Chinese music

The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 2

Here we continue with our review of the “pop” music of China in 2019 with one of my personal favorites. You will note that this particular micro-video is from Cambodia.

Now, of course, all of Asia is influenced by China. That includes everything from Korea to Indonesia, and everything in-between. So you really shouldn’t be too surprised that other Asian nations are listening to Chinese pop music. Well, you shouldn’t be.

It’s the same way with America, don’t ya know. America influences Canada and Mexico the same way.

Anyways, here’s the first song of this particular post sub-classification. It’s one of my personal favorites.

You can go on the TikTok application and see all kinds of versions of this song sung by the pretty ladies of China. For those of you who don’t know about this application, here’s the skinny…

tiktok application summary

And, you know, here is one of my favorites…

Moving on…

Second Song – Дастан Оразбеков

This next song is also very popular. You can find it by searching for Mekepe – Дастан Оразбеков. Though, you wouldn’t know this if you are still using Goggle as your Internet Search Engine. You just cannot go anywhere without hearing it.

Yes, it is again another top hit from Russia. It’s not that Russia has better music than America does, it’s just that the Russian songs aren’t all about “popping slugs into bitches” and about waving large garbage-can sized asses around. They also tend to be more upbeat.

American music.

Overall, Upbeat music tends to trend toward Conservative and traditional values, while downbeat music trends toward progressive realities. It’s an easy comparison. Look at the music that was popular during the Ronald Reagan administration, and compare that to the music that was popular during the Barrack Obama administration.

I have come to this opinion through my limited range of experience. It’s my opinion, and ONLY my opinion. So, please, there is no need to send me an email debating this issue with exceptions. It’s a waste of both of our time.

Arguing about popular trends in musical tastes instead of listening to the music you like is a fruitless endeavor. It's sort of like complaining that the steak is not cooked well enough, instead of eating it.

After all, it can’t be 100% correct. How can you account for all those Country and Western “She broke my heart so I broke her jaw” style songs?

Anyways, here’s the Russian song as promoted on Chinese media. If you like it you can download the full song for free HERE. Again, please take note. Unlike the United States, most music is available free in the rest of the world for free.

In the United States you have to be careful, or else you can be arrested for using Torrents, or P2P networks, or listening to music and thus violating the royalty collection efforts of the mega-rich oligarchs out in California.

Anyways… here’s the song.

You can listen to the entire song for FREE over HERE.

Hazel – I Love Poland

Oh, and while we are at it. Here’s a song praising the Former Soviet Block member; Poland. Also hyper popular.

Here’s the lyrics…

Hazel - I Love Poland

Hazel-I Love Poland(Tik Tok Remix)
Tik Tok
I Love Poland
作曲 : Hazel
作词 : Hazel

I love Poland - Poland?
我爱波兰 波兰吗
I love Poland - Why?
我爱波兰 为什么
I love Poland - I hadn't believe ya
我爱波兰 我不信
I love Poland - Poland?
我爱波兰 波兰吗
I love Poland - Why?
我爱波兰 为什么
I love Poland - Shut up!
我爱波兰 闭嘴

I love driving by my car
And the road its not so far
Berlin, London, Moscow too
还有柏林 伦敦 莫斯科
It's my love I tell you true
When I came to Poland
I saw my car was stolen
It was my favourite truck
I said f**king kurwa mać!

Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina
Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina

Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina
Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina

I love Poland - Poland?
我爱波兰 波兰吗
I love Poland - Why?
我爱波兰 为什么
I love Poland - I hadn't believe ya
我爱波兰 我不信
I love Poland - Poland?
我爱波兰 波兰吗
I love Poland - Why?
我爱波兰 为什么
I love Poland - Shut up!
我爱波兰 闭嘴

I love driving by my car
And the road its not so far
Berlin, London, Moscow too
还有柏林 伦敦 莫斯科
It's my love I tell you true
When I came to Poland
I saw my car was stolen
It was my favourite truck
I said f**king kurwa mać!

Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina
Yo no quiero agua, yo quiero bebida
不想要水 我想喝水
Mami tu eres loca no te hagas la fina

I love Poland(yo no quiero agua)
I love Poland(yo quiero bebida)
I love Poland(mami tu eres loca)
I love Poland - I don't believe ya(no te hagas la fina)
我爱波兰 我不信(别装模作样了)
I love Poland(yo no quiero agua)
I love Poland(yo quiero bebida)
I love Poland(mami tu eres loca)
I love Poland(no te hagas la fina)

I had really pretty car
(baby you have as so far
Don't be shy, come with us
别害羞嘛 一起来啊
We will show you amouros)
Then I stay in Poland
Have not car but I don't mind
Chicks in Poland are so hot
I love Poland kurwa mać!
我爱波兰 走好运

We will show you amorous
We will show you amorous
We will show you amorous
We will show you amorous
Oh, yes~

So cute.

Poland is also, like China and Russia, very traditional and conservative. they loath progressive liberalism and their behavior towards rampaging Muslim rapists, and trans-gender activists show this. I like Poland, and my father’s family came from Poland. I have to admit that they don’t have the same kinds of problems that nearby Sweden and Germany have.

