The Rwandian genocide

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 5)

The progressive liberal socialist “democrats” do have plans for you and your family. Yes. They really do.

 “It is one of those things that is easily said. ‘The Jewish people is  being exterminated,’ every Party member will tell you, ‘perfectly  clear, it’s part of our plans, we’re eliminating the Jews, exterminating  them, a small matter.’

 “Altogether we can say: We have carried out this most difficult task  for the love of our people. And we have suffered no defect within us, in  our soul, or in our character.”

 These two gruesome comments are from the diary of Heinrich Himmler,  which has recently been revealed in a military archive, in Podolsk near  Moscow in Russia. The diary was first found by the Red Army after the  War and was kept in the war archives; the journal consists of some 1000  pages full of gruesome details of war crimes committed by the Fuhrer’s  right-hand man. 

Know this…

 A lifetime of pain taught me one thing: When people say and do  certain things, you no longer have to worry about their welfare. They're  TELLING YOU in plain English, “I’m crazy! If you’re nice to me, I’ll  destroy you!”

Did you read or hear about the chef on the New York  subway kicking a 78-year-old retired kindergarten teacher in the head  six times? Nobody helped her, and the chef was proud. I’m 56 years old,  and I have full-body osteoarthritis. If I’d been there, the chef would  be dead. That’s all there is to it. He was attacking a defenseless  elderly woman, and I’m in no shape to get into a prolonged fight. So I’d  have to kill him.

Many years ago, I learned how to instantly kill people with my bare hands. It’s actually quite easy. I can still do it. 

-The Abusive Spouse

When SHTF, and CWII occurs scenes like this will be common place. Young armed youth will travel forth from the cities in new trucks right off the sales lot, and they will attack the people in the smaller cities and rural areas.

After  a month or two, gangs started operating, destroying everything.  Hospitals, for example, turned into slaughterhouses. There was no more  police. About 80 percent of the hospital staff were gone. I got lucky.  My family at the time was fairly large (15 people in a large house, six  pistols, three AKs), and we survived (most of us, at least). 

-Commonsense Show

They might even have technicals installed on brand new (white) Toyota trucks. (An Obama and Hillary trademark.)

Make no mistake. They will be armed, supplied and equipped by a very wealthy (and hidden) army of progressive liberal Marxists. They will out-gun you. They will out-number you. They will be filled with hate and RAGE, and all this will be magnified by drugs that they will be given.

Hillary Clinton equipped ISIS technicals.
Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama made arrangements to supply the ISIS with brand new white Toyota pickups, and provided CIA assets to equip them into technicals. It is quite common for governments, especially the United States government to perform these black or grey cover operations to further their own political agendas. Do not think that they will fail to do so during a CWII event, and when SHTF, the forces you will be fighting will be well-equipped.

Beware of Ideologues

Killing Jews by MG42.
Killed because Hitler demonized them for an entire decade before he came to power. Once you are demonized, you will be treated like a cockroach. And killed without a moments notice or a second thought. Know your history.

The “killing fields” of Cambodia should wake anyone up.

In Cambodia, adults were forced to dig their own graves before they were slaughtered with spades and sharpened bamboo. Their children, meanwhile, were smashed to death against the trunks of trees and thrown into the mass graves where their parents lay.

Cambodian skull
The “killing fields” of Cambodia is what happens when government sponsors genocide. Note that the progressive democrats believe that the world is over populated and it needs to be cleansed, and that means to “get back” at the bad conservatives that caused all their anxieties.

There were more than 150 of these execution centers across the country.

During the invasion of Cambodia in late 1979, Vietnamese soldiers uncovered a hastily abandoned prison in Phnom Penh containing meticulous records of each inmate, complete with a portrait photo and detailed “confessions” of their crimes committed against the Khmer Rouge.

That prison was Tuol Sleng, or Security Prison 21, a former high school in the Cambodian capital that was converted into a prison and interrogation center upon the Khmer Rouge’s ascent to power in 1975. 

Under the guise of building a classless agrarian economy, the Khmer Rouge targeted anyone that was incompatible with their vision of Cambodia including intellectuals, ethnic minorities, religious figures, and city-dwellers.

In the following four years, Cambodians perceived to be saboteurs or traitors to the state — some simply because they worked in factories or wore glasses — were taken to the prison to be tortured until they provided a full confession along with names of their collaborators. After confessions were made, almost all inmates were executed: of the 20,000 prisoners taken to Tuol Sleng, only seven survived. 

