On the Manufactured Ignorance of the State Constitutions…
"If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything — and the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers" -Judicial Ruling under Wickard & Filburn
How can you possibly have people thinking that “Rights” are “Privileges”? How can you have elected Senators joyously and repeatedly trying to destroy the Rights guaranteed to us? How can you explain the absolutely lack of understanding that our great nation is a Republic and not a Democracy? How can all this be?
Well, the answer is simple.
The ignorance was planned. It is manufactured, and like many small cuts, it has eaten and tore away at the fabric of what the United States is. Today, all we have is something that has absolutely no resemblance to what it was initially set up as.
Let’s look at this.
Here we will look at this sad, sad state of affairs from the most basic premise. This premise is that the ignorance is intentional and manufactured by evil people for their own purposes. Additionally, fundamental to that ignorance is the suppression of the importance of individual State Constitutions.
You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them. -Ray Bradbury
Let’s talk a little bit on what a “Constitution” is. I fear that we need to do it, because after all it is a rare person who know this today. Instead we have school children talking about the benefits of social Marxism while not knowing a thing about the American form of governance.
A "Constitution" is the set of rules that establishes how a government works.
How are you going to play football if the rules constantly change? How can you determine who wins and who loses? How are you going to play checkers, cards, or poker if the rules are constantly being changed; evolving as a “living” set of rules? How? Please tell me.
Every nation on the earth plays by their own rules of governance.
Well, most Americans do not know that the United States is actually a collection of individual sovereign nations. Did you, the reader, know this? Well it is. Perhaps this is the second biggest secret being withheld from Americans today (the first being the Preamble to the Bill of Rights). That is right. The United States is actually a collection of nations. Each nation has it’s own flag, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.
The United States is a collection of nations that banded together and formed a "union".
This is pretty basic stuff. Now, you would think that everyone knows this. Yet people don’t.
So here is my explanation of what all this “Constitutional mumbo-jumbo” is all about and what it means…
Constitution 101
Rather than become yet another boring text on the American Constitution, here is the “Cliff Notes” version of how our Constitution came into being. It is abbreviated as a necessity, as there is neither the time nor the space for a full-fledged dissertation on this subject…
Fundamentally, before the United States was founded, there were thirteen separate nations in America.
They served as colonies of major European powers.
They declared independence from their European rulers, all British.
Each colony turned into a nation, and each also established a unique and specific individual Constitution with a Bill of Rights that protected the citizens of that nation. Most of the nations set up democracies as their form of governance. They all established their own armies, currency, banks, and other elements of independent governance.
The European powers became angry and started to clamp down on “their” colonies. They sent in military troops and began to enforce draconian laws and increase taxation to levels considered unbearable at the time… 3%. Trouble and conflict ensued.
The Colonies, now independent nations, decided that they needed to coordinate and strategies together. They banded together and formed a “union” of nations. They called themselves the “United States”.
A Constitution was composed of this group of nations. However, it was determined that it would be dangerous if the United States became a Democracy, so they structured it as a Republic.
To explain how the Constitution could be applied and used, and also why it was set up that way, the Federalist Papers were drafted and disseminated. The link takes you directly to the papers themselves.
To protect the citizens, a Federal Bill of Rights was drafted that laid out untouchable things that the Federal Government is forbidden to legislate. To make sure that there is no misunderstanding the founders established a Preamble to the Bill of Rights which clearly specified the untouchable nature of the Bill of Rights. The founders believed, incorrectly, that the citizenry of the United States would rise up against the government when it overstepped the limitations placed upon it by the Constitution.
Now by the year 1800, it was pretty well established that the United States was a collection of independent nations each with their own armies, currency, Constitutions and protections for their citizens in the form of state-level Bill of Rights.
But over the years, something happened.
Changes and Revisionism
Men, mostly evil, but others with good intentions, have “taken liberties” with the Constitution. They have thwarted it, and redefined the meaning of things. They have done this for many, many years, and we have reached a point in time where no one knows what the Constitution is, or the Bill of Rights.
For instance;
- President Obama (D) saying the Second amendment is all about hunting. Which is pretty amazing as the purpose is clearly defined as…
"in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its (government) powers"
It is explained right there in the Preamble to the Bill of Rights. No where in the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, or the Preamble is there any words related to “hunting”. But, of course, that doesn’t matter. As former President Bill Clinton (D) was fond of saying “… the news is what I say it is…”.
- Senator Feinstein (D) insisting on banning free speech on the Internet, because she claims that the first Amendment does not apply to “five dollar blogs”, and is instead reserved for the government. Which is darn amazing when the exact opposite is true. In fact, the Constitution clearly states…
"Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..."
Personally, I think that it is pretty darn straight forward. Therefore I can only come to the conclusion that Senator Feinstein is either [1] illiterate or [2] evil.

“Freedom of speech is a privilege intended for educated professionals…..it should be illegal for a high school dropout to promote anti-government propaganda on his five dollar blog, if he cannot properly verify his statements.” – Diane Feinsetin
Some links on this interesting quote;
Senate Bill Attempts To Make The “Right” of Free Press a “Privilege” US Senator Feinstein Seeks to Further Limit Freedom of Press US Senator says "Freedom of speech is a special privilege for journalists" Bloggers are not Worthy Feinstein: First Amendment a Privilege and Not a Right
Oh, we could go on and on with examples of this. Though it is getting harder to find using the standard American search engines. Both examples above are extremely difficult to find. Which is why I prefer to use non-American search engines. They don’t have censorship algorithms that suppress American’s information access.
Today, American Liberty is Lost
I’ve got to tell you. Initially, I paused for a minute to type in “we are losing our liberty“. Hog shit. We have lost it.
It is gone.
It is friggin’ gone. It has left the stable, walked down the path and died a long slow death. Now we can beat it with sticks, over and over, but it is fruitless. The horse is dead. It won’t come back alive. The work horse of liberty is gone.
There are NO liberties left in the United States today. What ever tattered and shredded liberties remain are under assault and modification to turn them into something else.
This only documents the reason for the loss. If you think that you have “liberty” by reporting every business transaction, funds, transfer and all your financial records to some faceless bureaucrat in Washington D.C. every April, you are delirious. That is NOT freedom. Being compelled to do something is NOT freedom.
Being compelled to do something is not freedom.
It doesn’t matter if it is being forced to buy health insurance, or if it is being made to wear a seat belt. It doesn’t matter if it is not being able to buy beer on a Sunday, or not being permitted to wear a red hat that says MAGA. Freedom has no limitations.
Freedom does not require regulation. If you regulate something, it automatically loses it’s freedom. For an absolutely mind-blowing summary of all the agencies empowered to regulate your life go to this LINK.
Freedom has no limitations.
Two centuries ago, our country’s Founding Fathers wrote and signed a declaration of our independence from Britain. In it, they included a very important document; A “bill of the rights” that they intended to guarantee for their descendants. They did not want any new or improved government to crush the hopes, dreams, and lives of the people who lived under that government. They wanted guarantees.
The Bill of Rights is a guarantee of Freedom.
Their intention is that they wanted to create a nation of liberty. Further, they wanted this nation to last. They wanted it to last a long, long time. They wanted it to be a nation of strong willed, God-fearing men. They wanted people who would obey God, take care of their families and who would put the divine FIRST in their life.
But over the years, America has changed.
In order to “improve” it, certain amendments were made. Then reinterpretations of the Constitution were indulged. Then steps were taken to restructure the government. So, today we have a situation where America looks more like a dystopian vision of a 1960’s Bulgarian Communist government located in a third-world backwater in Africa. Only with the latest in high-tech surveillance equipment, state of the art weaponry, and a massive (simply massive) propaganda mechanism.
A population bred to be serfs, ignorant of the world, and oblivious as to how they appear to more traditional people.

