Chinese J-15 on board a Chinese aircraft carrier.

Some fun micro-videos of Chinese weapons and their use

This is a pretty basic post. It covers a selection of micro-videos that I have collected involving Chinese weapons systems and their use and application. These are pretty short videos. If you want to obtain a more comprehensive study of these weapons systems perhaps you should go to Janes and check out the “official” published data.

You-tube has some videos along these lines of course. Although, it’s limited pickin’s. As such, if you don’t like what is provided herein you can go out to You-tube and see what they have to offer. It will be a little different from what you will see here. Sort of like the difference between McDonald’s and a Howard Johnson’s Automat. Heh heh.

The videos herein are a mixture of official Chinese Navy / military promotional videos, and personal videos created by military enthusiasts in China. It’s the same as the USA. There are also American video productions, as well as videos made by military enthusiasts. Of course, being of a military nature, you will have the obligatory martial music in the background. It goes with the territory, don’t ya know.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

With all that being stated, let’s start with the primary role that the Chinese Navy is involved in…

Convoy Escort Duties

This is understandable. Someone needs to make sure all the cargo ships leave China and arrive in the United States, safe and sound and unmolested. Someone has to do it. Or did you actually believe that the “high seas” are safe and free and don’t need to be patrolled?

The United States doesn’t have the manpower, the time, or the resources to be everywhere.

With the United States busy fighting seven (x7) nations all over the world simultaneously, there just isn’t any resources left for America to combat international piracy on the high seas. So, the “wise ones” in Washington DC have decided that it would be best to be the world’s policeman, and leave the sea patrol duties to others.

The United States government has decided to abrogate this role to other nations.

America’s military is stretched pretty thin, being the world’s policeman, and all that. Like spreading (progressive) “democracy” to rural villages in the hinterlands, and other “important” duties. In fact, from what I gather the Neocons and Neolibs are fixing to get us all into another war. So, we’ve got to set some stuff aside for that “next big thing”.

Venezuela is gonna be the next big thud. You just wait and see.

By the way, can anyone tell me how the war in Yemen improves their lives? I'd really like to know. Heck we are only there because of Saudi Arabia. What have they done for you personally...?

Anyways, back to China.

China is the world’s producer. More than half of all international cargo leaves the ports of China and travels all over the world. With sizable shipments off to Japan, Russia, Europe and even the United States. In fact, the USA remains one of the top export destinations out of China. With a solid 11% of the exports out of China going to the United States. I guess would wouldn’t be able to tell by going to Wal-Mart, eh? </sarcasm>

That’s a lot of cheddar.

The ships that leave China are enormous vessels. Truly, and they are magnificent machines.

Container ship.
Shipping container load moving out of the port at Shenzhen bound for Europe. Container ships are enormous and carry everything from rubber duckies to iphones, and televisions.

But, you know, these ships are often subject to hostile piracy on the high-seas.

The most notable areas are the international waters around Muslim nations. (Hey! It’s true. The piracy around the Philippines are all around the Muslim dominant islands, like the Palawan.) Not to mention, the Gulf, and the coasts of Africa. There, for decades, pirates have seized container ships and held the ships and crew for millions of dollars in ransom.

Millions and millions of dollars. All for a mere few hours of work.

This was a major problem as many shipping companies elected to have their crews on board these ships unarmed. A mystery to me, of course, but there you have it. It’s due to the compassion of the owners, I guess. This should not be a surprise to any one. Especially after Hollywood made a movie about it, and the (very) rare instances where the American Navy got involved.

What happens is that pirates come alongside the ships. They try to board the vessels from multiple entry points simultaneously. Then, once they get on board, they run up to the bridge, and seize the vessel.

Muslim piracy in international waters along shipping routes from China is a major problem. Often they demand millions in dollars in compensation. Often the ransoms are paid, and the costs incurred are passed on to the customers for the products shipped.
Captain Richard Phillips, who was taken hostage by pirates during the 2009 hijacking of the MV Maersk Alabama, the first American cargo ship to be hijacked in 200 years. The film is based on Phillips’s book, A Captain’s Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALS and Dangerous Days at Sea.

