I would like to take a little side excursion on our exploration of the Chinese music scene today to look at what makes certain types of music so popular to the Chinese people. Why do they like slow, sappy love ballads, say… instead of twerking urban jungle-rap. You know the type, where the girl gets on all fours, puts her ass high into the air and shakes it so that everyone can watch her rolling blobs of fat jiggle. Why aren’t the Chinese like that?
Let’s explore this issue somewhat. OK?
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What is the most popular venue for music in China?
That is a very good question. But, first before we answer it, consider what the most popular venue for music in the USA. The most popular venue is music played on the radio or player in the automobile. That is the most common venue that Americans use to listen to their music.
Americans will hop in their automobiles and immediate start to listen to their music. This is true whether it is via the radio, CD, USB or satellite radio. Of course, the will also listen on the internet and in other venues. But the most common… for Americans… is in the privacy of their car.
Thus, that is where they might sing. That, and the shower…heh. Heh.
For the Chinese it is quite different. Most will listen to the music on their cell phone while they are riding the bus, the subway or the train to work. They will put the headphones on and listen. They won’t have the chance to sing along to the songs… that is… not until they go to the KTV.
When the Chinese go to the KTV, the go with friends, and there in the privacy of the room, can sing to their hearts content. No one will make fun, and no one will question them. It will all be fun.
And at the Club…
Or, of course, when they are at the club, as shown in this here micro-video…
Ah, you know what these videos remind me of? Yes. They remind me of beer. yes, that most glorious refreshment (especially when icy cold). As an American who was raised during a time when America was traditional and conservative, beer was the staple libation for all races and sexes.

Glorious, glorious beer!
The Chinese are just like Americans. They love to sing. Anyways, guys… don’t tell me that there isn’t a song that you don’t sing to when you are in the car!
Heck, when I was younger, I used to sing Classic Rock, which then included Aerosmith, and of course Deep Purple. Later, I would sing Southern Rock with Charlie Daniels, and Neil Young. And then when I discovered Country and Western Music, I would sing every chance that I would get.

If you are not drinking and singing, there is something serious missing from your life, I’ll tell you what.
Look guys. Look at the above video. That is my life. Being around pretty girls, drinking adult beverages, singing, dancing, and eating fine food. If you are not living life, then you are missing out. Life is far too short not to enjoy it. Life is short, live it well.
Life is short, Live it well.
Go out and be with friends, and what…? You don’t have any. Well, then make some. Life is about living. That is the purpose of life; to have experiences. Life is not sitting in front of a monitor all day, whether it is for work, or for your lonely personal enjoyments. Screw that!
You are missing out, dudes! What were you doing when this video (below) was taken? Was it important? Will you remember it on your death bed? Chances are no. You were doing something else. maybe reading the “news” on the computer. Maybe you were checking and clinking “likes” on Facebook. Maybe you were doing your taxes so that you won’t get audited. Maybe you were at work…
Life is too short. You need to enjoy it. Have a beer gosh darn it!

People, life is meant to be enjoyed. If you are not singing. If you are not dancing. If you are not eating well… if you are not with friends, children, pets, and loved ones, then you are truly missing out. Go out. Make your life wonderful.
Be like this…
Life is far too short to get all caught up and bothered by the machinations of the rich oligarchs that control what we read on the news media though our computers. Really… does it matter (if) there are tri-gender bathrooms in Portland, Or? Does it matter if yet another Democrat is trying to ban guns? Does it matter that yet another Muslim molested a six year old?
Yes, those things do matter, but not to you. Your life should be run personally and viscerally. There will always be bad people, stupid people, and rich oligarchs trying to influence you. Turn them off and shut the door. Life is far too short to get upset by their inherent craziness. have some fun why don’t ya.
And how about this…
I am so sorry if I am ramming my preference for singing, dancing and drinking with pretty ladies down everyone’s throat, but you DO NEED TO UNDERSTAND that that is a fundamental part of Chinese culture.
And yes, it takes place in the work offices as well, as can be illustrated by this Chinese laoban (boss)…
In my mind, the computer has been used as a tool to take over the minds of Americans. Now, it is just a tool, and nothing more, yet many of our youth have used it as a replacement for the more important aspects of our lives. That is horrible and it must stop. Use it as a tool, and then move on…

Music is a pleasure that is an important and fundamental part of our lives. Let it be as it is, and enjoy it. Or, as can be shown by this group of employees during their daily morning exercise and sing-along (yeah, most Chinese companies do this).
Oh, and by the way…
Did you all notice anything about all the videos that you have seen so far? What about the ones that you will see..? See anything interesting? Yes, it’s mostly women.
But! But! But, how can this be? The Western news is all about how the Chinese have completely killed off most of the male off-spring during the implementation of the one-child policy. So if the Western narrative was correct, then almost all the videos that you would see in TicToc would be of guys about guys. But, that is not the case…what is going on? Eh?
Hey! Maybe I'm one of those Communist Propagandists trying to sway American Conservatives to the evil side, eh? Yuppur. Beer, pretty girls and singing is the sure fire way to convert virile American men to the ways of the beta-male trans-gender crowd. Yes. As we all know that is what Communists represent. Huh. Eh?
OK, sorry for the interlude. Ugh 7 videos. So to continue, please click here…

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Links about China

China and America Comparisons

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

Learning About China

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