Chinese high speed rail train in a train station.

Why Can’t America have High-Speed Bullet Trains?

Well, California Governor Gavin Newsom has abandoned plans to build a high-speed railroad between Los Angeles and San Francisco. After spending billions of dollars in funds, much of it from the Federal government, the Governor said that the project should be shelved.

He cited that the project was too expensive.

The face of American politics today. This is the slick and well-packaged oligarchy pick for California. Mr. California Governor Gavin Newsom. Look how plastic he appears. Why, he could be right out of one of those political villains from a 1980’s John Cusack movie.
Managerial elites, Of Two Minds - The sole output of  America's managerial elite is self-serving hubris. The Deep State can't  be fired, nor does it ever stand for election. 

As systems become more  complex, the need for a professional class to manage the overwhelming  complexity grows. 

"Stakeholders" multiply in endless profusion, dooming  every project to a glacial process that increases the sums paid to  manage the glacial process and pushes the final cost to the moon. 

The  managerial elite always has one answer for every problem: give us more  money. 

The system is broken, and the managerial elite will keep it  broken because it serves their interests to keep it broken. 

Some History

It all began ten years ago. Back then, President Obama called for a network of high-speed railroads to criss-cross the country “within 25 years”. The nation roared with glee and cheering his forward thinking.

Perspicacious = To be far-sighted in understanding things.

At that time, of course, the rest of the world had already implemented High Speed Rail. America was going to get involved in a game of “catch up”.

Only this time, progressive values and liberal management would lead the way.

Obama and high speed rail.
Look back. The year is 2009; “President Obama’s goal of building a high-speed rail network that at least 80 percent of Americans will have access to by 2025, is facing major resistance in Congress. Earlier this week, Vice President Joe Biden announced a $53 billion, six year plan to get the U.S. high-speed rail network going with $8 billion over the next year spent towards building new lines and upgrading existing passenger lines in areas such as the northeast and midwest.:

His plan, began its’ implementation through California.

Of course, compared to the rest of the world, it’s pretty modest. The idea was to link the two largest cities in California together. This would occur by placing rail lines through the large entirely rural California valley. The top speed would be limited to 220 MPH, which is the global norm. The most ambitious plans would have 800 miles of rail line, paid in part by the Federal government and bonds issued by the (insolvent) California government.

Killing the High Speed rail program.

The decision to cancel this program was welcomed by Conservatives, and derailed by Liberals. Both for reasons related towards political considerations. However, in my mind, everyone loses.

What’s worse, rubbing salt in the wound, comes President Trump. He rightfully questioned the decision to kill the project. As a businessman, you do not casually start of kill things without study, and an analysis of the consequences. Obviously, there were concerns that the decision to kill the project were not carefully thought out.

Seriously. It is like going to a restaurant and expecting to pay $100 for the meal. You wait and you wait, and you wait. Finally, the waitress comes to the table. The bill is $2000. 

You get angry! 

Where is my food? Why has it taken so long? What the heck are the cooks doing? What do I have to show for all my time; for all my money? What?

And the waitress looks at you condescendingly, and points to the toothpick that is on that table.

"You have a toothpick", she says.

Thus, in summary, and rightfully so, President Trump demanded that California be fiscally responsible and return the Federal funds given to them.

California fights back and builds the High Speed rail… somewhat.

These were funds earmarked for the doomed program. However, the Governor rebuked him. He argued that no funds needed to be returned. He said the state would still build a portion of the system. It would build the section still under construction in the rural Central Valley.

You demand to see the Manager, or better yet, the owner of the restaurant. A few minutes, he comes out of his office. You interrupted him from playing the game of poker he had with the other workers.

We wipes the beer off of his beard and takes a puff of his cigar.

"Wadda ya want, bub?"

You calmly, and clearly, state that you paid for a meal. And that you want the meal, and you want it at the price that is advertised on the menu.

He snorts!

"Sure, wadda ever ya say. That will be another $4000."