-All that is interesting

The massacres on the killing fields stopped when the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia in 1979 and brought an end to the Khmer Rouge. As the Vietnamese marched through Cambodia, they found places like Tuol Sleng. They uncovered mass graves full of thousands of human remains – and found photos of some of the many people who had been lost in the Cambodian genocide.

Germany in the yearly years of World War II.
You do not want to be dragged out of your home. Lined up in the street in front of your house, and then shot dead. But, we know, that is what will happen if you are disarmed. It is not about having a lot of guns around. It is about having one, and being an expert at using it. You need to have the will and the strength to know that SHTF is moving forward soon and quickly. Know that no one is doing anything about those “diversity officers”, and the media monopoly, or the Socialist HQ under Obama /Soros. No one is doing anything, so CWII and SHTF will happen. To prevent it, action is long over due, and I fear that the damage, at this time, is irreversible.

It’s all planned

Jews being driven away
The people on the lists will be collected from their homes. The embedded “snitches” progressive activists will take glee in watching those people dehumanized and shamed. They will be loaded onto trucks and then driven to isolated places to be killed.

When genocide breaks out, and make no mistake, any civil war in the United States conducted today will be one of genocide, will not be spontaneous or “grass roots”. They will be planned. They will be armed and prepared well in advance.

Pretty soon, the nice houses and estates in the countryside of America will start to look like this. Prepare.

Rural Bosina.
Rural Bosina. No, CWII will not be anything like Hollywood is trying to portray. You won’t go scavenging for materials or hot-wire a car to drive. Things will be destroyed, dead, rusted and useless. War is very, very ugly.

All genocides are planned. They are planned, often for years, if not decades. The genocide that is being prepped for America has been in the making for at least 50 years if not longer.

The term Bosnian Genocide is used to refer either to the genocide committed by Bosnian Serb forces in Srebrenica in 1995, or to the ethnic cleansing campaign that took place throughout areas controlled by the Bosnian Serb Army during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War.

In the 1990s, several authorities, in line with a minority of  legal scholars -- including the leading Holocaust scholar Dr. Robert Jay  Lifton -- asserted that ethnic cleansing as carried out by elements of  the Bosnian Serb army was genocide. 

These included a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly  and three convictions for genocide in German courts, (the convictions  were based upon a wider interpretation of genocide than that used by  international courts).  In 2005, the United States Congress passed a resolution declaring that  "the Serbian policies of aggression and ethnic cleansing meet the terms  defining genocide". 

Just like those protests against Brett Kavendaugh were not organic, or the organized protests against illegal aliens, it’s all just show and tell for the progressive mainstream media. Only this time, it will not be televised.

PPT on Rwanda genocide.
Typically during genocidal events, neighbors will turn on you, or contact other confederates that will perform violent actions themselves.

It will be the “real deal”, and “out of no where”. It will be roving bands of young heavily armed ideological youth. It will be these thugs and gangs targeting your towns and communities and manning road blocks and seizing key strategic points.

We know what will happen.
We know what will happen. It has been well documented. People will be collected. They will be rounded up into urban areas, or centers. The men will be separated out from the group. They will be led to an isolated area, a cellar, a warehouse, a cluster of tree, an area behind a bulldozer. They will then be held down by two people and shot dead.

Know your history. Do not expect it to be random or spontaneous.

The weapons had materialized out of nowhere, and every man had one:  rocket-propelled- grenade launchers and Kalashnikovs and sleek black FN assault rifles and even old shotguns and sabers left over from colonial days. 

They had come from the bush, these men, and they'd brought with  them their protective magic and their claims of special powers. They  wore sackcloth tunics and fishnet shirts studded with crocheted pouches  that were supposed to stop bullets. They sewed cowrie shells onto their  clothing and wore bone necklaces that hung down over their ammo belts  and clacked against their guns. 

One guy had nothing on but shorts and a  pink ski-parka hood. Another had a headband made of live machine-gun rounds. They stood in angry little clusters around shortwave radios listening to the afternoon BBC report and slapping ammo clips into their guns. 

-The Terror of Sierra Leone

Never Forget…

Left will do this.
What the left has planned for their enemies.
"They have no interest in us, except as slaves or, more likely, as a  vaguely troubling memory of a problem solved long ago. Guess how they  would solve us? 

Not sure? 