How we lost our Liberty
There are authors who have taken the time and gone into great detail of the loss of freedom. It can include such things as the freedom to smoke in public, or the freedom to fish out of season. It can include such things as being required to have a permit to do anything, and being taxed at a rate that makes saving impossible. There are many reasons.
I argue that the loss of liberty was conducted over a large span of time with many individuals playing a role. It was a death, not by nuclear weapons, but rather a death by small paper cuts.
There are many, many reasons that can be cited for this loss, however there have been certain events at the federal level that accelerated this process. I will cite, in my mind, The top influences…
- The civil war. Which made it absolutely clear that individual nations may NOT sever their ties with the United States. It is a loss of the 10th amendment, and the destruction of state autonomy.
- 16th amendment – taxation. Which also totally eliminated the 4th amendment protections. It put the control of the monetary supply into the hands of PRIVATE individuals who did NOT answer to the people. These individuals raped our economy and decimated the value of the dollar to today where one dollar is actually worth less than one cent. 1909.
- 17th amendment – democratic election of Senators. Which fundamentally changed the nature of a Republic to more of a Democracy. Now the Senate behaves much differently than it was intended to, and it’s role is substantially different as well. 1912.
- 19th amendment – provided women the right to vote. Which also then immediately changed the demographics of the electorate. Fundamentally, women uniformly look towards safety and security. While men prefer labor and justice. This change opened up and paved the way for the welfare state that exists today.
The problem is that, for a man, living in safety is not enough. We have to live a life of freedom. It’s a manly thing that most women cannot understand. They want a safe, nurturing environment. They want to “nest” with “nesting behaviors“.
A good example of how this manifests in our daily life can be seen in such simple things as playgrounds and product warnings. For a good study on how playgrounds have devolved due to the 19th amendment, go read about it HERE
Other contributors, of which blame can be assigned, include actions by an out of control” Judiciary that has far overstepped it’s bounds…
Ruling on Wickard v Filburn. This ruling expanding the words in the “commerce clause” to mean every any all things. The original intent was intended to only regulate commerce between the individual states. Since then, it has expanded to mean regulation of everything. This brought about the hyper regulation that is part and parcel of every aspect of Americans lives.
Ignorance of English Common Law. There has been a trend, started in the 1970’s and increased with ferocity, where laws started to become vague. A vague law is a dangerous law. For it becomes easy to arrest anyone for anything. (Unless, of course, if you are Hillary Clinton. She’s part of the protected class of elites.)
Criminalization of behaviors. Instead of crimes against men and property, in the 1920’s Congress started to legislate behaviors. As a result, possession of common weeds that grew everywhere became a crime. Over the years, this has expanded to include everything from wearing a seatbelt to how you dress. This is not Liberty, people!
It’s gotten worse and worse over the years. Finally cumulating in the “presidency” of Barrack Obama who worked relentlessly to “transform” the United States into something fundamentally different. Good Lord, why?
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008 “We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008
Today, of course, though a methodology that is intended in keeping people ignorant, evil people… (And I do mean EVIL people. No matter what they say. They are evil.) … use (not intend to use) this ignorance to fleece citizens of their money, their Rights, and their liberties for personal gain.
It is intended. It is planned. It is scripted. it is implemented.
We, the people, have spent the last few decades reacting to it. This needs to stop. It needs to stop now.
The Bill of Rights
This ignorance, and a reinforcement of it through use of well-funded propaganda resources has resulted in a situation where people just don’t know what the Bill of Rights actually is. Seriously, many people do not know. I ask this of my interns out of the United States and very few, with one or two exceptions, have any idea what it is except in the vaguest of terms.
"What people seem to be missing is that the Bill of Rights isn’t a list of 'privileges' granted to us by gray-haired rich men in the 1700s. We are endowed with natural human rights from the moment we are born. We also bear the responsibility to protect our independence from those who would subjugate us." -Zero Hedge
That is correct. We are not “subjects” of a large government that grants us things. No. We are free people who have constructed a government to serve us.
We Americans have a government that serves us.
It’s not the other way around.
Ok. Now that is all well and good, but that’s not the way it is. Is it? That’s right it isn’t that way. Not by a long stretch.
There is NO liberty left in the United States.
Today many of us have lost that spark of liberty, that sense of compassion, and that pride that urges us to achieve even greater things. There are so many people in our country who are just ready to turn over all control of their lives and wait for a handout. They don’t want “freedom” or “liberty”. Nope. They want to be coddled and cared for by a big government that will provide them a nice “safe space”. How cute.
This movement for “Safety” instead of “Freedom” is often led by the female members of our society, with ample support by metro-sexual men, and men trying to obtain the favor of those females in the organization (Read; try to have sex.).
Now, you and I both know that this is a generalized statement. Yet it is true. Often, the movement is controlled by puppeteers who work behind the scenes like the “Wizard of Oz”. They manipulate and cajole large groups of people because they know the raw power of mob rule.

Truth be told, our education system has had a great hand in this.
These days, many educators are more likely to wax poetic over the joys of socialism than to tempt students to greatness with the benefits of capitalism. Thus, the many decades of indoctrination is beginning to overcome centuries of liberty-minded ideals. It’s a truly sad state of affairs.
Rights are like your SOUL.
They are a gift given to you by God. Are you so ignorant as to sell your soul for something? Well, if the multitudes of millennials can believed, that is exactly what they want to do. They don’t even know what they are.
You know, I had some interns working for me. They came from a college on the Massachusetts / Rhode Island border. They were a pretty ignorant lot. Anyways, one thing struck me. They did not know what the Bill of Rights were! Not to mention that they had two sets of them that overlapped and protected them. It was absolutely mind-blowing.
All Americans are supposed to be protected by two sets of Rights.
Since they did not know what they were, at best they were things that President Obama “gave” them, they felt that they were not necessary. What a revolting state of affairs. Really!
"What do I need the second amendment for? I don't hunt. And I could care less about going to church. These things aren't important to me. What does the quartering of troops mean to me? Nothing. So Obama doesn't need to give me these Rights."
Every American is Protected with two Bill of Rights.
If you are an American you are [1] a citizen of the United States, and [2] the Nation-State that you reside in. (Us expats don’t count. We live under the laws and permissions of the nation that hosts us.)
So, in my case, as a resident of Pennsylvania my Rights were PROTECTED by not only [1] the Federal Bill of Rights, but also [2] the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights. However this is only true AS LONG as I am a resident inside of Pennsylvania.
When I moved to Communist China, I ended up falling under their laws and the Bill of Rights for Chinese citizens and residents. My Pennsylvania and Federal Rights have absolutely no bearing here in China. So I actually lost them. They were replaced by a different system.
Which is one of the first things that I need to explain to fresh interns when they come to work for me. The "protections" that they enjoyed while in the United States no longer applies.
Now, in many instances, the Rights enumerated by the individual states are much more detailed and comprehensive than the Rights specified in the Federal Bill of Rights. That is certainly the case in Pennsylvania.
Let’s use the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights and take a look at it in regards how it compares with the Federal Bill of Rights.
The Pennsylvania Bill of Rights in Consideration

