Boy band fusion - Japan and China.

The Popular Music of China; Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing – Part 8

Here we continue on our excursion, and here is the mandatory warning…

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Now, this little video will need some explanation. Notice how the gals are doing the “Doctor Evil” impression with the pinkie near the mouth? Well, this dance routine has taken China by storm, and it just seems like all the gals love dancing to it at the KTV’s. It ends up looking a little like this…

This dance routine is not really part of the song, at least formally it isn’t. The dance crazy that swept up in China happened independently of what was going on in Korea. So imagine what the Korean pop group must think that a music inspired dance craze is sweeping China, but not in Korea.

With this in mind, now you can watch this little video depicting a live performance of the group and what happens when the live camera gets activated…

Sorry about the cut-off of the advertisement at the end. The only reason why I did not cut that off was because I do not how to do it. Sorry.

And… of course… this is one of the top hits of 2018, and into 2019. It is a string of little used idioms that utilize very rare and unique characters. It just amazes me that people are able to sing to them as well as they can.

This is all quite different from what you would find in the USA. Popular music in the USA is dominated by negro urban music. Here is one of the dominant females in the American music scene; Nicki Minaj.

She represents the best of American music today. She has been profiled on such popular shows as the Ellen DeGeneres show, as well as the many, many magazine articles of her, her “music”, and her antics. Here’s another GIF of her…

I think in America, music has been replaced by big asses and crude mannerisms. This is absolutely reflected in the popular culture, the news media and social media. Meanwhile, all of this is quite alien to the Chinese who maintain a more traditional conservative culture.

Here is another Chinese girl singing yet another very popular Chinese song.


One thing that we haven’t talked about is C-pop and K-pop. In fact, it would be a very serious omission to leave this out. Both K-pop and C-pop are amazingly popular here in China.

Here is the famous AOA MV performing “Heart Attack”. It’s awesome. Don’t ya think? I love the choreography, and the back story in the video is really cute. Do don’t need to know any foreign language, just watch the video to see what is going on. So adorable about a girl who has this crush on a boy in her class. And how the new girl in the school befriends her and helps her out. Adorable.

AOA is a Korean pop group that has made waves all over China. They are quite talented, as are jut about all the performers out of Korea. Here they are performing “Like a Cat”…

Here is the 2018-2019 sensation Blackpink singing “As if it’s your last”. They are beyond popular here in China. In fact, you can often see everyone from elementary school kids, to young professionals to cleaning ladies dancing their routines. It is a mind-blowing phenomenon. I’ll tell you what.

I have to laugh when I check out the comments on K-POP, C-POP and J-POP on you-tube. It’s all about how the girls are “forced” to dance like this, and how overtly sexual it is, and how they don’t want to dance like this. Nonsense! I think all of California should be carted off to the loony-bin and stop flooding the comments from millennial ignorants.

In California, I guess, C-pop is considered “too sexy”, but this isn’t;

Here in Asia, looking cute, being thin, and being sexual is an everyday occurrence. Deal with it. As I have said before. You can take that progressive gender-neutral reality and shove it up where the sun don’t shine. Everyone likes to look at attractive, happy girls. People who don’t are mentally disturbed.

Here is Stellar – Marionette[舞蹈无删减版][1080P]. You can view it in the player below, or go here for the web page. If it doesn’t load, it’s because your ISP is blocking videos from China.

You all shouldn’t leave this page until you checked out the last video, I’ll tell ya what.


If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.

Links about China

Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Business KTV
Fake Wine
Fat China
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

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