Piracy 2
Piracy on the high seas. Pirates take over the bridge of a bulk carrier and force the Captain at gun point to obey their demands for FREE STUFF.

Piracy has always been an issue in the South China sea. (As well as other locations.) It goes back centuries with piracy a well-known and dangerous activity.

In the 1980’s it was noticed that huge numbers of unarmed freighters, bulk carriers, and other specialized multi-million dollar vessels loaded with hundred of millions of dollars of cargo was traveling forth from China to the rest of the world.

Philippines Pirates.
Pirates that are based in the Philippines that target cargo vessels int he South China Sea. These pirates take advantage of high speed boats, and use the moneys that they obtain from the ransom efforts to purchase weapons and ammo to fund their Muslim expansion efforts.

The pirates heard cash registers dinging, and had visions of mountains of bundles of one hundred-dollar-bills. They knew that the time was right to start taking advantage of the situation. They knew they could get away with it. No one has come after them seriously for many, many decades.

Bandits, and pirates started to ramp up their efforts to take advantage of this situation. They began to hijack these vessels.

Pirates 2
Actual photo of pirates attacking an Indian cargo vessel. Since most vessels are unarmed, they are easy prey for aggressive bandits and pirates.

Of course, as the hijackings started to increase in intensity, there were some reactions. Indeed. Politicians did what politicians do. There was a number of international summits, and “blue ribbon” teams set up to “study the issue”, yet the hijackings continued. Each time getting bolder and bolder.

The progressive liberal nations in Europe, such as Sweden and Germany, discussed reasoning with the pirates. They suggested such society friendly solutions as dropping leaflets on the pirate strongholds. They suggested training the ship crews in personal defense, such as non-lethal martial arts. They discussed taking turns patrolling the sea lanes.

Pirates 1
Pirates attack cargo vessel in the South China Sea and for decades operated unopposed. The vessels were often unarmed, and the money was free for the taking.

Well, they really couldn’t agree on anything.

Australia, Japan, the Philippines and Indonesia were asked to patrol the sea lanes. And for a brief period of time, they did so, and the number of instances of piracy decreased. However, budget constraints forced the nations to restrict their activities, and these restrictions opened up “loopholes” that the pirates took advantage of.

While all there “high level” discussions were under-weigh, the hijackings continued unabated. As in all instances of this degree of severity, money talked. Companies started to question whether or not it was worth the cost to manufacture in China with the risk of piracy.

Pirates with rocket launcher.
Pirates of the South China Sea. These pirates prey on the large cargo ships that leave China and make their way to the rest of the globe.

Thus, China started to get involved in fighting piracy on the South China Sea.

Under increasing international pressure, China started to set up bases and way points to “anchor” the zones of operation from which the Chinese Navy would operate within. Using these points they were able to provide maritime rescue and patrol operations at a level that we were previously unable to provide.

They also beefed up their Naval presence in the region.

Pirates 5
Pirates on the South China sea that operate between the Philippines and Indonesia. There, in the sea are all sorts of smaller islands where pirates can hide and go forth and attack.

About five years ago the piracy dropped off quite suddenly. And while you won’t read about what happened in the Wall Street Journal, or the Washington Post (they are too busy worrying about how many scoops of ice cream that Donald Trump gets to eat), the fact is that the primary reason for the reduction in piracy is the Chinese policy of monitoring the shipping lanes and sinking any pirates that are a threat.

Often, the ships travel in Chinese-protected convoys…

So, that’s pretty much the reason for all the Naval activity in the South China Sea. China is the world’s producer of products, and the vast bulk of the products travel by sea, through the South China Sea to their destinations.

Shipping Lanes.
Shipping lanes outbound from Southern China. It should be obvious that the highest incidences of piracy originate out of the Muslim strongholds of Western Philippines, and the Muslim dominant Indonesia. To a lesser extent is the piracy from the Muslim dominant Malaysia region.

For comparison purposes, it would be nice to show some videos or photos of the United States Navy protecting the sea lanes, and blowing pirate ships out of the water, but I have been unable to find any. America is too caught up in maintaining a progressive liberal world order.

Red shoes on American military forces.
Modern American military is preoccupied in various social causes, and that percolates down to the training and readiness of the soldiers.

