggests they are still very, very active. Going by Airl’s description of the Old Empire and everything the Grand Elder told me as well as what I experienced, I am apt to believe this was the Old Empire and not just a wannabe mimicking faction.

At first glance, it seems a group of inmates have taken over the control mechanisms and are trying to develop escape bodies.

Fundamentally, the pocket universe(s) known as "Heaven" are running automatically and autonomously. They are operating as if they are still part of the "Old Empire". We have not been able to change this situation as the "tunnel of light" / amnesia mechanism used to access it is too great of a threat for us to attempt a crossover.

However, the over all pocket universe that spawned these "Heavens"; the reality universe is open to us. Though we tread carefully in this environment. There are many traps and snares.

We have free, uninhibited movement within this "reality universe" (pocket universe), but that does not mean that every single element of the "Old Empire" has been eliminated. Your efforts appear to indicate otherwise. We have long suspected that there are very special (the Commander slows down and tries to simplify some complex thoughts right now) mini pocket sub universe enclosures / structures / rooms / chambers / areas which can lie hidden in plain sight from which the "old Empire" mechanisms and operations can originate from. This seems to be the case. Which is why the destruction of the amnesia equipment is so problematic. The "Old Empire" has used the advanced techniques associated with free roaming IS-BE's to the physical environment and created all sorts of hidden mechanisms that need to be identified and rooted out one by one.

This is one of the reasons why the Prison Complex is so dangerous.

Many of these sub-structures are in the universe but lie outside of it. The closest way to imagine this is with a one way mirror. You look at the mirror, you see nothing unusual. But on the other side of the mirror lies a complete room with people and equipment in it. These mini pocket universes seem to populate this entire prison complex like grape clusters on a vine. They are apparently everywhere, and they operate in many different ways. Some are traps. Some are snares. Some are disguised machinery. Some are barracks. Some are just "broom closets". Some are uncompleted, while others are disused. And some open up to others that open up to still others creating this kind of large endless maze to entrap the IS-BE in.

What seems obvious now is that these mini-pocket universes / chambers hold refuge centers; think "foxholes", and "military bunkers" from which elements of the "Old Empire" military retreated to during the final days of our conquest of this particular region of the solar system. These IS-BE citizens of the "Old Empire" are military units for the most part, and they seem to have taken over various elements of the machinery of the "Old Empire" Prison Complex for their own purposes. Which units are doing what is unknown. In any event all indications are that some still occupy this region, and some still maintain a presence but have gone rogue. 

We do not believe that the "Old Empire" prison system is functioning as a healthy complex as it was designed. But rather it is in a complex state of disarray with many factions and elements working in ad-hoc methodology to operate it for their own personal purposes. This includes inmates trying to escape, previous military members of the "Old Empire" trapped here, the actual prison guards and administrators trapped here and so on and so forth.

The entire administrative complex is inside a massive void inside the moon, and it's still staffed with former "Old Empire" administrative staff that now work for The Domain. They maintain the primary and core systems so that a total collapse and all the turmoil that would result could and will be avoided.

To summarize, it appears that elements of the amnesia systems of the Prison Complex are still operational because elements of the "Old Empire" are operating the equipment within mini pocket universes that are very difficult to detect.

What about Psaigreen?

Does The Domain know of any correlation between Lucid Dreamer’s bypassing of the prebirth template arrangement upon death? Any information the Domain can supply on that particular group (the Psaigreen) would be much appreciated.

From DM Part 4;

He mentioned this had something to do with Psaigreen – like this was the name of my group – which were the ones responsible for the meat flipping brainwashing programs.

According to him, what was actually going on was that we were being trained the art of snapping peoples’ necks with our legs, but the Psaigreen had brainwashed us into believing it was bovine pelvises so we wouldn’t realize what we were doing. It was like a failsafe to confuse the shit out of us if we ever started remembering any of this.

“HOLY FUCKING SHIT” I said as some very deeply repressed past life memories started flooding back to me. And I mean DEEEEEP. There was just that knowing that these were legitimate memories of something I had long forgotten. At the mention of the Psaigreen, I realized these were all things I knew. This was a memory from a very, very long time ago.
Many, many  lifetimes ago.

According to this comment, the term “Psaigreen” refers to the group who is wholly responsible for the amnesia, and reincarnation system that is a fundamental operation in this Prison Complex.

The Domain Commander’s response…

Obviously there is group still operating the amnesia mechanisms and machinery.

They may, or may not, be associated with the group "Psaigreen". At this stage the intel is suggestive of an association, but that is not conclusive.

This is an avenue worthy of further exploration.

We suggest further research in this area, and directed goals. The most valued / valuable intelligence would be to collect answers to these questions...

[1] Where is Psaigreen located physically in the reality universe?
[2] What systems do the Psaigreen use?
[3] Is there any Mantid (sic.) interaction with the Psaigreen?
[4] The entities that mentioned Psaigreen might have more information, what are their stories?
[5] What are the sourcing / targeting / location images used to identify Psaigreen members, systems, or operations?

(The impression that I have is that the Commander is treating this as third hand information that may or may not be valuable. But that all valuable leads appear in this format. Thus it is important to investigate. 

I also get the impression that the investigation may be dangerous, and that caution is advised. But you realize that right? -MM)

I would like to try to map out the Psaigreen data in some way. As well as make an overview of Portal Room 7 and the various chambers, as some soft of illustration or rough map. -MM

Any information regarding Portal Room 7?

My memories of utilizing portal room 7 are quite vivid, however. I know a lot of other things went on here which I cannot remember; unfortunately the only recording of these experiences I had was on a laptop that got stolen.

There is no such thing as coincidences. MM

This laptop had crucial information about intelligence I gathered here. If the Domain are serious about dismantling the amnesia/ hypnosis machinery, I would suggest directing a large portion of whatever resources they have allocated for this operation into finding this theater as it will give them not only direct access to many of the other locations, but also a very good idea of the different hypnosis regimes used.

There is evidence that "Portal Room 7" has some clues that would be worth further investigation. All evidence points to this area as a hub or staging area. These are common throughout the "Old Empire". Some are larger and more active than the impression that we have here, which is suggestive of a specialized or restricted area.

Most certainly this area is worthy of investigation. What is most interesting is the other rooms / chambers /portals that you did not go though. Why, and what was focusing your attention on Portal Room 7? Very interesting. We must always look at what is hidden to find answers that lie in front of us.

(Scene from the movie "Push" comes to mind, where the PSI abilities hides a building, so they look for what is missing. -MM)

This region / scoped /investigated slightly / know of /aware of, but needs further investigation. All evidence points to a "front door" / active portal /main transport hub for entrance to and from the Prison Complex (earth solar system side) to the "Old Empire". It is thus a very critical area for our attention.

A scene from the movie “Push”…

Found by “the agency”.

And another scene from that same movie…

In the movie “Push” numerous people use their skills for personal gain.

Any information regarding the medieval village?

I added this question after the Domain Commander commented immediately to me while I was reading the passage concerning the “medieval village” in part 10 of the DM series. In that comment the Commander said…

"Instead of thinking that this is a "Medieval village", perhaps you should consider it to be a typical community located on one of the planets of the "Old Empire". The descriptions seem to match with what is currently presently found there. The only difference is that most of the current "Old Empire" communities have a far wider variety of creatures that inhabit the area, not just humans."

Which obtained a favorable comment from DM…

This is what I was sort of implying and glad the Commander picked up on it.

There are a variety of beings that inhabit the Medieval village – as well as the other worlds we have both been to – that differ considerably from the human template. Many of these would fit more appropriately with the idea of what we commonly refer to as being a “demon”, or something along those lines. They are incredibly “weird” to interact with and have a completely different way of doing things, including ideologies, the way they talk, the way they do things etc. These are the more common types we have both experienced.

However, the place where the consciousness programming facility was located was more aligned with Airl’s description of an Old Empire setup – the two were completely different places in regards to architecture and social/ community styled setups – I only ever saw humans here, apart from whatever it was that was behind the viewing window in the programming facility.

So I would like to ask for a confirmation on what this Medieval village is. And the Domain Commander answered…

Buy all indications, this is a facility located on one of the planets of the "Old Empire". The descriptions given indicate typical "Old Domain" architecture. Some statements, however, give rise to a specific region within the "Old Empire", thus placing it spatially and geographically for targeting purposes. It does not lie within the main community clusters / hubs of civilization.

An investigation of the specific region in and around the "Medieval village" will enable more accurate location targeting and would enable us to pinpoint the actual location avoiding transparency screens / distortion fields / pocket-rooms / and other tricks used to hide these structures from The Domain.

(This tells me that while The Domain may have conquered the "Old Empire", and has subdued it, many elements of that government, that society and those individuals still exist and operate the system. And that they are intentionally hidden from The Domain by techniques that I do not understand. -MM)

Is nuclear war nearly inevitable?

If nuclear war is nearly inevitable and will destroy much of the US, should we who live in the US simply assume there’s no future and prepare to die?

No. Thoughts and consciousness anchor world-line templates (sic.) these are constantly in flux and the situation changes as the flow of time advances with in this physical reality universe. 

At any given moment, it might appear that war is inevitable, and then a moment later the situation can change. 

The substantial modifier for this is the mass concentration of thoughts made by huge numbers of people. As long as great clusters of people believe that war will occur, they will make it occur. Thus the danger of mass media controlled by dangerous individuals.

As it stands currently, there is a strong probability of an abortive military war of great destruction, during a very short period of time that will be thwarted by an early advanced horror that will cease all further actions towards it.

What is the Universe?

Is the universe basically as we see it, full of stars, galaxies, and so forth, or is it mostly an illusion for our benefit?

What human inmates observe is what exists. There are stars, galaxies and so forth. 

However, the distances are an illusion. Time is an illusion. The interactions between them are more complex that what is observed. Thought generation and manifestation is much more substantial, significant, and manifested far sooner than anything experienced within the Prison Complex Reality MWI universe.

So that when a person leaves the reality pocket universe; the Prison Complex, the "outside" Master Universe behaves and acts much differently that what is assumed by inmate observers.

Consider a fish in a fish bowl. It sees the living room, and everything in it. And it assumes that the things it sees is also under water, with a gravel floor under the illusion of carpet, and that the bright light from the windows are the same as the light in the top of it's aquarium. But that is not the true reality. A fish in the aquarium cannot travel outside the aquarium by swimming. It cannot feed on the carpet. And it will hurt it's eyes when looking at the sunlight from the window.

The Master Universe is fundamentally different from the Reality Universe that human skin suit inmates assume. It follows similar but very different rules than what is inside the MWI.

(The impression that I get is that thoughts generated outside of our Reality Universe are much stronger, outside in the Master Universe. Thus making it much easier to create, build, and travel. -MM)

Limits on the mega-wealthy…

Will there be limits placed on the power of the elites, billionaires, corporations, and governments in the near future without a devastating war?

There are many future scenarios. It is too broad and large a topic to answer comprehensively. 

However, what we can affirm is that all civilizations eventually reach the point that the earth is going through now, and during this period of inflection two things tend to happen. Either the world is engulfed by a long, and terrible destructive war where the survivors take centuries to recover, or the wealthy few rot from the inside, and collapse, and the nations "go to seed", eventually rebirthing a new more global civilization of a far better constitution.

Because of the limitations in this pocket-universe and the various influences a rarer, third option seems to be manifesting. In China, the mega-wealthy are being culled and limits are being placed on their actions and behaviors. This goes hand in hand with the economic prosperity of the Chinese nation. And other nations are taking note.

Singapore seems to be leading the ASEAN, while Africa is starting to embrace this model. There is movement throughout Asia in regards to this, though the Americas are very reluctant to change.

It is highly possible that eventually the entire earth might embrace a governance model that is similar to that of the Chinese model. If so, then the world will become a much more peaceful place.

However, there are dangerous forces that do not want to see this happening and are desirous of a all-or-nothing destructive end. Either one group of oligarchs rule, or the entire world shall burn.

At this period of time, all is in flux. It is difficult to say what will occur, though we (The Domain) are working to resolving this matter with expedience towards a more peaceful conclusion.

FTL Travel

Is Einstein right and faster-than-light speeds are not achievable, or does the Domain have ways around that limit?

Apparent FTL travel is achievable, and this is accomplished using many, many techniques. The Master Universe operates differently than the Reality Universe that the Prison Complex is part of.

Many of the technologies in use take advantage of these other characteristics to enable physical mobility. This is a trait of emerging space-faring civilizations.

However, in the Master Universe, the primary transport method relies on teleportation mechanisms, and of these it would resemble science fiction or fantasy to an inmate human skin suit. It would look like magic, or drawing pentagrams or runes on the floor, chanting strange words while in some kind of a trance, and would appear to be very barbaric. However, these techniques actually work because the manifestation of thoughts are not suppressed like they are in the Reality (pocket) universe that the Prison Complex actually is.

(The very strong image of Robert Heinleins' story "Glory Road" comes to mind.-MM)

An illustration from the cover of Robert Heinlein’s novel “Glory Road”…

Glory Road.

An illustration from a comic version of the book “Glory Road”…

Glory Road

A question from a retired spook

Life in MM-land is always colorful.

We are never fully retired. We are just blessed with “windows” of peace. Yet there are all sorts of things going on. Some of us, those that have been involved in the more nasty aspects of life, tend to continue a watchful eye for our own protections. Thus this next question from a black spook who worked for a different American alphabet agency than myself. He / she / it is retired and living in a far away land as an expat like MM.

“As I told you previously, <redacted> is dead. The circumstances are extremely murky, we have no idea how a 50-year-old healthy <redacted> dies without any symptoms of anything. The autopsy will take at least a month. But the facts are: I was supposed to go walking <redacted> but cancelled at the last minute and <redacted> died.

I have been a bit worried about my exposure to the outside world lately. I have become complacent and sometimes ignore proper procedures. After all, it has been <redacted> years with no attempts on my life, not even a threat.

I have maintained video surveillance around my home, though. I have also built a rudimentary trap for uninvited visitors. For some arcane reason, <redacted> is split in two, with two addresses. Both sides have a house. The road that goes by our houses is a cul-de-sac, nobody should be driving on that road. My address is the second house, but we live in the first one. I have a live camera feed outside the fake home as well as on the road leading to our ranch.

A couple of nights ago I woke up to the proximity alarm I had set up by the road. Somebody was driving towards us. Nobody has any business of coming here unless I invite them. I sure as hell wasn’t waiting for the company at 2:30 am. I saw a dark sedan on our road. I followed it on my monitor as it drove past my real home to the fake address. They parked the car some 50 yards before my fake home. Two guys came out of the car and started walking. They went around the house before stopping at the front door. One of the guys knelt and picked the lock. That isn’t so hard, as locks here in the middle of nowhere are built to stop animals, not assassins.

I switched to the indoor cam only to see that I should have changed the batteries. The foyer cam was working. It has a sensitive mike, I could hear them searching the house and coming back to the foyer. One of the men took out a phone. The audio is good but not that good. It sounded like whoever was on the other end of the call was doing most of the talking anyway.

The men walked back to their car and made an u-turn and gunned the engine. I was waiting for them outside, hidden, to have a better look at the car, plates and these charming dudes. The license plate was <redacted>, but it was a <redacted>, so no help there. But I had some luck.

I’m not sure if I told you, but at some point in my recovery I learned (or remembered) how to spot a natural Homo Sapiens Sapiens from meatsuits. I call them NPC’s (non-player-characters). That is probably not quite accurate, because those suits are definitely under intelligent control. ‘Non-Soul-Characters’ would be closer to the truth.

First I noticed the difference between a wooden flagpole and a living tree. When you can see that difference, it opens up a totally new way of looking at things. It’s a bit like being able to see magnetism, but not quite.

Anyway, those two guys were very obvious NPC’s.

That raises a few unpleasant questions:

– Does the Spetsbureau 13 hire non-terrestrials to do their Mokroye Delo nowadays? Does Spetsbureau even exist any more?

– How about the Company? If so, what have I done to deserve their wrath this late in the game? After the hit on my sister, I thought it was just housecleaning before The Big Event, but this is something else.

– If not VSENT/KGB/AFB/CIA/DIA, does the ‘Old Republic’ operate on this level, and do it so openly?

– Is there somebody else that wishes to see me dead?

We bailed that same night. I have only killed once in my career, and I did not want to raise that tally. I left the cam’s running, but it’s been quiet since.

So, MM, any insight you might offer? I hate to ask you, but could you ask the Commander about factions that want me/us gone? My death is a trivial matter, our life expectancy after service isn’t too great anyway. But I do care about collaterals, for them, I’m fully committed to taking on all comers. Irrespective of gender, race or creed.

I know this reads like a goddamn spy novel, but I want you to have as vivid a picture as possible. These days it’s hard to say what points are relevant and what not.

In OBE and LD I always seem to end up stuck in that huge mall when I try to ferret out Prison back doors or Amnesia operations. The place is crawling with NPC’s and mannequins. There is something I can’t crack, I can feel it! Getting pretty frustrating. Anyway, happy to have somebody I can vent for a change…

Keep your eyes open & head down, and always use the periscope!

My response…

I consider this an urgency so I just bored though the shit, went to a quiet place where I wouldn’t be disturbed, and made contact.

This is the response.

Not the Domain. We have no local assignments on the Earth at this time.

Not one of our agencies / cooperative operations / subservient groups either. These are all monitored strictly.

Suggest it to be a third party associated with one of the local earth government factions. High probability this.

You (not me) are to be considered compromised. However, there is no clear cause to abort current life and evade. Evidence suggests a recon operation. Make sure all sensors and systems are functional. A gun without bullets is a rock. A camera without batteries is a stone.

This action suggests something else. They are trying to "beat the bushes" and "flush something / someone / perhaps you out. Do not do anything out of the ordinary. As they are monitoring for changes in lifestyle patterns.

Also do not be alarmed. They are obviously a threat vector, but not a lethal one. A lethal vector will follow if there is unusual movement on your part. Continue your life. Maintain x-ray status. Make no unusual or out of the ordinary actions.

If something does happen, we will have a Domain agent available for retrieval.

Mu response…

So, as I see it, it’s some third party that is trying to flush you out. It is unknown who it is. Continue to lie low. Do nothing unusual, and watch your six. I can confirm that you are on The Domain radar right now.

Remember that nothing occurs in isolation. There are other tasks, other teams, other groups that all work together in a coordinated effort. One team tries to flush you out, another team obtains data, while a third team performs the objective. I want to remind you to maintain your vigilance. But do nothing out of the ordinary.

Final Comments

Never a dull moment in MM land.

We need to recognize that there are all sorts of things going on, but the things that are most important isn’t what The Domain commander says, the fears that the media throw at you, or the amount of money in your paycheck.

What is most important is what you do with your time on a personal basis.

Make your life matter.

All this other stuff is interesting, but please keep focused at what is right in front of you, who is sitting next to you, and the beautiful day that you are blessed with.

Don’t be like this…


Make YOUR life matter.

There is only one of you. And I can tell you that all of who you are, and all of your personal experiences is what makes you valuable. So don’t ignore them. Treat yourself as special and go forth and do great things.


Even the simplest acts of kindness are significant. make the world a better place. You can do this. Yes, YOU. Just be kind, and good, and smile.


And two final words…

[1] Help others and do not worry if it will be profitable to you sometime in the future. Just help others. Do it without expectations. Just do it, and then move on with your life…


[2] Never give up. Never, ever give up. You just keep plugging away at it. You just keep going. One step after the other. And you don’t care what others are doing or howling at you. You just focus and keep on…keeping on. Never give up.


Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…

ET Species


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Being Ripley 8

This article discusses what it is like for me to be who I am with the understanding that I have been modified by both the United States government, and by our benefactors (the type-1 greys from The Domain). These modifications have, of course, changed me. The closest image available to recount these modifications is from the movie series “Alien”, and most specifically a character known as “Ripley 8”.

This article came about when The Domain Commander told me that I “was not human”.

I did not want to hear that. And I am actually resentful of it.

The Commander Statement

You are NOT a normal human being. 

When our agency / MAJestic installed the ELF probes, they / we / us also transformed your personality. We compartmentalized you. You know that. During your MAJestic retirement sequence in ADC Pine Bluff, you confronted various personalities that are part of you.

You are aware of the scientist, the Naval officer, and so on and so forth. However, there are other personalities that you are not aware of. Let it be well understood that it is intentionally by design. These other personalities are not anything that you want to know about, or be associated with.

Thus they are not part of your shutdown sequence. They are permanently hardwired to your personality.

You have [1] Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde, you have [2] The Wolfman (actually, the image is of a half-man, half-sabertooth tiger). You have [3] Mr. Dracula / The Mummy (image is confused and overlaid over each other.), and you have [4] The Incredible Hulk. None of these alter personalities are muted. They are all active.

They are always intended to be active. That makes you dangerous, and why you needed to be sent to prison. That is one of the reasons why they (MAJestic) cannot allow people like yourselves to be walking the (American) streets freely. You are a loaded gun with no "safety switch".

When you start to have memory triggers, event triggers, or code triggers, one of the personalities will manifest. Your "normal" personality will fade into the background and the new personality will dominate. 

Most of the manifested personalities (you have experienced) this year has been of "The Incredible Hulk", and you have done a very fine job of suppressing that character personality. We are personally proud of you.

No one is harmed. At worst, your wife looks at your strange. That's it. It has been triggered by memories while you are under a lot of stress. This is normal for humans, however in your case there is a personalty change has been intentionally engineered and triggered.

There's other triggers as well. 

Over the last six years the Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde personality were occasionally triggered. You don't remember those events because afterwards your memories are suppressed. But if you look back, you will see these periods of *blank*. That is when this personality was triggered. 

This is due to the fact that you live next to the Zhuhai heliport. And some of the aircraft use an electrical signal emitter that triggers your personality change. Luckily, for you, the "go code" signal is never emitted. So all that happens is that you go into a "stand by for orders" mode. Then when nothing happens, you "wake up" and forget about the entire incident.

For you to turn off these programs you will have to go through the entire Pine Bluff deactivation procedure all over again. We advise you not to do that. We further advise you NEVER (emphasis) return to the United States. All scenarios where you return is problematic for you personally.

Do not listen to DZ (my brother). He's a "strange cat" with other purposes and intentions for your return.

The reasons are obvious. 

However, you need to remember that many of your latent personalities can be triggered by radio frequencies at various frequencies, amplitudes, patterns and pulses. The United States has substantially changed since you were there last. The spectrum of presently emitted radiation would trigger some very lethal responses from you.

Fucking lovely. Sheech!

Oh for Pete’s sake!

First I’m some kind of troll like bureaucrat named Mades Escapleon, and now I find out that I am a cross mix of of the bad characters from all the B-grade horror movies of the 1960’s. And to top it off, I’m a gun without a safety switch.

Sheech! Can’t I ever get a break?

This is obviously false. As I look, act and think like a human, and live in a human society. Not to mention that I enjoy pizza, wine and pretty girls. Not to mention, sex, playing with cats, and watching movies. So perhaps, I misinterpreted the comm.

Q: Please expand on the reasoning behind the statement that “I am not human”.

You are not human.

You are neither a pure human archetype, nor an inmate "skin suit". You are a hybrid creation with elements of both, as well as constructions intended for utility by the Domain.

(Image of a PPT presentation showing a "free and normal" human archetype. Followed by it being "changed" into a different kind of human; an inmate "skin suit". Then, changes to it with ELF, EPB and then a number of operations. The resulting figure on the PPT looks like neither the first Human archetype, nor the inmate "skin suit".)

All of the members in your MAJestic sub-project are hybrid creations. Some, like yourself, have further refinements. While others are slightly retarded / backwards / not up to date /contemporaneous with the update software / coding / medical procedures / system enhancements.

Additionally, all volunteers to The Domain (through MM here) that have agreed to work with us have also become hybrid creatures. They are no longer "inmate" human (appearing) skin suits. They have had one significant alteration to their inmate "skin suits". Some have had two or more. The severity of the changes is equated to their current dream states, feelings / emotions / perceptions.

(I think that it means that the odder your experiences are; your feelings are; your dreams are; the more changes to your "skin suit".)

In your case, you were altered for your role in our surrogate agency / utility /division (I think he means MAJestic) and then further altered with the addition of the EBP. So you have at least three layers of alterations. Certainly you might not appreciate the alterations, but we believe that they are necessary for the successful role that you play.

Stop assuming that you are the same as everyone else. YOU ARE NOT. (It felt like he was stressing things to me like my old DI in the Navy.)

Then, what the Hell am I?

Ripley 8?

Who or What is “Ripley 8”

We now refer to a fictional character. This character is from the movie “alien resurrection“.

Ripley 8

Ripley 8 (also known as Number 8) was the eighth and almost fully successful clone of Lieutenant Ellen Ripley created by the USM.

The USM’s mission was to retrieve a Xenomorph Queen (in its chestburster cycle) from the clone’s chest.

However, subsequently the clone’s human DNA was mixed with Alien DNA there by creating a hybrid that retained much of the memories and personality of the original Ripley as well as other features.


Ripley 8 was cloned from frozen samples of Ellen Ripley’s blood, recovered after her death, from Fiorina 161. The United Systems Military knew of the Alien Queen inside Ellen Ripley at the time of her death, made several attempts to clone Ripley, and after seven failures, they finally got the process right, effectively creating Ripley 8. They surgically extracted the Queen from Number 8 and began to teach her how to use her powers onboard the Auriga. During therapy sessions, one of the scientists brought back repressed memories of Newt.

alien resurrection Ripley 8


Number 8 was later confronted by Call, who attempts to kill her, believing that she may be used to create more Aliens, but Call is too late; the Aliens have already matured and quickly escape their confinement, damaging the ship and killing most of its crew.

Dr. Wren, one of the ship’s scientists, reveals that the Auriga’s default command in an emergency situation is to return to Earth. Realizing that this will unleash the Aliens on Earth, Ripley, the mercenaries, Wren, a marine named Distephano, and a surviving Alien host, Purvis, attempt to escape on the Betty and destroy the Auriga.

Ripley 8

While escaping the Auriga, number 8 came across the laboratory containing her failed predecessors, including number 7. Struggling to speak, number 7 begged number 8 to euthanize her to end her life of agony, and number 8 complied by killing her with a flamethrower then torching the entire lab. As the group makes their way through the damaged ship, several of them are killed by the Aliens.

Call is revealed to be an android after Wren betrays the group. Using her abilities to interface with the damaged ship’s systems, they set it on a collision course with Earth, hoping that the Aliens will be destroyed in the crash. Ripley 8 then feels the pain endured by the Genetic Queen via telepathic connection, she was captured by the Xenomorphs and was brought to the Queen’s chamber.

Encounter with the Newborn

The Queen gave birth to a new lifeform called the Newborn. Shortly after birth, the newborn decapitates the Queen, instead having imprinted Ripley as its true mother.

alien resurrection Ripley 8

The newborn follows Ripley onboard the Betty, closing the jammed door and saving the spacecraft from the vacuum of space. After another encounter with Ripley, she uses one of the being’s sharp canine teeth to cut her hand. Splashing her own acidic blood onto the plexiglas viewing port of the Betty’s cargo bay, she succeeded in her attempt to breach the window and caused everything to be sucked out (along with the newborn) which caught against the glass as it tried to return to Ripley. Subsequently, it is sucked out into space piece by piece, unable to properly free itself from the vacuum of space.

New Life

The Auriga was destroyed upon its impact to the Earth’s atmosphere, taking the remaining Xenomorphs onboard along with it, destroying the last trace of the creature in existence. Number 8 later finds herself in Paris, though it is obvious that something catastrophic happened there as the city is in ruins. She then wonders what new world awaits her.

Ripley 8

Personality & Traits

Number 8 was an exact copy of Ellen Ripley but that was only partly skin deep, as her personality was much different; she is apathetic, cold and seemingly enjoyed the havoc the Xenomorphs caused.

She was also able to “feel” the Xenomorphs, but despite this she was on the side of the humans. This may not have been out of morality, but the fact that she was still a target of the Xenomorphs; as a facehugger latched on to her in the flooded section of the ship and Xenomorph Warriors tried to kill or capture her, despite the fact she was part xenomorph herself.

Ripley 8

Dr Gedimen said that she has something of a predatory behavior as she toys with the Betty crew in the basketball court.

Some of the original Ripley’s personalty and maternal behavior does reside in her though, as when a female scientist shows Ripley a picture of a young girl, Ripley smiles but then quickly becomes saddened as she remembers both Newt and her daughter, Amanda, and realizes what the memories mean. She also becomes protective of Call, almost motherly-so.

Hybrid Characteristics

Due to the crossing of Ellen Ripley and an Alien Queen, number 8 has traces of the Xenomorph genes that she continually exhibits throughout the movie. Below are a list of such characteristics:

  • Physical Appearance: Being her clone, number 8 looks identical to Ellen Ripley; however because of her Xenomorph genes, there are some physical differences which includes glossy metallic teeth, naturally dark fingernails, and a slightly altered skin tone.
  • Psyche: Number 8 displayed very violent and ferocious behavior. Her general outlook and mindset were notably vicious and obviously reminiscent of the Xenomorph behavior. Even her body language speaks of the Alien DNA she possesses, as her movements are feral and almost cat-like.
  • Superior Strength: Numerous times number 8 demonstrates a superior strength that is not natural to humans. Such example is just after a few drones escape their cages and begin to take over the USM Auriga: number 8 is locked in a small, barren quarters and an Xenomorph is trying to break in to kill her. Quickly acting, number 8 uses her bare hands and fists to punch through a sealed metal panel so that she can trip wires to a back door. Another example was during the swim through the flooded area of the USM Auriga, when a Facehugger attached itself to her after the group had surfaced, and after a struggle she managed to pull it off.

alien resurrection Ripley 8

  • Rapid Cell Regeneration: Another ability given to number 8 due to the gene crossing is her ability to rapidly heal from injuries. From her confines, she is visited by Annalee Call, who brandishes a knife in an attempt to kill her. But number 8 runs the blade through her right palm without pain, then after removing the blade, the wound heals within moments.
  • Jumping Skills: She is shown to be able to leap large distances.
  • Endurance: Number 8 is able to have a higher endurance rate than any human. An example is during the unexpected swim through the USM Aurigas decks that number 8 shows the uncanny ability to stay underwater longer. Additionally, she is never shown as having shortness of breath or any weariness during the frantic escape from the ship like her human counterparts.
  • Caustic Blood: Much like the Xenomorphs, Ripley 8 has acidic blood that can burn through metal, skin, clothing, aluminum silcate glass, and fused silica glass. However, number 8’s blood does remain crimson red like that of humans and is much more mild than the pure Xenomorph’s yellow-tinted blood.
  • Alien Empathy: Due to her half-Xenomorph genetics, number 8 is able to sense the presence of other Xenomorphs as well as their motives and emotions and possesses an apparent mental connection with the Xenomorph hive.
  • Genetic Memory: The Xenomorphs possesses the ability to pass on their memories genetically, and because of this Ripley 8 has “inherited” vague memories that belonged to the original Ellen Ripley as well as the Xenomorph. An example of this is when a scientist onboard the Auriga inadvertently triggers Ripley’s memories of Newt and her daughter. These confiding memories results in Number 8 suffering a crisis of loyalty until the original Ripley’s hatred for the Xenomorphs break through and she sides with the humans.

Now for the real stuff; MM

Ripley 8 is a fiction. But I am real.

My experience in MAJestic, and how I became who I am today is all documented on the many pages of MM. But this article is to say that Hollywood is a fiction. And I am real. And I just want to take a moment or two to discuss what it is like being me.

I have numerous unmodified traits that make me different from most “average” people.

  • My core education is in Aerospace Engineering / Astrophysics.
  • I was accepted for and trained as a Naval Aviator.

Those two things set me apart in education and training. How many Aerospace Engineers are alive in America these days? And how many of them are Naval Aviators? Not many. Most of the other aviators I trained with took basic humanities. Very few were STEM educated.

I also have other things that set me apart from most SAP’s in the US government.

  • I joined MAJestic. Which is a volunteer organization that operates within the ONI.
  • Which then physically modified me with seven ELF probes in my skull.
  • And which used MK-Ultra behavior modification to compartmentalize my personalities.

Which really narrows down my augmented skill set. How many do you figure are in the United States today that meet all of these above criteria?

And that is just for starters. Once that was completed, I was sent off-world and further modified by The Domain; our “benefactors”. Which again makes me somewhat “special”. As most of MAJestic do not have EBP installed.

  • EBP installed.
  • Physical body modified.
  • Non-physical bodies modified.

And then over time, with my various tasks and assignments, I have experienced a reality far different from which a “normal” human would experience.

  • World-line changes
  • World-line slides
  • Ability to communicate via the ELF probes.
  • Ability  to communicate using the EBP.

And my experiences…

  • Married to a person who had a serious mental illness.
  • In a cutthroat high-tech industry that hired and fired at will.
  • International travel as part of my work.
  • Retirement as a Sex Offender.
  • Finally, egress and departure to live inside of China.

All told my experiences are wholly unique. All of this, by definition, makes me different.

But NOT alien.

Keeping all this real.

We are ALL, every single one of us, dealing with our own unique lives, and our own unique experiences.

None of us are better or worse than each other.

We are all different, and that is a good thing.

This article is to tell you all that I enjoy wine, pretty girls, pizza, steaks, “goldfish crackers” and “cheese-it” crackers, sex, and a nice ice cream Sunday on a hot, hot day. I like cats, dogs, and playing with things. I like to tromp in the woods, and smell the lush moistness underfoot, and rid a motorcycle though winding roads.

The human part of me is still there.

And I am getting old. I have blood pressure problems, heart problems, I drink too much, smoke too much, and am starting to have a daddy-belly (if you know what I mean).

I get happy, elated, and angry and sad. I like to read, and eat, and cook, and nap.

I think that most people here can relate to all that.

That’s because I am human.

But being different is not evident. Many people make the mistake that I am 100% of what they expect. You can see this on the occasional comments that I allow to post. Like the Jackass who asked (respectfully) why I don’t allow discussions about Jews! Jews! Jews! on my website. I mean really! Is this guy so clueless not to realize how anti-social that is? Sheech!

You know guys, anything can happen. And one day I will move on. My family will be sad and distressed. The MM site will fade into obscurity without a mention, and I will be one of those “flash in the pan” characters of limited interest to the society as a whole. Like Soopy Sales,  Howdy Doody, or Jerry Lewis.

The point

Does it really matter if I am different on the inside? Does it matter if you are? Or if she is? Or if those people over there are?

No it doesn’t.

What does matter however, is our acceptance of things that we cannot change, may not like, or want to improve. And in order to accept those things, we need to be accepting that EVERY PERSON is just as different from each other, as I am from the “typical person”. We are all — everyone of us — different.

Being different is a good thing.

When I was in Pago Pago, a fellow came over to do some plumbing work on one of the hospital installations that I was working on, and we got to talking. He kept on saying that he really wasn’t a plumber, in a sad desultorily manner. And I had to correct him. He said he was a trained EMT, but that the funding for the job ended, so he was just doing what ever work he could find.

I told him that you are NEVER defined by your job. Which is a major lesson us men must deal with.


You are also never what your career or your education is either. That is meaningless.


Your value is never defined on how much money you make, though it will influence the happiness of your spouse.


You are not what others say your are, whether lies or truth.


You are not your past, your past mistakes, or your past successes.

Because, you are exactly who you are right now. PERIOD. Good, bad, ugly, dirty, clean, pristine, perfect, or tarnished. You are what you are in this very slim moment in time.

You must make this moment special, and let the rest of the world howl in frustration.

You know…

I haven’t flown a plane in years. I am tardy in my physical exercises. I could be a lot nicer. I should be making more money. I do need to take care of a lot of home projects that are falling behind, and so on and so forth…

I suppose that many of you are like me.

That’s because we ARE human. No matter what anyone else says. No matter how strong, important or powerful they are, you are exactly who you are, as unique as you are. And that is wonderful because you are SPECIAL.

Is this guy better than me because he has money…? (VIDEO)


And to tell youse guys the truth, I am sure that this guy is enjoying life and having a great time, but I really don’t know if I would feel comfortable living like him. Not really.

It is how we handle our life that matters. It is the ways that we interact with others, do our best, and be helpful. These are what matters. And if you are the Rufus, your life changes. It changes. (VIDEO)

Be the Rufus VIDEO

And you know, you don’t need to perform heroic actions. You just need to be good.

Be good. Do good things.

You need to put smiles on the faces of those around you. Let them know that they are special and appreciated. Give the neighborhood cats a little treat. Tell the girl in the office that she looks good in the dress. Tell the bank teller that you like her glasses. Buy a cup of coffee for a coworker. Hold the door open to others, and smile and say Hi!

Use your talents, whatever they are. Give others “a break”. Cut them some slack. Put smiles on the faces of those around you.

Use your talents. Like this artist. He just gives people his art for free. No strings attached. (VIDEO)


Do things with no strings attached.

No strings attached.

Do you want more?

I have more articles like this in my MAJestic Index here…



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Law 26 of the 48 Laws of Power; Keep your hands clean

This is law 26 of the “48 Laws of Power” by Robert Green. Reprinted in it’s entirety. I hope that you all enjoy it.

You must seem a paragon of civility and efficiency: Your hands are never soiled by mistakes and nasty deeds. Maintain such a spotless appearance by using others as scapegoats and cat’s-paws to disguise your involvement.

Part 1: Conceal your mistakes – have a scapegoat to take the blame.

  • It is often wise to choose the most innocent victim possible as a sacrificial goat.  Be careful, however, not to create a martyr.
  • A close associate is often the best choice – the “fall of the favourite”.

Part 2: Make use of the cat’s-paw.

  • Use those around you to complete dirty tasks to hide your intentions and accomplish your goals while keeping your hands clean.
  • An essential element in this strategy is concealing your goal.
  • Devices like this are best for approaching those in power, or planting information.
  • You may also offer yourself as the cat’s-paw to gain power.
  • Note: you must be very careful in using this tactic, as being revealed would be disastrous.

LAW 26



You must seem a paragon of civility and efficiency: Your hands are never soiled by mistakes and nasty deeds. Maintain such a spotless appearance by using others as scapegoats and cat’s-paws to disguise your involvement.


Our good name and reputation depend more on what we conceal than on what we reveal. Everyone makes mistakes, but those who are truly clever manage to hide them, and to make sure someone else is blamed. A convenient scapegoat should always be kept around for such moments.

The death of one roofer

A great calamity befell the town of Chelm one day. The town cobbler murdered one of his customers. So he was brought before the judge, who sentenced him to die by hanging. When the verdict was read a townsman arose and cried out, “If your Honor pleases—you have sentenced to death the town cobbler! He’s the only one we’ve got. lf you hang him who will mend our shoes?” “Who? Who?” cried all the people of Chelm with one voice.

The judge nodded in agreement and reconsidered his verdict. “Good people of Chelm,”he said, “what you say is true. Since we have only one cobbler it would he a great wrong against the community to let him die. As there are two roofers in the town let one of them be hanged instead.”



Near the end of the second century A.D., as China’s mighty Han Empire slowly collapsed, the great general and imperial minister Ts‘ao Ts’ao emerged as the most powerful man in the country. Seeking to extend his power base and to rid himself of the last of his rivals, Ts‘ao Ts’ao began a campaign to take control of the strategically vital Central Plain. During the siege of a key city, he slightly miscalculated the timing for supplies of grain to arrive from the capital. As he waited for the shipment to come in, the army ran low on food, and Ts‘ao Ts’ao was forced to order the chief of commissariat to reduce its rations.

Ts‘ao Ts’ao kept a tight rein on the army, and ran a network of informers. His spies soon reported that the men were complaining, grumbling that he was living well while they themselves had barely enough to eat. Perhaps Ts‘ao Ts’ao was keeping the food for himself, they murmured. If the grumbling spread, Ts‘ao Ts’ao could have a mutiny on his hands. He summoned the chief of commissariat to his tent.

“I want to ask you to lend me something, and you must not refuse,” Ts‘ao Ts’ao told the chief. “What is it?” the chief replied. “I want the loan of your head to show to the troops,” said Ts‘ao Ts’ao. “But I’ve done nothing wrong!” cried the chief. “I know,” said Ts‘ao Ts’ao with a sigh, “but if I do not put you to death, there will be a mutiny. Do not grieve—after you’re gone, I’ll look after your family.”

Put this way, the request left the chief no choice, so he resigned himself to his fate and was beheaded that very day.

Seeing his head on public display, the soldiers stopped grumbling. Some saw through Ts‘ao Ts’ao’s gesture, but kept quiet, stunned and intimidated by his violence. And most accepted his version of who was to blame, preferring to believe in his wisdom and fairness than in his incompetence and cruelty.


Ts‘ao Ts’ao came to power in an extremely tumultuous time. In the struggle for supremacy in the crumbling Han Empire, enemies had emerged from all sides. The battle for the Central Plain had proven more difficult than he imagined, and money and provisions were a constant concern. No wonder that under such stress, he had forgotten to order supplies in time.

Once it became clear that the delay was a critical mistake, and that the army was seething with mutiny, Ts‘ao Ts’ao had two options: apology and excuses, or a scapegoat. Understanding the workings of power and the importance of appearances as he did, Ts‘ao Ts’ao did not hesitate for a moment: He shopped around for the most convenient head and had it served up immediately.

