China is a very, very big nation. Many times I am asked what it is like. Honestly, there is so much to say, that I end up going on some tangent or the other. However, one thing that I noticed when talking to other men, is that what they really want to know is what Chinese girls are like…
Wow! That is in itself a huge subject.
Here I try to compose a series of micro-videos of Chinese girls taking little vignettes of themselves being cute, dancing, eating, and doing girl things. It is in no way comprehensive, but it should give you a general idea of what Chinese girls are like. It will also help you to get a better idea of what China is like as well.
Here we look at ten micro-videos…
The Elevator
Here is a micro-video of a Chinese girl who is waiting at an elevator. It looks like this elevator is in some kind of business building. Many business buildings in China have advertisements in and around the elevators. In residential buildings, the elevators are much nicer and tend to have advertisements in picture frames.
You may notice that she is carrying two plastic containers. They are clean, which leads me to believe that her lunch was in those containers, and that we took the elevator to the next floor’s restroom to clean the dishes, and now she is returning to her office.
Notice that she is dressed in office attire suitable for a small business. This might be anything from retail to housing, to some kind of internet operation. She is wearing low heeled shoes that is suggestive of a middle class office complex.
The background music is a well known song that is heard throughout China.
Girl in Subway
Here is a short video of a girl waiting for the subway. Most of China has really modern and state of the art subways. While the subways in Beijing tend to be small and crowded, the rest of the nation if filled with the latest in high-tech, Japanese assisted designs with a very modern infrastructure. Notice that all signs have English underneath. In Shenzhen, the subway announcements are in three languages; Chinese, English and Cantonese.
She is wearing cute, white tennis-shoes which are called xiao bei xie (little white shoes). She has a tattoo of a line around her thigh which is important to her for some reason. She is standing on disabled-people tile. This is a special tiled floor that people who cannot see can use to get around with. All sidewalks and walking areas have this special tile. China is disabled-friendly.
She is a typical Chinese girl in that she has a purse, a small tattoo or two, she wears a short pair of shorts and a nice clean white (open back) top. You will notice on the floor are some yellow footprints. This is where people stand when they want to board the train.
Residential Area
Here is a cutie who is dancing in a residential area. The Chinese have areas zoned for business and areas zoned for residences. This is just like the United States. People who travel to China to look at a factory reflect how ugly the area looks, and then they fly home. Factory areas tend to be dirty and nasty, while residential areas are quiet, tree lined and softer. China is an area where it is considered important to have areas where people can live and experience life.
Chinese girls like to wear tight jeans, as has been the fashion for the last few years. They also like to wear light and lose fitting upper clothing as parts of China can get to be quite hot and sweaty.
Many buildings in China are quite new. In fact, any building older than ten years old is considered to be “old”. Many buildings, in order to keep the illusion that it is new, keep the walls plain and unadorned with fresh white paint.
This is a cute girl. She is dressed typically.
In China, the color of the skin is considered to be a significant contributor to whether or not a person is attractive. In general, the lighter the skin you have, the more attractive you are. This girl has beautiful eyes, and nice shaped face, and sweet tasty lips.
Riding on a Boat
Riding on a boat is a typical pastime for many young ladies. Many of the larger cities in China are on the coast. There are significant opportunities to go out riding on the boat, having fun with friends and enjoying the views. I like this video because it reminds me that you have control of your life, and the life that you live is up to you. Live it well.
Since she is on a boat, she is wearing sunglasses, a light and loose top and comfortable clothes. This is pretty much a common scene around Hong Kong, Macao and other coastal cities.
KTV Restroom
KTV’s are very big and popular in China. There are many types. They range from business KTV’s to family KTV’s and everything in between. Here, we have a girl that is photographing herself in the shared washroom outside of the gender-separated bathroom stalls in a KTV. You can hear the various music from the various KTV rooms wafting through the hallway.
I find this girl very attractive as she has curves in all the right places, a nice face and a soft disposition. I would consider her as “cute as a button”.
By looking at the surroundings you can see some typical characteristics about many family-style KTV’s that involve sparkling tiled wall surfaces, and a kind of subdued lighting. The older people behind her gives the location away as a family KTV establishment.
Tennis Court
Here is a Chinese girl dancing in a tennis court. You will notice that she is wearing her hair up in a ponytail as the temperature tends to be warm. She is sporting a nice large tattoo which suggests that she is living in one of the larger cities. She is also wearing xiao bei xie (little white shoes).
She can dance, and she has a nice body. I like to believe that dancing is a fine way to keep fit and to keep your weight down.
Getting out of the Car
This is more my speed. Here we have a successful (or apparently so) man getting out of his fine, fine ride along with a stunning Chinese woman. Man! Now that is a Wo-man! She is certainly a stunner, let me tell you.
The venue and the situation suggests a high-end bar, club or KTV.
This is common in China, as there are many successful people in China. They are nerds who have worked hard and are rewarded by the culture and society for their efforts. This is what happens when you work hard and prosper.
Residential Street
Here we have a Chinese girl in a residential / mixed industry street. These are very common in China. As many people have and own businesses that they live inside. The front of the building is a shop and they sleep and bathe in the room(s) in the back. You can often see their children studying in the shop with the products, or making food alongside the store merchandise.
The reader should not that this is the exactly the same girl (in the same outfit) that was in the KTV micro-video above. I like her rocking body. She has a face, that by Chinese standards is quite beautiful and on the cute side. As such she is being cute for the camera in a very girly way. She has an oval face as opposed to a round face, dark Chinese black hair and beautiful eyes.
Notice that behind her is a street with various shops and residences. This looks like, to me, the southern section of China. You can see the scooters and motorized trikes that are everywhere here.
Department Store
It appears to me that this is a smaller department store in one of the smaller cities or outer towns. It is very typical. We have a cute Chinese girl dancing to one of the top popular songs of this year in an open area in the store. She is dressed in fresh cute clothes that is suggestive of a young girl still in high school.
These department stores can have some signification bargains. They typically service smaller towns and people who only make just a little bit of money. Like all stores, they can be found everywhere from big cities to small rural areas.
Everyone likes to look at pretty girls. Even other pretty girls. I, as a man, think that pretty girls liven up our lives and make it more interesting and fun. I would not mind taking any one of these girls out and having a nice meal or playing around in a park or some other place. Having good companionship, great conversation, and enjoying a wonderful meal would be awesome with any of these women.
Today it is difficult to see what other places are like, if you are an American. Our news is heavily propagandized.
- Those on the liberal side have the impression that China eats dogs, is full of poor waifs that sell their bodies for sex, and is full of dirty smog filled air.
- Those on the conservative side, have the impression that China is a great war-mongered beast who wants to take over the Pacific, that they are ruthless businessmen, and want to keep their citizens imprisoned in a communist gulag.
Neither impression is correct. They are both terrible distortions.
China is a huge nation, bigger geographically than the United States, and with an enormous population far larger than America’s. In fact, there are more people in China that speak English than there are Americans in the entire world.
They live life. They work. They study hard. They try to do their best. They have fun. They raise families. They are, in many ways, like “old fashioned” Americans around 1950. While America has moved toward a progressive socialist paradise ruled by an oligarchy, China has moved in a different direction. It has moved toward free-market policies originating out of a central government. China is not at all what we think it is.
This post is my little way to help introduce China to the readership.
Take Aways
- Chinese women are attractive.
- Many of the buildings in China are new, and have a modern supporting infrastructure.
- Chinese people like to dance, sing, and have fun with their friends.
- Chinese women DO NOT look like pre-adolescent children. (Here’s a nod to the idiots in Arkansas who were absolutely convinced that Chinese women look like little pre-adolescent girls.)
Q: Why do you only have beautiful Chinese girls? What about being more diverse and inclusive? Why do you objectify girls?
A: Well, for one, this article is about attractive Chinese girls. It wouldn’t do to have non-Chinese girls in it. Nor would it be appropriate to have men, homosexuals, fat and ugly girls, children or LGBT creatures in the article.
If you want to purge beauty out of your life, no problem. Go ahead and do it. Just like American beauty pageants are no longer about beauty. Just like American airlines have purged themselves of age and beauty standards. Just like race-cars have purged themselves of attractive women. But you won’t see that in China.
Now here, I like to surround myself with beauty. I like to surround myself with things that I like and I love. That includes dogs, cats, pizza, bacon, tomatoes, friends and of course my loved ones.
Q: Why do you use micro-videos in this post?
A: I think it does a nice job of giving a snapshot of what China is like. Many of the videos have Chinese songs. They all feature beautiful Chinese girls in China doing things that beautiful Chinese girls like to do. Of course, if you would rather go to you-tube, go ahead. You won’t find very many Chinese girls there. You-tube is banned in China because it, like Facebook, Google, and Tumblr, all collect user information and pipe that information directly to the NSA for American government’s use.
Q: Why do you think these girls are beautiful?
A: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What constitutes for beauty in China is different from what is beautiful elsewhere. I chose these videos because I happen to think the girls are cute, beautiful or attractive. Of course, if you disagree with me, you can leave. This is what constitutes beauty in the United States today…