You get angry, and suddenly all the workers in the restaurant come out and line up with the Manager. They start yelling at you. Calling you names like "deplorable", "uneducated hicks", and "racist". They carry on so much, that you eventually slither out of the restaurant.

You cut your losses. You reason, at least you got a toothpick.

So, California is going to build the high-speed rail after all.

By doing so, he could legally claim that he met the requirements that California build a High Speed rail line. It wouldn’t need to be very much rail. Not even a few hundred miles or so of rail. Five, ten or fifteen miles would be all that would be needed.

Everyone files back into the back room, and continues their game of poker. Another case of beer is brought in. No one notices the line of people at the front door waiting to be served and led to their tables.

His advisors suggested something a little more practical, though. So a little over a hundred miles will (some day… eventually) be built.

Mock up of high speed rail.
A plywood, and paint mock up of the American High-speed rail engine. It only cost a few million to make such a fancy plywood “doll house” for kids to play in. take note that the progressive plan for the design,and manufacture for the locomotives would be from the German multi-national company Siemens. No American design. No American factories. No American construction. This would be a fully funded international, and globalist initiative. So very progressive!

Everybody gets their cut…

Once the labor unions get their cuts, the environmentalists get their shares, the local labor bosses get to skim off some money, and the politicians in Sacramento each get another new mansion, can the tiny amount of rail line be built.

Look here! So wonderful!

CA Map.
California High Speed Rail as envisioned by the Democratic Governor. The cost of many billions of dollars will be used to provide a non-vehicular transportation method for those commuters between Merced and Bakersfield.

This couple of miles of track would be enough to prove that the rail was built in “good faith”. (And not a scheme to siphon Federal funds into the pocket of various special interest groups.)

So, there! You evil non-progressive, you!

Progressive justification for the “new” High Speed rail.

Of course, the need for a High Speed rail to travel a distance that a person could drive in a little over an hour is rather silly. However, the Governor denied that it would be a “train to nowhere.”

He justified his plans stating that many people would want to abandon their cars for public transportation between Merced and Bakersfield. (Then use public transport, such as taxis and public buses, to get around in those cities.)

Of course, it is debatable whether he actually believes this statement personally. Were it to function he, and his family would never use it. They are members of the elite. They travel by private jet. They don’t travel by “cattle car” like the rest of us.

Though the administration bills the program as "high-speed rail," most  U.S. projects won't reach the speeds seen in Europe and Asia. 

-Obama doles out money for High Speed Rail 

He defended his decision on reasons of fiscal responsibility. (Of course he would. It “sounds good”, like the words “fresh”, “green”, and “healthy” does.)

Map of the california boondogle.
The usefulness of the California 77 billion dollar high speed rail program. Map shows the major population areas of California for reference, and to show that the rail does not impact any of these areas. The reader should note that 77 billion far, far dwarfs the amount of money that NASA spent to send men to the Moon. To me, by looking at the map, they put this rail line in the absolutely middle of frigging nowhere. How in the world is it supposed to help anyone out there?

California needed the money for it’s many social programs. It needed the money to support the influx of illegal migrants, and it needed the money to support the rising number of unemployed poor. California needed the money for yet another study on the endangered bo-bo-tiutsi fly, and the impact on plastic straws have on “global warming”.

Important things. Don’t ya know.

Plastic straw ban.
Memes erupted all over America when the various progressive liberal governments announced banning of plastic straws. Here’s one such meme.

He would not give any of money back.

Not that he could mind you. Too many people accepted bribes. Too many studies" on the dangers of coffee and the need for LGBT education in Kindergarten needed to be funded. Where the heck do you all think all those crazy radical progressives get their money to live off of? Do you actually believe that they work in a company like a normal person would?

After spending over 77 Billion dollars, he said the state would not send any money back to the federal government. He did not want it to be spent by President Donald Trump.

China started planning and implementing High Speed rail back in the 1990’s. Today, High Speed rail transport in China is ubiquitous. It is “old news”. Eventually, in China, all rail will be replaced with High Speed Transport.