Occasional mistakes are inevitable—the world is just too unpredictable. People of power, however, are undone not by the mistakes they make, but by the way they deal with them. Like surgeons, they must cut away the tumor with speed and finality. Excuses and apologies are much too blunt tools for this delicate operation; the powerful avoid them. By apologizing you open up all sorts of doubts about your competence, your intentions, any other mistakes you may not have confessed. Excuses satisfy no one and apologies make everyone uncomfortable. The mistake does not vanish with an apology; it deepens and festers. Better to cut it off instantly, distract attention from yourself, and focus attention on a convenient scapegoat before people have time to ponder your responsibility or your possible incompetence.

I would rather betray the whole world than let the world betray me.

General Ts‘ao Ts’ao, c. A.D. 155-220


For several years Cesare Borgia campaigned to gain control of large parts of Italy in the name of his father, Pope Alexander. In the year 1500 he managed to take Romagna, in northern Italy. The region had for years been ruled by a series of greedy masters who had plundered its wealth for themselves. Without police or any disciplining force, it had descended into lawlessness, whole areas being ruled by robbers and feuding families. To establish order, Cesare appointed a lieutenant general of the region—Remirro de Orco, “a cruel and vigorous man,” according to Niccolõ Machiavelli. Cesare gave de Orco absolute powers.

With energy and violence, de Orco established a severe, brutal justice in Romagna, and soon rid it of almost all of its lawless elements. But in his zeal he sometimes went too far, and after a couple of years the local population resented and even hated him. In December of 1502, Cesare took decisive action. He first let it be known that he had not approved of de Orco’s cruel and violent deeds, which stemmed from the lieutenant’s brutal nature. Then, on December 22, he imprisoned de Orco in the town of Cesena, and the day after Christmas the townspeople awoke to find a strange spectacle in the middle of the piazza: de Orco’s headless body, dressed in a lavish suit with a purple cape, the head impaled beside it on a pike, the bloody knife and executioner’s block laid out beside the head. As Machiavelli concluded his comments on the affair, “The ferocity of this scene left the people at once stunned and satisfied.”


Cesare Borgia was a master player in the game of power. Always planning several moves ahead, he set his opponents the cleverest traps. For this Machiavelli honored him above all others in The Prince.

Cesare foresaw the future with amazing clarity in Romagna: Only brutal justice would bring order to the region. The process would take several years, and at first the people would welcome it. But it would soon make many enemies, and the citizens would come to resent the imposition of such unforgiving justice, especially by outsiders. Cesare himself, then, could not be seen as the agent of this justice—the people’s hatred would cause too many problems in the future. And so he chose the one man who could do the dirty work, knowing in advance that once the task was done he would have to display de Orco’s head on a pike. The scapegoat in this case had been planned from the beginning.

With Ts‘ao Ts’ao, the scapegoat was an entirely innocent man; in the Romagna, he was the offensive weapon in Cesare’s arsenal that let him get the dirty work done without bloodying his own hands. With this second kind of scapegoat it is wise to separate yourself from the hatchet man at some point, either leaving him dangling in the wind or, like Cesare, even making yourself the one to bring him to justice. Not only are you free of involvement in the problem, you can appear as the one who cleaned it up.

The Athenians regularly maintained a number of degraded and useless beings at the public expense; and when any calamity, such as plague, drought, or famine, befell the city ... [these scapegoats] were led about ... and then sacrificed, apparently by being stoned outside the city.

The Golden Bough, Sir James George Frazer, 1854-1941


The use of scapegoats is as old as civilization itself, and examples of it can be found in cultures around the world. The main idea behind these sacrifices is the shifting of guilt and sin to an outside figure—object, animal, or man—which is then banished or destroyed. The Hebrews used to take a live goat (hence the term “scapegoat”) upon whose head the priest would lay both hands while confessing the sins of the Children of Israel. Having thus had those sins transferred to it, the beast would be led away and abandoned in the wilderness. With the Athenians and the Aztecs, the scapegoat was human, often a person fed and raised for the purpose. Since famine and plague were thought to be visited on humans by the gods, in punishment for wrongdoing, the people suffered not only from the famine and plague themselves but from blame and guilt. They freed themselves of guilt by transferring it to an innocent person, whose death was intended to satisfy the divine powers and banish the evil from their midst.

It is an extremely human response to not look inward after a mistake or crime, but rather to look outward and to affix blame and guilt on a convenient object. When the plague was ravaging Thebes, Oedipus looked everywhere for its cause, everywhere except inside himself and his own sin of incest, which had so offended the gods and occasioned the plague. This profound need to exteriorize one’s guilt, to project it on another person or object, has an immense power, which the clever know how to harness. Sacrifice is a ritual, perhaps the most ancient ritual of all; ritual too is a well- spring of power. In the killing of de Orco, note Cesare’s symbolic and ritualistic display of his body. By framing it in this dramatic way he focused guilt outward. The citizens of Romagna responded instantly. Because it comes so naturally to us to look outward rather than inward, we readily accept the scapegoat’s guilt.

The bloody sacrifice of the scapegoat seems a barbaric relic of the past, but the practice lives on to this day, if indirectly and symbolically; since power depends on appearances, and those in power must seem never to make mistakes, the use of scapegoats is as popular as ever. What modem leader will take responsibility for his blunders? He searches out others to blame, a scapegoat to sacrifice. When Mao Tse- tung’s Cultural Revolution failed miserably, he made no apologies or excuses to the Chinese people; instead, like Ts‘ao Ts’ao before him, he offered up scapegoats, including his own personal secretary and high-ranking member of the Party, Ch’en Po- ta.

Franklin D. Roosevelt had a reputation for honesty and fairness. Throughout his career, however, he faced many situations in which being the nice guy would have spelled political disaster—yet he could not be seen as the agent of any foul play. For twenty years, then, his secretary, Louis Howe, played the role de Orco had. He handled the backroom deals, the manipulation of the press, the underhanded campaign maneuvers. And whenever a mistake was committed, or a dirty trick contradicting Roosevelt’s carefully crafted image became public, Howe served as the scapegoat, and never complained.

Besides conveniently shifting blame, a scapegoat can serve as a warning to others. In 1631 a plot was hatched to oust France’s Cardinal Richelieu from power, a plot that became known as “The Day of the Dupes.” It almost succeeded, since it involved the upper echelons of government, including the queen mother. But through luck and his own connivances, Richelieu survived.

One of the key conspirators was a man named Marillac, the keeper of the seals. Richelieu could not imprison him without implicating the queen mother, an extremely dangerous tactic, so he targeted Marillac’s brother, a marshal in the army. This man had no involvement in the plot. Richelieu, however, afraid that other conspiracies might be in the air, especially in the army, decided to set an example. He tried the brother on trumped-up charges and had him executed. In this way he indirectly punished the real perpetrator, who had thought himself protected, and warned any future conspirators that he would not shrink from sacrificing the innocent to protect his own power.

In fact it is often wise to choose the most innocent victim possible as a sacrificial goat. Such people will not be powerful enough to fight you, and their naive protests may be seen as protesting too much—may be seen, in other words, as a sign of their guilt. Be careful, however, not to create a martyr. It is important that you remain the victim, the poor leader betrayed by the incompetence of those around you. If the scapegoat appears too weak and his punishment too cruel, you may end up the victim of your own device. Sometimes you should find a more powerful scapegoat—one who will elicit less sympathy in the long run.

In this vein, history has time and again shown the value of using a close associate as a scapegoat. This is known as the “fall of the favorite.” Most kings had a personal

favorite at court, a man whom they singled out, sometimes for no apparent reason, and lavished with favors and attention. But this court favorite could serve as a convenient scapegoat in case of a threat to the king’s reputation. The public would readily believe in the scapegoat’s guilt—why would the king sacrifice his favorite unless he were guilty? And the other courtiers, resentful of the favorite anyway, would rejoice at his downfall. The king, meanwhile, would rid himself of a man who by that time had probably learned too much about him, perhaps becoming arrogant and even disdainful of him. Choosing a close associate as a scapegoat has the same value as the “fall of the favorite.” You may lose a friend or aide, but in the long-term scheme of things, it is

more important to hide your mistakes than to hold on to someone who one day will probably turn against you. Besides, you can always find a new favorite to take his place.

Image: The Innocent Goat. On the Day of Atonement, the high priest brings the goat into the temple, places his hands on its head, and confesses the people’s sins, transferring guilt to the guiltless beast, which is then led to the wilderness and abandoned, the people’s sins and blame vanishing with him.

Authority: Folly consists not in committing Folly, but in being incapable of concealing it. All men make mistakes, but the wise conceal the blunders they have made, while fools make them public. Reputation depends more on what is hidden than on what is seen. If you can’t be good, be careful. (Baltasar Gracián, 1601-1658)


In the fable, the Monkey grabs the paw of his friend, the Cat, and uses it to fish chestnuts out of the fire, thus getting the nuts he craves, without hurting himself.

If there is something unpleasant or unpopular that needs to be done, it is far too risky for you to do the work yourself. You need a cat‘s-paw-someone who does the dirty, dangerous work for you. The cat’s-paw grabs what you need, hurts whom you need hurt, and keeps people from noticing that you are the one responsible. Let someone else be the executioner, or the bearer of bad news, while you bring only joy and glad tidings.


A monkey and cat, in roguery and fun Sworn brothers twain, both owned a common master, Whatever mischief in the house was done By Pug and Tom was contrived each disaster.... One winter’s day was seen this hopeful pair Close to the kitchen fire, as usual, posted. Amongst the red-hot coals the cook with care Had plac’d some nice plump chestnuts to be roasted, From whence in smoke a pungent odor rose, Whose oily fragrance struck the monkey’s nose. “Tom!” says sly Pug, “pray could not you and I Share this dessert the cook is pleased to cater? Had I such claws as yours, I’d quickly try: Lend me a hand—’twill be a coup-de-maître.” So said, he seized his colleague’s ready paw, Pulled out the fruit, and crammed it in his jaw.

Now came the shining Mistress of the fane. And off in haste the two marauders scampered.

Tom for his share of the plunder had the pain. Whilst Pug his palate with the dainties pampered.



In 59 B.C., the future queen Cleopatra of Egypt, then ten years old, witnessed the overthrow and banishment of her father, Ptolemy XII, at the hand of his elder daughters —her own sisters. One of the daughters, Berenice, emerged as the leader of the rebellion, and to ensure that she would now rule Egypt alone, she imprisoned her other sisters and murdered her own husband. This may have been necessary as a practical step to secure her rule. But that a member of the royal family, a queen no less, would so overtly exact such violence on her own family horrified her subjects and stirred up powerful opposition. Four years later this opposition was able to return Ptolemy to power, and he promptly had Berenice and the other elder sisters beheaded.

In 51 B.C. Ptolemy died, leaving four remaining children as heirs. As was the tradition in Egypt, the eldest son, Ptolemy XIII (only ten at the time), married the elder sister, Cleopatra (now eighteen), and the couple took the throne together as king and queen. None of the four children felt satisfied with this; everyone, including Cleopatra, wanted more power. A struggle emerged between Cleopatra and Ptolemy, each trying to push the other to the side.

In 48 B.C., with the help of a government faction that feared Cleopatra’s ambitions, Ptolemy was able to force his sister to flee the country, leaving himself as sole ruler. In exile, Cleopatra schemed. She wanted to rule alone and to restore Egypt to its past glory, a goal she felt none of her other siblings could achieve; yet as long as they were alive, she could not realize her dream. And the example of Berenice had made it clear that no one would serve a queen who was seen murdering her own kind. Even Ptolemy XIII had not dared murder Cleopatra, although he knew she would plot against him from abroad.

Within a year after Cleopatra’s banishment, the Roman dictator Julius Caesar arrived in Egypt, determined to make the country a Roman colony. Cleopatra saw her chance: Reentering Egypt in disguise, she traveled hundreds of miles to reach Caesar in Alexandria. Legend has it that she had herself smuggled into his presence rolled up inside a carpet, which was gracefully unfurled at his feet, revealing the young queen. Cleopatra immediately went to work on the Roman. She appealed to his love of spectacle and his interest in Egyptian history, and poured on her feminine charms. Caesar soon succumbed and restored Cleopatra to the throne.

Cleopatra’s siblings seethed—she had outmaneuvered them. Ptolemy XIII would not wait to see what happened next: From his palace in Alexandria, he summoned a great army to march on the city and attack Caesar. In response, Caesar immediately put Ptolemy and the rest of the family under house arrest. But Cleopatra’s younger sister Arsinoe escaped from the palace and placed herself at the head of the approaching Egyptian troops, proclaiming herself queen of Egypt. Now Cleopatra finally saw her chance: She convinced Caesar to release Ptolemy from house arrest, under the agreement that he would broker a truce. Of course she knew he would do the opposite— that he would fight Arsinoe for control of the Egyptian army. But this was to Cleopatra’s benefit, for it would divide the royal family. Better still, it would give Caesar the chance to defeat and kill her siblings in battle.

Reinforced by troops from Rome, Caesar swiftly defeated the rebels. In the Egyptians’ retreat, Ptolemy drowned in the Nile. Caesar captured Arsinoe and had her sent to Rome as a prisoner. He also executed the numerous enemies who had conspired against Cleopatra, and imprisoned others who had opposed her. To reinforce her position as uncontested queen, Cleopatra now married the only sibling left, Ptolemy XIV—only eleven at the time, and the weakest of the lot. Four years later Ptolemy mysteriously died, of poison.

In 41 B.C., Cleopatra employed on a second Roman leader, Marc Antony, the same tactics she had used so well on Julius Caesar. After seducing him, she hinted to him that her sister Arsinoe, still a prisoner in Rome, had conspired to destroy him. Marc Antony believed her and promptly had Arsinoe executed, thereby getting rid of the last of the siblings who had posed such a threat to Cleopatra.


Once upon a time there was a crow and his wife who had built a nest in a banyan tree. A big snake crawled into the hollow trunk and ate up the chicks as they were hatched. The crow did not want to move, since he loved the tree dearly. So he went to his friend the jackal for advice. A plan of action was devised. The crow and his wife flew about in implementation.

As the wife approached a pond, she saw the women of the king’s court bathing, with pearls, necklaces, gems, garments, and a golden chain laying on the shore. The crow- hen seized the golden chain in her beak and flew toward the banyan tree with the eunuchs in pursuit. When she reached the tree, she dropped the chain into the hole. As the kings’ men climbed the tree for the chain, they saw the swelling hood of the cobra. So they killed the snake with their clubs, retrieved the golden chain, and went back to the pond. And the crow and his wife lived happily ever after.



Legend has it that Cleopatra succeeded through her seductive charms, but in reality her power came from an ability to get people to do her bidding without realizing they were being manipulated. Caesar and Antony not only rid her of her most dangerous siblings— Ptolemy XIII and Arsinoe—they decimated all of her enemies, in both the government and the military. The two men became her cat’s-paws. They entered the fire for her, did the ugly but necessary work, while shielding her from appearing as the destroyer of her siblings and fellow Egyptians. And in the end, both men acquiesced to her desire to rule Egypt not as a Roman colony but as an independent allied kingdom. And they did all this for her without realizing how she had manipulated them. This was persuasion of the subtlest and most powerful kind.

A queen must never dirty her hands with ugly tasks, nor can a king appear in public with blood on his face. Yet power cannot survive without the constant squashing of enemies—there will always be dirty little tasks that have to be done to keep you on the throne. Like Cleopatra, you need a cat’s-paw.

This will usually be a person from outside your immediate circle, who will therefore be unlikely to realize how he or she is being used. You will find these dupes everywhere—people who enjoy doing you favors, especially if you throw them a minimal bone or two in exchange. But as they accomplish tasks that may seem to them innocent enough, or at least completely justified, they are actually clearing the field for you, spreading the information you feed them, undermining people they do not realize are your rivals, inadvertently furthering your cause, dirtying their hands while yours remain spotless.


When Omar, son of al-Khattab, was converted to Islam, he wanted the news of his conversion to reach everyone quickly. He went to see Jamil, son of Ma’mar al- Jumahi. The latter was renowned for the speed with which he passed on secrets. If he was told anything in confidence, he let everyone know about it immediately. Omar said to him: “I have become a Muslim. Do not say anything. Keep it dark. Do not mention it in front of anyone.” Jamil went out into the street and began shouting at the top of his voice: “Do you believe that Omar, son of al-Khattab, has not become a Muslim? Well, do not believe that! I am telling you that he has!”

The news of Omar’s conversion to Islam was spread everywhere. And that was just what he intended.



In the late 1920s, civil war broke out in China as the Nationalist and Communist parties battled for control of the country. In 1927 Chiang Kai-shek, the Nationalist leader, vowed to kill every last Communist, and over the next few years he nearly accomplished his task, pushing his enemies hard until, in 1934-1935, he forced them into the Long March, a six-thousand-mile retreat from the southeast to the remote northwest, through harsh terrain, in which most of their ranks were decimated. In late 1936 Chiang planned one last offensive to wipe them out, but he was caught in a mutiny: His own soldiers captured him and turned him over to the Communists. Now he could only expect the worst.

Meanwhile, however, the Japanese began an invasion of China, and much to Chiang’s surprise, instead of killing him the Communist leader, Mao Tse-tung, proposed a deal: The Communists would let him go, and would recognize him as commander of their forces as well as his, if he would agree to fight alongside them against their common enemy. Chiang had expected torture and execution; now he could not believe his luck. How soft these Reds had become. Without having to fight a rearguard action against the Communists, he knew he could beat the Japanese, and then a few years down the line he would turn around and destroy the Reds with ease. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain by agreeing to their terms.

The Communists proceeded to fight the Japanese in their usual fashion, with hit-and- run guerrilla tactics, while the Nationalists fought a more conventional war. Together, after several years, they succeeded in evicting the Japanese. Now, however, Chiang finally understood what Mao had really planned. His own army had met the brunt of the Japanese artillery, was greatly weakened, and would take a few years to recover. The Communists, meanwhile, had not only avoided any direct hits from the Japanese, they had used the time to recoup their strength, and to spread out and gain pockets of influence all over China. As soon as the war against the Japanese ended, the civil war started again—but this time the Communists enveloped the weakened Nationalists and slowly beat them into submission. The Japanese had served as Mao’s cat’s-paw, inadvertently ploughing the fields for the Communists and making possible their victory over Chiang Kai-shek.


Most leaders who had taken as powerful an enemy as Chiang Kai-shek prisoner would have made sure to kill him. But in doing so they would have lost the chance Mao exploited. Without the experienced Chiang as leader of the Nationalists, the fight to drive the Japanese out might have lasted much longer, with devastating results. Mao was far too clever to let anger spoil the chance to kill two birds with one stone. In essence, Mao used two cat‘s-paws to help him attain total victory. First, he cleverly baited Chiang into taking charge of the war against the Japanese. Mao knew the Nationalists led by Chiang would do most of the hard fighting and would succeed in pushing the Japanese out of China, if they did not have to concern themselves with fighting the Communists at the same time. The Nationalists, then, were the first cat’s- paw, used to evict the Japanese. But Mao also knew that in the process of leading the war against the invaders, the Japanese artillery and air support would decimate the conventional forces of the Nationalists, doing damage it could take the Communists decades to inflict. Why waste time and lives if the Japanese could do the job quickly? It was this wise policy of using one cat’s-paw after another that allowed the Communists to prevail.

There are two uses of the cat‘s-paw: to save appearances, as Cleopatra did, and to save energy and effort. The latter case in particular demands that you plan several moves in advance, realizing that a temporary move backward (letting Chiang go, say) can lead to a giant leap forward. If you are temporarily weakened and need time to recover, it will often serve you well to use those around you both as a screen to hide your intentions and as a cat’s-paw to do your work for you. Look for a powerful third party who shares an enemy with you (if for different reasons), then take advantage of their superior power to deal blows which would have cost you much more energy, since you are weaker. You can even gently guide them into hostilities. Always search out the overly aggressive as potential cat’s-paws—they are often more than willing to get into a fight, and you can choose just the right fight for your purposes.


A wise man, walking alone, Was being bothered by a fool throwing stones at his head. Turning to face him, he said: “My dear chap, well thrown! Please accept these few francs. You’ve worked hard enough to get more than mere thanks. Every effort deserves its reward. But see that man over there? He can afford More than I can. Present him with some of your stones: they’ll earn a good wage.” 

Lured by the bait, the stupid man Ran off to repeat the outrage On the other worthy citizen. This time he wasn’t paid in money for his stones. Up rushed serving-men, And seized him and thrashed him and broke all his bones.

In the courts of kings there are pests like this. devoid of sense: They’ll make their master laugh at your expense. To silence their cackle, should you hand out rough Punishment? Maybe you’re not strong enough. Better persuade them to attack Somebody else, who can more than pay them back.



Kuriyama Daizen was an adept of Cha-no-yu (Hot Water for Tea, the Japanese tea ceremony) and a student of the teachings of the great tea master Sen no Rikyu. Around 1620 Daizen learned that a friend of his, Hoshino Soemon, had borrowed a large sum of money (300 ryo) to help a relative who had fallen into debt. But although Soemon had managed to bail out his relative, he had simply displaced the burden onto himself. Daizen knew Soemon well—he neither cared nor understood much about money, and could easily get into trouble through slowness in repaying the loan, which had been made by a wealthy merchant called Kawachiya Sanemon. Yet if Daizen offered to help Soemon pay back the loan, he would refuse, out of pride, and might even be offended.

One day Daizen visited his friend, and after touring the garden and looking at Soemon’s prized peonies, they retired to his reception room. Here Daizen saw a painting by the master Kano Tennyu. “Ah,” Daizen exclaimed, “a splendid piece of painting…. I don’t know when I have seen anything I like better.” After several more bouts of praise, Soemon had no choice: “Well,” he said, “since you like it so much, I hope you will do me the favor of accepting it.”

At first Daizen refused, but when Soemon insisted he gave in. The next day Soemon in turn received a package from Daizen. Inside it was a beautiful and delicate vase, which Daizen, in an accompanying note, asked his friend to accept as a token of his appreciation for the painting that Soemon had so graciously given him the day before. He explained that the vase had been made by Sen no Rikyu himself, and bore an inscription from Emperor Hideyoshi. If Soemon did not care for the vase, Daizen suggested, he might make a gift of it to an adherent of Cha-no-yu—perhaps the merchant Kawachiya Sanemon, who had often expressed a desire to possess it. “I hear,” Daizen continued, “he has a fine piece of fancy paper [the 300-ryo I.O.U.] which you would much like. It is possible you might arrange an exchange.”

Realizing what his gracious friend was up to, Soemon took the vase to the wealthy lender. “However did you get this,” exclaimed Sanemon, when Soemon showed him the vase. “I have often heard of it, but this is the first time I have ever seen it. It is such a treasure that it is never allowed outside the gate!” He instantly offered to exchange the debt note for the flower vase, and to give Soemon 300 ryo more on top of it. But Soemon, who did not care for money, only wanted the debt note back, and Sanemon gladly gave it to him. Then Soemon immediately hurried to Daizen’s house to thank him for his clever support.


A merchant kept a bird in a cage. He was going to India, the land from which the bird came, and asked it whether he could bring anything back for it. The bird asked for its freedom, but was refused. So he asked the merchant to visit a jungle in India and announce his captivity to the free birds who were there. The merchant did so, and no sooner had he spoken when a wild bird, just like his own, fell senseless out of a tree on to the ground. The merchant thought that this must be a relative of his own bird, and felt sad that he should have caused this death. When he got home, the bird asked him whether he had brought good news from India.

No,” said the merchant, “I fear that my news is bad. One of your relations collapsed and fell at my feet when I mentioned your captivity.”.

As soon as these words were spoken the merchant’s bird collapsed and fell to the bottom of the cage. “The news of his kins-man’s death has killed him, too, ”thotight the merchant. Sorrowfully he picked up the bird and put it on the windowsill. At once the bird revived and flew to a nearby tree. “Now you know, ”the bird said, “that what you hought was disaster was in fact good news for me. And how the message, the suggestion of how to behave in order to free myself, was transmitted to me through you, my captor.” And he flew away, free at last.



Kuriyama Daizen understood that the granting of a favor is never simple: If it is done with fuss and obviousness, its receiver feels burdened by an obligation.

This may give the doer a certain power, but it is a power that will eventually self-destruct, for it will stir up resentment and resistance. A favor done indirectly and elegantly has ten times more power. Daizen knew a direct approach would only have offended Soemon. By letting his friend give him the painting, however, he made Soemon feel that he too had pleased his friend with a gift. In the end, all three parties emerged from the encounter feeling fulfilled in their own way.

In essence, Daizen made himself the cat‘s-paw, the tool to take the chestnuts out of the fire. He must have felt some pain in losing the vase, but he gained not only the painting but, more important, the power of the courtier. The courtier uses his gloved hand to soften any blows against him, disguise his scars, and make the act of rescue more elegant and clean. By helping others, the courtier eventually helps himself. Daizen’s example provides the paradigm for every favor done between friends and peers: never impose your favors. Search out ways to make yourself the cat’s-paw, indirectly extricating your friends from distress without imposing yourself or making them feel obligated to you.

One should not be too straightforward. Go and see the forest. The straight trees are cut down, the crooked ones are left standing.

Kautilya, Indian philosopher, third century B.C.
The Trump administration planning riots with the “pro democracy movement” in Hong Kong. All of china is wired for video, and audio and connected to very advanced AI. The result was that the entire CIA “color revolution” machinery set in motion by the Trump administration was exposed for the entire world to see.


As a leader you may imagine that constant diligence, and the appearance of working harder than anyone else, signify power. Actually, though, they have the opposite effect: They imply weakness. Why are you working so hard? Perhaps you are incompetent, and have to put in extra effort just to keep up; perhaps you are one of those people who does not know how to delegate, and has to meddle in everything. The truly powerful, on the other hand, seem never to be in a hurry or overburdened. While others work their fingers to the bone, they take their leisure. They know how to find the right people to put in the effort while they save their energy and keep their hands out of the fire. Similarly, you may believe that by taking on the dirty work yourself, involving yourself directly in unpleasant actions, you impose your power and instill fear. In fact you make yourself look ugly, and abusive of your high position. Truly powerful people keep their hands clean. Only good things surround them, and the only announcements they make are of glorious achievements.

You will often find it necessary, of course, to expend energy, or to effect an evil but necessary action. But you must never appear to be this action’s agent. Find a cat‘s-paw. Develop the arts of finding, using, and, in time, getting rid of these people when their cat’s-paw role has been fulfilled.

On the eve of an important river battle, the great third-century Chinese strategist Chuko Liang found himself falsely accused of secretly working for the other side. As proof of his loyalty, his commander ordered him to produce 100,000 arrows for the army within three days, or be put to death. Instead of trying to manufacture the arrows, an impossible task, Liang took a dozen boats and had bundles of straw lashed to their sides. In the late afternoon, when mist always blanketed the river, he floated the boats toward the enemy camp. Fearing a trap from the wily Chuko Liang, the enemy did not attack the barely visible boats with boats of their own, but showered them with arrows from the bank. As Liang’s boats inched closer, they redoubled the rain of arrows, which stuck in the thick straw. After several hours, the men hiding on board sailed the vessels quickly downstream, where Chuko Liang met them and collected his 100,000 arrows.

Chuko Liang would never do work that others could do for him—he was always thinking up tricks like this one. The key to planning such a strategy is the ability to think far ahead, to imagine ways in which other people can be baited into doing the job for you.

An essential element in making this strategy work is to disguise your goal, shrouding it in mystery, like the strange enemy boats appearing dimly in the mist. When your rivals cannot be sure what you are after, they will react in ways that often work against them in the long run. In fact they will become your cat’s-paws. If you disguise your intentions, it is much easier to guide them into moves that accomplish exactly what you want done, but prefer not to do yourself. This may require planning several moves in advance, like a billiard ball that bounces off the sides a few times before heading into the right pocket.

The early-twentieth-century American con artist Yellow Kid Weil knew that no matter how skillfully he homed in on the perfect wealthy sucker, if he, a stranger, approached this man directly, the sucker might become suspicious. So Weil would find someone the sucker already knew to serve as a cat‘s-paw—someone lower on the totem pole who was himself an unlikely target, and would therefore be less suspicious. Weil would interest this man in a scheme promising incredible wealth. Convinced the scheme was for real, the cat’s-paw would often suggest, without prompting, that his boss or wealthy friend should get involved: Having more cash to invest, this man would increase the size of the pot, making bigger bucks for all concerned. The cat‘s-paw would then involve the wealthy sucker who had been Weil’s target all along, but who would not suspect a trap, since it was his trusty subordinate who had roped him in. Devices like this are often the best way to approach a person of power: Use an associate or subordinate to hook you up with your primary target. The cat’s-paw establishes your credibility and shields you from the unsavory appearance of being too pushy in your courtship.

The easiest and most effective way to use a cat’s-paw is often to plant information with him that he will then spread to your primary target. False or planted information is a powerful tool, especially if spread by a dupe whom no one suspects. You will find it very easy to play innocent and disguise yourself as the source.


At the turn of the year, when kings take the field, David sent Joab out with his other officers and all the Israelite forces, and they ravaged Ammon and laid siege to Rabbah, while David remained in Jerusalem. One evening David got up from his couch and, as he walked about on the roof of the palace, he saw from there a woman bathing and she was very beautiful. He sent to inquire who she was, and the answer came, “It must be Bathsheba, daughter of Eliam and wife of Uriah the Hittite....” David wrote a letter to Joab and sent Uriah with it. He wrote in the letter: “Put Uriah opposite the enemy where the fighting is fiercest and then fall back, and leave him to meet his death.”... Joab... stationed Uriah at a point where he knew they would put up a stout fight. The men of the city sallied out and engaged Joab, and some of David’s guards fell; Uriah the Hittite was also killed. Joab sent David a dispatch with all the news of the battle.... When Uriah’s wife heard that her husband was dead, she mourned for him; and when the period of mourning was over, David sent for her and brought her into his house. She became his wife and bore him a son.


The strategic therapist Dr. Milton H. Erickson would often encounter among his patients a married couple in which the wife wanted the therapy but the husband absolutely refused it. Rather than wasting energy trying to deal with the man directly, Dr. Erickson would see the wife alone, and as she talked he would interject interpretations of the husband’s behavior that he knew would rile the husband up if he heard them. Sure enough, the wife would tell her husband what the doctor had said. After a few weeks the husband would be so furious he would insist on joining his wife in the sessions so he could set the doctor straight.

Finally, you may well find cases in which deliberately offering yourself as the cat’s- paw will ultimately gain you great power. This is the ruse of the perfect courtier. Its symbol is Sir Walter Raleigh, who once placed his own cloak on the muddy ground so that Queen Elizabeth would not sully her shoes. As the instrument that protects a master or peer from unpleasantness or danger, you gain immense respect, which sooner or later will pay dividends. And remember: If you can make your assistance subtle and gracious rather than boastful and burdensome, your recompense will be that much the more satisfying and powerful.

Image: The Cat’s-Paw. It has long claws to grab things. It is soft and padded. Take hold of the cat and use its paw to pluck things out of the fire, to claw your enemy, to play with the mouse before devouring it.

Sometimes you hurt the cat, but most often it doesn’t feel a thing.

Authority: Do everything pleasant yourself, everything unpleasant through third parties. By adopting the first course you win favor, by taking the second you deflect ill will. Important affairs often require rewards and punishments. Let only the good come from you and the evil from others. (Baltasar Gracián, 1601-1658)


The cat’s-paw and the scapegoat must be used with extreme caution and delicacy. They are like screens that hide your own involvement in dirty work from the public; if at any moment the screen is lifted and you are seen as the manipulator, the puppet master, the whole dynamic turns around—your hand will be seen everywhere, and you will be blamed for misfortunes you may have had nothing to do with. Once the truth is revealed, events will snowball beyond your control.

In 1572, Queen Catherine de’ Médicis of France conspired to do away with Gaspard de Coligny, an admiral in the French navy and a leading member of the Huguenot (French Protestant) community. Coligny was close to Catherine’s son, Charles IX, and she feared his growing influence on the young king. So she arranged for a member of the Guise family, one of the most powerful royal clans in France, to assassinate him.

Secretly, however, Catherine had another plan: She wanted the Huguenots to blame the Guises for killing one of their leaders, and to take revenge. With one blow, she would erase or injure two threatening rivals, Coligny and the Guise family. Yet both plans went awry. The assassin missed his target, only wounding Coligny; knowing Catherine as his enemy, he strongly suspected it was she who had set up the attack on him, and he told the king so. Eventually the failed assassination and the arguments that ensued from it set off a chain of events that led to a bloody civil war between Catholics and Protestants, culminating in the horrifying Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Eve, in which thousands of Protestants were killed.

If you have to use a cat’s-paw or a scapegoat in an action of great consequence, be very careful: Too much can go wrong. It is often wiser to use such dupes in more innocent endeavors, where mistakes or miscalculations will cause no serious harm.

Finally, there are moments when it is advantageous to not disguise your involvement or responsibility, but rather to take the blame yourself for some mistake. If you have power and are secure in it, you should sometimes play the penitent: With a sorrowful look, you ask for forgiveness from those weaker than you. It is the ploy of the king who makes a show of his own sacrifices for the good of the people. Similarly, upon occasion

you may want to appear as the agent of punishment in order to instill fear and trembling in your subordinates. Instead of the cat‘s-paw you show your own mighty hand as a threatening gesture. Play such a card sparingly. If you play it too often, fear will turn into resentment and hatred. Before you know it, such emotions will spark a vigorous opposition that will someday bring you down. Get in the habit of using a cat’s-paw—it is far safer.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my “48 Laws of Power” Index here…

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A no nonsense comparison between the USA and China

There’s all sort of idiocy on the internet today, as well as very powerful forces that are trying to convince people of this ideology, or that ideology. Well, here we are going to cut through all the nonsense and spell things out plainly and clearly. And it is going to make some people very upset. But I don’t care. Truth hurts. Deal with it, and move on.

This article deals with things as they are. Not what we want them to be. It also deals with the truth as it manifests, not what we want, but what actually exists today.

This article compares China and the USA. If you cannot handle it, then leave. Your tender sensibilities are of no concern to me.


China is a meritocracy. America is a kakistocracy.

And that is the way it is. China is not communist “regime”. America is not a “free” republic, nor a democracy “on a shining hill”. And both nations are functionally different from their labels. So let’s look at what they functionally operate as.

The United States

There is a lot of bullshit floating about. When I grew up in the United States, I was taught that America was a republic, but when I asked my teacher why everyone called it a democracy, he told me that it was changed by amendment into a democracy by mandating popular elections. Republics don’t do that. Later on, in university, when studying history, I learned that all democracies evolve.

Here’s the evolutionary stages for a democracy. This is not my opinion. It is history. If you cannot handle history, then leave.

  • Democracy evolves to an oligarchy.
  • And if the oligarchy isn’t destroyed by popular revolt, it evolves into a Military dictatorship.
  • If unchecked, a military dictatorship evolves into a military empire.
  • And all military empires devolve into a kakistocracy.
  • And historically a kakistocracy always collapses one way, or the other.

This is where America is today. There is not a person who is alive who can deny this today.

kakistocracy = a government of a state by its most stupid, ignorant, least qualified and unprincipled citizens in power.

Now, let’s look at China.


Contemporaneous China was established by Chairman Mao as a Communist nation.

This changed upon his death, and there were various factions fighting for power. Eventually, under Mr. Deng, China embraced capitalism, and democracy, while maintaining a single party rule. Thus it became a “Social Democracy”.

Over the years, boundaries and limits have been placed on which elements of socialism fit the Chinese culture, as well as which elements of capitalism fit the Chinese culture.

Today, we have a unique government style, very reminiscent of the government described by Robert Heinlein in Starship Troopers. (My article on this subject is an important read. Click on the link for more.)

Government participation is voluntary. To join the government (the communist party) you must contribute to society without any profit motives. As they said in Starship Troopers, “Service guarantees citizenship”.

So, if you want to vote in China’s democracy, you must first volunteer for the military, or any other volunteer government agencies. Then you must apply, and your membership is reviewed by your merit. There is a strict grading system, and your sponsor into the communist party is held personally responsible for any failings or errors you may make.

Up the chain of command, every step toward leadership roles are though merit driven avenues. Further there are police; known as the “corruption police” that root out, and punish any communist party members that take bribes, involved in graft, do bad or poor behaviors, and they are punished MOST severely.

There is nothing like this anywhere else in the world. And nothing like this ever in history.

China is an absolute meritocracy.

So to recap;

  • China is a meritocracy; a society governed by people selected according to merit.
  • America is a kakistocracy; government by the least suitable or competent.

Middle Class

Both America and China have different cultures, and different societies. But I like to judge the benefits of one society over the other by the size of it’s middle class.

In this case, we will extract the size of the middle class in a binary fashion. Saying that aside from the top 0.01%, the society can be broken down into two categories.

There is the poor. And there is the middle class.

Where within the middle class are stratified levels or layers.

But as long as you are in this middle range, you are doing well. Sure, you might not own your own private jet, but you won’t be starving either. An idealized nation will have everyone living without want or need; they would all be middle class. They would own their own home, always have enough food, medical care, and a role in society.

Now keeping things real, “Middle class” is not a measure of how many houses, or cars that you own. It’s a measure of whether or not you need the government to assist you in meeting basic needs of food, shelter, and medical care.

Using published information…

Freedom and Responsibility

The “talking heads” on all the media talks up a “great game” about how America has “freedom!” as if it actually existed. Freedom is not just words on a piece of paper that can be taken away by legislation, hello!, it’s something that you live with. And since it is something that you live with, comes responsibility.

America and China differ substantially in this regard.

America is a land of “anything goes” freedom with zero responsibility. The boundaries on the use of that freedom are defined by law. Limitations on what laws can exist is supposed to be met under the terms of the Bill of Rights, but that document has been riddled with so many exceptions that it no longer is a functional document. Thus you have a society where people can do anything, just as long as they are not caught by the police in breaking a law.

China, on the other hand, treats freedom as something precious that is dished out in measured amounts to those who are responsible. This is measured by the “Social Scoring” system. If you are responsible, you are permitted great deal of freedom. If not, then you have your “wings clipped” and live a more restricted life.

  • America = All freedom. No responsibility, can act within the confines of law.
  • China = Freedom and responsibility are intertwined, and measured for compliance.


I also like to measure society buy it’s communities. This measurement comes in many forms, but fundamentally it is a complex mixture of safety, social interaction with others, access to basic transportation, quality of life, costs of groceries, access to parts and public areas, and friendships.

This is all very difficult to measure. So we are going to look at this in a broader sense. We will look at the most popular community structures in China and America and then compare them.

In China, most people live in these housing complexes. These are enormous skyscrapers that are surrounded by a wall, and is secured by security police known as BaoAn’s. Within that complex is at least one park, multiple recreation areas, kindergarten and elementary schools, a police and local government administration office, a post office, and individual parking.

While homes can be rented in these complex’s, most people buy a house. Thus securing a long term residence that allow direct participation with all their neighbors. Additionally, people in the building complexes are all on social media and share thoughts, stories, issues and needs in real time, as they develop.

It is not at all unusual to see evenings filled with children playing in the open areas, the parks and the buildings. Old people walk on the sidewalks and walkways, and BaoAn’s mingle with the residence. This is normal China.

In America, most people yearn for a home. They buy a home in the country, or suburb, and (if they are rich enough) a home / apartment in a city. In all cases, they are isolated from each other. If they want to be part of the community, they must make an effort to do so. It is not automatic, and thus many people tend to stay inside and isolate. The suburbs in America are some of the quietest and loneliest places on the earth.

  • China = An active community of participation.
  • America = A nice home in isolation with little community participation.

Now, I could go on and on…

I can site facts and figures. Like the percentage of people who drive, or the percentage of people who are employed, or the effort it takes in literacy. But that’s an easy and a silly way to measure things. You just cannot take things in isolation and measure them. You need to provide a “level playing field” and then measure from there.

People use GDP, for instance. But GDP is flawed. And I will repeat my often used example…

  • Sally has one dollar and can buy two apples with it.
  • Tom has ten dollars, but can only buy one apple with it.

According to GDP, Tom is more successful than Sally.

We all need to measure our lives by our happiness. As well as by our purpose, and our relationships with the community.

If you are not happy, but instead working for money; if you don’t have a purpose other than to make money; and if you have no sense of community, then you are very likely to be living in the United States.

And of course, if you are happy, and you work as part of a community for the betterment of all, then you are probably living in China.

Reality Check

Of course, not everyone in America lives in suburbs, or in their own homes. And not everyone in China lives in these huge mega apartment complexes. And not everyone in America is isolated, and not everyone in China is part of the community. But the point is that the vast bulk of them are.

And that is what we are talking about here. As America is balkanized, you will have an occasional little oasis of community, and one of prosperity and safety. But those numbers are dwindling. And China is a homogenized nation. Everyone speaks one language, and no one is hyphenated.  You won’t hear any Chinese calling themselves Hunan-Chinese, or Xinjiang Chinese.

As I have said before, we have to see things as they really exist. Not as we want them to be.


Personally I think it is a good idea to have a choice in how you can live your life in different societies. It’s like being able to choose between steak or dog food for dinner. And if you are tired of dog food, you can smell that delicious steak and eventually go to a place where there is steak every day. Yum!

Some people like to eat dog food. They eat it day in and day out. They are told that dog food is good, and that everyone knows that dog food is the best.

Me; I like steak.

Judging from the billions of pro-America articles out in internet-land, so many people love living inside of America. They have this thing called “democracy” and “freedom”. Though what it actually is, is really hard to nail down. If you ask them if the election systems actually work, most would say no. If you ask them if their representatives will represent them, they would also say no. And if you ask them if the bill of Rights is being followed, they would also say no.