Let’s look at the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights. For starters, this Bill of Rights is very straight forward. It is titled “Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, Declaration of Rights” and can be found on the internet. Please reference”Thorpe 5:3082–84“.
Reading the Bill of Rights without reading the Preamble to it is terribly faulty. The Text of the Bill of Rights delineates WHAT, but it is the Preamble that describes WHY.
Without the Preamble you don’t know HOW to apply the Bill of Rights. Perhaps that is why evil people want to ignore it. Eh?
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
First of all, let’s look at the most important section the Preamble to the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights…
WHEREAS all government ought to be instituted and supported for the security and protection of the community as such, and to enable the individuals who compose it to enjoy their natural rights, and the other blessings which the Author of existence has bestowed upon man; and whenever these great ends of government are not obtained, the people have a right, by common consent to change it, and take such measures as to them may appear necessary to promote their safety and happiness. AND WHEREAS the inhabitants of this commonwealth have in consideration of protection only, heretofore acknowledged allegiance to the king of Great Britain; and the said king has not only withdrawn that protection, but commenced, and still continues to carry on, with unabated vengeance, a most cruel and unjust war against them, employing therein, not only the troops of Great Britain, but foreign mercenaries, savages and slaves, for the avowed purpose of reducing them to a total and abject submission to the despotic domination of the British parliament, with many other acts of tyranny, (more fully set forth in the declaration of Congress) whereby all allegiance and fealty to the said king and his successors, are dissolved and at an end, and all power and authority derived from him ceased in these colonies. AND WHEREAS it is absolutely necessary for the welfare and safety of the inhabitants of said colonies, that they be henceforth free and independent States, and that just, permanent, and proper forms of government exist in every part of them, derived from and founded on the authority of the people only, agreeable to the directions of the honorable American Congress. We, the representatives of the freemen of Pennsylvania, in general convention met, for the express purpose of framing such a government, confessing the goodness of the great Governor of the universe (who alone knows to what degree of earthly happiness mankind may attain, by perfecting the arts of government) in permitting the people of this State, by common consent, and without violence, deliberately to form for themselves such just rules as they shall think best, for governing their future society; and being fully convinced, that it is our indispensable duty to establish such original principles of government, as will best promote the general happiness of the people of this State, and their posterity, and provide for future improvements, without partiality for, or prejudice against any particular class, sect, or denomination of men whatever, do, by virtue of the authority vested in use by our constituents, ordain, declare, and establish, the following Declaration of Rights and Frame of Government, to be the CONSTITUTION of this commonwealth, and to remain in force therein for ever, unaltered, except in such articles as shall hereafter on experience be found to require improvement, and which shall by the same authority of the people, fairly delegated as this frame of government directs, be amended or improved for the more effectual obtaining and securing the great end and design of all government, herein before mentioned.
Wow! Now that is quite a mouthful. Isn’t it?
Let’s break it down into it’s components. Let’s do this in a simplified “Cliffs Notes” version. There is no need to study it so deeply. Rather, let’s look at what it is actually saying…
- The role of government is primarily to provide safety and security for it’s citizens.
- In so doing, they actually enable the citizens to enjoy the gifts that God has granted them.
- If the government fails in this most basic of roles, the government should be dissolved and replaced by one which does.
Next Paragraph…
- Pennsylvania citizens have been under the protection of the British government.
- The British government has withdrawn from their most basic roles in governance.
- Instead, the British government has waged a war against it’s citizens in Pennsylvania.
- Because of this, the citizens of Pennsylvania has decided to terminate their relationship with the British government and has formed a new government to replace it.
Next paragraph…
- It is fundamentally important that a government perform the tasks that it was entrusted to do.
- The citizens of the government have the responsibility to work with or change the government if they and their Congress believes that it is necessary.
Finally, the last paragraph…
- We, as representatives of the people here in Pennsylvania, have created a new government.
- As such they now are setting aside “rules” that they feel is best to constrain the government that they create.
- They are establishing the Bill of Rights for Pennsylvania citizens to protect them from their own government, as well as to ensure that they have the freedom to live their life to the maximum capacity given to them by God.
- It is to remain enforce FOREVER.
- Alterations to the Bill of Rights is permitted provided that the citizens of Pennsylvania approve the alterations.
At which point, the Rights of Pennsylvania citizens are listed. The first Right is…
I. That all men are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent and inalienable rights, amongst which are, the enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
OK. So what does it say?
- All men are born free and independent.
- All men are born with certain Rights that guarantee this freedom and independence.
- These Rights are natural, inherent and inalienable.
- Some of the Rights include enjoying life and liberty.
- Some of the Rights include defending your life and liberty.
- Some of the Rights include acquiring, possessing and protecting property.
- Some of the Rights include pursuing and obtaining happiness.
- Some of the Rights include safety.
What this means that Congress CAN MAKE NO LAW that infringes on any of these things. If, for instance, a law is make that takes away my ability to defend myself, it is an infringement on my Rights. It is thus FORBIDDEN. If Congress makes a law that results in me losing my property, such as in asset forfeiture, that is also against my Rights as a Pennsylvania citizen. See my point?
If people actually read and knew their Rights, none of these illegal and tyrannical actions would never be permitted to occur.
The second Right is…
II. That all men have a natural and unalienable right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences and understanding: And that no man ought or of right can be compelled to attend any religious worship, or erect or support any place of worship, or maintain any ministry, contrary to, or against, his own free will and consent: Nor can any man, who acknowledges the being of a God, be justly deprived or abridged of any civil right as a citizen, on account of his religious sentiments or peculiar mode of religious worship: And that no authority can or ought to be vested in, or assumed by any power whatever, that shall in any case interfere with, or in any manner control, the right of conscience in the free exercise of religious worship.
Ah, now the second Right is the “freedom of religion”. But, unlike the Federal Bill of Rights that simply states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…“, the Pennsylvania Rights are much more detailed.
- The Right to worship as you please without limitation.
- A person can not be compelled to worship or support any worship against his beliefs.
- A person shall not be compelled to do anything against his beliefs.
- Government and people shall not interfere in this.
- No authority can ever abridge this Right.
Which is very interesting. The liberal / progressive Democrats have forced a Christian bakery to bake a cake that goes against their religious convictions. The person instigating this travesty had to travel miles out of their way, passed by hundreds of other bakeries, and skipped numerous bakeries that were in alignment with their own unique religious views to create the “cake bakery furor“. (Not only in the USA, but also mirrored in England. Eh. Globalism again raises it’s ugly head.) Yes, it was overturned years later by the Supreme Court. Yes, it was a political stunt.

