cultural revolution china sjw

When the SJW movement took control of China

Many Americans have no idea that the SJW phenomenon is cyclic. It happens in cycles in many countries. It is never a new event. It is a cyclic event with new faces, new technologies, but age old objectives. It is a time when the youth makes an attempt to wrest control of the government by the “power of the mob” and makes an attempt to erase the past and construct a “new” world upon the ashes of the past.

Today, we are in the midst of a critical time when elements of a SJW movement is trying to gain control of the American government with help from other various malevolent political energy centers. This has happened before. In the 1960’s, SJW were useful pawns of the Democrat party. While they didn’t really change the government as they had hoped, when they became older they reformed the government from the inside. It is because of the 1960’s movement that we have people like Hillary Clinton, Louis Learner, James Clapper, and Jessie Jackson in government today.

In China, a nation larger and more populated than the United States, there have been numerous SJW movements. This includes the falun gong movement, the Free Democracy Movement, and the Cultural Revolution. Most Americans are unaware of these movements. They are unaware of the impact that they have had on Chinese society, and why the Chinese strongly believe in the necessity of squelching each and every SJW effort, no matter how small or apparently harmless.

Let’s take a look at this issue, shall we…


BEIJING, May 17 (Xinhua) -- The Communist Party of China's (CPC) official newspaper has condemned the Cultural Revolution 50 years after it began, calling it "a mistake... that can not and will not be allowed to repeat itself."

China has learned its lessons from the decade of tumult between 1966 and 1976 and is now determined to avoid any social unrest that would disrupt national progress, according to the commentary in Tuesday's edition of the People's Daily.

"The Cultural Revolution was a major detour in the development path of the Party and the nation," it said.

Since introducing the reform and opening-up policy more than 30 years ago, "the nation has been growing stronger and stronger and people's living standards have been improved markedly," according to the commentary.

"The historical lessons from the the Cultural Revolution must be firmly kept in mind" in this context, it said.

"The Chinese people have never been so close to realizing the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation," it went on, urging the CPC and the public to "dispel all disturbances" to ensure the goal is achieved.

May 16 this year marked the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Cultural Revolution.

-Lessons of Cultural Revolution must be learned: People's Daily.

Ah, these are pretty strong words, especially when you know that it comes from the central government. The Chinese government “cannot and will not” permit any SJW activity in China. Not now, and not in any foreseeable future, if ever.

Man, you would think that United States would have such “big brass balls” and stand up to the SJW movement at home.


There are many, many books and opinions on what caused the “Cultural Revolution”, but one thing is certain; there was a growing dissatisfaction with the Chinese government and culture especially across the youth. In order to shore up his control and the control of the government, Chairman Mao leveraged the youth movement to achieve his political objectives. The problem was that he lost control of it. It took on a life of it’s own…

SWJ in America compared to China.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.

One of the hallmarks of any and all SJW movements is a distain for the past. They believe that the old must be destroyed and buried, so that a new order can manifest. In their youthful exuberance, they go about pillaging and purging the history and culture of society.

In China, one of the first things that they began to do was tear down monuments and statues. They viewed them as dangerous monuments to past folly and mistakes of the highest order. Even the names of the people and the heroes of the past needed to be purged and obliterated from all records.

Often, children would attend and there would always be someone singing or playing a musical instrument. All this clamor and excitement would bring hordes of on-lookers, some would clap and cheer, while most would look on helplessly. Eventually the SJW in their revolutionary zeal would start attacking the bystanders for their perceived lack of civil duty and attention to the destruction.

SWJ in China compared to those in America.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.

The SJW would worship their leadership. In their mind, their leaders can do no wrong. They are above the common man. They deserve special considerations and special attentions.

Consider, today, with all the Obama “worship” by the SJW…

During the cultural revolution, many of the SJW would carry a little red book, a statue, or a picture of Mr. Mao. We see that same kind of behavior with other cult personalities such as Obama.

Obama as a God.
In many parts of the United States, President Obama is worshiped like a God. It is silly, but those in power and in control of the government promote this.