So, perhaps, America is just floating along on this vaporous cloud of ignorance and hope.

Meanwhile China has “been there and done that”. They went through the changes and have arrived at a stable place. They carved out a life and made it stable, and rock solid.

America is the land of the 0.1% of people. If you can become one of them, then this place is for you. Meanwhile, the rest of the nation toils to one day be able to reach that point. Maybe you too can be come a billionaire and fly into space!

China is the land of the 90% of people. Everyone can get a decent life. Some better than others, but all within a fine band of comfort. And you know, it is possible, that one day, you will be able to fly into space. If not you, then your kids. But it is really possible.

Today in the United States, the only think keeping the masses of people from revolting and hanging the government is the free welfare checks, and the television / internet. To me, it reminds me of Rome, where the rulers provided their citizens with bread and circuses.

In China, as I have repeatedly tried to relate, it is calm and peaceful. No stress at all. None. Kids play, people talk. Nothing is frantic. Nothing is fast paced. The skies are blue. The trees are green. Flowers are everywhere. Malls are open, stores are bright and cheerful This is throughout China, not “only on the coast” as one supposed China expat said in a comment.

Now for some videos…

With this in mind, let’s look at a few videos that serve to illustrate these points.

In a MERIT DRIVEN SOCIETY such as CHINA, everyone tries to do their best and excel. They work together. They study hard. They strive. (Video)


Yes they do, and this idea to be the best you can be, to be kind and to be helpful comes from how you are raised. Check out this next video. This is a Chinese preschool. (video).


In a SOCIETY DRIVEN BY GREED such as AMERICA, it’s every man for himself. And thus you have all sorts of crime and events related to fraud and deception. (Video)


“Is that your bike? No.”

And so what does this guy do? He films it and does nothing. Not a community. It is just every man for himself. (Video)


But it doesn’t have to be this way…

If you grew up in a land with a thousand tiny hands in your wallet, a leadership that are idiots, and where every person is scrambling for a “piece of the pie”, you can change that.

No. I am not talking about revolution. Nor am I talking about leaving the nation that you are part of for somewhere else. I am instead talking about what you can do to make the world around you a little bit better.


Meet your neighbors. Say hi. Smile. Buy coffee for coworkers. Clean up the trash on the street. Feed the dogs and cats. Make your home open, welcome and friendly.

Use the “porch light system” for invitations. Tell everyone you meet in your community that when the porch light is on, that it is a welcome for them to come on over and have a cup of coffee and to chill out with you.

Be the Rufus. (video)

I love this Rufus doggie.


Be the Rufus!

You can make the world a better place. Just help others. (Video)

If everyone thought about others, their community, their purpose, and in making their little tiny part better, than we all will live a better life. Stop being alone and isolated. Reach out. Help others. Make friends. You will be surprised how much your quality of life will improve. Just participate in life.


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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[daegonmagus] – Part 10 – Combined LD Asset Penetration Into Amnesia Infrastructure

The following is the tenth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 


Below is a briefing document which equates to about 7 years worth of LD espionage into amnesia compounds by both myself and my wife, SD.

While it rehashes a few things I have already talked about, I think it contains some info the Commander will consider as being quite valuable.

I am very interested to hear yours and his opinions of it, particularly the first impression you get from him “absorbing” it.

Be warned, it is about 12k worth of words, so might take you a good amount of time to go through. There will be further documentation in the coming weeks in regards to my opinions on how LD assets can be effectively used to tackle this amnesia problem.

I also have a few questions for the Commander, but as there is already a couple of question in the document I will hold off asking them for your sake.

Part 10 – Combined LD Asset Penetration Into Amnesia Infrastructure

This is a briefing document to be relayed to the Domain Commander via Metallic Man outlining about 7 years worth of recon work into various locations by two very accomplished LD Assets – DM and SD – carried out between the years 2008 to 2015 to aid in the identification of potential abusers of the amnesia prison system infrastructure as well as the possibility of hijacked consciousness templates.

This is not a singular experience; majority of the locations mentioned in this document have been repetitively observed and experienced numerous times during Lucid Dreaming by both DM and SD over this 7 year period as well as other LD assets.

This is a unique opportunity for the Domain and MM readers to gain an understanding of these non physical locations from 2 separate sources that have been able to openly discuss these experiences on a regular basis free from the constraints of societal bias and vilification to verify them.

This document is to function as an addendum to a personal request by the Domain Commander for me, DM, to undertake lucid espionage into such compounds, as relayed to me via ex-MAJestic Agent MM in a personal email.

Given that a fair understanding of my background in LD has been given to the MM readership, I must point out that SD is at a very similar level of experience in LD to me – if not better – and has experimented with it almost as much as me.

Note that SD has been able to view a similar consciousness sorting mechanism as described by MM through utilizing her LD skillset. Also note that while I have agreed to help the Domain in their effort of identifying the amnesia machinery, my loyalty is ultimately to the Elder Guardians and their approved alliances first and foremost.

This is understood. -MM

My willingness to help the Domain comes from the idea that the goals of these two organizations are aligned; to put a stop to the amnesia machinery which will ultimately allow the extraction of members of each organization who have become trapped in the “earth prison”.

Anyone involved in such an effort is to be considered a friend by me for at least the duration of this project.

Just as the Domain are responsible for the 3000 members of their lost battalion, I am responsible for the 20k+ consciousnesses that came here at the direction of the Elder Guardians for a similar retrieval operation.

Therefore the Domain have my permission to alter my non-physical body to whatever extent they deem necessary provided it is to benefit this same goal and provided I am allowed to retain 100% awareness of the process, regardless of how painful or uncomfortable it may prove to be.

However, the Domain must not in any shape or form alter any aspect of my body {physical or non physical} that has already been altered by The Elder Guardians or their alliances without prior consent from that same organization.

This is understood and agreed to. -MM

This is to ensure that I am still able to carry out my lucid obligations to the Elder Guardians and the aforementioned consciousnesses I am responsible for. Ultimately the Elder Guardians have right of authority when it comes to any aspect of my physical/ non physical self.

I am optimistic in my belief that such a disagreement of circumstance will be extremely unlikely, given that our goals are so aligned.

However if I am wrong, in this assumption the Domain are of course welcome to approach me directly should they feel the need to persuade me otherwise.

There is an understanding that shared alliances can be mutually beneficial to all involved as long as we all agree to work within the agreed to frameworks. For instance, I agreed to a life-line involvement in MAJestic, not realizing that I would be working with The Domain. Then, I needed to reaffirm my agreements with them in order to proceed with them. -MM

I am putting in a formal request to the Commander that the Domain keep me updated on any missions carried out into these non-physical locations by either them or their associates, via MM if he so allows it, or personally if that is a more appropriate course of action for them.

This is understood and agreed to. -MM

I am also requesting any aid the Domain may be able to provide to either myself or SD that would prevent both physical and non physical forces impeding us in our operations to further gather intelligence via lucid dreaming and astral projection based avenues.

I believe this a fair compensation for the information contained in this report, though I will let MM have the final decision in whether it is or not. If he disagrees I won’t argue.

From what I understand, they will remain neutral for the most part, but will assist (if they are able to do so) if asked by one of the irregular assets directly (though the means I have provided.) -MM

If, however, the Domain are able to provide such assistance I will be able to more effectively devise an offensive stratagem into these targets.

It is my intention to penetrate deeper into these facilities when opportunity allows for it regardless of the dangers present therein. Understand this is a lifelong goal of mine that I have held since long before even stumbling across MM.

It is not my intention to disrespect the Domain or offend them in any way shape or form. Like MM, I take these assignments seriously and the terms I have laid out are solely to protect aspects of this operation I know to be on track to dismantling the amnesia mechanisms.

In saying that, I am committed to combining resources and using my LD skillset to tackle the amnesia problem whenever possible.

This is understood and agreed to. They will provide "reasonable" assistance provided the request is "reasonable". They will NOT make a judgement on the need or utility. Instead, in this venue "reasonable" refers to their ability to do so, given the specific circumstances involved. If that makes sense. 

To put it in my own words, they will help if they are able to, and will not judge if whether or not you need it or not. They have limitations. -MM

The Experiences:

Reality brainwashing is a very heavy theme present within many of these combined LD experiences, and is suggestive that the amnesia prison system has indeed been taken over or is still in operation and in some parts functional at the very least.

The Amnesia operation is either still in operation, or has been taken over by other interests. -MM

Over the years both myself and SD have been able to gain a detailed understanding of how these non physical locations are linked via a substantial network of egress portals and consciousness mazes, which are seemingly buried in layer upon layer of non physical “realities”, or planes exhibiting a different density to our physical one.

The conclusion we have both come to is that this system is designed to disorientate many consciousnesses during sleep/ death and control them to a very, very high degree through an MK Ultra type arrangement.

We have also gained an understanding of how consciousness doping agents are seemingly being used to keep a consciousness docile, submissive and under control whilst in these non physical facilities.

My experiences with the Elder Guardians suggest this is done en masse to the population of earth whenever they go to sleep, and again highlights this consciousness brainwashing theme that suggests the prison system is still in operation.

Given what we have experienced first hand, it is unlikely any consciousness would be able to resist this domination without some form of assistance, as the doping agents appear to be administered immediately upon entering the non physical environment.

"...it is unlikely any consciousness would be able to resist this domination without some form of assistance..."

Any efforts at “evading the light”, in my opinion, would have to include some kind of therapy to be administered during physical life to help break through that consciousness doping I assume is also undertaken upon death. I will submit a plan to MM later on I have to help rectify this particular problem.

"...Any efforts at “evading the light”, in my opinion, would have to include some kind of therapy to be administered during physical life..."

The volcano island I infiltrated which was recently mentioned in the LD task callout by MM was only one of what appear to be many places where such reality brainwashing/ false memory implantation, breeding programs, consciousness doping, and torture is taking place, according to mine and SD’s many recon assignments.

Many of these facilities take the form of “schools” – and are called this by their administrators – that are heavily guarded by armed soldiers that exhibit a very Nazi SS Officer/ authoritarian like behavior.

They call the act of undergoing brainwashing to “go and study”.

These schools exist within multiple different planes; it is exceedingly difficult trying to pin point them to a specific one.

The general theme is that if you get caught conducting lucid espionage into any of these locations, with complete memory of the physical world, you get targeted for either…

a) ejection from these locations by these guards or
b) capture whereby a specialized form of torture tailored specifically to make you forget them is administered.

This torture involves the use of electrocution and being probed with sharp objects, sometimes the former being administered through the latter.

It is strictly forbidden to talk about any of the other non physical worlds whilst in these reality brainwashing schools, and anyone doing so is immediately reprimanded and hushed by these guards.

This includes those in which past life memories begin to surface.

Those who are not part of the administration are treated like typical prison inmates and segregated into small groups based on gender and age.

Given that myself and SD were able to relate our LD experiences to each other on an almost day to day basis, we have been successful in retrieving memory of such scenarios that otherwise would have been left erased.

One of us will begin with a description of the experience, which will trigger a flood of memories for the other, who will then finish the scenario with an exact description of what took place.

Hence it is unlikely, in my opinion, that we are just implanting false memories within one another. It is my assumption that we are recalling parts of each other’s lucid dreams that we have both been active in.

It has been very evident to the both of us that the administrators of these locations do not want us aware of them or bringing such information back to the physical world.

We have experienced many failsafe mechanisms to make sure this doesn’t happen, including [1] amnesia “street lights” (designed to keep certain sections and blocked from access), [2] swarms of entities that “scrub” particular locations to keep out non authorized “visitors”, as well as [3] being chased through multiple worlds by entities resembling “suits” or “MIB” (specifically to stop one of us helping the other regain our memories).

I have yet another LD Asset {#3} part of my contacts who has also been chased by the MIB during LD.

SD and I have been fortunate in that we were able to evade and escape most of these efforts to some degree due to our LD skillsets.

Unfortunately for the administrators of these locations we also both started building up a tolerance to the consciousness doping agents being used on us, which I believe was in part due to help from our handlers.

We started regaining a level of control of our consciousness whilst doped, which allowed us both to view the processes of what takes place under the “care” of the prison administration.

It should be noted that the assignments undertaken by us and mentioned in these documents were extremely psychologically demanding; these were extremely distressing situations we found ourselves in that tested us to the very limits of our mental resolve, even with an awareness of our physical bodies and a higher awareness of the non physical planes.

At no point should anyone ever try to replicate any of these experiences whilst in LD without proper psychological preparation.

(In our case) We had help!

It should also be noted that SD has undergone the same astral body tampering the night after the Domain Commander first opened up a comms channel with MM (the same night I underwent mine – it was the exact same procedure; it felt like something was being “welded” into our astral bodies).

She also has a history of interaction with other non physical entities whilst in LD, and has been able to operate from a similar state of higher consciousness as I have previously mentioned.

Her forays give a bigger picture of the block put in place to control consciousness at death.

Given the nature of our assignments, it seems that some of these locations are home to non physical refugees trying to escape capture of some sort, presumably by the earth prison administration.

They inhabit worlds that could be considered less than third world by today’s standards.

According to what has been told to SD by some of these refugees, the displacement of them is due to a large scale non physical war that happened many thousands of {earth} years ago.

The premise of this war centers around the idea that those in charge of these facilities are trying to create “astral super soldiers” by taking the best attributes of certain “races” and splicing them into a single being.

This astral splicing is what I refer to as the “breeding programs”, as it corresponds with SDs experiences in the rape camps, again of which there appear to be many of these camps in active operation ruled by guards that exhibit a very similar behavior to that of the Nazi’s.

My own experiences suggest something similar and that there are special assets who can operate outside of temporal tracing apparatus; ie chrononauts that can slip through the non physical planes without being monitored by even the most technological advanced species.

I suspect these are what I call “suits” or MIB and specifically target anyone who exhibits high navigational control of the non physical planes via LD? AP. If they catch you, you instantly wake up back in the physical world.

In the context of MM terminology this would equate to those who can initiate an MWI slide at will without having to worry about sticking to certain pre birth/ master templates; they are ghosts that leave no footprint of their non physical travels behind.

I suspect whoever made them is the same faction who has taken control of the earth prison.

I also suspect these “suits” have something to do with the Psaigreen. Any information the Domain can supply on that particular group (the Psaigreen) would be much appreciated.

It is on the list -MM

The methods of astral body tampering used to create these super soldiers SD and I have witnessed so far are:

  • Similar non physical body splicing techniques employed by the Domain but without the intent to escape the prison
  • Forced sexual interactions between heavily doped male and female captives. Males are injected with a secondary drug that amplifies their primal instincts to the point that they become incredibly violent and aggressive.
  • The removal and implantation of foetuses within the womb of pregnant and non pregnant women.

The idea in all cases is to create hybridized offspring with DNA containing the best non physical traits so that access to certain non physical areas may be obtained.

It appears astral body DNA acts as a key to certain non physical areas.

The Main Facilities:


While the locations mentioned in this document are numerous, there are several facilities that stand out to me as being important to keeping up with the consciousness brainwashing agenda that I suggest the Domain pay particular close attention to.

The most notable for me is the facility I was able to gain an understanding of during my last experience with the Elder Guardians.

This was a facility run by a military faction at the ultimate direction of an ET Commander (possible Mantid or Mantid Prime – 10% surety) with human operators, specifically for programming and preparing consciousnesses for the Earth prison experience after they go to sleep in the physical plane.

Facility operated by (possible) Mantid Primes with human operator staff. -MM

According to the information given to me by the Grand Elder and what I experienced:

  1. The physical eyes are used by the operators of the facility to gain real time data of what consciousness is experiencing whilst engaging in the physical “reality.” This data is then used to smooth out any bugs in the program they expect the consciousness to follow.
  2. When a consciousness memory cache approaches full, the programmers issue a command to “send it to sleep” in the physical plane. Eventually the consciousness gives in and goes to sleep.
  3. At the same time it is heavily doped with the doping agent to keep it in a very zombie like state.
  4. Whilst under the influence of this anesthetic, the consciousness will be transported into another non physical body that is kept within, I assume, a holding room in some kind of clear gel like substance, completely naked.
  5. This body will then wake up, still completely under the influence of the anesthetic, and still in a zombie like daze with two guards at the ready.
  6. These two guards escort this body containing the doped consciousness through a thick, sideways opening steel door and lead it down a metallic hallway about 30m in length.
  7. As they are walking, a 3D holographic environment is broadcast around the consciousness. Spatially, the room is no longer two walls separated by a distance of a few meters, but an entire landscape dependent upon what the programmers desire the consciousness to experience. The doped body is then led through several extremely traumatic scenarios designed to keep it from recognizing where it is and to keep it holding onto the idea that the Earth based physical reality is the only one. The trauma part of the simulation is completely erased from memory. I am unsure if this simulation takes place entirely in the mind of the subject, or if the hallway itself aids in this holographic environment. I assume at the very least that the hallway communicates directly with the consciousness in question via wireless means.
  8. The doped body is led back out of the simulation. After it is switched off, the two guards then lead it to an alcove next to the door at the other end of the hallway that acts as a decontamination chamber. The naked body is then showered and scrubbed free of the gel substance before being led through the second door, still naked.
  9. A team of consciousness programmers – between 10 to 20 – analyses the reality dataset of the consciousness in question using a room full of computers. This is a monumental task with several days worth of downtime while new programming is coded to allow for consistent integration back within the physical reality. I suggest watching the series Westworld as it is an extremely accurate portrayal of what I experienced (I had an LD of the first episode a few years before it came out).
    8.a) During this downtime period the doped body is kept under the influence of the anesthetic and is very closely monitored by the two guards who become its personal handlers. It is allowed out of the facility to be used for slave labor until the coding for the fresh programming is complete, whereby it is brought back in.
    8.b) Special cases where the dataset reveals inconsistencies detrimental to the consciousness containment operation are examined on a case by case basis, by the 2IC Human Commander. In my case I wasn’t allowed out of the facility, but was instead led straight to another room containing a chair with an egress portal into a physical reality that was in its very first stages of design. This physical reality construct was called the “Test Rig” by the Human Commander, and I was brought here because the Commander noticed I had been talking to someone (the Grand Elder) “off record”, ie without it being logged in my dataset.
  10. The doped body is usually then led back through the metal hallway and made to undergo another trauma simulation before being led directly back to the holding cell where it is put to sleep and consciousness is then transported back into the physical plane body in preparation for “waking up”. I was directly told/shown this by the Grand Elder.

Very similar to what I witnessed in the consciousness programming facility. Instead of a map the large screen showed raw consciousness programming code data as well as real time video of what my eyes were seeing, and body vitals etc. All the shit you’d expect to find in a hospital room was somehow implemented into this main screen. Bear in mind I was mainly looking straight on towards the other wall after being decontaminated; everything to the left of me was sighted in my peripheral, so the angles may not have been so sharp. I have a vague recollection of the screen being curved.

Original image provided by DM was unable to be extracted, so I substituted this image instead. They are both very similar. I do not know why I was having such a difficult time extracting the original image. -MM


The programmers of this facility hold information on how non physical bodies can be programmed to interact with multiple physical reality constructs. I suspect the human Commander also has access to other similar facilities.

There are about 10 computer terminals in this facility that are used specifically for these programming purposes. These computers are able to directly interface with consciousness and hold extremely valuable data.

The ET Commander is kept insulated by the human operators by a viewing window that separates the main programming room from the ET’s own personal space.

I do not know if other ET’s were present in this room as it was a very quick glimpse gained in my peripheral vision whilst under heavy doping.

It could also be a bullshit memory.

I would assume that this ET Commander is in charge of programming the physical realities whereas the humans focus solely on consciousnesses coming in and out of the constructs, but do not quote me on this.

My conscious awareness kicked in after coming through the door that led to what I assume was the body holding room, in the middle of a trauma simulation so my recollection of the hallway is foggy and confusing.

I have no actual recollection of the holding room.

I assume the doors I came through were connected to an elevator, but I cannot be sure.

There is also the question of entrance to the facility; I do not remember seeing any possible access ways in the main control room, which is why I suspect that an elevator system was at the opposite end of the simulation hallway.

If that were the case I would assume up would lead to ground level and down would lead to the holding room.

Otherwise perhaps the entrance to the facility was underneath where I was walking, which explains why I never saw it.

The facility itself was located in a world that seemed to be a direct quote of Airl’s description of an Old Empire establishment with allusions to Ancient Egypt throughout the city:

Anyone who is not willing or able to submit to mindless economic, political and religious servitude as a tax-paying worker in the class system of the "Old Empire" are "untouchable" and sentenced to receive memory wipe-out and permanent imprisonment on Earth.” 

These are the exact sorts of people who were being subjected to the Earth construct via this facility.

Others included those who were openly opposed to the Totalitarian regime of those politicians who were in power.

Question for the Domain Commander: Are they absolutely sure that the Old Empire has been eradicated in this sector of the physical/ non physical universe? Because intelligence gained from this experience alone suggests they are still very, very active. Going by Airl’s description of the Old Empire and everything the Grand Elder told me as well as what I experienced, I am apt to believe this was the Old Empire and not just a wannabe mimicking faction.

I will inquire. Initial response is that it appears that there is something going on that differs from the initial intent. This needs to be investigated further. 

It is easy to jump to conclusions, and assume that it is "Old Empire" operations still under the control of Mantid Prime, or that some (pro Domain) Mantids are working with "free" humans in constructing escape bodies for general population egress. Many questions remain unanswered.-MM


A very big effort on the human Commander and his programmer’s part was put into making sure I did not remember any of what took place in this facility.

The only reason I remember any of it was because the Grand Elder kicked me awake when the drugs started taking me.

He was telling me to take notice of the things I have mentioned in this document. You owe this section of this report to his insistence on making me pay attention.

Please tell him thank you from me. -MM


The Test Rig:

The server containing the Earth based physical reality appears to be contained within the Test Rig which is itself a VR construct within the consciousness programming facility .

This is in the form of a large “brain” that is made of Ethernet like cables.

These cables are able to extract consciousness data through what I equated at the time as being inductive coupling ( I am a qualified electronics tech, trust me on this assertion); they are wound as tight coils that pick up the magnetism coming off conscious thoughts contained within the server and direct this energy back to the military controller’s mainframe in the form of real time {analogue} data.

Think of this like joining an online gaming server; each player must log on to the main server through their various consoles.

The AI brain in this case is responsible for the load out environment the players all synch into; their consciousness require their own consoles in order to “play” and are thus kept off site, somewhere else.

My guess is in the holding rooms or back in the programming facility with the Human and ET Commanders.

This server brain is housed within a building surrounded by large glass windows on its ground floor on the cusp of what appears to be a university campus.

There are freshly manicured lawns and gardens in the center of various multi story brick buildings.

Through awareness of self, I was able to destroy majority of this campus.

The tell tale sign of this building is the logical fallacy of the platform one has to furs reach via the stairs to use the lift, instead of just having it pop out on the ground floor.

The brain itself was large enough to need an entire room and 1st story platform built around it.

Below this building is a compound that holds the bodies in the Test Rig that are still asleep and engaged in the Earth construct; I watched as two of them came out of the lift still in a dazed state, one of which was SD.

Unlike others who have to be plugged back into the construct to get back to their Earth bodies, I came back of my volition by summoning my own portals via LD – this meant I bypassed the programming/ trauma simulation stage altogether and is why I remember it so well.

I can walk the Domain through the whole process from the programming facility, into the Test rig portal, out the front gates of the accommodation section, through the university campus and into the Brain server building easier than I can get up to take a leak in the middle of the night; My memory of it is photographic.

The Test Rig reality construct is
where the human Commander plans on migrating all consciousnesses from the physical Earth construct when it is complete.

Although no ETA was given, this was the entire reason for the development of the Test Rig.

I overheard the Commander talking to his programmers about it.

Not only overheard; he was standing right in front of me when he said it, and assumed that I was too doped to remember any of it.

I wasn’t.

I was 100% aware of everything going on around me courtesy of the Grand Elder.

This is probably the most solid intel you will get off me.

Domain Commander take notice; there is another prison construct specifically being prepared for when the Earth prison goes offline which already has some value asset’s consciousnesses uploaded to it.

They are aware that the Earth Prison is part of a much larger Prison Complex that involves multiple solar systems. Though this intel about a backup facility being constructed is new intel. -MM

SD’s Experiences of the Non Physical body holding facilities:

Although this was not a shared experience with SD, she has awoken to very similar experiences of manipulation whilst doped, and has described similar egress portal setups like the Test Rig.

Her experiences of these facilities are much more persistent than mine.

The main difference is that in her experiences these egress portals are coupled to standard “hospital” like beds, whereas with mine they are coupled to something more akin to an upright dentistry chair.

SD has had many experiences of these facilities of which she is of the belief that there are at least 3 separate ones in operation.

One of these facilities is found within the Medieval Village world which can be accessed via the portal network found in the burrow tombs of the Island World.

SD’s recon assignments suggest that one of the main operating facilities can be accessed via astral projection from a lucid dreaming state, after moving through a substance/ plane that feels like “thick honey”.

On the other side of this thick honey bubble is one of these brainwashing facilities set out similar to a hospital rather than a military war room.

Immediately upon entering this area, guards will hunt down any unauthorized entity and eject them back into in the Earth construct.

I have also been taken to a similar hospital by black ops soldiers in a helicopter during a combined lucid dream with SD.

This particular hospital backs onto an ocean.

About a kilometer up the beach are various café’s and restaurants and an old style town nearby Brainwashing School I retrieved SD from moments prior to my initiation into the Unseen 5 (Combined LD Experience).

The retrieval of Nina Bejowski, as mentioned in my part 3 was also experienced by SD in one of her LDs (she was Nina).

In the experience I had to retrieve her from one of the brain washing schools whilst being hunted by “suits” who exhibited abilities that again suggested world line tampering in an effort to keep our consciousnesses contained.

Whilst I do not remember the layout of that particular facility, SD does.

Note her apparent “father” appears to be in control of at least one of these facilities (the one beyond the honey substance), and was present in this particular school telling her she needed to study.

Portal Theatre:

The most substantial location visited by both myself and SD is the portal theater.

The reason this location stands out is because it appears to be an egress portal hub that connects most of the non physical locations mentioned in this document.

I have personally undertaken many, many infiltration assignments into this complex, as has SD.

There are at least 7 – but potentially more – different egress portals; one in each of the theater rooms that come off the main hall, each leading to a very specific non physical location.

These locations do not change, despite coming here at different times of the year; room number 7 (or 8?) on the right side of the hallway will always take you the “Ancient Marketplace”, for example. I know this because this is the room I always took, and was the place I always came out after traveling through the portal in this theater room.

My assignments never bothered with any of the other rooms, as far as I can remember.

The rooms themselves look like standard movie theaters, though instead of a large projector screen they have spherical portals – about the size of a weather balloon – that float about 6 or so meters from the floor, roughly halfway to the roof.

The portals seemed to be contained in some sort of liquid substance and protected by an invisible “maze like” barrier; you cannot directly access them (well, the one in room 7 any way) without first navigating through this maze.

You “swim” up into the maze until you get to a point where your consciousness is sucked into it, and you come out into an alternate world on the other side, in my case, the Ancient Marketplace.

The band Primus has a live gig DVD called Hallucinogenetics with spherical TV screens on its cover  that are very similar to what the spherical portals in the theater room look like.

Please refer to the picture at the top of this article. -MM

SD is confident in her assertions that these portals are used for reality brainwashing; she has witnessed consciousnesses being forced to “watch” things on the portals (which can function like spherical TVs) equating to false memories before being pushed through them, and has memories of it being done to her.

This is essentially the exact same process carried out in the other facilities.

I have broken memories of similar things being undertaken, though they are no where near as vivid as SDs memories of this place.

My most vivid memories are that I come to the Portal Theater from another place, usually the Island, am escorted down the hallway to room 7, in which I project into the portal and come out in the Ancient Marketplace.

I then have to find another portal in the Ancient Marketplace which brings me out into “The Village”, which can also be accessed via the Island Burrow Tombs.

For me, entry into the Ancient Marketplace portal always felt “necessary”; whether this is a result of being forced to think that or whether it was an intention placed there by my handlers using me as an infiltration asset, I am not sure.

Travel into this place always brought me out into the foyer in front of the hallway, in which I have a hazy memory of being led down the hallway.

My memories of utilizing portal room 7 are quite vivid, however. I know a lot of other things went on here which I cannot remember; unfortunately the only recording of these experiences I had was on a laptop that got stolen.

There is no such thing as coincidences. MM

This laptop had crucial information about intelligence I gathered here. If the Domain are serious about dismantling the amnesia/ hypnosis machinery, I would suggest directing a large portion of whatever resources they have allocated for this operation into finding this theater as it will give them not only direct access to many of the other locations, but also a very good idea of the different hypnosis regimes used.

The Island:

This island is similar to the Volcano Island in my last Domain assignment.

I am not sure if it is the same one.

I have no recollection of there ever being a volcano/ slave set up.

I believe it is a different place entirely, going by the memories of it that I have. It seems to be quite neutral ground.

For the most part, whenever I am here it is rather benign and doesn’t seem to hold any negative operations of any sort.

It has not only been confirmed by SD but also by a third LD asset {#3}.

LD egress always brings me out into a dense forest, or at its edge on the shoreline.

This forest has a myriad of pathways that twist and turn through it.

The sky is always purplish maroon, like it is stuck in evening twilight. In the middle of the forest are certain trees reminiscent of Morton Bay Fig trees with huge roots at their base, but more palm tree like at the top.

Morton Bay Fig trees

Underneath these roots are what appear to be animal burrows leading further underground.

They are barely wide enough to fit me in them.

Upon going into these burrows one soon comes out into a tomb lined with precision cut bricks.

This appears to be a sort of small chamber coming off the main room.

As you go out into that main room, to the right is a ramp leading to a much higher level (suggesting temporal displacement from the outside of the island, as it should surely break through its surface, but doesn’t).

To the left is a sunken level by a few feet containing a sarcophagus, and in that sarcophagus is a portal that leads to the Portal Theater or the Medieval Village depending on how it is used.

There is a stairway or ramp to the right of the sarcophagus (when viewed front on ) that I believe leads to another portal.

It is likely this portal is the one that leads to the Village.

I am recalling things from over 10 years ago, so correct memory of it all is hazy.

To one side of the island is a fenced off beach, and on the other side of this fence is a military like naval shipyard.

This shipyard consists of what appears to be a very large shipping container like building.

The shipping container is slightly back from the shoreline and has a concrete path the width of a road next to it that leads out into the water just in front of it, in the form of a jetty.

Back at the shipping container is a crane like device that is used for working on the {aquatic/space} ships here.

Further left there is something hidden in the water next to the concrete jetty; it is either a squid like monster or a similar looking space ship.

This same monster ship/ thing has been corroborated by LD asset #4, who is in “agreement with the consciousness evolution plan“ based on his own experiences in LD.

This is a VERY important ship; New tech that could do some cool {non physical} shit that very few people {both physical and non physical} know about.

SD suggests just back from the shipyard, on the other side of the fence we have a house, and that she has memories of me working in the shipyard at the very point where the ship is docked.

This explains why I remember it with no actual memory of stumbling upon it; it is just something I “know” whenever I come here, like knowing you own a certain type of car.

According to her, there is another section of forest on this side of the island with more burrow portals she has also undertaken.

The fence line itself protrudes from the shoreline close to the shipping container on its right hand side (when facing the ocean) several hundred meters back into sand dunes.

The sand here is quite a deep yellow color, and very coarse.

The fence itself is very high, probably about 10 or even more meters, made of typical chain link.



Given the Island is a somewhat neutral place with seemingly minimum life activity and that it has egress portals that lead directly to some of the consciousness programming facilities, I suggest it be used as a “safe” insertion zone for any offensive efforts targeting these facilities.

Although there may some intermittent activity on the coastline the closer one comes to the shipping container, the forest from the middle towards the other end of the beach can be considered quite safe (at least it could be the last time I was there.)

This place is my second home; I frequented it a lot in my youth; it is probably the most tame place out of everything I experienced.

Gentle request by me to the Domain: PLEASE DO NOT FUCK IT UP.


Ancient Marketplace:

The main identifier for us is a road the width of the great wall of China, maybe even wider that curves up toward the sky in font of you.

As you move along this road, gravity changes so that you always feel like you are just walking through one axis, not two; it feels like you are walking on a flat surface.

There is always a festival here of some sort; my assignment thus entailed coming out of the portal, then walking the curve to its peak, through the crowd of festival goers whereby something strange would change their mood and see them running out of sheer terror.

This was a constant, repetitive scenario that I experienced for over a year, almost every week directly coming out of some very heavy “work” in the portal theater.

Something very weird was going here; whatever it was has been blocked from my memory.

It involved “timeline resetting”.

Very curious. -MM

Many of my assignments here involved an underground tomb (much smaller and cramped than the one at the island) set back from where one “appears” here a good way, which had yet another portal in it.

There was always some very strange things going on in this particular tomb as well, and I never really liked being here.

It was always very cramped, the passages being only 3 or so feet square.

Whilst lucid, I don’t like being confined to spaces where I cannot turn around easily; this tomb was very much like that.

Going into these confined places, you are just asking to be captured by something.

It feel likes you are a rabbit purposely walking headlong into a trap designed specifically for that creature.

You have to fight every ounce of your being screaming at you to turn around and get out.


The Village:

The portal in the Ancient Marketplace tombs brings one out into an old medieval type village SD and I have {again} both been to.

"Instead of thinking that this is a "Medieval village", perhaps you should consider it to be a typical community located on one of the planets of the "Old Empire". The descriptions seem to match with what is currently presently found there. The only difference is that most of the current "Old Empire" communities have a far wider variety of creatures that inhabit the area, not just humans." (Note from the Commander.) -MM

It has also been corroborated by LD Asset #5 who has also been here.

There is a cluster of old derelict buildings where people dwell.

This is a place that is constantly undergoing a “timeline reset”.

It is a nice old town which is ruined by the trash these inhabitants leave everywhere.

This cluster is where the “mind mazes” start.

There is a building complex several stories high that has a bituminous road next to it that somehow slants from the bottom to its very roof.

A pink watery like substance covers the ground everywhere that seems to reset ones consciousness if it is touched, in which they then exhibit a high dose of amnesia.

The main townsite is set a level above this water, by several feet.

It feels like a nearby river has flooded the area and has covered everything surrounding the village at this low point with knee high water.

There is a sort of circuit through town one is led to taking upon arriving here.

In my assignments I knew an invisible “something” was resetting the timelines, but I couldn’t catch it.

It wasn’t until I did the circuit in reverse (reversal of time), back through the building that I was able to “see it” and finally put a stop to the resets.

It was not something I can describe with earth language. I believe this thing, whatever it was, was tampering with the MWI in this location as well as the Ancient Marketplace.

Over the watery substance, joining the buildings, are these glass like tunnel walkways.

Littered about are several shipping containers in the pink water that lead to different locations; the only way out of this area is to project consciousness onto the shipping containers and use them in a sort of leap frog manner.

None of the inhabitants here possess such abilities.

SD has recollections of the watery substance and the idea the village in general is linked to the consciousness mazes.

She has met her dead cousin here several times, who has told her that the watery substance disallows the dead to interact with the physical world; the physical world exists somewhere far beyond it, and SD’s cousin has very specifically mentioned the inhabitants of that world “know about us“ who are still alive here in the physical world.

The inhabitants of this world seem to hold a certain level of disgust for anyone who can project here from the physical world; several times they have mentioned such disapproval to SD’s cousin, who simply told them she was “special”.

Think of this like a rich man turning his nose down towards a homeless man: the discarnate consciousnesses of this world fucking hate us LDers like we risk bringing a plague unto them.

Again, the notion that this community is part of the existing "Old Empire" that is desirous of shunning felons from their community. -MM

One of the buildings near the road that slants to the top of the building complex is set out in the form of an old hospital building.

This is where SD has awoken several times under the influence of the consciousness doping agent.

In these cases she has been lucid enough to remember her body back on earth, and to realize that something is not quite right.

Unable to gain control of her lucid body, she is then walked through the complex by several guards who do not realize that the consciousness doping agent hasn’t completely knocked her out.

She has accidentally acted too “coherent” and lucid to which a guard has then poked with a sort of cattle prod to keep her dazed, though she has still been able to retain memory of the event.

There is an elevator they take her to which leads to a higher floor of the building, and upon coming out of this elevator one enters a room with many beds crammed into it.

Attached to each bed is a sort of screen used for reality brainwashing and to instil false memories.

The process is that the hospital patients are lined up, single file, in which they are administered with a heavy dose of more of the consciousness doping agent then “strapped” into these beds to undergo “study”.

SD’s description of the brainwashing process is very similar to what I experienced with the Human Commander.

So this facility is at the "old medieval village"? -MM

In other instances, SD has appeared in the town, met her cousin and walked with her to the hospital building where she has intended to go into it to “retrieve” someone {possibly me}.

In these particular experiences, several other people, including SD’s cousin, have been aghast at the idea of going “back” into this hospital as everyone here knows what it is used for, including her dead cousin.

As a sidenote SD has also met her cousin {the same one} in a waiting place that seemed to function as a sort of astral quarantine for the newly deceased to wait whilst being processed before they are allowed to pass through to such worlds.

SD mentioned this as being a sort of field free floating in the middle of nothingness or space.

SD’s cousin was met by another long deceased family member that acted as a mentor reminding her of participation in past lives (possible mantid).

Again, SD was met with great disgust by the other deceased who were awaiting processing, as they (current earth incarnations) are apparently not supposed to venture into such places.

This makes sense. If the "old medieval village" is a facility on an existing "Old Empire" planet, then The Domain should be able to identify it, find it, and render it inert. I would suggest some questions to ask to the commander about this subject to flush out the details. -MM


A Glimpse into Death:

SD and I have a combined experience in which we were both killed at gunpoint, along with many of our friends in one location (a house in what appeared to be a European place) and both “awoke” in a completely different reality where we were incarcerated in a sort of prison.

I can remember quite vividly that this was an instantaneous “switching” of realities.

After the bullet entered my head, my consciousness detached from that body, dropped through the earth and entered a portal before coming out quite a distance above the already established (middle aged) body in the prison compound.

My consciousness then “fell” from the sky into this body at great speed in which I gained complete control of it.

I retained complete memory of the world I had just died in and everything that had happened with us all being killed.

SD didn’t undergo this complete transition; as she was shot, she blacked out before awakening in a room full of our friends from the house who no longer seemed to recognize her, with complete memory of the previous world.

One minute she was there in the house, then everything went black as she was shot, before waking up.

This is where the guards became hostile when she tried telling these people they had all just been killed.

She was reprimanded then taken to a separate torture room for being too “rowdy”.

I was in a different part of the compound to SD, but again I was surrounded by friends from the world I’d just come from who no longer recognized me.

When I proceeded to remind them of their deaths, they were quite shocked and terrified as the memories started coming back.

After asking where SD was, they told me she had been reprimanded by the guards for not abiding by their rules.

The part of this compound I was in was an outside area very close to bushland. It reminded me of where I went to high school.

This outside area had been divided into certain sections by invisible walls or barriers that seemed to be arranged in circles and squares.

The entrances to these areas were blocked by guards. One would have to walk up several steps over something that reminded me of a nearby pipeline.

You could, at times, be standing right next to someone and they would be in a completely different section.

When I got here, SD was in one of these other areas that I had to navigate through.

Her experience started in a separate small room similar to one of our old classrooms.

After being reprimanded by the guards, she was then led down a hallway next to a grassy section to another room where she was electrocuted and tortured via sharp apparatus in which she would then black out and wake up back in the physical world.

She has multiple memories of being in this torture room, suggesting she has been here more than once.

We have identified a possible insertion point in SD’s childhood where we believe her consciousness may have been migrated “here” similar to how mine fell into my body, after she woke up with no memory around the age of 4.

She remembers waking up at her grandma’s house with no memory of any of her family.

SD suggested that the only family member she even vaguely recognized in the slightest was her brother.

These memories didn’t return for some time; she had to live with an “unknown” family for almost a year, and pretend she knew them.

To me, this is proof that pre-birth templates are being bypassed in certain cases.

I would suggest these cases relate to the level of lucid control one is able to exhibit whilst in the dream state.

It is my opinion that if you get good at LD, you no longer get a template but are just flicked into another already established body upon death anywhere in the MWI.

Good theory and makes sense. This should also be investigated further. -MM

Question for the Domain Commander: do they know of any correlation between Lucid Dreamer’s an bypassing of the prebirth template arrangement upon death?

I will ask. -MM


Singular Assignments:

These assignments were only experienced by myself, but are relevant to this document.


The Consciousness Doping Facility:

The assignment task was to gather intelligence on a consciousness doping agent and what it was being used for.

It was carried out around 2005.

The infiltration team consisted of myself and two other males.

We were all in our late 30s/early 40s.

I am not sure if this was entirely a non physical event or not.

It is a possible memory of a past life lived during 1970s era based on the appearance of the other two team mates and weapons/ technology carried by us.

This was a “special forces” military operation and one of my first lucid assignments when I was still in high school around the age of 15/16.

The consciousness doping facility was located deep in the middle of a harsh desert reminiscent of Southern USA.

It was a military compound that was heavily guarded by armed soldiers.

It very well could have been Nevada, from what I have seen of it on the internet etc.

I remember I could feel the intense heat radiating from the sun.

The only way in was via a supply train track that cut through the desert for many, many miles.

The memory begins several kilometers away from the compound, far enough out to keep a low profile.

