We continue in our musical explorations. Here we dive further down the “Rabbit hole” into Chinese music. Here, I have taken a little free-associative meandering about Chinese culture and the influences that have shaped Chinese music.
Hey! If you don’t like it, you can go to MSM, WaPo or Wikipedia. They are the (USA recognized) “leaders” of information dissemination today. We know this, as they are constantly congratulating themselves back and forth on all the American media outlets. LOL!
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To understand China, you need to understand their history.
The Chinese and China has over 5000 years of continuously recorded history. This differs from the mere 200 years of the “American Experiment”. China has been a nation of many shapes, forms, and experiments.
Yes, they have had many nations, sub-nations and wars in their history. To understand China…especially contemporary China, you must recognize that they have EXPERIENCE. They are NOT the “new kid on the block“. They have “seen it all and done it all“, and they are not about to get all caught up in the latest experimental social fad that is percolating out in America, France or Sweden.
To understand China, you must accept the fact that they are a mature nation that appreciates their own history.
Check out this beauty. Not only is she singing the most popular song of 2018-2019, but she is doing so wearing traditional Chinese clothing. I particularly love how clean and fresh she looks. I love the outfit too.
The overall appearance is quite different from what you would find in the Untied States. In the United States today, THIS is what is considered beautiful, womanly, sexy and ladylike…

In comparison to the American vision, we see a nice stately lady, singing and being proud. I like how the waist rises up high, almost to her chest. I like the colors; red and white. It all seems so very happy and fresh. I love her hair, her smile, her eyes. Heck, I love everything about her.
Of course, I love her because she is cute, but I am talking about how she moves and the story that she sings. She is so typical Chinese. She is the “real deal”, and I would bet that she would make a fantastic friend and maybe… maybe even something more for the right man.
This, more ladylike demeanor, is part of the r/K survival strategy of species. Today, in progressive liberal America, the females have become large, aggressive, crude and sex machines. Where in a conservative, and traditional society it is quite the opposite. But, don’t take my word for it, just watch how Chinese female vocalists act while they are singing…
Yes, she’s quite different from her American counterpart. She is poised. She is refined, cute but strong. You can actually say that she acts like a lady. This is quite the contrast to the trashcan sized asses being waved in front of Americans every day.

Yes, China is conservative. It is traditional and it is conservative, but it is NOT American-Christian conservative. It is Chinese-traditional conservative. It is similar to American conservatism, but not identical to it. It is similar.
Still not convinced?
Yes, American music is enjoyed in China, and yes the Chinese love the crazy antics of Lady Ga Ga and others of her ilk. And, yes, K-pop is very popular, but all in all, the Chinese are a traditional and formal conservative nation. The music and how it is presented, sung and enjoyed reflects this most basic fact.

If you could somehow take your great-great-great grandfather to modern contemporaneous America, and modern contemporaneous China, I would pretty much bet that he would feel more comfortable in China… even with the language difference… than anything that you have in America today.
How does this cultural thing manifest? You might ask. Well, if all of the American media is making heroes of people who sit out when the American anthem is played, and make heroines out of fat, ugly black women jerking their asses about like they have a severe case of hemorrhoids, the Chinese culture manifests in a more traditional and conservative way.

Here we can see how a typical Chinese girl emulates the Chinese female singers, and the Chinese music. She’s not shaking her ass in a way that looks like she is inviting others to hop on her back and ride her like a hippopotamus would. She’s not proud about being disgusting.
While there are Chinese girls getting a little wild and crazy to American pop music, you can see that they are much softer about it. I think that they aren’t so crude. they aren’t so nasty about it. They aren’t so proud about being overweight, ugly and foul.

I have yet to watch a Chinese girl wave her ass about. Though, I have seen them shake their hips from time to time. Sort of like this…
I think that the Chinese women don’t need to be so crude. They are strong and powerful just sitting down and smiling. Here is a nice young girl. I think that she doesn’t need to show me her back side and wave her ass in my face. Do you?
This debate about shaking asses is all, in itself, rather silly. I am a man, and that means I enjoy looking at attractive women. It also means that I enjoy looking at attractive asses. You know the saying… “bigger isn’t necessarily better”, right?
Here we have a performance showing how to move your body to titillate. You don’t need to have a trashcan sized ass moving about like a rock crusher or road grader to emphasize it.
Now, all this social differences are manifest in other ways as well. For instance, the Chinese, being traditional and conservative, they have no qualms about celebrating Christmas. Yes…Christmas!
In China, holidays are considered an important way to maintain social stability.
This of course, includes Chinese traditional holidays, but it also includes other “adopted” holidays as well. In China, they are all quite happy to adopt American (and European) Christmas holidays, American Halloween, and even (to a far lesser extent) Christian Easter.

In fact, I can honestly say that Christmas is celebrated more vigorously in China than it is in the United States. In the United States today, you can’t even say “Merry Christmas” at work. It’s become “Happy Holiday”, how very progressive. How very bland.
Here is how Christmas should be celebrated…
Through, that is really nothing when you compare it with how the CNY (Chinese New Year) is celebrated. My goodness! It’s a one month long orgy of food, drinking, singing, and sleeping. I am astounded by it every single year. My goodness gracious!

And with that, let’s move on…

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Links about China

China and America Comparisons

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

Learning About China

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