There is a degree of reverence that SJW offer to their idols. In China, Mr. Mao became bigger than life. he could do no wrong. The militant SJW believed that they were acting on the behest of Mr. Mao and that everything that they did in his name was sanctioned.  Thus, over time, the wilder and crazier their actions became, the more out of control the movement became.

What started as just the destruction of a few statues and a handful of book burnings, now expanded into a complete full-on conflagration. Museums and libraries were raided, looted and precious and unique art works were destroyed.

SWJ in China compared to the United States.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.

It wasn’t just books and history that the SWJ went after. They went after individuals. They attacked successful businessmen, educators, and scientists. The sent millions to work in the poverty stricken rural fields, and set back the Chinese culture by centuries.

The would publicly shame and humiliate business owners. Often these people would have to endure torture and public scorn while wearing signs because they did not speak the “proper” politically correct phrases. At that time there were things that you could say and things that you could not.

Organizations started to set up offices to support these initiatives, and paid people to enforce the demands of the SJW armies.

SWJ in China is the same as SWJ in The United States.
SWJ is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.

Today in America, many universities are implementing these exact policies that China today regrets. They have hired politically correct “police” and staff to implement “diversity” efforts. When in reality, all they are doing is enabling a disastrous monster that will eventually consume the school.

Today in the United States, SWJ are typing to enforce “diversity initiatives” through purposed speech controls by targeting “white privilege”. They are successful in controlled environments such as liberal universities and liberal strongholds. However they cannot do it outside of those areas because Americans have firearms.

If they try to implement these initiatives in public in “fly over America”, they will probably be punished pretty aggressively.

China SWJ public shaming.
Top Party officials are denounced during an afternoon-long rally in Red Guard Square: Li Fanwu, (right), provincial Party secretary and governor of Heilongjiang, is criticized as a “careerist”. Harbin, 29 August 1966
Shame and torture of anyone opposing the SJW movement.
Anyone who did not agree with the SJW was denounced publicly. They were humiliated, and tortured. The youth ran the nation into the ground.
Shame of Chinese elders.
The older generations were attacked by the youth of China. The SJW were whipped into a frenzy of emotion. They attacked anything and everything. Nothing was safe.
Chinese traditions and people were shamed and tortured.
In every city, and in every town, armies of SJW marched up and down the streets. They destroyed everything they could lay their hands on. They attacked books, history, art, families and culture.
Public shaming by SJW.
Chinese SJW would capture anyone who they disagreed with. They would shame them in public and destroy their life and their families. The poor person would suffer at their hands while emotion laden demands would be forced on the poor sap that had to endure their insults and tortures.

The damage that the SJW youth wrecked upon China was enormous. It wasn’t the history, books and art that was destroyed. But it was the entire society. Factories were shuttered closed. Educational institutions were closed. An entire generation of angry and emotional teenagers ran the nation into the ground.

For the SJW youth, it was a great time. They got to go out and sing and march and feel important and empowered. It was a time when it was “hip” to be a SJW. They were the cultural icons of their generation.

Chinese SJW demanding change and a destruction of traditions.
FILE – In this file photo taken Aug. 10, 1966, a young woman identified only as Ms. Zhou calls out to embolden her fellow Red Guards in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square at the start of the 1966-76 Cultural Revolution. On May 16, 1966, the Communist Party’s Politburo produced a document announcing the start of what was formally known as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to pursue class warfare and enlist the population in mass political movements. Launched by leader Mao Zedong, it set off a decade of tumult to revive communist goals and enforce a radical egalitarianism. (AP Photo, File)
The cultural revolution was a time of SJW activity.
Young Chinese women during the “cultural revolution” waving the SJW icon of the time; the little red book of Mr. Mao.

There are many writings on this interesting time in China. The reader is encouraged to explore other thoughts and opinions on this time. The only point that I want to make is that the American SJW efforts of today is identical to the SJW movement in China during the late 1960’s.

The End

Mr. Mao lost control of the “Cultural Revolution”. Things were getting increasingly untenable, and the military had to be called upon to restore order. By the time that order was restored, the damage was already done. It would take decades to reverse all the ruin and destruction that the SJW movement created.