Construction has been underway for the last couple of years on a section of 220 miles of rail. This section consists of the system from Silicon Valley to the Central Valley, with expected passenger service in 2025.  (Now, delayed until 2035.) The announcement to kill the plan has resulted in a much smaller stretch of rail being realized.

The fares were expected to average $89 per person per trip.

Which is about 2x (two times more expensive) than Chinese High-Speed rail, cover a mere tiny percentage of a fraction of the distance that Chinese rail covers, and start roughly 35 years later than when China built their first High Speed rail line.

Not that it matters. Just sayin'

All of this is silly.

In reality, this is not a technical issue, or even a fiscal issue. It is a political issue. It is a mechanism from which politicians, beholding to donors will be able to pay them back for the money that they lent to the progressive liberal democrats.

Amtrack bathroom.
Interior of an Amtrak bathroom. American rail is not maintained, or treated with the care that is required for rail transport. This is evident to anyone who rides on Amtrak.

It is so very obvious, and so blatant, I will not insult the reader by showing pages and pages of justification. If you can’t see the reality, then, maybe you need to go back to school and learn some discernment skills. You know, like elementary school.

77 Billion Dollars and NOTHING to show for it!

The corruption in the USA, and California is so very bad, that 77 Billion dollars and 20 years can not complete a single spur line of high speed rail! Well, China started at the same time as California did.

Look where China is today…

Chinese rail lines.
Chinese High Speed rail as of 2019. All of these lines are in the process of conversion to High-Speed access, and old-style rail will be obsolete and phased out over time. Look what you can do without legalized bribery, and absolute corruption.

Chinese High Speed Rail

Now, China just so happened to decide to implement High Speed rail at the same time that California did. The result is quite different. Why?

Chinese High Speed Trains are the absolute best.
Chinese High Speed Trains are the absolute best.

Well, let’s do some comparisons shall we.

First off, let me be clear that NOT every line is high-speed rail. This is a work in process. Secondly, it it also be clear that China is an enormous nation and right now the High Speed rail only connects major population centers.

Today, these are the active High-speed rail lines…

Chinese high-speed rail active map.
Active 2019 high-speed rail map in China listing all the station names. This is the map that you can use today to plan a high-speed travel anywhere in China. Click on the image to see a full-scale, enlarged view.

Here is a typical Chinese bullet train. (I just cannot show you any United States bullet trains because they haven’t even been constructed yet. Though there are some nice colorful mock-ups. See above.)

Chinese High Speed Trains are the absolute best.
Chinese High Speed Trains are the absolute best.
Oh, and I must add that the cardboard, wood and fiberglass (hollow) mock up of the California high speed rail COST MORE than an actual high-speed locomotive by many millions of dollars. Consider that will ya!

Inside a Chinese bullet train

Bullet trains are all over China. There is an enormous network of them. They are very comfortable to ride in, and their cost is reasonable. Notice how calm the ride is. Note the water in the bottle.


America’s Plan for a Progressive Future

Under Obama, and other progressive leadership in the seaboard corridors, they had (and still have) a very progressive vision for America. In their vision, the states would be discarded in favor of a new America of “regions”.

  • States would become obsolete, and over time, discarded.
  • Administration regions would replace independent states.
  • High Speed Rail would connect the administrative centers.

Control would be centralized in the mega-cities on both the East and the West. Thus, High-Speed trains would cart people through the barren “waste lands” between the “two important” regions of the United States.

As shown in this map from the New York Times…

A new vision of America.
The High Speed rail is just a part of the new progressive vision the left has for America. It’s no secret, though it isn’t publicized to the masses. With the election of DJT, everything was put on hold until the Left can retake the reigns of power and continue on their march towards socialism.

Ah, but the corruption prevents the ideal.

That looks so nice, but it’s never gonna happen. It implies that enough money will be available to manage and manufacture the progressive utopia.

As soon as Obama came to office he started throwing money at this. And, like high-absorbancy disposable dish towels, the money evaporated.

Obama and your money.
Obama was very liberal with the tax monies, as well as the money not yet collected. He gave it away like party favors at a drunk frat party.

