Moving forward, and continuing on with our study of the contemporaneous Chinese music scene, let’s have a look at some more micro-videos from TicToc. And again, for those of you who have just jumped into the middle of all this, please take note…
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Keep in Mind… China is Traditional
Moving forward from the last section. Please keep it in mind that in traditional cultures, people aspire to conform to their roles in the best way that they know how. The man works. The woman cares for the home and family.
In progressive societies, the roles become nonsensical, and the relationships complex and often discordant. They no longer place emphasis the best in a person, their work or their labors. They place emphasis in differences and shocking behavior for purposes of gathering attention at all costs.

In traditional societies the roles are established, and the expectations clear. The formula for personal and family success is well known and understood. It becomes the role of government to make sure that the roles are followed and protected.
It is very important to remember that the roles do not change in a traditional society. A man is the provider for the family, and the woman is the one that nurtures and manages the home.
And yes, while there has been “gender equality” throughout the world, it has manifested as a pale shadow for the women who have actually taken on male work roles. The women end up having a “career” devoid of a family life, devoid of children, and empty while they get older.
Here is another video from contemporary China.
Don’t fall for the progressive liberal lie.
In the United States, and the UK, at round 2012, various women started to write about their regrets in not getting married and building a family. In short order, they were shouted down by SJW and feminist activists. They pretty much went underground and the internet become flooded about articles on how happy women are not having children and being “independent” from men.
This is part of the r/K strategy, and it works if you are ugly, fat, lazy, crude or just a nasty person. For the vast bulk of people, this flies in the face of our biological urges.
Just crank up Google and see that the first 12 or so pages all are dominated by pro-career, anti-family articles. In a nation (the USA) where the vast bulk of people eventually get married, the respective proportion of internet articles opposing it, shows a very skewed and artificial narrative.
- Giving up my career to care for my children nearly ruined my marriage
- 10 Women Look Back On Living Childfree By Choice. What they see: a lot of time and travel, not a lot of regret.
- Selfish, Careerist, Regretful? Not the Childfree Women I Know
It’s liberal progressive propaganda.
The truth is those who do not follow the traditional conservative path end up leading a very lonely and bare life, no matter what their job position is. They will get older with no one to care for them. Their holidays will be at home with their dogs and cats, alone. Their friends, all married, will not want to associate with them.
It’s a miserable path. Do not try to tell me otherwise.
Boys aspire to be men.
Here’s a nice raspy voiced song. I love it and can relate to it in an understanding that only my empty bottle of VSOP and table ashtray of cigarette butts can relate to. Listening to this song reminds me of all the times that I had to endure situations that were uncomfortable, unfair, unjust or just plain wrong.
Do you all think that these feelings and emotions are unique only to Americans? No. Of course not. They are human feelings, expressed by humans, and concern human relationships.
Ah. Sometimes you need a good long hot shower, don’t ya agree?
Chinese couple songs…
Let’s consider some of the very romantic music of popular conventional china. These songs are very lovely. I’m gonna highlight this one. It’s about a couple and their love, moving in together, and eventually she agrees to be his wife.

There are so, so many of these songs and they are all wonderful. You can go HERE for one of the many that I have selected.
What ever you decide to do. Enjoy.
The song continues, and the MV ends where she is in a wedding gown to be his tai tai (his wife). (See the characters in the lower right side of the screen. That’s tai tai = wife.)

There is one thing that I would like to point out, and I think that it is significant. If you watch Hollywood movies for symbology and subliminal messages (like a graffiti spray painted wall, and names on cans of soda) you will notice all kinds of symbology to NWO, global orders, satanic cults and the like. However, if you watch Chinese movies and videos the “visual Easter eggs” are fundamentally different.
If you read the messages on their shirts – both in English and in pinyin Chinese – the messages are quite different.
“Big Spoon / Little Spoon”, He has a Ying symbol tattoo, and she has a Yang symbol tattoo . (Tai Ji). He has a Jesus cross tattoo, and she has a black tee-shirt with a Jesus cross and the words “never let you down” on it. She has a shirt that says “I’d rather love.” He wears a white shirt with a black Jesus Cross that says “I’ll never let you down”. And so on…
A nice female singer…
Here is a nice contemporary female singer. I like the sound and the rhythm of her voice. This is one of the top songs of this quarter, and I am sure that it is destined to be one that will be sung in KTV’s long into the future.
This is a very typical Chinese song. It is soft, but strong. Many Chinese songs follow this format. I think that that is it’s appeal to me. Certainly the KTV venue might lead itself to be sung there by a lonely heart or two…
This lies in opposition to the formula that makes American songs popular. Which is why you might find Kenny G still being played in public spaces, while Carti B is ignored.
Oh, and for all youse guys that don’t know what (or who) Carti B is, here’s a GIF of her performing for her American audience. You can tell what her appeal is for her audience. By watching her performance, and listening to her songs, you can clearly see that she if the future face of American youth.

