Let’s spend some time talking about what it is to be an American. For we are all a very unique and special breed of person. This is a truth that should be obvious to anyone who has the ability to think. After all, what would the 20th century look like were America not to have existed? That being said, the sad reality is that we take this role for granted.
Oh, we certainly say that “America is the best”, and we wave the flag around a lot, but we do not really and truly appreciate just how spectacular we actually are.

Here, in this article, I make the argument that we Americans have gotten used to being unique. I also posit that others, with evil intent, have used this knowledge to deceive Americans and have made us believe many untruths. They have convinced us of many things that are just not so. They are lies, or at the very least, distortions of the truth. These lies and falsehoods have deceived us. They have tricked us. They have enslaved us. Yet, we continue to follow the lies that allow us to follow a dangerous path.
The way that they have enslaved us is through deception. What a American is has been redefined. And as such, has become so inclusive that everyone and everything from the welfare-immigrant to the ratty village dog down the street now considers themselves “American”. When they are absolutely and positively not.
Being a United States citizen does not automatically qualify you to be an American. No matter how loudly the progressive left shouts this from their mainstream media outlets. Being an American is a state of mind, an attitude and a way of life. You don’t automatically become an American just because you get food stamps. You don’t automatically become an American simply because you were born here. (That includes birth-right immigration.) And, you don’t automatically get to call yourself an American by being in possession of a Green Card.
Being an American is a [1] way of life, and [2] a thought process, that [3] comes through earned experiences.
Others with evil intent have altered the meaning of what An American is. They have done this for their own purposes, just like they have redefined what “gender” is, “being white” is, and the history of America is. Here’s some misconceptions, or excuses, that we allow to enslave us.
Buckle up…
“Americans live in the United States”
Being an American is an idea, and a behavior. It is not limited by geography.
While many Americans live inside the geographical confines of the United States, not all do. Americans live all over the world, and some even live outside and above it.

Further, just living inside of the confines of the United States does not qualify that person as an American. Are the (reported 30+ thousand) illegals in the United States American? What about those that want to overthrow the government? Like the radical Marxists, the Antifa, the BLM and the radical SJW types? Are they Americans?
America is a great place, full of wonderful people. However, if you even suggest that there are other places, outside the USA, that are equally nice, you will be laughed at. When you tell a person that it’s a big beautiful world, full of fresh opportunities and a sense of freedom, and most people will look at you like you are crazy.
In their mind, there is only one place on the entire planet that is wonderful. That is the USA, and the USA alone.
To them, the rest of the world looks like a dark and dingy place. It looks like El Paso on a cloudy day. It looks like a Brazilian garbage dump or a “Save the Children” commercial. The rest of the world has shabby buildings, poorly dressed people, terrible food, and miserable people.

That’s not true. it’s not even remotely true.
For decades, if not centuries, Americans have been subjected… dare I say it,; bombarded, with the notion that there is one “greatest” nation on the planet. It is the geographical nation known as the United States of America. Nothing else even comes close.
Of course…
That was, of course, because the United States was populated by Americans. Americans ran the nation. Americans invented things. Americans defended their freedoms. No other nation, no other country; no other geographic region possessed such a high percentage of hard-working Americans. The United States was alone in that regard.
Thus, over time, the United States became associated with “being an American”.
Ah, but, things have changed since then.
Today, real Americans are no longer a majority in the United States. They are a minority. There are over 30 million illegal non-citizens in the Untied States today. (That is six times the size of New York City.) Nearly one half of the legal population believe that security is more important than freedom. Many of these very same people do not work, nor do they want to work. They just want to feed off the government trough. In their sloth, they elect like-minded people to rule over them. (Which is the fundamental idea behind “vote harvesting”.)

As a result, because of these people, the United States has changed into something else.

The United States is only as great as the Americans that occupy it and rule it.
That being said, let me make something perfectly clear. Being an American is an attitude and a behavior. It is not limited by geography.
So, let me say this. Americans live all over the globe. We are special whether we live in Timbuktu, or Omaha. Being an American is not defined by geography. It is defined by attitude.
In my mind there is no comparison between an American Cowboy that happens to be living and working in Japan, or Socialist ignoramus Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has never set foot outside of the United States. The two are NOT the same. They might both be United States citizens, but they are NOT both Americans.
Being an American is an idea that burns in our hearts.