Just check out the amazing amount of corruption. Check out this map from the US government. Where did the money go? Eh?

Money spent, and money stolen.
Obama threw billions of dollars towards High Speed rail transport system, and his cronies all took the money for their own purposes. You know, like a new swimming pool for their third mansion, and redecoration of their Lear Jet. Ah, well that is life in America today. It’s not pretty, but that is just he way that it is.

Comparisons of High Speed Rail

I looked at various sites on the internet, and it’s a hoot how everyone tries to justify the superiority of Amtrak compared to China’s bullet trains. They imply that China’s bullet trains are nothing to be proud of.

It’s funny, but sad too. You know, the first step in recognizing you have a problem is to face up to it, and announce that you have a problem. (12 step program for those of you who don’t know the reference.)

Comic of American crime and corruption.
Crime and corruption in the USA is institutionalized and regulated in legal means. Thus it is not officially considered a crime. Pretty slick, eh?

They do one on one comparisons and come to the conclusion that they are similar. What a laugh. The trains are similar. How can you possibly come to that conclusion?

The one article (linked above) starts off straight forward enough…

Comparision of China's bullet train to amtrack.

But then it starts to show a bunch of photos how they are really just pretty similar, aside from the price, and speed. As if the train stations are identical. (Have you been to an Amtrak train station lately? Talk about a run-down 1960’s era ghetto.)


Here’s a screen capture from the article listed above.

amtrack comparison 1
In the comparison they say that the two systems are pretty much the same. After all, it is the politically correct thing to say. Right?

What’s what the article says.

Then, it shows this following picture…

Is that the only difference?
Is that the only difference? Really? Are you so dumb founded blind in political correctness not to notice the differences right in front of your face?

Is that the only difference? A hat?

Really? Are you so dumb founded blind in political correctness not to notice the differences right in front of your face?

In China, the stewardesses are all female. They are all attractive, and rated in beauty, physical appearance, and weight. They are all under 35 years of age. They are trained to be demure and act very respectfully.

Chinese hostesses 1
Chinese hostesses. They are judged not only on their ability, and their scores on tests, but in their appearance. That is why when you go to China all of the hostesses are very attractive and giving and providing the best to you, the customer.
Fingernail failure.
Hostess rejected because her fingernails were not good enough. In China everything must be perfect and done to the best of one’s ability. There just isn’t any acceptance of inferior job performance due to any of the criteria that plagues Western society.

In America on Amtrak, there are no age, appearance, weight or gender requirements. The attendants can be polite or not, fat or not, ugly or not, burly or not. In the progressive reality that is America today that is the reality. But don’t deny what is right in front of your eyes just for the sake of political correctness.

American stewardess
American rail; Amtrak stewardess. I have nothing against older people working, whether they are male or female or confused-gender. However, it must be recognized that the Chinese put more emphasis on appearance and ability than what is present in the United States.

Chinese High Speed Train Appearances

This is what the interior of one looks like…

And here’s the view outside…

Oh, and while I am at it, here is what the over all appearance and image that the Chinese bullet trains have in China and around the world.

In contrast Amtrak is viewed as sluggish, antiquated, and brutish. Check out the video and then go ride on Amtrak to see what I am talking about.

Train Stations

Here’s a quick comparison in train stations.

First, we check out Amtrak’s stations. The photo below is a historical station known as Sandpoint. Now, don’t get the wrong idea.

I do happen to love history and American rail has had so many absolutely awesome train stations. What about the one on Allegheny avenue in Pittsburgh, or the massive complex in Detroit? Ah, but they are all gone now.

American rail.
American train station – Sandpoint station. This is typical of what remains in the United States for railroad stations for passengers.

All that remains are little quonset hut kind of affairs. You know the kind used to give the impression of progressive advancement by tearing down the old. Sad.

Here’s the current interior of the Amtrak rail station in Jamestown, Pennsylvania. It looks like the rest of the world has passed it by. It’s really, really sad.

And, I don’t like it one bit.