Well, there’s this thing called “history,” and  you can look up leftism’s track record regarding unapproved people like us unless Google is hiding the results for that too. "
-The real leaders of the Democrat party want you to shut up. 

Yeah. Here’s a nice meme that I found on the internet.

Do not trust the goverment.
If you trust the government, you have obviously failed history class. Never trust the government.

Know your history. Plan on dealing with an enemy that intends to exterminate you and your family. They will be ideologically motivated and the troops will more than likely be heavily armed, and high on drugs.

It will be nothing like you see on television or in the movies. It will be a horror show.

It was early morning and there was no one there; the gate had been torn  off its hinges, and twisted clothes and spent bullets littered the  yard. We stepped inside and sloshed through water that was three inches  deep over the marble floors. Somewhere it was still running, gurgling  out of a pipe where protesters had torn the plumbing out of the walls.  There were women's panties and bras on the towel rack in the bathroom,  as well as an empty bottle of 1998 Laurent Grand Siècle Ferme. In the  upstairs bedroom there was an empty box of 70-mm. ammo. Papers were  scattered everywhere, and syringes—thousands of them, used and  unused—lay piled in the corners like drifted snow. 

-The Terror of Sierra Leone

Traitors in our midst

There are organizations all over the United States that have had the SHTF, and CWII planned. In fact, they have been planning this for decades. They have secretive membership, secretive financing, secretive meetings, handshakes and even flags.

I kid you not…

Flag graphic of socialsit organizations internal to the USA.
Flags of one of the many organizations devoted to the overthrow of the United States of America.

1940 Katyn Forest Massacre

The Russian eagerness to slaughter Poland's military leadership was not  simply born out of savagery. Many believe that Stalin reckoned that such  ruthless tactics would permanently weaken the Poles, and make them a  much easier people to subdue.  -Dailymail

Know your history. It is going to be repeated. It is going to happen in the United States. It is going to happen.

Do not let it happen to you.

Katyn massacre
The progressive liberal communists collected anyone who could possibly be a threat to them. They loaded them into trucks and trains, and carted them off to an isolated forest. There, they tied their hands behind their backs and systematically killed each one.

Get ready.

In 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland. They came from both sides, and within weeks, Poland was captured. The Western half of Poland became occupied by Germany. The Eastern side of Poland became occupied by the Soviets.

Poland division
Once the Germans and the Soviets took over Poland, it was divided up. The Poles in the West had to deal with the German Nazi’s. The Poles on the East had to deal with the Soviets.

In 1940, once Russia took over a huge portion of Poland, they collected people. They collected anyone who was smart. They collected anyone who had skills. They collected anyone who had an education. They considered these people threats to the “new progressive reality” that they planned to impose on Poland. They collected them.

And, then they massacred them.

  • Anyone with a college education.
  • Anyone who was an educator.
  • Anyone in politics.
  • Anyone who owned or supervised in a factory.
  • Anyone who was related to anyone who was famous.
  • Anyone who held an officer rank in the military.
  • Anyone who was a small business owner.
  • Anyone who was a land owner (owned a house).
  • Anyone who was singled out by someone else as non-progressive.

In November 1939, the Russians arrested over 15,000 Polish officers and deported them to western Russia.

Among them were civilians, professors, doctors, lawyers, journalists, artists, judges,an Olympic athlete, priests, and the Chief Rabbi of the Polish Army.  

The prisoners sat there for months, afraid of what was going to happen, but few guessing their true fate. As Peszkowski said: ‘We did not think it possible that the Russians would kill us without mercy.’

Katyn Poland
Desc: Katyn massacre (Polish army officers killed by Soviet troops in Katyn forest, near Smolensk, western Russia,1943), Nazi propaganda poster, Central Europe • Credit: [ The Art Archive / Private Collection / Marc Charmet ] • Ref: AA399882

Military leaders were sent to three prison camps, at Kozielsk, Starobielsk, and Ostashkov.

In April of the following year, the Polish prisoners were told that they would be repatriated to Poland. It was a lie, of course. When progressive liberal democrats (whether they call themselves Marxists or Communists is of not matter) say anything, it is ALWAYS a lie.

Progressive Liberal Socialists always lie.

Katyn map
Multiple locations were used to kill all of the intellectual class of Poland. The workers, ignorant, and women were singled out, and segregated. The men were taken to remote locations and shot.

The first group boarded a train, but oddly it was not traveling east, but rather westward.  It came to a stop outside Katyn Forest, situated near Smolensk.  