If the concept about liberty and freedom does not burn in your heart, if that idea is foreign to you, if that concept is alien to you, then you are NOT an American. This is true whether you physically live in the United States or not.
Quang Nguyen who escaped from Vietnam and founded Caddis Branding Agency said,
”You see, America is not just a place on the map, it isn't just a physical location. It is an ideal, a concept. And if you are an American, you must understand the concept, you must accept this concept, and most importantly, you have to fight and defend this concept. This is about Freedom and not free stuff. And that is why I am standing up here.”
- 12/29/2018, 10:53:05 AM by Retain Mike
“The United States is the land of freedom”
That was absolutely true, not so very long ago. The United States was certainly was the best – and it was unique. It was populated by Americans. These Americans made it special.
But that United States no longer exists, except as an ideal. Moreover, the geography it occupied has been co-opted by the United States, which today is run by globalists who treat it just like another nation-state. And, most unfortunately, one that’s become especially predatory toward its citizens.
It has.
The United States has changed. It no longer is what it was first intended to be.
In the 1960’s, when I was a young boy there was no such thing as the “Federal Police” – The DHS. We fought wars, but only one at a time. While there were taxes, but we didn’t need to have both parents work just to GET BY.
The United States has changed.

The United States is no longer the freedom loving land that it was established as. With each law, was a removal and limitation on freedom. Today, the laws are voluminous, with over two centuries of freedom limitations and restrictions.
Liberty does not thrive when you must pee in a cup to get a job.
Freedom is never having to ask permission to eat, drink or do something with your own body.
We need to take a good hard look at our life inside the United States. We need to make comparisons to what it was like for our parents, our grandparents, and our founders to see how far changed and different our life is today. It is only through these comparisons that we can see if our excuses to look outside “of the box” has any merit.
Real Americans yearn for a life where they do not ever need to prove themselves, ask permission to do anything, or maintain records of their activities. Real Americans yearn for Liberty.

“My parents and grandparents were born here; I have roots in this country.”
True. This is a truth that many of us have. It is a truth that I have. Though, truthfully, my grandparents immigrated here from Europe. The life that they found here was better than what they left.
Can I say truthfully that the life that my grandparents left – as it is today – as worse, the same or better than what I have as an a American? If being an United States citizen places you at ANY kind of disadvantage, then the liberties that was promised to you by them are lost.
This idea is based on the concept that here; in the United States that you have a place to live free under liberty. For that is what Americans yearn for. It is a chance to better the lives of your children.
The United States was founded by Americans FOR Americans.
It has since changed.
This idea of United States being for Americans with American values, was at one time true. You could really provide a decent standard of living for your family and your extended family. But this is no longer true.
It has been taken over by people who no longer share the American values. Today the only people who have a chance at a successful life are the privileged.

For we live in a stratified society today.
It is a society that benefits from having multiple balkanized groups of disparate people. A handful of wealthy oligarchs profit from this arrangement, while the rest of the nation suffers. This is the r/K strategy, and it is alive and thriving in the United States today. The r/K strategy benefits the wealthy.

When people start to refer to “the rich”, and we have two sets of laws; one for the rich and one for everyone else. Then, we know that that our “roots” and history in this nation is on a short leash. Soon, the leash will get shorter and shorter and the world that we grew up in will no longer exist, and what ever roots we had will be of no consequence.