Maybe these articles might shed some light on to this matter…

But why is the once proud United States unable to perform simple… simple convoy and patrol duties? Why, in goodness name?

BLM protesters at the Academy.
Social justice and other liberal progressive ideologies have invaded, polluted and corrupted the most stable of American institutions. To pretend that it has not occurred is to bury your head in the sand. America has been corrupted by the liberal progressive ideology, and that is an ideology of failure, loss and blame. How can you possibly battle alongside someone who blames others and other things for their misfortune, even if it is imagined?
The focus of our military has shifted from victory to satisfying the whims of politicians. Here’s a troubling thought – if you go to one of the service branches’ War Colleges and poll the faculty and students about America’s greatest strategic threat, as many as 50% of the respondents will tell you it is “climate change.” That’s not an exaggeration. Our military is supposed to be dealing with the Chinese military and its brain trust is obsessing about the weather in 100 years. 

-We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

Of course, for fairness, we can provide a MSN, CNN, WaPo or FOX narrative. That’s the simple narrative. It provides cover for the Neocons and Neolibs to justify yet another war, and to justify send billions of dollars to Taiwan for their “defense”. LOL.

“China is “saber rattling” and has global ambitions to invade Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Their shipping convoys, their bases on the various atolls, and their aircraft carrier is only to further their desire to engage in world-wide nuclear conflagration so that they can spread Communism around the globe. They need to do it, because soon they will run out of dogs to eat, and all the males will need to find girlfriends somewhere…”

And here’s a map, right from the mainstream American media showing where these “disputed islands” are. Yeah. Right smack dab in the fucking middle of Pirate Central.

Disputed islands.
The mainstream American (and UK) media likes to make a big deal about service bases of operations for anti-piracy patrols. Only they don’t call it that. They say “China is laying claim to the region”, what fucking nonsense. All they are doing is setting up staging areas to better prevent piracy.

Yeah. It’s a pretty silly narrative. You’ve got to admit.

Pirates 3
Pirates loading up and getting ready to harvest another “ripe for the taking” cargo ship. Location , what do ya know, the Spratly islands. Photo obviously taken before the Chinese started to originate patrols from that region.

Hey! But don’t believe me. Here’s some further links on the subject;

Ah, I think that I bet this horse to death. Moving on…

Aerial Refueling using a drogue

Here is a short video showing some Chinese aviation. I love the “Top Gun” feel about it. Naval Aviators all over the world are hard core. Best of the best boys. Enjoy.

Naval close air defense

So, you’ve got this American engineer. He’s been designing Naval Weapons systems for 30 years. Suddenly he gets laid off (on a Friday) and has no severance. No pension, but the company agrees to allow him to collect food stamps if he signs an NDA.

He has a family. He is living paycheck to paycheck. He was not planning to lose his job. It came right out of the blue. He has had years of excellent performance reviews. So what is he going to do? In shock, and surprise, he is told that he must leave.

Efficieny experts
Efficiency experts sorting out who to fire and who to retain.

So he does.

The NDA is a legal American document. Which means that for five years he cannot work for an American competitor.

So, what’s he going to do? Work at McDonald’s? Be at barrister at Starbucks at 50 years old? Go back to school to get reeducated? What can he do?

Better call Saul
Iconic scene from the television series “Better call Saul”, where an accomplished attorney, and someone who has all kinds of amazing experiences ends up working in a fast food restaurant in the middle of “nowhere”.

So what is a weapons scientist going to do? Is he going to bag groceries, end up divorced, and kill himself like the thousands of NASA scientists did when Nixon killed the Apollo Moon exploration program?

What are his options?

Old man now bagging groceries.
What are your options when your career has been dead-ended by a layoff, and for the last 30 years all you knew how to do was engineering? What then? What do you do when the NDA forbids you to work in your field? Flip burgers and bag groceries are often the only avenues available to you.

Well, many – not all mind you, but many go overseas. The world is hungry for American scientists, American engineers, and American talent. No. We are not talking about an MBA or a “bean counter”. We are not talking about machine operators or punch machinists. We are not talking about a line supervisor, or quality management. We are talking about design and systems engineers with multiple advanced science degrees and years upon years of experience. Both in the theoretical and the actual “hands on” regimes.