We had evidently followed the train track from the opposite direction, now we were stopping to discuss “the plan”.

Intelligence suggested a doping agent was being used here, but that is all we knew.

The plan was that one of us would fake a capture while the other two used the commotion caused by the capture to gain entry covertly.

We knew there was a high probability anyone being captured would be taken into the compound and administered with the drug we were trying to gain information on.

The idea was to get doped and try to keep tabs on what one could expect to experience whilst under the influence of it, as the other two figured out a way to exfiltrate out of the compound.

I volunteered for the doping.

The train came and all three of us were able to board it as it had to slow down for a security check or something; my memory of this part is hazy as very soon after that I was captured and everything went black.

I came to in a small concrete room in the compound, strapped to a chair but yet still almost completely out of it courtesy of the drug.

In front of me was a large standard projector screen and next to me was a trolley full of metallic surgical looking tools; you get the idea. I don’t know if there was anyone in the room with me or not.

I think there was.

The next thing I know my team mates had busted through the locked door. One of them rummaged through all the cupboards and the tray of tools while the other unstrapped me.

They helped me to my feet and I think they must have put me on a gurney and wheeled me out.

Somehow we were able to escape.

My memory is hazy but I think they pretended I was dead and that they were part of the clean up crew.

I have a vague recollection of being debriefed afterwards by my handlers.

The Super Soldier Program:

The assignment task was to gather intelligence on why an “enemy” faction was altering characteristics of non physical bodies. It was carried out around 2008 – 2009 by myself with my handlers monitoring the entire event using my eyes as “cameras”.

It took the form of a double layered lucid dream. In other words, a lucid dream within a lucid dream.

Luckily, I had thought to email myself a copy of my dream journal since losing my laptop. Note, that this was several months before my encounter with the All Being and the Unseen 5 and hints at my thoughts on all this at the point in time:


This morning had a dream where I appeared to be sleeping (dream within a dream). I awoke (in the dream) to my body under going immense torture as something was electrocuting me. It was as if whoever it was that was doing the torture had stuck metal probes deep into my {pectoral} muscles and were administering the electricity directly into my blood stream. I remember the pain was so bad that it seemed so real, and I thought I had indeed awoken, as SD was lying next to me asleep in bed.

The electricity was coming in bouts of several minutes, and each time they stopped I remember falling back asleep (dream within a dream). When I was in this dream within a dream I remember talking to somebody about these apparent Super Soldiers that had been made, or were currently in development. I was told that what makes these soldiers so important is their ability to travel through time and that they had a very specific activation sequence that required several sequences of events to occur in a precise order {ie a sequence of MWI slides}. 

The person telling me this likened these super soldiers to a send and receive email program (I think he was talking about the overall way these soldiers are activated) whereby a packet of information contains within it a sort of code specifically aimed at activating these beings, which they embed their activation status into the reply message. Once the original program receives this reply message, it scans it then activates a global code that sends all these soldiers to certain points in time simultaneously. 

The most important part of these soldiers that makes them different to other time travelers/ chrononaughts is that they have been engineered so that when sent through time, no residual energy signature is erased from the timeline, making them untraceable.
I was told this has a lot to do with DNA and DNA memory, but somehow the engineers were able embed an external memory feature which makes the soldiers remember their tasks despite it no longer existing in the timeline (this is a major contradiction to time travel theory as it has been relayed to me, and as such what it means is that technically these super soldiers are not actually time travelers as they are not traveling through time, but more so circumnavigating it altogether.)

The person telling me this referred to these super soldiers as T1000s, Terminator reference. But I got the feeling they were a type of cyborg or trans-human. 

I’m not entirely sure if this was “bad side” tech or “good side tech” and neither am I sure of the side the side that was electrocuting me, but I think the good guys were in the dream and the bad were doing the electrocuting, which would seem it’s possible the bad side were trying to pry this info from me. 

If this is the case then it is possible such a mission has been compromised, but I don’t think this is the case as the torturing beings seemed to be getting angry that I wasn’t giving them desirable information. 

What I think is that part of the activation sequence for these super soldiers is embedded in being tortured by the enemy, so that in order to keep secrecy from their own enemies they do not “know” anything until the faction in control of them triggers them, which is precisely when they are needed to time travel back to the beginning (like in my zombie dream).

It is even possible the good side, or whoever was telling me about the super soldiers, was purposefully electrocuting me because they knew it would activate me.

This dream reminded me of another one I had years ago here I was asleep (dream within a dream) on my parents bed and then had a wire wrapped around my neck which electrocuted me. I can recall having similar dreams over the years but I can’t recall much from them.

Is sleeping nothing more than a means of uploading information to 4th dimensional beings? That would make our fleshy bodies nothing more than a 3d reality monitoring program. If so, what are we monitoring? Sleeping should be a meditation point. Also these super soldier beings seemed to not be some sort of cybernetic hybrid, but the 4th dimensional equivalent. They essentially have parts of the time space fabric written into their DNA, but are a separate entity to it. This means they can always change their creation programming at will. Does this mean they are above the 4th dimensional (5D) or not? Also needs meditating on.

I have also been “given” keys and phrases by my handlers specifically to initiate consciousness time travel whilst in an LD. Note the date, again this was a few months before my All Being/ Unseen 5 interaction:


This morning I meditated (about 8:30 am) to open my chakras using the usual method of ROYGBIVW for Base, Naval, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye then Crown. After opening them I was given a very strong image of the Rune Othila at 12:30pm. I meditated on this Rune with A asleep next to me so that I would have projecting the Rune into the space that he was occupying. I remember feeling as though this Rune needed to be traced from the bottom left ending in the bottom right corner, and also realized that it is actually a 2D representation of the 3D way code is generated, ascending about 45 degrees at each angle. After keeping a consistent trace of about 2-3Hz I remember several numbers appearing below it that seemed like a code to unlock a safe. I am not sure exactly how many numbers there were, but I can remember the most vivid ones being 609, in red, within a square for each digit. 

I started tracing Othila with these numbers at the bottom then the next thing I knew I was remote viewing from a DNA memory of long ago of a tribal woman in the midst of the forest with an orb dangling above and in front of her. She seemed to be somehow channeling power from this orb which appeared as lightning entering her hand, which she was holding up. 

The next image I got was a flight of stone steps that appeared to be in the same forest. I remember thinking that the Othila rune must be used to stimulate memory or DNA memory in general, so on realizing this I asked if it could make me remember my time traveling key I was given years ago by a Tibetan monk {during meditation}, but threw out by accident. I was suddenly aware of another being I was talking to who was asking if my wife knew about this, to which I replied she didn’t. Randomly I was given another symbol which seemed to activate some portal/ stargate and then when I was not expecting it I was shown my time traveling key with a brief flash. At that moment SD came in to take photos of Aiden, and we could see a blob of energy on my side of the bed.

Consciousness Mazes:

Both SD and I have experienced the consciousness mazes multiple times, though hers have been from an outside perspective of it whilst mine were from within it.

I surmise they are solely for “entertainment purposes”.

They take the form of strange games or mini worlds one has to progress through to find a portal which takes them to the next level.

They are extremely confusing and often times have “cheat areas” that allow access to the next levels in other levels; you can progress through several levels only to run into a block whereby you have to revert to the lower levels and probe them for the hidden areas which allow access pass blocks at the higher levels.

Access to these hidden areas is gained by going against the commonly laid out “pathway”.

The catch is, every time you change a level, you lose all memory of what you are doing, and the crux of the game seems centered around trying to continuously regain this consciousness awareness that you are in this game and remembering the levels you have progressed through in order to find the hidden areas.

It seems that other “players” are collected as you progress through the levels.

I will start off alone in Level 1 and run into these players throughout the levels, then by level 4 there is a group of about 5-8 of us.

Of this group I know that they are all presently incarnated on earth and we have history in different “worlds” together; we all know each other in the non-physical planes and have been meeting in these games quite frequently.

I suspect these mazes are around 12 to 13 levels deep, but I have only ever made it to level 8.

According to SD there is no end to them.

The first couple of levels up to probably level 3 I have experienced numerous times in the exact same way.

There is an epiphany moment when you realize the correct way of navigating them.

After level 3, memory of the game becomes exceedingly difficult to regain to the point where the only way to progress is to work as a team and extract “clues” of the previous environments from each of the players.

In almost all instances, I am the one who initiates the first memory of prior levels which kick starts off others memories and from this we can develop a plan of how to tackle the current level.

The game itself is psychologically taxing; by level 4 cracks start to develop in the psychological disposition of the other players, and by level 6 people are proclaiming their inability to deal with it any longer and their willingness to just give up and go back to living in physical reality free from the memory of the games (think Cipher in the Matrix).

Another problem is that the players and their decisions affect progression through each level; it is as if a code is written into the way the scenario unfolds and only allowing it to unfold in the correct manner will unlock the portals.

The progression through each level for me is always the same.

I operate from a completely lucid perspective the whole time (upon regaining memory anyway).

The highest level I have reached is Level 8, whereby I have been convinced I am breaking my way out of a coma and that my real body is actually strapped to a chair somewhere in some kind of MK Ultra like torture chamber; I can almost see the room the chair is in – it appears to be the same room where I volunteered to be captured and doped.

Much of the training I underwent at the “Time Travel Towers” was specifically in preparation for these mind mazes; I have memory of completing that training and coming to this exact realization.

It is connected to the Portal Theater and my assignments in the other worlds, I am sure of it, though I cannot remember the specifics of this connection beyond level 1 starting at the Village.

I suspect what I am doing in these games is unraveling the brainwashing put in place at the Portal Theater.

The order of the levels, according to my memory of them, are as follows.

Level 1: Village Walkways

You start at the bottom of the building with the bituminous road next to it that goes to its roof.

There is a time limit.

I get the feeling something is chasing me and I have to be continuously on my toes. One has to try and figure out what is going on whilst constantly remaining vigilant about the environment and how to avoid the many traps and tricks lying about to ensnare them.

From my fragmented memory of the Ancient Marketplace, a similar thing is happening there.

If you get “caught” it is all over and you end up back in physical reality {possibly in a MWI slide}.

The goal of this game is hard to explain; it is like you have to progress through the glass walkways by projecting your consciousness into them, complete a circuit around the circumference of the village using these tunnels, before returning to the bottom start point.

This “opens up” a location that can be seen from one of the glass walkways that projects you into level 2.

Depending on where you move within the level, it completely changes the environment around you. If you consider the peak point of the bituminous road as pointing North, its valley pointing South, one must head off through the walkways heading East, then back around, in which they come back out at the roof of the building.

One must then follow the stairs down through the 3 or so building levels to reach the level above ground.

There is then a platform at the South East section of the building several meters away on a sort of embankment.

The only way to reach this platform is through projecting over it as it is not connected by a walkway.

This projection mechanism is one of the secrets to playing this whole game. It takes much training in learning how to use it properly, otherwise you just fall into the pink water that surrounds the area.


Level 2: Castle Room Pit

This is one of the smaller environments.

You come out in what appears to be a very grand hallway in a castle of some sort.

There are the typical stone bricks that line the walls and floor and other banners etc suggesting it is indeed a castle.

The room is quite large probably 100x1000m squared, maybe even more.

Behind you is a solid wall and the portal leading back to the Village.

In front of you is a chasm 10 or so meters deep, and filling this chasm is molten lava.

This chasm stretches from side wall to side wall and extends for more than half the room; the only method of crossing it is via consciousness projection.

From memory the key has something to do with the walls; there is a set of invisible platforms you have to project over and use as stepping stones to get to the other side.

On the other side of the pit is a door and through this door is a portal leading to level 3.


Level 3:

I cannot remember this level.

Level 4: River Embankment with Pods

We come out at a river mouth, at the waters edge.

Behind us the bank rises to a high wall that blocks any access back in that direction.

There is a small mud flap piece of ground that we are able to take shelter on.

The river extends out around us in every direction. On the bank in front of us there are several pod like things that are necessary to get to the other side of the river banks.

These pods must contain two people to operate.

The operational parameters are also linked via a hive mind arrangement; all players must be present in these pods in two man teams or they simply will not move.

By this stage, one of the men in the group is starting to lose it.

After being dragged through 3 levels of these consciousness mazes, being mind wiped and regaining his memory each time he decides it is simply too much for him.

He expresses his wishes to just give up and go back to physical reality.

This presents a problem to everyone else; we need his consciousness in one of the pods for them all to operate properly and get us across the river to the portal on the other side.

Some of the group try and tell him to calm down and help comfort him, telling him we just need to get to the other side of the river then we can think about his decision a little more.

It is evident they are all motivated by the need to cross the river, and that his psychological well being is the last thing they are concerned about.

Reluctantly he agrees and gets in one of the pods with one of the other group members.

The pods become operational and carry us to the other side, then we enter the portal to the Time Chamber.

Level 5: Time Chamber

This is a strange room.

It is like a metallic platform you stand on that is surrounded by some sort of water, possibly from the river.

It sort of feel likes it is an enclosed room more than an open area like the river embankment though.

Three beings materialize in front of us, several feet in the air and in front hovering above the water.

They are extremely malevolent entities and start engaging us, but we have no where to run.

From memory, the guy who started losing it in the previous level gets hit and wiped out from the game.

Something happens, my memory of which is vague, but I believe it involves us meeting these entities attacks with full force, and a portal opens up right where they had been after they dematerialise.


Level 6: Metallic Donut Room

This room is a circular hallway that has a single door leading into the middle of the donut, which is an outside area covered in grass probably 5m in diameter.

It is extremely small – if you ran around this hallway it would take you less than a minute to get back to the beginning.

It is cramped and can fit probably two people abreast rather uncomfortably.

There are guards clad fully in some kind of armor that reminds me of star wars storm troopers, but of a different color possibly grey or brown or something.

They have photon guns and they are chasing us around this hallway.

We are all unarmed and somehow have to stop these guards from shooting us.

Given the shape of the room and its size, it is practically impossible to strategize against these guards that outnumber us about 5 to one.

We try weaving in and out of the door into the center of the donut, not really with any plan in mind all to no avail.

One by one these guards shoot us with their photon guns, and one by one each of the group members disappear.

I make it to the donut center before being zapped. A portal appears and I pop out back at level 3

Everyone is mind wiped. I have the vaguest recollection of the various levels.

I begin comparing these broken memories with memories of the levels before.

Suddenly I remember we had just made it to level 8 and everything in between comes flooding back to me.

I relay this to the group and restore their memories, now they are just psychologically cut up as the first guy.

But now we are able to start taking notice of various things we weren’t able to the first time.

We find a cheat area which gains us access to level 4 once again, though I cannot remember anything about it.

Another mind wipe, another remembering process.

Another chance for the guy to start losing his shit and want to go back to the physical world.

The others try to stop him, again motivated by needing to get across the river.

This time I stop.

I show compassion for him.

I listen to his plea and just tell him to do what he needs to do and not to worry about us.

He heads back, feeling better that he doesn’t need to feel shamed about not making it or guilty he let the team down.

This is the second cheat access point – this time a portal opens up on our side of the river and we enter it, no longer needing the pods.

The portal brings us into a hidden room in one of the donut shaped hallway’s walls.

Lying at our feet are what appear to be a bunch of hand grenades and a button.

The button opens a temporal one way fissure in the wall and we can see the armored guards in the center courtyard on the grass through first the fissure and then the opened door, waiting for us to appear.

A portal appears, in the hallway and the past instance of ourselves appear.

Without thinking, I pick up a grenade and lob it at the guards who are now moving into tactical positions to take out our past selves.

As the grenade explodes time freezes all around the donut shaped room, except for the one we are hiding in.

We step through the fissure and are able to move around in the donut shaped room whilst everything remains frozen in place.

We take the guards guns and shoot them all.

This opens up yet another portal in this hidden room which gives us a vantage point into the time chamber of the previous level.

From this vantage point we are able to see the wraiths or entities or whatever they are waiting for us.

We are behind them.

We lob another time grenade through the portal which renders them inert, and makes another portal appear in the middle of the time chamber.


Level 7: Cavern Scaffolding

This is a very small cave with some sort of walkway that takes you from chamber to chamber via these steel doors.

Whenever you go through the steel doors something happens to disorientate your consciousness.

This is a fairly straight forward level.

You basically just walk the walk way through a few different chambers over some rocks to a waiting portal to level 8.

The problem is though, that heavy amnesia distortions begin hitting you every couple of minutes which detract most of the group from remembering what it is that they are doing.

I am barely coherent when I make it through the portal.


Level 8: Sex world

I don’t remember any of the group making it here.

The amnesiac drugs are in full effect and it is practically impossible to hang on to any kind sense of lucid awareness.

It’s like being dosed with a heavy general anesthetic after just downing a bottle of vodka.

I am not really with it, very impressionable, and this problem is compounded by the fact none of the group are around me to bounce the memories of the other levels off of.

This is not a pleasant place.

Sex acts are committed openly and on display for the public to see by people of all ages.

It is as normal as going to the shop to buy some milk.

It is practically all anyone does here.

It is incredibly seedy and fills one with a very nauseating feeling.

A post apocalyptic nightmare if ever there was one The portal brings you out on what should be a busy city street, but there is no traffic.

You have to walk down this street and into a building on the left hand side of the road. It reminds me of a derelict sort of broadway.

This building has a stairwell that you take to a high floor.

As you come out on this floor there are “things” going on in the background next to a door involving various people who inhabit this world.

The door is the goal, but as soon as you come off the stairs someone approaches you and propositions you.

I never made it past this point given my doped state.

Whoever it is does whatever they do to me and then I wake back up in physical reality, feeling like a piece of discarded trash – At least they seemed like they were my age.

They take the appearance of a female, but honestly I am not entirely sure that is really what they are.

I don’t even think they classify as being human.

These sorts of doped up run ins are common for me when on assignment. Ergh.

I’d prefer to be tortured any day. If the Domain have the ability to trace my astral seed, undoubtedly it would lead them to some key places.

I am sure that they can, but that might require a EBP and some further work on you. Your value is without a EBP. -MM


Auxiliary Projects.

In addition to the above I am aware of two separate projects that are tied in with both mine and SDs lucid assignments.

As I only have a vicarious understanding of them I am not at liberty to go into them in depth.

I am leaving this as a footnote as I am aware these auxiliary projects are directly tied to astral body manipulation for escaping the earth prison in case I am given permission to talk about them in the future.

What I will say is that one of the projects is related to Antarctica and the other to 13 gates or “keys”.

Any information the Domain can supply on these projects I will happily pass on to their respective operators.

I will submit another document to MM outlining what I believe to be an effective utilization of LD assets at a later date.

Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 11 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM

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The story of the Tiger and the Fox

Due to the impossibility of my ability to access MM over the last couple of days, the next few days of postings will be a bit scarce as I try to catch up and refill my MM article larder. I have disabled numerous plugins and functionality to get things working. Please bear with me. -MM

So here’s a short story to set your day straight.

The following is a nice cute story about a Tiger and a fox. It is a cute, short and interesting Chinese folk tale. It comes from the thirty-six strategies of war by Stefan H. Verstappen. I will make the necessary arrangements to post the entire PDF up on MM later, but some of the stories are just so adorable.

Chinese Folk Tale

One day a fox was wandering through the woods preoccupied in thought when he was suddenly surprised by a tiger who seemed intent on eating him. It being too late to run away, the fox had to think quickly.

Nonchalantly he asked, “Tiger why are you here, are you not afraid of me?”

“Why should I be afraid of you?” asked the tiger. “Because I am the king of the jungle,” said the fox. “Ridiculous!” replied the Tiger. “I am king of the jungle.”

“Well if you don’t believe me I’ll prove it. Just follow me as I walk about the jungle and see for yourself if the other animals do not run away at my approach.”

The tiger agreed and so the fox set off with the tiger following closely behind. As the other animals spotted the fox they also saw the tiger and they ran away.

After a while the fox turned to the tiger and said, “See how they scatter when I approach. Do you believe me now?”

“It seems I was wrong,” said the perplexed Tiger, and he sulked away into the jungle.


It’s a just a cute story that has some meaning to those that are interested in day to day strategies.

The studious kitty.

Do you want more?

I have more articles about cats in my Happiness Index here…

Life & Happiness .

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What it is like living in China the real-life “Twilight Zone” episode

Here, let’s just talk about some odds and ends for a change.

What it is like living in China the real-life “Twilight Zone” episode

I swear the disconnect between what is reported in the “news” in the West and what is actually occurring is so different it is mind blowing. And to underline; to underscore this, I am going to give a few examples on just how much bullshit if being fed to the cattle in the United States and Britain. It’s pretty enormous.

Elections in China

Now, you know, China is a Social Democracy that refers to it’s self as “Communist with Chinese Characteristics”. Just like Americans call themselves a “free Republic”. So anyways, there’s been elections this week. And in China that is a big deal. Wholly automated, Use QR codes and connect to the election system by your cell phone. Of course, it is efficient and quick, but only Communist Party members can vote. Like I said in my article about China being like the movie “Starship Troopers”. Service gives citizenship. So if you want to vote, you must volunteer to participate in society.

So anyways, it’s really different from the clown show of elections in the West.

Is it being reported? No. Not one single American or Western news organization is reporting on the elections inside China. Why?

Banned news item on LinkedIN

Well, the banned comments on LinkedIN tell the entire story. There are certain subjects that the American government FORBIDS to be discussed on any American internet platform. And one of those is elections inside of China.

Which is probably why you won’t find any “news” about this in Western media. It’s erased as if it doesn’t exist, and the readership of those “news” articles continue to believe that China is a single party communist dictatorship. That doesn’t have elections.

The United States censors anything that shows China to be a democracy.

WiFi Dongle

Well, long time MM readers will know of my struggles with Microsoft. Finally when I purchased the entire Windows 10 package and installed it complete on my laptop… it stopped working. Told me to purchase yet ANOTHER authentic Microsoft windows OS, and disabled most of my functionality on the system. I said “fuck this”, and installed Lunix on my new computer.

And it is “cherry”. It works beautifully.

Well, only one problem, though. The company that makes the chipset core in my computer is a company owned by Microsoft; Realtek. And they do not have official Microsoft approved drivers to run the wifi. SoI have to manually install third party drivers for the blasted wifi. Which is a real pain in the ass.

I have been Learning Lunix commands and tying all sorts of work-arounds. Finally using a Ethernet dongle connected to my 5G router. And it seems to work, but it is a pain in the ass to be manually wired to systems when you carry a laptop. I need mobility.

So I devised a plan.

I would buy a Ethernet USB adapter and use it. I would use one that would be plug and play compatible with my Lunix system. So I went on the Internet and searched for “best internet wifi adapters 2021”, and ended up HERE after I selected the top pick.

And here’s the item. Cost is $44 USD or 286 RMB.

Amazon.com Wifi adapter for Lunix

Well, the delivery time from the USA is around one to two months, It will arrive in early December, but Customs will need to clear it, and that will be another two weeks easy. So this is what I did…

I went on Alibaba and looked up the factories that make the “guts”; the electronics of these gadgets. As you can see there are a bunch of them.

Factories in China that make Wifi adapters

And then I asked one of my engineers to search for the factory that make this particular “Made in America” product. Because, after all, according to Amazon.com this product is made inside of America with American know-how, American skills, and American everything. But, you know, I have been doing international trade for many decades. Politics aside, it’s all made overseas. So we went a looking.

The bottom line is that we found the manufacturer that makes the guts for this “American product”. They are in Shenzhen.

And we talked directly one-on-one with the engineer there.

They have been manufacturing the inner workings for this “American product” for years now. Generally they started as an OEM supplier, and now they do their own design and their own products.

And he told us that while they could give us the exact product that is sold in America, it would be a mistake for us to use it. The American product has special chipset modifications required by the United States government in the core PCB. He didn’t know what they were, but suspected they were “back door” access of all the signals going to and from the adapter.

So instead, he would sell us the exact module without the American chipset addons. It’s all good, it’s just a different chip and different add on (parts delete) on the board. I said “sounds good to me”.

Cost was $6 USD or under 40 RMB with local shipping.

The United States has electronic access via “backdoors” in all American wifi products.


"There is almost no scenario in which the United States can successfully intervene in a war between China and Taiwan that will not leave our country in far worse shape than it is right now; in a worst-case scenario, American territory could be struck by nuclear missiles." 

-Business Insider

US officials who are ready to fight China over Taiwan don’t understand how much is at stake

Many of America’s leading military and political figures have issued increasingly alarmist warnings in recent days about the potential for conflict with China, especially related to issues surrounding Taiwan.

But before the US gets into a crisis that brings it to the threshold of war — or finds itself stumbling into one — policymakers and military leaders need to address some hard realities.

There is almost no scenario in which the United States can successfully intervene in a war between China and Taiwan that will not leave our country in far worse shape than it is right now; in a worst-case scenario, American territory could be struck by nuclear missiles.

In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee last week, Adm. Phil Davidson, commander of US forces in the Indo-Pacific, warned that Chinese military developments looked to him like a nation planning for a war.

Davidson added that he believed China would attempt to forcibly reunify Taiwan “in the next six years.” To guard against this possibility, Davidson asked Congress to provide a whopping $27 billion in additional funding over the current defense budget.

One of the featured programs for this increase is the Pacific Deterrence Initiative. Last year Congress allocated $2.1 billion for the initiative. This year Davidson is asking for more than double that amount, to $4.6 billion.

The PDI’s main objectives will be to increase the number of ground-based cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and hypersonic missiles in areas closer to Chinese territory. That effort is already well underway.

In October the US Marine Corps completed construction on its first new permanent base in the Indo-Pacific area since 1952. The Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force have additional plans to establish new bases or expand existing ones at Tinian Island, Palau, Guam, and Australia — all along the so-called “first island chain” near China’s coastline.

The expansion is designed to enhance US’ ability to conduct “island-hopping” operations and create the ability to rapidly construct military airfields in austere environments.

The reason for this expansion, Davidson said, was to reduce or eliminate the time necessary for American military forces to engage Chinese targets.

The admiral said that right now it would take US forces on the West Coast more than three weeks to get within range of China and troops from Alaska 17 days. But the “perfect speed,” Davidson concluded, was “being there.”

Almost entirely absent from the hearing was any explanation of what’s driving the United States to elevate the risk of war by increasing the number of troops near the Chinese coast.

As a freedom-loving democracy, the United States is a strong advocate for the independence and freedom of any people, including those in Taiwan. But to that laudable belief must be added a willingness to assess the world in a realistic way.

Right now, both the United States and China are in a spiral in which one side expands its capabilities for war, citing rising threats from the other — which each then offers as justification for yet more military spending and preparation for war.

China is building infrastructure to project its power westward to the first island chain at the same time US forces are moving infrastructure eastward toward the first island chain and Chinese coast. Every day increases the chance of an accident or miscalculation leading to war.

Both the United States and China say they don’t want war, but both sides are accelerating and expanding their preparation for war.

If the United States were to one day fight China for anything other than an unprovoked attack, we would be choosing a course which would — in the best-case scenario — cause extraordinary harm to our military and markedly degrade our national security; in the worst-case, we could lose a war, putting at risk our very freedom.

It is crucial to understand that for China, the Taiwan issue is not merely a core interest, but an emotionally charged one. They are far more willing to pay extraordinary costs, sacrifice many men, and could risk it all to eventually compel unification with Taiwan.

The issue does not directly affect our national security unless we get involved.

If we eventually choose war with China over Taiwan, we will at best suffer egregious losses in ships, aircraft, and troops; in a worst-case, the war could deteriorate into a nuclear exchange in which American cities are turned into nuclear wastelands, killing millions.

America should never take such risks unless our security and freedom are directly threatened. Fighting China for any reason short of that would be a foolish gamble of the highest order.

If the USA gets involved in a war with China over Taiwan, the USA would lose. The magnitude of the loss is the only outcome in question.


Two days ago, I received this comment from someone who read my article  “You must leave China now. China is not safe. America will destroy it completely and I will not be able to help you out”…

He said;

You keep pounding on points that no one disputes but which are irrelevant. What are you trying to convince Americans to do? Admire China? Be demoralized? Why would the Chinese care what we think of them? How is insulting America going to make us admire them, anyway? If it is to demoralize, then that, too is foolish — attacking your best potential ally while leaving everyone’s real enemy untouched.

Butt-hurt because America is performing so poorly on all fronts. And all I have to say about this is that America has failed in taking care of the social issues that are fundamental to a functioning society. American is becoming more like Bangladesh than a “free and prosperous” nation.

The MM readership will know that I was homeless for a period of time between when I left the Navy and then obtained my training at NAS China Lake. During this period of time, the general treatment of homeless people all over the country was to escort you out of the town, and if they cannot do that, then lock you up in jail until a social service can take you in.

Do you want to know what they do in China?

Everyone in China has an identity. They have a card, but also biometrics. When ever a beggar is found on the streets or a homeless person, the duty of the citizens are to contact the police who will then come to the beggar / homeless person.

The police will then escort them to the local social services office. They will be immediately provided with a shower, clean clothes, a meal (or two as needed), a physical examination to include mental health, and an interview.

During that interview they will determine if that person can stay or needs to return to their home town. You see, every ID card is associated with a local “home town” government. That government is wholly responsible for that person.

If the person is mentally unstable, looking for work, transient but having difficulties, or whatever the issue, the interviewer will make the necessary arrangements to get the person help.

Typically, in many cases, but not all, the person would be escorted to their home town and handed over to the local government there. They will immediately provide them with long-term housing, food, showers, and a simple but useful job. The person then need not worry about health care, housing, food, or being alone.

This is how China takes care of it’s citizens.

America just locks them up in prison / mental hospital / or allows them to be preyed upon in the wilds of urban streets.

America has FAILED in providing to the needs of it’s citizens, while China has been able to handle and take care of it’s citizenry.


The Internet empire Yahoo! has decided to close off China from all of it’s services. No reason is given, but I cannot help but assume that it is political in nature.

Ah, yet another wall to isolate China from the Western World.

My Grandfather’s House

My fathers’ father lived on “Polish Hill” which is a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This is a hilly area, and all the houses are built on the sides of very steep hills, many actually being full cliff faces. Thus, when you enter the house, you would have a “ground floor” which consists of the living room and kitchen, a second floor which has a bathroom and bedrooms, and two to four basements.

In my Grandfather’s house, there were two basements. A “main basement” which opened up to the “laundry room” with the mandatory (middle of the room) commode (ah, it’s a Pittsburgh thing) and his workshop.

Now, tucked away in his workshop was this tiny “broom closet” sized door tucked away in the far corner. His workshop was filled with all sorts of electrical appliances and televisions that he would repair and work on, and old magazines and documents for the electronics world that he was a part of. He also had quite a large collection of pocket watches that he tried to repair, and various mechanisms that he would fix for a few bucks (money) here and there.

But when you opened up that tiny broom closet door, you would find yourself at a old rickety wooden spiral staircase going down into the sub-basement grotto. There was a pile of old hardwood that was too valuable to discard, shelves of very dusty brick-a-brack, and other long forgotten treasures that a boy of ten would find absolutely fascinating.

And I was ten when I discovered all these adventures.

Yes, I would explore those dingy and dark areas with the radio playing “Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon”, wearing bell-bottom pants, while my mother and grandmother watched Laurence Welk on the television show, upstairs.

Now, fast forward from the early 1970’s to 1981. I am living with my grandmother as I worked at a job in one of the steel mills there. I stayed with her for about three months until I could afford my own apartment.

And She was cleaning out that subbasement. She was hauling away everything. Too much junk, worthless garbage and clutter, she said.

I had picked up this dusty old mason jar (an old canning jar for home made preserves) and was looking inside of it. There were a few pennies from the 1920’s, a old faded scrap of paper with some unintelligible writing on it (in Polish no less), two or three old buttons, a few military pins, and a hand made key to some kind of a closet or drawer.

When I showed it to my grandmother, she exclaimed “So THAT’s where that key was!”

Apparently there was a drawer in one of the pieces of furniture in the second bedroom that has been locked for decades! So, my grandmother and I went upstairs and used the key and opened up the drawer.

Inside was a bunch of jewelry / bracelets, and a couple of old coins. There was a couple of combs, a couple of old straight razors for shaving, and some silk handkerchiefs.  As well as a few old letters. There was a a very old and small diary and my grand mother picked it up and started to leaf though it, and then set it aside as we continued our explorations. There were some really old pictures of people that I did not know, and a really cool coin purse.

Now this coin purse was all metal. It was a metal bag like thingy like chain metal armor, with a cool 1920’s era design. And it had this cure little chain and it would open by a clasp. She gave it to me and I actually thought it was really cool. Inside of it, was a few more old coins. Which included pennies with faces of Indians on them, and a nickel with an Indian on the coin!


Now for part two.

Well, there was a penny in the purse, and I was messing around with my friends one weekend. And my brother had this metal (cast iron, actually) little bank mechanism thingy. You would put this penny in this part of the contraption (a representative of a guy holding a gun) and then press the latch and the mechanism would actuate a spring that would “shoot” the penny into a slot in the metal bank.

And so, on that fateful day, I lost the penny that was in the purse that I found at the grotto under the sub-basement of my grandmother’s house.

I never did get that penny back. I soon moved away after being laid off, and my life took on another direction. And somewhere, someone, took that bank that had perhaps ten or fifteen pennies, and opened it up and obtained that precious memory of when my grandmother and I discovered the key to her memories.

Why China is building more nuclear missiles…

From the article above…

One of the featured programs for this increase is the Pacific Deterrence Initiative. Last year Congress allocated $2.1 billion for the initiative. This year Davidson is asking for more than double that amount, to $4.6 billion.

The PDI's main objectives will be to increase the number of ground-based cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and hypersonic missiles in areas closer to Chinese territory. 

That effort is already well underway...

Well, it should be obvious, for every new location where the USA places it’s missiles to attack China, China now needs to arm a nuclear salvo to rubble and glass-over those weapons sites so that they are impotent in a war scenario.

Good going, Congress!

Do not be under the impression that all the weapons are for the areas right next door to China, you God damn morons. It’s for YOU. It’s for YOUR homes. It’s for YOUR cities. It’s for YOUR country.

China is NOT reactionary. They provide reactions on a event by event basis until it become clear that it is an all or nothing situation. Then, they take the necessary step to extinguish all enemy leadership and their support networks immediately.

Jews! Jews! Jews!

Lordy! One of my posts from 2019 hit the internet recently, and landed in the lap of some hard-right folks.  Aside from slowing my servers to a crawl, MM now came up (yet again) on American “watch lists”. Which is a headache in itself.


I have been getting a lot of comments about how “wrong” I am. And that Jews are the cause of everything! Jews started communism. Jews created Ebola. Jews are the reason homosexuality exists. Jews cause all wars. Jews, Jews, Jews!


I hope all this ruckus dies down soon. Because now a subgroup of “Chinese 5G is a plan to brainwash Americans to take vaccinations for a hoax virus” is starting to make the rounds. Who knows? Maybe the next thing will be “Donald Trump will win the next Presidential Election, and the China issue will be settled once and for all“.

I need a beer.

I am making more enemies than friends, it seems…

You know, in my last Q&A I post an eight part question by a contributor. And the Domain Commander didn’t answer it, and this was at a time where everyone was sending me questions to ask the Commander. So I just took one of the smaller lists and tried to ask it. And the results were posted.

Now the fellow who asked the question is upset, and doesn’t want me to throw him to the cornfield. Understandable, and now he fears that I have ill intent or beliefs about his intent.


Guys, Please understand that I had maybe 15 to 25 people throwing all sorts of multiple part questions at me to ask. I did not realize that I would become so famous. Some were very sincere. But some were just busy work.

Now put yourself in my shoes. You get questions, you cut and paste them into a MS Word file, and the list grows and grows.

Then you start the tasking. And it wears you out.

Imagine ten people asking 15 questions. That’s 150 questions!

Which ones are sincere? Which ones are critical? Which ones are important? Which ones are just busy work? I really don’t know.

So what I did, was I got a group from the top of the question list, and started my “flight plan”, and I printed the result in the Q&A.

Everyone, please I really sincerely want to make a difference in this world, and I sincerely want to answer your questions. If you have something pressing, please send to me at the laobanGBH@163.com email address, along with some background on the one singular question. I need to know why it is important to you personally.

As to those that asked questions that I did not answer, please wait. I am still a human, though I have many faults and cracks in my personality. Do not be offended. I just need to set up systems to handle the huge influx of questions, participants, and “noise” that is being directed at me right now.

Though, I will really get angry if someone sends me a tabulated spreadsheet of 200 multiple part questions like …

“Question 145, part 7, subpart 4, section B”

Which actually DID happen. Jeeze!

I responded back to him, but I guess he used a throw-away email address. I haven’t heard back from him.

Vaxx Stuff

For all youse guys who are into the anti-mRNA vaccination protocols, might find this article of value. The title speaks for itself…


I don’t know if it is legit or not.

System collapse

All internet traffic to MM reached an unusually huge level and over taxed the system. Points of origination came from inside the United States, and I also received multiple DOS attacks. My system shut down, a secondary group of attacks came out of Hong Kong and overwhelmed my normal local internet as well.

Thus the two locations Metallicman…

  • Hosting Servers inside of America
  • Point of origin servers inside of China.

Have BOTH been simultaneously attacked by numerous DOS attacks. All on top of an abnormally large traffic stream.

My guess that it isn’t about my fine taste in cheeseburgers. I’ll be willing to bet that it is about my predictions, and the Commander’s confirmation, that the USA is planning a first strike nuclear salvo against China. Can’t allow the rest of the world to know. Heh. Heh.

I guess I am big stuff.

You all know that I have been battling with getting the systems up and running, but right now, I am unable to do anything. All internet access is overwhelmed locally, and I am simply helpless.

Well, as my cat taught me, “life is hard, then you nap”.

Well, no need to fret about it all. I’m just going to get some beer and chill out. It’s a nice day out. Blue skies. Pleasant temperatures. Fresh air.

So, as soon as a window of opportunity opens up, I will do what I can to get things back up and running again.


Have a good day you all and remember…

You, I, we… we all are a community. Never forget that.

We are all part of something much bigger.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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Silent Sound Demo schematics, circuit and operational theory documents

The following is extracted from “the Silent Sound Demo for the mind control machinery”. This come from the time (around 2000) when the patent was first granted and the inventor was trying to sell his device. It is extracted from historical archives and is useful in helping us design our own systems to conduct affirmations prayer campaigns.

This entire article lists the schematics, parts list and construction blueprints of a demo device that shows the principles of the Silent Sound Technology that is now in use by almost all of the United States government agencies, the mainstream media and advertisement companies.

This is for those who want to DIY their own system, or who want to experiment themselves. I am afraid that it is a bit technical, but I am a geek and this kind of stuff excites me so much.

It’s like a pretty girl wearing an awesome dress (with cute earrings, and a really nice set of high heels), some tasty shraz wine, and a super delicious pizza all together for a night of magic.

But that’s just me. I am such a sucker for a girl wearing a dress, high heels and really cute earrings. Not to mention pizza and shraz wine.

For those of you who are not geeks, please just skim the article and realize that it exists. Future articles will build upon the information provided here and make it very easy to hack into your own brain and biological systems so that YOU have control over your body and your MWI.

Great stuff actually. But sorry for the technical opacification.

The Schematic

Here’s a nice overview summary of the circuit schematic. Obviously, it is not an overly complex device; Four IC chips, a handful of capacitors and resistors and a transistor.

Silent Sound Demo schematic

Use Chip Sockets

Do not go all in for hard-wiring and soldering everything. Use male and female connectors and attach using this convention. And Lordy, please refrain from wire wrapping.

An IC socket, also known as a chip socket, or a DIP IC socket is an electrical connector used in the field of electronic engineer. The pins of the integrated circuit (IC) connect into the socket making a robust electrical connection without the requirement of soldering.

-DIP IC Sockets - Peter Vis
Examples of various sizes of chip sockets.

The Drawings

The several Corel Draw 3 .CDR drawings referenced below will NOT display in most browsers. The idea is that you SAVE TO YOUR LOCAL HARD DRIVE each one, then print from a compatible graphics package. This method gives the clearest quality prints.
An office services shop should be able to print the .CDRs – BE SURE THEY SELECT “FIT TO PAGE”. (Note that this instruction packet is dated from 2001. – MM) Most recent full featured graphics packages can read and print a Corel Draw 3 (VECTOR) drawing. The entire set of .CDR files will fit on one EMPTY 1.44 MB floppy diskette. (Thus dating this article. LOL.) Here are the clickable references, sizes, and paper orientation.