With orders to kill everyone.
Executions normally take place hurriedly, but in this case the killers were in no rush. The victims were taken from their prison camp and put on a train for two days without food and water. When they arrived at their final destination, they were bundled onto coaches with windows smeared with cement to obscure their view. After a short drive, the men were directed one by one to the rear door of the vehicle. As each man stepped into the gloomy light of the Russian forest, he would have had no doubt as to his fate.

From there the Polish officers were herded into black vans which drove them to a clearing in the woods.  

When they stepped out, they were simply led to the edge of what would imminently be their grave. The Russians took them to a large pit inside the forest, and forced them to kneel at its edge.

Led, forced to kneel and then killed.
Led to the edge of the pit. Held and bound, then forced to your knees. The progressive liberal socialists will put the pistol to the back of your head and kill you dead with it.

Their hands were tied behind their backs, and a choke knot tied around their neck and hands so that if they struggled they would have strangled themselves.

Held on either side, the victims were approached from behind by an NKVD man equipped with a German Walther 7.65mm pistol.

The relatively small recoil, compared to that of heavier Russian pistols, made the task far easier on the executioner’s wrist, an essential requisite for a killer with so many men to dispatch.

The shot was fired at the base of the man’s skull, and if the job was done correctly, the bullet would have exited through the forehead. Death was instantaneous, as one by one the Polish officers filled the mass grave.

They were surrounded by dozens of armed NKVD agents who made sure that everyone was killed. No one escaped.

Killed by progressive socialsts.
Polish officer shot in the back of the head by progressive liberal socialists from the Soviet Union. These people are dangerous.

Their bodies were thrown into mass graves.

This convoy of death went on for several weeks.  By mid-May almost 4,500 Polish officers were murdered and buried in eight mass graves – the largest grave contained 12 layers of corpses.

Shot in the back of the head.
Polish aviator shot in the back of the head. This is what the progressive liberal socialists have in store for anyone that does not agree with them on any of their crazed ideology.

Among the dead were more than 200 pilots including friends and classmates of the Kosciuszko Air Squadron.  

In memory
Is is a photo of a memorial ceremony in Poland for the absolute slaughter of the Polish leadership, intellectuals, and workers of Poland, by progressive liberal socialist democrats from the Soviet Union. They called themselves “Communists”.

One of its’ victims was the brother-in-law of Witold Lokociewski.    The sole survivor of Katyn was Professor Stanislaw Swianiewicz.  

He was on board the train headed to Katyn Forest, and was standing in the line ready to board the van, but an NKVD colonel had pulled him out of the line. 

The Germans invaded Russia in July 1942, but it wasn’t until the next spring that they discovered the mass graves in Katyn.

The bodies were exhumed and examined by a team of experts, and they accused the Russians of having committed the atrocity.  The Russians denied all responsibility and countered by saying that the Germans had committed the massacre.  

When Polish Prime Minister Sikorski called for an investigation by the International Red Cross, the Russian government abruptly severed all diplomatic ties with Poland. Sir Owen O’Malley, the British Ambassador to the Polish government-in-exile, described the grisly scene:

” In the broad deep pit their comrades lay, packed closely around the edge, head to feet, like sardines in a tin….up and down on the bodies the executioners tramped, hauling [the corpses] about and treading in the blood like butchers in a stockyard. “

Sir Owen O’Malley conducted an investigation and produced a detailed report that proved that the Soviets were guilty.  But Churchill hastily absconded with the report and warned everyone not to ever speak a word about it. –Katyn Massacre

They rounded them up. They loaded them into trucks. They tied their hands behind their backs, and they killed them.

They politely told them to turn around. They asked them to put their hands behind their backs. Then they shot them FUCKING dead.


Dead as a fish. Dead. D-E-A-D.

The progressive liberal communists rounded up anyone who could possibly be a threat to them. They loaded them into trucks. They tied their hands behind their backs, and they killed them.

When the atrocity was reported, the governments all, ordered it to be kept quiet and for no one to say a word about it.

Know your history.

You see, the progressive liberals; the communists wanted a complete extinction of all opposition in Poland. They destroyed anyone with knowledge. They eviscerated anyone with skills, ability or talent. They erased anyone who could organize against them.

You know…

People like YOU.

In the spring of 1940, Stalin and Lavrenty Beria planned to liquidate  this potential source of opposition to Soviet control and gave orders  to murder over 20,000 Polish officers.