Links about China
- How a business KTV works in China
- The Dance Craze that is Sweeping China.
- The Tale of the End of the Day Potato
- Democrat Busybodies and the Destruction of Freedom
- A Comparison between American and Chinese Playgrounds
- News as Everyday Dog Shit
- What High School Taught me About Democracy
- Why and American man should leave America and Travel
- Attack of the Dancing Grandmothers
- When the SJW movement took control of China
- The Importance of a Family Meal Together
- Freedom and Liberty in China
- The Ben Ming Nian – The Twelve-Year Curse
- Beware the Expat
- The Last Straw – Why I Left America
- What happens when you try to implement Diversity Initiatives in China
Pretty Chinese Girls
- Learning about China by looking at Pretty Chinese Girls – 1
- Learning about China by looking at Pretty Chinese Girls – 2
- Learning about China by looking at Pretty Chinese Girls – 3
- Learning about China by looking at Pretty Chinese Girls – 4
- Learning about China by looking at Pretty Chinese Girls – 5
Articles & Links
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
- Composed 18AUG18.
- SEO review 19AUG18.
- Conclusions and Publish 19AUG18.
Links about China

China and America Comparisons

The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.

Learning About China

Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Articles & Links
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
The title picture is Korean. The difference between Korea and China is much greater than that between France and the United States.
Koreans are all ethnically Han Chinese. You might want to clutch onto geographical borders if your prefer, but when I am talking about Chinese girls, I refer to the Han Race. This includes China, Singapore, Taiwan, HK, Korea. Now there are other races that sometimes fall under this umbrella.
Besides most Korean K-pop bands have Chinese members. Big names include AOA, Girls Generation and Stellar.