We are talking about the guys that invent, the guys that roll up their sleeves, and pick up the wrenches and screwdrivers. We are talking about the CAD geniuses that are equally adept in the test labs as they are filling out reports for their superiors.

We are talking about the engineers that are considered to be disposable by the MBA-lead company leadership.

Chain Reaction.
The kind of guy that Keannu Reeves played in the mid-1990’s movie “Chain Reaction” actually do exist. They typically sit in boring grey cubicles and get a average middle-class paycheck. But they do exist, and when laid off, they need to find work.

Many of the weapons systems that you see deployed around the world were developed in part of whole by American engineers. This is most certainly true with China. For while America was downsizing during the Clinton Presidency (anyone remember the “peace dividend“?) the laid off scientists and engineers were being rehired elsewhere.

Elsewhere. Where do you think they went?

American scientist.
American scientist in China. Since America turned progressive liberal, the incidences of layoffs, and firings without consideration to the lives of the workers increased exponentially. It’s no coincidence that the first wave of corporate layoffs fell under the watch of Jimmy Carter, and the whole-scale acceptance of it fell under Bill Clinton. Obama streamlined the process and made it a staple in American life. Layoffs and firings are rare under traditional conservative leadership and culture.

So when I read that Chinese weapons systems are substandard because “America has the best”, I have to laugh. They are the same.

The are the SAME.

Horse betrayal.
Horse betrayal.

American weapons systems are designed by Americans and manufactured with Chinese components. And now, you know the secret. So are Chinese weapons systems. Chinese weapons systems are designed by Americans and manufactured with Chinese components also.

It’s not just that some engineers prefer to work in their fields in a foreign land over living off welfare, or manual labor at a construction site. The entire nation of America is up for sale. Anyone with half a brain can see how the Clinton’s packaged and sold the USA for mere a fraction of it’s worth.

As such, foreign companies, not just China just simply buy up American companies for raw hard cash. Then they own the engineers, the design teams, the patents, the blueprints, the test fixtures, and the knowledge inside the skulls of the scientists there.

It’s not theft of American technology, when you actually own the company. Now is it?

Here’s some great footage…

China has 202 of the world’s 500 most powerful supercomputers — 60 more systems than in the United States. The largest radio telescope ever built — a massive, 500-meter, $180 million dish called the Aperture Spherical Telescope that hunts for distant black holes — is in the southern province of Guizhou, where its construction required 9,000 Chinese residents to relocate.

President Trump has directed NASA to return astronauts to the moon. But the moon may be crowded when they arrive: Both China and India are planning to launch landers toward the moon this year. China is collaborating with the European Space Agency on a potential moon base.

Last year, Chinese scientists produced “entangled photons,” light particles linked together on a quantum physics level, aboard a satellite in orbit 300 miles up. The particles were beamed to locations on Earth 750 miles apart and remained linked — which could potentially be a step toward a new form of instant and secure communication.

Also last year, biologists in China became the first to successfully clone a monkey using the technique that created Dolly the sheep. Genetically identical primates, their creators said, would speed medical research because the effects of any drug being tested could be traced to the treatment, not differences in genes.

Chinese leaders recently unveiled plans to become the world leader in artificial intelligence, aiming to turn the field into a $150 billion industry by 2030. Already, China’s artificial intelligence boom has led to advanced facial recognition. At a KFC restaurant in the eastern city of Hangzhou, for example, customers can now pay for their fried chicken using a machine that scans their faces. Baidu, China’s search-engine giant, plans to partner with an airport to roll out facial recognition for airline passengers this year.

-China increasingly challenges American dominance of science

Carrier landings

Check out this video. I’ve always loved carrier landings. As long as you hit the third wire, all is good. There’s some great footage of night landings. These ops are tricky as all get out, I’ll tell you what. Yes, it looks easy. It’s not.

The footage involves air superiority, no shake n’ bakes that I can tell. In fact, I haven’t found any footage of large ordnance load-outs. But, when I do, I’ll post em.

A Compilation of Ordnance Utilization

Just some “old fashioned” saturation fire with rockets. I think that this is 1950’s technology. Good to impress, but not really ideal for surgical operations and procedures.