But… But, it never would have happened in Pennsylvania simply because the Rights were specified in detail. As such they explicitly explained that a person shall not be compelled to do something against their religious convictions.
That being stated, we have activist judges who will rule in defiance of the law just to fit their political agendas. After all, the 9th circuit court was stacked by Bill Clinton (D) exactly for this purpose. The Bill of Rights becomes meaningless when an activist judge ignores the law and rules by political conventions.
Hey, maybe things need to be spelled out in explicit detail using legalese if you want to make sure that nothing can ever be infringed. And perhaps, just perhaps, judges who try to make law (as a member of Congress) instead of interpreting the law, need to be fired from their position. Fired in the harshest way possible, mind you. Maybe… Or, maybe you just simply go Chinese on their ass when they try to take away a Right.
Third Right..
III. That the people of this State have the sole, exclusive and inherent right of governing and regulating the internal police of the same.
Ah, this is a big one. The Pennsylvania citizens shall determine who will be the police inside of Pennsylvania. This describes who will bear arms, and what limits that they have on their activities. So all this arming of the DHS, ICE, FBI, CIA, FBI and the IRS has no authority within Pennsylvania UNLESS the citizens of Pennsylvania permits them.

Now, the reason for the ignorance of the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights becomes apparent. Eh?
As well as the corruptive nature of this who rule Pennsylvania out of Harrisburg. All the citizens of Pennsylvania need to do is petition via a ballot initiative that the government of Pennsylvania shall enforce the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights, and withdraw all benefits and privileges to any entity that infringes on those Rights.
Yah, I know it shouldn’t be this way. The elected officials should follow the law. But they don’t. So what you need to do is slap them in the face politically with it.
IV. That all power being originally inherent in, and consequently derived from, the people; therefore all officers of government, whether legislative or executive, are their trustees and servants, and at all times accountable to them.
Again. The elected officials in Pennsylvania are accountable to their citizens.
V. That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection and security of the people, nation or community; and not for the particular emolument or advantage of any single man, family, or sett of men, who are a part only of that community; And that the community hath an indubitable, unalienable and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish government in such manner as shall be by that community judged most conducive to the public weal.
Duh! The purpose of the government is for the common benefit of the citizens of Pennsylvania. It is not for the benefit of any singular person, family, group or organization.
Hey! So all those people who are marching for “special” Rights and privileges for minorities, gays, lesbians, transgenders, illegals, and just about everything else under the sun can go pound sand. The government of Pennsylvania only recognizes the vast bulk of the citizenry. The majority. That is 51% of the citizenry of Pennsylvania. It is not the 0.01% that have “special” needs, wants and desires.
In Pennsylvania no person or group shall get special privileges over that of a Pennsylvania citizen that represents the majority view.
Man, I sure as heck wish that someone would point this fact out to the idiots running the campuses in Pennsylvania such as Penn State, University of Pittsburgh, Villanova, Carnegie Mellon, Temple and Bucknell, to name just a few. Their Federally directed “diversity efforts” run counter to the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights article V.
Sixth Right…
VI. That those who are employed in the legislative and executive business of the State, may be restrained from oppression, the people have a right, at such periods as they may think proper, to reduce their public officers to a private station, and supply the vacancies by certain and regular elections.
When government and it’s officers are not doing their job, the people of Pennsylvania can purge them. There are no limits as to the extent of the purge. All and everyone can be fired, their pensions and benefits cut. That is that.
In Pennsylvania, the citizens can shut down the entire government and fire all the workers if deemed necessary.