The Documents for the Large Version

The Documents for the Small Version


Questions and Answers

Q: Are the items in question expensive? I MIGHT be interested in paying for a demo unit. How large and heavy is it when finished
A: I estimate it could be done for about $200 US (year 2000 prices), though this would vary upwards if you had to purchase a tape recorder, say, or a frequency meter along with it. Tape recorder, a small one, is necessary. A frequency meter is not, subject to conditions below. With the largest Radio Shack plastic project box, it’s 8″ x 6″ x 3″. With the 12-volt gel cell inside, it weighs perhaps 3 lbs.
Q: Could you briefly describe how you demo it to curious onlookers?
A: I keep a tape recorder with sample ordinary voice with the unit, so I can demonstrate both the 1,500 Hertz normal speech center freq. then raise the center frequency up until it is not audible. At that point, the visitor is hearing “silent sound” carrying speech, using FM rather than nature’s AM.
I also unplug the attenuator / patch cable from the “earphone” jack on the tape recorder, which allows the visitor to hear the ordinary voice on the tape, which is AM (amplitude modulation). Also at that point, the brain is using “slope tuning” to recover the normal voice from the inaudible signal.
I tell them this is an unclassified device which can hypontize SILENTLY, show them the label with the U.S. patent #5,159,703, and tell them a unit like this was used in the 1991 Gulf War by the U.S. Army Psychological Warfare branch to persuade, silently, all those Iraqi troops to surrender so quickly.
That was DOCUMENTED on ITV, and you should have for your reference (one copy, not to hand out – it’s too long) the Judy Wall article at this link: http://www.raven1.net/silsoun2.htm.
I go on to tell them that this device gets it’s REAL destructive power when connected to a voice to skull transmitter, one of which is under construction here in Ontario. It can beam hypnosis silently into someone’s skull for years and they won’t be aware.
Q: Can you monitor the output?
A: You CAN use the Radio Shack sound level meter to show, when the frequency setting is high, that sound is coming out of the tweeter even though they can’t hear it. Due to having to use the bus, I’m restricted on how much I can carry, so I haven’t used this but once. (Doesn’t seem to be required, actually.) However, there are a couple of important caveats if you want to use a sound level meter:


  • Radio Shack’s sound level meters are calibrated to match the human ear response.
  • Since the demo unit can easily tune the center frequency up above 20 kHz (the meter’s upper limit) you must have a FREQUENCY COUNTER with you or your sound level meter may miss your then-ultrasound signal.
  • This demo unit, in order to pump out any kind of signal near the high end of human hearing (around 15 kHz) uses a small PIEZO tweeter, 2 inches dia.
  • The readily available, simple, LM386 audio amplifier chip will handle this frequency, but without much power to spare, so the actual amplitude is not great at 14.5 kHz, the Lowery patent specification.
  • Therefore, especially OUTDOORS, a demo to use a sound level meter needs an ADDITIONAL STAGE of amplification. That could be added on to the circuit board, but room is a problem with the 276-158 board, or, an amplified speaker, like the Radio Shack 21-541 would be needed for a reliably convincing sound level meter demo. (The 21-541 should also have it’s low-frequency speaker replaced with a 30,000 Hz PIEZO tweeter.)
The GOOD news is that so far, the sound level meter demo does NOT seem to be necessary, though I do have the equipment should that be necessary. The full demo would probably be used for a pre-arranged meeting with a group.

Demonstration Spiel for Silent Sound Demo Device September 28, 2000

DEMONSTRATION PROCEDURES THOROUGHLY go through the setup procedures first. You need to be completely familiar with the unit before attempting to demonstrate it to the public. Be sure your battery has been charged overnight.

Setup procedures Shortly before the demo, refresh yourself on: – U.S. Govt (NSA) admission mind control exists nsa1.gif – unclassified and commercial mind-weapons-capable devices uncom.htm – MKULTRA and the successful lawsuit against the CIA anat-1.htm


You need, when dealing with the public:

  • A printout of hypno2s.gif (see other below)
  • A printout of mkcover.gif (OPTIONAL)
  • ! picket sign (if outdoors without a pre-arranged meeting with visitors)
  • Some handouts, one sheet of which MUST be nsa1.gif (This has proven very compelling to those who read it)
  • For YOUR reference, a printout of Judy Wall’s article on silent sound, including Gulf War use, silsoun2.htm
  • ! copy of these instructions and spiel script
  • A small flip-nozzle container of water for your voice and perhaps throat lozenges
  • Sunscreen and sun hat if outdoors
  • A small tape recorder with a voice-ONLY cassette, normal sound
  • A patch cord between the “ear” jack on the recorder and the MONO 1/8″ jack on the demo unit (keep volume low or use an attenuator from Radio Shack. Excess volume results in garble.)

Some may find this image explaining silent sound WITHOUT the extra clutter from the voice-to-skull attachment easier to use:

  • A printout of voicefm.gif (OPTIONAL) Some may wish to hand out schematics. I recommend this schematic and matching solder-side component placement image:
  • vfmckt3.gif, schematic
  • kitbotm3.gif, solder-side layout


Here’s some info on the components. And forgive me, but I am fundamentally a geek at heart.


This is a standard part.



And here's another pinout.

Lot's more in the PDF.


This is a well known, if not standard, part.

Of course, there are complete modules that you can buy that makes construction of the units so much easier. Such as this one…



Mine is a picket sign that carries this message: “GOVT-MEDIA TELL THE PUBLIC ABOUT ELECTRONIC MIND WEAPONS” poster9.gif


The words below VARY according to the person I’m talking with, and for best effectiveness you will need to judge just how interested the visitor is. I’ve had SHORT visits like:

VISITOR: What is this? (Pointing to the demo unit)

DEMONSTRATOR: This is a device which takes ordinary human speaking voice and does two things to it: – converts it from natural AM (amplitude modulation) to FM (frequency modulation); this garbles the voice – raises the average frequency from around 1,500 Hertz, which is normal, to around 15,000 Hertz.

At 15,000 Hertz, young people with good hearing can hear a slight “ringing in the ears” from this device, while many adults hear nothing at all. But the brain CAN HEAR THE WORDS, even though the ear cannot.

This allows a hypnotist to program an individual over months and years without the target being aware. There is no resistance to the hypnosis because the target doesn’t hear it.

This can be beneficial, but it can also do severe damage to a person’s well being. This is why our group is out here demonstrating. We want government to earn their salaries and perks by placing controls on who can possess such devices and what can be legally done with them.

VISITOR: Thank you (and leaves.) LONG visits start out as above. If questions keep coming, you will need to answer them. Below are some typical questions and answers:


This device as it is here is harmless, unless used on someone who has already been programmed with trigger words or phrases. It becomes very invasive and dangerous, though, if connected to a voice-to-skull projector.

A voice-to-skull projector is a modified radar transmitter in which the human voice controls how close together the radar pulses occur.

In 1974, Dr. Joseph Sharp, of the Walter Reed Army Institute of research, announced his successful transmission of speech directly into the human skull with no receiving device.

By connecting this “silent sound” device to a voice-to-skull transmitter, it is possible to transmit hypnotic phrases silently into a target’s bedroom, every night, for years, without the target’s being aware.

By programming enough “Pavlovian triggers” into an individual, that individual’s personality can be changed substantially. Using pre-programmed trigger phrases, a “handler” of that individual can literally use him or her as a “living robot”, in cases where the individual has high susceptibility to hypnosis.

The process of programming enough triggers into an individual for purposes of control is called “creating a Manchurian Candidate”, after two books of that title. The formal program of the CIA, begun in the 1950s, started out as 149 separate experiments, and was in response to cold war fears and the apparent “brainwashing” of Allied POWs in Korea. This group of “behavior modification” experiments bore the code name MKULTRA.

MKULTRA did include electronic mind control devices, but the best known electronic mind control device of the early days was the Russian LIDA machine. The LIDA, one of which is in possession of Veterans’ Administration researcher Dr. Ross Adey, “entrained” or electronically coerced a target in the path of it’s signal to be relaxed and more susceptible to hypnosis.

A few Korean War vets claimed to have seen the LIDA in use at the POW camps. The MKULTRA code name ceased in the late 1970s when the U.S. Senate’s Frank Church Committee investigated MKULTRA experiments and found that serious atrocities had been committed on people in the military, prisons, or in mental hospitals.

However, not one single perpetrator from the MKULTRA programs was ever brought up on charges. We know that electronic mind control experimentation did not cease, and this “silent sound” technology was used in actual military combat in the 1991 Gulf War.

The United States Army connected a silent sound voice converter like this one to an FM broadcast transmitter, broadcasting on a frequency of 100 Megahertz, and the silent hypnotic commands were carried right on top of normal voice in the Iraqi language.

The normal voice carried confusing information, while the SILENT component re-inforced a sense of despair by hypnotic suggestion. This was documented on Britain’s ITV network, but not shown in the U.S. or Canada.

The successful use by the U.S. Army clearly shows that this technology does work. Through-the-wall voice-to-skull technology makes it almost inescapable.

Our group hopes that eventually the public will learn enough about the invasive privacy destroying electronic mind control weapons available today to demand that government report on these devices to the people, and make their use and possession matters of ongoing PUBLIC record.

Electronic mind control devices have been under development for 50 years, and our group knows only the unclassified and commercial versions. The time for public input and control of all such technologies is LONG overdue.


Put a tape with VOICE (not music) into your demo tape recorder. Connect a patch cable between the “ear” jack on the recorder and the INPUT jack on the demo unit. If you have an attenuator, use it, but if not, remember to keep the volume setting on the recorder quite low.

Excess volume garbles the speech making for an un- convincing demo. Switch on the demo unit. Adjust the tone near the lower end of the frequency knob’s travel.

The Input Level should be around one third of it’s way up from it’s lowest position.

Push PLAY on the recorder. You should hear speech “mixed” in with the demo unit’s tone.

This demonstrates to a visitor what simply converting natural human voice, which is AM or amplitude modulation to FM or frequency modulation sounds like.

Near the low end of the frequency knob’s travel, the frequencies of the voice are still about at their natural values, but the mode is now FM, as opposed to AM.

THE VISITOR CAN HEAR THIS IS GARBLED. Now slowly increase the frequency knob until the audible sound is as HIGH as you and your visitor can just hear. If you are both adults, this point is approximately where the brain can start to convert this inaudible sound BACK TO WORDS.

The process is called “slope tuning”.

You can move the IN-OFF-OUT switch back to IN to show the visitor that voice is actually being fed into the unit. vfmslopd.gif, shows how the brain recovers the inaudible words using the process of “slope detection” or “slope tuning” – worth having a few of these for technical folks who are interested in how it works.

If you have a frequency counter or meter, connect it to the two binding posts, one red, one black, on the front panel.

During a demo adjust frequency somewhere between 14.5 and 14.8 kHz (14,500 Hertz to 14,800 Hertz.) This is the range where both the Lowery patent (5,159,703) and the New Zealand Altered States company operate at to produce brain-understandable silent sound.



vfmtest.gif, shows what the scope trace should look like when proper frequency modulation by voice is applied. vfmslopd.gif, shows how the brain recovers the inaudible words using the process of “slope detection” or “slope tuning” – worth having a few of these for technical folks who are interested in how it works.


You will need a small voltmeter to monitor battery charge state. This must be a small meter that reads out VOLTS, and *NOT* a “battery OK” meter with red and green scales.

It is necessary to know voltages for communications by email or phone with people who can offer technical help.

A convenient meter is the Radio Shack 22-802, for around $30, which has a folding case fully containing the two probes and their cable.

The only trick with any meter is TO REMEMBER TO SHUT IT OFF WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED. Almost all of today’s voltmeters have digital displays and have their own small internal battery. (Pick up and carry a spare battery.)


First job is to charge the internal 12-volt gel cell. The charger supplied with units purchased from Eleanor White is a simple “wall mount” style 12-volt power supply, with a cable that cannot be connected with the wrong polarity.

Measure the voltage by touching the positive (red lead) screw on the terminal strip with the red probe, and the negative (black lead) screw on the terminal strip with the black probe.

You should get “13 something” volts if the battery is reasonably well charged. If you get zero volts, it is likely that one of the 3/4 amp fuses is blown.

Check both fuses to be sure. (You can check a fuse visually, but 3/4 amp size is hard to see. Instead, switch your meter to K-ohms and put the probes on either end of the glass fuse. The fuse should show zero or very close to zero if it is good.

The fuses are 5 MILLIMETER and you may need to go to Radio Shack to get replacements. !!!!! SWITCH YOUR METER OFF OR BACK TO VOLTS WHEN FINISHED !!!!!

Now remove the probes and connect your charger. Put the probes back on their screws and note the voltage reading.

If charging is in progress, you should see “14 something” volts and perhaps as high as 15 volts. If you don’t, something is wrong – see the paragraph on blown fuses above, or be sure the charger is plugged in, or be sure the outlet has power. If your “wall mount” power supply has a SLIDE SWITCH TO CHANGE VOLTAGE, be sure it is set to “12”.


Switch the unit on. You should see the LED on the panel lit up. If not, check the fuses. Switch the IN-OFF-OUT switch to OUT. Turn the frequency control to the lower part of its travel. Be sure the Output Level knob is at least 1/4 of the way up. You should hear a steady tone.

Test that the frequency control can raise the tone high enough that you can no longer hear it, then bring it back down low.

Switch the IN-OFF-OUT switch to IN. Raise the Input Level to full scale.

If you get a squeal, as sometimes happens with PA systems, you need to make a mental note of where that occurs and not go above that point with INPUT level.


4. Put a tape with VOICE (not music) into your demo tape recorder. >> COMMENTS ABOUT AUDIO LEVEL METER DEMOS ARE AT THE END OF THIS ITEM.

Connect a patch cable between the “ear” jack on the recorder and the INPUT jack on the demo unit. If you have an attenuator, use it, but if not, remember to keep the volume setting on the recorder quite low. Excess volume garbles the speech making for an un- convincing demo.

Switch on the demo unit. Adjust the tone near the lower end of the frequency knob’s travel. The Input Level should be around one third of it’s way up from it’s lowest position. Push PLAY on the recorder.

You should hear speech “mixed” in with the demo unit’s tone. This demonstrates to a visitor what simply converting natural human voice, which is AM or amplitude modulation to FM or frequency modulation sounds like.

Near the low end of the frequency knob’s travel, the frequencies of the voice are still about at their natural values, but the mode is now FM, as opposed to AM.

The visitor can hear this is garbled.

Now slowly increase the frequency knob until the audible sound is as HIGH as you and your visitor can just barely hear. If you are both adults, this point is approximately where the brain can start to convert this inaudible sound BACK TO WORDS. The process is called “slope tuning”. You can move the IN-OFF-OUT switch back to IN to show the visitor that voice is actually being fed into the unit.

If you have a frequency counter or meter, connect it to the two binding posts, one red, one black, on the front panel. During a demo adjust frequency somewhere between 14.5 and 14.8 kHz (14,500 Hertz to 14,800 Hertz.)

This is the range where both the Lowery patent (5,159,703) and the New Zealand Altered States company operate at to produce brain-understandable silent sound.

If you have an AUDIO LEVEL METER, it can be used to show that sound is coming out at 14.5 kHz even though it is inaudible. !!!!! BUT BEWARE !!!! Some audio meters like Radio Shack’s CUT OFF AT OR NEAR 20 kHz. You need to do considerable testing in private before you attempt audio meter proof in front of visitors.

It is quite easy to get the frequency too high, in which case the audio level meter will show nothing at all. To be practical, you really would need a frequency meter connected to the binding posts to assure yourself you were in the 14.5-14.8 range.

Furthermore, the piezo tweeter is good at high end frequencies, but the common audio chips in the unit are not really strong at these high-end frequencies.

If you plan to use an audio level meter, I’d recommend something like the Radio Shack amplified speaker, catalogue #21-541, requiring it’s own separate 12-volt source (the demo unit’s can be tapped by someone with electronic assembly skills.

This will shorten the charge life of the demo unit’s battery but may be worth doing anyway.) If you do use an external amplifier, be SURE it gets it’s normal voice coil speaker replaced with a PIEZO unit or the high frequency sound won’t get through well enough for the audio level meter to detect.


This is a complete reprint of the archived information regarding Silent Sound. It is very difficult to come across today. The information provided can help the DIY inclined person develop their own system or copy this one to achieve the same results.

Part 3 is next.

There we will discuss the voice-to-skull projector. Stay tuned.

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More Q&A with the Commander as we discuss my fears concerning a war between the USA and China

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. Many are very personal and selfish. But that is my personal choice, and my prerogative.  Those that are far too personal, I retract out. I have also added questions from others. I hope that the questions and the answers make sense to those reading this.

Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission

I asked whether this book was a continuation of “Alien Interview” or something else. When I asked, the Commander told me to read the book and then ask again. I now know why. I can only communicate on things that I have been exposed to.

So I read the book. And now I am going to ask the question a second time.

Q: Is the book “Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission” an accurate follow up document to “Alien Interview”, or is it something else?

It is a fiction. You may / should discard everything written within it. The information provided are falsehoods intended as distractions.

Whenever there is something good (from the perspective of freeing IS-BEs from the Prison Complex), quanta "antibodies" (this is the best way that I can translate the thought cluster) attack the message and distort it.

This is what happened with the teachings in India. This is what happened with the teachings of "the gospel" and this is what happened with the "New Age" movement.

These "quantum antibodies" attack the message and distort it, and good and well meaning individuals find themselves being directed towards other paths and other ideas.

For instance, the earliest books of the Bible discussed reincarnation. These works were either lost, forgotten, or ignored intentionally over time, and a new idea came into being which was one singular God that acted as a parent to people. That there was no recycling of souls in and out of general population. But rather, a one shot effort, to live in this environment and then go to Heaven as a reward.

These "quantum antibodies" attack the physical brain process. They alter how thoughts are generated, and thus they alter the outcome of data transfer on the physical realm.

The first work "Alien Interview" is 100% accurate. This second work is a complete fiction. Ignore it. 

There is nothing in it of value, no matter how certain sections might appeal to the readers understandings.

We will now to to a personal question by MM here. And being so personal, we talk about things that are very human, but that people never want to share with others. But me, well, I don’t care. I’m not Jesus. I’m an average guy. Just like you are.


Again, this is a personal question.

Some background. All the events that I have experienced did not go away. I keep and maintain the memories of them. From being led to the slaughter in Arkansas, to being swindled over and over. To being swindled, attacked, tricked, and just treated poorly. To being mistreated time and time again. It just hurts.

And on numerous times, day to day events, will trigger those memories.

The result is this explosion of rage. No matter who I am with, or what I am doing, I will start to react. My body starts to pulse, and my muscles get hard and steely. My skin is filled with millions of tight little goose-bumps. My pupils dilate, and my breathing changes.

I have noticed that the best thing that I can do is either lift weights, or drink alcohol. Eventually the rage subsides. I can tell you that my ability to perform dead lifts increase exponentially during this time, and my blood pressure, instead of going through the roof, actually decreases.

I am still able to suppress the rage. No one can tell, though my wife would watch my pupils dilate, and my body start to shake and my breathing become shallow and deep.

And she asks me what is going on.

Yes. I can control it.

But Lordy, this just cannot be normal.

And to tell youse guys the truth, I fear that were I to be in a dangerous situation and the rage is triggered that I might do something lethal and gruesome. I don’t want that to happen. So I want to ask the Domain Commander what is actually going on.

Q: Why do I periodically go into these “structured rage” behaviors?

You are NOT a normal human being. 

When our agency / MAJestic installed the ELF probes, they / we / us also transformed your personality. We compartmentalized you. You know that. During your MAJestic retirement sequence in ADC Pine Bluff, you confronted various personalities that are part of you.

You are aware of the scientist, the Naval officer, and so on and so forth. However, there are other personalities that you are not aware of. Let it be well understood that it is intentionally by design. These other personalities are not anything that you want to know about, or be associated with.

Thus they are not part of your shutdown sequence. They are permanently hardwired to your personality.

You have [1] Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde, you have [2] The Wolfman (actually, the image is of a half-man, half-sabertooth tiger). You have [3] Mr. Dracula / The Mummy (image is confused and overlaid over each other.), and you have [4] The Incredible Hulk. None of these alter personalities are muted. They are all active.

They are always intended to be active. That makes you dangerous, and why you needed to be sent to prison. That is one of the reasons why they (MAJestic) cannot allow people like yourselves to be walking the (American) streets freely. You are a loaded gun with no "safety switch".

When you start to have memory triggers, event triggers, or code triggers, one of the personalities will manifest. Your "normal" personality will fade into the background and the new personality will dominate. 

Most of the manifested personalities (you have experienced) this year has been of "The Incredible Hulk", and you have done a very fine job of suppressing that character personality. We are personally proud of you.

No one is harmed. At worst, your wife looks at your strange. That's it. It has been triggered by memories while you are under a lot of stress. This is normal for humans, however in your case there is a personalty change has been intentionally engineered and triggered.

There's other triggers as well. 

Over the last six years the Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde personality were occasionally triggered. You don't remember those events because afterwards your memories are suppressed. But if you look back, you will see these periods of *blank*. That is when this personality was triggered. 

This is due to the fact that you live next to the Zhuhai heliport. And some of the aircraft use an electrical signal emitter that triggers your personality change. Luckily, for you, the "go code" signal is never emitted. So all that happens is that you go into a "stand by for orders" mode. Then when nothing happens, you "wake up" and forget about the entire incident.

For you to turn off these programs you will have to go through the entire Pine Bluff deactivation procedure all over again. We advise you not to do that. We further advise you NEVER (emphasis) return to the United States. All scenarios where you return is problematic for you personally.

Do not listen to DZ (my brother). He's a "strange cat" with other purposes and intentions for your return.

The reasons are obvious. 

However, you need to remember that many of your latent personalities can be triggered by radio frequencies at various frequencies, amplitudes, patterns and pulses. The United States has substantially changed since you were there last. The spectrum of presently emitted radiation would trigger some very lethal responses from you.

Fucking lovely. Sheech!

Oh for Pete’s sake!

First I’m some kind of troll like bureaucrat named Mades Escapleon, and now I find out that I am a cross mix of of the bad characters from all the B-grade horror movies of the 1960’s. And to top it off, I’m a gun without a safety switch.

Sheech! Can’t I ever get a break?

I guess match.com is out of the question for me. (This was a joke.)

A need to sleep

I have a question for the Domain, if you are willing. I know it taxes you to use the probes for communication, and am thankful for your disclosures.

Q: “Is the human need for sleep engineered into them?”

It is noteworthy that in the Alien Interviews, Aryl didn’t need sleep. Our Earthly scientists haven’t found a compelling reason why we should need it. It also seems like the perfect time to mess around or play with an IS-BE’s memories. Many creatures need sleep on Earth, and it seems odd.

Most animals are designed to require sleep. This is an intentional design parameter. Initially when we first created biological creatures we used the mechanism of sleep to allow the IS-BE to depart from the physical body and continue their lives unrestrained from the physical limitations.

This system has worked fine for trillions of years. 

However, when the Prison Complex was established, new prison "attire" skin suits were designed. The need for sleep remains present in the physical body, however the ability to use this period or state to egress to the non-physical is not really possible for the vast bulk of imprisoned humanity. It's "closed over" and sealed for most of humanity. Instead of being able to leave the physical realm, most humans (and inmate mammals) unwind and dream randomly.

There are precious few people who are able to egress during this time. And they do so in different techniques and with different limitations depending on their personal situation and skill set. Some Lucid Dream (as promoted on MM), while some conduct OBE (out of the body experiences), and there are other forms as well.

The people who can do this are valuable to us, and we are very pleased that numerous people have volunteered to help us with this ability. 

You, and your readership, are not aware that many of your readers now have (potential) LD access. We removed many of the blockage elements that were restricting them when they joined The Domain (or the auxiliaries). Though they might remember horrible fear induced dreams of operations, procedures, strange entities, and all sort of bad things. These fears manifested as an "antibody" when we were removing Prison Complex blockages and other systems.

Now they might experience dreams of battles, or horrible or very, very strange experiences. These "new" dreams are quite different than the kinds of dreams that they experienced prior to working with us.

They need not worry. They are performing mission taskings. I (The Commander) would like to communicate that when there is a dream with a dog, or a pack of similar animals, or with "day to day" others, that the LD "sleeper" is working as part of a team (with others). 

We never allow our assets, or auxiliary resources, to work without support, guidance or backup. the reality is very dangerous. And we cannot risk anything happening to those who are part of us / join us / assist us / work with us. 

Some of the team members are IS-BE Domain officers. Every mission or tasking is supervised by a Domain Officer. Though many actions also utilize Domain members of the non-officer class. But in every case, none of your volunteered readerships is tasked on Domain related tasks alone.

Others in your dreams. That is the "tell tail". Look for strange shaggy dogs, monkeys, grey images, odd places with odd people or things or perhaps someone or thing showing how to do something, or something similar no matter how silly it appears. You are always part of something larger with a support team.

Dreams are a complex subject that gives the physical brain feedback to the events that transpire. Though since many of the events are strange and alien, the closest approximation formed in the dreams tend to be very strange, odd and unusual.

Speaking of Jesus

A further question, if you could ask it. The domain will understand it’s relevance to me specifically, what is the role of the life of Jesus in the Earth prison complex?

I’d really like to know.

Q: What is the role of the life of Jesus in the Earth prison complex?

Jesus and the Christian religion is an engineered social control. The truth about it does not resemble anything like you have been told, or like you have assumed. Over the centuries the control of this religion has been taken over by various factions.

There have been both repeated incursions by good, just, well-intentioned IS-BE's as well as evil, selfish and dangerous entities over the centuries.

Some made long standing changes to the religion that really assisted in the control of the Prison Planet. While others enabled enlightening others that helps break away from the snares and traps.

To the questioner; it should not matter (to you) how the Christian religion came into being, or whether Jesus was an actual person or not. What should matter is whether or not you are realizing your intended purposes that you had agreed to do and in so doing, following the guidance's of the great works that the entire religion is founded upon.

Christianity is a vehicle. Like an automobile. It can take you places, but it can also cause great hurt and suffering if the wrong person is driving the car. You are, by the way, a great driver. Perhaps one of the finest. But if you worry too much about who invented the engine, or the color of the trim on the running boards, or whether you need to crank the engine to start the vehicle, or if it has an electric starter, you will take away from all the great travels and adventures that you can have on the road.

We can go into great detail on the great politics behind the creation and structuring of this religion. We can parse / investigate / study / breakdown the various saints, and key figures of the religion. Not to mention Jesus himself.

It is easy to believe that The Domain created this religion. But we did not. At least not like others have written about or implied. We have, however, contributed towards it's direction and guidance, and equally have been thwarted by selfish and evil, malevolent entities just as often.

Keep in mind that at the time of the appearance of Jesus, The Domain was busy engaging in massive space battles inside this solar system. The creation of evasion techniques for the skin-suits in general population of this Prison Planet was a very low priority at that time. Though, there were minor efforts to direct the organizational aspects of the dogma.

What was discussed in the "Alien Interview" was structured for the audience at that time. As there are truths and understandings, but often the real purposes and purposes are often occluded and confused though a handicapping of the true and actual situation. This is true with all the Q&A that we participate in.

If you discovered that Jesus was a real person who was caught up in the tumultuous events of the time, or that he was actually a romantic figurehead used by greedy people at that time, does not matter. Knowing either "history" is a dangerous illusion and would derail your current great journey. I do not desire that.

The car the you are driving right now is a perfected symphony. You do not need to know anything more than that. You need to focus on your driving skills and making it to your destination. So what if your fender has a few dings? So what if the muffler is a little noisy? Who cares is the seat has a spring poking out of it. This religion is serving a purpose and you are the result of it. You are, to be honest, magnificent. 

I will emphasize this; do not take your eyes off the road.

Personally, I haven’t a clue as to what the fuck he is talking about, and I really do not think that he answered the question. Which was “Who is Jesus”?

I do not know why he got so derailed on it. I do not know why he failed to answer the question. I also do not know why he was so guarded, evasive or circumambulating about it.

So I asked again. “What is the role of Jesus in the Prison Complex?”

Q: What is the role of the life of Jesus in the Earth prison complex?

There are two key points.

[1] Jesus is a figurehead in a religion that has often been used as a trap to help keep the general population inmates stuck in the prison complex. The religion itself has been used as a distracting means, as well as a snare. It has also been used to divert IS-BE's away from their true nature.

[2] It has also been instrumental in the sorting of service to other sentience's that will enable a great many IS-BE's to leave this prison complex.

Taking the dichotomy of this issue, we can see that by following the directives listed in the biography of Jesus found in the "New Testament" will allow the trapped inmate behavioral goals, that will establish a Service-to-Others sentience, and thus be processed out of the complex quickly and efficiently.

However, paying "lip service" to the Christian religion is a distraction and a trap. It will cause the IS-BE to entrench further into the physical reality trap that is the Prison Complex.

Ah. Don’t be a televangelist. Eh?

Then a finality to the subject matter; *end*.

What do you mean “I am not human”?

Earlier in the Q&A there was a statement made that I am not human. This is obviously false. As I look, act and think like a human, and live in a human society. Not to mention that I enjoy pizza, wine and pretty girls. So perhaps, I misinterpreted the comm.

Q: Please expand on the reasoning behind the statement that “I am not human”.

You are not human.

You are neither a pure human archetype, nor an inmate "skin suit". You are a hybrid creation with elements of both, as well as constructions intended for utility by the Domain.

(Image of a PPT presentation showing a "free and normal" human archetype. Followed by it being "changed" into a different kind of human; an inmate "skin suit". Then, changes to it with ELF, EPB and then a number of operations. The resulting figure on the PPT looks like neither the first Human archetype, nor the inmate "skin suit".)

All of the members in your MAJestic sub-project are hybrid creations. Some, like yourself, have further refinements. While others are slightly retarded / backwards / not up to date /contemporaneous with the update software / coding / medical procedures / system enhancements.

Additionally, all volunteers to The Domain (through MM here) that have agreed to work with us have also become hybrid creatures. They are no longer "inmate" human (appearing) skin suits. They have had one significant alteration to their inmate "skin suits". Some have had two or more. The severity of the changes is equated to their current dream states, feelings / emotions / perceptions.

(I think that it means that the odder your experiences are; your feelings are; your dreams are; the more changes to your "skin suit".)

In your case, you were altered for your role in our surrogate agency / utility /division (I think he means MAJestic) and then further altered with the addition of the EBP. So you have at least three layers of alterations. Certainly you might not appreciate the alterations, but we believe that they are necessary for the successful role that you play.

Stop assuming that you are the same as everyone else. YOU ARE NOT. (It felt like he was stressing things to me like my old DI in the Navy.)

Locating a member of the “Lost Battalion”

Email sent to me:

This time I write to you in matters of the lost Domain Members and in kind of a personal as well. It's not me, I guess?

No, could you ask your Domain Contact, if my pastry chef-teacher is/was a lost Member?

I'm asking, because at the end of a really really weird and messy day over a bowl of soup my husband and I were talking about your Q&A and somehow I said that "If there is someone I've met, it would be him" and we instantly got goosebumps, adrenalin shot and I started sobbing.

At this second I can feel the tears rising again. Sorry, this guy meant a hell of a lot to me and I just want to know... if they know?

I responded with this…

I will do so. 

One thing though. You need to send out "pings". The EBP allows communication from the Commander to me and back. That's it. Unless there's a location beacon, the Commander cannot do anything. All he will know is that I read and email from a follower that refers to another person also unknown.

To send out a "ping"; For the next couple of nights before you go to sleep, just say the phrase "I am pinging the Domain Commander in assistance of a question to Metallicman". 

Say it out loud. And forget about it. The more often you do this, the easier it will be to locate you and the person who you are speaking of.
This was on 29OCT21.
On 2NOV21 I received this email…
I was pinging the last nights before sleeping, and I think they came right after the first ping (friday night). Do you know if they got what they need? 

They were nice, but I freaked out. I really do apologize for that! 

I expected them to come, and I know what you say is the truth, but I still need time to let it all sink in. Sorry this also very wild babbling...

I hope they can help my Chef!!!
I did obtain a “message” glitch / signal / initial response concerning the “ping”.  In “real time”. And it was all very clear, and it was very startling.
Which was…
Follow / track / surprise / smile / happy / unexpected
This was (apparently) shortly after the first (Friday night?) ping. Then in rapid succession. Say five minutes later.
Accompanying "goosebumps". Unexpected and unknown. Not lost battalion member. 

Lost Domain member, unaccounted for. 

Not member of the Lost Battalion. Will investigate.

Strong emotional feelings. Nearly quake / shake. Big emotional attachment in the comm channel. This is apparently a very BIG deal in The Domain above. The impression that I have is that this is a long lost IS-BE and no one knows what happened to it.

He/she/it just disappeared.

And also that it’s an important person at that.

Impression is that it was assumed they entered a different universe. Now they see that somehow it was “sucked” into the Prison Complex somehow. Very much excitement.

Very, very much!

Follow up question sent up-pipe through my EBP comm to the Commander.

Q: Can you please provide me an update on this particular effort?

This is a very important, and surprising turn of events. This entity is a very important IS-BE associated with (The Domain parent organization) / sponsor organization? / upper-tier oversight operations? / a major role participant. 

(I get the impression of someone very highly revered and important; like Jesus or Buddha or some other being only far more capable and important than we can understand. Also that there is an organization that is higher, larger, older and more important than the Domain. )

I have alerted my superiors about this matter. We have set a series of events in motion. This discovery is very important and makes the need to resolve this prison planet environment ever so urgent. Obviously the presence of (garbled name. cannot make out) shows how important this area (geographic area of space) is, and greater efforts are needed to extract valuable entities from this region.

(Image of a 3D image of the Milky Way galaxy, and a rippling like the image is on a rubber sheet. then a very heavy metal ball dropped on that sheet, making a deep dark black-hole like indentation.)

(I also have the impression that this entity is part of something that spawned the Domain, and that this person has been missing of a long, long time. The impression that I have is that this person was assumed to be elsewhere, doing other things, and the fact that this person is here now in this prison planet environment is something very important.)

Commander Message to the person who "pinged"; "Thank you. Do not worry. Things are going to be just fine from now on. We have this matter (in / on hand)"

And I will add; thank you for being a Rufus.

Being scammed by others

From a communication…

I have been debating with myself for some time to ask you the following - either dismiss this entirely or continue to read.

I almost feel like this is the old "Ann Landers' advice column in the newspaper.

Recently, I was scammed out of quite a bit of dollars. Two things I would like: 1) get my money back, and 2) get these criminals in a position where life is hell for them.

I have included getting my loot back as one intention, but am hesitant to waste my time and effort to fuck the fuckers who fucked me (I apologize for the language, but that is how I feel).

What would be best (besides getting $'s back) is if these criminals can make amends not only to me, but also to others who they have fucked, and rehabilitate themselves.

There is decency in everyone, or so I believe, perhaps naively. Any advice or suggestions?

A baseball bat could do wonders with life altering perspectives.

Posted late Monday evening at 10:30pm. Answer is as follows.

Encountering others who are evil, bad, or problematic is the norm in this prison environment. It occurs on all levels. From the micro to the macro. Many people just accept the crimes as the normal way of living life. However, periodically one such crime hits us and forces us to attend to it. And obviously we do not like it.

There are numerous things that you can do, and obviously you are considering them. Your questions is which action would benefit your the most as an inmate in this prison environment.

Consider a contemporaneous prison environment. One inmate scams another inmate. The options are [1] ask politely for the items, [2] “shank" them and kill them yourself. [3] Align or employ an inter-prison organization (gang)  and ask them to recover your lost possessions, and obtain retribution, all at a cost. Or, [4] Ask the prison authorities for justice.

What we suggest is counter intuitive. 

You are to isolate yourself from those bad and problematic individuals. Then (following MM advisement's in MWI control) (sic.) The solution is to control your MWI.

[1] Add affirmations that extract justice for the crime; meaning that you get your lost wealth returned in what ever way is possible, and that those that conducted the ill deeds suffer consequences for it. 

[2] Modify the result to include time for "pain and suffering: with may be considered 10% to 25% of root value. 

Finally {3] isolation from any consequences of this request, with an understanding that the affirmation will manifest in a time window appropriate with and in alignment with, all your other / previous affirmations. (sic.) 

Take no other action. 

When it "feels" right, you may delete the affirmations from your periodic campaigns (sic.) 

Stop thinking about the event(s). The thoughts will prevent the initiation and manifestation of your affirmation campaign. So forget about it all. Just know that the results WILL manifest.

I can affirm that this is the best advice. -MM


Finally, on food.

One thing I enjoy is a real good loaf of bread and good expensive cheese.

Me too. -MM

If the wife permits, perhaps some good wine.

Me too. But my wife always approves of wine. Her only problem is the price. Wine prices are all trending upwards. -MM

That is enjoyable.

The western diet is full of toxins; anything that is pre-made, or comes in a ready to eat bag is not good for you (but perhaps very tasty).

Wise potato chips. Sigh. French fries with lots of salt. Lays "American style" chips with onion dip. -MM

40% of Americans will come down with some sort of cancer in their lifetime – good god, something is wrong with the environment and food source.

Absolutely. -MM

Good food,/diet has to be prepared from raw ingredients. Anything else will not be healthy.

There have been many case studies demonstrating that native foods are good and healthy, people do not get sick or need a doctor.

Once western food/diets have been introduced, health declines rapidly and doctor visits and sicknesses increase dramatically.

Healthy food comes from healthy natural soil, and not that found in chemical agriculture.

Creamy potato soup for super today, with only cream and cheese coming from the store.

Posted Monday in the evening. I had to phrase it as a question…

Q: With all the criminal elements jam-packed on the earth planetary environment today, what is the best and most worthwhile food suggestions you (The Domain) might have for a healthy long life?

We participated in the development of the human archetype. We designed humans to have a diet consisting of all the plants and animals that are provided on the worlds that they inhabit. The inmate "skin suits" have not deviated from this nutritional need.

Fruits and Vegitables

Fundamentally, eat a substantial quantity of your diet in fresh produce. This includes both fruits and vegetables. If you are not eating salads (whether precooked for five minutes or not) you are doing something wrong. There should be at least two salad majority meals in your diet every week.

(Chicken salad, cob salad, Caesar salad with beef or another meat, tuna salad, etc. Keep the amount of sugary dressings to a minimum. Olive oil and vinegar are the healthiest. -MM) 

Removal of Toxins

For all inmates in general population, note that it is important to lightly steam or cook the vegetables first before you make a salad. 

[1] Soak the vegetables in a bath of (a small / tiny amount of bleach) for 20 minutes. Then rinse off. (One cap lid of bleach for a sink basin of water.)

[2] Cook or heat the vegetables before you add them to the salad. For tomatoes, let them sit in hot water for one to five.  And so on and so forth. Lettuce can be lightly steamed for a few seconds before eating. This requirement is not a designed-in requirement for the human body archetype. It is a need that human inmate "skin suits" must do in the earth environment, because it is now a toxic environment. By lightly heating, steaming or cooking the vegetables you will help remove growth hormones, pesticides and GMO additions not yet integrated into the food element.

Sea Food

Eat fish. Cooked any way. Steamed is the healthiest, but the difference between pan fried and grilled is minuscule.


Maintain a staple of rice, potatoes or breads to supplement that diet. It does not matter which is involved or whether you need to prepare it a certain way. You need to make sure every meal consists of one such staple. This is important to aid in the digestion of the foods you eat.

(Some societies such as American and European rely on breads as the staple. Others rely on potatoes. And many Asian cultures rely on rice. -MM)

Do not follow fads

There are many foods that can be a part of your diet that are generally not considered healthy by current popular culture. Cheese can be a significant part of your diet. As well as tofu. (no problems / complications / or other fears) In both instances, stick with the healthiest versions of those items. For cheese, stick with the light colored cheeses. 

Protein priorities

For sources of protein, look towards nuts, eggs, meat, fowl, or fish. None of which is processed. If you cannot do that then, pre-frozen items can be used. Fresh food, obtained locally is the best. Canned, processed, or with additives for long-term storage are the worst.

General guidelines

Avoid ALL processed food.
No sugar laden breakfast cereals. You can make your own oatmeal.
Avoid all canned, or prepackaged or precooked food.

Home made food
Most meals should be made by your family, at home, using fresh ingredients that you select yourself. When cooking, make sure they are all cleaned, and then take your time will generally low temperature cooking over long periods of time. Quick meals are to be avoided as should be the use of microwaves and "instant foods".


Restaurant food should be for special occasions. Fast food should be avoided. If you cannot sit down and enjoy a meal, then something is seriously wrong with your lifestyle. When you do go to a restaurant, you should select the restaurant carefully and balance, [1] price, [2] environment, [3] food selection, and [4] companionship. Do NOT ever use only one criteria in restaurant selection.

Avoid all GMO food.
Avoid all food with injected hormones
Avoid large quantities of sugar.
Avoid large quantities of salt.
Avoid reusing oil. (No fried foods from restaurants.)

No/few/occasional potato chips.
No/few/occasional deep fried anything.
No/few/occasional sodas.
No/few/occasional candy.
No/few/occasional cakes.


An occasional coffee or tea is acceptable, but the questioner should limit the intake of beverages to one a day. This can be a singular coffee, a singular tea or one carefully selected soft drink. No more.

You may drink wine in moderation. Red wine is the preferred drink. A man alone should have no more than one bottle of wine a sitting. A woman, half that amount. A couple should be able to drink two bottles of wine without problems. In all cases, it should be kept under three bottles a sitting. Otherwise it will cause problems. 

Beer and hard liquor are to be avoided. Please kindly refrain from smoking.

Ask your doctor to consolidate your medicines. You want to take the least number of types of medicines as possible. Eventually reaching a point where no medicines are necessary.


Drink a lot of water. You can add lemon slices, or other berries to the drink as you see fit. Warm to room temperature water is best.

Meal Size

Avoid all those mega-portion sizes offered by American chain stores or restaurants.

Speed of Consumption 

Never rush when you eat. A meal should take from one to two hours to eat. Any meal that you consume under 15 minutes is not healthy. No matter what you eat, the time to consume the meal has a great deal of influence on how the food is digested. A work lunch under one hour is unacceptable. Humans, whether inmate skin suits, or pristine archetypes need to eat slowly and easily.

Cooking Methodology

Humans were designed to eat certain kinds of food, prepared in certain kind of ways. Steamed is the best. Fried in oil is the least desirable.

When we constructed the human archetype it was designed to use the food items and elements that the human body would cohabit with. In the toxic stew of what the earth is today, very careful attention must be given to what is consumed; how it is prepared, and how it is eaten. These are not minor subjects. These are very important elements that must be incorporated in one's lifestyle.