Now, I do understand. This is an understandable emotion; everyone has an atavistic affinity for his place of birth. This includes our friends as well. If you buy this argument, then it’s clear your forefathers, who came from Europe, Asia, or Africa, were made of sterner stuff than you are.
Buck up and be a man. Things change. Situations change, and we have the responsibility to move with the changes. We owe it to ourselves and to our children.
A real American fights for Freedom, Liberty and Justice when there is a reasonable chance in obtaining them.
However, when the situation is untenable and the ability to procure the basic needs required of an American is no longer attainable, then the real American relocates elsewhere in the direction toward real freedom and real liberty.
We see this with many Americans home schooling their children. We see this with many Americans moving out of progressive socialist enclaves like California, Detroit, and Baltimore. We see this with many Americans wanting to put the brakes on unlimited immigration and the resultant balkanization of the United States.
We see this today. It’s all over the news. It’s just not framed in this kind of understanding. It is framed in other terms…
“Trump is trying to limit the options of other global citizens who only want a small piece of the American pie.”
“No way! I’m not going to be unpatriotic.”
Patriotism is one of those things very few even question and even fewer examine closely. I’m a patriot, you’re a nationalist, he’s a jingoist. But let’s put such a tendentious and emotion-laden subject aside.
Here, I am going to make my stance clear on this matter. Being an “Patriotic American”, is an American (that follows the criteria of the American ideal) that supports other like-minded Americans.
Being a patriotic American is NOT saying proudly that you support the Untied States, and all the people in the nation. For that is ludicrous. That is like saying that you support everyone, everything, all the time. It does not make sense.
Yet, if you query any Internet search engine, that is what you will discover.
In their minds American Patriotism is blind support for the United States government in everything that it does.
In that understanding, patriotism is support for the seven far off wars that the United States is currently fighting. (Hey! Quick sanity check; can you actually identify the seven nations that we are fighting. Quick…3…2…1… identify them.)
Today a true patriot – an effective patriot – would be acting on his / her own beliefs. These beliefs would be fundamentally founded on the basic principles of freedom and liberty. And a real patriot understands that America is not a place; it’s an idea. It deserves to be spread.
America is not a place. It is an idea; an idea of liberty and freedom to pursue life with the tools that God granted us. If you are somewhere where the tree of liberty is withering, you have the responsibility to either tend to it, or leave. A true American lives a life in Liberty.

A True American patriots would act in terms of liberty and freedom, and would support other (like minded) patriots.
“The best work is here where I am. I might not be able to earn a decent living elsewhere.”
Spoken like a person with little imagination and even less self-confidence. And, likely little experience or knowledge of economics. Seriously.
For many, many years, perhaps a good solid century the United States was THE place where you went to invent things, build things, produce things, and sell things. America was the only place where there was a sizable middle class that would purchase your products. America was the only place where you could get your products made. America was the only place where you could build up your life from scratch.
Times have changed.
The rest of the world does not look anything like it is portrayed on CNN, MSNBC or WaPo. It does not look like it is portrayed on FOX or Drudge either. The rest of the world is carrying on. They are living life… on their terms.
There are growing and sizable middle class communities all over the globe. You can find them in such diverse places as Argentina, Namibia, Lithuania, and China. These growing communities hunger for products. They yearn for technology. They welcome investment, and growth.
Yet closing your eyes and pretending that ONLY the United States has a middle class is a siren song. It’s a “feel good” belief that is an illusion. It prevents you from seeing what really is. That is dangerous.
Buck up! You are an American. We came from the likes of David “Davy” Crockett, James Bowie, Paul Revere, and William B. Travis. They weren’t afraid of anything. Yet, here we are today.

A real American welcomes others, of like mind, to join us. In our minds, the world would be a far better place with everyone living as an American tending to their families and bettering their communities. Don’t forget who and what you are!
You are an American!
A true American can live and thrive anywhere on the planet. In point of fact, though, it tends to be easier to earn big money in a foreign country, because you will have knowledge, experience, skills, and connections the locals don’t. Even at the bare minimum, you can speak English. Couple that with any working skills that you have picked up over the years, and you might be pleased to discover just how much of an expert you actually are.

BTW… Being an American is not defined by gender or culture.
The really great thing about being an American is that it is an attitude and a way of life. Anyone can be an American. A man, a woman, a transgender, a gay person… or anyone of those mysterious other genders (that I am still not clear on) can become an American. All you need to have is a strong inner yearning for Freedom and Liberty.
It is that yearning for freedom and liberty the right to be left alone…followed by the right to be forgotten are very important to the American.