Seventh Right…
VII. That all elections ought to be free; and that all free men having a sufficient evident common interest with, and attachment to the community, have a right to elect officers, or to be elected into office.
This is the right to have democratic elections, and the freedom to be elected if popular enough.
Eighth Right…
VIII. That every member of society hath a right to be protected in the enjoyment of life, liberty and property, and therefore is bound to contribute his proportion towards the expense of that protection, and yield his personal service when necessary, or an equivalent thereto: But no part of a man's property can be justly taken from him, or applied to public uses, without his own consent, or that of his legal representatives: Nor can any man who is conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms, be justly compelled thereto, if he will pay such equivalent, nor are the people bound by any laws, but such as they have in like manner assented to, for their common good.
There is a lot here. Let’s break it down.
- People should be protected in such a way that they can enjoy life to it’s fullest.
- Citizens need to support their government to this end.
- This can included participation as necessary.
- Property shall not be taken from a citizen.
- Property may not be taken and used for other purposes.
- Citizens shall not be compelled to bear arms if it is their choice.
Ninth Right…
IX. That in all prosecutions for criminal offences, a man hath a right to be heard by himself and his council, to demand the cause and nature of his accusation, to be confronted with the witnesses, to call for evidence in his favour, and a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of the country, without the unanimous consent of which jury he cannot be found guilty; nor can he be compelled to give evidence against himself; nor can any man be justly deprived of his liberty except by the laws of the land, or the judgment of his peers.
Here we see how the law should apply to Pennsylvania citizens.
- In all legal issues, a citizen may have legal council.
- A citizen is entitled to know the charges against him.
- He/she can have witnesses.
- Speedy trial.
- Impartial jury.
- A jury that must be unanimous to declare someone guilty.
- You cannot be compelled to give witness against yourself.
- Only through judgement by his peers can a person be deprived of liberty.
This is pretty interesting.
It means that you cannot plea bargain or “cop a plea” and be considered guilty in a court of law. Today, most guilty verdicts are through plea bargains. Yet, this is fundamentally against the state Bill of Rights.
Especially when you think of the consequences of what this means.
Let’s look at a hypothetical scenario. Consider the idea that a sex offender convicted in the state of Hawaii does time in Hawaii and then moves to Pennsylvania and becomes a registered sex offender there. If this Pennsylvania Bill of Rights is to be followed, then one of two situations MUST exist;
- The peers of the felon in Hawaii are ALSO the peers of the felon in Pennsylvania. This is true even though they are from different nation-states. How can this possibly be? A surfing Polynesian that is a Hotel maintenance man is a peer of a Catholic hunter who works in the coal mines. How are they peers?
Exactly, just what is a “peer”?
A person of the same legal status: a jury of one's peers. A person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status.
Is this actually the case in this example? The other alternative is rather pronounced…
- The Pennsylvania sex offender registry is operating in violation of the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights.
In short, if we started to follow the individual Bill of Rights in our State-nations, then much of the confusion and interference by the Federal government in our lives would be missing. In the example above, the movement for nationwide sex offender registries is a federal issue that is in direct violation of the Rights of Pennsylvania residents.
OK. I know, I know, that the federal government has worked out arrangements and the states has made concessions in order to permit unified federal control over Pennsylvania residents and citizens. Yet, even so…. aren’t these arrangements illegal, according to the Pennsylvania Constitution?
If the law was being followed properly, there would INSTEAD be an evaluation in Pennsylvania to see if a sex offender COULD actually move to Pennsylvania and become a Pennsylvania citizen.
Indeed, there would be a strong possibility that he would not be permitted to move into PA. But, now take note, if he does becomes a citizen of his new home in Pennsylvania, he would have a “blank slate” and could live without the restrictions placed on sex offender felons.
Such is the life, if the tenth amendment was still being followed.
While this might sound disgusting to even consider a sex offender moving into your community, we need to follow the rules. They protect us. Think about the next few Rights with the point of view of having the State of Pennsylvania protecting the citizens of Pennsylvania from rules and laws established by an overreaching federal government…
X. That the people have a right to hold themselves, their houses, papers, and possessions free from search and seizure, and therefore warrants without oaths or affirmations first made, affording a sufficient foundation for them, and whereby any officer or messenger may be commanded or required to search suspected places, or to seize any person or persons, his or their property, not particularly described, are contrary to that right, and ought not to be granted.
XI. That in controversies respecting property, and in suits between man and man, the parties have a right to trial by jury, which ought to be held sacred.
The right of trial by jury is sacred. Sacred. Sacred. SACRED.
What that means is that any mechanism that does a “run around” of this should not be allowed. There would not be any plea bargains or pleas. How does the idea and concept of a “plea bargain” support the notion that a trial by jury is sacred?
XII. That the people have a right to freedom of speech, and of writing, and publishing their sentiments; therefore the freedom of the press ought not to be restrained.
Hey, good thing that Democrat Senator Feinstein doesn’t live in Pennsylvania. She would be in direct violation of the XII Right of Pennsylvania citizens.
XIII. That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the state; and as standing armies in the time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; And that the military should be kept under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.
This is far more than what is listed in the Federal Bill of Rights. Consider;
- Pennsylvania citizens have the right to bear arms for the defense of themselves.
- They also have it for the defense of the State of Pennsylvania.
- There shall be no standing armies outside of the State Police within Pennsylvania.
- Pennsylvania military shall be under civilian control.
Someone had best tell President Obama that the right to bear arms in Pennsylvania has nothing at all to do with hunting.
XIV. That a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles, and a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, industry, and frugality are absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty, and keep a government free: The people ought therefore to pay particular attention to these points in the choice of officers and representatives, and have a right to exact a due and constant regard to them, from their legislatures and magistrates, in the making and executing such laws as are necessary for the good government of the state.
It is important that the Pennsylvania government and it’s citizens follow the basics;
- A firm adherence to justice.
- Moderation.
- Temperance.
- Industry, and performing helpful labor.
- Frugality.
- These things are absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty, and keep a government free. Finally…
- Citizens need to take particular attention to whom they elect…
XV. That all men have a natural inherent right to emigrate from one state to another that will receive them, or to form a new state in vacant countries, or in such countries as they can purchase, whenever they think that thereby they may promote their own happiness.
- Men have the right to emigrate from one nation to another.
- Or, the men can form a new state in vacant countries.
XVI. That the people have a right to assemble together, to consult for their common good, to instruct their representatives, and to apply to the legislature for redress of grievances, by address, petition, or remonstrance.
I love this quote; “…the people have a Right to…instruct their representatives…“.
This makes me sad.
"I was trying to summon up a rush of pride to write about what makes our country great, and all I could think about was how far we’ve sunk. How distant we’ve ventured from those original settlers who said, “No more!” and declared their independence. They fought and sacrificed to be free of a government that oppressed them, taxed them, stole from them, and enforced rules without any type of representation upon them."
Ah yes. But you know the truth? We have forgotten what freedom really means. We have lost it over the decades and centuries. Until today where we have reached a point where people are willing to give it up voluntarily. Just give it up and discard it like an empty McDonald’s bag full of empty wrappers and soiled napkins.
Now we stand, today, with a perversion of a government. We live within a framework that has crushed the very rights that we demanded when we broke off from Britain.
RUSH: Donald Trump is the first guy to come along and have any kind of effectiveness whatsoever in unraveling the mess that is the product of many, many years of the left owning and running everything.
This is sad. This stuff has been going on for decades, if not longer. Please, just look at how life in America is today. Just look…
• They tax us unreasonably. The truth is that if we don’t pay, they will take the money right from our bank accounts immediately. If that doesn’t work, they will steal our possessions outright.
• In most states, we must ask for permission to do things. We need permission catch a fish, drive a car, own a gun, or build an extra room onto our homes.
• We know that both Permits and licenses are big revenue generators. They serve as means by which those in the government can get paid for their “services”. Now, of course, if you proceed without asking permission, they will extort more money from you in the form of fines. If you refuse to pay the fines (or if you can’t) they’ll kidnap you and lock you in a cage. Yep, different names for the various cages, but they are cages after all. There, you’ll be forced to perform manual labor for 10 cents an hour for whatever length of time the legal authorities feel is sufficient to teach you a lesson.
• Oh, and let’s not forget civil asset forfeiture. This happens in many instances, without due process or a trial, or even evidence of a crime. The police just take your money and d possessions. There is nothing that you can do about it. In short, our possessions and money can be taken from us on the “suspicion” that they are the benefits of some crime we haven’t been convicted of. It’s not fair. It’s not right. It is immoral, but it is the product of the government that we live under.
• Oh, and let’s not forget the armies of political correctness; the SJW. Indeed, we’re unable to voice our opinions without incurring the wrath of so-called social justice warriors. While some mistakenly believe that they may actually mean well in an idealistic kind of way. They are actually causing more oppression when they try to right a wrong by forcing people to abide by their way of thinking. It’s pathetic. It’s a tough world when our reactions to this perversion needs to first get past the censors on social media.
We comply with this nonsense
And yet, people comply. They truly believe that this is what freedom looks like. When they lose freedoms they comfort themselves with, “This is the price we pay to live somewhere safe and civilized. It is the price that we pay to live in the greatest nation on the planet.”
This is true and you, the reader, knows it.
Every time a bad act occurs, people plead to give away even more of their freedom because they believe it will make them safer. Be it a terror instance, or a mass shooting, or some event that is televised over and over and over and over… and over again on the television screens.
- The people end up agreeing to discard their freedoms. They become willing to be fondled and naked-body-scanned by the TSA in order to board a plane.
- They demand that burly, unattractive armed men fly on planes instead of attractive stewardesses.
- They demand that no one smoke in public.
- They demand that the police check to make sure that we are wearing our seat belts.
- They prefer to make a phone call and wait for the police to save them instead of picking up their own firearm and refusing to be a victim.
- They demand that the government tell us what to eat, how to eat it, where to eat it, when to eat. The only thing that they reserve for themselves is WHY to eat. (But, even that is being questioned as the perview of the government.)
- They want to be surrounded by gun free zones, and armed guards instead of taking responsibility for their own safety.
- They demand notices on coffee cups to warn them that coffee is hot.
- They demand that signs be posted to warn people that steps can be slippery, that you can fall off a ladder if you are not careful, or if the food you buy might cause cancer in mice.
It friggin’ sickens me.
Where we are now
The nation is in a really bad place right now. Progressive indoctrination of our youth has resulted in all kinds of bizarre behaviors.

We are no longer the nation that was initially founded. We have become something else. This is no longer the land of Daniel Boone, and Thomas Jefferson. Today, this is the land of openly gay metro-sexual flamboyant girly boys. What has happened to our nation?