And… here is Superstar which I believe is an American song that has taken China by storm. many American songs can be found in China. Though, their success with the Chinese audio audience tends to be related to beat, and “overall feeling” of the music.
Anyways, back to the Chinese popular music… Here is the kinds of American music that the Chinese find enjoyable and alluring.
School Exercises in the Morning
As I have mentioned previously, many schools in China do the exercise to music. That way, the children learn dance routines at an early age, and get to exercise at the same time. It’s a win-win for everyone. So, if you ever have to wonder about how these kids all get to learn how to dance like they do, please keep in mind that they learned it at school.
Of course, there are no absolutes. There are schools that do not perform dance routines, as well as schools that only do dance routines for exercises. It depends where you live and the management of the school by the Headmaster.
Personally, I think that it is a great way to exercise. Let the kids have some fun. Let them blow off some high-energy “steam”. Let them push themselves and have a good time.
It’s like singing cadence when you are in the military. You concentrate on the cadence and your forget about how tired you are.
And, heck, here’s another girl in her house. She is dancing to one of the popular songs by JJ LIN ( 林俊傑 ) from about three years ago. You can see (listen) to the entire song on the Internet for free HERE. You can watch the MV video HERE.
[JJ Lin 林俊傑] 不潮不用花錢 [Bu Chao Bu Yong Hua Qian] [Not Trendy Not To Spend Money] (High-Fashion)You go kiddo!
I would like to provide the lyrics to this song here. I also want to
provide proper credit to tammiest@AsianFanatics . She did a fantastic job, don’t you all think? Check it all out. It must have taken her days to compile, edit and generate the code. Big thanks to tammiest@AsianFanatics.
Special Guest Performance: BY2 (Certain Rap Parts)
Album: 陸/Sixology
Songwriter: 林俊傑 JJ Lin JunJie
Lyricist: 林怡鳳 Lin YiFeng
(Rap) Lyricist: 林俊傑 JJ Lin JunJie
Pin Yin and Translation Credit: tammiest
Do NOT post this translation elsewhere without proper credit to tammiest@AsianFanatics
Hey, Greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it, I have it
What you see is what you get
左左 左左 偏左 就用左手
Zuo zuo Zuo zuo Pian zuo Jiu yong zuo shou
Left left, Left left, Favor the left, Just use your left hand
生活 就不用 想太多
Sheng huo Jiu bu yong Xiang tai duo
In life, You don’t need to Think too much
怦怦 怦怦 心動 張開眼睛
Peng peng Peng peng Xin dong Zhang kai yan jing
Thump thump Thump thump My heartbeat I open up my eyes
就記得 當下的 強烈
Jiu ji de Dang xia de Qiang lie
I remember the Intensity of That moment
You shi ling guang yi shan er guo
Sometimes, I get sudden flashes of brilliance
Niu dun ye chi ping guo
Newton also ate apples
Wo de nian tou bu tai luo suo
My idea isn’t too complicated
Xian shi jian neng ru zuo
Gotta hurry, sign-up is limited
Chorus: (1)
Qing ni
Bu yao dao chu kou kou
Don’t go around knockin’ everywhere
Chao liu xu yao kou kou
Trends need to be raised up
Bu xiao xin jiu mei kou kou
If you’re not careful, you won’t make any money
Yong li dao chu kou kou
Work hard to save everywhere
Hua diao suo you kou kou
Spend all the money you’ve misered up
Qian mai bu dao jue huo
Money can’t buy you unrivaled skill
你說 聽說 聽說 你聽誰說
Ni shuo Ting shuo Ting shuo Ni ting shei shuo
You say You’ve heard You’ve heard Who’d you hear say that?
跟著 亂走 鬧哄哄
Gen zhe Luan zou Nao hong hong
Followin’ Goin’ along rashly Buzzin’ with excitement
通通 通通 普通 普通
Tong tong Tong tong Pu tong Pu tong
It’s all It’s all Ordinary So ordinary
如果不懂 不要 隨便 拒絕
Ru guo bu dong Bu yao Sui bian Ju jue
If you don’t get it, Don’t Reject it so Carelessly (2)
You shi ling guang yi shan er guo
Sometimes, I get sudden flashes of brilliance
Niu dun ye chi ping guo
Newton also ate apples
Wo de nian tou bu tai luo suo
My idea isn’t too complicated
Xian shi jian neng ru zuo
Gotta hurry, sign-up is limited
Qing ni
Bu yao dao chu kou kou
Don’t go around knockin’ everywhere
Chao liu xu yao kou kou
Trends need to be raised up
Bu xiao xin jiu mei kou kou
If you’re not careful, you won’t make any money
Yong li dao chu kou kou
Work hard to save everywhere
Hua diao suo you kou kou
Spend all the money you’ve misered up
Qian mai bu dao jue huo
Money can’t buy you unrivaled skill
Little chick havin’ chips on my sofa
Be@rbricks take a sh*t on my sofa (3)
Smudge babies lyin’ on my sofa (4)
Neighborhoods and Kiks singing ‘So-Fa’ (5, 6, 7)
Little chick havin’ chips on my sofa
Be@rbricks take a sh*t on my sofa
Smudge babies lyin’ on my sofa
Hey, Greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it, I have it
What you see is what you get
Qing ni
Bu yao dao chu kou kou
Don’t go around knockin’ everywhere
Chao liu xu yao kou kou
Trends need to be raised up
Bu xiao xin jiu mei kou kou
If you’re not careful, you won’t make any money
Yong li dao chu kou kou
Work hard to save everywhere
Hua diao suo you kou kou
Spend all the money you’ve misered up
Qian mai bu dao jue huo
Money can’t buy you unrivaled skill
Hey, Greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it, I have it
What you see is what you get
Hey, Greedy, don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it, I have it
What you see is what you get
* The title of this song is a bit confusing. 不潮不用花錢 Bu chao bu yong hua qian is actually more (textbook) accurately translated as “Don’t Need To Spend Money If You Don’t Follow the Fads.” However, a read-through of the lyrics yields a different interpretation, the one I ultimately decided on: “Not Trendy Not To Spend Money.” This interpretation, however, is actually best expressed (and by that, I mean grammatically and without confusion!) by taking out the 用 yong in the title, leaving one with just 不潮不花錢 bu chao bu hua qian.