And, yes, you do not have to reside inside the United States to be an American. I have met people all over the world that are far more “American” than many United States citizens I see about. Oh, you know who I am taking about; those folk in the welfare lines, riding scooters inside wal-mart, or protesting in frilly pink hats.
When every anyone hyphenates their name, using the terms like African-American or Indian-American, or Cuban-American they are not being an American. They are identifying themselves as something else entirely. They might as well call themselves a resident of Talfamadore. That is how out of touch they are with what an American stands for.

“I am unhappy, but I don’t have enough capital to start my own company, change my life, or make a move.”
Well, that was one thing that kept serfs down on the farm. Capital gives you freedom. On the other hand, a certain amount of poverty can underwrite your freedom, since possessions act as chains for many. For me, I didn’t experience true and real freedom until I lost just about everything that I had.
Possessions are limiting.

A real American doesn’t need them. A real American can pick up with nothing in a strange land and build up a life from scratch. Remember, being an American is a concept; an idea. It’s not a place.
Being an American is portable. You carry it with you no matter where you go. You have a feeling of self worth, and ability. When the need comes, an American will do what ever it takes to build his / her life from nothing.

Many United States citizens cannot do this. They are too afraid, too tied to the government, and living off the meager handouts provided to them. Whether it is food subsidies, medical attention, or reduced bus fares. They vote for more “free” stuff. They demand a paternal government.
As a result many United States citizens are becoming fat and lazy. They demand their “free stuff”. They exchange their liberty and freedom for glitzy baubles and commercially promoted gizmos. It is so insidious that even our pets are becoming overweight.

Real Americans are so unlike these domesticated cattle that it just amazes me that they are considered to be Americans at all.
“I don’t want to give up my U.S. citizenship to live as an American should.”
There’s no need to.
I advise that every real American to live his or her life in freedom and liberty. If you can still do so in the United States, that is fantastic. Surround yourself with other like minded Americans, and teach your youth the importance of being an American.
However, there are very strong and large forces that are in the process of making the United States the antagonistic opposite of liberty and freedom. These people are a THREAT to all Americans, but most especially to you and your family.

Yes, these people are a threat. Over time, their power has increased to a point where now they can seriously influence your freedom and liberty. I suggest that you do what you can to protect you and your family for their influence.

If you can, use what leverage you have at the county and state level. Make the changes needed for your happiness. If you cannot, then a serious reconsideration of life outside the United States is warranted.

Real Americans are unhappy unless they are living a life of freedom and liberty. Their very being screams for this. If they can no longer achieve it in the Untied States, they must reluctantly move elsewhere and work towards a life living elsewhere.
“The United States is a democracy with freedom for everyone.”
If you think we still have a democracy or a democratic republic, ask yourself this: When was the last time Congress did something that the people of America supported that did not align with corporate interests? … You probably can’t do it
Oh, and by the way, the ability to vote does not define freedom.
They vote in communist nations. They vote in dictatorships. They vote in totalitarian nightmares. Voting is an illusion that rulers give to common people to give them the illusion that they have some degree of control.

Everything they do has to do with corporate and personal interests. Trying to find them do something that is for the citizens alone is just about impossible. It’s like trying to think of something that rhymes with “orange.”
You feel like an answer exists but then slowly realize it just doesn’t.
Even the democrat think-tank at the Carter Center and even the former President Jimmy Carter believe that America has been transformed into an oligarchy. This is where a small, corrupt elite control the country with almost no input from the people.
There’s some news stories: “Senate Easily Passed Trump-Backed Criminal Justice Reform Bill.” There are 87 votes in the Senate for it, and yet things the American people have expressed for decades that they want, have voted over and over and over again to say that they want, have sent somebody to Washington from outside the political system to get done, and there’s no hope.
There’s not a shining chance that this is gonna get done. And they gloat and they applaud and they celebrate in Washington over this. Some of this stuff is just so frustrating and maddening and defies any kind of common sense explanation.
This is swamp behavior at its best.
This is the greatest illustration of how much of a game all of this actually is. We’re made to think that it’s cutthroat and real. And, meanwhile, it’s just all a game, how this stuff happens, in Congress, in the House, in the Senate in Washington.
-Rush Limbaugh
The rulers need the myth that we’re a democracy to give us the illusion of control.
The United States is an oligarchy. It was founded by Americans with the American values of liberty and freedom. However, other United States citizens, non-Americans all, altered it into a democracy that has evolved into an oligarchy. It is not the place where Americans can find happiness any longer.
The truth is that the United States was founded as a Republic to provide freedom and liberty for like-minded Americans. Then, in short order non-Americans who were elected to office, altered the constitution by the 12th and 17th amendments to make the United States into a democracy.
I cover this great travesty here…

