Here are some important “take aways” from this quick and dirty review of the popular music of China.
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A study of China is not served by looking up a Wikipedia entry. It is visceral.
One of the most common things that I encounter with Westerners is their propensity to look things up using California-based internet resources for their answers. Hello? Wikipedia, anyone? They say things like “it says here that xxxxx, and you are wrong because you said zzzzz”.
So silly. Yeah, in America, the Constitution clearly says the “Second Amendment Shall Not Be Infringed”. But, it’s been infringed upon since 1905. It also says that America is a Constitutional Republic, but if so, then why are Senators elected democratically? Laws are only as good as their enforcement.
In China, like in most nations, there is how things SHOULD work, and how things REALLY work. That is all you need to understand.
Chinese music reflects the hopes, dreams, and culture of China.
The Chinese people have just left a very, very, very long period of strife and difficulty. The once great nation was thrown into turmoil by a Communist takeover, followed by SJW craziness. It took a great deal of effort to climb out of all that mess, and the leader of that time was Mr. Deng.
Today, China is something completely different than what is assumed in the West. Both the American Liberals and the Conservatives have piled all sorts of negative propaganda towards China. This includes everything from ghost cities, milking rats, and Muslim incarceration to zombie killer hornets.
Meanwhile, all they want to do is live life in peace. Give them a break why don’t ya.
Chinese women are demure and ladylike.
There are all kinds of women in China. They come in all sizes and shapes. However, overall the net effect is a nation of very polite and traditional ladies that honor their families. These women; these ladies, are the face of China today.
And of course, this includes all of the Han Chinese.
Many Chinese Students exercise by dancing.
Many schools incorporate dancing as part of the morning exercise. While this is not fully universal, it is adopted by large numbers of schools and is very popular with both the students and their parents. Heck, even the grandparents get involved.
Traditional role-play and costuming is popular and considered culturally important.
In a traditional nation with strong conservative values, there is a significant emphasis placed on history and learning the lessons of history. This can be evident if you just open your eyes and look around.
This lass above, does she look and act more like your grandmother would, or like a modern “liberated” progressive woman? What does she look like? What actions does she seem to signify?
For comparison, here is what modern “liberated” American women look like. Here are some young lasses being themselves in public.

And this is true even if the traditional attire is all “bastardized up” into some form that is historically unrecognizable.
To understand China, you need to understand that they are defending their Traditional Conservative way of life from Progressive Assault.
The Chinese know first hand how progressive liberal and socialist elements within society can destroy an entire nation. They have seen this happen time and time again, and after the 1966 “cultural revolution”, they vowed NEVER to permit it ever to happen again.
They stopped it when the progressive elements tried to implement the “pro-democracy movement” in the 1990’s, and then yet again, with the progressive “Faulin Gong” movement. Now, whenever anyone tries to implement any kind of social change, they are stopped. Often abruptly, and usually quite rigorously.
The Left has shown itself to be dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization itself. We have not been faced with such an existential threat since European armies threw the Turks back from Vienna in 1529.
The fascists of the mid–2oth century, for all their loathsome policies, were not the kind of threat to the fabric of our society that we face now. Bad as they were, they did not seek the destruction of Europeans as a people, or of European culture as a living, breathing thing. Progressivism does. What could be more worthy of, if you will forgive the word, "resistance"?
We conservatives have let this ideological cancer metastasize for far too long for its excision to be simple or painless. For too long, we have been patient with outrages we should have fought to reverse. We have let our opponents secede incrementally from us for decades. We have been tolerant and patient.
In our tolerance and patience, we have given up our civil society, our political representation, and our freedoms one by one.
Our maladies won't be fixed by delicate adjustments now — half-heartedly performed by yet another generation of narcissistic government planners and invisible elitist bureaucrats. Intellectuals like George Will and think-tanks like the Heritage Foundation have done us little good.
Our condition demands a radical, unflinching surgery if we, as a nation, are to survive. Either the cancer wins, and kills us all, or we defeat it — and we accept the scars. Let us not pretend they would not be hideous scars. And let us not pretend it would not be a deeply barbarous and bitter surgery.
-American Thinker
Today China is a single-political-party nation. They are self-professed “Communist with Chinese characteristics”, which in many ways deviates substantially from the well-known established communist model. As such, they are a new beast, a new animal, that the world doesn’t know what to do with, and by which all former assumptions are terribly and dangerously inadequate.
They are a single political party nation. Unlike the West, they do not believe in a democracy where everyone can vote. They do not think that everyone has the skill, and is deserving to have that responsibility. Instead, they believe in a government run as a meritocracy. They believe that those in government must serve the society, and that society is the Chinese society.
They honor a traditional-conservative Chinese society and will defend that society from all assaults. As the assaults are coming on China from all sides. Everything from Muslim extremism to progressive liberals who “only” want to protest “a little bit”. If they do not defend their lifestyle, their way of life, and their society, no one else will.
It is their responsibility, and they take it very seriously.
Make no mistake. China is a serious nation that does not play around. In their mind, the global stakes are far too serious, to handle lightly. They intend to give their best in the global arena, and they play to win. They view the rest of the world as a friendly-danger and that they must be ever vigilant. They cannot risk failure for it would be catastrophic.
They have seen what happened to the United States, and they do not want that ever to happen to China. They are ready to make sure that the crime, and decay of intense internal corruption will not sully the traditions, and cultural values of China.
And, at that we can now end this particular multi-part post. Best regards, and happy travels. That’s about it for now.

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China and America Comparisons

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

Learning About China

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