During the Gulf War, our A-10’s chewed up these launchers in no time flat. They didn’t have much of a chance with the United States had full control of the airspace. They were simple sitting ducks. Oh, they made some nice explosions when targeted, but that’s about it.

Destroyed Iraq rocket launcher.
An Iraqi BM-21a 122mm multiple rocket system destroyed in the Euphrates River Valley during Operation Desert Storm.

Though, knowing what I do know about the Chinese, they would use them for other purposes than what they were designed for, and what everyone assumes on how they will be used. Eh?

Maybe as a snare…?

Chances are that the Chinese will not choose to fight our strengths. In fact, those chances total approximately 100%.

It’s called “asymmetrical warfare” in English. What it’s called in Chinese I have no idea, but Sun Tzu wrote about it. Don’t fight the enemy’s strength; fight his weakness. Strike where he is not. Spread confusion about your intentions; force him to lash out.

It’s all there in The Art of War; it’s just not clear anyone forming our current American military strategy has read it. Maybe they would if we labeled it “Third World” literature and said checking it out would check a diversity box for promotion.

-We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

And another…

Surface to Surface Munitions

Here are the weapons systems that will deliver tactical nukes and the “neutron bomb” technology that China has. And, no, they are not afraid to use it. The Chinese military philosophy is based on Sun Tzu’s teachings.

Or in other words, avoid war at all costs. Use every method at your disposal to achieve your goals. If they all fail, then you must engage in war. But, if you do need to engage in warfare then, DO NOT HOLD BACK and use everything at your disposal.

Someone had best shake those Neocons and Neolibs and tell them not to poke the panda.

Neutron bomb
A Neutron Bomb is a “clean” nuclear weapon. It only kills people and animals. It leaves the buildings, and infrastructure intact. It is the preferred “green solution” to nuclear engagement.

China is a nation that is tired… tired… TIRED of war. They are not the United States where there all all kinds of wars left and right, but the citizens are protected and kept immune. No. Instead, China has had a front-row seat at war for many, many years.

They have no desire to engage in war if they can help it. Which is way this “saber rattling” mainstream media narrative is so ridiculous. The last war that they were involved in was in the middle 1970’s against Vietnam. Since then, the USA was involved in multiple wars every single year. More wars than I can count.

Can you, dear reader, name all the wars that the United States has fought since 1975?

The former president Jimmy Carter when talking with Donald Trump said he agreed with him. "And do you know why? I normalized diplomatic relations with China in 1979. Since 1979 do you know how many times China has been at war with anybody? None. And we have stayed at war," he said according to WABE. 

You must understand that China is not handicapped by [1] an adversarial political party or [2] armies of paid protestors, and [3] a contrary main-stream media. The government enjoys nearly universal support from the population, and has no qualms about using nuclear weapons in the event that it is required.

This is not a surprise. We play wargames against the Chinese all the time, and we lose. 

Oh, yes, aside from a handful of dissidents, most Chinese people are traditional, conservative, and fiercely nationalistic. Anyone who thinks otherwise has been smoking too much of that wacky weed, and drinking too much electric cool-aid.

State of the Art Bang-Bang

Here’s a nice video of one of the larger bore sniper rifles in use by the PLA. Ah, wouldn’t ya just love to play with this baby a bit? I certainly would, I’ll tell you what. It’s a wonderful monster.

Convoy Operations – Closure

Here, I want to present another video showing and depicting the convoy operations that the Chinese navy is pretty much involved in. For all the Western media attention on the occupation of various reefs and tiny islands around the Chinese mainland, they sure as heck leave out the context WHY.

(They also leave out the 700+ American military bases, and our militarization of reefs in international waters. Hey does Diego Garcia ring a bell, eh?)

If China wasn’t a global producer of products, they wouldn’t need to protect the shipping lanes. But they are, and so they do. It’s the same as when America was the global leader and America needed to fight off the Barbary Pirates. Different times, different nations, same situation.


China is a Global Power

China is a global power. There are many who are in denial about this, still clinging onto seriously out of date assumptions on everything about China. From their political structure, to their culture, to their intentions, to their society. This ignorance is dangerous.