People, while we have been bombarded with the notion that the best type of government is through “rule by mob”; a democracy. that is a big lie and deception. For it puts vast amount of power into the hands of a corrupt few.
I write about it here..

And, along these lines…
“America has an accountable and legitimate voting system. I don’t want a dictatorship.”
Sure. What ever you want to believe. Though, most people stop believing in the Easter Bunny at 5 years old. And Santa Claus at seven years old.
Gerrymandering, voter purging, data mining, broken exit polling, push polling, super-delegates, electoral votes, black-box machines, voter ID suppression, provisional ballots, super PACs, dark money, third parties banished from the debates and two corporate parties that stand for the same goddamn pile of fetid crap!
Even a casual observer, overseas, and outside of the Untied States media bubble can see this. Either [1] you are too stupid to see what is directly in front of your eyes, or [2] you do not want to face the reality and the consequences of what that reality means.
My guess is that most people do not want to face the truth. For the implications of it and what it means are ugly. I write about it here…

The elections in the United States today are all just political theater. The politics in the United States today are all just theater. The mainstream news, and even elements of the alternative news, are all theater.

What part of this sounds like a legitimate election system?
No, we have what a large Harvard study called the worst election system in the Western world. Have you ever seen where a parent has a toddler in a car seat, and the toddler has a tiny, brightly colored toy steering wheel so he can feel like he’s driving the car? That’s what our election system is—a toy steering wheel. Not connected to anything. We all sit here like infants, excitedly shouting, “I’m steeeeering!”
And I know it’s counter-intuitive, but that’s why you have to vote. We have to vote in such numbers that we beat out what’s stolen through our ridiculous rigged system.
Americans need to vote, and make sure that non-Americans cannot. The election process needs to be fixed, else the United States continue the dark road towards enslaved serfdom.

“We have an independent media that reports news and keeps the elected officials accountable.”
Ah. Have you been watching the American media lately?
Translation: “We’ve done everything we could! We’ve lied about him. We’ve tried to find the truth. We’ve tried to make everybody hate this guy, and they’re getting tired of us telling you about it!”
So rather than slink away and go away, they add to it. They ratchet it up.
“Murphy went on to say that she believed that negative news about Trump hurt Republicans in the midterms. ‘I do think that he has paid a price if you look at the results of the midterm election, and so I don’t think people are turning a blind eye,’ she said.
“‘I think their one mechanism to show “hey, this bothers me,” “hey, this upsets me,” is through voting,'” and who knows if there’s a point to that. Pfft!
How does this stuff not hurt to some extent? I mean, that’s its purpose.
-Rush Limbaugh
Our media outlets are funded by weapons contractors, big pharma, big banks, big oil and big, fat hard-on pills. (Sorry to go hard on hard-on pills, but we can’t get anything resembling hard news because it’s funded by dicks.)

The corporate media’s jobs are to rally for war, cheer for Wall Street and froth at the mouth for consumerism. They are primarily a collection of globalist progressive liberals with an inherent belief that government should take on a parental role, while the rest of the population obeys their dictates.

It’s their mission to actually fortify belief in the myths I’m telling you about right now. Anybody who steps outside that paradigm is treated like they’re standing on a playground wearing nothing but a trench coat.
No one in the media holds Congress accountable for anything…

“We have an independent judiciary that will give me a fair shake if I ever get into trouble.”
The criminal justice system has become a weapon wielded by the corporate state. This is how bankers can foreclose on millions of homes illegally and see no jail time, but activists often serve jail time for nonviolent civil disobedience.