Um. I’m in trouble. Sigh.

But I do agree. This is a point that has been pestering me all these decades. 。。

  • [1] Stop drinking soft drinks and beer. Drink wine instead.
  • [2] Stop eating potato chips. Eat potatoes and onions fried with some salt instead.
  • [3] Stop eating hamburgers. Eat pork chops, steak or mutton instead.
  • [4] Nothing fake. Use real butter.
  • [5] Nothing fake. Eat real fresh bread. Nothing supermarket packaged.
  • [6] No candy.
  • [7] Cakes should be a rare item.
  • [8] Eat fruit. At least have some bananas in the house.

Oh, and please, never eat alone. Eat with friend and family. And make it special. Noting makes me feel like a king than when I am eating a fine meal with a lady that is all beautiful and who has the proper amount of foundation on, wearing a most comfortable dress, and is just engaged in chatting with me. Ugh!!!

Manifesting signal

Ok, this was sent to me. I tried to figure it out, but I am not very clear on it.

Ultimately, the end-goal is to circumvent the malevolent (alterations to) / (control of) our internal systems, thereby allowing access beyond the Prison Aspect of our being. Correct? Like DM’s lucidity, right? What is the manifesting “signal” that makes me physically what I am? I would like to change THAT. Surely that is prohibited by the Prison Construct, right?

Q: What is the manifesting frequency / signal that makes “me” who I am?

(garbled / a lot of information. Confused. A bunch of slides of things thrown at me in rapid succession.)

(Too much information and confusing. I simplified as...) The human inmate "skin suit" can be considered to be a very complex frequency. 

Yes, once you are able to control this frequency then you can change various aspects of it for egress out of the prison complex.

This is one of the techniques that we use when (MM volunteers) others join our effort. We alter their inmate "skin suits" at different ways and means.

(Images of things, and actions. I do not understand.)

However, we are all influenced by our environment. Thus we are all influenced by the thoughts around us. ("M-band noise" from the Monroe report.) this alters the frequency interactions / (garbled) of our very being. It's like trying to dig a hole in sand, the deeper you go, the more sand falls in.

This "manifesting signal" is how we are able to track inmates in the prison complex, find others outside of the reality universe, and perform alterations in the reality, (not clear) or in the surrounding universe. But it is not a simple thing. It is very complex.

By changing the signal, you change your soul / IS-BE structure / consciousness / manifestation interaction with the universe that is being co-inhabited with. Thus it is a very dangerous thing to do. You have to know what you are doing and why.

It’s like making a cake. You can change from two eggs to three, or one spoon of sugar to three spoons. But when you change the flour to rice powder, the end result might be something quite different. – MM


I tell everyone, this is all very tiring and difficult for me to do. I really hate these long winded multiple part questions. What’s the matter? Doesn’t anyone read my guidelines? Some one setups a fake email and asks me unrelated questions with no personal impact on their own day to day lives? I am not a television trivia show.

No more multiple part questions. The next person who asks a multi-part question will be banned.

I was thinking about Reiki, some “dark” questions appeared:

Question 1; Is this interaction with “energy” related to the consciousness? With the “soul” or the “spirit”?

Question 2: Is Reiki just another control method set in place by the “Old Empire”?

Question 3: Is this useful only in the prison complex?

Question 4: Is this “energy” or Qi (Chi) able to interact with garbons or other low-level components of the non-physical?

Question 5: Is there a real correlation between physical feelings and spiritual feelings?

Question 6: A soul or consciousness is able to “get sick” beyond the physical environment?

Question 7: The most important one: Why we humans know so little about the relationships between soul, consciousness and body?

We are just in the same spot we have been for thousands of years because of amnesia and control.

I want to know how to put a consciousness in a container, at least theoretically. This is real technology and knowledge.

I am sorry for all of this. This Reiki information is not useful, it may be classified as quackery.

Phew! If I answered all these questions, I would be busy for months.  I am only going to answer one question. I am going to ask the last one; the “important” one.

Q; Why we humans know so little about the relationships between soul, consciousness and body?


It’s a refusal to answer.

I do not know why.

I suspect that it has to do with the questioner as the questions are “busy work” and will serve no one. However, I do not know if that is actually the case. It is possible that these questions are from someone who wants to fuck around with me.  It might be the same person that did so previously.

In any event. The Commandeer refuses to answer. That is an absolute.

To the questioner; you know the answer. So why ask me?

Petrified about World War III

The interchange in this next dialog is a little bit strange, so I made it conversational so it would be much easier to read. The content, and the impressions are the same, it's just that multiple card desk items have been rearranged sequentially for ease of understanding. 

Referring to stacking, cards, and things like that are interpretations of multiple comm channels opening up and information overload being parsed through filters. I also use borrowed terms ;like Robert Monroe's "M band" with is a flood of background chatter that acts as a noise that needs to be filtered or organized.-MM

The warnings from my brother, and other intelligence sources indicate that things are moving forward towards a war and I am seemingly right on ground zero. Further events are taking place that add credence to his statements. Such as an Iranian tanker full of oil was turned back from entering Shanghai by a naval vessel. There’s provocation upon provocation and I don’t trust anything I read any longer.

I am starting to question my own chatter, and sensing equipment. (Skill sets, add on software and EBP stuff that I know how to use. I just simplify this equipment kit to “sensors” in this recorded dialog transcript. Though in the conversation we discussed specific parts and elements of this kit. -MM)

I would like some clear information on  what is going on, of course – in reference to myself, but any other information that could be provided to MM readership would be appreciated.

Q: What are my chances of survival if the United States decides to start a war with China? And how does this influence other MM readers?

You have the tools to know what is going on and why. You are being insecure because your feedback from those you love and trust are giving you bad intel. You must remember your skills and put them to use. There is no one on the planet at this time that has better skills in this area than you do, and that includes all of your colleagues in the  subprogram (MAJestic).

The quantum changes (M band noise) has reached a directed frenzy. This goal is for a major war and conflict of long duration under specified operational parameters that will not occur. The best way to stop this train of events is to create a series of deep-dive slides, and that has become impossible to do at the present time.

The systems / mechanisms / techniques / personnel are all off-line. Organized dives (sic.) are not possible at this time.

The MWI (sic.) will evolve according to the pre-programmed event sequence. You cannot stop it. There are far too many variables and far too may interested parties / evil intent / pre-programmed mantid prime world-lines (sec.) that are moving with these issues.

You ARE in the safest location possible given the great diversity of possible outcomes at this time. Do not doubt that.

Further, note that The Domain will only risk consciousness swapping / jump in body / take over a body / operational cloning if the result has a strong probable result. At this time it resembles your experiences  in Corpus Christi December 1983 (major world-line template cluster realignment. We avoided world war III with the Russians at that time.). Things are much more serious however, and there are too many thought clusters with too many varying outcomes to predict the most probable results.

We do not want a radioactive result. We are working to prevent this scenario from occurring. However, the most probable event sequence will be one that includes nuclear detonations. 

However, there is a very high probability that most of China and the South Pacific will be spared from most of the damage. 

Of course all of this is fluid, and there are many forces / interests / non-physical / physical / mantid / evil that has set systems in motion for conflagration. 

All of our predictive anticipation programs show damage and dangers to the United States, and their allies. They are generating too many m-band / thought profiles / group consciousness vectors / world-line slides in favor of a major war. 

With the preventative measures that we have set up, all these thought vectors will redirect to the source; the United States and the people of the United States.

For example; The United States attacked China with a bio-weapon. The effect is that China survived, but the United States is now under bio-weapon rampage. 

This "boomerang effect" is the result of (garbled / not clear /difficult to explain) and this give and take / attribute /resulting /configuration is to be expected in this current war situation.

The mRNA inoculations are not a vaccine. It's a preventative measure for the next major attack. You know this. However, rest assured that it will not work as intended, and the predictive vector trends show clearly a very disastrous outcome.

Use your skills and answer the following yourself...

Q: What is the best scenario given your viewing of the MWI / world-line undulations?

Well. as best I can figure it would be no war, no nuclear or further biological exchanges, and a return to normalcy with the United States government replaced with something different that would deal with the needs of the American people and not get involved in War.

Q: What is your likelihood of that occurring. Quick answer. NOW!


Q: What is the worst scenario given what you see in the MWI and undulations on world-lines (sic.)? Use your skills. Fast answer. NOW!

MAD mutually assured nuclear destruction where America launches a full scale nuclear first strike, and China and Russia retaliate from their ruined nations. Additionally, North Korea destroys South Korea and attacks Japan. Pakistan attacks India, Russia destroys the European Union and the entire Middle East goes to war.

Q: What is the highest probability scenario based upon your sensory perceptions; ignoring the (M-band noise) / chatter that is clogging up your sensor feeds? 

Monitor your senses, on the count 3. 2. 1. Now!

(Noise chatter. So much M-band noise. Confusion. Misdirection. lines strained.) Searching. Searching.

Not bumpkus.

Some clarity.

China does not do anything overt. The United States grows impatient, and thus creates a “false flag” to set things in motion. (Nothing actually happens, so the USA creates a false event as an excuse to implement one of their multiple plans.) The Russian and the Chinese are waiting for this moment to arrive. Waiting on viable intel.

Then they will launch a first strike nuclear salvo (just right) before the United States can do anything that it plans.

They will do this at any point that the probability of success is over 85%. (The higher the probability of success, the sooner the Chinese event sequence will manifest. The trigger threshold will be 85%.)

Q: Using what you know, from all of your sensors, what is going on. Write it down, and do not edit for clarity. Do not scrub away what does not make sense. Put the raw feed down, and do not clean it up. Do it now.

Here goes.

America is planning multiple strike attacks and will implement the first viable one as the situation matures. The first strike nuclear hit destroying multiple main Chinese cities at once, and then fabricating a reason is amazing high on the probability scale. It is disturbing that it is being considered at this time, but the drivers are emotionally driven M-band folk with no scruples.

Meanwhile the Russian and the Chinese have already put into place a first strike plan and are getting systems in place to prevent the United States from launching nuclear strike counter attacks. This is the “counter plan”. This situation is at 72% readiness. So the Chinese and the Russians are feverishly trying to work to get things in place before the USA is ready to start a major conflict.

The United States is trying to prod and goad the Chinese into action, and will keep on pushing until something happens, then once the event occurs, a series of well planned attacks will take place. Everything is in place this week. This is the primary (American) approved plan. It will go nuclear the moment the Chinese react to provocations. They will fabricate an excuse if this timeline is delayed too long.

(Phew! I’m amazed that I was able to type so fast and quickly.)

That is what I sense. How accurate is it? Please scan and confirm my interpretations.

Interpretations are correct. You did not include the actions in Europe. Nor did you include the Israel connections and the things going on regarding with Iran, Pakistan, and Australia.

But if you are weighing in data feeds based on M-noise chatter, then it is obvious that your intel is as good as we can get. 

As you can sense the entire issue with Australia is floundering and there is a dynamic that can swing to any extreme. Right now it looks like it will "die on the vine", but there are issues and events that could keep it aggressive alive and there is great concern that if the direction heads that way, that the worst case scenario can be realized.

For Australia, it is the key unknown at this time. If the entire Morrison leadership effort collapses and there is a reverse in policy , the best scenario may be realized. So Australia is the dominant player in the unfolding of the current events train.

Pakistan is moderating the India *wild card* and for now it appears that this situation is under control and free from problems.

Europe is a wildcard, and the situation is changing daily. The United States is aggressively using every "trick in the book" to make the EU join in a war, but they are very reluctant to do so. Firstly because they don't want to upset China who remains their largest trading partner, but also they fear Russian retaliation because they know that Russia and China now operate as one. This was shown in Chinese support of all the political and diplomatic spats that Russia has had with Europe.

Q: Will you be able to take over a body and stop a “button being pushed”?

We can, but we will not. Not in this instance, and not at this time.

Q: Elaborate why.

All obstacles to the (counter) plan must be disabled.

Q: Even if it means that the earth will become a radioactive mess?

Yes. It is preferable that we prevent the ruin and destruction of the earth at this time, but there are too many variables involved, and far too many situations that all taken together render our ability to prevent a worst case scenario from occurring.

Heaven (sic.) are expanding their entry systems to handle a large influx of IS-BE's into the environment and anticipate a heavy work load, but you knew that already didn't you?

I then went to sleep around 11:00pm.

At 2:45am I woke up after tossing and turning and all kinds of undecipherable things from the commander. Not dreams. Just messages going on and on and waking me up from a non-dream sleep.

Finally I was able to get this little bit that started to unravel a long garbled message train. (Don’t ask me to explain.)

...In absolute terms you were poisoned. Just like the scene from Breaking Bad. Ricin was used to interrupt things so that activities and event trains were prevented. 

You were provided with a physical body cold that serves to interrupt your ability to reset and initiate slides for anchoring events (sic.) 

Or to say it bluntly, you were deactivated temporarily so that a selection of critical events would not be interrupted.

It is true that I just got a seemingly bad cold suddenly yesterday. (Physical illness.) And when I have physical illnesses, many of my abilities are either no longer functional, or are interrupted to the point of dysfunction.

Something is going on now, and it must not be interrupted by me, nor am I permitted to influence it in any way.

Q: Who or what is neutering my abilities at this time, and why?

(Why) the mantids (sic.), of course.

Oh, my goodness, what a “can of worms” is now opened. Uh oh.

Q: Please elaborate

The "greater good" must be permitted to occur at this time so that a much worse sequence of events (in the future) can be prevented.

So, I recon, that if we allow a little bad now, it will act as a safety value to prevent a greater bad event in the future?

Q: Continue and elaborate please.

Yes. That is correct.

Your abilities and those of  a few others are now disabled so that nothing will interrupt a critical sequence of events from occurring. This sequence of events will (mostly) be transparent. (I won't be reading about them in any "news feeds", but will involve some very bad things, black operations and deaths.)

For now, you and your MM colleagues will be safe.

This sequence of events will set in place a "rocky" event train (sic.), and that some pre-planned events might require further disabling of your latent abilities. You need to avoid M-block thoughts, and influences to you. Be calm and don't get so "caught up" in the craziness that will start to manifest in the next few weeks.

The next few weeks?

Maybe things have been prevented, or set off to the side somehow, and a calmer, saner result might manifest. Perhaps?

Yes. More like sliding onto a different railroad track.

OK. I am going back to bed. I will continue all this in the morning.

Morning arrived. Still sick. Wife and kid woke me up early. Need to give our old dog his medicine first thing at the crack of dawn. Sigh.

All channels are quiet.

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“You must leave China now. China is not safe. America will destroy it completely and I will not be able to help you out”

This article addresses the disconnect from reality that many American readers of media seem to have regarding China. They are correct, a war is going to happen. the USA is at a fever pitch right now and very desirous of it. But what I say here is be VERY careful of what you wish for. You might not be able to handle the result.

Important note. To truly get the most out of this article, you MUST watch these short (15 second to 1 minute) video clips. Watch. Learn. Understand. Also note that a number of the videos are banned in the United States. So, maybe you might have to destroy your computer after watching the videos. LOL.

Ok. Brace yourself. I’m telling you all what you are dealing with, and what the real situation actually is. You can agree or disagree. Remember, knowledge is a tool. It is up to you to use it or not.

How this came about…

Today I received my second email from my brother. It was a sad and disturbing letter. Again, he pleaded for me to leave China and return back to the United States “where it will be safe”.

But you know, that is not going to happen. I love China.

I love everything about China, and I have family that I love. I have Chinese friends that I cherish and love dearly. I have homes, businesses, and a lifestyle that I am not going to leave. I love the culture in China. I love the food. I love the work relationships, and I even love stinky tofu.

Once you live in China and see (with your own experiences) how wonderful it is, you will never go back to the cesspool that the United States has become.

I am also retired. I no longer am involved in the world of black operations, top secret SAP programs, spooky stuff, and all that. I am retired. I retired to a calm place, a clean place; a good place. I retired to Mayberry RFD. If you would like to know what it is like here in China.

Never the less, all of the “news” out of the United States is war-war-war-war-WAR! and I have lived long enough inside of America to know what is next. It’s clear and plain as the nose on my face.

I’ve seen this all before. Not just as an American citizen reading the “news”, but also as one of those people who “make things happen”. I know precisely what is going on, and why.

So my email, from my brother, was disturbing. He knows who I am and what I did. Yet, he regurgitated the hate-narrative, pro-war narrative, when he should know better.

In it, he reiterated that I leave China. That it is not safe. And that the bellicose saber rattling, and hostile actions by the evil communists will be stopped by the incredible might of the massive American military forces. His words. Not mine.

He went on and on about how China didn’t have a chance, and that while China might have a few hundred nuclear warheads, that is nothing to the 6,500 nuclear weapons that America has.

He further elaborated that he KNOWS (we have mutual boyhood friends in high level military operations) that traps have been sprung; safeties are off, and it’s just a matter of time… and not long either… when China will finally be punished for all of it’s evil misdeeds.

He said that I am in great danger.

He said that China will be “hit hard” and he KNOWS that China will stand alone and take the most incredible beating ever seen by man. He said that every nation either despises China or is afraid of it, but when the “call goes out” the entire rest of the world will swarm to kick China into a beaten pulp.

He proudly talked about how America has very strong nuclear capabilities and that the generals are not afraid to use them. New orders have been issued, and “everyone knows” that there will be a hot kinetic war soon.

He said that the tiny independent nation of Taiwan (?) has some “tricks up it’s sleeve” and that the USA and China has been at war for years now and I should see the “writing on the wall” and recognize that the time to leave my “third world shit-hole” is fast coming to an end. There is only a short “window of opportunity” remaining and that I should take it.

He said other things also, but…

But this really gets to me.

He knows nothing. And I find his ignorance of what China is astoundingly insulting. And he’s a smart man. I an only just imagine what others might say; those that only get their information from the government controlled “news” media.

China is NOT what is portrayed. He should know better as he has seem my lifestyle; my family, and what it is like. Yet, for some odd reason, he thinks that it is terminally dingy, grey skies, and full of evil selfish people. Jeeze! It isn’t. This is what China actually is. VIDEO.


But he has provided me with some critical Intel about what Americans think. And it is what I have been saying all along. I spent 40 years of my life in the United States and 20 in China. I know how it works.

  • America is on a “war footing”.
  • Americans are desirous of a nice solid hot war, and they will get it.
  • The “ball is rolling” and it cannot be stopped.
  • That this long war will be intended to be in the far-away South China Sea.
  • The war will enjoy the support of a vast majority of Americans who all now despise all Chinese.

He argued that it’s only a matter or time that China will make a mistake, and when it does, “all Hell will break loose“.

And that China doesn’t have a chance.

Key points are omitted by all those wanting war

You know, each and every time I come across these arguments, the “elephant in the room” is always omitted. And it’s funny and odd. Very important points are ignored as if they are meaningless. And when I bring up these points, they are ignored. And what is amazing is that even the most intelligent people in the United States are falling for this narrative.

These points are always left out and ignored. What points you might ask?

How about, for starters…

  • It will be a war inside of America. Any war with China will be on American soil, and personal. It will not be off in a far away South China Sea.

Let that point sink in. Not far away. But will hit “home”. China will make FUCKING SURE that America feels what it is like to be attacked. This is a fact. Deal with it.

  • Taiwan is not an “independent” nation. Both Taiwan and Mainland China mutually agree that there is only one China. Not two separate nations.

Let that point register. Taiwan is NOT a separate nation. The UN doesn’t think so. China doesn’t think so, and even Taiwan doesn’t think so. But for some crazy insane reason, the United States thinks so.

For those of you who are still not convinced, here’s the President of the United States telling you that Taiwan is China. That China owns Taiwan.

  • A war against all of Asia. Russia and China are military allies and will fight together.

Like I said, this is something NO ONE is talking about. They just gloss over it as if it is unimportant.

  • China is dangerous. China is a merit driven society that is very smart.

America is an oligarchy ruled military empire that is in a free-fall decline right now. And China is a nation of merit where everyone starting at six years old gets military training.

  • Costly does not equate to best. American weapons and personnel relies too much on systems that are easily compromised.

Now, be advised, that there is no question that there will be massive destruction and casualties all over the world. China will take some enormous losses, and some of the beautiful cities will be erased from the earth. I lament that.

But obviously, thinking that America will be “safe” just shows how ignorant and delusional these people are. The United States will be the LAST place you would want to be when the missiles start flying.

As I wrote in my other postings, China and Russia use AI controlled swarm nukes in shotgun saturation’s. They just don’t hit strategic targets, they glass over entire regions. They are very messy with their weapons.

America would be the worst place to be.

For all sorts of reasons.

General points of understanding

Here’s some general points that I want to underline, and then I follow up with the American (and Brit and Australian) beliefs and compare that to what is actually going on.

So, with all this in mind, check out some key points.

Point #1 – Chinese leadership

Capable. Tough. Pragmatic. Peaceful, but don’t fuck with them.

American Disinfo:

Xi Peng is a tyrant, who runs a mafia-like organization out of Beijing. He and his cronies are despised, and once they are killed off, China would collapse.

The disinfo has saturated the dialog.

The truth is that the Chinese leadership is there through merit and hard work, and are supported by an amazing group of other merit driven experts. There are no “diversity hires” here. No positions through Nepotism. No LGBT, or quota driven “experts”. No political appointees. No back-room dealings with union organizers, community organizations or religious figures. They got to power through merit and sacrifice.

These people are all carefully vetted, talented, aggressive, and strategic.

They are savvy and very well attuned to the problems of the world. They will make hard and tough decisions and they will make the right ones, and they will follow through on those decisions without politics or fear.

Chinese leadership.

Were a war to occur, it would be a battle of wits between the global leadership.

If you believe that Tom Cotton, Mike Pompeo, or Joe Biden can out maneuver the Chinese on strategy, then you are wholly delusional.

Point #2 – Chinese Manufacturing

Elaborate, and extensive. Cutting edge technology making the latest in gadgets and devices. Now supplies Germany, Japan and Korea with all their gadgets.

American Disinfo:

China only makes cheap, inexpensive junk. They cannot innovate, and at best operate using slave, and child labor in 19th century sweatshops.

There is this ongoing theme in the American (and Western) “news” media that China only makes “junk” and that if America stopped buying things from China, all of China would collapse. It permeates all American media. Which is Made in China means junk.

There’s also another deception; which is that America is the largest customer of Chinese made products, and that if the USA stops sourcing from China, China would collapse.

It’s not even remotely true.

  • In 2018, American products accounted for just under 1`1% of all Chinese exports.
  • Today, in late 2021, the number is actually around 2%.

China hasn’t collapsed.

If you were to really simplify all the issues regarding this singular point you would see that much of what China makes is shipped to other nations for resale under different names. Those high end German cameras are all made in China. They are shipped to Germany. But in boxes and proudly says “Made in Germany” on the box. Then Germany sells those cameras to the United States who mistakenly believe that they are buying a German manufactured product.

I know because I am active in that industry. That’s the way it is done.

This is the same with Korea, Japan, and Australia as well. Most of the real cheap stuff has been off-shored to much poorer nations so that the retailers can maintain their profit margins.

For shits and giggles, here’s a comparison between the US Spacestation and the Chinese spacestation. VIDEO here.


Now, let’s pause and consider two issues were a war to erupt.

  • All exports of goods out of China would end. Which thus means that the export of all products would thus completely end.
  • China would continue to manufacture things, for Chinese use. Whether rubber duckies, or nuclear warheads. And they would do so with ruthless precision, speed and quality.

The United States, would be unable to complete because most of the industrial parks all over the nation don’t make things. They are just nice office buildings that house accountants, lawyers, HR, diversity officers, and some supply line experts.

Those that exist have large boxy pole-frame buildings that house the warehouses from the items obtained from overseas, but the actual floor and manufacturing lines are not present. You can identify those structures by rectangle buildings with many windows for lighting.

American industrial park. Many warehouses. Not one single assembly factory. You can see the office building and all the warehouses, but nothing is physically being made here in this “factory”.

Look at an aerial view of a typical American “Industrial park”. Where’s the rail lines, the loading bays and the warehouses to store the manufactured products at? These are warehouse distribution points.

Not manufacturing facilities.

Were a war to occur, America would soon run out of tangible things. Not just war material, but also the things that the American citizenry have come to expect in their life.

Like medicine. Like automotive computers. Like tools. Like appliances.

Not China. They make things and have an enormous infrastructure to support industry. Video here.


Point #3 – Chinese Weapons systems

Chinese weapons systems are state of the art, available in massive quantities, operated by motivated and skilled soldiers that are fighting for the right to exist.

American Disinfo:
China's military consists of conscripts using cheaply made soviet-era copies, and supplemented with antiquated former Soviet Union equipment.

The Shenyang FC/J-31 and the Chengdu J-20 of the top line Chinese aircraft in use today.

I often see articles (in the Western press) praising the great high technology systems of the grand American military. And their specifications are truly spectacular. It seems like every plane is a “race car”, every device has the latest in graphical interface and exotic technology.

But they all need to be based, repaired and serviced.

When supply lines break down, many of these great systems are simply junk. Aside from the fact that no matter how great a plane is, it does need to land. And if you are fighting China, there will not be any place to land.

The Chinese have perfected some very advanced systems that are decades ahead of anything that America has. Do not be so sure that invading China would be another Iraq. It will not be.

Point #4 – Chinese Size

China is a huge nation, with an enormous population. In fact there are more Chinese that speak English (as a second language) than Americans in the entire world.

American Disinfo:
China is like Bangladesh or India, only much larger.

Couple that with the absolute ignorance of Americans. They have no idea about this. Or much as anything else for that matter.

Most Americans are clueless about geography. I don’t mean just a little bit ignorant, I mean absolutely and positively ignorant. Check out this VIDEO to show you what I am talking about…

Clueless video.

Pretty astounding, huh?

True America…

1. *AT&T fired President John Walter after nine months, saying he lacked intellectual leadership. He received a $26 million severance package. Perhaps it's not Walter who's lacking the intelligence

2. *WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM OUR FRIENDS: Police in Oakland, CA spent two hours attempting to subdue a gunman who had barricaded himself inside his home. After firing ten tear gas canisters, officers discovered that the man was standing beside them in the police line, shouting, 'Please come out and give yourself up.'

3. *WHAT WAS PLAN B? An Illinois man, pretending to have a gun, kidnapped a motorist and forced him to drive to two different automated teller machines, wherein the kidnapper proceeded to withdraw money from his own bank accounts.

4. *THE GETAWAY! A man walked into a Topeka, Kansas Kwik Stop and asked for all the money in the cash drawer. Apparently, the take was too small, so he tied up the store clerk and worked the counter himself for three hours until police showed up and grabbed him.

5. *DID I SAY THAT? Police in Los Angeles had good luck with a robbery suspect who just couldn't control himself during a lineup. When detectives asked each man in the lineup to repeat the words: 'Give me all your money or I'll shoot', the man shouted, 'that's not what I said!'

6. *ARE WE COMMUNICATING? A man spoke frantically into the phone: 'My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart'. 'Is this her first child?' the doctor asked. 'No!' the man shouted, 'This is her husband!'

7. *NOT THE SHARPEST TOOL IN THE SHED! In Modesto, CA, Steven Richard King was arrested for trying to hold up a Bank of America branch without a weapon. King used a thumb and a finger to simulate a gun. Unfortunately, he failed to keep his hand in his pocket. (hellooooooo...!!!)


Last summer, down on Lake Isabella, located in the high desert, an hour east of Bakersfield, CA, some folks, new to boating, were having a problem. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get their brand new 22 foot boat, going. It was very sluggish in almost every maneuver, no matter how much power they applied. After about an hour of trying to make it go, they putted into a nearby marina, thinking someone there may be able to tell them what was wrong. A thorough topside check revealed everything in perfect working condition. The engine ran fine, the out-drive went up and down, and the propeller was the correct size and pitch. So, one of the marina guys jumped in the water to check underneath. He came up choking on water, he was laughing so hard. Under the boat, still strapped securely in place, was the trailer!

*Now remember, these are all true stories and these people vote and have children

Heck, they have been dumbed down to such a point that they can’t even find Africa on a map! With this is an understanding about how enormous China actually is. In America, New York city is considered to be the largest city. While in China, there are a few hundred cities that are much, much larger.

Just a small “fishing village”.

Being such an enormous nation with such enormous resources makes it a very formidable foe. Everyone knows that you do not poke a stick at a tiger, as it will lunge at your and kill you swiftly, but that is exactly what the United States is doing today.

Point #5 – Chinese International standing

American Disinfo:

The entire world despises and hates China, and they are isolated, and scorned.

China is not isolated. It is not universally hated, and it is not considered to be demonic.

The world realizes that the United States is collapsing, and the Asia (Russia and China) are on the rise. They are looking towards the future. And that means to be on the “good side” of the nations of the future.

There are exceptions such as the Australians, and the Brits, but for the most part the nations are pragmatic and are looking at staying out of any conflict with the American military Empire, and the very powerful Russia / China block. VIDEO

Russia and China are very close allies. If you don’t believe me, then read what XI Peng, and Putin’s comments on this subject.

Point #6 – The Chinese are serious

American Disinfo:

China is run by corrupt insiders who got there though graft, crime and corruption. They are simply stooges that do whatever it takes to maintain power.

One of the biggest mistakes that Americans make (at all levels) is to misinterpret the Chinese. They play politics, they cater to the media, they perform rude actions, and they goad the Chinese. You do not do this and not expect consequences.

Just because the tiger is sleeping does not mean that it is not aware, that it’s fangs are not sharp and that it is not ready to tear you from limb to the other limb.

Consider the tit-for-tat VTOL carrier shoot-ups in 2020…

Chinese new carrier type-075 catches fire in Shanghai. April 2020. Mysterious fire causes massive damage.

Look what happened to the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) after the fire broke out on the Type-075 carrier. It was totaled and hauled off to the scrap yard.

Two months later, the American carrier USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6). Junked. July 2020.

I have often made the statement that the Chinese are a serious, serious nation that does not play. But it’s very true.

Point #7 – Military culture

American Disinfo:

China is a nation of pacifists, and they will never use nuclear weapons, nor respond to United States provocations. 

The Chinese haven't fought any wars in such a long time that they don't how to. And when the fighting starts, most of the military will crumble.

China is not a military empire. The United States is.

However, China is a merit driven society that demands doing one’s best as part of a group and everyone receives military training.

There is this belief that somehow Australian, Canadian and American forces can land inside of China and take over cities, communities and critical infrastructure and China would allow it, or fight back in crude disorganized manners. This is far from the truth.

China would fight as if their very existence was at stake, because it would be. China will never, absolutely NEVER, allow another “rape of Nanjing”.

Everyone would fight. From 6 year old “Pioneers” to retired 90 year olds. No passive passivists here. They are ready to kill and die for their home.

Here’s a video what first grade looks like in CHINA. When did you learn combat training? How to hold and clean a gun? How to form squads and lead them? These kids are only six years old.  VIDEO here.


This video is great!

In China, military training is mandatory and begins in first grade. It continues until the students graduate from high school.

China has over 6000 years of continuous, in-your-face fighting. They are the descendants of the armies of Genghis Khan. I would strongly suggest not fucking with them.

Point #8 – China is a unified society

This canard that America loves the Chinese but hates the Chinese leadership is ingrained in the American “news” media. It’s a lie. And it shows just how ignorant America is of the reality. China is homogenized, and a unified force.

American Disinfo:

China is a fractured country of dissatisfied poverty-ridden peasants. When offered an opportunity for freedom and democracy, they would revolt and break away from the iron-grip hold of Beijing.

When you kill one leader, the others just automatically take it’s place. This system is like water, you can take out a spoonful, and the water would flow back in place. In America, where there is a two tiered society that is balkanized, there isn’t any unity, no cohesiveness, and so transitions in leadership. It’s all a scripted fiasco. As any observer of modern contemporaneous America can clearly show.

This hospital was built in ten days. All by volunteers. All meals gas, equipment, and hospital equipment and building materials were all either loaned or given freely. This aspect of how the community works together in a crisis was NEVER reported in the West.

The premise is that America must be number #1

We hear this all the time on CNN, FOX and the rest of American media. No one asks what makes America so special. Because if you actually compare America to the rest of the world, it ranks rather poorly on a wide selection of attributes. In many of the attributes at the very rock-bottom of the lists.

America has FAILED to provide for it’s citizenry. Health care is a for-profit joke. Transportation is expensive, as is food, housing, and education. The government does not serve the people, and it is a police state oligarchy that operates as a military empire. It’s a true mess.

So tell me,  why MUST America be the boss of planet Earth?

No one can answer why.

Why must the current mess that the United States is, be allowed or permitted to exist. It does not serve it’s people. It’s a war empire that causes destruction all over the world, it rapes and pillages, and is run but a small handful of evil greedy oligarchs. Why?

Why is it important that the world become like America? VIDEO

Video of City life inside of America.

Still not convinced, well lets go to a DIFFERENT city… VIDEO


Still not convinced, it is EVERYWHERE in America. Ok, well lets go to a third DIFFERENT city… VIDEO


The War is on-going

My brother does have a point however. There is a war going on. It’s just that the United States is pushing, pushing, pushing and China is just sitting back and taking it.

Here’s a video showing how the Air Force and the Navy aviation pilots train so that they can shoot down and kill Chinese aircraft over China.

Training to kill Chinese.

Chinese team with Russia to warn Japan from aligning with the United States

Here’s something that hasn’t been reported in the American “news”.

This is a bit of a forceful move since diplomacy hasn’t worked. And the Brits and the Americans are flabbergasted that Russia would even dare sail with China. They argue that China has no rights to sail at will in international waters as it is a provocation, but America can and it is not a provocation if America does it. Video here.


Chinese can build things at a pace that is difficult to comprehend

This is a very important point.

Oh, it’s not just two hospitals in ten days, or 35 submarines in one year, or 2000 nuclear ICBMS in six months. It’s everything. China can out manufacture anyone, out repair anything, and do it quickly, carefully and with decent quality. None of which is reported in the West. None of it is. VIDEO. So friggin’ amazing!


This reminds me of the Star Trek franchise where you have this race of creatures called the “Borg”. When their “cube” space ships are damaged, the damage is repaired with such speed that it looks like it is self healing before your very eyes. This, my friends, is China today.

The Chinese military is dangerous

Here’s a training exercise. Hey! Do you see any cheap AK-47 / SKS clones here? Do you see uneducated peasants? Do you see any starving people that was all that delicious freedom and democracy out of America? VIDEO


China is a force to be afraid of…


It’s easy to find “armchair generals” and Conservative websites making comparisons between China and America.

As if it is actually possible.

They point out that America has a military and gun culture. That America is technically advanced, and it has the largest military in history with bases literally everywhere, and a huge and enormous and nearly unlimited amount of military weapons and hardware.

Which is pretty much what my brother was doing.

It’s so easy to look at one tiny little aspect and not see the entire picture.

Like looking at the number of nuclear warheads, for instance, like my brother did.

A comparison of nuclear armed submarines. China looks like the “little guy”. It looks so pathetic compared to the advanced developed systems of other navies.

But the true story is something quite different.

The Chinese military is not designed for force projection, invasion or remote operations. It is designed for up, in-your-face hard and severe defensive actions. The United States will not be able to take 100% of it’s military to fight on the Chinese shores in the South China Sea…

…but China can.

What Americans expect from a war with China.

You can disagree with my calculus, but those in America expect something quite different than what I expect.

Americans expect “A” to happen while I, a ex-spook with knowledge of a host of information, expect “B”.

Which is pretty much why my brother and I disagree so much.

It doesn’t mean that I don’t love him.

It just means that I get my information from different sources then him, and that I have a different perspective simply because I have both feet in both worlds. I know America. I know China. So thus, my understanding is that the result will be “B”.

I think that it’s not just that it’s non-stop “hate China” 24/7, but also that the pulsed thought control mechanisms have been working “overtime” to drum in all this hatred. I wrote about this before, and it was validated by vault 7. Americans are not just thought controlled, but are actually brainwashed. And so they believe “A”.

As a result of all this, American, and other “western” nations that follow the “news” media have these assumptions about what a war with China would look like. It all presents a very detailed picture of “A”.

And ignoring the facts that will make the reality actually be “B”.

These next key bullet points are what Americans expect to happen with a war with China. These are all the “givens” that “everyone knows” will occur with a war between the USA and China, and why.

First up is one of the TOP big assumptions that all Americans, Brits, and Australians believe…

1 – China is alone.

It will be a war against China, and China would be alone and isolated.

China is so evil and predatory that no one would stand by China. Already there have been numerous articles that say that Russia would abandon China, and that China would be alone with no friends. It is a fabricated narrative, but the American public just loves to read this fantasy.

Some examples of these kinds of articles…

Absolutely and positively there is not one single article or conservative publication that says otherwise.

No one is talking about other nations joining China to stand up to America. Not one. Since no one is looking at this issue, it is automatically assumed that any war with China, will have China alone and isolated where it can be pummeled by the USA relentlessly.

Look at every single map used by “armchair strategists” when describing a war / blockade / event with China. the image sure makes China look alone and isolated.

First and second island chain QUAD containment strategy.

They NEVER show China’s military allies.




Google it. Maps showing Chinese allies are nowhere to be found. Yet, we know that the SEC and BRICS+ are chock-full of them.

Further, in all the previous wars that America has fought, no other nations came to the aid of the attacked nation. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan all were alone, isolated and “on their own” while America attacked them. It is natural for Americans to expect this exact same kind of behavior with a war with China.

Notice how all the maps drawing about “China containment” leave out the Russians and other Chinese allies. In the map below, notice how Russia and Iran, North Korea, and the Philippines are all either neutral or listed as American allies. Which are not true at all.

In the map below…

[1] Russia, North Korea, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and the Philippines should be pink. In fact, most of the nations shown on the map would be allied with China, and that includes most of Africa and the middle east.

[2] Iran should be shown as pink as well as Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

[3] Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand and Vietnam would be pink.

[4] Taiwan is pink, but the leadership is green. Don’t be so sure that it is a SOLID green.

[5] Philippines is pink.

[6] North Korea is pink.

[7] Indonesia is pink.

In fact, the entire map would be pink except for Japan, Australia and South Korea. The reality differs substantially from what is pictured and presented to the American audience.

The planned “ring of containment”.

2 – American allies will die for the USA.

Most of the fighting will be borne by American allies under the leadership of American forces. (Britain, Japan, Australia and Korea).

Some examples of these kinds of articles…

The American leadership knows that huge death rates are very bad for career politicians. They lose elections. So they do not want to a war where there are huge American casualties.

The “containment nations”; the QUAD meets for discussions on how to host American military in their countries, and the absorption of huge quantities of invasion supplies.

Instead, of this, they want American troops to be safe inside of bases, running remote drone strikes, or flying stealth aircraft that cannot be hit.

After the announcement of the QUAD, it has become clear that America expects Australia, Japan and Britain to do most of the dying.

3 – A just war against evil.

It will be a “just war” against an evil empire. The brave and just Americans will “fight for democracy” and liberate those oppressed by communism.

No one wants to think of themselves as evil, and Americans will always refer to themselves as “exceptional democracy” instead of the oligarchy run military empire that it actually is.

The non-stop villainization of China has been relentless and constant. Ergo: China is evil. It needs to be destroyed.

As a result, most Americans have a very unfavorable opinion of China.

But you know, the world is really tired of this never ending drum-beat about a nation before the United States invades it. Watch this VIDEO at how the rest of the world reacts to the American claims of mistreatment in China…

No one believes the USA any longer.

Some examples of these kinds of articles…

You can see this in the “concentration camp” narrative of Xingjiang, and the stories of rape, torture, and predatory saber rattling, etc, etc.

But you know, it’s all a lie.

Here’s the truth. This fellow is the EU representative who is telling the United States and the rest of the UN why the EU is breaking away from partnering with the United States to “contain” China.

Note that this (and his other speeches) were never broadcast in the United States. Americans have no clue that most of the EU has allied with China.  VIDEO.


4 – The war will be conventional using the most advanced high-tech weapons.

The war will be conventional.

Though the USA could use some precise micro nukes, no one would dare risk nuclear annihilation in fighting back. As my brother so clearly said; China has a few paltry nukes while America can destroy the world thousands of times over.

China wouldn’t DARE attack the Untied States mainland.

It will be conventional because that is how America fights it’s long string of wars. Always with conventional forces after a softening up of anti-nation propaganda.

Some examples of these kinds of articles…

This is so ingrained in American culture that it is a profound given.

America would “never” start a war, and just as certainly would “never” use weapons of mass destruction. This is because America has the “technical advantage” and is able to conduct ‘surgical strikes” with accuracy and precision.

5 – China is far weaker than it appears.

China would be a “pushover” nation using cheaply made rifles and fielding many illiterate peasants.

Some examples of these kinds of articles…

This just shows how ignorant Americans are. But still they believe it. Since there simply isn’t ANY positive news about China, the assumptions made by Americans are always of the worst possible image.

In this case, poorly trained conscripts, reluctant to fight a war, handed cheap AK-47 clones, and told to throw themselves at the proud American occupation forces. Not true.

  • The real face of China is never presented to the West or to Americans.

The Chinese are a tough people. They are not “pushovers”.

Here’s a VIDEO where the Americans who fought the Chinese in Korea relate what it was like, and the over all quality of the soldiers, even though they were over-matched by the superior weight and quantity of American overwhelming military superiority….

They did not fear death.

All Chinese are trained to kill.