The murders were carried out at several sites. The most famous was the NKVD burial ground at Katyn, near Minsk (today in Belarus), but killings were also carried out at Piatikhatki (near Kharkiv in Ukraine) and at Mednoye in Russia.

Other killing sites were never identified, although it is believed  that another group of officers was placed on old barges towed out into  the White Sea near the Arctic Circle and used for target practice by the  Soviet Navy.

Those who died at Katyn included an admiral, two generals, 24 colonels, 79 lieutenant colonels, 258 majors, 654 captains, 17 naval captains, 3,420 NCOs, seven chaplains, three landowners, a prince, 43 officials, 85 privates, and 131 refugees. 
One female air force officer was among the dead. Also among the dead were 20 university professors; 300 physicians; several hundred lawyers, engineers, and teachers; and more than 100 writers and journalists as well as about 200 pilots. 

-Learning History

We know about this because, while Stalin ordered everyone to be killed, their bodies were discovered by the Nazi’s that invaded Russia the subsequent year. They heard about the bodies and they investigated.

They used the information and pictures of what they found as anti-Soviet propaganda.

Killed Polish General remains
The remains of Brigadier General Smorawinski (
Mieczysław Smorawiński ) found in one of the many graves in the Katyn forest. He had his hands tied behind his back and shot in the back of the head. After a short stay in various Soviet prisons and POW camps, at the end of 1939 he was transferred to the NKVD Special Camp in Kozelsk. Smorawiński left the camp on 7 April 1940. Together with most of the Polish officers imprisoned there he was executed by the NKVD at Katyn, in the spring of 1940, aged forty-six, in what became known as the Katyn massacre. During the exhumation of 1943 his body was exhumed and identified, as one of the Polish generals to be identified.
Katyn Memorial in Jersey City
Katyn Memorial in Jersey City. The progressive liberal democrats in power want it removed, or put in an isolated area so that “mothers don’t have to explain what happened in history”.

There are memorials to this horrible massacre in the United States. Though the progressive liberal democrats currently in power wants the statues to be removed.

In Jersey City, a park official proposed relocating a monument of the massacre to a less-traveled locale. He argued this because he found it “a little gruesome”, adding that “I can’t imagine how many mothers go by and have to explain it to their children.”

The real truth, since he is a vocal socialist, is that he wants to erase history in order to pave the way for an eventual full progressive utopia .

This happened in Katyn, but also in Cambodia. As well as in China. It also happened in Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam. Know your history. All of the ground-work is being laid down today for a near by future.

Killing fields
The Cambodian Killing Fields are a number of sites in Cambodia where collectively more than a million people were killed and buried by the Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, immediately after the end of the Cambodian Civil War. The mass killings are widely regarded as part of a broad state-sponsored genocide. Analysis of 20,000 mass grave sites by the DC-Cam Mapping Program and Yale University indicate at least 1,386,734 victims of execution.

There will not be any leniency in this matter. If you are a threat, maybe you wrote something, or maybe you said an off-hand comment at work, you will be singled out. The “Diversity Officers” in your company have a firm lock-grip on who is not “with the program”. Take heed.

You will be taken to the edge of a dug hole in the ground and you will be shot dead.


Please kindly be advised that all of this will happen before you are aware that the SHTF. 

You will wake up in the morning and dress like normal. You will drive in your car like normal, and get a coffee at a fast food restaurant like normal. The only thing out of the normal might be a friendly police officer that might pull you aside to "have a small chat with you". 
Cambodian genocide
We see pictures in history books and say, “nah that could never happen here”. The roads are dirt. The people are wearing military clothing. There isn’t anything that looks like a part of America in the pictures.

But the truth is that yes it can happen here, and if you read ANYTHING at all about genocide, know the [1] it is always government sponsored, and [2] it is rare for a nation to escape a period of genocide longer than 100 year period between genocidal events. [3] It is always preceded by disarming of the citizenry.

America is long overdue for one.
Then you will turn around nicely while they put handcuffs on you. You will be entrapped long before you have any idea that things are going down. IT WILL NOT BE REPORTED, and you will be unaware.

Do you think that all those people killed in Katyn had any idea what awaited them? Do you think that those factory workers in Serbia had any idea how their day would end? Do you think that those teachers in Cambodia had any idea what would happen when they "worked the fields".

Be ready to be SURPRISED.