Somehow, this land of rugged individuals has become populated with scared children. Tiny babies with the outside appearance of an adult, but with the emotional needs of a five year old. They are taught from an early age not to deal with conflicts. They are taught to be coddled and to hide. They are taught to be sheltered. Their ability to deal with interpersonal relationships and conflict is shot, and as a result they are now a nation of crybabies that demand that their feelings be preserved and not hurt.
These fellow citizens now expect to be cared for, fed, protected, and made to feel good about themselves, all by government mandate.
What this is, it is a manufactured reality. It is a reality where only a small handful of people control the entire nation, the wealth and all the power. The rest of the people are but serfs (at best) and mostly indentured slaves, forever conditioned to behave like children reacting to their overlords with awe. It’s manufactured INTENTIONALLY.
Just you wait until the genetic re-engineering starts to occur in hospitals. Thus creating a genetic caste system. And it will, oh yes. It will. Of course, it will be promoted as a beneficial way to make our offspring attractive, smart, stronger, or able to eat the cheapest foods. When this is implemented on a global scale, there will of course be a segregation of genetic differences... a caste system. We are certainly on the way.... Then the entire human species would be lost.
I can’t help but admit that it sickens me.
We need to go back to our initial values. We need to focus on the most important things; the timeless things that all humans need irregardless as to where they live. We need to focus on a nuclear family with traditional parenting roles, and the ideas that labor to support the family is a male prerogative. That caring for the family domestically is a female prerogative.
Men need to act like men. Women need to act like women. Children need to behave like children. Dogs need to be dogs. Cats… well, they are cats. They just don’t care at all for any of this revisionist nonsense.
Today, many people seem to have no desire whatsoever to earn their keep. They do not want provide for their families, or take responsibility for their own safety. They expect the government to take care for their children by the welfare system. They expect the government to warn them that the coffee is too hot, or that you shouldn’t lean over low railings. They expect the workplace to be one of a forever scene from Friends or a coffee shop lounge. They expect ample time off, equal pay for all, and of course no harsh language.
We have become a nation of chickenshits
Our culture is just so incredibly dependent on the government. It really is. We cannot do anything without some aspect to the government in our lives. We have to report to them what we do, when we do it, how we do it, and get permission to do anything out of the ordinary.
Freedom is terrifying to most people because it means that they are responsible for the actions that they take. It is petrifying and frightening. As a result, many Americas today are too afraid to do anything. We need to stand up for ourselves. As men, we take what is dished out, only so far, and then we fight back.
We don’t slither back to the “safe space” to commiserate with other metros-sexual confused-gender individuals about our plight at the hands of deplorable, racist Nazi’s. It’s all a manufactured nonsense. Men need to act and behave as men. Women as women. Dogs as dogs. And, of course, cats as cats…
An independent person succeeds or fails on his or her own merit.
Independence by its very nature means that the possibility of failure exists. It requires a sense of adventure, confidence, and the ability to fail and get right back up again, and it seems like these things are being bred right out of the American people.
It always seems like it is one thing or the other. Lately it is “race relations” and “White Privilege” It totally makes me sick.

Oh, and about all this nonsense about race…
I lived in the rural hills outside of Pittsburgh. We never, and I do mean NEVER, talked about “niggers”, and race. We just did not. The closest I ever came to it was being called a “Pollack”. (A lot.) The “issue” about race is (today) a politically motivated narrative. And, as such, it was constructed over the last eight years or so with defined objectives. It’s a pile of manure that we are all expected to believe.
Frankly, I am pretty tired about hearing about it all. It’s NEVER been part of my life. To me, it just sounds like a bunch of wining babies complaining. Wahhh! Wahhhh! It really does. It’s irritating.
Here I am in China. I am always and forever an outsider. I am ALWAYS called by racist names (weiguren or laowei) and I don’t complain and use it as excuses, and you shouldn’t either. It’s below us. It’s stuff that little children do when they don’t want to eat their spinach.
“Our rulers don’t seem to understand just how tired their white subjects are with this experiment. They don’t understand that white people aren’t out to get black people; they are just exhausted with them. They are exhausted by the social pathologies, the violence, the endless complaints, the blind racial solidarity, the bottomless pit of grievances, the excuses, the reflexive animosity. The elites explain everything with “racism,” and refuse to believe that white frustration could soon reach the boiling point.” -FR comment
Listen up. Real men do not complain about their hardships. They keep quiet about it, and they fucking TAKE IT. If there is one thing that is attractive to women it is that men are strong and quiet. Remember the Johnny Fontane scene from the movie ‘The Godfather” when the singer was begging for the part in the movie and crying about it. Do you remember what the Godfather had to say about it?
Americans have always prided ourselves in our independence. Heck, it is a cultural tradition. Up until recently, men were expected to leave the house once they turned eighteen years old. They could stay on if they went to college. Women were expected to leave and get married.
It sounds all so quaint now, with millennials living in their parent’s basement until well into their middle thirty’s.
I can understand it, and I don’t like it. But, a man needs to be able to work. If you cannot work, then you have a real problem. You have become superfluous.
But things are not as hopeless as they seem. Independence means “being independent”. This is the opposite of dependent. It is the exact opposite of how our government is set up as.
As I said, things are not hopeless. With some hard work and a big dose of courage, you can become independent and become a real man. Here’s how:
- You must reduce your dependence on everything that is out of your control.
- You must reduce your dependence on the government.
- You must reduce your dependence on everything that is huge. This includes large corporations, the transportation system, money, the banking system, entities like the FDA and the USDA. All of these are marketed to us to make it seem like we can’t survive without them. That is not true. It is an illusion. We don’t need anything.
We are trained to be dependent.
We are manipulated. We are manipulated by our beliefs and patriotism. We are, like I have said…manipulated.
My First Job
I well remember the first time that I got a job. I had just turned 14. It was in the local grocery store, and I was hired at minimum wage to stock shelves and bag groceries. I used to wear a white short sleeved shirt and a red bow tie. Over this, I wore an apron. My hair must be over my ears and not touch my collar. No face hair was permitted.
I was ready for my first job. However, before I could work, I needed to get a “social security” number. Here is my experience about that event…
I asked my father, why do I need a social security number? His response was, you need it because you need to save some money away for when you get old. This will help you accomplish that. We were riding in the car, and as we crossed over the East Brady bridge I looked at him, and asked him; “OK, I understand. But, why does the United States government have to do this? Can’t I just save the money on my own?” He just shook his head. “This is the way it is son. You have to give part of your money away to the government. They know better than you do, and they will take care of you when you get older…” My trustworthy father told me the way things work in the United States. He said the United States government will take care of ME when I get older…
I AM older. My government ain’t doin’ JACK SHIT.
It was my father’s generation, and his father’s generation that got us in the financial position that the United States is in today. Reread his answer. At the time… he really…REALLY believed what he told me. He was a life-long Democrat, and to the day he died he could not understand why, with all the taxes being collected, that the government could not (or would not) help the common citizen.
Back then, taxes were much lower than they are today. Yet, I well remember my surprise when I received my first paycheck. I expected to be paid in full, and was surprised at the size of the amount deduced from my paycheck…