Jamestwon PA train station.
Interior of the Amtrak station in Jamestown, Pennsylvania. It’s sad really. So much history, so much that can be done to keep and preserve it.

Now, let’s look at the train stations that you would encounter were you to board a train in China. This is from the 3nd tier city Tianjin. It’s third tier, ya all! It’s just a little Po-dunk city.

Chinese train station.
Chinese train station in Tianjin, China. It is new. Well taken cared for, and well maintained. There are no beggars and the floors are so clean that you could eat off them.
China high speed rail.
Chinese high-speed rail. Look at all those bullet trains. How many billions and billions of dollars was spent for the California high-speed rail, and what? Only 15 miles were completed, and not one single train was fabricated? What a waste. America is much better than that.

Ask yourself how, and why can China do this, but much bigger, and better USA cannot? Maybe fighting eight simultaneous wars and spending 65% of welfare benefits on illegal aliens has something to do with it. Eh?

Maybe. But I also like to think that part of it is because China is a meritocracy.

Here is Amtrak rail. This is what passes for American High Speed rail today. You know, as someone who can compare different ways of doing things, it is just so obvious the crime, decadence and corruption at Amtrak is just horrible.

For all the money being thrown at Amtrak, this is the best America can do? Really?

American high speed rail railroad engine.
Modern Amtrak in the North East region. This is what American high-speed looks like.

America has so much to be proud of, yet we have let our achievements grow fallow, and our leadership become corrupt. We, our parents, and our grandparents are all responsible for the sad, sad state of affairs in America today.

Pittsburgh train station.
Pennsylvania Railroad Station Pittsburgh

Chinese Stewardess Training

In China, it is very important to maintain a very positive image. This is reflective of the company, the brand and the service that one provides. Thus, there is a very rigorous selection process to become a stewardess on a Chinese train, and a long and involved training program.

Here is a video showing how the stewardess are trained to walk.

And, here are how they are trained to act and greet people…

Of course, the criteria in the United States is quite different.

The American rail system is controlled by Amtrak and it is a government funded agency. As such, it is very progressive, and very “modern” and “diverse”. You won’t find attractive women, or training on how to behave at Amtrak. Instead you will find other criteria that is “more important” being used.

Some other criteria…

Amtrak stewards and stewardesses.
Amtrak is a very “forward thinking”, progressive liberal government agency. Everything is top-down controlled by the Washington DC central office, and all the management got into their positions of power through liberal progressive leanings and “other means” (not to be discussed here). You can easily see how wonderful this has been when you compare Amtrak with train and rail lines in the rest of the world. Yessur!

These other criteria are things that you cannot speak about, but everyone knows about.

You know, like how certain famous people got their children into Harvard and Yale, or like how some cute starlets got their start in Hollywood by visiting a couch.

It is like how you have to show some cleavage to get the Pennsylvania department of transportation to fill the pot-hole in front of your house, or how the Mexican dishwasher gets paid for washing pots and pans. That is how things are really done in America today. If you haven’t experienced this, then you haven’t really experienced the America that the “rest of us” has to endure.

Eh? Maybe you have a silver spoon in your mouth. Or a Starbucks coffee. It’s the same thing really.

Reality. You know, like the child molester teacher that lives down the street, or the potholes in the road that never get fixed, or the “extra” “fees” that you have to pay the gal behind the window to get some attention to your issue.

Ah, all so very progressive.

Just like things used to be done in the Soviet Union under Stalin, or how things were done in China under Mr. Mao. So equal. So diverse. So progressive.

 “The toilets in your car are not working anymore. Please, use the ones  of the car in front of you. Do not enter the sleeper cars. I repeat…”  

The day has barely started when we hear the announcement. I am exhausted  after a sleepless night on a half-reclined chair."

-Roaming about on Amtrak
Amtrak uniforms.
Amtrak workers showing their uniforms and attire. Notice how progressive and diverse they are. That’s fine for a nice liberal progressive reality. However, I personally like the way rail used to be run in the United States…by merit, not by the color of one’s skin. Which is one of the reasons why Chinese high speed rail is light years more effective than anything in the United States.

