Jay Chou

The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 5F

Let’s continue with our exploration of the contemporary music of China and the cultural aspects of it. Let’s zoom by with these little notations…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

China is a serious nation run by a government of high-achievers.

To many people in the West, China is a mystery. You have American Neocons, and liberals all (more or less) repeating the American main-stream narrative about China. That can be anything from a positive trading partner, to a saber-rattling war-monger. It’s all about how the oligarchs want to manipulate the public.

However, real China is something else entirely. In fact, I would say that since [1] China has advanced technologically, economically and socially at break-neck speed, and [2] China was never understood by the West, [3] Western media is designed to manipulate not inform, that China is completely inadequately described in the West. It is not just and enigma, but it is wholly under-appreciated, and under-understood.

There are many things that I could go on, and on about. But one of the key points is that China is a meritocracy. China is a serious, serious nation that is run by the highest achievers in their respective fields.

It begins in kindergarten, and from there, the culling begins. People are immediately classed by ability, and you must develop both your EQ and IQ to succeed. Otherwise you WILL end up begging in the streets, or doing manual shit-labor. You must push and strive in China just to exist.

Those in leadership positions have gotten there through years in this kind of crucible. They are not like the Obama or Clinton governmental appointments. They got there by ability, and hard… hard work.

They are nothing to be trifled with.

Culture is important to the Chinese.

Here’s a great song by HK singer Jay Chou. It’s applied to this cute wedding where flower petals fall out from umbrellas instead of rice being thrown about. This is one of the various traditional rituals that are performed during weddings in China.

Jay is a very famous singer that has many many movie videos and roles within movies. Movies including “Now you see me 2”. He is famous for his love ballads and stories about the boy fights against all odds to be with the girl type themes. I am a real sap for these kinds of movies, stories and videos. I love this theme, where you the guy can come to the rescue the pretty girl, and protect her.

Here’s a pretty good MV about just this kind of theme. The name of the video (and song) is 红尘客栈 官方版 . (An ugly title, I am afraid.) If you can’t watch it using the free Chinese servers (often blocked or delayed in the USA), just copy and paste into You-Tube and watch it there.

You can view it HERE, or HERE, as well.

Screen capture - save the girl.
Jay Chou likes to sing about sappy Chinese ballads about rescuing the pretty girls. I really like this theme as it brings out the “protector” role in me; a role that all men have. Scene is a screen shot from the music video.

Or here… (If you see nothing, you can watch the video HERE, set up as a different tab so that you can view without interruption to this dialog.)

—Player Start—

—Player Conclude—

If you see nothing, you can watch the video HERE, set up as a different tab so that you can view without interruption to this dialog.

Now this role-play, and this theme isn’t just popular to me because I am a old-fuddy duddy traditional conservative. It is a theme that all traditionalists aspire to. When I have shown you the micro-videos of the girls playing role-play and dress up in traditional garb, it is this kind of music, and this kind of theme, and YES, this kind of relationship that they all are aspiring for.

Boy meets girls, they fall in love. Bad people try to come between them. He defends his family. This is the role that men and women have had for centuries. Scene is a screen shot from the music video.

The gals and the guys are looking for THE ONE.

Girls, come on! You know what I am talking about, eh? This transcends culture. It is biologically ingrained into our very being.

  • The Man goes forth. He works and fights. He protects his family and gives everything that he has, his hopes and his dreams and his money and earnings for his family. He fights for them and protects them.
  • The woman nurtures, supports and heals the man. She takes care of the home and the family. She is the anchor that he knows will be there for him.

In this traditional relationship, there is no room for a woman belittling her man. No. That is a progressive liberal lifestyle. In traditional conservative households the woman honors her husband and supports him and allows him to protect the family. It seems so strange to Americans today simply because America has been a progressive liberal nations for the last five decades or so.

The wife is seized.
In the world, the man must always defend his family, his love and his life from those on the outside. They will always try to take from him. They will try to steal his money, and they will attack his family, and they will covet his wife. A man must fight to protect his family. Chinese girls, being very traditional, understand this role. Scene is a screen shot from the video.

I would say that this single video, if you watch it, well explains modern Chinese musical culture, in terms and in ways that only the Chinese can understand, and which is often misinterpreted by the progressive-liberals in America and out in the West.

In China, and in other parts of the globe, everyone aspires to this lifestyle that Jay Chou sings about. Thus, you can see it manifest in different ways… including historical role-play.

What are the Chinese girls really like?

Here the theme behind this song is to show just “who you really are”, well maybe this micro-video says it all…

Maybe all the fun and games of the modern life can be swept aside when you study what the real feelings and emotions of the Chinese people are. For underneath everything you have a very conservative and traditional people.

Discos and Clubs are fun.

I lie to sing and play in the clubs. Here is a good idea what it is like…

Dancing and Exercise are considered nearly identical in outcome.

When I say that everyone in China dances, I am not using hyperbole. Dancing and exercise is a fundamental part of life in China, as well as in other conservative nations. Even the most fundamental Muslim nations have singing and dancing as part of their traditional rituals.

It is the progressive liberal reality… one geared towards a very bland “utopia” where no one likes to sing or dance. But, China is traditional and conservative.

Fads and fashion come and go, but most revolve around music.

The below is a hospital college. Like the rest of China, they have gotten all caught up in the latest songs, and fashion of the year.

What friends are for…

I love this. Dudes, you need to spend time with your friends. Go out, and spend $20 on some beer and pizza and just talk. You must go forth. Time is being wasted. Make your life count. Do it TODAY.

This is not hyperbole. You need to develop your friendships. You need to build up a strong network of friends. You need to just hang out with them. You need to live life. Yes… YOU do.

Even if that means buying a bag of Doritos and watching reruns of old Vincent Price movies on the computer monitor. You must do that, even if it means that you will need to drag your dog and your kids along. Go and bring a fishing pole why don’t ya? Don’t a a permit, well being your tackle box as an excuse to trade spinners.

Relationships don’t just happen, you need to create them.

One of the things that often happens in the United States is that we get so caught up at work, and unless we have an active church and spiritual life, our friendships eventually whither away and die. The Chinese do not let that happen. They try to cultivate their friendships every opportunity that they get.

This next video is from Vietnam. Heck the rest of the world is having fun, why not you? Are you too good to have fun? Are you better than everyone else. Or are you waiting for the USA government to declare war on some other nation so you can get a free trip over and “see the world” on Uncle Sam’s dollar? Eh?

What? Don’t want to go to Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, and the handful of others? I hear that the Neocons want a war in Venezuela. Hey! You do love to throw your tax dollars away don’t ya!

Not one single war, since World War II, ever made any difference in my personal life. It’s all about us “regular Joes” fighting and dying for the rich oligarchs.

Hey! Here’s Vietnam. Loving it. Chilling and having fun. What’s your fucking excuse?

Life is short. Have fun.

Why not? Are you afraid some troll will say bad things to you. Maybe disparage you in some way. Call you names. make fun of your labors, accuse you of stupid things.

Who gives a fuck about shut-ins? Live life. It’s your choice.

Oh, and the MV conclusion…

Oh yes, for those of you who didn’t watch the MV from Jay Chou mentioned above, please note that their relationship had both good and bad times. For life, is anything but peaches and creme. They had a family, but the bad guys came and the hero had to fight to save his family. He fought long and hard. He fought and he fought. But he was mortally wounded. He saved his family, but he died in the process.

Jay Chou ending
Sometimes, all that a man can give is not enough. What matters is that he protects his family; that he protects the children, the babies and the little kittens. It is his role as a man.

If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

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