It didn’t matter what job I was doing, the taxes always had to be set aside. No matter what the media said, I just never was able to get any of the “freebies” (reference law#40 on the 48 Laws of Power) and deductions that was promised to me.
Later, when I worked in the coal mines, there was talk about credits for solar panels. Even President Jimmy Carter put solar panels in the White House. But, that credit was not for me.
Then, when I was working in the steel mills, our union stewardtold us that if we voted Democrat that we could pretty much guarantee a lifetime pension and a great future for ourselves and our families. That never materialized either. My father was particularly upset with this change of events. Sigh.
When we were on the Forest Fire Crew, we would discuss the “rebates” that were promised to us by (then President) Jimmy Carter. Nah. They NEVER materialized. Maybe some privileged group or major Democrat voting block got some, but we never saw anything. I guess that we weren’t important enough, or maybe it was because we just didn’t complain loud enough.
When I watch the news today, I can well see why those in power don’t want the youth of today to read and know their history. They want to keep them fat, dumb and stupid.
As I get older, I can plainly see the same old “bag of tricks” being recycled for use on an ignorant public. Yeah… yeah…. Vote Democrat and we will fix everything this time. You can trust us! Yah… yeah…
If you speak out of line, or don’t follow the official script, you are “off the reservation“, and will be attacked. Look at what is going on with Kayne when he doe not follow the script.
Oh, and the Republicans are just as bad. Don’t think that they are going to get a free pass from me. In my mind they are every bit as bad as the Democrats. But at least they are pretending to try. The fact is that both Republicans and Democrats are working from the exact same playbook; Rule # 31 & 32 of the 48 laws of power.
How to lose the dependency
It is important to keep you dependent. That is how evil people maintain control over other people.

We must stop needing things. Once you decide that there’s nothing that you need, then the boogeymen who would control us all lose their power. We need to start cutting this enormous spider web that has entangled us and stifled our freedoms.
That’s why nearly everything you need to do to become self-sustaining is either illegal or strongly discouraged: milk straight from the cow, water collection, front-yard vegetable gardens, carrying a firearm. They need you to need them.
“Government” is a giant scam.
Yes, check out the links. They are all illegal to do.
The truth is that the government is not really made up of the elected officials that it purports. That is what the textbooks have to say. But it is really not that way at all. In fact, It’s made up, mostly, of people who sell their souls to huge corporations for personal comfort and financial benefit. The companies all have an interest in the type of laws that are passed. Beneficial laws to the company can be passed, and laws that are not beneficial can be blocked.

This goes as well to all the supposed watchdog entities. This includes the FDA, the EPA, and others. They are all hand-picked and populated by those who are determined to support corporations. They do so no matter what the detriment to the American people whom they pretend to protect.
"If Congress was like Nascar, the members would have to wear uniforms emblazoned with their sponsors. However, Washington DC does not have the transparency of professional car racing, so we must guess at the sponsors of our members."
We are buried under ridiculous laws with the sole purpose of generating money to the government. This comes in the form of fee derived revenue or adding to the slave labor force in the for-profit prison system. Consider;
- The war on drugs.
- Excessive safety requirements for autos.
- Laws on vice and behaviors.
- Permits for everything.
We must work most of our waking hours to be able to pay for our basic necessities. It is truly sad. Consider…
- We cannot raise chickens, we must buy processed eggs.
- We must have homogenized milk.
- We must purchase electricity and cannot self-generate.
We are convinced repeatedly that we must have things that our ancestors would never have considered owning, much less requiring. Such as…
- The latest iPhone.
- A Segway.
- A Telsa electric (Green friendly) automobile.
- A big screen television.
- The latest update to Microsoft Office.
- An Amazon Alexa.
Hand in hand, the mega-corporations and the government entities work together to keep us subservient and in our places. It is a terrible symbiotic relationship. The corporations create products, the watchdog agencies “test” the products, and the government mandates an artificial need for these products. Don’t believe me?
Try to by a electrical appliance without a UL or ESL label. Try to purchase a cell phone without a FCC certification. Try to buy any medicine, drug or vitamin?
They have most people convinced that they must follow the food pyramid, the vaccine schedule, and the rules that force us to have licenses for every darned thing we do.
It is not freedom. It really isn’t.
We must pay. We must give our time, our labors, our families, and sometimes our very lives to the government. We must pay for and be granted permission to feed ourselves. It’s true. But, not just to feed ourselves. We must get permission to transport ourselves, build shelters for ourselves, unite in matrimony, and even to own pets.
We need permission.
People, this is NOT freedom.
A free person never has to ask permission.
Like some kind of frighteningly authoritarian parent, they assure us that it’s for our own safety. They lay claim that these breaches into our independence are dangerous. They tell us that we and that we must comply or face the consequences. And, like parents, they “ground us” by taking away our licenses.
They send us to our rooms that just happen to be located in for-profit prisons.
We are not permitted to live life in liberty.
They don’t “allow” us to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. They don’t allow it because it is very dangerous. That is simply because once we taste that sweet freedom, we won’t want to be under their oppressive thumbs anymore.
Being dependent is the opposite of freedom
We have become dependent on our government. We have allowed them to take on the role of a parent to us. We have reinforced this though our inaction. Their disdain for us is obvious in how they treat us. They control us through fear. Our fears are constantly being manipulated over and over again.

• We must get approval for everything that we do. We need our actions and activities inspected and approved. We will die if we don’t eat things that were inspected and approved by them.
• We must obey the law. Whether it is having an approved car seat, an approved lawnmower, or the proper height of railing in our house. We will be jailed, fined, or have our children taken from us if we don’t toe the line.
• We are unable to figure things out for ourselves because we are not “experts”. We must make our decisions on the representative “experts” selected for us. We must listen to them and take the medications that they prescribe for us, and obey the decisions that they make for us.
• We will die if we don’t follow their expert health and nutrition advice. We must drink from cups of coffee that tells about cancer in rats that were given 10,000 cups of coffee a day.
• We’ll be murdered by scary foreign terrorists if we don’t allow the TSA to fondle our private parts, make us walk barefoot for 30 feet, and perform x-rays that show us naked before we fly.
Because some people fear these things and believe these tales so thoroughly, they allow the government to enforce ridiculous, unconstitutional laws “for our own safety.”
We allow the government to make and enforce unneeded laws.
They say, “Better that I give up my rights as a human being and save the world from a terrorist.”
We have permitted the loss of our Rights for safety.
They justify, “These agents are only doing their jobs.” Heck, I’ve even heard people in line at the airport thank the TSA for patting them down.
We have accepted living in a prison
All of this add up to a horrible reality. We cannot see it simply because we are living in the middle of it. We need to step outside and look at the world around us. The truth is quite simple, our government strives to keep its citizens in a state of dependency. They want us to feel as though we actually can’t survive without them. However, that is an illusion. It simply is not true.
Most Americans suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome.
For those of you who don’t know, the Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological term that was coined after a 6-day siege at a bank in Stockholm, Sweden. What happened was that the 4 hostages taken in the siege began to act strangely. They began to feel affection, even love, for their captors. This was a curious result. As such, it was studied extensively.
The phrase was reported to have been coined by criminologist and psychiatrist Nils Bejerot. Psychiatrist Dr Frank Ochberg was intrigued by the phenomenon and went on to define the syndrome for the FBI and Scotland Yard in the 1970s…
“First people would experience something terrifying that just comes at them out of the blue. They are certain they are going to die. “Then they experience a type of infantilisation – where, like a child, they are unable to eat, speak or go to the toilet without permission.” Small acts of kindness – such as being given food – prompts a “primitive gratitude for the gift of life,” “The hostages experience a powerful, primitive positive feeling towards their captor. They are in denial that this is the person who put them in that situation. In their mind, they think this is the person who is going to let them live.” Stockholm Syndrome is defined as “feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.”
Sounds familiar, right?
Well that is what is going on with most Americans today. This condition, this situation has reached a point of no return. Those imprisoned within the United States are trapped within this huge echo chamber that proudly proclaims “freedom” whilst doing the exact opposite.
Americans are “trapped” within a prison without walls. Then, once the government starts putting up walls, it will be all over. You won’t ever be able to leave. Oh, of course, the reasons will be to make America safer. It will be to keep people out. When the real reason will be to keep people in.
What can you do?
Well, what can you do? The American government is far too large, the powers that they have provided themselves with are too powerful. The corporation’s and their social-economic-political connections are too strong. What can a person do?