The Conservative Debate

You know, I read a comment just yesterday. The fellow said that I am really overboard calling China “conservative”. He argued that China was Communist, and that MEANS Progressive Liberal. He was absolutely convinced that there was absolutely no way that China, or Russia or Poland for that matter, were conservative.

Heck, most Chinese themselves, consider themselves socially liberal. But their idea of liberalism is very, very different from what us Americans consider to be liberal. You need to understand that labels are just that; labels.

The problem, as I see it, is one of misunderstanding. Once a “label” is placed on something, our minds turn off and display a black and white cartoon 2D image of what we are told to associate with that image. We have to look beyond the American main-steam propaganda and look at what things are today. TODAY.

This is what I mean when I say that a given nation is “conservative”…

Anyone who reads the pronouncements out of Beijing for the last twenty years can plainly see that the nation of China is traditional, and orthodox. It’s not even borderline. China is hard-line traditionalist.

Now, to understand what this means, outside the cardboard cutout narrative, you need to see how the American oligarchy defines being Conservative. You turn to Wikipedia where they say this…

Conservatism via Wikipedia.

I would like to underline the phrase; “Conservatives seek to preserve a range of institutions… …with the aim of emphasizing social stability and continuity. ” Dudes, this describes China to a “T”.

Consider these progressive liberal protestors activists in China, and the Chinese government reaction to them…

Now compare that to the United States. When have the BLM activists, or the Antifa activists been arrested, if ever? When they tore down statues? When they harassed people at restaurants, or in theaters (Mr. Pence), or for refusing to bake a cake?

You would never find that kind of behavior in China. That is because China is conservative. While America is progressive liberal. It is, no matter, what you might want to believe otherwise. That is just the way it is. Sorry or hurrah! depending on your personal preferences.

America is a progressive liberal nation. This is what liberalism is.

Obviously, the various federal, state and local governments in the United States are certainly liberal. But are they progressive, as I have repeatedly stated? Well, you determine for yourself…

America is a progressive liberal nation.

A conservative nation allows you to smoke cigarettes. A progressive liberal one bans them. A conservative nation erects statues and parks to honor past achievements and heroes. A progressive liberal nation tears the statues down. A conservative nation wants a school to teach basics and fundamentals such as being able to read, being able to count, and being able to budget. A progressive liberal school is one that teaches new ways of doing things (like “new math”), and new ways of thinking (diversity officers) and social organization.

People, the only thing that remains of Mr. Mao’s Communist Utopia in China is his picture on the currency. That’s about it. Decide for yourself, or not. Dudes, I put the food on the plate in front of you. You can eat it up or not. It’s not my problem.

Five Song Compilation

Here is a compilation of five songs that also receive a very large amount of airplay in China. This micro-video compresses them all into a very short introductory clip. I think that it is a great way to get a general feel for the place, the pace, and the tastes of the Chinese people today.


You will note how different these songs, and the music is from what is available in the Untied States today. For a comparative reference, consider what American pop music is today. Look at how welcoming and accepting of this behavior is to the audience. Oh my, they love her wagging her enormous ass about. In fact, there’s even a gal in the back doing the same thing. As well as to the right of the screen.

Look at the top two guys in the middle. What? They don’t seem to be enjoying the fine lady-like behavior of the huge assed negro women. I wonder why? Maybe they are gay, eh?

All American men love big asses…right? That’s the narrative from the main-stream media. Or at lest it has been that way ever since Barrack Obama discussed how he loved big asses on women.

Well, you know what they say… different strokes for different folks.

It’s not just one or two singers either. It’s just about all of them. Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if Taylor Swift starts behaving this way…you know, to usher in the new “progressive” America with gender-less behaviors, free-passes to Muslim sexual abuse, and climate change for all! Woo Woo!

Damn! It seems to me like they all have a very bad case of stomach flu. If they don’t do something about it, and quick, you might end up with diarrhea all over your computer monitor! Yikes!

But seriously, top-down driven mass media manipulation is changing American culture towards a new progressive reality. They implemented anti-smoking social change in the 1990’s and now smoking is almost an endangered species.

Have a cigarette.
Ever since the progressive liberals have tried to make it impossible to smoke in America, cigarette use has fallen to near extinction in America. They are now currently trying the same SUCCESSFUL techniques to ban guns. Soon, they WILL all be banned.

This goes for many of the other types of forced social “progress”. So, by saturating American media with images of fat people, and making it popular to be fat, and obese, and to have huge rolls of jiggling fat, it becomes popular and accepted. When it becomes unpopular to act like a “gentleman” or a lady”, then the crudest behaviors become normal and accepted.

It trickles down to the American public, and everyone starts acting like this…

At five micro-videos, it’s time to move on. The band width hogs would take forever to load using the ISP defaults on most American servers. So, let’s avoid that. Now, on to the next page in this series of posts…

Now, of course, all of these videos are going to be impossible to load unless this post is broken up into smaller chew-sized portions. So to continue, please click here…


If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

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All the “music” you list uses the globohomo click track, that is the Roland 606 and 908 drum machine. That ain’t percussion, brother. That’s the gridded out perfect beats of AI and algorithms. Human rhythm has fluctuation and heartfelt tensions between the instruments and the vocalist.
What you have show-cased are the dithyrambs of the NWO and advanced technology; not the still sad music of humanity.