There are no conscious objectors. Training starts in first grade. Six year old children; boys and girls. Yeah. No shit. First grade. There is mandatory boot camp in middle school, and everyone spends two years in the armed forces. VIDEO.

Oh, and by the way… that’s 1.6 billion people that can fight. Remember, America only has 330 million people tops.


Middle school training.

Over the last five years, the training program for all students has been revamped. It has become more rigorous, more militarily focused, with a great emphasis on tactics, weapons training, and endurance.

The video below shows  school children in a massive weekend training exercise. VIDEO.

6 – The war would be far away

The war would last for decades, and be in China, and far away.

It would NEVER hit American states; American cities, American ports, or American industry. Never.

Most Americans assume that the next war will be like the last. And since America has been fighting eight simultaneous wars for decades, they naturally assume that China will just be the same-oh, same-oh.

The general characteristics of American wars are that they are far away, fighting evil terrorists (who deserve it) and that Americans are always and forever safe in their homes and in their communities.

Some examples of these kinds of articles…

7 – Made for television

The war would be televised and presented on all the social media.

It would become a hobby for a bored, unemployed, drug addicted nation to view. It would be the equivalent of “bread and circuses” in ancient Rome. Facebook and Twitter would carry news about the latest successes, death counts and pictures of proud Americans waving the flag while the adoring Chinese clamor for all their freedom and democracy.

Some examples of these kinds of articles…


    • American soldiers spreading democracy.

8 – America would remain at peace

America would be spared. No fighting would occur inside of America.

America has fought war after war, after war. And in every instance no one ever brought the war to America. Sure there was a bombing of the Hawaii naval base at Pearl harbor, and 9-11 but those were incidents. Not war.

Since modern America has never experienced war, Americans assume that it never will. Many SHTF people are planning for domestic war, terror, and societal breakdowns. None are expecting the collapse of the United States, and a proxy / Vichy  government set up to service the needs of the Asian block.

9 – The USA would unify

While the war is going on, American domestic problems would end, and a new “renaissance” would occur inside of America.

All of America, on both sides of the ideological spectrum, are filled with a hatred off all things Chinese.

There’s this belief that “things must change”, and something harsh and televised like a war will make Americans proud again, and rally them towards a cause. This rally point will unify the balkanized nation and bring it together, and in the process would be a great healing and repair of all the many neglected and broken systems that abound throughout the nation.

10 – Manageable casualties

No excessive American casualties. There would be causalities, and maybe a ship or two might be sunk and a few aircraft downed. But nothing excessive.

Most Americans, and I do mean MOST, are extremely ignorant. They mistakenly believe that China is not a dangerous nation, and that it will just be a larger Yemen, or Syria. Americans realize that people die in wars, as many of the anti-China crowd has watched Rambo movies, but they believe that only the bad guys die. Not the brave strong American forces. Sure, one or two might die, but whole scale destruction will never happen.

11 – Taiwan needs American rescue

Taiwan is a nation in need of rescue.

The non-stop description of what Taiwan is, compared to the reality is so in variance that it has taken me many articles to untangle the lies and distortions. You all can believe what ever you want. Just recognize that the American image of what Taiwan is is wholly  that of a poor struggling democracy that is shivering in place under the harsh thumb of oppressive communism. LOL!

So much for the American fantasy.

Now lets talk about the real things that will happen

Well, that’s what most Americans think. And judging from the pro-war Brits and Australians, it’s what the allies believe as well.

Australians in Afghanistan working for the American military.

Here, let’s look at what both the Chinese and the Russians EXPECT will happen with a war with America over some “Chinese or Russian” issues. They do not read MSN, FOX “news”, Zero Hedge, Hall Turner, or the Drudge Report. They have their own experts, sources of intel, and strategic planners.

Now, let’s look at what I know, and what is not being presented to the American people. Here is the REALITY that WILL OCCUR.

Here’s some things that are real things that will really happen if the US wages war against China…

1 – A war against an SEO member would be a war against a unified Asia.

China will NOT be alone. Russia would fight alongside China. And Iran would join the fray. All of Asia will fight as one.

SEO joint exercises.

Please forgive me if my words betray my frustration. That is because I have been saying the same thing for years and it seems to me that almost no-one has “connected the dots.”

As many of us know, the nuclear armed nations of the world agreed decades ago that no one nation would initiate a nuclear first strike against another nation, because they realized that the consequence of such an action would be the end of human life on earth. That realization cooled the nuclear arms race down to everyone’s relief.

Then in the first week of April, 2014, the President of the United States, Barrack Obama, announced publicly that the nuclear weapons strategy of the US has changed: the US is now willing to make a first strike on China with nuclear weapons.

Needless to say that public statement freaked out 1 – 2 billion Chinese people around the globe. Understandably, the President of the Republic of China, Xi Jinping, announced publicly that he ordered China’s nuclear armed submarine fleet to go immediately to the US west coast. He also reassured the Chinese people that Chinese intercontinental ballistic missiles could travel over the North Pole and destroy major cities and other targets in the eastern US.

One or two days later a Chinese envoy arrived at the Kremlin in the Federation of Russia with an envelope for Vladimir Putin, President of the Federation of Russia. The contents of the envelope initiated Article 9 of the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation. 

Article 9 states: 

“When a situation arises in which one of the contracting parties deems that peace is being threatened and undermined or its security interests are involved or when it is confronted with the threat of aggression, the contracting parties shall immediately hold contacts and consultations in order to eliminate such threats.”

Let us stop for a moment and recap the events. 

[1] The President of the US declared publicly that the US was willing to conduct a nuclear first strike on China. 

[2] The Chinese people freaked out. 
[3] The president of China took defensive measures including asking Russia for help with this unforeseen mess.

The Russians responded, as they must and feel obligated to do after they make an agreement with China. After all, the Russians are “agreement capable.”

[4] The Russian move was truly brilliant. 

Enter the USS Donald Cook incident. (DC for short) The videos of the DC incident were so widespread, and so many people made copies of the video that “they” could not possibly scrub the video off the Internet. However, they are trying to change the date of the incident.

Anyway, a day or two after the Chinese envoy arrived at the Kremlin and invoked Article 9 of the aforementioned Treaty, the Russians made a move.

The USS Donald Cook is the most advanced Aegis class missile destroyers in the US navy. The DC was in the Black Sea at this time and the Russians make their move. 

Two Russian fighter jets approached the DC; one with advanced electronic warfare hardware, and one as an escort. The DC electronics, computers, radar, and all electronics crashed, leaving the DC “dead in the water.” Then the Russian jet escort made twelve mock attack runs on the DC. And you probably already know about the Russian helicopter crew videotaping the commotion onboard the DC.

That is not my point. 

My point is the Chinese invoked Article 9 of the “Treaty” and the Russian response was twofold. 

Firstly, the Russians showed the Chinese that the Russians will honor their promises, and secondly, the Russians showed the US that Russians are not to be underestimated.

What does this mean?

2 – From the very start, nuclear weapons will be used.

Nuclear weapons will be used at the start. There would not be any escalation from conventional to nuclear arms.

  • This is Chinese doctrine (against a nation that attacks its soil).
  • This is Russian doctrine (against a hostile nuclear power).

Here’s a fine nuclear explosion to remind you what we are talking about here. VIDEO here.


And since the United States has been so God awfully Hell bent on starting a war, China has been mass producing missiles and nuclear weapons at an outrageous pace.

It’s like making bushels of paper lanterns.

China does not play.

And, of course…

3 – All American bases everywhere will come under fire.

American bases will be attacked. Any nations supporting American troops in any way will be attacked. When I say “attacked” I mean erased, vaporized, glassed over, and gone.

Nuclear bang-bang.

Guam… no more.

Major American military facilities in the area around China.

Say good bye to Guam.

Same goes for all of Honolulu, Hawaii.

San Diego, Diego Garcia, Korean and Japanese bases…

To the American military bases in Australia, and the city of Perth. Say good bye to the bases anywhere close to China.

Bye Bye.

Hawaii will become a series of tiny, tiny radioactive shoals and islands.

All American military bases would be flattened.

There is a strategy that the United States can spread out it’s bases in the South China Sea. Instead of having eight major hubs, they can turn it into thirty smaller military logistical and launch hubs. I am here to tell you that that will not work.

  • Eight bases = eight nuclear detonations.
  • 35 Bases = 35 nuclear detonations.

It doesn’t matter.

4 – American cities will be nuked.

America will be hit with nuclear warheads, and cities will be destroyed.

I do not think that Russia and China are stupid.

Washington DC will be gone, that’s a fact. And I hate to break the news to you, but probably LA, New York, Chicago, Huston, Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco, and Seattle as well. In fact, you can expect all urban areas in America to be erased, and their inhabitants flooding the countryside…

…armed, pissed off, sick, hungry and radioactive. As they carry biological warfare plagues and pustule sores on their tattooed urban bodies. Good luck with your precious “democracy” and “freedom” then. Suckers!

And it will be China and Russia, not the USA, that will determine when and how to deal with this war.

And yes, the USA will be able to go MAD with the huge substantial and dangerous American nuclear arsenal… … provided the communication lines are up, the satellite links are up, and the computers still work.


And just in case you are brain dead, here’s some videos of nuclear explosions to show the kind of power that China currently has. The last three are Chinese nukes just in case you are convinced that they don’t have any.  VIDEO.


Remember, a nuclear hit on Mono Lake will render the entire water supply for the entire West Coast of America… radioactive.

Remember, a nuclear hit on the San Andres fault line will generate earthquakes up and down the West Coast.

Remember, that a submerged underwater nuclear detonation would take out all of inhabited Virginia, as well as one off the coast of Florida would totally erase that state.

5 – All trade would stop.

All trade would stop. All of it. At least all sea trade.

Inland Asia routes would remain intact. So trade would continue throughout Asia. But the trade to the Americas would end. And they would be on their own until the Untied States could rebuild up it’s industries, train its workers, and find enough remaining local metals and resources to fire up those new factories.

Most Americans (Brits and Australians) have no idea just how vulnerable the world is with trade. To use aluminum as an example, sure America can run aluminum extrusion factories, but they can’t make anything because all the alloy metals are from China.

As are 95% of all drugs.

And so on and so forth.

And with the end of trade comes breakdowns in society. Hospitals will not be able to treat people. Factories will shut down (well the few that exist will). Fast food restaurants will start to open on short hours.

There isn’t anything made in the United States today that is 100% sourced domestically. NOTHING.

6 – The USD, and thus the American economy would collapse.

The United States Dollar will collapse.

Long overdue, but it will happen and there is nothing better to accelerate the demise than a war. Were a war to occur, the value of the USD would equate to zero.


As in absolutely nothing.

Here is video that describes how China bailed out two recent economic emergencies that the USA found itself in. The first was in 2008, and China bought up trillions in useless American debt, and the second was by raising the credit limits. With the way the USA is behaving right now, China will no longer help out and the USA must fend for itself. Watch this mind-blowing VIDEO.


With the trillions of dollars in spending over the last few years, the USA economic scene resembles something out of “The Outer Limits” or “The Twilight Zone”. And China will no longer help such an openly hostile nation.

You can only pay the blackmail amounts only so long.

It’s over.

Other systems would need to be put in place to handle the chaos that would result. It would be a very testy time, and do not be under the mistaken impression that Asia would allow America to time and resources to deal with the resulting domestic discord.

They would instead aggravate it and allow the American people to eat each other alive. Which they most certainly will.

Here’s a VIDEO where the Singapore foreign minister talks about how the USA strong-armed them to accept American debt and the USD and what the consequences will be.


7 – America would fracture.

America, which is balkanized, would fracture into fiefdoms.

That’s the good news. Some smaller government will be the result of all this. Federal leadership would disappear. Mobs, gangs, militias would all start to appear, and it would be a scramble for power that would be very brutal.

Here’s a balkanized America where the states would keep many of their original territorial lines.

Suggested new nations assuming local state capitals are spared nuclear destruction.

And here’s one based on great cultural and societal upheavals…

Domestic upheaval fractured state.

Why would there be social upheavals? Well it is easy to see. The capitalist system, and the government operations are out of touch with the vast bulk of Americans. It’s no only not working, but it is beyond repair. It is broken, seriously broken. VIDEO.


8 – It would take many decades for America to rebuild.

America would not be able to rebuild, but China and Russia would be able to move into complete ready to use, new cities almost immediately.

America is in it’s prime, and it can’t build worth shit. How is this situation going to improve with the general collapse of the entire society? The truth is that it cannot, and when there is no media to tell everyone that everything is fine, it will be the harsh slap of realty that will not be at all comfortable.

The people who will rebuild the United States.

9 – GBP and PPP would be altered throughout the West.

The standard of living for many nations would change. America would change severely, and the survivors inside of America would not survive this new reality well.

Most of this is due to the great fragility of the West. The decades of looting, and the artificially inflated worth and value of everything will start crashing down to actual values. But now, with serious structural and domestic problems, and destroyed cities, major governmental structural change will be necessary. if they do not happen, the collapse will be far worse, but even if attempts were made to get a handle on the collapse, it will still result in great swaths of destitution throughout society.

10 – Destruction all over the globe.

Every nation will experience massive destruction. Some will be much worse than others.

Read my Deagel Report.

Deagel Forecast


Deagel 2020 revision to the original 2012 Deagel Forecast

The Deagel forecast was a CIA exercise to remote view 2025. The results were horrific.

Forecast disclaimer revision in 2020:

In 2014 we published a disclaimer about the forecast. In six years the scenario has changed dramatically. This new disclaimer is meant to single out the situation from 2020 on-wards.

Talking about the United States and the European Union as separated entities no longer makes sense. Both are the Western block, keep printing money and will share the same fate.

After COVID we can draw two major conclusions:

  • The Western world (success model) has been built over societies with no resilience. They can barely withstand any hardship, even a low intensity one. It was assumed but now we’ve got the full hard confirmation beyond any doubt. They are weak to the point of a decapitated cripple.
  • The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so called “Great Reset.”

The Great Reset;

Like the climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, shale oil (…) hoaxes promoted by the system; is another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system.

It can be effective for awhile but finally won’t address the bottom-line problem and will only delay the inevitable. The core ruling elites hope to stay in power which is in effect the only thing that really worries them.

Collapse of the USD Financial Banking System

The collapse of the Western financial system – and ultimately the Western civilization – has been the major driver in the 2012 forecast along with a confluence of crisis with a devastating outcome.

Progressive Multiculturalism failures

As COVID has proven Western societies embracing multiculturalism and extreme liberalism are unable to deal with any real hardship.

Coronavirus Pandemic

The Spanish flu one century ago represented the death of 40-50 million people. Today the world’s population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. The death casualties in today’s World would represent 160 to 200 million in relative terms but more likely 300-400 million taking into consideration the air travel factor that did not exist one century ago. So far, COVID death toll is roughly 1 million people.

Economic crisis due to forced lock-downs

It is quite likely that the economic crisis due to the lock-downs will cause more deaths than the virus worldwide. The Soviet system was less able to deliver goodies to the people than the Western one. Nevertheless Soviet society was more compact and resilient under an authoritarian regime. That in mind, the collapse of the Soviet system wiped out 10 percent of the population.

The stark reality of diverse and multicultural Western societies is that a collapse will have a toll of 50 to 80 percent depending on several factors. But in general terms the most diverse, multicultural, indebted and wealthy (highest standard of living) will suffer the highest toll.

Life-Support Systems

The only glue that keeps united such aberrant collage from falling apart is over-consumption with heavy doses of bottomless degeneracy disguised as virtue. Nevertheless the widespread censorship, hate laws and contradictory signals mean that even that glue is not working any more.

The Predictions

Not everybody has to die. Migration (out from America, the West, etc.) can also play a positive role in this.

Second and Third World Nations

The formerly (known as) second and third world nations are an unknown at this point. Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future.

Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these (Western) countries won’t be able to control their very own cities let alone those countries that are far away.

If they remain tied to the former World Order they will go down along with the Western powers. However, they won’t experience the same kind of brutal decline that the Western powers will experience so brazenly. This is partially because they are poorer and (obviously) not diverse enough. Instead they are stronger than the Western powers because they are actually quite homogeneous. This is their advantage. And that they are used to deal with some sort of hardship. Though,  not precisely the one that is coming.

If they switch to China they can get a chance to stabilize but will need to depend upon the management of their own resources. We expected this situation to unfold and actually is unfolding right now.

American Election Consequences

With the November election triggering a major bomb if Trump is re-elected. (Did not happen.)  If Biden is elected there will very bad consequences as well.

There is a lot of bad blood in the Western societies and the protests, demonstrations, rioting and looting are only the first symptoms of what is coming.

Geo-Political Changes

However a new trend is taking place overshadowing this one. The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically.

The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China.

Russia and China are a united Asia.

Right now the potential partnership between Russia and the European Union (EU) is dead with Russia turning definitively towards China. That was from the beginning the most likely outcome. Great VIDEO of Chinese weapon systems…


The European Union is on it’s own.

Airbus never tried to establish a real partnership but rather a strategy to fade away the Russian aerospace industry. Actually Russia and China have formed a new alliance to build a long haul airliner.

Western Europe (not to mention the United States) was never interested in the development of Russia or forming anything other than a master slave relationship with Russia providing raw materials and toeing the line of the West.

It was clear then and today is a fact.

Preparations for war

Russia has been preparing for a major war since 2008 and China has been increasing her military capabilities for the last 20 years. Today China is not a second tier power compared with the United States. Both in military and economic terms China is at the same level and in some specific areas are far ahead.

Chinese Technology is state of the art.

In the domain of high-tech 5G has been a success in the commercial realm but the Type 055 destroyer is also another breakthrough with the US gaining a similar capability (DDG 51 Flight IIII) by mid of this decade (more likely by 2030).

Nanchang, the lead ship of the Type 055 class, was commissioned amid the pandemic and lock down in China.

Potential for open war hostilities

Six years ago the likelihood of a major war was tiny.

Since then it has grown steadily and dramatically and today is by far the most likely major event in the 2020s.

The ultimate conflict can come from two ways.

[1] A conventional conflict involving at least two major powers that escalates into an open nuclear war. Most likely initiated by the United States, with a nuclear retaliatory salvo of impressive destructive magnitude.

[2] A second scenario is possible in the 2025-2030 time-frame. A Russian (with possibly China) sneak first strike against the United States and its allies with the new S-500, strategic missile defenses, Yasen-M submarines, INF Zircon and Kalibr missiles and some new space asset playing the key role.

The sneaky first strike would involve all Russian missile strategic forces branches (bombers and ground-based missiles) at the different stages of such attack that would be strategic translation of what was seen in Syria in November 2015.

Massive failures in Western Intelligence Agencies

There was no report that the Russian had such a capability of launching a high precision, multiple, combined arms attack at targets 2,000+ kilometers away.

Western intelligence had no clue.

Brainwashed Moral Superiority

The irony is that since the end of the Cold War the United States has been maneuvering through NATO to achieve a position to be able to execute a first strike (nuclear) over Russia and now it seems that the first strike may still occur but the country finished would be the United States.

Another particularity of the Western system is that its individuals have been brainwashed to the point that the majority accept their moral high ground and technological edge as a given. This has given the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones which are ignored or deprecated.

That mindset can play a key role in the upcoming catastrophic events.

At least in the Soviet system the silent majority of the people were aware of the fallacies they were fed up.

We can see the United States claims about 5G being stolen from them by China or hypersonic technology being stolen by Russia as the evidence that the Western elites are also infected by that hubris. Over the next decade it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation.

Why go to war?

Going to war might seem a quick and easy solution to restore the lost hegemony to finally find them into a France 1940 moment. Back then France did not have nuclear weapons to turn a defeat into a victory. The West might try that swap because the unpleasant prospect of not being Mars and Venus but rather a bully and his dirty bitch running away in fear while the rest of the world is laughing at them.

If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war.

The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. It does not matter. The West will completely collapse. It is fragile. It will be unable to recover from even the slightest societal disruption.

A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions.

He Concludes…

This website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. We are not linked to any government. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a game of numbers whether flawed or correct based upon some speculative assumptions. - Friday, September 25th, 2020

11 – Japan will be hurt very badly

Japan erased. If Japan sides with the United States, it will be pulverized into oblivion through nuclear scrubbing. China has never forgotten the “rape of Nanjing” and the failure of Japan to apologize.VIDEO.


Chinese retribution would be swift, lethal and merciless.

The Rape of Nanjing.

Russia and China sailed a flotilla of armed ships around Japan in October 2021. This was a direct result of agreements that japan made with the United States pertaining to QUAD Chinese containment.

The message was clear.

If Japan agrees to work with the United States in any war, Both Russia and China would render Japan impotent. VIDEO here.


12 – China has already fielded military systems that the West can only dream of.

Video here. We start off with tiny robot grenades, and move from there. Enjoy this look at what is not being reported in the American “news”.


13 – China has been practicing emergency missile launches.

Here’s a nice video where a Chinese submarine launches all of it’s ballistic nuclear warhead SLBM missiles within one minute one right after the other. America has NEVER done that. The reason being that it is very difficult to keep a submarine stable during subsequent SLBM launchings. But China has mastered it.

I’ll bet you never read about these drills in Zero Hedge, FOX “news” or CNN have you? VIDEO.


China has been practicing and drilling over and over and over and over.

Anyone who welcomes a War with China (and Russia) is a fucking idiot. VIDEO.


China trains, drills, trains again, drills some more.

It is ruthless.

No breaks. No rests. No apologies. No one is exempt. VIDEO.


Practice, practice, practice. VIDEO.

These are LIVE FIRE exercises and training. Note how they work together and file in groups of other soldiers. So many chances of accidents. It’s dangerous training, as the weapons are all HOT and LIVE…VIDEO.


14 – All Chinese school children are indoctrinated as warriors

Chinese elementary students are ready to fight.

Every single one of them, all throughout China, has been trained to use small arms, and the basics in squad military tactics.

They are all ready to reverse the “century of humiliation”, and the “Rape of China” all by European forces and their surrogates.

Listen to me. They will not be nice. VIDEO.


Here’s some third grade students showing first grade students how to assemble and handle rifles, and weapons. VIDEO. It’s a long video at 83MB, but WELL worth the watch.

I recorded it while watching my little girls, so sorry about the chit-chat in the background.

Please pay attention to what is going on. Third grade students doing this. 9 years old. We see them teaching the first and second graders in basic squad movement and behaviors. VIDEO.


15 – China does everything in huge quantities at enormous scales

You won’t have one of two tanks, a plane or two, of maybe two squads lunging at you. You will have massed armies all pissed off and charging at you in wave, after wave, after wave, after wave using peer-capable weapons systems. VIDEO.


15 – The European Union is being forced to choose sides.

The EU is moving to closer relations with China. The United States is forcing the EU to choose between the USA or China.

As it stands right now, the EU is moving towards greater relationships with China and are shunning and abandoning the USA. VIDEO of the spokesperson for the EU.



Here is an email I got from a reader. I’ll give it to you straight:

Living in Southeast Asia, I sometimes worry about China’s encroachment on my life and the way of life of many others in the region. Then, I read another of your columns. I do not want American values to win out in the world; I do not want them in the country of my residence.

I dislike Chinese authoritarianism. I dislike American authoritarianism and cultural terrorism more. The Chinese retain a more meritocratic system. They maintain a respect for their traditions. I’ve yet to meet someone from China who is ashamed  of being Chinese.

For the sake of civilization and human advancement, I prefer China over the U.S., which seems entirely to be ruled and taught by the mentally ill. Soon, we will need to choose between the two. 

Now there’s food for thought.

While I have been shaken by the words my brother said, I am not going to leave China. I love it here. It is the safest place on the planet, and I have homes, family, friends, and a life here that I am not going to throw away.

Especially not because some Taiwan billionaire is afraid that China will seize his fiefdom. (I wrote about who wants the war and why they are funding it elsewhere.)

A war would hurt me tremendously, if not kill me outright, and trust me, I am not ready to be at “ground zero” for a nuclear strike. But I must tell you all this; I don’t think that it will be China that will the focus of war like everyone thinks. It will be the United States, and it’s allies.

I am willing to BET MY LIFE on it.

That is how strongly I believe in the Intel that I am providing here.

America has no end game in a war with China. Only the hope and desire that it can be “suppressed” so that America can remain the most dominant nation on the planet.

Of those few who consider a long term strategy, they would consider making the Taiwan government rule over the Chinese mainland. This is a wholly ridiculous notion and it would never happen.

Let’s hope that this period of hostilities ends soon.

This sums up what to expect from China…

Shock them.


A final comment

I think we shall hold true to Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery’s Two Rules of War:

  • Rule One—Don’t invade Russia.
  • Rule Two—Don’t invade China.

I do agree with my reader when he says that the U.S.A. has succumbed to government by the mentally ill. Well-nigh every news story I read about the doings of our federal government confirms it.

Random headline from this week’s news: Biden releases “gender equity” plan that calls for eliminating cash bail, by Michael Lee, Fox News, October 27, 2021.

I tried to read the story that followed, but couldn’t make much sense of it. Yes, it’s like listening to the babble of a lunatic.

War is not a game that you play or read about in the news feeds. It’s a serious serious business, and Russia and China are about ready to send America into the bronze age. You all had best calm down and take a deep breath and figure how you will handle the exodus of radioactive urban youth, hungry, pissed off, and armed as they enter you nice communities, walk on your fine lawns and break into your fine homes.

China should be the last fucking thing on your God damn mind. VIDEO.

China should be the last fucking thing on your God damn mind.


The embeds are far too slow loading. Enjoy related you-tube videos…


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Unreported Western military “chess moves” going on in and around the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Oct21

The level of rising international tension is extremely concerning yet most people are unconcerned. And unaware.


As I have reported previously, it is obvious that the United States is leading “the West” towards a major confrontation with China.

From SOTT…

In a recent article by Prof. James Petras, he sees this "lashing out" taking the form of investment barriers against China. The land of "free trade" ideology will now stop at nothing to restrict China's freedom in international markets. The warmongering in the South China Sea, her traditionally significant trade routes, is just one of the more obnoxious and dangerous. 

He writes,

"The Anglo-American and German empires are on the defensive. They increasingly cannot compete economically with China, even in defending their own innovative industries. In large part this is the result of their failed policies. Western economic elite have increasingly relied on short-term speculation in finance, real estate and insurance, while neglecting their industrial base."

Led by the US, their reliance on military conquests (militaristic empire-building) absorb public resources, while China has directed its domestic resources toward innovative and advanced technology (Petras, 2016).

Few realize that the Trans Pacific Partnership excludes China from much of its North American investment plans. However, outside of war, no one will alter their reliance on Chinese markets and products. Walls will be ineffective. This might suggest the bellicose nature of the broke US empire in Asia. 

China's political model is generally social nationalist. It has outperformed all others over the last generation. China's recent heavy investment in robotics and nanotechnology almost guarantee the bankrupt USA will be forced to reply on warfare. This, in itself, as Petras suggests, shows exactly why Peking wins while Washington drowns. 

One of the most outlandish admissions as to American ill-will in the area is the Council on Foreign Relations' "Revising U.S. Grand Strategy Toward China." One of its complaints is that the Chinese seek to "cast doubt on the US economic model" as part of their agenda. Here is a key passage:

"The fundamental conclusion for the United States, therefore, is that China does not see its interests served by becoming just another "trading state," no matter how constructive an outcome that might be for resolving the larger tensions between its economic and geopolitical strategies. Instead, China will continue along the path to becoming a conventional great power with the full panoply of political and military capabilities, all oriented toward realizing the goal of recovering from the United States the primacy it once enjoyed in Asia as a prelude to exerting global influence in the future (Blackwill and Tellis, 2015)"

The assumption throughout is that the US has an inherent right to dominate the globe. And other power that seeks to supplant this dominance is an enemy. 

China does nothing that the US has not already done. 

The reality is that the US has no business at all in Asia and China certainly has no desire to harm the United States economically. They are quite dependent on the American market for now, though that is changing as American consumer debt will continue to suppress any recovery. As American companies rely on foreign sales for profitability, economic recovery is clearly not happening. 

Since the CFR has for its members the elite in economics, finance, industry, government and academia, it is the "ruling class." Therefore, its publications can be considered the official doctrine of this class. Therefore, this report's recommendations of "[intensifying] a consistent U.S. naval and air presence in the South and East China Seas" are now American policy. 

The report, in many places, speaks of increasing US military capabilities on China's doorstep and using these as threats to force China out of the world stage in any way that "casts doubt on the US economic model." 

Japan's military forces are also to be expanded greatly and the famous Constitutional provision preventing her projection abroad should be abandoned. The US wrote their Constitution and forced it upon them, they certainly can rewrite it now. 

World War II began when FDR restricted Japan's access to its critical supplies of steel and oil. Japan never threatened the US and only wanted positive trade relations as she did to Asia what the US did to North America. This policy of restriction forced Tokyo to eventually take a hostile posture towards Washington. 

We read in this official report:

"The United States should encourage these countries to develop a coordinated approach to constrict China's access to all technologies, including dual use, that can inflict "high leverage strategic harm." To establish a new technology regime toward China, Washington should enter into an immediate discussion with allies and friends with the aim of tightening restrictions on the sales of militarily critical technologies to China, including dual use technologies. This will obviously not be easy to accomplish, but the effort should get under way immediately (25)."

So much of this is fantasy since so many nations are dependent on China. 

The same nations see the US as too indebted to have much freedom of action. There is no future in the West as the EU continues to sink into poverty and oligarchy. 

The CFR here, unsurprisingly, states that the TPP is essential to their goals. The demand of the ruling class is to force the Chinese to abandon all hopes of great power status and to admit the US as the only legitimate arbiter of important political decisions in the region. Apart from the rationale behind this, Peking, believing its long earned its rise to power, will certainly not accept it - nor should they. 

Ideology also plays a role. Fighting the US is to fight the "liberal international system." They write, "China has sought to integrate both its Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) partners and its regional neighbors into economic ventures that rival those of the liberal international system. . . ." (16). To "cast doubt on the US economy model" is seen by the ruling class as identical with casting doubt on international financial liberalism. 

That China's meteoric rise to power was done without a liberal order does not impress the authors. Perhaps, that's the root of the problem.

To that end, it has been prodding, and poking China with all kinds of sticks and goading it to take action. This process is accelerating, and each day it is getting worse and worse.

What the (American) ruling class is presently doing is attacking China in every way but open war. 

China has no interests according to the regime, only the US empire does (or "financial liberalism"). The US is in no position to get itself into a war of attrition with a nuclear armed power. There is no support for any war in the US, nor is there money. In the report cited above, no mention is made of the billions and billions of dollars owned by the Chinese or the results of their flooding the market with them. This might suggest why the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are buying so much gold. China is being encircled and threatened, they have every moral right to rectify this situation militarily if necessary.


China has laid down “red lines” that will trigger armed conflict, and there the USA is (right now) dancing right on top of those “red lines” saying “nah nah nah” and sticking out it’s (figurative) tongue and making “raspberry sounds”.

Nah nah nah!

It is obvious, but I will spell it out.

Some very big and very bad things are being set up to occur with China. Very big. Very bad. And it will be very uncomfortable for all of us.


Meanwhile, you also have Russia.

Russia, and China are both aligned on many, many levels with the fundamental arrangements part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. There are those that disagree that China and Russia are conjoined twins. When I argue my points the opposing viewpoint has nothing to say. They haven’t encountered the information that I provide. they only spout off the Western media talking points; which is really just a fantasy world.

But Russia, you know, they too were being poked at and prodded with. And Russia moved up all of it’s forces and was “this close” to getting into a hot kinetic war. This was late last year into this one. The “West” pulled back. It disengaged, but did not stop. Instead billions of dollars in military equipment and supplies started to fly into the Ukraine and related areas all aimed towards Russia.

It is obvious, but I will spell it out.

Some very big and very bad things are being set up to occur with Russia.

China and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization


There is no getting out of the present American Depression. Private sector debt is fast approaching $20 trillion, not including the massive interest to be added over the foreseeable future. Given that war with either Russia or China would be suicidal for the US – let alone both together – the only rational reading of the Regime’s provocation on both fronts is to unify the country for the sake of economic recovery.

I beg to differ. There's another reading. They are insane, don't know what they are doing, and / or are part of a death cult waiting for "the rapture". -MM

FDR did the same in 1941 against a stubborn Depression. Unfortunately, FDR had a unified nation, a basically moral people and a national, civic will. The national leadership was overwhelmingly seen as legitimate. Yes, it was abused and manipulated, ultimately destroying it, but it is something that the US today has none of.

The people of the US has no interest in a war with anyone, and certainly should not have any military presence in south Asia or the Baltics. These countries are more than willing to trade with the US, so the actual purpose can only be for exploitation.

Exploitation so to protect the massive investments ultimately destroying the US economy. This is corporate welfare of the worst kind.

The Americans, further, have no interest in who controls the South China Sea in the same way as she has no interest in the Japanese Co-Prosperity Sphere.

 Japan's rise to power after 1900 made her the natural leader of East Asia. China is in the same position now. There's no moral issue one way or another with a regional hegemon.

Recently, The Philippines took China to the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea over the issue. Any college sophomore should know that Manila would never take such a provocative action.

Sure enough, it was the US masquerading as the Philippines, suing China though the agency of Paul Reichler of the Boston law firm of Foley Hoag.

Of course, the American press took the State Department at its word as always. Since China sits on the Security Council, the “Philippine” victory was of no interest to them.

The UN has no authority in the area or anywhere else, so the “legal” defeat was ignored.

More recently, American arrogance towards President Duterte forced a rapprochement between China and the Philippines, showing yet against the irrationality of American foreign policy.

The Council on Foreign relations opined:

Because the American effort to 'integrate' China into the liberal international order has now generated new threats to U.S. primacy in Asia—and could result in a consequential challenge to American power globally.

Washington needs a new grand strategy toward China that centers on balancing the rise of Chinese power rather than continuing to assist its ascendancy (quoted from Cartalucci, 2016).

It’s difficult to decide which absurdity to tackle first.

It is, as Cartalucci says, “an open, modern proclamation of imperialism.”

This sort of domination is not about protecting sea lanes and ensuring open trade. That was and will never be an issue. It is about exploiting the region directly.

The problem is that China is not Iraq.

China is a first world power more than willing and able to defeat a demoralized, broke and military overstretched US.

To put it crudely, China is becoming, along with Russia, a huge part of the resistance against western imperialism in the area.

They seek to negotiate with the US and western banks as equals, not suppliants.

But, alas, the US responds with even greater threats.

Today, the heroic President Duterte of The Philippines has won his drug war. China has sought an alliance with him, one that he has granted. The mask was off when the US violently condemned his victory against a war that US has never sought to win.

Like ISIS, the West supports the drug trade while pretending to (very poorly) fight it. Very rapidly, the China-Filipino alliance has taken the moral high ground on these issues.

More concretely, China’s power and economic might make her claim to the sea a matter of de facto right.

She is already in the process of developing the islands at issue, already granting her sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratley chains.

Doing so is no threat to the US or anyone else, unless of course, the agenda is to maintain a colonial empire there.

China’s territorial claim

Comment: Duterte's shift towards China makes geopolitical sense. The Philippines is tired of being under the Empire's boot. Friendship between the two countries solves many trade and defense headaches for both. No doubt Duterte's actions will eventually embolden other oppressed countries.

Suddenly, the US tried to be allies with Vietnam – who China had fought in the region twice in the 1970s and 1980s – and engages in naval drills with Japan.

Update: Vietnam is neutral and will not join the USA in any conflict with it's neighbor. -MM

The Philippines were a willing participant of these naval drills just last year, but Duterte has learned his lesson. The majority of the American navy is now engaged in the South China Sea.

It is highly doubtful that Australia and the Philippines want war with the Chinese.

Vietnam is no longer in any position to challenge Beijing as it was in the 1980s. For no clear US interest, the USA regime is demanding war with China.

This process is Identical with what happened in 1940 and most of 1941 against Japan, the US is in the process of cutting off China’s raw materials shipments. Yet, the foe they will face is not a small regional hegemon facing a unified industrial giant.

It is a major (if not THE major) world power facing a dying and collapsing empire.

The ultimate purpose is to weaken the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Before World War I, the British eyes Berlin and Petrograd with a jealous rage. They and they alone have the right to rule the world. In the 1930s, London had the temerity to condemn Japan’s invasion of Manchuria as an attack on national sovereignty, a statement bordering on the insanely and outrageously funny. Joachim Hagopian writes presciently:

Empire's naked neocolonial aggression involves exploiting unlimited energy resources anywhere in the world while neutralizing key enemies as America's predatory, vested self-interest (or more accurately the parasitic ruling elite's self-interest only, clearly neither America's nor Americans' nor any Asian countries'). Because the world's only superpower has gotten away with raping and pillaging the planet at will for decades, Empire is banking on its retaining its global unipolar dominance for years to come by more of the same tactics (Hagopian,2016).

One of the more absurd and contemptible statements was made by Mark Morris of the US National War College. This plan to isolate and destroy China is at least as old as 2013. He writes long before these events: wrote in November 2013:

War starts and the United States and its allies begin offshore controlling. 

Chinese seaborne imports and exports are reduced drastically. Factory production drops and millions of workers are laid off; soon the numbers soar to tens of millions and perhaps a hundred million. . . 

When jobs are not found, they start protesting. . . 

Now the Chinese Communist Party is faced with tens of millions of unemployed protesters. It will try to blame some enemy that can't be seen. . . 

Not believing the party, discontent grows and protests increase. 

The Chinese Communist Party orders the People's Liberation Army to break the blockade, but the People's Liberation Army-Navy replies that China doesn't have the right type of Navy for that and are unable to comply with the orders. 

Discontent grows and protests become more worrisome to party leaders. 

The Chinese Communist Party declares that it has taught the foreign dog a lesson and seeks a [peace] conference at Geneva. (Morris, 2013)

The level of sophomoric arrogance and simplified analysis is astounding, though not surprising.

All China has to do is dump American dollars and refuse to finance American debt.

Without cheap Chinese goods, WalMart is finished.

Ok. This author is getting some things really wrong. 

China exports to the world. Not just to the USA. 

Exports to the USA pre-Covid were at 11%. Now they are in the 4 to 5% range. 

Further, the really cheap goods are made in Mexico and SE Asia. Not in China. China makes the high tech and high quality goods for Korea, Japan, and Germany. -MM

That the Chinese population would not blame the west for instigating this war is not even mentioned.

The above “analysis” is merely a fantasy, a world where everyone has the same assumptions; it is a world made up of minds as isolated from reality and opposition as his own. The problem is if this fantasy is mistaken for political analysis.

Ukraine has been taken from an industrial powerhouse and turned into a fourth-world backwater through the deliberate engineering of liberal western imperialism.

Unfortunately for Washington, there are plenty of places quite unwilling to become minor, impoverished cog’s in New York’s great machine.

As the West cannot sell its own industrial goods (and other commodities), such competition seems to it wasteful. It places more downward pressure on prices and greater competition for resources.

Today, major capitalist enterprises have set up shop abroad and use cheaper labor to boost profits by “importing” those back into the US. This means the same mechanisms of protection the system offers domestically must be extended overseas.

Ismael Hossein-Zadeh writes that globalization

...tend[s] to deprive the outsourcing countries of production and employment at home, they also bring the economic structure of host countries under the rules and regulations of neoliberal economics. 

Entrenchment of neoliberal economics on a global scale, however, requires more than the traditional armies or military forces of imperialism. Perhaps more importantly, it also requires new, metaphorical soldiers or armies such as WTO, the IMF, central banks, credit rating agencies, and the like—hence, the new imperialism: imperialism based on universal or generalized dispossession (Hossein-Zadeh, 2016).

The total globalization of production and distribution means that the highest possibly profits can be earned when all transaction costs have been minimized.

Now, the assumptions of that statement are many, but it is the underlying axiom of globalization in general. It implies, however, that states must have their place in the new order and retain that place. One piece out of place can bring the edifice to crisis.

That gets worse if that piece is the size of China.

More generally, he writes, this irrational sort of militarization derives from what he terms “parasitic imperialism.” Its marks are that it

Redistributes national income or resources in favor of the wealthy; (2) undermines the formation of public capital (both physical and human); (3) weakens national defenses against natural disasters; (4) accumulates national debt and threatens economic/financial stability; (5) spoils external or foreign markets for non-military U.S. transnational capital; (6) undermines civil liberties and democratic values; and (7) fosters a dependence on or addiction to military spending and, therefore, leads to an spiraling vicious circle of war and militarism (Hossein-Zadeh, 2007).

“Parasitic imperialism” is the result of a world that has, at least for now, made its peace with dependency.

Local elites are required to promote the ideologies favored by finance capital, invariably liberal democracy with a strong focus on squashing non-liberal dissent.

This is quite consistent with liberalism, as the French Revolution and all its bastard children have shown.

Jacobinism is the mother of (modern) imperialism since it enshrines self-interest and ontological nominalism as the center of all things. Self-interest justifies the financial oligarchy’s ability to outbid smaller rivals for near-zero interest rates.

With this tremendous advantage, oligarchy is assured, since smaller borrowers now must borrow at much higher rates from those at the top of the pyramid.

Buying assets, especially troubled ones, is much easier for oligarchy and, with the taxpayers forced to bail them out, rational decision-making is not important.

Irrationality aside, “free markets,” based on self-interest, have no ideological means to oppose the purchase of the government or monetary policy by private actors.

Building a financial structure that uses debt to leverage more debt – that is, until the chances of repayment become quite thin – is also rational for those with the ability to profit from it.

