If you all don’t mind, I would like to explore further the connection of Chinese women “playing traditional dress-up” and dancing to popular music. There are so, so, SO many aspects to this phenomenon that I think it deserves some further investigation.
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Oh, yeah… don’t forget this.
The above is just some girl dressing up and singing and dancing. So what?
Historical Reenactments
Well, what if you and your friends want to do historical reenactments? You know like how civil war reenactors reenact battles in America, or how people reenact Roman Legions in Europe, or how people reenact soldiers from World War I or II? It’s like that. Here we have a period reenactment. Pretty cool heh?
And, you know what? There are all sorts of opportunities to wear traditional clothing. Each region has their own history and culture; so every minority Chinese is protected by Chinese government law, which mandates rigid adherence to traditional customs, traditional ceremonies, and traditional holidays. It’s the law.
History and Culture is protected by law
There’s none of that “separation of church and state” here in China. History is considered sacred. As well as traditional, conservative, and family belief systems. They are protected and actively promoted through government funding.
Chinese minorities are protected as cultural jewels.
Here is a traditional holiday with one of the many Chinese minorities. I don’t know what they are doing, but obviously the gal in the front is the top queen leader of some sort.
That can be extended to all sorts of holidays that are all over China. It is a great opportunity for pretty girls to get all dressed up and have guys ooh and auhhh over them. Nice. That is what it is. Very, very nice.
Modern China is a mixture of old and new traditions.
Here’s some girls just palling it around in Beijing. You know, doing cute girl type things. Don’t ya just love it? I do. I’ll tell ya what.
I love that they can dress how they want to. I love the freedom that they have to play roles…role-play as it were, and do so in public without confrontation, or being told they cannot do, or say, or act in certain ways. I love how they are allowed and protected from being harmed.
Oh, by the way, if any fat gender-less-feminazi tries to interrupt their good times for “cultural appropriation”, or misuse of pronouns, I am sure that the police will arrest them sure as shit. The Chinese do not mess around when it comes to protecting the traditional Chinese way of life.
Here is another video of a girl in traditional garb and dress. She is dancing and is such a charmer, I’ll tell you what.
Ah. Look at all here fans. Isn’t she adorable?
Happy CNY you-all!
Oh yes, since this is 2019. Let me wish everyone a great a wonder CNY year of the Pig! Have a great one ya-all!

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