This ignorance got the Untied States involved in 7 wars that WE ARE STILL FIGHTING. This ignorance got us paying billions of dollars to a NATO complex for a mission that is 50 years out of date. This ignorance is why the Untied States hasn’t any bullet trains, and why Americans are not on the Moon. Ignorance.

Our failure to treasure our conservative and traditional roots, and instead have allowed the crime and corruption of the progressive liberal lifestyle is precisely why America does not have bullet trains. It is why American pay so much in taxes and get so few back in return.

No one likes to be told that they have been lied to, misinformed, or manipulated. But it’s a fact Jack, or do you still believe that Donald Trump is a Russian spy? Do you still think that the media is accurately reporting on how he eats ice cream? Do you think that the mainstream media has your best interests at heart, or consider you simple farm animals to feed every now and again? Eh?

Americans complaining about their Rights, as viewed by the progressive liberal elite in the urban centers. Intentionally omitted was the Starbucks coffee, the vegan toast, and the Wifi connection to Facebook and Google.

China is a global power and they have a global reach. One of the elements of this is their ability to travel anywhere in the globe and seize people from their safe-havens in Malaysia, New Zealand, the USA, the EU, Iceland, and Argentina.

Treaties have been created to permit the Chinese government to do exactly that. In fact, the United States is one such signer of this agreement. (Um, if you don’t like it, don’t get in my grill. You need to talk to the architect of all that globalism nonsense Mr. Bush and his enabler, Mr. Obama.)

The Chinese do NOT mess around. Look what they did with the missing Interpol chief, Meng Hongwei. Chinese authorities had admitted they were holding Meng under investigation by a new government anti-corruption unit for suspected “violations of the law”.
You cannot hide if you are an SWJ.
There is no where to hide. Even the vaulted United States will stand aside while the Chinese come and get a listed Chinese enemy. In fact, in the United States, federal agencies will even assist in the effort. See that guy on the left wearing the sunglasses. The Chinese never act alone. They always get assistance.
Or consider what has happened to the most famous actress in China, Bing Bing, when she was residing in Europe (by some accounts) and China wanted her to pay back taxes. Why, they went and seized her. They dragged her back to China, and threw her in prison until she paid. Read about it HERE.
You cannot hide in another nation and attack Chinese people
Suspects involved in telecom fraud walk off a plane after being repatriated from overseas, at an airport in Beijing, China, November 10, 2015. China Daily/File Photo via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS – THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. EDITORIAL USE ONLY. CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA
The Chinese do not take kindly to SWJ individuals.
There is no where to hide if you mess around with the Chinese. They will find you. They will get you (legal or not), and they will bring you to China for swift justice. These folk thought that they were safe in the EU. It doesn’t matter, you cannot hide from the Chinese.

If you want to mess with China, you best realize that they will come after you. They do not mess around. They are a serious, serious nation run by meritocracy. The rulers got there through hard work, not by political appointment and diversity scoring.

You cannot compare them to anything that we Americans are accustomed to. They are a different creature entirely.


Many people find offense in what I have to present. They find it irritating and disgusting. This is simply because it does not fit into the steady carefully crafted narrative that their entire world-view is based upon.

Yes, I know it’s hard. The discovery that Santa Claus is a lie is shocking to a five-year old. The discovery that boys have different ways of looking at girls is shocking to a 16 year old girl. The idea that you have to pay a significant portion of your paycheck in taxes is shocking to a young adult. The idea that the media of both sides of the political spectrum lies is shocking to all adults. Especially ones that believe that they understand how the world works.

Main-stream American / UK Narrative on China

  • China is a full-on Communist nation.
  • China is backward with rural folk flooding into the cities.
  • China’s manufacturing is sub-par and crude.
  • China violates “human rights” and has social grading.
  • China has stolen, copied and abused to get where they are today.
  • China is a threat, only due to their huge population.
  • China isn’t full of hard, intelligent workers, it is a nation full of liars and swindlers.

China has changed and evolved rapidly in the last forty years. It is foolish to think that this is not the case, or that they did so in isolation. Their evolution has impacted the world, and it will continue to do so.

It is dangerously foolish to make assumptions. Especially assumptions on a nuclear power with leadership that got there through merit.