Over time, the bad loans and the assets to which they are attached become the property of the regime and those failing to make their payments are conveniently labeled as failures.

More importantly, it represents short term profit unrelated to actual production.

Most profits of the Regime’s billionaires comes from debt and speculation, not on creation.

It is, as Paul Craig Roberts terms it, the “looting phrase” of modern capitalism.

Beyond profit that derives from the expropriation of surplus labor, another, increasingly more important source of profit is the result of mass leveraging of assets.

Americans are forced to borrow constantly to maintain even a basic standard of living.

This means that a part of their income – possibly a substantial part – is then transferred to finance capital (Hossein-Zadeh, 2016a).

But what does this have to do with the US navy in the South China Sea?

This analysis is really the foundation for imperial parasitism, overstretch and endless war. Ukraine was colonized as a means to a) ensure the transfer of her assets to the west as debt service; b) to encircle and threaten Russia and c) to deindustrialize the country, rendering Ukraine a raw materials producer for the regime.

As the US economy sinks deeper into Depression (despite the laughably phony statistics from Washington), war and imperial exploitation are the only means to create “value.” What the western bankers have done in Ukraine can, in theory, be done in the US.

Combining public and private sector debt means that the entire American economic grid can be sold off and still not pay the principle. Soon, China’s control over America’s debt, her growing population, military sophistication and expansion into Central Asia and Africa will dethrone the US as the “world’s only superpower.”

Russian gold reserves from early 2013 increased by almost 150%.

By Fall of 2015, Russia owned 1352 tons of gold. China now owns nearly 2000 tons, radically increasing their holdings starting in early 2015. This is an important sign that de-dollarization is around the corner.

Warfare, at present, is likely the only means for the Regime to stop this trend.

The very existence of a drive to de-dollarization might be sufficient to cause a run on this weakened institution.

The New Silk Road project, as many have said recently, is a radical restructuring of the globe’s economy.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the most significant political organization in the East, is not mentioned in the mindless “presidential election debates” in the US because it is the organization of most of the world’s population against US imperialism.

China is building its own financial infrastructure, creating a new banking regime without western and Jewish interest. They are offering credit to Africa without the demands and political ideology of the west.

Like a wounded animal, the US elite will lash out…


Meanwhile,  there are events going on regarding the “West” with Iran.

Now, Iran is also part of the “Shanghai Cooperation Organization”, and we can see that the events with Russia, China and Iran are all directed to attack this SCO and destroy it in warfare.

Perhaps a map might help explain things better.

Here’s an out of date map that I pulled off the internet. The key point is that Iran is no longer “observer status” but is actually a full “member” of the SCO.

Iran has been upgraded to permanent member status in the Eurasian alliance, of which Turkey is also a partner. Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/09/iran-joins-china-russia-shanghai-cooperation-organization#ixzz7Avk2UJUF

Shanghai Cooperation Organization

And I want everyone to keep this image in mind.

In this article, we will discuss some of the troop buildups and movements toward Iran. And this is important because, if you look at the BIG picture, you can clearly see a pattern emerging.

The Pattern that is emerging.

The United States is planning to attack the SEO; which is the vast bulk of Asia.

It’s an insane, dick move.

It’s pure folly to take on Russia alone. Intense idiocy to take on China alone. And sheer madness to take on a war against Iran.

But there you have it. The monkeys that “pull the levers” in Washington DC are all crazed psychopaths, and they want to seemingly start a war that will destroy everything and everything with it. Fools!

Let’s talk about Iran

This is a comment off of Saker.  I guess it comes from someone’s Twitter feed.

Almost none of these incidents and “chess moves” have been reported by Western media. Reading all this, does it feel like the approach to the WW3 Event horizon is escalating??

Is some of this true?  What do you think of it? 

White Whale on October 29, 2021  ·  at 2:54 am EST/EDT
  • It seems chess pieces are being moved everywhere….. so much is happening at the Azerbaijan Armenia Iran Turkey border areas.
  • Syria is still in play.
  • And Israel has strengthened ties with Azerbaijan (and Saudi).

Look at what happened in October 2021…

One month at the Iran, Azerbaijan and Armenian border.
(Includes a side serve of Turkey ~Syria)
As told in tweets by Kiev located

“proud Cossack”
Fuat @lilygrutcher

Sept 28
Israel delivered $2 billion worth of new weapons and munitions to Azerbaijan in the last two months.
Most of them are now deployed at the Iranian border.

Sept 30
Turkish-Ukrainian agreement on construction of Bayraktar TB2 center in Kyiv is signed. (Pic Includes Zelensky)
>Former Armenian defence minister David Tonoyan arrested in Yerevan
>Turkish Army is clearing mines near Iranian border in order to facilitate the deployment of Turkish troops at Iranian border.
Three Turkish TB2’s are in the air right now near Iranian border.
>Iranian military say Baku is in the range of Iranian artillery deployed at Azeri border.
>Iranian air defence systems put on high alert.
>High rank IRGC official Mahmoud Gazizi calls Azeris “Zionist prostitutes.”
>7 or 8 Iranian Airforce helicopters deployed at Azeri border
>16th Army of Iran (Qazvin Army) on their way to Nakhijevan borders. Nakhijevan is an Azeri enclave between Turkey, Iran and Armenia
>Iranian Army to start another huge drills near Azeri borders tomorrow.
>Iran is creating and financing pro-Iranian military Husayniun group (“Islamic Resistance of Azerbaijan”) in Azerbaijan.
Azeri government should act quickly and toughly if they don’t want their own Azeri Hezbollah.

Oct 1
The length of Iranian Army convoy (tanks, armored vehicles, artillery guns) deployed near Azerbaijan for tomorrow’s drills reaches 8 km. Biggest Iranian drills in the last 20 years.

>Turkey and Aze are keen to create a Zangezur corridor through Armenian territory which would connect mainland Azerbaijan to its enclave Nakhijevan.
This corridor would be enormously profitable for both Turkey and Azerbaijan, and even for Armenia.

§§§. teshub1 @teshub12: replies:
the corridor would not be profitable for Armenia at all.
It would literally be a highway through Armenian territory, connecting Nakh. to Az. but ceded to Azerbaijan.
This was not part of the agreement signed last year by AZ, AR, and RU. A highway under Russian control was.

Meanwhile Armenia, bound to centuries-long dogmas, so far refuses to authorize this project.

@teshub1 replies:
§§§. You’re a total fool if you think Armenia literally ceding territory in its most strategically important but geographically insecure region to its two main geopolitical rivals would be good for Armenia.

Iran fears that, sooner or later, Armenia will bow to Turkish pressure and agree for the corridor.
If constructed, this corridor would cut Iran from direct routes to Caucasus and Europe. That’s what makes them so nervous.

Oct 1:
UNCONFIRMED reports of first clashes between Iranian and Azeri troops on the border about 2 hrs ago. 1 Iranian and 2 Azeri soldiers wounded.
>Now reports come that the Azeris pull their troops back from near the border.
>6 Iranian armed drones flying over Azeri border.(vid)
>Massive transfer of Iranian troops by A400M’s to Azeri border, these minutes.
>All IRGC units in north-west Iran are put on high alert.
>Iranian airbases in Tehran and Hamadan in standby mode.

>Israeli ambassador to Azerbaijan George Deek.(video) announcement of project to promote and preserve Jewish heritage. American Ambassador to Azerbaijan and head of USAID program also attend.
*Deek States Azerbaijan has largest Jewish population in Muslim world.
>Including pic of “Mountain Jews Museum” official opening.

Oct 2
Azeris shot down Iranian drone, about 4 hrs ago
>Deputy chief of staff of Armenia arrested in Yerevan.

Oct 3:
Azeri Army put on high alert.
>Reports of blast in Iranian military base in the west of Tehran, this afternoon.

>|Algeria recalled its ambassador from France for consultations.

>Reports that Iranian AH-1 Super Cobra mistakenly fired at Iranian troops during the ongoing drills near Azeri border. Three Iranian soldiers killed.
>Armenia opens its airspace for Iranian drones
>Armenia and Iran discuss the establishment of Iranian military bases on Armenian territory.

>|Algeria closes its airspace for French warplanes.

Oct 4
Who said Turkey is withdrawing from Idlib?
Quite the opposite: more and more Turkish Army convoys are entering Idlib every day. (Pic of convoy)

>Rebels captured Muhaberat (Assadite intelligence) agent in South Idlib.
>Rebel sniper killed a pro-Iranian militant in Jabel, West Aleppo.
>Turkish troops in Idlib are ordered to be ready to repel any attack by Assadite forces.

>Iranian parliament resolution, 2 hrs ago: “Inviolability of borders of our neighbors is Iran’s red line. If somebody tries to cross this line, Iran will act immediately.”

>Pro-Khamenei daily Vatan-e Emrooz decyphers the resolution adopted by the Iranian parliament: if Ankara and Baku invade Armenia, Iran will do the same immediately.

>Iranian drills finished. Troops retreat.
>Turkish-Azeri joint drills in Nakhijevan announced for 5-8 October.
>Newest and most advanced Israeli air defence system Arrow 3 to be delivered to Azerbaijan soon.
Iran snubbed again.
>Mass arrests of pro-Iranian elements in Baku.

Oct 5
IRGC deploys about 4,000 speed boats in the seaport of Ashtar near Azeri border.
>Turkish-Azeri-Georgian tripartite drills “Eternity” started in Georgia (country). Turkish and Azeri troops are arriving in Tbilisi.

>Israeli National Security Council warns of possible terrorist attacks on Israeli and Jewish objects across Azerbaijan.

>Georgia bans Iranian citizens and vehicles from entering its territory. Reason unknown so far.
Hundreds of Iranian trucks are currently stuck at Armenian-Georgian border.

>Mossad kidnapped an Iranian general in Syria to get info about Ron Arad, Israeli pilot captured by terrorists in 1986.
Waiting for details.

>Iran closes its border with Turkey in Kapikoy, East Turkey.
>Iranian pro-Khamenei center in Baku closed by local authorities without any explanation.
>Iran closes its airspace for Azeri warplanes going to Azeri enclave Nakhijevan.
>4 Turkish military cargo planes have arrived in Azerbaijan since this morning.
>Iranian agents’ attempt to blast a car of an Israeli embassy official in Baku, foiled by Azeri authorities.

Oct 6
President Aliyev poses with Israeli drone Harop.(pic)
>Saudi media say two Israeli Arrow 3 air defence systems are already deployed in Azerbaijan.
>Israel is ready to send its F-35s to Azerbaijan to help this country in case of Iranian military aggression.
(Israeli media)
>Arrow 3 is an only air defense system in the world capable of hitting targets in stratosphere, even low-orbit satellites.
Its missiles cost $2.2 million each.
>Pro-Iranian Huseiniyye mosque in Ganja, West Azerbaijan, closed by Azeri authorities.
>Azeri government starts monitoring all Iran-financed mosques in Azerbaijan
>General Aviv Kochavi, chief of general staff of IDF: “We will continue eliminating key figures of Iran and destroying its key military objects anywhere in Iran.”
>Turkish FM calls on NATO to give full membership for Ukraine and Georgia
>Iranian drone shot down over South Idlib.
>Biggest Turkish-Azeri joint drills announced for coming days.
Turkey considers sending S-400 missile systems and F-16s to Azerbaijan to help this country against the possible Iranian aggression.
>Azerbaijan bans potatoes import from Iran.
>Turkish and Azeri warplanes flying very close to Iranian border during joint drills in Nakhijevan.

Oct 7
Armenia in the shock of news that Baku-Nakhijevan flight passed throuh Armenian air space this morning.
>Most probably, Iran is more shocked than Armenia is.

>Turkey closes four border checkpoints for Iranian vehicles.
(Includes map)
>Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are holding joint naval drills in the Gulf of Oman, not far from Iranian coasts.

>Ukrainian TB2 spotted last night over Iraq near Iranian border.
Is Ukraine joining anti-Iran coalition?

>Pakistan deploying troops near Iranian border after gunmen from Iranian side killed Pakistani soldier.

>Khamenei’s official representative left Baku this morning.

Oct 8
Turkish source reports of assasination attempt on Karabakhi president Arayik Haroutyunyan, 1 hr ago.
Haroutyunyan is reportedly wounded.

>Russian media say Turkish drones delivered to Ukraine are ready to be used against Donbass separatists, and Russia still has nothing to oppose them.

>Azerbaijan denied entry visa for Iranian co-president of joint Azeri-Iranian Trade Chamber.

>9 border checkpoints are closed for Iranian trucks in Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia

>Iranian FM requested his Turkish counterpart for a meeting.
Iran steps back.

>UK-based Elaph news agency says two Israeli Airforce F-35s have arrived in Azerbijan.

>Azerbaijan to open its embassy in Israel very soon

>Commander of the 3rd Turkish Army arrived in Azeri enclave Nakhijevan.

>The chairman of the Turkiah-Iranian Chamber of Commerce says Turkey stopped all kinds of trade with Iran in view of ongoing threats from Iran against Azerbaijan.

Oct 9
Another Turkish Army convoy entered Idlib.
>Turkish FM: “Ukraine’s application for observer status in Turcic Council will be considered on November 12.”
>Iranian FM Abdollahian now calls to his Azeri counterpart to arrange a meeting.

>Israeli air attack on T-4 airbase in Homs, 3 hrs ago.
>Four Israeli Airforce Il-76s landed in Baku since this morning.
>6 Russian spies arrested by Turkish police in Istanbul and Antalya this morning.
>Abolhassan Banisadr, Iran’s first president after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, died this morning in Paris at the age of 88.
>One of Russian-made S-200’s used by Syrian air defence to repel yesterday’s air attack on T-4 base landed in Iraq.

Oct 10
Turkish police arrested the head of Afghan mafia in Istanbul.
>Turkey is working on first laser drones.
>Armenian source says Azeri sniper killed a Karabakhi civilian in Martakert.
Armenia is furious that nearby Russian peacekeepers did nothing to prevent the killing of civilian.

Oct 14
Three huge blasts in Ganja, West Azerbaijan, this morning.
>8 Iranian agents arrested by Turkish security forces in Van, East Turkey.
>Israeli air attack on pro-Assad positions near Palmyra, these minutes.
US and Uzbekistan to discuss deployment of US troops in Uzbekistan soon
>High ranking Taliban delegation arrived in Ankara.

Oct 17
Fierce clashes between Syrian Kurds and pro-Turkish rebels in Azaz, these minutes. 6 Kurds killed so far.
>Turkish drones monitoring Syrian border, these minutes.
>Turkish aircrafts throwing leaflets down to the town of Tel Rifaat calling the civilians to leave the place or to stay away from Kurdish positions.
>Pro-Assad positions south-west of Raqqa attacked about 3 hrs ago. Over 10 killed.

Oct 18
US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin to visit Ukraine and Georgia next week.
>Turkish Army ready for biggest operation in its history.
>Akinci drones probably in the air over Syrian border, these minutes.
This kind of drones have been never used in battle before. Their ammunition is thrice as much as that of TB2.

Oct 19
French ambassador to Belarus DEPORTED by Lukashenko.
Amother humiliation for Macron.

Oct 20
IRGC Headquarters in Homeyn, West Iran, attacked by unknown gunmen, Oct. 16. The commander of the headquarters killed.
>Two more high ranking Iranian spies arrested in Azerbaijan.
Iran’s spy netwotk in this country is crushed every day.
>Azeri source says Israeli instructors train Azeri military to handle newest Israeli drones in Ismailliyah, North Azerbaijan.
>Massive arrests of pro-Iranian agents continue across Azerbaijan.
4 local Hezbollah members arrested this morning.
US granted access to 4 four more military bases in Greece.
US has a total of 8 military bases in Greece now.

Another Turkish Army convoy entered Idlib 30 min ago.

Oct 22
48 pro-Iranian elements arrested in Baku this morning.

Oct 23
Avigdor Liberman says the war with Iran is inevitable and not too far.
>Armed Azeri soldiers stole 150 sheeps from Armenian farmers today in Syunik, South Armenia, Armenian ombudsman says.
>Massive arrival of US troops in Alexandroupolis, North-East Greece.
>Massive fire in a power station in Bandar Abbas, South Iran.

Oct 25
Coup in Sudan

Oct 26
First NATO airbase opened in Latvia, yesterday.
>Education minister of Armenia says they do not plan to open Russian schools in the country.
In neighboring Georgia too, there is no public Russian school anymore.

Oct 27
President Erdogan arrived in Baku.
>Iran’s gas station system completely paralyzed by hacker attack.
>Reports that Ukrainian Army started to use TB2 drones against pro-Russian separatists in Donbass.(drone footage)
>Russian Army convoy attacked in Syria.

§§§ Mike Schiebel
@mike_schiebel… Who would be suspect to attacking Russia?
Fuat: Pro-Turkish rebels.

>Ukrainian military say they need at least 50 Bayraktar drones to completely destroy separatists in Russian-occupied Donbass.
>Iranian officials say today’s cyber attack against National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company “was conducted by a foreign country”.
UAE ready to allow Israel to use their airbases to attack Iran.
>Azeri officials say Zangezur corridor through Armenian territory to connect mainland Azerbaijan to Turkey will be ready in 2023.
>President Erdogan: “One day you will just get in your car in Baku and drive straight to Istanbul through Zangezur corridor.”
>Pro-Iranian Hashdi-Shaabi headquarter attacked by IS in Diyala, Iraq. 14 killed.
>Huge Turkish Army convoy of 130 armored vehicles entered Idlib, 3 hrs ago.
>In total, three Turkish Army convoys of over 400 armored vehicles entered Idlib in the last 6 hours.(videos)
>Arizona-born Rep. Jeff Flake, 58, appointed new US Ambassador to Turkey.
>Reports that Ukranian artillery units are redeploying closer to the frontline in Donbass.

Oct 28
First Israeli plane landed in Saudi Arabia, yesterday.
>Ukrainian Bayraktars in the air again.
>Air attack sirens in Russian-occupied Donbass.
>Taiwanese President confirms the presence of US troops in Taiwan.
>China to open its second military base in Tajikistan.

Oct 29
Huge deployment of Turkish troops in North Syria.
>Fierce clashes in Donbass, these minutes.
>Intense flight of Turkish drones over M4 road, these minutes.

Putting it all together

It’s all “chess pieces”. And the USA / “The West” all seem to be playing an oppressive role in it.

America to fight Iran / Russia / China (The SCO block).

Americans are at a fever pitch right now, and the window of opportunity can only be maintained for a year or two tops.

Now, instead of chatting up a storm and throwing out facts and figures, I am just going to lay down a map. Let’s see where all these provocations and “chess moves” are taking place.

This is what the United States is doing right now…

Red arrows indicate the provocation vectors. Yellow arrows indicate provocation vectors that have ended or been suppressed.

So what do you think will be the end result of all this? Are you all going to tell me that China, Russia or Iran are “saber rattling”? What the FUCK does all this look like?

Do you think that everything will “blow over” and things will be “ok”?

Do you think that Russia, China, Iran and the rest of Asia will continue to “sit by” and do nothing?

Russia and China are very close allies. If you don’t believe me, then read what XI Peng, and Putin’s comments on this subject.

Or, perhaps you think that America has every right to poke China; every right to poke Russia; every right to poke Iran? As Communism is bad, and democracy is good? Right?

Just like the “news” media says…

No they didn't. 

They made a formal declaration at the United Nations and claimed that it was a bio-weapon launched by John Bolton and the Trump administration on the most important Chinese holiday of the year. 

They also provided videos and biopsy reports of the military personnel at Wuhan doing all sorts of strange things. Like spitting in fish tanks. Rubbing their hands all over cucumbers, eggplant, apples, corn, lettuce, and mangoes.

Not a single event was reported inside of America.

But of course this screen capture is from FOX “news”.

This is the big picture. Soak it up. And drink it in. Soon, there will be a very HARSH slap back.

I would not advise anyone to be inside a large American city next year.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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The entry director for reincarnation on the Prison Planet

This is an interesting read. I think that many MM readers will enjoy this article. In it, a remote viewer, investigated some of the administrative and entry processing centers for General Population programming and egress. Very intersting.

Honoring Bruce Moen – Afterlife Explorer and Pioneer

Bruce has completed this leg of his journey and has made his transition to the world of spirit on November 14, 2017.

From HERE.

In February 1996 I attended the first of two Exploration 27 programs at The Monroe Institute, a program in which participants explore specific areas of Focus 27 called “Centers”.

My third book, Voyages Into the Afterlife: Charting Unknown Territory contains very detailed descriptions of many of these Centers revealing much about the inner workings of this Afterlife area.

The following excerpt is taken from an exploration of a portion of the Reception Center called “the Reentry Station”, the place in Focus 27 human beings pass through on their way to lifetimes in the physical world.


Copyright: Bruce A. Moen, All Rights Reserved
During our next program tape exercise our task was to explore how human beings move from Focus 27 into physical lifetimes on the earth.

I arrived first at my place in Focus 27, noticing the hanging canvas chairs were occupied as usual by people who were always there waiting.

After talking with them about the insights I’d gained during the previous exercise examining the chair and playing with the clover, it was time to leave and meet up with my group of fellow explorers at the crystal.

Bob and Ed were there waiting again when I arrived, motioning for me come over to where they were standing.

“That clover of yours was an interesting creation,” Bob remarked.
“Sure left me with some questions!”
“Good! A little something for that curiosity of yours to play with,” Bob laughed.
“Maybe somewhere along the way you’ll find some answers,” Ed casually remarked.

Then it was time to leave for my encounter with the Entry Directory (ED), the guy who supposedly knew about how humans entered lifetimes on the earth.

After taking on a charge of energy from the crystal with the rest of the group, I placed my intent to find the ED.

I shot straight up through the roof and into blackness.

After a brief sense of movement the tower I’d seen earlier, with the two bell shapes, came into view.

Very tall, it looked like a radio antenna tower with two huge bell shaped objects at the top.

The small ends of the bell shapes joined together and appeared to be fastened, horizontally, to the tower at its very top.

Stopping to look more closely, I became aware of someone standing behind me.

“Are you the Entry Director I’m supposed to talk to?” I thought out to the presence behind me.

“Well, let’s just say I’m one of many who attend to the operation of the Reentry Station and I can probably answer your questions.”

“I’m a member of a group in a program called Exploration 27 at The Monroe Institute back on earth. We’re all here to learn about the inner workings of Focus 27.”

“Yes, I know. Your buddy, Bob Monroe, told us your group would be coming for a tour of the place. How can I be of assistance?”

“Is this thing I’m looking at, the tower with the bell shapes at the top, is that the Reentry Station?”


“What does it do and how does it work?”

“Look closely around the big open end of the bell shape at the left and tell me what you see,” the ED suggested.

“I see a flow of something entering the open end of the bell shape,” I described.

“Direct your attention to that flow and tell me what you see there,” the ED continued.

“I see a cylindrical flow of little bits of yellowish-gold light, all moving together into the bell shape.”

“Look closely at the bits of light.”

I moved closer to the flow to get a better look.

“They all have generally the same size and shape, and they’re emitting light. They look a little like cocktail shrimp after they’ve been cooked and peeled, kind of the shape of little cheese curls.

I’ve seen these things before in a place I call the Flying Fuzzy Zone.

These curls look the same, but in the Flying Fuzzy Zone they fly all around like moths buzzing a bright light. What are these things?”

“Focus your attention on them, what do they feel like?”

After gazing at them for several moments I got the precept, “I’ll be a son of a . . . those curls are people! Each one is a separate human being!”


“They seem to be in some kind of ‘dormant’ state. Not too much activity going on in them, not much thinking. More like they’re asleep and waiting. Why are they like that, and why are they entering the bell shape of the Reentry Station?”

“Come on, follow me,” the ED replied, “we’ll go inside the station so you can take a look.”

There was a quick feeling of movement and then I was standing at the center the of the area where the small ends of the two bells joined. I could plainly see the flow of curls being compressed as it passed through this area.

“This part of the station is called the constriction,” the ED volunteered.

“This section seems to be putting the curls under pressure. Why?” I asked.

“Preparation for entry into physical world reality. The awareness of each curl is compressed here to help hold it together and stay focused in one place long enough to make the transition.”

“I’m getting the sense that compression also closes down its conscious awareness of nonphysical reality in general, including awareness of nonphysical aspects of itself. Is that a result of compressing a curl’s conscious awareness?”

“Yes. Physical world reality is a pretty crowded place. By compressing the curl’s awareness into one place, it’s more concentrated. It’s better able to focus, concentrate if you like, on its tasks and purposes once its in the physical world. Less apt to be distracted by input overload from the high level, M-band noise pressure.”

“Input overload? High level M-band noise pressure?”

“At the level of physical world reality there are presently over five billion human inhabitants packed onto a very small place called earth. Everyone living there is constantly broadcasting their thoughts and feelings into that close quarters environment. They’re like five billion little radio stations all broadcasting their own, unique talk shows into the airwaves at the same time. Those thoughts and feelings are what we call M-band noise. There are so many people broadcasting at once, all pushing their thoughts and feelings out into the environment, we call it high level, M-band noise pressure.”

“Does closing down a curl’s level of awareness by compression in the constriction section have something to do with limiting the effect of that M-band noise?” I asked, responding to impressions I was getting as I watched the curls pass through.

“It limits the curl’s ability to sense things in the nonphysical environment, doesn’t it.”

“Yes it does. You see, if a curl’s conscious awareness remained fully expanded to its normal size during and after entry into physical world reality it couldn’t function. It’s being constantly bombarded by a great percentage of the M-band noise. Finding its own memories and thoughts amongst that blaring jumble would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. At its normal level the curl’s awareness would be in a constant state of complete and utter chaos, as a result of the input overload. Such overload would make progress on a curl’s purpose for being in physical world reality impossible. The compression step of the reentry process concentrates the curl’s awareness into a very small area, allowing it to be less aware of M-band noise.”

“So compression reduces conscious awareness of nonphysical reality. But doesn’t that also make it so the curl has no memory of what happened to it or decisions about its purpose made before entry into the physical world?”

“Well, yes, sort of. Memory of those decisions and contact with the Greater Self, your Disk or Monroe’s I/There, is also almost completely blocked by the compression. You see, compression works on the level of the curl’s conscious awareness. That doesn’t mean those memories and contacts are removed or totally inaccessible, they’re just compressed into the subconscious. They are fully accessible, but ordinarily only at the curl’s subconscious levels.

“Wouldn’t be better to let curls decide whether they want this to happen or not?”

“They do decide, Bruce. Each curl understands and agrees to this as part of the reentry process. It’s not a rule imposed upon the curl by anyone, it’s part of the preparation necessary for survival in the environment. You could think of it like the old fashion, deep sea diving suits. You know, the ones with the big heavy helmet and air hose hooked to a pump on the surface. To withstand the pressure and survive while exploring the ocean bottom in the old days, divers had to wear the suit. Compression at the Reentry Station is where the curl puts on that suit.”

“I’m getting that M-band noise is somehow similar to the water pressure at the bottom of the ocean in your metaphor,” I said, responding to incoming impressions.

“Very good! M-band noise IS like the water of the ocean. As you go deeper toward the ocean bottom, physical world reality, M-band noise pressure becomes greater. Once a curl reaches physical world reality M-band noise pressure actually helps maintain compression of its conscious awareness within the limits of its physical body.”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember, we are talking about conscious awareness of the curl. If the diver, in my metaphor, tries to expand himself at the bottom of the ocean he has to push outward against the surrounding water pressure. If a curl attempts to extend its conscious awareness beyond the confines of its body it encounters the M-band noise of all the other inhabitants.

Just like a diver extending himself beyond his suit and feeling the water, a curl extending its awareness beyond its body becomes aware of the blaring jumble of the M-band noise. The thoughts and feelings of the other inhabitants begin to come into the curl’s awareness.

It’s such a jumble it tends to breakup the concentration and focus required to further extend its awareness. Prolonged contact with the surrounding M-band noise leads to wandering thought trains that jump from one track to another as thoughts and feelings of others flood into the curl’s thus triggering memory associations.

After a while, curls generally stop trying to expand their awareness, since they so easily lose the train of thought necessary to do so. That’s how M-band noise pressure tends to maintain compression of conscious awareness. Some curls continuing trying to expand their awareness into the M-band noise and some of the successful ones are often labeled psychotic.”

“How can curls safely get through the M-band noise to expand their awareness?” I wondered out loud.

“By learning to focus their attention not through the M-band noise, but beyond it. If the curl learns to focus its awareness at a level of consciousness where the M-band noise is attenuated or nonexistent, expansion is much easier. Meditation is an useful, time tested method and the one you’re using seems to work pretty well.”

“The method I’m using?” I asked, puzzled.

“You learned to focus your attention beyond the M-band noise using the sound patterns of hemi-sync. Remember something in the advertising about coherent brain wave states. You learned to maintain your focus and avoid the jumble by shifting your conscious awareness past M-band noise and into states you call Focus levels. Focus 10, Focus 21 and so on are levels of human consciousness with greatly reduced M-band noise.”

“I see what you mean. The hemi-sync the tool I stumbled upon allowed me to remain in a coherent, focused state as I expanded my awareness past the M-band noise and into states beyond it!”

“You sound surprised! Hemi-sync is an adaptation of a long known technique. As for stumbling upon it, later you might want to check for filament of awareness connections between yourself and the guy who introduced that system. For right now let’s get back to the to the purpose of your tour,” the ED said cryptically.

“Okay. I’m getting that compression also causes the curls to lose memory of where they came from. It’s the reason so few have any past life memories or awareness of anything that exists beyond their present physical world.”

“Yes, that’s a byproduct of the compression. Again, compression pushes these memories into the curl’s subconscious, by definition that means the curl is not consciously aware of them. Typically, they are unable to extend their conscious awareness through the M-band noise to access ‘outside’ sources of the information either. These, so called, outside sources of information exist in awareness levels adjacent to the physical. Past life memories, the focus levels you’re aware of, lots of information sources exist in these adjacent levels of awareness. Of course the information is carried inside the curl too, but few learn to focus inward to find it there. Curl’s, compressed as they are have little if any conscious awareness of that information stored within themselves, and the M-band noise tends to cut off access to adjacent sources. Of course there are some exceptions, in fact, here comes one now,” the ED said, as he directed my attention to the incoming flow of curls.

Focusing my attention to where he pointed, I saw what my Tour Guide was referring to. In amongst all the other little curls in the flow was one at least ten times their size. It stood out as the biggest, brightest curl in view.

Big Fish, we call them,” the Tour Guide said. “What do you get from that one?”
Reaching out to sense the Big Fish, it seemed more awake and active then the other curls. I watched as it moved through the constriction and then exited off to my right.

“Seems to be more aware and active then the others. It knew about the compression process it was going to go through and maintained its awareness while passing through it. I get that it remembered most of what it entered with after passing through the constriction,” I replied, relating my impressions.

“Big Fish have developed the ability to be consciously aware of far greater ‘volumes’ of information. They pass through the constriction losing very little of their multidimensional awareness. They’re exceptionally well suited to bringing awareness of adjacent realities, and of human existence in them, into the physical world. Many live lives in which they share their multidimensional awareness with others living in physical world reality who are lacking it. By doing so they help others become Big Fish,” the ED said, with a wistful pride.

While pondering the implications of little curls and Big Fish, something else in the flow caught my eye. There were four curls, a little above average size, that appeared to be connected together along some kind of lighted filament. They looked like shrimp on a string with two, close together, leading the way, followed by two others spaced close together, further along the string.

“Could be a family of four, or just four curls planning to act on a common purpose,” the ED Tour Guide explained before I could ask the question. When we see them strung together like that, we know they have a prior agreement about something that requires they pop into the physical world in a certain time sequence.”

“So if it was a family of four, the two in the lead are probably the parents and the next two will be their kids?”

“Yeah. And if it’s not an actual family, with parents and children, it could be just that those four have to arrive in a specific time sequence.”

That phrase, specific time sequence triggered a question, “Is that group headed for Focus 15?”

“Of course, every curl goes to 15 after they finish compression. I don’t have time right now to go into all the details of what happens from then on, so don’t ask.

That will all be covered later in your tour,” the ED said, cutting off the whole line of questions I was forming. “Groups like those four are usually tied into a cooperative effort aimed at carrying out individual and group purposes.”


“Like, maybe those first two have to bring a discovery into physical world awareness that the second two will later utilize. In the case of that specific group, the second curl will be traipsing through a jungle when he meets the first one, a native medicine man, a local shaman. Their combined knowledge of drugs and diseases will uncover the healing properties of a certain plant. Years later, the second two curls will meet when they each deliver research papers at the same medical conference. They’ll discover they’ve both been working independently to bring the use of the plant’s properties, discovered by the other two, into practical use. They’ll join forces to carry on their work together as man and wife. That’s when they’ll start working on the most important joint purpose for the entire group’s entry.”

“Most important purpose?”

“With the inflated egos those two have it’s going to be quite a challenge for them to learn to love through each other,” the ED said, with concern in his voice. “At least they’re got their love of humanity bonding them together. Working toward practical use of the that plant’s properties for the good of mankind is a real plus in that department.”

“How do you know all that, or are you just making it up?” I asked inquisitively.

“I’m not making it up, I know because I can read curl, and because my awareness extends beyond what you’re used to.”

“Who decided what their purpose was and what they were going to do to accomplish it? Sounds like predestination, like they have no choice.”

“Those curls made all those choices for themselves. You could call it predestination I suppose, as long as you remember they made all the decisions effecting their destinies and agreed to work as a group before they came to the Reentry Station.”

“So there is predestination!”

“Of course! They decided what they were going to do, and now they’re going to go do it. You can call it predestination if you like, as long as you remember who made the decisions,” the ED stated flatly.

“I want to know more about that string that connects them and what it has to do with when they arrive in the physical world?”

“That string, as you call it, is a filament of awareness that connects them now and will remain in place throughout their lives. You could also call it a section of a time/event line. The string is part of the process of insertion into time frames in the physical world and the Big Clock gets used as part of that process.”

“What are time/event lines and what’s the Big Clock?” I asked excitedly, hoping to learn more about the Focus 15 angle.

“I’d suggest you save those questions for your visit to The Planning Center. They can explain it better in the context of what they do there.”

“Okay, thanks. I’ll make a mental note to do that.”

“Don’t worry. If you don’t remember I’m sure your Tour Guide there will have gotten the word to remind you.”


“Take a close look a the curls in the flow again. Pick out a group on a string and look real close at the filament of awareness associated with them. Here comes a group of three now, check out the area directly behind the group.”

“I don’t see anything other than that they’re connected together by a fine bright filament. . . Wait a sec . . . There’s an even finer filament trailing them. In fact, now that I can see that one, I see all the other curls in the flow have the finer filament trailing them too. Didn’t notice it before, what is that?”

“Do you remember the story of Curiosity you wrote in your first book? Do you remember Curiosity’s Probes?”

“Yes, why?”
As I waited for the Tour Guide’s answer, it hit me like a forty foot wave crashing into a sea wall and I caught insights in the spray.

“Those are Probes! Those filaments trailing each curl are their connection to their Disks, the things Monroe called I/There! Those filaments are what provide transfers of awareness between the Probe and its Disk! I saw my filament and followed it back to my Disk during a vision in the mid 1970’s. That’s how I became aware of the my Greater Self, my Disk, my I/There!”

“Glad you caught on to that, Bruce, As you continue your tour of Focus 27 during your program, I’d like to suggest you be open to learning more about who and what you really are. There’s more to learn.”

Looking closely at the filaments trailing the curls again I noticed something odd. “That group of three I saw had only one filament trailing it. Some of the other groups I see have more than one filament trailing them. Why is that?”

The ED just stood there looking at me, waiting for me to get the answer on my own. Then it hit me! “Those three curls with the single filament are all from the same Disk, aren’t they!”

“And the ones with more than one trailing filament?” the ED asked.

“Not all the curls on the connecting string are from the same Disk!”, I blurted out.

“What are the implications of that?” I asked.

“Like I said, there’s more to learn, but that’s one you’ll have to explore and discover for yourself.”

For several moments I floated in silence, trying to get more insight into what my Tour Guide seemed to be alluding to. Not getting much I decided to pursue something else.

“I’m puzzled by something.”


“Wouldn’t it be better if all curls who reentered physical reality lifetimes carried more of their memories in their conscious awareness? Wouldn’t I have a better shot at carrying out my purpose in life if I knew what it was? Couldn’t the compression process of the Reentry Station be modified to allow that to happen?”

“In some cases, like Big Fish, much of such memory remains intact and easily accessible. And there are things that can be done to help a curl move toward Big Fish awareness levels. Part of that process is the curl learning to feel what’s going on inside its awareness, becoming aware of what’s stored within it’s subconscious. That process also involves becoming aware of what’s available in adjacent levels of awareness. That’s an internal learning process all curls go through as they make progress towards becoming Big Fish. But to do that within the M-band noise of physical reality, one must utilize the emotional charge and emotional impact of events in physical world reality. Emotional impact is part of the earth school training system, part of learning to feel and become a Big Fish.”
“So remembering too much would interfere with learning, Big Fish training if you will?”

“It tends to reduce the emotional impact of events which normally help a curl learn to feel what’s inside itself. Think of it this way, if someone told you all the details of a suspense thriller you were planning to see at the theater, including the climactic ending, what would it do to a movie’s emotional impact on you?”

“If I knew everything ahead of time, including how the movie ended, most of the emotional impact would be gone.”

“And you might experience less or weaker feelings in response to what happened on the screen?”

“I see what you mean, emotional impact helps us learn to feel and so we curls don’t remember our purpose in life because it might spoil our movie?”

“Something like that. There’s also learning to use the filament connection to consider.”

“What’s the filament of awareness connection got to do with becoming a Big Fish,” I asked, not seeing any possibilities.

“Becoming aware of that connection can lead to awareness of your Disk. That in turn can lead to an accelerated opening of awareness by virtue of the information available via that connection to the Greater Self. Surely, you of all people, can see the possibilities in that!” the ED said, like I really ought to have figured it out already.

“Oh . . . you mean my vision of the Disk way back in the middle ’70’s. I see what you mean! Once I had some limited awareness of my Greater Self, and my connection to it, the pace of my growing opening picked up. Gee, you mean I’m in training to become a Big Fish?” I questioned proudly.

“Bruce, all curls are in training to become Big Fish,” he said, taking a little wind out of my sails.

Dar’s voice startled me when it cut into my conversation with the Tour Guide at the Reentry Station, suggesting it was time to return to the crystal at TMI There.

“That’s my signal to go back to physical world reality, I got so involved in our conversation I forgot this is just a tape exercise in a program. Seems like there’s a lot left unanswered.”

“As you continue your tour you’re free to keep asking questions of anyone you meet and of course, let that curiosity of yours have free rein. Feel free to come back and visit me whenever you like.”

“Before I leave, since you read curl and all, can you give me anything on my purpose during my present lifetime?”

“Sure,” he said as he flipped me a thought ball, “but you already know most of it, so nothing in this one should come as any big surprise.”

“Thanks, ED, you put on quite a tour, and thanks for this,” I said, holding up the thought ball.


On my way back to the crystal, moving through blackness, I excitedly opened the thought ball, anticipating some great revelation. It said: “You entered this lifetime as a retrieving type to recover many of yourselves and those with other Disks of origin. Most of all, you wanted to learn more about the energy called Love. Beyond telling you that, I wouldn’t want to spoil your movie!” It was signed, “ED, Entry Director.”


This is a fascinating look at a remote viewing session. It opens up all sorts of new terms and ideas that are new to me. I would like to find out more, investigate other books and works and so on and so forth. If any one has some links or suggestions I will incorporate what we can gather in MM so that all of us might learn and benefit.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “The Domain Action Articles” over here…

The Domain


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Another reminder of our recent past; parents, grandparents, and great grandparents in video form (2)

One of the things that I loved to do as a boy was to go through the history books in the stacks at the High School library. In particular, they had these illustrated books that went decades by decade and helps pictures and stories about what it was like to live there at that time. There was a book on the 1920’s. There was another on the 1950’s and so on and so forth. Of course there were many history books that I just loved, but these were special because of the great pictures and easy reading captions. This article is of a similar nature using movies from the past. I do hope that you all will enjoy it.

Here we list the movie videos with both an embedded player and a link. I strongly advise the reader to click on the link as it will open up in a new tab and allow much faster loading than relying on this article to view the video. In any event, I hope that you all will enjoy these videos.

1930s in America

You can watch the video HERE.

1890 France

You can watch the video HERE.

Trying to fly

You can watch the video HERE.

More inventions.

You can watch the video HERE.

1945 – The devastation of Germany

You can watch the video HERE.

1920s in America

You can watch the video HERE.

American carrier landings mid 1960s

You can watch the video HERE.

1940 war effort – England

You can watch the video HERE.

Beautiful women of 1920

You can watch the video HERE.

1920 train travel in Europe

You can watch the video HERE.

American city life 1920

You can watch the video HERE.

1950 America

You can watch the video HERE.


It’s a nice “rainy day” article. I hope that these videos remind you of how unique this time is, and how wonderful it is to enjoy it. Stop thinking that one of these days… something will happen. The time is now. So go forth, make some special treats for your cats. Put on a nice outfit and go out with a friend. Call your parents or your grandparents. Treat yourself to a nice cup of coffee and a pie at the local diner. Ride a bicycle.

Make your time special.

It will be gone soon enough. But you are here now. This is YOUR time. Enjoy it and share that enjoyment with others it’s ok. Just do it.

Do you want more?

I have more articles like this in my Happiness Index here…

Life & Happiness


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