Just how far did America go down the drain?

It’s hard to vocalize. I like to think that the best years of Amtrak were in the 1930’s. It was a time that I did not experience. All that I could picture were the faded images of massive locomotives, and advertisements of luxury travel inside old Life and National Geographic magazines.

City of New Orleans by Arlo Guthrie

I’m pretty saddened by it, actually.

1:30pm: We are stopped and the power disappears with a buzzzzz.  

No AC, no lights, no nothing. 

Soon, it becomes quite hot. The  electricity has had hiccups before (ask Mark who has to re-set our  router each time), but never this long.  Apparently, one of our engines  has a problem. 

The power returns, the passengers sigh; the train is  still motionless. 

 -Roaming about on Amtrak 
Amtrak boarding
Boarding trains in the Untied States tends to be like this, crowded and rushed. There just isn’t the kind of order that is demanded in Chinese train stations.
7:25pm: The train stops in Cleburne, TX to offload the passengers going  to Oklahoma who take a bus from here, because they missed their  connection in Fort Worth. 

We sit at this station for half an hour and  don’t know why. This is becoming infuriating! No information, just a  grumbling crowd. 

The way Amtrak “solves” problems is the epitome of  inefficiency. On all accounts. 

-Roaming about on Amtrak  
High speed rail in the United States today.
America high-speed rail today. Here is a picture of contemporaneous American rail.
Like most passengers on the Texas Eagle that day (and, believe it or  not, but all the trains we took were fully booked), we are tempted to  say “Never Again”! 

Long-distance train journeys have a certain appeal.  Each one is an adventure. The ones on Amtrak even more so, it appears.  

What we have learned first-hand is that all the rumors about Amtrak are  true. The company is ran very inefficiently and nobody seems to care  about multiple-hour delays, reroutings or change of  itineraries/schedules except for the passengers. 

It was an experience,  but we are not jumping to do it again. Beware: anyone traveling on  Amtrak’s long distance trains should have lots of time, and no  connections! 

-Roaming about on Amtrak   

Let me tell you Liesbet that train looks absolutely first class compared  to our train and trip overnight from New York to New Orleans.  

What a  nightmare trip!!  

Let me guess why the trains are so bad going down  south.  Disgusting!!  The train was on freight lines so was very bumpy  and very uncomfortable.  

We did book first class, the guy laughed when  we asked where that was.  Yes, we were stood out like a sore thumb on  the train!! 

-  globalhousesitterX2 

High Speed Rail elsewhere

The rest of the world uses High Speed rail. It’s a mature technology, and provides benefit to the people who live in the nations that have it.

Everyone has it. Except the United States.

Don’t believe me, well then take a look at these maps here. Here’s Europe.

European high speed rail map.
European High Speed Rail.

And how about tiny South Korea…

South Korean High SPeed Rail.
South Korean High Speed Rail.

Japanese High Speed Rail…

Japanese high speed rail network.
Japanese high speed rail network.

And, here’s Australia’s High Speed rail network (in construction)…

Australian high speed rail.
Australian high speed rail.

Here is the high speed rail in Brazil. It connects the largest cities for low cost, and fast transport for it’s citizens.

Brazil high speed rail.
Brazil high speed rail map. Showing the rail corridor that connects the largest cities together.

Here’s the high speed rail network for Italy…

Italian high speed rail map.
Italian high speed rail map.

Even tiny Java has high speed rail. What is America’s malfunction? Eh?

High speed rail in Java, Indonesia map.
High speed rail in Java, Indonesia.

Russia is in a class by itself

Russia has had rail for as long as the United States. However, they have worked out various agreements with the Chinese, and are now upgrading their trans-Siberian route to be High Speed Rail. And what an upgrade it is.

I mean, well I really admire Chinese High Speed rail, but OMG the Russians have taken it to the next step! And you can find out about their “budget” travel HERE.

Here’s a map of what it looks like.