However, the 用 yong was left IN the title because– go back and read the first word of each line of the chorus. Put them together and you get 不潮不用花錢 Bu chao bu yong hua qian, the title of the song!
(1) The lines of the chorus are not necessarily connected to each other in the usual sense; don’t force them together. Instead, they can be considered stand-alone lines of “wisdom.”

(2) The line 如果不懂 不要 隨便 拒絕 Ru guo bu dong Bu yao Sui bian Ju jue can be “broken up” (in Chinese) and interpreted in two very distinct ways. I decided on “If you don’t get it, Don’t Reject it so Carelessly;” however, it is important to note that the line can very well also be translated as “If you don’t get it, Don’t be so Careless; Reject it.” As you can see, the meaning changes significantly; the interpretation I did NOT choose goes along with the TITLE I did not choose. It also puts a “break” between the last two “phrases.” Because JJ seems to slide right into the 拒絕 ju jue (instead of pausing), however, and because it goes along with the rest of the song– I chose the line above

(3) Be@rbricks are collectible (and somewhat poseable) plastic bears (with a “Kubrick” influence) manufactured by MediCom Toy Incorporated. They are extremely popular in Asia and come in all types of sizes and designs.
(4) I haven’t been able to find a 100% answer, but I think that Smudge Babies are a type of toy.
(5) Neighborhood is a super-trendy, still growing fashion label in Japan; it grew out of the Harajuku district.
(6) “Kiks” is slang for sneakers; it is most likely– in this song– meant as a “shorthand” for Kiks TYO, a super-trendy “sneaker freak” Japanese label.
(7) “So-Fa” as in… the notes “So” and “Fa” of the musical scale.
Big thanks to tammiest@AsianFanatics. Now. Let’s move on to the next page of videos… with this final video on this page.
Now, of course, all of these videos are going to be impossible to load unless this post is broken up into smaller chew-sized portions. So to continue, please click here…

If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.
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