China SJW during the cultural revolution.
Mr. Mao lost control of the youthful SJW that he tried to manipulate. They began to destroy China, and tear apart the fabric of Chinese society. The military had to be called in to restore order.


Thirty years after the cultural revolution, another SWJ movement tried to wrestle control of China.  This movement was the “Pro-Democracy Movement”. It garnered great Western press. They held mass meetings and demonstrations in Tiananmen.  They made a miniature “statue of Liberty”, and the SJW would pose in front of the Western television networks like the BBC and CNN.

But, China knew that they could not ever allow a second “cultural revolution” to ever manifest.

They tried to reason with the SJW leadership. Yet, it was to no avail. The SWJ wanted everything and their list of demands was enormous. The government called in the military to frighten the SJW activists. But they wouldn’t budge. To them, it was some kind of a game. “Of course”, they thought, “The Chinese would NEVER use the military on their own people.”

Tank in Tiananmen.
A young SJW poses in front of a Chinese military tank while the Western Media films. The SJW realizes the importance of Western media support, but totally underestimated the actions of the Chinese government out of Beijing.

What they didn’t realize was that China was still suffering from the last SJW eruption. There was no way that another one would ever be permitted to come to fruition.

Use of Children

One of the most common techniques of government overthrow is to utilize children. It is in our inherent nature to protect our children. As such, we tend to protect them and ignore the damage that they are creating.

"Children across the country are deeply involved in an exciting game they call "Invasion". Their parents think of it as harmless fun until the invasion actually occurs."

-Wikipedia entry for "Zero Hour" from the collection of short stories known as the Illustrated Man, by Ray Bradbury.

This occurs time and time again.

Whether it is trying to overthrow the Chinese government, or enact gun control, ban alcohol or prevent a border wall from going up, children are the weapons of choice.

Consider the Ray Bradbury story “Zero Hour”. Here, an alien invasion force is unable to breach the strong military might of the United States. So, they come up with a different plan. They utilize American children to invade the United States…

Zero Hour Summary

Seven-year-old Mink Morris tells her mother that they're playing "invasion". All the children under ten join the game, while the rest of the street's residents go on with their normal lives. Mink directs activities. 

Mink tells her mother that Drill is waiting for her. Drill is one of the invaders, maybe not from Mars but from another planet. He's having trouble invading Earth, and thought of contacting children using the fourth dimension. Drill promised no more baths and that kids can stay up until 10:00 and watch two shows on Saturday. 

The older kids make fun of the game, and Mink says they'll kill those kids first. Drill promises to let the young kids rule the world. Mrs. Morris hears from a friend in Scranton, that children there are also playing invasion.

Mink says that zero hour is five o'clock. Mr. Morris...


Here are some interesting links in regards to the SJW situation;


  • SJW are everywhere in every nation.
  • There are periodic SJW eruptions that seem to occur every three decades or so.
  • The contemporaneous American SJW is just a rehash of the 1966 Chinese SJW event.
  • SJW are often used as pawns by interested political parties.
  • The Chinese “cultural revolution” was a SJW event that went terribly wrong.
  • In China, there is absolutely no tolerance for SJW.
Triggered SJW
Triggered Social Justice Warrior somewhere in the United States. Notice how they are acting like children, while the rest of the adults just sit by in incredulity.


Q: What was the “cultural revolution”?
A:  A group of Chinese SJW was manipulated by the government for political purposes. The government lost control of the movement. As a result the SJW movement almost destroyed China.

Q: This time the SJW is different, there are new people, and new causes that are more important. So the latest SJW movement is something completely new and different. Right?
A:Whatever you want to believe, is ok with me.

Q: How many people died during the cultural revolution?
A: Over 30 million people died. Thirty million! The disruption caused by the youth was so enormous that the entire nation suffered. To put this into perspective, New York City has four million people. The Chinese government has never forgotten this. Any new SJW effort will NEVER be permitted to reoccur.

Q: What is the “Cultural Revolution” referred to, or called in China?
A:The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (文化大革命).

Q: What started the “Cultural Revolution”?
A: Many historians believe that the entire SJW mobilization began after the release of a document out of Beijing titled “May 16 Notification”.

Links about China

Popular Music of China
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

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