Chris Hedges recently noted, “The most basic constitutional rights … have been erased for many. … Our judicial system, as Ralph Nader has pointed out, has legalized secret law, secret courts, secret evidence, secret budgets and secret prisons in the name of national security.”
If you’re not part of the monied class, you’re pressured into releasing what few rights you have left. According to The New York Times, “97 percent of federal cases and 94 percent of state cases end in plea bargains, with defendants pleading guilty in exchange for a lesser sentence.”
That’s the name of the game. Pressure people to take the plea deal because they don’t have a million dollars to spend on a lawyer. (At least not one who doesn’t advertise on beer coasters.)
The United States judiciary no longer serves Americans. They serve the interests of the monied elite. To these people, you and your family, are just resources from which they can extract from what they may and discard the rest.
“The police are here to protect you. They’re your friends.”
That’s funny. I don’t recall my friend pressuring me into sex to get out of a speeding ticket. (Which is essentially still legal in 32 states.)
The police in our country are primarily designed to do two things: protect the property of the rich and perpetrate the completely immoral war on drugs—which by definition is a war on our own people.

We lock up more people than any other country on earth. Meaning the land of the free is the largest prison state in the world. So all these droopy-faced politicians and rabid-talking heads telling you how awful China is on human rights or Iran or North Korea—none of them match the numbers of people locked up right here under Lady Liberty’s skirt.
Americans cannot practice freedom and liberty in the United States. You risk fines and jail time for smoking in a restaurant, driving without a seat-belt, eating sunny-side up eggs, or using a plastic straw in some locations. That is not freedom. Especially when it comes with career-ending, family-ruining penalties.
“Buying things will make you happy.”
This myth is put forward mainly by the floods of advertising we take in but also by our social engineering.
Most of us feel a tenacious emptiness, an alienation deep down behind our surface emotions (for a while I thought it was gas). That uneasiness is because most of us are flushing away our lives at jobs we hate before going home to seclusion boxes called houses or apartments. We then flip on the TV to watch reality shows about people who have it worse than we do (which we all find hilarious).

If we’re lucky, we’ll make enough money during the week to afford enough beer on the weekend to help it all make sense. (I find it takes at least four beers for everything to add up.) But that doesn’t truly bring us fulfillment.
So what now?
Well, the ads say buying will do it. Try to smother the depression and desperation under a blanket of flat-screen TVs, purses and Jet Skis. Now does your life have meaning? No? Well, maybe you have to drive that Jet Ski a little faster! Crank it up until your bathing suit flies off and you’ll feel alive!

The dark truth is that we have to believe the myth that consuming is the answer or else we won’t keep running around the wheel. And if we aren’t running around the wheel, then we start thinking, start asking questions. Those questions are not good for the ruling elite, who enjoy a society based on the daily exploitation of 99 percent of us.
The United States has turned into a huge resource farm. The resource consists of the United States citizenry, what they consume, what they do, and how they behave. True Americans cannot thrive in this environment, as it is inherently unhealthy.
“If you work hard, things will get better.”
This is an obvious lie. Yet few understand it.
I am reminded by the movie “Joe vs the Volcano”. For it speaks volumes in this instance…
Joe Versus the Volcano gives 20 minutes of its hour-and-42-minute runtime to the horrors of Joe’s job at American Panascope (Home of the Rectal Probe). And it’s significant that the first thing we see as people trudge to their jobs is Joe literally losing his sole.
I’ve never seen the soul-sucking despair of a bad job summed up better than in this scene. And as if that hellish circular conversation isn’t enough, there’s the green light, the buzzing flourescents, the coffee that can best be described as ‘lumpy’, and the coworkers, who are just as sad and defeated as Joe.
Watching this, I’m reminded of all the crap jobs I’ve taken to pay my bills, which I can only assume was the point: rather than the fairytale careers of most rom-coms, JVtV was trying to dig closer to the exhaustion that lies at the heart of American capitalism.
Against this despair, Joe makes only a single palliative gesture: bringing a musical lamp in as a Band-Aid to a gushing wound.
The first 20 minutes of the film are so bleak, in fact, that when Joe is finally diagnosed with a terminal ‘braincloud’ his impending death comes as a relief. This moment is even coded as comforting in the film: where Mr. Waturi’s basement is a hideously green, fluorescent dungeon, the doctor’s office is warm and wood paneled, lit by small glowing lamps and a roaring fire. It’s the first inviting space we’ve seen in the film, and we’re only there, with Joe, to learn that he’s going to die.
Then we’re shunted back to the office, where we have to confront the realities of capitalism again. Joe doesn’t have any savings, he can’t afford to go on a final trip, there’s a hole in the bucket list, but Joe has to quit.
Even with that horror written on his face, he uses his last moments at American Panascope to appeal to his boss and coworkers. Surely they can see that life in this office is actually a living death?
When Waturi, sneers at him, “I promise you, you’ll be easy to replace!”
Joe snaps, pushes Waturi against the wall, and yells,
“And why, I ask myself, why have I put up with you? I can’t imagine, but now I know. Fear. Yellow freakin’ fear. I’ve been too chicken shit afraid to live my life so I sold it to you for three hundred freakin’ dollars a week! My life! I sold it to you for three hundred dollars a week! You’re lucky I don’t kill you!”
This is the first time it becomes explicit: Joe has been selling his life without questioning the transaction (the way most of us do), and only now that he sees an endpoint does he realize how much more he was worth. This distillation of life into money is made even more explicit the next morning, when Samuel Graynamore shows up at his door.
–Preparing myself for death with Joe vs the Volcano
According to Deloitte’s Shift Index survey: “80% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs” and “[t]he average person spends 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime.” That’s about one-seventh of your life—and most of it is during your most productive years.