Russia & Chinese High Speed Rail map.
Russia & Chinese High Speed Rail map. The Russians have collaborated with the Chinese to improve existing rail lines and upgrade them to High Speed Rail.

And here are some cross sections of the various cars. I particularly like the first class cabins. Maybe I can pretend to be James Bond and travel West with a Femme Fatale. Eh?

A femme fatale is a stock character of a mysterious and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations. She is an archetype of literature and art. -Wikipedia
Golden eagle imperial class.
Golden Eagle Imperial class stateroom for first class passengers on the Russian trans-Siberian rail that is being upgraded by the Chinese to High Speed rail.
Golden eagle Gold class.
This is the staterooms for the Golden Eagle “Gold” class for the trans-Siberian High Speed rail.
The Golden Eagle is your luxurious hotel-on-wheels. Unpack just the  once and settle into your well- appointed and comfortable en-suite cabin  as you begin this voyage of a lifetime. One of your cabin attendants,  available at all times, will be on hand to look after all of your needs.

The  Golden Eagle, comprising three categories of cabins, featuring  state-of-the-art amenities, and all offering en-suite facilities, is the  only private train of its kind operating in this part of the world.

Our  newly introduced Imperial Suites are the most spacious cabins on the  Golden Eagle, and on any train in Russia. The Gold and Silver Class  accommodation has been cleverly designed to maximise the available space  as cabins covert from a sitting area by day into a comfortable sleeping  accommodation by night.

On the occasions where we travel by day,  your cabins provides a calm, personal space in which to read, enjoy a  DVD or simply watch the landscape unfold through the large picture  window and the facility to adjust the air-conditioning for your own  personal comfort.

All three classes of cabin benefit from an  evening turndown service and the services of a cabin attendant who is on  call 24 hours a day. Our onboard cabin attendants are highly regarded  by our guests for their impeccable service. In each cabin you will also  find an excellent selection of L’Occitane shower gels and shampoos,  complemented by premium bath robes, slippers and a hairdryer. 

-The Trans-Siberian Travel Company
 Golden Eagle Imperial Class Golden Eagle Gold Class Golden Eagle Silver Class Shangri La Diamond Class Shangri La Heritage Class
There are three classes that you can can have when you travel by rail. Golden Eagle Imperial Class. Golden Eagle Gold Class. Golden Eagle Silver Class. There is also a Shangri La Diamond Class, and the Shangri La Heritage Class
Trans-Siberian high speed rail car layout.
Trans-Siberian high speed rail car layout.

Causes and Commentary

America is out of pace with the rest of the world in regards to high-speed, modern mass transit. America relies on personal automobiles, the airlines, and an antiquated railroad system that is corrupt and bureaucratic.

There are many reasons why America is unable to have high speed rail. The primary ones are politics, and corruption associated with politics.

In America, criminal enterprise that siphons enormous taxpayer funds into various “programs” has been institutionalized and made legal. These moneys are no longer available to American taxpayers for programs that support their life, their community, or their future.

They are siphoned away for “other” purposes.

America is throwing away money.
How about spending some of this money on American bridges, American public transportation, American education, American needs, and American rail? How about it eh? Or, are there too many wealthy people siphoning the money away?

An Intolerable Situation.

Interior of an American train car.
Vintage American rail. Art Deco design, with traditional order and behavior. It was a glad and welcome time; a time when men could work for a living and still keep almost all of his money without being bothered by the tax man.

Personally, I find this situation intolerable, as I have a personal love and affinity for AMERICAN rail. As a boy, I used to walk the railroad tracks that wound in and out of the hills of Western Pennsylvania. I used to explore the tunnels and old rail side communities. I used to stand in awe to those enormous engines that hauled the coal from the depths of the earth.

What American rail was.
This is what American rail used to be. It was large, powerful and proud. Not the wimpy bureaucratic corruption filled organization that it is today.

My first train ride was to university and I traveled the “red eye” from Erie, PA to Syracuse NY. I fell in love with rail from that moment on.

I loved everything about it.