Imagine that you are a caged lion inside a zoo.
Everyday you dream of your youth when you would romp and play with the other cubs on the grasses of the savanna. When you wake, you pace back and forth inside your lonely, sterile cage. You look forward to your meal, though lately it has been getting smaller and smaller in portion size. The occasional treat of real meat is also getting rarer.
Humans come to look at you, and you just stare back with dead lifeless eyes. You watch the shadows of the sun on the bars in your cage. You watch it move across the floor. You know soon your water will be changed. You know that soon the lights will go out and you will be permitted a rest, and to sleep so as to forget this bland life that you live in.
What are your options? Can you escape? And if so, how?
You options, as a lion, are limited. You will never be able to return to your homeland. It is not possible to do so with the resources at your disposal. Your options are truly limited.
You could;
- Attack the gatekeepers. Try to push open the gate while they are bleeding, and make a run for it.
- Sneak away. The gate gets old. Gatekeepers fall into routines. You could sneak away when no one was watching.
As an American those are our only options.
The lion might purr and be friendly with it’s gatekeeper, but he will never be allowed outside the cage. Sure there are stories of lions that one day found freedom by a wealthy benefactor, or of those who moved to a different kind of cage, a more “natural” living environment.
Americans have two, and only two, options.
- We could try to change the government through direct action. It is a difficult sell. The other times that it took place did not end well.
- We could leave the United States.
It is a tough decision, no doubt. Everyone is different. However you do need to think it out properly and plan. They more you have, the more that is at risk. So proceed carefully and plan appropriately. I cannot advise you on what you can do. I can only suggest the options open to you. It is up to you to take them, and run the risks associated with your decision…

This is not bullshit. I took action. I thought about this in great detail and made my move.
I took action…
I left the United States.
War is a young man’s business. I am far too old for this nonsense. I don’t like having limits on the size of coke that I can drink. I resent being forced to wear a seatbelt, and being told that I need to get a doctors prescription for stomach medicine. I resent making $100, and having the federal government, state government, and the various fees and fines tacked on so that I only get $60 in my wallet. With them turning around and throwing money away to everyone else but me.
So I left. I went to a place where I had real freedom.
You know, it's been my experience that men to talk about having sex all the times typically hardly got any. While those who kept quiet about it, were the ones getting it all the time. The same thing is true about "freedom". Those that talk about it all the time are actually compensating for their lack of freedom. While those who don't talk about it, are the ones that are actually having it.
I left with nothing. Everything that I owned fit into two bags. I wore hospital scrubs and flip flops to make it easy to board the plane and go through the TSA screening process.
Then when there was a typhoon during the flight, the airline lost my bags and I arrived in China with no luggage, and only the clothes on my back and my personal papers.
But, you know… all that being said. I was free to start a life new and fresh. Yet again, I started from scratch with nothing. I guess that I am an expert at it by now, because I actually did manage to build up a new life.
And here I am today.

America is not at all what it was initially set up as. It was setup as a land of freedom and liberty. Today, it is the opposite of that. Today it has the worst aspects of a dystopian nightmare blended with elements of a mafia run corrupt dictatorship. Today the United States looks more like a 1960’s era Bulgaria run by an African mob boss, only with the latest in surveillance technology.
There isn’t any freedom left in the United States.
American citizens have only two options open to them. They are very stark and depressing. Americans can accept their role as a serf on a high-tech plantation run and ruled by oligarchy. Or they can take one of two options.
- Leave.
- Stay and create a new government.
Both options will require planning, effort and pain. The better things in life are the hardest to get. I can only hope that whatever option the reader selects is done carefully and well thought out.
A New Government
What ever form that your new ideal government is, think it out first. The founders of the United States STUDIED the various forms of governance and then created the federal Constitution based upon their conclusions. Those whom wanted to “improve” the United States did not do so with a mind towards historical precedence. They did so based on the projected size of their wallets.
I told all my children a simple story and they all “got” it almost instantly. When they asked about the different political parties .. I said well.. it’s like if you worked all weekend washing cars for some extra cash while your siblings stayed home and played computer games. Then Monday we go to the ice cream store and I take half your money against your wishes and use it to buy them ice cream too, because, “it’s the fair thing to do”. That’s what socialism is. Communism is the same... except I hold a gun to your head while taking it. -Free Republic Post 9JUL18
Our Current Government
Consider the new IRS HQ building in Maryland. This is an enormous structure that was designed to “better” collect tax revenue from American citizens. This enormous structure was built at the same time as the IRS was equipped with military grade weapons and tanks.

For me, what is most disturbing about this structure is what is carved in stone in the front of the building. It tells me all that I need to know about what our government is and what they think of us citizens….

Considering the fact that a bunch of laws blatantly violating the Bill of Rights (notably the First and Fourth Amendment) were enacted shortly after this building was erected, one can ask if this quote wasn’t some kind of a warning. As we see new police-state-style laws violating privacy, free speech and encouraging oppression, we can definitely conclude that the elite views the Bill of Rights as something “very human, very fragile” that can easily be violated. While the above quote can be interpreted as a reminder to not take the Bill of Rights for granted, in the context of its location, it conveys an unsettling message about how it can easily be tampered with … and even disappear.
Comments on Free Republic
In July 2018, this article was presented on Free Republic for comments. You can read the comments HERE.
Q: Is America the “Land of the Free”?
A: No. It’s a catchy slogan, for certain. But functionally, there is no freedom or liberty in the United States today. Remember, freedom is living a life without any restrictions. America is land where there are restrictions on just about everything.
Q: Does the State Bill of Rights have any validity today?
A: Yes, in fact, I would say that it has more validity than the Federal Bill of Rights. I say this simply because of the tenth amendment to the Federal Constitution. There is a tendency for us to rely on the interpretations of the Constitution by others, especially those in positions of power. This is wrong. The Constitution was INTENDED to be read and understood by the common man. It was not intended to be subject to the interpretations by approved blue ribbon panels, activist judges or bureaucrats.
Q: Do you advocate a revolution in the United States?
A: No. I simply suggest that Americans live the life that was promised to them by the founders of the Constitution. This means that we need to reclaim our heritage, and start doing things and taking the steps necessary to guarantee our liberties.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Links about China
China and America Comparisons
Learning About China
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- Composed 5JUL18.
- SEO review 8JUL18.
- Release 8JUL18.
- Added the IRS interpretation of the Bill of Rights 10JUL18.
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