Make no mistake. China is a serious nation that does not play around. In their mind, the global stakes are far too serious, to handle lightly. They intend to give their best in the global arena, and they play to win. They view the rest of the world as a friendly-danger and that they must be ever vigilant. They cannot risk failure for it would be catastrophic.

They have seen what happened to the United States, and they do not want that ever to happen to China. They are ready to make sure that the crime, and decay of intense internal corruption will not sully the traditions, and cultural values of China.

A final word

I just have one last thing to say.

Americans today are waking up to the fact that the media lies to us. It is obvious to everyone after the 90% negative coverage of Donald J. Trump since 2016. This has caused liberals to be more circumspect about their news-reading habits, and has resulted in conservatives, saying “I told you so” to their liberal friends.

But, that point that I want to make is this. And, please please listen carefully.

All of the media lies.

All and every single one of them does. And yes, that includes the media outlets that you agree with. These include the outlets that you follow that are not liberal or progressive. Like FOX news for instance. All media lies to you. All of them do.

Do not believe anything that they say. Just don’t.

Americans are the most manipulated, lied to, farmed, subjugated, regulated, observed and taxed people in history. Wake the fuck up! Won’t ya!

So many lies
Americans have been fed lies after lies and half-truths. This is true with both liberal and conservative news outlets. You must be care in what you read and what you take to heart. It is all designed to manipulate you.
The American dream has morphed into the American grift. And we normal people are the marks.

Let’s stop pretending. Let’s stop accepting the ruling class’s lies. And let’s stop lying to ourselves. America has changed. There used to be one standard, one set of laws, one set of rules. Now, there are two.

The one set of rules for normal people is designed to jam us up, to keep us down, to ensure that the power of the powerful never gets challenged.
And the one set of rules for the elite can be summed up like this: There are no rules.

-You’re A Sucker For Not Believing That The System Is Rigged

Best regards, and have fun in the pasture today.

Links about China

Family Meal
Popular Music of China
Freedom & Liberty in China
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

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David Wagner

I stumbled unto your blog by mistake, I forget who had a link to you, but I am glad he provided the link. I have always been of the opinion that China is the real threat to USA world dominance, not Russia or some other media nonsense.

That said I have no problem with China, they are looking after China and took advantage of the idiots running western govt’s, to improve, steal and grow their country. No one to blame except ourselves. We deserve our situation.

Sadly I am in agreement with all your posts about the US (and western civilization. I agree that the US as originally conceived is history. A complete collapse is simply a matter of time. Hopefully China is aware of this and can simply wait out the eventual implosion.

But here are my concerns/questions for you:
1- clearly the US is no longer free or Constitutional (dead letter!). But I disagree that you are more free in China. Certainly as long as you tow the line and behave according to Chinese govt policy you will be fine. But I know from contacts in China that the great firewall is real, the social credit score is real, medical ethics questionable and certainly the criminal justice system deficient. The current situation in HK is a real time example. How the Chinese govt responds will definitely set a tone globally, I hope they act with restraint? History says otherwise.

2 – As I said before I respect that China looks after China. I am fine with that. China had so much to be proud of and they have made unbelievable progress. Which is why I don’t understand their extreme need to quash transparency. Probably it is an eastern thing that I don’t grasp. The Falun Gong for example, it seems pretty harmless to me?

3 – Finally, this is obviously a USA thing, but I can’t imagine living somewhere where I could not own a firearm. That is something that has been part of my life since I was very very young. Self defense is an individual and family responsibility. I can’t imagine giving that up. Clearly that would never be allowed in China.

In conclusion, I appreciate your blog. As stated, I don’t disagree with your decision to leave. The USA is no longer. But I am conflicted about your choice of China. I do believe that they are a great country and should be proud of what they have accomplished. I don’t think I could make the same choice. In a perfect world both countries would drop all tariffs and compete economically (and peacefully) – I wish!

I encourage China to simply tread water. Logic and reason no longer exist in the US (govt & media). In 5 to 10 years max, the US will self destruct. My only wish is that I die on my feet fighting the evil US govt with my weapon, hot, dirty and empty.

Keep your head down over there Mr. Metallicman.