I loved the stewards in the dining car with their white starched uniforms, to the big burly train conductor and his cheery announcements. I loved watching the countryside go by, and having a 5am breakfast of coffee and toast in the dining car.

American rail of bygone days.
In traditional conservative America, people were proud of America and it’s accomplishments. One of which was the rail lines. This is the America from my boyhood. What happened?

I lament this loss, and this post is my anger that corrupt people have taken something so wonderful, so fantastic, and turned it in to what it is today. Today it is nothing more than a failed business model staffed with the bland and the politically acceptable.

It is my hope; my prayer that other lovers of AMERICAN rail will wake up and wrest the rail industry from the corrupt politicians back to the people where it belongs.

Glory days of American rail.
The America that used to be, or it is it really over? What can we do to regain America to take back it’s glory days?

Article was posted on FR 26MAY19

This article was posted (well, the first three or so paragraphs, anyways) on the conservative website Free Republic on 26MAY19. The post is HERE, and some selected comments (from people who obviously didn’t read the article).

Here’s some of the best comments.

I used to work for this company that had a contract with a large corporation and I used to have to go in to the large Corporate Offices occasionally and I would go in early to grab a little breakfast in their cafeteria. That’s what I noticed that everybody who was on the “early work schedule” would get there early and then leisurely eat a breakfast and be up with their desks just before the normal 8 to 5 people showed up. Pretty sneaky, because the early workers left early… but didn’t put in a full day…that’s when I learned that having an early staff is probably inviting a little cheating into the workplace.

As a Ferroequinologist (railroad fan), I’m going to say, we can but let private companies do it. Virgin Trains is expanding Brightline from West Palm to Orlando…and onto Tampa…


So, to answer the question; “Why can’t America have High Speed Rail transportation?”, if you set aside all the rationalizations and justifications, there is but one conclusive answer.

In some ways, extreme populism actually is a symptom of this  institutional failure, and this brings me to my last point. Due to our  lack of a functioning institutional system, we are no longer able to  undertake great, long-term projects, or to address seriously deep  structural problems in our system in the long term. 

We suffer from a  kind of “tyranny of myopia.” We are incapable of operating as a country  on anything resembling a serious and long-term time horizon. 

-American Greatness

America does not have the ABILITY to create modern public transportation.

 I have not been to Niagara Falls in close to 30 years even though I  live 80 miles from there. I have driven by it many times over the years  but it was one of those things that since I had been there repeatedly as  a kid, I saw no need to go there again. 

Well, my kids are now 10 & 12 years and it was time to take them to see it. 

The  city of Niagara Falls is a total dump. It might as well be Detroit,  Newark NJ, The level of devastation is identical. It might as well be  the third world. 

Then, there is the New York State Park around  the American Falls. Like every park in New York state, it is a complete  embarrassment. This park should be a showplace, and yet it is a total  shithole. I was stunned at the complete lack of maintenance the shoddy  landscaping and the overall poor condition of the park as a whole. 
Obviously, the state has the money to squander on illegal aliens but the parks are a complete mess and an embarrassment. 

The  Canadian side park was well kept and was an attractive and enjoyable  place to be. The city of Niagara Falls, Ontario as a whole is not the  welfare basketcase that Niagara Falls NY is. 
Andrew Cuomo, Louise  Slaughter (now dead), and every other NY democRAT ('Nadless I'm looking  at you) should be ashamed of themselves for turning this place into a  disgrace. 

-Vanity Post

Some Updates

 A joint venture of Milan-based contractor Salini Impregilo and its  U.S. subsidiary Lane Construction Corp. have won a $14-billion  design-build contract for the planned high-speed rail project to connect  Dallas and Houston, with a total estimated cost of some $20 billion.

 Salini-Lane will provide civil and infrastructure scope for the  project, which includes design and construction of all 131 viaduct  sections and 130 embankment sections along the 240-mile route,  installation of the track system, and construction of all buildings and  services that will house maintenance and other equipment. 

Not going to be made by Americans or American companies, though. Also the scope is going to be rather modest. 240 miles for $20 billion dollars.

Links about China

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

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