If you are handcuffed, you will stand there while they go through your house.

Betrayal is as old as man, but the pace and severity seems to be  accelerating. It hasn’t touched you or me yet, but someday soon we will  be told to “be patient, as we restore your account balance,” or “the FBI  will not allow this to happen again,” or “we’ve made some mistakes in  the past but we (the same people) will do better going forward.” Ya,  thanks. 

- Karl Ushanka 

You WILL be disarmed.

Understanding Progressive liberals
You need to understand… it’s ONLY a matter of time. You will be disarmed. Maybe not today, but it will happen, as NO ONE is taking action to stop the march of progressive reality.

You will watch them take your guns and throw them in a pile with zero concern. Guns that you would gingerly caress and hold with care would be tossed like rubbish onto the floor and into a pile.

In 1911, a national gun registration law was passed in Turkey, with  no apparent ill intention beyond increasing public safety.  

Four short years later…

In 1915,  during the Great War, these gun registration lists were used to disarm  the Armenian and other Christian populations. 

Army battalions cordoned  off entire towns and did gun sweeps. 

Once disarmed, the official state  violence visited against the Armenians ratcheted up to murderous levels.  

Typically, on town-wide sweeps, all of the men and boys were taken away by the Turkish soldiers, never to be seen or heard from again.

Oh, yeah. America is “exceptional”. It could never happen here. Right?

  Only after these Armenian “enemies of the state” were disarmed and  completely helpless to resist did the final step begin: the officially  sanctioned, ordered, led and conducted wholesale “deportations” of the  Christian minorities from Turkey. 

These “deportations” were in reality  forced marches into fiery deserts, accompanied by pervasive sadistic cruelty comparable only to the Japanese “Bataan Death March,” and the  less known but much more deadly death marches of the last surviving Jews in Nazi hands as the Red Army closed in on Germany. 


You will be interrogated for any other guns, and your other family members will be separated from you. Your wife in one room, and your children in an other. They will play good cop – bad cop.

They will have a list that they will read off of.

They will tell you that you own XXX number of guns, and that they don’t believe that they were all stolen. They will threaten you. They will search your house, they will tear it apart. You will find that they will wreck it and destroy precious valuables.

The Pol Pot Plan to implement a Socialist utopia.
The Pol Pot Plan to implement a Socialist utopia. – Ethnic cleansing. – To regain the glory of the Angkor Empire. – To reclaim Kampuchea Krom. – To get all CIA and KGB agents out of Democratic Kampuchea.

Oh they will go look for your guns. They will not take your excuses that they were stolen at face value. They will treat you as dangerous and will go ahead and look for them.

They might even have a metal detector.

Do not think that they will not be readily equipped. They might have dogs that can smell out gunpowder. They will be looking for your guns. That will be their purpose; to disarm you.

They will set you down and yell at you, and depending on the level of urgency, get physically violent with you. They will separate you from your family. They will scare the living Dejesus out of your loved ones.

The children, will of course, tell them where your hidden weapons are. No matter that you instructed them otherwise. The children will tell. THEY WILL TELL.

Your children WILL tell and report on you.

Your wife, well… that is touch and go. But, you can expect a 60% chance of her telling them anything just to let you guys live in peace. Any secret hiding places that they know about will be exposed for the police to get.

God thing that you have a very secret stash that ONLY YOU know about, eh?

Research, using a safe search engine, the best type of grease to use to protect firearms. You want cheap, non-corrosive grease that is available in gallon or larger sized drums. Know how to use it to store firearms with, and ALWAYS have some ammo next to the stored guns. You cannot assume that ammo will be available when you need to access the firearm.

A couple of months will pass from the time of collection to when you will start seeing a need to have a firearm.

How do we know?

That is the way it ALWAYS happens.

We know from history. We know from Bosnia. We know from Sierra Leone. We know from Germany. We know from Russia. We know from Poland. We know from Spain. We know. We know. We know.

We fucking know.

 In the Turkish case, only a small clique understood the true purpose  behind the gun registration and gun control laws of 1911. If average  Turks thought about the gun laws at all, they probably believed they  would actually lead to greater public safety, as advertised. 


That was  also generally the case with the Russians, Germans, Chinese, Cambodians,  Guatemalans, Rwandans, and all the rest who were required to register  or even turn in their firearms for “public safety,” and who accepted the  demand at face value as a “reasonable” gun control measure, to their  later regret.