Ask yourself what we’re working for. To make money? For what? Almost none of us are doing jobs for survival anymore. Once upon a time, jobs boiled down to:
I plant the food—>I eat the food—>If I don’t plant food = I die.
But nowadays, if you work at a café—will someone die if they don’t get their super-caf-mocha-frap-almond-piss-latte? I kinda doubt they’ll keel over from a blueberry scone deficiency.
If you work at Macy’s, will customers perish if they don’t get those boxer briefs with the sweat-absorbent-ass fabric? I doubt it. And if they do die from that, then their problems were far greater than you could’ve known.
So that means we’re all working to make other people rich because we have a society in which we have to work. Technological advancements can do most everything that truly must get done.

So if we wanted to, we could get rid of most work and have tens of thousands of more hours to enjoy our lives. But we’re not doing that at all. And no one’s allowed to ask these questions—not on your mainstream airwaves at least. Even a half-step like universal basic income is barely discussed because it doesn’t compute with our cultural programming.

Scientists say it’s quite possible artificial intelligence will take away all human jobs in 120 years. I think they know that will happen because bots will take the jobs and then realize that 80 percent of them don’t need to be done! The bots will take over and then say, “Stop it. … Stop spending a seventh of your life folding shirts at Banana Republic.”
One day, we will build monuments to the bot that told us to enjoy our lives and … leave the shirts wrinkly.
There are many misconceptions about work. In the United States today, work is a tool used to control. However, it doesn’t need to be that way. A true and real American can identify what work is necessary and what work is trivial. He / she can balance their life and work without interruption from an intrusive government or legions of busybodies.
And this leads me to the largest myth of our United States society.
“You are free.”
I’m not talking about the millions locked up in our prisons. I’m talking about you and me.
As I have mentioned elsewhere, freedom is the ability to sit down at a restaurant with your dog, smoke a cigarette, drink a beer and eat a dish of sunny-side-up eggs without having the police called on you. Freedom is the ability to drive without worrying if you will get pulled over by the police.
I understand there are certain restrictions on freedom we actually desire to have in our society—maybe you’re not crazy about a big pile of shit awaiting you in the middle of your walk to work. But a lot of our lack of freedom is not something you would vote for if given the chance.
- Try smoking a cigarette with your breakfast and coffee at the Waffle House.
- Try sleeping in your car for more than a few hours without being harassed by police.
- Try bringing your dog into a McDonalds and having a big Mac with him.
- Try maintaining your privacy for a week without a single email, web search or location data set collected by the NSA and the telecoms.
- Try running for president as a third-party candidate. (Jill Stein was shackled and chained to a chair by police during one of the debates.)
We are less free than a dog on a leash. We live in one of the hardest-working, most unequal societies on the planet with more billionaires than ever.
Meanwhile, Americans supply 94 percent of the paid blood used worldwide. And it’s almost exclusively coming from very poor people. This abusive vampire system is literally sucking the blood from the poor. Does that sound like a free decision they made? Or does that sound like something people do after immense economic force crushes down around them? (One could argue that sperm donation takes a little less convincing.)
Point is, in order to enforce this illogical, immoral system, the corrupt rulers—most of the time—don’t need guns and tear gas to keep the exploitation mechanisms humming along. All they need are some good, solid bullshit myths for us all to buy into, hook, line and sinker. Some fairy tales for adults.
It’s time to wake up.
I would like to reemphasize that it’s pure foolishness to have your loyalties dictated by the lines on a map or the dictates of some ruler. The nation-state itself is on its way out. Oh, the one wold order may never materialize, but the ideas of nations that represent the joint will of the citizens may never be wholly recoverable.
We need to carve our a home for fellow Americans where ever we are, and secure it from encroachment.