 American liberals who would like to see the Second Amendment torn out  of the Constitution as a problematic relic of a bygone era generally do  not know—or pretend not to know—this well-established historical  pattern. 

But American Constitutionalists, who are more often than not  students of history, understand the pattern very well.

 So, directly behind the insane faces of contemporary villains like  Loughner, Holmes and Lanza, we see the smirking faces of Stalin, Hitler,  and Mao, tyrants who did not murder individual victims by the fives and  tens, but entire populations by the tens of millions.   


And in each case, these national genocides were preceded by gun  confiscation that was made possible by national firearms registration  laws sold to a gullible population in the name of “public safety.”


Interestingly, during the bloody French Revolution’s “Great Terror” of 1793 to 1794, it was the “Committee of Public Safety”  who condemned tens of thousands of French men and women to the  guillotine or other forms of summary execution without trial. 

...After  previously being disarmed, of course.


Then, we will “hear of shootings”, and “events”. Not all of which will be reported.

Be ready to fight dirty.
Be ready to fight dirty. For you to survive, you will need to be a most dangerous person. You will not be able to trust anyone. The enemy will look like you, speak like you. Dress like you. Do not trust anyone.

You won’t know you are in danger until it is too late.

Often a singular incident will be used to obtain “advantage” by the forces that want to initiate the genocide. In Rwanda, the oligarchy shot down the plane carrying the Rwandan President and his chief of staff. This was enough for them to implement their plans.

Plane shot down
The genocide in Rwanda was “kicked off” when the plane carrying the President and all his staff was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile. Once the President was confirmed dead, the oligarchy put their plans in place, and all the caches of arms, and their trained minions organized quickly and initiated “wack a mole” terror throughout the countryside.
...there is often a long delay between the stages of the  registration-confiscation-extermination progression. 


For example, national gun registration in Germany was implemented in the 1920s, without any immediate dire consequences. Then Hitler was elected and  took dictatorial powers under the Enabling Act. 

(Then) Beginning in 1938,  Hitler used the gun registration lists to first disarm and then exterminate his enemies, primarily the Jews. 


Oh, and by the way, do not think that this isn’t going to happen. It is. It’s just that the implementation schedule was thrown off track and delayed by the Donald Trump presidency.

Are you ready?

Because, I’m telling you directly, no one is stopping the progressive-Marxist takeover. It’s moving forward and in the long term, the Presidency of Donald Trump will only be considered a “speed bump” on the way towards Marxist utopia.

Comprehensive list of reasons why Americans should be disarmed.

It is coming.

 Remember,  all genocides are preceded by gun confiscation. All gun confiscations  are preceded by registration. Remember, you are your own first  responder. FEMA has admitted that they can protect and/or rescue you.  You are on your own and when you finally come to realize this fact, then  you will plan accordingly, just like the people of Bosnia were forced  to, or they perished. 

 Before  the government takes away your guns, you need to acquire multiple guns  with 2,000 rounds of ammunition each. Find hiding places for your guns.  Learn how to conceal and carry without being obvious and the next time a  would-be Manchurian candidate shooter walks into a mall or a theater,  there will be someone there to take. Then the Deep State will be forced  to come up with new false flags. But never, never, never give up your  guns. The lessons of history speak loudly and clearly.  The ties that  binds our society are thin and they are weak. We are an event away from  being Bosnia. Chicago is already in a state of 1990's Bosnia.  

-Commonsense Show

If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Parable about America
Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
The two family types and how they work.
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Things I wish I knew.
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons
A polarized world.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

The Last Night
The Flying Machine
A story of escape.
All Summer in a day.
The Smile by Ray Bradbury
The menace from Earth

Articles & Links

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Fantastic work, really enjoying it. It’s somewhat frightening however. Godspeed Sir.

Tyler Raleigh

Got a question about one of your photos – it’s one of the most-viewed photos of the Vietnam War – of General Nguyen Ngoc Loan of South Vietnam shooting Viet Cong Nguyen Van Lem in 1968. The caption reads, “What the left has planned for their enemies”

You’ve posted in earlier parts of this article that you use what’s available, I guess sometimes with concern that the servers might drop the site for content.

That’s got me curious about access to photos – there are a lot to be found of national socialists killing their victims but not many of communists, at least recently, killing their victims.
Other than a lot of what we see here, are a lot of photos of communists being taken off the Net for, I don’t know, public relations purposes considering upcoming events?