The world is changing. Over time it will increasingly be aligned with what we call phyles, groups of people who consider themselves countrymen based on their interests and values, not on which government’s ID they share.
Americans need to gyrate to an American-phyle and realize that entire swaths of the physical United States no longer welcome us.
I believe the sooner you start thinking that way, the freer, the richer, and the more secure you will become. You heard me correctly. Real Americans do not NEED the United States. The United States needs us.
The United States is populated with non-Americans
As long as we allow them to vote, and dictate their desires the United States will continue it’s downward spiral towards mediocrity. It is the duty of all Americans to either take control of this situation or leave it and protect our families before it is too late.

There are many lies that have developed over the years that have become accepted as given truths. They should not ever be considered a truth at all. As such, evil people have twisted these beliefs into something dangerous and are using these twisted narratives to control real Americans. Do not let them do this to you.
- The United States is a geographical area.
- It was initially set up as a Republic for like-minded Americans.
- Americans place liberty and freedom first on their priority list.
- Over the years the United States has changed.
- Today, Americans are a minority in the United States
As such, Americans have two choices. They either can actively try to Change the Untied States back to be the home for Americans or leave for greener pastures. There are no other alternatives. There isn’t a middle ground, and sitting on the sidelines expecting an elected President to do it all on his own is lazy and unbecoming of an American.

I know what freedom is, and it is not what the Progressives want us to believe it is. A person who is free is never afraid.
A person who is FREE is never afraid.
Here’s a shout out for FREEDOM!

Here’s to the freedom to speak your mind without fear! (Image Source.)
I will end with this final comment on the movie “Joe vs the Volcano”;
The film’s point is …” The point of the journey is to make thoughtful choices about how to live, and the volcano is life itself.
–Preparing for death with “Joe vs the Volcano”.
The original title for this post was “Excuses that keep us enslaved.” Changed on 31DEC18.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Links about China

China and America Comparisons

Learning About China

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thank you for enlightening me and sharing how interesting it is to be american, because I value my neighbors and friends and kin-folks and I enjoy and expect people to show the gratitude and comfort and ….obviously love…… Our relationships of greater good and protection provide for all of us. I must caution and say ——-I despise and rightfully HATE the fact that some people actually earn an income by Intruding Harassing, baiting, tormenting, emotionally abusing, terrorizing, stalking, teasing, agitating, destroying life and all creations on Earth . Congrat’s You can bring the world down.
Thank you for this.
It’s tough being an American today. I feel that unless we start to push back and exert ourselves, we will be overwhelmed by the placid, comfortable weak. As such, Americans have two choices. They either can actively try to Change the Untied States back to be the home for Americans or leave for greener pastures.
There are no other alternatives. There isn’t a middle ground, and sitting on the sidelines expecting an elected President to do it all on his own is lazy and unbecoming of a REAL American.
Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide and fight anymore. Paraphrasing Teddy Roosevelt. “Do what you can where you are with what you have.”
God bless